30 values
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-07-03 and end date 2022-07-10, the start price was 504.5808715820313 and the end price was 505.7804260253906.
The weekly return was 0.0023773284143697, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-07-10 and end date 2022-07-17, the start price was 505.7804260253906 and the end price was 516.6249389648438.
The weekly return was 0.0214411479397755, classified as U3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-07-17 and end date 2022-07-24, the start price was 516.6249389648438 and the end price was 508.4914855957031.
The weekly return was -0.0157434393032546, classified as D2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-07-24 and end date 2022-07-31, the start price was 508.4914855957031 and the end price was 528.9030151367188.
The weekly return was 0.0401413398635441, classified as U5.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-07-31 and end date 2022-08-07, the start price was 528.9030151367188 and the end price was 521.8033447265625.
The weekly return was -0.0134233880446323, classified as D2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-08-07 and end date 2022-08-14, the start price was 521.8033447265625 and the end price was 530.229248046875.
The weekly return was 0.0161476606186337, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-08-14 and end date 2022-08-21, the start price was 530.229248046875 and the end price was 534.7349243164062.
The weekly return was 0.0084976003985599, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-08-21 and end date 2022-08-28, the start price was 534.7349243164062 and the end price was 516.1372680664062.
The weekly return was -0.0347792063025896, classified as D4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-08-28 and end date 2022-09-04, the start price was 516.1372680664062 and the end price was 503.5568542480469.
The weekly return was -0.0243741628375123, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-09-04 and end date 2022-09-11, the start price was 503.5568542480469 and the end price was 512.9534301757812.
The weekly return was 0.0186604071585245, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-09-11 and end date 2022-09-18, the start price was 512.9534301757812 and the end price was 509.70550537109375.
The weekly return was -0.0063318122340549, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-09-18 and end date 2022-09-25, the start price was 509.70550537109375 and the end price was 502.4564208984375.
The weekly return was -0.0142221035407072, classified as D2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-09-25 and end date 2022-10-02, the start price was 502.4564208984375 and the end price was 494.0725402832031.
The weekly return was -0.0166857866006433, classified as D2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-10-02 and end date 2022-10-09, the start price was 494.0725402832031 and the end price was 493.8866882324219.
The weekly return was -0.0003761634894234, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-10-09 and end date 2022-10-16, the start price was 493.8866882324219 and the end price was 501.9869079589844.
The weekly return was 0.0164009679134145, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-10-16 and end date 2022-10-23, the start price was 501.9869079589844 and the end price was 522.1394653320312.
The weekly return was 0.0401455835869994, classified as U5.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-10-23 and end date 2022-10-30, the start price was 522.1394653320312 and the end price was 539.2692260742188.
The weekly return was 0.0328068684317792, classified as U4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-10-30 and end date 2022-11-06, the start price was 539.2692260742188 and the end price was 526.4830932617188.
The weekly return was -0.0237101102645531, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-11-06 and end date 2022-11-13, the start price was 526.4830932617188 and the end price was 510.7425537109375.
The weekly return was -0.0298975214061746, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-11-13 and end date 2022-11-20, the start price was 510.7425537109375 and the end price was 518.4905395507812.
The weekly return was 0.0151700417040809, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-11-20 and end date 2022-11-27, the start price was 518.4905395507812 and the end price was 525.9450073242188.
The weekly return was 0.0143772493513498, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-11-27 and end date 2022-12-04, the start price was 525.9450073242188 and the end price was 526.1336059570312.
The weekly return was 0.0003585900240254, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-12-04 and end date 2022-12-11, the start price was 526.1336059570312 and the end price was 529.1168823242188.
The weekly return was 0.0056701878256968, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-12-11 and end date 2022-12-18, the start price was 529.1168823242188 and the end price was 513.9066772460938.
The weekly return was -0.0287463991156586, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-12-18 and end date 2022-12-25, the start price was 513.9066772460938 and the end price was 521.3743286132812.
The weekly return was 0.0145311429055658, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2022-12-25 and end date 2023-01-01, the start price was 521.3743286132812 and the end price was 520.2655029296875.
The weekly return was -0.0021267362482977, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-01-01 and end date 2023-01-08, the start price was 520.2655029296875 and the end price was 480.83685302734375.
The weekly return was -0.0757856319135432, classified as D5+.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-01-08 and end date 2023-01-15, the start price was 480.83685302734375 and the end price was 480.4148864746094.
The weekly return was -0.0008775669961187, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-01-15 and end date 2023-01-22, the start price was 480.4148864746094 and the end price was 477.6181945800781.
The weekly return was -0.0058214097299398, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-01-22 and end date 2023-01-29, the start price was 477.6181945800781 and the end price was 476.9606628417969.
The weekly return was -0.0013766890494181, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-01-29 and end date 2023-02-05, the start price was 476.9606628417969 and the end price was 463.1930541992188.
The weekly return was -0.0288652916585381, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-02-05 and end date 2023-02-12, the start price was 463.1930541992188 and the end price was 485.0073547363281.
The weekly return was 0.0470954828431582, classified as U5.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-02-12 and end date 2023-02-19, the start price was 485.0073547363281 and the end price was 489.7470397949219.
The weekly return was 0.0097723983199604, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-02-19 and end date 2023-02-26, the start price was 489.7470397949219 and the end price was 475.2728576660156.
The weekly return was -0.0295544045247669, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-02-26 and end date 2023-03-05, the start price was 475.2728576660156 and the end price was 469.61077880859375.
The weekly return was -0.0119133225600708, classified as D2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-03-05 and end date 2023-03-12, the start price was 469.61077880859375 and the end price was 453.3305969238281.
The weekly return was -0.0346673939769197, classified as D4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-03-12 and end date 2023-03-19, the start price was 453.3305969238281 and the end price was 462.3611450195313.
The weekly return was 0.0199204469254488, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-03-19 and end date 2023-03-26, the start price was 462.3611450195313 and the end price was 468.7524719238281.
The weekly return was 0.013823235306736, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-03-26 and end date 2023-04-02, the start price was 468.7524719238281 and the end price was 465.4041442871094.
The weekly return was -0.007143061289846, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-04-02 and end date 2023-04-09, the start price was 465.4041442871094 and the end price was 505.0126037597656.
The weekly return was 0.0851055151933104, classified as U5+.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-04-09 and end date 2023-04-16, the start price was 505.0126037597656 and the end price was 504.0081787109375.
The weekly return was -0.0019889108536109, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-04-16 and end date 2023-04-23, the start price was 504.0081787109375 and the end price was 476.4634399414063.
The weekly return was -0.0546513726026832, classified as D5+.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-04-23 and end date 2023-04-30, the start price was 476.4634399414063 and the end price was 484.607666015625.
The weekly return was 0.0170930765962238, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-04-30 and end date 2023-05-07, the start price was 484.607666015625 and the end price was 486.7643737792969.
The weekly return was 0.0044504202366504, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-05-07 and end date 2023-05-14, the start price was 486.7643737792969 and the end price was 483.7607421875.
The weekly return was -0.0061706068759229, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-05-14 and end date 2023-05-21, the start price was 483.7607421875 and the end price was 471.5394592285156.
The weekly return was -0.0252630730301127, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-05-21 and end date 2023-05-28, the start price was 471.5394592285156 and the end price was 474.1983642578125.
The weekly return was 0.0056387752440636, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-05-28 and end date 2023-06-04, the start price was 474.1983642578125 and the end price was 491.9837951660156.
The weekly return was 0.0375063101199006, classified as U4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-06-04 and end date 2023-06-11, the start price was 491.9837951660156 and the end price was 486.1144104003906.
The weekly return was -0.0119300367680695, classified as D2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-06-11 and end date 2023-06-18, the start price was 486.1144104003906 and the end price was 453.3720397949219.
The weekly return was -0.0673552766693345, classified as D5+.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-06-18 and end date 2023-06-25, the start price was 453.3720397949219 and the end price was 471.6754150390625.
The weekly return was 0.0403716454424933, classified as U5.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-06-25 and end date 2023-07-02, the start price was 471.6754150390625 and the end price was 475.27484130859375.
The weekly return was 0.007631150903282, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-07-02 and end date 2023-07-09, the start price was 475.27484130859375 and the end price was 456.4275817871094.
The weekly return was -0.0396554959012588, classified as D4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-07-09 and end date 2023-07-16, the start price was 456.4275817871094 and the end price was 474.8100891113281.
The weekly return was 0.0402747512589913, classified as U5.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-07-16 and end date 2023-07-23, the start price was 474.8100891113281 and the end price was 500.8758239746094.
The weekly return was 0.0548971798641997, classified as U5+.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-07-23 and end date 2023-07-30, the start price was 500.8758239746094 and the end price was 497.2962341308594.
The weekly return was -0.0071466612529724, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-07-30 and end date 2023-08-06, the start price was 497.2962341308594 and the end price was 497.1182556152344.
The weekly return was -0.000357892345467, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-08-06 and end date 2023-08-13, the start price was 497.1182556152344 and the end price was 502.33929443359375.
The weekly return was 0.0105026093075133, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-08-13 and end date 2023-08-20, the start price was 502.33929443359375 and the end price was 492.8760986328125.
The weekly return was -0.018838255150737, classified as D2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-08-20 and end date 2023-08-27, the start price was 492.8760986328125 and the end price was 483.6601257324219.
The weekly return was -0.0186983562926966, classified as D2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-08-27 and end date 2023-09-03, the start price was 483.6601257324219 and the end price was 470.9239196777344.
The weekly return was -0.0263329668440223, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-09-03 and end date 2023-09-10, the start price was 470.9239196777344 and the end price was 477.2540588378906.
The weekly return was 0.0134419571732269, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-09-10 and end date 2023-09-17, the start price was 477.2540588378906 and the end price was 483.14068603515625.
The weekly return was 0.012334368012709, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-09-17 and end date 2023-09-24, the start price was 483.14068603515625 and the end price was 502.3988342285156.
The weekly return was 0.0398603320937414, classified as U4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-09-24 and end date 2023-10-01, the start price was 502.3988342285156 and the end price was 500.5028076171875.
The weekly return was -0.0037739470758121, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-10-01 and end date 2023-10-08, the start price was 500.5028076171875 and the end price was 520.9719848632812.
The weekly return was 0.040897227617052, classified as U5.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-10-08 and end date 2023-10-15, the start price was 520.9719848632812 and the end price was 535.455322265625.
The weekly return was 0.027800606986851, classified as U3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-10-15 and end date 2023-10-22, the start price was 535.455322265625 and the end price was 523.17578125.
The weekly return was -0.0229328956217442, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-10-22 and end date 2023-10-29, the start price was 523.17578125 and the end price was 520.8231201171875.
The weekly return was -0.004496884636348, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-10-29 and end date 2023-11-05, the start price was 520.8231201171875 and the end price was 527.0174560546875.
The weekly return was 0.0118933582213214, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-11-05 and end date 2023-11-12, the start price was 527.0174560546875 and the end price was 537.2520751953125.
The weekly return was 0.0194198864250958, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-11-12 and end date 2023-11-19, the start price was 537.2520751953125 and the end price was 532.3679809570312.
The weekly return was -0.0090908801729722, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-11-19 and end date 2023-11-26, the start price was 532.3679809570312 and the end price was 543.0989379882812.
The weekly return was 0.0201570293764832, classified as U3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-11-26 and end date 2023-12-03, the start price was 543.0989379882812 and the end price was 545.011474609375.
The weekly return was 0.0035215252458016, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-12-03 and end date 2023-12-10, the start price was 545.011474609375 and the end price was 547.6112670898438.
The weekly return was 0.0047701609995129, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-12-10 and end date 2023-12-17, the start price was 547.6112670898438 and the end price was 529.0344848632812.
The weekly return was -0.0339233016977255, classified as D4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-12-17 and end date 2023-12-24, the start price was 529.0344848632812 and the end price was 518.2669067382812.
The weekly return was -0.0203532632240083, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for UNH.
Given the start date 2023-12-24 and end date 2023-12-31, the start price was 518.2669067382812 and the end price was 524.4027099609375.
The weekly return was 0.0118390797152609, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-01-09 and end date 2022-01-16, the start price was 47.68194961547852 and the end price was 46.8380126953125.
The weekly return was -0.0176992955819083, classified as D2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-01-16 and end date 2022-01-23, the start price was 46.8380126953125 and the end price was 46.732521057128906.
The weekly return was -0.0022522654594641, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-01-23 and end date 2022-01-30, the start price was 46.732521057128906 and the end price was 46.50396347045898.
The weekly return was -0.0048907608984013, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-01-30 and end date 2022-02-06, the start price was 46.50396347045898 and the end price was 46.864383697509766.
The weekly return was 0.0077503120197428, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-02-06 and end date 2022-02-13, the start price was 46.864383697509766 and the end price was 46.873172760009766.
The weekly return was 0.0001875424748296, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-02-13 and end date 2022-02-20, the start price was 46.873172760009766 and the end price was 47.32151794433594.
The weekly return was 0.0095650701227691, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-02-20 and end date 2022-02-27, the start price was 47.32151794433594 and the end price was 47.576454162597656.
The weekly return was 0.0053873212300923, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-02-27 and end date 2022-03-06, the start price was 47.576454162597656 and the end price was 48.446754455566406.
The weekly return was 0.01829266825969, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-03-06 and end date 2022-03-13, the start price was 48.446754455566406 and the end price was 46.62703323364258.
The weekly return was -0.037561261685606, classified as D4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-03-13 and end date 2022-03-20, the start price was 46.62703323364258 and the end price was 44.65786361694336.
The weekly return was -0.0422323592159925, classified as D5.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-03-20 and end date 2022-03-27, the start price was 44.65786361694336 and the end price was 45.07983016967773.
The weekly return was 0.0094488745891165, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-03-27 and end date 2022-04-03, the start price was 45.07983016967773 and the end price was 45.81827163696289.
The weekly return was 0.0163807508703051, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-04-03 and end date 2022-04-10, the start price was 45.81827163696289 and the end price was 47.63079071044922.
The weekly return was 0.0395588704839777, classified as U4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-04-10 and end date 2022-04-17, the start price was 47.63079071044922 and the end price was 47.89773178100586.
The weekly return was 0.0056043804139089, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-04-17 and end date 2022-04-24, the start price was 47.89773178100586 and the end price was 46.18931579589844.
The weekly return was -0.0356679934849212, classified as D4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-04-24 and end date 2022-05-01, the start price was 46.18931579589844 and the end price was 41.19756317138672.
The weekly return was -0.108071586220703, classified as D5+.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-05-01 and end date 2022-05-08, the start price was 41.19756317138672 and the end price was 42.95045471191406.
The weekly return was 0.0425484277610088, classified as U5.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-05-08 and end date 2022-05-15, the start price was 42.95045471191406 and the end price was 42.87037658691406.
The weekly return was -0.0018644302030587, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-05-15 and end date 2022-05-22, the start price was 42.87037658691406 and the end price was 44.07160568237305.
The weekly return was 0.0280200266732821, classified as U3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-05-22 and end date 2022-05-29, the start price was 44.07160568237305 and the end price was 45.73552703857422.
The weekly return was 0.0377549519795843, classified as U4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-05-29 and end date 2022-06-05, the start price was 45.73552703857422 and the end price was 45.21054458618164.
The weekly return was -0.011478657542304, classified as D2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for VZ.
Given the start date 2022-06-05 and end date 2022-06-12, the start price was 45.21054458618164 and the end price was 45.21943664550781.
The weekly return was 0.0001966810930407, classified as U1.