-- ============================================================== -- File generated by Vivado(TM) HLS - High-Level Synthesis from C, C++ and SystemC -- Version: 2014.4 -- Copyright (C) 2014 Xilinx Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- ============================================================== library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; entity image_filter_mul_8ns_22ns_30_3_MAC3S_0 is port ( clk: in std_logic; ce: in std_logic; a: in std_logic_vector(8 - 1 downto 0); b: in std_logic_vector(22 - 1 downto 0); p: out std_logic_vector(30 - 1 downto 0)); end entity; architecture behav of image_filter_mul_8ns_22ns_30_3_MAC3S_0 is signal tmp_product : std_logic_vector(30 - 1 downto 0); signal a_i : std_logic_vector(8 - 1 downto 0); signal b_i : std_logic_vector(22 - 1 downto 0); signal p_tmp : std_logic_vector(30 - 1 downto 0); signal a_reg0 : std_logic_vector(8 - 1 downto 0); signal b_reg0 : std_logic_vector(22 - 1 downto 0); attribute keep : string; attribute keep of a_i : signal is "true"; attribute keep of b_i : signal is "true"; signal buff0 : std_logic_vector(30 - 1 downto 0); begin a_i <= a; b_i <= b; p <= p_tmp; p_tmp <= buff0; tmp_product <= std_logic_vector(resize(unsigned(a_reg0) * unsigned(b_reg0), 30)); process(clk) begin if (clk'event and clk = '1') then if (ce = '1') then a_reg0 <= a_i; b_reg0 <= b_i; buff0 <= tmp_product; end if; end if; end process; end architecture; Library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity image_filter_mul_8ns_22ns_30_3 is generic ( ID : INTEGER; NUM_STAGE : INTEGER; din0_WIDTH : INTEGER; din1_WIDTH : INTEGER; dout_WIDTH : INTEGER); port ( clk : IN STD_LOGIC; reset : IN STD_LOGIC; ce : IN STD_LOGIC; din0 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(din0_WIDTH - 1 DOWNTO 0); din1 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(din1_WIDTH - 1 DOWNTO 0); dout : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(dout_WIDTH - 1 DOWNTO 0)); end entity; architecture arch of image_filter_mul_8ns_22ns_30_3 is component image_filter_mul_8ns_22ns_30_3_MAC3S_0 is port ( clk : IN STD_LOGIC; ce : IN STD_LOGIC; a : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; b : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; p : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR); end component; begin image_filter_mul_8ns_22ns_30_3_MAC3S_0_U : component image_filter_mul_8ns_22ns_30_3_MAC3S_0 port map ( clk => clk, ce => ce, a => din0, b => din1, p => dout); end architecture;
-- ============================================================== -- File generated by Vivado(TM) HLS - High-Level Synthesis from C, C++ and SystemC -- Version: 2014.4 -- Copyright (C) 2014 Xilinx Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- ============================================================== library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; entity image_filter_mul_8ns_22ns_30_3_MAC3S_0 is port ( clk: in std_logic; ce: in std_logic; a: in std_logic_vector(8 - 1 downto 0); b: in std_logic_vector(22 - 1 downto 0); p: out std_logic_vector(30 - 1 downto 0)); end entity; architecture behav of image_filter_mul_8ns_22ns_30_3_MAC3S_0 is signal tmp_product : std_logic_vector(30 - 1 downto 0); signal a_i : std_logic_vector(8 - 1 downto 0); signal b_i : std_logic_vector(22 - 1 downto 0); signal p_tmp : std_logic_vector(30 - 1 downto 0); signal a_reg0 : std_logic_vector(8 - 1 downto 0); signal b_reg0 : std_logic_vector(22 - 1 downto 0); attribute keep : string; attribute keep of a_i : signal is "true"; attribute keep of b_i : signal is "true"; signal buff0 : std_logic_vector(30 - 1 downto 0); begin a_i <= a; b_i <= b; p <= p_tmp; p_tmp <= buff0; tmp_product <= std_logic_vector(resize(unsigned(a_reg0) * unsigned(b_reg0), 30)); process(clk) begin if (clk'event and clk = '1') then if (ce = '1') then a_reg0 <= a_i; b_reg0 <= b_i; buff0 <= tmp_product; end if; end if; end process; end architecture; Library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity image_filter_mul_8ns_22ns_30_3 is generic ( ID : INTEGER; NUM_STAGE : INTEGER; din0_WIDTH : INTEGER; din1_WIDTH : INTEGER; dout_WIDTH : INTEGER); port ( clk : IN STD_LOGIC; reset : IN STD_LOGIC; ce : IN STD_LOGIC; din0 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(din0_WIDTH - 1 DOWNTO 0); din1 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(din1_WIDTH - 1 DOWNTO 0); dout : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(dout_WIDTH - 1 DOWNTO 0)); end entity; architecture arch of image_filter_mul_8ns_22ns_30_3 is component image_filter_mul_8ns_22ns_30_3_MAC3S_0 is port ( clk : IN STD_LOGIC; ce : IN STD_LOGIC; a : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; b : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; p : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR); end component; begin image_filter_mul_8ns_22ns_30_3_MAC3S_0_U : component image_filter_mul_8ns_22ns_30_3_MAC3S_0 port map ( clk => clk, ce => ce, a => din0, b => din1, p => dout); end architecture;
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use work.Types.all; package SramPack is constant SramDataW : positive := 16; constant SramAddrW : positive := 18; end package; package body SramPack is end package body;
`protect begin_protected `protect version = 1 `protect encrypt_agent = "XILINX" `protect encrypt_agent_info = "Xilinx Encryption Tool 2013" `protect key_keyowner = "Cadence Design Systems.", key_keyname= "cds_rsa_key", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 64) `protect key_block TV2XFFJjKe0jaTjAs/EQo2VJ3TywTzbpxvlIaNQjg60ylFLuwhxEBk9qed2M0AZwzEqqFkuW6t0x WPViSyGgEg== `protect key_keyowner = "Mentor Graphics Corporation", key_keyname= "MGC-VERIF-SIM-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block dLKlpdQ5m8v2QaliwIC4cgW+nKHsZAuQfM50GisqoI1iNfLhNQJC9IoaoMNdIT55JlezzguKsnhY pRcd8/tL64SId03V7G5Mn9GpHe4XE+q+BJL1oIcwHZJ5cPJl2OihozZ7yGKmKj5X3rHOcF2hpYY1 1quFufe4NmmQc49gDnA= `protect key_keyowner = "Xilinx", key_keyname= "xilinx_2013_09", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block X/pUY6DHdMuv8UZplDFUD5HkhLr78D0ZYk4JNSRiQ0rTlZn6Fihmo8DgXrh4j3arm0IIY9cSgjfu 10YEotuuIjVvKQ5GU+KB/lhKrHNeWM+qR8FBa+PEoAF/lfHcFjwupF4za/E4xxlhqYiKKuVVzPzC Q9czCF3WcJ0KP+Suq4cdojt4a8q2X7YdkBLJT6F0N+MoI8YmkxWNRoD1EpLpTGPVoY+NkKvc7cvA GpXPpiakm0kZJ1BxRB5Upt0V2QPAwHcThPDGfOEEs+8/a8e/sZECcjJfLfNFdIiJdHQpBs/HyM3S 1aJ1vHeNsupETc0oE/zKiCzSTCejRamhr58NQw== `protect key_keyowner = "Synopsys", key_keyname= "SNPS-VCS-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block t6GJHxHks7sdRx/S521s/K2zpUxpOQfHxzATOV8KLnNymz7YljV5m++1ma3rmYA5PJhe+jRcz2kL No8vibIgSB6As7iujW6F3HjA5grnIS493cDwMDJhQckPiAuRsTB5A3zRFGQpF2tUgi0bUepfd7aB gZSK7bZyAw4zXEPq8UM= `protect key_keyowner = "Aldec", key_keyname= "ALDEC08_001", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block bBeXXzlmxLeqUWyBKORCy1TsPfPgqe9f+r+jFOpb2tJB7GVJ5lTWfqqZtZem2IlNopzb1SPY6rgg sVNVy9z6A2dFk2ZfXQv35hXht014TEaH/gERjXn8bygUghqjq9BW2DhEgpVyrfZ8oGQ7sXntap3F yGR3dkbK6jY0e/Tor3EuYZooT8bqvTqgec2FJphkO45mctSeBCofcygyRG1PEyDHNdJau65KHACx Z3DOHFErdSlXVJKPjqx2dSJB7CyERx8zJql4pZ8ronQPmilCfZi43bSVL1POlc+u/IM3SoqWVP3g 2L2Hn9S73yXiu4gxxkVnOoM9hB6WMyQo09aANg== `protect data_method = "AES128-CBC" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 4480) `protect data_block JOiKncXj4nyuGKsK7EpB8W1suvqdx8OBCwM9QzIc3Ovr/cW/5Y/lGGaIqEx3cAkxEhFZsr21QQnc OHAmTwBhTpckv1Ryzrl4jqnCg0mNWGvZVYC3y3ZszE4WFrFSjBu0C1znub1bHveR/OsIvWwGk1Gd ioiNoZd3YW3a9f3ei2vrNqDn1u+NWHS/enqDey7iCuqQ0Hx+OyOylJoln3TDbJYbx72RGrRRSHhp AuMRorYxJS33E2h/AliSeryFvd6IQV4uZmaX4zUUAKrIvSXSztDJMMYhITXAXoHo100YVk92NUrI RpT+eLNEY8S5yC7fehqLVHkARAw3ZOXVs0vSjZuGce9w1k1YRwf4bgObFBRjz+vP8E7xFuBUaJyK KGq+tIkKW3iOlm1tvvg+ck9ajYx/AViuJE5Tlyj55D+UPmlvdUrIbK23u9mzKd1YiLRW4uk/0PBO hAnjo2nleBn4VRivs/rM90BNyMbNTV+VpAc9gy94eTtK38HUp66giw0QEkxG6674+inMQ/zGk80K 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Fq0ierXTT2gIDonj226FB/qgb1WC1qH5NzCQt27YAWsbCcgIb334dT4kzVlIei46UE3EyfR942ns /0Ujslfarf91Ahhne/CvSGVJtswxzS+PQti9RwtDwNNdRzESLLeXvrFES67R1TVX00L5VnZcH1yY biCuDI/RTycI7iC0bjZTAiTqXvz7KzgiPFaLUEu0Q0d66hER2Ob+1J3YVASbKCqAH8xoxsFTewml YaNOS3e/z8tczC3LNDKRpW6mCMBNz+Zdx+2+gwACeR3fgj1cskBBxNjCKnd7tfYTDn86mY7VssLM 8c+hDRdEEzpwvPLWCwEmhR/nl0BPTFetAXi75AiN95JeCqmWEWUxN/3DONb7ODV7dKtqKQxL584K wMTyA0LjL2X7erivJFvWX6ee0RAR9jSDs0ZMC6g8vQeN8d2b9tzx55QgyMzwhYYOgkWHc+JmNq7m x97j9PsLbGRhxs6hsMPA/J9ufFKWmKu14wbMHNtBINhEbQ== `protect end_protected
`protect begin_protected `protect version = 1 `protect encrypt_agent = "XILINX" `protect encrypt_agent_info = "Xilinx Encryption Tool 2013" `protect key_keyowner = "Cadence Design Systems.", key_keyname= "cds_rsa_key", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 64) `protect key_block TV2XFFJjKe0jaTjAs/EQo2VJ3TywTzbpxvlIaNQjg60ylFLuwhxEBk9qed2M0AZwzEqqFkuW6t0x WPViSyGgEg== `protect key_keyowner = "Mentor Graphics Corporation", key_keyname= "MGC-VERIF-SIM-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block dLKlpdQ5m8v2QaliwIC4cgW+nKHsZAuQfM50GisqoI1iNfLhNQJC9IoaoMNdIT55JlezzguKsnhY pRcd8/tL64SId03V7G5Mn9GpHe4XE+q+BJL1oIcwHZJ5cPJl2OihozZ7yGKmKj5X3rHOcF2hpYY1 1quFufe4NmmQc49gDnA= `protect key_keyowner = "Xilinx", key_keyname= "xilinx_2013_09", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block X/pUY6DHdMuv8UZplDFUD5HkhLr78D0ZYk4JNSRiQ0rTlZn6Fihmo8DgXrh4j3arm0IIY9cSgjfu 10YEotuuIjVvKQ5GU+KB/lhKrHNeWM+qR8FBa+PEoAF/lfHcFjwupF4za/E4xxlhqYiKKuVVzPzC Q9czCF3WcJ0KP+Suq4cdojt4a8q2X7YdkBLJT6F0N+MoI8YmkxWNRoD1EpLpTGPVoY+NkKvc7cvA GpXPpiakm0kZJ1BxRB5Upt0V2QPAwHcThPDGfOEEs+8/a8e/sZECcjJfLfNFdIiJdHQpBs/HyM3S 1aJ1vHeNsupETc0oE/zKiCzSTCejRamhr58NQw== `protect key_keyowner = "Synopsys", key_keyname= "SNPS-VCS-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block t6GJHxHks7sdRx/S521s/K2zpUxpOQfHxzATOV8KLnNymz7YljV5m++1ma3rmYA5PJhe+jRcz2kL No8vibIgSB6As7iujW6F3HjA5grnIS493cDwMDJhQckPiAuRsTB5A3zRFGQpF2tUgi0bUepfd7aB gZSK7bZyAw4zXEPq8UM= `protect key_keyowner = "Aldec", key_keyname= "ALDEC08_001", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block bBeXXzlmxLeqUWyBKORCy1TsPfPgqe9f+r+jFOpb2tJB7GVJ5lTWfqqZtZem2IlNopzb1SPY6rgg sVNVy9z6A2dFk2ZfXQv35hXht014TEaH/gERjXn8bygUghqjq9BW2DhEgpVyrfZ8oGQ7sXntap3F yGR3dkbK6jY0e/Tor3EuYZooT8bqvTqgec2FJphkO45mctSeBCofcygyRG1PEyDHNdJau65KHACx Z3DOHFErdSlXVJKPjqx2dSJB7CyERx8zJql4pZ8ronQPmilCfZi43bSVL1POlc+u/IM3SoqWVP3g 2L2Hn9S73yXiu4gxxkVnOoM9hB6WMyQo09aANg== `protect data_method = "AES128-CBC" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 4480) `protect data_block JOiKncXj4nyuGKsK7EpB8W1suvqdx8OBCwM9QzIc3Ovr/cW/5Y/lGGaIqEx3cAkxEhFZsr21QQnc OHAmTwBhTpckv1Ryzrl4jqnCg0mNWGvZVYC3y3ZszE4WFrFSjBu0C1znub1bHveR/OsIvWwGk1Gd ioiNoZd3YW3a9f3ei2vrNqDn1u+NWHS/enqDey7iCuqQ0Hx+OyOylJoln3TDbJYbx72RGrRRSHhp AuMRorYxJS33E2h/AliSeryFvd6IQV4uZmaX4zUUAKrIvSXSztDJMMYhITXAXoHo100YVk92NUrI RpT+eLNEY8S5yC7fehqLVHkARAw3ZOXVs0vSjZuGce9w1k1YRwf4bgObFBRjz+vP8E7xFuBUaJyK KGq+tIkKW3iOlm1tvvg+ck9ajYx/AViuJE5Tlyj55D+UPmlvdUrIbK23u9mzKd1YiLRW4uk/0PBO hAnjo2nleBn4VRivs/rM90BNyMbNTV+VpAc9gy94eTtK38HUp66giw0QEkxG6674+inMQ/zGk80K 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entity entity_attr is constant MIN_DELAY : NATURAL := 42; attribute DELAY : NATURAL; attribute DELAY of entity_attr : entity is MIN_DELAY; end entity; architecture foo of entity_attr is begin end architecture; entity issue197 is end entity; architecture foe of issue197 is constant fumble: natural := work.entity_attr'DELAY; begin alu_div_0: entity work.entity_attr ; MONITOR: process begin assert fumble = 42; assert work.entity_attr'DELAY = 42; report '.' & 'A'; wait; end process; end architecture;
entity entity_attr is constant MIN_DELAY : NATURAL := 42; attribute DELAY : NATURAL; attribute DELAY of entity_attr : entity is MIN_DELAY; end entity; architecture foo of entity_attr is begin end architecture; entity issue197 is end entity; architecture foe of issue197 is constant fumble: natural := work.entity_attr'DELAY; begin alu_div_0: entity work.entity_attr ; MONITOR: process begin assert fumble = 42; assert work.entity_attr'DELAY = 42; report '.' & 'A'; wait; end process; end architecture;
entity entity_attr is constant MIN_DELAY : NATURAL := 42; attribute DELAY : NATURAL; attribute DELAY of entity_attr : entity is MIN_DELAY; end entity; architecture foo of entity_attr is begin end architecture; entity issue197 is end entity; architecture foe of issue197 is constant fumble: natural := work.entity_attr'DELAY; begin alu_div_0: entity work.entity_attr ; MONITOR: process begin assert fumble = 42; assert work.entity_attr'DELAY = 42; report '.' & 'A'; wait; end process; end architecture;
-- $Id: cdc_pulse.vhd 426 2011-11-18 18:14:08Z mueller $ -- -- Copyright 2011- by Walter F.J. Mueller <> -- -- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under -- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for complete details. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Module Name: cdc_pulse - syn -- Description: clock domain cross for pulse -- -- Dependencies: - -- Test bench: - -- Target Devices: generic -- Tool versions: xst 13.1; ghdl 0.29 -- Revision History: -- Date Rev Version Comment -- 2011-11-09 422 1.0 Initial version -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use work.slvtypes.all; entity cdc_pulse is -- clock domain cross for pulse generic ( POUT_SINGLE : boolean := false; -- if true: single cycle pout BUSY_WACK : boolean := false); -- if true: busy waits for ack port ( CLKM : in slbit; -- clock master RESET : in slbit := '0'; -- M|reset CLKS : in slbit; -- clock slave PIN : in slbit; -- M|pulse in BUSY : out slbit; -- M|busy POUT : out slbit -- S|pulse out ); end entity cdc_pulse; architecture syn of cdc_pulse is signal R_REQ : slbit := '0'; signal R_REQ_C : slbit := '0'; signal R_ACK : slbit := '0'; signal R_ACK_C : slbit := '0'; signal R_ACK_S : slbit := '0'; begin proc_master: process (CLKM) begin if rising_edge(CLKM) then if RESET = '1' then R_REQ <= '0'; else if PIN = '1' then R_REQ <= '1'; elsif R_ACK_S = '1' then R_REQ <= '0'; end if; end if; R_ACK_C <= R_ACK; R_ACK_S <= R_ACK_C; end if; end process proc_master; proc_slave: process (CLKS) begin if rising_edge(CLKS) then R_REQ_C <= R_REQ; R_ACK <= R_REQ_C; end if; end process proc_slave; SINGLE1: if POUT_SINGLE = true generate signal R_ACK_1 : slbit := '0'; signal R_POUT : slbit := '0'; begin proc_pout: process (CLKS) begin if rising_edge(CLKS) then R_ACK_1 <= R_ACK; if R_ACK='1' and R_ACK_1='0' then R_POUT <= '1'; else R_POUT <= '0'; end if; end if; end process proc_pout; POUT <= R_POUT; end generate SINGLE1; SINGLE0: if POUT_SINGLE = false generate begin POUT <= R_ACK; end generate SINGLE0; BUSY1: if BUSY_WACK = true generate begin BUSY <= R_REQ or R_ACK_S; end generate BUSY1; BUSY0: if BUSY_WACK = false generate begin BUSY <= R_REQ; end generate BUSY0; end syn;
-- $Id: cdc_pulse.vhd 426 2011-11-18 18:14:08Z mueller $ -- -- Copyright 2011- by Walter F.J. Mueller <> -- -- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under -- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for complete details. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Module Name: cdc_pulse - syn -- Description: clock domain cross for pulse -- -- Dependencies: - -- Test bench: - -- Target Devices: generic -- Tool versions: xst 13.1; ghdl 0.29 -- Revision History: -- Date Rev Version Comment -- 2011-11-09 422 1.0 Initial version -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use work.slvtypes.all; entity cdc_pulse is -- clock domain cross for pulse generic ( POUT_SINGLE : boolean := false; -- if true: single cycle pout BUSY_WACK : boolean := false); -- if true: busy waits for ack port ( CLKM : in slbit; -- clock master RESET : in slbit := '0'; -- M|reset CLKS : in slbit; -- clock slave PIN : in slbit; -- M|pulse in BUSY : out slbit; -- M|busy POUT : out slbit -- S|pulse out ); end entity cdc_pulse; architecture syn of cdc_pulse is signal R_REQ : slbit := '0'; signal R_REQ_C : slbit := '0'; signal R_ACK : slbit := '0'; signal R_ACK_C : slbit := '0'; signal R_ACK_S : slbit := '0'; begin proc_master: process (CLKM) begin if rising_edge(CLKM) then if RESET = '1' then R_REQ <= '0'; else if PIN = '1' then R_REQ <= '1'; elsif R_ACK_S = '1' then R_REQ <= '0'; end if; end if; R_ACK_C <= R_ACK; R_ACK_S <= R_ACK_C; end if; end process proc_master; proc_slave: process (CLKS) begin if rising_edge(CLKS) then R_REQ_C <= R_REQ; R_ACK <= R_REQ_C; end if; end process proc_slave; SINGLE1: if POUT_SINGLE = true generate signal R_ACK_1 : slbit := '0'; signal R_POUT : slbit := '0'; begin proc_pout: process (CLKS) begin if rising_edge(CLKS) then R_ACK_1 <= R_ACK; if R_ACK='1' and R_ACK_1='0' then R_POUT <= '1'; else R_POUT <= '0'; end if; end if; end process proc_pout; POUT <= R_POUT; end generate SINGLE1; SINGLE0: if POUT_SINGLE = false generate begin POUT <= R_ACK; end generate SINGLE0; BUSY1: if BUSY_WACK = true generate begin BUSY <= R_REQ or R_ACK_S; end generate BUSY1; BUSY0: if BUSY_WACK = false generate begin BUSY <= R_REQ; end generate BUSY0; end syn;
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library ieee; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity sub_206 is port ( gt : out std_logic; output : out std_logic_vector(40 downto 0); sign : in std_logic; in_b : in std_logic_vector(40 downto 0); in_a : in std_logic_vector(40 downto 0) ); end sub_206; architecture augh of sub_206 is signal carry_inA : std_logic_vector(42 downto 0); signal carry_inB : std_logic_vector(42 downto 0); signal carry_res : std_logic_vector(42 downto 0); -- Signals to generate the comparison outputs signal msb_abr : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal tmp_sign : std_logic; signal tmp_eq : std_logic; signal tmp_le : std_logic; signal tmp_ge : std_logic; begin -- To handle the CI input, the operation is '0' - CI -- If CI is not present, the operation is '0' - '0' carry_inA <= '0' & in_a & '0'; carry_inB <= '0' & in_b & '0'; -- Compute the result carry_res <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(carry_inA) - unsigned(carry_inB)); -- Set the outputs output <= carry_res(41 downto 1); -- Other comparison outputs -- Temporary signals msb_abr <= in_a(40) & in_b(40) & carry_res(41); tmp_sign <= sign; tmp_eq <= '1' when in_a = in_b else '0'; tmp_le <= tmp_eq when msb_abr = "000" or msb_abr = "110" else '1' when msb_abr = "001" or msb_abr = "111" else '1' when tmp_sign = '0' and (msb_abr = "010" or msb_abr = "011") else '1' when tmp_sign = '1' and (msb_abr = "100" or msb_abr = "101") else '0'; tmp_ge <= '1' when msb_abr = "000" or msb_abr = "110" else '1' when tmp_sign = '0' and (msb_abr = "100" or msb_abr = "101") else '1' when tmp_sign = '1' and (msb_abr = "010" or msb_abr = "011") else '0'; gt <= not(tmp_le); end architecture;
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library ieee; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity sub_206 is port ( gt : out std_logic; output : out std_logic_vector(40 downto 0); sign : in std_logic; in_b : in std_logic_vector(40 downto 0); in_a : in std_logic_vector(40 downto 0) ); end sub_206; architecture augh of sub_206 is signal carry_inA : std_logic_vector(42 downto 0); signal carry_inB : std_logic_vector(42 downto 0); signal carry_res : std_logic_vector(42 downto 0); -- Signals to generate the comparison outputs signal msb_abr : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal tmp_sign : std_logic; signal tmp_eq : std_logic; signal tmp_le : std_logic; signal tmp_ge : std_logic; begin -- To handle the CI input, the operation is '0' - CI -- If CI is not present, the operation is '0' - '0' carry_inA <= '0' & in_a & '0'; carry_inB <= '0' & in_b & '0'; -- Compute the result carry_res <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(carry_inA) - unsigned(carry_inB)); -- Set the outputs output <= carry_res(41 downto 1); -- Other comparison outputs -- Temporary signals msb_abr <= in_a(40) & in_b(40) & carry_res(41); tmp_sign <= sign; tmp_eq <= '1' when in_a = in_b else '0'; tmp_le <= tmp_eq when msb_abr = "000" or msb_abr = "110" else '1' when msb_abr = "001" or msb_abr = "111" else '1' when tmp_sign = '0' and (msb_abr = "010" or msb_abr = "011") else '1' when tmp_sign = '1' and (msb_abr = "100" or msb_abr = "101") else '0'; tmp_ge <= '1' when msb_abr = "000" or msb_abr = "110" else '1' when tmp_sign = '0' and (msb_abr = "100" or msb_abr = "101") else '1' when tmp_sign = '1' and (msb_abr = "010" or msb_abr = "011") else '0'; gt <= not(tmp_le); end architecture;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SRL_FIFO entity and architecture ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ************************************************************************* -- ** ** -- ** DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY ** -- ** ** -- ** This text/file contains proprietary, confidential ** -- ** information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under ** -- ** license from Xilinx, Inc., and may be used, copied ** -- ** and/or disclosed only pursuant to the terms of a valid ** -- ** license agreement with Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx hereby ** -- ** grants you a license to use this text/file solely for ** -- ** design, simulation, implementation and creation of ** -- ** design files limited to Xilinx devices or technologies. ** -- ** Use with non-Xilinx devices or technologies is expressly ** -- ** prohibited and immediately terminates your license unless ** -- ** covered by a separate agreement. ** -- ** ** -- ** Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information ** -- ** "as-is" solely for use in developing programs and ** -- ** solutions for Xilinx devices, with no obligation on the ** -- ** part of Xilinx to provide support. By providing this design, ** -- ** code, or information as one possible implementation of ** -- ** this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no ** -- ** representation that this implementation is free from any ** -- ** claims of infringement. You are responsible for obtaining ** -- ** any rights you may require for your implementation. ** -- ** Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with ** -- ** respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including ** -- ** but not limited to any warranties or representations that this ** -- ** implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied ** -- ** warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular ** -- ** purpose. ** -- ** ** -- ** Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support ** -- ** appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications is ** -- ** expressly prohibited. ** -- ** ** -- ** Any modifications that are made to the Source Code are ** -- ** done at the user’s sole risk and will be unsupported. ** -- ** The Xilinx Support Hotline does not have access to source ** -- ** code and therefore cannot answer specific questions related ** -- ** to source HDL. The Xilinx Hotline support of original source ** -- ** code IP shall only address issues and questions related ** -- ** to the standard Netlist version of the core (and thus ** -- ** indirectly, the original core source). ** -- ** ** -- ** Copyright (c) 2001-2013 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. ** -- ** ** -- ** This copyright and support notice must be retained as part ** -- ** of this text at all times. ** -- ** ** -- ************************************************************************* -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: srl_fifo.vhd -- -- Description: -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- srl_fifo.vhd -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Author: goran -- Revision: $Revision: $ -- Date: $Date: 2010/09/14 22:35:47 $ -- -- History: -- goran 2001-05-11 First Version -- KC 2001-06-20 Added Addr as an output port, for use as an occupancy -- value -- -- DCW 2002-03-12 Structural implementation of synchronous reset for -- Data_Exists DFF (using FDR) -- jam 2002-04-12 added C_XON generic for mixed vhdl/verilog sims -- -- als 2002-04-18 added default for XON generic in SRL16E, FDRE, and FDR -- component declarations -- -- DET 1/17/2008 v4_00_a -- ~~~~~~ -- - Incorporated new disclaimer header -- ^^^^^^ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; library unisim; use unisim.all; entity SRL_FIFO is generic ( C_DATA_BITS : natural := 8; C_DEPTH : natural := 16; C_XON : boolean := false ); port ( Clk : in std_logic; Reset : in std_logic; FIFO_Write : in std_logic; Data_In : in std_logic_vector(0 to C_DATA_BITS-1); FIFO_Read : in std_logic; Data_Out : out std_logic_vector(0 to C_DATA_BITS-1); FIFO_Full : out std_logic; Data_Exists : out std_logic; Addr : out std_logic_vector(0 to 3) -- Added Addr as a port ); end entity SRL_FIFO; architecture IMP of SRL_FIFO is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; component SRL16E is -- pragma translate_off generic ( INIT : bit_vector := X"0000" ); -- pragma translate_on port ( CE : in std_logic; D : in std_logic; Clk : in std_logic; A0 : in std_logic; A1 : in std_logic; A2 : in std_logic; A3 : in std_logic; Q : out std_logic); end component SRL16E; component LUT4 generic( INIT : bit_vector := X"0000" ); port ( O : out std_logic; I0 : in std_logic; I1 : in std_logic; I2 : in std_logic; I3 : in std_logic); end component; component MULT_AND port ( I0 : in std_logic; I1 : in std_logic; LO : out std_logic); end component; component MUXCY_L port ( DI : in std_logic; CI : in std_logic; S : in std_logic; LO : out std_logic); end component; component XORCY port ( LI : in std_logic; CI : in std_logic; O : out std_logic); end component; component FDRE is port ( Q : out std_logic; C : in std_logic; CE : in std_logic; D : in std_logic; R : in std_logic); end component FDRE; component FDR is port ( Q : out std_logic; C : in std_logic; D : in std_logic; R : in std_logic); end component FDR; signal addr_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal buffer_Full : std_logic; signal buffer_Empty : std_logic; signal next_Data_Exists : std_logic; signal data_Exists_I : std_logic; signal valid_Write : std_logic; signal hsum_A : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal sum_A : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal addr_cy : std_logic_vector(0 to 4); begin -- architecture IMP buffer_Full <= '1' when (addr_i = "1111") else '0'; FIFO_Full <= buffer_Full; buffer_Empty <= '1' when (addr_i = "0000") else '0'; next_Data_Exists <= (data_Exists_I and not buffer_Empty) or (buffer_Empty and FIFO_Write) or (data_Exists_I and not FIFO_Read); Data_Exists_DFF : FDR port map ( Q => data_Exists_I, -- [out std_logic] C => Clk, -- [in std_logic] D => next_Data_Exists, -- [in std_logic] R => Reset); -- [in std_logic] Data_Exists <= data_Exists_I; valid_Write <= FIFO_Write and (FIFO_Read or not buffer_Full); addr_cy(0) <= valid_Write; Addr_Counters : for I in 0 to 3 generate hsum_A(I) <= (FIFO_Read xor addr_i(I)) and (FIFO_Write or not buffer_Empty); MUXCY_L_I : MUXCY_L port map ( DI => addr_i(I), -- [in std_logic] CI => addr_cy(I), -- [in std_logic] S => hsum_A(I), -- [in std_logic] LO => addr_cy(I+1)); -- [out std_logic] XORCY_I : XORCY port map ( LI => hsum_A(I), -- [in std_logic] CI => addr_cy(I), -- [in std_logic] O => sum_A(I)); -- [out std_logic] FDRE_I : FDRE port map ( Q => addr_i(I), -- [out std_logic] C => Clk, -- [in std_logic] CE => data_Exists_I, -- [in std_logic] D => sum_A(I), -- [in std_logic] R => Reset); -- [in std_logic] end generate Addr_Counters; FIFO_RAM : for I in 0 to C_DATA_BITS-1 generate SRL16E_I : SRL16E -- pragma translate_off generic map ( INIT => x"0000") -- pragma translate_on port map ( CE => valid_Write, -- [in std_logic] D => Data_In(I), -- [in std_logic] Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic] A0 => addr_i(0), -- [in std_logic] A1 => addr_i(1), -- [in std_logic] A2 => addr_i(2), -- [in std_logic] A3 => addr_i(3), -- [in std_logic] Q => Data_Out(I)); -- [out std_logic] end generate FIFO_RAM; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- INT_ADDR_PROCESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This process assigns the internal address to the output port ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT_ADDR_PROCESS:process (addr_i) begin -- process Addr <= addr_i; end process; end architecture IMP; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Filename: axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.vhd -- -- Description: Support functions for axi_bram_ctrl library modules. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/16/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update ECC size on 128-bit data width configuration. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/23/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add MIG functions for Hsiao ECC. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/24/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add Find_ECC_Size function. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/15/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add REDUCTION_OR function. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Recode Create_Size_Max with a case statement. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/31/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add coverage tags. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/6/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- Remove Family_To_LUT_Size function. -- Remove String_To_Family function. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; package axi_bram_ctrl_funcs is type TARGET_FAMILY_TYPE is ( -- pragma xilinx_rtl_off SPARTAN3, VIRTEX4, VIRTEX5, SPARTAN3E, SPARTAN3A, SPARTAN3AN, SPARTAN3Adsp, SPARTAN6, VIRTEX6, VIRTEX7, KINTEX7, -- pragma xilinx_rtl_on RTL ); -- function String_To_Family (S : string; Select_RTL : boolean) return TARGET_FAMILY_TYPE; -- Get the maximum number of inputs to a LUT. -- function Family_To_LUT_Size(Family : TARGET_FAMILY_TYPE) return integer; function Equal_String( str1, str2 : STRING ) RETURN BOOLEAN; function log2(x : natural) return integer; function Int_ECC_Size (i: integer) return integer; function Find_ECC_Size (i: integer; j: integer) return integer; function Find_ECC_Full_Bit_Size (i: integer; j: integer) return integer; function Create_Size_Max (i: integer) return std_logic_vector; function REDUCTION_OR (A: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic; function REDUCTION_XOR (A: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic; function REDUCTION_NOR (A: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic; function BOOLEAN_TO_STD_LOGIC (A: in BOOLEAN) return std_logic; end package axi_bram_ctrl_funcs; library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; package body axi_bram_ctrl_funcs is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: Int_ECC_Size -- Purpose: Determine internal size of ECC when enabled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Int_ECC_Size (i: integer) return integer is begin --coverage off if (i = 32) then return 7; -- 7-bits ECC for 32-bit data -- ECC port size fixed @ 8-bits elsif (i = 64) then return 8; elsif (i = 128) then return 9; -- Hsiao is 9-bits for 128-bit data. else return 0; end if; --coverage on end Int_ECC_Size; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: Find_ECC_Size -- Purpose: Determine external size of ECC signals when enabled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Find_ECC_Size (i: integer; j: integer) return integer is begin --coverage off if (i = 1) then if (j = 32) then return 8; -- Keep at 8 for port size matchings -- Only 7-bits ECC per 32-bit data elsif (j = 64) then return 8; elsif (j = 128) then return 9; else return 0; end if; else return 0; -- ECC data width = 0 when C_ECC = 0 (disabled) end if; --coverage on end Find_ECC_Size; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: Find_ECC_Full_Bit_Size -- Purpose: Determine external size of ECC signals when enabled in bytes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Find_ECC_Full_Bit_Size (i: integer; j: integer) return integer is begin --coverage off if (i = 1) then if (j = 32) then return 8; elsif (j = 64) then return 8; elsif (j = 128) then return 16; else return 0; end if; else return 0; -- ECC data width = 0 when C_ECC = 0 (disabled) end if; --coverage on end Find_ECC_Full_Bit_Size; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: Create_Size_Max -- Purpose: Create maximum value for AxSIZE based on AXI data bus width. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Create_Size_Max (i: integer) return std_logic_vector is variable size_vector : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); begin case (i) is when 32 => size_vector := "010"; -- 2h (4 bytes) when 64 => size_vector := "011"; -- 3h (8 bytes) when 128 => size_vector := "100"; -- 4h (16 bytes) when 256 => size_vector := "101"; -- 5h (32 bytes) when 512 => size_vector := "110"; -- 5h (32 bytes) when 1024 => size_vector := "111"; -- 5h (32 bytes) --coverage off when others => size_vector := "000"; -- 0h --coverage on end case; return (size_vector); end function Create_Size_Max; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: REDUCTION_OR -- Purpose: New in v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function REDUCTION_OR (A: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is variable tmp : std_logic := '0'; begin for i in A'range loop tmp := tmp or A(i); end loop; return tmp; end function REDUCTION_OR; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: REDUCTION_XOR -- Purpose: Derived from MIG v3.7 ecc_gen module for use by Hsiao ECC. -- New in v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function REDUCTION_XOR (A: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is variable tmp : std_logic := '0'; begin for i in A'range loop tmp := tmp xor A(i); end loop; return tmp; end function REDUCTION_XOR; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: REDUCTION_NOR -- Purpose: Derived from MIG v3.7 ecc_dec_fix module for use by Hsiao ECC. -- New in v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function REDUCTION_NOR (A: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is variable tmp : std_logic := '0'; begin for i in A'range loop tmp := tmp or A(i); end loop; return not tmp; end function REDUCTION_NOR; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: BOOLEAN_TO_STD_LOGIC -- Purpose: Derived from MIG v3.7 ecc_dec_fix module for use by Hsiao ECC. -- New in v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function BOOLEAN_TO_STD_LOGIC (A : in BOOLEAN) return std_logic is begin if A = true then return '1'; else return '0'; end if; end function BOOLEAN_TO_STD_LOGIC; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function LowerCase_Char(char : character) return character is begin --coverage off -- If char is not an upper case letter then return char if char < 'A' or char > 'Z' then return char; end if; -- Otherwise map char to its corresponding lower case character and -- return that case char is when 'A' => return 'a'; when 'B' => return 'b'; when 'C' => return 'c'; when 'D' => return 'd'; when 'E' => return 'e'; when 'F' => return 'f'; when 'G' => return 'g'; when 'H' => return 'h'; when 'I' => return 'i'; when 'J' => return 'j'; when 'K' => return 'k'; when 'L' => return 'l'; when 'M' => return 'm'; when 'N' => return 'n'; when 'O' => return 'o'; when 'P' => return 'p'; when 'Q' => return 'q'; when 'R' => return 'r'; when 'S' => return 's'; when 'T' => return 't'; when 'U' => return 'u'; when 'V' => return 'v'; when 'W' => return 'w'; when 'X' => return 'x'; when 'Y' => return 'y'; when 'Z' => return 'z'; when others => return char; end case; --coverage on end LowerCase_Char; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns true if case insensitive string comparison determines that -- str1 and str2 are equal function Equal_String ( str1, str2 : STRING ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS CONSTANT len1 : INTEGER := str1'length; CONSTANT len2 : INTEGER := str2'length; VARIABLE equal : BOOLEAN := TRUE; BEGIN --coverage off IF NOT (len1=len2) THEN equal := FALSE; ELSE FOR i IN str1'range LOOP IF NOT (LowerCase_Char(str1(i)) = LowerCase_Char(str2(i))) THEN equal := FALSE; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; --coverage on RETURN equal; END Equal_String; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- Remove usage of String_To_Family function. -- -- -- function String_To_Family (S : string; Select_RTL : boolean) return TARGET_FAMILY_TYPE is -- begin -- function String_To_Family -- -- --coverage off -- -- if ((Select_RTL) or Equal_String(S, "rtl")) then -- return RTL; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "spartan3") or Equal_String(S, "aspartan3") then -- return SPARTAN3; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "spartan3E") or Equal_String(S, "aspartan3E") then -- return SPARTAN3E; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "spartan3A") or Equal_String(S, "aspartan3A") then -- return SPARTAN3A; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "spartan3AN") then -- return SPARTAN3AN; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "spartan3Adsp") or Equal_String(S, "aspartan3Adsp") then -- return SPARTAN3Adsp; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "spartan6") or Equal_String(S, "spartan6l") or -- Equal_String(S, "qspartan6") or Equal_String(S, "aspartan6") or Equal_String(S, "qspartan6l") then -- return SPARTAN6; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "virtex4") or Equal_String(S, "qvirtex4") -- or Equal_String(S, "qrvirtex4") then -- return VIRTEX4; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "virtex5") or Equal_String(S, "qrvirtex5") then -- return VIRTEX5; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "virtex6") or Equal_String(S, "virtex6l") or Equal_String(S, "qvirtex6") then -- return VIRTEX6; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "virtex7") then -- return VIRTEX7; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "kintex7") then -- return KINTEX7; -- -- --coverage on -- -- else -- -- assert (false) report "No known target family" severity failure; -- return RTL; -- end if; -- -- end function String_To_Family; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- Remove usage of Family_To_LUT_Size function. -- -- function Family_To_LUT_Size (Family : TARGET_FAMILY_TYPE) return integer is -- begin -- -- --coverage off -- -- if (Family = SPARTAN3) or (Family = SPARTAN3E) or (Family = SPARTAN3A) or -- (Family = SPARTAN3AN) or (Family = SPARTAN3Adsp) or (Family = VIRTEX4) then -- return 4; -- end if; -- -- return 6; -- -- --coverage on -- -- end function Family_To_LUT_Size; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function log2 -- returns number of bits needed to encode x choices -- x = 0 returns 0 -- x = 1 returns 0 -- x = 2 returns 1 -- x = 4 returns 2, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function log2(x : natural) return integer is variable i : integer := 0; variable val: integer := 1; begin --coverage off if x = 0 then return 0; else for j in 0 to 29 loop -- for loop for XST if val >= x then null; else i := i+1; val := val*2; end if; end loop; -- Fix per CR520627 XST was ignoring this anyway and printing a -- Warning in SRP file. This will get rid of the warning and not -- impact simulation. -- synthesis translate_off assert val >= x report "Function log2 received argument larger" & " than its capability of 2^30. " severity failure; -- synthesis translate_on return i; end if; --coverage on end function log2; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end package body axi_bram_ctrl_funcs; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- coregen_comp_defs - entity/architecture pair ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ************************************************************************* -- ** ** -- ** DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY ** -- ** ** -- ** This text/file contains proprietary, confidential ** -- ** information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under ** -- ** license from Xilinx, Inc., and may be used, copied ** -- ** and/or disclosed only pursuant to the terms of a valid ** -- ** license agreement with Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx hereby ** -- ** grants you a license to use this text/file solely for ** -- ** design, simulation, implementation and creation of ** -- ** design files limited to Xilinx devices or technologies. ** -- ** Use with non-Xilinx devices or technologies is expressly ** -- ** prohibited and immediately terminates your license unless ** -- ** covered by a separate agreement. ** -- ** ** -- ** Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information ** -- ** "as-is" solely for use in developing programs and ** -- ** solutions for Xilinx devices, with no obligation on the ** -- ** part of Xilinx to provide support. By providing this design, ** -- ** code, or information as one possible implementation of ** -- ** this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no ** -- ** representation that this implementation is free from any ** -- ** claims of infringement. You are responsible for obtaining ** -- ** any rights you may require for your implementation. ** -- ** Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with ** -- ** respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including ** -- ** but not limited to any warranties or representations that this ** -- ** implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied ** -- ** warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular ** -- ** purpose. ** -- ** ** -- ** Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support ** -- ** appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications is ** -- ** expressly prohibited. ** -- ** ** -- ** Any modifications that are made to the Source Code are ** -- ** done at the user’s sole risk and will be unsupported. ** -- ** The Xilinx Support Hotline does not have access to source ** -- ** code and therefore cannot answer specific questions related ** -- ** to source HDL. The Xilinx Hotline support of original source ** -- ** code IP shall only address issues and questions related ** -- ** to the standard Netlist version of the core (and thus ** -- ** indirectly, the original core source). ** -- ** ** -- ** Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. ** -- ** ** -- ** This copyright and support notice must be retained as part ** -- ** of this text at all times. ** -- ** ** -- ************************************************************************* -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: coregen_comp_defs.vhd -- Version: initial -- Description: -- Component declarations for all black box netlists generated by -- running COREGEN and AXI BRAM CTRL when XST elaborated the client core -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- -- coregen_comp_defs.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; PACKAGE coregen_comp_defs IS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Start Block Memory Generator Component for blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6 -- Component declaration for blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6 pulled from the blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6.v -- Verilog file used to match paramter order for NCSIM compatibility ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- component blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6 generic ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generic Declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Device Family & Elaboration Directory Parameters: C_FAMILY : STRING := "virtex4"; C_XDEVICEFAMILY : STRING := "virtex4"; -- C_ELABORATION_DIR : STRING := ""; C_INTERFACE_TYPE : INTEGER := 0; C_AXI_TYPE : INTEGER := 1; C_AXI_SLAVE_TYPE : INTEGER := 0; C_HAS_AXI_ID : INTEGER := 0; C_AXI_ID_WIDTH : INTEGER := 4; --General Memory Parameters: C_MEM_TYPE : INTEGER := 2; C_BYTE_SIZE : INTEGER := 9; C_ALGORITHM : INTEGER := 0; C_PRIM_TYPE : INTEGER := 3; --Memory Initialization Parameters: C_LOAD_INIT_FILE : INTEGER := 0; C_INIT_FILE_NAME : STRING := ""; C_USE_DEFAULT_DATA : INTEGER := 0; C_DEFAULT_DATA : STRING := "111111111"; C_RST_TYPE : STRING := "SYNC"; --Port A Parameters: --Reset Parameters: C_HAS_RSTA : INTEGER := 0; C_RST_PRIORITY_A : STRING := "CE"; C_RSTRAM_A : INTEGER := 0; C_INITA_VAL : STRING := "0"; --Enable Parameters: C_HAS_ENA : INTEGER := 1; C_HAS_REGCEA : INTEGER := 0; --Byte Write Enable Parameters: C_USE_BYTE_WEA : INTEGER := 0; C_WEA_WIDTH : INTEGER := 1; --Write Mode: C_WRITE_MODE_A : STRING := "WRITE_FIRST"; --Data-Addr Width Parameters: C_WRITE_WIDTH_A : INTEGER := 4; C_READ_WIDTH_A : INTEGER := 4; C_WRITE_DEPTH_A : INTEGER := 4096; C_READ_DEPTH_A : INTEGER := 4096; C_ADDRA_WIDTH : INTEGER := 12; --Port B Parameters: --Reset Parameters: C_HAS_RSTB : INTEGER := 0; C_RST_PRIORITY_B : STRING := "CE"; C_RSTRAM_B : INTEGER := 0; C_INITB_VAL : STRING := "0"; --Enable Parameters: C_HAS_ENB : INTEGER := 1; C_HAS_REGCEB : INTEGER := 0; --Byte Write Enable Parameters: C_USE_BYTE_WEB : INTEGER := 0; C_WEB_WIDTH : INTEGER := 1; --Write Mode: C_WRITE_MODE_B : STRING := "WRITE_FIRST"; --Data-Addr Width Parameters: C_WRITE_WIDTH_B : INTEGER := 4; C_READ_WIDTH_B : INTEGER := 4; C_WRITE_DEPTH_B : INTEGER := 4096; C_READ_DEPTH_B : INTEGER := 4096; C_ADDRB_WIDTH : INTEGER := 12; --Output Registers/ Pipelining Parameters: C_HAS_MEM_OUTPUT_REGS_A : INTEGER := 0; C_HAS_MEM_OUTPUT_REGS_B : INTEGER := 0; C_HAS_MUX_OUTPUT_REGS_A : INTEGER := 0; C_HAS_MUX_OUTPUT_REGS_B : INTEGER := 0; C_MUX_PIPELINE_STAGES : INTEGER := 0; --Input/Output Registers for SoftECC : C_HAS_SOFTECC_INPUT_REGS_A : INTEGER := 0; C_HAS_SOFTECC_OUTPUT_REGS_B : INTEGER := 0; --ECC Parameters C_USE_ECC : INTEGER := 0; C_USE_SOFTECC : INTEGER := 0; C_HAS_INJECTERR : INTEGER := 0; --Simulation Model Parameters: C_SIM_COLLISION_CHECK : STRING := "NONE"; C_COMMON_CLK : INTEGER := 0; C_DISABLE_WARN_BHV_COLL : INTEGER := 0; C_DISABLE_WARN_BHV_RANGE : INTEGER := 0 ); PORT ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Input and Output Declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Native BMG Input and Output Port Declarations --Port A: CLKA : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; RSTA : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; ENA : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; REGCEA : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; WEA : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_WEA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); ADDRA : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_ADDRA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); DINA : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_WRITE_WIDTH_A-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); DOUTA : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_READ_WIDTH_A-1 DOWNTO 0); --Port B: CLKB : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; RSTB : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; ENB : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; REGCEB : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; WEB : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_WEB_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); ADDRB : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_ADDRB_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); DINB : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_WRITE_WIDTH_B-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); DOUTB : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_READ_WIDTH_B-1 DOWNTO 0); --ECC: INJECTSBITERR : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; INJECTDBITERR : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; SBITERR : OUT STD_LOGIC; DBITERR : OUT STD_LOGIC; RDADDRECC : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_ADDRB_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); -- AXI BMG Input and Output Port Declarations -- AXI Global Signals S_AClk : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; S_ARESETN : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; -- AXI Full/Lite Slave Write (write side) S_AXI_AWID : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_AWADDR : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_AWLEN : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_AWSIZE : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_AWBURST : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_AWVALID : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; S_AXI_AWREADY : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_WDATA : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_WRITE_WIDTH_A-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_WSTRB : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_WEA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_WLAST : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; S_AXI_WVALID : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; S_AXI_WREADY : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_BID : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_BRESP : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0); S_AXI_BVALID : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_BREADY : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; -- AXI Full/Lite Slave Read (Write side) S_AXI_ARID : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_ARADDR : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_ARLEN : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(8-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_ARSIZE : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_ARBURST : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_ARVALID : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; S_AXI_ARREADY : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_RID : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_RDATA : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_WRITE_WIDTH_B-1 DOWNTO 0); S_AXI_RRESP : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2-1 DOWNTO 0); S_AXI_RLAST : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_RVALID : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_RREADY : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; -- AXI Full/Lite Sideband Signals S_AXI_INJECTSBITERR : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; S_AXI_INJECTDBITERR : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; S_AXI_SBITERR : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_DBITERR : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_RDADDRECC : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_ADDRB_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) ); END COMPONENT; --blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6 END coregen_comp_defs; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- axi_lite_if.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: axi_lite_if.vhd -- -- Description: Derived AXI-Lite interface module. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity axi_lite_if is generic ( -- AXI4-Lite slave generics -- C_S_AXI_BASEADDR : std_logic_vector := X"FFFF_FFFF"; -- C_S_AXI_HIGHADDR : std_logic_vector := X"0000_0000"; C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; C_REGADDR_WIDTH : integer := 4; -- Address bits including register offset. C_DWIDTH : integer := 32); -- Width of data bus. port ( LMB_Clk : in std_logic; LMB_Rst : in std_logic; -- AXI4-Lite SLAVE SINGLE INTERFACE S_AXI_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_AWVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_AWREADY : out std_logic; S_AXI_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_WSTRB : in std_logic_vector((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)-1 downto 0); S_AXI_WVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_WREADY : out std_logic; S_AXI_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_BVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_BREADY : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_ARVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARREADY : out std_logic; S_AXI_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_RVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_RREADY : in std_logic; -- lmb_bram_if_cntlr signals RegWr : out std_logic; RegWrData : out std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH - 1); RegAddr : out std_logic_vector(0 to C_REGADDR_WIDTH-1); RegRdData : in std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH - 1)); end entity axi_lite_if; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; architecture IMP of axi_lite_if is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signal declaration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal new_write_access : std_logic; signal new_read_access : std_logic; signal ongoing_write : std_logic; signal ongoing_read : std_logic; signal S_AXI_RVALID_i : std_logic; signal RegRdData_i : std_logic_vector(C_DWIDTH - 1 downto 0); begin -- architecture IMP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Handling the AXI4-Lite bus interface (AR/AW/W) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Detect new transaction. -- Only allow one access at a time new_write_access <= not (ongoing_read or ongoing_write) and S_AXI_AWVALID and S_AXI_WVALID; new_read_access <= not (ongoing_read or ongoing_write) and S_AXI_ARVALID and not new_write_access; -- Acknowledge new transaction. S_AXI_AWREADY <= new_write_access; S_AXI_WREADY <= new_write_access; S_AXI_ARREADY <= new_read_access; -- Store register address and write data Reg: process (LMB_Clk) is begin if LMB_Clk'event and LMB_Clk = '1' then if LMB_Rst = '1' then RegAddr <= (others => '0'); RegWrData <= (others => '0'); elsif new_write_access = '1' then RegAddr <= S_AXI_AWADDR(C_REGADDR_WIDTH-1+2 downto 2); RegWrData <= S_AXI_WDATA(C_DWIDTH-1 downto 0); elsif new_read_access = '1' then RegAddr <= S_AXI_ARADDR(C_REGADDR_WIDTH-1+2 downto 2); end if; end if; end process Reg; -- Handle write access. WriteAccess: process (LMB_Clk) is begin if LMB_Clk'event and LMB_Clk = '1' then if LMB_Rst = '1' then ongoing_write <= '0'; elsif new_write_access = '1' then ongoing_write <= '1'; elsif ongoing_write = '1' and S_AXI_BREADY = '1' then ongoing_write <= '0'; end if; RegWr <= new_write_access; end if; end process WriteAccess; S_AXI_BVALID <= ongoing_write; S_AXI_BRESP <= (others => '0'); -- Handle read access ReadAccess: process (LMB_Clk) is begin if LMB_Clk'event and LMB_Clk = '1' then if LMB_Rst = '1' then ongoing_read <= '0'; S_AXI_RVALID_i <= '0'; elsif new_read_access = '1' then ongoing_read <= '1'; S_AXI_RVALID_i <= '0'; elsif ongoing_read = '1' then if S_AXI_RREADY = '1' and S_AXI_RVALID_i = '1' then ongoing_read <= '0'; S_AXI_RVALID_i <= '0'; else S_AXI_RVALID_i <= '1'; -- Asserted one cycle after ongoing_read to match S_AXI_RDDATA end if; end if; end if; end process ReadAccess; S_AXI_RVALID <= S_AXI_RVALID_i; S_AXI_RRESP <= (others => '0'); Not_All_Bits_Are_Used: if (C_DWIDTH < C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) generate begin S_AXI_RDATA(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - C_DWIDTH) <= (others=>'0'); end generate Not_All_Bits_Are_Used; RegRdData_i <= RegRdData; -- Swap to - downto S_AXI_RDATA_DFF : for I in C_DWIDTH - 1 downto 0 generate begin S_AXI_RDATA_FDRE : FDRE port map ( Q => S_AXI_RDATA(I), C => LMB_Clk, CE => ongoing_read, D => RegRdData_i(I), R => LMB_Rst); end generate S_AXI_RDATA_DFF; end architecture IMP; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- -- Description: Generates the ECC checkbits for the input vector of -- 64-bit data widths. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93/02 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity checkbit_handler_64 is generic ( C_ENCODE : boolean := true; C_REG : boolean := false; C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := true); port ( Clk : in std_logic; DataIn : in std_logic_vector (63 downto 0); CheckIn : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); CheckOut : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); Syndrome : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); Syndrome_7 : out std_logic_vector (11 downto 0); Syndrome_Chk : in std_logic_vector (0 to 7); Enable_ECC : in std_logic; UE_Q : in std_logic; CE_Q : in std_logic; UE : out std_logic; CE : out std_logic ); end entity checkbit_handler_64; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; -- library axi_bram_ctrl_v1_02_a; -- use axi_bram_ctrl_v1_02_a.all; architecture IMP of checkbit_handler_64 is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; component XOR18 is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean); port ( InA : in std_logic_vector(0 to 17); res : out std_logic); end component XOR18; component Parity is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean; C_SIZE : integer); port ( InA : in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1); Res : out std_logic); end component Parity; -- component ParityEnable -- generic ( -- C_USE_LUT6 : boolean; -- C_SIZE : integer); -- port ( -- InA : in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1); -- Enable : in std_logic; -- Res : out std_logic); -- end component ParityEnable; signal data_chk0 : std_logic_vector(0 to 34); signal data_chk1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 34); signal data_chk2 : std_logic_vector(0 to 34); signal data_chk3 : std_logic_vector(0 to 30); signal data_chk4 : std_logic_vector(0 to 30); signal data_chk5 : std_logic_vector(0 to 30); signal data_chk6 : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); signal data_chk6_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk7_a : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk7_b : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk7_i : std_logic; -- signal data_chk7_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk7_i_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk7_a_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk7_b_xor : std_logic; begin -- architecture IMP -- Add bits for 64-bit ECC -- 0 <= 0 1 3 4 6 8 10 11 13 17 19 21 23 25 26 28 30 -- 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 57 59 61 63 data_chk0 <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(1) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(4) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(11) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(26) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(30) & DataIn(32) & DataIn(34) & DataIn(36) & DataIn(38) & DataIn(40) & DataIn(42) & DataIn(44) & DataIn(46) & DataIn(48) & DataIn(50) & DataIn(52) & DataIn(54) & DataIn(56) & DataIn(57) & DataIn(59) & DataIn(61) & DataIn(63) ; -- 18 + 17 = 35 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 1 <= 0 2 3 5 6 9 10 12 13 16 17 20 21 24 25 27 28 31 -- 32 35 36 39 40 43 44 47 48 51 52 55 56 58 59 62 63 data_chk1 <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(31) & DataIn(32) & DataIn(35) & DataIn(36) & DataIn(39) & DataIn(40) & DataIn(43) & DataIn(44) & DataIn(47) & DataIn(48) & DataIn(51) & DataIn(52) & DataIn(55) & DataIn(56) & DataIn(58) & DataIn(59) & DataIn(62) & DataIn(63) ; -- 18 + 17 = 35 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 2 <= 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 -- 32 37 38 39 40 45 46 47 48 53 54 55 56 60 61 62 63 data_chk2 <= DataIn(1) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(29) & DataIn(30) & DataIn(31) & DataIn(32) & DataIn(37) & DataIn(38) & DataIn(39) & DataIn(40) & DataIn(45) & DataIn(46) & DataIn(47) & DataIn(48) & DataIn(53) & DataIn(54) & DataIn(55) & DataIn(56) & DataIn(60) & DataIn(61) & DataIn(62) & DataIn(63) ; -- 18 + 17 = 35 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 3 <= 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 -- 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 data_chk3 <= DataIn(4) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(33) & DataIn(34) & DataIn(35) & DataIn(36) & DataIn(37) & DataIn(38) & DataIn(39) & DataIn(40) & DataIn(49) & DataIn(50) & DataIn(51) & DataIn(52) & DataIn(53) & DataIn(54) & DataIn(55) & DataIn(56) ; -- 15 + 16 = 31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 4 <= 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 -- 41-56 data_chk4 <= DataIn(11) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(41) & DataIn(42) & DataIn(43) & DataIn(44) & DataIn(45) & DataIn(46) & DataIn(47) & DataIn(48) & DataIn(49) & DataIn(50) & DataIn(51) & DataIn(52) & DataIn(53) & DataIn(54) & DataIn(55) & DataIn(56) ; -- 15 + 16 = 31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 5 <= 26 - 31 -- 32 - 56 data_chk5 <= DataIn(26) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(29) & DataIn(30) & DataIn(31) & DataIn(32) & DataIn(33) & DataIn(34) & DataIn(35) & DataIn(36) & DataIn(37) & DataIn(38) & DataIn(39) & DataIn(40) & DataIn(41) & DataIn(42) & DataIn(43) & DataIn(44) & DataIn(45) & DataIn(46) & DataIn(47) & DataIn(48) & DataIn(49) & DataIn(50) & DataIn(51) & DataIn(52) & DataIn(53) & DataIn(54) & DataIn(55) & DataIn(56) ; -- 18 + 13 = 31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- New additional checkbit for 64-bit data -- 6 <= 57 - 63 data_chk6 <= DataIn(57) & DataIn(58) & DataIn(59) & DataIn(60) & DataIn(61) & DataIn(62) & DataIn(63) ; -- Encode bits for writing data Encode_Bits : if (C_ENCODE) generate -- signal data_chk0_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk0_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk0_i_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk1_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk1_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk1_i_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk2_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk2_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk2_i_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk3_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk3_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk3_i_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk4_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk4_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk4_i_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk5_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk5_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk5_i_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk6_i : std_logic; -- signal data_chk0_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk0_i_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk1_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk1_i_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk2_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk2_i_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk3_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk3_i_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk4_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk4_i_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk5_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk5_i_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk6_i_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk7_a_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk7_b_xor_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (0) signal data_chk0_a : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk0_b : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk0_c : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk0_d : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk0_e : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk0_f : std_logic_vector (0 to 4); signal data_chk0_a_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk0_b_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk0_c_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk0_d_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk0_e_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk0_f_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk0_a_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk0_b_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk0_c_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk0_d_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk0_e_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk0_f_xor_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (1) signal data_chk1_a : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk1_b : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk1_c : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk1_d : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk1_e : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk1_f : std_logic_vector (0 to 4); signal data_chk1_a_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk1_b_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk1_c_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk1_d_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk1_e_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk1_f_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk1_a_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk1_b_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk1_c_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk1_d_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk1_e_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk1_f_xor_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (2) signal data_chk2_a : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk2_b : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk2_c : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk2_d : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk2_e : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk2_f : std_logic_vector (0 to 4); signal data_chk2_a_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk2_b_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk2_c_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk2_d_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk2_e_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk2_f_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk2_a_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk2_b_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk2_c_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk2_d_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk2_e_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk2_f_xor_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (3) signal data_chk3_a : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk3_b : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk3_c : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk3_d : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk3_e : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk3_a_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk3_b_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk3_c_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk3_d_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk3_e_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk3_f_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk3_a_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk3_b_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk3_c_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk3_d_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk3_e_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk3_f_xor_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (4) signal data_chk4_a : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk4_b : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk4_c : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk4_d : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk4_e : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk4_a_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk4_b_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk4_c_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk4_d_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk4_e_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk4_f_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk4_a_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk4_b_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk4_c_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk4_d_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk4_e_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk4_f_xor_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (5) signal data_chk5_a : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk5_b : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk5_c : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk5_d : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk5_e : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk5_a_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk5_b_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk5_c_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk5_d_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk5_e_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk5_f_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk5_a_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk5_b_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk5_c_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk5_d_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk5_e_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk5_f_xor_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (6) signal data_chk6_a : std_logic; signal data_chk6_b : std_logic; signal data_chk6_a_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk6_b_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (7) signal data_chk7_a : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk7_b : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk7_c : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk7_d : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk7_e : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk7_f : std_logic_vector (0 to 4); signal data_chk7_a_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk7_b_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk7_c_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk7_d_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk7_e_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk7_f_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk7_a_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk7_b_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk7_c_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk7_d_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk7_e_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk7_f_xor_reg : std_logic; begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For timing improvements, if check bit XOR logic -- needs to be pipelined. Add register level here -- after 1st LUT level. REG_BITS : if (C_REG) generate begin REG_CHK: process (Clk) begin if (Clk'event and Clk = '1' ) then -- Checkbit (0) -- data_chk0_xor_reg <= data_chk0_xor; -- data_chk0_i_xor_reg <= data_chk0_i_xor; data_chk0_a_xor_reg <= data_chk0_a_xor; data_chk0_b_xor_reg <= data_chk0_b_xor; data_chk0_c_xor_reg <= data_chk0_c_xor; data_chk0_d_xor_reg <= data_chk0_d_xor; data_chk0_e_xor_reg <= data_chk0_e_xor; data_chk0_f_xor_reg <= data_chk0_f_xor; -- Checkbit (1) -- data_chk1_xor_reg <= data_chk1_xor; -- data_chk1_i_xor_reg <= data_chk1_i_xor; data_chk1_a_xor_reg <= data_chk1_a_xor; data_chk1_b_xor_reg <= data_chk1_b_xor; data_chk1_c_xor_reg <= data_chk1_c_xor; data_chk1_d_xor_reg <= data_chk1_d_xor; data_chk1_e_xor_reg <= data_chk1_e_xor; data_chk1_f_xor_reg <= data_chk1_f_xor; -- Checkbit (2) -- data_chk2_xor_reg <= data_chk2_xor; -- data_chk2_i_xor_reg <= data_chk2_i_xor; data_chk2_a_xor_reg <= data_chk2_a_xor; data_chk2_b_xor_reg <= data_chk2_b_xor; data_chk2_c_xor_reg <= data_chk2_c_xor; data_chk2_d_xor_reg <= data_chk2_d_xor; data_chk2_e_xor_reg <= data_chk2_e_xor; data_chk2_f_xor_reg <= data_chk2_f_xor; -- Checkbit (3) -- data_chk3_xor_reg <= data_chk3_xor; -- data_chk3_i_xor_reg <= data_chk3_i_xor; data_chk3_a_xor_reg <= data_chk3_a_xor; data_chk3_b_xor_reg <= data_chk3_b_xor; data_chk3_c_xor_reg <= data_chk3_c_xor; data_chk3_d_xor_reg <= data_chk3_d_xor; data_chk3_e_xor_reg <= data_chk3_e_xor; data_chk3_f_xor_reg <= data_chk3_f_xor; -- Checkbit (4) -- data_chk4_xor_reg <= data_chk4_xor; -- data_chk4_i_xor_reg <= data_chk4_i_xor; data_chk4_a_xor_reg <= data_chk4_a_xor; data_chk4_b_xor_reg <= data_chk4_b_xor; data_chk4_c_xor_reg <= data_chk4_c_xor; data_chk4_d_xor_reg <= data_chk4_d_xor; data_chk4_e_xor_reg <= data_chk4_e_xor; data_chk4_f_xor_reg <= data_chk4_f_xor; -- Checkbit (5) -- data_chk5_xor_reg <= data_chk5_xor; -- data_chk5_i_xor_reg <= data_chk5_i_xor; data_chk5_a_xor_reg <= data_chk5_a_xor; data_chk5_b_xor_reg <= data_chk5_b_xor; data_chk5_c_xor_reg <= data_chk5_c_xor; data_chk5_d_xor_reg <= data_chk5_d_xor; data_chk5_e_xor_reg <= data_chk5_e_xor; data_chk5_f_xor_reg <= data_chk5_f_xor; -- Checkbit (6) -- data_chk6_i_reg <= data_chk6_i; data_chk6_a_reg <= data_chk6_a; data_chk6_b_reg <= data_chk6_b; -- Checkbit (7) -- data_chk7_a_xor_reg <= data_chk7_a_xor; -- data_chk7_b_xor_reg <= data_chk7_b_xor; data_chk7_a_xor_reg <= data_chk7_a_xor; data_chk7_b_xor_reg <= data_chk7_b_xor; data_chk7_c_xor_reg <= data_chk7_c_xor; data_chk7_d_xor_reg <= data_chk7_d_xor; data_chk7_e_xor_reg <= data_chk7_e_xor; data_chk7_f_xor_reg <= data_chk7_f_xor; end if; end process REG_CHK; -- Perform the last XOR after the register stage -- CheckOut(0) <= data_chk0_xor_reg xor data_chk0_i_xor_reg; CheckOut(0) <= data_chk0_a_xor_reg xor data_chk0_b_xor_reg xor data_chk0_c_xor_reg xor data_chk0_d_xor_reg xor data_chk0_e_xor_reg xor data_chk0_f_xor_reg; -- CheckOut(1) <= data_chk1_xor_reg xor data_chk1_i_xor_reg; CheckOut(1) <= data_chk1_a_xor_reg xor data_chk1_b_xor_reg xor data_chk1_c_xor_reg xor data_chk1_d_xor_reg xor data_chk1_e_xor_reg xor data_chk1_f_xor_reg; -- CheckOut(2) <= data_chk2_xor_reg xor data_chk2_i_xor_reg; CheckOut(2) <= data_chk2_a_xor_reg xor data_chk2_b_xor_reg xor data_chk2_c_xor_reg xor data_chk2_d_xor_reg xor data_chk2_e_xor_reg xor data_chk2_f_xor_reg; -- CheckOut(3) <= data_chk3_xor_reg xor data_chk3_i_xor_reg; CheckOut(3) <= data_chk3_a_xor_reg xor data_chk3_b_xor_reg xor data_chk3_c_xor_reg xor data_chk3_d_xor_reg xor data_chk3_e_xor_reg xor data_chk3_f_xor_reg; -- CheckOut(4) <= data_chk4_xor_reg xor data_chk4_i_xor_reg; CheckOut(4) <= data_chk4_a_xor_reg xor data_chk4_b_xor_reg xor data_chk4_c_xor_reg xor data_chk4_d_xor_reg xor data_chk4_e_xor_reg xor data_chk4_f_xor_reg; -- CheckOut(5) <= data_chk5_xor_reg xor data_chk5_i_xor_reg; CheckOut(5) <= data_chk5_a_xor_reg xor data_chk5_b_xor_reg xor data_chk5_c_xor_reg xor data_chk5_d_xor_reg xor data_chk5_e_xor_reg xor data_chk5_f_xor_reg; -- CheckOut(6) <= data_chk6_i_reg; CheckOut(6) <= data_chk6_a_reg xor data_chk6_b_reg; -- CheckOut(7) <= data_chk7_a_xor_reg xor data_chk7_b_xor_reg; CheckOut(7) <= data_chk7_a_xor_reg xor data_chk7_b_xor_reg xor data_chk7_c_xor_reg xor data_chk7_d_xor_reg xor data_chk7_e_xor_reg xor data_chk7_f_xor_reg; end generate REG_BITS; NO_REG_BITS: if (not C_REG) generate begin -- CheckOut(0) <= data_chk0_xor xor data_chk0_i_xor; CheckOut(0) <= data_chk0_a_xor xor data_chk0_b_xor xor data_chk0_c_xor xor data_chk0_d_xor xor data_chk0_e_xor xor data_chk0_f_xor; -- CheckOut(1) <= data_chk1_xor xor data_chk1_i_xor; CheckOut(1) <= data_chk1_a_xor xor data_chk1_b_xor xor data_chk1_c_xor xor data_chk1_d_xor xor data_chk1_e_xor xor data_chk1_f_xor; -- CheckOut(2) <= data_chk2_xor xor data_chk2_i_xor; CheckOut(2) <= data_chk2_a_xor xor data_chk2_b_xor xor data_chk2_c_xor xor data_chk2_d_xor xor data_chk2_e_xor xor data_chk2_f_xor; -- CheckOut(3) <= data_chk3_xor xor data_chk3_i_xor; CheckOut(3) <= data_chk3_a_xor xor data_chk3_b_xor xor data_chk3_c_xor xor data_chk3_d_xor xor data_chk3_e_xor xor data_chk3_f_xor; -- CheckOut(4) <= data_chk4_xor xor data_chk4_i_xor; CheckOut(4) <= data_chk4_a_xor xor data_chk4_b_xor xor data_chk4_c_xor xor data_chk4_d_xor xor data_chk4_e_xor xor data_chk4_f_xor; -- CheckOut(5) <= data_chk5_xor xor data_chk5_i_xor; CheckOut(5) <= data_chk5_a_xor xor data_chk5_b_xor xor data_chk5_c_xor xor data_chk5_d_xor xor data_chk5_e_xor xor data_chk5_f_xor; -- CheckOut(6) <= data_chk6_i; CheckOut(6) <= data_chk6_a xor data_chk6_b; -- CheckOut(7) <= data_chk7_a_xor xor data_chk7_b_xor; CheckOut(7) <= data_chk7_a_xor xor data_chk7_b_xor xor data_chk7_c_xor xor data_chk7_d_xor xor data_chk7_e_xor xor data_chk7_f_xor; end generate NO_REG_BITS; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Checkbit 0 built up using 2x XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- XOR18_I0_A : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk0 (0 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk0_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- data_chk0_i <= data_chk0 (18 to 34) & '0'; -- -- XOR18_I0_B : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk0_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk0_i_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- CheckOut(0) <= data_chk0_xor xor data_chk0_i_xor; -- Push register stage to earlier in ECC XOR logic stages (when enabled, C_REG) data_chk0_a <= data_chk0 (0 to 5); data_chk0_b <= data_chk0 (6 to 11); data_chk0_c <= data_chk0 (12 to 17); data_chk0_d <= data_chk0 (18 to 23); data_chk0_e <= data_chk0 (24 to 29); data_chk0_f <= data_chk0 (30 to 34); PARITY_CHK0_A : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0_a (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk0_a_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK0_B : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0_b (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk0_b_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK0_C : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0_c (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk0_c_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK0_D : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0_d (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk0_d_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK0_E : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0_e (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk0_e_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK0_F : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 5) port map ( InA => data_chk0_f (0 to 4), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk0_f_xor ); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Checkbit 1 built up using 2x XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- XOR18_I1_A : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk1 (0 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk1_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- data_chk1_i <= data_chk1 (18 to 34) & '0'; -- -- XOR18_I1_B : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk1_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk1_i_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- CheckOut(1) <= data_chk1_xor xor data_chk1_i_xor; -- Push register stage to earlier in ECC XOR logic stages (when enabled, C_REG) data_chk1_a <= data_chk1 (0 to 5); data_chk1_b <= data_chk1 (6 to 11); data_chk1_c <= data_chk1 (12 to 17); data_chk1_d <= data_chk1 (18 to 23); data_chk1_e <= data_chk1 (24 to 29); data_chk1_f <= data_chk1 (30 to 34); PARITY_chk1_A : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1_a (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk1_a_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk1_B : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1_b (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk1_b_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk1_C : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1_c (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk1_c_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk1_D : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1_d (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk1_d_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk1_E : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1_e (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk1_e_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk1_F : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 5) port map ( InA => data_chk1_f (0 to 4), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk1_f_xor ); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 2 built up using 2x XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- XOR18_I2_A : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk2 (0 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk2_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- data_chk2_i <= data_chk2 (18 to 34) & '0'; -- -- XOR18_I2_B : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk2_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk2_i_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- CheckOut(2) <= data_chk2_xor xor data_chk2_i_xor; -- Push register stage to earlier in ECC XOR logic stages (when enabled, C_REG) data_chk2_a <= data_chk2 (0 to 5); data_chk2_b <= data_chk2 (6 to 11); data_chk2_c <= data_chk2 (12 to 17); data_chk2_d <= data_chk2 (18 to 23); data_chk2_e <= data_chk2 (24 to 29); data_chk2_f <= data_chk2 (30 to 34); PARITY_chk2_A : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2_a (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk2_a_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk2_B : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2_b (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk2_b_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk2_C : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2_c (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk2_c_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk2_D : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2_d (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk2_d_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk2_E : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2_e (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk2_e_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk2_F : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 5) port map ( InA => data_chk2_f (0 to 4), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk2_f_xor ); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 3 built up using 2x XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- XOR18_I3_A : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk3 (0 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk3_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- data_chk3_i <= data_chk3 (18 to 30) & "00000"; -- -- XOR18_I3_B : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk3_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk3_i_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- CheckOut(3) <= data_chk3_xor xor data_chk3_i_xor; -- Push register stage to earlier in ECC XOR logic stages (when enabled, C_REG) data_chk3_a <= data_chk3 (0 to 5); data_chk3_b <= data_chk3 (6 to 11); data_chk3_c <= data_chk3 (12 to 17); data_chk3_d <= data_chk3 (18 to 23); data_chk3_e <= data_chk3 (24 to 29); data_chk3_f_xor <= data_chk3 (30); PARITY_chk3_A : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk3_a (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk3_a_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk3_B : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk3_b (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk3_b_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk3_C : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk3_c (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk3_c_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk3_D : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk3_d (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk3_d_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk3_E : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk3_e (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk3_e_xor ); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 4 built up using 2x XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- XOR18_I4_A : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk4 (0 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk4_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- data_chk4_i <= data_chk4 (18 to 30) & "00000"; -- -- XOR18_I4_B : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk4_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk4_i_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- CheckOut(4) <= data_chk4_xor xor data_chk4_i_xor; -- Push register stage to earlier in ECC XOR logic stages (when enabled, C_REG) data_chk4_a <= data_chk4 (0 to 5); data_chk4_b <= data_chk4 (6 to 11); data_chk4_c <= data_chk4 (12 to 17); data_chk4_d <= data_chk4 (18 to 23); data_chk4_e <= data_chk4 (24 to 29); data_chk4_f_xor <= data_chk4 (30); PARITY_chk4_A : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk4_a (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk4_a_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk4_B : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk4_b (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk4_b_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk4_C : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk4_c (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk4_c_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk4_D : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk4_d (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk4_d_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk4_E : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk4_e (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk4_e_xor ); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 5 built up using 2x XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- XOR18_I5_A : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk5 (0 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk5_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- data_chk5_i <= data_chk5 (18 to 30) & "00000"; -- -- XOR18_I5_B : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk5_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk5_i_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- CheckOut(5) <= data_chk5_xor xor data_chk5_i_xor; -- Push register stage to earlier in ECC XOR logic stages (when enabled, C_REG) data_chk5_a <= data_chk5 (0 to 5); data_chk5_b <= data_chk5 (6 to 11); data_chk5_c <= data_chk5 (12 to 17); data_chk5_d <= data_chk5 (18 to 23); data_chk5_e <= data_chk5 (24 to 29); data_chk5_f_xor <= data_chk5 (30); PARITY_chk5_A : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk5_a (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk5_a_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk5_B : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk5_b (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk5_b_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk5_C : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk5_c (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk5_c_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk5_D : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk5_d (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk5_d_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk5_E : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk5_e (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk5_e_xor ); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 6 built up from 1 LUT6 + 1 XOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parity_chk6_I : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk6 (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk6_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- data_chk6_i <= data_chk6_xor xor data_chk6(6); -- Push register stage to 1st ECC XOR logic stage (when enabled, C_REG) data_chk6_a <= data_chk6_xor; data_chk6_b <= data_chk6(6); -- CheckOut(6) <= data_chk6_xor xor data_chk6(6); -- CheckOut(6) <= data_chk6_i; -- Overall checkbit -- New checkbit (7) for 64-bit ECC -- 7 <= 0 1 2 4 5 7 10 11 12 14 17 18 21 23 24 26 27 29 -- 32 33 36 38 39 41 44 46 47 50 51 53 56 57 58 60 63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 6 built up from 2x XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- data_chk7_a <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(1) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(4) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(10) & -- DataIn(11) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(21) & -- DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(26) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(29) ; -- -- data_chk7_b <= DataIn(32) & DataIn(33) & DataIn(36) & DataIn(38) & DataIn(39) & -- DataIn(41) & DataIn(44) & DataIn(46) & DataIn(47) & DataIn(50) & -- DataIn(51) & DataIn(53) & DataIn(56) & DataIn(57) & DataIn(58) & -- DataIn(60) & DataIn(63) & '0'; -- -- XOR18_I7_A : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk7_a, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk7_a_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- XOR18_I7_B : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk7_b, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk7_b_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- Move register stage to earlier in LUT XOR logic when enabled (for C_ENCODE only) -- Break up data_chk7_a & data_chk7_b into the following 6-input LUT XOR combinations. data_chk7_a <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(1) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(4) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(7); data_chk7_b <= DataIn(10) & DataIn(11) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(18); data_chk7_c <= DataIn(21) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(26) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(29); data_chk7_d <= DataIn(32) & DataIn(33) & DataIn(36) & DataIn(38) & DataIn(39) & DataIn(41); data_chk7_e <= DataIn(44) & DataIn(46) & DataIn(47) & DataIn(50) & DataIn(51) & DataIn(53); data_chk7_f <= DataIn(56) & DataIn(57) & DataIn(58) & DataIn(60) & DataIn(63); PARITY_CHK7_A : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7_a (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk7_a_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK7_B : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7_b (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk7_b_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK7_C : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7_c (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk7_c_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK7_D : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7_d (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk7_d_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK7_E : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7_e (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk7_e_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK7_F : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 5) port map ( InA => data_chk7_f (0 to 4), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk7_f_xor ); -- [out std_logic] -- Merge all data bits -- CheckOut(7) <= data_chk7_xor xor data_chk7_i_xor; -- data_chk7_i <= data_chk7_a_xor xor data_chk7_b_xor; -- CheckOut(7) <= data_chk7_i; end generate Encode_Bits; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Decode bits to get syndrome and UE/CE signals -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decode_Bits : if (not C_ENCODE) generate signal syndrome_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 7) := (others => '0'); -- Unused signal syndrome_int_7 : std_logic; signal chk0_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); signal chk1_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); signal chk2_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); signal data_chk3_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 31); signal chk3_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal data_chk4_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 31); signal chk4_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal data_chk5_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 31); signal chk5_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal data_chk6_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 7); signal data_chk7 : std_logic_vector(0 to 71); signal chk7_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 11); -- signal syndrome7_a : std_logic; -- signal syndrome7_b : std_logic; signal syndrome_0_to_2 : std_logic_vector(0 to 2); signal syndrome_3_to_6 : std_logic_vector(3 to 6); signal syndrome_3_to_6_multi : std_logic; signal syndrome_3_to_6_zero : std_logic; signal ue_i_0 : std_logic; signal ue_i_1 : std_logic; begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 0 built up from 5 LUT6, 1 LUT5 and 1 7-bit XOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- chk0_1(3) <= CheckIn(0); chk0_1(6) <= CheckIn(0); -- 64-bit ECC Parity_chk0_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] -- Checkbit 0 -- 18-bit for 32-bit data -- 35-bit for 64-bit data Parity_chk0_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(18 to 23), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(24 to 29), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(4)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_6 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 5) port map ( InA => data_chk0(30 to 34), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(5)); -- [out std_logic] -- Parity_chk0_7 : ParityEnable -- generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) -- port map ( -- InA => chk0_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] -- Enable => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] -- Res => syndrome_i(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_7 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => chk0_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(0)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 1 built up from 5 LUT6, 1 LUT5 and 1 7-bit XOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- chk1_1(3) <= CheckIn(1); chk1_1(6) <= CheckIn(1); -- 64-bit ECC Parity_chk1_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] -- Checkbit 1 -- 18-bit for 32-bit data -- 35-bit for 64-bit data Parity_chk1_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(18 to 23), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(24 to 29), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(4)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_6 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 5) port map ( InA => data_chk1(30 to 34), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(5)); -- [out std_logic] -- Parity_chk1_7 : ParityEnable -- generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) -- port map ( -- InA => chk1_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] -- Enable => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] -- Res => syndrome_i(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_7 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => chk1_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(1)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 2 built up from 5 LUT6, 1 LUT5 and 1 7-bit XOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- chk2_1(3) <= CheckIn(2); chk2_1(6) <= CheckIn(2); -- 64-bit ECC Parity_chk2_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] -- Checkbit 2 -- 18-bit for 32-bit data -- 35-bit for 64-bit data Parity_chk2_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(18 to 23), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(24 to 29), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(4)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_6 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 5) port map ( InA => data_chk2(30 to 34), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(5)); -- [out std_logic] -- Parity_chk2_7 : ParityEnable -- generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) -- port map ( -- InA => chk2_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] -- Enable => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] -- Res => syndrome_i(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_7 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => chk2_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(2)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 3 built up from 4 LUT8 and 1 LUT4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk3_i <= data_chk3 & CheckIn(3); Parity_chk3_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk3_i(0 to 7), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk3_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk3_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk3_i(8 to 15), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk3_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] -- 15-bit for 32-bit ECC -- 31-bit for 64-bit ECC Parity_chk3_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk3_i(16 to 23), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk3_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk3_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk3_i(24 to 31), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk3_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] -- Parity_chk3_5 : ParityEnable -- generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 4) -- port map ( -- InA => chk3_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] -- Enable => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] -- Res => syndrome_i(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk3_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 4) port map ( InA => chk3_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(3)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 4 built up from 4 LUT8 and 1 LUT4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk4_i <= data_chk4 & CheckIn(4); -- 15-bit for 32-bit ECC -- 31-bit for 64-bit ECC Parity_chk4_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk4_i(0 to 7), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk4_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk4_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk4_i(8 to 15), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk4_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk4_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk4_i(16 to 23), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk4_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk4_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk4_i(24 to 31), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk4_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk4_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 4) port map ( InA => chk4_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(4)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 5 built up from 4 LUT8 and 1 LUT4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk5_i <= data_chk5 & CheckIn(5); -- 15-bit for 32-bit ECC -- 31-bit for 64-bit ECC Parity_chk5_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk5_i(0 to 7), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk5_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk5_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk5_i(8 to 15), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk5_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk5_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk5_i(16 to 23), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk5_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk5_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk5_i(24 to 31), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk5_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk5_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 4) port map ( InA => chk5_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(5)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 6 built up from 1 LUT8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk6_i <= data_chk6 & CheckIn(6); Parity_chk6_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk6_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(6)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 7 built up from 3 LUT7 and 8 LUT6 and 1 LUT3 (12 total) + 2 LUT6 + 1 2-bit XOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- 32-bit ECC uses DataIn(0:31) and Checkin (0 to 6) -- 64-bit ECC will use DataIn(0:63) and Checkin (0 to 7) data_chk7 <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(1) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(4) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(11) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(26) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(29) & DataIn(30) & DataIn(31) & DataIn(32) & DataIn(33) & DataIn(34) & DataIn(35) & DataIn(36) & DataIn(37) & DataIn(38) & DataIn(39) & DataIn(40) & DataIn(41) & DataIn(42) & DataIn(43) & DataIn(44) & DataIn(45) & DataIn(46) & DataIn(47) & DataIn(48) & DataIn(49) & DataIn(50) & DataIn(51) & DataIn(52) & DataIn(53) & DataIn(54) & DataIn(55) & DataIn(56) & DataIn(57) & DataIn(58) & DataIn(59) & DataIn(60) & DataIn(61) & DataIn(62) & DataIn(63) & CheckIn(6) & CheckIn(5) & CheckIn(4) & CheckIn(3) & CheckIn(2) & CheckIn(1) & CheckIn(0) & CheckIn(7); Parity_chk7_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => data_chk7(18 to 24), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => data_chk7(25 to 31), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(4)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_6 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => data_chk7(32 to 38), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(5)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_7 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(39 to 44), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(6)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_8 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(45 to 50), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(7)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_9 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(51 to 56), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(8)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_10 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(57 to 62), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(9)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_11 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(63 to 68), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(10)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_12 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 3) port map ( InA => data_chk7(69 to 71), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(11)); -- [out std_logic] -- Unused -- Parity_chk7_13 : Parity -- generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) -- port map ( -- InA => chk7_1 (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] -- Res => syndrome7_a); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- Parity_chk7_14 : Parity -- generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) -- port map ( -- InA => chk7_1 (6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] -- Res => syndrome7_b); -- [out std_logic] -- Unused syndrome_i(7) <= syndrome7_a xor syndrome7_b; -- Unused syndrome_i (7) <= syndrome7_a; -- syndrome_i (7) is not used here. Final XOR stage is done outside this module with Syndrome_7 vector output. -- Clean up this statement. syndrome_i (7) <= '0'; -- Unused syndrome_int_7 <= syndrome7_a xor syndrome7_b; -- Unused Syndrome_7_b <= syndrome7_b; Syndrome <= syndrome_i; -- Bring out seperate output to do final XOR stage on Syndrome (7) after -- the pipeline stage. Syndrome_7 <= chk7_1 (0 to 11); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- With final syndrome registered outside this module for pipeline balancing -- Use registered syndrome to generate any error flags. -- Use input signal, Syndrome_Chk which is the registered Syndrome used to -- correct any single bit errors. syndrome_0_to_2 <= Syndrome_Chk(0) & Syndrome_Chk(1) & Syndrome_Chk(2); -- syndrome_3_to_6 <= syndrome_i(3) & syndrome_i(4) & syndrome_i(5) & syndrome_i(6); syndrome_3_to_6 <= Syndrome_Chk(3) & Syndrome_Chk(4) & Syndrome_Chk(5) & Syndrome_Chk(6); syndrome_3_to_6_zero <= '1' when syndrome_3_to_6 = "0000" else '0'; -- Syndrome bits (3:6) can indicate a double bit error if -- Syndrome (6) = '1' AND any bits of Syndrome(3:5) are equal to a '1'. syndrome_3_to_6_multi <= '1' when (syndrome_3_to_6 = "1111" or -- 15 syndrome_3_to_6 = "1101" or -- 13 syndrome_3_to_6 = "1011" or -- 11 syndrome_3_to_6 = "1001" or -- 9 syndrome_3_to_6 = "0111" or -- 7 syndrome_3_to_6 = "0101" or -- 5 syndrome_3_to_6 = "0011") -- 3 else '0'; -- A single bit error is detectable if -- Syndrome (7) = '1' and a double bit error is not detectable in Syndrome (3:6) -- CE <= Enable_ECC and (syndrome_i(7) or CE_Q) when (syndrome_3_to_6_multi = '0') -- CE <= Enable_ECC and (syndrome_int_7 or CE_Q) when (syndrome_3_to_6_multi = '0') -- CE <= Enable_ECC and (Syndrome_Chk(7) or CE_Q) when (syndrome_3_to_6_multi = '0') -- else CE_Q and Enable_ECC; -- Ensure that CE flag is only asserted for a single clock cycle (and does not keep -- registered output value) CE <= (Enable_ECC and Syndrome_Chk(7)) when (syndrome_3_to_6_multi = '0') else '0'; -- Uncorrectable error if Syndrome(7) = '0' and any other bits are = '1'. -- ue_i_0 <= Enable_ECC when (syndrome_3_to_6_zero = '0') or (syndrome_i(0 to 2) /= "000") -- else UE_Q and Enable_ECC; -- ue_i_0 <= Enable_ECC when (syndrome_3_to_6_zero = '0') or (syndrome_0_to_2 /= "000") -- else UE_Q and Enable_ECC; -- -- ue_i_1 <= Enable_ECC and (syndrome_3_to_6_multi or UE_Q); -- Similar edit from CE flag. Ensure that UE flags are only asserted for a single -- clock cycle. The flags are registered outside this module for detection in -- register module. ue_i_0 <= Enable_ECC when (syndrome_3_to_6_zero = '0') or (syndrome_0_to_2 /= "000") else '0'; ue_i_1 <= Enable_ECC and (syndrome_3_to_6_multi); Use_LUT6: if (C_USE_LUT6) generate UE_MUXF7 : MUXF7 port map ( I0 => ue_i_0, I1 => ue_i_1, -- S => syndrome_i(7), -- S => syndrome_int_7, S => Syndrome_Chk(7), O => UE ); end generate Use_LUT6; Use_RTL: if (not C_USE_LUT6) generate -- bit 6 in 32-bit ECC -- bit 7 in 64-bit ECC -- UE <= ue_i_1 when syndrome_i(7) = '1' else ue_i_0; -- UE <= ue_i_1 when syndrome_int_7 = '1' else ue_i_0; UE <= ue_i_1 when Syndrome_Chk(7) = '1' else ue_i_0; end generate Use_RTL; end generate Decode_Bits; end architecture IMP; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checkbit_handler.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: checkbit_handler.vhd -- -- Description: Generates the ECC checkbits for the input vector of data bits. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93/02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity checkbit_handler is generic ( C_ENCODE : boolean := true; C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := true ); port ( DataIn : in std_logic_vector(0 to 31); --- changed from 31 downto 0 to 0 to 31 to make it compatabile with LMB Controller's hamming code. CheckIn : in std_logic_vector(0 to 6); CheckOut : out std_logic_vector(0 to 6); Syndrome : out std_logic_vector(0 to 6); Syndrome_4 : out std_logic_vector (0 to 1); Syndrome_6 : out std_logic_vector (0 to 5); Syndrome_Chk : in std_logic_vector (0 to 6); Enable_ECC : in std_logic; UE_Q : in std_logic; CE_Q : in std_logic; UE : out std_logic; CE : out std_logic ); end entity checkbit_handler; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; architecture IMP of checkbit_handler is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; component XOR18 is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean); port ( InA : in std_logic_vector(0 to 17); res : out std_logic); end component XOR18; component Parity is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean; C_SIZE : integer); port ( InA : in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1); Res : out std_logic); end component Parity; signal data_chk0 : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); signal data_chk1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); signal data_chk2 : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); signal data_chk3 : std_logic_vector(0 to 14); signal data_chk4 : std_logic_vector(0 to 14); signal data_chk5 : std_logic_vector(0 to 5); begin -- architecture IMP data_chk0 <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(1) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(4) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(11) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(26) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(30); data_chk1 <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(31); data_chk2 <= DataIn(1) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(29) & DataIn(30) & DataIn(31); data_chk3 <= DataIn(4) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25); data_chk4 <= DataIn(11) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25); data_chk5 <= DataIn(26) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(29) & DataIn(30) & DataIn(31); -- Encode bits for writing data Encode_Bits : if (C_ENCODE) generate signal data_chk3_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); signal data_chk4_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); signal data_chk6 : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 0 built up using XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XOR18_I0 : XOR18 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( InA => data_chk0, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] res => CheckOut(0)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 1 built up using XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XOR18_I1 : XOR18 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( InA => data_chk1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] res => CheckOut(1)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 2 built up using XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XOR18_I2 : XOR18 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( InA => data_chk2, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] res => CheckOut(2)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 3 built up using XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk3_i <= data_chk3 & "000"; XOR18_I3 : XOR18 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( InA => data_chk3_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] res => CheckOut(3)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 4 built up using XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk4_i <= data_chk4 & "000"; XOR18_I4 : XOR18 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( InA => data_chk4_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] res => CheckOut(4)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 5 built up from 1 LUT6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parity_chk5_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk5, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => CheckOut(5)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 6 built up from 3 LUT7 and 4 LUT6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk6 <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(1) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(4) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(11) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(26) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(29); XOR18_I6 : XOR18 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( InA => data_chk6, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] res => CheckOut(6)); -- [out std_logic] end generate Encode_Bits; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Decode bits to get syndrome and UE/CE signals -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decode_Bits : if (not C_ENCODE) generate signal syndrome_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 6) := (others => '0'); signal chk0_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal chk1_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal chk2_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal data_chk3_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 15); signal chk3_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 1); signal data_chk4_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 15); signal chk4_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 1); signal data_chk5_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); signal data_chk6 : std_logic_vector(0 to 38); signal chk6_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 5); signal syndrome_0_to_2 : std_logic_vector (0 to 2); signal syndrome_3_to_5 : std_logic_vector (3 to 5); signal syndrome_3_to_5_multi : std_logic; signal syndrome_3_to_5_zero : std_logic; signal ue_i_0 : std_logic; signal ue_i_1 : std_logic; begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 0 built up from 3 LUT6 and 1 LUT4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ chk0_1(3) <= CheckIn(0); Parity_chk0_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 4) port map ( InA => chk0_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(0)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 1 built up from 3 LUT6 and 1 LUT4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ chk1_1(3) <= CheckIn(1); Parity_chk1_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 4) port map ( InA => chk1_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(1)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 2 built up from 3 LUT6 and 1 LUT4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ chk2_1(3) <= CheckIn(2); Parity_chk2_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 4) port map ( InA => chk2_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(2)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 3 built up from 2 LUT8 and 1 LUT2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk3_i <= data_chk3 & CheckIn(3); Parity_chk3_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk3_i(0 to 7), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk3_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk3_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk3_i(8 to 15), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk3_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] -- For improved timing, remove Enable_ECC signal in this LUT level Parity_chk3_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 2) port map ( InA => chk3_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(3)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 4 built up from 2 LUT8 and 1 LUT2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk4_i <= data_chk4 & CheckIn(4); Parity_chk4_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk4_i(0 to 7), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk4_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk4_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk4_i(8 to 15), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk4_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] -- Set bit 4 output with default. Real ECC XOR value will be determined post register -- stage. syndrome_i (4) <= '0'; -- For improved timing, move last LUT level XOR to next side of pipeline -- stage in read path. Syndrome_4 <= chk4_1; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 5 built up from 1 LUT7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk5_i <= data_chk5 & CheckIn(5); Parity_chk5_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => data_chk5_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(5)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 6 built up from 3 LUT7 and 4 LUT6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk6 <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(1) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(4) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(11) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(26) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(29) & DataIn(30) & DataIn(31) & CheckIn(5) & CheckIn(4) & CheckIn(3) & CheckIn(2) & CheckIn(1) & CheckIn(0) & CheckIn(6); Parity_chk6_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk6(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk6_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk6_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk6(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk6_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk6_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk6(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk6_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk6_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => data_chk6(18 to 24), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk6_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk6_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => data_chk6(25 to 31), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk6_1(4)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk6_6 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => data_chk6(32 to 38), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk6_1(5)); -- [out std_logic] -- No internal use for MSB of syndrome (it is created after the -- register stage, outside of this block) syndrome_i(6) <= '0'; Syndrome <= syndrome_i; -- (N:0) <= (0:N) -- Bring out seperate output to do final XOR stage on Syndrome (6) after -- the pipeline stage. Syndrome_6 <= chk6_1 (0 to 5); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- With final syndrome registered outside this module for pipeline balancing -- Use registered syndrome to generate any error flags. -- Use input signal, Syndrome_Chk which is the registered Syndrome used to -- correct any single bit errors. syndrome_0_to_2 <= Syndrome_Chk(0) & Syndrome_Chk(1) & Syndrome_Chk(2); syndrome_3_to_5 <= Syndrome_Chk(3) & Syndrome_Chk(4) & Syndrome_Chk(5); syndrome_3_to_5_zero <= '1' when syndrome_3_to_5 = "000" else '0'; syndrome_3_to_5_multi <= '1' when (syndrome_3_to_5 = "111" or syndrome_3_to_5 = "011" or syndrome_3_to_5 = "101") else '0'; -- Ensure that CE flag is only asserted for a single clock cycle (and does not keep -- registered output value) CE <= (Enable_ECC and Syndrome_Chk(6)) when (syndrome_3_to_5_multi = '0') else '0'; -- Similar edit from CE flag. Ensure that UE flags are only asserted for a single -- clock cycle. The flags are registered outside this module for detection in -- register module. ue_i_0 <= Enable_ECC when (syndrome_3_to_5_zero = '0') or (syndrome_0_to_2 /= "000") else '0'; ue_i_1 <= Enable_ECC and (syndrome_3_to_5_multi); Use_LUT6: if (C_USE_LUT6) generate begin UE_MUXF7 : MUXF7 port map ( I0 => ue_i_0, I1 => ue_i_1, S => Syndrome_Chk(6), O => UE); end generate Use_LUT6; Use_RTL: if (not C_USE_LUT6) generate begin UE <= ue_i_1 when Syndrome_Chk(6) = '1' else ue_i_0; end generate Use_RTL; end generate Decode_Bits; end architecture IMP; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Filename: correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- Description: Identifies single bit to correct in 64-bit word of -- data read from memory as indicated by the syndrome input -- vector. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; entity Correct_One_Bit_64 is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := true; Correct_Value : std_logic_vector(0 to 7)); port ( DIn : in std_logic; Syndrome : in std_logic_vector(0 to 7); DCorr : out std_logic); end entity Correct_One_Bit_64; architecture IMP of Correct_One_Bit_64 is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Find which bit that has a '1' -- There is always one bit which has a '1' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function find_one (Syn : std_logic_vector(0 to 7)) return natural is begin -- function find_one for I in 0 to 7 loop if (Syn(I) = '1') then return I; end if; end loop; -- I return 0; -- Should never reach this statement end function find_one; constant di_index : natural := find_one(Correct_Value); signal corr_sel : std_logic; signal corr_c : std_logic; signal lut_compare : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); signal lut_corr_val : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); begin -- architecture IMP Remove_DI_Index : process (Syndrome) is begin -- process Remove_DI_Index if (di_index = 0) then lut_compare <= Syndrome(1 to 7); lut_corr_val <= Correct_Value(1 to 7); elsif (di_index = 6) then lut_compare <= Syndrome(0 to 6); lut_corr_val <= Correct_Value(0 to 6); else lut_compare <= Syndrome(0 to di_index-1) & Syndrome(di_index+1 to 7); lut_corr_val <= Correct_Value(0 to di_index-1) & Correct_Value(di_index+1 to 7); end if; end process Remove_DI_Index; corr_sel <= '0' when lut_compare = lut_corr_val else '1'; Corr_MUXCY : MUXCY_L port map ( DI => Syndrome(di_index), CI => '0', S => corr_sel, LO => corr_c); Corr_XORCY : XORCY port map ( LI => DIn, CI => corr_c, O => DCorr); end architecture IMP; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- correct_one_bit.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Filename: correct_one_bit.vhd -- -- Description: Identifies single bit to correct in 32-bit word of -- data read from memory as indicated by the syndrome input -- vector. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; entity Correct_One_Bit is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := true; Correct_Value : std_logic_vector(0 to 6)); port ( DIn : in std_logic; Syndrome : in std_logic_vector(0 to 6); DCorr : out std_logic); end entity Correct_One_Bit; architecture IMP of Correct_One_Bit is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Find which bit that has a '1' -- There is always one bit which has a '1' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function find_one (Syn : std_logic_vector(0 to 6)) return natural is begin -- function find_one for I in 0 to 6 loop if (Syn(I) = '1') then return I; end if; end loop; -- I return 0; -- Should never reach this statement end function find_one; constant di_index : natural := find_one(Correct_Value); signal corr_sel : std_logic; signal corr_c : std_logic; signal lut_compare : std_logic_vector(0 to 5); signal lut_corr_val : std_logic_vector(0 to 5); begin -- architecture IMP Remove_DI_Index : process (Syndrome) is begin -- process Remove_DI_Index if (di_index = 0) then lut_compare <= Syndrome(1 to 6); lut_corr_val <= Correct_Value(1 to 6); elsif (di_index = 6) then lut_compare <= Syndrome(0 to 5); lut_corr_val <= Correct_Value(0 to 5); else lut_compare <= Syndrome(0 to di_index-1) & Syndrome(di_index+1 to 6); lut_corr_val <= Correct_Value(0 to di_index-1) & Correct_Value(di_index+1 to 6); end if; end process Remove_DI_Index; -- Corr_LUT : LUT6 -- generic map( -- INIT => X"6996966996696996" -- ) -- port map( -- O => corr_sel, -- [out] -- I0 => InA(5), -- [in] -- I1 => InA(4), -- [in] -- I2 => InA(3), -- [in] -- I3 => InA(2), -- [in] -- I4 => InA(1), -- [in] -- I5 => InA(0) -- [in] -- ); corr_sel <= '0' when lut_compare = lut_corr_val else '1'; Corr_MUXCY : MUXCY_L port map ( DI => Syndrome(di_index), CI => '0', S => corr_sel, LO => corr_c); Corr_XORCY : XORCY port map ( LI => DIn, CI => corr_c, O => DCorr); end architecture IMP; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- xor18.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Filename: xor18.vhd -- -- Description: Basic 18-bit input XOR function. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add default on C_USE_LUT6 parameter. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; entity XOR18 is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := FALSE ); port ( InA : in std_logic_vector(0 to 17); res : out std_logic); end entity XOR18; architecture IMP of XOR18 is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; begin -- architecture IMP Using_LUT6: if (C_USE_LUT6) generate signal xor6_1 : std_logic; signal xor6_2 : std_logic; signal xor6_3 : std_logic; signal xor18_c1 : std_logic; signal xor18_c2 : std_logic; begin -- generate Using_LUT6 XOR6_1_LUT : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"6996966996696996") port map( O => xor6_1, I0 => InA(17), I1 => InA(16), I2 => InA(15), I3 => InA(14), I4 => InA(13), I5 => InA(12)); XOR_1st_MUXCY : MUXCY_L port map ( DI => '1', CI => '0', S => xor6_1, LO => xor18_c1); XOR6_2_LUT : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"6996966996696996") port map( O => xor6_2, I0 => InA(11), I1 => InA(10), I2 => InA(9), I3 => InA(8), I4 => InA(7), I5 => InA(6)); XOR_2nd_MUXCY : MUXCY_L port map ( DI => xor6_1, CI => xor18_c1, S => xor6_2, LO => xor18_c2); XOR6_3_LUT : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"6996966996696996") port map( O => xor6_3, I0 => InA(5), I1 => InA(4), I2 => InA(3), I3 => InA(2), I4 => InA(1), I5 => InA(0)); XOR18_XORCY : XORCY port map ( LI => xor6_3, CI => xor18_c2, O => res); end generate Using_LUT6; Not_Using_LUT6: if (not C_USE_LUT6) generate begin -- generate Not_Using_LUT6 res <= InA(17) xor InA(16) xor InA(15) xor InA(14) xor InA(13) xor InA(12) xor InA(11) xor InA(10) xor InA(9) xor InA(8) xor InA(7) xor InA(6) xor InA(5) xor InA(4) xor InA(3) xor InA(2) xor InA(1) xor InA(0); end generate Not_Using_LUT6; end architecture IMP; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- parity.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Filename: parity.vhd -- -- Description: Generate parity optimally for all target architectures. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity Parity is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := true; C_SIZE : integer := 6 ); port ( InA : in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1); Res : out std_logic ); end entity Parity; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; architecture IMP of Parity is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; -- Non-recursive loop implementation function ParityGen (InA : std_logic_vector) return std_logic is variable result : std_logic; begin result := '0'; for I in InA'range loop result := result xor InA(I); end loop; return result; end function ParityGen; begin -- architecture IMP Using_LUT6 : if (C_USE_LUT6) generate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Single LUT6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Single_LUT6 : if C_SIZE > 1 and C_SIZE <= 6 generate signal inA6 : std_logic_vector(0 to 5); begin Assign_InA : process (InA) is begin inA6 <= (others => '0'); inA6(0 to InA'length - 1) <= InA; end process Assign_InA; XOR6_LUT : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"6996966996696996") port map( O => Res, I0 => inA6(5), I1 => inA6(4), I2 => inA6(3), I3 => inA6(2), I4 => inA6(1), I5 => inA6(0)); end generate Single_LUT6; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Two LUT6 and one MUXF7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use_MUXF7 : if C_SIZE = 7 generate signal inA7 : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); signal result6 : std_logic; signal result6n : std_logic; begin Assign_InA : process (InA) is begin inA7 <= (others => '0'); inA7(0 to InA'length - 1) <= InA; end process Assign_InA; XOR6_LUT : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"6996966996696996") port map( O => result6, I0 => inA7(5), I1 => inA7(4), I2 => inA7(3), I3 => inA7(2), I4 => inA7(1), I5 => inA7(0)); XOR6_LUT_N : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"9669699669969669") port map( O => result6n, I0 => inA7(5), I1 => inA7(4), I2 => inA7(3), I3 => inA7(2), I4 => inA7(1), I5 => inA7(0)); MUXF7_LUT : MUXF7 port map ( O => Res, I0 => result6, I1 => result6n, S => inA7(6)); end generate Use_MUXF7; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Four LUT6, two MUXF7 and one MUXF8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use_MUXF8 : if C_SIZE = 8 generate signal inA8 : std_logic_vector(0 to 7); signal result6_1 : std_logic; signal result6_1n : std_logic; signal result6_2 : std_logic; signal result6_2n : std_logic; signal result7_1 : std_logic; signal result7_1n : std_logic; begin Assign_InA : process (InA) is begin inA8 <= (others => '0'); inA8(0 to InA'length - 1) <= InA; end process Assign_InA; XOR6_LUT1 : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"6996966996696996") port map( O => result6_1, I0 => inA8(5), I1 => inA8(4), I2 => inA8(3), I3 => inA8(2), I4 => inA8(1), I5 => inA8(0)); XOR6_LUT2_N : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"9669699669969669") port map( O => result6_1n, I0 => inA8(5), I1 => inA8(4), I2 => inA8(3), I3 => inA8(2), I4 => inA8(1), I5 => inA8(0)); MUXF7_LUT1 : MUXF7 port map ( O => result7_1, I0 => result6_1, I1 => result6_1n, S => inA8(6)); XOR6_LUT3 : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"6996966996696996") port map( O => result6_2, I0 => inA8(5), I1 => inA8(4), I2 => inA8(3), I3 => inA8(2), I4 => inA8(1), I5 => inA8(0)); XOR6_LUT4_N : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"9669699669969669") port map( O => result6_2n, I0 => inA8(5), I1 => inA8(4), I2 => inA8(3), I3 => inA8(2), I4 => inA8(1), I5 => inA8(0)); MUXF7_LUT2 : MUXF7 port map ( O => result7_1n, I0 => result6_2n, I1 => result6_2, S => inA8(6)); MUXF8_LUT : MUXF8 port map ( O => res, I0 => result7_1, I1 => result7_1n, S => inA8(7)); end generate Use_MUXF8; end generate Using_LUT6; -- Fall-back implementation without LUT6 Not_Using_LUT6 : if not C_USE_LUT6 or C_SIZE > 8 generate begin Res <= ParityGen(InA); end generate Not_Using_LUT6; end architecture IMP; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generated by X-HDL Verilog Translator - Version 4.0.0 Apr. 30, 2006 -- Wed Jun 17 2009 01:03:24 -- -- Input file : /home/samsonn/SandBox_LBranch_11.2/env/Databases/ip/src2/L/mig_v3_2/data/dlib/virtex6/ddr3_sdram/verilog/rtl/ecc/ecc_gen.v -- Component name : ecc_gen -- Author : -- Company : -- -- Description : -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; -- Generate the ecc code. Note that the synthesizer should -- generate this as a static logic. Code in this block should -- never run during simulation phase, or directly impact timing. -- -- The code generated is a single correct, double detect code. -- It is the classic Hamming code. Instead, the code is -- optimized for minimal/balanced tree depth and size. See -- Hsiao IBM Technial Journal 1970. -- -- The code is returned as a single bit vector, h_rows. This was -- the only way to "subroutinize" this with the restrictions of -- disallowed include files and that matrices cannot be passed -- in ports. -- -- Factorial and the combos functions are defined. Combos -- simply computes the number of combinations from the set -- size and elements at a time. -- -- The function next_combo computes the next combination in -- lexicographical order given the "current" combination. Its -- output is undefined if given the last combination in the -- lexicographical order. -- -- next_combo is insensitive to the number of elements in the -- combinations. -- -- An H transpose matrix is generated because that's the easiest -- way to do it. The H transpose matrix is generated by taking -- the one at a time combinations, then the 3 at a time, then -- the 5 at a time. The number combinations used is equal to -- the width of the code (CODE_WIDTH). The boundaries between -- the 1, 3 and 5 groups are hardcoded in the for loop. -- -- At the same time the h_rows vector is generated from the -- H transpose matrix. entity ecc_gen is generic ( CODE_WIDTH : integer := 72; ECC_WIDTH : integer := 8; DATA_WIDTH : integer := 64 ); port ( -- Outputs -- function next_combo -- Given a combination, return the next combo in lexicographical -- order. Scans from right to left. Assumes the first combination -- is k ones all of the way to the left. -- -- Upon entry, initialize seen0, trig1, and ones. "seen0" means -- that a zero has been observed while scanning from right to left. -- "trig1" means that a one have been observed _after_ seen0 is set. -- "ones" counts the number of ones observed while scanning the input. -- -- If trig1 is one, just copy the input bit to the output and increment -- to the next bit. Otherwise set the the output bit to zero, if the -- input is a one, increment ones. If the input bit is a one and seen0 -- is true, dump out the accumulated ones. Set seen0 to the complement -- of the input bit. Note that seen0 is not used subsequent to trig1 -- getting set. -- The stuff above leads to excessive XST execution times. For now, hardwire to 72/64 bit. h_rows : out std_logic_vector(CODE_WIDTH * ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) ); end entity ecc_gen; architecture trans of ecc_gen is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of trans : architecture is "yes"; function factorial (ivar: integer) return integer is variable tmp : integer; begin if (ivar = 1) then return 1; else tmp := 1; for i in ivar downto 2 loop tmp := tmp * i; end loop; end if; return tmp; end function factorial; function combos ( n, k: integer) return integer is begin return factorial(n)/(factorial(k)*factorial(n-k)); end function combos; function next_combo (i: std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is variable seen0: std_logic; variable trig1: std_logic; variable ones: std_logic_vector (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); variable tmp: std_logic_vector (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); variable tmp_index : integer; begin seen0 := '0'; trig1 := '0'; ones := (others => '0'); for index in ECC_WIDTH -1 downto 0 loop tmp_index := ECC_WIDTH -1 - index; if (trig1 = '1') then tmp(tmp_index) := i(tmp_index); else tmp(tmp_index) := '0'; ones := ones + i(tmp_index); if ((i(tmp_index) = '1') and (seen0 = '1')) then trig1 := '1'; for dump_index in tmp_index-1 downto 0 loop if (dump_index >= (tmp_index- conv_integer(ones)) ) then tmp(dump_index) := '1'; end if; end loop; end if; seen0 := not(i(tmp_index)); end if; end loop; return tmp; end function next_combo; constant COMBOS_3 : integer := combos(ECC_WIDTH, 3); constant COMBOS_5 : integer := combos(ECC_WIDTH, 5); type twoDarray is array (CODE_WIDTH -1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal ht_matrix : twoDarray; begin columns: for n in CODE_WIDTH - 1 downto 0 generate column0: if (n = 0) generate ht_matrix(n) <= "111" & conv_std_logic_vector(0,ECC_WIDTH-3); end generate; column_combos3: if ((n = COMBOS_3) and ( n < DATA_WIDTH) ) generate ht_matrix(n) <= "11111" & conv_std_logic_vector(0,ECC_WIDTH-5); end generate; column_combos5: if ((n = COMBOS_3 + COMBOS_5) and ( n < DATA_WIDTH) ) generate ht_matrix(n) <= "1111111" & conv_std_logic_vector(0,ECC_WIDTH-7); end generate; column_datawidth: if (n = DATA_WIDTH) generate ht_matrix(n) <= "1" & conv_std_logic_vector(0,ECC_WIDTH-1); end generate; column_gen: if ( (n /= 0 ) and ((n /= COMBOS_3) or (n > DATA_WIDTH)) and ((n /= COMBOS_3+COMBOS_5) or (n > DATA_WIDTH)) and (n /= DATA_WIDTH) ) generate ht_matrix(n) <= next_combo(ht_matrix(n-1)); end generate; out_assign: for s in ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0 generate h_rows(s*CODE_WIDTH+n) <= ht_matrix(n)(s); end generate; end generate; --h_row0 <= "100000000100100011101101001101001000110100100010000110100100010000100000"; --h_row1 <= "010000001010010011011010101010100100101010010001000101010010001000010000"; --h_row2 <= "001000001001001010110110010110010010011001001000100011001001000100001000"; --h_row3 <= "000100000111000101110001110001110001000111000100010000111000100010000100"; --h_row4 <= "000010000000111100001111110000001111000000111100001000000111100001000010"; --h_row5 <= "000001001111111100000000001111111111000000000011111000000000011111000001"; --h_row6 <= "000000101111111100000000000000000000111111111111111000000000000000111111"; --h_row7 <= "000000011111111100000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111"; --h_rows <= (h_row7 & h_row6 & h_row5 & h_row4 & h_row3 & h_row2 & h_row1 & h_row0); end architecture trans; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- -- Description: This module contains the register components for the -- ECC status & control data when enabled. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- Remove library version # dependency. Replace with work library. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add ECC support for 128-bit BRAM data width. -- Clean-up XST warnings. Add C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR parameter and -- modify BRAM address registers. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.axi_lite_if; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity lite_ecc_reg is generic ( C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL : string := "AXI4"; -- Used in this module to differentiate timing for error capture C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM : INTEGER := 1; -- Enable single port usage of BRAM C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := 2; -- Adjust factor to BRAM address width based on data width (in bits) -- AXI-Lite Register Parameters C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite data bus (in bits) -- ECC Parameters C_ECC_WIDTH : integer := 8; -- Width of ECC data vector C_FAULT_INJECT : integer := 0; -- Enable fault injection registers C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE : integer := 1; -- By default, ECC checking is on (can disable ECC @ reset by setting this to 0) -- Hard coded parameters at top level. -- Note: Kept in design for future enhancement. C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF : integer := 0; -- By default the ECC AXI-Lite register interface is enabled C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable CE (correctable error) failing registers C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable UE (uncorrectable error) failing registers C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable ECC status registers C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER : integer := 0; -- Enable ECC on/off control register C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH : integer := 0 -- Selects CE counter width/threshold to assert ECC_Interrupt ); port ( -- AXI Clock and Reset S_AXI_AClk : in std_logic; S_AXI_AResetn : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Clock and Reset -- Note: AXI-Lite Control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- S_AXI_CTRL_AClk : in std_logic; -- S_AXI_CTRL_AResetn : in std_logic; Interrupt : out std_logic := '0'; ECC_UE : out std_logic := '0'; -- *** AXI-Lite ECC Register Interface Signals *** -- All synchronized to S_AXI_CTRL_AClk -- AXI-Lite Write Address Channel Signals (AW) AXI_CTRL_AWVALID : in std_logic; AXI_CTRL_AWREADY : out std_logic; AXI_CTRL_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- AXI-Lite Write Data Channel Signals (W) AXI_CTRL_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_WVALID : in std_logic; AXI_CTRL_WREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) AXI_CTRL_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_BVALID : out std_logic; AXI_CTRL_BREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Address Channel Signals (AR) AXI_CTRL_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_ARVALID : in std_logic; AXI_CTRL_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Data Channel Signals (R) AXI_CTRL_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_RVALID : out std_logic; AXI_CTRL_RREADY : in std_logic; -- *** Memory Controller Interface Signals *** -- All synchronized to S_AXI_AClk Enable_ECC : out std_logic; -- Indicates if and when ECC is enabled FaultInjectClr : in std_logic; -- Clear for Fault Inject Registers CE_Failing_We : in std_logic; -- WE for CE Failing Registers -- UE_Failing_We : in std_logic; -- WE for CE Failing Registers CE_CounterReg_Inc : in std_logic; -- Increment CE Counter Register Sl_CE : in std_logic; -- Correctable Error Flag Sl_UE : in std_logic; -- Uncorrectable Error Flag BRAM_Addr_A : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR); -- v1.03a BRAM_Addr_B : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR); -- v1.03a BRAM_Addr_En : in std_logic; Active_Wr : in std_logic; -- BRAM_RdData_A : in std_logic_vector (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); -- BRAM_RdData_B : in std_logic_vector (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); -- Outputs FaultInjectData : out std_logic_vector (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); FaultInjectECC : out std_logic_vector (0 to C_ECC_WIDTH-1) ); end entity lite_ecc_reg; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of lite_ecc_reg is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; constant IF_IS_AXI4 : boolean := (Equal_String (C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL, "AXI4")); constant IF_IS_AXI4LITE : boolean := (Equal_String (C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL, "AXI4LITE")); -- Start LMB BRAM v3.00a HDL constant C_HAS_FAULT_INJECT : boolean := C_FAULT_INJECT = 1; constant C_HAS_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS : boolean := C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS = 1; constant C_HAS_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS : boolean := C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS = 1; constant C_HAS_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS : boolean := C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS = 1; constant C_HAS_ECC_ONOFF : boolean := C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER = 1; constant C_HAS_CE_COUNTER : boolean := C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH /= 0; -- Register accesses -- Register addresses use word address, i.e 2 LSB don't care -- Don't decode MSB, i.e. mirrorring of registers in address space of module constant C_REGADDR_WIDTH : integer := 8; constant C_ECC_StatusReg : std_logic_vector := "00000000"; -- 0x0 = 00 0000 00 constant C_ECC_EnableIRQReg : std_logic_vector := "00000001"; -- 0x4 = 00 0000 01 constant C_ECC_OnOffReg : std_logic_vector := "00000010"; -- 0x8 = 00 0000 10 constant C_CE_CounterReg : std_logic_vector := "00000011"; -- 0xC = 00 0000 11 constant C_CE_FailingData_31_0 : std_logic_vector := "01000000"; -- 0x100 = 01 0000 00 constant C_CE_FailingData_63_31 : std_logic_vector := "01000001"; -- 0x104 = 01 0000 01 constant C_CE_FailingData_95_64 : std_logic_vector := "01000010"; -- 0x108 = 01 0000 10 constant C_CE_FailingData_127_96 : std_logic_vector := "01000011"; -- 0x10C = 01 0000 11 constant C_CE_FailingECC : std_logic_vector := "01100000"; -- 0x180 = 01 1000 00 constant C_CE_FailingAddress_31_0 : std_logic_vector := "01110000"; -- 0x1C0 = 01 1100 00 constant C_CE_FailingAddress_63_32 : std_logic_vector := "01110001"; -- 0x1C4 = 01 1100 01 constant C_UE_FailingData_31_0 : std_logic_vector := "10000000"; -- 0x200 = 10 0000 00 constant C_UE_FailingData_63_31 : std_logic_vector := "10000001"; -- 0x204 = 10 0000 01 constant C_UE_FailingData_95_64 : std_logic_vector := "10000010"; -- 0x208 = 10 0000 10 constant C_UE_FailingData_127_96 : std_logic_vector := "10000011"; -- 0x20C = 10 0000 11 constant C_UE_FailingECC : std_logic_vector := "10100000"; -- 0x280 = 10 1000 00 constant C_UE_FailingAddress_31_0 : std_logic_vector := "10110000"; -- 0x2C0 = 10 1100 00 constant C_UE_FailingAddress_63_32 : std_logic_vector := "10110000"; -- 0x2C4 = 10 1100 00 constant C_FaultInjectData_31_0 : std_logic_vector := "11000000"; -- 0x300 = 11 0000 00 constant C_FaultInjectData_63_32 : std_logic_vector := "11000001"; -- 0x304 = 11 0000 01 constant C_FaultInjectData_95_64 : std_logic_vector := "11000010"; -- 0x308 = 11 0000 10 constant C_FaultInjectData_127_96 : std_logic_vector := "11000011"; -- 0x30C = 11 0000 11 constant C_FaultInjectECC : std_logic_vector := "11100000"; -- 0x380 = 11 1000 00 -- ECC Status register bit positions constant C_ECC_STATUS_CE : natural := 30; constant C_ECC_STATUS_UE : natural := 31; constant C_ECC_STATUS_WIDTH : natural := 2; constant C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_CE : natural := 30; constant C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_UE : natural := 31; constant C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_WIDTH : natural := 2; constant C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH : natural := 1; -- End LMB BRAM v3.00a HDL constant MSB_ZERO : std_logic_vector (31 downto C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal S_AXI_AReset : std_logic; -- Start LMB BRAM v3.00a HDL -- Read and write data to internal registers constant C_DWIDTH : integer := 32; signal RegWrData : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal RegWrData_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); --signal RegWrData_d1 : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); --signal RegWrData_d2 : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal RegRdData : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal RegRdData_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); --signal RegRdData_d1 : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); --signal RegRdData_d2 : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal RegAddr : std_logic_vector(0 to C_REGADDR_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal RegAddr_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_REGADDR_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); --signal RegAddr_d1 : std_logic_vector(0 to C_REGADDR_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); --signal RegAddr_d2 : std_logic_vector(0 to C_REGADDR_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal RegWr : std_logic; signal RegWr_i : std_logic; --signal RegWr_d1 : std_logic; --signal RegWr_d2 : std_logic; -- Fault Inject Register signal FaultInjectData_WE_0 : std_logic := '0'; signal FaultInjectData_WE_1 : std_logic := '0'; signal FaultInjectData_WE_2 : std_logic := '0'; signal FaultInjectData_WE_3 : std_logic := '0'; signal FaultInjectECC_WE : std_logic := '0'; --signal FaultInjectClr : std_logic := '0'; -- Correctable Error First Failing Register signal CE_FailingAddress : std_logic_vector(0 to 31) := (others => '0'); signal CE_Failing_We_i : std_logic := '0'; -- signal CE_FailingData : std_logic_vector(0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- signal CE_FailingECC : std_logic_vector(32-C_ECC_WIDTH to 31); -- Uncorrectable Error First Failing Register -- signal UE_FailingAddress : std_logic_vector(0 to C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- signal UE_Failing_We_i : std_logic := '0'; -- signal UE_FailingData : std_logic_vector(0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- signal UE_FailingECC : std_logic_vector(32-C_ECC_WIDTH to 31) := (others => '0'); -- ECC Status and Control register signal ECC_StatusReg : std_logic_vector(32-C_ECC_STATUS_WIDTH to 31) := (others => '0'); signal ECC_StatusReg_WE : std_logic_vector(32-C_ECC_STATUS_WIDTH to 31) := (others => '0'); signal ECC_EnableIRQReg : std_logic_vector(32-C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_WIDTH to 31) := (others => '0'); signal ECC_EnableIRQReg_WE : std_logic := '0'; -- ECC On/Off Control register signal ECC_OnOffReg : std_logic_vector(32-C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH to 31) := (others => '0'); signal ECC_OnOffReg_WE : std_logic := '0'; -- Correctable Error Counter signal CE_CounterReg : std_logic_vector(32-C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH to 31) := (others => '0'); signal CE_CounterReg_WE : std_logic := '0'; signal CE_CounterReg_Inc_i : std_logic := '0'; -- End LMB BRAM v3.00a HDL signal BRAM_Addr_A_d1 : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); -- v1.03a signal BRAM_Addr_A_d2 : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); -- v1.03a signal FailingAddr_Ld : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_lite_wstrb_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal Enable_ECC_i : std_logic := '0'; signal ECC_UE_i : std_logic := '0'; signal FaultInjectData_i : std_logic_vector (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal FaultInjectECC_i : std_logic_vector (0 to C_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin FaultInjectData <= FaultInjectData_i; FaultInjectECC <= FaultInjectECC_i; -- Reserve for future support. -- S_AXI_CTRL_AReset <= not (S_AXI_CTRL_AResetn); S_AXI_AReset <= not (S_AXI_AResetn); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_LITE_ECC_REG -- -- Description: -- This module is for the AXI-Lite ECC registers. -- -- Responsible for all AXI-Lite communication to the -- ECC register bank. Provides user interface signals -- to rest of AXI BRAM controller IP core for ECC functionality -- and control. -- -- Manages AXI-Lite write address (AW) and read address (AR), -- write data (W), write response (B), and read data (R) channels. -- -- Synchronized to AXI-Lite clock and reset. -- All RegWr, RegWrData, RegAddr, RegRdData must be synchronized to -- the AXI clock. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_AXI_LITE_IF : entity work.axi_lite_if generic map( C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH, C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH, C_REGADDR_WIDTH => C_REGADDR_WIDTH, C_DWIDTH => C_DWIDTH ) port map ( -- Reserve for future support. -- LMB_Clk => S_AXI_CTRL_AClk, -- LMB_Rst => S_AXI_CTRL_AReset, LMB_Clk => S_AXI_AClk, LMB_Rst => S_AXI_AReset, S_AXI_AWADDR => AXI_CTRL_AWADDR, S_AXI_AWVALID => AXI_CTRL_AWVALID, S_AXI_AWREADY => AXI_CTRL_AWREADY, S_AXI_WDATA => AXI_CTRL_WDATA, S_AXI_WSTRB => axi_lite_wstrb_int, S_AXI_WVALID => AXI_CTRL_WVALID, S_AXI_WREADY => AXI_CTRL_WREADY, S_AXI_BRESP => AXI_CTRL_BRESP, S_AXI_BVALID => AXI_CTRL_BVALID, S_AXI_BREADY => AXI_CTRL_BREADY, S_AXI_ARADDR => AXI_CTRL_ARADDR, S_AXI_ARVALID => AXI_CTRL_ARVALID, S_AXI_ARREADY => AXI_CTRL_ARREADY, S_AXI_RDATA => AXI_CTRL_RDATA, S_AXI_RRESP => AXI_CTRL_RRESP, S_AXI_RVALID => AXI_CTRL_RVALID, S_AXI_RREADY => AXI_CTRL_RREADY, RegWr => RegWr_i, RegWrData => RegWrData_i, RegAddr => RegAddr_i, RegRdData => RegRdData_i ); -- Note: AXI-Lite Control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- -- Save HDL -- If it is decided to go back and use seperate clock inputs -- One for AXI4 and one for AXI4-Lite on this core. -- For now, temporarily comment out and replace the *_i signal -- assignments. RegWr <= RegWr_i; RegWrData <= RegWrData_i; RegAddr <= RegAddr_i; RegRdData_i <= RegRdData; -- Reserve for future support. -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- -- All registers must be synchronized to the correct clock. -- -- RegWr must be synchronized to the S_AXI_Clk -- -- RegWrData must be synchronized to the S_AXI_Clk -- -- RegAddr must be synchronized to the S_AXI_Clk -- -- RegRdData must be synchronized to the S_AXI_CTRL_Clk -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- SYNC_AXI_CLK: process (S_AXI_AClk) -- begin -- if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- RegWr_d1 <= RegWr_i; -- RegWr_d2 <= RegWr_d1; -- RegWrData_d1 <= RegWrData_i; -- RegWrData_d2 <= RegWrData_d1; -- RegAddr_d1 <= RegAddr_i; -- RegAddr_d2 <= RegAddr_d1; -- end if; -- end process SYNC_AXI_CLK; -- -- RegWr <= RegWr_d2; -- RegWrData <= RegWrData_d2; -- RegAddr <= RegAddr_d2; -- -- -- SYNC_AXI_LITE_CLK: process (S_AXI_CTRL_AClk) -- begin -- if (S_AXI_CTRL_AClk'event and S_AXI_CTRL_AClk = '1' ) then -- RegRdData_d1 <= RegRdData; -- RegRdData_d2 <= RegRdData_d1; -- end if; -- end process SYNC_AXI_LITE_CLK; -- -- RegRdData_i <= RegRdData_d2; -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- axi_lite_wstrb_int <= (others => '1'); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ADDR_REG_SNG -- Purpose: Generate two deep wrap-around address pipeline to store -- read address presented to BRAM. Used to update ECC -- register value when ECC correctable or uncorrectable error -- is detected. -- -- If single port, only register Port A address. -- -- With CE flag being registered, must account for one more -- pipeline stage in stored BRAM addresss that correlates to -- failing ECC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ADDR_REG_SNG: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate -- 3rd pipeline stage on Port A (used for reads in single port mode) ONLY signal BRAM_Addr_A_d3 : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); -- v1.03a begin BRAM_ADDR_REG: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (BRAM_Addr_En = '1') then BRAM_Addr_A_d1 <= BRAM_Addr_A; BRAM_Addr_A_d2 <= BRAM_Addr_A_d1; BRAM_Addr_A_d3 <= BRAM_Addr_A_d2; else BRAM_Addr_A_d1 <= BRAM_Addr_A_d1; BRAM_Addr_A_d2 <= BRAM_Addr_A_d2; BRAM_Addr_A_d3 <= BRAM_Addr_A_d3; end if; end if; end process BRAM_ADDR_REG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_L_ADDR -- Purpose: Lower order BRAM address bits fixed @ zero depending -- on BRAM data width size. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_L_ADDR: for i in C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0 generate begin FailingAddr_Ld (i) <= '0'; end generate GEN_L_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ADDR -- Purpose: Assign valid BRAM address bits based on BRAM data width size. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ADDR: for i in C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR generate begin GEN_FA_LITE: if IF_IS_AXI4LITE generate begin FailingAddr_Ld (i) <= BRAM_Addr_A_d1(i); -- Only a single address active at a time. end generate GEN_FA_LITE; GEN_FA_AXI: if IF_IS_AXI4 generate begin -- During the RMW portion, only one active address (use _d1 pipeline). -- During read operaitons, use 3-deep address pipeline to store address values. FailingAddr_Ld (i) <= BRAM_Addr_A_d3 (i) when (Active_Wr = '0') else BRAM_Addr_A_d1 (i); end generate GEN_FA_AXI; end generate GEN_ADDR; end generate GEN_ADDR_REG_SNG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ADDR_REG_DUAL -- Purpose: Generate two deep wrap-around address pipeline to store -- read address presented to BRAM. Used to update ECC -- register value when ECC correctable or uncorrectable error -- is detected. -- -- If dual port BRAM, register Port A & Port B address. -- -- Account for CE flag register delay, add 3rd BRAM address -- pipeline stage. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ADDR_REG_DUAL: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate -- Port B pipeline stages only used in a dual port mode configuration. signal BRAM_Addr_B_d1 : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); -- v1.03a signal BRAM_Addr_B_d2 : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); -- v1.03a signal BRAM_Addr_B_d3 : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); -- v1.03a begin BRAM_ADDR_REG: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (BRAM_Addr_En = '1') then BRAM_Addr_A_d1 <= BRAM_Addr_A; BRAM_Addr_B_d1 <= BRAM_Addr_B; BRAM_Addr_B_d2 <= BRAM_Addr_B_d1; BRAM_Addr_B_d3 <= BRAM_Addr_B_d2; else BRAM_Addr_A_d1 <= BRAM_Addr_A_d1; BRAM_Addr_B_d1 <= BRAM_Addr_B_d1; BRAM_Addr_B_d2 <= BRAM_Addr_B_d2; BRAM_Addr_B_d3 <= BRAM_Addr_B_d3; end if; end if; end process BRAM_ADDR_REG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_L_ADDR -- Purpose: Lower order BRAM address bits fixed @ zero depending -- on BRAM data width size. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_L_ADDR: for i in C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0 generate begin FailingAddr_Ld (i) <= '0'; end generate GEN_L_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ADDR -- Purpose: Assign valid BRAM address bits based on BRAM data width size. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ADDR: for i in C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR generate begin GEN_FA_LITE: if IF_IS_AXI4LITE generate begin -- Only one active operation at a time. -- Use one deep address pipeline. Determine if Port A or B based on active read or write. FailingAddr_Ld (i) <= BRAM_Addr_B_d1 (i) when (Active_Wr = '0') else BRAM_Addr_A_d1 (i); end generate GEN_FA_LITE; GEN_FA_AXI: if IF_IS_AXI4 generate begin -- During the RMW portion, only one active address (use _d1 pipeline) (and from Port A). -- During read operations, use 3-deep address pipeline to store address values (and from Port B). FailingAddr_Ld (i) <= BRAM_Addr_B_d3 (i) when (Active_Wr = '0') else BRAM_Addr_A_d1 (i); end generate GEN_FA_AXI; end generate GEN_ADDR; end generate GEN_ADDR_REG_DUAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: FAULT_INJECT -- Purpose: Implement fault injection registers -- Remove check for (C_WRITE_ACCESS /= NO_WRITES) (from LMB) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAULT_INJECT : if C_HAS_FAULT_INJECT generate begin -- FaultInjectClr added to top level port list. -- Original LMB BRAM HDL -- FaultInjectClr <= '1' when ((sl_ready_i = '1') and (write_access = '1')) else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_32_FAULT -- Purpose: Create generates based on 32-bit C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_32_FAULT : if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate begin FaultInjectData_WE_0 <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectData_31_0) else '0'; FaultInjectECC_WE <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectECC) else '0'; -- Create fault vector for 32-bit data widths FaultInjectDataReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then FaultInjectData_i <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC_i <= (others => '0'); elsif FaultInjectData_WE_0 = '1' then FaultInjectData_i (0 to 31) <= RegWrData; elsif FaultInjectECC_WE = '1' then -- FaultInjectECC_i <= RegWrData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1); -- FaultInjectECC_i <= RegWrData(0 to C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- (25:31) FaultInjectECC_i <= RegWrData(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-C_ECC_WIDTH to C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1); elsif FaultInjectClr = '1' then -- One shoot, clear after first LMB write FaultInjectData_i <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC_i <= (others => '0'); end if; end if; end process FaultInjectDataReg; end generate GEN_32_FAULT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_64_FAULT -- Purpose: Create generates based on 64-bit C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_64_FAULT : if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate begin FaultInjectData_WE_0 <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectData_31_0) else '0'; FaultInjectData_WE_1 <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectData_63_32) else '0'; FaultInjectECC_WE <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectECC) else '0'; -- Create fault vector for 64-bit data widths FaultInjectDataReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then FaultInjectData_i <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC_i <= (others => '0'); elsif FaultInjectData_WE_0 = '1' then FaultInjectData_i (32 to 63) <= RegWrData; elsif FaultInjectData_WE_1 = '1' then FaultInjectData_i (0 to 31) <= RegWrData; elsif FaultInjectECC_WE = '1' then -- FaultInjectECC_i <= RegWrData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1); -- FaultInjectECC_i <= RegWrData(0 to C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- (24:31) FaultInjectECC_i <= RegWrData(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-C_ECC_WIDTH to C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1); elsif FaultInjectClr = '1' then -- One shoot, clear after first LMB write FaultInjectData_i <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC_i <= (others => '0'); end if; end if; end process FaultInjectDataReg; end generate GEN_64_FAULT; -- v1.03a --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_128_FAULT -- Purpose: Create generates based on 128-bit C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_128_FAULT : if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128 generate begin FaultInjectData_WE_0 <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectData_31_0) else '0'; FaultInjectData_WE_1 <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectData_63_32) else '0'; FaultInjectData_WE_2 <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectData_95_64) else '0'; FaultInjectData_WE_3 <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectData_127_96) else '0'; FaultInjectECC_WE <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectECC) else '0'; -- Create fault vector for 128-bit data widths FaultInjectDataReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then FaultInjectData_i <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC_i <= (others => '0'); elsif FaultInjectData_WE_0 = '1' then FaultInjectData_i (96 to 127) <= RegWrData; elsif FaultInjectData_WE_1 = '1' then FaultInjectData_i (64 to 95) <= RegWrData; elsif FaultInjectData_WE_2 = '1' then FaultInjectData_i (32 to 63) <= RegWrData; elsif FaultInjectData_WE_3 = '1' then FaultInjectData_i (0 to 31) <= RegWrData; elsif FaultInjectECC_WE = '1' then FaultInjectECC_i <= RegWrData(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-C_ECC_WIDTH to C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1); elsif FaultInjectClr = '1' then -- One shoot, clear after first LMB write FaultInjectData_i <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC_i <= (others => '0'); end if; end if; end process FaultInjectDataReg; end generate GEN_128_FAULT; end generate FAULT_INJECT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: NO_FAULT_INJECT -- Purpose: Set default outputs when no fault inject capabilities. -- Remove check from C_WRITE_ACCESS (from LMB) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO_FAULT_INJECT : if not C_HAS_FAULT_INJECT generate begin FaultInjectData_i <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC_i <= (others => '0'); end generate NO_FAULT_INJECT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: CE_FAILING_REGISTERS -- Purpose: Implement Correctable Error First Failing Register --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CE_FAILING_REGISTERS : if C_HAS_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS generate begin -- TBD (could come from axi_lite) -- CE_Failing_We <= '1' when (Sl_CE_i = '1' and Sl_Ready_i = '1' and ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_CE) = '0') -- else '0'; CE_Failing_We_i <= '1' when (CE_Failing_We = '1' and ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_CE) = '0') else '0'; CE_FailingReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then CE_FailingAddress <= (others => '0'); -- Reserve for future support. -- CE_FailingData <= (others => '0'); elsif CE_Failing_We_i = '1' then --As the AXI Addr Width can now be lesser than 32, the address is getting shifted --Eg: If addr width is 16, and Failing address is 0000_fffc, the o/p on RDATA is comming as fffc_0000 CE_FailingAddress (0 to C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1) <= FailingAddr_Ld (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); --CE_FailingAddress <= MSB_ZERO & FailingAddr_Ld ; -- Reserve for future support. -- CE_FailingData (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) <= FailingRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1); end if; end if; end process CE_FailingReg; -- Note: Remove storage of CE_FFE & CE_FFD registers. -- Here for future support. -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_CE_ECC_32 -- -- Purpose: Re-align ECC bits unique for 32-bit BRAM data width. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- GEN_CE_ECC_32: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate -- begin -- -- CE_FailingECCReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is -- begin -- if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then -- if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then -- CE_FailingECC <= (others => '0'); -- elsif CE_Failing_We_i = '1' then -- -- Data2Mem shifts ECC to lower data bits in remaining byte (when 32-bit data width) (33 to 39) -- CE_FailingECC <= FailingRdData(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+1 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+1+C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- end if; -- end if; -- end process CE_FailingECCReg; -- -- end generate GEN_CE_ECC_32; -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_CE_ECC_64 -- -- Purpose: Re-align ECC bits unique for 64-bit BRAM data width. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- GEN_CE_ECC_64: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate -- begin -- -- CE_FailingECCReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is -- begin -- if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then -- if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then -- CE_FailingECC <= (others => '0'); -- elsif CE_Failing_We_i = '1' then -- CE_FailingECC <= FailingRdData(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- end if; -- end if; -- end process CE_FailingECCReg; -- -- end generate GEN_CE_ECC_64; end generate CE_FAILING_REGISTERS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: NO_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS -- Purpose: No Correctable Error Failing registers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS : if not C_HAS_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS generate begin CE_FailingAddress <= (others => '0'); -- CE_FailingData <= (others => '0'); -- CE_FailingECC <= (others => '0'); end generate NO_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS; -- Note: C_HAS_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS will always be set to 0 -- This generate clause will never be evaluated. -- Here for future support. -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: UE_FAILING_REGISTERS -- -- Purpose: Implement Unorrectable Error First Failing Register -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- UE_FAILING_REGISTERS : if C_HAS_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS generate -- begin -- -- -- TBD (could come from axi_lite) -- -- UE_Failing_We <= '1' when (Sl_UE_i = '1' and Sl_Ready_i = '1' and ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_UE) = '0') -- -- else '0'; -- -- UE_Failing_We_i <= '1' when (UE_Failing_We = '1' and ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_UE) = '0') -- else '0'; -- -- -- UE_FailingReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is -- begin -- if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then -- if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then -- UE_FailingAddress <= (others => '0'); -- UE_FailingData <= (others => '0'); -- elsif UE_Failing_We = '1' then -- UE_FailingAddress <= FailingAddr_Ld; -- UE_FailingData <= FailingRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1); -- end if; -- end if; -- end process UE_FailingReg; -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_UE_ECC_32 -- -- Purpose: Re-align ECC bits unique for 32-bit BRAM data width. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- GEN_UE_ECC_32: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate -- begin -- -- UE_FailingECCReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is -- begin -- if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then -- if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then -- UE_FailingECC <= (others => '0'); -- elsif UE_Failing_We = '1' then -- -- Data2Mem shifts ECC to lower data bits in remaining byte (when 32-bit data width) (33 to 39) -- UE_FailingECC <= FailingRdData(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+1 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+1+C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- end if; -- end if; -- end process UE_FailingECCReg; -- -- end generate GEN_UE_ECC_32; -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_UE_ECC_64 -- -- Purpose: Re-align ECC bits unique for 64-bit BRAM data width. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- GEN_UE_ECC_64: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate -- begin -- -- UE_FailingECCReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is -- begin -- if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then -- if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then -- UE_FailingECC <= (others => '0'); -- elsif UE_Failing_We = '1' then -- UE_FailingECC <= FailingRdData(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- end if; -- end if; -- end process UE_FailingECCReg; -- -- end generate GEN_UE_ECC_64; -- -- end generate UE_FAILING_REGISTERS; -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: NO_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS -- -- Purpose: No Uncorrectable Error Failing registers. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- NO_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS : if not C_HAS_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS generate -- begin -- UE_FailingAddress <= (others => '0'); -- UE_FailingData <= (others => '0'); -- UE_FailingECC <= (others => '0'); -- end generate NO_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS -- Purpose: Enable ECC status and interrupt enable registers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS : if C_HAS_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS generate begin ECC_StatusReg_WE (C_ECC_STATUS_CE) <= Sl_CE; ECC_StatusReg_WE (C_ECC_STATUS_UE) <= Sl_UE; StatusReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then ECC_StatusReg <= (others => '0'); elsif RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_ECC_StatusReg then -- CE Interrupt status bit if RegWrData(C_ECC_STATUS_CE) = '1' then ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_CE) <= '0'; -- Clear when write '1' end if; -- UE Interrupt status bit if RegWrData(C_ECC_STATUS_UE) = '1' then ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_UE) <= '0'; -- Clear when write '1' end if; else if Sl_CE = '1' then ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_CE) <= '1'; -- Set when CE occurs end if; if Sl_UE = '1' then ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_UE) <= '1'; -- Set when UE occurs end if; end if; end if; end process StatusReg; ECC_EnableIRQReg_WE <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_ECC_EnableIRQReg) else '0'; EnableIRQReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then ECC_EnableIRQReg <= (others => '0'); elsif ECC_EnableIRQReg_WE = '1' then -- CE Interrupt enable bit ECC_EnableIRQReg(C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_CE) <= RegWrData(C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_CE); -- UE Interrupt enable bit ECC_EnableIRQReg(C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_UE) <= RegWrData(C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_UE); end if; end if; end process EnableIRQReg; Interrupt <= (ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_CE) and ECC_EnableIRQReg(C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_CE)) or (ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_UE) and ECC_EnableIRQReg(C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_UE)); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate output flag for UE sticky bit -- Modify order to ensure that ECC_UE gets set when Sl_UE is asserted. REG_UE : process (S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE or (Enable_ECC_i = '0') then ECC_UE_i <= '0'; elsif Sl_UE = '1' then ECC_UE_i <= '1'; elsif (ECC_StatusReg (C_ECC_STATUS_UE) = '0') then ECC_UE_i <= '0'; else ECC_UE_i <= ECC_UE_i; end if; end if; end process REG_UE; ECC_UE <= ECC_UE_i; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: NO_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS -- Purpose: No ECC status or interrupt registers enabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS : if not C_HAS_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS generate begin ECC_EnableIRQReg <= (others => '0'); ECC_StatusReg <= (others => '0'); Interrupt <= '0'; ECC_UE <= '0'; end generate NO_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ECC_ONOFF -- Purpose: Implement ECC on/off control register. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC_ONOFF : if C_HAS_ECC_ONOFF generate begin ECC_OnOffReg_WE <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_ECC_OnOffReg) else '0'; EnableIRQReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then if (C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE = 0) then ECC_OnOffReg(32-C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH) <= '0'; else ECC_OnOffReg(32-C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH) <= '1'; end if; -- ECC on by default at reset (but can be disabled) elsif ECC_OnOffReg_WE = '1' then ECC_OnOffReg(32-C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH) <= RegWrData(32-C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH); end if; end if; end process EnableIRQReg; Enable_ECC_i <= ECC_OnOffReg(32-C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH); Enable_ECC <= Enable_ECC_i; end generate GEN_ECC_ONOFF; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_ECC_ONOFF -- Purpose: No ECC on/off control register. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NO_ECC_ONOFF : if not C_HAS_ECC_ONOFF generate begin Enable_ECC <= '0'; -- ECC ON/OFF register is only enabled when C_ECC = 1. -- If C_ECC = 0, then no ECC on/off register (C_HAS_ECC_ONOFF = 0) then -- ECC should be disabled. ECC_OnOffReg(32-C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH) <= '0'; end generate GEN_NO_ECC_ONOFF; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: CE_COUNTER -- Purpose: Enable Correctable Error Counter -- Fixed to size of C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH = 8 bits. -- Parameterized here for future enhancements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CE_COUNTER : if C_HAS_CE_COUNTER generate -- One extra bit compare to CE_CounterReg to handle carry bit signal CE_CounterReg_plus_1 : std_logic_vector(31-C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH to 31); begin CE_CounterReg_WE <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_CE_CounterReg) else '0'; -- TBD (could come from axi_lite) -- CE_CounterReg_Inc <= '1' when (Sl_CE_i = '1' and Sl_Ready_i = '1' and -- CE_CounterReg_plus_1(CE_CounterReg_plus_1'left) = '0') -- else '0'; CE_CounterReg_Inc_i <= '1' when (CE_CounterReg_Inc = '1' and CE_CounterReg_plus_1(CE_CounterReg_plus_1'left) = '0') else '0'; CountReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then CE_CounterReg <= (others => '0'); elsif CE_CounterReg_WE = '1' then -- CE_CounterReg <= RegWrData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1); CE_CounterReg <= RegWrData(32-C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH to 31); elsif CE_CounterReg_Inc_i = '1' then CE_CounterReg <= CE_CounterReg_plus_1(32-C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH to 31); end if; end if; end process CountReg; CE_CounterReg_plus_1 <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(('0' & CE_CounterReg)) + 1); end generate CE_COUNTER; -- Note: Hit this generate when C_ECC = 0. -- Reserve for future support. -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: NO_CE_COUNTER -- -- Purpose: Default for no CE counter register. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- NO_CE_COUNTER : if not C_HAS_CE_COUNTER generate -- begin -- CE_CounterReg <= (others => '0'); -- end generate NO_CE_COUNTER; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_REG_32_DATA -- Purpose: Generate read register values & signal assignments based on -- 32-bit BRAM data width. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_REG_32_DATA: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate begin SelRegRdData : process (RegAddr, ECC_StatusReg, ECC_EnableIRQReg, ECC_OnOffReg, CE_CounterReg, CE_FailingAddress, FaultInjectData_i, FaultInjectECC_i -- CE_FailingData, CE_FailingECC, -- UE_FailingAddress, UE_FailingData, UE_FailingECC ) begin RegRdData <= (others => '0'); case RegAddr is -- Replace 'range use here for vector (31:0) (AXI BRAM) and (0:31) (LMB BRAM) reassignment when C_ECC_StatusReg => RegRdData(ECC_StatusReg'range) <= ECC_StatusReg; when C_ECC_EnableIRQReg => RegRdData(ECC_EnableIRQReg'range) <= ECC_EnableIRQReg; when C_ECC_OnOffReg => RegRdData(ECC_OnOffReg'range) <= ECC_OnOffReg; when C_CE_CounterReg => RegRdData(CE_CounterReg'range) <= CE_CounterReg; when C_CE_FailingAddress_31_0 => RegRdData(CE_FailingAddress'range) <= CE_FailingAddress; when C_CE_FailingAddress_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- Temporary addition to readback fault inject register values when C_FaultInjectData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectData_i (0 to 31); when C_FaultInjectECC => RegRdData(C_DWIDTH-C_ECC_WIDTH to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectECC_i (0 to C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- Note: For future enhancement. -- when C_CE_FailingData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- CE_FailingData (0 to 31); -- when C_CE_FailingData_63_31 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_CE_FailingData_95_64 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_CE_FailingData_127_96 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_CE_FailingECC => RegRdData(CE_FailingECC'range) <= (others => '0'); -- CE_FailingECC; -- when C_UE_FailingAddress_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- UE_FailingAddress (0 to 31); -- when C_UE_FailingAddress_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- UE_FailingData (0 to 31); -- when C_UE_FailingData_63_31 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingData_95_64 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingData_127_96 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingECC => RegRdData(UE_FailingECC'range) <= (others => '0'); -- UE_FailingECC; when others => RegRdData <= (others => '0'); end case; end process SelRegRdData; end generate GEN_REG_32_DATA; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_REG_64_DATA -- Purpose: Generate read register values & signal assignments based on -- 64-bit BRAM data width. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_REG_64_DATA: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate begin SelRegRdData : process (RegAddr, ECC_StatusReg, ECC_EnableIRQReg, ECC_OnOffReg, CE_CounterReg, CE_FailingAddress, FaultInjectData_i, FaultInjectECC_i -- CE_FailingData, CE_FailingECC, -- UE_FailingAddress, UE_FailingData, UE_FailingECC ) begin RegRdData <= (others => '0'); case RegAddr is -- Replace 'range use here for vector (31:0) (AXI BRAM) and (0:31) (LMB BRAM) reassignment when C_ECC_StatusReg => RegRdData(ECC_StatusReg'range) <= ECC_StatusReg; when C_ECC_EnableIRQReg => RegRdData(ECC_EnableIRQReg'range) <= ECC_EnableIRQReg; when C_ECC_OnOffReg => RegRdData(ECC_OnOffReg'range) <= ECC_OnOffReg; when C_CE_CounterReg => RegRdData(CE_CounterReg'range) <= CE_CounterReg; when C_CE_FailingAddress_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= CE_FailingAddress (0 to 31); when C_CE_FailingAddress_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- Temporary addition to readback fault inject register values when C_FaultInjectData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectData_i (0 to 31); when C_FaultInjectData_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectData_i (32 to 63); when C_FaultInjectECC => RegRdData(C_DWIDTH-C_ECC_WIDTH to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectECC_i (0 to C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- Note: For future enhancement. -- when C_CE_FailingData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= CE_FailingData (32 to 63); -- when C_CE_FailingData_63_31 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= CE_FailingData (0 to 31); -- when C_CE_FailingData_95_64 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_CE_FailingData_127_96 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_CE_FailingECC => RegRdData(CE_FailingECC'range) <= CE_FailingECC; -- when C_UE_FailingAddress_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= UE_FailingAddress (0 to 31); -- when C_UE_FailingAddress_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= UE_FailingData (32 to 63); -- when C_UE_FailingData_63_31 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= UE_FailingData (0 to 31); -- when C_UE_FailingData_95_64 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingData_127_96 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingECC => RegRdData(UE_FailingECC'range) <= UE_FailingECC; when others => RegRdData <= (others => '0'); end case; end process SelRegRdData; end generate GEN_REG_64_DATA; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_REG_128_DATA -- Purpose: Generate read register values & signal assignments based on -- 128-bit BRAM data width. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_REG_128_DATA: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128 generate begin SelRegRdData : process (RegAddr, ECC_StatusReg, ECC_EnableIRQReg, ECC_OnOffReg, CE_CounterReg, CE_FailingAddress, FaultInjectData_i, FaultInjectECC_i -- CE_FailingData, CE_FailingECC, -- UE_FailingAddress, UE_FailingData, UE_FailingECC ) begin RegRdData <= (others => '0'); case RegAddr is -- Replace 'range use here for vector (31:0) (AXI BRAM) and (0:31) (LMB BRAM) reassignment when C_ECC_StatusReg => RegRdData(ECC_StatusReg'range) <= ECC_StatusReg; when C_ECC_EnableIRQReg => RegRdData(ECC_EnableIRQReg'range) <= ECC_EnableIRQReg; when C_ECC_OnOffReg => RegRdData(ECC_OnOffReg'range) <= ECC_OnOffReg; when C_CE_CounterReg => RegRdData(CE_CounterReg'range) <= CE_CounterReg; when C_CE_FailingAddress_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= CE_FailingAddress (0 to 31); when C_CE_FailingAddress_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- Temporary addition to readback fault inject register values when C_FaultInjectData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectData_i (0 to 31); when C_FaultInjectData_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectData_i (32 to 63); when C_FaultInjectData_95_64 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectData_i (64 to 95); when C_FaultInjectData_127_96 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectData_i (96 to 127); when C_FaultInjectECC => RegRdData(C_DWIDTH-C_ECC_WIDTH to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectECC_i (0 to C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- Note: For future enhancement. -- when C_CE_FailingData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= CE_FailingData (96 to 127); -- when C_CE_FailingData_63_31 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= CE_FailingData (64 to 95); -- when C_CE_FailingData_95_64 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= CE_FailingData (32 to 63); -- when C_CE_FailingData_127_96 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= CE_FailingData (0 to 31); -- when C_CE_FailingECC => RegRdData(CE_FailingECC'range) <= CE_FailingECC; -- when C_UE_FailingAddress_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= UE_FailingAddress (0 to 31); -- when C_UE_FailingAddress_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= UE_FailingData (96 to 127); -- when C_UE_FailingData_63_31 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= UE_FailingData (64 to 95); -- when C_UE_FailingData_95_64 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= UE_FailingData (32 to 63); -- when C_UE_FailingData_127_96 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= UE_FailingData (0 to 31); -- when C_UE_FailingECC => RegRdData(UE_FailingECC'range) <= UE_FailingECC; when others => RegRdData <= (others => '0'); end case; end process SelRegRdData; end generate GEN_REG_128_DATA; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- axi_lite.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: axi_lite.vhd -- -- Description: This file is the top level module for the AXI-Lite -- instantiation of the BRAM controller interface. -- -- Responsible for shared address pipelining between the -- write address (AW) and read address (AR) channels. -- Controls (seperately) the data flows for the write data -- (W), write response (B), and read data (R) channels. -- -- Creates a shared port to BRAM (for all read and write -- transactions) or dual BRAM port utilization based on a -- generic parameter setting. -- -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove library version # dependency. Replace with work library. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update BRAM address mapping to lite_ecc_reg module. Corrected -- signal size for XST detected unused bits in vector. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- -- Add top level parameter, C_ECC_TYPE for Hsiao ECC algorithm. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/23/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add Hsiao ECC algorithm logic (similar to full_axi module HDL). -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/24/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Move REG_RDATA register process out from C_ECC_TYPE generate block -- to C_ECC generate block. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add LUT level with reset signal to combinatorial outputs, AWREADY -- and WREADY. This will ensure that the output remains LOW during reset, -- regardless of AWVALID or WVALID input signals. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/28/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove combinatorial output paths on AWREADY and WREADY. -- Combine AWREADY and WREADY registers. -- Remove combinatorial output path on ARREADY. Can pre-assert ARREADY -- (but only for non ECC configurations). -- Create 3-bit counter for BVALID response, seperate from AW/W channels. -- -- Delay assertion of WREADY in ECC configurations to minimize register -- resource utilization. -- No pre-assertion of ARREADY in ECC configurations (due to write latency -- with ECC enabled). -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/30/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update Sl_CE and Sl_UE flag assertions to a single clock cycle. -- Clean up comments. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/19/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update BVALID assertion when ECC is enabled to match the implementation -- when C_ECC = 0. Optimize back to back write performance when C_ECC = 1. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Modify FaultInjectClr signal assertion. With BVALID counter, delay -- when fault inject register gets cleared. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean up. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/6/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- Hard code C_USE_LUT6 constant. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 7/7/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Fix DV regression failure with reset. -- Hold off BRAM enable output with active reset signal. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.lite_ecc_reg; use work.parity; use work.checkbit_handler; use work.correct_one_bit; use work.ecc_gen; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity axi_lite is generic ( C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL : string := "AXI4LITE"; -- Set to AXI4LITE to optimize out burst transaction support C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM : integer := 1; -- Enable single port usage of BRAM -- C_FAMILY : string := "virtex6"; -- Specify the target architecture type -- AXI-Lite Register Parameters C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite data bus (in bits) -- ECC Parameters C_ECC : integer := 0; -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_TYPE : integer := 0; -- v1.03a -- ECC algorithm format, 0 = Hamming code, 1 = Hsiao code C_ECC_WIDTH : integer := 8; -- Width of ECC data vector C_FAULT_INJECT : integer := 0; -- Enable fault injection registers C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE : integer := 1; -- By default, ECC checking is on (can disable ECC @ reset by setting this to 0) -- Hard coded parameters at top level. -- Note: Kept in design for future enhancement. C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF : integer := 0; -- By default the ECC AXI-Lite register interface is enabled C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable CE (correctable error) failing registers C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable UE (uncorrectable error) failing registers C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable ECC status registers C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER : integer := 0; -- Enable ECC on/off control register C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH : integer := 0 -- Selects CE counter width/threshold to assert ECC_Interrupt ); port ( -- AXI Interface Signals -- AXI Clock and Reset S_AXI_ACLK : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARESETN : in std_logic; ECC_Interrupt : out std_logic := '0'; ECC_UE : out std_logic := '0'; -- *** AXI Write Address Channel Signals (AW) *** AXI_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_AWVALID : in std_logic; AXI_AWREADY : out std_logic; -- Unused AW AXI-Lite Signals -- AXI_AWID : in std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- AXI_AWLEN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- AXI_AWSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- AXI_AWBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- AXI_AWLOCK : in std_logic; -- Currently unused -- AXI_AWCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- Currently unused -- AXI_AWPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- Currently unused -- *** AXI Write Data Channel Signals (W) *** AXI_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_WSTRB : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0); AXI_WVALID : in std_logic; AXI_WREADY : out std_logic; -- Unused W AXI-Lite Signals -- AXI_WLAST : in std_logic; -- *** AXI Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) *** AXI_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_BVALID : out std_logic; AXI_BREADY : in std_logic; -- Unused B AXI-Lite Signals -- AXI_BID : out std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- *** AXI Read Address Channel Signals (AR) *** AXI_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_ARVALID : in std_logic; AXI_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- *** AXI Read Data Channel Signals (R) *** AXI_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_RLAST : out std_logic; AXI_RVALID : out std_logic; AXI_RREADY : in std_logic; -- *** AXI-Lite ECC Register Interface Signals *** -- AXI-Lite Clock and Reset -- Note: AXI-Lite Control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- S_AXI_CTRL_AClk : in std_logic; -- S_AXI_CTRL_AResetn : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Write Address Channel Signals (AW) AXI_CTRL_AWVALID : in std_logic; AXI_CTRL_AWREADY : out std_logic; AXI_CTRL_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- AXI-Lite Write Data Channel Signals (W) AXI_CTRL_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_WVALID : in std_logic; AXI_CTRL_WREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) AXI_CTRL_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_BVALID : out std_logic; AXI_CTRL_BREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Address Channel Signals (AR) AXI_CTRL_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_ARVALID : in std_logic; AXI_CTRL_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Data Channel Signals (R) AXI_CTRL_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_RVALID : out std_logic; AXI_CTRL_RREADY : in std_logic; -- *** BRAM Port A Interface Signals *** -- Note: Clock handled at top level (axi_bram_ctrl module) BRAM_En_A : out std_logic; BRAM_WE_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8+(C_ECC_WIDTH+7)/8-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); BRAM_WrData_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- @ port level = 8-bits wide ECC BRAM_RdData_A : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- @ port level = 8-bits wide ECC -- Note: Remove BRAM_RdData_A port (unused in dual port mode) -- Platgen will keep port open on BRAM block -- *** BRAM Port B Interface Signals *** -- Note: Clock handled at top level (axi_bram_ctrl module) BRAM_En_B : out std_logic; BRAM_WE_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8+(C_ECC_WIDTH+7)/8-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); BRAM_WrData_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- @ port level = 8-bits wide ECC BRAM_RdData_B : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) -- @ port level = 8-bits wide ECC ); end entity axi_lite; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of axi_lite is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- All functions defined in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; constant RESP_OKAY : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00"; -- Normal access OK response constant RESP_SLVERR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "10"; -- Slave error -- For future implementation. -- constant RESP_EXOKAY : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "01"; -- Exclusive access OK response -- constant RESP_DECERR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "11"; -- Decode error -- Modify C_BRAM_ADDR_SIZE to be adjusted for BRAM data width -- When BRAM data width = 32 bits, BRAM_Addr (1:0) = "00" -- When BRAM data width = 64 bits, BRAM_Addr (2:0) = "000" -- When BRAM data width = 128 bits, BRAM_Addr (3:0) = "0000" -- When BRAM data width = 256 bits, BRAM_Addr (4:0) = "00000" constant C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := log2 (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8); constant C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST : integer := C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR; constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES : integer := C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8; -- Internal data width based on C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH. constant C_INT_ECC_WIDTH : integer := Int_ECC_Size (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); -- constant C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := Family_To_LUT_Size (String_To_Family (C_FAMILY,false)) = 6; -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- All architectures supporting AXI will support a LUT6. -- Hard code this internal constant used in ECC algorithm. -- constant C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := Family_To_LUT_Size (String_To_Family (C_FAMILY,false)) = 6; constant C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := TRUE; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal axi_aresetn_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_re : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write & Read Address Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- State machine type declarations type LITE_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, SNG_WR_DATA, RD_DATA, RMW_RD_DATA, RMW_MOD_DATA, RMW_WR_DATA ); signal lite_sm_cs, lite_sm_ns : LITE_SM_TYPE; signal axi_arready_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arready_reg : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arready_int : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Data Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal axi_wready_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wready_int : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Response Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal axi_bresp_int : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_bvalid_int : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt_inc : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt_dec : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Read Data Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal axi_rresp_int : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rvalid_set : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rvalid_set_r : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rvalid_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rlast_set : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rlast_set_r : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rlast_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rdata_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rdata_int_corr : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal BRAM Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal bram_we_a_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8+(C_ECC_WIDTH+7)/8-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_en_a_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_en_b_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_en_a_int : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_en_b_int : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_a_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_a_int_q : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_b_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal BRAM_Addr_A_i : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal BRAM_Addr_B_i : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_wrdata_a_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Port level signal, 8-bits ECC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal ECC Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal FaultInjectClr : std_logic := '0'; -- Clear for Fault Inject Registers signal CE_Failing_We : std_logic := '0'; -- WE for CE Failing Registers signal UE_Failing_We : std_logic := '0'; -- WE for CE Failing Registers signal CE_CounterReg_Inc : std_logic := '0'; -- Increment CE Counter Register signal Sl_CE : std_logic := '0'; -- Correctable Error Flag signal Sl_UE : std_logic := '0'; -- Uncorrectable Error Flag signal Sl_CE_i : std_logic := '0'; signal Sl_UE_i : std_logic := '0'; signal FaultInjectData : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal FaultInjectECC : std_logic_vector (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal CorrectedRdData : std_logic_vector (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal UnCorrectedRdData : std_logic_vector (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal CE_Q : std_logic := '0'; signal UE_Q : std_logic := '0'; signal Enable_ECC : std_logic := '0'; signal RdModifyWr_Read : std_logic := '0'; -- Read cycle in read modify write sequence signal RdModifyWr_Check : std_logic := '0'; -- Read cycle in read modify write sequence signal RdModifyWr_Modify : std_logic := '0'; -- Modify cycle in read modify write sequence signal RdModifyWr_Write : std_logic := '0'; -- Write cycle in read modify write sequence signal WrData : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal WrData_cmb : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal Active_Wr : std_logic := '0'; signal BRAM_Addr_En : std_logic := '0'; signal Syndrome : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal Syndrome_4 : std_logic_vector (0 to 1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to 32-bit ECC signal Syndrome_6 : std_logic_vector (0 to 5) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to 32-bit ECC signal syndrome_reg : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal syndrome_4_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific for 32-bit ECC signal syndrome_6_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 5) := (others => '0'); -- Specific for 32-bit ECC signal syndrome_reg_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI-Lite ECC Register Output Signals *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_REGS -- Purpose: Generate default values if ECC registers are disabled (or when -- ECC is disabled). -- Include both AXI-Lite default signal values & internal -- core signal values. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For future implementation. -- GEN_NO_REGS: if (C_ECC = 1 and C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF = 0) or (C_ECC = 0) generate GEN_NO_REGS: if (C_ECC = 0) generate begin AXI_CTRL_AWREADY <= '0'; AXI_CTRL_WREADY <= '0'; AXI_CTRL_BRESP <= (others => '0'); AXI_CTRL_BVALID <= '0'; AXI_CTRL_ARREADY <= '0'; AXI_CTRL_RDATA <= (others => '0'); AXI_CTRL_RRESP <= (others => '0'); AXI_CTRL_RVALID <= '0'; -- No fault injection FaultInjectData <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC <= (others => '0'); -- Interrupt only enabled when ECC status/interrupt registers enabled ECC_Interrupt <= '0'; ECC_UE <= '0'; BRAM_Addr_En <= '0'; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DIS_ECC -- Purpose: Disable ECC in read path when ECC is disabled in core. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DIS_ECC: if C_ECC = 0 generate Enable_ECC <= '0'; end generate GEN_DIS_ECC; -- For future implementation. -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_EN_ECC -- -- Purpose: Enable ECC when C_ECC = 1 and no ECC registers are available. -- -- ECC on/off control register is not accessible (so ECC is always -- -- enabled in this configuraiton). -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GEN_EN_ECC: if (C_ECC = 1 and C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF = 0) generate -- Enable_ECC <= '1'; -- ECC ON/OFF register can not be enabled (as no ECC -- -- ECC registers are available. Therefore, ECC -- -- is always enabled. -- end generate GEN_EN_ECC; end generate GEN_NO_REGS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_REGS -- Purpose: Generate ECC register module when ECC is enabled and -- ECC registers are enabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For future implementation. -- GEN_REGS: if (C_ECC = 1 and C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF = 1) generate GEN_REGS: if (C_ECC = 1) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_LITE_ECC_REG -- Description: This module is for the AXI-Lite ECC registers. -- -- Responsible for all AXI-Lite communication to the -- ECC register bank. Provides user interface signals -- to rest of AXI BRAM controller IP core for ECC functionality -- and control. -- Manages AXI-Lite write address (AW) and read address (AR), -- write data (W), write response (B), and read data (R) channels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_LITE_ECC_REG : entity work.lite_ecc_reg generic map ( C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH , C_ECC_WIDTH => C_INT_ECC_WIDTH , -- ECC width specific to data width C_FAULT_INJECT => C_FAULT_INJECT , C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS , C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS , C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS => C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS , C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER => C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER , C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE => C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE , C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH => C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_AClk , -- AXI clock S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_AResetn , -- Note: AXI-Lite Control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- S_AXI_CTRL_AClk => S_AXI_CTRL_AClk , -- AXI-Lite clock -- S_AXI_CTRL_AResetn => S_AXI_CTRL_AResetn , Interrupt => ECC_Interrupt , ECC_UE => ECC_UE , AXI_CTRL_AWVALID => AXI_CTRL_AWVALID , AXI_CTRL_AWREADY => AXI_CTRL_AWREADY , AXI_CTRL_AWADDR => AXI_CTRL_AWADDR , AXI_CTRL_WDATA => AXI_CTRL_WDATA , AXI_CTRL_WVALID => AXI_CTRL_WVALID , AXI_CTRL_WREADY => AXI_CTRL_WREADY , AXI_CTRL_BRESP => AXI_CTRL_BRESP , AXI_CTRL_BVALID => AXI_CTRL_BVALID , AXI_CTRL_BREADY => AXI_CTRL_BREADY , AXI_CTRL_ARADDR => AXI_CTRL_ARADDR , AXI_CTRL_ARVALID => AXI_CTRL_ARVALID , AXI_CTRL_ARREADY => AXI_CTRL_ARREADY , AXI_CTRL_RDATA => AXI_CTRL_RDATA , AXI_CTRL_RRESP => AXI_CTRL_RRESP , AXI_CTRL_RVALID => AXI_CTRL_RVALID , AXI_CTRL_RREADY => AXI_CTRL_RREADY , Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC , FaultInjectClr => FaultInjectClr , CE_Failing_We => CE_Failing_We , CE_CounterReg_Inc => CE_Failing_We , Sl_CE => Sl_CE , Sl_UE => Sl_UE , BRAM_Addr_A => BRAM_Addr_A_i (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) , -- v1.03a BRAM_Addr_B => BRAM_Addr_B_i (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) , -- v1.03a BRAM_Addr_En => BRAM_Addr_En , Active_Wr => Active_Wr , FaultInjectData => FaultInjectData , FaultInjectECC => FaultInjectECC ); FaultInjectClr <= '1' when (bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 = '1') else '0'; CE_Failing_We <= '1' when Enable_ECC = '1' and CE_Q = '1' else '0'; Active_Wr <= '1' when (RdModifyWr_Read = '1' or RdModifyWr_Check = '1' or RdModifyWr_Modify = '1' or RdModifyWr_Write = '1') else '0'; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add register delay on BVALID counter increment -- Used to clear fault inject register. REG_BVALID_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 <= '0'; else bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 <= bvalid_cnt_inc; end if; end if; end process REG_BVALID_CNT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_REGS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Output Signals *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Address Channel Output Signals -- AXI_AWREADY <= axi_awready_cmb; -- AXI_AWREADY <= '0' when (S_AXI_AResetn = '0') else axi_awready_cmb; -- v1.03a AXI_AWREADY <= axi_wready_int; -- v1.03a -- AXI Write Data Channel Output Signals -- AXI_WREADY <= axi_wready_cmb; -- AXI_WREADY <= '0' when (S_AXI_AResetn = '0') else axi_wready_cmb; -- v1.03a AXI_WREADY <= axi_wready_int; -- v1.03a -- AXI Write Response Channel Output Signals AXI_BRESP <= axi_bresp_int; AXI_BVALID <= axi_bvalid_int; -- AXI Read Address Channel Output Signals -- AXI_ARREADY <= axi_arready_cmb; -- v1.03a AXI_ARREADY <= axi_arready_int; -- v1.03a -- AXI Read Data Channel Output Signals -- AXI_RRESP <= axi_rresp_int; AXI_RRESP <= RESP_SLVERR when (C_ECC = 1 and Sl_UE_i = '1') else axi_rresp_int; -- AXI_RDATA <= axi_rdata_int; -- Move assignment of RDATA to generate statements based on C_ECC. AXI_RVALID <= axi_rvalid_int; AXI_RLAST <= axi_rlast_int; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Need to detect end of reset cycle to assert AWREADY on AXI bus REG_ARESETN: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then axi_aresetn_d1 <= S_AXI_AResetn; end if; end process REG_ARESETN; -- Create combinatorial RE detect of S_AXI_AResetn axi_aresetn_re <= '1' when (S_AXI_AResetn = '1' and axi_aresetn_d1 = '0') else '0'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Write Address Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Notes: -- No address pipelining for AXI-Lite. -- PDR feedback. -- Remove address register stage to BRAM. -- Rely on registers in AXI Interconnect. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ADDR -- Purpose: Generate all valid bits in the address(es) to BRAM. -- If dual port, generate Port B address signal. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ADDR: for i in C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ADDR_SNG_PORT -- Purpose: Generate BRAM address when a single port to BRAM. -- Mux read and write addresses from AXI AW and AR channels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ADDR_SNG_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin -- Read takes priority over AWADDR -- bram_addr_a_int (i) <= AXI_ARADDR (i) when (AXI_ARVALID = '1') else AXI_AWADDR (i); -- ISE should optimize away this mux when connected to the AXI Interconnect -- as the AXI Interconnect duplicates the write or read address on both channels. -- v1.03a -- ARVALID may get asserted while handling ECC read-modify-write. -- With the delay in assertion of AWREADY/WREADY, must add some logic to the -- control on this mux select. bram_addr_a_int (i) <= AXI_ARADDR (i) when ((AXI_ARVALID = '1' and (lite_sm_cs = IDLE or lite_sm_cs = SNG_WR_DATA)) or (lite_sm_cs = RD_DATA)) else AXI_AWADDR (i); end generate GEN_ADDR_SNG_PORT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ADDR_DUAL_PORT -- Purpose: Generate BRAM address when a single port to BRAM. -- Mux read and write addresses from AXI AW and AR channels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ADDR_DUAL_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin bram_addr_a_int (i) <= AXI_AWADDR (i); bram_addr_b_int (i) <= AXI_ARADDR (i); end generate GEN_ADDR_DUAL_PORT; end generate GEN_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Read Address Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ARREADY -- Purpose: Only pre-assert ARREADY for non ECC designs. -- With ECC, a write requires a read-modify-write and -- will miss the address associated with the ARVALID -- (due to the # of clock cycles). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ARREADY: if (C_ECC = 0) generate begin REG_ARREADY: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- ARREADY is asserted until we detect the ARVALID. -- Check for back-to-back ARREADY assertions (add axi_arready_int). if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (AXI_ARVALID = '1' and axi_arready_int = '1') then axi_arready_int <= '0'; -- Then ARREADY is asserted again when the read operation completes. elsif (axi_aresetn_re = '1') or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then axi_arready_int <= '1'; else axi_arready_int <= axi_arready_int; end if; end if; end process REG_ARREADY; end generate GEN_ARREADY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ARREADY_ECC -- Purpose: Generate ARREADY from SM logic. ARREADY is not pre-asserted -- as in the non ECC configuration. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ARREADY_ECC: if (C_ECC = 1) generate begin axi_arready_int <= axi_arready_reg; end generate GEN_ARREADY_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Write Data Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- No AXI_WLAST --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_WRDATA -- Purpose: Generate BRAM port A write data. For AXI-Lite, pass -- through from AXI bus. If ECC is enabled, merge with fault -- inject vector. -- Write data bits are in lower order bit lanes. -- (31:0) or (63:0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WRDATA: for i in C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Generate output write data when ECC is disabled. -- Remove write data path register to BRAM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NO_ECC : if C_ECC = 0 generate begin bram_wrdata_a_int (i) <= AXI_WDATA (i); end generate GEN_NO_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_W_ECC -- Purpose: Generate output write data when ECC is enable -- (use fault vector). -- (N:0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_W_ECC : if C_ECC = 1 generate begin bram_wrdata_a_int (i) <= WrData (i) xor FaultInjectData (i); end generate GEN_W_ECC; end generate GEN_WRDATA; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Write Response Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- No BID support (wrap around in Interconnect) -- In AXI-Lite, no WLAST assertion -- Drive constant value out on BRESP -- axi_bresp_int <= RESP_OKAY; axi_bresp_int <= RESP_SLVERR when (C_ECC = 1 and UE_Q = '1') else RESP_OKAY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Implement BVALID with counter regardless of IP configuration. -- -- BVALID counter to track the # of required BVALID/BREADY handshakes -- needed to occur on the AXI interface. Based on early and seperate -- AWVALID/AWREADY and WVALID/WREADY handshake exchanges. REG_BVALID_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then bvalid_cnt <= (others => '0'); -- Ensure we only increment counter wyhen BREADY is not asserted elsif (bvalid_cnt_inc = '1') and (bvalid_cnt_dec = '0') then bvalid_cnt <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (bvalid_cnt (2 downto 0)) + 1); -- Ensure that we only decrement when SM is not incrementing elsif (bvalid_cnt_dec = '1') and (bvalid_cnt_inc = '0') then bvalid_cnt <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (bvalid_cnt (2 downto 0)) - 1); else bvalid_cnt <= bvalid_cnt; end if; end if; end process REG_BVALID_CNT; bvalid_cnt_dec <= '1' when (AXI_BREADY = '1' and axi_bvalid_int = '1' and bvalid_cnt /= "000") else '0'; -- Replace BVALID output register -- Assert BVALID as long as BVALID counter /= zero REG_BVALID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (bvalid_cnt = "001" and bvalid_cnt_dec = '1') then axi_bvalid_int <= '0'; elsif (bvalid_cnt /= "000") then axi_bvalid_int <= '1'; else axi_bvalid_int <= '0'; end if; end if; end process REG_BVALID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Read Data Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For reductions on AXI-Lite, drive constant value on RESP axi_rresp_int <= RESP_OKAY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_R -- Purpose: Generate AXI R channel outputs when ECC is disabled. -- No register delay on AXI_RVALID and AXI_RLAST. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_R: if C_ECC = 0 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RVALID Output Register -- -- Set AXI_RVALID when read data SM indicates. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking sequence -- and recognized by AXI requesting master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RVALID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then -- Code coverage is hitting this condition and axi_rvalid_int is ALWAYS = '1' -- May be able to remove from this if clause (and simplify logic) axi_rvalid_int <= '0'; elsif (axi_rvalid_set = '1') then axi_rvalid_int <= '1'; else axi_rvalid_int <= axi_rvalid_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RVALID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RLAST Output Register -- -- Set AXI_RLAST when read data SM indicates. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking sequence -- and recognized by AXI requesting master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RLAST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then -- Code coverage is hitting this condition and axi_rvalid_int is ALWAYS = '1' -- May be able to remove from this if clause (and simplify logic) axi_rlast_int <= '0'; elsif (axi_rlast_set = '1') then axi_rlast_int <= '1'; else axi_rlast_int <= axi_rlast_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RLAST; end generate GEN_R; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_R_ECC -- Purpose: Generate AXI R channel outputs when ECC is enabled. -- Must use registered delayed control signals for RLAST -- and RVALID to align with register inclusion for corrected -- read data in ECC logic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_R_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RVALID Output Register -- -- Set AXI_RVALID when read data SM indicates. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking sequence -- and recognized by AXI requesting master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RVALID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then -- Code coverage is hitting this condition and axi_rvalid_int is ALWAYS = '1' -- May be able to remove from this if clause (and simplify logic) axi_rvalid_int <= '0'; elsif (axi_rvalid_set_r = '1') then axi_rvalid_int <= '1'; else axi_rvalid_int <= axi_rvalid_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RVALID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RLAST Output Register -- -- Set AXI_RLAST when read data SM indicates. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking sequence -- and recognized by AXI requesting master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RLAST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then -- Code coverage is hitting this condition and axi_rvalid_int is ALWAYS = '1' -- May be able to remove from this if clause (and simplify logic) axi_rlast_int <= '0'; elsif (axi_rlast_set_r = '1') then axi_rlast_int <= '1'; else axi_rlast_int <= axi_rlast_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RLAST; end generate GEN_R_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate AXI bus read data. No register. Pass through -- read data from BRAM. Determine source on single port -- vs. dual port configuration. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: RDATA_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Define port A/B from BRAM on AXI_RDATA when ECC disabled. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- RDATA_NO_ECC: if (C_ECC = 0) generate begin AXI_RDATA <= axi_rdata_int; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RDATA_SNG_PORT -- Purpose: Source of read data: Port A in single port configuration. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RDATA_SNG_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin axi_rdata_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= BRAM_RdData_A(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_RDATA_SNG_PORT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RDATA_DUAL_PORT -- Purpose: Source of read data: Port B in dual port configuration. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RDATA_DUAL_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin axi_rdata_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= BRAM_RdData_B (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_RDATA_DUAL_PORT; end generate RDATA_NO_ECC; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: RDATA_W_ECC -- Purpose: Connect AXI_RDATA from ECC module when ECC enabled. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- RDATA_W_ECC: if (C_ECC = 1) generate subtype syndrome_bits is std_logic_vector (0 to 6); type correct_data_table_type is array (natural range 0 to 31) of syndrome_bits; constant correct_data_table : correct_data_table_type := ( 0 => "1100001", 1 => "1010001", 2 => "0110001", 3 => "1110001", 4 => "1001001", 5 => "0101001", 6 => "1101001", 7 => "0011001", 8 => "1011001", 9 => "0111001", 10 => "1111001", 11 => "1000101", 12 => "0100101", 13 => "1100101", 14 => "0010101", 15 => "1010101", 16 => "0110101", 17 => "1110101", 18 => "0001101", 19 => "1001101", 20 => "0101101", 21 => "1101101", 22 => "0011101", 23 => "1011101", 24 => "0111101", 25 => "1111101", 26 => "1000011", 27 => "0100011", 28 => "1100011", 29 => "0010011", 30 => "1010011", 31 => "0110011" ); begin -- Logic common to either type of ECC encoding/decoding -- Renove bit reversal on AXI_RDATA output. AXI_RDATA <= axi_rdata_int when (Enable_ECC = '0' or Sl_UE_i = '1') else axi_rdata_int_corr; CorrectedRdData (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) <= axi_rdata_int_corr (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Remove GEN_RDATA that was doing bit reversal. -- Read back data is registered prior to any single bit error correction. REG_RDATA: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_rdata_int <= (others => '0'); else axi_rdata_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= UnCorrectedRdData (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); end if; end if; end process REG_RDATA; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: RDATA_W_HAMMING -- Purpose: Add generate statement for Hamming Code ECC algorithm -- specific logic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RDATA_W_HAMMING: if C_ECC_TYPE = 0 generate begin -- Move correct_one_bit logic to output side of AXI_RDATA output register. -- Improves timing by balancing logic on both sides of pipeline stage. -- Utilizing registers in AXI interconnect makes this feasible. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register ECC syndrome value to correct any single bit errors -- post-register on AXI read data. REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then syndrome_reg <= Syndrome; syndrome_4_reg <= Syndrome_4; syndrome_6_reg <= Syndrome_6; end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do last XOR on select syndrome bits outside of checkbit_handler (to match rd_chnl -- w/ balanced pipeline stage) before correct_one_bit module. syndrome_reg_i (0 to 3) <= syndrome_reg (0 to 3); PARITY_CHK4: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 2) port map ( InA => syndrome_4_reg (0 to 1), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_reg_i (4) ); -- [out std_logic] syndrome_reg_i (5) <= syndrome_reg (5); PARITY_CHK6: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => syndrome_6_reg (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_reg_i (6) ); -- [out std_logic] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_CORR_32 -- Purpose: Generate corrected read data based on syndrome value. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_CORR_32: for i in 0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CORR_ONE_BIT_32 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORR_ONE_BIT_32: entity work.correct_one_bit generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, Correct_Value => correct_data_table (i)) port map ( DIn => axi_rdata_int (31-i), Syndrome => syndrome_reg_i, DCorr => axi_rdata_int_corr (31-i)); end generate GEN_CORR_32; end generate RDATA_W_HAMMING; -- Hsiao ECC done in seperate generate statement (GEN_HSIAO_ECC) end generate RDATA_W_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main AXI-Lite State Machine -- -- Description: Central processing unit for AXI-Lite write and read address -- channel interface handling and handshaking. -- Handles all arbitration between write and read channels -- to utilize single port to BRAM -- -- Outputs: axi_wready_int Registered -- axi_arready_reg Registered (used in ECC configurations) -- bvalid_cnt_inc Combinatorial -- axi_rvalid_set Combinatorial -- axi_rlast_set Combinatorial -- bram_en_a_cmb Combinatorial -- bram_en_b_cmb Combinatorial -- bram_we_a_int Combinatorial -- -- -- LITE_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- LITE_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LITE_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( AXI_AWVALID, AXI_WVALID, AXI_WSTRB, AXI_ARVALID, AXI_RREADY, bvalid_cnt, axi_rvalid_int, lite_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs lite_sm_ns <= lite_sm_cs; axi_wready_cmb <= '0'; axi_arready_cmb <= '0'; bvalid_cnt_inc <= '0'; axi_rvalid_set <= '0'; axi_rlast_set <= '0'; bram_en_a_cmb <= '0'; bram_en_b_cmb <= '0'; bram_we_a_int <= (others => '0'); case lite_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- AXI Interconnect will only issue AWVALID OR ARVALID -- at a time. In the case when the core is attached -- to another AXI master IP, arbitrate between read -- and write operation. Read operation will always win. if (AXI_ARVALID = '1') then lite_sm_ns <= RD_DATA; -- Initiate BRAM read transfer -- For single port BRAM, use Port A -- For dual port BRAM, use Port B if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) then bram_en_a_cmb <= '1'; else bram_en_b_cmb <= '1'; end if; bram_we_a_int <= (others => '0'); -- RVALID to be asserted in next clock cycle -- Only 1 clock cycle latency on reading data from BRAM axi_rvalid_set <= '1'; -- Due to single data beat with AXI-Lite -- Assert RLAST on AXI axi_rlast_set <= '1'; -- Only in ECC configurations -- Must assert ARREADY here (no pre-assertion) if (C_ECC = 1) then axi_arready_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- Write operations are lower priority than reads -- when an AXI master asserted both operations simultaneously. elsif (AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (AXI_WVALID = '1') and (bvalid_cnt /= "111") then -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_en_a_cmb <= '1'; -- Always perform a read-modify-write sequence with ECC is enabled. if (C_ECC = 1) then lite_sm_ns <= RMW_RD_DATA; -- Disable Port A write enables bram_we_a_int <= (others => '0'); else -- Non ECC operation or an ECC full 32-bit word write -- Assert acknowledge of data & address on AXI. -- Wait to assert AWREADY and WREADY in ECC designs. axi_wready_cmb <= '1'; -- Increment counter to track # of required BVALID responses. bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; lite_sm_ns <= SNG_WR_DATA; bram_we_a_int <= AXI_WSTRB; end if; end if; ------------------------- SNG_WR_DATA State ------------------------- when SNG_WR_DATA => -- With early assertion of ARREADY, the SM -- must be able to accept a read address at any clock cycle. -- Check here for active ARVALID and directly handle read -- and do not proceed back to IDLE (no empty clock cycle in which -- read address may be missed). if (AXI_ARVALID = '1') and (C_ECC = 0) then lite_sm_ns <= RD_DATA; -- Initiate BRAM read transfer -- For single port BRAM, use Port A -- For dual port BRAM, use Port B if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) then bram_en_a_cmb <= '1'; else bram_en_b_cmb <= '1'; end if; bram_we_a_int <= (others => '0'); -- RVALID to be asserted in next clock cycle -- Only 1 clock cycle latency on reading data from BRAM axi_rvalid_set <= '1'; -- Due to single data beat with AXI-Lite -- Assert RLAST on AXI axi_rlast_set <= '1'; -- Only in ECC configurations -- Must assert ARREADY here (no pre-assertion) -- Pre-assertion of ARREADY is only for non ECC configurations. if (C_ECC = 1) then axi_arready_cmb <= '1'; end if; else lite_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; ---------------------------- RD_DATA State --------------------------- when RD_DATA => -- Data is presented to AXI bus -- Wait for acknowledgment to process any next transfers -- RVALID may not be asserted as we transition into this state. if (AXI_RREADY = '1') and (axi_rvalid_int = '1') then lite_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; ------------------------- RMW_RD_DATA State ------------------------- when RMW_RD_DATA => lite_sm_ns <= RMW_MOD_DATA; ------------------------- RMW_MOD_DATA State ------------------------- when RMW_MOD_DATA => lite_sm_ns <= RMW_WR_DATA; -- Hold off on assertion of WREADY and AWREADY until -- here, so no pipeline registers necessary. -- Assert acknowledge of data & address on AXI axi_wready_cmb <= '1'; -- Increment counter to track # of required BVALID responses. -- Able to assert this signal early, then BVALID counter -- will get incremented in the next clock cycle when WREADY -- is asserted. bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; ------------------------- RMW_WR_DATA State ------------------------- when RMW_WR_DATA => -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_en_a_cmb <= '1'; -- Enable all WEs to BRAM bram_we_a_int <= (others => '1'); -- Complete write operation lite_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => lite_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process LITE_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LITE_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then lite_sm_cs <= IDLE; axi_wready_int <= '0'; axi_arready_reg <= '0'; axi_rvalid_set_r <= '0'; axi_rlast_set_r <= '0'; else lite_sm_cs <= lite_sm_ns; axi_wready_int <= axi_wready_cmb; axi_arready_reg <= axi_arready_cmb; axi_rvalid_set_r <= axi_rvalid_set; axi_rlast_set_r <= axi_rlast_set; end if; end if; end process LITE_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** ECC Logic *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_ECC -- Purpose: Generate BRAM ECC write data and check ECC on read operations. -- Create signals to update ECC registers (lite_ecc_reg module interface). -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate constant null7 : std_logic_vector(0 to 6) := "0000000"; -- Specific to 32-bit data width (AXI-Lite) signal WrECC : std_logic_vector (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal WrECC_i : std_logic_vector (C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal wrdata_i : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal AXI_WDATA_Q : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal AXI_WSTRB_Q : std_logic_vector ((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 - 1) downto 0); signal bram_din_a_i : std_logic_vector (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Set for port data width signal bram_rddata_in : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); subtype syndrome_bits is std_logic_vector (0 to 6); type correct_data_table_type is array (natural range 0 to 31) of syndrome_bits; constant correct_data_table : correct_data_table_type := ( 0 => "1100001", 1 => "1010001", 2 => "0110001", 3 => "1110001", 4 => "1001001", 5 => "0101001", 6 => "1101001", 7 => "0011001", 8 => "1011001", 9 => "0111001", 10 => "1111001", 11 => "1000101", 12 => "0100101", 13 => "1100101", 14 => "0010101", 15 => "1010101", 16 => "0110101", 17 => "1110101", 18 => "0001101", 19 => "1001101", 20 => "0101101", 21 => "1101101", 22 => "0011101", 23 => "1011101", 24 => "0111101", 25 => "1111101", 26 => "1000011", 27 => "0100011", 28 => "1100011", 29 => "0010011", 30 => "1010011", 31 => "0110011" ); type bool_array is array (natural range 0 to 6) of boolean; constant inverted_bit : bool_array := (false,false,true,false,true,false,false); begin -- Read on Port A -- or any operation on Port B (it will be read only). BRAM_Addr_En <= '1' when (bram_en_a_int = '1' and bram_we_a_int = "00000") or (bram_en_b_int = '1') else '0'; -- BRAM_WE generated from SM -- Remember byte write enables one clock cycle to properly mux bytes to write, -- with read data in read/modify write operation -- Write in Read/Write always 1 cycle after Read REG_RMW_SIGS : process (S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- Add reset values if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then RdModifyWr_Check <= '0'; RdModifyWr_Modify <= '0'; RdModifyWr_Write <= '0'; else RdModifyWr_Check <= RdModifyWr_Read; RdModifyWr_Modify <= RdModifyWr_Check; RdModifyWr_Write <= RdModifyWr_Modify; end if; end if; end process REG_RMW_SIGS; -- v1.03a -- Delay assertion of WREADY to minimize registers in core. -- Use SM transition to RMW "read" to assert this signal. RdModifyWr_Read <= '1' when (lite_sm_ns = RMW_RD_DATA) else '0'; -- Remember write data one cycle to be available after read has been completed in a -- read/modify write operation STORE_WRITE_DBUS : process (S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then AXI_WDATA_Q <= (others => '0'); AXI_WSTRB_Q <= (others => '0'); -- v1.03a -- With the delay assertion of WREADY, use WVALID -- to register in WDATA and WSTRB signals. elsif (AXI_WVALID = '1') then AXI_WDATA_Q <= AXI_WDATA; AXI_WSTRB_Q <= AXI_WSTRB; end if; end if; end process STORE_WRITE_DBUS; wrdata_i <= AXI_WDATA_Q when RdModifyWr_Modify = '1' else AXI_WDATA; -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_WRDATA_CMB -- Purpose: Replace manual signal assignment for WrData_cmb with -- generate funtion. -- -- Ensure correct byte swapping occurs with -- CorrectedRdData (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) assignment -- to WrData_cmb (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0). -- -- AXI_WSTRB_Q (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES-1 downto 0) matches -- to WrData_cmb (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0). -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_WRDATA_CMB: for i in C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES-1 downto 0 generate begin WrData_cmb ( (((i+1)*8)-1) downto i*8 ) <= wrdata_i ((((i+1)*8)-1) downto i*8) when (RdModifyWr_Modify = '1' and AXI_WSTRB_Q(i) = '1') else CorrectedRdData ( (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - ((i+1)*8)) to (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - (i*8) - 1) ); end generate GEN_WRDATA_CMB; REG_WRDATA : process (S_AXI_AClk) is begin -- Remove reset value to minimize resources & improve timing if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then WrData <= WrData_cmb; end if; end process REG_WRDATA; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- New assignment of ECC bits to BRAM write data outside generate -- blocks. Same signal assignment regardless of ECC type. bram_wrdata_a_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_WIDTH - 1) <= '0'; bram_wrdata_a_int ((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_INT_ECC_WIDTH - 1) downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) <= WrECC xor FaultInjectECC; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- No need to use RdModifyWr_Write in the data path. -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HAMMING_ECC -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HAMMING_ECC: if C_ECC_TYPE = 0 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_WR_32 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for writing into BRAM. -- WrData (N:0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHK_HANDLER_WR_32: entity work.checkbit_handler generic map ( C_ENCODE => true, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( DataIn => WrData, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 31)] CheckIn => null7, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] CheckOut => WrECC, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome_4 => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 1)] Syndrome_6 => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 5)] Syndrome => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Enable_ECC => '1', -- [in std_logic] Syndrome_Chk => null7, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] UE_Q => '0', -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => '0', -- [in std_logic] UE => open, -- [out std_logic] CE => open ); -- [out std_logic] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_RD_32 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHK_HANDLER_RD_32: entity work.checkbit_handler generic map ( C_ENCODE => false, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( -- DataIn (8:39) -- CheckIn (1:7) -- Bit swapping done at port level on checkbit_handler (31:0) & (6:0) DataIn => bram_din_a_i (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+1 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH), -- [in std_logic_vector(8 to 39)] CheckIn => bram_din_a_i (1 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH), -- [in std_logic_vector(1 to 7)] CheckOut => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome => Syndrome, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome_4 => Syndrome_4, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 1)] Syndrome_6 => Syndrome_6, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 5)] Syndrome_Chk => syndrome_reg_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] UE_Q => UE_Q, -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => CE_Q, -- [in std_logic] UE => Sl_UE_i, -- [out std_logic] CE => Sl_CE_i ); -- [out std_logic] -- GEN_CORR_32 generate & correct_one_bit instantiation moved to generate -- of AXI RDATA output register logic to use registered syndrome value. end generate GEN_HAMMING_ECC; -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HSIAO_ECC -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. -- Derived from MIG v3.7 Hsiao HDL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HSIAO_ECC: if C_ECC_TYPE = 1 generate constant CODE_WIDTH : integer := C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; constant ECC_WIDTH : integer := C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; type type_int0 is array (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector (ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal syndrome_ns : std_logic_vector(ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal syndrome_r : std_logic_vector(ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal ecc_rddata_r : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal h_matrix : type_int0; signal h_rows : std_logic_vector (CODE_WIDTH * ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal flip_bits : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); begin ---------------------- Hsiao ECC Write Logic ---------------------- -- Instantiate ecc_gen module, generated from MIG ECC_GEN_HSIAO: entity work.ecc_gen generic map ( code_width => CODE_WIDTH, ecc_width => ECC_WIDTH, data_width => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH ) port map ( -- Output h_rows => h_rows (CODE_WIDTH * ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) ); -- Merge muxed rd/write data to gen HSIAO_ECC: process (h_rows, WrData) constant DQ_WIDTH : integer := CODE_WIDTH; variable ecc_wrdata_tmp : std_logic_vector(DQ_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); begin -- Loop to generate all ECC bits for k in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 loop ecc_wrdata_tmp (CODE_WIDTH - k - 1) := REDUCTION_XOR ( (WrData (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) and h_rows (k * CODE_WIDTH + C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto k * CODE_WIDTH))); end loop; WrECC (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= ecc_wrdata_tmp (DQ_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); end process HSIAO_ECC; ---------------------- Hsiao ECC Read Logic ----------------------- GEN_RD_ECC: for m in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 generate begin syndrome_ns (m) <= REDUCTION_XOR ( bram_rddata_in (CODE_WIDTH-1 downto 0) and h_rows ((m*CODE_WIDTH)+CODE_WIDTH-1 downto (m*CODE_WIDTH))); end generate GEN_RD_ECC; -- Insert register stage for syndrome REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then syndrome_r <= syndrome_ns; -- Replicate BRAM read back data register for Hamming ECC ecc_rddata_r <= bram_rddata_in (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; -- Reconstruct H-matrix H_COL: for n in 0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 generate begin H_BIT: for p in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 generate begin h_matrix (n)(p) <= h_rows (p * CODE_WIDTH + n); end generate H_BIT; end generate H_COL; GEN_FLIP_BIT: for r in 0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 generate begin flip_bits (r) <= BOOLEAN_TO_STD_LOGIC (h_matrix (r) = syndrome_r); end generate GEN_FLIP_BIT; axi_rdata_int_corr (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= ecc_rddata_r (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) xor flip_bits (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); Sl_CE_i <= not (REDUCTION_NOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))) and (REDUCTION_XOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))); Sl_UE_i <= not (REDUCTION_NOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))) and not (REDUCTION_XOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))); end generate GEN_HSIAO_ECC; -- Capture correctable/uncorrectable error from BRAM read. -- Either during RMW of write operation or during BRAM read. CORR_REG: process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if RdModifyWr_Modify = '1' or ((Enable_ECC = '1') and (axi_rvalid_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1')) then -- Capture error signals CE_Q <= Sl_CE_i; UE_Q <= Sl_UE_i; else CE_Q <= '0'; UE_Q <= '0'; end if; end if; end process CORR_REG; -- Register CE and UE flags to register block. Sl_CE <= CE_Q; Sl_UE <= UE_Q; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DIN_A -- Purpose: Generate BRAM read data vector assignment to always be from Port A -- in a single port BRAM configuration. -- Map BRAM_RdData_A (N:0) to bram_din_a_i (0:N) -- Including read back ECC bits. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DIN_A: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DIN_A_HAMMING -- Purpose: Standard input for Hamming ECC code generation. -- MSB '0' is removed in port mapping to checkbit_handler module. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DIN_A_HAMMING: if C_ECC_TYPE = 0 generate begin bram_din_a_i (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1) <= BRAM_RdData_A (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_DIN_A_HAMMING; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DIN_A_HSIAO -- Purpose: For Hsiao ECC implementation configurations. -- Remove MSB '0' on 32-bit implementation with fixed -- '0' in (8-bit wide) ECC data bits (only need 7-bits in h-matrix). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DIN_A_HSIAO: if C_ECC_TYPE = 1 generate begin bram_rddata_in <= BRAM_RdData_A (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_DIN_A_HSIAO; end generate GEN_DIN_A; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DIN_B -- Purpose: Generate BRAM read data vector assignment in a dual port -- configuration to be either from Port B, or from Port A in a -- read-modify-write sequence. -- Map BRAM_RdData_A/B (N:0) to bram_din_a_i (0:N) -- Including read back ECC bits. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DIN_B: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DIN_B_HAMMING -- Purpose: Standard input for Hamming ECC code generation. -- MSB '0' is removed in port mapping to checkbit_handler module. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DIN_B_HAMMING: if C_ECC_TYPE = 0 generate begin bram_din_a_i (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1) <= BRAM_RdData_A (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) when (RdModifyWr_Check = '1') else BRAM_RdData_B (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_DIN_B_HAMMING; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DIN_B_HSIAO -- Purpose: For Hsiao ECC implementation configurations. -- Remove MSB '0' on 32-bit implementation with fixed -- '0' in (8-bit wide) ECC data bits (only need 7-bits in h-matrix). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DIN_B_HSIAO: if C_ECC_TYPE = 1 generate begin bram_rddata_in <= BRAM_RdData_A (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) when (RdModifyWr_Check = '1') else BRAM_RdData_B (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_DIN_B_HSIAO; end generate GEN_DIN_B; -- Map data vector from BRAM to use in correct_one_bit module with -- register syndrome (post AXI RDATA register). UnCorrectedRdData (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) <= bram_din_a_i (C_ECC_WIDTH to C_ECC_WIDTH+C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) when (C_ECC_TYPE = 0) else bram_rddata_in(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** BRAM Interface Signals *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- With AXI-LITE no narrow operations are allowed. -- AXI_WSTRB is ignored and all byte lanes are written. bram_en_a_int <= bram_en_a_cmb; -- BRAM_En_A <= bram_en_a_int; -- DV regression failure with reset -- 7/7/11 BRAM_En_A <= '0' when (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) else bram_en_a_int; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_EN_DUAL_PORT -- Purpose: Only generate Port B BRAM enable signal when -- configured for dual port BRAM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_EN_DUAL_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin bram_en_b_int <= bram_en_b_cmb; BRAM_En_B <= bram_en_b_int; end generate GEN_BRAM_EN_DUAL_PORT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_EN_SNG_PORT -- Purpose: Drive default for unused BRAM Port B in single -- port BRAM configuration. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_EN_SNG_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin BRAM_En_B <= '0'; end generate GEN_BRAM_EN_SNG_PORT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_WE -- Purpose: BRAM WE generate process -- One WE per 8-bits of BRAM data. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_WE: for i in (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH)/8-1 downto 0 generate begin BRAM_WE_A (i) <= bram_we_a_int (i); end generate GEN_BRAM_WE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRAM_Addr_A <= BRAM_Addr_A_i; BRAM_Addr_B <= BRAM_Addr_B_i; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Generate zeros on lower order address bits adjustable -- based on BRAM data width. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0 generate begin BRAM_Addr_A_i (i) <= '0'; BRAM_Addr_B_i (i) <= '0'; end generate GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Assign BRAM address output from address counter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_U_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR generate begin BRAM_Addr_A_i (i) <= bram_addr_a_int (i); ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_ADDR_DUAL_PORT -- Purpose: Only generate Port B BRAM address when -- configured for dual port BRAM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_ADDR_DUAL_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin BRAM_Addr_B_i (i) <= bram_addr_b_int (i); end generate GEN_BRAM_ADDR_DUAL_PORT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_ADDR_SNG_PORT -- Purpose: Drive default for unused BRAM Port B in single -- port BRAM configuration. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_ADDR_SNG_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin BRAM_Addr_B_i (i) <= '0'; end generate GEN_BRAM_ADDR_SNG_PORT; end generate GEN_U_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_WRDATA -- Purpose: Generate BRAM Write Data for Port A. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- When C_ECC = 0, C_ECC_WIDTH = 0 (at top level HDL) GEN_BRAM_WRDATA: for i in (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_WIDTH - 1) downto 0 generate begin BRAM_WrData_A (i) <= bram_wrdata_a_int (i); end generate GEN_BRAM_WRDATA; BRAM_WrData_B <= (others => '0'); BRAM_WE_B <= (others => '0'); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- sng_port_arb.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: sng_port_arb.vhd -- -- Description: This file is the top level arbiter for full AXI4 mode -- when configured in a single port mode to BRAM. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/11/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add input signal, AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt, from wr_chnl. For configurations -- when WREADY is to be a registered output. With a seperate FIFO for BID, -- ensure arbitration does not get more than 8 ahead of BID responses. A -- value of 8 is the max of the BVALID counter. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity sng_port_arb is generic ( C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32 -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) ); port ( -- *** AXI Clock and Reset *** S_AXI_ACLK : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARESETN : in std_logic; -- *** AXI Write Address Channel Signals (AW) *** AXI_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_AWVALID : in std_logic; AXI_AWREADY : out std_logic := '0'; -- *** AXI Read Address Channel Signals (AR) *** AXI_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_ARVALID : in std_logic; AXI_ARREADY : out std_logic := '0'; -- *** Write Channel Interface Signals *** Arb2AW_Active : out std_logic := '0'; AW2Arb_Busy : in std_logic; AW2Arb_Active_Clr : in std_logic; AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); -- *** Read Channel Interface Signals *** Arb2AR_Active : out std_logic := '0'; AR2Arb_Active_Clr : in std_logic ); end entity sng_port_arb; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of sng_port_arb is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; constant ARB_WR : std_logic := '0'; constant ARB_RD : std_logic := '1'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write & Read Address Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- State machine type declarations type ARB_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, RD_DATA, WR_DATA ); signal arb_sm_cs, arb_sm_ns : ARB_SM_TYPE; signal axi_awready_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_awready_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arready_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arready_int : std_logic := '0'; signal last_arb_won_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal last_arb_won : std_logic := '0'; signal aw_active_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal aw_active : std_logic := '0'; signal ar_active_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal ar_active : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Output Signals *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Address Channel Output Signals AXI_AWREADY <= axi_awready_int; -- AXI Read Address Channel Output Signals AXI_ARREADY <= axi_arready_int; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Write Address Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Read Address Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** Internal Arbitration Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arb2AW_Active <= aw_active; Arb2AR_Active <= ar_active; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main Arb State Machine -- -- Description: Main arbitration logic when AXI BRAM controller -- configured in a single port BRAM mode. -- Module is instantiated when C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1. -- -- Outputs: last_arb_won Registered -- aw_active Registered -- ar_active Registered -- axi_awready_int Registered -- axi_arready_int Registered -- -- -- ARB_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- ARB_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARB_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( AXI_AWVALID, AXI_ARVALID, AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt, AW2Arb_Busy, AW2Arb_Active_Clr, AR2Arb_Active_Clr, last_arb_won, aw_active, ar_active, arb_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs arb_sm_ns <= arb_sm_cs; axi_awready_cmb <= '0'; axi_arready_cmb <= '0'; last_arb_won_cmb <= last_arb_won; aw_active_cmb <= aw_active; ar_active_cmb <= ar_active; case arb_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- Check for valid read operation -- Reads take priority over AW traffic (if both asserted) -- 4/11 -- if ((AXI_ARVALID = '1') and (AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (last_arb_won = ARB_WR)) or -- ((AXI_ARVALID = '1') and (AXI_AWVALID = '0')) then -- 4/11 -- Add BVALID counter to AW arbitration. -- Since this is arbitration to read, no need for BVALID counter. if ((AXI_ARVALID = '1') and (AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (last_arb_won = ARB_WR)) or -- and --(AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt /= "111")) or ((AXI_ARVALID = '1') and (AXI_AWVALID = '0')) then -- Read wins arbitration arb_sm_ns <= RD_DATA; axi_arready_cmb <= '1'; last_arb_won_cmb <= ARB_RD; ar_active_cmb <= '1'; -- Write operations are lower priority than reads -- when an AXI master asserted both operations simultaneously. -- 4/11 elsif (AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (AW2Arb_Busy = '0') then elsif (AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (AW2Arb_Busy = '0') and (AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt /= "111") then -- Write wins arbitration arb_sm_ns <= WR_DATA; axi_awready_cmb <= '1'; last_arb_won_cmb <= ARB_WR; aw_active_cmb <= '1'; end if; ------------------------- WR_DATA State ------------------------- when WR_DATA => -- Wait for write operation to complete if (AW2Arb_Active_Clr = '1') then aw_active_cmb <= '0'; -- Check early for pending read (to save clock cycle -- in transitioning back to IDLE) if (AXI_ARVALID = '1') then -- Read wins arbitration arb_sm_ns <= RD_DATA; axi_arready_cmb <= '1'; last_arb_won_cmb <= ARB_RD; ar_active_cmb <= '1'; -- Note: if timing paths occur b/w wr_chnl data SM -- and here, remove this clause to check for early -- arbitration on a read operation. else arb_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; end if; ---------------------------- RD_DATA State --------------------------- when RD_DATA => -- Wait for read operation to complete if (AR2Arb_Active_Clr = '1') then ar_active_cmb <= '0'; -- Check early for pending write operation (to save clock cycle -- in transitioning back to IDLE) -- 4/11 if (AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (AW2Arb_Busy = '0') then if (AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (AW2Arb_Busy = '0') and (AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt /= "111") then -- Write wins arbitration arb_sm_ns <= WR_DATA; axi_awready_cmb <= '1'; last_arb_won_cmb <= ARB_WR; aw_active_cmb <= '1'; -- Note: if timing paths occur b/w rd_chnl data SM -- and here, remove this clause to check for early -- arbitration on a write operation. -- Check early for a pending back-to-back read operation elsif (AXI_AWVALID = '0') and (AXI_ARVALID = '1') then -- Read wins arbitration arb_sm_ns <= RD_DATA; axi_arready_cmb <= '1'; last_arb_won_cmb <= ARB_RD; ar_active_cmb <= '1'; else arb_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; end if; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => arb_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process ARB_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARB_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then arb_sm_cs <= IDLE; last_arb_won <= ARB_WR; aw_active <= '0'; ar_active <= '0'; axi_awready_int <='0'; axi_arready_int <='0'; else arb_sm_cs <= arb_sm_ns; last_arb_won <= last_arb_won_cmb; aw_active <= aw_active_cmb; ar_active <= ar_active_cmb; axi_awready_int <= axi_awready_cmb; axi_arready_int <= axi_arready_cmb; end if; end if; end process ARB_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ua_narrow.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: ua_narrow.vhd -- -- Description: Creates a narrow burst count load value when an operation -- is an unaligned narrow WRAP or INCR burst type. Used by -- I_NARROW_CNT module. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/4/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Edit for scalability and support of 512 and 1024-bit data widths. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/8/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update bit vector usage of address LSB for calculating ua_narrow_load. -- Add axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package inclusion. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Fix XST handling for DIV functions. Create seperate process when -- divisor is not constant and a power of two. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update range of integer signals. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/4/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove use of local function, Create_Size_Max. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/11/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH generate statments. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/14/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update ua_narrow_load signal assignment to pass simulations & XST. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/15/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update multiply function on signal, ua_narrow_wrap_gt_width, -- for timing path improvements. Replace with left shift operation. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add comments as noted in Spyglass runs. And general code clean-up. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity ua_narrow is generic ( C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := 32; -- Adjust BRAM address width based on C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN : integer := 4 -- Size of narrow burst counter ); port ( curr_wrap_burst : in std_logic; curr_incr_burst : in std_logic; bram_addr_ld_en : in std_logic; curr_axlen : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); curr_axsize : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); curr_axaddr_lsb : in std_logic_vector (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); curr_ua_narrow_wrap : out std_logic; curr_ua_narrow_incr : out std_logic; ua_narrow_load : out std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0') ); end entity ua_narrow; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of ua_narrow is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- All functions defined in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reset active level (common through core) constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; -- AXI Size Constants -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000"; -- 1 byte -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "001"; -- 2 bytes -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "010"; -- 4 bytes = max size for 32-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "011"; -- 8 bytes = max size for 64-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "100"; -- 16 bytes = max size for 128-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "101"; -- 32 bytes = max size for 256-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "110"; -- 64 bytes = max size for 512-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "111"; -- 128 bytes = max size for 1024-bit BRAM -- Determine max value of ARSIZE based on the AXI data width. -- Use function in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. constant C_AXI_SIZE_MAX : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := Create_Size_Max (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); -- Determine the number of bytes based on the AXI data width. constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8; constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES_LOG2 : integer := log2(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES); -- Use constant to compare when LSB of ADDR is equal to zero. constant axaddr_lsb_zero : std_logic_vector (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- 8d = size of AxLEN vector constant C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES_LOG2 + 8; -- Convert # of data bytes for AXI data bus into an unsigned vector (C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE:0). constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES_UNSIGNED : unsigned (C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE downto 0) := to_unsigned (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES, C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE+1); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal ua_narrow_wrap_gt_width : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_axsize_unsigned : unsigned (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_axsize_int : integer := 0; signal curr_axlen_unsigned : unsigned (7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_axlen_unsigned_lshift : unsigned (C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Max = 32768d signal bytes_per_addr : integer := 1; -- range 1 to 128 := 1; signal size_plus_lsb : integer range 1 to 256 := 1; signal narrow_addr_offset : integer := 1; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin -- v1.03a -- Added for narrow INCR bursts with UA addresses -- Check if burst is a) INCR type, -- b) a narrow burst (SIZE = full width of bus) -- c) LSB of address is non zero curr_ua_narrow_incr <= '1' when (curr_incr_burst = '1') and (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) /= C_AXI_SIZE_MAX) and (curr_axaddr_lsb /= axaddr_lsb_zero) and (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') else '0'; -- v1.03a -- Detect narrow WRAP bursts -- Detect if the operation is a) WRAP type, -- b) a narrow burst (SIZE = full width of bus) -- c) LSB of address is non zero -- d) complete size of WRAP is larger than width of BRAM curr_ua_narrow_wrap <= '1' when (curr_wrap_burst = '1') and (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) /= C_AXI_SIZE_MAX) and (curr_axaddr_lsb /= axaddr_lsb_zero) and (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') and (ua_narrow_wrap_gt_width = '1') else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a -- Check condition if narrow burst wraps within the size of the BRAM width. -- Check if size * length > BRAM width in bytes. -- -- When asserted = '1', means that narrow burst counter is not preloaded early, -- the BRAM burst will be contained within the BRAM data width. curr_axsize_unsigned <= unsigned (curr_axsize); curr_axsize_int <= to_integer (curr_axsize_unsigned); curr_axlen_unsigned <= unsigned (curr_axlen); -- Original logic with multiply function. -- -- ua_narrow_wrap_gt_width <= '0' when (((2**(to_integer (curr_axsize_unsigned))) * -- unsigned (curr_axlen (7 downto 0))) -- < C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES) -- else '1'; -- Replace with left shift operation of AxLEN. -- Replace multiply of AxLEN * AxSIZE with a left shift function. LEN_LSHIFT: process (curr_axlen_unsigned, curr_axsize_int) begin for i in C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE downto 0 loop if (i >= curr_axsize_int + 8) then curr_axlen_unsigned_lshift (i) <= '0'; elsif (i >= curr_axsize_int) then curr_axlen_unsigned_lshift (i) <= curr_axlen_unsigned (i - curr_axsize_int); else curr_axlen_unsigned_lshift (i) <= '0'; end if; end loop; end process LEN_LSHIFT; -- Final result. ua_narrow_wrap_gt_width <= '0' when (curr_axlen_unsigned_lshift < C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES_UNSIGNED) else '1'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a -- For narrow burst transfer, provides the number of bytes per address -- XST does not support divisors that are not constants AND powers of two. -- Create process to create a fixed value for divisor. -- Replace this statement: -- bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / (2**(to_integer (curr_axsize_unsigned))); -- With this new process: -- Replace case statement with unsigned signal comparator. DIV_AXSIZE: process (curr_axsize) begin case (curr_axsize) is when "000" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 1; when "001" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 2; when "010" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 4; when "011" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 8; when "100" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 16; when "101" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 32; when "110" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 64; when "111" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 128; -- Max SIZE for 1024-bit AXI bus when others => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES; end case; end process DIV_AXSIZE; -- Original statement. -- XST does not support divisors that are not constants AND powers of two. -- Insert process to perform (size_plus_lsb / size_bytes_int) function in generation of ua_narrow_load. -- -- size_bytes_int <= (2**(to_integer (curr_axsize_unsigned))); -- -- ua_narrow_load <= std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (bytes_per_addr - -- (size_plus_lsb / size_bytes_int), C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)); -- AxSIZE + LSB of address -- Use all LSB address bit lanes for the narrow transfer based on C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH size_plus_lsb <= (2**(to_integer (curr_axsize_unsigned))) + to_integer (unsigned (curr_axaddr_lsb (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES_LOG2-1 downto 0))); -- Process to keep synthesis with divide by constants that are a power of 2. DIV_SIZE_BYTES: process (size_plus_lsb, curr_axsize) begin -- Use unsigned w/ curr_axsize signal case (curr_axsize) is when "000" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 1; when "001" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 2; when "010" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 4; when "011" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 8; when "100" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 16; when "101" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 32; when "110" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 64; when "111" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 128; -- Max SIZE for 1024-bit AXI bus when others => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb; end case; end process DIV_SIZE_BYTES; -- Final new statement. -- Passing in simulation and XST. ua_narrow_load <= std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (bytes_per_addr - narrow_addr_offset, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)) when (bytes_per_addr >= narrow_addr_offset) else std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (0, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- wrap_brst.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: wrap_brst.vhd -- -- Description: Create sub module for logic to generate WRAP burst -- address for rd_chnl and wr_chnl. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/4/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Edit for scalability and support of 512 and 1024-bit data widths. -- Add axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package inclusion. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/7/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package use. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/15/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update multiply function on signal, wrap_burst_total_cmb, -- for timing path improvements. Replace with left shift operation. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add comments as noted in Spyglass runs. And general code clean-up. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/24/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add specific generate blocks based on C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH to calculate -- total WRAP burst size for improved FPGA resource utilization. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/30/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Clean up code. -- Re-code wrap_burst_total_cmb process blocks for each data width -- to improve and catch all false conditions in code coverage analysis. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity wrap_brst is generic ( C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := 32; -- Adjust BRAM address width based on C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32 -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) ); port ( S_AXI_AClk : in std_logic; S_AXI_AResetn : in std_logic; curr_axlen : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); curr_axsize : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); curr_narrow_burst : in std_logic; narrow_bram_addr_inc_re : in std_logic; bram_addr_ld_en : in std_logic; bram_addr_ld : in std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); bram_addr_int : in std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); bram_addr_ld_wrap : out std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); max_wrap_burst_mod : out std_logic := '0' ); end entity wrap_brst; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of wrap_brst is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reset active level (common through core) constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; -- AXI Size Constants constant C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000"; -- 1 byte constant C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "001"; -- 2 bytes constant C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "010"; -- 4 bytes = max size for 32-bit BRAM constant C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "011"; -- 8 bytes = max size for 64-bit BRAM constant C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "100"; -- 16 bytes = max size for 128-bit BRAM constant C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "101"; -- 32 bytes = max size for 256-bit BRAM constant C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "110"; -- 64 bytes = max size for 512-bit BRAM constant C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "111"; -- 128 bytes = max size for 1024-bit BRAM -- Determine the number of bytes based on the AXI data width. constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8; constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES_LOG2 : integer := log2(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES); -- 8d = size of AxLEN vector constant C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES_LOG2 + 8; -- Constants for WRAP size decoding to simplify integer represenation. constant C_WRAP_SIZE_2 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "001"; constant C_WRAP_SIZE_4 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "010"; constant C_WRAP_SIZE_8 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "011"; constant C_WRAP_SIZE_16 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "100"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal max_wrap_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal save_init_bram_addr_ld : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+1) := (others => '0'); -- signal curr_axsize_unsigned : unsigned (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- signal curr_axsize_int : integer := 0; -- signal curr_axlen_unsigned : unsigned (7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Holds burst length/size total (based on width of BRAM width) -- Max size = max length of burst (256 beats) -- signal wrap_burst_total_cmb : integer range 0 to 256 := 1; -- Max 256 (= 32768d / 128 bytes) -- signal wrap_burst_total : integer range 0 to 256 := 1; signal wrap_burst_total_cmb : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal wrap_burst_total : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- signal curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1 : unsigned (7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- signal curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1_lshift : unsigned (C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Max = 32768d ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Modify counter size based on size of current write burst operation -- For WRAP burst types, the counter value will roll over when the burst -- boundary is reached. -- Based on AxSIZE and AxLEN -- To minimize muxing on initial load of counter value -- Detect on WRAP burst types, when the max address is reached. -- When the max address is reached, re-load counter with lower -- address value. -- Save initial load address value. REG_INIT_BRAM_ADDR: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then save_init_bram_addr_ld <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then save_init_bram_addr_ld <= bram_addr_ld(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+1); else save_init_bram_addr_ld <= save_init_bram_addr_ld; end if; end if; end process REG_INIT_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a -- Calculate AXI size (integer) -- curr_axsize_unsigned <= unsigned (curr_axsize); -- curr_axsize_int <= to_integer (curr_axsize_unsigned); -- Calculate AXI length (integer) -- curr_axlen_unsigned <= unsigned (curr_axlen); -- curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1 <= curr_axlen_unsigned + "00000001"; -- WRAP = size * length (based on BRAM data width in bytes) -- -- Original multiply function: -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (size_bytes_int * len_int) / C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES; -- For XST, modify integer multiply function to improve timing. -- Replace multiply of AxLEN * AxSIZE with a left shift function. -- LEN_LSHIFT: process (curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1, curr_axsize_int) -- begin -- -- for i in C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE downto 0 loop -- -- if (i >= curr_axsize_int + 8) then -- curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1_lshift (i) <= '0'; -- elsif (i >= curr_axsize_int) then -- curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1_lshift (i) <= curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1 (i - curr_axsize_int); -- else -- curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1_lshift (i) <= '0'; -- end if; -- -- end loop; -- -- end process LEN_LSHIFT; -- Final signal assignment for XST & timing improvements. -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= to_integer (curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1_lshift) / C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a -- For best FPGA resource implementation, hard code the generation of -- WRAP burst size based on each C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH possibility. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_32_WRAP_SIZE -- Purpose: These wrap size values only apply to 32-bit BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_32_WRAP_SIZE: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate begin WRAP_SIZE_CMB: process (curr_axlen, curr_axsize) begin -- v1.03a -- Attempt to re code this to improve conditional coverage checks. -- Use case statment to replace if/else with no priority enabled. -- Current size of transaction case (curr_axsize (2 downto 0)) is -- 4 bytes (full AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0001" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 2 bytes (1/2 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 1 byte (1/4 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- v1.03 Original HDL -- -- -- if ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0001") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; -- -- else -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); -- end if; end process WRAP_SIZE_CMB; end generate GEN_32_WRAP_SIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_64_WRAP_SIZE -- Purpose: These wrap size values only apply to 64-bit BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_64_WRAP_SIZE: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate begin WRAP_SIZE_CMB: process (curr_axlen, curr_axsize) begin -- v1.03a -- Attempt to re code this to improve conditional coverage checks. -- Use case statment to replace if/else with no priority enabled. -- Current size of transaction case (curr_axsize (2 downto 0)) is -- 8 bytes (full AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0001" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 4 bytes (1/2 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 2 bytes (1/4 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 1 byte (1/8 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- v1.03 Original HDL -- -- -- if ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0001") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; -- -- else -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); -- end if; end process WRAP_SIZE_CMB; end generate GEN_64_WRAP_SIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_128_WRAP_SIZE -- Purpose: These wrap size values only apply to 128-bit BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_128_WRAP_SIZE: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128 generate begin WRAP_SIZE_CMB: process (curr_axlen, curr_axsize) begin -- v1.03a -- Attempt to re code this to improve conditional coverage checks. -- Use case statment to replace if/else with no priority enabled. -- Current size of transaction case (curr_axsize (2 downto 0)) is -- 16 bytes (full AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0001" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 8 bytes (1/2 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 4 bytes (1/4 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 2 bytes (1/8 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- v1.03 Original HDL -- -- if ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0001") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; -- -- else -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); -- end if; end process WRAP_SIZE_CMB; end generate GEN_128_WRAP_SIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_256_WRAP_SIZE -- Purpose: These wrap size values only apply to 256-bit BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_256_WRAP_SIZE: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 256 generate begin WRAP_SIZE_CMB: process (curr_axlen, curr_axsize) begin -- v1.03a -- Attempt to re code this to improve conditional coverage checks. -- Use case statment to replace if/else with no priority enabled. -- Current size of transaction case (curr_axsize (2 downto 0)) is -- 32 bytes (full AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0001" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 16 bytes (1/2 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 8 bytes (1/4 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 4 bytes (1/8 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- v1.03 Original HDL -- -- if ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0001") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; -- -- else -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); -- end if; end process WRAP_SIZE_CMB; end generate GEN_256_WRAP_SIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_512_WRAP_SIZE -- Purpose: These wrap size values only apply to 512-bit BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_512_WRAP_SIZE: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 512 generate begin WRAP_SIZE_CMB: process (curr_axlen, curr_axsize) begin -- v1.03a -- Attempt to re code this to improve conditional coverage checks. -- Use case statment to replace if/else with no priority enabled. -- Current size of transaction case (curr_axsize (2 downto 0)) is -- 64 bytes (full AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0001" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 32 bytes (1/2 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 16 bytes (1/4 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 8 bytes (1/8 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- v1.03 Original HDL -- -- -- if ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0001") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; -- -- else -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); -- end if; end process WRAP_SIZE_CMB; end generate GEN_512_WRAP_SIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_1024_WRAP_SIZE -- Purpose: These wrap size values only apply to 1024-bit BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_1024_WRAP_SIZE: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 1024 generate begin WRAP_SIZE_CMB: process (curr_axlen, curr_axsize) begin -- v1.03a -- Attempt to re code this to improve conditional coverage checks. -- Use case statment to replace if/else with no priority enabled. -- Current size of transaction case (curr_axsize (2 downto 0)) is -- 128 bytes (full AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0001" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 64 bytes (1/2 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 32 bytes (1/4 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 16 bytes (1/8 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- v1.03 Original HDL -- -- -- if ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0001") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; -- -- else -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); -- end if; end process WRAP_SIZE_CMB; end generate GEN_1024_WRAP_SIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Early decode to determine size of WRAP transfer -- Goal to break up long timing path to generate max_wrap_burst signal. REG_WRAP_TOTAL: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then wrap_burst_total <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then wrap_burst_total <= wrap_burst_total_cmb; else wrap_burst_total <= wrap_burst_total; end if; end if; end process REG_WRAP_TOTAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_WRAP_MAX : process ( wrap_burst_total, bram_addr_int, save_init_bram_addr_ld ) begin -- Check BRAM address value if max value is reached. -- Max value is based on burst size/length for operation. -- Address bits to check vary based on C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH and burst size/length. -- (use signal, wrap_burst_total, based on current WRAP burst size/length/data width). case wrap_burst_total is when C_WRAP_SIZE_2 => if (bram_addr_int (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) = '1') then max_wrap_burst <= '1'; else max_wrap_burst <= '0'; end if; -- Use saved BRAM load value bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+1) <= save_init_bram_addr_ld (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+1); -- Reset lower order address bits to zero (to wrap address) bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) <= '0'; when C_WRAP_SIZE_4 => if (bram_addr_int (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR + 1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) = "11") then max_wrap_burst <= '1'; else max_wrap_burst <= '0'; end if; -- Use saved BRAM load value bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+2) <= save_init_bram_addr_ld (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+2); -- Reset lower order address bits to zero (to wrap address) bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR + 1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR ) <= "00"; when C_WRAP_SIZE_8 => if (bram_addr_int (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR + 2 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) = "111") then max_wrap_burst <= '1'; else max_wrap_burst <= '0'; end if; -- Use saved BRAM load value bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+3) <= save_init_bram_addr_ld (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+3); -- Reset lower order address bits to zero (to wrap address) bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR + 2 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR ) <= "000"; when C_WRAP_SIZE_16 => if (bram_addr_int (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR + 3 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) = "1111") then max_wrap_burst <= '1'; else max_wrap_burst <= '0'; end if; -- Use saved BRAM load value bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+4) <= save_init_bram_addr_ld (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+4); -- Reset lower order address bits to zero (to wrap address) bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR + 3 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR ) <= "0000"; when others => max_wrap_burst <= '0'; bram_addr_ld_wrap(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+1) <= save_init_bram_addr_ld; -- Reset lower order address bits to zero (to wrap address) bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) <= '0'; end case; end process CHECK_WRAP_MAX; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Move outside of CHECK_WRAP_MAX process. -- Account for narrow burst operations. -- -- Currently max_wrap_burst is getting asserted at the first address beat to BRAM -- that indicates the maximum WRAP burst boundary. Must wait for the completion of the -- narrow wrap burst counter to assert max_wrap_burst. -- -- Indicates when narrow burst address counter hits max (all zeros value) -- narrow_bram_addr_inc_re max_wrap_burst_mod <= max_wrap_burst when (curr_narrow_burst = '0') else (max_wrap_burst and narrow_bram_addr_inc_re); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rd_chnl.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: rd_chnl.vhd -- -- Description: This file is the top level module for the AXI BRAM -- controller read channel interfaces. Controls all -- handshaking and data flow on the AXI read address (AR) -- and read data (R) channels. -- -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Minor code cleanup. -- Remove library version # dependency. Replace with work library. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/3/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Edits for scalability and support of 512 and 1024-bit data widths. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/14/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Initial integration of Hsiao ECC algorithm. -- Add C_ECC_TYPE top level parameter. -- Similar edits as wr_chnl on Hsiao ECC code. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/18/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update for usage of ecc_gen.vhd module directly from MIG. -- Clean-up XST warnings. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Found issue with ECC decoding on read path. Remove MSB '0' usage -- in syndrome calculation, since h_matrix is based on 32 + 7 = 39 bits. -- Modify read data signal used in single bit error correction. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/23/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Move all MIG functions to package body. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Fix XST handling for DIV functions. Create seperate process when -- divisor is not constant and a power of two. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/15/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Clean-up unused signal, narrow_addr_inc. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add comments as noted in Spyglass runs. And general code clean-up. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/21/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean up. -- Add defaults to araddr_pipe_sel & axi_arready_int when in single port mode. -- Remove use of IF_IS_AXI4 constant. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean up. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/6/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- Hard code C_USE_LUT6 constant. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/26/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- With CR # 609695, update else clause for narrow_burst_cnt_ld to -- remove simulation warnings when axi_byte_div_curr_arsize = zero. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.wrap_brst; use work.ua_narrow; use work.checkbit_handler; use work.checkbit_handler_64; use work.correct_one_bit; use work.correct_one_bit_64; use work.ecc_gen; use work.parity; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity rd_chnl is generic ( -- C_FAMILY : string := "virtex6"; -- Specify the target architecture type C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := 2; -- Adjust factor to BRAM address width based on data width (in bits) C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_AXI_ID_WIDTH : integer := 4; -- AXI ID vector width C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW : integer := 1; -- Support for narrow burst operations C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL : string := "AXI4"; -- Set to "AXI4LITE" to optimize out burst transaction support C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM : integer := 0; -- Enable single port usage of BRAM C_ECC : integer := 0; -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_WIDTH : integer := 8; -- Width of ECC data vector C_ECC_TYPE : integer := 0 -- v1.03a -- ECC algorithm format, 0 = Hamming code, 1 = Hsiao code ); port ( -- AXI Global Signals S_AXI_AClk : in std_logic; S_AXI_AResetn : in std_logic; -- AXI Read Address Channel Signals (AR) AXI_ARID : in std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_ARLEN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Specifies the number of data transfers in the burst -- "0000 0000" 1 data transfer -- "0000 0001" 2 data transfers -- ... -- "1111 1111" 256 data transfers AXI_ARSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- Specifies the max number of data bytes to transfer in each data beat -- "000" 1 byte to transfer -- "001" 2 bytes to transfer -- "010" 3 bytes to transfer -- ... AXI_ARBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- Specifies burst type -- "00" FIXED = Fixed burst address (handled as INCR) -- "01" INCR = Increment burst address -- "10" WRAP = Incrementing address burst that wraps to lower order address at boundary -- "11" Reserved (not checked) AXI_ARLOCK : in std_logic; AXI_ARCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); AXI_ARPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); AXI_ARVALID : in std_logic; AXI_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Read Data Channel Signals (R) AXI_RID : out std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_RLAST : out std_logic; AXI_RVALID : out std_logic; AXI_RREADY : in std_logic; -- ECC Register Interface Signals Enable_ECC : in std_logic; BRAM_Addr_En : out std_logic; CE_Failing_We : out std_logic := '0'; Sl_CE : out std_logic := '0'; Sl_UE : out std_logic := '0'; -- Single Port Arbitration Signals Arb2AR_Active : in std_logic; AR2Arb_Active_Clr : out std_logic := '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En : out std_logic := '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld : out std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc : out std_logic := '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr : in std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR); -- BRAM Read Port Interface Signals BRAM_En : out std_logic; BRAM_Addr : out std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); BRAM_RdData : in std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) ); end entity rd_chnl; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of rd_chnl is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- All functions defined in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reset active level (common through core) constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; constant RESP_OKAY : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00"; -- Normal access OK response constant RESP_SLVERR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "10"; -- Slave error -- For future support. constant RESP_EXOKAY : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "01"; -- Exclusive access OK response -- For future support. constant RESP_DECERR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "11"; -- Decode error -- Set constants for ARLEN equal to a count of one or two beats. constant AXI_ARLEN_ONE : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant AXI_ARLEN_TWO : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000001"; -- Modify C_BRAM_ADDR_SIZE to be adjusted for BRAM data width -- When BRAM data width = 32 bits, BRAM_Addr (1:0) = "00" -- When BRAM data width = 64 bits, BRAM_Addr (2:0) = "000" -- When BRAM data width = 128 bits, BRAM_Addr (3:0) = "0000" -- When BRAM data width = 256 bits, BRAM_Addr (4:0) = "00000" -- Move to full_axi module -- constant C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := log2 (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8); -- Not used -- constant C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST : integer := C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR; -- Determine maximum size for narrow burst length counter -- When C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32, minimum narrow width burst is 8 bits -- resulting in a count 3 downto 0 => so minimum counter width = 2 bits. -- When C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 256, minimum narrow width burst is 8 bits -- resulting in a count 31 downto 0 => so minimum counter width = 5 bits. constant C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN : integer := log2 (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8); constant NARROW_CNT_MAX : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Max length burst count AXI4 specification constant C_MAX_BRST_CNT : integer := 256; constant C_BRST_CNT_SIZE : integer := log2 (C_MAX_BRST_CNT); -- When the burst count = 0 constant C_BRST_CNT_ZERO : std_logic_vector(C_BRST_CNT_SIZE-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Burst count = 1 constant C_BRST_CNT_ONE : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000001"; -- Burst count = 2 constant C_BRST_CNT_TWO : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000010"; -- Read data mux select constants (for signal rddata_mux_sel) -- '0' selects BRAM -- '1' selects read skid buffer constant C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM : std_logic := '0'; constant C_RDDATA_MUX_SKID_BUF : std_logic := '1'; -- Determine the number of bytes based on the AXI data width. constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8; -- AXI Burst Types -- AXI Spec 4.4 constant C_AXI_BURST_WRAP : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "10"; constant C_AXI_BURST_INCR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "01"; constant C_AXI_BURST_FIXED : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00"; -- AXI Size Constants -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000"; -- 1 byte -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "001"; -- 2 bytes -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "010"; -- 4 bytes = max size for 32-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "011"; -- 8 bytes = max size for 64-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "100"; -- 16 bytes = max size for 128-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "101"; -- 32 bytes = max size for 256-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "110"; -- 64 bytes = max size for 512-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "111"; -- 128 bytes = max size for 1024-bit BRAM -- Determine max value of ARSIZE based on the AXI data width. -- Use function in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. constant C_AXI_SIZE_MAX : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := Create_Size_Max (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); -- Internal ECC data width size. constant C_INT_ECC_WIDTH : integer := Int_ECC_Size (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); -- For use with ECC functions (to use LUT6 components or let synthesis infer the optimal implementation). -- constant C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := Family_To_LUT_Size (String_To_Family (C_FAMILY,false)) = 6; -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- All architectures supporting AXI will support a LUT6. -- Hard code this internal constant used in ECC algorithm. constant C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := TRUE; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Read Address Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- State machine type declarations type RD_ADDR_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, LD_ARADDR ); signal rd_addr_sm_cs, rd_addr_sm_ns : RD_ADDR_SM_TYPE; signal ar_active_set : std_logic := '0'; signal ar_active_set_i : std_logic := '0'; signal ar_active_clr : std_logic := '0'; signal ar_active : std_logic := '0'; signal ar_active_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal ar_active_re : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_araddr_pipe : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_araddr_lsb : std_logic_vector (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal araddr_pipe_ld : std_logic := '0'; signal araddr_pipe_ld_i : std_logic := '0'; signal araddr_pipe_sel : std_logic := '0'; -- '0' indicates mux select from AXI -- '1' indicates mux select from AR Addr Register signal axi_araddr_full : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arready_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_early_arready_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_d2 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_re : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_re_reg : std_logic := '0'; signal no_ar_ack_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal no_ar_ack : std_logic := '0'; signal pend_rd_op_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal pend_rd_op : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arid_pipe : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_arsize_pipe : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_arsize_pipe_4byte : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arsize_pipe_8byte : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arsize_pipe_16byte : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arsize_pipe_32byte : std_logic := '0'; -- v1.03a signal axi_arsize_pipe_max : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_arsize : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_arsize_reg : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_arlen_pipe : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_arlen_pipe_1_or_2 : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_arlen : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_arlen_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_arburst_pipe : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_arburst_pipe_fixed : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_arburst : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_wrap_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_wrap_burst_reg : std_logic := '0'; signal max_wrap_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_incr_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_fixed_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_fixed_burst_reg : std_logic := '0'; -- BRAM Address Counter signal bram_addr_ld_en : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_ld_en_i : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_ld_en_mod : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_ld : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_ld_wrap : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_inc : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_inc_mod : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_inc_wrap_mod : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Read Data Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- State machine type declarations type RD_DATA_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, SNG_ADDR, SEC_ADDR, FULL_PIPE, FULL_THROTTLE, LAST_ADDR, LAST_THROTTLE, LAST_DATA, LAST_DATA_AR_PEND ); signal rd_data_sm_cs, rd_data_sm_ns : RD_DATA_SM_TYPE; signal rd_adv_buf : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rd_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rd_burst_two : std_logic := '0'; signal act_rd_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal act_rd_burst_set : std_logic := '0'; signal act_rd_burst_clr : std_logic := '0'; signal act_rd_burst_two : std_logic := '0'; -- Rd Data Buffer/Register signal rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal rd_skid_buf_ld_reg : std_logic := '0'; signal rd_skid_buf_ld : std_logic := '0'; signal rd_skid_buf_ld_imm : std_logic := '0'; signal rd_skid_buf : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal rddata_mux_sel_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal rddata_mux_sel : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rdata_en : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rdata_mux : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+8*C_ECC-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Read Burst Counter signal brst_cnt_max : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_cnt_max_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_cnt_max_re : std_logic := '0'; signal end_brst_rd_clr_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal end_brst_rd_clr : std_logic := '0'; signal end_brst_rd : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_zero : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_one : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_cnt_ld : std_logic_vector (C_BRST_CNT_SIZE-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal brst_cnt_rst : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_cnt_ld_en : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_cnt_ld_en_i : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_cnt_dec : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_cnt : std_logic_vector (C_BRST_CNT_SIZE-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- AXI Read Response Signals signal axi_rid_temp : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rid_temp_full : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rid_temp_full_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rid_temp_full_fe : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rid_temp2 : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rid_temp2_full : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_b2b_rid_adv : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rid_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rresp_int : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rvalid_clr_ok : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rvalid_set_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rvalid_set : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rvalid_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rlast_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rlast_set : std_logic := '0'; -- Internal BRAM Signals signal bram_en_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_en_int : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); -- Narrow Burst Signals signal curr_narrow_burst_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_narrow_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_burst_cnt_ld : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal narrow_burst_cnt_ld_mod : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal narrow_addr_rst : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_addr_ld_en : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_addr_dec : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_bram_addr_inc : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_bram_addr_inc_re : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_addr_int : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_ua_narrow_wrap : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_ua_narrow_incr : std_logic := '0'; signal ua_narrow_load : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- State machine type declarations type RLAST_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, W8_THROTTLE, W8_2ND_LAST_DATA, W8_LAST_DATA, -- W8_LAST_DATA_B2, W8_THROTTLE_B2 ); signal rlast_sm_cs, rlast_sm_ns : RLAST_SM_TYPE; signal last_bram_addr : std_logic := '0'; signal set_last_bram_addr : std_logic := '0'; signal alast_bram_addr : std_logic := '0'; signal rd_b2b_elgible : std_logic := '0'; signal rd_b2b_elgible_no_thr_check : std_logic := '0'; signal throttle_last_data : std_logic := '0'; signal disable_b2b_brst_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal disable_b2b_brst : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_b2b_brst_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_b2b_brst : std_logic := '0'; signal do_cmplt_burst_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal do_cmplt_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal do_cmplt_burst_clr : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ECC Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal UnCorrectedRdData : std_logic_vector (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Move vector from core ECC module to use in AXI RDATA register output signal Syndrome : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal Syndrome_4 : std_logic_vector (0 to 1) := (others => '0'); -- Only used in 32-bit ECC signal Syndrome_6 : std_logic_vector (0 to 5) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to ECC @ 32-bit data width signal Syndrome_7 : std_logic_vector (0 to 11) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to ECC @ 64-bit data width signal syndrome_reg : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal syndrome_reg_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal Sl_UE_i : std_logic := '0'; signal UE_Q : std_logic := '0'; -- v1.03a -- Hsiao ECC signal syndrome_r : std_logic_vector (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant CODE_WIDTH : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; constant ECC_WIDTH : integer := C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; signal h_rows : std_logic_vector (CODE_WIDTH * ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Read Address Channel Output Signals --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ARREADY_DUAL -- Purpose: Generate AXI_ARREADY when in dual port mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ARREADY_DUAL: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 generate begin -- Ensure ARREADY only gets asserted early when acknowledge recognized -- on AXI read data channel. AXI_ARREADY <= axi_arready_int or (axi_early_arready_int and rd_adv_buf); end generate GEN_ARREADY_DUAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ARREADY_SNG -- Purpose: Generate AXI_ARREADY when in single port mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ARREADY_SNG: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1 generate begin -- ARREADY generated by sng_port_arb module AXI_ARREADY <= '0'; axi_arready_int <= '0'; end generate GEN_ARREADY_SNG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Read Data Channel Output Signals --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UE flag is detected is same clock cycle that read data is presented on -- the AXI bus. Must drive SLVERR combinatorially to align with corrupted -- detected data word. AXI_RRESP <= RESP_SLVERR when (C_ECC = 1 and Sl_UE_i = '1') else axi_rresp_int; AXI_RVALID <= axi_rvalid_int; AXI_RID <= axi_rid_int; AXI_RLAST <= axi_rlast_int; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- *** AXI Read Address Channel Interface *** -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_AR_PIPE_SNG -- Purpose: Only generate pipeline registers when in dual port BRAM mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AR_PIPE_SNG: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1 generate begin -- Unused AW pipeline (set default values) araddr_pipe_ld <= '0'; axi_araddr_pipe <= AXI_ARADDR; axi_arid_pipe <= AXI_ARID; axi_arsize_pipe <= AXI_ARSIZE; axi_arlen_pipe <= AXI_ARLEN; axi_arburst_pipe <= AXI_ARBURST; axi_arlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= '0'; axi_arburst_pipe_fixed <= '0'; axi_araddr_full <= '0'; end generate GEN_AR_PIPE_SNG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_AR_PIPE_DUAL -- Purpose: Only generate pipeline registers when in dual port BRAM mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AR_PIPE_DUAL: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Read Address Buffer/Register -- (mimic behavior of address pipeline for AXI_ARID) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ARADDR: for i in C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0 generate begin REG_ARADDR: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- No reset condition to save resources/timing if (araddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_araddr_pipe (i) <= AXI_ARADDR (i); else axi_araddr_pipe (i) <= axi_araddr_pipe (i); end if; end if; end process REG_ARADDR; end generate GEN_ARADDR; ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register ARID -- No reset condition to save resources/timing ------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_ARID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (araddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_arid_pipe <= AXI_ARID; else axi_arid_pipe <= axi_arid_pipe; end if; end if; end process REG_ARID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- In parallel to ARADDR pipeline and ARID -- Use same control signals to capture AXI_ARSIZE, AXI_ARLEN & AXI_ARBURST. -- Register AXI_ARSIZE, AXI_ARLEN & AXI_ARBURST -- No reset condition to save resources/timing REG_ARCTRL: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (araddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_arsize_pipe <= AXI_ARSIZE; axi_arlen_pipe <= AXI_ARLEN; axi_arburst_pipe <= AXI_ARBURST; else axi_arsize_pipe <= axi_arsize_pipe; axi_arlen_pipe <= axi_arlen_pipe; axi_arburst_pipe <= axi_arburst_pipe; end if; end if; end process REG_ARCTRL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create signals that indicate value of AXI_ARLEN in pipeline stage -- Used to decode length of burst when BRAM address can be loaded early -- when pipeline is full. -- -- Add early decode of ARBURST in pipeline. -- Copy logic from WR_CHNL module (similar logic). -- Add early decode of ARSIZE = 4 bytes in pipeline. REG_ARLEN_PIPE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- No reset condition to save resources/timing if (araddr_pipe_ld = '1') then -- Create merge to decode ARLEN of ONE or TWO if (AXI_ARLEN = AXI_ARLEN_ONE) or (AXI_ARLEN = AXI_ARLEN_TWO) then axi_arlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= '1'; else axi_arlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= '0'; end if; -- Early decode on value in pipeline of ARBURST if (AXI_ARBURST = C_AXI_BURST_FIXED) then axi_arburst_pipe_fixed <= '1'; else axi_arburst_pipe_fixed <= '0'; end if; else axi_arlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= axi_arlen_pipe_1_or_2; axi_arburst_pipe_fixed <= axi_arburst_pipe_fixed; end if; end if; end process REG_ARLEN_PIPE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create full flag for ARADDR pipeline -- Set when read address register is loaded. -- Cleared when read address stored in register is loaded into BRAM -- address counter. REG_RDADDR_FULL: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' and araddr_pipe_sel = '1') then (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' and araddr_pipe_sel = '1' and araddr_pipe_ld = '0') then axi_araddr_full <= '0'; elsif (araddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_araddr_full <= '1'; else axi_araddr_full <= axi_araddr_full; end if; end if; end process REG_RDADDR_FULL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_AR_PIPE_DUAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a -- Add early decode of ARSIZE = max size in pipeline based on AXI data -- bus width (use constant, C_AXI_SIZE_MAX) REG_ARSIZE_PIPE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_arsize_pipe_max <= '0'; elsif (araddr_pipe_ld = '1') then -- Early decode of ARSIZE in pipeline equal to max # of bytes -- based on AXI data bus width if (AXI_ARSIZE = C_AXI_SIZE_MAX) then axi_arsize_pipe_max <= '1'; else axi_arsize_pipe_max <= '0'; end if; else axi_arsize_pipe_max <= axi_arsize_pipe_max; end if; end if; end process REG_ARSIZE_PIPE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GE_ARREADY -- Purpose: ARREADY is only created here when in dual port BRAM mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ARREADY: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_ARREADY Output Register -- Description: Keep AXI_ARREADY output asserted until ARADDR pipeline -- is full. When a full condition is reached, negate -- ARREADY as another AR address can not be accepted. -- Add condition to keep ARReady asserted if loading current --- ARADDR pipeline value into the BRAM address counter. -- Indicated by assertion of bram_addr_ld_en & araddr_pipe_sel. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_ARREADY: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_arready_int <= '0'; -- Detect end of S_AXI_AResetn to assert AWREADY and accept -- new AWADDR values elsif (axi_aresetn_re_reg = '1') or -- Add condition for early ARREADY to keep pipeline full (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' and araddr_pipe_sel = '1' and axi_early_arready_int = '0') then axi_arready_int <= '1'; -- Add conditional check if ARREADY is asserted (with ARVALID) (one clock cycle later) -- when the address pipeline is full. elsif (araddr_pipe_ld = '1') or (AXI_ARVALID = '1' and axi_arready_int = '1' and axi_araddr_full = '1') then axi_arready_int <= '0'; else axi_arready_int <= axi_arready_int; end if; end if; end process REG_ARREADY; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_EARLY_ARREADY: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_early_arready_int <= '0'; -- Pending ARADDR and ARREADY is not yet asserted to accept -- operation (due to ARADDR being full) elsif (AXI_ARVALID = '1' and axi_arready_int = '0' and axi_araddr_full = '1') and (alast_bram_addr = '1') and -- Add check for elgible back-to-back BRAM load (rd_b2b_elgible = '1') then axi_early_arready_int <= '1'; else axi_early_arready_int <= '0'; end if; end if; end process REG_EARLY_ARREADY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Need to detect end of reset cycle to assert ARREADY on AXI bus REG_ARESETN: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then axi_aresetn_d1 <= S_AXI_AResetn; axi_aresetn_d2 <= axi_aresetn_d1; axi_aresetn_re_reg <= axi_aresetn_re; end if; end process REG_ARESETN; -- Create combinatorial RE detect of S_AXI_AResetn axi_aresetn_re <= '1' when (S_AXI_AResetn = '1' and axi_aresetn_d1 = '0') else '0'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_ARREADY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DUAL_ADDR_CNT -- Purpose: Instantiate BRAM address counter unique for wr_chnl logic -- only when controller configured in dual port mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DUAL_ADDR_CNT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Replace I_ADDR_CNT module usage of pf_counter in proc_common library. -- Only need to use lower 12-bits of address due to max AXI burst size -- Since AXI guarantees bursts do not cross 4KB boundary, the counting part -- of I_ADDR_CNT can be reduced to max 4KB. -- -- No reset on bram_addr_int. -- Increment ONLY. REG_ADDR_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (bram_addr_ld_en_mod = '1') then bram_addr_int <= bram_addr_ld; elsif (bram_addr_inc_mod = '1') then bram_addr_int (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 12) <= bram_addr_int (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 12); bram_addr_int (11 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (bram_addr_int (11 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR)) + 1); end if; end if; end process REG_ADDR_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set defaults to shared address counter -- Only used in single port configurations Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En <= '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld <= (others => '0'); Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc <= '0'; end generate GEN_DUAL_ADDR_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_SNG_ADDR_CNT -- Purpose: When configured in single port BRAM mode, address counter -- is shared with rd_chnl module. Assign output signals here -- to counter instantiation at full_axi module level. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_SNG_ADDR_CNT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En <= bram_addr_ld_en_mod; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld <= bram_addr_ld; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc <= bram_addr_inc_mod; bram_addr_int <= Sng_BRAM_Addr; end generate GEN_SNG_ADDR_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BRAM address load mux. -- Either load BRAM counter directly from AXI bus or from stored registered value -- Use registered signal to indicate current operation is a WRAP burst -- -- Match bram_addr_ld to what asserts bram_addr_ld_en_mod -- Include bram_addr_inc_mod when asserted to use bram_addr_ld_wrap value -- (otherwise use pipelined or AXI bus value to load BRAM address counter) bram_addr_ld <= bram_addr_ld_wrap when (max_wrap_burst = '1' and curr_wrap_burst_reg = '1' and bram_addr_inc_wrap_mod = '1') else axi_araddr_pipe (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) when (araddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_ARADDR (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- On wrap burst max loads (simultaneous BRAM address increment is asserted). -- Ensure that load has higher priority over increment. -- Use registered signal to indicate current operation is a WRAP burst bram_addr_ld_en_mod <= '1' when (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' or (max_wrap_burst = '1' and curr_wrap_burst_reg = '1' and bram_addr_inc_wrap_mod = '1')) else '0'; -- Create a special bram_addr_inc_mod for use in the bram_addr_ld_en_mod signal -- logic. No need for the check if the current operation is NOT a fixed AND a wrap -- burst. The transfer will be one or the other. -- Found issue when narrow FIXED length burst is incorrectly -- incrementing BRAM address counter bram_addr_inc_wrap_mod <= bram_addr_inc when (curr_narrow_burst = '0') else narrow_bram_addr_inc_re; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Narrow bursting -- -- Handle read burst addressing on narrow burst operations -- Intercept BRAM address increment flag, bram_addr_inc and only -- increment address when the number of BRAM reads match the width of the -- AXI data bus. -- For a 32-bit BRAM, byte burst will increment the BRAM address -- after four reads from BRAM. -- For a 256-bit BRAM, a byte burst will increment the BRAM address -- after 32 reads from BRAM. -- Based on current operation being a narrow burst, hold off BRAM -- address increment until narrow burst fits BRAM data width. -- For non narrow burst operations, use bram_addr_inc from data SM. -- -- Add in check that burst type is not FIXED, curr_fixed_burst_reg -- bram_addr_inc_mod <= (bram_addr_inc and not (curr_fixed_burst_reg)) when (curr_narrow_burst = '0') else -- narrow_bram_addr_inc_re; -- -- -- Replace w/ below generate statements based on supporting narrow transfers or not. -- Create generate statement around the signal assignment for bram_addr_inc_mod. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_INC_MOD_W_NARROW -- Purpose: Assign signal, bram_addr_inc_mod when narrow transfers -- are supported in design instantiation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_INC_MOD_W_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin -- Found issue when narrow FIXED length burst is incorrectly incrementing BRAM address counter bram_addr_inc_mod <= (bram_addr_inc and not (curr_fixed_burst_reg)) when (curr_narrow_burst = '0') else (narrow_bram_addr_inc_re and not (curr_fixed_burst_reg)); end generate GEN_BRAM_INC_MOD_W_NARROW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_WO_NARROW -- Purpose: Assign signal, bram_addr_inc_mod when narrow transfers -- are not supported in the design instantiation. -- Drive default values for narrow counter and logic when -- narrow operation support is disabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WO_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 0) generate begin -- Found issue when narrow FIXED length burst is incorrectly incrementing BRAM address counter bram_addr_inc_mod <= bram_addr_inc and not (curr_fixed_burst_reg); narrow_addr_rst <= '0'; narrow_burst_cnt_ld_mod <= (others => '0'); narrow_addr_dec <= '0'; narrow_addr_ld_en <= '0'; narrow_bram_addr_inc <= '0'; narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 <= '0'; narrow_bram_addr_inc_re <= '0'; narrow_addr_int <= (others => '0'); curr_narrow_burst <= '0'; end generate GEN_WO_NARROW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Only instantiate NARROW_CNT and supporting logic when narrow transfers -- are supported and utilized by masters in the AXI system. -- The design parameter, C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW will indicate this. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NARROW_CNT -- Purpose: Instantiate narrow counter and logic when narrow -- operation support is enabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NARROW_CNT: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate seperate smaller counter for narrow burst operations -- Replace I_NARROW_CNT module usage of pf_counter_top from proc_common library. -- -- Counter size is adjusted based on size of data burst. -- -- For example, 32-bit data width BRAM, minimum narrow width -- burst is 8 bits resulting in a count 3 downto 0. So the -- minimum counter width = 2 bits. -- -- When C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 256, minimum narrow width burst -- is 8 bits resulting in a count 31 downto 0. So the -- minimum counter width = 5 bits. -- -- Size of counter = C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_NARROW_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (narrow_addr_rst = '1') then narrow_addr_int <= (others => '0'); -- Load enable elsif (narrow_addr_ld_en = '1') then narrow_addr_int <= narrow_burst_cnt_ld_mod; -- Decrement ONLY (no increment functionality) elsif (narrow_addr_dec = '1') then narrow_addr_int (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (narrow_addr_int (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0)) - 1); end if; end if; end process REG_NARROW_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- narrow_addr_rst <= not (S_AXI_AResetn); -- Modify narrow burst count load value based on -- unalignment of AXI address value narrow_burst_cnt_ld_mod <= ua_narrow_load when (curr_ua_narrow_wrap = '1' or curr_ua_narrow_incr = '1') else narrow_burst_cnt_ld when (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') else narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg; narrow_addr_dec <= bram_addr_inc when (curr_narrow_burst = '1') else '0'; narrow_addr_ld_en <= (curr_narrow_burst_cmb and bram_addr_ld_en) or narrow_bram_addr_inc_re; narrow_bram_addr_inc <= '1' when (narrow_addr_int = NARROW_CNT_MAX) and (curr_narrow_burst = '1') -- Ensure that narrow address counter doesn't -- flag max or get loaded to -- reset narrow counter until AXI read data -- bus has acknowledged current -- data on the AXI bus. Use rd_adv_buf signal -- to indicate the non throttle -- condition on the AXI bus. and (bram_addr_inc = '1') else '0'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Detect rising edge of narrow_bram_addr_inc REG_NARROW_BRAM_ADDR_INC: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 <= '0'; else narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 <= narrow_bram_addr_inc; end if; end if; end process REG_NARROW_BRAM_ADDR_INC; narrow_bram_addr_inc_re <= '1' when (narrow_bram_addr_inc = '1') and (narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 = '0') else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_NARROW_CNT; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Specify current ARSIZE signal -- Address pipeline MUX curr_arsize <= axi_arsize_pipe when (araddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_ARSIZE; REG_ARSIZE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then curr_arsize_reg <= (others => '0'); -- Register curr_arsize when bram_addr_ld_en = '1' elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then curr_arsize_reg <= curr_arsize; else curr_arsize_reg <= curr_arsize_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_ARSIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NARROW_EN -- Purpose: Only instantiate logic to determine if current burst -- is a narrow burst when narrow bursting logic is supported. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NARROW_EN: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Determine "narrow" burst transfers -- Compare the ARSIZE to the BRAM data width ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a -- Detect if current burst operation is of size /= to the full -- AXI data bus width. If not, then the current operation is a -- "narrow" burst. curr_narrow_burst_cmb <= '1' when (curr_arsize /= C_AXI_SIZE_MAX) else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register flag indicating the current operation -- is a narrow read burst NARROW_BURST_REG: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- Need to reset this flag at end of narrow burst operation -- Ensure if curr_narrow_burst got set during previous transaction, axi_rlast_set -- doesn't clear the flag (add check for pend_rd_op negated). if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_set = '1' and pend_rd_op = '0' and bram_addr_ld_en = '0') then curr_narrow_burst <= '0'; -- Add check for burst operation using ARLEN value -- Ensure that narrow burst flag does not get set during FIXED burst types elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') and (curr_arlen /= AXI_ARLEN_ONE) and (curr_fixed_burst = '0') then curr_narrow_burst <= curr_narrow_burst_cmb; end if; end if; end process NARROW_BURST_REG; end generate GEN_NARROW_EN; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NARROW_CNT_LD -- Purpose: Only instantiate logic to determine narrow burst counter -- load value when narrow bursts are enabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NARROW_CNT_LD: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate signal curr_arsize_unsigned : unsigned (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_byte_div_curr_arsize : integer := 1; begin -- v1.03a -- Create narrow burst counter load value based on current operation -- "narrow" data width (indicated by value of AWSIZE). curr_arsize_unsigned <= unsigned (curr_arsize); -- XST does not support divisors that are not constants and powers of 2. -- Create process to create a fixed value for divisor. -- Replace this statement: -- narrow_burst_cnt_ld <= std_logic_vector ( -- to_unsigned ( -- (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / (2**(to_integer (curr_arsize_unsigned))) ) - 1, -- C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)); -- -- With this new process and subsequent signal assignment: -- DIV_AWSIZE: process (curr_arsize_unsigned) -- begin -- -- case (to_integer (curr_arsize_unsigned)) is -- when 0 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 1; -- when 1 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 2; -- when 2 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 4; -- when 3 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 8; -- when 4 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 16; -- when 5 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 32; -- when 6 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 64; -- when 7 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 128; -- --coverage off -- when others => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES; -- --coverage on -- end case; -- -- end process DIV_AWSIZE; -- w/ CR # 609695 -- With this new process and subsequent signal assignment: DIV_AWSIZE: process (curr_arsize_unsigned) begin case (curr_arsize_unsigned) is when "000" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 1; when "001" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 2; when "010" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 4; when "011" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 8; when "100" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 16; when "101" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 32; when "110" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 64; when "111" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 128; --coverage off when others => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES; --coverage on end case; end process DIV_AWSIZE; -- v1.03a -- Replace with new signal assignment. -- For synthesis to support only divisors that are constant and powers of two. -- Updated else clause for simulation warnings w/ CR # 609695 narrow_burst_cnt_ld <= std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( (axi_byte_div_curr_arsize) - 1, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)) when (axi_byte_div_curr_arsize > 0) else std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (0, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register narrow burst count load indicator REG_NAR_BRST_CNT_LD: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg <= narrow_burst_cnt_ld; else narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg <= narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_NAR_BRST_CNT_LD; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_NARROW_CNT_LD; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Handling for WRAP burst types -- -- For WRAP burst types, the counter value will roll over when the burst -- boundary is reached. -- Boundary is reached based on ARSIZE and ARLEN. -- -- Goal is to minimize muxing on initial load of counter value. -- On WRAP burst types, detect when the max address is reached. -- When the max address is reached, re-load counter with lower -- address value set to '0'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Detect valid WRAP burst types curr_wrap_burst <= '1' when (curr_arburst = C_AXI_BURST_WRAP) else '0'; curr_incr_burst <= '1' when (curr_arburst = C_AXI_BURST_INCR) else '0'; curr_fixed_burst <= '1' when (curr_arburst = C_AXI_BURST_FIXED) else '0'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register curr_wrap_burst & curr_fixed_burst signals when BRAM -- address counter is initially loaded REG_CURR_BRST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then curr_wrap_burst_reg <= '0'; curr_fixed_burst_reg <= '0'; elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then curr_wrap_burst_reg <= curr_wrap_burst; curr_fixed_burst_reg <= curr_fixed_burst; else curr_wrap_burst_reg <= curr_wrap_burst_reg; curr_fixed_burst_reg <= curr_fixed_burst_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_CURR_BRST; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_WRAP_BRST -- -- Description: -- -- Instantiate WRAP_BRST module -- Logic to generate the wrap around value to load into the BRAM address -- counter on WRAP burst transactions. -- WRAP value is based on current ARLEN, ARSIZE (for narrows) and -- data width of BRAM module. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_WRAP_BRST : entity work.wrap_brst generic map ( C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR => C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR , C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_ACLK , S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_ARESETN , curr_axlen => curr_arlen , curr_axsize => curr_arsize , curr_narrow_burst => curr_narrow_burst , narrow_bram_addr_inc_re => narrow_bram_addr_inc_re , bram_addr_ld_en => bram_addr_ld_en , bram_addr_ld => bram_addr_ld , bram_addr_int => bram_addr_int , bram_addr_ld_wrap => bram_addr_ld_wrap , max_wrap_burst_mod => max_wrap_burst ); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Specify current ARBURST signal -- Input address pipeline MUX curr_arburst <= axi_arburst_pipe when (araddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_ARBURST; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Specify current AWBURST signal -- Input address pipeline MUX curr_arlen <= axi_arlen_pipe when (araddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_ARLEN; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_UA_NARROW -- Purpose: Only instantiate logic for burst narrow WRAP operations when -- AXI bus protocol is not set for AXI-LITE and narrow -- burst operations are supported. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_UA_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- New logic to detect unaligned address on a narrow WRAP burst transaction. -- If this condition is met, then the narrow burst counter will be -- initially loaded with an offset value corresponding to the unalignment -- in the ARADDR value. -- -- -- Create a sub module for all logic to determine the narrow burst counter -- offset value on unaligned WRAP burst operations. -- -- Module generates the following signals: -- -- => curr_ua_narrow_wrap, to indicate the current -- operation is an unaligned narrow WRAP burst. -- -- => curr_ua_narrow_incr, to load narrow burst counter -- for unaligned INCR burst operations. -- -- => ua_narrow_load, narrow counter load value. -- Sized, (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Instance: I_UA_NARROW -- -- Description: -- -- Creates a narrow burst count load value when an operation -- is an unaligned narrow WRAP or INCR burst type. Used by -- I_NARROW_CNT module. -- -- Logic is customized for each C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_UA_NARROW : entity work.ua_narrow generic map ( C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR => C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR , C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN => C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN ) port map ( curr_wrap_burst => curr_wrap_burst , -- in curr_incr_burst => curr_incr_burst , -- in bram_addr_ld_en => bram_addr_ld_en , -- in curr_axlen => curr_arlen , -- in curr_axsize => curr_arsize , -- in curr_axaddr_lsb => curr_araddr_lsb , -- in curr_ua_narrow_wrap => curr_ua_narrow_wrap , -- out curr_ua_narrow_incr => curr_ua_narrow_incr , -- out ua_narrow_load => ua_narrow_load -- out ); -- Use in all C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH generate statements -- Only probe least significant BRAM address bits -- C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR offset down to 0. curr_araddr_lsb <= axi_araddr_pipe (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0) when (araddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_ARADDR (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_UA_NARROW; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- New logic to detect if pending operation in ARADDR pipeline is -- elgible for back-to-back no "bubble" performance. And BRAM address -- counter can be loaded upon last BRAM address presented for the current -- operation. -- This condition exists when the ARADDR pipeline is full and the pending -- operation is a burst >= length of two data beats. -- And not a FIXED burst type (must be INCR or WRAP type). -- The DATA SM handles detecting a throttle condition and will void -- the capability to be a back-to-back in performance transaction. -- -- Add check if new operation is a narrow burst (to be loaded into BRAM -- counter) -- Add check for throttling condition on after last BRAM address is -- presented -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a rd_b2b_elgible_no_thr_check <= '1' when (axi_araddr_full = '1') and (axi_arlen_pipe_1_or_2 /= '1') and (axi_arburst_pipe_fixed /= '1') and (disable_b2b_brst = '0') and (axi_arsize_pipe_max = '1') else '0'; rd_b2b_elgible <= '1' when (rd_b2b_elgible_no_thr_check = '1') and (throttle_last_data = '0') else '0'; -- Check if SM is in LAST_THROTTLE state which also indicates we are throttling at -- the last data beat in the read burst. Ensures that the bursts are not implemented -- as back-to-back bursts and RVALID will negate upon recognition of RLAST and RID -- pipeline will be advanced properly. -- Fix timing path on araddr_pipe_sel generated in RDADDR SM -- SM uses rd_b2b_elgible signal which checks throttle condition on -- last data beat to hold off loading new BRAM address counter for next -- back-to-back operation. -- Attempt to modify logic in generation of throttle_last_data signal. throttle_last_data <= '1' when ((brst_zero = '1') and (rd_adv_buf = '0')) or (rd_data_sm_cs = LAST_THROTTLE) else '0'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_AR_SNG -- Purpose: If single port BRAM configuration, set all AR flags from -- logic generated in sng_port_arb module. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AR_SNG: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin araddr_pipe_sel <= '0'; -- Unused in single port configuration ar_active <= Arb2AR_Active; bram_addr_ld_en <= ar_active_re; brst_cnt_ld_en <= ar_active_re; AR2Arb_Active_Clr <= axi_rlast_int and AXI_RREADY; -- Rising edge detect of Arb2AR_Active RE_AR_ACT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- Clear ar_active_d1 early w/ ar_active -- So back to back ar_active assertions see the new transaction -- and initiate the read transfer. if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or ((axi_rlast_int and AXI_RREADY) = '1') then ar_active_d1 <= '0'; else ar_active_d1 <= ar_active; end if; end if; end process RE_AR_ACT; ar_active_re <= '1' when (ar_active = '1' and ar_active_d1 = '0') else '0'; end generate GEN_AR_SNG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_AW_DUAL -- Purpose: Generate AW control state machine logic only when AXI4 -- controller is configured for dual port mode. In dual port -- mode, wr_chnl has full access over AW & port A of BRAM. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AR_DUAL: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin AR2Arb_Active_Clr <= '0'; -- Only used in single port case --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RD ADDR State Machine -- -- Description: Central processing unit for AXI write address -- channel interface handling and handshaking. -- -- Outputs: araddr_pipe_ld Not Registered -- araddr_pipe_sel Not Registered -- bram_addr_ld_en Not Registered -- brst_cnt_ld_en Not Registered -- ar_active_set Not Registered -- -- WR_ADDR_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- WR_ADDR_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RD_ADDR_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( AXI_ARVALID, axi_araddr_full, ar_active, no_ar_ack, pend_rd_op, last_bram_addr, rd_b2b_elgible, rd_addr_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs rd_addr_sm_ns <= rd_addr_sm_cs; araddr_pipe_ld_i <= '0'; bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '0'; brst_cnt_ld_en_i <= '0'; ar_active_set_i <= '0'; case rd_addr_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- Reload BRAM address counter on last BRAM address of current burst -- if a new address is pending in the AR pipeline and is elgible to -- be loaded for subsequent back-to-back performance. if (last_bram_addr = '1' and rd_b2b_elgible = '1') then -- Load BRAM address counter from pipelined value bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; brst_cnt_ld_en_i <= '1'; ar_active_set_i <= '1'; -- If loading BRAM counter for subsequent operation -- AND ARVALID is pending on the bus, go ahead and respond -- and fill ARADDR pipeline with next operation. -- -- Asserting the signal to load the ARADDR pipeline here -- allows the full bandwidth utilization to BRAM on -- back to back bursts of two data beats. if (AXI_ARVALID = '1') then araddr_pipe_ld_i <= '1'; rd_addr_sm_ns <= LD_ARADDR; else rd_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; elsif (AXI_ARVALID = '1') then -- If address pipeline is full -- ARReady output is negated -- Remain in this state -- -- Add check for already pending read operation -- in data SM, but waiting on throttle (even though ar_active is -- already set to '0'). if (ar_active = '0') and (no_ar_ack = '0') and (pend_rd_op = '0') then rd_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; brst_cnt_ld_en_i <= '1'; ar_active_set_i <= '1'; -- Address counter is currently busy else -- Check if ARADDR pipeline is not full and can be loaded if (axi_araddr_full = '0') then rd_addr_sm_ns <= LD_ARADDR; araddr_pipe_ld_i <= '1'; end if; end if; -- ar_active -- Pending operation in pipeline that is waiting -- until current operation is complete (ar_active = '0') elsif (axi_araddr_full = '1') and (ar_active = '0') and (no_ar_ack = '0') and (pend_rd_op = '0') then rd_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; -- Load BRAM address counter from pipelined value bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; brst_cnt_ld_en_i <= '1'; ar_active_set_i <= '1'; end if; -- ARVALID ---------------------------- LD_ARADDR State --------------------------- when LD_ARADDR => -- Check here for subsequent BRAM address load when ARADDR pipe is loaded -- in previous clock cycle. -- -- Reload BRAM address counter on last BRAM address of current burst -- if a new address is pending in the AR pipeline and is elgible to -- be loaded for subsequent back-to-back performance. if (last_bram_addr = '1' and rd_b2b_elgible = '1') then -- Load BRAM address counter from pipelined value bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; brst_cnt_ld_en_i <= '1'; ar_active_set_i <= '1'; -- If loading BRAM counter for subsequent operation -- AND ARVALID is pending on the bus, go ahead and respond -- and fill ARADDR pipeline with next operation. -- -- Asserting the signal to load the ARADDR pipeline here -- allows the full bandwidth utilization to BRAM on -- back to back bursts of two data beats. if (AXI_ARVALID = '1') then araddr_pipe_ld_i <= '1'; rd_addr_sm_ns <= LD_ARADDR; -- Stay in this state another clock cycle else rd_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; else rd_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => rd_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process RD_ADDR_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CR # 582705 -- Ensure combinatorial SM output signals do not get set before -- the end of the reset (and ARREAADY can be set). bram_addr_ld_en <= bram_addr_ld_en_i and axi_aresetn_d2; brst_cnt_ld_en <= brst_cnt_ld_en_i and axi_aresetn_d2; ar_active_set <= ar_active_set_i and axi_aresetn_d2; araddr_pipe_ld <= araddr_pipe_ld_i and axi_aresetn_d2; RD_ADDR_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then -- CR # 582705 -- Ensure that ar_active does not get asserted (from SM) before -- the end of reset and the ARREADY flag is set. if (axi_aresetn_d2 = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then rd_addr_sm_cs <= IDLE; else rd_addr_sm_cs <= rd_addr_sm_ns; end if; end if; end process RD_ADDR_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Assert araddr_pipe_sel outside of SM logic -- The BRAM address counter will get loaded with value in ARADDR pipeline -- when data is stored in the ARADDR pipeline. araddr_pipe_sel <= '1' when (axi_araddr_full = '1') else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register for ar_active REG_AR_ACT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then -- CR # 582705 if (axi_aresetn_d2 = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then ar_active <= '0'; elsif (ar_active_set = '1') then ar_active <= '1'; -- For code coverage closure, ensure priority encoding in if/else clause -- to prevent checking ar_active_set in reset clause. elsif (ar_active_clr = '1') then ar_active <= '0'; else ar_active <= ar_active; end if; end if; end process REG_AR_ACT; end generate GEN_AR_DUAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- REG_BRST_CNT. -- Read Burst Counter. -- No need to decrement burst counter. -- Able to load with fixed burst length value. -- Replace usage of proc_common_v4_0_2 library with direct HDL. -- -- Size of counter = C_BRST_CNT_SIZE -- Max size of burst transfer = 256 data beats -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_BRST_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (brst_cnt_rst = '1') then brst_cnt <= (others => '0'); -- Load burst counter elsif (brst_cnt_ld_en = '1') then brst_cnt <= brst_cnt_ld; -- Decrement ONLY (no increment functionality) elsif (brst_cnt_dec = '1') then brst_cnt (C_BRST_CNT_SIZE-1 downto 0) <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (brst_cnt (C_BRST_CNT_SIZE-1 downto 0)) - 1); end if; end if; end process REG_BRST_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- brst_cnt_rst <= not (S_AXI_AResetn); -- Determine burst count load value -- Either load BRAM counter directly from AXI bus or from stored registered value. -- Use mux signal for ARLEN BRST_CNT_LD_PROCESS : process (curr_arlen) variable brst_cnt_ld_int : integer := 0; begin brst_cnt_ld_int := to_integer (unsigned (curr_arlen (7 downto 0))); brst_cnt_ld <= std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (brst_cnt_ld_int, 8)); end process BRST_CNT_LD_PROCESS; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_BRST_MAX_W_NARROW -- Purpose: Generate registered logic for brst_cnt_max when the -- design instantiation supports narrow operations. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRST_MAX_W_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin REG_BRST_MAX: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (brst_cnt_ld_en = '1') -- Added with single port (13.1 release) or (end_brst_rd_clr = '1') then brst_cnt_max <= '0'; -- Replace usage of brst_cnt in this logic. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_zero, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be zero when decrement. elsif (brst_zero = '1') and (ar_active = '1') and (pend_rd_op = '0') then -- Hold off assertion of brst_cnt_max on narrow burst transfers -- Must wait until narrow burst count = 0. if (curr_narrow_burst = '1') then if (narrow_bram_addr_inc = '1') then brst_cnt_max <= '1'; end if; else brst_cnt_max <= '1'; end if; else brst_cnt_max <= brst_cnt_max; end if; end if; end process REG_BRST_MAX; end generate GEN_BRST_MAX_W_NARROW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_BRST_MAX_WO_NARROW -- Purpose: Generate registered logic for brst_cnt_max when the -- design instantiation does not support narrow operations. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRST_MAX_WO_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 0) generate begin REG_BRST_MAX: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (brst_cnt_ld_en = '1') then brst_cnt_max <= '0'; -- Replace usage of brst_cnt in this logic. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_zero, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be zero when decrement. elsif (brst_zero = '1') and (ar_active = '1') and (pend_rd_op = '0') then -- When narrow operations are not supported in the core -- configuration, no check for curr_narrow_burst on assertion. brst_cnt_max <= '1'; else brst_cnt_max <= brst_cnt_max; end if; end if; end process REG_BRST_MAX; end generate GEN_BRST_MAX_WO_NARROW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_BRST_MAX_D1: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then brst_cnt_max_d1 <= '0'; else brst_cnt_max_d1 <= brst_cnt_max; end if; end if; end process REG_BRST_MAX_D1; brst_cnt_max_re <= '1' when (brst_cnt_max = '1') and (brst_cnt_max_d1 = '0') else '0'; -- Set flag that end of burst is reached -- Need to capture this condition as the burst -- counter may get reloaded for a subsequent read burst REG_END_BURST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- SM may assert clear flag early (in case of narrow bursts) -- Wait until the end_brst_rd flag is asserted to clear the flag. if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (end_brst_rd_clr = '1' and end_brst_rd = '1') then end_brst_rd <= '0'; elsif (brst_cnt_max_re = '1') then end_brst_rd <= '1'; end if; end if; end process REG_END_BURST; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create flag that indicates burst counter is reaching ZEROs (max of burst -- length) REG_BURST_ZERO: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or ((brst_cnt_ld_en = '1') and (brst_cnt_ld /= C_BRST_CNT_ZERO)) then brst_zero <= '0'; elsif (brst_cnt_dec = '1') and (brst_cnt = C_BRST_CNT_ONE) then brst_zero <= '1'; else brst_zero <= brst_zero; end if; end if; end process REG_BURST_ZERO; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create additional flag that indicates burst counter is reaching ONEs -- (near end of burst length). Used to disable back-to-back condition in SM. REG_BURST_ONE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or ((brst_cnt_ld_en = '1') and (brst_cnt_ld /= C_BRST_CNT_ONE)) or ((brst_cnt_dec = '1') and (brst_cnt = C_BRST_CNT_ONE)) then brst_one <= '0'; elsif ((brst_cnt_dec = '1') and (brst_cnt = C_BRST_CNT_TWO)) or ((brst_cnt_ld_en = '1') and (brst_cnt_ld = C_BRST_CNT_ONE)) then brst_one <= '1'; else brst_one <= brst_one; end if; end if; end process REG_BURST_ONE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register flags for read burst operation REG_RD_BURST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- Clear axi_rd_burst flags when burst count gets to zeros (unless the burst -- counter is getting subsequently loaded for the new burst operation) -- -- Replace usage of brst_cnt in this logic. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_zero, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be zero when decrement. if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (brst_zero = '1' and brst_cnt_ld_en = '0') then axi_rd_burst <= '0'; axi_rd_burst_two <= '0'; elsif (brst_cnt_ld_en = '1') then if (curr_arlen /= AXI_ARLEN_ONE and curr_arlen /= AXI_ARLEN_TWO) then axi_rd_burst <= '1'; else axi_rd_burst <= '0'; end if; if (curr_arlen = AXI_ARLEN_TWO) then axi_rd_burst_two <= '1'; else axi_rd_burst_two <= '0'; end if; else axi_rd_burst <= axi_rd_burst; axi_rd_burst_two <= axi_rd_burst_two; end if; end if; end process REG_RD_BURST; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Seeing issue with axi_rd_burst getting cleared too soon -- on subsquent brst_cnt_ld_en early assertion and pend_rd_op is asserted. -- Create flag for currently active read burst operation -- Gets asserted when burst counter is loaded, but does not -- get cleared until the RD_DATA_SM has completed the read -- burst operation REG_ACT_RD_BURST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (act_rd_burst_clr = '1') then act_rd_burst <= '0'; act_rd_burst_two <= '0'; elsif (act_rd_burst_set = '1') then -- If not loading the burst counter for a B2B operation -- Then act_rd_burst follows axi_rd_burst and -- act_rd_burst_two follows axi_rd_burst_two. -- Get registered value of axi_* signal. if (brst_cnt_ld_en = '0') then act_rd_burst <= axi_rd_burst; act_rd_burst_two <= axi_rd_burst_two; else -- Otherwise, duplicate logic for axi_* signals if burst counter -- is getting loaded. -- For improved code coverage here -- The act_rd_burst_set signal will never get asserted if the burst -- size is less than two data beats. So, the conditional check -- for (curr_arlen /= AXI_ARLEN_ONE) is never evaluated. Removed -- from this if clause. if (curr_arlen /= AXI_ARLEN_TWO) then act_rd_burst <= '1'; else act_rd_burst <= '0'; end if; if (curr_arlen = AXI_ARLEN_TWO) then act_rd_burst_two <= '1'; else act_rd_burst_two <= '0'; end if; -- Note: re-code this if/else clause. end if; else act_rd_burst <= act_rd_burst; act_rd_burst_two <= act_rd_burst_two; end if; end if; end process REG_ACT_RD_BURST; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- rd_adv_buf <= axi_rvalid_int and AXI_RREADY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RD DATA State Machine -- -- Description: Central processing unit for AXI write data -- channel interface handling and AXI write data response -- handshaking. -- -- Outputs: Name Type -- -- bram_en_int Registered -- bram_addr_inc Not Registered -- brst_cnt_dec Not Registered -- rddata_mux_sel Registered -- axi_rdata_en Not Registered -- axi_rvalid_set Registered -- -- -- RD_DATA_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- RD_DATA_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RD_DATA_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( bram_addr_ld_en, rd_adv_buf, ar_active, axi_araddr_full, rd_b2b_elgible_no_thr_check, disable_b2b_brst, curr_arlen, axi_rd_burst, axi_rd_burst_two, act_rd_burst, act_rd_burst_two, end_brst_rd, brst_zero, brst_one, axi_b2b_brst, bram_en_int, rddata_mux_sel, end_brst_rd_clr, no_ar_ack, pend_rd_op, axi_rlast_int, rd_data_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs rd_data_sm_ns <= rd_data_sm_cs; bram_en_cmb <= bram_en_int; bram_addr_inc <= '0'; brst_cnt_dec <= '0'; rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '0'; rd_skid_buf_ld_imm <= '0'; rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= rddata_mux_sel; -- Change axi_rdata_en generated from SM to be a combinatorial signal -- Can't afford the latency when throttling on the AXI bus. axi_rdata_en <= '0'; axi_rvalid_set_cmb <= '0'; end_brst_rd_clr_cmb <= end_brst_rd_clr; no_ar_ack_cmb <= no_ar_ack; pend_rd_op_cmb <= pend_rd_op; act_rd_burst_set <= '0'; act_rd_burst_clr <= '0'; set_last_bram_addr <= '0'; alast_bram_addr <= '0'; axi_b2b_brst_cmb <= axi_b2b_brst; disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= disable_b2b_brst; ar_active_clr <= '0'; case rd_data_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- Initiate BRAM read when address is available in controller -- Indicated by load of BRAM address counter -- Remove use of pend_rd_op signal. -- Never asserted as we transition back to IDLE -- Detected in code coverage if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then -- At start of new read, clear end burst signal end_brst_rd_clr_cmb <= '0'; -- Initiate BRAM read transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Only count addresses & burst length for read -- burst operations -- If currently loading BRAM address counter -- Must check curr_arlen (mux output from pipe or AXI bus) -- to determine length of next operation. -- If ARLEN = 1 data beat, then set last_bram_addr signal -- Otherwise, increment BRAM address counter. if (curr_arlen /= AXI_ARLEN_ONE) then -- Start of new operation, update act_rd_burst and -- act_rd_burst_two signals act_rd_burst_set <= '1'; else -- Set flag for last_bram_addr on transition -- to SNG_ADDR on single operations. set_last_bram_addr <= '1'; end if; -- Go to single active read address state rd_data_sm_ns <= SNG_ADDR; end if; ------------------------- SNG_ADDR State -------------------------- when SNG_ADDR => -- Clear flag once pending read is recognized -- Duplicate logic here in case combinatorial flag was getting -- set as the SM transitioned into this state. if (pend_rd_op = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '0'; end if; -- At start of new read, clear end burst signal end_brst_rd_clr_cmb <= '0'; -- Reach this state on first BRAM address & enable assertion -- For burst operation, create next BRAM address and keep enable -- asserted -- Note: -- No ability to throttle yet as RVALID has not yet been -- asserted on the AXI bus -- Reset data mux select between skid buffer and BRAM -- Ensure read data mux is set for BRAM data rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM; -- Assert RVALID on AXI when 1st data beat available -- from BRAM axi_rvalid_set_cmb <= '1'; -- Reach this state when BRAM address counter is loaded -- Use axi_rd_burst and axi_rd_burst_two to indicate if -- operation is a single data beat burst. if (axi_rd_burst = '0') and (axi_rd_burst_two = '0') then -- Proceed directly to get BRAM read data rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_ADDR; -- End of active current read address ar_active_clr <= '1'; -- Negate BRAM enable bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- Load read data skid buffer for BRAM capture -- in next clock cycle rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '1'; -- Assert new flag to disable back-to-back bursts -- due to throttling disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= '1'; -- Set flag for pending operation if bram_addr_ld_en is asserted (BRAM -- address is loaded) and we are waiting for the current read burst to complete. if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- Read burst else -- Increment BRAM address counter (2nd data beat) bram_addr_inc <= '1'; -- Decrement BRAM burst counter (2nd data beat) brst_cnt_dec <= '1'; -- Keep BRAM enable asserted bram_en_cmb <= '1'; rd_data_sm_ns <= SEC_ADDR; -- Load read data skid buffer for BRAM capture -- in next clock cycle rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '1'; -- Start of new operation, update act_rd_burst and -- act_rd_burst_two signals act_rd_burst_set <= '1'; -- If new burst is 2 data beats -- Then disable capability on back-to-back bursts if (axi_rd_burst_two = '1') then -- Assert new flag to disable back-to-back bursts -- due to throttling disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= '1'; else -- Support back-to-back for all other burst lengths disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= '0'; end if; end if; ------------------------- SEC_ADDR State -------------------------- when SEC_ADDR => -- Reach this state when the 2nd incremented address of the burst -- is presented to the BRAM. -- Only reach this state when axi_rd_burst = '1', -- an active read burst. -- Note: -- No ability to throttle yet as RVALID has not yet been -- asserted on the AXI bus -- Enable AXI read data register axi_rdata_en <= '1'; -- Only in dual port mode can the address counter get loaded early if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 then -- If we see the next address get loaded into the BRAM counter -- then set flag for pending operation if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '1'; end if; end if; -- Check here for burst length of two data transfers -- If so, then the SM will NOT hit the condition of a full -- pipeline: -- Operation A) 1st BRAM address data on AXI bus -- Operation B) 2nd BRAm address data read from BRAM -- Operation C) 3rd BRAM address presented to BRAM -- -- Full pipeline condition is hit for any read burst -- length greater than 2 data beats. if (axi_rd_burst_two = '1') then -- No increment of BRAM address -- or decrement of burst counter -- Burst counter should be = zero rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_ADDR; -- End of active current read address ar_active_clr <= '1'; -- Ensure read data mux is set for BRAM data rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM; -- Negate BRAM enable bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- Load read data skid buffer for BRAM capture -- in next clock cycle. -- This signal will negate in the next state -- if the data is not accepted on the AXI bus. -- So that no new data from BRAM is registered into the -- read channel controller. rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '1'; else -- Burst length will hit full pipeline condition -- Increment BRAM address counter (3rd data beat) bram_addr_inc <= '1'; -- Decrement BRAM burst counter (3rd data beat) brst_cnt_dec <= '1'; -- Keep BRAM enable asserted bram_en_cmb <= '1'; rd_data_sm_ns <= FULL_PIPE; -- Assert almost last BRAM address flag -- so that ARVALID logic output can remain registered -- -- Replace usage of brst_cnt with signal, brst_one. if (brst_one = '1') then alast_bram_addr <= '1'; end if; -- Load read data skid buffer for BRAM capture -- in next clock cycle rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- ARLEN = "0000 0001" ------------------------- FULL_PIPE State ------------------------- when FULL_PIPE => -- Reach this state when all three data beats in the burst -- are active -- -- Operation A) 1st BRAM address data on AXI bus -- Operation B) 2nd BRAM address data read from BRAM -- Operation C) 3rd BRAM address presented to BRAM -- Ensure read data mux is set for BRAM data rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM; -- With new pipelining capability BRAM address counter may be -- loaded in this state. This only occurs on back-to-back -- bursts (when enabled). -- No flag set for pending operation. -- Modify the if clause here to check for back-to-back burst operations -- If we load the BRAM address in this state for a subsequent burst, then -- this condition indicates a back-to-back burst and no need to assert -- the pending read operation flag. -- Seeing corner case when pend_rd_op needs to be asserted and cleared -- in this state. If the BRAM address counter is loaded early, but -- axi_rlast_set is delayed in getting asserted (all while in this state). -- The signal, curr_narrow_burst can not get cleared. -- Only in dual port mode can the address counter get loaded early if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 then -- Set flag for pending operation if bram_addr_ld_en is asserted (BRAM -- address is loaded) and we are waiting for the current read burst to complete. if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '1'; -- Clear flag once pending read is recognized and -- earlier read data phase is complete. elsif (pend_rd_op = '1') and (axi_rlast_int = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '0'; end if; end if; -- Check AXI throttling condition -- If AXI bus advances and accepts read data, SM can -- proceed with next data beat of burst. -- If not, then go to FULL_THROTTLE state to wait for -- AXI_RREADY = '1'. if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Assert AXI read data enable for BRAM capture axi_rdata_en <= '1'; -- Load read data skid buffer for BRAM capture in next clock cycle rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '1'; -- Assert almost last BRAM address flag -- so that ARVALID logic output can remain registered -- -- Replace usage of brst_cnt with signal, brst_one. if (brst_one = '1') then alast_bram_addr <= '1'; end if; -- Check burst counter for max -- If max burst count is reached, no new addresses -- presented to BRAM, advance to last capture data states. -- -- For timing, replace usage of brst_cnt in this SM. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_zero, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be zero when decrement. if (brst_zero = '1') or (end_brst_rd = '1' and axi_b2b_brst = '0') then -- Check for elgible pending read operation to support back-to-back performance. -- If so, load BRAM address counter. -- -- Replace rd_b2b_elgible signal check to remove path from -- arlen_pipe through rd_b2b_elgible -- (with data throttle check) if (rd_b2b_elgible_no_thr_check = '1') then rd_data_sm_ns <= FULL_PIPE; -- Set flag to indicate back-to-back read burst -- RVALID will not clear in this case and remain asserted axi_b2b_brst_cmb <= '1'; -- Set flag to update active read burst or -- read burst of two flag act_rd_burst_set <= '1'; -- Otherwise, complete current transaction else -- No increment of BRAM address -- or decrement of burst counter -- Burst counter should be = zero bram_addr_inc <= '0'; brst_cnt_dec <= '0'; rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_ADDR; -- Negate BRAM enable bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- End of active current read address ar_active_clr <= '1'; end if; else -- Remain in this state until burst count reaches zero -- Increment BRAM address counter (Nth data beat) bram_addr_inc <= '1'; -- Decrement BRAM burst counter (Nth data beat) brst_cnt_dec <= '1'; -- Keep BRAM enable asserted bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Skid buffer load will remain asserted -- AXI read data register is asserted end if; else -- Throttling condition detected rd_data_sm_ns <= FULL_THROTTLE; -- Ensure that AXI read data output register is disabled -- due to throttle condition. axi_rdata_en <= '0'; -- Skid buffer gets loaded from BRAM read data in next clock -- cycle ONLY. -- Only on transition to THROTTLE state does skid buffer get loaded. -- Negate load of read data skid buffer for BRAM capture -- in next clock cycle due to detection of Throttle condition rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '0'; -- BRAM address is NOT getting incremented -- (same for burst counter) bram_addr_inc <= '0'; brst_cnt_dec <= '0'; -- If transitioning to throttle state -- Then next register enable assertion of the AXI read data -- output register needs to come from the skid buffer -- Set read data mux select here for SKID_BUFFER data rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_SKID_BUF; -- Detect if at end of burst read as we transition to FULL_THROTTLE -- If so, negate the BRAM enable even if prior to throttle condition -- on AXI bus. Read skid buffer will hold last beat of data in burst. -- -- For timing purposes, replace usage of brst_cnt in this SM. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_zero, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be zero when decrement. if (brst_zero = '1') or (end_brst_rd = '1') then -- No back to back "non bubble" support when AXI master -- is throttling on current burst. -- Seperate signal throttle_last_data will be asserted outside SM. -- End of burst read, negate BRAM enable bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- Assert new flag to disable back-to-back bursts -- due to throttling disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= '1'; -- Disable B2B capability if throttling detected when -- burst count is equal to one. -- -- For timing purposes, replace usage of brst_cnt in this SM. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_one, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be one when decrement. elsif (brst_one = '1') then -- Assert new flag to disable back-to-back bursts -- due to throttling disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= '1'; -- Throttle, but not end of burst else bram_en_cmb <= '1'; end if; end if; -- rd_adv_buf (RREADY throttle) ------------------------- FULL_THROTTLE State --------------------- when FULL_THROTTLE => -- Reach this state when the AXI bus throttles on the AXI data -- beat read from BRAM (when the read pipeline is fully active) -- Flag disable_b2b_brst_cmb should be asserted as we transition -- to this state. Flag is asserted near the end of a read burst -- to prevent the back-to-back performance pipelining in the BRAM -- address counter. -- Detect if at end of burst read -- If so, negate the BRAM enable even if prior to throttle condition -- on AXI bus. Read skid buffer will hold last beat of data in burst. -- -- For timing, replace usage of brst_cnt in this SM. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_zero, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be zero when decrement. if (brst_zero = '1') or (end_brst_rd = '1') then bram_en_cmb <= '0'; end if; -- Set new flag for pending operation if bram_addr_ld_en is asserted (BRAM -- address is loaded) and we are waiting for the current read burst to complete. if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '1'; -- Clear flag once pending read is recognized and -- earlier read data phase is complete. elsif (pend_rd_op = '1') and (axi_rlast_int = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '0'; end if; -- Wait for RREADY to be asserted w/ RVALID on AXI bus if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Ensure read data mux is set for skid buffer data rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_SKID_BUF; -- Ensure that AXI read data output register is enabled axi_rdata_en <= '1'; -- Must reload skid buffer here from BRAM data -- so if needed can be presented to AXI bus on the following clock cycle rd_skid_buf_ld_imm <= '1'; -- When detecting end of throttle condition -- Check first if burst count is complete -- Check burst counter for max -- If max burst count is reached, no new addresses -- presented to BRAM, advance to last capture data states. -- -- For timing, replace usage of brst_cnt in this SM. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_zero, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be zero when decrement. if (brst_zero = '1') or (end_brst_rd = '1') then -- No back-to-back performance when AXI master throttles -- If we reach the end of the burst, proceed to LAST_ADDR state. -- No increment of BRAM address -- or decrement of burst counter -- Burst counter should be = zero bram_addr_inc <= '0'; brst_cnt_dec <= '0'; rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_ADDR; -- Negate BRAM enable bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- End of active current read address ar_active_clr <= '1'; -- Not end of current burst w/ throttle condition else -- Go back to FULL_PIPE rd_data_sm_ns <= FULL_PIPE; -- Assert almost last BRAM address flag -- so that ARVALID logic output can remain registered -- -- For timing purposes, replace usage of brst_cnt in this SM. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_one, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be one when decrement. if (brst_one = '1') then alast_bram_addr <= '1'; end if; -- Increment BRAM address counter (Nth data beat) bram_addr_inc <= '1'; -- Decrement BRAM burst counter (Nth data beat) brst_cnt_dec <= '1'; -- Keep BRAM enable asserted bram_en_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- Burst Max else -- Stay in this state -- Ensure that AXI read data output register is disabled -- due to throttle condition. axi_rdata_en <= '0'; -- Ensure that skid buffer is not getting loaded with -- current read data from BRAM rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '0'; -- BRAM address is NOT getting incremented -- (same for burst counter) bram_addr_inc <= '0'; brst_cnt_dec <= '0'; end if; -- rd_adv_buf (RREADY throttle) ------------------------- LAST_ADDR State ------------------------- when LAST_ADDR => -- Reach this state in the clock cycle following the last address -- presented to the BRAM. Capture the last BRAM data beat in the -- next clock cycle. -- -- Data is presented to AXI bus (if no throttling detected) and -- loaded into the skid buffer. -- If we reach this state after back to back burst transfers -- then clear the flag to ensure that RVALID will clear when RLAST -- is recognized if (axi_b2b_brst = '1') then axi_b2b_brst_cmb <= '0'; end if; -- Clear flag that indicates end of read burst -- Once we reach this state, we have recognized the burst complete. -- -- It is getting asserted too early -- and recognition of the end of the burst is missed when throttling -- on the last two data beats in the read. end_brst_rd_clr_cmb <= '1'; -- Set new flag for pending operation if ar_active is asserted (BRAM -- address has already been loaded) and we are waiting for the current -- read burst to complete. If those two conditions apply, set this flag. -- For dual port, support checking for early writes into BRAM address counter if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) and ((ar_active = '1' and end_brst_rd = '1') or (bram_addr_ld_en = '1')) then -- Support back-to-backs for single AND dual port modes. -- if ((ar_active = '1' and end_brst_rd = '1') or (bram_addr_ld_en = '1')) then -- if (ar_active = '1' and end_brst_rd = '1') or (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- Load read data skid buffer for BRAM is asserted on transition -- into this state. Only gets negated if done with operation -- as detected in below if clause. -- Check flag for no subsequent operations -- Clear that now, with current operation completing if (no_ar_ack = '1') then no_ar_ack_cmb <= '0'; end if; -- Check for single AXI read operations -- If so, wait for RREADY to be asserted -- Check for burst and bursts of two as seperate signals. if (act_rd_burst = '0') and (act_rd_burst_two = '0') then -- Create rvalid_set to only be asserted for a single clock -- cycle. -- Will get set as transitioning to LAST_ADDR on single read operations -- Only assert RVALID here on single operations -- Enable AXI read data register axi_rdata_en <= '1'; -- Data will not yet be acknowledged on AXI -- in this state. -- Go to wait for last data beat rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_DATA; -- Set read data mux select for SKID BUF rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_SKID_BUF; else -- Only check throttling on AXI during read data burst operations -- Check AXI throttling condition -- If AXI bus advances and accepts read data, SM can -- proceed with next data beat. -- If not, then go to LAST_THROTTLE state to wait for -- AXI_RREADY = '1'. if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Assert AXI read data enable for BRAM capture -- in next clock cycle -- Enable AXI read data register axi_rdata_en <= '1'; -- Ensure read data mux is set for BRAM data rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM; -- Burst counter already at zero. Reached this state due to NO -- pending ARADDR in the read address pipeline. However, check -- here for any new read addresses. -- New ARADDR detected and loaded into BRAM address counter -- Add check here for previously loaded BRAM address -- ar_active will be asserted (and qualify that with the -- condition that the read burst is complete, for narrow reads). if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then -- Initiate BRAM read transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Instead of transitioning to SNG_ADDR -- go to wait for last data beat. rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_DATA_AR_PEND; else -- No pending read address to initiate next read burst -- Go to capture last data beat from BRAM and present on AXI bus. rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_DATA; end if; -- bram_addr_ld_en (New read burst) else -- Throttling condition detected rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_THROTTLE; -- Ensure that AXI read data output register is disabled -- due to throttle condition. axi_rdata_en <= '0'; -- Skid buffer gets loaded from BRAM read data in next clock -- cycle ONLY. -- Only on transition to THROTTLE state does skid buffer get loaded. -- Set read data mux select for SKID BUF rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_SKID_BUF; end if; -- rd_adv_buf (RREADY throttle) end if; -- AXI read burst ------------------------- LAST_THROTTLE State --------------------- when LAST_THROTTLE => -- Reach this state when the AXI bus throttles on the last data -- beat read from BRAM -- Data to be sourced from read skid buffer -- Add check in LAST_THROTTLE as well as LAST_ADDR -- as we may miss the setting of this flag for a subsequent operation. -- For dual port, support checking for early writes into BRAM address counter if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) and ((ar_active = '1' and end_brst_rd = '1') or (bram_addr_ld_en = '1')) then -- Support back-to-back for single AND dual port modes. -- if ((ar_active = '1' and end_brst_rd = '1') or (bram_addr_ld_en = '1')) then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- Wait for RREADY to be asserted w/ RVALID on AXI bus if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Assert AXI read data enable for BRAM capture axi_rdata_en <= '1'; -- Set read data mux select for SKID BUF rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_SKID_BUF; -- No pending read address to initiate next read burst -- Go to capture last data beat from BRAM and present on AXI bus. rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_DATA; -- Load read data skid buffer for BRAM capture in next clock cycle -- of last data read -- Read Skid buffer already loaded with last data beat from BRAM -- Does not need to be asserted again in this state else -- Stay in this state -- Ensure that AXI read data output register is disabled axi_rdata_en <= '0'; -- Ensure that skid buffer is not getting loaded with -- current read data from BRAM rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '0'; -- BRAM address is NOT getting incremented -- (same for burst counter) bram_addr_inc <= '0'; brst_cnt_dec <= '0'; -- Keep RVALID asserted on AXI -- No need to assert RVALID again end if; -- rd_adv_buf (RREADY throttle) ------------------------- LAST_DATA State ------------------------- when LAST_DATA => -- Reach this state when last BRAM data beat is -- presented on AXI bus. -- For a read burst, RLAST is not asserted until SM reaches -- this state. -- Ok to accept new operation if throttling detected -- during current operation (and flag was previously set -- to disable the back-to-back performance). disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= '0'; -- Stay in this state until RREADY is asserted on AXI bus -- Indicated by assertion of rd_adv_buf if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Last data beat acknowledged on AXI bus -- Check for new read burst or proceed back to IDLE -- New ARADDR detected and loaded into BRAM address counter -- Note: this condition may occur when C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 or 1 if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') or (pend_rd_op = '1') then -- Clear flag once pending read is recognized if (pend_rd_op = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '0'; end if; -- Initiate BRAM read transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Only count addresses & burst length for read -- burst operations -- Go to SNG_ADDR state rd_data_sm_ns <= SNG_ADDR; -- If current operation was a burst, clear the active -- burst flag if (act_rd_burst = '1') or (act_rd_burst_two = '1') then act_rd_burst_clr <= '1'; end if; -- If we are loading the BRAM, then we have to view the curr_arlen -- signal to determine if the next operation is a single transfer. -- Or if the BRAM address counter is already loaded (and we reach -- this if clause due to pend_rd_op then the axi_* signals will indicate -- if the next operation is a burst or not. -- If the operation is a single transaction, then set the last_bram_addr -- signal when we reach SNG_ADDR. if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then if (curr_arlen = AXI_ARLEN_ONE) then -- Set flag for last_bram_addr on transition -- to SNG_ADDR on single operations. set_last_bram_addr <= '1'; end if; elsif (pend_rd_op = '1') then if (axi_rd_burst = '0' and axi_rd_burst_two = '0') then set_last_bram_addr <= '1'; end if; end if; else -- No pending read address to initiate next read burst. -- Go to IDLE rd_data_sm_ns <= IDLE; -- If current operation was a burst, clear the active -- burst flag if (act_rd_burst = '1') or (act_rd_burst_two = '1') then act_rd_burst_clr <= '1'; end if; end if; else -- Throttling condition detected -- Ensure that AXI read data output register is disabled -- due to throttle condition. axi_rdata_en <= '0'; -- If new ARADDR detected and loaded into BRAM address counter if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then -- Initiate BRAM read transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Only count addresses & burst length for read -- burst operations -- Instead of transitioning to SNG_ADDR -- to wait for last data beat. rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_DATA_AR_PEND; -- For singles, block any subsequent loads into BRAM address -- counter from AR SM no_ar_ack_cmb <= '1'; end if; end if; -- rd_adv_buf (RREADY throttle) ------------------------ LAST_DATA_AR_PEND -------------------- when LAST_DATA_AR_PEND => -- Ok to accept new operation if throttling detected -- during current operation (and flag was previously set -- to disable the back-to-back performance). disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= '0'; -- Reach this state when new BRAM address is loaded into -- BRAM address counter -- But waiting for last RREADY/RVALID/RLAST to be asserted -- Once this occurs, continue with pending AR operation if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Go to SNG_ADDR state rd_data_sm_ns <= SNG_ADDR; -- If current operation was a burst, clear the active -- burst flag if (act_rd_burst = '1') or (act_rd_burst_two = '1') then act_rd_burst_clr <= '1'; end if; -- In this state, the BRAM address counter is already loaded, -- the axi_rd_burst and axi_rd_burst_two signals will indicate -- if the next operation is a burst or not. -- If the operation is a single transaction, then set the last_bram_addr -- signal when we reach SNG_ADDR. if (axi_rd_burst = '0' and axi_rd_burst_two = '0') then set_last_bram_addr <= '1'; end if; -- Code coverage tests are reporting that reaching this state -- always when axi_rd_burst = '0' and axi_rd_burst_two = '0', -- so no bursting operations. end if; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => rd_data_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process RD_DATA_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RD_DATA_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then rd_data_sm_cs <= IDLE; bram_en_int <= '0'; rd_skid_buf_ld_reg <= '0'; rddata_mux_sel <= C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM; axi_rvalid_set <= '0'; end_brst_rd_clr <= '0'; no_ar_ack <= '0'; pend_rd_op <= '0'; axi_b2b_brst <= '0'; disable_b2b_brst <= '0'; else rd_data_sm_cs <= rd_data_sm_ns; bram_en_int <= bram_en_cmb; rd_skid_buf_ld_reg <= rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb; rddata_mux_sel <= rddata_mux_sel_cmb; axi_rvalid_set <= axi_rvalid_set_cmb; end_brst_rd_clr <= end_brst_rd_clr_cmb; no_ar_ack <= no_ar_ack_cmb; pend_rd_op <= pend_rd_op_cmb; axi_b2b_brst <= axi_b2b_brst_cmb; disable_b2b_brst <= disable_b2b_brst_cmb; end if; end if; end process RD_DATA_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create seperate registered process for last_bram_addr signal. -- Only asserted for a single clock cycle -- Gets set when the burst counter is loaded with 0's (for a single data beat operation) -- (indicated by set_last_bram_addr from DATA SM) -- or when the burst counter is decrement and the current value = 1 REG_LAST_BRAM_ADDR: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then last_bram_addr <= '0'; -- The signal, set_last_bram_addr, is asserted when the DATA SM transitions to SNG_ADDR -- on a single data beat burst. Can not use condition of loading burst counter -- with the value of 0's (as the burst counter may be loaded during prior single operation -- when waiting on last throttle/data beat, ie. rd_adv_buf not yet asserted). elsif (set_last_bram_addr = '1') or -- On burst operations at the last BRAM address presented to BRAM (brst_cnt_dec = '1' and brst_cnt = C_BRST_CNT_ONE) then last_bram_addr <= '1'; else last_bram_addr <= '0'; end if; end if; end process REG_LAST_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- *** AXI Read Data Channel Interface *** -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- rd_skid_buf_ld <= rd_skid_buf_ld_reg or rd_skid_buf_ld_imm; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RDATA_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Generation of AXI_RDATA output register without ECC -- logic (C_ECC = 0 parameterization in design) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RDATA_NO_ECC: if C_ECC = 0 generate signal axi_rdata_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI RdData Skid Buffer/Register -- Sized according to size of AXI/BRAM data width --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RD_BUF: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then rd_skid_buf <= (others => '0'); -- Add immediate load of read skid buffer -- Occurs in the case when at full throttle and RREADY/RVALID are asserted elsif (rd_skid_buf_ld = '1') then rd_skid_buf <= BRAM_RdData (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); else rd_skid_buf <= rd_skid_buf; end if; end if; end process REG_RD_BUF; -- Rd Data Mux (selects between skid buffer and BRAM read data) -- Select control signal from SM determines register load value axi_rdata_mux <= BRAM_RdData (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) when (rddata_mux_sel = C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM) else rd_skid_buf; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RDATA -- Purpose: Generate each bit of AXI_RDATA. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RDATA: for i in C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0 generate begin REG_RDATA: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- Clear output after last data beat accepted by requesting AXI master if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- Don't clear RDDATA when a back to back burst is occuring on RLAST & RVALID assertion -- For improved code coverage, can remove the signal, axi_rvalid_int from this if clause. -- It will always be asserted in this case. (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and axi_b2b_brst = '0') then axi_rdata_int (i) <= '0'; elsif (axi_rdata_en = '1') then axi_rdata_int (i) <= axi_rdata_mux (i); else axi_rdata_int (i) <= axi_rdata_int (i); end if; end if; end process REG_RDATA; end generate GEN_RDATA; -- If C_ECC = 0, direct output assignment to AXI_RDATA AXI_RDATA <= axi_rdata_int; end generate GEN_RDATA_NO_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RDATA_ECC -- Purpose: Generation of AXI_RDATA output register when ECC -- logic is enabled (C_ECC = 1 parameterization in design) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RDATA_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate subtype syndrome_bits is std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- 0:6 for 32-bit ECC -- 0:7 for 64-bit ECC type correct_data_table_type is array (natural range 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) of syndrome_bits; signal rd_skid_buf_i : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rdata_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rdata_int_corr : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); begin -- Remove GEN_RD_BUF that was doing bit reversal. -- Replace with direct register assignments. Sized according to AXI data width. REG_RD_BUF: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then rd_skid_buf_i <= (others => '0'); -- Add immediate load of read skid buffer -- Occurs in the case when at full throttle and RREADY/RVALID are asserted elsif (rd_skid_buf_ld = '1') then rd_skid_buf_i (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= UnCorrectedRdData (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); else rd_skid_buf_i <= rd_skid_buf_i; end if; end if; end process REG_RD_BUF; -- Rd Data Mux (selects between skid buffer and BRAM read data) -- Select control signal from SM determines register load value -- axi_rdata_mux holds data + ECC bits. -- Previous mux on input to checkbit_handler logic. -- Removed now (mux inserted after checkbit_handler logic before register stage) -- -- axi_rdata_mux <= BRAM_RdData (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) when (rddata_mux_sel = C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM) else -- rd_skid_buf_i; -- Remove GEN_RDATA that was doing bit reversal. REG_RDATA: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and axi_b2b_brst = '0') then axi_rdata_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (axi_rdata_en = '1') then -- Track uncorrected data vector with AXI RDATA output pipeline -- Mimic mux logic here (from previous post checkbit XOR logic register) if (rddata_mux_sel = C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM) then axi_rdata_int (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= UnCorrectedRdData (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); else axi_rdata_int <= rd_skid_buf_i; end if; else axi_rdata_int <= axi_rdata_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RDATA; -- When C_ECC = 1, correct any single bit errors on output read data. -- Post register stage to improve timing on ECC logic data path. -- Use registers in AXI Interconnect IP core. -- Perform bit swapping on output of correct_one_bit -- module (axi_rdata_int_corr signal). -- AXI_RDATA (i) <= axi_rdata_int (i) when (Enable_ECC = '0') -- else axi_rdata_int_corr (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1-i); -- Found in HW debug -- axi_rdata_int is reversed to be returned on AXI bus. -- AXI_RDATA (i) <= axi_rdata_int (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1-i) when (Enable_ECC = '0') -- else axi_rdata_int_corr (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1-i); -- Remove bit reversal on AXI_RDATA output. AXI_RDATA <= axi_rdata_int when (Enable_ECC = '0' or Sl_UE_i = '1') else axi_rdata_int_corr; -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HAMMING_ECC_CORR -- -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. -- Generate statements to correct BRAM read data -- dependent on ECC type. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HAMMING_ECC_CORR: if C_ECC_TYPE = 0 generate begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: CHK_ECC_32 -- Purpose: Check ECC data unique for 32-bit BRAM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHK_ECC_32: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate constant correct_data_table_32 : correct_data_table_type := ( 0 => "1100001", 1 => "1010001", 2 => "0110001", 3 => "1110001", 4 => "1001001", 5 => "0101001", 6 => "1101001", 7 => "0011001", 8 => "1011001", 9 => "0111001", 10 => "1111001", 11 => "1000101", 12 => "0100101", 13 => "1100101", 14 => "0010101", 15 => "1010101", 16 => "0110101", 17 => "1110101", 18 => "0001101", 19 => "1001101", 20 => "0101101", 21 => "1101101", 22 => "0011101", 23 => "1011101", 24 => "0111101", 25 => "1111101", 26 => "1000011", 27 => "0100011", 28 => "1100011", 29 => "0010011", 30 => "1010011", 31 => "0110011" ); signal syndrome_4_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 1) := (others => '0'); -- Only used in 32-bit ECC signal syndrome_6_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 5) := (others => '0'); -- Specific for 32-bit ECC begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register ECC syndrome value to correct any single bit errors -- post-register on AXI read data. REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then syndrome_reg <= (others => '0'); syndrome_4_reg <= (others => '0'); syndrome_6_reg <= (others => '0'); -- Align register stage of syndrome with AXI read data pipeline elsif (axi_rdata_en = '1') then syndrome_reg <= Syndrome; syndrome_4_reg <= Syndrome_4; syndrome_6_reg <= Syndrome_6; else syndrome_reg <= syndrome_reg; syndrome_4_reg <= syndrome_4_reg; syndrome_6_reg <= syndrome_6_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do last XOR on specific syndrome bits after pipeline stage before -- correct_one_bit module. syndrome_reg_i (0 to 3) <= syndrome_reg (0 to 3); PARITY_CHK4: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 2) port map ( InA => syndrome_4_reg (0 to 1), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_reg_i (4) ); -- [out std_logic] syndrome_reg_i (5) <= syndrome_reg (5); PARITY_CHK6: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => syndrome_6_reg (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_reg_i (6) ); -- [out std_logic] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_CORR_32 -- Purpose: Generate corrected read data based on syndrome value. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_CORR_32: for i in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CORR_ONE_BIT_32 -- Description: Correct output read data based on syndrome vector. -- A single error can be corrected by decoding the -- syndrome value. -- Input signal is declared (N:0). -- Output signal is (N:0). -- In order to reuse correct_one_bit module, -- the single data bit correction is done LSB to MSB -- in generate statement loop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CORR_ONE_BIT_32: entity work.correct_one_bit generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, Correct_Value => correct_data_table_32 (i)) port map ( DIn => axi_rdata_int (31-i), -- This is to match with LMB Controller Hamming Encoder logic (Bit Reversal) Syndrome => syndrome_reg_i, DCorr => axi_rdata_int_corr (31-i)); -- This is to match with LMB Controller Hamming Encoder logic (Bit Reversal) end generate GEN_CORR_32; end generate CHK_ECC_32; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: CHK_ECC_64 -- Purpose: Check ECC data unique for 64-bit BRAM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHK_ECC_64: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate constant correct_data_table_64 : correct_data_table_type := ( 0 => "11000001", 1 => "10100001", 2 => "01100001", 3 => "11100001", 4 => "10010001", 5 => "01010001", 6 => "11010001", 7 => "00110001", 8 => "10110001", 9 => "01110001", 10 => "11110001", 11 => "10001001", 12 => "01001001", 13 => "11001001", 14 => "00101001", 15 => "10101001", 16 => "01101001", 17 => "11101001", 18 => "00011001", 19 => "10011001", 20 => "01011001", 21 => "11011001", 22 => "00111001", 23 => "10111001", 24 => "01111001", 25 => "11111001", 26 => "10000101", 27 => "01000101", 28 => "11000101", 29 => "00100101", 30 => "10100101", 31 => "01100101", 32 => "11100101", 33 => "00010101", 34 => "10010101", 35 => "01010101", 36 => "11010101", 37 => "00110101", 38 => "10110101", 39 => "01110101", 40 => "11110101", 41 => "00001101", 42 => "10001101", 43 => "01001101", 44 => "11001101", 45 => "00101101", 46 => "10101101", 47 => "01101101", 48 => "11101101", 49 => "00011101", 50 => "10011101", 51 => "01011101", 52 => "11011101", 53 => "00111101", 54 => "10111101", 55 => "01111101", 56 => "11111101", 57 => "10000011", 58 => "01000011", 59 => "11000011", 60 => "00100011", 61 => "10100011", 62 => "01100011", 63 => "11100011" ); signal syndrome_7_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 11) := (others => '0'); -- Specific for 64-bit ECC signal syndrome_7_a : std_logic; signal syndrome_7_b : std_logic; begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register ECC syndrome value to correct any single bit errors -- post-register on AXI read data. REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- Align register stage of syndrome with AXI read data pipeline if (axi_rdata_en = '1') then syndrome_reg <= Syndrome; syndrome_7_reg <= Syndrome_7; else syndrome_reg <= syndrome_reg; syndrome_7_reg <= syndrome_7_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do last XOR on select syndrome bits after pipeline stage -- before correct_one_bit_64 module. PARITY_CHK7_A: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => syndrome_7_reg (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_7_a ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK7_B: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => syndrome_7_reg (6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_7_b ); -- [out std_logic] -- Do last XOR on Syndrome MSB after pipeline stage before correct_one_bit module -- PASSES: syndrome_reg_i (7) <= syndrome_reg (7) xor syndrome_7_b_reg; syndrome_reg_i (7) <= syndrome_7_a xor syndrome_7_b; syndrome_reg_i (0 to 6) <= syndrome_reg (0 to 6); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_CORR_64 -- Purpose: Generate corrected read data based on syndrome value. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_CORR_64: for i in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CORR_ONE_BIT_64 -- Description: Correct output read data based on syndrome vector. -- A single error can be corrected by decoding the -- syndrome value. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CORR_ONE_BIT_64: entity work.correct_one_bit_64 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, Correct_Value => correct_data_table_64 (i)) port map ( DIn => axi_rdata_int (i), Syndrome => syndrome_reg_i, DCorr => axi_rdata_int_corr (i)); end generate GEN_CORR_64; end generate CHK_ECC_64; end generate GEN_HAMMING_ECC_CORR; -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HSIAO_ECC_CORR -- -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. -- Derived from MIG v3.7 Hsiao HDL. -- Generate statements to correct BRAM read data -- dependent on ECC type. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HSIAO_ECC_CORR: if C_ECC_TYPE = 1 generate type type_int0 is array (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector (ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal h_matrix : type_int0; signal flip_bits : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal ecc_rddata_r : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); begin -- Reconstruct H-matrix H_COL: for n in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 generate begin H_BIT: for p in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 generate begin h_matrix (n)(p) <= h_rows (p * CODE_WIDTH + n); end generate H_BIT; end generate H_COL; -- Based on syndrome value, determine bits to flip in BRAM read data. GEN_FLIP_BIT: for r in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 generate begin flip_bits (r) <= BOOLEAN_TO_STD_LOGIC (h_matrix (r) = syndrome_r); end generate GEN_FLIP_BIT; ecc_rddata_r <= axi_rdata_int; axi_rdata_int_corr (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= -- UnCorrectedRdData (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) xor ecc_rddata_r (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) xor flip_bits (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_HSIAO_ECC_CORR; end generate GEN_RDATA_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RID_SNG -- Purpose: Generate RID output pipeline when the core is configured -- in a single port mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RID_SNG: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin REG_RID_TEMP: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_rid_temp <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then axi_rid_temp <= AXI_ARID; else axi_rid_temp <= axi_rid_temp; end if; end if; end process REG_RID_TEMP; REG_RID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then axi_rid_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then axi_rid_int <= AXI_ARID; elsif (axi_rvalid_set = '1') or (axi_b2b_rid_adv = '1') then axi_rid_int <= axi_rid_temp; else axi_rid_int <= axi_rid_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RID; -- Advance RID pipeline values axi_b2b_rid_adv <= '1' when (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and axi_b2b_brst = '1') else '0'; end generate GEN_RID_SNG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RID -- Purpose: Generate RID in dual port mode (with read address pipeline). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RID: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RID Output Register -- -- Output RID value either comes from pipelined value or directly wrapped -- ARID value. Determined by address pipeline usage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create intermediate temporary RID output register REG_RID_TEMP: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_rid_temp <= (others => '0'); -- When BRAM address counter gets loaded -- Set output RID value based on address source elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') and (axi_rid_temp_full = '0') then -- If BRAM address counter gets loaded directly from -- AXI bus, then save ARID value for wrapping to RID if (araddr_pipe_sel = '0') then axi_rid_temp <= AXI_ARID; else -- Use pipelined AWID value axi_rid_temp <= axi_arid_pipe; end if; -- Add condition to check for temp utilized (temp_full now = '0'), but a -- pending RID is stored in temp2. Must advance the pipeline. elsif ((axi_rvalid_set = '1' or axi_b2b_rid_adv = '1') and (axi_rid_temp2_full = '1')) or (axi_rid_temp_full_fe = '1' and axi_rid_temp2_full = '1') then axi_rid_temp <= axi_rid_temp2; else axi_rid_temp <= axi_rid_temp; end if; end if; end process REG_RID_TEMP; -- Create flag that indicates if axi_rid_temp is full REG_RID_TEMP_FULL: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rid_temp_full = '1' and (axi_rvalid_set = '1' or axi_b2b_rid_adv = '1') and axi_rid_temp2_full = '0') then axi_rid_temp_full <= '0'; elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') or ((axi_rvalid_set = '1' or axi_b2b_rid_adv = '1') and (axi_rid_temp2_full = '1')) or (axi_rid_temp_full_fe = '1' and axi_rid_temp2_full = '1') then axi_rid_temp_full <= '1'; else axi_rid_temp_full <= axi_rid_temp_full; end if; end if; end process REG_RID_TEMP_FULL; -- Create flag to detect falling edge of axi_rid_temp_full flag REG_RID_TEMP_FULL_D1: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_rid_temp_full_d1 <= '0'; else axi_rid_temp_full_d1 <= axi_rid_temp_full; end if; end if; end process REG_RID_TEMP_FULL_D1; axi_rid_temp_full_fe <= '1' when (axi_rid_temp_full = '0' and axi_rid_temp_full_d1 = '1') else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create intermediate temporary RID output register REG_RID_TEMP2: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_rid_temp2 <= (others => '0'); -- When BRAM address counter gets loaded -- Set output RID value based on address source elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') and (axi_rid_temp_full = '1') then -- If BRAM address counter gets loaded directly from -- AXI bus, then save ARID value for wrapping to RID if (araddr_pipe_sel = '0') then axi_rid_temp2 <= AXI_ARID; else -- Use pipelined AWID value axi_rid_temp2 <= axi_arid_pipe; end if; else axi_rid_temp2 <= axi_rid_temp2; end if; end if; end process REG_RID_TEMP2; -- Create flag that indicates if axi_rid_temp2 is full REG_RID_TEMP2_FULL: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rid_temp2_full = '1' and (axi_rvalid_set = '1' or axi_b2b_rid_adv = '1')) or (axi_rid_temp_full_fe = '1' and axi_rid_temp2_full = '1') then axi_rid_temp2_full <= '0'; elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') and (axi_rid_temp_full = '1') then axi_rid_temp2_full <= '1'; else axi_rid_temp2_full <= axi_rid_temp2_full; end if; end if; end process REG_RID_TEMP2_FULL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Output RID register is enabeld when RVALID is asserted on the AXI bus -- Clear RID when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking sequence -- and recognized by AXI requesting master. REG_RID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- For improved code coverage, can remove the signal, axi_rvalid_int from statement. (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and axi_b2b_brst = '0') then axi_rid_int <= (others => '0'); -- Add back to back case to advance RID elsif (axi_rvalid_set = '1') or (axi_b2b_rid_adv = '1') then axi_rid_int <= axi_rid_temp; else axi_rid_int <= axi_rid_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RID; -- Advance RID pipeline values axi_b2b_rid_adv <= '1' when (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and axi_b2b_brst = '1') else '0'; end generate GEN_RID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RRESP -- Purpose: Create register output unique when ECC is disabled. -- Only possible output value = OKAY response. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RRESP: if C_ECC = 0 generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RRESP Output Register -- -- Set when RVALID is asserted on AXI bus. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking -- sequence and recognized by AXI requesting master. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RRESP: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- For improved code coverage, remove signal, axi_rvalid_int, it will always be asserted. (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then axi_rresp_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (axi_rvalid_set = '1') then -- AXI BRAM only supports OK response for normal operations -- Exclusive operations not yet supported axi_rresp_int <= RESP_OKAY; else axi_rresp_int <= axi_rresp_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RRESP; end generate GEN_RRESP; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RRESP_ECC -- Purpose: Create register output unique when ECC is disabled. -- Only possible output value = OKAY response. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RRESP_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RRESP Output Register -- -- Set when RVALID is asserted on AXI bus. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking -- sequence and recognized by AXI requesting master. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RRESP: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- For improved code coverage, remove signal, axi_rvalid_int, it will always be asserted. (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then axi_rresp_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (axi_rvalid_set = '1') then -- AXI BRAM only supports OK response for normal operations -- Exclusive operations not yet supported -- For ECC implementation -- Check that an uncorrectable error has not occured. -- If so, then respond with RESP_SLVERR on AXI. -- Ok to use combinatorial signal here. The Sl_UE_i -- flag is generated based on the registered syndrome value. -- if (Sl_UE_i = '1') then -- axi_rresp_int <= RESP_SLVERR; -- else axi_rresp_int <= RESP_OKAY; -- end if; else axi_rresp_int <= axi_rresp_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RRESP; end generate GEN_RRESP_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RVALID Output Register -- -- Set AXI_RVALID when read data SM indicates. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking sequence -- and recognized by AXI requesting master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RVALID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- Clear AXI_RVALID at the end of tranfer when able to clear -- (axi_rlast_int = '1' and axi_rvalid_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and -- For improved code coverage, remove signal axi_rvalid_int. (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and -- Added axi_rvalid_clr_ok to check if during a back-to-back burst -- and the back-to-back is elgible for streaming performance axi_rvalid_clr_ok = '1') then axi_rvalid_int <= '0'; elsif (axi_rvalid_set = '1') then axi_rvalid_int <= '1'; else axi_rvalid_int <= axi_rvalid_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RVALID; -- Create flag that gets set when we load BRAM address early in a B2B scenario -- This will prevent the RVALID from getting cleared at the end of the current burst -- Otherwise, the RVALID gets cleared after RLAST/RREADY dual assertion REG_RVALID_CLR: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_rvalid_clr_ok <= '0'; -- When the new address loaded into the BRAM counter is for a back-to-back operation -- Do not clear the RVALID elsif (rd_b2b_elgible = '1' and bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then axi_rvalid_clr_ok <= '0'; -- Else when we start a new transaction (that is not back-to-back) -- Then enable the RVALID to get cleared upon RLAST/RREADY elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') or (axi_rvalid_clr_ok = '0' and (disable_b2b_brst = '1' or disable_b2b_brst_cmb = '1') and last_bram_addr = '1') or -- Add check for current SM state -- If LAST_ADDR state reached, no longer performing back-to-back -- transfers and keeping data streaming on AXI bus. (rd_data_sm_cs = LAST_ADDR) then axi_rvalid_clr_ok <= '1'; else axi_rvalid_clr_ok <= axi_rvalid_clr_ok; end if; end if; end process REG_RVALID_CLR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RLAST Output Register -- -- Set AXI_RLAST when read data SM indicates. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking sequence -- and recognized by AXI requesting master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RLAST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- To improve code coverage, remove -- use of axi_rvalid_int (it will always be asserted with RLAST). if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and axi_rlast_set = '0') then axi_rlast_int <= '0'; elsif (axi_rlast_set = '1') then axi_rlast_int <= '1'; else axi_rlast_int <= axi_rlast_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RLAST; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate complete flag do_cmplt_burst_cmb <= '1' when (last_bram_addr = '1' and axi_rd_burst = '1' and axi_rd_burst_two = '0') else '0'; -- Register complete flags REG_CMPLT_BURST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (do_cmplt_burst_clr = '1') then do_cmplt_burst <= '0'; elsif (do_cmplt_burst_cmb = '1') then do_cmplt_burst <= '1'; else do_cmplt_burst <= do_cmplt_burst; end if; end if; end process REG_CMPLT_BURST; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RLAST State Machine -- -- Description: SM to generate axi_rlast_set signal. -- Created based on IR # 555346 to track when RLAST needs -- to be asserted for back to back transfers -- Uses the indication when last BRAM address is presented -- and then counts the handshaking cycles on the AXI bus -- (RVALID and RREADY both asserted). -- Uses rd_adv_buf to perform this operation. -- -- Output: Name Type -- axi_rlast_set Not Registered -- do_cmplt_burst_clr Not Registered -- -- -- RLAST_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- RLAST_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RLAST_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( do_cmplt_burst, last_bram_addr, rd_adv_buf, act_rd_burst, axi_rd_burst, act_rd_burst_two, axi_rd_burst_two, axi_rlast_int, rlast_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs rlast_sm_ns <= rlast_sm_cs; axi_rlast_set <= '0'; do_cmplt_burst_clr <= '0'; case rlast_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- If last read address is presented to BRAM if (last_bram_addr = '1') then -- If the operation is a single read operation if (axi_rd_burst = '0') and (axi_rd_burst_two = '0') then -- Go to wait for last data beat rlast_sm_ns <= W8_LAST_DATA; -- Else the transaction is a burst else -- Throttle condition on 3rd to last data beat if (rd_adv_buf = '0') then -- If AXI read burst = 2 (only two data beats to capture) if (axi_rd_burst_two = '1' or act_rd_burst_two = '1') then rlast_sm_ns <= W8_THROTTLE_B2; else rlast_sm_ns <= W8_THROTTLE; end if; -- No throttle on 3rd to last data beat else -- Only back-to-back support when burst size is greater -- than two data beats. We will never toggle on a burst > 2 -- when last_bram_addr is asserted (as this is no toggle -- condition) -- Go to wait for 2nd to last data beat rlast_sm_ns <= W8_2ND_LAST_DATA; do_cmplt_burst_clr <= '1'; end if; end if; end if; ------------------------- W8_THROTTLE State ----------------------- when W8_THROTTLE => if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Go to wait for 2nd to last data beat rlast_sm_ns <= W8_2ND_LAST_DATA; -- If do_cmplt_burst flag is set, then clear it if (do_cmplt_burst = '1') then do_cmplt_burst_clr <= '1'; end if; end if; ---------------------- W8_2ND_LAST_DATA State --------------------- when W8_2ND_LAST_DATA => if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Assert RLAST on AXI axi_rlast_set <= '1'; rlast_sm_ns <= W8_LAST_DATA; end if; ------------------------- W8_LAST_DATA State ---------------------- when W8_LAST_DATA => -- If pending single to complete, keep RLAST asserted -- Added to only assert axi_rlast_set for a single clock cycle -- when we enter this state and are here waiting for the -- throttle on the AXI bus. if (axi_rlast_int = '1') then axi_rlast_set <= '0'; else axi_rlast_set <= '1'; end if; -- Wait for last data beat to transition back to IDLE if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then rlast_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; -------------------------- W8_THROTTLE_B2 ------------------------ when W8_THROTTLE_B2 => -- Wait for last data beat to transition back to IDLE -- and set RLAST if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then rlast_sm_ns <= IDLE; axi_rlast_set <= '1'; end if; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => rlast_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process RLAST_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RLAST_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then rlast_sm_cs <= IDLE; else rlast_sm_cs <= rlast_sm_ns; end if; end if; end process RLAST_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** ECC Logic *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_ECC -- Purpose: Generate BRAM ECC write data and check ECC on read operations. -- Create signals to update ECC registers (lite_ecc_reg module interface). -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate signal bram_din_a_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Set for port data width signal CE_Q : std_logic := '0'; signal Sl_CE_i : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_en_int_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_en_int_d2 : std_logic := '0'; begin -- Generate signal to advance BRAM read address pipeline to -- capture address for ECC error conditions (in lite_ecc_reg module). -- BRAM_Addr_En <= bram_addr_inc or narrow_bram_addr_inc_re or -- ((bram_en_int or bram_en_int_reg) and not (axi_rd_burst) and not (axi_rd_burst_two)); BRAM_Addr_En <= bram_addr_inc or narrow_bram_addr_inc_re or rd_adv_buf or ((bram_en_int or bram_en_int_d1 or bram_en_int_d2) and not (axi_rd_burst) and not (axi_rd_burst_two)); -- Enable 2nd & 3rd pipeline stage for BRAM address storage with single read transfers. BRAM_EN_REG: process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then bram_en_int_d1 <= bram_en_int; bram_en_int_d2 <= bram_en_int_d1; end if; end process BRAM_EN_REG; -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HAMMING_ECC -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HAMMING_ECC: if C_ECC_TYPE = 0 generate begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_ECC_32 -- Purpose: Check ECC data unique for 32-bit BRAM. -- Add extra '0' at MSB of ECC vector for data2mem alignment -- w/ 32-bit BRAM data widths. -- ECC bits are in upper order bits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_ECC_32: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate signal bram_din_a_rev : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal bram_din_ecc_a_rev : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_32 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- process (bram_din_a_i) begin -- for k in 0 to 31 loop -- bram_din_a_rev(k) <= bram_din_a_i(39-k); -- end loop; -- for k in 0 to 6 loop -- bram_din_ecc_a_rev(0) <= bram_din_a_i(6-k); -- end loop; -- end process; CHK_HANDLER_32: entity work.checkbit_handler generic map ( C_ENCODE => false, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( -- In 32-bit BRAM use case: DataIn (8:39) -- CheckIn (1:7) DataIn => bram_din_a_i(C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+1 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 31)] CheckIn => bram_din_a_i(1 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] --DataIn => bram_din_a_rev, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 31)] --CheckIn => bram_din_ecc_a_rev, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] CheckOut => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome => Syndrome, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome_4 => Syndrome_4, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 1)] Syndrome_6 => Syndrome_6, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 5)] Syndrome_Chk => syndrome_reg_i, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] UE_Q => UE_Q, -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => CE_Q, -- [in std_logic] UE => Sl_UE_i, -- [out std_logic] CE => Sl_CE_i ); -- [out std_logic] -- GEN_CORR_32 generate & correct_one_bit instantiation moved to generate -- of AXI RDATA output register logic. end generate GEN_ECC_32; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_ECC_64 -- Purpose: Check ECC data unique for 64-bit BRAM. -- No extra '0' at MSB of ECC vector for data2mem alignment -- w/ 64-bit BRAM data widths. -- ECC bits are in upper order bits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_ECC_64: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_64 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHK_HANDLER_64: entity work.checkbit_handler_64 generic map ( C_ENCODE => false, -- [boolean] C_REG => false, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( Clk => S_AXI_AClk, -- [in std_logic] -- In 64-bit BRAM use case: DataIn (8:71) -- CheckIn (0:7) DataIn => bram_din_a_i (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 63)] CheckIn => bram_din_a_i (0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] CheckOut => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Syndrome => Syndrome, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Syndrome_7 => Syndrome_7, Syndrome_Chk => syndrome_reg_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] UE_Q => UE_Q, -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => CE_Q, -- [in std_logic] UE => Sl_UE_i, -- [out std_logic] CE => Sl_CE_i ); -- [out std_logic] -- GEN_CORR_64 generate & correct_one_bit instantiation moved to generate -- of AXI RDATA output register logic. end generate GEN_ECC_64; end generate GEN_HAMMING_ECC; -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HSIAO_ECC -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. -- Derived from MIG v3.7 Hsiao HDL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HSIAO_ECC: if C_ECC_TYPE = 1 generate constant ECC_WIDTH : integer := C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; signal syndrome_ns : std_logic_vector (ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); begin -- Generate ECC check bits and syndrome values based on -- BRAM read data. -- Generate appropriate single or double bit error flags. -- Instantiate ecc_gen_hsiao module, generated from MIG I_ECC_GEN_HSIAO: entity work.ecc_gen generic map ( code_width => CODE_WIDTH, ecc_width => ECC_WIDTH, data_width => C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH ) port map ( -- Output h_rows => h_rows (CODE_WIDTH * ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) ); GEN_RD_ECC: for m in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 generate begin syndrome_ns (m) <= REDUCTION_XOR ( -- bram_din_a_i (0 to CODE_WIDTH-1) BRAM_RdData (CODE_WIDTH-1 downto 0) and h_rows ((m*CODE_WIDTH)+CODE_WIDTH-1 downto (m*CODE_WIDTH))); end generate GEN_RD_ECC; -- Insert register stage for syndrome. -- Same as Hamming ECC code. Syndrome value is registered. REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then syndrome_r <= syndrome_ns; end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; Sl_CE_i <= not (REDUCTION_NOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))) and (REDUCTION_XOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))); Sl_UE_i <= not (REDUCTION_NOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))) and not(REDUCTION_XOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))); end generate GEN_HSIAO_ECC; -- Capture correctable/uncorrectable error from BRAM read CORR_REG: process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (Enable_ECC = '1') and (axi_rvalid_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then -- Capture error flags CE_Q <= Sl_CE_i; UE_Q <= Sl_UE_i; else CE_Q <= '0'; UE_Q <= '0'; end if; end if; end process CORR_REG; -- The signal, axi_rdata_en loads the syndrome_reg. -- Use the AXI RVALID/READY signals to capture state of UE and CE. -- Since flag generation uses the registered syndrome value. -- ECC register block gets registered UE or CE conditions to update -- ECC registers/interrupt/flag outputs. Sl_CE <= CE_Q; Sl_UE <= UE_Q; -- CE_Failing_We <= Sl_CE_i and Enable_ECC and axi_rvalid_set; CE_Failing_We <= CE_Q; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate BRAM read data vector assignment to always be from Port A -- in a single port BRAM configuration. -- Map BRAM_RdData (Port A) (N:0) to bram_din_a_i (0:N) -- Including read back ECC bits. -- -- Port A or Port B sourcing done at full_axi module level --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Original design with mux (BRAM vs. Skid Buffer) on input side of checkbit_handler logic. -- Move mux to enable on AXI RDATA register. bram_din_a_i (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1) <= BRAM_RdData (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Map data vector from BRAM to use in correct_one_bit module with -- register syndrome (post AXI RDATA register). UnCorrectedRdData (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) <= bram_din_a_i (C_ECC_WIDTH to C_ECC_WIDTH+C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); end generate GEN_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Drive default output signals when ECC is diabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NO_ECC: if C_ECC = 0 generate begin BRAM_Addr_En <= '0'; CE_Failing_We <= '0'; Sl_CE <= '0'; Sl_UE <= '0'; end generate GEN_NO_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- *** BRAM Interface Signals *** -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRAM_En <= bram_en_int; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BRAM Address Generate --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Generate zeros on lower order address bits adjustable -- based on BRAM data width. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0 generate begin BRAM_Addr (i) <= '0'; end generate GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Assign BRAM address output from address counter. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR generate begin BRAM_Addr (i) <= bram_addr_int (i); end generate GEN_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- wr_chnl.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: wr_chnl.vhd -- -- Description: This file is the top level module for the AXI BRAM -- controller write channel interfaces. Controls all -- handshaking and data flow on the AXI write address (AW), -- write data (W) and write response (B) channels. -- -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Minor code cleanup. -- Remove library version # dependency. Replace with work library. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/3/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Edits for scalability and support of 512 and 1024-bit data widths. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/10/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Initial integration of Hsiao ECC algorithm. -- Add C_ECC_TYPE top level parameter. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/14/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Shift Hsiao ECC generate logic so not dependent on C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/18/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update WE size based on 128-bit ECC configuration. -- Update for usage of ecc_gen.vhd module directly from MIG. -- Clean-up XST warnings. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Found issue with ECC decoding on read path. Remove MSB '0' usage -- in syndrome calculation, since h_matrix is based on 32 + 7 = 39 bits. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/23/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean-up. -- Move all MIG functions to package body. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/28/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Fix mapping on BRAM_WE with bram_we_int for 128-bit w/ ECC. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Fix XST handling for DIV functions. Create seperate process when -- divisor is not constant and a power of two. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add comments as noted in Spyglass runs. And general code clean-up. -- Fix double clock assertion of CE/UE error flags when asserted -- during the RMW sequence. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/23/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean-up. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/30/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add code coverage on/off statements. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/8/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Modify back-to-back capability to remove combinatorial loop -- on WREADY to AXI interface. Add internal constant, C_REG_WREADY. -- Update axi_wready_int reset value (ensure it is '0'). -- -- Create new SM for C_REG_WREADY with dual port. Seperate assertion of BVALID -- from WREADY. Create a FIFO to store AWID/BID values. -- Use counter (with max of 8 ID values) to allow WREADY assertions -- to be ahead of BVALID assertions. -- Add sub module, SRL_FIFO. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/11/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Implement similar updates on WREADY for single port & ECC configurations. -- Remove use of signal, axi_wready_sng with constant, C_REG_WREADY. -- -- For single port operation with registered WREADY, provide BVALID counter -- value to arbitration SM, add output signal, AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt. -- -- Create an additional SM for single port when C_REG_WREADY. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/14/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove attempt to create AXI write data pipeline full flag outside of SM -- logic. Add corner case checks for BID FIFO/BVALID counter. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/15/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Clean up all code not related to C_REG_WREADY. -- Goal to remove internal constant, C_REG_WREADY. -- Work on size optimization. Implement signals to represent BVALID -- counter values. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/20/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean up. Remove unused signals. -- Remove additional generate blocks with C_REG_WREADY. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/21/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean up. Remove use of IF_IS_AXI4 constant. -- Create new SM TYPE for each configuration. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add check in data SM on back-to-back for BVALID counter max. -- Clean up AXI_WREADY generate blocks. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean up. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/6/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- Hard code C_USE_LUT6 constant. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/26/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Fix CR # 609695. -- Modify usage of WLAST. Ensure that WLAST is qualified with -- WVALID/WREADY assertions. -- -- With CR # 609695, update else clause for narrow_burst_cnt_ld to -- remove simulation warnings when axi_byte_div_curr_awsize = zero. -- -- Catch code clean up with WLAST in data SM for axi_wr_burst_cmb -- signal assertion. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.srl_fifo; use work.wrap_brst; use work.ua_narrow; use work.checkbit_handler; use work.checkbit_handler_64; use work.correct_one_bit; use work.correct_one_bit_64; use work.ecc_gen; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity wr_chnl is generic ( -- C_FAMILY : string := "virtex6"; -- Specify the target architecture type C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := 2; -- Adjust factor to BRAM address width based on data width (in bits) C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_AXI_ID_WIDTH : INTEGER := 4; -- AXI ID vector width C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW : INTEGER := 1; -- Support for narrow burst operations C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL : string := "AXI4"; -- Set to "AXI4LITE" to optimize out burst transaction support C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM : INTEGER := 0; -- Enable single port usage of BRAM C_ECC : integer := 0; -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_WIDTH : integer := 8; -- Width of ECC data vector C_ECC_TYPE : integer := 0 -- v1.03a -- ECC algorithm format, 0 = Hamming code, 1 = Hsiao code ); port ( -- AXI Global Signals S_AXI_AClk : in std_logic; S_AXI_AResetn : in std_logic; -- AXI Write Address Channel Signals (AW) AXI_AWID : in std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_AWLEN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Specifies the number of data transfers in the burst -- "0000 0000" 1 data transfer -- "0000 0001" 2 data transfers -- ... -- "1111 1111" 256 data transfers AXI_AWSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- Specifies the max number of data bytes to transfer in each data beat -- "000" 1 byte to transfer -- "001" 2 bytes to transfer -- "010" 3 bytes to transfer -- ... AXI_AWBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- Specifies burst type -- "00" FIXED = Fixed burst address (handled as INCR) -- "01" INCR = Increment burst address -- "10" WRAP = Incrementing address burst that wraps to lower order address at boundary -- "11" Reserved (not checked) AXI_AWLOCK : in std_logic; -- Currently unused AXI_AWCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- Currently unused AXI_AWPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- Currently unused AXI_AWVALID : in std_logic; AXI_AWREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Write Data Channel Signals (W) AXI_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_WSTRB : in std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0); AXI_WLAST : in std_logic; AXI_WVALID : in std_logic; AXI_WREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) AXI_BID : out std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_BVALID : out std_logic; AXI_BREADY : in std_logic; -- ECC Register Interface Signals Enable_ECC : in std_logic; BRAM_Addr_En : out std_logic := '0'; FaultInjectClr : out std_logic := '0'; CE_Failing_We : out std_logic := '0'; Sl_CE : out std_logic := '0'; Sl_UE : out std_logic := '0'; Active_Wr : out std_logic := '0'; FaultInjectData : in std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); FaultInjectECC : in std_logic_vector (C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Single Port Arbitration Signals Arb2AW_Active : in std_logic; AW2Arb_Busy : out std_logic := '0'; AW2Arb_Active_Clr : out std_logic := '0'; AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt : out std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); Sng_BRAM_Addr_Rst : out std_logic := '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En : out std_logic := '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld : out std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc : out std_logic := '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr : in std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR); -- BRAM Write Port Interface Signals BRAM_En : out std_logic := '0'; BRAM_WE : out std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr : out std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); BRAM_WrData : out std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); BRAM_RdData : in std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) ); end entity wr_chnl; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of wr_chnl is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- All functions defined in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reset active level (common through core) constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; constant RESP_OKAY : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00"; -- Normal access OK response constant RESP_SLVERR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "10"; -- Slave error -- For future support. constant RESP_EXOKAY : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "01"; -- Exclusive access OK response -- For future support. constant RESP_DECERR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "11"; -- Decode error -- Set constants for AWLEN equal to a count of one or two beats. constant AXI_AWLEN_ONE : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant AXI_AWLEN_TWO : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := "00000001"; constant AXI_AWSIZE_ONE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "001"; -- Determine maximum size for narrow burst length counter -- When C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32, minimum narrow width burst is 8 bits -- resulting in a count 3 downto 0 => so minimum counter width = 2 bits. -- When C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 256, minimum narrow width burst is 8 bits -- resulting in a count 31 downto 0 => so minimum counter width = 5 bits. constant C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN : integer := log2 (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8); constant NARROW_CNT_MAX : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- AXI Size Constants -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000"; -- 1 byte -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "001"; -- 2 bytes -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "010"; -- 4 bytes = max size for 32-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "011"; -- 8 bytes = max size for 64-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "100"; -- 16 bytes = max size for 128-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "101"; -- 32 bytes = max size for 256-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "110"; -- 64 bytes = max size for 512-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "111"; -- 128 bytes = max size for 1024-bit BRAM -- Determine max value of ARSIZE based on the AXI data width. -- Use function in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. constant C_AXI_SIZE_MAX : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := Create_Size_Max (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); -- Modify C_BRAM_ADDR_SIZE to be adjusted for BRAM data width -- When BRAM data width = 32 bits, BRAM_Addr (1:0) = "00" -- When BRAM data width = 64 bits, BRAM_Addr (2:0) = "000" -- When BRAM data width = 128 bits, BRAM_Addr (3:0) = "0000" -- When BRAM data width = 256 bits, BRAM_Addr (4:0) = "00000" -- Move to full_axi module -- constant C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := log2 (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8); -- Not used -- constant C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST : integer := C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR; constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8; -- AXI Burst Types -- AXI Spec 4.4 constant C_AXI_BURST_WRAP : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "10"; constant C_AXI_BURST_INCR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "01"; constant C_AXI_BURST_FIXED : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00"; -- Internal ECC data width size. constant C_INT_ECC_WIDTH : integer := Int_ECC_Size (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Address Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- State machine type declarations type WR_ADDR_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, LD_AWADDR ); signal wr_addr_sm_cs, wr_addr_sm_ns : WR_ADDR_SM_TYPE; signal aw_active_set : std_logic := '0'; signal aw_active_set_i : std_logic := '0'; signal aw_active_clr : std_logic := '0'; signal delay_aw_active_clr_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal delay_aw_active_clr : std_logic := '0'; signal aw_active : std_logic := '0'; signal aw_active_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal aw_active_re : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_awaddr_pipe : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_awaddr_lsb : std_logic_vector (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal awaddr_pipe_ld : std_logic := '0'; signal awaddr_pipe_ld_i : std_logic := '0'; signal awaddr_pipe_sel : std_logic := '0'; -- '0' indicates mux select from AXI -- '1' indicates mux select from AW Addr Register signal axi_awaddr_full : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_awid_pipe : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_awsize_pipe : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_awsize : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_awsize_reg : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Narrow Burst Signals signal curr_narrow_burst_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_narrow_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_narrow_burst_en : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_burst_cnt_ld : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal narrow_burst_cnt_ld_mod : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal narrow_addr_rst : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_addr_ld_en : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_addr_dec : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_awlen_pipe : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_awlen_pipe_1_or_2 : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_awlen : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_awlen_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_awlen_reg_1_or_2 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_awburst_pipe : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_awburst_pipe_fixed : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_awburst : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_wrap_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_wrap_burst_reg : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_incr_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_fixed_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_fixed_burst_reg : std_logic := '0'; signal max_wrap_burst_mod : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_awready_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_d2 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_re : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_re_reg : std_logic := '0'; -- BRAM Address Counter signal bram_addr_ld_en : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_ld_en_i : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_ld_en_mod : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_ld : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_ld_wrap : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_inc : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_inc_mod : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_inc_wrap_mod : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_rst : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_rst_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_bram_addr_inc : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_bram_addr_inc_re : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_addr_int : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_ua_narrow_wrap : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_ua_narrow_incr : std_logic := '0'; signal ua_narrow_load : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Data Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- State machine type declarations type WR_DATA_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, W8_AWADDR, -- W8_BREADY, SNG_WR_DATA, BRST_WR_DATA, -- NEW_BRST_WR_DATA, B2B_W8_WR_DATA --, -- B2B_W8_BRESP, -- W8_BRESP ); signal wr_data_sm_cs, wr_data_sm_ns : WR_DATA_SM_TYPE; type WR_DATA_SNG_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, SNG_WR_DATA, BRST_WR_DATA ); signal wr_data_sng_sm_cs, wr_data_sng_sm_ns : WR_DATA_SNG_SM_TYPE; type WR_DATA_ECC_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, RMW_RD_DATA, RMW_CHK_DATA, RMW_MOD_DATA, RMW_WR_DATA ); signal wr_data_ecc_sm_cs, wr_data_ecc_sm_ns : WR_DATA_ECC_SM_TYPE; -- Wr Data Buffer/Register signal wrdata_reg_ld : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wready_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wready_int_mod : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wdata_full_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wdata_full : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wdata_empty : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wdata_full_reg : std_logic := '0'; -- WE Generator Signals signal clr_bram_we_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal clr_bram_we : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_we_ld : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wr_burst_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wr_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal wr_b2b_elgible : std_logic := '0'; -- CR # 609695 signal last_data_ack : std_logic := '0'; -- CR # 609695 signal last_data_ack_throttle : std_logic := '0'; signal last_data_ack_mod : std_logic := '0'; -- CR # 609695 signal w8_b2b_bresp : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wlast_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wlast_re : std_logic := '0'; -- Single Port Signals -- Write busy flags only used in ECC configuration -- when waiting for BVALID/BREADY handshake signal wr_busy_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal wr_busy_reg : std_logic := '0'; -- Only used by ECC register module. signal active_wr_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal active_wr_reg : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Response Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal axi_bid_temp : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_bid_temp_full : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_bid_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_bresp_int : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_bvalid_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_bvalid_set_cmb : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal BRAM Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal reset_bram_we : std_logic := '0'; signal set_bram_we_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal set_bram_we : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_we_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_en_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_en_int : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_wrdata_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ECC Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal CorrectedRdData : std_logic_vector(0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); signal RdModifyWr_Modify : std_logic := '0'; -- Modify cycle in read modify write sequence signal RdModifyWr_Write : std_logic := '0'; -- Write cycle in read modify write sequence signal WrData : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal WrData_cmb : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal UE_Q : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BVALID Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal bvalid_cnt_inc : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt_dec : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bvalid_cnt_amax : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt_max : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt_non_zero : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BID FIFO Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal bid_fifo_rst : std_logic := '0'; signal bid_fifo_ld_en : std_logic := '0'; signal bid_fifo_ld : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bid_fifo_rd_en : std_logic := '0'; signal bid_fifo_rd : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bid_fifo_not_empty : std_logic := '0'; signal bid_gets_fifo_load : std_logic := '0'; signal bid_gets_fifo_load_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal first_fifo_bid : std_logic := '0'; signal b2b_fifo_bid : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Address Channel Output Signals --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AXI_AWREADY <= axi_awready_int; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Data Channel Output Signals --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- WREADY same signal assertion regardless of ECC or single port configuration. AXI_WREADY <= axi_wready_int_mod; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Response Channel Output Signals --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AXI_BRESP <= axi_bresp_int; AXI_BVALID <= axi_bvalid_int; AXI_BID <= axi_bid_int; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Write Address Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_AW_PIPE_SNG -- Purpose: Only generate pipeline registers when in dual port BRAM mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AW_PIPE_SNG: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1 generate begin -- Unused AW pipeline (set default values) awaddr_pipe_ld <= '0'; axi_awaddr_pipe <= AXI_AWADDR; axi_awid_pipe <= AXI_AWID; axi_awsize_pipe <= AXI_AWSIZE; axi_awlen_pipe <= AXI_AWLEN; axi_awburst_pipe <= AXI_AWBURST; axi_awlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= '0'; axi_awburst_pipe_fixed <= '0'; axi_awaddr_full <= '0'; end generate GEN_AW_PIPE_SNG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_AW_PIPE_DUAL -- Purpose: Only generate pipeline registers when in dual port BRAM mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AW_PIPE_DUAL: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- AXI Write Address Buffer/Register -- (mimic behavior of address pipeline for AXI_AWID) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AWADDR: for i in C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0 generate begin REG_AWADDR: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (awaddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_awaddr_pipe (i) <= AXI_AWADDR (i); else axi_awaddr_pipe (i) <= axi_awaddr_pipe (i); end if; end if; end process REG_AWADDR; end generate GEN_AWADDR; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register AWID REG_AWID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (awaddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_awid_pipe <= AXI_AWID; else axi_awid_pipe <= axi_awid_pipe; end if; end if; end process REG_AWID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- In parallel to AWADDR pipeline and AWID -- Use same control signals to capture AXI_AWSIZE, AXI_AWLEN & AXI_AWBURST. -- Register AXI_AWSIZE, AXI_AWLEN & AXI_AWBURST REG_AWCTRL: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (awaddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_awsize_pipe <= AXI_AWSIZE; axi_awlen_pipe <= AXI_AWLEN; axi_awburst_pipe <= AXI_AWBURST; else axi_awsize_pipe <= axi_awsize_pipe; axi_awlen_pipe <= axi_awlen_pipe; axi_awburst_pipe <= axi_awburst_pipe; end if; end if; end process REG_AWCTRL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create signals that indicate value of AXI_AWLEN in pipeline stage -- Used to decode length of burst when BRAM address can be loaded early -- when pipeline is full. -- -- Add early decode of AWBURST in pipeline. REG_AWLEN_PIPE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (awaddr_pipe_ld = '1') then -- Create merge to decode AWLEN of ONE or TWO if (AXI_AWLEN = AXI_AWLEN_ONE) or (AXI_AWLEN = AXI_AWLEN_TWO) then axi_awlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= '1'; else axi_awlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= '0'; end if; -- Early decode on value in pipeline of AWBURST if (AXI_AWBURST = C_AXI_BURST_FIXED) then axi_awburst_pipe_fixed <= '1'; else axi_awburst_pipe_fixed <= '0'; end if; else axi_awlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= axi_awlen_pipe_1_or_2; axi_awburst_pipe_fixed <= axi_awburst_pipe_fixed; end if; end if; end process REG_AWLEN_PIPE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create full flag for AWADDR pipeline -- Set when write address register is loaded. -- Cleared when write address stored in register is loaded into BRAM -- address counter. REG_WRADDR_FULL: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' and awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') then axi_awaddr_full <= '0'; elsif (awaddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_awaddr_full <= '1'; else axi_awaddr_full <= axi_awaddr_full; end if; end if; end process REG_WRADDR_FULL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_AW_PIPE_DUAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DUAL_ADDR_CNT -- Purpose: Instantiate BRAM address counter unique for wr_chnl logic -- only when controller configured in dual port mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DUAL_ADDR_CNT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Replace I_ADDR_CNT module usage of pf_counter in proc_common library. -- Only need to use lower 12-bits of address due to max AXI burst size -- Since AXI guarantees bursts do not cross 4KB boundary, the counting part -- of I_ADDR_CNT can be reduced to max 4KB. -- -- Counter size is adjusted based on data width of BRAM. -- For example, 32-bit data width BRAM, BRAM_Addr (1:0) -- are fixed at "00". So, counter increments from -- (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_ADDR_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- Reset usage differs from RD CHNL if (bram_addr_rst = '1') then bram_addr_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en_mod = '1') then bram_addr_int <= bram_addr_ld; elsif (bram_addr_inc_mod = '1') then bram_addr_int (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 12) <= bram_addr_int (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 12); bram_addr_int (11 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (bram_addr_int (11 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR)) + 1); end if; end if; end process I_ADDR_CNT; -- Set defaults to shared address counter -- Only used in single port configurations Sng_BRAM_Addr_Rst <= '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En <= '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld <= (others => '0'); Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc <= '0'; end generate GEN_DUAL_ADDR_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_SNG_ADDR_CNT -- Purpose: When configured in single port BRAM mode, address counter -- is shared with rd_chnl module. Assign output signals here -- to counter instantiation at full_axi module level. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_SNG_ADDR_CNT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin Sng_BRAM_Addr_Rst <= bram_addr_rst; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En <= bram_addr_ld_en_mod; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld <= bram_addr_ld; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc <= bram_addr_inc_mod; bram_addr_int <= Sng_BRAM_Addr; end generate GEN_SNG_ADDR_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Add BRAM counter reset for @ end of transfer -- -- Create a unique BRAM address reset signal -- If the write transaction is throttling on the AXI bus, then -- the BRAM EN may get negated during the write transfer -- -- Use combinatorial output from SM, bram_addr_rst_cmb, but ensure the -- BRAM address is not reset while loading a new address. bram_addr_rst <= (not (S_AXI_AResetn)) or (bram_addr_rst_cmb and not (bram_addr_ld_en_mod) and not (bram_addr_inc_mod)); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BRAM address counter load mux -- -- Either load BRAM counter directly from AXI bus or from stored registered value -- -- Added bram_addr_ld_wrap for loading on wrap burst types -- Use registered signal to indicate current operation is a WRAP burst -- -- Do not load bram_addr_ld_wrap when bram_addr_ld_en signal is asserted at beginning of write burst -- BRAM address counter load. Due to condition when max_wrap_burst_mod remains asserted, due to BRAM address -- counter not incrementing (at the end of the previous write burst). -- bram_addr_ld <= bram_addr_ld_wrap when -- (max_wrap_burst_mod = '1' and curr_wrap_burst_reg = '1' and bram_addr_ld_en = '0') else -- axi_awaddr_pipe (C_BRAM_ADDR_SIZE-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) -- when (awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') else -- AXI_AWADDR (C_BRAM_ADDR_SIZE-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR); -- Replace C_BRAM_ADDR_SIZE w/ C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH parameter usage bram_addr_ld <= bram_addr_ld_wrap when (max_wrap_burst_mod = '1' and curr_wrap_burst_reg = '1' and bram_addr_ld_en = '0') else axi_awaddr_pipe (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) when (awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_AWADDR (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- On wrap burst max loads (simultaneous BRAM address increment is asserted). -- Ensure that load has higher priority over increment. -- Use registered signal to indicate current operation is a WRAP burst -- bram_addr_ld_en_mod <= '1' when (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' or -- (max_wrap_burst_mod = '1' and -- curr_wrap_burst_reg = '1' and -- bram_addr_inc_mod = '1')) -- else '0'; -- Use duplicate version of bram_addr_ld_en in effort -- to reduce fanout of signal routed to BRAM address counter bram_addr_ld_en_mod <= '1' when (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' or (max_wrap_burst_mod = '1' and curr_wrap_burst_reg = '1' and bram_addr_inc_wrap_mod = '1')) else '0'; -- Create a special bram_addr_inc_mod for use in the bram_addr_ld_en_mod signal -- logic. No need for the check if the current operation is NOT a fixed AND a wrap -- burst. The transfer will be one or the other. -- Found issue when narrow FIXED length burst is incorrectly -- incrementing BRAM address counter bram_addr_inc_wrap_mod <= bram_addr_inc when (curr_narrow_burst = '0') else narrow_bram_addr_inc_re; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Handling for WRAP burst types -- -- For WRAP burst types, the counter value will roll over when the burst -- boundary is reached. -- Boundary is reached based on ARSIZE and ARLEN. -- -- Goal is to minimize muxing on initial load of counter value. -- On WRAP burst types, detect when the max address is reached. -- When the max address is reached, re-load counter with lower -- address value set to '0'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Detect valid WRAP burst types curr_wrap_burst <= '1' when (curr_awburst = C_AXI_BURST_WRAP) else '0'; -- Detect INCR & FIXED burst type operations curr_incr_burst <= '1' when (curr_awburst = C_AXI_BURST_INCR) else '0'; curr_fixed_burst <= '1' when (curr_awburst = C_AXI_BURST_FIXED) else '0'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register curr_wrap_burst signal when BRAM address counter is initially -- loaded REG_CURR_WRAP_BRST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- Add reset same as BRAM address counter if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (bram_addr_rst = '1' and bram_addr_ld_en = '0') then curr_wrap_burst_reg <= '0'; elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then curr_wrap_burst_reg <= curr_wrap_burst; else curr_wrap_burst_reg <= curr_wrap_burst_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_CURR_WRAP_BRST; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register curr_fixed_burst signal when BRAM address counter is initially -- loaded REG_CURR_FIXED_BRST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- Add reset same as BRAM address counter if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (bram_addr_rst = '1' and bram_addr_ld_en = '0') then curr_fixed_burst_reg <= '0'; elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then curr_fixed_burst_reg <= curr_fixed_burst; else curr_fixed_burst_reg <= curr_fixed_burst_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_CURR_FIXED_BRST; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Instance: I_WRAP_BRST -- -- Description: -- -- Instantiate WRAP_BRST module -- Logic to generate the wrap around value to load into the BRAM address -- counter on WRAP burst transactions. -- WRAP value is based on current AWLEN, AWSIZE (for narrows) and -- data width of BRAM module. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_WRAP_BRST : entity work.wrap_brst generic map ( C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR => C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR , C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_AClk , S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_AResetn , curr_axlen => curr_awlen , curr_axsize => curr_awsize , curr_narrow_burst => curr_narrow_burst , narrow_bram_addr_inc_re => narrow_bram_addr_inc_re , bram_addr_ld_en => bram_addr_ld_en , bram_addr_ld => bram_addr_ld , bram_addr_int => bram_addr_int , bram_addr_ld_wrap => bram_addr_ld_wrap , max_wrap_burst_mod => max_wrap_burst_mod ); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_WO_NARROW -- Purpose: Create BRAM address increment signal when narrow bursts -- are disabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WO_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 0) generate begin -- For non narrow burst operations, use bram_addr_inc from data SM. -- Add in check that burst type is not FIXED, curr_fixed_burst_reg bram_addr_inc_mod <= bram_addr_inc and not (curr_fixed_burst_reg); -- The signal, curr_narrow_burst should always be set to '0' when narrow bursts -- are disabled. curr_narrow_burst <= '0'; narrow_bram_addr_inc_re <= '0'; end generate GEN_WO_NARROW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Only instantiate NARROW_CNT and supporting logic when narrow transfers -- are supported and utilized by masters in the AXI system. -- The design parameter, C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW will indicate this. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NARROW_CNT -- Purpose: Instantiate narrow counter and logic when narrow -- operation support is enabled. -- And, only instantiate logic for narrow operations when -- AXI bus protocol is not set for AXI-LITE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NARROW_CNT: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin -- Based on current operation being a narrow burst, hold off BRAM -- address increment until narrow burst fits BRAM data width. -- For non narrow burst operations, use bram_addr_inc from data SM. -- Add in check that burst type is not FIXED, curr_fixed_burst_reg bram_addr_inc_mod <= (bram_addr_inc and not (curr_fixed_burst_reg)) when (curr_narrow_burst = '0') -- else narrow_bram_addr_inc_re; -- Seeing incorrect BRAM address increment on narrow -- fixed length burst operations. -- Add this check for curr_fixed_burst_reg else (narrow_bram_addr_inc_re and not (curr_fixed_burst_reg)); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate seperate smaller counter for narrow burst operations -- Replace I_NARROW_CNT module usage of pf_counter_top from proc_common library. -- -- Counter size is adjusted based on size of data burst. -- -- For example, 32-bit data width BRAM, minimum narrow width -- burst is 8 bits resulting in a count 3 downto 0. So the -- minimum counter width = 2 bits. -- -- When C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 256, minimum narrow width burst -- is 8 bits resulting in a count 31 downto 0. So the -- minimum counter width = 5 bits. -- -- Size of counter = C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_NARROW_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (narrow_addr_rst = '1') then narrow_addr_int <= (others => '0'); -- Load narrow address counter elsif (narrow_addr_ld_en = '1') then narrow_addr_int <= narrow_burst_cnt_ld_mod; -- Decrement ONLY (no increment functionality) elsif (narrow_addr_dec = '1') then narrow_addr_int (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (narrow_addr_int (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0)) - 1); end if; end if; end process I_NARROW_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- narrow_addr_rst <= not (S_AXI_AResetn); -- Narrow burst counter load mux -- Modify narrow burst count load value based on -- unalignment of AXI address value -- Account for INCR burst types at unaligned addresses narrow_burst_cnt_ld_mod <= ua_narrow_load when (curr_ua_narrow_wrap = '1' or curr_ua_narrow_incr = '1') else narrow_burst_cnt_ld when (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') else narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg; narrow_addr_dec <= bram_addr_inc when (curr_narrow_burst = '1') else '0'; narrow_addr_ld_en <= (curr_narrow_burst_cmb and bram_addr_ld_en) or narrow_bram_addr_inc_re; narrow_bram_addr_inc <= '1' when (narrow_addr_int = NARROW_CNT_MAX) and (curr_narrow_burst = '1') -- Ensure that narrow address counter doesn't -- flag max or get loaded to -- reset narrow counter until AXI read data -- bus has acknowledged current -- data on the AXI bus. Use rd_adv_buf signal -- to indicate the non throttle -- condition on the AXI bus. and (bram_addr_inc = '1') else '0'; -- Detect rising edge of narrow_bram_addr_inc REG_NARROW_BRAM_ADDR_INC: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 <= '0'; else narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 <= narrow_bram_addr_inc; end if; end if; end process REG_NARROW_BRAM_ADDR_INC; narrow_bram_addr_inc_re <= '1' when (narrow_bram_addr_inc = '1') and (narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 = '0') else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_NARROW_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_AWREADY -- Purpose: AWREADY is only created here when in dual port BRAM mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AWREADY: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin -- v1.03a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_AWREADY Output Register -- Description: Keep AXI_AWREADY output asserted until AWADDR pipeline -- is full. When a full condition is reached, negate -- AWREADY as another AW address can not be accepted. -- Add condition to keep AWReady asserted if loading current --- AWADDR pipeline value into the BRAM address counter. -- Indicated by assertion of bram_addr_ld_en & awaddr_pipe_sel. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_AWREADY: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_awready_int <= '0'; -- Detect end of S_AXI_AResetn to assert AWREADY and accept -- new AWADDR values elsif (axi_aresetn_re_reg = '1') or (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' and awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') then axi_awready_int <= '1'; elsif (awaddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_awready_int <= '0'; else axi_awready_int <= axi_awready_int; end if; end if; end process REG_AWREADY; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Need to detect end of reset cycle to assert AWREADY on AXI bus REG_ARESETN: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then axi_aresetn_d1 <= S_AXI_AResetn; axi_aresetn_d2 <= axi_aresetn_d1; axi_aresetn_re_reg <= axi_aresetn_re; end if; end process REG_ARESETN; -- Create combinatorial RE detect of S_AXI_AResetn axi_aresetn_re <= '1' when (S_AXI_AResetn = '1' and axi_aresetn_d1 = '0') else '0'; end generate GEN_AWREADY; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Specify current AWSIZE signal -- Address pipeline MUX curr_awsize <= axi_awsize_pipe when (awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_AWSIZE; -- Register curr_awsize when bram_addr_ld_en = '1' REG_AWSIZE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then curr_awsize_reg <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then curr_awsize_reg <= curr_awsize; else curr_awsize_reg <= curr_awsize_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_AWSIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_NARROW_EN -- Purpose: Only instantiate logic to determine if current burst -- is a narrow burst when narrow bursting logic is supported. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NARROW_EN: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Determine "narrow" burst transfers -- Compare the AWSIZE to the BRAM data width ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a -- Detect if current burst operation is of size /= to the full -- AXI data bus width. If not, then the current operation is a -- "narrow" burst. curr_narrow_burst_cmb <= '1' when (curr_awsize /= C_AXI_SIZE_MAX) else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- curr_narrow_burst_en <= '1' when (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') and (curr_awlen /= AXI_AWLEN_ONE) and (curr_fixed_burst = '0') else '0'; -- Register flag indicating the current operation -- is a narrow write burst NARROW_BURST_REG: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- Need to reset this flag at end of narrow burst operation -- Use handshaking signals on AXI if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- Check for back to back narrow burst. If that is the case, then -- do not clear curr_narrow_burst flag. (axi_wlast_re = '1' and curr_narrow_burst_en = '0' -- If ECC is enabled, no clear to curr_narrow_burst when WLAST is asserted -- this causes the BRAM address to incorrectly get asserted on the last -- beat in the burst (due to delay in RMW logic) and C_ECC = 0) then curr_narrow_burst <= '0'; elsif (curr_narrow_burst_en = '1') then curr_narrow_burst <= curr_narrow_burst_cmb; end if; end if; end process NARROW_BURST_REG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Detect RE of AXI_WLAST -- Only used when narrow bursts are enabled. WLAST_REG: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_wlast_d1 <= '0'; else -- axi_wlast_d1 <= AXI_WLAST and axi_wready_int_mod; -- CR # 609695 axi_wlast_d1 <= AXI_WLAST and axi_wready_int_mod and AXI_WVALID; end if; end if; end process WLAST_REG; -- axi_wlast_re <= (AXI_WLAST and axi_wready_int_mod) and not (axi_wlast_d1); -- CR # 609695 axi_wlast_re <= (AXI_WLAST and axi_wready_int_mod and AXI_WVALID) and not (axi_wlast_d1); end generate GEN_NARROW_EN; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate registered flag that active burst is a "narrow" burst -- and load narrow burst counter --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_NARROW_CNT_LD -- Purpose: Only instantiate logic to determine narrow burst counter -- load value when narrow bursts are enabled. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NARROW_CNT_LD: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate signal curr_awsize_unsigned : unsigned (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_byte_div_curr_awsize : integer := 1; begin -- v1.03a -- Create narrow burst counter load value based on current operation -- "narrow" data width (indicated by value of AWSIZE). curr_awsize_unsigned <= unsigned (curr_awsize); -- XST does not support divisors that are not constants and powers of 2. -- Create process to create a fixed value for divisor. -- Replace this statement: -- narrow_burst_cnt_ld <= std_logic_vector ( -- to_unsigned ( -- (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / (2**(to_integer (curr_awsize_unsigned))) ) - 1, -- C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)); -- -- With this new process and subsequent signal assignment: -- DIV_AWSIZE: process (curr_awsize_unsigned) -- begin -- -- case (to_integer (curr_awsize_unsigned)) is -- when 0 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 1; -- when 1 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 2; -- when 2 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 4; -- when 3 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 8; -- when 4 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 16; -- when 5 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 32; -- when 6 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 64; -- when 7 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 128; -- --coverage off -- when others => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES; -- --coverage on -- end case; -- -- end process DIV_AWSIZE; -- w/ CR # 609695 -- With this new process and subsequent signal assignment: DIV_AWSIZE: process (curr_awsize_unsigned) begin case (curr_awsize_unsigned) is when "000" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 1; when "001" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 2; when "010" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 4; when "011" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 8; when "100" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 16; when "101" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 32; when "110" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 64; when "111" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 128; --coverage off when others => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES; --coverage on end case; end process DIV_AWSIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create narrow burst count load value. -- -- Size is based on [C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 : 0] -- For 32-bit BRAM, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN = 2. -- For 64-bit BRAM, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN = 3. -- For 128-bit BRAM, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN = 4. (etc.) -- -- Signal, narrow_burst_cnt_ld signal is sized according to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH. -- Updated else clause for simulation warnings w/ CR # 609695 narrow_burst_cnt_ld <= std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( (axi_byte_div_curr_awsize) - 1, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)) when (axi_byte_div_curr_awsize > 0) else std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (0, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register narrow_burst_cnt_ld REG_NAR_BRST_CNT_LD: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg <= narrow_burst_cnt_ld; else narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg <= narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_NAR_BRST_CNT_LD; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_NARROW_CNT_LD; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Specify current AWBURST signal -- Input address pipeline MUX curr_awburst <= axi_awburst_pipe when (awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_AWBURST; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Specify current AWBURST signal -- Input address pipeline MUX curr_awlen <= axi_awlen_pipe when (awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_AWLEN; -- Duplicate early decode of AWLEN value to use in wr_b2b_elgible logic REG_CURR_AWLEN: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then curr_awlen_reg_1_or_2 <= '0'; elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then -- Create merge to decode AWLEN of ONE or TWO if (curr_awlen = AXI_AWLEN_ONE) or (curr_awlen = AXI_AWLEN_TWO) then curr_awlen_reg_1_or_2 <= '1'; else curr_awlen_reg_1_or_2 <= '0'; end if; else curr_awlen_reg_1_or_2 <= curr_awlen_reg_1_or_2; end if; end if; end process REG_CURR_AWLEN; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_UA_NARROW -- Purpose: Only instantiate logic for burst narrow WRAP operations when -- AXI bus protocol is not set for AXI-LITE and narrow -- burst operations are supported. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_UA_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- New logic to detect unaligned address on a narrow WRAP burst transaction. -- If this condition is met, then the narrow burst counter will be -- initially loaded with an offset value corresponding to the unalignment -- in the ARADDR value. -- Create a sub module for all logic to determine the narrow burst counter -- offset value on unaligned WRAP burst operations. -- Module generates the following signals: -- -- => curr_ua_narrow_wrap, to indicate the current -- operation is an unaligned narrow WRAP burst. -- -- => curr_ua_narrow_incr, to load narrow burst counter -- for unaligned INCR burst operations. -- -- => ua_narrow_load, narrow counter load value. -- Sized, (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_UA_NARROW -- -- Description: -- -- Creates a narrow burst count load value when an operation -- is an unaligned narrow WRAP or INCR burst type. Used by -- I_NARROW_CNT module. -- -- Logic is customized for each C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_UA_NARROW : entity work.ua_narrow generic map ( C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR => C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR , C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN => C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN ) port map ( curr_wrap_burst => curr_wrap_burst , -- in curr_incr_burst => curr_incr_burst , -- in bram_addr_ld_en => bram_addr_ld_en , -- in curr_axlen => curr_awlen , -- in curr_axsize => curr_awsize , -- in curr_axaddr_lsb => curr_awaddr_lsb , -- in curr_ua_narrow_wrap => curr_ua_narrow_wrap , -- out curr_ua_narrow_incr => curr_ua_narrow_incr , -- out ua_narrow_load => ua_narrow_load -- out ); -- Use in all C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH generate statements -- Only probe least significant BRAM address bits -- C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR offset down to 0. curr_awaddr_lsb <= axi_awaddr_pipe (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0) when (awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_AWADDR (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_UA_NARROW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_AW_SNG -- Purpose: If single port BRAM configuration, set all AW flags from -- logic generated in sng_port_arb module. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AW_SNG: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin aw_active <= Arb2AW_Active; bram_addr_ld_en <= aw_active_re; AW2Arb_Active_Clr <= aw_active_clr; AW2Arb_Busy <= wr_busy_reg; AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt <= bvalid_cnt; end generate GEN_AW_SNG; -- Rising edge detect of aw_active -- For single port configurations, aw_active = Arb2AW_Active. -- For dual port configurations, aw_active generated in ADDR SM. RE_AW_ACT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then aw_active_d1 <= '0'; else aw_active_d1 <= aw_active; end if; end if; end process RE_AW_ACT; aw_active_re <= '1' when (aw_active = '1' and aw_active_d1 = '0') else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_AW_DUAL -- Purpose: Generate AW control state machine logic only when AXI4 -- controller is configured for dual port mode. In dual port -- mode, wr_chnl has full access over AW & port A of BRAM. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AW_DUAL: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin AW2Arb_Active_Clr <= '0'; -- Only used in single port case AW2Arb_Busy <= '0'; -- Only used in single port case AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt <= (others => '0'); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_LAST_DATA_ACK: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then last_data_ack_mod <= '0'; else -- last_data_ack_mod <= AXI_WLAST; -- CR # 609695 last_data_ack_mod <= AXI_WLAST and AXI_WVALID and axi_wready_int_mod; end if; end if; end process REG_LAST_DATA_ACK; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- WR ADDR State Machine -- -- Description: Central processing unit for AXI write address -- channel interface handling and handshaking. -- -- Outputs: awaddr_pipe_ld Combinatorial -- awaddr_pipe_sel -- bram_addr_ld_en -- -- -- -- WR_ADDR_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- WR_ADDR_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_ADDR_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( AXI_AWVALID, bvalid_cnt_max, axi_awaddr_full, aw_active, wr_b2b_elgible, last_data_ack_mod, wr_addr_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs wr_addr_sm_ns <= wr_addr_sm_cs; awaddr_pipe_ld_i <= '0'; bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '0'; aw_active_set_i <= '0'; case wr_addr_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- Check for pending operation in address pipeline that may -- be elgible for back-to-back performance to BRAM. -- Prevent loading BRAM address counter if BID FIFO can not -- store the AWID value. Check the BVALID counter. if (wr_b2b_elgible = '1') and (last_data_ack_mod = '1') and -- Ensure the BVALID counter does not roll over (max = 8 ID values) (bvalid_cnt_max = '0') then wr_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; -- Load BRAM address counter from pipelined value bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; aw_active_set_i <= '1'; -- Ensure AWVALID is recognized. -- Address pipeline may be loaded, but BRAM counter -- can not be loaded if at max of BID FIFO. elsif (AXI_AWVALID = '1') then -- If address pipeline is full -- AWReady output is negated -- If write address logic is ready for new operation -- Load BRAM address counter and set aw_active = '1' -- If address pipeline is already full to start next operation -- load address counter from pipeline. -- Prevent loading BRAM address counter if BID FIFO can not -- store the AWID value. Check the BVALID counter. -- Remain in this state if (aw_active = '0') and -- Ensure the BVALID counter does not roll over (max = 8 ID values) (bvalid_cnt_max = '0') then wr_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; -- Stay in this state to capture AWVALID if asserted -- in next clock cycle. bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; aw_active_set_i <= '1'; -- Address counter is currently busy. -- No check on BVALID counter for address pipeline load. -- Only the BRAM address counter is checked for BID FIFO capacity. else -- Check if AWADDR pipeline is not full and can be loaded if (axi_awaddr_full = '0') then wr_addr_sm_ns <= LD_AWADDR; awaddr_pipe_ld_i <= '1'; end if; end if; -- aw_active -- Pending operation in pipeline that is waiting -- until current operation is complete (aw_active = '0') elsif (axi_awaddr_full = '1') and (aw_active = '0') and -- Ensure the BVALID counter does not roll over (max = 8 ID values) (bvalid_cnt_max = '0') then wr_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; -- Load BRAM address counter from pipelined value bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; aw_active_set_i <= '1'; end if; -- AWVALID ---------------------------- LD_AWADDR State --------------------------- when LD_AWADDR => wr_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; if (wr_b2b_elgible = '1') and (last_data_ack_mod = '1') and -- Ensure the BVALID counter does not roll over (max = 8 ID values) (bvalid_cnt_max = '0') then -- Load BRAM address counter from pipelined value bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; aw_active_set_i <= '1'; end if; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => wr_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process WR_ADDR_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CR # 582705 -- Ensure combinatorial SM output signals do not get set before -- the end of the reset (and ARREAADY can be set). bram_addr_ld_en <= bram_addr_ld_en_i and axi_aresetn_d2; aw_active_set <= aw_active_set_i and axi_aresetn_d2; awaddr_pipe_ld <= awaddr_pipe_ld_i and axi_aresetn_d2; WR_ADDR_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then -- CR # 582705 -- Ensure that ar_active does not get asserted (from SM) before -- the end of reset and the ARREADY flag is set. if (axi_aresetn_d2 = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then wr_addr_sm_cs <= IDLE; else wr_addr_sm_cs <= wr_addr_sm_ns; end if; end if; end process WR_ADDR_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Asserting awaddr_pipe_sel outside of SM logic -- The BRAM address counter will get loaded with value in AWADDR pipeline -- when data is stored in the AWADDR pipeline. awaddr_pipe_sel <= '1' when (axi_awaddr_full = '1') else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register for aw_active REG_AW_ACT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- CR # 582705 -- if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then if (axi_aresetn_d2 = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then aw_active <= '0'; elsif (aw_active_set = '1') then aw_active <= '1'; elsif (aw_active_clr = '1') then aw_active <= '0'; else aw_active <= aw_active; end if; end if; end process REG_AW_ACT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_AW_DUAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Write Data Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI WrData Buffer/Register --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WRDATA: for i in C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0 generate begin REG_WRDATA: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (wrdata_reg_ld = '1') then bram_wrdata_int (i) <= AXI_WDATA (i); else bram_wrdata_int (i) <= bram_wrdata_int (i); end if; end if; end process REG_WRDATA; end generate GEN_WRDATA; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_WR_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Generate BRAM WrData and WE signals based on AXI_WRDATA -- and AXI_WSTRBs when C_ECC is disabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WR_NO_ECC: if C_ECC = 0 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI WSTRB Buffer/Register -- Use AXI write data channel data strobe signals to generate BRAM WE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_BRAM_WE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- Ensure we don't clear WE when loading subsequent WSTRB value if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (clr_bram_we = '1' and bram_we_ld = '0') then bram_we_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_we_ld = '1') then bram_we_int <= AXI_WSTRB; else bram_we_int <= bram_we_int; end if; end if; end process REG_BRAM_WE; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- New logic to detect if pending operation in AWADDR pipeline is -- elgible for back-to-back no "bubble" performance. And BRAM address -- counter can be loaded upon last BRAM address presented for the current -- operation. -- This condition exists when the AWADDR pipeline is full and the pending -- operation is a burst >= length of two data beats. -- And not a FIXED burst type (must be INCR or WRAP type). -- -- Narrow bursts are be neglible -- -- Add check to complete current single and burst of two data bursts -- prior to loading BRAM counter wr_b2b_elgible <= '1' when (axi_awaddr_full = '1') and -- Replace comparator logic here with register signal (pre pipeline stage -- on axi_awlen_pipe value -- Use merge in decode of ONE or TWO (axi_awlen_pipe_1_or_2 /= '1') and (axi_awburst_pipe_fixed /= '1') and -- Use merge in decode of ONE or TWO (curr_awlen_reg_1_or_2 /= '1') else '0'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_WR_NO_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_WR_ECC -- Purpose: Generate BRAM WrData and WE signals based on AXI_WRDATA -- and AXI_WSTRBs when C_ECC is enabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WR_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate begin wr_b2b_elgible <= '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI WSTRB Buffer/Register -- Use AXI write data channel data strobe signals to generate BRAM WE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_BRAM_WE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- Ensure we don't clear WE when loading subsequent WSTRB value if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (reset_bram_we = '1') then bram_we_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (set_bram_we = '1') then bram_we_int <= (others => '1'); else bram_we_int <= bram_we_int; end if; end if; end process REG_BRAM_WE; end generate GEN_WR_ECC; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Implement WREADY to be a registered output. Used by all configurations. -- This will disable the back-to-back streamlined WDATA -- for write operations to BRAM. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_WREADY: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_wready_int_mod <= '0'; -- Keep AXI WREADY asserted unless write data register is full -- Use combinatorial signal from SM. elsif (axi_wdata_full_cmb = '1') then axi_wready_int_mod <= '0'; else axi_wready_int_mod <= '1'; end if; end if; end process REG_WREADY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_WDATA_SM_ECC -- Purpose: Create seperate SM for ECC read-modify-write logic. -- Only used in single port BRAM mode. So, no address -- pipelining. Must use aw_active from arbitration logic -- to determine start of write to BRAM. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test using same write data SM for single or dual port configuration. -- The difference is the source of aw_active. In a single port configuration, -- the aw_active is coming from the arbiter SM. In a dual port configuration, -- the aw_active is coming from the write address SM in this module. GEN_WDATA_SM_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate begin -- Unused in this SM configuration bram_we_ld <= '0'; bram_addr_rst_cmb <= '0'; -- Output only used by ECC register module. Active_Wr <= active_wr_reg; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- WR DATA State Machine -- -- Description: Central processing unit for AXI write data -- channel interface handling and AXI write data response -- handshaking when ECC is enabled. SM will handle -- each transaction as a read-modify-write to ensure -- the correct ECC bits are stored in BRAM. -- -- Dedicated to single port BRAM interface. Transaction -- is not initiated until valid AWADDR is arbitration, -- ie. aw_active will be asserted. SM can do early reads -- while waiting for WVALID to be asserted. -- -- Valid AWADDR recieve indicator comes from arbitration -- logic (aw_active will be asserted). -- -- Outputs: Name Type -- -- aw_active_clr Not Registered -- axi_wdata_full_reg Registered -- wrdata_reg_ld Not Registered -- bvalid_cnt_inc Not Registered -- bram_addr_inc Not Registered -- bram_en_int Registered -- reset_bram_we Not Registered -- set_bram_we Not Registered -- -- -- WR_DATA_ECC_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- WR_DATA_ECC_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_DATA_ECC_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( AXI_WVALID, AXI_WLAST, aw_active, wr_busy_reg, axi_wdata_full_reg, axi_wr_burst, AXI_BREADY, active_wr_reg, wr_data_ecc_sm_cs ) begin -- Assign default values for state machine outputs wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= wr_data_ecc_sm_cs; aw_active_clr <= '0'; wr_busy_cmb <= wr_busy_reg; bvalid_cnt_inc <= '0'; wrdata_reg_ld <= '0'; reset_bram_we <= '0'; set_bram_we_cmb <= '0'; bram_en_cmb <= '0'; bram_addr_inc <= '0'; axi_wdata_full_cmb <= axi_wdata_full_reg; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= axi_wr_burst; active_wr_cmb <= active_wr_reg; case wr_data_ecc_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- Prior to AWVALID assertion, WVALID may be asserted -- and data accepted into WDATA register. -- Catch this condition and ensure the register full flag is set. -- Check that data pipeline is not already full. if (AXI_WVALID = '1') and (axi_wdata_full_reg = '0') then wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; -- Hold off accepting any new write data -- w/ CR # 609695 -- -- -- Set flag to check if single or not -- if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then -- axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '0'; -- else -- axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; -- end if; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= not (AXI_WLAST); -- Set flag to check if single or not end if; -- Check if AWVALID is asserted & wins arbitration if (aw_active = '1') then active_wr_cmb <= '1'; -- Set flag that RMW SM is active -- Controls mux select for BRAM and ECC register module -- (Set to '1' wr_chnl or '0' for rd_chnl control) bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Initiate BRAM read transfer reset_bram_we <= '1'; -- Disable Port A write enables -- Will proceed to read-modify-write if we get a -- valid write address early (before WVALID) wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= RMW_RD_DATA; end if; -- WVALID ------------------------- RMW_RD_DATA State ------------------------- when RMW_RD_DATA => -- Check if data to write is available in data pipeline if (axi_wdata_full_reg = '1') then wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= RMW_CHK_DATA; -- Else may have address, but not yet data from W channel elsif (AXI_WVALID = '1') then -- Ensure that WDATA pipeline is marked as full, so WREADY negates axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; -- Hold off accepting any new write data wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register -- w/ CR # 609695 -- -- -- Set flag to check if single or not -- if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then -- axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '0'; -- else -- axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; -- end if; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= not (AXI_WLAST); -- Set flag to check if single or not wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= RMW_CHK_DATA; else -- Hold here and wait for write data wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= RMW_RD_DATA; end if; ------------------------- RMW_CHK_DATA State ------------------------- when RMW_CHK_DATA => -- New state here to add register stage on calculating -- checkbits for read data and then muxing/creating new -- checkbits for write cycle. -- Go immediately to MODIFY stage in RMW sequence wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= RMW_MOD_DATA; set_bram_we_cmb <= '1'; -- Enable all WEs to BRAM ------------------------- RMW_MOD_DATA State ------------------------- when RMW_MOD_DATA => -- Modify clock cycle in RMW sequence -- Only reach this state after a read AND we have data -- in the write data pipeline to modify and subsequently write to BRAM. bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Initiate BRAM write transfer -- Can clear WDATA pipeline full condition flag if (axi_wr_burst = '1') then axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '0'; end if; wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= RMW_WR_DATA; -- Go to write data to BRAM ------------------------- RMW_WR_DATA State ------------------------- when RMW_WR_DATA => -- Check if last data beat in a burst (or the write is a single) if (axi_wr_burst = '0') then -- Can clear WDATA pipeline full condition flag now that -- write data has gone out to BRAM (for single data transfers) axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '0'; bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; -- Set flag to assert BVALID and increment counter wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= IDLE; -- Go back to IDLE, BVALID assertion is seperate wr_busy_cmb <= '0'; -- Clear flag to arbiter active_wr_cmb <= '0'; -- Clear flag (wr_chnl is done accessing BRAM) -- Used for single port arbitration SM axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '0'; aw_active_clr <= '1'; -- Clear aw_active flag reset_bram_we <= '1'; -- Disable Port A write enables else -- Continue with read-modify-write sequence for write burst -- If next data beat is available on AXI, capture the data if (AXI_WVALID = '1') then wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; -- Hold off accepting any new write data -- w/ CR # 609695 -- -- -- Set flag to check if single or not -- if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then -- axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '0'; -- else -- axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; -- end if; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= not (AXI_WLAST); -- Set flag to check if single or not end if; -- After write cycle (in RMW) => Increment BRAM address counter bram_addr_inc <= '1'; bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Initiate BRAM read transfer reset_bram_we <= '1'; -- Disable Port A write enables -- Will proceed to read-modify-write if we get a -- valid write address early (before WVALID) wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= RMW_RD_DATA; end if; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process WR_DATA_ECC_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_DATA_ECC_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then wr_data_ecc_sm_cs <= IDLE; bram_en_int <= '0'; axi_wdata_full_reg <= '0'; wr_busy_reg <= '0'; active_wr_reg <= '0'; set_bram_we <= '0'; else wr_data_ecc_sm_cs <= wr_data_ecc_sm_ns; bram_en_int <= bram_en_cmb; axi_wdata_full_reg <= axi_wdata_full_cmb; wr_busy_reg <= wr_busy_cmb; active_wr_reg <= active_wr_cmb; set_bram_we <= set_bram_we_cmb; end if; end if; end process WR_DATA_ECC_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_WDATA_SM_ECC; -- v1.03a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_WDATA_SM_NO_ECC_SNG_REG_WREADY -- Purpose: Create seperate SM use case of no ECC (no read-modify-write) -- and single port BRAM configuration (no back to back operations -- are supported). Must wait for aw_active from arbiter to indicate -- control on BRAM interface. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WDATA_SM_NO_ECC_SNG_REG_WREADY: if C_ECC = 0 and C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1 generate begin -- Unused in this SM configuration wr_busy_cmb <= '0'; -- Unused wr_busy_reg <= '0'; -- Unused active_wr_cmb <= '0'; -- Unused active_wr_reg <= '0'; -- Unused Active_Wr <= '0'; -- Unused --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- WR DATA State Machine -- -- Description: Central processing unit for AXI write data -- channel interface handling and AXI write data response -- handshaking. -- -- Outputs: Name Type -- aw_active_clr Not Registered -- bvalid_cnt_inc Not Registered -- wrdata_reg_ld Not Registered -- bram_we_ld Not Registered -- bram_en_int Registered -- clr_bram_we Registered -- bram_addr_inc Not Registered -- wrdata_reg_ld Not Registered -- -- Note: -- -- On "narrow burst transfers" BRAM address only -- gets incremented at BRAM data width. -- On WRAP bursts, the BRAM address must wrap when -- the max is reached -- -- -- -- WR_DATA_SNG_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- WR_DATA_SNG_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_DATA_SNG_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( AXI_WVALID, AXI_WLAST, aw_active, axi_wr_burst, axi_wdata_full_reg, wr_data_sng_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs wr_data_sng_sm_ns <= wr_data_sng_sm_cs; aw_active_clr <= '0'; bvalid_cnt_inc <= '0'; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= axi_wr_burst; wrdata_reg_ld <= '0'; bram_we_ld <= '0'; bram_en_cmb <= '0'; clr_bram_we_cmb <= '0'; bram_addr_inc <= '0'; bram_addr_rst_cmb <= '0'; axi_wdata_full_cmb <= axi_wdata_full_reg; case wr_data_sng_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- Prior to AWVALID assertion, WVALID may be asserted -- and data accepted into WDATA register. -- Catch this condition and ensure the register full flag is set. -- Check that data pipeline is not already full. -- -- Modify WE pipeline and mux to BRAM -- as well. Since WE may be asserted early (when pipeline is loaded), -- but not yet ready to go out to BRAM. -- -- Only first data beat will be accepted early into data pipeline. -- All remaining beats in a burst will only be accepted upon WVALID. if (AXI_WVALID = '1') and (axi_wdata_full_reg = '0') then wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Load WE register axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; -- Hold off accepting any new write data axi_wr_burst_cmb <= not (AXI_WLAST); -- Set flag to check if single or not end if; -- Wait for WVALID and aw_active to initiate write transfer if (aw_active = '1' and (AXI_WVALID = '1' or axi_wdata_full_reg = '1')) then -- If operation is a single, then it goes directly out to BRAM -- WDATA register is never marked as FULL in this case. -- If data pipeline is not previously loaded, do so now. if (axi_wdata_full_reg = '0') then wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Load WE register end if; -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- If data goes out to BRAM, mark data register as EMPTY axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '0'; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= not (AXI_WLAST); -- Set flag to check if single or not -- Check for singles, by checking WLAST assertion w/ WVALID -- Only if write data pipeline is not yet filled, check WLAST -- Otherwise, if pipeline is already full, use registered value of WLAST -- to check for single vs. burst write operation. if (AXI_WLAST = '1' and axi_wdata_full_reg = '0') or (axi_wdata_full_reg = '1' and axi_wr_burst = '0') then -- Single data write wr_data_sng_sm_ns <= SNG_WR_DATA; -- Set flag to assert BVALID and increment counter bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; -- BRAM WE only asserted for single clock cycle clr_bram_we_cmb <= '1'; else -- Burst data write wr_data_sng_sm_ns <= BRST_WR_DATA; end if; -- WLAST end if; ------------------------- SNG_WR_DATA State ------------------------- when SNG_WR_DATA => -- If WREADY is registered, then BVALID generation is seperate -- from write data flow. -- Go back to IDLE automatically -- BVALID will get asserted seperately from W channel wr_data_sng_sm_ns <= IDLE; bram_addr_rst_cmb <= '1'; aw_active_clr <= '1'; -- Check for capture of next data beat (WREADY will be asserted) if (AXI_WVALID = '1') then wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Load WE register axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; -- Hold off accepting any new write data axi_wr_burst_cmb <= not (AXI_WLAST); -- Set flag to check if single or not else axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '0'; -- If no next data, ensure data register is flagged EMPTY. end if; ------------------------- BRST_WR_DATA State ------------------------- when BRST_WR_DATA => -- Reach this state at the 2nd data beat of a burst -- AWADDR is already accepted -- Continue to accept data from AXI write channel -- and wait for assertion of WLAST -- Check that WVALID remains asserted for burst -- If negated, indicates throttling from AXI master if (AXI_WVALID = '1') then -- If WVALID is asserted for the 2nd and remaining -- data beats of the transfer -- Continue w/ BRAM write enable assertion & advance -- write data register -- Write data goes directly out to BRAM. -- WDATA register is never marked as FULL in this case. wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Load WE register -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Increment BRAM address counter bram_addr_inc <= '1'; -- Check for last data beat in burst transfer if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then -- Last/single data write wr_data_sng_sm_ns <= SNG_WR_DATA; -- Set flag to assert BVALID and increment counter bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; -- BRAM WE only asserted for single clock cycle clr_bram_we_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- WLAST -- Throttling -- Suspend BRAM write & halt write data & WE register load else -- Negate write data register load wrdata_reg_ld <= '0'; -- Negate WE register load bram_we_ld <= '0'; -- Negate write to BRAM bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- Do not increment BRAM address counter bram_addr_inc <= '0'; end if; -- WVALID --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => wr_data_sng_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process WR_DATA_SNG_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_DATA_SNG_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then wr_data_sng_sm_cs <= IDLE; bram_en_int <= '0'; clr_bram_we <= '0'; axi_wdata_full_reg <= '0'; else wr_data_sng_sm_cs <= wr_data_sng_sm_ns; bram_en_int <= bram_en_cmb; clr_bram_we <= clr_bram_we_cmb; axi_wdata_full_reg <= axi_wdata_full_cmb; end if; end if; end process WR_DATA_SNG_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_WDATA_SM_NO_ECC_SNG_REG_WREADY; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_WDATA_SM_NO_ECC_DUAL_REG_WREADY -- -- Purpose: Create seperate SM for new logic to register out WREADY -- signal. Behavior for back-to-back operations is different -- than with combinatorial genearted WREADY output to AXI. -- -- New SM design supports seperate WREADY and BVALID responses. -- -- New logic here for axi_bvalid_int output register based -- on counter design of BVALID. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WDATA_SM_NO_ECC_DUAL_REG_WREADY: if C_ECC = 0 and C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 generate begin -- Unused in this SM configuration active_wr_cmb <= '0'; -- Unused active_wr_reg <= '0'; -- Unused Active_Wr <= '0'; -- Unused wr_busy_cmb <= '0'; -- Unused wr_busy_reg <= '0'; -- Unused --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- WR DATA State Machine -- -- Description: Central processing unit for AXI write data -- channel interface handling and AXI write data response -- handshaking. -- -- Outputs: Name Type -- bvalid_cnt_inc Not Registered -- aw_active_clr Not Registered -- delay_aw_active_clr Registered -- axi_wdata_full_reg Registered -- bram_en_int Registered -- wrdata_reg_ld Not Registered -- bram_we_ld Not Registered -- clr_bram_we Registered -- bram_addr_inc -- -- Note: -- -- On "narrow burst transfers" BRAM address only -- gets incremented at BRAM data width. -- On WRAP bursts, the BRAM address must wrap when -- the max is reached -- -- Add check on BVALID counter max. Check with -- AWVALID assertions (since AWID is connected to AWVALID). -- -- -- WR_DATA_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- WR_DATA_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_DATA_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( AXI_WVALID, AXI_WLAST, bvalid_cnt_max, bvalid_cnt_amax, aw_active, delay_aw_active_clr, AXI_AWVALID, axi_awready_int, bram_addr_ld_en, axi_awaddr_full, awaddr_pipe_sel, axi_wr_burst, axi_wdata_full_reg, wr_b2b_elgible, wr_data_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs wr_data_sm_ns <= wr_data_sm_cs; aw_active_clr <= '0'; delay_aw_active_clr_cmb <= delay_aw_active_clr; bvalid_cnt_inc <= '0'; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= axi_wr_burst; wrdata_reg_ld <= '0'; bram_we_ld <= '0'; bram_en_cmb <= '0'; clr_bram_we_cmb <= '0'; bram_addr_inc <= '0'; bram_addr_rst_cmb <= '0'; axi_wdata_full_cmb <= axi_wdata_full_reg; case wr_data_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- Check valid write data on AXI write data channel if (AXI_WVALID = '1') then wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Load WE register -- Add condition to check for simultaneous assertion -- of AWVALID and AWREADY if ((aw_active = '1') or (AXI_AWVALID = '1' and axi_awready_int = '1')) and -- Ensure the BVALID counter does not roll over (max = 8 ID values) (bvalid_cnt_max = '0') then -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Check for singles, by checking WLAST assertion w/ WVALID if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then -- Single data write wr_data_sm_ns <= SNG_WR_DATA; -- Set flag to assert BVALID and increment counter bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; -- Set flag to delay clear of AW active flag delay_aw_active_clr_cmb <= '1'; -- BRAM WE only asserted for single clock cycle clr_bram_we_cmb <= '1'; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '0'; else -- Burst data write wr_data_sm_ns <= BRST_WR_DATA; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- WLAST else -- AWADDR not yet received -- Go to wait for write address wr_data_sm_ns <= W8_AWADDR; -- Set flag that AXI write data pipe is full -- and can not accept any more data beats -- WREADY on AXI will negate in this condition. axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; -- Set flag for single/burst write operation -- when AWADDR is not yet received if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '0'; else axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- WLAST end if; -- aw_active end if; -- WVALID ------------------------- W8_AWADDR State ------------------------- when W8_AWADDR => -- As we transition into this state, the write data pipeline -- is already filled. axi_wdata_full_reg should be = '1'. -- Disable any additional loads into write data register -- Default value in SM is applied. -- Wait for write address to be acknowledged if (((aw_active = '1') or (AXI_AWVALID = '1' and axi_awready_int = '1')) or -- Detect load of BRAM address counter from value stored in pipeline. -- No need to wait until aw_active is asserted or address is captured from AXI bus. -- As BRAM address is loaded from pipe and ready to be presented to BRAM. -- Assert BRAM WE. (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' and axi_awaddr_full = '1' and awaddr_pipe_sel = '1')) and -- Ensure the BVALID counter does not roll over (max = 8 ID values) (bvalid_cnt_max = '0') then -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Negate write data full condition axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '0'; -- Check if single or burst operation if (axi_wr_burst = '1') then wr_data_sm_ns <= BRST_WR_DATA; else wr_data_sm_ns <= SNG_WR_DATA; -- BRAM WE only asserted for single clock cycle clr_bram_we_cmb <= '1'; -- Set flag to assert BVALID and increment counter bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; delay_aw_active_clr_cmb <= '1'; end if; else -- Set flag that AXI write data pipe is full -- and can not accept any more data beats -- WREADY on AXI will negate in this condition. axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; end if; ------------------------- SNG_WR_DATA State ------------------------- when SNG_WR_DATA => -- No need to check for BVALID assertion here. -- Move here under if clause on write response channel -- acknowledging completion of write data. -- If aw_active was not cleared prior to this state, then -- clear the flag now. if (delay_aw_active_clr = '1') then delay_aw_active_clr_cmb <= '0'; aw_active_clr <= '1'; end if; -- Add check here if while writing single data beat to BRAM, -- a new AXI data beat is received (prior to the AWVALID assertion). -- Ensure here that full flag is asserted for data pipeline state. -- Check valid write data on AXI write data channel if (AXI_WVALID = '1') then -- Load write data register wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Must also load WE register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Set flag that AXI write data pipe is full -- and can not accept any more data beats -- WREADY on AXI will negate in this condition. -- Ensure that axi_wdata_full_reg is asserted -- to prevent early captures on next data burst (or single data -- transfer) -- This ensures that the data beats do not get skipped. axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; -- AWADDR not yet received -- Go to wait for write address wr_data_sm_ns <= W8_AWADDR; -- Accept no more new write data after this first data beat -- Pipeline is already full in this state. No need to assert -- no_wdata_accept flag to '1'. -- Set flag for single/burst write operation -- when AWADDR is not yet received if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '0'; else axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- WLAST else -- No subsequent pending operation -- Return to IDLE wr_data_sm_ns <= IDLE; bram_addr_rst_cmb <= '1'; end if; ------------------------- BRST_WR_DATA State ------------------------- when BRST_WR_DATA => -- Reach this state at the 2nd data beat of a burst -- AWADDR is already accepted -- Continue to accept data from AXI write channel -- and wait for assertion of WLAST -- Check that WVALID remains asserted for burst -- If negated, indicates throttling from AXI master if (AXI_WVALID = '1') then -- If WVALID is asserted for the 2nd and remaining -- data beats of the transfer -- Continue w/ BRAM write enable assertion & advance -- write data register wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Load WE register bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_addr_inc <= '1'; -- Increment BRAM address counter -- Check for last data beat in burst transfer if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then -- Set flag to assert BVALID and increment counter bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; -- The elgible signal will not be asserted for a subsequent -- single data beat operation. Next operation is a burst. -- And the AWADDR is loaded in the address pipeline. -- Only if BVALID counter can handle next transfer, -- proceed with back-to-back. Otherwise, go to IDLE -- (after last data write). if (wr_b2b_elgible = '1' and bvalid_cnt_amax = '0') then -- Go to next operation and handle as a -- back-to-back burst. No empty clock cycles. -- Go to handle new burst for back to back condition wr_data_sm_ns <= B2B_W8_WR_DATA; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; -- No pending subsequent transfer (burst > 2 data beats) -- to process else -- Last/single data write wr_data_sm_ns <= SNG_WR_DATA; -- Be sure to clear aw_active flag at end of write burst -- But delay when the flag is cleared delay_aw_active_clr_cmb <= '1'; end if; end if; -- WLAST -- Throttling -- Suspend BRAM write & halt write data & WE register load else wrdata_reg_ld <= '0'; -- Negate write data register load bram_we_ld <= '0'; -- Negate WE register load bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- Negate write to BRAM bram_addr_inc <= '0'; -- Do not increment BRAM address counter end if; -- WVALID ------------------------- B2B_W8_WR_DATA -------------------------- when B2B_W8_WR_DATA => -- Reach this state upon a back-to-back condition -- when BVALID/BREADY handshake is received, -- but WVALID is not yet asserted for subsequent transfer. -- Check valid write data on AXI write data channel if (AXI_WVALID = '1') then -- Load write data register wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load WE register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Burst data write wr_data_sm_ns <= BRST_WR_DATA; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; -- Make modification to last_data_ack_mod signal -- so that it is asserted when this state is reached -- and the BRAM address counter gets loaded. -- WVALID not yet asserted else wrdata_reg_ld <= '0'; -- Negate write data register load bram_we_ld <= '0'; -- Negate WE register load bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- Negate write to BRAM bram_addr_inc <= '0'; -- Do not increment BRAM address counter end if; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => wr_data_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process WR_DATA_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_DATA_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then wr_data_sm_cs <= IDLE; bram_en_int <= '0'; clr_bram_we <= '0'; delay_aw_active_clr <= '0'; axi_wdata_full_reg <= '0'; else wr_data_sm_cs <= wr_data_sm_ns; bram_en_int <= bram_en_cmb; clr_bram_we <= clr_bram_we_cmb; delay_aw_active_clr <= delay_aw_active_clr_cmb; axi_wdata_full_reg <= axi_wdata_full_cmb; end if; end if; end process WR_DATA_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_WDATA_SM_NO_ECC_DUAL_REG_WREADY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_BURST_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_wr_burst <= '0'; else axi_wr_burst <= axi_wr_burst_cmb; end if; end if; end process WR_BURST_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Write Response Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- New FIFO storage for BID, so AWID can be stored in -- a FIFO and B response is seperated from W response. -- -- Use registered WREADY & BID FIFO in single port configuration. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instantiate FIFO to store BID values to be asserted back on B channel. -- Only 8 entries deep, BVALID counter only allows W channel to be 8 ahead of -- B channel. -- -- If AWID is a single bit wide, sythesis optimizes the module, srl_fifo, -- to a single SRL16E library module. BID_FIFO: entity work.srl_fifo generic map ( C_DATA_BITS => C_AXI_ID_WIDTH, C_DEPTH => 8 ) port map ( Clk => S_AXI_AClk, Reset => bid_fifo_rst, FIFO_Write => bid_fifo_ld_en, Data_In => bid_fifo_ld, FIFO_Read => bid_fifo_rd_en, Data_Out => bid_fifo_rd, FIFO_Full => open, Data_Exists => bid_fifo_not_empty, Addr => open ); bid_fifo_rst <= not (S_AXI_AResetn); bid_fifo_ld_en <= bram_addr_ld_en; bid_fifo_ld <= AXI_AWID when (awaddr_pipe_sel = '0') else axi_awid_pipe; -- Read from FIFO when BVALID is to be asserted on bus, or in a back-to-back assertion -- when a BID value is available in the FIFO. bid_fifo_rd_en <= bid_fifo_not_empty and -- Only read if data is available. ((bid_gets_fifo_load_d1) or -- a) Do the FIFO read in the clock cycle -- following the BID value directly -- aserted on the B channel (from AWID or pipeline). (first_fifo_bid) or -- b) Read from FIFO when BID is previously stored -- but BVALID is not yet asserted on AXI. (bvalid_cnt_dec)); -- c) Or read when next BID value is to be updated -- on B channel (and exists waiting in FIFO). -- 1) Special case (1st load in FIFO) (and single clock cycle turnaround needed on BID, from AWID). -- If loading the FIFO and BVALID is to be asserted in the next clock cycle -- Then capture this condition to read from FIFO in the subsequent clock cycle -- (and clear the BID value stored in the FIFO). bid_gets_fifo_load <= '1' when (bid_fifo_ld_en = '1') and (first_fifo_bid = '1' or b2b_fifo_bid = '1') else '0'; first_fifo_bid <= '1' when ((bvalid_cnt_inc = '1') and (bvalid_cnt_non_zero = '0')) else '0'; -- 2) An additional special case. -- When write data register is loaded for single (bvalid_cnt = "001", due to WLAST/WVALID) -- But, AWID not yet received (FIFO is still empty). -- If BID FIFO is still empty with the BVALID counter decrement, but simultaneously -- is increment (same condition as first_fifo_bid). b2b_fifo_bid <= '1' when (bvalid_cnt_inc = '1' and bvalid_cnt_dec = '1' and bvalid_cnt = "001" and bid_fifo_not_empty = '0') else '0'; -- Output BID register to B AXI channel REG_BID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_bid_int <= (others => '0'); -- If loading the FIFO and BVALID is to be asserted in the next clock cycle -- Then output the AWID or pipelined value (the same BID that gets loaded into FIFO). elsif (bid_gets_fifo_load = '1') then axi_bid_int <= bid_fifo_ld; -- If new value read from FIFO then ensure that value is updated on AXI. elsif (bid_fifo_rd_en = '1') then axi_bid_int <= bid_fifo_rd; else axi_bid_int <= axi_bid_int; end if; end if; end process REG_BID; -- Capture condition of BID output updated while the FIFO is also -- getting updated. Read FIFO in the subsequent clock cycle to -- clear the value stored in the FIFO. REG_BID_LD: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then bid_gets_fifo_load_d1 <= '0'; else bid_gets_fifo_load_d1 <= bid_gets_fifo_load; end if; end if; end process REG_BID_LD; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_BRESP Output Register --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRESP -- Purpose: Generate BRESP output signal when ECC is disabled. -- Only allowable output is RESP_OKAY. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRESP: if C_ECC = 0 generate begin REG_BRESP: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_bresp_int <= (others => '0'); -- elsif (AXI_WLAST = '1') then -- CR # 609695 elsif ((AXI_WLAST and AXI_WVALID and axi_wready_int_mod) = '1') then -- AXI BRAM only supports OK response for normal operations -- Exclusive operations not yet supported axi_bresp_int <= RESP_OKAY; else axi_bresp_int <= axi_bresp_int; end if; end if; end process REG_BRESP; end generate GEN_BRESP; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRESP_ECC -- Purpose: Generate BRESP output signal when ECC is enabled -- If no ECC error condition is detected during the RMW -- sequence, then output will be RESP_OKAY. When an -- uncorrectable error is detected, the output will RESP_SLVERR. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRESP_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate signal UE_Q_reg : std_logic := '0'; begin REG_BRESP: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_bresp_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 = '1') then --coverage off -- Exclusive operations not yet supported -- If no ECC errors occur, respond with OK if (UE_Q = '1') or (UE_Q_reg = '1') then axi_bresp_int <= RESP_SLVERR; --coverage on else axi_bresp_int <= RESP_OKAY; end if; else axi_bresp_int <= axi_bresp_int; end if; end if; end process REG_BRESP; -- Check if any error conditions occured during the write operation. -- Capture condition for each write transfer. REG_UE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- Clear at end of current write (and ensure the flag is cleared -- at the beginning of a write transfer) if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (aw_active_re = '1') or (AXI_BREADY = '1' and axi_bvalid_int = '1') then UE_Q_reg <= '0'; --coverage off elsif (UE_Q = '1') then UE_Q_reg <= '1'; --coverage on else UE_Q_reg <= UE_Q_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_UE; end generate GEN_BRESP_ECC; -- v1.03a --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instantiate BVALID counter outside of specific SM generate block. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BVALID counter to track the # of required BVALID/BREADY handshakes -- needed to occur on the AXI interface. Based on early and seperate -- AWVALID/AWREADY and WVALID/WREADY handshake exchanges. REG_BVALID_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then bvalid_cnt <= (others => '0'); -- Ensure we only increment counter wyhen BREADY is not asserted elsif (bvalid_cnt_inc = '1') and (bvalid_cnt_dec = '0') then bvalid_cnt <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (bvalid_cnt (2 downto 0)) + 1); -- Ensure that we only decrement when SM is not incrementing elsif (bvalid_cnt_dec = '1') and (bvalid_cnt_inc = '0') then bvalid_cnt <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (bvalid_cnt (2 downto 0)) - 1); else bvalid_cnt <= bvalid_cnt; end if; end if; end process REG_BVALID_CNT; bvalid_cnt_dec <= '1' when (AXI_BREADY = '1' and axi_bvalid_int = '1' and bvalid_cnt_non_zero = '1') else '0'; bvalid_cnt_non_zero <= '1' when (bvalid_cnt /= "000") else '0'; bvalid_cnt_amax <= '1' when (bvalid_cnt = "110") else '0'; bvalid_cnt_max <= '1' when (bvalid_cnt = "111") else '0'; -- Replace BVALID output register -- Assert BVALID as long as BVALID counter /= zero REG_BVALID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- Ensure that if we are also incrementing BVALID counter, the BVALID stays asserted. (bvalid_cnt = "001" and bvalid_cnt_dec = '1' and bvalid_cnt_inc = '0') then axi_bvalid_int <= '0'; elsif (bvalid_cnt_non_zero = '1') or (bvalid_cnt_inc = '1') then axi_bvalid_int <= '1'; else axi_bvalid_int <= '0'; end if; end if; end process REG_BVALID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** ECC Logic *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_ECC -- Purpose: Generate BRAM ECC write data and check ECC on read operations. -- Create signals to update ECC registers (lite_ecc_reg module interface). -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate constant null7 : std_logic_vector(0 to 6) := "0000000"; -- Specific to 32-bit data width (AXI-Lite) constant null8 : std_logic_vector(0 to 7) := "00000000"; -- Specific to 64-bit data width -- constant C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := Family_To_LUT_Size (String_To_Family (C_FAMILY,false)) = 6; -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- All architectures supporting AXI will support a LUT6. -- Hard code this internal constant used in ECC algorithm. constant C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := TRUE; signal RdECC : std_logic_vector(C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Temp signal WrECC : std_logic_vector(C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal WrECC_i : std_logic_vector(C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal AXI_WSTRB_Q : std_logic_vector((C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 - 1) downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal Syndrome : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal Syndrome_4 : std_logic_vector (0 to 1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to 32-bit ECC signal Syndrome_6 : std_logic_vector (0 to 5) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to 32-bit ECC signal Syndrome_7 : std_logic_vector (0 to 11) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to 64-bit ECC signal syndrome_reg_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal syndrome_reg : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal RdModifyWr_Read : std_logic := '0'; -- Read cycle in read modify write sequence signal RdModifyWr_Read_i : std_logic := '0'; signal RdModifyWr_Check : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_din_a_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Set for port data width signal UnCorrectedRdData : std_logic_vector(0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal CE_Q : std_logic := '0'; signal Sl_CE_i : std_logic := '0'; signal Sl_UE_i : std_logic := '0'; subtype syndrome_bits is std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- 0:6 for 32-bit ECC -- 0:7 for 64-bit ECC type correct_data_table_type is array (natural range 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) of syndrome_bits; type bool_array is array (natural range 0 to 6) of boolean; constant inverted_bit : bool_array := (false,false,true,false,true,false,false); -- v1.03a constant CODE_WIDTH : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; constant ECC_WIDTH : integer := C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; signal h_rows : std_logic_vector (CODE_WIDTH * ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); begin -- Generate signal to advance BRAM read address pipeline to -- capture address for ECC error conditions (in lite_ecc_reg module). BRAM_Addr_En <= RdModifyWr_Read; -- v1.03a RdModifyWr_Read <= '1' when (wr_data_ecc_sm_cs = RMW_RD_DATA) else '0'; RdModifyWr_Modify <= '1' when (wr_data_ecc_sm_cs = RMW_MOD_DATA) else '0'; RdModifyWr_Write <= '1' when (wr_data_ecc_sm_cs = RMW_WR_DATA) else '0'; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Remember write data one cycle to be available after read has been completed in a -- read/modify write operation. -- Save WSTRBs here in this register REG_WSTRB : process (S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then AXI_WSTRB_Q <= (others => '0'); elsif (wrdata_reg_ld = '1') then AXI_WSTRB_Q <= AXI_WSTRB; end if; end if; end process REG_WSTRB; -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_WRDATA_CMB -- Purpose: Replace manual signal assignment for WrData_cmb with -- generate funtion. -- -- Ensure correct byte swapping occurs with -- CorrectedRdData (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) assignment -- to WrData_cmb (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0). -- -- AXI_WSTRB_Q (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES-1 downto 0) matches -- to WrData_cmb (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0). -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_WRDATA_CMB: for i in C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES-1 downto 0 generate begin WrData_cmb ( (((i+1)*8)-1) downto i*8 ) <= bram_wrdata_int ((((i+1)*8)-1) downto i*8) when (RdModifyWr_Modify = '1' and AXI_WSTRB_Q(i) = '1') else CorrectedRdData ( (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - ((i+1)*8)) to (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - (i*8) - 1) ); end generate GEN_WRDATA_CMB; REG_WRDATA : process (S_AXI_AClk) is begin -- Remove reset value to minimize resources & improve timing if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then WrData <= WrData_cmb; end if; end process REG_WRDATA; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- New assignment of ECC bits to BRAM write data outside generate -- blocks. Same signal assignment regardless of ECC type. BRAM_WrData ((C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_WIDTH - 1) downto C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) <= WrECC_i xor FaultInjectECC; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HSIAO_ECC -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. -- Derived from MIG v3.7 Hsiao HDL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HSIAO_ECC: if C_ECC_TYPE = 1 generate constant ECC_WIDTH : integer := C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; type type_int0 is array (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector (ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal syndrome_ns : std_logic_vector(ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal syndrome_r : std_logic_vector(ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal ecc_rddata_r : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal h_matrix : type_int0; signal flip_bits : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); begin ---------------------- Hsiao ECC Write Logic ---------------------- -- Instantiate ecc_gen_hsiao module, generated from MIG ECC_GEN_HSIAO: entity work.ecc_gen generic map ( code_width => CODE_WIDTH, ecc_width => ECC_WIDTH, data_width => C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH ) port map ( -- Output h_rows => h_rows (CODE_WIDTH * ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) ); -- Merge muxed rd/write data to gen HSIAO_ECC: process (h_rows, WrData) constant DQ_WIDTH : integer := CODE_WIDTH; variable ecc_wrdata_tmp : std_logic_vector(DQ_WIDTH-1 downto C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); begin -- Loop to generate all ECC bits for k in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 loop ecc_wrdata_tmp (CODE_WIDTH - k - 1) := REDUCTION_XOR ( (WrData (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) and h_rows (k * CODE_WIDTH + C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto k * CODE_WIDTH))); end loop; WrECC (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= ecc_wrdata_tmp (DQ_WIDTH-1 downto C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); end process HSIAO_ECC; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ECC_32 -- Purpose: For 32-bit ECC implementations, assign unused -- MSB of ECC output to BRAM with '0'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC_32: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate begin -- Account for 32-bit and MSB '0' of ECC bits WrECC_i <= '0' & WrECC; end generate GEN_ECC_32; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ECC_N -- Purpose: For all non 32-bit ECC implementations, assign ECC -- bits for BRAM output. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC_N: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH /= 32 generate begin WrECC_i <= WrECC; end generate GEN_ECC_N; ---------------------- Hsiao ECC Read Logic ----------------------- GEN_RD_ECC: for m in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 generate begin syndrome_ns (m) <= REDUCTION_XOR ( BRAM_RdData (CODE_WIDTH-1 downto 0) and h_rows ((m*CODE_WIDTH)+CODE_WIDTH-1 downto (m*CODE_WIDTH))); end generate GEN_RD_ECC; -- Insert register stage for syndrome REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then syndrome_r <= syndrome_ns; end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; ecc_rddata_r <= UnCorrectedRdData; -- Reconstruct H-matrix H_COL: for n in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 generate begin H_BIT: for p in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 generate begin h_matrix (n)(p) <= h_rows (p * CODE_WIDTH + n); end generate H_BIT; end generate H_COL; GEN_FLIP_BIT: for r in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 generate begin flip_bits (r) <= BOOLEAN_TO_STD_LOGIC (h_matrix (r) = syndrome_r); end generate GEN_FLIP_BIT; CorrectedRdData (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) <= ecc_rddata_r (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) xor flip_bits (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); Sl_CE_i <= not (REDUCTION_NOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))) and (REDUCTION_XOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))); Sl_UE_i <= not (REDUCTION_NOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))) and not (REDUCTION_XOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))); end generate GEN_HSIAO_ECC; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HAMMING_ECC -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HAMMING_ECC: if C_ECC_TYPE = 0 generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ECC_32 -- Purpose: Assign ECC out data vector (N:0) unique for 32-bit BRAM. -- Add extra '0' at MSB of ECC vector for data2mem alignment -- w/ 32-bit BRAM data widths. -- ECC bits are in upper order bits. ----------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC_32: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate constant correct_data_table_32 : correct_data_table_type := ( 0 => "1100001", 1 => "1010001", 2 => "0110001", 3 => "1110001", 4 => "1001001", 5 => "0101001", 6 => "1101001", 7 => "0011001", 8 => "1011001", 9 => "0111001", 10 => "1111001", 11 => "1000101", 12 => "0100101", 13 => "1100101", 14 => "0010101", 15 => "1010101", 16 => "0110101", 17 => "1110101", 18 => "0001101", 19 => "1001101", 20 => "0101101", 21 => "1101101", 22 => "0011101", 23 => "1011101", 24 => "0111101", 25 => "1111101", 26 => "1000011", 27 => "0100011", 28 => "1100011", 29 => "0010011", 30 => "1010011", 31 => "0110011" ); signal syndrome_4_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific for 32-bit ECC signal syndrome_6_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 5) := (others => '0'); -- Specific for 32-bit ECC begin --------------------- Hamming 32-bit ECC Write Logic ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_WR_32 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for writing into BRAM. -- WrData (N:0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHK_HANDLER_WR_32: entity work.checkbit_handler generic map ( C_ENCODE => true, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( DataIn => WrData, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 31)] CheckIn => null7, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] CheckOut => WrECC, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome_4 => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 1)] Syndrome_6 => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 5)] Syndrome_Chk => null7, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Enable_ECC => '1', -- [in std_logic] UE_Q => '0', -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => '0', -- [in std_logic] UE => open, -- [out std_logic] CE => open ); -- [out std_logic] -- v1.03a -- Account for 32-bit and MSB '0' of ECC bits WrECC_i <= '0' & WrECC; --------------------- Hamming 32-bit ECC Read Logic ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_RD_32 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHK_HANDLER_RD_32: entity work.checkbit_handler generic map ( C_ENCODE => false, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( -- DataIn (8:39) -- CheckIn (1:7) DataIn => bram_din_a_i(C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+1 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 31)] CheckIn => bram_din_a_i(1 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] CheckOut => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome => Syndrome, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome_4 => Syndrome_4, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 1)] Syndrome_6 => Syndrome_6, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 5)] Syndrome_Chk => syndrome_reg_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] UE_Q => UE_Q, -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => CE_Q, -- [in std_logic] UE => Sl_UE_i, -- [out std_logic] CE => Sl_CE_i ); -- [out std_logic] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Insert register stage for syndrome REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then syndrome_reg <= Syndrome; syndrome_4_reg <= Syndrome_4; syndrome_6_reg <= Syndrome_6; end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do last XOR on select syndrome bits outside of checkbit_handler (to match rd_chnl -- w/ balanced pipeline stage) before correct_one_bit module. syndrome_reg_i (0 to 3) <= syndrome_reg (0 to 3); PARITY_CHK4: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 2) port map ( InA => syndrome_4_reg (0 to 1), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_reg_i (4) ); -- [out std_logic] syndrome_reg_i (5) <= syndrome_reg (5); PARITY_CHK6: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => syndrome_6_reg (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_reg_i (6) ); -- [out std_logic] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_CORR_32 -- Purpose: Generate corrected read data based on syndrome value. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_CORR_32: for i in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CORR_ONE_BIT_32 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORR_ONE_BIT_32: entity work.correct_one_bit generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, Correct_Value => correct_data_table_32 (i)) port map ( DIn => UnCorrectedRdData (i), Syndrome => syndrome_reg_i, DCorr => CorrectedRdData (i)); end generate GEN_CORR_32; end generate GEN_ECC_32; ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ECC_64 -- Purpose: Assign ECC out data vector (N:0) unique for 64-bit BRAM. -- No extra '0' at MSB of ECC vector for data2mem alignment -- w/ 64-bit BRAM data widths. -- ECC bits are in upper order bits. ----------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC_64: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate constant correct_data_table_64 : correct_data_table_type := ( 0 => "11000001", 1 => "10100001", 2 => "01100001", 3 => "11100001", 4 => "10010001", 5 => "01010001", 6 => "11010001", 7 => "00110001", 8 => "10110001", 9 => "01110001", 10 => "11110001", 11 => "10001001", 12 => "01001001", 13 => "11001001", 14 => "00101001", 15 => "10101001", 16 => "01101001", 17 => "11101001", 18 => "00011001", 19 => "10011001", 20 => "01011001", 21 => "11011001", 22 => "00111001", 23 => "10111001", 24 => "01111001", 25 => "11111001", 26 => "10000101", 27 => "01000101", 28 => "11000101", 29 => "00100101", 30 => "10100101", 31 => "01100101", 32 => "11100101", 33 => "00010101", 34 => "10010101", 35 => "01010101", 36 => "11010101", 37 => "00110101", 38 => "10110101", 39 => "01110101", 40 => "11110101", 41 => "00001101", 42 => "10001101", 43 => "01001101", 44 => "11001101", 45 => "00101101", 46 => "10101101", 47 => "01101101", 48 => "11101101", 49 => "00011101", 50 => "10011101", 51 => "01011101", 52 => "11011101", 53 => "00111101", 54 => "10111101", 55 => "01111101", 56 => "11111101", 57 => "10000011", 58 => "01000011", 59 => "11000011", 60 => "00100011", 61 => "10100011", 62 => "01100011", 63 => "11100011" ); signal syndrome_7_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 11) := (others => '0'); signal syndrome7_a : std_logic := '0'; signal syndrome7_b : std_logic := '0'; begin --------------------- Hamming 64-bit ECC Write Logic ------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_WR_64 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for writing into BRAM when configured -- as 64-bit wide BRAM. -- WrData (N:0) -- Enable C_REG on encode path. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHK_HANDLER_WR_64: entity work.checkbit_handler_64 generic map ( C_ENCODE => true, -- [boolean] C_REG => true, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( Clk => S_AXI_AClk, -- [in std_logic] DataIn => WrData_cmb, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 63)] CheckIn => null8, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] CheckOut => WrECC, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Syndrome => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Syndrome_7 => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 11)] Syndrome_Chk => null8, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Enable_ECC => '1', -- [in std_logic] UE_Q => '0', -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => '0', -- [in std_logic] UE => open, -- [out std_logic] CE => open ); -- [out std_logic] -- Note: (7:0) Old bit lane assignment -- BRAM_WrData ((C_ECC_WIDTH - 1) downto 0) -- v1.02a -- WrECC is assigned to BRAM_WrData (71:64) -- v1.03a -- BRAM_WrData (71:64) assignment done outside of this -- ECC type generate block. WrECC_i <= WrECC; --------------------- Hamming 64-bit ECC Read Logic ------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_RD_64 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHK_HANDLER_RD_64: entity work.checkbit_handler_64 generic map ( C_ENCODE => false, -- [boolean] C_REG => false, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( Clk => S_AXI_AClk, -- [in std_logic] -- DataIn (8:71) -- CheckIn (0:7) DataIn => bram_din_a_i (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 63)] CheckIn => bram_din_a_i (0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] CheckOut => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Syndrome => Syndrome, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Syndrome_7 => Syndrome_7, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 11)] Syndrome_Chk => syndrome_reg_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] UE_Q => UE_Q, -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => CE_Q, -- [in std_logic] UE => Sl_UE_i, -- [out std_logic] CE => Sl_CE_i ); -- [out std_logic] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Insert register stage for syndrome REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then syndrome_reg <= Syndrome; syndrome_7_reg <= Syndrome_7; end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Move final XOR to registered side of syndrome bits. -- Do last XOR on select syndrome bits after pipeline stage -- before correct_one_bit_64 module. syndrome_reg_i (0 to 6) <= syndrome_reg (0 to 6); PARITY_CHK7_A: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => syndrome_7_reg (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome7_a ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK7_B: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => syndrome_7_reg (6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome7_b ); -- [out std_logic] syndrome_reg_i (7) <= syndrome7_a xor syndrome7_b; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_CORRECT_DATA -- Purpose: Generate corrected read data based on syndrome value. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_CORR_64: for i in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CORR_ONE_BIT_64 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORR_ONE_BIT_64: entity work.correct_one_bit_64 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, Correct_Value => correct_data_table_64 (i)) port map ( DIn => UnCorrectedRdData (i), Syndrome => syndrome_reg_i, DCorr => CorrectedRdData (i)); end generate GEN_CORR_64; end generate GEN_ECC_64; end generate GEN_HAMMING_ECC; -- Remember correctable/uncorrectable error from BRAM read CORR_REG: process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if RdModifyWr_Modify = '1' then -- Capture error signals CE_Q <= Sl_CE_i; UE_Q <= Sl_UE_i; else CE_Q <= '0'; UE_Q <= '0'; end if; end if; end process CORR_REG; -- ECC register block gets registered UE or CE conditions to update -- ECC registers/interrupt/flag outputs. Sl_CE <= CE_Q; Sl_UE <= UE_Q; CE_Failing_We <= CE_Q; FaultInjectClr <= '1' when (bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 = '1') else '0'; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add register delay on BVALID counter increment -- Used to clear fault inject register. REG_BVALID_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 <= '0'; else bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 <= bvalid_cnt_inc; end if; end if; end process REG_BVALID_CNT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Map BRAM_RdData (N:0) to bram_din_a_i (0:N) -- Including read back ECC bits. bram_din_a_i (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1) <= BRAM_RdData (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ECC_32 -- Purpose: For 32-bit ECC implementations, account for -- extra bit in read data mapping on registered value. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC_32: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate begin -- Insert register stage for read data to correct REG_CHK_DATA: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then UnCorrectedRdData <= bram_din_a_i(C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+1 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); end if; end process REG_CHK_DATA; end generate GEN_ECC_32; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ECC_N -- Purpose: For all non 32-bit ECC implementations, assign ECC -- bits for BRAM output. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC_N: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH /= 32 generate begin -- Insert register stage for read data to correct REG_CHK_DATA: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then UnCorrectedRdData <= bram_din_a_i(C_INT_ECC_WIDTH to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); end if; end process REG_CHK_DATA; end generate GEN_ECC_N; end generate GEN_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Drive default output signals when ECC is diabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NO_ECC: if C_ECC = 0 generate begin BRAM_Addr_En <= '0'; FaultInjectClr <= '0'; CE_Failing_We <= '0'; Sl_CE <= '0'; Sl_UE <= '0'; end generate GEN_NO_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** BRAM Interface Signals *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_WE -- Purpose: BRAM WE generate process -- One WE per 8-bits of BRAM data. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_WE: for i in C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + (C_ECC*(1+(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) - 1 downto 0 generate begin BRAM_WE (i) <= bram_we_int (i); end generate GEN_BRAM_WE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRAM_En <= bram_en_int; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BRAM Address Generate --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Generate zeros on lower order address bits adjustable -- based on BRAM data width. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0 generate begin BRAM_Addr (i) <= '0'; end generate GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Assign BRAM address output from address counter. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR generate begin BRAM_Addr (i) <= bram_addr_int (i); end generate GEN_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_WRDATA -- Purpose: Generate BRAM Write Data. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_WRDATA: for i in C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0 generate begin -- Check if ECC is enabled -- If so, XOR the fault injection vector with the data -- (post-pipeline) to avoid any timing issues on the data vector -- from AXI. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Generate output write data when ECC is disabled. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NO_ECC : if C_ECC = 0 generate begin BRAM_WrData (i) <= bram_wrdata_int (i); end generate GEN_NO_ECC; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Generate output write data when ECC is enable -- (use fault vector) -- (N:0) -- for 32-bit (31:0) WrData while (ECC = [39:32]) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_W_ECC : if C_ECC = 1 generate begin BRAM_WrData (i) <= WrData (i) xor FaultInjectData (i); end generate GEN_W_ECC; end generate GEN_BRAM_WRDATA; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- full_axi.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: full_axi.vhd -- -- Description: This file is the top level module for the AXI BRAM -- controller when configured in a full AXI4 mode. -- The rd_chnl and wr_chnl modules are instantiated. -- The ECC AXI-Lite register module is instantiated, if enabled. -- When single port BRAM mode is selected, the arbitration logic -- is instantiated (and connected to each wr_chnl & rd_chnl). -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen_hsiao.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen_hsiao.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- Remove library version # dependency. Replace with work library. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/15/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Initial integration of Hsiao ECC algorithm. -- Add C_ECC_TYPE top level parameter and mappings on instantiated modules. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/18/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update WE & BRAM data sizes based on 128-bit ECC configuration. -- Plus XST clean-up. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/31/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add coverage tags. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/11/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add signal, AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt, between wr_chnl and sng_port_arb modules. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/20/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add default values for Arb2AW_Active & Arb2AR_Active when dual port mode. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/6/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; use work.lite_ecc_reg; use work.sng_port_arb; use work.wr_chnl; use work.rd_chnl; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity full_axi is generic ( -- AXI Parameters C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH : INTEGER := 4; -- AXI ID vector width C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL : string := "AXI4"; -- Set to AXI4LITE to optimize out burst transaction support C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST : INTEGER := 1; -- Support for narrow burst operations C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM : INTEGER := 0; -- Enable single port usage of BRAM -- C_FAMILY : string := "virtex6"; -- Specify the target architecture type -- AXI-Lite Register Parameters C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite data bus (in bits) -- ECC Parameters C_ECC : integer := 0; -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_WIDTH : integer := 8; -- Width of ECC data vector C_ECC_TYPE : integer := 0; -- v1.03a -- ECC algorithm format, 0 = Hamming code, 1 = Hsiao code C_FAULT_INJECT : integer := 0; -- Enable fault injection registers C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE : integer := 1; -- By default, ECC checking is on (can disable ECC @ reset by setting this to 0) -- Hard coded parameters at top level. -- Note: Kept in design for future enhancement. C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF : integer := 0; -- By default the ECC AXI-Lite register interface is enabled C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable CE (correctable error) failing registers C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable UE (uncorrectable error) failing registers C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable ECC status registers C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER : integer := 0; -- Enable ECC on/off control register C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH : integer := 0 -- Selects CE counter width/threshold to assert ECC_Interrupt ); port ( -- AXI Interface Signals -- AXI Clock and Reset S_AXI_ACLK : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARESETN : in std_logic; ECC_Interrupt : out std_logic := '0'; ECC_UE : out std_logic := '0'; -- AXI Write Address Channel Signals (AW) S_AXI_AWID : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_AWLEN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); S_AXI_AWSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_AWBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_AWLOCK : in std_logic; S_AXI_AWCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); S_AXI_AWPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_AWVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_AWREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Write Data Channel Signals (W) S_AXI_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_WSTRB : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0); S_AXI_WLAST : in std_logic; S_AXI_WVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_WREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) S_AXI_BID : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_BVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_BREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI Read Address Channel Signals (AR) S_AXI_ARID : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_ARLEN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); S_AXI_ARSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_ARBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_ARLOCK : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); S_AXI_ARPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_ARVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Read Data Channel Signals (R) S_AXI_RID : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_RLAST : out std_logic; S_AXI_RVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_RREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite ECC Register Interface Signals -- AXI-Lite Clock and Reset -- TBD -- S_AXI_CTRL_ACLK : in std_logic; -- S_AXI_CTRL_ARESETN : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Write Address Channel Signals (AW) S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY : out std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- AXI-Lite Write Data Channel Signals (W) S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Address Channel Signals (AR) S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Data Channel Signals (R) S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY : in std_logic; -- BRAM Interface Signals (Port A) BRAM_En_A : out std_logic; BRAM_WE_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); BRAM_WrData_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*(8+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_RdData_A : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*(8+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); -- BRAM Interface Signals (Port B) BRAM_En_B : out std_logic; BRAM_WE_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); BRAM_WrData_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*(8+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_RdData_B : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*(8+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) ); end entity full_axi; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of full_axi is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant C_INT_ECC_WIDTH : integer := Int_ECC_Size (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); -- Modify C_BRAM_ADDR_SIZE to be adjusted for BRAM data width -- When BRAM data width = 32 bits, BRAM_Addr (1:0) = "00" -- When BRAM data width = 64 bits, BRAM_Addr (2:0) = "000" -- When BRAM data width = 128 bits, BRAM_Addr (3:0) = "0000" -- When BRAM data width = 256 bits, BRAM_Addr (4:0) = "00000" constant C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := log2 (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal AXI Signals signal S_AXI_AWREADY_i : std_logic := '0'; signal S_AXI_ARREADY_i : std_logic := '0'; -- Internal BRAM Signals signal BRAM_Addr_A_i : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal BRAM_Addr_B_i : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal BRAM_En_A_i : std_logic := '0'; signal BRAM_En_B_i : std_logic := '0'; signal BRAM_WE_A_i : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal BRAM_RdData_i : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*(8+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Internal ECC Signals signal Enable_ECC : std_logic := '0'; signal FaultInjectClr : std_logic := '0'; -- Clear for Fault Inject Registers signal CE_Failing_We : std_logic := '0'; -- WE for CE Failing Registers signal Sl_CE : std_logic := '0'; -- Correctable Error Flag signal Sl_UE : std_logic := '0'; -- Uncorrectable Error Flag signal Wr_CE_Failing_We : std_logic := '0'; -- WE for CE Failing Registers --signal UE_Failing_We : std_logic := '0'; -- WE for CE Failing Registers --signal CE_CounterReg_Inc : std_logic := '0'; -- Increment CE Counter Register signal Wr_Sl_CE : std_logic := '0'; -- Correctable Error Flag signal Wr_Sl_UE : std_logic := '0'; -- Uncorrectable Error Flag signal Rd_CE_Failing_We : std_logic := '0'; -- WE for CE Failing Registers signal Rd_Sl_CE : std_logic := '0'; -- Correctable Error Flag signal Rd_Sl_UE : std_logic := '0'; -- Uncorrectable Error Flag signal FaultInjectData : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal FaultInjectECC : std_logic_vector (C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal FaultInjectECC_i : std_logic_vector (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal Active_Wr : std_logic := '0'; signal BRAM_Addr_En : std_logic := '0'; signal Wr_BRAM_Addr_En : std_logic := '0'; signal Rd_BRAM_Addr_En : std_logic := '0'; -- Internal Arbitration Signals signal Arb2AW_Active : std_logic := '0'; signal AW2Arb_Busy : std_logic := '0'; signal AW2Arb_Active_Clr : std_logic := '0'; signal AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal Arb2AR_Active : std_logic := '0'; signal AR2Arb_Active_Clr : std_logic := '0'; signal WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Rst : std_logic := '0'; signal WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En : std_logic := '0'; signal WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Inc : std_logic := '0'; signal WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En : std_logic := '0'; signal RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Inc : std_logic := '0'; signal RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** BRAM Output Signals *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: ADDR_SNG_PORT -- Purpose: OR the BRAM_Addr outputs from each wr_chnl & rd_chnl -- Only one write or read will be active at a time. -- Ensure that ecah channel address is driven to '0' when not in use. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDR_SNG_PORT: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1 generate signal sng_bram_addr_rst : std_logic := '0'; signal sng_bram_addr_ld_en : std_logic := '0'; signal sng_bram_addr_ld : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal sng_bram_addr_inc : std_logic := '0'; begin -- BRAM_Addr_A <= BRAM_Addr_A_i or BRAM_Addr_B_i; -- BRAM_Addr_A <= BRAM_Addr_A_i when (Arb2AW_Active = '1') else BRAM_Addr_B_i; -- BRAM_Addr_A <= BRAM_Addr_A_i when (Active_Wr = '1') else BRAM_Addr_B_i; -- Insert mux on address counter control signals sng_bram_addr_rst <= WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Rst; sng_bram_addr_ld_en <= WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En or RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En; sng_bram_addr_ld <= RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld when (Arb2AR_Active = '1') else WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld; sng_bram_addr_inc <= RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Inc when (Arb2AR_Active = '1') else WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Inc; I_ADDR_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (sng_bram_addr_rst = '1') then bram_addr_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (sng_bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then bram_addr_int <= sng_bram_addr_ld; elsif (sng_bram_addr_inc = '1') then bram_addr_int (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 12) <= bram_addr_int (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 12); bram_addr_int (11 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (bram_addr_int (11 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR)) + 1); end if; end if; end process I_ADDR_CNT; BRAM_Addr_B <= (others => '0'); BRAM_En_A <= BRAM_En_A_i or BRAM_En_B_i; -- BRAM_En_A <= BRAM_En_A_i when (Arb2AW_Active = '1') else BRAM_En_B_i; BRAM_En_B <= '0'; BRAM_RdData_i <= BRAM_RdData_A; -- Assign read data port A BRAM_WE_A <= BRAM_WE_A_i when (Arb2AW_Active = '1') else (others => '0'); -- v1.03a -- Early register on WrData and WSTRB in wr_chnl. (Previous value was always cleared). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Generate zeros on lower order address bits adjustable -- based on BRAM data width. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0 generate begin BRAM_Addr_A (i) <= '0'; end generate GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Assign BRAM address output from address counter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR generate begin BRAM_Addr_A (i) <= bram_addr_int (i); end generate GEN_BRAM_ADDR; end generate ADDR_SNG_PORT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: ADDR_DUAL_PORT -- Purpose: Assign each BRAM address when in a dual port controller -- configuration. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDR_DUAL_PORT: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 generate begin BRAM_Addr_A <= BRAM_Addr_A_i; BRAM_Addr_B <= BRAM_Addr_B_i; BRAM_En_A <= BRAM_En_A_i; BRAM_En_B <= BRAM_En_B_i; BRAM_WE_A <= BRAM_WE_A_i; BRAM_RdData_i <= BRAM_RdData_B; -- Assign read data port B end generate ADDR_DUAL_PORT; BRAM_WrData_B <= (others => '0'); BRAM_WE_B <= (others => '0'); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI-Lite ECC Register Output Signals *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_REGS -- Purpose: Generate default values if ECC registers are disabled (or when -- ECC is disabled). -- Include both AXI-Lite default signal values & internal -- core signal values. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NO_REGS: if (C_ECC = 0) generate begin S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY <= '0'; S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY <= '0'; S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP <= (others => '0'); S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID <= '0'; S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY <= '0'; S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA <= (others => '0'); S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP <= (others => '0'); S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID <= '0'; -- No fault injection FaultInjectData <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC <= (others => '0'); -- Interrupt only enabled when ECC status/interrupt registers enabled ECC_Interrupt <= '0'; ECC_UE <= '0'; Enable_ECC <= '0'; end generate GEN_NO_REGS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_REGS -- Purpose: Generate ECC register module when ECC is enabled and -- ECC registers are enabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GEN_REGS: if (C_ECC = 1 and C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF = 1) generate -- For future implementation. GEN_REGS: if (C_ECC = 1) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_LITE_ECC_REG -- Description: This module is for the AXI-Lite ECC registers. -- -- Responsible for all AXI-Lite communication to the -- ECC register bank. Provides user interface signals -- to rest of AXI BRAM controller IP core for ECC functionality -- and control. -- Manages AXI-Lite write address (AW) and read address (AR), -- write data (W), write response (B), and read data (R) channels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_LITE_ECC_REG : entity work.lite_ecc_reg generic map ( C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR => C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR , C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH , C_ECC_WIDTH => C_INT_ECC_WIDTH , -- ECC width specific to data width C_FAULT_INJECT => C_FAULT_INJECT , C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS , C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS , C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS => C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS , C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER => C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER , C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE => C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE , C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH => C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_AClk , -- AXI clock S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_AResetn , -- TBD -- S_AXI_CTRL_AClk => S_AXI_CTRL_AClk , -- AXI-Lite clock -- S_AXI_CTRL_AResetn => S_AXI_CTRL_AResetn , Interrupt => ECC_Interrupt , ECC_UE => ECC_UE , -- Add AXI-Lite ECC Register Ports AXI_CTRL_AWVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID , AXI_CTRL_AWREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY , AXI_CTRL_AWADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR , AXI_CTRL_WDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA , AXI_CTRL_WVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID , AXI_CTRL_WREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY , AXI_CTRL_BRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP , AXI_CTRL_BVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID , AXI_CTRL_BREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY , AXI_CTRL_ARADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR , AXI_CTRL_ARVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID , AXI_CTRL_ARREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY , AXI_CTRL_RDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA , AXI_CTRL_RRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP , AXI_CTRL_RVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID , AXI_CTRL_RREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY , Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC , FaultInjectClr => FaultInjectClr , CE_Failing_We => CE_Failing_We , CE_CounterReg_Inc => CE_Failing_We , Sl_CE => Sl_CE , Sl_UE => Sl_UE , BRAM_Addr_A => BRAM_Addr_A_i (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) , -- v1.03a BRAM_Addr_B => BRAM_Addr_B_i (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) , -- v1.03a BRAM_Addr_En => BRAM_Addr_En , Active_Wr => Active_Wr , -- BRAM_RdData_A => BRAM_RdData_A (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) , -- BRAM_RdData_B => BRAM_RdData_B (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) , FaultInjectData => FaultInjectData , FaultInjectECC => FaultInjectECC_i ); BRAM_Addr_En <= Wr_BRAM_Addr_En or Rd_BRAM_Addr_En; -- v1.03a -- Add coverage tags for Wr_CE_Failing_We. -- No testing on forcing errors with RMW and AXI write transfers. --coverage off CE_Failing_We <= Wr_CE_Failing_We or Rd_CE_Failing_We; Sl_CE <= Wr_Sl_CE or Rd_Sl_CE; Sl_UE <= Wr_Sl_UE or Rd_Sl_UE; --coverage on ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_32 -- Purpose: Add MSB '0' on ECC vector as only 7-bits wide in 32-bit. ------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_32: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate begin FaultInjectECC <= '0' & FaultInjectECC_i; end generate GEN_32; ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NON_32 -- Purpose: Data widths match at 8-bits for ECC on 64-bit data. -- And 9-bits for 128-bit data. ------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NON_32: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH /= 32 generate begin FaultInjectECC <= FaultInjectECC_i; end generate GEN_NON_32; end generate GEN_REGS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ARB -- Purpose: Generate arbitration module when AXI4 is configured in -- single port mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ARB: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_LITE_ECC_REG -- Description: This module is for the AXI-Lite ECC registers. -- -- Responsible for all AXI-Lite communication to the -- ECC register bank. Provides user interface signals -- to rest of AXI BRAM controller IP core for ECC functionality -- and control. -- Manages AXI-Lite write address (AW) and read address (AR), -- write data (W), write response (B), and read data (R) channels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_SNG_PORT : entity work.sng_port_arb generic map ( C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_AClk , -- AXI clock S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_AResetn , AXI_AWADDR => S_AXI_AWADDR (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0), AXI_AWVALID => S_AXI_AWVALID , AXI_AWREADY => S_AXI_AWREADY , AXI_ARADDR => S_AXI_ARADDR (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0), AXI_ARVALID => S_AXI_ARVALID , AXI_ARREADY => S_AXI_ARREADY , Arb2AW_Active => Arb2AW_Active , AW2Arb_Busy => AW2Arb_Busy , AW2Arb_Active_Clr => AW2Arb_Active_Clr , AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt => AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt , Arb2AR_Active => Arb2AR_Active , AR2Arb_Active_Clr => AR2Arb_Active_Clr ); end generate GEN_ARB; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DUAL -- Purpose: Dual mode. AWREADY and ARREADY are generated from each -- wr_chnl and rd_chnl module. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DUAL: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin S_AXI_AWREADY <= S_AXI_AWREADY_i; S_AXI_ARREADY <= S_AXI_ARREADY_i; Arb2AW_Active <= '0'; Arb2AR_Active <= '0'; end generate GEN_DUAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_WR_CHNL -- -- Description: -- BRAM controller write channel logic. Controls AXI bus handshaking and -- data flow on the write address (AW), write data (W) and -- write response (B) channels. -- -- BRAM signals are marked as output from Wr Chnl for future implementation -- of merging Wr/Rd channel outputs to a single port of the BRAM module. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_WR_CHNL : entity work.wr_chnl generic map ( -- C_FAMILY => C_FAMILY , C_AXI_ID_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH , C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR => C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR , C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW => C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST , C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , C_ECC => C_ECC , C_ECC_WIDTH => C_ECC_WIDTH , C_ECC_TYPE => C_ECC_TYPE -- v1.03a ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_ACLK , S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_ARESETN , AXI_AWID => S_AXI_AWID , AXI_AWADDR => S_AXI_AWADDR (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0), AXI_AWLEN => S_AXI_AWLEN , AXI_AWSIZE => S_AXI_AWSIZE , AXI_AWBURST => S_AXI_AWBURST , AXI_AWLOCK => S_AXI_AWLOCK , AXI_AWCACHE => S_AXI_AWCACHE , AXI_AWPROT => S_AXI_AWPROT , AXI_AWVALID => S_AXI_AWVALID , AXI_AWREADY => S_AXI_AWREADY_i , AXI_WDATA => S_AXI_WDATA , AXI_WSTRB => S_AXI_WSTRB , AXI_WLAST => S_AXI_WLAST , AXI_WVALID => S_AXI_WVALID , AXI_WREADY => S_AXI_WREADY , AXI_BID => S_AXI_BID , AXI_BRESP => S_AXI_BRESP , AXI_BVALID => S_AXI_BVALID , AXI_BREADY => S_AXI_BREADY , -- Arb Ports Arb2AW_Active => Arb2AW_Active , AW2Arb_Busy => AW2Arb_Busy , AW2Arb_Active_Clr => AW2Arb_Active_Clr , AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt => AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt , Sng_BRAM_Addr_Rst => WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Rst , Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En => WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En , Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld => WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld , Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc => WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Inc , Sng_BRAM_Addr => bram_addr_int , -- ECC Ports Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC , BRAM_Addr_En => Wr_BRAM_Addr_En , FaultInjectClr => FaultInjectClr , CE_Failing_We => Wr_CE_Failing_We , Sl_CE => Wr_Sl_CE , Sl_UE => Wr_Sl_UE , Active_Wr => Active_Wr , FaultInjectData => FaultInjectData , FaultInjectECC => FaultInjectECC , BRAM_En => BRAM_En_A_i , -- BRAM_WE => BRAM_WE_A , -- 4/13 BRAM_WE => BRAM_WE_A_i , BRAM_WrData => BRAM_WrData_A , BRAM_RdData => BRAM_RdData_A , BRAM_Addr => BRAM_Addr_A_i ); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_RD_CHNL -- -- Description: -- BRAM controller read channel logic. Controls all handshaking and data -- flow on read address (AR) and read data (R) AXI channels. -- -- BRAM signals are marked as Rd Chnl signals for future implementation -- of merging Rd/Wr BRAM signals to a single BRAM port. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_RD_CHNL : entity work.rd_chnl generic map ( -- C_FAMILY => C_FAMILY , C_AXI_ID_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH , C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR => C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR , C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW => C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST , C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , C_ECC => C_ECC , C_ECC_WIDTH => C_ECC_WIDTH , C_ECC_TYPE => C_ECC_TYPE -- v1.03a ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_ACLK , S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_ARESETN , AXI_ARID => S_AXI_ARID , AXI_ARADDR => S_AXI_ARADDR (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0), AXI_ARLEN => S_AXI_ARLEN , AXI_ARSIZE => S_AXI_ARSIZE , AXI_ARBURST => S_AXI_ARBURST , AXI_ARLOCK => S_AXI_ARLOCK , AXI_ARCACHE => S_AXI_ARCACHE , AXI_ARPROT => S_AXI_ARPROT , AXI_ARVALID => S_AXI_ARVALID , AXI_ARREADY => S_AXI_ARREADY_i , AXI_RID => S_AXI_RID , AXI_RDATA => S_AXI_RDATA , AXI_RRESP => S_AXI_RRESP , AXI_RLAST => S_AXI_RLAST , AXI_RVALID => S_AXI_RVALID , AXI_RREADY => S_AXI_RREADY , -- Arb Ports Arb2AR_Active => Arb2AR_Active , AR2Arb_Active_Clr => AR2Arb_Active_Clr , Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En => RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En , Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld => RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld , Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc => RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Inc , Sng_BRAM_Addr => bram_addr_int , -- ECC Ports Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC , BRAM_Addr_En => Rd_BRAM_Addr_En , CE_Failing_We => Rd_CE_Failing_We , Sl_CE => Rd_Sl_CE , Sl_UE => Rd_Sl_UE , BRAM_En => BRAM_En_B_i , BRAM_Addr => BRAM_Addr_B_i , BRAM_RdData => BRAM_RdData_i ); end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- axi_bram_ctrl_top.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: axi_bram_ctrl_top.vhd -- -- Description: This file is the top level module for the AXI BRAM -- controller IP core. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl_top.vhd (v4_0) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove library version # dependency. Replace with work library. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/9/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update Create_Size_Default function to support 512 & 1024-bit BRAM. -- Replace usage of Create_Size_Default function. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/15/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Initial integration of Hsiao ECC algorithm. -- Add C_ECC_TYPE top level parameter on full_axi module. -- Update ECC signal sizes for 128-bit support. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/16/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update WE size based on 128-bit ECC configuration. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add C_ECC_TYPE top level parameter on axi_lite module. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/23/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Set C_ECC_TYPE = 1 for Hsiao DV regressions. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/24/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Move Find_ECC_Size function to package. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add comments as noted in Spyglass runs. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/6/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove C_FAMILY from top level. -- Remove C_FAMILY in axi_lite sub module. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 6/23/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate 9-bit ECC to 16-bit ECC for 128-bit BRAM data width. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.axi_lite; use work.full_axi; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity axi_bram_ctrl_top is generic ( -- AXI Parameters C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 12; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH : INTEGER := 4; -- AXI ID vector width C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL : string := "AXI4"; -- Set to AXI4LITE to optimize out burst transaction support C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST : INTEGER := 1; -- Support for narrow burst operations C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM : INTEGER := 0; -- Enable single port usage of BRAM -- C_FAMILY : string := "virtex6"; -- Specify the target architecture type -- AXI-Lite Register Parameters C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite data bus (in bits) -- ECC Parameters C_ECC : integer := 0; -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_TYPE : integer := 1; C_FAULT_INJECT : integer := 0; -- Enable fault injection registers -- (default = disabled) C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE : integer := 1 -- By default, ECC checking is on -- (can disable ECC @ reset by setting this to 0) -- Reserved parameters for future implementations. -- C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF : integer := 1; -- By default the ECC AXI-Lite register interface is enabled -- C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 1; -- Enable CE (correctable error) failing registers -- C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 1; -- Enable UE (uncorrectable error) failing registers -- C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS : integer := 1; -- Enable ECC status registers -- C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER : integer := 1; -- Enable ECC on/off control register -- C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH : integer := 0 -- Selects CE counter width/threshold to assert ECC_Interrupt ); port ( -- AXI Interface Signals -- AXI Clock and Reset S_AXI_ACLK : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARESETN : in std_logic; ECC_Interrupt : out std_logic := '0'; ECC_UE : out std_logic := '0'; -- AXI Write Address Channel Signals (AW) S_AXI_AWID : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_AWLEN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); S_AXI_AWSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_AWBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_AWLOCK : in std_logic; S_AXI_AWCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); S_AXI_AWPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_AWVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_AWREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Write Data Channel Signals (W) S_AXI_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_WSTRB : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0); S_AXI_WLAST : in std_logic; S_AXI_WVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_WREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) S_AXI_BID : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_BVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_BREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI Read Address Channel Signals (AR) S_AXI_ARID : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_ARLEN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); S_AXI_ARSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_ARBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_ARLOCK : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); S_AXI_ARPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_ARVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Read Data Channel Signals (R) S_AXI_RID : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_RLAST : out std_logic; S_AXI_RVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_RREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite ECC Register Interface Signals -- AXI-Lite Clock and Reset -- Note: AXI-Lite Control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- S_AXI_CTRL_ACLK : in std_logic; -- S_AXI_CTRL_ARESETN : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Write Address Channel Signals (AW) S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY : out std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- AXI-Lite Write Data Channel Signals (W) S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Address Channel Signals (AR) S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Data Channel Signals (R) S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY : in std_logic; -- BRAM Interface Signals (Port A) BRAM_Rst_A : out std_logic; BRAM_Clk_A : out std_logic; BRAM_En_A : out std_logic; BRAM_WE_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); BRAM_WrData_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_RdData_A : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); -- BRAM Interface Signals (Port B) BRAM_Rst_B : out std_logic; BRAM_Clk_B : out std_logic; BRAM_En_B : out std_logic; BRAM_WE_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); BRAM_WrData_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_RdData_B : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) ); end entity axi_bram_ctrl_top; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of axi_bram_ctrl_top is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- All functions defined in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Model behavior of AXI Interconnect in simulation for wrapping of ID values. constant C_SIM_ONLY : std_logic := '1'; -- Reset active level (common through core) constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; -- Create top level constant to assign fixed value to ARSIZE and AWSIZE -- when narrow bursting is parameterized out of the IP core instantiation. -- constant AXI_FIXED_SIZE_WO_NARROW : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := Create_Size_Default; -- v1.03a constant AXI_FIXED_SIZE_WO_NARROW : integer := log2 (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8); -- Only instantiate logic based on C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL. constant IF_IS_AXI4 : boolean := (Equal_String (C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL, "AXI4")); constant IF_IS_AXI4LITE : boolean := (Equal_String (C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL, "AXI4LITE")); -- Determine external ECC width. -- Use function defined in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. constant C_ECC_WIDTH : integer := Find_ECC_Size (C_ECC, C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); constant C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH : integer := Find_ECC_Full_Bit_Size (C_ECC, C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); -- Set internal parameters for ECC register enabling when C_ECC = 1 constant C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF_I : integer := C_ECC; constant C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS_I : integer := C_ECC; constant C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS_I : integer := 0; -- Remove all UE registers -- Catastrophic error indicated with ECC_UE & Interrupt flags. constant C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS_I : integer := C_ECC; constant C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER_I : integer := C_ECC; constant C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH : integer := 8 * C_ECC; -- Counter only sized when C_ECC = 1. -- Selects CE counter width/threshold to assert ECC_Interrupt -- Hard coded at 8-bits to capture and count up to 256 correctable errors. --constant C_ECC_TYPE : integer := 1; -- v1.03a -- ECC algorithm format, 0 = Hamming code, 1 = Hsiao code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal BRAM Signals -- Port A signal bram_en_a_int : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_we_a_int : std_logic_vector (((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8)-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_a_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_wrdata_a_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_rddata_a_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Port B signal bram_addr_b_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_en_b_int : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_we_b_int : std_logic_vector (((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8)-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_wrdata_b_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_rddata_b_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_awsize_int : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_arsize_int : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal S_AXI_ARREADY_int : std_logic := '0'; signal S_AXI_AWREADY_int : std_logic := '0'; signal S_AXI_RID_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal S_AXI_BID_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin -- *** BRAM Port A Output Signals *** BRAM_Rst_A <= not (S_AXI_ARESETN); BRAM_Clk_A <= S_AXI_ACLK; BRAM_En_A <= bram_en_a_int; BRAM_WE_A ((((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8) - 1) downto (C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH/8)) <= bram_we_a_int((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_A <= bram_addr_a_int; bram_rddata_a_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= BRAM_RdData_A ((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH - 1) downto (C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)); BRAM_WrData_A ((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH - 1) downto (C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)) <= bram_wrdata_a_int(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Added for 13.3 -- Drive unused upper ECC bits to '0' -- For bram_block compatibility, must drive unused upper bits to '0' for ECC 128-bit use case. GEN_128_ECC_WR: if (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128) and (C_ECC = 1) generate begin BRAM_WrData_A ((C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH - 1) downto (C_ECC_WIDTH)) <= (others => '0'); BRAM_WrData_A ((C_ECC_WIDTH-1) downto 0) <= bram_wrdata_a_int(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); BRAM_WE_A ((C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH/8) - 1 downto 0) <= bram_we_a_int(((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8)-1 downto (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)); bram_rddata_a_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) <= BRAM_RdData_A ((C_ECC_WIDTH-1) downto 0); end generate GEN_128_ECC_WR; GEN_ECC_WR: if ( not (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128) and (C_ECC = 1)) generate begin BRAM_WrData_A ((C_ECC_WIDTH - 1) downto 0) <= bram_wrdata_a_int(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); BRAM_WE_A ((C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH/8) - 1 downto 0) <= bram_we_a_int(((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8)-1 downto (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)); bram_rddata_a_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) <= BRAM_RdData_A ((C_ECC_WIDTH-1) downto 0); end generate GEN_ECC_WR; -- *** BRAM Port B Output Signals *** GEN_PORT_B: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin BRAM_Rst_B <= not (S_AXI_ARESETN); BRAM_WE_B ((((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8) - 1) downto (C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH/8)) <= bram_we_b_int((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_B <= bram_addr_b_int; BRAM_En_B <= bram_en_b_int; bram_rddata_b_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= BRAM_RdData_B ((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH - 1) downto (C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)); BRAM_WrData_B ((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH - 1) downto (C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)) <= bram_wrdata_b_int(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- 13.3 -- BRAM_WrData_B <= bram_wrdata_b_int; -- Added for 13.3 -- Drive unused upper ECC bits to '0' -- For bram_block compatibility, must drive unused upper bits to '0' for ECC 128-bit use case. GEN_128_ECC_WR: if (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128) and (C_ECC = 1) generate begin BRAM_WrData_B ((C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH - 1) downto (C_ECC_WIDTH)) <= (others => '0'); BRAM_WrData_B ((C_ECC_WIDTH-1) downto 0) <= bram_wrdata_b_int(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); BRAM_WE_B ((C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH/8) - 1 downto 0) <= bram_we_b_int(((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8)-1 downto (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)); bram_rddata_b_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) <= BRAM_RdData_B ((C_ECC_WIDTH-1) downto 0); end generate GEN_128_ECC_WR; GEN_ECC_WR: if ( not (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128) and (C_ECC = 1)) generate begin BRAM_WrData_B ((C_ECC_WIDTH - 1) downto 0) <= bram_wrdata_b_int(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); BRAM_WE_B ((C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH/8) - 1 downto 0) <= bram_we_b_int(((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8)-1 downto (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)); bram_rddata_b_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) <= BRAM_RdData_B ((C_ECC_WIDTH-1) downto 0); end generate GEN_ECC_WR; end generate GEN_PORT_B; GEN_NO_PORT_B: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin BRAM_Rst_B <= '0'; BRAM_WE_B <= (others => '0'); BRAM_WrData_B <= (others => '0'); BRAM_Addr_B <= (others => '0'); BRAM_En_B <= '0'; end generate GEN_NO_PORT_B; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_CLK_B -- Purpose: Only drive BRAM_Clk_B when dual port BRAM is enabled. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_CLK_B: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin BRAM_Clk_B <= S_AXI_ACLK; end generate GEN_BRAM_CLK_B; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_NO_BRAM_CLK_B -- Purpose: Drive default value for BRAM_Clk_B when single port -- BRAM is enabled and no clock is necessary on the inactive -- BRAM port. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NO_BRAM_CLK_B: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin BRAM_Clk_B <= '0'; end generate GEN_NO_BRAM_CLK_B; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate top level ARSIZE and AWSIZE signals for rd_chnl and wr_chnl -- respectively, based on design parameter setting of generic, -- C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_W_NARROW -- Purpose: Create internal AWSIZE and ARSIZE signal for write and -- read channel modules based on top level AXI signal inputs. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_W_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST = 1) and (IF_IS_AXI4) generate begin axi_awsize_int <= S_AXI_AWSIZE; axi_arsize_int <= S_AXI_ARSIZE; end generate GEN_W_NARROW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_WO_NARROW -- Purpose: Create internal AWSIZE and ARSIZE signal for write and -- read channel modules based on hard coded -- value that indicates all AXI transfers will be equal in -- size to the AXI data bus. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WO_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST = 0) or (IF_IS_AXI4LITE) generate begin -- axi_awsize_int <= AXI_FIXED_SIZE_WO_NARROW; -- When AXI-LITE (no narrow transfers supported) -- axi_arsize_int <= AXI_FIXED_SIZE_WO_NARROW; -- v1.03a axi_awsize_int <= std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (AXI_FIXED_SIZE_WO_NARROW, 3)); axi_arsize_int <= std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (AXI_FIXED_SIZE_WO_NARROW, 3)); end generate GEN_WO_NARROW; S_AXI_ARREADY <= S_AXI_ARREADY_int; S_AXI_AWREADY <= S_AXI_AWREADY_int; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_AXI_LITE -- Purpose: Create internal signals for lower level write and read -- channel modules to discard unused AXI signals when the -- AXI protocol is set up for AXI-LITE. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AXI4LITE: if (IF_IS_AXI4LITE) generate begin -- For simulation purposes ONLY -- AXI Interconnect handles this in real system topologies. S_AXI_BID <= S_AXI_BID_int; S_AXI_RID <= S_AXI_RID_int; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_SIM_ONLY -- Purpose: Mimic behavior of AXI Interconnect in simulation. -- In real hardware system, AXI Interconnect stores and -- wraps value of ARID to RID and AWID to BID. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_SIM_ONLY: if (C_SIM_ONLY = '1') generate begin ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Must register and wrap the AWID signal REG_BID: process (S_AXI_ACLK) begin if (S_AXI_ACLK'event and S_AXI_ACLK = '1') then if (S_AXI_ARESETN = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then S_AXI_BID_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (S_AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (S_AXI_AWREADY_int = '1') then S_AXI_BID_int <= S_AXI_AWID; else S_AXI_BID_int <= S_AXI_BID_int; end if; end if; end process REG_BID; ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Must register and wrap the ARID signal REG_RID: process (S_AXI_ACLK) begin if (S_AXI_ACLK'event and S_AXI_ACLK = '1') then if (S_AXI_ARESETN = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then S_AXI_RID_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (S_AXI_ARVALID = '1') and (S_AXI_ARREADY_int = '1') then S_AXI_RID_int <= S_AXI_ARID; else S_AXI_RID_int <= S_AXI_RID_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RID; ------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_SIM_ONLY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_HW -- Purpose: Drive default values of RID and BID. In real system -- these are left unconnected and AXI Interconnect is -- responsible for values. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_HW: if (C_SIM_ONLY = '0') generate begin S_AXI_BID_int <= (others => '0'); S_AXI_RID_int <= (others => '0'); end generate GEN_HW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_AXI_LITE -- -- Description: -- This module is for the AXI-Lite -- instantiation of the BRAM controller interface. -- -- Responsible for shared address pipelining between the -- write address (AW) and read address (AR) channels. -- Controls (seperately) the data flows for the write data -- (W), write response (B), and read data (R) channels. -- -- Creates a shared port to BRAM (for all read and write -- transactions) or dual BRAM port utilization based on a -- generic parameter setting. -- -- Instantiates ECC register block if enabled and -- generates ECC logic, when enabled. -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_AXI_LITE : entity work.axi_lite generic map ( C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , -- C_FAMILY => C_FAMILY , C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH , C_ECC => C_ECC , C_ECC_TYPE => C_ECC_TYPE , -- v1.03a C_ECC_WIDTH => C_ECC_WIDTH , -- 8-bits for ECC (32 & 64-bit data widths) C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF => C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF_I , -- Use internal constants determined by C_ECC C_FAULT_INJECT => C_FAULT_INJECT , C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS_I , C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS_I , C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS => C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS_I , C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER => C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER_I , C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE => C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE , C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH => C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_ACLK , S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_ARESETN , ECC_Interrupt => ECC_Interrupt , ECC_UE => ECC_UE , AXI_AWADDR => S_AXI_AWADDR , AXI_AWVALID => S_AXI_AWVALID , AXI_AWREADY => S_AXI_AWREADY_int , AXI_WDATA => S_AXI_WDATA , AXI_WSTRB => S_AXI_WSTRB , AXI_WVALID => S_AXI_WVALID , AXI_WREADY => S_AXI_WREADY , AXI_BRESP => S_AXI_BRESP , AXI_BVALID => S_AXI_BVALID , AXI_BREADY => S_AXI_BREADY , AXI_ARADDR => S_AXI_ARADDR , AXI_ARVALID => S_AXI_ARVALID , AXI_ARREADY => S_AXI_ARREADY_int , AXI_RDATA => S_AXI_RDATA , AXI_RRESP => S_AXI_RRESP , AXI_RLAST => S_AXI_RLAST , AXI_RVALID => S_AXI_RVALID , AXI_RREADY => S_AXI_RREADY , -- Add AXI-Lite ECC Register Ports -- Note: AXI-Lite Control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- S_AXI_CTRL_ACLK => S_AXI_CTRL_ACLK , -- S_AXI_CTRL_ARESETN => S_AXI_CTRL_ARESETN , AXI_CTRL_AWVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID , AXI_CTRL_AWREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY , AXI_CTRL_AWADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR , AXI_CTRL_WDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA , AXI_CTRL_WVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID , AXI_CTRL_WREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY , AXI_CTRL_BRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP , AXI_CTRL_BVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID , AXI_CTRL_BREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY , AXI_CTRL_ARADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR , AXI_CTRL_ARVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID , AXI_CTRL_ARREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY , AXI_CTRL_RDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA , AXI_CTRL_RRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP , AXI_CTRL_RVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID , AXI_CTRL_RREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY , BRAM_En_A => bram_en_a_int , BRAM_WE_A => bram_we_a_int , BRAM_Addr_A => bram_addr_a_int , BRAM_WrData_A => bram_wrdata_a_int , BRAM_RdData_A => bram_rddata_a_int , BRAM_En_B => bram_en_b_int , BRAM_WE_B => bram_we_b_int , BRAM_Addr_B => bram_addr_b_int , BRAM_WrData_B => bram_wrdata_b_int , BRAM_RdData_B => bram_rddata_b_int ); end generate GEN_AXI4LITE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_AXI -- Purpose: Only create internal signals for lower level write and read -- channel modules to assign AXI signals when the -- AXI protocol is set up for non AXI-LITE IF connections. -- For AXI4, all AXI signals are assigned to lower level modules. -- -- For AXI-Lite connections, generate statement above will -- create default values on these signals (assigned here). -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AXI4: if (IF_IS_AXI4) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_FULL_AXI -- -- Description: -- Full AXI BRAM controller logic. -- Instantiates wr_chnl and rd_chnl modules. -- If enabled, ECC register interface is included. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_FULL_AXI : entity work.full_axi generic map ( C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST => C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST , C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH , C_ECC => C_ECC , C_ECC_WIDTH => C_ECC_WIDTH , -- 8-bits for ECC (32 & 64-bit data widths) C_ECC_TYPE => C_ECC_TYPE , -- v1.03a C_FAULT_INJECT => C_FAULT_INJECT , C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE => C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE , C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF => C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF_I , -- Use internal constants determined by C_ECC C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS_I , C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS_I , C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS => C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS_I , C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER => C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER_I , C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH => C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_ACLK , S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_ARESETN , ECC_Interrupt => ECC_Interrupt , ECC_UE => ECC_UE , S_AXI_AWID => S_AXI_AWID , S_AXI_AWADDR => S_AXI_AWADDR(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0), S_AXI_AWLEN => S_AXI_AWLEN , S_AXI_AWSIZE => axi_awsize_int , S_AXI_AWBURST => S_AXI_AWBURST , S_AXI_AWLOCK => S_AXI_AWLOCK , S_AXI_AWCACHE => S_AXI_AWCACHE , S_AXI_AWPROT => S_AXI_AWPROT , S_AXI_AWVALID => S_AXI_AWVALID , S_AXI_AWREADY => S_AXI_AWREADY_int , S_AXI_WDATA => S_AXI_WDATA , S_AXI_WSTRB => S_AXI_WSTRB , S_AXI_WLAST => S_AXI_WLAST , S_AXI_WVALID => S_AXI_WVALID , S_AXI_WREADY => S_AXI_WREADY , S_AXI_BID => S_AXI_BID , S_AXI_BRESP => S_AXI_BRESP , S_AXI_BVALID => S_AXI_BVALID , S_AXI_BREADY => S_AXI_BREADY , S_AXI_ARID => S_AXI_ARID , S_AXI_ARADDR => S_AXI_ARADDR(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0), S_AXI_ARLEN => S_AXI_ARLEN , S_AXI_ARSIZE => axi_arsize_int , S_AXI_ARBURST => S_AXI_ARBURST , S_AXI_ARLOCK => S_AXI_ARLOCK , S_AXI_ARCACHE => S_AXI_ARCACHE , S_AXI_ARPROT => S_AXI_ARPROT , S_AXI_ARVALID => S_AXI_ARVALID , S_AXI_ARREADY => S_AXI_ARREADY_int , S_AXI_RID => S_AXI_RID , S_AXI_RDATA => S_AXI_RDATA , S_AXI_RRESP => S_AXI_RRESP , S_AXI_RLAST => S_AXI_RLAST , S_AXI_RVALID => S_AXI_RVALID , S_AXI_RREADY => S_AXI_RREADY , -- Add AXI-Lite ECC Register Ports -- Note: AXI-Lite Control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- S_AXI_CTRL_ACLK => S_AXI_CTRL_ACLK , -- S_AXI_CTRL_ARESETN => S_AXI_CTRL_ARESETN , S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY , S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR , S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA , S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY , S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP , S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY , S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR , S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY , S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA , S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP , S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY , BRAM_En_A => bram_en_a_int , BRAM_WE_A => bram_we_a_int , BRAM_WrData_A => bram_wrdata_a_int , BRAM_Addr_A => bram_addr_a_int , BRAM_RdData_A => bram_rddata_a_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) , BRAM_En_B => bram_en_b_int , BRAM_WE_B => bram_we_b_int , BRAM_Addr_B => bram_addr_b_int , BRAM_WrData_B => bram_wrdata_b_int , BRAM_RdData_B => bram_rddata_b_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) ); -- v1.02a -- Seperate instantiations for wr_chnl and rd_chnl moved to -- full_axi module. end generate GEN_AXI4; end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: axi_bram_ctrl_wrapper.vhd -- -- Description: This file is the top level module for the AXI BRAM -- controller IP core. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v4_0) -- | -- |--axi_bram_ctrl_top.vhd -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_top; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; --use work.coregen_comp_defs.all; library blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6; use blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity axi_bram_ctrl is generic ( C_BRAM_INST_MODE : string := "EXTERNAL"; -- external ; internal --determines whether the bmg is external or internal to axi bram ctrl wrapper C_MEMORY_DEPTH : integer := 4096; --Memory depth specified by the user C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 12; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH : INTEGER := 4; -- AXI ID vector width C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL : string := "AXI4"; -- Set to AXI4LITE to optimize out burst transaction support C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST : INTEGER := 1; -- Support for narrow burst operations C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM : INTEGER := 0; -- Enable single port usage of BRAM C_FAMILY : string := "virtex7"; -- Specify the target architecture type C_SELECT_XPM : integer := 1; -- AXI-Lite Register Parameters C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite data bus (in bits) -- ECC Parameters C_ECC : integer := 0; -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_TYPE : integer := 1; C_FAULT_INJECT : integer := 0; -- Enable fault injection registers -- (default = disabled) C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE : integer := 1 -- By default, ECC checking is on -- (can disable ECC @ reset by setting this to 0) ); port ( -- AXI Interface Signals -- AXI Clock and Reset s_axi_aclk : in std_logic; s_axi_aresetn : in std_logic; ecc_interrupt : out std_logic := '0'; ecc_ue : out std_logic := '0'; -- axi write address channel Signals (AW) s_axi_awid : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_awaddr : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_awlen : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); s_axi_awsize : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); s_axi_awburst : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); s_axi_awlock : in std_logic; s_axi_awcache : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); s_axi_awprot : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); s_axi_awvalid : in std_logic; s_axi_awready : out std_logic; -- axi write data channel Signals (W) s_axi_wdata : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_wstrb : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0); s_axi_wlast : in std_logic; s_axi_wvalid : in std_logic; s_axi_wready : out std_logic; -- axi write data response Channel Signals (B) s_axi_bid : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_bresp : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); s_axi_bvalid : out std_logic; s_axi_bready : in std_logic; -- axi read address channel Signals (AR) s_axi_arid : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_araddr : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_arlen : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); s_axi_arsize : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); s_axi_arburst : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); s_axi_arlock : in std_logic; s_axi_arcache : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); s_axi_arprot : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); s_axi_arvalid : in std_logic; s_axi_arready : out std_logic; -- axi read data channel Signals (R) s_axi_rid : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_rdata : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_rresp : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); s_axi_rlast : out std_logic; s_axi_rvalid : out std_logic; s_axi_rready : in std_logic; -- axi-lite ecc register Interface Signals -- axi-lite clock and Reset -- note: axi-lite control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- s_axi_ctrl_aclk : in std_logic; -- s_axi_ctrl_aresetn : in std_logic; -- axi-lite write address Channel Signals (AW) s_axi_ctrl_awvalid : in std_logic; s_axi_ctrl_awready : out std_logic; s_axi_ctrl_awaddr : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- axi-lite write data Channel Signals (W) s_axi_ctrl_wdata : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_ctrl_wvalid : in std_logic; s_axi_ctrl_wready : out std_logic; -- axi-lite write data Response Channel Signals (B) s_axi_ctrl_bresp : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); s_axi_ctrl_bvalid : out std_logic; s_axi_ctrl_bready : in std_logic; -- axi-lite read address Channel Signals (AR) s_axi_ctrl_araddr : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_ctrl_arvalid : in std_logic; s_axi_ctrl_arready : out std_logic; -- axi-lite read data Channel Signals (R) s_axi_ctrl_rdata : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_ctrl_rresp : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); s_axi_ctrl_rvalid : out std_logic; s_axi_ctrl_rready : in std_logic; -- bram interface signals (Port A) bram_rst_a : out std_logic; bram_clk_a : out std_logic; bram_en_a : out std_logic; bram_we_a : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); bram_addr_a : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); bram_wrdata_a : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); bram_rddata_a : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); -- bram interface signals (Port B) bram_rst_b : out std_logic; bram_clk_b : out std_logic; bram_en_b : out std_logic; bram_we_b : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); bram_addr_b : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); bram_wrdata_b : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); bram_rddata_b : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) ); end entity axi_bram_ctrl; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of axi_bram_ctrl is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; component xpm_memory_tdpram generic ( MEMORY_SIZE : integer := 4096*32; MEMORY_PRIMITIVE : string := "auto"; CLOCKING_MODE : string := "common_clock"; ECC_MODE : string := "no_ecc"; MEMORY_INIT_FILE : string := "none"; MEMORY_INIT_PARAM : string := ""; WAKEUP_TIME : string := "disable_sleep"; MESSAGE_CONTROL : integer := 0; WRITE_DATA_WIDTH_A : integer := 32; READ_DATA_WIDTH_A : integer := 32; BYTE_WRITE_WIDTH_A : integer := 8; ADDR_WIDTH_A : integer := 12; READ_RESET_VALUE_A : string := "0"; READ_LATENCY_A : integer := 1; WRITE_MODE_A : string := "read_first"; WRITE_DATA_WIDTH_B : integer := 32; READ_DATA_WIDTH_B : integer := 32; BYTE_WRITE_WIDTH_B : integer := 8; ADDR_WIDTH_B : integer := 12; READ_RESET_VALUE_B : string := "0"; READ_LATENCY_B : integer := 1; WRITE_MODE_B : string := "read_first" ); port ( -- Common module ports sleep : in std_logic; -- Port A module ports clka : in std_logic; rsta : in std_logic; ena : in std_logic; regcea : in std_logic; wea : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- (WRITE_DATA_WIDTH_A/BYTE_WRITE_WIDTH_A)-1:0] -- addra : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); addra : in std_logic_vector (C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); dina : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- [WRITE_DATA_WIDTH_A-1:0] injectsbiterra : in std_logic; injectdbiterra : in std_logic; douta : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); -- [READ_DATA_WIDTH_A-1:0] sbiterra : out std_logic; dbiterra : out std_logic; -- Port B module ports clkb : in std_logic; rstb : in std_logic; enb : in std_logic; regceb : in std_logic; web : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- addrb : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- [ADDR_WIDTH_B-1:0] addrb : in std_logic_vector (C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- [ADDR_WIDTH_B-1:0] dinb : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); injectsbiterrb : in std_logic; injectdbiterrb : in std_logic; doutb : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); -- [READ_DATA_WIDTH_B-1:0] sbiterrb : out std_logic; dbiterrb : out std_logic ); end component; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- FUNCTION: if_then_else -- This function is used to implement an IF..THEN when such a statement is not -- allowed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION if_then_else ( condition : BOOLEAN; true_case : INTEGER; false_case : INTEGER) RETURN INTEGER IS VARIABLE retval : INTEGER := 0; BEGIN IF NOT condition THEN retval:=false_case; ELSE retval:=true_case; END IF; RETURN retval; END if_then_else; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION : log2roundup --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION log2roundup (data_value : integer) RETURN integer IS VARIABLE width : integer := 0; VARIABLE cnt : integer := 1; CONSTANT lower_limit : integer := 1; CONSTANT upper_limit : integer := 8; BEGIN IF (data_value <= 1) THEN width := 0; ELSE WHILE (cnt < data_value) LOOP width := width + 1; cnt := cnt *2; END LOOP; END IF; RETURN width; END log2roundup; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Only instantiate logic based on C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL. -- Determine external ECC width. -- Use function defined in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. -- Set internal parameters for ECC register enabling when C_ECC = 1 -- Catastrophic error indicated with ECC_UE & Interrupt flags. -- Counter only sized when C_ECC = 1. -- Selects CE counter width/threshold to assert ECC_Interrupt -- Hard coded at 8-bits to capture and count up to 256 correctable errors. -- ECC algorithm format, 0 = Hamming code, 1 = Hsiao code constant GND : std_logic := '0'; constant VCC : std_logic := '1'; constant ZERO1 : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO2 : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO3 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO4 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO8 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant WSTRB_ZERO : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO16 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO32 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO64 : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); CONSTANT MEM_TYPE : INTEGER := if_then_else((C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM=1),0,2); CONSTANT BWE_B : INTEGER := if_then_else((C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM=1),0,1); CONSTANT BMG_ADDR_WIDTH : INTEGER := log2roundup(C_MEMORY_DEPTH) + log2roundup(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8) ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal clka_bram_clka_i : std_logic := '0'; signal rsta_bram_rsta_i : std_logic := '0'; signal ena_bram_ena_i : std_logic := '0'; signal REGCEA : std_logic := '0'; signal wea_bram_wea_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal addra_bram_addra_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal dina_bram_dina_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal douta_bram_douta_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); signal clkb_bram_clkb_i : std_logic := '0'; signal rstb_bram_rstb_i : std_logic := '0'; signal enb_bram_enb_i : std_logic := '0'; signal REGCEB : std_logic := '0'; signal web_bram_web_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal addrb_bram_addrb_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal dinb_bram_dinb_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal doutb_bram_doutb_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ----------------------------------------------------------------------- begin gint_inst: IF (C_BRAM_INST_MODE = "INTERNAL" ) GENERATE constant c_addrb_width : INTEGER := log2roundup(C_MEMORY_DEPTH); constant C_WEA_WIDTH_I : INTEGER := (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) ; constant C_WRITE_WIDTH_A_I : INTEGER := (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) ; constant C_READ_WIDTH_A_I : INTEGER := (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))); constant C_ADDRA_WIDTH_I : INTEGER := log2roundup(C_MEMORY_DEPTH); constant C_WEB_WIDTH_I : INTEGER := (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))); constant C_WRITE_WIDTH_B_I : INTEGER := (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))); constant C_READ_WIDTH_B_I : INTEGER := (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))); signal s_axi_rdaddrecc_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_addrb_width-1 DOWNTO 0); signal s_axi_dbiterr_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal s_axi_sbiterr_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal s_axi_rvalid_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal s_axi_rlast_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal s_axi_rresp_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0); signal s_axi_rdata_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); signal s_axi_rid_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); signal s_axi_arready_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal s_axi_bvalid_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal s_axi_bresp_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0); signal s_axi_bid_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); signal s_axi_wready_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal s_axi_awready_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal rdaddrecc_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_addrb_width-1 DOWNTO 0); signal dbiterr_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal sbiterr_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; begin xpm_mem_gen : if (C_SELECT_XPM = 1) generate xpm_memory_inst: xpm_memory_tdpram generic map ( MEMORY_SIZE => C_WRITE_WIDTH_A_I*C_MEMORY_DEPTH, MEMORY_PRIMITIVE => "blockram", CLOCKING_MODE => "common_clock", ECC_MODE => "no_ecc", MEMORY_INIT_FILE => "none", MEMORY_INIT_PARAM => "", WAKEUP_TIME => "disable_sleep", MESSAGE_CONTROL => 0, WRITE_DATA_WIDTH_A => C_WRITE_WIDTH_A_I, READ_DATA_WIDTH_A => C_READ_WIDTH_A_I, BYTE_WRITE_WIDTH_A => 8, ADDR_WIDTH_A => C_ADDRA_WIDTH_I, READ_RESET_VALUE_A => "0", READ_LATENCY_A => 1, WRITE_MODE_A => "write_first", --write_first WRITE_DATA_WIDTH_B => C_WRITE_WIDTH_B_I, READ_DATA_WIDTH_B => C_READ_WIDTH_B_I, BYTE_WRITE_WIDTH_B => 8, ADDR_WIDTH_B => C_ADDRB_WIDTH, READ_RESET_VALUE_B => "0", READ_LATENCY_B => 1, WRITE_MODE_B => "write_first" ) port map ( -- Common module ports sleep => GND, -- Port A module ports clka => clka_bram_clka_i, rsta => rsta_bram_rsta_i, ena => ena_bram_ena_i, regcea => GND, wea => wea_bram_wea_i, addra => addra_bram_addra_i(BMG_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto (BMG_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH)), dina => dina_bram_dina_i, injectsbiterra => GND, injectdbiterra => GND, douta => douta_bram_douta_i, sbiterra => open, dbiterra => open, -- Port B module ports clkb => clkb_bram_clkb_i, rstb => rstb_bram_rstb_i, enb => enb_bram_enb_i, regceb => GND, web => web_bram_web_i, addrb => addrb_bram_addrb_i(BMG_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto (BMG_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH)), dinb => dinb_bram_dinb_i, injectsbiterrb => GND, injectdbiterrb => GND, doutb => doutb_bram_doutb_i, sbiterrb => open, dbiterrb => open ); end generate; blk_mem_gen : if (C_SELECT_XPM = 0) generate bmgv81_inst : entity blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6.blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6 GENERIC MAP( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generic Declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Device Family & Elaboration Directory Parameters: C_FAMILY => C_FAMILY, C_XDEVICEFAMILY => C_FAMILY, ---- C_ELABORATION_DIR => "NULL" , C_INTERFACE_TYPE => 0 , --General Memory Parameters: ----- C_ENABLE_32BIT_ADDRESS => 0 , C_MEM_TYPE => MEM_TYPE , C_BYTE_SIZE => 8 , C_ALGORITHM => 1 , C_PRIM_TYPE => 1 , --Memory Initialization Parameters: C_LOAD_INIT_FILE => 0 , C_INIT_FILE_NAME => "no_coe_file_loaded" , C_USE_DEFAULT_DATA => 0 , C_DEFAULT_DATA => "NULL" , --Port A Parameters: --Reset Parameters: C_HAS_RSTA => 0 , --Enable Parameters: C_HAS_ENA => 1 , C_HAS_REGCEA => 0 , --Byte Write Enable Parameters: C_USE_BYTE_WEA => 1 , C_WEA_WIDTH => C_WEA_WIDTH_I, --(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) , --Write Mode: C_WRITE_MODE_A => "WRITE_FIRST" , --Data-Addr Width Parameters: C_WRITE_WIDTH_A => C_WRITE_WIDTH_A_I,--(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) , C_READ_WIDTH_A => C_READ_WIDTH_A_I,--(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) , C_WRITE_DEPTH_A => C_MEMORY_DEPTH , C_READ_DEPTH_A => C_MEMORY_DEPTH , C_ADDRA_WIDTH => C_ADDRA_WIDTH_I,--log2roundup(C_MEMORY_DEPTH) , --Port B Parameters: --Reset Parameters: C_HAS_RSTB => 0 , --Enable Parameters: C_HAS_ENB => 1 , C_HAS_REGCEB => 0 , --Byte Write Enable Parameters: C_USE_BYTE_WEB => BWE_B , C_WEB_WIDTH => C_WEB_WIDTH_I,--(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) , --Write Mode: C_WRITE_MODE_B => "WRITE_FIRST" , --Data-Addr Width Parameters: C_WRITE_WIDTH_B => C_WRITE_WIDTH_B_I,--(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) , C_READ_WIDTH_B => C_READ_WIDTH_B_I,--(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) , C_WRITE_DEPTH_B => C_MEMORY_DEPTH , C_READ_DEPTH_B => C_MEMORY_DEPTH , C_ADDRB_WIDTH => C_ADDRB_WIDTH,--log2roundup(C_MEMORY_DEPTH) , --Output Registers/ Pipelining Parameters: C_HAS_MEM_OUTPUT_REGS_A => 0 , C_HAS_MEM_OUTPUT_REGS_B => 0 , C_HAS_MUX_OUTPUT_REGS_A => 0 , C_HAS_MUX_OUTPUT_REGS_B => 0 , C_MUX_PIPELINE_STAGES => 0 , --Input/Output Registers for SoftECC : C_HAS_SOFTECC_INPUT_REGS_A => 0 , C_HAS_SOFTECC_OUTPUT_REGS_B=> 0 , --ECC Parameters C_USE_ECC => 0 , C_USE_SOFTECC => 0 , C_HAS_INJECTERR => 0 , C_EN_ECC_PIPE => 0, C_EN_SLEEP_PIN => 0, C_USE_URAM => 0, C_EN_RDADDRA_CHG => 0, C_EN_RDADDRB_CHG => 0, C_EN_DEEPSLEEP_PIN => 0, C_EN_SHUTDOWN_PIN => 0, --Simulation Model Parameters: C_SIM_COLLISION_CHECK => "NONE" , C_COMMON_CLK => 1 , C_DISABLE_WARN_BHV_COLL => 1 , C_DISABLE_WARN_BHV_RANGE => 1 ) PORT MAP( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Input and Output Declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Native BMG Input and Output Port Declarations --Port A: clka => clka_bram_clka_i , rsta => rsta_bram_rsta_i , ena => ena_bram_ena_i , regcea => GND , wea => wea_bram_wea_i , addra => addra_bram_addra_i(BMG_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto (BMG_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH)) , --addra => addra_bram_addra_i(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH)) , dina => dina_bram_dina_i , douta => douta_bram_douta_i , --port b: clkb => clkb_bram_clkb_i , rstb => rstb_bram_rstb_i , enb => enb_bram_enb_i , regceb => GND , web => web_bram_web_i , addrb => addrb_bram_addrb_i(BMG_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto (BMG_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH)) , --addrb => addrb_bram_addrb_i(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH)) , dinb => dinb_bram_dinb_i , doutb => doutb_bram_doutb_i , --ecc: injectsbiterr => GND , injectdbiterr => GND , sbiterr => sbiterr_bmg_int, dbiterr => dbiterr_bmg_int, rdaddrecc => rdaddrecc_bmg_int, eccpipece => GND, sleep => GND, deepsleep => GND, shutdown => GND, -- axi bmg input and output Port Declarations -- axi global signals s_aclk => GND , s_aresetn => GND , -- axi full/lite slave write (write side) s_axi_awid => ZERO4 , s_axi_awaddr => ZERO32 , s_axi_awlen => ZERO8 , s_axi_awsize => ZERO3 , s_axi_awburst => ZERO2 , s_axi_awvalid => GND , s_axi_awready => s_axi_awready_bmg_int, s_axi_wdata => ZERO64 , s_axi_wstrb => WSTRB_ZERO, s_axi_wlast => GND , s_axi_wvalid => GND , s_axi_wready => s_axi_wready_bmg_int, s_axi_bid => s_axi_bid_bmg_int, s_axi_bresp => s_axi_bresp_bmg_int, s_axi_bvalid => s_axi_bvalid_bmg_int, s_axi_bready => GND , -- axi full/lite slave read (Write side) s_axi_arid => ZERO4, s_axi_araddr => "00000000000000000000000000000000", s_axi_arlen => "00000000", s_axi_arsize => "000", s_axi_arburst => "00", s_axi_arvalid => '0', s_axi_arready => s_axi_arready_bmg_int, s_axi_rid => s_axi_rid_bmg_int, s_axi_rdata => s_axi_rdata_bmg_int, s_axi_rresp => s_axi_rresp_bmg_int, s_axi_rlast => s_axi_rlast_bmg_int, s_axi_rvalid => s_axi_rvalid_bmg_int, s_axi_rready => GND , -- axi full/lite sideband Signals s_axi_injectsbiterr => GND , s_axi_injectdbiterr => GND , s_axi_sbiterr => s_axi_sbiterr_bmg_int, s_axi_dbiterr => s_axi_dbiterr_bmg_int, s_axi_rdaddrecc => s_axi_rdaddrecc_bmg_int ); end generate; abcv4_0_int_inst : entity work.axi_bram_ctrl_top generic map( -- AXI Parameters C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH => C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH , -- AXI ID vector width C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , -- Set to AXI4LITE to optimize out burst transaction support C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST => C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST , -- Support for narrow burst operations C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , -- Enable single port usage of BRAM -- AXI-Lite Register Parameters C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI-Lite address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI-Lite data bus (in bits) -- ECC Parameters C_ECC => C_ECC , -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_TYPE => C_ECC_TYPE , C_FAULT_INJECT => C_FAULT_INJECT , -- Enable fault injection registers -- (default = disabled) C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE => C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE -- By default, ECC checking is on -- (can disable ECC @ reset by setting this to 0) ) port map( -- AXI Interface Signals -- AXI Clock and Reset S_AXI_ACLK => S_AXI_ACLK , S_AXI_ARESETN => S_AXI_ARESETN , ECC_Interrupt => ECC_Interrupt , ECC_UE => ECC_UE , -- AXI Write Address Channel Signals (AW) S_AXI_AWID => S_AXI_AWID , S_AXI_AWADDR => S_AXI_AWADDR , S_AXI_AWLEN => S_AXI_AWLEN , S_AXI_AWSIZE => S_AXI_AWSIZE , S_AXI_AWBURST => S_AXI_AWBURST , S_AXI_AWLOCK => S_AXI_AWLOCK , S_AXI_AWCACHE => S_AXI_AWCACHE , S_AXI_AWPROT => S_AXI_AWPROT , S_AXI_AWVALID => S_AXI_AWVALID , S_AXI_AWREADY => S_AXI_AWREADY , -- AXI Write Data Channel Signals (W) S_AXI_WDATA => S_AXI_WDATA , S_AXI_WSTRB => S_AXI_WSTRB , S_AXI_WLAST => S_AXI_WLAST , S_AXI_WVALID => S_AXI_WVALID , S_AXI_WREADY => S_AXI_WREADY , -- AXI Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) S_AXI_BID => S_AXI_BID , S_AXI_BRESP => S_AXI_BRESP , S_AXI_BVALID => S_AXI_BVALID , S_AXI_BREADY => S_AXI_BREADY , -- AXI Read Address Channel Signals (AR) S_AXI_ARID => S_AXI_ARID , S_AXI_ARADDR => S_AXI_ARADDR , S_AXI_ARLEN => S_AXI_ARLEN , S_AXI_ARSIZE => S_AXI_ARSIZE , S_AXI_ARBURST => S_AXI_ARBURST , S_AXI_ARLOCK => S_AXI_ARLOCK , S_AXI_ARCACHE => S_AXI_ARCACHE , S_AXI_ARPROT => S_AXI_ARPROT , S_AXI_ARVALID => S_AXI_ARVALID , S_AXI_ARREADY => S_AXI_ARREADY , -- AXI Read Data Channel Signals (R) S_AXI_RID => S_AXI_RID , S_AXI_RDATA => S_AXI_RDATA , S_AXI_RRESP => S_AXI_RRESP , S_AXI_RLAST => S_AXI_RLAST , S_AXI_RVALID => S_AXI_RVALID , S_AXI_RREADY => S_AXI_RREADY , -- AXI-Lite ECC Register Interface Signals -- AXI-Lite Write Address Channel Signals (AW) S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY , S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR , -- AXI-Lite Write Data Channel Signals (W) S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA , S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY , -- AXI-Lite Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP , S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY , -- AXI-Lite Read Address Channel Signals (AR) S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR , S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY , -- AXI-Lite Read Data Channel Signals (R) S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA , S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP , S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY , -- BRAM Interface Signals (Port A) BRAM_Rst_A => rsta_bram_rsta_i , BRAM_Clk_A => clka_bram_clka_i , BRAM_En_A => ena_bram_ena_i , BRAM_WE_A => wea_bram_wea_i , BRAM_Addr_A => addra_bram_addra_i, BRAM_WrData_A => dina_bram_dina_i , BRAM_RdData_A => douta_bram_douta_i , -- BRAM Interface Signals (Port B) BRAM_Rst_B => rstb_bram_rstb_i , BRAM_Clk_B => clkb_bram_clkb_i , BRAM_En_B => enb_bram_enb_i , BRAM_WE_B => web_bram_web_i , BRAM_Addr_B => addrb_bram_addrb_i , BRAM_WrData_B => dinb_bram_dinb_i , BRAM_RdData_B => doutb_bram_doutb_i ); -- The following signals are driven 0's to remove the synthesis warnings bram_rst_a <= '0'; bram_clk_a <= '0'; bram_en_a <= '0'; bram_we_a <= (others => '0'); bram_addr_a <= (others => '0'); bram_wrdata_a <= (others => '0'); bram_rst_b <= '0'; bram_clk_b <= '0'; bram_en_b <= '0'; bram_we_b <= (others => '0'); bram_addr_b <= (others => '0'); bram_wrdata_b <= (others => '0'); END GENERATE gint_inst; -- End of internal bram instance gext_inst: IF (C_BRAM_INST_MODE = "EXTERNAL" ) GENERATE abcv4_0_ext_inst : entity work.axi_bram_ctrl_top generic map( -- AXI Parameters C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH => C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH , -- AXI ID vector width C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , -- Set to AXI4LITE to optimize out burst transaction support C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST => C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST , -- Support for narrow burst operations C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , -- Enable single port usage of BRAM -- AXI-Lite Register Parameters C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI-Lite address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI-Lite data bus (in bits) -- ECC Parameters C_ECC => C_ECC , -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_TYPE => C_ECC_TYPE , C_FAULT_INJECT => C_FAULT_INJECT , -- Enable fault injection registers -- (default = disabled) C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE => C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE -- By default, ECC checking is on -- (can disable ECC @ reset by setting this to 0) ) port map( -- AXI Interface Signals -- AXI Clock and Reset s_axi_aclk => s_axi_aclk , s_axi_aresetn => s_axi_aresetn , ecc_interrupt => ecc_interrupt , ecc_ue => ecc_ue , -- axi write address channel signals (aw) s_axi_awid => s_axi_awid , s_axi_awaddr => s_axi_awaddr , s_axi_awlen => s_axi_awlen , s_axi_awsize => s_axi_awsize , s_axi_awburst => s_axi_awburst , s_axi_awlock => s_axi_awlock , s_axi_awcache => s_axi_awcache , s_axi_awprot => s_axi_awprot , s_axi_awvalid => s_axi_awvalid , s_axi_awready => s_axi_awready , -- axi write data channel signals (w) s_axi_wdata => s_axi_wdata , s_axi_wstrb => s_axi_wstrb , s_axi_wlast => s_axi_wlast , s_axi_wvalid => s_axi_wvalid , s_axi_wready => s_axi_wready , -- axi write data response channel signals (b) s_axi_bid => s_axi_bid , s_axi_bresp => s_axi_bresp , s_axi_bvalid => s_axi_bvalid , s_axi_bready => s_axi_bready , -- axi read address channel signals (ar) s_axi_arid => s_axi_arid , s_axi_araddr => s_axi_araddr , s_axi_arlen => s_axi_arlen , s_axi_arsize => s_axi_arsize , s_axi_arburst => s_axi_arburst , s_axi_arlock => s_axi_arlock , s_axi_arcache => s_axi_arcache , s_axi_arprot => s_axi_arprot , s_axi_arvalid => s_axi_arvalid , s_axi_arready => s_axi_arready , -- axi read data channel signals (r) s_axi_rid => s_axi_rid , s_axi_rdata => s_axi_rdata , s_axi_rresp => s_axi_rresp , s_axi_rlast => s_axi_rlast , s_axi_rvalid => s_axi_rvalid , s_axi_rready => s_axi_rready , -- axi-lite ecc register interface signals -- axi-lite write address channel signals (aw) s_axi_ctrl_awvalid => s_axi_ctrl_awvalid , s_axi_ctrl_awready => s_axi_ctrl_awready , s_axi_ctrl_awaddr => s_axi_ctrl_awaddr , -- axi-lite write data channel signals (w) s_axi_ctrl_wdata => s_axi_ctrl_wdata , s_axi_ctrl_wvalid => s_axi_ctrl_wvalid , s_axi_ctrl_wready => s_axi_ctrl_wready , -- axi-lite write data response channel signals (b) s_axi_ctrl_bresp => s_axi_ctrl_bresp , s_axi_ctrl_bvalid => s_axi_ctrl_bvalid , s_axi_ctrl_bready => s_axi_ctrl_bready , -- axi-lite read address channel signals (ar) s_axi_ctrl_araddr => s_axi_ctrl_araddr , s_axi_ctrl_arvalid => s_axi_ctrl_arvalid , s_axi_ctrl_arready => s_axi_ctrl_arready , -- axi-lite read data channel signals (r) s_axi_ctrl_rdata => s_axi_ctrl_rdata , s_axi_ctrl_rresp => s_axi_ctrl_rresp , s_axi_ctrl_rvalid => s_axi_ctrl_rvalid , s_axi_ctrl_rready => s_axi_ctrl_rready , -- bram interface signals (port a) bram_rst_a => bram_rst_a , bram_clk_a => bram_clk_a , bram_en_a => bram_en_a , bram_we_a => bram_we_a , bram_addr_a => bram_addr_a , bram_wrdata_a => bram_wrdata_a , bram_rddata_a => bram_rddata_a , -- bram interface signals (port b) bram_rst_b => bram_rst_b , bram_clk_b => bram_clk_b , bram_en_b => bram_en_b , bram_we_b => bram_we_b , bram_addr_b => bram_addr_b , bram_wrdata_b => bram_wrdata_b , bram_rddata_b => bram_rddata_b ); END GENERATE gext_inst; -- End of internal bram instance end architecture implementation;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SRL_FIFO entity and architecture ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ************************************************************************* -- ** ** -- ** DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY ** -- ** ** -- ** This text/file contains proprietary, confidential ** -- ** information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under ** -- ** license from Xilinx, Inc., and may be used, copied ** -- ** and/or disclosed only pursuant to the terms of a valid ** -- ** license agreement with Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx hereby ** -- ** grants you a license to use this text/file solely for ** -- ** design, simulation, implementation and creation of ** -- ** design files limited to Xilinx devices or technologies. ** -- ** Use with non-Xilinx devices or technologies is expressly ** -- ** prohibited and immediately terminates your license unless ** -- ** covered by a separate agreement. ** -- ** ** -- ** Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information ** -- ** "as-is" solely for use in developing programs and ** -- ** solutions for Xilinx devices, with no obligation on the ** -- ** part of Xilinx to provide support. By providing this design, ** -- ** code, or information as one possible implementation of ** -- ** this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no ** -- ** representation that this implementation is free from any ** -- ** claims of infringement. You are responsible for obtaining ** -- ** any rights you may require for your implementation. ** -- ** Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with ** -- ** respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including ** -- ** but not limited to any warranties or representations that this ** -- ** implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied ** -- ** warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular ** -- ** purpose. ** -- ** ** -- ** Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support ** -- ** appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications is ** -- ** expressly prohibited. ** -- ** ** -- ** Any modifications that are made to the Source Code are ** -- ** done at the user’s sole risk and will be unsupported. ** -- ** The Xilinx Support Hotline does not have access to source ** -- ** code and therefore cannot answer specific questions related ** -- ** to source HDL. The Xilinx Hotline support of original source ** -- ** code IP shall only address issues and questions related ** -- ** to the standard Netlist version of the core (and thus ** -- ** indirectly, the original core source). ** -- ** ** -- ** Copyright (c) 2001-2013 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. ** -- ** ** -- ** This copyright and support notice must be retained as part ** -- ** of this text at all times. ** -- ** ** -- ************************************************************************* -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: srl_fifo.vhd -- -- Description: -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- srl_fifo.vhd -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Author: goran -- Revision: $Revision: $ -- Date: $Date: 2010/09/14 22:35:47 $ -- -- History: -- goran 2001-05-11 First Version -- KC 2001-06-20 Added Addr as an output port, for use as an occupancy -- value -- -- DCW 2002-03-12 Structural implementation of synchronous reset for -- Data_Exists DFF (using FDR) -- jam 2002-04-12 added C_XON generic for mixed vhdl/verilog sims -- -- als 2002-04-18 added default for XON generic in SRL16E, FDRE, and FDR -- component declarations -- -- DET 1/17/2008 v4_00_a -- ~~~~~~ -- - Incorporated new disclaimer header -- ^^^^^^ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; library unisim; use unisim.all; entity SRL_FIFO is generic ( C_DATA_BITS : natural := 8; C_DEPTH : natural := 16; C_XON : boolean := false ); port ( Clk : in std_logic; Reset : in std_logic; FIFO_Write : in std_logic; Data_In : in std_logic_vector(0 to C_DATA_BITS-1); FIFO_Read : in std_logic; Data_Out : out std_logic_vector(0 to C_DATA_BITS-1); FIFO_Full : out std_logic; Data_Exists : out std_logic; Addr : out std_logic_vector(0 to 3) -- Added Addr as a port ); end entity SRL_FIFO; architecture IMP of SRL_FIFO is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; component SRL16E is -- pragma translate_off generic ( INIT : bit_vector := X"0000" ); -- pragma translate_on port ( CE : in std_logic; D : in std_logic; Clk : in std_logic; A0 : in std_logic; A1 : in std_logic; A2 : in std_logic; A3 : in std_logic; Q : out std_logic); end component SRL16E; component LUT4 generic( INIT : bit_vector := X"0000" ); port ( O : out std_logic; I0 : in std_logic; I1 : in std_logic; I2 : in std_logic; I3 : in std_logic); end component; component MULT_AND port ( I0 : in std_logic; I1 : in std_logic; LO : out std_logic); end component; component MUXCY_L port ( DI : in std_logic; CI : in std_logic; S : in std_logic; LO : out std_logic); end component; component XORCY port ( LI : in std_logic; CI : in std_logic; O : out std_logic); end component; component FDRE is port ( Q : out std_logic; C : in std_logic; CE : in std_logic; D : in std_logic; R : in std_logic); end component FDRE; component FDR is port ( Q : out std_logic; C : in std_logic; D : in std_logic; R : in std_logic); end component FDR; signal addr_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal buffer_Full : std_logic; signal buffer_Empty : std_logic; signal next_Data_Exists : std_logic; signal data_Exists_I : std_logic; signal valid_Write : std_logic; signal hsum_A : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal sum_A : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal addr_cy : std_logic_vector(0 to 4); begin -- architecture IMP buffer_Full <= '1' when (addr_i = "1111") else '0'; FIFO_Full <= buffer_Full; buffer_Empty <= '1' when (addr_i = "0000") else '0'; next_Data_Exists <= (data_Exists_I and not buffer_Empty) or (buffer_Empty and FIFO_Write) or (data_Exists_I and not FIFO_Read); Data_Exists_DFF : FDR port map ( Q => data_Exists_I, -- [out std_logic] C => Clk, -- [in std_logic] D => next_Data_Exists, -- [in std_logic] R => Reset); -- [in std_logic] Data_Exists <= data_Exists_I; valid_Write <= FIFO_Write and (FIFO_Read or not buffer_Full); addr_cy(0) <= valid_Write; Addr_Counters : for I in 0 to 3 generate hsum_A(I) <= (FIFO_Read xor addr_i(I)) and (FIFO_Write or not buffer_Empty); MUXCY_L_I : MUXCY_L port map ( DI => addr_i(I), -- [in std_logic] CI => addr_cy(I), -- [in std_logic] S => hsum_A(I), -- [in std_logic] LO => addr_cy(I+1)); -- [out std_logic] XORCY_I : XORCY port map ( LI => hsum_A(I), -- [in std_logic] CI => addr_cy(I), -- [in std_logic] O => sum_A(I)); -- [out std_logic] FDRE_I : FDRE port map ( Q => addr_i(I), -- [out std_logic] C => Clk, -- [in std_logic] CE => data_Exists_I, -- [in std_logic] D => sum_A(I), -- [in std_logic] R => Reset); -- [in std_logic] end generate Addr_Counters; FIFO_RAM : for I in 0 to C_DATA_BITS-1 generate SRL16E_I : SRL16E -- pragma translate_off generic map ( INIT => x"0000") -- pragma translate_on port map ( CE => valid_Write, -- [in std_logic] D => Data_In(I), -- [in std_logic] Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic] A0 => addr_i(0), -- [in std_logic] A1 => addr_i(1), -- [in std_logic] A2 => addr_i(2), -- [in std_logic] A3 => addr_i(3), -- [in std_logic] Q => Data_Out(I)); -- [out std_logic] end generate FIFO_RAM; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- INT_ADDR_PROCESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This process assigns the internal address to the output port ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT_ADDR_PROCESS:process (addr_i) begin -- process Addr <= addr_i; end process; end architecture IMP; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Filename: axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.vhd -- -- Description: Support functions for axi_bram_ctrl library modules. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/16/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update ECC size on 128-bit data width configuration. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/23/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add MIG functions for Hsiao ECC. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/24/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add Find_ECC_Size function. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/15/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add REDUCTION_OR function. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Recode Create_Size_Max with a case statement. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/31/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add coverage tags. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/6/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- Remove Family_To_LUT_Size function. -- Remove String_To_Family function. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; package axi_bram_ctrl_funcs is type TARGET_FAMILY_TYPE is ( -- pragma xilinx_rtl_off SPARTAN3, VIRTEX4, VIRTEX5, SPARTAN3E, SPARTAN3A, SPARTAN3AN, SPARTAN3Adsp, SPARTAN6, VIRTEX6, VIRTEX7, KINTEX7, -- pragma xilinx_rtl_on RTL ); -- function String_To_Family (S : string; Select_RTL : boolean) return TARGET_FAMILY_TYPE; -- Get the maximum number of inputs to a LUT. -- function Family_To_LUT_Size(Family : TARGET_FAMILY_TYPE) return integer; function Equal_String( str1, str2 : STRING ) RETURN BOOLEAN; function log2(x : natural) return integer; function Int_ECC_Size (i: integer) return integer; function Find_ECC_Size (i: integer; j: integer) return integer; function Find_ECC_Full_Bit_Size (i: integer; j: integer) return integer; function Create_Size_Max (i: integer) return std_logic_vector; function REDUCTION_OR (A: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic; function REDUCTION_XOR (A: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic; function REDUCTION_NOR (A: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic; function BOOLEAN_TO_STD_LOGIC (A: in BOOLEAN) return std_logic; end package axi_bram_ctrl_funcs; library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; package body axi_bram_ctrl_funcs is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: Int_ECC_Size -- Purpose: Determine internal size of ECC when enabled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Int_ECC_Size (i: integer) return integer is begin --coverage off if (i = 32) then return 7; -- 7-bits ECC for 32-bit data -- ECC port size fixed @ 8-bits elsif (i = 64) then return 8; elsif (i = 128) then return 9; -- Hsiao is 9-bits for 128-bit data. else return 0; end if; --coverage on end Int_ECC_Size; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: Find_ECC_Size -- Purpose: Determine external size of ECC signals when enabled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Find_ECC_Size (i: integer; j: integer) return integer is begin --coverage off if (i = 1) then if (j = 32) then return 8; -- Keep at 8 for port size matchings -- Only 7-bits ECC per 32-bit data elsif (j = 64) then return 8; elsif (j = 128) then return 9; else return 0; end if; else return 0; -- ECC data width = 0 when C_ECC = 0 (disabled) end if; --coverage on end Find_ECC_Size; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: Find_ECC_Full_Bit_Size -- Purpose: Determine external size of ECC signals when enabled in bytes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Find_ECC_Full_Bit_Size (i: integer; j: integer) return integer is begin --coverage off if (i = 1) then if (j = 32) then return 8; elsif (j = 64) then return 8; elsif (j = 128) then return 16; else return 0; end if; else return 0; -- ECC data width = 0 when C_ECC = 0 (disabled) end if; --coverage on end Find_ECC_Full_Bit_Size; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: Create_Size_Max -- Purpose: Create maximum value for AxSIZE based on AXI data bus width. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Create_Size_Max (i: integer) return std_logic_vector is variable size_vector : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); begin case (i) is when 32 => size_vector := "010"; -- 2h (4 bytes) when 64 => size_vector := "011"; -- 3h (8 bytes) when 128 => size_vector := "100"; -- 4h (16 bytes) when 256 => size_vector := "101"; -- 5h (32 bytes) when 512 => size_vector := "110"; -- 5h (32 bytes) when 1024 => size_vector := "111"; -- 5h (32 bytes) --coverage off when others => size_vector := "000"; -- 0h --coverage on end case; return (size_vector); end function Create_Size_Max; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: REDUCTION_OR -- Purpose: New in v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function REDUCTION_OR (A: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is variable tmp : std_logic := '0'; begin for i in A'range loop tmp := tmp or A(i); end loop; return tmp; end function REDUCTION_OR; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: REDUCTION_XOR -- Purpose: Derived from MIG v3.7 ecc_gen module for use by Hsiao ECC. -- New in v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function REDUCTION_XOR (A: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is variable tmp : std_logic := '0'; begin for i in A'range loop tmp := tmp xor A(i); end loop; return tmp; end function REDUCTION_XOR; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: REDUCTION_NOR -- Purpose: Derived from MIG v3.7 ecc_dec_fix module for use by Hsiao ECC. -- New in v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function REDUCTION_NOR (A: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is variable tmp : std_logic := '0'; begin for i in A'range loop tmp := tmp or A(i); end loop; return not tmp; end function REDUCTION_NOR; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: BOOLEAN_TO_STD_LOGIC -- Purpose: Derived from MIG v3.7 ecc_dec_fix module for use by Hsiao ECC. -- New in v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function BOOLEAN_TO_STD_LOGIC (A : in BOOLEAN) return std_logic is begin if A = true then return '1'; else return '0'; end if; end function BOOLEAN_TO_STD_LOGIC; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function LowerCase_Char(char : character) return character is begin --coverage off -- If char is not an upper case letter then return char if char < 'A' or char > 'Z' then return char; end if; -- Otherwise map char to its corresponding lower case character and -- return that case char is when 'A' => return 'a'; when 'B' => return 'b'; when 'C' => return 'c'; when 'D' => return 'd'; when 'E' => return 'e'; when 'F' => return 'f'; when 'G' => return 'g'; when 'H' => return 'h'; when 'I' => return 'i'; when 'J' => return 'j'; when 'K' => return 'k'; when 'L' => return 'l'; when 'M' => return 'm'; when 'N' => return 'n'; when 'O' => return 'o'; when 'P' => return 'p'; when 'Q' => return 'q'; when 'R' => return 'r'; when 'S' => return 's'; when 'T' => return 't'; when 'U' => return 'u'; when 'V' => return 'v'; when 'W' => return 'w'; when 'X' => return 'x'; when 'Y' => return 'y'; when 'Z' => return 'z'; when others => return char; end case; --coverage on end LowerCase_Char; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns true if case insensitive string comparison determines that -- str1 and str2 are equal function Equal_String ( str1, str2 : STRING ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS CONSTANT len1 : INTEGER := str1'length; CONSTANT len2 : INTEGER := str2'length; VARIABLE equal : BOOLEAN := TRUE; BEGIN --coverage off IF NOT (len1=len2) THEN equal := FALSE; ELSE FOR i IN str1'range LOOP IF NOT (LowerCase_Char(str1(i)) = LowerCase_Char(str2(i))) THEN equal := FALSE; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; --coverage on RETURN equal; END Equal_String; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- Remove usage of String_To_Family function. -- -- -- function String_To_Family (S : string; Select_RTL : boolean) return TARGET_FAMILY_TYPE is -- begin -- function String_To_Family -- -- --coverage off -- -- if ((Select_RTL) or Equal_String(S, "rtl")) then -- return RTL; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "spartan3") or Equal_String(S, "aspartan3") then -- return SPARTAN3; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "spartan3E") or Equal_String(S, "aspartan3E") then -- return SPARTAN3E; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "spartan3A") or Equal_String(S, "aspartan3A") then -- return SPARTAN3A; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "spartan3AN") then -- return SPARTAN3AN; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "spartan3Adsp") or Equal_String(S, "aspartan3Adsp") then -- return SPARTAN3Adsp; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "spartan6") or Equal_String(S, "spartan6l") or -- Equal_String(S, "qspartan6") or Equal_String(S, "aspartan6") or Equal_String(S, "qspartan6l") then -- return SPARTAN6; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "virtex4") or Equal_String(S, "qvirtex4") -- or Equal_String(S, "qrvirtex4") then -- return VIRTEX4; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "virtex5") or Equal_String(S, "qrvirtex5") then -- return VIRTEX5; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "virtex6") or Equal_String(S, "virtex6l") or Equal_String(S, "qvirtex6") then -- return VIRTEX6; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "virtex7") then -- return VIRTEX7; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "kintex7") then -- return KINTEX7; -- -- --coverage on -- -- else -- -- assert (false) report "No known target family" severity failure; -- return RTL; -- end if; -- -- end function String_To_Family; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- Remove usage of Family_To_LUT_Size function. -- -- function Family_To_LUT_Size (Family : TARGET_FAMILY_TYPE) return integer is -- begin -- -- --coverage off -- -- if (Family = SPARTAN3) or (Family = SPARTAN3E) or (Family = SPARTAN3A) or -- (Family = SPARTAN3AN) or (Family = SPARTAN3Adsp) or (Family = VIRTEX4) then -- return 4; -- end if; -- -- return 6; -- -- --coverage on -- -- end function Family_To_LUT_Size; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function log2 -- returns number of bits needed to encode x choices -- x = 0 returns 0 -- x = 1 returns 0 -- x = 2 returns 1 -- x = 4 returns 2, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function log2(x : natural) return integer is variable i : integer := 0; variable val: integer := 1; begin --coverage off if x = 0 then return 0; else for j in 0 to 29 loop -- for loop for XST if val >= x then null; else i := i+1; val := val*2; end if; end loop; -- Fix per CR520627 XST was ignoring this anyway and printing a -- Warning in SRP file. This will get rid of the warning and not -- impact simulation. -- synthesis translate_off assert val >= x report "Function log2 received argument larger" & " than its capability of 2^30. " severity failure; -- synthesis translate_on return i; end if; --coverage on end function log2; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end package body axi_bram_ctrl_funcs; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- coregen_comp_defs - entity/architecture pair ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ************************************************************************* -- ** ** -- ** DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY ** -- ** ** -- ** This text/file contains proprietary, confidential ** -- ** information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under ** -- ** license from Xilinx, Inc., and may be used, copied ** -- ** and/or disclosed only pursuant to the terms of a valid ** -- ** license agreement with Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx hereby ** -- ** grants you a license to use this text/file solely for ** -- ** design, simulation, implementation and creation of ** -- ** design files limited to Xilinx devices or technologies. ** -- ** Use with non-Xilinx devices or technologies is expressly ** -- ** prohibited and immediately terminates your license unless ** -- ** covered by a separate agreement. ** -- ** ** -- ** Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information ** -- ** "as-is" solely for use in developing programs and ** -- ** solutions for Xilinx devices, with no obligation on the ** -- ** part of Xilinx to provide support. By providing this design, ** -- ** code, or information as one possible implementation of ** -- ** this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no ** -- ** representation that this implementation is free from any ** -- ** claims of infringement. You are responsible for obtaining ** -- ** any rights you may require for your implementation. ** -- ** Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with ** -- ** respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including ** -- ** but not limited to any warranties or representations that this ** -- ** implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied ** -- ** warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular ** -- ** purpose. ** -- ** ** -- ** Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support ** -- ** appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications is ** -- ** expressly prohibited. ** -- ** ** -- ** Any modifications that are made to the Source Code are ** -- ** done at the user’s sole risk and will be unsupported. ** -- ** The Xilinx Support Hotline does not have access to source ** -- ** code and therefore cannot answer specific questions related ** -- ** to source HDL. The Xilinx Hotline support of original source ** -- ** code IP shall only address issues and questions related ** -- ** to the standard Netlist version of the core (and thus ** -- ** indirectly, the original core source). ** -- ** ** -- ** Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. ** -- ** ** -- ** This copyright and support notice must be retained as part ** -- ** of this text at all times. ** -- ** ** -- ************************************************************************* -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: coregen_comp_defs.vhd -- Version: initial -- Description: -- Component declarations for all black box netlists generated by -- running COREGEN and AXI BRAM CTRL when XST elaborated the client core -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- -- coregen_comp_defs.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; PACKAGE coregen_comp_defs IS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Start Block Memory Generator Component for blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6 -- Component declaration for blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6 pulled from the blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6.v -- Verilog file used to match paramter order for NCSIM compatibility ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- component blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6 generic ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generic Declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Device Family & Elaboration Directory Parameters: C_FAMILY : STRING := "virtex4"; C_XDEVICEFAMILY : STRING := "virtex4"; -- C_ELABORATION_DIR : STRING := ""; C_INTERFACE_TYPE : INTEGER := 0; C_AXI_TYPE : INTEGER := 1; C_AXI_SLAVE_TYPE : INTEGER := 0; C_HAS_AXI_ID : INTEGER := 0; C_AXI_ID_WIDTH : INTEGER := 4; --General Memory Parameters: C_MEM_TYPE : INTEGER := 2; C_BYTE_SIZE : INTEGER := 9; C_ALGORITHM : INTEGER := 0; C_PRIM_TYPE : INTEGER := 3; --Memory Initialization Parameters: C_LOAD_INIT_FILE : INTEGER := 0; C_INIT_FILE_NAME : STRING := ""; C_USE_DEFAULT_DATA : INTEGER := 0; C_DEFAULT_DATA : STRING := "111111111"; C_RST_TYPE : STRING := "SYNC"; --Port A Parameters: --Reset Parameters: C_HAS_RSTA : INTEGER := 0; C_RST_PRIORITY_A : STRING := "CE"; C_RSTRAM_A : INTEGER := 0; C_INITA_VAL : STRING := "0"; --Enable Parameters: C_HAS_ENA : INTEGER := 1; C_HAS_REGCEA : INTEGER := 0; --Byte Write Enable Parameters: C_USE_BYTE_WEA : INTEGER := 0; C_WEA_WIDTH : INTEGER := 1; --Write Mode: C_WRITE_MODE_A : STRING := "WRITE_FIRST"; --Data-Addr Width Parameters: C_WRITE_WIDTH_A : INTEGER := 4; C_READ_WIDTH_A : INTEGER := 4; C_WRITE_DEPTH_A : INTEGER := 4096; C_READ_DEPTH_A : INTEGER := 4096; C_ADDRA_WIDTH : INTEGER := 12; --Port B Parameters: --Reset Parameters: C_HAS_RSTB : INTEGER := 0; C_RST_PRIORITY_B : STRING := "CE"; C_RSTRAM_B : INTEGER := 0; C_INITB_VAL : STRING := "0"; --Enable Parameters: C_HAS_ENB : INTEGER := 1; C_HAS_REGCEB : INTEGER := 0; --Byte Write Enable Parameters: C_USE_BYTE_WEB : INTEGER := 0; C_WEB_WIDTH : INTEGER := 1; --Write Mode: C_WRITE_MODE_B : STRING := "WRITE_FIRST"; --Data-Addr Width Parameters: C_WRITE_WIDTH_B : INTEGER := 4; C_READ_WIDTH_B : INTEGER := 4; C_WRITE_DEPTH_B : INTEGER := 4096; C_READ_DEPTH_B : INTEGER := 4096; C_ADDRB_WIDTH : INTEGER := 12; --Output Registers/ Pipelining Parameters: C_HAS_MEM_OUTPUT_REGS_A : INTEGER := 0; C_HAS_MEM_OUTPUT_REGS_B : INTEGER := 0; C_HAS_MUX_OUTPUT_REGS_A : INTEGER := 0; C_HAS_MUX_OUTPUT_REGS_B : INTEGER := 0; C_MUX_PIPELINE_STAGES : INTEGER := 0; --Input/Output Registers for SoftECC : C_HAS_SOFTECC_INPUT_REGS_A : INTEGER := 0; C_HAS_SOFTECC_OUTPUT_REGS_B : INTEGER := 0; --ECC Parameters C_USE_ECC : INTEGER := 0; C_USE_SOFTECC : INTEGER := 0; C_HAS_INJECTERR : INTEGER := 0; --Simulation Model Parameters: C_SIM_COLLISION_CHECK : STRING := "NONE"; C_COMMON_CLK : INTEGER := 0; C_DISABLE_WARN_BHV_COLL : INTEGER := 0; C_DISABLE_WARN_BHV_RANGE : INTEGER := 0 ); PORT ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Input and Output Declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Native BMG Input and Output Port Declarations --Port A: CLKA : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; RSTA : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; ENA : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; REGCEA : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; WEA : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_WEA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); ADDRA : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_ADDRA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); DINA : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_WRITE_WIDTH_A-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); DOUTA : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_READ_WIDTH_A-1 DOWNTO 0); --Port B: CLKB : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; RSTB : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; ENB : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; REGCEB : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; WEB : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_WEB_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); ADDRB : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_ADDRB_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); DINB : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_WRITE_WIDTH_B-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); DOUTB : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_READ_WIDTH_B-1 DOWNTO 0); --ECC: INJECTSBITERR : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; INJECTDBITERR : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; SBITERR : OUT STD_LOGIC; DBITERR : OUT STD_LOGIC; RDADDRECC : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_ADDRB_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); -- AXI BMG Input and Output Port Declarations -- AXI Global Signals S_AClk : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; S_ARESETN : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; -- AXI Full/Lite Slave Write (write side) S_AXI_AWID : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_AWADDR : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_AWLEN : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_AWSIZE : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_AWBURST : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_AWVALID : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; S_AXI_AWREADY : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_WDATA : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_WRITE_WIDTH_A-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_WSTRB : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_WEA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_WLAST : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; S_AXI_WVALID : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; S_AXI_WREADY : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_BID : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_BRESP : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0); S_AXI_BVALID : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_BREADY : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; -- AXI Full/Lite Slave Read (Write side) S_AXI_ARID : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_ARADDR : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_ARLEN : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(8-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_ARSIZE : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_ARBURST : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_ARVALID : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; S_AXI_ARREADY : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_RID : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_RDATA : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_WRITE_WIDTH_B-1 DOWNTO 0); S_AXI_RRESP : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2-1 DOWNTO 0); S_AXI_RLAST : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_RVALID : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_RREADY : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; -- AXI Full/Lite Sideband Signals S_AXI_INJECTSBITERR : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; S_AXI_INJECTDBITERR : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; S_AXI_SBITERR : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_DBITERR : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_RDADDRECC : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_ADDRB_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) ); END COMPONENT; --blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6 END coregen_comp_defs; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- axi_lite_if.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: axi_lite_if.vhd -- -- Description: Derived AXI-Lite interface module. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity axi_lite_if is generic ( -- AXI4-Lite slave generics -- C_S_AXI_BASEADDR : std_logic_vector := X"FFFF_FFFF"; -- C_S_AXI_HIGHADDR : std_logic_vector := X"0000_0000"; C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; C_REGADDR_WIDTH : integer := 4; -- Address bits including register offset. C_DWIDTH : integer := 32); -- Width of data bus. port ( LMB_Clk : in std_logic; LMB_Rst : in std_logic; -- AXI4-Lite SLAVE SINGLE INTERFACE S_AXI_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_AWVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_AWREADY : out std_logic; S_AXI_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_WSTRB : in std_logic_vector((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)-1 downto 0); S_AXI_WVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_WREADY : out std_logic; S_AXI_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_BVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_BREADY : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_ARVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARREADY : out std_logic; S_AXI_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_RVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_RREADY : in std_logic; -- lmb_bram_if_cntlr signals RegWr : out std_logic; RegWrData : out std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH - 1); RegAddr : out std_logic_vector(0 to C_REGADDR_WIDTH-1); RegRdData : in std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH - 1)); end entity axi_lite_if; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; architecture IMP of axi_lite_if is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signal declaration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal new_write_access : std_logic; signal new_read_access : std_logic; signal ongoing_write : std_logic; signal ongoing_read : std_logic; signal S_AXI_RVALID_i : std_logic; signal RegRdData_i : std_logic_vector(C_DWIDTH - 1 downto 0); begin -- architecture IMP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Handling the AXI4-Lite bus interface (AR/AW/W) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Detect new transaction. -- Only allow one access at a time new_write_access <= not (ongoing_read or ongoing_write) and S_AXI_AWVALID and S_AXI_WVALID; new_read_access <= not (ongoing_read or ongoing_write) and S_AXI_ARVALID and not new_write_access; -- Acknowledge new transaction. S_AXI_AWREADY <= new_write_access; S_AXI_WREADY <= new_write_access; S_AXI_ARREADY <= new_read_access; -- Store register address and write data Reg: process (LMB_Clk) is begin if LMB_Clk'event and LMB_Clk = '1' then if LMB_Rst = '1' then RegAddr <= (others => '0'); RegWrData <= (others => '0'); elsif new_write_access = '1' then RegAddr <= S_AXI_AWADDR(C_REGADDR_WIDTH-1+2 downto 2); RegWrData <= S_AXI_WDATA(C_DWIDTH-1 downto 0); elsif new_read_access = '1' then RegAddr <= S_AXI_ARADDR(C_REGADDR_WIDTH-1+2 downto 2); end if; end if; end process Reg; -- Handle write access. WriteAccess: process (LMB_Clk) is begin if LMB_Clk'event and LMB_Clk = '1' then if LMB_Rst = '1' then ongoing_write <= '0'; elsif new_write_access = '1' then ongoing_write <= '1'; elsif ongoing_write = '1' and S_AXI_BREADY = '1' then ongoing_write <= '0'; end if; RegWr <= new_write_access; end if; end process WriteAccess; S_AXI_BVALID <= ongoing_write; S_AXI_BRESP <= (others => '0'); -- Handle read access ReadAccess: process (LMB_Clk) is begin if LMB_Clk'event and LMB_Clk = '1' then if LMB_Rst = '1' then ongoing_read <= '0'; S_AXI_RVALID_i <= '0'; elsif new_read_access = '1' then ongoing_read <= '1'; S_AXI_RVALID_i <= '0'; elsif ongoing_read = '1' then if S_AXI_RREADY = '1' and S_AXI_RVALID_i = '1' then ongoing_read <= '0'; S_AXI_RVALID_i <= '0'; else S_AXI_RVALID_i <= '1'; -- Asserted one cycle after ongoing_read to match S_AXI_RDDATA end if; end if; end if; end process ReadAccess; S_AXI_RVALID <= S_AXI_RVALID_i; S_AXI_RRESP <= (others => '0'); Not_All_Bits_Are_Used: if (C_DWIDTH < C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) generate begin S_AXI_RDATA(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - C_DWIDTH) <= (others=>'0'); end generate Not_All_Bits_Are_Used; RegRdData_i <= RegRdData; -- Swap to - downto S_AXI_RDATA_DFF : for I in C_DWIDTH - 1 downto 0 generate begin S_AXI_RDATA_FDRE : FDRE port map ( Q => S_AXI_RDATA(I), C => LMB_Clk, CE => ongoing_read, D => RegRdData_i(I), R => LMB_Rst); end generate S_AXI_RDATA_DFF; end architecture IMP; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- -- Description: Generates the ECC checkbits for the input vector of -- 64-bit data widths. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93/02 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity checkbit_handler_64 is generic ( C_ENCODE : boolean := true; C_REG : boolean := false; C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := true); port ( Clk : in std_logic; DataIn : in std_logic_vector (63 downto 0); CheckIn : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); CheckOut : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); Syndrome : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); Syndrome_7 : out std_logic_vector (11 downto 0); Syndrome_Chk : in std_logic_vector (0 to 7); Enable_ECC : in std_logic; UE_Q : in std_logic; CE_Q : in std_logic; UE : out std_logic; CE : out std_logic ); end entity checkbit_handler_64; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; -- library axi_bram_ctrl_v1_02_a; -- use axi_bram_ctrl_v1_02_a.all; architecture IMP of checkbit_handler_64 is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; component XOR18 is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean); port ( InA : in std_logic_vector(0 to 17); res : out std_logic); end component XOR18; component Parity is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean; C_SIZE : integer); port ( InA : in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1); Res : out std_logic); end component Parity; -- component ParityEnable -- generic ( -- C_USE_LUT6 : boolean; -- C_SIZE : integer); -- port ( -- InA : in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1); -- Enable : in std_logic; -- Res : out std_logic); -- end component ParityEnable; signal data_chk0 : std_logic_vector(0 to 34); signal data_chk1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 34); signal data_chk2 : std_logic_vector(0 to 34); signal data_chk3 : std_logic_vector(0 to 30); signal data_chk4 : std_logic_vector(0 to 30); signal data_chk5 : std_logic_vector(0 to 30); signal data_chk6 : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); signal data_chk6_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk7_a : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk7_b : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk7_i : std_logic; -- signal data_chk7_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk7_i_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk7_a_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk7_b_xor : std_logic; begin -- architecture IMP -- Add bits for 64-bit ECC -- 0 <= 0 1 3 4 6 8 10 11 13 17 19 21 23 25 26 28 30 -- 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 57 59 61 63 data_chk0 <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(1) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(4) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(11) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(26) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(30) & DataIn(32) & DataIn(34) & DataIn(36) & DataIn(38) & DataIn(40) & DataIn(42) & DataIn(44) & DataIn(46) & DataIn(48) & DataIn(50) & DataIn(52) & DataIn(54) & DataIn(56) & DataIn(57) & DataIn(59) & DataIn(61) & DataIn(63) ; -- 18 + 17 = 35 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 1 <= 0 2 3 5 6 9 10 12 13 16 17 20 21 24 25 27 28 31 -- 32 35 36 39 40 43 44 47 48 51 52 55 56 58 59 62 63 data_chk1 <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(31) & DataIn(32) & DataIn(35) & DataIn(36) & DataIn(39) & DataIn(40) & DataIn(43) & DataIn(44) & DataIn(47) & DataIn(48) & DataIn(51) & DataIn(52) & DataIn(55) & DataIn(56) & DataIn(58) & DataIn(59) & DataIn(62) & DataIn(63) ; -- 18 + 17 = 35 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 2 <= 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 -- 32 37 38 39 40 45 46 47 48 53 54 55 56 60 61 62 63 data_chk2 <= DataIn(1) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(29) & DataIn(30) & DataIn(31) & DataIn(32) & DataIn(37) & DataIn(38) & DataIn(39) & DataIn(40) & DataIn(45) & DataIn(46) & DataIn(47) & DataIn(48) & DataIn(53) & DataIn(54) & DataIn(55) & DataIn(56) & DataIn(60) & DataIn(61) & DataIn(62) & DataIn(63) ; -- 18 + 17 = 35 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 3 <= 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 -- 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 data_chk3 <= DataIn(4) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(33) & DataIn(34) & DataIn(35) & DataIn(36) & DataIn(37) & DataIn(38) & DataIn(39) & DataIn(40) & DataIn(49) & DataIn(50) & DataIn(51) & DataIn(52) & DataIn(53) & DataIn(54) & DataIn(55) & DataIn(56) ; -- 15 + 16 = 31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 4 <= 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 -- 41-56 data_chk4 <= DataIn(11) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(41) & DataIn(42) & DataIn(43) & DataIn(44) & DataIn(45) & DataIn(46) & DataIn(47) & DataIn(48) & DataIn(49) & DataIn(50) & DataIn(51) & DataIn(52) & DataIn(53) & DataIn(54) & DataIn(55) & DataIn(56) ; -- 15 + 16 = 31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 5 <= 26 - 31 -- 32 - 56 data_chk5 <= DataIn(26) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(29) & DataIn(30) & DataIn(31) & DataIn(32) & DataIn(33) & DataIn(34) & DataIn(35) & DataIn(36) & DataIn(37) & DataIn(38) & DataIn(39) & DataIn(40) & DataIn(41) & DataIn(42) & DataIn(43) & DataIn(44) & DataIn(45) & DataIn(46) & DataIn(47) & DataIn(48) & DataIn(49) & DataIn(50) & DataIn(51) & DataIn(52) & DataIn(53) & DataIn(54) & DataIn(55) & DataIn(56) ; -- 18 + 13 = 31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- New additional checkbit for 64-bit data -- 6 <= 57 - 63 data_chk6 <= DataIn(57) & DataIn(58) & DataIn(59) & DataIn(60) & DataIn(61) & DataIn(62) & DataIn(63) ; -- Encode bits for writing data Encode_Bits : if (C_ENCODE) generate -- signal data_chk0_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk0_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk0_i_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk1_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk1_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk1_i_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk2_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk2_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk2_i_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk3_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk3_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk3_i_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk4_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk4_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk4_i_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk5_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk5_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk5_i_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk6_i : std_logic; -- signal data_chk0_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk0_i_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk1_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk1_i_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk2_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk2_i_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk3_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk3_i_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk4_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk4_i_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk5_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk5_i_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk6_i_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk7_a_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk7_b_xor_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (0) signal data_chk0_a : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk0_b : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk0_c : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk0_d : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk0_e : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk0_f : std_logic_vector (0 to 4); signal data_chk0_a_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk0_b_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk0_c_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk0_d_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk0_e_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk0_f_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk0_a_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk0_b_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk0_c_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk0_d_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk0_e_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk0_f_xor_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (1) signal data_chk1_a : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk1_b : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk1_c : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk1_d : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk1_e : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk1_f : std_logic_vector (0 to 4); signal data_chk1_a_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk1_b_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk1_c_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk1_d_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk1_e_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk1_f_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk1_a_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk1_b_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk1_c_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk1_d_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk1_e_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk1_f_xor_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (2) signal data_chk2_a : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk2_b : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk2_c : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk2_d : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk2_e : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk2_f : std_logic_vector (0 to 4); signal data_chk2_a_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk2_b_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk2_c_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk2_d_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk2_e_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk2_f_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk2_a_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk2_b_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk2_c_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk2_d_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk2_e_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk2_f_xor_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (3) signal data_chk3_a : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk3_b : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk3_c : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk3_d : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk3_e : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk3_a_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk3_b_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk3_c_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk3_d_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk3_e_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk3_f_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk3_a_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk3_b_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk3_c_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk3_d_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk3_e_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk3_f_xor_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (4) signal data_chk4_a : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk4_b : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk4_c : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk4_d : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk4_e : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk4_a_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk4_b_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk4_c_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk4_d_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk4_e_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk4_f_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk4_a_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk4_b_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk4_c_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk4_d_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk4_e_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk4_f_xor_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (5) signal data_chk5_a : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk5_b : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk5_c : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk5_d : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk5_e : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk5_a_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk5_b_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk5_c_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk5_d_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk5_e_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk5_f_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk5_a_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk5_b_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk5_c_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk5_d_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk5_e_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk5_f_xor_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (6) signal data_chk6_a : std_logic; signal data_chk6_b : std_logic; signal data_chk6_a_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk6_b_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (7) signal data_chk7_a : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk7_b : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk7_c : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk7_d : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk7_e : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk7_f : std_logic_vector (0 to 4); signal data_chk7_a_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk7_b_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk7_c_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk7_d_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk7_e_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk7_f_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk7_a_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk7_b_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk7_c_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk7_d_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk7_e_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk7_f_xor_reg : std_logic; begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For timing improvements, if check bit XOR logic -- needs to be pipelined. Add register level here -- after 1st LUT level. REG_BITS : if (C_REG) generate begin REG_CHK: process (Clk) begin if (Clk'event and Clk = '1' ) then -- Checkbit (0) -- data_chk0_xor_reg <= data_chk0_xor; -- data_chk0_i_xor_reg <= data_chk0_i_xor; data_chk0_a_xor_reg <= data_chk0_a_xor; data_chk0_b_xor_reg <= data_chk0_b_xor; data_chk0_c_xor_reg <= data_chk0_c_xor; data_chk0_d_xor_reg <= data_chk0_d_xor; data_chk0_e_xor_reg <= data_chk0_e_xor; data_chk0_f_xor_reg <= data_chk0_f_xor; -- Checkbit (1) -- data_chk1_xor_reg <= data_chk1_xor; -- data_chk1_i_xor_reg <= data_chk1_i_xor; data_chk1_a_xor_reg <= data_chk1_a_xor; data_chk1_b_xor_reg <= data_chk1_b_xor; data_chk1_c_xor_reg <= data_chk1_c_xor; data_chk1_d_xor_reg <= data_chk1_d_xor; data_chk1_e_xor_reg <= data_chk1_e_xor; data_chk1_f_xor_reg <= data_chk1_f_xor; -- Checkbit (2) -- data_chk2_xor_reg <= data_chk2_xor; -- data_chk2_i_xor_reg <= data_chk2_i_xor; data_chk2_a_xor_reg <= data_chk2_a_xor; data_chk2_b_xor_reg <= data_chk2_b_xor; data_chk2_c_xor_reg <= data_chk2_c_xor; data_chk2_d_xor_reg <= data_chk2_d_xor; data_chk2_e_xor_reg <= data_chk2_e_xor; data_chk2_f_xor_reg <= data_chk2_f_xor; -- Checkbit (3) -- data_chk3_xor_reg <= data_chk3_xor; -- data_chk3_i_xor_reg <= data_chk3_i_xor; data_chk3_a_xor_reg <= data_chk3_a_xor; data_chk3_b_xor_reg <= data_chk3_b_xor; data_chk3_c_xor_reg <= data_chk3_c_xor; data_chk3_d_xor_reg <= data_chk3_d_xor; data_chk3_e_xor_reg <= data_chk3_e_xor; data_chk3_f_xor_reg <= data_chk3_f_xor; -- Checkbit (4) -- data_chk4_xor_reg <= data_chk4_xor; -- data_chk4_i_xor_reg <= data_chk4_i_xor; data_chk4_a_xor_reg <= data_chk4_a_xor; data_chk4_b_xor_reg <= data_chk4_b_xor; data_chk4_c_xor_reg <= data_chk4_c_xor; data_chk4_d_xor_reg <= data_chk4_d_xor; data_chk4_e_xor_reg <= data_chk4_e_xor; data_chk4_f_xor_reg <= data_chk4_f_xor; -- Checkbit (5) -- data_chk5_xor_reg <= data_chk5_xor; -- data_chk5_i_xor_reg <= data_chk5_i_xor; data_chk5_a_xor_reg <= data_chk5_a_xor; data_chk5_b_xor_reg <= data_chk5_b_xor; data_chk5_c_xor_reg <= data_chk5_c_xor; data_chk5_d_xor_reg <= data_chk5_d_xor; data_chk5_e_xor_reg <= data_chk5_e_xor; data_chk5_f_xor_reg <= data_chk5_f_xor; -- Checkbit (6) -- data_chk6_i_reg <= data_chk6_i; data_chk6_a_reg <= data_chk6_a; data_chk6_b_reg <= data_chk6_b; -- Checkbit (7) -- data_chk7_a_xor_reg <= data_chk7_a_xor; -- data_chk7_b_xor_reg <= data_chk7_b_xor; data_chk7_a_xor_reg <= data_chk7_a_xor; data_chk7_b_xor_reg <= data_chk7_b_xor; data_chk7_c_xor_reg <= data_chk7_c_xor; data_chk7_d_xor_reg <= data_chk7_d_xor; data_chk7_e_xor_reg <= data_chk7_e_xor; data_chk7_f_xor_reg <= data_chk7_f_xor; end if; end process REG_CHK; -- Perform the last XOR after the register stage -- CheckOut(0) <= data_chk0_xor_reg xor data_chk0_i_xor_reg; CheckOut(0) <= data_chk0_a_xor_reg xor data_chk0_b_xor_reg xor data_chk0_c_xor_reg xor data_chk0_d_xor_reg xor data_chk0_e_xor_reg xor data_chk0_f_xor_reg; -- CheckOut(1) <= data_chk1_xor_reg xor data_chk1_i_xor_reg; CheckOut(1) <= data_chk1_a_xor_reg xor data_chk1_b_xor_reg xor data_chk1_c_xor_reg xor data_chk1_d_xor_reg xor data_chk1_e_xor_reg xor data_chk1_f_xor_reg; -- CheckOut(2) <= data_chk2_xor_reg xor data_chk2_i_xor_reg; CheckOut(2) <= data_chk2_a_xor_reg xor data_chk2_b_xor_reg xor data_chk2_c_xor_reg xor data_chk2_d_xor_reg xor data_chk2_e_xor_reg xor data_chk2_f_xor_reg; -- CheckOut(3) <= data_chk3_xor_reg xor data_chk3_i_xor_reg; CheckOut(3) <= data_chk3_a_xor_reg xor data_chk3_b_xor_reg xor data_chk3_c_xor_reg xor data_chk3_d_xor_reg xor data_chk3_e_xor_reg xor data_chk3_f_xor_reg; -- CheckOut(4) <= data_chk4_xor_reg xor data_chk4_i_xor_reg; CheckOut(4) <= data_chk4_a_xor_reg xor data_chk4_b_xor_reg xor data_chk4_c_xor_reg xor data_chk4_d_xor_reg xor data_chk4_e_xor_reg xor data_chk4_f_xor_reg; -- CheckOut(5) <= data_chk5_xor_reg xor data_chk5_i_xor_reg; CheckOut(5) <= data_chk5_a_xor_reg xor data_chk5_b_xor_reg xor data_chk5_c_xor_reg xor data_chk5_d_xor_reg xor data_chk5_e_xor_reg xor data_chk5_f_xor_reg; -- CheckOut(6) <= data_chk6_i_reg; CheckOut(6) <= data_chk6_a_reg xor data_chk6_b_reg; -- CheckOut(7) <= data_chk7_a_xor_reg xor data_chk7_b_xor_reg; CheckOut(7) <= data_chk7_a_xor_reg xor data_chk7_b_xor_reg xor data_chk7_c_xor_reg xor data_chk7_d_xor_reg xor data_chk7_e_xor_reg xor data_chk7_f_xor_reg; end generate REG_BITS; NO_REG_BITS: if (not C_REG) generate begin -- CheckOut(0) <= data_chk0_xor xor data_chk0_i_xor; CheckOut(0) <= data_chk0_a_xor xor data_chk0_b_xor xor data_chk0_c_xor xor data_chk0_d_xor xor data_chk0_e_xor xor data_chk0_f_xor; -- CheckOut(1) <= data_chk1_xor xor data_chk1_i_xor; CheckOut(1) <= data_chk1_a_xor xor data_chk1_b_xor xor data_chk1_c_xor xor data_chk1_d_xor xor data_chk1_e_xor xor data_chk1_f_xor; -- CheckOut(2) <= data_chk2_xor xor data_chk2_i_xor; CheckOut(2) <= data_chk2_a_xor xor data_chk2_b_xor xor data_chk2_c_xor xor data_chk2_d_xor xor data_chk2_e_xor xor data_chk2_f_xor; -- CheckOut(3) <= data_chk3_xor xor data_chk3_i_xor; CheckOut(3) <= data_chk3_a_xor xor data_chk3_b_xor xor data_chk3_c_xor xor data_chk3_d_xor xor data_chk3_e_xor xor data_chk3_f_xor; -- CheckOut(4) <= data_chk4_xor xor data_chk4_i_xor; CheckOut(4) <= data_chk4_a_xor xor data_chk4_b_xor xor data_chk4_c_xor xor data_chk4_d_xor xor data_chk4_e_xor xor data_chk4_f_xor; -- CheckOut(5) <= data_chk5_xor xor data_chk5_i_xor; CheckOut(5) <= data_chk5_a_xor xor data_chk5_b_xor xor data_chk5_c_xor xor data_chk5_d_xor xor data_chk5_e_xor xor data_chk5_f_xor; -- CheckOut(6) <= data_chk6_i; CheckOut(6) <= data_chk6_a xor data_chk6_b; -- CheckOut(7) <= data_chk7_a_xor xor data_chk7_b_xor; CheckOut(7) <= data_chk7_a_xor xor data_chk7_b_xor xor data_chk7_c_xor xor data_chk7_d_xor xor data_chk7_e_xor xor data_chk7_f_xor; end generate NO_REG_BITS; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Checkbit 0 built up using 2x XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- XOR18_I0_A : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk0 (0 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk0_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- data_chk0_i <= data_chk0 (18 to 34) & '0'; -- -- XOR18_I0_B : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk0_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk0_i_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- CheckOut(0) <= data_chk0_xor xor data_chk0_i_xor; -- Push register stage to earlier in ECC XOR logic stages (when enabled, C_REG) data_chk0_a <= data_chk0 (0 to 5); data_chk0_b <= data_chk0 (6 to 11); data_chk0_c <= data_chk0 (12 to 17); data_chk0_d <= data_chk0 (18 to 23); data_chk0_e <= data_chk0 (24 to 29); data_chk0_f <= data_chk0 (30 to 34); PARITY_CHK0_A : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0_a (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk0_a_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK0_B : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0_b (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk0_b_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK0_C : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0_c (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk0_c_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK0_D : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0_d (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk0_d_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK0_E : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0_e (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk0_e_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK0_F : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 5) port map ( InA => data_chk0_f (0 to 4), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk0_f_xor ); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Checkbit 1 built up using 2x XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- XOR18_I1_A : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk1 (0 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk1_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- data_chk1_i <= data_chk1 (18 to 34) & '0'; -- -- XOR18_I1_B : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk1_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk1_i_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- CheckOut(1) <= data_chk1_xor xor data_chk1_i_xor; -- Push register stage to earlier in ECC XOR logic stages (when enabled, C_REG) data_chk1_a <= data_chk1 (0 to 5); data_chk1_b <= data_chk1 (6 to 11); data_chk1_c <= data_chk1 (12 to 17); data_chk1_d <= data_chk1 (18 to 23); data_chk1_e <= data_chk1 (24 to 29); data_chk1_f <= data_chk1 (30 to 34); PARITY_chk1_A : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1_a (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk1_a_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk1_B : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1_b (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk1_b_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk1_C : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1_c (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk1_c_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk1_D : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1_d (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk1_d_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk1_E : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1_e (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk1_e_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk1_F : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 5) port map ( InA => data_chk1_f (0 to 4), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk1_f_xor ); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 2 built up using 2x XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- XOR18_I2_A : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk2 (0 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk2_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- data_chk2_i <= data_chk2 (18 to 34) & '0'; -- -- XOR18_I2_B : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk2_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk2_i_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- CheckOut(2) <= data_chk2_xor xor data_chk2_i_xor; -- Push register stage to earlier in ECC XOR logic stages (when enabled, C_REG) data_chk2_a <= data_chk2 (0 to 5); data_chk2_b <= data_chk2 (6 to 11); data_chk2_c <= data_chk2 (12 to 17); data_chk2_d <= data_chk2 (18 to 23); data_chk2_e <= data_chk2 (24 to 29); data_chk2_f <= data_chk2 (30 to 34); PARITY_chk2_A : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2_a (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk2_a_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk2_B : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2_b (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk2_b_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk2_C : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2_c (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk2_c_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk2_D : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2_d (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk2_d_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk2_E : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2_e (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk2_e_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk2_F : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 5) port map ( InA => data_chk2_f (0 to 4), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk2_f_xor ); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 3 built up using 2x XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- XOR18_I3_A : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk3 (0 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk3_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- data_chk3_i <= data_chk3 (18 to 30) & "00000"; -- -- XOR18_I3_B : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk3_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk3_i_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- CheckOut(3) <= data_chk3_xor xor data_chk3_i_xor; -- Push register stage to earlier in ECC XOR logic stages (when enabled, C_REG) data_chk3_a <= data_chk3 (0 to 5); data_chk3_b <= data_chk3 (6 to 11); data_chk3_c <= data_chk3 (12 to 17); data_chk3_d <= data_chk3 (18 to 23); data_chk3_e <= data_chk3 (24 to 29); data_chk3_f_xor <= data_chk3 (30); PARITY_chk3_A : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk3_a (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk3_a_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk3_B : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk3_b (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk3_b_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk3_C : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk3_c (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk3_c_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk3_D : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk3_d (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk3_d_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk3_E : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk3_e (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk3_e_xor ); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 4 built up using 2x XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- XOR18_I4_A : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk4 (0 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk4_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- data_chk4_i <= data_chk4 (18 to 30) & "00000"; -- -- XOR18_I4_B : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk4_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk4_i_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- CheckOut(4) <= data_chk4_xor xor data_chk4_i_xor; -- Push register stage to earlier in ECC XOR logic stages (when enabled, C_REG) data_chk4_a <= data_chk4 (0 to 5); data_chk4_b <= data_chk4 (6 to 11); data_chk4_c <= data_chk4 (12 to 17); data_chk4_d <= data_chk4 (18 to 23); data_chk4_e <= data_chk4 (24 to 29); data_chk4_f_xor <= data_chk4 (30); PARITY_chk4_A : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk4_a (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk4_a_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk4_B : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk4_b (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk4_b_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk4_C : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk4_c (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk4_c_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk4_D : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk4_d (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk4_d_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk4_E : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk4_e (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk4_e_xor ); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 5 built up using 2x XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- XOR18_I5_A : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk5 (0 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk5_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- data_chk5_i <= data_chk5 (18 to 30) & "00000"; -- -- XOR18_I5_B : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk5_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk5_i_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- CheckOut(5) <= data_chk5_xor xor data_chk5_i_xor; -- Push register stage to earlier in ECC XOR logic stages (when enabled, C_REG) data_chk5_a <= data_chk5 (0 to 5); data_chk5_b <= data_chk5 (6 to 11); data_chk5_c <= data_chk5 (12 to 17); data_chk5_d <= data_chk5 (18 to 23); data_chk5_e <= data_chk5 (24 to 29); data_chk5_f_xor <= data_chk5 (30); PARITY_chk5_A : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk5_a (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk5_a_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk5_B : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk5_b (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk5_b_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk5_C : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk5_c (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk5_c_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk5_D : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk5_d (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk5_d_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk5_E : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk5_e (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk5_e_xor ); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 6 built up from 1 LUT6 + 1 XOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parity_chk6_I : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk6 (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk6_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- data_chk6_i <= data_chk6_xor xor data_chk6(6); -- Push register stage to 1st ECC XOR logic stage (when enabled, C_REG) data_chk6_a <= data_chk6_xor; data_chk6_b <= data_chk6(6); -- CheckOut(6) <= data_chk6_xor xor data_chk6(6); -- CheckOut(6) <= data_chk6_i; -- Overall checkbit -- New checkbit (7) for 64-bit ECC -- 7 <= 0 1 2 4 5 7 10 11 12 14 17 18 21 23 24 26 27 29 -- 32 33 36 38 39 41 44 46 47 50 51 53 56 57 58 60 63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 6 built up from 2x XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- data_chk7_a <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(1) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(4) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(10) & -- DataIn(11) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(21) & -- DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(26) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(29) ; -- -- data_chk7_b <= DataIn(32) & DataIn(33) & DataIn(36) & DataIn(38) & DataIn(39) & -- DataIn(41) & DataIn(44) & DataIn(46) & DataIn(47) & DataIn(50) & -- DataIn(51) & DataIn(53) & DataIn(56) & DataIn(57) & DataIn(58) & -- DataIn(60) & DataIn(63) & '0'; -- -- XOR18_I7_A : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk7_a, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk7_a_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- XOR18_I7_B : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk7_b, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk7_b_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- Move register stage to earlier in LUT XOR logic when enabled (for C_ENCODE only) -- Break up data_chk7_a & data_chk7_b into the following 6-input LUT XOR combinations. data_chk7_a <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(1) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(4) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(7); data_chk7_b <= DataIn(10) & DataIn(11) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(18); data_chk7_c <= DataIn(21) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(26) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(29); data_chk7_d <= DataIn(32) & DataIn(33) & DataIn(36) & DataIn(38) & DataIn(39) & DataIn(41); data_chk7_e <= DataIn(44) & DataIn(46) & DataIn(47) & DataIn(50) & DataIn(51) & DataIn(53); data_chk7_f <= DataIn(56) & DataIn(57) & DataIn(58) & DataIn(60) & DataIn(63); PARITY_CHK7_A : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7_a (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk7_a_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK7_B : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7_b (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk7_b_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK7_C : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7_c (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk7_c_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK7_D : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7_d (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk7_d_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK7_E : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7_e (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk7_e_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK7_F : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 5) port map ( InA => data_chk7_f (0 to 4), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk7_f_xor ); -- [out std_logic] -- Merge all data bits -- CheckOut(7) <= data_chk7_xor xor data_chk7_i_xor; -- data_chk7_i <= data_chk7_a_xor xor data_chk7_b_xor; -- CheckOut(7) <= data_chk7_i; end generate Encode_Bits; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Decode bits to get syndrome and UE/CE signals -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decode_Bits : if (not C_ENCODE) generate signal syndrome_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 7) := (others => '0'); -- Unused signal syndrome_int_7 : std_logic; signal chk0_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); signal chk1_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); signal chk2_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); signal data_chk3_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 31); signal chk3_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal data_chk4_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 31); signal chk4_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal data_chk5_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 31); signal chk5_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal data_chk6_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 7); signal data_chk7 : std_logic_vector(0 to 71); signal chk7_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 11); -- signal syndrome7_a : std_logic; -- signal syndrome7_b : std_logic; signal syndrome_0_to_2 : std_logic_vector(0 to 2); signal syndrome_3_to_6 : std_logic_vector(3 to 6); signal syndrome_3_to_6_multi : std_logic; signal syndrome_3_to_6_zero : std_logic; signal ue_i_0 : std_logic; signal ue_i_1 : std_logic; begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 0 built up from 5 LUT6, 1 LUT5 and 1 7-bit XOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- chk0_1(3) <= CheckIn(0); chk0_1(6) <= CheckIn(0); -- 64-bit ECC Parity_chk0_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] -- Checkbit 0 -- 18-bit for 32-bit data -- 35-bit for 64-bit data Parity_chk0_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(18 to 23), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(24 to 29), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(4)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_6 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 5) port map ( InA => data_chk0(30 to 34), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(5)); -- [out std_logic] -- Parity_chk0_7 : ParityEnable -- generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) -- port map ( -- InA => chk0_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] -- Enable => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] -- Res => syndrome_i(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_7 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => chk0_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(0)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 1 built up from 5 LUT6, 1 LUT5 and 1 7-bit XOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- chk1_1(3) <= CheckIn(1); chk1_1(6) <= CheckIn(1); -- 64-bit ECC Parity_chk1_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] -- Checkbit 1 -- 18-bit for 32-bit data -- 35-bit for 64-bit data Parity_chk1_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(18 to 23), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(24 to 29), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(4)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_6 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 5) port map ( InA => data_chk1(30 to 34), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(5)); -- [out std_logic] -- Parity_chk1_7 : ParityEnable -- generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) -- port map ( -- InA => chk1_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] -- Enable => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] -- Res => syndrome_i(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_7 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => chk1_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(1)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 2 built up from 5 LUT6, 1 LUT5 and 1 7-bit XOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- chk2_1(3) <= CheckIn(2); chk2_1(6) <= CheckIn(2); -- 64-bit ECC Parity_chk2_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] -- Checkbit 2 -- 18-bit for 32-bit data -- 35-bit for 64-bit data Parity_chk2_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(18 to 23), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(24 to 29), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(4)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_6 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 5) port map ( InA => data_chk2(30 to 34), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(5)); -- [out std_logic] -- Parity_chk2_7 : ParityEnable -- generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) -- port map ( -- InA => chk2_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] -- Enable => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] -- Res => syndrome_i(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_7 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => chk2_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(2)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 3 built up from 4 LUT8 and 1 LUT4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk3_i <= data_chk3 & CheckIn(3); Parity_chk3_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk3_i(0 to 7), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk3_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk3_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk3_i(8 to 15), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk3_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] -- 15-bit for 32-bit ECC -- 31-bit for 64-bit ECC Parity_chk3_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk3_i(16 to 23), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk3_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk3_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk3_i(24 to 31), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk3_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] -- Parity_chk3_5 : ParityEnable -- generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 4) -- port map ( -- InA => chk3_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] -- Enable => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] -- Res => syndrome_i(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk3_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 4) port map ( InA => chk3_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(3)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 4 built up from 4 LUT8 and 1 LUT4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk4_i <= data_chk4 & CheckIn(4); -- 15-bit for 32-bit ECC -- 31-bit for 64-bit ECC Parity_chk4_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk4_i(0 to 7), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk4_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk4_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk4_i(8 to 15), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk4_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk4_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk4_i(16 to 23), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk4_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk4_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk4_i(24 to 31), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk4_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk4_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 4) port map ( InA => chk4_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(4)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 5 built up from 4 LUT8 and 1 LUT4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk5_i <= data_chk5 & CheckIn(5); -- 15-bit for 32-bit ECC -- 31-bit for 64-bit ECC Parity_chk5_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk5_i(0 to 7), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk5_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk5_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk5_i(8 to 15), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk5_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk5_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk5_i(16 to 23), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk5_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk5_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk5_i(24 to 31), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk5_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk5_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 4) port map ( InA => chk5_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(5)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 6 built up from 1 LUT8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk6_i <= data_chk6 & CheckIn(6); Parity_chk6_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk6_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(6)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 7 built up from 3 LUT7 and 8 LUT6 and 1 LUT3 (12 total) + 2 LUT6 + 1 2-bit XOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- 32-bit ECC uses DataIn(0:31) and Checkin (0 to 6) -- 64-bit ECC will use DataIn(0:63) and Checkin (0 to 7) data_chk7 <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(1) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(4) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(11) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(26) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(29) & DataIn(30) & DataIn(31) & DataIn(32) & DataIn(33) & DataIn(34) & DataIn(35) & DataIn(36) & DataIn(37) & DataIn(38) & DataIn(39) & DataIn(40) & DataIn(41) & DataIn(42) & DataIn(43) & DataIn(44) & DataIn(45) & DataIn(46) & DataIn(47) & DataIn(48) & DataIn(49) & DataIn(50) & DataIn(51) & DataIn(52) & DataIn(53) & DataIn(54) & DataIn(55) & DataIn(56) & DataIn(57) & DataIn(58) & DataIn(59) & DataIn(60) & DataIn(61) & DataIn(62) & DataIn(63) & CheckIn(6) & CheckIn(5) & CheckIn(4) & CheckIn(3) & CheckIn(2) & CheckIn(1) & CheckIn(0) & CheckIn(7); Parity_chk7_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => data_chk7(18 to 24), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => data_chk7(25 to 31), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(4)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_6 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => data_chk7(32 to 38), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(5)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_7 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(39 to 44), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(6)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_8 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(45 to 50), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(7)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_9 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(51 to 56), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(8)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_10 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(57 to 62), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(9)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_11 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(63 to 68), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(10)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_12 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 3) port map ( InA => data_chk7(69 to 71), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(11)); -- [out std_logic] -- Unused -- Parity_chk7_13 : Parity -- generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) -- port map ( -- InA => chk7_1 (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] -- Res => syndrome7_a); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- Parity_chk7_14 : Parity -- generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) -- port map ( -- InA => chk7_1 (6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] -- Res => syndrome7_b); -- [out std_logic] -- Unused syndrome_i(7) <= syndrome7_a xor syndrome7_b; -- Unused syndrome_i (7) <= syndrome7_a; -- syndrome_i (7) is not used here. Final XOR stage is done outside this module with Syndrome_7 vector output. -- Clean up this statement. syndrome_i (7) <= '0'; -- Unused syndrome_int_7 <= syndrome7_a xor syndrome7_b; -- Unused Syndrome_7_b <= syndrome7_b; Syndrome <= syndrome_i; -- Bring out seperate output to do final XOR stage on Syndrome (7) after -- the pipeline stage. Syndrome_7 <= chk7_1 (0 to 11); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- With final syndrome registered outside this module for pipeline balancing -- Use registered syndrome to generate any error flags. -- Use input signal, Syndrome_Chk which is the registered Syndrome used to -- correct any single bit errors. syndrome_0_to_2 <= Syndrome_Chk(0) & Syndrome_Chk(1) & Syndrome_Chk(2); -- syndrome_3_to_6 <= syndrome_i(3) & syndrome_i(4) & syndrome_i(5) & syndrome_i(6); syndrome_3_to_6 <= Syndrome_Chk(3) & Syndrome_Chk(4) & Syndrome_Chk(5) & Syndrome_Chk(6); syndrome_3_to_6_zero <= '1' when syndrome_3_to_6 = "0000" else '0'; -- Syndrome bits (3:6) can indicate a double bit error if -- Syndrome (6) = '1' AND any bits of Syndrome(3:5) are equal to a '1'. syndrome_3_to_6_multi <= '1' when (syndrome_3_to_6 = "1111" or -- 15 syndrome_3_to_6 = "1101" or -- 13 syndrome_3_to_6 = "1011" or -- 11 syndrome_3_to_6 = "1001" or -- 9 syndrome_3_to_6 = "0111" or -- 7 syndrome_3_to_6 = "0101" or -- 5 syndrome_3_to_6 = "0011") -- 3 else '0'; -- A single bit error is detectable if -- Syndrome (7) = '1' and a double bit error is not detectable in Syndrome (3:6) -- CE <= Enable_ECC and (syndrome_i(7) or CE_Q) when (syndrome_3_to_6_multi = '0') -- CE <= Enable_ECC and (syndrome_int_7 or CE_Q) when (syndrome_3_to_6_multi = '0') -- CE <= Enable_ECC and (Syndrome_Chk(7) or CE_Q) when (syndrome_3_to_6_multi = '0') -- else CE_Q and Enable_ECC; -- Ensure that CE flag is only asserted for a single clock cycle (and does not keep -- registered output value) CE <= (Enable_ECC and Syndrome_Chk(7)) when (syndrome_3_to_6_multi = '0') else '0'; -- Uncorrectable error if Syndrome(7) = '0' and any other bits are = '1'. -- ue_i_0 <= Enable_ECC when (syndrome_3_to_6_zero = '0') or (syndrome_i(0 to 2) /= "000") -- else UE_Q and Enable_ECC; -- ue_i_0 <= Enable_ECC when (syndrome_3_to_6_zero = '0') or (syndrome_0_to_2 /= "000") -- else UE_Q and Enable_ECC; -- -- ue_i_1 <= Enable_ECC and (syndrome_3_to_6_multi or UE_Q); -- Similar edit from CE flag. Ensure that UE flags are only asserted for a single -- clock cycle. The flags are registered outside this module for detection in -- register module. ue_i_0 <= Enable_ECC when (syndrome_3_to_6_zero = '0') or (syndrome_0_to_2 /= "000") else '0'; ue_i_1 <= Enable_ECC and (syndrome_3_to_6_multi); Use_LUT6: if (C_USE_LUT6) generate UE_MUXF7 : MUXF7 port map ( I0 => ue_i_0, I1 => ue_i_1, -- S => syndrome_i(7), -- S => syndrome_int_7, S => Syndrome_Chk(7), O => UE ); end generate Use_LUT6; Use_RTL: if (not C_USE_LUT6) generate -- bit 6 in 32-bit ECC -- bit 7 in 64-bit ECC -- UE <= ue_i_1 when syndrome_i(7) = '1' else ue_i_0; -- UE <= ue_i_1 when syndrome_int_7 = '1' else ue_i_0; UE <= ue_i_1 when Syndrome_Chk(7) = '1' else ue_i_0; end generate Use_RTL; end generate Decode_Bits; end architecture IMP; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checkbit_handler.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: checkbit_handler.vhd -- -- Description: Generates the ECC checkbits for the input vector of data bits. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93/02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity checkbit_handler is generic ( C_ENCODE : boolean := true; C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := true ); port ( DataIn : in std_logic_vector(0 to 31); --- changed from 31 downto 0 to 0 to 31 to make it compatabile with LMB Controller's hamming code. CheckIn : in std_logic_vector(0 to 6); CheckOut : out std_logic_vector(0 to 6); Syndrome : out std_logic_vector(0 to 6); Syndrome_4 : out std_logic_vector (0 to 1); Syndrome_6 : out std_logic_vector (0 to 5); Syndrome_Chk : in std_logic_vector (0 to 6); Enable_ECC : in std_logic; UE_Q : in std_logic; CE_Q : in std_logic; UE : out std_logic; CE : out std_logic ); end entity checkbit_handler; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; architecture IMP of checkbit_handler is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; component XOR18 is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean); port ( InA : in std_logic_vector(0 to 17); res : out std_logic); end component XOR18; component Parity is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean; C_SIZE : integer); port ( InA : in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1); Res : out std_logic); end component Parity; signal data_chk0 : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); signal data_chk1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); signal data_chk2 : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); signal data_chk3 : std_logic_vector(0 to 14); signal data_chk4 : std_logic_vector(0 to 14); signal data_chk5 : std_logic_vector(0 to 5); begin -- architecture IMP data_chk0 <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(1) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(4) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(11) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(26) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(30); data_chk1 <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(31); data_chk2 <= DataIn(1) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(29) & DataIn(30) & DataIn(31); data_chk3 <= DataIn(4) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25); data_chk4 <= DataIn(11) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25); data_chk5 <= DataIn(26) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(29) & DataIn(30) & DataIn(31); -- Encode bits for writing data Encode_Bits : if (C_ENCODE) generate signal data_chk3_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); signal data_chk4_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); signal data_chk6 : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 0 built up using XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XOR18_I0 : XOR18 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( InA => data_chk0, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] res => CheckOut(0)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 1 built up using XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XOR18_I1 : XOR18 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( InA => data_chk1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] res => CheckOut(1)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 2 built up using XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XOR18_I2 : XOR18 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( InA => data_chk2, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] res => CheckOut(2)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 3 built up using XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk3_i <= data_chk3 & "000"; XOR18_I3 : XOR18 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( InA => data_chk3_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] res => CheckOut(3)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 4 built up using XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk4_i <= data_chk4 & "000"; XOR18_I4 : XOR18 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( InA => data_chk4_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] res => CheckOut(4)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 5 built up from 1 LUT6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parity_chk5_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk5, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => CheckOut(5)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 6 built up from 3 LUT7 and 4 LUT6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk6 <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(1) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(4) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(11) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(26) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(29); XOR18_I6 : XOR18 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( InA => data_chk6, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] res => CheckOut(6)); -- [out std_logic] end generate Encode_Bits; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Decode bits to get syndrome and UE/CE signals -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decode_Bits : if (not C_ENCODE) generate signal syndrome_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 6) := (others => '0'); signal chk0_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal chk1_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal chk2_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal data_chk3_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 15); signal chk3_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 1); signal data_chk4_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 15); signal chk4_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 1); signal data_chk5_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); signal data_chk6 : std_logic_vector(0 to 38); signal chk6_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 5); signal syndrome_0_to_2 : std_logic_vector (0 to 2); signal syndrome_3_to_5 : std_logic_vector (3 to 5); signal syndrome_3_to_5_multi : std_logic; signal syndrome_3_to_5_zero : std_logic; signal ue_i_0 : std_logic; signal ue_i_1 : std_logic; begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 0 built up from 3 LUT6 and 1 LUT4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ chk0_1(3) <= CheckIn(0); Parity_chk0_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 4) port map ( InA => chk0_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(0)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 1 built up from 3 LUT6 and 1 LUT4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ chk1_1(3) <= CheckIn(1); Parity_chk1_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 4) port map ( InA => chk1_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(1)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 2 built up from 3 LUT6 and 1 LUT4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ chk2_1(3) <= CheckIn(2); Parity_chk2_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 4) port map ( InA => chk2_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(2)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 3 built up from 2 LUT8 and 1 LUT2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk3_i <= data_chk3 & CheckIn(3); Parity_chk3_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk3_i(0 to 7), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk3_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk3_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk3_i(8 to 15), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk3_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] -- For improved timing, remove Enable_ECC signal in this LUT level Parity_chk3_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 2) port map ( InA => chk3_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(3)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 4 built up from 2 LUT8 and 1 LUT2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk4_i <= data_chk4 & CheckIn(4); Parity_chk4_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk4_i(0 to 7), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk4_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk4_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk4_i(8 to 15), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk4_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] -- Set bit 4 output with default. Real ECC XOR value will be determined post register -- stage. syndrome_i (4) <= '0'; -- For improved timing, move last LUT level XOR to next side of pipeline -- stage in read path. Syndrome_4 <= chk4_1; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 5 built up from 1 LUT7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk5_i <= data_chk5 & CheckIn(5); Parity_chk5_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => data_chk5_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(5)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 6 built up from 3 LUT7 and 4 LUT6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk6 <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(1) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(4) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(11) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(26) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(29) & DataIn(30) & DataIn(31) & CheckIn(5) & CheckIn(4) & CheckIn(3) & CheckIn(2) & CheckIn(1) & CheckIn(0) & CheckIn(6); Parity_chk6_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk6(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk6_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk6_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk6(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk6_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk6_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk6(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk6_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk6_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => data_chk6(18 to 24), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk6_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk6_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => data_chk6(25 to 31), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk6_1(4)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk6_6 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => data_chk6(32 to 38), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk6_1(5)); -- [out std_logic] -- No internal use for MSB of syndrome (it is created after the -- register stage, outside of this block) syndrome_i(6) <= '0'; Syndrome <= syndrome_i; -- (N:0) <= (0:N) -- Bring out seperate output to do final XOR stage on Syndrome (6) after -- the pipeline stage. Syndrome_6 <= chk6_1 (0 to 5); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- With final syndrome registered outside this module for pipeline balancing -- Use registered syndrome to generate any error flags. -- Use input signal, Syndrome_Chk which is the registered Syndrome used to -- correct any single bit errors. syndrome_0_to_2 <= Syndrome_Chk(0) & Syndrome_Chk(1) & Syndrome_Chk(2); syndrome_3_to_5 <= Syndrome_Chk(3) & Syndrome_Chk(4) & Syndrome_Chk(5); syndrome_3_to_5_zero <= '1' when syndrome_3_to_5 = "000" else '0'; syndrome_3_to_5_multi <= '1' when (syndrome_3_to_5 = "111" or syndrome_3_to_5 = "011" or syndrome_3_to_5 = "101") else '0'; -- Ensure that CE flag is only asserted for a single clock cycle (and does not keep -- registered output value) CE <= (Enable_ECC and Syndrome_Chk(6)) when (syndrome_3_to_5_multi = '0') else '0'; -- Similar edit from CE flag. Ensure that UE flags are only asserted for a single -- clock cycle. The flags are registered outside this module for detection in -- register module. ue_i_0 <= Enable_ECC when (syndrome_3_to_5_zero = '0') or (syndrome_0_to_2 /= "000") else '0'; ue_i_1 <= Enable_ECC and (syndrome_3_to_5_multi); Use_LUT6: if (C_USE_LUT6) generate begin UE_MUXF7 : MUXF7 port map ( I0 => ue_i_0, I1 => ue_i_1, S => Syndrome_Chk(6), O => UE); end generate Use_LUT6; Use_RTL: if (not C_USE_LUT6) generate begin UE <= ue_i_1 when Syndrome_Chk(6) = '1' else ue_i_0; end generate Use_RTL; end generate Decode_Bits; end architecture IMP; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Filename: correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- Description: Identifies single bit to correct in 64-bit word of -- data read from memory as indicated by the syndrome input -- vector. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; entity Correct_One_Bit_64 is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := true; Correct_Value : std_logic_vector(0 to 7)); port ( DIn : in std_logic; Syndrome : in std_logic_vector(0 to 7); DCorr : out std_logic); end entity Correct_One_Bit_64; architecture IMP of Correct_One_Bit_64 is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Find which bit that has a '1' -- There is always one bit which has a '1' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function find_one (Syn : std_logic_vector(0 to 7)) return natural is begin -- function find_one for I in 0 to 7 loop if (Syn(I) = '1') then return I; end if; end loop; -- I return 0; -- Should never reach this statement end function find_one; constant di_index : natural := find_one(Correct_Value); signal corr_sel : std_logic; signal corr_c : std_logic; signal lut_compare : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); signal lut_corr_val : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); begin -- architecture IMP Remove_DI_Index : process (Syndrome) is begin -- process Remove_DI_Index if (di_index = 0) then lut_compare <= Syndrome(1 to 7); lut_corr_val <= Correct_Value(1 to 7); elsif (di_index = 6) then lut_compare <= Syndrome(0 to 6); lut_corr_val <= Correct_Value(0 to 6); else lut_compare <= Syndrome(0 to di_index-1) & Syndrome(di_index+1 to 7); lut_corr_val <= Correct_Value(0 to di_index-1) & Correct_Value(di_index+1 to 7); end if; end process Remove_DI_Index; corr_sel <= '0' when lut_compare = lut_corr_val else '1'; Corr_MUXCY : MUXCY_L port map ( DI => Syndrome(di_index), CI => '0', S => corr_sel, LO => corr_c); Corr_XORCY : XORCY port map ( LI => DIn, CI => corr_c, O => DCorr); end architecture IMP; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- correct_one_bit.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Filename: correct_one_bit.vhd -- -- Description: Identifies single bit to correct in 32-bit word of -- data read from memory as indicated by the syndrome input -- vector. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; entity Correct_One_Bit is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := true; Correct_Value : std_logic_vector(0 to 6)); port ( DIn : in std_logic; Syndrome : in std_logic_vector(0 to 6); DCorr : out std_logic); end entity Correct_One_Bit; architecture IMP of Correct_One_Bit is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Find which bit that has a '1' -- There is always one bit which has a '1' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function find_one (Syn : std_logic_vector(0 to 6)) return natural is begin -- function find_one for I in 0 to 6 loop if (Syn(I) = '1') then return I; end if; end loop; -- I return 0; -- Should never reach this statement end function find_one; constant di_index : natural := find_one(Correct_Value); signal corr_sel : std_logic; signal corr_c : std_logic; signal lut_compare : std_logic_vector(0 to 5); signal lut_corr_val : std_logic_vector(0 to 5); begin -- architecture IMP Remove_DI_Index : process (Syndrome) is begin -- process Remove_DI_Index if (di_index = 0) then lut_compare <= Syndrome(1 to 6); lut_corr_val <= Correct_Value(1 to 6); elsif (di_index = 6) then lut_compare <= Syndrome(0 to 5); lut_corr_val <= Correct_Value(0 to 5); else lut_compare <= Syndrome(0 to di_index-1) & Syndrome(di_index+1 to 6); lut_corr_val <= Correct_Value(0 to di_index-1) & Correct_Value(di_index+1 to 6); end if; end process Remove_DI_Index; -- Corr_LUT : LUT6 -- generic map( -- INIT => X"6996966996696996" -- ) -- port map( -- O => corr_sel, -- [out] -- I0 => InA(5), -- [in] -- I1 => InA(4), -- [in] -- I2 => InA(3), -- [in] -- I3 => InA(2), -- [in] -- I4 => InA(1), -- [in] -- I5 => InA(0) -- [in] -- ); corr_sel <= '0' when lut_compare = lut_corr_val else '1'; Corr_MUXCY : MUXCY_L port map ( DI => Syndrome(di_index), CI => '0', S => corr_sel, LO => corr_c); Corr_XORCY : XORCY port map ( LI => DIn, CI => corr_c, O => DCorr); end architecture IMP; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- xor18.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Filename: xor18.vhd -- -- Description: Basic 18-bit input XOR function. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add default on C_USE_LUT6 parameter. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; entity XOR18 is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := FALSE ); port ( InA : in std_logic_vector(0 to 17); res : out std_logic); end entity XOR18; architecture IMP of XOR18 is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; begin -- architecture IMP Using_LUT6: if (C_USE_LUT6) generate signal xor6_1 : std_logic; signal xor6_2 : std_logic; signal xor6_3 : std_logic; signal xor18_c1 : std_logic; signal xor18_c2 : std_logic; begin -- generate Using_LUT6 XOR6_1_LUT : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"6996966996696996") port map( O => xor6_1, I0 => InA(17), I1 => InA(16), I2 => InA(15), I3 => InA(14), I4 => InA(13), I5 => InA(12)); XOR_1st_MUXCY : MUXCY_L port map ( DI => '1', CI => '0', S => xor6_1, LO => xor18_c1); XOR6_2_LUT : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"6996966996696996") port map( O => xor6_2, I0 => InA(11), I1 => InA(10), I2 => InA(9), I3 => InA(8), I4 => InA(7), I5 => InA(6)); XOR_2nd_MUXCY : MUXCY_L port map ( DI => xor6_1, CI => xor18_c1, S => xor6_2, LO => xor18_c2); XOR6_3_LUT : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"6996966996696996") port map( O => xor6_3, I0 => InA(5), I1 => InA(4), I2 => InA(3), I3 => InA(2), I4 => InA(1), I5 => InA(0)); XOR18_XORCY : XORCY port map ( LI => xor6_3, CI => xor18_c2, O => res); end generate Using_LUT6; Not_Using_LUT6: if (not C_USE_LUT6) generate begin -- generate Not_Using_LUT6 res <= InA(17) xor InA(16) xor InA(15) xor InA(14) xor InA(13) xor InA(12) xor InA(11) xor InA(10) xor InA(9) xor InA(8) xor InA(7) xor InA(6) xor InA(5) xor InA(4) xor InA(3) xor InA(2) xor InA(1) xor InA(0); end generate Not_Using_LUT6; end architecture IMP; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- parity.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Filename: parity.vhd -- -- Description: Generate parity optimally for all target architectures. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity Parity is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := true; C_SIZE : integer := 6 ); port ( InA : in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1); Res : out std_logic ); end entity Parity; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; architecture IMP of Parity is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; -- Non-recursive loop implementation function ParityGen (InA : std_logic_vector) return std_logic is variable result : std_logic; begin result := '0'; for I in InA'range loop result := result xor InA(I); end loop; return result; end function ParityGen; begin -- architecture IMP Using_LUT6 : if (C_USE_LUT6) generate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Single LUT6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Single_LUT6 : if C_SIZE > 1 and C_SIZE <= 6 generate signal inA6 : std_logic_vector(0 to 5); begin Assign_InA : process (InA) is begin inA6 <= (others => '0'); inA6(0 to InA'length - 1) <= InA; end process Assign_InA; XOR6_LUT : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"6996966996696996") port map( O => Res, I0 => inA6(5), I1 => inA6(4), I2 => inA6(3), I3 => inA6(2), I4 => inA6(1), I5 => inA6(0)); end generate Single_LUT6; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Two LUT6 and one MUXF7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use_MUXF7 : if C_SIZE = 7 generate signal inA7 : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); signal result6 : std_logic; signal result6n : std_logic; begin Assign_InA : process (InA) is begin inA7 <= (others => '0'); inA7(0 to InA'length - 1) <= InA; end process Assign_InA; XOR6_LUT : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"6996966996696996") port map( O => result6, I0 => inA7(5), I1 => inA7(4), I2 => inA7(3), I3 => inA7(2), I4 => inA7(1), I5 => inA7(0)); XOR6_LUT_N : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"9669699669969669") port map( O => result6n, I0 => inA7(5), I1 => inA7(4), I2 => inA7(3), I3 => inA7(2), I4 => inA7(1), I5 => inA7(0)); MUXF7_LUT : MUXF7 port map ( O => Res, I0 => result6, I1 => result6n, S => inA7(6)); end generate Use_MUXF7; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Four LUT6, two MUXF7 and one MUXF8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use_MUXF8 : if C_SIZE = 8 generate signal inA8 : std_logic_vector(0 to 7); signal result6_1 : std_logic; signal result6_1n : std_logic; signal result6_2 : std_logic; signal result6_2n : std_logic; signal result7_1 : std_logic; signal result7_1n : std_logic; begin Assign_InA : process (InA) is begin inA8 <= (others => '0'); inA8(0 to InA'length - 1) <= InA; end process Assign_InA; XOR6_LUT1 : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"6996966996696996") port map( O => result6_1, I0 => inA8(5), I1 => inA8(4), I2 => inA8(3), I3 => inA8(2), I4 => inA8(1), I5 => inA8(0)); XOR6_LUT2_N : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"9669699669969669") port map( O => result6_1n, I0 => inA8(5), I1 => inA8(4), I2 => inA8(3), I3 => inA8(2), I4 => inA8(1), I5 => inA8(0)); MUXF7_LUT1 : MUXF7 port map ( O => result7_1, I0 => result6_1, I1 => result6_1n, S => inA8(6)); XOR6_LUT3 : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"6996966996696996") port map( O => result6_2, I0 => inA8(5), I1 => inA8(4), I2 => inA8(3), I3 => inA8(2), I4 => inA8(1), I5 => inA8(0)); XOR6_LUT4_N : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"9669699669969669") port map( O => result6_2n, I0 => inA8(5), I1 => inA8(4), I2 => inA8(3), I3 => inA8(2), I4 => inA8(1), I5 => inA8(0)); MUXF7_LUT2 : MUXF7 port map ( O => result7_1n, I0 => result6_2n, I1 => result6_2, S => inA8(6)); MUXF8_LUT : MUXF8 port map ( O => res, I0 => result7_1, I1 => result7_1n, S => inA8(7)); end generate Use_MUXF8; end generate Using_LUT6; -- Fall-back implementation without LUT6 Not_Using_LUT6 : if not C_USE_LUT6 or C_SIZE > 8 generate begin Res <= ParityGen(InA); end generate Not_Using_LUT6; end architecture IMP; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generated by X-HDL Verilog Translator - Version 4.0.0 Apr. 30, 2006 -- Wed Jun 17 2009 01:03:24 -- -- Input file : /home/samsonn/SandBox_LBranch_11.2/env/Databases/ip/src2/L/mig_v3_2/data/dlib/virtex6/ddr3_sdram/verilog/rtl/ecc/ecc_gen.v -- Component name : ecc_gen -- Author : -- Company : -- -- Description : -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; -- Generate the ecc code. Note that the synthesizer should -- generate this as a static logic. Code in this block should -- never run during simulation phase, or directly impact timing. -- -- The code generated is a single correct, double detect code. -- It is the classic Hamming code. Instead, the code is -- optimized for minimal/balanced tree depth and size. See -- Hsiao IBM Technial Journal 1970. -- -- The code is returned as a single bit vector, h_rows. This was -- the only way to "subroutinize" this with the restrictions of -- disallowed include files and that matrices cannot be passed -- in ports. -- -- Factorial and the combos functions are defined. Combos -- simply computes the number of combinations from the set -- size and elements at a time. -- -- The function next_combo computes the next combination in -- lexicographical order given the "current" combination. Its -- output is undefined if given the last combination in the -- lexicographical order. -- -- next_combo is insensitive to the number of elements in the -- combinations. -- -- An H transpose matrix is generated because that's the easiest -- way to do it. The H transpose matrix is generated by taking -- the one at a time combinations, then the 3 at a time, then -- the 5 at a time. The number combinations used is equal to -- the width of the code (CODE_WIDTH). The boundaries between -- the 1, 3 and 5 groups are hardcoded in the for loop. -- -- At the same time the h_rows vector is generated from the -- H transpose matrix. entity ecc_gen is generic ( CODE_WIDTH : integer := 72; ECC_WIDTH : integer := 8; DATA_WIDTH : integer := 64 ); port ( -- Outputs -- function next_combo -- Given a combination, return the next combo in lexicographical -- order. Scans from right to left. Assumes the first combination -- is k ones all of the way to the left. -- -- Upon entry, initialize seen0, trig1, and ones. "seen0" means -- that a zero has been observed while scanning from right to left. -- "trig1" means that a one have been observed _after_ seen0 is set. -- "ones" counts the number of ones observed while scanning the input. -- -- If trig1 is one, just copy the input bit to the output and increment -- to the next bit. Otherwise set the the output bit to zero, if the -- input is a one, increment ones. If the input bit is a one and seen0 -- is true, dump out the accumulated ones. Set seen0 to the complement -- of the input bit. Note that seen0 is not used subsequent to trig1 -- getting set. -- The stuff above leads to excessive XST execution times. For now, hardwire to 72/64 bit. h_rows : out std_logic_vector(CODE_WIDTH * ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) ); end entity ecc_gen; architecture trans of ecc_gen is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of trans : architecture is "yes"; function factorial (ivar: integer) return integer is variable tmp : integer; begin if (ivar = 1) then return 1; else tmp := 1; for i in ivar downto 2 loop tmp := tmp * i; end loop; end if; return tmp; end function factorial; function combos ( n, k: integer) return integer is begin return factorial(n)/(factorial(k)*factorial(n-k)); end function combos; function next_combo (i: std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is variable seen0: std_logic; variable trig1: std_logic; variable ones: std_logic_vector (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); variable tmp: std_logic_vector (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); variable tmp_index : integer; begin seen0 := '0'; trig1 := '0'; ones := (others => '0'); for index in ECC_WIDTH -1 downto 0 loop tmp_index := ECC_WIDTH -1 - index; if (trig1 = '1') then tmp(tmp_index) := i(tmp_index); else tmp(tmp_index) := '0'; ones := ones + i(tmp_index); if ((i(tmp_index) = '1') and (seen0 = '1')) then trig1 := '1'; for dump_index in tmp_index-1 downto 0 loop if (dump_index >= (tmp_index- conv_integer(ones)) ) then tmp(dump_index) := '1'; end if; end loop; end if; seen0 := not(i(tmp_index)); end if; end loop; return tmp; end function next_combo; constant COMBOS_3 : integer := combos(ECC_WIDTH, 3); constant COMBOS_5 : integer := combos(ECC_WIDTH, 5); type twoDarray is array (CODE_WIDTH -1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal ht_matrix : twoDarray; begin columns: for n in CODE_WIDTH - 1 downto 0 generate column0: if (n = 0) generate ht_matrix(n) <= "111" & conv_std_logic_vector(0,ECC_WIDTH-3); end generate; column_combos3: if ((n = COMBOS_3) and ( n < DATA_WIDTH) ) generate ht_matrix(n) <= "11111" & conv_std_logic_vector(0,ECC_WIDTH-5); end generate; column_combos5: if ((n = COMBOS_3 + COMBOS_5) and ( n < DATA_WIDTH) ) generate ht_matrix(n) <= "1111111" & conv_std_logic_vector(0,ECC_WIDTH-7); end generate; column_datawidth: if (n = DATA_WIDTH) generate ht_matrix(n) <= "1" & conv_std_logic_vector(0,ECC_WIDTH-1); end generate; column_gen: if ( (n /= 0 ) and ((n /= COMBOS_3) or (n > DATA_WIDTH)) and ((n /= COMBOS_3+COMBOS_5) or (n > DATA_WIDTH)) and (n /= DATA_WIDTH) ) generate ht_matrix(n) <= next_combo(ht_matrix(n-1)); end generate; out_assign: for s in ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0 generate h_rows(s*CODE_WIDTH+n) <= ht_matrix(n)(s); end generate; end generate; --h_row0 <= "100000000100100011101101001101001000110100100010000110100100010000100000"; --h_row1 <= "010000001010010011011010101010100100101010010001000101010010001000010000"; --h_row2 <= "001000001001001010110110010110010010011001001000100011001001000100001000"; --h_row3 <= "000100000111000101110001110001110001000111000100010000111000100010000100"; --h_row4 <= "000010000000111100001111110000001111000000111100001000000111100001000010"; --h_row5 <= "000001001111111100000000001111111111000000000011111000000000011111000001"; --h_row6 <= "000000101111111100000000000000000000111111111111111000000000000000111111"; --h_row7 <= "000000011111111100000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111"; --h_rows <= (h_row7 & h_row6 & h_row5 & h_row4 & h_row3 & h_row2 & h_row1 & h_row0); end architecture trans; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- -- Description: This module contains the register components for the -- ECC status & control data when enabled. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- Remove library version # dependency. Replace with work library. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add ECC support for 128-bit BRAM data width. -- Clean-up XST warnings. Add C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR parameter and -- modify BRAM address registers. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.axi_lite_if; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity lite_ecc_reg is generic ( C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL : string := "AXI4"; -- Used in this module to differentiate timing for error capture C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM : INTEGER := 1; -- Enable single port usage of BRAM C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := 2; -- Adjust factor to BRAM address width based on data width (in bits) -- AXI-Lite Register Parameters C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite data bus (in bits) -- ECC Parameters C_ECC_WIDTH : integer := 8; -- Width of ECC data vector C_FAULT_INJECT : integer := 0; -- Enable fault injection registers C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE : integer := 1; -- By default, ECC checking is on (can disable ECC @ reset by setting this to 0) -- Hard coded parameters at top level. -- Note: Kept in design for future enhancement. C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF : integer := 0; -- By default the ECC AXI-Lite register interface is enabled C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable CE (correctable error) failing registers C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable UE (uncorrectable error) failing registers C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable ECC status registers C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER : integer := 0; -- Enable ECC on/off control register C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH : integer := 0 -- Selects CE counter width/threshold to assert ECC_Interrupt ); port ( -- AXI Clock and Reset S_AXI_AClk : in std_logic; S_AXI_AResetn : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Clock and Reset -- Note: AXI-Lite Control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- S_AXI_CTRL_AClk : in std_logic; -- S_AXI_CTRL_AResetn : in std_logic; Interrupt : out std_logic := '0'; ECC_UE : out std_logic := '0'; -- *** AXI-Lite ECC Register Interface Signals *** -- All synchronized to S_AXI_CTRL_AClk -- AXI-Lite Write Address Channel Signals (AW) AXI_CTRL_AWVALID : in std_logic; AXI_CTRL_AWREADY : out std_logic; AXI_CTRL_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- AXI-Lite Write Data Channel Signals (W) AXI_CTRL_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_WVALID : in std_logic; AXI_CTRL_WREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) AXI_CTRL_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_BVALID : out std_logic; AXI_CTRL_BREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Address Channel Signals (AR) AXI_CTRL_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_ARVALID : in std_logic; AXI_CTRL_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Data Channel Signals (R) AXI_CTRL_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_RVALID : out std_logic; AXI_CTRL_RREADY : in std_logic; -- *** Memory Controller Interface Signals *** -- All synchronized to S_AXI_AClk Enable_ECC : out std_logic; -- Indicates if and when ECC is enabled FaultInjectClr : in std_logic; -- Clear for Fault Inject Registers CE_Failing_We : in std_logic; -- WE for CE Failing Registers -- UE_Failing_We : in std_logic; -- WE for CE Failing Registers CE_CounterReg_Inc : in std_logic; -- Increment CE Counter Register Sl_CE : in std_logic; -- Correctable Error Flag Sl_UE : in std_logic; -- Uncorrectable Error Flag BRAM_Addr_A : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR); -- v1.03a BRAM_Addr_B : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR); -- v1.03a BRAM_Addr_En : in std_logic; Active_Wr : in std_logic; -- BRAM_RdData_A : in std_logic_vector (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); -- BRAM_RdData_B : in std_logic_vector (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); -- Outputs FaultInjectData : out std_logic_vector (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); FaultInjectECC : out std_logic_vector (0 to C_ECC_WIDTH-1) ); end entity lite_ecc_reg; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of lite_ecc_reg is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; constant IF_IS_AXI4 : boolean := (Equal_String (C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL, "AXI4")); constant IF_IS_AXI4LITE : boolean := (Equal_String (C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL, "AXI4LITE")); -- Start LMB BRAM v3.00a HDL constant C_HAS_FAULT_INJECT : boolean := C_FAULT_INJECT = 1; constant C_HAS_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS : boolean := C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS = 1; constant C_HAS_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS : boolean := C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS = 1; constant C_HAS_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS : boolean := C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS = 1; constant C_HAS_ECC_ONOFF : boolean := C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER = 1; constant C_HAS_CE_COUNTER : boolean := C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH /= 0; -- Register accesses -- Register addresses use word address, i.e 2 LSB don't care -- Don't decode MSB, i.e. mirrorring of registers in address space of module constant C_REGADDR_WIDTH : integer := 8; constant C_ECC_StatusReg : std_logic_vector := "00000000"; -- 0x0 = 00 0000 00 constant C_ECC_EnableIRQReg : std_logic_vector := "00000001"; -- 0x4 = 00 0000 01 constant C_ECC_OnOffReg : std_logic_vector := "00000010"; -- 0x8 = 00 0000 10 constant C_CE_CounterReg : std_logic_vector := "00000011"; -- 0xC = 00 0000 11 constant C_CE_FailingData_31_0 : std_logic_vector := "01000000"; -- 0x100 = 01 0000 00 constant C_CE_FailingData_63_31 : std_logic_vector := "01000001"; -- 0x104 = 01 0000 01 constant C_CE_FailingData_95_64 : std_logic_vector := "01000010"; -- 0x108 = 01 0000 10 constant C_CE_FailingData_127_96 : std_logic_vector := "01000011"; -- 0x10C = 01 0000 11 constant C_CE_FailingECC : std_logic_vector := "01100000"; -- 0x180 = 01 1000 00 constant C_CE_FailingAddress_31_0 : std_logic_vector := "01110000"; -- 0x1C0 = 01 1100 00 constant C_CE_FailingAddress_63_32 : std_logic_vector := "01110001"; -- 0x1C4 = 01 1100 01 constant C_UE_FailingData_31_0 : std_logic_vector := "10000000"; -- 0x200 = 10 0000 00 constant C_UE_FailingData_63_31 : std_logic_vector := "10000001"; -- 0x204 = 10 0000 01 constant C_UE_FailingData_95_64 : std_logic_vector := "10000010"; -- 0x208 = 10 0000 10 constant C_UE_FailingData_127_96 : std_logic_vector := "10000011"; -- 0x20C = 10 0000 11 constant C_UE_FailingECC : std_logic_vector := "10100000"; -- 0x280 = 10 1000 00 constant C_UE_FailingAddress_31_0 : std_logic_vector := "10110000"; -- 0x2C0 = 10 1100 00 constant C_UE_FailingAddress_63_32 : std_logic_vector := "10110000"; -- 0x2C4 = 10 1100 00 constant C_FaultInjectData_31_0 : std_logic_vector := "11000000"; -- 0x300 = 11 0000 00 constant C_FaultInjectData_63_32 : std_logic_vector := "11000001"; -- 0x304 = 11 0000 01 constant C_FaultInjectData_95_64 : std_logic_vector := "11000010"; -- 0x308 = 11 0000 10 constant C_FaultInjectData_127_96 : std_logic_vector := "11000011"; -- 0x30C = 11 0000 11 constant C_FaultInjectECC : std_logic_vector := "11100000"; -- 0x380 = 11 1000 00 -- ECC Status register bit positions constant C_ECC_STATUS_CE : natural := 30; constant C_ECC_STATUS_UE : natural := 31; constant C_ECC_STATUS_WIDTH : natural := 2; constant C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_CE : natural := 30; constant C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_UE : natural := 31; constant C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_WIDTH : natural := 2; constant C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH : natural := 1; -- End LMB BRAM v3.00a HDL constant MSB_ZERO : std_logic_vector (31 downto C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal S_AXI_AReset : std_logic; -- Start LMB BRAM v3.00a HDL -- Read and write data to internal registers constant C_DWIDTH : integer := 32; signal RegWrData : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal RegWrData_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); --signal RegWrData_d1 : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); --signal RegWrData_d2 : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal RegRdData : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal RegRdData_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); --signal RegRdData_d1 : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); --signal RegRdData_d2 : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal RegAddr : std_logic_vector(0 to C_REGADDR_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal RegAddr_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_REGADDR_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); --signal RegAddr_d1 : std_logic_vector(0 to C_REGADDR_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); --signal RegAddr_d2 : std_logic_vector(0 to C_REGADDR_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal RegWr : std_logic; signal RegWr_i : std_logic; --signal RegWr_d1 : std_logic; --signal RegWr_d2 : std_logic; -- Fault Inject Register signal FaultInjectData_WE_0 : std_logic := '0'; signal FaultInjectData_WE_1 : std_logic := '0'; signal FaultInjectData_WE_2 : std_logic := '0'; signal FaultInjectData_WE_3 : std_logic := '0'; signal FaultInjectECC_WE : std_logic := '0'; --signal FaultInjectClr : std_logic := '0'; -- Correctable Error First Failing Register signal CE_FailingAddress : std_logic_vector(0 to 31) := (others => '0'); signal CE_Failing_We_i : std_logic := '0'; -- signal CE_FailingData : std_logic_vector(0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- signal CE_FailingECC : std_logic_vector(32-C_ECC_WIDTH to 31); -- Uncorrectable Error First Failing Register -- signal UE_FailingAddress : std_logic_vector(0 to C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- signal UE_Failing_We_i : std_logic := '0'; -- signal UE_FailingData : std_logic_vector(0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- signal UE_FailingECC : std_logic_vector(32-C_ECC_WIDTH to 31) := (others => '0'); -- ECC Status and Control register signal ECC_StatusReg : std_logic_vector(32-C_ECC_STATUS_WIDTH to 31) := (others => '0'); signal ECC_StatusReg_WE : std_logic_vector(32-C_ECC_STATUS_WIDTH to 31) := (others => '0'); signal ECC_EnableIRQReg : std_logic_vector(32-C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_WIDTH to 31) := (others => '0'); signal ECC_EnableIRQReg_WE : std_logic := '0'; -- ECC On/Off Control register signal ECC_OnOffReg : std_logic_vector(32-C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH to 31) := (others => '0'); signal ECC_OnOffReg_WE : std_logic := '0'; -- Correctable Error Counter signal CE_CounterReg : std_logic_vector(32-C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH to 31) := (others => '0'); signal CE_CounterReg_WE : std_logic := '0'; signal CE_CounterReg_Inc_i : std_logic := '0'; -- End LMB BRAM v3.00a HDL signal BRAM_Addr_A_d1 : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); -- v1.03a signal BRAM_Addr_A_d2 : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); -- v1.03a signal FailingAddr_Ld : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_lite_wstrb_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal Enable_ECC_i : std_logic := '0'; signal ECC_UE_i : std_logic := '0'; signal FaultInjectData_i : std_logic_vector (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal FaultInjectECC_i : std_logic_vector (0 to C_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin FaultInjectData <= FaultInjectData_i; FaultInjectECC <= FaultInjectECC_i; -- Reserve for future support. -- S_AXI_CTRL_AReset <= not (S_AXI_CTRL_AResetn); S_AXI_AReset <= not (S_AXI_AResetn); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_LITE_ECC_REG -- -- Description: -- This module is for the AXI-Lite ECC registers. -- -- Responsible for all AXI-Lite communication to the -- ECC register bank. Provides user interface signals -- to rest of AXI BRAM controller IP core for ECC functionality -- and control. -- -- Manages AXI-Lite write address (AW) and read address (AR), -- write data (W), write response (B), and read data (R) channels. -- -- Synchronized to AXI-Lite clock and reset. -- All RegWr, RegWrData, RegAddr, RegRdData must be synchronized to -- the AXI clock. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_AXI_LITE_IF : entity work.axi_lite_if generic map( C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH, C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH, C_REGADDR_WIDTH => C_REGADDR_WIDTH, C_DWIDTH => C_DWIDTH ) port map ( -- Reserve for future support. -- LMB_Clk => S_AXI_CTRL_AClk, -- LMB_Rst => S_AXI_CTRL_AReset, LMB_Clk => S_AXI_AClk, LMB_Rst => S_AXI_AReset, S_AXI_AWADDR => AXI_CTRL_AWADDR, S_AXI_AWVALID => AXI_CTRL_AWVALID, S_AXI_AWREADY => AXI_CTRL_AWREADY, S_AXI_WDATA => AXI_CTRL_WDATA, S_AXI_WSTRB => axi_lite_wstrb_int, S_AXI_WVALID => AXI_CTRL_WVALID, S_AXI_WREADY => AXI_CTRL_WREADY, S_AXI_BRESP => AXI_CTRL_BRESP, S_AXI_BVALID => AXI_CTRL_BVALID, S_AXI_BREADY => AXI_CTRL_BREADY, S_AXI_ARADDR => AXI_CTRL_ARADDR, S_AXI_ARVALID => AXI_CTRL_ARVALID, S_AXI_ARREADY => AXI_CTRL_ARREADY, S_AXI_RDATA => AXI_CTRL_RDATA, S_AXI_RRESP => AXI_CTRL_RRESP, S_AXI_RVALID => AXI_CTRL_RVALID, S_AXI_RREADY => AXI_CTRL_RREADY, RegWr => RegWr_i, RegWrData => RegWrData_i, RegAddr => RegAddr_i, RegRdData => RegRdData_i ); -- Note: AXI-Lite Control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- -- Save HDL -- If it is decided to go back and use seperate clock inputs -- One for AXI4 and one for AXI4-Lite on this core. -- For now, temporarily comment out and replace the *_i signal -- assignments. RegWr <= RegWr_i; RegWrData <= RegWrData_i; RegAddr <= RegAddr_i; RegRdData_i <= RegRdData; -- Reserve for future support. -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- -- All registers must be synchronized to the correct clock. -- -- RegWr must be synchronized to the S_AXI_Clk -- -- RegWrData must be synchronized to the S_AXI_Clk -- -- RegAddr must be synchronized to the S_AXI_Clk -- -- RegRdData must be synchronized to the S_AXI_CTRL_Clk -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- SYNC_AXI_CLK: process (S_AXI_AClk) -- begin -- if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- RegWr_d1 <= RegWr_i; -- RegWr_d2 <= RegWr_d1; -- RegWrData_d1 <= RegWrData_i; -- RegWrData_d2 <= RegWrData_d1; -- RegAddr_d1 <= RegAddr_i; -- RegAddr_d2 <= RegAddr_d1; -- end if; -- end process SYNC_AXI_CLK; -- -- RegWr <= RegWr_d2; -- RegWrData <= RegWrData_d2; -- RegAddr <= RegAddr_d2; -- -- -- SYNC_AXI_LITE_CLK: process (S_AXI_CTRL_AClk) -- begin -- if (S_AXI_CTRL_AClk'event and S_AXI_CTRL_AClk = '1' ) then -- RegRdData_d1 <= RegRdData; -- RegRdData_d2 <= RegRdData_d1; -- end if; -- end process SYNC_AXI_LITE_CLK; -- -- RegRdData_i <= RegRdData_d2; -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- axi_lite_wstrb_int <= (others => '1'); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ADDR_REG_SNG -- Purpose: Generate two deep wrap-around address pipeline to store -- read address presented to BRAM. Used to update ECC -- register value when ECC correctable or uncorrectable error -- is detected. -- -- If single port, only register Port A address. -- -- With CE flag being registered, must account for one more -- pipeline stage in stored BRAM addresss that correlates to -- failing ECC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ADDR_REG_SNG: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate -- 3rd pipeline stage on Port A (used for reads in single port mode) ONLY signal BRAM_Addr_A_d3 : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); -- v1.03a begin BRAM_ADDR_REG: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (BRAM_Addr_En = '1') then BRAM_Addr_A_d1 <= BRAM_Addr_A; BRAM_Addr_A_d2 <= BRAM_Addr_A_d1; BRAM_Addr_A_d3 <= BRAM_Addr_A_d2; else BRAM_Addr_A_d1 <= BRAM_Addr_A_d1; BRAM_Addr_A_d2 <= BRAM_Addr_A_d2; BRAM_Addr_A_d3 <= BRAM_Addr_A_d3; end if; end if; end process BRAM_ADDR_REG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_L_ADDR -- Purpose: Lower order BRAM address bits fixed @ zero depending -- on BRAM data width size. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_L_ADDR: for i in C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0 generate begin FailingAddr_Ld (i) <= '0'; end generate GEN_L_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ADDR -- Purpose: Assign valid BRAM address bits based on BRAM data width size. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ADDR: for i in C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR generate begin GEN_FA_LITE: if IF_IS_AXI4LITE generate begin FailingAddr_Ld (i) <= BRAM_Addr_A_d1(i); -- Only a single address active at a time. end generate GEN_FA_LITE; GEN_FA_AXI: if IF_IS_AXI4 generate begin -- During the RMW portion, only one active address (use _d1 pipeline). -- During read operaitons, use 3-deep address pipeline to store address values. FailingAddr_Ld (i) <= BRAM_Addr_A_d3 (i) when (Active_Wr = '0') else BRAM_Addr_A_d1 (i); end generate GEN_FA_AXI; end generate GEN_ADDR; end generate GEN_ADDR_REG_SNG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ADDR_REG_DUAL -- Purpose: Generate two deep wrap-around address pipeline to store -- read address presented to BRAM. Used to update ECC -- register value when ECC correctable or uncorrectable error -- is detected. -- -- If dual port BRAM, register Port A & Port B address. -- -- Account for CE flag register delay, add 3rd BRAM address -- pipeline stage. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ADDR_REG_DUAL: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate -- Port B pipeline stages only used in a dual port mode configuration. signal BRAM_Addr_B_d1 : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); -- v1.03a signal BRAM_Addr_B_d2 : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); -- v1.03a signal BRAM_Addr_B_d3 : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); -- v1.03a begin BRAM_ADDR_REG: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (BRAM_Addr_En = '1') then BRAM_Addr_A_d1 <= BRAM_Addr_A; BRAM_Addr_B_d1 <= BRAM_Addr_B; BRAM_Addr_B_d2 <= BRAM_Addr_B_d1; BRAM_Addr_B_d3 <= BRAM_Addr_B_d2; else BRAM_Addr_A_d1 <= BRAM_Addr_A_d1; BRAM_Addr_B_d1 <= BRAM_Addr_B_d1; BRAM_Addr_B_d2 <= BRAM_Addr_B_d2; BRAM_Addr_B_d3 <= BRAM_Addr_B_d3; end if; end if; end process BRAM_ADDR_REG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_L_ADDR -- Purpose: Lower order BRAM address bits fixed @ zero depending -- on BRAM data width size. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_L_ADDR: for i in C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0 generate begin FailingAddr_Ld (i) <= '0'; end generate GEN_L_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ADDR -- Purpose: Assign valid BRAM address bits based on BRAM data width size. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ADDR: for i in C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR generate begin GEN_FA_LITE: if IF_IS_AXI4LITE generate begin -- Only one active operation at a time. -- Use one deep address pipeline. Determine if Port A or B based on active read or write. FailingAddr_Ld (i) <= BRAM_Addr_B_d1 (i) when (Active_Wr = '0') else BRAM_Addr_A_d1 (i); end generate GEN_FA_LITE; GEN_FA_AXI: if IF_IS_AXI4 generate begin -- During the RMW portion, only one active address (use _d1 pipeline) (and from Port A). -- During read operations, use 3-deep address pipeline to store address values (and from Port B). FailingAddr_Ld (i) <= BRAM_Addr_B_d3 (i) when (Active_Wr = '0') else BRAM_Addr_A_d1 (i); end generate GEN_FA_AXI; end generate GEN_ADDR; end generate GEN_ADDR_REG_DUAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: FAULT_INJECT -- Purpose: Implement fault injection registers -- Remove check for (C_WRITE_ACCESS /= NO_WRITES) (from LMB) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAULT_INJECT : if C_HAS_FAULT_INJECT generate begin -- FaultInjectClr added to top level port list. -- Original LMB BRAM HDL -- FaultInjectClr <= '1' when ((sl_ready_i = '1') and (write_access = '1')) else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_32_FAULT -- Purpose: Create generates based on 32-bit C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_32_FAULT : if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate begin FaultInjectData_WE_0 <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectData_31_0) else '0'; FaultInjectECC_WE <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectECC) else '0'; -- Create fault vector for 32-bit data widths FaultInjectDataReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then FaultInjectData_i <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC_i <= (others => '0'); elsif FaultInjectData_WE_0 = '1' then FaultInjectData_i (0 to 31) <= RegWrData; elsif FaultInjectECC_WE = '1' then -- FaultInjectECC_i <= RegWrData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1); -- FaultInjectECC_i <= RegWrData(0 to C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- (25:31) FaultInjectECC_i <= RegWrData(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-C_ECC_WIDTH to C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1); elsif FaultInjectClr = '1' then -- One shoot, clear after first LMB write FaultInjectData_i <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC_i <= (others => '0'); end if; end if; end process FaultInjectDataReg; end generate GEN_32_FAULT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_64_FAULT -- Purpose: Create generates based on 64-bit C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_64_FAULT : if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate begin FaultInjectData_WE_0 <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectData_31_0) else '0'; FaultInjectData_WE_1 <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectData_63_32) else '0'; FaultInjectECC_WE <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectECC) else '0'; -- Create fault vector for 64-bit data widths FaultInjectDataReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then FaultInjectData_i <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC_i <= (others => '0'); elsif FaultInjectData_WE_0 = '1' then FaultInjectData_i (32 to 63) <= RegWrData; elsif FaultInjectData_WE_1 = '1' then FaultInjectData_i (0 to 31) <= RegWrData; elsif FaultInjectECC_WE = '1' then -- FaultInjectECC_i <= RegWrData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1); -- FaultInjectECC_i <= RegWrData(0 to C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- (24:31) FaultInjectECC_i <= RegWrData(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-C_ECC_WIDTH to C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1); elsif FaultInjectClr = '1' then -- One shoot, clear after first LMB write FaultInjectData_i <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC_i <= (others => '0'); end if; end if; end process FaultInjectDataReg; end generate GEN_64_FAULT; -- v1.03a --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_128_FAULT -- Purpose: Create generates based on 128-bit C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_128_FAULT : if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128 generate begin FaultInjectData_WE_0 <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectData_31_0) else '0'; FaultInjectData_WE_1 <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectData_63_32) else '0'; FaultInjectData_WE_2 <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectData_95_64) else '0'; FaultInjectData_WE_3 <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectData_127_96) else '0'; FaultInjectECC_WE <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectECC) else '0'; -- Create fault vector for 128-bit data widths FaultInjectDataReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then FaultInjectData_i <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC_i <= (others => '0'); elsif FaultInjectData_WE_0 = '1' then FaultInjectData_i (96 to 127) <= RegWrData; elsif FaultInjectData_WE_1 = '1' then FaultInjectData_i (64 to 95) <= RegWrData; elsif FaultInjectData_WE_2 = '1' then FaultInjectData_i (32 to 63) <= RegWrData; elsif FaultInjectData_WE_3 = '1' then FaultInjectData_i (0 to 31) <= RegWrData; elsif FaultInjectECC_WE = '1' then FaultInjectECC_i <= RegWrData(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-C_ECC_WIDTH to C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1); elsif FaultInjectClr = '1' then -- One shoot, clear after first LMB write FaultInjectData_i <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC_i <= (others => '0'); end if; end if; end process FaultInjectDataReg; end generate GEN_128_FAULT; end generate FAULT_INJECT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: NO_FAULT_INJECT -- Purpose: Set default outputs when no fault inject capabilities. -- Remove check from C_WRITE_ACCESS (from LMB) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO_FAULT_INJECT : if not C_HAS_FAULT_INJECT generate begin FaultInjectData_i <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC_i <= (others => '0'); end generate NO_FAULT_INJECT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: CE_FAILING_REGISTERS -- Purpose: Implement Correctable Error First Failing Register --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CE_FAILING_REGISTERS : if C_HAS_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS generate begin -- TBD (could come from axi_lite) -- CE_Failing_We <= '1' when (Sl_CE_i = '1' and Sl_Ready_i = '1' and ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_CE) = '0') -- else '0'; CE_Failing_We_i <= '1' when (CE_Failing_We = '1' and ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_CE) = '0') else '0'; CE_FailingReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then CE_FailingAddress <= (others => '0'); -- Reserve for future support. -- CE_FailingData <= (others => '0'); elsif CE_Failing_We_i = '1' then --As the AXI Addr Width can now be lesser than 32, the address is getting shifted --Eg: If addr width is 16, and Failing address is 0000_fffc, the o/p on RDATA is comming as fffc_0000 CE_FailingAddress (0 to C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1) <= FailingAddr_Ld (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); --CE_FailingAddress <= MSB_ZERO & FailingAddr_Ld ; -- Reserve for future support. -- CE_FailingData (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) <= FailingRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1); end if; end if; end process CE_FailingReg; -- Note: Remove storage of CE_FFE & CE_FFD registers. -- Here for future support. -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_CE_ECC_32 -- -- Purpose: Re-align ECC bits unique for 32-bit BRAM data width. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- GEN_CE_ECC_32: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate -- begin -- -- CE_FailingECCReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is -- begin -- if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then -- if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then -- CE_FailingECC <= (others => '0'); -- elsif CE_Failing_We_i = '1' then -- -- Data2Mem shifts ECC to lower data bits in remaining byte (when 32-bit data width) (33 to 39) -- CE_FailingECC <= FailingRdData(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+1 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+1+C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- end if; -- end if; -- end process CE_FailingECCReg; -- -- end generate GEN_CE_ECC_32; -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_CE_ECC_64 -- -- Purpose: Re-align ECC bits unique for 64-bit BRAM data width. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- GEN_CE_ECC_64: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate -- begin -- -- CE_FailingECCReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is -- begin -- if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then -- if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then -- CE_FailingECC <= (others => '0'); -- elsif CE_Failing_We_i = '1' then -- CE_FailingECC <= FailingRdData(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- end if; -- end if; -- end process CE_FailingECCReg; -- -- end generate GEN_CE_ECC_64; end generate CE_FAILING_REGISTERS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: NO_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS -- Purpose: No Correctable Error Failing registers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS : if not C_HAS_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS generate begin CE_FailingAddress <= (others => '0'); -- CE_FailingData <= (others => '0'); -- CE_FailingECC <= (others => '0'); end generate NO_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS; -- Note: C_HAS_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS will always be set to 0 -- This generate clause will never be evaluated. -- Here for future support. -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: UE_FAILING_REGISTERS -- -- Purpose: Implement Unorrectable Error First Failing Register -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- UE_FAILING_REGISTERS : if C_HAS_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS generate -- begin -- -- -- TBD (could come from axi_lite) -- -- UE_Failing_We <= '1' when (Sl_UE_i = '1' and Sl_Ready_i = '1' and ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_UE) = '0') -- -- else '0'; -- -- UE_Failing_We_i <= '1' when (UE_Failing_We = '1' and ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_UE) = '0') -- else '0'; -- -- -- UE_FailingReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is -- begin -- if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then -- if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then -- UE_FailingAddress <= (others => '0'); -- UE_FailingData <= (others => '0'); -- elsif UE_Failing_We = '1' then -- UE_FailingAddress <= FailingAddr_Ld; -- UE_FailingData <= FailingRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1); -- end if; -- end if; -- end process UE_FailingReg; -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_UE_ECC_32 -- -- Purpose: Re-align ECC bits unique for 32-bit BRAM data width. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- GEN_UE_ECC_32: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate -- begin -- -- UE_FailingECCReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is -- begin -- if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then -- if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then -- UE_FailingECC <= (others => '0'); -- elsif UE_Failing_We = '1' then -- -- Data2Mem shifts ECC to lower data bits in remaining byte (when 32-bit data width) (33 to 39) -- UE_FailingECC <= FailingRdData(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+1 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+1+C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- end if; -- end if; -- end process UE_FailingECCReg; -- -- end generate GEN_UE_ECC_32; -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_UE_ECC_64 -- -- Purpose: Re-align ECC bits unique for 64-bit BRAM data width. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- GEN_UE_ECC_64: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate -- begin -- -- UE_FailingECCReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is -- begin -- if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then -- if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then -- UE_FailingECC <= (others => '0'); -- elsif UE_Failing_We = '1' then -- UE_FailingECC <= FailingRdData(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- end if; -- end if; -- end process UE_FailingECCReg; -- -- end generate GEN_UE_ECC_64; -- -- end generate UE_FAILING_REGISTERS; -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: NO_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS -- -- Purpose: No Uncorrectable Error Failing registers. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- NO_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS : if not C_HAS_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS generate -- begin -- UE_FailingAddress <= (others => '0'); -- UE_FailingData <= (others => '0'); -- UE_FailingECC <= (others => '0'); -- end generate NO_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS -- Purpose: Enable ECC status and interrupt enable registers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS : if C_HAS_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS generate begin ECC_StatusReg_WE (C_ECC_STATUS_CE) <= Sl_CE; ECC_StatusReg_WE (C_ECC_STATUS_UE) <= Sl_UE; StatusReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then ECC_StatusReg <= (others => '0'); elsif RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_ECC_StatusReg then -- CE Interrupt status bit if RegWrData(C_ECC_STATUS_CE) = '1' then ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_CE) <= '0'; -- Clear when write '1' end if; -- UE Interrupt status bit if RegWrData(C_ECC_STATUS_UE) = '1' then ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_UE) <= '0'; -- Clear when write '1' end if; else if Sl_CE = '1' then ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_CE) <= '1'; -- Set when CE occurs end if; if Sl_UE = '1' then ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_UE) <= '1'; -- Set when UE occurs end if; end if; end if; end process StatusReg; ECC_EnableIRQReg_WE <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_ECC_EnableIRQReg) else '0'; EnableIRQReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then ECC_EnableIRQReg <= (others => '0'); elsif ECC_EnableIRQReg_WE = '1' then -- CE Interrupt enable bit ECC_EnableIRQReg(C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_CE) <= RegWrData(C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_CE); -- UE Interrupt enable bit ECC_EnableIRQReg(C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_UE) <= RegWrData(C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_UE); end if; end if; end process EnableIRQReg; Interrupt <= (ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_CE) and ECC_EnableIRQReg(C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_CE)) or (ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_UE) and ECC_EnableIRQReg(C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_UE)); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate output flag for UE sticky bit -- Modify order to ensure that ECC_UE gets set when Sl_UE is asserted. REG_UE : process (S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE or (Enable_ECC_i = '0') then ECC_UE_i <= '0'; elsif Sl_UE = '1' then ECC_UE_i <= '1'; elsif (ECC_StatusReg (C_ECC_STATUS_UE) = '0') then ECC_UE_i <= '0'; else ECC_UE_i <= ECC_UE_i; end if; end if; end process REG_UE; ECC_UE <= ECC_UE_i; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: NO_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS -- Purpose: No ECC status or interrupt registers enabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS : if not C_HAS_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS generate begin ECC_EnableIRQReg <= (others => '0'); ECC_StatusReg <= (others => '0'); Interrupt <= '0'; ECC_UE <= '0'; end generate NO_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ECC_ONOFF -- Purpose: Implement ECC on/off control register. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC_ONOFF : if C_HAS_ECC_ONOFF generate begin ECC_OnOffReg_WE <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_ECC_OnOffReg) else '0'; EnableIRQReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then if (C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE = 0) then ECC_OnOffReg(32-C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH) <= '0'; else ECC_OnOffReg(32-C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH) <= '1'; end if; -- ECC on by default at reset (but can be disabled) elsif ECC_OnOffReg_WE = '1' then ECC_OnOffReg(32-C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH) <= RegWrData(32-C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH); end if; end if; end process EnableIRQReg; Enable_ECC_i <= ECC_OnOffReg(32-C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH); Enable_ECC <= Enable_ECC_i; end generate GEN_ECC_ONOFF; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_ECC_ONOFF -- Purpose: No ECC on/off control register. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NO_ECC_ONOFF : if not C_HAS_ECC_ONOFF generate begin Enable_ECC <= '0'; -- ECC ON/OFF register is only enabled when C_ECC = 1. -- If C_ECC = 0, then no ECC on/off register (C_HAS_ECC_ONOFF = 0) then -- ECC should be disabled. ECC_OnOffReg(32-C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH) <= '0'; end generate GEN_NO_ECC_ONOFF; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: CE_COUNTER -- Purpose: Enable Correctable Error Counter -- Fixed to size of C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH = 8 bits. -- Parameterized here for future enhancements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CE_COUNTER : if C_HAS_CE_COUNTER generate -- One extra bit compare to CE_CounterReg to handle carry bit signal CE_CounterReg_plus_1 : std_logic_vector(31-C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH to 31); begin CE_CounterReg_WE <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_CE_CounterReg) else '0'; -- TBD (could come from axi_lite) -- CE_CounterReg_Inc <= '1' when (Sl_CE_i = '1' and Sl_Ready_i = '1' and -- CE_CounterReg_plus_1(CE_CounterReg_plus_1'left) = '0') -- else '0'; CE_CounterReg_Inc_i <= '1' when (CE_CounterReg_Inc = '1' and CE_CounterReg_plus_1(CE_CounterReg_plus_1'left) = '0') else '0'; CountReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then CE_CounterReg <= (others => '0'); elsif CE_CounterReg_WE = '1' then -- CE_CounterReg <= RegWrData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1); CE_CounterReg <= RegWrData(32-C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH to 31); elsif CE_CounterReg_Inc_i = '1' then CE_CounterReg <= CE_CounterReg_plus_1(32-C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH to 31); end if; end if; end process CountReg; CE_CounterReg_plus_1 <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(('0' & CE_CounterReg)) + 1); end generate CE_COUNTER; -- Note: Hit this generate when C_ECC = 0. -- Reserve for future support. -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: NO_CE_COUNTER -- -- Purpose: Default for no CE counter register. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- NO_CE_COUNTER : if not C_HAS_CE_COUNTER generate -- begin -- CE_CounterReg <= (others => '0'); -- end generate NO_CE_COUNTER; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_REG_32_DATA -- Purpose: Generate read register values & signal assignments based on -- 32-bit BRAM data width. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_REG_32_DATA: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate begin SelRegRdData : process (RegAddr, ECC_StatusReg, ECC_EnableIRQReg, ECC_OnOffReg, CE_CounterReg, CE_FailingAddress, FaultInjectData_i, FaultInjectECC_i -- CE_FailingData, CE_FailingECC, -- UE_FailingAddress, UE_FailingData, UE_FailingECC ) begin RegRdData <= (others => '0'); case RegAddr is -- Replace 'range use here for vector (31:0) (AXI BRAM) and (0:31) (LMB BRAM) reassignment when C_ECC_StatusReg => RegRdData(ECC_StatusReg'range) <= ECC_StatusReg; when C_ECC_EnableIRQReg => RegRdData(ECC_EnableIRQReg'range) <= ECC_EnableIRQReg; when C_ECC_OnOffReg => RegRdData(ECC_OnOffReg'range) <= ECC_OnOffReg; when C_CE_CounterReg => RegRdData(CE_CounterReg'range) <= CE_CounterReg; when C_CE_FailingAddress_31_0 => RegRdData(CE_FailingAddress'range) <= CE_FailingAddress; when C_CE_FailingAddress_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- Temporary addition to readback fault inject register values when C_FaultInjectData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectData_i (0 to 31); when C_FaultInjectECC => RegRdData(C_DWIDTH-C_ECC_WIDTH to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectECC_i (0 to C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- Note: For future enhancement. -- when C_CE_FailingData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- CE_FailingData (0 to 31); -- when C_CE_FailingData_63_31 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_CE_FailingData_95_64 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_CE_FailingData_127_96 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_CE_FailingECC => RegRdData(CE_FailingECC'range) <= (others => '0'); -- CE_FailingECC; -- when C_UE_FailingAddress_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- UE_FailingAddress (0 to 31); -- when C_UE_FailingAddress_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- UE_FailingData (0 to 31); -- when C_UE_FailingData_63_31 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingData_95_64 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingData_127_96 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingECC => RegRdData(UE_FailingECC'range) <= (others => '0'); -- UE_FailingECC; when others => RegRdData <= (others => '0'); end case; end process SelRegRdData; end generate GEN_REG_32_DATA; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_REG_64_DATA -- Purpose: Generate read register values & signal assignments based on -- 64-bit BRAM data width. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_REG_64_DATA: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate begin SelRegRdData : process (RegAddr, ECC_StatusReg, ECC_EnableIRQReg, ECC_OnOffReg, CE_CounterReg, CE_FailingAddress, FaultInjectData_i, FaultInjectECC_i -- CE_FailingData, CE_FailingECC, -- UE_FailingAddress, UE_FailingData, UE_FailingECC ) begin RegRdData <= (others => '0'); case RegAddr is -- Replace 'range use here for vector (31:0) (AXI BRAM) and (0:31) (LMB BRAM) reassignment when C_ECC_StatusReg => RegRdData(ECC_StatusReg'range) <= ECC_StatusReg; when C_ECC_EnableIRQReg => RegRdData(ECC_EnableIRQReg'range) <= ECC_EnableIRQReg; when C_ECC_OnOffReg => RegRdData(ECC_OnOffReg'range) <= ECC_OnOffReg; when C_CE_CounterReg => RegRdData(CE_CounterReg'range) <= CE_CounterReg; when C_CE_FailingAddress_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= CE_FailingAddress (0 to 31); when C_CE_FailingAddress_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- Temporary addition to readback fault inject register values when C_FaultInjectData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectData_i (0 to 31); when C_FaultInjectData_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectData_i (32 to 63); when C_FaultInjectECC => RegRdData(C_DWIDTH-C_ECC_WIDTH to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectECC_i (0 to C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- Note: For future enhancement. -- when C_CE_FailingData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= CE_FailingData (32 to 63); -- when C_CE_FailingData_63_31 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= CE_FailingData (0 to 31); -- when C_CE_FailingData_95_64 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_CE_FailingData_127_96 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_CE_FailingECC => RegRdData(CE_FailingECC'range) <= CE_FailingECC; -- when C_UE_FailingAddress_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= UE_FailingAddress (0 to 31); -- when C_UE_FailingAddress_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= UE_FailingData (32 to 63); -- when C_UE_FailingData_63_31 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= UE_FailingData (0 to 31); -- when C_UE_FailingData_95_64 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingData_127_96 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingECC => RegRdData(UE_FailingECC'range) <= UE_FailingECC; when others => RegRdData <= (others => '0'); end case; end process SelRegRdData; end generate GEN_REG_64_DATA; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_REG_128_DATA -- Purpose: Generate read register values & signal assignments based on -- 128-bit BRAM data width. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_REG_128_DATA: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128 generate begin SelRegRdData : process (RegAddr, ECC_StatusReg, ECC_EnableIRQReg, ECC_OnOffReg, CE_CounterReg, CE_FailingAddress, FaultInjectData_i, FaultInjectECC_i -- CE_FailingData, CE_FailingECC, -- UE_FailingAddress, UE_FailingData, UE_FailingECC ) begin RegRdData <= (others => '0'); case RegAddr is -- Replace 'range use here for vector (31:0) (AXI BRAM) and (0:31) (LMB BRAM) reassignment when C_ECC_StatusReg => RegRdData(ECC_StatusReg'range) <= ECC_StatusReg; when C_ECC_EnableIRQReg => RegRdData(ECC_EnableIRQReg'range) <= ECC_EnableIRQReg; when C_ECC_OnOffReg => RegRdData(ECC_OnOffReg'range) <= ECC_OnOffReg; when C_CE_CounterReg => RegRdData(CE_CounterReg'range) <= CE_CounterReg; when C_CE_FailingAddress_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= CE_FailingAddress (0 to 31); when C_CE_FailingAddress_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- Temporary addition to readback fault inject register values when C_FaultInjectData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectData_i (0 to 31); when C_FaultInjectData_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectData_i (32 to 63); when C_FaultInjectData_95_64 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectData_i (64 to 95); when C_FaultInjectData_127_96 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectData_i (96 to 127); when C_FaultInjectECC => RegRdData(C_DWIDTH-C_ECC_WIDTH to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectECC_i (0 to C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- Note: For future enhancement. -- when C_CE_FailingData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= CE_FailingData (96 to 127); -- when C_CE_FailingData_63_31 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= CE_FailingData (64 to 95); -- when C_CE_FailingData_95_64 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= CE_FailingData (32 to 63); -- when C_CE_FailingData_127_96 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= CE_FailingData (0 to 31); -- when C_CE_FailingECC => RegRdData(CE_FailingECC'range) <= CE_FailingECC; -- when C_UE_FailingAddress_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= UE_FailingAddress (0 to 31); -- when C_UE_FailingAddress_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= UE_FailingData (96 to 127); -- when C_UE_FailingData_63_31 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= UE_FailingData (64 to 95); -- when C_UE_FailingData_95_64 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= UE_FailingData (32 to 63); -- when C_UE_FailingData_127_96 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= UE_FailingData (0 to 31); -- when C_UE_FailingECC => RegRdData(UE_FailingECC'range) <= UE_FailingECC; when others => RegRdData <= (others => '0'); end case; end process SelRegRdData; end generate GEN_REG_128_DATA; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- axi_lite.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: axi_lite.vhd -- -- Description: This file is the top level module for the AXI-Lite -- instantiation of the BRAM controller interface. -- -- Responsible for shared address pipelining between the -- write address (AW) and read address (AR) channels. -- Controls (seperately) the data flows for the write data -- (W), write response (B), and read data (R) channels. -- -- Creates a shared port to BRAM (for all read and write -- transactions) or dual BRAM port utilization based on a -- generic parameter setting. -- -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove library version # dependency. Replace with work library. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update BRAM address mapping to lite_ecc_reg module. Corrected -- signal size for XST detected unused bits in vector. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- -- Add top level parameter, C_ECC_TYPE for Hsiao ECC algorithm. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/23/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add Hsiao ECC algorithm logic (similar to full_axi module HDL). -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/24/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Move REG_RDATA register process out from C_ECC_TYPE generate block -- to C_ECC generate block. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add LUT level with reset signal to combinatorial outputs, AWREADY -- and WREADY. This will ensure that the output remains LOW during reset, -- regardless of AWVALID or WVALID input signals. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/28/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove combinatorial output paths on AWREADY and WREADY. -- Combine AWREADY and WREADY registers. -- Remove combinatorial output path on ARREADY. Can pre-assert ARREADY -- (but only for non ECC configurations). -- Create 3-bit counter for BVALID response, seperate from AW/W channels. -- -- Delay assertion of WREADY in ECC configurations to minimize register -- resource utilization. -- No pre-assertion of ARREADY in ECC configurations (due to write latency -- with ECC enabled). -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/30/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update Sl_CE and Sl_UE flag assertions to a single clock cycle. -- Clean up comments. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/19/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update BVALID assertion when ECC is enabled to match the implementation -- when C_ECC = 0. Optimize back to back write performance when C_ECC = 1. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Modify FaultInjectClr signal assertion. With BVALID counter, delay -- when fault inject register gets cleared. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean up. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/6/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- Hard code C_USE_LUT6 constant. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 7/7/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Fix DV regression failure with reset. -- Hold off BRAM enable output with active reset signal. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.lite_ecc_reg; use work.parity; use work.checkbit_handler; use work.correct_one_bit; use work.ecc_gen; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity axi_lite is generic ( C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL : string := "AXI4LITE"; -- Set to AXI4LITE to optimize out burst transaction support C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM : integer := 1; -- Enable single port usage of BRAM -- C_FAMILY : string := "virtex6"; -- Specify the target architecture type -- AXI-Lite Register Parameters C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite data bus (in bits) -- ECC Parameters C_ECC : integer := 0; -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_TYPE : integer := 0; -- v1.03a -- ECC algorithm format, 0 = Hamming code, 1 = Hsiao code C_ECC_WIDTH : integer := 8; -- Width of ECC data vector C_FAULT_INJECT : integer := 0; -- Enable fault injection registers C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE : integer := 1; -- By default, ECC checking is on (can disable ECC @ reset by setting this to 0) -- Hard coded parameters at top level. -- Note: Kept in design for future enhancement. C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF : integer := 0; -- By default the ECC AXI-Lite register interface is enabled C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable CE (correctable error) failing registers C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable UE (uncorrectable error) failing registers C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable ECC status registers C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER : integer := 0; -- Enable ECC on/off control register C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH : integer := 0 -- Selects CE counter width/threshold to assert ECC_Interrupt ); port ( -- AXI Interface Signals -- AXI Clock and Reset S_AXI_ACLK : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARESETN : in std_logic; ECC_Interrupt : out std_logic := '0'; ECC_UE : out std_logic := '0'; -- *** AXI Write Address Channel Signals (AW) *** AXI_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_AWVALID : in std_logic; AXI_AWREADY : out std_logic; -- Unused AW AXI-Lite Signals -- AXI_AWID : in std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- AXI_AWLEN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- AXI_AWSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- AXI_AWBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- AXI_AWLOCK : in std_logic; -- Currently unused -- AXI_AWCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- Currently unused -- AXI_AWPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- Currently unused -- *** AXI Write Data Channel Signals (W) *** AXI_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_WSTRB : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0); AXI_WVALID : in std_logic; AXI_WREADY : out std_logic; -- Unused W AXI-Lite Signals -- AXI_WLAST : in std_logic; -- *** AXI Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) *** AXI_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_BVALID : out std_logic; AXI_BREADY : in std_logic; -- Unused B AXI-Lite Signals -- AXI_BID : out std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- *** AXI Read Address Channel Signals (AR) *** AXI_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_ARVALID : in std_logic; AXI_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- *** AXI Read Data Channel Signals (R) *** AXI_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_RLAST : out std_logic; AXI_RVALID : out std_logic; AXI_RREADY : in std_logic; -- *** AXI-Lite ECC Register Interface Signals *** -- AXI-Lite Clock and Reset -- Note: AXI-Lite Control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- S_AXI_CTRL_AClk : in std_logic; -- S_AXI_CTRL_AResetn : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Write Address Channel Signals (AW) AXI_CTRL_AWVALID : in std_logic; AXI_CTRL_AWREADY : out std_logic; AXI_CTRL_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- AXI-Lite Write Data Channel Signals (W) AXI_CTRL_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_WVALID : in std_logic; AXI_CTRL_WREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) AXI_CTRL_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_BVALID : out std_logic; AXI_CTRL_BREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Address Channel Signals (AR) AXI_CTRL_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_ARVALID : in std_logic; AXI_CTRL_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Data Channel Signals (R) AXI_CTRL_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_RVALID : out std_logic; AXI_CTRL_RREADY : in std_logic; -- *** BRAM Port A Interface Signals *** -- Note: Clock handled at top level (axi_bram_ctrl module) BRAM_En_A : out std_logic; BRAM_WE_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8+(C_ECC_WIDTH+7)/8-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); BRAM_WrData_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- @ port level = 8-bits wide ECC BRAM_RdData_A : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- @ port level = 8-bits wide ECC -- Note: Remove BRAM_RdData_A port (unused in dual port mode) -- Platgen will keep port open on BRAM block -- *** BRAM Port B Interface Signals *** -- Note: Clock handled at top level (axi_bram_ctrl module) BRAM_En_B : out std_logic; BRAM_WE_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8+(C_ECC_WIDTH+7)/8-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); BRAM_WrData_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- @ port level = 8-bits wide ECC BRAM_RdData_B : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) -- @ port level = 8-bits wide ECC ); end entity axi_lite; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of axi_lite is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- All functions defined in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; constant RESP_OKAY : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00"; -- Normal access OK response constant RESP_SLVERR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "10"; -- Slave error -- For future implementation. -- constant RESP_EXOKAY : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "01"; -- Exclusive access OK response -- constant RESP_DECERR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "11"; -- Decode error -- Modify C_BRAM_ADDR_SIZE to be adjusted for BRAM data width -- When BRAM data width = 32 bits, BRAM_Addr (1:0) = "00" -- When BRAM data width = 64 bits, BRAM_Addr (2:0) = "000" -- When BRAM data width = 128 bits, BRAM_Addr (3:0) = "0000" -- When BRAM data width = 256 bits, BRAM_Addr (4:0) = "00000" constant C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := log2 (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8); constant C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST : integer := C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR; constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES : integer := C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8; -- Internal data width based on C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH. constant C_INT_ECC_WIDTH : integer := Int_ECC_Size (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); -- constant C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := Family_To_LUT_Size (String_To_Family (C_FAMILY,false)) = 6; -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- All architectures supporting AXI will support a LUT6. -- Hard code this internal constant used in ECC algorithm. -- constant C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := Family_To_LUT_Size (String_To_Family (C_FAMILY,false)) = 6; constant C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := TRUE; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal axi_aresetn_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_re : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write & Read Address Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- State machine type declarations type LITE_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, SNG_WR_DATA, RD_DATA, RMW_RD_DATA, RMW_MOD_DATA, RMW_WR_DATA ); signal lite_sm_cs, lite_sm_ns : LITE_SM_TYPE; signal axi_arready_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arready_reg : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arready_int : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Data Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal axi_wready_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wready_int : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Response Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal axi_bresp_int : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_bvalid_int : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt_inc : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt_dec : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Read Data Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal axi_rresp_int : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rvalid_set : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rvalid_set_r : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rvalid_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rlast_set : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rlast_set_r : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rlast_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rdata_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rdata_int_corr : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal BRAM Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal bram_we_a_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8+(C_ECC_WIDTH+7)/8-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_en_a_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_en_b_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_en_a_int : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_en_b_int : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_a_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_a_int_q : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_b_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal BRAM_Addr_A_i : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal BRAM_Addr_B_i : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_wrdata_a_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Port level signal, 8-bits ECC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal ECC Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal FaultInjectClr : std_logic := '0'; -- Clear for Fault Inject Registers signal CE_Failing_We : std_logic := '0'; -- WE for CE Failing Registers signal UE_Failing_We : std_logic := '0'; -- WE for CE Failing Registers signal CE_CounterReg_Inc : std_logic := '0'; -- Increment CE Counter Register signal Sl_CE : std_logic := '0'; -- Correctable Error Flag signal Sl_UE : std_logic := '0'; -- Uncorrectable Error Flag signal Sl_CE_i : std_logic := '0'; signal Sl_UE_i : std_logic := '0'; signal FaultInjectData : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal FaultInjectECC : std_logic_vector (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal CorrectedRdData : std_logic_vector (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal UnCorrectedRdData : std_logic_vector (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal CE_Q : std_logic := '0'; signal UE_Q : std_logic := '0'; signal Enable_ECC : std_logic := '0'; signal RdModifyWr_Read : std_logic := '0'; -- Read cycle in read modify write sequence signal RdModifyWr_Check : std_logic := '0'; -- Read cycle in read modify write sequence signal RdModifyWr_Modify : std_logic := '0'; -- Modify cycle in read modify write sequence signal RdModifyWr_Write : std_logic := '0'; -- Write cycle in read modify write sequence signal WrData : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal WrData_cmb : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal Active_Wr : std_logic := '0'; signal BRAM_Addr_En : std_logic := '0'; signal Syndrome : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal Syndrome_4 : std_logic_vector (0 to 1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to 32-bit ECC signal Syndrome_6 : std_logic_vector (0 to 5) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to 32-bit ECC signal syndrome_reg : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal syndrome_4_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific for 32-bit ECC signal syndrome_6_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 5) := (others => '0'); -- Specific for 32-bit ECC signal syndrome_reg_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI-Lite ECC Register Output Signals *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_REGS -- Purpose: Generate default values if ECC registers are disabled (or when -- ECC is disabled). -- Include both AXI-Lite default signal values & internal -- core signal values. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For future implementation. -- GEN_NO_REGS: if (C_ECC = 1 and C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF = 0) or (C_ECC = 0) generate GEN_NO_REGS: if (C_ECC = 0) generate begin AXI_CTRL_AWREADY <= '0'; AXI_CTRL_WREADY <= '0'; AXI_CTRL_BRESP <= (others => '0'); AXI_CTRL_BVALID <= '0'; AXI_CTRL_ARREADY <= '0'; AXI_CTRL_RDATA <= (others => '0'); AXI_CTRL_RRESP <= (others => '0'); AXI_CTRL_RVALID <= '0'; -- No fault injection FaultInjectData <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC <= (others => '0'); -- Interrupt only enabled when ECC status/interrupt registers enabled ECC_Interrupt <= '0'; ECC_UE <= '0'; BRAM_Addr_En <= '0'; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DIS_ECC -- Purpose: Disable ECC in read path when ECC is disabled in core. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DIS_ECC: if C_ECC = 0 generate Enable_ECC <= '0'; end generate GEN_DIS_ECC; -- For future implementation. -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_EN_ECC -- -- Purpose: Enable ECC when C_ECC = 1 and no ECC registers are available. -- -- ECC on/off control register is not accessible (so ECC is always -- -- enabled in this configuraiton). -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GEN_EN_ECC: if (C_ECC = 1 and C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF = 0) generate -- Enable_ECC <= '1'; -- ECC ON/OFF register can not be enabled (as no ECC -- -- ECC registers are available. Therefore, ECC -- -- is always enabled. -- end generate GEN_EN_ECC; end generate GEN_NO_REGS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_REGS -- Purpose: Generate ECC register module when ECC is enabled and -- ECC registers are enabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For future implementation. -- GEN_REGS: if (C_ECC = 1 and C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF = 1) generate GEN_REGS: if (C_ECC = 1) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_LITE_ECC_REG -- Description: This module is for the AXI-Lite ECC registers. -- -- Responsible for all AXI-Lite communication to the -- ECC register bank. Provides user interface signals -- to rest of AXI BRAM controller IP core for ECC functionality -- and control. -- Manages AXI-Lite write address (AW) and read address (AR), -- write data (W), write response (B), and read data (R) channels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_LITE_ECC_REG : entity work.lite_ecc_reg generic map ( C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH , C_ECC_WIDTH => C_INT_ECC_WIDTH , -- ECC width specific to data width C_FAULT_INJECT => C_FAULT_INJECT , C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS , C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS , C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS => C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS , C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER => C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER , C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE => C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE , C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH => C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_AClk , -- AXI clock S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_AResetn , -- Note: AXI-Lite Control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- S_AXI_CTRL_AClk => S_AXI_CTRL_AClk , -- AXI-Lite clock -- S_AXI_CTRL_AResetn => S_AXI_CTRL_AResetn , Interrupt => ECC_Interrupt , ECC_UE => ECC_UE , AXI_CTRL_AWVALID => AXI_CTRL_AWVALID , AXI_CTRL_AWREADY => AXI_CTRL_AWREADY , AXI_CTRL_AWADDR => AXI_CTRL_AWADDR , AXI_CTRL_WDATA => AXI_CTRL_WDATA , AXI_CTRL_WVALID => AXI_CTRL_WVALID , AXI_CTRL_WREADY => AXI_CTRL_WREADY , AXI_CTRL_BRESP => AXI_CTRL_BRESP , AXI_CTRL_BVALID => AXI_CTRL_BVALID , AXI_CTRL_BREADY => AXI_CTRL_BREADY , AXI_CTRL_ARADDR => AXI_CTRL_ARADDR , AXI_CTRL_ARVALID => AXI_CTRL_ARVALID , AXI_CTRL_ARREADY => AXI_CTRL_ARREADY , AXI_CTRL_RDATA => AXI_CTRL_RDATA , AXI_CTRL_RRESP => AXI_CTRL_RRESP , AXI_CTRL_RVALID => AXI_CTRL_RVALID , AXI_CTRL_RREADY => AXI_CTRL_RREADY , Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC , FaultInjectClr => FaultInjectClr , CE_Failing_We => CE_Failing_We , CE_CounterReg_Inc => CE_Failing_We , Sl_CE => Sl_CE , Sl_UE => Sl_UE , BRAM_Addr_A => BRAM_Addr_A_i (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) , -- v1.03a BRAM_Addr_B => BRAM_Addr_B_i (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) , -- v1.03a BRAM_Addr_En => BRAM_Addr_En , Active_Wr => Active_Wr , FaultInjectData => FaultInjectData , FaultInjectECC => FaultInjectECC ); FaultInjectClr <= '1' when (bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 = '1') else '0'; CE_Failing_We <= '1' when Enable_ECC = '1' and CE_Q = '1' else '0'; Active_Wr <= '1' when (RdModifyWr_Read = '1' or RdModifyWr_Check = '1' or RdModifyWr_Modify = '1' or RdModifyWr_Write = '1') else '0'; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add register delay on BVALID counter increment -- Used to clear fault inject register. REG_BVALID_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 <= '0'; else bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 <= bvalid_cnt_inc; end if; end if; end process REG_BVALID_CNT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_REGS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Output Signals *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Address Channel Output Signals -- AXI_AWREADY <= axi_awready_cmb; -- AXI_AWREADY <= '0' when (S_AXI_AResetn = '0') else axi_awready_cmb; -- v1.03a AXI_AWREADY <= axi_wready_int; -- v1.03a -- AXI Write Data Channel Output Signals -- AXI_WREADY <= axi_wready_cmb; -- AXI_WREADY <= '0' when (S_AXI_AResetn = '0') else axi_wready_cmb; -- v1.03a AXI_WREADY <= axi_wready_int; -- v1.03a -- AXI Write Response Channel Output Signals AXI_BRESP <= axi_bresp_int; AXI_BVALID <= axi_bvalid_int; -- AXI Read Address Channel Output Signals -- AXI_ARREADY <= axi_arready_cmb; -- v1.03a AXI_ARREADY <= axi_arready_int; -- v1.03a -- AXI Read Data Channel Output Signals -- AXI_RRESP <= axi_rresp_int; AXI_RRESP <= RESP_SLVERR when (C_ECC = 1 and Sl_UE_i = '1') else axi_rresp_int; -- AXI_RDATA <= axi_rdata_int; -- Move assignment of RDATA to generate statements based on C_ECC. AXI_RVALID <= axi_rvalid_int; AXI_RLAST <= axi_rlast_int; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Need to detect end of reset cycle to assert AWREADY on AXI bus REG_ARESETN: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then axi_aresetn_d1 <= S_AXI_AResetn; end if; end process REG_ARESETN; -- Create combinatorial RE detect of S_AXI_AResetn axi_aresetn_re <= '1' when (S_AXI_AResetn = '1' and axi_aresetn_d1 = '0') else '0'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Write Address Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Notes: -- No address pipelining for AXI-Lite. -- PDR feedback. -- Remove address register stage to BRAM. -- Rely on registers in AXI Interconnect. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ADDR -- Purpose: Generate all valid bits in the address(es) to BRAM. -- If dual port, generate Port B address signal. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ADDR: for i in C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ADDR_SNG_PORT -- Purpose: Generate BRAM address when a single port to BRAM. -- Mux read and write addresses from AXI AW and AR channels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ADDR_SNG_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin -- Read takes priority over AWADDR -- bram_addr_a_int (i) <= AXI_ARADDR (i) when (AXI_ARVALID = '1') else AXI_AWADDR (i); -- ISE should optimize away this mux when connected to the AXI Interconnect -- as the AXI Interconnect duplicates the write or read address on both channels. -- v1.03a -- ARVALID may get asserted while handling ECC read-modify-write. -- With the delay in assertion of AWREADY/WREADY, must add some logic to the -- control on this mux select. bram_addr_a_int (i) <= AXI_ARADDR (i) when ((AXI_ARVALID = '1' and (lite_sm_cs = IDLE or lite_sm_cs = SNG_WR_DATA)) or (lite_sm_cs = RD_DATA)) else AXI_AWADDR (i); end generate GEN_ADDR_SNG_PORT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ADDR_DUAL_PORT -- Purpose: Generate BRAM address when a single port to BRAM. -- Mux read and write addresses from AXI AW and AR channels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ADDR_DUAL_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin bram_addr_a_int (i) <= AXI_AWADDR (i); bram_addr_b_int (i) <= AXI_ARADDR (i); end generate GEN_ADDR_DUAL_PORT; end generate GEN_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Read Address Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ARREADY -- Purpose: Only pre-assert ARREADY for non ECC designs. -- With ECC, a write requires a read-modify-write and -- will miss the address associated with the ARVALID -- (due to the # of clock cycles). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ARREADY: if (C_ECC = 0) generate begin REG_ARREADY: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- ARREADY is asserted until we detect the ARVALID. -- Check for back-to-back ARREADY assertions (add axi_arready_int). if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (AXI_ARVALID = '1' and axi_arready_int = '1') then axi_arready_int <= '0'; -- Then ARREADY is asserted again when the read operation completes. elsif (axi_aresetn_re = '1') or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then axi_arready_int <= '1'; else axi_arready_int <= axi_arready_int; end if; end if; end process REG_ARREADY; end generate GEN_ARREADY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ARREADY_ECC -- Purpose: Generate ARREADY from SM logic. ARREADY is not pre-asserted -- as in the non ECC configuration. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ARREADY_ECC: if (C_ECC = 1) generate begin axi_arready_int <= axi_arready_reg; end generate GEN_ARREADY_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Write Data Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- No AXI_WLAST --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_WRDATA -- Purpose: Generate BRAM port A write data. For AXI-Lite, pass -- through from AXI bus. If ECC is enabled, merge with fault -- inject vector. -- Write data bits are in lower order bit lanes. -- (31:0) or (63:0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WRDATA: for i in C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Generate output write data when ECC is disabled. -- Remove write data path register to BRAM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NO_ECC : if C_ECC = 0 generate begin bram_wrdata_a_int (i) <= AXI_WDATA (i); end generate GEN_NO_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_W_ECC -- Purpose: Generate output write data when ECC is enable -- (use fault vector). -- (N:0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_W_ECC : if C_ECC = 1 generate begin bram_wrdata_a_int (i) <= WrData (i) xor FaultInjectData (i); end generate GEN_W_ECC; end generate GEN_WRDATA; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Write Response Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- No BID support (wrap around in Interconnect) -- In AXI-Lite, no WLAST assertion -- Drive constant value out on BRESP -- axi_bresp_int <= RESP_OKAY; axi_bresp_int <= RESP_SLVERR when (C_ECC = 1 and UE_Q = '1') else RESP_OKAY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Implement BVALID with counter regardless of IP configuration. -- -- BVALID counter to track the # of required BVALID/BREADY handshakes -- needed to occur on the AXI interface. Based on early and seperate -- AWVALID/AWREADY and WVALID/WREADY handshake exchanges. REG_BVALID_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then bvalid_cnt <= (others => '0'); -- Ensure we only increment counter wyhen BREADY is not asserted elsif (bvalid_cnt_inc = '1') and (bvalid_cnt_dec = '0') then bvalid_cnt <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (bvalid_cnt (2 downto 0)) + 1); -- Ensure that we only decrement when SM is not incrementing elsif (bvalid_cnt_dec = '1') and (bvalid_cnt_inc = '0') then bvalid_cnt <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (bvalid_cnt (2 downto 0)) - 1); else bvalid_cnt <= bvalid_cnt; end if; end if; end process REG_BVALID_CNT; bvalid_cnt_dec <= '1' when (AXI_BREADY = '1' and axi_bvalid_int = '1' and bvalid_cnt /= "000") else '0'; -- Replace BVALID output register -- Assert BVALID as long as BVALID counter /= zero REG_BVALID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (bvalid_cnt = "001" and bvalid_cnt_dec = '1') then axi_bvalid_int <= '0'; elsif (bvalid_cnt /= "000") then axi_bvalid_int <= '1'; else axi_bvalid_int <= '0'; end if; end if; end process REG_BVALID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Read Data Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For reductions on AXI-Lite, drive constant value on RESP axi_rresp_int <= RESP_OKAY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_R -- Purpose: Generate AXI R channel outputs when ECC is disabled. -- No register delay on AXI_RVALID and AXI_RLAST. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_R: if C_ECC = 0 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RVALID Output Register -- -- Set AXI_RVALID when read data SM indicates. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking sequence -- and recognized by AXI requesting master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RVALID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then -- Code coverage is hitting this condition and axi_rvalid_int is ALWAYS = '1' -- May be able to remove from this if clause (and simplify logic) axi_rvalid_int <= '0'; elsif (axi_rvalid_set = '1') then axi_rvalid_int <= '1'; else axi_rvalid_int <= axi_rvalid_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RVALID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RLAST Output Register -- -- Set AXI_RLAST when read data SM indicates. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking sequence -- and recognized by AXI requesting master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RLAST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then -- Code coverage is hitting this condition and axi_rvalid_int is ALWAYS = '1' -- May be able to remove from this if clause (and simplify logic) axi_rlast_int <= '0'; elsif (axi_rlast_set = '1') then axi_rlast_int <= '1'; else axi_rlast_int <= axi_rlast_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RLAST; end generate GEN_R; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_R_ECC -- Purpose: Generate AXI R channel outputs when ECC is enabled. -- Must use registered delayed control signals for RLAST -- and RVALID to align with register inclusion for corrected -- read data in ECC logic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_R_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RVALID Output Register -- -- Set AXI_RVALID when read data SM indicates. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking sequence -- and recognized by AXI requesting master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RVALID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then -- Code coverage is hitting this condition and axi_rvalid_int is ALWAYS = '1' -- May be able to remove from this if clause (and simplify logic) axi_rvalid_int <= '0'; elsif (axi_rvalid_set_r = '1') then axi_rvalid_int <= '1'; else axi_rvalid_int <= axi_rvalid_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RVALID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RLAST Output Register -- -- Set AXI_RLAST when read data SM indicates. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking sequence -- and recognized by AXI requesting master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RLAST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then -- Code coverage is hitting this condition and axi_rvalid_int is ALWAYS = '1' -- May be able to remove from this if clause (and simplify logic) axi_rlast_int <= '0'; elsif (axi_rlast_set_r = '1') then axi_rlast_int <= '1'; else axi_rlast_int <= axi_rlast_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RLAST; end generate GEN_R_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate AXI bus read data. No register. Pass through -- read data from BRAM. Determine source on single port -- vs. dual port configuration. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: RDATA_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Define port A/B from BRAM on AXI_RDATA when ECC disabled. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- RDATA_NO_ECC: if (C_ECC = 0) generate begin AXI_RDATA <= axi_rdata_int; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RDATA_SNG_PORT -- Purpose: Source of read data: Port A in single port configuration. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RDATA_SNG_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin axi_rdata_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= BRAM_RdData_A(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_RDATA_SNG_PORT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RDATA_DUAL_PORT -- Purpose: Source of read data: Port B in dual port configuration. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RDATA_DUAL_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin axi_rdata_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= BRAM_RdData_B (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_RDATA_DUAL_PORT; end generate RDATA_NO_ECC; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: RDATA_W_ECC -- Purpose: Connect AXI_RDATA from ECC module when ECC enabled. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- RDATA_W_ECC: if (C_ECC = 1) generate subtype syndrome_bits is std_logic_vector (0 to 6); type correct_data_table_type is array (natural range 0 to 31) of syndrome_bits; constant correct_data_table : correct_data_table_type := ( 0 => "1100001", 1 => "1010001", 2 => "0110001", 3 => "1110001", 4 => "1001001", 5 => "0101001", 6 => "1101001", 7 => "0011001", 8 => "1011001", 9 => "0111001", 10 => "1111001", 11 => "1000101", 12 => "0100101", 13 => "1100101", 14 => "0010101", 15 => "1010101", 16 => "0110101", 17 => "1110101", 18 => "0001101", 19 => "1001101", 20 => "0101101", 21 => "1101101", 22 => "0011101", 23 => "1011101", 24 => "0111101", 25 => "1111101", 26 => "1000011", 27 => "0100011", 28 => "1100011", 29 => "0010011", 30 => "1010011", 31 => "0110011" ); begin -- Logic common to either type of ECC encoding/decoding -- Renove bit reversal on AXI_RDATA output. AXI_RDATA <= axi_rdata_int when (Enable_ECC = '0' or Sl_UE_i = '1') else axi_rdata_int_corr; CorrectedRdData (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) <= axi_rdata_int_corr (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Remove GEN_RDATA that was doing bit reversal. -- Read back data is registered prior to any single bit error correction. REG_RDATA: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_rdata_int <= (others => '0'); else axi_rdata_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= UnCorrectedRdData (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); end if; end if; end process REG_RDATA; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: RDATA_W_HAMMING -- Purpose: Add generate statement for Hamming Code ECC algorithm -- specific logic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RDATA_W_HAMMING: if C_ECC_TYPE = 0 generate begin -- Move correct_one_bit logic to output side of AXI_RDATA output register. -- Improves timing by balancing logic on both sides of pipeline stage. -- Utilizing registers in AXI interconnect makes this feasible. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register ECC syndrome value to correct any single bit errors -- post-register on AXI read data. REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then syndrome_reg <= Syndrome; syndrome_4_reg <= Syndrome_4; syndrome_6_reg <= Syndrome_6; end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do last XOR on select syndrome bits outside of checkbit_handler (to match rd_chnl -- w/ balanced pipeline stage) before correct_one_bit module. syndrome_reg_i (0 to 3) <= syndrome_reg (0 to 3); PARITY_CHK4: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 2) port map ( InA => syndrome_4_reg (0 to 1), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_reg_i (4) ); -- [out std_logic] syndrome_reg_i (5) <= syndrome_reg (5); PARITY_CHK6: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => syndrome_6_reg (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_reg_i (6) ); -- [out std_logic] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_CORR_32 -- Purpose: Generate corrected read data based on syndrome value. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_CORR_32: for i in 0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CORR_ONE_BIT_32 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORR_ONE_BIT_32: entity work.correct_one_bit generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, Correct_Value => correct_data_table (i)) port map ( DIn => axi_rdata_int (31-i), Syndrome => syndrome_reg_i, DCorr => axi_rdata_int_corr (31-i)); end generate GEN_CORR_32; end generate RDATA_W_HAMMING; -- Hsiao ECC done in seperate generate statement (GEN_HSIAO_ECC) end generate RDATA_W_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main AXI-Lite State Machine -- -- Description: Central processing unit for AXI-Lite write and read address -- channel interface handling and handshaking. -- Handles all arbitration between write and read channels -- to utilize single port to BRAM -- -- Outputs: axi_wready_int Registered -- axi_arready_reg Registered (used in ECC configurations) -- bvalid_cnt_inc Combinatorial -- axi_rvalid_set Combinatorial -- axi_rlast_set Combinatorial -- bram_en_a_cmb Combinatorial -- bram_en_b_cmb Combinatorial -- bram_we_a_int Combinatorial -- -- -- LITE_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- LITE_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LITE_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( AXI_AWVALID, AXI_WVALID, AXI_WSTRB, AXI_ARVALID, AXI_RREADY, bvalid_cnt, axi_rvalid_int, lite_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs lite_sm_ns <= lite_sm_cs; axi_wready_cmb <= '0'; axi_arready_cmb <= '0'; bvalid_cnt_inc <= '0'; axi_rvalid_set <= '0'; axi_rlast_set <= '0'; bram_en_a_cmb <= '0'; bram_en_b_cmb <= '0'; bram_we_a_int <= (others => '0'); case lite_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- AXI Interconnect will only issue AWVALID OR ARVALID -- at a time. In the case when the core is attached -- to another AXI master IP, arbitrate between read -- and write operation. Read operation will always win. if (AXI_ARVALID = '1') then lite_sm_ns <= RD_DATA; -- Initiate BRAM read transfer -- For single port BRAM, use Port A -- For dual port BRAM, use Port B if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) then bram_en_a_cmb <= '1'; else bram_en_b_cmb <= '1'; end if; bram_we_a_int <= (others => '0'); -- RVALID to be asserted in next clock cycle -- Only 1 clock cycle latency on reading data from BRAM axi_rvalid_set <= '1'; -- Due to single data beat with AXI-Lite -- Assert RLAST on AXI axi_rlast_set <= '1'; -- Only in ECC configurations -- Must assert ARREADY here (no pre-assertion) if (C_ECC = 1) then axi_arready_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- Write operations are lower priority than reads -- when an AXI master asserted both operations simultaneously. elsif (AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (AXI_WVALID = '1') and (bvalid_cnt /= "111") then -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_en_a_cmb <= '1'; -- Always perform a read-modify-write sequence with ECC is enabled. if (C_ECC = 1) then lite_sm_ns <= RMW_RD_DATA; -- Disable Port A write enables bram_we_a_int <= (others => '0'); else -- Non ECC operation or an ECC full 32-bit word write -- Assert acknowledge of data & address on AXI. -- Wait to assert AWREADY and WREADY in ECC designs. axi_wready_cmb <= '1'; -- Increment counter to track # of required BVALID responses. bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; lite_sm_ns <= SNG_WR_DATA; bram_we_a_int <= AXI_WSTRB; end if; end if; ------------------------- SNG_WR_DATA State ------------------------- when SNG_WR_DATA => -- With early assertion of ARREADY, the SM -- must be able to accept a read address at any clock cycle. -- Check here for active ARVALID and directly handle read -- and do not proceed back to IDLE (no empty clock cycle in which -- read address may be missed). if (AXI_ARVALID = '1') and (C_ECC = 0) then lite_sm_ns <= RD_DATA; -- Initiate BRAM read transfer -- For single port BRAM, use Port A -- For dual port BRAM, use Port B if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) then bram_en_a_cmb <= '1'; else bram_en_b_cmb <= '1'; end if; bram_we_a_int <= (others => '0'); -- RVALID to be asserted in next clock cycle -- Only 1 clock cycle latency on reading data from BRAM axi_rvalid_set <= '1'; -- Due to single data beat with AXI-Lite -- Assert RLAST on AXI axi_rlast_set <= '1'; -- Only in ECC configurations -- Must assert ARREADY here (no pre-assertion) -- Pre-assertion of ARREADY is only for non ECC configurations. if (C_ECC = 1) then axi_arready_cmb <= '1'; end if; else lite_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; ---------------------------- RD_DATA State --------------------------- when RD_DATA => -- Data is presented to AXI bus -- Wait for acknowledgment to process any next transfers -- RVALID may not be asserted as we transition into this state. if (AXI_RREADY = '1') and (axi_rvalid_int = '1') then lite_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; ------------------------- RMW_RD_DATA State ------------------------- when RMW_RD_DATA => lite_sm_ns <= RMW_MOD_DATA; ------------------------- RMW_MOD_DATA State ------------------------- when RMW_MOD_DATA => lite_sm_ns <= RMW_WR_DATA; -- Hold off on assertion of WREADY and AWREADY until -- here, so no pipeline registers necessary. -- Assert acknowledge of data & address on AXI axi_wready_cmb <= '1'; -- Increment counter to track # of required BVALID responses. -- Able to assert this signal early, then BVALID counter -- will get incremented in the next clock cycle when WREADY -- is asserted. bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; ------------------------- RMW_WR_DATA State ------------------------- when RMW_WR_DATA => -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_en_a_cmb <= '1'; -- Enable all WEs to BRAM bram_we_a_int <= (others => '1'); -- Complete write operation lite_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => lite_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process LITE_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LITE_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then lite_sm_cs <= IDLE; axi_wready_int <= '0'; axi_arready_reg <= '0'; axi_rvalid_set_r <= '0'; axi_rlast_set_r <= '0'; else lite_sm_cs <= lite_sm_ns; axi_wready_int <= axi_wready_cmb; axi_arready_reg <= axi_arready_cmb; axi_rvalid_set_r <= axi_rvalid_set; axi_rlast_set_r <= axi_rlast_set; end if; end if; end process LITE_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** ECC Logic *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_ECC -- Purpose: Generate BRAM ECC write data and check ECC on read operations. -- Create signals to update ECC registers (lite_ecc_reg module interface). -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate constant null7 : std_logic_vector(0 to 6) := "0000000"; -- Specific to 32-bit data width (AXI-Lite) signal WrECC : std_logic_vector (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal WrECC_i : std_logic_vector (C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal wrdata_i : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal AXI_WDATA_Q : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal AXI_WSTRB_Q : std_logic_vector ((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 - 1) downto 0); signal bram_din_a_i : std_logic_vector (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Set for port data width signal bram_rddata_in : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); subtype syndrome_bits is std_logic_vector (0 to 6); type correct_data_table_type is array (natural range 0 to 31) of syndrome_bits; constant correct_data_table : correct_data_table_type := ( 0 => "1100001", 1 => "1010001", 2 => "0110001", 3 => "1110001", 4 => "1001001", 5 => "0101001", 6 => "1101001", 7 => "0011001", 8 => "1011001", 9 => "0111001", 10 => "1111001", 11 => "1000101", 12 => "0100101", 13 => "1100101", 14 => "0010101", 15 => "1010101", 16 => "0110101", 17 => "1110101", 18 => "0001101", 19 => "1001101", 20 => "0101101", 21 => "1101101", 22 => "0011101", 23 => "1011101", 24 => "0111101", 25 => "1111101", 26 => "1000011", 27 => "0100011", 28 => "1100011", 29 => "0010011", 30 => "1010011", 31 => "0110011" ); type bool_array is array (natural range 0 to 6) of boolean; constant inverted_bit : bool_array := (false,false,true,false,true,false,false); begin -- Read on Port A -- or any operation on Port B (it will be read only). BRAM_Addr_En <= '1' when (bram_en_a_int = '1' and bram_we_a_int = "00000") or (bram_en_b_int = '1') else '0'; -- BRAM_WE generated from SM -- Remember byte write enables one clock cycle to properly mux bytes to write, -- with read data in read/modify write operation -- Write in Read/Write always 1 cycle after Read REG_RMW_SIGS : process (S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- Add reset values if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then RdModifyWr_Check <= '0'; RdModifyWr_Modify <= '0'; RdModifyWr_Write <= '0'; else RdModifyWr_Check <= RdModifyWr_Read; RdModifyWr_Modify <= RdModifyWr_Check; RdModifyWr_Write <= RdModifyWr_Modify; end if; end if; end process REG_RMW_SIGS; -- v1.03a -- Delay assertion of WREADY to minimize registers in core. -- Use SM transition to RMW "read" to assert this signal. RdModifyWr_Read <= '1' when (lite_sm_ns = RMW_RD_DATA) else '0'; -- Remember write data one cycle to be available after read has been completed in a -- read/modify write operation STORE_WRITE_DBUS : process (S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then AXI_WDATA_Q <= (others => '0'); AXI_WSTRB_Q <= (others => '0'); -- v1.03a -- With the delay assertion of WREADY, use WVALID -- to register in WDATA and WSTRB signals. elsif (AXI_WVALID = '1') then AXI_WDATA_Q <= AXI_WDATA; AXI_WSTRB_Q <= AXI_WSTRB; end if; end if; end process STORE_WRITE_DBUS; wrdata_i <= AXI_WDATA_Q when RdModifyWr_Modify = '1' else AXI_WDATA; -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_WRDATA_CMB -- Purpose: Replace manual signal assignment for WrData_cmb with -- generate funtion. -- -- Ensure correct byte swapping occurs with -- CorrectedRdData (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) assignment -- to WrData_cmb (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0). -- -- AXI_WSTRB_Q (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES-1 downto 0) matches -- to WrData_cmb (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0). -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_WRDATA_CMB: for i in C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES-1 downto 0 generate begin WrData_cmb ( (((i+1)*8)-1) downto i*8 ) <= wrdata_i ((((i+1)*8)-1) downto i*8) when (RdModifyWr_Modify = '1' and AXI_WSTRB_Q(i) = '1') else CorrectedRdData ( (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - ((i+1)*8)) to (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - (i*8) - 1) ); end generate GEN_WRDATA_CMB; REG_WRDATA : process (S_AXI_AClk) is begin -- Remove reset value to minimize resources & improve timing if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then WrData <= WrData_cmb; end if; end process REG_WRDATA; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- New assignment of ECC bits to BRAM write data outside generate -- blocks. Same signal assignment regardless of ECC type. bram_wrdata_a_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_WIDTH - 1) <= '0'; bram_wrdata_a_int ((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_INT_ECC_WIDTH - 1) downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) <= WrECC xor FaultInjectECC; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- No need to use RdModifyWr_Write in the data path. -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HAMMING_ECC -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HAMMING_ECC: if C_ECC_TYPE = 0 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_WR_32 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for writing into BRAM. -- WrData (N:0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHK_HANDLER_WR_32: entity work.checkbit_handler generic map ( C_ENCODE => true, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( DataIn => WrData, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 31)] CheckIn => null7, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] CheckOut => WrECC, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome_4 => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 1)] Syndrome_6 => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 5)] Syndrome => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Enable_ECC => '1', -- [in std_logic] Syndrome_Chk => null7, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] UE_Q => '0', -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => '0', -- [in std_logic] UE => open, -- [out std_logic] CE => open ); -- [out std_logic] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_RD_32 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHK_HANDLER_RD_32: entity work.checkbit_handler generic map ( C_ENCODE => false, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( -- DataIn (8:39) -- CheckIn (1:7) -- Bit swapping done at port level on checkbit_handler (31:0) & (6:0) DataIn => bram_din_a_i (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+1 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH), -- [in std_logic_vector(8 to 39)] CheckIn => bram_din_a_i (1 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH), -- [in std_logic_vector(1 to 7)] CheckOut => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome => Syndrome, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome_4 => Syndrome_4, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 1)] Syndrome_6 => Syndrome_6, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 5)] Syndrome_Chk => syndrome_reg_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] UE_Q => UE_Q, -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => CE_Q, -- [in std_logic] UE => Sl_UE_i, -- [out std_logic] CE => Sl_CE_i ); -- [out std_logic] -- GEN_CORR_32 generate & correct_one_bit instantiation moved to generate -- of AXI RDATA output register logic to use registered syndrome value. end generate GEN_HAMMING_ECC; -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HSIAO_ECC -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. -- Derived from MIG v3.7 Hsiao HDL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HSIAO_ECC: if C_ECC_TYPE = 1 generate constant CODE_WIDTH : integer := C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; constant ECC_WIDTH : integer := C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; type type_int0 is array (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector (ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal syndrome_ns : std_logic_vector(ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal syndrome_r : std_logic_vector(ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal ecc_rddata_r : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal h_matrix : type_int0; signal h_rows : std_logic_vector (CODE_WIDTH * ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal flip_bits : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); begin ---------------------- Hsiao ECC Write Logic ---------------------- -- Instantiate ecc_gen module, generated from MIG ECC_GEN_HSIAO: entity work.ecc_gen generic map ( code_width => CODE_WIDTH, ecc_width => ECC_WIDTH, data_width => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH ) port map ( -- Output h_rows => h_rows (CODE_WIDTH * ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) ); -- Merge muxed rd/write data to gen HSIAO_ECC: process (h_rows, WrData) constant DQ_WIDTH : integer := CODE_WIDTH; variable ecc_wrdata_tmp : std_logic_vector(DQ_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); begin -- Loop to generate all ECC bits for k in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 loop ecc_wrdata_tmp (CODE_WIDTH - k - 1) := REDUCTION_XOR ( (WrData (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) and h_rows (k * CODE_WIDTH + C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto k * CODE_WIDTH))); end loop; WrECC (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= ecc_wrdata_tmp (DQ_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); end process HSIAO_ECC; ---------------------- Hsiao ECC Read Logic ----------------------- GEN_RD_ECC: for m in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 generate begin syndrome_ns (m) <= REDUCTION_XOR ( bram_rddata_in (CODE_WIDTH-1 downto 0) and h_rows ((m*CODE_WIDTH)+CODE_WIDTH-1 downto (m*CODE_WIDTH))); end generate GEN_RD_ECC; -- Insert register stage for syndrome REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then syndrome_r <= syndrome_ns; -- Replicate BRAM read back data register for Hamming ECC ecc_rddata_r <= bram_rddata_in (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; -- Reconstruct H-matrix H_COL: for n in 0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 generate begin H_BIT: for p in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 generate begin h_matrix (n)(p) <= h_rows (p * CODE_WIDTH + n); end generate H_BIT; end generate H_COL; GEN_FLIP_BIT: for r in 0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 generate begin flip_bits (r) <= BOOLEAN_TO_STD_LOGIC (h_matrix (r) = syndrome_r); end generate GEN_FLIP_BIT; axi_rdata_int_corr (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= ecc_rddata_r (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) xor flip_bits (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); Sl_CE_i <= not (REDUCTION_NOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))) and (REDUCTION_XOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))); Sl_UE_i <= not (REDUCTION_NOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))) and not (REDUCTION_XOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))); end generate GEN_HSIAO_ECC; -- Capture correctable/uncorrectable error from BRAM read. -- Either during RMW of write operation or during BRAM read. CORR_REG: process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if RdModifyWr_Modify = '1' or ((Enable_ECC = '1') and (axi_rvalid_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1')) then -- Capture error signals CE_Q <= Sl_CE_i; UE_Q <= Sl_UE_i; else CE_Q <= '0'; UE_Q <= '0'; end if; end if; end process CORR_REG; -- Register CE and UE flags to register block. Sl_CE <= CE_Q; Sl_UE <= UE_Q; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DIN_A -- Purpose: Generate BRAM read data vector assignment to always be from Port A -- in a single port BRAM configuration. -- Map BRAM_RdData_A (N:0) to bram_din_a_i (0:N) -- Including read back ECC bits. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DIN_A: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DIN_A_HAMMING -- Purpose: Standard input for Hamming ECC code generation. -- MSB '0' is removed in port mapping to checkbit_handler module. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DIN_A_HAMMING: if C_ECC_TYPE = 0 generate begin bram_din_a_i (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1) <= BRAM_RdData_A (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_DIN_A_HAMMING; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DIN_A_HSIAO -- Purpose: For Hsiao ECC implementation configurations. -- Remove MSB '0' on 32-bit implementation with fixed -- '0' in (8-bit wide) ECC data bits (only need 7-bits in h-matrix). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DIN_A_HSIAO: if C_ECC_TYPE = 1 generate begin bram_rddata_in <= BRAM_RdData_A (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_DIN_A_HSIAO; end generate GEN_DIN_A; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DIN_B -- Purpose: Generate BRAM read data vector assignment in a dual port -- configuration to be either from Port B, or from Port A in a -- read-modify-write sequence. -- Map BRAM_RdData_A/B (N:0) to bram_din_a_i (0:N) -- Including read back ECC bits. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DIN_B: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DIN_B_HAMMING -- Purpose: Standard input for Hamming ECC code generation. -- MSB '0' is removed in port mapping to checkbit_handler module. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DIN_B_HAMMING: if C_ECC_TYPE = 0 generate begin bram_din_a_i (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1) <= BRAM_RdData_A (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) when (RdModifyWr_Check = '1') else BRAM_RdData_B (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_DIN_B_HAMMING; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DIN_B_HSIAO -- Purpose: For Hsiao ECC implementation configurations. -- Remove MSB '0' on 32-bit implementation with fixed -- '0' in (8-bit wide) ECC data bits (only need 7-bits in h-matrix). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DIN_B_HSIAO: if C_ECC_TYPE = 1 generate begin bram_rddata_in <= BRAM_RdData_A (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) when (RdModifyWr_Check = '1') else BRAM_RdData_B (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_DIN_B_HSIAO; end generate GEN_DIN_B; -- Map data vector from BRAM to use in correct_one_bit module with -- register syndrome (post AXI RDATA register). UnCorrectedRdData (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) <= bram_din_a_i (C_ECC_WIDTH to C_ECC_WIDTH+C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) when (C_ECC_TYPE = 0) else bram_rddata_in(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** BRAM Interface Signals *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- With AXI-LITE no narrow operations are allowed. -- AXI_WSTRB is ignored and all byte lanes are written. bram_en_a_int <= bram_en_a_cmb; -- BRAM_En_A <= bram_en_a_int; -- DV regression failure with reset -- 7/7/11 BRAM_En_A <= '0' when (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) else bram_en_a_int; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_EN_DUAL_PORT -- Purpose: Only generate Port B BRAM enable signal when -- configured for dual port BRAM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_EN_DUAL_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin bram_en_b_int <= bram_en_b_cmb; BRAM_En_B <= bram_en_b_int; end generate GEN_BRAM_EN_DUAL_PORT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_EN_SNG_PORT -- Purpose: Drive default for unused BRAM Port B in single -- port BRAM configuration. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_EN_SNG_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin BRAM_En_B <= '0'; end generate GEN_BRAM_EN_SNG_PORT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_WE -- Purpose: BRAM WE generate process -- One WE per 8-bits of BRAM data. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_WE: for i in (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH)/8-1 downto 0 generate begin BRAM_WE_A (i) <= bram_we_a_int (i); end generate GEN_BRAM_WE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRAM_Addr_A <= BRAM_Addr_A_i; BRAM_Addr_B <= BRAM_Addr_B_i; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Generate zeros on lower order address bits adjustable -- based on BRAM data width. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0 generate begin BRAM_Addr_A_i (i) <= '0'; BRAM_Addr_B_i (i) <= '0'; end generate GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Assign BRAM address output from address counter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_U_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR generate begin BRAM_Addr_A_i (i) <= bram_addr_a_int (i); ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_ADDR_DUAL_PORT -- Purpose: Only generate Port B BRAM address when -- configured for dual port BRAM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_ADDR_DUAL_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin BRAM_Addr_B_i (i) <= bram_addr_b_int (i); end generate GEN_BRAM_ADDR_DUAL_PORT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_ADDR_SNG_PORT -- Purpose: Drive default for unused BRAM Port B in single -- port BRAM configuration. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_ADDR_SNG_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin BRAM_Addr_B_i (i) <= '0'; end generate GEN_BRAM_ADDR_SNG_PORT; end generate GEN_U_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_WRDATA -- Purpose: Generate BRAM Write Data for Port A. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- When C_ECC = 0, C_ECC_WIDTH = 0 (at top level HDL) GEN_BRAM_WRDATA: for i in (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_WIDTH - 1) downto 0 generate begin BRAM_WrData_A (i) <= bram_wrdata_a_int (i); end generate GEN_BRAM_WRDATA; BRAM_WrData_B <= (others => '0'); BRAM_WE_B <= (others => '0'); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- sng_port_arb.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: sng_port_arb.vhd -- -- Description: This file is the top level arbiter for full AXI4 mode -- when configured in a single port mode to BRAM. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/11/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add input signal, AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt, from wr_chnl. For configurations -- when WREADY is to be a registered output. With a seperate FIFO for BID, -- ensure arbitration does not get more than 8 ahead of BID responses. A -- value of 8 is the max of the BVALID counter. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity sng_port_arb is generic ( C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32 -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) ); port ( -- *** AXI Clock and Reset *** S_AXI_ACLK : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARESETN : in std_logic; -- *** AXI Write Address Channel Signals (AW) *** AXI_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_AWVALID : in std_logic; AXI_AWREADY : out std_logic := '0'; -- *** AXI Read Address Channel Signals (AR) *** AXI_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_ARVALID : in std_logic; AXI_ARREADY : out std_logic := '0'; -- *** Write Channel Interface Signals *** Arb2AW_Active : out std_logic := '0'; AW2Arb_Busy : in std_logic; AW2Arb_Active_Clr : in std_logic; AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); -- *** Read Channel Interface Signals *** Arb2AR_Active : out std_logic := '0'; AR2Arb_Active_Clr : in std_logic ); end entity sng_port_arb; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of sng_port_arb is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; constant ARB_WR : std_logic := '0'; constant ARB_RD : std_logic := '1'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write & Read Address Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- State machine type declarations type ARB_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, RD_DATA, WR_DATA ); signal arb_sm_cs, arb_sm_ns : ARB_SM_TYPE; signal axi_awready_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_awready_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arready_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arready_int : std_logic := '0'; signal last_arb_won_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal last_arb_won : std_logic := '0'; signal aw_active_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal aw_active : std_logic := '0'; signal ar_active_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal ar_active : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Output Signals *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Address Channel Output Signals AXI_AWREADY <= axi_awready_int; -- AXI Read Address Channel Output Signals AXI_ARREADY <= axi_arready_int; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Write Address Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Read Address Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** Internal Arbitration Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arb2AW_Active <= aw_active; Arb2AR_Active <= ar_active; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main Arb State Machine -- -- Description: Main arbitration logic when AXI BRAM controller -- configured in a single port BRAM mode. -- Module is instantiated when C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1. -- -- Outputs: last_arb_won Registered -- aw_active Registered -- ar_active Registered -- axi_awready_int Registered -- axi_arready_int Registered -- -- -- ARB_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- ARB_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARB_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( AXI_AWVALID, AXI_ARVALID, AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt, AW2Arb_Busy, AW2Arb_Active_Clr, AR2Arb_Active_Clr, last_arb_won, aw_active, ar_active, arb_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs arb_sm_ns <= arb_sm_cs; axi_awready_cmb <= '0'; axi_arready_cmb <= '0'; last_arb_won_cmb <= last_arb_won; aw_active_cmb <= aw_active; ar_active_cmb <= ar_active; case arb_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- Check for valid read operation -- Reads take priority over AW traffic (if both asserted) -- 4/11 -- if ((AXI_ARVALID = '1') and (AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (last_arb_won = ARB_WR)) or -- ((AXI_ARVALID = '1') and (AXI_AWVALID = '0')) then -- 4/11 -- Add BVALID counter to AW arbitration. -- Since this is arbitration to read, no need for BVALID counter. if ((AXI_ARVALID = '1') and (AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (last_arb_won = ARB_WR)) or -- and --(AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt /= "111")) or ((AXI_ARVALID = '1') and (AXI_AWVALID = '0')) then -- Read wins arbitration arb_sm_ns <= RD_DATA; axi_arready_cmb <= '1'; last_arb_won_cmb <= ARB_RD; ar_active_cmb <= '1'; -- Write operations are lower priority than reads -- when an AXI master asserted both operations simultaneously. -- 4/11 elsif (AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (AW2Arb_Busy = '0') then elsif (AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (AW2Arb_Busy = '0') and (AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt /= "111") then -- Write wins arbitration arb_sm_ns <= WR_DATA; axi_awready_cmb <= '1'; last_arb_won_cmb <= ARB_WR; aw_active_cmb <= '1'; end if; ------------------------- WR_DATA State ------------------------- when WR_DATA => -- Wait for write operation to complete if (AW2Arb_Active_Clr = '1') then aw_active_cmb <= '0'; -- Check early for pending read (to save clock cycle -- in transitioning back to IDLE) if (AXI_ARVALID = '1') then -- Read wins arbitration arb_sm_ns <= RD_DATA; axi_arready_cmb <= '1'; last_arb_won_cmb <= ARB_RD; ar_active_cmb <= '1'; -- Note: if timing paths occur b/w wr_chnl data SM -- and here, remove this clause to check for early -- arbitration on a read operation. else arb_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; end if; ---------------------------- RD_DATA State --------------------------- when RD_DATA => -- Wait for read operation to complete if (AR2Arb_Active_Clr = '1') then ar_active_cmb <= '0'; -- Check early for pending write operation (to save clock cycle -- in transitioning back to IDLE) -- 4/11 if (AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (AW2Arb_Busy = '0') then if (AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (AW2Arb_Busy = '0') and (AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt /= "111") then -- Write wins arbitration arb_sm_ns <= WR_DATA; axi_awready_cmb <= '1'; last_arb_won_cmb <= ARB_WR; aw_active_cmb <= '1'; -- Note: if timing paths occur b/w rd_chnl data SM -- and here, remove this clause to check for early -- arbitration on a write operation. -- Check early for a pending back-to-back read operation elsif (AXI_AWVALID = '0') and (AXI_ARVALID = '1') then -- Read wins arbitration arb_sm_ns <= RD_DATA; axi_arready_cmb <= '1'; last_arb_won_cmb <= ARB_RD; ar_active_cmb <= '1'; else arb_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; end if; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => arb_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process ARB_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARB_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then arb_sm_cs <= IDLE; last_arb_won <= ARB_WR; aw_active <= '0'; ar_active <= '0'; axi_awready_int <='0'; axi_arready_int <='0'; else arb_sm_cs <= arb_sm_ns; last_arb_won <= last_arb_won_cmb; aw_active <= aw_active_cmb; ar_active <= ar_active_cmb; axi_awready_int <= axi_awready_cmb; axi_arready_int <= axi_arready_cmb; end if; end if; end process ARB_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ua_narrow.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: ua_narrow.vhd -- -- Description: Creates a narrow burst count load value when an operation -- is an unaligned narrow WRAP or INCR burst type. Used by -- I_NARROW_CNT module. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/4/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Edit for scalability and support of 512 and 1024-bit data widths. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/8/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update bit vector usage of address LSB for calculating ua_narrow_load. -- Add axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package inclusion. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Fix XST handling for DIV functions. Create seperate process when -- divisor is not constant and a power of two. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update range of integer signals. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/4/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove use of local function, Create_Size_Max. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/11/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH generate statments. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/14/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update ua_narrow_load signal assignment to pass simulations & XST. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/15/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update multiply function on signal, ua_narrow_wrap_gt_width, -- for timing path improvements. Replace with left shift operation. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add comments as noted in Spyglass runs. And general code clean-up. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity ua_narrow is generic ( C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := 32; -- Adjust BRAM address width based on C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN : integer := 4 -- Size of narrow burst counter ); port ( curr_wrap_burst : in std_logic; curr_incr_burst : in std_logic; bram_addr_ld_en : in std_logic; curr_axlen : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); curr_axsize : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); curr_axaddr_lsb : in std_logic_vector (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); curr_ua_narrow_wrap : out std_logic; curr_ua_narrow_incr : out std_logic; ua_narrow_load : out std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0') ); end entity ua_narrow; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of ua_narrow is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- All functions defined in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reset active level (common through core) constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; -- AXI Size Constants -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000"; -- 1 byte -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "001"; -- 2 bytes -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "010"; -- 4 bytes = max size for 32-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "011"; -- 8 bytes = max size for 64-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "100"; -- 16 bytes = max size for 128-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "101"; -- 32 bytes = max size for 256-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "110"; -- 64 bytes = max size for 512-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "111"; -- 128 bytes = max size for 1024-bit BRAM -- Determine max value of ARSIZE based on the AXI data width. -- Use function in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. constant C_AXI_SIZE_MAX : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := Create_Size_Max (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); -- Determine the number of bytes based on the AXI data width. constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8; constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES_LOG2 : integer := log2(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES); -- Use constant to compare when LSB of ADDR is equal to zero. constant axaddr_lsb_zero : std_logic_vector (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- 8d = size of AxLEN vector constant C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES_LOG2 + 8; -- Convert # of data bytes for AXI data bus into an unsigned vector (C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE:0). constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES_UNSIGNED : unsigned (C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE downto 0) := to_unsigned (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES, C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE+1); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal ua_narrow_wrap_gt_width : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_axsize_unsigned : unsigned (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_axsize_int : integer := 0; signal curr_axlen_unsigned : unsigned (7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_axlen_unsigned_lshift : unsigned (C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Max = 32768d signal bytes_per_addr : integer := 1; -- range 1 to 128 := 1; signal size_plus_lsb : integer range 1 to 256 := 1; signal narrow_addr_offset : integer := 1; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin -- v1.03a -- Added for narrow INCR bursts with UA addresses -- Check if burst is a) INCR type, -- b) a narrow burst (SIZE = full width of bus) -- c) LSB of address is non zero curr_ua_narrow_incr <= '1' when (curr_incr_burst = '1') and (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) /= C_AXI_SIZE_MAX) and (curr_axaddr_lsb /= axaddr_lsb_zero) and (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') else '0'; -- v1.03a -- Detect narrow WRAP bursts -- Detect if the operation is a) WRAP type, -- b) a narrow burst (SIZE = full width of bus) -- c) LSB of address is non zero -- d) complete size of WRAP is larger than width of BRAM curr_ua_narrow_wrap <= '1' when (curr_wrap_burst = '1') and (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) /= C_AXI_SIZE_MAX) and (curr_axaddr_lsb /= axaddr_lsb_zero) and (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') and (ua_narrow_wrap_gt_width = '1') else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a -- Check condition if narrow burst wraps within the size of the BRAM width. -- Check if size * length > BRAM width in bytes. -- -- When asserted = '1', means that narrow burst counter is not preloaded early, -- the BRAM burst will be contained within the BRAM data width. curr_axsize_unsigned <= unsigned (curr_axsize); curr_axsize_int <= to_integer (curr_axsize_unsigned); curr_axlen_unsigned <= unsigned (curr_axlen); -- Original logic with multiply function. -- -- ua_narrow_wrap_gt_width <= '0' when (((2**(to_integer (curr_axsize_unsigned))) * -- unsigned (curr_axlen (7 downto 0))) -- < C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES) -- else '1'; -- Replace with left shift operation of AxLEN. -- Replace multiply of AxLEN * AxSIZE with a left shift function. LEN_LSHIFT: process (curr_axlen_unsigned, curr_axsize_int) begin for i in C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE downto 0 loop if (i >= curr_axsize_int + 8) then curr_axlen_unsigned_lshift (i) <= '0'; elsif (i >= curr_axsize_int) then curr_axlen_unsigned_lshift (i) <= curr_axlen_unsigned (i - curr_axsize_int); else curr_axlen_unsigned_lshift (i) <= '0'; end if; end loop; end process LEN_LSHIFT; -- Final result. ua_narrow_wrap_gt_width <= '0' when (curr_axlen_unsigned_lshift < C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES_UNSIGNED) else '1'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a -- For narrow burst transfer, provides the number of bytes per address -- XST does not support divisors that are not constants AND powers of two. -- Create process to create a fixed value for divisor. -- Replace this statement: -- bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / (2**(to_integer (curr_axsize_unsigned))); -- With this new process: -- Replace case statement with unsigned signal comparator. DIV_AXSIZE: process (curr_axsize) begin case (curr_axsize) is when "000" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 1; when "001" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 2; when "010" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 4; when "011" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 8; when "100" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 16; when "101" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 32; when "110" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 64; when "111" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 128; -- Max SIZE for 1024-bit AXI bus when others => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES; end case; end process DIV_AXSIZE; -- Original statement. -- XST does not support divisors that are not constants AND powers of two. -- Insert process to perform (size_plus_lsb / size_bytes_int) function in generation of ua_narrow_load. -- -- size_bytes_int <= (2**(to_integer (curr_axsize_unsigned))); -- -- ua_narrow_load <= std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (bytes_per_addr - -- (size_plus_lsb / size_bytes_int), C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)); -- AxSIZE + LSB of address -- Use all LSB address bit lanes for the narrow transfer based on C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH size_plus_lsb <= (2**(to_integer (curr_axsize_unsigned))) + to_integer (unsigned (curr_axaddr_lsb (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES_LOG2-1 downto 0))); -- Process to keep synthesis with divide by constants that are a power of 2. DIV_SIZE_BYTES: process (size_plus_lsb, curr_axsize) begin -- Use unsigned w/ curr_axsize signal case (curr_axsize) is when "000" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 1; when "001" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 2; when "010" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 4; when "011" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 8; when "100" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 16; when "101" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 32; when "110" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 64; when "111" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 128; -- Max SIZE for 1024-bit AXI bus when others => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb; end case; end process DIV_SIZE_BYTES; -- Final new statement. -- Passing in simulation and XST. ua_narrow_load <= std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (bytes_per_addr - narrow_addr_offset, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)) when (bytes_per_addr >= narrow_addr_offset) else std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (0, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- wrap_brst.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: wrap_brst.vhd -- -- Description: Create sub module for logic to generate WRAP burst -- address for rd_chnl and wr_chnl. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/4/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Edit for scalability and support of 512 and 1024-bit data widths. -- Add axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package inclusion. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/7/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package use. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/15/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update multiply function on signal, wrap_burst_total_cmb, -- for timing path improvements. Replace with left shift operation. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add comments as noted in Spyglass runs. And general code clean-up. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/24/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add specific generate blocks based on C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH to calculate -- total WRAP burst size for improved FPGA resource utilization. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/30/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Clean up code. -- Re-code wrap_burst_total_cmb process blocks for each data width -- to improve and catch all false conditions in code coverage analysis. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity wrap_brst is generic ( C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := 32; -- Adjust BRAM address width based on C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32 -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) ); port ( S_AXI_AClk : in std_logic; S_AXI_AResetn : in std_logic; curr_axlen : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); curr_axsize : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); curr_narrow_burst : in std_logic; narrow_bram_addr_inc_re : in std_logic; bram_addr_ld_en : in std_logic; bram_addr_ld : in std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); bram_addr_int : in std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); bram_addr_ld_wrap : out std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); max_wrap_burst_mod : out std_logic := '0' ); end entity wrap_brst; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of wrap_brst is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reset active level (common through core) constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; -- AXI Size Constants constant C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000"; -- 1 byte constant C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "001"; -- 2 bytes constant C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "010"; -- 4 bytes = max size for 32-bit BRAM constant C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "011"; -- 8 bytes = max size for 64-bit BRAM constant C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "100"; -- 16 bytes = max size for 128-bit BRAM constant C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "101"; -- 32 bytes = max size for 256-bit BRAM constant C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "110"; -- 64 bytes = max size for 512-bit BRAM constant C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "111"; -- 128 bytes = max size for 1024-bit BRAM -- Determine the number of bytes based on the AXI data width. constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8; constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES_LOG2 : integer := log2(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES); -- 8d = size of AxLEN vector constant C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES_LOG2 + 8; -- Constants for WRAP size decoding to simplify integer represenation. constant C_WRAP_SIZE_2 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "001"; constant C_WRAP_SIZE_4 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "010"; constant C_WRAP_SIZE_8 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "011"; constant C_WRAP_SIZE_16 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "100"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal max_wrap_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal save_init_bram_addr_ld : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+1) := (others => '0'); -- signal curr_axsize_unsigned : unsigned (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- signal curr_axsize_int : integer := 0; -- signal curr_axlen_unsigned : unsigned (7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Holds burst length/size total (based on width of BRAM width) -- Max size = max length of burst (256 beats) -- signal wrap_burst_total_cmb : integer range 0 to 256 := 1; -- Max 256 (= 32768d / 128 bytes) -- signal wrap_burst_total : integer range 0 to 256 := 1; signal wrap_burst_total_cmb : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal wrap_burst_total : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- signal curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1 : unsigned (7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- signal curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1_lshift : unsigned (C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Max = 32768d ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Modify counter size based on size of current write burst operation -- For WRAP burst types, the counter value will roll over when the burst -- boundary is reached. -- Based on AxSIZE and AxLEN -- To minimize muxing on initial load of counter value -- Detect on WRAP burst types, when the max address is reached. -- When the max address is reached, re-load counter with lower -- address value. -- Save initial load address value. REG_INIT_BRAM_ADDR: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then save_init_bram_addr_ld <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then save_init_bram_addr_ld <= bram_addr_ld(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+1); else save_init_bram_addr_ld <= save_init_bram_addr_ld; end if; end if; end process REG_INIT_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a -- Calculate AXI size (integer) -- curr_axsize_unsigned <= unsigned (curr_axsize); -- curr_axsize_int <= to_integer (curr_axsize_unsigned); -- Calculate AXI length (integer) -- curr_axlen_unsigned <= unsigned (curr_axlen); -- curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1 <= curr_axlen_unsigned + "00000001"; -- WRAP = size * length (based on BRAM data width in bytes) -- -- Original multiply function: -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (size_bytes_int * len_int) / C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES; -- For XST, modify integer multiply function to improve timing. -- Replace multiply of AxLEN * AxSIZE with a left shift function. -- LEN_LSHIFT: process (curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1, curr_axsize_int) -- begin -- -- for i in C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE downto 0 loop -- -- if (i >= curr_axsize_int + 8) then -- curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1_lshift (i) <= '0'; -- elsif (i >= curr_axsize_int) then -- curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1_lshift (i) <= curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1 (i - curr_axsize_int); -- else -- curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1_lshift (i) <= '0'; -- end if; -- -- end loop; -- -- end process LEN_LSHIFT; -- Final signal assignment for XST & timing improvements. -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= to_integer (curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1_lshift) / C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a -- For best FPGA resource implementation, hard code the generation of -- WRAP burst size based on each C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH possibility. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_32_WRAP_SIZE -- Purpose: These wrap size values only apply to 32-bit BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_32_WRAP_SIZE: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate begin WRAP_SIZE_CMB: process (curr_axlen, curr_axsize) begin -- v1.03a -- Attempt to re code this to improve conditional coverage checks. -- Use case statment to replace if/else with no priority enabled. -- Current size of transaction case (curr_axsize (2 downto 0)) is -- 4 bytes (full AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0001" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 2 bytes (1/2 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 1 byte (1/4 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- v1.03 Original HDL -- -- -- if ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0001") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; -- -- else -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); -- end if; end process WRAP_SIZE_CMB; end generate GEN_32_WRAP_SIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_64_WRAP_SIZE -- Purpose: These wrap size values only apply to 64-bit BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_64_WRAP_SIZE: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate begin WRAP_SIZE_CMB: process (curr_axlen, curr_axsize) begin -- v1.03a -- Attempt to re code this to improve conditional coverage checks. -- Use case statment to replace if/else with no priority enabled. -- Current size of transaction case (curr_axsize (2 downto 0)) is -- 8 bytes (full AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0001" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 4 bytes (1/2 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 2 bytes (1/4 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 1 byte (1/8 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- v1.03 Original HDL -- -- -- if ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0001") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; -- -- else -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); -- end if; end process WRAP_SIZE_CMB; end generate GEN_64_WRAP_SIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_128_WRAP_SIZE -- Purpose: These wrap size values only apply to 128-bit BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_128_WRAP_SIZE: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128 generate begin WRAP_SIZE_CMB: process (curr_axlen, curr_axsize) begin -- v1.03a -- Attempt to re code this to improve conditional coverage checks. -- Use case statment to replace if/else with no priority enabled. -- Current size of transaction case (curr_axsize (2 downto 0)) is -- 16 bytes (full AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0001" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 8 bytes (1/2 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 4 bytes (1/4 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 2 bytes (1/8 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- v1.03 Original HDL -- -- if ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0001") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; -- -- else -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); -- end if; end process WRAP_SIZE_CMB; end generate GEN_128_WRAP_SIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_256_WRAP_SIZE -- Purpose: These wrap size values only apply to 256-bit BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_256_WRAP_SIZE: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 256 generate begin WRAP_SIZE_CMB: process (curr_axlen, curr_axsize) begin -- v1.03a -- Attempt to re code this to improve conditional coverage checks. -- Use case statment to replace if/else with no priority enabled. -- Current size of transaction case (curr_axsize (2 downto 0)) is -- 32 bytes (full AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0001" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 16 bytes (1/2 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 8 bytes (1/4 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 4 bytes (1/8 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- v1.03 Original HDL -- -- if ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0001") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; -- -- else -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); -- end if; end process WRAP_SIZE_CMB; end generate GEN_256_WRAP_SIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_512_WRAP_SIZE -- Purpose: These wrap size values only apply to 512-bit BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_512_WRAP_SIZE: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 512 generate begin WRAP_SIZE_CMB: process (curr_axlen, curr_axsize) begin -- v1.03a -- Attempt to re code this to improve conditional coverage checks. -- Use case statment to replace if/else with no priority enabled. -- Current size of transaction case (curr_axsize (2 downto 0)) is -- 64 bytes (full AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0001" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 32 bytes (1/2 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 16 bytes (1/4 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 8 bytes (1/8 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- v1.03 Original HDL -- -- -- if ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0001") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; -- -- else -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); -- end if; end process WRAP_SIZE_CMB; end generate GEN_512_WRAP_SIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_1024_WRAP_SIZE -- Purpose: These wrap size values only apply to 1024-bit BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_1024_WRAP_SIZE: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 1024 generate begin WRAP_SIZE_CMB: process (curr_axlen, curr_axsize) begin -- v1.03a -- Attempt to re code this to improve conditional coverage checks. -- Use case statment to replace if/else with no priority enabled. -- Current size of transaction case (curr_axsize (2 downto 0)) is -- 128 bytes (full AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0001" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 64 bytes (1/2 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 32 bytes (1/4 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 16 bytes (1/8 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- v1.03 Original HDL -- -- -- if ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0001") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; -- -- else -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); -- end if; end process WRAP_SIZE_CMB; end generate GEN_1024_WRAP_SIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Early decode to determine size of WRAP transfer -- Goal to break up long timing path to generate max_wrap_burst signal. REG_WRAP_TOTAL: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then wrap_burst_total <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then wrap_burst_total <= wrap_burst_total_cmb; else wrap_burst_total <= wrap_burst_total; end if; end if; end process REG_WRAP_TOTAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_WRAP_MAX : process ( wrap_burst_total, bram_addr_int, save_init_bram_addr_ld ) begin -- Check BRAM address value if max value is reached. -- Max value is based on burst size/length for operation. -- Address bits to check vary based on C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH and burst size/length. -- (use signal, wrap_burst_total, based on current WRAP burst size/length/data width). case wrap_burst_total is when C_WRAP_SIZE_2 => if (bram_addr_int (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) = '1') then max_wrap_burst <= '1'; else max_wrap_burst <= '0'; end if; -- Use saved BRAM load value bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+1) <= save_init_bram_addr_ld (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+1); -- Reset lower order address bits to zero (to wrap address) bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) <= '0'; when C_WRAP_SIZE_4 => if (bram_addr_int (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR + 1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) = "11") then max_wrap_burst <= '1'; else max_wrap_burst <= '0'; end if; -- Use saved BRAM load value bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+2) <= save_init_bram_addr_ld (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+2); -- Reset lower order address bits to zero (to wrap address) bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR + 1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR ) <= "00"; when C_WRAP_SIZE_8 => if (bram_addr_int (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR + 2 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) = "111") then max_wrap_burst <= '1'; else max_wrap_burst <= '0'; end if; -- Use saved BRAM load value bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+3) <= save_init_bram_addr_ld (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+3); -- Reset lower order address bits to zero (to wrap address) bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR + 2 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR ) <= "000"; when C_WRAP_SIZE_16 => if (bram_addr_int (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR + 3 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) = "1111") then max_wrap_burst <= '1'; else max_wrap_burst <= '0'; end if; -- Use saved BRAM load value bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+4) <= save_init_bram_addr_ld (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+4); -- Reset lower order address bits to zero (to wrap address) bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR + 3 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR ) <= "0000"; when others => max_wrap_burst <= '0'; bram_addr_ld_wrap(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+1) <= save_init_bram_addr_ld; -- Reset lower order address bits to zero (to wrap address) bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) <= '0'; end case; end process CHECK_WRAP_MAX; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Move outside of CHECK_WRAP_MAX process. -- Account for narrow burst operations. -- -- Currently max_wrap_burst is getting asserted at the first address beat to BRAM -- that indicates the maximum WRAP burst boundary. Must wait for the completion of the -- narrow wrap burst counter to assert max_wrap_burst. -- -- Indicates when narrow burst address counter hits max (all zeros value) -- narrow_bram_addr_inc_re max_wrap_burst_mod <= max_wrap_burst when (curr_narrow_burst = '0') else (max_wrap_burst and narrow_bram_addr_inc_re); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rd_chnl.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: rd_chnl.vhd -- -- Description: This file is the top level module for the AXI BRAM -- controller read channel interfaces. Controls all -- handshaking and data flow on the AXI read address (AR) -- and read data (R) channels. -- -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Minor code cleanup. -- Remove library version # dependency. Replace with work library. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/3/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Edits for scalability and support of 512 and 1024-bit data widths. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/14/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Initial integration of Hsiao ECC algorithm. -- Add C_ECC_TYPE top level parameter. -- Similar edits as wr_chnl on Hsiao ECC code. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/18/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update for usage of ecc_gen.vhd module directly from MIG. -- Clean-up XST warnings. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Found issue with ECC decoding on read path. Remove MSB '0' usage -- in syndrome calculation, since h_matrix is based on 32 + 7 = 39 bits. -- Modify read data signal used in single bit error correction. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/23/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Move all MIG functions to package body. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Fix XST handling for DIV functions. Create seperate process when -- divisor is not constant and a power of two. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/15/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Clean-up unused signal, narrow_addr_inc. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add comments as noted in Spyglass runs. And general code clean-up. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/21/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean up. -- Add defaults to araddr_pipe_sel & axi_arready_int when in single port mode. -- Remove use of IF_IS_AXI4 constant. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean up. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/6/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- Hard code C_USE_LUT6 constant. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/26/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- With CR # 609695, update else clause for narrow_burst_cnt_ld to -- remove simulation warnings when axi_byte_div_curr_arsize = zero. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.wrap_brst; use work.ua_narrow; use work.checkbit_handler; use work.checkbit_handler_64; use work.correct_one_bit; use work.correct_one_bit_64; use work.ecc_gen; use work.parity; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity rd_chnl is generic ( -- C_FAMILY : string := "virtex6"; -- Specify the target architecture type C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := 2; -- Adjust factor to BRAM address width based on data width (in bits) C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_AXI_ID_WIDTH : integer := 4; -- AXI ID vector width C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW : integer := 1; -- Support for narrow burst operations C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL : string := "AXI4"; -- Set to "AXI4LITE" to optimize out burst transaction support C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM : integer := 0; -- Enable single port usage of BRAM C_ECC : integer := 0; -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_WIDTH : integer := 8; -- Width of ECC data vector C_ECC_TYPE : integer := 0 -- v1.03a -- ECC algorithm format, 0 = Hamming code, 1 = Hsiao code ); port ( -- AXI Global Signals S_AXI_AClk : in std_logic; S_AXI_AResetn : in std_logic; -- AXI Read Address Channel Signals (AR) AXI_ARID : in std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_ARLEN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Specifies the number of data transfers in the burst -- "0000 0000" 1 data transfer -- "0000 0001" 2 data transfers -- ... -- "1111 1111" 256 data transfers AXI_ARSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- Specifies the max number of data bytes to transfer in each data beat -- "000" 1 byte to transfer -- "001" 2 bytes to transfer -- "010" 3 bytes to transfer -- ... AXI_ARBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- Specifies burst type -- "00" FIXED = Fixed burst address (handled as INCR) -- "01" INCR = Increment burst address -- "10" WRAP = Incrementing address burst that wraps to lower order address at boundary -- "11" Reserved (not checked) AXI_ARLOCK : in std_logic; AXI_ARCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); AXI_ARPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); AXI_ARVALID : in std_logic; AXI_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Read Data Channel Signals (R) AXI_RID : out std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_RLAST : out std_logic; AXI_RVALID : out std_logic; AXI_RREADY : in std_logic; -- ECC Register Interface Signals Enable_ECC : in std_logic; BRAM_Addr_En : out std_logic; CE_Failing_We : out std_logic := '0'; Sl_CE : out std_logic := '0'; Sl_UE : out std_logic := '0'; -- Single Port Arbitration Signals Arb2AR_Active : in std_logic; AR2Arb_Active_Clr : out std_logic := '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En : out std_logic := '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld : out std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc : out std_logic := '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr : in std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR); -- BRAM Read Port Interface Signals BRAM_En : out std_logic; BRAM_Addr : out std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); BRAM_RdData : in std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) ); end entity rd_chnl; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of rd_chnl is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- All functions defined in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reset active level (common through core) constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; constant RESP_OKAY : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00"; -- Normal access OK response constant RESP_SLVERR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "10"; -- Slave error -- For future support. constant RESP_EXOKAY : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "01"; -- Exclusive access OK response -- For future support. constant RESP_DECERR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "11"; -- Decode error -- Set constants for ARLEN equal to a count of one or two beats. constant AXI_ARLEN_ONE : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant AXI_ARLEN_TWO : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000001"; -- Modify C_BRAM_ADDR_SIZE to be adjusted for BRAM data width -- When BRAM data width = 32 bits, BRAM_Addr (1:0) = "00" -- When BRAM data width = 64 bits, BRAM_Addr (2:0) = "000" -- When BRAM data width = 128 bits, BRAM_Addr (3:0) = "0000" -- When BRAM data width = 256 bits, BRAM_Addr (4:0) = "00000" -- Move to full_axi module -- constant C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := log2 (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8); -- Not used -- constant C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST : integer := C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR; -- Determine maximum size for narrow burst length counter -- When C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32, minimum narrow width burst is 8 bits -- resulting in a count 3 downto 0 => so minimum counter width = 2 bits. -- When C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 256, minimum narrow width burst is 8 bits -- resulting in a count 31 downto 0 => so minimum counter width = 5 bits. constant C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN : integer := log2 (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8); constant NARROW_CNT_MAX : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Max length burst count AXI4 specification constant C_MAX_BRST_CNT : integer := 256; constant C_BRST_CNT_SIZE : integer := log2 (C_MAX_BRST_CNT); -- When the burst count = 0 constant C_BRST_CNT_ZERO : std_logic_vector(C_BRST_CNT_SIZE-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Burst count = 1 constant C_BRST_CNT_ONE : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000001"; -- Burst count = 2 constant C_BRST_CNT_TWO : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000010"; -- Read data mux select constants (for signal rddata_mux_sel) -- '0' selects BRAM -- '1' selects read skid buffer constant C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM : std_logic := '0'; constant C_RDDATA_MUX_SKID_BUF : std_logic := '1'; -- Determine the number of bytes based on the AXI data width. constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8; -- AXI Burst Types -- AXI Spec 4.4 constant C_AXI_BURST_WRAP : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "10"; constant C_AXI_BURST_INCR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "01"; constant C_AXI_BURST_FIXED : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00"; -- AXI Size Constants -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000"; -- 1 byte -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "001"; -- 2 bytes -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "010"; -- 4 bytes = max size for 32-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "011"; -- 8 bytes = max size for 64-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "100"; -- 16 bytes = max size for 128-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "101"; -- 32 bytes = max size for 256-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "110"; -- 64 bytes = max size for 512-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "111"; -- 128 bytes = max size for 1024-bit BRAM -- Determine max value of ARSIZE based on the AXI data width. -- Use function in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. constant C_AXI_SIZE_MAX : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := Create_Size_Max (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); -- Internal ECC data width size. constant C_INT_ECC_WIDTH : integer := Int_ECC_Size (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); -- For use with ECC functions (to use LUT6 components or let synthesis infer the optimal implementation). -- constant C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := Family_To_LUT_Size (String_To_Family (C_FAMILY,false)) = 6; -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- All architectures supporting AXI will support a LUT6. -- Hard code this internal constant used in ECC algorithm. constant C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := TRUE; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Read Address Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- State machine type declarations type RD_ADDR_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, LD_ARADDR ); signal rd_addr_sm_cs, rd_addr_sm_ns : RD_ADDR_SM_TYPE; signal ar_active_set : std_logic := '0'; signal ar_active_set_i : std_logic := '0'; signal ar_active_clr : std_logic := '0'; signal ar_active : std_logic := '0'; signal ar_active_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal ar_active_re : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_araddr_pipe : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_araddr_lsb : std_logic_vector (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal araddr_pipe_ld : std_logic := '0'; signal araddr_pipe_ld_i : std_logic := '0'; signal araddr_pipe_sel : std_logic := '0'; -- '0' indicates mux select from AXI -- '1' indicates mux select from AR Addr Register signal axi_araddr_full : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arready_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_early_arready_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_d2 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_re : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_re_reg : std_logic := '0'; signal no_ar_ack_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal no_ar_ack : std_logic := '0'; signal pend_rd_op_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal pend_rd_op : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arid_pipe : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_arsize_pipe : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_arsize_pipe_4byte : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arsize_pipe_8byte : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arsize_pipe_16byte : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arsize_pipe_32byte : std_logic := '0'; -- v1.03a signal axi_arsize_pipe_max : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_arsize : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_arsize_reg : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_arlen_pipe : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_arlen_pipe_1_or_2 : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_arlen : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_arlen_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_arburst_pipe : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_arburst_pipe_fixed : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_arburst : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_wrap_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_wrap_burst_reg : std_logic := '0'; signal max_wrap_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_incr_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_fixed_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_fixed_burst_reg : std_logic := '0'; -- BRAM Address Counter signal bram_addr_ld_en : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_ld_en_i : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_ld_en_mod : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_ld : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_ld_wrap : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_inc : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_inc_mod : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_inc_wrap_mod : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Read Data Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- State machine type declarations type RD_DATA_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, SNG_ADDR, SEC_ADDR, FULL_PIPE, FULL_THROTTLE, LAST_ADDR, LAST_THROTTLE, LAST_DATA, LAST_DATA_AR_PEND ); signal rd_data_sm_cs, rd_data_sm_ns : RD_DATA_SM_TYPE; signal rd_adv_buf : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rd_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rd_burst_two : std_logic := '0'; signal act_rd_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal act_rd_burst_set : std_logic := '0'; signal act_rd_burst_clr : std_logic := '0'; signal act_rd_burst_two : std_logic := '0'; -- Rd Data Buffer/Register signal rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal rd_skid_buf_ld_reg : std_logic := '0'; signal rd_skid_buf_ld : std_logic := '0'; signal rd_skid_buf_ld_imm : std_logic := '0'; signal rd_skid_buf : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal rddata_mux_sel_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal rddata_mux_sel : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rdata_en : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rdata_mux : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+8*C_ECC-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Read Burst Counter signal brst_cnt_max : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_cnt_max_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_cnt_max_re : std_logic := '0'; signal end_brst_rd_clr_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal end_brst_rd_clr : std_logic := '0'; signal end_brst_rd : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_zero : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_one : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_cnt_ld : std_logic_vector (C_BRST_CNT_SIZE-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal brst_cnt_rst : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_cnt_ld_en : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_cnt_ld_en_i : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_cnt_dec : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_cnt : std_logic_vector (C_BRST_CNT_SIZE-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- AXI Read Response Signals signal axi_rid_temp : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rid_temp_full : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rid_temp_full_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rid_temp_full_fe : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rid_temp2 : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rid_temp2_full : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_b2b_rid_adv : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rid_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rresp_int : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rvalid_clr_ok : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rvalid_set_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rvalid_set : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rvalid_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rlast_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rlast_set : std_logic := '0'; -- Internal BRAM Signals signal bram_en_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_en_int : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); -- Narrow Burst Signals signal curr_narrow_burst_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_narrow_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_burst_cnt_ld : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal narrow_burst_cnt_ld_mod : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal narrow_addr_rst : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_addr_ld_en : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_addr_dec : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_bram_addr_inc : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_bram_addr_inc_re : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_addr_int : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_ua_narrow_wrap : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_ua_narrow_incr : std_logic := '0'; signal ua_narrow_load : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- State machine type declarations type RLAST_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, W8_THROTTLE, W8_2ND_LAST_DATA, W8_LAST_DATA, -- W8_LAST_DATA_B2, W8_THROTTLE_B2 ); signal rlast_sm_cs, rlast_sm_ns : RLAST_SM_TYPE; signal last_bram_addr : std_logic := '0'; signal set_last_bram_addr : std_logic := '0'; signal alast_bram_addr : std_logic := '0'; signal rd_b2b_elgible : std_logic := '0'; signal rd_b2b_elgible_no_thr_check : std_logic := '0'; signal throttle_last_data : std_logic := '0'; signal disable_b2b_brst_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal disable_b2b_brst : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_b2b_brst_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_b2b_brst : std_logic := '0'; signal do_cmplt_burst_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal do_cmplt_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal do_cmplt_burst_clr : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ECC Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal UnCorrectedRdData : std_logic_vector (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Move vector from core ECC module to use in AXI RDATA register output signal Syndrome : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal Syndrome_4 : std_logic_vector (0 to 1) := (others => '0'); -- Only used in 32-bit ECC signal Syndrome_6 : std_logic_vector (0 to 5) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to ECC @ 32-bit data width signal Syndrome_7 : std_logic_vector (0 to 11) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to ECC @ 64-bit data width signal syndrome_reg : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal syndrome_reg_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal Sl_UE_i : std_logic := '0'; signal UE_Q : std_logic := '0'; -- v1.03a -- Hsiao ECC signal syndrome_r : std_logic_vector (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant CODE_WIDTH : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; constant ECC_WIDTH : integer := C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; signal h_rows : std_logic_vector (CODE_WIDTH * ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Read Address Channel Output Signals --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ARREADY_DUAL -- Purpose: Generate AXI_ARREADY when in dual port mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ARREADY_DUAL: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 generate begin -- Ensure ARREADY only gets asserted early when acknowledge recognized -- on AXI read data channel. AXI_ARREADY <= axi_arready_int or (axi_early_arready_int and rd_adv_buf); end generate GEN_ARREADY_DUAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ARREADY_SNG -- Purpose: Generate AXI_ARREADY when in single port mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ARREADY_SNG: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1 generate begin -- ARREADY generated by sng_port_arb module AXI_ARREADY <= '0'; axi_arready_int <= '0'; end generate GEN_ARREADY_SNG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Read Data Channel Output Signals --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UE flag is detected is same clock cycle that read data is presented on -- the AXI bus. Must drive SLVERR combinatorially to align with corrupted -- detected data word. AXI_RRESP <= RESP_SLVERR when (C_ECC = 1 and Sl_UE_i = '1') else axi_rresp_int; AXI_RVALID <= axi_rvalid_int; AXI_RID <= axi_rid_int; AXI_RLAST <= axi_rlast_int; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- *** AXI Read Address Channel Interface *** -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_AR_PIPE_SNG -- Purpose: Only generate pipeline registers when in dual port BRAM mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AR_PIPE_SNG: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1 generate begin -- Unused AW pipeline (set default values) araddr_pipe_ld <= '0'; axi_araddr_pipe <= AXI_ARADDR; axi_arid_pipe <= AXI_ARID; axi_arsize_pipe <= AXI_ARSIZE; axi_arlen_pipe <= AXI_ARLEN; axi_arburst_pipe <= AXI_ARBURST; axi_arlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= '0'; axi_arburst_pipe_fixed <= '0'; axi_araddr_full <= '0'; end generate GEN_AR_PIPE_SNG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_AR_PIPE_DUAL -- Purpose: Only generate pipeline registers when in dual port BRAM mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AR_PIPE_DUAL: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Read Address Buffer/Register -- (mimic behavior of address pipeline for AXI_ARID) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ARADDR: for i in C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0 generate begin REG_ARADDR: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- No reset condition to save resources/timing if (araddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_araddr_pipe (i) <= AXI_ARADDR (i); else axi_araddr_pipe (i) <= axi_araddr_pipe (i); end if; end if; end process REG_ARADDR; end generate GEN_ARADDR; ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register ARID -- No reset condition to save resources/timing ------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_ARID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (araddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_arid_pipe <= AXI_ARID; else axi_arid_pipe <= axi_arid_pipe; end if; end if; end process REG_ARID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- In parallel to ARADDR pipeline and ARID -- Use same control signals to capture AXI_ARSIZE, AXI_ARLEN & AXI_ARBURST. -- Register AXI_ARSIZE, AXI_ARLEN & AXI_ARBURST -- No reset condition to save resources/timing REG_ARCTRL: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (araddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_arsize_pipe <= AXI_ARSIZE; axi_arlen_pipe <= AXI_ARLEN; axi_arburst_pipe <= AXI_ARBURST; else axi_arsize_pipe <= axi_arsize_pipe; axi_arlen_pipe <= axi_arlen_pipe; axi_arburst_pipe <= axi_arburst_pipe; end if; end if; end process REG_ARCTRL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create signals that indicate value of AXI_ARLEN in pipeline stage -- Used to decode length of burst when BRAM address can be loaded early -- when pipeline is full. -- -- Add early decode of ARBURST in pipeline. -- Copy logic from WR_CHNL module (similar logic). -- Add early decode of ARSIZE = 4 bytes in pipeline. REG_ARLEN_PIPE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- No reset condition to save resources/timing if (araddr_pipe_ld = '1') then -- Create merge to decode ARLEN of ONE or TWO if (AXI_ARLEN = AXI_ARLEN_ONE) or (AXI_ARLEN = AXI_ARLEN_TWO) then axi_arlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= '1'; else axi_arlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= '0'; end if; -- Early decode on value in pipeline of ARBURST if (AXI_ARBURST = C_AXI_BURST_FIXED) then axi_arburst_pipe_fixed <= '1'; else axi_arburst_pipe_fixed <= '0'; end if; else axi_arlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= axi_arlen_pipe_1_or_2; axi_arburst_pipe_fixed <= axi_arburst_pipe_fixed; end if; end if; end process REG_ARLEN_PIPE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create full flag for ARADDR pipeline -- Set when read address register is loaded. -- Cleared when read address stored in register is loaded into BRAM -- address counter. REG_RDADDR_FULL: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' and araddr_pipe_sel = '1') then (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' and araddr_pipe_sel = '1' and araddr_pipe_ld = '0') then axi_araddr_full <= '0'; elsif (araddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_araddr_full <= '1'; else axi_araddr_full <= axi_araddr_full; end if; end if; end process REG_RDADDR_FULL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_AR_PIPE_DUAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a -- Add early decode of ARSIZE = max size in pipeline based on AXI data -- bus width (use constant, C_AXI_SIZE_MAX) REG_ARSIZE_PIPE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_arsize_pipe_max <= '0'; elsif (araddr_pipe_ld = '1') then -- Early decode of ARSIZE in pipeline equal to max # of bytes -- based on AXI data bus width if (AXI_ARSIZE = C_AXI_SIZE_MAX) then axi_arsize_pipe_max <= '1'; else axi_arsize_pipe_max <= '0'; end if; else axi_arsize_pipe_max <= axi_arsize_pipe_max; end if; end if; end process REG_ARSIZE_PIPE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GE_ARREADY -- Purpose: ARREADY is only created here when in dual port BRAM mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ARREADY: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_ARREADY Output Register -- Description: Keep AXI_ARREADY output asserted until ARADDR pipeline -- is full. When a full condition is reached, negate -- ARREADY as another AR address can not be accepted. -- Add condition to keep ARReady asserted if loading current --- ARADDR pipeline value into the BRAM address counter. -- Indicated by assertion of bram_addr_ld_en & araddr_pipe_sel. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_ARREADY: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_arready_int <= '0'; -- Detect end of S_AXI_AResetn to assert AWREADY and accept -- new AWADDR values elsif (axi_aresetn_re_reg = '1') or -- Add condition for early ARREADY to keep pipeline full (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' and araddr_pipe_sel = '1' and axi_early_arready_int = '0') then axi_arready_int <= '1'; -- Add conditional check if ARREADY is asserted (with ARVALID) (one clock cycle later) -- when the address pipeline is full. elsif (araddr_pipe_ld = '1') or (AXI_ARVALID = '1' and axi_arready_int = '1' and axi_araddr_full = '1') then axi_arready_int <= '0'; else axi_arready_int <= axi_arready_int; end if; end if; end process REG_ARREADY; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_EARLY_ARREADY: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_early_arready_int <= '0'; -- Pending ARADDR and ARREADY is not yet asserted to accept -- operation (due to ARADDR being full) elsif (AXI_ARVALID = '1' and axi_arready_int = '0' and axi_araddr_full = '1') and (alast_bram_addr = '1') and -- Add check for elgible back-to-back BRAM load (rd_b2b_elgible = '1') then axi_early_arready_int <= '1'; else axi_early_arready_int <= '0'; end if; end if; end process REG_EARLY_ARREADY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Need to detect end of reset cycle to assert ARREADY on AXI bus REG_ARESETN: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then axi_aresetn_d1 <= S_AXI_AResetn; axi_aresetn_d2 <= axi_aresetn_d1; axi_aresetn_re_reg <= axi_aresetn_re; end if; end process REG_ARESETN; -- Create combinatorial RE detect of S_AXI_AResetn axi_aresetn_re <= '1' when (S_AXI_AResetn = '1' and axi_aresetn_d1 = '0') else '0'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_ARREADY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DUAL_ADDR_CNT -- Purpose: Instantiate BRAM address counter unique for wr_chnl logic -- only when controller configured in dual port mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DUAL_ADDR_CNT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Replace I_ADDR_CNT module usage of pf_counter in proc_common library. -- Only need to use lower 12-bits of address due to max AXI burst size -- Since AXI guarantees bursts do not cross 4KB boundary, the counting part -- of I_ADDR_CNT can be reduced to max 4KB. -- -- No reset on bram_addr_int. -- Increment ONLY. REG_ADDR_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (bram_addr_ld_en_mod = '1') then bram_addr_int <= bram_addr_ld; elsif (bram_addr_inc_mod = '1') then bram_addr_int (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 12) <= bram_addr_int (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 12); bram_addr_int (11 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (bram_addr_int (11 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR)) + 1); end if; end if; end process REG_ADDR_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set defaults to shared address counter -- Only used in single port configurations Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En <= '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld <= (others => '0'); Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc <= '0'; end generate GEN_DUAL_ADDR_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_SNG_ADDR_CNT -- Purpose: When configured in single port BRAM mode, address counter -- is shared with rd_chnl module. Assign output signals here -- to counter instantiation at full_axi module level. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_SNG_ADDR_CNT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En <= bram_addr_ld_en_mod; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld <= bram_addr_ld; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc <= bram_addr_inc_mod; bram_addr_int <= Sng_BRAM_Addr; end generate GEN_SNG_ADDR_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BRAM address load mux. -- Either load BRAM counter directly from AXI bus or from stored registered value -- Use registered signal to indicate current operation is a WRAP burst -- -- Match bram_addr_ld to what asserts bram_addr_ld_en_mod -- Include bram_addr_inc_mod when asserted to use bram_addr_ld_wrap value -- (otherwise use pipelined or AXI bus value to load BRAM address counter) bram_addr_ld <= bram_addr_ld_wrap when (max_wrap_burst = '1' and curr_wrap_burst_reg = '1' and bram_addr_inc_wrap_mod = '1') else axi_araddr_pipe (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) when (araddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_ARADDR (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- On wrap burst max loads (simultaneous BRAM address increment is asserted). -- Ensure that load has higher priority over increment. -- Use registered signal to indicate current operation is a WRAP burst bram_addr_ld_en_mod <= '1' when (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' or (max_wrap_burst = '1' and curr_wrap_burst_reg = '1' and bram_addr_inc_wrap_mod = '1')) else '0'; -- Create a special bram_addr_inc_mod for use in the bram_addr_ld_en_mod signal -- logic. No need for the check if the current operation is NOT a fixed AND a wrap -- burst. The transfer will be one or the other. -- Found issue when narrow FIXED length burst is incorrectly -- incrementing BRAM address counter bram_addr_inc_wrap_mod <= bram_addr_inc when (curr_narrow_burst = '0') else narrow_bram_addr_inc_re; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Narrow bursting -- -- Handle read burst addressing on narrow burst operations -- Intercept BRAM address increment flag, bram_addr_inc and only -- increment address when the number of BRAM reads match the width of the -- AXI data bus. -- For a 32-bit BRAM, byte burst will increment the BRAM address -- after four reads from BRAM. -- For a 256-bit BRAM, a byte burst will increment the BRAM address -- after 32 reads from BRAM. -- Based on current operation being a narrow burst, hold off BRAM -- address increment until narrow burst fits BRAM data width. -- For non narrow burst operations, use bram_addr_inc from data SM. -- -- Add in check that burst type is not FIXED, curr_fixed_burst_reg -- bram_addr_inc_mod <= (bram_addr_inc and not (curr_fixed_burst_reg)) when (curr_narrow_burst = '0') else -- narrow_bram_addr_inc_re; -- -- -- Replace w/ below generate statements based on supporting narrow transfers or not. -- Create generate statement around the signal assignment for bram_addr_inc_mod. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_INC_MOD_W_NARROW -- Purpose: Assign signal, bram_addr_inc_mod when narrow transfers -- are supported in design instantiation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_INC_MOD_W_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin -- Found issue when narrow FIXED length burst is incorrectly incrementing BRAM address counter bram_addr_inc_mod <= (bram_addr_inc and not (curr_fixed_burst_reg)) when (curr_narrow_burst = '0') else (narrow_bram_addr_inc_re and not (curr_fixed_burst_reg)); end generate GEN_BRAM_INC_MOD_W_NARROW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_WO_NARROW -- Purpose: Assign signal, bram_addr_inc_mod when narrow transfers -- are not supported in the design instantiation. -- Drive default values for narrow counter and logic when -- narrow operation support is disabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WO_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 0) generate begin -- Found issue when narrow FIXED length burst is incorrectly incrementing BRAM address counter bram_addr_inc_mod <= bram_addr_inc and not (curr_fixed_burst_reg); narrow_addr_rst <= '0'; narrow_burst_cnt_ld_mod <= (others => '0'); narrow_addr_dec <= '0'; narrow_addr_ld_en <= '0'; narrow_bram_addr_inc <= '0'; narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 <= '0'; narrow_bram_addr_inc_re <= '0'; narrow_addr_int <= (others => '0'); curr_narrow_burst <= '0'; end generate GEN_WO_NARROW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Only instantiate NARROW_CNT and supporting logic when narrow transfers -- are supported and utilized by masters in the AXI system. -- The design parameter, C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW will indicate this. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NARROW_CNT -- Purpose: Instantiate narrow counter and logic when narrow -- operation support is enabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NARROW_CNT: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate seperate smaller counter for narrow burst operations -- Replace I_NARROW_CNT module usage of pf_counter_top from proc_common library. -- -- Counter size is adjusted based on size of data burst. -- -- For example, 32-bit data width BRAM, minimum narrow width -- burst is 8 bits resulting in a count 3 downto 0. So the -- minimum counter width = 2 bits. -- -- When C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 256, minimum narrow width burst -- is 8 bits resulting in a count 31 downto 0. So the -- minimum counter width = 5 bits. -- -- Size of counter = C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_NARROW_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (narrow_addr_rst = '1') then narrow_addr_int <= (others => '0'); -- Load enable elsif (narrow_addr_ld_en = '1') then narrow_addr_int <= narrow_burst_cnt_ld_mod; -- Decrement ONLY (no increment functionality) elsif (narrow_addr_dec = '1') then narrow_addr_int (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (narrow_addr_int (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0)) - 1); end if; end if; end process REG_NARROW_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- narrow_addr_rst <= not (S_AXI_AResetn); -- Modify narrow burst count load value based on -- unalignment of AXI address value narrow_burst_cnt_ld_mod <= ua_narrow_load when (curr_ua_narrow_wrap = '1' or curr_ua_narrow_incr = '1') else narrow_burst_cnt_ld when (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') else narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg; narrow_addr_dec <= bram_addr_inc when (curr_narrow_burst = '1') else '0'; narrow_addr_ld_en <= (curr_narrow_burst_cmb and bram_addr_ld_en) or narrow_bram_addr_inc_re; narrow_bram_addr_inc <= '1' when (narrow_addr_int = NARROW_CNT_MAX) and (curr_narrow_burst = '1') -- Ensure that narrow address counter doesn't -- flag max or get loaded to -- reset narrow counter until AXI read data -- bus has acknowledged current -- data on the AXI bus. Use rd_adv_buf signal -- to indicate the non throttle -- condition on the AXI bus. and (bram_addr_inc = '1') else '0'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Detect rising edge of narrow_bram_addr_inc REG_NARROW_BRAM_ADDR_INC: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 <= '0'; else narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 <= narrow_bram_addr_inc; end if; end if; end process REG_NARROW_BRAM_ADDR_INC; narrow_bram_addr_inc_re <= '1' when (narrow_bram_addr_inc = '1') and (narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 = '0') else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_NARROW_CNT; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Specify current ARSIZE signal -- Address pipeline MUX curr_arsize <= axi_arsize_pipe when (araddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_ARSIZE; REG_ARSIZE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then curr_arsize_reg <= (others => '0'); -- Register curr_arsize when bram_addr_ld_en = '1' elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then curr_arsize_reg <= curr_arsize; else curr_arsize_reg <= curr_arsize_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_ARSIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NARROW_EN -- Purpose: Only instantiate logic to determine if current burst -- is a narrow burst when narrow bursting logic is supported. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NARROW_EN: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Determine "narrow" burst transfers -- Compare the ARSIZE to the BRAM data width ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a -- Detect if current burst operation is of size /= to the full -- AXI data bus width. If not, then the current operation is a -- "narrow" burst. curr_narrow_burst_cmb <= '1' when (curr_arsize /= C_AXI_SIZE_MAX) else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register flag indicating the current operation -- is a narrow read burst NARROW_BURST_REG: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- Need to reset this flag at end of narrow burst operation -- Ensure if curr_narrow_burst got set during previous transaction, axi_rlast_set -- doesn't clear the flag (add check for pend_rd_op negated). if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_set = '1' and pend_rd_op = '0' and bram_addr_ld_en = '0') then curr_narrow_burst <= '0'; -- Add check for burst operation using ARLEN value -- Ensure that narrow burst flag does not get set during FIXED burst types elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') and (curr_arlen /= AXI_ARLEN_ONE) and (curr_fixed_burst = '0') then curr_narrow_burst <= curr_narrow_burst_cmb; end if; end if; end process NARROW_BURST_REG; end generate GEN_NARROW_EN; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NARROW_CNT_LD -- Purpose: Only instantiate logic to determine narrow burst counter -- load value when narrow bursts are enabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NARROW_CNT_LD: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate signal curr_arsize_unsigned : unsigned (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_byte_div_curr_arsize : integer := 1; begin -- v1.03a -- Create narrow burst counter load value based on current operation -- "narrow" data width (indicated by value of AWSIZE). curr_arsize_unsigned <= unsigned (curr_arsize); -- XST does not support divisors that are not constants and powers of 2. -- Create process to create a fixed value for divisor. -- Replace this statement: -- narrow_burst_cnt_ld <= std_logic_vector ( -- to_unsigned ( -- (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / (2**(to_integer (curr_arsize_unsigned))) ) - 1, -- C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)); -- -- With this new process and subsequent signal assignment: -- DIV_AWSIZE: process (curr_arsize_unsigned) -- begin -- -- case (to_integer (curr_arsize_unsigned)) is -- when 0 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 1; -- when 1 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 2; -- when 2 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 4; -- when 3 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 8; -- when 4 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 16; -- when 5 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 32; -- when 6 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 64; -- when 7 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 128; -- --coverage off -- when others => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES; -- --coverage on -- end case; -- -- end process DIV_AWSIZE; -- w/ CR # 609695 -- With this new process and subsequent signal assignment: DIV_AWSIZE: process (curr_arsize_unsigned) begin case (curr_arsize_unsigned) is when "000" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 1; when "001" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 2; when "010" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 4; when "011" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 8; when "100" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 16; when "101" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 32; when "110" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 64; when "111" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 128; --coverage off when others => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES; --coverage on end case; end process DIV_AWSIZE; -- v1.03a -- Replace with new signal assignment. -- For synthesis to support only divisors that are constant and powers of two. -- Updated else clause for simulation warnings w/ CR # 609695 narrow_burst_cnt_ld <= std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( (axi_byte_div_curr_arsize) - 1, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)) when (axi_byte_div_curr_arsize > 0) else std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (0, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register narrow burst count load indicator REG_NAR_BRST_CNT_LD: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg <= narrow_burst_cnt_ld; else narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg <= narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_NAR_BRST_CNT_LD; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_NARROW_CNT_LD; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Handling for WRAP burst types -- -- For WRAP burst types, the counter value will roll over when the burst -- boundary is reached. -- Boundary is reached based on ARSIZE and ARLEN. -- -- Goal is to minimize muxing on initial load of counter value. -- On WRAP burst types, detect when the max address is reached. -- When the max address is reached, re-load counter with lower -- address value set to '0'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Detect valid WRAP burst types curr_wrap_burst <= '1' when (curr_arburst = C_AXI_BURST_WRAP) else '0'; curr_incr_burst <= '1' when (curr_arburst = C_AXI_BURST_INCR) else '0'; curr_fixed_burst <= '1' when (curr_arburst = C_AXI_BURST_FIXED) else '0'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register curr_wrap_burst & curr_fixed_burst signals when BRAM -- address counter is initially loaded REG_CURR_BRST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then curr_wrap_burst_reg <= '0'; curr_fixed_burst_reg <= '0'; elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then curr_wrap_burst_reg <= curr_wrap_burst; curr_fixed_burst_reg <= curr_fixed_burst; else curr_wrap_burst_reg <= curr_wrap_burst_reg; curr_fixed_burst_reg <= curr_fixed_burst_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_CURR_BRST; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_WRAP_BRST -- -- Description: -- -- Instantiate WRAP_BRST module -- Logic to generate the wrap around value to load into the BRAM address -- counter on WRAP burst transactions. -- WRAP value is based on current ARLEN, ARSIZE (for narrows) and -- data width of BRAM module. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_WRAP_BRST : entity work.wrap_brst generic map ( C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR => C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR , C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_ACLK , S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_ARESETN , curr_axlen => curr_arlen , curr_axsize => curr_arsize , curr_narrow_burst => curr_narrow_burst , narrow_bram_addr_inc_re => narrow_bram_addr_inc_re , bram_addr_ld_en => bram_addr_ld_en , bram_addr_ld => bram_addr_ld , bram_addr_int => bram_addr_int , bram_addr_ld_wrap => bram_addr_ld_wrap , max_wrap_burst_mod => max_wrap_burst ); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Specify current ARBURST signal -- Input address pipeline MUX curr_arburst <= axi_arburst_pipe when (araddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_ARBURST; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Specify current AWBURST signal -- Input address pipeline MUX curr_arlen <= axi_arlen_pipe when (araddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_ARLEN; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_UA_NARROW -- Purpose: Only instantiate logic for burst narrow WRAP operations when -- AXI bus protocol is not set for AXI-LITE and narrow -- burst operations are supported. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_UA_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- New logic to detect unaligned address on a narrow WRAP burst transaction. -- If this condition is met, then the narrow burst counter will be -- initially loaded with an offset value corresponding to the unalignment -- in the ARADDR value. -- -- -- Create a sub module for all logic to determine the narrow burst counter -- offset value on unaligned WRAP burst operations. -- -- Module generates the following signals: -- -- => curr_ua_narrow_wrap, to indicate the current -- operation is an unaligned narrow WRAP burst. -- -- => curr_ua_narrow_incr, to load narrow burst counter -- for unaligned INCR burst operations. -- -- => ua_narrow_load, narrow counter load value. -- Sized, (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Instance: I_UA_NARROW -- -- Description: -- -- Creates a narrow burst count load value when an operation -- is an unaligned narrow WRAP or INCR burst type. Used by -- I_NARROW_CNT module. -- -- Logic is customized for each C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_UA_NARROW : entity work.ua_narrow generic map ( C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR => C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR , C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN => C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN ) port map ( curr_wrap_burst => curr_wrap_burst , -- in curr_incr_burst => curr_incr_burst , -- in bram_addr_ld_en => bram_addr_ld_en , -- in curr_axlen => curr_arlen , -- in curr_axsize => curr_arsize , -- in curr_axaddr_lsb => curr_araddr_lsb , -- in curr_ua_narrow_wrap => curr_ua_narrow_wrap , -- out curr_ua_narrow_incr => curr_ua_narrow_incr , -- out ua_narrow_load => ua_narrow_load -- out ); -- Use in all C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH generate statements -- Only probe least significant BRAM address bits -- C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR offset down to 0. curr_araddr_lsb <= axi_araddr_pipe (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0) when (araddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_ARADDR (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_UA_NARROW; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- New logic to detect if pending operation in ARADDR pipeline is -- elgible for back-to-back no "bubble" performance. And BRAM address -- counter can be loaded upon last BRAM address presented for the current -- operation. -- This condition exists when the ARADDR pipeline is full and the pending -- operation is a burst >= length of two data beats. -- And not a FIXED burst type (must be INCR or WRAP type). -- The DATA SM handles detecting a throttle condition and will void -- the capability to be a back-to-back in performance transaction. -- -- Add check if new operation is a narrow burst (to be loaded into BRAM -- counter) -- Add check for throttling condition on after last BRAM address is -- presented -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a rd_b2b_elgible_no_thr_check <= '1' when (axi_araddr_full = '1') and (axi_arlen_pipe_1_or_2 /= '1') and (axi_arburst_pipe_fixed /= '1') and (disable_b2b_brst = '0') and (axi_arsize_pipe_max = '1') else '0'; rd_b2b_elgible <= '1' when (rd_b2b_elgible_no_thr_check = '1') and (throttle_last_data = '0') else '0'; -- Check if SM is in LAST_THROTTLE state which also indicates we are throttling at -- the last data beat in the read burst. Ensures that the bursts are not implemented -- as back-to-back bursts and RVALID will negate upon recognition of RLAST and RID -- pipeline will be advanced properly. -- Fix timing path on araddr_pipe_sel generated in RDADDR SM -- SM uses rd_b2b_elgible signal which checks throttle condition on -- last data beat to hold off loading new BRAM address counter for next -- back-to-back operation. -- Attempt to modify logic in generation of throttle_last_data signal. throttle_last_data <= '1' when ((brst_zero = '1') and (rd_adv_buf = '0')) or (rd_data_sm_cs = LAST_THROTTLE) else '0'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_AR_SNG -- Purpose: If single port BRAM configuration, set all AR flags from -- logic generated in sng_port_arb module. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AR_SNG: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin araddr_pipe_sel <= '0'; -- Unused in single port configuration ar_active <= Arb2AR_Active; bram_addr_ld_en <= ar_active_re; brst_cnt_ld_en <= ar_active_re; AR2Arb_Active_Clr <= axi_rlast_int and AXI_RREADY; -- Rising edge detect of Arb2AR_Active RE_AR_ACT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- Clear ar_active_d1 early w/ ar_active -- So back to back ar_active assertions see the new transaction -- and initiate the read transfer. if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or ((axi_rlast_int and AXI_RREADY) = '1') then ar_active_d1 <= '0'; else ar_active_d1 <= ar_active; end if; end if; end process RE_AR_ACT; ar_active_re <= '1' when (ar_active = '1' and ar_active_d1 = '0') else '0'; end generate GEN_AR_SNG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_AW_DUAL -- Purpose: Generate AW control state machine logic only when AXI4 -- controller is configured for dual port mode. In dual port -- mode, wr_chnl has full access over AW & port A of BRAM. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AR_DUAL: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin AR2Arb_Active_Clr <= '0'; -- Only used in single port case --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RD ADDR State Machine -- -- Description: Central processing unit for AXI write address -- channel interface handling and handshaking. -- -- Outputs: araddr_pipe_ld Not Registered -- araddr_pipe_sel Not Registered -- bram_addr_ld_en Not Registered -- brst_cnt_ld_en Not Registered -- ar_active_set Not Registered -- -- WR_ADDR_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- WR_ADDR_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RD_ADDR_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( AXI_ARVALID, axi_araddr_full, ar_active, no_ar_ack, pend_rd_op, last_bram_addr, rd_b2b_elgible, rd_addr_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs rd_addr_sm_ns <= rd_addr_sm_cs; araddr_pipe_ld_i <= '0'; bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '0'; brst_cnt_ld_en_i <= '0'; ar_active_set_i <= '0'; case rd_addr_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- Reload BRAM address counter on last BRAM address of current burst -- if a new address is pending in the AR pipeline and is elgible to -- be loaded for subsequent back-to-back performance. if (last_bram_addr = '1' and rd_b2b_elgible = '1') then -- Load BRAM address counter from pipelined value bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; brst_cnt_ld_en_i <= '1'; ar_active_set_i <= '1'; -- If loading BRAM counter for subsequent operation -- AND ARVALID is pending on the bus, go ahead and respond -- and fill ARADDR pipeline with next operation. -- -- Asserting the signal to load the ARADDR pipeline here -- allows the full bandwidth utilization to BRAM on -- back to back bursts of two data beats. if (AXI_ARVALID = '1') then araddr_pipe_ld_i <= '1'; rd_addr_sm_ns <= LD_ARADDR; else rd_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; elsif (AXI_ARVALID = '1') then -- If address pipeline is full -- ARReady output is negated -- Remain in this state -- -- Add check for already pending read operation -- in data SM, but waiting on throttle (even though ar_active is -- already set to '0'). if (ar_active = '0') and (no_ar_ack = '0') and (pend_rd_op = '0') then rd_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; brst_cnt_ld_en_i <= '1'; ar_active_set_i <= '1'; -- Address counter is currently busy else -- Check if ARADDR pipeline is not full and can be loaded if (axi_araddr_full = '0') then rd_addr_sm_ns <= LD_ARADDR; araddr_pipe_ld_i <= '1'; end if; end if; -- ar_active -- Pending operation in pipeline that is waiting -- until current operation is complete (ar_active = '0') elsif (axi_araddr_full = '1') and (ar_active = '0') and (no_ar_ack = '0') and (pend_rd_op = '0') then rd_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; -- Load BRAM address counter from pipelined value bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; brst_cnt_ld_en_i <= '1'; ar_active_set_i <= '1'; end if; -- ARVALID ---------------------------- LD_ARADDR State --------------------------- when LD_ARADDR => -- Check here for subsequent BRAM address load when ARADDR pipe is loaded -- in previous clock cycle. -- -- Reload BRAM address counter on last BRAM address of current burst -- if a new address is pending in the AR pipeline and is elgible to -- be loaded for subsequent back-to-back performance. if (last_bram_addr = '1' and rd_b2b_elgible = '1') then -- Load BRAM address counter from pipelined value bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; brst_cnt_ld_en_i <= '1'; ar_active_set_i <= '1'; -- If loading BRAM counter for subsequent operation -- AND ARVALID is pending on the bus, go ahead and respond -- and fill ARADDR pipeline with next operation. -- -- Asserting the signal to load the ARADDR pipeline here -- allows the full bandwidth utilization to BRAM on -- back to back bursts of two data beats. if (AXI_ARVALID = '1') then araddr_pipe_ld_i <= '1'; rd_addr_sm_ns <= LD_ARADDR; -- Stay in this state another clock cycle else rd_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; else rd_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => rd_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process RD_ADDR_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CR # 582705 -- Ensure combinatorial SM output signals do not get set before -- the end of the reset (and ARREAADY can be set). bram_addr_ld_en <= bram_addr_ld_en_i and axi_aresetn_d2; brst_cnt_ld_en <= brst_cnt_ld_en_i and axi_aresetn_d2; ar_active_set <= ar_active_set_i and axi_aresetn_d2; araddr_pipe_ld <= araddr_pipe_ld_i and axi_aresetn_d2; RD_ADDR_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then -- CR # 582705 -- Ensure that ar_active does not get asserted (from SM) before -- the end of reset and the ARREADY flag is set. if (axi_aresetn_d2 = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then rd_addr_sm_cs <= IDLE; else rd_addr_sm_cs <= rd_addr_sm_ns; end if; end if; end process RD_ADDR_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Assert araddr_pipe_sel outside of SM logic -- The BRAM address counter will get loaded with value in ARADDR pipeline -- when data is stored in the ARADDR pipeline. araddr_pipe_sel <= '1' when (axi_araddr_full = '1') else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register for ar_active REG_AR_ACT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then -- CR # 582705 if (axi_aresetn_d2 = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then ar_active <= '0'; elsif (ar_active_set = '1') then ar_active <= '1'; -- For code coverage closure, ensure priority encoding in if/else clause -- to prevent checking ar_active_set in reset clause. elsif (ar_active_clr = '1') then ar_active <= '0'; else ar_active <= ar_active; end if; end if; end process REG_AR_ACT; end generate GEN_AR_DUAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- REG_BRST_CNT. -- Read Burst Counter. -- No need to decrement burst counter. -- Able to load with fixed burst length value. -- Replace usage of proc_common_v4_0_2 library with direct HDL. -- -- Size of counter = C_BRST_CNT_SIZE -- Max size of burst transfer = 256 data beats -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_BRST_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (brst_cnt_rst = '1') then brst_cnt <= (others => '0'); -- Load burst counter elsif (brst_cnt_ld_en = '1') then brst_cnt <= brst_cnt_ld; -- Decrement ONLY (no increment functionality) elsif (brst_cnt_dec = '1') then brst_cnt (C_BRST_CNT_SIZE-1 downto 0) <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (brst_cnt (C_BRST_CNT_SIZE-1 downto 0)) - 1); end if; end if; end process REG_BRST_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- brst_cnt_rst <= not (S_AXI_AResetn); -- Determine burst count load value -- Either load BRAM counter directly from AXI bus or from stored registered value. -- Use mux signal for ARLEN BRST_CNT_LD_PROCESS : process (curr_arlen) variable brst_cnt_ld_int : integer := 0; begin brst_cnt_ld_int := to_integer (unsigned (curr_arlen (7 downto 0))); brst_cnt_ld <= std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (brst_cnt_ld_int, 8)); end process BRST_CNT_LD_PROCESS; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_BRST_MAX_W_NARROW -- Purpose: Generate registered logic for brst_cnt_max when the -- design instantiation supports narrow operations. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRST_MAX_W_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin REG_BRST_MAX: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (brst_cnt_ld_en = '1') -- Added with single port (13.1 release) or (end_brst_rd_clr = '1') then brst_cnt_max <= '0'; -- Replace usage of brst_cnt in this logic. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_zero, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be zero when decrement. elsif (brst_zero = '1') and (ar_active = '1') and (pend_rd_op = '0') then -- Hold off assertion of brst_cnt_max on narrow burst transfers -- Must wait until narrow burst count = 0. if (curr_narrow_burst = '1') then if (narrow_bram_addr_inc = '1') then brst_cnt_max <= '1'; end if; else brst_cnt_max <= '1'; end if; else brst_cnt_max <= brst_cnt_max; end if; end if; end process REG_BRST_MAX; end generate GEN_BRST_MAX_W_NARROW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_BRST_MAX_WO_NARROW -- Purpose: Generate registered logic for brst_cnt_max when the -- design instantiation does not support narrow operations. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRST_MAX_WO_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 0) generate begin REG_BRST_MAX: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (brst_cnt_ld_en = '1') then brst_cnt_max <= '0'; -- Replace usage of brst_cnt in this logic. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_zero, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be zero when decrement. elsif (brst_zero = '1') and (ar_active = '1') and (pend_rd_op = '0') then -- When narrow operations are not supported in the core -- configuration, no check for curr_narrow_burst on assertion. brst_cnt_max <= '1'; else brst_cnt_max <= brst_cnt_max; end if; end if; end process REG_BRST_MAX; end generate GEN_BRST_MAX_WO_NARROW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_BRST_MAX_D1: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then brst_cnt_max_d1 <= '0'; else brst_cnt_max_d1 <= brst_cnt_max; end if; end if; end process REG_BRST_MAX_D1; brst_cnt_max_re <= '1' when (brst_cnt_max = '1') and (brst_cnt_max_d1 = '0') else '0'; -- Set flag that end of burst is reached -- Need to capture this condition as the burst -- counter may get reloaded for a subsequent read burst REG_END_BURST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- SM may assert clear flag early (in case of narrow bursts) -- Wait until the end_brst_rd flag is asserted to clear the flag. if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (end_brst_rd_clr = '1' and end_brst_rd = '1') then end_brst_rd <= '0'; elsif (brst_cnt_max_re = '1') then end_brst_rd <= '1'; end if; end if; end process REG_END_BURST; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create flag that indicates burst counter is reaching ZEROs (max of burst -- length) REG_BURST_ZERO: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or ((brst_cnt_ld_en = '1') and (brst_cnt_ld /= C_BRST_CNT_ZERO)) then brst_zero <= '0'; elsif (brst_cnt_dec = '1') and (brst_cnt = C_BRST_CNT_ONE) then brst_zero <= '1'; else brst_zero <= brst_zero; end if; end if; end process REG_BURST_ZERO; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create additional flag that indicates burst counter is reaching ONEs -- (near end of burst length). Used to disable back-to-back condition in SM. REG_BURST_ONE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or ((brst_cnt_ld_en = '1') and (brst_cnt_ld /= C_BRST_CNT_ONE)) or ((brst_cnt_dec = '1') and (brst_cnt = C_BRST_CNT_ONE)) then brst_one <= '0'; elsif ((brst_cnt_dec = '1') and (brst_cnt = C_BRST_CNT_TWO)) or ((brst_cnt_ld_en = '1') and (brst_cnt_ld = C_BRST_CNT_ONE)) then brst_one <= '1'; else brst_one <= brst_one; end if; end if; end process REG_BURST_ONE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register flags for read burst operation REG_RD_BURST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- Clear axi_rd_burst flags when burst count gets to zeros (unless the burst -- counter is getting subsequently loaded for the new burst operation) -- -- Replace usage of brst_cnt in this logic. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_zero, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be zero when decrement. if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (brst_zero = '1' and brst_cnt_ld_en = '0') then axi_rd_burst <= '0'; axi_rd_burst_two <= '0'; elsif (brst_cnt_ld_en = '1') then if (curr_arlen /= AXI_ARLEN_ONE and curr_arlen /= AXI_ARLEN_TWO) then axi_rd_burst <= '1'; else axi_rd_burst <= '0'; end if; if (curr_arlen = AXI_ARLEN_TWO) then axi_rd_burst_two <= '1'; else axi_rd_burst_two <= '0'; end if; else axi_rd_burst <= axi_rd_burst; axi_rd_burst_two <= axi_rd_burst_two; end if; end if; end process REG_RD_BURST; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Seeing issue with axi_rd_burst getting cleared too soon -- on subsquent brst_cnt_ld_en early assertion and pend_rd_op is asserted. -- Create flag for currently active read burst operation -- Gets asserted when burst counter is loaded, but does not -- get cleared until the RD_DATA_SM has completed the read -- burst operation REG_ACT_RD_BURST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (act_rd_burst_clr = '1') then act_rd_burst <= '0'; act_rd_burst_two <= '0'; elsif (act_rd_burst_set = '1') then -- If not loading the burst counter for a B2B operation -- Then act_rd_burst follows axi_rd_burst and -- act_rd_burst_two follows axi_rd_burst_two. -- Get registered value of axi_* signal. if (brst_cnt_ld_en = '0') then act_rd_burst <= axi_rd_burst; act_rd_burst_two <= axi_rd_burst_two; else -- Otherwise, duplicate logic for axi_* signals if burst counter -- is getting loaded. -- For improved code coverage here -- The act_rd_burst_set signal will never get asserted if the burst -- size is less than two data beats. So, the conditional check -- for (curr_arlen /= AXI_ARLEN_ONE) is never evaluated. Removed -- from this if clause. if (curr_arlen /= AXI_ARLEN_TWO) then act_rd_burst <= '1'; else act_rd_burst <= '0'; end if; if (curr_arlen = AXI_ARLEN_TWO) then act_rd_burst_two <= '1'; else act_rd_burst_two <= '0'; end if; -- Note: re-code this if/else clause. end if; else act_rd_burst <= act_rd_burst; act_rd_burst_two <= act_rd_burst_two; end if; end if; end process REG_ACT_RD_BURST; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- rd_adv_buf <= axi_rvalid_int and AXI_RREADY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RD DATA State Machine -- -- Description: Central processing unit for AXI write data -- channel interface handling and AXI write data response -- handshaking. -- -- Outputs: Name Type -- -- bram_en_int Registered -- bram_addr_inc Not Registered -- brst_cnt_dec Not Registered -- rddata_mux_sel Registered -- axi_rdata_en Not Registered -- axi_rvalid_set Registered -- -- -- RD_DATA_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- RD_DATA_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RD_DATA_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( bram_addr_ld_en, rd_adv_buf, ar_active, axi_araddr_full, rd_b2b_elgible_no_thr_check, disable_b2b_brst, curr_arlen, axi_rd_burst, axi_rd_burst_two, act_rd_burst, act_rd_burst_two, end_brst_rd, brst_zero, brst_one, axi_b2b_brst, bram_en_int, rddata_mux_sel, end_brst_rd_clr, no_ar_ack, pend_rd_op, axi_rlast_int, rd_data_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs rd_data_sm_ns <= rd_data_sm_cs; bram_en_cmb <= bram_en_int; bram_addr_inc <= '0'; brst_cnt_dec <= '0'; rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '0'; rd_skid_buf_ld_imm <= '0'; rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= rddata_mux_sel; -- Change axi_rdata_en generated from SM to be a combinatorial signal -- Can't afford the latency when throttling on the AXI bus. axi_rdata_en <= '0'; axi_rvalid_set_cmb <= '0'; end_brst_rd_clr_cmb <= end_brst_rd_clr; no_ar_ack_cmb <= no_ar_ack; pend_rd_op_cmb <= pend_rd_op; act_rd_burst_set <= '0'; act_rd_burst_clr <= '0'; set_last_bram_addr <= '0'; alast_bram_addr <= '0'; axi_b2b_brst_cmb <= axi_b2b_brst; disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= disable_b2b_brst; ar_active_clr <= '0'; case rd_data_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- Initiate BRAM read when address is available in controller -- Indicated by load of BRAM address counter -- Remove use of pend_rd_op signal. -- Never asserted as we transition back to IDLE -- Detected in code coverage if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then -- At start of new read, clear end burst signal end_brst_rd_clr_cmb <= '0'; -- Initiate BRAM read transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Only count addresses & burst length for read -- burst operations -- If currently loading BRAM address counter -- Must check curr_arlen (mux output from pipe or AXI bus) -- to determine length of next operation. -- If ARLEN = 1 data beat, then set last_bram_addr signal -- Otherwise, increment BRAM address counter. if (curr_arlen /= AXI_ARLEN_ONE) then -- Start of new operation, update act_rd_burst and -- act_rd_burst_two signals act_rd_burst_set <= '1'; else -- Set flag for last_bram_addr on transition -- to SNG_ADDR on single operations. set_last_bram_addr <= '1'; end if; -- Go to single active read address state rd_data_sm_ns <= SNG_ADDR; end if; ------------------------- SNG_ADDR State -------------------------- when SNG_ADDR => -- Clear flag once pending read is recognized -- Duplicate logic here in case combinatorial flag was getting -- set as the SM transitioned into this state. if (pend_rd_op = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '0'; end if; -- At start of new read, clear end burst signal end_brst_rd_clr_cmb <= '0'; -- Reach this state on first BRAM address & enable assertion -- For burst operation, create next BRAM address and keep enable -- asserted -- Note: -- No ability to throttle yet as RVALID has not yet been -- asserted on the AXI bus -- Reset data mux select between skid buffer and BRAM -- Ensure read data mux is set for BRAM data rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM; -- Assert RVALID on AXI when 1st data beat available -- from BRAM axi_rvalid_set_cmb <= '1'; -- Reach this state when BRAM address counter is loaded -- Use axi_rd_burst and axi_rd_burst_two to indicate if -- operation is a single data beat burst. if (axi_rd_burst = '0') and (axi_rd_burst_two = '0') then -- Proceed directly to get BRAM read data rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_ADDR; -- End of active current read address ar_active_clr <= '1'; -- Negate BRAM enable bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- Load read data skid buffer for BRAM capture -- in next clock cycle rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '1'; -- Assert new flag to disable back-to-back bursts -- due to throttling disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= '1'; -- Set flag for pending operation if bram_addr_ld_en is asserted (BRAM -- address is loaded) and we are waiting for the current read burst to complete. if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- Read burst else -- Increment BRAM address counter (2nd data beat) bram_addr_inc <= '1'; -- Decrement BRAM burst counter (2nd data beat) brst_cnt_dec <= '1'; -- Keep BRAM enable asserted bram_en_cmb <= '1'; rd_data_sm_ns <= SEC_ADDR; -- Load read data skid buffer for BRAM capture -- in next clock cycle rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '1'; -- Start of new operation, update act_rd_burst and -- act_rd_burst_two signals act_rd_burst_set <= '1'; -- If new burst is 2 data beats -- Then disable capability on back-to-back bursts if (axi_rd_burst_two = '1') then -- Assert new flag to disable back-to-back bursts -- due to throttling disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= '1'; else -- Support back-to-back for all other burst lengths disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= '0'; end if; end if; ------------------------- SEC_ADDR State -------------------------- when SEC_ADDR => -- Reach this state when the 2nd incremented address of the burst -- is presented to the BRAM. -- Only reach this state when axi_rd_burst = '1', -- an active read burst. -- Note: -- No ability to throttle yet as RVALID has not yet been -- asserted on the AXI bus -- Enable AXI read data register axi_rdata_en <= '1'; -- Only in dual port mode can the address counter get loaded early if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 then -- If we see the next address get loaded into the BRAM counter -- then set flag for pending operation if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '1'; end if; end if; -- Check here for burst length of two data transfers -- If so, then the SM will NOT hit the condition of a full -- pipeline: -- Operation A) 1st BRAM address data on AXI bus -- Operation B) 2nd BRAm address data read from BRAM -- Operation C) 3rd BRAM address presented to BRAM -- -- Full pipeline condition is hit for any read burst -- length greater than 2 data beats. if (axi_rd_burst_two = '1') then -- No increment of BRAM address -- or decrement of burst counter -- Burst counter should be = zero rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_ADDR; -- End of active current read address ar_active_clr <= '1'; -- Ensure read data mux is set for BRAM data rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM; -- Negate BRAM enable bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- Load read data skid buffer for BRAM capture -- in next clock cycle. -- This signal will negate in the next state -- if the data is not accepted on the AXI bus. -- So that no new data from BRAM is registered into the -- read channel controller. rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '1'; else -- Burst length will hit full pipeline condition -- Increment BRAM address counter (3rd data beat) bram_addr_inc <= '1'; -- Decrement BRAM burst counter (3rd data beat) brst_cnt_dec <= '1'; -- Keep BRAM enable asserted bram_en_cmb <= '1'; rd_data_sm_ns <= FULL_PIPE; -- Assert almost last BRAM address flag -- so that ARVALID logic output can remain registered -- -- Replace usage of brst_cnt with signal, brst_one. if (brst_one = '1') then alast_bram_addr <= '1'; end if; -- Load read data skid buffer for BRAM capture -- in next clock cycle rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- ARLEN = "0000 0001" ------------------------- FULL_PIPE State ------------------------- when FULL_PIPE => -- Reach this state when all three data beats in the burst -- are active -- -- Operation A) 1st BRAM address data on AXI bus -- Operation B) 2nd BRAM address data read from BRAM -- Operation C) 3rd BRAM address presented to BRAM -- Ensure read data mux is set for BRAM data rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM; -- With new pipelining capability BRAM address counter may be -- loaded in this state. This only occurs on back-to-back -- bursts (when enabled). -- No flag set for pending operation. -- Modify the if clause here to check for back-to-back burst operations -- If we load the BRAM address in this state for a subsequent burst, then -- this condition indicates a back-to-back burst and no need to assert -- the pending read operation flag. -- Seeing corner case when pend_rd_op needs to be asserted and cleared -- in this state. If the BRAM address counter is loaded early, but -- axi_rlast_set is delayed in getting asserted (all while in this state). -- The signal, curr_narrow_burst can not get cleared. -- Only in dual port mode can the address counter get loaded early if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 then -- Set flag for pending operation if bram_addr_ld_en is asserted (BRAM -- address is loaded) and we are waiting for the current read burst to complete. if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '1'; -- Clear flag once pending read is recognized and -- earlier read data phase is complete. elsif (pend_rd_op = '1') and (axi_rlast_int = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '0'; end if; end if; -- Check AXI throttling condition -- If AXI bus advances and accepts read data, SM can -- proceed with next data beat of burst. -- If not, then go to FULL_THROTTLE state to wait for -- AXI_RREADY = '1'. if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Assert AXI read data enable for BRAM capture axi_rdata_en <= '1'; -- Load read data skid buffer for BRAM capture in next clock cycle rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '1'; -- Assert almost last BRAM address flag -- so that ARVALID logic output can remain registered -- -- Replace usage of brst_cnt with signal, brst_one. if (brst_one = '1') then alast_bram_addr <= '1'; end if; -- Check burst counter for max -- If max burst count is reached, no new addresses -- presented to BRAM, advance to last capture data states. -- -- For timing, replace usage of brst_cnt in this SM. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_zero, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be zero when decrement. if (brst_zero = '1') or (end_brst_rd = '1' and axi_b2b_brst = '0') then -- Check for elgible pending read operation to support back-to-back performance. -- If so, load BRAM address counter. -- -- Replace rd_b2b_elgible signal check to remove path from -- arlen_pipe through rd_b2b_elgible -- (with data throttle check) if (rd_b2b_elgible_no_thr_check = '1') then rd_data_sm_ns <= FULL_PIPE; -- Set flag to indicate back-to-back read burst -- RVALID will not clear in this case and remain asserted axi_b2b_brst_cmb <= '1'; -- Set flag to update active read burst or -- read burst of two flag act_rd_burst_set <= '1'; -- Otherwise, complete current transaction else -- No increment of BRAM address -- or decrement of burst counter -- Burst counter should be = zero bram_addr_inc <= '0'; brst_cnt_dec <= '0'; rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_ADDR; -- Negate BRAM enable bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- End of active current read address ar_active_clr <= '1'; end if; else -- Remain in this state until burst count reaches zero -- Increment BRAM address counter (Nth data beat) bram_addr_inc <= '1'; -- Decrement BRAM burst counter (Nth data beat) brst_cnt_dec <= '1'; -- Keep BRAM enable asserted bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Skid buffer load will remain asserted -- AXI read data register is asserted end if; else -- Throttling condition detected rd_data_sm_ns <= FULL_THROTTLE; -- Ensure that AXI read data output register is disabled -- due to throttle condition. axi_rdata_en <= '0'; -- Skid buffer gets loaded from BRAM read data in next clock -- cycle ONLY. -- Only on transition to THROTTLE state does skid buffer get loaded. -- Negate load of read data skid buffer for BRAM capture -- in next clock cycle due to detection of Throttle condition rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '0'; -- BRAM address is NOT getting incremented -- (same for burst counter) bram_addr_inc <= '0'; brst_cnt_dec <= '0'; -- If transitioning to throttle state -- Then next register enable assertion of the AXI read data -- output register needs to come from the skid buffer -- Set read data mux select here for SKID_BUFFER data rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_SKID_BUF; -- Detect if at end of burst read as we transition to FULL_THROTTLE -- If so, negate the BRAM enable even if prior to throttle condition -- on AXI bus. Read skid buffer will hold last beat of data in burst. -- -- For timing purposes, replace usage of brst_cnt in this SM. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_zero, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be zero when decrement. if (brst_zero = '1') or (end_brst_rd = '1') then -- No back to back "non bubble" support when AXI master -- is throttling on current burst. -- Seperate signal throttle_last_data will be asserted outside SM. -- End of burst read, negate BRAM enable bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- Assert new flag to disable back-to-back bursts -- due to throttling disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= '1'; -- Disable B2B capability if throttling detected when -- burst count is equal to one. -- -- For timing purposes, replace usage of brst_cnt in this SM. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_one, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be one when decrement. elsif (brst_one = '1') then -- Assert new flag to disable back-to-back bursts -- due to throttling disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= '1'; -- Throttle, but not end of burst else bram_en_cmb <= '1'; end if; end if; -- rd_adv_buf (RREADY throttle) ------------------------- FULL_THROTTLE State --------------------- when FULL_THROTTLE => -- Reach this state when the AXI bus throttles on the AXI data -- beat read from BRAM (when the read pipeline is fully active) -- Flag disable_b2b_brst_cmb should be asserted as we transition -- to this state. Flag is asserted near the end of a read burst -- to prevent the back-to-back performance pipelining in the BRAM -- address counter. -- Detect if at end of burst read -- If so, negate the BRAM enable even if prior to throttle condition -- on AXI bus. Read skid buffer will hold last beat of data in burst. -- -- For timing, replace usage of brst_cnt in this SM. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_zero, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be zero when decrement. if (brst_zero = '1') or (end_brst_rd = '1') then bram_en_cmb <= '0'; end if; -- Set new flag for pending operation if bram_addr_ld_en is asserted (BRAM -- address is loaded) and we are waiting for the current read burst to complete. if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '1'; -- Clear flag once pending read is recognized and -- earlier read data phase is complete. elsif (pend_rd_op = '1') and (axi_rlast_int = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '0'; end if; -- Wait for RREADY to be asserted w/ RVALID on AXI bus if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Ensure read data mux is set for skid buffer data rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_SKID_BUF; -- Ensure that AXI read data output register is enabled axi_rdata_en <= '1'; -- Must reload skid buffer here from BRAM data -- so if needed can be presented to AXI bus on the following clock cycle rd_skid_buf_ld_imm <= '1'; -- When detecting end of throttle condition -- Check first if burst count is complete -- Check burst counter for max -- If max burst count is reached, no new addresses -- presented to BRAM, advance to last capture data states. -- -- For timing, replace usage of brst_cnt in this SM. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_zero, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be zero when decrement. if (brst_zero = '1') or (end_brst_rd = '1') then -- No back-to-back performance when AXI master throttles -- If we reach the end of the burst, proceed to LAST_ADDR state. -- No increment of BRAM address -- or decrement of burst counter -- Burst counter should be = zero bram_addr_inc <= '0'; brst_cnt_dec <= '0'; rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_ADDR; -- Negate BRAM enable bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- End of active current read address ar_active_clr <= '1'; -- Not end of current burst w/ throttle condition else -- Go back to FULL_PIPE rd_data_sm_ns <= FULL_PIPE; -- Assert almost last BRAM address flag -- so that ARVALID logic output can remain registered -- -- For timing purposes, replace usage of brst_cnt in this SM. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_one, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be one when decrement. if (brst_one = '1') then alast_bram_addr <= '1'; end if; -- Increment BRAM address counter (Nth data beat) bram_addr_inc <= '1'; -- Decrement BRAM burst counter (Nth data beat) brst_cnt_dec <= '1'; -- Keep BRAM enable asserted bram_en_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- Burst Max else -- Stay in this state -- Ensure that AXI read data output register is disabled -- due to throttle condition. axi_rdata_en <= '0'; -- Ensure that skid buffer is not getting loaded with -- current read data from BRAM rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '0'; -- BRAM address is NOT getting incremented -- (same for burst counter) bram_addr_inc <= '0'; brst_cnt_dec <= '0'; end if; -- rd_adv_buf (RREADY throttle) ------------------------- LAST_ADDR State ------------------------- when LAST_ADDR => -- Reach this state in the clock cycle following the last address -- presented to the BRAM. Capture the last BRAM data beat in the -- next clock cycle. -- -- Data is presented to AXI bus (if no throttling detected) and -- loaded into the skid buffer. -- If we reach this state after back to back burst transfers -- then clear the flag to ensure that RVALID will clear when RLAST -- is recognized if (axi_b2b_brst = '1') then axi_b2b_brst_cmb <= '0'; end if; -- Clear flag that indicates end of read burst -- Once we reach this state, we have recognized the burst complete. -- -- It is getting asserted too early -- and recognition of the end of the burst is missed when throttling -- on the last two data beats in the read. end_brst_rd_clr_cmb <= '1'; -- Set new flag for pending operation if ar_active is asserted (BRAM -- address has already been loaded) and we are waiting for the current -- read burst to complete. If those two conditions apply, set this flag. -- For dual port, support checking for early writes into BRAM address counter if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) and ((ar_active = '1' and end_brst_rd = '1') or (bram_addr_ld_en = '1')) then -- Support back-to-backs for single AND dual port modes. -- if ((ar_active = '1' and end_brst_rd = '1') or (bram_addr_ld_en = '1')) then -- if (ar_active = '1' and end_brst_rd = '1') or (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- Load read data skid buffer for BRAM is asserted on transition -- into this state. Only gets negated if done with operation -- as detected in below if clause. -- Check flag for no subsequent operations -- Clear that now, with current operation completing if (no_ar_ack = '1') then no_ar_ack_cmb <= '0'; end if; -- Check for single AXI read operations -- If so, wait for RREADY to be asserted -- Check for burst and bursts of two as seperate signals. if (act_rd_burst = '0') and (act_rd_burst_two = '0') then -- Create rvalid_set to only be asserted for a single clock -- cycle. -- Will get set as transitioning to LAST_ADDR on single read operations -- Only assert RVALID here on single operations -- Enable AXI read data register axi_rdata_en <= '1'; -- Data will not yet be acknowledged on AXI -- in this state. -- Go to wait for last data beat rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_DATA; -- Set read data mux select for SKID BUF rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_SKID_BUF; else -- Only check throttling on AXI during read data burst operations -- Check AXI throttling condition -- If AXI bus advances and accepts read data, SM can -- proceed with next data beat. -- If not, then go to LAST_THROTTLE state to wait for -- AXI_RREADY = '1'. if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Assert AXI read data enable for BRAM capture -- in next clock cycle -- Enable AXI read data register axi_rdata_en <= '1'; -- Ensure read data mux is set for BRAM data rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM; -- Burst counter already at zero. Reached this state due to NO -- pending ARADDR in the read address pipeline. However, check -- here for any new read addresses. -- New ARADDR detected and loaded into BRAM address counter -- Add check here for previously loaded BRAM address -- ar_active will be asserted (and qualify that with the -- condition that the read burst is complete, for narrow reads). if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then -- Initiate BRAM read transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Instead of transitioning to SNG_ADDR -- go to wait for last data beat. rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_DATA_AR_PEND; else -- No pending read address to initiate next read burst -- Go to capture last data beat from BRAM and present on AXI bus. rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_DATA; end if; -- bram_addr_ld_en (New read burst) else -- Throttling condition detected rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_THROTTLE; -- Ensure that AXI read data output register is disabled -- due to throttle condition. axi_rdata_en <= '0'; -- Skid buffer gets loaded from BRAM read data in next clock -- cycle ONLY. -- Only on transition to THROTTLE state does skid buffer get loaded. -- Set read data mux select for SKID BUF rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_SKID_BUF; end if; -- rd_adv_buf (RREADY throttle) end if; -- AXI read burst ------------------------- LAST_THROTTLE State --------------------- when LAST_THROTTLE => -- Reach this state when the AXI bus throttles on the last data -- beat read from BRAM -- Data to be sourced from read skid buffer -- Add check in LAST_THROTTLE as well as LAST_ADDR -- as we may miss the setting of this flag for a subsequent operation. -- For dual port, support checking for early writes into BRAM address counter if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) and ((ar_active = '1' and end_brst_rd = '1') or (bram_addr_ld_en = '1')) then -- Support back-to-back for single AND dual port modes. -- if ((ar_active = '1' and end_brst_rd = '1') or (bram_addr_ld_en = '1')) then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- Wait for RREADY to be asserted w/ RVALID on AXI bus if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Assert AXI read data enable for BRAM capture axi_rdata_en <= '1'; -- Set read data mux select for SKID BUF rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_SKID_BUF; -- No pending read address to initiate next read burst -- Go to capture last data beat from BRAM and present on AXI bus. rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_DATA; -- Load read data skid buffer for BRAM capture in next clock cycle -- of last data read -- Read Skid buffer already loaded with last data beat from BRAM -- Does not need to be asserted again in this state else -- Stay in this state -- Ensure that AXI read data output register is disabled axi_rdata_en <= '0'; -- Ensure that skid buffer is not getting loaded with -- current read data from BRAM rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '0'; -- BRAM address is NOT getting incremented -- (same for burst counter) bram_addr_inc <= '0'; brst_cnt_dec <= '0'; -- Keep RVALID asserted on AXI -- No need to assert RVALID again end if; -- rd_adv_buf (RREADY throttle) ------------------------- LAST_DATA State ------------------------- when LAST_DATA => -- Reach this state when last BRAM data beat is -- presented on AXI bus. -- For a read burst, RLAST is not asserted until SM reaches -- this state. -- Ok to accept new operation if throttling detected -- during current operation (and flag was previously set -- to disable the back-to-back performance). disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= '0'; -- Stay in this state until RREADY is asserted on AXI bus -- Indicated by assertion of rd_adv_buf if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Last data beat acknowledged on AXI bus -- Check for new read burst or proceed back to IDLE -- New ARADDR detected and loaded into BRAM address counter -- Note: this condition may occur when C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 or 1 if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') or (pend_rd_op = '1') then -- Clear flag once pending read is recognized if (pend_rd_op = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '0'; end if; -- Initiate BRAM read transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Only count addresses & burst length for read -- burst operations -- Go to SNG_ADDR state rd_data_sm_ns <= SNG_ADDR; -- If current operation was a burst, clear the active -- burst flag if (act_rd_burst = '1') or (act_rd_burst_two = '1') then act_rd_burst_clr <= '1'; end if; -- If we are loading the BRAM, then we have to view the curr_arlen -- signal to determine if the next operation is a single transfer. -- Or if the BRAM address counter is already loaded (and we reach -- this if clause due to pend_rd_op then the axi_* signals will indicate -- if the next operation is a burst or not. -- If the operation is a single transaction, then set the last_bram_addr -- signal when we reach SNG_ADDR. if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then if (curr_arlen = AXI_ARLEN_ONE) then -- Set flag for last_bram_addr on transition -- to SNG_ADDR on single operations. set_last_bram_addr <= '1'; end if; elsif (pend_rd_op = '1') then if (axi_rd_burst = '0' and axi_rd_burst_two = '0') then set_last_bram_addr <= '1'; end if; end if; else -- No pending read address to initiate next read burst. -- Go to IDLE rd_data_sm_ns <= IDLE; -- If current operation was a burst, clear the active -- burst flag if (act_rd_burst = '1') or (act_rd_burst_two = '1') then act_rd_burst_clr <= '1'; end if; end if; else -- Throttling condition detected -- Ensure that AXI read data output register is disabled -- due to throttle condition. axi_rdata_en <= '0'; -- If new ARADDR detected and loaded into BRAM address counter if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then -- Initiate BRAM read transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Only count addresses & burst length for read -- burst operations -- Instead of transitioning to SNG_ADDR -- to wait for last data beat. rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_DATA_AR_PEND; -- For singles, block any subsequent loads into BRAM address -- counter from AR SM no_ar_ack_cmb <= '1'; end if; end if; -- rd_adv_buf (RREADY throttle) ------------------------ LAST_DATA_AR_PEND -------------------- when LAST_DATA_AR_PEND => -- Ok to accept new operation if throttling detected -- during current operation (and flag was previously set -- to disable the back-to-back performance). disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= '0'; -- Reach this state when new BRAM address is loaded into -- BRAM address counter -- But waiting for last RREADY/RVALID/RLAST to be asserted -- Once this occurs, continue with pending AR operation if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Go to SNG_ADDR state rd_data_sm_ns <= SNG_ADDR; -- If current operation was a burst, clear the active -- burst flag if (act_rd_burst = '1') or (act_rd_burst_two = '1') then act_rd_burst_clr <= '1'; end if; -- In this state, the BRAM address counter is already loaded, -- the axi_rd_burst and axi_rd_burst_two signals will indicate -- if the next operation is a burst or not. -- If the operation is a single transaction, then set the last_bram_addr -- signal when we reach SNG_ADDR. if (axi_rd_burst = '0' and axi_rd_burst_two = '0') then set_last_bram_addr <= '1'; end if; -- Code coverage tests are reporting that reaching this state -- always when axi_rd_burst = '0' and axi_rd_burst_two = '0', -- so no bursting operations. end if; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => rd_data_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process RD_DATA_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RD_DATA_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then rd_data_sm_cs <= IDLE; bram_en_int <= '0'; rd_skid_buf_ld_reg <= '0'; rddata_mux_sel <= C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM; axi_rvalid_set <= '0'; end_brst_rd_clr <= '0'; no_ar_ack <= '0'; pend_rd_op <= '0'; axi_b2b_brst <= '0'; disable_b2b_brst <= '0'; else rd_data_sm_cs <= rd_data_sm_ns; bram_en_int <= bram_en_cmb; rd_skid_buf_ld_reg <= rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb; rddata_mux_sel <= rddata_mux_sel_cmb; axi_rvalid_set <= axi_rvalid_set_cmb; end_brst_rd_clr <= end_brst_rd_clr_cmb; no_ar_ack <= no_ar_ack_cmb; pend_rd_op <= pend_rd_op_cmb; axi_b2b_brst <= axi_b2b_brst_cmb; disable_b2b_brst <= disable_b2b_brst_cmb; end if; end if; end process RD_DATA_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create seperate registered process for last_bram_addr signal. -- Only asserted for a single clock cycle -- Gets set when the burst counter is loaded with 0's (for a single data beat operation) -- (indicated by set_last_bram_addr from DATA SM) -- or when the burst counter is decrement and the current value = 1 REG_LAST_BRAM_ADDR: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then last_bram_addr <= '0'; -- The signal, set_last_bram_addr, is asserted when the DATA SM transitions to SNG_ADDR -- on a single data beat burst. Can not use condition of loading burst counter -- with the value of 0's (as the burst counter may be loaded during prior single operation -- when waiting on last throttle/data beat, ie. rd_adv_buf not yet asserted). elsif (set_last_bram_addr = '1') or -- On burst operations at the last BRAM address presented to BRAM (brst_cnt_dec = '1' and brst_cnt = C_BRST_CNT_ONE) then last_bram_addr <= '1'; else last_bram_addr <= '0'; end if; end if; end process REG_LAST_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- *** AXI Read Data Channel Interface *** -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- rd_skid_buf_ld <= rd_skid_buf_ld_reg or rd_skid_buf_ld_imm; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RDATA_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Generation of AXI_RDATA output register without ECC -- logic (C_ECC = 0 parameterization in design) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RDATA_NO_ECC: if C_ECC = 0 generate signal axi_rdata_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI RdData Skid Buffer/Register -- Sized according to size of AXI/BRAM data width --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RD_BUF: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then rd_skid_buf <= (others => '0'); -- Add immediate load of read skid buffer -- Occurs in the case when at full throttle and RREADY/RVALID are asserted elsif (rd_skid_buf_ld = '1') then rd_skid_buf <= BRAM_RdData (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); else rd_skid_buf <= rd_skid_buf; end if; end if; end process REG_RD_BUF; -- Rd Data Mux (selects between skid buffer and BRAM read data) -- Select control signal from SM determines register load value axi_rdata_mux <= BRAM_RdData (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) when (rddata_mux_sel = C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM) else rd_skid_buf; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RDATA -- Purpose: Generate each bit of AXI_RDATA. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RDATA: for i in C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0 generate begin REG_RDATA: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- Clear output after last data beat accepted by requesting AXI master if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- Don't clear RDDATA when a back to back burst is occuring on RLAST & RVALID assertion -- For improved code coverage, can remove the signal, axi_rvalid_int from this if clause. -- It will always be asserted in this case. (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and axi_b2b_brst = '0') then axi_rdata_int (i) <= '0'; elsif (axi_rdata_en = '1') then axi_rdata_int (i) <= axi_rdata_mux (i); else axi_rdata_int (i) <= axi_rdata_int (i); end if; end if; end process REG_RDATA; end generate GEN_RDATA; -- If C_ECC = 0, direct output assignment to AXI_RDATA AXI_RDATA <= axi_rdata_int; end generate GEN_RDATA_NO_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RDATA_ECC -- Purpose: Generation of AXI_RDATA output register when ECC -- logic is enabled (C_ECC = 1 parameterization in design) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RDATA_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate subtype syndrome_bits is std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- 0:6 for 32-bit ECC -- 0:7 for 64-bit ECC type correct_data_table_type is array (natural range 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) of syndrome_bits; signal rd_skid_buf_i : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rdata_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rdata_int_corr : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); begin -- Remove GEN_RD_BUF that was doing bit reversal. -- Replace with direct register assignments. Sized according to AXI data width. REG_RD_BUF: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then rd_skid_buf_i <= (others => '0'); -- Add immediate load of read skid buffer -- Occurs in the case when at full throttle and RREADY/RVALID are asserted elsif (rd_skid_buf_ld = '1') then rd_skid_buf_i (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= UnCorrectedRdData (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); else rd_skid_buf_i <= rd_skid_buf_i; end if; end if; end process REG_RD_BUF; -- Rd Data Mux (selects between skid buffer and BRAM read data) -- Select control signal from SM determines register load value -- axi_rdata_mux holds data + ECC bits. -- Previous mux on input to checkbit_handler logic. -- Removed now (mux inserted after checkbit_handler logic before register stage) -- -- axi_rdata_mux <= BRAM_RdData (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) when (rddata_mux_sel = C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM) else -- rd_skid_buf_i; -- Remove GEN_RDATA that was doing bit reversal. REG_RDATA: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and axi_b2b_brst = '0') then axi_rdata_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (axi_rdata_en = '1') then -- Track uncorrected data vector with AXI RDATA output pipeline -- Mimic mux logic here (from previous post checkbit XOR logic register) if (rddata_mux_sel = C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM) then axi_rdata_int (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= UnCorrectedRdData (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); else axi_rdata_int <= rd_skid_buf_i; end if; else axi_rdata_int <= axi_rdata_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RDATA; -- When C_ECC = 1, correct any single bit errors on output read data. -- Post register stage to improve timing on ECC logic data path. -- Use registers in AXI Interconnect IP core. -- Perform bit swapping on output of correct_one_bit -- module (axi_rdata_int_corr signal). -- AXI_RDATA (i) <= axi_rdata_int (i) when (Enable_ECC = '0') -- else axi_rdata_int_corr (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1-i); -- Found in HW debug -- axi_rdata_int is reversed to be returned on AXI bus. -- AXI_RDATA (i) <= axi_rdata_int (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1-i) when (Enable_ECC = '0') -- else axi_rdata_int_corr (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1-i); -- Remove bit reversal on AXI_RDATA output. AXI_RDATA <= axi_rdata_int when (Enable_ECC = '0' or Sl_UE_i = '1') else axi_rdata_int_corr; -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HAMMING_ECC_CORR -- -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. -- Generate statements to correct BRAM read data -- dependent on ECC type. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HAMMING_ECC_CORR: if C_ECC_TYPE = 0 generate begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: CHK_ECC_32 -- Purpose: Check ECC data unique for 32-bit BRAM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHK_ECC_32: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate constant correct_data_table_32 : correct_data_table_type := ( 0 => "1100001", 1 => "1010001", 2 => "0110001", 3 => "1110001", 4 => "1001001", 5 => "0101001", 6 => "1101001", 7 => "0011001", 8 => "1011001", 9 => "0111001", 10 => "1111001", 11 => "1000101", 12 => "0100101", 13 => "1100101", 14 => "0010101", 15 => "1010101", 16 => "0110101", 17 => "1110101", 18 => "0001101", 19 => "1001101", 20 => "0101101", 21 => "1101101", 22 => "0011101", 23 => "1011101", 24 => "0111101", 25 => "1111101", 26 => "1000011", 27 => "0100011", 28 => "1100011", 29 => "0010011", 30 => "1010011", 31 => "0110011" ); signal syndrome_4_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 1) := (others => '0'); -- Only used in 32-bit ECC signal syndrome_6_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 5) := (others => '0'); -- Specific for 32-bit ECC begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register ECC syndrome value to correct any single bit errors -- post-register on AXI read data. REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then syndrome_reg <= (others => '0'); syndrome_4_reg <= (others => '0'); syndrome_6_reg <= (others => '0'); -- Align register stage of syndrome with AXI read data pipeline elsif (axi_rdata_en = '1') then syndrome_reg <= Syndrome; syndrome_4_reg <= Syndrome_4; syndrome_6_reg <= Syndrome_6; else syndrome_reg <= syndrome_reg; syndrome_4_reg <= syndrome_4_reg; syndrome_6_reg <= syndrome_6_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do last XOR on specific syndrome bits after pipeline stage before -- correct_one_bit module. syndrome_reg_i (0 to 3) <= syndrome_reg (0 to 3); PARITY_CHK4: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 2) port map ( InA => syndrome_4_reg (0 to 1), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_reg_i (4) ); -- [out std_logic] syndrome_reg_i (5) <= syndrome_reg (5); PARITY_CHK6: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => syndrome_6_reg (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_reg_i (6) ); -- [out std_logic] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_CORR_32 -- Purpose: Generate corrected read data based on syndrome value. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_CORR_32: for i in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CORR_ONE_BIT_32 -- Description: Correct output read data based on syndrome vector. -- A single error can be corrected by decoding the -- syndrome value. -- Input signal is declared (N:0). -- Output signal is (N:0). -- In order to reuse correct_one_bit module, -- the single data bit correction is done LSB to MSB -- in generate statement loop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CORR_ONE_BIT_32: entity work.correct_one_bit generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, Correct_Value => correct_data_table_32 (i)) port map ( DIn => axi_rdata_int (31-i), -- This is to match with LMB Controller Hamming Encoder logic (Bit Reversal) Syndrome => syndrome_reg_i, DCorr => axi_rdata_int_corr (31-i)); -- This is to match with LMB Controller Hamming Encoder logic (Bit Reversal) end generate GEN_CORR_32; end generate CHK_ECC_32; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: CHK_ECC_64 -- Purpose: Check ECC data unique for 64-bit BRAM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHK_ECC_64: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate constant correct_data_table_64 : correct_data_table_type := ( 0 => "11000001", 1 => "10100001", 2 => "01100001", 3 => "11100001", 4 => "10010001", 5 => "01010001", 6 => "11010001", 7 => "00110001", 8 => "10110001", 9 => "01110001", 10 => "11110001", 11 => "10001001", 12 => "01001001", 13 => "11001001", 14 => "00101001", 15 => "10101001", 16 => "01101001", 17 => "11101001", 18 => "00011001", 19 => "10011001", 20 => "01011001", 21 => "11011001", 22 => "00111001", 23 => "10111001", 24 => "01111001", 25 => "11111001", 26 => "10000101", 27 => "01000101", 28 => "11000101", 29 => "00100101", 30 => "10100101", 31 => "01100101", 32 => "11100101", 33 => "00010101", 34 => "10010101", 35 => "01010101", 36 => "11010101", 37 => "00110101", 38 => "10110101", 39 => "01110101", 40 => "11110101", 41 => "00001101", 42 => "10001101", 43 => "01001101", 44 => "11001101", 45 => "00101101", 46 => "10101101", 47 => "01101101", 48 => "11101101", 49 => "00011101", 50 => "10011101", 51 => "01011101", 52 => "11011101", 53 => "00111101", 54 => "10111101", 55 => "01111101", 56 => "11111101", 57 => "10000011", 58 => "01000011", 59 => "11000011", 60 => "00100011", 61 => "10100011", 62 => "01100011", 63 => "11100011" ); signal syndrome_7_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 11) := (others => '0'); -- Specific for 64-bit ECC signal syndrome_7_a : std_logic; signal syndrome_7_b : std_logic; begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register ECC syndrome value to correct any single bit errors -- post-register on AXI read data. REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- Align register stage of syndrome with AXI read data pipeline if (axi_rdata_en = '1') then syndrome_reg <= Syndrome; syndrome_7_reg <= Syndrome_7; else syndrome_reg <= syndrome_reg; syndrome_7_reg <= syndrome_7_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do last XOR on select syndrome bits after pipeline stage -- before correct_one_bit_64 module. PARITY_CHK7_A: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => syndrome_7_reg (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_7_a ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK7_B: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => syndrome_7_reg (6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_7_b ); -- [out std_logic] -- Do last XOR on Syndrome MSB after pipeline stage before correct_one_bit module -- PASSES: syndrome_reg_i (7) <= syndrome_reg (7) xor syndrome_7_b_reg; syndrome_reg_i (7) <= syndrome_7_a xor syndrome_7_b; syndrome_reg_i (0 to 6) <= syndrome_reg (0 to 6); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_CORR_64 -- Purpose: Generate corrected read data based on syndrome value. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_CORR_64: for i in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CORR_ONE_BIT_64 -- Description: Correct output read data based on syndrome vector. -- A single error can be corrected by decoding the -- syndrome value. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CORR_ONE_BIT_64: entity work.correct_one_bit_64 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, Correct_Value => correct_data_table_64 (i)) port map ( DIn => axi_rdata_int (i), Syndrome => syndrome_reg_i, DCorr => axi_rdata_int_corr (i)); end generate GEN_CORR_64; end generate CHK_ECC_64; end generate GEN_HAMMING_ECC_CORR; -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HSIAO_ECC_CORR -- -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. -- Derived from MIG v3.7 Hsiao HDL. -- Generate statements to correct BRAM read data -- dependent on ECC type. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HSIAO_ECC_CORR: if C_ECC_TYPE = 1 generate type type_int0 is array (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector (ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal h_matrix : type_int0; signal flip_bits : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal ecc_rddata_r : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); begin -- Reconstruct H-matrix H_COL: for n in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 generate begin H_BIT: for p in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 generate begin h_matrix (n)(p) <= h_rows (p * CODE_WIDTH + n); end generate H_BIT; end generate H_COL; -- Based on syndrome value, determine bits to flip in BRAM read data. GEN_FLIP_BIT: for r in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 generate begin flip_bits (r) <= BOOLEAN_TO_STD_LOGIC (h_matrix (r) = syndrome_r); end generate GEN_FLIP_BIT; ecc_rddata_r <= axi_rdata_int; axi_rdata_int_corr (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= -- UnCorrectedRdData (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) xor ecc_rddata_r (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) xor flip_bits (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_HSIAO_ECC_CORR; end generate GEN_RDATA_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RID_SNG -- Purpose: Generate RID output pipeline when the core is configured -- in a single port mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RID_SNG: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin REG_RID_TEMP: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_rid_temp <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then axi_rid_temp <= AXI_ARID; else axi_rid_temp <= axi_rid_temp; end if; end if; end process REG_RID_TEMP; REG_RID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then axi_rid_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then axi_rid_int <= AXI_ARID; elsif (axi_rvalid_set = '1') or (axi_b2b_rid_adv = '1') then axi_rid_int <= axi_rid_temp; else axi_rid_int <= axi_rid_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RID; -- Advance RID pipeline values axi_b2b_rid_adv <= '1' when (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and axi_b2b_brst = '1') else '0'; end generate GEN_RID_SNG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RID -- Purpose: Generate RID in dual port mode (with read address pipeline). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RID: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RID Output Register -- -- Output RID value either comes from pipelined value or directly wrapped -- ARID value. Determined by address pipeline usage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create intermediate temporary RID output register REG_RID_TEMP: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_rid_temp <= (others => '0'); -- When BRAM address counter gets loaded -- Set output RID value based on address source elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') and (axi_rid_temp_full = '0') then -- If BRAM address counter gets loaded directly from -- AXI bus, then save ARID value for wrapping to RID if (araddr_pipe_sel = '0') then axi_rid_temp <= AXI_ARID; else -- Use pipelined AWID value axi_rid_temp <= axi_arid_pipe; end if; -- Add condition to check for temp utilized (temp_full now = '0'), but a -- pending RID is stored in temp2. Must advance the pipeline. elsif ((axi_rvalid_set = '1' or axi_b2b_rid_adv = '1') and (axi_rid_temp2_full = '1')) or (axi_rid_temp_full_fe = '1' and axi_rid_temp2_full = '1') then axi_rid_temp <= axi_rid_temp2; else axi_rid_temp <= axi_rid_temp; end if; end if; end process REG_RID_TEMP; -- Create flag that indicates if axi_rid_temp is full REG_RID_TEMP_FULL: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rid_temp_full = '1' and (axi_rvalid_set = '1' or axi_b2b_rid_adv = '1') and axi_rid_temp2_full = '0') then axi_rid_temp_full <= '0'; elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') or ((axi_rvalid_set = '1' or axi_b2b_rid_adv = '1') and (axi_rid_temp2_full = '1')) or (axi_rid_temp_full_fe = '1' and axi_rid_temp2_full = '1') then axi_rid_temp_full <= '1'; else axi_rid_temp_full <= axi_rid_temp_full; end if; end if; end process REG_RID_TEMP_FULL; -- Create flag to detect falling edge of axi_rid_temp_full flag REG_RID_TEMP_FULL_D1: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_rid_temp_full_d1 <= '0'; else axi_rid_temp_full_d1 <= axi_rid_temp_full; end if; end if; end process REG_RID_TEMP_FULL_D1; axi_rid_temp_full_fe <= '1' when (axi_rid_temp_full = '0' and axi_rid_temp_full_d1 = '1') else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create intermediate temporary RID output register REG_RID_TEMP2: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_rid_temp2 <= (others => '0'); -- When BRAM address counter gets loaded -- Set output RID value based on address source elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') and (axi_rid_temp_full = '1') then -- If BRAM address counter gets loaded directly from -- AXI bus, then save ARID value for wrapping to RID if (araddr_pipe_sel = '0') then axi_rid_temp2 <= AXI_ARID; else -- Use pipelined AWID value axi_rid_temp2 <= axi_arid_pipe; end if; else axi_rid_temp2 <= axi_rid_temp2; end if; end if; end process REG_RID_TEMP2; -- Create flag that indicates if axi_rid_temp2 is full REG_RID_TEMP2_FULL: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rid_temp2_full = '1' and (axi_rvalid_set = '1' or axi_b2b_rid_adv = '1')) or (axi_rid_temp_full_fe = '1' and axi_rid_temp2_full = '1') then axi_rid_temp2_full <= '0'; elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') and (axi_rid_temp_full = '1') then axi_rid_temp2_full <= '1'; else axi_rid_temp2_full <= axi_rid_temp2_full; end if; end if; end process REG_RID_TEMP2_FULL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Output RID register is enabeld when RVALID is asserted on the AXI bus -- Clear RID when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking sequence -- and recognized by AXI requesting master. REG_RID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- For improved code coverage, can remove the signal, axi_rvalid_int from statement. (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and axi_b2b_brst = '0') then axi_rid_int <= (others => '0'); -- Add back to back case to advance RID elsif (axi_rvalid_set = '1') or (axi_b2b_rid_adv = '1') then axi_rid_int <= axi_rid_temp; else axi_rid_int <= axi_rid_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RID; -- Advance RID pipeline values axi_b2b_rid_adv <= '1' when (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and axi_b2b_brst = '1') else '0'; end generate GEN_RID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RRESP -- Purpose: Create register output unique when ECC is disabled. -- Only possible output value = OKAY response. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RRESP: if C_ECC = 0 generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RRESP Output Register -- -- Set when RVALID is asserted on AXI bus. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking -- sequence and recognized by AXI requesting master. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RRESP: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- For improved code coverage, remove signal, axi_rvalid_int, it will always be asserted. (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then axi_rresp_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (axi_rvalid_set = '1') then -- AXI BRAM only supports OK response for normal operations -- Exclusive operations not yet supported axi_rresp_int <= RESP_OKAY; else axi_rresp_int <= axi_rresp_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RRESP; end generate GEN_RRESP; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RRESP_ECC -- Purpose: Create register output unique when ECC is disabled. -- Only possible output value = OKAY response. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RRESP_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RRESP Output Register -- -- Set when RVALID is asserted on AXI bus. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking -- sequence and recognized by AXI requesting master. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RRESP: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- For improved code coverage, remove signal, axi_rvalid_int, it will always be asserted. (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then axi_rresp_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (axi_rvalid_set = '1') then -- AXI BRAM only supports OK response for normal operations -- Exclusive operations not yet supported -- For ECC implementation -- Check that an uncorrectable error has not occured. -- If so, then respond with RESP_SLVERR on AXI. -- Ok to use combinatorial signal here. The Sl_UE_i -- flag is generated based on the registered syndrome value. -- if (Sl_UE_i = '1') then -- axi_rresp_int <= RESP_SLVERR; -- else axi_rresp_int <= RESP_OKAY; -- end if; else axi_rresp_int <= axi_rresp_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RRESP; end generate GEN_RRESP_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RVALID Output Register -- -- Set AXI_RVALID when read data SM indicates. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking sequence -- and recognized by AXI requesting master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RVALID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- Clear AXI_RVALID at the end of tranfer when able to clear -- (axi_rlast_int = '1' and axi_rvalid_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and -- For improved code coverage, remove signal axi_rvalid_int. (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and -- Added axi_rvalid_clr_ok to check if during a back-to-back burst -- and the back-to-back is elgible for streaming performance axi_rvalid_clr_ok = '1') then axi_rvalid_int <= '0'; elsif (axi_rvalid_set = '1') then axi_rvalid_int <= '1'; else axi_rvalid_int <= axi_rvalid_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RVALID; -- Create flag that gets set when we load BRAM address early in a B2B scenario -- This will prevent the RVALID from getting cleared at the end of the current burst -- Otherwise, the RVALID gets cleared after RLAST/RREADY dual assertion REG_RVALID_CLR: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_rvalid_clr_ok <= '0'; -- When the new address loaded into the BRAM counter is for a back-to-back operation -- Do not clear the RVALID elsif (rd_b2b_elgible = '1' and bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then axi_rvalid_clr_ok <= '0'; -- Else when we start a new transaction (that is not back-to-back) -- Then enable the RVALID to get cleared upon RLAST/RREADY elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') or (axi_rvalid_clr_ok = '0' and (disable_b2b_brst = '1' or disable_b2b_brst_cmb = '1') and last_bram_addr = '1') or -- Add check for current SM state -- If LAST_ADDR state reached, no longer performing back-to-back -- transfers and keeping data streaming on AXI bus. (rd_data_sm_cs = LAST_ADDR) then axi_rvalid_clr_ok <= '1'; else axi_rvalid_clr_ok <= axi_rvalid_clr_ok; end if; end if; end process REG_RVALID_CLR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RLAST Output Register -- -- Set AXI_RLAST when read data SM indicates. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking sequence -- and recognized by AXI requesting master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RLAST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- To improve code coverage, remove -- use of axi_rvalid_int (it will always be asserted with RLAST). if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and axi_rlast_set = '0') then axi_rlast_int <= '0'; elsif (axi_rlast_set = '1') then axi_rlast_int <= '1'; else axi_rlast_int <= axi_rlast_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RLAST; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate complete flag do_cmplt_burst_cmb <= '1' when (last_bram_addr = '1' and axi_rd_burst = '1' and axi_rd_burst_two = '0') else '0'; -- Register complete flags REG_CMPLT_BURST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (do_cmplt_burst_clr = '1') then do_cmplt_burst <= '0'; elsif (do_cmplt_burst_cmb = '1') then do_cmplt_burst <= '1'; else do_cmplt_burst <= do_cmplt_burst; end if; end if; end process REG_CMPLT_BURST; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RLAST State Machine -- -- Description: SM to generate axi_rlast_set signal. -- Created based on IR # 555346 to track when RLAST needs -- to be asserted for back to back transfers -- Uses the indication when last BRAM address is presented -- and then counts the handshaking cycles on the AXI bus -- (RVALID and RREADY both asserted). -- Uses rd_adv_buf to perform this operation. -- -- Output: Name Type -- axi_rlast_set Not Registered -- do_cmplt_burst_clr Not Registered -- -- -- RLAST_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- RLAST_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RLAST_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( do_cmplt_burst, last_bram_addr, rd_adv_buf, act_rd_burst, axi_rd_burst, act_rd_burst_two, axi_rd_burst_two, axi_rlast_int, rlast_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs rlast_sm_ns <= rlast_sm_cs; axi_rlast_set <= '0'; do_cmplt_burst_clr <= '0'; case rlast_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- If last read address is presented to BRAM if (last_bram_addr = '1') then -- If the operation is a single read operation if (axi_rd_burst = '0') and (axi_rd_burst_two = '0') then -- Go to wait for last data beat rlast_sm_ns <= W8_LAST_DATA; -- Else the transaction is a burst else -- Throttle condition on 3rd to last data beat if (rd_adv_buf = '0') then -- If AXI read burst = 2 (only two data beats to capture) if (axi_rd_burst_two = '1' or act_rd_burst_two = '1') then rlast_sm_ns <= W8_THROTTLE_B2; else rlast_sm_ns <= W8_THROTTLE; end if; -- No throttle on 3rd to last data beat else -- Only back-to-back support when burst size is greater -- than two data beats. We will never toggle on a burst > 2 -- when last_bram_addr is asserted (as this is no toggle -- condition) -- Go to wait for 2nd to last data beat rlast_sm_ns <= W8_2ND_LAST_DATA; do_cmplt_burst_clr <= '1'; end if; end if; end if; ------------------------- W8_THROTTLE State ----------------------- when W8_THROTTLE => if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Go to wait for 2nd to last data beat rlast_sm_ns <= W8_2ND_LAST_DATA; -- If do_cmplt_burst flag is set, then clear it if (do_cmplt_burst = '1') then do_cmplt_burst_clr <= '1'; end if; end if; ---------------------- W8_2ND_LAST_DATA State --------------------- when W8_2ND_LAST_DATA => if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Assert RLAST on AXI axi_rlast_set <= '1'; rlast_sm_ns <= W8_LAST_DATA; end if; ------------------------- W8_LAST_DATA State ---------------------- when W8_LAST_DATA => -- If pending single to complete, keep RLAST asserted -- Added to only assert axi_rlast_set for a single clock cycle -- when we enter this state and are here waiting for the -- throttle on the AXI bus. if (axi_rlast_int = '1') then axi_rlast_set <= '0'; else axi_rlast_set <= '1'; end if; -- Wait for last data beat to transition back to IDLE if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then rlast_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; -------------------------- W8_THROTTLE_B2 ------------------------ when W8_THROTTLE_B2 => -- Wait for last data beat to transition back to IDLE -- and set RLAST if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then rlast_sm_ns <= IDLE; axi_rlast_set <= '1'; end if; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => rlast_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process RLAST_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RLAST_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then rlast_sm_cs <= IDLE; else rlast_sm_cs <= rlast_sm_ns; end if; end if; end process RLAST_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** ECC Logic *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_ECC -- Purpose: Generate BRAM ECC write data and check ECC on read operations. -- Create signals to update ECC registers (lite_ecc_reg module interface). -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate signal bram_din_a_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Set for port data width signal CE_Q : std_logic := '0'; signal Sl_CE_i : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_en_int_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_en_int_d2 : std_logic := '0'; begin -- Generate signal to advance BRAM read address pipeline to -- capture address for ECC error conditions (in lite_ecc_reg module). -- BRAM_Addr_En <= bram_addr_inc or narrow_bram_addr_inc_re or -- ((bram_en_int or bram_en_int_reg) and not (axi_rd_burst) and not (axi_rd_burst_two)); BRAM_Addr_En <= bram_addr_inc or narrow_bram_addr_inc_re or rd_adv_buf or ((bram_en_int or bram_en_int_d1 or bram_en_int_d2) and not (axi_rd_burst) and not (axi_rd_burst_two)); -- Enable 2nd & 3rd pipeline stage for BRAM address storage with single read transfers. BRAM_EN_REG: process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then bram_en_int_d1 <= bram_en_int; bram_en_int_d2 <= bram_en_int_d1; end if; end process BRAM_EN_REG; -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HAMMING_ECC -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HAMMING_ECC: if C_ECC_TYPE = 0 generate begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_ECC_32 -- Purpose: Check ECC data unique for 32-bit BRAM. -- Add extra '0' at MSB of ECC vector for data2mem alignment -- w/ 32-bit BRAM data widths. -- ECC bits are in upper order bits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_ECC_32: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate signal bram_din_a_rev : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal bram_din_ecc_a_rev : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_32 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- process (bram_din_a_i) begin -- for k in 0 to 31 loop -- bram_din_a_rev(k) <= bram_din_a_i(39-k); -- end loop; -- for k in 0 to 6 loop -- bram_din_ecc_a_rev(0) <= bram_din_a_i(6-k); -- end loop; -- end process; CHK_HANDLER_32: entity work.checkbit_handler generic map ( C_ENCODE => false, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( -- In 32-bit BRAM use case: DataIn (8:39) -- CheckIn (1:7) DataIn => bram_din_a_i(C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+1 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 31)] CheckIn => bram_din_a_i(1 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] --DataIn => bram_din_a_rev, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 31)] --CheckIn => bram_din_ecc_a_rev, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] CheckOut => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome => Syndrome, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome_4 => Syndrome_4, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 1)] Syndrome_6 => Syndrome_6, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 5)] Syndrome_Chk => syndrome_reg_i, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] UE_Q => UE_Q, -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => CE_Q, -- [in std_logic] UE => Sl_UE_i, -- [out std_logic] CE => Sl_CE_i ); -- [out std_logic] -- GEN_CORR_32 generate & correct_one_bit instantiation moved to generate -- of AXI RDATA output register logic. end generate GEN_ECC_32; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_ECC_64 -- Purpose: Check ECC data unique for 64-bit BRAM. -- No extra '0' at MSB of ECC vector for data2mem alignment -- w/ 64-bit BRAM data widths. -- ECC bits are in upper order bits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_ECC_64: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_64 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHK_HANDLER_64: entity work.checkbit_handler_64 generic map ( C_ENCODE => false, -- [boolean] C_REG => false, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( Clk => S_AXI_AClk, -- [in std_logic] -- In 64-bit BRAM use case: DataIn (8:71) -- CheckIn (0:7) DataIn => bram_din_a_i (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 63)] CheckIn => bram_din_a_i (0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] CheckOut => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Syndrome => Syndrome, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Syndrome_7 => Syndrome_7, Syndrome_Chk => syndrome_reg_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] UE_Q => UE_Q, -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => CE_Q, -- [in std_logic] UE => Sl_UE_i, -- [out std_logic] CE => Sl_CE_i ); -- [out std_logic] -- GEN_CORR_64 generate & correct_one_bit instantiation moved to generate -- of AXI RDATA output register logic. end generate GEN_ECC_64; end generate GEN_HAMMING_ECC; -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HSIAO_ECC -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. -- Derived from MIG v3.7 Hsiao HDL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HSIAO_ECC: if C_ECC_TYPE = 1 generate constant ECC_WIDTH : integer := C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; signal syndrome_ns : std_logic_vector (ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); begin -- Generate ECC check bits and syndrome values based on -- BRAM read data. -- Generate appropriate single or double bit error flags. -- Instantiate ecc_gen_hsiao module, generated from MIG I_ECC_GEN_HSIAO: entity work.ecc_gen generic map ( code_width => CODE_WIDTH, ecc_width => ECC_WIDTH, data_width => C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH ) port map ( -- Output h_rows => h_rows (CODE_WIDTH * ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) ); GEN_RD_ECC: for m in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 generate begin syndrome_ns (m) <= REDUCTION_XOR ( -- bram_din_a_i (0 to CODE_WIDTH-1) BRAM_RdData (CODE_WIDTH-1 downto 0) and h_rows ((m*CODE_WIDTH)+CODE_WIDTH-1 downto (m*CODE_WIDTH))); end generate GEN_RD_ECC; -- Insert register stage for syndrome. -- Same as Hamming ECC code. Syndrome value is registered. REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then syndrome_r <= syndrome_ns; end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; Sl_CE_i <= not (REDUCTION_NOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))) and (REDUCTION_XOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))); Sl_UE_i <= not (REDUCTION_NOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))) and not(REDUCTION_XOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))); end generate GEN_HSIAO_ECC; -- Capture correctable/uncorrectable error from BRAM read CORR_REG: process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (Enable_ECC = '1') and (axi_rvalid_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then -- Capture error flags CE_Q <= Sl_CE_i; UE_Q <= Sl_UE_i; else CE_Q <= '0'; UE_Q <= '0'; end if; end if; end process CORR_REG; -- The signal, axi_rdata_en loads the syndrome_reg. -- Use the AXI RVALID/READY signals to capture state of UE and CE. -- Since flag generation uses the registered syndrome value. -- ECC register block gets registered UE or CE conditions to update -- ECC registers/interrupt/flag outputs. Sl_CE <= CE_Q; Sl_UE <= UE_Q; -- CE_Failing_We <= Sl_CE_i and Enable_ECC and axi_rvalid_set; CE_Failing_We <= CE_Q; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate BRAM read data vector assignment to always be from Port A -- in a single port BRAM configuration. -- Map BRAM_RdData (Port A) (N:0) to bram_din_a_i (0:N) -- Including read back ECC bits. -- -- Port A or Port B sourcing done at full_axi module level --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Original design with mux (BRAM vs. Skid Buffer) on input side of checkbit_handler logic. -- Move mux to enable on AXI RDATA register. bram_din_a_i (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1) <= BRAM_RdData (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Map data vector from BRAM to use in correct_one_bit module with -- register syndrome (post AXI RDATA register). UnCorrectedRdData (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) <= bram_din_a_i (C_ECC_WIDTH to C_ECC_WIDTH+C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); end generate GEN_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Drive default output signals when ECC is diabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NO_ECC: if C_ECC = 0 generate begin BRAM_Addr_En <= '0'; CE_Failing_We <= '0'; Sl_CE <= '0'; Sl_UE <= '0'; end generate GEN_NO_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- *** BRAM Interface Signals *** -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRAM_En <= bram_en_int; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BRAM Address Generate --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Generate zeros on lower order address bits adjustable -- based on BRAM data width. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0 generate begin BRAM_Addr (i) <= '0'; end generate GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Assign BRAM address output from address counter. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR generate begin BRAM_Addr (i) <= bram_addr_int (i); end generate GEN_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- wr_chnl.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: wr_chnl.vhd -- -- Description: This file is the top level module for the AXI BRAM -- controller write channel interfaces. Controls all -- handshaking and data flow on the AXI write address (AW), -- write data (W) and write response (B) channels. -- -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Minor code cleanup. -- Remove library version # dependency. Replace with work library. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/3/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Edits for scalability and support of 512 and 1024-bit data widths. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/10/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Initial integration of Hsiao ECC algorithm. -- Add C_ECC_TYPE top level parameter. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/14/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Shift Hsiao ECC generate logic so not dependent on C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/18/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update WE size based on 128-bit ECC configuration. -- Update for usage of ecc_gen.vhd module directly from MIG. -- Clean-up XST warnings. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Found issue with ECC decoding on read path. Remove MSB '0' usage -- in syndrome calculation, since h_matrix is based on 32 + 7 = 39 bits. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/23/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean-up. -- Move all MIG functions to package body. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/28/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Fix mapping on BRAM_WE with bram_we_int for 128-bit w/ ECC. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Fix XST handling for DIV functions. Create seperate process when -- divisor is not constant and a power of two. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add comments as noted in Spyglass runs. And general code clean-up. -- Fix double clock assertion of CE/UE error flags when asserted -- during the RMW sequence. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/23/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean-up. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/30/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add code coverage on/off statements. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/8/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Modify back-to-back capability to remove combinatorial loop -- on WREADY to AXI interface. Add internal constant, C_REG_WREADY. -- Update axi_wready_int reset value (ensure it is '0'). -- -- Create new SM for C_REG_WREADY with dual port. Seperate assertion of BVALID -- from WREADY. Create a FIFO to store AWID/BID values. -- Use counter (with max of 8 ID values) to allow WREADY assertions -- to be ahead of BVALID assertions. -- Add sub module, SRL_FIFO. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/11/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Implement similar updates on WREADY for single port & ECC configurations. -- Remove use of signal, axi_wready_sng with constant, C_REG_WREADY. -- -- For single port operation with registered WREADY, provide BVALID counter -- value to arbitration SM, add output signal, AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt. -- -- Create an additional SM for single port when C_REG_WREADY. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/14/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove attempt to create AXI write data pipeline full flag outside of SM -- logic. Add corner case checks for BID FIFO/BVALID counter. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/15/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Clean up all code not related to C_REG_WREADY. -- Goal to remove internal constant, C_REG_WREADY. -- Work on size optimization. Implement signals to represent BVALID -- counter values. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/20/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean up. Remove unused signals. -- Remove additional generate blocks with C_REG_WREADY. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/21/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean up. Remove use of IF_IS_AXI4 constant. -- Create new SM TYPE for each configuration. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add check in data SM on back-to-back for BVALID counter max. -- Clean up AXI_WREADY generate blocks. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean up. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/6/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- Hard code C_USE_LUT6 constant. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/26/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Fix CR # 609695. -- Modify usage of WLAST. Ensure that WLAST is qualified with -- WVALID/WREADY assertions. -- -- With CR # 609695, update else clause for narrow_burst_cnt_ld to -- remove simulation warnings when axi_byte_div_curr_awsize = zero. -- -- Catch code clean up with WLAST in data SM for axi_wr_burst_cmb -- signal assertion. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.srl_fifo; use work.wrap_brst; use work.ua_narrow; use work.checkbit_handler; use work.checkbit_handler_64; use work.correct_one_bit; use work.correct_one_bit_64; use work.ecc_gen; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity wr_chnl is generic ( -- C_FAMILY : string := "virtex6"; -- Specify the target architecture type C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := 2; -- Adjust factor to BRAM address width based on data width (in bits) C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_AXI_ID_WIDTH : INTEGER := 4; -- AXI ID vector width C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW : INTEGER := 1; -- Support for narrow burst operations C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL : string := "AXI4"; -- Set to "AXI4LITE" to optimize out burst transaction support C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM : INTEGER := 0; -- Enable single port usage of BRAM C_ECC : integer := 0; -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_WIDTH : integer := 8; -- Width of ECC data vector C_ECC_TYPE : integer := 0 -- v1.03a -- ECC algorithm format, 0 = Hamming code, 1 = Hsiao code ); port ( -- AXI Global Signals S_AXI_AClk : in std_logic; S_AXI_AResetn : in std_logic; -- AXI Write Address Channel Signals (AW) AXI_AWID : in std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_AWLEN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Specifies the number of data transfers in the burst -- "0000 0000" 1 data transfer -- "0000 0001" 2 data transfers -- ... -- "1111 1111" 256 data transfers AXI_AWSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- Specifies the max number of data bytes to transfer in each data beat -- "000" 1 byte to transfer -- "001" 2 bytes to transfer -- "010" 3 bytes to transfer -- ... AXI_AWBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- Specifies burst type -- "00" FIXED = Fixed burst address (handled as INCR) -- "01" INCR = Increment burst address -- "10" WRAP = Incrementing address burst that wraps to lower order address at boundary -- "11" Reserved (not checked) AXI_AWLOCK : in std_logic; -- Currently unused AXI_AWCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- Currently unused AXI_AWPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- Currently unused AXI_AWVALID : in std_logic; AXI_AWREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Write Data Channel Signals (W) AXI_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_WSTRB : in std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0); AXI_WLAST : in std_logic; AXI_WVALID : in std_logic; AXI_WREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) AXI_BID : out std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_BVALID : out std_logic; AXI_BREADY : in std_logic; -- ECC Register Interface Signals Enable_ECC : in std_logic; BRAM_Addr_En : out std_logic := '0'; FaultInjectClr : out std_logic := '0'; CE_Failing_We : out std_logic := '0'; Sl_CE : out std_logic := '0'; Sl_UE : out std_logic := '0'; Active_Wr : out std_logic := '0'; FaultInjectData : in std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); FaultInjectECC : in std_logic_vector (C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Single Port Arbitration Signals Arb2AW_Active : in std_logic; AW2Arb_Busy : out std_logic := '0'; AW2Arb_Active_Clr : out std_logic := '0'; AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt : out std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); Sng_BRAM_Addr_Rst : out std_logic := '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En : out std_logic := '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld : out std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc : out std_logic := '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr : in std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR); -- BRAM Write Port Interface Signals BRAM_En : out std_logic := '0'; BRAM_WE : out std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr : out std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); BRAM_WrData : out std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); BRAM_RdData : in std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) ); end entity wr_chnl; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of wr_chnl is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- All functions defined in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reset active level (common through core) constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; constant RESP_OKAY : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00"; -- Normal access OK response constant RESP_SLVERR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "10"; -- Slave error -- For future support. constant RESP_EXOKAY : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "01"; -- Exclusive access OK response -- For future support. constant RESP_DECERR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "11"; -- Decode error -- Set constants for AWLEN equal to a count of one or two beats. constant AXI_AWLEN_ONE : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant AXI_AWLEN_TWO : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := "00000001"; constant AXI_AWSIZE_ONE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "001"; -- Determine maximum size for narrow burst length counter -- When C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32, minimum narrow width burst is 8 bits -- resulting in a count 3 downto 0 => so minimum counter width = 2 bits. -- When C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 256, minimum narrow width burst is 8 bits -- resulting in a count 31 downto 0 => so minimum counter width = 5 bits. constant C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN : integer := log2 (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8); constant NARROW_CNT_MAX : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- AXI Size Constants -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000"; -- 1 byte -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "001"; -- 2 bytes -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "010"; -- 4 bytes = max size for 32-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "011"; -- 8 bytes = max size for 64-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "100"; -- 16 bytes = max size for 128-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "101"; -- 32 bytes = max size for 256-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "110"; -- 64 bytes = max size for 512-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "111"; -- 128 bytes = max size for 1024-bit BRAM -- Determine max value of ARSIZE based on the AXI data width. -- Use function in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. constant C_AXI_SIZE_MAX : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := Create_Size_Max (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); -- Modify C_BRAM_ADDR_SIZE to be adjusted for BRAM data width -- When BRAM data width = 32 bits, BRAM_Addr (1:0) = "00" -- When BRAM data width = 64 bits, BRAM_Addr (2:0) = "000" -- When BRAM data width = 128 bits, BRAM_Addr (3:0) = "0000" -- When BRAM data width = 256 bits, BRAM_Addr (4:0) = "00000" -- Move to full_axi module -- constant C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := log2 (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8); -- Not used -- constant C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST : integer := C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR; constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8; -- AXI Burst Types -- AXI Spec 4.4 constant C_AXI_BURST_WRAP : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "10"; constant C_AXI_BURST_INCR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "01"; constant C_AXI_BURST_FIXED : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00"; -- Internal ECC data width size. constant C_INT_ECC_WIDTH : integer := Int_ECC_Size (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Address Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- State machine type declarations type WR_ADDR_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, LD_AWADDR ); signal wr_addr_sm_cs, wr_addr_sm_ns : WR_ADDR_SM_TYPE; signal aw_active_set : std_logic := '0'; signal aw_active_set_i : std_logic := '0'; signal aw_active_clr : std_logic := '0'; signal delay_aw_active_clr_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal delay_aw_active_clr : std_logic := '0'; signal aw_active : std_logic := '0'; signal aw_active_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal aw_active_re : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_awaddr_pipe : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_awaddr_lsb : std_logic_vector (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal awaddr_pipe_ld : std_logic := '0'; signal awaddr_pipe_ld_i : std_logic := '0'; signal awaddr_pipe_sel : std_logic := '0'; -- '0' indicates mux select from AXI -- '1' indicates mux select from AW Addr Register signal axi_awaddr_full : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_awid_pipe : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_awsize_pipe : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_awsize : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_awsize_reg : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Narrow Burst Signals signal curr_narrow_burst_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_narrow_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_narrow_burst_en : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_burst_cnt_ld : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal narrow_burst_cnt_ld_mod : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal narrow_addr_rst : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_addr_ld_en : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_addr_dec : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_awlen_pipe : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_awlen_pipe_1_or_2 : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_awlen : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_awlen_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_awlen_reg_1_or_2 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_awburst_pipe : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_awburst_pipe_fixed : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_awburst : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_wrap_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_wrap_burst_reg : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_incr_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_fixed_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_fixed_burst_reg : std_logic := '0'; signal max_wrap_burst_mod : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_awready_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_d2 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_re : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_re_reg : std_logic := '0'; -- BRAM Address Counter signal bram_addr_ld_en : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_ld_en_i : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_ld_en_mod : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_ld : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_ld_wrap : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_inc : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_inc_mod : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_inc_wrap_mod : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_rst : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_rst_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_bram_addr_inc : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_bram_addr_inc_re : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_addr_int : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_ua_narrow_wrap : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_ua_narrow_incr : std_logic := '0'; signal ua_narrow_load : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Data Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- State machine type declarations type WR_DATA_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, W8_AWADDR, -- W8_BREADY, SNG_WR_DATA, BRST_WR_DATA, -- NEW_BRST_WR_DATA, B2B_W8_WR_DATA --, -- B2B_W8_BRESP, -- W8_BRESP ); signal wr_data_sm_cs, wr_data_sm_ns : WR_DATA_SM_TYPE; type WR_DATA_SNG_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, SNG_WR_DATA, BRST_WR_DATA ); signal wr_data_sng_sm_cs, wr_data_sng_sm_ns : WR_DATA_SNG_SM_TYPE; type WR_DATA_ECC_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, RMW_RD_DATA, RMW_CHK_DATA, RMW_MOD_DATA, RMW_WR_DATA ); signal wr_data_ecc_sm_cs, wr_data_ecc_sm_ns : WR_DATA_ECC_SM_TYPE; -- Wr Data Buffer/Register signal wrdata_reg_ld : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wready_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wready_int_mod : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wdata_full_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wdata_full : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wdata_empty : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wdata_full_reg : std_logic := '0'; -- WE Generator Signals signal clr_bram_we_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal clr_bram_we : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_we_ld : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wr_burst_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wr_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal wr_b2b_elgible : std_logic := '0'; -- CR # 609695 signal last_data_ack : std_logic := '0'; -- CR # 609695 signal last_data_ack_throttle : std_logic := '0'; signal last_data_ack_mod : std_logic := '0'; -- CR # 609695 signal w8_b2b_bresp : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wlast_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wlast_re : std_logic := '0'; -- Single Port Signals -- Write busy flags only used in ECC configuration -- when waiting for BVALID/BREADY handshake signal wr_busy_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal wr_busy_reg : std_logic := '0'; -- Only used by ECC register module. signal active_wr_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal active_wr_reg : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Response Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal axi_bid_temp : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_bid_temp_full : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_bid_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_bresp_int : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_bvalid_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_bvalid_set_cmb : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal BRAM Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal reset_bram_we : std_logic := '0'; signal set_bram_we_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal set_bram_we : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_we_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_en_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_en_int : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_wrdata_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ECC Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal CorrectedRdData : std_logic_vector(0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); signal RdModifyWr_Modify : std_logic := '0'; -- Modify cycle in read modify write sequence signal RdModifyWr_Write : std_logic := '0'; -- Write cycle in read modify write sequence signal WrData : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal WrData_cmb : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal UE_Q : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BVALID Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal bvalid_cnt_inc : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt_dec : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bvalid_cnt_amax : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt_max : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt_non_zero : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BID FIFO Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal bid_fifo_rst : std_logic := '0'; signal bid_fifo_ld_en : std_logic := '0'; signal bid_fifo_ld : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bid_fifo_rd_en : std_logic := '0'; signal bid_fifo_rd : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bid_fifo_not_empty : std_logic := '0'; signal bid_gets_fifo_load : std_logic := '0'; signal bid_gets_fifo_load_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal first_fifo_bid : std_logic := '0'; signal b2b_fifo_bid : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Address Channel Output Signals --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AXI_AWREADY <= axi_awready_int; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Data Channel Output Signals --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- WREADY same signal assertion regardless of ECC or single port configuration. AXI_WREADY <= axi_wready_int_mod; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Response Channel Output Signals --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AXI_BRESP <= axi_bresp_int; AXI_BVALID <= axi_bvalid_int; AXI_BID <= axi_bid_int; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Write Address Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_AW_PIPE_SNG -- Purpose: Only generate pipeline registers when in dual port BRAM mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AW_PIPE_SNG: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1 generate begin -- Unused AW pipeline (set default values) awaddr_pipe_ld <= '0'; axi_awaddr_pipe <= AXI_AWADDR; axi_awid_pipe <= AXI_AWID; axi_awsize_pipe <= AXI_AWSIZE; axi_awlen_pipe <= AXI_AWLEN; axi_awburst_pipe <= AXI_AWBURST; axi_awlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= '0'; axi_awburst_pipe_fixed <= '0'; axi_awaddr_full <= '0'; end generate GEN_AW_PIPE_SNG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_AW_PIPE_DUAL -- Purpose: Only generate pipeline registers when in dual port BRAM mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AW_PIPE_DUAL: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- AXI Write Address Buffer/Register -- (mimic behavior of address pipeline for AXI_AWID) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AWADDR: for i in C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0 generate begin REG_AWADDR: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (awaddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_awaddr_pipe (i) <= AXI_AWADDR (i); else axi_awaddr_pipe (i) <= axi_awaddr_pipe (i); end if; end if; end process REG_AWADDR; end generate GEN_AWADDR; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register AWID REG_AWID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (awaddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_awid_pipe <= AXI_AWID; else axi_awid_pipe <= axi_awid_pipe; end if; end if; end process REG_AWID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- In parallel to AWADDR pipeline and AWID -- Use same control signals to capture AXI_AWSIZE, AXI_AWLEN & AXI_AWBURST. -- Register AXI_AWSIZE, AXI_AWLEN & AXI_AWBURST REG_AWCTRL: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (awaddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_awsize_pipe <= AXI_AWSIZE; axi_awlen_pipe <= AXI_AWLEN; axi_awburst_pipe <= AXI_AWBURST; else axi_awsize_pipe <= axi_awsize_pipe; axi_awlen_pipe <= axi_awlen_pipe; axi_awburst_pipe <= axi_awburst_pipe; end if; end if; end process REG_AWCTRL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create signals that indicate value of AXI_AWLEN in pipeline stage -- Used to decode length of burst when BRAM address can be loaded early -- when pipeline is full. -- -- Add early decode of AWBURST in pipeline. REG_AWLEN_PIPE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (awaddr_pipe_ld = '1') then -- Create merge to decode AWLEN of ONE or TWO if (AXI_AWLEN = AXI_AWLEN_ONE) or (AXI_AWLEN = AXI_AWLEN_TWO) then axi_awlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= '1'; else axi_awlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= '0'; end if; -- Early decode on value in pipeline of AWBURST if (AXI_AWBURST = C_AXI_BURST_FIXED) then axi_awburst_pipe_fixed <= '1'; else axi_awburst_pipe_fixed <= '0'; end if; else axi_awlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= axi_awlen_pipe_1_or_2; axi_awburst_pipe_fixed <= axi_awburst_pipe_fixed; end if; end if; end process REG_AWLEN_PIPE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create full flag for AWADDR pipeline -- Set when write address register is loaded. -- Cleared when write address stored in register is loaded into BRAM -- address counter. REG_WRADDR_FULL: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' and awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') then axi_awaddr_full <= '0'; elsif (awaddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_awaddr_full <= '1'; else axi_awaddr_full <= axi_awaddr_full; end if; end if; end process REG_WRADDR_FULL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_AW_PIPE_DUAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DUAL_ADDR_CNT -- Purpose: Instantiate BRAM address counter unique for wr_chnl logic -- only when controller configured in dual port mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DUAL_ADDR_CNT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Replace I_ADDR_CNT module usage of pf_counter in proc_common library. -- Only need to use lower 12-bits of address due to max AXI burst size -- Since AXI guarantees bursts do not cross 4KB boundary, the counting part -- of I_ADDR_CNT can be reduced to max 4KB. -- -- Counter size is adjusted based on data width of BRAM. -- For example, 32-bit data width BRAM, BRAM_Addr (1:0) -- are fixed at "00". So, counter increments from -- (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_ADDR_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- Reset usage differs from RD CHNL if (bram_addr_rst = '1') then bram_addr_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en_mod = '1') then bram_addr_int <= bram_addr_ld; elsif (bram_addr_inc_mod = '1') then bram_addr_int (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 12) <= bram_addr_int (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 12); bram_addr_int (11 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (bram_addr_int (11 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR)) + 1); end if; end if; end process I_ADDR_CNT; -- Set defaults to shared address counter -- Only used in single port configurations Sng_BRAM_Addr_Rst <= '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En <= '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld <= (others => '0'); Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc <= '0'; end generate GEN_DUAL_ADDR_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_SNG_ADDR_CNT -- Purpose: When configured in single port BRAM mode, address counter -- is shared with rd_chnl module. Assign output signals here -- to counter instantiation at full_axi module level. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_SNG_ADDR_CNT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin Sng_BRAM_Addr_Rst <= bram_addr_rst; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En <= bram_addr_ld_en_mod; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld <= bram_addr_ld; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc <= bram_addr_inc_mod; bram_addr_int <= Sng_BRAM_Addr; end generate GEN_SNG_ADDR_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Add BRAM counter reset for @ end of transfer -- -- Create a unique BRAM address reset signal -- If the write transaction is throttling on the AXI bus, then -- the BRAM EN may get negated during the write transfer -- -- Use combinatorial output from SM, bram_addr_rst_cmb, but ensure the -- BRAM address is not reset while loading a new address. bram_addr_rst <= (not (S_AXI_AResetn)) or (bram_addr_rst_cmb and not (bram_addr_ld_en_mod) and not (bram_addr_inc_mod)); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BRAM address counter load mux -- -- Either load BRAM counter directly from AXI bus or from stored registered value -- -- Added bram_addr_ld_wrap for loading on wrap burst types -- Use registered signal to indicate current operation is a WRAP burst -- -- Do not load bram_addr_ld_wrap when bram_addr_ld_en signal is asserted at beginning of write burst -- BRAM address counter load. Due to condition when max_wrap_burst_mod remains asserted, due to BRAM address -- counter not incrementing (at the end of the previous write burst). -- bram_addr_ld <= bram_addr_ld_wrap when -- (max_wrap_burst_mod = '1' and curr_wrap_burst_reg = '1' and bram_addr_ld_en = '0') else -- axi_awaddr_pipe (C_BRAM_ADDR_SIZE-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) -- when (awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') else -- AXI_AWADDR (C_BRAM_ADDR_SIZE-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR); -- Replace C_BRAM_ADDR_SIZE w/ C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH parameter usage bram_addr_ld <= bram_addr_ld_wrap when (max_wrap_burst_mod = '1' and curr_wrap_burst_reg = '1' and bram_addr_ld_en = '0') else axi_awaddr_pipe (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) when (awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_AWADDR (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- On wrap burst max loads (simultaneous BRAM address increment is asserted). -- Ensure that load has higher priority over increment. -- Use registered signal to indicate current operation is a WRAP burst -- bram_addr_ld_en_mod <= '1' when (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' or -- (max_wrap_burst_mod = '1' and -- curr_wrap_burst_reg = '1' and -- bram_addr_inc_mod = '1')) -- else '0'; -- Use duplicate version of bram_addr_ld_en in effort -- to reduce fanout of signal routed to BRAM address counter bram_addr_ld_en_mod <= '1' when (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' or (max_wrap_burst_mod = '1' and curr_wrap_burst_reg = '1' and bram_addr_inc_wrap_mod = '1')) else '0'; -- Create a special bram_addr_inc_mod for use in the bram_addr_ld_en_mod signal -- logic. No need for the check if the current operation is NOT a fixed AND a wrap -- burst. The transfer will be one or the other. -- Found issue when narrow FIXED length burst is incorrectly -- incrementing BRAM address counter bram_addr_inc_wrap_mod <= bram_addr_inc when (curr_narrow_burst = '0') else narrow_bram_addr_inc_re; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Handling for WRAP burst types -- -- For WRAP burst types, the counter value will roll over when the burst -- boundary is reached. -- Boundary is reached based on ARSIZE and ARLEN. -- -- Goal is to minimize muxing on initial load of counter value. -- On WRAP burst types, detect when the max address is reached. -- When the max address is reached, re-load counter with lower -- address value set to '0'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Detect valid WRAP burst types curr_wrap_burst <= '1' when (curr_awburst = C_AXI_BURST_WRAP) else '0'; -- Detect INCR & FIXED burst type operations curr_incr_burst <= '1' when (curr_awburst = C_AXI_BURST_INCR) else '0'; curr_fixed_burst <= '1' when (curr_awburst = C_AXI_BURST_FIXED) else '0'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register curr_wrap_burst signal when BRAM address counter is initially -- loaded REG_CURR_WRAP_BRST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- Add reset same as BRAM address counter if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (bram_addr_rst = '1' and bram_addr_ld_en = '0') then curr_wrap_burst_reg <= '0'; elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then curr_wrap_burst_reg <= curr_wrap_burst; else curr_wrap_burst_reg <= curr_wrap_burst_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_CURR_WRAP_BRST; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register curr_fixed_burst signal when BRAM address counter is initially -- loaded REG_CURR_FIXED_BRST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- Add reset same as BRAM address counter if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (bram_addr_rst = '1' and bram_addr_ld_en = '0') then curr_fixed_burst_reg <= '0'; elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then curr_fixed_burst_reg <= curr_fixed_burst; else curr_fixed_burst_reg <= curr_fixed_burst_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_CURR_FIXED_BRST; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Instance: I_WRAP_BRST -- -- Description: -- -- Instantiate WRAP_BRST module -- Logic to generate the wrap around value to load into the BRAM address -- counter on WRAP burst transactions. -- WRAP value is based on current AWLEN, AWSIZE (for narrows) and -- data width of BRAM module. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_WRAP_BRST : entity work.wrap_brst generic map ( C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR => C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR , C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_AClk , S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_AResetn , curr_axlen => curr_awlen , curr_axsize => curr_awsize , curr_narrow_burst => curr_narrow_burst , narrow_bram_addr_inc_re => narrow_bram_addr_inc_re , bram_addr_ld_en => bram_addr_ld_en , bram_addr_ld => bram_addr_ld , bram_addr_int => bram_addr_int , bram_addr_ld_wrap => bram_addr_ld_wrap , max_wrap_burst_mod => max_wrap_burst_mod ); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_WO_NARROW -- Purpose: Create BRAM address increment signal when narrow bursts -- are disabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WO_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 0) generate begin -- For non narrow burst operations, use bram_addr_inc from data SM. -- Add in check that burst type is not FIXED, curr_fixed_burst_reg bram_addr_inc_mod <= bram_addr_inc and not (curr_fixed_burst_reg); -- The signal, curr_narrow_burst should always be set to '0' when narrow bursts -- are disabled. curr_narrow_burst <= '0'; narrow_bram_addr_inc_re <= '0'; end generate GEN_WO_NARROW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Only instantiate NARROW_CNT and supporting logic when narrow transfers -- are supported and utilized by masters in the AXI system. -- The design parameter, C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW will indicate this. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NARROW_CNT -- Purpose: Instantiate narrow counter and logic when narrow -- operation support is enabled. -- And, only instantiate logic for narrow operations when -- AXI bus protocol is not set for AXI-LITE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NARROW_CNT: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin -- Based on current operation being a narrow burst, hold off BRAM -- address increment until narrow burst fits BRAM data width. -- For non narrow burst operations, use bram_addr_inc from data SM. -- Add in check that burst type is not FIXED, curr_fixed_burst_reg bram_addr_inc_mod <= (bram_addr_inc and not (curr_fixed_burst_reg)) when (curr_narrow_burst = '0') -- else narrow_bram_addr_inc_re; -- Seeing incorrect BRAM address increment on narrow -- fixed length burst operations. -- Add this check for curr_fixed_burst_reg else (narrow_bram_addr_inc_re and not (curr_fixed_burst_reg)); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate seperate smaller counter for narrow burst operations -- Replace I_NARROW_CNT module usage of pf_counter_top from proc_common library. -- -- Counter size is adjusted based on size of data burst. -- -- For example, 32-bit data width BRAM, minimum narrow width -- burst is 8 bits resulting in a count 3 downto 0. So the -- minimum counter width = 2 bits. -- -- When C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 256, minimum narrow width burst -- is 8 bits resulting in a count 31 downto 0. So the -- minimum counter width = 5 bits. -- -- Size of counter = C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_NARROW_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (narrow_addr_rst = '1') then narrow_addr_int <= (others => '0'); -- Load narrow address counter elsif (narrow_addr_ld_en = '1') then narrow_addr_int <= narrow_burst_cnt_ld_mod; -- Decrement ONLY (no increment functionality) elsif (narrow_addr_dec = '1') then narrow_addr_int (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (narrow_addr_int (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0)) - 1); end if; end if; end process I_NARROW_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- narrow_addr_rst <= not (S_AXI_AResetn); -- Narrow burst counter load mux -- Modify narrow burst count load value based on -- unalignment of AXI address value -- Account for INCR burst types at unaligned addresses narrow_burst_cnt_ld_mod <= ua_narrow_load when (curr_ua_narrow_wrap = '1' or curr_ua_narrow_incr = '1') else narrow_burst_cnt_ld when (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') else narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg; narrow_addr_dec <= bram_addr_inc when (curr_narrow_burst = '1') else '0'; narrow_addr_ld_en <= (curr_narrow_burst_cmb and bram_addr_ld_en) or narrow_bram_addr_inc_re; narrow_bram_addr_inc <= '1' when (narrow_addr_int = NARROW_CNT_MAX) and (curr_narrow_burst = '1') -- Ensure that narrow address counter doesn't -- flag max or get loaded to -- reset narrow counter until AXI read data -- bus has acknowledged current -- data on the AXI bus. Use rd_adv_buf signal -- to indicate the non throttle -- condition on the AXI bus. and (bram_addr_inc = '1') else '0'; -- Detect rising edge of narrow_bram_addr_inc REG_NARROW_BRAM_ADDR_INC: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 <= '0'; else narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 <= narrow_bram_addr_inc; end if; end if; end process REG_NARROW_BRAM_ADDR_INC; narrow_bram_addr_inc_re <= '1' when (narrow_bram_addr_inc = '1') and (narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 = '0') else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_NARROW_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_AWREADY -- Purpose: AWREADY is only created here when in dual port BRAM mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AWREADY: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin -- v1.03a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_AWREADY Output Register -- Description: Keep AXI_AWREADY output asserted until AWADDR pipeline -- is full. When a full condition is reached, negate -- AWREADY as another AW address can not be accepted. -- Add condition to keep AWReady asserted if loading current --- AWADDR pipeline value into the BRAM address counter. -- Indicated by assertion of bram_addr_ld_en & awaddr_pipe_sel. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_AWREADY: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_awready_int <= '0'; -- Detect end of S_AXI_AResetn to assert AWREADY and accept -- new AWADDR values elsif (axi_aresetn_re_reg = '1') or (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' and awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') then axi_awready_int <= '1'; elsif (awaddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_awready_int <= '0'; else axi_awready_int <= axi_awready_int; end if; end if; end process REG_AWREADY; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Need to detect end of reset cycle to assert AWREADY on AXI bus REG_ARESETN: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then axi_aresetn_d1 <= S_AXI_AResetn; axi_aresetn_d2 <= axi_aresetn_d1; axi_aresetn_re_reg <= axi_aresetn_re; end if; end process REG_ARESETN; -- Create combinatorial RE detect of S_AXI_AResetn axi_aresetn_re <= '1' when (S_AXI_AResetn = '1' and axi_aresetn_d1 = '0') else '0'; end generate GEN_AWREADY; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Specify current AWSIZE signal -- Address pipeline MUX curr_awsize <= axi_awsize_pipe when (awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_AWSIZE; -- Register curr_awsize when bram_addr_ld_en = '1' REG_AWSIZE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then curr_awsize_reg <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then curr_awsize_reg <= curr_awsize; else curr_awsize_reg <= curr_awsize_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_AWSIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_NARROW_EN -- Purpose: Only instantiate logic to determine if current burst -- is a narrow burst when narrow bursting logic is supported. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NARROW_EN: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Determine "narrow" burst transfers -- Compare the AWSIZE to the BRAM data width ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a -- Detect if current burst operation is of size /= to the full -- AXI data bus width. If not, then the current operation is a -- "narrow" burst. curr_narrow_burst_cmb <= '1' when (curr_awsize /= C_AXI_SIZE_MAX) else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- curr_narrow_burst_en <= '1' when (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') and (curr_awlen /= AXI_AWLEN_ONE) and (curr_fixed_burst = '0') else '0'; -- Register flag indicating the current operation -- is a narrow write burst NARROW_BURST_REG: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- Need to reset this flag at end of narrow burst operation -- Use handshaking signals on AXI if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- Check for back to back narrow burst. If that is the case, then -- do not clear curr_narrow_burst flag. (axi_wlast_re = '1' and curr_narrow_burst_en = '0' -- If ECC is enabled, no clear to curr_narrow_burst when WLAST is asserted -- this causes the BRAM address to incorrectly get asserted on the last -- beat in the burst (due to delay in RMW logic) and C_ECC = 0) then curr_narrow_burst <= '0'; elsif (curr_narrow_burst_en = '1') then curr_narrow_burst <= curr_narrow_burst_cmb; end if; end if; end process NARROW_BURST_REG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Detect RE of AXI_WLAST -- Only used when narrow bursts are enabled. WLAST_REG: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_wlast_d1 <= '0'; else -- axi_wlast_d1 <= AXI_WLAST and axi_wready_int_mod; -- CR # 609695 axi_wlast_d1 <= AXI_WLAST and axi_wready_int_mod and AXI_WVALID; end if; end if; end process WLAST_REG; -- axi_wlast_re <= (AXI_WLAST and axi_wready_int_mod) and not (axi_wlast_d1); -- CR # 609695 axi_wlast_re <= (AXI_WLAST and axi_wready_int_mod and AXI_WVALID) and not (axi_wlast_d1); end generate GEN_NARROW_EN; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate registered flag that active burst is a "narrow" burst -- and load narrow burst counter --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_NARROW_CNT_LD -- Purpose: Only instantiate logic to determine narrow burst counter -- load value when narrow bursts are enabled. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NARROW_CNT_LD: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate signal curr_awsize_unsigned : unsigned (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_byte_div_curr_awsize : integer := 1; begin -- v1.03a -- Create narrow burst counter load value based on current operation -- "narrow" data width (indicated by value of AWSIZE). curr_awsize_unsigned <= unsigned (curr_awsize); -- XST does not support divisors that are not constants and powers of 2. -- Create process to create a fixed value for divisor. -- Replace this statement: -- narrow_burst_cnt_ld <= std_logic_vector ( -- to_unsigned ( -- (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / (2**(to_integer (curr_awsize_unsigned))) ) - 1, -- C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)); -- -- With this new process and subsequent signal assignment: -- DIV_AWSIZE: process (curr_awsize_unsigned) -- begin -- -- case (to_integer (curr_awsize_unsigned)) is -- when 0 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 1; -- when 1 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 2; -- when 2 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 4; -- when 3 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 8; -- when 4 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 16; -- when 5 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 32; -- when 6 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 64; -- when 7 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 128; -- --coverage off -- when others => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES; -- --coverage on -- end case; -- -- end process DIV_AWSIZE; -- w/ CR # 609695 -- With this new process and subsequent signal assignment: DIV_AWSIZE: process (curr_awsize_unsigned) begin case (curr_awsize_unsigned) is when "000" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 1; when "001" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 2; when "010" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 4; when "011" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 8; when "100" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 16; when "101" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 32; when "110" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 64; when "111" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 128; --coverage off when others => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES; --coverage on end case; end process DIV_AWSIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create narrow burst count load value. -- -- Size is based on [C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 : 0] -- For 32-bit BRAM, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN = 2. -- For 64-bit BRAM, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN = 3. -- For 128-bit BRAM, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN = 4. (etc.) -- -- Signal, narrow_burst_cnt_ld signal is sized according to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH. -- Updated else clause for simulation warnings w/ CR # 609695 narrow_burst_cnt_ld <= std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( (axi_byte_div_curr_awsize) - 1, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)) when (axi_byte_div_curr_awsize > 0) else std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (0, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register narrow_burst_cnt_ld REG_NAR_BRST_CNT_LD: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg <= narrow_burst_cnt_ld; else narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg <= narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_NAR_BRST_CNT_LD; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_NARROW_CNT_LD; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Specify current AWBURST signal -- Input address pipeline MUX curr_awburst <= axi_awburst_pipe when (awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_AWBURST; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Specify current AWBURST signal -- Input address pipeline MUX curr_awlen <= axi_awlen_pipe when (awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_AWLEN; -- Duplicate early decode of AWLEN value to use in wr_b2b_elgible logic REG_CURR_AWLEN: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then curr_awlen_reg_1_or_2 <= '0'; elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then -- Create merge to decode AWLEN of ONE or TWO if (curr_awlen = AXI_AWLEN_ONE) or (curr_awlen = AXI_AWLEN_TWO) then curr_awlen_reg_1_or_2 <= '1'; else curr_awlen_reg_1_or_2 <= '0'; end if; else curr_awlen_reg_1_or_2 <= curr_awlen_reg_1_or_2; end if; end if; end process REG_CURR_AWLEN; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_UA_NARROW -- Purpose: Only instantiate logic for burst narrow WRAP operations when -- AXI bus protocol is not set for AXI-LITE and narrow -- burst operations are supported. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_UA_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- New logic to detect unaligned address on a narrow WRAP burst transaction. -- If this condition is met, then the narrow burst counter will be -- initially loaded with an offset value corresponding to the unalignment -- in the ARADDR value. -- Create a sub module for all logic to determine the narrow burst counter -- offset value on unaligned WRAP burst operations. -- Module generates the following signals: -- -- => curr_ua_narrow_wrap, to indicate the current -- operation is an unaligned narrow WRAP burst. -- -- => curr_ua_narrow_incr, to load narrow burst counter -- for unaligned INCR burst operations. -- -- => ua_narrow_load, narrow counter load value. -- Sized, (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_UA_NARROW -- -- Description: -- -- Creates a narrow burst count load value when an operation -- is an unaligned narrow WRAP or INCR burst type. Used by -- I_NARROW_CNT module. -- -- Logic is customized for each C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_UA_NARROW : entity work.ua_narrow generic map ( C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR => C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR , C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN => C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN ) port map ( curr_wrap_burst => curr_wrap_burst , -- in curr_incr_burst => curr_incr_burst , -- in bram_addr_ld_en => bram_addr_ld_en , -- in curr_axlen => curr_awlen , -- in curr_axsize => curr_awsize , -- in curr_axaddr_lsb => curr_awaddr_lsb , -- in curr_ua_narrow_wrap => curr_ua_narrow_wrap , -- out curr_ua_narrow_incr => curr_ua_narrow_incr , -- out ua_narrow_load => ua_narrow_load -- out ); -- Use in all C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH generate statements -- Only probe least significant BRAM address bits -- C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR offset down to 0. curr_awaddr_lsb <= axi_awaddr_pipe (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0) when (awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_AWADDR (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_UA_NARROW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_AW_SNG -- Purpose: If single port BRAM configuration, set all AW flags from -- logic generated in sng_port_arb module. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AW_SNG: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin aw_active <= Arb2AW_Active; bram_addr_ld_en <= aw_active_re; AW2Arb_Active_Clr <= aw_active_clr; AW2Arb_Busy <= wr_busy_reg; AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt <= bvalid_cnt; end generate GEN_AW_SNG; -- Rising edge detect of aw_active -- For single port configurations, aw_active = Arb2AW_Active. -- For dual port configurations, aw_active generated in ADDR SM. RE_AW_ACT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then aw_active_d1 <= '0'; else aw_active_d1 <= aw_active; end if; end if; end process RE_AW_ACT; aw_active_re <= '1' when (aw_active = '1' and aw_active_d1 = '0') else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_AW_DUAL -- Purpose: Generate AW control state machine logic only when AXI4 -- controller is configured for dual port mode. In dual port -- mode, wr_chnl has full access over AW & port A of BRAM. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AW_DUAL: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin AW2Arb_Active_Clr <= '0'; -- Only used in single port case AW2Arb_Busy <= '0'; -- Only used in single port case AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt <= (others => '0'); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_LAST_DATA_ACK: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then last_data_ack_mod <= '0'; else -- last_data_ack_mod <= AXI_WLAST; -- CR # 609695 last_data_ack_mod <= AXI_WLAST and AXI_WVALID and axi_wready_int_mod; end if; end if; end process REG_LAST_DATA_ACK; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- WR ADDR State Machine -- -- Description: Central processing unit for AXI write address -- channel interface handling and handshaking. -- -- Outputs: awaddr_pipe_ld Combinatorial -- awaddr_pipe_sel -- bram_addr_ld_en -- -- -- -- WR_ADDR_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- WR_ADDR_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_ADDR_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( AXI_AWVALID, bvalid_cnt_max, axi_awaddr_full, aw_active, wr_b2b_elgible, last_data_ack_mod, wr_addr_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs wr_addr_sm_ns <= wr_addr_sm_cs; awaddr_pipe_ld_i <= '0'; bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '0'; aw_active_set_i <= '0'; case wr_addr_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- Check for pending operation in address pipeline that may -- be elgible for back-to-back performance to BRAM. -- Prevent loading BRAM address counter if BID FIFO can not -- store the AWID value. Check the BVALID counter. if (wr_b2b_elgible = '1') and (last_data_ack_mod = '1') and -- Ensure the BVALID counter does not roll over (max = 8 ID values) (bvalid_cnt_max = '0') then wr_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; -- Load BRAM address counter from pipelined value bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; aw_active_set_i <= '1'; -- Ensure AWVALID is recognized. -- Address pipeline may be loaded, but BRAM counter -- can not be loaded if at max of BID FIFO. elsif (AXI_AWVALID = '1') then -- If address pipeline is full -- AWReady output is negated -- If write address logic is ready for new operation -- Load BRAM address counter and set aw_active = '1' -- If address pipeline is already full to start next operation -- load address counter from pipeline. -- Prevent loading BRAM address counter if BID FIFO can not -- store the AWID value. Check the BVALID counter. -- Remain in this state if (aw_active = '0') and -- Ensure the BVALID counter does not roll over (max = 8 ID values) (bvalid_cnt_max = '0') then wr_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; -- Stay in this state to capture AWVALID if asserted -- in next clock cycle. bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; aw_active_set_i <= '1'; -- Address counter is currently busy. -- No check on BVALID counter for address pipeline load. -- Only the BRAM address counter is checked for BID FIFO capacity. else -- Check if AWADDR pipeline is not full and can be loaded if (axi_awaddr_full = '0') then wr_addr_sm_ns <= LD_AWADDR; awaddr_pipe_ld_i <= '1'; end if; end if; -- aw_active -- Pending operation in pipeline that is waiting -- until current operation is complete (aw_active = '0') elsif (axi_awaddr_full = '1') and (aw_active = '0') and -- Ensure the BVALID counter does not roll over (max = 8 ID values) (bvalid_cnt_max = '0') then wr_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; -- Load BRAM address counter from pipelined value bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; aw_active_set_i <= '1'; end if; -- AWVALID ---------------------------- LD_AWADDR State --------------------------- when LD_AWADDR => wr_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; if (wr_b2b_elgible = '1') and (last_data_ack_mod = '1') and -- Ensure the BVALID counter does not roll over (max = 8 ID values) (bvalid_cnt_max = '0') then -- Load BRAM address counter from pipelined value bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; aw_active_set_i <= '1'; end if; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => wr_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process WR_ADDR_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CR # 582705 -- Ensure combinatorial SM output signals do not get set before -- the end of the reset (and ARREAADY can be set). bram_addr_ld_en <= bram_addr_ld_en_i and axi_aresetn_d2; aw_active_set <= aw_active_set_i and axi_aresetn_d2; awaddr_pipe_ld <= awaddr_pipe_ld_i and axi_aresetn_d2; WR_ADDR_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then -- CR # 582705 -- Ensure that ar_active does not get asserted (from SM) before -- the end of reset and the ARREADY flag is set. if (axi_aresetn_d2 = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then wr_addr_sm_cs <= IDLE; else wr_addr_sm_cs <= wr_addr_sm_ns; end if; end if; end process WR_ADDR_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Asserting awaddr_pipe_sel outside of SM logic -- The BRAM address counter will get loaded with value in AWADDR pipeline -- when data is stored in the AWADDR pipeline. awaddr_pipe_sel <= '1' when (axi_awaddr_full = '1') else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register for aw_active REG_AW_ACT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- CR # 582705 -- if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then if (axi_aresetn_d2 = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then aw_active <= '0'; elsif (aw_active_set = '1') then aw_active <= '1'; elsif (aw_active_clr = '1') then aw_active <= '0'; else aw_active <= aw_active; end if; end if; end process REG_AW_ACT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_AW_DUAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Write Data Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI WrData Buffer/Register --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WRDATA: for i in C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0 generate begin REG_WRDATA: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (wrdata_reg_ld = '1') then bram_wrdata_int (i) <= AXI_WDATA (i); else bram_wrdata_int (i) <= bram_wrdata_int (i); end if; end if; end process REG_WRDATA; end generate GEN_WRDATA; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_WR_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Generate BRAM WrData and WE signals based on AXI_WRDATA -- and AXI_WSTRBs when C_ECC is disabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WR_NO_ECC: if C_ECC = 0 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI WSTRB Buffer/Register -- Use AXI write data channel data strobe signals to generate BRAM WE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_BRAM_WE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- Ensure we don't clear WE when loading subsequent WSTRB value if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (clr_bram_we = '1' and bram_we_ld = '0') then bram_we_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_we_ld = '1') then bram_we_int <= AXI_WSTRB; else bram_we_int <= bram_we_int; end if; end if; end process REG_BRAM_WE; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- New logic to detect if pending operation in AWADDR pipeline is -- elgible for back-to-back no "bubble" performance. And BRAM address -- counter can be loaded upon last BRAM address presented for the current -- operation. -- This condition exists when the AWADDR pipeline is full and the pending -- operation is a burst >= length of two data beats. -- And not a FIXED burst type (must be INCR or WRAP type). -- -- Narrow bursts are be neglible -- -- Add check to complete current single and burst of two data bursts -- prior to loading BRAM counter wr_b2b_elgible <= '1' when (axi_awaddr_full = '1') and -- Replace comparator logic here with register signal (pre pipeline stage -- on axi_awlen_pipe value -- Use merge in decode of ONE or TWO (axi_awlen_pipe_1_or_2 /= '1') and (axi_awburst_pipe_fixed /= '1') and -- Use merge in decode of ONE or TWO (curr_awlen_reg_1_or_2 /= '1') else '0'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_WR_NO_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_WR_ECC -- Purpose: Generate BRAM WrData and WE signals based on AXI_WRDATA -- and AXI_WSTRBs when C_ECC is enabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WR_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate begin wr_b2b_elgible <= '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI WSTRB Buffer/Register -- Use AXI write data channel data strobe signals to generate BRAM WE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_BRAM_WE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- Ensure we don't clear WE when loading subsequent WSTRB value if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (reset_bram_we = '1') then bram_we_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (set_bram_we = '1') then bram_we_int <= (others => '1'); else bram_we_int <= bram_we_int; end if; end if; end process REG_BRAM_WE; end generate GEN_WR_ECC; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Implement WREADY to be a registered output. Used by all configurations. -- This will disable the back-to-back streamlined WDATA -- for write operations to BRAM. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_WREADY: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_wready_int_mod <= '0'; -- Keep AXI WREADY asserted unless write data register is full -- Use combinatorial signal from SM. elsif (axi_wdata_full_cmb = '1') then axi_wready_int_mod <= '0'; else axi_wready_int_mod <= '1'; end if; end if; end process REG_WREADY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_WDATA_SM_ECC -- Purpose: Create seperate SM for ECC read-modify-write logic. -- Only used in single port BRAM mode. So, no address -- pipelining. Must use aw_active from arbitration logic -- to determine start of write to BRAM. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test using same write data SM for single or dual port configuration. -- The difference is the source of aw_active. In a single port configuration, -- the aw_active is coming from the arbiter SM. In a dual port configuration, -- the aw_active is coming from the write address SM in this module. GEN_WDATA_SM_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate begin -- Unused in this SM configuration bram_we_ld <= '0'; bram_addr_rst_cmb <= '0'; -- Output only used by ECC register module. Active_Wr <= active_wr_reg; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- WR DATA State Machine -- -- Description: Central processing unit for AXI write data -- channel interface handling and AXI write data response -- handshaking when ECC is enabled. SM will handle -- each transaction as a read-modify-write to ensure -- the correct ECC bits are stored in BRAM. -- -- Dedicated to single port BRAM interface. Transaction -- is not initiated until valid AWADDR is arbitration, -- ie. aw_active will be asserted. SM can do early reads -- while waiting for WVALID to be asserted. -- -- Valid AWADDR recieve indicator comes from arbitration -- logic (aw_active will be asserted). -- -- Outputs: Name Type -- -- aw_active_clr Not Registered -- axi_wdata_full_reg Registered -- wrdata_reg_ld Not Registered -- bvalid_cnt_inc Not Registered -- bram_addr_inc Not Registered -- bram_en_int Registered -- reset_bram_we Not Registered -- set_bram_we Not Registered -- -- -- WR_DATA_ECC_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- WR_DATA_ECC_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_DATA_ECC_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( AXI_WVALID, AXI_WLAST, aw_active, wr_busy_reg, axi_wdata_full_reg, axi_wr_burst, AXI_BREADY, active_wr_reg, wr_data_ecc_sm_cs ) begin -- Assign default values for state machine outputs wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= wr_data_ecc_sm_cs; aw_active_clr <= '0'; wr_busy_cmb <= wr_busy_reg; bvalid_cnt_inc <= '0'; wrdata_reg_ld <= '0'; reset_bram_we <= '0'; set_bram_we_cmb <= '0'; bram_en_cmb <= '0'; bram_addr_inc <= '0'; axi_wdata_full_cmb <= axi_wdata_full_reg; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= axi_wr_burst; active_wr_cmb <= active_wr_reg; case wr_data_ecc_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- Prior to AWVALID assertion, WVALID may be asserted -- and data accepted into WDATA register. -- Catch this condition and ensure the register full flag is set. -- Check that data pipeline is not already full. if (AXI_WVALID = '1') and (axi_wdata_full_reg = '0') then wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; -- Hold off accepting any new write data -- w/ CR # 609695 -- -- -- Set flag to check if single or not -- if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then -- axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '0'; -- else -- axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; -- end if; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= not (AXI_WLAST); -- Set flag to check if single or not end if; -- Check if AWVALID is asserted & wins arbitration if (aw_active = '1') then active_wr_cmb <= '1'; -- Set flag that RMW SM is active -- Controls mux select for BRAM and ECC register module -- (Set to '1' wr_chnl or '0' for rd_chnl control) bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Initiate BRAM read transfer reset_bram_we <= '1'; -- Disable Port A write enables -- Will proceed to read-modify-write if we get a -- valid write address early (before WVALID) wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= RMW_RD_DATA; end if; -- WVALID ------------------------- RMW_RD_DATA State ------------------------- when RMW_RD_DATA => -- Check if data to write is available in data pipeline if (axi_wdata_full_reg = '1') then wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= RMW_CHK_DATA; -- Else may have address, but not yet data from W channel elsif (AXI_WVALID = '1') then -- Ensure that WDATA pipeline is marked as full, so WREADY negates axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; -- Hold off accepting any new write data wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register -- w/ CR # 609695 -- -- -- Set flag to check if single or not -- if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then -- axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '0'; -- else -- axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; -- end if; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= not (AXI_WLAST); -- Set flag to check if single or not wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= RMW_CHK_DATA; else -- Hold here and wait for write data wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= RMW_RD_DATA; end if; ------------------------- RMW_CHK_DATA State ------------------------- when RMW_CHK_DATA => -- New state here to add register stage on calculating -- checkbits for read data and then muxing/creating new -- checkbits for write cycle. -- Go immediately to MODIFY stage in RMW sequence wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= RMW_MOD_DATA; set_bram_we_cmb <= '1'; -- Enable all WEs to BRAM ------------------------- RMW_MOD_DATA State ------------------------- when RMW_MOD_DATA => -- Modify clock cycle in RMW sequence -- Only reach this state after a read AND we have data -- in the write data pipeline to modify and subsequently write to BRAM. bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Initiate BRAM write transfer -- Can clear WDATA pipeline full condition flag if (axi_wr_burst = '1') then axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '0'; end if; wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= RMW_WR_DATA; -- Go to write data to BRAM ------------------------- RMW_WR_DATA State ------------------------- when RMW_WR_DATA => -- Check if last data beat in a burst (or the write is a single) if (axi_wr_burst = '0') then -- Can clear WDATA pipeline full condition flag now that -- write data has gone out to BRAM (for single data transfers) axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '0'; bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; -- Set flag to assert BVALID and increment counter wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= IDLE; -- Go back to IDLE, BVALID assertion is seperate wr_busy_cmb <= '0'; -- Clear flag to arbiter active_wr_cmb <= '0'; -- Clear flag (wr_chnl is done accessing BRAM) -- Used for single port arbitration SM axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '0'; aw_active_clr <= '1'; -- Clear aw_active flag reset_bram_we <= '1'; -- Disable Port A write enables else -- Continue with read-modify-write sequence for write burst -- If next data beat is available on AXI, capture the data if (AXI_WVALID = '1') then wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; -- Hold off accepting any new write data -- w/ CR # 609695 -- -- -- Set flag to check if single or not -- if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then -- axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '0'; -- else -- axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; -- end if; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= not (AXI_WLAST); -- Set flag to check if single or not end if; -- After write cycle (in RMW) => Increment BRAM address counter bram_addr_inc <= '1'; bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Initiate BRAM read transfer reset_bram_we <= '1'; -- Disable Port A write enables -- Will proceed to read-modify-write if we get a -- valid write address early (before WVALID) wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= RMW_RD_DATA; end if; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process WR_DATA_ECC_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_DATA_ECC_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then wr_data_ecc_sm_cs <= IDLE; bram_en_int <= '0'; axi_wdata_full_reg <= '0'; wr_busy_reg <= '0'; active_wr_reg <= '0'; set_bram_we <= '0'; else wr_data_ecc_sm_cs <= wr_data_ecc_sm_ns; bram_en_int <= bram_en_cmb; axi_wdata_full_reg <= axi_wdata_full_cmb; wr_busy_reg <= wr_busy_cmb; active_wr_reg <= active_wr_cmb; set_bram_we <= set_bram_we_cmb; end if; end if; end process WR_DATA_ECC_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_WDATA_SM_ECC; -- v1.03a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_WDATA_SM_NO_ECC_SNG_REG_WREADY -- Purpose: Create seperate SM use case of no ECC (no read-modify-write) -- and single port BRAM configuration (no back to back operations -- are supported). Must wait for aw_active from arbiter to indicate -- control on BRAM interface. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WDATA_SM_NO_ECC_SNG_REG_WREADY: if C_ECC = 0 and C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1 generate begin -- Unused in this SM configuration wr_busy_cmb <= '0'; -- Unused wr_busy_reg <= '0'; -- Unused active_wr_cmb <= '0'; -- Unused active_wr_reg <= '0'; -- Unused Active_Wr <= '0'; -- Unused --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- WR DATA State Machine -- -- Description: Central processing unit for AXI write data -- channel interface handling and AXI write data response -- handshaking. -- -- Outputs: Name Type -- aw_active_clr Not Registered -- bvalid_cnt_inc Not Registered -- wrdata_reg_ld Not Registered -- bram_we_ld Not Registered -- bram_en_int Registered -- clr_bram_we Registered -- bram_addr_inc Not Registered -- wrdata_reg_ld Not Registered -- -- Note: -- -- On "narrow burst transfers" BRAM address only -- gets incremented at BRAM data width. -- On WRAP bursts, the BRAM address must wrap when -- the max is reached -- -- -- -- WR_DATA_SNG_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- WR_DATA_SNG_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_DATA_SNG_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( AXI_WVALID, AXI_WLAST, aw_active, axi_wr_burst, axi_wdata_full_reg, wr_data_sng_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs wr_data_sng_sm_ns <= wr_data_sng_sm_cs; aw_active_clr <= '0'; bvalid_cnt_inc <= '0'; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= axi_wr_burst; wrdata_reg_ld <= '0'; bram_we_ld <= '0'; bram_en_cmb <= '0'; clr_bram_we_cmb <= '0'; bram_addr_inc <= '0'; bram_addr_rst_cmb <= '0'; axi_wdata_full_cmb <= axi_wdata_full_reg; case wr_data_sng_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- Prior to AWVALID assertion, WVALID may be asserted -- and data accepted into WDATA register. -- Catch this condition and ensure the register full flag is set. -- Check that data pipeline is not already full. -- -- Modify WE pipeline and mux to BRAM -- as well. Since WE may be asserted early (when pipeline is loaded), -- but not yet ready to go out to BRAM. -- -- Only first data beat will be accepted early into data pipeline. -- All remaining beats in a burst will only be accepted upon WVALID. if (AXI_WVALID = '1') and (axi_wdata_full_reg = '0') then wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Load WE register axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; -- Hold off accepting any new write data axi_wr_burst_cmb <= not (AXI_WLAST); -- Set flag to check if single or not end if; -- Wait for WVALID and aw_active to initiate write transfer if (aw_active = '1' and (AXI_WVALID = '1' or axi_wdata_full_reg = '1')) then -- If operation is a single, then it goes directly out to BRAM -- WDATA register is never marked as FULL in this case. -- If data pipeline is not previously loaded, do so now. if (axi_wdata_full_reg = '0') then wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Load WE register end if; -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- If data goes out to BRAM, mark data register as EMPTY axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '0'; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= not (AXI_WLAST); -- Set flag to check if single or not -- Check for singles, by checking WLAST assertion w/ WVALID -- Only if write data pipeline is not yet filled, check WLAST -- Otherwise, if pipeline is already full, use registered value of WLAST -- to check for single vs. burst write operation. if (AXI_WLAST = '1' and axi_wdata_full_reg = '0') or (axi_wdata_full_reg = '1' and axi_wr_burst = '0') then -- Single data write wr_data_sng_sm_ns <= SNG_WR_DATA; -- Set flag to assert BVALID and increment counter bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; -- BRAM WE only asserted for single clock cycle clr_bram_we_cmb <= '1'; else -- Burst data write wr_data_sng_sm_ns <= BRST_WR_DATA; end if; -- WLAST end if; ------------------------- SNG_WR_DATA State ------------------------- when SNG_WR_DATA => -- If WREADY is registered, then BVALID generation is seperate -- from write data flow. -- Go back to IDLE automatically -- BVALID will get asserted seperately from W channel wr_data_sng_sm_ns <= IDLE; bram_addr_rst_cmb <= '1'; aw_active_clr <= '1'; -- Check for capture of next data beat (WREADY will be asserted) if (AXI_WVALID = '1') then wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Load WE register axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; -- Hold off accepting any new write data axi_wr_burst_cmb <= not (AXI_WLAST); -- Set flag to check if single or not else axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '0'; -- If no next data, ensure data register is flagged EMPTY. end if; ------------------------- BRST_WR_DATA State ------------------------- when BRST_WR_DATA => -- Reach this state at the 2nd data beat of a burst -- AWADDR is already accepted -- Continue to accept data from AXI write channel -- and wait for assertion of WLAST -- Check that WVALID remains asserted for burst -- If negated, indicates throttling from AXI master if (AXI_WVALID = '1') then -- If WVALID is asserted for the 2nd and remaining -- data beats of the transfer -- Continue w/ BRAM write enable assertion & advance -- write data register -- Write data goes directly out to BRAM. -- WDATA register is never marked as FULL in this case. wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Load WE register -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Increment BRAM address counter bram_addr_inc <= '1'; -- Check for last data beat in burst transfer if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then -- Last/single data write wr_data_sng_sm_ns <= SNG_WR_DATA; -- Set flag to assert BVALID and increment counter bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; -- BRAM WE only asserted for single clock cycle clr_bram_we_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- WLAST -- Throttling -- Suspend BRAM write & halt write data & WE register load else -- Negate write data register load wrdata_reg_ld <= '0'; -- Negate WE register load bram_we_ld <= '0'; -- Negate write to BRAM bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- Do not increment BRAM address counter bram_addr_inc <= '0'; end if; -- WVALID --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => wr_data_sng_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process WR_DATA_SNG_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_DATA_SNG_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then wr_data_sng_sm_cs <= IDLE; bram_en_int <= '0'; clr_bram_we <= '0'; axi_wdata_full_reg <= '0'; else wr_data_sng_sm_cs <= wr_data_sng_sm_ns; bram_en_int <= bram_en_cmb; clr_bram_we <= clr_bram_we_cmb; axi_wdata_full_reg <= axi_wdata_full_cmb; end if; end if; end process WR_DATA_SNG_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_WDATA_SM_NO_ECC_SNG_REG_WREADY; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_WDATA_SM_NO_ECC_DUAL_REG_WREADY -- -- Purpose: Create seperate SM for new logic to register out WREADY -- signal. Behavior for back-to-back operations is different -- than with combinatorial genearted WREADY output to AXI. -- -- New SM design supports seperate WREADY and BVALID responses. -- -- New logic here for axi_bvalid_int output register based -- on counter design of BVALID. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WDATA_SM_NO_ECC_DUAL_REG_WREADY: if C_ECC = 0 and C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 generate begin -- Unused in this SM configuration active_wr_cmb <= '0'; -- Unused active_wr_reg <= '0'; -- Unused Active_Wr <= '0'; -- Unused wr_busy_cmb <= '0'; -- Unused wr_busy_reg <= '0'; -- Unused --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- WR DATA State Machine -- -- Description: Central processing unit for AXI write data -- channel interface handling and AXI write data response -- handshaking. -- -- Outputs: Name Type -- bvalid_cnt_inc Not Registered -- aw_active_clr Not Registered -- delay_aw_active_clr Registered -- axi_wdata_full_reg Registered -- bram_en_int Registered -- wrdata_reg_ld Not Registered -- bram_we_ld Not Registered -- clr_bram_we Registered -- bram_addr_inc -- -- Note: -- -- On "narrow burst transfers" BRAM address only -- gets incremented at BRAM data width. -- On WRAP bursts, the BRAM address must wrap when -- the max is reached -- -- Add check on BVALID counter max. Check with -- AWVALID assertions (since AWID is connected to AWVALID). -- -- -- WR_DATA_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- WR_DATA_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_DATA_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( AXI_WVALID, AXI_WLAST, bvalid_cnt_max, bvalid_cnt_amax, aw_active, delay_aw_active_clr, AXI_AWVALID, axi_awready_int, bram_addr_ld_en, axi_awaddr_full, awaddr_pipe_sel, axi_wr_burst, axi_wdata_full_reg, wr_b2b_elgible, wr_data_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs wr_data_sm_ns <= wr_data_sm_cs; aw_active_clr <= '0'; delay_aw_active_clr_cmb <= delay_aw_active_clr; bvalid_cnt_inc <= '0'; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= axi_wr_burst; wrdata_reg_ld <= '0'; bram_we_ld <= '0'; bram_en_cmb <= '0'; clr_bram_we_cmb <= '0'; bram_addr_inc <= '0'; bram_addr_rst_cmb <= '0'; axi_wdata_full_cmb <= axi_wdata_full_reg; case wr_data_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- Check valid write data on AXI write data channel if (AXI_WVALID = '1') then wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Load WE register -- Add condition to check for simultaneous assertion -- of AWVALID and AWREADY if ((aw_active = '1') or (AXI_AWVALID = '1' and axi_awready_int = '1')) and -- Ensure the BVALID counter does not roll over (max = 8 ID values) (bvalid_cnt_max = '0') then -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Check for singles, by checking WLAST assertion w/ WVALID if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then -- Single data write wr_data_sm_ns <= SNG_WR_DATA; -- Set flag to assert BVALID and increment counter bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; -- Set flag to delay clear of AW active flag delay_aw_active_clr_cmb <= '1'; -- BRAM WE only asserted for single clock cycle clr_bram_we_cmb <= '1'; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '0'; else -- Burst data write wr_data_sm_ns <= BRST_WR_DATA; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- WLAST else -- AWADDR not yet received -- Go to wait for write address wr_data_sm_ns <= W8_AWADDR; -- Set flag that AXI write data pipe is full -- and can not accept any more data beats -- WREADY on AXI will negate in this condition. axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; -- Set flag for single/burst write operation -- when AWADDR is not yet received if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '0'; else axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- WLAST end if; -- aw_active end if; -- WVALID ------------------------- W8_AWADDR State ------------------------- when W8_AWADDR => -- As we transition into this state, the write data pipeline -- is already filled. axi_wdata_full_reg should be = '1'. -- Disable any additional loads into write data register -- Default value in SM is applied. -- Wait for write address to be acknowledged if (((aw_active = '1') or (AXI_AWVALID = '1' and axi_awready_int = '1')) or -- Detect load of BRAM address counter from value stored in pipeline. -- No need to wait until aw_active is asserted or address is captured from AXI bus. -- As BRAM address is loaded from pipe and ready to be presented to BRAM. -- Assert BRAM WE. (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' and axi_awaddr_full = '1' and awaddr_pipe_sel = '1')) and -- Ensure the BVALID counter does not roll over (max = 8 ID values) (bvalid_cnt_max = '0') then -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Negate write data full condition axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '0'; -- Check if single or burst operation if (axi_wr_burst = '1') then wr_data_sm_ns <= BRST_WR_DATA; else wr_data_sm_ns <= SNG_WR_DATA; -- BRAM WE only asserted for single clock cycle clr_bram_we_cmb <= '1'; -- Set flag to assert BVALID and increment counter bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; delay_aw_active_clr_cmb <= '1'; end if; else -- Set flag that AXI write data pipe is full -- and can not accept any more data beats -- WREADY on AXI will negate in this condition. axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; end if; ------------------------- SNG_WR_DATA State ------------------------- when SNG_WR_DATA => -- No need to check for BVALID assertion here. -- Move here under if clause on write response channel -- acknowledging completion of write data. -- If aw_active was not cleared prior to this state, then -- clear the flag now. if (delay_aw_active_clr = '1') then delay_aw_active_clr_cmb <= '0'; aw_active_clr <= '1'; end if; -- Add check here if while writing single data beat to BRAM, -- a new AXI data beat is received (prior to the AWVALID assertion). -- Ensure here that full flag is asserted for data pipeline state. -- Check valid write data on AXI write data channel if (AXI_WVALID = '1') then -- Load write data register wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Must also load WE register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Set flag that AXI write data pipe is full -- and can not accept any more data beats -- WREADY on AXI will negate in this condition. -- Ensure that axi_wdata_full_reg is asserted -- to prevent early captures on next data burst (or single data -- transfer) -- This ensures that the data beats do not get skipped. axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; -- AWADDR not yet received -- Go to wait for write address wr_data_sm_ns <= W8_AWADDR; -- Accept no more new write data after this first data beat -- Pipeline is already full in this state. No need to assert -- no_wdata_accept flag to '1'. -- Set flag for single/burst write operation -- when AWADDR is not yet received if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '0'; else axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- WLAST else -- No subsequent pending operation -- Return to IDLE wr_data_sm_ns <= IDLE; bram_addr_rst_cmb <= '1'; end if; ------------------------- BRST_WR_DATA State ------------------------- when BRST_WR_DATA => -- Reach this state at the 2nd data beat of a burst -- AWADDR is already accepted -- Continue to accept data from AXI write channel -- and wait for assertion of WLAST -- Check that WVALID remains asserted for burst -- If negated, indicates throttling from AXI master if (AXI_WVALID = '1') then -- If WVALID is asserted for the 2nd and remaining -- data beats of the transfer -- Continue w/ BRAM write enable assertion & advance -- write data register wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Load WE register bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_addr_inc <= '1'; -- Increment BRAM address counter -- Check for last data beat in burst transfer if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then -- Set flag to assert BVALID and increment counter bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; -- The elgible signal will not be asserted for a subsequent -- single data beat operation. Next operation is a burst. -- And the AWADDR is loaded in the address pipeline. -- Only if BVALID counter can handle next transfer, -- proceed with back-to-back. Otherwise, go to IDLE -- (after last data write). if (wr_b2b_elgible = '1' and bvalid_cnt_amax = '0') then -- Go to next operation and handle as a -- back-to-back burst. No empty clock cycles. -- Go to handle new burst for back to back condition wr_data_sm_ns <= B2B_W8_WR_DATA; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; -- No pending subsequent transfer (burst > 2 data beats) -- to process else -- Last/single data write wr_data_sm_ns <= SNG_WR_DATA; -- Be sure to clear aw_active flag at end of write burst -- But delay when the flag is cleared delay_aw_active_clr_cmb <= '1'; end if; end if; -- WLAST -- Throttling -- Suspend BRAM write & halt write data & WE register load else wrdata_reg_ld <= '0'; -- Negate write data register load bram_we_ld <= '0'; -- Negate WE register load bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- Negate write to BRAM bram_addr_inc <= '0'; -- Do not increment BRAM address counter end if; -- WVALID ------------------------- B2B_W8_WR_DATA -------------------------- when B2B_W8_WR_DATA => -- Reach this state upon a back-to-back condition -- when BVALID/BREADY handshake is received, -- but WVALID is not yet asserted for subsequent transfer. -- Check valid write data on AXI write data channel if (AXI_WVALID = '1') then -- Load write data register wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load WE register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Burst data write wr_data_sm_ns <= BRST_WR_DATA; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; -- Make modification to last_data_ack_mod signal -- so that it is asserted when this state is reached -- and the BRAM address counter gets loaded. -- WVALID not yet asserted else wrdata_reg_ld <= '0'; -- Negate write data register load bram_we_ld <= '0'; -- Negate WE register load bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- Negate write to BRAM bram_addr_inc <= '0'; -- Do not increment BRAM address counter end if; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => wr_data_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process WR_DATA_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_DATA_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then wr_data_sm_cs <= IDLE; bram_en_int <= '0'; clr_bram_we <= '0'; delay_aw_active_clr <= '0'; axi_wdata_full_reg <= '0'; else wr_data_sm_cs <= wr_data_sm_ns; bram_en_int <= bram_en_cmb; clr_bram_we <= clr_bram_we_cmb; delay_aw_active_clr <= delay_aw_active_clr_cmb; axi_wdata_full_reg <= axi_wdata_full_cmb; end if; end if; end process WR_DATA_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_WDATA_SM_NO_ECC_DUAL_REG_WREADY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_BURST_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_wr_burst <= '0'; else axi_wr_burst <= axi_wr_burst_cmb; end if; end if; end process WR_BURST_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Write Response Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- New FIFO storage for BID, so AWID can be stored in -- a FIFO and B response is seperated from W response. -- -- Use registered WREADY & BID FIFO in single port configuration. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instantiate FIFO to store BID values to be asserted back on B channel. -- Only 8 entries deep, BVALID counter only allows W channel to be 8 ahead of -- B channel. -- -- If AWID is a single bit wide, sythesis optimizes the module, srl_fifo, -- to a single SRL16E library module. BID_FIFO: entity work.srl_fifo generic map ( C_DATA_BITS => C_AXI_ID_WIDTH, C_DEPTH => 8 ) port map ( Clk => S_AXI_AClk, Reset => bid_fifo_rst, FIFO_Write => bid_fifo_ld_en, Data_In => bid_fifo_ld, FIFO_Read => bid_fifo_rd_en, Data_Out => bid_fifo_rd, FIFO_Full => open, Data_Exists => bid_fifo_not_empty, Addr => open ); bid_fifo_rst <= not (S_AXI_AResetn); bid_fifo_ld_en <= bram_addr_ld_en; bid_fifo_ld <= AXI_AWID when (awaddr_pipe_sel = '0') else axi_awid_pipe; -- Read from FIFO when BVALID is to be asserted on bus, or in a back-to-back assertion -- when a BID value is available in the FIFO. bid_fifo_rd_en <= bid_fifo_not_empty and -- Only read if data is available. ((bid_gets_fifo_load_d1) or -- a) Do the FIFO read in the clock cycle -- following the BID value directly -- aserted on the B channel (from AWID or pipeline). (first_fifo_bid) or -- b) Read from FIFO when BID is previously stored -- but BVALID is not yet asserted on AXI. (bvalid_cnt_dec)); -- c) Or read when next BID value is to be updated -- on B channel (and exists waiting in FIFO). -- 1) Special case (1st load in FIFO) (and single clock cycle turnaround needed on BID, from AWID). -- If loading the FIFO and BVALID is to be asserted in the next clock cycle -- Then capture this condition to read from FIFO in the subsequent clock cycle -- (and clear the BID value stored in the FIFO). bid_gets_fifo_load <= '1' when (bid_fifo_ld_en = '1') and (first_fifo_bid = '1' or b2b_fifo_bid = '1') else '0'; first_fifo_bid <= '1' when ((bvalid_cnt_inc = '1') and (bvalid_cnt_non_zero = '0')) else '0'; -- 2) An additional special case. -- When write data register is loaded for single (bvalid_cnt = "001", due to WLAST/WVALID) -- But, AWID not yet received (FIFO is still empty). -- If BID FIFO is still empty with the BVALID counter decrement, but simultaneously -- is increment (same condition as first_fifo_bid). b2b_fifo_bid <= '1' when (bvalid_cnt_inc = '1' and bvalid_cnt_dec = '1' and bvalid_cnt = "001" and bid_fifo_not_empty = '0') else '0'; -- Output BID register to B AXI channel REG_BID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_bid_int <= (others => '0'); -- If loading the FIFO and BVALID is to be asserted in the next clock cycle -- Then output the AWID or pipelined value (the same BID that gets loaded into FIFO). elsif (bid_gets_fifo_load = '1') then axi_bid_int <= bid_fifo_ld; -- If new value read from FIFO then ensure that value is updated on AXI. elsif (bid_fifo_rd_en = '1') then axi_bid_int <= bid_fifo_rd; else axi_bid_int <= axi_bid_int; end if; end if; end process REG_BID; -- Capture condition of BID output updated while the FIFO is also -- getting updated. Read FIFO in the subsequent clock cycle to -- clear the value stored in the FIFO. REG_BID_LD: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then bid_gets_fifo_load_d1 <= '0'; else bid_gets_fifo_load_d1 <= bid_gets_fifo_load; end if; end if; end process REG_BID_LD; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_BRESP Output Register --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRESP -- Purpose: Generate BRESP output signal when ECC is disabled. -- Only allowable output is RESP_OKAY. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRESP: if C_ECC = 0 generate begin REG_BRESP: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_bresp_int <= (others => '0'); -- elsif (AXI_WLAST = '1') then -- CR # 609695 elsif ((AXI_WLAST and AXI_WVALID and axi_wready_int_mod) = '1') then -- AXI BRAM only supports OK response for normal operations -- Exclusive operations not yet supported axi_bresp_int <= RESP_OKAY; else axi_bresp_int <= axi_bresp_int; end if; end if; end process REG_BRESP; end generate GEN_BRESP; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRESP_ECC -- Purpose: Generate BRESP output signal when ECC is enabled -- If no ECC error condition is detected during the RMW -- sequence, then output will be RESP_OKAY. When an -- uncorrectable error is detected, the output will RESP_SLVERR. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRESP_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate signal UE_Q_reg : std_logic := '0'; begin REG_BRESP: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_bresp_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 = '1') then --coverage off -- Exclusive operations not yet supported -- If no ECC errors occur, respond with OK if (UE_Q = '1') or (UE_Q_reg = '1') then axi_bresp_int <= RESP_SLVERR; --coverage on else axi_bresp_int <= RESP_OKAY; end if; else axi_bresp_int <= axi_bresp_int; end if; end if; end process REG_BRESP; -- Check if any error conditions occured during the write operation. -- Capture condition for each write transfer. REG_UE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- Clear at end of current write (and ensure the flag is cleared -- at the beginning of a write transfer) if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (aw_active_re = '1') or (AXI_BREADY = '1' and axi_bvalid_int = '1') then UE_Q_reg <= '0'; --coverage off elsif (UE_Q = '1') then UE_Q_reg <= '1'; --coverage on else UE_Q_reg <= UE_Q_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_UE; end generate GEN_BRESP_ECC; -- v1.03a --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instantiate BVALID counter outside of specific SM generate block. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BVALID counter to track the # of required BVALID/BREADY handshakes -- needed to occur on the AXI interface. Based on early and seperate -- AWVALID/AWREADY and WVALID/WREADY handshake exchanges. REG_BVALID_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then bvalid_cnt <= (others => '0'); -- Ensure we only increment counter wyhen BREADY is not asserted elsif (bvalid_cnt_inc = '1') and (bvalid_cnt_dec = '0') then bvalid_cnt <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (bvalid_cnt (2 downto 0)) + 1); -- Ensure that we only decrement when SM is not incrementing elsif (bvalid_cnt_dec = '1') and (bvalid_cnt_inc = '0') then bvalid_cnt <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (bvalid_cnt (2 downto 0)) - 1); else bvalid_cnt <= bvalid_cnt; end if; end if; end process REG_BVALID_CNT; bvalid_cnt_dec <= '1' when (AXI_BREADY = '1' and axi_bvalid_int = '1' and bvalid_cnt_non_zero = '1') else '0'; bvalid_cnt_non_zero <= '1' when (bvalid_cnt /= "000") else '0'; bvalid_cnt_amax <= '1' when (bvalid_cnt = "110") else '0'; bvalid_cnt_max <= '1' when (bvalid_cnt = "111") else '0'; -- Replace BVALID output register -- Assert BVALID as long as BVALID counter /= zero REG_BVALID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- Ensure that if we are also incrementing BVALID counter, the BVALID stays asserted. (bvalid_cnt = "001" and bvalid_cnt_dec = '1' and bvalid_cnt_inc = '0') then axi_bvalid_int <= '0'; elsif (bvalid_cnt_non_zero = '1') or (bvalid_cnt_inc = '1') then axi_bvalid_int <= '1'; else axi_bvalid_int <= '0'; end if; end if; end process REG_BVALID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** ECC Logic *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_ECC -- Purpose: Generate BRAM ECC write data and check ECC on read operations. -- Create signals to update ECC registers (lite_ecc_reg module interface). -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate constant null7 : std_logic_vector(0 to 6) := "0000000"; -- Specific to 32-bit data width (AXI-Lite) constant null8 : std_logic_vector(0 to 7) := "00000000"; -- Specific to 64-bit data width -- constant C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := Family_To_LUT_Size (String_To_Family (C_FAMILY,false)) = 6; -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- All architectures supporting AXI will support a LUT6. -- Hard code this internal constant used in ECC algorithm. constant C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := TRUE; signal RdECC : std_logic_vector(C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Temp signal WrECC : std_logic_vector(C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal WrECC_i : std_logic_vector(C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal AXI_WSTRB_Q : std_logic_vector((C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 - 1) downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal Syndrome : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal Syndrome_4 : std_logic_vector (0 to 1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to 32-bit ECC signal Syndrome_6 : std_logic_vector (0 to 5) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to 32-bit ECC signal Syndrome_7 : std_logic_vector (0 to 11) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to 64-bit ECC signal syndrome_reg_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal syndrome_reg : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal RdModifyWr_Read : std_logic := '0'; -- Read cycle in read modify write sequence signal RdModifyWr_Read_i : std_logic := '0'; signal RdModifyWr_Check : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_din_a_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Set for port data width signal UnCorrectedRdData : std_logic_vector(0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal CE_Q : std_logic := '0'; signal Sl_CE_i : std_logic := '0'; signal Sl_UE_i : std_logic := '0'; subtype syndrome_bits is std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- 0:6 for 32-bit ECC -- 0:7 for 64-bit ECC type correct_data_table_type is array (natural range 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) of syndrome_bits; type bool_array is array (natural range 0 to 6) of boolean; constant inverted_bit : bool_array := (false,false,true,false,true,false,false); -- v1.03a constant CODE_WIDTH : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; constant ECC_WIDTH : integer := C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; signal h_rows : std_logic_vector (CODE_WIDTH * ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); begin -- Generate signal to advance BRAM read address pipeline to -- capture address for ECC error conditions (in lite_ecc_reg module). BRAM_Addr_En <= RdModifyWr_Read; -- v1.03a RdModifyWr_Read <= '1' when (wr_data_ecc_sm_cs = RMW_RD_DATA) else '0'; RdModifyWr_Modify <= '1' when (wr_data_ecc_sm_cs = RMW_MOD_DATA) else '0'; RdModifyWr_Write <= '1' when (wr_data_ecc_sm_cs = RMW_WR_DATA) else '0'; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Remember write data one cycle to be available after read has been completed in a -- read/modify write operation. -- Save WSTRBs here in this register REG_WSTRB : process (S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then AXI_WSTRB_Q <= (others => '0'); elsif (wrdata_reg_ld = '1') then AXI_WSTRB_Q <= AXI_WSTRB; end if; end if; end process REG_WSTRB; -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_WRDATA_CMB -- Purpose: Replace manual signal assignment for WrData_cmb with -- generate funtion. -- -- Ensure correct byte swapping occurs with -- CorrectedRdData (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) assignment -- to WrData_cmb (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0). -- -- AXI_WSTRB_Q (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES-1 downto 0) matches -- to WrData_cmb (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0). -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_WRDATA_CMB: for i in C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES-1 downto 0 generate begin WrData_cmb ( (((i+1)*8)-1) downto i*8 ) <= bram_wrdata_int ((((i+1)*8)-1) downto i*8) when (RdModifyWr_Modify = '1' and AXI_WSTRB_Q(i) = '1') else CorrectedRdData ( (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - ((i+1)*8)) to (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - (i*8) - 1) ); end generate GEN_WRDATA_CMB; REG_WRDATA : process (S_AXI_AClk) is begin -- Remove reset value to minimize resources & improve timing if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then WrData <= WrData_cmb; end if; end process REG_WRDATA; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- New assignment of ECC bits to BRAM write data outside generate -- blocks. Same signal assignment regardless of ECC type. BRAM_WrData ((C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_WIDTH - 1) downto C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) <= WrECC_i xor FaultInjectECC; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HSIAO_ECC -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. -- Derived from MIG v3.7 Hsiao HDL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HSIAO_ECC: if C_ECC_TYPE = 1 generate constant ECC_WIDTH : integer := C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; type type_int0 is array (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector (ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal syndrome_ns : std_logic_vector(ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal syndrome_r : std_logic_vector(ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal ecc_rddata_r : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal h_matrix : type_int0; signal flip_bits : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); begin ---------------------- Hsiao ECC Write Logic ---------------------- -- Instantiate ecc_gen_hsiao module, generated from MIG ECC_GEN_HSIAO: entity work.ecc_gen generic map ( code_width => CODE_WIDTH, ecc_width => ECC_WIDTH, data_width => C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH ) port map ( -- Output h_rows => h_rows (CODE_WIDTH * ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) ); -- Merge muxed rd/write data to gen HSIAO_ECC: process (h_rows, WrData) constant DQ_WIDTH : integer := CODE_WIDTH; variable ecc_wrdata_tmp : std_logic_vector(DQ_WIDTH-1 downto C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); begin -- Loop to generate all ECC bits for k in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 loop ecc_wrdata_tmp (CODE_WIDTH - k - 1) := REDUCTION_XOR ( (WrData (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) and h_rows (k * CODE_WIDTH + C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto k * CODE_WIDTH))); end loop; WrECC (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= ecc_wrdata_tmp (DQ_WIDTH-1 downto C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); end process HSIAO_ECC; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ECC_32 -- Purpose: For 32-bit ECC implementations, assign unused -- MSB of ECC output to BRAM with '0'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC_32: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate begin -- Account for 32-bit and MSB '0' of ECC bits WrECC_i <= '0' & WrECC; end generate GEN_ECC_32; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ECC_N -- Purpose: For all non 32-bit ECC implementations, assign ECC -- bits for BRAM output. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC_N: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH /= 32 generate begin WrECC_i <= WrECC; end generate GEN_ECC_N; ---------------------- Hsiao ECC Read Logic ----------------------- GEN_RD_ECC: for m in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 generate begin syndrome_ns (m) <= REDUCTION_XOR ( BRAM_RdData (CODE_WIDTH-1 downto 0) and h_rows ((m*CODE_WIDTH)+CODE_WIDTH-1 downto (m*CODE_WIDTH))); end generate GEN_RD_ECC; -- Insert register stage for syndrome REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then syndrome_r <= syndrome_ns; end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; ecc_rddata_r <= UnCorrectedRdData; -- Reconstruct H-matrix H_COL: for n in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 generate begin H_BIT: for p in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 generate begin h_matrix (n)(p) <= h_rows (p * CODE_WIDTH + n); end generate H_BIT; end generate H_COL; GEN_FLIP_BIT: for r in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 generate begin flip_bits (r) <= BOOLEAN_TO_STD_LOGIC (h_matrix (r) = syndrome_r); end generate GEN_FLIP_BIT; CorrectedRdData (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) <= ecc_rddata_r (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) xor flip_bits (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); Sl_CE_i <= not (REDUCTION_NOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))) and (REDUCTION_XOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))); Sl_UE_i <= not (REDUCTION_NOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))) and not (REDUCTION_XOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))); end generate GEN_HSIAO_ECC; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HAMMING_ECC -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HAMMING_ECC: if C_ECC_TYPE = 0 generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ECC_32 -- Purpose: Assign ECC out data vector (N:0) unique for 32-bit BRAM. -- Add extra '0' at MSB of ECC vector for data2mem alignment -- w/ 32-bit BRAM data widths. -- ECC bits are in upper order bits. ----------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC_32: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate constant correct_data_table_32 : correct_data_table_type := ( 0 => "1100001", 1 => "1010001", 2 => "0110001", 3 => "1110001", 4 => "1001001", 5 => "0101001", 6 => "1101001", 7 => "0011001", 8 => "1011001", 9 => "0111001", 10 => "1111001", 11 => "1000101", 12 => "0100101", 13 => "1100101", 14 => "0010101", 15 => "1010101", 16 => "0110101", 17 => "1110101", 18 => "0001101", 19 => "1001101", 20 => "0101101", 21 => "1101101", 22 => "0011101", 23 => "1011101", 24 => "0111101", 25 => "1111101", 26 => "1000011", 27 => "0100011", 28 => "1100011", 29 => "0010011", 30 => "1010011", 31 => "0110011" ); signal syndrome_4_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific for 32-bit ECC signal syndrome_6_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 5) := (others => '0'); -- Specific for 32-bit ECC begin --------------------- Hamming 32-bit ECC Write Logic ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_WR_32 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for writing into BRAM. -- WrData (N:0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHK_HANDLER_WR_32: entity work.checkbit_handler generic map ( C_ENCODE => true, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( DataIn => WrData, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 31)] CheckIn => null7, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] CheckOut => WrECC, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome_4 => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 1)] Syndrome_6 => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 5)] Syndrome_Chk => null7, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Enable_ECC => '1', -- [in std_logic] UE_Q => '0', -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => '0', -- [in std_logic] UE => open, -- [out std_logic] CE => open ); -- [out std_logic] -- v1.03a -- Account for 32-bit and MSB '0' of ECC bits WrECC_i <= '0' & WrECC; --------------------- Hamming 32-bit ECC Read Logic ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_RD_32 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHK_HANDLER_RD_32: entity work.checkbit_handler generic map ( C_ENCODE => false, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( -- DataIn (8:39) -- CheckIn (1:7) DataIn => bram_din_a_i(C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+1 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 31)] CheckIn => bram_din_a_i(1 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] CheckOut => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome => Syndrome, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome_4 => Syndrome_4, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 1)] Syndrome_6 => Syndrome_6, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 5)] Syndrome_Chk => syndrome_reg_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] UE_Q => UE_Q, -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => CE_Q, -- [in std_logic] UE => Sl_UE_i, -- [out std_logic] CE => Sl_CE_i ); -- [out std_logic] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Insert register stage for syndrome REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then syndrome_reg <= Syndrome; syndrome_4_reg <= Syndrome_4; syndrome_6_reg <= Syndrome_6; end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do last XOR on select syndrome bits outside of checkbit_handler (to match rd_chnl -- w/ balanced pipeline stage) before correct_one_bit module. syndrome_reg_i (0 to 3) <= syndrome_reg (0 to 3); PARITY_CHK4: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 2) port map ( InA => syndrome_4_reg (0 to 1), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_reg_i (4) ); -- [out std_logic] syndrome_reg_i (5) <= syndrome_reg (5); PARITY_CHK6: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => syndrome_6_reg (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_reg_i (6) ); -- [out std_logic] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_CORR_32 -- Purpose: Generate corrected read data based on syndrome value. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_CORR_32: for i in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CORR_ONE_BIT_32 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORR_ONE_BIT_32: entity work.correct_one_bit generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, Correct_Value => correct_data_table_32 (i)) port map ( DIn => UnCorrectedRdData (i), Syndrome => syndrome_reg_i, DCorr => CorrectedRdData (i)); end generate GEN_CORR_32; end generate GEN_ECC_32; ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ECC_64 -- Purpose: Assign ECC out data vector (N:0) unique for 64-bit BRAM. -- No extra '0' at MSB of ECC vector for data2mem alignment -- w/ 64-bit BRAM data widths. -- ECC bits are in upper order bits. ----------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC_64: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate constant correct_data_table_64 : correct_data_table_type := ( 0 => "11000001", 1 => "10100001", 2 => "01100001", 3 => "11100001", 4 => "10010001", 5 => "01010001", 6 => "11010001", 7 => "00110001", 8 => "10110001", 9 => "01110001", 10 => "11110001", 11 => "10001001", 12 => "01001001", 13 => "11001001", 14 => "00101001", 15 => "10101001", 16 => "01101001", 17 => "11101001", 18 => "00011001", 19 => "10011001", 20 => "01011001", 21 => "11011001", 22 => "00111001", 23 => "10111001", 24 => "01111001", 25 => "11111001", 26 => "10000101", 27 => "01000101", 28 => "11000101", 29 => "00100101", 30 => "10100101", 31 => "01100101", 32 => "11100101", 33 => "00010101", 34 => "10010101", 35 => "01010101", 36 => "11010101", 37 => "00110101", 38 => "10110101", 39 => "01110101", 40 => "11110101", 41 => "00001101", 42 => "10001101", 43 => "01001101", 44 => "11001101", 45 => "00101101", 46 => "10101101", 47 => "01101101", 48 => "11101101", 49 => "00011101", 50 => "10011101", 51 => "01011101", 52 => "11011101", 53 => "00111101", 54 => "10111101", 55 => "01111101", 56 => "11111101", 57 => "10000011", 58 => "01000011", 59 => "11000011", 60 => "00100011", 61 => "10100011", 62 => "01100011", 63 => "11100011" ); signal syndrome_7_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 11) := (others => '0'); signal syndrome7_a : std_logic := '0'; signal syndrome7_b : std_logic := '0'; begin --------------------- Hamming 64-bit ECC Write Logic ------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_WR_64 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for writing into BRAM when configured -- as 64-bit wide BRAM. -- WrData (N:0) -- Enable C_REG on encode path. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHK_HANDLER_WR_64: entity work.checkbit_handler_64 generic map ( C_ENCODE => true, -- [boolean] C_REG => true, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( Clk => S_AXI_AClk, -- [in std_logic] DataIn => WrData_cmb, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 63)] CheckIn => null8, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] CheckOut => WrECC, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Syndrome => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Syndrome_7 => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 11)] Syndrome_Chk => null8, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Enable_ECC => '1', -- [in std_logic] UE_Q => '0', -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => '0', -- [in std_logic] UE => open, -- [out std_logic] CE => open ); -- [out std_logic] -- Note: (7:0) Old bit lane assignment -- BRAM_WrData ((C_ECC_WIDTH - 1) downto 0) -- v1.02a -- WrECC is assigned to BRAM_WrData (71:64) -- v1.03a -- BRAM_WrData (71:64) assignment done outside of this -- ECC type generate block. WrECC_i <= WrECC; --------------------- Hamming 64-bit ECC Read Logic ------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_RD_64 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHK_HANDLER_RD_64: entity work.checkbit_handler_64 generic map ( C_ENCODE => false, -- [boolean] C_REG => false, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( Clk => S_AXI_AClk, -- [in std_logic] -- DataIn (8:71) -- CheckIn (0:7) DataIn => bram_din_a_i (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 63)] CheckIn => bram_din_a_i (0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] CheckOut => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Syndrome => Syndrome, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Syndrome_7 => Syndrome_7, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 11)] Syndrome_Chk => syndrome_reg_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] UE_Q => UE_Q, -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => CE_Q, -- [in std_logic] UE => Sl_UE_i, -- [out std_logic] CE => Sl_CE_i ); -- [out std_logic] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Insert register stage for syndrome REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then syndrome_reg <= Syndrome; syndrome_7_reg <= Syndrome_7; end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Move final XOR to registered side of syndrome bits. -- Do last XOR on select syndrome bits after pipeline stage -- before correct_one_bit_64 module. syndrome_reg_i (0 to 6) <= syndrome_reg (0 to 6); PARITY_CHK7_A: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => syndrome_7_reg (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome7_a ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK7_B: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => syndrome_7_reg (6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome7_b ); -- [out std_logic] syndrome_reg_i (7) <= syndrome7_a xor syndrome7_b; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_CORRECT_DATA -- Purpose: Generate corrected read data based on syndrome value. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_CORR_64: for i in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CORR_ONE_BIT_64 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORR_ONE_BIT_64: entity work.correct_one_bit_64 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, Correct_Value => correct_data_table_64 (i)) port map ( DIn => UnCorrectedRdData (i), Syndrome => syndrome_reg_i, DCorr => CorrectedRdData (i)); end generate GEN_CORR_64; end generate GEN_ECC_64; end generate GEN_HAMMING_ECC; -- Remember correctable/uncorrectable error from BRAM read CORR_REG: process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if RdModifyWr_Modify = '1' then -- Capture error signals CE_Q <= Sl_CE_i; UE_Q <= Sl_UE_i; else CE_Q <= '0'; UE_Q <= '0'; end if; end if; end process CORR_REG; -- ECC register block gets registered UE or CE conditions to update -- ECC registers/interrupt/flag outputs. Sl_CE <= CE_Q; Sl_UE <= UE_Q; CE_Failing_We <= CE_Q; FaultInjectClr <= '1' when (bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 = '1') else '0'; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add register delay on BVALID counter increment -- Used to clear fault inject register. REG_BVALID_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 <= '0'; else bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 <= bvalid_cnt_inc; end if; end if; end process REG_BVALID_CNT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Map BRAM_RdData (N:0) to bram_din_a_i (0:N) -- Including read back ECC bits. bram_din_a_i (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1) <= BRAM_RdData (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ECC_32 -- Purpose: For 32-bit ECC implementations, account for -- extra bit in read data mapping on registered value. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC_32: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate begin -- Insert register stage for read data to correct REG_CHK_DATA: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then UnCorrectedRdData <= bram_din_a_i(C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+1 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); end if; end process REG_CHK_DATA; end generate GEN_ECC_32; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ECC_N -- Purpose: For all non 32-bit ECC implementations, assign ECC -- bits for BRAM output. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC_N: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH /= 32 generate begin -- Insert register stage for read data to correct REG_CHK_DATA: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then UnCorrectedRdData <= bram_din_a_i(C_INT_ECC_WIDTH to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); end if; end process REG_CHK_DATA; end generate GEN_ECC_N; end generate GEN_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Drive default output signals when ECC is diabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NO_ECC: if C_ECC = 0 generate begin BRAM_Addr_En <= '0'; FaultInjectClr <= '0'; CE_Failing_We <= '0'; Sl_CE <= '0'; Sl_UE <= '0'; end generate GEN_NO_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** BRAM Interface Signals *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_WE -- Purpose: BRAM WE generate process -- One WE per 8-bits of BRAM data. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_WE: for i in C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + (C_ECC*(1+(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) - 1 downto 0 generate begin BRAM_WE (i) <= bram_we_int (i); end generate GEN_BRAM_WE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRAM_En <= bram_en_int; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BRAM Address Generate --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Generate zeros on lower order address bits adjustable -- based on BRAM data width. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0 generate begin BRAM_Addr (i) <= '0'; end generate GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Assign BRAM address output from address counter. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR generate begin BRAM_Addr (i) <= bram_addr_int (i); end generate GEN_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_WRDATA -- Purpose: Generate BRAM Write Data. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_WRDATA: for i in C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0 generate begin -- Check if ECC is enabled -- If so, XOR the fault injection vector with the data -- (post-pipeline) to avoid any timing issues on the data vector -- from AXI. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Generate output write data when ECC is disabled. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NO_ECC : if C_ECC = 0 generate begin BRAM_WrData (i) <= bram_wrdata_int (i); end generate GEN_NO_ECC; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Generate output write data when ECC is enable -- (use fault vector) -- (N:0) -- for 32-bit (31:0) WrData while (ECC = [39:32]) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_W_ECC : if C_ECC = 1 generate begin BRAM_WrData (i) <= WrData (i) xor FaultInjectData (i); end generate GEN_W_ECC; end generate GEN_BRAM_WRDATA; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- full_axi.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: full_axi.vhd -- -- Description: This file is the top level module for the AXI BRAM -- controller when configured in a full AXI4 mode. -- The rd_chnl and wr_chnl modules are instantiated. -- The ECC AXI-Lite register module is instantiated, if enabled. -- When single port BRAM mode is selected, the arbitration logic -- is instantiated (and connected to each wr_chnl & rd_chnl). -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen_hsiao.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen_hsiao.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- Remove library version # dependency. Replace with work library. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/15/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Initial integration of Hsiao ECC algorithm. -- Add C_ECC_TYPE top level parameter and mappings on instantiated modules. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/18/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update WE & BRAM data sizes based on 128-bit ECC configuration. -- Plus XST clean-up. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/31/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add coverage tags. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/11/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add signal, AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt, between wr_chnl and sng_port_arb modules. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/20/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add default values for Arb2AW_Active & Arb2AR_Active when dual port mode. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/6/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; use work.lite_ecc_reg; use work.sng_port_arb; use work.wr_chnl; use work.rd_chnl; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity full_axi is generic ( -- AXI Parameters C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH : INTEGER := 4; -- AXI ID vector width C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL : string := "AXI4"; -- Set to AXI4LITE to optimize out burst transaction support C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST : INTEGER := 1; -- Support for narrow burst operations C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM : INTEGER := 0; -- Enable single port usage of BRAM -- C_FAMILY : string := "virtex6"; -- Specify the target architecture type -- AXI-Lite Register Parameters C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite data bus (in bits) -- ECC Parameters C_ECC : integer := 0; -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_WIDTH : integer := 8; -- Width of ECC data vector C_ECC_TYPE : integer := 0; -- v1.03a -- ECC algorithm format, 0 = Hamming code, 1 = Hsiao code C_FAULT_INJECT : integer := 0; -- Enable fault injection registers C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE : integer := 1; -- By default, ECC checking is on (can disable ECC @ reset by setting this to 0) -- Hard coded parameters at top level. -- Note: Kept in design for future enhancement. C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF : integer := 0; -- By default the ECC AXI-Lite register interface is enabled C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable CE (correctable error) failing registers C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable UE (uncorrectable error) failing registers C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable ECC status registers C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER : integer := 0; -- Enable ECC on/off control register C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH : integer := 0 -- Selects CE counter width/threshold to assert ECC_Interrupt ); port ( -- AXI Interface Signals -- AXI Clock and Reset S_AXI_ACLK : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARESETN : in std_logic; ECC_Interrupt : out std_logic := '0'; ECC_UE : out std_logic := '0'; -- AXI Write Address Channel Signals (AW) S_AXI_AWID : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_AWLEN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); S_AXI_AWSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_AWBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_AWLOCK : in std_logic; S_AXI_AWCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); S_AXI_AWPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_AWVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_AWREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Write Data Channel Signals (W) S_AXI_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_WSTRB : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0); S_AXI_WLAST : in std_logic; S_AXI_WVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_WREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) S_AXI_BID : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_BVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_BREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI Read Address Channel Signals (AR) S_AXI_ARID : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_ARLEN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); S_AXI_ARSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_ARBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_ARLOCK : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); S_AXI_ARPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_ARVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Read Data Channel Signals (R) S_AXI_RID : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_RLAST : out std_logic; S_AXI_RVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_RREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite ECC Register Interface Signals -- AXI-Lite Clock and Reset -- TBD -- S_AXI_CTRL_ACLK : in std_logic; -- S_AXI_CTRL_ARESETN : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Write Address Channel Signals (AW) S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY : out std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- AXI-Lite Write Data Channel Signals (W) S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Address Channel Signals (AR) S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Data Channel Signals (R) S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY : in std_logic; -- BRAM Interface Signals (Port A) BRAM_En_A : out std_logic; BRAM_WE_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); BRAM_WrData_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*(8+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_RdData_A : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*(8+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); -- BRAM Interface Signals (Port B) BRAM_En_B : out std_logic; BRAM_WE_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); BRAM_WrData_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*(8+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_RdData_B : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*(8+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) ); end entity full_axi; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of full_axi is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant C_INT_ECC_WIDTH : integer := Int_ECC_Size (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); -- Modify C_BRAM_ADDR_SIZE to be adjusted for BRAM data width -- When BRAM data width = 32 bits, BRAM_Addr (1:0) = "00" -- When BRAM data width = 64 bits, BRAM_Addr (2:0) = "000" -- When BRAM data width = 128 bits, BRAM_Addr (3:0) = "0000" -- When BRAM data width = 256 bits, BRAM_Addr (4:0) = "00000" constant C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := log2 (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal AXI Signals signal S_AXI_AWREADY_i : std_logic := '0'; signal S_AXI_ARREADY_i : std_logic := '0'; -- Internal BRAM Signals signal BRAM_Addr_A_i : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal BRAM_Addr_B_i : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal BRAM_En_A_i : std_logic := '0'; signal BRAM_En_B_i : std_logic := '0'; signal BRAM_WE_A_i : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal BRAM_RdData_i : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*(8+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Internal ECC Signals signal Enable_ECC : std_logic := '0'; signal FaultInjectClr : std_logic := '0'; -- Clear for Fault Inject Registers signal CE_Failing_We : std_logic := '0'; -- WE for CE Failing Registers signal Sl_CE : std_logic := '0'; -- Correctable Error Flag signal Sl_UE : std_logic := '0'; -- Uncorrectable Error Flag signal Wr_CE_Failing_We : std_logic := '0'; -- WE for CE Failing Registers --signal UE_Failing_We : std_logic := '0'; -- WE for CE Failing Registers --signal CE_CounterReg_Inc : std_logic := '0'; -- Increment CE Counter Register signal Wr_Sl_CE : std_logic := '0'; -- Correctable Error Flag signal Wr_Sl_UE : std_logic := '0'; -- Uncorrectable Error Flag signal Rd_CE_Failing_We : std_logic := '0'; -- WE for CE Failing Registers signal Rd_Sl_CE : std_logic := '0'; -- Correctable Error Flag signal Rd_Sl_UE : std_logic := '0'; -- Uncorrectable Error Flag signal FaultInjectData : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal FaultInjectECC : std_logic_vector (C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal FaultInjectECC_i : std_logic_vector (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal Active_Wr : std_logic := '0'; signal BRAM_Addr_En : std_logic := '0'; signal Wr_BRAM_Addr_En : std_logic := '0'; signal Rd_BRAM_Addr_En : std_logic := '0'; -- Internal Arbitration Signals signal Arb2AW_Active : std_logic := '0'; signal AW2Arb_Busy : std_logic := '0'; signal AW2Arb_Active_Clr : std_logic := '0'; signal AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal Arb2AR_Active : std_logic := '0'; signal AR2Arb_Active_Clr : std_logic := '0'; signal WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Rst : std_logic := '0'; signal WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En : std_logic := '0'; signal WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Inc : std_logic := '0'; signal WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En : std_logic := '0'; signal RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Inc : std_logic := '0'; signal RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** BRAM Output Signals *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: ADDR_SNG_PORT -- Purpose: OR the BRAM_Addr outputs from each wr_chnl & rd_chnl -- Only one write or read will be active at a time. -- Ensure that ecah channel address is driven to '0' when not in use. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDR_SNG_PORT: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1 generate signal sng_bram_addr_rst : std_logic := '0'; signal sng_bram_addr_ld_en : std_logic := '0'; signal sng_bram_addr_ld : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal sng_bram_addr_inc : std_logic := '0'; begin -- BRAM_Addr_A <= BRAM_Addr_A_i or BRAM_Addr_B_i; -- BRAM_Addr_A <= BRAM_Addr_A_i when (Arb2AW_Active = '1') else BRAM_Addr_B_i; -- BRAM_Addr_A <= BRAM_Addr_A_i when (Active_Wr = '1') else BRAM_Addr_B_i; -- Insert mux on address counter control signals sng_bram_addr_rst <= WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Rst; sng_bram_addr_ld_en <= WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En or RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En; sng_bram_addr_ld <= RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld when (Arb2AR_Active = '1') else WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld; sng_bram_addr_inc <= RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Inc when (Arb2AR_Active = '1') else WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Inc; I_ADDR_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (sng_bram_addr_rst = '1') then bram_addr_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (sng_bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then bram_addr_int <= sng_bram_addr_ld; elsif (sng_bram_addr_inc = '1') then bram_addr_int (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 12) <= bram_addr_int (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 12); bram_addr_int (11 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (bram_addr_int (11 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR)) + 1); end if; end if; end process I_ADDR_CNT; BRAM_Addr_B <= (others => '0'); BRAM_En_A <= BRAM_En_A_i or BRAM_En_B_i; -- BRAM_En_A <= BRAM_En_A_i when (Arb2AW_Active = '1') else BRAM_En_B_i; BRAM_En_B <= '0'; BRAM_RdData_i <= BRAM_RdData_A; -- Assign read data port A BRAM_WE_A <= BRAM_WE_A_i when (Arb2AW_Active = '1') else (others => '0'); -- v1.03a -- Early register on WrData and WSTRB in wr_chnl. (Previous value was always cleared). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Generate zeros on lower order address bits adjustable -- based on BRAM data width. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0 generate begin BRAM_Addr_A (i) <= '0'; end generate GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Assign BRAM address output from address counter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR generate begin BRAM_Addr_A (i) <= bram_addr_int (i); end generate GEN_BRAM_ADDR; end generate ADDR_SNG_PORT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: ADDR_DUAL_PORT -- Purpose: Assign each BRAM address when in a dual port controller -- configuration. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDR_DUAL_PORT: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 generate begin BRAM_Addr_A <= BRAM_Addr_A_i; BRAM_Addr_B <= BRAM_Addr_B_i; BRAM_En_A <= BRAM_En_A_i; BRAM_En_B <= BRAM_En_B_i; BRAM_WE_A <= BRAM_WE_A_i; BRAM_RdData_i <= BRAM_RdData_B; -- Assign read data port B end generate ADDR_DUAL_PORT; BRAM_WrData_B <= (others => '0'); BRAM_WE_B <= (others => '0'); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI-Lite ECC Register Output Signals *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_REGS -- Purpose: Generate default values if ECC registers are disabled (or when -- ECC is disabled). -- Include both AXI-Lite default signal values & internal -- core signal values. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NO_REGS: if (C_ECC = 0) generate begin S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY <= '0'; S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY <= '0'; S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP <= (others => '0'); S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID <= '0'; S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY <= '0'; S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA <= (others => '0'); S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP <= (others => '0'); S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID <= '0'; -- No fault injection FaultInjectData <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC <= (others => '0'); -- Interrupt only enabled when ECC status/interrupt registers enabled ECC_Interrupt <= '0'; ECC_UE <= '0'; Enable_ECC <= '0'; end generate GEN_NO_REGS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_REGS -- Purpose: Generate ECC register module when ECC is enabled and -- ECC registers are enabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GEN_REGS: if (C_ECC = 1 and C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF = 1) generate -- For future implementation. GEN_REGS: if (C_ECC = 1) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_LITE_ECC_REG -- Description: This module is for the AXI-Lite ECC registers. -- -- Responsible for all AXI-Lite communication to the -- ECC register bank. Provides user interface signals -- to rest of AXI BRAM controller IP core for ECC functionality -- and control. -- Manages AXI-Lite write address (AW) and read address (AR), -- write data (W), write response (B), and read data (R) channels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_LITE_ECC_REG : entity work.lite_ecc_reg generic map ( C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR => C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR , C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH , C_ECC_WIDTH => C_INT_ECC_WIDTH , -- ECC width specific to data width C_FAULT_INJECT => C_FAULT_INJECT , C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS , C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS , C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS => C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS , C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER => C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER , C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE => C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE , C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH => C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_AClk , -- AXI clock S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_AResetn , -- TBD -- S_AXI_CTRL_AClk => S_AXI_CTRL_AClk , -- AXI-Lite clock -- S_AXI_CTRL_AResetn => S_AXI_CTRL_AResetn , Interrupt => ECC_Interrupt , ECC_UE => ECC_UE , -- Add AXI-Lite ECC Register Ports AXI_CTRL_AWVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID , AXI_CTRL_AWREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY , AXI_CTRL_AWADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR , AXI_CTRL_WDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA , AXI_CTRL_WVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID , AXI_CTRL_WREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY , AXI_CTRL_BRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP , AXI_CTRL_BVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID , AXI_CTRL_BREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY , AXI_CTRL_ARADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR , AXI_CTRL_ARVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID , AXI_CTRL_ARREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY , AXI_CTRL_RDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA , AXI_CTRL_RRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP , AXI_CTRL_RVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID , AXI_CTRL_RREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY , Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC , FaultInjectClr => FaultInjectClr , CE_Failing_We => CE_Failing_We , CE_CounterReg_Inc => CE_Failing_We , Sl_CE => Sl_CE , Sl_UE => Sl_UE , BRAM_Addr_A => BRAM_Addr_A_i (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) , -- v1.03a BRAM_Addr_B => BRAM_Addr_B_i (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) , -- v1.03a BRAM_Addr_En => BRAM_Addr_En , Active_Wr => Active_Wr , -- BRAM_RdData_A => BRAM_RdData_A (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) , -- BRAM_RdData_B => BRAM_RdData_B (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) , FaultInjectData => FaultInjectData , FaultInjectECC => FaultInjectECC_i ); BRAM_Addr_En <= Wr_BRAM_Addr_En or Rd_BRAM_Addr_En; -- v1.03a -- Add coverage tags for Wr_CE_Failing_We. -- No testing on forcing errors with RMW and AXI write transfers. --coverage off CE_Failing_We <= Wr_CE_Failing_We or Rd_CE_Failing_We; Sl_CE <= Wr_Sl_CE or Rd_Sl_CE; Sl_UE <= Wr_Sl_UE or Rd_Sl_UE; --coverage on ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_32 -- Purpose: Add MSB '0' on ECC vector as only 7-bits wide in 32-bit. ------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_32: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate begin FaultInjectECC <= '0' & FaultInjectECC_i; end generate GEN_32; ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NON_32 -- Purpose: Data widths match at 8-bits for ECC on 64-bit data. -- And 9-bits for 128-bit data. ------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NON_32: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH /= 32 generate begin FaultInjectECC <= FaultInjectECC_i; end generate GEN_NON_32; end generate GEN_REGS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ARB -- Purpose: Generate arbitration module when AXI4 is configured in -- single port mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ARB: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_LITE_ECC_REG -- Description: This module is for the AXI-Lite ECC registers. -- -- Responsible for all AXI-Lite communication to the -- ECC register bank. Provides user interface signals -- to rest of AXI BRAM controller IP core for ECC functionality -- and control. -- Manages AXI-Lite write address (AW) and read address (AR), -- write data (W), write response (B), and read data (R) channels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_SNG_PORT : entity work.sng_port_arb generic map ( C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_AClk , -- AXI clock S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_AResetn , AXI_AWADDR => S_AXI_AWADDR (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0), AXI_AWVALID => S_AXI_AWVALID , AXI_AWREADY => S_AXI_AWREADY , AXI_ARADDR => S_AXI_ARADDR (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0), AXI_ARVALID => S_AXI_ARVALID , AXI_ARREADY => S_AXI_ARREADY , Arb2AW_Active => Arb2AW_Active , AW2Arb_Busy => AW2Arb_Busy , AW2Arb_Active_Clr => AW2Arb_Active_Clr , AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt => AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt , Arb2AR_Active => Arb2AR_Active , AR2Arb_Active_Clr => AR2Arb_Active_Clr ); end generate GEN_ARB; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DUAL -- Purpose: Dual mode. AWREADY and ARREADY are generated from each -- wr_chnl and rd_chnl module. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DUAL: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin S_AXI_AWREADY <= S_AXI_AWREADY_i; S_AXI_ARREADY <= S_AXI_ARREADY_i; Arb2AW_Active <= '0'; Arb2AR_Active <= '0'; end generate GEN_DUAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_WR_CHNL -- -- Description: -- BRAM controller write channel logic. Controls AXI bus handshaking and -- data flow on the write address (AW), write data (W) and -- write response (B) channels. -- -- BRAM signals are marked as output from Wr Chnl for future implementation -- of merging Wr/Rd channel outputs to a single port of the BRAM module. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_WR_CHNL : entity work.wr_chnl generic map ( -- C_FAMILY => C_FAMILY , C_AXI_ID_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH , C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR => C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR , C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW => C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST , C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , C_ECC => C_ECC , C_ECC_WIDTH => C_ECC_WIDTH , C_ECC_TYPE => C_ECC_TYPE -- v1.03a ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_ACLK , S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_ARESETN , AXI_AWID => S_AXI_AWID , AXI_AWADDR => S_AXI_AWADDR (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0), AXI_AWLEN => S_AXI_AWLEN , AXI_AWSIZE => S_AXI_AWSIZE , AXI_AWBURST => S_AXI_AWBURST , AXI_AWLOCK => S_AXI_AWLOCK , AXI_AWCACHE => S_AXI_AWCACHE , AXI_AWPROT => S_AXI_AWPROT , AXI_AWVALID => S_AXI_AWVALID , AXI_AWREADY => S_AXI_AWREADY_i , AXI_WDATA => S_AXI_WDATA , AXI_WSTRB => S_AXI_WSTRB , AXI_WLAST => S_AXI_WLAST , AXI_WVALID => S_AXI_WVALID , AXI_WREADY => S_AXI_WREADY , AXI_BID => S_AXI_BID , AXI_BRESP => S_AXI_BRESP , AXI_BVALID => S_AXI_BVALID , AXI_BREADY => S_AXI_BREADY , -- Arb Ports Arb2AW_Active => Arb2AW_Active , AW2Arb_Busy => AW2Arb_Busy , AW2Arb_Active_Clr => AW2Arb_Active_Clr , AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt => AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt , Sng_BRAM_Addr_Rst => WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Rst , Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En => WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En , Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld => WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld , Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc => WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Inc , Sng_BRAM_Addr => bram_addr_int , -- ECC Ports Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC , BRAM_Addr_En => Wr_BRAM_Addr_En , FaultInjectClr => FaultInjectClr , CE_Failing_We => Wr_CE_Failing_We , Sl_CE => Wr_Sl_CE , Sl_UE => Wr_Sl_UE , Active_Wr => Active_Wr , FaultInjectData => FaultInjectData , FaultInjectECC => FaultInjectECC , BRAM_En => BRAM_En_A_i , -- BRAM_WE => BRAM_WE_A , -- 4/13 BRAM_WE => BRAM_WE_A_i , BRAM_WrData => BRAM_WrData_A , BRAM_RdData => BRAM_RdData_A , BRAM_Addr => BRAM_Addr_A_i ); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_RD_CHNL -- -- Description: -- BRAM controller read channel logic. Controls all handshaking and data -- flow on read address (AR) and read data (R) AXI channels. -- -- BRAM signals are marked as Rd Chnl signals for future implementation -- of merging Rd/Wr BRAM signals to a single BRAM port. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_RD_CHNL : entity work.rd_chnl generic map ( -- C_FAMILY => C_FAMILY , C_AXI_ID_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH , C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR => C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR , C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW => C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST , C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , C_ECC => C_ECC , C_ECC_WIDTH => C_ECC_WIDTH , C_ECC_TYPE => C_ECC_TYPE -- v1.03a ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_ACLK , S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_ARESETN , AXI_ARID => S_AXI_ARID , AXI_ARADDR => S_AXI_ARADDR (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0), AXI_ARLEN => S_AXI_ARLEN , AXI_ARSIZE => S_AXI_ARSIZE , AXI_ARBURST => S_AXI_ARBURST , AXI_ARLOCK => S_AXI_ARLOCK , AXI_ARCACHE => S_AXI_ARCACHE , AXI_ARPROT => S_AXI_ARPROT , AXI_ARVALID => S_AXI_ARVALID , AXI_ARREADY => S_AXI_ARREADY_i , AXI_RID => S_AXI_RID , AXI_RDATA => S_AXI_RDATA , AXI_RRESP => S_AXI_RRESP , AXI_RLAST => S_AXI_RLAST , AXI_RVALID => S_AXI_RVALID , AXI_RREADY => S_AXI_RREADY , -- Arb Ports Arb2AR_Active => Arb2AR_Active , AR2Arb_Active_Clr => AR2Arb_Active_Clr , Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En => RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En , Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld => RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld , Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc => RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Inc , Sng_BRAM_Addr => bram_addr_int , -- ECC Ports Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC , BRAM_Addr_En => Rd_BRAM_Addr_En , CE_Failing_We => Rd_CE_Failing_We , Sl_CE => Rd_Sl_CE , Sl_UE => Rd_Sl_UE , BRAM_En => BRAM_En_B_i , BRAM_Addr => BRAM_Addr_B_i , BRAM_RdData => BRAM_RdData_i ); end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- axi_bram_ctrl_top.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: axi_bram_ctrl_top.vhd -- -- Description: This file is the top level module for the AXI BRAM -- controller IP core. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl_top.vhd (v4_0) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove library version # dependency. Replace with work library. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/9/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update Create_Size_Default function to support 512 & 1024-bit BRAM. -- Replace usage of Create_Size_Default function. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/15/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Initial integration of Hsiao ECC algorithm. -- Add C_ECC_TYPE top level parameter on full_axi module. -- Update ECC signal sizes for 128-bit support. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/16/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update WE size based on 128-bit ECC configuration. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add C_ECC_TYPE top level parameter on axi_lite module. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/23/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Set C_ECC_TYPE = 1 for Hsiao DV regressions. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/24/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Move Find_ECC_Size function to package. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add comments as noted in Spyglass runs. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/6/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove C_FAMILY from top level. -- Remove C_FAMILY in axi_lite sub module. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 6/23/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate 9-bit ECC to 16-bit ECC for 128-bit BRAM data width. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.axi_lite; use work.full_axi; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity axi_bram_ctrl_top is generic ( -- AXI Parameters C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 12; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH : INTEGER := 4; -- AXI ID vector width C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL : string := "AXI4"; -- Set to AXI4LITE to optimize out burst transaction support C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST : INTEGER := 1; -- Support for narrow burst operations C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM : INTEGER := 0; -- Enable single port usage of BRAM -- C_FAMILY : string := "virtex6"; -- Specify the target architecture type -- AXI-Lite Register Parameters C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite data bus (in bits) -- ECC Parameters C_ECC : integer := 0; -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_TYPE : integer := 1; C_FAULT_INJECT : integer := 0; -- Enable fault injection registers -- (default = disabled) C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE : integer := 1 -- By default, ECC checking is on -- (can disable ECC @ reset by setting this to 0) -- Reserved parameters for future implementations. -- C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF : integer := 1; -- By default the ECC AXI-Lite register interface is enabled -- C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 1; -- Enable CE (correctable error) failing registers -- C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 1; -- Enable UE (uncorrectable error) failing registers -- C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS : integer := 1; -- Enable ECC status registers -- C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER : integer := 1; -- Enable ECC on/off control register -- C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH : integer := 0 -- Selects CE counter width/threshold to assert ECC_Interrupt ); port ( -- AXI Interface Signals -- AXI Clock and Reset S_AXI_ACLK : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARESETN : in std_logic; ECC_Interrupt : out std_logic := '0'; ECC_UE : out std_logic := '0'; -- AXI Write Address Channel Signals (AW) S_AXI_AWID : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_AWLEN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); S_AXI_AWSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_AWBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_AWLOCK : in std_logic; S_AXI_AWCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); S_AXI_AWPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_AWVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_AWREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Write Data Channel Signals (W) S_AXI_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_WSTRB : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0); S_AXI_WLAST : in std_logic; S_AXI_WVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_WREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) S_AXI_BID : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_BVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_BREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI Read Address Channel Signals (AR) S_AXI_ARID : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_ARLEN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); S_AXI_ARSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_ARBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_ARLOCK : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); S_AXI_ARPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_ARVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Read Data Channel Signals (R) S_AXI_RID : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_RLAST : out std_logic; S_AXI_RVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_RREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite ECC Register Interface Signals -- AXI-Lite Clock and Reset -- Note: AXI-Lite Control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- S_AXI_CTRL_ACLK : in std_logic; -- S_AXI_CTRL_ARESETN : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Write Address Channel Signals (AW) S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY : out std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- AXI-Lite Write Data Channel Signals (W) S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Address Channel Signals (AR) S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Data Channel Signals (R) S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY : in std_logic; -- BRAM Interface Signals (Port A) BRAM_Rst_A : out std_logic; BRAM_Clk_A : out std_logic; BRAM_En_A : out std_logic; BRAM_WE_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); BRAM_WrData_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_RdData_A : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); -- BRAM Interface Signals (Port B) BRAM_Rst_B : out std_logic; BRAM_Clk_B : out std_logic; BRAM_En_B : out std_logic; BRAM_WE_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); BRAM_WrData_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_RdData_B : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) ); end entity axi_bram_ctrl_top; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of axi_bram_ctrl_top is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- All functions defined in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Model behavior of AXI Interconnect in simulation for wrapping of ID values. constant C_SIM_ONLY : std_logic := '1'; -- Reset active level (common through core) constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; -- Create top level constant to assign fixed value to ARSIZE and AWSIZE -- when narrow bursting is parameterized out of the IP core instantiation. -- constant AXI_FIXED_SIZE_WO_NARROW : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := Create_Size_Default; -- v1.03a constant AXI_FIXED_SIZE_WO_NARROW : integer := log2 (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8); -- Only instantiate logic based on C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL. constant IF_IS_AXI4 : boolean := (Equal_String (C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL, "AXI4")); constant IF_IS_AXI4LITE : boolean := (Equal_String (C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL, "AXI4LITE")); -- Determine external ECC width. -- Use function defined in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. constant C_ECC_WIDTH : integer := Find_ECC_Size (C_ECC, C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); constant C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH : integer := Find_ECC_Full_Bit_Size (C_ECC, C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); -- Set internal parameters for ECC register enabling when C_ECC = 1 constant C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF_I : integer := C_ECC; constant C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS_I : integer := C_ECC; constant C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS_I : integer := 0; -- Remove all UE registers -- Catastrophic error indicated with ECC_UE & Interrupt flags. constant C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS_I : integer := C_ECC; constant C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER_I : integer := C_ECC; constant C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH : integer := 8 * C_ECC; -- Counter only sized when C_ECC = 1. -- Selects CE counter width/threshold to assert ECC_Interrupt -- Hard coded at 8-bits to capture and count up to 256 correctable errors. --constant C_ECC_TYPE : integer := 1; -- v1.03a -- ECC algorithm format, 0 = Hamming code, 1 = Hsiao code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal BRAM Signals -- Port A signal bram_en_a_int : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_we_a_int : std_logic_vector (((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8)-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_a_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_wrdata_a_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_rddata_a_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Port B signal bram_addr_b_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_en_b_int : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_we_b_int : std_logic_vector (((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8)-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_wrdata_b_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_rddata_b_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_awsize_int : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_arsize_int : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal S_AXI_ARREADY_int : std_logic := '0'; signal S_AXI_AWREADY_int : std_logic := '0'; signal S_AXI_RID_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal S_AXI_BID_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin -- *** BRAM Port A Output Signals *** BRAM_Rst_A <= not (S_AXI_ARESETN); BRAM_Clk_A <= S_AXI_ACLK; BRAM_En_A <= bram_en_a_int; BRAM_WE_A ((((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8) - 1) downto (C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH/8)) <= bram_we_a_int((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_A <= bram_addr_a_int; bram_rddata_a_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= BRAM_RdData_A ((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH - 1) downto (C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)); BRAM_WrData_A ((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH - 1) downto (C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)) <= bram_wrdata_a_int(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Added for 13.3 -- Drive unused upper ECC bits to '0' -- For bram_block compatibility, must drive unused upper bits to '0' for ECC 128-bit use case. GEN_128_ECC_WR: if (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128) and (C_ECC = 1) generate begin BRAM_WrData_A ((C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH - 1) downto (C_ECC_WIDTH)) <= (others => '0'); BRAM_WrData_A ((C_ECC_WIDTH-1) downto 0) <= bram_wrdata_a_int(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); BRAM_WE_A ((C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH/8) - 1 downto 0) <= bram_we_a_int(((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8)-1 downto (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)); bram_rddata_a_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) <= BRAM_RdData_A ((C_ECC_WIDTH-1) downto 0); end generate GEN_128_ECC_WR; GEN_ECC_WR: if ( not (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128) and (C_ECC = 1)) generate begin BRAM_WrData_A ((C_ECC_WIDTH - 1) downto 0) <= bram_wrdata_a_int(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); BRAM_WE_A ((C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH/8) - 1 downto 0) <= bram_we_a_int(((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8)-1 downto (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)); bram_rddata_a_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) <= BRAM_RdData_A ((C_ECC_WIDTH-1) downto 0); end generate GEN_ECC_WR; -- *** BRAM Port B Output Signals *** GEN_PORT_B: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin BRAM_Rst_B <= not (S_AXI_ARESETN); BRAM_WE_B ((((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8) - 1) downto (C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH/8)) <= bram_we_b_int((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_B <= bram_addr_b_int; BRAM_En_B <= bram_en_b_int; bram_rddata_b_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= BRAM_RdData_B ((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH - 1) downto (C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)); BRAM_WrData_B ((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH - 1) downto (C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)) <= bram_wrdata_b_int(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- 13.3 -- BRAM_WrData_B <= bram_wrdata_b_int; -- Added for 13.3 -- Drive unused upper ECC bits to '0' -- For bram_block compatibility, must drive unused upper bits to '0' for ECC 128-bit use case. GEN_128_ECC_WR: if (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128) and (C_ECC = 1) generate begin BRAM_WrData_B ((C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH - 1) downto (C_ECC_WIDTH)) <= (others => '0'); BRAM_WrData_B ((C_ECC_WIDTH-1) downto 0) <= bram_wrdata_b_int(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); BRAM_WE_B ((C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH/8) - 1 downto 0) <= bram_we_b_int(((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8)-1 downto (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)); bram_rddata_b_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) <= BRAM_RdData_B ((C_ECC_WIDTH-1) downto 0); end generate GEN_128_ECC_WR; GEN_ECC_WR: if ( not (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128) and (C_ECC = 1)) generate begin BRAM_WrData_B ((C_ECC_WIDTH - 1) downto 0) <= bram_wrdata_b_int(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); BRAM_WE_B ((C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH/8) - 1 downto 0) <= bram_we_b_int(((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8)-1 downto (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)); bram_rddata_b_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) <= BRAM_RdData_B ((C_ECC_WIDTH-1) downto 0); end generate GEN_ECC_WR; end generate GEN_PORT_B; GEN_NO_PORT_B: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin BRAM_Rst_B <= '0'; BRAM_WE_B <= (others => '0'); BRAM_WrData_B <= (others => '0'); BRAM_Addr_B <= (others => '0'); BRAM_En_B <= '0'; end generate GEN_NO_PORT_B; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_CLK_B -- Purpose: Only drive BRAM_Clk_B when dual port BRAM is enabled. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_CLK_B: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin BRAM_Clk_B <= S_AXI_ACLK; end generate GEN_BRAM_CLK_B; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_NO_BRAM_CLK_B -- Purpose: Drive default value for BRAM_Clk_B when single port -- BRAM is enabled and no clock is necessary on the inactive -- BRAM port. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NO_BRAM_CLK_B: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin BRAM_Clk_B <= '0'; end generate GEN_NO_BRAM_CLK_B; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate top level ARSIZE and AWSIZE signals for rd_chnl and wr_chnl -- respectively, based on design parameter setting of generic, -- C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_W_NARROW -- Purpose: Create internal AWSIZE and ARSIZE signal for write and -- read channel modules based on top level AXI signal inputs. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_W_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST = 1) and (IF_IS_AXI4) generate begin axi_awsize_int <= S_AXI_AWSIZE; axi_arsize_int <= S_AXI_ARSIZE; end generate GEN_W_NARROW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_WO_NARROW -- Purpose: Create internal AWSIZE and ARSIZE signal for write and -- read channel modules based on hard coded -- value that indicates all AXI transfers will be equal in -- size to the AXI data bus. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WO_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST = 0) or (IF_IS_AXI4LITE) generate begin -- axi_awsize_int <= AXI_FIXED_SIZE_WO_NARROW; -- When AXI-LITE (no narrow transfers supported) -- axi_arsize_int <= AXI_FIXED_SIZE_WO_NARROW; -- v1.03a axi_awsize_int <= std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (AXI_FIXED_SIZE_WO_NARROW, 3)); axi_arsize_int <= std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (AXI_FIXED_SIZE_WO_NARROW, 3)); end generate GEN_WO_NARROW; S_AXI_ARREADY <= S_AXI_ARREADY_int; S_AXI_AWREADY <= S_AXI_AWREADY_int; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_AXI_LITE -- Purpose: Create internal signals for lower level write and read -- channel modules to discard unused AXI signals when the -- AXI protocol is set up for AXI-LITE. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AXI4LITE: if (IF_IS_AXI4LITE) generate begin -- For simulation purposes ONLY -- AXI Interconnect handles this in real system topologies. S_AXI_BID <= S_AXI_BID_int; S_AXI_RID <= S_AXI_RID_int; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_SIM_ONLY -- Purpose: Mimic behavior of AXI Interconnect in simulation. -- In real hardware system, AXI Interconnect stores and -- wraps value of ARID to RID and AWID to BID. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_SIM_ONLY: if (C_SIM_ONLY = '1') generate begin ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Must register and wrap the AWID signal REG_BID: process (S_AXI_ACLK) begin if (S_AXI_ACLK'event and S_AXI_ACLK = '1') then if (S_AXI_ARESETN = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then S_AXI_BID_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (S_AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (S_AXI_AWREADY_int = '1') then S_AXI_BID_int <= S_AXI_AWID; else S_AXI_BID_int <= S_AXI_BID_int; end if; end if; end process REG_BID; ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Must register and wrap the ARID signal REG_RID: process (S_AXI_ACLK) begin if (S_AXI_ACLK'event and S_AXI_ACLK = '1') then if (S_AXI_ARESETN = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then S_AXI_RID_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (S_AXI_ARVALID = '1') and (S_AXI_ARREADY_int = '1') then S_AXI_RID_int <= S_AXI_ARID; else S_AXI_RID_int <= S_AXI_RID_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RID; ------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_SIM_ONLY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_HW -- Purpose: Drive default values of RID and BID. In real system -- these are left unconnected and AXI Interconnect is -- responsible for values. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_HW: if (C_SIM_ONLY = '0') generate begin S_AXI_BID_int <= (others => '0'); S_AXI_RID_int <= (others => '0'); end generate GEN_HW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_AXI_LITE -- -- Description: -- This module is for the AXI-Lite -- instantiation of the BRAM controller interface. -- -- Responsible for shared address pipelining between the -- write address (AW) and read address (AR) channels. -- Controls (seperately) the data flows for the write data -- (W), write response (B), and read data (R) channels. -- -- Creates a shared port to BRAM (for all read and write -- transactions) or dual BRAM port utilization based on a -- generic parameter setting. -- -- Instantiates ECC register block if enabled and -- generates ECC logic, when enabled. -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_AXI_LITE : entity work.axi_lite generic map ( C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , -- C_FAMILY => C_FAMILY , C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH , C_ECC => C_ECC , C_ECC_TYPE => C_ECC_TYPE , -- v1.03a C_ECC_WIDTH => C_ECC_WIDTH , -- 8-bits for ECC (32 & 64-bit data widths) C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF => C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF_I , -- Use internal constants determined by C_ECC C_FAULT_INJECT => C_FAULT_INJECT , C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS_I , C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS_I , C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS => C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS_I , C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER => C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER_I , C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE => C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE , C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH => C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_ACLK , S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_ARESETN , ECC_Interrupt => ECC_Interrupt , ECC_UE => ECC_UE , AXI_AWADDR => S_AXI_AWADDR , AXI_AWVALID => S_AXI_AWVALID , AXI_AWREADY => S_AXI_AWREADY_int , AXI_WDATA => S_AXI_WDATA , AXI_WSTRB => S_AXI_WSTRB , AXI_WVALID => S_AXI_WVALID , AXI_WREADY => S_AXI_WREADY , AXI_BRESP => S_AXI_BRESP , AXI_BVALID => S_AXI_BVALID , AXI_BREADY => S_AXI_BREADY , AXI_ARADDR => S_AXI_ARADDR , AXI_ARVALID => S_AXI_ARVALID , AXI_ARREADY => S_AXI_ARREADY_int , AXI_RDATA => S_AXI_RDATA , AXI_RRESP => S_AXI_RRESP , AXI_RLAST => S_AXI_RLAST , AXI_RVALID => S_AXI_RVALID , AXI_RREADY => S_AXI_RREADY , -- Add AXI-Lite ECC Register Ports -- Note: AXI-Lite Control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- S_AXI_CTRL_ACLK => S_AXI_CTRL_ACLK , -- S_AXI_CTRL_ARESETN => S_AXI_CTRL_ARESETN , AXI_CTRL_AWVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID , AXI_CTRL_AWREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY , AXI_CTRL_AWADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR , AXI_CTRL_WDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA , AXI_CTRL_WVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID , AXI_CTRL_WREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY , AXI_CTRL_BRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP , AXI_CTRL_BVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID , AXI_CTRL_BREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY , AXI_CTRL_ARADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR , AXI_CTRL_ARVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID , AXI_CTRL_ARREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY , AXI_CTRL_RDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA , AXI_CTRL_RRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP , AXI_CTRL_RVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID , AXI_CTRL_RREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY , BRAM_En_A => bram_en_a_int , BRAM_WE_A => bram_we_a_int , BRAM_Addr_A => bram_addr_a_int , BRAM_WrData_A => bram_wrdata_a_int , BRAM_RdData_A => bram_rddata_a_int , BRAM_En_B => bram_en_b_int , BRAM_WE_B => bram_we_b_int , BRAM_Addr_B => bram_addr_b_int , BRAM_WrData_B => bram_wrdata_b_int , BRAM_RdData_B => bram_rddata_b_int ); end generate GEN_AXI4LITE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_AXI -- Purpose: Only create internal signals for lower level write and read -- channel modules to assign AXI signals when the -- AXI protocol is set up for non AXI-LITE IF connections. -- For AXI4, all AXI signals are assigned to lower level modules. -- -- For AXI-Lite connections, generate statement above will -- create default values on these signals (assigned here). -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AXI4: if (IF_IS_AXI4) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_FULL_AXI -- -- Description: -- Full AXI BRAM controller logic. -- Instantiates wr_chnl and rd_chnl modules. -- If enabled, ECC register interface is included. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_FULL_AXI : entity work.full_axi generic map ( C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST => C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST , C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH , C_ECC => C_ECC , C_ECC_WIDTH => C_ECC_WIDTH , -- 8-bits for ECC (32 & 64-bit data widths) C_ECC_TYPE => C_ECC_TYPE , -- v1.03a C_FAULT_INJECT => C_FAULT_INJECT , C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE => C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE , C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF => C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF_I , -- Use internal constants determined by C_ECC C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS_I , C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS_I , C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS => C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS_I , C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER => C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER_I , C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH => C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_ACLK , S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_ARESETN , ECC_Interrupt => ECC_Interrupt , ECC_UE => ECC_UE , S_AXI_AWID => S_AXI_AWID , S_AXI_AWADDR => S_AXI_AWADDR(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0), S_AXI_AWLEN => S_AXI_AWLEN , S_AXI_AWSIZE => axi_awsize_int , S_AXI_AWBURST => S_AXI_AWBURST , S_AXI_AWLOCK => S_AXI_AWLOCK , S_AXI_AWCACHE => S_AXI_AWCACHE , S_AXI_AWPROT => S_AXI_AWPROT , S_AXI_AWVALID => S_AXI_AWVALID , S_AXI_AWREADY => S_AXI_AWREADY_int , S_AXI_WDATA => S_AXI_WDATA , S_AXI_WSTRB => S_AXI_WSTRB , S_AXI_WLAST => S_AXI_WLAST , S_AXI_WVALID => S_AXI_WVALID , S_AXI_WREADY => S_AXI_WREADY , S_AXI_BID => S_AXI_BID , S_AXI_BRESP => S_AXI_BRESP , S_AXI_BVALID => S_AXI_BVALID , S_AXI_BREADY => S_AXI_BREADY , S_AXI_ARID => S_AXI_ARID , S_AXI_ARADDR => S_AXI_ARADDR(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0), S_AXI_ARLEN => S_AXI_ARLEN , S_AXI_ARSIZE => axi_arsize_int , S_AXI_ARBURST => S_AXI_ARBURST , S_AXI_ARLOCK => S_AXI_ARLOCK , S_AXI_ARCACHE => S_AXI_ARCACHE , S_AXI_ARPROT => S_AXI_ARPROT , S_AXI_ARVALID => S_AXI_ARVALID , S_AXI_ARREADY => S_AXI_ARREADY_int , S_AXI_RID => S_AXI_RID , S_AXI_RDATA => S_AXI_RDATA , S_AXI_RRESP => S_AXI_RRESP , S_AXI_RLAST => S_AXI_RLAST , S_AXI_RVALID => S_AXI_RVALID , S_AXI_RREADY => S_AXI_RREADY , -- Add AXI-Lite ECC Register Ports -- Note: AXI-Lite Control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- S_AXI_CTRL_ACLK => S_AXI_CTRL_ACLK , -- S_AXI_CTRL_ARESETN => S_AXI_CTRL_ARESETN , S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY , S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR , S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA , S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY , S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP , S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY , S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR , S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY , S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA , S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP , S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY , BRAM_En_A => bram_en_a_int , BRAM_WE_A => bram_we_a_int , BRAM_WrData_A => bram_wrdata_a_int , BRAM_Addr_A => bram_addr_a_int , BRAM_RdData_A => bram_rddata_a_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) , BRAM_En_B => bram_en_b_int , BRAM_WE_B => bram_we_b_int , BRAM_Addr_B => bram_addr_b_int , BRAM_WrData_B => bram_wrdata_b_int , BRAM_RdData_B => bram_rddata_b_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) ); -- v1.02a -- Seperate instantiations for wr_chnl and rd_chnl moved to -- full_axi module. end generate GEN_AXI4; end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: axi_bram_ctrl_wrapper.vhd -- -- Description: This file is the top level module for the AXI BRAM -- controller IP core. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v4_0) -- | -- |--axi_bram_ctrl_top.vhd -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_top; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; --use work.coregen_comp_defs.all; library blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6; use blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity axi_bram_ctrl is generic ( C_BRAM_INST_MODE : string := "EXTERNAL"; -- external ; internal --determines whether the bmg is external or internal to axi bram ctrl wrapper C_MEMORY_DEPTH : integer := 4096; --Memory depth specified by the user C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 12; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH : INTEGER := 4; -- AXI ID vector width C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL : string := "AXI4"; -- Set to AXI4LITE to optimize out burst transaction support C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST : INTEGER := 1; -- Support for narrow burst operations C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM : INTEGER := 0; -- Enable single port usage of BRAM C_FAMILY : string := "virtex7"; -- Specify the target architecture type C_SELECT_XPM : integer := 1; -- AXI-Lite Register Parameters C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite data bus (in bits) -- ECC Parameters C_ECC : integer := 0; -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_TYPE : integer := 1; C_FAULT_INJECT : integer := 0; -- Enable fault injection registers -- (default = disabled) C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE : integer := 1 -- By default, ECC checking is on -- (can disable ECC @ reset by setting this to 0) ); port ( -- AXI Interface Signals -- AXI Clock and Reset s_axi_aclk : in std_logic; s_axi_aresetn : in std_logic; ecc_interrupt : out std_logic := '0'; ecc_ue : out std_logic := '0'; -- axi write address channel Signals (AW) s_axi_awid : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_awaddr : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_awlen : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); s_axi_awsize : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); s_axi_awburst : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); s_axi_awlock : in std_logic; s_axi_awcache : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); s_axi_awprot : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); s_axi_awvalid : in std_logic; s_axi_awready : out std_logic; -- axi write data channel Signals (W) s_axi_wdata : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_wstrb : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0); s_axi_wlast : in std_logic; s_axi_wvalid : in std_logic; s_axi_wready : out std_logic; -- axi write data response Channel Signals (B) s_axi_bid : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_bresp : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); s_axi_bvalid : out std_logic; s_axi_bready : in std_logic; -- axi read address channel Signals (AR) s_axi_arid : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_araddr : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_arlen : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); s_axi_arsize : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); s_axi_arburst : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); s_axi_arlock : in std_logic; s_axi_arcache : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); s_axi_arprot : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); s_axi_arvalid : in std_logic; s_axi_arready : out std_logic; -- axi read data channel Signals (R) s_axi_rid : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_rdata : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_rresp : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); s_axi_rlast : out std_logic; s_axi_rvalid : out std_logic; s_axi_rready : in std_logic; -- axi-lite ecc register Interface Signals -- axi-lite clock and Reset -- note: axi-lite control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- s_axi_ctrl_aclk : in std_logic; -- s_axi_ctrl_aresetn : in std_logic; -- axi-lite write address Channel Signals (AW) s_axi_ctrl_awvalid : in std_logic; s_axi_ctrl_awready : out std_logic; s_axi_ctrl_awaddr : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- axi-lite write data Channel Signals (W) s_axi_ctrl_wdata : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_ctrl_wvalid : in std_logic; s_axi_ctrl_wready : out std_logic; -- axi-lite write data Response Channel Signals (B) s_axi_ctrl_bresp : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); s_axi_ctrl_bvalid : out std_logic; s_axi_ctrl_bready : in std_logic; -- axi-lite read address Channel Signals (AR) s_axi_ctrl_araddr : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_ctrl_arvalid : in std_logic; s_axi_ctrl_arready : out std_logic; -- axi-lite read data Channel Signals (R) s_axi_ctrl_rdata : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_ctrl_rresp : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); s_axi_ctrl_rvalid : out std_logic; s_axi_ctrl_rready : in std_logic; -- bram interface signals (Port A) bram_rst_a : out std_logic; bram_clk_a : out std_logic; bram_en_a : out std_logic; bram_we_a : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); bram_addr_a : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); bram_wrdata_a : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); bram_rddata_a : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); -- bram interface signals (Port B) bram_rst_b : out std_logic; bram_clk_b : out std_logic; bram_en_b : out std_logic; bram_we_b : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); bram_addr_b : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); bram_wrdata_b : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); bram_rddata_b : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) ); end entity axi_bram_ctrl; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of axi_bram_ctrl is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; component xpm_memory_tdpram generic ( MEMORY_SIZE : integer := 4096*32; MEMORY_PRIMITIVE : string := "auto"; CLOCKING_MODE : string := "common_clock"; ECC_MODE : string := "no_ecc"; MEMORY_INIT_FILE : string := "none"; MEMORY_INIT_PARAM : string := ""; WAKEUP_TIME : string := "disable_sleep"; MESSAGE_CONTROL : integer := 0; WRITE_DATA_WIDTH_A : integer := 32; READ_DATA_WIDTH_A : integer := 32; BYTE_WRITE_WIDTH_A : integer := 8; ADDR_WIDTH_A : integer := 12; READ_RESET_VALUE_A : string := "0"; READ_LATENCY_A : integer := 1; WRITE_MODE_A : string := "read_first"; WRITE_DATA_WIDTH_B : integer := 32; READ_DATA_WIDTH_B : integer := 32; BYTE_WRITE_WIDTH_B : integer := 8; ADDR_WIDTH_B : integer := 12; READ_RESET_VALUE_B : string := "0"; READ_LATENCY_B : integer := 1; WRITE_MODE_B : string := "read_first" ); port ( -- Common module ports sleep : in std_logic; -- Port A module ports clka : in std_logic; rsta : in std_logic; ena : in std_logic; regcea : in std_logic; wea : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- (WRITE_DATA_WIDTH_A/BYTE_WRITE_WIDTH_A)-1:0] -- addra : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); addra : in std_logic_vector (C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); dina : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- [WRITE_DATA_WIDTH_A-1:0] injectsbiterra : in std_logic; injectdbiterra : in std_logic; douta : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); -- [READ_DATA_WIDTH_A-1:0] sbiterra : out std_logic; dbiterra : out std_logic; -- Port B module ports clkb : in std_logic; rstb : in std_logic; enb : in std_logic; regceb : in std_logic; web : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- addrb : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- [ADDR_WIDTH_B-1:0] addrb : in std_logic_vector (C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- [ADDR_WIDTH_B-1:0] dinb : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); injectsbiterrb : in std_logic; injectdbiterrb : in std_logic; doutb : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); -- [READ_DATA_WIDTH_B-1:0] sbiterrb : out std_logic; dbiterrb : out std_logic ); end component; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- FUNCTION: if_then_else -- This function is used to implement an IF..THEN when such a statement is not -- allowed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION if_then_else ( condition : BOOLEAN; true_case : INTEGER; false_case : INTEGER) RETURN INTEGER IS VARIABLE retval : INTEGER := 0; BEGIN IF NOT condition THEN retval:=false_case; ELSE retval:=true_case; END IF; RETURN retval; END if_then_else; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION : log2roundup --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION log2roundup (data_value : integer) RETURN integer IS VARIABLE width : integer := 0; VARIABLE cnt : integer := 1; CONSTANT lower_limit : integer := 1; CONSTANT upper_limit : integer := 8; BEGIN IF (data_value <= 1) THEN width := 0; ELSE WHILE (cnt < data_value) LOOP width := width + 1; cnt := cnt *2; END LOOP; END IF; RETURN width; END log2roundup; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Only instantiate logic based on C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL. -- Determine external ECC width. -- Use function defined in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. -- Set internal parameters for ECC register enabling when C_ECC = 1 -- Catastrophic error indicated with ECC_UE & Interrupt flags. -- Counter only sized when C_ECC = 1. -- Selects CE counter width/threshold to assert ECC_Interrupt -- Hard coded at 8-bits to capture and count up to 256 correctable errors. -- ECC algorithm format, 0 = Hamming code, 1 = Hsiao code constant GND : std_logic := '0'; constant VCC : std_logic := '1'; constant ZERO1 : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO2 : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO3 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO4 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO8 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant WSTRB_ZERO : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO16 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO32 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO64 : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); CONSTANT MEM_TYPE : INTEGER := if_then_else((C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM=1),0,2); CONSTANT BWE_B : INTEGER := if_then_else((C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM=1),0,1); CONSTANT BMG_ADDR_WIDTH : INTEGER := log2roundup(C_MEMORY_DEPTH) + log2roundup(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8) ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal clka_bram_clka_i : std_logic := '0'; signal rsta_bram_rsta_i : std_logic := '0'; signal ena_bram_ena_i : std_logic := '0'; signal REGCEA : std_logic := '0'; signal wea_bram_wea_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal addra_bram_addra_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal dina_bram_dina_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal douta_bram_douta_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); signal clkb_bram_clkb_i : std_logic := '0'; signal rstb_bram_rstb_i : std_logic := '0'; signal enb_bram_enb_i : std_logic := '0'; signal REGCEB : std_logic := '0'; signal web_bram_web_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal addrb_bram_addrb_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal dinb_bram_dinb_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal doutb_bram_doutb_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ----------------------------------------------------------------------- begin gint_inst: IF (C_BRAM_INST_MODE = "INTERNAL" ) GENERATE constant c_addrb_width : INTEGER := log2roundup(C_MEMORY_DEPTH); constant C_WEA_WIDTH_I : INTEGER := (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) ; constant C_WRITE_WIDTH_A_I : INTEGER := (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) ; constant C_READ_WIDTH_A_I : INTEGER := (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))); constant C_ADDRA_WIDTH_I : INTEGER := log2roundup(C_MEMORY_DEPTH); constant C_WEB_WIDTH_I : INTEGER := (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))); constant C_WRITE_WIDTH_B_I : INTEGER := (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))); constant C_READ_WIDTH_B_I : INTEGER := (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))); signal s_axi_rdaddrecc_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_addrb_width-1 DOWNTO 0); signal s_axi_dbiterr_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal s_axi_sbiterr_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal s_axi_rvalid_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal s_axi_rlast_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal s_axi_rresp_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0); signal s_axi_rdata_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); signal s_axi_rid_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); signal s_axi_arready_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal s_axi_bvalid_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal s_axi_bresp_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0); signal s_axi_bid_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); signal s_axi_wready_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal s_axi_awready_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal rdaddrecc_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_addrb_width-1 DOWNTO 0); signal dbiterr_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal sbiterr_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; begin xpm_mem_gen : if (C_SELECT_XPM = 1) generate xpm_memory_inst: xpm_memory_tdpram generic map ( MEMORY_SIZE => C_WRITE_WIDTH_A_I*C_MEMORY_DEPTH, MEMORY_PRIMITIVE => "blockram", CLOCKING_MODE => "common_clock", ECC_MODE => "no_ecc", MEMORY_INIT_FILE => "none", MEMORY_INIT_PARAM => "", WAKEUP_TIME => "disable_sleep", MESSAGE_CONTROL => 0, WRITE_DATA_WIDTH_A => C_WRITE_WIDTH_A_I, READ_DATA_WIDTH_A => C_READ_WIDTH_A_I, BYTE_WRITE_WIDTH_A => 8, ADDR_WIDTH_A => C_ADDRA_WIDTH_I, READ_RESET_VALUE_A => "0", READ_LATENCY_A => 1, WRITE_MODE_A => "write_first", --write_first WRITE_DATA_WIDTH_B => C_WRITE_WIDTH_B_I, READ_DATA_WIDTH_B => C_READ_WIDTH_B_I, BYTE_WRITE_WIDTH_B => 8, ADDR_WIDTH_B => C_ADDRB_WIDTH, READ_RESET_VALUE_B => "0", READ_LATENCY_B => 1, WRITE_MODE_B => "write_first" ) port map ( -- Common module ports sleep => GND, -- Port A module ports clka => clka_bram_clka_i, rsta => rsta_bram_rsta_i, ena => ena_bram_ena_i, regcea => GND, wea => wea_bram_wea_i, addra => addra_bram_addra_i(BMG_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto (BMG_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH)), dina => dina_bram_dina_i, injectsbiterra => GND, injectdbiterra => GND, douta => douta_bram_douta_i, sbiterra => open, dbiterra => open, -- Port B module ports clkb => clkb_bram_clkb_i, rstb => rstb_bram_rstb_i, enb => enb_bram_enb_i, regceb => GND, web => web_bram_web_i, addrb => addrb_bram_addrb_i(BMG_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto (BMG_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH)), dinb => dinb_bram_dinb_i, injectsbiterrb => GND, injectdbiterrb => GND, doutb => doutb_bram_doutb_i, sbiterrb => open, dbiterrb => open ); end generate; blk_mem_gen : if (C_SELECT_XPM = 0) generate bmgv81_inst : entity blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6.blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6 GENERIC MAP( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generic Declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Device Family & Elaboration Directory Parameters: C_FAMILY => C_FAMILY, C_XDEVICEFAMILY => C_FAMILY, ---- C_ELABORATION_DIR => "NULL" , C_INTERFACE_TYPE => 0 , --General Memory Parameters: ----- C_ENABLE_32BIT_ADDRESS => 0 , C_MEM_TYPE => MEM_TYPE , C_BYTE_SIZE => 8 , C_ALGORITHM => 1 , C_PRIM_TYPE => 1 , --Memory Initialization Parameters: C_LOAD_INIT_FILE => 0 , C_INIT_FILE_NAME => "no_coe_file_loaded" , C_USE_DEFAULT_DATA => 0 , C_DEFAULT_DATA => "NULL" , --Port A Parameters: --Reset Parameters: C_HAS_RSTA => 0 , --Enable Parameters: C_HAS_ENA => 1 , C_HAS_REGCEA => 0 , --Byte Write Enable Parameters: C_USE_BYTE_WEA => 1 , C_WEA_WIDTH => C_WEA_WIDTH_I, --(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) , --Write Mode: C_WRITE_MODE_A => "WRITE_FIRST" , --Data-Addr Width Parameters: C_WRITE_WIDTH_A => C_WRITE_WIDTH_A_I,--(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) , C_READ_WIDTH_A => C_READ_WIDTH_A_I,--(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) , C_WRITE_DEPTH_A => C_MEMORY_DEPTH , C_READ_DEPTH_A => C_MEMORY_DEPTH , C_ADDRA_WIDTH => C_ADDRA_WIDTH_I,--log2roundup(C_MEMORY_DEPTH) , --Port B Parameters: --Reset Parameters: C_HAS_RSTB => 0 , --Enable Parameters: C_HAS_ENB => 1 , C_HAS_REGCEB => 0 , --Byte Write Enable Parameters: C_USE_BYTE_WEB => BWE_B , C_WEB_WIDTH => C_WEB_WIDTH_I,--(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) , --Write Mode: C_WRITE_MODE_B => "WRITE_FIRST" , --Data-Addr Width Parameters: C_WRITE_WIDTH_B => C_WRITE_WIDTH_B_I,--(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) , C_READ_WIDTH_B => C_READ_WIDTH_B_I,--(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) , C_WRITE_DEPTH_B => C_MEMORY_DEPTH , C_READ_DEPTH_B => C_MEMORY_DEPTH , C_ADDRB_WIDTH => C_ADDRB_WIDTH,--log2roundup(C_MEMORY_DEPTH) , --Output Registers/ Pipelining Parameters: C_HAS_MEM_OUTPUT_REGS_A => 0 , C_HAS_MEM_OUTPUT_REGS_B => 0 , C_HAS_MUX_OUTPUT_REGS_A => 0 , C_HAS_MUX_OUTPUT_REGS_B => 0 , C_MUX_PIPELINE_STAGES => 0 , --Input/Output Registers for SoftECC : C_HAS_SOFTECC_INPUT_REGS_A => 0 , C_HAS_SOFTECC_OUTPUT_REGS_B=> 0 , --ECC Parameters C_USE_ECC => 0 , C_USE_SOFTECC => 0 , C_HAS_INJECTERR => 0 , C_EN_ECC_PIPE => 0, C_EN_SLEEP_PIN => 0, C_USE_URAM => 0, C_EN_RDADDRA_CHG => 0, C_EN_RDADDRB_CHG => 0, C_EN_DEEPSLEEP_PIN => 0, C_EN_SHUTDOWN_PIN => 0, --Simulation Model Parameters: C_SIM_COLLISION_CHECK => "NONE" , C_COMMON_CLK => 1 , C_DISABLE_WARN_BHV_COLL => 1 , C_DISABLE_WARN_BHV_RANGE => 1 ) PORT MAP( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Input and Output Declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Native BMG Input and Output Port Declarations --Port A: clka => clka_bram_clka_i , rsta => rsta_bram_rsta_i , ena => ena_bram_ena_i , regcea => GND , wea => wea_bram_wea_i , addra => addra_bram_addra_i(BMG_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto (BMG_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH)) , --addra => addra_bram_addra_i(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH)) , dina => dina_bram_dina_i , douta => douta_bram_douta_i , --port b: clkb => clkb_bram_clkb_i , rstb => rstb_bram_rstb_i , enb => enb_bram_enb_i , regceb => GND , web => web_bram_web_i , addrb => addrb_bram_addrb_i(BMG_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto (BMG_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH)) , --addrb => addrb_bram_addrb_i(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH)) , dinb => dinb_bram_dinb_i , doutb => doutb_bram_doutb_i , --ecc: injectsbiterr => GND , injectdbiterr => GND , sbiterr => sbiterr_bmg_int, dbiterr => dbiterr_bmg_int, rdaddrecc => rdaddrecc_bmg_int, eccpipece => GND, sleep => GND, deepsleep => GND, shutdown => GND, -- axi bmg input and output Port Declarations -- axi global signals s_aclk => GND , s_aresetn => GND , -- axi full/lite slave write (write side) s_axi_awid => ZERO4 , s_axi_awaddr => ZERO32 , s_axi_awlen => ZERO8 , s_axi_awsize => ZERO3 , s_axi_awburst => ZERO2 , s_axi_awvalid => GND , s_axi_awready => s_axi_awready_bmg_int, s_axi_wdata => ZERO64 , s_axi_wstrb => WSTRB_ZERO, s_axi_wlast => GND , s_axi_wvalid => GND , s_axi_wready => s_axi_wready_bmg_int, s_axi_bid => s_axi_bid_bmg_int, s_axi_bresp => s_axi_bresp_bmg_int, s_axi_bvalid => s_axi_bvalid_bmg_int, s_axi_bready => GND , -- axi full/lite slave read (Write side) s_axi_arid => ZERO4, s_axi_araddr => "00000000000000000000000000000000", s_axi_arlen => "00000000", s_axi_arsize => "000", s_axi_arburst => "00", s_axi_arvalid => '0', s_axi_arready => s_axi_arready_bmg_int, s_axi_rid => s_axi_rid_bmg_int, s_axi_rdata => s_axi_rdata_bmg_int, s_axi_rresp => s_axi_rresp_bmg_int, s_axi_rlast => s_axi_rlast_bmg_int, s_axi_rvalid => s_axi_rvalid_bmg_int, s_axi_rready => GND , -- axi full/lite sideband Signals s_axi_injectsbiterr => GND , s_axi_injectdbiterr => GND , s_axi_sbiterr => s_axi_sbiterr_bmg_int, s_axi_dbiterr => s_axi_dbiterr_bmg_int, s_axi_rdaddrecc => s_axi_rdaddrecc_bmg_int ); end generate; abcv4_0_int_inst : entity work.axi_bram_ctrl_top generic map( -- AXI Parameters C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH => C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH , -- AXI ID vector width C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , -- Set to AXI4LITE to optimize out burst transaction support C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST => C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST , -- Support for narrow burst operations C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , -- Enable single port usage of BRAM -- AXI-Lite Register Parameters C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI-Lite address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI-Lite data bus (in bits) -- ECC Parameters C_ECC => C_ECC , -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_TYPE => C_ECC_TYPE , C_FAULT_INJECT => C_FAULT_INJECT , -- Enable fault injection registers -- (default = disabled) C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE => C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE -- By default, ECC checking is on -- (can disable ECC @ reset by setting this to 0) ) port map( -- AXI Interface Signals -- AXI Clock and Reset S_AXI_ACLK => S_AXI_ACLK , S_AXI_ARESETN => S_AXI_ARESETN , ECC_Interrupt => ECC_Interrupt , ECC_UE => ECC_UE , -- AXI Write Address Channel Signals (AW) S_AXI_AWID => S_AXI_AWID , S_AXI_AWADDR => S_AXI_AWADDR , S_AXI_AWLEN => S_AXI_AWLEN , S_AXI_AWSIZE => S_AXI_AWSIZE , S_AXI_AWBURST => S_AXI_AWBURST , S_AXI_AWLOCK => S_AXI_AWLOCK , S_AXI_AWCACHE => S_AXI_AWCACHE , S_AXI_AWPROT => S_AXI_AWPROT , S_AXI_AWVALID => S_AXI_AWVALID , S_AXI_AWREADY => S_AXI_AWREADY , -- AXI Write Data Channel Signals (W) S_AXI_WDATA => S_AXI_WDATA , S_AXI_WSTRB => S_AXI_WSTRB , S_AXI_WLAST => S_AXI_WLAST , S_AXI_WVALID => S_AXI_WVALID , S_AXI_WREADY => S_AXI_WREADY , -- AXI Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) S_AXI_BID => S_AXI_BID , S_AXI_BRESP => S_AXI_BRESP , S_AXI_BVALID => S_AXI_BVALID , S_AXI_BREADY => S_AXI_BREADY , -- AXI Read Address Channel Signals (AR) S_AXI_ARID => S_AXI_ARID , S_AXI_ARADDR => S_AXI_ARADDR , S_AXI_ARLEN => S_AXI_ARLEN , S_AXI_ARSIZE => S_AXI_ARSIZE , S_AXI_ARBURST => S_AXI_ARBURST , S_AXI_ARLOCK => S_AXI_ARLOCK , S_AXI_ARCACHE => S_AXI_ARCACHE , S_AXI_ARPROT => S_AXI_ARPROT , S_AXI_ARVALID => S_AXI_ARVALID , S_AXI_ARREADY => S_AXI_ARREADY , -- AXI Read Data Channel Signals (R) S_AXI_RID => S_AXI_RID , S_AXI_RDATA => S_AXI_RDATA , S_AXI_RRESP => S_AXI_RRESP , S_AXI_RLAST => S_AXI_RLAST , S_AXI_RVALID => S_AXI_RVALID , S_AXI_RREADY => S_AXI_RREADY , -- AXI-Lite ECC Register Interface Signals -- AXI-Lite Write Address Channel Signals (AW) S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY , S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR , -- AXI-Lite Write Data Channel Signals (W) S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA , S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY , -- AXI-Lite Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP , S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY , -- AXI-Lite Read Address Channel Signals (AR) S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR , S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY , -- AXI-Lite Read Data Channel Signals (R) S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA , S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP , S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY , -- BRAM Interface Signals (Port A) BRAM_Rst_A => rsta_bram_rsta_i , BRAM_Clk_A => clka_bram_clka_i , BRAM_En_A => ena_bram_ena_i , BRAM_WE_A => wea_bram_wea_i , BRAM_Addr_A => addra_bram_addra_i, BRAM_WrData_A => dina_bram_dina_i , BRAM_RdData_A => douta_bram_douta_i , -- BRAM Interface Signals (Port B) BRAM_Rst_B => rstb_bram_rstb_i , BRAM_Clk_B => clkb_bram_clkb_i , BRAM_En_B => enb_bram_enb_i , BRAM_WE_B => web_bram_web_i , BRAM_Addr_B => addrb_bram_addrb_i , BRAM_WrData_B => dinb_bram_dinb_i , BRAM_RdData_B => doutb_bram_doutb_i ); -- The following signals are driven 0's to remove the synthesis warnings bram_rst_a <= '0'; bram_clk_a <= '0'; bram_en_a <= '0'; bram_we_a <= (others => '0'); bram_addr_a <= (others => '0'); bram_wrdata_a <= (others => '0'); bram_rst_b <= '0'; bram_clk_b <= '0'; bram_en_b <= '0'; bram_we_b <= (others => '0'); bram_addr_b <= (others => '0'); bram_wrdata_b <= (others => '0'); END GENERATE gint_inst; -- End of internal bram instance gext_inst: IF (C_BRAM_INST_MODE = "EXTERNAL" ) GENERATE abcv4_0_ext_inst : entity work.axi_bram_ctrl_top generic map( -- AXI Parameters C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH => C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH , -- AXI ID vector width C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , -- Set to AXI4LITE to optimize out burst transaction support C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST => C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST , -- Support for narrow burst operations C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , -- Enable single port usage of BRAM -- AXI-Lite Register Parameters C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI-Lite address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI-Lite data bus (in bits) -- ECC Parameters C_ECC => C_ECC , -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_TYPE => C_ECC_TYPE , C_FAULT_INJECT => C_FAULT_INJECT , -- Enable fault injection registers -- (default = disabled) C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE => C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE -- By default, ECC checking is on -- (can disable ECC @ reset by setting this to 0) ) port map( -- AXI Interface Signals -- AXI Clock and Reset s_axi_aclk => s_axi_aclk , s_axi_aresetn => s_axi_aresetn , ecc_interrupt => ecc_interrupt , ecc_ue => ecc_ue , -- axi write address channel signals (aw) s_axi_awid => s_axi_awid , s_axi_awaddr => s_axi_awaddr , s_axi_awlen => s_axi_awlen , s_axi_awsize => s_axi_awsize , s_axi_awburst => s_axi_awburst , s_axi_awlock => s_axi_awlock , s_axi_awcache => s_axi_awcache , s_axi_awprot => s_axi_awprot , s_axi_awvalid => s_axi_awvalid , s_axi_awready => s_axi_awready , -- axi write data channel signals (w) s_axi_wdata => s_axi_wdata , s_axi_wstrb => s_axi_wstrb , s_axi_wlast => s_axi_wlast , s_axi_wvalid => s_axi_wvalid , s_axi_wready => s_axi_wready , -- axi write data response channel signals (b) s_axi_bid => s_axi_bid , s_axi_bresp => s_axi_bresp , s_axi_bvalid => s_axi_bvalid , s_axi_bready => s_axi_bready , -- axi read address channel signals (ar) s_axi_arid => s_axi_arid , s_axi_araddr => s_axi_araddr , s_axi_arlen => s_axi_arlen , s_axi_arsize => s_axi_arsize , s_axi_arburst => s_axi_arburst , s_axi_arlock => s_axi_arlock , s_axi_arcache => s_axi_arcache , s_axi_arprot => s_axi_arprot , s_axi_arvalid => s_axi_arvalid , s_axi_arready => s_axi_arready , -- axi read data channel signals (r) s_axi_rid => s_axi_rid , s_axi_rdata => s_axi_rdata , s_axi_rresp => s_axi_rresp , s_axi_rlast => s_axi_rlast , s_axi_rvalid => s_axi_rvalid , s_axi_rready => s_axi_rready , -- axi-lite ecc register interface signals -- axi-lite write address channel signals (aw) s_axi_ctrl_awvalid => s_axi_ctrl_awvalid , s_axi_ctrl_awready => s_axi_ctrl_awready , s_axi_ctrl_awaddr => s_axi_ctrl_awaddr , -- axi-lite write data channel signals (w) s_axi_ctrl_wdata => s_axi_ctrl_wdata , s_axi_ctrl_wvalid => s_axi_ctrl_wvalid , s_axi_ctrl_wready => s_axi_ctrl_wready , -- axi-lite write data response channel signals (b) s_axi_ctrl_bresp => s_axi_ctrl_bresp , s_axi_ctrl_bvalid => s_axi_ctrl_bvalid , s_axi_ctrl_bready => s_axi_ctrl_bready , -- axi-lite read address channel signals (ar) s_axi_ctrl_araddr => s_axi_ctrl_araddr , s_axi_ctrl_arvalid => s_axi_ctrl_arvalid , s_axi_ctrl_arready => s_axi_ctrl_arready , -- axi-lite read data channel signals (r) s_axi_ctrl_rdata => s_axi_ctrl_rdata , s_axi_ctrl_rresp => s_axi_ctrl_rresp , s_axi_ctrl_rvalid => s_axi_ctrl_rvalid , s_axi_ctrl_rready => s_axi_ctrl_rready , -- bram interface signals (port a) bram_rst_a => bram_rst_a , bram_clk_a => bram_clk_a , bram_en_a => bram_en_a , bram_we_a => bram_we_a , bram_addr_a => bram_addr_a , bram_wrdata_a => bram_wrdata_a , bram_rddata_a => bram_rddata_a , -- bram interface signals (port b) bram_rst_b => bram_rst_b , bram_clk_b => bram_clk_b , bram_en_b => bram_en_b , bram_we_b => bram_we_b , bram_addr_b => bram_addr_b , bram_wrdata_b => bram_wrdata_b , bram_rddata_b => bram_rddata_b ); END GENERATE gext_inst; -- End of internal bram instance end architecture implementation;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SRL_FIFO entity and architecture ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ************************************************************************* -- ** ** -- ** DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY ** -- ** ** -- ** This text/file contains proprietary, confidential ** -- ** information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under ** -- ** license from Xilinx, Inc., and may be used, copied ** -- ** and/or disclosed only pursuant to the terms of a valid ** -- ** license agreement with Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx hereby ** -- ** grants you a license to use this text/file solely for ** -- ** design, simulation, implementation and creation of ** -- ** design files limited to Xilinx devices or technologies. ** -- ** Use with non-Xilinx devices or technologies is expressly ** -- ** prohibited and immediately terminates your license unless ** -- ** covered by a separate agreement. ** -- ** ** -- ** Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information ** -- ** "as-is" solely for use in developing programs and ** -- ** solutions for Xilinx devices, with no obligation on the ** -- ** part of Xilinx to provide support. By providing this design, ** -- ** code, or information as one possible implementation of ** -- ** this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no ** -- ** representation that this implementation is free from any ** -- ** claims of infringement. You are responsible for obtaining ** -- ** any rights you may require for your implementation. ** -- ** Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with ** -- ** respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including ** -- ** but not limited to any warranties or representations that this ** -- ** implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied ** -- ** warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular ** -- ** purpose. ** -- ** ** -- ** Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support ** -- ** appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications is ** -- ** expressly prohibited. ** -- ** ** -- ** Any modifications that are made to the Source Code are ** -- ** done at the user’s sole risk and will be unsupported. ** -- ** The Xilinx Support Hotline does not have access to source ** -- ** code and therefore cannot answer specific questions related ** -- ** to source HDL. The Xilinx Hotline support of original source ** -- ** code IP shall only address issues and questions related ** -- ** to the standard Netlist version of the core (and thus ** -- ** indirectly, the original core source). ** -- ** ** -- ** Copyright (c) 2001-2013 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. ** -- ** ** -- ** This copyright and support notice must be retained as part ** -- ** of this text at all times. ** -- ** ** -- ************************************************************************* -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: srl_fifo.vhd -- -- Description: -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- srl_fifo.vhd -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Author: goran -- Revision: $Revision: $ -- Date: $Date: 2010/09/14 22:35:47 $ -- -- History: -- goran 2001-05-11 First Version -- KC 2001-06-20 Added Addr as an output port, for use as an occupancy -- value -- -- DCW 2002-03-12 Structural implementation of synchronous reset for -- Data_Exists DFF (using FDR) -- jam 2002-04-12 added C_XON generic for mixed vhdl/verilog sims -- -- als 2002-04-18 added default for XON generic in SRL16E, FDRE, and FDR -- component declarations -- -- DET 1/17/2008 v4_00_a -- ~~~~~~ -- - Incorporated new disclaimer header -- ^^^^^^ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; library unisim; use unisim.all; entity SRL_FIFO is generic ( C_DATA_BITS : natural := 8; C_DEPTH : natural := 16; C_XON : boolean := false ); port ( Clk : in std_logic; Reset : in std_logic; FIFO_Write : in std_logic; Data_In : in std_logic_vector(0 to C_DATA_BITS-1); FIFO_Read : in std_logic; Data_Out : out std_logic_vector(0 to C_DATA_BITS-1); FIFO_Full : out std_logic; Data_Exists : out std_logic; Addr : out std_logic_vector(0 to 3) -- Added Addr as a port ); end entity SRL_FIFO; architecture IMP of SRL_FIFO is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; component SRL16E is -- pragma translate_off generic ( INIT : bit_vector := X"0000" ); -- pragma translate_on port ( CE : in std_logic; D : in std_logic; Clk : in std_logic; A0 : in std_logic; A1 : in std_logic; A2 : in std_logic; A3 : in std_logic; Q : out std_logic); end component SRL16E; component LUT4 generic( INIT : bit_vector := X"0000" ); port ( O : out std_logic; I0 : in std_logic; I1 : in std_logic; I2 : in std_logic; I3 : in std_logic); end component; component MULT_AND port ( I0 : in std_logic; I1 : in std_logic; LO : out std_logic); end component; component MUXCY_L port ( DI : in std_logic; CI : in std_logic; S : in std_logic; LO : out std_logic); end component; component XORCY port ( LI : in std_logic; CI : in std_logic; O : out std_logic); end component; component FDRE is port ( Q : out std_logic; C : in std_logic; CE : in std_logic; D : in std_logic; R : in std_logic); end component FDRE; component FDR is port ( Q : out std_logic; C : in std_logic; D : in std_logic; R : in std_logic); end component FDR; signal addr_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal buffer_Full : std_logic; signal buffer_Empty : std_logic; signal next_Data_Exists : std_logic; signal data_Exists_I : std_logic; signal valid_Write : std_logic; signal hsum_A : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal sum_A : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal addr_cy : std_logic_vector(0 to 4); begin -- architecture IMP buffer_Full <= '1' when (addr_i = "1111") else '0'; FIFO_Full <= buffer_Full; buffer_Empty <= '1' when (addr_i = "0000") else '0'; next_Data_Exists <= (data_Exists_I and not buffer_Empty) or (buffer_Empty and FIFO_Write) or (data_Exists_I and not FIFO_Read); Data_Exists_DFF : FDR port map ( Q => data_Exists_I, -- [out std_logic] C => Clk, -- [in std_logic] D => next_Data_Exists, -- [in std_logic] R => Reset); -- [in std_logic] Data_Exists <= data_Exists_I; valid_Write <= FIFO_Write and (FIFO_Read or not buffer_Full); addr_cy(0) <= valid_Write; Addr_Counters : for I in 0 to 3 generate hsum_A(I) <= (FIFO_Read xor addr_i(I)) and (FIFO_Write or not buffer_Empty); MUXCY_L_I : MUXCY_L port map ( DI => addr_i(I), -- [in std_logic] CI => addr_cy(I), -- [in std_logic] S => hsum_A(I), -- [in std_logic] LO => addr_cy(I+1)); -- [out std_logic] XORCY_I : XORCY port map ( LI => hsum_A(I), -- [in std_logic] CI => addr_cy(I), -- [in std_logic] O => sum_A(I)); -- [out std_logic] FDRE_I : FDRE port map ( Q => addr_i(I), -- [out std_logic] C => Clk, -- [in std_logic] CE => data_Exists_I, -- [in std_logic] D => sum_A(I), -- [in std_logic] R => Reset); -- [in std_logic] end generate Addr_Counters; FIFO_RAM : for I in 0 to C_DATA_BITS-1 generate SRL16E_I : SRL16E -- pragma translate_off generic map ( INIT => x"0000") -- pragma translate_on port map ( CE => valid_Write, -- [in std_logic] D => Data_In(I), -- [in std_logic] Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic] A0 => addr_i(0), -- [in std_logic] A1 => addr_i(1), -- [in std_logic] A2 => addr_i(2), -- [in std_logic] A3 => addr_i(3), -- [in std_logic] Q => Data_Out(I)); -- [out std_logic] end generate FIFO_RAM; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- INT_ADDR_PROCESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This process assigns the internal address to the output port ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT_ADDR_PROCESS:process (addr_i) begin -- process Addr <= addr_i; end process; end architecture IMP; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Filename: axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.vhd -- -- Description: Support functions for axi_bram_ctrl library modules. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/16/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update ECC size on 128-bit data width configuration. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/23/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add MIG functions for Hsiao ECC. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/24/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add Find_ECC_Size function. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/15/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add REDUCTION_OR function. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Recode Create_Size_Max with a case statement. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/31/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add coverage tags. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/6/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- Remove Family_To_LUT_Size function. -- Remove String_To_Family function. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; package axi_bram_ctrl_funcs is type TARGET_FAMILY_TYPE is ( -- pragma xilinx_rtl_off SPARTAN3, VIRTEX4, VIRTEX5, SPARTAN3E, SPARTAN3A, SPARTAN3AN, SPARTAN3Adsp, SPARTAN6, VIRTEX6, VIRTEX7, KINTEX7, -- pragma xilinx_rtl_on RTL ); -- function String_To_Family (S : string; Select_RTL : boolean) return TARGET_FAMILY_TYPE; -- Get the maximum number of inputs to a LUT. -- function Family_To_LUT_Size(Family : TARGET_FAMILY_TYPE) return integer; function Equal_String( str1, str2 : STRING ) RETURN BOOLEAN; function log2(x : natural) return integer; function Int_ECC_Size (i: integer) return integer; function Find_ECC_Size (i: integer; j: integer) return integer; function Find_ECC_Full_Bit_Size (i: integer; j: integer) return integer; function Create_Size_Max (i: integer) return std_logic_vector; function REDUCTION_OR (A: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic; function REDUCTION_XOR (A: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic; function REDUCTION_NOR (A: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic; function BOOLEAN_TO_STD_LOGIC (A: in BOOLEAN) return std_logic; end package axi_bram_ctrl_funcs; library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; package body axi_bram_ctrl_funcs is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: Int_ECC_Size -- Purpose: Determine internal size of ECC when enabled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Int_ECC_Size (i: integer) return integer is begin --coverage off if (i = 32) then return 7; -- 7-bits ECC for 32-bit data -- ECC port size fixed @ 8-bits elsif (i = 64) then return 8; elsif (i = 128) then return 9; -- Hsiao is 9-bits for 128-bit data. else return 0; end if; --coverage on end Int_ECC_Size; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: Find_ECC_Size -- Purpose: Determine external size of ECC signals when enabled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Find_ECC_Size (i: integer; j: integer) return integer is begin --coverage off if (i = 1) then if (j = 32) then return 8; -- Keep at 8 for port size matchings -- Only 7-bits ECC per 32-bit data elsif (j = 64) then return 8; elsif (j = 128) then return 9; else return 0; end if; else return 0; -- ECC data width = 0 when C_ECC = 0 (disabled) end if; --coverage on end Find_ECC_Size; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: Find_ECC_Full_Bit_Size -- Purpose: Determine external size of ECC signals when enabled in bytes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Find_ECC_Full_Bit_Size (i: integer; j: integer) return integer is begin --coverage off if (i = 1) then if (j = 32) then return 8; elsif (j = 64) then return 8; elsif (j = 128) then return 16; else return 0; end if; else return 0; -- ECC data width = 0 when C_ECC = 0 (disabled) end if; --coverage on end Find_ECC_Full_Bit_Size; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: Create_Size_Max -- Purpose: Create maximum value for AxSIZE based on AXI data bus width. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Create_Size_Max (i: integer) return std_logic_vector is variable size_vector : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); begin case (i) is when 32 => size_vector := "010"; -- 2h (4 bytes) when 64 => size_vector := "011"; -- 3h (8 bytes) when 128 => size_vector := "100"; -- 4h (16 bytes) when 256 => size_vector := "101"; -- 5h (32 bytes) when 512 => size_vector := "110"; -- 5h (32 bytes) when 1024 => size_vector := "111"; -- 5h (32 bytes) --coverage off when others => size_vector := "000"; -- 0h --coverage on end case; return (size_vector); end function Create_Size_Max; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: REDUCTION_OR -- Purpose: New in v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function REDUCTION_OR (A: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is variable tmp : std_logic := '0'; begin for i in A'range loop tmp := tmp or A(i); end loop; return tmp; end function REDUCTION_OR; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: REDUCTION_XOR -- Purpose: Derived from MIG v3.7 ecc_gen module for use by Hsiao ECC. -- New in v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function REDUCTION_XOR (A: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is variable tmp : std_logic := '0'; begin for i in A'range loop tmp := tmp xor A(i); end loop; return tmp; end function REDUCTION_XOR; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: REDUCTION_NOR -- Purpose: Derived from MIG v3.7 ecc_dec_fix module for use by Hsiao ECC. -- New in v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function REDUCTION_NOR (A: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is variable tmp : std_logic := '0'; begin for i in A'range loop tmp := tmp or A(i); end loop; return not tmp; end function REDUCTION_NOR; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function: BOOLEAN_TO_STD_LOGIC -- Purpose: Derived from MIG v3.7 ecc_dec_fix module for use by Hsiao ECC. -- New in v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function BOOLEAN_TO_STD_LOGIC (A : in BOOLEAN) return std_logic is begin if A = true then return '1'; else return '0'; end if; end function BOOLEAN_TO_STD_LOGIC; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function LowerCase_Char(char : character) return character is begin --coverage off -- If char is not an upper case letter then return char if char < 'A' or char > 'Z' then return char; end if; -- Otherwise map char to its corresponding lower case character and -- return that case char is when 'A' => return 'a'; when 'B' => return 'b'; when 'C' => return 'c'; when 'D' => return 'd'; when 'E' => return 'e'; when 'F' => return 'f'; when 'G' => return 'g'; when 'H' => return 'h'; when 'I' => return 'i'; when 'J' => return 'j'; when 'K' => return 'k'; when 'L' => return 'l'; when 'M' => return 'm'; when 'N' => return 'n'; when 'O' => return 'o'; when 'P' => return 'p'; when 'Q' => return 'q'; when 'R' => return 'r'; when 'S' => return 's'; when 'T' => return 't'; when 'U' => return 'u'; when 'V' => return 'v'; when 'W' => return 'w'; when 'X' => return 'x'; when 'Y' => return 'y'; when 'Z' => return 'z'; when others => return char; end case; --coverage on end LowerCase_Char; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns true if case insensitive string comparison determines that -- str1 and str2 are equal function Equal_String ( str1, str2 : STRING ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS CONSTANT len1 : INTEGER := str1'length; CONSTANT len2 : INTEGER := str2'length; VARIABLE equal : BOOLEAN := TRUE; BEGIN --coverage off IF NOT (len1=len2) THEN equal := FALSE; ELSE FOR i IN str1'range LOOP IF NOT (LowerCase_Char(str1(i)) = LowerCase_Char(str2(i))) THEN equal := FALSE; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; --coverage on RETURN equal; END Equal_String; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- Remove usage of String_To_Family function. -- -- -- function String_To_Family (S : string; Select_RTL : boolean) return TARGET_FAMILY_TYPE is -- begin -- function String_To_Family -- -- --coverage off -- -- if ((Select_RTL) or Equal_String(S, "rtl")) then -- return RTL; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "spartan3") or Equal_String(S, "aspartan3") then -- return SPARTAN3; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "spartan3E") or Equal_String(S, "aspartan3E") then -- return SPARTAN3E; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "spartan3A") or Equal_String(S, "aspartan3A") then -- return SPARTAN3A; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "spartan3AN") then -- return SPARTAN3AN; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "spartan3Adsp") or Equal_String(S, "aspartan3Adsp") then -- return SPARTAN3Adsp; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "spartan6") or Equal_String(S, "spartan6l") or -- Equal_String(S, "qspartan6") or Equal_String(S, "aspartan6") or Equal_String(S, "qspartan6l") then -- return SPARTAN6; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "virtex4") or Equal_String(S, "qvirtex4") -- or Equal_String(S, "qrvirtex4") then -- return VIRTEX4; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "virtex5") or Equal_String(S, "qrvirtex5") then -- return VIRTEX5; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "virtex6") or Equal_String(S, "virtex6l") or Equal_String(S, "qvirtex6") then -- return VIRTEX6; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "virtex7") then -- return VIRTEX7; -- elsif Equal_String(S, "kintex7") then -- return KINTEX7; -- -- --coverage on -- -- else -- -- assert (false) report "No known target family" severity failure; -- return RTL; -- end if; -- -- end function String_To_Family; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- Remove usage of Family_To_LUT_Size function. -- -- function Family_To_LUT_Size (Family : TARGET_FAMILY_TYPE) return integer is -- begin -- -- --coverage off -- -- if (Family = SPARTAN3) or (Family = SPARTAN3E) or (Family = SPARTAN3A) or -- (Family = SPARTAN3AN) or (Family = SPARTAN3Adsp) or (Family = VIRTEX4) then -- return 4; -- end if; -- -- return 6; -- -- --coverage on -- -- end function Family_To_LUT_Size; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function log2 -- returns number of bits needed to encode x choices -- x = 0 returns 0 -- x = 1 returns 0 -- x = 2 returns 1 -- x = 4 returns 2, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function log2(x : natural) return integer is variable i : integer := 0; variable val: integer := 1; begin --coverage off if x = 0 then return 0; else for j in 0 to 29 loop -- for loop for XST if val >= x then null; else i := i+1; val := val*2; end if; end loop; -- Fix per CR520627 XST was ignoring this anyway and printing a -- Warning in SRP file. This will get rid of the warning and not -- impact simulation. -- synthesis translate_off assert val >= x report "Function log2 received argument larger" & " than its capability of 2^30. " severity failure; -- synthesis translate_on return i; end if; --coverage on end function log2; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end package body axi_bram_ctrl_funcs; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- coregen_comp_defs - entity/architecture pair ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ************************************************************************* -- ** ** -- ** DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY ** -- ** ** -- ** This text/file contains proprietary, confidential ** -- ** information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under ** -- ** license from Xilinx, Inc., and may be used, copied ** -- ** and/or disclosed only pursuant to the terms of a valid ** -- ** license agreement with Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx hereby ** -- ** grants you a license to use this text/file solely for ** -- ** design, simulation, implementation and creation of ** -- ** design files limited to Xilinx devices or technologies. ** -- ** Use with non-Xilinx devices or technologies is expressly ** -- ** prohibited and immediately terminates your license unless ** -- ** covered by a separate agreement. ** -- ** ** -- ** Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information ** -- ** "as-is" solely for use in developing programs and ** -- ** solutions for Xilinx devices, with no obligation on the ** -- ** part of Xilinx to provide support. By providing this design, ** -- ** code, or information as one possible implementation of ** -- ** this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no ** -- ** representation that this implementation is free from any ** -- ** claims of infringement. You are responsible for obtaining ** -- ** any rights you may require for your implementation. ** -- ** Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with ** -- ** respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including ** -- ** but not limited to any warranties or representations that this ** -- ** implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied ** -- ** warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular ** -- ** purpose. ** -- ** ** -- ** Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support ** -- ** appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications is ** -- ** expressly prohibited. ** -- ** ** -- ** Any modifications that are made to the Source Code are ** -- ** done at the user’s sole risk and will be unsupported. ** -- ** The Xilinx Support Hotline does not have access to source ** -- ** code and therefore cannot answer specific questions related ** -- ** to source HDL. The Xilinx Hotline support of original source ** -- ** code IP shall only address issues and questions related ** -- ** to the standard Netlist version of the core (and thus ** -- ** indirectly, the original core source). ** -- ** ** -- ** Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. ** -- ** ** -- ** This copyright and support notice must be retained as part ** -- ** of this text at all times. ** -- ** ** -- ************************************************************************* -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: coregen_comp_defs.vhd -- Version: initial -- Description: -- Component declarations for all black box netlists generated by -- running COREGEN and AXI BRAM CTRL when XST elaborated the client core -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- -- coregen_comp_defs.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; PACKAGE coregen_comp_defs IS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Start Block Memory Generator Component for blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6 -- Component declaration for blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6 pulled from the blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6.v -- Verilog file used to match paramter order for NCSIM compatibility ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- component blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6 generic ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generic Declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Device Family & Elaboration Directory Parameters: C_FAMILY : STRING := "virtex4"; C_XDEVICEFAMILY : STRING := "virtex4"; -- C_ELABORATION_DIR : STRING := ""; C_INTERFACE_TYPE : INTEGER := 0; C_AXI_TYPE : INTEGER := 1; C_AXI_SLAVE_TYPE : INTEGER := 0; C_HAS_AXI_ID : INTEGER := 0; C_AXI_ID_WIDTH : INTEGER := 4; --General Memory Parameters: C_MEM_TYPE : INTEGER := 2; C_BYTE_SIZE : INTEGER := 9; C_ALGORITHM : INTEGER := 0; C_PRIM_TYPE : INTEGER := 3; --Memory Initialization Parameters: C_LOAD_INIT_FILE : INTEGER := 0; C_INIT_FILE_NAME : STRING := ""; C_USE_DEFAULT_DATA : INTEGER := 0; C_DEFAULT_DATA : STRING := "111111111"; C_RST_TYPE : STRING := "SYNC"; --Port A Parameters: --Reset Parameters: C_HAS_RSTA : INTEGER := 0; C_RST_PRIORITY_A : STRING := "CE"; C_RSTRAM_A : INTEGER := 0; C_INITA_VAL : STRING := "0"; --Enable Parameters: C_HAS_ENA : INTEGER := 1; C_HAS_REGCEA : INTEGER := 0; --Byte Write Enable Parameters: C_USE_BYTE_WEA : INTEGER := 0; C_WEA_WIDTH : INTEGER := 1; --Write Mode: C_WRITE_MODE_A : STRING := "WRITE_FIRST"; --Data-Addr Width Parameters: C_WRITE_WIDTH_A : INTEGER := 4; C_READ_WIDTH_A : INTEGER := 4; C_WRITE_DEPTH_A : INTEGER := 4096; C_READ_DEPTH_A : INTEGER := 4096; C_ADDRA_WIDTH : INTEGER := 12; --Port B Parameters: --Reset Parameters: C_HAS_RSTB : INTEGER := 0; C_RST_PRIORITY_B : STRING := "CE"; C_RSTRAM_B : INTEGER := 0; C_INITB_VAL : STRING := "0"; --Enable Parameters: C_HAS_ENB : INTEGER := 1; C_HAS_REGCEB : INTEGER := 0; --Byte Write Enable Parameters: C_USE_BYTE_WEB : INTEGER := 0; C_WEB_WIDTH : INTEGER := 1; --Write Mode: C_WRITE_MODE_B : STRING := "WRITE_FIRST"; --Data-Addr Width Parameters: C_WRITE_WIDTH_B : INTEGER := 4; C_READ_WIDTH_B : INTEGER := 4; C_WRITE_DEPTH_B : INTEGER := 4096; C_READ_DEPTH_B : INTEGER := 4096; C_ADDRB_WIDTH : INTEGER := 12; --Output Registers/ Pipelining Parameters: C_HAS_MEM_OUTPUT_REGS_A : INTEGER := 0; C_HAS_MEM_OUTPUT_REGS_B : INTEGER := 0; C_HAS_MUX_OUTPUT_REGS_A : INTEGER := 0; C_HAS_MUX_OUTPUT_REGS_B : INTEGER := 0; C_MUX_PIPELINE_STAGES : INTEGER := 0; --Input/Output Registers for SoftECC : C_HAS_SOFTECC_INPUT_REGS_A : INTEGER := 0; C_HAS_SOFTECC_OUTPUT_REGS_B : INTEGER := 0; --ECC Parameters C_USE_ECC : INTEGER := 0; C_USE_SOFTECC : INTEGER := 0; C_HAS_INJECTERR : INTEGER := 0; --Simulation Model Parameters: C_SIM_COLLISION_CHECK : STRING := "NONE"; C_COMMON_CLK : INTEGER := 0; C_DISABLE_WARN_BHV_COLL : INTEGER := 0; C_DISABLE_WARN_BHV_RANGE : INTEGER := 0 ); PORT ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Input and Output Declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Native BMG Input and Output Port Declarations --Port A: CLKA : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; RSTA : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; ENA : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; REGCEA : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; WEA : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_WEA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); ADDRA : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_ADDRA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); DINA : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_WRITE_WIDTH_A-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); DOUTA : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_READ_WIDTH_A-1 DOWNTO 0); --Port B: CLKB : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; RSTB : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; ENB : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; REGCEB : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; WEB : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_WEB_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); ADDRB : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_ADDRB_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); DINB : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_WRITE_WIDTH_B-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); DOUTB : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_READ_WIDTH_B-1 DOWNTO 0); --ECC: INJECTSBITERR : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; INJECTDBITERR : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; SBITERR : OUT STD_LOGIC; DBITERR : OUT STD_LOGIC; RDADDRECC : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_ADDRB_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); -- AXI BMG Input and Output Port Declarations -- AXI Global Signals S_AClk : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; S_ARESETN : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; -- AXI Full/Lite Slave Write (write side) S_AXI_AWID : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_AWADDR : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_AWLEN : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_AWSIZE : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_AWBURST : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_AWVALID : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; S_AXI_AWREADY : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_WDATA : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_WRITE_WIDTH_A-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_WSTRB : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_WEA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_WLAST : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; S_AXI_WVALID : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; S_AXI_WREADY : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_BID : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_BRESP : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0); S_AXI_BVALID : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_BREADY : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; -- AXI Full/Lite Slave Read (Write side) S_AXI_ARID : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_ARADDR : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_ARLEN : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(8-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_ARSIZE : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_ARBURST : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_ARVALID : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; S_AXI_ARREADY : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_RID : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); S_AXI_RDATA : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_WRITE_WIDTH_B-1 DOWNTO 0); S_AXI_RRESP : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2-1 DOWNTO 0); S_AXI_RLAST : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_RVALID : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_RREADY : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; -- AXI Full/Lite Sideband Signals S_AXI_INJECTSBITERR : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; S_AXI_INJECTDBITERR : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; S_AXI_SBITERR : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_DBITERR : OUT STD_LOGIC; S_AXI_RDADDRECC : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_ADDRB_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) ); END COMPONENT; --blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6 END coregen_comp_defs; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- axi_lite_if.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: axi_lite_if.vhd -- -- Description: Derived AXI-Lite interface module. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity axi_lite_if is generic ( -- AXI4-Lite slave generics -- C_S_AXI_BASEADDR : std_logic_vector := X"FFFF_FFFF"; -- C_S_AXI_HIGHADDR : std_logic_vector := X"0000_0000"; C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; C_REGADDR_WIDTH : integer := 4; -- Address bits including register offset. C_DWIDTH : integer := 32); -- Width of data bus. port ( LMB_Clk : in std_logic; LMB_Rst : in std_logic; -- AXI4-Lite SLAVE SINGLE INTERFACE S_AXI_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_AWVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_AWREADY : out std_logic; S_AXI_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_WSTRB : in std_logic_vector((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)-1 downto 0); S_AXI_WVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_WREADY : out std_logic; S_AXI_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_BVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_BREADY : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_ARVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARREADY : out std_logic; S_AXI_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_RVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_RREADY : in std_logic; -- lmb_bram_if_cntlr signals RegWr : out std_logic; RegWrData : out std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH - 1); RegAddr : out std_logic_vector(0 to C_REGADDR_WIDTH-1); RegRdData : in std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH - 1)); end entity axi_lite_if; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; architecture IMP of axi_lite_if is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signal declaration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal new_write_access : std_logic; signal new_read_access : std_logic; signal ongoing_write : std_logic; signal ongoing_read : std_logic; signal S_AXI_RVALID_i : std_logic; signal RegRdData_i : std_logic_vector(C_DWIDTH - 1 downto 0); begin -- architecture IMP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Handling the AXI4-Lite bus interface (AR/AW/W) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Detect new transaction. -- Only allow one access at a time new_write_access <= not (ongoing_read or ongoing_write) and S_AXI_AWVALID and S_AXI_WVALID; new_read_access <= not (ongoing_read or ongoing_write) and S_AXI_ARVALID and not new_write_access; -- Acknowledge new transaction. S_AXI_AWREADY <= new_write_access; S_AXI_WREADY <= new_write_access; S_AXI_ARREADY <= new_read_access; -- Store register address and write data Reg: process (LMB_Clk) is begin if LMB_Clk'event and LMB_Clk = '1' then if LMB_Rst = '1' then RegAddr <= (others => '0'); RegWrData <= (others => '0'); elsif new_write_access = '1' then RegAddr <= S_AXI_AWADDR(C_REGADDR_WIDTH-1+2 downto 2); RegWrData <= S_AXI_WDATA(C_DWIDTH-1 downto 0); elsif new_read_access = '1' then RegAddr <= S_AXI_ARADDR(C_REGADDR_WIDTH-1+2 downto 2); end if; end if; end process Reg; -- Handle write access. WriteAccess: process (LMB_Clk) is begin if LMB_Clk'event and LMB_Clk = '1' then if LMB_Rst = '1' then ongoing_write <= '0'; elsif new_write_access = '1' then ongoing_write <= '1'; elsif ongoing_write = '1' and S_AXI_BREADY = '1' then ongoing_write <= '0'; end if; RegWr <= new_write_access; end if; end process WriteAccess; S_AXI_BVALID <= ongoing_write; S_AXI_BRESP <= (others => '0'); -- Handle read access ReadAccess: process (LMB_Clk) is begin if LMB_Clk'event and LMB_Clk = '1' then if LMB_Rst = '1' then ongoing_read <= '0'; S_AXI_RVALID_i <= '0'; elsif new_read_access = '1' then ongoing_read <= '1'; S_AXI_RVALID_i <= '0'; elsif ongoing_read = '1' then if S_AXI_RREADY = '1' and S_AXI_RVALID_i = '1' then ongoing_read <= '0'; S_AXI_RVALID_i <= '0'; else S_AXI_RVALID_i <= '1'; -- Asserted one cycle after ongoing_read to match S_AXI_RDDATA end if; end if; end if; end process ReadAccess; S_AXI_RVALID <= S_AXI_RVALID_i; S_AXI_RRESP <= (others => '0'); Not_All_Bits_Are_Used: if (C_DWIDTH < C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) generate begin S_AXI_RDATA(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - C_DWIDTH) <= (others=>'0'); end generate Not_All_Bits_Are_Used; RegRdData_i <= RegRdData; -- Swap to - downto S_AXI_RDATA_DFF : for I in C_DWIDTH - 1 downto 0 generate begin S_AXI_RDATA_FDRE : FDRE port map ( Q => S_AXI_RDATA(I), C => LMB_Clk, CE => ongoing_read, D => RegRdData_i(I), R => LMB_Rst); end generate S_AXI_RDATA_DFF; end architecture IMP; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- -- Description: Generates the ECC checkbits for the input vector of -- 64-bit data widths. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93/02 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity checkbit_handler_64 is generic ( C_ENCODE : boolean := true; C_REG : boolean := false; C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := true); port ( Clk : in std_logic; DataIn : in std_logic_vector (63 downto 0); CheckIn : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); CheckOut : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); Syndrome : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); Syndrome_7 : out std_logic_vector (11 downto 0); Syndrome_Chk : in std_logic_vector (0 to 7); Enable_ECC : in std_logic; UE_Q : in std_logic; CE_Q : in std_logic; UE : out std_logic; CE : out std_logic ); end entity checkbit_handler_64; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; -- library axi_bram_ctrl_v1_02_a; -- use axi_bram_ctrl_v1_02_a.all; architecture IMP of checkbit_handler_64 is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; component XOR18 is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean); port ( InA : in std_logic_vector(0 to 17); res : out std_logic); end component XOR18; component Parity is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean; C_SIZE : integer); port ( InA : in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1); Res : out std_logic); end component Parity; -- component ParityEnable -- generic ( -- C_USE_LUT6 : boolean; -- C_SIZE : integer); -- port ( -- InA : in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1); -- Enable : in std_logic; -- Res : out std_logic); -- end component ParityEnable; signal data_chk0 : std_logic_vector(0 to 34); signal data_chk1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 34); signal data_chk2 : std_logic_vector(0 to 34); signal data_chk3 : std_logic_vector(0 to 30); signal data_chk4 : std_logic_vector(0 to 30); signal data_chk5 : std_logic_vector(0 to 30); signal data_chk6 : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); signal data_chk6_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk7_a : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk7_b : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk7_i : std_logic; -- signal data_chk7_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk7_i_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk7_a_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk7_b_xor : std_logic; begin -- architecture IMP -- Add bits for 64-bit ECC -- 0 <= 0 1 3 4 6 8 10 11 13 17 19 21 23 25 26 28 30 -- 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 57 59 61 63 data_chk0 <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(1) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(4) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(11) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(26) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(30) & DataIn(32) & DataIn(34) & DataIn(36) & DataIn(38) & DataIn(40) & DataIn(42) & DataIn(44) & DataIn(46) & DataIn(48) & DataIn(50) & DataIn(52) & DataIn(54) & DataIn(56) & DataIn(57) & DataIn(59) & DataIn(61) & DataIn(63) ; -- 18 + 17 = 35 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 1 <= 0 2 3 5 6 9 10 12 13 16 17 20 21 24 25 27 28 31 -- 32 35 36 39 40 43 44 47 48 51 52 55 56 58 59 62 63 data_chk1 <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(31) & DataIn(32) & DataIn(35) & DataIn(36) & DataIn(39) & DataIn(40) & DataIn(43) & DataIn(44) & DataIn(47) & DataIn(48) & DataIn(51) & DataIn(52) & DataIn(55) & DataIn(56) & DataIn(58) & DataIn(59) & DataIn(62) & DataIn(63) ; -- 18 + 17 = 35 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 2 <= 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 -- 32 37 38 39 40 45 46 47 48 53 54 55 56 60 61 62 63 data_chk2 <= DataIn(1) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(29) & DataIn(30) & DataIn(31) & DataIn(32) & DataIn(37) & DataIn(38) & DataIn(39) & DataIn(40) & DataIn(45) & DataIn(46) & DataIn(47) & DataIn(48) & DataIn(53) & DataIn(54) & DataIn(55) & DataIn(56) & DataIn(60) & DataIn(61) & DataIn(62) & DataIn(63) ; -- 18 + 17 = 35 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 3 <= 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 -- 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 data_chk3 <= DataIn(4) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(33) & DataIn(34) & DataIn(35) & DataIn(36) & DataIn(37) & DataIn(38) & DataIn(39) & DataIn(40) & DataIn(49) & DataIn(50) & DataIn(51) & DataIn(52) & DataIn(53) & DataIn(54) & DataIn(55) & DataIn(56) ; -- 15 + 16 = 31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 4 <= 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 -- 41-56 data_chk4 <= DataIn(11) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(41) & DataIn(42) & DataIn(43) & DataIn(44) & DataIn(45) & DataIn(46) & DataIn(47) & DataIn(48) & DataIn(49) & DataIn(50) & DataIn(51) & DataIn(52) & DataIn(53) & DataIn(54) & DataIn(55) & DataIn(56) ; -- 15 + 16 = 31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 5 <= 26 - 31 -- 32 - 56 data_chk5 <= DataIn(26) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(29) & DataIn(30) & DataIn(31) & DataIn(32) & DataIn(33) & DataIn(34) & DataIn(35) & DataIn(36) & DataIn(37) & DataIn(38) & DataIn(39) & DataIn(40) & DataIn(41) & DataIn(42) & DataIn(43) & DataIn(44) & DataIn(45) & DataIn(46) & DataIn(47) & DataIn(48) & DataIn(49) & DataIn(50) & DataIn(51) & DataIn(52) & DataIn(53) & DataIn(54) & DataIn(55) & DataIn(56) ; -- 18 + 13 = 31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- New additional checkbit for 64-bit data -- 6 <= 57 - 63 data_chk6 <= DataIn(57) & DataIn(58) & DataIn(59) & DataIn(60) & DataIn(61) & DataIn(62) & DataIn(63) ; -- Encode bits for writing data Encode_Bits : if (C_ENCODE) generate -- signal data_chk0_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk0_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk0_i_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk1_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk1_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk1_i_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk2_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk2_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk2_i_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk3_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk3_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk3_i_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk4_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk4_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk4_i_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk5_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); -- signal data_chk5_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk5_i_xor : std_logic; -- signal data_chk6_i : std_logic; -- signal data_chk0_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk0_i_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk1_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk1_i_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk2_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk2_i_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk3_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk3_i_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk4_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk4_i_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk5_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk5_i_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk6_i_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk7_a_xor_reg : std_logic; -- signal data_chk7_b_xor_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (0) signal data_chk0_a : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk0_b : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk0_c : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk0_d : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk0_e : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk0_f : std_logic_vector (0 to 4); signal data_chk0_a_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk0_b_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk0_c_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk0_d_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk0_e_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk0_f_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk0_a_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk0_b_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk0_c_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk0_d_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk0_e_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk0_f_xor_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (1) signal data_chk1_a : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk1_b : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk1_c : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk1_d : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk1_e : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk1_f : std_logic_vector (0 to 4); signal data_chk1_a_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk1_b_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk1_c_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk1_d_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk1_e_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk1_f_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk1_a_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk1_b_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk1_c_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk1_d_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk1_e_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk1_f_xor_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (2) signal data_chk2_a : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk2_b : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk2_c : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk2_d : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk2_e : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk2_f : std_logic_vector (0 to 4); signal data_chk2_a_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk2_b_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk2_c_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk2_d_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk2_e_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk2_f_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk2_a_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk2_b_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk2_c_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk2_d_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk2_e_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk2_f_xor_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (3) signal data_chk3_a : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk3_b : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk3_c : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk3_d : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk3_e : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk3_a_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk3_b_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk3_c_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk3_d_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk3_e_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk3_f_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk3_a_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk3_b_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk3_c_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk3_d_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk3_e_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk3_f_xor_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (4) signal data_chk4_a : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk4_b : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk4_c : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk4_d : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk4_e : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk4_a_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk4_b_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk4_c_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk4_d_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk4_e_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk4_f_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk4_a_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk4_b_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk4_c_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk4_d_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk4_e_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk4_f_xor_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (5) signal data_chk5_a : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk5_b : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk5_c : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk5_d : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk5_e : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk5_a_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk5_b_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk5_c_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk5_d_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk5_e_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk5_f_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk5_a_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk5_b_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk5_c_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk5_d_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk5_e_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk5_f_xor_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (6) signal data_chk6_a : std_logic; signal data_chk6_b : std_logic; signal data_chk6_a_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk6_b_reg : std_logic; -- Checkbit (7) signal data_chk7_a : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk7_b : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk7_c : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk7_d : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk7_e : std_logic_vector (0 to 5); signal data_chk7_f : std_logic_vector (0 to 4); signal data_chk7_a_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk7_b_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk7_c_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk7_d_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk7_e_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk7_f_xor : std_logic; signal data_chk7_a_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk7_b_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk7_c_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk7_d_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk7_e_xor_reg : std_logic; signal data_chk7_f_xor_reg : std_logic; begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For timing improvements, if check bit XOR logic -- needs to be pipelined. Add register level here -- after 1st LUT level. REG_BITS : if (C_REG) generate begin REG_CHK: process (Clk) begin if (Clk'event and Clk = '1' ) then -- Checkbit (0) -- data_chk0_xor_reg <= data_chk0_xor; -- data_chk0_i_xor_reg <= data_chk0_i_xor; data_chk0_a_xor_reg <= data_chk0_a_xor; data_chk0_b_xor_reg <= data_chk0_b_xor; data_chk0_c_xor_reg <= data_chk0_c_xor; data_chk0_d_xor_reg <= data_chk0_d_xor; data_chk0_e_xor_reg <= data_chk0_e_xor; data_chk0_f_xor_reg <= data_chk0_f_xor; -- Checkbit (1) -- data_chk1_xor_reg <= data_chk1_xor; -- data_chk1_i_xor_reg <= data_chk1_i_xor; data_chk1_a_xor_reg <= data_chk1_a_xor; data_chk1_b_xor_reg <= data_chk1_b_xor; data_chk1_c_xor_reg <= data_chk1_c_xor; data_chk1_d_xor_reg <= data_chk1_d_xor; data_chk1_e_xor_reg <= data_chk1_e_xor; data_chk1_f_xor_reg <= data_chk1_f_xor; -- Checkbit (2) -- data_chk2_xor_reg <= data_chk2_xor; -- data_chk2_i_xor_reg <= data_chk2_i_xor; data_chk2_a_xor_reg <= data_chk2_a_xor; data_chk2_b_xor_reg <= data_chk2_b_xor; data_chk2_c_xor_reg <= data_chk2_c_xor; data_chk2_d_xor_reg <= data_chk2_d_xor; data_chk2_e_xor_reg <= data_chk2_e_xor; data_chk2_f_xor_reg <= data_chk2_f_xor; -- Checkbit (3) -- data_chk3_xor_reg <= data_chk3_xor; -- data_chk3_i_xor_reg <= data_chk3_i_xor; data_chk3_a_xor_reg <= data_chk3_a_xor; data_chk3_b_xor_reg <= data_chk3_b_xor; data_chk3_c_xor_reg <= data_chk3_c_xor; data_chk3_d_xor_reg <= data_chk3_d_xor; data_chk3_e_xor_reg <= data_chk3_e_xor; data_chk3_f_xor_reg <= data_chk3_f_xor; -- Checkbit (4) -- data_chk4_xor_reg <= data_chk4_xor; -- data_chk4_i_xor_reg <= data_chk4_i_xor; data_chk4_a_xor_reg <= data_chk4_a_xor; data_chk4_b_xor_reg <= data_chk4_b_xor; data_chk4_c_xor_reg <= data_chk4_c_xor; data_chk4_d_xor_reg <= data_chk4_d_xor; data_chk4_e_xor_reg <= data_chk4_e_xor; data_chk4_f_xor_reg <= data_chk4_f_xor; -- Checkbit (5) -- data_chk5_xor_reg <= data_chk5_xor; -- data_chk5_i_xor_reg <= data_chk5_i_xor; data_chk5_a_xor_reg <= data_chk5_a_xor; data_chk5_b_xor_reg <= data_chk5_b_xor; data_chk5_c_xor_reg <= data_chk5_c_xor; data_chk5_d_xor_reg <= data_chk5_d_xor; data_chk5_e_xor_reg <= data_chk5_e_xor; data_chk5_f_xor_reg <= data_chk5_f_xor; -- Checkbit (6) -- data_chk6_i_reg <= data_chk6_i; data_chk6_a_reg <= data_chk6_a; data_chk6_b_reg <= data_chk6_b; -- Checkbit (7) -- data_chk7_a_xor_reg <= data_chk7_a_xor; -- data_chk7_b_xor_reg <= data_chk7_b_xor; data_chk7_a_xor_reg <= data_chk7_a_xor; data_chk7_b_xor_reg <= data_chk7_b_xor; data_chk7_c_xor_reg <= data_chk7_c_xor; data_chk7_d_xor_reg <= data_chk7_d_xor; data_chk7_e_xor_reg <= data_chk7_e_xor; data_chk7_f_xor_reg <= data_chk7_f_xor; end if; end process REG_CHK; -- Perform the last XOR after the register stage -- CheckOut(0) <= data_chk0_xor_reg xor data_chk0_i_xor_reg; CheckOut(0) <= data_chk0_a_xor_reg xor data_chk0_b_xor_reg xor data_chk0_c_xor_reg xor data_chk0_d_xor_reg xor data_chk0_e_xor_reg xor data_chk0_f_xor_reg; -- CheckOut(1) <= data_chk1_xor_reg xor data_chk1_i_xor_reg; CheckOut(1) <= data_chk1_a_xor_reg xor data_chk1_b_xor_reg xor data_chk1_c_xor_reg xor data_chk1_d_xor_reg xor data_chk1_e_xor_reg xor data_chk1_f_xor_reg; -- CheckOut(2) <= data_chk2_xor_reg xor data_chk2_i_xor_reg; CheckOut(2) <= data_chk2_a_xor_reg xor data_chk2_b_xor_reg xor data_chk2_c_xor_reg xor data_chk2_d_xor_reg xor data_chk2_e_xor_reg xor data_chk2_f_xor_reg; -- CheckOut(3) <= data_chk3_xor_reg xor data_chk3_i_xor_reg; CheckOut(3) <= data_chk3_a_xor_reg xor data_chk3_b_xor_reg xor data_chk3_c_xor_reg xor data_chk3_d_xor_reg xor data_chk3_e_xor_reg xor data_chk3_f_xor_reg; -- CheckOut(4) <= data_chk4_xor_reg xor data_chk4_i_xor_reg; CheckOut(4) <= data_chk4_a_xor_reg xor data_chk4_b_xor_reg xor data_chk4_c_xor_reg xor data_chk4_d_xor_reg xor data_chk4_e_xor_reg xor data_chk4_f_xor_reg; -- CheckOut(5) <= data_chk5_xor_reg xor data_chk5_i_xor_reg; CheckOut(5) <= data_chk5_a_xor_reg xor data_chk5_b_xor_reg xor data_chk5_c_xor_reg xor data_chk5_d_xor_reg xor data_chk5_e_xor_reg xor data_chk5_f_xor_reg; -- CheckOut(6) <= data_chk6_i_reg; CheckOut(6) <= data_chk6_a_reg xor data_chk6_b_reg; -- CheckOut(7) <= data_chk7_a_xor_reg xor data_chk7_b_xor_reg; CheckOut(7) <= data_chk7_a_xor_reg xor data_chk7_b_xor_reg xor data_chk7_c_xor_reg xor data_chk7_d_xor_reg xor data_chk7_e_xor_reg xor data_chk7_f_xor_reg; end generate REG_BITS; NO_REG_BITS: if (not C_REG) generate begin -- CheckOut(0) <= data_chk0_xor xor data_chk0_i_xor; CheckOut(0) <= data_chk0_a_xor xor data_chk0_b_xor xor data_chk0_c_xor xor data_chk0_d_xor xor data_chk0_e_xor xor data_chk0_f_xor; -- CheckOut(1) <= data_chk1_xor xor data_chk1_i_xor; CheckOut(1) <= data_chk1_a_xor xor data_chk1_b_xor xor data_chk1_c_xor xor data_chk1_d_xor xor data_chk1_e_xor xor data_chk1_f_xor; -- CheckOut(2) <= data_chk2_xor xor data_chk2_i_xor; CheckOut(2) <= data_chk2_a_xor xor data_chk2_b_xor xor data_chk2_c_xor xor data_chk2_d_xor xor data_chk2_e_xor xor data_chk2_f_xor; -- CheckOut(3) <= data_chk3_xor xor data_chk3_i_xor; CheckOut(3) <= data_chk3_a_xor xor data_chk3_b_xor xor data_chk3_c_xor xor data_chk3_d_xor xor data_chk3_e_xor xor data_chk3_f_xor; -- CheckOut(4) <= data_chk4_xor xor data_chk4_i_xor; CheckOut(4) <= data_chk4_a_xor xor data_chk4_b_xor xor data_chk4_c_xor xor data_chk4_d_xor xor data_chk4_e_xor xor data_chk4_f_xor; -- CheckOut(5) <= data_chk5_xor xor data_chk5_i_xor; CheckOut(5) <= data_chk5_a_xor xor data_chk5_b_xor xor data_chk5_c_xor xor data_chk5_d_xor xor data_chk5_e_xor xor data_chk5_f_xor; -- CheckOut(6) <= data_chk6_i; CheckOut(6) <= data_chk6_a xor data_chk6_b; -- CheckOut(7) <= data_chk7_a_xor xor data_chk7_b_xor; CheckOut(7) <= data_chk7_a_xor xor data_chk7_b_xor xor data_chk7_c_xor xor data_chk7_d_xor xor data_chk7_e_xor xor data_chk7_f_xor; end generate NO_REG_BITS; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Checkbit 0 built up using 2x XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- XOR18_I0_A : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk0 (0 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk0_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- data_chk0_i <= data_chk0 (18 to 34) & '0'; -- -- XOR18_I0_B : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk0_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk0_i_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- CheckOut(0) <= data_chk0_xor xor data_chk0_i_xor; -- Push register stage to earlier in ECC XOR logic stages (when enabled, C_REG) data_chk0_a <= data_chk0 (0 to 5); data_chk0_b <= data_chk0 (6 to 11); data_chk0_c <= data_chk0 (12 to 17); data_chk0_d <= data_chk0 (18 to 23); data_chk0_e <= data_chk0 (24 to 29); data_chk0_f <= data_chk0 (30 to 34); PARITY_CHK0_A : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0_a (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk0_a_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK0_B : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0_b (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk0_b_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK0_C : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0_c (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk0_c_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK0_D : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0_d (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk0_d_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK0_E : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0_e (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk0_e_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK0_F : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 5) port map ( InA => data_chk0_f (0 to 4), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk0_f_xor ); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Checkbit 1 built up using 2x XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- XOR18_I1_A : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk1 (0 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk1_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- data_chk1_i <= data_chk1 (18 to 34) & '0'; -- -- XOR18_I1_B : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk1_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk1_i_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- CheckOut(1) <= data_chk1_xor xor data_chk1_i_xor; -- Push register stage to earlier in ECC XOR logic stages (when enabled, C_REG) data_chk1_a <= data_chk1 (0 to 5); data_chk1_b <= data_chk1 (6 to 11); data_chk1_c <= data_chk1 (12 to 17); data_chk1_d <= data_chk1 (18 to 23); data_chk1_e <= data_chk1 (24 to 29); data_chk1_f <= data_chk1 (30 to 34); PARITY_chk1_A : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1_a (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk1_a_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk1_B : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1_b (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk1_b_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk1_C : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1_c (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk1_c_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk1_D : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1_d (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk1_d_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk1_E : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1_e (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk1_e_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk1_F : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 5) port map ( InA => data_chk1_f (0 to 4), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk1_f_xor ); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 2 built up using 2x XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- XOR18_I2_A : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk2 (0 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk2_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- data_chk2_i <= data_chk2 (18 to 34) & '0'; -- -- XOR18_I2_B : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk2_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk2_i_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- CheckOut(2) <= data_chk2_xor xor data_chk2_i_xor; -- Push register stage to earlier in ECC XOR logic stages (when enabled, C_REG) data_chk2_a <= data_chk2 (0 to 5); data_chk2_b <= data_chk2 (6 to 11); data_chk2_c <= data_chk2 (12 to 17); data_chk2_d <= data_chk2 (18 to 23); data_chk2_e <= data_chk2 (24 to 29); data_chk2_f <= data_chk2 (30 to 34); PARITY_chk2_A : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2_a (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk2_a_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk2_B : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2_b (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk2_b_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk2_C : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2_c (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk2_c_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk2_D : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2_d (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk2_d_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk2_E : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2_e (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk2_e_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk2_F : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 5) port map ( InA => data_chk2_f (0 to 4), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk2_f_xor ); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 3 built up using 2x XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- XOR18_I3_A : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk3 (0 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk3_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- data_chk3_i <= data_chk3 (18 to 30) & "00000"; -- -- XOR18_I3_B : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk3_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk3_i_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- CheckOut(3) <= data_chk3_xor xor data_chk3_i_xor; -- Push register stage to earlier in ECC XOR logic stages (when enabled, C_REG) data_chk3_a <= data_chk3 (0 to 5); data_chk3_b <= data_chk3 (6 to 11); data_chk3_c <= data_chk3 (12 to 17); data_chk3_d <= data_chk3 (18 to 23); data_chk3_e <= data_chk3 (24 to 29); data_chk3_f_xor <= data_chk3 (30); PARITY_chk3_A : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk3_a (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk3_a_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk3_B : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk3_b (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk3_b_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk3_C : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk3_c (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk3_c_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk3_D : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk3_d (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk3_d_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk3_E : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk3_e (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk3_e_xor ); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 4 built up using 2x XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- XOR18_I4_A : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk4 (0 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk4_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- data_chk4_i <= data_chk4 (18 to 30) & "00000"; -- -- XOR18_I4_B : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk4_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk4_i_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- CheckOut(4) <= data_chk4_xor xor data_chk4_i_xor; -- Push register stage to earlier in ECC XOR logic stages (when enabled, C_REG) data_chk4_a <= data_chk4 (0 to 5); data_chk4_b <= data_chk4 (6 to 11); data_chk4_c <= data_chk4 (12 to 17); data_chk4_d <= data_chk4 (18 to 23); data_chk4_e <= data_chk4 (24 to 29); data_chk4_f_xor <= data_chk4 (30); PARITY_chk4_A : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk4_a (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk4_a_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk4_B : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk4_b (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk4_b_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk4_C : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk4_c (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk4_c_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk4_D : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk4_d (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk4_d_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk4_E : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk4_e (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk4_e_xor ); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 5 built up using 2x XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- XOR18_I5_A : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk5 (0 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk5_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- data_chk5_i <= data_chk5 (18 to 30) & "00000"; -- -- XOR18_I5_B : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk5_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk5_i_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- CheckOut(5) <= data_chk5_xor xor data_chk5_i_xor; -- Push register stage to earlier in ECC XOR logic stages (when enabled, C_REG) data_chk5_a <= data_chk5 (0 to 5); data_chk5_b <= data_chk5 (6 to 11); data_chk5_c <= data_chk5 (12 to 17); data_chk5_d <= data_chk5 (18 to 23); data_chk5_e <= data_chk5 (24 to 29); data_chk5_f_xor <= data_chk5 (30); PARITY_chk5_A : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk5_a (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk5_a_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk5_B : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk5_b (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk5_b_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk5_C : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk5_c (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk5_c_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk5_D : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk5_d (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk5_d_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_chk5_E : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk5_e (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk5_e_xor ); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 6 built up from 1 LUT6 + 1 XOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parity_chk6_I : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk6 (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk6_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- data_chk6_i <= data_chk6_xor xor data_chk6(6); -- Push register stage to 1st ECC XOR logic stage (when enabled, C_REG) data_chk6_a <= data_chk6_xor; data_chk6_b <= data_chk6(6); -- CheckOut(6) <= data_chk6_xor xor data_chk6(6); -- CheckOut(6) <= data_chk6_i; -- Overall checkbit -- New checkbit (7) for 64-bit ECC -- 7 <= 0 1 2 4 5 7 10 11 12 14 17 18 21 23 24 26 27 29 -- 32 33 36 38 39 41 44 46 47 50 51 53 56 57 58 60 63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 6 built up from 2x XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- data_chk7_a <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(1) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(4) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(10) & -- DataIn(11) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(21) & -- DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(26) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(29) ; -- -- data_chk7_b <= DataIn(32) & DataIn(33) & DataIn(36) & DataIn(38) & DataIn(39) & -- DataIn(41) & DataIn(44) & DataIn(46) & DataIn(47) & DataIn(50) & -- DataIn(51) & DataIn(53) & DataIn(56) & DataIn(57) & DataIn(58) & -- DataIn(60) & DataIn(63) & '0'; -- -- XOR18_I7_A : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk7_a, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk7_a_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- XOR18_I7_B : XOR18 -- generic map ( -- C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] -- port map ( -- InA => data_chk7_b, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] -- res => data_chk7_b_xor); -- [out std_logic] -- Move register stage to earlier in LUT XOR logic when enabled (for C_ENCODE only) -- Break up data_chk7_a & data_chk7_b into the following 6-input LUT XOR combinations. data_chk7_a <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(1) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(4) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(7); data_chk7_b <= DataIn(10) & DataIn(11) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(18); data_chk7_c <= DataIn(21) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(26) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(29); data_chk7_d <= DataIn(32) & DataIn(33) & DataIn(36) & DataIn(38) & DataIn(39) & DataIn(41); data_chk7_e <= DataIn(44) & DataIn(46) & DataIn(47) & DataIn(50) & DataIn(51) & DataIn(53); data_chk7_f <= DataIn(56) & DataIn(57) & DataIn(58) & DataIn(60) & DataIn(63); PARITY_CHK7_A : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7_a (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk7_a_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK7_B : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7_b (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk7_b_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK7_C : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7_c (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk7_c_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK7_D : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7_d (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk7_d_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK7_E : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7_e (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk7_e_xor ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK7_F : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 5) port map ( InA => data_chk7_f (0 to 4), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => data_chk7_f_xor ); -- [out std_logic] -- Merge all data bits -- CheckOut(7) <= data_chk7_xor xor data_chk7_i_xor; -- data_chk7_i <= data_chk7_a_xor xor data_chk7_b_xor; -- CheckOut(7) <= data_chk7_i; end generate Encode_Bits; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Decode bits to get syndrome and UE/CE signals -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decode_Bits : if (not C_ENCODE) generate signal syndrome_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 7) := (others => '0'); -- Unused signal syndrome_int_7 : std_logic; signal chk0_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); signal chk1_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); signal chk2_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); signal data_chk3_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 31); signal chk3_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal data_chk4_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 31); signal chk4_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal data_chk5_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 31); signal chk5_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal data_chk6_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 7); signal data_chk7 : std_logic_vector(0 to 71); signal chk7_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 11); -- signal syndrome7_a : std_logic; -- signal syndrome7_b : std_logic; signal syndrome_0_to_2 : std_logic_vector(0 to 2); signal syndrome_3_to_6 : std_logic_vector(3 to 6); signal syndrome_3_to_6_multi : std_logic; signal syndrome_3_to_6_zero : std_logic; signal ue_i_0 : std_logic; signal ue_i_1 : std_logic; begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 0 built up from 5 LUT6, 1 LUT5 and 1 7-bit XOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- chk0_1(3) <= CheckIn(0); chk0_1(6) <= CheckIn(0); -- 64-bit ECC Parity_chk0_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] -- Checkbit 0 -- 18-bit for 32-bit data -- 35-bit for 64-bit data Parity_chk0_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(18 to 23), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(24 to 29), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(4)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_6 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 5) port map ( InA => data_chk0(30 to 34), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(5)); -- [out std_logic] -- Parity_chk0_7 : ParityEnable -- generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) -- port map ( -- InA => chk0_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] -- Enable => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] -- Res => syndrome_i(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_7 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => chk0_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(0)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 1 built up from 5 LUT6, 1 LUT5 and 1 7-bit XOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- chk1_1(3) <= CheckIn(1); chk1_1(6) <= CheckIn(1); -- 64-bit ECC Parity_chk1_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] -- Checkbit 1 -- 18-bit for 32-bit data -- 35-bit for 64-bit data Parity_chk1_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(18 to 23), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(24 to 29), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(4)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_6 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 5) port map ( InA => data_chk1(30 to 34), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(5)); -- [out std_logic] -- Parity_chk1_7 : ParityEnable -- generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) -- port map ( -- InA => chk1_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] -- Enable => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] -- Res => syndrome_i(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_7 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => chk1_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(1)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 2 built up from 5 LUT6, 1 LUT5 and 1 7-bit XOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- chk2_1(3) <= CheckIn(2); chk2_1(6) <= CheckIn(2); -- 64-bit ECC Parity_chk2_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] -- Checkbit 2 -- 18-bit for 32-bit data -- 35-bit for 64-bit data Parity_chk2_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(18 to 23), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(24 to 29), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(4)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_6 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 5) port map ( InA => data_chk2(30 to 34), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(5)); -- [out std_logic] -- Parity_chk2_7 : ParityEnable -- generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) -- port map ( -- InA => chk2_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] -- Enable => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] -- Res => syndrome_i(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_7 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => chk2_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(2)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 3 built up from 4 LUT8 and 1 LUT4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk3_i <= data_chk3 & CheckIn(3); Parity_chk3_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk3_i(0 to 7), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk3_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk3_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk3_i(8 to 15), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk3_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] -- 15-bit for 32-bit ECC -- 31-bit for 64-bit ECC Parity_chk3_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk3_i(16 to 23), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk3_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk3_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk3_i(24 to 31), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk3_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] -- Parity_chk3_5 : ParityEnable -- generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 4) -- port map ( -- InA => chk3_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] -- Enable => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] -- Res => syndrome_i(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk3_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 4) port map ( InA => chk3_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(3)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 4 built up from 4 LUT8 and 1 LUT4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk4_i <= data_chk4 & CheckIn(4); -- 15-bit for 32-bit ECC -- 31-bit for 64-bit ECC Parity_chk4_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk4_i(0 to 7), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk4_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk4_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk4_i(8 to 15), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk4_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk4_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk4_i(16 to 23), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk4_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk4_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk4_i(24 to 31), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk4_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk4_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 4) port map ( InA => chk4_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(4)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 5 built up from 4 LUT8 and 1 LUT4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk5_i <= data_chk5 & CheckIn(5); -- 15-bit for 32-bit ECC -- 31-bit for 64-bit ECC Parity_chk5_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk5_i(0 to 7), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk5_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk5_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk5_i(8 to 15), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk5_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk5_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk5_i(16 to 23), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk5_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk5_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk5_i(24 to 31), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk5_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk5_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 4) port map ( InA => chk5_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(5)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 6 built up from 1 LUT8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk6_i <= data_chk6 & CheckIn(6); Parity_chk6_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk6_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(6)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 7 built up from 3 LUT7 and 8 LUT6 and 1 LUT3 (12 total) + 2 LUT6 + 1 2-bit XOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- 32-bit ECC uses DataIn(0:31) and Checkin (0 to 6) -- 64-bit ECC will use DataIn(0:63) and Checkin (0 to 7) data_chk7 <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(1) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(4) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(11) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(26) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(29) & DataIn(30) & DataIn(31) & DataIn(32) & DataIn(33) & DataIn(34) & DataIn(35) & DataIn(36) & DataIn(37) & DataIn(38) & DataIn(39) & DataIn(40) & DataIn(41) & DataIn(42) & DataIn(43) & DataIn(44) & DataIn(45) & DataIn(46) & DataIn(47) & DataIn(48) & DataIn(49) & DataIn(50) & DataIn(51) & DataIn(52) & DataIn(53) & DataIn(54) & DataIn(55) & DataIn(56) & DataIn(57) & DataIn(58) & DataIn(59) & DataIn(60) & DataIn(61) & DataIn(62) & DataIn(63) & CheckIn(6) & CheckIn(5) & CheckIn(4) & CheckIn(3) & CheckIn(2) & CheckIn(1) & CheckIn(0) & CheckIn(7); Parity_chk7_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => data_chk7(18 to 24), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => data_chk7(25 to 31), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(4)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_6 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => data_chk7(32 to 38), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(5)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_7 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(39 to 44), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(6)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_8 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(45 to 50), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(7)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_9 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(51 to 56), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(8)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_10 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(57 to 62), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(9)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_11 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk7(63 to 68), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(10)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk7_12 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 3) port map ( InA => data_chk7(69 to 71), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk7_1(11)); -- [out std_logic] -- Unused -- Parity_chk7_13 : Parity -- generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) -- port map ( -- InA => chk7_1 (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] -- Res => syndrome7_a); -- [out std_logic] -- -- -- Parity_chk7_14 : Parity -- generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) -- port map ( -- InA => chk7_1 (6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] -- Res => syndrome7_b); -- [out std_logic] -- Unused syndrome_i(7) <= syndrome7_a xor syndrome7_b; -- Unused syndrome_i (7) <= syndrome7_a; -- syndrome_i (7) is not used here. Final XOR stage is done outside this module with Syndrome_7 vector output. -- Clean up this statement. syndrome_i (7) <= '0'; -- Unused syndrome_int_7 <= syndrome7_a xor syndrome7_b; -- Unused Syndrome_7_b <= syndrome7_b; Syndrome <= syndrome_i; -- Bring out seperate output to do final XOR stage on Syndrome (7) after -- the pipeline stage. Syndrome_7 <= chk7_1 (0 to 11); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- With final syndrome registered outside this module for pipeline balancing -- Use registered syndrome to generate any error flags. -- Use input signal, Syndrome_Chk which is the registered Syndrome used to -- correct any single bit errors. syndrome_0_to_2 <= Syndrome_Chk(0) & Syndrome_Chk(1) & Syndrome_Chk(2); -- syndrome_3_to_6 <= syndrome_i(3) & syndrome_i(4) & syndrome_i(5) & syndrome_i(6); syndrome_3_to_6 <= Syndrome_Chk(3) & Syndrome_Chk(4) & Syndrome_Chk(5) & Syndrome_Chk(6); syndrome_3_to_6_zero <= '1' when syndrome_3_to_6 = "0000" else '0'; -- Syndrome bits (3:6) can indicate a double bit error if -- Syndrome (6) = '1' AND any bits of Syndrome(3:5) are equal to a '1'. syndrome_3_to_6_multi <= '1' when (syndrome_3_to_6 = "1111" or -- 15 syndrome_3_to_6 = "1101" or -- 13 syndrome_3_to_6 = "1011" or -- 11 syndrome_3_to_6 = "1001" or -- 9 syndrome_3_to_6 = "0111" or -- 7 syndrome_3_to_6 = "0101" or -- 5 syndrome_3_to_6 = "0011") -- 3 else '0'; -- A single bit error is detectable if -- Syndrome (7) = '1' and a double bit error is not detectable in Syndrome (3:6) -- CE <= Enable_ECC and (syndrome_i(7) or CE_Q) when (syndrome_3_to_6_multi = '0') -- CE <= Enable_ECC and (syndrome_int_7 or CE_Q) when (syndrome_3_to_6_multi = '0') -- CE <= Enable_ECC and (Syndrome_Chk(7) or CE_Q) when (syndrome_3_to_6_multi = '0') -- else CE_Q and Enable_ECC; -- Ensure that CE flag is only asserted for a single clock cycle (and does not keep -- registered output value) CE <= (Enable_ECC and Syndrome_Chk(7)) when (syndrome_3_to_6_multi = '0') else '0'; -- Uncorrectable error if Syndrome(7) = '0' and any other bits are = '1'. -- ue_i_0 <= Enable_ECC when (syndrome_3_to_6_zero = '0') or (syndrome_i(0 to 2) /= "000") -- else UE_Q and Enable_ECC; -- ue_i_0 <= Enable_ECC when (syndrome_3_to_6_zero = '0') or (syndrome_0_to_2 /= "000") -- else UE_Q and Enable_ECC; -- -- ue_i_1 <= Enable_ECC and (syndrome_3_to_6_multi or UE_Q); -- Similar edit from CE flag. Ensure that UE flags are only asserted for a single -- clock cycle. The flags are registered outside this module for detection in -- register module. ue_i_0 <= Enable_ECC when (syndrome_3_to_6_zero = '0') or (syndrome_0_to_2 /= "000") else '0'; ue_i_1 <= Enable_ECC and (syndrome_3_to_6_multi); Use_LUT6: if (C_USE_LUT6) generate UE_MUXF7 : MUXF7 port map ( I0 => ue_i_0, I1 => ue_i_1, -- S => syndrome_i(7), -- S => syndrome_int_7, S => Syndrome_Chk(7), O => UE ); end generate Use_LUT6; Use_RTL: if (not C_USE_LUT6) generate -- bit 6 in 32-bit ECC -- bit 7 in 64-bit ECC -- UE <= ue_i_1 when syndrome_i(7) = '1' else ue_i_0; -- UE <= ue_i_1 when syndrome_int_7 = '1' else ue_i_0; UE <= ue_i_1 when Syndrome_Chk(7) = '1' else ue_i_0; end generate Use_RTL; end generate Decode_Bits; end architecture IMP; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checkbit_handler.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: checkbit_handler.vhd -- -- Description: Generates the ECC checkbits for the input vector of data bits. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93/02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity checkbit_handler is generic ( C_ENCODE : boolean := true; C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := true ); port ( DataIn : in std_logic_vector(0 to 31); --- changed from 31 downto 0 to 0 to 31 to make it compatabile with LMB Controller's hamming code. CheckIn : in std_logic_vector(0 to 6); CheckOut : out std_logic_vector(0 to 6); Syndrome : out std_logic_vector(0 to 6); Syndrome_4 : out std_logic_vector (0 to 1); Syndrome_6 : out std_logic_vector (0 to 5); Syndrome_Chk : in std_logic_vector (0 to 6); Enable_ECC : in std_logic; UE_Q : in std_logic; CE_Q : in std_logic; UE : out std_logic; CE : out std_logic ); end entity checkbit_handler; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; architecture IMP of checkbit_handler is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; component XOR18 is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean); port ( InA : in std_logic_vector(0 to 17); res : out std_logic); end component XOR18; component Parity is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean; C_SIZE : integer); port ( InA : in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1); Res : out std_logic); end component Parity; signal data_chk0 : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); signal data_chk1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); signal data_chk2 : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); signal data_chk3 : std_logic_vector(0 to 14); signal data_chk4 : std_logic_vector(0 to 14); signal data_chk5 : std_logic_vector(0 to 5); begin -- architecture IMP data_chk0 <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(1) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(4) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(11) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(26) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(30); data_chk1 <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(31); data_chk2 <= DataIn(1) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(29) & DataIn(30) & DataIn(31); data_chk3 <= DataIn(4) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25); data_chk4 <= DataIn(11) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25); data_chk5 <= DataIn(26) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(29) & DataIn(30) & DataIn(31); -- Encode bits for writing data Encode_Bits : if (C_ENCODE) generate signal data_chk3_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); signal data_chk4_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); signal data_chk6 : std_logic_vector(0 to 17); begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 0 built up using XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XOR18_I0 : XOR18 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( InA => data_chk0, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] res => CheckOut(0)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 1 built up using XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XOR18_I1 : XOR18 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( InA => data_chk1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] res => CheckOut(1)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 2 built up using XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XOR18_I2 : XOR18 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( InA => data_chk2, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] res => CheckOut(2)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 3 built up using XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk3_i <= data_chk3 & "000"; XOR18_I3 : XOR18 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( InA => data_chk3_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] res => CheckOut(3)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 4 built up using XOR18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk4_i <= data_chk4 & "000"; XOR18_I4 : XOR18 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( InA => data_chk4_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] res => CheckOut(4)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 5 built up from 1 LUT6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parity_chk5_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk5, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => CheckOut(5)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Checkbit 6 built up from 3 LUT7 and 4 LUT6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk6 <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(1) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(4) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(11) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(26) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(29); XOR18_I6 : XOR18 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( InA => data_chk6, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 17)] res => CheckOut(6)); -- [out std_logic] end generate Encode_Bits; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Decode bits to get syndrome and UE/CE signals -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decode_Bits : if (not C_ENCODE) generate signal syndrome_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 6) := (others => '0'); signal chk0_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal chk1_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal chk2_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal data_chk3_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 15); signal chk3_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 1); signal data_chk4_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 15); signal chk4_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 1); signal data_chk5_i : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); signal data_chk6 : std_logic_vector(0 to 38); signal chk6_1 : std_logic_vector(0 to 5); signal syndrome_0_to_2 : std_logic_vector (0 to 2); signal syndrome_3_to_5 : std_logic_vector (3 to 5); signal syndrome_3_to_5_multi : std_logic; signal syndrome_3_to_5_zero : std_logic; signal ue_i_0 : std_logic; signal ue_i_1 : std_logic; begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 0 built up from 3 LUT6 and 1 LUT4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ chk0_1(3) <= CheckIn(0); Parity_chk0_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk0(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk0_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk0_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 4) port map ( InA => chk0_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(0)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 1 built up from 3 LUT6 and 1 LUT4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ chk1_1(3) <= CheckIn(1); Parity_chk1_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk1(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk1_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk1_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 4) port map ( InA => chk1_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(1)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 2 built up from 3 LUT6 and 1 LUT4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ chk2_1(3) <= CheckIn(2); Parity_chk2_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk2(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk2_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk2_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 4) port map ( InA => chk2_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(2)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 3 built up from 2 LUT8 and 1 LUT2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk3_i <= data_chk3 & CheckIn(3); Parity_chk3_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk3_i(0 to 7), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk3_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk3_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk3_i(8 to 15), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk3_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] -- For improved timing, remove Enable_ECC signal in this LUT level Parity_chk3_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 2) port map ( InA => chk3_1, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(3)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 4 built up from 2 LUT8 and 1 LUT2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk4_i <= data_chk4 & CheckIn(4); Parity_chk4_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk4_i(0 to 7), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk4_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk4_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 8) port map ( InA => data_chk4_i(8 to 15), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk4_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] -- Set bit 4 output with default. Real ECC XOR value will be determined post register -- stage. syndrome_i (4) <= '0'; -- For improved timing, move last LUT level XOR to next side of pipeline -- stage in read path. Syndrome_4 <= chk4_1; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 5 built up from 1 LUT7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk5_i <= data_chk5 & CheckIn(5); Parity_chk5_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => data_chk5_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_i(5)); -- [out std_logic] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Syndrome bit 6 built up from 3 LUT7 and 4 LUT6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data_chk6 <= DataIn(0) & DataIn(1) & DataIn(2) & DataIn(3) & DataIn(4) & DataIn(5) & DataIn(6) & DataIn(7) & DataIn(8) & DataIn(9) & DataIn(10) & DataIn(11) & DataIn(12) & DataIn(13) & DataIn(14) & DataIn(15) & DataIn(16) & DataIn(17) & DataIn(18) & DataIn(19) & DataIn(20) & DataIn(21) & DataIn(22) & DataIn(23) & DataIn(24) & DataIn(25) & DataIn(26) & DataIn(27) & DataIn(28) & DataIn(29) & DataIn(30) & DataIn(31) & CheckIn(5) & CheckIn(4) & CheckIn(3) & CheckIn(2) & CheckIn(1) & CheckIn(0) & CheckIn(6); Parity_chk6_1 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk6(0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk6_1(0)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk6_2 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk6(6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk6_1(1)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk6_3 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => data_chk6(12 to 17), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk6_1(2)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk6_4 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => data_chk6(18 to 24), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk6_1(3)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk6_5 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => data_chk6(25 to 31), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk6_1(4)); -- [out std_logic] Parity_chk6_6 : Parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 7) port map ( InA => data_chk6(32 to 38), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => chk6_1(5)); -- [out std_logic] -- No internal use for MSB of syndrome (it is created after the -- register stage, outside of this block) syndrome_i(6) <= '0'; Syndrome <= syndrome_i; -- (N:0) <= (0:N) -- Bring out seperate output to do final XOR stage on Syndrome (6) after -- the pipeline stage. Syndrome_6 <= chk6_1 (0 to 5); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- With final syndrome registered outside this module for pipeline balancing -- Use registered syndrome to generate any error flags. -- Use input signal, Syndrome_Chk which is the registered Syndrome used to -- correct any single bit errors. syndrome_0_to_2 <= Syndrome_Chk(0) & Syndrome_Chk(1) & Syndrome_Chk(2); syndrome_3_to_5 <= Syndrome_Chk(3) & Syndrome_Chk(4) & Syndrome_Chk(5); syndrome_3_to_5_zero <= '1' when syndrome_3_to_5 = "000" else '0'; syndrome_3_to_5_multi <= '1' when (syndrome_3_to_5 = "111" or syndrome_3_to_5 = "011" or syndrome_3_to_5 = "101") else '0'; -- Ensure that CE flag is only asserted for a single clock cycle (and does not keep -- registered output value) CE <= (Enable_ECC and Syndrome_Chk(6)) when (syndrome_3_to_5_multi = '0') else '0'; -- Similar edit from CE flag. Ensure that UE flags are only asserted for a single -- clock cycle. The flags are registered outside this module for detection in -- register module. ue_i_0 <= Enable_ECC when (syndrome_3_to_5_zero = '0') or (syndrome_0_to_2 /= "000") else '0'; ue_i_1 <= Enable_ECC and (syndrome_3_to_5_multi); Use_LUT6: if (C_USE_LUT6) generate begin UE_MUXF7 : MUXF7 port map ( I0 => ue_i_0, I1 => ue_i_1, S => Syndrome_Chk(6), O => UE); end generate Use_LUT6; Use_RTL: if (not C_USE_LUT6) generate begin UE <= ue_i_1 when Syndrome_Chk(6) = '1' else ue_i_0; end generate Use_RTL; end generate Decode_Bits; end architecture IMP; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Filename: correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- Description: Identifies single bit to correct in 64-bit word of -- data read from memory as indicated by the syndrome input -- vector. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; entity Correct_One_Bit_64 is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := true; Correct_Value : std_logic_vector(0 to 7)); port ( DIn : in std_logic; Syndrome : in std_logic_vector(0 to 7); DCorr : out std_logic); end entity Correct_One_Bit_64; architecture IMP of Correct_One_Bit_64 is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Find which bit that has a '1' -- There is always one bit which has a '1' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function find_one (Syn : std_logic_vector(0 to 7)) return natural is begin -- function find_one for I in 0 to 7 loop if (Syn(I) = '1') then return I; end if; end loop; -- I return 0; -- Should never reach this statement end function find_one; constant di_index : natural := find_one(Correct_Value); signal corr_sel : std_logic; signal corr_c : std_logic; signal lut_compare : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); signal lut_corr_val : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); begin -- architecture IMP Remove_DI_Index : process (Syndrome) is begin -- process Remove_DI_Index if (di_index = 0) then lut_compare <= Syndrome(1 to 7); lut_corr_val <= Correct_Value(1 to 7); elsif (di_index = 6) then lut_compare <= Syndrome(0 to 6); lut_corr_val <= Correct_Value(0 to 6); else lut_compare <= Syndrome(0 to di_index-1) & Syndrome(di_index+1 to 7); lut_corr_val <= Correct_Value(0 to di_index-1) & Correct_Value(di_index+1 to 7); end if; end process Remove_DI_Index; corr_sel <= '0' when lut_compare = lut_corr_val else '1'; Corr_MUXCY : MUXCY_L port map ( DI => Syndrome(di_index), CI => '0', S => corr_sel, LO => corr_c); Corr_XORCY : XORCY port map ( LI => DIn, CI => corr_c, O => DCorr); end architecture IMP; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- correct_one_bit.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Filename: correct_one_bit.vhd -- -- Description: Identifies single bit to correct in 32-bit word of -- data read from memory as indicated by the syndrome input -- vector. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; entity Correct_One_Bit is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := true; Correct_Value : std_logic_vector(0 to 6)); port ( DIn : in std_logic; Syndrome : in std_logic_vector(0 to 6); DCorr : out std_logic); end entity Correct_One_Bit; architecture IMP of Correct_One_Bit is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Find which bit that has a '1' -- There is always one bit which has a '1' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function find_one (Syn : std_logic_vector(0 to 6)) return natural is begin -- function find_one for I in 0 to 6 loop if (Syn(I) = '1') then return I; end if; end loop; -- I return 0; -- Should never reach this statement end function find_one; constant di_index : natural := find_one(Correct_Value); signal corr_sel : std_logic; signal corr_c : std_logic; signal lut_compare : std_logic_vector(0 to 5); signal lut_corr_val : std_logic_vector(0 to 5); begin -- architecture IMP Remove_DI_Index : process (Syndrome) is begin -- process Remove_DI_Index if (di_index = 0) then lut_compare <= Syndrome(1 to 6); lut_corr_val <= Correct_Value(1 to 6); elsif (di_index = 6) then lut_compare <= Syndrome(0 to 5); lut_corr_val <= Correct_Value(0 to 5); else lut_compare <= Syndrome(0 to di_index-1) & Syndrome(di_index+1 to 6); lut_corr_val <= Correct_Value(0 to di_index-1) & Correct_Value(di_index+1 to 6); end if; end process Remove_DI_Index; -- Corr_LUT : LUT6 -- generic map( -- INIT => X"6996966996696996" -- ) -- port map( -- O => corr_sel, -- [out] -- I0 => InA(5), -- [in] -- I1 => InA(4), -- [in] -- I2 => InA(3), -- [in] -- I3 => InA(2), -- [in] -- I4 => InA(1), -- [in] -- I5 => InA(0) -- [in] -- ); corr_sel <= '0' when lut_compare = lut_corr_val else '1'; Corr_MUXCY : MUXCY_L port map ( DI => Syndrome(di_index), CI => '0', S => corr_sel, LO => corr_c); Corr_XORCY : XORCY port map ( LI => DIn, CI => corr_c, O => DCorr); end architecture IMP; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- xor18.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Filename: xor18.vhd -- -- Description: Basic 18-bit input XOR function. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add default on C_USE_LUT6 parameter. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; entity XOR18 is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := FALSE ); port ( InA : in std_logic_vector(0 to 17); res : out std_logic); end entity XOR18; architecture IMP of XOR18 is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; begin -- architecture IMP Using_LUT6: if (C_USE_LUT6) generate signal xor6_1 : std_logic; signal xor6_2 : std_logic; signal xor6_3 : std_logic; signal xor18_c1 : std_logic; signal xor18_c2 : std_logic; begin -- generate Using_LUT6 XOR6_1_LUT : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"6996966996696996") port map( O => xor6_1, I0 => InA(17), I1 => InA(16), I2 => InA(15), I3 => InA(14), I4 => InA(13), I5 => InA(12)); XOR_1st_MUXCY : MUXCY_L port map ( DI => '1', CI => '0', S => xor6_1, LO => xor18_c1); XOR6_2_LUT : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"6996966996696996") port map( O => xor6_2, I0 => InA(11), I1 => InA(10), I2 => InA(9), I3 => InA(8), I4 => InA(7), I5 => InA(6)); XOR_2nd_MUXCY : MUXCY_L port map ( DI => xor6_1, CI => xor18_c1, S => xor6_2, LO => xor18_c2); XOR6_3_LUT : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"6996966996696996") port map( O => xor6_3, I0 => InA(5), I1 => InA(4), I2 => InA(3), I3 => InA(2), I4 => InA(1), I5 => InA(0)); XOR18_XORCY : XORCY port map ( LI => xor6_3, CI => xor18_c2, O => res); end generate Using_LUT6; Not_Using_LUT6: if (not C_USE_LUT6) generate begin -- generate Not_Using_LUT6 res <= InA(17) xor InA(16) xor InA(15) xor InA(14) xor InA(13) xor InA(12) xor InA(11) xor InA(10) xor InA(9) xor InA(8) xor InA(7) xor InA(6) xor InA(5) xor InA(4) xor InA(3) xor InA(2) xor InA(1) xor InA(0); end generate Not_Using_LUT6; end architecture IMP; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- parity.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Filename: parity.vhd -- -- Description: Generate parity optimally for all target architectures. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals: "*_n" -- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x" -- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n" -- generics: "C_*" -- user defined types: "*_TYPE" -- state machine next state: "*_ns" -- state machine current state: "*_cs" -- combinatorial signals: "*_com" -- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#" -- counter signals: "*cnt*" -- clock enable signals: "*_ce" -- internal version of output port "*_i" -- device pins: "*_pin" -- ports: - Names begin with Uppercase -- processes: "*_PROCESS" -- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity Parity is generic ( C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := true; C_SIZE : integer := 6 ); port ( InA : in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1); Res : out std_logic ); end entity Parity; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; architecture IMP of Parity is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of IMP : architecture is "yes"; -- Non-recursive loop implementation function ParityGen (InA : std_logic_vector) return std_logic is variable result : std_logic; begin result := '0'; for I in InA'range loop result := result xor InA(I); end loop; return result; end function ParityGen; begin -- architecture IMP Using_LUT6 : if (C_USE_LUT6) generate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Single LUT6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Single_LUT6 : if C_SIZE > 1 and C_SIZE <= 6 generate signal inA6 : std_logic_vector(0 to 5); begin Assign_InA : process (InA) is begin inA6 <= (others => '0'); inA6(0 to InA'length - 1) <= InA; end process Assign_InA; XOR6_LUT : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"6996966996696996") port map( O => Res, I0 => inA6(5), I1 => inA6(4), I2 => inA6(3), I3 => inA6(2), I4 => inA6(1), I5 => inA6(0)); end generate Single_LUT6; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Two LUT6 and one MUXF7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use_MUXF7 : if C_SIZE = 7 generate signal inA7 : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); signal result6 : std_logic; signal result6n : std_logic; begin Assign_InA : process (InA) is begin inA7 <= (others => '0'); inA7(0 to InA'length - 1) <= InA; end process Assign_InA; XOR6_LUT : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"6996966996696996") port map( O => result6, I0 => inA7(5), I1 => inA7(4), I2 => inA7(3), I3 => inA7(2), I4 => inA7(1), I5 => inA7(0)); XOR6_LUT_N : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"9669699669969669") port map( O => result6n, I0 => inA7(5), I1 => inA7(4), I2 => inA7(3), I3 => inA7(2), I4 => inA7(1), I5 => inA7(0)); MUXF7_LUT : MUXF7 port map ( O => Res, I0 => result6, I1 => result6n, S => inA7(6)); end generate Use_MUXF7; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Four LUT6, two MUXF7 and one MUXF8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use_MUXF8 : if C_SIZE = 8 generate signal inA8 : std_logic_vector(0 to 7); signal result6_1 : std_logic; signal result6_1n : std_logic; signal result6_2 : std_logic; signal result6_2n : std_logic; signal result7_1 : std_logic; signal result7_1n : std_logic; begin Assign_InA : process (InA) is begin inA8 <= (others => '0'); inA8(0 to InA'length - 1) <= InA; end process Assign_InA; XOR6_LUT1 : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"6996966996696996") port map( O => result6_1, I0 => inA8(5), I1 => inA8(4), I2 => inA8(3), I3 => inA8(2), I4 => inA8(1), I5 => inA8(0)); XOR6_LUT2_N : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"9669699669969669") port map( O => result6_1n, I0 => inA8(5), I1 => inA8(4), I2 => inA8(3), I3 => inA8(2), I4 => inA8(1), I5 => inA8(0)); MUXF7_LUT1 : MUXF7 port map ( O => result7_1, I0 => result6_1, I1 => result6_1n, S => inA8(6)); XOR6_LUT3 : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"6996966996696996") port map( O => result6_2, I0 => inA8(5), I1 => inA8(4), I2 => inA8(3), I3 => inA8(2), I4 => inA8(1), I5 => inA8(0)); XOR6_LUT4_N : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"9669699669969669") port map( O => result6_2n, I0 => inA8(5), I1 => inA8(4), I2 => inA8(3), I3 => inA8(2), I4 => inA8(1), I5 => inA8(0)); MUXF7_LUT2 : MUXF7 port map ( O => result7_1n, I0 => result6_2n, I1 => result6_2, S => inA8(6)); MUXF8_LUT : MUXF8 port map ( O => res, I0 => result7_1, I1 => result7_1n, S => inA8(7)); end generate Use_MUXF8; end generate Using_LUT6; -- Fall-back implementation without LUT6 Not_Using_LUT6 : if not C_USE_LUT6 or C_SIZE > 8 generate begin Res <= ParityGen(InA); end generate Not_Using_LUT6; end architecture IMP; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generated by X-HDL Verilog Translator - Version 4.0.0 Apr. 30, 2006 -- Wed Jun 17 2009 01:03:24 -- -- Input file : /home/samsonn/SandBox_LBranch_11.2/env/Databases/ip/src2/L/mig_v3_2/data/dlib/virtex6/ddr3_sdram/verilog/rtl/ecc/ecc_gen.v -- Component name : ecc_gen -- Author : -- Company : -- -- Description : -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; -- Generate the ecc code. Note that the synthesizer should -- generate this as a static logic. Code in this block should -- never run during simulation phase, or directly impact timing. -- -- The code generated is a single correct, double detect code. -- It is the classic Hamming code. Instead, the code is -- optimized for minimal/balanced tree depth and size. See -- Hsiao IBM Technial Journal 1970. -- -- The code is returned as a single bit vector, h_rows. This was -- the only way to "subroutinize" this with the restrictions of -- disallowed include files and that matrices cannot be passed -- in ports. -- -- Factorial and the combos functions are defined. Combos -- simply computes the number of combinations from the set -- size and elements at a time. -- -- The function next_combo computes the next combination in -- lexicographical order given the "current" combination. Its -- output is undefined if given the last combination in the -- lexicographical order. -- -- next_combo is insensitive to the number of elements in the -- combinations. -- -- An H transpose matrix is generated because that's the easiest -- way to do it. The H transpose matrix is generated by taking -- the one at a time combinations, then the 3 at a time, then -- the 5 at a time. The number combinations used is equal to -- the width of the code (CODE_WIDTH). The boundaries between -- the 1, 3 and 5 groups are hardcoded in the for loop. -- -- At the same time the h_rows vector is generated from the -- H transpose matrix. entity ecc_gen is generic ( CODE_WIDTH : integer := 72; ECC_WIDTH : integer := 8; DATA_WIDTH : integer := 64 ); port ( -- Outputs -- function next_combo -- Given a combination, return the next combo in lexicographical -- order. Scans from right to left. Assumes the first combination -- is k ones all of the way to the left. -- -- Upon entry, initialize seen0, trig1, and ones. "seen0" means -- that a zero has been observed while scanning from right to left. -- "trig1" means that a one have been observed _after_ seen0 is set. -- "ones" counts the number of ones observed while scanning the input. -- -- If trig1 is one, just copy the input bit to the output and increment -- to the next bit. Otherwise set the the output bit to zero, if the -- input is a one, increment ones. If the input bit is a one and seen0 -- is true, dump out the accumulated ones. Set seen0 to the complement -- of the input bit. Note that seen0 is not used subsequent to trig1 -- getting set. -- The stuff above leads to excessive XST execution times. For now, hardwire to 72/64 bit. h_rows : out std_logic_vector(CODE_WIDTH * ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) ); end entity ecc_gen; architecture trans of ecc_gen is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of trans : architecture is "yes"; function factorial (ivar: integer) return integer is variable tmp : integer; begin if (ivar = 1) then return 1; else tmp := 1; for i in ivar downto 2 loop tmp := tmp * i; end loop; end if; return tmp; end function factorial; function combos ( n, k: integer) return integer is begin return factorial(n)/(factorial(k)*factorial(n-k)); end function combos; function next_combo (i: std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is variable seen0: std_logic; variable trig1: std_logic; variable ones: std_logic_vector (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); variable tmp: std_logic_vector (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); variable tmp_index : integer; begin seen0 := '0'; trig1 := '0'; ones := (others => '0'); for index in ECC_WIDTH -1 downto 0 loop tmp_index := ECC_WIDTH -1 - index; if (trig1 = '1') then tmp(tmp_index) := i(tmp_index); else tmp(tmp_index) := '0'; ones := ones + i(tmp_index); if ((i(tmp_index) = '1') and (seen0 = '1')) then trig1 := '1'; for dump_index in tmp_index-1 downto 0 loop if (dump_index >= (tmp_index- conv_integer(ones)) ) then tmp(dump_index) := '1'; end if; end loop; end if; seen0 := not(i(tmp_index)); end if; end loop; return tmp; end function next_combo; constant COMBOS_3 : integer := combos(ECC_WIDTH, 3); constant COMBOS_5 : integer := combos(ECC_WIDTH, 5); type twoDarray is array (CODE_WIDTH -1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal ht_matrix : twoDarray; begin columns: for n in CODE_WIDTH - 1 downto 0 generate column0: if (n = 0) generate ht_matrix(n) <= "111" & conv_std_logic_vector(0,ECC_WIDTH-3); end generate; column_combos3: if ((n = COMBOS_3) and ( n < DATA_WIDTH) ) generate ht_matrix(n) <= "11111" & conv_std_logic_vector(0,ECC_WIDTH-5); end generate; column_combos5: if ((n = COMBOS_3 + COMBOS_5) and ( n < DATA_WIDTH) ) generate ht_matrix(n) <= "1111111" & conv_std_logic_vector(0,ECC_WIDTH-7); end generate; column_datawidth: if (n = DATA_WIDTH) generate ht_matrix(n) <= "1" & conv_std_logic_vector(0,ECC_WIDTH-1); end generate; column_gen: if ( (n /= 0 ) and ((n /= COMBOS_3) or (n > DATA_WIDTH)) and ((n /= COMBOS_3+COMBOS_5) or (n > DATA_WIDTH)) and (n /= DATA_WIDTH) ) generate ht_matrix(n) <= next_combo(ht_matrix(n-1)); end generate; out_assign: for s in ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0 generate h_rows(s*CODE_WIDTH+n) <= ht_matrix(n)(s); end generate; end generate; --h_row0 <= "100000000100100011101101001101001000110100100010000110100100010000100000"; --h_row1 <= "010000001010010011011010101010100100101010010001000101010010001000010000"; --h_row2 <= "001000001001001010110110010110010010011001001000100011001001000100001000"; --h_row3 <= "000100000111000101110001110001110001000111000100010000111000100010000100"; --h_row4 <= "000010000000111100001111110000001111000000111100001000000111100001000010"; --h_row5 <= "000001001111111100000000001111111111000000000011111000000000011111000001"; --h_row6 <= "000000101111111100000000000000000000111111111111111000000000000000111111"; --h_row7 <= "000000011111111100000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111"; --h_rows <= (h_row7 & h_row6 & h_row5 & h_row4 & h_row3 & h_row2 & h_row1 & h_row0); end architecture trans; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- -- Description: This module contains the register components for the -- ECC status & control data when enabled. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- Remove library version # dependency. Replace with work library. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add ECC support for 128-bit BRAM data width. -- Clean-up XST warnings. Add C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR parameter and -- modify BRAM address registers. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.axi_lite_if; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity lite_ecc_reg is generic ( C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL : string := "AXI4"; -- Used in this module to differentiate timing for error capture C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM : INTEGER := 1; -- Enable single port usage of BRAM C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := 2; -- Adjust factor to BRAM address width based on data width (in bits) -- AXI-Lite Register Parameters C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite data bus (in bits) -- ECC Parameters C_ECC_WIDTH : integer := 8; -- Width of ECC data vector C_FAULT_INJECT : integer := 0; -- Enable fault injection registers C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE : integer := 1; -- By default, ECC checking is on (can disable ECC @ reset by setting this to 0) -- Hard coded parameters at top level. -- Note: Kept in design for future enhancement. C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF : integer := 0; -- By default the ECC AXI-Lite register interface is enabled C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable CE (correctable error) failing registers C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable UE (uncorrectable error) failing registers C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable ECC status registers C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER : integer := 0; -- Enable ECC on/off control register C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH : integer := 0 -- Selects CE counter width/threshold to assert ECC_Interrupt ); port ( -- AXI Clock and Reset S_AXI_AClk : in std_logic; S_AXI_AResetn : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Clock and Reset -- Note: AXI-Lite Control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- S_AXI_CTRL_AClk : in std_logic; -- S_AXI_CTRL_AResetn : in std_logic; Interrupt : out std_logic := '0'; ECC_UE : out std_logic := '0'; -- *** AXI-Lite ECC Register Interface Signals *** -- All synchronized to S_AXI_CTRL_AClk -- AXI-Lite Write Address Channel Signals (AW) AXI_CTRL_AWVALID : in std_logic; AXI_CTRL_AWREADY : out std_logic; AXI_CTRL_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- AXI-Lite Write Data Channel Signals (W) AXI_CTRL_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_WVALID : in std_logic; AXI_CTRL_WREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) AXI_CTRL_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_BVALID : out std_logic; AXI_CTRL_BREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Address Channel Signals (AR) AXI_CTRL_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_ARVALID : in std_logic; AXI_CTRL_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Data Channel Signals (R) AXI_CTRL_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_RVALID : out std_logic; AXI_CTRL_RREADY : in std_logic; -- *** Memory Controller Interface Signals *** -- All synchronized to S_AXI_AClk Enable_ECC : out std_logic; -- Indicates if and when ECC is enabled FaultInjectClr : in std_logic; -- Clear for Fault Inject Registers CE_Failing_We : in std_logic; -- WE for CE Failing Registers -- UE_Failing_We : in std_logic; -- WE for CE Failing Registers CE_CounterReg_Inc : in std_logic; -- Increment CE Counter Register Sl_CE : in std_logic; -- Correctable Error Flag Sl_UE : in std_logic; -- Uncorrectable Error Flag BRAM_Addr_A : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR); -- v1.03a BRAM_Addr_B : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR); -- v1.03a BRAM_Addr_En : in std_logic; Active_Wr : in std_logic; -- BRAM_RdData_A : in std_logic_vector (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); -- BRAM_RdData_B : in std_logic_vector (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); -- Outputs FaultInjectData : out std_logic_vector (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); FaultInjectECC : out std_logic_vector (0 to C_ECC_WIDTH-1) ); end entity lite_ecc_reg; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of lite_ecc_reg is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; constant IF_IS_AXI4 : boolean := (Equal_String (C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL, "AXI4")); constant IF_IS_AXI4LITE : boolean := (Equal_String (C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL, "AXI4LITE")); -- Start LMB BRAM v3.00a HDL constant C_HAS_FAULT_INJECT : boolean := C_FAULT_INJECT = 1; constant C_HAS_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS : boolean := C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS = 1; constant C_HAS_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS : boolean := C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS = 1; constant C_HAS_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS : boolean := C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS = 1; constant C_HAS_ECC_ONOFF : boolean := C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER = 1; constant C_HAS_CE_COUNTER : boolean := C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH /= 0; -- Register accesses -- Register addresses use word address, i.e 2 LSB don't care -- Don't decode MSB, i.e. mirrorring of registers in address space of module constant C_REGADDR_WIDTH : integer := 8; constant C_ECC_StatusReg : std_logic_vector := "00000000"; -- 0x0 = 00 0000 00 constant C_ECC_EnableIRQReg : std_logic_vector := "00000001"; -- 0x4 = 00 0000 01 constant C_ECC_OnOffReg : std_logic_vector := "00000010"; -- 0x8 = 00 0000 10 constant C_CE_CounterReg : std_logic_vector := "00000011"; -- 0xC = 00 0000 11 constant C_CE_FailingData_31_0 : std_logic_vector := "01000000"; -- 0x100 = 01 0000 00 constant C_CE_FailingData_63_31 : std_logic_vector := "01000001"; -- 0x104 = 01 0000 01 constant C_CE_FailingData_95_64 : std_logic_vector := "01000010"; -- 0x108 = 01 0000 10 constant C_CE_FailingData_127_96 : std_logic_vector := "01000011"; -- 0x10C = 01 0000 11 constant C_CE_FailingECC : std_logic_vector := "01100000"; -- 0x180 = 01 1000 00 constant C_CE_FailingAddress_31_0 : std_logic_vector := "01110000"; -- 0x1C0 = 01 1100 00 constant C_CE_FailingAddress_63_32 : std_logic_vector := "01110001"; -- 0x1C4 = 01 1100 01 constant C_UE_FailingData_31_0 : std_logic_vector := "10000000"; -- 0x200 = 10 0000 00 constant C_UE_FailingData_63_31 : std_logic_vector := "10000001"; -- 0x204 = 10 0000 01 constant C_UE_FailingData_95_64 : std_logic_vector := "10000010"; -- 0x208 = 10 0000 10 constant C_UE_FailingData_127_96 : std_logic_vector := "10000011"; -- 0x20C = 10 0000 11 constant C_UE_FailingECC : std_logic_vector := "10100000"; -- 0x280 = 10 1000 00 constant C_UE_FailingAddress_31_0 : std_logic_vector := "10110000"; -- 0x2C0 = 10 1100 00 constant C_UE_FailingAddress_63_32 : std_logic_vector := "10110000"; -- 0x2C4 = 10 1100 00 constant C_FaultInjectData_31_0 : std_logic_vector := "11000000"; -- 0x300 = 11 0000 00 constant C_FaultInjectData_63_32 : std_logic_vector := "11000001"; -- 0x304 = 11 0000 01 constant C_FaultInjectData_95_64 : std_logic_vector := "11000010"; -- 0x308 = 11 0000 10 constant C_FaultInjectData_127_96 : std_logic_vector := "11000011"; -- 0x30C = 11 0000 11 constant C_FaultInjectECC : std_logic_vector := "11100000"; -- 0x380 = 11 1000 00 -- ECC Status register bit positions constant C_ECC_STATUS_CE : natural := 30; constant C_ECC_STATUS_UE : natural := 31; constant C_ECC_STATUS_WIDTH : natural := 2; constant C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_CE : natural := 30; constant C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_UE : natural := 31; constant C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_WIDTH : natural := 2; constant C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH : natural := 1; -- End LMB BRAM v3.00a HDL constant MSB_ZERO : std_logic_vector (31 downto C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal S_AXI_AReset : std_logic; -- Start LMB BRAM v3.00a HDL -- Read and write data to internal registers constant C_DWIDTH : integer := 32; signal RegWrData : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal RegWrData_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); --signal RegWrData_d1 : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); --signal RegWrData_d2 : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal RegRdData : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal RegRdData_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); --signal RegRdData_d1 : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); --signal RegRdData_d2 : std_logic_vector(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal RegAddr : std_logic_vector(0 to C_REGADDR_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal RegAddr_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_REGADDR_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); --signal RegAddr_d1 : std_logic_vector(0 to C_REGADDR_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); --signal RegAddr_d2 : std_logic_vector(0 to C_REGADDR_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal RegWr : std_logic; signal RegWr_i : std_logic; --signal RegWr_d1 : std_logic; --signal RegWr_d2 : std_logic; -- Fault Inject Register signal FaultInjectData_WE_0 : std_logic := '0'; signal FaultInjectData_WE_1 : std_logic := '0'; signal FaultInjectData_WE_2 : std_logic := '0'; signal FaultInjectData_WE_3 : std_logic := '0'; signal FaultInjectECC_WE : std_logic := '0'; --signal FaultInjectClr : std_logic := '0'; -- Correctable Error First Failing Register signal CE_FailingAddress : std_logic_vector(0 to 31) := (others => '0'); signal CE_Failing_We_i : std_logic := '0'; -- signal CE_FailingData : std_logic_vector(0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- signal CE_FailingECC : std_logic_vector(32-C_ECC_WIDTH to 31); -- Uncorrectable Error First Failing Register -- signal UE_FailingAddress : std_logic_vector(0 to C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- signal UE_Failing_We_i : std_logic := '0'; -- signal UE_FailingData : std_logic_vector(0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- signal UE_FailingECC : std_logic_vector(32-C_ECC_WIDTH to 31) := (others => '0'); -- ECC Status and Control register signal ECC_StatusReg : std_logic_vector(32-C_ECC_STATUS_WIDTH to 31) := (others => '0'); signal ECC_StatusReg_WE : std_logic_vector(32-C_ECC_STATUS_WIDTH to 31) := (others => '0'); signal ECC_EnableIRQReg : std_logic_vector(32-C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_WIDTH to 31) := (others => '0'); signal ECC_EnableIRQReg_WE : std_logic := '0'; -- ECC On/Off Control register signal ECC_OnOffReg : std_logic_vector(32-C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH to 31) := (others => '0'); signal ECC_OnOffReg_WE : std_logic := '0'; -- Correctable Error Counter signal CE_CounterReg : std_logic_vector(32-C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH to 31) := (others => '0'); signal CE_CounterReg_WE : std_logic := '0'; signal CE_CounterReg_Inc_i : std_logic := '0'; -- End LMB BRAM v3.00a HDL signal BRAM_Addr_A_d1 : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); -- v1.03a signal BRAM_Addr_A_d2 : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); -- v1.03a signal FailingAddr_Ld : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_lite_wstrb_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal Enable_ECC_i : std_logic := '0'; signal ECC_UE_i : std_logic := '0'; signal FaultInjectData_i : std_logic_vector (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal FaultInjectECC_i : std_logic_vector (0 to C_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin FaultInjectData <= FaultInjectData_i; FaultInjectECC <= FaultInjectECC_i; -- Reserve for future support. -- S_AXI_CTRL_AReset <= not (S_AXI_CTRL_AResetn); S_AXI_AReset <= not (S_AXI_AResetn); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_LITE_ECC_REG -- -- Description: -- This module is for the AXI-Lite ECC registers. -- -- Responsible for all AXI-Lite communication to the -- ECC register bank. Provides user interface signals -- to rest of AXI BRAM controller IP core for ECC functionality -- and control. -- -- Manages AXI-Lite write address (AW) and read address (AR), -- write data (W), write response (B), and read data (R) channels. -- -- Synchronized to AXI-Lite clock and reset. -- All RegWr, RegWrData, RegAddr, RegRdData must be synchronized to -- the AXI clock. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_AXI_LITE_IF : entity work.axi_lite_if generic map( C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH, C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH, C_REGADDR_WIDTH => C_REGADDR_WIDTH, C_DWIDTH => C_DWIDTH ) port map ( -- Reserve for future support. -- LMB_Clk => S_AXI_CTRL_AClk, -- LMB_Rst => S_AXI_CTRL_AReset, LMB_Clk => S_AXI_AClk, LMB_Rst => S_AXI_AReset, S_AXI_AWADDR => AXI_CTRL_AWADDR, S_AXI_AWVALID => AXI_CTRL_AWVALID, S_AXI_AWREADY => AXI_CTRL_AWREADY, S_AXI_WDATA => AXI_CTRL_WDATA, S_AXI_WSTRB => axi_lite_wstrb_int, S_AXI_WVALID => AXI_CTRL_WVALID, S_AXI_WREADY => AXI_CTRL_WREADY, S_AXI_BRESP => AXI_CTRL_BRESP, S_AXI_BVALID => AXI_CTRL_BVALID, S_AXI_BREADY => AXI_CTRL_BREADY, S_AXI_ARADDR => AXI_CTRL_ARADDR, S_AXI_ARVALID => AXI_CTRL_ARVALID, S_AXI_ARREADY => AXI_CTRL_ARREADY, S_AXI_RDATA => AXI_CTRL_RDATA, S_AXI_RRESP => AXI_CTRL_RRESP, S_AXI_RVALID => AXI_CTRL_RVALID, S_AXI_RREADY => AXI_CTRL_RREADY, RegWr => RegWr_i, RegWrData => RegWrData_i, RegAddr => RegAddr_i, RegRdData => RegRdData_i ); -- Note: AXI-Lite Control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- -- Save HDL -- If it is decided to go back and use seperate clock inputs -- One for AXI4 and one for AXI4-Lite on this core. -- For now, temporarily comment out and replace the *_i signal -- assignments. RegWr <= RegWr_i; RegWrData <= RegWrData_i; RegAddr <= RegAddr_i; RegRdData_i <= RegRdData; -- Reserve for future support. -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- -- All registers must be synchronized to the correct clock. -- -- RegWr must be synchronized to the S_AXI_Clk -- -- RegWrData must be synchronized to the S_AXI_Clk -- -- RegAddr must be synchronized to the S_AXI_Clk -- -- RegRdData must be synchronized to the S_AXI_CTRL_Clk -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- SYNC_AXI_CLK: process (S_AXI_AClk) -- begin -- if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- RegWr_d1 <= RegWr_i; -- RegWr_d2 <= RegWr_d1; -- RegWrData_d1 <= RegWrData_i; -- RegWrData_d2 <= RegWrData_d1; -- RegAddr_d1 <= RegAddr_i; -- RegAddr_d2 <= RegAddr_d1; -- end if; -- end process SYNC_AXI_CLK; -- -- RegWr <= RegWr_d2; -- RegWrData <= RegWrData_d2; -- RegAddr <= RegAddr_d2; -- -- -- SYNC_AXI_LITE_CLK: process (S_AXI_CTRL_AClk) -- begin -- if (S_AXI_CTRL_AClk'event and S_AXI_CTRL_AClk = '1' ) then -- RegRdData_d1 <= RegRdData; -- RegRdData_d2 <= RegRdData_d1; -- end if; -- end process SYNC_AXI_LITE_CLK; -- -- RegRdData_i <= RegRdData_d2; -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- axi_lite_wstrb_int <= (others => '1'); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ADDR_REG_SNG -- Purpose: Generate two deep wrap-around address pipeline to store -- read address presented to BRAM. Used to update ECC -- register value when ECC correctable or uncorrectable error -- is detected. -- -- If single port, only register Port A address. -- -- With CE flag being registered, must account for one more -- pipeline stage in stored BRAM addresss that correlates to -- failing ECC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ADDR_REG_SNG: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate -- 3rd pipeline stage on Port A (used for reads in single port mode) ONLY signal BRAM_Addr_A_d3 : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); -- v1.03a begin BRAM_ADDR_REG: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (BRAM_Addr_En = '1') then BRAM_Addr_A_d1 <= BRAM_Addr_A; BRAM_Addr_A_d2 <= BRAM_Addr_A_d1; BRAM_Addr_A_d3 <= BRAM_Addr_A_d2; else BRAM_Addr_A_d1 <= BRAM_Addr_A_d1; BRAM_Addr_A_d2 <= BRAM_Addr_A_d2; BRAM_Addr_A_d3 <= BRAM_Addr_A_d3; end if; end if; end process BRAM_ADDR_REG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_L_ADDR -- Purpose: Lower order BRAM address bits fixed @ zero depending -- on BRAM data width size. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_L_ADDR: for i in C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0 generate begin FailingAddr_Ld (i) <= '0'; end generate GEN_L_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ADDR -- Purpose: Assign valid BRAM address bits based on BRAM data width size. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ADDR: for i in C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR generate begin GEN_FA_LITE: if IF_IS_AXI4LITE generate begin FailingAddr_Ld (i) <= BRAM_Addr_A_d1(i); -- Only a single address active at a time. end generate GEN_FA_LITE; GEN_FA_AXI: if IF_IS_AXI4 generate begin -- During the RMW portion, only one active address (use _d1 pipeline). -- During read operaitons, use 3-deep address pipeline to store address values. FailingAddr_Ld (i) <= BRAM_Addr_A_d3 (i) when (Active_Wr = '0') else BRAM_Addr_A_d1 (i); end generate GEN_FA_AXI; end generate GEN_ADDR; end generate GEN_ADDR_REG_SNG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ADDR_REG_DUAL -- Purpose: Generate two deep wrap-around address pipeline to store -- read address presented to BRAM. Used to update ECC -- register value when ECC correctable or uncorrectable error -- is detected. -- -- If dual port BRAM, register Port A & Port B address. -- -- Account for CE flag register delay, add 3rd BRAM address -- pipeline stage. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ADDR_REG_DUAL: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate -- Port B pipeline stages only used in a dual port mode configuration. signal BRAM_Addr_B_d1 : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); -- v1.03a signal BRAM_Addr_B_d2 : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); -- v1.03a signal BRAM_Addr_B_d3 : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); -- v1.03a begin BRAM_ADDR_REG: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (BRAM_Addr_En = '1') then BRAM_Addr_A_d1 <= BRAM_Addr_A; BRAM_Addr_B_d1 <= BRAM_Addr_B; BRAM_Addr_B_d2 <= BRAM_Addr_B_d1; BRAM_Addr_B_d3 <= BRAM_Addr_B_d2; else BRAM_Addr_A_d1 <= BRAM_Addr_A_d1; BRAM_Addr_B_d1 <= BRAM_Addr_B_d1; BRAM_Addr_B_d2 <= BRAM_Addr_B_d2; BRAM_Addr_B_d3 <= BRAM_Addr_B_d3; end if; end if; end process BRAM_ADDR_REG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_L_ADDR -- Purpose: Lower order BRAM address bits fixed @ zero depending -- on BRAM data width size. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_L_ADDR: for i in C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0 generate begin FailingAddr_Ld (i) <= '0'; end generate GEN_L_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ADDR -- Purpose: Assign valid BRAM address bits based on BRAM data width size. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ADDR: for i in C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR generate begin GEN_FA_LITE: if IF_IS_AXI4LITE generate begin -- Only one active operation at a time. -- Use one deep address pipeline. Determine if Port A or B based on active read or write. FailingAddr_Ld (i) <= BRAM_Addr_B_d1 (i) when (Active_Wr = '0') else BRAM_Addr_A_d1 (i); end generate GEN_FA_LITE; GEN_FA_AXI: if IF_IS_AXI4 generate begin -- During the RMW portion, only one active address (use _d1 pipeline) (and from Port A). -- During read operations, use 3-deep address pipeline to store address values (and from Port B). FailingAddr_Ld (i) <= BRAM_Addr_B_d3 (i) when (Active_Wr = '0') else BRAM_Addr_A_d1 (i); end generate GEN_FA_AXI; end generate GEN_ADDR; end generate GEN_ADDR_REG_DUAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: FAULT_INJECT -- Purpose: Implement fault injection registers -- Remove check for (C_WRITE_ACCESS /= NO_WRITES) (from LMB) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAULT_INJECT : if C_HAS_FAULT_INJECT generate begin -- FaultInjectClr added to top level port list. -- Original LMB BRAM HDL -- FaultInjectClr <= '1' when ((sl_ready_i = '1') and (write_access = '1')) else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_32_FAULT -- Purpose: Create generates based on 32-bit C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_32_FAULT : if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate begin FaultInjectData_WE_0 <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectData_31_0) else '0'; FaultInjectECC_WE <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectECC) else '0'; -- Create fault vector for 32-bit data widths FaultInjectDataReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then FaultInjectData_i <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC_i <= (others => '0'); elsif FaultInjectData_WE_0 = '1' then FaultInjectData_i (0 to 31) <= RegWrData; elsif FaultInjectECC_WE = '1' then -- FaultInjectECC_i <= RegWrData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1); -- FaultInjectECC_i <= RegWrData(0 to C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- (25:31) FaultInjectECC_i <= RegWrData(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-C_ECC_WIDTH to C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1); elsif FaultInjectClr = '1' then -- One shoot, clear after first LMB write FaultInjectData_i <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC_i <= (others => '0'); end if; end if; end process FaultInjectDataReg; end generate GEN_32_FAULT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_64_FAULT -- Purpose: Create generates based on 64-bit C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_64_FAULT : if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate begin FaultInjectData_WE_0 <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectData_31_0) else '0'; FaultInjectData_WE_1 <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectData_63_32) else '0'; FaultInjectECC_WE <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectECC) else '0'; -- Create fault vector for 64-bit data widths FaultInjectDataReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then FaultInjectData_i <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC_i <= (others => '0'); elsif FaultInjectData_WE_0 = '1' then FaultInjectData_i (32 to 63) <= RegWrData; elsif FaultInjectData_WE_1 = '1' then FaultInjectData_i (0 to 31) <= RegWrData; elsif FaultInjectECC_WE = '1' then -- FaultInjectECC_i <= RegWrData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1); -- FaultInjectECC_i <= RegWrData(0 to C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- (24:31) FaultInjectECC_i <= RegWrData(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-C_ECC_WIDTH to C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1); elsif FaultInjectClr = '1' then -- One shoot, clear after first LMB write FaultInjectData_i <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC_i <= (others => '0'); end if; end if; end process FaultInjectDataReg; end generate GEN_64_FAULT; -- v1.03a --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_128_FAULT -- Purpose: Create generates based on 128-bit C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_128_FAULT : if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128 generate begin FaultInjectData_WE_0 <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectData_31_0) else '0'; FaultInjectData_WE_1 <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectData_63_32) else '0'; FaultInjectData_WE_2 <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectData_95_64) else '0'; FaultInjectData_WE_3 <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectData_127_96) else '0'; FaultInjectECC_WE <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_FaultInjectECC) else '0'; -- Create fault vector for 128-bit data widths FaultInjectDataReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then FaultInjectData_i <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC_i <= (others => '0'); elsif FaultInjectData_WE_0 = '1' then FaultInjectData_i (96 to 127) <= RegWrData; elsif FaultInjectData_WE_1 = '1' then FaultInjectData_i (64 to 95) <= RegWrData; elsif FaultInjectData_WE_2 = '1' then FaultInjectData_i (32 to 63) <= RegWrData; elsif FaultInjectData_WE_3 = '1' then FaultInjectData_i (0 to 31) <= RegWrData; elsif FaultInjectECC_WE = '1' then FaultInjectECC_i <= RegWrData(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-C_ECC_WIDTH to C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1); elsif FaultInjectClr = '1' then -- One shoot, clear after first LMB write FaultInjectData_i <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC_i <= (others => '0'); end if; end if; end process FaultInjectDataReg; end generate GEN_128_FAULT; end generate FAULT_INJECT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: NO_FAULT_INJECT -- Purpose: Set default outputs when no fault inject capabilities. -- Remove check from C_WRITE_ACCESS (from LMB) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO_FAULT_INJECT : if not C_HAS_FAULT_INJECT generate begin FaultInjectData_i <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC_i <= (others => '0'); end generate NO_FAULT_INJECT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: CE_FAILING_REGISTERS -- Purpose: Implement Correctable Error First Failing Register --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CE_FAILING_REGISTERS : if C_HAS_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS generate begin -- TBD (could come from axi_lite) -- CE_Failing_We <= '1' when (Sl_CE_i = '1' and Sl_Ready_i = '1' and ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_CE) = '0') -- else '0'; CE_Failing_We_i <= '1' when (CE_Failing_We = '1' and ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_CE) = '0') else '0'; CE_FailingReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then CE_FailingAddress <= (others => '0'); -- Reserve for future support. -- CE_FailingData <= (others => '0'); elsif CE_Failing_We_i = '1' then --As the AXI Addr Width can now be lesser than 32, the address is getting shifted --Eg: If addr width is 16, and Failing address is 0000_fffc, the o/p on RDATA is comming as fffc_0000 CE_FailingAddress (0 to C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1) <= FailingAddr_Ld (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); --CE_FailingAddress <= MSB_ZERO & FailingAddr_Ld ; -- Reserve for future support. -- CE_FailingData (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) <= FailingRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1); end if; end if; end process CE_FailingReg; -- Note: Remove storage of CE_FFE & CE_FFD registers. -- Here for future support. -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_CE_ECC_32 -- -- Purpose: Re-align ECC bits unique for 32-bit BRAM data width. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- GEN_CE_ECC_32: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate -- begin -- -- CE_FailingECCReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is -- begin -- if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then -- if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then -- CE_FailingECC <= (others => '0'); -- elsif CE_Failing_We_i = '1' then -- -- Data2Mem shifts ECC to lower data bits in remaining byte (when 32-bit data width) (33 to 39) -- CE_FailingECC <= FailingRdData(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+1 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+1+C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- end if; -- end if; -- end process CE_FailingECCReg; -- -- end generate GEN_CE_ECC_32; -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_CE_ECC_64 -- -- Purpose: Re-align ECC bits unique for 64-bit BRAM data width. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- GEN_CE_ECC_64: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate -- begin -- -- CE_FailingECCReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is -- begin -- if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then -- if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then -- CE_FailingECC <= (others => '0'); -- elsif CE_Failing_We_i = '1' then -- CE_FailingECC <= FailingRdData(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- end if; -- end if; -- end process CE_FailingECCReg; -- -- end generate GEN_CE_ECC_64; end generate CE_FAILING_REGISTERS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: NO_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS -- Purpose: No Correctable Error Failing registers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS : if not C_HAS_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS generate begin CE_FailingAddress <= (others => '0'); -- CE_FailingData <= (others => '0'); -- CE_FailingECC <= (others => '0'); end generate NO_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS; -- Note: C_HAS_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS will always be set to 0 -- This generate clause will never be evaluated. -- Here for future support. -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: UE_FAILING_REGISTERS -- -- Purpose: Implement Unorrectable Error First Failing Register -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- UE_FAILING_REGISTERS : if C_HAS_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS generate -- begin -- -- -- TBD (could come from axi_lite) -- -- UE_Failing_We <= '1' when (Sl_UE_i = '1' and Sl_Ready_i = '1' and ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_UE) = '0') -- -- else '0'; -- -- UE_Failing_We_i <= '1' when (UE_Failing_We = '1' and ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_UE) = '0') -- else '0'; -- -- -- UE_FailingReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is -- begin -- if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then -- if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then -- UE_FailingAddress <= (others => '0'); -- UE_FailingData <= (others => '0'); -- elsif UE_Failing_We = '1' then -- UE_FailingAddress <= FailingAddr_Ld; -- UE_FailingData <= FailingRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1); -- end if; -- end if; -- end process UE_FailingReg; -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_UE_ECC_32 -- -- Purpose: Re-align ECC bits unique for 32-bit BRAM data width. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- GEN_UE_ECC_32: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate -- begin -- -- UE_FailingECCReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is -- begin -- if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then -- if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then -- UE_FailingECC <= (others => '0'); -- elsif UE_Failing_We = '1' then -- -- Data2Mem shifts ECC to lower data bits in remaining byte (when 32-bit data width) (33 to 39) -- UE_FailingECC <= FailingRdData(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+1 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+1+C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- end if; -- end if; -- end process UE_FailingECCReg; -- -- end generate GEN_UE_ECC_32; -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_UE_ECC_64 -- -- Purpose: Re-align ECC bits unique for 64-bit BRAM data width. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- GEN_UE_ECC_64: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate -- begin -- -- UE_FailingECCReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is -- begin -- if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then -- if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then -- UE_FailingECC <= (others => '0'); -- elsif UE_Failing_We = '1' then -- UE_FailingECC <= FailingRdData(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- end if; -- end if; -- end process UE_FailingECCReg; -- -- end generate GEN_UE_ECC_64; -- -- end generate UE_FAILING_REGISTERS; -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: NO_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS -- -- Purpose: No Uncorrectable Error Failing registers. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- NO_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS : if not C_HAS_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS generate -- begin -- UE_FailingAddress <= (others => '0'); -- UE_FailingData <= (others => '0'); -- UE_FailingECC <= (others => '0'); -- end generate NO_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS -- Purpose: Enable ECC status and interrupt enable registers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS : if C_HAS_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS generate begin ECC_StatusReg_WE (C_ECC_STATUS_CE) <= Sl_CE; ECC_StatusReg_WE (C_ECC_STATUS_UE) <= Sl_UE; StatusReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then ECC_StatusReg <= (others => '0'); elsif RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_ECC_StatusReg then -- CE Interrupt status bit if RegWrData(C_ECC_STATUS_CE) = '1' then ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_CE) <= '0'; -- Clear when write '1' end if; -- UE Interrupt status bit if RegWrData(C_ECC_STATUS_UE) = '1' then ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_UE) <= '0'; -- Clear when write '1' end if; else if Sl_CE = '1' then ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_CE) <= '1'; -- Set when CE occurs end if; if Sl_UE = '1' then ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_UE) <= '1'; -- Set when UE occurs end if; end if; end if; end process StatusReg; ECC_EnableIRQReg_WE <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_ECC_EnableIRQReg) else '0'; EnableIRQReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then ECC_EnableIRQReg <= (others => '0'); elsif ECC_EnableIRQReg_WE = '1' then -- CE Interrupt enable bit ECC_EnableIRQReg(C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_CE) <= RegWrData(C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_CE); -- UE Interrupt enable bit ECC_EnableIRQReg(C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_UE) <= RegWrData(C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_UE); end if; end if; end process EnableIRQReg; Interrupt <= (ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_CE) and ECC_EnableIRQReg(C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_CE)) or (ECC_StatusReg(C_ECC_STATUS_UE) and ECC_EnableIRQReg(C_ECC_ENABLE_IRQ_UE)); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate output flag for UE sticky bit -- Modify order to ensure that ECC_UE gets set when Sl_UE is asserted. REG_UE : process (S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE or (Enable_ECC_i = '0') then ECC_UE_i <= '0'; elsif Sl_UE = '1' then ECC_UE_i <= '1'; elsif (ECC_StatusReg (C_ECC_STATUS_UE) = '0') then ECC_UE_i <= '0'; else ECC_UE_i <= ECC_UE_i; end if; end if; end process REG_UE; ECC_UE <= ECC_UE_i; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: NO_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS -- Purpose: No ECC status or interrupt registers enabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS : if not C_HAS_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS generate begin ECC_EnableIRQReg <= (others => '0'); ECC_StatusReg <= (others => '0'); Interrupt <= '0'; ECC_UE <= '0'; end generate NO_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ECC_ONOFF -- Purpose: Implement ECC on/off control register. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC_ONOFF : if C_HAS_ECC_ONOFF generate begin ECC_OnOffReg_WE <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_ECC_OnOffReg) else '0'; EnableIRQReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' then if S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE then if (C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE = 0) then ECC_OnOffReg(32-C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH) <= '0'; else ECC_OnOffReg(32-C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH) <= '1'; end if; -- ECC on by default at reset (but can be disabled) elsif ECC_OnOffReg_WE = '1' then ECC_OnOffReg(32-C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH) <= RegWrData(32-C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH); end if; end if; end process EnableIRQReg; Enable_ECC_i <= ECC_OnOffReg(32-C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH); Enable_ECC <= Enable_ECC_i; end generate GEN_ECC_ONOFF; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_ECC_ONOFF -- Purpose: No ECC on/off control register. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NO_ECC_ONOFF : if not C_HAS_ECC_ONOFF generate begin Enable_ECC <= '0'; -- ECC ON/OFF register is only enabled when C_ECC = 1. -- If C_ECC = 0, then no ECC on/off register (C_HAS_ECC_ONOFF = 0) then -- ECC should be disabled. ECC_OnOffReg(32-C_ECC_ON_OFF_WIDTH) <= '0'; end generate GEN_NO_ECC_ONOFF; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: CE_COUNTER -- Purpose: Enable Correctable Error Counter -- Fixed to size of C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH = 8 bits. -- Parameterized here for future enhancements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CE_COUNTER : if C_HAS_CE_COUNTER generate -- One extra bit compare to CE_CounterReg to handle carry bit signal CE_CounterReg_plus_1 : std_logic_vector(31-C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH to 31); begin CE_CounterReg_WE <= '1' when (RegWr = '1' and RegAddr = C_CE_CounterReg) else '0'; -- TBD (could come from axi_lite) -- CE_CounterReg_Inc <= '1' when (Sl_CE_i = '1' and Sl_Ready_i = '1' and -- CE_CounterReg_plus_1(CE_CounterReg_plus_1'left) = '0') -- else '0'; CE_CounterReg_Inc_i <= '1' when (CE_CounterReg_Inc = '1' and CE_CounterReg_plus_1(CE_CounterReg_plus_1'left) = '0') else '0'; CountReg : process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then CE_CounterReg <= (others => '0'); elsif CE_CounterReg_WE = '1' then -- CE_CounterReg <= RegWrData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1); CE_CounterReg <= RegWrData(32-C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH to 31); elsif CE_CounterReg_Inc_i = '1' then CE_CounterReg <= CE_CounterReg_plus_1(32-C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH to 31); end if; end if; end process CountReg; CE_CounterReg_plus_1 <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(('0' & CE_CounterReg)) + 1); end generate CE_COUNTER; -- Note: Hit this generate when C_ECC = 0. -- Reserve for future support. -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: NO_CE_COUNTER -- -- Purpose: Default for no CE counter register. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- NO_CE_COUNTER : if not C_HAS_CE_COUNTER generate -- begin -- CE_CounterReg <= (others => '0'); -- end generate NO_CE_COUNTER; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_REG_32_DATA -- Purpose: Generate read register values & signal assignments based on -- 32-bit BRAM data width. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_REG_32_DATA: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate begin SelRegRdData : process (RegAddr, ECC_StatusReg, ECC_EnableIRQReg, ECC_OnOffReg, CE_CounterReg, CE_FailingAddress, FaultInjectData_i, FaultInjectECC_i -- CE_FailingData, CE_FailingECC, -- UE_FailingAddress, UE_FailingData, UE_FailingECC ) begin RegRdData <= (others => '0'); case RegAddr is -- Replace 'range use here for vector (31:0) (AXI BRAM) and (0:31) (LMB BRAM) reassignment when C_ECC_StatusReg => RegRdData(ECC_StatusReg'range) <= ECC_StatusReg; when C_ECC_EnableIRQReg => RegRdData(ECC_EnableIRQReg'range) <= ECC_EnableIRQReg; when C_ECC_OnOffReg => RegRdData(ECC_OnOffReg'range) <= ECC_OnOffReg; when C_CE_CounterReg => RegRdData(CE_CounterReg'range) <= CE_CounterReg; when C_CE_FailingAddress_31_0 => RegRdData(CE_FailingAddress'range) <= CE_FailingAddress; when C_CE_FailingAddress_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- Temporary addition to readback fault inject register values when C_FaultInjectData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectData_i (0 to 31); when C_FaultInjectECC => RegRdData(C_DWIDTH-C_ECC_WIDTH to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectECC_i (0 to C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- Note: For future enhancement. -- when C_CE_FailingData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- CE_FailingData (0 to 31); -- when C_CE_FailingData_63_31 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_CE_FailingData_95_64 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_CE_FailingData_127_96 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_CE_FailingECC => RegRdData(CE_FailingECC'range) <= (others => '0'); -- CE_FailingECC; -- when C_UE_FailingAddress_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- UE_FailingAddress (0 to 31); -- when C_UE_FailingAddress_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- UE_FailingData (0 to 31); -- when C_UE_FailingData_63_31 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingData_95_64 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingData_127_96 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingECC => RegRdData(UE_FailingECC'range) <= (others => '0'); -- UE_FailingECC; when others => RegRdData <= (others => '0'); end case; end process SelRegRdData; end generate GEN_REG_32_DATA; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_REG_64_DATA -- Purpose: Generate read register values & signal assignments based on -- 64-bit BRAM data width. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_REG_64_DATA: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate begin SelRegRdData : process (RegAddr, ECC_StatusReg, ECC_EnableIRQReg, ECC_OnOffReg, CE_CounterReg, CE_FailingAddress, FaultInjectData_i, FaultInjectECC_i -- CE_FailingData, CE_FailingECC, -- UE_FailingAddress, UE_FailingData, UE_FailingECC ) begin RegRdData <= (others => '0'); case RegAddr is -- Replace 'range use here for vector (31:0) (AXI BRAM) and (0:31) (LMB BRAM) reassignment when C_ECC_StatusReg => RegRdData(ECC_StatusReg'range) <= ECC_StatusReg; when C_ECC_EnableIRQReg => RegRdData(ECC_EnableIRQReg'range) <= ECC_EnableIRQReg; when C_ECC_OnOffReg => RegRdData(ECC_OnOffReg'range) <= ECC_OnOffReg; when C_CE_CounterReg => RegRdData(CE_CounterReg'range) <= CE_CounterReg; when C_CE_FailingAddress_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= CE_FailingAddress (0 to 31); when C_CE_FailingAddress_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- Temporary addition to readback fault inject register values when C_FaultInjectData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectData_i (0 to 31); when C_FaultInjectData_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectData_i (32 to 63); when C_FaultInjectECC => RegRdData(C_DWIDTH-C_ECC_WIDTH to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectECC_i (0 to C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- Note: For future enhancement. -- when C_CE_FailingData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= CE_FailingData (32 to 63); -- when C_CE_FailingData_63_31 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= CE_FailingData (0 to 31); -- when C_CE_FailingData_95_64 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_CE_FailingData_127_96 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_CE_FailingECC => RegRdData(CE_FailingECC'range) <= CE_FailingECC; -- when C_UE_FailingAddress_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= UE_FailingAddress (0 to 31); -- when C_UE_FailingAddress_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= UE_FailingData (32 to 63); -- when C_UE_FailingData_63_31 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= UE_FailingData (0 to 31); -- when C_UE_FailingData_95_64 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingData_127_96 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingECC => RegRdData(UE_FailingECC'range) <= UE_FailingECC; when others => RegRdData <= (others => '0'); end case; end process SelRegRdData; end generate GEN_REG_64_DATA; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_REG_128_DATA -- Purpose: Generate read register values & signal assignments based on -- 128-bit BRAM data width. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_REG_128_DATA: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128 generate begin SelRegRdData : process (RegAddr, ECC_StatusReg, ECC_EnableIRQReg, ECC_OnOffReg, CE_CounterReg, CE_FailingAddress, FaultInjectData_i, FaultInjectECC_i -- CE_FailingData, CE_FailingECC, -- UE_FailingAddress, UE_FailingData, UE_FailingECC ) begin RegRdData <= (others => '0'); case RegAddr is -- Replace 'range use here for vector (31:0) (AXI BRAM) and (0:31) (LMB BRAM) reassignment when C_ECC_StatusReg => RegRdData(ECC_StatusReg'range) <= ECC_StatusReg; when C_ECC_EnableIRQReg => RegRdData(ECC_EnableIRQReg'range) <= ECC_EnableIRQReg; when C_ECC_OnOffReg => RegRdData(ECC_OnOffReg'range) <= ECC_OnOffReg; when C_CE_CounterReg => RegRdData(CE_CounterReg'range) <= CE_CounterReg; when C_CE_FailingAddress_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= CE_FailingAddress (0 to 31); when C_CE_FailingAddress_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- Temporary addition to readback fault inject register values when C_FaultInjectData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectData_i (0 to 31); when C_FaultInjectData_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectData_i (32 to 63); when C_FaultInjectData_95_64 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectData_i (64 to 95); when C_FaultInjectData_127_96 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectData_i (96 to 127); when C_FaultInjectECC => RegRdData(C_DWIDTH-C_ECC_WIDTH to C_DWIDTH-1) <= FaultInjectECC_i (0 to C_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- Note: For future enhancement. -- when C_CE_FailingData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= CE_FailingData (96 to 127); -- when C_CE_FailingData_63_31 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= CE_FailingData (64 to 95); -- when C_CE_FailingData_95_64 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= CE_FailingData (32 to 63); -- when C_CE_FailingData_127_96 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= CE_FailingData (0 to 31); -- when C_CE_FailingECC => RegRdData(CE_FailingECC'range) <= CE_FailingECC; -- when C_UE_FailingAddress_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= UE_FailingAddress (0 to 31); -- when C_UE_FailingAddress_63_32 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= (others => '0'); -- when C_UE_FailingData_31_0 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1) <= UE_FailingData (96 to 127); -- when C_UE_FailingData_63_31 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= UE_FailingData (64 to 95); -- when C_UE_FailingData_95_64 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= UE_FailingData (32 to 63); -- when C_UE_FailingData_127_96 => RegRdData(0 to C_DWIDTH-1 ) <= UE_FailingData (0 to 31); -- when C_UE_FailingECC => RegRdData(UE_FailingECC'range) <= UE_FailingECC; when others => RegRdData <= (others => '0'); end case; end process SelRegRdData; end generate GEN_REG_128_DATA; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- axi_lite.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: axi_lite.vhd -- -- Description: This file is the top level module for the AXI-Lite -- instantiation of the BRAM controller interface. -- -- Responsible for shared address pipelining between the -- write address (AW) and read address (AR) channels. -- Controls (seperately) the data flows for the write data -- (W), write response (B), and read data (R) channels. -- -- Creates a shared port to BRAM (for all read and write -- transactions) or dual BRAM port utilization based on a -- generic parameter setting. -- -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove library version # dependency. Replace with work library. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update BRAM address mapping to lite_ecc_reg module. Corrected -- signal size for XST detected unused bits in vector. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- -- Add top level parameter, C_ECC_TYPE for Hsiao ECC algorithm. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/23/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add Hsiao ECC algorithm logic (similar to full_axi module HDL). -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/24/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Move REG_RDATA register process out from C_ECC_TYPE generate block -- to C_ECC generate block. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add LUT level with reset signal to combinatorial outputs, AWREADY -- and WREADY. This will ensure that the output remains LOW during reset, -- regardless of AWVALID or WVALID input signals. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/28/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove combinatorial output paths on AWREADY and WREADY. -- Combine AWREADY and WREADY registers. -- Remove combinatorial output path on ARREADY. Can pre-assert ARREADY -- (but only for non ECC configurations). -- Create 3-bit counter for BVALID response, seperate from AW/W channels. -- -- Delay assertion of WREADY in ECC configurations to minimize register -- resource utilization. -- No pre-assertion of ARREADY in ECC configurations (due to write latency -- with ECC enabled). -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/30/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update Sl_CE and Sl_UE flag assertions to a single clock cycle. -- Clean up comments. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/19/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update BVALID assertion when ECC is enabled to match the implementation -- when C_ECC = 0. Optimize back to back write performance when C_ECC = 1. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Modify FaultInjectClr signal assertion. With BVALID counter, delay -- when fault inject register gets cleared. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean up. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/6/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- Hard code C_USE_LUT6 constant. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 7/7/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Fix DV regression failure with reset. -- Hold off BRAM enable output with active reset signal. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.lite_ecc_reg; use work.parity; use work.checkbit_handler; use work.correct_one_bit; use work.ecc_gen; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity axi_lite is generic ( C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL : string := "AXI4LITE"; -- Set to AXI4LITE to optimize out burst transaction support C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM : integer := 1; -- Enable single port usage of BRAM -- C_FAMILY : string := "virtex6"; -- Specify the target architecture type -- AXI-Lite Register Parameters C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite data bus (in bits) -- ECC Parameters C_ECC : integer := 0; -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_TYPE : integer := 0; -- v1.03a -- ECC algorithm format, 0 = Hamming code, 1 = Hsiao code C_ECC_WIDTH : integer := 8; -- Width of ECC data vector C_FAULT_INJECT : integer := 0; -- Enable fault injection registers C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE : integer := 1; -- By default, ECC checking is on (can disable ECC @ reset by setting this to 0) -- Hard coded parameters at top level. -- Note: Kept in design for future enhancement. C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF : integer := 0; -- By default the ECC AXI-Lite register interface is enabled C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable CE (correctable error) failing registers C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable UE (uncorrectable error) failing registers C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable ECC status registers C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER : integer := 0; -- Enable ECC on/off control register C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH : integer := 0 -- Selects CE counter width/threshold to assert ECC_Interrupt ); port ( -- AXI Interface Signals -- AXI Clock and Reset S_AXI_ACLK : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARESETN : in std_logic; ECC_Interrupt : out std_logic := '0'; ECC_UE : out std_logic := '0'; -- *** AXI Write Address Channel Signals (AW) *** AXI_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_AWVALID : in std_logic; AXI_AWREADY : out std_logic; -- Unused AW AXI-Lite Signals -- AXI_AWID : in std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- AXI_AWLEN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- AXI_AWSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- AXI_AWBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- AXI_AWLOCK : in std_logic; -- Currently unused -- AXI_AWCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- Currently unused -- AXI_AWPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- Currently unused -- *** AXI Write Data Channel Signals (W) *** AXI_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_WSTRB : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0); AXI_WVALID : in std_logic; AXI_WREADY : out std_logic; -- Unused W AXI-Lite Signals -- AXI_WLAST : in std_logic; -- *** AXI Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) *** AXI_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_BVALID : out std_logic; AXI_BREADY : in std_logic; -- Unused B AXI-Lite Signals -- AXI_BID : out std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- *** AXI Read Address Channel Signals (AR) *** AXI_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_ARVALID : in std_logic; AXI_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- *** AXI Read Data Channel Signals (R) *** AXI_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_RLAST : out std_logic; AXI_RVALID : out std_logic; AXI_RREADY : in std_logic; -- *** AXI-Lite ECC Register Interface Signals *** -- AXI-Lite Clock and Reset -- Note: AXI-Lite Control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- S_AXI_CTRL_AClk : in std_logic; -- S_AXI_CTRL_AResetn : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Write Address Channel Signals (AW) AXI_CTRL_AWVALID : in std_logic; AXI_CTRL_AWREADY : out std_logic; AXI_CTRL_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- AXI-Lite Write Data Channel Signals (W) AXI_CTRL_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_WVALID : in std_logic; AXI_CTRL_WREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) AXI_CTRL_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_BVALID : out std_logic; AXI_CTRL_BREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Address Channel Signals (AR) AXI_CTRL_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_ARVALID : in std_logic; AXI_CTRL_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Data Channel Signals (R) AXI_CTRL_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_CTRL_RVALID : out std_logic; AXI_CTRL_RREADY : in std_logic; -- *** BRAM Port A Interface Signals *** -- Note: Clock handled at top level (axi_bram_ctrl module) BRAM_En_A : out std_logic; BRAM_WE_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8+(C_ECC_WIDTH+7)/8-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); BRAM_WrData_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- @ port level = 8-bits wide ECC BRAM_RdData_A : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- @ port level = 8-bits wide ECC -- Note: Remove BRAM_RdData_A port (unused in dual port mode) -- Platgen will keep port open on BRAM block -- *** BRAM Port B Interface Signals *** -- Note: Clock handled at top level (axi_bram_ctrl module) BRAM_En_B : out std_logic; BRAM_WE_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8+(C_ECC_WIDTH+7)/8-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); BRAM_WrData_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- @ port level = 8-bits wide ECC BRAM_RdData_B : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) -- @ port level = 8-bits wide ECC ); end entity axi_lite; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of axi_lite is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- All functions defined in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; constant RESP_OKAY : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00"; -- Normal access OK response constant RESP_SLVERR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "10"; -- Slave error -- For future implementation. -- constant RESP_EXOKAY : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "01"; -- Exclusive access OK response -- constant RESP_DECERR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "11"; -- Decode error -- Modify C_BRAM_ADDR_SIZE to be adjusted for BRAM data width -- When BRAM data width = 32 bits, BRAM_Addr (1:0) = "00" -- When BRAM data width = 64 bits, BRAM_Addr (2:0) = "000" -- When BRAM data width = 128 bits, BRAM_Addr (3:0) = "0000" -- When BRAM data width = 256 bits, BRAM_Addr (4:0) = "00000" constant C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := log2 (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8); constant C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST : integer := C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR; constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES : integer := C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8; -- Internal data width based on C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH. constant C_INT_ECC_WIDTH : integer := Int_ECC_Size (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); -- constant C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := Family_To_LUT_Size (String_To_Family (C_FAMILY,false)) = 6; -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- All architectures supporting AXI will support a LUT6. -- Hard code this internal constant used in ECC algorithm. -- constant C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := Family_To_LUT_Size (String_To_Family (C_FAMILY,false)) = 6; constant C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := TRUE; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal axi_aresetn_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_re : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write & Read Address Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- State machine type declarations type LITE_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, SNG_WR_DATA, RD_DATA, RMW_RD_DATA, RMW_MOD_DATA, RMW_WR_DATA ); signal lite_sm_cs, lite_sm_ns : LITE_SM_TYPE; signal axi_arready_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arready_reg : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arready_int : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Data Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal axi_wready_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wready_int : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Response Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal axi_bresp_int : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_bvalid_int : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt_inc : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt_dec : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Read Data Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal axi_rresp_int : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rvalid_set : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rvalid_set_r : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rvalid_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rlast_set : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rlast_set_r : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rlast_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rdata_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rdata_int_corr : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal BRAM Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal bram_we_a_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8+(C_ECC_WIDTH+7)/8-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_en_a_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_en_b_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_en_a_int : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_en_b_int : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_a_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_a_int_q : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_b_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal BRAM_Addr_A_i : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal BRAM_Addr_B_i : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_wrdata_a_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Port level signal, 8-bits ECC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal ECC Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal FaultInjectClr : std_logic := '0'; -- Clear for Fault Inject Registers signal CE_Failing_We : std_logic := '0'; -- WE for CE Failing Registers signal UE_Failing_We : std_logic := '0'; -- WE for CE Failing Registers signal CE_CounterReg_Inc : std_logic := '0'; -- Increment CE Counter Register signal Sl_CE : std_logic := '0'; -- Correctable Error Flag signal Sl_UE : std_logic := '0'; -- Uncorrectable Error Flag signal Sl_CE_i : std_logic := '0'; signal Sl_UE_i : std_logic := '0'; signal FaultInjectData : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal FaultInjectECC : std_logic_vector (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal CorrectedRdData : std_logic_vector (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal UnCorrectedRdData : std_logic_vector (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal CE_Q : std_logic := '0'; signal UE_Q : std_logic := '0'; signal Enable_ECC : std_logic := '0'; signal RdModifyWr_Read : std_logic := '0'; -- Read cycle in read modify write sequence signal RdModifyWr_Check : std_logic := '0'; -- Read cycle in read modify write sequence signal RdModifyWr_Modify : std_logic := '0'; -- Modify cycle in read modify write sequence signal RdModifyWr_Write : std_logic := '0'; -- Write cycle in read modify write sequence signal WrData : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal WrData_cmb : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal Active_Wr : std_logic := '0'; signal BRAM_Addr_En : std_logic := '0'; signal Syndrome : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal Syndrome_4 : std_logic_vector (0 to 1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to 32-bit ECC signal Syndrome_6 : std_logic_vector (0 to 5) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to 32-bit ECC signal syndrome_reg : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal syndrome_4_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific for 32-bit ECC signal syndrome_6_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 5) := (others => '0'); -- Specific for 32-bit ECC signal syndrome_reg_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI-Lite ECC Register Output Signals *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_REGS -- Purpose: Generate default values if ECC registers are disabled (or when -- ECC is disabled). -- Include both AXI-Lite default signal values & internal -- core signal values. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For future implementation. -- GEN_NO_REGS: if (C_ECC = 1 and C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF = 0) or (C_ECC = 0) generate GEN_NO_REGS: if (C_ECC = 0) generate begin AXI_CTRL_AWREADY <= '0'; AXI_CTRL_WREADY <= '0'; AXI_CTRL_BRESP <= (others => '0'); AXI_CTRL_BVALID <= '0'; AXI_CTRL_ARREADY <= '0'; AXI_CTRL_RDATA <= (others => '0'); AXI_CTRL_RRESP <= (others => '0'); AXI_CTRL_RVALID <= '0'; -- No fault injection FaultInjectData <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC <= (others => '0'); -- Interrupt only enabled when ECC status/interrupt registers enabled ECC_Interrupt <= '0'; ECC_UE <= '0'; BRAM_Addr_En <= '0'; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DIS_ECC -- Purpose: Disable ECC in read path when ECC is disabled in core. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DIS_ECC: if C_ECC = 0 generate Enable_ECC <= '0'; end generate GEN_DIS_ECC; -- For future implementation. -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_EN_ECC -- -- Purpose: Enable ECC when C_ECC = 1 and no ECC registers are available. -- -- ECC on/off control register is not accessible (so ECC is always -- -- enabled in this configuraiton). -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GEN_EN_ECC: if (C_ECC = 1 and C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF = 0) generate -- Enable_ECC <= '1'; -- ECC ON/OFF register can not be enabled (as no ECC -- -- ECC registers are available. Therefore, ECC -- -- is always enabled. -- end generate GEN_EN_ECC; end generate GEN_NO_REGS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_REGS -- Purpose: Generate ECC register module when ECC is enabled and -- ECC registers are enabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For future implementation. -- GEN_REGS: if (C_ECC = 1 and C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF = 1) generate GEN_REGS: if (C_ECC = 1) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_LITE_ECC_REG -- Description: This module is for the AXI-Lite ECC registers. -- -- Responsible for all AXI-Lite communication to the -- ECC register bank. Provides user interface signals -- to rest of AXI BRAM controller IP core for ECC functionality -- and control. -- Manages AXI-Lite write address (AW) and read address (AR), -- write data (W), write response (B), and read data (R) channels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_LITE_ECC_REG : entity work.lite_ecc_reg generic map ( C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH , C_ECC_WIDTH => C_INT_ECC_WIDTH , -- ECC width specific to data width C_FAULT_INJECT => C_FAULT_INJECT , C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS , C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS , C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS => C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS , C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER => C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER , C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE => C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE , C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH => C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_AClk , -- AXI clock S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_AResetn , -- Note: AXI-Lite Control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- S_AXI_CTRL_AClk => S_AXI_CTRL_AClk , -- AXI-Lite clock -- S_AXI_CTRL_AResetn => S_AXI_CTRL_AResetn , Interrupt => ECC_Interrupt , ECC_UE => ECC_UE , AXI_CTRL_AWVALID => AXI_CTRL_AWVALID , AXI_CTRL_AWREADY => AXI_CTRL_AWREADY , AXI_CTRL_AWADDR => AXI_CTRL_AWADDR , AXI_CTRL_WDATA => AXI_CTRL_WDATA , AXI_CTRL_WVALID => AXI_CTRL_WVALID , AXI_CTRL_WREADY => AXI_CTRL_WREADY , AXI_CTRL_BRESP => AXI_CTRL_BRESP , AXI_CTRL_BVALID => AXI_CTRL_BVALID , AXI_CTRL_BREADY => AXI_CTRL_BREADY , AXI_CTRL_ARADDR => AXI_CTRL_ARADDR , AXI_CTRL_ARVALID => AXI_CTRL_ARVALID , AXI_CTRL_ARREADY => AXI_CTRL_ARREADY , AXI_CTRL_RDATA => AXI_CTRL_RDATA , AXI_CTRL_RRESP => AXI_CTRL_RRESP , AXI_CTRL_RVALID => AXI_CTRL_RVALID , AXI_CTRL_RREADY => AXI_CTRL_RREADY , Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC , FaultInjectClr => FaultInjectClr , CE_Failing_We => CE_Failing_We , CE_CounterReg_Inc => CE_Failing_We , Sl_CE => Sl_CE , Sl_UE => Sl_UE , BRAM_Addr_A => BRAM_Addr_A_i (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) , -- v1.03a BRAM_Addr_B => BRAM_Addr_B_i (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) , -- v1.03a BRAM_Addr_En => BRAM_Addr_En , Active_Wr => Active_Wr , FaultInjectData => FaultInjectData , FaultInjectECC => FaultInjectECC ); FaultInjectClr <= '1' when (bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 = '1') else '0'; CE_Failing_We <= '1' when Enable_ECC = '1' and CE_Q = '1' else '0'; Active_Wr <= '1' when (RdModifyWr_Read = '1' or RdModifyWr_Check = '1' or RdModifyWr_Modify = '1' or RdModifyWr_Write = '1') else '0'; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add register delay on BVALID counter increment -- Used to clear fault inject register. REG_BVALID_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 <= '0'; else bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 <= bvalid_cnt_inc; end if; end if; end process REG_BVALID_CNT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_REGS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Output Signals *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Address Channel Output Signals -- AXI_AWREADY <= axi_awready_cmb; -- AXI_AWREADY <= '0' when (S_AXI_AResetn = '0') else axi_awready_cmb; -- v1.03a AXI_AWREADY <= axi_wready_int; -- v1.03a -- AXI Write Data Channel Output Signals -- AXI_WREADY <= axi_wready_cmb; -- AXI_WREADY <= '0' when (S_AXI_AResetn = '0') else axi_wready_cmb; -- v1.03a AXI_WREADY <= axi_wready_int; -- v1.03a -- AXI Write Response Channel Output Signals AXI_BRESP <= axi_bresp_int; AXI_BVALID <= axi_bvalid_int; -- AXI Read Address Channel Output Signals -- AXI_ARREADY <= axi_arready_cmb; -- v1.03a AXI_ARREADY <= axi_arready_int; -- v1.03a -- AXI Read Data Channel Output Signals -- AXI_RRESP <= axi_rresp_int; AXI_RRESP <= RESP_SLVERR when (C_ECC = 1 and Sl_UE_i = '1') else axi_rresp_int; -- AXI_RDATA <= axi_rdata_int; -- Move assignment of RDATA to generate statements based on C_ECC. AXI_RVALID <= axi_rvalid_int; AXI_RLAST <= axi_rlast_int; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Need to detect end of reset cycle to assert AWREADY on AXI bus REG_ARESETN: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then axi_aresetn_d1 <= S_AXI_AResetn; end if; end process REG_ARESETN; -- Create combinatorial RE detect of S_AXI_AResetn axi_aresetn_re <= '1' when (S_AXI_AResetn = '1' and axi_aresetn_d1 = '0') else '0'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Write Address Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Notes: -- No address pipelining for AXI-Lite. -- PDR feedback. -- Remove address register stage to BRAM. -- Rely on registers in AXI Interconnect. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ADDR -- Purpose: Generate all valid bits in the address(es) to BRAM. -- If dual port, generate Port B address signal. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ADDR: for i in C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ADDR_SNG_PORT -- Purpose: Generate BRAM address when a single port to BRAM. -- Mux read and write addresses from AXI AW and AR channels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ADDR_SNG_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin -- Read takes priority over AWADDR -- bram_addr_a_int (i) <= AXI_ARADDR (i) when (AXI_ARVALID = '1') else AXI_AWADDR (i); -- ISE should optimize away this mux when connected to the AXI Interconnect -- as the AXI Interconnect duplicates the write or read address on both channels. -- v1.03a -- ARVALID may get asserted while handling ECC read-modify-write. -- With the delay in assertion of AWREADY/WREADY, must add some logic to the -- control on this mux select. bram_addr_a_int (i) <= AXI_ARADDR (i) when ((AXI_ARVALID = '1' and (lite_sm_cs = IDLE or lite_sm_cs = SNG_WR_DATA)) or (lite_sm_cs = RD_DATA)) else AXI_AWADDR (i); end generate GEN_ADDR_SNG_PORT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ADDR_DUAL_PORT -- Purpose: Generate BRAM address when a single port to BRAM. -- Mux read and write addresses from AXI AW and AR channels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ADDR_DUAL_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin bram_addr_a_int (i) <= AXI_AWADDR (i); bram_addr_b_int (i) <= AXI_ARADDR (i); end generate GEN_ADDR_DUAL_PORT; end generate GEN_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Read Address Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ARREADY -- Purpose: Only pre-assert ARREADY for non ECC designs. -- With ECC, a write requires a read-modify-write and -- will miss the address associated with the ARVALID -- (due to the # of clock cycles). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ARREADY: if (C_ECC = 0) generate begin REG_ARREADY: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- ARREADY is asserted until we detect the ARVALID. -- Check for back-to-back ARREADY assertions (add axi_arready_int). if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (AXI_ARVALID = '1' and axi_arready_int = '1') then axi_arready_int <= '0'; -- Then ARREADY is asserted again when the read operation completes. elsif (axi_aresetn_re = '1') or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then axi_arready_int <= '1'; else axi_arready_int <= axi_arready_int; end if; end if; end process REG_ARREADY; end generate GEN_ARREADY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ARREADY_ECC -- Purpose: Generate ARREADY from SM logic. ARREADY is not pre-asserted -- as in the non ECC configuration. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ARREADY_ECC: if (C_ECC = 1) generate begin axi_arready_int <= axi_arready_reg; end generate GEN_ARREADY_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Write Data Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- No AXI_WLAST --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_WRDATA -- Purpose: Generate BRAM port A write data. For AXI-Lite, pass -- through from AXI bus. If ECC is enabled, merge with fault -- inject vector. -- Write data bits are in lower order bit lanes. -- (31:0) or (63:0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WRDATA: for i in C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Generate output write data when ECC is disabled. -- Remove write data path register to BRAM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NO_ECC : if C_ECC = 0 generate begin bram_wrdata_a_int (i) <= AXI_WDATA (i); end generate GEN_NO_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_W_ECC -- Purpose: Generate output write data when ECC is enable -- (use fault vector). -- (N:0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_W_ECC : if C_ECC = 1 generate begin bram_wrdata_a_int (i) <= WrData (i) xor FaultInjectData (i); end generate GEN_W_ECC; end generate GEN_WRDATA; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Write Response Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- No BID support (wrap around in Interconnect) -- In AXI-Lite, no WLAST assertion -- Drive constant value out on BRESP -- axi_bresp_int <= RESP_OKAY; axi_bresp_int <= RESP_SLVERR when (C_ECC = 1 and UE_Q = '1') else RESP_OKAY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Implement BVALID with counter regardless of IP configuration. -- -- BVALID counter to track the # of required BVALID/BREADY handshakes -- needed to occur on the AXI interface. Based on early and seperate -- AWVALID/AWREADY and WVALID/WREADY handshake exchanges. REG_BVALID_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then bvalid_cnt <= (others => '0'); -- Ensure we only increment counter wyhen BREADY is not asserted elsif (bvalid_cnt_inc = '1') and (bvalid_cnt_dec = '0') then bvalid_cnt <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (bvalid_cnt (2 downto 0)) + 1); -- Ensure that we only decrement when SM is not incrementing elsif (bvalid_cnt_dec = '1') and (bvalid_cnt_inc = '0') then bvalid_cnt <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (bvalid_cnt (2 downto 0)) - 1); else bvalid_cnt <= bvalid_cnt; end if; end if; end process REG_BVALID_CNT; bvalid_cnt_dec <= '1' when (AXI_BREADY = '1' and axi_bvalid_int = '1' and bvalid_cnt /= "000") else '0'; -- Replace BVALID output register -- Assert BVALID as long as BVALID counter /= zero REG_BVALID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (bvalid_cnt = "001" and bvalid_cnt_dec = '1') then axi_bvalid_int <= '0'; elsif (bvalid_cnt /= "000") then axi_bvalid_int <= '1'; else axi_bvalid_int <= '0'; end if; end if; end process REG_BVALID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Read Data Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For reductions on AXI-Lite, drive constant value on RESP axi_rresp_int <= RESP_OKAY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_R -- Purpose: Generate AXI R channel outputs when ECC is disabled. -- No register delay on AXI_RVALID and AXI_RLAST. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_R: if C_ECC = 0 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RVALID Output Register -- -- Set AXI_RVALID when read data SM indicates. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking sequence -- and recognized by AXI requesting master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RVALID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then -- Code coverage is hitting this condition and axi_rvalid_int is ALWAYS = '1' -- May be able to remove from this if clause (and simplify logic) axi_rvalid_int <= '0'; elsif (axi_rvalid_set = '1') then axi_rvalid_int <= '1'; else axi_rvalid_int <= axi_rvalid_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RVALID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RLAST Output Register -- -- Set AXI_RLAST when read data SM indicates. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking sequence -- and recognized by AXI requesting master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RLAST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then -- Code coverage is hitting this condition and axi_rvalid_int is ALWAYS = '1' -- May be able to remove from this if clause (and simplify logic) axi_rlast_int <= '0'; elsif (axi_rlast_set = '1') then axi_rlast_int <= '1'; else axi_rlast_int <= axi_rlast_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RLAST; end generate GEN_R; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_R_ECC -- Purpose: Generate AXI R channel outputs when ECC is enabled. -- Must use registered delayed control signals for RLAST -- and RVALID to align with register inclusion for corrected -- read data in ECC logic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_R_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RVALID Output Register -- -- Set AXI_RVALID when read data SM indicates. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking sequence -- and recognized by AXI requesting master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RVALID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then -- Code coverage is hitting this condition and axi_rvalid_int is ALWAYS = '1' -- May be able to remove from this if clause (and simplify logic) axi_rvalid_int <= '0'; elsif (axi_rvalid_set_r = '1') then axi_rvalid_int <= '1'; else axi_rvalid_int <= axi_rvalid_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RVALID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RLAST Output Register -- -- Set AXI_RLAST when read data SM indicates. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking sequence -- and recognized by AXI requesting master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RLAST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then -- Code coverage is hitting this condition and axi_rvalid_int is ALWAYS = '1' -- May be able to remove from this if clause (and simplify logic) axi_rlast_int <= '0'; elsif (axi_rlast_set_r = '1') then axi_rlast_int <= '1'; else axi_rlast_int <= axi_rlast_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RLAST; end generate GEN_R_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate AXI bus read data. No register. Pass through -- read data from BRAM. Determine source on single port -- vs. dual port configuration. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: RDATA_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Define port A/B from BRAM on AXI_RDATA when ECC disabled. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- RDATA_NO_ECC: if (C_ECC = 0) generate begin AXI_RDATA <= axi_rdata_int; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RDATA_SNG_PORT -- Purpose: Source of read data: Port A in single port configuration. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RDATA_SNG_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin axi_rdata_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= BRAM_RdData_A(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_RDATA_SNG_PORT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RDATA_DUAL_PORT -- Purpose: Source of read data: Port B in dual port configuration. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RDATA_DUAL_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin axi_rdata_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= BRAM_RdData_B (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_RDATA_DUAL_PORT; end generate RDATA_NO_ECC; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: RDATA_W_ECC -- Purpose: Connect AXI_RDATA from ECC module when ECC enabled. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- RDATA_W_ECC: if (C_ECC = 1) generate subtype syndrome_bits is std_logic_vector (0 to 6); type correct_data_table_type is array (natural range 0 to 31) of syndrome_bits; constant correct_data_table : correct_data_table_type := ( 0 => "1100001", 1 => "1010001", 2 => "0110001", 3 => "1110001", 4 => "1001001", 5 => "0101001", 6 => "1101001", 7 => "0011001", 8 => "1011001", 9 => "0111001", 10 => "1111001", 11 => "1000101", 12 => "0100101", 13 => "1100101", 14 => "0010101", 15 => "1010101", 16 => "0110101", 17 => "1110101", 18 => "0001101", 19 => "1001101", 20 => "0101101", 21 => "1101101", 22 => "0011101", 23 => "1011101", 24 => "0111101", 25 => "1111101", 26 => "1000011", 27 => "0100011", 28 => "1100011", 29 => "0010011", 30 => "1010011", 31 => "0110011" ); begin -- Logic common to either type of ECC encoding/decoding -- Renove bit reversal on AXI_RDATA output. AXI_RDATA <= axi_rdata_int when (Enable_ECC = '0' or Sl_UE_i = '1') else axi_rdata_int_corr; CorrectedRdData (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) <= axi_rdata_int_corr (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Remove GEN_RDATA that was doing bit reversal. -- Read back data is registered prior to any single bit error correction. REG_RDATA: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_rdata_int <= (others => '0'); else axi_rdata_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= UnCorrectedRdData (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); end if; end if; end process REG_RDATA; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: RDATA_W_HAMMING -- Purpose: Add generate statement for Hamming Code ECC algorithm -- specific logic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RDATA_W_HAMMING: if C_ECC_TYPE = 0 generate begin -- Move correct_one_bit logic to output side of AXI_RDATA output register. -- Improves timing by balancing logic on both sides of pipeline stage. -- Utilizing registers in AXI interconnect makes this feasible. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register ECC syndrome value to correct any single bit errors -- post-register on AXI read data. REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then syndrome_reg <= Syndrome; syndrome_4_reg <= Syndrome_4; syndrome_6_reg <= Syndrome_6; end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do last XOR on select syndrome bits outside of checkbit_handler (to match rd_chnl -- w/ balanced pipeline stage) before correct_one_bit module. syndrome_reg_i (0 to 3) <= syndrome_reg (0 to 3); PARITY_CHK4: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 2) port map ( InA => syndrome_4_reg (0 to 1), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_reg_i (4) ); -- [out std_logic] syndrome_reg_i (5) <= syndrome_reg (5); PARITY_CHK6: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => syndrome_6_reg (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_reg_i (6) ); -- [out std_logic] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_CORR_32 -- Purpose: Generate corrected read data based on syndrome value. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_CORR_32: for i in 0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CORR_ONE_BIT_32 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORR_ONE_BIT_32: entity work.correct_one_bit generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, Correct_Value => correct_data_table (i)) port map ( DIn => axi_rdata_int (31-i), Syndrome => syndrome_reg_i, DCorr => axi_rdata_int_corr (31-i)); end generate GEN_CORR_32; end generate RDATA_W_HAMMING; -- Hsiao ECC done in seperate generate statement (GEN_HSIAO_ECC) end generate RDATA_W_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main AXI-Lite State Machine -- -- Description: Central processing unit for AXI-Lite write and read address -- channel interface handling and handshaking. -- Handles all arbitration between write and read channels -- to utilize single port to BRAM -- -- Outputs: axi_wready_int Registered -- axi_arready_reg Registered (used in ECC configurations) -- bvalid_cnt_inc Combinatorial -- axi_rvalid_set Combinatorial -- axi_rlast_set Combinatorial -- bram_en_a_cmb Combinatorial -- bram_en_b_cmb Combinatorial -- bram_we_a_int Combinatorial -- -- -- LITE_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- LITE_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LITE_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( AXI_AWVALID, AXI_WVALID, AXI_WSTRB, AXI_ARVALID, AXI_RREADY, bvalid_cnt, axi_rvalid_int, lite_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs lite_sm_ns <= lite_sm_cs; axi_wready_cmb <= '0'; axi_arready_cmb <= '0'; bvalid_cnt_inc <= '0'; axi_rvalid_set <= '0'; axi_rlast_set <= '0'; bram_en_a_cmb <= '0'; bram_en_b_cmb <= '0'; bram_we_a_int <= (others => '0'); case lite_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- AXI Interconnect will only issue AWVALID OR ARVALID -- at a time. In the case when the core is attached -- to another AXI master IP, arbitrate between read -- and write operation. Read operation will always win. if (AXI_ARVALID = '1') then lite_sm_ns <= RD_DATA; -- Initiate BRAM read transfer -- For single port BRAM, use Port A -- For dual port BRAM, use Port B if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) then bram_en_a_cmb <= '1'; else bram_en_b_cmb <= '1'; end if; bram_we_a_int <= (others => '0'); -- RVALID to be asserted in next clock cycle -- Only 1 clock cycle latency on reading data from BRAM axi_rvalid_set <= '1'; -- Due to single data beat with AXI-Lite -- Assert RLAST on AXI axi_rlast_set <= '1'; -- Only in ECC configurations -- Must assert ARREADY here (no pre-assertion) if (C_ECC = 1) then axi_arready_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- Write operations are lower priority than reads -- when an AXI master asserted both operations simultaneously. elsif (AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (AXI_WVALID = '1') and (bvalid_cnt /= "111") then -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_en_a_cmb <= '1'; -- Always perform a read-modify-write sequence with ECC is enabled. if (C_ECC = 1) then lite_sm_ns <= RMW_RD_DATA; -- Disable Port A write enables bram_we_a_int <= (others => '0'); else -- Non ECC operation or an ECC full 32-bit word write -- Assert acknowledge of data & address on AXI. -- Wait to assert AWREADY and WREADY in ECC designs. axi_wready_cmb <= '1'; -- Increment counter to track # of required BVALID responses. bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; lite_sm_ns <= SNG_WR_DATA; bram_we_a_int <= AXI_WSTRB; end if; end if; ------------------------- SNG_WR_DATA State ------------------------- when SNG_WR_DATA => -- With early assertion of ARREADY, the SM -- must be able to accept a read address at any clock cycle. -- Check here for active ARVALID and directly handle read -- and do not proceed back to IDLE (no empty clock cycle in which -- read address may be missed). if (AXI_ARVALID = '1') and (C_ECC = 0) then lite_sm_ns <= RD_DATA; -- Initiate BRAM read transfer -- For single port BRAM, use Port A -- For dual port BRAM, use Port B if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) then bram_en_a_cmb <= '1'; else bram_en_b_cmb <= '1'; end if; bram_we_a_int <= (others => '0'); -- RVALID to be asserted in next clock cycle -- Only 1 clock cycle latency on reading data from BRAM axi_rvalid_set <= '1'; -- Due to single data beat with AXI-Lite -- Assert RLAST on AXI axi_rlast_set <= '1'; -- Only in ECC configurations -- Must assert ARREADY here (no pre-assertion) -- Pre-assertion of ARREADY is only for non ECC configurations. if (C_ECC = 1) then axi_arready_cmb <= '1'; end if; else lite_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; ---------------------------- RD_DATA State --------------------------- when RD_DATA => -- Data is presented to AXI bus -- Wait for acknowledgment to process any next transfers -- RVALID may not be asserted as we transition into this state. if (AXI_RREADY = '1') and (axi_rvalid_int = '1') then lite_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; ------------------------- RMW_RD_DATA State ------------------------- when RMW_RD_DATA => lite_sm_ns <= RMW_MOD_DATA; ------------------------- RMW_MOD_DATA State ------------------------- when RMW_MOD_DATA => lite_sm_ns <= RMW_WR_DATA; -- Hold off on assertion of WREADY and AWREADY until -- here, so no pipeline registers necessary. -- Assert acknowledge of data & address on AXI axi_wready_cmb <= '1'; -- Increment counter to track # of required BVALID responses. -- Able to assert this signal early, then BVALID counter -- will get incremented in the next clock cycle when WREADY -- is asserted. bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; ------------------------- RMW_WR_DATA State ------------------------- when RMW_WR_DATA => -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_en_a_cmb <= '1'; -- Enable all WEs to BRAM bram_we_a_int <= (others => '1'); -- Complete write operation lite_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => lite_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process LITE_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LITE_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then lite_sm_cs <= IDLE; axi_wready_int <= '0'; axi_arready_reg <= '0'; axi_rvalid_set_r <= '0'; axi_rlast_set_r <= '0'; else lite_sm_cs <= lite_sm_ns; axi_wready_int <= axi_wready_cmb; axi_arready_reg <= axi_arready_cmb; axi_rvalid_set_r <= axi_rvalid_set; axi_rlast_set_r <= axi_rlast_set; end if; end if; end process LITE_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** ECC Logic *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_ECC -- Purpose: Generate BRAM ECC write data and check ECC on read operations. -- Create signals to update ECC registers (lite_ecc_reg module interface). -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate constant null7 : std_logic_vector(0 to 6) := "0000000"; -- Specific to 32-bit data width (AXI-Lite) signal WrECC : std_logic_vector (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal WrECC_i : std_logic_vector (C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal wrdata_i : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal AXI_WDATA_Q : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal AXI_WSTRB_Q : std_logic_vector ((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 - 1) downto 0); signal bram_din_a_i : std_logic_vector (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Set for port data width signal bram_rddata_in : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); subtype syndrome_bits is std_logic_vector (0 to 6); type correct_data_table_type is array (natural range 0 to 31) of syndrome_bits; constant correct_data_table : correct_data_table_type := ( 0 => "1100001", 1 => "1010001", 2 => "0110001", 3 => "1110001", 4 => "1001001", 5 => "0101001", 6 => "1101001", 7 => "0011001", 8 => "1011001", 9 => "0111001", 10 => "1111001", 11 => "1000101", 12 => "0100101", 13 => "1100101", 14 => "0010101", 15 => "1010101", 16 => "0110101", 17 => "1110101", 18 => "0001101", 19 => "1001101", 20 => "0101101", 21 => "1101101", 22 => "0011101", 23 => "1011101", 24 => "0111101", 25 => "1111101", 26 => "1000011", 27 => "0100011", 28 => "1100011", 29 => "0010011", 30 => "1010011", 31 => "0110011" ); type bool_array is array (natural range 0 to 6) of boolean; constant inverted_bit : bool_array := (false,false,true,false,true,false,false); begin -- Read on Port A -- or any operation on Port B (it will be read only). BRAM_Addr_En <= '1' when (bram_en_a_int = '1' and bram_we_a_int = "00000") or (bram_en_b_int = '1') else '0'; -- BRAM_WE generated from SM -- Remember byte write enables one clock cycle to properly mux bytes to write, -- with read data in read/modify write operation -- Write in Read/Write always 1 cycle after Read REG_RMW_SIGS : process (S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- Add reset values if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then RdModifyWr_Check <= '0'; RdModifyWr_Modify <= '0'; RdModifyWr_Write <= '0'; else RdModifyWr_Check <= RdModifyWr_Read; RdModifyWr_Modify <= RdModifyWr_Check; RdModifyWr_Write <= RdModifyWr_Modify; end if; end if; end process REG_RMW_SIGS; -- v1.03a -- Delay assertion of WREADY to minimize registers in core. -- Use SM transition to RMW "read" to assert this signal. RdModifyWr_Read <= '1' when (lite_sm_ns = RMW_RD_DATA) else '0'; -- Remember write data one cycle to be available after read has been completed in a -- read/modify write operation STORE_WRITE_DBUS : process (S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then AXI_WDATA_Q <= (others => '0'); AXI_WSTRB_Q <= (others => '0'); -- v1.03a -- With the delay assertion of WREADY, use WVALID -- to register in WDATA and WSTRB signals. elsif (AXI_WVALID = '1') then AXI_WDATA_Q <= AXI_WDATA; AXI_WSTRB_Q <= AXI_WSTRB; end if; end if; end process STORE_WRITE_DBUS; wrdata_i <= AXI_WDATA_Q when RdModifyWr_Modify = '1' else AXI_WDATA; -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_WRDATA_CMB -- Purpose: Replace manual signal assignment for WrData_cmb with -- generate funtion. -- -- Ensure correct byte swapping occurs with -- CorrectedRdData (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) assignment -- to WrData_cmb (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0). -- -- AXI_WSTRB_Q (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES-1 downto 0) matches -- to WrData_cmb (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0). -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_WRDATA_CMB: for i in C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES-1 downto 0 generate begin WrData_cmb ( (((i+1)*8)-1) downto i*8 ) <= wrdata_i ((((i+1)*8)-1) downto i*8) when (RdModifyWr_Modify = '1' and AXI_WSTRB_Q(i) = '1') else CorrectedRdData ( (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - ((i+1)*8)) to (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - (i*8) - 1) ); end generate GEN_WRDATA_CMB; REG_WRDATA : process (S_AXI_AClk) is begin -- Remove reset value to minimize resources & improve timing if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then WrData <= WrData_cmb; end if; end process REG_WRDATA; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- New assignment of ECC bits to BRAM write data outside generate -- blocks. Same signal assignment regardless of ECC type. bram_wrdata_a_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_WIDTH - 1) <= '0'; bram_wrdata_a_int ((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_INT_ECC_WIDTH - 1) downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) <= WrECC xor FaultInjectECC; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- No need to use RdModifyWr_Write in the data path. -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HAMMING_ECC -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HAMMING_ECC: if C_ECC_TYPE = 0 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_WR_32 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for writing into BRAM. -- WrData (N:0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHK_HANDLER_WR_32: entity work.checkbit_handler generic map ( C_ENCODE => true, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( DataIn => WrData, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 31)] CheckIn => null7, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] CheckOut => WrECC, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome_4 => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 1)] Syndrome_6 => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 5)] Syndrome => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Enable_ECC => '1', -- [in std_logic] Syndrome_Chk => null7, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] UE_Q => '0', -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => '0', -- [in std_logic] UE => open, -- [out std_logic] CE => open ); -- [out std_logic] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_RD_32 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHK_HANDLER_RD_32: entity work.checkbit_handler generic map ( C_ENCODE => false, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( -- DataIn (8:39) -- CheckIn (1:7) -- Bit swapping done at port level on checkbit_handler (31:0) & (6:0) DataIn => bram_din_a_i (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+1 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH), -- [in std_logic_vector(8 to 39)] CheckIn => bram_din_a_i (1 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH), -- [in std_logic_vector(1 to 7)] CheckOut => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome => Syndrome, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome_4 => Syndrome_4, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 1)] Syndrome_6 => Syndrome_6, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 5)] Syndrome_Chk => syndrome_reg_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] UE_Q => UE_Q, -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => CE_Q, -- [in std_logic] UE => Sl_UE_i, -- [out std_logic] CE => Sl_CE_i ); -- [out std_logic] -- GEN_CORR_32 generate & correct_one_bit instantiation moved to generate -- of AXI RDATA output register logic to use registered syndrome value. end generate GEN_HAMMING_ECC; -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HSIAO_ECC -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. -- Derived from MIG v3.7 Hsiao HDL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HSIAO_ECC: if C_ECC_TYPE = 1 generate constant CODE_WIDTH : integer := C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; constant ECC_WIDTH : integer := C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; type type_int0 is array (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector (ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal syndrome_ns : std_logic_vector(ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal syndrome_r : std_logic_vector(ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal ecc_rddata_r : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal h_matrix : type_int0; signal h_rows : std_logic_vector (CODE_WIDTH * ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal flip_bits : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); begin ---------------------- Hsiao ECC Write Logic ---------------------- -- Instantiate ecc_gen module, generated from MIG ECC_GEN_HSIAO: entity work.ecc_gen generic map ( code_width => CODE_WIDTH, ecc_width => ECC_WIDTH, data_width => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH ) port map ( -- Output h_rows => h_rows (CODE_WIDTH * ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) ); -- Merge muxed rd/write data to gen HSIAO_ECC: process (h_rows, WrData) constant DQ_WIDTH : integer := CODE_WIDTH; variable ecc_wrdata_tmp : std_logic_vector(DQ_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); begin -- Loop to generate all ECC bits for k in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 loop ecc_wrdata_tmp (CODE_WIDTH - k - 1) := REDUCTION_XOR ( (WrData (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) and h_rows (k * CODE_WIDTH + C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto k * CODE_WIDTH))); end loop; WrECC (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= ecc_wrdata_tmp (DQ_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); end process HSIAO_ECC; ---------------------- Hsiao ECC Read Logic ----------------------- GEN_RD_ECC: for m in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 generate begin syndrome_ns (m) <= REDUCTION_XOR ( bram_rddata_in (CODE_WIDTH-1 downto 0) and h_rows ((m*CODE_WIDTH)+CODE_WIDTH-1 downto (m*CODE_WIDTH))); end generate GEN_RD_ECC; -- Insert register stage for syndrome REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then syndrome_r <= syndrome_ns; -- Replicate BRAM read back data register for Hamming ECC ecc_rddata_r <= bram_rddata_in (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; -- Reconstruct H-matrix H_COL: for n in 0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 generate begin H_BIT: for p in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 generate begin h_matrix (n)(p) <= h_rows (p * CODE_WIDTH + n); end generate H_BIT; end generate H_COL; GEN_FLIP_BIT: for r in 0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 generate begin flip_bits (r) <= BOOLEAN_TO_STD_LOGIC (h_matrix (r) = syndrome_r); end generate GEN_FLIP_BIT; axi_rdata_int_corr (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= ecc_rddata_r (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) xor flip_bits (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); Sl_CE_i <= not (REDUCTION_NOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))) and (REDUCTION_XOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))); Sl_UE_i <= not (REDUCTION_NOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))) and not (REDUCTION_XOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))); end generate GEN_HSIAO_ECC; -- Capture correctable/uncorrectable error from BRAM read. -- Either during RMW of write operation or during BRAM read. CORR_REG: process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if RdModifyWr_Modify = '1' or ((Enable_ECC = '1') and (axi_rvalid_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1')) then -- Capture error signals CE_Q <= Sl_CE_i; UE_Q <= Sl_UE_i; else CE_Q <= '0'; UE_Q <= '0'; end if; end if; end process CORR_REG; -- Register CE and UE flags to register block. Sl_CE <= CE_Q; Sl_UE <= UE_Q; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DIN_A -- Purpose: Generate BRAM read data vector assignment to always be from Port A -- in a single port BRAM configuration. -- Map BRAM_RdData_A (N:0) to bram_din_a_i (0:N) -- Including read back ECC bits. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DIN_A: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DIN_A_HAMMING -- Purpose: Standard input for Hamming ECC code generation. -- MSB '0' is removed in port mapping to checkbit_handler module. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DIN_A_HAMMING: if C_ECC_TYPE = 0 generate begin bram_din_a_i (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1) <= BRAM_RdData_A (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_DIN_A_HAMMING; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DIN_A_HSIAO -- Purpose: For Hsiao ECC implementation configurations. -- Remove MSB '0' on 32-bit implementation with fixed -- '0' in (8-bit wide) ECC data bits (only need 7-bits in h-matrix). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DIN_A_HSIAO: if C_ECC_TYPE = 1 generate begin bram_rddata_in <= BRAM_RdData_A (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_DIN_A_HSIAO; end generate GEN_DIN_A; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DIN_B -- Purpose: Generate BRAM read data vector assignment in a dual port -- configuration to be either from Port B, or from Port A in a -- read-modify-write sequence. -- Map BRAM_RdData_A/B (N:0) to bram_din_a_i (0:N) -- Including read back ECC bits. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DIN_B: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DIN_B_HAMMING -- Purpose: Standard input for Hamming ECC code generation. -- MSB '0' is removed in port mapping to checkbit_handler module. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DIN_B_HAMMING: if C_ECC_TYPE = 0 generate begin bram_din_a_i (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1) <= BRAM_RdData_A (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) when (RdModifyWr_Check = '1') else BRAM_RdData_B (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_DIN_B_HAMMING; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DIN_B_HSIAO -- Purpose: For Hsiao ECC implementation configurations. -- Remove MSB '0' on 32-bit implementation with fixed -- '0' in (8-bit wide) ECC data bits (only need 7-bits in h-matrix). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DIN_B_HSIAO: if C_ECC_TYPE = 1 generate begin bram_rddata_in <= BRAM_RdData_A (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) when (RdModifyWr_Check = '1') else BRAM_RdData_B (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_DIN_B_HSIAO; end generate GEN_DIN_B; -- Map data vector from BRAM to use in correct_one_bit module with -- register syndrome (post AXI RDATA register). UnCorrectedRdData (0 to C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) <= bram_din_a_i (C_ECC_WIDTH to C_ECC_WIDTH+C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) when (C_ECC_TYPE = 0) else bram_rddata_in(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** BRAM Interface Signals *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- With AXI-LITE no narrow operations are allowed. -- AXI_WSTRB is ignored and all byte lanes are written. bram_en_a_int <= bram_en_a_cmb; -- BRAM_En_A <= bram_en_a_int; -- DV regression failure with reset -- 7/7/11 BRAM_En_A <= '0' when (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) else bram_en_a_int; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_EN_DUAL_PORT -- Purpose: Only generate Port B BRAM enable signal when -- configured for dual port BRAM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_EN_DUAL_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin bram_en_b_int <= bram_en_b_cmb; BRAM_En_B <= bram_en_b_int; end generate GEN_BRAM_EN_DUAL_PORT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_EN_SNG_PORT -- Purpose: Drive default for unused BRAM Port B in single -- port BRAM configuration. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_EN_SNG_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin BRAM_En_B <= '0'; end generate GEN_BRAM_EN_SNG_PORT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_WE -- Purpose: BRAM WE generate process -- One WE per 8-bits of BRAM data. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_WE: for i in (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH)/8-1 downto 0 generate begin BRAM_WE_A (i) <= bram_we_a_int (i); end generate GEN_BRAM_WE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRAM_Addr_A <= BRAM_Addr_A_i; BRAM_Addr_B <= BRAM_Addr_B_i; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Generate zeros on lower order address bits adjustable -- based on BRAM data width. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0 generate begin BRAM_Addr_A_i (i) <= '0'; BRAM_Addr_B_i (i) <= '0'; end generate GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Assign BRAM address output from address counter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_U_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR generate begin BRAM_Addr_A_i (i) <= bram_addr_a_int (i); ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_ADDR_DUAL_PORT -- Purpose: Only generate Port B BRAM address when -- configured for dual port BRAM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_ADDR_DUAL_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin BRAM_Addr_B_i (i) <= bram_addr_b_int (i); end generate GEN_BRAM_ADDR_DUAL_PORT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_ADDR_SNG_PORT -- Purpose: Drive default for unused BRAM Port B in single -- port BRAM configuration. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_ADDR_SNG_PORT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin BRAM_Addr_B_i (i) <= '0'; end generate GEN_BRAM_ADDR_SNG_PORT; end generate GEN_U_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_WRDATA -- Purpose: Generate BRAM Write Data for Port A. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- When C_ECC = 0, C_ECC_WIDTH = 0 (at top level HDL) GEN_BRAM_WRDATA: for i in (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_WIDTH - 1) downto 0 generate begin BRAM_WrData_A (i) <= bram_wrdata_a_int (i); end generate GEN_BRAM_WRDATA; BRAM_WrData_B <= (others => '0'); BRAM_WE_B <= (others => '0'); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- sng_port_arb.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: sng_port_arb.vhd -- -- Description: This file is the top level arbiter for full AXI4 mode -- when configured in a single port mode to BRAM. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/11/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add input signal, AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt, from wr_chnl. For configurations -- when WREADY is to be a registered output. With a seperate FIFO for BID, -- ensure arbitration does not get more than 8 ahead of BID responses. A -- value of 8 is the max of the BVALID counter. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity sng_port_arb is generic ( C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32 -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) ); port ( -- *** AXI Clock and Reset *** S_AXI_ACLK : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARESETN : in std_logic; -- *** AXI Write Address Channel Signals (AW) *** AXI_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_AWVALID : in std_logic; AXI_AWREADY : out std_logic := '0'; -- *** AXI Read Address Channel Signals (AR) *** AXI_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_ARVALID : in std_logic; AXI_ARREADY : out std_logic := '0'; -- *** Write Channel Interface Signals *** Arb2AW_Active : out std_logic := '0'; AW2Arb_Busy : in std_logic; AW2Arb_Active_Clr : in std_logic; AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); -- *** Read Channel Interface Signals *** Arb2AR_Active : out std_logic := '0'; AR2Arb_Active_Clr : in std_logic ); end entity sng_port_arb; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of sng_port_arb is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; constant ARB_WR : std_logic := '0'; constant ARB_RD : std_logic := '1'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write & Read Address Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- State machine type declarations type ARB_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, RD_DATA, WR_DATA ); signal arb_sm_cs, arb_sm_ns : ARB_SM_TYPE; signal axi_awready_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_awready_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arready_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arready_int : std_logic := '0'; signal last_arb_won_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal last_arb_won : std_logic := '0'; signal aw_active_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal aw_active : std_logic := '0'; signal ar_active_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal ar_active : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Output Signals *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Address Channel Output Signals AXI_AWREADY <= axi_awready_int; -- AXI Read Address Channel Output Signals AXI_ARREADY <= axi_arready_int; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Write Address Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Read Address Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** Internal Arbitration Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arb2AW_Active <= aw_active; Arb2AR_Active <= ar_active; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main Arb State Machine -- -- Description: Main arbitration logic when AXI BRAM controller -- configured in a single port BRAM mode. -- Module is instantiated when C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1. -- -- Outputs: last_arb_won Registered -- aw_active Registered -- ar_active Registered -- axi_awready_int Registered -- axi_arready_int Registered -- -- -- ARB_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- ARB_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARB_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( AXI_AWVALID, AXI_ARVALID, AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt, AW2Arb_Busy, AW2Arb_Active_Clr, AR2Arb_Active_Clr, last_arb_won, aw_active, ar_active, arb_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs arb_sm_ns <= arb_sm_cs; axi_awready_cmb <= '0'; axi_arready_cmb <= '0'; last_arb_won_cmb <= last_arb_won; aw_active_cmb <= aw_active; ar_active_cmb <= ar_active; case arb_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- Check for valid read operation -- Reads take priority over AW traffic (if both asserted) -- 4/11 -- if ((AXI_ARVALID = '1') and (AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (last_arb_won = ARB_WR)) or -- ((AXI_ARVALID = '1') and (AXI_AWVALID = '0')) then -- 4/11 -- Add BVALID counter to AW arbitration. -- Since this is arbitration to read, no need for BVALID counter. if ((AXI_ARVALID = '1') and (AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (last_arb_won = ARB_WR)) or -- and --(AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt /= "111")) or ((AXI_ARVALID = '1') and (AXI_AWVALID = '0')) then -- Read wins arbitration arb_sm_ns <= RD_DATA; axi_arready_cmb <= '1'; last_arb_won_cmb <= ARB_RD; ar_active_cmb <= '1'; -- Write operations are lower priority than reads -- when an AXI master asserted both operations simultaneously. -- 4/11 elsif (AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (AW2Arb_Busy = '0') then elsif (AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (AW2Arb_Busy = '0') and (AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt /= "111") then -- Write wins arbitration arb_sm_ns <= WR_DATA; axi_awready_cmb <= '1'; last_arb_won_cmb <= ARB_WR; aw_active_cmb <= '1'; end if; ------------------------- WR_DATA State ------------------------- when WR_DATA => -- Wait for write operation to complete if (AW2Arb_Active_Clr = '1') then aw_active_cmb <= '0'; -- Check early for pending read (to save clock cycle -- in transitioning back to IDLE) if (AXI_ARVALID = '1') then -- Read wins arbitration arb_sm_ns <= RD_DATA; axi_arready_cmb <= '1'; last_arb_won_cmb <= ARB_RD; ar_active_cmb <= '1'; -- Note: if timing paths occur b/w wr_chnl data SM -- and here, remove this clause to check for early -- arbitration on a read operation. else arb_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; end if; ---------------------------- RD_DATA State --------------------------- when RD_DATA => -- Wait for read operation to complete if (AR2Arb_Active_Clr = '1') then ar_active_cmb <= '0'; -- Check early for pending write operation (to save clock cycle -- in transitioning back to IDLE) -- 4/11 if (AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (AW2Arb_Busy = '0') then if (AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (AW2Arb_Busy = '0') and (AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt /= "111") then -- Write wins arbitration arb_sm_ns <= WR_DATA; axi_awready_cmb <= '1'; last_arb_won_cmb <= ARB_WR; aw_active_cmb <= '1'; -- Note: if timing paths occur b/w rd_chnl data SM -- and here, remove this clause to check for early -- arbitration on a write operation. -- Check early for a pending back-to-back read operation elsif (AXI_AWVALID = '0') and (AXI_ARVALID = '1') then -- Read wins arbitration arb_sm_ns <= RD_DATA; axi_arready_cmb <= '1'; last_arb_won_cmb <= ARB_RD; ar_active_cmb <= '1'; else arb_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; end if; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => arb_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process ARB_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARB_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then arb_sm_cs <= IDLE; last_arb_won <= ARB_WR; aw_active <= '0'; ar_active <= '0'; axi_awready_int <='0'; axi_arready_int <='0'; else arb_sm_cs <= arb_sm_ns; last_arb_won <= last_arb_won_cmb; aw_active <= aw_active_cmb; ar_active <= ar_active_cmb; axi_awready_int <= axi_awready_cmb; axi_arready_int <= axi_arready_cmb; end if; end if; end process ARB_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ua_narrow.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: ua_narrow.vhd -- -- Description: Creates a narrow burst count load value when an operation -- is an unaligned narrow WRAP or INCR burst type. Used by -- I_NARROW_CNT module. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/4/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Edit for scalability and support of 512 and 1024-bit data widths. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/8/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update bit vector usage of address LSB for calculating ua_narrow_load. -- Add axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package inclusion. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Fix XST handling for DIV functions. Create seperate process when -- divisor is not constant and a power of two. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update range of integer signals. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/4/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove use of local function, Create_Size_Max. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/11/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH generate statments. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/14/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update ua_narrow_load signal assignment to pass simulations & XST. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/15/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update multiply function on signal, ua_narrow_wrap_gt_width, -- for timing path improvements. Replace with left shift operation. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add comments as noted in Spyglass runs. And general code clean-up. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity ua_narrow is generic ( C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := 32; -- Adjust BRAM address width based on C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN : integer := 4 -- Size of narrow burst counter ); port ( curr_wrap_burst : in std_logic; curr_incr_burst : in std_logic; bram_addr_ld_en : in std_logic; curr_axlen : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); curr_axsize : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); curr_axaddr_lsb : in std_logic_vector (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); curr_ua_narrow_wrap : out std_logic; curr_ua_narrow_incr : out std_logic; ua_narrow_load : out std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0') ); end entity ua_narrow; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of ua_narrow is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- All functions defined in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reset active level (common through core) constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; -- AXI Size Constants -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000"; -- 1 byte -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "001"; -- 2 bytes -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "010"; -- 4 bytes = max size for 32-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "011"; -- 8 bytes = max size for 64-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "100"; -- 16 bytes = max size for 128-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "101"; -- 32 bytes = max size for 256-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "110"; -- 64 bytes = max size for 512-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "111"; -- 128 bytes = max size for 1024-bit BRAM -- Determine max value of ARSIZE based on the AXI data width. -- Use function in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. constant C_AXI_SIZE_MAX : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := Create_Size_Max (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); -- Determine the number of bytes based on the AXI data width. constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8; constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES_LOG2 : integer := log2(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES); -- Use constant to compare when LSB of ADDR is equal to zero. constant axaddr_lsb_zero : std_logic_vector (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- 8d = size of AxLEN vector constant C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES_LOG2 + 8; -- Convert # of data bytes for AXI data bus into an unsigned vector (C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE:0). constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES_UNSIGNED : unsigned (C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE downto 0) := to_unsigned (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES, C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE+1); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal ua_narrow_wrap_gt_width : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_axsize_unsigned : unsigned (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_axsize_int : integer := 0; signal curr_axlen_unsigned : unsigned (7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_axlen_unsigned_lshift : unsigned (C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Max = 32768d signal bytes_per_addr : integer := 1; -- range 1 to 128 := 1; signal size_plus_lsb : integer range 1 to 256 := 1; signal narrow_addr_offset : integer := 1; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin -- v1.03a -- Added for narrow INCR bursts with UA addresses -- Check if burst is a) INCR type, -- b) a narrow burst (SIZE = full width of bus) -- c) LSB of address is non zero curr_ua_narrow_incr <= '1' when (curr_incr_burst = '1') and (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) /= C_AXI_SIZE_MAX) and (curr_axaddr_lsb /= axaddr_lsb_zero) and (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') else '0'; -- v1.03a -- Detect narrow WRAP bursts -- Detect if the operation is a) WRAP type, -- b) a narrow burst (SIZE = full width of bus) -- c) LSB of address is non zero -- d) complete size of WRAP is larger than width of BRAM curr_ua_narrow_wrap <= '1' when (curr_wrap_burst = '1') and (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) /= C_AXI_SIZE_MAX) and (curr_axaddr_lsb /= axaddr_lsb_zero) and (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') and (ua_narrow_wrap_gt_width = '1') else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a -- Check condition if narrow burst wraps within the size of the BRAM width. -- Check if size * length > BRAM width in bytes. -- -- When asserted = '1', means that narrow burst counter is not preloaded early, -- the BRAM burst will be contained within the BRAM data width. curr_axsize_unsigned <= unsigned (curr_axsize); curr_axsize_int <= to_integer (curr_axsize_unsigned); curr_axlen_unsigned <= unsigned (curr_axlen); -- Original logic with multiply function. -- -- ua_narrow_wrap_gt_width <= '0' when (((2**(to_integer (curr_axsize_unsigned))) * -- unsigned (curr_axlen (7 downto 0))) -- < C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES) -- else '1'; -- Replace with left shift operation of AxLEN. -- Replace multiply of AxLEN * AxSIZE with a left shift function. LEN_LSHIFT: process (curr_axlen_unsigned, curr_axsize_int) begin for i in C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE downto 0 loop if (i >= curr_axsize_int + 8) then curr_axlen_unsigned_lshift (i) <= '0'; elsif (i >= curr_axsize_int) then curr_axlen_unsigned_lshift (i) <= curr_axlen_unsigned (i - curr_axsize_int); else curr_axlen_unsigned_lshift (i) <= '0'; end if; end loop; end process LEN_LSHIFT; -- Final result. ua_narrow_wrap_gt_width <= '0' when (curr_axlen_unsigned_lshift < C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES_UNSIGNED) else '1'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a -- For narrow burst transfer, provides the number of bytes per address -- XST does not support divisors that are not constants AND powers of two. -- Create process to create a fixed value for divisor. -- Replace this statement: -- bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / (2**(to_integer (curr_axsize_unsigned))); -- With this new process: -- Replace case statement with unsigned signal comparator. DIV_AXSIZE: process (curr_axsize) begin case (curr_axsize) is when "000" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 1; when "001" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 2; when "010" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 4; when "011" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 8; when "100" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 16; when "101" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 32; when "110" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 64; when "111" => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 128; -- Max SIZE for 1024-bit AXI bus when others => bytes_per_addr <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES; end case; end process DIV_AXSIZE; -- Original statement. -- XST does not support divisors that are not constants AND powers of two. -- Insert process to perform (size_plus_lsb / size_bytes_int) function in generation of ua_narrow_load. -- -- size_bytes_int <= (2**(to_integer (curr_axsize_unsigned))); -- -- ua_narrow_load <= std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (bytes_per_addr - -- (size_plus_lsb / size_bytes_int), C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)); -- AxSIZE + LSB of address -- Use all LSB address bit lanes for the narrow transfer based on C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH size_plus_lsb <= (2**(to_integer (curr_axsize_unsigned))) + to_integer (unsigned (curr_axaddr_lsb (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES_LOG2-1 downto 0))); -- Process to keep synthesis with divide by constants that are a power of 2. DIV_SIZE_BYTES: process (size_plus_lsb, curr_axsize) begin -- Use unsigned w/ curr_axsize signal case (curr_axsize) is when "000" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 1; when "001" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 2; when "010" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 4; when "011" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 8; when "100" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 16; when "101" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 32; when "110" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 64; when "111" => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb / 128; -- Max SIZE for 1024-bit AXI bus when others => narrow_addr_offset <= size_plus_lsb; end case; end process DIV_SIZE_BYTES; -- Final new statement. -- Passing in simulation and XST. ua_narrow_load <= std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (bytes_per_addr - narrow_addr_offset, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)) when (bytes_per_addr >= narrow_addr_offset) else std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (0, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- wrap_brst.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: wrap_brst.vhd -- -- Description: Create sub module for logic to generate WRAP burst -- address for rd_chnl and wr_chnl. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/4/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Edit for scalability and support of 512 and 1024-bit data widths. -- Add axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package inclusion. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/7/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package use. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/15/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update multiply function on signal, wrap_burst_total_cmb, -- for timing path improvements. Replace with left shift operation. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add comments as noted in Spyglass runs. And general code clean-up. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/24/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add specific generate blocks based on C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH to calculate -- total WRAP burst size for improved FPGA resource utilization. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/30/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Clean up code. -- Re-code wrap_burst_total_cmb process blocks for each data width -- to improve and catch all false conditions in code coverage analysis. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity wrap_brst is generic ( C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := 32; -- Adjust BRAM address width based on C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32 -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) ); port ( S_AXI_AClk : in std_logic; S_AXI_AResetn : in std_logic; curr_axlen : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); curr_axsize : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); curr_narrow_burst : in std_logic; narrow_bram_addr_inc_re : in std_logic; bram_addr_ld_en : in std_logic; bram_addr_ld : in std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); bram_addr_int : in std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); bram_addr_ld_wrap : out std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); max_wrap_burst_mod : out std_logic := '0' ); end entity wrap_brst; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of wrap_brst is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reset active level (common through core) constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; -- AXI Size Constants constant C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000"; -- 1 byte constant C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "001"; -- 2 bytes constant C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "010"; -- 4 bytes = max size for 32-bit BRAM constant C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "011"; -- 8 bytes = max size for 64-bit BRAM constant C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "100"; -- 16 bytes = max size for 128-bit BRAM constant C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "101"; -- 32 bytes = max size for 256-bit BRAM constant C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "110"; -- 64 bytes = max size for 512-bit BRAM constant C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "111"; -- 128 bytes = max size for 1024-bit BRAM -- Determine the number of bytes based on the AXI data width. constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8; constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES_LOG2 : integer := log2(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES); -- 8d = size of AxLEN vector constant C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES_LOG2 + 8; -- Constants for WRAP size decoding to simplify integer represenation. constant C_WRAP_SIZE_2 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "001"; constant C_WRAP_SIZE_4 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "010"; constant C_WRAP_SIZE_8 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "011"; constant C_WRAP_SIZE_16 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "100"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal max_wrap_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal save_init_bram_addr_ld : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+1) := (others => '0'); -- signal curr_axsize_unsigned : unsigned (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- signal curr_axsize_int : integer := 0; -- signal curr_axlen_unsigned : unsigned (7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Holds burst length/size total (based on width of BRAM width) -- Max size = max length of burst (256 beats) -- signal wrap_burst_total_cmb : integer range 0 to 256 := 1; -- Max 256 (= 32768d / 128 bytes) -- signal wrap_burst_total : integer range 0 to 256 := 1; signal wrap_burst_total_cmb : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal wrap_burst_total : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- signal curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1 : unsigned (7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- signal curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1_lshift : unsigned (C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Max = 32768d ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Modify counter size based on size of current write burst operation -- For WRAP burst types, the counter value will roll over when the burst -- boundary is reached. -- Based on AxSIZE and AxLEN -- To minimize muxing on initial load of counter value -- Detect on WRAP burst types, when the max address is reached. -- When the max address is reached, re-load counter with lower -- address value. -- Save initial load address value. REG_INIT_BRAM_ADDR: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then save_init_bram_addr_ld <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then save_init_bram_addr_ld <= bram_addr_ld(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+1); else save_init_bram_addr_ld <= save_init_bram_addr_ld; end if; end if; end process REG_INIT_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a -- Calculate AXI size (integer) -- curr_axsize_unsigned <= unsigned (curr_axsize); -- curr_axsize_int <= to_integer (curr_axsize_unsigned); -- Calculate AXI length (integer) -- curr_axlen_unsigned <= unsigned (curr_axlen); -- curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1 <= curr_axlen_unsigned + "00000001"; -- WRAP = size * length (based on BRAM data width in bytes) -- -- Original multiply function: -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (size_bytes_int * len_int) / C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES; -- For XST, modify integer multiply function to improve timing. -- Replace multiply of AxLEN * AxSIZE with a left shift function. -- LEN_LSHIFT: process (curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1, curr_axsize_int) -- begin -- -- for i in C_MAX_LSHIFT_SIZE downto 0 loop -- -- if (i >= curr_axsize_int + 8) then -- curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1_lshift (i) <= '0'; -- elsif (i >= curr_axsize_int) then -- curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1_lshift (i) <= curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1 (i - curr_axsize_int); -- else -- curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1_lshift (i) <= '0'; -- end if; -- -- end loop; -- -- end process LEN_LSHIFT; -- Final signal assignment for XST & timing improvements. -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= to_integer (curr_axlen_unsigned_plus1_lshift) / C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a -- For best FPGA resource implementation, hard code the generation of -- WRAP burst size based on each C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH possibility. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_32_WRAP_SIZE -- Purpose: These wrap size values only apply to 32-bit BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_32_WRAP_SIZE: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate begin WRAP_SIZE_CMB: process (curr_axlen, curr_axsize) begin -- v1.03a -- Attempt to re code this to improve conditional coverage checks. -- Use case statment to replace if/else with no priority enabled. -- Current size of transaction case (curr_axsize (2 downto 0)) is -- 4 bytes (full AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0001" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 2 bytes (1/2 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 1 byte (1/4 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- v1.03 Original HDL -- -- -- if ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0001") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; -- -- else -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); -- end if; end process WRAP_SIZE_CMB; end generate GEN_32_WRAP_SIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_64_WRAP_SIZE -- Purpose: These wrap size values only apply to 64-bit BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_64_WRAP_SIZE: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate begin WRAP_SIZE_CMB: process (curr_axlen, curr_axsize) begin -- v1.03a -- Attempt to re code this to improve conditional coverage checks. -- Use case statment to replace if/else with no priority enabled. -- Current size of transaction case (curr_axsize (2 downto 0)) is -- 8 bytes (full AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0001" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 4 bytes (1/2 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 2 bytes (1/4 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 1 byte (1/8 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- v1.03 Original HDL -- -- -- if ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0001") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; -- -- else -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); -- end if; end process WRAP_SIZE_CMB; end generate GEN_64_WRAP_SIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_128_WRAP_SIZE -- Purpose: These wrap size values only apply to 128-bit BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_128_WRAP_SIZE: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128 generate begin WRAP_SIZE_CMB: process (curr_axlen, curr_axsize) begin -- v1.03a -- Attempt to re code this to improve conditional coverage checks. -- Use case statment to replace if/else with no priority enabled. -- Current size of transaction case (curr_axsize (2 downto 0)) is -- 16 bytes (full AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0001" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 8 bytes (1/2 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 4 bytes (1/4 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 2 bytes (1/8 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- v1.03 Original HDL -- -- if ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0001") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; -- -- else -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); -- end if; end process WRAP_SIZE_CMB; end generate GEN_128_WRAP_SIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_256_WRAP_SIZE -- Purpose: These wrap size values only apply to 256-bit BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_256_WRAP_SIZE: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 256 generate begin WRAP_SIZE_CMB: process (curr_axlen, curr_axsize) begin -- v1.03a -- Attempt to re code this to improve conditional coverage checks. -- Use case statment to replace if/else with no priority enabled. -- Current size of transaction case (curr_axsize (2 downto 0)) is -- 32 bytes (full AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0001" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 16 bytes (1/2 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 8 bytes (1/4 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 4 bytes (1/8 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- v1.03 Original HDL -- -- if ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0001") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; -- -- else -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); -- end if; end process WRAP_SIZE_CMB; end generate GEN_256_WRAP_SIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_512_WRAP_SIZE -- Purpose: These wrap size values only apply to 512-bit BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_512_WRAP_SIZE: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 512 generate begin WRAP_SIZE_CMB: process (curr_axlen, curr_axsize) begin -- v1.03a -- Attempt to re code this to improve conditional coverage checks. -- Use case statment to replace if/else with no priority enabled. -- Current size of transaction case (curr_axsize (2 downto 0)) is -- 64 bytes (full AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0001" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 32 bytes (1/2 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 16 bytes (1/4 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 8 bytes (1/8 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- v1.03 Original HDL -- -- -- if ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0001") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; -- -- else -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); -- end if; end process WRAP_SIZE_CMB; end generate GEN_512_WRAP_SIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_1024_WRAP_SIZE -- Purpose: These wrap size values only apply to 1024-bit BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_1024_WRAP_SIZE: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 1024 generate begin WRAP_SIZE_CMB: process (curr_axlen, curr_axsize) begin -- v1.03a -- Attempt to re code this to improve conditional coverage checks. -- Use case statment to replace if/else with no priority enabled. -- Current size of transaction case (curr_axsize (2 downto 0)) is -- 128 bytes (full AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0001" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 64 bytes (1/2 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0011" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 32 bytes (1/4 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "0111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- 16 bytes (1/8 AXI size) when C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE => case (curr_axlen (3 downto 0)) is when "1111" => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; when others => wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); end case; -- v1.03 Original HDL -- -- -- if ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0001") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_2; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0011") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_4; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "0111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE)) or -- ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_8; -- -- elsif ((curr_axlen (3 downto 0) = "1111") and -- (curr_axsize (2 downto 0) = C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE)) then -- -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= C_WRAP_SIZE_16; -- -- else -- wrap_burst_total_cmb <= (others => '0'); -- end if; end process WRAP_SIZE_CMB; end generate GEN_1024_WRAP_SIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Early decode to determine size of WRAP transfer -- Goal to break up long timing path to generate max_wrap_burst signal. REG_WRAP_TOTAL: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then wrap_burst_total <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then wrap_burst_total <= wrap_burst_total_cmb; else wrap_burst_total <= wrap_burst_total; end if; end if; end process REG_WRAP_TOTAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_WRAP_MAX : process ( wrap_burst_total, bram_addr_int, save_init_bram_addr_ld ) begin -- Check BRAM address value if max value is reached. -- Max value is based on burst size/length for operation. -- Address bits to check vary based on C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH and burst size/length. -- (use signal, wrap_burst_total, based on current WRAP burst size/length/data width). case wrap_burst_total is when C_WRAP_SIZE_2 => if (bram_addr_int (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) = '1') then max_wrap_burst <= '1'; else max_wrap_burst <= '0'; end if; -- Use saved BRAM load value bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+1) <= save_init_bram_addr_ld (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+1); -- Reset lower order address bits to zero (to wrap address) bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) <= '0'; when C_WRAP_SIZE_4 => if (bram_addr_int (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR + 1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) = "11") then max_wrap_burst <= '1'; else max_wrap_burst <= '0'; end if; -- Use saved BRAM load value bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+2) <= save_init_bram_addr_ld (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+2); -- Reset lower order address bits to zero (to wrap address) bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR + 1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR ) <= "00"; when C_WRAP_SIZE_8 => if (bram_addr_int (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR + 2 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) = "111") then max_wrap_burst <= '1'; else max_wrap_burst <= '0'; end if; -- Use saved BRAM load value bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+3) <= save_init_bram_addr_ld (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+3); -- Reset lower order address bits to zero (to wrap address) bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR + 2 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR ) <= "000"; when C_WRAP_SIZE_16 => if (bram_addr_int (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR + 3 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) = "1111") then max_wrap_burst <= '1'; else max_wrap_burst <= '0'; end if; -- Use saved BRAM load value bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+4) <= save_init_bram_addr_ld (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+4); -- Reset lower order address bits to zero (to wrap address) bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR + 3 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR ) <= "0000"; when others => max_wrap_burst <= '0'; bram_addr_ld_wrap(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR+1) <= save_init_bram_addr_ld; -- Reset lower order address bits to zero (to wrap address) bram_addr_ld_wrap (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) <= '0'; end case; end process CHECK_WRAP_MAX; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Move outside of CHECK_WRAP_MAX process. -- Account for narrow burst operations. -- -- Currently max_wrap_burst is getting asserted at the first address beat to BRAM -- that indicates the maximum WRAP burst boundary. Must wait for the completion of the -- narrow wrap burst counter to assert max_wrap_burst. -- -- Indicates when narrow burst address counter hits max (all zeros value) -- narrow_bram_addr_inc_re max_wrap_burst_mod <= max_wrap_burst when (curr_narrow_burst = '0') else (max_wrap_burst and narrow_bram_addr_inc_re); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rd_chnl.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: rd_chnl.vhd -- -- Description: This file is the top level module for the AXI BRAM -- controller read channel interfaces. Controls all -- handshaking and data flow on the AXI read address (AR) -- and read data (R) channels. -- -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Minor code cleanup. -- Remove library version # dependency. Replace with work library. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/3/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Edits for scalability and support of 512 and 1024-bit data widths. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/14/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Initial integration of Hsiao ECC algorithm. -- Add C_ECC_TYPE top level parameter. -- Similar edits as wr_chnl on Hsiao ECC code. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/18/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update for usage of ecc_gen.vhd module directly from MIG. -- Clean-up XST warnings. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Found issue with ECC decoding on read path. Remove MSB '0' usage -- in syndrome calculation, since h_matrix is based on 32 + 7 = 39 bits. -- Modify read data signal used in single bit error correction. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/23/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Move all MIG functions to package body. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Fix XST handling for DIV functions. Create seperate process when -- divisor is not constant and a power of two. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/15/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Clean-up unused signal, narrow_addr_inc. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add comments as noted in Spyglass runs. And general code clean-up. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/21/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean up. -- Add defaults to araddr_pipe_sel & axi_arready_int when in single port mode. -- Remove use of IF_IS_AXI4 constant. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean up. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/6/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- Hard code C_USE_LUT6 constant. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/26/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- With CR # 609695, update else clause for narrow_burst_cnt_ld to -- remove simulation warnings when axi_byte_div_curr_arsize = zero. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.wrap_brst; use work.ua_narrow; use work.checkbit_handler; use work.checkbit_handler_64; use work.correct_one_bit; use work.correct_one_bit_64; use work.ecc_gen; use work.parity; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity rd_chnl is generic ( -- C_FAMILY : string := "virtex6"; -- Specify the target architecture type C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := 2; -- Adjust factor to BRAM address width based on data width (in bits) C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_AXI_ID_WIDTH : integer := 4; -- AXI ID vector width C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW : integer := 1; -- Support for narrow burst operations C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL : string := "AXI4"; -- Set to "AXI4LITE" to optimize out burst transaction support C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM : integer := 0; -- Enable single port usage of BRAM C_ECC : integer := 0; -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_WIDTH : integer := 8; -- Width of ECC data vector C_ECC_TYPE : integer := 0 -- v1.03a -- ECC algorithm format, 0 = Hamming code, 1 = Hsiao code ); port ( -- AXI Global Signals S_AXI_AClk : in std_logic; S_AXI_AResetn : in std_logic; -- AXI Read Address Channel Signals (AR) AXI_ARID : in std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_ARLEN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Specifies the number of data transfers in the burst -- "0000 0000" 1 data transfer -- "0000 0001" 2 data transfers -- ... -- "1111 1111" 256 data transfers AXI_ARSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- Specifies the max number of data bytes to transfer in each data beat -- "000" 1 byte to transfer -- "001" 2 bytes to transfer -- "010" 3 bytes to transfer -- ... AXI_ARBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- Specifies burst type -- "00" FIXED = Fixed burst address (handled as INCR) -- "01" INCR = Increment burst address -- "10" WRAP = Incrementing address burst that wraps to lower order address at boundary -- "11" Reserved (not checked) AXI_ARLOCK : in std_logic; AXI_ARCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); AXI_ARPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); AXI_ARVALID : in std_logic; AXI_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Read Data Channel Signals (R) AXI_RID : out std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_RLAST : out std_logic; AXI_RVALID : out std_logic; AXI_RREADY : in std_logic; -- ECC Register Interface Signals Enable_ECC : in std_logic; BRAM_Addr_En : out std_logic; CE_Failing_We : out std_logic := '0'; Sl_CE : out std_logic := '0'; Sl_UE : out std_logic := '0'; -- Single Port Arbitration Signals Arb2AR_Active : in std_logic; AR2Arb_Active_Clr : out std_logic := '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En : out std_logic := '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld : out std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc : out std_logic := '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr : in std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR); -- BRAM Read Port Interface Signals BRAM_En : out std_logic; BRAM_Addr : out std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); BRAM_RdData : in std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) ); end entity rd_chnl; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of rd_chnl is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- All functions defined in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reset active level (common through core) constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; constant RESP_OKAY : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00"; -- Normal access OK response constant RESP_SLVERR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "10"; -- Slave error -- For future support. constant RESP_EXOKAY : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "01"; -- Exclusive access OK response -- For future support. constant RESP_DECERR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "11"; -- Decode error -- Set constants for ARLEN equal to a count of one or two beats. constant AXI_ARLEN_ONE : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant AXI_ARLEN_TWO : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000001"; -- Modify C_BRAM_ADDR_SIZE to be adjusted for BRAM data width -- When BRAM data width = 32 bits, BRAM_Addr (1:0) = "00" -- When BRAM data width = 64 bits, BRAM_Addr (2:0) = "000" -- When BRAM data width = 128 bits, BRAM_Addr (3:0) = "0000" -- When BRAM data width = 256 bits, BRAM_Addr (4:0) = "00000" -- Move to full_axi module -- constant C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := log2 (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8); -- Not used -- constant C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST : integer := C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR; -- Determine maximum size for narrow burst length counter -- When C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32, minimum narrow width burst is 8 bits -- resulting in a count 3 downto 0 => so minimum counter width = 2 bits. -- When C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 256, minimum narrow width burst is 8 bits -- resulting in a count 31 downto 0 => so minimum counter width = 5 bits. constant C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN : integer := log2 (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8); constant NARROW_CNT_MAX : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Max length burst count AXI4 specification constant C_MAX_BRST_CNT : integer := 256; constant C_BRST_CNT_SIZE : integer := log2 (C_MAX_BRST_CNT); -- When the burst count = 0 constant C_BRST_CNT_ZERO : std_logic_vector(C_BRST_CNT_SIZE-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Burst count = 1 constant C_BRST_CNT_ONE : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000001"; -- Burst count = 2 constant C_BRST_CNT_TWO : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000010"; -- Read data mux select constants (for signal rddata_mux_sel) -- '0' selects BRAM -- '1' selects read skid buffer constant C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM : std_logic := '0'; constant C_RDDATA_MUX_SKID_BUF : std_logic := '1'; -- Determine the number of bytes based on the AXI data width. constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8; -- AXI Burst Types -- AXI Spec 4.4 constant C_AXI_BURST_WRAP : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "10"; constant C_AXI_BURST_INCR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "01"; constant C_AXI_BURST_FIXED : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00"; -- AXI Size Constants -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000"; -- 1 byte -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "001"; -- 2 bytes -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "010"; -- 4 bytes = max size for 32-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "011"; -- 8 bytes = max size for 64-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "100"; -- 16 bytes = max size for 128-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "101"; -- 32 bytes = max size for 256-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "110"; -- 64 bytes = max size for 512-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "111"; -- 128 bytes = max size for 1024-bit BRAM -- Determine max value of ARSIZE based on the AXI data width. -- Use function in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. constant C_AXI_SIZE_MAX : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := Create_Size_Max (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); -- Internal ECC data width size. constant C_INT_ECC_WIDTH : integer := Int_ECC_Size (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); -- For use with ECC functions (to use LUT6 components or let synthesis infer the optimal implementation). -- constant C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := Family_To_LUT_Size (String_To_Family (C_FAMILY,false)) = 6; -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- All architectures supporting AXI will support a LUT6. -- Hard code this internal constant used in ECC algorithm. constant C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := TRUE; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Read Address Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- State machine type declarations type RD_ADDR_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, LD_ARADDR ); signal rd_addr_sm_cs, rd_addr_sm_ns : RD_ADDR_SM_TYPE; signal ar_active_set : std_logic := '0'; signal ar_active_set_i : std_logic := '0'; signal ar_active_clr : std_logic := '0'; signal ar_active : std_logic := '0'; signal ar_active_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal ar_active_re : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_araddr_pipe : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_araddr_lsb : std_logic_vector (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal araddr_pipe_ld : std_logic := '0'; signal araddr_pipe_ld_i : std_logic := '0'; signal araddr_pipe_sel : std_logic := '0'; -- '0' indicates mux select from AXI -- '1' indicates mux select from AR Addr Register signal axi_araddr_full : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arready_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_early_arready_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_d2 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_re : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_re_reg : std_logic := '0'; signal no_ar_ack_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal no_ar_ack : std_logic := '0'; signal pend_rd_op_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal pend_rd_op : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arid_pipe : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_arsize_pipe : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_arsize_pipe_4byte : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arsize_pipe_8byte : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arsize_pipe_16byte : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_arsize_pipe_32byte : std_logic := '0'; -- v1.03a signal axi_arsize_pipe_max : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_arsize : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_arsize_reg : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_arlen_pipe : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_arlen_pipe_1_or_2 : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_arlen : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_arlen_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_arburst_pipe : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_arburst_pipe_fixed : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_arburst : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_wrap_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_wrap_burst_reg : std_logic := '0'; signal max_wrap_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_incr_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_fixed_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_fixed_burst_reg : std_logic := '0'; -- BRAM Address Counter signal bram_addr_ld_en : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_ld_en_i : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_ld_en_mod : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_ld : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_ld_wrap : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_inc : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_inc_mod : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_inc_wrap_mod : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Read Data Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- State machine type declarations type RD_DATA_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, SNG_ADDR, SEC_ADDR, FULL_PIPE, FULL_THROTTLE, LAST_ADDR, LAST_THROTTLE, LAST_DATA, LAST_DATA_AR_PEND ); signal rd_data_sm_cs, rd_data_sm_ns : RD_DATA_SM_TYPE; signal rd_adv_buf : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rd_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rd_burst_two : std_logic := '0'; signal act_rd_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal act_rd_burst_set : std_logic := '0'; signal act_rd_burst_clr : std_logic := '0'; signal act_rd_burst_two : std_logic := '0'; -- Rd Data Buffer/Register signal rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal rd_skid_buf_ld_reg : std_logic := '0'; signal rd_skid_buf_ld : std_logic := '0'; signal rd_skid_buf_ld_imm : std_logic := '0'; signal rd_skid_buf : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal rddata_mux_sel_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal rddata_mux_sel : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rdata_en : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rdata_mux : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+8*C_ECC-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Read Burst Counter signal brst_cnt_max : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_cnt_max_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_cnt_max_re : std_logic := '0'; signal end_brst_rd_clr_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal end_brst_rd_clr : std_logic := '0'; signal end_brst_rd : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_zero : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_one : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_cnt_ld : std_logic_vector (C_BRST_CNT_SIZE-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal brst_cnt_rst : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_cnt_ld_en : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_cnt_ld_en_i : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_cnt_dec : std_logic := '0'; signal brst_cnt : std_logic_vector (C_BRST_CNT_SIZE-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- AXI Read Response Signals signal axi_rid_temp : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rid_temp_full : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rid_temp_full_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rid_temp_full_fe : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rid_temp2 : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rid_temp2_full : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_b2b_rid_adv : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rid_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rresp_int : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rvalid_clr_ok : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rvalid_set_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rvalid_set : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rvalid_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rlast_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_rlast_set : std_logic := '0'; -- Internal BRAM Signals signal bram_en_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_en_int : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); -- Narrow Burst Signals signal curr_narrow_burst_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_narrow_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_burst_cnt_ld : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal narrow_burst_cnt_ld_mod : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal narrow_addr_rst : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_addr_ld_en : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_addr_dec : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_bram_addr_inc : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_bram_addr_inc_re : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_addr_int : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_ua_narrow_wrap : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_ua_narrow_incr : std_logic := '0'; signal ua_narrow_load : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- State machine type declarations type RLAST_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, W8_THROTTLE, W8_2ND_LAST_DATA, W8_LAST_DATA, -- W8_LAST_DATA_B2, W8_THROTTLE_B2 ); signal rlast_sm_cs, rlast_sm_ns : RLAST_SM_TYPE; signal last_bram_addr : std_logic := '0'; signal set_last_bram_addr : std_logic := '0'; signal alast_bram_addr : std_logic := '0'; signal rd_b2b_elgible : std_logic := '0'; signal rd_b2b_elgible_no_thr_check : std_logic := '0'; signal throttle_last_data : std_logic := '0'; signal disable_b2b_brst_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal disable_b2b_brst : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_b2b_brst_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_b2b_brst : std_logic := '0'; signal do_cmplt_burst_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal do_cmplt_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal do_cmplt_burst_clr : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ECC Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal UnCorrectedRdData : std_logic_vector (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Move vector from core ECC module to use in AXI RDATA register output signal Syndrome : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal Syndrome_4 : std_logic_vector (0 to 1) := (others => '0'); -- Only used in 32-bit ECC signal Syndrome_6 : std_logic_vector (0 to 5) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to ECC @ 32-bit data width signal Syndrome_7 : std_logic_vector (0 to 11) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to ECC @ 64-bit data width signal syndrome_reg : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal syndrome_reg_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal Sl_UE_i : std_logic := '0'; signal UE_Q : std_logic := '0'; -- v1.03a -- Hsiao ECC signal syndrome_r : std_logic_vector (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant CODE_WIDTH : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; constant ECC_WIDTH : integer := C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; signal h_rows : std_logic_vector (CODE_WIDTH * ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Read Address Channel Output Signals --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ARREADY_DUAL -- Purpose: Generate AXI_ARREADY when in dual port mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ARREADY_DUAL: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 generate begin -- Ensure ARREADY only gets asserted early when acknowledge recognized -- on AXI read data channel. AXI_ARREADY <= axi_arready_int or (axi_early_arready_int and rd_adv_buf); end generate GEN_ARREADY_DUAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ARREADY_SNG -- Purpose: Generate AXI_ARREADY when in single port mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ARREADY_SNG: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1 generate begin -- ARREADY generated by sng_port_arb module AXI_ARREADY <= '0'; axi_arready_int <= '0'; end generate GEN_ARREADY_SNG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Read Data Channel Output Signals --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UE flag is detected is same clock cycle that read data is presented on -- the AXI bus. Must drive SLVERR combinatorially to align with corrupted -- detected data word. AXI_RRESP <= RESP_SLVERR when (C_ECC = 1 and Sl_UE_i = '1') else axi_rresp_int; AXI_RVALID <= axi_rvalid_int; AXI_RID <= axi_rid_int; AXI_RLAST <= axi_rlast_int; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- *** AXI Read Address Channel Interface *** -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_AR_PIPE_SNG -- Purpose: Only generate pipeline registers when in dual port BRAM mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AR_PIPE_SNG: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1 generate begin -- Unused AW pipeline (set default values) araddr_pipe_ld <= '0'; axi_araddr_pipe <= AXI_ARADDR; axi_arid_pipe <= AXI_ARID; axi_arsize_pipe <= AXI_ARSIZE; axi_arlen_pipe <= AXI_ARLEN; axi_arburst_pipe <= AXI_ARBURST; axi_arlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= '0'; axi_arburst_pipe_fixed <= '0'; axi_araddr_full <= '0'; end generate GEN_AR_PIPE_SNG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_AR_PIPE_DUAL -- Purpose: Only generate pipeline registers when in dual port BRAM mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AR_PIPE_DUAL: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Read Address Buffer/Register -- (mimic behavior of address pipeline for AXI_ARID) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ARADDR: for i in C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0 generate begin REG_ARADDR: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- No reset condition to save resources/timing if (araddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_araddr_pipe (i) <= AXI_ARADDR (i); else axi_araddr_pipe (i) <= axi_araddr_pipe (i); end if; end if; end process REG_ARADDR; end generate GEN_ARADDR; ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register ARID -- No reset condition to save resources/timing ------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_ARID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (araddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_arid_pipe <= AXI_ARID; else axi_arid_pipe <= axi_arid_pipe; end if; end if; end process REG_ARID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- In parallel to ARADDR pipeline and ARID -- Use same control signals to capture AXI_ARSIZE, AXI_ARLEN & AXI_ARBURST. -- Register AXI_ARSIZE, AXI_ARLEN & AXI_ARBURST -- No reset condition to save resources/timing REG_ARCTRL: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (araddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_arsize_pipe <= AXI_ARSIZE; axi_arlen_pipe <= AXI_ARLEN; axi_arburst_pipe <= AXI_ARBURST; else axi_arsize_pipe <= axi_arsize_pipe; axi_arlen_pipe <= axi_arlen_pipe; axi_arburst_pipe <= axi_arburst_pipe; end if; end if; end process REG_ARCTRL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create signals that indicate value of AXI_ARLEN in pipeline stage -- Used to decode length of burst when BRAM address can be loaded early -- when pipeline is full. -- -- Add early decode of ARBURST in pipeline. -- Copy logic from WR_CHNL module (similar logic). -- Add early decode of ARSIZE = 4 bytes in pipeline. REG_ARLEN_PIPE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- No reset condition to save resources/timing if (araddr_pipe_ld = '1') then -- Create merge to decode ARLEN of ONE or TWO if (AXI_ARLEN = AXI_ARLEN_ONE) or (AXI_ARLEN = AXI_ARLEN_TWO) then axi_arlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= '1'; else axi_arlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= '0'; end if; -- Early decode on value in pipeline of ARBURST if (AXI_ARBURST = C_AXI_BURST_FIXED) then axi_arburst_pipe_fixed <= '1'; else axi_arburst_pipe_fixed <= '0'; end if; else axi_arlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= axi_arlen_pipe_1_or_2; axi_arburst_pipe_fixed <= axi_arburst_pipe_fixed; end if; end if; end process REG_ARLEN_PIPE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create full flag for ARADDR pipeline -- Set when read address register is loaded. -- Cleared when read address stored in register is loaded into BRAM -- address counter. REG_RDADDR_FULL: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' and araddr_pipe_sel = '1') then (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' and araddr_pipe_sel = '1' and araddr_pipe_ld = '0') then axi_araddr_full <= '0'; elsif (araddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_araddr_full <= '1'; else axi_araddr_full <= axi_araddr_full; end if; end if; end process REG_RDADDR_FULL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_AR_PIPE_DUAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a -- Add early decode of ARSIZE = max size in pipeline based on AXI data -- bus width (use constant, C_AXI_SIZE_MAX) REG_ARSIZE_PIPE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_arsize_pipe_max <= '0'; elsif (araddr_pipe_ld = '1') then -- Early decode of ARSIZE in pipeline equal to max # of bytes -- based on AXI data bus width if (AXI_ARSIZE = C_AXI_SIZE_MAX) then axi_arsize_pipe_max <= '1'; else axi_arsize_pipe_max <= '0'; end if; else axi_arsize_pipe_max <= axi_arsize_pipe_max; end if; end if; end process REG_ARSIZE_PIPE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GE_ARREADY -- Purpose: ARREADY is only created here when in dual port BRAM mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ARREADY: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_ARREADY Output Register -- Description: Keep AXI_ARREADY output asserted until ARADDR pipeline -- is full. When a full condition is reached, negate -- ARREADY as another AR address can not be accepted. -- Add condition to keep ARReady asserted if loading current --- ARADDR pipeline value into the BRAM address counter. -- Indicated by assertion of bram_addr_ld_en & araddr_pipe_sel. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_ARREADY: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_arready_int <= '0'; -- Detect end of S_AXI_AResetn to assert AWREADY and accept -- new AWADDR values elsif (axi_aresetn_re_reg = '1') or -- Add condition for early ARREADY to keep pipeline full (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' and araddr_pipe_sel = '1' and axi_early_arready_int = '0') then axi_arready_int <= '1'; -- Add conditional check if ARREADY is asserted (with ARVALID) (one clock cycle later) -- when the address pipeline is full. elsif (araddr_pipe_ld = '1') or (AXI_ARVALID = '1' and axi_arready_int = '1' and axi_araddr_full = '1') then axi_arready_int <= '0'; else axi_arready_int <= axi_arready_int; end if; end if; end process REG_ARREADY; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_EARLY_ARREADY: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_early_arready_int <= '0'; -- Pending ARADDR and ARREADY is not yet asserted to accept -- operation (due to ARADDR being full) elsif (AXI_ARVALID = '1' and axi_arready_int = '0' and axi_araddr_full = '1') and (alast_bram_addr = '1') and -- Add check for elgible back-to-back BRAM load (rd_b2b_elgible = '1') then axi_early_arready_int <= '1'; else axi_early_arready_int <= '0'; end if; end if; end process REG_EARLY_ARREADY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Need to detect end of reset cycle to assert ARREADY on AXI bus REG_ARESETN: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then axi_aresetn_d1 <= S_AXI_AResetn; axi_aresetn_d2 <= axi_aresetn_d1; axi_aresetn_re_reg <= axi_aresetn_re; end if; end process REG_ARESETN; -- Create combinatorial RE detect of S_AXI_AResetn axi_aresetn_re <= '1' when (S_AXI_AResetn = '1' and axi_aresetn_d1 = '0') else '0'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_ARREADY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DUAL_ADDR_CNT -- Purpose: Instantiate BRAM address counter unique for wr_chnl logic -- only when controller configured in dual port mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DUAL_ADDR_CNT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Replace I_ADDR_CNT module usage of pf_counter in proc_common library. -- Only need to use lower 12-bits of address due to max AXI burst size -- Since AXI guarantees bursts do not cross 4KB boundary, the counting part -- of I_ADDR_CNT can be reduced to max 4KB. -- -- No reset on bram_addr_int. -- Increment ONLY. REG_ADDR_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (bram_addr_ld_en_mod = '1') then bram_addr_int <= bram_addr_ld; elsif (bram_addr_inc_mod = '1') then bram_addr_int (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 12) <= bram_addr_int (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 12); bram_addr_int (11 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (bram_addr_int (11 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR)) + 1); end if; end if; end process REG_ADDR_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set defaults to shared address counter -- Only used in single port configurations Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En <= '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld <= (others => '0'); Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc <= '0'; end generate GEN_DUAL_ADDR_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_SNG_ADDR_CNT -- Purpose: When configured in single port BRAM mode, address counter -- is shared with rd_chnl module. Assign output signals here -- to counter instantiation at full_axi module level. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_SNG_ADDR_CNT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En <= bram_addr_ld_en_mod; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld <= bram_addr_ld; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc <= bram_addr_inc_mod; bram_addr_int <= Sng_BRAM_Addr; end generate GEN_SNG_ADDR_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BRAM address load mux. -- Either load BRAM counter directly from AXI bus or from stored registered value -- Use registered signal to indicate current operation is a WRAP burst -- -- Match bram_addr_ld to what asserts bram_addr_ld_en_mod -- Include bram_addr_inc_mod when asserted to use bram_addr_ld_wrap value -- (otherwise use pipelined or AXI bus value to load BRAM address counter) bram_addr_ld <= bram_addr_ld_wrap when (max_wrap_burst = '1' and curr_wrap_burst_reg = '1' and bram_addr_inc_wrap_mod = '1') else axi_araddr_pipe (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) when (araddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_ARADDR (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- On wrap burst max loads (simultaneous BRAM address increment is asserted). -- Ensure that load has higher priority over increment. -- Use registered signal to indicate current operation is a WRAP burst bram_addr_ld_en_mod <= '1' when (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' or (max_wrap_burst = '1' and curr_wrap_burst_reg = '1' and bram_addr_inc_wrap_mod = '1')) else '0'; -- Create a special bram_addr_inc_mod for use in the bram_addr_ld_en_mod signal -- logic. No need for the check if the current operation is NOT a fixed AND a wrap -- burst. The transfer will be one or the other. -- Found issue when narrow FIXED length burst is incorrectly -- incrementing BRAM address counter bram_addr_inc_wrap_mod <= bram_addr_inc when (curr_narrow_burst = '0') else narrow_bram_addr_inc_re; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Narrow bursting -- -- Handle read burst addressing on narrow burst operations -- Intercept BRAM address increment flag, bram_addr_inc and only -- increment address when the number of BRAM reads match the width of the -- AXI data bus. -- For a 32-bit BRAM, byte burst will increment the BRAM address -- after four reads from BRAM. -- For a 256-bit BRAM, a byte burst will increment the BRAM address -- after 32 reads from BRAM. -- Based on current operation being a narrow burst, hold off BRAM -- address increment until narrow burst fits BRAM data width. -- For non narrow burst operations, use bram_addr_inc from data SM. -- -- Add in check that burst type is not FIXED, curr_fixed_burst_reg -- bram_addr_inc_mod <= (bram_addr_inc and not (curr_fixed_burst_reg)) when (curr_narrow_burst = '0') else -- narrow_bram_addr_inc_re; -- -- -- Replace w/ below generate statements based on supporting narrow transfers or not. -- Create generate statement around the signal assignment for bram_addr_inc_mod. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_INC_MOD_W_NARROW -- Purpose: Assign signal, bram_addr_inc_mod when narrow transfers -- are supported in design instantiation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_INC_MOD_W_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin -- Found issue when narrow FIXED length burst is incorrectly incrementing BRAM address counter bram_addr_inc_mod <= (bram_addr_inc and not (curr_fixed_burst_reg)) when (curr_narrow_burst = '0') else (narrow_bram_addr_inc_re and not (curr_fixed_burst_reg)); end generate GEN_BRAM_INC_MOD_W_NARROW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_WO_NARROW -- Purpose: Assign signal, bram_addr_inc_mod when narrow transfers -- are not supported in the design instantiation. -- Drive default values for narrow counter and logic when -- narrow operation support is disabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WO_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 0) generate begin -- Found issue when narrow FIXED length burst is incorrectly incrementing BRAM address counter bram_addr_inc_mod <= bram_addr_inc and not (curr_fixed_burst_reg); narrow_addr_rst <= '0'; narrow_burst_cnt_ld_mod <= (others => '0'); narrow_addr_dec <= '0'; narrow_addr_ld_en <= '0'; narrow_bram_addr_inc <= '0'; narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 <= '0'; narrow_bram_addr_inc_re <= '0'; narrow_addr_int <= (others => '0'); curr_narrow_burst <= '0'; end generate GEN_WO_NARROW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Only instantiate NARROW_CNT and supporting logic when narrow transfers -- are supported and utilized by masters in the AXI system. -- The design parameter, C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW will indicate this. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NARROW_CNT -- Purpose: Instantiate narrow counter and logic when narrow -- operation support is enabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NARROW_CNT: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate seperate smaller counter for narrow burst operations -- Replace I_NARROW_CNT module usage of pf_counter_top from proc_common library. -- -- Counter size is adjusted based on size of data burst. -- -- For example, 32-bit data width BRAM, minimum narrow width -- burst is 8 bits resulting in a count 3 downto 0. So the -- minimum counter width = 2 bits. -- -- When C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 256, minimum narrow width burst -- is 8 bits resulting in a count 31 downto 0. So the -- minimum counter width = 5 bits. -- -- Size of counter = C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_NARROW_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (narrow_addr_rst = '1') then narrow_addr_int <= (others => '0'); -- Load enable elsif (narrow_addr_ld_en = '1') then narrow_addr_int <= narrow_burst_cnt_ld_mod; -- Decrement ONLY (no increment functionality) elsif (narrow_addr_dec = '1') then narrow_addr_int (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (narrow_addr_int (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0)) - 1); end if; end if; end process REG_NARROW_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- narrow_addr_rst <= not (S_AXI_AResetn); -- Modify narrow burst count load value based on -- unalignment of AXI address value narrow_burst_cnt_ld_mod <= ua_narrow_load when (curr_ua_narrow_wrap = '1' or curr_ua_narrow_incr = '1') else narrow_burst_cnt_ld when (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') else narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg; narrow_addr_dec <= bram_addr_inc when (curr_narrow_burst = '1') else '0'; narrow_addr_ld_en <= (curr_narrow_burst_cmb and bram_addr_ld_en) or narrow_bram_addr_inc_re; narrow_bram_addr_inc <= '1' when (narrow_addr_int = NARROW_CNT_MAX) and (curr_narrow_burst = '1') -- Ensure that narrow address counter doesn't -- flag max or get loaded to -- reset narrow counter until AXI read data -- bus has acknowledged current -- data on the AXI bus. Use rd_adv_buf signal -- to indicate the non throttle -- condition on the AXI bus. and (bram_addr_inc = '1') else '0'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Detect rising edge of narrow_bram_addr_inc REG_NARROW_BRAM_ADDR_INC: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 <= '0'; else narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 <= narrow_bram_addr_inc; end if; end if; end process REG_NARROW_BRAM_ADDR_INC; narrow_bram_addr_inc_re <= '1' when (narrow_bram_addr_inc = '1') and (narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 = '0') else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_NARROW_CNT; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Specify current ARSIZE signal -- Address pipeline MUX curr_arsize <= axi_arsize_pipe when (araddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_ARSIZE; REG_ARSIZE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then curr_arsize_reg <= (others => '0'); -- Register curr_arsize when bram_addr_ld_en = '1' elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then curr_arsize_reg <= curr_arsize; else curr_arsize_reg <= curr_arsize_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_ARSIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NARROW_EN -- Purpose: Only instantiate logic to determine if current burst -- is a narrow burst when narrow bursting logic is supported. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NARROW_EN: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Determine "narrow" burst transfers -- Compare the ARSIZE to the BRAM data width ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a -- Detect if current burst operation is of size /= to the full -- AXI data bus width. If not, then the current operation is a -- "narrow" burst. curr_narrow_burst_cmb <= '1' when (curr_arsize /= C_AXI_SIZE_MAX) else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register flag indicating the current operation -- is a narrow read burst NARROW_BURST_REG: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- Need to reset this flag at end of narrow burst operation -- Ensure if curr_narrow_burst got set during previous transaction, axi_rlast_set -- doesn't clear the flag (add check for pend_rd_op negated). if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_set = '1' and pend_rd_op = '0' and bram_addr_ld_en = '0') then curr_narrow_burst <= '0'; -- Add check for burst operation using ARLEN value -- Ensure that narrow burst flag does not get set during FIXED burst types elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') and (curr_arlen /= AXI_ARLEN_ONE) and (curr_fixed_burst = '0') then curr_narrow_burst <= curr_narrow_burst_cmb; end if; end if; end process NARROW_BURST_REG; end generate GEN_NARROW_EN; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NARROW_CNT_LD -- Purpose: Only instantiate logic to determine narrow burst counter -- load value when narrow bursts are enabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NARROW_CNT_LD: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate signal curr_arsize_unsigned : unsigned (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_byte_div_curr_arsize : integer := 1; begin -- v1.03a -- Create narrow burst counter load value based on current operation -- "narrow" data width (indicated by value of AWSIZE). curr_arsize_unsigned <= unsigned (curr_arsize); -- XST does not support divisors that are not constants and powers of 2. -- Create process to create a fixed value for divisor. -- Replace this statement: -- narrow_burst_cnt_ld <= std_logic_vector ( -- to_unsigned ( -- (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / (2**(to_integer (curr_arsize_unsigned))) ) - 1, -- C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)); -- -- With this new process and subsequent signal assignment: -- DIV_AWSIZE: process (curr_arsize_unsigned) -- begin -- -- case (to_integer (curr_arsize_unsigned)) is -- when 0 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 1; -- when 1 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 2; -- when 2 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 4; -- when 3 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 8; -- when 4 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 16; -- when 5 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 32; -- when 6 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 64; -- when 7 => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 128; -- --coverage off -- when others => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES; -- --coverage on -- end case; -- -- end process DIV_AWSIZE; -- w/ CR # 609695 -- With this new process and subsequent signal assignment: DIV_AWSIZE: process (curr_arsize_unsigned) begin case (curr_arsize_unsigned) is when "000" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 1; when "001" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 2; when "010" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 4; when "011" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 8; when "100" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 16; when "101" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 32; when "110" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 64; when "111" => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 128; --coverage off when others => axi_byte_div_curr_arsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES; --coverage on end case; end process DIV_AWSIZE; -- v1.03a -- Replace with new signal assignment. -- For synthesis to support only divisors that are constant and powers of two. -- Updated else clause for simulation warnings w/ CR # 609695 narrow_burst_cnt_ld <= std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( (axi_byte_div_curr_arsize) - 1, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)) when (axi_byte_div_curr_arsize > 0) else std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (0, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register narrow burst count load indicator REG_NAR_BRST_CNT_LD: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg <= narrow_burst_cnt_ld; else narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg <= narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_NAR_BRST_CNT_LD; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_NARROW_CNT_LD; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Handling for WRAP burst types -- -- For WRAP burst types, the counter value will roll over when the burst -- boundary is reached. -- Boundary is reached based on ARSIZE and ARLEN. -- -- Goal is to minimize muxing on initial load of counter value. -- On WRAP burst types, detect when the max address is reached. -- When the max address is reached, re-load counter with lower -- address value set to '0'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Detect valid WRAP burst types curr_wrap_burst <= '1' when (curr_arburst = C_AXI_BURST_WRAP) else '0'; curr_incr_burst <= '1' when (curr_arburst = C_AXI_BURST_INCR) else '0'; curr_fixed_burst <= '1' when (curr_arburst = C_AXI_BURST_FIXED) else '0'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register curr_wrap_burst & curr_fixed_burst signals when BRAM -- address counter is initially loaded REG_CURR_BRST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then curr_wrap_burst_reg <= '0'; curr_fixed_burst_reg <= '0'; elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then curr_wrap_burst_reg <= curr_wrap_burst; curr_fixed_burst_reg <= curr_fixed_burst; else curr_wrap_burst_reg <= curr_wrap_burst_reg; curr_fixed_burst_reg <= curr_fixed_burst_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_CURR_BRST; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_WRAP_BRST -- -- Description: -- -- Instantiate WRAP_BRST module -- Logic to generate the wrap around value to load into the BRAM address -- counter on WRAP burst transactions. -- WRAP value is based on current ARLEN, ARSIZE (for narrows) and -- data width of BRAM module. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_WRAP_BRST : entity work.wrap_brst generic map ( C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR => C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR , C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_ACLK , S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_ARESETN , curr_axlen => curr_arlen , curr_axsize => curr_arsize , curr_narrow_burst => curr_narrow_burst , narrow_bram_addr_inc_re => narrow_bram_addr_inc_re , bram_addr_ld_en => bram_addr_ld_en , bram_addr_ld => bram_addr_ld , bram_addr_int => bram_addr_int , bram_addr_ld_wrap => bram_addr_ld_wrap , max_wrap_burst_mod => max_wrap_burst ); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Specify current ARBURST signal -- Input address pipeline MUX curr_arburst <= axi_arburst_pipe when (araddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_ARBURST; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Specify current AWBURST signal -- Input address pipeline MUX curr_arlen <= axi_arlen_pipe when (araddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_ARLEN; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_UA_NARROW -- Purpose: Only instantiate logic for burst narrow WRAP operations when -- AXI bus protocol is not set for AXI-LITE and narrow -- burst operations are supported. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_UA_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- New logic to detect unaligned address on a narrow WRAP burst transaction. -- If this condition is met, then the narrow burst counter will be -- initially loaded with an offset value corresponding to the unalignment -- in the ARADDR value. -- -- -- Create a sub module for all logic to determine the narrow burst counter -- offset value on unaligned WRAP burst operations. -- -- Module generates the following signals: -- -- => curr_ua_narrow_wrap, to indicate the current -- operation is an unaligned narrow WRAP burst. -- -- => curr_ua_narrow_incr, to load narrow burst counter -- for unaligned INCR burst operations. -- -- => ua_narrow_load, narrow counter load value. -- Sized, (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Instance: I_UA_NARROW -- -- Description: -- -- Creates a narrow burst count load value when an operation -- is an unaligned narrow WRAP or INCR burst type. Used by -- I_NARROW_CNT module. -- -- Logic is customized for each C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_UA_NARROW : entity work.ua_narrow generic map ( C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR => C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR , C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN => C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN ) port map ( curr_wrap_burst => curr_wrap_burst , -- in curr_incr_burst => curr_incr_burst , -- in bram_addr_ld_en => bram_addr_ld_en , -- in curr_axlen => curr_arlen , -- in curr_axsize => curr_arsize , -- in curr_axaddr_lsb => curr_araddr_lsb , -- in curr_ua_narrow_wrap => curr_ua_narrow_wrap , -- out curr_ua_narrow_incr => curr_ua_narrow_incr , -- out ua_narrow_load => ua_narrow_load -- out ); -- Use in all C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH generate statements -- Only probe least significant BRAM address bits -- C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR offset down to 0. curr_araddr_lsb <= axi_araddr_pipe (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0) when (araddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_ARADDR (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_UA_NARROW; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- New logic to detect if pending operation in ARADDR pipeline is -- elgible for back-to-back no "bubble" performance. And BRAM address -- counter can be loaded upon last BRAM address presented for the current -- operation. -- This condition exists when the ARADDR pipeline is full and the pending -- operation is a burst >= length of two data beats. -- And not a FIXED burst type (must be INCR or WRAP type). -- The DATA SM handles detecting a throttle condition and will void -- the capability to be a back-to-back in performance transaction. -- -- Add check if new operation is a narrow burst (to be loaded into BRAM -- counter) -- Add check for throttling condition on after last BRAM address is -- presented -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a rd_b2b_elgible_no_thr_check <= '1' when (axi_araddr_full = '1') and (axi_arlen_pipe_1_or_2 /= '1') and (axi_arburst_pipe_fixed /= '1') and (disable_b2b_brst = '0') and (axi_arsize_pipe_max = '1') else '0'; rd_b2b_elgible <= '1' when (rd_b2b_elgible_no_thr_check = '1') and (throttle_last_data = '0') else '0'; -- Check if SM is in LAST_THROTTLE state which also indicates we are throttling at -- the last data beat in the read burst. Ensures that the bursts are not implemented -- as back-to-back bursts and RVALID will negate upon recognition of RLAST and RID -- pipeline will be advanced properly. -- Fix timing path on araddr_pipe_sel generated in RDADDR SM -- SM uses rd_b2b_elgible signal which checks throttle condition on -- last data beat to hold off loading new BRAM address counter for next -- back-to-back operation. -- Attempt to modify logic in generation of throttle_last_data signal. throttle_last_data <= '1' when ((brst_zero = '1') and (rd_adv_buf = '0')) or (rd_data_sm_cs = LAST_THROTTLE) else '0'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_AR_SNG -- Purpose: If single port BRAM configuration, set all AR flags from -- logic generated in sng_port_arb module. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AR_SNG: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin araddr_pipe_sel <= '0'; -- Unused in single port configuration ar_active <= Arb2AR_Active; bram_addr_ld_en <= ar_active_re; brst_cnt_ld_en <= ar_active_re; AR2Arb_Active_Clr <= axi_rlast_int and AXI_RREADY; -- Rising edge detect of Arb2AR_Active RE_AR_ACT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- Clear ar_active_d1 early w/ ar_active -- So back to back ar_active assertions see the new transaction -- and initiate the read transfer. if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or ((axi_rlast_int and AXI_RREADY) = '1') then ar_active_d1 <= '0'; else ar_active_d1 <= ar_active; end if; end if; end process RE_AR_ACT; ar_active_re <= '1' when (ar_active = '1' and ar_active_d1 = '0') else '0'; end generate GEN_AR_SNG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_AW_DUAL -- Purpose: Generate AW control state machine logic only when AXI4 -- controller is configured for dual port mode. In dual port -- mode, wr_chnl has full access over AW & port A of BRAM. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AR_DUAL: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin AR2Arb_Active_Clr <= '0'; -- Only used in single port case --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RD ADDR State Machine -- -- Description: Central processing unit for AXI write address -- channel interface handling and handshaking. -- -- Outputs: araddr_pipe_ld Not Registered -- araddr_pipe_sel Not Registered -- bram_addr_ld_en Not Registered -- brst_cnt_ld_en Not Registered -- ar_active_set Not Registered -- -- WR_ADDR_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- WR_ADDR_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RD_ADDR_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( AXI_ARVALID, axi_araddr_full, ar_active, no_ar_ack, pend_rd_op, last_bram_addr, rd_b2b_elgible, rd_addr_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs rd_addr_sm_ns <= rd_addr_sm_cs; araddr_pipe_ld_i <= '0'; bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '0'; brst_cnt_ld_en_i <= '0'; ar_active_set_i <= '0'; case rd_addr_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- Reload BRAM address counter on last BRAM address of current burst -- if a new address is pending in the AR pipeline and is elgible to -- be loaded for subsequent back-to-back performance. if (last_bram_addr = '1' and rd_b2b_elgible = '1') then -- Load BRAM address counter from pipelined value bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; brst_cnt_ld_en_i <= '1'; ar_active_set_i <= '1'; -- If loading BRAM counter for subsequent operation -- AND ARVALID is pending on the bus, go ahead and respond -- and fill ARADDR pipeline with next operation. -- -- Asserting the signal to load the ARADDR pipeline here -- allows the full bandwidth utilization to BRAM on -- back to back bursts of two data beats. if (AXI_ARVALID = '1') then araddr_pipe_ld_i <= '1'; rd_addr_sm_ns <= LD_ARADDR; else rd_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; elsif (AXI_ARVALID = '1') then -- If address pipeline is full -- ARReady output is negated -- Remain in this state -- -- Add check for already pending read operation -- in data SM, but waiting on throttle (even though ar_active is -- already set to '0'). if (ar_active = '0') and (no_ar_ack = '0') and (pend_rd_op = '0') then rd_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; brst_cnt_ld_en_i <= '1'; ar_active_set_i <= '1'; -- Address counter is currently busy else -- Check if ARADDR pipeline is not full and can be loaded if (axi_araddr_full = '0') then rd_addr_sm_ns <= LD_ARADDR; araddr_pipe_ld_i <= '1'; end if; end if; -- ar_active -- Pending operation in pipeline that is waiting -- until current operation is complete (ar_active = '0') elsif (axi_araddr_full = '1') and (ar_active = '0') and (no_ar_ack = '0') and (pend_rd_op = '0') then rd_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; -- Load BRAM address counter from pipelined value bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; brst_cnt_ld_en_i <= '1'; ar_active_set_i <= '1'; end if; -- ARVALID ---------------------------- LD_ARADDR State --------------------------- when LD_ARADDR => -- Check here for subsequent BRAM address load when ARADDR pipe is loaded -- in previous clock cycle. -- -- Reload BRAM address counter on last BRAM address of current burst -- if a new address is pending in the AR pipeline and is elgible to -- be loaded for subsequent back-to-back performance. if (last_bram_addr = '1' and rd_b2b_elgible = '1') then -- Load BRAM address counter from pipelined value bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; brst_cnt_ld_en_i <= '1'; ar_active_set_i <= '1'; -- If loading BRAM counter for subsequent operation -- AND ARVALID is pending on the bus, go ahead and respond -- and fill ARADDR pipeline with next operation. -- -- Asserting the signal to load the ARADDR pipeline here -- allows the full bandwidth utilization to BRAM on -- back to back bursts of two data beats. if (AXI_ARVALID = '1') then araddr_pipe_ld_i <= '1'; rd_addr_sm_ns <= LD_ARADDR; -- Stay in this state another clock cycle else rd_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; else rd_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => rd_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process RD_ADDR_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CR # 582705 -- Ensure combinatorial SM output signals do not get set before -- the end of the reset (and ARREAADY can be set). bram_addr_ld_en <= bram_addr_ld_en_i and axi_aresetn_d2; brst_cnt_ld_en <= brst_cnt_ld_en_i and axi_aresetn_d2; ar_active_set <= ar_active_set_i and axi_aresetn_d2; araddr_pipe_ld <= araddr_pipe_ld_i and axi_aresetn_d2; RD_ADDR_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then -- CR # 582705 -- Ensure that ar_active does not get asserted (from SM) before -- the end of reset and the ARREADY flag is set. if (axi_aresetn_d2 = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then rd_addr_sm_cs <= IDLE; else rd_addr_sm_cs <= rd_addr_sm_ns; end if; end if; end process RD_ADDR_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Assert araddr_pipe_sel outside of SM logic -- The BRAM address counter will get loaded with value in ARADDR pipeline -- when data is stored in the ARADDR pipeline. araddr_pipe_sel <= '1' when (axi_araddr_full = '1') else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register for ar_active REG_AR_ACT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then -- CR # 582705 if (axi_aresetn_d2 = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then ar_active <= '0'; elsif (ar_active_set = '1') then ar_active <= '1'; -- For code coverage closure, ensure priority encoding in if/else clause -- to prevent checking ar_active_set in reset clause. elsif (ar_active_clr = '1') then ar_active <= '0'; else ar_active <= ar_active; end if; end if; end process REG_AR_ACT; end generate GEN_AR_DUAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- REG_BRST_CNT. -- Read Burst Counter. -- No need to decrement burst counter. -- Able to load with fixed burst length value. -- Replace usage of proc_common_v4_0_2 library with direct HDL. -- -- Size of counter = C_BRST_CNT_SIZE -- Max size of burst transfer = 256 data beats -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_BRST_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (brst_cnt_rst = '1') then brst_cnt <= (others => '0'); -- Load burst counter elsif (brst_cnt_ld_en = '1') then brst_cnt <= brst_cnt_ld; -- Decrement ONLY (no increment functionality) elsif (brst_cnt_dec = '1') then brst_cnt (C_BRST_CNT_SIZE-1 downto 0) <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (brst_cnt (C_BRST_CNT_SIZE-1 downto 0)) - 1); end if; end if; end process REG_BRST_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- brst_cnt_rst <= not (S_AXI_AResetn); -- Determine burst count load value -- Either load BRAM counter directly from AXI bus or from stored registered value. -- Use mux signal for ARLEN BRST_CNT_LD_PROCESS : process (curr_arlen) variable brst_cnt_ld_int : integer := 0; begin brst_cnt_ld_int := to_integer (unsigned (curr_arlen (7 downto 0))); brst_cnt_ld <= std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (brst_cnt_ld_int, 8)); end process BRST_CNT_LD_PROCESS; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_BRST_MAX_W_NARROW -- Purpose: Generate registered logic for brst_cnt_max when the -- design instantiation supports narrow operations. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRST_MAX_W_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin REG_BRST_MAX: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (brst_cnt_ld_en = '1') -- Added with single port (13.1 release) or (end_brst_rd_clr = '1') then brst_cnt_max <= '0'; -- Replace usage of brst_cnt in this logic. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_zero, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be zero when decrement. elsif (brst_zero = '1') and (ar_active = '1') and (pend_rd_op = '0') then -- Hold off assertion of brst_cnt_max on narrow burst transfers -- Must wait until narrow burst count = 0. if (curr_narrow_burst = '1') then if (narrow_bram_addr_inc = '1') then brst_cnt_max <= '1'; end if; else brst_cnt_max <= '1'; end if; else brst_cnt_max <= brst_cnt_max; end if; end if; end process REG_BRST_MAX; end generate GEN_BRST_MAX_W_NARROW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_BRST_MAX_WO_NARROW -- Purpose: Generate registered logic for brst_cnt_max when the -- design instantiation does not support narrow operations. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRST_MAX_WO_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 0) generate begin REG_BRST_MAX: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (brst_cnt_ld_en = '1') then brst_cnt_max <= '0'; -- Replace usage of brst_cnt in this logic. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_zero, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be zero when decrement. elsif (brst_zero = '1') and (ar_active = '1') and (pend_rd_op = '0') then -- When narrow operations are not supported in the core -- configuration, no check for curr_narrow_burst on assertion. brst_cnt_max <= '1'; else brst_cnt_max <= brst_cnt_max; end if; end if; end process REG_BRST_MAX; end generate GEN_BRST_MAX_WO_NARROW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_BRST_MAX_D1: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then brst_cnt_max_d1 <= '0'; else brst_cnt_max_d1 <= brst_cnt_max; end if; end if; end process REG_BRST_MAX_D1; brst_cnt_max_re <= '1' when (brst_cnt_max = '1') and (brst_cnt_max_d1 = '0') else '0'; -- Set flag that end of burst is reached -- Need to capture this condition as the burst -- counter may get reloaded for a subsequent read burst REG_END_BURST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- SM may assert clear flag early (in case of narrow bursts) -- Wait until the end_brst_rd flag is asserted to clear the flag. if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (end_brst_rd_clr = '1' and end_brst_rd = '1') then end_brst_rd <= '0'; elsif (brst_cnt_max_re = '1') then end_brst_rd <= '1'; end if; end if; end process REG_END_BURST; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create flag that indicates burst counter is reaching ZEROs (max of burst -- length) REG_BURST_ZERO: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or ((brst_cnt_ld_en = '1') and (brst_cnt_ld /= C_BRST_CNT_ZERO)) then brst_zero <= '0'; elsif (brst_cnt_dec = '1') and (brst_cnt = C_BRST_CNT_ONE) then brst_zero <= '1'; else brst_zero <= brst_zero; end if; end if; end process REG_BURST_ZERO; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create additional flag that indicates burst counter is reaching ONEs -- (near end of burst length). Used to disable back-to-back condition in SM. REG_BURST_ONE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or ((brst_cnt_ld_en = '1') and (brst_cnt_ld /= C_BRST_CNT_ONE)) or ((brst_cnt_dec = '1') and (brst_cnt = C_BRST_CNT_ONE)) then brst_one <= '0'; elsif ((brst_cnt_dec = '1') and (brst_cnt = C_BRST_CNT_TWO)) or ((brst_cnt_ld_en = '1') and (brst_cnt_ld = C_BRST_CNT_ONE)) then brst_one <= '1'; else brst_one <= brst_one; end if; end if; end process REG_BURST_ONE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register flags for read burst operation REG_RD_BURST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- Clear axi_rd_burst flags when burst count gets to zeros (unless the burst -- counter is getting subsequently loaded for the new burst operation) -- -- Replace usage of brst_cnt in this logic. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_zero, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be zero when decrement. if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (brst_zero = '1' and brst_cnt_ld_en = '0') then axi_rd_burst <= '0'; axi_rd_burst_two <= '0'; elsif (brst_cnt_ld_en = '1') then if (curr_arlen /= AXI_ARLEN_ONE and curr_arlen /= AXI_ARLEN_TWO) then axi_rd_burst <= '1'; else axi_rd_burst <= '0'; end if; if (curr_arlen = AXI_ARLEN_TWO) then axi_rd_burst_two <= '1'; else axi_rd_burst_two <= '0'; end if; else axi_rd_burst <= axi_rd_burst; axi_rd_burst_two <= axi_rd_burst_two; end if; end if; end process REG_RD_BURST; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Seeing issue with axi_rd_burst getting cleared too soon -- on subsquent brst_cnt_ld_en early assertion and pend_rd_op is asserted. -- Create flag for currently active read burst operation -- Gets asserted when burst counter is loaded, but does not -- get cleared until the RD_DATA_SM has completed the read -- burst operation REG_ACT_RD_BURST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (act_rd_burst_clr = '1') then act_rd_burst <= '0'; act_rd_burst_two <= '0'; elsif (act_rd_burst_set = '1') then -- If not loading the burst counter for a B2B operation -- Then act_rd_burst follows axi_rd_burst and -- act_rd_burst_two follows axi_rd_burst_two. -- Get registered value of axi_* signal. if (brst_cnt_ld_en = '0') then act_rd_burst <= axi_rd_burst; act_rd_burst_two <= axi_rd_burst_two; else -- Otherwise, duplicate logic for axi_* signals if burst counter -- is getting loaded. -- For improved code coverage here -- The act_rd_burst_set signal will never get asserted if the burst -- size is less than two data beats. So, the conditional check -- for (curr_arlen /= AXI_ARLEN_ONE) is never evaluated. Removed -- from this if clause. if (curr_arlen /= AXI_ARLEN_TWO) then act_rd_burst <= '1'; else act_rd_burst <= '0'; end if; if (curr_arlen = AXI_ARLEN_TWO) then act_rd_burst_two <= '1'; else act_rd_burst_two <= '0'; end if; -- Note: re-code this if/else clause. end if; else act_rd_burst <= act_rd_burst; act_rd_burst_two <= act_rd_burst_two; end if; end if; end process REG_ACT_RD_BURST; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- rd_adv_buf <= axi_rvalid_int and AXI_RREADY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RD DATA State Machine -- -- Description: Central processing unit for AXI write data -- channel interface handling and AXI write data response -- handshaking. -- -- Outputs: Name Type -- -- bram_en_int Registered -- bram_addr_inc Not Registered -- brst_cnt_dec Not Registered -- rddata_mux_sel Registered -- axi_rdata_en Not Registered -- axi_rvalid_set Registered -- -- -- RD_DATA_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- RD_DATA_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RD_DATA_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( bram_addr_ld_en, rd_adv_buf, ar_active, axi_araddr_full, rd_b2b_elgible_no_thr_check, disable_b2b_brst, curr_arlen, axi_rd_burst, axi_rd_burst_two, act_rd_burst, act_rd_burst_two, end_brst_rd, brst_zero, brst_one, axi_b2b_brst, bram_en_int, rddata_mux_sel, end_brst_rd_clr, no_ar_ack, pend_rd_op, axi_rlast_int, rd_data_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs rd_data_sm_ns <= rd_data_sm_cs; bram_en_cmb <= bram_en_int; bram_addr_inc <= '0'; brst_cnt_dec <= '0'; rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '0'; rd_skid_buf_ld_imm <= '0'; rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= rddata_mux_sel; -- Change axi_rdata_en generated from SM to be a combinatorial signal -- Can't afford the latency when throttling on the AXI bus. axi_rdata_en <= '0'; axi_rvalid_set_cmb <= '0'; end_brst_rd_clr_cmb <= end_brst_rd_clr; no_ar_ack_cmb <= no_ar_ack; pend_rd_op_cmb <= pend_rd_op; act_rd_burst_set <= '0'; act_rd_burst_clr <= '0'; set_last_bram_addr <= '0'; alast_bram_addr <= '0'; axi_b2b_brst_cmb <= axi_b2b_brst; disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= disable_b2b_brst; ar_active_clr <= '0'; case rd_data_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- Initiate BRAM read when address is available in controller -- Indicated by load of BRAM address counter -- Remove use of pend_rd_op signal. -- Never asserted as we transition back to IDLE -- Detected in code coverage if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then -- At start of new read, clear end burst signal end_brst_rd_clr_cmb <= '0'; -- Initiate BRAM read transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Only count addresses & burst length for read -- burst operations -- If currently loading BRAM address counter -- Must check curr_arlen (mux output from pipe or AXI bus) -- to determine length of next operation. -- If ARLEN = 1 data beat, then set last_bram_addr signal -- Otherwise, increment BRAM address counter. if (curr_arlen /= AXI_ARLEN_ONE) then -- Start of new operation, update act_rd_burst and -- act_rd_burst_two signals act_rd_burst_set <= '1'; else -- Set flag for last_bram_addr on transition -- to SNG_ADDR on single operations. set_last_bram_addr <= '1'; end if; -- Go to single active read address state rd_data_sm_ns <= SNG_ADDR; end if; ------------------------- SNG_ADDR State -------------------------- when SNG_ADDR => -- Clear flag once pending read is recognized -- Duplicate logic here in case combinatorial flag was getting -- set as the SM transitioned into this state. if (pend_rd_op = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '0'; end if; -- At start of new read, clear end burst signal end_brst_rd_clr_cmb <= '0'; -- Reach this state on first BRAM address & enable assertion -- For burst operation, create next BRAM address and keep enable -- asserted -- Note: -- No ability to throttle yet as RVALID has not yet been -- asserted on the AXI bus -- Reset data mux select between skid buffer and BRAM -- Ensure read data mux is set for BRAM data rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM; -- Assert RVALID on AXI when 1st data beat available -- from BRAM axi_rvalid_set_cmb <= '1'; -- Reach this state when BRAM address counter is loaded -- Use axi_rd_burst and axi_rd_burst_two to indicate if -- operation is a single data beat burst. if (axi_rd_burst = '0') and (axi_rd_burst_two = '0') then -- Proceed directly to get BRAM read data rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_ADDR; -- End of active current read address ar_active_clr <= '1'; -- Negate BRAM enable bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- Load read data skid buffer for BRAM capture -- in next clock cycle rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '1'; -- Assert new flag to disable back-to-back bursts -- due to throttling disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= '1'; -- Set flag for pending operation if bram_addr_ld_en is asserted (BRAM -- address is loaded) and we are waiting for the current read burst to complete. if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- Read burst else -- Increment BRAM address counter (2nd data beat) bram_addr_inc <= '1'; -- Decrement BRAM burst counter (2nd data beat) brst_cnt_dec <= '1'; -- Keep BRAM enable asserted bram_en_cmb <= '1'; rd_data_sm_ns <= SEC_ADDR; -- Load read data skid buffer for BRAM capture -- in next clock cycle rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '1'; -- Start of new operation, update act_rd_burst and -- act_rd_burst_two signals act_rd_burst_set <= '1'; -- If new burst is 2 data beats -- Then disable capability on back-to-back bursts if (axi_rd_burst_two = '1') then -- Assert new flag to disable back-to-back bursts -- due to throttling disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= '1'; else -- Support back-to-back for all other burst lengths disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= '0'; end if; end if; ------------------------- SEC_ADDR State -------------------------- when SEC_ADDR => -- Reach this state when the 2nd incremented address of the burst -- is presented to the BRAM. -- Only reach this state when axi_rd_burst = '1', -- an active read burst. -- Note: -- No ability to throttle yet as RVALID has not yet been -- asserted on the AXI bus -- Enable AXI read data register axi_rdata_en <= '1'; -- Only in dual port mode can the address counter get loaded early if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 then -- If we see the next address get loaded into the BRAM counter -- then set flag for pending operation if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '1'; end if; end if; -- Check here for burst length of two data transfers -- If so, then the SM will NOT hit the condition of a full -- pipeline: -- Operation A) 1st BRAM address data on AXI bus -- Operation B) 2nd BRAm address data read from BRAM -- Operation C) 3rd BRAM address presented to BRAM -- -- Full pipeline condition is hit for any read burst -- length greater than 2 data beats. if (axi_rd_burst_two = '1') then -- No increment of BRAM address -- or decrement of burst counter -- Burst counter should be = zero rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_ADDR; -- End of active current read address ar_active_clr <= '1'; -- Ensure read data mux is set for BRAM data rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM; -- Negate BRAM enable bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- Load read data skid buffer for BRAM capture -- in next clock cycle. -- This signal will negate in the next state -- if the data is not accepted on the AXI bus. -- So that no new data from BRAM is registered into the -- read channel controller. rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '1'; else -- Burst length will hit full pipeline condition -- Increment BRAM address counter (3rd data beat) bram_addr_inc <= '1'; -- Decrement BRAM burst counter (3rd data beat) brst_cnt_dec <= '1'; -- Keep BRAM enable asserted bram_en_cmb <= '1'; rd_data_sm_ns <= FULL_PIPE; -- Assert almost last BRAM address flag -- so that ARVALID logic output can remain registered -- -- Replace usage of brst_cnt with signal, brst_one. if (brst_one = '1') then alast_bram_addr <= '1'; end if; -- Load read data skid buffer for BRAM capture -- in next clock cycle rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- ARLEN = "0000 0001" ------------------------- FULL_PIPE State ------------------------- when FULL_PIPE => -- Reach this state when all three data beats in the burst -- are active -- -- Operation A) 1st BRAM address data on AXI bus -- Operation B) 2nd BRAM address data read from BRAM -- Operation C) 3rd BRAM address presented to BRAM -- Ensure read data mux is set for BRAM data rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM; -- With new pipelining capability BRAM address counter may be -- loaded in this state. This only occurs on back-to-back -- bursts (when enabled). -- No flag set for pending operation. -- Modify the if clause here to check for back-to-back burst operations -- If we load the BRAM address in this state for a subsequent burst, then -- this condition indicates a back-to-back burst and no need to assert -- the pending read operation flag. -- Seeing corner case when pend_rd_op needs to be asserted and cleared -- in this state. If the BRAM address counter is loaded early, but -- axi_rlast_set is delayed in getting asserted (all while in this state). -- The signal, curr_narrow_burst can not get cleared. -- Only in dual port mode can the address counter get loaded early if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 then -- Set flag for pending operation if bram_addr_ld_en is asserted (BRAM -- address is loaded) and we are waiting for the current read burst to complete. if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '1'; -- Clear flag once pending read is recognized and -- earlier read data phase is complete. elsif (pend_rd_op = '1') and (axi_rlast_int = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '0'; end if; end if; -- Check AXI throttling condition -- If AXI bus advances and accepts read data, SM can -- proceed with next data beat of burst. -- If not, then go to FULL_THROTTLE state to wait for -- AXI_RREADY = '1'. if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Assert AXI read data enable for BRAM capture axi_rdata_en <= '1'; -- Load read data skid buffer for BRAM capture in next clock cycle rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '1'; -- Assert almost last BRAM address flag -- so that ARVALID logic output can remain registered -- -- Replace usage of brst_cnt with signal, brst_one. if (brst_one = '1') then alast_bram_addr <= '1'; end if; -- Check burst counter for max -- If max burst count is reached, no new addresses -- presented to BRAM, advance to last capture data states. -- -- For timing, replace usage of brst_cnt in this SM. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_zero, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be zero when decrement. if (brst_zero = '1') or (end_brst_rd = '1' and axi_b2b_brst = '0') then -- Check for elgible pending read operation to support back-to-back performance. -- If so, load BRAM address counter. -- -- Replace rd_b2b_elgible signal check to remove path from -- arlen_pipe through rd_b2b_elgible -- (with data throttle check) if (rd_b2b_elgible_no_thr_check = '1') then rd_data_sm_ns <= FULL_PIPE; -- Set flag to indicate back-to-back read burst -- RVALID will not clear in this case and remain asserted axi_b2b_brst_cmb <= '1'; -- Set flag to update active read burst or -- read burst of two flag act_rd_burst_set <= '1'; -- Otherwise, complete current transaction else -- No increment of BRAM address -- or decrement of burst counter -- Burst counter should be = zero bram_addr_inc <= '0'; brst_cnt_dec <= '0'; rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_ADDR; -- Negate BRAM enable bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- End of active current read address ar_active_clr <= '1'; end if; else -- Remain in this state until burst count reaches zero -- Increment BRAM address counter (Nth data beat) bram_addr_inc <= '1'; -- Decrement BRAM burst counter (Nth data beat) brst_cnt_dec <= '1'; -- Keep BRAM enable asserted bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Skid buffer load will remain asserted -- AXI read data register is asserted end if; else -- Throttling condition detected rd_data_sm_ns <= FULL_THROTTLE; -- Ensure that AXI read data output register is disabled -- due to throttle condition. axi_rdata_en <= '0'; -- Skid buffer gets loaded from BRAM read data in next clock -- cycle ONLY. -- Only on transition to THROTTLE state does skid buffer get loaded. -- Negate load of read data skid buffer for BRAM capture -- in next clock cycle due to detection of Throttle condition rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '0'; -- BRAM address is NOT getting incremented -- (same for burst counter) bram_addr_inc <= '0'; brst_cnt_dec <= '0'; -- If transitioning to throttle state -- Then next register enable assertion of the AXI read data -- output register needs to come from the skid buffer -- Set read data mux select here for SKID_BUFFER data rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_SKID_BUF; -- Detect if at end of burst read as we transition to FULL_THROTTLE -- If so, negate the BRAM enable even if prior to throttle condition -- on AXI bus. Read skid buffer will hold last beat of data in burst. -- -- For timing purposes, replace usage of brst_cnt in this SM. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_zero, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be zero when decrement. if (brst_zero = '1') or (end_brst_rd = '1') then -- No back to back "non bubble" support when AXI master -- is throttling on current burst. -- Seperate signal throttle_last_data will be asserted outside SM. -- End of burst read, negate BRAM enable bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- Assert new flag to disable back-to-back bursts -- due to throttling disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= '1'; -- Disable B2B capability if throttling detected when -- burst count is equal to one. -- -- For timing purposes, replace usage of brst_cnt in this SM. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_one, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be one when decrement. elsif (brst_one = '1') then -- Assert new flag to disable back-to-back bursts -- due to throttling disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= '1'; -- Throttle, but not end of burst else bram_en_cmb <= '1'; end if; end if; -- rd_adv_buf (RREADY throttle) ------------------------- FULL_THROTTLE State --------------------- when FULL_THROTTLE => -- Reach this state when the AXI bus throttles on the AXI data -- beat read from BRAM (when the read pipeline is fully active) -- Flag disable_b2b_brst_cmb should be asserted as we transition -- to this state. Flag is asserted near the end of a read burst -- to prevent the back-to-back performance pipelining in the BRAM -- address counter. -- Detect if at end of burst read -- If so, negate the BRAM enable even if prior to throttle condition -- on AXI bus. Read skid buffer will hold last beat of data in burst. -- -- For timing, replace usage of brst_cnt in this SM. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_zero, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be zero when decrement. if (brst_zero = '1') or (end_brst_rd = '1') then bram_en_cmb <= '0'; end if; -- Set new flag for pending operation if bram_addr_ld_en is asserted (BRAM -- address is loaded) and we are waiting for the current read burst to complete. if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '1'; -- Clear flag once pending read is recognized and -- earlier read data phase is complete. elsif (pend_rd_op = '1') and (axi_rlast_int = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '0'; end if; -- Wait for RREADY to be asserted w/ RVALID on AXI bus if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Ensure read data mux is set for skid buffer data rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_SKID_BUF; -- Ensure that AXI read data output register is enabled axi_rdata_en <= '1'; -- Must reload skid buffer here from BRAM data -- so if needed can be presented to AXI bus on the following clock cycle rd_skid_buf_ld_imm <= '1'; -- When detecting end of throttle condition -- Check first if burst count is complete -- Check burst counter for max -- If max burst count is reached, no new addresses -- presented to BRAM, advance to last capture data states. -- -- For timing, replace usage of brst_cnt in this SM. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_zero, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be zero when decrement. if (brst_zero = '1') or (end_brst_rd = '1') then -- No back-to-back performance when AXI master throttles -- If we reach the end of the burst, proceed to LAST_ADDR state. -- No increment of BRAM address -- or decrement of burst counter -- Burst counter should be = zero bram_addr_inc <= '0'; brst_cnt_dec <= '0'; rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_ADDR; -- Negate BRAM enable bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- End of active current read address ar_active_clr <= '1'; -- Not end of current burst w/ throttle condition else -- Go back to FULL_PIPE rd_data_sm_ns <= FULL_PIPE; -- Assert almost last BRAM address flag -- so that ARVALID logic output can remain registered -- -- For timing purposes, replace usage of brst_cnt in this SM. -- Replace with registered signal, brst_one, indicating the -- brst_cnt to be one when decrement. if (brst_one = '1') then alast_bram_addr <= '1'; end if; -- Increment BRAM address counter (Nth data beat) bram_addr_inc <= '1'; -- Decrement BRAM burst counter (Nth data beat) brst_cnt_dec <= '1'; -- Keep BRAM enable asserted bram_en_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- Burst Max else -- Stay in this state -- Ensure that AXI read data output register is disabled -- due to throttle condition. axi_rdata_en <= '0'; -- Ensure that skid buffer is not getting loaded with -- current read data from BRAM rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '0'; -- BRAM address is NOT getting incremented -- (same for burst counter) bram_addr_inc <= '0'; brst_cnt_dec <= '0'; end if; -- rd_adv_buf (RREADY throttle) ------------------------- LAST_ADDR State ------------------------- when LAST_ADDR => -- Reach this state in the clock cycle following the last address -- presented to the BRAM. Capture the last BRAM data beat in the -- next clock cycle. -- -- Data is presented to AXI bus (if no throttling detected) and -- loaded into the skid buffer. -- If we reach this state after back to back burst transfers -- then clear the flag to ensure that RVALID will clear when RLAST -- is recognized if (axi_b2b_brst = '1') then axi_b2b_brst_cmb <= '0'; end if; -- Clear flag that indicates end of read burst -- Once we reach this state, we have recognized the burst complete. -- -- It is getting asserted too early -- and recognition of the end of the burst is missed when throttling -- on the last two data beats in the read. end_brst_rd_clr_cmb <= '1'; -- Set new flag for pending operation if ar_active is asserted (BRAM -- address has already been loaded) and we are waiting for the current -- read burst to complete. If those two conditions apply, set this flag. -- For dual port, support checking for early writes into BRAM address counter if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) and ((ar_active = '1' and end_brst_rd = '1') or (bram_addr_ld_en = '1')) then -- Support back-to-backs for single AND dual port modes. -- if ((ar_active = '1' and end_brst_rd = '1') or (bram_addr_ld_en = '1')) then -- if (ar_active = '1' and end_brst_rd = '1') or (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- Load read data skid buffer for BRAM is asserted on transition -- into this state. Only gets negated if done with operation -- as detected in below if clause. -- Check flag for no subsequent operations -- Clear that now, with current operation completing if (no_ar_ack = '1') then no_ar_ack_cmb <= '0'; end if; -- Check for single AXI read operations -- If so, wait for RREADY to be asserted -- Check for burst and bursts of two as seperate signals. if (act_rd_burst = '0') and (act_rd_burst_two = '0') then -- Create rvalid_set to only be asserted for a single clock -- cycle. -- Will get set as transitioning to LAST_ADDR on single read operations -- Only assert RVALID here on single operations -- Enable AXI read data register axi_rdata_en <= '1'; -- Data will not yet be acknowledged on AXI -- in this state. -- Go to wait for last data beat rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_DATA; -- Set read data mux select for SKID BUF rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_SKID_BUF; else -- Only check throttling on AXI during read data burst operations -- Check AXI throttling condition -- If AXI bus advances and accepts read data, SM can -- proceed with next data beat. -- If not, then go to LAST_THROTTLE state to wait for -- AXI_RREADY = '1'. if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Assert AXI read data enable for BRAM capture -- in next clock cycle -- Enable AXI read data register axi_rdata_en <= '1'; -- Ensure read data mux is set for BRAM data rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM; -- Burst counter already at zero. Reached this state due to NO -- pending ARADDR in the read address pipeline. However, check -- here for any new read addresses. -- New ARADDR detected and loaded into BRAM address counter -- Add check here for previously loaded BRAM address -- ar_active will be asserted (and qualify that with the -- condition that the read burst is complete, for narrow reads). if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then -- Initiate BRAM read transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Instead of transitioning to SNG_ADDR -- go to wait for last data beat. rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_DATA_AR_PEND; else -- No pending read address to initiate next read burst -- Go to capture last data beat from BRAM and present on AXI bus. rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_DATA; end if; -- bram_addr_ld_en (New read burst) else -- Throttling condition detected rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_THROTTLE; -- Ensure that AXI read data output register is disabled -- due to throttle condition. axi_rdata_en <= '0'; -- Skid buffer gets loaded from BRAM read data in next clock -- cycle ONLY. -- Only on transition to THROTTLE state does skid buffer get loaded. -- Set read data mux select for SKID BUF rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_SKID_BUF; end if; -- rd_adv_buf (RREADY throttle) end if; -- AXI read burst ------------------------- LAST_THROTTLE State --------------------- when LAST_THROTTLE => -- Reach this state when the AXI bus throttles on the last data -- beat read from BRAM -- Data to be sourced from read skid buffer -- Add check in LAST_THROTTLE as well as LAST_ADDR -- as we may miss the setting of this flag for a subsequent operation. -- For dual port, support checking for early writes into BRAM address counter if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) and ((ar_active = '1' and end_brst_rd = '1') or (bram_addr_ld_en = '1')) then -- Support back-to-back for single AND dual port modes. -- if ((ar_active = '1' and end_brst_rd = '1') or (bram_addr_ld_en = '1')) then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- Wait for RREADY to be asserted w/ RVALID on AXI bus if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Assert AXI read data enable for BRAM capture axi_rdata_en <= '1'; -- Set read data mux select for SKID BUF rddata_mux_sel_cmb <= C_RDDATA_MUX_SKID_BUF; -- No pending read address to initiate next read burst -- Go to capture last data beat from BRAM and present on AXI bus. rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_DATA; -- Load read data skid buffer for BRAM capture in next clock cycle -- of last data read -- Read Skid buffer already loaded with last data beat from BRAM -- Does not need to be asserted again in this state else -- Stay in this state -- Ensure that AXI read data output register is disabled axi_rdata_en <= '0'; -- Ensure that skid buffer is not getting loaded with -- current read data from BRAM rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb <= '0'; -- BRAM address is NOT getting incremented -- (same for burst counter) bram_addr_inc <= '0'; brst_cnt_dec <= '0'; -- Keep RVALID asserted on AXI -- No need to assert RVALID again end if; -- rd_adv_buf (RREADY throttle) ------------------------- LAST_DATA State ------------------------- when LAST_DATA => -- Reach this state when last BRAM data beat is -- presented on AXI bus. -- For a read burst, RLAST is not asserted until SM reaches -- this state. -- Ok to accept new operation if throttling detected -- during current operation (and flag was previously set -- to disable the back-to-back performance). disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= '0'; -- Stay in this state until RREADY is asserted on AXI bus -- Indicated by assertion of rd_adv_buf if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Last data beat acknowledged on AXI bus -- Check for new read burst or proceed back to IDLE -- New ARADDR detected and loaded into BRAM address counter -- Note: this condition may occur when C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 or 1 if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') or (pend_rd_op = '1') then -- Clear flag once pending read is recognized if (pend_rd_op = '1') then pend_rd_op_cmb <= '0'; end if; -- Initiate BRAM read transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Only count addresses & burst length for read -- burst operations -- Go to SNG_ADDR state rd_data_sm_ns <= SNG_ADDR; -- If current operation was a burst, clear the active -- burst flag if (act_rd_burst = '1') or (act_rd_burst_two = '1') then act_rd_burst_clr <= '1'; end if; -- If we are loading the BRAM, then we have to view the curr_arlen -- signal to determine if the next operation is a single transfer. -- Or if the BRAM address counter is already loaded (and we reach -- this if clause due to pend_rd_op then the axi_* signals will indicate -- if the next operation is a burst or not. -- If the operation is a single transaction, then set the last_bram_addr -- signal when we reach SNG_ADDR. if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then if (curr_arlen = AXI_ARLEN_ONE) then -- Set flag for last_bram_addr on transition -- to SNG_ADDR on single operations. set_last_bram_addr <= '1'; end if; elsif (pend_rd_op = '1') then if (axi_rd_burst = '0' and axi_rd_burst_two = '0') then set_last_bram_addr <= '1'; end if; end if; else -- No pending read address to initiate next read burst. -- Go to IDLE rd_data_sm_ns <= IDLE; -- If current operation was a burst, clear the active -- burst flag if (act_rd_burst = '1') or (act_rd_burst_two = '1') then act_rd_burst_clr <= '1'; end if; end if; else -- Throttling condition detected -- Ensure that AXI read data output register is disabled -- due to throttle condition. axi_rdata_en <= '0'; -- If new ARADDR detected and loaded into BRAM address counter if (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then -- Initiate BRAM read transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Only count addresses & burst length for read -- burst operations -- Instead of transitioning to SNG_ADDR -- to wait for last data beat. rd_data_sm_ns <= LAST_DATA_AR_PEND; -- For singles, block any subsequent loads into BRAM address -- counter from AR SM no_ar_ack_cmb <= '1'; end if; end if; -- rd_adv_buf (RREADY throttle) ------------------------ LAST_DATA_AR_PEND -------------------- when LAST_DATA_AR_PEND => -- Ok to accept new operation if throttling detected -- during current operation (and flag was previously set -- to disable the back-to-back performance). disable_b2b_brst_cmb <= '0'; -- Reach this state when new BRAM address is loaded into -- BRAM address counter -- But waiting for last RREADY/RVALID/RLAST to be asserted -- Once this occurs, continue with pending AR operation if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Go to SNG_ADDR state rd_data_sm_ns <= SNG_ADDR; -- If current operation was a burst, clear the active -- burst flag if (act_rd_burst = '1') or (act_rd_burst_two = '1') then act_rd_burst_clr <= '1'; end if; -- In this state, the BRAM address counter is already loaded, -- the axi_rd_burst and axi_rd_burst_two signals will indicate -- if the next operation is a burst or not. -- If the operation is a single transaction, then set the last_bram_addr -- signal when we reach SNG_ADDR. if (axi_rd_burst = '0' and axi_rd_burst_two = '0') then set_last_bram_addr <= '1'; end if; -- Code coverage tests are reporting that reaching this state -- always when axi_rd_burst = '0' and axi_rd_burst_two = '0', -- so no bursting operations. end if; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => rd_data_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process RD_DATA_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RD_DATA_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then rd_data_sm_cs <= IDLE; bram_en_int <= '0'; rd_skid_buf_ld_reg <= '0'; rddata_mux_sel <= C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM; axi_rvalid_set <= '0'; end_brst_rd_clr <= '0'; no_ar_ack <= '0'; pend_rd_op <= '0'; axi_b2b_brst <= '0'; disable_b2b_brst <= '0'; else rd_data_sm_cs <= rd_data_sm_ns; bram_en_int <= bram_en_cmb; rd_skid_buf_ld_reg <= rd_skid_buf_ld_cmb; rddata_mux_sel <= rddata_mux_sel_cmb; axi_rvalid_set <= axi_rvalid_set_cmb; end_brst_rd_clr <= end_brst_rd_clr_cmb; no_ar_ack <= no_ar_ack_cmb; pend_rd_op <= pend_rd_op_cmb; axi_b2b_brst <= axi_b2b_brst_cmb; disable_b2b_brst <= disable_b2b_brst_cmb; end if; end if; end process RD_DATA_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create seperate registered process for last_bram_addr signal. -- Only asserted for a single clock cycle -- Gets set when the burst counter is loaded with 0's (for a single data beat operation) -- (indicated by set_last_bram_addr from DATA SM) -- or when the burst counter is decrement and the current value = 1 REG_LAST_BRAM_ADDR: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then last_bram_addr <= '0'; -- The signal, set_last_bram_addr, is asserted when the DATA SM transitions to SNG_ADDR -- on a single data beat burst. Can not use condition of loading burst counter -- with the value of 0's (as the burst counter may be loaded during prior single operation -- when waiting on last throttle/data beat, ie. rd_adv_buf not yet asserted). elsif (set_last_bram_addr = '1') or -- On burst operations at the last BRAM address presented to BRAM (brst_cnt_dec = '1' and brst_cnt = C_BRST_CNT_ONE) then last_bram_addr <= '1'; else last_bram_addr <= '0'; end if; end if; end process REG_LAST_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- *** AXI Read Data Channel Interface *** -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- rd_skid_buf_ld <= rd_skid_buf_ld_reg or rd_skid_buf_ld_imm; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RDATA_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Generation of AXI_RDATA output register without ECC -- logic (C_ECC = 0 parameterization in design) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RDATA_NO_ECC: if C_ECC = 0 generate signal axi_rdata_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI RdData Skid Buffer/Register -- Sized according to size of AXI/BRAM data width --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RD_BUF: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then rd_skid_buf <= (others => '0'); -- Add immediate load of read skid buffer -- Occurs in the case when at full throttle and RREADY/RVALID are asserted elsif (rd_skid_buf_ld = '1') then rd_skid_buf <= BRAM_RdData (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); else rd_skid_buf <= rd_skid_buf; end if; end if; end process REG_RD_BUF; -- Rd Data Mux (selects between skid buffer and BRAM read data) -- Select control signal from SM determines register load value axi_rdata_mux <= BRAM_RdData (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) when (rddata_mux_sel = C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM) else rd_skid_buf; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RDATA -- Purpose: Generate each bit of AXI_RDATA. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RDATA: for i in C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0 generate begin REG_RDATA: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- Clear output after last data beat accepted by requesting AXI master if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- Don't clear RDDATA when a back to back burst is occuring on RLAST & RVALID assertion -- For improved code coverage, can remove the signal, axi_rvalid_int from this if clause. -- It will always be asserted in this case. (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and axi_b2b_brst = '0') then axi_rdata_int (i) <= '0'; elsif (axi_rdata_en = '1') then axi_rdata_int (i) <= axi_rdata_mux (i); else axi_rdata_int (i) <= axi_rdata_int (i); end if; end if; end process REG_RDATA; end generate GEN_RDATA; -- If C_ECC = 0, direct output assignment to AXI_RDATA AXI_RDATA <= axi_rdata_int; end generate GEN_RDATA_NO_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RDATA_ECC -- Purpose: Generation of AXI_RDATA output register when ECC -- logic is enabled (C_ECC = 1 parameterization in design) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RDATA_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate subtype syndrome_bits is std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- 0:6 for 32-bit ECC -- 0:7 for 64-bit ECC type correct_data_table_type is array (natural range 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) of syndrome_bits; signal rd_skid_buf_i : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rdata_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_rdata_int_corr : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); begin -- Remove GEN_RD_BUF that was doing bit reversal. -- Replace with direct register assignments. Sized according to AXI data width. REG_RD_BUF: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then rd_skid_buf_i <= (others => '0'); -- Add immediate load of read skid buffer -- Occurs in the case when at full throttle and RREADY/RVALID are asserted elsif (rd_skid_buf_ld = '1') then rd_skid_buf_i (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= UnCorrectedRdData (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); else rd_skid_buf_i <= rd_skid_buf_i; end if; end if; end process REG_RD_BUF; -- Rd Data Mux (selects between skid buffer and BRAM read data) -- Select control signal from SM determines register load value -- axi_rdata_mux holds data + ECC bits. -- Previous mux on input to checkbit_handler logic. -- Removed now (mux inserted after checkbit_handler logic before register stage) -- -- axi_rdata_mux <= BRAM_RdData (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) when (rddata_mux_sel = C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM) else -- rd_skid_buf_i; -- Remove GEN_RDATA that was doing bit reversal. REG_RDATA: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and axi_b2b_brst = '0') then axi_rdata_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (axi_rdata_en = '1') then -- Track uncorrected data vector with AXI RDATA output pipeline -- Mimic mux logic here (from previous post checkbit XOR logic register) if (rddata_mux_sel = C_RDDATA_MUX_BRAM) then axi_rdata_int (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= UnCorrectedRdData (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); else axi_rdata_int <= rd_skid_buf_i; end if; else axi_rdata_int <= axi_rdata_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RDATA; -- When C_ECC = 1, correct any single bit errors on output read data. -- Post register stage to improve timing on ECC logic data path. -- Use registers in AXI Interconnect IP core. -- Perform bit swapping on output of correct_one_bit -- module (axi_rdata_int_corr signal). -- AXI_RDATA (i) <= axi_rdata_int (i) when (Enable_ECC = '0') -- else axi_rdata_int_corr (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1-i); -- Found in HW debug -- axi_rdata_int is reversed to be returned on AXI bus. -- AXI_RDATA (i) <= axi_rdata_int (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1-i) when (Enable_ECC = '0') -- else axi_rdata_int_corr (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1-i); -- Remove bit reversal on AXI_RDATA output. AXI_RDATA <= axi_rdata_int when (Enable_ECC = '0' or Sl_UE_i = '1') else axi_rdata_int_corr; -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HAMMING_ECC_CORR -- -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. -- Generate statements to correct BRAM read data -- dependent on ECC type. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HAMMING_ECC_CORR: if C_ECC_TYPE = 0 generate begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: CHK_ECC_32 -- Purpose: Check ECC data unique for 32-bit BRAM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHK_ECC_32: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate constant correct_data_table_32 : correct_data_table_type := ( 0 => "1100001", 1 => "1010001", 2 => "0110001", 3 => "1110001", 4 => "1001001", 5 => "0101001", 6 => "1101001", 7 => "0011001", 8 => "1011001", 9 => "0111001", 10 => "1111001", 11 => "1000101", 12 => "0100101", 13 => "1100101", 14 => "0010101", 15 => "1010101", 16 => "0110101", 17 => "1110101", 18 => "0001101", 19 => "1001101", 20 => "0101101", 21 => "1101101", 22 => "0011101", 23 => "1011101", 24 => "0111101", 25 => "1111101", 26 => "1000011", 27 => "0100011", 28 => "1100011", 29 => "0010011", 30 => "1010011", 31 => "0110011" ); signal syndrome_4_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 1) := (others => '0'); -- Only used in 32-bit ECC signal syndrome_6_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 5) := (others => '0'); -- Specific for 32-bit ECC begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register ECC syndrome value to correct any single bit errors -- post-register on AXI read data. REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then syndrome_reg <= (others => '0'); syndrome_4_reg <= (others => '0'); syndrome_6_reg <= (others => '0'); -- Align register stage of syndrome with AXI read data pipeline elsif (axi_rdata_en = '1') then syndrome_reg <= Syndrome; syndrome_4_reg <= Syndrome_4; syndrome_6_reg <= Syndrome_6; else syndrome_reg <= syndrome_reg; syndrome_4_reg <= syndrome_4_reg; syndrome_6_reg <= syndrome_6_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do last XOR on specific syndrome bits after pipeline stage before -- correct_one_bit module. syndrome_reg_i (0 to 3) <= syndrome_reg (0 to 3); PARITY_CHK4: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 2) port map ( InA => syndrome_4_reg (0 to 1), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_reg_i (4) ); -- [out std_logic] syndrome_reg_i (5) <= syndrome_reg (5); PARITY_CHK6: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => syndrome_6_reg (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_reg_i (6) ); -- [out std_logic] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_CORR_32 -- Purpose: Generate corrected read data based on syndrome value. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_CORR_32: for i in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CORR_ONE_BIT_32 -- Description: Correct output read data based on syndrome vector. -- A single error can be corrected by decoding the -- syndrome value. -- Input signal is declared (N:0). -- Output signal is (N:0). -- In order to reuse correct_one_bit module, -- the single data bit correction is done LSB to MSB -- in generate statement loop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CORR_ONE_BIT_32: entity work.correct_one_bit generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, Correct_Value => correct_data_table_32 (i)) port map ( DIn => axi_rdata_int (31-i), -- This is to match with LMB Controller Hamming Encoder logic (Bit Reversal) Syndrome => syndrome_reg_i, DCorr => axi_rdata_int_corr (31-i)); -- This is to match with LMB Controller Hamming Encoder logic (Bit Reversal) end generate GEN_CORR_32; end generate CHK_ECC_32; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: CHK_ECC_64 -- Purpose: Check ECC data unique for 64-bit BRAM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHK_ECC_64: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate constant correct_data_table_64 : correct_data_table_type := ( 0 => "11000001", 1 => "10100001", 2 => "01100001", 3 => "11100001", 4 => "10010001", 5 => "01010001", 6 => "11010001", 7 => "00110001", 8 => "10110001", 9 => "01110001", 10 => "11110001", 11 => "10001001", 12 => "01001001", 13 => "11001001", 14 => "00101001", 15 => "10101001", 16 => "01101001", 17 => "11101001", 18 => "00011001", 19 => "10011001", 20 => "01011001", 21 => "11011001", 22 => "00111001", 23 => "10111001", 24 => "01111001", 25 => "11111001", 26 => "10000101", 27 => "01000101", 28 => "11000101", 29 => "00100101", 30 => "10100101", 31 => "01100101", 32 => "11100101", 33 => "00010101", 34 => "10010101", 35 => "01010101", 36 => "11010101", 37 => "00110101", 38 => "10110101", 39 => "01110101", 40 => "11110101", 41 => "00001101", 42 => "10001101", 43 => "01001101", 44 => "11001101", 45 => "00101101", 46 => "10101101", 47 => "01101101", 48 => "11101101", 49 => "00011101", 50 => "10011101", 51 => "01011101", 52 => "11011101", 53 => "00111101", 54 => "10111101", 55 => "01111101", 56 => "11111101", 57 => "10000011", 58 => "01000011", 59 => "11000011", 60 => "00100011", 61 => "10100011", 62 => "01100011", 63 => "11100011" ); signal syndrome_7_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 11) := (others => '0'); -- Specific for 64-bit ECC signal syndrome_7_a : std_logic; signal syndrome_7_b : std_logic; begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register ECC syndrome value to correct any single bit errors -- post-register on AXI read data. REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- Align register stage of syndrome with AXI read data pipeline if (axi_rdata_en = '1') then syndrome_reg <= Syndrome; syndrome_7_reg <= Syndrome_7; else syndrome_reg <= syndrome_reg; syndrome_7_reg <= syndrome_7_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do last XOR on select syndrome bits after pipeline stage -- before correct_one_bit_64 module. PARITY_CHK7_A: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => syndrome_7_reg (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_7_a ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK7_B: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => syndrome_7_reg (6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_7_b ); -- [out std_logic] -- Do last XOR on Syndrome MSB after pipeline stage before correct_one_bit module -- PASSES: syndrome_reg_i (7) <= syndrome_reg (7) xor syndrome_7_b_reg; syndrome_reg_i (7) <= syndrome_7_a xor syndrome_7_b; syndrome_reg_i (0 to 6) <= syndrome_reg (0 to 6); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_CORR_64 -- Purpose: Generate corrected read data based on syndrome value. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_CORR_64: for i in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CORR_ONE_BIT_64 -- Description: Correct output read data based on syndrome vector. -- A single error can be corrected by decoding the -- syndrome value. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CORR_ONE_BIT_64: entity work.correct_one_bit_64 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, Correct_Value => correct_data_table_64 (i)) port map ( DIn => axi_rdata_int (i), Syndrome => syndrome_reg_i, DCorr => axi_rdata_int_corr (i)); end generate GEN_CORR_64; end generate CHK_ECC_64; end generate GEN_HAMMING_ECC_CORR; -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HSIAO_ECC_CORR -- -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. -- Derived from MIG v3.7 Hsiao HDL. -- Generate statements to correct BRAM read data -- dependent on ECC type. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HSIAO_ECC_CORR: if C_ECC_TYPE = 1 generate type type_int0 is array (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector (ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal h_matrix : type_int0; signal flip_bits : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal ecc_rddata_r : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); begin -- Reconstruct H-matrix H_COL: for n in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 generate begin H_BIT: for p in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 generate begin h_matrix (n)(p) <= h_rows (p * CODE_WIDTH + n); end generate H_BIT; end generate H_COL; -- Based on syndrome value, determine bits to flip in BRAM read data. GEN_FLIP_BIT: for r in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 generate begin flip_bits (r) <= BOOLEAN_TO_STD_LOGIC (h_matrix (r) = syndrome_r); end generate GEN_FLIP_BIT; ecc_rddata_r <= axi_rdata_int; axi_rdata_int_corr (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= -- UnCorrectedRdData (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) xor ecc_rddata_r (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) xor flip_bits (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_HSIAO_ECC_CORR; end generate GEN_RDATA_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RID_SNG -- Purpose: Generate RID output pipeline when the core is configured -- in a single port mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RID_SNG: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin REG_RID_TEMP: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_rid_temp <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then axi_rid_temp <= AXI_ARID; else axi_rid_temp <= axi_rid_temp; end if; end if; end process REG_RID_TEMP; REG_RID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then axi_rid_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then axi_rid_int <= AXI_ARID; elsif (axi_rvalid_set = '1') or (axi_b2b_rid_adv = '1') then axi_rid_int <= axi_rid_temp; else axi_rid_int <= axi_rid_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RID; -- Advance RID pipeline values axi_b2b_rid_adv <= '1' when (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and axi_b2b_brst = '1') else '0'; end generate GEN_RID_SNG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RID -- Purpose: Generate RID in dual port mode (with read address pipeline). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RID: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RID Output Register -- -- Output RID value either comes from pipelined value or directly wrapped -- ARID value. Determined by address pipeline usage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create intermediate temporary RID output register REG_RID_TEMP: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_rid_temp <= (others => '0'); -- When BRAM address counter gets loaded -- Set output RID value based on address source elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') and (axi_rid_temp_full = '0') then -- If BRAM address counter gets loaded directly from -- AXI bus, then save ARID value for wrapping to RID if (araddr_pipe_sel = '0') then axi_rid_temp <= AXI_ARID; else -- Use pipelined AWID value axi_rid_temp <= axi_arid_pipe; end if; -- Add condition to check for temp utilized (temp_full now = '0'), but a -- pending RID is stored in temp2. Must advance the pipeline. elsif ((axi_rvalid_set = '1' or axi_b2b_rid_adv = '1') and (axi_rid_temp2_full = '1')) or (axi_rid_temp_full_fe = '1' and axi_rid_temp2_full = '1') then axi_rid_temp <= axi_rid_temp2; else axi_rid_temp <= axi_rid_temp; end if; end if; end process REG_RID_TEMP; -- Create flag that indicates if axi_rid_temp is full REG_RID_TEMP_FULL: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rid_temp_full = '1' and (axi_rvalid_set = '1' or axi_b2b_rid_adv = '1') and axi_rid_temp2_full = '0') then axi_rid_temp_full <= '0'; elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') or ((axi_rvalid_set = '1' or axi_b2b_rid_adv = '1') and (axi_rid_temp2_full = '1')) or (axi_rid_temp_full_fe = '1' and axi_rid_temp2_full = '1') then axi_rid_temp_full <= '1'; else axi_rid_temp_full <= axi_rid_temp_full; end if; end if; end process REG_RID_TEMP_FULL; -- Create flag to detect falling edge of axi_rid_temp_full flag REG_RID_TEMP_FULL_D1: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_rid_temp_full_d1 <= '0'; else axi_rid_temp_full_d1 <= axi_rid_temp_full; end if; end if; end process REG_RID_TEMP_FULL_D1; axi_rid_temp_full_fe <= '1' when (axi_rid_temp_full = '0' and axi_rid_temp_full_d1 = '1') else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create intermediate temporary RID output register REG_RID_TEMP2: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_rid_temp2 <= (others => '0'); -- When BRAM address counter gets loaded -- Set output RID value based on address source elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') and (axi_rid_temp_full = '1') then -- If BRAM address counter gets loaded directly from -- AXI bus, then save ARID value for wrapping to RID if (araddr_pipe_sel = '0') then axi_rid_temp2 <= AXI_ARID; else -- Use pipelined AWID value axi_rid_temp2 <= axi_arid_pipe; end if; else axi_rid_temp2 <= axi_rid_temp2; end if; end if; end process REG_RID_TEMP2; -- Create flag that indicates if axi_rid_temp2 is full REG_RID_TEMP2_FULL: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rid_temp2_full = '1' and (axi_rvalid_set = '1' or axi_b2b_rid_adv = '1')) or (axi_rid_temp_full_fe = '1' and axi_rid_temp2_full = '1') then axi_rid_temp2_full <= '0'; elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') and (axi_rid_temp_full = '1') then axi_rid_temp2_full <= '1'; else axi_rid_temp2_full <= axi_rid_temp2_full; end if; end if; end process REG_RID_TEMP2_FULL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Output RID register is enabeld when RVALID is asserted on the AXI bus -- Clear RID when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking sequence -- and recognized by AXI requesting master. REG_RID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- For improved code coverage, can remove the signal, axi_rvalid_int from statement. (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and axi_b2b_brst = '0') then axi_rid_int <= (others => '0'); -- Add back to back case to advance RID elsif (axi_rvalid_set = '1') or (axi_b2b_rid_adv = '1') then axi_rid_int <= axi_rid_temp; else axi_rid_int <= axi_rid_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RID; -- Advance RID pipeline values axi_b2b_rid_adv <= '1' when (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and axi_b2b_brst = '1') else '0'; end generate GEN_RID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RRESP -- Purpose: Create register output unique when ECC is disabled. -- Only possible output value = OKAY response. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RRESP: if C_ECC = 0 generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RRESP Output Register -- -- Set when RVALID is asserted on AXI bus. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking -- sequence and recognized by AXI requesting master. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RRESP: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- For improved code coverage, remove signal, axi_rvalid_int, it will always be asserted. (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then axi_rresp_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (axi_rvalid_set = '1') then -- AXI BRAM only supports OK response for normal operations -- Exclusive operations not yet supported axi_rresp_int <= RESP_OKAY; else axi_rresp_int <= axi_rresp_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RRESP; end generate GEN_RRESP; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_RRESP_ECC -- Purpose: Create register output unique when ECC is disabled. -- Only possible output value = OKAY response. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_RRESP_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RRESP Output Register -- -- Set when RVALID is asserted on AXI bus. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking -- sequence and recognized by AXI requesting master. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RRESP: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- For improved code coverage, remove signal, axi_rvalid_int, it will always be asserted. (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then axi_rresp_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (axi_rvalid_set = '1') then -- AXI BRAM only supports OK response for normal operations -- Exclusive operations not yet supported -- For ECC implementation -- Check that an uncorrectable error has not occured. -- If so, then respond with RESP_SLVERR on AXI. -- Ok to use combinatorial signal here. The Sl_UE_i -- flag is generated based on the registered syndrome value. -- if (Sl_UE_i = '1') then -- axi_rresp_int <= RESP_SLVERR; -- else axi_rresp_int <= RESP_OKAY; -- end if; else axi_rresp_int <= axi_rresp_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RRESP; end generate GEN_RRESP_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RVALID Output Register -- -- Set AXI_RVALID when read data SM indicates. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking sequence -- and recognized by AXI requesting master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RVALID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- Clear AXI_RVALID at the end of tranfer when able to clear -- (axi_rlast_int = '1' and axi_rvalid_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and -- For improved code coverage, remove signal axi_rvalid_int. (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and -- Added axi_rvalid_clr_ok to check if during a back-to-back burst -- and the back-to-back is elgible for streaming performance axi_rvalid_clr_ok = '1') then axi_rvalid_int <= '0'; elsif (axi_rvalid_set = '1') then axi_rvalid_int <= '1'; else axi_rvalid_int <= axi_rvalid_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RVALID; -- Create flag that gets set when we load BRAM address early in a B2B scenario -- This will prevent the RVALID from getting cleared at the end of the current burst -- Otherwise, the RVALID gets cleared after RLAST/RREADY dual assertion REG_RVALID_CLR: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_rvalid_clr_ok <= '0'; -- When the new address loaded into the BRAM counter is for a back-to-back operation -- Do not clear the RVALID elsif (rd_b2b_elgible = '1' and bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then axi_rvalid_clr_ok <= '0'; -- Else when we start a new transaction (that is not back-to-back) -- Then enable the RVALID to get cleared upon RLAST/RREADY elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') or (axi_rvalid_clr_ok = '0' and (disable_b2b_brst = '1' or disable_b2b_brst_cmb = '1') and last_bram_addr = '1') or -- Add check for current SM state -- If LAST_ADDR state reached, no longer performing back-to-back -- transfers and keeping data streaming on AXI bus. (rd_data_sm_cs = LAST_ADDR) then axi_rvalid_clr_ok <= '1'; else axi_rvalid_clr_ok <= axi_rvalid_clr_ok; end if; end if; end process REG_RVALID_CLR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_RLAST Output Register -- -- Set AXI_RLAST when read data SM indicates. -- Clear when AXI_RLAST is asserted on AXI bus during handshaking sequence -- and recognized by AXI requesting master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_RLAST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- To improve code coverage, remove -- use of axi_rvalid_int (it will always be asserted with RLAST). if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (axi_rlast_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1' and axi_rlast_set = '0') then axi_rlast_int <= '0'; elsif (axi_rlast_set = '1') then axi_rlast_int <= '1'; else axi_rlast_int <= axi_rlast_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RLAST; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate complete flag do_cmplt_burst_cmb <= '1' when (last_bram_addr = '1' and axi_rd_burst = '1' and axi_rd_burst_two = '0') else '0'; -- Register complete flags REG_CMPLT_BURST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (do_cmplt_burst_clr = '1') then do_cmplt_burst <= '0'; elsif (do_cmplt_burst_cmb = '1') then do_cmplt_burst <= '1'; else do_cmplt_burst <= do_cmplt_burst; end if; end if; end process REG_CMPLT_BURST; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RLAST State Machine -- -- Description: SM to generate axi_rlast_set signal. -- Created based on IR # 555346 to track when RLAST needs -- to be asserted for back to back transfers -- Uses the indication when last BRAM address is presented -- and then counts the handshaking cycles on the AXI bus -- (RVALID and RREADY both asserted). -- Uses rd_adv_buf to perform this operation. -- -- Output: Name Type -- axi_rlast_set Not Registered -- do_cmplt_burst_clr Not Registered -- -- -- RLAST_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- RLAST_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RLAST_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( do_cmplt_burst, last_bram_addr, rd_adv_buf, act_rd_burst, axi_rd_burst, act_rd_burst_two, axi_rd_burst_two, axi_rlast_int, rlast_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs rlast_sm_ns <= rlast_sm_cs; axi_rlast_set <= '0'; do_cmplt_burst_clr <= '0'; case rlast_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- If last read address is presented to BRAM if (last_bram_addr = '1') then -- If the operation is a single read operation if (axi_rd_burst = '0') and (axi_rd_burst_two = '0') then -- Go to wait for last data beat rlast_sm_ns <= W8_LAST_DATA; -- Else the transaction is a burst else -- Throttle condition on 3rd to last data beat if (rd_adv_buf = '0') then -- If AXI read burst = 2 (only two data beats to capture) if (axi_rd_burst_two = '1' or act_rd_burst_two = '1') then rlast_sm_ns <= W8_THROTTLE_B2; else rlast_sm_ns <= W8_THROTTLE; end if; -- No throttle on 3rd to last data beat else -- Only back-to-back support when burst size is greater -- than two data beats. We will never toggle on a burst > 2 -- when last_bram_addr is asserted (as this is no toggle -- condition) -- Go to wait for 2nd to last data beat rlast_sm_ns <= W8_2ND_LAST_DATA; do_cmplt_burst_clr <= '1'; end if; end if; end if; ------------------------- W8_THROTTLE State ----------------------- when W8_THROTTLE => if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Go to wait for 2nd to last data beat rlast_sm_ns <= W8_2ND_LAST_DATA; -- If do_cmplt_burst flag is set, then clear it if (do_cmplt_burst = '1') then do_cmplt_burst_clr <= '1'; end if; end if; ---------------------- W8_2ND_LAST_DATA State --------------------- when W8_2ND_LAST_DATA => if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then -- Assert RLAST on AXI axi_rlast_set <= '1'; rlast_sm_ns <= W8_LAST_DATA; end if; ------------------------- W8_LAST_DATA State ---------------------- when W8_LAST_DATA => -- If pending single to complete, keep RLAST asserted -- Added to only assert axi_rlast_set for a single clock cycle -- when we enter this state and are here waiting for the -- throttle on the AXI bus. if (axi_rlast_int = '1') then axi_rlast_set <= '0'; else axi_rlast_set <= '1'; end if; -- Wait for last data beat to transition back to IDLE if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then rlast_sm_ns <= IDLE; end if; -------------------------- W8_THROTTLE_B2 ------------------------ when W8_THROTTLE_B2 => -- Wait for last data beat to transition back to IDLE -- and set RLAST if (rd_adv_buf = '1') then rlast_sm_ns <= IDLE; axi_rlast_set <= '1'; end if; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => rlast_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process RLAST_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RLAST_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then rlast_sm_cs <= IDLE; else rlast_sm_cs <= rlast_sm_ns; end if; end if; end process RLAST_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** ECC Logic *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_ECC -- Purpose: Generate BRAM ECC write data and check ECC on read operations. -- Create signals to update ECC registers (lite_ecc_reg module interface). -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate signal bram_din_a_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Set for port data width signal CE_Q : std_logic := '0'; signal Sl_CE_i : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_en_int_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_en_int_d2 : std_logic := '0'; begin -- Generate signal to advance BRAM read address pipeline to -- capture address for ECC error conditions (in lite_ecc_reg module). -- BRAM_Addr_En <= bram_addr_inc or narrow_bram_addr_inc_re or -- ((bram_en_int or bram_en_int_reg) and not (axi_rd_burst) and not (axi_rd_burst_two)); BRAM_Addr_En <= bram_addr_inc or narrow_bram_addr_inc_re or rd_adv_buf or ((bram_en_int or bram_en_int_d1 or bram_en_int_d2) and not (axi_rd_burst) and not (axi_rd_burst_two)); -- Enable 2nd & 3rd pipeline stage for BRAM address storage with single read transfers. BRAM_EN_REG: process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then bram_en_int_d1 <= bram_en_int; bram_en_int_d2 <= bram_en_int_d1; end if; end process BRAM_EN_REG; -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HAMMING_ECC -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HAMMING_ECC: if C_ECC_TYPE = 0 generate begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_ECC_32 -- Purpose: Check ECC data unique for 32-bit BRAM. -- Add extra '0' at MSB of ECC vector for data2mem alignment -- w/ 32-bit BRAM data widths. -- ECC bits are in upper order bits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_ECC_32: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate signal bram_din_a_rev : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal bram_din_ecc_a_rev : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_32 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- process (bram_din_a_i) begin -- for k in 0 to 31 loop -- bram_din_a_rev(k) <= bram_din_a_i(39-k); -- end loop; -- for k in 0 to 6 loop -- bram_din_ecc_a_rev(0) <= bram_din_a_i(6-k); -- end loop; -- end process; CHK_HANDLER_32: entity work.checkbit_handler generic map ( C_ENCODE => false, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( -- In 32-bit BRAM use case: DataIn (8:39) -- CheckIn (1:7) DataIn => bram_din_a_i(C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+1 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 31)] CheckIn => bram_din_a_i(1 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] --DataIn => bram_din_a_rev, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 31)] --CheckIn => bram_din_ecc_a_rev, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] CheckOut => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome => Syndrome, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome_4 => Syndrome_4, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 1)] Syndrome_6 => Syndrome_6, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 5)] Syndrome_Chk => syndrome_reg_i, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] UE_Q => UE_Q, -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => CE_Q, -- [in std_logic] UE => Sl_UE_i, -- [out std_logic] CE => Sl_CE_i ); -- [out std_logic] -- GEN_CORR_32 generate & correct_one_bit instantiation moved to generate -- of AXI RDATA output register logic. end generate GEN_ECC_32; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_ECC_64 -- Purpose: Check ECC data unique for 64-bit BRAM. -- No extra '0' at MSB of ECC vector for data2mem alignment -- w/ 64-bit BRAM data widths. -- ECC bits are in upper order bits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_ECC_64: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_64 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHK_HANDLER_64: entity work.checkbit_handler_64 generic map ( C_ENCODE => false, -- [boolean] C_REG => false, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( Clk => S_AXI_AClk, -- [in std_logic] -- In 64-bit BRAM use case: DataIn (8:71) -- CheckIn (0:7) DataIn => bram_din_a_i (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 63)] CheckIn => bram_din_a_i (0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] CheckOut => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Syndrome => Syndrome, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Syndrome_7 => Syndrome_7, Syndrome_Chk => syndrome_reg_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] UE_Q => UE_Q, -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => CE_Q, -- [in std_logic] UE => Sl_UE_i, -- [out std_logic] CE => Sl_CE_i ); -- [out std_logic] -- GEN_CORR_64 generate & correct_one_bit instantiation moved to generate -- of AXI RDATA output register logic. end generate GEN_ECC_64; end generate GEN_HAMMING_ECC; -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HSIAO_ECC -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. -- Derived from MIG v3.7 Hsiao HDL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HSIAO_ECC: if C_ECC_TYPE = 1 generate constant ECC_WIDTH : integer := C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; signal syndrome_ns : std_logic_vector (ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); begin -- Generate ECC check bits and syndrome values based on -- BRAM read data. -- Generate appropriate single or double bit error flags. -- Instantiate ecc_gen_hsiao module, generated from MIG I_ECC_GEN_HSIAO: entity work.ecc_gen generic map ( code_width => CODE_WIDTH, ecc_width => ECC_WIDTH, data_width => C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH ) port map ( -- Output h_rows => h_rows (CODE_WIDTH * ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) ); GEN_RD_ECC: for m in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 generate begin syndrome_ns (m) <= REDUCTION_XOR ( -- bram_din_a_i (0 to CODE_WIDTH-1) BRAM_RdData (CODE_WIDTH-1 downto 0) and h_rows ((m*CODE_WIDTH)+CODE_WIDTH-1 downto (m*CODE_WIDTH))); end generate GEN_RD_ECC; -- Insert register stage for syndrome. -- Same as Hamming ECC code. Syndrome value is registered. REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then syndrome_r <= syndrome_ns; end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; Sl_CE_i <= not (REDUCTION_NOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))) and (REDUCTION_XOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))); Sl_UE_i <= not (REDUCTION_NOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))) and not(REDUCTION_XOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))); end generate GEN_HSIAO_ECC; -- Capture correctable/uncorrectable error from BRAM read CORR_REG: process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (Enable_ECC = '1') and (axi_rvalid_int = '1' and AXI_RREADY = '1') then -- Capture error flags CE_Q <= Sl_CE_i; UE_Q <= Sl_UE_i; else CE_Q <= '0'; UE_Q <= '0'; end if; end if; end process CORR_REG; -- The signal, axi_rdata_en loads the syndrome_reg. -- Use the AXI RVALID/READY signals to capture state of UE and CE. -- Since flag generation uses the registered syndrome value. -- ECC register block gets registered UE or CE conditions to update -- ECC registers/interrupt/flag outputs. Sl_CE <= CE_Q; Sl_UE <= UE_Q; -- CE_Failing_We <= Sl_CE_i and Enable_ECC and axi_rvalid_set; CE_Failing_We <= CE_Q; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate BRAM read data vector assignment to always be from Port A -- in a single port BRAM configuration. -- Map BRAM_RdData (Port A) (N:0) to bram_din_a_i (0:N) -- Including read back ECC bits. -- -- Port A or Port B sourcing done at full_axi module level --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Original design with mux (BRAM vs. Skid Buffer) on input side of checkbit_handler logic. -- Move mux to enable on AXI RDATA register. bram_din_a_i (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1) <= BRAM_RdData (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Map data vector from BRAM to use in correct_one_bit module with -- register syndrome (post AXI RDATA register). UnCorrectedRdData (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) <= bram_din_a_i (C_ECC_WIDTH to C_ECC_WIDTH+C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); end generate GEN_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Drive default output signals when ECC is diabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NO_ECC: if C_ECC = 0 generate begin BRAM_Addr_En <= '0'; CE_Failing_We <= '0'; Sl_CE <= '0'; Sl_UE <= '0'; end generate GEN_NO_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- *** BRAM Interface Signals *** -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRAM_En <= bram_en_int; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BRAM Address Generate --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Generate zeros on lower order address bits adjustable -- based on BRAM data width. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0 generate begin BRAM_Addr (i) <= '0'; end generate GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Assign BRAM address output from address counter. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR generate begin BRAM_Addr (i) <= bram_addr_int (i); end generate GEN_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- wr_chnl.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: wr_chnl.vhd -- -- Description: This file is the top level module for the AXI BRAM -- controller write channel interfaces. Controls all -- handshaking and data flow on the AXI write address (AW), -- write data (W) and write response (B) channels. -- -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Minor code cleanup. -- Remove library version # dependency. Replace with work library. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/3/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Edits for scalability and support of 512 and 1024-bit data widths. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/10/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Initial integration of Hsiao ECC algorithm. -- Add C_ECC_TYPE top level parameter. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/14/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Shift Hsiao ECC generate logic so not dependent on C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/18/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update WE size based on 128-bit ECC configuration. -- Update for usage of ecc_gen.vhd module directly from MIG. -- Clean-up XST warnings. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Found issue with ECC decoding on read path. Remove MSB '0' usage -- in syndrome calculation, since h_matrix is based on 32 + 7 = 39 bits. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/23/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean-up. -- Move all MIG functions to package body. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/28/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Fix mapping on BRAM_WE with bram_we_int for 128-bit w/ ECC. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Fix XST handling for DIV functions. Create seperate process when -- divisor is not constant and a power of two. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add comments as noted in Spyglass runs. And general code clean-up. -- Fix double clock assertion of CE/UE error flags when asserted -- during the RMW sequence. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/23/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean-up. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/30/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add code coverage on/off statements. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/8/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Modify back-to-back capability to remove combinatorial loop -- on WREADY to AXI interface. Add internal constant, C_REG_WREADY. -- Update axi_wready_int reset value (ensure it is '0'). -- -- Create new SM for C_REG_WREADY with dual port. Seperate assertion of BVALID -- from WREADY. Create a FIFO to store AWID/BID values. -- Use counter (with max of 8 ID values) to allow WREADY assertions -- to be ahead of BVALID assertions. -- Add sub module, SRL_FIFO. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/11/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Implement similar updates on WREADY for single port & ECC configurations. -- Remove use of signal, axi_wready_sng with constant, C_REG_WREADY. -- -- For single port operation with registered WREADY, provide BVALID counter -- value to arbitration SM, add output signal, AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt. -- -- Create an additional SM for single port when C_REG_WREADY. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/14/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove attempt to create AXI write data pipeline full flag outside of SM -- logic. Add corner case checks for BID FIFO/BVALID counter. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/15/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Clean up all code not related to C_REG_WREADY. -- Goal to remove internal constant, C_REG_WREADY. -- Work on size optimization. Implement signals to represent BVALID -- counter values. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/20/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean up. Remove unused signals. -- Remove additional generate blocks with C_REG_WREADY. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/21/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean up. Remove use of IF_IS_AXI4 constant. -- Create new SM TYPE for each configuration. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add check in data SM on back-to-back for BVALID counter max. -- Clean up AXI_WREADY generate blocks. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Code clean up. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/6/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- Hard code C_USE_LUT6 constant. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/26/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Fix CR # 609695. -- Modify usage of WLAST. Ensure that WLAST is qualified with -- WVALID/WREADY assertions. -- -- With CR # 609695, update else clause for narrow_burst_cnt_ld to -- remove simulation warnings when axi_byte_div_curr_awsize = zero. -- -- Catch code clean up with WLAST in data SM for axi_wr_burst_cmb -- signal assertion. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.srl_fifo; use work.wrap_brst; use work.ua_narrow; use work.checkbit_handler; use work.checkbit_handler_64; use work.correct_one_bit; use work.correct_one_bit_64; use work.ecc_gen; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity wr_chnl is generic ( -- C_FAMILY : string := "virtex6"; -- Specify the target architecture type C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := 2; -- Adjust factor to BRAM address width based on data width (in bits) C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_AXI_ID_WIDTH : INTEGER := 4; -- AXI ID vector width C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW : INTEGER := 1; -- Support for narrow burst operations C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL : string := "AXI4"; -- Set to "AXI4LITE" to optimize out burst transaction support C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM : INTEGER := 0; -- Enable single port usage of BRAM C_ECC : integer := 0; -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_WIDTH : integer := 8; -- Width of ECC data vector C_ECC_TYPE : integer := 0 -- v1.03a -- ECC algorithm format, 0 = Hamming code, 1 = Hsiao code ); port ( -- AXI Global Signals S_AXI_AClk : in std_logic; S_AXI_AResetn : in std_logic; -- AXI Write Address Channel Signals (AW) AXI_AWID : in std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_AWLEN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Specifies the number of data transfers in the burst -- "0000 0000" 1 data transfer -- "0000 0001" 2 data transfers -- ... -- "1111 1111" 256 data transfers AXI_AWSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- Specifies the max number of data bytes to transfer in each data beat -- "000" 1 byte to transfer -- "001" 2 bytes to transfer -- "010" 3 bytes to transfer -- ... AXI_AWBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- Specifies burst type -- "00" FIXED = Fixed burst address (handled as INCR) -- "01" INCR = Increment burst address -- "10" WRAP = Incrementing address burst that wraps to lower order address at boundary -- "11" Reserved (not checked) AXI_AWLOCK : in std_logic; -- Currently unused AXI_AWCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- Currently unused AXI_AWPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- Currently unused AXI_AWVALID : in std_logic; AXI_AWREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Write Data Channel Signals (W) AXI_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_WSTRB : in std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0); AXI_WLAST : in std_logic; AXI_WVALID : in std_logic; AXI_WREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) AXI_BID : out std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); AXI_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); AXI_BVALID : out std_logic; AXI_BREADY : in std_logic; -- ECC Register Interface Signals Enable_ECC : in std_logic; BRAM_Addr_En : out std_logic := '0'; FaultInjectClr : out std_logic := '0'; CE_Failing_We : out std_logic := '0'; Sl_CE : out std_logic := '0'; Sl_UE : out std_logic := '0'; Active_Wr : out std_logic := '0'; FaultInjectData : in std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); FaultInjectECC : in std_logic_vector (C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Single Port Arbitration Signals Arb2AW_Active : in std_logic; AW2Arb_Busy : out std_logic := '0'; AW2Arb_Active_Clr : out std_logic := '0'; AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt : out std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); Sng_BRAM_Addr_Rst : out std_logic := '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En : out std_logic := '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld : out std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc : out std_logic := '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr : in std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR); -- BRAM Write Port Interface Signals BRAM_En : out std_logic := '0'; BRAM_WE : out std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr : out std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); BRAM_WrData : out std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); BRAM_RdData : in std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) ); end entity wr_chnl; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of wr_chnl is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- All functions defined in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reset active level (common through core) constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; constant RESP_OKAY : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00"; -- Normal access OK response constant RESP_SLVERR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "10"; -- Slave error -- For future support. constant RESP_EXOKAY : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "01"; -- Exclusive access OK response -- For future support. constant RESP_DECERR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "11"; -- Decode error -- Set constants for AWLEN equal to a count of one or two beats. constant AXI_AWLEN_ONE : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant AXI_AWLEN_TWO : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := "00000001"; constant AXI_AWSIZE_ONE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "001"; -- Determine maximum size for narrow burst length counter -- When C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32, minimum narrow width burst is 8 bits -- resulting in a count 3 downto 0 => so minimum counter width = 2 bits. -- When C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 256, minimum narrow width burst is 8 bits -- resulting in a count 31 downto 0 => so minimum counter width = 5 bits. constant C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN : integer := log2 (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8); constant NARROW_CNT_MAX : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- AXI Size Constants -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_1BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000"; -- 1 byte -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_2BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "001"; -- 2 bytes -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_4BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "010"; -- 4 bytes = max size for 32-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_8BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "011"; -- 8 bytes = max size for 64-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_16BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "100"; -- 16 bytes = max size for 128-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_32BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "101"; -- 32 bytes = max size for 256-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_64BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "110"; -- 64 bytes = max size for 512-bit BRAM -- constant C_AXI_SIZE_128BYTE : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "111"; -- 128 bytes = max size for 1024-bit BRAM -- Determine max value of ARSIZE based on the AXI data width. -- Use function in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. constant C_AXI_SIZE_MAX : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := Create_Size_Max (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); -- Modify C_BRAM_ADDR_SIZE to be adjusted for BRAM data width -- When BRAM data width = 32 bits, BRAM_Addr (1:0) = "00" -- When BRAM data width = 64 bits, BRAM_Addr (2:0) = "000" -- When BRAM data width = 128 bits, BRAM_Addr (3:0) = "0000" -- When BRAM data width = 256 bits, BRAM_Addr (4:0) = "00000" -- Move to full_axi module -- constant C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := log2 (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8); -- Not used -- constant C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST : integer := C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR; constant C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8; -- AXI Burst Types -- AXI Spec 4.4 constant C_AXI_BURST_WRAP : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "10"; constant C_AXI_BURST_INCR : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "01"; constant C_AXI_BURST_FIXED : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00"; -- Internal ECC data width size. constant C_INT_ECC_WIDTH : integer := Int_ECC_Size (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Address Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- State machine type declarations type WR_ADDR_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, LD_AWADDR ); signal wr_addr_sm_cs, wr_addr_sm_ns : WR_ADDR_SM_TYPE; signal aw_active_set : std_logic := '0'; signal aw_active_set_i : std_logic := '0'; signal aw_active_clr : std_logic := '0'; signal delay_aw_active_clr_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal delay_aw_active_clr : std_logic := '0'; signal aw_active : std_logic := '0'; signal aw_active_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal aw_active_re : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_awaddr_pipe : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_awaddr_lsb : std_logic_vector (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal awaddr_pipe_ld : std_logic := '0'; signal awaddr_pipe_ld_i : std_logic := '0'; signal awaddr_pipe_sel : std_logic := '0'; -- '0' indicates mux select from AXI -- '1' indicates mux select from AW Addr Register signal axi_awaddr_full : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_awid_pipe : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_awsize_pipe : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_awsize : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_awsize_reg : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Narrow Burst Signals signal curr_narrow_burst_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_narrow_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_narrow_burst_en : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_burst_cnt_ld : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal narrow_burst_cnt_ld_mod : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal narrow_addr_rst : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_addr_ld_en : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_addr_dec : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_awlen_pipe : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_awlen_pipe_1_or_2 : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_awlen : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_awlen_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_awlen_reg_1_or_2 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_awburst_pipe : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_awburst_pipe_fixed : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_awburst : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_wrap_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_wrap_burst_reg : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_incr_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_fixed_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_fixed_burst_reg : std_logic := '0'; signal max_wrap_burst_mod : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_awready_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_d2 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_re : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_aresetn_re_reg : std_logic := '0'; -- BRAM Address Counter signal bram_addr_ld_en : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_ld_en_i : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_ld_en_mod : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_ld : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_ld_wrap : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_inc : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_inc_mod : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_inc_wrap_mod : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_rst : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_rst_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_bram_addr_inc : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_bram_addr_inc_re : std_logic := '0'; signal narrow_addr_int : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curr_ua_narrow_wrap : std_logic := '0'; signal curr_ua_narrow_incr : std_logic := '0'; signal ua_narrow_load : std_logic_vector (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Data Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- State machine type declarations type WR_DATA_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, W8_AWADDR, -- W8_BREADY, SNG_WR_DATA, BRST_WR_DATA, -- NEW_BRST_WR_DATA, B2B_W8_WR_DATA --, -- B2B_W8_BRESP, -- W8_BRESP ); signal wr_data_sm_cs, wr_data_sm_ns : WR_DATA_SM_TYPE; type WR_DATA_SNG_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, SNG_WR_DATA, BRST_WR_DATA ); signal wr_data_sng_sm_cs, wr_data_sng_sm_ns : WR_DATA_SNG_SM_TYPE; type WR_DATA_ECC_SM_TYPE is ( IDLE, RMW_RD_DATA, RMW_CHK_DATA, RMW_MOD_DATA, RMW_WR_DATA ); signal wr_data_ecc_sm_cs, wr_data_ecc_sm_ns : WR_DATA_ECC_SM_TYPE; -- Wr Data Buffer/Register signal wrdata_reg_ld : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wready_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wready_int_mod : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wdata_full_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wdata_full : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wdata_empty : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wdata_full_reg : std_logic := '0'; -- WE Generator Signals signal clr_bram_we_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal clr_bram_we : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_we_ld : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wr_burst_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wr_burst : std_logic := '0'; signal wr_b2b_elgible : std_logic := '0'; -- CR # 609695 signal last_data_ack : std_logic := '0'; -- CR # 609695 signal last_data_ack_throttle : std_logic := '0'; signal last_data_ack_mod : std_logic := '0'; -- CR # 609695 signal w8_b2b_bresp : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wlast_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_wlast_re : std_logic := '0'; -- Single Port Signals -- Write busy flags only used in ECC configuration -- when waiting for BVALID/BREADY handshake signal wr_busy_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal wr_busy_reg : std_logic := '0'; -- Only used by ECC register module. signal active_wr_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal active_wr_reg : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Response Channel Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal axi_bid_temp : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_bid_temp_full : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_bid_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_bresp_int : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_bvalid_int : std_logic := '0'; signal axi_bvalid_set_cmb : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal BRAM Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal reset_bram_we : std_logic := '0'; signal set_bram_we_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal set_bram_we : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_we_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_en_cmb : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_en_int : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_addr_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_wrdata_int : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ECC Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal CorrectedRdData : std_logic_vector(0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); signal RdModifyWr_Modify : std_logic := '0'; -- Modify cycle in read modify write sequence signal RdModifyWr_Write : std_logic := '0'; -- Write cycle in read modify write sequence signal WrData : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal WrData_cmb : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal UE_Q : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BVALID Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal bvalid_cnt_inc : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt_dec : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bvalid_cnt_amax : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt_max : std_logic := '0'; signal bvalid_cnt_non_zero : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BID FIFO Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal bid_fifo_rst : std_logic := '0'; signal bid_fifo_ld_en : std_logic := '0'; signal bid_fifo_ld : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bid_fifo_rd_en : std_logic := '0'; signal bid_fifo_rd : std_logic_vector (C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bid_fifo_not_empty : std_logic := '0'; signal bid_gets_fifo_load : std_logic := '0'; signal bid_gets_fifo_load_d1 : std_logic := '0'; signal first_fifo_bid : std_logic := '0'; signal b2b_fifo_bid : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Address Channel Output Signals --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AXI_AWREADY <= axi_awready_int; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Data Channel Output Signals --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- WREADY same signal assertion regardless of ECC or single port configuration. AXI_WREADY <= axi_wready_int_mod; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Write Response Channel Output Signals --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AXI_BRESP <= axi_bresp_int; AXI_BVALID <= axi_bvalid_int; AXI_BID <= axi_bid_int; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Write Address Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_AW_PIPE_SNG -- Purpose: Only generate pipeline registers when in dual port BRAM mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AW_PIPE_SNG: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1 generate begin -- Unused AW pipeline (set default values) awaddr_pipe_ld <= '0'; axi_awaddr_pipe <= AXI_AWADDR; axi_awid_pipe <= AXI_AWID; axi_awsize_pipe <= AXI_AWSIZE; axi_awlen_pipe <= AXI_AWLEN; axi_awburst_pipe <= AXI_AWBURST; axi_awlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= '0'; axi_awburst_pipe_fixed <= '0'; axi_awaddr_full <= '0'; end generate GEN_AW_PIPE_SNG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_AW_PIPE_DUAL -- Purpose: Only generate pipeline registers when in dual port BRAM mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AW_PIPE_DUAL: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- AXI Write Address Buffer/Register -- (mimic behavior of address pipeline for AXI_AWID) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AWADDR: for i in C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0 generate begin REG_AWADDR: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (awaddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_awaddr_pipe (i) <= AXI_AWADDR (i); else axi_awaddr_pipe (i) <= axi_awaddr_pipe (i); end if; end if; end process REG_AWADDR; end generate GEN_AWADDR; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register AWID REG_AWID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (awaddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_awid_pipe <= AXI_AWID; else axi_awid_pipe <= axi_awid_pipe; end if; end if; end process REG_AWID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- In parallel to AWADDR pipeline and AWID -- Use same control signals to capture AXI_AWSIZE, AXI_AWLEN & AXI_AWBURST. -- Register AXI_AWSIZE, AXI_AWLEN & AXI_AWBURST REG_AWCTRL: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (awaddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_awsize_pipe <= AXI_AWSIZE; axi_awlen_pipe <= AXI_AWLEN; axi_awburst_pipe <= AXI_AWBURST; else axi_awsize_pipe <= axi_awsize_pipe; axi_awlen_pipe <= axi_awlen_pipe; axi_awburst_pipe <= axi_awburst_pipe; end if; end if; end process REG_AWCTRL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create signals that indicate value of AXI_AWLEN in pipeline stage -- Used to decode length of burst when BRAM address can be loaded early -- when pipeline is full. -- -- Add early decode of AWBURST in pipeline. REG_AWLEN_PIPE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (awaddr_pipe_ld = '1') then -- Create merge to decode AWLEN of ONE or TWO if (AXI_AWLEN = AXI_AWLEN_ONE) or (AXI_AWLEN = AXI_AWLEN_TWO) then axi_awlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= '1'; else axi_awlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= '0'; end if; -- Early decode on value in pipeline of AWBURST if (AXI_AWBURST = C_AXI_BURST_FIXED) then axi_awburst_pipe_fixed <= '1'; else axi_awburst_pipe_fixed <= '0'; end if; else axi_awlen_pipe_1_or_2 <= axi_awlen_pipe_1_or_2; axi_awburst_pipe_fixed <= axi_awburst_pipe_fixed; end if; end if; end process REG_AWLEN_PIPE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create full flag for AWADDR pipeline -- Set when write address register is loaded. -- Cleared when write address stored in register is loaded into BRAM -- address counter. REG_WRADDR_FULL: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' and awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') then axi_awaddr_full <= '0'; elsif (awaddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_awaddr_full <= '1'; else axi_awaddr_full <= axi_awaddr_full; end if; end if; end process REG_WRADDR_FULL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_AW_PIPE_DUAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DUAL_ADDR_CNT -- Purpose: Instantiate BRAM address counter unique for wr_chnl logic -- only when controller configured in dual port mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DUAL_ADDR_CNT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Replace I_ADDR_CNT module usage of pf_counter in proc_common library. -- Only need to use lower 12-bits of address due to max AXI burst size -- Since AXI guarantees bursts do not cross 4KB boundary, the counting part -- of I_ADDR_CNT can be reduced to max 4KB. -- -- Counter size is adjusted based on data width of BRAM. -- For example, 32-bit data width BRAM, BRAM_Addr (1:0) -- are fixed at "00". So, counter increments from -- (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_ADDR_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- Reset usage differs from RD CHNL if (bram_addr_rst = '1') then bram_addr_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en_mod = '1') then bram_addr_int <= bram_addr_ld; elsif (bram_addr_inc_mod = '1') then bram_addr_int (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 12) <= bram_addr_int (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 12); bram_addr_int (11 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (bram_addr_int (11 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR)) + 1); end if; end if; end process I_ADDR_CNT; -- Set defaults to shared address counter -- Only used in single port configurations Sng_BRAM_Addr_Rst <= '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En <= '0'; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld <= (others => '0'); Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc <= '0'; end generate GEN_DUAL_ADDR_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_SNG_ADDR_CNT -- Purpose: When configured in single port BRAM mode, address counter -- is shared with rd_chnl module. Assign output signals here -- to counter instantiation at full_axi module level. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_SNG_ADDR_CNT: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin Sng_BRAM_Addr_Rst <= bram_addr_rst; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En <= bram_addr_ld_en_mod; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld <= bram_addr_ld; Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc <= bram_addr_inc_mod; bram_addr_int <= Sng_BRAM_Addr; end generate GEN_SNG_ADDR_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Add BRAM counter reset for @ end of transfer -- -- Create a unique BRAM address reset signal -- If the write transaction is throttling on the AXI bus, then -- the BRAM EN may get negated during the write transfer -- -- Use combinatorial output from SM, bram_addr_rst_cmb, but ensure the -- BRAM address is not reset while loading a new address. bram_addr_rst <= (not (S_AXI_AResetn)) or (bram_addr_rst_cmb and not (bram_addr_ld_en_mod) and not (bram_addr_inc_mod)); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BRAM address counter load mux -- -- Either load BRAM counter directly from AXI bus or from stored registered value -- -- Added bram_addr_ld_wrap for loading on wrap burst types -- Use registered signal to indicate current operation is a WRAP burst -- -- Do not load bram_addr_ld_wrap when bram_addr_ld_en signal is asserted at beginning of write burst -- BRAM address counter load. Due to condition when max_wrap_burst_mod remains asserted, due to BRAM address -- counter not incrementing (at the end of the previous write burst). -- bram_addr_ld <= bram_addr_ld_wrap when -- (max_wrap_burst_mod = '1' and curr_wrap_burst_reg = '1' and bram_addr_ld_en = '0') else -- axi_awaddr_pipe (C_BRAM_ADDR_SIZE-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) -- when (awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') else -- AXI_AWADDR (C_BRAM_ADDR_SIZE-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR); -- Replace C_BRAM_ADDR_SIZE w/ C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH parameter usage bram_addr_ld <= bram_addr_ld_wrap when (max_wrap_burst_mod = '1' and curr_wrap_burst_reg = '1' and bram_addr_ld_en = '0') else axi_awaddr_pipe (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) when (awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_AWADDR (C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- On wrap burst max loads (simultaneous BRAM address increment is asserted). -- Ensure that load has higher priority over increment. -- Use registered signal to indicate current operation is a WRAP burst -- bram_addr_ld_en_mod <= '1' when (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' or -- (max_wrap_burst_mod = '1' and -- curr_wrap_burst_reg = '1' and -- bram_addr_inc_mod = '1')) -- else '0'; -- Use duplicate version of bram_addr_ld_en in effort -- to reduce fanout of signal routed to BRAM address counter bram_addr_ld_en_mod <= '1' when (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' or (max_wrap_burst_mod = '1' and curr_wrap_burst_reg = '1' and bram_addr_inc_wrap_mod = '1')) else '0'; -- Create a special bram_addr_inc_mod for use in the bram_addr_ld_en_mod signal -- logic. No need for the check if the current operation is NOT a fixed AND a wrap -- burst. The transfer will be one or the other. -- Found issue when narrow FIXED length burst is incorrectly -- incrementing BRAM address counter bram_addr_inc_wrap_mod <= bram_addr_inc when (curr_narrow_burst = '0') else narrow_bram_addr_inc_re; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Handling for WRAP burst types -- -- For WRAP burst types, the counter value will roll over when the burst -- boundary is reached. -- Boundary is reached based on ARSIZE and ARLEN. -- -- Goal is to minimize muxing on initial load of counter value. -- On WRAP burst types, detect when the max address is reached. -- When the max address is reached, re-load counter with lower -- address value set to '0'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Detect valid WRAP burst types curr_wrap_burst <= '1' when (curr_awburst = C_AXI_BURST_WRAP) else '0'; -- Detect INCR & FIXED burst type operations curr_incr_burst <= '1' when (curr_awburst = C_AXI_BURST_INCR) else '0'; curr_fixed_burst <= '1' when (curr_awburst = C_AXI_BURST_FIXED) else '0'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register curr_wrap_burst signal when BRAM address counter is initially -- loaded REG_CURR_WRAP_BRST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- Add reset same as BRAM address counter if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (bram_addr_rst = '1' and bram_addr_ld_en = '0') then curr_wrap_burst_reg <= '0'; elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then curr_wrap_burst_reg <= curr_wrap_burst; else curr_wrap_burst_reg <= curr_wrap_burst_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_CURR_WRAP_BRST; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register curr_fixed_burst signal when BRAM address counter is initially -- loaded REG_CURR_FIXED_BRST: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- Add reset same as BRAM address counter if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (bram_addr_rst = '1' and bram_addr_ld_en = '0') then curr_fixed_burst_reg <= '0'; elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then curr_fixed_burst_reg <= curr_fixed_burst; else curr_fixed_burst_reg <= curr_fixed_burst_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_CURR_FIXED_BRST; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Instance: I_WRAP_BRST -- -- Description: -- -- Instantiate WRAP_BRST module -- Logic to generate the wrap around value to load into the BRAM address -- counter on WRAP burst transactions. -- WRAP value is based on current AWLEN, AWSIZE (for narrows) and -- data width of BRAM module. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_WRAP_BRST : entity work.wrap_brst generic map ( C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR => C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR , C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_AClk , S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_AResetn , curr_axlen => curr_awlen , curr_axsize => curr_awsize , curr_narrow_burst => curr_narrow_burst , narrow_bram_addr_inc_re => narrow_bram_addr_inc_re , bram_addr_ld_en => bram_addr_ld_en , bram_addr_ld => bram_addr_ld , bram_addr_int => bram_addr_int , bram_addr_ld_wrap => bram_addr_ld_wrap , max_wrap_burst_mod => max_wrap_burst_mod ); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_WO_NARROW -- Purpose: Create BRAM address increment signal when narrow bursts -- are disabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WO_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 0) generate begin -- For non narrow burst operations, use bram_addr_inc from data SM. -- Add in check that burst type is not FIXED, curr_fixed_burst_reg bram_addr_inc_mod <= bram_addr_inc and not (curr_fixed_burst_reg); -- The signal, curr_narrow_burst should always be set to '0' when narrow bursts -- are disabled. curr_narrow_burst <= '0'; narrow_bram_addr_inc_re <= '0'; end generate GEN_WO_NARROW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Only instantiate NARROW_CNT and supporting logic when narrow transfers -- are supported and utilized by masters in the AXI system. -- The design parameter, C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW will indicate this. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NARROW_CNT -- Purpose: Instantiate narrow counter and logic when narrow -- operation support is enabled. -- And, only instantiate logic for narrow operations when -- AXI bus protocol is not set for AXI-LITE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NARROW_CNT: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin -- Based on current operation being a narrow burst, hold off BRAM -- address increment until narrow burst fits BRAM data width. -- For non narrow burst operations, use bram_addr_inc from data SM. -- Add in check that burst type is not FIXED, curr_fixed_burst_reg bram_addr_inc_mod <= (bram_addr_inc and not (curr_fixed_burst_reg)) when (curr_narrow_burst = '0') -- else narrow_bram_addr_inc_re; -- Seeing incorrect BRAM address increment on narrow -- fixed length burst operations. -- Add this check for curr_fixed_burst_reg else (narrow_bram_addr_inc_re and not (curr_fixed_burst_reg)); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate seperate smaller counter for narrow burst operations -- Replace I_NARROW_CNT module usage of pf_counter_top from proc_common library. -- -- Counter size is adjusted based on size of data burst. -- -- For example, 32-bit data width BRAM, minimum narrow width -- burst is 8 bits resulting in a count 3 downto 0. So the -- minimum counter width = 2 bits. -- -- When C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 256, minimum narrow width burst -- is 8 bits resulting in a count 31 downto 0. So the -- minimum counter width = 5 bits. -- -- Size of counter = C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_NARROW_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (narrow_addr_rst = '1') then narrow_addr_int <= (others => '0'); -- Load narrow address counter elsif (narrow_addr_ld_en = '1') then narrow_addr_int <= narrow_burst_cnt_ld_mod; -- Decrement ONLY (no increment functionality) elsif (narrow_addr_dec = '1') then narrow_addr_int (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (narrow_addr_int (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0)) - 1); end if; end if; end process I_NARROW_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- narrow_addr_rst <= not (S_AXI_AResetn); -- Narrow burst counter load mux -- Modify narrow burst count load value based on -- unalignment of AXI address value -- Account for INCR burst types at unaligned addresses narrow_burst_cnt_ld_mod <= ua_narrow_load when (curr_ua_narrow_wrap = '1' or curr_ua_narrow_incr = '1') else narrow_burst_cnt_ld when (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') else narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg; narrow_addr_dec <= bram_addr_inc when (curr_narrow_burst = '1') else '0'; narrow_addr_ld_en <= (curr_narrow_burst_cmb and bram_addr_ld_en) or narrow_bram_addr_inc_re; narrow_bram_addr_inc <= '1' when (narrow_addr_int = NARROW_CNT_MAX) and (curr_narrow_burst = '1') -- Ensure that narrow address counter doesn't -- flag max or get loaded to -- reset narrow counter until AXI read data -- bus has acknowledged current -- data on the AXI bus. Use rd_adv_buf signal -- to indicate the non throttle -- condition on the AXI bus. and (bram_addr_inc = '1') else '0'; -- Detect rising edge of narrow_bram_addr_inc REG_NARROW_BRAM_ADDR_INC: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 <= '0'; else narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 <= narrow_bram_addr_inc; end if; end if; end process REG_NARROW_BRAM_ADDR_INC; narrow_bram_addr_inc_re <= '1' when (narrow_bram_addr_inc = '1') and (narrow_bram_addr_inc_d1 = '0') else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_NARROW_CNT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_AWREADY -- Purpose: AWREADY is only created here when in dual port BRAM mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AWREADY: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin -- v1.03a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_AWREADY Output Register -- Description: Keep AXI_AWREADY output asserted until AWADDR pipeline -- is full. When a full condition is reached, negate -- AWREADY as another AW address can not be accepted. -- Add condition to keep AWReady asserted if loading current --- AWADDR pipeline value into the BRAM address counter. -- Indicated by assertion of bram_addr_ld_en & awaddr_pipe_sel. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_AWREADY: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_awready_int <= '0'; -- Detect end of S_AXI_AResetn to assert AWREADY and accept -- new AWADDR values elsif (axi_aresetn_re_reg = '1') or (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' and awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') then axi_awready_int <= '1'; elsif (awaddr_pipe_ld = '1') then axi_awready_int <= '0'; else axi_awready_int <= axi_awready_int; end if; end if; end process REG_AWREADY; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Need to detect end of reset cycle to assert AWREADY on AXI bus REG_ARESETN: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then axi_aresetn_d1 <= S_AXI_AResetn; axi_aresetn_d2 <= axi_aresetn_d1; axi_aresetn_re_reg <= axi_aresetn_re; end if; end process REG_ARESETN; -- Create combinatorial RE detect of S_AXI_AResetn axi_aresetn_re <= '1' when (S_AXI_AResetn = '1' and axi_aresetn_d1 = '0') else '0'; end generate GEN_AWREADY; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Specify current AWSIZE signal -- Address pipeline MUX curr_awsize <= axi_awsize_pipe when (awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_AWSIZE; -- Register curr_awsize when bram_addr_ld_en = '1' REG_AWSIZE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then curr_awsize_reg <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then curr_awsize_reg <= curr_awsize; else curr_awsize_reg <= curr_awsize_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_AWSIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_NARROW_EN -- Purpose: Only instantiate logic to determine if current burst -- is a narrow burst when narrow bursting logic is supported. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NARROW_EN: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Determine "narrow" burst transfers -- Compare the AWSIZE to the BRAM data width ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a -- Detect if current burst operation is of size /= to the full -- AXI data bus width. If not, then the current operation is a -- "narrow" burst. curr_narrow_burst_cmb <= '1' when (curr_awsize /= C_AXI_SIZE_MAX) else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- curr_narrow_burst_en <= '1' when (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') and (curr_awlen /= AXI_AWLEN_ONE) and (curr_fixed_burst = '0') else '0'; -- Register flag indicating the current operation -- is a narrow write burst NARROW_BURST_REG: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then -- Need to reset this flag at end of narrow burst operation -- Use handshaking signals on AXI if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- Check for back to back narrow burst. If that is the case, then -- do not clear curr_narrow_burst flag. (axi_wlast_re = '1' and curr_narrow_burst_en = '0' -- If ECC is enabled, no clear to curr_narrow_burst when WLAST is asserted -- this causes the BRAM address to incorrectly get asserted on the last -- beat in the burst (due to delay in RMW logic) and C_ECC = 0) then curr_narrow_burst <= '0'; elsif (curr_narrow_burst_en = '1') then curr_narrow_burst <= curr_narrow_burst_cmb; end if; end if; end process NARROW_BURST_REG; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Detect RE of AXI_WLAST -- Only used when narrow bursts are enabled. WLAST_REG: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_wlast_d1 <= '0'; else -- axi_wlast_d1 <= AXI_WLAST and axi_wready_int_mod; -- CR # 609695 axi_wlast_d1 <= AXI_WLAST and axi_wready_int_mod and AXI_WVALID; end if; end if; end process WLAST_REG; -- axi_wlast_re <= (AXI_WLAST and axi_wready_int_mod) and not (axi_wlast_d1); -- CR # 609695 axi_wlast_re <= (AXI_WLAST and axi_wready_int_mod and AXI_WVALID) and not (axi_wlast_d1); end generate GEN_NARROW_EN; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate registered flag that active burst is a "narrow" burst -- and load narrow burst counter --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_NARROW_CNT_LD -- Purpose: Only instantiate logic to determine narrow burst counter -- load value when narrow bursts are enabled. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NARROW_CNT_LD: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate signal curr_awsize_unsigned : unsigned (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_byte_div_curr_awsize : integer := 1; begin -- v1.03a -- Create narrow burst counter load value based on current operation -- "narrow" data width (indicated by value of AWSIZE). curr_awsize_unsigned <= unsigned (curr_awsize); -- XST does not support divisors that are not constants and powers of 2. -- Create process to create a fixed value for divisor. -- Replace this statement: -- narrow_burst_cnt_ld <= std_logic_vector ( -- to_unsigned ( -- (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / (2**(to_integer (curr_awsize_unsigned))) ) - 1, -- C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)); -- -- With this new process and subsequent signal assignment: -- DIV_AWSIZE: process (curr_awsize_unsigned) -- begin -- -- case (to_integer (curr_awsize_unsigned)) is -- when 0 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 1; -- when 1 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 2; -- when 2 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 4; -- when 3 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 8; -- when 4 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 16; -- when 5 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 32; -- when 6 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 64; -- when 7 => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 128; -- --coverage off -- when others => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES; -- --coverage on -- end case; -- -- end process DIV_AWSIZE; -- w/ CR # 609695 -- With this new process and subsequent signal assignment: DIV_AWSIZE: process (curr_awsize_unsigned) begin case (curr_awsize_unsigned) is when "000" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 1; when "001" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 2; when "010" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 4; when "011" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 8; when "100" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 16; when "101" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 32; when "110" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 64; when "111" => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES / 128; --coverage off when others => axi_byte_div_curr_awsize <= C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES; --coverage on end case; end process DIV_AWSIZE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create narrow burst count load value. -- -- Size is based on [C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 : 0] -- For 32-bit BRAM, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN = 2. -- For 64-bit BRAM, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN = 3. -- For 128-bit BRAM, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN = 4. (etc.) -- -- Signal, narrow_burst_cnt_ld signal is sized according to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH. -- Updated else clause for simulation warnings w/ CR # 609695 narrow_burst_cnt_ld <= std_logic_vector ( to_unsigned ( (axi_byte_div_curr_awsize) - 1, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)) when (axi_byte_div_curr_awsize > 0) else std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (0, C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN)); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register narrow_burst_cnt_ld REG_NAR_BRST_CNT_LD: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg <= narrow_burst_cnt_ld; else narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg <= narrow_burst_cnt_ld_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_NAR_BRST_CNT_LD; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_NARROW_CNT_LD; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Specify current AWBURST signal -- Input address pipeline MUX curr_awburst <= axi_awburst_pipe when (awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_AWBURST; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Specify current AWBURST signal -- Input address pipeline MUX curr_awlen <= axi_awlen_pipe when (awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_AWLEN; -- Duplicate early decode of AWLEN value to use in wr_b2b_elgible logic REG_CURR_AWLEN: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then curr_awlen_reg_1_or_2 <= '0'; elsif (bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then -- Create merge to decode AWLEN of ONE or TWO if (curr_awlen = AXI_AWLEN_ONE) or (curr_awlen = AXI_AWLEN_TWO) then curr_awlen_reg_1_or_2 <= '1'; else curr_awlen_reg_1_or_2 <= '0'; end if; else curr_awlen_reg_1_or_2 <= curr_awlen_reg_1_or_2; end if; end if; end process REG_CURR_AWLEN; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_UA_NARROW -- Purpose: Only instantiate logic for burst narrow WRAP operations when -- AXI bus protocol is not set for AXI-LITE and narrow -- burst operations are supported. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_UA_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW = 1) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- New logic to detect unaligned address on a narrow WRAP burst transaction. -- If this condition is met, then the narrow burst counter will be -- initially loaded with an offset value corresponding to the unalignment -- in the ARADDR value. -- Create a sub module for all logic to determine the narrow burst counter -- offset value on unaligned WRAP burst operations. -- Module generates the following signals: -- -- => curr_ua_narrow_wrap, to indicate the current -- operation is an unaligned narrow WRAP burst. -- -- => curr_ua_narrow_incr, to load narrow burst counter -- for unaligned INCR burst operations. -- -- => ua_narrow_load, narrow counter load value. -- Sized, (C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN-1 downto 0) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_UA_NARROW -- -- Description: -- -- Creates a narrow burst count load value when an operation -- is an unaligned narrow WRAP or INCR burst type. Used by -- I_NARROW_CNT module. -- -- Logic is customized for each C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_UA_NARROW : entity work.ua_narrow generic map ( C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR => C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR , C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN => C_NARROW_BURST_CNT_LEN ) port map ( curr_wrap_burst => curr_wrap_burst , -- in curr_incr_burst => curr_incr_burst , -- in bram_addr_ld_en => bram_addr_ld_en , -- in curr_axlen => curr_awlen , -- in curr_axsize => curr_awsize , -- in curr_axaddr_lsb => curr_awaddr_lsb , -- in curr_ua_narrow_wrap => curr_ua_narrow_wrap , -- out curr_ua_narrow_incr => curr_ua_narrow_incr , -- out ua_narrow_load => ua_narrow_load -- out ); -- Use in all C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH generate statements -- Only probe least significant BRAM address bits -- C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR offset down to 0. curr_awaddr_lsb <= axi_awaddr_pipe (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0) when (awaddr_pipe_sel = '1') else AXI_AWADDR (C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0); end generate GEN_UA_NARROW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_AW_SNG -- Purpose: If single port BRAM configuration, set all AW flags from -- logic generated in sng_port_arb module. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AW_SNG: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin aw_active <= Arb2AW_Active; bram_addr_ld_en <= aw_active_re; AW2Arb_Active_Clr <= aw_active_clr; AW2Arb_Busy <= wr_busy_reg; AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt <= bvalid_cnt; end generate GEN_AW_SNG; -- Rising edge detect of aw_active -- For single port configurations, aw_active = Arb2AW_Active. -- For dual port configurations, aw_active generated in ADDR SM. RE_AW_ACT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then aw_active_d1 <= '0'; else aw_active_d1 <= aw_active; end if; end if; end process RE_AW_ACT; aw_active_re <= '1' when (aw_active = '1' and aw_active_d1 = '0') else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_AW_DUAL -- Purpose: Generate AW control state machine logic only when AXI4 -- controller is configured for dual port mode. In dual port -- mode, wr_chnl has full access over AW & port A of BRAM. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AW_DUAL: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin AW2Arb_Active_Clr <= '0'; -- Only used in single port case AW2Arb_Busy <= '0'; -- Only used in single port case AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt <= (others => '0'); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_LAST_DATA_ACK: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then last_data_ack_mod <= '0'; else -- last_data_ack_mod <= AXI_WLAST; -- CR # 609695 last_data_ack_mod <= AXI_WLAST and AXI_WVALID and axi_wready_int_mod; end if; end if; end process REG_LAST_DATA_ACK; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- WR ADDR State Machine -- -- Description: Central processing unit for AXI write address -- channel interface handling and handshaking. -- -- Outputs: awaddr_pipe_ld Combinatorial -- awaddr_pipe_sel -- bram_addr_ld_en -- -- -- -- WR_ADDR_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- WR_ADDR_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_ADDR_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( AXI_AWVALID, bvalid_cnt_max, axi_awaddr_full, aw_active, wr_b2b_elgible, last_data_ack_mod, wr_addr_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs wr_addr_sm_ns <= wr_addr_sm_cs; awaddr_pipe_ld_i <= '0'; bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '0'; aw_active_set_i <= '0'; case wr_addr_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- Check for pending operation in address pipeline that may -- be elgible for back-to-back performance to BRAM. -- Prevent loading BRAM address counter if BID FIFO can not -- store the AWID value. Check the BVALID counter. if (wr_b2b_elgible = '1') and (last_data_ack_mod = '1') and -- Ensure the BVALID counter does not roll over (max = 8 ID values) (bvalid_cnt_max = '0') then wr_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; -- Load BRAM address counter from pipelined value bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; aw_active_set_i <= '1'; -- Ensure AWVALID is recognized. -- Address pipeline may be loaded, but BRAM counter -- can not be loaded if at max of BID FIFO. elsif (AXI_AWVALID = '1') then -- If address pipeline is full -- AWReady output is negated -- If write address logic is ready for new operation -- Load BRAM address counter and set aw_active = '1' -- If address pipeline is already full to start next operation -- load address counter from pipeline. -- Prevent loading BRAM address counter if BID FIFO can not -- store the AWID value. Check the BVALID counter. -- Remain in this state if (aw_active = '0') and -- Ensure the BVALID counter does not roll over (max = 8 ID values) (bvalid_cnt_max = '0') then wr_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; -- Stay in this state to capture AWVALID if asserted -- in next clock cycle. bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; aw_active_set_i <= '1'; -- Address counter is currently busy. -- No check on BVALID counter for address pipeline load. -- Only the BRAM address counter is checked for BID FIFO capacity. else -- Check if AWADDR pipeline is not full and can be loaded if (axi_awaddr_full = '0') then wr_addr_sm_ns <= LD_AWADDR; awaddr_pipe_ld_i <= '1'; end if; end if; -- aw_active -- Pending operation in pipeline that is waiting -- until current operation is complete (aw_active = '0') elsif (axi_awaddr_full = '1') and (aw_active = '0') and -- Ensure the BVALID counter does not roll over (max = 8 ID values) (bvalid_cnt_max = '0') then wr_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; -- Load BRAM address counter from pipelined value bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; aw_active_set_i <= '1'; end if; -- AWVALID ---------------------------- LD_AWADDR State --------------------------- when LD_AWADDR => wr_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; if (wr_b2b_elgible = '1') and (last_data_ack_mod = '1') and -- Ensure the BVALID counter does not roll over (max = 8 ID values) (bvalid_cnt_max = '0') then -- Load BRAM address counter from pipelined value bram_addr_ld_en_i <= '1'; aw_active_set_i <= '1'; end if; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => wr_addr_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process WR_ADDR_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CR # 582705 -- Ensure combinatorial SM output signals do not get set before -- the end of the reset (and ARREAADY can be set). bram_addr_ld_en <= bram_addr_ld_en_i and axi_aresetn_d2; aw_active_set <= aw_active_set_i and axi_aresetn_d2; awaddr_pipe_ld <= awaddr_pipe_ld_i and axi_aresetn_d2; WR_ADDR_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then -- CR # 582705 -- Ensure that ar_active does not get asserted (from SM) before -- the end of reset and the ARREADY flag is set. if (axi_aresetn_d2 = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then wr_addr_sm_cs <= IDLE; else wr_addr_sm_cs <= wr_addr_sm_ns; end if; end if; end process WR_ADDR_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Asserting awaddr_pipe_sel outside of SM logic -- The BRAM address counter will get loaded with value in AWADDR pipeline -- when data is stored in the AWADDR pipeline. awaddr_pipe_sel <= '1' when (axi_awaddr_full = '1') else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register for aw_active REG_AW_ACT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- CR # 582705 -- if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then if (axi_aresetn_d2 = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then aw_active <= '0'; elsif (aw_active_set = '1') then aw_active <= '1'; elsif (aw_active_clr = '1') then aw_active <= '0'; else aw_active <= aw_active; end if; end if; end process REG_AW_ACT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_AW_DUAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Write Data Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI WrData Buffer/Register --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WRDATA: for i in C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0 generate begin REG_WRDATA: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (wrdata_reg_ld = '1') then bram_wrdata_int (i) <= AXI_WDATA (i); else bram_wrdata_int (i) <= bram_wrdata_int (i); end if; end if; end process REG_WRDATA; end generate GEN_WRDATA; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_WR_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Generate BRAM WrData and WE signals based on AXI_WRDATA -- and AXI_WSTRBs when C_ECC is disabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WR_NO_ECC: if C_ECC = 0 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI WSTRB Buffer/Register -- Use AXI write data channel data strobe signals to generate BRAM WE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_BRAM_WE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- Ensure we don't clear WE when loading subsequent WSTRB value if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (clr_bram_we = '1' and bram_we_ld = '0') then bram_we_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (bram_we_ld = '1') then bram_we_int <= AXI_WSTRB; else bram_we_int <= bram_we_int; end if; end if; end process REG_BRAM_WE; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- New logic to detect if pending operation in AWADDR pipeline is -- elgible for back-to-back no "bubble" performance. And BRAM address -- counter can be loaded upon last BRAM address presented for the current -- operation. -- This condition exists when the AWADDR pipeline is full and the pending -- operation is a burst >= length of two data beats. -- And not a FIXED burst type (must be INCR or WRAP type). -- -- Narrow bursts are be neglible -- -- Add check to complete current single and burst of two data bursts -- prior to loading BRAM counter wr_b2b_elgible <= '1' when (axi_awaddr_full = '1') and -- Replace comparator logic here with register signal (pre pipeline stage -- on axi_awlen_pipe value -- Use merge in decode of ONE or TWO (axi_awlen_pipe_1_or_2 /= '1') and (axi_awburst_pipe_fixed /= '1') and -- Use merge in decode of ONE or TWO (curr_awlen_reg_1_or_2 /= '1') else '0'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_WR_NO_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_WR_ECC -- Purpose: Generate BRAM WrData and WE signals based on AXI_WRDATA -- and AXI_WSTRBs when C_ECC is enabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WR_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate begin wr_b2b_elgible <= '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI WSTRB Buffer/Register -- Use AXI write data channel data strobe signals to generate BRAM WE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_BRAM_WE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- Ensure we don't clear WE when loading subsequent WSTRB value if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (reset_bram_we = '1') then bram_we_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (set_bram_we = '1') then bram_we_int <= (others => '1'); else bram_we_int <= bram_we_int; end if; end if; end process REG_BRAM_WE; end generate GEN_WR_ECC; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Implement WREADY to be a registered output. Used by all configurations. -- This will disable the back-to-back streamlined WDATA -- for write operations to BRAM. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- REG_WREADY: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_wready_int_mod <= '0'; -- Keep AXI WREADY asserted unless write data register is full -- Use combinatorial signal from SM. elsif (axi_wdata_full_cmb = '1') then axi_wready_int_mod <= '0'; else axi_wready_int_mod <= '1'; end if; end if; end process REG_WREADY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_WDATA_SM_ECC -- Purpose: Create seperate SM for ECC read-modify-write logic. -- Only used in single port BRAM mode. So, no address -- pipelining. Must use aw_active from arbitration logic -- to determine start of write to BRAM. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test using same write data SM for single or dual port configuration. -- The difference is the source of aw_active. In a single port configuration, -- the aw_active is coming from the arbiter SM. In a dual port configuration, -- the aw_active is coming from the write address SM in this module. GEN_WDATA_SM_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate begin -- Unused in this SM configuration bram_we_ld <= '0'; bram_addr_rst_cmb <= '0'; -- Output only used by ECC register module. Active_Wr <= active_wr_reg; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- WR DATA State Machine -- -- Description: Central processing unit for AXI write data -- channel interface handling and AXI write data response -- handshaking when ECC is enabled. SM will handle -- each transaction as a read-modify-write to ensure -- the correct ECC bits are stored in BRAM. -- -- Dedicated to single port BRAM interface. Transaction -- is not initiated until valid AWADDR is arbitration, -- ie. aw_active will be asserted. SM can do early reads -- while waiting for WVALID to be asserted. -- -- Valid AWADDR recieve indicator comes from arbitration -- logic (aw_active will be asserted). -- -- Outputs: Name Type -- -- aw_active_clr Not Registered -- axi_wdata_full_reg Registered -- wrdata_reg_ld Not Registered -- bvalid_cnt_inc Not Registered -- bram_addr_inc Not Registered -- bram_en_int Registered -- reset_bram_we Not Registered -- set_bram_we Not Registered -- -- -- WR_DATA_ECC_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- WR_DATA_ECC_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_DATA_ECC_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( AXI_WVALID, AXI_WLAST, aw_active, wr_busy_reg, axi_wdata_full_reg, axi_wr_burst, AXI_BREADY, active_wr_reg, wr_data_ecc_sm_cs ) begin -- Assign default values for state machine outputs wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= wr_data_ecc_sm_cs; aw_active_clr <= '0'; wr_busy_cmb <= wr_busy_reg; bvalid_cnt_inc <= '0'; wrdata_reg_ld <= '0'; reset_bram_we <= '0'; set_bram_we_cmb <= '0'; bram_en_cmb <= '0'; bram_addr_inc <= '0'; axi_wdata_full_cmb <= axi_wdata_full_reg; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= axi_wr_burst; active_wr_cmb <= active_wr_reg; case wr_data_ecc_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- Prior to AWVALID assertion, WVALID may be asserted -- and data accepted into WDATA register. -- Catch this condition and ensure the register full flag is set. -- Check that data pipeline is not already full. if (AXI_WVALID = '1') and (axi_wdata_full_reg = '0') then wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; -- Hold off accepting any new write data -- w/ CR # 609695 -- -- -- Set flag to check if single or not -- if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then -- axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '0'; -- else -- axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; -- end if; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= not (AXI_WLAST); -- Set flag to check if single or not end if; -- Check if AWVALID is asserted & wins arbitration if (aw_active = '1') then active_wr_cmb <= '1'; -- Set flag that RMW SM is active -- Controls mux select for BRAM and ECC register module -- (Set to '1' wr_chnl or '0' for rd_chnl control) bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Initiate BRAM read transfer reset_bram_we <= '1'; -- Disable Port A write enables -- Will proceed to read-modify-write if we get a -- valid write address early (before WVALID) wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= RMW_RD_DATA; end if; -- WVALID ------------------------- RMW_RD_DATA State ------------------------- when RMW_RD_DATA => -- Check if data to write is available in data pipeline if (axi_wdata_full_reg = '1') then wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= RMW_CHK_DATA; -- Else may have address, but not yet data from W channel elsif (AXI_WVALID = '1') then -- Ensure that WDATA pipeline is marked as full, so WREADY negates axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; -- Hold off accepting any new write data wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register -- w/ CR # 609695 -- -- -- Set flag to check if single or not -- if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then -- axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '0'; -- else -- axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; -- end if; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= not (AXI_WLAST); -- Set flag to check if single or not wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= RMW_CHK_DATA; else -- Hold here and wait for write data wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= RMW_RD_DATA; end if; ------------------------- RMW_CHK_DATA State ------------------------- when RMW_CHK_DATA => -- New state here to add register stage on calculating -- checkbits for read data and then muxing/creating new -- checkbits for write cycle. -- Go immediately to MODIFY stage in RMW sequence wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= RMW_MOD_DATA; set_bram_we_cmb <= '1'; -- Enable all WEs to BRAM ------------------------- RMW_MOD_DATA State ------------------------- when RMW_MOD_DATA => -- Modify clock cycle in RMW sequence -- Only reach this state after a read AND we have data -- in the write data pipeline to modify and subsequently write to BRAM. bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Initiate BRAM write transfer -- Can clear WDATA pipeline full condition flag if (axi_wr_burst = '1') then axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '0'; end if; wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= RMW_WR_DATA; -- Go to write data to BRAM ------------------------- RMW_WR_DATA State ------------------------- when RMW_WR_DATA => -- Check if last data beat in a burst (or the write is a single) if (axi_wr_burst = '0') then -- Can clear WDATA pipeline full condition flag now that -- write data has gone out to BRAM (for single data transfers) axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '0'; bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; -- Set flag to assert BVALID and increment counter wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= IDLE; -- Go back to IDLE, BVALID assertion is seperate wr_busy_cmb <= '0'; -- Clear flag to arbiter active_wr_cmb <= '0'; -- Clear flag (wr_chnl is done accessing BRAM) -- Used for single port arbitration SM axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '0'; aw_active_clr <= '1'; -- Clear aw_active flag reset_bram_we <= '1'; -- Disable Port A write enables else -- Continue with read-modify-write sequence for write burst -- If next data beat is available on AXI, capture the data if (AXI_WVALID = '1') then wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; -- Hold off accepting any new write data -- w/ CR # 609695 -- -- -- Set flag to check if single or not -- if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then -- axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '0'; -- else -- axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; -- end if; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= not (AXI_WLAST); -- Set flag to check if single or not end if; -- After write cycle (in RMW) => Increment BRAM address counter bram_addr_inc <= '1'; bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Initiate BRAM read transfer reset_bram_we <= '1'; -- Disable Port A write enables -- Will proceed to read-modify-write if we get a -- valid write address early (before WVALID) wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= RMW_RD_DATA; end if; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => wr_data_ecc_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process WR_DATA_ECC_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_DATA_ECC_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then wr_data_ecc_sm_cs <= IDLE; bram_en_int <= '0'; axi_wdata_full_reg <= '0'; wr_busy_reg <= '0'; active_wr_reg <= '0'; set_bram_we <= '0'; else wr_data_ecc_sm_cs <= wr_data_ecc_sm_ns; bram_en_int <= bram_en_cmb; axi_wdata_full_reg <= axi_wdata_full_cmb; wr_busy_reg <= wr_busy_cmb; active_wr_reg <= active_wr_cmb; set_bram_we <= set_bram_we_cmb; end if; end if; end process WR_DATA_ECC_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_WDATA_SM_ECC; -- v1.03a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_WDATA_SM_NO_ECC_SNG_REG_WREADY -- Purpose: Create seperate SM use case of no ECC (no read-modify-write) -- and single port BRAM configuration (no back to back operations -- are supported). Must wait for aw_active from arbiter to indicate -- control on BRAM interface. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WDATA_SM_NO_ECC_SNG_REG_WREADY: if C_ECC = 0 and C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1 generate begin -- Unused in this SM configuration wr_busy_cmb <= '0'; -- Unused wr_busy_reg <= '0'; -- Unused active_wr_cmb <= '0'; -- Unused active_wr_reg <= '0'; -- Unused Active_Wr <= '0'; -- Unused --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- WR DATA State Machine -- -- Description: Central processing unit for AXI write data -- channel interface handling and AXI write data response -- handshaking. -- -- Outputs: Name Type -- aw_active_clr Not Registered -- bvalid_cnt_inc Not Registered -- wrdata_reg_ld Not Registered -- bram_we_ld Not Registered -- bram_en_int Registered -- clr_bram_we Registered -- bram_addr_inc Not Registered -- wrdata_reg_ld Not Registered -- -- Note: -- -- On "narrow burst transfers" BRAM address only -- gets incremented at BRAM data width. -- On WRAP bursts, the BRAM address must wrap when -- the max is reached -- -- -- -- WR_DATA_SNG_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- WR_DATA_SNG_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_DATA_SNG_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( AXI_WVALID, AXI_WLAST, aw_active, axi_wr_burst, axi_wdata_full_reg, wr_data_sng_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs wr_data_sng_sm_ns <= wr_data_sng_sm_cs; aw_active_clr <= '0'; bvalid_cnt_inc <= '0'; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= axi_wr_burst; wrdata_reg_ld <= '0'; bram_we_ld <= '0'; bram_en_cmb <= '0'; clr_bram_we_cmb <= '0'; bram_addr_inc <= '0'; bram_addr_rst_cmb <= '0'; axi_wdata_full_cmb <= axi_wdata_full_reg; case wr_data_sng_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- Prior to AWVALID assertion, WVALID may be asserted -- and data accepted into WDATA register. -- Catch this condition and ensure the register full flag is set. -- Check that data pipeline is not already full. -- -- Modify WE pipeline and mux to BRAM -- as well. Since WE may be asserted early (when pipeline is loaded), -- but not yet ready to go out to BRAM. -- -- Only first data beat will be accepted early into data pipeline. -- All remaining beats in a burst will only be accepted upon WVALID. if (AXI_WVALID = '1') and (axi_wdata_full_reg = '0') then wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Load WE register axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; -- Hold off accepting any new write data axi_wr_burst_cmb <= not (AXI_WLAST); -- Set flag to check if single or not end if; -- Wait for WVALID and aw_active to initiate write transfer if (aw_active = '1' and (AXI_WVALID = '1' or axi_wdata_full_reg = '1')) then -- If operation is a single, then it goes directly out to BRAM -- WDATA register is never marked as FULL in this case. -- If data pipeline is not previously loaded, do so now. if (axi_wdata_full_reg = '0') then wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Load WE register end if; -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- If data goes out to BRAM, mark data register as EMPTY axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '0'; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= not (AXI_WLAST); -- Set flag to check if single or not -- Check for singles, by checking WLAST assertion w/ WVALID -- Only if write data pipeline is not yet filled, check WLAST -- Otherwise, if pipeline is already full, use registered value of WLAST -- to check for single vs. burst write operation. if (AXI_WLAST = '1' and axi_wdata_full_reg = '0') or (axi_wdata_full_reg = '1' and axi_wr_burst = '0') then -- Single data write wr_data_sng_sm_ns <= SNG_WR_DATA; -- Set flag to assert BVALID and increment counter bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; -- BRAM WE only asserted for single clock cycle clr_bram_we_cmb <= '1'; else -- Burst data write wr_data_sng_sm_ns <= BRST_WR_DATA; end if; -- WLAST end if; ------------------------- SNG_WR_DATA State ------------------------- when SNG_WR_DATA => -- If WREADY is registered, then BVALID generation is seperate -- from write data flow. -- Go back to IDLE automatically -- BVALID will get asserted seperately from W channel wr_data_sng_sm_ns <= IDLE; bram_addr_rst_cmb <= '1'; aw_active_clr <= '1'; -- Check for capture of next data beat (WREADY will be asserted) if (AXI_WVALID = '1') then wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Load WE register axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; -- Hold off accepting any new write data axi_wr_burst_cmb <= not (AXI_WLAST); -- Set flag to check if single or not else axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '0'; -- If no next data, ensure data register is flagged EMPTY. end if; ------------------------- BRST_WR_DATA State ------------------------- when BRST_WR_DATA => -- Reach this state at the 2nd data beat of a burst -- AWADDR is already accepted -- Continue to accept data from AXI write channel -- and wait for assertion of WLAST -- Check that WVALID remains asserted for burst -- If negated, indicates throttling from AXI master if (AXI_WVALID = '1') then -- If WVALID is asserted for the 2nd and remaining -- data beats of the transfer -- Continue w/ BRAM write enable assertion & advance -- write data register -- Write data goes directly out to BRAM. -- WDATA register is never marked as FULL in this case. wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Load WE register -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Increment BRAM address counter bram_addr_inc <= '1'; -- Check for last data beat in burst transfer if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then -- Last/single data write wr_data_sng_sm_ns <= SNG_WR_DATA; -- Set flag to assert BVALID and increment counter bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; -- BRAM WE only asserted for single clock cycle clr_bram_we_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- WLAST -- Throttling -- Suspend BRAM write & halt write data & WE register load else -- Negate write data register load wrdata_reg_ld <= '0'; -- Negate WE register load bram_we_ld <= '0'; -- Negate write to BRAM bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- Do not increment BRAM address counter bram_addr_inc <= '0'; end if; -- WVALID --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => wr_data_sng_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process WR_DATA_SNG_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_DATA_SNG_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then wr_data_sng_sm_cs <= IDLE; bram_en_int <= '0'; clr_bram_we <= '0'; axi_wdata_full_reg <= '0'; else wr_data_sng_sm_cs <= wr_data_sng_sm_ns; bram_en_int <= bram_en_cmb; clr_bram_we <= clr_bram_we_cmb; axi_wdata_full_reg <= axi_wdata_full_cmb; end if; end if; end process WR_DATA_SNG_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_WDATA_SM_NO_ECC_SNG_REG_WREADY; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_WDATA_SM_NO_ECC_DUAL_REG_WREADY -- -- Purpose: Create seperate SM for new logic to register out WREADY -- signal. Behavior for back-to-back operations is different -- than with combinatorial genearted WREADY output to AXI. -- -- New SM design supports seperate WREADY and BVALID responses. -- -- New logic here for axi_bvalid_int output register based -- on counter design of BVALID. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WDATA_SM_NO_ECC_DUAL_REG_WREADY: if C_ECC = 0 and C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 generate begin -- Unused in this SM configuration active_wr_cmb <= '0'; -- Unused active_wr_reg <= '0'; -- Unused Active_Wr <= '0'; -- Unused wr_busy_cmb <= '0'; -- Unused wr_busy_reg <= '0'; -- Unused --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- WR DATA State Machine -- -- Description: Central processing unit for AXI write data -- channel interface handling and AXI write data response -- handshaking. -- -- Outputs: Name Type -- bvalid_cnt_inc Not Registered -- aw_active_clr Not Registered -- delay_aw_active_clr Registered -- axi_wdata_full_reg Registered -- bram_en_int Registered -- wrdata_reg_ld Not Registered -- bram_we_ld Not Registered -- clr_bram_we Registered -- bram_addr_inc -- -- Note: -- -- On "narrow burst transfers" BRAM address only -- gets incremented at BRAM data width. -- On WRAP bursts, the BRAM address must wrap when -- the max is reached -- -- Add check on BVALID counter max. Check with -- AWVALID assertions (since AWID is connected to AWVALID). -- -- -- WR_DATA_SM_CMB_PROCESS: Combinational process to determine next state. -- WR_DATA_SM_REG_PROCESS: Registered process of the state machine. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_DATA_SM_CMB_PROCESS: process ( AXI_WVALID, AXI_WLAST, bvalid_cnt_max, bvalid_cnt_amax, aw_active, delay_aw_active_clr, AXI_AWVALID, axi_awready_int, bram_addr_ld_en, axi_awaddr_full, awaddr_pipe_sel, axi_wr_burst, axi_wdata_full_reg, wr_b2b_elgible, wr_data_sm_cs ) begin -- assign default values for state machine outputs wr_data_sm_ns <= wr_data_sm_cs; aw_active_clr <= '0'; delay_aw_active_clr_cmb <= delay_aw_active_clr; bvalid_cnt_inc <= '0'; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= axi_wr_burst; wrdata_reg_ld <= '0'; bram_we_ld <= '0'; bram_en_cmb <= '0'; clr_bram_we_cmb <= '0'; bram_addr_inc <= '0'; bram_addr_rst_cmb <= '0'; axi_wdata_full_cmb <= axi_wdata_full_reg; case wr_data_sm_cs is ---------------------------- IDLE State --------------------------- when IDLE => -- Check valid write data on AXI write data channel if (AXI_WVALID = '1') then wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Load WE register -- Add condition to check for simultaneous assertion -- of AWVALID and AWREADY if ((aw_active = '1') or (AXI_AWVALID = '1' and axi_awready_int = '1')) and -- Ensure the BVALID counter does not roll over (max = 8 ID values) (bvalid_cnt_max = '0') then -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Check for singles, by checking WLAST assertion w/ WVALID if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then -- Single data write wr_data_sm_ns <= SNG_WR_DATA; -- Set flag to assert BVALID and increment counter bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; -- Set flag to delay clear of AW active flag delay_aw_active_clr_cmb <= '1'; -- BRAM WE only asserted for single clock cycle clr_bram_we_cmb <= '1'; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '0'; else -- Burst data write wr_data_sm_ns <= BRST_WR_DATA; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- WLAST else -- AWADDR not yet received -- Go to wait for write address wr_data_sm_ns <= W8_AWADDR; -- Set flag that AXI write data pipe is full -- and can not accept any more data beats -- WREADY on AXI will negate in this condition. axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; -- Set flag for single/burst write operation -- when AWADDR is not yet received if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '0'; else axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- WLAST end if; -- aw_active end if; -- WVALID ------------------------- W8_AWADDR State ------------------------- when W8_AWADDR => -- As we transition into this state, the write data pipeline -- is already filled. axi_wdata_full_reg should be = '1'. -- Disable any additional loads into write data register -- Default value in SM is applied. -- Wait for write address to be acknowledged if (((aw_active = '1') or (AXI_AWVALID = '1' and axi_awready_int = '1')) or -- Detect load of BRAM address counter from value stored in pipeline. -- No need to wait until aw_active is asserted or address is captured from AXI bus. -- As BRAM address is loaded from pipe and ready to be presented to BRAM. -- Assert BRAM WE. (bram_addr_ld_en = '1' and axi_awaddr_full = '1' and awaddr_pipe_sel = '1')) and -- Ensure the BVALID counter does not roll over (max = 8 ID values) (bvalid_cnt_max = '0') then -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Negate write data full condition axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '0'; -- Check if single or burst operation if (axi_wr_burst = '1') then wr_data_sm_ns <= BRST_WR_DATA; else wr_data_sm_ns <= SNG_WR_DATA; -- BRAM WE only asserted for single clock cycle clr_bram_we_cmb <= '1'; -- Set flag to assert BVALID and increment counter bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; delay_aw_active_clr_cmb <= '1'; end if; else -- Set flag that AXI write data pipe is full -- and can not accept any more data beats -- WREADY on AXI will negate in this condition. axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; end if; ------------------------- SNG_WR_DATA State ------------------------- when SNG_WR_DATA => -- No need to check for BVALID assertion here. -- Move here under if clause on write response channel -- acknowledging completion of write data. -- If aw_active was not cleared prior to this state, then -- clear the flag now. if (delay_aw_active_clr = '1') then delay_aw_active_clr_cmb <= '0'; aw_active_clr <= '1'; end if; -- Add check here if while writing single data beat to BRAM, -- a new AXI data beat is received (prior to the AWVALID assertion). -- Ensure here that full flag is asserted for data pipeline state. -- Check valid write data on AXI write data channel if (AXI_WVALID = '1') then -- Load write data register wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Must also load WE register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Set flag that AXI write data pipe is full -- and can not accept any more data beats -- WREADY on AXI will negate in this condition. -- Ensure that axi_wdata_full_reg is asserted -- to prevent early captures on next data burst (or single data -- transfer) -- This ensures that the data beats do not get skipped. axi_wdata_full_cmb <= '1'; -- AWADDR not yet received -- Go to wait for write address wr_data_sm_ns <= W8_AWADDR; -- Accept no more new write data after this first data beat -- Pipeline is already full in this state. No need to assert -- no_wdata_accept flag to '1'. -- Set flag for single/burst write operation -- when AWADDR is not yet received if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '0'; else axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; end if; -- WLAST else -- No subsequent pending operation -- Return to IDLE wr_data_sm_ns <= IDLE; bram_addr_rst_cmb <= '1'; end if; ------------------------- BRST_WR_DATA State ------------------------- when BRST_WR_DATA => -- Reach this state at the 2nd data beat of a burst -- AWADDR is already accepted -- Continue to accept data from AXI write channel -- and wait for assertion of WLAST -- Check that WVALID remains asserted for burst -- If negated, indicates throttling from AXI master if (AXI_WVALID = '1') then -- If WVALID is asserted for the 2nd and remaining -- data beats of the transfer -- Continue w/ BRAM write enable assertion & advance -- write data register wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load write data register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Load WE register bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_addr_inc <= '1'; -- Increment BRAM address counter -- Check for last data beat in burst transfer if (AXI_WLAST = '1') then -- Set flag to assert BVALID and increment counter bvalid_cnt_inc <= '1'; -- The elgible signal will not be asserted for a subsequent -- single data beat operation. Next operation is a burst. -- And the AWADDR is loaded in the address pipeline. -- Only if BVALID counter can handle next transfer, -- proceed with back-to-back. Otherwise, go to IDLE -- (after last data write). if (wr_b2b_elgible = '1' and bvalid_cnt_amax = '0') then -- Go to next operation and handle as a -- back-to-back burst. No empty clock cycles. -- Go to handle new burst for back to back condition wr_data_sm_ns <= B2B_W8_WR_DATA; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; -- No pending subsequent transfer (burst > 2 data beats) -- to process else -- Last/single data write wr_data_sm_ns <= SNG_WR_DATA; -- Be sure to clear aw_active flag at end of write burst -- But delay when the flag is cleared delay_aw_active_clr_cmb <= '1'; end if; end if; -- WLAST -- Throttling -- Suspend BRAM write & halt write data & WE register load else wrdata_reg_ld <= '0'; -- Negate write data register load bram_we_ld <= '0'; -- Negate WE register load bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- Negate write to BRAM bram_addr_inc <= '0'; -- Do not increment BRAM address counter end if; -- WVALID ------------------------- B2B_W8_WR_DATA -------------------------- when B2B_W8_WR_DATA => -- Reach this state upon a back-to-back condition -- when BVALID/BREADY handshake is received, -- but WVALID is not yet asserted for subsequent transfer. -- Check valid write data on AXI write data channel if (AXI_WVALID = '1') then -- Load write data register wrdata_reg_ld <= '1'; -- Load WE register bram_we_ld <= '1'; -- Initiate BRAM write transfer bram_en_cmb <= '1'; -- Burst data write wr_data_sm_ns <= BRST_WR_DATA; axi_wr_burst_cmb <= '1'; -- Make modification to last_data_ack_mod signal -- so that it is asserted when this state is reached -- and the BRAM address counter gets loaded. -- WVALID not yet asserted else wrdata_reg_ld <= '0'; -- Negate write data register load bram_we_ld <= '0'; -- Negate WE register load bram_en_cmb <= '0'; -- Negate write to BRAM bram_addr_inc <= '0'; -- Do not increment BRAM address counter end if; --coverage off ------------------------------ Default ---------------------------- when others => wr_data_sm_ns <= IDLE; --coverage on end case; end process WR_DATA_SM_CMB_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_DATA_SM_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then wr_data_sm_cs <= IDLE; bram_en_int <= '0'; clr_bram_we <= '0'; delay_aw_active_clr <= '0'; axi_wdata_full_reg <= '0'; else wr_data_sm_cs <= wr_data_sm_ns; bram_en_int <= bram_en_cmb; clr_bram_we <= clr_bram_we_cmb; delay_aw_active_clr <= delay_aw_active_clr_cmb; axi_wdata_full_reg <= axi_wdata_full_cmb; end if; end if; end process WR_DATA_SM_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_WDATA_SM_NO_ECC_DUAL_REG_WREADY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR_BURST_REG_PROCESS: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_wr_burst <= '0'; else axi_wr_burst <= axi_wr_burst_cmb; end if; end if; end process WR_BURST_REG_PROCESS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI Write Response Channel Interface *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v1.03a --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- New FIFO storage for BID, so AWID can be stored in -- a FIFO and B response is seperated from W response. -- -- Use registered WREADY & BID FIFO in single port configuration. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instantiate FIFO to store BID values to be asserted back on B channel. -- Only 8 entries deep, BVALID counter only allows W channel to be 8 ahead of -- B channel. -- -- If AWID is a single bit wide, sythesis optimizes the module, srl_fifo, -- to a single SRL16E library module. BID_FIFO: entity work.srl_fifo generic map ( C_DATA_BITS => C_AXI_ID_WIDTH, C_DEPTH => 8 ) port map ( Clk => S_AXI_AClk, Reset => bid_fifo_rst, FIFO_Write => bid_fifo_ld_en, Data_In => bid_fifo_ld, FIFO_Read => bid_fifo_rd_en, Data_Out => bid_fifo_rd, FIFO_Full => open, Data_Exists => bid_fifo_not_empty, Addr => open ); bid_fifo_rst <= not (S_AXI_AResetn); bid_fifo_ld_en <= bram_addr_ld_en; bid_fifo_ld <= AXI_AWID when (awaddr_pipe_sel = '0') else axi_awid_pipe; -- Read from FIFO when BVALID is to be asserted on bus, or in a back-to-back assertion -- when a BID value is available in the FIFO. bid_fifo_rd_en <= bid_fifo_not_empty and -- Only read if data is available. ((bid_gets_fifo_load_d1) or -- a) Do the FIFO read in the clock cycle -- following the BID value directly -- aserted on the B channel (from AWID or pipeline). (first_fifo_bid) or -- b) Read from FIFO when BID is previously stored -- but BVALID is not yet asserted on AXI. (bvalid_cnt_dec)); -- c) Or read when next BID value is to be updated -- on B channel (and exists waiting in FIFO). -- 1) Special case (1st load in FIFO) (and single clock cycle turnaround needed on BID, from AWID). -- If loading the FIFO and BVALID is to be asserted in the next clock cycle -- Then capture this condition to read from FIFO in the subsequent clock cycle -- (and clear the BID value stored in the FIFO). bid_gets_fifo_load <= '1' when (bid_fifo_ld_en = '1') and (first_fifo_bid = '1' or b2b_fifo_bid = '1') else '0'; first_fifo_bid <= '1' when ((bvalid_cnt_inc = '1') and (bvalid_cnt_non_zero = '0')) else '0'; -- 2) An additional special case. -- When write data register is loaded for single (bvalid_cnt = "001", due to WLAST/WVALID) -- But, AWID not yet received (FIFO is still empty). -- If BID FIFO is still empty with the BVALID counter decrement, but simultaneously -- is increment (same condition as first_fifo_bid). b2b_fifo_bid <= '1' when (bvalid_cnt_inc = '1' and bvalid_cnt_dec = '1' and bvalid_cnt = "001" and bid_fifo_not_empty = '0') else '0'; -- Output BID register to B AXI channel REG_BID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_bid_int <= (others => '0'); -- If loading the FIFO and BVALID is to be asserted in the next clock cycle -- Then output the AWID or pipelined value (the same BID that gets loaded into FIFO). elsif (bid_gets_fifo_load = '1') then axi_bid_int <= bid_fifo_ld; -- If new value read from FIFO then ensure that value is updated on AXI. elsif (bid_fifo_rd_en = '1') then axi_bid_int <= bid_fifo_rd; else axi_bid_int <= axi_bid_int; end if; end if; end process REG_BID; -- Capture condition of BID output updated while the FIFO is also -- getting updated. Read FIFO in the subsequent clock cycle to -- clear the value stored in the FIFO. REG_BID_LD: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then bid_gets_fifo_load_d1 <= '0'; else bid_gets_fifo_load_d1 <= bid_gets_fifo_load; end if; end if; end process REG_BID_LD; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI_BRESP Output Register --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRESP -- Purpose: Generate BRESP output signal when ECC is disabled. -- Only allowable output is RESP_OKAY. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRESP: if C_ECC = 0 generate begin REG_BRESP: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_bresp_int <= (others => '0'); -- elsif (AXI_WLAST = '1') then -- CR # 609695 elsif ((AXI_WLAST and AXI_WVALID and axi_wready_int_mod) = '1') then -- AXI BRAM only supports OK response for normal operations -- Exclusive operations not yet supported axi_bresp_int <= RESP_OKAY; else axi_bresp_int <= axi_bresp_int; end if; end if; end process REG_BRESP; end generate GEN_BRESP; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRESP_ECC -- Purpose: Generate BRESP output signal when ECC is enabled -- If no ECC error condition is detected during the RMW -- sequence, then output will be RESP_OKAY. When an -- uncorrectable error is detected, the output will RESP_SLVERR. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRESP_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate signal UE_Q_reg : std_logic := '0'; begin REG_BRESP: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then axi_bresp_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 = '1') then --coverage off -- Exclusive operations not yet supported -- If no ECC errors occur, respond with OK if (UE_Q = '1') or (UE_Q_reg = '1') then axi_bresp_int <= RESP_SLVERR; --coverage on else axi_bresp_int <= RESP_OKAY; end if; else axi_bresp_int <= axi_bresp_int; end if; end if; end process REG_BRESP; -- Check if any error conditions occured during the write operation. -- Capture condition for each write transfer. REG_UE: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then -- Clear at end of current write (and ensure the flag is cleared -- at the beginning of a write transfer) if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or (aw_active_re = '1') or (AXI_BREADY = '1' and axi_bvalid_int = '1') then UE_Q_reg <= '0'; --coverage off elsif (UE_Q = '1') then UE_Q_reg <= '1'; --coverage on else UE_Q_reg <= UE_Q_reg; end if; end if; end process REG_UE; end generate GEN_BRESP_ECC; -- v1.03a --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instantiate BVALID counter outside of specific SM generate block. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BVALID counter to track the # of required BVALID/BREADY handshakes -- needed to occur on the AXI interface. Based on early and seperate -- AWVALID/AWREADY and WVALID/WREADY handshake exchanges. REG_BVALID_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then bvalid_cnt <= (others => '0'); -- Ensure we only increment counter wyhen BREADY is not asserted elsif (bvalid_cnt_inc = '1') and (bvalid_cnt_dec = '0') then bvalid_cnt <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (bvalid_cnt (2 downto 0)) + 1); -- Ensure that we only decrement when SM is not incrementing elsif (bvalid_cnt_dec = '1') and (bvalid_cnt_inc = '0') then bvalid_cnt <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (bvalid_cnt (2 downto 0)) - 1); else bvalid_cnt <= bvalid_cnt; end if; end if; end process REG_BVALID_CNT; bvalid_cnt_dec <= '1' when (AXI_BREADY = '1' and axi_bvalid_int = '1' and bvalid_cnt_non_zero = '1') else '0'; bvalid_cnt_non_zero <= '1' when (bvalid_cnt /= "000") else '0'; bvalid_cnt_amax <= '1' when (bvalid_cnt = "110") else '0'; bvalid_cnt_max <= '1' when (bvalid_cnt = "111") else '0'; -- Replace BVALID output register -- Assert BVALID as long as BVALID counter /= zero REG_BVALID: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) or -- Ensure that if we are also incrementing BVALID counter, the BVALID stays asserted. (bvalid_cnt = "001" and bvalid_cnt_dec = '1' and bvalid_cnt_inc = '0') then axi_bvalid_int <= '0'; elsif (bvalid_cnt_non_zero = '1') or (bvalid_cnt_inc = '1') then axi_bvalid_int <= '1'; else axi_bvalid_int <= '0'; end if; end if; end process REG_BVALID; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** ECC Logic *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_ECC -- Purpose: Generate BRAM ECC write data and check ECC on read operations. -- Create signals to update ECC registers (lite_ecc_reg module interface). -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC: if C_ECC = 1 generate constant null7 : std_logic_vector(0 to 6) := "0000000"; -- Specific to 32-bit data width (AXI-Lite) constant null8 : std_logic_vector(0 to 7) := "00000000"; -- Specific to 64-bit data width -- constant C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := Family_To_LUT_Size (String_To_Family (C_FAMILY,false)) = 6; -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- All architectures supporting AXI will support a LUT6. -- Hard code this internal constant used in ECC algorithm. constant C_USE_LUT6 : boolean := TRUE; signal RdECC : std_logic_vector(C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Temp signal WrECC : std_logic_vector(C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal WrECC_i : std_logic_vector(C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal AXI_WSTRB_Q : std_logic_vector((C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 - 1) downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal Syndrome : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal Syndrome_4 : std_logic_vector (0 to 1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to 32-bit ECC signal Syndrome_6 : std_logic_vector (0 to 5) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to 32-bit ECC signal Syndrome_7 : std_logic_vector (0 to 11) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to 64-bit ECC signal syndrome_reg_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal syndrome_reg : std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal RdModifyWr_Read : std_logic := '0'; -- Read cycle in read modify write sequence signal RdModifyWr_Read_i : std_logic := '0'; signal RdModifyWr_Check : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_din_a_i : std_logic_vector(0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); -- Set for port data width signal UnCorrectedRdData : std_logic_vector(0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) := (others => '0'); signal CE_Q : std_logic := '0'; signal Sl_CE_i : std_logic := '0'; signal Sl_UE_i : std_logic := '0'; subtype syndrome_bits is std_logic_vector(0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1); -- 0:6 for 32-bit ECC -- 0:7 for 64-bit ECC type correct_data_table_type is array (natural range 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) of syndrome_bits; type bool_array is array (natural range 0 to 6) of boolean; constant inverted_bit : bool_array := (false,false,true,false,true,false,false); -- v1.03a constant CODE_WIDTH : integer := C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; constant ECC_WIDTH : integer := C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; signal h_rows : std_logic_vector (CODE_WIDTH * ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); begin -- Generate signal to advance BRAM read address pipeline to -- capture address for ECC error conditions (in lite_ecc_reg module). BRAM_Addr_En <= RdModifyWr_Read; -- v1.03a RdModifyWr_Read <= '1' when (wr_data_ecc_sm_cs = RMW_RD_DATA) else '0'; RdModifyWr_Modify <= '1' when (wr_data_ecc_sm_cs = RMW_MOD_DATA) else '0'; RdModifyWr_Write <= '1' when (wr_data_ecc_sm_cs = RMW_WR_DATA) else '0'; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Remember write data one cycle to be available after read has been completed in a -- read/modify write operation. -- Save WSTRBs here in this register REG_WSTRB : process (S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then AXI_WSTRB_Q <= (others => '0'); elsif (wrdata_reg_ld = '1') then AXI_WSTRB_Q <= AXI_WSTRB; end if; end if; end process REG_WSTRB; -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_WRDATA_CMB -- Purpose: Replace manual signal assignment for WrData_cmb with -- generate funtion. -- -- Ensure correct byte swapping occurs with -- CorrectedRdData (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) assignment -- to WrData_cmb (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0). -- -- AXI_WSTRB_Q (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES-1 downto 0) matches -- to WrData_cmb (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0). -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_WRDATA_CMB: for i in C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_BYTES-1 downto 0 generate begin WrData_cmb ( (((i+1)*8)-1) downto i*8 ) <= bram_wrdata_int ((((i+1)*8)-1) downto i*8) when (RdModifyWr_Modify = '1' and AXI_WSTRB_Q(i) = '1') else CorrectedRdData ( (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - ((i+1)*8)) to (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - (i*8) - 1) ); end generate GEN_WRDATA_CMB; REG_WRDATA : process (S_AXI_AClk) is begin -- Remove reset value to minimize resources & improve timing if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then WrData <= WrData_cmb; end if; end process REG_WRDATA; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- New assignment of ECC bits to BRAM write data outside generate -- blocks. Same signal assignment regardless of ECC type. BRAM_WrData ((C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_WIDTH - 1) downto C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) <= WrECC_i xor FaultInjectECC; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- v1.03a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HSIAO_ECC -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. -- Derived from MIG v3.7 Hsiao HDL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HSIAO_ECC: if C_ECC_TYPE = 1 generate constant ECC_WIDTH : integer := C_INT_ECC_WIDTH; type type_int0 is array (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector (ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal syndrome_ns : std_logic_vector(ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal syndrome_r : std_logic_vector(ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal ecc_rddata_r : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); signal h_matrix : type_int0; signal flip_bits : std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); begin ---------------------- Hsiao ECC Write Logic ---------------------- -- Instantiate ecc_gen_hsiao module, generated from MIG ECC_GEN_HSIAO: entity work.ecc_gen generic map ( code_width => CODE_WIDTH, ecc_width => ECC_WIDTH, data_width => C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH ) port map ( -- Output h_rows => h_rows (CODE_WIDTH * ECC_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) ); -- Merge muxed rd/write data to gen HSIAO_ECC: process (h_rows, WrData) constant DQ_WIDTH : integer := CODE_WIDTH; variable ecc_wrdata_tmp : std_logic_vector(DQ_WIDTH-1 downto C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); begin -- Loop to generate all ECC bits for k in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 loop ecc_wrdata_tmp (CODE_WIDTH - k - 1) := REDUCTION_XOR ( (WrData (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0) and h_rows (k * CODE_WIDTH + C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto k * CODE_WIDTH))); end loop; WrECC (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= ecc_wrdata_tmp (DQ_WIDTH-1 downto C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); end process HSIAO_ECC; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ECC_32 -- Purpose: For 32-bit ECC implementations, assign unused -- MSB of ECC output to BRAM with '0'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC_32: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate begin -- Account for 32-bit and MSB '0' of ECC bits WrECC_i <= '0' & WrECC; end generate GEN_ECC_32; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ECC_N -- Purpose: For all non 32-bit ECC implementations, assign ECC -- bits for BRAM output. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC_N: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH /= 32 generate begin WrECC_i <= WrECC; end generate GEN_ECC_N; ---------------------- Hsiao ECC Read Logic ----------------------- GEN_RD_ECC: for m in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 generate begin syndrome_ns (m) <= REDUCTION_XOR ( BRAM_RdData (CODE_WIDTH-1 downto 0) and h_rows ((m*CODE_WIDTH)+CODE_WIDTH-1 downto (m*CODE_WIDTH))); end generate GEN_RD_ECC; -- Insert register stage for syndrome REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then syndrome_r <= syndrome_ns; end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; ecc_rddata_r <= UnCorrectedRdData; -- Reconstruct H-matrix H_COL: for n in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 generate begin H_BIT: for p in 0 to ECC_WIDTH - 1 generate begin h_matrix (n)(p) <= h_rows (p * CODE_WIDTH + n); end generate H_BIT; end generate H_COL; GEN_FLIP_BIT: for r in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH - 1 generate begin flip_bits (r) <= BOOLEAN_TO_STD_LOGIC (h_matrix (r) = syndrome_r); end generate GEN_FLIP_BIT; CorrectedRdData (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1) <= ecc_rddata_r (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) xor flip_bits (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); Sl_CE_i <= not (REDUCTION_NOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))) and (REDUCTION_XOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))); Sl_UE_i <= not (REDUCTION_NOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))) and not (REDUCTION_XOR (syndrome_r (ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0))); end generate GEN_HSIAO_ECC; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generate: GEN_HAMMING_ECC -- Purpose: Determine type of ECC encoding. Hsiao or Hamming. -- Add parameter/generate level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEN_HAMMING_ECC: if C_ECC_TYPE = 0 generate begin ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ECC_32 -- Purpose: Assign ECC out data vector (N:0) unique for 32-bit BRAM. -- Add extra '0' at MSB of ECC vector for data2mem alignment -- w/ 32-bit BRAM data widths. -- ECC bits are in upper order bits. ----------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC_32: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate constant correct_data_table_32 : correct_data_table_type := ( 0 => "1100001", 1 => "1010001", 2 => "0110001", 3 => "1110001", 4 => "1001001", 5 => "0101001", 6 => "1101001", 7 => "0011001", 8 => "1011001", 9 => "0111001", 10 => "1111001", 11 => "1000101", 12 => "0100101", 13 => "1100101", 14 => "0010101", 15 => "1010101", 16 => "0110101", 17 => "1110101", 18 => "0001101", 19 => "1001101", 20 => "0101101", 21 => "1101101", 22 => "0011101", 23 => "1011101", 24 => "0111101", 25 => "1111101", 26 => "1000011", 27 => "0100011", 28 => "1100011", 29 => "0010011", 30 => "1010011", 31 => "0110011" ); signal syndrome_4_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 1) := (others => '0'); -- Specific for 32-bit ECC signal syndrome_6_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 5) := (others => '0'); -- Specific for 32-bit ECC begin --------------------- Hamming 32-bit ECC Write Logic ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_WR_32 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for writing into BRAM. -- WrData (N:0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHK_HANDLER_WR_32: entity work.checkbit_handler generic map ( C_ENCODE => true, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( DataIn => WrData, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 31)] CheckIn => null7, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] CheckOut => WrECC, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome_4 => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 1)] Syndrome_6 => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 5)] Syndrome_Chk => null7, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Enable_ECC => '1', -- [in std_logic] UE_Q => '0', -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => '0', -- [in std_logic] UE => open, -- [out std_logic] CE => open ); -- [out std_logic] -- v1.03a -- Account for 32-bit and MSB '0' of ECC bits WrECC_i <= '0' & WrECC; --------------------- Hamming 32-bit ECC Read Logic ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_RD_32 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHK_HANDLER_RD_32: entity work.checkbit_handler generic map ( C_ENCODE => false, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( -- DataIn (8:39) -- CheckIn (1:7) DataIn => bram_din_a_i(C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+1 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 31)] CheckIn => bram_din_a_i(1 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] CheckOut => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome => Syndrome, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Syndrome_4 => Syndrome_4, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 1)] Syndrome_6 => Syndrome_6, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 5)] Syndrome_Chk => syndrome_reg_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 6)] Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] UE_Q => UE_Q, -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => CE_Q, -- [in std_logic] UE => Sl_UE_i, -- [out std_logic] CE => Sl_CE_i ); -- [out std_logic] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Insert register stage for syndrome REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then syndrome_reg <= Syndrome; syndrome_4_reg <= Syndrome_4; syndrome_6_reg <= Syndrome_6; end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do last XOR on select syndrome bits outside of checkbit_handler (to match rd_chnl -- w/ balanced pipeline stage) before correct_one_bit module. syndrome_reg_i (0 to 3) <= syndrome_reg (0 to 3); PARITY_CHK4: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 2) port map ( InA => syndrome_4_reg (0 to 1), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_reg_i (4) ); -- [out std_logic] syndrome_reg_i (5) <= syndrome_reg (5); PARITY_CHK6: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => syndrome_6_reg (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome_reg_i (6) ); -- [out std_logic] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_CORR_32 -- Purpose: Generate corrected read data based on syndrome value. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_CORR_32: for i in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CORR_ONE_BIT_32 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORR_ONE_BIT_32: entity work.correct_one_bit generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, Correct_Value => correct_data_table_32 (i)) port map ( DIn => UnCorrectedRdData (i), Syndrome => syndrome_reg_i, DCorr => CorrectedRdData (i)); end generate GEN_CORR_32; end generate GEN_ECC_32; ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ECC_64 -- Purpose: Assign ECC out data vector (N:0) unique for 64-bit BRAM. -- No extra '0' at MSB of ECC vector for data2mem alignment -- w/ 64-bit BRAM data widths. -- ECC bits are in upper order bits. ----------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC_64: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 64 generate constant correct_data_table_64 : correct_data_table_type := ( 0 => "11000001", 1 => "10100001", 2 => "01100001", 3 => "11100001", 4 => "10010001", 5 => "01010001", 6 => "11010001", 7 => "00110001", 8 => "10110001", 9 => "01110001", 10 => "11110001", 11 => "10001001", 12 => "01001001", 13 => "11001001", 14 => "00101001", 15 => "10101001", 16 => "01101001", 17 => "11101001", 18 => "00011001", 19 => "10011001", 20 => "01011001", 21 => "11011001", 22 => "00111001", 23 => "10111001", 24 => "01111001", 25 => "11111001", 26 => "10000101", 27 => "01000101", 28 => "11000101", 29 => "00100101", 30 => "10100101", 31 => "01100101", 32 => "11100101", 33 => "00010101", 34 => "10010101", 35 => "01010101", 36 => "11010101", 37 => "00110101", 38 => "10110101", 39 => "01110101", 40 => "11110101", 41 => "00001101", 42 => "10001101", 43 => "01001101", 44 => "11001101", 45 => "00101101", 46 => "10101101", 47 => "01101101", 48 => "11101101", 49 => "00011101", 50 => "10011101", 51 => "01011101", 52 => "11011101", 53 => "00111101", 54 => "10111101", 55 => "01111101", 56 => "11111101", 57 => "10000011", 58 => "01000011", 59 => "11000011", 60 => "00100011", 61 => "10100011", 62 => "01100011", 63 => "11100011" ); signal syndrome_7_reg : std_logic_vector (0 to 11) := (others => '0'); signal syndrome7_a : std_logic := '0'; signal syndrome7_b : std_logic := '0'; begin --------------------- Hamming 64-bit ECC Write Logic ------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_WR_64 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for writing into BRAM when configured -- as 64-bit wide BRAM. -- WrData (N:0) -- Enable C_REG on encode path. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHK_HANDLER_WR_64: entity work.checkbit_handler_64 generic map ( C_ENCODE => true, -- [boolean] C_REG => true, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( Clk => S_AXI_AClk, -- [in std_logic] DataIn => WrData_cmb, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 63)] CheckIn => null8, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] CheckOut => WrECC, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Syndrome => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Syndrome_7 => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 11)] Syndrome_Chk => null8, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Enable_ECC => '1', -- [in std_logic] UE_Q => '0', -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => '0', -- [in std_logic] UE => open, -- [out std_logic] CE => open ); -- [out std_logic] -- Note: (7:0) Old bit lane assignment -- BRAM_WrData ((C_ECC_WIDTH - 1) downto 0) -- v1.02a -- WrECC is assigned to BRAM_WrData (71:64) -- v1.03a -- BRAM_WrData (71:64) assignment done outside of this -- ECC type generate block. WrECC_i <= WrECC; --------------------- Hamming 64-bit ECC Read Logic ------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CHK_HANDLER_RD_64 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHK_HANDLER_RD_64: entity work.checkbit_handler_64 generic map ( C_ENCODE => false, -- [boolean] C_REG => false, -- [boolean] C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6) -- [boolean] port map ( Clk => S_AXI_AClk, -- [in std_logic] -- DataIn (8:71) -- CheckIn (0:7) DataIn => bram_din_a_i (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 63)] CheckIn => bram_din_a_i (0 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] CheckOut => open, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Syndrome => Syndrome, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Syndrome_7 => Syndrome_7, -- [out std_logic_vector(0 to 11)] Syndrome_Chk => syndrome_reg_i, -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to 7)] Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC, -- [in std_logic] UE_Q => UE_Q, -- [in std_logic] CE_Q => CE_Q, -- [in std_logic] UE => Sl_UE_i, -- [out std_logic] CE => Sl_CE_i ); -- [out std_logic] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Insert register stage for syndrome REG_SYNDROME: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then syndrome_reg <= Syndrome; syndrome_7_reg <= Syndrome_7; end if; end process REG_SYNDROME; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Move final XOR to registered side of syndrome bits. -- Do last XOR on select syndrome bits after pipeline stage -- before correct_one_bit_64 module. syndrome_reg_i (0 to 6) <= syndrome_reg (0 to 6); PARITY_CHK7_A: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => syndrome_7_reg (0 to 5), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome7_a ); -- [out std_logic] PARITY_CHK7_B: entity work.parity generic map (C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, C_SIZE => 6) port map ( InA => syndrome_7_reg (6 to 11), -- [in std_logic_vector(0 to C_SIZE - 1)] Res => syndrome7_b ); -- [out std_logic] syndrome_reg_i (7) <= syndrome7_a xor syndrome7_b; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_CORRECT_DATA -- Purpose: Generate corrected read data based on syndrome value. -- All vectors oriented (0:N) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_CORR_64: for i in 0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: CORR_ONE_BIT_64 -- Description: Generate ECC bits for checking data read from BRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORR_ONE_BIT_64: entity work.correct_one_bit_64 generic map ( C_USE_LUT6 => C_USE_LUT6, Correct_Value => correct_data_table_64 (i)) port map ( DIn => UnCorrectedRdData (i), Syndrome => syndrome_reg_i, DCorr => CorrectedRdData (i)); end generate GEN_CORR_64; end generate GEN_ECC_64; end generate GEN_HAMMING_ECC; -- Remember correctable/uncorrectable error from BRAM read CORR_REG: process(S_AXI_AClk) is begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if RdModifyWr_Modify = '1' then -- Capture error signals CE_Q <= Sl_CE_i; UE_Q <= Sl_UE_i; else CE_Q <= '0'; UE_Q <= '0'; end if; end if; end process CORR_REG; -- ECC register block gets registered UE or CE conditions to update -- ECC registers/interrupt/flag outputs. Sl_CE <= CE_Q; Sl_UE <= UE_Q; CE_Failing_We <= CE_Q; FaultInjectClr <= '1' when (bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 = '1') else '0'; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add register delay on BVALID counter increment -- Used to clear fault inject register. REG_BVALID_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (S_AXI_AResetn = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 <= '0'; else bvalid_cnt_inc_d1 <= bvalid_cnt_inc; end if; end if; end process REG_BVALID_CNT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Map BRAM_RdData (N:0) to bram_din_a_i (0:N) -- Including read back ECC bits. bram_din_a_i (0 to C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1) <= BRAM_RdData (C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0); ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ECC_32 -- Purpose: For 32-bit ECC implementations, account for -- extra bit in read data mapping on registered value. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC_32: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate begin -- Insert register stage for read data to correct REG_CHK_DATA: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then UnCorrectedRdData <= bram_din_a_i(C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+1 to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); end if; end process REG_CHK_DATA; end generate GEN_ECC_32; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ECC_N -- Purpose: For all non 32-bit ECC implementations, assign ECC -- bits for BRAM output. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ECC_N: if C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH /= 32 generate begin -- Insert register stage for read data to correct REG_CHK_DATA: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1' ) then UnCorrectedRdData <= bram_din_a_i(C_INT_ECC_WIDTH to C_INT_ECC_WIDTH+C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1); end if; end process REG_CHK_DATA; end generate GEN_ECC_N; end generate GEN_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Drive default output signals when ECC is diabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NO_ECC: if C_ECC = 0 generate begin BRAM_Addr_En <= '0'; FaultInjectClr <= '0'; CE_Failing_We <= '0'; Sl_CE <= '0'; Sl_UE <= '0'; end generate GEN_NO_ECC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** BRAM Interface Signals *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_WE -- Purpose: BRAM WE generate process -- One WE per 8-bits of BRAM data. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_WE: for i in C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + (C_ECC*(1+(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) - 1 downto 0 generate begin BRAM_WE (i) <= bram_we_int (i); end generate GEN_BRAM_WE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRAM_En <= bram_en_int; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BRAM Address Generate --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Generate zeros on lower order address bits adjustable -- based on BRAM data width. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0 generate begin BRAM_Addr (i) <= '0'; end generate GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Assign BRAM address output from address counter. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR generate begin BRAM_Addr (i) <= bram_addr_int (i); end generate GEN_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_WRDATA -- Purpose: Generate BRAM Write Data. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_WRDATA: for i in C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0 generate begin -- Check if ECC is enabled -- If so, XOR the fault injection vector with the data -- (post-pipeline) to avoid any timing issues on the data vector -- from AXI. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Generate output write data when ECC is disabled. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NO_ECC : if C_ECC = 0 generate begin BRAM_WrData (i) <= bram_wrdata_int (i); end generate GEN_NO_ECC; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_ECC -- Purpose: Generate output write data when ECC is enable -- (use fault vector) -- (N:0) -- for 32-bit (31:0) WrData while (ECC = [39:32]) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_W_ECC : if C_ECC = 1 generate begin BRAM_WrData (i) <= WrData (i) xor FaultInjectData (i); end generate GEN_W_ECC; end generate GEN_BRAM_WRDATA; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- full_axi.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: full_axi.vhd -- -- Description: This file is the top level module for the AXI BRAM -- controller when configured in a full AXI4 mode. -- The rd_chnl and wr_chnl modules are instantiated. -- The ECC AXI-Lite register module is instantiated, if enabled. -- When single port BRAM mode is selected, the arbitration logic -- is instantiated (and connected to each wr_chnl & rd_chnl). -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v1_03_a) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen_hsiao.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen_hsiao.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- Remove library version # dependency. Replace with work library. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/15/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Initial integration of Hsiao ECC algorithm. -- Add C_ECC_TYPE top level parameter and mappings on instantiated modules. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/18/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update WE & BRAM data sizes based on 128-bit ECC configuration. -- Plus XST clean-up. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/31/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add coverage tags. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/11/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add signal, AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt, between wr_chnl and sng_port_arb modules. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 4/20/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add default values for Arb2AW_Active & Arb2AR_Active when dual port mode. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/6/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove usage of C_FAMILY. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; use work.lite_ecc_reg; use work.sng_port_arb; use work.wr_chnl; use work.rd_chnl; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity full_axi is generic ( -- AXI Parameters C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH : INTEGER := 4; -- AXI ID vector width C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL : string := "AXI4"; -- Set to AXI4LITE to optimize out burst transaction support C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST : INTEGER := 1; -- Support for narrow burst operations C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM : INTEGER := 0; -- Enable single port usage of BRAM -- C_FAMILY : string := "virtex6"; -- Specify the target architecture type -- AXI-Lite Register Parameters C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite data bus (in bits) -- ECC Parameters C_ECC : integer := 0; -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_WIDTH : integer := 8; -- Width of ECC data vector C_ECC_TYPE : integer := 0; -- v1.03a -- ECC algorithm format, 0 = Hamming code, 1 = Hsiao code C_FAULT_INJECT : integer := 0; -- Enable fault injection registers C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE : integer := 1; -- By default, ECC checking is on (can disable ECC @ reset by setting this to 0) -- Hard coded parameters at top level. -- Note: Kept in design for future enhancement. C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF : integer := 0; -- By default the ECC AXI-Lite register interface is enabled C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable CE (correctable error) failing registers C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable UE (uncorrectable error) failing registers C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS : integer := 0; -- Enable ECC status registers C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER : integer := 0; -- Enable ECC on/off control register C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH : integer := 0 -- Selects CE counter width/threshold to assert ECC_Interrupt ); port ( -- AXI Interface Signals -- AXI Clock and Reset S_AXI_ACLK : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARESETN : in std_logic; ECC_Interrupt : out std_logic := '0'; ECC_UE : out std_logic := '0'; -- AXI Write Address Channel Signals (AW) S_AXI_AWID : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_AWLEN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); S_AXI_AWSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_AWBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_AWLOCK : in std_logic; S_AXI_AWCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); S_AXI_AWPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_AWVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_AWREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Write Data Channel Signals (W) S_AXI_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_WSTRB : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0); S_AXI_WLAST : in std_logic; S_AXI_WVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_WREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) S_AXI_BID : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_BVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_BREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI Read Address Channel Signals (AR) S_AXI_ARID : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_ARLEN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); S_AXI_ARSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_ARBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_ARLOCK : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); S_AXI_ARPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_ARVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Read Data Channel Signals (R) S_AXI_RID : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_RLAST : out std_logic; S_AXI_RVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_RREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite ECC Register Interface Signals -- AXI-Lite Clock and Reset -- TBD -- S_AXI_CTRL_ACLK : in std_logic; -- S_AXI_CTRL_ARESETN : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Write Address Channel Signals (AW) S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY : out std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- AXI-Lite Write Data Channel Signals (W) S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Address Channel Signals (AR) S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Data Channel Signals (R) S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY : in std_logic; -- BRAM Interface Signals (Port A) BRAM_En_A : out std_logic; BRAM_WE_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); BRAM_WrData_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*(8+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_RdData_A : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*(8+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); -- BRAM Interface Signals (Port B) BRAM_En_B : out std_logic; BRAM_WE_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); BRAM_WrData_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*(8+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_RdData_B : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*(8+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) ); end entity full_axi; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of full_axi is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant C_INT_ECC_WIDTH : integer := Int_ECC_Size (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); -- Modify C_BRAM_ADDR_SIZE to be adjusted for BRAM data width -- When BRAM data width = 32 bits, BRAM_Addr (1:0) = "00" -- When BRAM data width = 64 bits, BRAM_Addr (2:0) = "000" -- When BRAM data width = 128 bits, BRAM_Addr (3:0) = "0000" -- When BRAM data width = 256 bits, BRAM_Addr (4:0) = "00000" constant C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR : integer := log2 (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal AXI Signals signal S_AXI_AWREADY_i : std_logic := '0'; signal S_AXI_ARREADY_i : std_logic := '0'; -- Internal BRAM Signals signal BRAM_Addr_A_i : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal BRAM_Addr_B_i : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal BRAM_En_A_i : std_logic := '0'; signal BRAM_En_B_i : std_logic := '0'; signal BRAM_WE_A_i : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal BRAM_RdData_i : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*(8+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Internal ECC Signals signal Enable_ECC : std_logic := '0'; signal FaultInjectClr : std_logic := '0'; -- Clear for Fault Inject Registers signal CE_Failing_We : std_logic := '0'; -- WE for CE Failing Registers signal Sl_CE : std_logic := '0'; -- Correctable Error Flag signal Sl_UE : std_logic := '0'; -- Uncorrectable Error Flag signal Wr_CE_Failing_We : std_logic := '0'; -- WE for CE Failing Registers --signal UE_Failing_We : std_logic := '0'; -- WE for CE Failing Registers --signal CE_CounterReg_Inc : std_logic := '0'; -- Increment CE Counter Register signal Wr_Sl_CE : std_logic := '0'; -- Correctable Error Flag signal Wr_Sl_UE : std_logic := '0'; -- Uncorrectable Error Flag signal Rd_CE_Failing_We : std_logic := '0'; -- WE for CE Failing Registers signal Rd_Sl_CE : std_logic := '0'; -- Correctable Error Flag signal Rd_Sl_UE : std_logic := '0'; -- Uncorrectable Error Flag signal FaultInjectData : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal FaultInjectECC : std_logic_vector (C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal FaultInjectECC_i : std_logic_vector (C_INT_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Specific to BRAM data width signal Active_Wr : std_logic := '0'; signal BRAM_Addr_En : std_logic := '0'; signal Wr_BRAM_Addr_En : std_logic := '0'; signal Rd_BRAM_Addr_En : std_logic := '0'; -- Internal Arbitration Signals signal Arb2AW_Active : std_logic := '0'; signal AW2Arb_Busy : std_logic := '0'; signal AW2Arb_Active_Clr : std_logic := '0'; signal AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal Arb2AR_Active : std_logic := '0'; signal AR2Arb_Active_Clr : std_logic := '0'; signal WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Rst : std_logic := '0'; signal WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En : std_logic := '0'; signal WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Inc : std_logic := '0'; signal WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En : std_logic := '0'; signal RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Inc : std_logic := '0'; signal RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** BRAM Output Signals *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: ADDR_SNG_PORT -- Purpose: OR the BRAM_Addr outputs from each wr_chnl & rd_chnl -- Only one write or read will be active at a time. -- Ensure that ecah channel address is driven to '0' when not in use. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDR_SNG_PORT: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1 generate signal sng_bram_addr_rst : std_logic := '0'; signal sng_bram_addr_ld_en : std_logic := '0'; signal sng_bram_addr_ld : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) := (others => '0'); signal sng_bram_addr_inc : std_logic := '0'; begin -- BRAM_Addr_A <= BRAM_Addr_A_i or BRAM_Addr_B_i; -- BRAM_Addr_A <= BRAM_Addr_A_i when (Arb2AW_Active = '1') else BRAM_Addr_B_i; -- BRAM_Addr_A <= BRAM_Addr_A_i when (Active_Wr = '1') else BRAM_Addr_B_i; -- Insert mux on address counter control signals sng_bram_addr_rst <= WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Rst; sng_bram_addr_ld_en <= WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En or RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En; sng_bram_addr_ld <= RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld when (Arb2AR_Active = '1') else WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld; sng_bram_addr_inc <= RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Inc when (Arb2AR_Active = '1') else WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Inc; I_ADDR_CNT: process (S_AXI_AClk) begin if (S_AXI_AClk'event and S_AXI_AClk = '1') then if (sng_bram_addr_rst = '1') then bram_addr_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (sng_bram_addr_ld_en = '1') then bram_addr_int <= sng_bram_addr_ld; elsif (sng_bram_addr_inc = '1') then bram_addr_int (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 12) <= bram_addr_int (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 12); bram_addr_int (11 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) <= std_logic_vector (unsigned (bram_addr_int (11 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR)) + 1); end if; end if; end process I_ADDR_CNT; BRAM_Addr_B <= (others => '0'); BRAM_En_A <= BRAM_En_A_i or BRAM_En_B_i; -- BRAM_En_A <= BRAM_En_A_i when (Arb2AW_Active = '1') else BRAM_En_B_i; BRAM_En_B <= '0'; BRAM_RdData_i <= BRAM_RdData_A; -- Assign read data port A BRAM_WE_A <= BRAM_WE_A_i when (Arb2AW_Active = '1') else (others => '0'); -- v1.03a -- Early register on WrData and WSTRB in wr_chnl. (Previous value was always cleared). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Generate zeros on lower order address bits adjustable -- based on BRAM data width. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR-1 downto 0 generate begin BRAM_Addr_A (i) <= '0'; end generate GEN_L_BRAM_ADDR; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_ADDR -- Purpose: Assign BRAM address output from address counter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_ADDR: for i in C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR generate begin BRAM_Addr_A (i) <= bram_addr_int (i); end generate GEN_BRAM_ADDR; end generate ADDR_SNG_PORT; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: ADDR_DUAL_PORT -- Purpose: Assign each BRAM address when in a dual port controller -- configuration. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDR_DUAL_PORT: if C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0 generate begin BRAM_Addr_A <= BRAM_Addr_A_i; BRAM_Addr_B <= BRAM_Addr_B_i; BRAM_En_A <= BRAM_En_A_i; BRAM_En_B <= BRAM_En_B_i; BRAM_WE_A <= BRAM_WE_A_i; BRAM_RdData_i <= BRAM_RdData_B; -- Assign read data port B end generate ADDR_DUAL_PORT; BRAM_WrData_B <= (others => '0'); BRAM_WE_B <= (others => '0'); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- *** AXI-Lite ECC Register Output Signals *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NO_REGS -- Purpose: Generate default values if ECC registers are disabled (or when -- ECC is disabled). -- Include both AXI-Lite default signal values & internal -- core signal values. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NO_REGS: if (C_ECC = 0) generate begin S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY <= '0'; S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY <= '0'; S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP <= (others => '0'); S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID <= '0'; S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY <= '0'; S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA <= (others => '0'); S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP <= (others => '0'); S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID <= '0'; -- No fault injection FaultInjectData <= (others => '0'); FaultInjectECC <= (others => '0'); -- Interrupt only enabled when ECC status/interrupt registers enabled ECC_Interrupt <= '0'; ECC_UE <= '0'; Enable_ECC <= '0'; end generate GEN_NO_REGS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_REGS -- Purpose: Generate ECC register module when ECC is enabled and -- ECC registers are enabled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GEN_REGS: if (C_ECC = 1 and C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF = 1) generate -- For future implementation. GEN_REGS: if (C_ECC = 1) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_LITE_ECC_REG -- Description: This module is for the AXI-Lite ECC registers. -- -- Responsible for all AXI-Lite communication to the -- ECC register bank. Provides user interface signals -- to rest of AXI BRAM controller IP core for ECC functionality -- and control. -- Manages AXI-Lite write address (AW) and read address (AR), -- write data (W), write response (B), and read data (R) channels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_LITE_ECC_REG : entity work.lite_ecc_reg generic map ( C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR => C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR , C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH , C_ECC_WIDTH => C_INT_ECC_WIDTH , -- ECC width specific to data width C_FAULT_INJECT => C_FAULT_INJECT , C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS , C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS , C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS => C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS , C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER => C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER , C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE => C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE , C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH => C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_AClk , -- AXI clock S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_AResetn , -- TBD -- S_AXI_CTRL_AClk => S_AXI_CTRL_AClk , -- AXI-Lite clock -- S_AXI_CTRL_AResetn => S_AXI_CTRL_AResetn , Interrupt => ECC_Interrupt , ECC_UE => ECC_UE , -- Add AXI-Lite ECC Register Ports AXI_CTRL_AWVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID , AXI_CTRL_AWREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY , AXI_CTRL_AWADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR , AXI_CTRL_WDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA , AXI_CTRL_WVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID , AXI_CTRL_WREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY , AXI_CTRL_BRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP , AXI_CTRL_BVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID , AXI_CTRL_BREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY , AXI_CTRL_ARADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR , AXI_CTRL_ARVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID , AXI_CTRL_ARREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY , AXI_CTRL_RDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA , AXI_CTRL_RRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP , AXI_CTRL_RVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID , AXI_CTRL_RREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY , Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC , FaultInjectClr => FaultInjectClr , CE_Failing_We => CE_Failing_We , CE_CounterReg_Inc => CE_Failing_We , Sl_CE => Sl_CE , Sl_UE => Sl_UE , BRAM_Addr_A => BRAM_Addr_A_i (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) , -- v1.03a BRAM_Addr_B => BRAM_Addr_B_i (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR) , -- v1.03a BRAM_Addr_En => BRAM_Addr_En , Active_Wr => Active_Wr , -- BRAM_RdData_A => BRAM_RdData_A (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) , -- BRAM_RdData_B => BRAM_RdData_B (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) , FaultInjectData => FaultInjectData , FaultInjectECC => FaultInjectECC_i ); BRAM_Addr_En <= Wr_BRAM_Addr_En or Rd_BRAM_Addr_En; -- v1.03a -- Add coverage tags for Wr_CE_Failing_We. -- No testing on forcing errors with RMW and AXI write transfers. --coverage off CE_Failing_We <= Wr_CE_Failing_We or Rd_CE_Failing_We; Sl_CE <= Wr_Sl_CE or Rd_Sl_CE; Sl_UE <= Wr_Sl_UE or Rd_Sl_UE; --coverage on ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_32 -- Purpose: Add MSB '0' on ECC vector as only 7-bits wide in 32-bit. ------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_32: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32 generate begin FaultInjectECC <= '0' & FaultInjectECC_i; end generate GEN_32; ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_NON_32 -- Purpose: Data widths match at 8-bits for ECC on 64-bit data. -- And 9-bits for 128-bit data. ------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NON_32: if C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH /= 32 generate begin FaultInjectECC <= FaultInjectECC_i; end generate GEN_NON_32; end generate GEN_REGS; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_ARB -- Purpose: Generate arbitration module when AXI4 is configured in -- single port mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_ARB: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_LITE_ECC_REG -- Description: This module is for the AXI-Lite ECC registers. -- -- Responsible for all AXI-Lite communication to the -- ECC register bank. Provides user interface signals -- to rest of AXI BRAM controller IP core for ECC functionality -- and control. -- Manages AXI-Lite write address (AW) and read address (AR), -- write data (W), write response (B), and read data (R) channels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_SNG_PORT : entity work.sng_port_arb generic map ( C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_AClk , -- AXI clock S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_AResetn , AXI_AWADDR => S_AXI_AWADDR (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0), AXI_AWVALID => S_AXI_AWVALID , AXI_AWREADY => S_AXI_AWREADY , AXI_ARADDR => S_AXI_ARADDR (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0), AXI_ARVALID => S_AXI_ARVALID , AXI_ARREADY => S_AXI_ARREADY , Arb2AW_Active => Arb2AW_Active , AW2Arb_Busy => AW2Arb_Busy , AW2Arb_Active_Clr => AW2Arb_Active_Clr , AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt => AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt , Arb2AR_Active => Arb2AR_Active , AR2Arb_Active_Clr => AR2Arb_Active_Clr ); end generate GEN_ARB; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate: GEN_DUAL -- Purpose: Dual mode. AWREADY and ARREADY are generated from each -- wr_chnl and rd_chnl module. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_DUAL: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin S_AXI_AWREADY <= S_AXI_AWREADY_i; S_AXI_ARREADY <= S_AXI_ARREADY_i; Arb2AW_Active <= '0'; Arb2AR_Active <= '0'; end generate GEN_DUAL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_WR_CHNL -- -- Description: -- BRAM controller write channel logic. Controls AXI bus handshaking and -- data flow on the write address (AW), write data (W) and -- write response (B) channels. -- -- BRAM signals are marked as output from Wr Chnl for future implementation -- of merging Wr/Rd channel outputs to a single port of the BRAM module. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_WR_CHNL : entity work.wr_chnl generic map ( -- C_FAMILY => C_FAMILY , C_AXI_ID_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH , C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR => C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR , C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW => C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST , C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , C_ECC => C_ECC , C_ECC_WIDTH => C_ECC_WIDTH , C_ECC_TYPE => C_ECC_TYPE -- v1.03a ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_ACLK , S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_ARESETN , AXI_AWID => S_AXI_AWID , AXI_AWADDR => S_AXI_AWADDR (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0), AXI_AWLEN => S_AXI_AWLEN , AXI_AWSIZE => S_AXI_AWSIZE , AXI_AWBURST => S_AXI_AWBURST , AXI_AWLOCK => S_AXI_AWLOCK , AXI_AWCACHE => S_AXI_AWCACHE , AXI_AWPROT => S_AXI_AWPROT , AXI_AWVALID => S_AXI_AWVALID , AXI_AWREADY => S_AXI_AWREADY_i , AXI_WDATA => S_AXI_WDATA , AXI_WSTRB => S_AXI_WSTRB , AXI_WLAST => S_AXI_WLAST , AXI_WVALID => S_AXI_WVALID , AXI_WREADY => S_AXI_WREADY , AXI_BID => S_AXI_BID , AXI_BRESP => S_AXI_BRESP , AXI_BVALID => S_AXI_BVALID , AXI_BREADY => S_AXI_BREADY , -- Arb Ports Arb2AW_Active => Arb2AW_Active , AW2Arb_Busy => AW2Arb_Busy , AW2Arb_Active_Clr => AW2Arb_Active_Clr , AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt => AW2Arb_BVALID_Cnt , Sng_BRAM_Addr_Rst => WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Rst , Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En => WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En , Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld => WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld , Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc => WrChnl_BRAM_Addr_Inc , Sng_BRAM_Addr => bram_addr_int , -- ECC Ports Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC , BRAM_Addr_En => Wr_BRAM_Addr_En , FaultInjectClr => FaultInjectClr , CE_Failing_We => Wr_CE_Failing_We , Sl_CE => Wr_Sl_CE , Sl_UE => Wr_Sl_UE , Active_Wr => Active_Wr , FaultInjectData => FaultInjectData , FaultInjectECC => FaultInjectECC , BRAM_En => BRAM_En_A_i , -- BRAM_WE => BRAM_WE_A , -- 4/13 BRAM_WE => BRAM_WE_A_i , BRAM_WrData => BRAM_WrData_A , BRAM_RdData => BRAM_RdData_A , BRAM_Addr => BRAM_Addr_A_i ); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_RD_CHNL -- -- Description: -- BRAM controller read channel logic. Controls all handshaking and data -- flow on read address (AR) and read data (R) AXI channels. -- -- BRAM signals are marked as Rd Chnl signals for future implementation -- of merging Rd/Wr BRAM signals to a single BRAM port. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_RD_CHNL : entity work.rd_chnl generic map ( -- C_FAMILY => C_FAMILY , C_AXI_ID_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH , C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR => C_BRAM_ADDR_ADJUST_FACTOR , C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW => C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST , C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , C_ECC => C_ECC , C_ECC_WIDTH => C_ECC_WIDTH , C_ECC_TYPE => C_ECC_TYPE -- v1.03a ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_ACLK , S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_ARESETN , AXI_ARID => S_AXI_ARID , AXI_ARADDR => S_AXI_ARADDR (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0), AXI_ARLEN => S_AXI_ARLEN , AXI_ARSIZE => S_AXI_ARSIZE , AXI_ARBURST => S_AXI_ARBURST , AXI_ARLOCK => S_AXI_ARLOCK , AXI_ARCACHE => S_AXI_ARCACHE , AXI_ARPROT => S_AXI_ARPROT , AXI_ARVALID => S_AXI_ARVALID , AXI_ARREADY => S_AXI_ARREADY_i , AXI_RID => S_AXI_RID , AXI_RDATA => S_AXI_RDATA , AXI_RRESP => S_AXI_RRESP , AXI_RLAST => S_AXI_RLAST , AXI_RVALID => S_AXI_RVALID , AXI_RREADY => S_AXI_RREADY , -- Arb Ports Arb2AR_Active => Arb2AR_Active , AR2Arb_Active_Clr => AR2Arb_Active_Clr , Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En => RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld_En , Sng_BRAM_Addr_Ld => RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Ld , Sng_BRAM_Addr_Inc => RdChnl_BRAM_Addr_Inc , Sng_BRAM_Addr => bram_addr_int , -- ECC Ports Enable_ECC => Enable_ECC , BRAM_Addr_En => Rd_BRAM_Addr_En , CE_Failing_We => Rd_CE_Failing_We , Sl_CE => Rd_Sl_CE , Sl_UE => Rd_Sl_UE , BRAM_En => BRAM_En_B_i , BRAM_Addr => BRAM_Addr_B_i , BRAM_RdData => BRAM_RdData_i ); end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- axi_bram_ctrl_top.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: axi_bram_ctrl_top.vhd -- -- Description: This file is the top level module for the AXI BRAM -- controller IP core. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl_top.vhd (v4_0) -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- History: -- -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/1/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate to v1.03a. -- Plus minor code cleanup. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/2/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove library version # dependency. Replace with work library. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/9/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update Create_Size_Default function to support 512 & 1024-bit BRAM. -- Replace usage of Create_Size_Default function. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/15/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Initial integration of Hsiao ECC algorithm. -- Add C_ECC_TYPE top level parameter on full_axi module. -- Update ECC signal sizes for 128-bit support. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/16/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Update WE size based on 128-bit ECC configuration. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/22/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add C_ECC_TYPE top level parameter on axi_lite module. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/23/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Set C_ECC_TYPE = 1 for Hsiao DV regressions. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 2/24/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Move Find_ECC_Size function to package. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 3/17/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Add comments as noted in Spyglass runs. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 5/6/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Remove C_FAMILY from top level. -- Remove C_FAMILY in axi_lite sub module. -- ^^^^^^ -- JLJ 6/23/2011 v1.03a -- ~~~~~~ -- Migrate 9-bit ECC to 16-bit ECC for 128-bit BRAM data width. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.axi_lite; use work.full_axi; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity axi_bram_ctrl_top is generic ( -- AXI Parameters C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 12; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH : INTEGER := 4; -- AXI ID vector width C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL : string := "AXI4"; -- Set to AXI4LITE to optimize out burst transaction support C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST : INTEGER := 1; -- Support for narrow burst operations C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM : INTEGER := 0; -- Enable single port usage of BRAM -- C_FAMILY : string := "virtex6"; -- Specify the target architecture type -- AXI-Lite Register Parameters C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite data bus (in bits) -- ECC Parameters C_ECC : integer := 0; -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_TYPE : integer := 1; C_FAULT_INJECT : integer := 0; -- Enable fault injection registers -- (default = disabled) C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE : integer := 1 -- By default, ECC checking is on -- (can disable ECC @ reset by setting this to 0) -- Reserved parameters for future implementations. -- C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF : integer := 1; -- By default the ECC AXI-Lite register interface is enabled -- C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 1; -- Enable CE (correctable error) failing registers -- C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS : integer := 1; -- Enable UE (uncorrectable error) failing registers -- C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS : integer := 1; -- Enable ECC status registers -- C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER : integer := 1; -- Enable ECC on/off control register -- C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH : integer := 0 -- Selects CE counter width/threshold to assert ECC_Interrupt ); port ( -- AXI Interface Signals -- AXI Clock and Reset S_AXI_ACLK : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARESETN : in std_logic; ECC_Interrupt : out std_logic := '0'; ECC_UE : out std_logic := '0'; -- AXI Write Address Channel Signals (AW) S_AXI_AWID : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_AWLEN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); S_AXI_AWSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_AWBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_AWLOCK : in std_logic; S_AXI_AWCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); S_AXI_AWPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_AWVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_AWREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Write Data Channel Signals (W) S_AXI_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_WSTRB : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0); S_AXI_WLAST : in std_logic; S_AXI_WVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_WREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) S_AXI_BID : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_BVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_BREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI Read Address Channel Signals (AR) S_AXI_ARID : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_ARLEN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); S_AXI_ARSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_ARBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_ARLOCK : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); S_AXI_ARPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); S_AXI_ARVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI Read Data Channel Signals (R) S_AXI_RID : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_RLAST : out std_logic; S_AXI_RVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_RREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite ECC Register Interface Signals -- AXI-Lite Clock and Reset -- Note: AXI-Lite Control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- S_AXI_CTRL_ACLK : in std_logic; -- S_AXI_CTRL_ARESETN : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Write Address Channel Signals (AW) S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY : out std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- AXI-Lite Write Data Channel Signals (W) S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY : in std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Address Channel Signals (AR) S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID : in std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY : out std_logic; -- AXI-Lite Read Data Channel Signals (R) S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID : out std_logic; S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY : in std_logic; -- BRAM Interface Signals (Port A) BRAM_Rst_A : out std_logic; BRAM_Clk_A : out std_logic; BRAM_En_A : out std_logic; BRAM_WE_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); BRAM_WrData_A : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_RdData_A : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); -- BRAM Interface Signals (Port B) BRAM_Rst_B : out std_logic; BRAM_Clk_B : out std_logic; BRAM_En_B : out std_logic; BRAM_WE_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); BRAM_WrData_B : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); BRAM_RdData_B : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) ); end entity axi_bram_ctrl_top; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of axi_bram_ctrl_top is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- All functions defined in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Model behavior of AXI Interconnect in simulation for wrapping of ID values. constant C_SIM_ONLY : std_logic := '1'; -- Reset active level (common through core) constant C_RESET_ACTIVE : std_logic := '0'; -- Create top level constant to assign fixed value to ARSIZE and AWSIZE -- when narrow bursting is parameterized out of the IP core instantiation. -- constant AXI_FIXED_SIZE_WO_NARROW : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := Create_Size_Default; -- v1.03a constant AXI_FIXED_SIZE_WO_NARROW : integer := log2 (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8); -- Only instantiate logic based on C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL. constant IF_IS_AXI4 : boolean := (Equal_String (C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL, "AXI4")); constant IF_IS_AXI4LITE : boolean := (Equal_String (C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL, "AXI4LITE")); -- Determine external ECC width. -- Use function defined in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. constant C_ECC_WIDTH : integer := Find_ECC_Size (C_ECC, C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); constant C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH : integer := Find_ECC_Full_Bit_Size (C_ECC, C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); -- Set internal parameters for ECC register enabling when C_ECC = 1 constant C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF_I : integer := C_ECC; constant C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS_I : integer := C_ECC; constant C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS_I : integer := 0; -- Remove all UE registers -- Catastrophic error indicated with ECC_UE & Interrupt flags. constant C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS_I : integer := C_ECC; constant C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER_I : integer := C_ECC; constant C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH : integer := 8 * C_ECC; -- Counter only sized when C_ECC = 1. -- Selects CE counter width/threshold to assert ECC_Interrupt -- Hard coded at 8-bits to capture and count up to 256 correctable errors. --constant C_ECC_TYPE : integer := 1; -- v1.03a -- ECC algorithm format, 0 = Hamming code, 1 = Hsiao code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal BRAM Signals -- Port A signal bram_en_a_int : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_we_a_int : std_logic_vector (((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8)-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_addr_a_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_wrdata_a_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_rddata_a_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Port B signal bram_addr_b_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_en_b_int : std_logic := '0'; signal bram_we_b_int : std_logic_vector (((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8)-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_wrdata_b_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal bram_rddata_b_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_awsize_int : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal axi_arsize_int : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal S_AXI_ARREADY_int : std_logic := '0'; signal S_AXI_AWREADY_int : std_logic := '0'; signal S_AXI_RID_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal S_AXI_BID_int : std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin -- *** BRAM Port A Output Signals *** BRAM_Rst_A <= not (S_AXI_ARESETN); BRAM_Clk_A <= S_AXI_ACLK; BRAM_En_A <= bram_en_a_int; BRAM_WE_A ((((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8) - 1) downto (C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH/8)) <= bram_we_a_int((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_A <= bram_addr_a_int; bram_rddata_a_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= BRAM_RdData_A ((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH - 1) downto (C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)); BRAM_WrData_A ((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH - 1) downto (C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)) <= bram_wrdata_a_int(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Added for 13.3 -- Drive unused upper ECC bits to '0' -- For bram_block compatibility, must drive unused upper bits to '0' for ECC 128-bit use case. GEN_128_ECC_WR: if (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128) and (C_ECC = 1) generate begin BRAM_WrData_A ((C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH - 1) downto (C_ECC_WIDTH)) <= (others => '0'); BRAM_WrData_A ((C_ECC_WIDTH-1) downto 0) <= bram_wrdata_a_int(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); BRAM_WE_A ((C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH/8) - 1 downto 0) <= bram_we_a_int(((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8)-1 downto (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)); bram_rddata_a_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) <= BRAM_RdData_A ((C_ECC_WIDTH-1) downto 0); end generate GEN_128_ECC_WR; GEN_ECC_WR: if ( not (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128) and (C_ECC = 1)) generate begin BRAM_WrData_A ((C_ECC_WIDTH - 1) downto 0) <= bram_wrdata_a_int(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); BRAM_WE_A ((C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH/8) - 1 downto 0) <= bram_we_a_int(((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8)-1 downto (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)); bram_rddata_a_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) <= BRAM_RdData_A ((C_ECC_WIDTH-1) downto 0); end generate GEN_ECC_WR; -- *** BRAM Port B Output Signals *** GEN_PORT_B: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin BRAM_Rst_B <= not (S_AXI_ARESETN); BRAM_WE_B ((((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8) - 1) downto (C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH/8)) <= bram_we_b_int((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)-1 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_B <= bram_addr_b_int; BRAM_En_B <= bram_en_b_int; bram_rddata_b_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= BRAM_RdData_B ((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH - 1) downto (C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)); BRAM_WrData_B ((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH + C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH - 1) downto (C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)) <= bram_wrdata_b_int(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- 13.3 -- BRAM_WrData_B <= bram_wrdata_b_int; -- Added for 13.3 -- Drive unused upper ECC bits to '0' -- For bram_block compatibility, must drive unused upper bits to '0' for ECC 128-bit use case. GEN_128_ECC_WR: if (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128) and (C_ECC = 1) generate begin BRAM_WrData_B ((C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH - 1) downto (C_ECC_WIDTH)) <= (others => '0'); BRAM_WrData_B ((C_ECC_WIDTH-1) downto 0) <= bram_wrdata_b_int(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); BRAM_WE_B ((C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH/8) - 1 downto 0) <= bram_we_b_int(((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8)-1 downto (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)); bram_rddata_b_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) <= BRAM_RdData_B ((C_ECC_WIDTH-1) downto 0); end generate GEN_128_ECC_WR; GEN_ECC_WR: if ( not (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128) and (C_ECC = 1)) generate begin BRAM_WrData_B ((C_ECC_WIDTH - 1) downto 0) <= bram_wrdata_b_int(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH); BRAM_WE_B ((C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH/8) - 1 downto 0) <= bram_we_b_int(((C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_FULL_BIT_WIDTH)/8)-1 downto (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)); bram_rddata_b_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) <= BRAM_RdData_B ((C_ECC_WIDTH-1) downto 0); end generate GEN_ECC_WR; end generate GEN_PORT_B; GEN_NO_PORT_B: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin BRAM_Rst_B <= '0'; BRAM_WE_B <= (others => '0'); BRAM_WrData_B <= (others => '0'); BRAM_Addr_B <= (others => '0'); BRAM_En_B <= '0'; end generate GEN_NO_PORT_B; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_BRAM_CLK_B -- Purpose: Only drive BRAM_Clk_B when dual port BRAM is enabled. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_BRAM_CLK_B: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 0) generate begin BRAM_Clk_B <= S_AXI_ACLK; end generate GEN_BRAM_CLK_B; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_NO_BRAM_CLK_B -- Purpose: Drive default value for BRAM_Clk_B when single port -- BRAM is enabled and no clock is necessary on the inactive -- BRAM port. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_NO_BRAM_CLK_B: if (C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM = 1) generate begin BRAM_Clk_B <= '0'; end generate GEN_NO_BRAM_CLK_B; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate top level ARSIZE and AWSIZE signals for rd_chnl and wr_chnl -- respectively, based on design parameter setting of generic, -- C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_W_NARROW -- Purpose: Create internal AWSIZE and ARSIZE signal for write and -- read channel modules based on top level AXI signal inputs. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_W_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST = 1) and (IF_IS_AXI4) generate begin axi_awsize_int <= S_AXI_AWSIZE; axi_arsize_int <= S_AXI_ARSIZE; end generate GEN_W_NARROW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_WO_NARROW -- Purpose: Create internal AWSIZE and ARSIZE signal for write and -- read channel modules based on hard coded -- value that indicates all AXI transfers will be equal in -- size to the AXI data bus. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_WO_NARROW: if (C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST = 0) or (IF_IS_AXI4LITE) generate begin -- axi_awsize_int <= AXI_FIXED_SIZE_WO_NARROW; -- When AXI-LITE (no narrow transfers supported) -- axi_arsize_int <= AXI_FIXED_SIZE_WO_NARROW; -- v1.03a axi_awsize_int <= std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (AXI_FIXED_SIZE_WO_NARROW, 3)); axi_arsize_int <= std_logic_vector (to_unsigned (AXI_FIXED_SIZE_WO_NARROW, 3)); end generate GEN_WO_NARROW; S_AXI_ARREADY <= S_AXI_ARREADY_int; S_AXI_AWREADY <= S_AXI_AWREADY_int; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_AXI_LITE -- Purpose: Create internal signals for lower level write and read -- channel modules to discard unused AXI signals when the -- AXI protocol is set up for AXI-LITE. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AXI4LITE: if (IF_IS_AXI4LITE) generate begin -- For simulation purposes ONLY -- AXI Interconnect handles this in real system topologies. S_AXI_BID <= S_AXI_BID_int; S_AXI_RID <= S_AXI_RID_int; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_SIM_ONLY -- Purpose: Mimic behavior of AXI Interconnect in simulation. -- In real hardware system, AXI Interconnect stores and -- wraps value of ARID to RID and AWID to BID. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_SIM_ONLY: if (C_SIM_ONLY = '1') generate begin ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Must register and wrap the AWID signal REG_BID: process (S_AXI_ACLK) begin if (S_AXI_ACLK'event and S_AXI_ACLK = '1') then if (S_AXI_ARESETN = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then S_AXI_BID_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (S_AXI_AWVALID = '1') and (S_AXI_AWREADY_int = '1') then S_AXI_BID_int <= S_AXI_AWID; else S_AXI_BID_int <= S_AXI_BID_int; end if; end if; end process REG_BID; ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Must register and wrap the ARID signal REG_RID: process (S_AXI_ACLK) begin if (S_AXI_ACLK'event and S_AXI_ACLK = '1') then if (S_AXI_ARESETN = C_RESET_ACTIVE) then S_AXI_RID_int <= (others => '0'); elsif (S_AXI_ARVALID = '1') and (S_AXI_ARREADY_int = '1') then S_AXI_RID_int <= S_AXI_ARID; else S_AXI_RID_int <= S_AXI_RID_int; end if; end if; end process REG_RID; ------------------------------------------------------------------- end generate GEN_SIM_ONLY; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_HW -- Purpose: Drive default values of RID and BID. In real system -- these are left unconnected and AXI Interconnect is -- responsible for values. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_HW: if (C_SIM_ONLY = '0') generate begin S_AXI_BID_int <= (others => '0'); S_AXI_RID_int <= (others => '0'); end generate GEN_HW; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_AXI_LITE -- -- Description: -- This module is for the AXI-Lite -- instantiation of the BRAM controller interface. -- -- Responsible for shared address pipelining between the -- write address (AW) and read address (AR) channels. -- Controls (seperately) the data flows for the write data -- (W), write response (B), and read data (R) channels. -- -- Creates a shared port to BRAM (for all read and write -- transactions) or dual BRAM port utilization based on a -- generic parameter setting. -- -- Instantiates ECC register block if enabled and -- generates ECC logic, when enabled. -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_AXI_LITE : entity work.axi_lite generic map ( C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , -- C_FAMILY => C_FAMILY , C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH , C_ECC => C_ECC , C_ECC_TYPE => C_ECC_TYPE , -- v1.03a C_ECC_WIDTH => C_ECC_WIDTH , -- 8-bits for ECC (32 & 64-bit data widths) C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF => C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF_I , -- Use internal constants determined by C_ECC C_FAULT_INJECT => C_FAULT_INJECT , C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS_I , C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS_I , C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS => C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS_I , C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER => C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER_I , C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE => C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE , C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH => C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_ACLK , S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_ARESETN , ECC_Interrupt => ECC_Interrupt , ECC_UE => ECC_UE , AXI_AWADDR => S_AXI_AWADDR , AXI_AWVALID => S_AXI_AWVALID , AXI_AWREADY => S_AXI_AWREADY_int , AXI_WDATA => S_AXI_WDATA , AXI_WSTRB => S_AXI_WSTRB , AXI_WVALID => S_AXI_WVALID , AXI_WREADY => S_AXI_WREADY , AXI_BRESP => S_AXI_BRESP , AXI_BVALID => S_AXI_BVALID , AXI_BREADY => S_AXI_BREADY , AXI_ARADDR => S_AXI_ARADDR , AXI_ARVALID => S_AXI_ARVALID , AXI_ARREADY => S_AXI_ARREADY_int , AXI_RDATA => S_AXI_RDATA , AXI_RRESP => S_AXI_RRESP , AXI_RLAST => S_AXI_RLAST , AXI_RVALID => S_AXI_RVALID , AXI_RREADY => S_AXI_RREADY , -- Add AXI-Lite ECC Register Ports -- Note: AXI-Lite Control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- S_AXI_CTRL_ACLK => S_AXI_CTRL_ACLK , -- S_AXI_CTRL_ARESETN => S_AXI_CTRL_ARESETN , AXI_CTRL_AWVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID , AXI_CTRL_AWREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY , AXI_CTRL_AWADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR , AXI_CTRL_WDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA , AXI_CTRL_WVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID , AXI_CTRL_WREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY , AXI_CTRL_BRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP , AXI_CTRL_BVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID , AXI_CTRL_BREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY , AXI_CTRL_ARADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR , AXI_CTRL_ARVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID , AXI_CTRL_ARREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY , AXI_CTRL_RDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA , AXI_CTRL_RRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP , AXI_CTRL_RVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID , AXI_CTRL_RREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY , BRAM_En_A => bram_en_a_int , BRAM_WE_A => bram_we_a_int , BRAM_Addr_A => bram_addr_a_int , BRAM_WrData_A => bram_wrdata_a_int , BRAM_RdData_A => bram_rddata_a_int , BRAM_En_B => bram_en_b_int , BRAM_WE_B => bram_we_b_int , BRAM_Addr_B => bram_addr_b_int , BRAM_WrData_B => bram_wrdata_b_int , BRAM_RdData_B => bram_rddata_b_int ); end generate GEN_AXI4LITE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate: GEN_AXI -- Purpose: Only create internal signals for lower level write and read -- channel modules to assign AXI signals when the -- AXI protocol is set up for non AXI-LITE IF connections. -- For AXI4, all AXI signals are assigned to lower level modules. -- -- For AXI-Lite connections, generate statement above will -- create default values on these signals (assigned here). -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEN_AXI4: if (IF_IS_AXI4) generate begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instance: I_FULL_AXI -- -- Description: -- Full AXI BRAM controller logic. -- Instantiates wr_chnl and rd_chnl modules. -- If enabled, ECC register interface is included. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_FULL_AXI : entity work.full_axi generic map ( C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST => C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST , C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH , C_ECC => C_ECC , C_ECC_WIDTH => C_ECC_WIDTH , -- 8-bits for ECC (32 & 64-bit data widths) C_ECC_TYPE => C_ECC_TYPE , -- v1.03a C_FAULT_INJECT => C_FAULT_INJECT , C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE => C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE , C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF => C_ENABLE_AXI_CTRL_REG_IF_I , -- Use internal constants determined by C_ECC C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_CE_FAILING_REGISTERS_I , C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS => C_UE_FAILING_REGISTERS_I , C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS => C_ECC_STATUS_REGISTERS_I , C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER => C_ECC_ONOFF_REGISTER_I , C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH => C_CE_COUNTER_WIDTH ) port map ( S_AXI_AClk => S_AXI_ACLK , S_AXI_AResetn => S_AXI_ARESETN , ECC_Interrupt => ECC_Interrupt , ECC_UE => ECC_UE , S_AXI_AWID => S_AXI_AWID , S_AXI_AWADDR => S_AXI_AWADDR(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0), S_AXI_AWLEN => S_AXI_AWLEN , S_AXI_AWSIZE => axi_awsize_int , S_AXI_AWBURST => S_AXI_AWBURST , S_AXI_AWLOCK => S_AXI_AWLOCK , S_AXI_AWCACHE => S_AXI_AWCACHE , S_AXI_AWPROT => S_AXI_AWPROT , S_AXI_AWVALID => S_AXI_AWVALID , S_AXI_AWREADY => S_AXI_AWREADY_int , S_AXI_WDATA => S_AXI_WDATA , S_AXI_WSTRB => S_AXI_WSTRB , S_AXI_WLAST => S_AXI_WLAST , S_AXI_WVALID => S_AXI_WVALID , S_AXI_WREADY => S_AXI_WREADY , S_AXI_BID => S_AXI_BID , S_AXI_BRESP => S_AXI_BRESP , S_AXI_BVALID => S_AXI_BVALID , S_AXI_BREADY => S_AXI_BREADY , S_AXI_ARID => S_AXI_ARID , S_AXI_ARADDR => S_AXI_ARADDR(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0), S_AXI_ARLEN => S_AXI_ARLEN , S_AXI_ARSIZE => axi_arsize_int , S_AXI_ARBURST => S_AXI_ARBURST , S_AXI_ARLOCK => S_AXI_ARLOCK , S_AXI_ARCACHE => S_AXI_ARCACHE , S_AXI_ARPROT => S_AXI_ARPROT , S_AXI_ARVALID => S_AXI_ARVALID , S_AXI_ARREADY => S_AXI_ARREADY_int , S_AXI_RID => S_AXI_RID , S_AXI_RDATA => S_AXI_RDATA , S_AXI_RRESP => S_AXI_RRESP , S_AXI_RLAST => S_AXI_RLAST , S_AXI_RVALID => S_AXI_RVALID , S_AXI_RREADY => S_AXI_RREADY , -- Add AXI-Lite ECC Register Ports -- Note: AXI-Lite Control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- S_AXI_CTRL_ACLK => S_AXI_CTRL_ACLK , -- S_AXI_CTRL_ARESETN => S_AXI_CTRL_ARESETN , S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY , S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR , S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA , S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY , S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP , S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY , S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR , S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY , S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA , S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP , S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY , BRAM_En_A => bram_en_a_int , BRAM_WE_A => bram_we_a_int , BRAM_WrData_A => bram_wrdata_a_int , BRAM_Addr_A => bram_addr_a_int , BRAM_RdData_A => bram_rddata_a_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) , BRAM_En_B => bram_en_b_int , BRAM_WE_B => bram_we_b_int , BRAM_Addr_B => bram_addr_b_int , BRAM_WrData_B => bram_wrdata_b_int , BRAM_RdData_B => bram_rddata_b_int (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC_WIDTH-1 downto 0) ); -- v1.02a -- Seperate instantiations for wr_chnl and rd_chnl moved to -- full_axi module. end generate GEN_AXI4; end architecture implementation; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- (c) Copyright [2010 - 2013] Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: axi_bram_ctrl_wrapper.vhd -- -- Description: This file is the top level module for the AXI BRAM -- controller IP core. -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- axi_bram_ctrl.vhd (v4_0) -- | -- |--axi_bram_ctrl_top.vhd -- | -- |-- full_axi.vhd -- | -- sng_port_arb.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- wr_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- | -- rd_chnl.vhd -- | -- wrap_brst.vhd -- | -- ua_narrow.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler_64.vhd -- | -- (same helper components as checkbit_handler) -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit_64.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- | -- |-- axi_lite.vhd -- | -- lite_ecc_reg.vhd -- | -- axi_lite_if.vhd -- | -- checkbit_handler.vhd -- | -- xor18.vhd -- | -- parity.vhd -- | -- correct_one_bit.vhd -- | -- ecc_gen.vhd -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library declarations library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_top; use work.axi_bram_ctrl_funcs.all; --use work.coregen_comp_defs.all; library blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6; use blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity axi_bram_ctrl is generic ( C_BRAM_INST_MODE : string := "EXTERNAL"; -- external ; internal --determines whether the bmg is external or internal to axi bram ctrl wrapper C_MEMORY_DEPTH : integer := 4096; --Memory depth specified by the user C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 12; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH : INTEGER := 4; -- AXI ID vector width C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL : string := "AXI4"; -- Set to AXI4LITE to optimize out burst transaction support C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST : INTEGER := 1; -- Support for narrow burst operations C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM : INTEGER := 0; -- Enable single port usage of BRAM C_FAMILY : string := "virtex7"; -- Specify the target architecture type C_SELECT_XPM : integer := 1; -- AXI-Lite Register Parameters C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; -- Width of AXI-Lite data bus (in bits) -- ECC Parameters C_ECC : integer := 0; -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_TYPE : integer := 1; C_FAULT_INJECT : integer := 0; -- Enable fault injection registers -- (default = disabled) C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE : integer := 1 -- By default, ECC checking is on -- (can disable ECC @ reset by setting this to 0) ); port ( -- AXI Interface Signals -- AXI Clock and Reset s_axi_aclk : in std_logic; s_axi_aresetn : in std_logic; ecc_interrupt : out std_logic := '0'; ecc_ue : out std_logic := '0'; -- axi write address channel Signals (AW) s_axi_awid : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_awaddr : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_awlen : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); s_axi_awsize : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); s_axi_awburst : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); s_axi_awlock : in std_logic; s_axi_awcache : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); s_axi_awprot : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); s_axi_awvalid : in std_logic; s_axi_awready : out std_logic; -- axi write data channel Signals (W) s_axi_wdata : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_wstrb : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0); s_axi_wlast : in std_logic; s_axi_wvalid : in std_logic; s_axi_wready : out std_logic; -- axi write data response Channel Signals (B) s_axi_bid : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_bresp : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); s_axi_bvalid : out std_logic; s_axi_bready : in std_logic; -- axi read address channel Signals (AR) s_axi_arid : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_araddr : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_arlen : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); s_axi_arsize : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); s_axi_arburst : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); s_axi_arlock : in std_logic; s_axi_arcache : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); s_axi_arprot : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); s_axi_arvalid : in std_logic; s_axi_arready : out std_logic; -- axi read data channel Signals (R) s_axi_rid : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_rdata : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_rresp : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); s_axi_rlast : out std_logic; s_axi_rvalid : out std_logic; s_axi_rready : in std_logic; -- axi-lite ecc register Interface Signals -- axi-lite clock and Reset -- note: axi-lite control IF and AXI IF share the same clock. -- s_axi_ctrl_aclk : in std_logic; -- s_axi_ctrl_aresetn : in std_logic; -- axi-lite write address Channel Signals (AW) s_axi_ctrl_awvalid : in std_logic; s_axi_ctrl_awready : out std_logic; s_axi_ctrl_awaddr : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- axi-lite write data Channel Signals (W) s_axi_ctrl_wdata : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_ctrl_wvalid : in std_logic; s_axi_ctrl_wready : out std_logic; -- axi-lite write data Response Channel Signals (B) s_axi_ctrl_bresp : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); s_axi_ctrl_bvalid : out std_logic; s_axi_ctrl_bready : in std_logic; -- axi-lite read address Channel Signals (AR) s_axi_ctrl_araddr : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_ctrl_arvalid : in std_logic; s_axi_ctrl_arready : out std_logic; -- axi-lite read data Channel Signals (R) s_axi_ctrl_rdata : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); s_axi_ctrl_rresp : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); s_axi_ctrl_rvalid : out std_logic; s_axi_ctrl_rready : in std_logic; -- bram interface signals (Port A) bram_rst_a : out std_logic; bram_clk_a : out std_logic; bram_en_a : out std_logic; bram_we_a : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); bram_addr_a : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); bram_wrdata_a : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); bram_rddata_a : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); -- bram interface signals (Port B) bram_rst_b : out std_logic; bram_clk_b : out std_logic; bram_en_b : out std_logic; bram_we_b : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); bram_addr_b : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); bram_wrdata_b : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); bram_rddata_b : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) ); end entity axi_bram_ctrl; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of axi_bram_ctrl is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; component xpm_memory_tdpram generic ( MEMORY_SIZE : integer := 4096*32; MEMORY_PRIMITIVE : string := "auto"; CLOCKING_MODE : string := "common_clock"; ECC_MODE : string := "no_ecc"; MEMORY_INIT_FILE : string := "none"; MEMORY_INIT_PARAM : string := ""; WAKEUP_TIME : string := "disable_sleep"; MESSAGE_CONTROL : integer := 0; WRITE_DATA_WIDTH_A : integer := 32; READ_DATA_WIDTH_A : integer := 32; BYTE_WRITE_WIDTH_A : integer := 8; ADDR_WIDTH_A : integer := 12; READ_RESET_VALUE_A : string := "0"; READ_LATENCY_A : integer := 1; WRITE_MODE_A : string := "read_first"; WRITE_DATA_WIDTH_B : integer := 32; READ_DATA_WIDTH_B : integer := 32; BYTE_WRITE_WIDTH_B : integer := 8; ADDR_WIDTH_B : integer := 12; READ_RESET_VALUE_B : string := "0"; READ_LATENCY_B : integer := 1; WRITE_MODE_B : string := "read_first" ); port ( -- Common module ports sleep : in std_logic; -- Port A module ports clka : in std_logic; rsta : in std_logic; ena : in std_logic; regcea : in std_logic; wea : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- (WRITE_DATA_WIDTH_A/BYTE_WRITE_WIDTH_A)-1:0] -- addra : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); addra : in std_logic_vector (C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); dina : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- [WRITE_DATA_WIDTH_A-1:0] injectsbiterra : in std_logic; injectdbiterra : in std_logic; douta : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); -- [READ_DATA_WIDTH_A-1:0] sbiterra : out std_logic; dbiterra : out std_logic; -- Port B module ports clkb : in std_logic; rstb : in std_logic; enb : in std_logic; regceb : in std_logic; web : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- addrb : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- [ADDR_WIDTH_B-1:0] addrb : in std_logic_vector (C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- [ADDR_WIDTH_B-1:0] dinb : in std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); injectsbiterrb : in std_logic; injectdbiterrb : in std_logic; doutb : out std_logic_vector (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); -- [READ_DATA_WIDTH_B-1:0] sbiterrb : out std_logic; dbiterrb : out std_logic ); end component; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- FUNCTION: if_then_else -- This function is used to implement an IF..THEN when such a statement is not -- allowed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION if_then_else ( condition : BOOLEAN; true_case : INTEGER; false_case : INTEGER) RETURN INTEGER IS VARIABLE retval : INTEGER := 0; BEGIN IF NOT condition THEN retval:=false_case; ELSE retval:=true_case; END IF; RETURN retval; END if_then_else; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION : log2roundup --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION log2roundup (data_value : integer) RETURN integer IS VARIABLE width : integer := 0; VARIABLE cnt : integer := 1; CONSTANT lower_limit : integer := 1; CONSTANT upper_limit : integer := 8; BEGIN IF (data_value <= 1) THEN width := 0; ELSE WHILE (cnt < data_value) LOOP width := width + 1; cnt := cnt *2; END LOOP; END IF; RETURN width; END log2roundup; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Only instantiate logic based on C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL. -- Determine external ECC width. -- Use function defined in axi_bram_ctrl_funcs package. -- Set internal parameters for ECC register enabling when C_ECC = 1 -- Catastrophic error indicated with ECC_UE & Interrupt flags. -- Counter only sized when C_ECC = 1. -- Selects CE counter width/threshold to assert ECC_Interrupt -- Hard coded at 8-bits to capture and count up to 256 correctable errors. -- ECC algorithm format, 0 = Hamming code, 1 = Hsiao code constant GND : std_logic := '0'; constant VCC : std_logic := '1'; constant ZERO1 : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO2 : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO3 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO4 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO8 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant WSTRB_ZERO : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO16 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO32 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO64 : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); CONSTANT MEM_TYPE : INTEGER := if_then_else((C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM=1),0,2); CONSTANT BWE_B : INTEGER := if_then_else((C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM=1),0,1); CONSTANT BMG_ADDR_WIDTH : INTEGER := log2roundup(C_MEMORY_DEPTH) + log2roundup(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8) ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal clka_bram_clka_i : std_logic := '0'; signal rsta_bram_rsta_i : std_logic := '0'; signal ena_bram_ena_i : std_logic := '0'; signal REGCEA : std_logic := '0'; signal wea_bram_wea_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal addra_bram_addra_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal dina_bram_dina_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal douta_bram_douta_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); signal clkb_bram_clkb_i : std_logic := '0'; signal rstb_bram_rstb_i : std_logic := '0'; signal enb_bram_enb_i : std_logic := '0'; signal REGCEB : std_logic := '0'; signal web_bram_web_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal addrb_bram_addrb_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal dinb_bram_dinb_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal doutb_bram_doutb_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture Body ----------------------------------------------------------------------- begin gint_inst: IF (C_BRAM_INST_MODE = "INTERNAL" ) GENERATE constant c_addrb_width : INTEGER := log2roundup(C_MEMORY_DEPTH); constant C_WEA_WIDTH_I : INTEGER := (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) ; constant C_WRITE_WIDTH_A_I : INTEGER := (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) ; constant C_READ_WIDTH_A_I : INTEGER := (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))); constant C_ADDRA_WIDTH_I : INTEGER := log2roundup(C_MEMORY_DEPTH); constant C_WEB_WIDTH_I : INTEGER := (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))); constant C_WRITE_WIDTH_B_I : INTEGER := (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))); constant C_READ_WIDTH_B_I : INTEGER := (C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))); signal s_axi_rdaddrecc_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_addrb_width-1 DOWNTO 0); signal s_axi_dbiterr_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal s_axi_sbiterr_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal s_axi_rvalid_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal s_axi_rlast_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal s_axi_rresp_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0); signal s_axi_rdata_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))-1 downto 0); signal s_axi_rid_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); signal s_axi_arready_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal s_axi_bvalid_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal s_axi_bresp_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0); signal s_axi_bid_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); signal s_axi_wready_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal s_axi_awready_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal rdaddrecc_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_addrb_width-1 DOWNTO 0); signal dbiterr_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; signal sbiterr_bmg_int : STD_LOGIC; begin xpm_mem_gen : if (C_SELECT_XPM = 1) generate xpm_memory_inst: xpm_memory_tdpram generic map ( MEMORY_SIZE => C_WRITE_WIDTH_A_I*C_MEMORY_DEPTH, MEMORY_PRIMITIVE => "blockram", CLOCKING_MODE => "common_clock", ECC_MODE => "no_ecc", MEMORY_INIT_FILE => "none", MEMORY_INIT_PARAM => "", WAKEUP_TIME => "disable_sleep", MESSAGE_CONTROL => 0, WRITE_DATA_WIDTH_A => C_WRITE_WIDTH_A_I, READ_DATA_WIDTH_A => C_READ_WIDTH_A_I, BYTE_WRITE_WIDTH_A => 8, ADDR_WIDTH_A => C_ADDRA_WIDTH_I, READ_RESET_VALUE_A => "0", READ_LATENCY_A => 1, WRITE_MODE_A => "write_first", --write_first WRITE_DATA_WIDTH_B => C_WRITE_WIDTH_B_I, READ_DATA_WIDTH_B => C_READ_WIDTH_B_I, BYTE_WRITE_WIDTH_B => 8, ADDR_WIDTH_B => C_ADDRB_WIDTH, READ_RESET_VALUE_B => "0", READ_LATENCY_B => 1, WRITE_MODE_B => "write_first" ) port map ( -- Common module ports sleep => GND, -- Port A module ports clka => clka_bram_clka_i, rsta => rsta_bram_rsta_i, ena => ena_bram_ena_i, regcea => GND, wea => wea_bram_wea_i, addra => addra_bram_addra_i(BMG_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto (BMG_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH)), dina => dina_bram_dina_i, injectsbiterra => GND, injectdbiterra => GND, douta => douta_bram_douta_i, sbiterra => open, dbiterra => open, -- Port B module ports clkb => clkb_bram_clkb_i, rstb => rstb_bram_rstb_i, enb => enb_bram_enb_i, regceb => GND, web => web_bram_web_i, addrb => addrb_bram_addrb_i(BMG_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto (BMG_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH)), dinb => dinb_bram_dinb_i, injectsbiterrb => GND, injectdbiterrb => GND, doutb => doutb_bram_doutb_i, sbiterrb => open, dbiterrb => open ); end generate; blk_mem_gen : if (C_SELECT_XPM = 0) generate bmgv81_inst : entity blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6.blk_mem_gen_v8_3_6 GENERIC MAP( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generic Declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Device Family & Elaboration Directory Parameters: C_FAMILY => C_FAMILY, C_XDEVICEFAMILY => C_FAMILY, ---- C_ELABORATION_DIR => "NULL" , C_INTERFACE_TYPE => 0 , --General Memory Parameters: ----- C_ENABLE_32BIT_ADDRESS => 0 , C_MEM_TYPE => MEM_TYPE , C_BYTE_SIZE => 8 , C_ALGORITHM => 1 , C_PRIM_TYPE => 1 , --Memory Initialization Parameters: C_LOAD_INIT_FILE => 0 , C_INIT_FILE_NAME => "no_coe_file_loaded" , C_USE_DEFAULT_DATA => 0 , C_DEFAULT_DATA => "NULL" , --Port A Parameters: --Reset Parameters: C_HAS_RSTA => 0 , --Enable Parameters: C_HAS_ENA => 1 , C_HAS_REGCEA => 0 , --Byte Write Enable Parameters: C_USE_BYTE_WEA => 1 , C_WEA_WIDTH => C_WEA_WIDTH_I, --(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) , --Write Mode: C_WRITE_MODE_A => "WRITE_FIRST" , --Data-Addr Width Parameters: C_WRITE_WIDTH_A => C_WRITE_WIDTH_A_I,--(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) , C_READ_WIDTH_A => C_READ_WIDTH_A_I,--(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) , C_WRITE_DEPTH_A => C_MEMORY_DEPTH , C_READ_DEPTH_A => C_MEMORY_DEPTH , C_ADDRA_WIDTH => C_ADDRA_WIDTH_I,--log2roundup(C_MEMORY_DEPTH) , --Port B Parameters: --Reset Parameters: C_HAS_RSTB => 0 , --Enable Parameters: C_HAS_ENB => 1 , C_HAS_REGCEB => 0 , --Byte Write Enable Parameters: C_USE_BYTE_WEB => BWE_B , C_WEB_WIDTH => C_WEB_WIDTH_I,--(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8 + C_ECC*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) , --Write Mode: C_WRITE_MODE_B => "WRITE_FIRST" , --Data-Addr Width Parameters: C_WRITE_WIDTH_B => C_WRITE_WIDTH_B_I,--(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) , C_READ_WIDTH_B => C_READ_WIDTH_B_I,--(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH+C_ECC*8*(1+(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/128))) , C_WRITE_DEPTH_B => C_MEMORY_DEPTH , C_READ_DEPTH_B => C_MEMORY_DEPTH , C_ADDRB_WIDTH => C_ADDRB_WIDTH,--log2roundup(C_MEMORY_DEPTH) , --Output Registers/ Pipelining Parameters: C_HAS_MEM_OUTPUT_REGS_A => 0 , C_HAS_MEM_OUTPUT_REGS_B => 0 , C_HAS_MUX_OUTPUT_REGS_A => 0 , C_HAS_MUX_OUTPUT_REGS_B => 0 , C_MUX_PIPELINE_STAGES => 0 , --Input/Output Registers for SoftECC : C_HAS_SOFTECC_INPUT_REGS_A => 0 , C_HAS_SOFTECC_OUTPUT_REGS_B=> 0 , --ECC Parameters C_USE_ECC => 0 , C_USE_SOFTECC => 0 , C_HAS_INJECTERR => 0 , C_EN_ECC_PIPE => 0, C_EN_SLEEP_PIN => 0, C_USE_URAM => 0, C_EN_RDADDRA_CHG => 0, C_EN_RDADDRB_CHG => 0, C_EN_DEEPSLEEP_PIN => 0, C_EN_SHUTDOWN_PIN => 0, --Simulation Model Parameters: C_SIM_COLLISION_CHECK => "NONE" , C_COMMON_CLK => 1 , C_DISABLE_WARN_BHV_COLL => 1 , C_DISABLE_WARN_BHV_RANGE => 1 ) PORT MAP( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Input and Output Declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Native BMG Input and Output Port Declarations --Port A: clka => clka_bram_clka_i , rsta => rsta_bram_rsta_i , ena => ena_bram_ena_i , regcea => GND , wea => wea_bram_wea_i , addra => addra_bram_addra_i(BMG_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto (BMG_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH)) , --addra => addra_bram_addra_i(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH)) , dina => dina_bram_dina_i , douta => douta_bram_douta_i , --port b: clkb => clkb_bram_clkb_i , rstb => rstb_bram_rstb_i , enb => enb_bram_enb_i , regceb => GND , web => web_bram_web_i , addrb => addrb_bram_addrb_i(BMG_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto (BMG_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH)) , --addrb => addrb_bram_addrb_i(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto (C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH - C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH)) , dinb => dinb_bram_dinb_i , doutb => doutb_bram_doutb_i , --ecc: injectsbiterr => GND , injectdbiterr => GND , sbiterr => sbiterr_bmg_int, dbiterr => dbiterr_bmg_int, rdaddrecc => rdaddrecc_bmg_int, eccpipece => GND, sleep => GND, deepsleep => GND, shutdown => GND, -- axi bmg input and output Port Declarations -- axi global signals s_aclk => GND , s_aresetn => GND , -- axi full/lite slave write (write side) s_axi_awid => ZERO4 , s_axi_awaddr => ZERO32 , s_axi_awlen => ZERO8 , s_axi_awsize => ZERO3 , s_axi_awburst => ZERO2 , s_axi_awvalid => GND , s_axi_awready => s_axi_awready_bmg_int, s_axi_wdata => ZERO64 , s_axi_wstrb => WSTRB_ZERO, s_axi_wlast => GND , s_axi_wvalid => GND , s_axi_wready => s_axi_wready_bmg_int, s_axi_bid => s_axi_bid_bmg_int, s_axi_bresp => s_axi_bresp_bmg_int, s_axi_bvalid => s_axi_bvalid_bmg_int, s_axi_bready => GND , -- axi full/lite slave read (Write side) s_axi_arid => ZERO4, s_axi_araddr => "00000000000000000000000000000000", s_axi_arlen => "00000000", s_axi_arsize => "000", s_axi_arburst => "00", s_axi_arvalid => '0', s_axi_arready => s_axi_arready_bmg_int, s_axi_rid => s_axi_rid_bmg_int, s_axi_rdata => s_axi_rdata_bmg_int, s_axi_rresp => s_axi_rresp_bmg_int, s_axi_rlast => s_axi_rlast_bmg_int, s_axi_rvalid => s_axi_rvalid_bmg_int, s_axi_rready => GND , -- axi full/lite sideband Signals s_axi_injectsbiterr => GND , s_axi_injectdbiterr => GND , s_axi_sbiterr => s_axi_sbiterr_bmg_int, s_axi_dbiterr => s_axi_dbiterr_bmg_int, s_axi_rdaddrecc => s_axi_rdaddrecc_bmg_int ); end generate; abcv4_0_int_inst : entity work.axi_bram_ctrl_top generic map( -- AXI Parameters C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH => C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH , -- AXI ID vector width C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , -- Set to AXI4LITE to optimize out burst transaction support C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST => C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST , -- Support for narrow burst operations C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , -- Enable single port usage of BRAM -- AXI-Lite Register Parameters C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI-Lite address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI-Lite data bus (in bits) -- ECC Parameters C_ECC => C_ECC , -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_TYPE => C_ECC_TYPE , C_FAULT_INJECT => C_FAULT_INJECT , -- Enable fault injection registers -- (default = disabled) C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE => C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE -- By default, ECC checking is on -- (can disable ECC @ reset by setting this to 0) ) port map( -- AXI Interface Signals -- AXI Clock and Reset S_AXI_ACLK => S_AXI_ACLK , S_AXI_ARESETN => S_AXI_ARESETN , ECC_Interrupt => ECC_Interrupt , ECC_UE => ECC_UE , -- AXI Write Address Channel Signals (AW) S_AXI_AWID => S_AXI_AWID , S_AXI_AWADDR => S_AXI_AWADDR , S_AXI_AWLEN => S_AXI_AWLEN , S_AXI_AWSIZE => S_AXI_AWSIZE , S_AXI_AWBURST => S_AXI_AWBURST , S_AXI_AWLOCK => S_AXI_AWLOCK , S_AXI_AWCACHE => S_AXI_AWCACHE , S_AXI_AWPROT => S_AXI_AWPROT , S_AXI_AWVALID => S_AXI_AWVALID , S_AXI_AWREADY => S_AXI_AWREADY , -- AXI Write Data Channel Signals (W) S_AXI_WDATA => S_AXI_WDATA , S_AXI_WSTRB => S_AXI_WSTRB , S_AXI_WLAST => S_AXI_WLAST , S_AXI_WVALID => S_AXI_WVALID , S_AXI_WREADY => S_AXI_WREADY , -- AXI Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) S_AXI_BID => S_AXI_BID , S_AXI_BRESP => S_AXI_BRESP , S_AXI_BVALID => S_AXI_BVALID , S_AXI_BREADY => S_AXI_BREADY , -- AXI Read Address Channel Signals (AR) S_AXI_ARID => S_AXI_ARID , S_AXI_ARADDR => S_AXI_ARADDR , S_AXI_ARLEN => S_AXI_ARLEN , S_AXI_ARSIZE => S_AXI_ARSIZE , S_AXI_ARBURST => S_AXI_ARBURST , S_AXI_ARLOCK => S_AXI_ARLOCK , S_AXI_ARCACHE => S_AXI_ARCACHE , S_AXI_ARPROT => S_AXI_ARPROT , S_AXI_ARVALID => S_AXI_ARVALID , S_AXI_ARREADY => S_AXI_ARREADY , -- AXI Read Data Channel Signals (R) S_AXI_RID => S_AXI_RID , S_AXI_RDATA => S_AXI_RDATA , S_AXI_RRESP => S_AXI_RRESP , S_AXI_RLAST => S_AXI_RLAST , S_AXI_RVALID => S_AXI_RVALID , S_AXI_RREADY => S_AXI_RREADY , -- AXI-Lite ECC Register Interface Signals -- AXI-Lite Write Address Channel Signals (AW) S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_AWVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_AWREADY , S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_AWADDR , -- AXI-Lite Write Data Channel Signals (W) S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_WDATA , S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_WVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_WREADY , -- AXI-Lite Write Data Response Channel Signals (B) S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_BRESP , S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_BVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_BREADY , -- AXI-Lite Read Address Channel Signals (AR) S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR => S_AXI_CTRL_ARADDR , S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_ARVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_ARREADY , -- AXI-Lite Read Data Channel Signals (R) S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA => S_AXI_CTRL_RDATA , S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP => S_AXI_CTRL_RRESP , S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID => S_AXI_CTRL_RVALID , S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY => S_AXI_CTRL_RREADY , -- BRAM Interface Signals (Port A) BRAM_Rst_A => rsta_bram_rsta_i , BRAM_Clk_A => clka_bram_clka_i , BRAM_En_A => ena_bram_ena_i , BRAM_WE_A => wea_bram_wea_i , BRAM_Addr_A => addra_bram_addra_i, BRAM_WrData_A => dina_bram_dina_i , BRAM_RdData_A => douta_bram_douta_i , -- BRAM Interface Signals (Port B) BRAM_Rst_B => rstb_bram_rstb_i , BRAM_Clk_B => clkb_bram_clkb_i , BRAM_En_B => enb_bram_enb_i , BRAM_WE_B => web_bram_web_i , BRAM_Addr_B => addrb_bram_addrb_i , BRAM_WrData_B => dinb_bram_dinb_i , BRAM_RdData_B => doutb_bram_doutb_i ); -- The following signals are driven 0's to remove the synthesis warnings bram_rst_a <= '0'; bram_clk_a <= '0'; bram_en_a <= '0'; bram_we_a <= (others => '0'); bram_addr_a <= (others => '0'); bram_wrdata_a <= (others => '0'); bram_rst_b <= '0'; bram_clk_b <= '0'; bram_en_b <= '0'; bram_we_b <= (others => '0'); bram_addr_b <= (others => '0'); bram_wrdata_b <= (others => '0'); END GENERATE gint_inst; -- End of internal bram instance gext_inst: IF (C_BRAM_INST_MODE = "EXTERNAL" ) GENERATE abcv4_0_ext_inst : entity work.axi_bram_ctrl_top generic map( -- AXI Parameters C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH => C_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH , C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI data bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH , -- AXI ID vector width C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL => C_S_AXI_PROTOCOL , -- Set to AXI4LITE to optimize out burst transaction support C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST => C_S_AXI_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST , -- Support for narrow burst operations C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM => C_SINGLE_PORT_BRAM , -- Enable single port usage of BRAM -- AXI-Lite Register Parameters C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_ADDR_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI-Lite address bus (in bits) C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH => C_S_AXI_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH , -- Width of AXI-Lite data bus (in bits) -- ECC Parameters C_ECC => C_ECC , -- Enables or disables ECC functionality C_ECC_TYPE => C_ECC_TYPE , C_FAULT_INJECT => C_FAULT_INJECT , -- Enable fault injection registers -- (default = disabled) C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE => C_ECC_ONOFF_RESET_VALUE -- By default, ECC checking is on -- (can disable ECC @ reset by setting this to 0) ) port map( -- AXI Interface Signals -- AXI Clock and Reset s_axi_aclk => s_axi_aclk , s_axi_aresetn => s_axi_aresetn , ecc_interrupt => ecc_interrupt , ecc_ue => ecc_ue , -- axi write address channel signals (aw) s_axi_awid => s_axi_awid , s_axi_awaddr => s_axi_awaddr , s_axi_awlen => s_axi_awlen , s_axi_awsize => s_axi_awsize , s_axi_awburst => s_axi_awburst , s_axi_awlock => s_axi_awlock , s_axi_awcache => s_axi_awcache , s_axi_awprot => s_axi_awprot , s_axi_awvalid => s_axi_awvalid , s_axi_awready => s_axi_awready , -- axi write data channel signals (w) s_axi_wdata => s_axi_wdata , s_axi_wstrb => s_axi_wstrb , s_axi_wlast => s_axi_wlast , s_axi_wvalid => s_axi_wvalid , s_axi_wready => s_axi_wready , -- axi write data response channel signals (b) s_axi_bid => s_axi_bid , s_axi_bresp => s_axi_bresp , s_axi_bvalid => s_axi_bvalid , s_axi_bready => s_axi_bready , -- axi read address channel signals (ar) s_axi_arid => s_axi_arid , s_axi_araddr => s_axi_araddr , s_axi_arlen => s_axi_arlen , s_axi_arsize => s_axi_arsize , s_axi_arburst => s_axi_arburst , s_axi_arlock => s_axi_arlock , s_axi_arcache => s_axi_arcache , s_axi_arprot => s_axi_arprot , s_axi_arvalid => s_axi_arvalid , s_axi_arready => s_axi_arready , -- axi read data channel signals (r) s_axi_rid => s_axi_rid , s_axi_rdata => s_axi_rdata , s_axi_rresp => s_axi_rresp , s_axi_rlast => s_axi_rlast , s_axi_rvalid => s_axi_rvalid , s_axi_rready => s_axi_rready , -- axi-lite ecc register interface signals -- axi-lite write address channel signals (aw) s_axi_ctrl_awvalid => s_axi_ctrl_awvalid , s_axi_ctrl_awready => s_axi_ctrl_awready , s_axi_ctrl_awaddr => s_axi_ctrl_awaddr , -- axi-lite write data channel signals (w) s_axi_ctrl_wdata => s_axi_ctrl_wdata , s_axi_ctrl_wvalid => s_axi_ctrl_wvalid , s_axi_ctrl_wready => s_axi_ctrl_wready , -- axi-lite write data response channel signals (b) s_axi_ctrl_bresp => s_axi_ctrl_bresp , s_axi_ctrl_bvalid => s_axi_ctrl_bvalid , s_axi_ctrl_bready => s_axi_ctrl_bready , -- axi-lite read address channel signals (ar) s_axi_ctrl_araddr => s_axi_ctrl_araddr , s_axi_ctrl_arvalid => s_axi_ctrl_arvalid , s_axi_ctrl_arready => s_axi_ctrl_arready , -- axi-lite read data channel signals (r) s_axi_ctrl_rdata => s_axi_ctrl_rdata , s_axi_ctrl_rresp => s_axi_ctrl_rresp , s_axi_ctrl_rvalid => s_axi_ctrl_rvalid , s_axi_ctrl_rready => s_axi_ctrl_rready , -- bram interface signals (port a) bram_rst_a => bram_rst_a , bram_clk_a => bram_clk_a , bram_en_a => bram_en_a , bram_we_a => bram_we_a , bram_addr_a => bram_addr_a , bram_wrdata_a => bram_wrdata_a , bram_rddata_a => bram_rddata_a , -- bram interface signals (port b) bram_rst_b => bram_rst_b , bram_clk_b => bram_clk_b , bram_en_b => bram_en_b , bram_we_b => bram_we_b , bram_addr_b => bram_addr_b , bram_wrdata_b => bram_wrdata_b , bram_rddata_b => bram_rddata_b ); END GENERATE gext_inst; -- End of internal bram instance end architecture implementation;
-- NEED RESULT: ARCH00425: Decimal literals passed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Copyright (c) 1989 by Intermetrics, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TEST NAME: -- -- CT00425 -- -- AUTHOR: -- -- D. Hyman -- -- TEST OBJECTIVES: -- -- 13.4.1 (1) -- 13.4.1 (2) -- 13.4.1 (3) -- 13.4.1 (4) -- 13.4.1 (5) -- 13.4.1 (6) -- 13.4.1 (7) -- -- DESIGN UNIT ORDERING: -- -- E00000(ARCH00425) -- ENT00425_Test_Bench(ARCH00425_Test_Bench) -- -- REVISION HISTORY: -- -- 3-AUG-1987 - initial revision -- -- NOTES: -- -- self-checking -- -- use WORK.STANDARD_TYPES.all ; architecture ARCH00425 of E00000 is begin P : process -- these will test 13.4.1 (1) variable int_e_lower : integer := 1e6 ; variable int_e_upper : integer := 1E6 ; variable real_e_lower : real := 1.0e6 ; variable real_e_upper : real := 1.0E6 ; -- these will test 13.4.1 (2) variable int_underscore_1 : integer := 12_1e2 ; variable int_underscore_2 : integer := 1_21e2 ; variable int_underscore_3 : integer := 1e0_09 ; variable int_underscore_4 : integer := 1e00_9 ; variable real_underscore_1 : real := 12_1.0e2 ; variable real_underscore_2 : real := 1_21.0e2 ; variable real_underscore_3 : real := 1.0e0_12 ; variable real_underscore_4 : real := 1.0e01_2 ; -- these will test 13.4.1 (3), 13.4.1 (4) and 13.4.1 (7) variable int_zeroes_1 : integer := 0123 ; variable int_zeroes_2 : integer := 00123E0 ; variable int_zeroes_3 : integer := 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000123 ; -- these will test 13.4.1 (5) and 13.4.1 (6) variable real_zeroes_1 : real := 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000123.4 ; variable real_zeroes_2 : real := 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000123.4000000 ; begin test_report ( "ARCH00425" , "Decimal literals" , (int_e_lower = 1000000) and (int_e_upper = 1000000) and (real_e_lower = 1000000.0) and (real_e_upper = 1000000.0) and (int_underscore_1 = 12100) and (int_underscore_2 = 12100) and (int_underscore_3 = 1000000000) and (int_underscore_4 = 1000000000) and (real_underscore_1 = 12100.0) and (real_underscore_2 = 12100.0) and (real_underscore_3 = 1000000000000.0) and (real_underscore_4 = 1000000000000.0) and (int_zeroes_1 = 123) and (int_zeroes_2 = 123) and (int_zeroes_3 = 123) and (real_zeroes_1 = 123.4) and (real_zeroes_2 = 123.4) ) ; wait ; end process P ; end ARCH00425 ; entity ENT00425_Test_Bench is end ENT00425_Test_Bench ; architecture ARCH00425_Test_Bench of ENT00425_Test_Bench is begin L1: block component UUT end component ; for CIS1 : UUT use entity WORK.E00000 ( ARCH00425 ) ; begin CIS1 : UUT ; end block L1 ; end ARCH00425_Test_Bench ;
------------------------------------------------------------------- -- System Generator version 13.2 VHDL source file. -- -- Copyright(C) 2011 by Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. This -- text/file contains proprietary, confidential information of Xilinx, -- Inc., is distributed under license from Xilinx, Inc., and may be used, -- copied and/or disclosed only pursuant to the terms of a valid license -- agreement with Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx hereby grants you a license to use -- this text/file solely for design, simulation, implementation and -- creation of design files limited to Xilinx devices or technologies. -- Use with non-Xilinx devices or technologies is expressly prohibited -- and immediately terminates your license unless covered by a separate -- agreement. -- -- Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information "as is" solely -- for use in developing programs and solutions for Xilinx devices. By -- providing this design, code, or information as one possible -- implementation of this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is -- making no representation that this implementation is free from any -- claims of infringement. You are responsible for obtaining any rights -- you may require for your implementation. Xilinx expressly disclaims -- any warranty whatsoever with respect to the adequacy of the -- implementation, including but not limited to warranties of -- merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. -- -- Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support appliances, -- devices, or systems. Use in such applications is expressly prohibited. -- -- Any modifications that are made to the source code are done at the user's -- sole risk and will be unsupported. -- -- This copyright and support notice must be retained as part of this -- text at all times. (c) Copyright 1995-2011 Xilinx, Inc. All rights -- reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- System Generator version 13.2 VHDL source file. -- -- Copyright(C) 2011 by Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. This -- text/file contains proprietary, confidential information of Xilinx, -- Inc., is distributed under license from Xilinx, Inc., and may be used, -- copied and/or disclosed only pursuant to the terms of a valid license -- agreement with Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx hereby grants you a license to use -- this text/file solely for design, simulation, implementation and -- creation of design files limited to Xilinx devices or technologies. -- Use with non-Xilinx devices or technologies is expressly prohibited -- and immediately terminates your license unless covered by a separate -- agreement. -- -- Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information "as is" solely -- for use in developing programs and solutions for Xilinx devices. By -- providing this design, code, or information as one possible -- implementation of this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is -- making no representation that this implementation is free from any -- claims of infringement. You are responsible for obtaining any rights -- you may require for your implementation. Xilinx expressly disclaims -- any warranty whatsoever with respect to the adequacy of the -- implementation, including but not limited to warranties of -- merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. -- -- Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support appliances, -- devices, or systems. Use in such applications is expressly prohibited. -- -- Any modifications that are made to the source code are done at the user's -- sole risk and will be unsupported. -- -- This copyright and support notice must be retained as part of this -- text at all times. (c) Copyright 1995-2011 Xilinx, Inc. All rights -- reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; use work.conv_pkg.all; -- synopsys translate_off library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; -- synopsys translate_on entity xlclockdriver is generic ( period: integer := 2; log_2_period: integer := 0; pipeline_regs: integer := 5; use_bufg: integer := 0 ); port ( sysclk: in std_logic; sysclr: in std_logic; sysce: in std_logic; clk: out std_logic; clr: out std_logic; ce: out std_logic; ce_logic: out std_logic ); end xlclockdriver; architecture behavior of xlclockdriver is component bufg port ( i: in std_logic; o: out std_logic ); end component; component synth_reg_w_init generic ( width: integer; init_index: integer; init_value: bit_vector; latency: integer ); port ( i: in std_logic_vector(width - 1 downto 0); ce: in std_logic; clr: in std_logic; clk: in std_logic; o: out std_logic_vector(width - 1 downto 0) ); end component; function size_of_uint(inp: integer; power_of_2: boolean) return integer is constant inp_vec: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := integer_to_std_logic_vector(inp,32, xlUnsigned); variable result: integer; begin result := 32; for i in 0 to 31 loop if inp_vec(i) = '1' then result := i; end if; end loop; if power_of_2 then return result; else return result+1; end if; end; function is_power_of_2(inp: std_logic_vector) return boolean is constant width: integer := inp'length; variable vec: std_logic_vector(width - 1 downto 0); variable single_bit_set: boolean; variable more_than_one_bit_set: boolean; variable result: boolean; begin vec := inp; single_bit_set := false; more_than_one_bit_set := false; -- synopsys translate_off if (is_XorU(vec)) then return false; end if; -- synopsys translate_on if width > 0 then for i in 0 to width - 1 loop if vec(i) = '1' then if single_bit_set then more_than_one_bit_set := true; end if; single_bit_set := true; end if; end loop; end if; if (single_bit_set and not(more_than_one_bit_set)) then result := true; else result := false; end if; return result; end; function ce_reg_init_val(index, period : integer) return integer is variable result: integer; begin result := 0; if ((index mod period) = 0) then result := 1; end if; return result; end; function remaining_pipe_regs(num_pipeline_regs, period : integer) return integer is variable factor, result: integer; begin factor := (num_pipeline_regs / period); result := num_pipeline_regs - (period * factor) + 1; return result; end; function sg_min(L, R: INTEGER) return INTEGER is begin if L < R then return L; else return R; end if; end; constant max_pipeline_regs : integer := 8; constant pipe_regs : integer := 5; constant num_pipeline_regs : integer := sg_min(pipeline_regs, max_pipeline_regs); constant rem_pipeline_regs : integer := remaining_pipe_regs(num_pipeline_regs,period); constant period_floor: integer := max(2, period); constant power_of_2_counter: boolean := is_power_of_2(integer_to_std_logic_vector(period_floor,32, xlUnsigned)); constant cnt_width: integer := size_of_uint(period_floor, power_of_2_counter); constant clk_for_ce_pulse_minus1: std_logic_vector(cnt_width - 1 downto 0) := integer_to_std_logic_vector((period_floor - 2),cnt_width, xlUnsigned); constant clk_for_ce_pulse_minus2: std_logic_vector(cnt_width - 1 downto 0) := integer_to_std_logic_vector(max(0,period - 3),cnt_width, xlUnsigned); constant clk_for_ce_pulse_minus_regs: std_logic_vector(cnt_width - 1 downto 0) := integer_to_std_logic_vector(max(0,period - rem_pipeline_regs),cnt_width, xlUnsigned); signal clk_num: unsigned(cnt_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal ce_vec : std_logic_vector(num_pipeline_regs downto 0); attribute MAX_FANOUT : string; attribute MAX_FANOUT of ce_vec:signal is "REDUCE"; signal ce_vec_logic : std_logic_vector(num_pipeline_regs downto 0); attribute MAX_FANOUT of ce_vec_logic:signal is "REDUCE"; signal internal_ce: std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); signal internal_ce_logic: std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); signal cnt_clr, cnt_clr_dly: std_logic_vector (0 downto 0); begin clk <= sysclk; clr <= sysclr; cntr_gen: process(sysclk) begin if sysclk'event and sysclk = '1' then if (sysce = '1') then if ((cnt_clr_dly(0) = '1') or (sysclr = '1')) then clk_num <= (others => '0'); else clk_num <= clk_num + 1; end if; end if; end if; end process; clr_gen: process(clk_num, sysclr) begin if power_of_2_counter then cnt_clr(0) <= sysclr; else if (unsigned_to_std_logic_vector(clk_num) = clk_for_ce_pulse_minus1 or sysclr = '1') then cnt_clr(0) <= '1'; else cnt_clr(0) <= '0'; end if; end if; end process; clr_reg: synth_reg_w_init generic map ( width => 1, init_index => 0, init_value => b"0000", latency => 1 ) port map ( i => cnt_clr, ce => sysce, clr => sysclr, clk => sysclk, o => cnt_clr_dly ); pipelined_ce : if period > 1 generate ce_gen: process(clk_num) begin if unsigned_to_std_logic_vector(clk_num) = clk_for_ce_pulse_minus_regs then ce_vec(num_pipeline_regs) <= '1'; else ce_vec(num_pipeline_regs) <= '0'; end if; end process; ce_pipeline: for index in num_pipeline_regs downto 1 generate ce_reg : synth_reg_w_init generic map ( width => 1, init_index => ce_reg_init_val(index, period), init_value => b"0000", latency => 1 ) port map ( i => ce_vec(index downto index), ce => sysce, clr => sysclr, clk => sysclk, o => ce_vec(index-1 downto index-1) ); end generate; internal_ce <= ce_vec(0 downto 0); end generate; pipelined_ce_logic: if period > 1 generate ce_gen_logic: process(clk_num) begin if unsigned_to_std_logic_vector(clk_num) = clk_for_ce_pulse_minus_regs then ce_vec_logic(num_pipeline_regs) <= '1'; else ce_vec_logic(num_pipeline_regs) <= '0'; end if; end process; ce_logic_pipeline: for index in num_pipeline_regs downto 1 generate ce_logic_reg : synth_reg_w_init generic map ( width => 1, init_index => ce_reg_init_val(index, period), init_value => b"0000", latency => 1 ) port map ( i => ce_vec_logic(index downto index), ce => sysce, clr => sysclr, clk => sysclk, o => ce_vec_logic(index-1 downto index-1) ); end generate; internal_ce_logic <= ce_vec_logic(0 downto 0); end generate; use_bufg_true: if period > 1 and use_bufg = 1 generate ce_bufg_inst: bufg port map ( i => internal_ce(0), o => ce ); ce_bufg_inst_logic: bufg port map ( i => internal_ce_logic(0), o => ce_logic ); end generate; use_bufg_false: if period > 1 and (use_bufg = 0) generate ce <= internal_ce(0); ce_logic <= internal_ce_logic(0); end generate; generate_system_clk: if period = 1 generate ce <= sysce; ce_logic <= sysce; end generate; end architecture behavior; library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use work.conv_pkg.all; entity default_clock_driver is port ( sysce: in std_logic; sysce_clr: in std_logic; sysclk: in std_logic; ce_1: out std_logic; clk_1: out std_logic ); end default_clock_driver; architecture structural of default_clock_driver is attribute syn_noprune: boolean; attribute syn_noprune of structural : architecture is true; attribute optimize_primitives: boolean; attribute optimize_primitives of structural : architecture is false; attribute dont_touch: boolean; attribute dont_touch of structural : architecture is true; signal sysce_clr_x0: std_logic; signal sysce_x0: std_logic; signal sysclk_x0: std_logic; signal xlclockdriver_1_ce: std_logic; signal xlclockdriver_1_clk: std_logic; begin sysce_x0 <= sysce; sysce_clr_x0 <= sysce_clr; sysclk_x0 <= sysclk; ce_1 <= xlclockdriver_1_ce; clk_1 <= xlclockdriver_1_clk; xlclockdriver_1: entity work.xlclockdriver generic map ( log_2_period => 1, period => 1, use_bufg => 0 ) port map ( sysce => sysce_x0, sysclk => sysclk_x0, sysclr => sysce_clr_x0, ce => xlclockdriver_1_ce, clk => xlclockdriver_1_clk ); end structural; library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use work.conv_pkg.all; entity plb_clock_driver is port ( sysce: in std_logic; sysce_clr: in std_logic; sysclk: in std_logic; plb_ce_1: out std_logic; plb_clk_1: out std_logic ); end plb_clock_driver; architecture structural of plb_clock_driver is attribute syn_noprune: boolean; attribute syn_noprune of structural : architecture is true; attribute optimize_primitives: boolean; attribute optimize_primitives of structural : architecture is false; attribute dont_touch: boolean; attribute dont_touch of structural : architecture is true; signal sysce_clr_x0: std_logic; signal sysce_x0: std_logic; signal sysclk_x0: std_logic; signal xlclockdriver_1_ce: std_logic; signal xlclockdriver_1_clk: std_logic; begin sysce_x0 <= sysce; sysce_clr_x0 <= sysce_clr; sysclk_x0 <= sysclk; plb_ce_1 <= xlclockdriver_1_ce; plb_clk_1 <= xlclockdriver_1_clk; xlclockdriver_1: entity work.xlclockdriver generic map ( log_2_period => 1, period => 1, use_bufg => 0 ) port map ( sysce => sysce_x0, sysclk => sysclk_x0, sysclr => sysce_clr_x0, ce => xlclockdriver_1_ce, clk => xlclockdriver_1_clk ); end structural; library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use work.conv_pkg.all; entity sg_xsvi_fanin_cw is port ( active_video_i: in std_logic; ce: in std_logic := '1'; clk: in std_logic; -- clock period = 10.0 ns (100.0 Mhz) hblank_i: in std_logic; hsync_i: in std_logic; plb_abus: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); plb_pavalid: in std_logic; plb_rnw: in std_logic; plb_wrdbus: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); sg_plb_addrpref: in std_logic_vector(19 downto 0); splb_rst: in std_logic; vblank_i: in std_logic; video_data_i: in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); vsync_i: in std_logic; xps_ce: in std_logic := '1'; xps_clk: in std_logic; -- clock period = 10.0 ns (100.0 Mhz) active_video_o: out std_logic; hblank_o: out std_logic; hsync_o: out std_logic; sl_addrack: out std_logic; sl_rdcomp: out std_logic; sl_rddack: out std_logic; sl_rddbus: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); sl_wait: out std_logic; sl_wrcomp: out std_logic; sl_wrdack: out std_logic; vblank_o: out std_logic; video_data_o: out std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); vsync_o: out std_logic ); end sg_xsvi_fanin_cw; architecture structural of sg_xsvi_fanin_cw is component xlpersistentdff port ( clk: in std_logic; d: in std_logic; q: out std_logic ); end component; attribute syn_black_box: boolean; attribute syn_black_box of xlpersistentdff: component is true; attribute box_type: string; attribute box_type of xlpersistentdff: component is "black_box"; attribute syn_noprune: boolean; attribute optimize_primitives: boolean; attribute dont_touch: boolean; attribute syn_noprune of xlpersistentdff: component is true; attribute optimize_primitives of xlpersistentdff: component is false; attribute dont_touch of xlpersistentdff: component is true; signal active_video_i_net: std_logic; signal active_video_o_net: std_logic; signal ce_1_sg_x0: std_logic; attribute MAX_FANOUT: string; attribute MAX_FANOUT of ce_1_sg_x0: signal is "REDUCE"; signal clkNet: std_logic; signal clkNet_x0: std_logic; signal clk_1_sg_x0: std_logic; signal hblank_i_net: std_logic; signal hblank_o_net: std_logic; signal hsync_i_net: std_logic; signal hsync_o_net: std_logic; signal persistentdff_inst_q: std_logic; attribute syn_keep: boolean; attribute syn_keep of persistentdff_inst_q: signal is true; attribute keep: boolean; attribute keep of persistentdff_inst_q: signal is true; attribute preserve_signal: boolean; attribute preserve_signal of persistentdff_inst_q: signal is true; signal plb_abus_net: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal plb_ce_1_sg_x1: std_logic; attribute MAX_FANOUT of plb_ce_1_sg_x1: signal is "REDUCE"; signal plb_clk_1_sg_x1: std_logic; signal plb_pavalid_net: std_logic; signal plb_rnw_net: std_logic; signal plb_wrdbus_net: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal sg_plb_addrpref_net: std_logic_vector(19 downto 0); signal sl_addrack_net: std_logic; signal sl_rdcomp_net: std_logic; signal sl_rddack_net: std_logic; signal sl_rddbus_net: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal sl_wait_net: std_logic; signal sl_wrdack_x1: std_logic; signal sl_wrdack_x2: std_logic; signal splb_rst_net: std_logic; signal vblank_i_net: std_logic; signal vblank_o_net: std_logic; signal video_data_i_net: std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); signal video_data_o_net: std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); signal vsync_i_net: std_logic; signal vsync_o_net: std_logic; begin active_video_i_net <= active_video_i; clkNet <= clk; hblank_i_net <= hblank_i; hsync_i_net <= hsync_i; plb_abus_net <= plb_abus; plb_pavalid_net <= plb_pavalid; plb_rnw_net <= plb_rnw; plb_wrdbus_net <= plb_wrdbus; sg_plb_addrpref_net <= sg_plb_addrpref; splb_rst_net <= splb_rst; vblank_i_net <= vblank_i; video_data_i_net <= video_data_i; vsync_i_net <= vsync_i; clkNet_x0 <= xps_clk; active_video_o <= active_video_o_net; hblank_o <= hblank_o_net; hsync_o <= hsync_o_net; sl_addrack <= sl_addrack_net; sl_rdcomp <= sl_rdcomp_net; sl_rddack <= sl_rddack_net; sl_rddbus <= sl_rddbus_net; sl_wait <= sl_wait_net; sl_wrcomp <= sl_wrdack_x2; sl_wrdack <= sl_wrdack_x1; vblank_o <= vblank_o_net; video_data_o <= video_data_o_net; vsync_o <= vsync_o_net; default_clock_driver_x0: entity work.default_clock_driver port map ( sysce => '1', sysce_clr => '0', sysclk => clkNet, ce_1 => ce_1_sg_x0, clk_1 => clk_1_sg_x0 ); persistentdff_inst: xlpersistentdff port map ( clk => clkNet, d => persistentdff_inst_q, q => persistentdff_inst_q ); plb_clock_driver_x0: entity work.plb_clock_driver port map ( sysce => '1', sysce_clr => '0', sysclk => clkNet_x0, plb_ce_1 => plb_ce_1_sg_x1, plb_clk_1 => plb_clk_1_sg_x1 ); sg_xsvi_fanin_x0: entity work.sg_xsvi_fanin port map ( active_video_i => active_video_i_net, ce_1 => ce_1_sg_x0, clk_1 => clk_1_sg_x0, hblank_i => hblank_i_net, hsync_i => hsync_i_net, plb_abus => plb_abus_net, plb_ce_1 => plb_ce_1_sg_x1, plb_clk_1 => plb_clk_1_sg_x1, plb_pavalid => plb_pavalid_net, plb_rnw => plb_rnw_net, plb_wrdbus => plb_wrdbus_net, sg_plb_addrpref => sg_plb_addrpref_net, splb_rst => splb_rst_net, vblank_i => vblank_i_net, video_data_i => video_data_i_net, vsync_i => vsync_i_net, active_video_o => active_video_o_net, hblank_o => hblank_o_net, hsync_o => hsync_o_net, sl_addrack => sl_addrack_net, sl_rdcomp => sl_rdcomp_net, sl_rddack => sl_rddack_net, sl_rddbus => sl_rddbus_net, sl_wait => sl_wait_net, sl_wrcomp => sl_wrdack_x2, sl_wrdack => sl_wrdack_x1, vblank_o => vblank_o_net, video_data_o => video_data_o_net, vsync_o => vsync_o_net ); end structural;
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Billowitch. -- Some of the work to develop this test suite was done with Air Force -- support. The Air Force and Bill Billowitch assume no -- responsibilities for this software. -- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs). -- VESTs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -- your option) any later version. -- VESTs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, -- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- $Id: tc1367.vhd,v 1.2 2001-10-26 16:29:40 paw Exp $ -- $Revision: 1.2 $ -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTITY c08s05b00x00p03n01i01367ent IS END c08s05b00x00p03n01i01367ent; ARCHITECTURE c08s05b00x00p03n01i01367arch OF c08s05b00x00p03n01i01367ent IS BEGIN TESTING: PROCESS -- -- Define constants for package -- constant lowb : integer := 1 ; constant highb : integer := 5 ; constant lowb_i2 : integer := 0 ; constant highb_i2 : integer := 1000 ; constant lowb_p : integer := -100 ; constant highb_p : integer := 1000 ; constant lowb_r : real := 0.0 ; constant highb_r : real := 1000.0 ; constant lowb_r2 : real := 8.0 ; constant highb_r2 : real := 80.0 ; constant c_boolean_1 : boolean := false ; constant c_boolean_2 : boolean := true ; -- -- bit constant c_bit_1 : bit := '0' ; constant c_bit_2 : bit := '1' ; -- severity_level constant c_severity_level_1 : severity_level := NOTE ; constant c_severity_level_2 : severity_level := WARNING ; -- -- character constant c_character_1 : character := 'A' ; constant c_character_2 : character := 'a' ; -- integer types -- predefined constant c_integer_1 : integer := lowb ; constant c_integer_2 : integer := highb ; -- -- user defined integer type type t_int1 is range 0 to 100 ; constant c_t_int1_1 : t_int1 := 0 ; constant c_t_int1_2 : t_int1 := 10 ; subtype st_int1 is t_int1 range 8 to 60 ; constant c_st_int1_1 : st_int1 := 8 ; constant c_st_int1_2 : st_int1 := 9 ; -- -- physical types -- predefined constant c_time_1 : time := 1 ns ; constant c_time_2 : time := 2 ns ; -- -- -- floating point types -- predefined constant c_real_1 : real := 0.0 ; constant c_real_2 : real := 1.0 ; -- -- simple record type t_rec1 is record f1 : integer range lowb_i2 to highb_i2 ; f2 : time ; f3 : boolean ; f4 : real ; end record ; constant c_t_rec1_1 : t_rec1 := (c_integer_1, c_time_1, c_boolean_1, c_real_1) ; constant c_t_rec1_2 : t_rec1 := (c_integer_2, c_time_2, c_boolean_2, c_real_2) ; subtype st_rec1 is t_rec1 ; constant c_st_rec1_1 : st_rec1 := c_t_rec1_1 ; constant c_st_rec1_2 : st_rec1 := c_t_rec1_2 ; -- -- more complex record type t_rec2 is record f1 : boolean ; f2 : st_rec1 ; f3 : time ; end record ; constant c_t_rec2_1 : t_rec2 := (c_boolean_1, c_st_rec1_1, c_time_1) ; constant c_t_rec2_2 : t_rec2 := (c_boolean_2, c_st_rec1_2, c_time_2) ; subtype st_rec2 is t_rec2 ; constant c_st_rec2_1 : st_rec2 := c_t_rec2_1 ; constant c_st_rec2_2 : st_rec2 := c_t_rec2_2 ; -- -- simple array type t_arr1 is array (integer range <>) of st_int1 ; subtype t_arr1_range1 is integer range lowb to highb ; subtype st_arr1 is t_arr1 (t_arr1_range1) ; constant c_st_arr1_1 : st_arr1 := (others => c_st_int1_1) ; constant c_st_arr1_2 : st_arr1 := (others => c_st_int1_2) ; constant c_t_arr1_1 : st_arr1 := c_st_arr1_1 ; constant c_t_arr1_2 : st_arr1 := c_st_arr1_2 ; -- -- more complex array type t_arr2 is array (integer range <>, boolean range <>) of st_arr1 ; subtype t_arr2_range1 is integer range lowb to highb ; subtype t_arr2_range2 is boolean range false to true ; subtype st_arr2 is t_arr2 (t_arr2_range1, t_arr2_range2); constant c_st_arr2_1 : st_arr2 := (others => (others => c_st_arr1_1)) ; constant c_st_arr2_2 : st_arr2 := (others => (others => c_st_arr1_2)) ; constant c_t_arr2_1 : st_arr2 := c_st_arr2_1 ; constant c_t_arr2_2 : st_arr2 := c_st_arr2_2 ; -- -- most complex record type t_rec3 is record f1 : boolean ; f2 : st_rec2 ; f3 : st_arr2 ; end record ; constant c_t_rec3_1 : t_rec3 := (c_boolean_1, c_st_rec2_1, c_st_arr2_1) ; constant c_t_rec3_2 : t_rec3 := (c_boolean_2, c_st_rec2_2, c_st_arr2_2) ; subtype st_rec3 is t_rec3 ; constant c_st_rec3_1 : st_rec3 := c_t_rec3_1 ; constant c_st_rec3_2 : st_rec3 := c_t_rec3_2 ; -- -- most complex array type t_arr3 is array (integer range <>, boolean range <>) of st_rec3 ; subtype t_arr3_range1 is integer range lowb to highb ; subtype t_arr3_range2 is boolean range true downto false ; subtype st_arr3 is t_arr3 (t_arr3_range1, t_arr3_range2) ; constant c_st_arr3_1 : st_arr3 := (others => (others => c_st_rec3_1)) ; constant c_st_arr3_2 : st_arr3 := (others => (others => c_st_rec3_2)) ; constant c_t_arr3_1 : st_arr3 := c_st_arr3_1 ; constant c_t_arr3_2 : st_arr3 := c_st_arr3_2 ; -- variable v_st_rec3 : st_rec3 := c_st_rec3_1 ; -- BEGIN v_st_rec3.f3(st_arr2'Left(1),st_arr2'Left(2)) := c_st_rec3_2.f3(st_arr2'Right(1),st_arr2'Right(2)) ; assert NOT(v_st_rec3.f3(st_arr2'Left(1),st_arr2'Left(2)) = c_st_arr1_2) report "***PASSED TEST: c08s05b00x00p03n01i01367" severity NOTE; assert (v_st_rec3.f3(st_arr2'Left(1),st_arr2'Left(2)) = c_st_arr1_2) report "***FAILED TEST: c08s05b00x00p03n01i01367 - The types of the variable and the assigned variable must match." severity ERROR; wait; END PROCESS TESTING; END c08s05b00x00p03n01i01367arch;
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Billowitch. -- Some of the work to develop this test suite was done with Air Force -- support. The Air Force and Bill Billowitch assume no -- responsibilities for this software. -- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs). -- VESTs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -- your option) any later version. -- VESTs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, -- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- $Id: tc1367.vhd,v 1.2 2001-10-26 16:29:40 paw Exp $ -- $Revision: 1.2 $ -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTITY c08s05b00x00p03n01i01367ent IS END c08s05b00x00p03n01i01367ent; ARCHITECTURE c08s05b00x00p03n01i01367arch OF c08s05b00x00p03n01i01367ent IS BEGIN TESTING: PROCESS -- -- Define constants for package -- constant lowb : integer := 1 ; constant highb : integer := 5 ; constant lowb_i2 : integer := 0 ; constant highb_i2 : integer := 1000 ; constant lowb_p : integer := -100 ; constant highb_p : integer := 1000 ; constant lowb_r : real := 0.0 ; constant highb_r : real := 1000.0 ; constant lowb_r2 : real := 8.0 ; constant highb_r2 : real := 80.0 ; constant c_boolean_1 : boolean := false ; constant c_boolean_2 : boolean := true ; -- -- bit constant c_bit_1 : bit := '0' ; constant c_bit_2 : bit := '1' ; -- severity_level constant c_severity_level_1 : severity_level := NOTE ; constant c_severity_level_2 : severity_level := WARNING ; -- -- character constant c_character_1 : character := 'A' ; constant c_character_2 : character := 'a' ; -- integer types -- predefined constant c_integer_1 : integer := lowb ; constant c_integer_2 : integer := highb ; -- -- user defined integer type type t_int1 is range 0 to 100 ; constant c_t_int1_1 : t_int1 := 0 ; constant c_t_int1_2 : t_int1 := 10 ; subtype st_int1 is t_int1 range 8 to 60 ; constant c_st_int1_1 : st_int1 := 8 ; constant c_st_int1_2 : st_int1 := 9 ; -- -- physical types -- predefined constant c_time_1 : time := 1 ns ; constant c_time_2 : time := 2 ns ; -- -- -- floating point types -- predefined constant c_real_1 : real := 0.0 ; constant c_real_2 : real := 1.0 ; -- -- simple record type t_rec1 is record f1 : integer range lowb_i2 to highb_i2 ; f2 : time ; f3 : boolean ; f4 : real ; end record ; constant c_t_rec1_1 : t_rec1 := (c_integer_1, c_time_1, c_boolean_1, c_real_1) ; constant c_t_rec1_2 : t_rec1 := (c_integer_2, c_time_2, c_boolean_2, c_real_2) ; subtype st_rec1 is t_rec1 ; constant c_st_rec1_1 : st_rec1 := c_t_rec1_1 ; constant c_st_rec1_2 : st_rec1 := c_t_rec1_2 ; -- -- more complex record type t_rec2 is record f1 : boolean ; f2 : st_rec1 ; f3 : time ; end record ; constant c_t_rec2_1 : t_rec2 := (c_boolean_1, c_st_rec1_1, c_time_1) ; constant c_t_rec2_2 : t_rec2 := (c_boolean_2, c_st_rec1_2, c_time_2) ; subtype st_rec2 is t_rec2 ; constant c_st_rec2_1 : st_rec2 := c_t_rec2_1 ; constant c_st_rec2_2 : st_rec2 := c_t_rec2_2 ; -- -- simple array type t_arr1 is array (integer range <>) of st_int1 ; subtype t_arr1_range1 is integer range lowb to highb ; subtype st_arr1 is t_arr1 (t_arr1_range1) ; constant c_st_arr1_1 : st_arr1 := (others => c_st_int1_1) ; constant c_st_arr1_2 : st_arr1 := (others => c_st_int1_2) ; constant c_t_arr1_1 : st_arr1 := c_st_arr1_1 ; constant c_t_arr1_2 : st_arr1 := c_st_arr1_2 ; -- -- more complex array type t_arr2 is array (integer range <>, boolean range <>) of st_arr1 ; subtype t_arr2_range1 is integer range lowb to highb ; subtype t_arr2_range2 is boolean range false to true ; subtype st_arr2 is t_arr2 (t_arr2_range1, t_arr2_range2); constant c_st_arr2_1 : st_arr2 := (others => (others => c_st_arr1_1)) ; constant c_st_arr2_2 : st_arr2 := (others => (others => c_st_arr1_2)) ; constant c_t_arr2_1 : st_arr2 := c_st_arr2_1 ; constant c_t_arr2_2 : st_arr2 := c_st_arr2_2 ; -- -- most complex record type t_rec3 is record f1 : boolean ; f2 : st_rec2 ; f3 : st_arr2 ; end record ; constant c_t_rec3_1 : t_rec3 := (c_boolean_1, c_st_rec2_1, c_st_arr2_1) ; constant c_t_rec3_2 : t_rec3 := (c_boolean_2, c_st_rec2_2, c_st_arr2_2) ; subtype st_rec3 is t_rec3 ; constant c_st_rec3_1 : st_rec3 := c_t_rec3_1 ; constant c_st_rec3_2 : st_rec3 := c_t_rec3_2 ; -- -- most complex array type t_arr3 is array (integer range <>, boolean range <>) of st_rec3 ; subtype t_arr3_range1 is integer range lowb to highb ; subtype t_arr3_range2 is boolean range true downto false ; subtype st_arr3 is t_arr3 (t_arr3_range1, t_arr3_range2) ; constant c_st_arr3_1 : st_arr3 := (others => (others => c_st_rec3_1)) ; constant c_st_arr3_2 : st_arr3 := (others => (others => c_st_rec3_2)) ; constant c_t_arr3_1 : st_arr3 := c_st_arr3_1 ; constant c_t_arr3_2 : st_arr3 := c_st_arr3_2 ; -- variable v_st_rec3 : st_rec3 := c_st_rec3_1 ; -- BEGIN v_st_rec3.f3(st_arr2'Left(1),st_arr2'Left(2)) := c_st_rec3_2.f3(st_arr2'Right(1),st_arr2'Right(2)) ; assert NOT(v_st_rec3.f3(st_arr2'Left(1),st_arr2'Left(2)) = c_st_arr1_2) report "***PASSED TEST: c08s05b00x00p03n01i01367" severity NOTE; assert (v_st_rec3.f3(st_arr2'Left(1),st_arr2'Left(2)) = c_st_arr1_2) report "***FAILED TEST: c08s05b00x00p03n01i01367 - The types of the variable and the assigned variable must match." severity ERROR; wait; END PROCESS TESTING; END c08s05b00x00p03n01i01367arch;
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Billowitch. -- Some of the work to develop this test suite was done with Air Force -- support. The Air Force and Bill Billowitch assume no -- responsibilities for this software. -- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs). -- VESTs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -- your option) any later version. -- VESTs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, -- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- $Id: tc1367.vhd,v 1.2 2001-10-26 16:29:40 paw Exp $ -- $Revision: 1.2 $ -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTITY c08s05b00x00p03n01i01367ent IS END c08s05b00x00p03n01i01367ent; ARCHITECTURE c08s05b00x00p03n01i01367arch OF c08s05b00x00p03n01i01367ent IS BEGIN TESTING: PROCESS -- -- Define constants for package -- constant lowb : integer := 1 ; constant highb : integer := 5 ; constant lowb_i2 : integer := 0 ; constant highb_i2 : integer := 1000 ; constant lowb_p : integer := -100 ; constant highb_p : integer := 1000 ; constant lowb_r : real := 0.0 ; constant highb_r : real := 1000.0 ; constant lowb_r2 : real := 8.0 ; constant highb_r2 : real := 80.0 ; constant c_boolean_1 : boolean := false ; constant c_boolean_2 : boolean := true ; -- -- bit constant c_bit_1 : bit := '0' ; constant c_bit_2 : bit := '1' ; -- severity_level constant c_severity_level_1 : severity_level := NOTE ; constant c_severity_level_2 : severity_level := WARNING ; -- -- character constant c_character_1 : character := 'A' ; constant c_character_2 : character := 'a' ; -- integer types -- predefined constant c_integer_1 : integer := lowb ; constant c_integer_2 : integer := highb ; -- -- user defined integer type type t_int1 is range 0 to 100 ; constant c_t_int1_1 : t_int1 := 0 ; constant c_t_int1_2 : t_int1 := 10 ; subtype st_int1 is t_int1 range 8 to 60 ; constant c_st_int1_1 : st_int1 := 8 ; constant c_st_int1_2 : st_int1 := 9 ; -- -- physical types -- predefined constant c_time_1 : time := 1 ns ; constant c_time_2 : time := 2 ns ; -- -- -- floating point types -- predefined constant c_real_1 : real := 0.0 ; constant c_real_2 : real := 1.0 ; -- -- simple record type t_rec1 is record f1 : integer range lowb_i2 to highb_i2 ; f2 : time ; f3 : boolean ; f4 : real ; end record ; constant c_t_rec1_1 : t_rec1 := (c_integer_1, c_time_1, c_boolean_1, c_real_1) ; constant c_t_rec1_2 : t_rec1 := (c_integer_2, c_time_2, c_boolean_2, c_real_2) ; subtype st_rec1 is t_rec1 ; constant c_st_rec1_1 : st_rec1 := c_t_rec1_1 ; constant c_st_rec1_2 : st_rec1 := c_t_rec1_2 ; -- -- more complex record type t_rec2 is record f1 : boolean ; f2 : st_rec1 ; f3 : time ; end record ; constant c_t_rec2_1 : t_rec2 := (c_boolean_1, c_st_rec1_1, c_time_1) ; constant c_t_rec2_2 : t_rec2 := (c_boolean_2, c_st_rec1_2, c_time_2) ; subtype st_rec2 is t_rec2 ; constant c_st_rec2_1 : st_rec2 := c_t_rec2_1 ; constant c_st_rec2_2 : st_rec2 := c_t_rec2_2 ; -- -- simple array type t_arr1 is array (integer range <>) of st_int1 ; subtype t_arr1_range1 is integer range lowb to highb ; subtype st_arr1 is t_arr1 (t_arr1_range1) ; constant c_st_arr1_1 : st_arr1 := (others => c_st_int1_1) ; constant c_st_arr1_2 : st_arr1 := (others => c_st_int1_2) ; constant c_t_arr1_1 : st_arr1 := c_st_arr1_1 ; constant c_t_arr1_2 : st_arr1 := c_st_arr1_2 ; -- -- more complex array type t_arr2 is array (integer range <>, boolean range <>) of st_arr1 ; subtype t_arr2_range1 is integer range lowb to highb ; subtype t_arr2_range2 is boolean range false to true ; subtype st_arr2 is t_arr2 (t_arr2_range1, t_arr2_range2); constant c_st_arr2_1 : st_arr2 := (others => (others => c_st_arr1_1)) ; constant c_st_arr2_2 : st_arr2 := (others => (others => c_st_arr1_2)) ; constant c_t_arr2_1 : st_arr2 := c_st_arr2_1 ; constant c_t_arr2_2 : st_arr2 := c_st_arr2_2 ; -- -- most complex record type t_rec3 is record f1 : boolean ; f2 : st_rec2 ; f3 : st_arr2 ; end record ; constant c_t_rec3_1 : t_rec3 := (c_boolean_1, c_st_rec2_1, c_st_arr2_1) ; constant c_t_rec3_2 : t_rec3 := (c_boolean_2, c_st_rec2_2, c_st_arr2_2) ; subtype st_rec3 is t_rec3 ; constant c_st_rec3_1 : st_rec3 := c_t_rec3_1 ; constant c_st_rec3_2 : st_rec3 := c_t_rec3_2 ; -- -- most complex array type t_arr3 is array (integer range <>, boolean range <>) of st_rec3 ; subtype t_arr3_range1 is integer range lowb to highb ; subtype t_arr3_range2 is boolean range true downto false ; subtype st_arr3 is t_arr3 (t_arr3_range1, t_arr3_range2) ; constant c_st_arr3_1 : st_arr3 := (others => (others => c_st_rec3_1)) ; constant c_st_arr3_2 : st_arr3 := (others => (others => c_st_rec3_2)) ; constant c_t_arr3_1 : st_arr3 := c_st_arr3_1 ; constant c_t_arr3_2 : st_arr3 := c_st_arr3_2 ; -- variable v_st_rec3 : st_rec3 := c_st_rec3_1 ; -- BEGIN v_st_rec3.f3(st_arr2'Left(1),st_arr2'Left(2)) := c_st_rec3_2.f3(st_arr2'Right(1),st_arr2'Right(2)) ; assert NOT(v_st_rec3.f3(st_arr2'Left(1),st_arr2'Left(2)) = c_st_arr1_2) report "***PASSED TEST: c08s05b00x00p03n01i01367" severity NOTE; assert (v_st_rec3.f3(st_arr2'Left(1),st_arr2'Left(2)) = c_st_arr1_2) report "***FAILED TEST: c08s05b00x00p03n01i01367 - The types of the variable and the assigned variable must match." severity ERROR; wait; END PROCESS TESTING; END c08s05b00x00p03n01i01367arch;
-- EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- -- vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab -- kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This file is part of the Queens@TUD solver suite -- for enumerating and counting the solutions of an N-Queens Puzzle. -- -- Copyright (C) 2008-2015 -- Thomas B. Preusser <> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This design is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published -- by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU Affero General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License -- along with this design. If not, see <>. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; library PoC; use PoC.utils.all; entity expand_blocking is generic( N : positive; L : positive ); port( pre : in std_logic_vector(4*L*log2ceil(N)-2 downto 0); bh : out std_logic_vector(L to N-L-1); bv : out std_logic_vector(L to N-L-1); bu : out std_logic_vector(0 to 2*N-4*L-2); bd : out std_logic_vector(0 to 2*N-4*L-2) ); end entity; library IEEE; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; architecture rtl of expand_blocking is constant M : positive := log2ceil(N); -- Decoded Placement -- Frame Indeces: 0 - west, 1 - north, 2 - east, 3 - south subtype tRow is std_logic_vector(0 to N-1); type tEdge is array(0 to L-1) of tRow; type tFrame is array(0 to 3) of tEdge; -- Normalized Pre-Placement with full first Coordinate West(0) signal pp : std_logic_vector(0 to 4*L*log2ceil(N)-1); signal frame : tFrame; begin -- Normalize the Pre-Placement pp <= '0' & pre; -- Placement Decoder genFrame: for i in tFrame'range generate genEdge: for j in tEdge'range generate genAlias: for k in 0 to L-1 generate frame(i)(j)(k) <= frame((i+3) mod 4)(k)(N-1-j); end generate genAlias; genCells: for k in L to N-1 generate constant BASE : natural := (i*L+j)*M; begin frame(i)(j)(k) <= 'X' when Is_X(pp(BASE to BASE+M-1)) else '1' when to_integer(unsigned(pp(BASE to BASE+M-1))) = k else '0'; end generate genCells; end generate genEdge; end generate genFrame; -- compute combined blocking process(frame) variable h, v, u, d : std_logic; begin -- Horizontal and Vertical for i in L to N-L-1 loop h := '0'; v := '0'; for j in 0 to L-1 loop h := h or frame(0)(j)(i) or frame(2)(j)(N-1-i); v := v or frame(1)(j)(i) or frame(3)(j)(N-1-i); end loop; bh(i) <= h; bv(i) <= v; end loop; -- Up and Down: 0 .. N-2L-1 for i in 0 to N-2*L-1 loop u := '0'; d := '0'; for j in 0 to L-1 loop u := u or frame(2)(j)(N-1-2*L-i+j) or frame(3)(j)(2*L+i-j); d := d or frame(0)(j)(2*L+i-j) or frame(3)(j)(N-1-2*L-i+j); end loop; bu(i) <= u; bd(i) <= d; end loop; -- Up and Down: 0 .. N-2L-1 for i in N-2*L to 2*N-4*L-2 loop u := '0'; d := '0'; for j in 0 to L-1 loop u := u or frame(0)(j)((i-(N-1-2*L))+j) or frame(1)(j)(2*N-2*L-2-i-j); d := d or frame(1)(j)((i-(N-1-2*L))+j) or frame(2)(j)(2*N-2*L-2-i-j); end loop; bu(i) <= u; bd(i) <= d; end loop; end process; end rtl;
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; library WORK; use WORK.globals.all; entity DDR_register is generic( SIZE : integer := 8 ); port( din_hi, din_lo : in std_logic_vector( SIZE-1 downto 0 ); dout_hi, dout_lo : out std_logic_vector( SIZE-1 downto 0 ); rst, clk : in std_logic ); end DDR_register; architecture small of DDR_register is signal high_data, low_data : std_logic_vector( SIZE-1 downto 0 ); begin HIGH_FRONT_PROC : process( rst, clk ) begin if ( rst=RESET_ACTIVE ) then high_data <= ( others=>'0' ); elsif ( clk'event and clk='1' ) then high_data <= din_hi; end if; -- rst, clk end process; -- HIGH_FRONT_PROC LOW_FRONT_PROC : process( rst, clk ) begin if ( rst=RESET_ACTIVE ) then low_data <= ( others=>'0' ); elsif ( clk'event and clk='0' ) then low_data <= din_lo; end if; -- rst, clk end process; -- HIGH_FRONT_PROC dout_hi <= high_data; dout_lo <= low_data; end small;
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; library WORK; use WORK.globals.all; entity DDR_register is generic( SIZE : integer := 8 ); port( din_hi, din_lo : in std_logic_vector( SIZE-1 downto 0 ); dout_hi, dout_lo : out std_logic_vector( SIZE-1 downto 0 ); rst, clk : in std_logic ); end DDR_register; architecture small of DDR_register is signal high_data, low_data : std_logic_vector( SIZE-1 downto 0 ); begin HIGH_FRONT_PROC : process( rst, clk ) begin if ( rst=RESET_ACTIVE ) then high_data <= ( others=>'0' ); elsif ( clk'event and clk='1' ) then high_data <= din_hi; end if; -- rst, clk end process; -- HIGH_FRONT_PROC LOW_FRONT_PROC : process( rst, clk ) begin if ( rst=RESET_ACTIVE ) then low_data <= ( others=>'0' ); elsif ( clk'event and clk='0' ) then low_data <= din_lo; end if; -- rst, clk end process; -- HIGH_FRONT_PROC dout_hi <= high_data; dout_lo <= low_data; end small;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright 2014 Paulino Ruiz de Clavijo Vázquez <> -- This file is part of the Digilentinc-peripherals project. -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. -- -- You can get more info at -- --*------------------------------- End auto header, don't touch this line --*-- -- Description: picoblaze demo -- Port conections using one hot code: -- + SPI write conf => in port 01h -- + SPI write data => in port 02h -- + SPI read status => in port 01h -- + SPI read data => in port 02h -- + Leds peripheral => out port 04h -- + Display LSB => out port 08h -- + Display MSB => out port 10h -- + Switches => in port 00h -- + Buttons => in port 03h -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use work.digilent_peripherals_pk.all; entity dig_peripherals_demo is port( clk : in std_logic; leds_out : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); seg_out : out std_logic_vector (6 downto 0); dp_out : out std_logic; an_out : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); sw_in : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); btn_in : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); miso : in std_logic; -- PMOD SD mosi : out std_logic; sclk : out std_logic; ss : out std_logic); end dig_peripherals_demo; architecture behavioral of dig_peripherals_demo is -- declaration of KCPSM3 -- component kcpsm3 port ( address : out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); instruction : in std_logic_vector(17 downto 0); port_id : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); write_strobe : out std_logic; out_port : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); read_strobe : out std_logic; in_port : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); interrupt : in std_logic; interrupt_ack : out std_logic; reset : in std_logic; clk : in std_logic); end component; component asmcode Port ( address : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); instruction : out std_logic_vector(17 downto 0); clk : in std_logic); end component; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Signals used to connect KCPSM3 to program ROM and I/O logic -- signal address : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); signal instruction : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0); signal port_id : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal out_port : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal in_port : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal write_strobe : std_logic; signal read_strobe : std_logic; signal interrupt : std_logic; signal interrupt_ack : std_logic; signal port_display : std_logic; signal port_display_wlsb : std_logic; signal port_display_wmsb : std_logic; -- SPI port signals signal port_spi_enable : std_logic; signal port_spi_op : std_logic; -- select config/status or data io -- Input ports multiplexer signal port_switches : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal port_buttons : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal port_spi : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); begin u_processor: kcpsm3 port map( address => address, instruction => instruction, port_id => port_id, write_strobe => write_strobe, out_port => out_port, read_strobe => read_strobe, in_port => in_port, interrupt => interrupt, interrupt_ack => interrupt_ack, reset => '0', clk => clk); u_asmcode: asmcode port map( address => address, instruction => instruction, clk => clk); -------------------------------------------- -- Picoblaze out ports -- Leds connected to port 4 u_leds: port_leds_dig Port map ( w => write_strobe, enable => port_id(2), clk => clk, port_in => out_port, leds_out => leds_out); -- Display needs two ports: LSB and MSB digit. Port 8 and 16 port_display <= port_id(3) or port_id(4); port_display_wlsb <= port_id (3) and write_strobe; port_display_wmsb <= port_id (4) and write_strobe; u_display : port_display_dig port map ( clk => clk, enable => port_display, digit_in => out_port, w_msb => port_display_wmsb, w_lsb => port_display_wlsb, seg_out => seg_out, dp_out => dp_out, an_out => an_out ); ---------------------------------------- -- Picoblaze input ports with port_id(1 downto 0) select in_port <= port_switches when "00", port_buttons when "11", port_spi when others; -- Switches connected to input port 0 u_switches : port_switches_dig port map( r => read_strobe, clk => clk, enable => '1', port_out => port_switches, switches_in => sw_in); -- Buttons on input port 3 u_buttons : port_buttons_dig port map( r => read_strobe, clk => clk, enable => '1', port_out => port_buttons, buttons_in => btn_in); -- SPI component for PMOD SD -- Two ports are used: config (at port 1) and data (at port 2) port_spi_enable <= port_id(0) or port_id(1); -- data/conf selector port_spi_op <= port_id(1); -- Write mode u_spi: port_spi_dig port map ( clk => clk, data_in => out_port, data_out => port_spi, enable => port_spi_enable, rw => write_strobe, cfst_data => port_spi_op, miso => miso, mosi => mosi, sclk => sclk, ss => ss); end behavioral;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- LEON3 Demonstration design test bench -- Copyright (C) 2004 Jiri Gaisler, Gaisler Research ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This file is a part of the GRLIB VHDL IP LIBRARY -- Copyright (C) 2003 - 2008, Gaisler Research -- Copyright (C) 2008 - 2014, Aeroflex Gaisler -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library gaisler; use gaisler.libdcom.all; use gaisler.sim.all; use work.debug.all; library techmap; use techmap.gencomp.all; library micron; use micron.components.all; library grlib; use grlib.stdlib.all; use work.config.all; -- configuration entity testbench is generic ( fabtech : integer := CFG_FABTECH; memtech : integer := CFG_MEMTECH; padtech : integer := CFG_PADTECH; clktech : integer := CFG_CLKTECH; disas : integer := CFG_DISAS; -- Enable disassembly to console dbguart : integer := CFG_DUART; -- Print UART on console pclow : integer := CFG_PCLOW; clkperiod : integer := 20; -- system clock period romwidth : integer := 32; -- rom data width (8/32) romdepth : integer := 16; -- rom address depth sramwidth : integer := 32; -- ram data width (8/16/32) sramdepth : integer := 20; -- ram address depth srambanks : integer := 2 -- number of ram banks ); port ( pci_rst : inout std_logic; -- PCI bus pci_clk : in std_logic; pci_gnt : in std_logic; pci_idsel : in std_logic; pci_lock : inout std_logic; pci_ad : inout std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); pci_cbe : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); pci_frame : inout std_logic; pci_irdy : inout std_logic; pci_trdy : inout std_logic; pci_devsel : inout std_logic; pci_stop : inout std_logic; pci_perr : inout std_logic; pci_par : inout std_logic; pci_req : inout std_logic; pci_serr : inout std_logic; pci_host : in std_logic := '1'; pci_66 : in std_logic := '0' ); end; architecture behav of testbench is constant promfile : string := "prom.srec"; -- rom contents constant sramfile : string := "ram.srec"; -- ram contents constant sdramfile : string := "ram.srec"; -- sdram contents signal clk : std_logic := '0'; signal Rst : std_logic := '0'; -- Reset constant ct : integer := clkperiod/2; signal address : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0); signal data : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal ramsn : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); signal ramoen : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); signal rwen : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal rwenx : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal romsn : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal iosn : std_logic; signal oen : std_logic; signal read : std_logic; signal writen : std_logic; signal brdyn : std_logic; signal bexcn : std_logic; signal wdogn : std_logic; signal dsuen, dsutx, dsurx, dsubre, dsuact : std_logic; signal dsurst : std_logic; signal test : std_logic; signal error : std_logic; signal gpio : std_logic_vector(CFG_GRGPIO_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal GND : std_logic := '0'; signal VCC : std_logic := '1'; signal NC : std_logic := 'Z'; signal clk2 : std_logic := '1'; signal sdcke : std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0); -- clk en signal sdcsn : std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0); -- chip sel signal sdwen : std_logic; -- write en signal sdrasn : std_logic; -- row addr stb signal sdcasn : std_logic; -- col addr stb signal sddqm : std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0); -- data i/o mask signal sdclk : std_logic; signal plllock : std_logic; signal txd1, rxd1 : std_logic; signal txd2, rxd2 : std_logic; signal etx_clk, erx_clk, erx_dv, erx_er, erx_col : std_logic := '0'; signal eth_gtxclk, erx_crs, etx_en, etx_er : std_logic :='0'; signal eth_macclk : std_logic := '0'; signal erxd, etxd : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal emdc, emdio : std_logic; --dummy signal for the mdc,mdio in the phy which is not used signal emdintn : std_logic; signal emddis : std_logic; signal epwrdwn : std_logic; signal ereset : std_logic; signal esleep : std_logic; signal epause : std_logic; constant lresp : boolean := false; signal sa : std_logic_vector(14 downto 0); signal sd : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); signal pci_arb_req, pci_arb_gnt : std_logic_vector(0 to 3); signal can_txd : std_logic_vector(0 to CFG_CAN_NUM-1); signal can_rxd : std_logic_vector(0 to CFG_CAN_NUM-1); signal can_stb : std_logic; signal spw_clk : std_logic := '0'; signal spw_rxdp : std_logic_vector(0 to CFG_SPW_NUM-1) := (others => '0'); signal spw_rxdn : std_logic_vector(0 to CFG_SPW_NUM-1) := (others => '0'); signal spw_rxsp : std_logic_vector(0 to CFG_SPW_NUM-1) := (others => '0'); signal spw_rxsn : std_logic_vector(0 to CFG_SPW_NUM-1) := (others => '0'); signal spw_txdp : std_logic_vector(0 to CFG_SPW_NUM-1); signal spw_txdn : std_logic_vector(0 to CFG_SPW_NUM-1); signal spw_txsp : std_logic_vector(0 to CFG_SPW_NUM-1); signal spw_txsn : std_logic_vector(0 to CFG_SPW_NUM-1); signal usb_clkout : std_logic := '0'; signal usb_d : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal usb_resetn : std_ulogic; signal usb_nxt : std_ulogic; signal usb_stp : std_ulogic; signal usb_dir : std_ulogic; -- GRUSB_DCL test signals signal ddelay : std_ulogic := '0'; signal dstart : std_ulogic := '0'; signal drw : std_ulogic; signal daddr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal dlen : std_logic_vector(14 downto 0); signal ddi : grusb_dcl_debug_data; signal ddone : std_ulogic; signal ddo : grusb_dcl_debug_data; begin -- clock and reset clk <= not clk after ct * 1 ns; spw_clk <= not spw_clk after 10 ns; rst <= dsurst; dsuen <= '1'; dsubre <= '0'; rxd1 <= '1'; can_rxd <= (others => 'H'); bexcn <= '1'; wdogn <= 'H'; gpio(2 downto 0) <= "LHL"; gpio(CFG_GRGPIO_WIDTH-1 downto 3) <= (others => 'H'); pci_arb_req <= "HHHH"; eth_macclk <= not eth_macclk after 4 ns; -- spacewire loop-back spw_rxdp <= spw_txdp; spw_rxdn <= spw_txdn; spw_rxsp <= spw_txsp; spw_rxsn <= spw_txsn; d3 : entity work.leon3mp generic map ( fabtech, memtech, padtech, clktech, disas, dbguart, pclow ) port map (rst, clk, sdclk, error, wdogn, address(27 downto 0), data, sa, sd, sdclk, sdcke, sdcsn, sdwen, sdrasn, sdcasn, sddqm, dsutx, dsurx, dsuen, dsubre, dsuact, txd1, rxd1, txd2, rxd2, ramsn, ramoen, rwen, oen, writen, read, iosn, romsn, brdyn, bexcn, gpio, emdio, eth_macclk, etx_clk, erx_clk, erxd, erx_dv, erx_er, erx_col, erx_crs, emdintn, etxd, etx_en, etx_er, emdc, pci_rst, pci_clk, pci_gnt, pci_idsel, pci_lock, pci_ad, pci_cbe, pci_frame, pci_irdy, pci_trdy, pci_devsel, pci_stop, pci_perr, pci_par, pci_req, pci_serr, pci_host, pci_66, pci_arb_req, pci_arb_gnt, can_txd, can_rxd, spw_clk, spw_rxdp, spw_rxdn, spw_rxsp, spw_rxsn, spw_txdp, spw_txdn, spw_txsp, spw_txsn, usb_clkout, usb_d, usb_nxt, usb_stp, usb_dir, usb_resetn ); -- optional sdram sd0 : if (CFG_MCTRL_SDEN = 1) and (CFG_MCTRL_SEPBUS = 0) generate u0: mt48lc16m16a2 generic map (index => 0, fname => sdramfile) PORT MAP( Dq => data(31 downto 16), Addr => address(14 downto 2), Ba => address(16 downto 15), Clk => sdclk, Cke => sdcke(0), Cs_n => sdcsn(0), Ras_n => sdrasn, Cas_n => sdcasn, We_n => sdwen, Dqm => sddqm(3 downto 2)); u1: mt48lc16m16a2 generic map (index => 16, fname => sdramfile) PORT MAP( Dq => data(15 downto 0), Addr => address(14 downto 2), Ba => address(16 downto 15), Clk => sdclk, Cke => sdcke(0), Cs_n => sdcsn(0), Ras_n => sdrasn, Cas_n => sdcasn, We_n => sdwen, Dqm => sddqm(1 downto 0)); u2: mt48lc16m16a2 generic map (index => 0, fname => sdramfile) PORT MAP( Dq => data(31 downto 16), Addr => address(14 downto 2), Ba => address(16 downto 15), Clk => sdclk, Cke => sdcke(0), Cs_n => sdcsn(1), Ras_n => sdrasn, Cas_n => sdcasn, We_n => sdwen, Dqm => sddqm(3 downto 2)); u3: mt48lc16m16a2 generic map (index => 16, fname => sdramfile) PORT MAP( Dq => data(15 downto 0), Addr => address(14 downto 2), Ba => address(16 downto 15), Clk => sdclk, Cke => sdcke(0), Cs_n => sdcsn(1), Ras_n => sdrasn, Cas_n => sdcasn, We_n => sdwen, Dqm => sddqm(1 downto 0)); end generate; sd1 : if ((CFG_MCTRL_SDEN = 1) and (CFG_MCTRL_SEPBUS = 1)) generate u0: mt48lc16m16a2 generic map (index => 0, fname => sdramfile) PORT MAP( Dq => sd(31 downto 16), Addr => sa(12 downto 0), Ba => sa(14 downto 13), Clk => sdclk, Cke => sdcke(0), Cs_n => sdcsn(0), Ras_n => sdrasn, Cas_n => sdcasn, We_n => sdwen, Dqm => sddqm(3 downto 2)); u1: mt48lc16m16a2 generic map (index => 16, fname => sdramfile) PORT MAP( Dq => sd(15 downto 0), Addr => sa(12 downto 0), Ba => sa(14 downto 13), Clk => sdclk, Cke => sdcke(0), Cs_n => sdcsn(0), Ras_n => sdrasn, Cas_n => sdcasn, We_n => sdwen, Dqm => sddqm(1 downto 0)); u2: mt48lc16m16a2 generic map (index => 0, fname => sdramfile) PORT MAP( Dq => sd(31 downto 16), Addr => sa(12 downto 0), Ba => sa(14 downto 13), Clk => sdclk, Cke => sdcke(1), Cs_n => sdcsn(1), Ras_n => sdrasn, Cas_n => sdcasn, We_n => sdwen, Dqm => sddqm(3 downto 2)); u3: mt48lc16m16a2 generic map (index => 16, fname => sdramfile) PORT MAP( Dq => sd(15 downto 0), Addr => sa(12 downto 0), Ba => sa(14 downto 13), Clk => sdclk, Cke => sdcke(1), Cs_n => sdcsn(1), Ras_n => sdrasn, Cas_n => sdcasn, We_n => sdwen, Dqm => sddqm(1 downto 0)); sd64 : if (CFG_MCTRL_SD64 = 1) generate u4: mt48lc16m16a2 generic map (index => 0, fname => sdramfile) PORT MAP( Dq => sd(63 downto 48), Addr => sa(12 downto 0), Ba => sa(14 downto 13), Clk => sdclk, Cke => sdcke(0), Cs_n => sdcsn(0), Ras_n => sdrasn, Cas_n => sdcasn, We_n => sdwen, Dqm => sddqm(7 downto 6)); u5: mt48lc16m16a2 generic map (index => 16, fname => sdramfile) PORT MAP( Dq => sd(47 downto 32), Addr => sa(12 downto 0), Ba => sa(14 downto 13), Clk => sdclk, Cke => sdcke(0), Cs_n => sdcsn(0), Ras_n => sdrasn, Cas_n => sdcasn, We_n => sdwen, Dqm => sddqm(5 downto 4)); u6: mt48lc16m16a2 generic map (index => 0, fname => sdramfile) PORT MAP( Dq => sd(63 downto 48), Addr => sa(12 downto 0), Ba => sa(14 downto 13), Clk => sdclk, Cke => sdcke(0), Cs_n => sdcsn(1), Ras_n => sdrasn, Cas_n => sdcasn, We_n => sdwen, Dqm => sddqm(7 downto 6)); u7: mt48lc16m16a2 generic map (index => 16, fname => sdramfile) PORT MAP( Dq => sd(47 downto 32), Addr => sa(12 downto 0), Ba => sa(14 downto 13), Clk => sdclk, Cke => sdcke(0), Cs_n => sdcsn(1), Ras_n => sdrasn, Cas_n => sdcasn, We_n => sdwen, Dqm => sddqm(5 downto 4)); end generate; end generate; prom0 : for i in 0 to (romwidth/8)-1 generate sr0 : sram generic map (index => i, abits => romdepth, fname => promfile) port map (address(romdepth+1 downto 2), data(31-i*8 downto 24-i*8), romsn(0), rwen(i), oen); end generate; sram0 : for i in 0 to (sramwidth/8)-1 generate sr0 : sram generic map (index => i, abits => sramdepth, fname => sramfile) port map (address(sramdepth+1 downto 2), data(31-i*8 downto 24-i*8), ramsn(0), rwen(0), ramoen(0)); end generate; phy0 : if (CFG_GRETH = 1) generate emdio <= 'H'; p0: phy generic map(address => 1) port map(rst, emdio, etx_clk, erx_clk, erxd, erx_dv, erx_er, erx_col, erx_crs, etxd, etx_en, etx_er, emdc, eth_macclk); end generate; usbtr: if (CFG_GRUSBHC = 1) generate u0: ulpi port map (usb_clkout, usb_d, usb_nxt, usb_stp, usb_dir, usb_resetn); end generate usbtr; usbdevsim: if (CFG_GRUSBDC = 1) generate u0: grusbdcsim generic map (functm => 0, keepclk => 1) port map (usb_resetn, usb_clkout, usb_d, usb_nxt, usb_stp, usb_dir); end generate usbdevsim; usb_dclsim: if (CFG_GRUSB_DCL = 1) generate u0: grusb_dclsim generic map (functm => 0, keepclk => 1) port map (usb_resetn, usb_clkout, usb_d, usb_nxt, usb_stp, usb_dir, ddelay, dstart, drw, daddr, dlen, ddi, ddone, ddo); usb_dcl_proc : process begin wait for 10 ns; Print("GRUSB_DCL test started"); wait until rising_edge(ddone); -- Write 128 bytes to memory daddr <= X"40000000"; dlen <= conv_std_logic_vector(32,15); for i in 0 to 127 loop ddi(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(i+8,8); end loop; -- i grusb_dcl_write(usb_clkout, drw, dstart, ddone); -- Read back written data grusb_dcl_read(usb_clkout, drw, dstart, ddone); -- Compare data for i in 0 to 127 loop if ddo(i) /= ddi(i) then Print("ERROR: Data mismatch using GRUSB_DCL"); end if; end loop; Print("GRUSB_DCL test finished"); wait; end process; end generate usb_dclsim; error <= 'H'; -- ERROR pull-up iuerr : process begin wait for 2500 ns; if to_x01(error) = '1' then wait on error; end if; assert (to_x01(error) = '1') report "*** IU in error mode, simulation halted ***" severity failure ; end process; test0 : grtestmod port map ( rst, clk, error, address(21 downto 2), data, iosn, oen, writen, brdyn); -- data <= buskeep(data), (others => 'H') after 250 ns; data <= buskeep(data) after 5 ns; -- sd <= buskeep(sd), (others => 'H') after 250 ns; sd <= buskeep(sd) after 5 ns; dsucom : process procedure dsucfg(signal dsurx : in std_logic; signal dsutx : out std_logic) is variable w32 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); variable c8 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); constant txp : time := 160 * 1 ns; begin dsutx <= '1'; dsurst <= '0'; wait for 500 ns; dsurst <= '1'; wait; wait for 5000 ns; txc(dsutx, 16#55#, txp); -- sync uart -- txc(dsutx, 16#c0#, txp); -- txa(dsutx, 16#90#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#00#, txp); -- txa(dsutx, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#02#, 16#ae#, txp); -- txc(dsutx, 16#c0#, txp); -- txa(dsutx, 16#91#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#00#, txp); -- txa(dsutx, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#06#, 16#ae#, txp); -- txc(dsutx, 16#c0#, txp); -- txa(dsutx, 16#90#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#24#, txp); -- txa(dsutx, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#06#, 16#03#, txp); -- txc(dsutx, 16#c0#, txp); -- txa(dsutx, 16#90#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#20#, txp); -- txa(dsutx, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#06#, 16#fc#, txp); txc(dsutx, 16#c0#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#90#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#00#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#2f#, txp); txc(dsutx, 16#c0#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#91#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#00#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#6f#, txp); txc(dsutx, 16#c0#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#90#, 16#11#, 16#00#, 16#00#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#00#, txp); txc(dsutx, 16#c0#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#90#, 16#40#, 16#00#, 16#04#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#00#, 16#02#, 16#20#, 16#01#, txp); txc(dsutx, 16#c0#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#90#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#20#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#02#, txp); txc(dsutx, 16#c0#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#90#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#20#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#0f#, txp); txc(dsutx, 16#c0#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#40#, 16#00#, 16#43#, 16#10#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#0f#, txp); txc(dsutx, 16#c0#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#91#, 16#40#, 16#00#, 16#24#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#24#, txp); txc(dsutx, 16#c0#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#91#, 16#70#, 16#00#, 16#00#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#03#, txp); txc(dsutx, 16#c0#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#90#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#20#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#ff#, 16#ff#, txp); txc(dsutx, 16#c0#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#90#, 16#40#, 16#00#, 16#48#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#12#, txp); txc(dsutx, 16#c0#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#90#, 16#40#, 16#00#, 16#60#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#12#, 16#10#, txp); txc(dsutx, 16#80#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#90#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#00#, txp); rxi(dsurx, w32, txp, lresp); txc(dsutx, 16#a0#, txp); txa(dsutx, 16#40#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#00#, txp); rxi(dsurx, w32, txp, lresp); end; begin dsucfg(dsutx, dsurx); wait; end process; end ;
-- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generated Architecture Declaration for rtl of inst_e_e -- -- Generated -- by: wig -- on: Mon Jun 26 05:50:09 2006 -- cmd: /cygdrive/h/work/eclipse/MIX/ ../generic.xls -- -- !!! Do not edit this file! Autogenerated by MIX !!! -- $Author: wig $ -- $Id: inst_e_e-rtl-a.vhd,v 1.4 2006/06/26 07:42:18 wig Exp $ -- $Date: 2006/06/26 07:42:18 $ -- $Log: inst_e_e-rtl-a.vhd,v $ -- Revision 1.4 2006/06/26 07:42:18 wig -- Updated io, generic and mde_tests testcases -- -- -- Based on Mix Architecture Template built into RCSfile:,v -- Id:,v 1.90 2006/06/22 07:13:21 wig Exp -- -- Generator: Revision: 1.46 , -- (C) 2003,2005 Micronas GmbH -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; -- No project specific VHDL libraries/arch -- -- -- Start of Generated Architecture rtl of inst_e_e -- architecture rtl of inst_e_e is -- -- Generated Constant Declarations -- -- -- Generated Components -- component inst_ea_e -- No Generated Generics -- No Generated Port end component; -- --------- -- -- Generated Signal List -- -- -- End of Generated Signal List -- begin -- -- Generated Concurrent Statements -- -- -- Generated Signal Assignments -- -- -- Generated Instances and Port Mappings -- -- Generated Instance Port Map for inst_ea inst_ea: inst_ea_e ; -- End of Generated Instance Port Map for inst_ea end rtl; -- --!End of Architecture/s -- --------------------------------------------------------------
library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity ALU is Port ( Oper1 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0); Oper2 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0); ALUOP : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (5 downto 0); C: in STD_LOGIC; ALURESULT : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0)); end ALU; architecture Behavioral of ALU is begin process(Oper1,Oper2,ALUOP,C) begin case ALUOP is when "000000"=> ALURESULT<=Oper1 and Oper2;--AND when "000001"=> ALURESULT<=Oper1 and not Oper2;--ANDN when "000010"=> ALURESULT<=Oper1 or Oper2;--OR when "000011"=> ALURESULT<=Oper1 or not Oper2;--ORN when "000100"=> ALURESULT<=Oper1 xor Oper2;--XOR when "000101"=> ALURESULT<=Oper1 xnor Oper2;--XNOR when "000110"=> ALURESULT<=Oper1+Oper2;--ADD when "000111"=> ALURESULT<=Oper1-Oper2;--SUB when "001000"=> --SLL ALURESULT<=std_logic_vector(unsigned(Oper1) sll conv_integer(oper2(4 downto 0))); when "001001"=> --SRL ALURESULT<=std_logic_vector(unsigned(Oper1) srl conv_integer(oper2(4 downto 0))); when "001010"=> --SRA ALURESULT<=To_StdLogicVector(to_bitvector(Oper1) sra conv_integer(oper2(4 downto 0))); when "001011"=> ALURESULT<=Oper1 and Oper2;--ANDcc when "001100"=> ALURESULT<=Oper1 and not Oper2;--ANDNcc when "001101"=> ALURESULT<=Oper1 or Oper2;--ORcc when "001110"=> ALURESULT<=Oper1 or not Oper2;--ORNcc when "001111"=> ALURESULT<=Oper1 xor Oper2;--XORcc when "010000"=> ALURESULT<=Oper1 xnor Oper2;--XNORcc when "010001"=> ALURESULT<=Oper1+Oper2;--ADDcc when "010010"=> --ADDX ALURESULT<=Oper1+Oper2+C; when "010011"=> --ADDXcc ALURESULT<=Oper1+Oper2+C; when "010100"=> ALURESULT<=Oper1-Oper2;--SUBcc when "010101"=> --SUBX ALURESULT<=Oper1-Oper2-C; when "010110"=> --SUBXcc ALURESULT<=Oper1-Oper2-C; when "010111"=> --SAVE ALURESULT<=Oper1+Oper2; when "011000"=> --RESTORE ALURESULT<=Oper1+Oper2; when others=>--"111111" Instrucciones no definidas ALURESULT<=(others=>'0'); end case; end process; end Behavioral;
-- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Entity Declaration for inst_ok_1_e -- -- Generated -- by: wig -- on: Fri Jul 15 13:54:30 2005 -- cmd: h:/work/eclipse/mix/ -nodelta ../macro.xls -- -- !!! Do not edit this file! Autogenerated by MIX !!! -- $Author: wig $ -- $Id: inst_ok_1_e-e.vhd,v 1.2 2005/07/15 16:19:59 wig Exp $ -- $Date: 2005/07/15 16:19:59 $ -- $Log: inst_ok_1_e-e.vhd,v $ -- Revision 1.2 2005/07/15 16:19:59 wig -- Update all testcases; still problems though -- -- -- Based on Mix Entity Template built into RCSfile:,v -- Id:,v 1.55 2005/07/13 15:38:34 wig Exp -- -- Generator: Version: Revision: 1.36 , -- (C) 2003 Micronas GmbH -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; -- No project specific VHDL libraries/enty -- -- -- Start of Generated Entity inst_ok_1_e -- entity inst_ok_1_e is -- Generics: -- No Generated Generics for Entity inst_ok_1_e -- Generated Port Declaration: -- No Generated Port for Entity inst_ok_1_e end inst_ok_1_e; -- -- End of Generated Entity inst_ok_1_e -- -- --!End of Entity/ies -- --------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (C) COPYRIGHT 2010 Gideon's Logic Architectures' -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Author: Gideon Zweijtzer (gideon.zweijtzer (at) -- -- Note that this file is copyrighted, and is not supposed to be used in other -- projects without written permission from the author. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity sid_ctrl is generic ( g_num_voices : natural := 8 ); port ( clock : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; start_iter : in std_logic; voice_osc : out unsigned(3 downto 0); enable_osc : out std_logic ); end sid_ctrl; architecture gideon of sid_ctrl is signal voice_cnt : unsigned(3 downto 0); signal enable : std_logic; begin process(clock) begin if rising_edge(clock) then if reset='1' then voice_cnt <= X"0"; enable <= '0'; elsif start_iter='1' then voice_cnt <= X"0"; enable <= '1'; elsif voice_cnt = g_num_voices-1 then voice_cnt <= X"0"; enable <= '0'; elsif enable='1' then voice_cnt <= voice_cnt + 1; enable <= '1'; end if; end if; end process; voice_osc <= voice_cnt; enable_osc <= enable; end gideon;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (C) COPYRIGHT 2010 Gideon's Logic Architectures' -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Author: Gideon Zweijtzer (gideon.zweijtzer (at) -- -- Note that this file is copyrighted, and is not supposed to be used in other -- projects without written permission from the author. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity sid_ctrl is generic ( g_num_voices : natural := 8 ); port ( clock : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; start_iter : in std_logic; voice_osc : out unsigned(3 downto 0); enable_osc : out std_logic ); end sid_ctrl; architecture gideon of sid_ctrl is signal voice_cnt : unsigned(3 downto 0); signal enable : std_logic; begin process(clock) begin if rising_edge(clock) then if reset='1' then voice_cnt <= X"0"; enable <= '0'; elsif start_iter='1' then voice_cnt <= X"0"; enable <= '1'; elsif voice_cnt = g_num_voices-1 then voice_cnt <= X"0"; enable <= '0'; elsif enable='1' then voice_cnt <= voice_cnt + 1; enable <= '1'; end if; end if; end process; voice_osc <= voice_cnt; enable_osc <= enable; end gideon;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (C) COPYRIGHT 2010 Gideon's Logic Architectures' -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Author: Gideon Zweijtzer (gideon.zweijtzer (at) -- -- Note that this file is copyrighted, and is not supposed to be used in other -- projects without written permission from the author. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity sid_ctrl is generic ( g_num_voices : natural := 8 ); port ( clock : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; start_iter : in std_logic; voice_osc : out unsigned(3 downto 0); enable_osc : out std_logic ); end sid_ctrl; architecture gideon of sid_ctrl is signal voice_cnt : unsigned(3 downto 0); signal enable : std_logic; begin process(clock) begin if rising_edge(clock) then if reset='1' then voice_cnt <= X"0"; enable <= '0'; elsif start_iter='1' then voice_cnt <= X"0"; enable <= '1'; elsif voice_cnt = g_num_voices-1 then voice_cnt <= X"0"; enable <= '0'; elsif enable='1' then voice_cnt <= voice_cnt + 1; enable <= '1'; end if; end if; end process; voice_osc <= voice_cnt; enable_osc <= enable; end gideon;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (C) COPYRIGHT 2010 Gideon's Logic Architectures' -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Author: Gideon Zweijtzer (gideon.zweijtzer (at) -- -- Note that this file is copyrighted, and is not supposed to be used in other -- projects without written permission from the author. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity sid_ctrl is generic ( g_num_voices : natural := 8 ); port ( clock : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; start_iter : in std_logic; voice_osc : out unsigned(3 downto 0); enable_osc : out std_logic ); end sid_ctrl; architecture gideon of sid_ctrl is signal voice_cnt : unsigned(3 downto 0); signal enable : std_logic; begin process(clock) begin if rising_edge(clock) then if reset='1' then voice_cnt <= X"0"; enable <= '0'; elsif start_iter='1' then voice_cnt <= X"0"; enable <= '1'; elsif voice_cnt = g_num_voices-1 then voice_cnt <= X"0"; enable <= '0'; elsif enable='1' then voice_cnt <= voice_cnt + 1; enable <= '1'; end if; end if; end process; voice_osc <= voice_cnt; enable_osc <= enable; end gideon;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (C) COPYRIGHT 2010 Gideon's Logic Architectures' -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Author: Gideon Zweijtzer (gideon.zweijtzer (at) -- -- Note that this file is copyrighted, and is not supposed to be used in other -- projects without written permission from the author. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity sid_ctrl is generic ( g_num_voices : natural := 8 ); port ( clock : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; start_iter : in std_logic; voice_osc : out unsigned(3 downto 0); enable_osc : out std_logic ); end sid_ctrl; architecture gideon of sid_ctrl is signal voice_cnt : unsigned(3 downto 0); signal enable : std_logic; begin process(clock) begin if rising_edge(clock) then if reset='1' then voice_cnt <= X"0"; enable <= '0'; elsif start_iter='1' then voice_cnt <= X"0"; enable <= '1'; elsif voice_cnt = g_num_voices-1 then voice_cnt <= X"0"; enable <= '0'; elsif enable='1' then voice_cnt <= voice_cnt + 1; enable <= '1'; end if; end if; end process; voice_osc <= voice_cnt; enable_osc <= enable; end gideon;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (C) COPYRIGHT 2010 Gideon's Logic Architectures' -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Author: Gideon Zweijtzer (gideon.zweijtzer (at) -- -- Note that this file is copyrighted, and is not supposed to be used in other -- projects without written permission from the author. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity sid_ctrl is generic ( g_num_voices : natural := 8 ); port ( clock : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; start_iter : in std_logic; voice_osc : out unsigned(3 downto 0); enable_osc : out std_logic ); end sid_ctrl; architecture gideon of sid_ctrl is signal voice_cnt : unsigned(3 downto 0); signal enable : std_logic; begin process(clock) begin if rising_edge(clock) then if reset='1' then voice_cnt <= X"0"; enable <= '0'; elsif start_iter='1' then voice_cnt <= X"0"; enable <= '1'; elsif voice_cnt = g_num_voices-1 then voice_cnt <= X"0"; enable <= '0'; elsif enable='1' then voice_cnt <= voice_cnt + 1; enable <= '1'; end if; end if; end process; voice_osc <= voice_cnt; enable_osc <= enable; end gideon;
-- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Entity Declaration for inst_shadow_ok_10_e -- -- Generated -- by: wig -- on: Tue Nov 21 12:18:38 2006 -- cmd: /cygdrive/h/work/eclipse/MIX/ ../macro.xls -- -- !!! Do not edit this file! Autogenerated by MIX !!! -- $Author: wig $ -- $Id: inst_shadow_ok_10_e-e.vhd,v 1.1 2006/11/22 10:40:09 wig Exp $ -- $Date: 2006/11/22 10:40:09 $ -- $Log: inst_shadow_ok_10_e-e.vhd,v $ -- Revision 1.1 2006/11/22 10:40:09 wig -- Detect missing directories and flag that as error. -- -- -- Based on Mix Entity Template built into RCSfile:,v -- Id:,v 1.99 2006/11/02 15:37:48 wig Exp -- -- Generator: Version: Revision: 1.47 , -- (C) 2003,2005 Micronas GmbH -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; -- No project specific VHDL libraries/enty -- -- -- Start of Generated Entity inst_shadow_ok_10_e -- entity inst_shadow_ok_10_e is -- Generics: -- No Generated Generics for Entity inst_shadow_ok_10_e -- Generated Port Declaration: -- No Generated Port for Entity inst_shadow_ok_10_e end inst_shadow_ok_10_e; -- -- End of Generated Entity inst_shadow_ok_10_e -- -- --!End of Entity/ies -- --------------------------------------------------------------
-- (c) Copyright 1995-2017 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE. -- IP VLNV: -- IP Revision: 1 LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; USE ieee.numeric_std.ALL; ENTITY RAT_FlagReg_0_1 IS PORT ( IN_FLAG : IN STD_LOGIC; LD : IN STD_LOGIC; SET : IN STD_LOGIC; CLR : IN STD_LOGIC; CLK : IN STD_LOGIC; OUT_FLAG : OUT STD_LOGIC ); END RAT_FlagReg_0_1; ARCHITECTURE RAT_FlagReg_0_1_arch OF RAT_FlagReg_0_1 IS ATTRIBUTE DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings : STRING; ATTRIBUTE DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings OF RAT_FlagReg_0_1_arch: ARCHITECTURE IS "yes"; COMPONENT FlagReg IS PORT ( IN_FLAG : IN STD_LOGIC; LD : IN STD_LOGIC; SET : IN STD_LOGIC; CLR : IN STD_LOGIC; CLK : IN STD_LOGIC; OUT_FLAG : OUT STD_LOGIC ); END COMPONENT FlagReg; ATTRIBUTE X_CORE_INFO : STRING; ATTRIBUTE X_CORE_INFO OF RAT_FlagReg_0_1_arch: ARCHITECTURE IS "FlagReg,Vivado 2016.4"; ATTRIBUTE CHECK_LICENSE_TYPE : STRING; ATTRIBUTE CHECK_LICENSE_TYPE OF RAT_FlagReg_0_1_arch : ARCHITECTURE IS "RAT_FlagReg_0_1,FlagReg,{}"; ATTRIBUTE CORE_GENERATION_INFO : STRING; ATTRIBUTE CORE_GENERATION_INFO OF RAT_FlagReg_0_1_arch: ARCHITECTURE IS "RAT_FlagReg_0_1,FlagReg,{x_ipProduct=Vivado 2016.4,,x_ipLibrary=module_ref,x_ipName=FlagReg,x_ipVersion=1.0,x_ipCoreRevision=1,x_ipLanguage=VHDL,x_ipSimLanguage=MIXED}"; ATTRIBUTE X_INTERFACE_INFO : STRING; ATTRIBUTE X_INTERFACE_INFO OF CLK: SIGNAL IS " CLK CLK"; BEGIN U0 : FlagReg PORT MAP ( IN_FLAG => IN_FLAG, LD => LD, SET => SET, CLR => CLR, CLK => CLK, OUT_FLAG => OUT_FLAG ); END RAT_FlagReg_0_1_arch;
-- (c) Copyright 1995-2017 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE. -- IP VLNV: -- IP Revision: 1 LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; USE ieee.numeric_std.ALL; ENTITY RAT_FlagReg_0_1 IS PORT ( IN_FLAG : IN STD_LOGIC; LD : IN STD_LOGIC; SET : IN STD_LOGIC; CLR : IN STD_LOGIC; CLK : IN STD_LOGIC; OUT_FLAG : OUT STD_LOGIC ); END RAT_FlagReg_0_1; ARCHITECTURE RAT_FlagReg_0_1_arch OF RAT_FlagReg_0_1 IS ATTRIBUTE DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings : STRING; ATTRIBUTE DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings OF RAT_FlagReg_0_1_arch: ARCHITECTURE IS "yes"; COMPONENT FlagReg IS PORT ( IN_FLAG : IN STD_LOGIC; LD : IN STD_LOGIC; SET : IN STD_LOGIC; CLR : IN STD_LOGIC; CLK : IN STD_LOGIC; OUT_FLAG : OUT STD_LOGIC ); END COMPONENT FlagReg; ATTRIBUTE X_CORE_INFO : STRING; ATTRIBUTE X_CORE_INFO OF RAT_FlagReg_0_1_arch: ARCHITECTURE IS "FlagReg,Vivado 2016.4"; ATTRIBUTE CHECK_LICENSE_TYPE : STRING; ATTRIBUTE CHECK_LICENSE_TYPE OF RAT_FlagReg_0_1_arch : ARCHITECTURE IS "RAT_FlagReg_0_1,FlagReg,{}"; ATTRIBUTE CORE_GENERATION_INFO : STRING; ATTRIBUTE CORE_GENERATION_INFO OF RAT_FlagReg_0_1_arch: ARCHITECTURE IS "RAT_FlagReg_0_1,FlagReg,{x_ipProduct=Vivado 2016.4,,x_ipLibrary=module_ref,x_ipName=FlagReg,x_ipVersion=1.0,x_ipCoreRevision=1,x_ipLanguage=VHDL,x_ipSimLanguage=MIXED}"; ATTRIBUTE X_INTERFACE_INFO : STRING; ATTRIBUTE X_INTERFACE_INFO OF CLK: SIGNAL IS " CLK CLK"; BEGIN U0 : FlagReg PORT MAP ( IN_FLAG => IN_FLAG, LD => LD, SET => SET, CLR => CLR, CLK => CLK, OUT_FLAG => OUT_FLAG ); END RAT_FlagReg_0_1_arch;
process(CLK, RST) begin if(RST = '1') then Q <= '0'; elsif(CLK = '1' and CLK'event) then if(EN = '1') then Q <= D; end if; end if; end process;
-- libraries -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{{{ library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; library work; use work.all; use work.FGPU_definitions.all; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}}} entity gmem_cntrl_tag is -- {{{ port( -- axi signals wr_fifo_free : in std_logic_vector(N_WR_FIFOS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); --free ports have to respond to go ports immediately (in one clock cycle) wr_fifo_go : out std_logic_vector(N_WR_FIFOS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); wr_fifo_cache_ack : in std_logic_vector(N_WR_FIFOS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); axi_rdAddr : out gmem_addr_array_no_bank(N_WR_FIFOS-1 downto 0) := (others=>(others=>'0')); axi_writer_go : out std_logic_vector(N_AXI-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); axi_wrAddr : out gmem_addr_array_no_bank(N_AXI-1 downto 0) := (others=>(others=>'0')); axi_writer_free : in std_logic_vector(N_AXI-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); axi_rd_fifo_filled : in std_logic_vector(N_AXI-1 downto 0); axi_wvalid : in std_logic_vector(N_AXI-1 downto 0); axi_writer_ack : in std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0); axi_writer_id : out std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS_W-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); --receivers signals rcv_alloc_tag : in std_logic_vector(N_RECEIVERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- rcv_alloc_tag need to be set whether it is a tag to be allocated or a page to be validate -- rcv_validate_page : in std_logic_vector(N_RECEIVERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); rcv_gmem_addr : in gmem_word_addr_array(N_RECEIVERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>(others=>'0')); rcv_rnw : in std_logic_vector(N_RECEIVERS-1 downto 0); rcv_tag_written : out std_logic_vector(N_RECEIVERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); rcv_tag_updated : out std_logic_vector(N_RECEIVERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); rcv_page_validated : out std_logic_vector(N_RECEIVERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); rcv_read_tag : in std_logic_vector(N_RECEIVERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); rcv_read_tag_ack : out std_logic_vector(N_RECEIVERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); rdData_page_v : out std_logic_vector(N_RD_PORTS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); rdData_tag_v : out std_logic_vector(N_RD_PORTS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); rdData_tag : out tag_array(N_RD_PORTS-1 downto 0) := (others=>(others=>'0')); -- cache port a signals cache_we : in std_logic := '0'; cache_addra : in unsigned(M+L-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); cache_wea : in std_logic_vector((2**N)*DATA_W/8-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- finish WGsDispatched : in std_logic; CUs_gmem_idle : in std_logic; rcv_all_idle : in std_logic := '0'; rcv_idle : in std_logic_vector(N_RECEIVERS-1 downto 0); finish_exec : out std_logic := '0'; start_kernel : in std_logic; clean_cache : in std_logic; atomic_can_finish : in std_logic := '0'; -- write pipeline write_pipe_active : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); write_pipe_wrTag : in tag_addr_array(4 downto 0); clk, nrst : in std_logic ); end entity; -- }}} architecture basic of gmem_cntrl_tag is -- internal signals definitions {{{ signal axi_wrAddr_i : gmem_addr_array_no_bank(N_AXI-1 downto 0) := (others=>(others=>'0')); signal rdData_tag_i : tag_array(N_RD_PORTS-1 downto 0) := (others=>(others=>'0')); -- on a critical path -- }}} -- axi signals {{{ signal wr_fifo_go_n : std_logic_vector(N_WR_FIFOS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal axi_writer_go_n : std_logic_vector(N_AXI-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal axi_writer_id_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS_W-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); --}}} -- functions & constants {{{ function map_rd_fifo_to_axis(n_rd_fifos : natural; n_axis: natural) return nat_array is variable res : nat_array(n_rd_fifos-1 downto 0) := (others=>0); begin for i in 0 to n_rd_fifos-1 loop res(i) := i mod n_axis; end loop; return res; end function; constant c_rd_fifo_axi : nat_array(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := map_rd_fifo_to_axis(N_TAG_MANAGERS, N_AXI); -- }}} -- mem signals {{{ signal tag : tag_array(0 to 2**M-1) := (others=>(others=>'0')); signal wrAddr_tag, wrAddr_tag_n : unsigned(M-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal wrData_tag, wrData_tag_n : unsigned(TAG_W-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal rdAddr_tag, rdAddr_tag_n : tag_addr_array(N_RD_PORTS-1 downto 0) := (others=>(others=>'0')); signal we_tag, we_tag_n : std_logic := '0'; signal tag_v : std_logic_vector(0 to 2**M-1) := (others=>'0'); signal we_tag_v, we_tag_v_n : std_logic := '0'; signal wrAddr_tag_v, wrAddr_tag_v_n : unsigned(M-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal wrData_tag_v, wrData_tag_v_n : std_logic := '0'; signal clear_tag, clear_tag_n : std_logic := '0'; signal page_v : std_logic_vector(0 to 2**M-1) := (others=>'0'); signal we_page_v, we_page_v_n : std_logic := '0'; signal wrAddr_page_v, wrAddr_page_v_n : unsigned(M-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal wrData_page_v, wrData_page_v_n : std_logic := '0'; -- }}} -- receivers signals {{{ signal rcv_tag_written_n : std_logic_vector(N_RECEIVERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal rcv_tag_updated_n : std_logic_vector(N_RECEIVERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal rcv_page_validated_n : std_logic_vector(N_RECEIVERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- }}} -- Tag managers signals {{{ type st_tmanager_type is (idle, define_rcv_indx, check_tag_being_processed, invalidate_tag_v, invalidate_page_v, clear_tag_st, clear_dirty, check_dirty, validate_new_tag, issue_write, read_tag, wait_write_finish, issue_read, wait_read_finish, validate_new_page, wait_page_v, wait_a_little, wait_bid); type st_tmanager_array is array (N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) of st_tmanager_type; type rcv_alloc_for_tmanager_type is array(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(N_RECEIVERS/N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0); signal st_tmanager, st_tmanager_n : st_tmanager_array := (others=>idle); -- attribute mark_debug of st_tmanager : signal is "true"; signal tmanager_free, tmanager_free_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal rcv_alloc_tag_ltchd, rcv_alloc_tag_ltchd_n : rcv_alloc_for_tmanager_type := (others=>(others=>'0')); signal tmanager_gmem_addr : gmem_addr_array_no_bank(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>(others=>'0')); signal tmanager_gmem_addr_n : gmem_addr_array_no_bank(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>(others=>'0')); -- attribute mark_debug of tmanager_gmem_addr : signal is "true"; type rcv_indx_tmanager_type is array (0 to N_TAG_MANAGERS-1) of natural range 0 to N_RECEIVERS-1; signal rcv_indx_tmanager : rcv_indx_tmanager_type := (others=>0); signal rcv_indx_tmanager_n : rcv_indx_tmanager_type := (others=>0); signal tmanager_rcv_served : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal tmanager_rcv_served_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal invalidate_tag, invalidate_tag_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- attribute mark_debug of invalidate_tag : signal is "true"; signal invalidate_tag_ack : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal invalidate_page : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal invalidate_page_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- attribute mark_debug of invalidate_page : signal is "true"; signal validate_page, validate_page_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- attribute mark_debug of validate_page : signal is "true"; signal page_v_tmanager_ack : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal clear_tag_tmanager : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal clear_tag_tmanager_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- attribute mark_debug of clear_tag_tmanager : signal is "true"; signal alloc_tag, alloc_tag_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- attribute mark_debug of alloc_tag : signal is "true"; signal alloc_tag_ack : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal tmanager_issue_write : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- attribute mark_debug of tmanager_issue_write : signal is "true"; signal tmanager_issue_write_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal wr_issued_tmanager : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal wr_issued_tmanager_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal tmanager_busy, tmanager_busy_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- attribute mark_debug of tmanager_busy : signal is "true"; constant TAG_PROTECT_LEN : natural := 7; -- # of clock cycles before a processed tag from a tag manager can be processed by another one type tmanager_tag_protect_vec_type is array(natural range<>) of std_logic_vector(TAG_PROTECT_LEN-1 downto 0); signal tmanager_tag_protect_vec : tmanager_tag_protect_vec_type(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>(others=>'0')); -- helps a tag manager to clear the protection of tag signal tmanager_tag_protect_vec_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal tmanager_tag_protect_v : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal tmanager_tag_protect_v_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- attribute mark_debug of tmanager_tag_protect_v : signal is "true"; signal tmanager_tag_protect : tag_addr_array(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>(others=>'0')); -- attribute mark_debug of tmanager_tag_protect : signal is "true"; -- after a tag has been processed by a tag manager, it will be stored with this signal. -- It is not allowed to process the tag again before TAG_PROTECT_LEN clock cycles -- It helps to avoid frequent allocation/deallocation of the same tag (not necessary but improve the performance) -- It helps to insure data consistency by using the B axi channel response to clear it (necessary if the kernel reads/writes the same address region) signal tmanager_tag_protect_n : tag_addr_array(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>(others=>'0')); signal tmanager_gmem_addr_protected : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); constant RCV_SERVED_WIAT_LEN : natural := 2**(WRITE_PHASE_W+1); type tmanager_rcv_served_wait_vec_type is array(natural range<>) of std_logic_vector(RCV_SERVED_WIAT_LEN-1 downto 0); signal tmanager_rcv_served_wait_vec : tmanager_rcv_served_wait_vec_type(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>(others=>'0')); -- helps a tag manager to wait for some time before issuing a receiver that its write requested has been executed signal tmanager_rcv_served_wait_vec_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal tmanager_get_busy : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- attribute mark_debug of tmanager_get_busy : signal is "true"; signal tmanager_get_busy_ack : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- attribute mark_debug of tmanager_get_busy_ack : signal is "true"; constant wait_len : natural := 4; type wait_vec_type is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(wait_len-1 downto 0); type wait_vec_invalidate_tag_type is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(wait_len downto 0); signal wait_vec : wait_vec_type(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>(others=>'0')); signal wait_vec_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal wait_vec_invalidate_tag : wait_vec_invalidate_tag_type(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>(others=>'0')); signal wait_vec_invalidate_tag_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal wait_done, wait_done_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- attribute mark_debug of wait_done : signal is "true"; signal tmanager_read_tag : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- attribute mark_debug of tmanager_read_tag : signal is "true"; signal tmanager_read_tag_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal tmanager_read_tag_ack_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal tmanager_read_tag_ack : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal tmanager_read_tag_ack_d0 : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal tmanager_tag_to_write : tag_array(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>(others=>'0')); signal tmanager_clear_dirty : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- attribute mark_debug of tmanager_clear_dirty : signal is "true"; signal tmanager_clear_dirty_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal tmanager_clear_dirty_ack_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal tmanager_clear_dirty_ack : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal tmanager_wait_for_fifo_empty : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal tmanager_wait_for_fifo_empty_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); --}}} -- dirty signals {{{ signal dirty : std_logic_vector(2**M-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal we_dirty, we_dirty_n : std_logic := '0'; signal wrData_dirty, wrData_dirty_n : std_logic := '0'; signal wrAddr_dirty, wrAddr_dirty_n : unsigned(M-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal rdAddr_dirty, rdAddr_dirty_n : tag_addr_array(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>(others=>'0')); signal rdData_dirty : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- }}} -- axi signals {{{ type axi_intefrace is (find_free_fifo, issue_order); type wr_fifo_indx_array is array (0 to N_TAG_MANAGERS-1) of natural range 0 to N_WR_FIFOS-1; type axi_wr_channel_indx is array (0 to N_TAG_MANAGERS-1) of natural range 0 to N_AXI-1; signal st_axi_wr, st_axi_wr_n : axi_intefrace := find_free_fifo; signal axi_wrAddr_n : gmem_addr_array_no_bank(N_AXI-1 downto 0) := (others=>(others=>'0')); signal axi_wr_indx_tmanager, axi_wr_indx_tmanager_n : axi_wr_channel_indx := (others=>0); --}}} -- final cache clean signals {{{ signal rcv_all_idle_vec : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- It is necessary to make sure that rcv_all_idle is stable for 3 clock cycles before cache cleaning at the end signal finish_active, finish_active_n : std_logic := '0'; signal finish_tag_addr : unsigned(M-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal finish_tag_addr_n : unsigned(M-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal finish_tag_addr_d0 : unsigned(M-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal finish_tag_addr_d1 : unsigned(M-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal finish_we, finish_we_n : std_logic := '0'; signal rdData_tag_d0 : unsigned(TAG_W-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal finish_issue_write : std_logic := '0'; signal finish_issue_write_n : std_logic := '0'; signal finish_exec_masked : std_logic := '0'; signal finish_exec_masked_n : std_logic := '0'; type finish_fifo_type is array(natural range <>) of unsigned(TAG_W+M-1 downto 0); signal finish_fifo : finish_fifo_type(2**FINISH_FIFO_ADDR_W-1 downto 0) := (others=>(others=>'0')); signal finish_fifo_rdAddr : unsigned(FINISH_FIFO_ADDR_W-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal finish_fifo_wrAddr : unsigned(FINISH_FIFO_ADDR_W-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal finish_fifo_dout : unsigned(TAG_W+M-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal finish_fifo_pop, finish_fifo_push_n : std_logic := '0'; signal finish_fifo_push : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); type st_fill_finish_fifo_type is (idle1, idle2, pre_active, active, finish); signal st_fill_finish_fifo, st_fill_finish_fifo_n : st_fill_finish_fifo_type := idle1; signal finish_fifo_n_rqsts, finish_fifo_n_rqsts_n : integer range 0 to 2**FINISH_FIFO_ADDR_W := 0; -- }}} -- write pipeline signals {{{ signal write_pipe_contains_gmem_addr : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal tmanager_waited_for_write_pipe : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal tmanager_waited_for_write_pipe_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- attribute mark_debug of tmanager_waited_for_write_pipe : signal is "true"; type st_finish_writer_type is (idle, issue, wait_fifo_dout); signal st_finish_writer : st_finish_writer_type := idle; signal st_finish_writer_n : st_finish_writer_type := idle; --}}} -- bvalid processing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{{{ signal write_response_rcvd : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal wait_for_write_response : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal wait_for_write_response_n : std_logic_vector(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}}} begin -- internal signals assignments -------------------------------------------------------------------------{{{ axi_wrAddr <= axi_wrAddr_i; assert N_RD_FIFOS_TAG_MANAGER_W = 0 report "There must be a single rd fifo (from cache) for each tag manager. Otherwise b channel communcation fails!" severity failure; rdData_tag <= rdData_tag_i; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}}} -- error handling-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{{{ assert(N_TAG_MANAGERS = N_WR_FIFOS); assert(N_RD_PORTS > 1); -- assert(addra(7 downto 0) /= X"B7" or addra(8) /= '0' or wea(7 downto 4) /= "F"); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}}} -- finish FSM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{{{ rcv_all_idle_vec(rcv_all_idle_vec'high) <= rcv_all_idle; process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then -- pipes {{{ rcv_all_idle_vec(rcv_all_idle_vec'high-1 downto 0) <= rcv_all_idle_vec(rcv_all_idle_vec'high downto 1); finish_tag_addr <= finish_tag_addr_n; finish_tag_addr_d0 <= finish_tag_addr; finish_tag_addr_d1 <= finish_tag_addr_d0; -- }}} -- set final finish signal {{{ finish_exec_masked <= finish_exec_masked_n; finish_exec <= '0'; if finish_exec_masked = '1' then if clean_cache = '1' then if axi_writer_free = (axi_writer_free'reverse_range => '1') and axi_wvalid = (0 to N_AXI-1 =>'0') then finish_exec <= '1'; end if; else finish_exec <= '1'; end if; end if; if start_kernel = '1' then finish_exec <= '0'; end if; -- }}} finish_we <= finish_we_n; finish_fifo_dout <= finish_fifo(to_integer(finish_fifo_rdAddr)); if finish_fifo_push(0) = '1' and rdData_dirty(0) = '1' then finish_fifo(to_integer(finish_fifo_wrAddr)) <= rdData_tag_i(N_RD_PORTS-1) & finish_tag_addr_d1; end if; if nrst = '0' then finish_active <= '0'; finish_issue_write <= '0'; st_fill_finish_fifo <= idle1; finish_fifo_push <= (others=>'0'); finish_fifo_wrAddr <= (others=>'0'); finish_fifo_n_rqsts <= 0; st_finish_writer <= idle; finish_fifo_rdAddr <= (others=>'0'); else finish_active <= finish_active_n; finish_issue_write <= finish_issue_write_n; st_fill_finish_fifo <= st_fill_finish_fifo_n; finish_fifo_push(finish_fifo_push'high-1 downto 0) <= finish_fifo_push(finish_fifo_push'high downto 1); finish_fifo_push(finish_fifo_push'high) <= finish_fifo_push_n; if finish_fifo_push(0) = '1' and rdData_dirty(0) = '1' then finish_fifo_wrAddr <= finish_fifo_wrAddr + 1; end if; st_finish_writer <= st_finish_writer_n; if finish_fifo_pop = '1' then finish_fifo_rdAddr <= finish_fifo_rdAddr + 1; end if; if finish_fifo_push(0) = '1' and rdData_dirty(0) = '1' and finish_fifo_pop = '0' then finish_fifo_n_rqsts <= finish_fifo_n_rqsts + 1; elsif (finish_fifo_push(0) = '0' or rdData_dirty(0) = '0') and finish_fifo_pop = '1' then finish_fifo_n_rqsts <= finish_fifo_n_rqsts - 1; end if; end if; end if; end process; process(st_finish_writer, finish_fifo_n_rqsts, finish_issue_write) begin st_finish_writer_n <= st_finish_writer; finish_issue_write_n <= finish_issue_write; case st_finish_writer is when idle => if finish_fifo_n_rqsts /= 0 then finish_issue_write_n <= '1'; st_finish_writer_n <= issue; end if; when issue => finish_issue_write_n <= '0'; st_finish_writer_n <= wait_fifo_dout; when wait_fifo_dout => st_finish_writer_n <= idle; end case; end process; process(st_fill_finish_fifo, finish_tag_addr, WGsDispatched, start_kernel, CUs_gmem_idle, rcv_all_idle_vec, finish_active, finish_fifo_n_rqsts, clean_cache, atomic_can_finish) begin st_fill_finish_fifo_n <= st_fill_finish_fifo; finish_tag_addr_n <= finish_tag_addr; finish_active_n <= finish_active; finish_fifo_push_n <= '0'; finish_we_n <= '0'; finish_exec_masked_n <= '0'; case st_fill_finish_fifo is when idle1 => finish_tag_addr_n <= (others=>'0'); if WGsDispatched = '1' then st_fill_finish_fifo_n <= idle2; end if; when idle2 => if CUs_gmem_idle = '1' and rcv_all_idle_vec = (rcv_all_idle_vec'reverse_range =>'1') and (ATOMIC_IMPLEMENT = 0 or atomic_can_finish = '1') then if clean_cache = '0' then st_fill_finish_fifo_n <= finish; else finish_active_n <= '1'; end if; end if; if finish_active = '1' then st_fill_finish_fifo_n <= pre_active; if STAT = 1 then -- if kernel_name /= sum_half then -- report "Finish begins"; -- end if; end if; end if; when pre_active => finish_tag_addr_n <= finish_tag_addr + 1; finish_fifo_push_n <= '1'; finish_we_n <= '1'; st_fill_finish_fifo_n <= active; when active => if finish_fifo_n_rqsts < 2**FINISH_FIFO_ADDR_W-2 then finish_tag_addr_n <= finish_tag_addr + 1; finish_fifo_push_n <= '1'; finish_we_n <= '1'; end if; if finish_tag_addr = (finish_tag_addr'reverse_range => '0') then st_fill_finish_fifo_n <= finish; end if; when finish => finish_exec_masked_n <= '1'; if start_kernel = '1' then st_fill_finish_fifo_n <= idle1; finish_active_n <= '0'; finish_exec_masked_n <= '0'; end if; end case; end process; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}}} -- write pipeline check --------------------------------------------------------------------------------{{{ process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then write_pipe_contains_gmem_addr <= (others=>'0'); for i in 0 to N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 loop for j in 0 to 4 loop if (tmanager_gmem_addr(i)(M+L-1 downto L) = write_pipe_wrTag(j)) and (write_pipe_active(j) = '1') then write_pipe_contains_gmem_addr(i) <= '1'; end if; end loop; end loop; end if; end process; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}}} -- tag managers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{{{ trans: process(clk) -- {{{ begin if rising_edge(clk) then rcv_alloc_tag_ltchd <= rcv_alloc_tag_ltchd_n; tmanager_gmem_addr <= tmanager_gmem_addr_n; rcv_indx_tmanager <= rcv_indx_tmanager_n; if WRITE_PHASE_W > 1 then tmanager_rcv_served <= tmanager_rcv_served_n; end if; tmanager_get_busy_ack <= (others=>'0'); for i in 0 to N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 loop if tmanager_get_busy(i) = '1' then tmanager_get_busy_ack(i) <= '1'; exit; end if; end loop; wr_fifo_go <= wr_fifo_go_n; tmanager_tag_protect <= tmanager_tag_protect_n; for i in 0 to N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 loop tmanager_tag_protect_vec(i)(TAG_PROTECT_LEN-2 downto 0) <= tmanager_tag_protect_vec(i)(TAG_PROTECT_LEN-1 downto 1); tmanager_tag_protect_vec(i)(TAG_PROTECT_LEN-1) <= tmanager_tag_protect_vec_n(i); tmanager_rcv_served_wait_vec(i)(RCV_SERVED_WIAT_LEN-2 downto 0) <= tmanager_rcv_served_wait_vec(i)(RCV_SERVED_WIAT_LEN-1 downto 1); tmanager_rcv_served_wait_vec(i)(RCV_SERVED_WIAT_LEN-1) <= tmanager_rcv_served_wait_vec_n(i); end loop; tmanager_gmem_addr_protected <= (others=>'0'); for i in 0 to N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 loop for j in 0 to N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 loop if j /= i then if tmanager_tag_protect_v(j) = '1' and tmanager_gmem_addr(i)(M+L-1 downto L) = tmanager_tag_protect(j) then tmanager_gmem_addr_protected(i) <= '1'; end if; end if; end loop; end loop; tmanager_tag_protect_v <= tmanager_tag_protect_v_n; for i in N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto 0 loop wait_vec(i)(wait_len-2 downto 0) <= wait_vec(i)(wait_len-1 downto 1); wait_vec(i)(wait_len-1) <= wait_vec_n(i); wait_vec_invalidate_tag(i)(wait_len-1 downto 0) <= wait_vec_invalidate_tag(i)(wait_len downto 1); wait_vec_invalidate_tag(i)(wait_len) <= wait_vec_invalidate_tag_n(i); if tmanager_read_tag_ack_d0(i) = '1' then tmanager_tag_to_write(i) <= rdData_tag_i(N_RD_PORTS-1); end if; end loop; if nrst = '0' then st_tmanager <= (others=>idle); tmanager_free <= (others=>'0'); invalidate_tag <= (others=>'0'); invalidate_page <= (others=>'0'); validate_page <= (others=>'0'); clear_tag_tmanager <= (others=>'0'); tmanager_issue_write <= (others=>'0'); tmanager_busy <= (others=>'0'); alloc_tag <= (others=>'0'); tmanager_read_tag <= (others=>'0'); tmanager_clear_dirty <= (others=>'0'); wait_done <= (others=>'0'); tmanager_wait_for_fifo_empty <= (others=>'0'); tmanager_waited_for_write_pipe <= (others=>'0'); else st_tmanager <= st_tmanager_n; tmanager_free <= tmanager_free_n; invalidate_tag <= invalidate_tag_n; invalidate_page <= invalidate_page_n; validate_page <= validate_page_n; clear_tag_tmanager <= clear_tag_tmanager_n; tmanager_issue_write <= tmanager_issue_write_n; tmanager_busy <= tmanager_busy_n; alloc_tag <= alloc_tag_n; tmanager_read_tag <= tmanager_read_tag_n; tmanager_clear_dirty <= tmanager_clear_dirty_n; wait_done <= wait_done_n; tmanager_wait_for_fifo_empty <= tmanager_wait_for_fifo_empty_n; tmanager_waited_for_write_pipe <= tmanager_waited_for_write_pipe_n; end if; end if; end process; --}}} tmanagers: for i in 0 to N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 generate process(st_tmanager(i), tmanager_free(i), rcv_alloc_tag, tmanager_gmem_addr, rcv_alloc_tag_ltchd, rcv_indx_tmanager(i), rcv_gmem_addr, -- {{{ tmanager_tag_protect_v, invalidate_tag(i), invalidate_tag_ack(i), clear_tag_tmanager(i), rdData_dirty(i), tmanager_issue_write(i), tmanager_tag_protect, rcv_idle, axi_wr_indx_tmanager(i), wr_issued_tmanager(i), wr_fifo_free(i), wait_done(i), tmanager_waited_for_write_pipe(i), tmanager_rcv_served(i), tmanager_rcv_served_wait_vec(i)(0), page_v_tmanager_ack(i), invalidate_page(i), alloc_tag_ack(i), validate_page(i), tmanager_busy(i), tmanager_get_busy_ack(i), tmanager_tag_protect_vec(i), rcv_rnw, wait_vec(i)(0), wait_vec_invalidate_tag(i)(0), tmanager_read_tag(i), tmanager_read_tag_ack_d0(i), axi_rd_fifo_filled, tmanager_clear_dirty(i), alloc_tag(i), tmanager_read_tag_ack_n(i), tmanager_clear_dirty_ack(i), write_pipe_contains_gmem_addr(i), tmanager_wait_for_fifo_empty(i), tmanager_gmem_addr_protected(i), tmanager_tag_to_write(i), wait_for_write_response(i)) -- }}} begin -- next initialization {{{ st_tmanager_n(i) <= st_tmanager(i); tmanager_free_n(i) <= tmanager_free(i); rcv_alloc_tag_ltchd_n(i) <= rcv_alloc_tag_ltchd(i); tmanager_gmem_addr_n(i) <= tmanager_gmem_addr(i); rcv_indx_tmanager_n(i) <= rcv_indx_tmanager(i); invalidate_tag_n(i) <= invalidate_tag(i); invalidate_page_n(i) <= invalidate_page(i); validate_page_n(i) <= validate_page(i); clear_tag_tmanager_n(i) <= clear_tag_tmanager(i); tmanager_issue_write_n(i) <= tmanager_issue_write(i); tmanager_busy_n(i) <= tmanager_busy(i); tmanager_get_busy(i) <= '0'; alloc_tag_n(i) <= alloc_tag(i); wait_vec_n(i) <= '0'; wait_vec_invalidate_tag_n(i) <= '0'; tmanager_read_tag_n(i) <= tmanager_read_tag(i); tmanager_clear_dirty_n(i) <= tmanager_clear_dirty(i); wait_done_n(i) <= wait_done(i); tmanager_wait_for_fifo_empty_n(i) <= tmanager_wait_for_fifo_empty(i); tmanager_waited_for_write_pipe_n(i) <= tmanager_waited_for_write_pipe(i); if tmanager_tag_protect_vec(i)(0) = '1' then tmanager_tag_protect_v_n(i) <= '0'; else tmanager_tag_protect_v_n(i) <= tmanager_tag_protect_v(i); end if; if WRITE_PHASE_W > 1 then tmanager_rcv_served_n(i) <= tmanager_rcv_served(i); if rcv_idle(rcv_indx_tmanager(i)) = '1' or tmanager_rcv_served_wait_vec(i)(0) = '1' then tmanager_rcv_served_n(i) <= '1'; end if; end if; tmanager_tag_protect_n(i) <= tmanager_tag_protect(i); tmanager_tag_protect_vec_n(i) <= '0'; tmanager_rcv_served_wait_vec_n(i) <= '0'; wr_fifo_go_n(i) <= '0'; -- }}} case st_tmanager(i) is when idle => -- {{{ tmanager_waited_for_write_pipe_n(i) <= '0'; rcv_alloc_tag_ltchd_n(i) <= rcv_alloc_tag((i+1)*N_RECEIVERS/N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto i*N_RECEIVERS/N_TAG_MANAGERS); if tmanager_rcv_served(i) = '1' or WRITE_PHASE_W = 1 then if rcv_alloc_tag((i+1)*N_RECEIVERS/N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto i*N_RECEIVERS/N_TAG_MANAGERS) /= (0 to N_RECEIVERS/N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 =>'0') then st_tmanager_n(i) <= define_rcv_indx; end if; end if; -- }}} when define_rcv_indx => -- {{{ st_tmanager_n(i) <= idle; -- in case rcv_alloc_tag_ltchd are all zeros for j in 0 to N_RECEIVERS/N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 loop if rcv_alloc_tag_ltchd(i)(j) = '1' and rcv_alloc_tag(i*N_RECEIVERS/N_TAG_MANAGERS+j) = '1' then -- rcv_alloc_tag must be checked because it may be deasserted while rcv_alloc_tag_latched is still asserted rcv_indx_tmanager_n(i) <= j+ i*N_RECEIVERS/N_TAG_MANAGERS; rcv_alloc_tag_ltchd_n(i)(j) <= '0'; tmanager_gmem_addr_n(i) <= rcv_gmem_addr(j+ i*N_RECEIVERS/N_TAG_MANAGERS)(GMEM_WORD_ADDR_W-1 downto N); st_tmanager_n(i) <= check_tag_being_processed; exit; end if; end loop; -- }}} when check_tag_being_processed => --check if the corresponding cache addr is being processed by another tmanager {{{ -- if an address of the requested tag is already in the write pipeline; the FSM should go and try to pick up a new alloc request -- Otherwise it may stay in this state, as long as no anther tmanager is processing the tag and the alloc request deasserted, e.g. another tmanager allocated the tag -- Processing a no more requested tag may lead to the following problem: -- a rcv wants to write, a tmanager thinks wrongly that somebody wants to read the address, -- as soon as the tag is allocated, the rcv may write and the data may be overwritten! tmanager_get_busy(i) <= '1'; if tmanager_get_busy_ack(i) = '1' then if write_pipe_contains_gmem_addr(i) = '0' and tmanager_gmem_addr_protected(i) = '0' then -- tmanager_gmem_addr_protected has a delay of 1 clock cycle invalidate_tag_n(i) <= '1'; st_tmanager_n(i) <= invalidate_tag_v; tmanager_busy_n(i) <= '1'; tmanager_tag_protect_v_n(i) <= '1'; tmanager_tag_protect_n(i) <= tmanager_gmem_addr(i)(M+L-1 downto L); else st_tmanager_n(i) <= define_rcv_indx; tmanager_get_busy(i) <= '0'; end if; end if; for j in 0 to N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 loop if j /= i then if (tmanager_busy(j) = '1' and tmanager_gmem_addr(i)(M+L-1 downto L) = tmanager_gmem_addr(j)(M+L-1 downto L)) then -- (tmanager_gmem_addr_protected(i) = '1' and tmanager_get_busy_ack(i) = '1') then -- (tmanager_tag_protect_v(j) = '1' and tmanager_gmem_addr(i)(M+N+L-1 downto L+N) = tmanager_tag_protect(j)) then tmanager_get_busy(i) <= '0'; tmanager_busy_n(i) <= '0'; tmanager_tag_protect_v_n(i) <= '0'; invalidate_tag_n(i) <= '0'; st_tmanager_n(i) <= define_rcv_indx; end if; end if; end loop; -- }}} when invalidate_tag_v => -- {{{ -- if tmanager_tag_protect_vec(i)(0) = '1' then -- report "heeeere" severity failure; -- end if; -- tmanager_tag_protect_v_n(i) <= '1'; -- tmanager_tag_protect_n(i) <= tmanager_gmem_addr(i)(M+N+L-1 downto N+L); if WRITE_PHASE_W > 1 then tmanager_rcv_served_n(i) <= '0'; end if; if invalidate_tag_ack(i) = '1' then invalidate_tag_n(i) <= '0'; st_tmanager_n(i) <= clear_tag_st; clear_tag_tmanager_n(i) <= '1'; alloc_tag_n(i) <= '1'; end if; -- }}} when clear_tag_st => -- {{{ if alloc_tag_ack(i) = '1' then clear_tag_tmanager_n(i) <= '0'; alloc_tag_n(i) <= '0'; st_tmanager_n(i) <= invalidate_page_v; invalidate_page_n(i) <= '1'; end if; -- }}} when invalidate_page_v => -- {{{ if page_v_tmanager_ack(i) = '1' then invalidate_page_n(i) <= '0'; st_tmanager_n(i) <= check_dirty; wait_vec_invalidate_tag_n(i) <= '1'; if write_pipe_contains_gmem_addr(i) = '1' then tmanager_waited_for_write_pipe_n(i) <= '1'; end if; end if; -- }}} when check_dirty => -- {{{ if write_pipe_contains_gmem_addr(i) = '1' then tmanager_waited_for_write_pipe_n(i) <= '1'; if wait_vec_invalidate_tag(i)(0) = '1' then wait_done_n(i) <= '1'; end if; else wait_done_n(i) <= '0'; if wait_vec_invalidate_tag(i)(0) = '1' or wait_done(i) = '1' then if tmanager_waited_for_write_pipe(i) = '1' or rdData_dirty(i) = '1' then st_tmanager_n(i) <= read_tag; tmanager_read_tag_n(i) <= '1'; tmanager_clear_dirty_n(i) <= '1'; else -- - -- st_tmanager_n(i) <= validate_new_tag; -- alloc_tag_n(i) <= '1'; -- - -- + -- Populating the cache line with the new content should be done before validating the new tag -- Otherwise, some receivers may write the cache directly after tag validation and the written data will -- be overwritten by the one from the global memory -- Therefore, issue_read -> validate_tag -> validate_page if rcv_rnw(rcv_indx_tmanager(i)) = '1' then st_tmanager_n(i) <= issue_read; wr_fifo_go_n(i) <= '1'; else st_tmanager_n(i) <= validate_new_tag; alloc_tag_n(i) <= '1'; end if; -- + end if; end if; end if; -- }}} when validate_new_tag => -- {{{ if alloc_tag_ack(i) = '1' then alloc_tag_n(i) <= '0'; -- - -- if rcv_rnw(rcv_indx_tmanager(i)) = '1' then -- st_tmanager_n(i) <= issue_read; -- wr_fifo_go_n(i) <= '1'; -- else -- st_tmanager_n(i) <= wait_a_little; -- wait_vec_n(i) <= '1'; -- end if; -- - -- + if rcv_rnw(rcv_indx_tmanager(i)) = '1' then st_tmanager_n(i) <= validate_new_page; validate_page_n(i) <= '1'; else st_tmanager_n(i) <= wait_a_little; wait_vec_n(i) <= '1'; end if; -- + end if; -- }}} when wait_a_little => --necessary because rcv_alloc_tag does not react immediately in case of validating a tag for a write {{{ -- tmanager_tag_protect_v_n(i) <= '1'; -- setting tag protect should be done 2 cycles before going to idle -- tmanager_tag_protect_n(i) <= tmanager_gmem_addr(i)(M+N+L-1 downto N+L); if wait_vec(i)(0) = '1' then st_tmanager_n(i) <= idle; tmanager_busy_n(i) <= '0'; tmanager_tag_protect_vec_n(i) <= '1'; tmanager_rcv_served_wait_vec_n(i) <= '1'; end if; -- }}} when read_tag => -- {{{ -- report "tag read by tmanager"; tmanager_waited_for_write_pipe_n(i) <= '0'; if tmanager_read_tag_ack_d0(i) = '1' then st_tmanager_n(i) <= issue_write; tmanager_issue_write_n(i) <= '1'; end if; -- }}} when issue_write => -- {{{ -- report "write issued"; if wr_issued_tmanager(i) = '1' then st_tmanager_n(i) <= wait_write_finish; tmanager_issue_write_n(i) <= '0'; end if; -- }}} when wait_write_finish => -- {{{ if axi_rd_fifo_filled(axi_wr_indx_tmanager(i)) = '1' then if tmanager_tag_to_write(i) = tmanager_gmem_addr(i)(TAG_W+M+L-1 downto M+L) then -- the tag to read is the same dirty one! -- the tmanager should wait until the write transaction is completely finished -- otherwise data may become inconsistent st_tmanager_n(i) <= wait_bid; -- report "match"; elsif tmanager_clear_dirty(i) = '1' then st_tmanager_n(i) <= clear_dirty; else -- - -- st_tmanager_n(i) <= validate_new_tag; -- alloc_tag_n(i) <= '1'; -- - -- + if rcv_rnw(rcv_indx_tmanager(i)) = '1' then st_tmanager_n(i) <= issue_read; wr_fifo_go_n(i) <= '1'; else st_tmanager_n(i) <= validate_new_tag; alloc_tag_n(i) <= '1'; end if; -- + end if; end if; -- }}} when wait_bid => -- {{{ if wait_for_write_response(i) = '0' then if tmanager_clear_dirty(i) = '1' then st_tmanager_n(i) <= clear_dirty; else -- - -- st_tmanager_n(i) <= validate_new_tag; -- alloc_tag_n(i) <= '1'; -- - -- + if rcv_rnw(rcv_indx_tmanager(i)) = '1' then st_tmanager_n(i) <= issue_read; wr_fifo_go_n(i) <= '1'; else st_tmanager_n(i) <= validate_new_tag; alloc_tag_n(i) <= '1'; end if; -- + end if; end if; -- }}} when clear_dirty => -- {{{ if tmanager_clear_dirty(i) = '0' then -- - -- st_tmanager_n(i) <= validate_new_tag; -- alloc_tag_n(i) <= '1'; -- - -- + if rcv_rnw(rcv_indx_tmanager(i)) = '1' then st_tmanager_n(i) <= issue_read; wr_fifo_go_n(i) <= '1'; else st_tmanager_n(i) <= validate_new_tag; alloc_tag_n(i) <= '1'; end if; -- + end if; -- }}} when issue_read => -- {{{ st_tmanager_n(i) <= wait_read_finish; -- }}} when wait_read_finish => -- {{{ if wr_fifo_free(i) = '1' then -- - -- st_tmanager_n(i) <= validate_new_page; -- validate_page_n(i) <= '1'; -- - -- + st_tmanager_n(i) <= validate_new_tag; alloc_tag_n(i) <= '1'; -- + end if; --}}} when validate_new_page => -- {{{ -- tmanager_wait_for_fifo_empty_n(i) <= '0'; -- tmanager_tag_protect_v_n(i) <= '1'; -- setting tag protect should be done 2 cycles before going to idle -- tmanager_tag_protect_n(i) <= tmanager_gmem_addr(i)(M+L-1 downto L); if page_v_tmanager_ack(i) = '1' then validate_page_n(i) <= '0'; st_tmanager_n(i) <= wait_page_v; end if; -- }}} when wait_page_v => -- {{{ st_tmanager_n(i) <= idle; tmanager_busy_n(i) <= '0'; tmanager_tag_protect_vec_n(i) <= '1'; tmanager_rcv_served_wait_vec_n(i) <= '1'; -- }}} end case; if tmanager_read_tag_ack_n(i) = '1' then tmanager_read_tag_n(i) <= '0'; end if; if tmanager_clear_dirty_ack(i) = '1' then tmanager_clear_dirty_n(i) <= '0'; end if; end process; end generate; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}}} -- tag mem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{{{ process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then clear_tag <= clear_tag_n; we_tag <= we_tag_n; tmanager_read_tag_ack <= tmanager_read_tag_ack_n; tmanager_read_tag_ack_d0 <= tmanager_read_tag_ack; wrData_tag <= wrData_tag_n; wrAddr_tag <= wrAddr_tag_n; rdAddr_tag <= rdAddr_tag_n; rdData_tag_d0 <= rdData_tag_i(N_RD_PORTS-1); end if; end process; process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then if we_tag = '1' then tag(to_integer(wrAddr_tag)) <= wrData_tag; end if; for i in 0 to N_RD_PORTS-1 loop rdData_tag_i(i) <= tag(to_integer(rdAddr_tag(i))); end loop; end if; end process; process(tmanager_gmem_addr, alloc_tag, clear_tag_tmanager, rcv_read_tag, rcv_gmem_addr, tmanager_read_tag, finish_active, finish_tag_addr) begin -- write tag alloc_tag_ack <= (others=>'0'); we_tag_n <= '0'; wrData_tag_n <= tmanager_gmem_addr(0)(GMEM_WORD_ADDR_W-N-1 downto L+M); wrAddr_tag_n <= tmanager_gmem_addr(0)(M+L-1 downto L); clear_tag_n <= '0'; for i in 0 to N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 loop -- linked with we_tag_v, don't change the order of the loop if alloc_tag(i) = '1' then alloc_tag_ack(i) <= '1'; we_tag_n <= not clear_tag_tmanager(i); clear_tag_n <= clear_tag_tmanager(i); wrData_tag_n <= tmanager_gmem_addr(i)(GMEM_WORD_ADDR_W-N-1 downto L+M); wrAddr_tag_n <= tmanager_gmem_addr(i)(M+L-1 downto L); exit; end if; end loop; -- read tag rcv_read_tag_ack <= (others=>'0'); -- first ports (default 3) serve the receivers for i in 0 to N_RD_PORTS-2 loop rdAddr_tag_n(i) <= rcv_gmem_addr(0)(L+M+N-1 downto L+N); for j in 0 to (N_RECEIVERS/N_RD_PORTS)-1 loop if rcv_read_tag(i + j*N_RD_PORTS) = '1' then rdAddr_tag_n(i) <= rcv_gmem_addr(i + j*N_RD_PORTS)(L+M+N-1 downto L+N); rcv_read_tag_ack(i + j*N_RD_PORTS) <= '1'; exit; end if; end loop; end loop; -- the last read port serves the tmanagers in addition to the receivers rdAddr_tag_n(N_RD_PORTS-1) <= rcv_gmem_addr(0)(L+M+N-1 downto L+N); tmanager_read_tag_ack_n <= (others=>'0'); if finish_active = '1' then rdAddr_tag_n(N_RD_PORTS-1) <= finish_tag_addr; elsif tmanager_read_tag /= (tmanager_read_tag'reverse_range=>'0') then for j in 0 to N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 loop if tmanager_read_tag(j) = '1' then rdAddr_tag_n(N_RD_PORTS-1) <= tmanager_gmem_addr(j)(L+M-1 downto L); tmanager_read_tag_ack_n(j) <= '1'; exit; end if; end loop; else for j in 0 to (N_RECEIVERS/N_RD_PORTS)-1 loop if rcv_read_tag(N_RD_PORTS-1 + j*N_RD_PORTS) = '1' then rdAddr_tag_n(N_RD_PORTS-1) <= rcv_gmem_addr(N_RD_PORTS-1 + j*N_RD_PORTS)(L+M+N-1 downto L+N); rcv_read_tag_ack(N_RD_PORTS-1 + j*N_RD_PORTS) <= '1'; exit; end if; end loop; end if; end process; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}}} -- tag_valid -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{{{ process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then we_tag_v <= we_tag_v_n; wrAddr_tag_v <= wrAddr_tag_v_n; wrData_tag_v <= wrData_tag_v_n; end if; end process; process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then for i in 0 to N_RD_PORTS-1 loop rdData_tag_v(i) <= tag_v(to_integer(rdAddr_tag(i))); end loop; if we_tag_v = '1' then tag_v(to_integer(wrAddr_tag_v)) <= wrData_tag_v; end if; end if; end process; process(invalidate_tag, tmanager_gmem_addr, alloc_tag, clear_tag_tmanager, finish_active, finish_tag_addr_d0, finish_we) begin invalidate_tag_ack <= (others=>'0'); we_tag_v_n <= '0'; wrData_tag_v_n <= '0'; wrAddr_tag_v_n <= tmanager_gmem_addr(0)(M+L-1 downto L); if finish_active = '0' then if (alloc_tag and not clear_tag_tmanager) = (alloc_tag'reverse_range=>'0') then for i in 0 to N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 loop if invalidate_tag(i) = '1' then invalidate_tag_ack(i) <= '1'; we_tag_v_n <= '1'; wrData_tag_v_n <= '0'; wrAddr_tag_v_n <= tmanager_gmem_addr(i)(M+L-1 downto L); exit; end if; end loop; else -- this write has priority and it happes at the same time a tag is written for i in 0 to N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 loop if alloc_tag(i) = '1' then if clear_tag_tmanager(i) = '0' then we_tag_v_n <= '1'; wrAddr_tag_v_n <= tmanager_gmem_addr(i)(M+L-1 downto L); wrData_tag_v_n <= '1'; end if; exit; end if; end loop; end if; else we_tag_v_n <= finish_we; wrAddr_tag_v_n <= finish_tag_addr_d0; wrData_tag_v_n <= '0'; end if; end process; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}}} -- dirty mem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{{{ process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then -- dirty memory for i in 0 to N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 loop rdData_dirty(i) <= dirty(to_integer(rdAddr_dirty(i))); end loop; if we_dirty = '1' then dirty(to_integer(wrAddr_dirty)) <= wrData_dirty; end if; end if; end process; process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then we_dirty <= we_dirty_n; tmanager_clear_dirty_ack <= tmanager_clear_dirty_ack_n; if finish_active = '0' then rdAddr_dirty(0) <= tmanager_gmem_addr(0)(M+L-1 downto L); else rdAddr_dirty(0) <= finish_tag_addr; end if; if N_TAG_MANAGERS > 1 then for i in 1 to max(N_TAG_MANAGERS-1,1) loop rdAddr_dirty(i) <= tmanager_gmem_addr(i)(M+L-1 downto L); end loop; end if; wrData_dirty <= wrData_dirty_n; wrAddr_dirty <= wrAddr_dirty_n; end if; end process; process(cache_we, cache_addra, finish_active, finish_we, tmanager_clear_dirty, tmanager_gmem_addr, finish_tag_addr_d0) begin wrAddr_dirty_n <= cache_addra(M+L-1 downto L); tmanager_clear_dirty_ack_n <= (others=>'0'); if cache_we = '1' then wrData_dirty_n <= '1'; we_dirty_n <= '1'; elsif finish_active = '0' then wrData_dirty_n <= '0'; we_dirty_n <= '0'; for i in 0 to N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 loop if tmanager_clear_dirty(i) = '1' then tmanager_clear_dirty_ack_n(i) <= '1'; we_dirty_n <= '1'; wrAddr_dirty_n <= tmanager_gmem_addr(i)(M+L-1 downto L); exit; end if; end loop; else wrData_dirty_n <= '0'; we_dirty_n <= finish_we; wrAddr_dirty_n <= finish_tag_addr_d0; end if; end process; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}}} -- axi channels control -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{{{ process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then axi_wr_indx_tmanager <= axi_wr_indx_tmanager_n; wr_issued_tmanager <= wr_issued_tmanager_n; axi_wrAddr_i <= axi_wrAddr_n; axi_writer_go <= axi_writer_go_n; axi_writer_id <= axi_writer_id_n; for j in 0 to N_WR_FIFOS-1 loop axi_rdAddr(j)(L-1 downto 0) <= (others=>'0'); axi_rdAddr(j)(GMEM_WORD_ADDR_W-N-1 downto L) <= tmanager_gmem_addr(j)(GMEM_WORD_ADDR_W-N-1 downto L); end loop; if nrst = '0' then st_axi_wr <= find_free_fifo; wait_for_write_response <= (others=>'0'); else st_axi_wr <= st_axi_wr_n; wait_for_write_response <= wait_for_write_response_n; end if; end if; end process; issue_wr_axi: process(st_axi_wr, tmanager_issue_write, axi_writer_free, axi_wrAddr_i, tmanager_gmem_addr, tmanager_tag_to_write, finish_issue_write, axi_wr_indx_tmanager, finish_fifo_dout, wait_for_write_response, axi_writer_ack) begin axi_wr_indx_tmanager_n <= axi_wr_indx_tmanager; wr_issued_tmanager_n <= (others=>'0'); st_axi_wr_n <= st_axi_wr; for j in 0 to N_AXI-1 loop axi_wrAddr_n(j) <= axi_wrAddr_i(j); end loop; axi_writer_go_n <= (others=>'0'); axi_writer_id_n <= (others=>'0'); finish_fifo_pop <= '0'; for i in 0 to N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 loop if axi_writer_ack(i) = '1' then wait_for_write_response_n(i) <= '0'; else wait_for_write_response_n(i) <= wait_for_write_response(i); end if; end loop; case st_axi_wr is when find_free_fifo => for i in 0 to N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 loop if tmanager_issue_write(i) = '1' and axi_writer_free(c_rd_fifo_axi(i)) = '1' and wait_for_write_response(i) = '0' then axi_wr_indx_tmanager_n(i) <= c_rd_fifo_axi(i); wr_issued_tmanager_n(i) <= '1'; wait_for_write_response_n(i) <= '1'; axi_wrAddr_n(c_rd_fifo_axi(i))(GMEM_WORD_ADDR_W-N-1 downto L) <= tmanager_tag_to_write(i) & tmanager_gmem_addr(i)(M+L-1 downto L); -- if tmanager_tag_to_write(i) = tmanager_gmem_addr(i)(TAG_W+M+L-1 downto M+L) then -- report "match"; -- end if; axi_writer_go_n(c_rd_fifo_axi(i)) <= '1'; axi_writer_id_n <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, N_TAG_MANAGERS_W)); st_axi_wr_n <= issue_order; exit; end if; end loop; if finish_issue_write = '1' then for j in 0 to N_AXI-1 loop if axi_writer_free(j) = '1' then finish_fifo_pop <= '1'; axi_wrAddr_n(j)(GMEM_WORD_ADDR_W-N-1 downto L) <= finish_fifo_dout; axi_writer_go_n(j) <= '1'; st_axi_wr_n <= issue_order; exit; end if; end loop; end if; when issue_order => -- just a wait state st_axi_wr_n <= find_free_fifo; end case; end process; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}}} -- page_valid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {{{ process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then wrAddr_page_v <= wrAddr_page_v_n; wrData_page_v <= wrData_page_v_n; we_page_v <= we_page_v_n; end if; end process; process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then if we_page_v = '1' then page_v(to_integer(wrAddr_page_v)) <= wrData_page_v; end if; for i in 0 to N_RD_PORTS-1 loop rdData_page_v(i) <= page_v(to_integer(rdAddr_tag(i))); end loop; end if; end process; process(invalidate_page, validate_page, tmanager_gmem_addr, finish_active, finish_tag_addr_d0, finish_we) begin page_v_tmanager_ack <= (others=>'0'); we_page_v_n <= '0'; wrData_page_v_n <= '0'; wrAddr_page_v_n <= tmanager_gmem_addr(0)(M+L-1 downto L); for i in 0 to N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 loop if invalidate_page(i) = '1' then page_v_tmanager_ack(i) <= '1'; we_page_v_n <= '1'; wrData_page_v_n <= '0'; wrAddr_page_v_n <= tmanager_gmem_addr(i)(M+L-1 downto L); exit; end if; if validate_page(i) = '1' then page_v_tmanager_ack(i) <= '1'; we_page_v_n <= '1'; wrData_page_v_n <= '1'; wrAddr_page_v_n <= tmanager_gmem_addr(i)(M+L-1 downto L); exit; end if; end loop; if finish_active = '1' then we_page_v_n <= finish_we; wrData_page_v_n <= '0'; wrAddr_page_v_n <= finish_tag_addr_d0; end if; end process; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }}} -- rcv status eraly update -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------{{{ tag_trans: process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then rcv_tag_written <= rcv_tag_written_n; rcv_tag_updated <= rcv_tag_updated_n; rcv_page_validated <= rcv_page_validated_n; end if; end process; process(we_page_v, rcv_gmem_addr, wrAddr_page_v, wrData_page_v) begin rcv_page_validated_n <= (others=>'0'); if we_page_v = '1' and wrData_page_v = '1' then for i in 0 to N_RECEIVERS-1 loop if rcv_gmem_addr(i)(M+L+N-1 downto N+L) = wrAddr_page_v then rcv_page_validated_n(i) <= '1'; end if; end loop; end if; -- for i in 0 to N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 loop -- if validate_page(i) = '1' then -- rcv_page_validated_n((i+1)*N_RECEIVERS/N_TAG_MANAGERS-1 downto i*N_RECEIVERS/N_TAG_MANAGERS) <= (others=>'1'); -- end if; -- end loop; end process; process(rcv_gmem_addr, wrAddr_tag, we_tag, wrData_tag, clear_tag) variable wrData_compared: std_logic := '0'; begin for i in 0 to N_RECEIVERS-1 loop if rcv_gmem_addr(i)(GMEM_WORD_ADDR_W-1 downto L+M+N) = wrData_tag then wrData_compared := '1'; else wrData_compared := '0'; end if; rcv_tag_written_n(i) <= '0'; rcv_tag_updated_n(i) <= '0'; if rcv_gmem_addr(i)(L+M+N-1 downto L+N) = wrAddr_tag then if we_tag = '1' and wrData_compared = '1' then rcv_tag_written_n(i) <= '1'; end if; if clear_tag = '1' or (we_tag = '1' and wrData_compared = '0') then rcv_tag_updated_n(i) <= '1'; end if; end if; end loop; end process; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}}} end architecture;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (c) B&R Industrial Automation GmbH, 2014 -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -- are met: -- -- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- 3. Neither the name of B&R nor the names of its -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived -- from this software without prior written permission. For written -- permission, please contact -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -- "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS -- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, -- INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; -- LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER -- CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT -- LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN -- ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE -- POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity master_handler is generic( dma_highadr_g : integer := 31; gen_tx_fifo_g : boolean := true; tx_fifo_word_size_log2_g : natural := 5; gen_rx_fifo_g : boolean := true; rx_fifo_word_size_log2_g : natural := 5; m_burstcount_width_g : integer := 4; m_rx_burst_size_g : integer := 16; m_tx_burst_size_g : integer := 16; m_burst_wr_const_g : boolean := true; fifo_data_width_g : integer := 16 ); port( m_clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; mac_tx_off : in std_logic; mac_rx_off : in std_logic; tx_wr_clk : in std_logic; tx_wr_empty : in std_logic; tx_wr_full : in std_logic; rx_rd_clk : in std_logic; rx_rd_empty : in std_logic; rx_rd_full : in std_logic; tx_wr_usedw : in std_logic_vector(tx_fifo_word_size_log2_g-1 downto 0); rx_rd_usedw : in std_logic_vector(rx_fifo_word_size_log2_g-1 downto 0); tx_aclr : out std_logic; tx_wr_req : out std_logic; rx_rd_req : out std_logic; m_waitrequest : in std_logic; m_readdatavalid : in std_logic; m_write : out std_logic; m_read : out std_logic; m_address : out std_logic_vector(dma_highadr_g downto 0); m_byteenable : out std_logic_vector(fifo_data_width_g/8-1 downto 0); m_burstcount : out std_logic_vector(m_burstcount_width_g-1 downto 0); m_burstcounter : out std_logic_vector(m_burstcount_width_g-1 downto 0); dma_addr_in : in std_logic_vector(dma_highadr_g downto 1); dma_len_rd : in std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); dma_new_addr_wr : in std_logic; dma_new_addr_rd : in std_logic; dma_new_len_rd : in std_logic ); end master_handler; architecture master_handler of master_handler is --clock signal signal clk : std_logic; --constants constant tx_burst_size_c : integer := m_tx_burst_size_g; --(2**(m_burstcount_width_g-1)); constant rx_burst_size_c : integer := m_rx_burst_size_g; --(2**(m_burstcount_width_g-1)); ---used to trigger rx/tx data transfers depending on fill level and burst size constant tx_fifo_limit_c : integer := 2**tx_fifo_word_size_log2_g - tx_burst_size_c - 1; --fifo_size - burst size - 1 constant rx_fifo_limit_c : integer := rx_burst_size_c + 1; --burst size --fsm type transfer_t is (idle, run, finish); signal tx_fsm, tx_fsm_next, rx_fsm, rx_fsm_next : transfer_t := idle; --transfer signals signal m_burstcount_s, m_burstcount_latch : std_logic_vector(m_burstcount'range); signal m_address_latch : std_logic_vector(m_address'range); signal m_write_s, m_read_s : std_logic; signal rx_first_read_done, rx_rd_done : std_logic; --fifo signals signal arst : std_logic; signal tx_fifo_limit, rx_fifo_limit : std_logic; signal tx_wr_req_s, rx_rd_req_s, rx_first_rd_req : std_logic; --generate addresses signal tx_cnt, tx_cnt_next : std_logic_vector(m_address'range); signal rx_cnt, rx_cnt_next : std_logic_vector(m_address'range); --handle tx read transfer signal tx_rd_cnt, tx_rd_cnt_next : std_logic_vector(dma_len_rd'range); signal dma_len_rd_s : std_logic_vector(dma_len_rd'range); begin --m_clk, rx_rd_clk and tx_wr_clk are the same! clk <= m_clk; --to ease typing tx_aclr <= rst or arst; --fifo limit is set to '1' if the fill level is equal/above the limit tx_fifo_limit <= '1' when tx_wr_usedw >= conv_std_logic_vector(tx_fifo_limit_c, tx_wr_usedw'length) else '0'; rx_fifo_limit <= '1' when rx_rd_usedw >= conv_std_logic_vector(rx_fifo_limit_c, rx_rd_usedw'length) else '0'; process(clk, rst) begin if rst = '1' then if gen_rx_fifo_g then rx_fsm <= idle; end if; if gen_tx_fifo_g then tx_fsm <= idle; end if; elsif clk = '1' and clk'event then if gen_rx_fifo_g then rx_fsm <= rx_fsm_next; end if; if gen_tx_fifo_g then tx_fsm <= tx_fsm_next; end if; end if; end process; tx_fsm_next <= run when tx_fsm = idle and dma_new_addr_rd = '1' else finish when tx_fsm = run and mac_tx_off = '1' else idle when tx_fsm = finish and tx_wr_empty = '1' else --stay finish as long as tx fifo is filled tx_fsm; rx_fsm_next <= run when rx_fsm = idle and dma_new_addr_wr = '1' else finish when rx_fsm = run and mac_rx_off = '1' else idle when rx_fsm = finish and rx_rd_done = '1' else --stay finish as long the transfer process is not done rx_fsm; m_burstcount <= m_burstcount_latch when m_write_s = '1' and m_burst_wr_const_g else m_burstcount_s; m_burstcounter <= m_burstcount_s; --output current burst counter value m_write <= m_write_s; m_read <= m_read_s; --generate address m_address <= m_address_latch when m_write_s = '1' and m_burst_wr_const_g else rx_cnt when m_write_s = '1' and not m_burst_wr_const_g else tx_cnt; process(clk, rst) begin if rst = '1' then if gen_tx_fifo_g then tx_cnt <= (others => '0'); tx_rd_cnt <= (others => '0'); end if; if gen_rx_fifo_g then rx_cnt <= (others => '0'); end if; elsif clk = '1' and clk'event then if gen_tx_fifo_g then tx_cnt <= tx_cnt_next; tx_rd_cnt <= tx_rd_cnt_next; end if; if gen_rx_fifo_g then rx_cnt <= rx_cnt_next; end if; end if; end process; dma_len_rd_s <= dma_len_rd + 1 when fifo_data_width_g = 16 else dma_len_rd + 3 when fifo_data_width_g = 32 else dma_len_rd; tx_rd_cnt_next <= (others => '0') when gen_tx_fifo_g = false else '0' & dma_len_rd_s(dma_len_rd_s'left downto 1) when dma_new_len_rd = '1' and fifo_data_width_g = 16 else "00" & dma_len_rd_s(dma_len_rd_s'left downto 2) when dma_new_len_rd = '1' and fifo_data_width_g = 32 else tx_rd_cnt - 1 when tx_wr_req_s = '1' and tx_rd_cnt /= 0 else tx_rd_cnt; tx_cnt_next <= (others => '0') when gen_tx_fifo_g = false else tx_cnt + fifo_data_width_g/8 when tx_wr_req_s = '1' else dma_addr_in & '0' when dma_new_addr_rd = '1' else tx_cnt; rx_cnt_next <= (others => '0') when gen_rx_fifo_g = false else rx_cnt + fifo_data_width_g/8 when rx_rd_req_s = '1' else dma_addr_in & '0' when dma_new_addr_wr = '1' else rx_cnt; m_byteenable <= (others => '1'); tx_wr_req_s <= m_readdatavalid; tx_wr_req <= tx_wr_req_s; rx_rd_req_s <= m_write_s and not m_waitrequest; rx_rd_req <= rx_rd_req_s or rx_first_rd_req; process(clk, rst) --arbitration of rx and tx requests is done by process variable (tx overrules rx) variable tx_is_the_owner_v : std_logic; begin if rst = '1' then tx_is_the_owner_v := '0'; if gen_tx_fifo_g then arst <= '0'; m_read_s <= '0'; end if; if gen_rx_fifo_g then rx_first_rd_req <= '0'; m_write_s <= '0'; rx_first_read_done <= '0'; rx_rd_done <= '0'; end if; m_burstcount_s <= (others => '0'); if m_burst_wr_const_g then m_burstcount_latch <= (others => '0'); m_address_latch <= (others => '0'); end if; elsif clk = '1' and clk'event then if gen_tx_fifo_g then arst <= '0'; if m_readdatavalid = '1' then --read was successful -> write to tx fifo m_burstcount_s <= m_burstcount_s - 1; end if; case tx_fsm is when idle => --no transfer in progress when run => --read transfer base address is ready if tx_fifo_limit = '0' and m_read_s = '0' and m_write_s = '0' and m_burstcount_s = 0 and tx_rd_cnt /= 0 then --tx fifo is below defined limit -> there is place for at least one burst! m_read_s <= '1'; if tx_rd_cnt > conv_std_logic_vector(tx_burst_size_c, tx_rd_cnt'length) then m_burstcount_s <= conv_std_logic_vector(tx_burst_size_c, m_burstcount_s'length); else m_burstcount_s <= EXT(tx_rd_cnt, m_burstcount_s'length); end if; --a tx transfer is necessary and overrules necessary rx transfers... tx_is_the_owner_v := '1'; elsif m_read_s = '1' and m_waitrequest = '0' then --request is confirmed -> deassert request m_read_s <= '0'; --so, we are done with tx requesting tx_is_the_owner_v := '0'; end if; when finish => --transfer done, MAC has its data... ---is there still a request? if m_read_s = '1' and m_waitrequest = '0' then --last request confirmed -> deassert request m_read_s <= '0'; tx_is_the_owner_v := '0'; ---is the burst transfer done? elsif m_read_s = '0' and m_burstcount_s = 0 then --burst transfer done, clear fifo arst <= '1'; end if; end case; end if; if gen_rx_fifo_g then rx_first_rd_req <= '0'; rx_rd_done <= '0'; if m_write_s = '1' and m_waitrequest = '0' then --write was successful m_burstcount_s <= m_burstcount_s - 1; end if; case rx_fsm is when idle => --no transfer in progress rx_first_read_done <= '0'; when run => --a not empty fifo has to be read once, to get the very first pattern if rx_first_read_done = '0' and rx_rd_empty = '0' then rx_first_read_done <= '1'; rx_first_rd_req <= '1'; end if; --write transfer base address is ready if rx_fifo_limit = '1' and m_read_s = '0' and m_write_s = '0' and tx_is_the_owner_v = '0' and m_burstcount_s = 0 and rx_first_read_done = '1' then --rx fifo is filled with enough data -> build burst transfer m_write_s <= '1'; m_burstcount_s <= conv_std_logic_vector(rx_burst_size_c, m_burstcount_s'length); if m_burst_wr_const_g then m_burstcount_latch <= conv_std_logic_vector(rx_burst_size_c, m_burstcount_latch'length); m_address_latch <= rx_cnt; end if; elsif m_write_s = '1' and m_waitrequest = '0' and m_burstcount_s = 1 then --last transfer is done -> deassert write qualifiers m_write_s <= '0'; end if; when finish => --MAC is finished with RX, transfer rest of fifo ---note: The last word (part of crc32) is not transferred! if rx_rd_empty = '0' and m_read_s = '0' and m_write_s = '0' and tx_is_the_owner_v = '0' and m_burstcount_s = 0 then --rx fifo has some data left m_write_s <= '1'; --verify how many patterns are left in the fifo if rx_rd_usedw < conv_std_logic_vector(rx_burst_size_c, rx_rd_usedw'length) then --start the smaller burst write transfer m_burstcount_s <= EXT(rx_rd_usedw, m_burstcount_s'length); if m_burst_wr_const_g then m_burstcount_latch <= EXT(rx_rd_usedw, m_burstcount_latch'length); m_address_latch <= rx_cnt; end if; --workaround: fifo is not empty but word level is zero => set to one if rx_rd_usedw = 0 then m_burstcount_s <= conv_std_logic_vector(1, m_burstcount_s'length); m_burstcount_latch <= conv_std_logic_vector(1, m_burstcount_latch'length); end if; else --start the maximum burst write transfer m_burstcount_s <= conv_std_logic_vector(rx_burst_size_c, m_burstcount_s'length); if m_burst_wr_const_g then m_burstcount_latch <= conv_std_logic_vector(rx_burst_size_c, m_burstcount_latch'length); m_address_latch <= rx_cnt; end if; end if; elsif m_write_s = '1' and m_waitrequest = '0' and m_burstcount_s = 1 then --transfer is done -> deassert write qualifiers m_write_s <= '0'; --completely done?! if rx_rd_empty = '1' then --yes! rx_rd_done <= '1'; end if; elsif rx_rd_empty = '1' and m_write_s = '0' then --nothing left in the fifo and we don't try to do anything -> done! rx_rd_done <= '1'; end if; end case; end if; end if; end process; end master_handler;
-- Copyright (C) Clifton Labs. All rights reserved. -- CLIFTON LABS MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT THE -- SUITABILITY OF THE SOFTWARE, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT -- NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. CLIFTON LABS SHALL NOT BE -- LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, RESULT -- OF USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. -- By using or copying this Software, Licensee agrees to abide by the -- intellectual property laws, and all other applicable laws of the U.S., -- and the terms of this license. -- You may modify, distribute, and use the software contained in this -- package under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published -- by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along -- with this software; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., -- 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA entity write_bit_vector_test is end write_bit_vector_test; use std.textio.all; architecture test0 of write_bit_vector_test is begin doit: process variable outline : line; begin write( outline, bit_vector'("1010") ); writeline( output, outline ); report "PASSED TEST: write_bit_vector." severity NOTE; wait; end process; end test0;
-- Copyright (C) Clifton Labs. All rights reserved. -- CLIFTON LABS MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT THE -- SUITABILITY OF THE SOFTWARE, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT -- NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. CLIFTON LABS SHALL NOT BE -- LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, RESULT -- OF USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. -- By using or copying this Software, Licensee agrees to abide by the -- intellectual property laws, and all other applicable laws of the U.S., -- and the terms of this license. -- You may modify, distribute, and use the software contained in this -- package under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published -- by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along -- with this software; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., -- 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA entity write_bit_vector_test is end write_bit_vector_test; use std.textio.all; architecture test0 of write_bit_vector_test is begin doit: process variable outline : line; begin write( outline, bit_vector'("1010") ); writeline( output, outline ); report "PASSED TEST: write_bit_vector." severity NOTE; wait; end process; end test0;
-- Copyright (C) Clifton Labs. All rights reserved. -- CLIFTON LABS MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT THE -- SUITABILITY OF THE SOFTWARE, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT -- NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. CLIFTON LABS SHALL NOT BE -- LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, RESULT -- OF USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. -- By using or copying this Software, Licensee agrees to abide by the -- intellectual property laws, and all other applicable laws of the U.S., -- and the terms of this license. -- You may modify, distribute, and use the software contained in this -- package under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published -- by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along -- with this software; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., -- 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA entity write_bit_vector_test is end write_bit_vector_test; use std.textio.all; architecture test0 of write_bit_vector_test is begin doit: process variable outline : line; begin write( outline, bit_vector'("1010") ); writeline( output, outline ); report "PASSED TEST: write_bit_vector." severity NOTE; wait; end process; end test0;
-- Instruction Fetch library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.arch_defs.all; use work.utils.all; entity InstructionFetch is -- NOTE I think, too high a CPI may lead to the same instruction -- executed multiple times. Problematic with real world -- access (e.g. writing UART) -- The pipeliner should fix this generic(PC_ADD : natural := 4; SINGLE_ADDRESS_SPACE : boolean := true); port ( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; new_pc : in addr_t; pc_plus_4 : out addr_t; instr : out instruction_t; -- outbound to top level module top_addr : out addr_t; top_dout : in word_t; top_din : out word_t; top_size : out ctrl_memwidth_t; top_wr : out ctrl_t ); end; architecture struct of InstructionFetch is component PC is port ( next_addr : in addr_t; clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; addr : out addr_t); end component; component Adder is port( src1: in addr_t; src2: in addrdiff_t; result: out addr_t); end component; component InstructionMem is generic ( SINGLE_ADDRESS_SPACE : boolean := SINGLE_ADDRESS_SPACE ); port ( read_addr: in addr_t; clk : in std_logic; instr : out instruction_t; -- outbound to top level module top_addr : out addr_t; top_dout : in word_t; top_din : out word_t; top_size : out ctrl_memwidth_t; top_wr : out ctrl_t); end component; signal read_addr: addr_t; begin pc1: PC port map ( next_addr => new_pc, clk => clk, rst => rst, addr => read_addr); pcAdd: Adder port map( src1 => read_addr, src2 => itow(PC_ADD), result => pc_plus_4); instructionMem1: InstructionMem generic map ( SINGLE_ADDRESS_SPACE => SINGLE_ADDRESS_SPACE ) port map ( read_addr => read_addr, clk => clk, instr => instr, -- outbound to top level module top_addr => top_addr, top_dout => top_dout, top_din => top_din, top_size => top_size, top_wr => top_wr); end struct;
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (c) 2015, Przemyslaw Wegrzyn <> -- This file is distributed under the Modified BSD License. -- -- This is an implementation of an efficient clock prescaler for Xilinx FPGAs, -- based on SRL16 shift register primitive. -- -- It divides the input clock by n * (10 ^ exp), where n is in range 2..16 and -- exp is in range 0..10. Output goes 1 for one cycle of the input clock, -- every n * (10 ^ exp) cycles of the input clock. -- -- It uses only exp + 1 LUTs, which is a significant improvement over a prescaler -- based on a simple counter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library UNISIM; use UNISIM.VComponents.all; entity clock_prescaler is generic (n : integer range 2 to 16; exp : integer range 0 to 10); port(clk : in std_logic; q : out std_logic); end clock_prescaler; architecture rtl of clock_prescaler is -- first stage length constant first_stage_tap : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := std_logic_vector(to_signed(n - 1, 4)); -- feedback signal inside each stage signal sreg_fb : std_logic_vector(0 to exp); -- those signals go between stages signal stage_q : std_logic_vector(0 to exp); begin -- first stage divides by n first_reg : SRLC16E generic map(INIT => X"0001") port map (Q => sreg_fb(0), Q15 => open, A0 => first_stage_tap(0), A1 => first_stage_tap(1), A2 => first_stage_tap(2), A3 => first_stage_tap(3), CE => '1', D => sreg_fb(0), CLK => clk ); stage_q(0) <= sreg_fb(0); -- subsequent exp stages each divides by 10 exp_divides : for i in 1 to exp generate begin sreg : SRLC16E generic map(INIT => X"0001") port map (Q => sreg_fb(i), Q15 => open, A0 => '1', A1 => '0', A2 => '0', A3 => '1', CE => stage_q(i - 1), D => sreg_fb(i), CLK => clk ); -- shift reg output must be AND-ed with previous stage output, -- so the pulse is only 1 clk period long q_and : AND2 port map (I0 => sreg_fb(i), I1 => stage_q(i - 1), O => stage_q(i)); end generate; -- output of the last stage is prescaler's output q <= stage_q(exp); end rtl;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Title : Testbench for design "interface" -- Project : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File : interface_tb.vhd -- Author : Pedro Messias Jose da Cunha Bastos -- Company : -- Created : 2015-04-23 -- Last update : 2015-04-24 -- Target Device : -- Standard : VHDL'93/02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Description : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (c) 2015 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Revisions : -- Date Version Author Description -- 2015-04-23 1.0 Ordep Created ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- entity interface_tb is end entity interface_tb; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture interface_tb_rtl of interface_tb is -- component generics constant MAX_VALUE : natural := 32; constant MAX_VALUE_BITS : natural := 5; -- component ports signal sysclk : std_logic := '0'; signal reset_n : std_logic := '0'; signal en_i : std_logic := '0'; signal ctrl_o : std_logic_vector(MAX_VALUE_BITS - 1 downto 0); signal stb_o : std_logic; signal clk : std_logic; begin -- architecture interface_tb_rtl -- component instantiation DUT : entity work.interface generic map ( MAX_VALUE => MAX_VALUE, MAX_VALUE_BITS => MAX_VALUE_BITS) port map ( sysclk => sysclk, reset_n => reset_n, en_i => en_i, ctrl_o => ctrl_o, stb_o => stb_o, clk => clk); -- clock generation sysclk <= not sysclk after 5 NS; -- reset generation reset_proc : process begin reset_n <= '0'; wait for 50 US; reset_n <= '1'; wait; end process reset_proc; -- Stimulus generation stimulus_proc : process begin wait for 100 US; loop wait until sysclk = '1'; en_i <= '1'; wait for 10 NS; en_i <= '0'; wait for 100 US; end loop; -- Add stimulus here wait; end process stimulus_proc; end architecture interface_tb_rtl; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- configuration interface_tb_interface_tb_rtl_cfg of interface_tb is for interface_tb_rtl end for; end interface_tb_interface_tb_rtl_cfg; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright © 2011, Xilinx, Inc. -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information of Xilinx, Inc. and is -- protected under U.S. and international copyright and other intellectual property laws. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Disclaimer: -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any rights to the materials -- distributed herewith. Except as otherwise provided in a valid license issued to -- you by Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law: (1) THESE -- MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY -- DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, -- INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, -- OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable -- (whether in contract or tort, including negligence, or under any other theory -- of liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature related to, arising -- under or in connection with these materials, including for any direct, or any -- indirect, special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage (including loss -- of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result -- of any action brought by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe, or for use in any -- application requiring fail-safe performance, such as life-support or safety -- devices or systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, applications -- related to the deployment of airbags, or any other applications that could lead -- to death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical Applications"). Customer assumes the -- sole risk and liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical Applications, -- subject only to applicable laws and regulations governing limitations on product -- liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- UART Transmitter with integral 16 byte FIFO buffer -- -- 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit -- -- This module was made for use with Spartan-6 Generation Devices and is also ideally -- suited for use with Virtex-6 and 7-Series devices. -- -- Version 1 - 31st March 2011. -- -- Ken Chapman -- Xilinx Ltd -- Benchmark House -- 203 Brooklands Road -- Weybridge -- Surrey KT13 ORH -- United Kingdom -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Format of this file. -- -- The module defines the implementation of the logic using Xilinx primitives. -- These ensure predictable synthesis results and maximise the density of the -- implementation. The Unisim Library is used to define Xilinx primitives. It is also -- used during simulation. -- The source can be viewed at %XILINX%\vhdl\src\unisims\unisim_VCOMP.vhd -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Library declarations -- -- Standard IEEE libraries -- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Main Entity for -- entity uart_tx6_unconstrained is Port ( data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); en_16_x_baud : in std_logic; serial_out : out std_logic; buffer_write : in std_logic; buffer_data_present : out std_logic; buffer_half_full : out std_logic; buffer_full : out std_logic; buffer_reset : in std_logic; clk : in std_logic); end uart_tx6_unconstrained; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Start of Main Architecture for uart_tx6 -- architecture rtl of uart_tx6_unconstrained is -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Signals used in uart_tx6 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- signal store_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal pointer_value : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal pointer : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal en_pointer : std_logic; signal zero : std_logic; signal full_int : std_logic; signal data_present_value : std_logic; signal data_present_int : std_logic; signal sm_value : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal sm : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal div_value : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal div : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal lsb_data : std_logic; signal msb_data : std_logic; signal last_bit : std_logic; signal serial_data : std_logic; signal next_value : std_logic; signal next_bit : std_logic; signal buffer_read_value : std_logic; signal buffer_read : std_logic; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Attributes to guide mapping of logic into Slices. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- attribute hblknm : string; -- attribute hblknm of pointer3_lut : label is "uart_tx6_1"; -- attribute hblknm of pointer3_flop : label is "uart_tx6_1"; -- attribute hblknm of pointer2_lut : label is "uart_tx6_1"; -- attribute hblknm of pointer2_flop : label is "uart_tx6_1"; -- attribute hblknm of pointer01_lut : label is "uart_tx6_1"; -- attribute hblknm of pointer1_flop : label is "uart_tx6_1"; -- attribute hblknm of pointer0_flop : label is "uart_tx6_1"; -- attribute hblknm of data_present_lut : label is "uart_tx6_1"; -- attribute hblknm of data_present_flop : label is "uart_tx6_1"; -- -- -- attribute hblknm of sm0_lut : label is "uart_tx6_2"; -- attribute hblknm of sm0_flop : label is "uart_tx6_2"; -- attribute hblknm of sm1_lut : label is "uart_tx6_2"; -- attribute hblknm of sm1_flop : label is "uart_tx6_2"; -- attribute hblknm of sm2_lut : label is "uart_tx6_2"; -- attribute hblknm of sm2_flop : label is "uart_tx6_2"; -- attribute hblknm of sm3_lut : label is "uart_tx6_2"; -- attribute hblknm of sm3_flop : label is "uart_tx6_2"; -- -- -- attribute hblknm of div01_lut : label is "uart_tx6_3"; -- attribute hblknm of div23_lut : label is "uart_tx6_3"; -- attribute hblknm of div0_flop : label is "uart_tx6_3"; -- attribute hblknm of div1_flop : label is "uart_tx6_3"; -- attribute hblknm of div2_flop : label is "uart_tx6_3"; -- attribute hblknm of div3_flop : label is "uart_tx6_3"; -- attribute hblknm of next_lut : label is "uart_tx6_3"; -- attribute hblknm of next_flop : label is "uart_tx6_3"; -- attribute hblknm of read_flop : label is "uart_tx6_3"; -- -- -- attribute hblknm of lsb_data_lut : label is "uart_tx6_4"; -- attribute hblknm of msb_data_lut : label is "uart_tx6_4"; -- attribute hblknm of serial_lut : label is "uart_tx6_4"; -- attribute hblknm of serial_flop : label is "uart_tx6_4"; -- attribute hblknm of full_lut : label is "uart_tx6_4"; -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Start of uart_tx6 circuit description -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- begin -- SRL16E data storage data_width_loop: for i in 0 to 7 generate attribute hblknm : string; -- attribute hblknm of storage_srl : label is "uart_tx6_5"; -- attribute hblknm of storage_flop : label is "uart_tx6_5"; begin storage_srl: SRL16E generic map (INIT => X"0000") port map( D => data_in(i), CE => buffer_write, CLK => clk, A0 => pointer(0), A1 => pointer(1), A2 => pointer(2), A3 => pointer(3), Q => store_data(i) ); storage_flop: FD port map ( D => store_data(i), Q => data(i), C => clk); end generate data_width_loop; pointer3_lut: LUT6 generic map (INIT => X"FF00FE00FF80FF00") port map( I0 => pointer(0), I1 => pointer(1), I2 => pointer(2), I3 => pointer(3), I4 => buffer_write, I5 => buffer_read, O => pointer_value(3)); pointer3_flop: FDR port map ( D => pointer_value(3), Q => pointer(3), R => buffer_reset, C => clk); pointer2_lut: LUT6 generic map (INIT => X"F0F0E1E0F878F0F0") port map( I0 => pointer(0), I1 => pointer(1), I2 => pointer(2), I3 => pointer(3), I4 => buffer_write, I5 => buffer_read, O => pointer_value(2)); pointer2_flop: FDR port map ( D => pointer_value(2), Q => pointer(2), R => buffer_reset, C => clk); pointer01_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"CC9060CCAA5050AA") port map( I0 => pointer(0), I1 => pointer(1), I2 => en_pointer, I3 => buffer_write, I4 => buffer_read, I5 => '1', O5 => pointer_value(0), O6 => pointer_value(1)); pointer1_flop: FDR port map ( D => pointer_value(1), Q => pointer(1), R => buffer_reset, C => clk); pointer0_flop: FDR port map ( D => pointer_value(0), Q => pointer(0), R => buffer_reset, C => clk); data_present_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"F4FCF4FC040004C0") port map( I0 => zero, I1 => data_present_int, I2 => buffer_write, I3 => buffer_read, I4 => full_int, I5 => '1', O5 => en_pointer, O6 => data_present_value); data_present_flop: FDR port map ( D => data_present_value, Q => data_present_int, R => buffer_reset, C => clk); full_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"0001000080000000") port map( I0 => pointer(0), I1 => pointer(1), I2 => pointer(2), I3 => pointer(3), I4 => '1', I5 => '1', O5 => full_int, O6 => zero); lsb_data_lut: LUT6 generic map (INIT => X"FF00F0F0CCCCAAAA") port map( I0 => data(0), I1 => data(1), I2 => data(2), I3 => data(3), I4 => sm(0), I5 => sm(1), O => lsb_data); msb_data_lut: LUT6 generic map (INIT => X"FF00F0F0CCCCAAAA") port map( I0 => data(4), I1 => data(5), I2 => data(6), I3 => data(7), I4 => sm(0), I5 => sm(1), O => msb_data); serial_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"CFAACC0F0FFFFFFF") port map( I0 => lsb_data, I1 => msb_data, I2 => sm(1), I3 => sm(2), I4 => sm(3), I5 => '1', O5 => last_bit, O6 => serial_data); serial_flop: FD port map ( D => serial_data, Q => serial_out, C => clk); sm0_lut: LUT6 generic map (INIT => X"85500000AAAAAAAA") port map( I0 => sm(0), I1 => sm(1), I2 => sm(2), I3 => sm(3), I4 => data_present_int, I5 => next_bit, O => sm_value(0)); sm0_flop: FD port map ( D => sm_value(0), Q => sm(0), C => clk); sm1_lut: LUT6 generic map (INIT => X"26610000CCCCCCCC") port map( I0 => sm(0), I1 => sm(1), I2 => sm(2), I3 => sm(3), I4 => data_present_int, I5 => next_bit, O => sm_value(1)); sm1_flop: FD port map ( D => sm_value(1), Q => sm(1), C => clk); sm2_lut: LUT6 generic map (INIT => X"88700000F0F0F0F0") port map( I0 => sm(0), I1 => sm(1), I2 => sm(2), I3 => sm(3), I4 => data_present_int, I5 => next_bit, O => sm_value(2)); sm2_flop: FD port map ( D => sm_value(2), Q => sm(2), C => clk); sm3_lut: LUT6 generic map (INIT => X"87440000FF00FF00") port map( I0 => sm(0), I1 => sm(1), I2 => sm(2), I3 => sm(3), I4 => data_present_int, I5 => next_bit, O => sm_value(3)); sm3_flop: FD port map ( D => sm_value(3), Q => sm(3), C => clk); div01_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"6C0000005A000000") port map( I0 => div(0), I1 => div(1), I2 => en_16_x_baud, I3 => '1', I4 => '1', I5 => '1', O5 => div_value(0), O6 => div_value(1)); div0_flop: FD port map ( D => div_value(0), Q => div(0), C => clk); div1_flop: FD port map ( D => div_value(1), Q => div(1), C => clk); div23_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"7F80FF007878F0F0") port map( I0 => div(0), I1 => div(1), I2 => div(2), I3 => div(3), I4 => en_16_x_baud, I5 => '1', O5 => div_value(2), O6 => div_value(3)); div2_flop: FD port map ( D => div_value(2), Q => div(2), C => clk); div3_flop: FD port map ( D => div_value(3), Q => div(3), C => clk); next_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"0000000080000000") port map( I0 => div(0), I1 => div(1), I2 => div(2), I3 => div(3), I4 => en_16_x_baud, I5 => last_bit, O5 => next_value, O6 => buffer_read_value); next_flop: FD port map ( D => next_value, Q => next_bit, C => clk); read_flop: FD port map ( D => buffer_read_value, Q => buffer_read, C => clk); -- assign internal signals to outputs buffer_full <= full_int; buffer_half_full <= pointer(3); buffer_data_present <= data_present_int; end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- END OF FILE uart_tx6.vhd -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
`protect begin_protected `protect version = 1 `protect encrypt_agent = "XILINX" `protect encrypt_agent_info = "Xilinx Encryption Tool 2013" `protect key_keyowner = "Cadence Design Systems.", key_keyname= "cds_rsa_key", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 64) `protect key_block dqq2ej+LHAswGLNpyi2BwMJ4URtm/h34HwSY5qyFGcps40U3/VN8WKFwHX37+XfGZChHdZC401n2 ZJyf0uELfA== `protect key_keyowner = "Mentor Graphics Corporation", key_keyname= "MGC-VERIF-SIM-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block RShplIv4IYGmj4hmPadlbhdpa4eXDDQJnDlnCbKU8o5c8V67SplZMW55cCw83AgbV+E4+0de3dh2 OewneR7qBBfHbEaasIMiCU+zicwJbNM9VmcXiohAYKq3Jg09b21wgUWnQjizooGjaKEjrwAf7l5n 0IFKkSATJTBklshviAQ= `protect key_keyowner = "Xilinx", key_keyname= "xilinx_2013_09", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block doH6vzjo8znCTuVASkkAHdn/+Lqszo8VV/fIaCg6/PKdzVlWSqotQ8QksPb17wveo6mrpVhle1T7 Ab/aaE9I9n4vMXfI/FWx1z3lglwq03QllPp4tizM/2losc/kPKWIjsGwAq1KyC1e4r3jOXEn5vSW wAG6t+dDeOAro7RHFvJp5WNrqaw9ZsPGHES5alp7+i1zKM2A5fW3oszndsJYrbNt2o0DhzKvTBJe pWACtYic/6CWArHvZ1hBW+NeExIHbF8agw6nValUyGbrgAgoYKvgt+O2td2xISQDqanZU5ezYx0k TdAWuo2F+ptoHYLgvzlbDnbpaYfltlwCiHeG7g== `protect key_keyowner = "Synopsys", key_keyname= "SNPS-VCS-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block csfgTxr/fVeKtQdd3D1aAHu2gzw+CL8t29x2K8aPw9uZ+LarpUYk7LqFUy6b5Sl1OdJTAvVuQG9n 5euFlEghCMUBQ5Nd/fPjuJkThGKoBDPPfcptYVqHN93OBm3eZXgxire2pFol7b2/KhoVoBckFmFu z+xA86qPFh0t/6hOrEU= `protect key_keyowner = "Aldec", key_keyname= "ALDEC08_001", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block iWrYYlUsjF3sHqYa1YvLKfZWmztT7d+xNuYY9994lyI+KXcZqgZrwGg41h1Tjrz690obWegSp1/g FB0dDXfIUiHiYD2/yK1JWR09FXSTykMHQFAgkUCT2FR64CxYjKEn4kixQsxvzded+m8oQLtN/sKO huWNyOla5moYPLYi3ONKXIqIpiP8lBsvjVWrmrNv5LE3TVAC4aypQQK4UiWqxM5N8C6AsQZbsh1D wOuA6RwWzU11ZwG/y66u76tMNNdkDF55Z85dtQpn9re7X0RzPcoTUqEAT/dYJI6s4KqEqLik5x7W FZIXXtdazPlz9KjsPwx1cFU6reG0ILErlZIf4g== `protect data_method = "AES128-CBC" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 6336) `protect data_block vAaGdHmPbbqEz21SEt++g7l3Lm/C1JTL6exoRYE9ONpoHApVxGHBucyjXUwX+vFLCaL7TCTH9Q80 f2Hn5KK1AULWJtTsbbhazRW8S6q9XM54RgTNT7ew5GO/gG6gwYXIiExJI59NREAuWJ8KcGuvDOEg /GndbKn1Dwcj68sKy69NZRufm093fYqJtCAKWccdge2d5ykMMZLtXoohVzsBP0hm0QMj9DBmz09J hfd87f354qe0fYwnKMtkby/EHC1ZJAIviKCdFJ9w2xCv0aG2PLkKj1hXs41++foioRAtQSPxnb3d 6hesEtQJ6U2CEAhlxbuuWHCuyZNfjzD7a7y2pYeumc8RGgEz8Z5c4z45oj3W2GVrDy592f6oLCFW A+nhhhHxXn94fpniJ//RkcVTiXdFh2ewhRuM1u2q22De5DPVup4Y0vcOhhpaDIcYJfEu0fNU27hz aoqkKtn3XCIhXvKCS1vEBjMUjq/Ria88EQFXYiorftaZSOa2RP2pUFgND1QRv9DXrNLPLmuYo+Te 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V9O4T+3xVcie `protect end_protected
`protect begin_protected `protect version = 1 `protect encrypt_agent = "XILINX" `protect encrypt_agent_info = "Xilinx Encryption Tool 2013" `protect key_keyowner = "Cadence Design Systems.", key_keyname= "cds_rsa_key", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 64) `protect key_block dqq2ej+LHAswGLNpyi2BwMJ4URtm/h34HwSY5qyFGcps40U3/VN8WKFwHX37+XfGZChHdZC401n2 ZJyf0uELfA== `protect key_keyowner = "Mentor Graphics Corporation", key_keyname= "MGC-VERIF-SIM-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block RShplIv4IYGmj4hmPadlbhdpa4eXDDQJnDlnCbKU8o5c8V67SplZMW55cCw83AgbV+E4+0de3dh2 OewneR7qBBfHbEaasIMiCU+zicwJbNM9VmcXiohAYKq3Jg09b21wgUWnQjizooGjaKEjrwAf7l5n 0IFKkSATJTBklshviAQ= `protect key_keyowner = "Xilinx", key_keyname= "xilinx_2013_09", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block doH6vzjo8znCTuVASkkAHdn/+Lqszo8VV/fIaCg6/PKdzVlWSqotQ8QksPb17wveo6mrpVhle1T7 Ab/aaE9I9n4vMXfI/FWx1z3lglwq03QllPp4tizM/2losc/kPKWIjsGwAq1KyC1e4r3jOXEn5vSW wAG6t+dDeOAro7RHFvJp5WNrqaw9ZsPGHES5alp7+i1zKM2A5fW3oszndsJYrbNt2o0DhzKvTBJe pWACtYic/6CWArHvZ1hBW+NeExIHbF8agw6nValUyGbrgAgoYKvgt+O2td2xISQDqanZU5ezYx0k TdAWuo2F+ptoHYLgvzlbDnbpaYfltlwCiHeG7g== `protect key_keyowner = "Synopsys", key_keyname= "SNPS-VCS-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block csfgTxr/fVeKtQdd3D1aAHu2gzw+CL8t29x2K8aPw9uZ+LarpUYk7LqFUy6b5Sl1OdJTAvVuQG9n 5euFlEghCMUBQ5Nd/fPjuJkThGKoBDPPfcptYVqHN93OBm3eZXgxire2pFol7b2/KhoVoBckFmFu z+xA86qPFh0t/6hOrEU= `protect key_keyowner = "Aldec", key_keyname= "ALDEC08_001", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block iWrYYlUsjF3sHqYa1YvLKfZWmztT7d+xNuYY9994lyI+KXcZqgZrwGg41h1Tjrz690obWegSp1/g FB0dDXfIUiHiYD2/yK1JWR09FXSTykMHQFAgkUCT2FR64CxYjKEn4kixQsxvzded+m8oQLtN/sKO huWNyOla5moYPLYi3ONKXIqIpiP8lBsvjVWrmrNv5LE3TVAC4aypQQK4UiWqxM5N8C6AsQZbsh1D wOuA6RwWzU11ZwG/y66u76tMNNdkDF55Z85dtQpn9re7X0RzPcoTUqEAT/dYJI6s4KqEqLik5x7W FZIXXtdazPlz9KjsPwx1cFU6reG0ILErlZIf4g== `protect data_method = "AES128-CBC" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 6336) `protect data_block vAaGdHmPbbqEz21SEt++g7l3Lm/C1JTL6exoRYE9ONpoHApVxGHBucyjXUwX+vFLCaL7TCTH9Q80 f2Hn5KK1AULWJtTsbbhazRW8S6q9XM54RgTNT7ew5GO/gG6gwYXIiExJI59NREAuWJ8KcGuvDOEg /GndbKn1Dwcj68sKy69NZRufm093fYqJtCAKWccdge2d5ykMMZLtXoohVzsBP0hm0QMj9DBmz09J hfd87f354qe0fYwnKMtkby/EHC1ZJAIviKCdFJ9w2xCv0aG2PLkKj1hXs41++foioRAtQSPxnb3d 6hesEtQJ6U2CEAhlxbuuWHCuyZNfjzD7a7y2pYeumc8RGgEz8Z5c4z45oj3W2GVrDy592f6oLCFW A+nhhhHxXn94fpniJ//RkcVTiXdFh2ewhRuM1u2q22De5DPVup4Y0vcOhhpaDIcYJfEu0fNU27hz aoqkKtn3XCIhXvKCS1vEBjMUjq/Ria88EQFXYiorftaZSOa2RP2pUFgND1QRv9DXrNLPLmuYo+Te 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V9O4T+3xVcie `protect end_protected
`protect begin_protected `protect version = 1 `protect encrypt_agent = "XILINX" `protect encrypt_agent_info = "Xilinx Encryption Tool 2013" `protect key_keyowner = "Cadence Design Systems.", key_keyname= "cds_rsa_key", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 64) `protect key_block dqq2ej+LHAswGLNpyi2BwMJ4URtm/h34HwSY5qyFGcps40U3/VN8WKFwHX37+XfGZChHdZC401n2 ZJyf0uELfA== `protect key_keyowner = "Mentor Graphics Corporation", key_keyname= "MGC-VERIF-SIM-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block RShplIv4IYGmj4hmPadlbhdpa4eXDDQJnDlnCbKU8o5c8V67SplZMW55cCw83AgbV+E4+0de3dh2 OewneR7qBBfHbEaasIMiCU+zicwJbNM9VmcXiohAYKq3Jg09b21wgUWnQjizooGjaKEjrwAf7l5n 0IFKkSATJTBklshviAQ= `protect key_keyowner = "Xilinx", key_keyname= "xilinx_2013_09", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block doH6vzjo8znCTuVASkkAHdn/+Lqszo8VV/fIaCg6/PKdzVlWSqotQ8QksPb17wveo6mrpVhle1T7 Ab/aaE9I9n4vMXfI/FWx1z3lglwq03QllPp4tizM/2losc/kPKWIjsGwAq1KyC1e4r3jOXEn5vSW wAG6t+dDeOAro7RHFvJp5WNrqaw9ZsPGHES5alp7+i1zKM2A5fW3oszndsJYrbNt2o0DhzKvTBJe pWACtYic/6CWArHvZ1hBW+NeExIHbF8agw6nValUyGbrgAgoYKvgt+O2td2xISQDqanZU5ezYx0k TdAWuo2F+ptoHYLgvzlbDnbpaYfltlwCiHeG7g== `protect key_keyowner = "Synopsys", key_keyname= "SNPS-VCS-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block csfgTxr/fVeKtQdd3D1aAHu2gzw+CL8t29x2K8aPw9uZ+LarpUYk7LqFUy6b5Sl1OdJTAvVuQG9n 5euFlEghCMUBQ5Nd/fPjuJkThGKoBDPPfcptYVqHN93OBm3eZXgxire2pFol7b2/KhoVoBckFmFu z+xA86qPFh0t/6hOrEU= `protect key_keyowner = "Aldec", key_keyname= "ALDEC08_001", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block iWrYYlUsjF3sHqYa1YvLKfZWmztT7d+xNuYY9994lyI+KXcZqgZrwGg41h1Tjrz690obWegSp1/g FB0dDXfIUiHiYD2/yK1JWR09FXSTykMHQFAgkUCT2FR64CxYjKEn4kixQsxvzded+m8oQLtN/sKO huWNyOla5moYPLYi3ONKXIqIpiP8lBsvjVWrmrNv5LE3TVAC4aypQQK4UiWqxM5N8C6AsQZbsh1D wOuA6RwWzU11ZwG/y66u76tMNNdkDF55Z85dtQpn9re7X0RzPcoTUqEAT/dYJI6s4KqEqLik5x7W FZIXXtdazPlz9KjsPwx1cFU6reG0ILErlZIf4g== `protect data_method = "AES128-CBC" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 6336) `protect data_block vAaGdHmPbbqEz21SEt++g7l3Lm/C1JTL6exoRYE9ONpoHApVxGHBucyjXUwX+vFLCaL7TCTH9Q80 f2Hn5KK1AULWJtTsbbhazRW8S6q9XM54RgTNT7ew5GO/gG6gwYXIiExJI59NREAuWJ8KcGuvDOEg /GndbKn1Dwcj68sKy69NZRufm093fYqJtCAKWccdge2d5ykMMZLtXoohVzsBP0hm0QMj9DBmz09J hfd87f354qe0fYwnKMtkby/EHC1ZJAIviKCdFJ9w2xCv0aG2PLkKj1hXs41++foioRAtQSPxnb3d 6hesEtQJ6U2CEAhlxbuuWHCuyZNfjzD7a7y2pYeumc8RGgEz8Z5c4z45oj3W2GVrDy592f6oLCFW A+nhhhHxXn94fpniJ//RkcVTiXdFh2ewhRuM1u2q22De5DPVup4Y0vcOhhpaDIcYJfEu0fNU27hz aoqkKtn3XCIhXvKCS1vEBjMUjq/Ria88EQFXYiorftaZSOa2RP2pUFgND1QRv9DXrNLPLmuYo+Te 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V9O4T+3xVcie `protect end_protected
`protect begin_protected `protect version = 1 `protect encrypt_agent = "XILINX" `protect encrypt_agent_info = "Xilinx Encryption Tool 2013" `protect key_keyowner = "Cadence Design Systems.", key_keyname= "cds_rsa_key", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 64) `protect key_block dqq2ej+LHAswGLNpyi2BwMJ4URtm/h34HwSY5qyFGcps40U3/VN8WKFwHX37+XfGZChHdZC401n2 ZJyf0uELfA== `protect key_keyowner = "Mentor Graphics Corporation", key_keyname= "MGC-VERIF-SIM-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block RShplIv4IYGmj4hmPadlbhdpa4eXDDQJnDlnCbKU8o5c8V67SplZMW55cCw83AgbV+E4+0de3dh2 OewneR7qBBfHbEaasIMiCU+zicwJbNM9VmcXiohAYKq3Jg09b21wgUWnQjizooGjaKEjrwAf7l5n 0IFKkSATJTBklshviAQ= `protect key_keyowner = "Xilinx", key_keyname= "xilinx_2013_09", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block doH6vzjo8znCTuVASkkAHdn/+Lqszo8VV/fIaCg6/PKdzVlWSqotQ8QksPb17wveo6mrpVhle1T7 Ab/aaE9I9n4vMXfI/FWx1z3lglwq03QllPp4tizM/2losc/kPKWIjsGwAq1KyC1e4r3jOXEn5vSW wAG6t+dDeOAro7RHFvJp5WNrqaw9ZsPGHES5alp7+i1zKM2A5fW3oszndsJYrbNt2o0DhzKvTBJe pWACtYic/6CWArHvZ1hBW+NeExIHbF8agw6nValUyGbrgAgoYKvgt+O2td2xISQDqanZU5ezYx0k TdAWuo2F+ptoHYLgvzlbDnbpaYfltlwCiHeG7g== `protect key_keyowner = "Synopsys", key_keyname= "SNPS-VCS-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block csfgTxr/fVeKtQdd3D1aAHu2gzw+CL8t29x2K8aPw9uZ+LarpUYk7LqFUy6b5Sl1OdJTAvVuQG9n 5euFlEghCMUBQ5Nd/fPjuJkThGKoBDPPfcptYVqHN93OBm3eZXgxire2pFol7b2/KhoVoBckFmFu z+xA86qPFh0t/6hOrEU= `protect key_keyowner = "Aldec", key_keyname= "ALDEC08_001", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block iWrYYlUsjF3sHqYa1YvLKfZWmztT7d+xNuYY9994lyI+KXcZqgZrwGg41h1Tjrz690obWegSp1/g FB0dDXfIUiHiYD2/yK1JWR09FXSTykMHQFAgkUCT2FR64CxYjKEn4kixQsxvzded+m8oQLtN/sKO huWNyOla5moYPLYi3ONKXIqIpiP8lBsvjVWrmrNv5LE3TVAC4aypQQK4UiWqxM5N8C6AsQZbsh1D wOuA6RwWzU11ZwG/y66u76tMNNdkDF55Z85dtQpn9re7X0RzPcoTUqEAT/dYJI6s4KqEqLik5x7W FZIXXtdazPlz9KjsPwx1cFU6reG0ILErlZIf4g== `protect data_method = "AES128-CBC" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 6336) `protect data_block vAaGdHmPbbqEz21SEt++g7l3Lm/C1JTL6exoRYE9ONpoHApVxGHBucyjXUwX+vFLCaL7TCTH9Q80 f2Hn5KK1AULWJtTsbbhazRW8S6q9XM54RgTNT7ew5GO/gG6gwYXIiExJI59NREAuWJ8KcGuvDOEg /GndbKn1Dwcj68sKy69NZRufm093fYqJtCAKWccdge2d5ykMMZLtXoohVzsBP0hm0QMj9DBmz09J hfd87f354qe0fYwnKMtkby/EHC1ZJAIviKCdFJ9w2xCv0aG2PLkKj1hXs41++foioRAtQSPxnb3d 6hesEtQJ6U2CEAhlxbuuWHCuyZNfjzD7a7y2pYeumc8RGgEz8Z5c4z45oj3W2GVrDy592f6oLCFW A+nhhhHxXn94fpniJ//RkcVTiXdFh2ewhRuM1u2q22De5DPVup4Y0vcOhhpaDIcYJfEu0fNU27hz aoqkKtn3XCIhXvKCS1vEBjMUjq/Ria88EQFXYiorftaZSOa2RP2pUFgND1QRv9DXrNLPLmuYo+Te 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V9O4T+3xVcie `protect end_protected
`protect begin_protected `protect version = 1 `protect encrypt_agent = "XILINX" `protect encrypt_agent_info = "Xilinx Encryption Tool 2013" `protect key_keyowner = "Cadence Design Systems.", key_keyname= "cds_rsa_key", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 64) `protect key_block dqq2ej+LHAswGLNpyi2BwMJ4URtm/h34HwSY5qyFGcps40U3/VN8WKFwHX37+XfGZChHdZC401n2 ZJyf0uELfA== `protect key_keyowner = "Mentor Graphics Corporation", key_keyname= "MGC-VERIF-SIM-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block RShplIv4IYGmj4hmPadlbhdpa4eXDDQJnDlnCbKU8o5c8V67SplZMW55cCw83AgbV+E4+0de3dh2 OewneR7qBBfHbEaasIMiCU+zicwJbNM9VmcXiohAYKq3Jg09b21wgUWnQjizooGjaKEjrwAf7l5n 0IFKkSATJTBklshviAQ= `protect key_keyowner = "Xilinx", key_keyname= "xilinx_2013_09", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block doH6vzjo8znCTuVASkkAHdn/+Lqszo8VV/fIaCg6/PKdzVlWSqotQ8QksPb17wveo6mrpVhle1T7 Ab/aaE9I9n4vMXfI/FWx1z3lglwq03QllPp4tizM/2losc/kPKWIjsGwAq1KyC1e4r3jOXEn5vSW wAG6t+dDeOAro7RHFvJp5WNrqaw9ZsPGHES5alp7+i1zKM2A5fW3oszndsJYrbNt2o0DhzKvTBJe pWACtYic/6CWArHvZ1hBW+NeExIHbF8agw6nValUyGbrgAgoYKvgt+O2td2xISQDqanZU5ezYx0k TdAWuo2F+ptoHYLgvzlbDnbpaYfltlwCiHeG7g== `protect key_keyowner = "Synopsys", key_keyname= "SNPS-VCS-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block csfgTxr/fVeKtQdd3D1aAHu2gzw+CL8t29x2K8aPw9uZ+LarpUYk7LqFUy6b5Sl1OdJTAvVuQG9n 5euFlEghCMUBQ5Nd/fPjuJkThGKoBDPPfcptYVqHN93OBm3eZXgxire2pFol7b2/KhoVoBckFmFu z+xA86qPFh0t/6hOrEU= `protect key_keyowner = "Aldec", key_keyname= "ALDEC08_001", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block iWrYYlUsjF3sHqYa1YvLKfZWmztT7d+xNuYY9994lyI+KXcZqgZrwGg41h1Tjrz690obWegSp1/g FB0dDXfIUiHiYD2/yK1JWR09FXSTykMHQFAgkUCT2FR64CxYjKEn4kixQsxvzded+m8oQLtN/sKO huWNyOla5moYPLYi3ONKXIqIpiP8lBsvjVWrmrNv5LE3TVAC4aypQQK4UiWqxM5N8C6AsQZbsh1D wOuA6RwWzU11ZwG/y66u76tMNNdkDF55Z85dtQpn9re7X0RzPcoTUqEAT/dYJI6s4KqEqLik5x7W FZIXXtdazPlz9KjsPwx1cFU6reG0ILErlZIf4g== `protect data_method = "AES128-CBC" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 6336) `protect data_block vAaGdHmPbbqEz21SEt++g7l3Lm/C1JTL6exoRYE9ONpoHApVxGHBucyjXUwX+vFLCaL7TCTH9Q80 f2Hn5KK1AULWJtTsbbhazRW8S6q9XM54RgTNT7ew5GO/gG6gwYXIiExJI59NREAuWJ8KcGuvDOEg /GndbKn1Dwcj68sKy69NZRufm093fYqJtCAKWccdge2d5ykMMZLtXoohVzsBP0hm0QMj9DBmz09J hfd87f354qe0fYwnKMtkby/EHC1ZJAIviKCdFJ9w2xCv0aG2PLkKj1hXs41++foioRAtQSPxnb3d 6hesEtQJ6U2CEAhlxbuuWHCuyZNfjzD7a7y2pYeumc8RGgEz8Z5c4z45oj3W2GVrDy592f6oLCFW A+nhhhHxXn94fpniJ//RkcVTiXdFh2ewhRuM1u2q22De5DPVup4Y0vcOhhpaDIcYJfEu0fNU27hz aoqkKtn3XCIhXvKCS1vEBjMUjq/Ria88EQFXYiorftaZSOa2RP2pUFgND1QRv9DXrNLPLmuYo+Te 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V9O4T+3xVcie `protect end_protected
`protect begin_protected `protect version = 1 `protect encrypt_agent = "XILINX" `protect encrypt_agent_info = "Xilinx Encryption Tool 2013" `protect key_keyowner = "Cadence Design Systems.", key_keyname= "cds_rsa_key", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 64) `protect key_block dqq2ej+LHAswGLNpyi2BwMJ4URtm/h34HwSY5qyFGcps40U3/VN8WKFwHX37+XfGZChHdZC401n2 ZJyf0uELfA== `protect key_keyowner = "Mentor Graphics Corporation", key_keyname= "MGC-VERIF-SIM-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block RShplIv4IYGmj4hmPadlbhdpa4eXDDQJnDlnCbKU8o5c8V67SplZMW55cCw83AgbV+E4+0de3dh2 OewneR7qBBfHbEaasIMiCU+zicwJbNM9VmcXiohAYKq3Jg09b21wgUWnQjizooGjaKEjrwAf7l5n 0IFKkSATJTBklshviAQ= `protect key_keyowner = "Xilinx", key_keyname= "xilinx_2013_09", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block doH6vzjo8znCTuVASkkAHdn/+Lqszo8VV/fIaCg6/PKdzVlWSqotQ8QksPb17wveo6mrpVhle1T7 Ab/aaE9I9n4vMXfI/FWx1z3lglwq03QllPp4tizM/2losc/kPKWIjsGwAq1KyC1e4r3jOXEn5vSW wAG6t+dDeOAro7RHFvJp5WNrqaw9ZsPGHES5alp7+i1zKM2A5fW3oszndsJYrbNt2o0DhzKvTBJe pWACtYic/6CWArHvZ1hBW+NeExIHbF8agw6nValUyGbrgAgoYKvgt+O2td2xISQDqanZU5ezYx0k TdAWuo2F+ptoHYLgvzlbDnbpaYfltlwCiHeG7g== `protect key_keyowner = "Synopsys", key_keyname= "SNPS-VCS-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block csfgTxr/fVeKtQdd3D1aAHu2gzw+CL8t29x2K8aPw9uZ+LarpUYk7LqFUy6b5Sl1OdJTAvVuQG9n 5euFlEghCMUBQ5Nd/fPjuJkThGKoBDPPfcptYVqHN93OBm3eZXgxire2pFol7b2/KhoVoBckFmFu z+xA86qPFh0t/6hOrEU= `protect key_keyowner = "Aldec", key_keyname= "ALDEC08_001", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block iWrYYlUsjF3sHqYa1YvLKfZWmztT7d+xNuYY9994lyI+KXcZqgZrwGg41h1Tjrz690obWegSp1/g FB0dDXfIUiHiYD2/yK1JWR09FXSTykMHQFAgkUCT2FR64CxYjKEn4kixQsxvzded+m8oQLtN/sKO huWNyOla5moYPLYi3ONKXIqIpiP8lBsvjVWrmrNv5LE3TVAC4aypQQK4UiWqxM5N8C6AsQZbsh1D wOuA6RwWzU11ZwG/y66u76tMNNdkDF55Z85dtQpn9re7X0RzPcoTUqEAT/dYJI6s4KqEqLik5x7W FZIXXtdazPlz9KjsPwx1cFU6reG0ILErlZIf4g== `protect data_method = "AES128-CBC" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 6336) `protect data_block vAaGdHmPbbqEz21SEt++g7l3Lm/C1JTL6exoRYE9ONpoHApVxGHBucyjXUwX+vFLCaL7TCTH9Q80 f2Hn5KK1AULWJtTsbbhazRW8S6q9XM54RgTNT7ew5GO/gG6gwYXIiExJI59NREAuWJ8KcGuvDOEg /GndbKn1Dwcj68sKy69NZRufm093fYqJtCAKWccdge2d5ykMMZLtXoohVzsBP0hm0QMj9DBmz09J hfd87f354qe0fYwnKMtkby/EHC1ZJAIviKCdFJ9w2xCv0aG2PLkKj1hXs41++foioRAtQSPxnb3d 6hesEtQJ6U2CEAhlxbuuWHCuyZNfjzD7a7y2pYeumc8RGgEz8Z5c4z45oj3W2GVrDy592f6oLCFW A+nhhhHxXn94fpniJ//RkcVTiXdFh2ewhRuM1u2q22De5DPVup4Y0vcOhhpaDIcYJfEu0fNU27hz aoqkKtn3XCIhXvKCS1vEBjMUjq/Ria88EQFXYiorftaZSOa2RP2pUFgND1QRv9DXrNLPLmuYo+Te 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V9O4T+3xVcie `protect end_protected
`protect begin_protected `protect version = 1 `protect encrypt_agent = "XILINX" `protect encrypt_agent_info = "Xilinx Encryption Tool 2013" `protect key_keyowner = "Cadence Design Systems.", key_keyname= "cds_rsa_key", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 64) `protect key_block dqq2ej+LHAswGLNpyi2BwMJ4URtm/h34HwSY5qyFGcps40U3/VN8WKFwHX37+XfGZChHdZC401n2 ZJyf0uELfA== `protect key_keyowner = "Mentor Graphics Corporation", key_keyname= "MGC-VERIF-SIM-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block RShplIv4IYGmj4hmPadlbhdpa4eXDDQJnDlnCbKU8o5c8V67SplZMW55cCw83AgbV+E4+0de3dh2 OewneR7qBBfHbEaasIMiCU+zicwJbNM9VmcXiohAYKq3Jg09b21wgUWnQjizooGjaKEjrwAf7l5n 0IFKkSATJTBklshviAQ= `protect key_keyowner = "Xilinx", key_keyname= "xilinx_2013_09", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block doH6vzjo8znCTuVASkkAHdn/+Lqszo8VV/fIaCg6/PKdzVlWSqotQ8QksPb17wveo6mrpVhle1T7 Ab/aaE9I9n4vMXfI/FWx1z3lglwq03QllPp4tizM/2losc/kPKWIjsGwAq1KyC1e4r3jOXEn5vSW wAG6t+dDeOAro7RHFvJp5WNrqaw9ZsPGHES5alp7+i1zKM2A5fW3oszndsJYrbNt2o0DhzKvTBJe pWACtYic/6CWArHvZ1hBW+NeExIHbF8agw6nValUyGbrgAgoYKvgt+O2td2xISQDqanZU5ezYx0k TdAWuo2F+ptoHYLgvzlbDnbpaYfltlwCiHeG7g== `protect key_keyowner = "Synopsys", key_keyname= "SNPS-VCS-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block csfgTxr/fVeKtQdd3D1aAHu2gzw+CL8t29x2K8aPw9uZ+LarpUYk7LqFUy6b5Sl1OdJTAvVuQG9n 5euFlEghCMUBQ5Nd/fPjuJkThGKoBDPPfcptYVqHN93OBm3eZXgxire2pFol7b2/KhoVoBckFmFu z+xA86qPFh0t/6hOrEU= `protect key_keyowner = "Aldec", key_keyname= "ALDEC08_001", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block iWrYYlUsjF3sHqYa1YvLKfZWmztT7d+xNuYY9994lyI+KXcZqgZrwGg41h1Tjrz690obWegSp1/g FB0dDXfIUiHiYD2/yK1JWR09FXSTykMHQFAgkUCT2FR64CxYjKEn4kixQsxvzded+m8oQLtN/sKO huWNyOla5moYPLYi3ONKXIqIpiP8lBsvjVWrmrNv5LE3TVAC4aypQQK4UiWqxM5N8C6AsQZbsh1D wOuA6RwWzU11ZwG/y66u76tMNNdkDF55Z85dtQpn9re7X0RzPcoTUqEAT/dYJI6s4KqEqLik5x7W FZIXXtdazPlz9KjsPwx1cFU6reG0ILErlZIf4g== `protect data_method = "AES128-CBC" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 6336) `protect data_block vAaGdHmPbbqEz21SEt++g7l3Lm/C1JTL6exoRYE9ONpoHApVxGHBucyjXUwX+vFLCaL7TCTH9Q80 f2Hn5KK1AULWJtTsbbhazRW8S6q9XM54RgTNT7ew5GO/gG6gwYXIiExJI59NREAuWJ8KcGuvDOEg /GndbKn1Dwcj68sKy69NZRufm093fYqJtCAKWccdge2d5ykMMZLtXoohVzsBP0hm0QMj9DBmz09J hfd87f354qe0fYwnKMtkby/EHC1ZJAIviKCdFJ9w2xCv0aG2PLkKj1hXs41++foioRAtQSPxnb3d 6hesEtQJ6U2CEAhlxbuuWHCuyZNfjzD7a7y2pYeumc8RGgEz8Z5c4z45oj3W2GVrDy592f6oLCFW A+nhhhHxXn94fpniJ//RkcVTiXdFh2ewhRuM1u2q22De5DPVup4Y0vcOhhpaDIcYJfEu0fNU27hz aoqkKtn3XCIhXvKCS1vEBjMUjq/Ria88EQFXYiorftaZSOa2RP2pUFgND1QRv9DXrNLPLmuYo+Te 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V9O4T+3xVcie `protect end_protected
`protect begin_protected `protect version = 1 `protect encrypt_agent = "XILINX" `protect encrypt_agent_info = "Xilinx Encryption Tool 2013" `protect key_keyowner = "Cadence Design Systems.", key_keyname= "cds_rsa_key", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 64) `protect key_block dqq2ej+LHAswGLNpyi2BwMJ4URtm/h34HwSY5qyFGcps40U3/VN8WKFwHX37+XfGZChHdZC401n2 ZJyf0uELfA== `protect key_keyowner = "Mentor Graphics Corporation", key_keyname= "MGC-VERIF-SIM-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block RShplIv4IYGmj4hmPadlbhdpa4eXDDQJnDlnCbKU8o5c8V67SplZMW55cCw83AgbV+E4+0de3dh2 OewneR7qBBfHbEaasIMiCU+zicwJbNM9VmcXiohAYKq3Jg09b21wgUWnQjizooGjaKEjrwAf7l5n 0IFKkSATJTBklshviAQ= `protect key_keyowner = "Xilinx", key_keyname= "xilinx_2013_09", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block doH6vzjo8znCTuVASkkAHdn/+Lqszo8VV/fIaCg6/PKdzVlWSqotQ8QksPb17wveo6mrpVhle1T7 Ab/aaE9I9n4vMXfI/FWx1z3lglwq03QllPp4tizM/2losc/kPKWIjsGwAq1KyC1e4r3jOXEn5vSW wAG6t+dDeOAro7RHFvJp5WNrqaw9ZsPGHES5alp7+i1zKM2A5fW3oszndsJYrbNt2o0DhzKvTBJe pWACtYic/6CWArHvZ1hBW+NeExIHbF8agw6nValUyGbrgAgoYKvgt+O2td2xISQDqanZU5ezYx0k TdAWuo2F+ptoHYLgvzlbDnbpaYfltlwCiHeG7g== `protect key_keyowner = "Synopsys", key_keyname= "SNPS-VCS-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block csfgTxr/fVeKtQdd3D1aAHu2gzw+CL8t29x2K8aPw9uZ+LarpUYk7LqFUy6b5Sl1OdJTAvVuQG9n 5euFlEghCMUBQ5Nd/fPjuJkThGKoBDPPfcptYVqHN93OBm3eZXgxire2pFol7b2/KhoVoBckFmFu z+xA86qPFh0t/6hOrEU= `protect key_keyowner = "Aldec", key_keyname= "ALDEC08_001", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block iWrYYlUsjF3sHqYa1YvLKfZWmztT7d+xNuYY9994lyI+KXcZqgZrwGg41h1Tjrz690obWegSp1/g FB0dDXfIUiHiYD2/yK1JWR09FXSTykMHQFAgkUCT2FR64CxYjKEn4kixQsxvzded+m8oQLtN/sKO huWNyOla5moYPLYi3ONKXIqIpiP8lBsvjVWrmrNv5LE3TVAC4aypQQK4UiWqxM5N8C6AsQZbsh1D wOuA6RwWzU11ZwG/y66u76tMNNdkDF55Z85dtQpn9re7X0RzPcoTUqEAT/dYJI6s4KqEqLik5x7W FZIXXtdazPlz9KjsPwx1cFU6reG0ILErlZIf4g== `protect data_method = "AES128-CBC" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 6336) `protect data_block vAaGdHmPbbqEz21SEt++g7l3Lm/C1JTL6exoRYE9ONpoHApVxGHBucyjXUwX+vFLCaL7TCTH9Q80 f2Hn5KK1AULWJtTsbbhazRW8S6q9XM54RgTNT7ew5GO/gG6gwYXIiExJI59NREAuWJ8KcGuvDOEg /GndbKn1Dwcj68sKy69NZRufm093fYqJtCAKWccdge2d5ykMMZLtXoohVzsBP0hm0QMj9DBmz09J hfd87f354qe0fYwnKMtkby/EHC1ZJAIviKCdFJ9w2xCv0aG2PLkKj1hXs41++foioRAtQSPxnb3d 6hesEtQJ6U2CEAhlxbuuWHCuyZNfjzD7a7y2pYeumc8RGgEz8Z5c4z45oj3W2GVrDy592f6oLCFW A+nhhhHxXn94fpniJ//RkcVTiXdFh2ewhRuM1u2q22De5DPVup4Y0vcOhhpaDIcYJfEu0fNU27hz aoqkKtn3XCIhXvKCS1vEBjMUjq/Ria88EQFXYiorftaZSOa2RP2pUFgND1QRv9DXrNLPLmuYo+Te 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V9O4T+3xVcie `protect end_protected
`protect begin_protected `protect version = 1 `protect encrypt_agent = "XILINX" `protect encrypt_agent_info = "Xilinx Encryption Tool 2013" `protect key_keyowner = "Cadence Design Systems.", key_keyname= "cds_rsa_key", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 64) `protect key_block dqq2ej+LHAswGLNpyi2BwMJ4URtm/h34HwSY5qyFGcps40U3/VN8WKFwHX37+XfGZChHdZC401n2 ZJyf0uELfA== `protect key_keyowner = "Mentor Graphics Corporation", key_keyname= "MGC-VERIF-SIM-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block RShplIv4IYGmj4hmPadlbhdpa4eXDDQJnDlnCbKU8o5c8V67SplZMW55cCw83AgbV+E4+0de3dh2 OewneR7qBBfHbEaasIMiCU+zicwJbNM9VmcXiohAYKq3Jg09b21wgUWnQjizooGjaKEjrwAf7l5n 0IFKkSATJTBklshviAQ= `protect key_keyowner = "Xilinx", key_keyname= "xilinx_2013_09", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block doH6vzjo8znCTuVASkkAHdn/+Lqszo8VV/fIaCg6/PKdzVlWSqotQ8QksPb17wveo6mrpVhle1T7 Ab/aaE9I9n4vMXfI/FWx1z3lglwq03QllPp4tizM/2losc/kPKWIjsGwAq1KyC1e4r3jOXEn5vSW wAG6t+dDeOAro7RHFvJp5WNrqaw9ZsPGHES5alp7+i1zKM2A5fW3oszndsJYrbNt2o0DhzKvTBJe pWACtYic/6CWArHvZ1hBW+NeExIHbF8agw6nValUyGbrgAgoYKvgt+O2td2xISQDqanZU5ezYx0k TdAWuo2F+ptoHYLgvzlbDnbpaYfltlwCiHeG7g== `protect key_keyowner = "Synopsys", key_keyname= "SNPS-VCS-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block csfgTxr/fVeKtQdd3D1aAHu2gzw+CL8t29x2K8aPw9uZ+LarpUYk7LqFUy6b5Sl1OdJTAvVuQG9n 5euFlEghCMUBQ5Nd/fPjuJkThGKoBDPPfcptYVqHN93OBm3eZXgxire2pFol7b2/KhoVoBckFmFu z+xA86qPFh0t/6hOrEU= `protect key_keyowner = "Aldec", key_keyname= "ALDEC08_001", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block iWrYYlUsjF3sHqYa1YvLKfZWmztT7d+xNuYY9994lyI+KXcZqgZrwGg41h1Tjrz690obWegSp1/g FB0dDXfIUiHiYD2/yK1JWR09FXSTykMHQFAgkUCT2FR64CxYjKEn4kixQsxvzded+m8oQLtN/sKO huWNyOla5moYPLYi3ONKXIqIpiP8lBsvjVWrmrNv5LE3TVAC4aypQQK4UiWqxM5N8C6AsQZbsh1D wOuA6RwWzU11ZwG/y66u76tMNNdkDF55Z85dtQpn9re7X0RzPcoTUqEAT/dYJI6s4KqEqLik5x7W FZIXXtdazPlz9KjsPwx1cFU6reG0ILErlZIf4g== `protect data_method = "AES128-CBC" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 6336) `protect data_block vAaGdHmPbbqEz21SEt++g7l3Lm/C1JTL6exoRYE9ONpoHApVxGHBucyjXUwX+vFLCaL7TCTH9Q80 f2Hn5KK1AULWJtTsbbhazRW8S6q9XM54RgTNT7ew5GO/gG6gwYXIiExJI59NREAuWJ8KcGuvDOEg /GndbKn1Dwcj68sKy69NZRufm093fYqJtCAKWccdge2d5ykMMZLtXoohVzsBP0hm0QMj9DBmz09J hfd87f354qe0fYwnKMtkby/EHC1ZJAIviKCdFJ9w2xCv0aG2PLkKj1hXs41++foioRAtQSPxnb3d 6hesEtQJ6U2CEAhlxbuuWHCuyZNfjzD7a7y2pYeumc8RGgEz8Z5c4z45oj3W2GVrDy592f6oLCFW A+nhhhHxXn94fpniJ//RkcVTiXdFh2ewhRuM1u2q22De5DPVup4Y0vcOhhpaDIcYJfEu0fNU27hz aoqkKtn3XCIhXvKCS1vEBjMUjq/Ria88EQFXYiorftaZSOa2RP2pUFgND1QRv9DXrNLPLmuYo+Te 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V9O4T+3xVcie `protect end_protected
`protect begin_protected `protect version = 1 `protect encrypt_agent = "XILINX" `protect encrypt_agent_info = "Xilinx Encryption Tool 2013" `protect key_keyowner = "Cadence Design Systems.", key_keyname= "cds_rsa_key", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 64) `protect key_block dqq2ej+LHAswGLNpyi2BwMJ4URtm/h34HwSY5qyFGcps40U3/VN8WKFwHX37+XfGZChHdZC401n2 ZJyf0uELfA== `protect key_keyowner = "Mentor Graphics Corporation", key_keyname= "MGC-VERIF-SIM-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block RShplIv4IYGmj4hmPadlbhdpa4eXDDQJnDlnCbKU8o5c8V67SplZMW55cCw83AgbV+E4+0de3dh2 OewneR7qBBfHbEaasIMiCU+zicwJbNM9VmcXiohAYKq3Jg09b21wgUWnQjizooGjaKEjrwAf7l5n 0IFKkSATJTBklshviAQ= `protect key_keyowner = "Xilinx", key_keyname= "xilinx_2013_09", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block doH6vzjo8znCTuVASkkAHdn/+Lqszo8VV/fIaCg6/PKdzVlWSqotQ8QksPb17wveo6mrpVhle1T7 Ab/aaE9I9n4vMXfI/FWx1z3lglwq03QllPp4tizM/2losc/kPKWIjsGwAq1KyC1e4r3jOXEn5vSW wAG6t+dDeOAro7RHFvJp5WNrqaw9ZsPGHES5alp7+i1zKM2A5fW3oszndsJYrbNt2o0DhzKvTBJe pWACtYic/6CWArHvZ1hBW+NeExIHbF8agw6nValUyGbrgAgoYKvgt+O2td2xISQDqanZU5ezYx0k TdAWuo2F+ptoHYLgvzlbDnbpaYfltlwCiHeG7g== `protect key_keyowner = "Synopsys", key_keyname= "SNPS-VCS-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block csfgTxr/fVeKtQdd3D1aAHu2gzw+CL8t29x2K8aPw9uZ+LarpUYk7LqFUy6b5Sl1OdJTAvVuQG9n 5euFlEghCMUBQ5Nd/fPjuJkThGKoBDPPfcptYVqHN93OBm3eZXgxire2pFol7b2/KhoVoBckFmFu z+xA86qPFh0t/6hOrEU= `protect key_keyowner = "Aldec", key_keyname= "ALDEC08_001", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block iWrYYlUsjF3sHqYa1YvLKfZWmztT7d+xNuYY9994lyI+KXcZqgZrwGg41h1Tjrz690obWegSp1/g FB0dDXfIUiHiYD2/yK1JWR09FXSTykMHQFAgkUCT2FR64CxYjKEn4kixQsxvzded+m8oQLtN/sKO huWNyOla5moYPLYi3ONKXIqIpiP8lBsvjVWrmrNv5LE3TVAC4aypQQK4UiWqxM5N8C6AsQZbsh1D wOuA6RwWzU11ZwG/y66u76tMNNdkDF55Z85dtQpn9re7X0RzPcoTUqEAT/dYJI6s4KqEqLik5x7W FZIXXtdazPlz9KjsPwx1cFU6reG0ILErlZIf4g== `protect data_method = "AES128-CBC" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 6336) `protect data_block vAaGdHmPbbqEz21SEt++g7l3Lm/C1JTL6exoRYE9ONpoHApVxGHBucyjXUwX+vFLCaL7TCTH9Q80 f2Hn5KK1AULWJtTsbbhazRW8S6q9XM54RgTNT7ew5GO/gG6gwYXIiExJI59NREAuWJ8KcGuvDOEg /GndbKn1Dwcj68sKy69NZRufm093fYqJtCAKWccdge2d5ykMMZLtXoohVzsBP0hm0QMj9DBmz09J hfd87f354qe0fYwnKMtkby/EHC1ZJAIviKCdFJ9w2xCv0aG2PLkKj1hXs41++foioRAtQSPxnb3d 6hesEtQJ6U2CEAhlxbuuWHCuyZNfjzD7a7y2pYeumc8RGgEz8Z5c4z45oj3W2GVrDy592f6oLCFW A+nhhhHxXn94fpniJ//RkcVTiXdFh2ewhRuM1u2q22De5DPVup4Y0vcOhhpaDIcYJfEu0fNU27hz aoqkKtn3XCIhXvKCS1vEBjMUjq/Ria88EQFXYiorftaZSOa2RP2pUFgND1QRv9DXrNLPLmuYo+Te 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V9O4T+3xVcie `protect end_protected
`protect begin_protected `protect version = 1 `protect encrypt_agent = "XILINX" `protect encrypt_agent_info = "Xilinx Encryption Tool 2013" `protect key_keyowner = "Cadence Design Systems.", key_keyname= "cds_rsa_key", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 64) `protect key_block dqq2ej+LHAswGLNpyi2BwMJ4URtm/h34HwSY5qyFGcps40U3/VN8WKFwHX37+XfGZChHdZC401n2 ZJyf0uELfA== `protect key_keyowner = "Mentor Graphics Corporation", key_keyname= "MGC-VERIF-SIM-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block RShplIv4IYGmj4hmPadlbhdpa4eXDDQJnDlnCbKU8o5c8V67SplZMW55cCw83AgbV+E4+0de3dh2 OewneR7qBBfHbEaasIMiCU+zicwJbNM9VmcXiohAYKq3Jg09b21wgUWnQjizooGjaKEjrwAf7l5n 0IFKkSATJTBklshviAQ= `protect key_keyowner = "Xilinx", key_keyname= "xilinx_2013_09", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block doH6vzjo8znCTuVASkkAHdn/+Lqszo8VV/fIaCg6/PKdzVlWSqotQ8QksPb17wveo6mrpVhle1T7 Ab/aaE9I9n4vMXfI/FWx1z3lglwq03QllPp4tizM/2losc/kPKWIjsGwAq1KyC1e4r3jOXEn5vSW wAG6t+dDeOAro7RHFvJp5WNrqaw9ZsPGHES5alp7+i1zKM2A5fW3oszndsJYrbNt2o0DhzKvTBJe pWACtYic/6CWArHvZ1hBW+NeExIHbF8agw6nValUyGbrgAgoYKvgt+O2td2xISQDqanZU5ezYx0k TdAWuo2F+ptoHYLgvzlbDnbpaYfltlwCiHeG7g== `protect key_keyowner = "Synopsys", key_keyname= "SNPS-VCS-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block csfgTxr/fVeKtQdd3D1aAHu2gzw+CL8t29x2K8aPw9uZ+LarpUYk7LqFUy6b5Sl1OdJTAvVuQG9n 5euFlEghCMUBQ5Nd/fPjuJkThGKoBDPPfcptYVqHN93OBm3eZXgxire2pFol7b2/KhoVoBckFmFu z+xA86qPFh0t/6hOrEU= `protect key_keyowner = "Aldec", key_keyname= "ALDEC08_001", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block iWrYYlUsjF3sHqYa1YvLKfZWmztT7d+xNuYY9994lyI+KXcZqgZrwGg41h1Tjrz690obWegSp1/g FB0dDXfIUiHiYD2/yK1JWR09FXSTykMHQFAgkUCT2FR64CxYjKEn4kixQsxvzded+m8oQLtN/sKO huWNyOla5moYPLYi3ONKXIqIpiP8lBsvjVWrmrNv5LE3TVAC4aypQQK4UiWqxM5N8C6AsQZbsh1D wOuA6RwWzU11ZwG/y66u76tMNNdkDF55Z85dtQpn9re7X0RzPcoTUqEAT/dYJI6s4KqEqLik5x7W FZIXXtdazPlz9KjsPwx1cFU6reG0ILErlZIf4g== `protect data_method = "AES128-CBC" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 6336) `protect data_block vAaGdHmPbbqEz21SEt++g7l3Lm/C1JTL6exoRYE9ONpoHApVxGHBucyjXUwX+vFLCaL7TCTH9Q80 f2Hn5KK1AULWJtTsbbhazRW8S6q9XM54RgTNT7ew5GO/gG6gwYXIiExJI59NREAuWJ8KcGuvDOEg /GndbKn1Dwcj68sKy69NZRufm093fYqJtCAKWccdge2d5ykMMZLtXoohVzsBP0hm0QMj9DBmz09J hfd87f354qe0fYwnKMtkby/EHC1ZJAIviKCdFJ9w2xCv0aG2PLkKj1hXs41++foioRAtQSPxnb3d 6hesEtQJ6U2CEAhlxbuuWHCuyZNfjzD7a7y2pYeumc8RGgEz8Z5c4z45oj3W2GVrDy592f6oLCFW A+nhhhHxXn94fpniJ//RkcVTiXdFh2ewhRuM1u2q22De5DPVup4Y0vcOhhpaDIcYJfEu0fNU27hz aoqkKtn3XCIhXvKCS1vEBjMUjq/Ria88EQFXYiorftaZSOa2RP2pUFgND1QRv9DXrNLPLmuYo+Te 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V9O4T+3xVcie `protect end_protected
`protect begin_protected `protect version = 1 `protect encrypt_agent = "XILINX" `protect encrypt_agent_info = "Xilinx Encryption Tool 2013" `protect key_keyowner = "Cadence Design Systems.", key_keyname= "cds_rsa_key", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 64) `protect key_block dqq2ej+LHAswGLNpyi2BwMJ4URtm/h34HwSY5qyFGcps40U3/VN8WKFwHX37+XfGZChHdZC401n2 ZJyf0uELfA== `protect key_keyowner = "Mentor Graphics Corporation", key_keyname= "MGC-VERIF-SIM-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block RShplIv4IYGmj4hmPadlbhdpa4eXDDQJnDlnCbKU8o5c8V67SplZMW55cCw83AgbV+E4+0de3dh2 OewneR7qBBfHbEaasIMiCU+zicwJbNM9VmcXiohAYKq3Jg09b21wgUWnQjizooGjaKEjrwAf7l5n 0IFKkSATJTBklshviAQ= `protect key_keyowner = "Xilinx", key_keyname= "xilinx_2013_09", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block doH6vzjo8znCTuVASkkAHdn/+Lqszo8VV/fIaCg6/PKdzVlWSqotQ8QksPb17wveo6mrpVhle1T7 Ab/aaE9I9n4vMXfI/FWx1z3lglwq03QllPp4tizM/2losc/kPKWIjsGwAq1KyC1e4r3jOXEn5vSW wAG6t+dDeOAro7RHFvJp5WNrqaw9ZsPGHES5alp7+i1zKM2A5fW3oszndsJYrbNt2o0DhzKvTBJe pWACtYic/6CWArHvZ1hBW+NeExIHbF8agw6nValUyGbrgAgoYKvgt+O2td2xISQDqanZU5ezYx0k TdAWuo2F+ptoHYLgvzlbDnbpaYfltlwCiHeG7g== `protect key_keyowner = "Synopsys", key_keyname= "SNPS-VCS-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block csfgTxr/fVeKtQdd3D1aAHu2gzw+CL8t29x2K8aPw9uZ+LarpUYk7LqFUy6b5Sl1OdJTAvVuQG9n 5euFlEghCMUBQ5Nd/fPjuJkThGKoBDPPfcptYVqHN93OBm3eZXgxire2pFol7b2/KhoVoBckFmFu z+xA86qPFh0t/6hOrEU= `protect key_keyowner = "Aldec", key_keyname= "ALDEC08_001", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block iWrYYlUsjF3sHqYa1YvLKfZWmztT7d+xNuYY9994lyI+KXcZqgZrwGg41h1Tjrz690obWegSp1/g FB0dDXfIUiHiYD2/yK1JWR09FXSTykMHQFAgkUCT2FR64CxYjKEn4kixQsxvzded+m8oQLtN/sKO huWNyOla5moYPLYi3ONKXIqIpiP8lBsvjVWrmrNv5LE3TVAC4aypQQK4UiWqxM5N8C6AsQZbsh1D wOuA6RwWzU11ZwG/y66u76tMNNdkDF55Z85dtQpn9re7X0RzPcoTUqEAT/dYJI6s4KqEqLik5x7W FZIXXtdazPlz9KjsPwx1cFU6reG0ILErlZIf4g== `protect data_method = "AES128-CBC" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 6336) `protect data_block vAaGdHmPbbqEz21SEt++g7l3Lm/C1JTL6exoRYE9ONpoHApVxGHBucyjXUwX+vFLCaL7TCTH9Q80 f2Hn5KK1AULWJtTsbbhazRW8S6q9XM54RgTNT7ew5GO/gG6gwYXIiExJI59NREAuWJ8KcGuvDOEg /GndbKn1Dwcj68sKy69NZRufm093fYqJtCAKWccdge2d5ykMMZLtXoohVzsBP0hm0QMj9DBmz09J hfd87f354qe0fYwnKMtkby/EHC1ZJAIviKCdFJ9w2xCv0aG2PLkKj1hXs41++foioRAtQSPxnb3d 6hesEtQJ6U2CEAhlxbuuWHCuyZNfjzD7a7y2pYeumc8RGgEz8Z5c4z45oj3W2GVrDy592f6oLCFW A+nhhhHxXn94fpniJ//RkcVTiXdFh2ewhRuM1u2q22De5DPVup4Y0vcOhhpaDIcYJfEu0fNU27hz aoqkKtn3XCIhXvKCS1vEBjMUjq/Ria88EQFXYiorftaZSOa2RP2pUFgND1QRv9DXrNLPLmuYo+Te 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V9O4T+3xVcie `protect end_protected
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright (C) 2011 Authors -- -- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction provided -- that this copyright statement is not removed from the file and that any -- derivative work contains the original copyright notice and the associated -- disclaimer. -- -- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published -- by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public -- License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License -- along with this source; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, -- Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- *File Name: fpgaMSP430_fpga.v -- -- *Module Description: -- fpgaMSP430 FPGA Top-level for the DE0 Nano Soc -- -- *Author(s): -- - Olivier Girard, -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; -- standard unresolved logic UX01ZWLH- use ieee.numeric_std.all; -- for the signed, unsigned types and arithmetic ops use work.fmsp430_package.all; use work.fmsp_per_package.all; use work.fmsp_functions.all; use work.fpga_package.all; entity fmsp430_fpga is port ( -- USER CLOCKS FPGA_CLK : in std_logic; PIN_RESET_N : in std_logic; -- USER INTERFACE (FPGA) KEY : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); SW : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); LED : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); PIN_INCLK : in std_logic; PIN_TACLK : in std_logic; -- TIMER INTERFACE (FPGA) PIN_CCIXA : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); PIN_CCIXB : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); PIN_TAOUT : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- I2C DEBUG INTERFACE PIN_SCL : inout std_logic; PIN_SDA : inout std_logic ); end entity fmsp430_fpga; architecture RTL of fmsp430_fpga is constant INST_NR : integer := 0; -- Current fmsp instance number (for multicore systems) constant TOTAL_NR : integer := 0; -- Total number of fmsp instances-1 (for multicore systems) constant PMEM_SIZE : integer := 16384; -- Program Memory Size constant DMEM_SIZE : integer := 16384; -- Data Memory Size constant PER_SIZE : integer := 16384; -- Peripheral Memory Size constant MULTIPLIER : boolean := true; -- Include/Exclude Hardware Multiplier constant USER_VERSION : integer := 0; -- Custom user version number constant DEBUG_EN : boolean := true; -- Include/Exclude Serial Debug interface constant WATCHDOG : boolean := true; -- Include/Exclude Watchdog timer constant CPUOFF_EN : boolean := false; -- Wakeup condition from DMA interface constant DMA_IF_EN : boolean := true; -- Include/Exclude DMA interface support constant NMI_EN : boolean := true; -- Include/Exclude Non-Maskable-Interrupt support constant IRQ_NR : integer := 16; -- Number of IRQs constant SYNC_NMI_EN : boolean := true; -- constant SYNC_CPU_EN : boolean := true; -- constant SYNC_DBG_EN : boolean := true; -- constant SYNC_DBG_UART_RXD : boolean := true; -- Synchronize RXD inputs constant DBG_I2C_BROADCAST_EN : boolean := true; -- Enable the I2C broadcast address constant DBG_RST_BRK_EN : boolean := true; -- CPU break on PUC reset constant DBG_HWBRK_0_EN : boolean := false; -- Include hardware breakpoints unit constant DBG_HWBRK_1_EN : boolean := false; -- Include hardware breakpoints unit constant DBG_HWBRK_2_EN : boolean := false; -- Include hardware breakpoints unit constant DBG_HWBRK_3_EN : boolean := false; -- Include hardware breakpoints unit constant DBG_HWBRK_RANGE : boolean := false; -- Enable/Disable the hardware breakpoint RANGE mode constant DBG_UART : boolean := false; -- Enable UART (8N1) debug interface constant DBG_UART_AUTO_SYNC : boolean := true; -- Debug UART interface auto data synchronization constant DBG_UART_BAUD : integer := 9600; -- Debug UART interface data rate constant DBG_DCO_FREQ : integer := 20000000; -- Debug mclk frequency constant DBG_I2C : boolean := true; -- Enable I2C debug interface --============================================================================= -- 1) INTERNAL WIRES/REGISTERS/PARAMETERS DECLARATION --============================================================================= -- mclk Program memory bus signal pmem_addr : std_logic_vector(f_log2(pMEM_SIZE)-2 downto 0); signal pmem_dout : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal pmem_din : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal pmem_cen : std_logic; signal pmem_wen : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- mclk Data memory bus signal dmem_addr : std_logic_vector(f_log2(DMEM_SIZE)-2 downto 0); signal dmem_dout : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal dmem_din : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal dmem_cen : std_logic; signal dmem_wen : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- mclk Peripheral memory bus signal per_addr : std_logic_vector(13 downto 0); signal per_dout : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal per_din : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal per_en : std_logic; signal per_we : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- fpgaMSP430 IRQs signal nmi : std_logic; signal irq_bus : std_logic_vector(IRQ_NR-3 downto 0); signal irq_acc : std_logic_vector(IRQ_NR-3 downto 0); -- fpgaMSP430 debug interface signal dbg_freeze : std_logic; signal dbg_i2c_addr : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); signal dbg_i2c_broadcast : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); signal dbg_i2c_scl : std_logic; signal dbg_i2c_sda_in : std_logic; signal dbg_i2c_sda_out : std_logic; signal dbg_uart_txd : std_logic; signal dbg_uart_rxd : std_logic; -- fpgaMSP430 clocks and resets signal mclk : std_logic; signal lfxt_clk : std_logic; signal aclk_en : std_logic; signal smclk_en : std_logic; signal reset_n : std_logic; signal puc_rst : std_logic; signal mrst : std_logic; -- LED / KEY / SW signal irq_key : std_logic; signal irq_sw : std_logic; signal per_dout_led_key_sw : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Timer A signal irq_ta0 : std_logic; signal irq_ta1 : std_logic; signal per_dout_tA : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal reset_in_n : std_logic; signal reset_dly_chain : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal lfxt_clk_cnt : unsigned(8 downto 0); signal ta_outx : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal ta_outx_en : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); begin --============================================================================= -- 2) CLOCK AND RESET GENERATION --============================================================================= mclk <= FPGA_CLK; reset_in_n <= PIN_RESET_N; -- Release system reset a few clock cyles after the FPGA power-on-reset RESET_DELAY : process (mclk,reset_in_n) begin if (reset_in_n = '0') then reset_dly_chain <= x"00"; elsif rising_edge(mclk) then reset_dly_chain <= '1' & reset_dly_chain(7 downto 1); end if; end process RESET_DELAY; reset_n <= reset_dly_chain(0); -- Generate a slow reference clock LFXT_CLK (10us period) LFXT_CLK_COUNTER : process (mclk,reset_n) begin if (reset_n = '0') then lfxt_clk_cnt <= "000000000"; elsif rising_edge(mclk) then lfxt_clk_cnt <= lfxt_clk_cnt + 1; end if; end process LFXT_CLK_COUNTER; lfxt_clk <= lfxt_clk_cnt(8); --============================================================================= -- 3) fpgaMSP430 --============================================================================= fmsp430_0 : fmsp430 generic map( INST_NR => INST_NR, TOTAL_NR => TOTAL_NR, PMEM_SIZE => PMEM_SIZE, DMEM_SIZE => DMEM_SIZE, PER_SIZE => PER_SIZE, MULTIPLIER => MULTIPLIER, USER_VERSION => USER_VERSION, DEBUG_EN => DEBUG_EN, WATCHDOG => WATCHDOG, DMA_IF_EN => DMA_IF_EN, NMI_EN => NMI_EN, IRQ_NR => IRQ_NR, SYNC_NMI_EN => SYNC_NMI_EN, SYNC_CPU_EN => SYNC_CPU_EN, SYNC_DBG_EN => SYNC_DBG_EN, SYNC_DBG_UART_RXD => SYNC_DBG_UART_RXD, -- Synchronize RXD inputs DBG_UART => DBG_UART, -- Enable UART (8N1) debug interface DBG_I2C => DBG_I2C, -- Enable I2C debug interface DBG_I2C_BROADCAST_EN => DBG_I2C_BROADCAST_EN, -- Enable the I2C broadcast address DBG_RST_BRK_EN => DBG_RST_BRK_EN, -- CPU break on PUC reset DBG_HWBRK_0_EN => DBG_HWBRK_0_EN, -- Include hardware breakpoints unit DBG_HWBRK_1_EN => DBG_HWBRK_1_EN, -- Include hardware breakpoints unit DBG_HWBRK_2_EN => DBG_HWBRK_2_EN, -- Include hardware breakpoints unit DBG_HWBRK_3_EN => DBG_HWBRK_3_EN, -- Include hardware breakpoints unit DBG_HWBRK_RANGE => DBG_HWBRK_RANGE, -- Enable/Disable the hardware breakpoint RANGE mode DBG_UART_AUTO_SYNC => DBG_UART_AUTO_SYNC, -- Debug UART interface auto data synchronization DBG_UART_BAUD => DBG_UART_BAUD, -- Debug UART interface data rate DBG_DCO_FREQ => DBG_DCO_FREQ -- Debug mclk frequency ) port map( mclk => mclk, -- Main system clock -- INPUTs lfxt_clk => lfxt_clk, -- Low frequency oscillator (typ 32kHz) reset_n => reset_n, -- Reset Pin (low active, asynchronous and non-glitchy) cpu_en => '1', -- Enable CPU code execution (asynchronous and non-glitchy) nmi => nmi, -- Non-maskable interrupt (asynchronous) -- Debug interface dbg_en => '1', -- Debug interface enable (asynchronous and non-glitchy) dbg_i2c_sda_out => dbg_i2c_sda_out, -- Debug interface: I2C SDA OUT dbg_i2c_addr => dbg_i2c_addr, -- Debug interface: I2C Address dbg_i2c_broadcast => dbg_i2c_broadcast, -- Debug interface: I2C Broadcast Address (for multicore systems) dbg_i2c_scl => dbg_i2c_scl, -- Debug interface: I2C SCL dbg_i2c_sda_in => dbg_i2c_sda_in, -- Debug interface: I2C SDA IN dbg_uart_rxd => dbg_uart_rxd, -- Debug interface: UART RXD (asynchronous) dbg_uart_txd => dbg_uart_txd, -- Debug interface: UART TXD -- DMA access dma_addr => "000000000000000", -- Direct Memory Access address dma_dout => open, -- Direct Memory Access data output dma_din => x"0000", -- Direct Memory Access data input dma_we => "00", -- Direct Memory Access write byte enable (high active) dma_en => '0', -- Direct Memory Access enable (high active) dma_priority => '0', -- Direct Memory Access priority (0:low / 1:high) dma_ready => open, -- Direct Memory Access is complete dma_resp => open, -- Direct Memory Access response (0:Okay / 1:Error) -- Data memory dmem_addr => dmem_addr, -- Data Memory address dmem_dout => dmem_dout, -- Data Memory data output dmem_din => dmem_din, -- Data Memory data input dmem_wen => dmem_wen, -- Data Memory write enable (low active) dmem_cen => dmem_cen, -- Data Memory chip enable (low active) -- Program memory pmem_addr => pmem_addr, -- Program Memory address pmem_dout => pmem_dout, -- Program Memory data output pmem_din => pmem_din, -- Program Memory data input (optional) pmem_wen => pmem_wen, -- Program Memory write enable (low active) (optional) pmem_cen => pmem_cen, -- Program Memory chip enable (low active) -- Peripheral interface per_irq => irq_bus, -- Maskable interrupts per_irq_acc => irq_acc, -- Interrupt request accepted (one-hot signal) per_rst => puc_rst, -- Main system reset per_freeze => dbg_freeze, -- Freeze peripherals per_aclk_en => aclk_en, -- FPGA ONLY: ACLK enable per_smclk_en => smclk_en, -- FPGA ONLY: SMCLK enable -- Peripheral memory per_addr => per_addr, -- Peripheral address per_dout => per_dout, -- Peripheral data output per_din => per_din, -- Peripheral data input per_we => per_we, -- Peripheral write enable (high active) per_en => per_en -- Peripheral enable (high active) ); --============================================================================= -- 4) fpgaMSP430 PERIPHERALS --============================================================================= ------------------------------- -- LED / KEY / SW interface ------------------------------- de0_nano_soc_led_key_sw_0 : fmsp_de0_nano_soc_led_key_sw port map( -- INPUTs mclk => mclk, -- Main system clock puc_rst => puc_rst, -- Main system reset key => KEY, -- key/button inputs sw => SW, -- switches inputs per_addr => per_addr, -- Peripheral address per_din => per_din, -- Peripheral data input per_en => per_en, -- Peripheral enable (high active) per_we => per_we, -- Peripheral write enable (high active) -- OUTPUTs irq_key => irq_key, -- Key/Button interrupt irq_sw => irq_sw, -- Switch interrupt led => LED, -- LED output control per_dout => per_dout_led_key_sw -- Peripheral data output ); ------------------------------- -- Timer A ------------------------------- timerA_0 : fmsp_timerA port map( mclk => mclk, -- Main system clock mrst => mrst, -- Main system reset -- INPUTs aclk_en => aclk_en, -- ACLK enable (from CPU) smclk_en => smclk_en, -- SMCLK enable (from CPU) dbg_freeze => dbg_freeze, -- Freeze Timer A counter inclk => PIN_INCLK, -- INCLK external timer clock (SLOW) taclk => PIN_TACLK, -- TACLK external timer clock (SLOW) irq_ta0_acc => irq_acc(9), -- Interrupt request TACCR0 accepted per_addr => per_addr, -- Peripheral address per_din => per_din, -- Peripheral data input per_en => per_en, -- Peripheral enable (high active) per_we => per_we, -- Peripheral write enable (high active) ta_cci0a => PIN_CCIXA(0), -- Timer A capture 0 input A ta_cci0b => PIN_CCIXB(0), -- Timer A capture 0 input B ta_cci1a => PIN_CCIXA(1), -- Timer A capture 1 input A ta_cci1b => PIN_CCIXB(1), -- Timer A capture 1 input B ta_cci2a => PIN_CCIXA(2), -- Timer A capture 2 input A ta_cci2b => PIN_CCIXB(2), -- Timer A capture 2 input B -- OUTPUTs irq_ta0 => irq_ta0, -- Timer A interrupt: TACCR0 irq_ta1 => irq_ta1, -- Timer A interrupt: TAIV, TACCR1, TACCR2 per_dout => per_dout_tA, -- Peripheral data output ta_out0 => ta_outx(0), -- Timer A output 0 ta_out0_en => ta_outx_en(0), -- Timer A output 0 enable ta_out1 => ta_outx(1), -- Timer A output 1 ta_out1_en => ta_outx_en(1), -- Timer A output 1 enable ta_out2 => ta_outx(2), -- Timer A output 2 ta_out2_en => ta_outx_en(2) -- Timer A output 2 enable ); PIN_TAOUT(0) <= 'Z' when (ta_outx_en(0) = '0') else ta_outx(0); PIN_TAOUT(1) <= 'Z' when (ta_outx_en(1) = '0') else ta_outx(1); PIN_TAOUT(2) <= 'Z' when (ta_outx_en(2) = '0') else ta_outx(2); ------------------------------- -- Combine peripheral -- data buses ------------------------------- per_dout <= per_dout_led_key_sw or per_dout_tA; ------------------------------- -- Assign interrupts ------------------------------- nmi <= '0'; irq_bus <= '0' -- Vector 13 (0xFFFA) & '0' -- Vector 12 (0xFFF8) & '0' -- Vector 11 (0xFFF6) & '0' -- Vector 10 (0xFFF4) - Watchdog - & irq_ta0 -- Vector 9 (0xFFF2) & irq_ta1 -- Vector 8 (0xFFF0) & '0' -- Vector 7 (0xFFEE) & '0' -- Vector 6 (0xFFEC) & '0' -- Vector 5 (0xFFEA) & '0' -- Vector 4 (0xFFE8) & irq_key -- Vector 3 (0xFFE6) & irq_sw -- Vector 2 (0xFFE4) & '0' -- Vector 1 (0xFFE2) & '0'; -- Vector 0 (0xFFE0) --============================================================================= -- 5) PROGRAM AND DATA MEMORIES --============================================================================= pmem_0 : ram_16x8k port map( address => pmem_addr, byteena => not(pmem_wen), clken => not(pmem_cen), clock => mclk, data => pmem_din, wren => not(pmem_wen(0) and pmem_wen(1)), q => pmem_dout ); dmem_0 : ram_16x8k port map( address => dmem_addr, byteena => not(dmem_wen), clken => not(dmem_cen), clock => mclk, data => dmem_din, wren => not(dmem_wen(0) and dmem_wen(1)), q => dmem_dout ); --============================================================================= -- 6) DEBUG INTERFACE --============================================================================= dbg_i2c_addr <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(TO_UNSIGNED(50,7)); dbg_i2c_broadcast <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(TO_UNSIGNED(49,7)); dbg_i2c_scl <= PIN_SCL; PIN_SDA <= 'Z' when (dbg_i2c_sda_out = '1') else '0'; dbg_i2c_sda_in <= PIN_SDA; dbg_uart_rxd <= '0'; -- io_buf_sda_0 : io_buf -- port map( -- datain => '0', -- oe => not(dbg_i2c_sda_out), -- dataout => dbg_i2c_sda_in, -- dataio => ARDUINO_IO(14) -- ); end RTL; -- fpgaMSP430_fpga
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Billowitch. -- Some of the work to develop this test suite was done with Air Force -- support. The Air Force and Bill Billowitch assume no -- responsibilities for this software. -- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs). -- VESTs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -- your option) any later version. -- VESTs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, -- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- $Id: tc2345.vhd,v 1.2 2001-10-26 16:30:17 paw Exp $ -- $Revision: 1.2 $ -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTITY c07s02b07x00p02n02i02345ent IS END c07s02b07x00p02n02i02345ent; ARCHITECTURE c07s02b07x00p02n02i02345arch OF c07s02b07x00p02n02i02345ent IS BEGIN TESTING: PROCESS -- file types. type FT is file of BIT; file FILEV : FT is "input_file"; variable INTV : INTEGER; BEGIN INTV := FILEV ** 2; assert FALSE report "***FAILED TEST: c07s02b07x00p02n02i02345 - Exponent can only be of type Integer." severity ERROR; wait; END PROCESS TESTING; END c07s02b07x00p02n02i02345arch;
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Billowitch. -- Some of the work to develop this test suite was done with Air Force -- support. The Air Force and Bill Billowitch assume no -- responsibilities for this software. -- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs). -- VESTs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -- your option) any later version. -- VESTs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, -- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- $Id: tc2345.vhd,v 1.2 2001-10-26 16:30:17 paw Exp $ -- $Revision: 1.2 $ -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTITY c07s02b07x00p02n02i02345ent IS END c07s02b07x00p02n02i02345ent; ARCHITECTURE c07s02b07x00p02n02i02345arch OF c07s02b07x00p02n02i02345ent IS BEGIN TESTING: PROCESS -- file types. type FT is file of BIT; file FILEV : FT is "input_file"; variable INTV : INTEGER; BEGIN INTV := FILEV ** 2; assert FALSE report "***FAILED TEST: c07s02b07x00p02n02i02345 - Exponent can only be of type Integer." severity ERROR; wait; END PROCESS TESTING; END c07s02b07x00p02n02i02345arch;
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Billowitch. -- Some of the work to develop this test suite was done with Air Force -- support. The Air Force and Bill Billowitch assume no -- responsibilities for this software. -- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs). -- VESTs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -- your option) any later version. -- VESTs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, -- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- $Id: tc2345.vhd,v 1.2 2001-10-26 16:30:17 paw Exp $ -- $Revision: 1.2 $ -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTITY c07s02b07x00p02n02i02345ent IS END c07s02b07x00p02n02i02345ent; ARCHITECTURE c07s02b07x00p02n02i02345arch OF c07s02b07x00p02n02i02345ent IS BEGIN TESTING: PROCESS -- file types. type FT is file of BIT; file FILEV : FT is "input_file"; variable INTV : INTEGER; BEGIN INTV := FILEV ** 2; assert FALSE report "***FAILED TEST: c07s02b07x00p02n02i02345 - Exponent can only be of type Integer." severity ERROR; wait; END PROCESS TESTING; END c07s02b07x00p02n02i02345arch;
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright © 2010-2013, Xilinx, Inc. -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information of Xilinx, Inc. and is -- protected under U.S. and international copyright and other intellectual property laws. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Disclaimer: -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any rights to the materials -- distributed herewith. Except as otherwise provided in a valid license issued to -- you by Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law: (1) THESE -- MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY -- DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, -- INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, -- OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable -- (whether in contract or tort, including negligence, or under any other theory -- of liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature related to, arising -- under or in connection with these materials, including for any direct, or any -- indirect, special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage (including loss -- of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result -- of any action brought by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe, or for use in any -- application requiring fail-safe performance, such as life-support or safety -- devices or systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, applications -- related to the deployment of airbags, or any other applications that could lead -- to death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical Applications"). Customer assumes the -- sole risk and liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical Applications, -- subject only to applicable laws and regulations governing limitations on product -- liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ROM_form.vhd Template for a KCPSM6 program memory. This template is primarily for use during code development including generic parameters for the convenient selection of device family, program memory size and the ability to include the JTAG Loader hardware for rapid software development. Kris Chaplin and Ken Chapman (Xilinx Ltd) 17th September 2010 - First Release 4th February 2011 - Correction to definition of 'we_b' in V6/1K/JTAG instance. 3rd March 2011 - Minor adjustments to comments only. 16th August 2011 - Additions and adjustments for support of 7-Series in ISE v13.2. Simplification of JTAG Loader definition. 23rd November 2012 - 4K program for Spartan-6. 14th March 2013 - Unused address inputs on Virtex-6 and 7-Series BRAMs connected High to reflect descriptions in UG363 and UG473. IMPORTANT - This file does not contain the actual definition of the JTAG Loader hardware and is only intended for use in the definition of the program memory of any subsequent instances of the KCPSM6 in the same design. This is to avoid the warnings generated by having multiple definitions of the JTAG Loader circuit. Ken Chapman (Xilinx Ltd) 19th March 2012 This is a VHDL template file for the KCPSM6 assembler. This VHDL file is not valid as input directly into a synthesis or a simulation tool. The assembler will read this template and insert the information required to complete the definition of program ROM and write it out to a new '.vhd' file that is ready for synthesis and simulation. This template can be modified to define alternative memory definitions. However, you are responsible for ensuring the template is correct as the assembler does not perform any checking of the VHDL. The assembler identifies all text enclosed by {} characters, and replaces these character strings. All templates should include these {} character strings for the assembler to work correctly. The next line is used to determine where the template actually starts. {begin template} -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright © 2010-2013, Xilinx, Inc. -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information of Xilinx, Inc. and is -- protected under U.S. and international copyright and other intellectual property laws. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Disclaimer: -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any rights to the materials -- distributed herewith. Except as otherwise provided in a valid license issued to -- you by Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law: (1) THESE -- MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY -- DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, -- INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, -- OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable -- (whether in contract or tort, including negligence, or under any other theory -- of liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature related to, arising -- under or in connection with these materials, including for any direct, or any -- indirect, special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage (including loss -- of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result -- of any action brought by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe, or for use in any -- application requiring fail-safe performance, such as life-support or safety -- devices or systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, applications -- related to the deployment of airbags, or any other applications that could lead -- to death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical Applications"). Customer assumes the -- sole risk and liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical Applications, -- subject only to applicable laws and regulations governing limitations on product -- liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- Definition of a program memory for KCPSM6 including generic parameters for the -- convenient selection of device family, program memory size and the ability to include -- the JTAG Loader hardware for rapid software development. -- -- This file is primarily for use during code development and it is recommended that the -- appropriate simplified program memory definition be used in a final production design. -- -- Generic Values Comments -- Parameter Supported -- -- C_FAMILY "S6" Spartan-6 device -- "V6" Virtex-6 device -- "7S" 7-Series device -- (Artix-7, Kintex-7, Virtex-7 or Zynq) -- -- C_RAM_SIZE_KWORDS 1, 2 or 4 Size of program memory in K-instructions -- -- C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE 0 or 1 Set to '1' to include JTAG Loader -- -- Notes -- -- If your design contains MULTIPLE KCPSM6 instances then only one should have the -- JTAG Loader enabled at a time (i.e. make sure that C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE is only set to -- '1' on one instance of the program memory). Advanced users may be interested to know -- that it is possible to connect JTAG Loader to multiple memories and then to use the -- JTAG Loader utility to specify which memory contents are to be modified. However, -- this scheme does require some effort to set up and the additional connectivity of the -- multiple BRAMs can impact the placement, routing and performance of the complete -- design. Please contact the author at Xilinx for more detailed information. -- -- Regardless of the size of program memory specified by C_RAM_SIZE_KWORDS, the complete -- 12-bit address bus is connected to KCPSM6. This enables the generic to be modified -- without requiring changes to the fundamental hardware definition. However, when the -- program memory is 1K then only the lower 10-bits of the address are actually used and -- the valid address range is 000 to 3FF hex. Likewise, for a 2K program only the lower -- 11-bits of the address are actually used and the valid address range is 000 to 7FF hex. -- -- Programs are stored in Block Memory (BRAM) and the number of BRAM used depends on the -- size of the program and the device family. -- -- In a Spartan-6 device a BRAM is capable of holding 1K instructions. Hence a 2K program -- will require 2 BRAMs to be used and a 4K program will require 4 BRAMs to be used. It -- should be noted that a 4K program is not such a natural fit in a Spartan-6 device and -- the implementation also requires a small amount of logic resulting in slightly lower -- performance. A Spartan-6 BRAM can also be split into two 9k-bit memories suggesting -- that a program containing up to 512 instructions could be implemented. However, there -- is a silicon errata which makes this unsuitable and therefore it is not supported by -- this file. -- -- In a Virtex-6 or any 7-Series device a BRAM is capable of holding 2K instructions so -- obviously a 2K program requires only a single BRAM. Each BRAM can also be divided into -- 2 smaller memories supporting programs of 1K in half of a 36k-bit BRAM (generally -- reported as being an 18k-bit BRAM). For a program of 4K instructions, 2 BRAMs are used. -- -- -- Program defined by '{psmname}.psm'. -- -- Generated by KCPSM6 Assembler: {timestamp}. -- -- Assembler used ROM_form template: ROM_form_JTAGLoader_14March13.vhd -- -- Standard IEEE libraries -- -- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; use work.jtag_loader_pkg.ALL; -- -- The Unisim Library is used to define Xilinx primitives. It is also used during -- simulation. The source can be viewed at %XILINX%\vhdl\src\unisims\unisim_VCOMP.vhd -- library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; -- -- entity {name} is generic( C_FAMILY : string := "S6"; C_RAM_SIZE_KWORDS : integer := 1; C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE : integer := 0); Port ( address : in std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); instruction : out std_logic_vector(17 downto 0); enable : in std_logic; rdl : out std_logic; clk : in std_logic); end {name}; -- architecture low_level_definition of {name} is -- signal address_a : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal pipe_a11 : std_logic; signal data_in_a : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal data_out_a : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal data_out_a_l : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal data_out_a_h : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal data_out_a_ll : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal data_out_a_lh : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal data_out_a_hl : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal data_out_a_hh : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal address_b : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal data_in_b : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal data_in_b_l : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal data_in_b_ll : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal data_in_b_hl : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal data_out_b : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal data_out_b_l : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal data_out_b_ll : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal data_out_b_hl : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal data_in_b_h : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal data_in_b_lh : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal data_in_b_hh : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal data_out_b_h : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal data_out_b_lh : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal data_out_b_hh : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); signal enable_b : std_logic; signal clk_b : std_logic; signal we_b : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal we_b_l : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal we_b_h : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- signal jtag_addr : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); signal jtag_we : std_logic; signal jtag_we_l : std_logic; signal jtag_we_h : std_logic; signal jtag_clk : std_logic; signal jtag_din : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0); signal jtag_dout : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0); signal jtag_dout_1 : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0); signal jtag_en : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); -- signal picoblaze_reset : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); signal rdl_bus : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); -- constant BRAM_ADDRESS_WIDTH : integer := addr_width_calc(C_RAM_SIZE_KWORDS); -- -- component jtag_loader_6 generic( C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE : integer := 1; C_FAMILY : string := "V6"; C_NUM_PICOBLAZE : integer := 1; C_BRAM_MAX_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 10; C_PICOBLAZE_INSTRUCTION_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 18; C_JTAG_CHAIN : integer := 2; C_ADDR_WIDTH_0 : integer := 10; C_ADDR_WIDTH_1 : integer := 10; C_ADDR_WIDTH_2 : integer := 10; C_ADDR_WIDTH_3 : integer := 10; C_ADDR_WIDTH_4 : integer := 10; C_ADDR_WIDTH_5 : integer := 10; C_ADDR_WIDTH_6 : integer := 10; C_ADDR_WIDTH_7 : integer := 10); port( picoblaze_reset : out std_logic_vector(C_NUM_PICOBLAZE-1 downto 0); jtag_en : out std_logic_vector(C_NUM_PICOBLAZE-1 downto 0); jtag_din : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_PICOBLAZE_INSTRUCTION_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); jtag_addr : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_BRAM_MAX_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); jtag_clk : out std_logic; jtag_we : out std_logic; jtag_dout_0 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_PICOBLAZE_INSTRUCTION_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); jtag_dout_1 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_PICOBLAZE_INSTRUCTION_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); jtag_dout_2 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_PICOBLAZE_INSTRUCTION_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); jtag_dout_3 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_PICOBLAZE_INSTRUCTION_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); jtag_dout_4 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_PICOBLAZE_INSTRUCTION_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); jtag_dout_5 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_PICOBLAZE_INSTRUCTION_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); jtag_dout_6 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_PICOBLAZE_INSTRUCTION_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); jtag_dout_7 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_PICOBLAZE_INSTRUCTION_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0)); end component; -- begin -- -- ram_1k_generate : if (C_RAM_SIZE_KWORDS = 1) generate s6: if (C_FAMILY = "S6") generate -- address_a(13 downto 0) <= address(9 downto 0) & "0000"; instruction <= data_out_a(33 downto 32) & data_out_a(15 downto 0); data_in_a <= "0000000000000000000000000000000000" & address(11 downto 10); jtag_dout <= data_out_b(33 downto 32) & data_out_b(15 downto 0); -- no_loader : if (C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE = 0) generate data_in_b <= "00" & data_out_b(33 downto 32) & "0000000000000000" & data_out_b(15 downto 0); address_b(13 downto 0) <= "00000000000000"; we_b(3 downto 0) <= "0000"; enable_b <= '0'; rdl <= '0'; clk_b <= '0'; end generate no_loader; -- loader : if (C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE = 1) generate data_in_b <= "00" & jtag_din(17 downto 16) & "0000000000000000" & jtag_din(15 downto 0); address_b(13 downto 0) <= jtag_addr(9 downto 0) & "0000"; we_b(3 downto 0) <= jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we; enable_b <= jtag_en(0); rdl <= rdl_bus(0); clk_b <= jtag_clk; end generate loader; -- kcpsm6_rom: RAMB16BWER generic map ( DATA_WIDTH_A => 18, DOA_REG => 0, EN_RSTRAM_A => FALSE, INIT_A => X"000000000", RST_PRIORITY_A => "CE", SRVAL_A => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_A => "WRITE_FIRST", DATA_WIDTH_B => 18, DOB_REG => 0, EN_RSTRAM_B => FALSE, INIT_B => X"000000000", RST_PRIORITY_B => "CE", SRVAL_B => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_B => "WRITE_FIRST", RSTTYPE => "SYNC", INIT_FILE => "NONE", SIM_COLLISION_CHECK => "ALL", SIM_DEVICE => "SPARTAN6", INIT_00 => X"{INIT_00}", INIT_01 => X"{INIT_01}", INIT_02 => X"{INIT_02}", INIT_03 => X"{INIT_03}", INIT_04 => X"{INIT_04}", INIT_05 => X"{INIT_05}", INIT_06 => X"{INIT_06}", INIT_07 => X"{INIT_07}", INIT_08 => X"{INIT_08}", INIT_09 => X"{INIT_09}", INIT_0A => X"{INIT_0A}", INIT_0B => X"{INIT_0B}", INIT_0C => X"{INIT_0C}", INIT_0D => X"{INIT_0D}", INIT_0E => X"{INIT_0E}", INIT_0F => X"{INIT_0F}", INIT_10 => X"{INIT_10}", INIT_11 => X"{INIT_11}", INIT_12 => X"{INIT_12}", INIT_13 => X"{INIT_13}", INIT_14 => X"{INIT_14}", INIT_15 => X"{INIT_15}", INIT_16 => X"{INIT_16}", INIT_17 => X"{INIT_17}", INIT_18 => X"{INIT_18}", INIT_19 => X"{INIT_19}", INIT_1A => X"{INIT_1A}", INIT_1B => X"{INIT_1B}", INIT_1C => X"{INIT_1C}", INIT_1D => X"{INIT_1D}", INIT_1E => X"{INIT_1E}", INIT_1F => X"{INIT_1F}", INIT_20 => X"{INIT_20}", INIT_21 => X"{INIT_21}", INIT_22 => X"{INIT_22}", INIT_23 => X"{INIT_23}", INIT_24 => X"{INIT_24}", INIT_25 => X"{INIT_25}", INIT_26 => X"{INIT_26}", INIT_27 => X"{INIT_27}", INIT_28 => X"{INIT_28}", INIT_29 => X"{INIT_29}", INIT_2A => X"{INIT_2A}", INIT_2B => X"{INIT_2B}", INIT_2C => X"{INIT_2C}", INIT_2D => X"{INIT_2D}", INIT_2E => X"{INIT_2E}", INIT_2F => X"{INIT_2F}", INIT_30 => X"{INIT_30}", INIT_31 => X"{INIT_31}", INIT_32 => X"{INIT_32}", INIT_33 => X"{INIT_33}", INIT_34 => X"{INIT_34}", INIT_35 => X"{INIT_35}", INIT_36 => X"{INIT_36}", INIT_37 => X"{INIT_37}", INIT_38 => X"{INIT_38}", INIT_39 => X"{INIT_39}", INIT_3A => X"{INIT_3A}", INIT_3B => X"{INIT_3B}", INIT_3C => X"{INIT_3C}", INIT_3D => X"{INIT_3D}", INIT_3E => X"{INIT_3E}", INIT_3F => X"{INIT_3F}", INITP_00 => X"{INITP_00}", INITP_01 => X"{INITP_01}", INITP_02 => X"{INITP_02}", INITP_03 => X"{INITP_03}", INITP_04 => X"{INITP_04}", INITP_05 => X"{INITP_05}", INITP_06 => X"{INITP_06}", INITP_07 => X"{INITP_07}") port map( ADDRA => address_a(13 downto 0), ENA => enable, CLKA => clk, DOA => data_out_a(31 downto 0), DOPA => data_out_a(35 downto 32), DIA => data_in_a(31 downto 0), DIPA => data_in_a(35 downto 32), WEA => "0000", REGCEA => '0', RSTA => '0', ADDRB => address_b(13 downto 0), ENB => enable_b, CLKB => clk_b, DOB => data_out_b(31 downto 0), DOPB => data_out_b(35 downto 32), DIB => data_in_b(31 downto 0), DIPB => data_in_b(35 downto 32), WEB => we_b(3 downto 0), REGCEB => '0', RSTB => '0'); -- end generate s6; -- -- v6 : if (C_FAMILY = "V6") generate -- address_a(13 downto 0) <= address(9 downto 0) & "1111"; instruction <= data_out_a(17 downto 0); data_in_a(17 downto 0) <= "0000000000000000" & address(11 downto 10); jtag_dout <= data_out_b(17 downto 0); -- no_loader : if (C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE = 0) generate data_in_b(17 downto 0) <= data_out_b(17 downto 0); address_b(13 downto 0) <= "11111111111111"; we_b(3 downto 0) <= "0000"; enable_b <= '0'; rdl <= '0'; clk_b <= '0'; end generate no_loader; -- loader : if (C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE = 1) generate data_in_b(17 downto 0) <= jtag_din(17 downto 0); address_b(13 downto 0) <= jtag_addr(9 downto 0) & "1111"; we_b(3 downto 0) <= jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we; enable_b <= jtag_en(0); rdl <= rdl_bus(0); clk_b <= jtag_clk; end generate loader; -- kcpsm6_rom: RAMB18E1 generic map ( READ_WIDTH_A => 18, WRITE_WIDTH_A => 18, DOA_REG => 0, INIT_A => "000000000000000000", RSTREG_PRIORITY_A => "REGCE", SRVAL_A => X"000000000000000000", WRITE_MODE_A => "WRITE_FIRST", READ_WIDTH_B => 18, WRITE_WIDTH_B => 18, DOB_REG => 0, INIT_B => X"000000000000000000", RSTREG_PRIORITY_B => "REGCE", SRVAL_B => X"000000000000000000", WRITE_MODE_B => "WRITE_FIRST", INIT_FILE => "NONE", SIM_COLLISION_CHECK => "ALL", RAM_MODE => "TDP", RDADDR_COLLISION_HWCONFIG => "DELAYED_WRITE", SIM_DEVICE => "VIRTEX6", INIT_00 => X"{INIT_00}", INIT_01 => X"{INIT_01}", INIT_02 => X"{INIT_02}", INIT_03 => X"{INIT_03}", INIT_04 => X"{INIT_04}", INIT_05 => X"{INIT_05}", INIT_06 => X"{INIT_06}", INIT_07 => X"{INIT_07}", INIT_08 => X"{INIT_08}", INIT_09 => X"{INIT_09}", INIT_0A => X"{INIT_0A}", INIT_0B => X"{INIT_0B}", INIT_0C => X"{INIT_0C}", INIT_0D => X"{INIT_0D}", INIT_0E => X"{INIT_0E}", INIT_0F => X"{INIT_0F}", INIT_10 => X"{INIT_10}", INIT_11 => X"{INIT_11}", INIT_12 => X"{INIT_12}", INIT_13 => X"{INIT_13}", INIT_14 => X"{INIT_14}", INIT_15 => X"{INIT_15}", INIT_16 => X"{INIT_16}", INIT_17 => X"{INIT_17}", INIT_18 => X"{INIT_18}", INIT_19 => X"{INIT_19}", INIT_1A => X"{INIT_1A}", INIT_1B => X"{INIT_1B}", INIT_1C => X"{INIT_1C}", INIT_1D => X"{INIT_1D}", INIT_1E => X"{INIT_1E}", INIT_1F => X"{INIT_1F}", INIT_20 => X"{INIT_20}", INIT_21 => X"{INIT_21}", INIT_22 => X"{INIT_22}", INIT_23 => X"{INIT_23}", INIT_24 => X"{INIT_24}", INIT_25 => X"{INIT_25}", INIT_26 => X"{INIT_26}", INIT_27 => X"{INIT_27}", INIT_28 => X"{INIT_28}", INIT_29 => X"{INIT_29}", INIT_2A => X"{INIT_2A}", INIT_2B => X"{INIT_2B}", INIT_2C => X"{INIT_2C}", INIT_2D => X"{INIT_2D}", INIT_2E => X"{INIT_2E}", INIT_2F => X"{INIT_2F}", INIT_30 => X"{INIT_30}", INIT_31 => X"{INIT_31}", INIT_32 => X"{INIT_32}", INIT_33 => X"{INIT_33}", INIT_34 => X"{INIT_34}", INIT_35 => X"{INIT_35}", INIT_36 => X"{INIT_36}", INIT_37 => X"{INIT_37}", INIT_38 => X"{INIT_38}", INIT_39 => X"{INIT_39}", INIT_3A => X"{INIT_3A}", INIT_3B => X"{INIT_3B}", INIT_3C => X"{INIT_3C}", INIT_3D => X"{INIT_3D}", INIT_3E => X"{INIT_3E}", INIT_3F => X"{INIT_3F}", INITP_00 => X"{INITP_00}", INITP_01 => X"{INITP_01}", INITP_02 => X"{INITP_02}", INITP_03 => X"{INITP_03}", INITP_04 => X"{INITP_04}", INITP_05 => X"{INITP_05}", INITP_06 => X"{INITP_06}", INITP_07 => X"{INITP_07}") port map( ADDRARDADDR => address_a(13 downto 0), ENARDEN => enable, CLKARDCLK => clk, DOADO => data_out_a(15 downto 0), DOPADOP => data_out_a(17 downto 16), DIADI => data_in_a(15 downto 0), DIPADIP => data_in_a(17 downto 16), WEA => "00", REGCEAREGCE => '0', RSTRAMARSTRAM => '0', RSTREGARSTREG => '0', ADDRBWRADDR => address_b(13 downto 0), ENBWREN => enable_b, CLKBWRCLK => clk_b, DOBDO => data_out_b(15 downto 0), DOPBDOP => data_out_b(17 downto 16), DIBDI => data_in_b(15 downto 0), DIPBDIP => data_in_b(17 downto 16), WEBWE => we_b(3 downto 0), REGCEB => '0', RSTRAMB => '0', RSTREGB => '0'); -- end generate v6; -- -- akv7 : if (C_FAMILY = "7S") generate -- address_a(13 downto 0) <= address(9 downto 0) & "1111"; instruction <= data_out_a(17 downto 0); data_in_a(17 downto 0) <= "0000000000000000" & address(11 downto 10); jtag_dout <= data_out_b(17 downto 0); -- no_loader : if (C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE = 0) generate data_in_b(17 downto 0) <= data_out_b(17 downto 0); address_b(13 downto 0) <= "11111111111111"; we_b(3 downto 0) <= "0000"; enable_b <= '0'; rdl <= '0'; clk_b <= '0'; end generate no_loader; -- loader : if (C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE = 1) generate data_in_b(17 downto 0) <= jtag_din(17 downto 0); address_b(13 downto 0) <= jtag_addr(9 downto 0) & "1111"; we_b(3 downto 0) <= jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we; enable_b <= jtag_en(0); rdl <= rdl_bus(0); clk_b <= jtag_clk; end generate loader; -- kcpsm6_rom: RAMB18E1 generic map ( READ_WIDTH_A => 18, WRITE_WIDTH_A => 18, DOA_REG => 0, INIT_A => "000000000000000000", RSTREG_PRIORITY_A => "REGCE", SRVAL_A => X"000000000000000000", WRITE_MODE_A => "WRITE_FIRST", READ_WIDTH_B => 18, WRITE_WIDTH_B => 18, DOB_REG => 0, INIT_B => X"000000000000000000", RSTREG_PRIORITY_B => "REGCE", SRVAL_B => X"000000000000000000", WRITE_MODE_B => "WRITE_FIRST", INIT_FILE => "NONE", SIM_COLLISION_CHECK => "ALL", RAM_MODE => "TDP", RDADDR_COLLISION_HWCONFIG => "DELAYED_WRITE", SIM_DEVICE => "7SERIES", INIT_00 => X"{INIT_00}", INIT_01 => X"{INIT_01}", INIT_02 => X"{INIT_02}", INIT_03 => X"{INIT_03}", INIT_04 => X"{INIT_04}", INIT_05 => X"{INIT_05}", INIT_06 => X"{INIT_06}", INIT_07 => X"{INIT_07}", INIT_08 => X"{INIT_08}", INIT_09 => X"{INIT_09}", INIT_0A => X"{INIT_0A}", INIT_0B => X"{INIT_0B}", INIT_0C => X"{INIT_0C}", INIT_0D => X"{INIT_0D}", INIT_0E => X"{INIT_0E}", INIT_0F => X"{INIT_0F}", INIT_10 => X"{INIT_10}", INIT_11 => X"{INIT_11}", INIT_12 => X"{INIT_12}", INIT_13 => X"{INIT_13}", INIT_14 => X"{INIT_14}", INIT_15 => X"{INIT_15}", INIT_16 => X"{INIT_16}", INIT_17 => X"{INIT_17}", INIT_18 => X"{INIT_18}", INIT_19 => X"{INIT_19}", INIT_1A => X"{INIT_1A}", INIT_1B => X"{INIT_1B}", INIT_1C => X"{INIT_1C}", INIT_1D => X"{INIT_1D}", INIT_1E => X"{INIT_1E}", INIT_1F => X"{INIT_1F}", INIT_20 => X"{INIT_20}", INIT_21 => X"{INIT_21}", INIT_22 => X"{INIT_22}", INIT_23 => X"{INIT_23}", INIT_24 => X"{INIT_24}", INIT_25 => X"{INIT_25}", INIT_26 => X"{INIT_26}", INIT_27 => X"{INIT_27}", INIT_28 => X"{INIT_28}", INIT_29 => X"{INIT_29}", INIT_2A => X"{INIT_2A}", INIT_2B => X"{INIT_2B}", INIT_2C => X"{INIT_2C}", INIT_2D => X"{INIT_2D}", INIT_2E => X"{INIT_2E}", INIT_2F => X"{INIT_2F}", INIT_30 => X"{INIT_30}", INIT_31 => X"{INIT_31}", INIT_32 => X"{INIT_32}", INIT_33 => X"{INIT_33}", INIT_34 => X"{INIT_34}", INIT_35 => X"{INIT_35}", INIT_36 => X"{INIT_36}", INIT_37 => X"{INIT_37}", INIT_38 => X"{INIT_38}", INIT_39 => X"{INIT_39}", INIT_3A => X"{INIT_3A}", INIT_3B => X"{INIT_3B}", INIT_3C => X"{INIT_3C}", INIT_3D => X"{INIT_3D}", INIT_3E => X"{INIT_3E}", INIT_3F => X"{INIT_3F}", INITP_00 => X"{INITP_00}", INITP_01 => X"{INITP_01}", INITP_02 => X"{INITP_02}", INITP_03 => X"{INITP_03}", INITP_04 => X"{INITP_04}", INITP_05 => X"{INITP_05}", INITP_06 => X"{INITP_06}", INITP_07 => X"{INITP_07}") port map( ADDRARDADDR => address_a(13 downto 0), ENARDEN => enable, CLKARDCLK => clk, DOADO => data_out_a(15 downto 0), DOPADOP => data_out_a(17 downto 16), DIADI => data_in_a(15 downto 0), DIPADIP => data_in_a(17 downto 16), WEA => "00", REGCEAREGCE => '0', RSTRAMARSTRAM => '0', RSTREGARSTREG => '0', ADDRBWRADDR => address_b(13 downto 0), ENBWREN => enable_b, CLKBWRCLK => clk_b, DOBDO => data_out_b(15 downto 0), DOPBDOP => data_out_b(17 downto 16), DIBDI => data_in_b(15 downto 0), DIPBDIP => data_in_b(17 downto 16), WEBWE => we_b(3 downto 0), REGCEB => '0', RSTRAMB => '0', RSTREGB => '0'); -- end generate akv7; -- end generate ram_1k_generate; -- -- -- ram_2k_generate : if (C_RAM_SIZE_KWORDS = 2) generate -- -- s6: if (C_FAMILY = "S6") generate -- address_a(13 downto 0) <= address(10 downto 0) & "000"; instruction <= data_out_a_h(32) & data_out_a_h(7 downto 0) & data_out_a_l(32) & data_out_a_l(7 downto 0); data_in_a <= "00000000000000000000000000000000000" & address(11); jtag_dout <= data_out_b_h(32) & data_out_b_h(7 downto 0) & data_out_b_l(32) & data_out_b_l(7 downto 0); -- no_loader : if (C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE = 0) generate data_in_b_l <= "000" & data_out_b_l(32) & "000000000000000000000000" & data_out_b_l(7 downto 0); data_in_b_h <= "000" & data_out_b_h(32) & "000000000000000000000000" & data_out_b_h(7 downto 0); address_b(13 downto 0) <= "00000000000000"; we_b(3 downto 0) <= "0000"; enable_b <= '0'; rdl <= '0'; clk_b <= '0'; end generate no_loader; -- loader : if (C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE = 1) generate data_in_b_h <= "000" & jtag_din(17) & "000000000000000000000000" & jtag_din(16 downto 9); data_in_b_l <= "000" & jtag_din(8) & "000000000000000000000000" & jtag_din(7 downto 0); address_b(13 downto 0) <= jtag_addr(10 downto 0) & "000"; we_b(3 downto 0) <= jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we; enable_b <= jtag_en(0); rdl <= rdl_bus(0); clk_b <= jtag_clk; end generate loader; -- kcpsm6_rom_l: RAMB16BWER generic map ( DATA_WIDTH_A => 9, DOA_REG => 0, EN_RSTRAM_A => FALSE, INIT_A => X"000000000", RST_PRIORITY_A => "CE", SRVAL_A => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_A => "WRITE_FIRST", DATA_WIDTH_B => 9, DOB_REG => 0, EN_RSTRAM_B => FALSE, INIT_B => X"000000000", RST_PRIORITY_B => "CE", SRVAL_B => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_B => "WRITE_FIRST", RSTTYPE => "SYNC", INIT_FILE => "NONE", SIM_COLLISION_CHECK => "ALL", SIM_DEVICE => "SPARTAN6", INIT_00 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_00}", INIT_01 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_01}", INIT_02 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_02}", INIT_03 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_03}", INIT_04 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_04}", INIT_05 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_05}", INIT_06 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_06}", INIT_07 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_07}", INIT_08 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_08}", INIT_09 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_09}", INIT_0A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0A}", INIT_0B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0B}", INIT_0C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0C}", INIT_0D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0D}", INIT_0E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0E}", INIT_0F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0F}", INIT_10 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_10}", INIT_11 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_11}", INIT_12 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_12}", INIT_13 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_13}", INIT_14 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_14}", INIT_15 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_15}", INIT_16 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_16}", INIT_17 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_17}", INIT_18 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_18}", INIT_19 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_19}", INIT_1A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1A}", INIT_1B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1B}", INIT_1C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1C}", INIT_1D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1D}", INIT_1E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1E}", INIT_1F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1F}", INIT_20 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_20}", INIT_21 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_21}", INIT_22 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_22}", INIT_23 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_23}", INIT_24 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_24}", INIT_25 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_25}", INIT_26 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_26}", INIT_27 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_27}", INIT_28 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_28}", INIT_29 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_29}", INIT_2A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2A}", INIT_2B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2B}", INIT_2C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2C}", INIT_2D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2D}", INIT_2E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2E}", INIT_2F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2F}", INIT_30 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_30}", INIT_31 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_31}", INIT_32 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_32}", INIT_33 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_33}", INIT_34 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_34}", INIT_35 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_35}", INIT_36 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_36}", INIT_37 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_37}", INIT_38 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_38}", INIT_39 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_39}", INIT_3A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3A}", INIT_3B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3B}", INIT_3C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3C}", INIT_3D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3D}", INIT_3E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3E}", INIT_3F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3F}", INITP_00 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_00}", INITP_01 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_01}", INITP_02 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_02}", INITP_03 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_03}", INITP_04 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_04}", INITP_05 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_05}", INITP_06 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_06}", INITP_07 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_07}") port map( ADDRA => address_a(13 downto 0), ENA => enable, CLKA => clk, DOA => data_out_a_l(31 downto 0), DOPA => data_out_a_l(35 downto 32), DIA => data_in_a(31 downto 0), DIPA => data_in_a(35 downto 32), WEA => "0000", REGCEA => '0', RSTA => '0', ADDRB => address_b(13 downto 0), ENB => enable_b, CLKB => clk_b, DOB => data_out_b_l(31 downto 0), DOPB => data_out_b_l(35 downto 32), DIB => data_in_b_l(31 downto 0), DIPB => data_in_b_l(35 downto 32), WEB => we_b(3 downto 0), REGCEB => '0', RSTB => '0'); -- kcpsm6_rom_h: RAMB16BWER generic map ( DATA_WIDTH_A => 9, DOA_REG => 0, EN_RSTRAM_A => FALSE, INIT_A => X"000000000", RST_PRIORITY_A => "CE", SRVAL_A => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_A => "WRITE_FIRST", DATA_WIDTH_B => 9, DOB_REG => 0, EN_RSTRAM_B => FALSE, INIT_B => X"000000000", RST_PRIORITY_B => "CE", SRVAL_B => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_B => "WRITE_FIRST", RSTTYPE => "SYNC", INIT_FILE => "NONE", SIM_COLLISION_CHECK => "ALL", SIM_DEVICE => "SPARTAN6", INIT_00 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_00}", INIT_01 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_01}", INIT_02 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_02}", INIT_03 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_03}", INIT_04 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_04}", INIT_05 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_05}", INIT_06 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_06}", INIT_07 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_07}", INIT_08 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_08}", INIT_09 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_09}", INIT_0A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0A}", INIT_0B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0B}", INIT_0C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0C}", INIT_0D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0D}", INIT_0E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0E}", INIT_0F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0F}", INIT_10 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_10}", INIT_11 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_11}", INIT_12 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_12}", INIT_13 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_13}", INIT_14 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_14}", INIT_15 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_15}", INIT_16 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_16}", INIT_17 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_17}", INIT_18 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_18}", INIT_19 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_19}", INIT_1A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1A}", INIT_1B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1B}", INIT_1C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1C}", INIT_1D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1D}", INIT_1E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1E}", INIT_1F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1F}", INIT_20 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_20}", INIT_21 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_21}", INIT_22 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_22}", INIT_23 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_23}", INIT_24 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_24}", INIT_25 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_25}", INIT_26 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_26}", INIT_27 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_27}", INIT_28 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_28}", INIT_29 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_29}", INIT_2A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2A}", INIT_2B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2B}", INIT_2C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2C}", INIT_2D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2D}", INIT_2E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2E}", INIT_2F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2F}", INIT_30 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_30}", INIT_31 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_31}", INIT_32 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_32}", INIT_33 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_33}", INIT_34 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_34}", INIT_35 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_35}", INIT_36 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_36}", INIT_37 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_37}", INIT_38 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_38}", INIT_39 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_39}", INIT_3A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3A}", INIT_3B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3B}", INIT_3C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3C}", INIT_3D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3D}", INIT_3E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3E}", INIT_3F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3F}", INITP_00 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_00}", INITP_01 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_01}", INITP_02 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_02}", INITP_03 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_03}", INITP_04 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_04}", INITP_05 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_05}", INITP_06 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_06}", INITP_07 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_07}") port map( ADDRA => address_a(13 downto 0), ENA => enable, CLKA => clk, DOA => data_out_a_h(31 downto 0), DOPA => data_out_a_h(35 downto 32), DIA => data_in_a(31 downto 0), DIPA => data_in_a(35 downto 32), WEA => "0000", REGCEA => '0', RSTA => '0', ADDRB => address_b(13 downto 0), ENB => enable_b, CLKB => clk_b, DOB => data_out_b_h(31 downto 0), DOPB => data_out_b_h(35 downto 32), DIB => data_in_b_h(31 downto 0), DIPB => data_in_b_h(35 downto 32), WEB => we_b(3 downto 0), REGCEB => '0', RSTB => '0'); -- end generate s6; -- -- v6 : if (C_FAMILY = "V6") generate -- address_a <= '1' & address(10 downto 0) & "1111"; instruction <= data_out_a(33 downto 32) & data_out_a(15 downto 0); data_in_a <= "00000000000000000000000000000000000" & address(11); jtag_dout <= data_out_b(33 downto 32) & data_out_b(15 downto 0); -- no_loader : if (C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE = 0) generate data_in_b <= "00" & data_out_b(33 downto 32) & "0000000000000000" & data_out_b(15 downto 0); address_b <= "1111111111111111"; we_b <= "00000000"; enable_b <= '0'; rdl <= '0'; clk_b <= '0'; end generate no_loader; -- loader : if (C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE = 1) generate data_in_b <= "00" & jtag_din(17 downto 16) & "0000000000000000" & jtag_din(15 downto 0); address_b <= '1' & jtag_addr(10 downto 0) & "1111"; we_b <= jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we; enable_b <= jtag_en(0); rdl <= rdl_bus(0); clk_b <= jtag_clk; end generate loader; -- kcpsm6_rom: RAMB36E1 generic map ( READ_WIDTH_A => 18, WRITE_WIDTH_A => 18, DOA_REG => 0, INIT_A => X"000000000", RSTREG_PRIORITY_A => "REGCE", SRVAL_A => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_A => "WRITE_FIRST", READ_WIDTH_B => 18, WRITE_WIDTH_B => 18, DOB_REG => 0, INIT_B => X"000000000", RSTREG_PRIORITY_B => "REGCE", SRVAL_B => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_B => "WRITE_FIRST", INIT_FILE => "NONE", SIM_COLLISION_CHECK => "ALL", RAM_MODE => "TDP", RDADDR_COLLISION_HWCONFIG => "DELAYED_WRITE", EN_ECC_READ => FALSE, EN_ECC_WRITE => FALSE, RAM_EXTENSION_A => "NONE", RAM_EXTENSION_B => "NONE", SIM_DEVICE => "VIRTEX6", INIT_00 => X"{INIT_00}", INIT_01 => X"{INIT_01}", INIT_02 => X"{INIT_02}", INIT_03 => X"{INIT_03}", INIT_04 => X"{INIT_04}", INIT_05 => X"{INIT_05}", INIT_06 => X"{INIT_06}", INIT_07 => X"{INIT_07}", INIT_08 => X"{INIT_08}", INIT_09 => X"{INIT_09}", INIT_0A => X"{INIT_0A}", INIT_0B => X"{INIT_0B}", INIT_0C => X"{INIT_0C}", INIT_0D => X"{INIT_0D}", INIT_0E => X"{INIT_0E}", INIT_0F => X"{INIT_0F}", INIT_10 => X"{INIT_10}", INIT_11 => X"{INIT_11}", INIT_12 => X"{INIT_12}", INIT_13 => X"{INIT_13}", INIT_14 => X"{INIT_14}", INIT_15 => X"{INIT_15}", INIT_16 => X"{INIT_16}", INIT_17 => X"{INIT_17}", INIT_18 => X"{INIT_18}", INIT_19 => X"{INIT_19}", INIT_1A => X"{INIT_1A}", INIT_1B => X"{INIT_1B}", INIT_1C => X"{INIT_1C}", INIT_1D => X"{INIT_1D}", INIT_1E => X"{INIT_1E}", INIT_1F => X"{INIT_1F}", INIT_20 => X"{INIT_20}", INIT_21 => X"{INIT_21}", INIT_22 => X"{INIT_22}", INIT_23 => X"{INIT_23}", INIT_24 => X"{INIT_24}", INIT_25 => X"{INIT_25}", INIT_26 => X"{INIT_26}", INIT_27 => X"{INIT_27}", INIT_28 => X"{INIT_28}", INIT_29 => X"{INIT_29}", INIT_2A => X"{INIT_2A}", INIT_2B => X"{INIT_2B}", INIT_2C => X"{INIT_2C}", INIT_2D => X"{INIT_2D}", INIT_2E => X"{INIT_2E}", INIT_2F => X"{INIT_2F}", INIT_30 => X"{INIT_30}", INIT_31 => X"{INIT_31}", INIT_32 => X"{INIT_32}", INIT_33 => X"{INIT_33}", INIT_34 => X"{INIT_34}", INIT_35 => X"{INIT_35}", INIT_36 => X"{INIT_36}", INIT_37 => X"{INIT_37}", INIT_38 => X"{INIT_38}", INIT_39 => X"{INIT_39}", INIT_3A => X"{INIT_3A}", INIT_3B => X"{INIT_3B}", INIT_3C => X"{INIT_3C}", INIT_3D => X"{INIT_3D}", INIT_3E => X"{INIT_3E}", INIT_3F => X"{INIT_3F}", INIT_40 => X"{INIT_40}", INIT_41 => X"{INIT_41}", INIT_42 => X"{INIT_42}", INIT_43 => X"{INIT_43}", INIT_44 => X"{INIT_44}", INIT_45 => X"{INIT_45}", INIT_46 => X"{INIT_46}", INIT_47 => X"{INIT_47}", INIT_48 => X"{INIT_48}", INIT_49 => X"{INIT_49}", INIT_4A => X"{INIT_4A}", INIT_4B => X"{INIT_4B}", INIT_4C => X"{INIT_4C}", INIT_4D => X"{INIT_4D}", INIT_4E => X"{INIT_4E}", INIT_4F => X"{INIT_4F}", INIT_50 => X"{INIT_50}", INIT_51 => X"{INIT_51}", INIT_52 => X"{INIT_52}", INIT_53 => X"{INIT_53}", INIT_54 => X"{INIT_54}", INIT_55 => X"{INIT_55}", INIT_56 => X"{INIT_56}", INIT_57 => X"{INIT_57}", INIT_58 => X"{INIT_58}", INIT_59 => X"{INIT_59}", INIT_5A => X"{INIT_5A}", INIT_5B => X"{INIT_5B}", INIT_5C => X"{INIT_5C}", INIT_5D => X"{INIT_5D}", INIT_5E => X"{INIT_5E}", INIT_5F => X"{INIT_5F}", INIT_60 => X"{INIT_60}", INIT_61 => X"{INIT_61}", INIT_62 => X"{INIT_62}", INIT_63 => X"{INIT_63}", INIT_64 => X"{INIT_64}", INIT_65 => X"{INIT_65}", INIT_66 => X"{INIT_66}", INIT_67 => X"{INIT_67}", INIT_68 => X"{INIT_68}", INIT_69 => X"{INIT_69}", INIT_6A => X"{INIT_6A}", INIT_6B => X"{INIT_6B}", INIT_6C => X"{INIT_6C}", INIT_6D => X"{INIT_6D}", INIT_6E => X"{INIT_6E}", INIT_6F => X"{INIT_6F}", INIT_70 => X"{INIT_70}", INIT_71 => X"{INIT_71}", INIT_72 => X"{INIT_72}", INIT_73 => X"{INIT_73}", INIT_74 => X"{INIT_74}", INIT_75 => X"{INIT_75}", INIT_76 => X"{INIT_76}", INIT_77 => X"{INIT_77}", INIT_78 => X"{INIT_78}", INIT_79 => X"{INIT_79}", INIT_7A => X"{INIT_7A}", INIT_7B => X"{INIT_7B}", INIT_7C => X"{INIT_7C}", INIT_7D => X"{INIT_7D}", INIT_7E => X"{INIT_7E}", INIT_7F => X"{INIT_7F}", INITP_00 => X"{INITP_00}", INITP_01 => X"{INITP_01}", INITP_02 => X"{INITP_02}", INITP_03 => X"{INITP_03}", INITP_04 => X"{INITP_04}", INITP_05 => X"{INITP_05}", INITP_06 => X"{INITP_06}", INITP_07 => X"{INITP_07}", INITP_08 => X"{INITP_08}", INITP_09 => X"{INITP_09}", INITP_0A => X"{INITP_0A}", INITP_0B => X"{INITP_0B}", INITP_0C => X"{INITP_0C}", INITP_0D => X"{INITP_0D}", INITP_0E => X"{INITP_0E}", INITP_0F => X"{INITP_0F}") port map( ADDRARDADDR => address_a, ENARDEN => enable, CLKARDCLK => clk, DOADO => data_out_a(31 downto 0), DOPADOP => data_out_a(35 downto 32), DIADI => data_in_a(31 downto 0), DIPADIP => data_in_a(35 downto 32), WEA => "0000", REGCEAREGCE => '0', RSTRAMARSTRAM => '0', RSTREGARSTREG => '0', ADDRBWRADDR => address_b, ENBWREN => enable_b, CLKBWRCLK => clk_b, DOBDO => data_out_b(31 downto 0), DOPBDOP => data_out_b(35 downto 32), DIBDI => data_in_b(31 downto 0), DIPBDIP => data_in_b(35 downto 32), WEBWE => we_b, REGCEB => '0', RSTRAMB => '0', RSTREGB => '0', CASCADEINA => '0', CASCADEINB => '0', INJECTDBITERR => '0', INJECTSBITERR => '0'); -- end generate v6; -- -- akv7 : if (C_FAMILY = "7S") generate -- address_a <= '1' & address(10 downto 0) & "1111"; instruction <= data_out_a(33 downto 32) & data_out_a(15 downto 0); data_in_a <= "00000000000000000000000000000000000" & address(11); jtag_dout <= data_out_b(33 downto 32) & data_out_b(15 downto 0); -- no_loader : if (C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE = 0) generate data_in_b <= "00" & data_out_b(33 downto 32) & "0000000000000000" & data_out_b(15 downto 0); address_b <= "1111111111111111"; we_b <= "00000000"; enable_b <= '0'; rdl <= '0'; clk_b <= '0'; end generate no_loader; -- loader : if (C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE = 1) generate data_in_b <= "00" & jtag_din(17 downto 16) & "0000000000000000" & jtag_din(15 downto 0); address_b <= '1' & jtag_addr(10 downto 0) & "1111"; we_b <= jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we; enable_b <= jtag_en(0); rdl <= rdl_bus(0); clk_b <= jtag_clk; end generate loader; -- kcpsm6_rom: RAMB36E1 generic map ( READ_WIDTH_A => 18, WRITE_WIDTH_A => 18, DOA_REG => 0, INIT_A => X"000000000", RSTREG_PRIORITY_A => "REGCE", SRVAL_A => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_A => "WRITE_FIRST", READ_WIDTH_B => 18, WRITE_WIDTH_B => 18, DOB_REG => 0, INIT_B => X"000000000", RSTREG_PRIORITY_B => "REGCE", SRVAL_B => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_B => "WRITE_FIRST", INIT_FILE => "NONE", SIM_COLLISION_CHECK => "ALL", RAM_MODE => "TDP", RDADDR_COLLISION_HWCONFIG => "DELAYED_WRITE", EN_ECC_READ => FALSE, EN_ECC_WRITE => FALSE, RAM_EXTENSION_A => "NONE", RAM_EXTENSION_B => "NONE", SIM_DEVICE => "7SERIES", INIT_00 => X"{INIT_00}", INIT_01 => X"{INIT_01}", INIT_02 => X"{INIT_02}", INIT_03 => X"{INIT_03}", INIT_04 => X"{INIT_04}", INIT_05 => X"{INIT_05}", INIT_06 => X"{INIT_06}", INIT_07 => X"{INIT_07}", INIT_08 => X"{INIT_08}", INIT_09 => X"{INIT_09}", INIT_0A => X"{INIT_0A}", INIT_0B => X"{INIT_0B}", INIT_0C => X"{INIT_0C}", INIT_0D => X"{INIT_0D}", INIT_0E => X"{INIT_0E}", INIT_0F => X"{INIT_0F}", INIT_10 => X"{INIT_10}", INIT_11 => X"{INIT_11}", INIT_12 => X"{INIT_12}", INIT_13 => X"{INIT_13}", INIT_14 => X"{INIT_14}", INIT_15 => X"{INIT_15}", INIT_16 => X"{INIT_16}", INIT_17 => X"{INIT_17}", INIT_18 => X"{INIT_18}", INIT_19 => X"{INIT_19}", INIT_1A => X"{INIT_1A}", INIT_1B => X"{INIT_1B}", INIT_1C => X"{INIT_1C}", INIT_1D => X"{INIT_1D}", INIT_1E => X"{INIT_1E}", INIT_1F => X"{INIT_1F}", INIT_20 => X"{INIT_20}", INIT_21 => X"{INIT_21}", INIT_22 => X"{INIT_22}", INIT_23 => X"{INIT_23}", INIT_24 => X"{INIT_24}", INIT_25 => X"{INIT_25}", INIT_26 => X"{INIT_26}", INIT_27 => X"{INIT_27}", INIT_28 => X"{INIT_28}", INIT_29 => X"{INIT_29}", INIT_2A => X"{INIT_2A}", INIT_2B => X"{INIT_2B}", INIT_2C => X"{INIT_2C}", INIT_2D => X"{INIT_2D}", INIT_2E => X"{INIT_2E}", INIT_2F => X"{INIT_2F}", INIT_30 => X"{INIT_30}", INIT_31 => X"{INIT_31}", INIT_32 => X"{INIT_32}", INIT_33 => X"{INIT_33}", INIT_34 => X"{INIT_34}", INIT_35 => X"{INIT_35}", INIT_36 => X"{INIT_36}", INIT_37 => X"{INIT_37}", INIT_38 => X"{INIT_38}", INIT_39 => X"{INIT_39}", INIT_3A => X"{INIT_3A}", INIT_3B => X"{INIT_3B}", INIT_3C => X"{INIT_3C}", INIT_3D => X"{INIT_3D}", INIT_3E => X"{INIT_3E}", INIT_3F => X"{INIT_3F}", INIT_40 => X"{INIT_40}", INIT_41 => X"{INIT_41}", INIT_42 => X"{INIT_42}", INIT_43 => X"{INIT_43}", INIT_44 => X"{INIT_44}", INIT_45 => X"{INIT_45}", INIT_46 => X"{INIT_46}", INIT_47 => X"{INIT_47}", INIT_48 => X"{INIT_48}", INIT_49 => X"{INIT_49}", INIT_4A => X"{INIT_4A}", INIT_4B => X"{INIT_4B}", INIT_4C => X"{INIT_4C}", INIT_4D => X"{INIT_4D}", INIT_4E => X"{INIT_4E}", INIT_4F => X"{INIT_4F}", INIT_50 => X"{INIT_50}", INIT_51 => X"{INIT_51}", INIT_52 => X"{INIT_52}", INIT_53 => X"{INIT_53}", INIT_54 => X"{INIT_54}", INIT_55 => X"{INIT_55}", INIT_56 => X"{INIT_56}", INIT_57 => X"{INIT_57}", INIT_58 => X"{INIT_58}", INIT_59 => X"{INIT_59}", INIT_5A => X"{INIT_5A}", INIT_5B => X"{INIT_5B}", INIT_5C => X"{INIT_5C}", INIT_5D => X"{INIT_5D}", INIT_5E => X"{INIT_5E}", INIT_5F => X"{INIT_5F}", INIT_60 => X"{INIT_60}", INIT_61 => X"{INIT_61}", INIT_62 => X"{INIT_62}", INIT_63 => X"{INIT_63}", INIT_64 => X"{INIT_64}", INIT_65 => X"{INIT_65}", INIT_66 => X"{INIT_66}", INIT_67 => X"{INIT_67}", INIT_68 => X"{INIT_68}", INIT_69 => X"{INIT_69}", INIT_6A => X"{INIT_6A}", INIT_6B => X"{INIT_6B}", INIT_6C => X"{INIT_6C}", INIT_6D => X"{INIT_6D}", INIT_6E => X"{INIT_6E}", INIT_6F => X"{INIT_6F}", INIT_70 => X"{INIT_70}", INIT_71 => X"{INIT_71}", INIT_72 => X"{INIT_72}", INIT_73 => X"{INIT_73}", INIT_74 => X"{INIT_74}", INIT_75 => X"{INIT_75}", INIT_76 => X"{INIT_76}", INIT_77 => X"{INIT_77}", INIT_78 => X"{INIT_78}", INIT_79 => X"{INIT_79}", INIT_7A => X"{INIT_7A}", INIT_7B => X"{INIT_7B}", INIT_7C => X"{INIT_7C}", INIT_7D => X"{INIT_7D}", INIT_7E => X"{INIT_7E}", INIT_7F => X"{INIT_7F}", INITP_00 => X"{INITP_00}", INITP_01 => X"{INITP_01}", INITP_02 => X"{INITP_02}", INITP_03 => X"{INITP_03}", INITP_04 => X"{INITP_04}", INITP_05 => X"{INITP_05}", INITP_06 => X"{INITP_06}", INITP_07 => X"{INITP_07}", INITP_08 => X"{INITP_08}", INITP_09 => X"{INITP_09}", INITP_0A => X"{INITP_0A}", INITP_0B => X"{INITP_0B}", INITP_0C => X"{INITP_0C}", INITP_0D => X"{INITP_0D}", INITP_0E => X"{INITP_0E}", INITP_0F => X"{INITP_0F}") port map( ADDRARDADDR => address_a, ENARDEN => enable, CLKARDCLK => clk, DOADO => data_out_a(31 downto 0), DOPADOP => data_out_a(35 downto 32), DIADI => data_in_a(31 downto 0), DIPADIP => data_in_a(35 downto 32), WEA => "0000", REGCEAREGCE => '0', RSTRAMARSTRAM => '0', RSTREGARSTREG => '0', ADDRBWRADDR => address_b, ENBWREN => enable_b, CLKBWRCLK => clk_b, DOBDO => data_out_b(31 downto 0), DOPBDOP => data_out_b(35 downto 32), DIBDI => data_in_b(31 downto 0), DIPBDIP => data_in_b(35 downto 32), WEBWE => we_b, REGCEB => '0', RSTRAMB => '0', RSTREGB => '0', CASCADEINA => '0', CASCADEINB => '0', INJECTDBITERR => '0', INJECTSBITERR => '0'); -- end generate akv7; -- end generate ram_2k_generate; -- -- ram_4k_generate : if (C_RAM_SIZE_KWORDS = 4) generate s6: if (C_FAMILY = "S6") generate -- address_a(13 downto 0) <= address(10 downto 0) & "000"; data_in_a <= "000000000000000000000000000000000000"; -- s6_a11_flop: FD port map ( D => address(11), Q => pipe_a11, C => clk); -- s6_4k_mux0_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"FF00F0F0CCCCAAAA") port map( I0 => data_out_a_ll(0), I1 => data_out_a_hl(0), I2 => data_out_a_ll(1), I3 => data_out_a_hl(1), I4 => pipe_a11, I5 => '1', O5 => instruction(0), O6 => instruction(1)); -- s6_4k_mux2_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"FF00F0F0CCCCAAAA") port map( I0 => data_out_a_ll(2), I1 => data_out_a_hl(2), I2 => data_out_a_ll(3), I3 => data_out_a_hl(3), I4 => pipe_a11, I5 => '1', O5 => instruction(2), O6 => instruction(3)); -- s6_4k_mux4_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"FF00F0F0CCCCAAAA") port map( I0 => data_out_a_ll(4), I1 => data_out_a_hl(4), I2 => data_out_a_ll(5), I3 => data_out_a_hl(5), I4 => pipe_a11, I5 => '1', O5 => instruction(4), O6 => instruction(5)); -- s6_4k_mux6_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"FF00F0F0CCCCAAAA") port map( I0 => data_out_a_ll(6), I1 => data_out_a_hl(6), I2 => data_out_a_ll(7), I3 => data_out_a_hl(7), I4 => pipe_a11, I5 => '1', O5 => instruction(6), O6 => instruction(7)); -- s6_4k_mux8_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"FF00F0F0CCCCAAAA") port map( I0 => data_out_a_ll(32), I1 => data_out_a_hl(32), I2 => data_out_a_lh(0), I3 => data_out_a_hh(0), I4 => pipe_a11, I5 => '1', O5 => instruction(8), O6 => instruction(9)); -- s6_4k_mux10_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"FF00F0F0CCCCAAAA") port map( I0 => data_out_a_lh(1), I1 => data_out_a_hh(1), I2 => data_out_a_lh(2), I3 => data_out_a_hh(2), I4 => pipe_a11, I5 => '1', O5 => instruction(10), O6 => instruction(11)); -- s6_4k_mux12_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"FF00F0F0CCCCAAAA") port map( I0 => data_out_a_lh(3), I1 => data_out_a_hh(3), I2 => data_out_a_lh(4), I3 => data_out_a_hh(4), I4 => pipe_a11, I5 => '1', O5 => instruction(12), O6 => instruction(13)); -- s6_4k_mux14_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"FF00F0F0CCCCAAAA") port map( I0 => data_out_a_lh(5), I1 => data_out_a_hh(5), I2 => data_out_a_lh(6), I3 => data_out_a_hh(6), I4 => pipe_a11, I5 => '1', O5 => instruction(14), O6 => instruction(15)); -- s6_4k_mux16_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"FF00F0F0CCCCAAAA") port map( I0 => data_out_a_lh(7), I1 => data_out_a_hh(7), I2 => data_out_a_lh(32), I3 => data_out_a_hh(32), I4 => pipe_a11, I5 => '1', O5 => instruction(16), O6 => instruction(17)); -- no_loader : if (C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE = 0) generate data_in_b_ll <= "000" & data_out_b_ll(32) & "000000000000000000000000" & data_out_b_ll(7 downto 0); data_in_b_lh <= "000" & data_out_b_lh(32) & "000000000000000000000000" & data_out_b_lh(7 downto 0); data_in_b_hl <= "000" & data_out_b_hl(32) & "000000000000000000000000" & data_out_b_hl(7 downto 0); data_in_b_hh <= "000" & data_out_b_hh(32) & "000000000000000000000000" & data_out_b_hh(7 downto 0); address_b(13 downto 0) <= "00000000000000"; we_b_l(3 downto 0) <= "0000"; we_b_h(3 downto 0) <= "0000"; enable_b <= '0'; rdl <= '0'; clk_b <= '0'; jtag_dout <= data_out_b_lh(32) & data_out_b_lh(7 downto 0) & data_out_b_ll(32) & data_out_b_ll(7 downto 0); end generate no_loader; -- loader : if (C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE = 1) generate data_in_b_lh <= "000" & jtag_din(17) & "000000000000000000000000" & jtag_din(16 downto 9); data_in_b_ll <= "000" & jtag_din(8) & "000000000000000000000000" & jtag_din(7 downto 0); data_in_b_hh <= "000" & jtag_din(17) & "000000000000000000000000" & jtag_din(16 downto 9); data_in_b_hl <= "000" & jtag_din(8) & "000000000000000000000000" & jtag_din(7 downto 0); address_b(13 downto 0) <= jtag_addr(10 downto 0) & "000"; -- s6_4k_jtag_we_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"8000000020000000") port map( I0 => jtag_we, I1 => jtag_addr(11), I2 => '1', I3 => '1', I4 => '1', I5 => '1', O5 => jtag_we_l, O6 => jtag_we_h); -- we_b_l(3 downto 0) <= jtag_we_l & jtag_we_l & jtag_we_l & jtag_we_l; we_b_h(3 downto 0) <= jtag_we_h & jtag_we_h & jtag_we_h & jtag_we_h; -- enable_b <= jtag_en(0); rdl <= rdl_bus(0); clk_b <= jtag_clk; -- s6_4k_jtag_mux0_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"FF00F0F0CCCCAAAA") port map( I0 => data_out_b_ll(0), I1 => data_out_b_hl(0), I2 => data_out_b_ll(1), I3 => data_out_b_hl(1), I4 => jtag_addr(11), I5 => '1', O5 => jtag_dout(0), O6 => jtag_dout(1)); -- s6_4k_jtag_mux2_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"FF00F0F0CCCCAAAA") port map( I0 => data_out_b_ll(2), I1 => data_out_b_hl(2), I2 => data_out_b_ll(3), I3 => data_out_b_hl(3), I4 => jtag_addr(11), I5 => '1', O5 => jtag_dout(2), O6 => jtag_dout(3)); -- s6_4k_jtag_mux4_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"FF00F0F0CCCCAAAA") port map( I0 => data_out_b_ll(4), I1 => data_out_b_hl(4), I2 => data_out_b_ll(5), I3 => data_out_b_hl(5), I4 => jtag_addr(11), I5 => '1', O5 => jtag_dout(4), O6 => jtag_dout(5)); -- s6_4k_jtag_mux6_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"FF00F0F0CCCCAAAA") port map( I0 => data_out_b_ll(6), I1 => data_out_b_hl(6), I2 => data_out_b_ll(7), I3 => data_out_b_hl(7), I4 => jtag_addr(11), I5 => '1', O5 => jtag_dout(6), O6 => jtag_dout(7)); -- s6_4k_jtag_mux8_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"FF00F0F0CCCCAAAA") port map( I0 => data_out_b_ll(32), I1 => data_out_b_hl(32), I2 => data_out_b_lh(0), I3 => data_out_b_hh(0), I4 => jtag_addr(11), I5 => '1', O5 => jtag_dout(8), O6 => jtag_dout(9)); -- s6_4k_jtag_mux10_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"FF00F0F0CCCCAAAA") port map( I0 => data_out_b_lh(1), I1 => data_out_b_hh(1), I2 => data_out_b_lh(2), I3 => data_out_b_hh(2), I4 => jtag_addr(11), I5 => '1', O5 => jtag_dout(10), O6 => jtag_dout(11)); -- s6_4k_jtag_mux12_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"FF00F0F0CCCCAAAA") port map( I0 => data_out_b_lh(3), I1 => data_out_b_hh(3), I2 => data_out_b_lh(4), I3 => data_out_b_hh(4), I4 => jtag_addr(11), I5 => '1', O5 => jtag_dout(12), O6 => jtag_dout(13)); -- s6_4k_jtag_mux14_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"FF00F0F0CCCCAAAA") port map( I0 => data_out_b_lh(5), I1 => data_out_b_hh(5), I2 => data_out_b_lh(6), I3 => data_out_b_hh(6), I4 => jtag_addr(11), I5 => '1', O5 => jtag_dout(14), O6 => jtag_dout(15)); -- s6_4k_jtag_mux16_lut: LUT6_2 generic map (INIT => X"FF00F0F0CCCCAAAA") port map( I0 => data_out_b_lh(7), I1 => data_out_b_hh(7), I2 => data_out_b_lh(32), I3 => data_out_b_hh(32), I4 => jtag_addr(11), I5 => '1', O5 => jtag_dout(16), O6 => jtag_dout(17)); -- end generate loader; -- kcpsm6_rom_ll: RAMB16BWER generic map ( DATA_WIDTH_A => 9, DOA_REG => 0, EN_RSTRAM_A => FALSE, INIT_A => X"000000000", RST_PRIORITY_A => "CE", SRVAL_A => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_A => "WRITE_FIRST", DATA_WIDTH_B => 9, DOB_REG => 0, EN_RSTRAM_B => FALSE, INIT_B => X"000000000", RST_PRIORITY_B => "CE", SRVAL_B => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_B => "WRITE_FIRST", RSTTYPE => "SYNC", INIT_FILE => "NONE", SIM_COLLISION_CHECK => "ALL", SIM_DEVICE => "SPARTAN6", INIT_00 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_00}", INIT_01 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_01}", INIT_02 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_02}", INIT_03 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_03}", INIT_04 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_04}", INIT_05 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_05}", INIT_06 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_06}", INIT_07 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_07}", INIT_08 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_08}", INIT_09 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_09}", INIT_0A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0A}", INIT_0B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0B}", INIT_0C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0C}", INIT_0D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0D}", INIT_0E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0E}", INIT_0F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0F}", INIT_10 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_10}", INIT_11 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_11}", INIT_12 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_12}", INIT_13 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_13}", INIT_14 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_14}", INIT_15 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_15}", INIT_16 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_16}", INIT_17 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_17}", INIT_18 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_18}", INIT_19 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_19}", INIT_1A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1A}", INIT_1B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1B}", INIT_1C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1C}", INIT_1D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1D}", INIT_1E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1E}", INIT_1F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1F}", INIT_20 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_20}", INIT_21 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_21}", INIT_22 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_22}", INIT_23 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_23}", INIT_24 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_24}", INIT_25 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_25}", INIT_26 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_26}", INIT_27 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_27}", INIT_28 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_28}", INIT_29 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_29}", INIT_2A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2A}", INIT_2B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2B}", INIT_2C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2C}", INIT_2D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2D}", INIT_2E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2E}", INIT_2F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2F}", INIT_30 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_30}", INIT_31 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_31}", INIT_32 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_32}", INIT_33 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_33}", INIT_34 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_34}", INIT_35 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_35}", INIT_36 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_36}", INIT_37 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_37}", INIT_38 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_38}", INIT_39 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_39}", INIT_3A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3A}", INIT_3B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3B}", INIT_3C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3C}", INIT_3D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3D}", INIT_3E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3E}", INIT_3F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3F}", INITP_00 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_00}", INITP_01 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_01}", INITP_02 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_02}", INITP_03 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_03}", INITP_04 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_04}", INITP_05 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_05}", INITP_06 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_06}", INITP_07 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_07}") port map( ADDRA => address_a(13 downto 0), ENA => enable, CLKA => clk, DOA => data_out_a_ll(31 downto 0), DOPA => data_out_a_ll(35 downto 32), DIA => data_in_a(31 downto 0), DIPA => data_in_a(35 downto 32), WEA => "0000", REGCEA => '0', RSTA => '0', ADDRB => address_b(13 downto 0), ENB => enable_b, CLKB => clk_b, DOB => data_out_b_ll(31 downto 0), DOPB => data_out_b_ll(35 downto 32), DIB => data_in_b_ll(31 downto 0), DIPB => data_in_b_ll(35 downto 32), WEB => we_b_l(3 downto 0), REGCEB => '0', RSTB => '0'); -- kcpsm6_rom_lh: RAMB16BWER generic map ( DATA_WIDTH_A => 9, DOA_REG => 0, EN_RSTRAM_A => FALSE, INIT_A => X"000000000", RST_PRIORITY_A => "CE", SRVAL_A => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_A => "WRITE_FIRST", DATA_WIDTH_B => 9, DOB_REG => 0, EN_RSTRAM_B => FALSE, INIT_B => X"000000000", RST_PRIORITY_B => "CE", SRVAL_B => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_B => "WRITE_FIRST", RSTTYPE => "SYNC", INIT_FILE => "NONE", SIM_COLLISION_CHECK => "ALL", SIM_DEVICE => "SPARTAN6", INIT_00 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_00}", INIT_01 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_01}", INIT_02 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_02}", INIT_03 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_03}", INIT_04 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_04}", INIT_05 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_05}", INIT_06 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_06}", INIT_07 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_07}", INIT_08 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_08}", INIT_09 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_09}", INIT_0A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0A}", INIT_0B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0B}", INIT_0C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0C}", INIT_0D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0D}", INIT_0E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0E}", INIT_0F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0F}", INIT_10 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_10}", INIT_11 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_11}", INIT_12 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_12}", INIT_13 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_13}", INIT_14 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_14}", INIT_15 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_15}", INIT_16 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_16}", INIT_17 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_17}", INIT_18 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_18}", INIT_19 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_19}", INIT_1A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1A}", INIT_1B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1B}", INIT_1C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1C}", INIT_1D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1D}", INIT_1E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1E}", INIT_1F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1F}", INIT_20 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_20}", INIT_21 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_21}", INIT_22 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_22}", INIT_23 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_23}", INIT_24 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_24}", INIT_25 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_25}", INIT_26 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_26}", INIT_27 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_27}", INIT_28 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_28}", INIT_29 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_29}", INIT_2A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2A}", INIT_2B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2B}", INIT_2C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2C}", INIT_2D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2D}", INIT_2E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2E}", INIT_2F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2F}", INIT_30 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_30}", INIT_31 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_31}", INIT_32 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_32}", INIT_33 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_33}", INIT_34 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_34}", INIT_35 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_35}", INIT_36 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_36}", INIT_37 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_37}", INIT_38 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_38}", INIT_39 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_39}", INIT_3A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3A}", INIT_3B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3B}", INIT_3C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3C}", INIT_3D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3D}", INIT_3E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3E}", INIT_3F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3F}", INITP_00 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_00}", INITP_01 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_01}", INITP_02 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_02}", INITP_03 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_03}", INITP_04 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_04}", INITP_05 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_05}", INITP_06 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_06}", INITP_07 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_07}") port map( ADDRA => address_a(13 downto 0), ENA => enable, CLKA => clk, DOA => data_out_a_lh(31 downto 0), DOPA => data_out_a_lh(35 downto 32), DIA => data_in_a(31 downto 0), DIPA => data_in_a(35 downto 32), WEA => "0000", REGCEA => '0', RSTA => '0', ADDRB => address_b(13 downto 0), ENB => enable_b, CLKB => clk_b, DOB => data_out_b_lh(31 downto 0), DOPB => data_out_b_lh(35 downto 32), DIB => data_in_b_lh(31 downto 0), DIPB => data_in_b_lh(35 downto 32), WEB => we_b_l(3 downto 0), REGCEB => '0', RSTB => '0'); -- kcpsm6_rom_hl: RAMB16BWER generic map ( DATA_WIDTH_A => 9, DOA_REG => 0, EN_RSTRAM_A => FALSE, INIT_A => X"000000000", RST_PRIORITY_A => "CE", SRVAL_A => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_A => "WRITE_FIRST", DATA_WIDTH_B => 9, DOB_REG => 0, EN_RSTRAM_B => FALSE, INIT_B => X"000000000", RST_PRIORITY_B => "CE", SRVAL_B => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_B => "WRITE_FIRST", RSTTYPE => "SYNC", INIT_FILE => "NONE", SIM_COLLISION_CHECK => "ALL", SIM_DEVICE => "SPARTAN6", INIT_00 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_40}", INIT_01 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_41}", INIT_02 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_42}", INIT_03 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_43}", INIT_04 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_44}", INIT_05 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_45}", INIT_06 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_46}", INIT_07 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_47}", INIT_08 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_48}", INIT_09 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_49}", INIT_0A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_4A}", INIT_0B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_4B}", INIT_0C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_4C}", INIT_0D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_4D}", INIT_0E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_4E}", INIT_0F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_4F}", INIT_10 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_50}", INIT_11 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_51}", INIT_12 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_52}", INIT_13 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_53}", INIT_14 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_54}", INIT_15 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_55}", INIT_16 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_56}", INIT_17 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_57}", INIT_18 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_58}", INIT_19 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_59}", INIT_1A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_5A}", INIT_1B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_5B}", INIT_1C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_5C}", INIT_1D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_5D}", INIT_1E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_5E}", INIT_1F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_5F}", INIT_20 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_60}", INIT_21 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_61}", INIT_22 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_62}", INIT_23 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_63}", INIT_24 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_64}", INIT_25 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_65}", INIT_26 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_66}", INIT_27 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_67}", INIT_28 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_68}", INIT_29 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_69}", INIT_2A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_6A}", INIT_2B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_6B}", INIT_2C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_6C}", INIT_2D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_6D}", INIT_2E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_6E}", INIT_2F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_6F}", INIT_30 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_70}", INIT_31 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_71}", INIT_32 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_72}", INIT_33 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_73}", INIT_34 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_74}", INIT_35 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_75}", INIT_36 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_76}", INIT_37 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_77}", INIT_38 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_78}", INIT_39 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_79}", INIT_3A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_7A}", INIT_3B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_7B}", INIT_3C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_7C}", INIT_3D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_7D}", INIT_3E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_7E}", INIT_3F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_7F}", INITP_00 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_08}", INITP_01 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_09}", INITP_02 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_0A}", INITP_03 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_0B}", INITP_04 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_0C}", INITP_05 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_0D}", INITP_06 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_0E}", INITP_07 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_0F}") port map( ADDRA => address_a(13 downto 0), ENA => enable, CLKA => clk, DOA => data_out_a_hl(31 downto 0), DOPA => data_out_a_hl(35 downto 32), DIA => data_in_a(31 downto 0), DIPA => data_in_a(35 downto 32), WEA => "0000", REGCEA => '0', RSTA => '0', ADDRB => address_b(13 downto 0), ENB => enable_b, CLKB => clk_b, DOB => data_out_b_hl(31 downto 0), DOPB => data_out_b_hl(35 downto 32), DIB => data_in_b_hl(31 downto 0), DIPB => data_in_b_hl(35 downto 32), WEB => we_b_h(3 downto 0), REGCEB => '0', RSTB => '0'); -- kcpsm6_rom_hh: RAMB16BWER generic map ( DATA_WIDTH_A => 9, DOA_REG => 0, EN_RSTRAM_A => FALSE, INIT_A => X"000000000", RST_PRIORITY_A => "CE", SRVAL_A => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_A => "WRITE_FIRST", DATA_WIDTH_B => 9, DOB_REG => 0, EN_RSTRAM_B => FALSE, INIT_B => X"000000000", RST_PRIORITY_B => "CE", SRVAL_B => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_B => "WRITE_FIRST", RSTTYPE => "SYNC", INIT_FILE => "NONE", SIM_COLLISION_CHECK => "ALL", SIM_DEVICE => "SPARTAN6", INIT_00 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_40}", INIT_01 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_41}", INIT_02 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_42}", INIT_03 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_43}", INIT_04 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_44}", INIT_05 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_45}", INIT_06 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_46}", INIT_07 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_47}", INIT_08 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_48}", INIT_09 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_49}", INIT_0A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_4A}", INIT_0B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_4B}", INIT_0C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_4C}", INIT_0D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_4D}", INIT_0E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_4E}", INIT_0F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_4F}", INIT_10 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_50}", INIT_11 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_51}", INIT_12 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_52}", INIT_13 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_53}", INIT_14 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_54}", INIT_15 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_55}", INIT_16 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_56}", INIT_17 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_57}", INIT_18 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_58}", INIT_19 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_59}", INIT_1A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_5A}", INIT_1B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_5B}", INIT_1C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_5C}", INIT_1D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_5D}", INIT_1E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_5E}", INIT_1F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_5F}", INIT_20 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_60}", INIT_21 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_61}", INIT_22 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_62}", INIT_23 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_63}", INIT_24 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_64}", INIT_25 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_65}", INIT_26 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_66}", INIT_27 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_67}", INIT_28 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_68}", INIT_29 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_69}", INIT_2A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_6A}", INIT_2B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_6B}", INIT_2C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_6C}", INIT_2D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_6D}", INIT_2E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_6E}", INIT_2F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_6F}", INIT_30 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_70}", INIT_31 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_71}", INIT_32 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_72}", INIT_33 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_73}", INIT_34 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_74}", INIT_35 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_75}", INIT_36 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_76}", INIT_37 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_77}", INIT_38 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_78}", INIT_39 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_79}", INIT_3A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_7A}", INIT_3B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_7B}", INIT_3C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_7C}", INIT_3D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_7D}", INIT_3E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_7E}", INIT_3F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_7F}", INITP_00 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_08}", INITP_01 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_09}", INITP_02 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_0A}", INITP_03 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_0B}", INITP_04 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_0C}", INITP_05 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_0D}", INITP_06 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_0E}", INITP_07 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_0F}") port map( ADDRA => address_a(13 downto 0), ENA => enable, CLKA => clk, DOA => data_out_a_hh(31 downto 0), DOPA => data_out_a_hh(35 downto 32), DIA => data_in_a(31 downto 0), DIPA => data_in_a(35 downto 32), WEA => "0000", REGCEA => '0', RSTA => '0', ADDRB => address_b(13 downto 0), ENB => enable_b, CLKB => clk_b, DOB => data_out_b_hh(31 downto 0), DOPB => data_out_b_hh(35 downto 32), DIB => data_in_b_hh(31 downto 0), DIPB => data_in_b_hh(35 downto 32), WEB => we_b_h(3 downto 0), REGCEB => '0', RSTB => '0'); -- end generate s6; -- -- v6 : if (C_FAMILY = "V6") generate -- address_a <= '1' & address(11 downto 0) & "111"; instruction <= data_out_a_h(32) & data_out_a_h(7 downto 0) & data_out_a_l(32) & data_out_a_l(7 downto 0); data_in_a <= "000000000000000000000000000000000000"; jtag_dout <= data_out_b_h(32) & data_out_b_h(7 downto 0) & data_out_b_l(32) & data_out_b_l(7 downto 0); -- no_loader : if (C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE = 0) generate data_in_b_l <= "000" & data_out_b_l(32) & "000000000000000000000000" & data_out_b_l(7 downto 0); data_in_b_h <= "000" & data_out_b_h(32) & "000000000000000000000000" & data_out_b_h(7 downto 0); address_b <= "1111111111111111"; we_b <= "00000000"; enable_b <= '0'; rdl <= '0'; clk_b <= '0'; end generate no_loader; -- loader : if (C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE = 1) generate data_in_b_h <= "000" & jtag_din(17) & "000000000000000000000000" & jtag_din(16 downto 9); data_in_b_l <= "000" & jtag_din(8) & "000000000000000000000000" & jtag_din(7 downto 0); address_b <= '1' & jtag_addr(11 downto 0) & "111"; we_b <= jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we; enable_b <= jtag_en(0); rdl <= rdl_bus(0); clk_b <= jtag_clk; end generate loader; -- kcpsm6_rom_l: RAMB36E1 generic map ( READ_WIDTH_A => 9, WRITE_WIDTH_A => 9, DOA_REG => 0, INIT_A => X"000000000", RSTREG_PRIORITY_A => "REGCE", SRVAL_A => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_A => "WRITE_FIRST", READ_WIDTH_B => 9, WRITE_WIDTH_B => 9, DOB_REG => 0, INIT_B => X"000000000", RSTREG_PRIORITY_B => "REGCE", SRVAL_B => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_B => "WRITE_FIRST", INIT_FILE => "NONE", SIM_COLLISION_CHECK => "ALL", RAM_MODE => "TDP", RDADDR_COLLISION_HWCONFIG => "DELAYED_WRITE", EN_ECC_READ => FALSE, EN_ECC_WRITE => FALSE, RAM_EXTENSION_A => "NONE", RAM_EXTENSION_B => "NONE", SIM_DEVICE => "VIRTEX6", INIT_00 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_00}", INIT_01 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_01}", INIT_02 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_02}", INIT_03 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_03}", INIT_04 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_04}", INIT_05 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_05}", INIT_06 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_06}", INIT_07 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_07}", INIT_08 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_08}", INIT_09 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_09}", INIT_0A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0A}", INIT_0B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0B}", INIT_0C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0C}", INIT_0D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0D}", INIT_0E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0E}", INIT_0F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0F}", INIT_10 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_10}", INIT_11 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_11}", INIT_12 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_12}", INIT_13 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_13}", INIT_14 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_14}", INIT_15 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_15}", INIT_16 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_16}", INIT_17 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_17}", INIT_18 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_18}", INIT_19 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_19}", INIT_1A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1A}", INIT_1B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1B}", INIT_1C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1C}", INIT_1D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1D}", INIT_1E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1E}", INIT_1F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1F}", INIT_20 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_20}", INIT_21 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_21}", INIT_22 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_22}", INIT_23 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_23}", INIT_24 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_24}", INIT_25 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_25}", INIT_26 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_26}", INIT_27 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_27}", INIT_28 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_28}", INIT_29 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_29}", INIT_2A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2A}", INIT_2B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2B}", INIT_2C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2C}", INIT_2D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2D}", INIT_2E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2E}", INIT_2F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2F}", INIT_30 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_30}", INIT_31 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_31}", INIT_32 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_32}", INIT_33 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_33}", INIT_34 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_34}", INIT_35 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_35}", INIT_36 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_36}", INIT_37 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_37}", INIT_38 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_38}", INIT_39 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_39}", INIT_3A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3A}", INIT_3B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3B}", INIT_3C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3C}", INIT_3D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3D}", INIT_3E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3E}", INIT_3F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3F}", INIT_40 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_40}", INIT_41 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_41}", INIT_42 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_42}", INIT_43 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_43}", INIT_44 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_44}", INIT_45 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_45}", INIT_46 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_46}", INIT_47 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_47}", INIT_48 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_48}", INIT_49 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_49}", INIT_4A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_4A}", INIT_4B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_4B}", INIT_4C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_4C}", INIT_4D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_4D}", INIT_4E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_4E}", INIT_4F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_4F}", INIT_50 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_50}", INIT_51 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_51}", INIT_52 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_52}", INIT_53 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_53}", INIT_54 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_54}", INIT_55 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_55}", INIT_56 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_56}", INIT_57 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_57}", INIT_58 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_58}", INIT_59 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_59}", INIT_5A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_5A}", INIT_5B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_5B}", INIT_5C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_5C}", INIT_5D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_5D}", INIT_5E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_5E}", INIT_5F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_5F}", INIT_60 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_60}", INIT_61 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_61}", INIT_62 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_62}", INIT_63 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_63}", INIT_64 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_64}", INIT_65 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_65}", INIT_66 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_66}", INIT_67 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_67}", INIT_68 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_68}", INIT_69 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_69}", INIT_6A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_6A}", INIT_6B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_6B}", INIT_6C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_6C}", INIT_6D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_6D}", INIT_6E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_6E}", INIT_6F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_6F}", INIT_70 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_70}", INIT_71 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_71}", INIT_72 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_72}", INIT_73 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_73}", INIT_74 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_74}", INIT_75 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_75}", INIT_76 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_76}", INIT_77 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_77}", INIT_78 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_78}", INIT_79 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_79}", INIT_7A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_7A}", INIT_7B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_7B}", INIT_7C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_7C}", INIT_7D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_7D}", INIT_7E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_7E}", INIT_7F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_7F}", INITP_00 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_00}", INITP_01 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_01}", INITP_02 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_02}", INITP_03 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_03}", INITP_04 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_04}", INITP_05 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_05}", INITP_06 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_06}", INITP_07 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_07}", INITP_08 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_08}", INITP_09 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_09}", INITP_0A => X"{[8:0]_INITP_0A}", INITP_0B => X"{[8:0]_INITP_0B}", INITP_0C => X"{[8:0]_INITP_0C}", INITP_0D => X"{[8:0]_INITP_0D}", INITP_0E => X"{[8:0]_INITP_0E}", INITP_0F => X"{[8:0]_INITP_0F}") port map( ADDRARDADDR => address_a, ENARDEN => enable, CLKARDCLK => clk, DOADO => data_out_a_l(31 downto 0), DOPADOP => data_out_a_l(35 downto 32), DIADI => data_in_a(31 downto 0), DIPADIP => data_in_a(35 downto 32), WEA => "0000", REGCEAREGCE => '0', RSTRAMARSTRAM => '0', RSTREGARSTREG => '0', ADDRBWRADDR => address_b, ENBWREN => enable_b, CLKBWRCLK => clk_b, DOBDO => data_out_b_l(31 downto 0), DOPBDOP => data_out_b_l(35 downto 32), DIBDI => data_in_b_l(31 downto 0), DIPBDIP => data_in_b_l(35 downto 32), WEBWE => we_b, REGCEB => '0', RSTRAMB => '0', RSTREGB => '0', CASCADEINA => '0', CASCADEINB => '0', INJECTDBITERR => '0', INJECTSBITERR => '0'); -- kcpsm6_rom_h: RAMB36E1 generic map ( READ_WIDTH_A => 9, WRITE_WIDTH_A => 9, DOA_REG => 0, INIT_A => X"000000000", RSTREG_PRIORITY_A => "REGCE", SRVAL_A => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_A => "WRITE_FIRST", READ_WIDTH_B => 9, WRITE_WIDTH_B => 9, DOB_REG => 0, INIT_B => X"000000000", RSTREG_PRIORITY_B => "REGCE", SRVAL_B => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_B => "WRITE_FIRST", INIT_FILE => "NONE", SIM_COLLISION_CHECK => "ALL", RAM_MODE => "TDP", RDADDR_COLLISION_HWCONFIG => "DELAYED_WRITE", EN_ECC_READ => FALSE, EN_ECC_WRITE => FALSE, RAM_EXTENSION_A => "NONE", RAM_EXTENSION_B => "NONE", SIM_DEVICE => "VIRTEX6", INIT_00 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_00}", INIT_01 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_01}", INIT_02 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_02}", INIT_03 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_03}", INIT_04 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_04}", INIT_05 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_05}", INIT_06 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_06}", INIT_07 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_07}", INIT_08 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_08}", INIT_09 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_09}", INIT_0A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0A}", INIT_0B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0B}", INIT_0C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0C}", INIT_0D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0D}", INIT_0E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0E}", INIT_0F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0F}", INIT_10 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_10}", INIT_11 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_11}", INIT_12 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_12}", INIT_13 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_13}", INIT_14 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_14}", INIT_15 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_15}", INIT_16 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_16}", INIT_17 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_17}", INIT_18 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_18}", INIT_19 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_19}", INIT_1A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1A}", INIT_1B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1B}", INIT_1C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1C}", INIT_1D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1D}", INIT_1E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1E}", INIT_1F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1F}", INIT_20 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_20}", INIT_21 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_21}", INIT_22 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_22}", INIT_23 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_23}", INIT_24 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_24}", INIT_25 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_25}", INIT_26 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_26}", INIT_27 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_27}", INIT_28 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_28}", INIT_29 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_29}", INIT_2A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2A}", INIT_2B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2B}", INIT_2C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2C}", INIT_2D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2D}", INIT_2E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2E}", INIT_2F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2F}", INIT_30 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_30}", INIT_31 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_31}", INIT_32 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_32}", INIT_33 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_33}", INIT_34 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_34}", INIT_35 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_35}", INIT_36 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_36}", INIT_37 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_37}", INIT_38 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_38}", INIT_39 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_39}", INIT_3A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3A}", INIT_3B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3B}", INIT_3C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3C}", INIT_3D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3D}", INIT_3E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3E}", INIT_3F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3F}", INIT_40 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_40}", INIT_41 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_41}", INIT_42 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_42}", INIT_43 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_43}", INIT_44 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_44}", INIT_45 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_45}", INIT_46 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_46}", INIT_47 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_47}", INIT_48 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_48}", INIT_49 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_49}", INIT_4A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_4A}", INIT_4B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_4B}", INIT_4C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_4C}", INIT_4D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_4D}", INIT_4E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_4E}", INIT_4F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_4F}", INIT_50 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_50}", INIT_51 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_51}", INIT_52 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_52}", INIT_53 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_53}", INIT_54 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_54}", INIT_55 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_55}", INIT_56 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_56}", INIT_57 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_57}", INIT_58 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_58}", INIT_59 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_59}", INIT_5A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_5A}", INIT_5B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_5B}", INIT_5C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_5C}", INIT_5D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_5D}", INIT_5E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_5E}", INIT_5F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_5F}", INIT_60 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_60}", INIT_61 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_61}", INIT_62 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_62}", INIT_63 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_63}", INIT_64 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_64}", INIT_65 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_65}", INIT_66 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_66}", INIT_67 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_67}", INIT_68 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_68}", INIT_69 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_69}", INIT_6A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_6A}", INIT_6B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_6B}", INIT_6C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_6C}", INIT_6D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_6D}", INIT_6E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_6E}", INIT_6F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_6F}", INIT_70 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_70}", INIT_71 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_71}", INIT_72 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_72}", INIT_73 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_73}", INIT_74 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_74}", INIT_75 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_75}", INIT_76 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_76}", INIT_77 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_77}", INIT_78 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_78}", INIT_79 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_79}", INIT_7A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_7A}", INIT_7B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_7B}", INIT_7C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_7C}", INIT_7D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_7D}", INIT_7E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_7E}", INIT_7F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_7F}", INITP_00 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_00}", INITP_01 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_01}", INITP_02 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_02}", INITP_03 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_03}", INITP_04 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_04}", INITP_05 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_05}", INITP_06 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_06}", INITP_07 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_07}", INITP_08 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_08}", INITP_09 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_09}", INITP_0A => X"{[17:9]_INITP_0A}", INITP_0B => X"{[17:9]_INITP_0B}", INITP_0C => X"{[17:9]_INITP_0C}", INITP_0D => X"{[17:9]_INITP_0D}", INITP_0E => X"{[17:9]_INITP_0E}", INITP_0F => X"{[17:9]_INITP_0F}") port map( ADDRARDADDR => address_a, ENARDEN => enable, CLKARDCLK => clk, DOADO => data_out_a_h(31 downto 0), DOPADOP => data_out_a_h(35 downto 32), DIADI => data_in_a(31 downto 0), DIPADIP => data_in_a(35 downto 32), WEA => "0000", REGCEAREGCE => '0', RSTRAMARSTRAM => '0', RSTREGARSTREG => '0', ADDRBWRADDR => address_b, ENBWREN => enable_b, CLKBWRCLK => clk_b, DOBDO => data_out_b_h(31 downto 0), DOPBDOP => data_out_b_h(35 downto 32), DIBDI => data_in_b_h(31 downto 0), DIPBDIP => data_in_b_h(35 downto 32), WEBWE => we_b, REGCEB => '0', RSTRAMB => '0', RSTREGB => '0', CASCADEINA => '0', CASCADEINB => '0', INJECTDBITERR => '0', INJECTSBITERR => '0'); -- end generate v6; -- -- akv7 : if (C_FAMILY = "7S") generate -- address_a <= '1' & address(11 downto 0) & "111"; instruction <= data_out_a_h(32) & data_out_a_h(7 downto 0) & data_out_a_l(32) & data_out_a_l(7 downto 0); data_in_a <= "000000000000000000000000000000000000"; jtag_dout <= data_out_b_h(32) & data_out_b_h(7 downto 0) & data_out_b_l(32) & data_out_b_l(7 downto 0); -- no_loader : if (C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE = 0) generate data_in_b_l <= "000" & data_out_b_l(32) & "000000000000000000000000" & data_out_b_l(7 downto 0); data_in_b_h <= "000" & data_out_b_h(32) & "000000000000000000000000" & data_out_b_h(7 downto 0); address_b <= "1111111111111111"; we_b <= "00000000"; enable_b <= '0'; rdl <= '0'; clk_b <= '0'; end generate no_loader; -- loader : if (C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE = 1) generate data_in_b_h <= "000" & jtag_din(17) & "000000000000000000000000" & jtag_din(16 downto 9); data_in_b_l <= "000" & jtag_din(8) & "000000000000000000000000" & jtag_din(7 downto 0); address_b <= '1' & jtag_addr(11 downto 0) & "111"; we_b <= jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we & jtag_we; enable_b <= jtag_en(0); rdl <= rdl_bus(0); clk_b <= jtag_clk; end generate loader; -- kcpsm6_rom_l: RAMB36E1 generic map ( READ_WIDTH_A => 9, WRITE_WIDTH_A => 9, DOA_REG => 0, INIT_A => X"000000000", RSTREG_PRIORITY_A => "REGCE", SRVAL_A => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_A => "WRITE_FIRST", READ_WIDTH_B => 9, WRITE_WIDTH_B => 9, DOB_REG => 0, INIT_B => X"000000000", RSTREG_PRIORITY_B => "REGCE", SRVAL_B => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_B => "WRITE_FIRST", INIT_FILE => "NONE", SIM_COLLISION_CHECK => "ALL", RAM_MODE => "TDP", RDADDR_COLLISION_HWCONFIG => "DELAYED_WRITE", EN_ECC_READ => FALSE, EN_ECC_WRITE => FALSE, RAM_EXTENSION_A => "NONE", RAM_EXTENSION_B => "NONE", SIM_DEVICE => "7SERIES", INIT_00 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_00}", INIT_01 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_01}", INIT_02 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_02}", INIT_03 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_03}", INIT_04 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_04}", INIT_05 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_05}", INIT_06 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_06}", INIT_07 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_07}", INIT_08 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_08}", INIT_09 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_09}", INIT_0A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0A}", INIT_0B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0B}", INIT_0C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0C}", INIT_0D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0D}", INIT_0E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0E}", INIT_0F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_0F}", INIT_10 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_10}", INIT_11 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_11}", INIT_12 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_12}", INIT_13 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_13}", INIT_14 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_14}", INIT_15 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_15}", INIT_16 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_16}", INIT_17 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_17}", INIT_18 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_18}", INIT_19 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_19}", INIT_1A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1A}", INIT_1B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1B}", INIT_1C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1C}", INIT_1D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1D}", INIT_1E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1E}", INIT_1F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_1F}", INIT_20 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_20}", INIT_21 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_21}", INIT_22 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_22}", INIT_23 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_23}", INIT_24 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_24}", INIT_25 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_25}", INIT_26 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_26}", INIT_27 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_27}", INIT_28 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_28}", INIT_29 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_29}", INIT_2A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2A}", INIT_2B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2B}", INIT_2C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2C}", INIT_2D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2D}", INIT_2E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2E}", INIT_2F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_2F}", INIT_30 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_30}", INIT_31 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_31}", INIT_32 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_32}", INIT_33 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_33}", INIT_34 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_34}", INIT_35 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_35}", INIT_36 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_36}", INIT_37 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_37}", INIT_38 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_38}", INIT_39 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_39}", INIT_3A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3A}", INIT_3B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3B}", INIT_3C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3C}", INIT_3D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3D}", INIT_3E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3E}", INIT_3F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_3F}", INIT_40 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_40}", INIT_41 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_41}", INIT_42 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_42}", INIT_43 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_43}", INIT_44 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_44}", INIT_45 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_45}", INIT_46 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_46}", INIT_47 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_47}", INIT_48 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_48}", INIT_49 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_49}", INIT_4A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_4A}", INIT_4B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_4B}", INIT_4C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_4C}", INIT_4D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_4D}", INIT_4E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_4E}", INIT_4F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_4F}", INIT_50 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_50}", INIT_51 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_51}", INIT_52 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_52}", INIT_53 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_53}", INIT_54 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_54}", INIT_55 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_55}", INIT_56 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_56}", INIT_57 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_57}", INIT_58 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_58}", INIT_59 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_59}", INIT_5A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_5A}", INIT_5B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_5B}", INIT_5C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_5C}", INIT_5D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_5D}", INIT_5E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_5E}", INIT_5F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_5F}", INIT_60 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_60}", INIT_61 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_61}", INIT_62 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_62}", INIT_63 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_63}", INIT_64 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_64}", INIT_65 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_65}", INIT_66 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_66}", INIT_67 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_67}", INIT_68 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_68}", INIT_69 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_69}", INIT_6A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_6A}", INIT_6B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_6B}", INIT_6C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_6C}", INIT_6D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_6D}", INIT_6E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_6E}", INIT_6F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_6F}", INIT_70 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_70}", INIT_71 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_71}", INIT_72 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_72}", INIT_73 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_73}", INIT_74 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_74}", INIT_75 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_75}", INIT_76 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_76}", INIT_77 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_77}", INIT_78 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_78}", INIT_79 => X"{[8:0]_INIT_79}", INIT_7A => X"{[8:0]_INIT_7A}", INIT_7B => X"{[8:0]_INIT_7B}", INIT_7C => X"{[8:0]_INIT_7C}", INIT_7D => X"{[8:0]_INIT_7D}", INIT_7E => X"{[8:0]_INIT_7E}", INIT_7F => X"{[8:0]_INIT_7F}", INITP_00 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_00}", INITP_01 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_01}", INITP_02 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_02}", INITP_03 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_03}", INITP_04 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_04}", INITP_05 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_05}", INITP_06 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_06}", INITP_07 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_07}", INITP_08 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_08}", INITP_09 => X"{[8:0]_INITP_09}", INITP_0A => X"{[8:0]_INITP_0A}", INITP_0B => X"{[8:0]_INITP_0B}", INITP_0C => X"{[8:0]_INITP_0C}", INITP_0D => X"{[8:0]_INITP_0D}", INITP_0E => X"{[8:0]_INITP_0E}", INITP_0F => X"{[8:0]_INITP_0F}") port map( ADDRARDADDR => address_a, ENARDEN => enable, CLKARDCLK => clk, DOADO => data_out_a_l(31 downto 0), DOPADOP => data_out_a_l(35 downto 32), DIADI => data_in_a(31 downto 0), DIPADIP => data_in_a(35 downto 32), WEA => "0000", REGCEAREGCE => '0', RSTRAMARSTRAM => '0', RSTREGARSTREG => '0', ADDRBWRADDR => address_b, ENBWREN => enable_b, CLKBWRCLK => clk_b, DOBDO => data_out_b_l(31 downto 0), DOPBDOP => data_out_b_l(35 downto 32), DIBDI => data_in_b_l(31 downto 0), DIPBDIP => data_in_b_l(35 downto 32), WEBWE => we_b, REGCEB => '0', RSTRAMB => '0', RSTREGB => '0', CASCADEINA => '0', CASCADEINB => '0', INJECTDBITERR => '0', INJECTSBITERR => '0'); -- kcpsm6_rom_h: RAMB36E1 generic map ( READ_WIDTH_A => 9, WRITE_WIDTH_A => 9, DOA_REG => 0, INIT_A => X"000000000", RSTREG_PRIORITY_A => "REGCE", SRVAL_A => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_A => "WRITE_FIRST", READ_WIDTH_B => 9, WRITE_WIDTH_B => 9, DOB_REG => 0, INIT_B => X"000000000", RSTREG_PRIORITY_B => "REGCE", SRVAL_B => X"000000000", WRITE_MODE_B => "WRITE_FIRST", INIT_FILE => "NONE", SIM_COLLISION_CHECK => "ALL", RAM_MODE => "TDP", RDADDR_COLLISION_HWCONFIG => "DELAYED_WRITE", EN_ECC_READ => FALSE, EN_ECC_WRITE => FALSE, RAM_EXTENSION_A => "NONE", RAM_EXTENSION_B => "NONE", SIM_DEVICE => "7SERIES", INIT_00 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_00}", INIT_01 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_01}", INIT_02 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_02}", INIT_03 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_03}", INIT_04 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_04}", INIT_05 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_05}", INIT_06 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_06}", INIT_07 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_07}", INIT_08 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_08}", INIT_09 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_09}", INIT_0A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0A}", INIT_0B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0B}", INIT_0C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0C}", INIT_0D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0D}", INIT_0E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0E}", INIT_0F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_0F}", INIT_10 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_10}", INIT_11 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_11}", INIT_12 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_12}", INIT_13 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_13}", INIT_14 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_14}", INIT_15 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_15}", INIT_16 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_16}", INIT_17 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_17}", INIT_18 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_18}", INIT_19 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_19}", INIT_1A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1A}", INIT_1B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1B}", INIT_1C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1C}", INIT_1D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1D}", INIT_1E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1E}", INIT_1F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_1F}", INIT_20 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_20}", INIT_21 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_21}", INIT_22 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_22}", INIT_23 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_23}", INIT_24 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_24}", INIT_25 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_25}", INIT_26 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_26}", INIT_27 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_27}", INIT_28 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_28}", INIT_29 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_29}", INIT_2A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2A}", INIT_2B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2B}", INIT_2C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2C}", INIT_2D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2D}", INIT_2E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2E}", INIT_2F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_2F}", INIT_30 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_30}", INIT_31 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_31}", INIT_32 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_32}", INIT_33 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_33}", INIT_34 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_34}", INIT_35 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_35}", INIT_36 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_36}", INIT_37 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_37}", INIT_38 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_38}", INIT_39 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_39}", INIT_3A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3A}", INIT_3B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3B}", INIT_3C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3C}", INIT_3D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3D}", INIT_3E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3E}", INIT_3F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_3F}", INIT_40 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_40}", INIT_41 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_41}", INIT_42 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_42}", INIT_43 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_43}", INIT_44 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_44}", INIT_45 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_45}", INIT_46 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_46}", INIT_47 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_47}", INIT_48 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_48}", INIT_49 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_49}", INIT_4A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_4A}", INIT_4B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_4B}", INIT_4C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_4C}", INIT_4D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_4D}", INIT_4E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_4E}", INIT_4F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_4F}", INIT_50 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_50}", INIT_51 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_51}", INIT_52 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_52}", INIT_53 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_53}", INIT_54 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_54}", INIT_55 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_55}", INIT_56 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_56}", INIT_57 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_57}", INIT_58 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_58}", INIT_59 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_59}", INIT_5A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_5A}", INIT_5B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_5B}", INIT_5C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_5C}", INIT_5D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_5D}", INIT_5E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_5E}", INIT_5F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_5F}", INIT_60 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_60}", INIT_61 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_61}", INIT_62 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_62}", INIT_63 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_63}", INIT_64 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_64}", INIT_65 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_65}", INIT_66 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_66}", INIT_67 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_67}", INIT_68 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_68}", INIT_69 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_69}", INIT_6A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_6A}", INIT_6B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_6B}", INIT_6C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_6C}", INIT_6D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_6D}", INIT_6E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_6E}", INIT_6F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_6F}", INIT_70 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_70}", INIT_71 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_71}", INIT_72 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_72}", INIT_73 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_73}", INIT_74 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_74}", INIT_75 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_75}", INIT_76 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_76}", INIT_77 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_77}", INIT_78 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_78}", INIT_79 => X"{[17:9]_INIT_79}", INIT_7A => X"{[17:9]_INIT_7A}", INIT_7B => X"{[17:9]_INIT_7B}", INIT_7C => X"{[17:9]_INIT_7C}", INIT_7D => X"{[17:9]_INIT_7D}", INIT_7E => X"{[17:9]_INIT_7E}", INIT_7F => X"{[17:9]_INIT_7F}", INITP_00 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_00}", INITP_01 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_01}", INITP_02 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_02}", INITP_03 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_03}", INITP_04 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_04}", INITP_05 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_05}", INITP_06 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_06}", INITP_07 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_07}", INITP_08 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_08}", INITP_09 => X"{[17:9]_INITP_09}", INITP_0A => X"{[17:9]_INITP_0A}", INITP_0B => X"{[17:9]_INITP_0B}", INITP_0C => X"{[17:9]_INITP_0C}", INITP_0D => X"{[17:9]_INITP_0D}", INITP_0E => X"{[17:9]_INITP_0E}", INITP_0F => X"{[17:9]_INITP_0F}") port map( ADDRARDADDR => address_a, ENARDEN => enable, CLKARDCLK => clk, DOADO => data_out_a_h(31 downto 0), DOPADOP => data_out_a_h(35 downto 32), DIADI => data_in_a(31 downto 0), DIPADIP => data_in_a(35 downto 32), WEA => "0000", REGCEAREGCE => '0', RSTRAMARSTRAM => '0', RSTREGARSTREG => '0', ADDRBWRADDR => address_b, ENBWREN => enable_b, CLKBWRCLK => clk_b, DOBDO => data_out_b_h(31 downto 0), DOPBDOP => data_out_b_h(35 downto 32), DIBDI => data_in_b_h(31 downto 0), DIPBDIP => data_in_b_h(35 downto 32), WEBWE => we_b, REGCEB => '0', RSTRAMB => '0', RSTREGB => '0', CASCADEINA => '0', CASCADEINB => '0', INJECTDBITERR => '0', INJECTSBITERR => '0'); -- end generate akv7; -- end generate ram_4k_generate; -- -- -- -- -- JTAG Loader -- instantiate_loader : if (C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE = 1) generate -- jtag_loader_6_inst : jtag_loader_6 generic map( C_FAMILY => C_FAMILY, C_NUM_PICOBLAZE => 1, C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE => C_JTAG_LOADER_ENABLE, C_BRAM_MAX_ADDR_WIDTH => BRAM_ADDRESS_WIDTH, C_ADDR_WIDTH_0 => BRAM_ADDRESS_WIDTH) port map( picoblaze_reset => rdl_bus, jtag_en => jtag_en, jtag_din => jtag_din, jtag_addr => jtag_addr(BRAM_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 0), jtag_clk => jtag_clk, jtag_we => jtag_we, jtag_dout_0 => jtag_dout, jtag_dout_1 => jtag_dout, -- ports 1-7 are not used jtag_dout_2 => jtag_dout, -- in a 1 device debug jtag_dout_3 => jtag_dout, -- session. However, Synplify jtag_dout_4 => jtag_dout, -- etc require all ports to jtag_dout_5 => jtag_dout, -- be connected jtag_dout_6 => jtag_dout, jtag_dout_7 => jtag_dout); -- end generate instantiate_loader; -- end low_level_definition; -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- END OF FILE {name}.vhd -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Company: -- Engineer: -- -- Create Date: 16:50:45 05/22/2013 -- Design Name: -- Module Name: MUX2x1vi - Behavioral -- Project Name: -- Target Devices: -- Tool versions: -- Description: -- -- Dependencies: -- -- Revision: -- Revision 0.01 - File Created -- Additional Comments: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; ---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating ---- any Xilinx primitives in this code. --library UNISIM; --use UNISIM.VComponents.all; entity MUX2x1vi is Port ( I : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0); S : in STD_LOGIC; O : out STD_LOGIC); end MUX2x1vi; architecture Behavioral of MUX2x1vi is begin process(S,I) begin case s is when '0' => O <= I(0); when '1' => O <= I(1); when others => Null; end case; end process; end Behavioral;
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity tb_ent is end; architecture a of tb_ent is signal a, enable, d_in, d_out : std_logic; begin uut: entity work.ent port map ( a => a, enable => enable, d_in => d_in, d_out => d_out ); process begin a <= '0'; enable <= '0'; wait for 10 ns; assert d_out = '0'; a <= '1'; wait for 10 ns; assert d_out = '1' severity failure; enable <= '1'; a <= 'Z'; d_in <= '0'; wait for 10 ns; assert a = '0' severity failure; d_in <= '1'; wait for 10 ns; assert a = '1' severity failure; wait; end process; end;
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --This file is part of fpga_gpib_controller. -- -- Fpga_gpib_controller is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- Fpga_gpib_controller is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with Fpga_gpib_controller. If not, see <>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Entity: WriterControlReg1 -- Date:2011-11-10 -- Author: Andrzej Paluch -- -- Description ${cursor} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity WriterControlReg1 is port ( reset : in std_logic; strobe : in std_logic; data_in : in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0); data_out : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0); ------------------ gpib -------------------- -- num of bytes available in fifo bytes_available_in_fifo : in std_logic_vector (10 downto 0) ); end WriterControlReg1; architecture arch of WriterControlReg1 is begin data_out(10 downto 0) <= bytes_available_in_fifo(10 downto 0); data_out(15 downto 11) <= "00000"; end arch;
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Ben Oztalay, 2009-2010 -- --This VHDL code is part of the OZ-3, a 32-bit processor -- --Module Title: MEMIO --Module Description: -- This is the Memory and I/O stage of the OZ-3, easily the most complex stage. -- It handles everything that has to do with interfacing with the memory, as -- well as pin and port I/O. Although it does a lot, most of the logic operates -- in parallel, so this stage isn't a bottleneck to the rest of the processor. -- --Control signal catalog: (for my own purposes during debugging) -- 0. Pin cntl e -- 1. Port cntl e -- 2. RAM cntl e -- 3. pchk e -- 4. opin clk e -- 5. opin 1/0 -- 6. oprt clk e -- 7. dRAM W/R -- 8-12. dest/data reg adr -- 13-17. result reg adr -- 18-19. output MUX sel -- 20. dRAM lower/upper write/read ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity MEMIO is Port ( clock : in STD_LOGIC; reset : in STD_LOGIC; cntl_from_ID : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(20 downto 0); ALU_result_from_EX_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0); RAM_reg_data_from_ID : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0); ipin_reg_data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0); iprt_data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0); dRAM_data_in: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0); dRAM_data_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0); dRAM_WR : out STD_LOGIC; dRAM_addr : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(22 downto 0); dest_reg_addr_to_ID : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 downto 0); pflag_to_EX : out STD_LOGIC; opin_clk_e : out STD_LOGIC; opin_select : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0); opin_1_0 : out STD_LOGIC; oprt_data : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0); oprt_reg_clk_e : out STD_LOGIC; RAM_reg_addr_to_ID : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 downto 0); data_to_WB : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0)); end MEMIO; architecture Behavioral of MEMIO is --//Components\\-- --Generic rising-edge-triggered register component GenReg is generic (size: integer); Port ( clock : in STD_LOGIC; enable : in STD_LOGIC; reset : in STD_LOGIC; data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((size - 1) downto 0); output : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((size - 1) downto 0)); end component; --Generic falling-edge-triggered register component GenRegFalling is generic (size: integer); Port ( clock : in STD_LOGIC; enable : in STD_LOGIC; reset : in STD_LOGIC; data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((size - 1) downto 0); output : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((size - 1) downto 0)); end component; --\\Components//-- --//Signals\\-- --These signals are between the registers that make up the two-stage buffer --that delays the incoming control lines from the instruction decoder signal cntl_buffer_1_2 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(20 downto 0); signal cntl_buffer_2_out : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(20 downto 0); --This signal carries the output of the register that delays the --incoming data from the RAM by half a cycle signal dRAM_data_reg_out : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0); --This signal carries a mix of the incoming RAM data and what's currently --in the register that that data is supposed to go to. Further explained below signal mixed_dRAM_data : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0); --This carries the output of the stage's input register signal ALU_result_from_EX : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0); --\\Signals//-- begin --This process handles all of the pin I/O, such as running pin checks and sending signals to the output pin --controller pins: process (ALU_result_from_EX, cntl_buffer_2_out, ipin_reg_data) is begin --Default the outputs to 0 pflag_to_EX <= '0'; opin_select <= b"0000"; opin_clk_e <= '0'; opin_1_0 <= '0'; if cntl_buffer_2_out(0) = '1' then --If this process is active --This giant line looks at the input pin register and if the selected pin is 0 or 1. The and --operator at the end is the pin check enable signal. If it's 0, meaning the instruction is --not a pin check, the flag sent to the condition block is automatically 0. pflag_to_EX <= (ipin_reg_data(conv_integer(unsigned(ALU_result_from_EX(3 downto 0)))) and cntl_buffer_2_out(3)); opin_clk_e <= cntl_buffer_2_out(4); --clock the output pins if it's an opin instruction opin_select <= ALU_result_from_EX(3 downto 0); --Choose which output pin to control opin_1_0 <= cntl_buffer_2_out(5); --This is the control line that tells the output pin control block end if; --to output a 1 or 0 on the selected pin end process; --This process takes care of the input and output ports ports: process (ALU_result_from_EX, cntl_buffer_2_out, clock) is begin --Default the outputs to 0 oprt_data <= x"00000000"; oprt_reg_clk_e <= '0'; --If this process is active, send data out. The input port is always taking input, no matter what if cntl_buffer_2_out(1) = '1' then oprt_data <= ALU_result_from_EX; --Sending data to the output port register oprt_reg_clk_e <= (clock and cntl_buffer_2_out(6)); --Enable the output port's clock end if; end process; --This one interfaces with the memory bus controller if there needs to be communication with the --RAM RAM: process (ALU_result_from_EX, cntl_buffer_2_out, RAM_reg_data_from_ID) is begin --Default the outputs to 0, read operation is default dRAM_data_out <= x"00000000"; dRAM_WR <= '0'; dRAM_addr <= b"00000000000000000000000"; if cntl_buffer_2_out(2) = '1' then --If this process is active if cntl_buffer_2_out(7) = '1' then --If the instruction is a write operation dRAM_data_out <= RAM_reg_data_from_ID; --Send the data on out dRAM_WR <= '1'; --Tell the memory bus controller to write end if; dRAM_addr <= ALU_result_from_EX(22 downto 0); --Send the address end if; --As a note, all of the read stuff is done automatically, as in, reading the memory is default. --I know it's a bit inefficient, but it's the most efficient way to do it with this processor. end process; --This models the MUX at the end of the stage that decides what data from where goes to WB MUX: process (ALU_result_from_EX, mixed_dRAM_data, iprt_data, cntl_buffer_2_out) is begin case cntl_buffer_2_out(19 downto 18) is --Using a couple control lines for the select value when b"00" => data_to_WB <= ALU_result_from_EX; --Send the ALU result straight through when b"01" => data_to_WB <= iprt_data; --Send the input port's value through when b"10" => data_to_WB <= mixed_dRAM_data; --Send the RAM data for a read operation through when others => data_to_WB <= x"00000000"; --Otherwise, just send zero. This shouldn't get selected end case; end process; --This process takes the dRAM_data_in signal and mixes it with the data from the register that's being read into --so that it can put the new data in the upper or lower half of that register. --As you can see, this is always active, which allows for reading from the memory to be automatic mix_dRAM_data: process (dRAM_data_reg_out, cntl_buffer_2_out, RAM_reg_data_from_ID) is begin mixed_dRAM_data <= dRAM_data_reg_out; end process; --These registers make up the two-stage buffer for the control --signals that get sent out by the instruction decoder buf_1: GenReg generic map (size => 21) port map (clock => clock, enable => '1', reset => reset, data => cntl_from_ID, output => cntl_buffer_1_2); buf_2: GenReg generic map (size => 21) port map (clock => clock, enable => '1', reset => reset, data => cntl_buffer_1_2, output => cntl_buffer_2_out); --This is the input register for the stage input_reg: GenReg generic map (size => 32) port map (clock => clock, enable => '1', reset => reset, data => ALU_result_from_EX_in, output => ALU_result_from_EX); --This is the register that delays the incoming data from RAM. It has to --be here because, otherwise, the data would only be present during the --falling edge of the clock and would never be picked up by the WB stage. dRAM_data_reg : GenRegFalling generic map (32) port map (clock, '1', reset, dRAM_data_in, dRAM_data_reg_out); --This output carries the address of the register that's used for RAM operations, such as --being a source for write operations and reading to the upper or lower half of it RAM_reg_addr_to_ID <= cntl_buffer_2_out(12 downto 8); --This is used in the forwarding logic in the ID stage. What's being placed on the output --is the address of the register where the result of the current operation is going. dest_reg_addr_to_ID <= cntl_buffer_2_out(17 downto 13); end Behavioral;
-- ************************************ -- * RAM síncrona de un puerto Altera * -- ************************************ library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity sram_up is generic( DIR_ANCHO: integer:=2; DATOS_ANCHO: integer:=8 ); port( clk: in std_logic; we: in std_logic; -- Activador de escritura -- Dirección de memoria dir: in std_logic_vector(DIR_ANCHO-1 downto 0); -- Registros que reflejan cómo los módulos de memoria embebida están -- empaquetados con una interfaz síncrona en los chips Cyclone. d: in std_logic_vector(DATOS_ANCHO-1 downto 0); q: out std_logic_vector(DATOS_ANCHO-1 downto 0) ); end sram_up; -- Arquitectura que registra la dirección de lectura architecture arq_dir_reg of sram_up is -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Crear un tipo de datos de dos dimensiones definido por el usuario type mem_tipo_2d is array (0 to 2**DIR_ANCHO-1) of std_logic_vector (DATOS_ANCHO-1 downto 0); signal sram: mem_tipo_2d; -------------------------------------------------------------------- signal dir_reg: std_logic_vector(DIR_ANCHO-1 downto 0); begin process (clk) begin if (clk'event and clk = '1') then if (we='1') then sram(to_integer(unsigned(dir))) <= d; end if; dir_reg <= dir; end if; end process; -- Salida q <= sram(to_integer(unsigned(dir_reg))); end arq_dir_reg;
-- ************************************************************************* -- -- (c) Copyright 2010-2011 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -- -- ************************************************************************* -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: axi_sg_ftch_queue.vhd -- Description: This entity is the descriptor fetch queue interface -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use ieee.std_logic_misc.all; library axi_sg_v4_1_3; use axi_sg_v4_1_3.axi_sg_pkg.all; --use axi_sg_v4_1_3.axi_sg_afifo_autord.all; library lib_fifo_v1_0_5; use lib_fifo_v1_0_5.sync_fifo_fg; library lib_pkg_v1_0_2; use lib_pkg_v1_0_2.lib_pkg.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- entity axi_sg_ftch_queue is generic ( C_M_AXI_SG_ADDR_WIDTH : integer range 32 to 64 := 32; -- Master AXI Memory Map Address Width C_M_AXIS_SG_TDATA_WIDTH : integer range 32 to 32 := 32; -- Master AXI Stream Data width C_SG_FTCH_DESC2QUEUE : integer range 0 to 8 := 0; -- Number of descriptors to fetch and queue for each channel. -- A value of zero excludes the fetch queues. C_SG_WORDS_TO_FETCH : integer range 4 to 16 := 8; -- Number of words to fetch for channel 1 C_SG2_WORDS_TO_FETCH : integer range 4 to 16 := 8; -- Number of words to fetch for channel 1 C_ENABLE_MULTI_CHANNEL : integer range 0 to 1 := 0; C_INCLUDE_MM2S : integer range 0 to 1 := 0; C_INCLUDE_S2MM : integer range 0 to 1 := 0; C_ENABLE_CDMA : integer range 0 to 1 := 0; C_AXIS_IS_ASYNC : integer range 0 to 1 := 0; C_ASYNC : integer range 0 to 1 := 0; -- Channel 1 is async to sg_aclk -- 0 = Synchronous to SG ACLK -- 1 = Asynchronous to SG ACLK C_FAMILY : string := "virtex7" -- Device family used for proper BRAM selection ); port ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AXI Scatter Gather Interface ----------------------------------------------------------------------- m_axi_sg_aclk : in std_logic ; -- m_axi_primary_aclk : in std_logic ; m_axi_sg_aresetn : in std_logic ; -- p_reset_n : in std_logic ; ch2_sg_idle : in std_logic ; -- Channel Control -- desc1_flush : in std_logic ; -- ch1_cntrl_strm_stop : in std_logic ; desc2_flush : in std_logic ; -- ftch1_active : in std_logic ; -- ftch2_active : in std_logic ; -- ftch1_queue_empty : out std_logic ; -- ftch2_queue_empty : out std_logic ; -- ftch1_queue_full : out std_logic ; -- ftch2_queue_full : out std_logic ; -- ftch1_pause : out std_logic ; -- ftch2_pause : out std_logic ; -- -- writing_nxtdesc_in : in std_logic ; -- writing1_curdesc_out : out std_logic ; -- writing2_curdesc_out : out std_logic ; -- -- -- DataMover Command -- ftch_cmnd_wr : in std_logic ; -- ftch_cmnd_data : in std_logic_vector -- ((C_M_AXI_SG_ADDR_WIDTH+CMD_BASE_WIDTH)-1 downto 0); -- -- -- MM2S Stream In from DataMover -- m_axis_mm2s_tdata : in std_logic_vector -- (C_M_AXIS_SG_TDATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) ; -- m_axis_mm2s_tlast : in std_logic ; -- m_axis_mm2s_tvalid : in std_logic ; -- sof_ftch_desc : in std_logic ; m_axis1_mm2s_tready : out std_logic ; -- m_axis2_mm2s_tready : out std_logic ; -- -- data_concat_64 : in std_logic_vector -- (31 downto 0) ; -- data_concat_64_cdma : in std_logic_vector -- (31 downto 0) ; -- data_concat : in std_logic_vector -- (95 downto 0) ; -- data_concat_mcdma : in std_logic_vector -- (63 downto 0) ; -- data_concat_tlast : in std_logic ; -- next_bd : in std_logic_vector (C_M_AXI_SG_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); data_concat_valid : in std_logic ; -- -- -- Channel 1 AXI Fetch Stream Out -- m_axis_ftch_aclk : in std_logic ; -- m_axis_ftch1_tdata : out std_logic_vector -- (C_M_AXIS_SG_TDATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- m_axis_ftch1_tvalid : out std_logic ; -- m_axis_ftch1_tready : in std_logic ; -- m_axis_ftch1_tlast : out std_logic ; -- m_axis_ftch1_tdata_new : out std_logic_vector -- (96+31*C_ENABLE_CDMA+(2+C_ENABLE_CDMA)*(C_M_AXI_SG_ADDR_WIDTH-32) downto 0); -- m_axis_ftch1_tdata_mcdma_new : out std_logic_vector -- (63 downto 0); -- m_axis_ftch1_tvalid_new : out std_logic ; -- m_axis_ftch1_desc_available : out std_logic ; m_axis_ftch2_tdata : out std_logic_vector -- (C_M_AXIS_SG_TDATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- m_axis_ftch2_tvalid : out std_logic ; -- m_axis_ftch2_tdata_new : out std_logic_vector -- (96+31*C_ENABLE_CDMA+(2+C_ENABLE_CDMA)*(C_M_AXI_SG_ADDR_WIDTH-32) downto 0); -- m_axis_ftch2_tdata_mcdma_new : out std_logic_vector -- (63 downto 0); -- m_axis_ftch2_tvalid_new : out std_logic ; -- m_axis_ftch2_desc_available : out std_logic ; m_axis_ftch2_tready : in std_logic ; -- m_axis_ftch2_tlast : out std_logic ; -- m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tdata : out std_logic_vector -- (31 downto 0); -- m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tkeep : out std_logic_vector -- (3 downto 0); -- m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tvalid : out std_logic ; -- m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tready : in std_logic := '0'; -- m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tlast : out std_logic -- ); end axi_sg_ftch_queue; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture implementation of axi_sg_ftch_queue is attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings: string; attribute DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings of implementation : architecture is "yes"; -- Number of words deep fifo needs to be -- 6 is subtracted as BD address are always 16 word aligned constant FIFO_WIDTH : integer := (128*C_ENABLE_CDMA + 97*(1-C_ENABLE_CDMA) -6); constant C_SG_WORDS_TO_FETCH1 : integer := C_SG_WORDS_TO_FETCH + 2*C_ENABLE_MULTI_CHANNEL; --constant FETCH_QUEUE_DEPTH : integer := max2(16,pad_power2(C_SG_FTCH_DESC2QUEUE -- * C_SG_WORDS_TO_FETCH1)); constant FETCH_QUEUE_DEPTH : integer := 16; -- Select between BRAM or Logic Memory Type constant MEMORY_TYPE : integer := bo2int(C_SG_FTCH_DESC2QUEUE * C_SG_WORDS_TO_FETCH1 > 16); constant FETCH_QUEUE_CNT_WIDTH : integer := clog2(FETCH_QUEUE_DEPTH+1); constant DCNT_LO_INDEX : integer := max2(1,clog2(C_SG_WORDS_TO_FETCH1)) - 1; constant DCNT_HI_INDEX : integer := FETCH_QUEUE_CNT_WIDTH-1; -- CR616461 constant C_SG2_WORDS_TO_FETCH1 : integer := C_SG2_WORDS_TO_FETCH; constant FETCH2_QUEUE_DEPTH : integer := max2(16,pad_power2(C_SG_FTCH_DESC2QUEUE * C_SG2_WORDS_TO_FETCH1)); -- Select between BRAM or Logic Memory Type constant MEMORY2_TYPE : integer := bo2int(C_SG_FTCH_DESC2QUEUE * C_SG2_WORDS_TO_FETCH1 > 16); constant FETCH2_QUEUE_CNT_WIDTH : integer := clog2(FETCH2_QUEUE_DEPTH+1); constant DCNT2_LO_INDEX : integer := max2(1,clog2(C_SG2_WORDS_TO_FETCH1)) - 1; constant DCNT2_HI_INDEX : integer := FETCH2_QUEUE_CNT_WIDTH-1; -- CR616461 -- Width of fifo rd and wr counts - only used for proper fifo operation constant DESC2QUEUE_VECT_WIDTH : integer := 4; --constant SG_FTCH_DESC2QUEUE_VECT : std_logic_vector(DESC2QUEUE_VECT_WIDTH-1 downto 0) -- := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(C_SG_FTCH_DESC2QUEUE,DESC2QUEUE_VECT_WIDTH)); -- CR616461 constant SG_FTCH_DESC2QUEUE_VECT : std_logic_vector(DESC2QUEUE_VECT_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(C_SG_FTCH_DESC2QUEUE,DESC2QUEUE_VECT_WIDTH)); -- CR616461 --constant DCNT_HI_INDEX : integer := (DCNT_LO_INDEX + DESC2QUEUE_VECT_WIDTH) - 1; -- CR616461 constant ZERO_COUNT : std_logic_vector(FETCH_QUEUE_CNT_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant ZERO_COUNT1 : std_logic_vector(FETCH2_QUEUE_CNT_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signal / Type Declarations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal signals signal curdesc_tdata : std_logic_vector (C_M_AXIS_SG_TDATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal curdesc_tvalid : std_logic := '0'; signal ftch_tvalid : std_logic := '0'; signal ftch_tvalid_new : std_logic := '0'; signal ftch_tdata : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal ftch_tdata_new, reg1, reg2 : std_logic_vector (FIFO_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal ftch_tdata_new_64, reg1_64, reg2_64 : std_logic_vector ((1+C_ENABLE_CDMA)*(C_M_AXI_SG_ADDR_WIDTH-32) -1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal ftch_tdata_new_bd, reg2_bd_64, reg1_bd_64 : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal ftch_tlast : std_logic := '0'; signal ftch_tlast_new : std_logic := '0'; signal ftch_tready : std_logic := '0'; signal ftch_tready_ch1 : std_logic := '0'; signal ftch_tready_ch2 : std_logic := '0'; -- Misc Signals signal writing_curdesc : std_logic := '0'; signal writing_nxtdesc : std_logic := '0'; signal msb_curdesc : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal writing_lsb : std_logic := '0'; signal writing_msb : std_logic := '0'; -- FIFO signals signal queue_rden2 : std_logic := '0'; signal queue_rden2_new : std_logic := '0'; signal queue_wren2 : std_logic := '0'; signal queue_wren2_new : std_logic := '0'; signal queue_empty2 : std_logic := '0'; signal queue_empty2_new : std_logic := '0'; signal queue_rden : std_logic := '0'; signal queue_rden_new : std_logic := '0'; signal queue_wren : std_logic := '0'; signal queue_wren_new : std_logic := '0'; signal queue_empty : std_logic := '0'; signal queue_empty_new : std_logic := '0'; signal queue_dout_valid : std_logic := '0'; signal queue_dout2_valid : std_logic := '0'; signal queue_full_new : std_logic := '0'; signal queue_full2_new : std_logic := '0'; signal queue_full, queue_full2 : std_logic := '0'; signal queue_din_new : std_logic_vector (127 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal queue_dout_new_64 : std_logic_vector ((1+C_ENABLE_CDMA)*(C_M_AXI_SG_ADDR_WIDTH-32) -1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal queue_dout_new_bd : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal queue_dout_new : std_logic_vector (96+31*C_ENABLE_CDMA-6 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal queue_dout_mcdma_new : std_logic_vector (63 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal queue_dout2_new_64 : std_logic_vector ((1+C_ENABLE_CDMA)*(C_M_AXI_SG_ADDR_WIDTH-32) -1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal queue_dout2_new_bd : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal queue_dout2_new : std_logic_vector (96+31*C_ENABLE_CDMA-6 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal queue_dout2_mcdma_new : std_logic_vector (63 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal queue_din : std_logic_vector (C_M_AXIS_SG_TDATA_WIDTH downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal queue_dout : std_logic_vector (C_M_AXIS_SG_TDATA_WIDTH downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal queue_dout2 : std_logic_vector (C_M_AXIS_SG_TDATA_WIDTH downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal queue_sinit : std_logic := '0'; signal queue_sinit2 : std_logic := '0'; signal queue_dcount_new : std_logic_vector(FETCH_QUEUE_CNT_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal queue_dcount2_new : std_logic_vector(FETCH_QUEUE_CNT_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal ftch_no_room : std_logic; signal ftch_active : std_logic := '0'; signal ftch_tvalid_mult : std_logic := '0'; signal ftch_tdata_mult : std_logic_vector (C_M_AXIS_SG_TDATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal ftch_tlast_mult : std_logic := '0'; signal counter : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal wr_cntl : std_logic := '0'; signal sof_ftch_desc_del : std_logic; signal sof_ftch_desc_del1 : std_logic; signal sof_ftch_desc_pulse : std_logic; signal current_bd : std_logic_vector (C_M_AXI_SG_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal xfer_in_progress : std_logic := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Begin architecture logic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin SOF_DEL_PROCESS : process(m_axi_sg_aclk) begin if(m_axi_sg_aclk'EVENT and m_axi_sg_aclk = '1')then if(m_axi_sg_aresetn = '0')then sof_ftch_desc_del <= '0'; else sof_ftch_desc_del <= sof_ftch_desc; end if; end if; end process SOF_DEL_PROCESS; SOF_DEL1_PROCESS : process(m_axi_sg_aclk) begin if(m_axi_sg_aclk'EVENT and m_axi_sg_aclk = '1')then if(m_axi_sg_aresetn = '0' or (m_axis_mm2s_tlast = '1' and m_axis_mm2s_tvalid = '1'))then sof_ftch_desc_del1 <= '0'; elsif (m_axis_mm2s_tvalid = '1') then sof_ftch_desc_del1 <= sof_ftch_desc; end if; end if; end process SOF_DEL1_PROCESS; sof_ftch_desc_pulse <= sof_ftch_desc and (not sof_ftch_desc_del1); ftch_active <= ftch1_active or ftch2_active; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Write current descriptor to FIFO or out channel port --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CURRENT_BD_64 : if C_M_AXI_SG_ADDR_WIDTH > 32 generate begin CMDDATA_PROCESS : process(m_axi_sg_aclk) begin if(m_axi_sg_aclk'EVENT and m_axi_sg_aclk = '1')then if(m_axi_sg_aresetn = '0')then current_bd <= (others => '0'); elsif (ftch2_active = '1' and C_ENABLE_MULTI_CHANNEL = 1) then current_bd <= next_bd; elsif (ftch_cmnd_wr = '1' and ftch_active = '1') then current_bd <= ftch_cmnd_data(32+DATAMOVER_CMD_ADDRMSB_BOFST + DATAMOVER_CMD_ADDRLSB_BIT downto DATAMOVER_CMD_ADDRLSB_BIT); end if; end if; end process CMDDATA_PROCESS; end generate CURRENT_BD_64; CURRENT_BD_32 : if C_M_AXI_SG_ADDR_WIDTH = 32 generate begin CMDDATA_PROCESS : process(m_axi_sg_aclk) begin if(m_axi_sg_aclk'EVENT and m_axi_sg_aclk = '1')then if(m_axi_sg_aresetn = '0')then current_bd <= (others => '0'); elsif (ftch2_active = '1' and C_ENABLE_MULTI_CHANNEL = 1) then current_bd <= next_bd; elsif (ftch_cmnd_wr = '1' and ftch_active = '1') then current_bd <= ftch_cmnd_data(DATAMOVER_CMD_ADDRMSB_BOFST + DATAMOVER_CMD_ADDRLSB_BIT downto DATAMOVER_CMD_ADDRLSB_BIT); end if; end if; end process CMDDATA_PROCESS; end generate CURRENT_BD_32; GEN_MULT_CHANNEL : if C_ENABLE_MULTI_CHANNEL = 1 generate begin ftch_tvalid_mult <= m_axis_mm2s_tvalid; ftch_tdata_mult <= m_axis_mm2s_tdata; ftch_tlast_mult <= m_axis_mm2s_tlast; wr_cntl <= m_axis_mm2s_tvalid; end generate GEN_MULT_CHANNEL; GEN_NOMULT_CHANNEL : if C_ENABLE_MULTI_CHANNEL = 0 generate begin ftch_tvalid_mult <= '0'; --m_axis_mm2s_tvalid; ftch_tdata_mult <= (others => '0'); --m_axis_mm2s_tdata; ftch_tlast_mult <= '0'; --m_axis_mm2s_tlast; m_axis_ftch1_tdata_mcdma_new <= (others => '0'); m_axis_ftch2_tdata_mcdma_new <= (others => '0'); COUNTER_PROCESS : process(m_axi_sg_aclk) begin if(m_axi_sg_aclk'EVENT and m_axi_sg_aclk = '1')then if(m_axi_sg_aresetn = '0' or m_axis_mm2s_tlast = '1')then counter <= (others => '0'); elsif (m_axis_mm2s_tvalid = '1') then counter <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(counter) + 1); end if; end if; end process COUNTER_PROCESS; end generate GEN_NOMULT_CHANNEL; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TVALID MUX -- MUX tvalid out channel port --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDMA_FIELDS : if C_ENABLE_CDMA = 1 generate begin CDMA_FIELDS_64 : if C_M_AXI_SG_ADDR_WIDTH > 32 generate begin ftch_tdata_new_64 (63 downto 0) <= data_concat_64_cdma & data_concat_64; ftch_tdata_new_bd (31 downto 0) <= current_bd (C_M_AXI_SG_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 32); end generate CDMA_FIELDS_64; ftch_tdata_new (95 downto 0) <= data_concat; -- BD is always 16 word aligned ftch_tdata_new (121 downto 96) <= current_bd (31 downto 6); end generate CDMA_FIELDS; DMA_FIELDS : if C_ENABLE_CDMA = 0 generate begin DMA_FIELDS_64 : if C_M_AXI_SG_ADDR_WIDTH > 32 generate begin ftch_tdata_new_64 (31 downto 0) <= data_concat_64; ftch_tdata_new_bd (31 downto 0) <= current_bd (C_M_AXI_SG_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 32); end generate DMA_FIELDS_64; ftch_tdata_new (64 downto 0) <= data_concat (95) & data_concat (63 downto 0);-- when (ftch_active = '1') else (others =>'0'); -- BD is always 16 word aligned ftch_tdata_new (90 downto 65) <= current_bd (31 downto 6); end generate DMA_FIELDS; ftch_tvalid_new <= data_concat_valid and ftch_active; ftch_tlast_new <= data_concat_tlast and ftch_active; GEN_MM2S : if C_INCLUDE_MM2S = 1 generate begin process (m_axi_sg_aclk) begin if (m_axi_sg_aclk'event and m_axi_sg_aclk = '1') then if (queue_sinit = '1' or queue_rden_new = '1') then queue_empty_new <= '1'; queue_full_new <= '0'; elsif (queue_wren_new = '1') then queue_empty_new <= '0'; queue_full_new <= '1'; end if; end if; end process; process (m_axi_sg_aclk) begin if (m_axi_sg_aclk'event and m_axi_sg_aclk = '1') then if (queue_sinit = '1') then reg1 <= (others => '0'); reg1_64 <= (others => '0'); reg1_bd_64 <= (others => '0'); elsif (queue_wren_new = '1') then reg1 <= ftch_tdata_new; reg1_64 <= ftch_tdata_new_64; reg1_bd_64 <= ftch_tdata_new_bd; end if; end if; end process; process (m_axi_sg_aclk) begin if (m_axi_sg_aclk'event and m_axi_sg_aclk = '1') then if (queue_sinit = '1') then queue_dout_new <= (others => '0'); queue_dout_new_64 <= (others => '0'); queue_dout_new_bd <= (others => '0'); elsif (queue_rden_new = '1') then queue_dout_new <= reg1; queue_dout_new_64 <= reg1_64; queue_dout_new_bd <= reg1_bd_64; end if; end if; end process; process (m_axi_sg_aclk) begin if (m_axi_sg_aclk'event and m_axi_sg_aclk = '1') then if (queue_sinit = '1' or queue_dout_valid = '1') then queue_dout_valid <= '0'; elsif (queue_rden_new = '1') then queue_dout_valid <= '1'; end if; end if; end process; MCDMA_MM2S : if C_ENABLE_MULTI_CHANNEL = 1 generate begin -- Generate Synchronous FIFO I_CH1_FTCH_MCDMA_FIFO_NEW : entity lib_fifo_v1_0_5.sync_fifo_fg generic map ( C_FAMILY => C_FAMILY , C_MEMORY_TYPE => 0, --MEMORY_TYPE , C_WRITE_DATA_WIDTH => 64, C_WRITE_DEPTH => FETCH_QUEUE_DEPTH , C_READ_DATA_WIDTH => 64, C_READ_DEPTH => FETCH_QUEUE_DEPTH , C_PORTS_DIFFER => 0, C_HAS_DCOUNT => 0, C_DCOUNT_WIDTH => FETCH_QUEUE_CNT_WIDTH, C_HAS_ALMOST_FULL => 0, C_HAS_RD_ACK => 0, C_HAS_RD_ERR => 0, C_HAS_WR_ACK => 0, C_HAS_WR_ERR => 0, C_RD_ACK_LOW => 0, C_RD_ERR_LOW => 0, C_WR_ACK_LOW => 0, C_WR_ERR_LOW => 0, C_PRELOAD_REGS => 0,-- 1 = first word fall through C_PRELOAD_LATENCY => 1 -- 0 = first word fall through ) port map ( Clk => m_axi_sg_aclk , Sinit => queue_sinit , Din => data_concat_mcdma, --ftch_tdata_new, --queue_din , Wr_en => queue_wren_new , Rd_en => queue_rden_new , Dout => queue_dout_mcdma_new , Full => open, --queue_full_new , Empty => open, --queue_empty_new , Almost_full => open , Data_count => open, --queue_dcount_new , Rd_ack => open, --queue_dout_valid, --open , Rd_err => open , Wr_ack => open , Wr_err => open ); m_axis_ftch1_tdata_mcdma_new <= queue_dout_mcdma_new; end generate MCDMA_MM2S; CONTROL_STREAM : if C_SG_WORDS_TO_FETCH = 13 generate begin I_MM2S_CNTRL_STREAM : entity axi_sg_v4_1_3.axi_sg_cntrl_strm generic map( C_PRMRY_IS_ACLK_ASYNC => C_ASYNC , C_PRMY_CMDFIFO_DEPTH => FETCH_QUEUE_DEPTH , C_M_AXIS_MM2S_CNTRL_TDATA_WIDTH => C_M_AXIS_SG_TDATA_WIDTH , C_FAMILY => C_FAMILY ) port map( -- Secondary clock / reset m_axi_sg_aclk => m_axi_sg_aclk , m_axi_sg_aresetn => m_axi_sg_aresetn , -- Primary clock / reset axi_prmry_aclk => m_axi_primary_aclk , p_reset_n => p_reset_n , -- MM2S Error mm2s_stop => ch1_cntrl_strm_stop , -- Control Stream input cntrlstrm_fifo_wren => queue_wren , cntrlstrm_fifo_full => queue_full , cntrlstrm_fifo_din => queue_din , -- Memory Map to Stream Control Stream Interface m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tdata => m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tdata , m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tkeep => m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tkeep , m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tvalid => m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tvalid , m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tready => m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tready , m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tlast => m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tlast ); end generate CONTROL_STREAM; end generate GEN_MM2S; GEN_S2MM : if C_INCLUDE_S2MM = 1 generate begin process (m_axi_sg_aclk) begin if (m_axi_sg_aclk'event and m_axi_sg_aclk = '1') then if (queue_sinit2 = '1' or queue_rden2_new = '1') then queue_empty2_new <= '1'; queue_full2_new <= '0'; elsif (queue_wren2_new = '1') then queue_empty2_new <= '0'; queue_full2_new <= '1'; end if; end if; end process; process (m_axi_sg_aclk) begin if (m_axi_sg_aclk'event and m_axi_sg_aclk = '1') then if (queue_sinit2 = '1') then reg2 <= (others => '0'); reg2_64 <= (others => '0'); reg2_bd_64 <= (others => '0'); elsif (queue_wren2_new = '1') then reg2 <= ftch_tdata_new; reg2_64 <= ftch_tdata_new_64; reg2_bd_64 <= ftch_tdata_new_bd; end if; end if; end process; process (m_axi_sg_aclk) begin if (m_axi_sg_aclk'event and m_axi_sg_aclk = '1') then if (queue_sinit2 = '1') then queue_dout2_new <= (others => '0'); queue_dout2_new_64 <= (others => '0'); queue_dout2_new_bd <= (others => '0'); elsif (queue_rden2_new = '1') then queue_dout2_new <= reg2; queue_dout2_new_64 <= reg2_64; queue_dout2_new_bd <= reg2_bd_64; end if; end if; end process; process (m_axi_sg_aclk) begin if (m_axi_sg_aclk'event and m_axi_sg_aclk = '1') then if (queue_sinit2 = '1' or queue_dout2_valid = '1') then queue_dout2_valid <= '0'; elsif (queue_rden2_new = '1') then queue_dout2_valid <= '1'; end if; end if; end process; MCDMA_S2MM : if C_ENABLE_MULTI_CHANNEL = 1 generate begin -- Generate Synchronous FIFO I_CH2_FTCH_MCDMA_FIFO_NEW : entity lib_fifo_v1_0_5.sync_fifo_fg generic map ( C_FAMILY => C_FAMILY , C_MEMORY_TYPE => 0, --MEMORY_TYPE , C_WRITE_DATA_WIDTH => 64, C_WRITE_DEPTH => FETCH_QUEUE_DEPTH , C_READ_DATA_WIDTH => 64, C_READ_DEPTH => FETCH_QUEUE_DEPTH , C_PORTS_DIFFER => 0, C_HAS_DCOUNT => 0, C_DCOUNT_WIDTH => FETCH_QUEUE_CNT_WIDTH, C_HAS_ALMOST_FULL => 0, C_HAS_RD_ACK => 0, C_HAS_RD_ERR => 0, C_HAS_WR_ACK => 0, C_HAS_WR_ERR => 0, C_RD_ACK_LOW => 0, C_RD_ERR_LOW => 0, C_WR_ACK_LOW => 0, C_WR_ERR_LOW => 0, C_PRELOAD_REGS => 0,-- 1 = first word fall through C_PRELOAD_LATENCY => 1 -- 0 = first word fall through ) port map ( Clk => m_axi_sg_aclk , Sinit => queue_sinit2 , Din => data_concat_mcdma, --ftch_tdata_new, --queue_din , Wr_en => queue_wren2_new , Rd_en => queue_rden2_new , Dout => queue_dout2_new , Full => open, --queue_full2_new , Empty => open, --queue_empty2_new , Almost_full => open , Data_count => queue_dcount2_new , Rd_ack => open, --queue_dout2_valid , Rd_err => open , Wr_ack => open , Wr_err => open ); m_axis_ftch2_tdata_mcdma_new <= queue_dcount2_new; end generate MCDMA_S2MM; end generate GEN_S2MM; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal Side ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Drive tready with fifo not full ftch_tready <= ftch_tready_ch1 or ftch_tready_ch2; -- Following is the APP data that goes into APP FIFO queue_din(C_M_AXIS_SG_TDATA_WIDTH) <= m_axis_mm2s_tlast; queue_din(C_M_AXIS_SG_TDATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= x"A0000000" when (sof_ftch_desc_pulse = '1') else m_axis_mm2s_tdata; GEN_CH1_CTRL : if C_INCLUDE_MM2S =1 generate begin --queue_full_new <= '1' when (queue_dcount_new = "00100") else '0'; queue_sinit <= desc1_flush or not m_axi_sg_aresetn; ftch_tready_ch1 <= (not queue_full and ftch1_active); m_axis1_mm2s_tready <= ftch_tready_ch1; -- Wr_en to APP FIFO. Data is written only when BD with SOF is fetched. queue_wren <= not queue_full and sof_ftch_desc and m_axis_mm2s_tvalid and ftch1_active; -- Wr_en of BD FIFO queue_wren_new <= not queue_full_new and ftch_tvalid_new and ftch1_active; ftch1_queue_empty <= queue_empty_new; ftch1_queue_full <= queue_full_new; ftch1_pause <= queue_full_new; -- RD_en of APP FIFO based on empty and tready -- RD_EN of BD FIFO based on empty and tready queue_rden_new <= not queue_empty_new and m_axis_ftch1_tready; -- drive valid if fifo is not empty m_axis_ftch1_tvalid <= '0'; m_axis_ftch1_tvalid_new <= queue_dout_valid; --not queue_empty_new and (not ch2_sg_idle); -- below signal triggers the fetch of BD in MM2S Mngr m_axis_ftch1_desc_available <= not queue_empty_new and (not ch2_sg_idle); -- Pass data out to port channel with MSB driving tlast m_axis_ftch1_tlast <= '0'; m_axis_ftch1_tdata <= (others => '0'); FTCH_FIELDS_64 : if C_M_AXI_SG_ADDR_WIDTH > 32 generate begin m_axis_ftch1_tdata_new <= queue_dout_new_bd & queue_dout_new_64 & queue_dout_new (FIFO_WIDTH-1 downto FIFO_WIDTH-26) & "000000" & queue_dout_new (FIFO_WIDTH-27 downto 0); end generate FTCH_FIELDS_64; FTCH_FIELDS_32 : if C_M_AXI_SG_ADDR_WIDTH = 32 generate begin m_axis_ftch1_tdata_new <= queue_dout_new (FIFO_WIDTH-1 downto FIFO_WIDTH-26) & "000000" & queue_dout_new (FIFO_WIDTH-27 downto 0); end generate FTCH_FIELDS_32; writing1_curdesc_out <= writing_curdesc and ftch1_active; NOCONTROL_STREAM_ASST : if C_SG_WORDS_TO_FETCH = 8 generate begin m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tdata <= (others => '0'); m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tkeep <= (others => '0'); m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tvalid <= '0'; m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tlast <= '0'; end generate NOCONTROL_STREAM_ASST; end generate GEN_CH1_CTRL; GEN_NO_CH1_CTRL : if C_INCLUDE_MM2S =0 generate begin m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tdata <= (others => '0'); m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tkeep <= "0000"; m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tvalid <= '0'; m_axis_mm2s_cntrl_tlast <= '0'; ftch_tready_ch1 <= '0'; m_axis1_mm2s_tready <= '0'; -- Write to fifo if it is not full and data is valid queue_wren <= '0'; ftch1_queue_empty <= '0'; ftch1_queue_full <= '0'; ftch1_pause <= '0'; queue_rden <= '0'; -- drive valid if fifo is not empty m_axis_ftch1_tvalid <= '0'; -- Pass data out to port channel with MSB driving tlast m_axis_ftch1_tlast <= '0'; m_axis_ftch1_tdata <= (others => '0'); writing1_curdesc_out <= '0'; m_axis_ftch1_tdata_new <= (others => '0'); m_axis_ftch1_tvalid_new <= '0'; m_axis_ftch1_desc_available <= '0'; end generate GEN_NO_CH1_CTRL; GEN_CH2_CTRL : if C_INCLUDE_S2MM =1 generate begin queue_sinit2 <= desc2_flush or not m_axi_sg_aresetn; ftch_tready_ch2 <= (not queue_full2_new and ftch2_active); m_axis2_mm2s_tready <= ftch_tready_ch2; queue_wren2 <= '0'; -- Wr_en for S2MM BD FIFO queue_wren2_new <= not queue_full2_new and ftch_tvalid_new and ftch2_active; --queue_full2_new <= '1' when (queue_dcount2_new = "00100") else '0'; -- Pass fifo status back to fetch sm for channel IDLE determination ftch2_queue_empty <= queue_empty2_new; ftch2_queue_full <= queue_full2_new; ftch2_pause <= queue_full2_new; queue_rden2 <= '0'; -- Rd_en for S2MM BD FIFO queue_rden2_new <= not queue_empty2_new and m_axis_ftch2_tready; m_axis_ftch2_tvalid <= '0'; m_axis_ftch2_tvalid_new <= queue_dout2_valid; -- not queue_empty2_new and (not ch2_sg_idle); m_axis_ftch2_desc_available <= not queue_empty2_new and (not ch2_sg_idle); -- Pass data out to port channel with MSB driving tlast m_axis_ftch2_tlast <= '0'; m_axis_ftch2_tdata <= (others => '0'); FTCH_FIELDS_64_2 : if C_M_AXI_SG_ADDR_WIDTH > 32 generate m_axis_ftch2_tdata_new <= queue_dout2_new_bd & queue_dout2_new_64 & queue_dout2_new (FIFO_WIDTH-1 downto FIFO_WIDTH-26) & "000000" & queue_dout2_new (FIFO_WIDTH-27 downto 0); end generate FTCH_FIELDS_64_2; FTCH_FIELDS_32_2 : if C_M_AXI_SG_ADDR_WIDTH = 32 generate m_axis_ftch2_tdata_new <= queue_dout2_new (FIFO_WIDTH-1 downto FIFO_WIDTH-26) & "000000" & queue_dout2_new (FIFO_WIDTH-27 downto 0); end generate FTCH_FIELDS_32_2; writing2_curdesc_out <= writing_curdesc and ftch2_active; end generate GEN_CH2_CTRL; GEN_NO_CH2_CTRL : if C_INCLUDE_S2MM =0 generate begin ftch_tready_ch2 <= '0'; m_axis2_mm2s_tready <= '0'; queue_wren2 <= '0'; -- Pass fifo status back to fetch sm for channel IDLE determination --ftch_queue_empty <= queue_empty; CR 621600 ftch2_queue_empty <= '0'; ftch2_queue_full <= '0'; ftch2_pause <= '0'; queue_rden2 <= '0'; m_axis_ftch2_tvalid <= '0'; -- Pass data out to port channel with MSB driving tlast m_axis_ftch2_tlast <= '0'; m_axis_ftch2_tdata <= (others => '0'); m_axis_ftch2_tdata_new <= (others => '0'); m_axis_ftch2_tvalid_new <= '0'; writing2_curdesc_out <= '0'; m_axis_ftch2_desc_available <= '0'; end generate GEN_NO_CH2_CTRL; -- If writing curdesc out then flag for proper mux selection writing_curdesc <= curdesc_tvalid; -- Map intnal signal to port -- Map port to internal signal writing_nxtdesc <= writing_nxtdesc_in; end implementation;
-- $Id: iblib.vhd 427 2011-11-19 21:04:11Z mueller $ -- -- Copyright 2008-2010 by Walter F.J. Mueller <> -- -- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under -- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for complete details. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Package Name: iblib -- Description: Definitions for ibus interface and bus entities -- -- Dependencies: - -- Tool versions: xst 8.1, 8.2, 9.1, 9.2, 12.1; ghdl 0.18-0.29 -- Revision History: -- Date Rev Version Comment -- 2010-10-23 335 2.0.1 add ib_sel; add ib_sres_or_mon -- 2010-10-17 333 2.0 ibus V2 interface: use aval,re,we,rmw -- 2010-06-11 303 1.1 added racc,cacc signals to ib_mreq_type -- 2009-06-01 221 1.0.1 added dip signal to ib_mreq_type -- 2008-08-22 161 1.0 Initial version (extracted from pdp11.vhd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use work.slvtypes.all; package iblib is type ib_mreq_type is record -- ibus - master request aval : slbit; -- address valid re : slbit; -- read enable we : slbit; -- write enable rmw : slbit; -- read-modify-write be0 : slbit; -- byte enable low be1 : slbit; -- byte enable high cacc : slbit; -- console access racc : slbit; -- remote access addr : slv13_1; -- address bit(12:1) din : slv16; -- data (input to slave) end record ib_mreq_type; constant ib_mreq_init : ib_mreq_type := ('0','0','0','0', -- aval, re, we, rmw '0','0','0','0', -- be0, be1, cacc, racc (others=>'0'), -- addr (others=>'0')); -- din type ib_sres_type is record -- ibus - slave response ack : slbit; -- acknowledge busy : slbit; -- busy dout : slv16; -- data (output from slave) end record ib_sres_type; constant ib_sres_init : ib_sres_type := ('0','0', -- ack, busy (others=>'0')); -- dout type ib_sres_vector is array (natural range <>) of ib_sres_type; subtype ibf_byte1 is integer range 15 downto 8; subtype ibf_byte0 is integer range 7 downto 0; component ib_sel is -- ibus address select logic generic ( IB_ADDR : slv16; -- ibus address base SAWIDTH : natural := 0); -- device subaddress space width port ( CLK : in slbit; -- clock IB_MREQ : in ib_mreq_type; -- ibus request SEL : out slbit -- select state bit ); end component; component ib_sres_or_2 is -- ibus result or, 2 input port ( IB_SRES_1 : in ib_sres_type; -- ib_sres input 1 IB_SRES_2 : in ib_sres_type := ib_sres_init; -- ib_sres input 2 IB_SRES_OR : out ib_sres_type -- ib_sres or'ed output ); end component; component ib_sres_or_3 is -- ibus result or, 3 input port ( IB_SRES_1 : in ib_sres_type; -- ib_sres input 1 IB_SRES_2 : in ib_sres_type := ib_sres_init; -- ib_sres input 2 IB_SRES_3 : in ib_sres_type := ib_sres_init; -- ib_sres input 3 IB_SRES_OR : out ib_sres_type -- ib_sres or'ed output ); end component; component ib_sres_or_4 is -- ibus result or, 4 input port ( IB_SRES_1 : in ib_sres_type; -- ib_sres input 1 IB_SRES_2 : in ib_sres_type := ib_sres_init; -- ib_sres input 2 IB_SRES_3 : in ib_sres_type := ib_sres_init; -- ib_sres input 3 IB_SRES_4 : in ib_sres_type := ib_sres_init; -- ib_sres input 4 IB_SRES_OR : out ib_sres_type -- ib_sres or'ed output ); end component; component ib_sres_or_gen is -- ibus result or, generic generic ( WIDTH : natural := 4); -- number of input ports port ( IB_SRES_IN : in ib_sres_vector(1 to WIDTH); -- ib_sres input array IB_SRES_OR : out ib_sres_type -- ib_sres or'ed output ); end component; type intmap_type is record -- interrupt map entry type vec : integer; -- vector address pri : integer; -- priority end record intmap_type; constant intmap_init : intmap_type := (0,0); type intmap_array_type is array (15 downto 0) of intmap_type; constant intmap_array_init : intmap_array_type := (others=>intmap_init); component ib_intmap is -- external interrupt mapper generic ( INTMAP : intmap_array_type := intmap_array_init); port ( EI_REQ : in slv16_1; -- interrupt request lines EI_ACKM : in slbit; -- interrupt acknowledge (from master) EI_ACK : out slv16_1; -- interrupt acknowledge (to requestor) EI_PRI : out slv3; -- interrupt priority EI_VECT : out slv9_2 -- interrupt vector ); end component; -- -- components for use in test benches (not synthesizable) -- component ib_sres_or_mon is -- ibus result or monitor port ( IB_SRES_1 : in ib_sres_type; -- ib_sres input 1 IB_SRES_2 : in ib_sres_type := ib_sres_init; -- ib_sres input 2 IB_SRES_3 : in ib_sres_type := ib_sres_init; -- ib_sres input 3 IB_SRES_4 : in ib_sres_type := ib_sres_init -- ib_sres input 4 ); end component; end package iblib;
-- $Id: iblib.vhd 427 2011-11-19 21:04:11Z mueller $ -- -- Copyright 2008-2010 by Walter F.J. Mueller <> -- -- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under -- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for complete details. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Package Name: iblib -- Description: Definitions for ibus interface and bus entities -- -- Dependencies: - -- Tool versions: xst 8.1, 8.2, 9.1, 9.2, 12.1; ghdl 0.18-0.29 -- Revision History: -- Date Rev Version Comment -- 2010-10-23 335 2.0.1 add ib_sel; add ib_sres_or_mon -- 2010-10-17 333 2.0 ibus V2 interface: use aval,re,we,rmw -- 2010-06-11 303 1.1 added racc,cacc signals to ib_mreq_type -- 2009-06-01 221 1.0.1 added dip signal to ib_mreq_type -- 2008-08-22 161 1.0 Initial version (extracted from pdp11.vhd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use work.slvtypes.all; package iblib is type ib_mreq_type is record -- ibus - master request aval : slbit; -- address valid re : slbit; -- read enable we : slbit; -- write enable rmw : slbit; -- read-modify-write be0 : slbit; -- byte enable low be1 : slbit; -- byte enable high cacc : slbit; -- console access racc : slbit; -- remote access addr : slv13_1; -- address bit(12:1) din : slv16; -- data (input to slave) end record ib_mreq_type; constant ib_mreq_init : ib_mreq_type := ('0','0','0','0', -- aval, re, we, rmw '0','0','0','0', -- be0, be1, cacc, racc (others=>'0'), -- addr (others=>'0')); -- din type ib_sres_type is record -- ibus - slave response ack : slbit; -- acknowledge busy : slbit; -- busy dout : slv16; -- data (output from slave) end record ib_sres_type; constant ib_sres_init : ib_sres_type := ('0','0', -- ack, busy (others=>'0')); -- dout type ib_sres_vector is array (natural range <>) of ib_sres_type; subtype ibf_byte1 is integer range 15 downto 8; subtype ibf_byte0 is integer range 7 downto 0; component ib_sel is -- ibus address select logic generic ( IB_ADDR : slv16; -- ibus address base SAWIDTH : natural := 0); -- device subaddress space width port ( CLK : in slbit; -- clock IB_MREQ : in ib_mreq_type; -- ibus request SEL : out slbit -- select state bit ); end component; component ib_sres_or_2 is -- ibus result or, 2 input port ( IB_SRES_1 : in ib_sres_type; -- ib_sres input 1 IB_SRES_2 : in ib_sres_type := ib_sres_init; -- ib_sres input 2 IB_SRES_OR : out ib_sres_type -- ib_sres or'ed output ); end component; component ib_sres_or_3 is -- ibus result or, 3 input port ( IB_SRES_1 : in ib_sres_type; -- ib_sres input 1 IB_SRES_2 : in ib_sres_type := ib_sres_init; -- ib_sres input 2 IB_SRES_3 : in ib_sres_type := ib_sres_init; -- ib_sres input 3 IB_SRES_OR : out ib_sres_type -- ib_sres or'ed output ); end component; component ib_sres_or_4 is -- ibus result or, 4 input port ( IB_SRES_1 : in ib_sres_type; -- ib_sres input 1 IB_SRES_2 : in ib_sres_type := ib_sres_init; -- ib_sres input 2 IB_SRES_3 : in ib_sres_type := ib_sres_init; -- ib_sres input 3 IB_SRES_4 : in ib_sres_type := ib_sres_init; -- ib_sres input 4 IB_SRES_OR : out ib_sres_type -- ib_sres or'ed output ); end component; component ib_sres_or_gen is -- ibus result or, generic generic ( WIDTH : natural := 4); -- number of input ports port ( IB_SRES_IN : in ib_sres_vector(1 to WIDTH); -- ib_sres input array IB_SRES_OR : out ib_sres_type -- ib_sres or'ed output ); end component; type intmap_type is record -- interrupt map entry type vec : integer; -- vector address pri : integer; -- priority end record intmap_type; constant intmap_init : intmap_type := (0,0); type intmap_array_type is array (15 downto 0) of intmap_type; constant intmap_array_init : intmap_array_type := (others=>intmap_init); component ib_intmap is -- external interrupt mapper generic ( INTMAP : intmap_array_type := intmap_array_init); port ( EI_REQ : in slv16_1; -- interrupt request lines EI_ACKM : in slbit; -- interrupt acknowledge (from master) EI_ACK : out slv16_1; -- interrupt acknowledge (to requestor) EI_PRI : out slv3; -- interrupt priority EI_VECT : out slv9_2 -- interrupt vector ); end component; -- -- components for use in test benches (not synthesizable) -- component ib_sres_or_mon is -- ibus result or monitor port ( IB_SRES_1 : in ib_sres_type; -- ib_sres input 1 IB_SRES_2 : in ib_sres_type := ib_sres_init; -- ib_sres input 2 IB_SRES_3 : in ib_sres_type := ib_sres_init; -- ib_sres input 3 IB_SRES_4 : in ib_sres_type := ib_sres_init -- ib_sres input 4 ); end component; end package iblib;
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; package main_pack is constant cpu_width : integer := 32; constant ram_size : integer := 530; subtype word_type is std_logic_vector(cpu_width-1 downto 0); type ram_type is array(0 to ram_size-1) of word_type; function load_hex return ram_type; end package; package body main_pack is function load_hex return ram_type is variable ram_buffer : ram_type := (others=>(others=>'0')); begin ram_buffer(0) := X"3C1C0101"; ram_buffer(1) := X"279C8840"; ram_buffer(2) := X"3C050100"; ram_buffer(3) := X"24A50848"; ram_buffer(4) := X"3C040100"; ram_buffer(5) := X"24840AA4"; ram_buffer(6) := X"3C1D0100"; ram_buffer(7) := X"27BD0A48"; ram_buffer(8) := X"ACA00000"; ram_buffer(9) := X"00A4182A"; ram_buffer(10) := X"1460FFFD"; ram_buffer(11) := X"24A50004"; ram_buffer(12) := X"0C40007C"; ram_buffer(13) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(14) := X"0840000E"; ram_buffer(15) := X"23BDFF98"; ram_buffer(16) := X"AFA10010"; ram_buffer(17) := X"AFA20014"; ram_buffer(18) := X"AFA30018"; ram_buffer(19) := X"AFA4001C"; ram_buffer(20) := X"AFA50020"; ram_buffer(21) := X"AFA60024"; ram_buffer(22) := X"AFA70028"; ram_buffer(23) := X"AFA8002C"; ram_buffer(24) := X"AFA90030"; ram_buffer(25) := X"AFAA0034"; ram_buffer(26) := X"AFAB0038"; ram_buffer(27) := X"AFAC003C"; ram_buffer(28) := X"AFAD0040"; ram_buffer(29) := X"AFAE0044"; ram_buffer(30) := X"AFAF0048"; ram_buffer(31) := X"AFB8004C"; ram_buffer(32) := X"AFB90050"; ram_buffer(33) := X"AFBF0054"; ram_buffer(34) := X"401A7000"; ram_buffer(35) := X"235AFFFC"; ram_buffer(36) := X"AFBA0058"; ram_buffer(37) := X"0000D810"; ram_buffer(38) := X"AFBB005C"; ram_buffer(39) := X"0000D812"; ram_buffer(40) := X"AFBB0060"; ram_buffer(41) := X"0C4000BE"; ram_buffer(42) := X"23A50000"; ram_buffer(43) := X"8FA10010"; ram_buffer(44) := X"8FA20014"; ram_buffer(45) := X"8FA30018"; ram_buffer(46) := X"8FA4001C"; ram_buffer(47) := X"8FA50020"; ram_buffer(48) := X"8FA60024"; ram_buffer(49) := X"8FA70028"; ram_buffer(50) := X"8FA8002C"; ram_buffer(51) := X"8FA90030"; ram_buffer(52) := X"8FAA0034"; ram_buffer(53) := X"8FAB0038"; ram_buffer(54) := X"8FAC003C"; ram_buffer(55) := X"8FAD0040"; ram_buffer(56) := X"8FAE0044"; ram_buffer(57) := X"8FAF0048"; ram_buffer(58) := X"8FB8004C"; ram_buffer(59) := X"8FB90050"; ram_buffer(60) := X"8FBF0054"; ram_buffer(61) := X"8FBA0058"; ram_buffer(62) := X"8FBB005C"; ram_buffer(63) := X"03600011"; ram_buffer(64) := X"8FBB0060"; ram_buffer(65) := X"03600013"; ram_buffer(66) := X"23BD0068"; ram_buffer(67) := X"341B0001"; ram_buffer(68) := X"03400008"; ram_buffer(69) := X"409B6000"; ram_buffer(70) := X"40026000"; ram_buffer(71) := X"03E00008"; ram_buffer(72) := X"40846000"; ram_buffer(73) := X"3C050100"; ram_buffer(74) := X"24A50150"; ram_buffer(75) := X"8CA60000"; ram_buffer(76) := X"AC06003C"; ram_buffer(77) := X"8CA60004"; ram_buffer(78) := X"AC060040"; ram_buffer(79) := X"8CA60008"; ram_buffer(80) := X"AC060044"; ram_buffer(81) := X"8CA6000C"; ram_buffer(82) := X"03E00008"; ram_buffer(83) := X"AC060048"; ram_buffer(84) := X"3C1A0100"; ram_buffer(85) := X"375A003C"; ram_buffer(86) := X"03400008"; ram_buffer(87) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(88) := X"AC900000"; ram_buffer(89) := X"AC910004"; ram_buffer(90) := X"AC920008"; ram_buffer(91) := X"AC93000C"; ram_buffer(92) := X"AC940010"; ram_buffer(93) := X"AC950014"; ram_buffer(94) := X"AC960018"; ram_buffer(95) := X"AC97001C"; ram_buffer(96) := X"AC9E0020"; ram_buffer(97) := X"AC9C0024"; ram_buffer(98) := X"AC9D0028"; ram_buffer(99) := X"AC9F002C"; ram_buffer(100) := X"03E00008"; ram_buffer(101) := X"34020000"; ram_buffer(102) := X"8C900000"; ram_buffer(103) := X"8C910004"; ram_buffer(104) := X"8C920008"; ram_buffer(105) := X"8C93000C"; ram_buffer(106) := X"8C940010"; ram_buffer(107) := X"8C950014"; ram_buffer(108) := X"8C960018"; ram_buffer(109) := X"8C97001C"; ram_buffer(110) := X"8C9E0020"; ram_buffer(111) := X"8C9C0024"; ram_buffer(112) := X"8C9D0028"; ram_buffer(113) := X"8C9F002C"; ram_buffer(114) := X"03E00008"; ram_buffer(115) := X"34A20000"; ram_buffer(116) := X"00850019"; ram_buffer(117) := X"00001012"; ram_buffer(118) := X"00002010"; ram_buffer(119) := X"03E00008"; ram_buffer(120) := X"ACC40000"; ram_buffer(121) := X"0000000C"; ram_buffer(122) := X"03E00008"; ram_buffer(123) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(124) := X"27BDFFE0"; ram_buffer(125) := X"3C0244A0"; ram_buffer(126) := X"AFB00014"; ram_buffer(127) := X"3C100100"; ram_buffer(128) := X"AE020A60"; ram_buffer(129) := X"3C030100"; ram_buffer(130) := X"3C020100"; ram_buffer(131) := X"AFBF001C"; ram_buffer(132) := X"AFB10018"; ram_buffer(133) := X"24420A64"; ram_buffer(134) := X"24630AA4"; ram_buffer(135) := X"24420008"; ram_buffer(136) := X"1443FFFE"; ram_buffer(137) := X"AC40FFF8"; ram_buffer(138) := X"3C0244A2"; ram_buffer(139) := X"AF828010"; ram_buffer(140) := X"3C020100"; ram_buffer(141) := X"26110A60"; ram_buffer(142) := X"244202A4"; ram_buffer(143) := X"3C050100"; ram_buffer(144) := X"24A502B4"; ram_buffer(145) := X"AE22000C"; ram_buffer(146) := X"00002025"; ram_buffer(147) := X"3C0244A4"; ram_buffer(148) := X"AF828014"; ram_buffer(149) := X"0C4001DF"; ram_buffer(150) := X"AE200010"; ram_buffer(151) := X"3C020100"; ram_buffer(152) := X"244202DC"; ram_buffer(153) := X"AE22001C"; ram_buffer(154) := X"0C400049"; ram_buffer(155) := X"AE200020"; ram_buffer(156) := X"0C400046"; ram_buffer(157) := X"24040001"; ram_buffer(158) := X"8E020A60"; ram_buffer(159) := X"240300FF"; ram_buffer(160) := X"AC430000"; ram_buffer(161) := X"8F838010"; ram_buffer(162) := X"24020001"; ram_buffer(163) := X"AC620000"; ram_buffer(164) := X"8F838010"; ram_buffer(165) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(166) := X"AC620008"; ram_buffer(167) := X"1000FFFF"; ram_buffer(168) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(169) := X"8F828010"; ram_buffer(170) := X"24030003"; ram_buffer(171) := X"03E00008"; ram_buffer(172) := X"AC430000"; ram_buffer(173) := X"8F838014"; ram_buffer(174) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(175) := X"8C620000"; ram_buffer(176) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(177) := X"30420002"; ram_buffer(178) := X"1040FFFC"; ram_buffer(179) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(180) := X"AC650008"; ram_buffer(181) := X"03E00008"; ram_buffer(182) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(183) := X"8F828014"; ram_buffer(184) := X"3C040100"; ram_buffer(185) := X"8C450004"; ram_buffer(186) := X"24840810"; ram_buffer(187) := X"00052E00"; ram_buffer(188) := X"084001E2"; ram_buffer(189) := X"00052E03"; ram_buffer(190) := X"3C030100"; ram_buffer(191) := X"8C620A60"; ram_buffer(192) := X"27BDFFE0"; ram_buffer(193) := X"8C420004"; ram_buffer(194) := X"AFB10018"; ram_buffer(195) := X"3C110100"; ram_buffer(196) := X"AFB00014"; ram_buffer(197) := X"AFBF001C"; ram_buffer(198) := X"00608025"; ram_buffer(199) := X"26310A64"; ram_buffer(200) := X"2C430008"; ram_buffer(201) := X"14600006"; ram_buffer(202) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(203) := X"8FBF001C"; ram_buffer(204) := X"8FB10018"; ram_buffer(205) := X"8FB00014"; ram_buffer(206) := X"03E00008"; ram_buffer(207) := X"27BD0020"; ram_buffer(208) := X"000210C0"; ram_buffer(209) := X"02221021"; ram_buffer(210) := X"8C430000"; ram_buffer(211) := X"8C440004"; ram_buffer(212) := X"0060F809"; ram_buffer(213) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(214) := X"8E020A60"; ram_buffer(215) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(216) := X"8C420004"; ram_buffer(217) := X"1000FFEF"; ram_buffer(218) := X"2C430008"; ram_buffer(219) := X"10C0000D"; ram_buffer(220) := X"00C53021"; ram_buffer(221) := X"2402FFF0"; ram_buffer(222) := X"00C21824"; ram_buffer(223) := X"0066302B"; ram_buffer(224) := X"00A22824"; ram_buffer(225) := X"00063100"; ram_buffer(226) := X"24620010"; ram_buffer(227) := X"00463021"; ram_buffer(228) := X"3C022000"; ram_buffer(229) := X"00822021"; ram_buffer(230) := X"2402FFF0"; ram_buffer(231) := X"14C50003"; ram_buffer(232) := X"00A21824"; ram_buffer(233) := X"03E00008"; ram_buffer(234) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(235) := X"AC830000"; ram_buffer(236) := X"AC600000"; ram_buffer(237) := X"1000FFF9"; ram_buffer(238) := X"24A50010"; ram_buffer(239) := X"24020001"; ram_buffer(240) := X"14400002"; ram_buffer(241) := X"0082001B"; ram_buffer(242) := X"0007000D"; ram_buffer(243) := X"00001812"; ram_buffer(244) := X"0065182B"; ram_buffer(245) := X"10600006"; ram_buffer(246) := X"00450018"; ram_buffer(247) := X"00004025"; ram_buffer(248) := X"14400006"; ram_buffer(249) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(250) := X"03E00008"; ram_buffer(251) := X"A0E00000"; ram_buffer(252) := X"00001012"; ram_buffer(253) := X"1000FFF2"; ram_buffer(254) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(255) := X"14400002"; ram_buffer(256) := X"0082001B"; ram_buffer(257) := X"0007000D"; ram_buffer(258) := X"00002010"; ram_buffer(259) := X"00004812"; ram_buffer(260) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(261) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(262) := X"14A00002"; ram_buffer(263) := X"0045001B"; ram_buffer(264) := X"0007000D"; ram_buffer(265) := X"00001012"; ram_buffer(266) := X"15000005"; ram_buffer(267) := X"292A000A"; ram_buffer(268) := X"1D200004"; ram_buffer(269) := X"24EB0001"; ram_buffer(270) := X"1440FFE9"; ram_buffer(271) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(272) := X"24EB0001"; ram_buffer(273) := X"15400004"; ram_buffer(274) := X"24030030"; ram_buffer(275) := X"14C00002"; ram_buffer(276) := X"24030037"; ram_buffer(277) := X"24030057"; ram_buffer(278) := X"00691821"; ram_buffer(279) := X"A0E30000"; ram_buffer(280) := X"25080001"; ram_buffer(281) := X"1000FFDE"; ram_buffer(282) := X"01603825"; ram_buffer(283) := X"27BDFFD8"; ram_buffer(284) := X"AFB40020"; ram_buffer(285) := X"AFB3001C"; ram_buffer(286) := X"AFB20018"; ram_buffer(287) := X"AFB10014"; ram_buffer(288) := X"AFBF0024"; ram_buffer(289) := X"AFB00010"; ram_buffer(290) := X"00809025"; ram_buffer(291) := X"00A09825"; ram_buffer(292) := X"8FB10038"; ram_buffer(293) := X"10E00002"; ram_buffer(294) := X"24140020"; ram_buffer(295) := X"24140030"; ram_buffer(296) := X"02201025"; ram_buffer(297) := X"24420001"; ram_buffer(298) := X"8043FFFF"; ram_buffer(299) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(300) := X"14600009"; ram_buffer(301) := X"00C08025"; ram_buffer(302) := X"1A000009"; ram_buffer(303) := X"02802825"; ram_buffer(304) := X"0260F809"; ram_buffer(305) := X"02402025"; ram_buffer(306) := X"1000FFFB"; ram_buffer(307) := X"2610FFFF"; ram_buffer(308) := X"1000FFF4"; ram_buffer(309) := X"24C6FFFF"; ram_buffer(310) := X"1CC0FFFD"; ram_buffer(311) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(312) := X"26310001"; ram_buffer(313) := X"8225FFFF"; ram_buffer(314) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(315) := X"14A00009"; ram_buffer(316) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(317) := X"8FBF0024"; ram_buffer(318) := X"8FB40020"; ram_buffer(319) := X"8FB3001C"; ram_buffer(320) := X"8FB20018"; ram_buffer(321) := X"8FB10014"; ram_buffer(322) := X"8FB00010"; ram_buffer(323) := X"03E00008"; ram_buffer(324) := X"27BD0028"; ram_buffer(325) := X"0260F809"; ram_buffer(326) := X"02402025"; ram_buffer(327) := X"1000FFF1"; ram_buffer(328) := X"26310001"; ram_buffer(329) := X"8C820000"; ram_buffer(330) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(331) := X"24430001"; ram_buffer(332) := X"AC830000"; ram_buffer(333) := X"03E00008"; ram_buffer(334) := X"A0450000"; ram_buffer(335) := X"27BDFFB8"; ram_buffer(336) := X"AFB5003C"; ram_buffer(337) := X"AFB40038"; ram_buffer(338) := X"AFB30034"; ram_buffer(339) := X"AFB20030"; ram_buffer(340) := X"AFB1002C"; ram_buffer(341) := X"AFB00028"; ram_buffer(342) := X"AFBF0044"; ram_buffer(343) := X"AFB60040"; ram_buffer(344) := X"00809025"; ram_buffer(345) := X"00A09825"; ram_buffer(346) := X"00C08825"; ram_buffer(347) := X"00E08025"; ram_buffer(348) := X"24140025"; ram_buffer(349) := X"24150030"; ram_buffer(350) := X"82250000"; ram_buffer(351) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(352) := X"10A00035"; ram_buffer(353) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(354) := X"10B40006"; ram_buffer(355) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(356) := X"26310001"; ram_buffer(357) := X"0260F809"; ram_buffer(358) := X"02402025"; ram_buffer(359) := X"1000FFF6"; ram_buffer(360) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(361) := X"82260001"; ram_buffer(362) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(363) := X"10D50015"; ram_buffer(364) := X"240D0001"; ram_buffer(365) := X"26310002"; ram_buffer(366) := X"00006825"; ram_buffer(367) := X"24C2FFD0"; ram_buffer(368) := X"304200FF"; ram_buffer(369) := X"2C42000A"; ram_buffer(370) := X"10400018"; ram_buffer(371) := X"00006025"; ram_buffer(372) := X"30C200FF"; ram_buffer(373) := X"2443FFD0"; ram_buffer(374) := X"2C63000A"; ram_buffer(375) := X"1060000C"; ram_buffer(376) := X"2443FF9F"; ram_buffer(377) := X"24C3FFD0"; ram_buffer(378) := X"000C1080"; ram_buffer(379) := X"004C6021"; ram_buffer(380) := X"000C6040"; ram_buffer(381) := X"26310001"; ram_buffer(382) := X"8226FFFF"; ram_buffer(383) := X"1000FFF4"; ram_buffer(384) := X"01836021"; ram_buffer(385) := X"82260002"; ram_buffer(386) := X"1000FFEC"; ram_buffer(387) := X"26310003"; ram_buffer(388) := X"2C630006"; ram_buffer(389) := X"1060001A"; ram_buffer(390) := X"2442FFBF"; ram_buffer(391) := X"24C3FFA9"; ram_buffer(392) := X"2862000B"; ram_buffer(393) := X"1440FFF1"; ram_buffer(394) := X"000C1080"; ram_buffer(395) := X"24020063"; ram_buffer(396) := X"10C20045"; ram_buffer(397) := X"28C20064"; ram_buffer(398) := X"10400016"; ram_buffer(399) := X"24020073"; ram_buffer(400) := X"10D4004C"; ram_buffer(401) := X"24020058"; ram_buffer(402) := X"10C20033"; ram_buffer(403) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(404) := X"14C0FFC9"; ram_buffer(405) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(406) := X"8FBF0044"; ram_buffer(407) := X"8FB60040"; ram_buffer(408) := X"8FB5003C"; ram_buffer(409) := X"8FB40038"; ram_buffer(410) := X"8FB30034"; ram_buffer(411) := X"8FB20030"; ram_buffer(412) := X"8FB1002C"; ram_buffer(413) := X"8FB00028"; ram_buffer(414) := X"03E00008"; ram_buffer(415) := X"27BD0048"; ram_buffer(416) := X"2C420006"; ram_buffer(417) := X"1040FFEA"; ram_buffer(418) := X"24020063"; ram_buffer(419) := X"1000FFE4"; ram_buffer(420) := X"24C3FFC9"; ram_buffer(421) := X"10C20032"; ram_buffer(422) := X"28C20074"; ram_buffer(423) := X"10400019"; ram_buffer(424) := X"24020075"; ram_buffer(425) := X"24020064"; ram_buffer(426) := X"14C2FFB3"; ram_buffer(427) := X"26160004"; ram_buffer(428) := X"8E040000"; ram_buffer(429) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(430) := X"04810005"; ram_buffer(431) := X"27A70018"; ram_buffer(432) := X"2402002D"; ram_buffer(433) := X"00042023"; ram_buffer(434) := X"A3A20018"; ram_buffer(435) := X"27A70019"; ram_buffer(436) := X"00003025"; ram_buffer(437) := X"2405000A"; ram_buffer(438) := X"0C4000EF"; ram_buffer(439) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(440) := X"27A20018"; ram_buffer(441) := X"AFA20010"; ram_buffer(442) := X"01A03825"; ram_buffer(443) := X"01803025"; ram_buffer(444) := X"02602825"; ram_buffer(445) := X"0C40011B"; ram_buffer(446) := X"02402025"; ram_buffer(447) := X"1000FF9E"; ram_buffer(448) := X"02C08025"; ram_buffer(449) := X"10C2000A"; ram_buffer(450) := X"26160004"; ram_buffer(451) := X"24020078"; ram_buffer(452) := X"14C2FF99"; ram_buffer(453) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(454) := X"38C60058"; ram_buffer(455) := X"26160004"; ram_buffer(456) := X"27A70018"; ram_buffer(457) := X"2CC60001"; ram_buffer(458) := X"10000004"; ram_buffer(459) := X"24050010"; ram_buffer(460) := X"27A70018"; ram_buffer(461) := X"00003025"; ram_buffer(462) := X"2405000A"; ram_buffer(463) := X"8E040000"; ram_buffer(464) := X"1000FFE5"; ram_buffer(465) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(466) := X"82050003"; ram_buffer(467) := X"02402025"; ram_buffer(468) := X"0260F809"; ram_buffer(469) := X"26160004"; ram_buffer(470) := X"1000FF87"; ram_buffer(471) := X"02C08025"; ram_buffer(472) := X"8E020000"; ram_buffer(473) := X"26160004"; ram_buffer(474) := X"AFA20010"; ram_buffer(475) := X"1000FFDF"; ram_buffer(476) := X"00003825"; ram_buffer(477) := X"1000FF87"; ram_buffer(478) := X"24050025"; ram_buffer(479) := X"AF85800C"; ram_buffer(480) := X"03E00008"; ram_buffer(481) := X"AF848008"; ram_buffer(482) := X"27BDFFE0"; ram_buffer(483) := X"AFA50024"; ram_buffer(484) := X"AFA60028"; ram_buffer(485) := X"8F85800C"; ram_buffer(486) := X"00803025"; ram_buffer(487) := X"8F848008"; ram_buffer(488) := X"AFA7002C"; ram_buffer(489) := X"27A70024"; ram_buffer(490) := X"AFBF001C"; ram_buffer(491) := X"0C40014F"; ram_buffer(492) := X"AFA70010"; ram_buffer(493) := X"8FBF001C"; ram_buffer(494) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(495) := X"03E00008"; ram_buffer(496) := X"27BD0020"; ram_buffer(497) := X"27BDFFE0"; ram_buffer(498) := X"AFA60028"; ram_buffer(499) := X"00A03025"; ram_buffer(500) := X"3C050100"; ram_buffer(501) := X"AFA40020"; ram_buffer(502) := X"AFA7002C"; ram_buffer(503) := X"27A40020"; ram_buffer(504) := X"27A70028"; ram_buffer(505) := X"24A50524"; ram_buffer(506) := X"AFBF001C"; ram_buffer(507) := X"0C40014F"; ram_buffer(508) := X"AFA70010"; ram_buffer(509) := X"8FA20020"; ram_buffer(510) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(511) := X"A0400000"; ram_buffer(512) := X"8FBF001C"; ram_buffer(513) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(514) := X"03E00008"; ram_buffer(515) := X"27BD0020"; ram_buffer(516) := X"54686520"; ram_buffer(517) := X"6C657474"; ram_buffer(518) := X"65722074"; ram_buffer(519) := X"79706564"; ram_buffer(520) := X"20776173"; ram_buffer(521) := X"3A202563"; ram_buffer(522) := X"0A0D0000"; ram_buffer(523) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(524) := X"00000100"; ram_buffer(525) := X"01010001"; ram_buffer(526) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(527) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(528) := X"00000000"; ram_buffer(529) := X"00000000"; return ram_buffer; end; end;
-- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Entity Declaration for inst_shadow_k1_k4_e -- -- Generated -- by: wig -- on: Fri Jul 15 13:54:30 2005 -- cmd: h:/work/eclipse/mix/ -nodelta ../macro.xls -- -- !!! Do not edit this file! Autogenerated by MIX !!! -- $Author: wig $ -- $Id: inst_shadow_k1_k4_e-e.vhd,v 1.2 2005/07/15 16:20:00 wig Exp $ -- $Date: 2005/07/15 16:20:00 $ -- $Log: inst_shadow_k1_k4_e-e.vhd,v $ -- Revision 1.2 2005/07/15 16:20:00 wig -- Update all testcases; still problems though -- -- -- Based on Mix Entity Template built into RCSfile:,v -- Id:,v 1.55 2005/07/13 15:38:34 wig Exp -- -- Generator: Version: Revision: 1.36 , -- (C) 2003 Micronas GmbH -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; -- No project specific VHDL libraries/enty -- -- -- Start of Generated Entity inst_shadow_k1_k4_e -- entity inst_shadow_k1_k4_e is -- Generics: -- No Generated Generics for Entity inst_shadow_k1_k4_e -- Generated Port Declaration: -- No Generated Port for Entity inst_shadow_k1_k4_e end inst_shadow_k1_k4_e; -- -- End of Generated Entity inst_shadow_k1_k4_e -- -- --!End of Entity/ies -- --------------------------------------------------------------
--Copyright (C) 2016 Siavoosh Payandeh Azad Behrad Niazmand library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.all; use IEEE.MATH_REAL.ALL; entity LBDR_packet_drop_routing_part_pseudo is generic ( cur_addr_rst: integer := 5; NoC_size: integer := 4 ); port ( empty: in std_logic; flit_type: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); dst_addr: in std_logic_vector(NoC_size-1 downto 0); grant_N, grant_E, grant_W, grant_S, grant_L: in std_logic; Req_N_FF, Req_E_FF, Req_W_FF, Req_S_FF, Req_L_FF: in std_logic; Cx: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); Rxy: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); packet_drop: in std_logic; packet_drop_order: out std_logic; packet_drop_in: out std_logic; Req_N_in, Req_E_in, Req_W_in, Req_S_in, Req_L_in: out std_logic; N1_out, E1_out, W1_out, S1_out: out std_logic; grants_out: out std_logic ); end LBDR_packet_drop_routing_part_pseudo; architecture behavior of LBDR_packet_drop_routing_part_pseudo is signal cur_addr: std_logic_vector(NoC_size-1 downto 0); signal N1, E1, W1, S1 :std_logic; signal grants: std_logic; --signal packet_drop, packet_drop_in: std_logic; --signal ReConf_FF_in, ReConf_FF_out: std_logic; begin grants <= grant_N or grant_E or grant_W or grant_S or grant_L; grants_out <= grants; cur_addr <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(cur_addr_rst, cur_addr'length)); N1 <= '1' when dst_addr(NoC_size-1 downto NoC_size/2) < cur_addr(NoC_size-1 downto NoC_size/2) else '0'; E1 <= '1' when cur_addr((NoC_size/2)-1 downto 0) < dst_addr((NoC_size/2)-1 downto 0) else '0'; W1 <= '1' when dst_addr((NoC_size/2)-1 downto 0) < cur_addr((NoC_size/2)-1 downto 0) else '0'; S1 <= '1' when cur_addr(NoC_size-1 downto NoC_size/2) < dst_addr(NoC_size-1 downto NoC_size/2) else '0'; -- Taking X1 signals to the output interface for checking with checkers N1_out <= N1; E1_out <= E1; W1_out <= W1; S1_out <= S1; --process(clk, reset) --begin --if reset = '0' then -- Rxy <= Rxy_reconf; -- Req_N_FF <= '0'; -- Req_E_FF <= '0'; -- Req_W_FF <= '0'; -- Req_S_FF <= '0'; -- Req_L_FF <= '0'; -- Cx <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(Cx_rst, Cx'length)); -- Temp_Cx <= (others => '0'); -- ReConf_FF_out <= '0'; -- reconfig_cx <= '0'; -- packet_drop <= '0'; --elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then -- Rxy <= Rxy_in; -- Req_N_FF <= Req_N_in; -- Req_E_FF <= Req_E_in; -- Req_W_FF <= Req_W_in; -- Req_S_FF <= Req_S_in; -- Req_L_FF <= Req_L_in; -- ReConf_FF_out <= ReConf_FF_in; -- Cx <= Cx_in; -- reconfig_cx <= reconfig_cx_in; -- Temp_Cx <= Temp_Cx_in; -- packet_drop <= packet_drop_in; --end if; --end process; -- The combionational part process(N1, E1, W1, S1, Rxy, Cx, flit_type, dst_addr, cur_addr, empty, Req_N_FF, Req_E_FF, Req_W_FF, Req_S_FF, Req_L_FF, grants, packet_drop) begin packet_drop_in <= packet_drop; if flit_type = "001" and empty = '0' then Req_N_in <= ((N1 and not E1 and not W1) or (N1 and E1 and Rxy(0)) or (N1 and W1 and Rxy(1))) and Cx(0); Req_E_in <= ((E1 and not N1 and not S1) or (E1 and N1 and Rxy(2)) or (E1 and S1 and Rxy(3))) and Cx(1); Req_W_in <= ((W1 and not N1 and not S1) or (W1 and N1 and Rxy(4)) or (W1 and S1 and Rxy(5))) and Cx(2); Req_S_in <= ((S1 and not E1 and not W1) or (S1 and E1 and Rxy(6)) or (S1 and W1 and Rxy(7))) and Cx(3); if dst_addr = cur_addr then Req_L_in <= '1'; else Req_L_in <= Req_L_FF; end if; if ((((N1 and not E1 and not W1) or (N1 and E1 and Rxy(0)) or (N1 and W1 and Rxy(1))) and Cx(0)) or (((E1 and not N1 and not S1) or (E1 and N1 and Rxy(2)) or (E1 and S1 and Rxy(3))) and Cx(1)) or (((W1 and not N1 and not S1) or (W1 and N1 and Rxy(4)) or (W1 and S1 and Rxy(5))) and Cx(2)) or (((S1 and not E1 and not W1) or (S1 and E1 and Rxy(6)) or (S1 and W1 and Rxy(7))) and Cx(3))) ='0' and (dst_addr /= cur_addr) then packet_drop_in <= '1'; end if; elsif flit_type = "100" and empty = '0' and grants = '1' then Req_N_in <= '0'; Req_E_in <= '0'; Req_W_in <= '0'; Req_S_in <= '0'; Req_L_in <= '0'; else Req_N_in <= Req_N_FF; Req_E_in <= Req_E_FF; Req_W_in <= Req_W_FF; Req_S_in <= Req_S_FF; Req_L_in <= Req_L_FF; end if; if flit_type = "100" and empty = '0' then if packet_drop = '1' then packet_drop_in <= '0'; end if; end if; end process; packet_drop_order <= packet_drop; END;
--Copyright (C) 2016 Siavoosh Payandeh Azad Behrad Niazmand library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.all; use IEEE.MATH_REAL.ALL; entity LBDR_packet_drop_routing_part_pseudo is generic ( cur_addr_rst: integer := 5; NoC_size: integer := 4 ); port ( empty: in std_logic; flit_type: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); dst_addr: in std_logic_vector(NoC_size-1 downto 0); grant_N, grant_E, grant_W, grant_S, grant_L: in std_logic; Req_N_FF, Req_E_FF, Req_W_FF, Req_S_FF, Req_L_FF: in std_logic; Cx: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); Rxy: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); packet_drop: in std_logic; packet_drop_order: out std_logic; packet_drop_in: out std_logic; Req_N_in, Req_E_in, Req_W_in, Req_S_in, Req_L_in: out std_logic; N1_out, E1_out, W1_out, S1_out: out std_logic; grants_out: out std_logic ); end LBDR_packet_drop_routing_part_pseudo; architecture behavior of LBDR_packet_drop_routing_part_pseudo is signal cur_addr: std_logic_vector(NoC_size-1 downto 0); signal N1, E1, W1, S1 :std_logic; signal grants: std_logic; --signal packet_drop, packet_drop_in: std_logic; --signal ReConf_FF_in, ReConf_FF_out: std_logic; begin grants <= grant_N or grant_E or grant_W or grant_S or grant_L; grants_out <= grants; cur_addr <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(cur_addr_rst, cur_addr'length)); N1 <= '1' when dst_addr(NoC_size-1 downto NoC_size/2) < cur_addr(NoC_size-1 downto NoC_size/2) else '0'; E1 <= '1' when cur_addr((NoC_size/2)-1 downto 0) < dst_addr((NoC_size/2)-1 downto 0) else '0'; W1 <= '1' when dst_addr((NoC_size/2)-1 downto 0) < cur_addr((NoC_size/2)-1 downto 0) else '0'; S1 <= '1' when cur_addr(NoC_size-1 downto NoC_size/2) < dst_addr(NoC_size-1 downto NoC_size/2) else '0'; -- Taking X1 signals to the output interface for checking with checkers N1_out <= N1; E1_out <= E1; W1_out <= W1; S1_out <= S1; --process(clk, reset) --begin --if reset = '0' then -- Rxy <= Rxy_reconf; -- Req_N_FF <= '0'; -- Req_E_FF <= '0'; -- Req_W_FF <= '0'; -- Req_S_FF <= '0'; -- Req_L_FF <= '0'; -- Cx <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(Cx_rst, Cx'length)); -- Temp_Cx <= (others => '0'); -- ReConf_FF_out <= '0'; -- reconfig_cx <= '0'; -- packet_drop <= '0'; --elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then -- Rxy <= Rxy_in; -- Req_N_FF <= Req_N_in; -- Req_E_FF <= Req_E_in; -- Req_W_FF <= Req_W_in; -- Req_S_FF <= Req_S_in; -- Req_L_FF <= Req_L_in; -- ReConf_FF_out <= ReConf_FF_in; -- Cx <= Cx_in; -- reconfig_cx <= reconfig_cx_in; -- Temp_Cx <= Temp_Cx_in; -- packet_drop <= packet_drop_in; --end if; --end process; -- The combionational part process(N1, E1, W1, S1, Rxy, Cx, flit_type, dst_addr, cur_addr, empty, Req_N_FF, Req_E_FF, Req_W_FF, Req_S_FF, Req_L_FF, grants, packet_drop) begin packet_drop_in <= packet_drop; if flit_type = "001" and empty = '0' then Req_N_in <= ((N1 and not E1 and not W1) or (N1 and E1 and Rxy(0)) or (N1 and W1 and Rxy(1))) and Cx(0); Req_E_in <= ((E1 and not N1 and not S1) or (E1 and N1 and Rxy(2)) or (E1 and S1 and Rxy(3))) and Cx(1); Req_W_in <= ((W1 and not N1 and not S1) or (W1 and N1 and Rxy(4)) or (W1 and S1 and Rxy(5))) and Cx(2); Req_S_in <= ((S1 and not E1 and not W1) or (S1 and E1 and Rxy(6)) or (S1 and W1 and Rxy(7))) and Cx(3); if dst_addr = cur_addr then Req_L_in <= '1'; else Req_L_in <= Req_L_FF; end if; if ((((N1 and not E1 and not W1) or (N1 and E1 and Rxy(0)) or (N1 and W1 and Rxy(1))) and Cx(0)) or (((E1 and not N1 and not S1) or (E1 and N1 and Rxy(2)) or (E1 and S1 and Rxy(3))) and Cx(1)) or (((W1 and not N1 and not S1) or (W1 and N1 and Rxy(4)) or (W1 and S1 and Rxy(5))) and Cx(2)) or (((S1 and not E1 and not W1) or (S1 and E1 and Rxy(6)) or (S1 and W1 and Rxy(7))) and Cx(3))) ='0' and (dst_addr /= cur_addr) then packet_drop_in <= '1'; end if; elsif flit_type = "100" and empty = '0' and grants = '1' then Req_N_in <= '0'; Req_E_in <= '0'; Req_W_in <= '0'; Req_S_in <= '0'; Req_L_in <= '0'; else Req_N_in <= Req_N_FF; Req_E_in <= Req_E_FF; Req_W_in <= Req_W_FF; Req_S_in <= Req_S_FF; Req_L_in <= Req_L_FF; end if; if flit_type = "100" and empty = '0' then if packet_drop = '1' then packet_drop_in <= '0'; end if; end if; end process; packet_drop_order <= packet_drop; END;
--Copyright (C) 2016 Siavoosh Payandeh Azad Behrad Niazmand library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.all; use IEEE.MATH_REAL.ALL; entity LBDR_packet_drop_routing_part_pseudo is generic ( cur_addr_rst: integer := 5; NoC_size: integer := 4 ); port ( empty: in std_logic; flit_type: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); dst_addr: in std_logic_vector(NoC_size-1 downto 0); grant_N, grant_E, grant_W, grant_S, grant_L: in std_logic; Req_N_FF, Req_E_FF, Req_W_FF, Req_S_FF, Req_L_FF: in std_logic; Cx: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); Rxy: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); packet_drop: in std_logic; packet_drop_order: out std_logic; packet_drop_in: out std_logic; Req_N_in, Req_E_in, Req_W_in, Req_S_in, Req_L_in: out std_logic; N1_out, E1_out, W1_out, S1_out: out std_logic; grants_out: out std_logic ); end LBDR_packet_drop_routing_part_pseudo; architecture behavior of LBDR_packet_drop_routing_part_pseudo is signal cur_addr: std_logic_vector(NoC_size-1 downto 0); signal N1, E1, W1, S1 :std_logic; signal grants: std_logic; --signal packet_drop, packet_drop_in: std_logic; --signal ReConf_FF_in, ReConf_FF_out: std_logic; begin grants <= grant_N or grant_E or grant_W or grant_S or grant_L; grants_out <= grants; cur_addr <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(cur_addr_rst, cur_addr'length)); N1 <= '1' when dst_addr(NoC_size-1 downto NoC_size/2) < cur_addr(NoC_size-1 downto NoC_size/2) else '0'; E1 <= '1' when cur_addr((NoC_size/2)-1 downto 0) < dst_addr((NoC_size/2)-1 downto 0) else '0'; W1 <= '1' when dst_addr((NoC_size/2)-1 downto 0) < cur_addr((NoC_size/2)-1 downto 0) else '0'; S1 <= '1' when cur_addr(NoC_size-1 downto NoC_size/2) < dst_addr(NoC_size-1 downto NoC_size/2) else '0'; -- Taking X1 signals to the output interface for checking with checkers N1_out <= N1; E1_out <= E1; W1_out <= W1; S1_out <= S1; --process(clk, reset) --begin --if reset = '0' then -- Rxy <= Rxy_reconf; -- Req_N_FF <= '0'; -- Req_E_FF <= '0'; -- Req_W_FF <= '0'; -- Req_S_FF <= '0'; -- Req_L_FF <= '0'; -- Cx <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(Cx_rst, Cx'length)); -- Temp_Cx <= (others => '0'); -- ReConf_FF_out <= '0'; -- reconfig_cx <= '0'; -- packet_drop <= '0'; --elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then -- Rxy <= Rxy_in; -- Req_N_FF <= Req_N_in; -- Req_E_FF <= Req_E_in; -- Req_W_FF <= Req_W_in; -- Req_S_FF <= Req_S_in; -- Req_L_FF <= Req_L_in; -- ReConf_FF_out <= ReConf_FF_in; -- Cx <= Cx_in; -- reconfig_cx <= reconfig_cx_in; -- Temp_Cx <= Temp_Cx_in; -- packet_drop <= packet_drop_in; --end if; --end process; -- The combionational part process(N1, E1, W1, S1, Rxy, Cx, flit_type, dst_addr, cur_addr, empty, Req_N_FF, Req_E_FF, Req_W_FF, Req_S_FF, Req_L_FF, grants, packet_drop) begin packet_drop_in <= packet_drop; if flit_type = "001" and empty = '0' then Req_N_in <= ((N1 and not E1 and not W1) or (N1 and E1 and Rxy(0)) or (N1 and W1 and Rxy(1))) and Cx(0); Req_E_in <= ((E1 and not N1 and not S1) or (E1 and N1 and Rxy(2)) or (E1 and S1 and Rxy(3))) and Cx(1); Req_W_in <= ((W1 and not N1 and not S1) or (W1 and N1 and Rxy(4)) or (W1 and S1 and Rxy(5))) and Cx(2); Req_S_in <= ((S1 and not E1 and not W1) or (S1 and E1 and Rxy(6)) or (S1 and W1 and Rxy(7))) and Cx(3); if dst_addr = cur_addr then Req_L_in <= '1'; else Req_L_in <= Req_L_FF; end if; if ((((N1 and not E1 and not W1) or (N1 and E1 and Rxy(0)) or (N1 and W1 and Rxy(1))) and Cx(0)) or (((E1 and not N1 and not S1) or (E1 and N1 and Rxy(2)) or (E1 and S1 and Rxy(3))) and Cx(1)) or (((W1 and not N1 and not S1) or (W1 and N1 and Rxy(4)) or (W1 and S1 and Rxy(5))) and Cx(2)) or (((S1 and not E1 and not W1) or (S1 and E1 and Rxy(6)) or (S1 and W1 and Rxy(7))) and Cx(3))) ='0' and (dst_addr /= cur_addr) then packet_drop_in <= '1'; end if; elsif flit_type = "100" and empty = '0' and grants = '1' then Req_N_in <= '0'; Req_E_in <= '0'; Req_W_in <= '0'; Req_S_in <= '0'; Req_L_in <= '0'; else Req_N_in <= Req_N_FF; Req_E_in <= Req_E_FF; Req_W_in <= Req_W_FF; Req_S_in <= Req_S_FF; Req_L_in <= Req_L_FF; end if; if flit_type = "100" and empty = '0' then if packet_drop = '1' then packet_drop_in <= '0'; end if; end if; end process; packet_drop_order <= packet_drop; END;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- synch_bus_wrapper.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; library UNISIM; use UNISIM.VCOMPONENTS.ALL; library bfm_synch_v1_00_a; use bfm_synch_v1_00_a.all; entity synch_bus_wrapper is port ( FROM_SYNCH_OUT : in std_logic_vector(0 to 127); TO_SYNCH_IN : out std_logic_vector(0 to 31) ); end synch_bus_wrapper; architecture STRUCTURE of synch_bus_wrapper is component bfm_synch is generic ( C_NUM_SYNCH : integer ); port ( FROM_SYNCH_OUT : in std_logic_vector(0 to (C_NUM_SYNCH*32)-1); TO_SYNCH_IN : out std_logic_vector(0 to 31) ); end component; begin synch_bus : bfm_synch generic map ( C_NUM_SYNCH => 4 ) port map ( FROM_SYNCH_OUT => FROM_SYNCH_OUT, TO_SYNCH_IN => TO_SYNCH_IN ); end architecture STRUCTURE;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- synch_bus_wrapper.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; library UNISIM; use UNISIM.VCOMPONENTS.ALL; library bfm_synch_v1_00_a; use bfm_synch_v1_00_a.all; entity synch_bus_wrapper is port ( FROM_SYNCH_OUT : in std_logic_vector(0 to 127); TO_SYNCH_IN : out std_logic_vector(0 to 31) ); end synch_bus_wrapper; architecture STRUCTURE of synch_bus_wrapper is component bfm_synch is generic ( C_NUM_SYNCH : integer ); port ( FROM_SYNCH_OUT : in std_logic_vector(0 to (C_NUM_SYNCH*32)-1); TO_SYNCH_IN : out std_logic_vector(0 to 31) ); end component; begin synch_bus : bfm_synch generic map ( C_NUM_SYNCH => 4 ) port map ( FROM_SYNCH_OUT => FROM_SYNCH_OUT, TO_SYNCH_IN => TO_SYNCH_IN ); end architecture STRUCTURE;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- synch_bus_wrapper.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; library UNISIM; use UNISIM.VCOMPONENTS.ALL; library bfm_synch_v1_00_a; use bfm_synch_v1_00_a.all; entity synch_bus_wrapper is port ( FROM_SYNCH_OUT : in std_logic_vector(0 to 127); TO_SYNCH_IN : out std_logic_vector(0 to 31) ); end synch_bus_wrapper; architecture STRUCTURE of synch_bus_wrapper is component bfm_synch is generic ( C_NUM_SYNCH : integer ); port ( FROM_SYNCH_OUT : in std_logic_vector(0 to (C_NUM_SYNCH*32)-1); TO_SYNCH_IN : out std_logic_vector(0 to 31) ); end component; begin synch_bus : bfm_synch generic map ( C_NUM_SYNCH => 4 ) port map ( FROM_SYNCH_OUT => FROM_SYNCH_OUT, TO_SYNCH_IN => TO_SYNCH_IN ); end architecture STRUCTURE;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- synch_bus_wrapper.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; library UNISIM; use UNISIM.VCOMPONENTS.ALL; library bfm_synch_v1_00_a; use bfm_synch_v1_00_a.all; entity synch_bus_wrapper is port ( FROM_SYNCH_OUT : in std_logic_vector(0 to 127); TO_SYNCH_IN : out std_logic_vector(0 to 31) ); end synch_bus_wrapper; architecture STRUCTURE of synch_bus_wrapper is component bfm_synch is generic ( C_NUM_SYNCH : integer ); port ( FROM_SYNCH_OUT : in std_logic_vector(0 to (C_NUM_SYNCH*32)-1); TO_SYNCH_IN : out std_logic_vector(0 to 31) ); end component; begin synch_bus : bfm_synch generic map ( C_NUM_SYNCH => 4 ) port map ( FROM_SYNCH_OUT => FROM_SYNCH_OUT, TO_SYNCH_IN => TO_SYNCH_IN ); end architecture STRUCTURE;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- synch_bus_wrapper.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; library UNISIM; use UNISIM.VCOMPONENTS.ALL; library bfm_synch_v1_00_a; use bfm_synch_v1_00_a.all; entity synch_bus_wrapper is port ( FROM_SYNCH_OUT : in std_logic_vector(0 to 127); TO_SYNCH_IN : out std_logic_vector(0 to 31) ); end synch_bus_wrapper; architecture STRUCTURE of synch_bus_wrapper is component bfm_synch is generic ( C_NUM_SYNCH : integer ); port ( FROM_SYNCH_OUT : in std_logic_vector(0 to (C_NUM_SYNCH*32)-1); TO_SYNCH_IN : out std_logic_vector(0 to 31) ); end component; begin synch_bus : bfm_synch generic map ( C_NUM_SYNCH => 4 ) port map ( FROM_SYNCH_OUT => FROM_SYNCH_OUT, TO_SYNCH_IN => TO_SYNCH_IN ); end architecture STRUCTURE;
library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity RegisterFile is Port ( CLK : in STD_LOGIC; RESET : in STD_LOGIC; RegWrite : in STD_LOGIC; RegWriteAddr : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 downto 0); RegWriteData : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0); RegAddr_1 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 downto 0); RegAddr_2 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 downto 0); RegData_1 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0); RegData_2 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0); Reg_1 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0); Reg_2 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0); Reg_3 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0); Reg_4 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0); Reg_5 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0); Reg_6 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0); Reg_7 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0); Reg_8 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0) ); end RegisterFile; architecture beh of RegisterFile is TYPE rf is array (0 to 31) of std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); signal rf_array: rf := ( x"00000000",x"00000000",x"00000000",x"00000000", x"00000000",x"00000000",x"00000000",x"00000000", x"00000000",x"00000000",x"00000000",x"00000000", x"00000000",x"00000000",x"00000000",x"00000000", x"00000000",x"00000000",x"00000000",x"00000000", x"00000000",x"00000000",x"00000000",x"00000000", x"00000000",x"00000000",x"00000000",x"00000000", x"00000000",x"00000000",x"00000000",x"00000000" ); begin Reg_1 <= rf_array(1); Reg_2 <= rf_array(2); Reg_3 <= rf_array(3); Reg_4 <= rf_array(4); Reg_5 <= rf_array(5); Reg_6 <= rf_array(6); Reg_7 <= rf_array(7); Reg_8 <= rf_array(8); -- write data at rising_edge process(Clk,RESET, RegWrite, RegWriteAddr, RegWriteData) variable index_write : integer range 0 to 31; begin if (RESET='1') then for i in 0 to 31 loop rf_array(i) <= (others => '0'); end loop; elsif(Clk'event and Clk = '1') then index_write := to_integer(unsigned(RegWriteAddr)); if (RegWrite='1' AND index_write /= 0) then rf_array(index_write) <= RegWriteData; end if; end if; end process; -- read data at falling_edge process(RESET, RegAddr_1, RegAddr_2) variable index_1 : integer range 0 to 31; variable index_2 : integer range 0 to 31; begin if (RESET='1') then RegData_1 <= (others => 'Z'); RegData_2 <= (others => 'Z'); else index_1 := to_integer(unsigned(RegAddr_1)); index_2 := to_integer(unsigned(RegAddr_2)); RegData_1 <= rf_array(index_1); RegData_2 <= rf_array(index_2); end if; end process; end beh;
-- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- File Name: hdlsrc\Instruction_Register.vhd -- Created: 2014-03-05 16:19:14 -- -- Generated by MATLAB 7.12 and Simulink HDL Coder 2.1 -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Module: Instruction_Register -- Source Path: hdlcodercpu_eml/CPU_Subsystem_8_bit/Instruction Register -- Hierarchy Level: 1 -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL; USE IEEE.numeric_std.ALL; ENTITY Instruction_Register IS PORT( clk : IN std_logic; reset : IN std_logic; enb : IN std_logic; func : IN std_logic_vector(1 DOWNTO 0); -- ufix2 IR_in : IN std_logic_vector(11 DOWNTO 0); -- ufix12 IR_out : OUT std_logic_vector(11 DOWNTO 0) -- ufix12 ); END Instruction_Register; ARCHITECTURE rtl OF Instruction_Register IS -- Signals SIGNAL func_unsigned : unsigned(1 DOWNTO 0); -- ufix2 SIGNAL IR_in_unsigned : unsigned(11 DOWNTO 0); -- ufix12 SIGNAL IR_out_tmp : unsigned(11 DOWNTO 0); -- ufix12 SIGNAL IR_value : unsigned(11 DOWNTO 0); -- ufix12 SIGNAL IR_value_next : unsigned(11 DOWNTO 0); -- ufix12 BEGIN func_unsigned <= unsigned(func); IR_in_unsigned <= unsigned(IR_in); Instruction_Register_1_process : PROCESS (clk, reset) BEGIN IF reset = '1' THEN IR_value <= to_unsigned(0, 12); ELSIF clk'EVENT AND clk = '1' THEN IF enb = '1' THEN IR_value <= IR_value_next; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS Instruction_Register_1_process; Instruction_Register_1_output : PROCESS (func_unsigned, IR_in_unsigned, IR_value) BEGIN IR_value_next <= IR_value; --MATLAB Function 'CPU_Subsystem_8_bit/Instruction Register': '<S8>:1' -- A 12-bit Instruction Register with the following func: -- func == 0 => reset -- func == 1 => store into IR -- func == 2 => read from IR; -- otherwise, preserve old value and return 0 -- HDL specific fimath --'<S8>:1:22' IR_out_tmp <= to_unsigned(0, 12); CASE func_unsigned IS WHEN "00" => -- reset --'<S8>:1:27' IR_value_next <= to_unsigned(0, 12); WHEN "01" => -- store into IR --'<S8>:1:30' IR_value_next <= IR_in_unsigned; WHEN "10" => -- read IR --'<S8>:1:33' IR_out_tmp <= IR_value; WHEN OTHERS => NULL; END CASE; END PROCESS Instruction_Register_1_output; IR_out <= std_logic_vector(IR_out_tmp); END rtl;
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity dff04 is port (q : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); d : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); en : std_logic; rst : std_logic; clk : std_logic); end dff04; architecture behav of dff04 is begin process (clk) is begin if rst = '0' then null; elsif rising_edge (clk) then if en = '1' then q <= d; end if; end if; end process; end behav;
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Billowitch. -- Some of the work to develop this test suite was done with Air Force -- support. The Air Force and Bill Billowitch assume no -- responsibilities for this software. -- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs). -- VESTs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -- your option) any later version. -- VESTs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, -- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- $Id: tc3043.vhd,v 1.2 2001-10-26 16:29:51 paw Exp $ -- $Revision: 1.2 $ -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTITY c12s02b02x00p02n03i03043ent IS END c12s02b02x00p02n03i03043ent; ARCHITECTURE c12s02b02x00p02n03i03043arch OF c12s02b02x00p02n03i03043ent IS BEGIN bl1: block generic (i1:integer; i2:integer; i3:integer; i4:integer); generic map(i2=>-5, i1=>3, i4=>-4, i3=>6); begin assert (i1=3) report "Generic association for first element I1 incorrect" severity failure; assert (i2=-5) report "Generic association for second element I2 incorrect" severity failure; assert (i3=6) report "Generic association for third element I3 incorrect" severity failure; assert (i4=-4) report "Generic association for fourth element I4 incorrect" severity failure; assert NOT( i1=3 and i2=-5 and i3=6 and i4=-4 ) report "***PASSED TEST: c12s02b02x00p02n03i03043" severity NOTE; assert ( i1=3 and i2=-5 and i3=6 and i4=-4 ) report "***FAILED TEST: c12s02b02x00p02n03i03043 - Named association of generics creates constnats without the correct values." severity ERROR; end block; END c12s02b02x00p02n03i03043arch;
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Billowitch. -- Some of the work to develop this test suite was done with Air Force -- support. The Air Force and Bill Billowitch assume no -- responsibilities for this software. -- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs). -- VESTs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -- your option) any later version. -- VESTs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, -- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- $Id: tc3043.vhd,v 1.2 2001-10-26 16:29:51 paw Exp $ -- $Revision: 1.2 $ -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTITY c12s02b02x00p02n03i03043ent IS END c12s02b02x00p02n03i03043ent; ARCHITECTURE c12s02b02x00p02n03i03043arch OF c12s02b02x00p02n03i03043ent IS BEGIN bl1: block generic (i1:integer; i2:integer; i3:integer; i4:integer); generic map(i2=>-5, i1=>3, i4=>-4, i3=>6); begin assert (i1=3) report "Generic association for first element I1 incorrect" severity failure; assert (i2=-5) report "Generic association for second element I2 incorrect" severity failure; assert (i3=6) report "Generic association for third element I3 incorrect" severity failure; assert (i4=-4) report "Generic association for fourth element I4 incorrect" severity failure; assert NOT( i1=3 and i2=-5 and i3=6 and i4=-4 ) report "***PASSED TEST: c12s02b02x00p02n03i03043" severity NOTE; assert ( i1=3 and i2=-5 and i3=6 and i4=-4 ) report "***FAILED TEST: c12s02b02x00p02n03i03043 - Named association of generics creates constnats without the correct values." severity ERROR; end block; END c12s02b02x00p02n03i03043arch;
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Billowitch. -- Some of the work to develop this test suite was done with Air Force -- support. The Air Force and Bill Billowitch assume no -- responsibilities for this software. -- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs). -- VESTs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -- your option) any later version. -- VESTs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, -- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- $Id: tc3043.vhd,v 1.2 2001-10-26 16:29:51 paw Exp $ -- $Revision: 1.2 $ -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTITY c12s02b02x00p02n03i03043ent IS END c12s02b02x00p02n03i03043ent; ARCHITECTURE c12s02b02x00p02n03i03043arch OF c12s02b02x00p02n03i03043ent IS BEGIN bl1: block generic (i1:integer; i2:integer; i3:integer; i4:integer); generic map(i2=>-5, i1=>3, i4=>-4, i3=>6); begin assert (i1=3) report "Generic association for first element I1 incorrect" severity failure; assert (i2=-5) report "Generic association for second element I2 incorrect" severity failure; assert (i3=6) report "Generic association for third element I3 incorrect" severity failure; assert (i4=-4) report "Generic association for fourth element I4 incorrect" severity failure; assert NOT( i1=3 and i2=-5 and i3=6 and i4=-4 ) report "***PASSED TEST: c12s02b02x00p02n03i03043" severity NOTE; assert ( i1=3 and i2=-5 and i3=6 and i4=-4 ) report "***FAILED TEST: c12s02b02x00p02n03i03043 - Named association of generics creates constnats without the correct values." severity ERROR; end block; END c12s02b02x00p02n03i03043arch;
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Billowitch. -- Some of the work to develop this test suite was done with Air Force -- support. The Air Force and Bill Billowitch assume no -- responsibilities for this software. -- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs). -- VESTs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -- your option) any later version. -- VESTs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, -- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- $Id: tc1883.vhd,v 1.2 2001-10-26 16:30:14 paw Exp $ -- $Revision: 1.2 $ -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTITY c07s01b00x00p08n01i01883ent IS END c07s01b00x00p08n01i01883ent; ARCHITECTURE c07s01b00x00p08n01i01883arch OF c07s01b00x00p08n01i01883ent IS type small_int is range 0 to 7; type cmd_bus is array (small_int range <>) of small_int; signal obus : cmd_bus(small_int); BEGIN TESTING : PROCESS BEGIN obus <= (0 =>c07s01b00x00p08n01i01883arch, others => 5) after 5 ns; -- architecture body name illegal here wait for 5 ns; assert FALSE report "***FAILED TEST: c07s01b00x00p08n01i01883 - Architecture body names are not permitted as primaries in a element association expression." severity ERROR; wait; END PROCESS TESTING; END c07s01b00x00p08n01i01883arch;
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Billowitch. -- Some of the work to develop this test suite was done with Air Force -- support. The Air Force and Bill Billowitch assume no -- responsibilities for this software. -- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs). -- VESTs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -- your option) any later version. -- VESTs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, -- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- $Id: tc1883.vhd,v 1.2 2001-10-26 16:30:14 paw Exp $ -- $Revision: 1.2 $ -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTITY c07s01b00x00p08n01i01883ent IS END c07s01b00x00p08n01i01883ent; ARCHITECTURE c07s01b00x00p08n01i01883arch OF c07s01b00x00p08n01i01883ent IS type small_int is range 0 to 7; type cmd_bus is array (small_int range <>) of small_int; signal obus : cmd_bus(small_int); BEGIN TESTING : PROCESS BEGIN obus <= (0 =>c07s01b00x00p08n01i01883arch, others => 5) after 5 ns; -- architecture body name illegal here wait for 5 ns; assert FALSE report "***FAILED TEST: c07s01b00x00p08n01i01883 - Architecture body names are not permitted as primaries in a element association expression." severity ERROR; wait; END PROCESS TESTING; END c07s01b00x00p08n01i01883arch;
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Billowitch. -- Some of the work to develop this test suite was done with Air Force -- support. The Air Force and Bill Billowitch assume no -- responsibilities for this software. -- This file is part of VESTs (Vhdl tESTs). -- VESTs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at -- your option) any later version. -- VESTs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with VESTs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, -- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- $Id: tc1883.vhd,v 1.2 2001-10-26 16:30:14 paw Exp $ -- $Revision: 1.2 $ -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTITY c07s01b00x00p08n01i01883ent IS END c07s01b00x00p08n01i01883ent; ARCHITECTURE c07s01b00x00p08n01i01883arch OF c07s01b00x00p08n01i01883ent IS type small_int is range 0 to 7; type cmd_bus is array (small_int range <>) of small_int; signal obus : cmd_bus(small_int); BEGIN TESTING : PROCESS BEGIN obus <= (0 =>c07s01b00x00p08n01i01883arch, others => 5) after 5 ns; -- architecture body name illegal here wait for 5 ns; assert FALSE report "***FAILED TEST: c07s01b00x00p08n01i01883 - Architecture body names are not permitted as primaries in a element association expression." severity ERROR; wait; END PROCESS TESTING; END c07s01b00x00p08n01i01883arch;
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity count_n is generic(N: integer:=16); port( clk, clear, enable: IN std_logic; q: OUT std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0)); end count_n; architecture behavior of count_n is signal count: unsigned(N-1 downto 0):= (others => '0'); attribute keep: boolean; attribute keep of count: signal is true; begin process (clk) begin if (clk'event and clk= '1') then if (clear= '0') then count<=(others => '0'); elsif (enable ='1') then count<=count + 1; end if; end if; end process; q<=std_logic_vector(count); end behavior;
library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; entity envelope is port (data_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0); data_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0); attack : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0); -- attack rate delay : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0); -- delay rate sustain : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0); -- sustain level release : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0); -- release rate gate : in STD_LOGIC; clk : in STD_LOGIC ); end envelope; architecture behavioral of envelope is begin process(clk) constant state_idle : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000"; constant state_attack : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "001"; constant state_delay : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "010"; constant state_sustain : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "011"; constant state_release : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "100"; variable state : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := state_idle; variable sum : unsigned(22 downto 0) := (others => '0'); variable rate : unsigned(3 downto 0); variable vol : unsigned(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); variable datamod : unsigned(15 downto 0); function trigger(asum : unsigned(22 downto 0); arate : unsigned(3 downto 0) ) return boolean is begin -- bit 7 is set after 1.024 msec if asum(to_integer(arate) + 7) = '1' then return true; else return false; end if; end trigger; begin if rising_edge(clk) then case state is when state_idle => vol := (others => '0'); sum := (others => '0'); if gate = '1' then state := state_attack; end if; when state_attack => sum := sum + 1; if trigger(sum, unsigned(attack)) then sum := (others => '0'); vol := vol + 1; -- if up to maximum volume, then switch to delay state if vol = 255 then state := state_delay; end if; end if; when state_delay => sum := sum + 1; if trigger(sum, unsigned(delay)) then sum := (others => '0'); vol := vol - 1; if vol = unsigned(sustain & "0000") then state := state_sustain; end if; end if; when state_sustain => -- stay in this state as long as the gate is active if gate = '0' then state := state_release; -- need to reset sum since this did not occur on trigger sum := (others => '0'); end if; when state_release => sum := sum + 1; if gate = '1' then -- new note played, go through idle state for setup state := state_idle; elsif trigger(sum, unsigned(release)) then sum := (others => '0'); vol := vol - 1; if vol = 0 then state := state_idle; end if; end if; when others => state := state_idle; end case; -- apply volume to incoming data datamod := unsigned(data_in) * vol; data_out <= std_logic_vector(datamod(15 downto 8)); end if; end process; end behavioral;
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- BLK MEM GEN v7.1 Core - Top-level core wrapper -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (c) Copyright 2006-2010 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Filename: char_mem_exdes.vhd -- -- Description: -- This is the actual BMG core wrapper. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Author: IP Solutions Division -- -- History: August 31, 2005 - First Release -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library Declarations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; LIBRARY UNISIM; USE UNISIM.VCOMPONENTS.ALL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Entity Declaration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTITY char_mem_exdes IS PORT ( --Inputs - Port A ADDRA : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(14 DOWNTO 0); DOUTA : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0); CLKA : IN STD_LOGIC ); END char_mem_exdes; ARCHITECTURE xilinx OF char_mem_exdes IS COMPONENT BUFG IS PORT ( I : IN STD_ULOGIC; O : OUT STD_ULOGIC ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT char_mem IS PORT ( --Port A ADDRA : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(14 DOWNTO 0); DOUTA : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0); CLKA : IN STD_LOGIC ); END COMPONENT; SIGNAL CLKA_buf : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL CLKB_buf : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL S_ACLK_buf : STD_LOGIC; BEGIN bufg_A : BUFG PORT MAP ( I => CLKA, O => CLKA_buf ); bmg0 : char_mem PORT MAP ( --Port A ADDRA => ADDRA, DOUTA => DOUTA, CLKA => CLKA_buf ); END xilinx;
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- BLK MEM GEN v7.1 Core - Top-level core wrapper -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (c) Copyright 2006-2010 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This file contains confidential and proprietary information -- of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and -- international copyright and other intellectual property -- laws. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any -- rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as -- otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by -- Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable -- law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND -- WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING -- BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- -- INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and -- (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, -- including negligence, or under any other theory of -- liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature -- related to, arising under or in connection with these -- materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, -- special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage -- (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of -- loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought -- by a third party) even if such damage or loss was -- reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the -- possibility of the same. -- -- CRITICAL APPLICATIONS -- Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- -- safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe -- performance, such as life-support or safety devices or -- systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, -- applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any -- other applications that could lead to death, personal -- injury, or severe property or environmental damage -- (individually and collectively, "Critical -- Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and -- liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical -- Applications, subject only to applicable laws and -- regulations governing limitations on product liability. -- -- THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS -- PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Filename: char_mem_exdes.vhd -- -- Description: -- This is the actual BMG core wrapper. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Author: IP Solutions Division -- -- History: August 31, 2005 - First Release -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Library Declarations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; LIBRARY UNISIM; USE UNISIM.VCOMPONENTS.ALL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Entity Declaration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTITY char_mem_exdes IS PORT ( --Inputs - Port A ADDRA : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(14 DOWNTO 0); DOUTA : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0); CLKA : IN STD_LOGIC ); END char_mem_exdes; ARCHITECTURE xilinx OF char_mem_exdes IS COMPONENT BUFG IS PORT ( I : IN STD_ULOGIC; O : OUT STD_ULOGIC ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT char_mem IS PORT ( --Port A ADDRA : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(14 DOWNTO 0); DOUTA : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 DOWNTO 0); CLKA : IN STD_LOGIC ); END COMPONENT; SIGNAL CLKA_buf : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL CLKB_buf : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL S_ACLK_buf : STD_LOGIC; BEGIN bufg_A : BUFG PORT MAP ( I => CLKA, O => CLKA_buf ); bmg0 : char_mem PORT MAP ( --Port A ADDRA => ADDRA, DOUTA => DOUTA, CLKA => CLKA_buf ); END xilinx;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This file is a part of the GRLIB VHDL IP LIBRARY -- Copyright (C) 2003 - 2008, Gaisler Research -- Copyright (C) 2008 - 2014, Aeroflex Gaisler -- Copyright (C) 2015, Cobham Gaisler -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Package: ddrintpkg -- File: ddrintpkg.vhd -- Author: Magnus Hjorth - Aeroflex Gaisler -- Description: Internal components and types for DDR SDRAM controllers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library techmap; use techmap.gencomp.all; library grlib; use grlib.amba.all; use grlib.stdlib.all; use grlib.devices.all; library gaisler; use gaisler.ddrpkg.all; package ddrintpkg is ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DDR2SPA types and components ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- component ddr2buf is generic ( tech : integer := 0; wabits : integer := 6; wdbits : integer := 8; rabits : integer := 6; rdbits : integer := 8; sepclk : integer := 0; wrfst : integer := 0; testen : integer := 0); port ( rclk : in std_ulogic; renable : in std_ulogic; raddress : in std_logic_vector((rabits -1) downto 0); dataout : out std_logic_vector((rdbits -1) downto 0); wclk : in std_ulogic; write : in std_ulogic; writebig : in std_ulogic; waddress : in std_logic_vector((wabits -1) downto 0); datain : in std_logic_vector((wdbits -1) downto 0); testin : in std_logic_vector(TESTIN_WIDTH-1 downto 0)); end component; type ddr_request_type is record startaddr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); endaddr : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); hsize : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); hwrite : std_ulogic; hio : std_ulogic; maskdata : std_ulogic; maskcb : std_ulogic; burst : std_ulogic; end record; type ddr_response_type is record done_tog : std_ulogic; rctr_gray : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); readerr : std_ulogic; end record; constant ddr_request_none: ddr_request_type := ((others => '0'), (others => '0'), "000", '0','0','0','0','0'); constant ddr_response_none: ddr_response_type := ('0',"0000",'0'); component ddr2spax_ahb is generic ( hindex : integer := 0; haddr : integer := 0; hmask : integer := 16#f00#; ioaddr : integer := 16#000#; iomask : integer := 16#fff#; burstlen : integer := 8; nosync : integer := 0; ahbbits : integer := ahbdw; revision : integer := 0; devid : integer := GAISLER_DDR2SP; ddrbits : integer := 32; regarea : integer := 0 ); port ( rst : in std_ulogic; clk_ahb : in std_ulogic; ahbsi : in ahb_slv_in_type; ahbso : out ahb_slv_out_type; request : out ddr_request_type; start_tog : out std_logic; response : in ddr_response_type; wbwaddr : out std_logic_vector(log2(burstlen) downto 0); wbwdata : out std_logic_vector(ahbbits-1 downto 0); wbwrite : out std_logic; wbwritebig: out std_logic; rbraddr : out std_logic_vector(log2(burstlen*32/ahbbits)-1 downto 0); rbrdata : in std_logic_vector(ahbbits-1 downto 0); hwidth : in std_logic; beid : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ); end component; component ft_ddr2spax_ahb is generic ( hindex : integer := 0; haddr : integer := 0; hmask : integer := 16#f00#; ioaddr : integer := 16#000#; iomask : integer := 16#fff#; burstlen : integer := 8; nosync : integer := 0; ahbbits : integer := 64; bufbits : integer := 96; ddrbits : integer := 16; hwidthen : integer := 0; revision : integer := 0; devid : integer := GAISLER_DDR2SP ); port ( rst : in std_ulogic; clk_ahb : in std_ulogic; ahbsi : in ahb_slv_in_type; ahbso : out ahb_slv_out_type; ce : out std_logic; request : out ddr_request_type; start_tog : out std_logic; response : in ddr_response_type; wbwaddr : out std_logic_vector(log2(burstlen)-2 downto 0); wbwdata : out std_logic_vector(bufbits-1 downto 0); wbwrite : out std_logic; wbwritebig : out std_logic; rbraddr : out std_logic_vector(log2(burstlen*32/ahbbits)-1 downto 0); rbrdata : in std_logic_vector(bufbits-1 downto 0); hwidth : in std_logic; synccfg : in std_logic; request2 : out ddr_request_type; start_tog2 : out std_logic; beid : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ); end component; constant FTFE_BEID_DDR2 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000"; constant FTFE_BEID_SDR : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0001"; constant FTFE_BEID_DDR1 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0010"; constant FTFE_BEID_SSR : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0011"; constant FTFE_BEID_LPDDR2: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0100"; component ddr2spax_ddr is generic ( ddrbits : integer := 32; burstlen : integer := 8; MHz : integer := 100; TRFC : integer := 130; col : integer := 9; Mbyte : integer := 8; pwron : integer := 0; oepol : integer := 0; readdly : integer := 1; odten : integer := 0; octen : integer := 0; dqsgating : integer := 0; nosync : integer := 0; eightbanks : integer range 0 to 1 := 0; -- Set to 1 if 8 banks instead of 4 dqsse : integer range 0 to 1 := 0; -- single ended DQS ddr_syncrst: integer range 0 to 1 := 0; chkbits : integer := 0; bigmem : integer range 0 to 1 := 0; raspipe : integer range 0 to 1 := 0; hwidthen : integer range 0 to 1 := 0; phytech : integer := 0; hasdqvalid : integer := 0; rstdel : integer := 200; phyptctrl : integer := 0; scantest : integer := 0 ); port ( ddr_rst : in std_ulogic; clk_ddr : in std_ulogic; request : in ddr_request_type; start_tog: in std_logic; response : out ddr_response_type; sdi : in ddrctrl_in_type; sdo : out ddrctrl_out_type; wbraddr : out std_logic_vector(log2((16*burstlen)/ddrbits) downto 0); wbrdata : in std_logic_vector(2*(ddrbits+chkbits)-1 downto 0); rbwaddr : out std_logic_vector(log2((16*burstlen)/ddrbits)-1 downto 0); rbwdata : out std_logic_vector(2*(ddrbits+chkbits)-1 downto 0); rbwrite : out std_logic; hwidth : in std_ulogic; -- dynamic sync (nosync=2) reqsel : in std_ulogic; frequest : in ddr_request_type; response2: out ddr_response_type; testen : in std_ulogic; testrst : in std_ulogic; testoen : in std_ulogic ); end component; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DDRSPA types and components ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- component ddr1spax_ddr is generic ( ddrbits : integer := 32; burstlen : integer := 8; MHz : integer := 100; col : integer := 9; Mbyte : integer := 8; pwron : integer := 0; oepol : integer := 0; mobile : integer := 0; confapi : integer := 0; conf0 : integer := 0; conf1 : integer := 0; nosync : integer := 0; ddr_syncrst: integer range 0 to 1 := 0; chkbits : integer := 0; hasdqvalid : integer := 0; readdly : integer := 0; regoutput : integer := 1; ddr400 : integer := 1; rstdel : integer := 200; phyptctrl : integer := 0; scantest : integer := 0 ); port ( ddr_rst : in std_ulogic; clk_ddr : in std_ulogic; request : in ddr_request_type; start_tog: in std_logic; response : out ddr_response_type; sdi : in ddrctrl_in_type; sdo : out ddrctrl_out_type; wbraddr : out std_logic_vector(log2((16*burstlen)/ddrbits) downto 0); wbrdata : in std_logic_vector(2*(ddrbits+chkbits)-1 downto 0); rbwaddr : out std_logic_vector(log2((16*burstlen)/ddrbits)-1 downto 0); rbwdata : out std_logic_vector(2*(ddrbits+chkbits)-1 downto 0); rbwrite : out std_logic; reqsel : in std_ulogic; frequest : in ddr_request_type; response2: out ddr_response_type; testen : in std_ulogic; testrst : in std_ulogic; testoen : in std_ulogic ); end component; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Other components re-using sub-components above ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- component ahb2avl_async_be is generic ( avldbits : integer := 32; avlabits : integer := 20; ahbbits : integer := ahbdw; burstlen : integer := 8; nosync : integer := 0 ); port ( rst : in std_ulogic; clk : in std_ulogic; avlsi : out ddravl_slv_in_type; avlso : in ddravl_slv_out_type; request: in ddr_request_type; start_tog: in std_ulogic; response: out ddr_response_type; wbraddr : out std_logic_vector(log2((32*burstlen)/avldbits) downto 0); wbrdata : in std_logic_vector(avldbits-1 downto 0); rbwaddr : out std_logic_vector(log2((32*burstlen)/avldbits)-1 downto 0); rbwdata : out std_logic_vector(avldbits-1 downto 0); rbwrite : out std_logic ); end component; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Gray-code routines ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function lin2gray(l: std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; function gray2lin(g: std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; function nextgray(g: std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Data-mask routines ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function maskfirst(addr: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); ddrbits: integer) return std_logic_vector; function masklast(addr: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); hsize: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); ddrbits: integer) return std_logic_vector; function masksub32(addr: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); hsize: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); ddrbits: integer) return std_logic_vector; end package; package body ddrintpkg is function lin2gray(l: std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is variable lx,r: std_logic_vector(l'length-1 downto 0); begin lx := l; r(l'length-1) := lx(l'length-1); if l'length > 1 then r(l'length-2 downto 0) := lx(l'length-1 downto 1) xor lx(l'length-2 downto 0); end if; return r; end lin2gray; function gray2lin(g: std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is variable x: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); variable r: std_logic_vector(g'length-1 downto 0); begin x := (others => '0'); x(g'length-1 downto 0) := g; if g'length > 1 then x(14 downto 0) := x(14 downto 0) xor x(15 downto 1); end if; if g'length > 2 then x(13 downto 0) := x(13 downto 0) xor x(15 downto 2); end if; if g'length > 4 then x(11 downto 0) := x(11 downto 0) xor x(15 downto 4); end if; if g'length > 8 then x(7 downto 0) := x(7 downto 0) xor x(15 downto 8); end if; r := x(g'length-1 downto 0); return r; end gray2lin; function nextgray(g: std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is variable gx,r: std_logic_vector(g'length-1 downto 0); variable gx3,r3: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000"; variable l,nl: std_logic_vector(g'length-1 downto 0); begin gx := g; if gx'length = 1 then r(0) := not gx(0); elsif gx'length = 2 then r(1) := gx(0); r(0) := not gx(1); elsif gx'length = 3 then -- r(2) := (gx(1) or gx(0)) and (not gx(2) or not gx(0)); -- r(1) := (gx(1) or gx(0)) and (gx(2) or not gx(0)); -- r(0) := gx(2) xor gx(1); gx3 := gx(2 downto 0); case gx3 is when "000" => r3 := "001"; when "001" => r3 := "011"; when "011" => r3 := "010"; when "010" => r3 := "110"; when "110" => r3 := "111"; when "111" => r3 := "101"; when "101" => r3 := "100"; when others => r3 := "000"; end case; r(2 downto 0) := r3; else l := gray2lin(g); nl := std_logic_vector(unsigned(l)+1); r := lin2gray(nl); end if; return r; end nextgray; function maskfirst(addr: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); ddrbits: integer) return std_logic_vector is variable r: std_logic_vector(ddrbits/4-1 downto 0); variable a32: std_logic_vector(3 downto 2); variable a432: std_logic_vector(4 downto 2); begin r := (others => '0'); a32 := addr(3 downto 2); a432 := addr(4 downto 2); case ddrbits is when 32 => if addr(2)='0' then r := "00000000"; else r := "11110000"; end if; when 64 => case a32 is when "00" => r := x"0000"; when "01" => r := x"F000"; when "10" => r := x"FF00"; when others => r := x"FFF0"; end case; when 128 => case a432 is when "000" => r := x"00000000"; when "001" => r := x"F0000000"; when "010" => r := x"FF000000"; when "011" => r := x"FFF00000"; when "100" => r := x"FFFF0000"; when "101" => r := x"FFFFF000"; when "110" => r := x"FFFFFF00"; when others => r := x"FFFFFFF0"; end case; when others => --pragma translate_off assert ddrbits=16 report "Unsupported DDR width" severity failure; --pragma translate_on null; end case; return r; end maskfirst; function masklast(addr: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); hsize: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); ddrbits: integer) return std_logic_vector is variable r: std_logic_vector(ddrbits/4-1 downto 0); variable xaddr: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); variable a32: std_logic_vector(3 downto 2); variable a432: std_logic_vector(4 downto 2); begin xaddr := addr; if hsize(2)='1' then xaddr(3 downto 2) := "11"; xaddr(3 downto 2) := "11"; end if; if hsize(2)='1' and hsize(0)='1' then xaddr(4) := '1'; end if; if hsize(1 downto 0)="11" then xaddr(2) := '1'; end if; a32 := xaddr(3 downto 2); a432 := xaddr(4 downto 2); r := (others => '0'); case ddrbits is when 32 => if xaddr(2)='0' then r := "00001111"; else r := "00000000"; end if; when 64 => case a32 is when "00" => r := x"0FFF"; when "01" => r := x"00FF"; when "10" => r := x"000F"; when others => r := x"0000"; end case; when 128 => case a432 is when "000" => r := x"0FFFFFFF"; when "001" => r := x"00FFFFFF"; when "010" => r := x"000FFFFF"; when "011" => r := x"0000FFFF"; when "100" => r := x"00000FFF"; when "101" => r := x"000000FF"; when "110" => r := x"0000000F"; when others => r := x"00000000"; end case; when others => --pragma translate_off assert ddrbits=16 report "Unsupported DDR width" severity failure; --pragma translate_on null; end case; return r; end masklast; function masksub32(addr: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); hsize: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); ddrbits: integer) return std_logic_vector is variable r: std_logic_vector(ddrbits/4-1 downto 0); variable r16: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); variable a10: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); begin r16 := (others => '0'); if hsize(2 downto 1)="00" then r16 := addr(1) & addr(1) & (not addr(1)) & (not addr(1)); if hsize(0)='0' then r16 := r16 or (addr(0) & (not addr(0)) & addr(0) & (not addr(0))); end if; end if; r := (others => '0'); for x in 0 to ddrbits/16-1 loop r(x*4+3 downto x*4) := r16; end loop; return r; end masksub32; end;
library ieee; library IEEE;
`protect begin_protected `protect version = 1 `protect encrypt_agent = "XILINX" `protect encrypt_agent_info = "Xilinx Encryption Tool 2013" `protect key_keyowner = "Cadence Design Systems.", key_keyname= "cds_rsa_key", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 64) `protect key_block FJSD/nBaVB3nQdPQhpCMMi4i6aRT7VJxEWlFmXNfcDSyZoJFTLv1bdplXCJ4Lz5jg5v2P/V57/Xs i9PP4PUC6g== `protect key_keyowner = "Mentor Graphics Corporation", key_keyname= "MGC-VERIF-SIM-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block Z55vZst8nWxCmqCKvguPWCsZQqGaBeC8imqMtaFYB+DwH3YtPgRNyeCgYMSsjBaILxrq/HLheA5o LNLXI81wRBhTIsanWXD7a0tKADJ19p7q6IZhA8sgiy2Mm9bGBbzLeN0FUKMb32zS9jy8V9c/KReQ A0vUgPs22GfoNLl8dA0= `protect key_keyowner = "Xilinx", key_keyname= "xilinx_2013_09", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block 4JC/da1kDnLnnLKdWxG1ApVcA21OIDsHV/kPeLiTfrWsSdxb/G/tm98nvxgsmCCkmJKNyHt5s99o ZaH4dYpCTsUy8hZxxEV7IqJEeZkgVSwiKBFveQNDmUuAj4Q3h1uiD4qRpTiZA+URJv0Qn9vHDgH2 zvJEdlzqzDc0WHDvwDA26PZW8aeRvhvUGBPFAZ5eO7VmFYNHf+rIne+hQ7vSGqBAxvxUI2f2Uh4V pYvsBL5Ef2FtCiQ9O2mLgn4W2EwRlnY0H7Mu5VMxuYcm1CZJlfSj7JNGhidKyapJ621BfpE582dK 86f+Uqb9E6oCzdO4+eXkPIrA1JYG9N+cagdVgg== `protect key_keyowner = "Synopsys", key_keyname= "SNPS-VCS-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block IyCMWpCneiZfSscKb46kxH5uZPScvw4iL9Z0euOTWbc+Z1a9qmu+DkU61tZGyd8d2VN344f9pVkL pV74JHdSMooLcXh72OIS7z+kFv/EtupvxcP/fF5DjZ/iPmLxcl74zYpdrzgu7cnbMqQzLRe5lauj Um9VqKRyQWm3fHoY5QY= `protect key_keyowner = "Aldec", key_keyname= "ALDEC08_001", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block HNV7BD1avdsUK9mf4rudJETmRSuJIzF09XhF4DB1kTafv8EZzP6uAecCSEoIUksZG8bn7SQYfX93 DTOm3oVK3RyeqULNUjuRTrZBMwcB7WRAJnKQLEfrfX7Lr42pX8ddZSiFoTu3tQhpwLiDl0sLBV+H k3zKrz+5hrc0Ai10e8YgI9kck2Sa8fGfLxL1jw9OZ/dt8fYkZFSsoPH9tE8kPArEW2/jzIqYs9bL LnMw8wJ5nS/1nidZgevbJV5VIswclUVMjumnvq9OFLyqLn/ImqW+SGrKiK04UfciOyCd1ZCGDh8d 01oBkmyvgLtN2h/5JBDt9uIDDJJBdPm5AbgpXw== `protect data_method = "AES128-CBC" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 27344) `protect data_block c7cDk1GKis34xszGP/Jph63LAFGlw2mIRCvJ5pVRVItugq+Z2xNmEtWkLX1vURo25GZ6d5VFonSR eVhtjzMaBHAYNDFtlIf9fz8Am1W7Re3Wr69Ay8S9DegxWxq4axuaD5zIZDMZn5yDzc8sLL7v/DK2 8J3NGSwEoXqlcH4lnhaRP3Zq37OBPOp0z7COWM2Eupr0cPD/8DubbmG23SFWuBQk9RKdTgssdhIH Hetmj1ij1jrG9aJBH6eCayYfwbF5g1H8td7NJV+hwr+nFYYR5E7uMVUFp6ZpJaAUUku1LbkeavXi QdPfu56LV0pJ+GR8dxGBCxQ2MPQbMYCr9BDCmTb4GZ2Yl3EOqqp7gh7fb9oXUJMN8wS58BwGraLD MMvrmYxGfI8SZDClYwL5ezUjPp4ewR/jqMYvIRQ9hRhJLyWxWNX0xheWSVQ2i4BOzV9oOr/FqZhv m9OFiS9Yc1r6MfHx7YJCcIOodsuUxarEPFIZAJT9kxWuXeKk/DAavnjEykZTc5bBPMy6ebZGvhgf 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`protect begin_protected `protect version = 1 `protect encrypt_agent = "XILINX" `protect encrypt_agent_info = "Xilinx Encryption Tool 2013" `protect key_keyowner = "Cadence Design Systems.", key_keyname= "cds_rsa_key", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 64) `protect key_block FJSD/nBaVB3nQdPQhpCMMi4i6aRT7VJxEWlFmXNfcDSyZoJFTLv1bdplXCJ4Lz5jg5v2P/V57/Xs i9PP4PUC6g== `protect key_keyowner = "Mentor Graphics Corporation", key_keyname= "MGC-VERIF-SIM-RSA-1", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 128) `protect key_block Z55vZst8nWxCmqCKvguPWCsZQqGaBeC8imqMtaFYB+DwH3YtPgRNyeCgYMSsjBaILxrq/HLheA5o LNLXI81wRBhTIsanWXD7a0tKADJ19p7q6IZhA8sgiy2Mm9bGBbzLeN0FUKMb32zS9jy8V9c/KReQ A0vUgPs22GfoNLl8dA0= `protect key_keyowner = "Xilinx", key_keyname= "xilinx_2013_09", key_method = "rsa" `protect encoding = (enctype = "BASE64", line_length = 76, bytes = 256) `protect key_block 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rtWf0ZaHrYVImYESdqF34wEHwNmEy3cCRIKvwJpOvV3LkAudDyov6wS3IVyVNmmEjAuRFTAu4KVT BtcYDCyY17zLAa+fBKu7zYQW1w2jK2BZhkRi94Hq+0PaauH7Ve9nWteGfLALTOiaEBnoSz6mXiLE 2o7z5zQBCQlg3JiiLHS3NcBr5dm1gAv624m2WlsCBBmsqN0pH+WSgh8gijCuHL9B6KNi//YuJJjU 1RX4NK7yjjMQEK+iwUgn4uFrgomP8L/dyw+iEaqKOqJaLMd6SRKae46KTdGEsexc+fDaRoq9dKyG l238yP3Okaza7EOdS4jMDBQsuRDO3h+QbC+pbmyxkT+5uNVuQwmMLsA= `protect end_protected
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Company: -- Engineer: -- -- Create Date: 15:37:28 02/02/2016 -- Design Name: -- Module Name: ALU - Behavioral -- Project Name: -- Target Devices: -- Tool versions: -- Description: -- -- Dependencies: -- -- Revision: -- Revision 0.01 - File Created -- Additional Comments: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; -- Uncomment the following library declaration if using -- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values --use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; -- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating -- any Xilinx primitives in this code. --library UNISIM; --use UNISIM.VComponents.all; entity ALU is end ALU; architecture Behavioral of ALU is begin end Behavioral;