library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.io_bus_pkg.all; use work.io_bus_bfm_pkg.all; use work.mem_bus_pkg.all; use work.tl_flat_memory_model_pkg.all; entity harness_c1541 is end harness_c1541; architecture harness of harness_c1541 is signal clock : std_logic := '0'; signal clk_shifted : std_logic := '0'; signal cpu_clock_en : std_logic := '0'; signal drv_clock_en : std_logic := '0'; signal reset : std_logic := '0'; signal io_req : t_io_req; signal io_resp : t_io_resp; signal iec_atn : std_logic; signal iec_atn_o : std_logic; signal iec_atn_i : std_logic; signal iec_data : std_logic; signal iec_data_o : std_logic; signal iec_data_i : std_logic; signal iec_clk : std_logic; signal iec_clk_o : std_logic; signal iec_clk_i : std_logic; signal mem_req : t_mem_req; signal mem_resp : t_mem_resp; signal act_led_n : std_logic; signal audio_sample : unsigned(12 downto 0); signal SDRAM_A : std_logic_vector(14 downto 0); signal SDRAM_DQ : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal SDRAM_CSn : std_logic; signal SDRAM_RASn : std_logic; signal SDRAM_CASn : std_logic; signal SDRAM_WEn : std_logic; signal SDRAM_DQM : std_logic := '0'; signal SDRAM_CKE : std_logic; signal SDRAM_CLK : std_logic; shared variable dram : h_mem_object; begin clock <= not clock after 10 ns; reset <= '1', '0' after 100 ns; clk_shifted <= transport clock after 15 ns; process(clock) variable count : integer := 0; begin if rising_edge(clock) then cpu_clock_en <= '0'; drv_clock_en <= '0'; case count is when 0 | 12 | 25 | 37 => drv_clock_en <= '1'; count := count + 1; when 49 => cpu_clock_en <= '1'; count := 0; when others => count := count + 1; end case; end if; end process; i_io_bus_bfm: entity work.io_bus_bfm generic map ( g_name => "io_bfm" ) port map ( clock => clock, req => io_req, resp => io_resp ); i_drive: entity work.c1541_drive generic map ( g_audio => true, g_audio_div => 100, -- for simulation: 500 ksps g_audio_base => X"0010000", g_ram_base => X"0000000" ) port map ( clock => clock, reset => reset, cpu_clock_en => cpu_clock_en, drv_clock_en => drv_clock_en, -- slave port on io bus io_req => io_req, io_resp => io_resp, -- master port on memory bus mem_req => mem_req, mem_resp => mem_resp, -- serial bus pins atn_o => iec_atn_o, -- open drain atn_i => iec_atn_i, clk_o => iec_clk_o, -- open drain clk_i => iec_clk_i, data_o => iec_data_o, -- open drain data_i => iec_data_i, -- LED act_led_n => act_led_n, -- audio out audio_sample => audio_sample ); iec_atn <= '0' when iec_atn_o='0' else 'Z'; iec_atn_i <= '0' when iec_atn='0' else '1'; iec_clk <= '0' when iec_clk_o='0' else 'Z'; iec_clk_i <= '0' when iec_clk='0' else '1'; iec_data <= '0' when iec_data_o='0' else 'Z'; iec_data_i <= '0' when iec_data='0' else '1'; i_memctrl: entity work.ext_mem_ctrl_v4 generic map ( g_simulation => true, A_Width => 15 ) port map ( clock => clock, clk_shifted => clk_shifted, reset => reset, inhibit => '0', is_idle => open, req => mem_req, resp => mem_resp, SDRAM_CSn => SDRAM_CSn, SDRAM_RASn => SDRAM_RASn, SDRAM_CASn => SDRAM_CASn, SDRAM_WEn => SDRAM_WEn, SDRAM_CKE => SDRAM_CKE, SDRAM_CLK => SDRAM_CLK, MEM_A => SDRAM_A, MEM_D => SDRAM_DQ ); i_memory: entity work.dram_model_8 generic map ( g_given_name => "dram", g_cas_latency => 2, g_burst_len_r => 1, g_burst_len_w => 1, g_column_bits => 10, g_row_bits => 13, g_bank_bits => 2 ) port map ( CLK => SDRAM_CLK, CKE => SDRAM_CKE, A => SDRAM_A(12 downto 0), BA => SDRAM_A(14 downto 13), CSn => SDRAM_CSn, RASn => SDRAM_RASn, CASn => SDRAM_CASn, WEn => SDRAM_WEn, DQM => SDRAM_DQM, DQ => SDRAM_DQ ); process begin bind_mem_model("dram", dram); load_memory("../../../software/1541u/application/ultimate/roms/1541-ii.bin", dram, X"0000C000"); load_memory("../../../software/1541u/application/ultimate/roms/sounds.bin", dram, X"00010000"); --wait for 3 ms; --save_memory("datspace_sim.bin", ram, X"00068000", 8192); wait; end process; end harness;
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.io_bus_pkg.all; use work.io_bus_bfm_pkg.all; use work.mem_bus_pkg.all; use work.tl_flat_memory_model_pkg.all; entity harness_c1541 is end harness_c1541; architecture harness of harness_c1541 is signal clock : std_logic := '0'; signal clk_shifted : std_logic := '0'; signal cpu_clock_en : std_logic := '0'; signal drv_clock_en : std_logic := '0'; signal reset : std_logic := '0'; signal io_req : t_io_req; signal io_resp : t_io_resp; signal iec_atn : std_logic; signal iec_atn_o : std_logic; signal iec_atn_i : std_logic; signal iec_data : std_logic; signal iec_data_o : std_logic; signal iec_data_i : std_logic; signal iec_clk : std_logic; signal iec_clk_o : std_logic; signal iec_clk_i : std_logic; signal mem_req : t_mem_req; signal mem_resp : t_mem_resp; signal act_led_n : std_logic; signal audio_sample : unsigned(12 downto 0); signal SDRAM_A : std_logic_vector(14 downto 0); signal SDRAM_DQ : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal SDRAM_CSn : std_logic; signal SDRAM_RASn : std_logic; signal SDRAM_CASn : std_logic; signal SDRAM_WEn : std_logic; signal SDRAM_DQM : std_logic := '0'; signal SDRAM_CKE : std_logic; signal SDRAM_CLK : std_logic; shared variable dram : h_mem_object; begin clock <= not clock after 10 ns; reset <= '1', '0' after 100 ns; clk_shifted <= transport clock after 15 ns; process(clock) variable count : integer := 0; begin if rising_edge(clock) then cpu_clock_en <= '0'; drv_clock_en <= '0'; case count is when 0 | 12 | 25 | 37 => drv_clock_en <= '1'; count := count + 1; when 49 => cpu_clock_en <= '1'; count := 0; when others => count := count + 1; end case; end if; end process; i_io_bus_bfm: entity work.io_bus_bfm generic map ( g_name => "io_bfm" ) port map ( clock => clock, req => io_req, resp => io_resp ); i_drive: entity work.c1541_drive generic map ( g_audio => true, g_audio_div => 100, -- for simulation: 500 ksps g_audio_base => X"0010000", g_ram_base => X"0000000" ) port map ( clock => clock, reset => reset, cpu_clock_en => cpu_clock_en, drv_clock_en => drv_clock_en, -- slave port on io bus io_req => io_req, io_resp => io_resp, -- master port on memory bus mem_req => mem_req, mem_resp => mem_resp, -- serial bus pins atn_o => iec_atn_o, -- open drain atn_i => iec_atn_i, clk_o => iec_clk_o, -- open drain clk_i => iec_clk_i, data_o => iec_data_o, -- open drain data_i => iec_data_i, -- LED act_led_n => act_led_n, -- audio out audio_sample => audio_sample ); iec_atn <= '0' when iec_atn_o='0' else 'Z'; iec_atn_i <= '0' when iec_atn='0' else '1'; iec_clk <= '0' when iec_clk_o='0' else 'Z'; iec_clk_i <= '0' when iec_clk='0' else '1'; iec_data <= '0' when iec_data_o='0' else 'Z'; iec_data_i <= '0' when iec_data='0' else '1'; i_memctrl: entity work.ext_mem_ctrl_v4 generic map ( g_simulation => true, A_Width => 15 ) port map ( clock => clock, clk_shifted => clk_shifted, reset => reset, inhibit => '0', is_idle => open, req => mem_req, resp => mem_resp, SDRAM_CSn => SDRAM_CSn, SDRAM_RASn => SDRAM_RASn, SDRAM_CASn => SDRAM_CASn, SDRAM_WEn => SDRAM_WEn, SDRAM_CKE => SDRAM_CKE, SDRAM_CLK => SDRAM_CLK, MEM_A => SDRAM_A, MEM_D => SDRAM_DQ ); i_memory: entity work.dram_model_8 generic map ( g_given_name => "dram", g_cas_latency => 2, g_burst_len_r => 1, g_burst_len_w => 1, g_column_bits => 10, g_row_bits => 13, g_bank_bits => 2 ) port map ( CLK => SDRAM_CLK, CKE => SDRAM_CKE, A => SDRAM_A(12 downto 0), BA => SDRAM_A(14 downto 13), CSn => SDRAM_CSn, RASn => SDRAM_RASn, CASn => SDRAM_CASn, WEn => SDRAM_WEn, DQM => SDRAM_DQM, DQ => SDRAM_DQ ); process begin bind_mem_model("dram", dram); load_memory("../../../software/1541u/application/ultimate/roms/1541-ii.bin", dram, X"0000C000"); load_memory("../../../software/1541u/application/ultimate/roms/sounds.bin", dram, X"00010000"); --wait for 3 ms; --save_memory("datspace_sim.bin", ram, X"00068000", 8192); wait; end process; end harness;
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.io_bus_pkg.all; use work.io_bus_bfm_pkg.all; use work.mem_bus_pkg.all; use work.tl_flat_memory_model_pkg.all; entity harness_c1541 is end harness_c1541; architecture harness of harness_c1541 is signal clock : std_logic := '0'; signal clk_shifted : std_logic := '0'; signal cpu_clock_en : std_logic := '0'; signal drv_clock_en : std_logic := '0'; signal reset : std_logic := '0'; signal io_req : t_io_req; signal io_resp : t_io_resp; signal iec_atn : std_logic; signal iec_atn_o : std_logic; signal iec_atn_i : std_logic; signal iec_data : std_logic; signal iec_data_o : std_logic; signal iec_data_i : std_logic; signal iec_clk : std_logic; signal iec_clk_o : std_logic; signal iec_clk_i : std_logic; signal mem_req : t_mem_req; signal mem_resp : t_mem_resp; signal act_led_n : std_logic; signal audio_sample : unsigned(12 downto 0); signal SDRAM_A : std_logic_vector(14 downto 0); signal SDRAM_DQ : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal SDRAM_CSn : std_logic; signal SDRAM_RASn : std_logic; signal SDRAM_CASn : std_logic; signal SDRAM_WEn : std_logic; signal SDRAM_DQM : std_logic := '0'; signal SDRAM_CKE : std_logic; signal SDRAM_CLK : std_logic; shared variable dram : h_mem_object; begin clock <= not clock after 10 ns; reset <= '1', '0' after 100 ns; clk_shifted <= transport clock after 15 ns; process(clock) variable count : integer := 0; begin if rising_edge(clock) then cpu_clock_en <= '0'; drv_clock_en <= '0'; case count is when 0 | 12 | 25 | 37 => drv_clock_en <= '1'; count := count + 1; when 49 => cpu_clock_en <= '1'; count := 0; when others => count := count + 1; end case; end if; end process; i_io_bus_bfm: entity work.io_bus_bfm generic map ( g_name => "io_bfm" ) port map ( clock => clock, req => io_req, resp => io_resp ); i_drive: entity work.c1541_drive generic map ( g_audio => true, g_audio_div => 100, -- for simulation: 500 ksps g_audio_base => X"0010000", g_ram_base => X"0000000" ) port map ( clock => clock, reset => reset, cpu_clock_en => cpu_clock_en, drv_clock_en => drv_clock_en, -- slave port on io bus io_req => io_req, io_resp => io_resp, -- master port on memory bus mem_req => mem_req, mem_resp => mem_resp, -- serial bus pins atn_o => iec_atn_o, -- open drain atn_i => iec_atn_i, clk_o => iec_clk_o, -- open drain clk_i => iec_clk_i, data_o => iec_data_o, -- open drain data_i => iec_data_i, -- LED act_led_n => act_led_n, -- audio out audio_sample => audio_sample ); iec_atn <= '0' when iec_atn_o='0' else 'Z'; iec_atn_i <= '0' when iec_atn='0' else '1'; iec_clk <= '0' when iec_clk_o='0' else 'Z'; iec_clk_i <= '0' when iec_clk='0' else '1'; iec_data <= '0' when iec_data_o='0' else 'Z'; iec_data_i <= '0' when iec_data='0' else '1'; i_memctrl: entity work.ext_mem_ctrl_v4 generic map ( g_simulation => true, A_Width => 15 ) port map ( clock => clock, clk_shifted => clk_shifted, reset => reset, inhibit => '0', is_idle => open, req => mem_req, resp => mem_resp, SDRAM_CSn => SDRAM_CSn, SDRAM_RASn => SDRAM_RASn, SDRAM_CASn => SDRAM_CASn, SDRAM_WEn => SDRAM_WEn, SDRAM_CKE => SDRAM_CKE, SDRAM_CLK => SDRAM_CLK, MEM_A => SDRAM_A, MEM_D => SDRAM_DQ ); i_memory: entity work.dram_model_8 generic map ( g_given_name => "dram", g_cas_latency => 2, g_burst_len_r => 1, g_burst_len_w => 1, g_column_bits => 10, g_row_bits => 13, g_bank_bits => 2 ) port map ( CLK => SDRAM_CLK, CKE => SDRAM_CKE, A => SDRAM_A(12 downto 0), BA => SDRAM_A(14 downto 13), CSn => SDRAM_CSn, RASn => SDRAM_RASn, CASn => SDRAM_CASn, WEn => SDRAM_WEn, DQM => SDRAM_DQM, DQ => SDRAM_DQ ); process begin bind_mem_model("dram", dram); load_memory("../../../software/1541u/application/ultimate/roms/1541-ii.bin", dram, X"0000C000"); load_memory("../../../software/1541u/application/ultimate/roms/sounds.bin", dram, X"00010000"); --wait for 3 ms; --save_memory("datspace_sim.bin", ram, X"00068000", 8192); wait; end process; end harness;
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.io_bus_pkg.all; use work.io_bus_bfm_pkg.all; use work.mem_bus_pkg.all; use work.tl_flat_memory_model_pkg.all; entity harness_c1541 is end harness_c1541; architecture harness of harness_c1541 is signal clock : std_logic := '0'; signal clk_shifted : std_logic := '0'; signal cpu_clock_en : std_logic := '0'; signal drv_clock_en : std_logic := '0'; signal reset : std_logic := '0'; signal io_req : t_io_req; signal io_resp : t_io_resp; signal iec_atn : std_logic; signal iec_atn_o : std_logic; signal iec_atn_i : std_logic; signal iec_data : std_logic; signal iec_data_o : std_logic; signal iec_data_i : std_logic; signal iec_clk : std_logic; signal iec_clk_o : std_logic; signal iec_clk_i : std_logic; signal mem_req : t_mem_req; signal mem_resp : t_mem_resp; signal act_led_n : std_logic; signal audio_sample : unsigned(12 downto 0); signal SDRAM_A : std_logic_vector(14 downto 0); signal SDRAM_DQ : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal SDRAM_CSn : std_logic; signal SDRAM_RASn : std_logic; signal SDRAM_CASn : std_logic; signal SDRAM_WEn : std_logic; signal SDRAM_DQM : std_logic := '0'; signal SDRAM_CKE : std_logic; signal SDRAM_CLK : std_logic; shared variable dram : h_mem_object; begin clock <= not clock after 10 ns; reset <= '1', '0' after 100 ns; clk_shifted <= transport clock after 15 ns; process(clock) variable count : integer := 0; begin if rising_edge(clock) then cpu_clock_en <= '0'; drv_clock_en <= '0'; case count is when 0 | 12 | 25 | 37 => drv_clock_en <= '1'; count := count + 1; when 49 => cpu_clock_en <= '1'; count := 0; when others => count := count + 1; end case; end if; end process; i_io_bus_bfm: entity work.io_bus_bfm generic map ( g_name => "io_bfm" ) port map ( clock => clock, req => io_req, resp => io_resp ); i_drive: entity work.c1541_drive generic map ( g_audio => true, g_audio_div => 100, -- for simulation: 500 ksps g_audio_base => X"0010000", g_ram_base => X"0000000" ) port map ( clock => clock, reset => reset, cpu_clock_en => cpu_clock_en, drv_clock_en => drv_clock_en, -- slave port on io bus io_req => io_req, io_resp => io_resp, -- master port on memory bus mem_req => mem_req, mem_resp => mem_resp, -- serial bus pins atn_o => iec_atn_o, -- open drain atn_i => iec_atn_i, clk_o => iec_clk_o, -- open drain clk_i => iec_clk_i, data_o => iec_data_o, -- open drain data_i => iec_data_i, -- LED act_led_n => act_led_n, -- audio out audio_sample => audio_sample ); iec_atn <= '0' when iec_atn_o='0' else 'Z'; iec_atn_i <= '0' when iec_atn='0' else '1'; iec_clk <= '0' when iec_clk_o='0' else 'Z'; iec_clk_i <= '0' when iec_clk='0' else '1'; iec_data <= '0' when iec_data_o='0' else 'Z'; iec_data_i <= '0' when iec_data='0' else '1'; i_memctrl: entity work.ext_mem_ctrl_v4 generic map ( g_simulation => true, A_Width => 15 ) port map ( clock => clock, clk_shifted => clk_shifted, reset => reset, inhibit => '0', is_idle => open, req => mem_req, resp => mem_resp, SDRAM_CSn => SDRAM_CSn, SDRAM_RASn => SDRAM_RASn, SDRAM_CASn => SDRAM_CASn, SDRAM_WEn => SDRAM_WEn, SDRAM_CKE => SDRAM_CKE, SDRAM_CLK => SDRAM_CLK, MEM_A => SDRAM_A, MEM_D => SDRAM_DQ ); i_memory: entity work.dram_model_8 generic map ( g_given_name => "dram", g_cas_latency => 2, g_burst_len_r => 1, g_burst_len_w => 1, g_column_bits => 10, g_row_bits => 13, g_bank_bits => 2 ) port map ( CLK => SDRAM_CLK, CKE => SDRAM_CKE, A => SDRAM_A(12 downto 0), BA => SDRAM_A(14 downto 13), CSn => SDRAM_CSn, RASn => SDRAM_RASn, CASn => SDRAM_CASn, WEn => SDRAM_WEn, DQM => SDRAM_DQM, DQ => SDRAM_DQ ); process begin bind_mem_model("dram", dram); load_memory("../../../software/1541u/application/ultimate/roms/1541-ii.bin", dram, X"0000C000"); load_memory("../../../software/1541u/application/ultimate/roms/sounds.bin", dram, X"00010000"); --wait for 3 ms; --save_memory("datspace_sim.bin", ram, X"00068000", 8192); wait; end process; end harness;
architecture RTL of FIFO is function func1 return integer is begin end FUNCTION func1; function func1 return integer is begin end FUNCTION func1; function func1 return integer is begin end FUNCTION func1; begin end architecture RTL;
-- file: pll.vhd -- -- (c) Copyright 2008 - 2011 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- User entered comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- None -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- "Output Output Phase Duty Pk-to-Pk Phase" -- "Clock Freq (MHz) (degrees) Cycle (%) Jitter (ps) Error (ps)" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- CLK_OUT1____28.676______0.000______50.0______292.034____257.452 -- CLK_OUT2____57.353______0.000______50.0______239.345____257.452 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- "Input Clock Freq (MHz) Input Jitter (UI)" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- __primary______________50____________0.010 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; entity pll is port (-- Clock in ports CLKIN : in std_logic; -- Clock out ports CLKOUT : out std_logic; CLKOUT2 : out std_logic; -- Status and control signals LOCKED : out std_logic ); end pll; architecture xilinx of pll is attribute CORE_GENERATION_INFO : string; attribute CORE_GENERATION_INFO of xilinx : architecture is "pll,clk_wiz_v3_6,{component_name=pll,use_phase_alignment=true,use_min_o_jitter=false,use_max_i_jitter=false,use_dyn_phase_shift=false,use_inclk_switchover=false,use_dyn_reconfig=false,feedback_source=FDBK_AUTO,primtype_sel=PLL_BASE,num_out_clk=2,clkin1_period=20.000,clkin2_period=20.000,use_power_down=false,use_reset=false,use_locked=true,use_inclk_stopped=false,use_status=false,use_freeze=false,use_clk_valid=false,feedback_type=SINGLE,clock_mgr_type=AUTO,manual_override=false}"; -- Input clock buffering / unused connectors signal clkin1 : std_logic; -- Output clock buffering / unused connectors signal clkfbout : std_logic; signal clkfbout_buf : std_logic; signal clkout0 : std_logic; signal clkout1 : std_logic; signal clkout2_unused : std_logic; signal clkout3_unused : std_logic; signal clkout4_unused : std_logic; signal clkout5_unused : std_logic; -- Unused status signals begin -- Input buffering -------------------------------------- clkin1_buf : IBUFG port map (O => clkin1, I => CLKIN); -- Clocking primitive -------------------------------------- -- Instantiation of the PLL primitive -- * Unused inputs are tied off -- * Unused outputs are labeled unused pll_base_inst : PLL_BASE generic map (BANDWIDTH => "OPTIMIZED", CLK_FEEDBACK => "CLKFBOUT", COMPENSATION => "SYSTEM_SYNCHRONOUS", DIVCLK_DIVIDE => 2, CLKFBOUT_MULT => 39, CLKFBOUT_PHASE => 0.000, CLKOUT0_DIVIDE => 34, CLKOUT0_PHASE => 0.000, CLKOUT0_DUTY_CYCLE => 0.500, CLKOUT1_DIVIDE => 17, CLKOUT1_PHASE => 0.000, CLKOUT1_DUTY_CYCLE => 0.500, CLKIN_PERIOD => 20.000, REF_JITTER => 0.010) port map -- Output clocks (CLKFBOUT => clkfbout, CLKOUT0 => clkout0, CLKOUT1 => clkout1, CLKOUT2 => clkout2_unused, CLKOUT3 => clkout3_unused, CLKOUT4 => clkout4_unused, CLKOUT5 => clkout5_unused, -- Status and control signals LOCKED => LOCKED, RST => '0', -- Input clock control CLKFBIN => clkfbout_buf, CLKIN => clkin1); -- Output buffering ------------------------------------- clkf_buf : BUFG port map (O => clkfbout_buf, I => clkfbout); clkout1_buf : BUFG port map (O => CLKOUT, I => clkout0); clkout2_buf : BUFG port map (O => CLKOUT2, I => clkout1); end xilinx;
entity ent2 is end entity; architecture a of ent2 is begin main : process is type enum_t is (value1, value2); variable var : enum_t; begin var := enum_t'rightof(value1); -- Works var := enum_t'leftof(value2); -- Works var := enum_t'rightof(var); -- cannot handle IIR_KIND_RIGHTOF_ATTRIBUTE var := enum_t'leftof(var); -- cannot handle IIR_KIND_LEFTOF_ATTRIBUTE wait; end process; end architecture;
entity ent2 is end entity; architecture a of ent2 is begin main : process is type enum_t is (value1, value2); variable var : enum_t; begin var := enum_t'rightof(value1); -- Works var := enum_t'leftof(value2); -- Works var := enum_t'rightof(var); -- cannot handle IIR_KIND_RIGHTOF_ATTRIBUTE var := enum_t'leftof(var); -- cannot handle IIR_KIND_LEFTOF_ATTRIBUTE wait; end process; end architecture;
entity ent2 is end entity; architecture a of ent2 is begin main : process is type enum_t is (value1, value2); variable var : enum_t; begin var := enum_t'rightof(value1); -- Works var := enum_t'leftof(value2); -- Works var := enum_t'rightof(var); -- cannot handle IIR_KIND_RIGHTOF_ATTRIBUTE var := enum_t'leftof(var); -- cannot handle IIR_KIND_LEFTOF_ATTRIBUTE wait; end process; end architecture;
-- Add_Frame_GN_Add_Frame_Add_Frame_Module_Subsystem.vhd -- Generated using ACDS version 13.1 162 at 2015.02.23.17:41:24 library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; entity Add_Frame_GN_Add_Frame_Add_Frame_Module_Subsystem is port ( height : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- height.wire writedata : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- writedata.wire vertex_row : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- vertex_row.wire addr : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- addr.wire Clock : in std_logic := '0'; -- Clock.clk aclr : in std_logic := '0'; -- .reset vertex_col : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- vertex_col.wire width : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- width.wire write : in std_logic := '0' -- write.wire ); end entity Add_Frame_GN_Add_Frame_Add_Frame_Module_Subsystem; architecture rtl of Add_Frame_GN_Add_Frame_Add_Frame_Module_Subsystem is component alt_dspbuilder_clock_GNQFU4PUDH is port ( aclr : in std_logic := 'X'; -- reset aclr_n : in std_logic := 'X'; -- reset_n aclr_out : out std_logic; -- reset clock : in std_logic := 'X'; -- clk clock_out : out std_logic -- clk ); end component alt_dspbuilder_clock_GNQFU4PUDH; component alt_dspbuilder_cast_GNNZHXLS76 is generic ( round : natural := 0; saturate : natural := 0 ); port ( input : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- wire output : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) -- wire ); end component alt_dspbuilder_cast_GNNZHXLS76; component alt_dspbuilder_port_GNEPKLLZKY is port ( input : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- wire output : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) -- wire ); end component alt_dspbuilder_port_GNEPKLLZKY; component alt_dspbuilder_port_GNS2GDLO5E is port ( input : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- wire output : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) -- wire ); end component alt_dspbuilder_port_GNS2GDLO5E; component alt_dspbuilder_port_GNBO6OMO5Y is port ( input : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- wire output : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) -- wire ); end component alt_dspbuilder_port_GNBO6OMO5Y; component alt_dspbuilder_logical_bit_op_GNA5ZFEL7V is generic ( LogicalOp : string := "AltAND"; number_inputs : positive := 2 ); port ( result : out std_logic; -- wire data0 : in std_logic := 'X'; -- wire data1 : in std_logic := 'X' -- wire ); end component alt_dspbuilder_logical_bit_op_GNA5ZFEL7V; component alt_dspbuilder_port_GN37ALZBS4 is port ( input : in std_logic := 'X'; -- wire output : out std_logic -- wire ); end component alt_dspbuilder_port_GN37ALZBS4; component alt_dspbuilder_decoder_GNM4LOIHXZ is generic ( decode : string := "00000000"; pipeline : natural := 0; width : natural := 8 ); port ( aclr : in std_logic := 'X'; -- clk clock : in std_logic := 'X'; -- clk data : in std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- wire dec : out std_logic; -- wire ena : in std_logic := 'X'; -- wire sclr : in std_logic := 'X' -- wire ); end component alt_dspbuilder_decoder_GNM4LOIHXZ; component alt_dspbuilder_gnd_GN is port ( output : out std_logic -- wire ); end component alt_dspbuilder_gnd_GN; component alt_dspbuilder_vcc_GN is port ( output : out std_logic -- wire ); end component alt_dspbuilder_vcc_GN; component alt_dspbuilder_decoder_GNSCEXJCJK is generic ( decode : string := "00000000"; pipeline : natural := 0; width : natural := 8 ); port ( aclr : in std_logic := 'X'; -- clk clock : in std_logic := 'X'; -- clk data : in std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- wire dec : out std_logic; -- wire ena : in std_logic := 'X'; -- wire sclr : in std_logic := 'X' -- wire ); end component alt_dspbuilder_decoder_GNSCEXJCJK; component alt_dspbuilder_delay_GNZCCH64DU is generic ( ClockPhase : string := "1"; delay : positive := 1; use_init : natural := 0; BitPattern : string := "00000001"; width : positive := 8 ); port ( aclr : in std_logic := 'X'; -- clk clock : in std_logic := 'X'; -- clk ena : in std_logic := 'X'; -- wire input : in std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- wire output : out std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0); -- wire sclr : in std_logic := 'X' -- wire ); end component alt_dspbuilder_delay_GNZCCH64DU; component alt_dspbuilder_delay_GNXULFMRSU is generic ( ClockPhase : string := "1"; delay : positive := 1; use_init : natural := 0; BitPattern : string := "00000001"; width : positive := 8 ); port ( aclr : in std_logic := 'X'; -- clk clock : in std_logic := 'X'; -- clk ena : in std_logic := 'X'; -- wire input : in std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- wire output : out std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0); -- wire sclr : in std_logic := 'X' -- wire ); end component alt_dspbuilder_delay_GNXULFMRSU; component alt_dspbuilder_decoder_GNEQGKKPXW is generic ( decode : string := "00000000"; pipeline : natural := 0; width : natural := 8 ); port ( aclr : in std_logic := 'X'; -- clk clock : in std_logic := 'X'; -- clk data : in std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- wire dec : out std_logic; -- wire ena : in std_logic := 'X'; -- wire sclr : in std_logic := 'X' -- wire ); end component alt_dspbuilder_decoder_GNEQGKKPXW; component alt_dspbuilder_cast_GNEFMFJW6A is generic ( round : natural := 0; saturate : natural := 0 ); port ( input : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- wire output : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) -- wire ); end component alt_dspbuilder_cast_GNEFMFJW6A; signal decoder2sclrgnd_output_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder2sclrGND:output -> Decoder2:sclr signal decoder2enavcc_output_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder2enaVCC:output -> Decoder2:ena signal decoder3sclrgnd_output_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder3sclrGND:output -> Decoder3:sclr signal decoder3enavcc_output_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder3enaVCC:output -> Decoder3:ena signal decoder1sclrgnd_output_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder1sclrGND:output -> Decoder1:sclr signal decoder1enavcc_output_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder1enaVCC:output -> Decoder1:ena signal delay6sclrgnd_output_wire : std_logic; -- Delay6sclrGND:output -> Delay6:sclr signal delay5sclrgnd_output_wire : std_logic; -- Delay5sclrGND:output -> Delay5:sclr signal delay4sclrgnd_output_wire : std_logic; -- Delay4sclrGND:output -> Delay4:sclr signal delay9sclrgnd_output_wire : std_logic; -- Delay9sclrGND:output -> Delay9:sclr signal delay8sclrgnd_output_wire : std_logic; -- Delay8sclrGND:output -> Delay8:sclr signal delay7sclrgnd_output_wire : std_logic; -- Delay7sclrGND:output -> Delay7:sclr signal decoder7sclrgnd_output_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder7sclrGND:output -> Decoder7:sclr signal decoder7enavcc_output_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder7enaVCC:output -> Decoder7:ena signal delay10sclrgnd_output_wire : std_logic; -- Delay10sclrGND:output -> Delay10:sclr signal decodersclrgnd_output_wire : std_logic; -- DecodersclrGND:output -> Decoder:sclr signal decoderenavcc_output_wire : std_logic; -- DecoderenaVCC:output -> Decoder:ena signal decoder6sclrgnd_output_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder6sclrGND:output -> Decoder6:sclr signal decoder6enavcc_output_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder6enaVCC:output -> Decoder6:ena signal delay11sclrgnd_output_wire : std_logic; -- Delay11sclrGND:output -> Delay11:sclr signal decoder5sclrgnd_output_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder5sclrGND:output -> Decoder5:sclr signal decoder5enavcc_output_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder5enaVCC:output -> Decoder5:ena signal decoder4sclrgnd_output_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder4sclrGND:output -> Decoder4:sclr signal decoder4enavcc_output_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder4enaVCC:output -> Decoder4:ena signal writedata_0_output_wire : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- writedata_0:output -> [Bus_Conversion1:input, Bus_Conversion2:input, Bus_Conversion3:input, Bus_Conversion8:input] signal bus_conversion8_output_wire : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Bus_Conversion8:output -> Delay10:input signal delay10_output_wire : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Delay10:output -> Delay11:input signal bus_conversion1_output_wire : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Bus_Conversion1:output -> Delay4:input signal delay4_output_wire : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Delay4:output -> Delay5:input signal bus_conversion2_output_wire : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Bus_Conversion2:output -> Delay6:input signal delay6_output_wire : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Delay6:output -> Delay7:input signal bus_conversion3_output_wire : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Bus_Conversion3:output -> Delay8:input signal delay8_output_wire : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Delay8:output -> Delay9:input signal decoder_dec_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder:dec -> Logical_Bit_Operator1:data0 signal write_0_output_wire : std_logic; -- write_0:output -> [Logical_Bit_Operator1:data1, Logical_Bit_Operator4:data1, Logical_Bit_Operator6:data1, Logical_Bit_Operator8:data1] signal logical_bit_operator1_result_wire : std_logic; -- Logical_Bit_Operator1:result -> Delay4:ena signal decoder1_dec_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder1:dec -> Logical_Bit_Operator3:data1 signal logical_bit_operator3_result_wire : std_logic; -- Logical_Bit_Operator3:result -> Delay5:ena signal decoder2_dec_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder2:dec -> Logical_Bit_Operator4:data0 signal logical_bit_operator4_result_wire : std_logic; -- Logical_Bit_Operator4:result -> Delay6:ena signal decoder3_dec_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder3:dec -> Logical_Bit_Operator5:data1 signal logical_bit_operator5_result_wire : std_logic; -- Logical_Bit_Operator5:result -> Delay7:ena signal decoder4_dec_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder4:dec -> Logical_Bit_Operator6:data0 signal logical_bit_operator6_result_wire : std_logic; -- Logical_Bit_Operator6:result -> Delay8:ena signal decoder5_dec_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder5:dec -> Logical_Bit_Operator7:data1 signal logical_bit_operator7_result_wire : std_logic; -- Logical_Bit_Operator7:result -> Delay9:ena signal decoder6_dec_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder6:dec -> Logical_Bit_Operator8:data0 signal logical_bit_operator8_result_wire : std_logic; -- Logical_Bit_Operator8:result -> Delay10:ena signal decoder7_dec_wire : std_logic; -- Decoder7:dec -> Logical_Bit_Operator9:data1 signal logical_bit_operator9_result_wire : std_logic; -- Logical_Bit_Operator9:result -> Delay11:ena signal delay5_output_wire : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Delay5:output -> vertex_col_0:input signal delay7_output_wire : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Delay7:output -> vertex_row_0:input signal delay9_output_wire : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Delay9:output -> width_0:input signal delay11_output_wire : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Delay11:output -> height_0:input signal addr_0_output_wire : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- addr_0:output -> [cast0:input, cast1:input, cast2:input, cast3:input] signal cast0_output_wire : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- cast0:output -> Decoder:data signal cast1_output_wire : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- cast1:output -> Decoder2:data signal cast2_output_wire : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- cast2:output -> Decoder4:data signal cast3_output_wire : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- cast3:output -> Decoder6:data signal clock_0_clock_output_reset : std_logic; -- Clock_0:aclr_out -> [Decoder1:aclr, Decoder2:aclr, Decoder3:aclr, Decoder4:aclr, Decoder5:aclr, Decoder6:aclr, Decoder7:aclr, Decoder:aclr, Delay10:aclr, Delay11:aclr, Delay4:aclr, Delay5:aclr, Delay6:aclr, Delay7:aclr, Delay8:aclr, Delay9:aclr] signal clock_0_clock_output_clk : std_logic; -- Clock_0:clock_out -> [Decoder1:clock, Decoder2:clock, Decoder3:clock, Decoder4:clock, Decoder5:clock, Decoder6:clock, Decoder7:clock, Decoder:clock, Delay10:clock, Delay11:clock, Delay4:clock, Delay5:clock, Delay6:clock, Delay7:clock, Delay8:clock, Delay9:clock] begin clock_0 : component alt_dspbuilder_clock_GNQFU4PUDH port map ( clock_out => clock_0_clock_output_clk, -- clock_output.clk aclr_out => clock_0_clock_output_reset, -- .reset clock => Clock, -- clock.clk aclr => aclr -- .reset ); bus_conversion1 : component alt_dspbuilder_cast_GNNZHXLS76 generic map ( round => 0, saturate => 0 ) port map ( input => writedata_0_output_wire, -- input.wire output => bus_conversion1_output_wire -- output.wire ); bus_conversion2 : component alt_dspbuilder_cast_GNNZHXLS76 generic map ( round => 0, saturate => 0 ) port map ( input => writedata_0_output_wire, -- input.wire output => bus_conversion2_output_wire -- output.wire ); bus_conversion3 : component alt_dspbuilder_cast_GNNZHXLS76 generic map ( round => 0, saturate => 0 ) port map ( input => writedata_0_output_wire, -- input.wire output => bus_conversion3_output_wire -- output.wire ); writedata_0 : component alt_dspbuilder_port_GNEPKLLZKY port map ( input => writedata, -- input.wire output => writedata_0_output_wire -- output.wire ); addr_0 : component alt_dspbuilder_port_GNS2GDLO5E port map ( input => addr, -- input.wire output => addr_0_output_wire -- output.wire ); vertex_row_0 : component alt_dspbuilder_port_GNBO6OMO5Y port map ( input => delay7_output_wire, -- input.wire output => vertex_row -- output.wire ); logical_bit_operator7 : component alt_dspbuilder_logical_bit_op_GNA5ZFEL7V generic map ( LogicalOp => "AltAND", number_inputs => 2 ) port map ( result => logical_bit_operator7_result_wire, -- result.wire data0 => open, -- data0.wire data1 => decoder5_dec_wire -- data1.wire ); logical_bit_operator6 : component alt_dspbuilder_logical_bit_op_GNA5ZFEL7V generic map ( LogicalOp => "AltAND", number_inputs => 2 ) port map ( result => logical_bit_operator6_result_wire, -- result.wire data0 => decoder4_dec_wire, -- data0.wire data1 => write_0_output_wire -- data1.wire ); vertex_col_0 : component alt_dspbuilder_port_GNBO6OMO5Y port map ( input => delay5_output_wire, -- input.wire output => vertex_col -- output.wire ); logical_bit_operator5 : component alt_dspbuilder_logical_bit_op_GNA5ZFEL7V generic map ( LogicalOp => "AltAND", number_inputs => 2 ) port map ( result => logical_bit_operator5_result_wire, -- result.wire data0 => open, -- data0.wire data1 => decoder3_dec_wire -- data1.wire ); height_0 : component alt_dspbuilder_port_GNBO6OMO5Y port map ( input => delay11_output_wire, -- input.wire output => height -- output.wire ); logical_bit_operator4 : component alt_dspbuilder_logical_bit_op_GNA5ZFEL7V generic map ( LogicalOp => "AltAND", number_inputs => 2 ) port map ( result => logical_bit_operator4_result_wire, -- result.wire data0 => decoder2_dec_wire, -- data0.wire data1 => write_0_output_wire -- data1.wire ); logical_bit_operator9 : component alt_dspbuilder_logical_bit_op_GNA5ZFEL7V generic map ( LogicalOp => "AltAND", number_inputs => 2 ) port map ( result => logical_bit_operator9_result_wire, -- result.wire data0 => open, -- data0.wire data1 => decoder7_dec_wire -- data1.wire ); logical_bit_operator8 : component alt_dspbuilder_logical_bit_op_GNA5ZFEL7V generic map ( LogicalOp => "AltAND", number_inputs => 2 ) port map ( result => logical_bit_operator8_result_wire, -- result.wire data0 => decoder6_dec_wire, -- data0.wire data1 => write_0_output_wire -- data1.wire ); write_0 : component alt_dspbuilder_port_GN37ALZBS4 port map ( input => write, -- input.wire output => write_0_output_wire -- output.wire ); logical_bit_operator3 : component alt_dspbuilder_logical_bit_op_GNA5ZFEL7V generic map ( LogicalOp => "AltAND", number_inputs => 2 ) port map ( result => logical_bit_operator3_result_wire, -- result.wire data0 => open, -- data0.wire data1 => decoder1_dec_wire -- data1.wire ); logical_bit_operator1 : component alt_dspbuilder_logical_bit_op_GNA5ZFEL7V generic map ( LogicalOp => "AltAND", number_inputs => 2 ) port map ( result => logical_bit_operator1_result_wire, -- result.wire data0 => decoder_dec_wire, -- data0.wire data1 => write_0_output_wire -- data1.wire ); decoder2 : component alt_dspbuilder_decoder_GNM4LOIHXZ generic map ( decode => "01", pipeline => 1, width => 2 ) port map ( clock => clock_0_clock_output_clk, -- clock_aclr.clk aclr => clock_0_clock_output_reset, -- .reset data => cast1_output_wire, -- data.wire dec => decoder2_dec_wire, -- dec.wire sclr => decoder2sclrgnd_output_wire, -- sclr.wire ena => decoder2enavcc_output_wire -- ena.wire ); decoder2sclrgnd : component alt_dspbuilder_gnd_GN port map ( output => decoder2sclrgnd_output_wire -- output.wire ); decoder2enavcc : component alt_dspbuilder_vcc_GN port map ( output => decoder2enavcc_output_wire -- output.wire ); decoder3 : component alt_dspbuilder_decoder_GNSCEXJCJK generic map ( decode => "000000000000000000001111", pipeline => 0, width => 24 ) port map ( clock => clock_0_clock_output_clk, -- clock_aclr.clk aclr => clock_0_clock_output_reset, -- .reset data => open, -- data.wire dec => decoder3_dec_wire, -- dec.wire sclr => decoder3sclrgnd_output_wire, -- sclr.wire ena => decoder3enavcc_output_wire -- ena.wire ); decoder3sclrgnd : component alt_dspbuilder_gnd_GN port map ( output => decoder3sclrgnd_output_wire -- output.wire ); decoder3enavcc : component alt_dspbuilder_vcc_GN port map ( output => decoder3enavcc_output_wire -- output.wire ); decoder1 : component alt_dspbuilder_decoder_GNSCEXJCJK generic map ( decode => "000000000000000000001111", pipeline => 0, width => 24 ) port map ( clock => clock_0_clock_output_clk, -- clock_aclr.clk aclr => clock_0_clock_output_reset, -- .reset data => open, -- data.wire dec => decoder1_dec_wire, -- dec.wire sclr => decoder1sclrgnd_output_wire, -- sclr.wire ena => decoder1enavcc_output_wire -- ena.wire ); decoder1sclrgnd : component alt_dspbuilder_gnd_GN port map ( output => decoder1sclrgnd_output_wire -- output.wire ); decoder1enavcc : component alt_dspbuilder_vcc_GN port map ( output => decoder1enavcc_output_wire -- output.wire ); width_0 : component alt_dspbuilder_port_GNBO6OMO5Y port map ( input => delay9_output_wire, -- input.wire output => width -- output.wire ); delay6 : component alt_dspbuilder_delay_GNZCCH64DU generic map ( ClockPhase => "1", delay => 1, use_init => 1, BitPattern => "0000000000000000", width => 16 ) port map ( input => bus_conversion2_output_wire, -- input.wire clock => clock_0_clock_output_clk, -- clock_aclr.clk aclr => clock_0_clock_output_reset, -- .reset output => delay6_output_wire, -- output.wire sclr => delay6sclrgnd_output_wire, -- sclr.wire ena => logical_bit_operator4_result_wire -- ena.wire ); delay6sclrgnd : component alt_dspbuilder_gnd_GN port map ( output => delay6sclrgnd_output_wire -- output.wire ); delay5 : component alt_dspbuilder_delay_GNXULFMRSU generic map ( ClockPhase => "1", delay => 1, use_init => 1, BitPattern => "0000000001111111", width => 16 ) port map ( input => delay4_output_wire, -- input.wire clock => clock_0_clock_output_clk, -- clock_aclr.clk aclr => clock_0_clock_output_reset, -- .reset output => delay5_output_wire, -- output.wire sclr => delay5sclrgnd_output_wire, -- sclr.wire ena => logical_bit_operator3_result_wire -- ena.wire ); delay5sclrgnd : component alt_dspbuilder_gnd_GN port map ( output => delay5sclrgnd_output_wire -- output.wire ); delay4 : component alt_dspbuilder_delay_GNXULFMRSU generic map ( ClockPhase => "1", delay => 1, use_init => 1, BitPattern => "0000000001111111", width => 16 ) port map ( input => bus_conversion1_output_wire, -- input.wire clock => clock_0_clock_output_clk, -- clock_aclr.clk aclr => clock_0_clock_output_reset, -- .reset output => delay4_output_wire, -- output.wire sclr => delay4sclrgnd_output_wire, -- sclr.wire ena => logical_bit_operator1_result_wire -- ena.wire ); delay4sclrgnd : component alt_dspbuilder_gnd_GN port map ( output => delay4sclrgnd_output_wire -- output.wire ); delay9 : component alt_dspbuilder_delay_GNZCCH64DU generic map ( ClockPhase => "1", delay => 1, use_init => 1, BitPattern => "0000000000000000", width => 16 ) port map ( input => delay8_output_wire, -- input.wire clock => clock_0_clock_output_clk, -- clock_aclr.clk aclr => clock_0_clock_output_reset, -- .reset output => delay9_output_wire, -- output.wire sclr => delay9sclrgnd_output_wire, -- sclr.wire ena => logical_bit_operator7_result_wire -- ena.wire ); delay9sclrgnd : component alt_dspbuilder_gnd_GN port map ( output => delay9sclrgnd_output_wire -- output.wire ); delay8 : component alt_dspbuilder_delay_GNZCCH64DU generic map ( ClockPhase => "1", delay => 1, use_init => 1, BitPattern => "0000000000000000", width => 16 ) port map ( input => bus_conversion3_output_wire, -- input.wire clock => clock_0_clock_output_clk, -- clock_aclr.clk aclr => clock_0_clock_output_reset, -- .reset output => delay8_output_wire, -- output.wire sclr => delay8sclrgnd_output_wire, -- sclr.wire ena => logical_bit_operator6_result_wire -- ena.wire ); delay8sclrgnd : component alt_dspbuilder_gnd_GN port map ( output => delay8sclrgnd_output_wire -- output.wire ); delay7 : component alt_dspbuilder_delay_GNZCCH64DU generic map ( ClockPhase => "1", delay => 1, use_init => 1, BitPattern => "0000000000000000", width => 16 ) port map ( input => delay6_output_wire, -- input.wire clock => clock_0_clock_output_clk, -- clock_aclr.clk aclr => clock_0_clock_output_reset, -- .reset output => delay7_output_wire, -- output.wire sclr => delay7sclrgnd_output_wire, -- sclr.wire ena => logical_bit_operator5_result_wire -- ena.wire ); delay7sclrgnd : component alt_dspbuilder_gnd_GN port map ( output => delay7sclrgnd_output_wire -- output.wire ); bus_conversion8 : component alt_dspbuilder_cast_GNNZHXLS76 generic map ( round => 0, saturate => 0 ) port map ( input => writedata_0_output_wire, -- input.wire output => bus_conversion8_output_wire -- output.wire ); decoder7 : component alt_dspbuilder_decoder_GNSCEXJCJK generic map ( decode => "000000000000000000001111", pipeline => 0, width => 24 ) port map ( clock => clock_0_clock_output_clk, -- clock_aclr.clk aclr => clock_0_clock_output_reset, -- .reset data => open, -- data.wire dec => decoder7_dec_wire, -- dec.wire sclr => decoder7sclrgnd_output_wire, -- sclr.wire ena => decoder7enavcc_output_wire -- ena.wire ); decoder7sclrgnd : component alt_dspbuilder_gnd_GN port map ( output => decoder7sclrgnd_output_wire -- output.wire ); decoder7enavcc : component alt_dspbuilder_vcc_GN port map ( output => decoder7enavcc_output_wire -- output.wire ); delay10 : component alt_dspbuilder_delay_GNZCCH64DU generic map ( ClockPhase => "1", delay => 1, use_init => 1, BitPattern => "0000000000000000", width => 16 ) port map ( input => bus_conversion8_output_wire, -- input.wire clock => clock_0_clock_output_clk, -- clock_aclr.clk aclr => clock_0_clock_output_reset, -- .reset output => delay10_output_wire, -- output.wire sclr => delay10sclrgnd_output_wire, -- sclr.wire ena => logical_bit_operator8_result_wire -- ena.wire ); delay10sclrgnd : component alt_dspbuilder_gnd_GN port map ( output => delay10sclrgnd_output_wire -- output.wire ); decoder : component alt_dspbuilder_decoder_GNEQGKKPXW generic map ( decode => "10", pipeline => 1, width => 2 ) port map ( clock => clock_0_clock_output_clk, -- clock_aclr.clk aclr => clock_0_clock_output_reset, -- .reset data => cast0_output_wire, -- data.wire dec => decoder_dec_wire, -- dec.wire sclr => decodersclrgnd_output_wire, -- sclr.wire ena => decoderenavcc_output_wire -- ena.wire ); decodersclrgnd : component alt_dspbuilder_gnd_GN port map ( output => decodersclrgnd_output_wire -- output.wire ); decoderenavcc : component alt_dspbuilder_vcc_GN port map ( output => decoderenavcc_output_wire -- output.wire ); decoder6 : component alt_dspbuilder_decoder_GNM4LOIHXZ generic map ( decode => "01", pipeline => 1, width => 2 ) port map ( clock => clock_0_clock_output_clk, -- clock_aclr.clk aclr => clock_0_clock_output_reset, -- .reset data => cast3_output_wire, -- data.wire dec => decoder6_dec_wire, -- dec.wire sclr => decoder6sclrgnd_output_wire, -- sclr.wire ena => decoder6enavcc_output_wire -- ena.wire ); decoder6sclrgnd : component alt_dspbuilder_gnd_GN port map ( output => decoder6sclrgnd_output_wire -- output.wire ); decoder6enavcc : component alt_dspbuilder_vcc_GN port map ( output => decoder6enavcc_output_wire -- output.wire ); delay11 : component alt_dspbuilder_delay_GNZCCH64DU generic map ( ClockPhase => "1", delay => 1, use_init => 1, BitPattern => "0000000000000000", width => 16 ) port map ( input => delay10_output_wire, -- input.wire clock => clock_0_clock_output_clk, -- clock_aclr.clk aclr => clock_0_clock_output_reset, -- .reset output => delay11_output_wire, -- output.wire sclr => delay11sclrgnd_output_wire, -- sclr.wire ena => logical_bit_operator9_result_wire -- ena.wire ); delay11sclrgnd : component alt_dspbuilder_gnd_GN port map ( output => delay11sclrgnd_output_wire -- output.wire ); decoder5 : component alt_dspbuilder_decoder_GNSCEXJCJK generic map ( decode => "000000000000000000001111", pipeline => 0, width => 24 ) port map ( clock => clock_0_clock_output_clk, -- clock_aclr.clk aclr => clock_0_clock_output_reset, -- .reset data => open, -- data.wire dec => decoder5_dec_wire, -- dec.wire sclr => decoder5sclrgnd_output_wire, -- sclr.wire ena => decoder5enavcc_output_wire -- ena.wire ); decoder5sclrgnd : component alt_dspbuilder_gnd_GN port map ( output => decoder5sclrgnd_output_wire -- output.wire ); decoder5enavcc : component alt_dspbuilder_vcc_GN port map ( output => decoder5enavcc_output_wire -- output.wire ); decoder4 : component alt_dspbuilder_decoder_GNM4LOIHXZ generic map ( decode => "01", pipeline => 1, width => 2 ) port map ( clock => clock_0_clock_output_clk, -- clock_aclr.clk aclr => clock_0_clock_output_reset, -- .reset data => cast2_output_wire, -- data.wire dec => decoder4_dec_wire, -- dec.wire sclr => decoder4sclrgnd_output_wire, -- sclr.wire ena => decoder4enavcc_output_wire -- ena.wire ); decoder4sclrgnd : component alt_dspbuilder_gnd_GN port map ( output => decoder4sclrgnd_output_wire -- output.wire ); decoder4enavcc : component alt_dspbuilder_vcc_GN port map ( output => decoder4enavcc_output_wire -- output.wire ); cast0 : component alt_dspbuilder_cast_GNEFMFJW6A generic map ( round => 0, saturate => 0 ) port map ( input => addr_0_output_wire, -- input.wire output => cast0_output_wire -- output.wire ); cast1 : component alt_dspbuilder_cast_GNEFMFJW6A generic map ( round => 0, saturate => 0 ) port map ( input => addr_0_output_wire, -- input.wire output => cast1_output_wire -- output.wire ); cast2 : component alt_dspbuilder_cast_GNEFMFJW6A generic map ( round => 0, saturate => 0 ) port map ( input => addr_0_output_wire, -- input.wire output => cast2_output_wire -- output.wire ); cast3 : component alt_dspbuilder_cast_GNEFMFJW6A generic map ( round => 0, saturate => 0 ) port map ( input => addr_0_output_wire, -- input.wire output => cast3_output_wire -- output.wire ); end architecture rtl; -- of Add_Frame_GN_Add_Frame_Add_Frame_Module_Subsystem
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Clarkson University -- EE466/566 Computer Architecture Fall 2016 -- Project Name: Project1, 4-Bit ALU Design -- -- Student Name : Zhiliu Yang -- Student ID : 0754659 -- Major : Electrical and Computer Engineering -- Email : -- Instructor Name: Dr. Chen Liu -- Date : 09-25-2016 -- -- Create Date: 09/25/2016 04:25:05 PM -- Design Name: -- Module Name: ALU4Bit - ALU_Func -- Target Devices: -- Tool Versions: -- Description: -- -- Dependencies: -- -- Revision: -- Revision 0.01 - File Created -- Additional Comments: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; -- Uncomment the following library declaration if using -- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values --use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; -- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating -- any Xilinx primitives in this code. --library UNISIM; --use UNISIM.VComponents.all; entity SLT_MUX is Port ( F_pre : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0); -- before merge in the slt P3 : in STD_LOGIC; P2 : in STD_LOGIC; P1 : in STD_LOGIC; P0 : in STD_LOGIC; Overflow : in STD_LOGIC; SltOpVal : out STD_LOGIC; F : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0)); --after merge in the slt end SLT_MUX; architecture SLTM_Func of SLT_MUX is signal SltOpVal_wire : STD_LOGIC; -- set less than operation valid, valid is 1 signal Set : STD_LOGIC; -- set when the sign of the F_pre xor overflow is 1 --Because 0 in 32bit is 0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000, sign bit is 0. --When A = B, result of subject is 0, will not Set. begin SltOpVal_wire <= (not P3) and P2 and P1 and P0; SltOpVal <= SltOpVal_wire; Set <= F_pre(31) xor Overflow; -- operand A less than operand B F(31) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(31); F(30) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(30); F(29) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(29); F(28) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(28); F(27) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(27); F(26) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(26); F(25) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(25); F(24) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(24); F(23) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(23); F(22) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(22); F(21) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(21); F(20) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(20); F(19) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(19); F(18) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(18); F(17) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(17); F(16) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(16); F(15) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(15); F(14) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(14); F(13) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(13); F(12) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(12); F(11) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(11); F(10) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(10); F(9) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(9); F(8) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(8); F(7) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(7); F(6) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(6); F(5) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(5); F(4) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(4); F(3) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(3); F(2) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(2); F(1) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(1); F(0) <= (SltOpVal_wire and Set) or ((not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(0)); end SLTM_Func;
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Clarkson University -- EE466/566 Computer Architecture Fall 2016 -- Project Name: Project1, 4-Bit ALU Design -- -- Student Name : Zhiliu Yang -- Student ID : 0754659 -- Major : Electrical and Computer Engineering -- Email : -- Instructor Name: Dr. Chen Liu -- Date : 09-25-2016 -- -- Create Date: 09/25/2016 04:25:05 PM -- Design Name: -- Module Name: ALU4Bit - ALU_Func -- Target Devices: -- Tool Versions: -- Description: -- -- Dependencies: -- -- Revision: -- Revision 0.01 - File Created -- Additional Comments: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; -- Uncomment the following library declaration if using -- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values --use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; -- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating -- any Xilinx primitives in this code. --library UNISIM; --use UNISIM.VComponents.all; entity SLT_MUX is Port ( F_pre : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0); -- before merge in the slt P3 : in STD_LOGIC; P2 : in STD_LOGIC; P1 : in STD_LOGIC; P0 : in STD_LOGIC; Overflow : in STD_LOGIC; SltOpVal : out STD_LOGIC; F : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0)); --after merge in the slt end SLT_MUX; architecture SLTM_Func of SLT_MUX is signal SltOpVal_wire : STD_LOGIC; -- set less than operation valid, valid is 1 signal Set : STD_LOGIC; -- set when the sign of the F_pre xor overflow is 1 --Because 0 in 32bit is 0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000, sign bit is 0. --When A = B, result of subject is 0, will not Set. begin SltOpVal_wire <= (not P3) and P2 and P1 and P0; SltOpVal <= SltOpVal_wire; Set <= F_pre(31) xor Overflow; -- operand A less than operand B F(31) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(31); F(30) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(30); F(29) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(29); F(28) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(28); F(27) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(27); F(26) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(26); F(25) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(25); F(24) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(24); F(23) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(23); F(22) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(22); F(21) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(21); F(20) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(20); F(19) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(19); F(18) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(18); F(17) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(17); F(16) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(16); F(15) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(15); F(14) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(14); F(13) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(13); F(12) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(12); F(11) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(11); F(10) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(10); F(9) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(9); F(8) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(8); F(7) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(7); F(6) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(6); F(5) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(5); F(4) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(4); F(3) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(3); F(2) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(2); F(1) <= (not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(1); F(0) <= (SltOpVal_wire and Set) or ((not SltOpVal_wire) and F_pre(0)); end SLTM_Func;
library verilog; use verilog.vl_types.all; entity altsqrt is generic( q_port_width : integer := 1; r_port_width : integer := 1; width : integer := 1; pipeline : integer := 0; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "altsqrt" ); port( radical : in vl_logic_vector; clk : in vl_logic; ena : in vl_logic; aclr : in vl_logic; q : out vl_logic_vector; remainder : out vl_logic_vector ); attribute mti_svvh_generic_type : integer; attribute mti_svvh_generic_type of q_port_width : constant is 1; attribute mti_svvh_generic_type of r_port_width : constant is 1; attribute mti_svvh_generic_type of width : constant is 1; attribute mti_svvh_generic_type of pipeline : constant is 1; attribute mti_svvh_generic_type of lpm_hint : constant is 1; attribute mti_svvh_generic_type of lpm_type : constant is 1; end altsqrt;
-- Projeto MasterMind -- Diogo Daniel Soares Ferreira e Eduardo Reis Silva library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; entity BlinkTb is end BlinkTb; -- Testes funcionais à entidade Blink. architecture Stimulus of BlinkTb is signal s_clock, s_load, s_enable : std_logic; signal s_numberIn, s_numberOut : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); begin uut: entity work.Blink(Behavioral) port map(clock => s_clock, enable => s_enable, numberIn => s_numberIn, numberOut => s_numberOut, load => s_load); clk_proc:process begin s_clock <= '1'; wait for 10 ns; s_clock <= '0'; wait for 10 ns; end process; comb_proc:process begin s_load <= '1'; s_numberIn <= "1010"; s_enable <= '1'; wait for 100 ns; s_enable <= '0'; wait for 35 ns; end process; end Stimulus;
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; entity kn_kalman_Vactcapofkplusone is port ( clock : in std_logic; Vactcapdashofkplusone : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); Vrefofkplusone : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); Kofkplusone : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); Vactcapofkplusone : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) ); end kn_kalman_Vactcapofkplusone; architecture struct of kn_kalman_Vactcapofkplusone is component kn_kalman_mult IS PORT ( clock : IN STD_LOGIC ; dataa : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 DOWNTO 0); datab : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 DOWNTO 0); result : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 DOWNTO 0) ); end component; component kn_kalman_sub IS PORT ( clock : IN STD_LOGIC ; dataa : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 DOWNTO 0); datab : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 DOWNTO 0); result : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 DOWNTO 0) ); end component; component kn_kalman_add IS PORT ( clock : IN STD_LOGIC ; dataa : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 DOWNTO 0); datab : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 DOWNTO 0); result : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 DOWNTO 0) ); end component; signal Z1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal Z2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); begin M1 : kn_kalman_sub port map (clock => clock, dataa => Vrefofkplusone, datab => Vactcapdashofkplusone, result => Z1); M2 : kn_kalman_mult port map (clock => clock, dataa => Z1, datab => Kofkplusone, result => Z2); M3 : kn_kalman_add port map (clock => clock, dataa => Vactcapdashofkplusone, datab => Z2, result => Vactcapofkplusone); end struct;
------------------------------------------------------------------- -- (c) Copyright 1984 - 2012 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *************************************************************************** -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: byte_data_ram.vhd -- Version: v3.0 -- Description: This file is a DPRAM which got used in the design for the -- endpoint configuration and status register space along with -- default endpoint buffer space & end point 1-7 buffer space -- using the generics (C_DPRAM_DEPTH and C_ADDR_LINES) -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- Structure: -- -- axi_usb2_device.vhd -- -- axi_slave_burst.vhd -- -- usbcore.v -- -- ipic_if.vhd -- -- byte_data_ram.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Author: PBB -- History: -- PBB 07/01/10 initial release -- ^^^^^^^ -- ^^^^^^^ -- SK 10/10/12 -- -- 1. Added cascade mode support in v1.03.a version of the core -- 2. Updated major version of the core -- ~~~~~~ -- ~~~~~~ -- SK 12/16/12 -- v3.0 -- 1. up reved to major version for 2013.1 Vivado release. No logic updates. -- 2. Updated the version of AXI LITE IPIF to v2.0 in X.Y format -- 3. updated the proc common version to v4_0 -- 4. No Logic Updates -- ^^^^^^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library axi_intc_v4_1; use axi_intc_v4_1.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Definition of Generics: -- C_WIDTH -- Data width -- C_DPRAM_DEPTH -- Depth of the DPRAM -- C_ADDR_LINES -- No of Address lines -- C_IVR_RESET_VALUE -- Reset values of IVR registers in RAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Definition of Ports: -- Addra -- Port-A address -- Addrb -- Port-B address -- Clka -- Port-A clock -- Clkb -- Port-B clock -- Dina -- Port-A data input -- Dinb -- Port-B data input -- Ena -- Port-A chip enable -- Enb -- Port-B chip enable -- Wea -- Port-A write enable -- Web -- Port-B write enable -- Douta -- Port-A data output -- Doutb -- Port-B data output -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Entity section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- entity shared_ram_ivar IS generic ( C_WIDTH : integer := 32; C_DPRAM_DEPTH : integer range 16 to 4096 := 16; C_ADDR_LINES : integer range 0 to 15 := 4; -- IVR Reset value parameter C_IVAR_RESET_VALUE : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := "00000000000000000000000000010000" ); port ( Addra : in std_logic_VECTOR((C_ADDR_LINES - 1) downto 0); Addrb : in std_logic_VECTOR((C_ADDR_LINES - 1) downto 0); Clka : in std_logic; Clkb : in std_logic; Dina : in std_logic_VECTOR((C_WIDTH-1) downto 0); Wea : in std_logic; Douta : out std_logic_VECTOR((C_WIDTH-1) downto 0); Doutb : out std_logic_VECTOR((C_WIDTH-1) downto 0) ); end shared_ram_ivar; architecture byte_data_ram_a of shared_ram_ivar is type ramType is array (0 to C_DPRAM_DEPTH-1) of std_logic_vector ((C_WIDTH-1) downto 0); --shared variable ram: ramType := (others => (others => '0')); signal ram: ramType := (others => C_IVAR_RESET_VALUE); attribute ram_style : string; attribute ram_style of ram : signal is "distributed"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Begin architecture ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DPRAM Port A Interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PORT_A_PROCESS: process(Clka) begin if Clka'event and Clka = '1' then if (Wea = '1') then ram(conv_integer(Addra)) <= Dina; end if; Douta <= ram(conv_integer(Addra)); end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DPRAM Port B Interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PORT_B_PROCESS: process(Clkb) begin if Clkb'event and Clkb = '1' then Doutb <= ram(conv_integer(Addrb)); end if; end process; end byte_data_ram_a;
------------------------------------------------------------------- -- (c) Copyright 1984 - 2012 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *************************************************************************** -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: byte_data_ram.vhd -- Version: v3.0 -- Description: This file is a DPRAM which got used in the design for the -- endpoint configuration and status register space along with -- default endpoint buffer space & end point 1-7 buffer space -- using the generics (C_DPRAM_DEPTH and C_ADDR_LINES) -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- Structure: -- -- axi_usb2_device.vhd -- -- axi_slave_burst.vhd -- -- usbcore.v -- -- ipic_if.vhd -- -- byte_data_ram.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Author: PBB -- History: -- PBB 07/01/10 initial release -- ^^^^^^^ -- ^^^^^^^ -- SK 10/10/12 -- -- 1. Added cascade mode support in v1.03.a version of the core -- 2. Updated major version of the core -- ~~~~~~ -- ~~~~~~ -- SK 12/16/12 -- v3.0 -- 1. up reved to major version for 2013.1 Vivado release. No logic updates. -- 2. Updated the version of AXI LITE IPIF to v2.0 in X.Y format -- 3. updated the proc common version to v4_0 -- 4. No Logic Updates -- ^^^^^^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library axi_intc_v4_1; use axi_intc_v4_1.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Definition of Generics: -- C_WIDTH -- Data width -- C_DPRAM_DEPTH -- Depth of the DPRAM -- C_ADDR_LINES -- No of Address lines -- C_IVR_RESET_VALUE -- Reset values of IVR registers in RAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Definition of Ports: -- Addra -- Port-A address -- Addrb -- Port-B address -- Clka -- Port-A clock -- Clkb -- Port-B clock -- Dina -- Port-A data input -- Dinb -- Port-B data input -- Ena -- Port-A chip enable -- Enb -- Port-B chip enable -- Wea -- Port-A write enable -- Web -- Port-B write enable -- Douta -- Port-A data output -- Doutb -- Port-B data output -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Entity section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- entity shared_ram_ivar IS generic ( C_WIDTH : integer := 32; C_DPRAM_DEPTH : integer range 16 to 4096 := 16; C_ADDR_LINES : integer range 0 to 15 := 4; -- IVR Reset value parameter C_IVAR_RESET_VALUE : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := "00000000000000000000000000010000" ); port ( Addra : in std_logic_VECTOR((C_ADDR_LINES - 1) downto 0); Addrb : in std_logic_VECTOR((C_ADDR_LINES - 1) downto 0); Clka : in std_logic; Clkb : in std_logic; Dina : in std_logic_VECTOR((C_WIDTH-1) downto 0); Wea : in std_logic; Douta : out std_logic_VECTOR((C_WIDTH-1) downto 0); Doutb : out std_logic_VECTOR((C_WIDTH-1) downto 0) ); end shared_ram_ivar; architecture byte_data_ram_a of shared_ram_ivar is type ramType is array (0 to C_DPRAM_DEPTH-1) of std_logic_vector ((C_WIDTH-1) downto 0); --shared variable ram: ramType := (others => (others => '0')); signal ram: ramType := (others => C_IVAR_RESET_VALUE); attribute ram_style : string; attribute ram_style of ram : signal is "distributed"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Begin architecture ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DPRAM Port A Interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PORT_A_PROCESS: process(Clka) begin if Clka'event and Clka = '1' then if (Wea = '1') then ram(conv_integer(Addra)) <= Dina; end if; Douta <= ram(conv_integer(Addra)); end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DPRAM Port B Interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PORT_B_PROCESS: process(Clkb) begin if Clkb'event and Clkb = '1' then Doutb <= ram(conv_integer(Addrb)); end if; end process; end byte_data_ram_a;
------------------------------------------------------------------- -- (c) Copyright 1984 - 2012 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *************************************************************************** -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: byte_data_ram.vhd -- Version: v3.0 -- Description: This file is a DPRAM which got used in the design for the -- endpoint configuration and status register space along with -- default endpoint buffer space & end point 1-7 buffer space -- using the generics (C_DPRAM_DEPTH and C_ADDR_LINES) -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- Structure: -- -- axi_usb2_device.vhd -- -- axi_slave_burst.vhd -- -- usbcore.v -- -- ipic_if.vhd -- -- byte_data_ram.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Author: PBB -- History: -- PBB 07/01/10 initial release -- ^^^^^^^ -- ^^^^^^^ -- SK 10/10/12 -- -- 1. Added cascade mode support in v1.03.a version of the core -- 2. Updated major version of the core -- ~~~~~~ -- ~~~~~~ -- SK 12/16/12 -- v3.0 -- 1. up reved to major version for 2013.1 Vivado release. No logic updates. -- 2. Updated the version of AXI LITE IPIF to v2.0 in X.Y format -- 3. updated the proc common version to v4_0 -- 4. No Logic Updates -- ^^^^^^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library axi_intc_v4_1; use axi_intc_v4_1.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Definition of Generics: -- C_WIDTH -- Data width -- C_DPRAM_DEPTH -- Depth of the DPRAM -- C_ADDR_LINES -- No of Address lines -- C_IVR_RESET_VALUE -- Reset values of IVR registers in RAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Definition of Ports: -- Addra -- Port-A address -- Addrb -- Port-B address -- Clka -- Port-A clock -- Clkb -- Port-B clock -- Dina -- Port-A data input -- Dinb -- Port-B data input -- Ena -- Port-A chip enable -- Enb -- Port-B chip enable -- Wea -- Port-A write enable -- Web -- Port-B write enable -- Douta -- Port-A data output -- Doutb -- Port-B data output -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Entity section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- entity shared_ram_ivar IS generic ( C_WIDTH : integer := 32; C_DPRAM_DEPTH : integer range 16 to 4096 := 16; C_ADDR_LINES : integer range 0 to 15 := 4; -- IVR Reset value parameter C_IVAR_RESET_VALUE : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := "00000000000000000000000000010000" ); port ( Addra : in std_logic_VECTOR((C_ADDR_LINES - 1) downto 0); Addrb : in std_logic_VECTOR((C_ADDR_LINES - 1) downto 0); Clka : in std_logic; Clkb : in std_logic; Dina : in std_logic_VECTOR((C_WIDTH-1) downto 0); Wea : in std_logic; Douta : out std_logic_VECTOR((C_WIDTH-1) downto 0); Doutb : out std_logic_VECTOR((C_WIDTH-1) downto 0) ); end shared_ram_ivar; architecture byte_data_ram_a of shared_ram_ivar is type ramType is array (0 to C_DPRAM_DEPTH-1) of std_logic_vector ((C_WIDTH-1) downto 0); --shared variable ram: ramType := (others => (others => '0')); signal ram: ramType := (others => C_IVAR_RESET_VALUE); attribute ram_style : string; attribute ram_style of ram : signal is "distributed"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Begin architecture ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DPRAM Port A Interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PORT_A_PROCESS: process(Clka) begin if Clka'event and Clka = '1' then if (Wea = '1') then ram(conv_integer(Addra)) <= Dina; end if; Douta <= ram(conv_integer(Addra)); end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DPRAM Port B Interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PORT_B_PROCESS: process(Clkb) begin if Clkb'event and Clkb = '1' then Doutb <= ram(conv_integer(Addrb)); end if; end process; end byte_data_ram_a;
------------------------------------------------------------------- -- (c) Copyright 1984 - 2012 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *************************************************************************** -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: byte_data_ram.vhd -- Version: v3.0 -- Description: This file is a DPRAM which got used in the design for the -- endpoint configuration and status register space along with -- default endpoint buffer space & end point 1-7 buffer space -- using the generics (C_DPRAM_DEPTH and C_ADDR_LINES) -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- Structure: -- -- axi_usb2_device.vhd -- -- axi_slave_burst.vhd -- -- usbcore.v -- -- ipic_if.vhd -- -- byte_data_ram.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Author: PBB -- History: -- PBB 07/01/10 initial release -- ^^^^^^^ -- ^^^^^^^ -- SK 10/10/12 -- -- 1. Added cascade mode support in v1.03.a version of the core -- 2. Updated major version of the core -- ~~~~~~ -- ~~~~~~ -- SK 12/16/12 -- v3.0 -- 1. up reved to major version for 2013.1 Vivado release. No logic updates. -- 2. Updated the version of AXI LITE IPIF to v2.0 in X.Y format -- 3. updated the proc common version to v4_0 -- 4. No Logic Updates -- ^^^^^^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library axi_intc_v4_1; use axi_intc_v4_1.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Definition of Generics: -- C_WIDTH -- Data width -- C_DPRAM_DEPTH -- Depth of the DPRAM -- C_ADDR_LINES -- No of Address lines -- C_IVR_RESET_VALUE -- Reset values of IVR registers in RAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Definition of Ports: -- Addra -- Port-A address -- Addrb -- Port-B address -- Clka -- Port-A clock -- Clkb -- Port-B clock -- Dina -- Port-A data input -- Dinb -- Port-B data input -- Ena -- Port-A chip enable -- Enb -- Port-B chip enable -- Wea -- Port-A write enable -- Web -- Port-B write enable -- Douta -- Port-A data output -- Doutb -- Port-B data output -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Entity section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- entity shared_ram_ivar IS generic ( C_WIDTH : integer := 32; C_DPRAM_DEPTH : integer range 16 to 4096 := 16; C_ADDR_LINES : integer range 0 to 15 := 4; -- IVR Reset value parameter C_IVAR_RESET_VALUE : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := "00000000000000000000000000010000" ); port ( Addra : in std_logic_VECTOR((C_ADDR_LINES - 1) downto 0); Addrb : in std_logic_VECTOR((C_ADDR_LINES - 1) downto 0); Clka : in std_logic; Clkb : in std_logic; Dina : in std_logic_VECTOR((C_WIDTH-1) downto 0); Wea : in std_logic; Douta : out std_logic_VECTOR((C_WIDTH-1) downto 0); Doutb : out std_logic_VECTOR((C_WIDTH-1) downto 0) ); end shared_ram_ivar; architecture byte_data_ram_a of shared_ram_ivar is type ramType is array (0 to C_DPRAM_DEPTH-1) of std_logic_vector ((C_WIDTH-1) downto 0); --shared variable ram: ramType := (others => (others => '0')); signal ram: ramType := (others => C_IVAR_RESET_VALUE); attribute ram_style : string; attribute ram_style of ram : signal is "distributed"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Begin architecture ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DPRAM Port A Interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PORT_A_PROCESS: process(Clka) begin if Clka'event and Clka = '1' then if (Wea = '1') then ram(conv_integer(Addra)) <= Dina; end if; Douta <= ram(conv_integer(Addra)); end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DPRAM Port B Interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PORT_B_PROCESS: process(Clkb) begin if Clkb'event and Clkb = '1' then Doutb <= ram(conv_integer(Addrb)); end if; end process; end byte_data_ram_a;
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Gideon's Logic Architectures - Copyright 2014 -- Entity: usb_test1 -- Date:2015-01-27 -- Author: Gideon -- Description: Testcase 6 for USB host -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.io_bus_bfm_pkg.all; use work.tl_sctb_pkg.all; use work.usb_cmd_pkg.all; use work.tl_string_util_pkg.all; use work.nano_addresses_pkg.all; use work.tl_flat_memory_model_pkg.all; entity usb_test_nano6 is generic ( g_report_file_name : string := "work/usb_test_nano6.rpt" ); end entity; architecture arch of usb_test_nano6 is signal clocks_stopped : boolean := false; signal interrupt : std_logic; constant Attr_Fifo_Base : unsigned(19 downto 0) := X"00700"; -- 380 * 2 constant Attr_Fifo_Tail_Address : unsigned(19 downto 0) := X"007F0"; -- 3f8 * 2 constant Attr_Fifo_Head_Address : unsigned(19 downto 0) := X"007F2"; -- 3f9 * 2 begin i_harness: entity work.usb_harness_nano port map ( interrupt => interrupt, clocks_stopped => clocks_stopped ); process variable io : p_io_bus_bfm_object; variable mem : h_mem_object; variable data : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); variable res : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); variable pipe : integer; variable attr_fifo_tail : integer := 0; variable attr_fifo_head : integer := 0; procedure io_write_word(addr : unsigned(19 downto 0); word : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)) is begin io_write(io => io, addr => (addr + 0), data => word(7 downto 0)); io_write(io => io, addr => (addr + 1), data => word(15 downto 8)); end procedure; procedure io_read_word(addr : unsigned(19 downto 0); word : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)) is begin io_read(io => io, addr => (addr + 0), data => word(7 downto 0)); io_read(io => io, addr => (addr + 1), data => word(15 downto 8)); end procedure; procedure read_attr_fifo(result : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)) is variable data : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); begin wait until interrupt = '1'; io_read_word(addr => (Attr_Fifo_Base + attr_fifo_tail*2), word => data); attr_fifo_tail := attr_fifo_tail + 1; if attr_fifo_tail = 16 then attr_fifo_tail := 0; end if; io_write_word(addr => Attr_Fifo_Tail_Address, word => std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(attr_fifo_tail, 16))); sctb_trace("Fifo read: " & hstr(data)); result := data; end procedure; begin bind_io_bus_bfm("io", io); bind_mem_model("memory", mem); sctb_open_simulation("path:path", g_report_file_name); sctb_set_log_level(c_log_level_trace); wait for 70 ns; io_write_word(c_nano_simulation, X"0001" ); -- set nano to simulation mode io_write_word(c_nano_busspeed, X"0002" ); -- set bus speed to HS io_write(io, c_nano_enable, X"01" ); -- enable nano wait for 4 us; sctb_open_region("Testing In request and out request at the same time, using split", 0); io_write_word(Command_SplitCtl, X"8132"); -- Hub Address 1, Port 2, Speed = FS, EP = interrupt io_write_word(Command_DevEP, X"0004"); io_write_word(Command_MaxTrans, X"0100"); io_write_word(Command_Length, X"0400"); io_write_word(Command_MemHi, X"0005"); io_write_word(Command_MemLo, X"0000"); io_write_word(c_nano_numpipes, X"0002" ); -- Set active pipes to 2 io_write_word(Command_SplitCtl + Command_Size, X"8132"); -- Hub Address 1, Port 2, Speed = FS, EP = interrupt io_write_word(Command_DevEP + Command_Size, X"0005"); io_write_word(Command_MaxTrans + Command_Size, X"0200"); io_write_word(Command_Length + Command_Size, X"0600"); io_write_word(Command_MemHi + Command_Size, X"0004"); io_write_word(Command_MemLo + Command_Size, X"0000"); io_write_word(Command + Command_Size, X"8041"); -- out with mem read io_write_word(Command, X"4042"); -- in with mem write read_attr_fifo(data); pipe := Command_size * to_integer(unsigned(data)); io_read_word(Command_Result + pipe, data); sctb_trace("Command result: " & hstr(data)); io_read_word(Command_Length + pipe, data); sctb_trace("Command length: " & hstr(data)); sctb_check(data, X"0000", "All data should have been transferred."); read_attr_fifo(data); pipe := Command_size * to_integer(unsigned(data)); io_read_word(Command_Result + pipe, data); sctb_trace("Command result: " & hstr(data)); io_read_word(Command_Length + pipe, data); sctb_trace("Command length: " & hstr(data)); sctb_check(data, X"0000", "All data should have been transferred."); sctb_close_region; sctb_close_simulation; clocks_stopped <= true; wait; end process; end arch; -- restart; mem load -infile nano_code.hex -format hex /usb_test_nano4/i_harness/i_host/i_nano/i_buf_ram/mem; run 1100 us
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Billowitch. -- Some of the work to develop this test suite was done with Air Force -- support. The Air Force and Bill Billowitch assume no -- responsibilities for this software. -- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs). -- VESTs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -- your option) any later version. -- VESTs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, -- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- $Id: tc2103.vhd,v 1.2 2001-10-26 16:29:45 paw Exp $ -- $Revision: 1.2 $ -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTITY c07s02b04x00p20n01i02103ent IS END c07s02b04x00p20n01i02103ent; ARCHITECTURE c07s02b04x00p20n01i02103arch OF c07s02b04x00p20n01i02103ent IS TYPE positive_v is array (integer range <>) of positive; SUBTYPE positive_8 is positive_v (1 to 8); SUBTYPE positive_4 is positive_v (1 to 4); BEGIN TESTING : PROCESS variable result : positive_4; variable l_operand : positive_4 := ( 1 , 89 , 1 , 89 ); variable r_operand : positive_4 := ( 89 , 89 , 1 , 1 ); alias l_alias : positive_v (1 to 2) is l_operand (2 to 3); alias r_alias : positive_v (1 to 2) is r_operand (3 to 4); BEGIN result := l_alias & r_alias; wait for 20 ns; assert NOT(result = ( 89 , 1 , 1 , 1 )) report "***PASSED TEST: c07s02b04x00p20n01i02103" severity NOTE; assert (result = ( 89 , 1 , 1 , 1 )) report "***FAILED TEST: c07s02b04x00p20n01i02103 - Concatenation of two RECORD arrays failed." severity ERROR; wait; END PROCESS TESTING; END c07s02b04x00p20n01i02103arch;
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Billowitch. -- Some of the work to develop this test suite was done with Air Force -- support. The Air Force and Bill Billowitch assume no -- responsibilities for this software. -- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs). -- VESTs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -- your option) any later version. -- VESTs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, -- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- $Id: tc2103.vhd,v 1.2 2001-10-26 16:29:45 paw Exp $ -- $Revision: 1.2 $ -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTITY c07s02b04x00p20n01i02103ent IS END c07s02b04x00p20n01i02103ent; ARCHITECTURE c07s02b04x00p20n01i02103arch OF c07s02b04x00p20n01i02103ent IS TYPE positive_v is array (integer range <>) of positive; SUBTYPE positive_8 is positive_v (1 to 8); SUBTYPE positive_4 is positive_v (1 to 4); BEGIN TESTING : PROCESS variable result : positive_4; variable l_operand : positive_4 := ( 1 , 89 , 1 , 89 ); variable r_operand : positive_4 := ( 89 , 89 , 1 , 1 ); alias l_alias : positive_v (1 to 2) is l_operand (2 to 3); alias r_alias : positive_v (1 to 2) is r_operand (3 to 4); BEGIN result := l_alias & r_alias; wait for 20 ns; assert NOT(result = ( 89 , 1 , 1 , 1 )) report "***PASSED TEST: c07s02b04x00p20n01i02103" severity NOTE; assert (result = ( 89 , 1 , 1 , 1 )) report "***FAILED TEST: c07s02b04x00p20n01i02103 - Concatenation of two RECORD arrays failed." severity ERROR; wait; END PROCESS TESTING; END c07s02b04x00p20n01i02103arch;
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Billowitch. -- Some of the work to develop this test suite was done with Air Force -- support. The Air Force and Bill Billowitch assume no -- responsibilities for this software. -- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs). -- VESTs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -- your option) any later version. -- VESTs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, -- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- $Id: tc2103.vhd,v 1.2 2001-10-26 16:29:45 paw Exp $ -- $Revision: 1.2 $ -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTITY c07s02b04x00p20n01i02103ent IS END c07s02b04x00p20n01i02103ent; ARCHITECTURE c07s02b04x00p20n01i02103arch OF c07s02b04x00p20n01i02103ent IS TYPE positive_v is array (integer range <>) of positive; SUBTYPE positive_8 is positive_v (1 to 8); SUBTYPE positive_4 is positive_v (1 to 4); BEGIN TESTING : PROCESS variable result : positive_4; variable l_operand : positive_4 := ( 1 , 89 , 1 , 89 ); variable r_operand : positive_4 := ( 89 , 89 , 1 , 1 ); alias l_alias : positive_v (1 to 2) is l_operand (2 to 3); alias r_alias : positive_v (1 to 2) is r_operand (3 to 4); BEGIN result := l_alias & r_alias; wait for 20 ns; assert NOT(result = ( 89 , 1 , 1 , 1 )) report "***PASSED TEST: c07s02b04x00p20n01i02103" severity NOTE; assert (result = ( 89 , 1 , 1 , 1 )) report "***FAILED TEST: c07s02b04x00p20n01i02103 - Concatenation of two RECORD arrays failed." severity ERROR; wait; END PROCESS TESTING; END c07s02b04x00p20n01i02103arch;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Company : CNES -- Author : Mickael Carl (CNES) -- Copyright : Copyright (c) CNES. -- Licensing : GNU GPLv3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Version : V1 -- Version history : -- V1 : 2015-04-20 : Mickael Carl (CNES): Creation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File name : CNE_04900_good.vhd -- File Creation date : 2015-04-20 -- Project name : VHDL Handbook CNES Edition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Softwares : Microsoft Windows (Windows 7) - Editor (Eclipse + VEditor) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Description : Handbook example: Use of clock signal: good example -- -- Limitations : This file is an example of the VHDL handbook made by CNES. It is a stub aimed at -- demonstrating good practices in VHDL and as such, its design is minimalistic. -- It is provided as is, without any warranty. -- This example is compliant with the Handbook version 1. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming conventions: -- -- i_Port: Input entity port -- o_Port: Output entity port -- b_Port: Bidirectional entity port -- g_My_Generic: Generic entity port -- -- c_My_Constant: Constant definition -- t_My_Type: Custom type definition -- -- My_Signal_n: Active low signal -- v_My_Variable: Variable -- sm_My_Signal: FSM signal -- pkg_Param: Element Param coming from a package -- -- My_Signal_re: Rising edge detection of My_Signal -- My_Signal_fe: Falling edge detection of My_Signal -- My_Signal_rX: X times registered My_Signal signal -- -- P_Process_Name: Process -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; entity CNE_04900_good is port ( i_Clock : in std_logic; -- Clock signal i_Reset_n : in std_logic; -- Reset signal i_Enable : in std_logic; -- Enable signal i_D : in std_logic; -- D Flip-Flop input signal o_Q : out std_logic -- D Flip-Flop output signal ); end CNE_04900_good; --CODE architecture Behavioral of CNE_04900_good is signal Q : std_logic; -- D Flip-Flop output begin -- D FlipFlop process P_FlipFlop:process(i_Clock, i_Reset_n) begin if (i_Reset_n='0') then Q <= '0'; elsif (rising_edge(i_Clock)) then if (i_Enable='1') then -- D Flip-Flop enabled Q <= i_D; end if; end if; end process; o_Q <= Q; end Behavioral; --CODE
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Company: -- Engineer: -- -- Create Date: 19:51:10 01/07/2014 -- Design Name: -- Module Name: C:/Users/Ruy/Desktop/LCSE_lab-master/dma/tb_dma_rx.vhd -- Project Name: dma -- Target Device: -- Tool versions: -- Description: -- -- VHDL Test Bench Created by ISE for module: dma_rx -- -- Dependencies: -- -- Revision: -- Revision 0.01 - File Created -- Additional Comments: -- -- Notes: -- This testbench has been automatically generated using types std_logic and -- std_logic_vector for the ports of the unit under test. Xilinx recommends -- that these types always be used for the top-level I/O of a design in order -- to guarantee that the testbench will bind correctly to the post-implementation -- simulation model. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; -- Uncomment the following library declaration if using -- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values --USE ieee.numeric_std.ALL; ENTITY tb_dma_rx IS END tb_dma_rx; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF tb_dma_rx IS -- Component Declaration for the Unit Under Test (UUT) COMPONENT dma_rx PORT( Clk : IN std_logic; Reset : IN std_logic; Databus : OUT std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); Address : OUT std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); ChipSelect : OUT std_logic; WriteEnable : OUT std_logic; OutputEnable : OUT std_logic; Start_RX : IN std_logic; End_RX : OUT std_logic; DataIn : IN std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); Read_DI : OUT std_logic; Empty : IN std_logic ); END COMPONENT; --Inputs signal Clk : std_logic := '0'; signal Reset : std_logic := '0'; signal Start_RX : std_logic := '0'; signal DataIn : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"AA"; signal Empty : std_logic := '1'; --Outputs signal Databus : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal Address : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal ChipSelect : std_logic; signal WriteEnable : std_logic; signal OutputEnable : std_logic; signal End_RX : std_logic; signal Read_DI : std_logic; -- Clock period definitions constant Clk_period : time := 25 ns; BEGIN -- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) uut: dma_rx PORT MAP ( Clk => Clk, Reset => Reset, Databus => Databus, Address => Address, ChipSelect => ChipSelect, WriteEnable => WriteEnable, OutputEnable => OutputEnable, Start_RX => Start_RX, End_RX => End_RX, DataIn => DataIn, Read_DI => Read_DI, Empty => Empty ); -- Clock process definitions Clk <= not Clk after Clk_period; -- Stimulus Reset <= '1' after 100 ns; Empty <= '1', '0' after 100 ns, '1' after 300 ns, '0' after 350 ns, '1' after 500 ns, '0' after 650 ns; Start_RX <= '0', '1' after 150 ns, '0' after 175 ns, '1' after 400 ns, '0' after 425 ns, '1' after 600 ns, '0' after 625 ns, '1' after 700 ns, '0' after 725 ns; END;
--------------------------------------------------------- -- MC613 - UNICAMP -- -- Minesweeper -- -- Caian Benedicto -- Brunno Rodrigues Arangues --------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity counter is port( clock : in std_logic; rstn : in std_logic; enable : in std_logic; -- mode : in std_logic; cnt_out : out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) ); end; architecture logica of counter is signal count : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); begin process(clock, rstn, enable) begin if rstn = '0' then count <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) and enable = '1' then -- case mode is -- when '1' => case count is when "1111100111" => count <= "1111100111"; when OTHERS => count <= count+1; end case; -- when '0' => -- case count is -- when "0000000000" => count <= "0000000000"; -- when OTHERS => count <= count-1; -- end case; -- end case; end if; end process; cnt_out <= count; end architecture;
library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.ALL; entity ControlUnit is generic (BitWidth: integer; InstructionWidth: integer); port( rst : in std_logic; clk : in std_logic; ---------------------------------------- Instr_In : in std_logic_vector (InstructionWidth-1 downto 0); Instr_Add : out std_logic_vector (BitWidth-1 downto 0); ---------------------------------------- MemRdAddress : out std_logic_vector (BitWidth-1 downto 0); MemWrtAddress: out std_logic_vector (BitWidth-1 downto 0); Mem_RW : out std_logic; ---------------------------------------- DPU_Flags : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); DataToDPU : out std_logic_vector (BitWidth-1 downto 0); CommandToDPU : out std_logic_vector (10 downto 0); Reg_in_sel : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); Reg_out_sel : out std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); DataFromDPU : in std_logic_vector (BitWidth-1 downto 0) ); end ControlUnit; architecture RTL of ControlUnit is --------------------------------------------- -- Signals and Types --------------------------------------------- TYPE STATE_TYPE IS (F, D, Ex,WB); signal State_in, State_out :STATE_TYPE; TYPE Instruction IS (PUSH,POP, JMPEQ,Jmp_rel,Jmp,JmpZ,JmpOV,JmpC, FlipA,And_A_R,OR_A_R,XOR_A_R,NegA, ShiftA_R,ShiftA_L,ShiftArithL,ShiftArithR, RRC,RLC, LoadPC,SavePC, Add_A_R, Add_A_Mem,Add_A_Dir, Sub_A_R,Sub_A_Mem,Sub_A_Dir,IncA,DecA, Load_A_Mem,Load_R0_Mem,Load_R0_Dir,Store_A_Mem,load_A_R,load_R_A,Load_Ind_A, ClearZ,ClearOV,ClearC, ClearACC, NOP,HALT); signal Instr:Instruction := NOP; signal SP_in, SP_out : std_logic_vector (BitWidth-1 downto 0):= (others => '0'); signal PC_in, PC_out : std_logic_vector (BitWidth-1 downto 0):= (others => '0'); signal InstrReg_out: std_logic_vector (InstructionWidth-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); --------------------------------------------- -- OpCode Aliases --------------------------------------------- alias opcpde : std_logic_vector (5 downto 0) is InstrReg_out (InstructionWidth-1 downto BitWidth); begin --------------------------------------------- -- Registers setting --------------------------------------------- process (clk,rst) begin if rst = '1' then State_out <= F; SP_out <= (others => '0'); PC_out <= (others => '0'); InstrReg_out <= (others => '0'); elsif clk'event and clk='1' then State_out <= State_in; SP_out <= SP_in; PC_out <= PC_in; InstrReg_out <= Instr_In; end if; end process; --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- --Control FSM ----------------------------------------------------------- process(State_out,PC_out,Instr,InstrReg_out,DataFromDPU, SP_out, DPU_Flags) begin SP_in <= SP_out; PC_in <= PC_out; Instr_Add <= PC_out; Mem_RW <= '0'; MemRdAddress <= (others => '0'); MemWrtAddress <= (others => '0'); DataToDPU <= (others => '0'); CommandToDPU <= "00000001000"; --do not do anything Reg_in_sel<="00000000"; Reg_out_sel<="000"; case State_out IS --Fetch-------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHEN F => State_in <= D; --Decode------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHEN D => State_in <= Ex; --Execution------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHEN Ex => State_in <= WB; -----------------------Arithmetic-------------------------- if Instr = Add_A_R then CommandToDPU <= "00000000010"; Reg_out_sel<= InstrReg_out (2 downto 0); elsif Instr = Add_A_Mem then MemRdAddress <= InstrReg_out (BitWidth-1 downto 0); CommandToDPU <= "00000000000"; elsif Instr = Add_A_Dir then DataToDPU <= InstrReg_out (BitWidth-1 downto 0); CommandToDPU <= "00000000001"; ----------------------------------------------- elsif Instr = Sub_A_R then CommandToDPU <= "00000000110"; Reg_out_sel<= InstrReg_out (2 downto 0); elsif Instr = Sub_A_Mem then MemRdAddress <= InstrReg_out (BitWidth-1 downto 0); CommandToDPU <= "00000000100"; elsif Instr = Sub_A_Dir then DataToDPU <= InstrReg_out (BitWidth-1 downto 0); CommandToDPU <= "00000000101"; ----------------------------------------------- elsif Instr = IncA then CommandToDPU <= "00000000011"; elsif Instr = DecA then CommandToDPU <= "00000000111"; -----------------------Shift------------------------------- elsif Instr = ShiftA_R then CommandToDPU <= "00000011100"; elsif Instr = ShiftA_L then CommandToDPU <= "00000100000"; elsif Instr = ShiftArithL then CommandToDPU <= "00000101100"; elsif Instr = ShiftArithR then CommandToDPU <= "00000101000"; elsif Instr = RRC then CommandToDPU <= "00000111000"; elsif Instr = RLC then CommandToDPU <= "00000111100"; -----------------------Logical----------------------------- elsif Instr = NegA then CommandToDPU <= "00000100100"; elsif Instr = FlipA then CommandToDPU <= "00000110000"; elsif Instr = And_A_R then CommandToDPU <= "00000010010"; Reg_out_sel<= InstrReg_out (2 downto 0); elsif Instr = OR_A_R then CommandToDPU <= "00000010110"; Reg_out_sel<= InstrReg_out (2 downto 0); elsif Instr = XOR_A_R then CommandToDPU <= "00000011010"; Reg_out_sel<= InstrReg_out (2 downto 0); -----------------------Memory------------------------------ elsif Instr = Load_R0_Mem then MemRdAddress <= InstrReg_out (BitWidth-1 downto 0); Mem_RW <= '0'; CommandToDPU <= "11000001000"; Reg_in_sel<= "00000001"; elsif Instr = Load_A_Mem then MemRdAddress <= InstrReg_out (BitWidth-1 downto 0); Mem_RW <= '0'; CommandToDPU <= "00000001100"; elsif Instr = SavePC then DataToDPU <= PC_out; CommandToDPU <= "00000001101"; elsif Instr = Load_R0_Dir then CommandToDPU <= "01000001000"; DataToDPU <= InstrReg_out (BitWidth-1 downto 0); Reg_in_sel<= "00000001"; Reg_out_sel<= "000"; elsif Instr = Load_Ind_A then MemRdAddress <= DataFromDPU; Mem_RW <= '0'; CommandToDPU <= "00000001100"; Reg_in_sel<= "00000000"; Reg_out_sel<= "000"; elsif Instr = load_A_R then CommandToDPU <= "00000001100"; Reg_out_sel<= InstrReg_out (2 downto 0); elsif Instr = load_R_A then CommandToDPU <= "10000001000"; Reg_in_sel<= InstrReg_out (7 downto 0); -----------------------Stack------------------------------- elsif Instr = POP then MemRdAddress <= SP_out - "00000001"; SP_in <= SP_out - 1; Mem_RW <= '0'; CommandToDPU <= "00000001100"; -----------------------ClearFlags-------------------------- elsif Instr = ClearZ then CommandToDPU <= "00001001000"; elsif Instr = ClearOV then CommandToDPU <= "00010001000"; elsif Instr = ClearC then CommandToDPU <= "00100001000"; elsif Instr = ClearACC then CommandToDPU <= "00000110100"; else CommandToDPU <= "00000001000"; --do not do anything end if; --WriteBack------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHEN WB => State_in <= F; if Instr = Store_A_Mem then MemWrtAddress <= InstrReg_out (BitWidth-1 downto 0); Mem_RW <= '1'; PC_in <= PC_out+1; elsif Instr = HALT then PC_in <= PC_out; State_in <= WB; -----------------------Jump-------------------------------- elsif Instr = Jmp then PC_in <= InstrReg_out (BitWidth-1 downto 0); elsif Instr = JmpOV and DPU_Flags(0) = '1' then PC_in <= InstrReg_out (BitWidth-1 downto 0); elsif Instr = JmpZ and DPU_Flags(1) = '1' then PC_in <= InstrReg_out (BitWidth-1 downto 0); elsif Instr = JMPEQ and DPU_Flags(2) = '1' then PC_in <= InstrReg_out (BitWidth-1 downto 0); elsif Instr = JmpC and DPU_Flags(3) = '1' then PC_in <= InstrReg_out (BitWidth-1 downto 0); elsif Instr= Jmp_rel then PC_in <= PC_out + InstrReg_out (BitWidth-1 downto 0); elsif Instr= LoadPC then PC_in <= DataFromDPU ; State_in <= F; -----------------------Stack OP---------------------------- elsif Instr= PUSH then PC_in <= PC_out+1; MemWrtAddress <= SP_out; SP_in <= SP_out + 1; Mem_RW <= '1'; else PC_in <= PC_out+1; end if; END case; end process; ------------------------------------------------ -- Instr decoder ------------------------------------------------ process (opcpde) begin case opcpde is when "000000" => Instr <= Add_A_R; when "000001" => Instr <= Add_A_Mem; when "000010" => Instr <= Add_A_Dir; when "000011" => Instr <= Sub_A_R; when "000100" => Instr <= Sub_A_Mem; when "000101" => Instr <= Sub_A_Dir; when "000110" => Instr <= IncA; when "000111" => Instr <= DecA; when "001000" => Instr <= ShiftArithR; when "001001" => Instr <= ShiftArithL; when "001010" => Instr <= ShiftA_R; when "001011" => Instr <= ShiftA_L; when "001100" => Instr <= RRC; when "001101" => Instr <= RLC; when "001110" => Instr <= And_A_R; when "001111" => Instr <= OR_A_R; when "010000" => Instr <= XOR_A_R; when "010001" => Instr <= FlipA; when "010010" => Instr <= NegA; when "010011" => Instr <= Jmp; when "010100" => Instr <= JmpZ; when "010101" => Instr <= JmpOV; when "010110" => Instr <= JmpC; when "010111" => Instr <= Jmp_rel; when "011000" => Instr <= JMPEQ; when "011001" => Instr <= ClearZ; when "011010" => Instr <= ClearOV; when "011011" => Instr <= ClearC; when "011100" => Instr <= ClearACC; when "011101" => Instr <= LoadPC; when "011110" => Instr <= SavePC; when "011111" => Instr <= Load_A_Mem; when "100000" => Instr <= Store_A_Mem; when "100001" => Instr <= Load_R0_Dir; when "100010" => Instr <= Load_R0_Mem; when "100011" => Instr <= load_A_R; when "100100" => Instr <= load_R_A; when "100101" => Instr <= Load_Ind_A ; when "111100" => Instr <= PUSH; when "111101" => Instr <= POP; when "111110" => Instr <= NOP; when "111111" => Instr <= HALT; when others => Instr <= NOP; end case; end process; end RTL;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- hard_ethernet_mac_wrapper.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; library UNISIM; use UNISIM.VCOMPONENTS.ALL; library xps_ll_temac_v2_03_a; use xps_ll_temac_v2_03_a.all; entity hard_ethernet_mac_wrapper is port ( TemacIntc0_Irpt : out std_logic; TemacIntc1_Irpt : out std_logic; TemacPhy_RST_n : out std_logic; GTX_CLK_0 : in std_logic; MGTCLK_P : in std_logic; MGTCLK_N : in std_logic; REFCLK : in std_logic; DCLK : in std_logic; SPLB_Clk : in std_logic; SPLB_Rst : in std_logic; Core_Clk : in std_logic; PLB_ABus : in std_logic_vector(0 to 31); PLB_UABus : in std_logic_vector(0 to 31); PLB_PAValid : in std_logic; PLB_SAValid : in std_logic; PLB_rdPrim : in std_logic; PLB_wrPrim : in std_logic; PLB_masterID : in std_logic_vector(0 to 0); PLB_abort : in std_logic; PLB_busLock : in std_logic; PLB_RNW : in std_logic; PLB_BE : in std_logic_vector(0 to 15); PLB_MSize : in std_logic_vector(0 to 1); PLB_size : in std_logic_vector(0 to 3); PLB_type : in std_logic_vector(0 to 2); PLB_lockErr : in std_logic; PLB_wrDBus : in std_logic_vector(0 to 127); PLB_wrBurst : in std_logic; PLB_rdBurst : in std_logic; PLB_wrPendReq : in std_logic; PLB_rdPendReq : in std_logic; PLB_wrPendPri : in std_logic_vector(0 to 1); PLB_rdPendPri : in std_logic_vector(0 to 1); PLB_reqPri : in std_logic_vector(0 to 1); PLB_TAttribute : in std_logic_vector(0 to 15); Sl_addrAck : out std_logic; Sl_SSize : out std_logic_vector(0 to 1); Sl_wait : out std_logic; Sl_rearbitrate : out std_logic; Sl_wrDAck : out std_logic; Sl_wrComp : out std_logic; Sl_wrBTerm : out std_logic; Sl_rdDBus : out std_logic_vector(0 to 127); Sl_rdWdAddr : out std_logic_vector(0 to 3); Sl_rdDAck : out std_logic; Sl_rdComp : out std_logic; Sl_rdBTerm : out std_logic; Sl_MBusy : out std_logic_vector(0 to 0); Sl_MWrErr : out std_logic_vector(0 to 0); Sl_MRdErr : out std_logic_vector(0 to 0); Sl_MIRQ : out std_logic_vector(0 to 0); LlinkTemac0_CLK : in std_logic; LlinkTemac0_RST : in std_logic; LlinkTemac0_SOP_n : in std_logic; LlinkTemac0_EOP_n : in std_logic; LlinkTemac0_SOF_n : in std_logic; LlinkTemac0_EOF_n : in std_logic; LlinkTemac0_REM : in std_logic_vector(0 to 3); LlinkTemac0_Data : in std_logic_vector(0 to 31); LlinkTemac0_SRC_RDY_n : in std_logic; Temac0Llink_DST_RDY_n : out std_logic; Temac0Llink_SOP_n : out std_logic; Temac0Llink_EOP_n : out std_logic; Temac0Llink_SOF_n : out std_logic; Temac0Llink_EOF_n : out std_logic; Temac0Llink_REM : out std_logic_vector(0 to 3); Temac0Llink_Data : out std_logic_vector(0 to 31); Temac0Llink_SRC_RDY_n : out std_logic; LlinkTemac0_DST_RDY_n : in std_logic; LlinkTemac1_CLK : in std_logic; LlinkTemac1_RST : in std_logic; LlinkTemac1_SOP_n : in std_logic; LlinkTemac1_EOP_n : in std_logic; LlinkTemac1_SOF_n : in std_logic; LlinkTemac1_EOF_n : in std_logic; LlinkTemac1_REM : in std_logic_vector(0 to 3); LlinkTemac1_Data : in std_logic_vector(0 to 31); LlinkTemac1_SRC_RDY_n : in std_logic; Temac1Llink_DST_RDY_n : out std_logic; Temac1Llink_SOP_n : out std_logic; Temac1Llink_EOP_n : out std_logic; Temac1Llink_SOF_n : out std_logic; Temac1Llink_EOF_n : out std_logic; Temac1Llink_REM : out std_logic_vector(0 to 3); Temac1Llink_Data : out std_logic_vector(0 to 31); Temac1Llink_SRC_RDY_n : out std_logic; LlinkTemac1_DST_RDY_n : in std_logic; MII_TXD_0 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); MII_TX_EN_0 : out std_logic; MII_TX_ER_0 : out std_logic; MII_RXD_0 : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); MII_RX_DV_0 : in std_logic; MII_RX_ER_0 : in std_logic; MII_RX_CLK_0 : in std_logic; MII_TX_CLK_0 : in std_logic; MII_TXD_1 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); MII_TX_EN_1 : out std_logic; MII_TX_ER_1 : out std_logic; MII_RXD_1 : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); MII_RX_DV_1 : in std_logic; MII_RX_ER_1 : in std_logic; MII_RX_CLK_1 : in std_logic; MII_TX_CLK_1 : in std_logic; GMII_TXD_0 : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); GMII_TX_EN_0 : out std_logic; GMII_TX_ER_0 : out std_logic; GMII_TX_CLK_0 : out std_logic; GMII_RXD_0 : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); GMII_RX_DV_0 : in std_logic; GMII_RX_ER_0 : in std_logic; GMII_RX_CLK_0 : in std_logic; GMII_TXD_1 : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); GMII_TX_EN_1 : out std_logic; GMII_TX_ER_1 : out std_logic; GMII_TX_CLK_1 : out std_logic; GMII_RXD_1 : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); GMII_RX_DV_1 : in std_logic; GMII_RX_ER_1 : in std_logic; GMII_RX_CLK_1 : in std_logic; TXP_0 : out std_logic; TXN_0 : out std_logic; RXP_0 : in std_logic; RXN_0 : in std_logic; TXP_1 : out std_logic; TXN_1 : out std_logic; RXP_1 : in std_logic; RXN_1 : in std_logic; RGMII_TXD_0 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); RGMII_TX_CTL_0 : out std_logic; RGMII_TXC_0 : out std_logic; RGMII_RXD_0 : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); RGMII_RX_CTL_0 : in std_logic; RGMII_RXC_0 : in std_logic; RGMII_TXD_1 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); RGMII_TX_CTL_1 : out std_logic; RGMII_TXC_1 : out std_logic; RGMII_RXD_1 : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); RGMII_RX_CTL_1 : in std_logic; RGMII_RXC_1 : in std_logic; MDC_0 : out std_logic; MDC_1 : out std_logic; HostMiimRdy : in std_logic; HostRdData : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); HostMiimSel : out std_logic; HostReq : out std_logic; HostAddr : out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); HostEmac1Sel : out std_logic; Temac0AvbTxClk : out std_logic; Temac0AvbTxClkEn : out std_logic; Temac0AvbRxClk : out std_logic; Temac0AvbRxClkEn : out std_logic; Avb2Mac0TxData : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); Avb2Mac0TxDataValid : in std_logic; Avb2Mac0TxUnderrun : in std_logic; Mac02AvbTxAck : out std_logic; Mac02AvbRxData : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); Mac02AvbRxDataValid : out std_logic; Mac02AvbRxFrameGood : out std_logic; Mac02AvbRxFrameBad : out std_logic; Temac02AvbTxData : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); Temac02AvbTxDataValid : out std_logic; Temac02AvbTxUnderrun : out std_logic; Avb2Temac0TxAck : in std_logic; Avb2Temac0RxData : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); Avb2Temac0RxDataValid : in std_logic; Avb2Temac0RxFrameGood : in std_logic; Avb2Temac0RxFrameBad : in std_logic; Temac1AvbTxClk : out std_logic; Temac1AvbTxClkEn : out std_logic; Temac1AvbRxClk : out std_logic; Temac1AvbRxClkEn : out std_logic; Avb2Mac1TxData : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); Avb2Mac1TxDataValid : in std_logic; Avb2Mac1TxUnderrun : in std_logic; Mac12AvbTxAck : out std_logic; Mac12AvbRxData : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); Mac12AvbRxDataValid : out std_logic; Mac12AvbRxFrameGood : out std_logic; Mac12AvbRxFrameBad : out std_logic; Temac12AvbTxData : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); Temac12AvbTxDataValid : out std_logic; Temac12AvbTxUnderrun : out std_logic; Avb2Temac1TxAck : in std_logic; Avb2Temac1RxData : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); Avb2Temac1RxDataValid : in std_logic; Avb2Temac1RxFrameGood : in std_logic; Avb2Temac1RxFrameBad : in std_logic; TxClientClk_0 : out std_logic; ClientTxStat_0 : out std_logic; ClientTxStatsVld_0 : out std_logic; ClientTxStatsByteVld_0 : out std_logic; RxClientClk_0 : out std_logic; ClientRxStats_0 : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); ClientRxStatsVld_0 : out std_logic; ClientRxStatsByteVld_0 : out std_logic; TxClientClk_1 : out std_logic; ClientTxStat_1 : out std_logic; ClientTxStatsVld_1 : out std_logic; ClientTxStatsByteVld_1 : out std_logic; RxClientClk_1 : out std_logic; ClientRxStats_1 : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); ClientRxStatsVld_1 : out std_logic; ClientRxStatsByteVld_1 : out std_logic; MDIO_0_I : in std_logic; MDIO_0_O : out std_logic; MDIO_0_T : out std_logic; MDIO_1_I : in std_logic; MDIO_1_O : out std_logic; MDIO_1_T : out std_logic ); attribute x_core_info : STRING; attribute x_core_info of hard_ethernet_mac_wrapper : entity is "xps_ll_temac_v2_03_a"; end hard_ethernet_mac_wrapper; architecture STRUCTURE of hard_ethernet_mac_wrapper is component xps_ll_temac is generic ( C_NUM_IDELAYCTRL : INTEGER; C_SUBFAMILY : string; C_RESERVED : INTEGER; C_FAMILY : STRING; C_BASEADDR : std_logic_vector; C_HIGHADDR : std_logic_vector; C_SPLB_DWIDTH : INTEGER; C_SPLB_AWIDTH : INTEGER; C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS : INTEGER; C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH : INTEGER; C_SPLB_P2P : INTEGER; C_INCLUDE_IO : INTEGER; C_PHY_TYPE : INTEGER; C_TEMAC1_ENABLED : INTEGER; C_TEMAC0_TXFIFO : INTEGER; C_TEMAC0_RXFIFO : INTEGER; C_TEMAC1_TXFIFO : INTEGER; C_TEMAC1_RXFIFO : INTEGER; C_BUS2CORE_CLK_RATIO : INTEGER; C_TEMAC_TYPE : INTEGER; C_TEMAC0_TXCSUM : INTEGER; C_TEMAC0_RXCSUM : INTEGER; C_TEMAC1_TXCSUM : INTEGER; C_TEMAC1_RXCSUM : INTEGER; C_TEMAC0_PHYADDR : std_logic_vector; C_TEMAC1_PHYADDR : std_logic_vector; C_TEMAC0_TXVLAN_TRAN : INTEGER; C_TEMAC0_RXVLAN_TRAN : INTEGER; C_TEMAC1_TXVLAN_TRAN : INTEGER; C_TEMAC1_RXVLAN_TRAN : INTEGER; C_TEMAC0_TXVLAN_TAG : INTEGER; C_TEMAC0_RXVLAN_TAG : INTEGER; C_TEMAC1_TXVLAN_TAG : INTEGER; C_TEMAC1_RXVLAN_TAG : INTEGER; C_TEMAC0_TXVLAN_STRP : INTEGER; C_TEMAC0_RXVLAN_STRP : INTEGER; C_TEMAC1_TXVLAN_STRP : INTEGER; C_TEMAC1_RXVLAN_STRP : INTEGER; C_TEMAC0_MCAST_EXTEND : INTEGER; C_TEMAC1_MCAST_EXTEND : INTEGER; C_TEMAC0_STATS : INTEGER; C_TEMAC1_STATS : INTEGER; C_TEMAC0_AVB : INTEGER; C_TEMAC1_AVB : INTEGER; C_SIMULATION : INTEGER ); port ( TemacIntc0_Irpt : out std_logic; TemacIntc1_Irpt : out std_logic; TemacPhy_RST_n : out std_logic; GTX_CLK_0 : in std_logic; MGTCLK_P : in std_logic; MGTCLK_N : in std_logic; REFCLK : in std_logic; DCLK : in std_logic; SPLB_Clk : in std_logic; SPLB_Rst : in std_logic; Core_Clk : in std_logic; PLB_ABus : in std_logic_vector(0 to 31); PLB_UABus : in std_logic_vector(0 to 31); PLB_PAValid : in std_logic; PLB_SAValid : in std_logic; PLB_rdPrim : in std_logic; PLB_wrPrim : in std_logic; PLB_masterID : in std_logic_vector(0 to (C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH-1)); PLB_abort : in std_logic; PLB_busLock : in std_logic; PLB_RNW : in std_logic; PLB_BE : in std_logic_vector(0 to ((C_SPLB_DWIDTH/8)-1)); PLB_MSize : in std_logic_vector(0 to 1); PLB_size : in std_logic_vector(0 to 3); PLB_type : in std_logic_vector(0 to 2); PLB_lockErr : in std_logic; PLB_wrDBus : in std_logic_vector(0 to (C_SPLB_DWIDTH-1)); PLB_wrBurst : in std_logic; PLB_rdBurst : in std_logic; PLB_wrPendReq : in std_logic; PLB_rdPendReq : in std_logic; PLB_wrPendPri : in std_logic_vector(0 to 1); PLB_rdPendPri : in std_logic_vector(0 to 1); PLB_reqPri : in std_logic_vector(0 to 1); PLB_TAttribute : in std_logic_vector(0 to 15); Sl_addrAck : out std_logic; Sl_SSize : out std_logic_vector(0 to 1); Sl_wait : out std_logic; Sl_rearbitrate : out std_logic; Sl_wrDAck : out std_logic; Sl_wrComp : out std_logic; Sl_wrBTerm : out std_logic; Sl_rdDBus : out std_logic_vector(0 to (C_SPLB_DWIDTH-1)); Sl_rdWdAddr : out std_logic_vector(0 to 3); Sl_rdDAck : out std_logic; Sl_rdComp : out std_logic; Sl_rdBTerm : out std_logic; Sl_MBusy : out std_logic_vector(0 to (C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1)); Sl_MWrErr : out std_logic_vector(0 to (C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1)); Sl_MRdErr : out std_logic_vector(0 to (C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1)); Sl_MIRQ : out std_logic_vector(0 to (C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS-1)); LlinkTemac0_CLK : in std_logic; LlinkTemac0_RST : in std_logic; LlinkTemac0_SOP_n : in std_logic; LlinkTemac0_EOP_n : in std_logic; LlinkTemac0_SOF_n : in std_logic; LlinkTemac0_EOF_n : in std_logic; LlinkTemac0_REM : in std_logic_vector(0 to 3); LlinkTemac0_Data : in std_logic_vector(0 to 31); LlinkTemac0_SRC_RDY_n : in std_logic; Temac0Llink_DST_RDY_n : out std_logic; Temac0Llink_SOP_n : out std_logic; Temac0Llink_EOP_n : out std_logic; Temac0Llink_SOF_n : out std_logic; Temac0Llink_EOF_n : out std_logic; Temac0Llink_REM : out std_logic_vector(0 to 3); Temac0Llink_Data : out std_logic_vector(0 to 31); Temac0Llink_SRC_RDY_n : out std_logic; LlinkTemac0_DST_RDY_n : in std_logic; LlinkTemac1_CLK : in std_logic; LlinkTemac1_RST : in std_logic; LlinkTemac1_SOP_n : in std_logic; LlinkTemac1_EOP_n : in std_logic; LlinkTemac1_SOF_n : in std_logic; LlinkTemac1_EOF_n : in std_logic; LlinkTemac1_REM : in std_logic_vector(0 to 3); LlinkTemac1_Data : in std_logic_vector(0 to 31); LlinkTemac1_SRC_RDY_n : in std_logic; Temac1Llink_DST_RDY_n : out std_logic; Temac1Llink_SOP_n : out std_logic; Temac1Llink_EOP_n : out std_logic; Temac1Llink_SOF_n : out std_logic; Temac1Llink_EOF_n : out std_logic; Temac1Llink_REM : out std_logic_vector(0 to 3); Temac1Llink_Data : out std_logic_vector(0 to 31); Temac1Llink_SRC_RDY_n : out std_logic; LlinkTemac1_DST_RDY_n : in std_logic; MII_TXD_0 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); MII_TX_EN_0 : out std_logic; MII_TX_ER_0 : out std_logic; MII_RXD_0 : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); MII_RX_DV_0 : in std_logic; MII_RX_ER_0 : in std_logic; MII_RX_CLK_0 : in std_logic; MII_TX_CLK_0 : in std_logic; MII_TXD_1 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); MII_TX_EN_1 : out std_logic; MII_TX_ER_1 : out std_logic; MII_RXD_1 : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); MII_RX_DV_1 : in std_logic; MII_RX_ER_1 : in std_logic; MII_RX_CLK_1 : in std_logic; MII_TX_CLK_1 : in std_logic; GMII_TXD_0 : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); GMII_TX_EN_0 : out std_logic; GMII_TX_ER_0 : out std_logic; GMII_TX_CLK_0 : out std_logic; GMII_RXD_0 : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); GMII_RX_DV_0 : in std_logic; GMII_RX_ER_0 : in std_logic; GMII_RX_CLK_0 : in std_logic; GMII_TXD_1 : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); GMII_TX_EN_1 : out std_logic; GMII_TX_ER_1 : out std_logic; GMII_TX_CLK_1 : out std_logic; GMII_RXD_1 : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); GMII_RX_DV_1 : in std_logic; GMII_RX_ER_1 : in std_logic; GMII_RX_CLK_1 : in std_logic; TXP_0 : out std_logic; TXN_0 : out std_logic; RXP_0 : in std_logic; RXN_0 : in std_logic; TXP_1 : out std_logic; TXN_1 : out std_logic; RXP_1 : in std_logic; RXN_1 : in std_logic; RGMII_TXD_0 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); RGMII_TX_CTL_0 : out std_logic; RGMII_TXC_0 : out std_logic; RGMII_RXD_0 : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); RGMII_RX_CTL_0 : in std_logic; RGMII_RXC_0 : in std_logic; RGMII_TXD_1 : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); RGMII_TX_CTL_1 : out std_logic; RGMII_TXC_1 : out std_logic; RGMII_RXD_1 : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); RGMII_RX_CTL_1 : in std_logic; RGMII_RXC_1 : in std_logic; MDC_0 : out std_logic; MDC_1 : out std_logic; HostMiimRdy : in std_logic; HostRdData : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); HostMiimSel : out std_logic; HostReq : out std_logic; HostAddr : out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); HostEmac1Sel : out std_logic; Temac0AvbTxClk : out std_logic; Temac0AvbTxClkEn : out std_logic; Temac0AvbRxClk : out std_logic; Temac0AvbRxClkEn : out std_logic; Avb2Mac0TxData : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); Avb2Mac0TxDataValid : in std_logic; Avb2Mac0TxUnderrun : in std_logic; Mac02AvbTxAck : out std_logic; Mac02AvbRxData : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); Mac02AvbRxDataValid : out std_logic; Mac02AvbRxFrameGood : out std_logic; Mac02AvbRxFrameBad : out std_logic; Temac02AvbTxData : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); Temac02AvbTxDataValid : out std_logic; Temac02AvbTxUnderrun : out std_logic; Avb2Temac0TxAck : in std_logic; Avb2Temac0RxData : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); Avb2Temac0RxDataValid : in std_logic; Avb2Temac0RxFrameGood : in std_logic; Avb2Temac0RxFrameBad : in std_logic; Temac1AvbTxClk : out std_logic; Temac1AvbTxClkEn : out std_logic; Temac1AvbRxClk : out std_logic; Temac1AvbRxClkEn : out std_logic; Avb2Mac1TxData : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); Avb2Mac1TxDataValid : in std_logic; Avb2Mac1TxUnderrun : in std_logic; Mac12AvbTxAck : out std_logic; Mac12AvbRxData : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); Mac12AvbRxDataValid : out std_logic; Mac12AvbRxFrameGood : out std_logic; Mac12AvbRxFrameBad : out std_logic; Temac12AvbTxData : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); Temac12AvbTxDataValid : out std_logic; Temac12AvbTxUnderrun : out std_logic; Avb2Temac1TxAck : in std_logic; Avb2Temac1RxData : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); Avb2Temac1RxDataValid : in std_logic; Avb2Temac1RxFrameGood : in std_logic; Avb2Temac1RxFrameBad : in std_logic; TxClientClk_0 : out std_logic; ClientTxStat_0 : out std_logic; ClientTxStatsVld_0 : out std_logic; ClientTxStatsByteVld_0 : out std_logic; RxClientClk_0 : out std_logic; ClientRxStats_0 : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); ClientRxStatsVld_0 : out std_logic; ClientRxStatsByteVld_0 : out std_logic; TxClientClk_1 : out std_logic; ClientTxStat_1 : out std_logic; ClientTxStatsVld_1 : out std_logic; ClientTxStatsByteVld_1 : out std_logic; RxClientClk_1 : out std_logic; ClientRxStats_1 : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); ClientRxStatsVld_1 : out std_logic; ClientRxStatsByteVld_1 : out std_logic; MDIO_0_I : in std_logic; MDIO_0_O : out std_logic; MDIO_0_T : out std_logic; MDIO_1_I : in std_logic; MDIO_1_O : out std_logic; MDIO_1_T : out std_logic ); end component; begin Hard_Ethernet_MAC : xps_ll_temac generic map ( C_NUM_IDELAYCTRL => 0, C_SUBFAMILY => "FX", C_RESERVED => 0, C_FAMILY => "virtex5", C_BASEADDR => X"83c80000", C_HIGHADDR => X"83cfffff", C_SPLB_DWIDTH => 128, C_SPLB_AWIDTH => 32, C_SPLB_NUM_MASTERS => 1, C_SPLB_MID_WIDTH => 1, C_SPLB_P2P => 0, C_INCLUDE_IO => 1, C_PHY_TYPE => 0, C_TEMAC1_ENABLED => 0, C_TEMAC0_TXFIFO => 4096, C_TEMAC0_RXFIFO => 4096, C_TEMAC1_TXFIFO => 4096, C_TEMAC1_RXFIFO => 4096, C_BUS2CORE_CLK_RATIO => 1, C_TEMAC_TYPE => 0, C_TEMAC0_TXCSUM => 0, C_TEMAC0_RXCSUM => 0, C_TEMAC1_TXCSUM => 0, C_TEMAC1_RXCSUM => 0, C_TEMAC0_PHYADDR => B"00001", C_TEMAC1_PHYADDR => B"00010", C_TEMAC0_TXVLAN_TRAN => 0, C_TEMAC0_RXVLAN_TRAN => 0, C_TEMAC1_TXVLAN_TRAN => 0, C_TEMAC1_RXVLAN_TRAN => 0, C_TEMAC0_TXVLAN_TAG => 0, C_TEMAC0_RXVLAN_TAG => 0, C_TEMAC1_TXVLAN_TAG => 0, C_TEMAC1_RXVLAN_TAG => 0, C_TEMAC0_TXVLAN_STRP => 0, C_TEMAC0_RXVLAN_STRP => 0, C_TEMAC1_TXVLAN_STRP => 0, C_TEMAC1_RXVLAN_STRP => 0, C_TEMAC0_MCAST_EXTEND => 0, C_TEMAC1_MCAST_EXTEND => 0, C_TEMAC0_STATS => 0, C_TEMAC1_STATS => 0, C_TEMAC0_AVB => 0, C_TEMAC1_AVB => 0, C_SIMULATION => 0 ) port map ( TemacIntc0_Irpt => TemacIntc0_Irpt, TemacIntc1_Irpt => TemacIntc1_Irpt, TemacPhy_RST_n => TemacPhy_RST_n, GTX_CLK_0 => GTX_CLK_0, MGTCLK_P => MGTCLK_P, MGTCLK_N => MGTCLK_N, REFCLK => REFCLK, DCLK => DCLK, SPLB_Clk => SPLB_Clk, SPLB_Rst => SPLB_Rst, Core_Clk => Core_Clk, PLB_ABus => PLB_ABus, PLB_UABus => PLB_UABus, PLB_PAValid => PLB_PAValid, PLB_SAValid => PLB_SAValid, PLB_rdPrim => PLB_rdPrim, PLB_wrPrim => PLB_wrPrim, PLB_masterID => PLB_masterID, PLB_abort => PLB_abort, PLB_busLock => PLB_busLock, PLB_RNW => PLB_RNW, PLB_BE => PLB_BE, PLB_MSize => PLB_MSize, PLB_size => PLB_size, PLB_type => PLB_type, PLB_lockErr => PLB_lockErr, PLB_wrDBus => PLB_wrDBus, PLB_wrBurst => PLB_wrBurst, PLB_rdBurst => PLB_rdBurst, PLB_wrPendReq => PLB_wrPendReq, PLB_rdPendReq => PLB_rdPendReq, PLB_wrPendPri => PLB_wrPendPri, PLB_rdPendPri => PLB_rdPendPri, PLB_reqPri => PLB_reqPri, PLB_TAttribute => PLB_TAttribute, Sl_addrAck => Sl_addrAck, Sl_SSize => Sl_SSize, Sl_wait => Sl_wait, Sl_rearbitrate => Sl_rearbitrate, Sl_wrDAck => Sl_wrDAck, Sl_wrComp => Sl_wrComp, Sl_wrBTerm => Sl_wrBTerm, Sl_rdDBus => Sl_rdDBus, Sl_rdWdAddr => Sl_rdWdAddr, Sl_rdDAck => Sl_rdDAck, Sl_rdComp => Sl_rdComp, Sl_rdBTerm => Sl_rdBTerm, Sl_MBusy => Sl_MBusy, Sl_MWrErr => Sl_MWrErr, Sl_MRdErr => Sl_MRdErr, Sl_MIRQ => Sl_MIRQ, LlinkTemac0_CLK => LlinkTemac0_CLK, LlinkTemac0_RST => LlinkTemac0_RST, LlinkTemac0_SOP_n => LlinkTemac0_SOP_n, LlinkTemac0_EOP_n => LlinkTemac0_EOP_n, LlinkTemac0_SOF_n => LlinkTemac0_SOF_n, LlinkTemac0_EOF_n => LlinkTemac0_EOF_n, LlinkTemac0_REM => LlinkTemac0_REM, LlinkTemac0_Data => LlinkTemac0_Data, LlinkTemac0_SRC_RDY_n => LlinkTemac0_SRC_RDY_n, Temac0Llink_DST_RDY_n => Temac0Llink_DST_RDY_n, Temac0Llink_SOP_n => Temac0Llink_SOP_n, Temac0Llink_EOP_n => Temac0Llink_EOP_n, Temac0Llink_SOF_n => Temac0Llink_SOF_n, Temac0Llink_EOF_n => Temac0Llink_EOF_n, Temac0Llink_REM => Temac0Llink_REM, Temac0Llink_Data => Temac0Llink_Data, Temac0Llink_SRC_RDY_n => Temac0Llink_SRC_RDY_n, LlinkTemac0_DST_RDY_n => LlinkTemac0_DST_RDY_n, LlinkTemac1_CLK => LlinkTemac1_CLK, LlinkTemac1_RST => LlinkTemac1_RST, LlinkTemac1_SOP_n => LlinkTemac1_SOP_n, LlinkTemac1_EOP_n => LlinkTemac1_EOP_n, LlinkTemac1_SOF_n => LlinkTemac1_SOF_n, LlinkTemac1_EOF_n => LlinkTemac1_EOF_n, LlinkTemac1_REM => LlinkTemac1_REM, LlinkTemac1_Data => LlinkTemac1_Data, LlinkTemac1_SRC_RDY_n => LlinkTemac1_SRC_RDY_n, Temac1Llink_DST_RDY_n => Temac1Llink_DST_RDY_n, Temac1Llink_SOP_n => Temac1Llink_SOP_n, Temac1Llink_EOP_n => Temac1Llink_EOP_n, Temac1Llink_SOF_n => Temac1Llink_SOF_n, Temac1Llink_EOF_n => Temac1Llink_EOF_n, Temac1Llink_REM => Temac1Llink_REM, Temac1Llink_Data => Temac1Llink_Data, Temac1Llink_SRC_RDY_n => Temac1Llink_SRC_RDY_n, LlinkTemac1_DST_RDY_n => LlinkTemac1_DST_RDY_n, MII_TXD_0 => MII_TXD_0, MII_TX_EN_0 => MII_TX_EN_0, MII_TX_ER_0 => MII_TX_ER_0, MII_RXD_0 => MII_RXD_0, MII_RX_DV_0 => MII_RX_DV_0, MII_RX_ER_0 => MII_RX_ER_0, MII_RX_CLK_0 => MII_RX_CLK_0, MII_TX_CLK_0 => MII_TX_CLK_0, MII_TXD_1 => MII_TXD_1, MII_TX_EN_1 => MII_TX_EN_1, MII_TX_ER_1 => MII_TX_ER_1, MII_RXD_1 => MII_RXD_1, MII_RX_DV_1 => MII_RX_DV_1, MII_RX_ER_1 => MII_RX_ER_1, MII_RX_CLK_1 => MII_RX_CLK_1, MII_TX_CLK_1 => MII_TX_CLK_1, GMII_TXD_0 => GMII_TXD_0, GMII_TX_EN_0 => GMII_TX_EN_0, GMII_TX_ER_0 => GMII_TX_ER_0, GMII_TX_CLK_0 => GMII_TX_CLK_0, GMII_RXD_0 => GMII_RXD_0, GMII_RX_DV_0 => GMII_RX_DV_0, GMII_RX_ER_0 => GMII_RX_ER_0, GMII_RX_CLK_0 => GMII_RX_CLK_0, GMII_TXD_1 => GMII_TXD_1, GMII_TX_EN_1 => GMII_TX_EN_1, GMII_TX_ER_1 => GMII_TX_ER_1, GMII_TX_CLK_1 => GMII_TX_CLK_1, GMII_RXD_1 => GMII_RXD_1, GMII_RX_DV_1 => GMII_RX_DV_1, GMII_RX_ER_1 => GMII_RX_ER_1, GMII_RX_CLK_1 => GMII_RX_CLK_1, TXP_0 => TXP_0, TXN_0 => TXN_0, RXP_0 => RXP_0, RXN_0 => RXN_0, TXP_1 => TXP_1, TXN_1 => TXN_1, RXP_1 => RXP_1, RXN_1 => RXN_1, RGMII_TXD_0 => RGMII_TXD_0, RGMII_TX_CTL_0 => RGMII_TX_CTL_0, RGMII_TXC_0 => RGMII_TXC_0, RGMII_RXD_0 => RGMII_RXD_0, RGMII_RX_CTL_0 => RGMII_RX_CTL_0, RGMII_RXC_0 => RGMII_RXC_0, RGMII_TXD_1 => RGMII_TXD_1, RGMII_TX_CTL_1 => RGMII_TX_CTL_1, RGMII_TXC_1 => RGMII_TXC_1, RGMII_RXD_1 => RGMII_RXD_1, RGMII_RX_CTL_1 => RGMII_RX_CTL_1, RGMII_RXC_1 => RGMII_RXC_1, MDC_0 => MDC_0, MDC_1 => MDC_1, HostMiimRdy => HostMiimRdy, HostRdData => HostRdData, HostMiimSel => HostMiimSel, HostReq => HostReq, HostAddr => HostAddr, HostEmac1Sel => HostEmac1Sel, Temac0AvbTxClk => Temac0AvbTxClk, Temac0AvbTxClkEn => Temac0AvbTxClkEn, Temac0AvbRxClk => Temac0AvbRxClk, Temac0AvbRxClkEn => Temac0AvbRxClkEn, Avb2Mac0TxData => Avb2Mac0TxData, Avb2Mac0TxDataValid => Avb2Mac0TxDataValid, Avb2Mac0TxUnderrun => Avb2Mac0TxUnderrun, Mac02AvbTxAck => Mac02AvbTxAck, Mac02AvbRxData => Mac02AvbRxData, Mac02AvbRxDataValid => Mac02AvbRxDataValid, Mac02AvbRxFrameGood => Mac02AvbRxFrameGood, Mac02AvbRxFrameBad => Mac02AvbRxFrameBad, Temac02AvbTxData => Temac02AvbTxData, Temac02AvbTxDataValid => Temac02AvbTxDataValid, Temac02AvbTxUnderrun => Temac02AvbTxUnderrun, Avb2Temac0TxAck => Avb2Temac0TxAck, Avb2Temac0RxData => Avb2Temac0RxData, Avb2Temac0RxDataValid => Avb2Temac0RxDataValid, Avb2Temac0RxFrameGood => Avb2Temac0RxFrameGood, Avb2Temac0RxFrameBad => Avb2Temac0RxFrameBad, Temac1AvbTxClk => Temac1AvbTxClk, Temac1AvbTxClkEn => Temac1AvbTxClkEn, Temac1AvbRxClk => Temac1AvbRxClk, Temac1AvbRxClkEn => Temac1AvbRxClkEn, Avb2Mac1TxData => Avb2Mac1TxData, Avb2Mac1TxDataValid => Avb2Mac1TxDataValid, Avb2Mac1TxUnderrun => Avb2Mac1TxUnderrun, Mac12AvbTxAck => Mac12AvbTxAck, Mac12AvbRxData => Mac12AvbRxData, Mac12AvbRxDataValid => Mac12AvbRxDataValid, Mac12AvbRxFrameGood => Mac12AvbRxFrameGood, Mac12AvbRxFrameBad => Mac12AvbRxFrameBad, Temac12AvbTxData => Temac12AvbTxData, Temac12AvbTxDataValid => Temac12AvbTxDataValid, Temac12AvbTxUnderrun => Temac12AvbTxUnderrun, Avb2Temac1TxAck => Avb2Temac1TxAck, Avb2Temac1RxData => Avb2Temac1RxData, Avb2Temac1RxDataValid => Avb2Temac1RxDataValid, Avb2Temac1RxFrameGood => Avb2Temac1RxFrameGood, Avb2Temac1RxFrameBad => Avb2Temac1RxFrameBad, TxClientClk_0 => TxClientClk_0, ClientTxStat_0 => ClientTxStat_0, ClientTxStatsVld_0 => ClientTxStatsVld_0, ClientTxStatsByteVld_0 => ClientTxStatsByteVld_0, RxClientClk_0 => RxClientClk_0, ClientRxStats_0 => ClientRxStats_0, ClientRxStatsVld_0 => ClientRxStatsVld_0, ClientRxStatsByteVld_0 => ClientRxStatsByteVld_0, TxClientClk_1 => TxClientClk_1, ClientTxStat_1 => ClientTxStat_1, ClientTxStatsVld_1 => ClientTxStatsVld_1, ClientTxStatsByteVld_1 => ClientTxStatsByteVld_1, RxClientClk_1 => RxClientClk_1, ClientRxStats_1 => ClientRxStats_1, ClientRxStatsVld_1 => ClientRxStatsVld_1, ClientRxStatsByteVld_1 => ClientRxStatsByteVld_1, MDIO_0_I => MDIO_0_I, MDIO_0_O => MDIO_0_O, MDIO_0_T => MDIO_0_T, MDIO_1_I => MDIO_1_I, MDIO_1_O => MDIO_1_O, MDIO_1_T => MDIO_1_T ); end architecture STRUCTURE;
library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; entity projeto1 is port ( e : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0):= "0100"; s: out std_logic_vector (6 downto 0) ); end projeto1; architecture Behavioral of projeto1 is begin -- Alteração feita para relatório. s <= "1111110" when e = "0000" else "0110000" when e = "0001" else "1101101" when e = "0010" else "1111001" when e = "0011" else "0110010" when e = "0100" else "1011010" when e = "0101" else "1011111" when e = "0110" else "1110000" when e = "0111" else "1111111" when e = "1000" else "1111011" when e = "1001"; end Behavioral;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;
function Pow2( N, Exp : integer ) return mylib.myinteger is Variable Result : integer := 1; begin for i in 1 to Exp loop Result := Result * N; end loop; return( Result ); end Pow;