TighnariFeelings About Ascension: Intro Ascension Phase 1
Germinating seeds break through the soil and take root.
TighnariFeelings About Ascension: Building Up Ascension Phase 2
Seedlings grow, reaching out with their branches and leaves.
TighnariFeelings About Ascension: Climax Ascension Phase 3
Branches dotted with flower buds herald the advent of spring.
TighnariFeelings About Ascension: Conclusion Ascension Phase 4
A rich harvest that will lead to even richer ones.
*Yawn* That was a refreshing sleep. Ah, Traveler, we meet again! What? You don't remember me? Ahaha, well, allow me to join you on your quest once again. I must see to it that the bards of the world tell the Traveler's tales!
VentiChat: Playing the Lyre
Sure, I'll play you another tune, but it'll cost you an apple.
VentiChat: Apple Cider
Right now I wish I was sat at the top of a tree, looking out over a meadow, cider in hand... *sigh*
VentiChat: Ballads
Come on Traveler, let's go! The world is full of lost ballads just waiting to be rediscovered.
VentiWhen It Rains
Let's go jumping in puddles and see who can make the biggest splash!
VentiAfter the Rain
It's stopped raining already? A shame, I wanted to play some more.
VentiWhen It Snows
Let's wait till the snow gets heavier and have a snowball fight!
VentiWhen the Wind Is Blowing
The wind has returned! Quick, let's go gliding!
VentiGood Morning
Morning! What's in store for today?
VentiGood Afternoon
My tummy is rumbling, but I can't get caught pilfering food from the Dawn Winery again... Oh, it's you! Where are you heading? May I join?
VentiGood Evening
I'm still not sleepy, fancy an evening stroll?
VentiGood Night
Off to the land of nod? Haha, Farewell my friend!
VentiAbout Venti
Practice? Me? There's no need - I already know every song in Teyvat!
VentiAbout Us: New Songs
I have decided to write a song about you! What are you giving me that look for? Can't afford it? Don't be preposterous, the price for you, my friend, is precisely zero Mora! Although... one thing you could do is tell me a few more of your stories!
VentiAbout Us: Heroes Friendship Lv. 6
Haha, once the (hero/heroine) in the song has actually rescued the (princess/prince), I will ensure this song spreads to every corner of the continent!
VentiAbout Us: Apostles Friendship Lv. 6 Song of the Dragon and Freedom
An evening breeze really sets the mood for becoming my disciple, don't you think? We can do it right now, you just need to make me a small offering...
VentiAbout Us: Requests Friendship Lv. 6 Song of the Dragon and Freedom
What's that? You think I should try harder to be a good Anemo Archon? Well you could be a better devotee too... you could be more pious, more passionate, or... um...
VentiAbout the Vision Friendship Lv. 4
Hmm? You want to know about my Vision? Oh, go on then, take a look for yourself. I can make you a matching one if you like! Hehehe.
VentiSomething to Share
Olah! Haha, that's how the Hilichurls say "hello". Why, I learned it to aid with my songwriting, of course! Vast knowledge makes for a richer composition... That said, I haven't actually written any songs in Hilichurlian so far...
VentiInteresting Things
Traveler, have you ever seen a cecilia? It's a magnificent white wildflower that only grows on the most remote mountains and clifftops. To me, at least, it is the most beautiful flower in all of Teyvat.
VentiAbout Jean Friendship Lv. 4
Acting Grand Master Jean... Well, what do you think of her? Yes, I couldn't agree more: conscientious, courageous... kind and considerate too. Reminds me of another good friend...
VentiAbout Diluc Friendship Lv. 4
I'm not surprised you want to befriend Master Diluc, just think of all vintage wine he must have stored away... Mwuhahaha... Huh? He doesn't let you sample it? Not even the slightest drop? Huh... Well, I guess you can still appreciate the aroma. That's still better than no wine at all, right? No?
VentiAbout Barbara Friendship Lv. 4
The darling Deaconess with the sweet singing voice — do you know her? You do? Idol, huh? Meet and greets? Concerts? Wow... That's the power of music for you...
VentiAbout Razor Friendship Lv. 4
Ah yes, the white-haired fellow from Wolvendom? Raised by wolves? Really? ... No wonder his scent is so familiar...
VentiAbout Mona Friendship Lv. 4
Oh, that astrologer? How should I put it? Fortune telling and my singing are the same. Both lead to you being so poor you can't even cough up the money for a drink! ...You think that astrology is a cultural tradition, so at least still has some value? Hmph, so rude. In that case, so too is singing, so it still has its value too!
VentiAbout Diona Friendship Lv. 4
There's a special drink known far and wide at Cat's Tail. But it ah... ahh... ACHOO! *sniffs* How about you go and fetch one for me? I'll be truly thankful, I promise.
VentiAbout Albedo Friendship Lv. 4
How do you explain white chalk in black soil, or the earth's dense crust amidst the emptiness of space? Same reason the purest soil gave birth to human life... It's an ancient power with unmistakable properties. Trying to harness it is dangerous indeed, I can't imagine what would happen if someone lost control of it in the city... Ah, never mind! What goes on within Mondstadt's walls is up to Mondstadt's people to deal with!
VentiAbout Morax Friendship Lv. 4 A New Star Approaches
Have you seen that gentleman around? Huh? He's just a normal man by the name of Zhongli now? That must be quite the change for that old block-head. Come with me to see him, will you? I have a vintage I dug up from Windrise that I can take as a condolence gift. Oh, ahh... did he still seem strong when you saw him? How strong? Am I likely to get blown away?
VentiAbout Eula Friendship Lv. 4
Eula has good taste when it comes to beverages of the alcoholic variety. Come summer or winter, she always likes them ice-cold. That's rare among Mondstadters these days! She and I would make great drinking buddies. Huh? My songs about the Lawrence Clan... She's heard them already? Eh, no harm done. Maybe she and I can do a duet sometime!
VentiAbout Baal Friendship Lv. 4 Omnipresence Over Mortals
So, I hear you defeated the mighty Raiden Shogun? Ah, I recall the days when she was a kagemusha, seeking to perfect her martial prowess. Hehe, she now no doubt employs a wide range of reasoning to get you to train with her. Oh but yes, come close and I shall let you in on her weakness — desserts!
VentiAbout Buer Friendship Lv. 4 Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises
The first thing you think of when you hear "Dendro Archon" is her power over dreams. Her dreams are akin to my ballads: full of emotion and imagination. It goes without saying that we get along really well.
VentiMore About Venti: I
Perfect timing, Traveler! I was about to ask you — what is your greatest wish?
VentiMore About Venti: II Friendship Lv. 3
There's never a dull moment traveling with you! The only minor inconvenience is that pesky little pixie thing that follows you everywhere... she never stops eating, I can't begin to imagine how much you spend on food!
VentiMore About Venti: III Friendship Lv. 4
The Pyro Archon is a wayward, warmongering wretch, and the Geo Archon is a brutish blundering buffoon! How do I know? Because, this is written in the epic poems of days gone by!
VentiMore About Venti: IV Friendship Lv. 5
Celestia... I'm not sure even I could fly that far. In any case, the water there tastes foul and the fruit is bland. You know what that means? No cider! Haha, in that case, I wouldn't go there even if I was invited.
VentiMore About Venti: V Friendship Lv. 6
My greatest wish? It has always been to roam free and experience the whole world. Now I would add that wherever I go, it simply must be with you! Each day with you is an adventure, and where adventurers go, storytellers must follow!
VentiVenti's Hobbies
I like to drink! And I like the wind! If only there were such a thing as wind-brewed cider...
VentiVenti's Troubles
I'm actually highly allergic to cats, I start sneezing as soon as they enter the vicinity, and... Aaah... Aa-choo! Ugh, apparently I can't even THINK about cats without sneezing. Do you think there is a cure for this monstrous affliction?
VentiFavorite Food
Here, have an apple. I just picked it. Look how ripe and juicy it is... *munching*... Truly the fruit of the gods.
VentiLeast Favorite Food
What's that tasty morsel you've got there... Eew! A melted cheese pancake! A smelly, sticky, slimy disgusting mess!
VentiReceiving a Gift: I
Ahh, quite delightful! So... could I get the same thing again tomorrow? ...And maybe the day after that?
VentiReceiving a Gift: II
Oof, I'm so full... I'll have to pass on the post-meal fruits this time...
VentiReceiving a Gift: III
I can't believe it, but I don't think I can stomach this... Oh boy... What a predicament.
Someone once told me you're supposed to eat a cake on your birthday... Tada! Here's your birthday cake — it's apple flavored! And here's a spoon. The cake didn't rise properly in the oven, that's why it looks more akin to an apple pie... Ugh, baking is really quite complicated!
VentiFeelings About Ascension: Intro Ascension Phase 1
Woah! What was that?
VentiFeelings About Ascension: Building Up Ascension Phase 2
Good work. Shall we repose for a moment, with a tune? Shall it be a capriccio, or a serenade?
VentiFeelings About Ascension: Climax Ascension Phase 4
Come, sit with me. I've written a new poem. I call it "Wind of the Traveler.
VentiFeelings About Ascension: Conclusion Ascension Phase 6
Hmm... Though I've long since viewed this scenery a great many times, there is something different about seeing it again with you. Surely you're not still concealing some other wondrous abilities? Hmm, even if you were, it would simply further prove that my intuition is correct.
Hello, nice to meet you! My name is Xiangling, I'm a chef from Liyue! My favorite place is the chicken... I mean, the kitchen! Ugh, I practiced so hard, but I still get nervous when introducing myself... Hee hee.
XianglingChat: Snacks
Is there time for a quick snack? I'll whip one up in no time!
XianglingChat: Pyro Slime
I can't decide whether Pyro slimes taste better with salt and pepper or garlic and herbs?
XianglingChat: Looking for Food
If there's nothing better to do, we could go foraging for ingredients?
XianglingWhen It Rains: Attitude
Oh... I don't like the rain.
XianglingWhen It Rains: Negligence
Wait... did I leave my apron outside to dry?
XianglingAfter the Rain
The rain has stopped! Come with me, let's pick some matsutake.
XianglingWhen It's Windy
Anemo slimes always come out in this weather, if you catch some, I'll make you a Slime Slushie!
XianglingGood Morning
Perfect timing! Want to get a few cooking supplies?
XianglingGood Afternoon
Lunch is ready! Come and get it while it lasts! *munching*
XianglingGood Evening
You're just in time for a midnight snack, I made some barbecued lizard skewers! Well, don't just stand there — dig in!
XianglingGood Night
Hey! You're not sneaking off to get a midnight snack without me, are you? ...Bedtime? Oh. Well, good night then!
XianglingAbout Xiangling
You've seen the dragon in Mondstadt? How big was it? What!? No way! Imagine how big a steak a dragon that huge would make!
XianglingAbout Us: Strengths
I'm much better at cooking than navigating... but if you do go out, definitely take me with you!
XianglingAbout Us: New Knowledge Friendship Lv. 6
Meeting you has really opened my eyes to things other than cooking. Like what? Well, such as... um... for example... I can't think when you put me on the spot! Forget it, I'll stick to cooking from now on. I have a new recipe for you to try, actually...
XianglingAbout the Vision Friendship Lv. 4
Any time, night or day, I am always willing to make dishes everyone loves. I think the Archons agree with my passion, or else they wouldn't have given me this Vision, something even my master doesn't have... I know they want me to keep going!
XianglingSomething to Share
If you get a stomach ache, a cup of herbal tea with Silk Flowers will clear it up in no time! Huh? Of course you can trust my herbal remedies! We chefs are expected to know a thing or two about medicine as well, you know!
XianglingInteresting Things
I love onions! I've tried cutting them dozens of ways, and they still make me cry... No matter, I still love them!
XianglingAbout Baizhu Friendship Lv. 4
I can smell Mist Flowers! It must be Dr. Baizhu! What is he doing here? Uh-- Are you okay? Do you feel faint? Is your stomach sore? Or is it a sore throat? I've got it, you're fatigued from all that adventuring! No?... You're fine? Phew! Otherwise, he would have made you drink some traditional herbal medicine — it's so bitter!
XianglingAbout Ningguang Friendship Lv. 4
That was the Tianquan! Did you see? She just walked past. Come here... closer... Let me tell you, she knows everything that happens in Liyue, so... keep a low profile, don't attract her attention!
XianglingAbout Hu Tao Friendship Lv. 4
Is Hu Tao picking on you too? Ugh, that prankster always waits till I least expect it, creeps up on me from behind and then... Boo! ...then laughs herself silly. Hmph. But I can handle it, and she does bring me fermented plum blossoms once in a while so I can make flower cakes... so I don't hold a grudge.
XianglingAbout Diona Friendship Lv. 4
Diona, from Springvale! Ah, I heard she mixes a great drink, so I came specifically to see her! I thought perhaps I could use her secrets in my cooking, and bring out more flavors. But the tips that she gave me — like soaking lizard tails in beer, or putting bits of smoked fish in dandelion wine — all came out really awful. *sigh* Guess it's up to me to work it out myself, then.
XianglingAbout Beidou Friendship Lv. 4
Oh, Beidou is the greatest! Every time I go out sailing with her, she always manages to fish up lots of fresh ingredients! Octopus tentacles go great in soup, and seaweed fries up great with some chilies. *giggle* Not just Beidou, but everyone on board the Crux loves my cooking.
XianglingAbout Zhongli Friendship Lv. 4
I've come across a lot of fussy eaters, but Mr. Zhongli is very particular and has no problem getting straight to what he has to say. The first time I served him salt and pepper tofu, he took just one bite, and then proceeded to say: "It would be better to try sea salt extracted from the shallow seas of Guyun Stone Forest, because it would bring a fresh sense of depth to the tofu." I tried it and the taste was just so different! He's just amazing, don't you think!?
XianglingAbout Chongyun Friendship Lv. 4
Chongyun? I always see him on his way to eat at Wanmin Restaurant with Xingqiu... Ah... or perhaps I should say I see him being dragged there by Xingqiu? Chongyun doesn't eat hot food. Every time the hot food arrives, Xingqiu politely apologizes and proceeds to try every dish. I just wanna dig in with him! The look on Chongyun's face is priceless. They're quite interesting, those two.
XianglingAbout Ganyu Friendship Lv. 4
Ganyu? Oh... Oh yeah! I remember her — vegetarian, right? She doesn't come to the Wanmin Restaurant very often — but when she does, she sits alone in the corner and eats her meal in total silence. Poor girl, she seems kinda lonely... I always give her an extra-large portion because I feel sorry for her. Funniest thing is, she eats every last bite, every time! I wouldn't have guessed she had such an appetite just by looking at her.
XianglingAbout Yaoyao Friendship Lv. 4
Hee-hee, I'm proud to call her my junior! She hasn't swung by the Wanmin Restaurant in ages, though. Maybe master is trying to protect her from me or something... Last time we hung out, I was about to dig into some fresh raw octopus from the Sea of Clouds, but not only did she stop me from eating it, she sent master to tell me off too! Ugh... Honestly, sometimes it feels like I'm the one who gets treated like the junior...
XianglingAbout Xinyan Friendship Lv. 4
Xinyan always comes to the Wanmin Restaurant for a late-night snack! She gobbles up all the new dishes that the likes of Xingqiu and Chongyun don't go near... and nine out of ten times, she enjoys them too! She's great.(Actual Voice-Over: Xinyan always comes to the Wanmin Restaurant for a late-night snack! She gobbles up all the new dishes that the likes of Xingqiu and Chongyun don't go near... and nine times out of ten, she enjoys them too! She's great.)
XianglingAbout Yelan Friendship Lv. 4
Yelan? Of course, I remember her! When I first met her, I was certain she'd be the kind of gal who'd prefer lighter dishes... turned out that she can handle the most spice out of all my customers! Apparently, my dishes weren't spicy enough for her, because she started taking bites of raw Jueyun Chilis! Truly amazing.
XianglingMore About Xiangling: I
Roasted pigeon skewers, anyone? C'mon, it's my secret recipe, you'll love it!
XianglingMore About Xiangling: II Friendship Lv. 3
My master did a good job teaching me spear fighting, don't you think? If you want, I could teach you too. Although... I'd much rather teach you my cooking, if you're interested! I want my recipes to spread all around Teyvat!
XianglingMore About Xiangling: III Friendship Lv. 4
My heart's desire? To start my very own cooking tradition, of course! Li-style and Yue-style cooking are good, but they have a limited palate. The missing ingredient? Chilli pepper! Come, let me fry up one of Guoba's chilli peppers for you...
XianglingMore About Xiangling: IV Friendship Lv. 5
I think I've won you over with my cooking now, right? It's time to introduce you to my latest masterpiece — I call it "the most marvelous multi-colored super pancake"! Bright red squirrel ham, orange carrot, yellow sunfrog meat, green calla lily and blue butterfly wings, beautifully wrapped up in a thin egg pancake— What? I thought you said you were starving? *sigh* Okay.
XianglingMore About Xiangling: V Friendship Lv. 6
I'm in a dilemma and I don't know how to solve it... It isn't like me to get so worked up over nothing... Ah! Well, here's the thing. I always love getting you to try my latest recipes, but... I'm worried that my food might not agree with your stomach and... I can't bear the thought of that happening. What should I do?
XianglingXiangling's Hobbies
Watch carefully! Heat the oil in a pan, then take a handful of crystalflies — wings removed — pop them in, and voila! Delicious deep-fried crystal— Hey! Where are you going?
XianglingXiangling's Troubles
It's been a month and I still haven't sold a single bowl of Mushroom Slime Stew. Gee, is it just because it looks sticky and gooey? It's their loss if they don't have a spoonful...
XianglingFavorite Food
My favorite thing to eat is... whatever exotic ingredient I haven't tried yet! No, I'm not dodging the question, that's my honest answer!
XianglingLeast Favorite Food
I'll eat absolutely anything! There are no bad ingredients, only bad cooking!
XianglingReceiving a Gift: I
Mmm! I know this taste, it's... boom shaka-laka!
XianglingReceiving a Gift: II
I gotta admit, you're really good at cooking. Next time, it's my turn to show you a thing or two.
XianglingReceiving a Gift: III
Are you sure you followed the recipe? Something is definitely off here...
Ah, there you are! Come with me, I've prepared a birthday feast all for you! ... No really, I insist! Which dish is your favorite? It's okay, take your time, try them all first, then let me know!
XianglingFeelings About Ascension: Intro Ascension Phase 1
Oh wow! This feels great! My whole body is bursting with energy!
XianglingFeelings About Ascension: Building Up Ascension Phase 2
Hey! Ha! Hua! I can slay a beast with one punch, locking in that freshness!
XianglingFeelings About Ascension: Climax Ascension Phase 4
Finally... with this power, I can cook... *giggle* ...Oh no, I've started salivating!
XianglingFeelings About Ascension: Conclusion Ascension Phase 6
As my father always says: "To make a five-star dish, you need ten-star passion!" I know, I know! To be able to come this far is definitely thanks to your ten-star passion when it comes to practicing with me, so I'll be sure to pay you back with two-no, three times the passion!
If you awake to a knife at your throat, if monsters dig their claws into you, if death comes knocking at your door, call out my name. Adeptus Xiao. I will be here when you call.
XiaoChat: Idleness
Reduced to just standing around. How absurd.