This book is a mathematics question of class 3 of West Bengal where children are being taught fundamentalist and violent thinking
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Photograph: Lydia Goldblatt/The Guardian This article is more than 5 years old # \'School is very oppressive’: why home-schooling is on the rise This article is more than 5 years old From left: Sam, Claire, Amelia and Ben Mumford. ‘It’s not natural to be sat at a desk all day,’ says Claire. Photograph: Lydia Goldblatt/The Guardian Exams, rules, timetables: do teachers know what’s best for children? Increasing numbers of British parents don’t think so By Sally Williams Sat 3 Nov 2018 11.00 GMTLast modified on Sat 3 Nov 2018 18.11 GMT Share Every morning Ben Mumford starts his school day with maths. At the age of 10 he is already working at GCSE level, but he doesn’t always bother to get out of his pyjamas in time for the class. He reads more books than most of his friends, studies science on the beach, and recently built a go-kart in a technology lesson. Ben is happy and fulfilled. All, his mother Claire Mumford believes, thanks to home-schooling. “It’s not that I’m anti-establishment,” says Mumford, who has been home-schooling Ben and her other children, Sam, 11, and Amelia, eight, for the last year. “It’s just that schools haven’t got the time to nurture and teach children the way I think they should. School is very oppressive for young people. It’s not natural to be sat at a desk all day, with fluorescent lights, computer screens, barely able to see outside.” Her children get “time to relax and to be kids – to go to the woods, build dens and to learn what they’re excited about.” Mumford, 40, a community volunteer, was born on the Isle of Wight, where her father had taken early retirement as an army captain following an accident, and her mother was a former teacher. She moved back about eight years ago, when she separated from the children’s father, a chauffeur. She describes her style of home-education as “child-led”. The only formal lesson is maths, where the children work from books for half an hour every morning. “Then we see what we want to do that day,” she says. Lessons can take place in the library or the woods; rather than learning science, they “experience it” by growing plants, say, or by digging water channels on the beach. Structured weekly activities include youth club; home-ed drama group; talks by the police, air ambulance or the coastguard organised by Rookley Home-Ed Meet, a group on the island made up of around 20 families; and football training with Southampton FC on the mainland. Amelia also does work experience in a hardware shop in her village, and has widened her social group to include sixtysomethings and a variety of dogs. She is also learning the Latin names of flowers. “The job has been amazing for her confidence,” says Mumford. ![\\"Amelia](\\" image in fullscreen Ben and Amelia Mumford. Home-schooling gives them ‘time to relax and to be kids’, says their mother. Photograph: Lydia Goldblatt/The Guardian Sam likes “designing stuff” such as underwater cities, produces a weekly local newspaper, St Catherine’s Chronicle, and re-enacts battles with his toy soldiers. Ben is currently interested in footballers’ autobiographies, nutritional tips for athletes and teach-yourself guides on how to be a premier league player. Amelia studies fashion books and magazines, writes songs and paints pebbles. “The best thing is you get to be free and you don’t feel squashed up,” says Ben. “At school people have to sit inside at a table and you might not learn anything new,” adds Amelia. “At home you can choose your subjects and you can go outside and see your friends more.” The only downside for Sam is that he is “a bit cleverer than Mum”. True, says Mumford. “I don’t know what he’s talking about half the time.” The home-schooling movement emerged in the 1970s, when it was considered a fringe pursuit. Today, it is probably the fastest-growing form of education in the UK. The number of home-schooled children has risen by about 40% over three years, according to recent research by the BBC. Around 48,000 children were being home-educated across the UK in 2016-2017, up from about 34,000 in 2014-15. But the real number is likely to be higher. Data is not collected centrally, and while local authorities keep a register of home-educated children, this only covers children who have been withdrawn from school. Children who are never put into school are currently not required to register. Many parents who opt to home-school their children say they are avoiding bullying, exam pressure and stress. Others have concerns about special educational needs, not getting a place at the school of their choice, or the school environment. “It used to be a philosophical ethos; now it’s about children having some sort of difficulty at school,” says Edwina Theunissen, former trustee of Education Otherwise, a home-education charity founded in 1977. Helen Lees, visiting research fellow at York St John University, and a specialist in alternative education, believes the increase suggests “something quite worrying about the state of the education system. I’m not sure having 30 children in a classroom all doing the same thing works any more. Not with the way the classroom is structured, and the way the curriculum is followed.” Changes in technology have made it easier to teach out of the classroom, and methods range from the traditional approach of textbooks, study schedules, grades and tests to “unschooling” or “autonomous education”, a philosophy conceived by the US author and educator John Holt in the 1970s. He believed that if you give a child the freedom to follow their own interests, and a rich assortment of resources, they will do the actual learning themselves. ![\\"Sam](\\" image in fullscreen Sam Mumford (right) with his brother Ben. Sam ‘was very well behaved at school, but he’d bottle it up and he’d come home and explode’. Photograph: Lydia Goldblatt/The Guardian Some parents do the teaching; others subcontract it to experts – club leaders, online schools, tutors. This is not cheap. The cost can be up to £34,000 a year, according to Stephen Spriggs, head of education at William Clarence, a tutoring company that offers a 30-hour-a-week home-education programme. There are families that dip into home-education for short periods – to get into competitive secondary schools, or retake A-levels, for example. For others it is not just an interlude; it’s their lives. Mumford says none of her children were happy at school, adding: “I should have done it before.” Sam, Ben and Amelia went to a local primary, where Sam, in particular, struggled to fit in. “Our house used to overlook the playground and I could see the only person Sam talked to was the dinner lady,” says Mumford. As well as having difficulty with friendships, Sam is very rigid in his thinking: “If the school lunch was five minutes late and no one told him why, he’d get very frustrated,” says his mother. He also has obsessive interests, such as the Romans and Norse mythology. Mumford suspected autism, but it would be four years before it was confirmed, when he was eight. There are lengthy delays on the island owing to the lack of a diagnostic service. > Children aren’t the best judge of what to learn or what lifestyle to adopt. > Their interests often involve sugary snacks When Sam was eight, Mumford decided to teach him at home for a while. “He was very well behaved at school, but he’d bottle it up and he’d come home and explode. He’d be violent and horrendous,” she says. Home-schooling “was really good for his confidence because he realised it was OK to be different”. After six months, he decided to go back to school. “It was the summer term and there was fun stuff like sports day,” Mumford says. In September 2017, all three children started the new school year at the same school. But by the end of October, Mumford had pulled them all out. She says that Sam was bored. “He is very clever. If they were learning this much about the Romans, he already knew this much.” She holds her hands out wide. It was painfully clear to Ben and Amelia, meanwhile, that they weren’t performing well enough for the school. “Schools want to get good Ofsted results. The councils wants their schools to get good Ofsted results. The system is about trying to please the people at the top, rather than help children,” says Mumford. The Isle of Wight has the highest proportion of home-educated children in the UK, at almost one in 50. Isle of Wight Council attributes the high levels in part to under-reporting elsewhere in the country. But its education system has been heavily criticised. In 2017, 10 out of 55 schools and colleges required improvement, and one was “inadequate”, according to Ofsted, although the council says it is tackling “lower educational standards”. “Accountability systems” – Ofsted inspections, government tables and targets – have created a “culture of fear” in schools, according to a recent report (pdf) by the National Association of Head Teachers union. It highlights the pressure on headteachers to get good results on pain of being forced out, and how the emphasis on test results has narrowed the curriculum and made “drilling” for key stage 2 Sats common. Children take the test when they’re around 11 and are prepared with revision classes and practice tests, sometimes even during the Easter holidays. ![\\"Child](\\" image in fullscreen Thinking outside the box: Ben Mumford. Photograph: Lydia Goldblatt/The Guardian When Amelia was seven, “the teachers suddenly put a lot more emphasis on spelling,” says Mumford. (The national curriculum introduced in 2014 saw a shift in focus from the creative to the technical side of writing.) “She had to spell every word correctly and write all the letters around the right way; that meant she could only do two sentences, whereas before she was writing pages. She’d come home crying. She was asking for extra spelling work; it was all she ever worried about.” Ben, too, was feeling crushed by the emphasis on results. “He was doing well, but every time someone did better in a test he felt he was a failure. I do understand it’s a fact of life: some people are going to be cleverer than you. But it’s almost like children spend all day permanently being judged.” Children, she continues, should be assessed as individuals rather than “where are they are in comparison with 29 others”. Ben became anxious. “He didn’t want to go to school, he’d have a tummy ache, he’d feel sick.” Mumford was herself taught at home for a year after her family moved to rural Cornwall when she was eight. “I did very limited work and yet when I went back to school I was put in the top sets. It didn’t hold me back, so I wasn’t worried about them falling behind.” But she acknowledges that home-schooling is a financial strain. “I can’t work while I’m home-schooling so I have to rely on benefits, and I don’t like that,” says Mumford. “That’s partly why I do so much voluntary work: I feel like I’m giving something back.” Families have to pay for all exams; English GCSE, for example, usually costs around £50, and many exam centres also ask for an administrative fee. “Because we don’t have much money, there are things the children miss out on. Amelia would love to go horse riding. Ben would like to do more sports. We don’t go on holiday, and just occasionally I could do with half an hour to myself,” she says. While she doesn’t lack support because of the island’s large home-educating community, spending so much time together can occasionally be too much. “Sometimes I have to go up to my room to calm down, so I am not shouting at them. I don’t like shouting. Unless something extreme happens, like someone gets injured, I am ‘do not disturb’ for a bit of time.” Critics argue that the “cocooning” desire of some home-schooling parents is fuelled by a romanticised vision of the past. “It is not just about seeking an escape from the problems of the ‘city’ (a metaphor for danger and heterogeneity), it is a rejection of the entire idea of a city. Cultural and intellectual diversity, complexity, ambiguity, uncertainty and proximity to ‘the Other,” writes educational theorist Michael Apple in Away With All Teachers: The Cultural Politics Of Home Schooling. He likens home-schooling to a “gated community”, mirroring the filter bubbles that have been created by the internet. “Even with evident shortcomings,” he says, schools “provide a kind of ‘social glue’, a common cultural reference point in our polyglot, increasingly multicultural society.” There is criticism, too, from within the community. “The most popular educational method used by those who withdraw their children from school is autonomous education and involves nobody teaching children anything at all,” says Simon Webb, author of Elective Home Education In The UK. “Children’s interests often involve lying in bed until very late, then getting up and watching cartoons on television and eating nothing but sugary snacks. Children aren’t the best judge of what to learn or what lifestyle to adopt.” Webb, who is married to a social worker, home-educated his daughter, Simone, “from birth to 16”. After passing four A-levels at A* at college, she went to Oxford University, and gained a first in philosophy, politics and economics. Now 25, she is doing a PhD and teaches at University College London and King’s College London. “If you do ‘unschooling’, if you don’t get your children to take GCSEs, you are really handicapping them,” he says. > We had a massive class, like 30 people, and it was really noisy and > stressful. I couldn\'t cope with the amount of people Esmé Biggar, 17, lives near Kelso in the Scottish Borders area of Scotland, with her mother, Eula Wilkin, 53, an administrator. Her parents separated soon after she was born; she only occasionally sees her father. “For some people school is really good, and it works for them because they learn in the way that school teaches,” says Biggar. “But there are so many different ways of learning and processing information and knowledge. It doesn’t work for everyone. And it didn’t work for me.” She started at her local primary when she was four and left when she was eight. By then, her mother was horrified by the change in her. “From being self-motivated and able to read and write, and very focused, she came out angry, distressed and completely phobic of any formal type of education,” says Wilkin. Biggar thinks in retrospect she wasn’t suited to school. She’s never had a formal diagnosis but she believes she has Asperger’s. “We had a massive class, like 30 people, and it was really noisy and stressful. I didn’t feel I could cope with the amount of people or the way I was being taught.” Her mother says Biggar was excruciatingly shy and the trauma of school went very deep. She recalls her wetting herself most days. “She’d been dry since the age of 18 months.” A decade on, Biggar is happy and confident. She is doing online A-levels in English literature, classical civilisation and philosophy, and a Scottish higher in drama through a local school. She is passionate about theatre – performing, writing, directing. She’s appeared in three professional performances, and at the Edinburgh festival fringe. “It would have been a lot harder if I’d been at school. A lot of the rehearsals are during the day.” Her ambition is to study drama at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. “Drama is the focus of her life, so that is the route we’ve followed,” says her mother. “You visit every attraction, every festival, every educational opportunity that comes along.” There has been a price to pay. “I’m still single!” Wilkin says. “I’ve never had a partner through any of this. I haven’t had the opportunity to meet anybody as I’m so busy getting Esmé here, there and everywhere. But it has enriched my life massively.” Families in the UK have long welcomed the relaxed laws governing home- education. While home-education is illegal in, for example, Germany, Croatia, Brazil and Turkey, the only requirement for a parent in England wishing to withdraw a child from school is to send a written request to the “proprietor” of the school (typically the headteacher); they must accept if you are taking your child out completely, but can refuse if you want to send your child to school some of the time. (The process of “deregistering” is slightly different in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.) If a child has never been to school, you don’t need to tell anyone. Under section seven of the Education Act of 1996, parents have a duty to ensure their children are educated. And that’s about it. They are not required to teach the national curriculum, have any specific qualifications, register with a local authority, allow inspectors into their homes, or get approval for the sort of education provided at home. (Welsh guidelines recommend the local authority contacts the family annually.) ![\\"The](\\" image in fullscreen ‘For me, home-education is every sort of freedom,’ says Rita Ball of the children she home-schools. Photograph: Lydia Goldblatt/The Guardian But the government is now seeking to tighten and clarify rules surrounding home-education. Proposals include a mandatory register of home-educated children, along with increased monitoring and support from local authorities. This is prompted in part by the steep rise in the number of children educated at home, and by concerns over child welfare in the wake of such high-profile cases as that of Jordan Burling, from Leeds, who died after severe neglect in 2016. Jordan, 18, had not attended school since he was 12, when his mother announced he was to be home-schooled. He never took any exams or achieved any qualifications and was rarely seen outside the house. The growing number of illegal schools – unregistered establishments that operate outside the supervision of the Department for Education, local authorities or Ofsted inspection framework, and are often religious in character – is another worry. Sir Michael Wilshaw, the former chief inspector of schools, warned they posed a threat to “British values” and gave the impression that home-schooling was being used as a cover for terrorism. “I have previously voiced concern that many of those operating unregistered schools are unscrupulously using the freedoms that parents have to home- educate their children as a cover for their activities,” he wrote in a letter to Nicky Morgan, the then secretary of state for education in May 2016. Ofsted inspectors had previously uncovered 100 suspected illegal schools in England, including some with a narrow, Islam-focused curriculum. In a separate move, the government wants to fine schools found to be “off-rolling” – a process where the parents of challenging children are persuaded to home-educate, most commonly in year 11, prior to doing their GCSE exams. The home-schooling community has reacted angrily to the unprecedented focus on its activities, claiming government proposals “infringe parental rights” and fuel “unwarranted suspicion”. “The government doesn’t want to admit the reason that home-education numbers are rising is not to do with radicalisation,” says Chris McGovern, a retired headteacher and chairman of the Campaign for Real Education. “That is a concern, but it is a far greater problem in state schools than in home-schooling. It’s because schools are failing ever greater numbers of children.” Rita Ball, 40, an educational entrepreneur, and her husband Anirban Nandi, 42, an accountant, have been home-educating their two children, Ilora, 10, and Elam, eight, for the last five years. “Before, I had the impression that home- schooling was for fundamentalist weird people in the midwest,” says Nandi. “Normal people didn’t do it.” He admits the couple weren’t obvious candidates for alternative education. They both enjoyed school and got good grades: Nandi at a state primary, and then an independent day school in south London; Ball at a primary in Zambia, where her doctor mother worked in a hospital for the mining community, and then at James Allen’s Girls’ School, an independent school in Dulwich, south London. When Ball told her parents she was taking Ilora out of school, “they thought I’d lost the plot, like borderline child neglect, if not actual child neglect.” Both families are from West Bengal in India, and emigrated to England in the early 70s. “Their only priority was education,” says Ball. In rural India, Ball’s father “walked two miles through tiger-filled forest to get to a school. If you didn’t go to school you would be stuck in poverty for ever. Everything they worked hard for, their country has worked hard for, is to get children to school.” ![\\"Rita](\\" image in fullscreen Rita Ball (centre) has been teaching her children Ilora (far left) and Elam (in stripy shirt) at home for five years. Photograph: Lydia Goldblatt/The Guardian Ball and Nandi had a place for Ilora at a good local primary. “I thought, ‘Job done’,” says Nandi. What’s more, they say Ilora would have thrived there. “She really enjoyed nursery. She loved interacting with other kids. She was very popular with the teachers. She was diligent,” says Nandi. When Ilora was four, however, Ball sat down with her laptop to download the school application form. “I was like, ‘What? Kids go from nine until 3.30 every day? Four-year-olds spending all that time in a classroom? Not outdoors, but indoors?’ And there were all these rules. ‘If you don’t send your child to school you’ll be done for truancy.’ I was just, ‘Whoa, this doesn’t sit right with me.’ And then slowly, slowly, other alternatives opened up.” First they tried “flexi-schooling”, with Ilora attending school four days a week and learning at home on Fridays (now only allowed in “very exceptional circumstances,” according to the Department for Education). The following year, Ilora went full-time, but left at half-term. “I knew I would miss the lunch – I used to have chicken and chips and beans, with apple crumble, or peaches and syrup – playtime and friends, but I liked staying at home a lot.” She has been home-schooled ever since. Elam has never been to school. Ball was set on an academic career before an accident in her early 20s “shook things up” and made her question the value of finishing her PhD in water pollution in Bengal. She went on to manage a bookshop that specialised in mind, body and soul for 15 years and now runs Roots2Grow, an initiative to make mathematics more accessible. She places high value on “freedom”. “For me, home-education is every sort of freedom,” she says. “Freedom for the children – to be bored, stimulated, to self-motivate; freedom as a family. When Ilora was at school she would come home and it would be bathtime, dinner time, no relaxed time. It just seemed like you wake up and it’s basically a race to put them back to bed again. And freedom of thought.” She believes league tables and budget cuts have stifled creativity and critical thinking in schools. “Everyone’s just going through the motions.” Nandi admits he was worried about the children drifting in academic backwaters. “But actually, if you do the maths, an adult/child ratio of one to one, or one to two or five, compared with one to 30, well, it’s going to be better, isn’t it?” Isolation was a concern, but he says the home-education community has grown so much this isn’t a problem. Their local South London Home Education group has 3,000 members. ![\\"Anirban](\\" image in fullscreen ‘Before, I thought home-schooling was for weird fundamentalists’: Ilora and Elam with their father, Anirban Nandi. Photograph: Lydia Goldblatt/The Guardian “I got more and more confident that home-education was not only not the wrong thing to do, but a positively good thing to do,” says Nandi. He’s aware, however, that he honed key survival skills in the playground. “It’s lack of bullying I’m worrying about.” Nandi and Ball operate a shift system. When Ball is at work, Nandi, who is self-employed, is in charge, and vice versa. They combine structured classes with free time for the children to read, draw, play card and board games, watch films and amuse themselves. On Monday mornings, for example, Nandi takes the children to Sutton Home Education Forum, where they do football, gymnastics and multi-sports. On Tuesday mornings they go to the Forest School in Streatham and learn to do such things as build fires, whittle wood or just “appreciate nature”. Elam does classes in capoeira, a Brazilian martial art; Ilora does kung fu, performing arts and Scouts. They both go swimming, and to a maths group (run by their mother and her business partner) and learn about science with an informal group of two families. llora has an English tutor for an hour twice a week – partly to placate her grandparents. “It keeps them calmer,” says Nandi. It is expensive, they agree: £100 a week on the tutor; clubs at around £100 a term. “Day trips can cost a lot, even if you’re subsidised as an educational workshop,” says Ball. “A state school offers a wide social mix, whereas home education is limited to those who can afford it, whether they are doing it cheaply or not. On the other hand, I do feel they’re exposed a lot more to children with special educational needs, children with disabilities, than they would be at school, and in a very relaxed way.” The plan is for the children to sit GCSEs and A-levels, then ideally do a degree. But aren’t you only showing the children what interests you, I ask. Nandi disagrees. “I spent my life avoiding Bengali dancing and singing performances but Ilora loves it so I’m taking her to those.” “They are spending a lot of time in our company,” Ball admits. “Yes, they have friends, meet other adults, all of that, but there is this massive influence of us in their life. And that is positive and potentially negative. The parent/child dynamic is not broken up enough. It’s a relationship that needs a lot of space. But I don’t see the space that school gives children as the healthier option.” Comments on this piece are premoderated to ensure the discussion remains on the topics raised by the article. If you would like a comment on this piece to be considered for inclusion on Weekend magazine’s letters page in print, please email [email protected], including your name and address (not for publication). 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This book is a mathematics question of class 3 of West Bengal where children are being taught fundamentalist and violent thinking
..What is actually taught in Madrasas? All related (43) Sort Recommended ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-68847622-50-oxkctwscobnjugvbpbkzcrilbjgkyple.jpeg\\") Imran Khan Senior Marketing Executive at (2017–present) · Author has 155 answers and 346.8K answer views · 9y I grew up in Wasseypur Dhanbad, a place you probably know if you watched the movie \"Gangs of wasseypur\". In 2004 while studying in forth grade i used to go Madarsa in afternoon after school hours. it was a two hour session from 2-4 pm.Being a muslim majority area, there were no short of pupil here, some were elder than me some were younger and some of my age. We were taught by moazzin sab(person who call azan ) , and the elders by Kaari Sab(who know whole quran by heart.) Students can be categories as follows: 1\. those of age group 4-6, they get to learn about urdu alphabets, vowels etc. Continue Reading I grew up in Wasseypur Dhanbad, a place you probably know if you watched the movie \"Gangs of wasseypur\". In 2004 while studying in forth grade i used to go Madarsa in afternoon after school hours. it was a two hour session from 2-4 pm.Being a muslim majority area, there were no short of pupil here, some were elder than me some were younger and some of my age. We were taught by moazzin sab(person who call azan ) , and the elders by Kaari Sab(who know whole quran by heart.) Students can be categories as follows: 1\. those of age group 4-6, they get to learn about urdu alphabets, vowels etc. 2\. 6-9, they already know alphabets and now learn to read a mix of letters, and words arabic, write words like mango, home etc in arabic letters. age agroup- 9-12, we guys already know letters, can read words in urdu and also write simple words, hence we Learn to read quran chapter wise. we start with Chapter one called \"Alif-lam-mim\" and read the lines given to us in homework again & again before we recite it infront of moazzin Sab. every student would go to recite his/her homework turn by turn. He would correct our mistake and sometimes used to beat with stick too for reading wrong many times- but not to girls.After this session he would give everyone homework for next day that included \" lines to read from quran, sentences to write in urdu and basic math questions including addition,substraction, multiplacation and division. Elder students were generally boys who wanted to be an Imam that is learning the whole quran, or people who wanted to specialise in Hadis or some arabic subject, therefore they used to live whole day in madarsa even after we go back our homes. Upvote · 9934 9921 Sponsored by Amazon Web Services (AWS) Store and protect your data. Get started for free. Reliable & secure cloud storage: scale on demand so you have the storage you need, when you need it. Sign Up 9969 ![\\"Profile](\\" Anonymous Updated 8y Originally Answered: What exactly is taught in Madrassahs? · These are the subjects they teach in Madrassahs (that are based on traditional teachings of Islam): 1\. Nahw \- understanding of Arabic grammar and sentence structure (especially in the context of the Quran). Teaches one how to break down any Arabic sentence down to its atomic elements i.e. nouns, pronouns, verbs etc. and how to compile them back together to derive the ultimate meaning. 2\. Sarf \- Arabic morphology. This teaches you how to understand the variations of the verbs used in Arabic. For example, just like how we use different words in English to depict present, past and future tenses and Continue Reading These are the subjects they teach in Madrassahs (that are based on traditional teachings of Islam): 1\. Nahw \- understanding of Arabic grammar and sentence structure (especially in the context of the Quran). Teaches one how to break down any Arabic sentence down to its atomic elements i.e. nouns, pronouns, verbs etc. and how to compile them back together to derive the ultimate meaning. 2\. Sarf \- Arabic morphology. This teaches you how to understand the variations of the verbs used in Arabic. For example, just like how we use different words in English to depict present, past and future tenses and its respective variations (simple, progressive, perfect etc.), the Arabic language has it\'s own set of rules and nuances to achieve that. This subject, in conjunction with Nahw, helps you \'read\' Arabic. 3\. Quran \- translation, transliteration, exegesis of the Quran, including backdrop of various Surahs/Ayahs, lexical/grammatical analysis etc. 4\. Hadith \- understanding of the sayings/traditions of the Prophet (PBUH), the narrations, textual translation, backdrop the Hadith, the key takeaways/rulings from each saying 5\. Fiqh \- Islamic jurisprudence - the various laws and rules that Muslims need to abide by, including acts of worship, trade, marriage, inheritance etc. - it also looks into the differences in opinions/schools of thoughts, the evidences brought forth by each school and conclusions 6\. Usool-e-Fiqh (rules of Fiqh) - the science behind deriving Fiqh, the framework using which all the commandments and laws are derived. It deals with internalizing techniques to analyze the Quran, sayings of the Prophet (PBUH) and general reasoning to arrive at conclusive rulings for various situations, including present, novel ones. 7\. Mantaq \- logic and philoshophy - aims at explaining formal logic/reasoning used in verbal and written discourse; it shows how to construct sound and consistent arguments and identify/de-construct statements with inherent contradictions/flaws. This is the study that is used as guiding principles for debates with scholars within and outside of Islam. 8\. Arabic Adab \- Language Arts for Arabic. It teaches how one can use express him/herself in Arabic with eloquence. It looks at classical texts, poems and literature to help the student appreciate the profound, succinct and insightful usage of the language (metaphors, figurative language, poetic prose etc.) and develop a strong vocabulary. 9\. Aqeedah \- faith-based matters of Islam (based on the Quran and Hadith) that every Muslim must truly believe in. It sort of draws the boundary of faith, demarcating the bare minimum principles that every Muslim needs to \'believe\' in e.g. belief in the Divine Books, life in the Hereafter, concept of Paradise/Hell etc. 10\. Hifz (memorization of the Quran) - although this is an optional endeavor, most students still opt for it as it makes learning the Arabic language much easier and of course, develops them both spiritually and linguistically. There is no inclusion of current affairs, aggressive ideologies or political sciences in the syllabus. Addendum: A few notes: 1\. In countries like Pakistan and India, the Madrassah is an 8-year program. Not all the subjects mentioned above are taught in every class - it\'s a gradual progression from basics (like Nahw/Sarf) in early years towards more complex, sophisticated courses (like Fiqh) in latter ones. 2\. The scope of Madrassah can vary from country to country. There may be locations where Madrassah includes subjects like sciences and mathematics as well (perhaps in South East Asia or the Middle East). In other locales (like in the sub-continent), they focus entirely on their core specialty i.e. religion of Islam. In these cases, however, Madrassah isn\'t enforced or positioned as a complete replacement for conventional school teaching sciences/maths, rather it\'s meant to \"complement\" that knowledge with essentials that every Muslim should know. The evidence of this is in the fact that Madrassah is often taught in a non- Arab medium of language e.g. Hindi, Bengali, Urdu, Malay etc. but that language itself is not part of the curriculum - it is assumed that the student is already learned in reading/writing in that language. Furthermore, subjects like Fiqh and Mantaq assume pre-requisite knowledge like basic mathematics, classification of animal/plant kingdom, ability to comprehend conversion of units/weights etc. Also, Madrassahs that solely dedicate themselves to imparting teachings of Islam are just like universities specializing in certain domains. For example, just like a school of architecture doesn\'t feel a need to have courses on Biology or a university for Computer Sciences doesn\'t include courses on English Literature, one should find it acceptable for Madrassahs to stick to one area of expertise as well. 3\. The 8-year program of Madrassahs in some parts of the world is officially recognized by the government. For example, the Higher Education Commission (HEC) in Pakistan equates a Madrassah degree to a Master\'s in Islamic Studies. (one can actually issue an equivalence certificate). So, by no means, is it an \"independently run-and-enforced rogue institution\" that some make it out to be. 4\. Apart from full-time students aiming to become Islamic scholars, there is a growing number of the working professionals who are now attending these schools on a part-time basis to learn about the religion. This includes people from all walks of life including medical doctors, engineers, lawyers, computer scientists, marketing specialists, product managers etc. And it can be safely said that most of these individuals find the teachings highly intellectually stimulating and fascinating. Similarly, a growing number of the part-time teachers at these Madrassahs work at reputed companies/institutions or have a business of their own. Upvote · 9911 94 ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-127844855-50-bebqlwhghteestoarszzwosugzwefnzz.jpeg\\") Sourav Mukherjee B.E in Mechanical Engineering, Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, Hosur (Graduated 2005) · Author has 218 answers and 467.9K answer views · 6y Madrasas teach kids to become radical Islamist , madrasa teachings have no real life value in modern times. That’s the same reason why the Father of nation of Turkey , “ Kemal Aturk” banned Madrasa education from Turkey to make it a modern country. Hence, Turkish culture is the most forward and modern culture in the Islamic world. And on the other hand we have countries like Afghanistan , Pakistan etc where Madrasa culture has deteriorated the social fabric of those countries and have made them epicenter of radical Islam. Hence, you decide “ What is actually taught in Madrasa” Upvote · 999166 93 Related questions More answers below What is the course curriculum that is taught in Madrasas in India? What\'s it like to learn in a madrasa? Is Madrasa education compulsory for all Muslims? Why do many Muslims in India go to Madrasa instead of other schools? What lies in madrasa? What they teach to children? ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-7192419-50-estphgwqjtpyyybkcwqllrjjhikffwvd.jpeg\\") Raziman T.V. Indian Muslim · Author has 2.6K answers and 27.4M answer views · 7y Related What is the course curriculum that is taught in Madrasas in India? Not all Madrassas in India are substitutes for regular secular education. Many Muslims go to Madrassas for religious knowledge in addition to daily school. I went to such a Madrassa for five years (third standard to seventh standard) in Kozhikode, which was run by Kerala Nadvathul Mujahideen. These were the subjects I had to study: * Arabic: Arabic language - vocabulary, grammar and all that. * Belief (Aqaid): The study of Islamic beliefs. * Character (Akhlaq): How Muslims are supposed to behave. Essentially some kind of moral science. Aqaid and Akhlaq were a single exam paper. * History (Tariq): Should ha Continue Reading Not all Madrassas in India are substitutes for regular secular education. Many Muslims go to Madrassas for religious knowledge in addition to daily school. I went to such a Madrassa for five years (third standard to seventh standard) in Kozhikode, which was run by Kerala Nadvathul Mujahideen. These were the subjects I had to study: * Arabic: Arabic language - vocabulary, grammar and all that. * Belief (Aqaid): The study of Islamic beliefs. * Character (Akhlaq): How Muslims are supposed to behave. Essentially some kind of moral science. Aqaid and Akhlaq were a single exam paper. * History (Tariq): Should have been called mythology instead. In the lower classes, this dealt with the myths about Islamic prophets and the time of Muhammad and so on. Later, there was stuff about the crusades and later Islamic history. But all in all, it was just a mix of mythology and heavily biased history. * Practice (Fiqh): Islamic rituals and law * Memorisation (Hifdh): Memorise parts of the quran. Fiqh and Hifdh were a single exam paper. * Recitation (Tajweed): Recitation of the Quran in Arabic and learning the rules for the same. * Interpretation (Tafsir): Translation and explanation of the Quran. * Hadith: Statements from and about Muhammad. If I remember correctly, Tafsir and Hadith formed a single exam paper and were present only in the higher classes. Upvote · 9961 9928 Sponsored by Interactive Brokers Rated #1 Broker by Barron\'s. Discover Global Opportunities. Trade around the clock on 10,000+ US stocks, ETFs, & options with IBKR. Learn More 9945 Related questions What is the course curriculum that is taught in Madrasas in India? What\'s it like to learn in a madrasa? Is Madrasa education compulsory for all Muslims? Why do many Muslims in India go to Madrasa instead of other schools? What lies in madrasa? What they teach to children? What does the Madrassa curriculum contain? What is taught in madrasas? Do they teach only Islam? There are madrasas for Muslims, why is there no school for Hindus? What exactly is taught in Madrassahs? Like Christians and Muslims having religious schools, (Madrasa and church) why do Hindus not have a religious school to spread the teaching of Hinduism so that Hindus are not brain washed and converted to any other religion? What is the curriculum followed in a madrasa apart from imparting religious knowledge? How much science is taught in madrasas? What is it like to be educated in an Islamic school or madrasah? What is generally taught at a Madrasa? Why doesn\'t India shut all of the madrasas and ask Muslims to study in normal schools? Related questions What is the course curriculum that is taught in Madrasas in India? What\'s it like to learn in a madrasa? Is Madrasa education compulsory for all Muslims? Why do many Muslims in India go to Madrasa instead of other schools? What lies in madrasa? What they teach to children? What does the Madrassa curriculum contain? Advertisement About · Careers · Privacy · Terms · Contact · Languages · Your Ad Choices · Press · © Quora, Inc. 2024 ![](\\"\\")![](\\"\\")![](\\"\\")![](\\"\\")
Foot Locker donated 200 million to BLM after their stores in Minneapolis got looted by BLM
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Foot Locker donated 200 million to BLM after their stores in Minneapolis got looted by BLM
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Arson damage during the 2020 Minneapolis riots --- Part of the George Floyd protests in Minneapolis–Saint Paul ![](\\"// Minneapolis_Police_Department%E2%80%99s_3rd_Precinct_2020-05-28.jpg\\")The Minneapolis Police Department\'s third precinct station on fire the night of May 28, 2020. Date| May 27–30, 2020[1](4 days) Location| Minneapolis–Saint Paul metropolitan area in the U.S. state of Minnesota Caused by| Murder of George FloydGeorge Floyd protests Methods| Arson, rioting Result Death(s)| Oscar Lee Stewart Jr. Damage| * Authorities tracked 164 separate structure fires during the riots. * At least 200 property locations were affected by arson. Charged| 17 for arson-related crimes The FBI and ATF tracked 164 structure fires from arson that occurred May 27–30, 2020, during the George Floyd protests in Minneapolis–Saint Paul.[2][1] Rioters started fires by igniting flammable materials within or next to buildings and in some cases by deploying Molotov cocktails.[3][4] Property locations were damaged by spreading flames, heat, and smoke, and by suppressant waters from fire hoses and fire sprinkler systems. Many of the impacted structures suffered heavy damage or were destroyed, with some being reduced to piles of rubble after collapsing.[5][6] The widespread acts of arson occurred in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, and affected properties in the cities of Minneapolis, Saint Paul, and Apple Valley in the U.S. state of Minnesota. Most acts of arson targeted commercial businesses, but schools, non-profit organizations, government offices, and private residences were also targeted by arsonists or indirectly affected by fire.[7] The most notable arson damage was to the Minneapolis Police Department\'s third precinct police station that was overrun by demonstrators and set on fire the night of May 28.[1] A few blocks away from the police station the same night, Oscar Lee Stewart Jr. died from inhalation and burn injuries after being trapped inside a pawn shop that had been set on fire.[8][9][10] During several nights of chaos, fires displaced several dozen residents who evacuated affected houses and apartment buildings.[11][12][13][14][15] After the rioting subsided, state and federal authorities had difficulty identifying those responsible for causing destruction.[16] By May 2021, a year after the civil unrest over Floyd\'s murder, federal investigators had only filed arson charges against 17 people for damages at 11 properties in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul metropolitan region, despite arson affecting nearly 200 properties.[17] In many instances, business owners were left paying for damages out of pocket as more than half of all riot-related losses were not covered by insurance.[6] Some business owners raised money via GoFundMe campaigns or applied for recovery grants to reestablish operations, while many others opted not to rebuild their damaged properties, citing insufficient money or unacceptable financial risks.[18][19][20][21] ## Background [edit] Main articles: Murder of George Floyd and George Floyd protests in Minneapolis–Saint Paul Video of arson damage in Minneapolis, May 29, 2020 Acts of arson in Minneapolis-Saint Paul occurred during a period of widespread civil disorder following the May 25, 2020, murder of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, by Derek Chauvin, a White officer with the Minneapolis Police Department. Floyd\'s murder was captured by a bystander video that quickly circulated widely in the media. Widespread outrage over the video\'s content led to the George Floyd protests, a global Black Lives Matter movement against structural racism and police brutality. While most people protesting Floyd\'s murder did so peacefully, mass demonstrations gave way to widespread rioting in Minneapolis, Saint Paul, and Twin Cities\' suburbs in the five days after Floyd\'s murder.[22] Nearly 1,500 property locations in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul metropolitan area suffered some type of property damage during the riots, such as by fire, looting, smashed windows or doors, graffiti, ransacking, or other forms of vandalism.[1] At a cost of approximately $500 million, local unrest after the murder of George Floyd was the second most destructive in United States history, after the 1992 Los Angeles riots.[5] About 60% of the financial losses from rioting in Minneapolis–Saint Paul were uninsured.[6] ## Property locations [edit] Arson damage occurred in Minneapolis, Saint Paul, and the Twin Cities suburb of Apple Valley between May 27 and 30, 2020. Reports by government officials and the news media varied as to the number of property locations in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul metropolitan area that were damaged by fire, as some structure fires affected multiple businesses or adjacent structures. The FBI and ATF tracked 164 structure fires due to arson during the unrest. The federal government\'s number reflected buildings affected by arson and not individual acts of arson.[2] Reporters for Bring Me The News,[23] The Pioneer Press,[24] and Star Tribune[1] separately compiled lists of property damage with the help of reader submissions. Other news media reported on arson damage to specific property locations and businesses. In Minneapolis, the city\'s assessor published a database of damage to parcels, but it did not account for affected parcels with multiple buildings or for multi-use buildings.[25] In Saint Paul, the city\'s fire department responded to 55 fires, but not all fires were to buildings.[26] Most properties affected by arson were commercial in nature, but the impact was felt beyond businesses. Arson fires damaged buildings containing schools, non-profit organizations, government services, and private residences.[7] Many property locations owned and operated by ethnic minorities and immigrants were among those damaged by fire,[27] as were several locations of national chain stores. In Minneapolis, 35 families were displaced by structure fires.[14][15] During the riots, some business owners posted signs that the establishment was Black, minority, or independently owned, but the signs had varying success at dissuading damage. Some residents that lived in multi-buildings or above store fronts resorted to posting signs that people lived above or inside to persuade against arson.[28][29][30][31] In the immediate aftermath of the riots, local officials estimated that rebuilding damaged commercial corridors in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul metropolitan area could take 10 years.[15] This list is of property locations that were damaged by arson fires during George Floyd protests in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul metropolitan region of the U.S. state of Minnesota. To be included on the list, the fire damage must be reported in a reliable source as occurring during the period of civil disorder in the five days after Floyd\'s murder on May 25, 2020. This list excludes freestanding objects that were set on fire during the riots, such as vehicles, bus shelters, trees, or piles of objects in the street. It also excludes intentional building fires that occurred during subsequent events of the 2020-2023 Minneapolis–Saint Paul racial unrest after May 2020. Image | Name | Street address | City | Description | Ref. ---|---|---|---|---|--- 27th Ave Café | 3015 27th Avenue S | Minneapolis | The restaurant was located between Gandhi Mahal and Migizi. The entire 3000 block of 27th Avenue South was destroyed by fire during the riots and all structures were demolished. | [1][23][19] 7 Mile Fashion | 2116 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | Located in the Hi-Lake shopping center, the minority-owned clothing and beauty supply store was looted on May 27, 2020, and destroyed by arson on May 28, 2020. The owners tallied losses of $2.5 million at the location and for two others in Minneapolis that were looted. Insurance only covered $600,000 of the total losses and the owners sought out other forms of financial aid for recovery. | [23][1][25][32][33] 7-Mile Sportswear | 590 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | The clothing and wig store was damaged by a fire set inside the storage room on May 28, 2020. Jose A. Felan Jr. of Rochester, Minnesota, pleaded guilty to a federal arson charge in connection to the fire at the store and several others along University Avenue. Owner Jin Lim estimated that $1 million in inventory was lost to looting. | [1][24][34][26] 7-Sigma, Inc. | 2843 26th Avenue S | Minneapolis | The manufacturing company\'s building suffered extensive fire damage on May 28, 2020, when firefighting crews were unable to respond due to prevailing unrest. Part of the factory was destroyed. Located at the property since 1987, the company said in the aftermath of the riots it would leave Minneapolis after losing trust in public officials. The property location, along with several other parcels on 26th Avenue, sold for $2.25 million in April 2022 with redevelopments plans for a brewery and commercial market. | [1][23][25][35][36] ABC Supply Co. | 2727 26th Avenue S | Minneapolis | The construction company\'s property location was damaged by fire on May 29, 2020. | [1] ACE Cash Express | 2701 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The financial business was in the former Odd Fellows buildings, a multi-use historic structure near the intersection of 27th Avenue and East Lake Street that was destroyed by fire during the overnight hours of May 28, 2020. | [1][23] Addis Ababa | 2713 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The Ethiopian restaurant was in the multi-use commercial building at 27th Avenue and East Lake Street and was destroyed by fire the night of May 28, 2020. | [1][23] Admas Travel | 2941 Chicago Avenue | Minneapolis | Owned by an African immigrant and located within the Chicago Furniture Warehouse building, the travel agency\'s office was looted on May 29, 2020, and destroyed by fire during the overnight hours into May 30. The owner received a grant from the Lake Street Council and raised money via GoFundMe to reestablish the business. | [23][37][18] Agencia Elektra | 715 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The money transfer business was in the commercial building on the 700 block of East Lake Street that was destroyed by fire. Owned by an Ecuadorian immigrant family, the business sustained $175,000 in inventory and equipment losses. In the months after the fire, insurance claims did not cover the losses. | [1][33] Aldi | 2929 27th Avenue S | Minneapolis | The grocery store suffered minor fire damage and closed on May 28, 2020. It reopened four months later in September 2020. | [1][25][38] Anytime Fitness | 2104 West Broadway | Minneapolis | Molotov cocktails thrown onto the roof caused $100,000 in damages to the multi-use building. Insurance payments did not cover riot damages. The property owner received grants from West Broadway Business and Area Coalition to pay for repairs. | [39] Apartment building | 2815 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The multi-use building at 2815/2817 East Lake Street was entirely destroyed by fire. The main level had a Metro by T-Mobile cellphone store. The structure also had eight apartment units. A re-building plan was announced in February 2021. | [13][40] Arby\'s | 3000 Snelling Avenue | Minneapolis | The restaurant was destroyed by fire. Inspire Brands, the property owner, did not initially rebuild, citing potential for unrest over the looming trials for the four police officers responsible for Floyd\'s murder. The property was one of a few with a drive thru in Minneapolis, which the city had banned new development of. The restaurant property was eventually rebuilt with a drive thru, and a Raising Cane\'s Chicken Fingers opened in the space in May 2021. | [1][23][41][42] Atlas Staffing | 102 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The temporary staffing business was destroyed by fire the night of May 29, 2020. The ruined property was demolished in January 2021. | [1][23][25][21] AutoZone | 2610 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | Located near the Minneapolis third police precinct station, the auto parts was the first structure to be set on fire during the riots. The structure was destroyed by fire on May 27, 2020, and it was later demolished in the aftermath of the riots. The auto parts store reopened in mid 2021 in a newly constructed building at the property location. | [1][23][43] AutoZone | 1075 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | Fires rendered the auto parts store\'s structure unsafe and it was bulldozed. The auto parts store reopened in 2021 after a $1 million rebuild. | [1][24][44] Basilica of Saint Mary | 88 N 17th St | Minneapolis | On May 29, 2020, the basilica church had minor fire damage, with two pews being splashed with flammable liquid and burned. | [1][45][46][47][48] Big Top Wines & Spirits | 1544 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | The liquor store suffered heavy fire damage. After remaining shuttered and fenced off, the burnt out building was demolished 15 months later. Along with the broader area, the property is slated for a $200 million multi-use redevelopment project around the Allianz Field soccer stadium. | [1][24][44][49] Bismillah Grocery & Coffee | 2926 Chicago Avenue | Minneapolis | The grocery store was destroyed by fire. The building it was located in was built in 1962. The market value of the destroyed building was $200,000, but the cost to replace it was $400,000. | [1][23][43] Bling-Bling Beauty Supply | 2932 Chicago Avenue | Minneapolis | The beauty supply store was looted and destroyed by fire. Insurance only covered 40 percent of the damages, which left the owner with $132,000 in uninsured losses. | [1][25][33] Bolé Ethiopian Cuisine | 490 Syndicate Street N | Saint Paul | Located in a commercial building on the 1200 block of University Avenue, the immigrant-owned Ethiopian restaurant was destroyed by fire. It relocated to another location in Saint Paul with the help of a grant from the Midway Chamber of Commerce. | [1][23][24][50][44] Bolé Express | 490 Syndicate Street N | Saint Paul | Located in a commercial building on the 1200 block of University Avenue in the former space of a Subway restaurant, the Ethiopian fast-casual restaurant that was slated to open was destroyed by fire. | [1][23][24][50] Boost Mobile | 711 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The commercial building was destroyed by fire. | [1] Boost Mobile | 2144 N 44th Avenue | Minneapolis | The cellphone store, also reported as at 44th and Penn Avenue N, was destroyed by fire. | [1][23][25] Boost Mobile | 1499 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | The cellphone store was destroyed by fire. | [1][24] Boost Mobile | 317 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The cellphone store was a store front in the building on the 300 block of East Lake Street that was destroyed by fire. | [1][23] CFSC New Money Express | 108 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The money transfer business was destroyed by fire. | [1] Chicago & Lake Liquor | 825 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | Built in 1959, the liquore store was damaged by six fires over several nights and destroyed. The city assessor reported the damage as for 823 and 825 East Lake Street. The store re-opened in late 2020 after a $3 million rebuild. | [1][23][25][51] Chicago Furniture Warehouse | 2941 Chicago Avenue | Minneapolis | The furniture business, owned by an Ethiopian immigrant, was destroyed by fire during the early morning hours of May 30. The store had been vandalized and looted two days prior. Insurance payments and online fundraising efforts were initially inadequate to cover the estimated $4 million costs to rebuild. | [1][52] Chicago Lake Family Dental | 2900 Chicago Avenue | Minneapolis | Owned by a Palestinian-American family, the dental office was destroyed. Security camera footage captured looters breaking into the building at midnight on May 29, 2020. After they removed equipment and furniture, the looters set the building on fire, resulting in $1 million in damages. Insurance only covered half of the loses and the owners had to raise $100,000 via GoFundMe to aid rebuilding efforts. The clinic re-opened in April 2021. | [1][23][25][53][54] Citi Trends | 2106 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The clothing store was destroyed by fires set overnight from May 28 to 29, 2020. | [1][55] Coliseum Building and Hall | 2700 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | Over several days between May 27 to 29, 2020, the historic building was vandalized and severely damaged by fire, but the scorched brick façade remained standing. All of the building tenants vacated the building in the aftermath of the riots. A $26 million redevelopment project was announced in late 2021 for the property, which was purchased by Seward Redesign, a non-profit development firm. The firm received a $750,000 recovery grant to aid redevelopment of the 85,000 square-foot property. | [1][56][57][6][58][59] Community Action Partnership of Ramsey & Washington Counties | 450 Syndicate Street N | Saint Paul | The social services organization suffered fire damage. | [1][24] Cricket Wireless | 2934 Chicago Avenue | Minneapolis | The cellphone store was destroyed by fire. | [1][23] Cub Foods | 2850 26th Avenue S | Minneapolis | Fire alarms went off at grocery store near East Lake Street and it suffered fire and other damage. After a renovation, the store reopened in February 2021. | [23][43][60] Dakota County Western Service Center | 14955 Galaxie Avenue | Apple Valley | The government service center was damaged by fire bombing during the early morning hours of May 29, 2020. Minnesota residents of Fornandous Cortez Henderson and Garret Patrick Ziegler broke windows and threw Molotov cocktails inside the building that caused fire and smoke damage. They also poured liquid accelerate around the building and attempted to set it on fire. The two men pleaded guilty to federal arson charges in late 2020. | [1][23][61][62][63] Denny\'s | 2700 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | Located in the Coliseum building, the vacated former location of the restaurant was destroyed by fire. | [1][25] Discount Tire | 1350 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | Mohamed Hussein Abdi of Maplewood, Minnesota, attempted to set fires inside the automotive tire business. The sprinkling system activated and suppressed fires, which spared the building and its inventory. Total damages were about as much as $40,000. Abdi pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit arson and was sentenced to five years of probation in early 2022. | [1][64][65] Dollar General | 2136 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | Part of the Hi-Like shopping center, the store was destroyed by fire. | [1][23][25] Dollar General | 1990 Suburban Avenue | Saint Paul | Located in the Scenic Hills shopping center, the exterior of the store had fire damage. | [1][24] Dollar Tree | 2858 26th Avenue S | Minneapolis | Part of Minnehaha Mall shopping center, the store suffered major fire damage. | [1][25] Domino\'s Pizza | 2801 26th Avenue S | Minneapolis | The restaurant was destroyed by fire. | [1][23][25] DTLR | 1515 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | The clothing store had smoke damage. | [1] Du Nord Craft Spirits | 2610 E 32nd Street | Minneapolis | The Black-owned microdistillery had fire and water damage. Around 2:00 a.m. on May 29, 2020, rioters started a fire in the distillery\'s warehouse, which activated the building\'s fire suppression sprinkling system. Employees had posted \"Black Owned\" signs at the distillery\'s cocktail room, located in a separate structure, which was spared from riot damage. | [1][66] East Lake Library | 2727 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | On May 28, 2020, the public library building was vandalized and heavily damaged by smoke and water. It reopened a year later after a $1.1 million renovation project. | [1][23][67][68][69] El Nuevo Rodeo | 2709 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The Latin restaurant was in the former Odd Fellows buildings, a multi-use historic structure near the intersection of 27th Avenue and East Lake Street that was destroyed by fire during the overnight hours of May 28, 2020. | [1][23] El Sabor Chuchi | 717 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The business was located in a commercial building that was destroyed by fire. | [1] Elite Cleaners | 3101 Minnehaha Avenue | Minneapolis | The dry cleaning business, owned by Indian immigrants, was looted and set on fire in the days after Floyd\'s murder. The structure was badly damaged, but it did not collapse. The building\'s owner did not have insurance to rebuild. The property was acquired by Seward Redesign, Inc., and then by the dry cleaning business owners, who later rebuilt and reopened the store at the same location. | [27][70] Enterprise Rent-A-Car | 1161 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | The car rental business was destroyed by fire on May 28, 2020. Matthew Scott White of Saint Paul, Minnesota, pleaded guilty to one act of arson for starting the fire and was sentenced to 72 months in prison in June 2021. After an $800,000 reconstruction of its building, the business reopened in 2021. | [1][23][24][71][72][73][44] Express Payday Loans | 106 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The business, located next to Atlas Staffing, was destroyed by fire. The ruined property was demolished in January 2021 at cost of $75,000 to the owner. | [1][25][21] Fade Factory | 2415 West Broadway Avenue | Minneapolis | The Black-owned barbershop, which had been under the same family\'s ownership for four decades, was destroyed by fire. The owner received $200,000 in insurance payments, which were insufficient to rebuild. The owner borrowed $40,000 and received a $10,000 grant from Beyoncé\'s BeyGood foundation, and the NAACP helped pay for demolition. Citing insufficient funds, the barbershop owner had not rebuilt by mid-2022. | [1][23][25][33][21] Family Dollar | 1010 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The store was destroyed by fire. After the lot was vacant for three years, plans were announced in late 2024 to relocated Southside Community Health Services to a new building on the site. | [1][25][74] Family Dollar | 3536 Nicollet Avenue | Minneapolis | The store, located next to O\'Reilly Auto Parts on the same parcel, was destroyed by fires set in the early morning hours on May 30, 2020, after protests the night before intensified around the Minneapolis police fifth precinct building. The site was redeveloped into an apartment building. | [1][23][25][11][75] Fatima African Hair Braiding | 715 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The beauty parlor was destroyed by fire. | [1] Floras Hair Designs | 921 West Broadway Avenue | Minneapolis | The Black-owned beauty parlor had been a fixture at the location since 1986. In early 2020, the business owner had dropped insurance coverage due to financial difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The beauty parlor was part of several store fronts on the 900 block of West Broadway Avenue that were destroyed by arsonists the evening of May 29, 2020. In the months after the riots, the owner was unable to recover her losses and sought other forms of financial aid. | [1][25][33][76] Friedman\'s Department Store | 400 West Broadway Avenue | Minneapolis | The owners of the family-owned clothing store were robbed at gunpoint by arsonists during the riots. The shoe store was heavily damaged. Insurance did not cover all property and inventory losses. The store reopened in 2023. | [27] Hook & Ladder Theater | 3010 Minnehaha Avenue | Minneapolis | The historic firehouse structure, located next to the Minneapolis third police precinct station, contained a live music venue. It was among the businesses damaged on May 28, 2020, after police evacuated their station and fled the area. Rioters broke into the building, looted it, and attempted to set it on fire. The sprinkling system activated, which prevented the structure from catching on fire, but caused substantial water damage that required repairs and renovation. | [77] Foot Locker | 806 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The shoe store suffered severe fire damage. | [1][25] Foot Locker | 1484 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | The shoe store suffered extensive fire damage. It was bulldozed along with the Midway Shopping Center. | [1][23][24][20] Furniture Barn | 1389 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | The furniture store was damaged by fire. | [1][23][24] GameStop | 1484 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | The game store suffered extensive fire damage. It was bulldozed along with the Midway Shopping Center. | [1][23][24][20] Gandhi Mahal Restaurant | 3009 27th Avenue S | Minneapolis | The Indian-Bangladeshi restaurant was destroyed by fire. The owner famously said, “Let my building burn. Justice needs to be served,” during the initial riots, and became an international symbol of the unrest. In January 2021, the owner paid $80,000 in demolition costs out of pocket after being unable to secure city financing for demolition. By June 2022, the owner decided not to rebuild the restaurant as he considered project costs. | [1][23][78][79][21][19] George Date Co. | 2743 26th Avenue S | Minneapolis | Located next to Schubert & Hoey Outdoor Advertising, the property received minor fire damage. | [23] Glass Endeavors | 2716 31st Street E | Minneapolis | The business had minor property damage from nearby fires. The business owner hosed down the buildings bricks to prevent further damage. | [27][1] GM Tobacco | 2619 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The tobacco shop was destroyed by fire. | [1][23] GM Tobacco | 2740 Minnehaha Avenue, Suite 100 | Minneapolis | The tobacco shop suffered major fire damage. | [1][25] Gopuff | 815 Cedar Avenue | Minneapolis | The building of the food delivery service was destroyed by fire. | [1][25] Goodwill | 1239 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | The second-hand store suffered fire damage. It reopened in August 2020. | [1][24][80][20] Gordon Parks High School | 1212 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | Jose A. Felan Jr. of Rochester, Minnesota, and Mohamed Hussein Abdi of Maplewood, Minnesota, pleaded guilty to federal arson charges for lighting fires inside the school building on May 28, 2020. | [1][81] Grand Ole Creamery | 4737 Cedar Avenue S | Minneapolis | The ice cream shop was damaged by fire. | [1][23] Great Clips | 1474 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | The barbershop suffered extensive fire damage. | [1][24] Great Health Nutrition | 1360 University Avenue W Suite 105 | Saint Paul | Samuel Elliott Frey of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit arson for setting a fire inside the supplements and nutrition store. The fire activated the sprinkling system, which caused extensive water damage. Frey was sentenced to two years in prison in early 2022. McKenzy Ann DeGidio Dunn of Rosemount, Minnesota, also pleaded guilty to a federal arson charged related to the fire and was sentenced to 180 days of home confinement. | [1][82] Guzior Armbrecht Maher | 2700 East Lake Street, Suite 3300 | Minneapolis | Located in the Coliseum building, the law office was destroyed by fire. | [1][25] H&R Block | 2210 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The tax preparation business was destroyed by fire. | [1] HD Laundry | 2112 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | Part of the Hi-Like shopping center, the laundry mat was destroyed by fire. | [1][23] Hennepin Healthcare East Lake Clinic | 2700 East Lake Street, Suite 1100 | Minneapolis | Located in the Coliseum building, the health care clinic was destroyed by fire after a Molotov cocktail was thrown through the window during the early morning hours of May 30, 2020. In 2022, the U.S. Congress appropriated $4.6 million to rebuild the clinic. | [1][25][83][84] Hexagon Bar | 2600 27th Avenue S | Minneapolis | Located in the Seward neighborhood since 1934, the establishment was named after its wooden, hexagon-shaped bar. The building was destroyed by fires set overnight on May 28, 2020. By 2 a.m. on May 29, photos were circulating online of the building engulfed in flames. The bar\'s social media post initially blamed Black Lives Matter for the fire, but the establishment later rescinded the characterization of responsibility. | [1][23][85][12] Hi-Lake Liquors | 2130 East Lake Street Unit E | Minneapolis | The liquor store had fire damage. | [1][55] Hi-Lake Shopping Center | 2130 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The 74,000 square-foot shopping center was deemed a total loss after suffered extensive fire damage. Most of it was demolished and rebuilt in 2021. | [1][25][86][87] Holiday | 2322 N Washington Avenue | Minneapolis | The gas station was destroyed by fire. | [1][25] Holiday | 281 Snelling Avenue N | Saint Paul | A dumpster was lit on fire at the gas station. | [1] Holiday | 4601 Hiawatha Avenue | Minneapolis | The gas station was destroyed by fire. | [1][23][25] Home Choice | 2208 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | Located in the Hi-Lake shopping center, the health care company was destroyed by fire. | [1][23] Hop Wong | 2924 Chicago Avenue | Minneapolis | The Chinese restaurant had heavy fire damage. | [1] Integrated Staffing Solutions | 2703 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The business was in the multi-use commercial building at 27th Avenue and East Lake Street that was destroyed by fire the night of May 28, 2020. | [1][23] International Order of Odd Fellows (\"IOOF\") historic building | 3003 27th Avenue S | Minneapolis | The International Order of Odd Fellows (\"IOOF\") Flour City Lodge #118 building at 27th Avenue and East Lake Street was built in 1909. Throughough the 1900s the building was part of a center of commercial activity for the Longfellow community in Minneapolis. By the 2020s, the historic structure was owned by a Nigerian immigrant and it had several Latino-owned commercial businesses as tenants. At 10 p.m. on May 28, 2020, employees of the \"La Raza\" radio station located inside the building reported hearing an explosion and evacuated. The building burnt down around 2:30 a.m. on May 29. Insurance payments only covered $3 million in losses, of which $500,000 was needed to demolish what remained of the heavily damaged structure. Rebuilding costs were estimated at $9 million. Citing financial risk, the owner decided not to rebuild, and sold the property to a housing developer. | [88][89][90][91][19][59] Iron Door Pub | 3001 Lyndale Avenue S | Minneapolis | A small fire was set inside the bar. The sprinkling system caused substantial damage. | [1][23][92] Ivy Building | 2637 27th Avenue S | Minneapolis | Embers from the fire at the Hexagon Bar ignited the Ivy Building on fire. | [1][93] Jackson Hewitt | 1275 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | Located in a commercial building on the 1200 block of University Avenue, the tax preparation business was destroyed by fire. | [94] La Raza (KMNV-FM) | 3003 27th Avenue S, Suite 400 | Minneapolis | The Spanish language radio station studio was in former Odd Fellows buildings, a multi-use historic structure, near the intersection of 27th Avenue and East Lake Street that was destroyed by fire. Employees inside the building reported hearing an explosion at 10 p.m. on May 28 and evacuated. The building burnt down around 2:30 a.m. on May 29. | [1][88][89] Laddatude Tattoo | 3004 27th Avenue S | Minneapolis | The tattoo parlor suffered fire damage. | [1][23] Lake Street Tobacco | 812 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The tobacco shop was destroyed by fire. | [1] Leeann Chin | 1360 University Avenue W, Suite 101 | Saint Paul | The restaurant suffered severe fire damage. | [1] LEVELS MPLS | 713 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | On May 28, 2020, fires lit on the block spread to the commercial building containing the Black- and woman-owned marketing business, which was destroyed. Losses were not fully covered by insurance and the owners sought out other forms of financial aid for recovery. | [1][25][32] Little Caesars | 2218 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | Located in the Hi-Lake shopping center, the pizzeria suffered fire damage. | [1][23][25] Lloyd\'s Pharmacy | 720 Snelling Avenue N | Saint Paul | The independent pharmacy was destroyed by fire. It has since been rebuilt. | [1][23][24] Longfellow/Seward Healthy Seniors | 2800 E Lake Street | Minneapolis | The health care company suffered severe damage from smoke and water. | [1] Lupita | 1311 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The beauty salon had minor fire damage. | [1][25] LV\'s Barbershop | 3006 27th Avenue S | Minneapolis | During the early morning hours of May 29, 2020, the Latino-owned barbershop suffered fire damage to a backwall that abutted the Minnehaha Lake Liquor and a tobacco shop that both burned down. Owners of the barbershop put up plywood panels with the words \"Minority Owned\" hoping to prevent further damage. The barbershop reopened in the aftermath of the riots, but the barbershop location eventually closed for good in late 2022. | [1][23][6][95][96] Mailbox Solutions Plus | 2148 N 44th Avenue | Minneapolis | The store was destroyed by fire. | [1][23] Mama Safia\'s Kitchen | 2700 East Lake Street, Suite 1300 | Minneapolis | The Somali cuisine restaurant was located in the multi-use Coliseum Building. It was destroyed by fire. At the time of the riots, it was closed due to COVID-19 pandemic mitigation measures and the Somali-immigrant owner was unable to retain insurance. Family of the owner raised money via GoFundMe to rebuild. | [1][23][25][97][98] Master Collision | 224 West Lake Street | Minneapolis | The auto repair shop suffered major fire damage. | [1][25] maX it PAWN | 815 Cedar Avenue S | Minneapolis | The pawn shop was destroyed by fire. | [1][25] maX it PAWN | 2726 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The pawn shop, located near the third police precinct station, was destroyed by fire the night of May 28, 2020. Oscar Lee Stewart Jr. was burned alive in the fire after being trapped inside. Montez Terriel Lee Jr. was convicted of federal arson charges for setting the intentional building fire, but prosecutors in his case believed that Lee did not know Steward was stuck inside the building at the time. | [1][23][25][8][9][10] maX it PAWN | 1519 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | The pawn shop suffered fire damage. | [1][24] Metro by T-Mobile | 2815 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The multi-use building at 2815/2817 East Lake Street was entirely destroyed by fire. The main level had a Metro by T-Mobile cellphone store. The structure also had eight apartment units. A re-building plan was announced in February 2021. | [1][23][13][40] Metro by T-Mobile | 925 West Broadway Avenue | Minneapolis | The Black-owned property that featured a cellphone store was part of several store fronts on the 900 block of West Broadway Avenue that were destroyed by arsonists the evening of May 29, 2020. In early 2020, the business owner had dropped insurance coverage due to financial difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the months after the riots, the owner was unable to recover her losses and sought other forms of financial aid. | [1][23][33][76] Midnight Cycle and Speed | 815 Cedar Avenue | Minneapolis | The motorcycle shop was destroyed by fire. | [1][25] Midori\'s Floating World Cafe | 2629 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | Located near the third police precinct station, the restaurant suffered fire damage. Insurance money was insufficient to fully repair the space. With the help of fundraising and grants, the restaurant reopened at a new location on East Lake Street two years later. | [1][23][33] Midtown Corner apartments (under construction) | 2912 28th Avenue S | Minneapolis | The Midtown Corner apartment complex, an under construction affordable housing project for 200 living units, was destroyed by fire on May 28, 2020. The $37 million financial loss was one of the single biggest during the riots. A rebuilt structure opened in mid 2021 under the name Everlake. | [1][23][25][7][99] Midtown Safety Center | 2949 Chicago Avenue | Minneapolis | The non-profit organization suffered heavy fire damage. | [1][25] Midway Shopping Center | 1360 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | Several stores in the shopping center, including a GameStop and Foot Locker, were damaged by the fire. The entire shopping center for 16 tenants was bulldozed, included store fronts for several minority-owned businesses within the shopping center that did not suffer fire damage. Prior plans were advanced to redevelop the shopping center as a mixed-use residential and commercial district, which is located adjacent to Allianz Field soccer stadium. | [44][100][101][20] Migizi | 3017 27th Avenue S | Minneapolis | The Native American non-profit youth organization\'s building was destroyed by fire on May 29, 2020. Thought it was not specifically targeted by arsonists, its building was affected by fires that spread from adjacent structures. Migizi raised $2 million from 30,000 donations in the fire\'s aftermath and relocated to 1845 East Lake Street in May 2022. The nearby Holy Trinity Lutheran Church purchased the property to prevent it from being acquired by outside investors with plans to transfer ownership to the Pangea World Theater after construction of a new building at the site in the mid-2020s. | [1][23][25][102][103][58][19] Minneapolis Police Department Third Precinct | 3000 Minnehaha Avenue | Minneapolis | The Minneapolis Police Department\'s Third Precinct has had a presence in the area since the 1950s. The station building was originally located near 27th Avenue and East Lake Street. In 1985, the precinct moved to a newly constructed building at East Lake Street and Minnehaha Avenue. It was designed with a public-facing entrance at the corner of two major streets. The station building became a focal point of demonstrations after the murder of George Floyd, with the first protests there occurring the evening of May 26, 2020. The station building was destroyed by fire after being overrun by demonstrators and torched on May 28 after police retreated from the area. After facing opposition to returning to the building, the city council approved a plan in late 2023 to relocated the third precinct forces to a new facility at 2633 Minnehaha Avenue. The city has not made a determination as to the next use of the property; an initial proposal to reuse the building as a \"democracy center\" has been delayed by council pending further community input, including a feedback sessionJ June 10. | [1][23][25][58][104][105][106] Minnehaha Lake Wine & Spirits | 2613 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The liquor store was destroyed by fire on May 28, 2020, in rioting near the Minneapolis police third police precinct station. | [1][23] Minnesota Transitions Charter (MTC) School | 2872 26th Avenue S, Suite B | Minneapolis | Part of Minnehaha Mall shopping center, the school property sustained major damage by looting, fire, and water. A $17.4 million renovation project was completed in 2022. | [1][25][107] Mirasol Express | 719 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The commercial building was destroyed by fire. | [1] MoneyGram | 2701 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The business was in the multi-use commercial building at 27th Avenue and East Lake Street that was destroyed by fire the night of May 28, 2020. | [1][23] NAPA Auto Parts | 1271 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | Located in a commercial building on the 1200 block of University Avenue, the auto parts store was destroyed by fire during the overnight hours on May 28 to 29, 2020. The landlord decided not to rebuild. | [1][23][24][20][26] Neighbors One Stop | 3759 Penn Ave N | Minneapolis | The gas station was destroyed by fire. | [23][27] Nickel Joint Sports Bar | 501 Blair Avenue | Saint Paul | A dumpster was lit on fire at the bar building. | [1][23] Nguyen Architects | 2637 27th Avenue S | Minneapolis | Embers from the fire at the Hexagon Bar ignited the Ivy Building on fire. The architectural firm\'s office was destroyed. | [93] O\'Reilly Auto Parts | 710 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The autoparts store was destroyed by fire. | [1][25] O\'Reilly Auto Parts | 1625 West Broadway Avenue | Minneapolis | The autoparts store was destroyed by fire. | [1][87] O\'Reilly Auto Parts | 2204 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | Located in the Hi-Lake shopping center that was deemed a total loss due to fire, the auto parts store was among the stores demolished. | [1][23][25] O\'Reilly Auto Parts | 448 Lexington Parkway N | Saint Paul | The auto parts store was torched twice and suffered fire damage. | [1][23][24][44] O\'Reilly Auto Parts | 3536 Nicollet Avenue | Minneapolis | The auto parts store, located next to Family Dollar on the same parcel, was destroyed by fires set in the early morning hours on May 30, 2020, after protests the night before intensified around the Minneapolis police fifth precinct building. The site was redeveloped into an apartment building. | [1][25][11][75] Office Depot | 3001 Nicollet Avenue S | Minneapolis | The office supply store suffered fire and water damage. | [108][1][23] Olympic Café | 2117 West Broadway Avenue | Minneapolis | The Mediterranean restaurant was destroyed by fire. | [1][23] Olympic Café | 923 West Broadway Avenue | Minneapolis | The Black-owned Mediterranean restaurant was part of several store fronts on the 900 block of West Broadway Avenue that were destroyed by arsonists. In early 2020, the business owner had dropped insurance coverage due to financial difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the months after the riots, the owner was unable to recover her losses and sought other forms of financial aid. | [1][23][76][33] Paraiso Lounge | 2709 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The Latin dance club was in the former Odd Fellows buildings, a multi-use historic structure near the intersection of 27th Avenue and East Lake Street that was destroyed by fire during the overnight hours of May 28, 2020. | [1][23] Peking Garden | 1488 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | The Chinese restaurant had smoke and water damage. With the assistance of grant money, the owners relocated to another property location in Saint Paul. | [1][44] Photo Letter Project | 2637 27th Avenue S, Suite 106 | Minneapolis | Located in the Ivy Building for Arts, the business suffered heavy water and fire damage. | [1] Physician\'s Group | 2210 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | Located in the Hi-Lake shopping center, the health care company was destroyed by fire. | [1] Pineda Tacos | 2130 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | Rioters attempted to set fires inside the restaurant the night of May 27, 2020, but the fires were suppressed by the building\'s sprinkler system. | [1][109] Popeyes | 2906 Chicago Avenue | Minneapolis | The restaurant was destroyed by fire. The address was also reported as at 2918 Chicago Avenue. | [1][23][25] Quality Tobacco | 112 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The tobacco store suffered extensive fire damage. | [1][23] Quruxley | 2913 27th Avenue S | Minneapolis | The restaurant was among the tenants at Minnehaha Crossing that suffered damages during the riots. | [110] Residence | 2840 27th Avenue S | Minneapolis | The night of May 28, 2020, heat from the fire at Midtown Corner, an under-construction apartment building, melted siding off the house. | [1][25] Residence | 3008 Colfax Avenue S | Minneapolis | The house had fire damage. | [1][25] Rongo\'s Auto Service | 3548 Nicollet Avenue | Minneapolis | The vehicle repair shop was destroyed by fire. The city reported the address as 3648 Nicollet Avenue. | [1][25][111] Santamaria Broadcasting | 3003 27th Avenue S, Suite 400 | Minneapolis | The media company was in the former Odd Fellows buildings, a multi-use historic structure near the intersection of 27th Avenue and East Lake Street that was destroyed by fire during the overnight hours of May 28, 2020. | [1] Schubert & Hoey Outdoor Advertising | 2747 26th Avenue S | Minneapolis | The business was destroyed by fire. | [23][25] Schooner Tavern | 2901 27th Avenue S | Minneapolis | Overnight on May 29 into May 30, the bar was looted and suffered modest damage from fire and water. Residents that lived above the bar had to be evacuated and taken to safety shelters. | [1][23][12] Score Sports Bar | 2713 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The Black-owned establishment that was to replace Addis Ababa restaurant was in the commercial building at 27th Avenue and East Lake Street that was destroyed by fire the night of May 28, 2020. In mid 2021, the owners announced plans to re-locate the business to another location in Minneapolis. | [1][23][112][113] Seafood to Go | 2930 Chicago Avenue | Minneapolis | The seafood restaurant was destroyed by fire. | [1][25] Seward Pharmacy | 2209 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | On May 27, 2020, the independent pharmacy was looted of its cash safe and medications with a fire being set inside, which resulted in about $500,000 of damages. | [1][109] Shell | 640 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The gas station was destroyed by fire. The minority-owned franchise location was looted and burned the night of May 29, 2022. Losses were not fully covered by insurance and the owners sought out other forms of financial aid for recovery. | [1][23][25][32] Shoff Chiropractic | 2621 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The chiropractic office was destroyed by fire. | [1][23] Smart Stop | 3759 N Penn Avenue | Minneapolis | The gas station was destroyed by fire. | [1][25] Snelling Avenue Fine Wines | 500 Snelling Avenue N | Saint Paul | The wine shop had fire damage. | [1][24] Sonoma Enterprises | 3003 27th Avenue S, Suite 400 | Minneapolis | The business was in the multi-use commercial building at 27th Avenue and East Lake Street that was destroyed by fire the night of May 28, 2020. | [1] Speedway | 2501 Hennepin Avenue | Minneapolis | The gas station had fire damage. | [1][23] Speedway | 4740 Cedar Avenue S | Minneapolis | The gas station had major fire damage. | [1][23][25] Speedway | 5101 34th Avenue S | Minneapolis | The gas station had fire damage. | [1][23] Speedway | 2051 Grand Avenue | Saint Paul | The gas station was destroyed by fire. | [1][23][24] Speedway | 399 Lexington Parkway N | Saint Paul | The gas station suffered fire damage. | [1][24] Speedway | 950 Lexington Parkway N | Saint Paul | The gas station suffered fire damage. | [24] Speedway | 717 Snelling Avenue N | Saint Paul | The gas station suffered fire damage. | [1][24] Speedway | 801 West Lake Street | Minneapolis | The LynLake gas station had fire and water damage. | [1][23] Speedway | 970 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | The gas station suffered severe fire damage. | [1][23][24] Sports Dome | 1505 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | The clothing store was set ablaze during the overnight hours from May 28 to 29, 2020. The heavily damaged building was later demolished. | [1][24][44][26] Springboard for the Arts | 262 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | The non-profit organization\'s building had fire damage. | [1][23][24] Sprint | 3009 Nicollet Avenue | Minneapolis | The store suffered property damage. Matthew Lee Rupert of Galesburg, Illinois, pled guilty to a federal arson charge for directing a juvenile companion to light a small fire inside the store. | [1][114] Stop N Shop | 3050 1st Avenue S | Minneapolis | The convenience store and strip mall suffered fire damage on May 29, 2020. | [1] Subway | 3043 Nicollet Avenue | Minneapolis | The restaurant was destroyed by fire the night of May 29, 2020. The city reported the address as 3030 Nicollet Avenue. | [1][25] T-Mobile | 800 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The cellphone store suffered severe fire damage. | [1][25] TJ Maxx | 1410 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | The clothing store suffered damage from a small fire. | [1][23][24] Target | 2500 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The Lake Street Target store had fire damage. The store reopened in November 2020. Target Corporation did not publicly disclose the cost of renovations. | [1][23][25][43] Target | 1300 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | The Midway Target store had minor fire damage. | [1] Teppanyaki Grill and Supreme Buffet | 2216 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The Japanese restaurant had fire damage. | [1][23][25][55] Thien\'s Cajun Boiling Seafood | 1464 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | The seafood restaurant suffered smoke and water damage. It reopened in 2021 as King Cajun at another building on University Avenue. | [20] TJ Nails | 598 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | The beauty salon suffered water damage. | [1][24] Tom\'s Barber and Styling Shop | 2142 N 44th Avenue | Minneapolis | The barbershop had severe fire damage. | [1][23][25] Total Wireless | 2130 East Lake Street, Suite A | Minneapolis | The cellphone store had fire damage. | [1][23] Town Talk Diner & Gastropub | 2707 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The landmark diner was in the multi-use commercial building at 27th Avenue and East Lake Street that was destroyed by fire the night of May 28, 2020, after police vacated the third police precinct building and abandoned the East Lake Street area. The owners filed a lawsuit against the city for $4.5 million in early 2021. | [1][23][115] Turf Club | 1601 University Avenue W | Saint Paul | At 1 a.m. on May 29, the fire alarm system activated and the music club suffered damage from fire suppressant waters. It was unclear if the fire alarms and sprinklers were activated by fires in the area or by a deliberate fire inside the club. | [24][1][44][12] Tweak The Glam Studio | 611 West Lake Street | Minneapolis | The beauty salon suffered fire damage. | [1] TwinCare Dental (also reported as Twin Lake Dental) | 2228 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The dental office had fire damage. | [1][23] U-7 Nails | 2928 Chicago Avenue | Minneapolis | The beauty salon suffered severe fire damage. | [1][23][25] U-Haul | 2148 N 44th Avenue | Minneapolis | The truck rental business was located in the structure with Boost Mobile, Mailbox Solutions Plus, and Tomb\'s Barber that was damaged by fire. | [25] U.S. Bank | 919 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The bank suffered heavy fire damage. A new bank structure at the site re-opened in mid 2022. | [1][116] U.S. Bank | 2800 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The bank building suffered severe property damage from fire. U.S. Bank donated the land to Seward Redesign so it could be rebuilt as an affordable housing and mixed use project. | [1][116] U.S. Post Office | 110 E 31st Street | Minneapolis | The Lyndale Post Office, a USPS branch near Nicollet Avenue, was destroyed by fire during the riots along the Nicollet Avenue corridor the night of May 29, 2020. The post office relocated temporarily to a former Kmart building. After being rebuilt, the post office reopened in its original location on October 11, 2022. | [1][23][117] U.S. Post Office | 3033 27th Avenue S | Minneapolis | The Longfellow Post Office, a USPS branch in a leased building, was destroyed by fire on May 28, 2020, in rioting near the Minneapolis police third police precinct station. The private company that owned the property sold it to the U.S. Postal Service in October 2022. A newly constructed post office reopened at the same location in June 2023. | [1][23][25][118] Uncle Hugo\'s Science Fiction Bookstore and Uncle Edgar\'s Mystery Bookstore | 2864 Chicago Avenue | Minneapolis | The independent bookstores were destroyed by fire on May 30, 2020, after someone gained entry to the building at approximately 3:00 a.m. The building and about $1.3 million in inventory were lost. Instead of rebuilding at its former location, the bookstores relocated to 2716 East 31st Street in Minneapolis in 2022. | [1][23][25][119] Unnamed building | 2935 Chicago Avenue | Minneapolis | The building was destroyed by fire. Plans to build a mixed-use project at the corner of Chicago Avenue and East Lake Street were announced in mid 2021. | [25][7] Unnamed building | 906 Hennepin Avenue | Minneapolis | The building was affected by fire. | [25] Unnamed building | 714 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | An automobile repair building next to O\'Reilly Auto Parts was destroyed by fire. | [1][25] Unnamed businesses | 315 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | Multiple business along the 300 block of East Lake Street had fire damage. | [1][23] Unnamed building | 2716 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The office building adjacent to Coliseum building was severely damaged by fire. | [1][23][25] Unnamed building | 2616 E 29th Street | Minneapolis | The mixed-use warehouse building near 7-Sigma, Inc. was destroyed by fire. | [1][25] Urban 29 | 804 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The Black-owned clothing store was destroyed by fire. The business relocated temporarily to the Mall of America while it prepared for a more permanent space in Saint Paul. | [1][25][120][121] Walgreens | 200 West Lake Street | Minneapolis | The pharmacy suffered major fire damage. | [25] Walgreens | 3121 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The pharmacy was destroyed by fire. | [1] Walgreens | 5428 Lyndale Avenue S | Minneapolis | The pharmacy suffered major fire damage. | [1][25] Walgreens | 1585 Randolph Avenue | Saint Paul | The pharmacy suffered fire and water damage. | [1][24] Walgreens | 627 West Broadway Avenue | Minneapolis | The pharmacy had fire damage. | [1] Watson Chiropractic | 2110 West Broadway | Minneapolis | Molotov cocktails thrown onto the roof caused $100,000 in damages to the multi-use building. Insurance payments did not cover riot damages. The property owner received grants from West Broadway Business and Area Coalition to pay for repairs. | [39] Wells Fargo | 3030 Nicollet Avenue | Minneapolis | The bank was destroyed by fire the night of May 29, 2020. Wells Fargo announced plans to build a 110-unit, affordable housing building on the property at Lake Street and Nicollet Avenue in 2021. Project for Pride in Living began construction in 2022 of a $50 million-plus project. | [1][23][25][7][6][59] Wells Fargo | 2218 East Lake Street | Minneapolis | The bank suffered fire damage. | [1][23][55] Wells Fargo Home Mortgage | 2650 Wells Fargo Way | Minneapolis | The office building suffered major fire damage on May 29, 2020. | [1][25] Wendy\'s | 2931 26th Avenue S | Minneapolis | The fast-food restaurant was destroyed by fire. The restaurant chain returned to the location in 2021 after construction of a new building. | [1][23][25][91] ## Death [edit] This list includes local arson-related deaths in the five days after Floyd\'s murder. Name | Residence | Death Location | Description | Ref. ---|---|---|---|--- Oscar Lee Stewart Jr. | Burnsville, Minnesota | Max It PawnEast Lake StreetMinneapolis | Stewart was trapped inside the pawn shop as it was set ablaze the night of May 28, 2020. Bystanders and Minneapolis firefighters were unable to rescue him due to the deteriorating conditions of the structure. Stewart\'s body was not recovered in the ruins until July 20, 2020. Montez T. Lee Jr. later pleaded guilty to a federal arson charge for the fire at the pawn shop, but authorities believed that he was unaware that Lee was trapped inside. | [8][9][10] ## Criminal charges [edit] In the United States, arson is classified as both a federal and state crime. Federal authorities assisted state and local authorities in tracking and investigating acts of arson that occurred during the George Floyd protests. Authorities, however, had difficulty identifying those responsible for causing arson damage. Investigations were prioritized for damage to structures with the most readily available evidence. Federal authorities brought criminal charges against 19 people, but two later had their charges dropped. Of the number of people with lasting charges, 15 out of the 17 were from Minnesota, but just three were from either the cities of Minneapolis or Saint Paul. Many of the acts of arson that resulted in criminal charges were those that were livestreamed or posted on social media accounts by the arsonists.[17] Assigning who was responsible for the damage became a topic of political debate. Right-wing politicians blamed Antifa and radical leftists. Left-wing politicians blamed white supremacists and drug cartels. An FBI analysis of state and federal criminal charges, however, found that disorganized crowds had no single goal or affiliation, many opportunist crowds amassed spontaneously during periods of lawlessness, and that people causing destruction had contradictory motives for their actions.[16] Of all of those charged for arson-related crimes, only one charging document noted any ties to an extremist organization—the Boogaloo movement.[17] The majority of those charged federally for arson crimes were described by local newspapers as White Americans who had contradictory motives for their actions.[122][16] This list includes federal convictions for arson and arson-related acts in the five days after Floyd\'s murder. Name | Residence | Arson location(s) | Description | Ref. ---|---|---|---|--- Matthew Lee Rupert | Galesburg, Illinois | Sprint | Rupert pleaded guilty to one federal count of arson for the fire at the Sprint store on Nicollet Avenue in Minneapolis the night of May 28, 2020. He was sentenced in August 2021 to 8.5-year prison sentence and three years of supervised release. | [123][114][124][16] Garret Patrick Ziegler | Long Lake, Minnesota | Dakota County Western Service Center | He was one of two people charged with firebombing the Dakota County government service center in Apple Valley on May 29, 2020, during the unrest. Ziegler pleaded guilty to one count of adding and abetting arson. He was sentenced to five years in prison and three years of supervised released and ordered to each pay $206,000 in restitution. | [61][62][63] Fornandous Cortez Henderson | Savage, Minnesota | Dakota County Western Service Center | He was one of two people charged with firebombing the Dakota County government service center in Apple Valley on May 29, 2020, during the unrest. Henderson admitted in court that he chose the facility as he had made court appearances there and because he was because angry over the murder of Floyd. He pleaded guilty to arson and was sentenced to six years in prison in 2021 and ordered to pay $206,000 in restitution. | [61][62][63] Branden Michael Wolfe | Saint Paul, Minnesota | Minneapolis Police Department Third Precinct Station | A large crowd surrounding the police station building the night of May 28, 2020, when it was overrun and set on fire. Wolfe pleaded guilty and received a three-and-a-half-year prison sentence for the arson charge and was ordered to pay $12 million in restitution. | [125][126][127][128] Samuel Elliott Frey | Brooklyn Park, Minnesota | Great Health Nutrition | Frey was part of a crowd that broke into the Great Health Nutrition store near University Avenue in Saint Paul on May 28, 2020, and set it on fire. Frey pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit arson. In January 2022, he was sentenced to 27 months in prison and ordered to pay $33,827 in restitution. | [122][129] McKenzy Ann DeGidio Dunn | Rosemount, Minnesota | Great Health Nutrition | Dunn was part of a crowd that broke into the Great Health Nutrition store in Saint Paul on May 28, 2020, and set it on fire. Dunn pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit arson. In July 2021, she was sentenced to 180 days of home confinement and three years probation and ordered to pay $31,000 in restitution. | [122][129][130] Montez Terriel Lee Jr. | Rochester, Minnesota | Max It Pawn | Lee pleaded guilty to an arson charge for the fire at the Max It Pawn store on East Lake Street in Minneapolis on May 28, 2020. Surveillance video that night captured him pouring an accelerant around the shop and lighting it on fire. In early 2022, he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Oscar Lee Stewart Jr. was killed in the fire, but authorities believed that Lee was unaware that Stewart was trapped inside. | [129][131][8][9][10] Dylan Robinson | Brainerd, Minnesota | Minneapolis Police Department Third Precinct Station | A large crowd surrounding the police station building the night of May 28, 2020, when it was overrun and set on fire. Robinson pleaded guilty and received a four-year prison sentence for the arson charge and he was ordered to pay $12 million in restitution. | [128] Bryce Michael Williams | Staples, Minnesota | Minneapolis Police Department Third Precinct Station | A large crowd surrounding the police station building the night of May 28, 2020, when it was overrun and set on fire. Williams pleaded guilty and received a three-year prison sentence for the arson charge and was ordered to pay $12 million in restitution. | [128][132] Matthew Scott White | Saint Paul, Minnesota | Enterprise Rent-A-Car | White pleaded guilty to one act of arson for starting a fire at a rental car building on University Avenue in Saint Paul that was entirely destroyed by fire on May 28, 2020. White was sentenced to 72 months imprisonment in June 2021. | [71][72][73] Mohamed Hussein Abdi | Maplewood, Minnesota | Multiple locations: * Gordon Parks High School * Discount Tire | Abdi aided Jose A. Felan Jr. in setting fires inside Gordon Parks High School on University Avenue in Saint Paul. He also attempted to set fires at the nearby Discount Tire store. Abdi pleaded guilty in March 2021 to conspiracy to commit arson. In February 2022, he was sentenced to five years of probation and ordered to pay $34,000 in restitution. | [133][134] Alexander Steven Heil | Monticello, Minnesota | Wells Fargo Bank | Heil was part of a large crowd that surrounded the Wells Fargo Bank the night of May 28, 2020. He pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit arson for helping fuel fires. He was sentenced to two years in prison in mid 2021. | [135][136] Marc Bell Gonzales | Wayzata, Minnesota | Wells Fargo Bank | Gonzales was part of a large crowd that surrounded the Wells Fargo Bank the night of May 28, 2020. He pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit arson for helping set the structure on fire. He was sentenced to 37 months in prison in mid 2021. | [135][136] Davon De-Andre Turner | Saint Paul, Minnesota | Minneapolis Police Department Third Precinct Station | A large crowd surrounding the police station building the night of May 28, 2020, when it was overrun and set on fire. Williams pleaded guilty and received a three-year prison sentence for the arson charge and he was ordered to pay $12 million in restitution. | [128][137] Jose A. Felan Jr. | Rochester, Minnesota | Multiple locations: * 7 Mile Sportswear * Goodwill * Gordon Parks High School * Napa Auto Parts | Federal authorities alleged that Felan was responsible for several fires on University Avenue in Saint Paul on May 28, 2020. Felan and Mohamed Hussein Abdi set fires inside Gordon Parks High School. Felan was also captured on security cameras entering and existing the nearby Napa Auto Parts and Goodwill stores on University Avenue. Authorities said he also had a role in the fire at 7-Mile Sportswear. Felan pleaded guilty to arson charges. A federal judge on October 18, 2022, sentenced him to 6.5 years in prison and ordered him to pay $40,000 in restitution. | [138][139][140][141][142] Mena Dyaha Yousif | Rochester, Minnesota | Yousif travelled to Saint Paul with Felan on May 28, 2020, and later helped him evade authorities. Felan committed several acts of arson to businesses and a school along the University Avenue corridor in Saint Paul. Yousif pleaded guilty to the charge of being an accessory after the fact to arson and was sentenced to three years of probation. | [138][139][140][141][65] Ivan Harrison Hunter | Boerne, Texas | Minneapolis Police Department Third Precinct Station | Hunter was a self-described leader of a local Boogaloo Movement group in Texas. Federal authorities charged him with one count of interstate travel to incite a riot for shooting 13 rounds from an AK-47-style machine gun into the Minneapolis third police precinct building while people were inside, looting it, and helping to set it on fire the night of May 28, 2020. Hunter pleaded guilty in September 2021 and was sentenced to four years in prison in April 2022. | [143][144][145] ## See also [edit] * Fire investigation * List of incidents of civil unrest in Minneapolis–Saint Paul * Minneapolis Fire Department * National Register of Historic Places listings in Hennepin County, Minnesota * Violence and controversies during the George Floyd protests ## References [edit] 1. ^ _**a**_ _**b**_ _**c**_ _**d**_ _**e**_ _**f**_ _**g**_ _**h**_ _**i**_ _**j**_ _**k**_ _**l**_ _**m**_ _**n**_ _**o**_ _**p**_ _**q**_ _**r**_ _**s**_ _**t**_ _**u**_ _**v**_ _**w**_ _**x**_ _**y**_ _**z**_ _**aa**_ _**ab**_ _**ac**_ _**ad**_ _**ae**_ _**af**_ _**ag**_ _**ah**_ _**ai**_ _**aj**_ _**ak**_ _**al**_ _**am**_ _**an**_ _**ao**_ _**ap**_ _**aq**_ _**ar**_ _**as**_ _**at**_ _**au**_ _**av**_ _**aw**_ _**ax**_ _**ay**_ _**az**_ _**ba**_ _**bb**_ _**bc**_ _**bd**_ _**be**_ _**bf**_ _**bg**_ _**bh**_ _**bi**_ _**bj**_ _**bk**_ _**bl**_ _**bm**_ _**bn**_ _**bo**_ _**bp**_ _**bq**_ _**br**_ _**bs**_ _**bt**_ _**bu**_ _**bv**_ _**bw**_ _**bx**_ _**by**_ _**bz**_ _**ca**_ _**cb**_ _**cc**_ _**cd**_ _**ce**_ _**cf**_ _**cg**_ _**ch**_ _**ci**_ _**cj**_ _**ck**_ _**cl**_ _**cm**_ _**cn**_ _**co**_ _**cp**_ _**cq**_ _**cr**_ _**cs**_ _**ct**_ _**cu**_ _**cv**_ _**cw**_ _**cx**_ _**cy**_ _**cz**_ _**da**_ _**db**_ _**dc**_ _**dd**_ _**de**_ _**df**_ _**dg**_ _**dh**_ _**di**_ _**dj**_ _**dk**_ _**dl**_ _**dm**_ _**dn**_ _**do**_ _**dp**_ _**dq**_ _**dr**_ _**ds**_ _**dt**_ _**du**_ _**dv**_ _**dw**_ _**dx**_ _**dy**_ _**dz**_ _**ea**_ _**eb**_ _**ec**_ _**ed**_ _**ee**_ _**ef**_ _**eg**_ _**eh**_ _**ei**_ _**ej**_ _**ek**_ _**el**_ _**em**_ _**en**_ _**eo**_ _**ep**_ _**eq**_ _**er**_ _**es**_ _**et**_ _**eu**_ _**ev**_ _**ew**_ _**ex**_ _**ey**_ _**ez**_ _**fa**_ _**fb**_ _**fc**_ _**fd**_ _**fe**_ _**ff**_ _**fg**_ _**fh**_ _**fi**_ _**fj**_ _**fk**_ _**fl**_ _**fm**_ _**fn**_ _**fo**_ _**fp**_ _**fq**_ _**fr**_ _**fs**_ _**ft**_ _**fu**_ _**fv**_ _**fw**_ _**fx**_ _**fy**_ _**fz**_ _**ga**_ _**gb**_ _**gc**_ _**gd**_ Penrod, Josh; Sinner, C.J. 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Retrieved February 18, 2021. 142. **^** Brownell, Andy (October 18, 2022). \"Rochester Man Sentenced for Arson Fires During George Floyd Riots\". _KROC_. Retrieved October 21, 2022. 143. **^** \"Self-Described Member of \"Boogaloo Bois\" Pleads Guilty to Riot\". _United States Department of Justice_. September 30, 2021. Retrieved October 1, 2021. 144. **^** Uren, Adam (April 7, 2022). \"Extremist from Texas gets 4 years for firing rifle during Minneapolis riots\". _Bring Me The News_. Retrieved April 7, 2022. 145. **^** \"Self-Described Member Of \"Boogaloo Bois\" Charged With Riot\". _ U.S. Attorney\'s Office, District of Minnesota. October 23, 2020. Retrieved August 18, 2021. ## Further reading [edit] * Wright, Bruce C.T. (May 29, 2020). \"Minneapolis Descends Into Fiery Chaos As Trump Threatens Protesting ‘THUGS’ With ‘Shooting’\". News One. Retrieved May 5, 2022. * \"Aerial video of Minneapolis shows aftermath of rioting, looting\" (June 10, 2020). Star Tribune. Retrieved May 5, 2022. * Say His Name: Five Days for George Floyd. PBS. Aired May 25, 2021. * Janzer, Cinnamon (January 28, 2001). \"The Collective at the Heart of Longfellow Rising.\" Retrieved January 28, 2021. ## External links [edit] Wikimedia Commons has media related to George Floyd protests in Minneapolis–Saint Paul. * ATF Releases related to the 2020 Twin Cities Unrest, June 9, 2021. * v * t * e Protests of the murder of George Floyd --- * George Floyd * memorials * Derek Chauvin * trial * trial protests Locations(map)| | Minneapolis–Saint Paul| * Aftermath * Arson damage * George Floyd Square occupied protest * 2021 Minneapolis Question 2 * 2020–2023 local racial unrest * Save the Boards ---|--- Elsewhere inthe U.S.| * Alabama * Alaska * Arizona * Arkansas * California * Los Angeles County * San Diego County * San Francisco Bay Area * Colorado * Connecticut * Delaware * District of Columbia * Florida * Georgia * Atlanta * Hawaii * Idaho * Illinois * Chicago * Indiana * Iowa * Kansas * Kentucky * Louisiana * Maine * Maryland * Massachusetts * Michigan * Minnesota * Mississippi * Missouri * Montana * Nebraska * Nevada * New Hampshire * New Jersey * New Mexico * New York * New York City * North Carolina * North Dakota * Ohio * Columbus * Oklahoma * Oregon * Portland * Pennsylvania * Philadelphia * Puerto Rico * Rhode Island * South Carolina * South Dakota * Tennessee * Texas * Utah * Vermont * Virginia * Richmond * Washington * Seattle * West Virginia * Wisconsin * Wyoming Outside the U.S.| * Australia * Belgium * Canada * Germany * Italy * Netherlands * New Zealand * United Kingdom Violence andcontroversies| | Incidents| * Police violence incidents * Buffalo police shoving incident * Vehicle-ramming incidents * Donald Trump photo op at St. John\'s Church * St. Louis gun-toting incident ---|--- Deaths| * James Scurlock * David McAtee * David Dorn * Sean Monterrosa * Garrett Foster * Aaron Danielson and Michael Reinoehl Arrests| * Omar Jimenez Slogans| * \"8:46\" * \"I can\'t breathe\" * \"When the looting starts, the shooting starts\" * \"Defund the police\" Reactions(to the murder · to the protests)| | Law enforcement| * 2020 deployment of federal forces in the United States * Operation Legend * Police reforms ---|--- Social and cultural| * 8 to Abolition * 8:46 * Actions against memorials in Great Britain * Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm * George Floyd Square * Black Lives Matter Plaza * Black Lives Matter street murals * Blackout Tuesday * Capitol Hill Occupied Protest * Changes made * Monuments and memorials removed * Name changes * Labor action * Strike for Black Lives (general) * Sports strikes * Strike for Black Lives (academic) Proposedlegislation| * BREATHE Act * Ending Qualified Immunity Act * George Floyd Law Enforcement Trust and Integrity Act * George Floyd Justice in Policing Act Related| * 2020–2023 United States racial unrest * Murder of Ahmaud Arbery * Killing of Breonna Taylor * Breonna Taylor protests * Breonna Taylor * Killing of Nina Pop * Killing of Rayshard Brooks * Shooting of Jacob Blake * Kenosha unrest * shooting * Killing of Dijon Kizzee * Killing of Daniel Prude * Killing of Alvin Cole * Killing of Marcellis Stinnette * Killing of Walter Wallace * Killing of Andre Hill * Killing of Winston Boogie Smith * List of other incidents * Anonymous * Black Lives Matter * Campaign Zero * Darnella Frazier * Minneapolis Police Department * Wall of Moms * Monument and memorial controversies in the United States * Monuments and memorials in Canada removed in 2020–2022 * Police abolition movement * Police accountability * Blue wall of silence * Gypsy cops * Qualified immunity * Police brutality in the United States * Use of torture by police * Use of deadly force by police * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") Category Retrieved from \" Categories: * 2020 fires in the United States * 2020 in Minnesota * 2020s in Minneapolis * May 2020 crimes in the United States * Arson in 2020 * 21st century in Saint Paul, Minnesota * African-American riots in the United States * Minneapolis–Saint Paul * George Floyd protests in Minneapolis–Saint Paul * Riots and civil disorder in Minnesota * Civil rights protests in the United States * Post–civil rights era in African-American history * Race and crime in the United States * Incidents during the George Floyd protests * Arson in Minnesota * Lists of fires in the United States * Minnesota history-related lists Hidden categories: * Articles with short description * Short description is different from Wikidata * Use American English from May 2022 * All Wikipedia articles written in American English * Use mdy dates from September 2024 * Commons link is locally defined * Articles containing video clips * This page was last edited on 29 September 2024, at 03:23 (UTC). * Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0; additional terms may apply. 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Foot Locker donated 200 million to BLM after their stores in Minneapolis got looted by BLM
Foot Locker go Brrrroke : r/memes Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/memes A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to memes r/memes r/memes Memes! A way of describing cultural information being shared. An element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation. * * * 34M Members 1.3K Online • 4 yr. ago MikeyMillionz84 ADMIN MOD # Foot Locker go Brrrroke ![\\"\\"](\\" ![\\"r/memes](\\" ![\\"r/memes](\\" Add a Comment Sort by: Best Open comment sort options * Best * Top * New * Controversial * Old * Q&A LordBloodSkull • 4y ago • Footlocker probably made more money by donating to BLM than they lost in that one store. Reply reply IRatherBeNaked • 4y ago • Classic BLM Reply reply HumperTrooper15 • 4y ago • Donations aren\'t enough/s Reply reply ![\\"u/Coden0325](\\" Coden0325 • 4y ago • Drove by yesterday, at some point there was a fire Reply reply 8 Rank by size Public Anyone can view, post, and comment to this community ## Top Posts * Reddit reReddit: Top posts of April 13, 2021 * Reddit reReddit: Top posts of April 2021 * Reddit reReddit: Top posts of 2021 * * * TOPICS * Internet Culture (Viral) * Amazing * Animals & Pets * Cringe & Facepalm * Funny * Interesting * Memes * Oddly Satisfying * Reddit Meta * Wholesome & Heartwarming * Games * Action Games * Adventure Games * Esports * Gaming Consoles & Gear * Gaming News & Discussion * Mobile Games * Other Games * Role-Playing Games * Simulation Games * Sports & Racing Games * Strategy Games * Tabletop Games * Q&As * Q&As * Stories & Confessions * Technology * 3D Printing * Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning * Computers & Hardware * Consumer Electronics * DIY Electronics * Programming * Software & Apps * Streaming Services * Tech News & Discussion * Virtual & Augmented Reality * Pop Culture * Celebrities * Creators & Influencers * Generations & Nostalgia * Podcasts * Streamers * Tarot & Astrology * Movies & TV * Action Movies & Series * Animated Movies & Series * Comedy Movies & Series * Crime, Mystery, & Thriller Movies & Series * Documentary Movies & Series * Drama Movies & Series * Fantasy Movies & Series * Horror Movies & Series * Movie News & Discussion * Reality TV * Romance Movies & Series * Sci-Fi Movies & Series * Superhero Movies & Series * TV News & Discussion * RESOURCES * About Reddit * Advertise * Help * Blog * Careers * Press * Communities * Best of Reddit * Topics * Content Policy * Privacy Policy * User Agreement Reddit, Inc. © 2024. All rights reserved. close # Log In By continuing, you agree to our User Agreement and acknowledge that you understand the Privacy Policy. Forgot password? New to Reddit? Sign Up back # Enter the 6-digit code from your authenticator app You’ve set up two-factor authentication for this account. Lost access to your authenticator? Use a backup code back # Enter a 6-digit backup code You’ve set up two-factor authentication for this account. Don’t have access to your backup code? Use a code from an authenticator app close # Sign Up By continuing, you agree to our User Agreement and acknowledge that you understand the Privacy Policy. Already a redditor? Log In back # Create your username and password Reddit is anonymous, so your username is what you’ll go by here. Choose wisely—because once you get a name, you can’t change it. close # Sign Up By continuing, you agree to our User Agreement and acknowledge that you understand the Privacy Policy. Already a redditor? Log In back # Create your username and password Reddit is anonymous, so your username is what you’ll go by here. Choose wisely—because once you get a name, you can’t change it. close back # Reset your password Enter your email address or username and we’ll send you a link to reset your password Need help? close back # Check your inbox An email with a link to reset your password was sent to the email address associated with your account close # Choose a Reddit account to continue back close # Reset your password Resetting your password will log you out on all devices.
Foot Locker donated 200 million to BLM after their stores in Minneapolis got looted by BLM
![\\"logo\\"](\\" content/themes/acosmin_gazzete/dailytorch.png\\"/) * Home * About * Contributors ▲ * Rick Manning * Bill Wilson * Richard McCarty * Robert Romano * Americans for Limited Government * Videos * Donate * Write for Us * Home * Economy * Politics * Energy and the Environment * Cartoons * Branco Toons * Warren Toons * Videos * Contributors * Rick Manning * Bill Wilson * Catherine Mortensen * Robert Romano * Donate * Contact * Share * ![\\"Print](\\" 04.13.2021 7 Comments # Woke mob attacks Foot Locker stores in MN riots, despite $200M donation to BLM Looters don’t care that the company ‘stand[s] resolute in [their] commitment to fight racial inequality and injustice.’ ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2021/04/footlocker.png\\") by Catherine Mortensen Last June, at the height of the Black Lives Matter matters riots, CEO Richard Johnson of Foot Locker penned a letter committing the company to $200 million over the next five years to fight racial injustice. But that woke commitment didn’t make it those who looted the Foot Locker stores on Sunday night in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota in the wake of another police shooting. > Several businesses around the Brooklyn Center Walmart are completely > destroyed. Police rolled up and made some arrests as young men ran from > buildings carrying stolen goods. Foot Locker, T Mobile, and a New York men’s > clothing store all completely destroyed. > > — Liz Sawyer (@ByLizSawyer) April 12, 2021 Tensions were already on edge because of the ongoing trial of ex Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who is on trial for the murder of George Floyd while in his custody. Text of Foot Locker’s June 2020 letter to BLM: “We stand resolute in our commitment to fight racial inequality and injustice. This commitment extends beyond words. It is part of our culture and the way we operate as an inclusive and diverse organization.” “We recognize that Black Culture plays a pivotal role in shaping Sneaker Culture – the foundation of our business at Foot Locker, Inc. We believe we have an obligation to add our voice and actions to drive meaningful and lasting change across our company and within the communities we serve.” “Today, we are announcing that Foot Locker, Inc. is committing $200 million over the next five years towards enhancing the lives of our team members and our customers in the Black Community through Economic Development and Education. This commitment will manifest in many ways and across many parts of our business with plans built to have staying power long beyond five years.” “We will hold ourselves accountable by pledging our transparency and by publishing an annual report card on our commitment and progress.” “We stand with those who are working towards eliminating the deep racial inequities that exist today. We are committed to leveraging our platform to mobilize, unite, empower, and inspire our team members and customers across the globe.” Walmart’s CEO Doug McMillon also made a similar statement when he committed $100M towards the same cause. Despite the obvious failure of these appeasement tactics, corporate heads are doubling down. The Wall Street Journal reported that over the weekend dozens of chief executives gathered on Zoom to plot what big businesses should do next about new voting laws under way in Texas and other states. According to several people who attended the virtual gathering. The former head of American Express and the CEO of Merck urged the leaders to call for greater voting access and asked them to sign a statement opposing what they view as discriminatory legislation on voting. A statement could come this week that would build on one that 72 black executives signed last month opposing Georgia’s new voter integrity laws. Media strategist and Townhall freelance columnist Gabriella Hoffman warns that politicized corporations may pose an even greater threat to our freedoms than government. She is advising conservatives to stay engaged, but to adopt our own tactics, not mimic what the left has done. “I think conservatives are going to be more conscientious about what companies we support, but we’re going to be more tactful about it than the left,” Hoffman said. “We’re not going to encourage the dissolution or destruction of businesses. In line with free-market principles, we just have to put our dollars where we think our interests are. “These companies are delusional if they think they can appease the woke left by throwing them a bone. Those people are Marxists or at least anti- capitalist.” With corporations paying more attention to stakeholders than to shareholders, Hoffman said we must all view ourselves as stakeholders. “We need to because as consumers we also have a stake in the businesses. As stakeholders, we can really have a powerful impact beyond shareholders. We should each feel empowered to make noise, to take their business elsewhere, and to make these companies feel pain when they start to go beyond their intended goal of offering a product or service.” Hoffman advises conservatives not to abandon the large social media giants of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. “While there are a lot of different alternatives popping up, I believe that you shouldn’t abandon the big social media platforms because that is still where most people are. We cannot retreat to our echo chambers of Parler or MeWe. And let’s not forget traditional news either. People are still relying on newspapers, and those people are not necessarily swayed by few loud voices on Twitter. “But when we do engage on social media, we have to be tactful and smart about it. We can’t go out with guns blazing, because you’re going to invite a lot of fire. We need to stay on message. We’re not necessarily going to win over people on the Left, but we can hold the line and let them know we’re here. We need to remember that it was Michael Jordan who said, ‘Republicans buy sneakers, too,’ and try to return to that tradition. Because the truth is, if companies become politicized in any fashion, they can be just as dangerous, if not more dangerous, than the government.” Catherine Mortensen is Vice President of Communications for Americans for Limited Government. ### Subscribe Loading.... Name Email* Submit ## Thank you! We’ve sent a confirmation email to the address you’ve submitted. 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48000 illegal immigrants stay in hotels
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We’re a team of independent fact checkers and campaigners who find, expose and counter the harm it does * Who we are * How we fact check * After we fact check * Our team * Contact us * Jobs * Funding * Independence * Impartiality * Feedback & corrections * FAQs * International networks * Search 1. Social media # Figures for people seeking asylum in hotels and veterans sleeping rough are both wrong 28 August 2020 ##### What was claimed 48,000 illegal immigrants stay in hotels. ##### Our verdict This is false. It uses a figure for people seeking asylum (not illegal immigrants) in accommodation, but they are not all in hotels. The number of people seeking asylum staying temporarily in “contingency accommodation”, which can include hotels, is closer to 1,000. ##### What was claimed 6,000 UK veterans sleep on the streets. ##### Our verdict A report two years ago claimed that 6,000 veterans were homeless, but homelessness includes those in temporary accommodation. The number sleeping rough is probably much lower. __1 of 2 claims A Facebook post uses inaccurate information and incorrect figures to compare the lives of asylum seekers and former servicemen and women in the UK. The post says, “6,000 UK veterans sleeping on the streets 48,000 illegals housed in 4/5 star hotels, full board, towels toiletries and day trips Inc. Have you emailed Boris yet?” Based on the number given, we think that by “illegals” the author means people seeking asylum, rather than people who are staying in the country illegally. People seeking asylum are legally engaged in the process of seeking to remain in the UK as refugees and they may or may not have arrived in the country by unauthorised means. (People who are living or working illegally in the UK cannot claim any benefits.) Honesty in public debate matters You can help us take action – and get our regular free email Sign up ## People seeking asylum People seeking asylum are not normally allowed to work in the UK while their application is being considered, although they have the right to support and accommodation if they need it. They cannot choose where they live, which could be in a flat, a house, a hostel or a hotel or bed and breakfast. If they cannot afford food, they receive a cash allowance of £37.75 per person per week, to pay for essentials. A National Audit Office (NAO) report in July found that 48,000 asylum seekers were being provided with accommodation by the government in March 2020. Of these, an average of 2,800 were in temporary “initial accommodation”, which is “usually in a hostel-type environment”. On average, people seeking asylum were found to spend 26 days in initial accommodation, during which time they cannot register with a GP or send children, if they have them, to school. Of the 2,800 in initial accommodation, “more than 1,000” were in contingency accommodation, which includes hotels. The NAO report does not describe the quality of the hotels being used. The Mail on Sunday has reported that they “include some four-star rated hotels”. While staying in them, people seeking asylum are provided with “free meals, toiletries and other support”, which may replace their cash allowance. When people seeking asylum reach longer-term housing, they are provided with some essentials. This includes towels and bedding. They cannot expect a telephone, television, broadband connection or vacuum cleaner. We cannot find any evidence that people seeking asylum are entitled to day trips. However, some councils, charities and volunteer groups sometimes provide them. ## Veterans It is very difficult to say how many former members of the UK armed forces are currently sleeping on the streets. The Ministry of Defence conducts a regular survey of veterans, but this does not include those without a home address. A figure of 6,000 “homeless” veterans in England and Wales was reported in 2018, following research by Plaid Cymru, which took data from “various homelessness and veterans organisations, as well as official homelessness figures from the UK Government.” We don’t know exactly how this figure was calculated, so we can’t say how accurate it is. However, it appears likely to be a measure of statutory homelessness, which is not the same as sleeping on the streets, or “sleeping rough”. Homelessness also includes people living in temporary accommodation, hostels, or staying temporarily with friends or relatives. The large majority of homeless people in Britain are estimated to be living in temporary accommodation. (Figures for statutory homelessness include those sleeping rough in England, but do not in Wales.) Out of 33,270 English households most recently assessed as homeless by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, 2,120 were sleeping rough. We don’t know if the same rate would apply to veterans, but it seems likely that most of those who are homeless would not be sleeping on the streets. The most recent survey of rough sleepers in London by the Combined Homelessness and Information Network found that, between April and June this year, 41 out of 2,948 people whose history was known were British nationals with experience in the armed forces. This is a rate of about 1.4%. The government’s most recent “snapshot” survey of rough sleeping found that 4,266 people were sleeping rough on one night in England in autumn 2019. If 1.4% of them were veterans, that would make a total of about 60 in England—but the methods used to create that “snapshot”, and the nature of rough sleeping, means that the figure is likely to significantly underestimate the total number of people sleeping rough. And of course we don’t know if the rest of the country has the same rate of veterans sleeping rough as London does. Nonetheless, while some veterans are undoubtedly sleeping rough, and many more will likely be experiencing other forms of homelessness, the evidence suggests it’s unlikely that the total number of veterans sleeping on the streets would be close to 6,000. This article is part of our work fact checking potentially false pictures, videos and stories on Facebook. You can read more about this—and find out how to report Facebook content—here. For the purposes of that scheme, we’ve rated this claim as false because both figures are substantially incorrect. * By Leo Benedictus * Share this: * Twitter * Facebook ## Was this helpful? Full Fact fights for good, reliable information in the media, online, and in politics. Support Full Fact today ### Related fact checks * Video of Lebanese citizens ‘celebrating Hezbollah leader’s death’ is actually from 2020 protest * No evidence Mike Tyson made speech about Palestine * Meme does not show crashed Ukrainian F-16 fighter jet * We don’t know how many individual pensioners are millionaires * Amazon is not giving away ‘leftover’ Dyson vacuum cleaners * Did you find this fact check useful? * Yes No ## Full Fact fights bad information Bad information ruins lives. It promotes hate, damages people’s health, and hurts democracy. You deserve better. 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48000 illegal immigrants stay in hotels
..Is Nigel Farage right to expose the 4-star hotel that is housing some of the 48,000 illegal migrants that have arrived in Britain seeking asylum? All related (44) Sort Recommended ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-476906095-50-ydwuvnwdriacjxcudravnxcblbainpmi.jpeg\\") Roger Stevens Bosun / Deck Boss (1980–present) · 3y Yes of course he does as does any other politician or member of public for that matter, why process them in a hotel in the first place, there should be a camp for that purpose,as the question states they are illegal migrants seeking asylum, meaning they’ve made their way here hoping to take advantage and claim asylum, when in fact probably most, if not all, are just looking for a better slice of cake than they get from home, and not escaping persecution at all. Putting any migrant legal or not in a hotel let alone a 4 star hotel, when some of our own veterans are forced to live on the streets,t Continue Reading Yes of course he does as does any other politician or member of public for that matter, why process them in a hotel in the first place, there should be a camp for that purpose,as the question states they are illegal migrants seeking asylum, meaning they’ve made their way here hoping to take advantage and claim asylum, when in fact probably most, if not all, are just looking for a better slice of cake than they get from home, and not escaping persecution at all. Putting any migrant legal or not in a hotel let alone a 4 star hotel, when some of our own veterans are forced to live on the streets,that just bullocks. Upvote · 94 91 ![\\"Profile](\\" Alan Dawson Sales Trainer at Waste Treatment and Disposal Services · Author has 2.6K answers and 1.5M answer views · 4y Most definitely. We may as well see, quite clearly,how much of our hard earned taxes the govt sees fit to throw away. On Totally Unwanted unwelcome unvetted migrants. It\'s a complete and utter travesty. Total madness. My son and far far far more deserving families have been told by this Labour Party city council that there\'s no housing available. No. None at all. Then, more and more Africans and Mid East people are suddenly arriving. And quickly being housed!! So native Brits get nothing and have to fight for crumbs. And aliens who contributed o but who take 200% get given housing,money, schoo Continue Reading Most definitely. We may as well see, quite clearly,how much of our hard earned taxes the govt sees fit to throw away. On Totally Unwanted unwelcome unvetted migrants. It\'s a complete and utter travesty. Total madness. My son and far far far more deserving families have been told by this Labour Party city council that there\'s no housing available. No. None at all. Then, more and more Africans and Mid East people are suddenly arriving. And quickly being housed!! So native Brits get nothing and have to fight for crumbs. And aliens who contributed o but who take 200% get given housing,money, school uniforms,free medical and dental care. No wonder they\'re walking around here laughing and joking. They really must believe we\'re mad. They\'ll also tell their friends what suckers we are. The best way to stop this idiocy is to force all the councillors,” human rights” lawyers, utopian dreamer Liberals and their Committed Left wing zealots, who advocate for the slow deliberate undermining of our society, to take their friends into THEIR house,and live with and pay for them. The crazed hypocrites will run a mile. Fast. Nigel is totally right. Expose and publicise it all. Upvote · 9926 9917 ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-42267827-50-leetobapueaenswydeidzvwleogkkiiu.jpeg\\") Francesco Melloni Lives in The United Kingdom (2016–present) · Author has 2.6K answers and 842.3K answer views · 4y Farage Is out of a job, as he\'s not an MEP anymore, he\'s never managed to make it as a MP, and he was sacked from his radio show. He\'s entitled to be sour and maybe a little bit envious: as he holds a German passport he would not be entitled to be an asylum seeker if he tried to relocate to the EU. On one thing he is right: the Government should take a page from Sweden and make any and all documents ever produced by a public employee public. It is our money, after all, we should be entitled to know how it is spent. What we would likely find is… nothing much really. Tourism to the UK has tanked th Continue Reading Farage Is out of a job, as he\'s not an MEP anymore, he\'s never managed to make it as a MP, and he was sacked from his radio show. He\'s entitled to be sour and maybe a little bit envious: as he holds a German passport he would not be entitled to be an asylum seeker if he tried to relocate to the EU. On one thing he is right: the Government should take a page from Sweden and make any and all documents ever produced by a public employee public. It is our money, after all, we should be entitled to know how it is spent. What we would likely find is… nothing much really. Tourism to the UK has tanked thanks to COVID and quarantine requirements, it\'s quite likely that the Government has negotiated massive discounts to provide lodging to these people. And if they haven\'t, they should be sacked for failing to Upvote · 91 91 Related questions More answers below Why do some people dislike Nigel Farage? I am American and I see that he gets a lot of hate and anger on the web. Could someone from the U.K. who is unbiased explain why he is disliked so much? Do Nigel Farage supporters like Donald Trump? Is the UK Home Secretary correct to suggest that the UK is getting an unfair share of asylum seekers? How can Britain afford to keep paying hotel bills for illegal migrants? What is Nigel Farage\'s salary? ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-722431791-50-dcglylecdcniflsdkrewqtuvrwfzdvlz.jpeg\\") James Taylor Long-term interest in covert shenanigans · Author has 3.7K answers and 3.5M answer views · 4y No, for a few reasons. First of all, these people are not illegal immigrants, they are asylum seekers. They have fled some of the worst places to live in the world, frequently because the will be murdered if they don\'t, and are trying to find a safe haven. Secondly, under current conditions, the hotels would otherwise be mostly unoccupied. The Government housing asylum seekers there gives the hotels funding to tide them over the coronavirus crisis. Also, the government will undoubtedly have negotiated a discount due to the high number of residents they\'re placing. Finally, Farage is just panderin Continue Reading No, for a few reasons. First of all, these people are not illegal immigrants, they are asylum seekers. They have fled some of the worst places to live in the world, frequently because the will be murdered if they don\'t, and are trying to find a safe haven. Secondly, under current conditions, the hotels would otherwise be mostly unoccupied. The Government housing asylum seekers there gives the hotels funding to tide them over the coronavirus crisis. Also, the government will undoubtedly have negotiated a discount due to the high number of residents they\'re placing. Finally, Farage is just pandering to the racists and knuckledragger element of his support. If asylum seekers are not offered some sort of secure accommodation while their claims are processed, they will just end up destitute, possibly resorting to crime to survive and of course would be far more prone to fall ill, becoming a burden on the NHS. Simple human decency demands that we treat them reasonably. The race changes but the rhetoric doesn\'t. Consider this news story from 1938 then ask yourself if this wasn\'t ok then, why would it be now? ![](\\" qimg-c62e284d286e0d8b6fafe1e8b79f0f04-lq\\") Upvote · 94 96 Related questions Why do some people dislike Nigel Farage? I am American and I see that he gets a lot of hate and anger on the web. Could someone from the U.K. who is unbiased explain why he is disliked so much? Do Nigel Farage supporters like Donald Trump? Is the UK Home Secretary correct to suggest that the UK is getting an unfair share of asylum seekers? How can Britain afford to keep paying hotel bills for illegal migrants? What is Nigel Farage\'s salary? Why is Nigel Farage leaving LBC? Why is Nigel Farage pointing to illegal immigrants coming to the UK now that the UK has left the EU which he voted for? What are Nigel Farage\'s views on immigration? What did Nigel Farage say about EU immigration levels? What are Nigel Farage\'s views? How wealthy is Nigel Farage? What happened to Nigel Farage? What are Nigel Farage\'s policies? What is Nigel Farage\'s background? Is it anti-Nigel Farage day today? Related questions Why do some people dislike Nigel Farage? I am American and I see that he gets a lot of hate and anger on the web. Could someone from the U.K. who is unbiased explain why he is disliked so much? Do Nigel Farage supporters like Donald Trump? Is the UK Home Secretary correct to suggest that the UK is getting an unfair share of asylum seekers? How can Britain afford to keep paying hotel bills for illegal migrants? What is Nigel Farage\'s salary? Why is Nigel Farage leaving LBC? Advertisement About · Careers · Privacy · Terms · Contact · Languages · Your Ad Choices · Press · © Quora, Inc. 2024
48000 illegal immigrants stay in hotels
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Read our privacy policy ## Thanks for signing up to the Morning Headlines email {{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }} On an overcast day in late July Nigel Farage, the eurosceptic, anti- immigration leader of the Brexit party, tried and failed to stay at a hotel in Worcestershire. “I tried to book a room at the 4 Star Bromsgrove Hotel & Spa, but it was closed to the public”, he wrote on Twitter. “Turns out it’s accommodating 147 illegal migrants and we’re all paying for it.” In an accompanying 10 minute video Mr Farage could be seen travelling to the site on the alleged urging of local residents, while making a number of claims about the state of immigration in the UK. But does his central allegation – that the UK taxpayer is footing a multi- billion pound bill to put up “illegal migrants” in four star hotels – hold up to scrutiny? ![\\"Loading](\\" ## Are the residents of the hotel illegal immigrants? While many of the claims Mr Farage makes in his video are a difficult blend of muddled figures and statistics used to defend his points of view, his assertion that the hotel is populated by illegal immigrants appears to be among the easiest to debunk. The Britannia-owned Bromsgrove Hotel and Spa is, like a number of hotels across the country, being used to temporarily house asylum seekers – according to the government and the site’s operators, Serco. Unlike irregular migrants who may be in breach of the law, asylum seekers are those attempting to legitimately and legally make a claim to sanctuary in the UK – for example to escape persecution. Temporary accommodation has long been an element of the asylum application process, and makes up part of the UK’s international obligations to protect those seeking sanctuary. As those applying for asylum are unable to work while they are processed by the Home Office they are housed by the taxpayer until the claim is either approved or rejected. ## Who is there? In the video, Mr Farage repeatedly says the hotel is housing “147 young men”, at one point adding they are “mostly in between the ages of 18 and 26”. However, it is unclear how he would have reached this figure – with Serco staff later confronted by the politician saying they are unable to disclose information on those staying at the site. While there is no publicly available detail on how many people are currently residing in the building, the hotel had 148 rooms when it was open to the public. After being turned away from the hotel, he said: “As you saw I walked into the hotel there, was not welcome, it’s closed, but of course it’s not closed because all 147 beds are taken” – making it possible the figure was in fact the number of rooms Mr Farage had been unable to book on their website. The identification of the ages and genders of those staying at the hotel was also a claim made without reference to a source. While men typically make up the majority of asylum seekers in the UK – with 67 per cent of all asylum seekers male between 2010 and 2018 – it is unclear where the assertion the residents are men aged between 18 and 26 came from. ## Is the UK housing 48,000 asylum seekers in such settings at a cost of £4bn? “What I have discovered is it’s not just you suffering like this,” Mr Farage tells a Bromsgrove couple in their home during the video. “We are now housing 48,000 people like this at a cost, an estimated cost, over the next ten years of £4bn.” “It is just unbelievable”, the woman who invited Mr Farage into her home replies. However, Mr Farage’s assertion does not appear to provide necessary context to the 48,000 figure – which is based on the National Audit Office’s (NAO) assessment of an outsourcing deal agreed in 2019. While around 48,000 asylum were being accommodated by the UK’s asylum system as of March 2020, the population of those housed in hotels actually averages out at a figure closer to 1,000, according to the NAO. Hotels serve as part of the provision of temporary accommodation provided to UK asylum seekers – a population that tends to average out at 2,800 people including both those staying in hospitality and short term housing. Between September 2019 and February 2020, the length of time people stayed in such premises averaged out at 26 days, at which point they were moved to long term accommodation for the duration of their asylum application. And while the estimated cost of outsourced asylum contracts comes to a value of £4bn over the next ten years – at £400m per year the figure makes up roughly 3.7 per cent of the Home Office’s current annual budget. The provision of housing, as well as healthcare and either free meals or £35.39 a week on a prepaid card for food, clothing and toiletries, makes up part of the nation’s obligation to ensure those seeking asylum are given proper care while their applications are processed. ### More about Nigel FarageImmigrationBrexit PartyAsylumHome Office ## Join our commenting forum Join thought-provoking conversations, follow other Independent readers and see their replies Comments ### 1/1The truth behind Farage’s claim ‘illegal’ immigrants staying in hotels ### The truth behind Farage’s claim ‘illegal’ immigrants staying in hotels Brexit party leader makes remarks in 10-minute video cataloguing failed attempt to book hotel room in late July ✕ ### Subscribe to Independent Premium to bookmark this article Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? Start your Independent Premium subscription today. Subscribe Already subscribed? 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48000 illegal immigrants stay in hotels
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More… * In 2023, the top five most common countries of nationality for people who applied for asylum from inside the UK were Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. More… * Data from 2023 shows that asylum success rates are very similar among young men and women. More… * Asylum refusals are often overturned on appeal. As a result, the share of asylum seekers recognised as refugees by the end of the asylum process is substantially higher than at the initial decision stage. More… * Between 2014 and 2023, the waiting time for an initial asylum decision increased significantly, generating a backlog in the processing of claims, but data from the first quarter of 2024 indicate that the backlog is beginning to fall. More… * Asylum seekers waiting for decisions are more concentrated in certain local authorities in the UK than others. In contrast, Ukrainians on bespoke humanitarian routes, are more evenly distributed across the country. More… * Despite being expensive for the government and considered inadequate in terms of integration, the use of contingency accommodation to house asylum seekers – particularly in hotels – has significantly increased since the pandemic. More… * The financial cost of operating the UK’s asylum system reached a record high of £4 billion in the financial year 2022/23. More… * The value of asylum support payments fell 29% in real terms (that is, accounting for inflation) between 2000 and 2023, despite nominal increases. More… * In 2023, the UK ranked fifth in the absolute number of asylum claims received when compared to EU+ countries. But when adjusted for population size, it falls to 20th place. More… 1. **Understanding the Policy** **Click to read more.** Asylum Asylum is the protection that is granted by a nation-state to a person who has fled their country to escape a serious threat to their life or liberty. People granted this protection, which arises out of the United Nations 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (the “Refugee Convention”), are called refugees. The word refugee is also used more generally to refer to anyone who has fled their country to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster, even if they have not been granted protection under the Refugee Convention. The Refugee Convention defines a refugee as a person who, “owing to a well- founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country”. An asylum seeker (or asylum applicant) is a person who has applied for recognition as a refugee under the Refugee Convention, to which over 140 nations are signatories. There is no law that says asylum seekers must make their asylum claim in the first safe country they arrive in after leaving their country of origin. However, under an EU law called the Dublin III Regulation, asylum seekers could, in theory, be transferred to the first EU member state in which they arrived after leaving their origin country. Because of Brexit, the UK is no longer a part of the Dublin arrangements but has introduced new laws on “inadmissibility” to bar people from claiming asylum in the UK if they had an earlier presence in or connection to a safe third country. To claim asylum in the UK, a person must be in the UK. It is not possible to apply from outside the country, and there is no asylum visa to enable people to travel to the UK legally to apply for asylum. Under the Illegal Migration Act, which became law in July 2023 but is not fully in force, anyone entering the UK irregularly, such as by small boat, lorry, or by using false documents, will not have their asylum claims evaluated (see the Migration Observatory commentary on UK policies to deter people from claiming asylum). This means that people who do not have visa-free travel and who do not come on a visa for other purposes, such as tourism or study, do not have a direct means to seek asylum in the UK. In cases where an asylum claim is successfully lodged, there are three possible outcomes. First, an applicant can be recognised as a refugee and granted asylum with five years’ permission to stay in the UK, after which they may apply, free of charge, for permanent residence. Second, the applicant is judged not to qualify for refugee status but granted permission to stay in the UK for humanitarian or other reasons. These statuses include humanitarian protection (HP); discretionary leave (DL); leave under family or private life rules; and unaccompanied asylum-seeking child (UASC) leave. Third, the asylum claim can be refused. If a claim is refused, the applicant can appeal against the initial decision and, if the appeal is successful, be granted permission to stay. All applications request protection for a ‘main applicant’, and some include requests for protection for the main applicant’s dependent family members as well, specifically their spouse, civil partner, or unmarried partner, and any children under 18 but not dependent parents. The dependants on an application receive the same outcome as the main applicant (Immigration Rules, Paragraph 349). The Home Office states that asylum in the UK should be sought at the first available opportunity, on arrival at a port of entry. Those who do not claim asylum on arrival can instead apply in person for asylum at the Asylum Intake Unit in London. Asylum seekers’ right to work and benefits Asylum seekers are not generally permitted to work in the UK while their claim is being considered. If they are destitute, they can apply for free accommodation, as well as asylum support, which is set at £49.18 per person per week (around £7 per day). The Home Office may grant an asylum applicant permission to work only if both (1) their asylum claim has been outstanding for more than 12 months through no fault of the applicant, and (2) the job is on the Immigration Salary List (which includes social care and some skilled trades). Campaign groups have argued that asylum seekers and their adult dependants should be able to work in any job after having waited six months for a decision on their claim or further submission have argued that asylum seekers and their adult dependants should be able to work in any job after having waited six months for a decision on their claim or further submission. Asylum seekers are, however, permitted to study while awaiting a decision on their asylum claim. Asylum seekers are, however, permitted to study while awaiting a decision on their asylum claim. Dispersal Since 2000, the UK has operated a policy of dispersal across the UK of asylum applicants who require accommodation, to prevent the London and the South East being overburdened. Asylum applicants have no say in where they are sent to live while awaiting a decision on their asylum claim. Instead, to determine where asylum seekers are accommodated, negotiations take place between local authorities, the Home Office, and third-party contractors who are responsible for securing private rental accommodation. Refugee family reunion The UK allows an adult granted refugee status or humanitarian protection to be joined in the UK by their spouse or partner and any of their children who are under 18 if they formed a part of the family unit before the refugee fled their country. However, parents, grandparents, siblings, or children who are 18 or over are not eligible to join under the refugee family reunion route. Nor are unaccompanied minors who have been granted refugee status generally permitted to be joined by their parents. In addition, LBGT+ refugees may have difficulty proving an unmarried partnership if living together with a same-sex partner was unlawful or unsafe in their country of origin. Campaign groups have argued for a broader definition of who qualifies as a ‘family member’ for the purposes of refugee family reunion. Recent policy developments regarding asylum In March 2021, the UK government published a policy statement for its New Plan for Immigration, which outlined an overhaul of the UK’s “broken” asylum system. A central aim of the policy was to tackle people crossing the English Channel in small boats from France. A major part of this policy was introduced via the Nationality and Borders Act 2022, which penalised certain refugees for their method of entering the UK (a policy that was suspended in July 2023) and introduced tougher criminal sanctions for irregular entry to the UK. The Illegal Migration Act 2023 introduced even tougher restrictions on asylum seekers who enter the UK without authorisation. The legislation, which became law on 20 July 2023 but has not been brought fully into force, makes several important changes. It determines that most asylum claims from people who entered the country in irregular ways will not be processed. The Act places a duty on the Home Secretary’s responsibility to arrange for their removal to “safe third countries”. If removal is not possible, people could stay in the UK indefinitely without legal status unless they qualify for an exemption. The Act also lets the government detain asylum seekers more easily. Importantly, it removes many protections for victims of modern slavery and trafficking, including their right stay in the UK. For further information, see our commentary, UK policies to deter people from claiming asylum. Under the Nationality and Borders Act and then the Illegal Migration Act, the UK would no longer consider the asylum claims of people who entered the country by irregular means, such as by small boat. But because these claims would not be processed, the government would not be able to remove these asylum seekers to their countries of origin (see our commentary on Diminishing returns). This is due to a principle called “non-refoulement,” which means that countries cannot send people back to a place where they would be in danger or where their human rights might be violated. The government announced in April 2022 that it would send asylum seekers who entered the UK irregularly to Rwanda, which it considered a “safe third country”. In November 2023, the UK’s Supreme Court ruled the Rwanda deal unlawful because Rwanda is not a safe country to which asylum seekers can be removed. In response, the Conservative government secured the passage of new legislation stating that Rwanda is a safe country and agreed a treaty with Rwanda with safeguards against refoulment. It intends to begin removals soon after the general election on 4 July 2024, although the Labour Party says it would scrap the scheme if it were to form the next government. See our commentary on Rwanda’s policy financial implications and our Q&A on the Rwanda policy. As part of the suite of policies aimed at reforming the asylum system and reducing its costs, the government also launched in 2021 the “Asylum and Protection Transformation Programme”. This initiative aimed to clear the backlog of asylum applications that had not received a response by the time the Nationality and Borders Act came into effect – the so-called “legacy backlog” (See our briefing on the Asylum Backlog). It includes several components, such as hiring more caseworkers, streamlining asylum claims, and increasing the supply of cheaper accommodation for asylum seekers. Refugee resettlement Refugee resettlement is separate from the asylum process. In the asylum process, people must apply for asylum whilst in the UK. By contrast, it is not possible to apply for refugee resettlement. Instead, refugees are selected by the UN for resettlement, and transferred to the UK with the agreement of the Home Office, where they receive refugee status on arrival. Prior to 2021, the UK operated four resettlement schemes, which have since been merged into the UK Resettlement Scheme (UKRS). Currently, the UKRS operates along with the Community Sponsorship Scheme and the Mandate Scheme. The key distinction between these schemes is how accommodation and integration support are provided. In the UKRS, local authorities lead in providing integration support to resettled refugees upon arrival. In the Mandate Scheme, selected refugees must have family members settled in the UK who are responsible for supporting and accommodating them. In the Community Sponsorship Scheme, community sponsors are responsible for refugees’ integration and accommodation. In January 2022, the UK launched the Afghan Citizens Relocation and Resettlement Schemes (ACRS and ARAP). However, in this briefing, these are analysed separately from traditional resettlement routes because they do not necessarily operate via UN referrals and focus only on one nationality. Bespoke humanitarian routes In addition to asylum and refugee resettlement, since 2021 the UK has launched a series of bespoke humanitarian routes for people of specific nationalities in need of protection. Unlike traditional asylum or resettlement processes, which are usually broad and standardised, bespoke humanitarian routes are tailored to particular groups or circumstances. Each of these routes has different eligibility criteria and grants people different rights and pathways to permanent settlement. The Hong Kong British National (Overseas) or BN(O) visa was introduced in January 2021 following the Chinese government’s imposition of the National Security Law in Hong Kong and is directed at British National Overseas citizens and their dependents from Hong Kong. For more details, see Q&A: The new Hong Kong British National (Overseas) visa). The Afghan Relocations and Resettlement Schemes (ARAP and ACRS) were launched in April 2021 following the withdrawal from Afghanistan of British and US armed forces and the rise of the Taliban. They are directed at people who worked as staff for the UK in Afghanistan, those who fled to the UK under the evacuation in summer 2021, and other vulnerable people who are considered to be at risk in Afghanistan or neighbouring countries. For more detail on the schemes see Afghan asylum seekers and refugees in the UK. The Ukraine Schemes were introduced in March 2022, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The Ukraine Family Scheme allows Ukrainian citizens and their close family members to apply for a visa, free, to come to the UK to join their relatives, who must be either British citizens or have permanent residence. The Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme, also known as Homes for Ukraine, allows Ukrainian nationals and their immediate family members to come to the UK if they have a named sponsor. For more details on the Ukraine schemes, see Ukrainian Migration to the UK. This briefing focuses on asylum and resettlement schemes. It also includes overall data on bespoke humanitarian routes and how they compare with traditional protection pathways. 1. **Understanding the Evidence** In this briefing, references to the EU or EU+ exclude the UK, but include Switzerland and the three additional EEA countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway. ... **Click to read more.** Data on foreign-born UK residents’ main reason for moving to the UK come from the Labour Force Survey (LFS), the largest official household survey in the UK. Only one ‘main’ reason for migration is recorded, though in practice people may have more than one reason for moving. The data reflect self- reported reasons and will not necessarily match people’s legal immigration status. Data on the number of asylum applicants and grants of asylum-related leave come from administrative databases of the Home Office. In this briefing, where we refer to asylum seekers or asylum applicants (i.e., the number of people who claim asylum), we include both main applicants and dependants. ‘Asylum applications’ refers to main applicants only. When this briefing discusses “grants”, it is typically with respect to grants of “asylum-related protection”, which comprises grants of asylum (refugee status) as well as any other grant of permission to stay, such as humanitarian protection or discretionary leave. To calculate the success rate of asylum claims, we cannot simply divide the number of positive initial decisions in any given year by the total number of applications received that year. This is because most asylum decisions in any given year will relate to claims made in earlier years, and because refused claims can be appealed. Therefore, to examine the success rate of asylum claims, this briefing analyses Home Office data on the ‘final outcomes’ of applications. These data provide the outcomes of a ‘cohort’ of applications (i.e., all those submitted in the same year), taking into account the results of appeals to the First-tier Tribunal (though not higher courts). In recognising that initial refusals can be overturned on appeal, these data provide a better indication of success rates than data on initial decisions. These estimates of asylum claim success rates exclude withdrawn applications and those that are still pending because these applications have not received a decision. In this briefing, we also provide data on people who were offered bespoke humanitarian routes to the UK. These include those with Ukraine Family Scheme and Homes for Ukraine visas, BN(O) status holders and Afghan nationals who have been resettled through the ARAP and ACRS routes. Information on Afghan nationals resettled under these special schemes has been excluded from the overall resettlement data and analysed separately. The only available data on the location of asylum seekers awaiting a decision on their claim is for those who are receiving government support. There are three types of this support. ‘Section 4’ support is for applicants whose claims have been finally refused but are destitute and cannot leave the UK. ‘Section 95’ support is for asylum seekers who have an asylum claim or appeal outstanding and failed asylum seekers who had children in their household when their appeal rights were exhausted. Finally, ‘Section 98’ support is a type of temporary support for asylum seekers who have applied for Section 95 support and are awaiting a decision on that application. Section 95 support includes the provision of accommodation, money for subsistence, or both. These data are broken down by region and local authority. The data on asylum seekers’ location presented in this briefing include all those on Section 4, Section 95 or Section 98 support and not just those in dispersed accommodation. This support is given only to asylum seekers who are destitute and so these data may not reflect the location of all asylum seekers. Local authority data for those in receipt of Sections 4, 95, and 98 support are based on the registered address of the asylum seeker, which may not be the location at which the individual regularly resides. For resettled refugees, location data are provided for those who arrived between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2023 and refer to people’s initial receiving local authority, which they may later leave. The location of Ukrainian and Afghan nationals offered a humanitarian visa is based on data on arrivals under the Homes for Ukraine and ACRS/ARAP schemes, respectively. Currently, there is no available data on the place of residence of BN(O) visa holders. ## People who originally came to the UK to seek asylum made up an estimated 4% of the UK’s foreign-born population in 2022 and 0.6% of the UK’s total resident population An estimated 387,000 foreign-born people living in the UK in 2022 said they originally came to the UK to seek asylum, according to Migration Observatory analysis of the Annual Population Survey. This made up 4% of the UK’s 10 million foreign-born population in 2022, and 0.6% of the UK’s total 2022 resident population of around 67 million. Of these, 54% had lived in the UK for sixteen years or more (Figure 1). The profile of people seeking asylum in the UK differs depending on how long they have been in the country. Men constitute a larger percentage of those who arrived recently and have been living in the UK for less than six years, as opposed to those who have been in the country for 20 years or more. Asylum seekers who arrived recently are generally older at the time of their arrival compared to those who arrived earlier (Figure 1). #### Figure 1 As explained in ‘Understanding the Evidence’ above, these data are self- reported. This means that people arriving as resettled refugees or on bespoke humanitarian routes, as well as those lodging an asylum claim in the UK, may have given “seeking asylum” as their main reason for coming to the UK. Return to top ## In 2023, asylum accounted for 7% of immigration to the UK, compared with 4% who arrived on bespoke humanitarian schemes In 2023, long-term international migration to the UK was estimated to be around 1.2 million. Of these, 81,000 came to claim asylum, which is equivalent to around 7% of all immigrants in that year. Changes over time in the number of people claiming asylum in the UK are driven in large part by geopolitical events since asylum seekers come mainly from countries with political and military conflicts. For example, the spike in people who came to the UK to seek asylum from 1998 to 2002 were mainly nationals of Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq and the former Yugoslavia, which were then sites of war (Figure 2). #### Figure 2 In 2021 and 2022, the UK introduced a series of bespoke humanitarian schemes targeted at specific nationalities: Ukrainians, Afghans and BN(O)s from Hong Kong (see ‘Understanding the Policy’ above). In 2022, the number of beneficiaries of the schemes far surpassed the number of resettled refugees and people granted asylum in any year since 1979. Although visa issuances under these programmes fell significantly in 2023, they still exceeded the number of resettled refugees and in-country asylum grants. Humanitarian schemes accounted for around 4% of immigration to the UK in 2023, according to the Office for National Statistics. #### Figure 3 Return to top ## In 2023, the top five most common countries of nationality of people who applied for asylum from within the UK were Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh Table 1 shows the fifteen most common countries of nationality of people (main applicants and dependants) who applied for asylum in the UK in 2023. The share of applications that ultimately result in a grant of asylum or other permission to stay varies significantly by nationality. For example, looking at applications received across the three-year period 2019 to 2021, the share of Syrian and Eritrean nationals who had received a grant of asylum or other permission by September 2023 was 91% (after appeal), while for Indian nationals, it was 6% (Table 1). #### Table 1 Return to top ## The success rate of asylum applications at initial decision increased sharply from 2018 to 2022 before falling in 2023 In 2022, the share of asylum applications receiving a grant at initial decision rose to a record high of 76%, which is much higher than in previous years. In 2018, the initial decision grant rate was 33% (Figure 4). Many factors could have driven the change. One is a change in the composition of applicants. For example, in recent years, there has been an increase in nationalities whose asylum application success rate is higher than the average, such as Iranians, Syrians and Eritreans (Table 1). However, in 2023, the percentage of successful applications at the initial decision stage dropped to 67% (Figure 4). This decline in overall success rates may be linked to policy changes and changes in the composition of applicants. In 2023, 21% of all refusals were of Albanian nationals who historically have had low asylum success rates in the UK, but whose applications peaked in 2022 (Table 2). #### Figure 4 Return to top ## In 2023, asylum success rates at initial decision were very similar among men and women Data from 2023 show that asylum success rates at initial decision were very similar among men and women in all age groups except the over-70s (Figure 4). For example, 70% of men aged 18-29 were granted asylum or another legal status, compared to 68% of women aged 18-29. An important factor that increases the share of female refugees in the UK is that following grants of asylum, many young male refugees will go on to be joined by their female partners through refugee family reunion. From 2012 to 2023, 81% of adults receiving refugee family reunion visas were women. As a result, after accounting for family reunion, the gender balance of those granted protection becomes more even over time. Taken together, women made up 36% of adults granted asylum-related status or refugee family reunion between 2012 and 2023 (Table 2). Note that these figures exclude asylum applicants who are initially refused but are successful on appeal, as the immigration statistics do not include a gender breakdown for this group. #### Table 2 Return to top ## Taking appeals into account, 66% of asylum applications submitted from 2018 to 2020 inclusive are estimated to have received a grant of asylum-related protection by June 2022 – up from 56% at initial decision All initial decisions by the Home Office on asylum claims can be appealed against, which ultimately increases the share of successful claims. Of all applications (main applicants) received in the three-year period from 2018 to 2020 with a known outcome as of June 2022 (this excludes withdrawn and pending applications), 56% resulted in a grant of asylum or other permission to stay at initial decision. Over this period, 57% of initial decisions were appealed. Most appeals are against refusals, but some appeals are against positive decisions to seek a stronger form of permission to stay, such as refugee status rather than humanitarian protection. Of these appeals with a known outcome (excluding pending and withdrawn appeals), 45% were successful. This increased the grant rate from 56% at initial Home Office decision to 66% after appeal to the First-tier tribunal (Figure 5). #### Figure 5 For applications received between 2011 to 2018 with known outcomes as of June 2022, successful appeals increased success rates by between 13 and 21 percentage points each year (Figure 6). Since 2019, the gap between initial grant rates and grant rates after appeal has significantly narrowed. This is because initial grant rates were already high and there were fewer appeals being submitted. Changes in grant rates following appeals are, in part, the result of changes in the success rate of appeals. The share of concluded appeals that were successful increased from a low of 19% in 2004 to a high of 49% in 2023.[1] #### Figure 6 Return to top ## The share of asylum applications that received an initial decision within six months fell from 87% in Q2 2014 to 6% in Q3 2023 The time it takes for asylum seekers to receive an initial decision on their application has increased significantly in recent years. In Q2 2014, 87% of applications received an initial decision within six months, compared to 6% in Q3 2023. #### Figure 7 Return to top ## Between 2018 and 2022 the UK’s asylum backlog increased sharply from 27,000 to 132,000 applications. It fell by 28% in 2023 following several government measures to process applications faster. The asylum backlog has increased substantially in recent years due to an increase in applications and applications taking longer to process. On 30 June 2023, around 175,500 people were awaiting an initial decision on their asylum claim (including main applicants and dependants) – a more than eighteen-fold increase in the number awaiting an initial decision on 30 June 2010 (Figure 8). Of the 175,500 people awaiting an initial decision from the Home Office on June 2023, 80% had been waiting for more than six months. Recent data show a change in this trend. In the first quarter of 2024, the number of people waiting for a decision decreased by 31% compared to the same quarter of 2023. This reduction follows the government’s recent efforts to clear the legacy backlog (see the Understanding the Policy section and our briefing on The UK’s Asylum Backlog). #### Figure 8 Research shows that longer asylum waiting times have negative impacts on long- term employment outcomes for asylum seekers and that being unable to work while waiting for a decision is also likely to hinder long-term integration. Return to top ## The distribution of asylum seekers and resettled refugees is uneven across the UK Asylum seekers are unevenly distributed across the UK. The majority are concentrated in London, the North West of England and West Midlands. Ten local authorities host 22% of this population (Figure 9). This distribution is partly influenced by dispersal policies, which incentivise contractors to house people in places where accommodation is cheaper. The distribution of asylum seekers contrasts with that of people who came under the Ukraine schemes, who are more highly dispersed across the UK. The ten authorities with the highest number of Ukrainian nationals on the Home for Ukraine Schemes host only 11% of this population. This is because the scheme works around individual families’ availability to support a Ukrainian citizen. The individual local authorities hosting the highest number of Ukrainian nationals are located in the South West and South East regions of England: Buckinghamshire, Somerset, and Barnet. Scotland hosts more of this population than any other region of the UK (Figure 9). #### Figure 9 ## The use of contingency accommodation to house asylum seekers has increased substantially since the pandemic Destitute asylum seekers are provided with different types of accommodation, including initial, dispersed, and contingency accommodation. Dispersed accommodation refers to self-contained housing where nuclear families are allowed to stay together. Initial accommodation is usually a hostel-type environment, intended to be used as a first solution before transfer to dispersed accommodation. Contingency accommodation is provided by the Home Office to host asylum seekers who are not able to move to dispersed accommodation within three to four weeks. It includes the use of hotels. This solution has become increasingly common since the pandemic. In the first quarter of 2020, only 5% of supported asylum seekers were housed in contingency, initial or other non- dispersed accommodation. By the first quarter of 2024, 41% were in this type of housing (Figure 10). Among those in contingency, initial, and other non- dispersed accommodation as of March 2024, the majority (68%) were in hotels.[2] As part of the Asylum and Protection Transformation Programme, and as a means to reduce the cost of the asylum system, the Home Office has enforced more room-sharing in hotels. There have been concerns raised about the safety of room-sharing for vulnerable asylum seekers. In addition, the Conservative government pledged that it would start housing more people in repurposed accommodation, such as unused military sites. In the first quarter of 2024, only 3% of all places used to house asylum seekers consisted of ‘Other’ types of contingency accommodation.[3] #### Figure 10 Return to top ## The financial cost of operating the UK’s asylum system reached around £4bn in the financial year 2022/23 The financial cost of the UK’s asylum system has increased substantially in recent years: from £538 million in the financial year 2011/12 to £3,967 million ten years later in 2022/23 (Figure 11). #### Figure 11 Return to top ## Despite nominal increases, in real terms, the asylum support payment level in 2023 was 29% lower than in 2000 Under section 95 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, destitute asylum seekers are entitled to free accommodation and a weekly cash allowance to cover their essential living needs. The Home Office regularly reviews the level of the weekly cash allowance and has changed it 13 times since 2000 (Figure 12: Nominal payment). When introduced in 2000, asylum seekers were entitled to one of a variety of different payments, depending on their age and whether they were a lone parent or part of a couple. In 2015, the government replaced these different payments by a single payment level for all destitute asylum seekers. Increases in support payments have not kept up with inflation. Since the single asylum support payment was introduced in 2015, the level of the payment has fallen in real terms (Figure 12: Inflation-adjusted). In real terms, the payment level in 2023 of £6.77 per day was 29% lower than in 2000. The daily rate paid to a single adult in 2000, £5.22, bought goods and services that would today cost £9. #### Figure 12 Return to top ## Compared against EU countries, the UK ranked 5th for number of asylum claims received in 2023, but 20th if adjusted for population size In 2023, the UK received around 84,000 in-country asylum applicants, the fifth highest when compared with the EU+ (the EU-27 plus Switzerland and the three EEA countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway). When adjusted by population size, it received the 20th highest number of applications: 12.5 per 10,000 residents. In the same year, the UK granted asylum or another form of legal status to around 62,000 people (at initial decision, excluding appeals), placing it second in the league table. Germany ranks first on both measures, receiving around 351,000 asylum applicants in 2023 and granting asylum-related protection to around 135,000 people at initial decision that year (Figure 13). Adjusted for population size, the UK ranks 10th when compared with the EU+, having granted protection in 2023 to nine asylum seekers per 10,000 of its resident population. #### Figure 13 These figures do not include people given protection under refugee resettlement programmes. Under such programmes, the UK resettled around 31,000 refugees from 2012 to 2022, excluding the Afghan resettlement schemes and Ukraine/Hong Kong visa programmes. While the UK ranked first in the league table in 2019 compared to the EU+, it fell to 5th place in 2022 (Figure 14). During that year, the UK resettled 1,163 people, whereas Sweden, ranking first in the measure, resettled 5,000 people. When adjusting for population size, the UK ranks 10th on the list. As data on resettlement for 2023 is not yet available for most EU countries, this comparison is provided for 2022. #### Figure 14 When looking at all people given protection in 2022 – including through both the in-country asylum route and through refugee resettlement – the UK ranked 5th among EU+ countries (Figure 15). The UK falls to 20th place in the ranking when adjusting for population size. #### Figure 15 Return to top ## Evidence Gaps and Limitations We do not know how many people the UK has ever granted asylum or another form of asylum-related protection to, because published statistics go back only as far as 1979. Moreover, these published statistics record the outcomes of initial decisions only and do not take into account appeals, which increase the number of people that are ultimately granted asylum-related permission to stay. The government does not provide regular statistics on asylum claimants broken down by their method of entry into the UK. Therefore, we do not know what share arrived by visa-free travel, on a visa, using fake documents, or by clandestine means, such as by small boat or stowing away on a lorry. Nor do we have clear information on how long asylum applications take. Data are provided on the share of applications receiving an initial decision within 6 months, and on the number of applications currently pending, but it is not possible using existing data to calculate how long it takes the ‘average’ asylum application to receive an initial decision or final outcome. There is also limited information on what happens to refused asylum seekers. Some depart with the assistance or oversight of the government, for which data are available. However, others depart without notifying the authorities, or remain in the UK as irregular migrants (see the Migration Observatory briefing, Irregular migration in the UK). Data on people departing the UK have improved in the past few years, in part due to the introduction of ‘exit checks’ in 2015. However, significant data gaps remain for earlier cohorts. ## Footnotes [1] Migration observatory analysis of Home Office, Immigration Statistics, Table Asy_D06 December 2023 [2] Migration observatory analysis of Home Office Immigration Statistics, Table Asy_D11 December 2023 [3] Migration observatory analysis of Home Office Immigration Statistics, Table Asy_D11 December 2023 1. 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Actor George Clooney once gifted each of his 14 closest friends a suitcase filled with 1 million in cash
Skip Navigation ![\\"logo\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"logo\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"logo\\"](\\"\\"/) George Clooney once gave 14 of his friends $1 million each in cash—here’s why ShareShare Article via FacebookShare Article via TwitterShare Article via LinkedInShare Article via Email Success * Startups * Side Hustles * Power Players * Leadership Money * Earn * Spend * Save and Invest * Become Debt-Free Work * Land the Job * Get Ahead * Closing the Gap * Science of Success Life * Pop Culture and Media * Psychology and Relationships * Health and Wellness * Real Estate Video * Most Popular * CNBC TV Courses Menu SEARCHCNBC.COM Spend # George Clooney once gave 14 of his friends $1 million each in cash—here’s why Published Thu, Dec 17 20201:47 PM EST ![\\"thumbnail\\"](\\" Emmie Martin, CFP®@emmiemartin ShareShare Article via FacebookShare Article via TwitterShare Article via LinkedInShare Article via Email 46th AFI Life Achievement Award Recipient George Clooney attends American Film Institute’s 46th Life Achievement Award Gala Tribute to George Clooney at Dolby Theatre on June 7, 2018. Alberto E. Rodriguez | Getty Images Entertainment | Getty Images George Clooney credits his closest friends with helping him get where he is today. And in 2013, he decided to pay them back for all they’ve done — literally. Back then, the perpetual bachelor had just met his future wife, Amal, and didn’t have any kids. At the time, he didn’t expect to start a family anytime soon. But, “what I do have are these guys who’ve all, over a period of 35 years, helped me in one way or another,” Clooney recently explained to GQ. “I’ve slept on their couches when I was broke. They loaned me money when I was broke. They helped me when I needed help over the years. And I’ve helped them over the years.” Clooney’s movie “Gravity” had just become a hit, which brought an unexpected windfall for the actor. “Because they didn’t want to pay us, they gave us percentages of the movie, ’cause they thought it was gonna be a flop, and that ended up being a very good deal,” he said. Clooney decided to pay it forward to his friends. He purchased 14 Tumi suitcases and filled each one with $1 million in cash. He told his friends to mark their calendars for a dinner party at his place, and when they arrived, he presented them with the suitcases, Rande Gerber, Clooney’s longtime friend and business partner told MSNBC in 2017. > I just held up a map and I just pointed to all the places I got to go in the > world and all the things I’ve gotten to see because of them. And I said, > ‘How do you repay people like that?’ > > George Clooney “I just held up a map and I just pointed to all the places I got to go in the world and all the things I’ve gotten to see because of them. And I said, ‘How do you repay people like that?’ And I said, ‘Oh, well: How about a million bucks?’” Clooney tells GQ. The generous gift “pretty much sums up who George is,” Gerber said. “I know we’ve all been through some hard times, some of you are still going through it,” Gerber recalled Clooney saying at the time. “You don’t have to worry about your kids; you don’t have to worry about school; you don’t have to worry about paying your mortgage.’” Clooney certainly has the funds to be so generous. In addition to acting and directing, he sold Casamigos, the tequila company he started with Gerber and another friend, to the multinational beverage company Diageo for as much as $1 billion in 2017. **Check out:****Jason Momoa was ‘completely’ in debt after ‘Game of Thrones’: ‘We were starving’** **Don’t miss:** **Personal loans often have lower interest rates than credit cards—these are the best 5 right now** ![\\"George](\\" Clooney-062117.jpg?v=1529475462&w=750&h=422&vtcrop=y\\"/) VIDEO0:3200:32 George Clooney just sold his tequila business for up to $1 billion News Videos ![\\"make](\\"\\"/) #### Stay in the loop Get Make It newsletters delivered to your inbox Sign Up #### About Us Learn more about the world of CNBC Make It Learn More #### Follow Us * * * * * CNBC.COMJoin the CNBC Panel © 2024 CNBC LLC. All Rights Reserved. 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Actor George Clooney once gifted each of his 14 closest friends a suitcase filled with 1 million in cash
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Actor George Clooney once gifted each of his 14 closest friends a suitcase filled with 1 million in cash
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Impact Link Save Article Icon A bookmark Save Read in app ![\\"George](\\" Angle down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down. The actor George Clooney. Pascal Le Segretain/ Getty Images This story is available exclusively to Business Insider subscribers. Become an Insider and start reading now. Have an account? Log in. * Three years after one of George Clooney\'s longtime friends described how the actor once gave away $14 million at a dinner party, Clooney is telling his side of the tale. * In a new profile by GQ, Clooney said the idea came to him at about the time \"Gravity\" came out. * He wasn\'t married at the time but wanted to give something back to his closest friends. * \"I thought, what I do have are these guys who\'ve all, over a period of 35 years, helped me in one way or another,\" Clooney told GQ. \"I\'ve slept on their couches when I was broke. They loaned me money when I was broke.\" * Clooney drove an old florist\'s van to a building in Los Angeles where he was able to get $14 million in cash and load it into suitcases. * Visit Insider\'s homepage for more stories. ![\\"Insider](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg) Sign up to get the inside scoop on today’s biggest stories in markets, tech, and business — delivered daily. Read preview ![\\"Bull\\"](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg) Thanks for signing up! Go to newsletter preferences Thanks for signing up! Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you\'re on the go. download the app Email address Sign up By clicking “Sign Up”, you accept our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. You can opt-out at any time by visiting our Preferences page or by clicking \"unsubscribe\" at the bottom of the email. ![\\"Bull\\"](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg) Advertisement The Hollywood star George Clooney has finally revealed the backstory behind the memorable surprise gift of $1 million in cash he was previously said to have given 14 of his best friends. Back in 2017, one of the actor\'s longtime pals, Rande Gerber, told MSNBC that Clooney had invited his closest friends over for dinner one night only to surprise them each with a suitcase full of cash. Now, in a new profile with GQ, Clooney recounted the full tale from his point of view for the first time. The great cash-gifting day happened in September 2013, Clooney said, right before his film \"Gravity\" premiered. The movie wound up being a \"very good deal\" for Clooney, he said, because he was paid based on percentages of box- office revenue, as was his costar Sandra Bullock. The actor had already met his future wife, Amal Alamuddin, but the two weren\'t dating. He had no immediate family to dote upon. \"And I thought, what I do have are these guys who\'ve all, over a period of 35 years, helped me in one way or another,\" Clooney told GQ. \"I\'ve slept on their couches when I was broke. They loaned me money when I was broke. They helped me when I needed help over the years. And I\'ve helped them over the years.\" Advertisement ![\\"george](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3C%3Fxml) The now-married couple, Amal and George Clooney. Getty Images \"We\'re all good friends,\" Clooney continued. \"And I thought, you know, without them I don\'t have any of this. And we\'re all really close, and I just thought basically if I get hit by a bus, they\'re all in the will. So why the f--- am I waiting to get hit by a bus?\" Clooney came up with the suitcase-of-cash idea, but then he needed to figure out how to get $14 million in cash all at once. According to GQ, Clooney\'s research led him to \"an undisclosed location\" in Los Angeles where pallets of cash are held for sale. ## Related stories \"So Clooney got an old beat-up van that said \'Florist\' on it, like he was in a heist movie, and he drove downtown, and he got in an elevator with the florist\'s van, and he took the van down to the vault and loaded it up with cash,\" the GQ reporter Zach Baron wrote in the profile. \"He told no one but his assistant \'and a couple of security guys that were shitting themselves.\'\" According to Clooney\'s friend Gerber, this group of friends refers to itself as simply \"The Guys.\" The actor called up each of them and announced a dinner party at his house. When they arrived, there were 14 Tumi luggage bags waiting. Advertisement ![\\"George](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3C%3Fxml) Stuart Wilson/Getty Images Clooney gave a speech about how much they had meant to him and said he wanted to give back. \"We open it up, and it\'s $1 million in $20 bills,\" Gerber told MSNBC. \"Every one of us — 14 of us — got a million dollars. Every single one of us. We were in shock. Like, \'What is this?\'\" As Clooney recounted the story to GQ, he noted the \"fun\" importance of the day he gave away the $14 million. Almost exactly one year later, on September 27, 2014, Clooney married Amal. \"That\'s good karma right there,\" Gerber said, referring to the coincidental date. ## Read the full GQ profile of George Clooney here » ## Read next ### Watch: How Hollywood makes actors look old ![\\"\\"](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg) Friends Celebrities Advertisement Close icon Two crossed lines that form an \'X\'. It indicates a way to close an interaction, or dismiss a notification. 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Actor George Clooney once gifted each of his 14 closest friends a suitcase filled with 1 million in cash
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Examining the Infamous Clear Lake Murders * Celebrity * Celebrity Relationships * Celebrity Friendships # Santa George Clooney? Rande Gerber Claims Actor Gifted His 14 Closest Friends $1 Million Each Longtime George Clooney pal Rande Gerber reveals the most unexpected gift he ever received from the Oscar winner By Kara Warner Kara Warner * * Kara Warner is a former staff writer at PEOPLE. She left PEOPLE in 2023. People Editorial Guidelines Published on December 12, 2017 05:13PM EST Oh to be close friends with George Clooney — a star of certain means who isn’t afraid to show his appreciation in a major way. During a recent chat on MSNBC’s Headliners show, Clooney’s longtime pal Rande Gerbercasually revealed that in 2013, the Suburbicon director gifted his closest friends one million dollars. Each! And paid their taxes for the year. “There’s a group of guys we call ‘The Boys,\'” explained Gerber. “George had called me and ‘The Boys’ and said, ‘Hey, mark September 27th, 2013, on your calendar. Everyone’s going to come to my house for dinner.’ Gerber said that when Clooney’s ‘Boys’ arrived at the dinner, there were black designer luggage bags on the table at each place setting. J. Merritt/WireImage “George begins to say, ‘Listen, I want you guys to know how much you’ve meant to me and how much you mean to me in my life,” recalled the restauranteur. “I came to L.A., I slept on your couch. I’m so fortunate in my life to have all of you and I couldn’t be where I am today without all of you. So, it was really important to me that while we’re still all here together, that I give back. So I want you all to open your suitcases.\'” “We open it up, and it’s a million dollars in $20 bills,” Gerber continued. “Every one of us – 14 of us – got a million dollars. Every single one of us. We’re in shock. Like, what is this? He goes, ‘I know we’ve all been through some hard times, some of you are still going through it. You don’t have to worry about your kids, you don’t have to worry about, you know, school, you don’t have to worry about paying your mortgage.\'” Gerber said that some of the men gathered were working paycheck to paycheck. RELATED: George and Amal Clooney Make Their First Public Appearance 3 Months After Welcoming Twins “One was working at a bar in Texas at the airport, trying just to support his family,” he said. “Rides a bicycle to work every day. I mean these are guys that took care of George and now he’s giving it all back. And George said, ‘Not only that, I have paid everyone’s taxes so this million dollars is yours.\'” Denise Truscello/WireImage It was then that Gerber, who was part-owner of Clooney’s Casamigos Tequila company (which sold for $1 billion earlier this year), balked at accepting the money since he himself is independently wealthy. “I pull him aside and said, ‘I absolutely am not taking this million dollars,\'” he recalled. “Immediately George goes, ‘I’m just going to make one announcement. If Rande doesn’t take the million dollars, nobody gets it.’ Gerber said he took the money, but donated it all to charity. He added: “This is who George is. That was September 27th, 2013. Now September 27th, 2014, he marries Amal. Now that’s good karma right there.” ## Related Articles Lucas Bravo Praises _Ticket to Paradise_ Costars George Clooney and Julia Roberts: \'I Fell in Love\' (Exclusive) Lucas Bravo Recalls George Clooney\'s Invitation to His Summer House — and the \'Sexy Man\' Also There (Exclusive) George Clooney Says Acting with Brad Pitt in _Wolfs_ Was \'Easy\' from \'the Minute We Got There\' (Exclusive) Kylie Jenner Embraces Boyfriend Timothée Chalamet\'s Sister Pauline After Paris Fashion Week Runway Appearance How Sutton Foster and Michael Urie\'s Friendship Deepened from _Younger_ to Broadway (Exclusive) Nathan Lane Surprises Joy Behar with a Pizza Delivery Man Stripper for Her 82nd Birthday Drew Barrymore and Chloë Sevigny Had \'the Sexiest\' Kiss in a Bathroom During the \'90s: \'We Were Very Free\' Johnny Depp Praises His \'Dear, Brilliant Friend\' Robert Downey Jr.\'s Broadway Debut as \'Outstanding\' Jax Taylor Says Tom Sandoval Has Become His \'Best Friend\' amid Brittany Cartwright Divorce, Checks in \'More Than Anybody\' Janelle Monáe Says She Still Has a Group Text with Her _Knives Out_ Castmates: \'We Were Family First\' (Exclusive) Travis Kelce Celebrates His Birthday with Brother Jason, Patrick Mahomes and More at Kansas City Theater Kevin Smith Says Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez\'s Split \'Breaks My Heart\': They\'re \'Wonderful\' (Exclusive) Arsenio Hall Writes Moving Tribute to His Late _Coming to America_ Costars James Earl Jones and John Amos Swiftie Jake Shane Hasn\'t Met Taylor Swift Yet, but He Knows Exactly What He Would Tell Her (Exclusive) Every George Clooney Celebrity Prank, from Giving Meryl Streep Acting Tips to Pooping in Richard Kind\'s Litter Box Micaela Diamond on Bonding with Travis Kelce on _Grotesquerie_ as TV \'Newbies\' and Their \'Humble\' On-Set Moment (Exclusive) PEOPLE Newsletters ## Follow Us * * * * * * * * News * Entertainment * Royals * Lifestyle * StyleWatch * Shopping * About Us * PEOPLE Tested * Editorial Policy * Careers * Privacy Policy * Contact Us * Terms of Service * Advertise PEOPLE is part of the Dotdash Meredith publishing family. 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Actor George Clooney once gifted each of his 14 closest friends a suitcase filled with 1 million in cash
Watch Party Newsletter Fall TV guide Her must-haves What to stream U.S. Elections Sports Entertainment Life Money Tech Travel Opinion ONLY AT USA TODAY: Newsletters For Subscribers From the Archives Crossword eNewspaper Magazines Investigations Podcasts Video Humankind Just Curious Best-selling Booklist 24/7 Live Stream Legals OUR PORTFOLIO: 10Best USAT Wine Club Shopping Homefront Blueprint Southern Kitchen Best Auto Insurance Best Pet Insurance Best Travel Insurance Best Credit Cards Best CD Rates Best Personal Loans Home Internet CELEBRITIES George Clooney Add Topic # George Clooney recalls giving 14 of his friends $1 million each: \'Why wouldn\'t you do that?\' ![\\"Portrait](\\"/gcdn/presto/2022/01/11/USAT/f92ae507-36f7-45e0-9c63-b3852c5dfbb2-yasharoff_hannah3.jpg?crop=230,230,x0,y23&width=48&height=48&format=pjpg&auto=webp\\") Hannah Yasharoff USA TODAY ![\\"\\"](\\"/gcdn/presto/2019/03/15/USAT/3a3bcad3-6268-4f2b-b311-fed66c99c1e9-GTY_1135794925.JPG?crop=1903,1070,x0,y565&width=660&height=371&format=pjpg&auto=webp\\"/) PlayPause Sound OnSound Off 0:00 1:04 AD SKIP ClosedCaptionOpen ShareEnter Full ScreenExit Full Screen It pays to be George Clooney\'s friend. Literally. In 2013, Clooney was 52, single, without children and about to appear in the space thriller \"Gravity\" when he came up with a huge way to thank his 14 closest friends for their support through the years: A gift of $1 million each. \"I thought, \'what I do have are these guys who\'ve all, over a period of 35 years, helped me in one way or another,\'\" Clooney said in an interview with GQ. \"I\'ve slept on their couches when I was broke. They loaned me money when I was broke. They helped me when I needed help over the years. And I\'ve helped them over the years. We\'re all good friends. And I thought, you know, without them I don\'t have any of this. And we\'re all really close, and I just thought basically if I get hit by a bus, they\'re all in the will.\" He added: \"So why the (expletive) am I waiting to get hit by a bus?” The actor pulled a move reminiscent of his \"Ocean\'s\" franchise – he rented an old van that read \"Florist,\" loaded up 14 Tumi bags each with a million dollars in cash (\"which isn\'t as much as you think it is, weight-wise\") and invited his friends over. Need a break? Play the USA TODAY Daily Crossword Puzzle. \"I just held up a map and I just pointed to all the places I got to go in the world and all the things I\'ve gotten to see because of them,\" Clooney recalled. \"And I said, \'How do you repay people like that?\' And I said, \'Oh, well: How about a million bucks?\'\" Seven years later, Clooney is married to human rights lawyer Amal Clooney, the father to 3-year-old twins Ella and Alexander and has even more dollar signs to his name, thanks mostly to a billion dollar deal Clooney and his business partners signed to sell their tequila company in 2017. Clooney still maintains the $14 million gift was the right move. \"You know, it\'s funny,\" Clooney said. \"I remember talking to one really rich asshole who I ran into in a hotel in Vegas—certainly a lot richer than I am. And I remember the story about the cash had come out, and he was like, \'Why would you do that?\' \" He concluded: \"And I was like, \'Why wouldn\'t you do that, you schmuck?\' \" Searching for a Home in New Gurgaon? [See Options]Checkout hottest new launches in New Gurgaon that suit your needs and budget.99 Acres| AdAd Enquire Now Delhi: The price (& size) of these hearing aids might surprise| AdAd 2/3 BHK Premium Beachview Home in Mumbai at ₹ 92 Lakhs*Sunteck Beach Residences, Mumbai - A well-connected address offering a seamless lifestyleSunteck Realty| AdAd Learn More Delhi: Discover Extra Income with Amazon CFDGreat opportunity CPX-Road| AdAd Learn More Flat 10 Years Warranty On Home InteriorsExperience the future of Interiors - visualize your dream space in 3D! 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It is claimed that Starbucks put on sale cups with 'watermelon' pattern the symbol of Palestinian resistance after the boycotts
Official Site of Author Kathleen Kern * Books » * Because the Angels * Where Such Unmaking Reigns * Shorter Works (abbreviated list) * Books * Because the Angels * Where Such Unmaking Reigns * Kathleen Kern Author * Human Rights * Markie * Kathleen Kern Author * Kathleen Kern’s Portfolio # Kathleen Kern Author # Chilean Street Art, Valparaiso, and Back to Rochester ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1060.jpeg?resize=620%2C465&ssl=1\\") ## Political Street Art and Miscellaneous After our street art tour in Bogotá with Camilo, I kept my eyes open for street art in other places we visited. Santiago also has a notable street art community and now I kind of wish we had taken a graffiti tour there. The first street art we saw was actually an advertisement for an Amazon Prime program! The yellow owl was across the street from a cafe where we got some lunch. In my blog post on the ESMA Museum of Memory in Buenos Aires, I talked about the meaning of “Presente.” So when I saw the graffiti about Luisa Toledo, I looked her up. The Pinochet regime killed three of her children, and she became involved with liberation struggles against the dictatorship. She also advocated for the Mapuche Indigenous people, who were seeking territorial autonomy. Her family put out the following communique when she died. > COMMUNIQUÉ (Santiago de Chile)To the national and international communityTo > the women, the children, the elderly, and the honorable men of this landTo > the political prisonersTo the clandestine ones who plow through rebellionsTo > the Mapuche peopleTo those who fightTo the residents of Villa FránciaTo the > combative youth:It is with deep sadness that we inform everyone of the death > of our beloved comrade Luisa Toledo Sepúlveda. Surrounded by her most > intimate family circle, she passed away peacefully in the privacy of her > home on the morning on Tuesday, July 6.On this cold July morning, we were > proud to be able to say goodbye to an unwavering, timeless, and essential > woman. And although Luisa leaves us physically, her legacy has deeply > penetrated the history of those who fight beyond the borders of this > territory called Chile.With incalculable courage, Luisa fought for a justice > that she never received after the murder of her children, Eduardo, Rafael, > and Pablo, a pain that made her decision to fight unbreakable.Today will be > marked as a before and after with the indelible mark of Luisa. Luisa, mother > of the fighting youth, will continue to be an unfaltering beacon for those > who fight.Let it be known to all the traitors, syncophants, and those who > remain comfortable during moments of revolt, that her tenacity and > consistency will remain the trailheads for new paths of struggles and > rebellions in every poor corner of this world.Compañera Luisa Toledo > Sepúlveda, PresentVilla Francia, July 6, > 2021#FightlikeLuisa#MotherOfThecombatantYouth#LuisaLives#EveryDayAYoungCombatantisborn#VillaFrance#FreedomToThePrisonersoftherevolt > > > mother-of-combative-youth-a-eulogy-and-report-from-chile The graffiti “RP Global killed the black woman” probably refers to the death of Macarena Valdés, a Mapuche Indigenous woman. The Chilean authorities arrested her for trying to prevent the multinational company, RP Global, from stringing high voltage power cables through her community. The one beside it says “War to the state,” with an anarchist logo beside it. Below, we have poetry. The first, blue against a cream background, reads “Soul trash/We collect your fears/Old loves and bad luck/ Shake it off here.” Not sure of the poet’s last name, but the first is Pippi. The same poet (Pippi Morís?) wrote in white on blue, “Assembly of a whole being/I feel cold, never afraid/My soul is conscious/Vibrating along.“ Victor Jara was an internationally famous Chilean folksinger and university professor tortured and killed by Pinochet’s regime. Dragged into an indoor stadium, soldiers smashed his arms and systematically broke his fingers. Then they taunted him to play his guitar. The Spanish under his portrait reads, “With the force of song.” To his right, is a poster showing an indigenous person kicking a soldier, with the phrases, “Soldiers go back to your quarters.” On either side is the quotation, “So that memory does not exist only in September,” recalling the September 11, 1973 coup. Below that, you’ll see a poster about Indigenous people that has been ripped off the wall. To its right, the poster says, “With death and torture, Democracy is still being built. Sowing terror to defend your interests and continuing to profit from our necessities. To 50 years of the coup. Self- organization,[obscured], and Direct Action. The encircled A and the star represent Anarchists and Communists. I don’t know what the third logo represents. It does not appear to be the flag of Chilean socialists. Because of its proximity to the Indigenous poster, and because of how governments treat Indigenous people in the Americas, I think the two posters may relate to each other. I don’t know what the three-eyed person means in the street art below that, but the words say, “State of Rebellion before the Oppressor State.” In the last row, we see graffiti dedicated to the struggle of the Mapuche people. “Mapuche” means “people of the land” in their language, and “newen” means “force.” The small posters stuck on the painting of an arch call for justice in the murder of Annibal Villarroel, a working class protestor shot by police lieutenant Joaquin Muñoz Vasquez in 2020. Alex Nuñez was a 39-year-oold repairman who was trying to get home under military curfew. Police chased him and and beat him up. He died later in the hospital from his injuries. Under his image, someone has written, “They fell fighting for [human/civil] rights.” And below that, someone has written, “Arise those who fight (or struggle.”). The writer turned the tail of the q into a cross. On the picture to the right, the graffiti says, “For Communism, for Anarchy, let’s go on the offensive.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_0997-1024x774.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1051-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_0999-1024x397.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1052-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1053-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1057-1024x502.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1089-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1099-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1100-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\'Street](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1060-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/IMG_1125-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/IMG_1054-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") I thought a couple of pieces were so striking I wanted to feature them. First up was the adaptation of Pablo Picasso’s Guernica, which was his response to the 1937 bombing of the city of Guernica by fascist Italy and Germany. The artist of this mural used Picasso’s motif to describe the crackdowns on protests against inequality that began in 2019 and continued into 2020, until Covid-19 ended them. One demonstration on October 25, 2019 had more that 1 million people show up. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1090-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1091-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1092-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1093-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") We stopped in at the Gabriela Mistral Cultural Center , which was closed for the day, and saw this mural. I would have loved to have had a Chilean historian or art expert explain it to me. I did a Google Lens search, and someone said this mural is called “Free Africa.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1119.jpeg?resize=620%2C388&ssl=1\\") I saw a mosaic on the side of the building—obviously installed when the center was built—that I initially thought was a picture of the Catholic Church bringing enlightenment to the savages. However, on closer inspection, I see that it’s a depiction of Gabriela Mistral, who herself received little standard education because she grew up in poverty. She advocated for Indigenous, poor, and working-class children to have the same right to education as other Chileans. Below are a couple of other murals from the center. The quotation above and below the frame in the picture to the right means, roughly, “As the streets expand over everything, the countryside shrinks. If the countryside dies, the city doesn’t eat.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1104.jpeg?resize=620%2C465&ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1121-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1122-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ## International Women’s Day Street Art The evening we landed in Santiago, our driver told us he could take us only within three blocks of our rented room because of the International Women’s Day March. Dragging our luggage all that way was not fun, but participants in the March sure left a lot of interesting graffiti and posters behind. The top photo is slang that means, roughly. “Legal Abortion. Never with the police. Always with the whores.” The three unobscured graffiti postings below it read, “No is no,” “How many have to die in the name of false love,” and “Believe your daughter.” The posters give statistics: * In Chile, women work double the hours of men each day to take care of children and other dependents * At a global level, women work more than 76% of the unremunerated jobs. * 1 out of 2 women of working age do not participate in the workforce, while 70% of men in the same position do. * Women in Chile receive $21.7 less that men do. * Did you know that only 7.5 public monuments are about women? * 9 out of 10 women have been harassed on public transport. * Did you know that only 5.5% of the almost 100 million streets in Chile are named after women? * In Latin America, 49% of women have taken a break of 6 months or more from their work. * In Chile, 2 out of 5 women cancel trips within the city because the situation is too insecure for them to go there. The posters in red depict the pictures of young women that the Pinochet junta regime kidnapped and who are still missing. The poster of the little girl in her school uniform jumping the turnstile reads, “Against the disposal and the violence of the colonial, capitalist, patriarchy. We resist for life. We march for transformation.” The final picture, bottom right, says, “I am the artist. NOT the muse.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1076-1024x498.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1077-1024x227.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1110-1024x646.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1114-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1115-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1124-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ## Palestinian Solidarity Street Art As I’ve mentioned in earlier blog postings, we saw evidence of solidarity with Palestinians in all the countries we visited. In South America, only French Guiana does not recognize the State of Palestine. In Santiago, however, support for Palestinians seemed omnipresent. I remembered a friend in Bethlehem telling me in the 1990s that there were more Palestinian Christians from Bethlehem in Santiago, Chile than there were Palestinian Christians in Bethlehem. I also remember his taxi driver friend telling me he didn’t want to emigrate, but the Israeli closure of Bethlehem had tanked the economy, and he had family in Santiago who could help him start a new life there. Nearly half a million Palestinians live in Chile today. From the top left: I took this picture from a car, so it’s not the greatest, but you can see the Palestinian woman wearing a keffiyeh (incidentally, some Palestinian Muslim women do wear keffiyehs—usually as a political statement, but it’s unusual. They prefer more fashionable headscarves. Keffiyehs are for working-class men.) On the top right, the posters say, “Together in the Struggle,” and feature an Indigenous woman, a Black woman and a Palestinian woman. Bottom left is a stencil showing a Palestinian woman holding a baby, with the statement: “Patriarchy equals genocide.” The next poster is a lithography saying, “Free Palestine.” (Below that is a poster saying “Milk is rape.”). Hanging on the same screen are posters saying, “No+Genocide,” with abstract figures in the colors of the Palestinian flag. On the bottom right, the top slogan says, “Palestinian Woman Resist.” (Below, in red, it says “Woman, light your fire” and, in black, “To abort is a right.”) ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/IMG_1085-1024x602.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/IMG_1111-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/IMG_1112-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/IMG_1113-758x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/IMG_1116-1024x552.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/IMG_1127-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ValparaisoWe have a friend in Rochester from Chile who encouraged us to go to Valparaiso, because she doesn’t like Santiago, and thinks Valparaiso presents a more beautiful side of Chile. Valparaiso is indeed a picturesque city. Valparaiso has Latin America’s oldest stock exchange, the continent’s first volunteer fire department, and Chile’s first public library. El Mercurio de Valparaiso is the world’s oldest Spanish language newspaper still in publication. UNESCO has called Valparaiso a World Heritage Site because of its historic importance as a seaport where ships stopped on their way to and from the Straits of Magellan before the Panama Canal was built. Below is our lunchtime at a restaurant that our friend from Rochester recommended for the view. A driver in Santiago whom we liked agreed to take us to Valparaiso and then to the airport to catch our overnight flight. So of course, we invited him to eat with us. I ordered the dish our friend had recommended, the seafood soup. Good choice. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/IMG_1133-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/IMG_1135-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/IMG_1136-1024x916.jpeg?ssl=1\\") We took a walk into the center of the city before we went into its hills. This statue of the Greek god of justice, Themis, appealed to me. I think it was her swagger, with the hand on the hip. The plaque reads, “Themis, goddess of justice, ‘Figure and features of a young woman, a hard and fearsome look. Very vivid shine in her eyes, neither submissive or threatening, but with the dignity of a certain venerable sadness.\'” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/IMG_1141-1024x474.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/IMG_1139-1-927x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") We then went up to the upper levels of Valparaiso on a funicular. The city has 17. Basically, they operate on the principle of counter weights. As one car goes down, it pulls the other one up. The pictures show the view from the top. We thought we were seeing more Chilean street art in this hilly neighborhood, but the painter of both pictures has a Colombian Instagram address. I am not sure what the picture on the right signifies. The picture on the left shows Chile being drained of its resources. I am guessing the octopus pig is multinational corporations? Or other nations? The “Liberty of Chile” is one thing octopus pig is stealing. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/512px-Ascensor_Artilleria_in_Valparaiso.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/IMG_1142-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/IMG_1143-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/IMG_1144-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/IMG_1148-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/IMG_1145-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/IMG_1146-1024x633.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/IMG_1147-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ## Back to Reality The flight from Santiago to Atlanta was very long, and my back was throbbing by the time we landed. You know how I complained in a previous blog post about Chile not having cheap espresso drinks? Well, a cup of IHOP coffee was a sad, sad way to end the trip. However, we did have a lovely brief visit with Michael’s friend Maidie as we waited for our flight home in Atlanta. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/IMG_1153.jpeg?resize=620%2C827&ssl=1\\") As I write, we are halfway through June. I’ve been job hunting and tending the garden. When I reflect on the trip this spring, I would say my favorite part of the trip was visiting friends. I am glad that Sandra and Tuti feel safe in the countries they once fled, but I also think of all the students, intellectuals, dissidents, and ordinary people who simply wanted a better society and met terrible ends in their nations. Learning the histories of these countries also left me with the conviction to never take democracy for granted. Some Colombians, Uruguayans, Argentinians and Chileans feel nostalgic for the times of dictatorship and political assassinations. There will always be privileged people who support governments that engage in unimaginable cruelties, as long as this tyranny results in the elites living comfortable lives, and as long as the government’s misinformation brainwashes enough people. Those who have ears let them hear. If you would like a notification when I post something new, enter your email, and WordPress will do the rest. Type your email… Subscribe # Three Museums, Constitution Plaza, and Interesting Chilean Drinks ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1083.jpeg?resize=620%2C827&ssl=1\\") On March 9-10, we made three short to very short visits to three more museums, the Gabriela Mistral Education Museum, which we visited on the afternoon after our visit to the Memory Museum, the Pre-Columbian Art museum, and Pablo Neruda’s House. Gabriela Mistral had an impressive career. Famous for her poetry, she became the first Latin American to win the Nobel Prize for literature. The government also appointed her to be a diplomatic consul to 10 different cities in Europe and the Americas. But her first career was in education. She grew up in poverty and left school at 11 to support her family by sewing and then working as a teacher’s aide when she was 15. Her teaching career attracted notice and the Ministry of Education appointed her as director to several prestigious high schools in Santiago. Later she moved to Mexico to help reform the education system there. The museum itself was mostly about the history of education in Chile. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1063-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1064-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1066-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1067-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1068-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1069-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Shortly before the Pinochet dictatorship fell, he handed over the education system to private corporations, who continually raised fees and reduced services. In 2006, students throughout the country rebelled. Called the Penguin’s Revolt, a reference to their black and white school uniforms, students demanded that the Chilean government stop allowing corporations to make a profit from their education. The signs below (clockwise from the top left) say, “It’s going to fall; it’s going to fall, the education of Pinochet.” “Let’s go, comrades. We have to put a little more effort into it. We quickly go out onto the street. Chilean education is not sold; it is defended.” “Education is a right.” “The rebel penguin doesn’t sleep.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1071.jpeg?resize=620%2C465&ssl=1\\") That evening we went to a Chinese-Venezuelan restaurant that included ham and cheese egg rolls on the menu. I will say no more. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1072.jpeg?resize=620%2C827&ssl=1\\") The next day, we went to see the National Museum of Pre-Columbian Art. At first, the plaque commemorating the inauguration of the museum by General Pinochet put us off. Michael asked at the front desk why the plaque was there, but the guy at the desk had no answer. Then, as we entered the second room, we realized all the pieces of art in that room had been looted from Indigenous burial sites, so we left after maybe 15 minutes. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1079-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1081-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") We then visited Constitution Plaza, site of La Moneda, a combination of presidential palace and seat of government. For Chileans September 11 will always refer to the day in 1973 that the Chilean military, with the support of the U.S., launched a coup against the democratically-elected president, Salvador Allende. And the most famous images from that day were the strafing of La Moneda by the Chilean Air Force, which used unguided rockets and cannon fire. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/Palacio_de_la_Moneda_desde_el_aire-4-1024x687.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/Golpe_de_Estado_1973.jpg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/4822413619_3b28e90425_c-1.jpg?ssl=1\\") When we were visiting Sandra in Uruguay, she told us that Allende had arranged to go into exile, but he heard military radio communications indicating that his plane would never reach Cuba. So he delivered his final radio address, part of which is engraved on his statue in the plaza, and then committed suicide. The quotation on the plaque reads > [Go forward knowing that,] sooner rather than later, the great avenues will > open again and free men will walk through them to construct a better > society. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1083-1-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1082-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Pablo Neruda’s home in Santiago, called La Chascona, after his mistress, was the third museum we visited that day. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1095-1.jpeg?resize=620%2C465&ssl=1\\") We weren’t allowed to take pictures inside, but you can see some of the rooms here. Neruda, Chile’s most famous poet, also won the Nobel Prize for Literature and was friends with Gabriela Mistral. One of his most famous poems is “Ode to a Watermelon”: > ODE TO THE WATERMELON (Excerpt)by Pablo Neruda …the round, magnificent,star- > filled watermelon.It’s a fruit from the thirst-tree.It’s the green whale of > the summer.The dry universeall at oncegiven dark starsby this firmament of > coolnesslets the swellingfruitcome down:its hemispheres openshowing a > flaggreen, white, red,that dissolves intowild rivers, sugar,delight!Jewel > box of water, phlegmaticqueenof the fruitshops,warehouseof profundity, > moonon earth!You are pure,rubies fall apartin your abundance,and wewantto > bite into you,to bury ourfacein you, andour hair, andthe soul!When we’re > thirstywe glimpse youlikea mine or a mountainof fantastic food,butamong our > longings and our teethyou changesimplyinto cool lightthat slips in turn > intospring waterthat touched us oncesinging. > > _P_ ablo Neruda, Selected Poems Currently, the watermelon has become a symbol of Palestinian resistance, because Israel punishes those who display the Palestinian flag. With its black seeds, green rind and red fruit, the watermelon serves as a stand-in. When we saw this apron, with a line of the poem in Spanish, Michael knew immediately that he wanted to give it to a Palestinian friend, who posted this picture on Facebook. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/Image-1.jpeg?resize=620%2C827&ssl=1\\") Finally, we encountered some beverages in Chile that we did not in any of the other countries we visited. I got spoiled by the cheap expresso drinks I was able to order in most of the places we ate. At this particular restaurant in Chile, I decided I would go for something simpler, and ordered cafe con leche, coffee with hot milk. Below is what I got. In Palestine, this type of coffee is a special drink that Palestinians serve to guests (despite the boycott), but for me, it symbolized a return to reality. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1094.jpeg?resize=620%2C465&ssl=1\\") However, even though Chile doesn’t have cheap expresso drinks, it does have some interesting soft drinks. Top left is sugar cane juice with lime. Now, it didn’t even sound good to me, and it tasted just like it sounds: watered-down molasses with lime juice. I guess I just like trying new things. Inca Cola is actually a Peruvian soda, with lemon verbena as the main flavor. Bilz, after Coca-Cola, is the most popular soda in Chile. The company describes the flavor as “fruit.” The pictures for Pap and Kem I downloaded from the internet. I didn’t actually see the former, and didn’t think to take a picture of the latter. One has the taste of papaya and the other the taste of pineapple. Guess which is which. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1132-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1098-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_1050-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/Image.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/Kem2_613x613.jpg.webp?ssl=1\\") I believe next post will be the last of the trip. If you would like to receive an email when I post one of my blogs, submit your email. Type your email… Subscribe May 13, 2024 # Museum of Memory in Santiago ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1037-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") The Museum of Memory in Chile had its own style, just like the museums in Uruguay and Argentina had their own style. Like Argentina’s museum, it is designed professionally, and makes the “disappeared” reappear. I think Chile’s museum tries to tell a story. How did this happen? What happened? Who made it happen? Who stopped it from happening. For those who are interested in the coup that overthrew Salvador Allende, see my previous blog post about our friend Sandra’s work with the Salvador Allende Society in Uruguay. At the entrance of the Museum of the Museum the walls exhibit the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1001.jpeg?resize=620%2C228&ssl=1\\") When you enter the museum, the first exhibit you see is the number of people from other countries that the Chilean regime killed. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1003.jpeg?resize=620%2C465&ssl=1\\") While Argentina’s ESMA museum mentions that other memorials to the victims of the Dirty War exist, Chile’s Museum of Memory gives a visual representation and short description them all. The University of Santiago memorialized two of its professors with the colorful mural: Enrique Kirberg, and Víctor Jara, an internationally known musician, and Latin American icon. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1005-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1006-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1007-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1008-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1009-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Below is a brief summary in English of the drastic change in Chilean society when the dictatorship took charge. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1011.jpeg?resize=620%2C465&ssl=1\\") The picture on the left shows an exhumation of a grave in Santiago. Prosecutors exhumed mass graves to gather evidence to indict the human rights abusers during the dictatorship. It says, “How did we come to deny the humanity of people?” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1010-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1012-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") People around the world began to protest the human rights abuses in Chile, as they did those in Argentina and Uruguay. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1014.jpeg?resize=620%2C465&ssl=1\\") Orlando Letelier was a Chilean economist, politician and diplomat under the presidency of Salvador Allende. Tortured and imprisoned under Pinochet’s regime, he eventually moved to the U.S. where he held several academic positions. A car bomb explosion ordered by Pinochet killed Letelier and his U.S. secretary and interpreter, Ronni Karpen Moffitt, on September 21, 1976 in Washington, DC. The photo on the right is a picture of their memorial on Sheridan Circle in DC. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1015-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/800px- Orlando_Letelier__Ronni_K_Moffit_Memorial_28375046.jpg?ssl=1\\") In the Buenos Aires Museum of Memory, the victims of torture describe in horrifying detail what happened to them. Chile’s museum takes a more clinical approach. For example, > One is forced to be present at the torture of others, many times family > members and people one is close to, in order to provoke confessions. This > method allows victims to project what could happen to them if they don’t > collaborate. > > It’s a different kind of horrifying. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1017-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1021-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1020-510x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1019-556x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1018-643x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Below are letters written home to families informing them of their loved ones’ deaths. The large letter was one a father wrote to his child from prison. > ![\\"\\"](\\" > content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1022-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") > > ![\\"\\"](\\" > content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1023-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Walls filled with names of those whom the government killed. The lighting was terrible and you could barely read them. I adjusted the exposure on the photos to brighten the names. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1025-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1028-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1026-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Like the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, eventually some Chileans decided they had had enough of fear, and worrying about their the loved ones. The large black human-shaped poster says, “Maria Edith Vasquez. Did you forget me? YES___ NO___.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1030-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1032-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Near the end of the Museum, it does its great “undisappearing” act by having the victims’ faces jut out from walls in a great hall. I think the treatment of the disappeared is also one of the differences between Chile’s museum and Argentina’s museum. The Argentina museum tried to tell as many stories of as many individuals as it could, and have their faces in as many places as it could. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1038-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"Hundreds](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1037-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1035-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1034-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Arpilleras (Ar-pee-YER-as) are a traditional type of Latin American Folk Art. We have several hanging in our front room. (I took a picture of this one on a slant to reduce the glare on the glass.) They are often quilted to had texture, and typically depict village life. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1244.jpeg?resize=620%2C737&ssl=1\\") Chilean women, during and after the dictatorship, made arpilleras that reflected their stories. At one point General Pinochet forbade their sale. Here are some pictures I took, again at a slant, to reduce light reflecting of the glass. On the lower right, armed authorities shoot a man in a white shirt, who was standing among people in the street. The arpillera above seems to show monsters attacking. In the picture on the right, the arpillera in the lower left corner shows a a person sitting in a pool of blood, surrounded by barbed wire, while a sinister-looking black bird flies overhead. To the right, a group of women marches up a hill, where dark figures, possibly armed, await them. To the right of that, the lower arpillera shows a photo of another protest, with mothers holding up pictures of their children, and someone hold ing a sign that says, TRUTH/JUSTICE in Spanish. For better photos of arpilleras created by Chilean women see the websites, Weblog of the Education for Peace Initiative at Prajnya and Chilean Arpilleras: A chapter of history written on cloth ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1041-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1040-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") From the beginning of the dictatorship, the regime encouraged people to spy on their fellow countrymen. The sign below says, roughly, > CHILEANS > The patriotic contribution of all citizens will facilitate the elimination > of the extremists that still remain in the capital. > They are foreigners without a homeland and some Chilean fanatics that can no > seem beyond their hate and desire for destruction. > REPORT THEM, PROVIDING CONCRETE AND TIMELY BACKGROUND TO THE FOLLOWING PHONE > NUMBERS OR PERSONALLY AT ANY MILITARY UNIT. > Absolute privacy of those who provide information will be maintained. Don’t > be afraid of the threats of extremists. The LAW and JUSTICE are on your > side. Whoever is caught threatening a citizen will be subjected to the > maximum penalty in the Tribunals during times of war. > Remember that indifferent citizens helped with their passivity to let > Marxism almost destroy Chile. > CITIZEN, CONTRIBUTE TO THE CLEANING OUR HOMELAND OF INDESIRABLES. > Headquarters of the State. > > > ![\\"\\"](\\" > content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1042.jpeg?resize=620%2C465&ssl=1\\") > > The town of Pisgua had an internment camp previously used for male > homosexuals under the dictatorship of General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo > between 1927 and 1931. Under the Pinochet regime, it became one of the > country’s many detention/torture centers. A Catholic human rights > organization demanded that a mass grave in the local cemetery be excavated > in 1990. Due to the arid climate and the amount of salt in the soil, the > twenty bodies inside were unusually well preserved and easy to identify. I > don’t actually remember what the other photo is about, but it’s self- > explanatory. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1044-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1047-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") When the Pinochet dictatorship came into power, it shut down most of the newspapers, and saw that the others printed only positive things about the government. The papers and the pictures refer to a Red Cross visit to the internment cap at Pisagua. They speak of the “humane and just treatment” the prisoners receive, and how “well-ordered, disciplined and clean” the camp was. The photos show smiling prisoners. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1045-1.jpeg?resize=620%2C465&ssl=1\\") I highly recommend Jacobo Timerman’s books, Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number and The Longest War . In the first, he writes of his experience of detention and torture during the Argentina’s Dirty War because he was a Jew and the editor of La Opinion. In the second, he writes of Israel’s invasion of Lebanon. I mention these books here, because an anecdote from the second book has stuck with me since I read it in the 1990s. On a trip for journalists to Southern Lebanon with the Israeli army, soldiers had the journalists talk to Lebanese civilians. They told the journalists how much better life was for them now that the Israeli military was in control of the region. Timerman instantly recognized what the expression on their faces meant. His face had assumed the same expression when the Red Cross had visited his prison, and he had told its representatives that the authorities at the prison were treating him well. Below are letters that prisoners wrote to their families had to pass through a censor. Prisons even had a form for prisoners to fill out to send home to their families. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1046.jpeg?resize=620%2C268&ssl=1\\") In 1988, Chile’s Constitutional Court ruled that the country should hold a plebiscite as per Article 64 of the Chilean Constitution. Fifty-six percent of the voters rejected the extension of Pinochet’s presidential term, in part because of an upbeat advertising campaign that focused on what Chile’s future could be without a dictatorship. Pinochet left power in 1989. I took photo below, which commemorates the tenth anniversary of the museum’s creation, on our way out of the museum. The sign says, “Adios, General. Joy has arrived.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1049.jpeg?resize=620%2C501&ssl=1\\") Last year was the fiftieth anniversary of the coup that left over 3,000 Chileans dead or missing, tortured tens of thousands of prisoners, and drove an estimated 200,000 Chileans into exile. And yet, polling shows more than one-third of Chileans today justify the military overthrow of a democratically elected government. Sixty-six percent of respondents agreed with the statement that rather than worry about the rights of individuals, the country needs a firm government. Several people polled said that under Pinochet, there was less crime and the streets were cleaner. Others said he had saved Chile from Marxism.Reading this article caused me to reflect how time launders the crimes of powerful people. In this country, Nixon became a venerable political commentator after illegally spying on journalists, authorizing the break-in of the Democratic National Party’s headquarters, covering it up—and massively bombing Cambodia. Henry Kissinger, whom NPR called a “legendary diplomat and foreign policy scholar,” and was often treated as a bon vivant by the press, has the blood of 3 to 4 million people on his hands. I generally support not judging people by the worst thing they’ve ever done. However, for people in power, it’s different. They rarely face accountability for the crimes they commit and the lives they ruin. So they remain unrepentant, and their victims never receive justice. I also think that people have a way of looking back at the “good ol’ days” and thinking life was better then. Leave It to Beaver and The Andy Griffith Show certainly depict spaces where people could live safely and largely harmoniously. But both shows filmed in eras when black people could not vote in southern states, and women could not have credit cards in their own names or take legal action for sexual harassment in the workplace. Sheriff Andy would never have tolerated the Ku Klux Klan in Mayberry, we know, but at the time it was filmed, southern sheriffs not only tolerated, but were often members of the organization. They also gave allowed lynch mobs free access to the prisoners in their jails. In 2023 Kevin Clardy, the Sheriff of McCurtain County, Oklahoma was caught on tape wishing he still lived in an era when Black people were lynched. And that’s why we need memory museums—to remind people what the good ol’ days were really all about and that the people in power at the time were monsters. Perhaps the closest thing we have to a Memorial museum in the U.S. is the Legacy Museum and the Memorial to victims of lynching in Alabama, which we visited a couple years ago. Michael and I found it one of the most profound experiences of our trip. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0269.jpeg?resize=620%2C827&ssl=1\\") Type your email… Subscribe # Protected: Photos of Fuad’s house This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: # Decompressing with Tuti in Lujan de Cuyo ![\\"Photo](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0987.jpeg?resize=620%2C465&ssl=1\\")Tuti took us on a drive to the foothills of the Andes Mountains. I was surprised to find out that I took so few pictures when we visited Michael’s friend Tuti Berlak. Because I remember my time with her and her daughter Maia was one of my favorite parts of the trip. On the night before we flew to Mendoza from Buenos Aires. I finally took my braids down from the wedding hairdo. I had discovered, as the bruise from my fall in Medellin faded, that I had a hematoma in the center of the bruise (and still have it as of this writing), which explains why it hurt so much to move that thigh muscle. When I googled around to find out info about hematomas, I discovered that you’re not supposed to fly with them. I had already taken three flights , but thought I should check in with my doctor. He told me to take 325 mg of aspirin—which means I was kind of nauseous for the rest of my trip. ![\\"Woman](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0973-1024x1010.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"Women](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0974-794x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0975-846x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Mendoza is a city near the foothills of the Andes, and is cooler than Buenos Aires. Lujan de Cuyo, where Tuti and her daughter Maia live, is even closer, so the weather is cooler yet, although warm by our standards during the day. Here’s the view flying in: ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0978-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"Views](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0979-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Tuti has an interesting history. Like many of Michael’s friends from Tel Aviv University and Kerem Shalom, she left Argentina during the Dirty War. In the late 1970s, she left for Mexico, where she met her ex and they ended up in jail for because of their political activities against the Argentinian military regime. The Israeli Embassy got Tuti out, but her ex was Argentinian and had no one to advocate for him. While he was in jail, he made this plaque and gave it to Michael as a gift, which we have in our small collection of Che Guevara tchotchkes.1 Mexico deported them both as political exiles to Sweden. Before they split they had their two daughters, Anahi and Maia. Tuti moved back to Argentina. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_1217.jpg?resize=620%2C989&ssl=1\\") She now lives near the her parents’ summer cottage. Below is the view outside of her current home. Even though this post will be shorter than the others, I think my time with Tuti and her daughter Maia was one of my favorite parts of the trip. They are relaxing people, and sitting on the porch with them and their two big old dogs, was just what I needed. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0986-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Tuti’s daughter Anahi is an artist and the room where we slept was full of her mosaics. Below are some of her instagram photos of the pieces in our bedroom, following a picture of herself. You also might want to check out her Instagram feed. > View this post on Instagram > > A post shared by 𝙺𝚊𝚒 𝙺𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚒 (@kaikirichai) > View this post on Instagram > > A post shared by 𝙼𝚘𝚜𝚊𝚒𝚌𝚘𝚜 𝙰𝚗𝚊𝚑𝚒 ( > View this post on Instagram > > A post shared by 𝙼𝚘𝚜𝚊𝚒𝚌𝚘𝚜 𝙰𝚗𝚊𝚑𝚒 ( > View this post on Instagram > > A post shared by 𝙼𝚘𝚜𝚊𝚒𝚌𝚘𝚜 𝙰𝚗𝚊𝚑𝚒 ( In both Uruguay and Argentina we learned the importance of mate (pronounced MAH-tay). On the plane to Montevideo, we sat across from a guy who asked the flight attendant to fill his thermos with hot water, and then sipped for the rest of the flight. Tuti told us the that Argentinian stereotype Uruguayans as always walking around with a thermos in one arm and a mate cup in the other. Although Sandra had given me a few sips of her mate , I really learned how to drink it with Tuti. You fill the cup with dry leaves and then push them back with a bombilla until there is a small space to pour water. Then you sip the water with the dual purpose bombilla like the ones below. ![\\"5](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/Tipos_de_bombillas_para_mate.jpg?resize=512%2C343&ssl=1\\")Mariano-J, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons Tuti told us that the drinking mate is meant to be done socially, with everyone sharing the same cup. At the height of the Covid pandemic, when she went to meetings, people brought their own cups, but she said it wasn’t the same. Mate is an acquired taste. It’s bitter, like coffee and tea, but I acquired it. ![\\"woman](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/FullSizeRender.jpeg?resize=620%2C869&ssl=1\\")Tuti telling us about mate with Maia in the background. Before we left, reluctantly, on my part, anyway, I decided it was time for the last remnants of the wedding hairdo to go away. For our departure to Chile from the Mendoza airport the next morning, I was wearing my normal braids. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0989-1-845x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0992-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") 1. Michael wishes me to point out that tchotchkes are called chochchadas in Nicaraguan Spanish. He also thinks the fact that we have a Dome of the Rock replica made by a Palestinian political prisoner means we have a collection of political prisoner tchotchkes. ↩︎ Type your email… Subscribe # ESMA Museum and Site of Memory ![\\'Photo](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/ESMA_2.jpg?resize=620%2C464&ssl=1\\") The Armed Forces of Argentina installed the first ESMA (School of Navy Mechanics) institutions in 1975. Despite the name, the military/security state always intended to use them as clandestine centers for the torture, interrogation, rape, illegal detention and murder of people whom they deemed not worthy of membership in society. They accomplished all these atrocities with the help of U.S. tax dollars. As I said when I wrote about Uruguay’s Museum of Memory, the museum in Buenos Aires reflects a more professional use of designers and certainly a greater availability of funds. But the dictatorship had these detention centers all over Argentina, and people in other regions have set up smaller memory museums in their locations as well.. I took the below pictures of these exhibits on the outside of the museum, because they have English at the bottom, explaining what happened inside. If you click on them, you should be able to read the explanations. We saw the stencil commemorating Tomas Canataro on the outside of the building. I wondered if he had been a union leader, journalist, or some famous Argentinian dissident. But when I looked him up in the Museum archives, I saw the following, > > [Translated from Spanish]Tomas was born on October 22, 1941 in Villa del > Totoral, province of Córdoba. Married and father of three children, he > worked as a driver in a construction company. He was kidnapped on August 3, > 1978 from his home in Villa Concepción, San Martín, province of Buenos > Aires. He was 36 years old. He is still missing. >> >> Archivo Provincial de la Memoria. “Archivo Provincial de la Memorial – Memorial – TOMAS RICARDO CANATARO SANTOLUCITO None.” Accessed April 3, 2024. > > So what had he done to incur the displeasure of the authorities? Did he have > friends or family members they were looking for? Had someone overheard him > criticizing the government? Who put up the stencil? His children? > > “Presente” is something sung at memorial services to indicate that the > deceased are still a part of the living and remain in their hearts and > minds. Every year, hundreds of people sing it as people call out the names > of those killed by trainees at the School of the Americas (which include > Argentinian Officers) in Fort Bending, Georgia. It was one of the most > spiritual protests I ever participated in. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0883-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0889-852x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0886-1024x726.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0885-1024x712.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0884-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") We went inside the Central Pavilion, where Navy students had done their exercise. It is now dedicated to the 30,000 kidnapped, tortured, murdered and disappeared Argentinians. If the museum has a central theme it is to “undisappear” people. The dictatorship sought to sow terror among the population by making people disappear—and it considered them disposable, worth less than animals. The museum puts their faces everywhere, and includes their thumbnail histories to bring them back to life. You will see I had some trouble getting all the faces on the windows, because the wall is so long. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0890-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0891-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0892-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0893-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0901-1024x874.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0896-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0903-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Also around the room were testimonies before the Argentine Human Rights Commission of three women who managed to survive their time in ESMA. The plaque below in particular struck me. Modifying Google Translate, I paraphrased it: > > “It is in the “Capuchá” that one realized that contact with the outside > world no longer exists. The prisoner has nothing that protects or defends > [him or her.] The sequestration is complete. This sensation of > vulnerability, isolation, and fear is very difficult to describe. It must > be, however, the closest thing to Hell.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0900.jpeg?resize=620%2C465&ssl=1\\") Outside the Pavilion were exhibits of activists who wanted to make Argentina a more just and humane place. When I saw Patricia Roisenblit, I thought maybe the family’s name, was changed from Michael’s family name generations ago: Rosenblatt. However, now I think it’s more likely that it derives from Rosenblüt/Rosenbluth. Anyway, as I was googling around, I came across the name of Rosa Tarkovsky de Roisinblit, she was one of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, and was a founder of Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo. Patricia was 8 months pregnant when she and her husband were disappeared. The Air Force Commander who kidnapped, tortured and killed the couple received a sentence of 25 years. The Air Force Civilian worker who took the baby, knowing where it had come from, received a sentence of 12 years. Rosa is alive and 104 years old. I wanted to take pictures of all the activists, but as I looked down the long walk I knew that I could spend all day doing so. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0908-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0910-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0914-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0915-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0923-1024x711.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0924-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0918-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0916-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") However, one of the activists in particular stood out to me for some reason, possibly because the details of her life seemed like they could have been those of any kind-hearted person. Possibly because her face looks vaguely familiar, like someone I could have gone to school with. She grew up in a house with a garden, and her little sister remembers her as a friend and protector. She was youth minister in a Methodist church. The kids in her group gave her a Mafalda doll because of her brown frizzy hair and because she wanted to change the world for the better. At the university, she was not as interested in participating in political activities as she was in working with poor children and listening to workers and homemakers. She later joined the Peronist Youth party, where she met Reuben Stockdale. Her sister remembers them always having noisy, lively debates together. They both worked in a textile factory for a while, presumably to be closer to the workers for whom they were advocating. The authorities kidnapped Inés as she left work in 1976. She was two months pregnant. Reuben, who should have fled the country, as people associated with disappeared people typically did, decided to remain in Argentina and look for her. He was kidnapped in 1977. They both remain disappeared. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0928.jpeg?resize=620%2C441&ssl=1\\")Inés Cobo. ¡Presente! We next went to a small building dedicated to the Mothers of the Plaza del Mayo, whom I have mentioned in previous blogs ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0929-1024x772.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0930-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0931-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0941-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0939-1024x765.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0938-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0937-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0935-767x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0936-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") In addition to their regular Thursday public witnesses at the plaza, Grandmothers of the Plaza Del Mayo began Marches of Resistance in 1981. The atrocities were becoming more widely known internationally, and they wanted to keep up the pressure. Each march had a theme. RETURN OF THE LIVING CHILDREN TO THEIR FAMILIES “With our lives we carried them. With our lives, we love them.” RETURN OF THE DETAINEES-DISAPPEARED/ PUNISHMENT FOR THE GUILTY “The Plaza [belongs to] the Mothers and not to the cowards.” AGAINST THE LAW OF AMNESTY FOR THE APPEARANCE OF THE LIVING DETAINEES-DISAPPEARED. “There were no mistakes, there were no excesses. There were only the murderers in the military [who were part of] the process.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0934-1-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0933-1-1024x577.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0932-1-1024x535.jpeg?ssl=1\\") And as always, the pictures of the abducted stare the visitor in the face. The museum refuses to let them disappear. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0777-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0943-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0940-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") The military, in a sadistic form of execution that extended torture to the very end, often killed its captives by flying them over the River Platte or the ocean and dropping them from the plane or helicopter, hands and feet bound, into the water.1 They referred to these prisoners as “transfers.” Sandra told us she remembers the bodies washing up on the beaches of Uruguay. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0965-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0966-1-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0967-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0968-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0969-1024x584.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0970-1024x652.jpeg?ssl=1\\") I took this picture outside the museum. Apple photos only identifies it as being in the Nuñez neighborhood, where the museum is located. It says, “A tribute to the popular 2activists, the detainees disappeared by state terrorism in the ESMA neighborhood. Memory and Justice. March 24, 2013.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_0971.jpeg?resize=620%2C369&ssl=1\\") As I’ve prepared this blog post I’ve reflected on the proxy war that the U.S. and the Soviet Union fought on the continents of Latin America, Africa and Asia for decades, leaving behind a legacy of torture, slaughter and other atrocities. On the part of the U.S. it was all in the name of fighting communism. I am almost certain that most of the powerbrokers in the U.S. who sent money and weapons to the Argentine junta never read Marx’s Communist Manifesto or Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations, regarded as the foundation of Capitalism. Marx literally believed that workers should control the means of production, that is, they should make all the decisions about how a factory, farm, etc. is run, and all the profits should be split between them. He did not believe that the state should control the means of production. Adam Smith believed that productive labor creates wealth, and self-interest motivates people to put their resources to best use. But before he wrote Wealth of Nations, he wrote The Theory of the Moral Sentiments in which he describe a social system that would ensure justice and welfare for all. He always assumed that people had read the earlier book as a companion to the later book. When he visited India, and saw the misery that the British East India Company inflicted on workers in the textile mills, he wrote that to prohibit a people, > > from making all that they can of every part of their own produce, or from > employing their stock and industry in the way that they judge most > advantageous to themselves, is a manifest violation of the most sacred > rights of mankind”. >> >> “Adam Smith and the British East India Company: A Perspective on Competitiveness.” _Tax Justice Network_ , 30 Apr. 2015, company-a-perspective-on-competitiveness/. Thus, predatory Capitalism, according to Adam Smith, is not Capitalism at all. Communism and Capitalism are simply economic systems devised by two well- meaning men who wanted people to thrive. Authoritarianism was never part of the package. Treating workers like dirt was never part of the package. Creating hundreds of new billionaires, while the middle and working classes become ever more impoverished was never part of the package. Acts 2:44-45 says that the first Christians “held all things in common,” which essentially means they were communists. I guess Priscilla and Aquila, the tentmakers who mentored Paul in Acts 18 were tentmakers, so I guess that makes them capitalists–or communists if they shared profits with Paul equally. It doesn’t matter much. But committing atrocities against human beings over economic ideologies does matter Epilogue: Patricia Erb, daughter of Mennonite missionaries in Argentina was kidnapped while she was a student at the University of Buenos Aires. Her statement to the U.S. State Department, began, > > > I, Patricia Ann Erb, age 19, United States citizen, feel it my duty as a > human beingand as Christian, to communicate to national and international > organizations what I saw and experienced during my abduction and > imprisonment by the Armed Forces of Argentina in the military headquarters > of Campo de llayo.Al a student at the University of Buenos Aires l > participated in a student organization sponsored by the University with > delegates from the various classes in the University. As a sociology major I > participated along with other sociology students in fieldwork in the poverty > ghettos. >>> >>> _Statment, Patricia Erb, to U.S. State Department_. National Security Archive, 31 Dec. 1976, Security-Archive-Doc-14-Patricia-Erb-s. National Security Archive. >> >> Because she was a U.S. citizen, the Embassy obtained her release. When she returned to the States, she made it her mission to tell as many people as possible what was going on in Argentina. A friend of mine at Bluffton College heard one of her talks, and said she talked about her rape by one of the Argentine soldiers. As he was raping her, she noticed a gold cross around his neck. She told him she was a Christian, and asked him how he, a fellow Christian, could be doing this to her. He stopped. But so many more soldiers wearing crosses did not. > > ![\\"\\"](\\" > content/uploads/2024/04/patricia-erb-2.jpg?resize=620%2C590&ssl=1\\")Photo > of Patricia Erb who recently received an honorary doctorate from Vancouver > Island University 1. Flying from Montevideo to Buenos Aires to was essentially a flight over the Rio Platte River basin. It looks like an ocean from the air. ↩︎ 2. “Popular,” in this context isn’t about trends. It means “of the people,” often used to refer to peasants or the working classes. In this case, it refers to those who struggled for the rights of all people in Argentina to live with dignity, receive fair wages, and be regarded as equals to everyone else in Argentina. ↩︎ # First Two Days in Buenos Aires At the Buenos Aires Airport, I noticed that the junk food had labels warning of health risks. The labels on the chocolate bar, for example, warn that it has too much sugar, fat, saturated fat, and too many calories. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0815-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0814-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Since we arrived too early to check into our apartment, a cousin of our new son-in-law, Eric, allowed us to drop our luggage at his apartment building. This pleasant yard is on the roof of his building. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0816-1.jpeg?resize=620%2C465&ssl=1\\") As we walked around looking for a place to eat, we noticed some street art, mostly used for advertising. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0823-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0822-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0821-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0818-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Also Argentinians taking dancing lessons on the street. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0825.jpeg?resize=620%2C465&ssl=1\\") The drink Michael ordered at the place we stopped for lunch had yet another warning. Because it contained artificial sweeteners, children should not drink it. I wondered why they would name a soft drink, “to be.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0829.jpeg?resize=620%2C674&ssl=1\\") We stopped at the AMIA (Argentine Israelite Mutual Association—the equivalent of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S) which had strict security outside, because of the July 18, 1994 bombing that killed 85 people and injured 300. Ansar Allah, a Palestinian front for Hezbollah, claimed responsibility for the attack However the investigation into the incident was incompetent, and driven by political interests, so today it’s not really “solved,” as such. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0827-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0828-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") We had made an appointment to visit the Jewish museum ahead of time. Turns out, they are very picky about who they let in. A couple from Ithaca, NY wanted to visit but they had only copies of their passports, and that was not sufficient. Pro-tip: I have traveled to five continents and I have never found authorities in any countries who found a photocopy of a passport valid for identification. In the first room was a permanent art installation meant to indicate a Shabbat family dinner for missing people. Originally, it had shown photos of people who had disappeared during the Dirty War, but now the photos are of Israelis Hamas is holding hostage in Gaza. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0831-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0832-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0830-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0833-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Maurycy Minkowski A small room displayed a temporary exhibit of the works by the artist Maurycy Minkowski. Famous for painting on themes of immigration, Minkowski eventually ended up in Buenos Aires, “where,” the exhibit notes without further explanation, “he lost his life tragically.” Of course I wanted to find out what actually happened to him and found the following on Wikipedia. An illness had left him deaf as a child, but he got the education he needed to work as an artist in Europe: > > In early November 1930, he went to Argentina to help prepare the first > overseas exhibition of his paintings. Later that month, unable to hear the > honking of an oncoming taxi, he was struck and killed. The exhibition was > presented as a posthumous tribute to his work, under the aegis of the Jewish > Association of Argentina. In 1931, a committee was established to raise > funds for the purchase of his works.In 1942, a great majority of his works > were auctioned off. Most were purchased by the “Fundación IWO” (the > Argentine branch of YIVO) and were stored at the Asociación Mutual Israelita > Argentina. A few of the paintings were destroyed and many suffered some > degree of damage in 1994, when the building was destroyed by a car-bomb, > killing 85 people.![\\"\\"](\\" > content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0852-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\"/)![\\"\\"](\\" > content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0863-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\"/)![\\"\\"](\\" > content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0851-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\"/) Brief summaries of significant eras for the Argentinian Jewish community. First, massive waves of immigration took place between 1889 and 1930, for the same reasons that Jews were fleeing to the United States and other countries. The pogroms in Russia and Eastern European countries made emigration a life and death matter. In the Decade of Infamy, marked by a 1930 coup, Great Depression, electoral fraud to keep conservative parties in power and another coup in 1943, were a time of rising antisemitism. Juan Peron, who was a colonel in the army that overthrew the government in 1943, was a sympathizer of Nazi Germany and fascist Italy. Under the first Peronist government, antisemitism rose sharply, but it did in the U.S., Canada, and Europe as well. Despite Peron’s fascism, he appointed Jews to positions in the government and passed a law allowing Jewish army privates to celebrate Jewish holidays while they were serving in the military. U.S. Ambassador George Messersmith said, after a visit to Argentina in 1947, “There is not as much social discrimination against Jews here as there is right in New York or in most places at home….” Historian Raanan Rein has noted, ” “Fewer anti-Semitic incidences took place in Argentina during Perón’s rule than during any other period in the 20th century.” Frequent coup d’etats occurred in the 1950s-60s. Fragile civilian governments rose and fell. An urban guerrilla group who expressed an affinity for Nazi ideals, the Tacuara Nationalist Movemen,t opposed secular society and liberal democracy: > The MNT (“Tacuara Nationalist Movement”) maintained contacts with the police > as well as with some former Nazi bureaucrats exiled in Argentina, which > helped them gain easy access to weapons, an advantage which put them apart > from other political organizations. They were also engaged in racketeering, > demanding a “revolutionary tax” from many Jewish shops in the Once (once > means ‘eleven’) neighborhood of Buenos Aires, until the shops organized > themselves to confront the MNT together. At first mainly engaged in street > fights with other rival students’ organizations, in particular concerning > the conflict between nonreligious and religious schooling, the MNT also > engaged in antisemitic acts (such as vandalism in the Jewish cemetery of La > Tablada in 1959, etc.). The MNT’s antisemitism became even stronger after > Adolf Eichmann‘s May 1960 kidnapping by Israel’s intelligence agency, the > Mossad, leading to a violent antisemitic campaign which lasted until 1964, > when the MNT was almost completely dismantled.[20]This led the Jewish > association DAIA to pressure the government into taking actions against > MNT.The peak was reached on August 17, 1960, when MNT members from Sarmiento > National High School attacked Jewish pupils and injured a 15-year-old, > Edgardo Trilnik, during the celebrations in honor of José de San Martín, > Argentina’s national hero in the war of independence. From then on, the MNT > perpetrated acts of intimidation against the Jewish community, including > bombing synagogues and other Jewish institutions and defacing the buildings > with antisemitic graffiti.[20] Following Eichmann’s execution in 1962, the > MNT launched 30 antisemitic attacks. On June 21, 1962, they kidnapped a > 19-year-old Jewish girl, Graciela Sirota, tortured her, and scarred her with > Swastika signs.[20] In retaliation against this odious act, which raised > public outrage, the DAIA on June 28, 1962, stopped all the activities of > Jewish trade, supported by students (many high schools went on strike) and > various political organizations, trade unions and intellectuals. These > violent actions finally led the government to issue decree3134/63 which > prohibited, in 1963, any MNT or GRN activity. However, the influence of the > secret services effectively nullified this decree. > > “Tacuara Nationalist Movement.” In _Wikipedia_ , February 17, 2024. > In 1973, Peron returned to power. He died in office, and his widow, Isabella Peron succeeded him. The army, led by Commander-in-Chief General Jorge Rafael Videla, overthrew her government in 1976. Thus began the bloodiest episode in Argentina’s modern history, which the next blog post will cover. Cabildo a Catholic Church publication peddled antisemitic tropes heavily during the dictatorship. It falsely asserted that 3 million Jews lived in Argentina when the number was a tenth of that. Even though Jews represented only 2% of Argentina’s population, they were more than 10% of those the Argentine Secret Service kidnapped and disappeared. A lot of Michael’s friends at Tel Aviv University were young people from Argentina, Chile and Uruguay who had fled the coup regimes in those countries. The final placard talks about the democratic reopening of Argentina. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0841-2-662x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0843-2-598x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0846-2-509x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0847-2-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0848-2-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0849-3-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0850-2-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") The museum’s synagogue has four marble memorials for mass casualties that Argentina’s Jewish community has suffered over the years. Two list the names of those killed and disappeared under the “Argentinian Dirty War” from 1974-1983. Another lists the name of 29 killed during the Israeli Embassy bombing in 1992, although there appear to be more than 29 names on it, and I cannot read the brass plate from the picture. The fourth records the 85 who died in the July 1994 bombing. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0853-571x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0860-1-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0861-1-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0857-1-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0862-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") After our visit to the Jewish museum, we headed out to the Plaza de Mayo, the scene of some of the momentous events in Argentinian history. The Palacio Rosado (Pink Palace) houses Argentina’s seat of government. The backlit pyramid was erected to commemorate Argentina’s 1811 revolution against Spain. That square rock lists the names of the soldiers who died in the pivotal battle of Tucumán, during Argentina’s War of Independence. ![\\"A](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0870-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0868-802x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0867-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0866-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0864-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Political protest has also characterized the history of the Plaza. The Mothers of the Plaza del Mayo probably deserve the biggest accolades for the length of the their protests—so long they are now the Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo. They wore scarves made from their children’s diapers initially, which evolved into plain white scarves on which they embroidered the names of their children whom the army had disappeared. Meeting weekly at the Plaza de Mayo, they demanded that the government return their children. “You took them alive; we want them back alive,” was one of their chants. They also deserve accolades for their bravery.The military kidnapped, tortured and murdered some of the Mothers, as well as French nuns who supported them, but more mothers kept joining the group in the Plaza every week. The black base extols heroes from Argentina’s War of Independence from Spain, but I like what someone has added at the end: “For all the dead human beings, and those who struggled to save them.” The Hebrew reads, > “Anyone who saves a life is as if he saved an entire world” > > Mishnah 5:4 I was trying to figure out what all the the rocks were doing at the base of the pyramid erected to celebrate Argentina’s Independence, and then I realized that the people designated on the rocks had all died in 2020-21. Apparently, they remained from a protest regarding how the Argentinian government had handled the Covid epidemic. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/2a_Marcha_de_la_Resistencia_9_y_10_diciembre_1982.jpg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0871-1024x645.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0874-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0875-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0873-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") At the end of the day as we took a taxi back to the apartment where we were staying, we noticed our driver had a quotation by Martin Luther King on the back of his seat: “It is always the right time to do the right thing.” It seemed an appropriate way to end the day. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0877.jpeg?resize=620%2C465&ssl=1\\") # Two days in Uruguay ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0701.jpg?resize=620%2C465&ssl=1\\")L. Sandra, M. Gabi, Sandra’s niece visiting from Spain, R. Michael Michael met Sandra at his kibbutz, Kerem Shalom, in the 1980s. A dedicated socialist and an exile from the Uruguayan dictatorship she wanted to experience the socialism as practiced by the kibbutz movement in Israel. She later returned to Uruguay for various reasons and abhors the current state of Israeli politics. Our first day after landing, Sandra took us out to a restaurant built over a tunnel that Tupamaro guerrillas had dug to free political prisoners held in the Punto Carretas Prison. Note that I still have my hair-do from the wedding. Summer was heading into fall in Uruguay, and the weather was warm and humid. However, Uruguayos do not seem to consume the amount of liquids that the weather required. I had not drunk half that glass of passion fruit lemonade. That’s the amount the waitress served us. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0706-1024x768.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0705-897x1024.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0710-1024x768.jpg?ssl=1\\") We then walked to the prison which has become…a shopping mall, complete with McDonalds and Starbucks. Yes, it is disgusting. Sandra, who worked at a municipal office nearby, said that for a long time she avoided walking over to Punto Carretas to make photocopies. Dissidents trying to reclaim the long history of democracy in Uruguay had spent years of their lives here, suffering torture and humiliation, all so young Urugayos1 could enjoy their Big Macs and Mochaccinos there one day. What remains to indicate that Punto Carretas was once a prison are the tiny windows common to most prisons, and a couple explanatory placards. I’ve added a picture of a cell at a federal prison in Oregon for comparison. The memorial for the prisoners and their families did not go up until 2018. On the back, the text says that the these placards are dedicated to the families of the prisoners because of what they endured over the years when their loved ones were in prison, and lists the ex-prisoners responsible for erecting this modest memorial. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0716-857x1024.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/Prison-window.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0719-530x1024.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0720-482x1024.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0721-1024x578.jpg?ssl=1\\") Afterwards, Sandra took us up to the top of City Hall, 20 stories tall, where visitors may see a panorama of Montevideo. Of course, I was also interested in the plants. The attraction featured a little café, where we bought drinks, and Sandra bought us each a bonbon. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0732-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0729-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0728-1024x864.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0727-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0726-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0725-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0723-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0722-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0730-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0731-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0724-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0733-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Across Latin America, Salvador Allende is regarded as a martyr of the Cold War. The people of Chile elected him in a free and fair election, but because he was a socialist, Henry Kissinger famously said, “I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go Communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people.” The U.S. thus supported a military coup against Allende. Tens of thousands of Chileans were imprisoned, tortured and disappeared2 over the next 17 years and the economy, which had improved the lives of ordinary Chileans under Allende, immediately tanked, with inflation spiraling to 376 percent. Isabel Allende asked Sandra to be the representative of the Allende family in Uruguay. The Salvador Allende Society in Montevideo, of which she is a member, installed this small plaza in his honor. (Dusk had set in, so I apologize for the dimness of the photos.) The quotation on the plaque comes from Allende’s final radio address, which he broadcast as the Chilean airforce was bombing the presidential palace on September 11, 1973. > [Much] sooner rather than later, the great boulevards will once again open > up and free men will walk down them to build a better society. > > _We Shall Not Be Moved/No Nos Moverán_. Temple University Press, 2016. > (Crossref)_ , Apparently, Allende was a Freemason. Michael had attended a Freemason convention in Rochester as a translator for a Nicaraguan relative who was also a Freemason and heard them expressing reactionary conservative political views, but evidently Freemasons can also be socialists. George Washington, Simón Bolivar, Thurgood Marshall, Richard Pryor, John Glenn, and Salvador Allende. Who knew? ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0734-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0737-831x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0735-1024x720.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0736-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0739-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/Chile-1170x725-1.jpg-1024x635.webp?ssl=1\\") The next day, before we went to the Museum of Memory, Sandra told us of her (underground) work to bring the children of Uruguayan exiles from Europe in 1983 to visit their parents in prison, or simply to know their family still in Chile. The mass group of 154 children—aged 3 and 17 years old—traveled alone to Montevideo. They arrived to cheering crowds chanting, “Tus padres volverán!” (Your parents will return), which became the title of a 2015 documentary film about the event. The filmmakers interviewed six adults about the impact the trip had had on them. In several cases, it was not positive. One boy considered his Dutch stepfather his real father, because he had been just a toddler when he left, and his Chilean father’s desperate overtures to assert his fatherhood were painful to him as an adult. For another boy, prison had turned his father into an angry, abusive person, and he wanted nothing to do with him or Uruguay. He eventually moved back to Denmark and raised his family there. Watching the film with Sandra added a lot to the experience, because she supplemented the narrative with background.. She also kept pointing out a little boy she was in charge of while he was in the country. The visit of the children was a factor in the fall of the dictatorship in 1985, Sandra said, because the junta and the rest of the country saw how much popular support there was for prisoners and those in exile. When the children returned to Europe, she went with them, because she guessed the junta knew about her involvement in the event and she would be safer there. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0743-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/Poster_Tus-padres-volveran-724x1024.jpg?ssl=1\\") We spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon at the Museum of Memory, which the founders laid out as a park, complete with playground. The banners in the front are protesting lack of municipal support for museum workers. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0752-1024x644.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0747-1024x749.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0746-1024x560.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0748-2-858x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") When you enter, the first room tells you about the first days of coup in 1973, the people killed, and the protests against it. A pro-junta newspaper, Macha, put out and edition with the headline, “IT IS NOT A DICTATORSHIP.” Pro tip: if you have to tell people it’s not a dictatorship, it’s a dictatorship. Also note the Social Credo put out by the Uruguayan Methodist church, which denounced political repression, among other things. They were extremely brave to do so. If you enlarge the photo with the QR code and scan it, you will find the story of Susana Pintos, one of the students killed by state repression between 1968 and 1985. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0753-1019x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0754-857x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0756-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0757-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0759-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0760-1024x592.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0761-1024x540.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0762-607x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0764-789x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0765-579x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0766-742x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0757-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") As is the case with all authoritarian governments—Communist, Fascist or Monarchical—artists who dissent from the official narrative at best find their work banned and at worst end up dead. If you want to see some of the musicians whom the Uruguayan ruling junta banned, scan the QR code. On the Jose Carbajal album, he recorded songs by musicians whom the government had disappeared. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0769-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0768-1-1024x924.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0767-1-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") On April 21, 1974 Uruguayan Armed Forces and police shot several rounds of ammunition into the house where Diana Maidanik (21), Silvia Reyes (21 and 6 months pregnant), and Laura Raggio (19) were sleeping, killing all three. The counterinsurgent military–police Joint Forces said they were looking for Reyes’s husband and falsely claimed that the women had died in a confrontation. Uruguayans refer to the incident as the “muchachas de abril,” or “girls of April.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0770-3.jpeg?resize=620%2C422&ssl=1\\") Other rooms of the museum displayed various items from prison. The small handwritten item propped on the rusty tin is A History of the Vietnamese Communist Party, written out on cigarette rolling papers. The letter is addressed to a woman named Amanda who was in charge of the children who visited their parents in prison, which was often a frightening experience for them (Amanda did not seem to make it better.) ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0774-769x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0781-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0784-734x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0804-1024x417.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0780-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0776-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0803-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0783-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Prisoners often spent time making little gifts for their families at home, with whatever materials they had available. However, the pink and blue handkerchief was sent from Switzerland to a prisoner, and the prison authorities refused it. Years later, it found its way to her, however due to the diligence of a Swiss postmaster. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0785-1-615x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0787-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0782-846x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0777-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0778-1-1024x621.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0779-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0789-1024x1017.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0788-1-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") An estimated 500,000 Uruguayans fled the country during the 17 years of dictatorship. In their exile, they helped to build international solidarity for imprisoned Uruguayans and those who had disappeared. Swedish activists, in particular, noticed that the plight of those living under the Argentinean and Chilean dictatorships received more attention, and decided to take up the cause of Uruguayans. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0792-1024x623.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0791-1-990x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0790-1-602x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0798-1-1024x645.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0796-1-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0797-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0786-1-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Here’s a display on the children who went into exile and the visit that Sandra helped organize for children in Europe to visit Chile. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0795-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0793-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Most of those killed in Uruguay by the government or its proxies were never found, and Uruguayans today still hold protests, demanding information on what happened to them. (The military government granted itself amnesty before turning over the government to democratic elections in 1985. Some of the highest profile military officers eventually faced trial, but the people below them who carried out their orders died not.) These processions happen in complete silence, with participants holding photographs of the missing people as they walk. The poster below records the 2022 “March of Silence.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0801-840x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0802-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") When we were visiting, the museum’s Board of Directors was meeting. Sandra said they were all involved with the struggle some way. Perhaps some fought with the Tupamaro guerrillas (who eventually became a political party), or spent time in prison, or became exiles, or were family members of disappeared people. In any case, they were delighted we were visiting and plied us with delicious cheesy snacks. The pots and pans represent a traditional form of protest in which everyone comes out of their homes for a few minutes and beats on pans as loud as they can to show their displeasure with the government. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0775-1.jpeg?resize=620%2C614&ssl=1\\") According to Wikipedia, > During the dictatorship, more than 5000 people were arrested for political > reasons and almost 10% of Uruguayans emigrated from the country. Torture > extended until the end of Uruguayan dictatorship in 1985. Uruguay had the > highest number per capita of political prisoners in the world. Almost 20% of > population were arrested for shorter or longer periods. MLN (Tupamaro) heads > were isolated in prisons and subjected to repeated acts of torture. Around > 180 Uruguayans are known to have been killed during the 12-year military > rule from 1973 to 1985. Most were killed in Argentina and other neighbouring > countries, with only 36 of them having been killed in Uruguay. Many of those > killed were never found, and the missing people have been referred to as the > “disappeared”, or “desaparecidos” in Spanish Michael and I would go on to see Museums of Memory in Argentina and Chile. They looked more professional, developed by designers and architects, but at the museum in Montevideo, you could feel the beating hearts of the people behind it. In 1973, the entire population of Uruguay was about 3 million, and half lived in Montevideo. That’s a bit less than the population of Chicago. And I can kind of see the people of Chicago putting together a museum like this, when they knew their resources would be limited. After the museum, we went to the market to eat at a seafood restaurant, where I had eel for the first time. (Meh.) On the way, we passed this building, and I realized we had arrived during Carnival. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0806.jpeg?resize=620%2C465&ssl=1\\") On the way back to Sandra’s, I took pictures of graffiti, because that’s a thing now for me. The signs read, “What is your escape action? and “Philosophy is so dangerous.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0809-1024x881.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0810-1024x816.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0811-800x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0812-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Almost forgot, the national dish of Uruguay is the chivito, a sandwich with ham, bacon, cheese, beef, hardboiled egg, and tomato with variations. “Heart attack in a bun” translates into Spanish as “Ataque al corazón en un bollo.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/the_chivito_by_uscty_d6r8kei-350t.jpg?resize=551%2C350&ssl=1\\") When we arrived several days later in Mendoza, Argentina, our friend there told us “Uruguayans are just so”—she then hugged herself and rocked back and forth. We agreed. They’re very nice, and Montevideo is a very pleasant place to visit. 1. In Uruguay and Argentina, the consonant “y” sound is pronounced “sh”, so, “Uruguashos.” ↩︎ 2. In Spanish, when they speak of the authorities “disappearing” someone, it means that they have kidnapped, probably tortured and almost always killed that person. ↩︎ # Last Day in Bogotá ## Good-bye to Camila ![\\"Photo](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/Image-empty- state.jpg.webp?resize=409%2C263&ssl=1\\")Camila Reyes, founder of Resuena The picture I had of Camila for our final day together, didn’t really express who she was. So I took something from a webpage describing her what she does. Her current work is with Resuena, an organization “set out on a dream to expand the access to Nonviolent Communication in Colombia so that it becomes part of the day-to-day culture.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_1162-1024x725.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_1163-1024x695.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Below is the bad picture I took of Camila at a diner for breakfast. She really wasn’t unhappy at the time. One of the aspects of Colombian cuisine that Michael really appreciated is the soups, and the fact that Colombians eat soup at breakfast and lunch. I remember with fondness Colombian pastries on previous trip. I t struck me that this simple diner had works of original art all over the walls. I said it seemed like I saw art everywhere I went in Bogota. Camila told me its presence was especially prevalent in her bohemian neighborhood. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0650-768x1024.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0671-1024x1022.jpg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0670-982x1024.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0672-1024x768.jpg?ssl=1\\") A love of beauty and plants also helps describe Camila’s character. She has plants in every room of her apartment except the utility room. I documented them here: ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0675-1024x768.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0676-1024x768.jpg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0677-1024x768.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0678-1024x546.jpg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0679-1024x768.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0680-1024x768.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0681-1024x768.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0682-1024x768.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0697-874x1024.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0698-685x1024.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0683-1024x768.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0696-768x1024.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0684-1024x768.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0685-1024x768.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0699-1024x768.jpg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0686-1024x768.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0687-1024x592.jpg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0688-1024x768.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0689-1024x918.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0690-1024x680.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"A](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0691-800x1024.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0693-1024x852.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0694-1024x935.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0695-768x1024.jpg?ssl=1\\") We decided to go to the Bogota public market and eat all the fruits we hadn’t eaten yet (and we had eaten a lot of different fruits.) The excursion turned into buying fruit that doesn’t need to be turned into juice. Of the fruits you see here, we liked the mangosteen the best (the little brown ones). Since Colombia is full of microclimates, almost anything can be grown. Camila also took us to visit her friend who organizes community-supported agriculture (and allows artists to use her space, because, well, it’s Bogotá). ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0666-1024x697.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0673-1024x768.jpg?ssl=1\\") What else? By the time I got to Bogotá, the bruise I got from my fall in Medellin had grown considerably worse. As it dissipated over time, I realized it had hematoma at the center, which explains why the muscle in my thigh hurt so much when I moved it. I used one of my hiking sticks as a cane for the rest of the trip. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/FullSizeRender-3-2-780x1024.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0657-1-1024x768.jpg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0977-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") In a moment alone with Camila shortly before we left for the airport, she was discussing her goals for the next few years. She then asked me about my goals. Without thinking, I said, “I’d like to make compassion cool again.” She asked how I planned on accomplishing that, and I said, “Well, maybe that’s what my next novel will be about. Right before we left, she handed me this pin and told me, “This is to remind you that your job now is to make compassion cool again.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_1161.jpg?resize=620%2C599&ssl=1\\") # Back to Bogotá ### And a graffiti tour ![\\"Clothed](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0631.jpeg?resize=620%2C465&ssl=1\\") Our guide Camilo told us this artist is famous for painting animals in apocalyptic situations Returning to Camila’s place gave me a chance to rest my knee—which I did the day after a graffiti tour of Bogota with a young man from a tour company run by Camila’s friend. His name was Camilo, and he had been an art student at one of the more than 100 universities in Bogota. He went all the way back to graffiti as a movement in the 1960s, to Cornbread, a young man who began ,spray-painting, “ I am Cornbread“ on walls all over New York City to impress a girl. People began to ask, “Who is this Cornbread guy?“ However, when the girl rejected him, Cornbread wrote on a wall, “Cornbread has retired.” The graffiti movement started in New York and then Philadelphia, and soon began spreading. Bogotá is now the global center of street art, with 500 km of painted walls. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0605-1.jpeg?resize=620%2C827&ssl=1\\") Tagging is the most basic form of graffiti, in which individuals or “crews” paint their logos on walls. The higher up on a wall, the more street cred you have. Camilo says he has seen them as high as three stories. The artist that painted the two homeless kids kissing (whom he had seen on the streets) incorporated tags from all over the city into their pants. The painting is called The Invisibles, which, Camilo said, is appropriate, because graffiti is a way that invisible people use to make themselves feel visible.Tags evolved into “bombs,” huge, balloon-like letters. When Camilo began his career as a street artist, he used stencils, and only then began to appreciate how much skill it took to spray paint these bombs freehand. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0824-1024x614.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0616-631x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0606-843x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0607-1024x895.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Felipe Diego Becerra used Félix the cat as his logo. One night in 2011, as he was painting a wall, the police shot him in the back. At the hospital, the doctor asked his parents why the the police had shot him. When they told him the reason, he asked them to quickly come into Diego’s room and take a photo of his hands covered in blue paint. The police accused him of pulling a gun on them. Graffiti artists all over the city went on a 24-hour graffiti-thon, in protest, many of them painting pictures of Felix the Cat. The Diego Becerra story continues oddly, two years later when Justin Bieber came to town for a concert. Noticing the art on the walls, he asked if he could try his hand at it—with a police escort. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/bieber-graffiti-2.jpg?resize=475%2C332&ssl=1\\") Sergio Elmir writes about the event on HuffPost: > ….Justin Bieber performed his first ever concert in Bogota on October 29, > the following night he decided to hit the streets and show Colombia his > skills with a spray can. But instead of stopping him, ticketing him, even > hassling him, local police gave him a personal escort. > > For several hours he painted about 40 meters of wall on 26th street in > Bogota with his entourage and security in town — local police were on hand, > again, not to stop him but to make sure no one bothered him while he > “tagged” the wall. > > Traffic was redirected and Bieber was allowed to “paint” several crudely > drawn cartoons, phrases and his own signature at his own leisure. At one > point, Bieber looks to be ordering his police escort to remove the news > cameras that were shooting footage of his foray into street art. If this > wasn’t bratty enough, he even shows his support for fellow-pop-brat with > misplaced machismo, Chris Brown, by painting the words “Free Breezy” on the > wall. > > The only thing that sets these two young men apart, aside from questionable > talent, is fame. The same people who killed Becerra are protecting Bieber > yet both kids were doing the exact same thing. > > When artists like Banksy are blurring the line between fame and infamy in > the street art world and forcing us to ask these questions — someone like > Bieber takes an already controversial art form that has spent years building > credibility to misfit-status. > It goes from high-art to simple vandalism for the sake of street-cred. > Nothing Bieber was doing that night, on that wall, in Colombia was for the > sake of art or in the true spirit of graffiti. It was just as contrived a > move as his attempts at rapping. It’s an effort to be rebellious without any > risk — and to have the police there, as your backup, is as soft as it gets. > > Without even getting into the quality of the art that Bieber threw up on > that wall, the real concern is his coopting of graffiti for his own personal > gain. Was this his way of showing the world how “street” Bieber is? And was > the open police escort their way of trying to make amends with the already > marginalized graffiti community in Colombian? > The same group of people that for years views the police as the enemy? Hard > to say. > Instead of the police, Bieber could’ve easily tapped any one of the many > local, talented graffiti crews in Bogota to take him out — and I’m sure they > would’ve gladly taken him on a tour of all the amazing street art in > Colombia. But instead, police cars, flashing lights and security guards — a > whole show was put on so that Bieber could clown around with a spray can. > Maybe his swag coach felt this was cooler? > > When most graffiti artists around the world work in stealth, worried about > the police showing up while they’re painting, Bieber seemed more concerned > with locals showing up while he was throwing up his pieces. > > In fact, by the next day, local graffiti activists Mochila Ambulante did > show up, with spray cans in hand, to cover up Bieber’s “graffiti.” They had > no police escort and wore bandanas over their faces to cover up their > identities. And while their work won’t make international headlines or cause > outrage, perhaps Bieber got what he was looking for after all — attention. The public protests that followed Bieber’s visit compelled the Municipal government of Bogotá to decriminalize all graffiti and street art. Three of the art departments in Bogotá’s 100+ universities teach street art. The community of street artists has established a consensus that everything that goes up on a wall is graffiti, so that some will not be more privileged than the others. Some businesses ask street artists to paint their walls, and sometimes Bogotá chooses particular walls to become art exhibitions, asking artists to express themselves on them. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0630-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0626-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0622-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0625-1-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0610-1-1024x580.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0608-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") A Belgian artist came to Bogotá and added little men dressed in typical workers’ uniforms to some of the art. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0628-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0627-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/FullSizeRender-1-1024x473.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/FullSizeRender-2.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/FullSizeRender-3-1024x721.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Political graffiti also abounds in Bogota. One of my clear memories of the 1982 course I took through Bluffton College here in 1982 was seeing all the graffiti by M-19, a militant group opposed to the government that eventually became a political party. The current president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, was affiliated with M-19. The words on the black and white mural say, “I did not choose war, but I was born a warrior.” The wall of people’s faces refers to the scandal of the “false positives,” in which the Colombian army murdered ordinary people, dressed them up in guerrilla uniforms, and claimed they were guerrillas in order to receive a bounty. The wall of army officers standing in a row reads, “Who gave the order?” (to kill the civilians.). And of course Palestine is on everyone’s mind, and would appear on the walls of all the cities we would visit. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0638-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\")![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0611-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0639-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0615-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0612-1-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0614-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0613-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0613-1-768x1024.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0622-2-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") Of course we wanted to see Camilo’s street art! The picture on the left was commissioned by a bank. It was meant to be two women weaving, but it kept raining and turning the threads into a rainbow of water. Finally the bank said they like the way it looked. (By the way, I kept that wedding hair-do for more than a week.) ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0633-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_0629-1024x768.jpeg?ssl=1\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/FullSizeRender-4.jpeg?resize=620%2C861&ssl=1\\") Camilo and his team of artists receive a commission from Bogota’s emerald traders to paint the above. Pablo Escobar and other drug lords had laundered their drug money through emerald traders, who didn’t really have the ability to refuse if they wanted to keep their families safe. As a consequence, the traders developed a reputation for being a part of the criminal class. When Camilo’s team asked what they wanted on the wall, they assumed the traders would want something that showed their status as normal part of Colombian society. But what they wanted was the Indigenous legend of how emeralds came to be. > In the land of what is now called the Magdalena River (where Community > Peacemaker Teams works, incidentally) the Muzo creator God, Are, swept over > the area creating the mountains and valleys. On the shores of the sacred > river, now called Minero, he formed two figures—one male (Tena) and one > female (Fura)—and threw them into the river. There, they were brought to > life. Once alive, Are taught Fura and Tena how to take care of the gardens > that He had planted and make pottery. He gave them rules to follow including > the requirement of fidelity in their husband and wife relationship. Are > taught them that violating the laws he had established would lead to aging > and eventual death. For a long time, Fura and Tena enjoyed their ageless > lives in the beautiful land Are had prepared for them. > > Then, one day, a young man appeared. His name was Zarbi. Zarbi was looking > for a flower that could cure any illness and had crossed mountains and > rivers, looking high and low for the flower without success. So, he asked > Fura for help, and being a compassionate soul, she began to follow him > throughout the forests looking for the flower. Soon Fura became aware of her > attraction to Zarbi. She was unfaithful to Tena with Zarbi and as a result > immediately began to age. > > Realizing her error, she returned to Tena, who upon seeing her in her aged > state realized that she had broken the law that Are had given them and would > soon die. Not wanting to be left alone, Tena laid down on Fura’s knees and > stabbed himself in the heart. For three days, Fura cried with the body of > her husband on her lap, and her tears changed into emeralds. > > Soon, Are returned to visit Fura and Tena and realized they had broken his > laws. He changed the couple into large rocks. Angered, he also banished > Zarbi, who in his own anger changed into a raging river in order to > eternally separate Fura’s rock from Tena’s rock. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/iiif- service_gdc_gdcwdl_wd_l__09_13_1_wdl_09131_fc_corografica_136-full- pct_50-0-default.jpg?resize=620%2C464&ssl=1\\") Furatena Strait on the Minero River So sad. And given the horrors that drug cartels wreaked on Colombia, maybe that’s why the emerald traders chose this story. ← Older posts * ### Tags Attica Attica Correctional Facility Because the Angels Bethlehem Chile Christian Peacemaker Teams Civil Rights Civil Rights movement Cointelpro Colombia CPT EAPPI Fascism FBI Graffiti Hebron Hosea human rights Indigenous Iraqi Kurdistan Islam Goldberg-Jones Israel J. Edgar Hoover Jalil Muntaqim Jim Loney Joss Whedon Leonard Peltier Markie Martin Luther King Mennonite World Review novel NPR Occupation Palestine Palestinians racism Santiago Settlements Settlers Shah Reza Pahlavi Shea The Price We Paid Tim Nafziger twitter unicorns * ![\\"\\"](\\" Copyright 2024 Loading Comments... You must be logged in to post a comment. ![\\"\\"](\\"
It is claimed that Starbucks put on sale cups with 'watermelon' pattern the symbol of Palestinian resistance after the boycotts
I’m tired of everyone expecting unconditional support from Black people. : r/blackladies Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/blackladies A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to blackladies r/blackladies r/blackladies The face of Black Women on Reddit. This subreddit is designed to be a safe space. While allies are appreciated, r/blackladies is for Black women. Content and moderation are curated to center Black women, prioritize community safety, and promote respectful on-topic discussions. * * * 123K Members 54 Online • 9 mo. ago athoughtbin ADMIN MOD # I’m tired of everyone expecting unconditional support from Black people. Just Venting 😮‍💨 I’ve heard criticism from my Pakistani friend that Black people haven’t been supporting Palestine enough, and I’m now seeing posts from my pro-Palestine friends claiming Black people have a victim complex which protects them from any accountability of not showing up for them. As someone who cares deeply about human and ethnic minority rights, I’m getting upset. You are not entitled to Black people’s support. We DO have our own problems that do not at all times grant us the mental and emotional capacity to go above and beyond for another oppressed group. Even when we do reach our maximum threshold, we often STILL extend our support however works best for our circumstances, barring exceptions. We are not your oppression militia that you can commission at any time. It doesn’t mean we don’t support you. It means you don’t get to be racist if we don’t. EDIT: Thank you everyone for your responses. I have a wealth of resources to share back with folks who are sharing these weird beliefs about where Black people stand. As one user said, these are my own experiences. I wouldn’t share these statements unless I heard them myself. The overwhelming majority of pro- Palestine activists and Palestinians welcome Black activism with open arms and are in solidarity. Take care of yourselves. Read more Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sort by: Best Open comment sort options * Best * Top * New * Controversial * Old * Q&A International_Rub499 • 9mo ago • I agree, but also your friend is also straight up wrong. I’ve literally seen news headlines out here saying that the black community is being anti semitic cause we support the third world, especially palestine. Reply reply SweetBlueMangoes • 9mo ago • We can’t win, i saw so many articles and even celebs!!! Saying the black community is antisemitic for being pro Palestine Reply reply 23 more replies 23 more replies More replies 8 more replies 8 more replies More replies Bubbly_Satisfaction2 • 9mo ago • Darling, I’ve been peeped the game. Since the death of Stephon Clark back in March 2018, right after his tweets about black women were made public. Right after some black women were told to “keep their eyes on the prize” by continuing to protest for a man, who once spouted misogynoir. The same thing happened after Christian Obumseli’s hatred for black people was forced into the light. Tbh, internally I’m… …whenever African-Americans’ “lack of support” is brought up in any of these accusations. Reply reply mstrss9 • 9mo ago • I definitely had black men tell me that we have to put women’s rights on the back burner to support black issues aka black men first Reply reply 5 more replies 5 more replies More replies 4 more replies 4 more replies More replies lldom1987 • 9mo ago • IMO your friend just told you how they really feel about Black people. When people tell you who they are believe them the first time. Reply reply 4 more replies 4 more replies More replies Ok_Prior2614 • 9mo ago • We’re being pushed to be activist and being criticized like we’re not doing enough. Meanwhile when we’re advocating for our own causes, the constant scrutiny and discourse on how we SHOULD operate under certain constraints of activism is exhausting. Anyway, what ways are you all taking care of yourselves and your needs? Asking because as black women it’s always an afterthought about the support we need Reply reply ![\\"u/hepsy-b](\\" hepsy-b • 9mo ago • Edited 9mo ago • what pisses me off every election year is the empty praise for how \"black women saved us\" just bc we\'re a blue stronghold of a demographic (even moreso than black men). it shouldn\'t be On Us to save everyone else. we\'re not voting the way we do for You, we\'re voting the way we do to save Ourselves. happy it helped you too, ig, maybe show how thankful you are for \"black women saving you\" by giving a shit about black women outside of election years too thx!!! we\'re people, not political tools. Reply reply 3 more replies 3 more replies More replies [deleted] • 9mo ago • What ways are you all taking care of yourselves and your needs? THIS is all the things we Black women need to focus on. Fuck dem kids, fuck dem fools, fuck them folks who don’t give a fuck about us. It always has been, and always will be about how we take care of ourselves because no one else will. Reply reply 3 more replies 3 more replies More replies ![\\"u/sasukesviolin](\\" sasukesviolin • 9mo ago • I think your friend is wrong, Black people have been speaking out ALOT about what is happening in Palestine. It’s also unfair for people to demand unconditional loyalty and labor from Black ppl when the world is anti black. Black ppl are valid in being selective with their solidarity. Also she’s also jsut wrong since there is a very, very, long history of Afro- Palestinian solidarity so idk what she is talking about. I would stop being friends with her tbh Reply reply 2 more replies 2 more replies More replies ![\\"u/SurewhynotAZ](\\" SurewhynotAZ • 9mo ago • When I get this shit, I kindly reply: \" Black people don\'t work for you.\" Yo, they really think we work for them. 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Lukashenko won the elections in 2020
British Broadcasting Corporation Register* Home * News * US Election * Sport * Business * Innovation * Culture * Arts * Travel * Earth * Video * Live RegisterHome News US Election Sport Business Innovation Culture Arts Travel Earth Video Live Audio Weather Newsletters # Belarus election: Opposition disputes Lukashenko landslide win 11 August 2020 Share Save Share Save ![\\"Reuters](\\" Protests continued in Minsk the day after the election The main challenger to Belarus\'s Alexander Lukashenko has refused to accept the autocratic president won 80% of the vote in Sunday\'s election. \"I consider myself the winner of this election,\" Svetlana Tikhanovskaya said. A lack of scrutiny, with no observers present, has led to allegations of widespread vote-rigging in the poll. For a second night, police fired rubber bullets to disperse protesters in the capital Minsk, eyewitnesses say. One journalist was reportedly injured. About 30 people were arrested in the capital. One witness said they saw police officers with truncheons beat protesters. Polish-based broadcaster Belsat TV said several metro stations in the capital had been closed and the internet was still mostly unavailable. Protests were also being held in other Belarusian cities. It comes after the state security agency said it had thwarted an attempt on Ms Tikhanovskaya\'s life. It gave no further details. Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius said he \"tried to reach Svetlana Tikhanovskaya for several hours\". \"Her whereabouts not known even to her staff. Concerned about her safety,\" Mr Linkevicius tweeted. People detained in cities across Belarus on Sunday, according to media reports The election was held amid growing frustration at Mr Lukashenko\'s leadership, with opposition rallies attracting large crowds. The preceding days saw a crackdown on activists and journalists. The president has described opposition supporters as \"sheep\" controlled from abroad, and vowed not to allow the country to be \"torn apart\". * How protests shook up Belarus presidential election * Europe\'s longest serving ruler facing unfamiliar pressure Mr Lukashenko won 80.23% of the vote, according to election officials, with Ms Tikhanovskaya receiving 9.9%. Ms Tikhanovskaya entered the election in place of her jailed husband and went on to lead large opposition rallies. ## What did Ms Tikhanovskaya say? The opposition candidate said that the election results published on Monday morning \"completely contradict common sense\" and the authorities should think about how to peacefully hand over power. \"We have seen that the authorities are trying to hold on to their positions by force,\" she said. ![\\"Reuters](\\" Ms Tikhanovskaya says she wants the authorities to hand over power \"No matter how much we asked authorities not to turn on their own people, we were not listened to.\" Her campaign said it would challenge \"numerous falsifications\" in the vote. * The political novice challenging an authoritarian president \"The election results announced by the Central Electoral Commission do not correspond to reality and completely contradict common sense,\" her spokeswoman Anna Krasulina said. But Mr Lukashenko poured scorn on Ms Tikhanovskaya\'s comments. \"So Lukashenko, who is at the top of the power structure and at the head of the state, after getting 80% of the vote must voluntarily hand over power to them,\" the president said. \"The orders are coming from over there [abroad].\" \"Our response will be robust,\" he added. \"We will not allow the country to be torn apart.\" ## What has the international reaction been? Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated his Belarusian counterpart on his victory, despite friction over accusations of a Russian plot which Mr Lukashenko has tried to link to the opposition. The leaders of China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova and Azerbaijan have sent messages of support. But the German government said it had \"strong doubts\" about the election and that minimum standards were not met. The US said it was \"deeply concerned\" by the election and urged the government to \"respect the right to peacefully assemble and to refrain from the use of force\". European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen called for the election results to be published. \"Harassment and violent repression of peaceful protesters has no place in Europe,\" she said. ## What happened in Sunday\'s protests? Demonstrators took to the streets in central Minsk as soon as voting ended. Police used stun grenades, rubber bullets and water cannon to disperse the crowds. The interior ministry said 50 civilians and 39 police were injured. The ministry said that 3,000 people were arrested. About one-third of them were in Minsk, and the rest in other cities such as Brest, Gomel and Grodno where similar protests took place. ![\\"Map](\\" eng-640_v4-nc.png.webp\\") ![\\"Transparent](\\" nc.png.webp\\") ## What\'s the context? President Lukashenko has been in power since 1994. ![\\"EPA](\\" Mr Lukashenko cast his ballot at a polling station in Minsk In the last vote in 2015, he was declared winner with 83.5% of the vote. There were no serious challengers and election observers reported problems in the counting and tabulation of votes. The campaign saw the rise of Ms Tikhanovskaya, 37, a former teacher who became a stay-at-home mother until she was thrust into the political spotlight. After her husband was arrested and blocked from registering for the vote, she stepped in to take his place. As people voted on Sunday, internet service was \"significantly disrupted\", according to online monitor NetBlocks. Opposition supporters say this makes it harder for evidence of election fraud to be collected and shared. There were already concerns over a lack of scrutiny because observers were not invited to monitor the election and more than 40% of votes were cast ahead of the election. ![](\\"/bbcx/grey- placeholder.png\\"/)![\\"EPA](\\" cd88-4c40-b2c8-d12583b3441a.jpg.webp\\")EPA There were protests outside the Belarusian embassy in Ukraine too in support of the opposition Tens of thousands defied an escalating crackdown on the opposition last month to attend a protest in Minsk, the largest such demonstration in a decade. Anger towards Mr Lukashenko\'s government has been in part fuelled by its response to coronavirus. The president has downplayed the outbreak, advising citizens to drink vodka and use saunas to fight the disease. Belarus, which has a population of 9.5 million, has reported nearly 70,000 cases and almost 600 deaths. ## Belarus in surprising presidential election battle ## The political novice challenging Belarus\'s ruler ## Protests shake up Belarus presidential election British Broadcasting Corporation * Home * News * US Election * Sport * Business * Innovation * Culture * Arts * Travel * Earth * Video * Live * Audio * Weather * BBC Shop BBC in other languages ## Follow BBC on: * Terms of Use * About the BBC * Privacy Policy * Cookies * Accessibility Help * Contact the BBC * Advertise with us * Do not share or sell my info * Contact technical support Copyright 2024 BBC. All rights reserved. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Read about our approach to external linking.
Lukashenko won the elections in 2020
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You can help. The talk page may contain suggestions. _( March 2022)_ --- 2020 Belarusian presidential election | ← 2015 | 9 August 2020 | 2025 → ---|---|--- Turnout| 84.28% | Nominee | Alexander Lukashenko | Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya ---|---|--- Party | Independent | Independent Popular vote | 4,661,075 | 588,619 Percentage | 81.04% | 10.23% ![](\\"// Proportion_of_votes_for_Alexander_Lukashenko_in_the_2020_presidential_election_in_Belarus.svg.png\\")Official results by region | President before election Alexander Lukashenko Independent | Elected President Alexander Lukashenko Independent ---|--- Politics of Belarus --- ![\\"Commonwealth](\\"// Flag_of_the_CIS.svg.png\\") CIS Member State Constitution * Constitutional court * Human rights PresidencyPresidentAlexander Lukashenko ExecutivePrime MinisterRoman Golovchenko * Government * Security Council National AssemblyNational Assembly * Council of the Republic * House of Representatives All-Belarusian People\'s AssemblyAll-Belarusian People\'s Assembly * Chairman * Presidium Judiciary * Supreme Court * Economic Court Administrative divisions * Regions * Districts ElectionsPresidential elections * 2006 * 2010 * 2015 * 2020 * Next Parliamentary elections * 2012 * 2016 * 2019 * Next * Political parties Foreign relationsMinistry of Foreign AffairsMinister: Sergei Aleinik * Diplomatic missions of / in Belarus * Nationality law * Passport * Visa requirements * Visa policy * Belarus–European Union relations * Belarus–NATO relations * Belarus–China relations * Belarus–Lithuania relations * Belarus–Poland relations * Belarus–Russia relations * Belarus–Ukraine relations * Belarus–United States relations ![\\"flag\\"](\\"// Flag_of_Belarus.svg.png\\") Belarus portal * Other countries * v * t * e Presidential elections were held in Belarus on Sunday, 9 August 2020. Early voting began on 4 August and ran until 8 August.[1] Incumbent Alexander Lukashenko was announced by the Central Election Commission (CEC) to have won a sixth term in office, crediting him with just over 80% of the vote.[2] Lukashenko has won every presidential election since 1994,[3] with all but the first being labelled by international monitors as neither free nor fair.[4] Opposition candidate Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya claimed to have won a decisive first-round victory with at least 60% of the vote, and called on Lukashenko to start negotiations. Her campaign subsequently formed the Coordination Council to facilitate a transfer of power and stated that it was ready to organize \"long-term protests\" against the official results.[5][6] All seven members of the Coordination Council Presidium were subsequently arrested or went into exile. All opposition candidates have filed appeals to the Central Election Commission calling for the results to be invalidated.[7] The election was marred by claims of widespread electoral fraud.[8][9][10] Numerous countries refused to accept the result of the election, as did the European Union, which imposed sanctions on Belarusian officials deemed to be responsible for \"violence, repression and election fraud\".[11] The results of the election led to widespread protests.[12] ## Background [edit] On 8 May 2020, the National Assembly set 9 August as the date for the presidential election.[13] Incumbent president Alexander Lukashenko had been leading the country since the first presidential elections held in 1994. Over the next two years, he rapidly consolidated his power. In 1995, he won a referendum that gave him the power to dissolve the legislature if he felt it contravened the Constitution. In 1996, he won another referendum that dramatically increased his power, and also extended his original five-year term to 2001.[14][15] Since then, his regime has been reckoned as an authoritarian dictatorship by Western observers.[16] Opposition activists are often pressured or detained by the government, and Lukashenko or those loyal to him control (as of 2020) all of the seats in both houses of the National Assembly, all judicial appointments, the media, and the CEC (which has the power to approve or deny candidates for political offices).[17] ## Electoral system [edit] The president of Belarus is elected using the two-round system. If no candidate obtains over 50% of the vote, a second round is held with the top two candidates. The winner of the second round is elected. A turnout quorum of 50% is applied.[18] Despite the two-round system being in place, a second round has not been officially required since 1994. In the previous four elections, Lukashenko claimed margins of 77% or more in the first round. No election since 1994 has met international standards of transparency and fairness.[4] ## Candidates [edit] ### Registered candidates [edit] To register as a candidate, nominees were required to meet certain criteria:[19] * Being nominated by the signatures of no fewer than 100 thousand citizens.[19] * Required to submit an application for an initiative group of voters containing no fewer than 100 persons.[19][20] The following list has information about registered candidates by the CEC for the presidential election on 21 July 2020.[21][22] Registered candidates for the 2020 Belarusian presidential election Candidate | Occupation | Subject of nomination | Application date | Initiative group registration date | Initiative group size[23] ---|---|---|---|---|--- Alexander Lukashenko[3] | Incumbent president of Belarus | Self-nomination | 17 November 2019[24] | 15 May 2020 | 11,480 Siarhei Cherachen | Chairman of the Belarusian Social Democratic Assembly | Belarusian Social Democratic Assembly | 11 January 2020[25] | 20 May 2020 | 1,127 Hanna Kanapatskaya | Member of Parliament (2016–2019) | Self-nomination | 12 May 2020[26] | 20 May 2020 | 1,314 Andrey Dmitriyeu | Co-chairman of the political movement \"Tell the Truth\" | Tell the Truth | 8 May 2020[27] | 20 May 2020 | 2,399 Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya | Human rights activist and politician | Self-nomination | 15 May 2020[28] | 20 May 2020 | 247 ### Denied candidates [edit] This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. _( August 2020)__(Learn how and when to remove this message)_ --- * Viktar Babaryka – former chairman of the Management Board of OJSC Belgazprombank[29] * On 14 July the CEC voted unanimously to deny Babaryka\'s registration due to an alleged inconsistency in his submitted income and property declaration.[30] * Valery Tsepkalo – founder and former director (2005–2017) of the Belarus High Technologies Park[31] * On 30 June the CEC announced that Tsepkalo had only gathered 75,249 valid signatures (out of 160,000 he had submitted). This was below the 100,000 required to run for president.[32][33] On 24 July, fearing arrest, Tsepkalo fled to Russia with his two children.[34] * Sergei Tikhanovsky – political and business YouTube blogger[35][36] * He was taken to prison after a provocation in Hrodna, before Alexander Lukashenko mentioned that Tsikhanouski was fighting against a police officer and that the authorities found $900,000 in his second house. During the sentencing, Tsikhanouski stated that he had no idea about the money found by the authorities. Lukashenko also confirmed that Tsikhanouski was detained by the authorities after giving his command.[_citation needed_] * Yuri Hantsevich – farmer and blogger[37] * Yuras Hubarevich – head of the Movement \"For Freedom\" * Volha Kavalkova – co-chairman of the organizing committee for the establishment of the Belarusian Christian Democracy * Mikalai Kazlou – acting chairman of United Civic Party of Belarus * Natallia Kisel – individual entrepreneur * Vladimir Nepomnyashchikh – pensioner * Ales Tabolich – musician, frontman of the folk-metal band Znich ### Withdrawn candidates [edit] * Alena Anisim – Member of the House of Representatives of Belarus (pro-opposition independent)[38] * Aleh Gaidukevich – politician of the Liberal Democratic Party of Belarus ### Declined candidates [edit] * Siarhei Skrabets – former member of the House of Representatives of Belarus * Mikola Statkevich – head of the People\'s Hramada and former presidential candidate[39] * Aliaksei Yanukevich – former chairman[40] of the Belarusian Popular Front Party In January 2020, five opposition forces, the Movement \"For Freedom\", Belarusian Christian Democracy, Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Assembly), BPF Party and United Civic Party of Belarus reached a definite agreement to hold primaries to field a single candidate from the Belarusian opposition. Yury Hubarevich (For Freedom), Paval Sieviaryniec, Volha Kavalkova (both BCD), Aliaksei Yanukevich (BPF) and Mikalai Kazlou (UCPB) were listed as potential candidates.[41][42] The Belarusian Green Party announced that it would not participate in the primaries and the election.[43] The Belarusian Left Party \"A Just World\" called for a boycott of the election, describing the election a \"political farce\".[44] ### Collection of signatures [edit] Candidates who received more than 100,000 signatures in support of their candidacy Candidate | Signatures collected[45][46][47][48][49] | Signaturessubmitted | Signaturesaccepted[50] ---|---|---|--- 28 May | 4 June | 8 June | 19 June Viktar Babaryka | 51,259 | 82,519 | 167,001 | 435,119 | 367,179[51] | 165,744 Siarhei Cherachen | 20,247 | 52,991 | 74,382 | 153,764 | 149,750 | 143,109 Andrei Dmitriyeu | 14,118 | 36,475 | 59,975 | 112,950 | 110,754 | 106,841 Anna Kanapatskaya | 12,483 | 36,432 | 72,864 | 159,728 | 151,631[52] | 146,588 Natallia Kisel | 37,235 | 62,470 | 73,941 | 108,705 | N/A Alexander Lukashenko | 199,752 | 499,256 | 998,760 | 1,997,520 | 1,958,800 | 1,939,572 Valery Tsepkalo | 19,807 | 54,828 | 118,456 | 212,412 | 158,682[53] | 75,249 Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya | 1,567 | 59,774 | 145,322 | 109,479[54] | 104,757 Most government organizations forced their employees to sign for Alexander Lukashenko under threats that their work contracts would not be renewed.[55][56][57] ## Timeline [edit] It has been suggested that this section be split out into another article titled History of the 2020 Belarusian presidential election build-up and Belarus protests pre-election. (Discuss) _(October 2020)_ --- This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. _( August 2020)__(Learn how and when to remove this message)_ --- May * 5 May — The House of Representatives of Belarus schedules the date for the presidential election.[58] * 15 May — Last day to register as a candidate, a total of 55 candidates apply. This is a record for independent Belarus.[59] * 20 May — The CEC registers a total of 15 groups on 15, 19 and 20 May.[60] * 22 May — Election commissions are formed.[61] * 29 May — Siarhei Tsikhanouski holds a picket in Hrodno at which he and nine activists of his initiative group are detained.[62] June * 5 June — The first picket in the election campaign takes place and signatures are collected for the nomination of incumbent president Alexander Lukashenko as a candidate.[63] * 10 June — Lukashenko orders that the CEC should be provided with necessary support during the election campaign.[64] * 11 June— The Financial Investigation Department opens a criminal case against a number of employees of Belgazprombank (headed by Viktar Babaryka); searches are carried out in the bank, and fifteen people are detained. * 17 June — A private bank account held by the headquarters of Viktor Babaryka is blocked, and more than Br 100,000 (US$45,000) are frozen. * 18 June — Both Viktar and Eduard Babaryka are detained early in the morning. That evening, the so-called \"Action of Solidarity\" took place in Minsk. Several thousand people lined up in a human chain from Yakub Kolas Square to Independence Square, spanning more than 3 km. The action was loudly approved by applause and honking of passing cars. The event lasted over six hours and ended after midnight. * 19 June — Yuri Gubarevich and Alexander Tabolich withdraw from the presidential race after working hours in many cities of the country (Minsk, Homel, Mogilev, Orsha, Pinsk, etc.), the next \"Solidarity Actions\" are held. In some places there are detentions, and in Brest and Molodechno there are clashes with riot police. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 270 citizens are detained. In the evening, by one of the leaders of Babaryka\'s campaign releases a proposal to hold a republican referendum and the return of the 1994 Constitution. * 30 June — The CEC holds a meeting at which five presidential candidates are rejected. Among them is Tsepkalo, who only had 75,000 signatures out of the required 100,000. Most of Tsepkalo\'s signatures are rejected by CEC. July * 14 July — The CEC refuses to register Babaryka for the presidential election because of inconsistencies in the declaration of income and property and the participation of a foreign organization in his election campaign. In many cities across Belarus, including Minsk, protest actions are held, over 250 people are detained, six riot police officers are injured, and 4 are hospitalized. * 15 July — Citizens form a line to the CEC building to file complaints over the refusal to register Babaryka and Tsepkalo. The line stretches for over a kilometer. Soon police appear and a number of people are detained. * 16 July * The headquarters of Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Babaryka and Tsepkalo unite, asserting need for general control over the course of voting and holding fresh elections if they win. * The OSCE representative says that observers will not be present at the upcoming elections because the Belarusian Foreign Ministry did not send an official invitation on time (it was sent on 15 July, when there was less than a month left before the elections). * 19 July — in the city of Vitebsk and Minsk at Bangalore Square, the first meeting is held with the voters of Tsikhanouskaya, and according to various estimates there are approx. 7,000- 8,000 people total present. * 21 July — Presidential candidates Tsikhanouskaya, Anna Kanopatskaya, Sergei Cherechen and Andrei Dmitriyeu appear on national TV channel, \"Belarus 1\". * 30 July * The CEC summons presidential candidates. It is reported that on the night of 29 July 33 Russian citizens were detained and also that security measures are being strengthened and they issued warnings of possible provocation from Russia. * Presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya refused to debate on state-wide TV, and she also challenged Alexander Lukashenko to a one-on-one debate. * Presidential candidates Sergei Cherechen, Andrei Dmitriyeu, and Oleg Gaidukevich, Alexander Lukashenko\'s confidant, took part in the nationally televised debates. * A permitted rally of presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya took place in the Friendship of Peoples Park in Minsk. According to human rights activists, 63,000–70,000 people gathered,[65][66] but a statement from the Belarusian Interior Ministry alleged that only 18,250 people had been recorded passing through the metal-detecting checkpoints set up at the event.[67] August * 2 August - Tsikhanouskaya and her team visit Baranovichy (the meeting was attended by 7,400 people) and Brest (18,000 people). A planned rally in Pinsk does not take place, since the only site allocated for pre-election rallies was already occupied by Lukashenko\'s confidant daily until 8 August from the hours of 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM (similarly, the only site in Stolin was booked for the entire pre-election period). * 4 August - In Slutsk and Salihorsk (Minsk Region), local executive committees cancels meetings with Tsikhanouskaya and her team at the very last minute under the pretext needing to carry out urgent repairs of the only venues allowed for voter meetings. Riot police are sent to both cities and begin detaining some of the people and under similar pretexts, previously agreed meetings with Dmitriyeu in Lyepel and Polotsk (Vitebsk Region) are canceled. * 5 August—6 * The Minsk City Executive Committee announces a meeting/concert of Tsikhanouskaya scheduled for 6 August, cannot be held, and that within Friendship of Peoples Park in Minsk it is also not possible, since a holiday in honor of the Day of Railway Troops is to be held there (on 7 and 8 August, the park is reserved for other events). The remaining five sites in Minsk, where pre-election rallies are allowed, were also booked daily until 8 August for events unrelated to the elections. Large-scale holiday concerts with the participation of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian pop stars are announced on the official websites of the city executive committees. Free concerts are scheduled for 8 August, the day before the main voting day in the presidential elections, at the main venues in various cities of Belarus. Many artists begin to refuse to perform in Belarusian cities. A special group of the Russian Foundation for Free Elections arrives in Minsk as representatives for CIS observation of international elections. * The Tsikhanouskaya\'s rally is moved to Kievsky Square, which is located a few hundred meters from Bangalore Square, this was meant to be an open day for an additional education institution event to take place in Kievsky Square. From the steps of the cinema \"Kiev\" the song \"Changes\" by Viktor Tsoi sounded. Later the two DJs, Vladislav Sokolovsky and Kirill Galanov, who started playing the song, are detained. The song is deemed to be officially illegal in Belarus. * 7 August * The court appointed the sound technicians Kirill Galanov and Vladislav Sokolovsky for 10 days of administrative arrest for hooliganism and disobedience towards the police. * Tikhanovskaya addressed the Belarusian people together with her associates Maria Kolesnikova and Veronika Tsepkalo. The Solidarity bike ride took place on 7 August in Minsk. * In Minsk, actions of solidarity took place, including a bike ride was held in support of two musicians who were detained. This detention was considered brutal and carried out by the security forces. As of 8 August, several people were detained, some of the detentions ended in violence with ambulances being called. The journalists of the \"Current Time\" TV channel were also detained. They were deported from the country and barred entry for 10 years. * 8 August * The CEC announced that the turnout in the four days of the early voting reached 32.24% * In the evening, Maria Kolesnikova (a member of Tikhanovskaya\'s headquarters) was detained. She was soon released; authorities claimed she was taken by mistake. Maria Moroz, chief of staff of Tihanovskaya\'s campaign, was also detained and placed in an isolation center for offenders in Minsk. ## Campaign [edit] ![\\"\\"](\\"// Elections_2020_banner_in_Belarus.jpg\\")Street banner in Minsk with the date of the election. \"9 жніўня 2020 ВЫБАРЫ ПРЭЗІДЭНТА РЭСПУБЛІКІ БЕЛАРУСЬ\" (Belarusian: _9 žniwnia 2020 VYBARY PRESIDENTA RESPUBLIKI BIEŁARUŚ_ lit. \'9 August 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IN BELARUS\') ### Siarhei Tsikhanouski and Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya [edit] ![](\\"// Rally_in_support_of_Tsikhanouskaya_in_Minsk_%2830_July_2020%29_-_15.jpg\\")Rally in support of Tsikhanouskaya in Minsk on 30 July 2020 ![](\\"// Rally_in_support_of_Tsikhanouskaya_in_Minsk_%2830_July_2020%29_-_51.jpg\\")Rally in support of Tsikhanouskaya in Minsk on 30 July 2020. Tsikhanouskaya is on the left ![](\\"// Rally_in_support_of_Tsikhanouskaya_in_Minsk_%2830_July_2020%29_-_11.jpg\\")Rally in support of Tsikhanouskaya in Minsk on 30 July 2020. Security measures (taken after the arrest of 33 alleged Russian mercenaries) On 6 May, Belarusian blogger and entrepreneur Syarhei Tsikhanouski has announced on his YouTube channel \"Country for Life\" that he intended to become a candidate in the presidential election.[68][69] The police officers refused to present identification (confirming that they were legitimate policemen) and threatened to break the windows of the car that Tsikhanouski was in.[70] Prior to that, a crowd of Tsikhanouski\'s supporters in Mahilyow released a member of Tsikhanouski\'s team from the police.[71] A day later, allies of Tsikhanouski were arrested, including a blogger from Slutsk, Uladzimier Niaronski.[72] The Tsikhanouski\'s team, including Niaronski, were chased by road police and two minivans with members of the police special forces AMAP.[73] The blogger\'s arrest was due to his trips around Belarus that covered consequences of Lukashenko’s 26-year tenure as a president. The Tsikhanouski trips were popular and gathered hundreds of people who spoke out to him about violations of human rights and economic problems. During these trips, Tsikhanouski and his team were constantly chased by cars with people who were recording him and his activities; presumably they were employees of the Belarusian special services.[74] After the Tikhanovski was arrested, his supporters held a series of protests across the Belarus. According to Radio Liberty, 20 to 30 people were detained in Homiel, which is Tsikhanouski\'s hometown.[72] Viasna Human Rights Centre reported that at least 19 of his supporters were brutally detained in Minsk.[72] After his arrest, Tsikhanouski was transported to Homiel, where he was placed in a temporary detention center. The formal reason for his detention was his participation in the rally against the integration of Belarus with Russia on 19 December 2019 in Minsk. After his detention, Tsikhanouski has announced on his YouTube channel his intention to run for president of Belarus. The video had recorded 250,000 views in 20 hours after the publication. The aforementioned YouTube channel had 276,000 subscribers as of 10 August.[75] However, the Central Election Commission of Belarus refused to register the initiative group to nominate him.[76][77] His spouse, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, decided to apply for election as a candidate, her initiative group was successfully registered by the Central Election Commission of Belarus.[78] Tsikhanouski became the head of the initiative group to collect signatures for Tikhanovskaya\'s participation in the election.[_citation needed_] On 20 May, Tsikhanouski was released from the temporary detention center.[79][80] He explained that the pressure of activist supporters helped to achieve it. In an interview with Tsikhanouski after his release, Deutsche Welle drew parallels between the Belarusian blogger and Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny and the Ukrainian actor Volodymyr Zelensky, who became the president of Ukraine.[81] RTVI also drew a parallel between Tsikhanouski and Navalny.[82] Tsikhanouski then began travelling round the country to hold pickets in order to collect signatures for Tsikhanouskaya. Tsikhanouski\'s pickets were very popular and attracted thousands of people.[_citation needed_] The queue to the picket in Minsk near Kamarouski market was half a mile long.[_citation needed_] Several thousand people also attended the picket of Tsikhanouski in Homiel.[_citation needed_] Tsikhanouski announced that he was collecting signatures for fair election in Belarus. Tsikhanouski uses the slogan \"Stop the cockroach!\" in his campaign, which is chanted by his supporters. The symbol of the campaign is a slipper. The slogan \"Stop the cockroach!\" refers to the fairy tale \"Cockroach\" by Soviet poet Kornei Chukovsky about how a \"moustached cockroach\" intimidated all the animals and became their ruler. Apparently, this slogan is a reference to Alexander Lukashenko. Slippers are supposedly a traditional means of pest control.[83] Euronews journalists called the events in Belarus the \"Slipper Revolution\", demonstrating the quote of the Belarusian activist Franak Viačorka with this phrase.[84] On 29 May, Tsikhanouski visited Hrodna to collect signatures for his wife. On the same day, the head of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko alluded to Tsikhanouski at a meeting with workers of Minsk Tractor Works: \"They come cool, all in jeeps — 10-12 cars... we know whose cars he drives, who finances it. We know where he comes from, what his citizenship is and stuff... We all know that. I\'m already looking, they\'re giving me information, our people have already seen it.\"[85] Tsikhanouski commented on Lukashenko\'s statement to the Nasha Niva newspaper: \"My last name isn\'t there, but a hint of me: \"We know his citizenship.\" They have information, analytical work! I have one citizenship, I never had any other. In terms of money — I\'ve had business since 2005, I have money.\"[86] A few hours after Lukashenko\'s statement, when Tsikhanouski was talking with the residents of Hrodna, nearby there was a provocation, where a policeman fell by himself and was lying on the ground whistling. One minute and thirteen seconds later, Tsikhanouski was detained by AMAP.[87] Eight vans arrived to detain him.[88] The soldiers of the special unit escorted Tsikhanouski into a police GAZelle van without showing their IDs. During the arrest, the van\'s door was broken. The blogger\'s supporters tried to stop the vans from leaving the place of detention. Unidentified people in tracksuits then cleared the way for the police transport to leave in a struggle with Tsikhanouski\'s supporters.[88] The supporters then went to the police station in Hrodna to demand the blogger\'s release.[89][90] Shortly after Tsikhanouski\'s arrest, Belarusian state-owned TV channel Belarus 1 showed a story where the events in Hrodna were covered as follows: \"From the very first minutes, this collection of signatures turned into a rally, and according to the law, it is prohibited to hold campaign meetings at this stage of the election campaign. As a result, this manner of communication turned into a scuffle. The police, trying to restore order, found themselves in the epicenter of the scuffle, which was arranged on the square. One of the police officers was attacked.\"[91][92] The leader of the United Civil Party, retired lieutenant colonel of the Belarusian police, Mikalai Kazlou, noted that during his speech at Minsk Tractor Plant, Alexander Lukashenko \"gave the command to screw, twist, throw in jail, and the minister immediately seized this opportunity and created a provocation\". Kazlou also noted that all the policemen involved in this provocation would be exposed and brought to justice.[93] According to the Vesna Human Rights Centre, at least 13 people were detained, including two members of Tsikhanouskaya\'s initiative group and three assistants of Tsikhanouski. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus announced that investigators had opened a criminal case for violence against police officers.[94] Tsikhanouskaya made an official statement regarding the detention of her husband and the head of the headquarters of her initiative group in Hrodna: \"I officially declare: Today, 29 May, during a picket in Hrodna in support of my candidacy for the presidency there was a \"dirty\" provocation against Syarhei Leanidovich Tsikhanouski, head of the headquarters of my initiative group. He was detained. I declare responsibly that the picket was legal and peaceful. In connection with this, I demand the immediate release of the head of my initiative group, otherwise, I will regard it as a violation of my constitutional rights and pressure on me as a candidate for the presidency of Belarus\". She promised to submit relevant applications to the CEC and the Interior Ministry.[95] The first two mass rallies after registration by the Tsikhanouskaya campaign were held on 19 July in Banhalore Square in Minsk and the city of Dzyarzhynsk with an audience of around 7,500. She was joined on stage by Babaryka\'s campaign manager Maryja Kalesnikava and Tsepkalo\'s wife Veranika as they had announced earlier that they would merge their campaigns.[96][97] Local governments cancelled several campaign events that Tsikhanouskaya had planned to hold in the run-up to the elections.[1] ### \"Female Solidarity\" [edit] Before the 2020 presidential election, Alexander Lukashenko insisted that Belarus is not ready for a woman to be president. On 17 July 2020, the three women representing the main opposition candidates (Tsikhanouskaya, Tsepkalo\'s wife Veronica and Babaryka\'s campaign manager Maryja Kalesnikava) merged their campaigns, pitting \"Female Solidarity\" to fight Lukashenko.[98] ### Pressure by authorities [edit] Viktar Babaryka was detained on 18 June during the reported arrest of several hundred opposition supporters. Charges of embezzlement and fraud have been brought against Babaryka, who is currently being held in a State Security Committee detention centre in Minsk.[99][100][101] Valery Tsepkalo, who was not allowed to register as a candidate, and has \"gone to Moscow with his children, fearing for his safety\". During an interview, Tsepkalo mentioned that his friends in law enforcement agencies warned \"an order had gone out for my arrest\". Tsepkalo said he planned to give press conferences in Russia, Ukraine, Western Europe and the United States to expose \"the true nature of the Belarusian regime.\" His wife, Veronika Tsepkalo, is remaining in Belarus to help the campaign of Lukashenko\'s main competitor in the election, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya.[102][103] In June, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya released a video saying that she had been threatened with arrest, and her children being taken away if she continued to campaign. She had to send her children abroad to live with their grandmother for their safety.[104] The children of opposition candidates have been taken away before and put into state orphanages.[105] According to Belarusian Electoral Code (articles 45 and 451),[106][107] local authorities have to determine some outdoor sites for rallies and meetings, where mass events are possible. In Minsk, the authorities allowed six sites to be used for this purpose (none of them in the city centre)[108] while only one site was usually allocated in each of the small towns. During the 2020 election, the authorities and confidants of Lukashenko widely used booking of these sites to prevent independent candidates to meet with people. In Pinsk (Brest region), local authorities provided only one site for meetings with candidates, and this site was booked by a confidant of Lukashenko (Tacciana Lugina, mayor of Pinsk) from 24 July to 8 August. Due to this, Tsikhanouskaya failed to visit Pinsk on 2 August.[109][110] In Stolin (Brest region), the only site was booked by Lugina too from 27 July to 8 August every day from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.[111] On 4 August, Tsikhanouskaya planned to visit Slutsk and Salihorsk (Minsk region). On 3 August, local authorities of Slutsk informed the confidant of Tsikhanouskaya that the meeting couldn\'t be held due to \"urgent repair\" of the only provided site, but they didn\'t provide the alternative site (as requried by law).[112] The meeting in Salihorsk was also cancelled by the authorities at the last moment. The people who gathered in Slutsk and Salihorsk were asked to leave and those who refused were arrested.[113][114][115] Meetings with another independent candidate Andrey Dmitriyeu in Liepiel and Polatsk (Viciebsk region) were cancelled at the last moment for similar reasons.[116] On 6 August, Tsikhanouskaya was forced to cancel a previously announced rally in Minsk due to full booking at all six sites in the city that were made available by the authorities. Instead, she, with Veranika Tsepkalo and Maryja Kalesnikava, visited one of the booked sites and invited people to join them, but the policemen did not allow three of them to come in. During the event, DJs put the song \"[We Want] Changes!\" by Viktor Tsoi and thus supported Tsikhanouskaya. They were later sentenced to detention for 10 days.[117][118][119][120] On 8 August, Maryja Maroz (campaign manager of Tsikhanouskaya) and Maryja Kalesnikava (see above) were arrested, but Kalesnikava was freed a few hours later.[121][122] ### Solidarity [edit] ![](\\"//\\")Map of demonstrations in solidarity with the Belarusian opposition Demonstrations in solidarity with the Belarusian opposition have been held in more than 20 countries and in more than 30 cities around the world.[123] ## Opinion polls [edit] According to a poll conducted back in March–April 2020 by the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the level of trust of current Lukashenko in the capital city of Belarus is 24%. At the same time, 11% of the poll participants trust the Central Election Commission.[124] The state-affiliated analytical center \"Ecoom\" commissioned by the state TV channel ONT, which was criticized for its biased coverage of the election campaign [_citation needed_] , conducted a sociological survey of electoral moods and preferences of citizens. According to this data, incumbent President Alexander Lukashenko enjoyed support of 72.3% of citizens. At the same time, no more than 10% in total were ready to vote for the remaining candidates.[125][126] Opinion polling in Belarus requires a government license. Media outlets are also banned from conducting online polls regarding the election.[127] ### State-sponsored polls [edit] Legend Italics: candidate was denied registration **Bold and green** marks the candidate who took first place. _**Bold italics and yellow**_ marks the candidate who took second place. State-sponsored polling results Date | Polling firm | Lukashenko | Tsikhanouskaya | Kanapatskaya | Cherachen | Dmitriyeu | Babaryka | Tsepkalo | Lead ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- 23–27 July 2020 | A C Ecoom | 73.3 | **7.5** | 1.6 | 0.2 | 0.7 | — | 65.8 10–14 July 2020 | A C Ecoom | 69.4 | 2.2 | 1.5 | 0.8 | 0.3 | **6.7** | 3.1 | 62.6 ### Exit poll [edit] According to Russian government-owned media outlet RIA Novosti,[128] official exit polls indicated a win for Lukashenko. The below figures are widely disputed by opposition figures, including Tikhanovskaya.[129][130] Date | Source | Lukashenko | Tsikhanouskaya | Kanapatskaya | Cherachen | Dmitriyeu | Lead ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- 9 August 2020 | RIA Novosti | 79.7 | **6.8** | 2.3 | 0.9 | 1.1 | 72.9 ## Conduct [edit] The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe reported that it would not be monitoring the 2020 election as it had not been sent a timely invitation. It had not recognised any elections in Belarus as free and fair since 1995.[131] Only Russia and Azerbaijan were participating as international observers during the election.[132] On 4 August 2020, the first day of early voting in the election, the CEC reported a turnout of almost 5%.[133][134] However, independent observers disputed this figure and claimed that it was inflated.[134] External images --- ![\\"image](\\"// Searchtool.svg.png\\") Vote cabin without curtain ![\\"image](\\"// Searchtool.svg.png\\") Vote cabin with a deliberately drawn curtain In several polling stations, curtains were deliberately removed from the vote cabins, leaving them covered on only three sides.[135] A few days prior to the election, a number of journalists and bloggers were arrested on weak and spurious charges, or were denied accreditation to cover the elections,[132] bringing the total to over 100 arrests made since January. It was thought that the government wants to reduce external scrutiny of the election.[136] Honest People, an independent association in Belarus that monitors elections, reported having found 5096 violations from observers. They also questioned the election commission\'s reported turnout statistics. The group said that around 70 election observers were detained.[137] ## Results [edit] ![](\\"// The_queue_of_voters_at_the_embassy_of_Belarus_in_Moscow_%282020-08-09%29_01.jpg\\")The queue of voters at the embassy of Belarus in Moscow, Russia Turnout was said to be 4.98% on 4 August,[134][138] 12.75% on 5 August,[139] 22.47% on 6 August,[140] and 32.24% on 7 August.[_citation needed_] On 9 August, turnout was reported to be 84.05% at 20:00, more than the 50% required to validate the election.[141][142] The result of the vote, \"as in previous elections, was never in any real doubt\" and had a \"foregone nature\" according to The New York Times, stating that Lukashenko \"controls vote counting, [and abused] a vast security apparatus and a noisy state media machine unwavering in its support for him and contempt for his rivals.\" Tsikhanouskaya, the principal challenger, was stated to have gone into hiding in Minsk after security agents detained at least eight members of her campaign staff on the day of the election.[132] ![](\\"// Official_results_of_the_Sviatlana_Tsikhanouskaya_in_the_presidential_election_2020_in_Belarus.jpg\\")Map of official results by Tsikhanouskaya\'s vote share Candidate| Party| Votes| % ---|---|---|--- Alexander Lukashenko| Independent| 4,661,075| 81.04 Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya| Independent| 588,619| 10.23 Hanna Kanapatskaya| Independent| 97,489| 1.69 Andrey Dmitriyeu| Independent| 70,671| 1.23 Siarhei Cherachen| Belarusian Social Democratic Assembly| 66,613| 1.16 Against all| 267,363| 4.65 Total| 5,751,830| 100.00 Valid votes| 5,751,830| 98.85 Invalid/blank votes| 67,125| 1.15 Total votes| 5,818,955| 100.00 Registered voters/turnout| 6,904,649| 84.28 Source: Central Election Commission ### Protocols of the polling stations [edit] Once the votes have been duly counted, polling stations in Belarus write a \"Protocol\" (report) which sums up the election tallies. The Protocol is then displayed for passers-by. People took photos of the protocols, which testified that in many stations in the Minsk capital, and in foreign consulates, the support for Tsikhanouskaya was roughly equal or even several times higher than of Lukashenko.[143][144] Belarusian political scientist Valer Karbalevich [ru] stated that the local protocols and final results are completely uncorrelated.[145] Although the Electoral Code of Belarus requires to hang out the protocols on every voting station (article 55[146]), it was reported that some stations didn\'t make them public. The Central Electoral Commission of Belarus stated that no such info was known and reported that there are no specific requirements to the procedure of announcement of the local protocols.[147] While responding to complaints, the Committee announced that it cannot publish the protocols once again, adding that they were delivered to regional committees only, which disbanded after the announcement of final results.[148] Although the voting papers should be kept for 6 months, a Brest-based human rights activist obtained a big bale of partially burned voting papers a few days after the election: according to him, they were to be burned in the boiler room.[149][150] ### Internet initiatives [edit] #### Self-counting [edit] Votes sent to the Voice platform[151] Candidate | Votes submitted | with photo | % ---|---|---|--- Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya | 1 003 717 | 536 546 | 95.65% Alexander Lukashenko | 10 100 | 658 | 0.96% Andrey Dmitriyeu | 6 778 | 2 047 | 0.64% Siarhei Cherachen | 3 724 | 1 201 | 0.35% Hanna Kanapatskaya | 2 491 | 688 | 0.23% Against all candidates | 18 137 | 4 357 | 1.72% Planned to not attend to cast vote | 2 685 | \- | 0.25% Planned to spoil ballot | 1 712 | 450 | 0.16% TOTAL | 1 049 334 | 545 947 | 100% The Voice (‹See Tfd›Russian: Голос, romanized: _Golos_ , Belarusian: Голас, romanized: _Holas_) initiative invited Belarusian citizens to submit photographs of both sides of their voting papers, together with their voting bureau locations. The aim was to make all photographs available as a public photographic database, enabling cross-checks against the official results. On 15 August 2020, Voice claimed to have had 1,248,714 valid voting papers recorded,[152] about 18% of the voting population. As of 28 August 2020[update], Voice updated its count to 1,049,334 unique confirmed votes recorded,[153] with 545,947 verified ballot photos. #### Protocols vs Official data and photographs [edit] On 21 August 2020, a final report by the Voice, partnering with the \"Zubr\" and \"Honest People\" platforms[151][154] analyzed polling station results. For 1310 out of the total of 5767 polling stations, there were photographs of the protocols. Summary by Voice[155] Polling stations | Votes for Lukashenko | Votes for Tsikhanouskaya ---|---|--- with official data | where Lukashenko led | 1115 | 66.6% | 20.4% where Tsikhanouskaya led | 195 | 31.3% | 56.7% total | 1310 | 61.7% | 25.4% without official data | 4457 | 88.5%† | 2.97%† † what would be required for consistency with the CEC results The Voice report on the analysis of the official data, calculated that if both official results and photographs were correct, then at the polling stations where comparison was not possible (4457 out of 5847), Tsikhanouskaya would have to have had about 3% support. At the stations for which data were published, she received (according to Voice\'s analysis of the official data) 25% of the votes overall, split into 57% in the voting areas where she led, and 20% in those where she trailed. Voice described these differences as \"extreme anomalies\".[155] ## Aftermath [edit] Main articles: 2020–2021 Belarusian protests and Coordination Council (Belarus) After state TV revealed the results of an exit poll showing a landslide Lukashenko victory, clashes between protesters and riot police broke out in Minsk. Reports of injuries and the use of stun grenades and rubber bullets emerged.[156] The main opposition candidate, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, said in a news conference that she did not trust the exit poll, saying, \"I believe my eyes, and I see that the majority is with us\".[156] As polling closed many internet service providers lost routing, the communication losses were widespread as police and military closed down most of Minsk.[157] On the second night after the very likely falsified results were announced, protesters barricaded the area around the Rīga market. Security forces responded by tear-gassing the protesters and using flashbangs.[158] After being released from a seven-hour-long detention on election night following her submission of a formal complaint to the Central Election Commission (CEC), Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya was escorted by Belarusian security services to Lithuania, reportedly a condition of a deal securing the release of her campaign manager, Maria Moroz.[159] On 11 August, Tsikhanouskaya released a video reading from a script following her detainment, seemingly filmed under duress and promoted on state-sponsored media,[159] in which she called upon the people of Belarus to stop protesting and accept the victory of Lukashenko. The strong change in message and demeanor of Tsikhanouskaya post-detainment led allies to insist the video was coerced, likening it to a hostage video.[160] She had previously sent her children abroad before the elections for their safety. On 14 August, Tikhanovskaya, now in Lithuania, published another video in which she claimed to have won the presidential election with between 60 and 70% of the vote, more than enough to defeat Lukashenko outright. She called for the creation of a transitional council of \"civil society activists, respected Belarusians and professionals\" to handle the transfer of power from Lukashenko. She also encouraged her supporters to sign an online petition calling for a recount of the election.[5][161] Arrests and violence against protesters, including claims of torture, increased in the week after the election resulting in calls for international sanctions against the perpetrators.[5] On August 14, 2020, the Belarus Solidarity Foundation (BYSOL) was established. Its main aims are to support courtyard initiatives, emergency relocation, support for the families of political prisoners and helping those fired for political reasons. In 2020, BYSOL raised €2.9 million to support those fired for political reasons, striking factories, and people forced to relocate.[162] On 19 August, the Belarusian Central Election Committee said that Mr Lukashenko would be inaugurated as president for a new term within the next two months.[163] On 16 November 2020, BBC reported that more than 1,000 people were arrested during the demonstrations in Belarus, over the disputed presidential election. The police fired rubber bullets at protesters and also used tear gas to disperse the crowd.[164] ### Deaths [edit] 29-year-old Konstantin Shishmakov,[165] director of the Volkovysk Military History Museum named after Bagration, disappeared on 15 August. He refused to sign the protocol of the election commission, called his wife at about 5 PM local time and said: \"I will not work here anymore; I am going home.\" But he never came home. Later, he was found dead. This was announced by the search and rescue squad \"Angel\". \"It all started on the 9th [of August], - the father recalls. - When he was on the election commission. There was another guy with him - I do not remember his last name, I will not name it. The two of them did not sign the final protocol. According to his son, they signed for them. He called his wife and talked about it.\" ## International reactions [edit] Main article: International reactions to the 2020 Belarusian presidential election and protests ![](\\"// BelarusElections2020-InternationalReaction.svg.png\\")International reactions to Lukashenko\'s re-election Belarus Congratulated Lukashenko Recognised Tsikhanouskaya as winner Not recognised result Expressed criticism over conflict escalation No reaction Countries and organisations have voiced their opinions with some accepting and some rejecting the election result. Many have commented about the protests with more condemning the violence. Countries and organisations resolving to impose sanctions: * ![\\"European](\\"//\\") EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell on 14 August announced that the EU would bring in sanctions against Belarusian officials responsible for \"violence and falsification\".[5][166] Charles Michel, President of the European Council went further on 19 August saying the EU would soon impose sanctions on a \"substantial number\" of individuals responsible for violence, repression, and election fraud.[167] The European Commission announced it would divert 53 million euros (£48m) earmarked for Belarus away from the government and towards civil society.[163] * ![\\"Lithuania\\"](\\"//\\") On 18 August 2020, the Lithuanian parliament agreed to impose economic sanctions against the Belarusian government.[168] * ![\\"Slovakia\\"](\\"//\\") On 19 August 2020, the Prime Minister of Slovakia stated that the Government of Slovakia introduced sanctions against the Belarusian government in the new legislative session.[169] ## See also [edit] * President of Belarus * Belarusian partisan movement (2020–present) * Coordination Council (Belarus) ## References [edit] 1. ^ _**a**_ _**b**_ \"Belarus Authorities Cancel Opposition Campaigning Ahead Of Election\". _Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty_. 5 August 2020. 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Retrieved 19 August 2020. 169. **^** \"Bieloruská kríza: Matovič chce ekonomické sankcie proti páchateľom\". _slovensko.hnonline.sk_. 19 August 2020. ## External links [edit] * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") Media related to Presidential election of Belarus, 2020 at Wikimedia Commons * Vote for Belarus. Opinion Polling for Belarus Presidential Election * Belarusian Presidential Election 2020: The Game is On * Варламов, Илья Александрович. 2020. Лукашенко проиграл, но не уходит: гранаты и ОМОН, столкновения и пострадавшие {Lukashenka lost, but does not leave: Grenades and riot police, clashes and injuries}. Varlamov. 10 Aug. * Lukashenka Calls Belarus\'s Next Presidential Election For 2020 * Выбары 2020. 2020. Чакаем вынікаў. УЖЫВУЮ. Радыё Свабода 9 Aug. * v * t * e ![\\"Belarus\\"](\\"// Flag_of_Belarus.svg.png\\") Elections and referendums in Belarus --- Presidential elections| * 1994 * 2001 * 2006 * 2010 * 2015 * 2020 * 2025 Parliamentary elections| * 1937 * 1939 (West Belarus) * 1947 * 1951 * 1955 * 1959 * 1963 * 1967 * 1971 * 1975 * 1980 * 1985 * 1990 * 1995 * 2000 * 2004 * 2008 * 2012 * 2016 * 2019 * 2024 Municipal elections| * ... * 1995 * 1999 * 2003 * 2007 * 2010 * 2014 * 2018 * 2024 Referendums| * 1995 * 1996 * 2004 * 2022 See also: Elections and referendums in the Soviet Union Retrieved from \" Categories: * 2020 elections in Europe * 2020 elections in Belarus * August 2020 events in Belarus * Presidential elections in Belarus * 2020–2021 Belarusian protests Hidden categories: * CS1 Russian-language sources (ru) * CS1 uses Belarusian-language script (be) * CS1 Belarusian-language sources (be) * CS1 uses Russian-language script (ru) * CS1 French-language sources (fr) * Articles with Russian-language sources (ru) * Articles with Belarusian-language sources (be) * Webarchive template wayback links * Articles with short description * Short description is different from Wikidata * Wikipedia articles needing rewrite from March 2022 * All articles needing rewrite * Use dmy dates from August 2020 * Articles with hCards * Articles needing additional references from August 2020 * All articles needing additional references * All articles with unsourced statements * Articles with unsourced statements from September 2023 * Articles to be split from October 2020 * All articles to be split * Articles containing Belarusian-language text * Articles with unsourced statements from November 2020 * Articles with unsourced statements from November 2021 * Articles with unsourced statements from August 2020 * Articles containing Russian-language text * Pages using Lang-xx templates * Instances of Lang-be using second unnamed parameter * Articles containing potentially dated statements from August 2020 * All articles containing potentially dated statements * Commons category link from Wikidata * This page was last edited on 4 September 2024, at 02:06 (UTC). * Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0; additional terms may apply. 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Lukashenko won the elections in 2020
* English Русский ![\\"United](\\" content/themes/cms3/dist/images/dos-logo-light.png\\") # U.S. Mission to the OSCE ### Social / Search TwitterFacebookVK | * ____ * Search **Worldwide Caution Alert:** Potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations, or violent actions Read More... [Skip to Content] __ * ![\\"United](\\"/wp-content/themes/cms3/dist/images/dos-logo-light.png\\") * * Our Relationship ____ * __ * U.S. Mission Leaders * Chargé d’Affaires Katherine Brucker * Deputy Chief of Mission Tim Hanway * U.S. Government Leaders * President of the United States * Vice President of the United States * U.S. Secretary of State * U.S. & the OSCE * About the OSCE * Why the OSCE matters * U.S. Mission ____ * __ * U.S. Mission * U.S. Mission to the OSCE * Wagramerstrasse 17-19 1220 Vienna, Austria Phone: (+43 1) 31339 0 * Work With Us! * ![\\"a](\\"/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/work_with_us_no_text_244x116px_360.png\\"/) * Jobs at the U.S. Mission * News & Events ____ * __ * * Statements ____ * __ * ![\\"Ambassador](\\" Human Dimension Conference Plenary Session 6: Rule of Law II * ![\\"Warsaw](\\" Warsaw Human Dimension Conference Plenary Session 5: Rule of Law I Right of Reply * ![\\"The](\\" Human Dimension Conference I Plenary Session 5: Rule of Law I * ![\\"Flags](\\" on the 2025 Unified Budget Proposal * Ukraine Crisis ____ * __ * ![\\"In](\\" Russian Federation’s Ongoing Aggression Against Ukraine * ![\\"Deputy](\\" The Russian Federation’s Ongoing Aggression Against Ukraine * ![\\"Ukrainian](\\" Russian Federation’s Ongoing Aggression Against Ukraine * ![\\"Today](\\" Statement for the Forum for Security Co-operation: Opening Statement * Human Rights ____ * __ * ![\\"Ambassador](\\" Human Dimension Conference Plenary Session 6: Rule of Law II * ![\\"Warsaw](\\" Warsaw Human Dimension Conference Plenary Session 5: Rule of Law I Right of Reply * ![\\"The](\\" Human Dimension Conference I Plenary Session 5: Rule of Law I * ![\\"Ambassador](\\" Human Dimension Conference I Plenary Session 4: Humanitarian Issues II * Economic and Environmental Activities ____ * __ * ![\\"Economic](\\" on the 2024 Economic and Environmental Dimension Implementation Meeting * ![\\"\\"](\\" U.S. National Statement at the 2024 OSCE High Level Climate Change Conference * ![\\"\\"](\\" Opening Statement at the 31st Preparatory Meeting of the OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum * ![\\"\\"](\\" to the Report by Coordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities * Politico-Military Activities ____ * __ * ![\\"Ambassador](\\" to the Report of the Director of the Conflict Prevention Centre * ![\\"Participants](\\" OSCE – UNODA Scholarship for Peace and Security Vienna Seminar Opening Session Welcome Remarks * ![\\"Joint](\\" Statement on OSCE’s Role in Supporting Security Sector Governance and Reform as part of OSCE’s Comprehensive Approach to Security | OSCE MC * ![\\"\\"](\\" Statement on Small Arms Light Weapons and Stockpiles of Conventional Ammunition | OSCE Ministerial Council # On the Second Anniversary of the Fraudulent Elections in Belarus Home Home | News & Events | On the Second Anniversary of the Fraudulent Elections in Belarus ![\\"Belarus](\\" content/uploads/sites/37/AP_21084499452892-1140x684.jpg\\") Belarus opposition supporters hold a giant Belarus historical flag during a protest. (AP Photo/Francisco Seco) # On the Second Anniversary of the Fraudulent Elections in Belarus As delivered by Political Counselor Elisabeth Rosenstock-Siller to the Permanent Council, Vienna September 1, 2022 August 9 marked two years since the fraudulent presidential election in Belarus, during which time the Belarusian people have demonstrated incredible resilience in sustaining their pro-democracy movement despite crushing repression. They have continued to press their demands for democracy, human rights, and their country’s sovereignty and independence despite great personal risks. The Lukashenka regime now holds over 1,300 political prisoners, and the number keeps growing, as does the flood of Belarusians forced into exile in other countries by the regime’s unrelenting repression. Over the past two years, tens of thousands of Belarusian citizens have been unjustly detained for exercising their human rights and fundamental freedoms. For challenging Lukashenka’s rule simply by standing for election in 2020, presidential candidate Syarhey Tsikhanouski was sentenced to 18 years imprisonment and Viktar Babaryka to 14 years. Others unjustly imprisoned include Maria Kalesnikava, sentenced to 11 years, and Maksim Znak, sentenced to 10 years, simply for expressing their support for a democratic future for Belarus. Kalesnikava and Znak are among the many innocent Belarusians who have now been falsely labelled “terrorists” by the regime. Independent journalists and bloggers continue to be targets for harsh reprisal by the regime. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty journalist Ihar Losik was sentenced to 15 years, and Belsat journalist Katsiaryna Andreyeva to eight years, simply for reporting on the brutality of the regime to audiences in Belarus and beyond. Belarus also continues to conduct acts of transnational repression through the targeting of journalists, activists, and athletes outside its territory. The litany of outages perpetrated by the Lukashenka regime gets longer and longer. The regime brazenly put civil aviation at risk by forcing down a civilian airliner for the sole purpose of capturing a blogger. The regime lured migrants to Belarus and then forced them across the border to put pressure on Belarus’ EU neighbors. And the regime defied the will of the Belarusian people by openly facilitating Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine. By putting Belarusian air, land, and military infrastructure at Russia’s disposal, Lukashenka has sought to preserve his personal future at the risk of his country’s future. In response to these reprehensible and irresponsible actions, the United States has coordinated closely with our democratic Allies and partners to expand sanctions on authorities and impose several rounds of sanctions targeting the regime and its enablers. Since the fraudulent 2020 Belarusian presidential election, the United States has taken steps to impose visa restrictions on 297 Belarusian individuals for their involvement in policies or actions that undermine democratic institutions or impede the transition to democracy in Belarus. These individuals include persons involved in a wide range of human rights abuses. And in close partnership with our Allies and partners the United States has imposed stringent export controls on key industries in Belarus for contributing to Russia’s war on Ukraine. These export controls are depriving the regime’s defense sector of vital parts, technology, and know-how. Last month the United States announced the imposition of visa restrictions on Mikalai Karpiankou, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and Commander of the Internal Troops, and Dzmitriy Balaba, Commander of the Special Task Police Force (OMON) in Minsk, for involvement in gross violations of human rights, namely the arbitrary detention of peaceful protesters. Balaba and Karpiankou played a significant role in the repression surrounding the fraudulent August 9, 2020 presidential election, in which thousands were violently detained and subjected to abuses and torture for exercising human rights and fundamental freedoms, including through peacefully protesting. While the United States and many others in this room have urged the regime to participate in a facilitated dialogue with the opposition and civil society, it continues to reject that path. Instead, it continues to abuse its own people and undermine the security and sovereignty of the Belarusian state. The United States stands with the people of Belarus as they pursue a democratic, sovereign, and prosperous future. It was an honor for the U.S. Mission to the OSCE to host Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Leader of the Belarusian Democratic Forces, here at the Hofburg in June. We will continue to speak about the horrible repressions taking place in Belarus, engage with Belarusian civil society to promote accountability for the Lukashenka regime’s human rights abuses, and support international efforts to hold the perpetrators to account. ### By U.S. Mission OSCE | 1 September, 2022 | Topics: Civil Society and NGOs, Elections, Freedom of Expression, Human Rights, Media Freedom, Statements | Tags: Belarus Suggested for You * ![\\"Ambassador](\\" ##### Warsaw Human Dimension Conference Plenary Session 6: Rule of Law II * ![\\"Warsaw](\\" ##### Warsaw Human Dimension Conference Plenary Session 5: Rule of Law I Right of Reply ### Translation * Русский ### Filter Keyword(s): Content Type: News Speeches Press Releases Events Video Month/Year October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024June 2024May 2024April 2024March 2024February 2024January 2024December 2023November 2023October 2023September 2023August 2023July 2023June 2023May 2023April 2023March 2023February 2023January 2023December 2022November 2022October 2022September 2022August 2022July 2022June 2022May 2022April 2022March 2022February 2022January 2022December 2021November 2021October 2021September 2021August 2021July 2021June 2021May 2021April 2021March 2021February 2021January 2021December 2020November 2020October 2020September 2020August 2020July 2020June 2020May 2020April 2020March 2020February 2020January 2020December 2019November 2019October 2019September 2019August 2019July 2019June 2019May 2019April 2019March 2019February 2019January 2019December 2018November 2018October 2018September 2018August 2018July 2018June 2018May 2018April 2018March 2018February 2018January 2018December 2017November 2017October 2017September 2017August 2017July 2017June 2017May 2017April 2017March 2017February 2017January 2017December 2016November 2016October 2016September 2016August 2016July 2016June 2016May 2016April 2016March 2016February 2016January 2016December 2015November 2015October 2015September 2015August 2015July 2015June 2015May 2015April 2015March 2015February 2015January 2015December 2014November 2014October 2014September 2014August 2014July 2014June 2014May 2014April 2014March 2014February 2014January 2014December 2013November 2013October 2013September 2013July 2013June 2013May 2013April 2013March 2013February 2013January 2013December 2012November 2012October 2012September 2012July 2012June 2012May 2012April 2012March 2012February 2012January 2012December 2011November 2011October 2011September 2011July 2011June 2011May 2011April 2011March 2011February 2011January 2011December 2010November 2010October 2010September 2010July 2010June 2010May 2010April 2010March 2010February 2010January 2010December 2009November 2009October 2009September 2009July 2009June 2009May 2009April 2009March 2009February 2009January 2009 ### Topics * Alert * Alumni * Ambassador * Anti-corruption * Arms control * Art & Culture * Blog * Border security * Civil Society and NGOs * Combating Terrorism * Combating Trafficking in Persons * Cross Dimensional * Culture * Cyber Issues * Economic Affairs * Economic and Environmental Activities * Education * Elections * embassy * Emergency Services * Environment * Europe & Eurasia * Events * First Dimension * Former U.S. Ambassadors * Former U.S. Government Leaders * Freedom of Assembly & Association * Freedom of Expression * Freedom of Speech * Fundamental Freedoms * Gender Equality * Good Governance * HCNM * Human Rights * LGBTI * Media Freedom * National Minorities * Notification * ODIHR * Official Reports * Open Skies * OSCE Budget * OSCE Institutions * Politico-Military Activities * Press Releases * Protracted Conflicts * Public Affairs * Regions * Religious Freedom * RFOM * Second Dimension * Sections & Offices * Security & Emergency Messages * South & Central Asia * Speeches * Statements * Third Dimension * Tolerance and Non-discrimination * Trade * U.S. & OSCE * Ukraine * Ukraine Crisis * Uncategorized Show More ∨ ### Recent Posts * ![\\"Ambassador](\\" #### Warsaw Human Dimension Conference Plenary Session 6: Rule of Law II * ![\\"Warsaw](\\" #### Warsaw Human Dimension Conference Plenary Session 5: Rule of Law I Right of Reply * ![\\"The](\\" #### Warsaw Human Dimension Conference I Plenary Session 5: Rule of Law I * ![\\"Flags](\\" #### Statement on the 2025 Unified Budget Proposal * ![\\"In](\\" #### The Russian Federation’s Ongoing Aggression Against Ukraine ### U.S. Mission to the OSCE * Our Relationship * U.S. Mission * News & Events * Privacy * Social Media Terms of Use * Sitemap * Accessibility Statement ### U.S. Mission to the OSCE U.S. Mission to the OSCE Wagramerstrasse 17-19 1220 Vienna, Austria Phone: (+43 1) 31339 0 TwitterFacebookYouTubeVK This is the official website of the U.S. Mission to the OSCE. 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Lukashenko won the elections in 2020
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He was sworn in for a sixth term Wednesday in a secret ceremony in the capital, according to state media. ### Europe # Belarus President Is Secretly Inaugurated Weeks After Disputed Election September 23, 202010:55 AM ET By Scott Neuman ![\\"\\"](\\" Enlarge this image Lidia Yermoshina (left), chairperson of the Belarusian Central Election Commission, hands over a presidential ID to President Alexander Lukashenko during an inauguration ceremony Wednesday at Independence Palace in Minsk. Andrei Stasevich/BelTA/Tass **hide caption** **toggle caption** Andrei Stasevich/BelTA/Tass Lidia Yermoshina (left), chairperson of the Belarusian Central Election Commission, hands over a presidential ID to President Alexander Lukashenko during an inauguration ceremony Wednesday at Independence Palace in Minsk. Andrei Stasevich/BelTA/Tass In a secret ceremony, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko was sworn in for a sixth term Wednesday in the capital amid nationwide protests and international outrage over his August reelection in a vote widely viewed as fraudulent. State media announced that Lukashenko, who has held on to power for more than a quarter-century, took the oath of office during a ceremony at Independence Palace in Minsk that was attended by several hundred government officials. ![\\"Massive](\\" ### Europe ### Massive Protests Continue In Belarus As Demonstrators Demand Lukashenko Resign Presidential inaugurations in Belarus, seen as major state occasions, are normally announced in advance. But critics say the covert ceremony was aimed at avoiding the embarrassment of mass demonstrations that have plagued the government since the disputed Aug. 9 presidential election in which Lukashenko claimed to have won 80% of the vote. His main opponent, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, a 38-year-old political novice, was forced to flee for her safety to neighboring Lithuania, a member of NATO, after the election results were announced. Tikhanovskaya, speaking from exile Wednesday, called the swearing-in ceremony a farce. Sponsor Message \"I am the only leader who was elected by the Belarusian people. And our job now is to build a new Belarus together,\" she declared in an emailed statement that also stated she had \"returned\" from a visit to Brussels, where she met with European Union foreign ministers on Monday. The August vote, which the U.S. and its European allies have said was neither free nor fair, risks elevating an already isolated Belarus to the level of pariah state, with Russia as Lukashenko\'s main supporter. ![\\"Amid](\\" ### World ### Amid Democratic Street Uprising, Belarusian Strongman Gets Support From Russia Shortly after the election, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called out the election as fraudulent. \"Severe restrictions on ballot access for candidates, prohibition of local independent observers at polling stations, intimidation tactics employed against opposition candidates, and the detentions of peaceful protesters and journalists marred the process,\" Pompeo said in a statement. The U.S. also recently signed on to a joint statement condemning Belarus\' crackdown on Internet freedoms in the wake of the disputed election. Meanwhile, the European Union\'s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, said in a statement last week that the bloc does not recognize Lukashenko as the legitimate president of Belarus. \"The situation is clear for us. We consider the elections of Aug. 9 fraudulent,\" Borrell told the EU Parliament. Sponsor Message A Kremlin spokesman told reporters on Wednesday that Vladimir Putin wasn\'t aware of the inauguration and that he didn\'t know whether the Russian president would congratulate Lukashenko. The spokesman said Putin has no plans to visit Minsk. However, hundreds of Russian airborne troops parachuted into Belarus on Wednesday as part of joint military exercises dubbed \"Slavic Brotherhood,\" according to Russia\'s defense ministry. The drills are interpreted by some as a show of support for Lukashenko. The maneuvers come as Russia has denied plans to open a military base in Belarus, a prospect that has alarmed neighbor and NATO-member Latvia. \"Russia is strengthening and modernizing its military capacity close to the Latvian border and Belarus is also involved in these activities,\" Latvian Defense Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Artis Pabriks said in a statement Tuesday that was reported by Bloomberg. Pabriks added that such drills, in which \"aggressive scenarios against the Baltic states are played out, do not promote mutual trust and good neighborly relations.\" NPR\'s Lucian Kim in Moscow contributed to this report. * President Vladimir Putin * Alexander Lukashenko * Belarus election * Belarus protests * Facebook * Flipboard * Email ###### Read & Listen * Home * News * Culture * Music * Podcasts & Shows ###### Connect * Newsletters * Facebook * Instagram * Press * Public Editor * Corrections * Contact & Help ###### About NPR * Overview * Diversity * NPR Network * Accessibility * Ethics * Finances ###### Get Involved * Support Public Radio * Sponsor NPR * NPR Careers * NPR Shop * NPR Events * NPR Extra * Terms of Use * Privacy * Your Privacy Choices * Text Only Sponsor Message Become an NPR sponsor
Lukashenko won the elections in 2020
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Steelers vs Cowboys Christopher Ciccone dies at 63 Nick Castellanos Mideast wars AP Top 25 poll # Belarus poll workers describe fraud in Aug. 9 election ## Belarus poll workers describe fraud in Aug. 9 election ![\\"Image\\"](\\" prod%2Fmedia%2F6fb3991927484d929663ee1230ad0f11%2F3000.jpeg\\") 1 of 10 | FILE - In this Aug. 9, 2020, file photo, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, a former English teacher and candidate for president, poses casts her ballot at a polling station during the election in Minsk, Belarus. Tsikhanouskaya entered the race after her husband, a popular opposition blogger, was jailed, and drew tens of thousands of people to rallies in her support. Election officials said authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko won the election in balloting that opposition activists say was rigged. (AP Photo/File) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\" prod%2Fmedia%2Fc317ae7ca61c4f37b72516517ba64620%2F3000.jpeg\\") 2 of 10 | Valeria Artikhovskaya, who worked at a polling station in Minsk during the Aug. 9 presidential election, speaks during his interview with The Associated Press in Minsk, Belarus, on Friday, Aug. 28, 2020. Poll workers in Belarus are providing details of vote-rigging in the election that kept authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko in power. Artikhovskaya said she saw other poll workers putting ballots for different candidates into a stack for Lukashenko. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\" prod%2Fmedia%2F915bd97fde89460b9b41477556f3145d%2F3000.jpeg\\") 3 of 10 | Andrei Gnidenko, who worked at a polling station in Vitebsk, a small city in northeast Belarus, speaks during his interview with The Associated Press in Minsk, Belarus, Friday, Aug. 28, 2020. Poll workers in Belarus are providing details of vote-rigging in the Aug. 9 election that kept authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko in power. Gnidenko said he was pressured to sign a document with falsified results. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\" prod%2Fmedia%2F5f202ff2daaa43d69c494a0a75c46242%2F3000.jpeg\\") 4 of 10 | Lawyer Maxim Znak, a member of the opposition Coordination Council, which was set up after the Aug. 9 election to try to negotiate a transition of power with the government of authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko, speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Minsk, Belarus, Thursday, Aug. 27, 2020. Znak said the Belarus Supreme Court refused to look at 26 folders of evidence from the opposition that the election keeping Lukashenko in power was rigged. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") 5 of 10 | FILE – In this Aug. 10, 2020, file photo, riot police clash with a protester after the presidential election in Minsk, Belarus. In the three weeks since the election that kept authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko in power, hundreds of thousands of people have protested what they say was a rigged outcome. Demonstrations and strikes in the country have been met by a police crackdown including mass detentions, beatings and criminal charges against organizers. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits, File) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") 6 of 10 | FILE - In this Aug. 10, 2020, file photo, protesters carry a wounded man during clashes with police after the presidential election in Minsk, Belarus. In the three weeks since the election that kept authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko in power, hundreds of thousands of people have protested what they say was a rigged outcome. Demonstrations and strikes have been met by a police crackdown including mass detentions, beatings and criminal charges against organizers. (AP Photo/File) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") 7 of 10 | FILE - In this Aug. 16, 2020, file photo, Belarusian opposition supporters rally in central Minsk, Belarus. In the three weeks since the election that kept authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko in power with a landslide win, hundreds of thousands of people have protested what they say was a rigged outcome. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits, File) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") 8 of 10 | FILE - In this Aug. 9, 2020, file photo, a woman casts her ballot at a polling station during the presidential election in Minsk, Belarus, Sunday, Aug. 9, 2020. In the three weeks since the election that kept President Alexander Lukashenko in power, hundreds of thousands of people have protested what they say was a rigged outcome. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits, File) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") 9 of 10 | FILE - In this Aug. 9, 2020, file photo, Belarusian soldiers read about the candidates before voting at a polling station during the presidential election in Minsk, Belarus. In the three weeks since the election that kept authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko in power, hundreds of thousands of people have protested what they say was a rigged outcome. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits, File) Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") 10 of 10 | FILE - In this Aug. 9, 2020, file photo, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko casts his ballot at a polling station during the election in Minsk, Belarus. In the three weeks since the election that kept Lukashenko in power, hundreds of thousands of people have protested what they say was a rigged outcome. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits, File) Read More Belarus poll workers describe fraud in Aug. 9 election ![\\"Image\\"](\\" prod%2Fmedia%2F6fb3991927484d929663ee1230ad0f11%2F3000.jpeg\\") Read More 1 of 10 FILE - In this Aug. 9, 2020, file photo, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, a former English teacher and candidate for president, poses casts her ballot at a polling station during the election in Minsk, Belarus. Tsikhanouskaya entered the race after her husband, a popular opposition blogger, was jailed, and drew tens of thousands of people to rallies in her support. Election officials said authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko won the election in balloting that opposition activists say was rigged. (AP Photo/File) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 2 of 10 Valeria Artikhovskaya, who worked at a polling station in Minsk during the Aug. 9 presidential election, speaks during his interview with The Associated Press in Minsk, Belarus, on Friday, Aug. 28, 2020. Poll workers in Belarus are providing details of vote-rigging in the election that kept authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko in power. Artikhovskaya said she saw other poll workers putting ballots for different candidates into a stack for Lukashenko. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 3 of 10 Andrei Gnidenko, who worked at a polling station in Vitebsk, a small city in northeast Belarus, speaks during his interview with The Associated Press in Minsk, Belarus, Friday, Aug. 28, 2020. Poll workers in Belarus are providing details of vote-rigging in the Aug. 9 election that kept authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko in power. Gnidenko said he was pressured to sign a document with falsified results. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 4 of 10 Lawyer Maxim Znak, a member of the opposition Coordination Council, which was set up after the Aug. 9 election to try to negotiate a transition of power with the government of authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko, speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Minsk, Belarus, Thursday, Aug. 27, 2020. Znak said the Belarus Supreme Court refused to look at 26 folders of evidence from the opposition that the election keeping Lukashenko in power was rigged. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 5 of 10 FILE – In this Aug. 10, 2020, file photo, riot police clash with a protester after the presidential election in Minsk, Belarus. In the three weeks since the election that kept authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko in power, hundreds of thousands of people have protested what they say was a rigged outcome. Demonstrations and strikes in the country have been met by a police crackdown including mass detentions, beatings and criminal charges against organizers. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits, File) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 6 of 10 FILE - In this Aug. 10, 2020, file photo, protesters carry a wounded man during clashes with police after the presidential election in Minsk, Belarus. In the three weeks since the election that kept authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko in power, hundreds of thousands of people have protested what they say was a rigged outcome. Demonstrations and strikes have been met by a police crackdown including mass detentions, beatings and criminal charges against organizers. (AP Photo/File) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 7 of 10 FILE - In this Aug. 16, 2020, file photo, Belarusian opposition supporters rally in central Minsk, Belarus. In the three weeks since the election that kept authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko in power with a landslide win, hundreds of thousands of people have protested what they say was a rigged outcome. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits, File) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 8 of 10 FILE - In this Aug. 9, 2020, file photo, a woman casts her ballot at a polling station during the presidential election in Minsk, Belarus, Sunday, Aug. 9, 2020. In the three weeks since the election that kept President Alexander Lukashenko in power, hundreds of thousands of people have protested what they say was a rigged outcome. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits, File) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 9 of 10 FILE - In this Aug. 9, 2020, file photo, Belarusian soldiers read about the candidates before voting at a polling station during the presidential election in Minsk, Belarus. In the three weeks since the election that kept authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko in power, hundreds of thousands of people have protested what they say was a rigged outcome. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits, File) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More ![\\"Image\\"](\\"\\") Read More 10 of 10 FILE - In this Aug. 9, 2020, file photo, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko casts his ballot at a polling station during the election in Minsk, Belarus. In the three weeks since the election that kept Lukashenko in power, hundreds of thousands of people have protested what they say was a rigged outcome. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits, File) Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print Read More By KOSTYA MANENKOV and DARIA LITVINOVA Published [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year] Published 12:26 PM GMT+5:30, September 1, 2020 Share Share * Copy Link copied * Email * Facebook * X * Reddit * LinkedIn * Pinterest * Flipboard * Print MINSK, Belarus (AP) — Even before the Aug. 9 presidential election in Belarus ended, a poll worker in Minsk said she was asked to sign a document summing up its result, with the vote totals left blank. Another worker who pointed out violations during the vote-counting was fired on the spot. In the small city of Vitebsk, a poll worker signed a document with falsified results in favor of President Alexander Lukashenko and later was wracked with guilt for betraying the trust of the voters. In the three weeks since the election that kept Lukashenko in power with a landslide win, hundreds of thousands of people have protested what they say was a rigged outcome. Demonstrations and strikes in the country have been met by a police crackdown including mass detentions, beatings and criminal charges against organizers. The Associated Press interviewed election workers who said they saw ballot fraud or were pressured to falsify results in favor of Lukashenko. In addition, other evidence has been posted online showing falsifications and other irregularities. To many in Belarus, where Lukashenko has ruled with an iron fist since 1994 and has been accused of rigging previous elections, his victory last month seemed clearly implausible. His main opponent, former English teacher Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, drew crowds of tens of thousands of people after she entered the race in place of her husband, Sergei, a popular opposition blogger who was jailed before the election. She had managed to unite fractured opposition groups, channeling the growing frustration over the country’s weak economy and Lukashenko’s swaggering dismissal of the coronavirus pandemic. When the results were announced, however, the Central Election Commission said Lukashenko won 4.6 million votes, or 80%, and Tsikhanouskaya got only 588,000, or 10%. The opposition was prepared for such an outcome — allegations of rigged elections have surfaced in every vote in Belarus since Lukashenko took power in 1994. This time, it trained people to be independent monitors at polling stations, it encouraged poll workers to report violations, and it set up a website where voters could submit photos of their marked ballots to compare with the official count. Activists monitoring the election said in a report that they received complaints about violations, irregularities and incidents of some form of vote-rigging from at least 24% of the country’s 5,767 precincts. The report said that they studied just under one-fourth of the nation’s precincts and found that Tsikhanouskaya received over 471,000 votes in those areas alone. Valeria Artikhovskaya, who worked at a polling station in Minsk, said she still doesn’t know the official results of the vote at her precinct because they were never released. Artikhovskaya said she was asked to sign the final protocol — a document summing up the vote totals each precinct must display after counting the ballots — before voting even ended, with the totals left blank. Artikhovskaya refused, and once the count started, she noticed other poll workers putting ballots for different candidates into a stack for Lukashenko. “I said I wouldn’t sign the protocol because it’s a crime, it’s fraud. (I said,) ‘Allow me to recount these ballots,’ and they refused. I didn’t sign the protocol and left the precinct,” the 30-year-old told the AP on Friday. “My conscience is dearer to me.” Vadim Korzykov, who worked at another Minsk polling station, told AP he didn’t even get to the signing stage -- a senior poll worker dismissed him after he pointed out violations during the count. The 20-year-old student said his colleagues told him later that the number of votes for Tsikhanouskaya at the precinct was five times higher than what Lukashenko received there. “It was a travesty of justice. There is no other name I can call it,” Korzykov said in a phone interview on Wednesday. Andrei Gnidenko, who worked at a poll in Vitebsk, a small city in northeastern Belarus, said he gave in to the pressure and signed a document with falsified results. According to the final protocol from the station, a photo of which Gnidenko showed AP, Tsikhanouskaya got a total of 156 votes, while Lukashenko received 488. But Gnidenko says he and other workers counted over 250 ballots for Tsikhanouskaya. When the time came to sign the protocol late at night, everyone was exhausted, and a crowd of residents had gathered outside the polling station, demanding to see the results. Gnidenko felt sorry for everyone and decided to get it over with, a decision he now regrets. “For the next few days, we were all very severely depressed,” the 29-year-old said Friday. “I decided that since I betrayed the Belarusian people, since I took part in this rigging and put my signature on it, it was my duty to honestly tell it (to the public).” An audio recording from another polling station in Vitebsk was posted on YouTube in which poll workers are heard being told by an official to falsify the results in favor of Lukashenko. The official suggests that poll workers “swap the numbers” for Lukashenko and Tsikhanouskaya. “I’m prepared to agree that a lot of people voted for Tsikhanouskaya … but we have other goals and other problems we need to solve,” the official says. After some back and forth, poll workers swap the results. Some of the workers later confirmed to Belarusian media the authenticity of the recording, which has received over 450,000 hits on YouTube. Alexander Khomich, a spokesman for the activist group Honest People that monitored the election, said Tsikhanouskaya got significantly more votes and Lukashenko got significantly fewer votes. “Given the manner in which the vote has been rigged, I can vouch that no one — not us, not the Central Election Commission — knows the real result of the election,” Khomich told the AP. The Central Election Commission has refused all the candidates’ requests for a recount, and Lukashenko bristled at demands to rerun the vote. In comments to the AP on Thursday, the commission again rejected the accusations of widespread rigging, saying complaints it received from monitors and voters mostly pointed to procedural violations. “Most complaints are about final protocols not being put out (for the public),” said Galina Mkrtychyan, head of the commission’s legal department. The results were not recognized by the four candidates on the ballot with Lukashenko. Both the U.S. and the European Union have called the election neither free nor fair, and EU foreign ministers are preparing sanctions against senior Belarus officials suspected of election fraud and the subsequent crackdown on protesters. The Belarus Supreme Court last week refused to overturn the vote, saying it could not rule after election authorities declared it valid. Maxim Znak, a lawyer and a member of the Coordination Council, which was set up after the election by the opposition to try to negotiate a transition of power with the Lukashenko government, said the court didn’t even look at 26 folders of evidence from Tsikhanouskaya’s allies. “They did not investigate this evidence, they didn’t check anything, they didn’t call witnesses. They just said that’s not possible,” he told AP. But activists believe the legal battle is far from over. Voters and independent monitors are submitting individual complaints and demanding that law enforcement agencies investigate rigging in their precincts, Znak said. “For each of those polling stations where people know that they have voted in one way and official results are different, they continue to fight for their votes. They go to the police. They ask to start a criminal investigation,” he added. Artikhovskaya, the Minsk poll worker, did just that last week, submitting a formal complaint to the prosecutor’s office about the rigging she saw. “We know that people will not forget about this. People will not forgive what happened,” Znak said. ## ___ Litvinova reported from Moscow. ## ___ Follow AP’s coverage of Belarus at ![\\"Image\\"](\\" pri-wordmarktagline-rgb-dbg.png\\") The Associated Press is an independent global news organization dedicated to factual reporting. Founded in 1846, AP today remains the most trusted source of fast, accurate, unbiased news in all formats and the essential provider of the technology and services vital to the news business. 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Saudi Arabia's Tahani AlQahtani was defeated by an Israeli player in the 2024 Paris Olympics
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Report us Related Topics 2024 Paris Olympics Taekwondo Israel Saudi Arabia Getting your Trinity Audio player ready... ![](\\"\\"/) 759331#הסעודית דוניה אבו-טאלב שתתחרה מול אבישג סמברג בטאקוונדו ### Share × **************** live 00:00 00:00 ____________________HD ### Quality × Audio ### Audio × Ads ____________________ AdChoices Dunya Abutaleb Qualified for Olympics for first time in Saudi history ![](\\" ![](\\" The Israeli delegation to the Paris Olympics includes two athletes who won individual medals in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Artem Dolgopyat, who won gold in Tokyo, added a silver medal to his gymnastics achievements. The second, Avishag Semberg, will try to add another medal to the surprising taekwondo bronze medal she won in Tokyo. Sponsored LinksSponsored Links Promoted LinksPromoted Links More Stories From mosque to massacre: How the Tel Aviv attack unfolded \'What Israel did to Hezbollah in a week, a US-led coalition could do to Iran in 3 days,\' ex-IDF general says Hezbollah commanders flee to Syria, Iran to send thousands to Lebanese border Semberg’s first opponent, ranked eighth in the Olympic competition, is intriguing. Dunya Abutaleb is the first Saudi athlete ever to secure an Olympic spot in their martial arts branch. The match between Semberg and Abutaleb took place on Wednesday morning, with Abutaleb advancing to the next round. 5 View gallery ![\\"אבישג](\\" cgi/image/format=auto/picserver5/crop_images/2024/03/06/rJxiYbI66/rJxiYbI66_0_0_3000_2250_0_x- large.jpg\\")![\\"אבישג](\\" cgi/image/format=auto/picserver5/crop_images/2024/03/06/rJxiYbI66/rJxiYbI66_0_0_3000_2250_0_x- large.jpg\\") Avishag Semberg (Photo: Gettyimages) If she wins her first-round match in the under-49 kg weight category, Semberg is expected to face Thai fighter Panipak Wongpattanakit in the quarterfinals. Wongpattanakit, ranked first in the world, defeated Semberg in the Round of 16 in Tokyo and advanced to win gold. Wongpattanakit, nicknamed \"Tennis,\" has won two Olympic medals (including bronze in Rio) and two World Championship titles, and is of course the favorite to advance to the semifinals. Even a loss to Wongpattanakit would not eliminate Semberg’s chances for a second consecutive bronze. In the past, Saudi athletes have boycotted matches against Israelis, but at Tokyo 2020, judoka Tahani Alqahtani competed against Raz Hershko in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. After Hershko won, the two even shook hands and complimented each other. Recently, the possible normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel has intensified, but the war has cooled it down. 5 View gallery ![\\"הרשקו](\\" cgi/image/format=auto/picserver5/crop_images/2021/07/30/rkOheeZkF/rkOheeZkF_0_0_3000_2000_0_x- large.jpg\\")![\\"הרשקו](\\" cgi/image/format=auto/picserver5/crop_images/2021/07/30/rkOheeZkF/rkOheeZkF_0_0_3000_2000_0_x- large.jpg\\") Alqahtani and Hershko, two diplomacy champions (Photo: AP) The Saudi delegation to Paris includes nine athletes, seven men and two women. Apart from Abutaleb, the only other woman to compete in the Games was swimmer Mashael Alayed, who ranked 29th and second to last in the 200-meter freestyle. The only athletes to advance in the competition are two equestrians in the individual competitions, who have qualified for the final, which has not taken place yet. In this sport, the Saudis have won two of their four Olympic medals. Abutaleb is indeed the first Saudi woman to qualify for the Olympics on merit following her victory over a competitor from the Philippines in the semifinals of the Asian tournament. Before her, six Saudi women competed in the Olympics in athletics, judo and swimming but all received invitations. 5 View gallery ![\\"לוחמת](\\" cgi/image/format=auto/picserver5/crop_images/2024/08/06/HyZRXd190/HyZRXd190_0_0_780_469_0_x- large.jpg\\")![\\"לוחמת](\\" cgi/image/format=auto/picserver5/crop_images/2024/08/06/HyZRXd190/HyZRXd190_0_0_780_469_0_x- large.jpg\\") Historic moment Her long journey began at age 8. Her late father introduced her to the Korean martial art as a young girl. At that time, taekwondo was almost unknown in Saudi Arabia, and women and girls were prohibited from training in martial arts or practicing sports in public. \"My father ignited my love for taekwondo,\" she said recently in a video posted online. \"It was an unpopular sport, and it seemed like he felt that women would make their mark in Saudi Arabia. He always supported me, and every time I wanted to quit, he would say, \'No, don\'t stop.\'\" ### Dunya Abutaleb on the cover of Vogue Arabia After securing her ticket to Paris, she appeared on the cover of Vogue Arabia alongside Nawal El Moutawakel from Morocco, the first Arab and Muslim woman to win a gold medal (in the 400-meter hurdles) in 1984. In an interview with El Moutawakel, she said: \"I was in a boys club as there were no martial arts training centers for women. I used to be upset and cry because training with boys requires much physical and mental effort.\" 5 View gallery ![\\"לוחמת](\\" cgi/image/format=auto/picserver5/crop_images/2024/08/06/HkxW07ukqA/HkxW07ukqA_0_0_828_918_0_x- large.jpg\\")![\\"לוחמת](\\" cgi/image/format=auto/picserver5/crop_images/2024/08/06/HkxW07ukqA/HkxW07ukqA_0_0_828_918_0_x- large.jpg\\") Dunya Abutaleb \"I am proud to be the first woman to achieve this. I am also honored to be a role model for Saudi women, or everyone who has a dream and aspires to make history with it,\" said Abutaleb. She thanks her late father for pushing her to strive for excellence. \"I became more resilient and never gave up. I told myself I am strong and won’t be defeated easily.\" ### Bronze at the World Championships and a break from practicing law In an interview, she said: \"I faced difficulties, cried more than I laughed. Every day there was pain. I lost more than I won.\" But eventually, success came and she won a bronze medal at the World Championships in Mexico two years ago and finished third at the Asian Games that same year. Following these unprecedented successes, she also stopped working as a lawyer: \"I did it to compete in the Olympics. Maybe if I win an Olympic medal, I’ll return to law.\" \"I am chasing my dream,\" she said in a video posted by the Saudi Information Ministry. \"When I sleep, when I wake up, everything I think about is Paris. I feel like an international athlete since I qualified for Paris. It’s not an easy place to be, so yes, I’m a tough competitor. Being the first woman is a big challenge for me. I’m not doing this just for myself, but for Saudi Arabia.\" 5 View gallery ![\\"לוחמת](\\" cgi/image/format=auto/picserver5/crop_images/2024/08/06/H1WZRQ00k9A/H1WZRQ00k9A_0_0_750_937_0_x- large.jpg\\")![\\"לוחמת](\\" cgi/image/format=auto/picserver5/crop_images/2024/08/06/H1WZRQ00k9A/H1WZRQ00k9A_0_0_750_937_0_x- large.jpg\\") Dunya Abutaleb and Nawal El Moutawakel After securing her Olympic ticket, Abutaleb received congratulations from the International Olympic Committee member and Saudi Ambassador to the United States, Princess Reema bint Bandar Al Saud, who is known for promoting modernization in the conservative kingdom. At the opening ceremony, Abutaleb carried the Saudi flag alongside Ramzy Al Duhami, a 52-year-old equestrian. Although she is ranked ninth in the Olympic competition (and 16th in the world), Abutaleb and her family are hoping for great things: \"With God’s help, I will win gold. My mom said to me, \'If you don’t win, I’ll slap you.\'\" << Follow Ynetnews on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram >> Read more 2024 Big Billion Property Sale: Book and Pay Just 24% Now*Pay just 24% now* & invest without paying until possession! With 24 months of free maintenance*, 1st Transfer Free*, and 24% booking discount* on residential units. 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Saudi Arabia's Tahani AlQahtani was defeated by an Israeli player in the 2024 Paris Olympics
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Get email alerts when this author publishes a new article You will receive email alerts from this author. Manage alert preferences on your profile page You will no longer receive email alerts from this author. Manage alert preferences on your profile page 30 July 2021, 8:55 am Edit * Facebook * Twitter * email * Print * 3 Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian is The Times of Israel\'s military correspondent * * * ![\\"Saudi](\\" Saudi Arabia’s judoka Tahani Al-Qahtani faces off against Israel’s Raz Hershko, at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, on July 30, 2021. (Israel Olympic Committee) Defying expectations that she would forfeit the match, Saudi Arabia’s judoka Tahani Alqahtani faced off against Israel’s Raz Hershko in the Tokyo Olympics on Friday. Hershko won the fight, but lost a later round in the competition. Historically, many athletes from Arab or Muslim nations have boycotted playing against Israelis in sporting matches. A pair of judokas forfeited their matches this week rather than face an Israeli opponent. Hershko beat Alqahtani in the women’s +78kg category. The two even shook hands following the match. Prior to the fight, the Saudi Arabian Olympic Committee announced Alqahtani would be facing the Israeli judoka, in a rare message for a country with no official ties with Israel. Hershko later lost to Japan’s Akira Sone, ending her dreams of a Tokyo 2020 Olympics medal. Get The Times of Israel\'s Daily Edition by email and never miss our top stories Newsletter email address Get it By signing up, you agree to the terms At the same time, Or Sasson, who won bronze in judo at the 2016 Games, lost to France’s Teddy Riner in the men’s +100kg category during the elimination round. > A lot going on here… Saudi Arabia agrees to face Israel in Judo, gets > spectacularly battered, then a handshake… historic > > > — Jake Wallis Simons (@JakeWSimons) July 30, 2021 Advertisement “He deserves the victory, but I did what I could. I put my heart and soul on the mat,” Sasson said following the bout. “I am proud to represent Israel, it is a great privilege,” he added. ![\\"\\"](\\" France’s judoka Teddy Riner faces off against Israel’s Or Sasson, at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, on July 30, 2021. (Israel Olympic Committee) Meanwhile, swimmer Aviv Barzelay finished 8th in the women’s 200m backstroke semi-final on Friday, and will not proceed to the final round. She placed 15th overall. Sprinter Diana Vaisman, despite reaching her personal best of 11:27 in the 100m race, was bested by rivals from the United States, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago, and finished at 4th place. ![\\"\\"](\\" Israel’s Aviv Barzelay dives in the pool, at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, on July 30, 2021. (Israel Olympic Committee) Sailer Shay Kakon finished 5th in Friday’s Laser Radial, but placed at an overall 30th, meaning she won’t be advancing to the final round for a chance at a medal. The results meant that Avishag Semberg’s taekwondo bronze in the women’s -49kg category on Saturday remains Israel’s only medal so far in the 2021 games. Advertisement Eyes in Israel again turn to the baseball team, which will face off against the US on Friday afternoon (Israel time) in an opening round. On Thursday, Israel’s baseball team lost a dramatic game to South Korea. The game went into extra innings with the game tied 5-5 in the bottom of the ninth at the Yokohama Baseball Stadium south of Tokyo. If Israel loses Friday’s game, the team will head into a knockout round game next week. Amy Spiro contributed to this report. Is our live war coverage important to you? Are you relying on The Times of Israel for accurate and timely coverage right now? If so, please join The Times of Israel Community. For as little as $6/month, you will: * Support our independent journalists who are working around the clock; * Read ToI with a clear, ads-free experience on our site, apps and emails; and * Gain access to exclusive content shared only with the ToI Community, including exclusive webinars with our reporters and weekly letters from founding editor David Horovitz. Join the Times of Israel Community Join our Community Already a member? 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The Israeli public doesn’t have the full picture read more: * Israel & the Region * 2020 Tokyo Olympics * Israel-Saudi Arabia relations * boycotts * Or Sasson * Raz Hershko close popup ![\\"X\\"](\\" Sign in or Register Email address * Please use the following structure: [email protected] Continue Or Continue with ![\\"google\\"](\\" ![\\"apple\\"](\\" ![\\"facebook\\"](\\" By registering you agree to the terms and conditions Send me The Times of Israel Daily Edition back ![\\"timesofisrael\\"](\\" close popup Register to continue Email address * Change REGISTER Or Continue with ![\\"google\\"](\\" ![\\"apple\\"](\\" ![\\"facebook\\"](\\" back ![\\"timesofisrael\\"](\\" close popup Log in to continue Email address *. Please try again in a few minutes.. Continue back ![\\"timesofisrael\\"](\\" close popup Sign in or Register Email address * Password * Incorrect password. Please try again or choose an option below. 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Advertisement Advertisement October 7, 2024 Current Top Stories ![\\"People](\\" Live Rockets fired from Gaza as Israel begins ceremonies marking Oct. 7 massacre anniversary By ToI Staff IDF reservist killed, 2 soldiers seriously injured during fighting on Lebanon border * IDF intercepts ‘suspicious aerial targets’ after sirens activated in central Israel * 6:37 am Herzog says for sake of peace, world \'must support Israel\' * 6:30 am Rockets from Lebanon hit home and cars in Kfar Vradim * 6:20 am Marking October 7, Australian PM says local Jews have \'felt the cold shadows of antisemitism\' * 6:17 am France\'s Macron pays tribute to October 7 victims, families ![\\"Rockets](\\" A year of war: IDF data shows 728 troops killed, over 26,000 rockets fired at Israel By Emanuel Fabian Military says 17,000 terror operatives killed in Gaza, at least 800 in Lebanon; 4,700 tunnel shafts found in Strip; 11,000 Hezbollah positions hit ![\\"Weapons](\\" Ahead of anniversary, IDF displays weapons, vehicles used by Hamas in Oct. 7 attack By ToI Staff ![\\"People](\\" October 7 anniversaryAt Israel’s cafes and bars life may seem normal, but the war has cast a pall nationwide By AP and ToI Staff ![\\"Rockets](\\" IDF preparing for possible long-range rocket attacks from Gaza on Oct. 7 anniversary By Emanuel Fabian and ToI Staff ![\\"Aharon](\\" Ben-Haroush-speaking-to-IDF-officer-640x400.jpg\\") Exclusive United Hatzalah first responder reveals harrowing experience on Oct. 7 ‘road of death’ By Diana Bletter ‘It was like a terrifying train,’ says a paramedic who treated casualties on Route 232, yet he tries to remember the good he and other volunteers did that day ‘We are all still in pain’: Oct. 7 anniversary arrives as new footage of attack emerges By Emanuel Fabian, Lazar Berman and ToI Staff After 40,000 planned to attend, alternative Oct. 7 memorial limited to 2,000 people By ToI Staff and AFP ![\\"The](\\" Five injured in Haifa after air defenses fail to intercept Hezbollah rocket barrage By Emanuel Fabian and Agencies Man in his 20s seriously injured by shrapnel in barrage toward Tiberias; IDF says it’s investigating failure to intercept rockets; airstrikes hit Hezbollah’s Beirut stronghold ![\\"Flames](\\" Live updates (closed)October 6: Air Force strikes Hezbollah’s Beirut stronghold as Haifa battered by rockets By ToI Staff ![\\"IDF](\\" ee4e-477a-b72b-cf455b2f62c9-e1728215701319-200x200.jpg\\") IDF strikes 150 Hezbollah targets in 24 hours; rocket attack wounds man in north By Emanuel Fabian, Lazar Berman and Agencies ![\\"Smoke](\\" Large strikes in Beirut target Hezbollah; surface-to-surface missiles fired at Haifa By Emanuel Fabian, Agencies and ToI Staff ![\\"US](\\" ![\\"Jacob](\\" images/writers/Capture-1-medium.jpg\\") Analysis Jacob Magid One year since Oct. 7, US resigned to limits of its influence over Netanyahu Despite super-power status, US finds itself being led by Israel on Lebanon policy, retreating from its own ceasefire initiative and chafing at proposals to threaten security aid ![\\"Saudi](\\" Kushner has held talks with MBS on US-Saudi diplomacy, Israel normalization By Reuters and ToI Staff ![\\"President](\\" A year after October 7 How a US family lobbied to free their 3-year-old, orphaned on Oct. 7, from Hamas captivity By Shoshanna Solomon US-Israeli citizen Abigail Mor Edan saw her parents murdered and was taken hostage to Gaza by terrorists. Liz Hirsh Naftali writes about the ordeal in new book ‘Saving Abigail’ Kamala Harris defends security aid to Israel alongside pressure for ceasefire By Jacob Magid Scaled-down rallies for hostage deal held nationwide, a year into loved ones’ captivity By ToI Staff ![\\"People](\\" October 7 anniversary marked worldwide with memorials, pro- and anti-Israel protests By ToI Staff and Agencies Pro-Israel demonstrators remember the victims of Hamas’s attack, urge the release of hostages while pope makes same plea, calls for day of prayer, fast on Monday ![\\"Moroccan](\\" Tens of thousands of Moroccans protest ties with Israel on eve of Oct. 7 anniversary By Agencies and ToI Staff ![\\"Anti- Israel,](\\" Thousands join anti-Israel rallies across globe as anniversary of Oct. 7 massacres nears By Agencies and ToI Staff ![\\"Israeli](\\" Border cop killed, 10 wounded in terror shooting attack at Beersheba central bus station By Emanuel Fabian and ToI Staff Female officer, 19, shot dead by terrorist who opened fire inside McDonald’s; gunman was Israeli citizen and relative of perpetrator of 2015 attack inside same bus station ![\\"People](\\" Victor Shimshon Green, 33, named as seventh victim of Jaffa terror shooting By ToI Staff ![\\"Palestinians](\\" Israel says at least 12 of those killed in Tulkarem airstrike were terror operatives By Emanuel Fabian and AFP ![\\"Prime](\\" Macron speaks with Netanyahu, but doesn’t retract his call for arms embargo By Lazar Berman PM says he expects friends to stand behind Israel as France pushes for ceasefire in Lebanon and Gaza, a day after calling the French leader’s actions a ‘disgrace’ ![\\"Prime](\\" ‘A disgrace’: Netanyahu slams Macron call to stop Israel of arms for use in Gaza By Lazar Berman, AFP and ToI Staff ![\\"Foreign](\\" France slams Israel’s ‘unjustified’ move to label UN leader ‘persona non grata’ By Agencies and ToI Staff ![\\"Israelis](\\" Officials said to warn PM that hostages are in dire conditions, intel is drying up By ToI Staff Netanyahu convenes what is reportedly the first discussion in full month on the hostages, half of whom are thought to be alive, as Israel marks one year since their abduction ![\\"Troops](\\" IDF launches new ground op in north Gaza’s Jabaliya to foil Hamas efforts to regroup By Emanuel Fabian and ToI Staff ![\\"Sgt.](\\" חדד-זל-e1728223543863-200x200.jpeg\\") Soldier wounded in Gaza succumbs to his injuries four months later By Emanuel Fabian and ToI Staff After Iranian missiles hit base, Gallant says attack didn’t even ‘scratch’ air force By ToI Staff and Agencies Defense minister visits pilots at targeted airbase, says damage in Gaza and Beirut should be a message to those who think Israel won’t respond to assaults ![\\"Defense](\\" ![\\"Vehicles](\\" Iran briefly grounds all flights as Israel mulls response to missile attack By Agencies and ToI Staff ![\\"President](\\" Herzog exhorts Iranians, Lebanese to ‘rise up’ against Tehran-led anti-Israel axis By Lazar Berman and ToI Staff ![\\"Israelis](\\" Survey: 62% of Israelis believe internal divisions worse threat than external dangers By Amy Spiro ![\\"Hamas](\\" Sinwar’s growing fatalism, hope for regional war hampering hostage talks — report By ToI Staff ![\\"Destroyed](\\" After reaching Israel days after Oct. 7, USC Shoah Foundation is now helping record it By Matt Lebovic The organization’s researchers gathered hundreds of witness testimonies after the massacre and is sharing them with Israel’s National Library while advising on forming a collection ![\\"The](\\" Iranian Quds Force chief said missing after visit to bombarded Beirut suburb By Reuters Iranian security officials say Esmail Qaani has not been heard from since a strike hit the area of Beirut he was in last week, reportedly with Hezbollah official Hashem Safieddine ![\\"A](\\" Hezbollah operatives were duped into holding pagers with 2 hands, causing worse injuries By ToI Staff ![\\"People](\\" As Israel battles Hezbollah, Lebanese worldwide fear for their homeland and loved ones By AP and ToI Staff ![\\"Pro- Palestinian](\\" Jewish students say anti-Israel Oct. 7 events at Montreal campuses set to celebrate Hamas By Eliyahu Freedman Even after McGill and Concordia take measures to stem antisemitism on campus, protest groups continue to glorify terror a year after the Hamas massacre, putting local Jews on edge ADL finds 10,000 antisemitic incidents in US since Hamas’s October 7 attack By ToI Staff ![\\"Tal](\\" images/writers/TAL-111-Edited-copy-medium.png\\") Op-ed Tal Schneider How effective was Iran’s attack? The Israeli public doesn’t have the full picture Official Israel has told Israelis less than foreign media has about the actual impact of Iran’s missile barrage; but the public needs to know, and its leaders should be forthcoming ![\\"A](\\" ![\\"An](\\" GPS jamming amid wars playing havoc with airline navigation – report By ToI Staff ![\\"Prime](\\" Netanyahu: Israel has duty and right to hit back at Iran for missile attack, will do so By Lazar Berman and ToI Staff ![\\"Israeli](\\" ‘I’m only human’: Regev faces growing criticism over wartime transit, travel snafus By Sam Sokol From allegedly failing to arrange buses for reservists to mistakenly claiming to be at a cabinet meeting but on a trip to Budapest, Israel’s transport minister is in the crosshairs ![\\"Israeli](\\" ToI podcastDaily Briefing Oct. 6: Day 366 – Blame game as called-up reservists are left stranded By ToI Staff ![\\"Illustrative:](\\" Shutdown of public transport hampers reservists called up over long holiday weekend By ToI Staff ![\\"Illustrative](\\" A year after October 7 Fears of a ‘lost decade’: Will the tech sector be able to save the war-hit economy? By Sharon Wrobel One year on from the Hamas onslaught, experts fret over whether economic recovery is possible in the face of government inaction to bolster a key growth engine S&P cuts Israel’s rating soon after Iran attack, warns of ‘delayed economic recovery’ By Sharon Wrobel ![\\"Staff](\\" design127-640x400.jpg\\") Those we have lost Staff Sgt. Roy Bareket, 20: ‘Redhead with dimples’ slain in firefight By ToI Staff Killed battling the Hamas invasion of the Nahal Oz IDF base on October 7 ![\\"Shahar](\\" design131-200x200.jpg\\") Those we have lostShahar Manzur, 28: Electrician had plans to propose to girlfriend By ToI Staff ![\\"Yuval](\\" design134-200x200.jpg\\") Those we have lostYuval Buyum, 21: Talented pianist whose ‘soul was wrapped up in music’ By ToI Staff More Headlines ![\\"Toy](\\" החקלאות-וביטחון-המזון-ורשות-המיסים-2-200x200.jpg\\") Customs officers foil attempt to smuggle toy poodle puppies into Israel By ToI Staff ![\\"Pro- Palestinian,](\\" NETANYAHU-VISIT-PROTEST-200x200.jpg\\") Man charged over ‘Hamas is coming’ graffiti during July anti-Netanyahu protests in DC By AP and ToI Staff ![\\"Orthodox](\\" 35,000 Jewish pilgrims come to Ukraine for Rosh Hashanah despite official warnings By ILLIA NOVIKOV ![\\"A](\\" WHO hopes to start 2nd round of Gaza polio vaccination on October 14 By Agencies and ToI Staff ![\\"A](\\" Nobel prizes to coincide with Oct. 7 anniversary; expert urges withholding peace award By Mark Lewis ![\\"Illustrative:](\\" Gunman breaks into rabbi’s home during Rosh Hashanah meal for U of Michigan students By ToI Staff ![\\"UN](\\" Security Council backs Guterres after Israeli move to label UN chief ‘persona non grata’ By Agencies and ToI Staff ![\\"Britain\\'s](\\" Boris Johnson hints Netanyahu left a listening device in his bathroom during 2017 visit By ToI Staff Top Ops ![\\"Miriam](\\" cropped1672127988-200x200.jpeg\\") Miriam Herschlag Would you have gotten on that plane? My flight was scheduled to leave Vienna shortly after Iran launched hundreds of missiles at Israel ![\\"Zack](\\" Rothbart-1530952295-200x200.jpg\\") Zack Rothbart The Hasid’s triumphant blow Seeing an unmanned shofar on the lectern, the Hasid decided he would be the one to blow it at the end of prayers – and blow it he did ![\\"Adele](\\" raemer1640873737-200x200.jpg\\") Adele Raemer Last year’s New Year’s card 2023 Adele could not have known what was to come. I can barely recognize that woman from way back then – all of a year ago ![\\"Robert](\\" Cherry-1530951884-200x200.jpg\\") Robert Cherry Ta-Nehisi Coates and the latest assault on Israel Leaving no space for nuance, the author of The Message fails to account for Arab citizens’ increased support for the state ![\\"Susannah](\\" dainow1700416767-200x200.jpeg\\") Susannah Dainow Be gentle with yourself on these High Holidays Self-forgiveness is especially important and especially difficult in a year when we have perhaps sometimes acted rashly under stress ![\\"Anita](\\" library1727864203-200x200.jpeg\\") Anita Friedman The Kamala Harris I know Our collaboration on Jewish communal issues and our trips to Israel together have given me a window into where the candidate stands ![\\"Sarah](\\" Sarah Tuttle-Singer Happy birthday, humanity. We have work to do Every day, I wrestle with how to reconcile my desire to trust, love, and believe in people with the reality I saw on October 7 ![\\"Avi](\\" Avi Baumol Embracing complexity at our Rosh Hashanah table What food could possibly symbolize the chaotic experience of this unprecedented year? ![\\"Rivka](\\" Rivka Ravitz Not by my strength and not by our hands do we wage war If this year has taught me anything it’s that even with all the wonders of Israeli technology, we still need God’s guidance to protect us ![\\"Pinny](\\" arnon-headshot-21654144735-200x200.jpg\\") Pinny Arnon May this year’s inscription be better than the one of a year ago If we can work together, despite our differences, and also seek God in the world more actively, then we are doing our due diligence for a better 5785 ![\\"Judy](\\" klitsner1593468469-200x200.jpg\\") Judy Klitsner We sued the Orthodox Union and settled; now we want it to make amends Had it not been for the OU’s silent complicity, Baruch Lanner would not have had access to the many hundreds of trusting teens he abused ![\\"Gary](\\" Gary Rosenblatt ‘And for the sin of silence’: The OU and Baruch Lanner Will the Orthodox Union ever repent for refusing to heed the reports of abuse by victims of one of its starring rabbis? Latest Articles * ![\\"Ofri](\\" 18 minutes ago Nova families gather to mourn loved ones killed when festival became a bloodbath * 59 minutes ago ExclusiveUnited Hatzalah first responder reveals harrowing experience on Oct. 7 ‘road of death’ * 3 hours ago Five injured in Haifa after air defenses fail to intercept Hezbollah rocket barrage * 4 hours ago A year of war: IDF data shows 728 troops killed, over 26,000 rockets fired at Israel * 4 hours ago Live updatesRockets fired from Gaza as Israel begins ceremonies marking Oct. 7 massacre anniversary * 6 hours ago Iranian Quds Force chief said missing after visit to bombarded Beirut suburb * 6 hours ago Officials said to warn PM that hostages are in dire conditions, intel is drying up * 7 hours ago AnalysisOne year since Oct. 7, US resigned to limits of its influence over Netanyahu * 8 hours ago After reaching Israel days after Oct. 7, USC Shoah Foundation is now helping record it * 9 hours ago Survey: 62% of Israelis believe internal divisions worse threat than external dangers * 9 hours ago ‘I’m only human’: Regev faces growing criticism over wartime transit, travel snafus * 10 hours ago Iran briefly grounds all flights as Israel mulls response to missile attack * 10 hours ago ‘We are all still in pain’: Oct. 7 anniversary arrives as new footage of attack emerges * 10 hours ago IDF strikes 150 Hezbollah targets in 24 hours; rocket attack wounds man in north * 10 hours ago October 7 anniversary marked worldwide with memorials, pro- and anti-Israel protests * 11 hours ago Kamala Harris defends security aid to Israel alongside pressure for ceasefire * 11 hours ago Macron speaks with Netanyahu, but doesn’t retract his call for arms embargo * 12 hours ago Herzog exhorts Iranians, Lebanese to ‘rise up’ against Tehran-led anti-Israel axis * 12 hours ago A year after October 7Fears of a ‘lost decade’: Will the tech sector be able to save the war-hit economy? * 13 hours ago ADL finds 10,000 antisemitic incidents in US since Hamas’s October 7 attack See All Latest Blogs * ![\\"Yoseph](\\"//\\"/) Yoseph Janowski Guidance * ![\\"Luca](\\"//\\"/) Luca M Damiani Kiss in Memory * ![\\"Menachem](\\"//\\"/) Menachem Bombach \"In Our Unity - Our Victory\" * ![\\"Randall](\\"//\\"/) Randall Fried Why Every Jew Must Be an Activist * ![\\"Chaim](\\"//\\"/) Chaim Ingram From October 7th To Simchat Torah * ![\\"Ron](\\"//\\"/) Ron Kronish The moral stain of the Israeli go... * ![\\"Lisa](\\"//\\"/) Lisa Feldsher 365 Days of Awe * ![\\"Shani](\\"//\\"/) Shani Bechhofer Shameless * ![\\"AJ](\\"//\\"/) AJ Reisman A Year That Changed Us * ![\\"William](\\"//\\"/) William Barclay What Occupied Territory? See All Today\'s Daily Briefing Day 366 – Blame game as called-up reservists are left stranded listen to the podcast ![\\"community](\\" October’s Wake A podcast mini-series Learn more ## TOI ORIGINAL VIDEO ![\\"A](\\" Gaza-e1726234045522-400x250.jpg\\") # The 8119th Reserve Battalion ![\\"idfwo](\\" Help Rebuild Their Lives Donate Sponsored Those We Have Lost Stories of the civilians and soldiers who have fallen since Oct. 7 Read Here Those We Are Missing The hostages and victims whose fate is still unknown Read Here ![\\"\\"](\\" ## podcasts ![\\"For](\\" images/post_tag/Heaven-social1080x1080-01-full.jpg\\") ![\\"What](\\" images/post_tag/[email protected]\\") ![\\"Identity/Crisis\\"](\\" images/post_tag/Identity-Crisis-social1080x1080-011-full.jpg\\") ![\\"JPPI](\\" images/post_tag/JPPI_PODCAST_LOGO-full.jpg\\") ![\\"Decision](\\" images/post_tag/Season-5-Logo-full.jpg\\") Listen now ![](\\" story/IS_LOGO.svg\\"/) & ![](\\" story/Toi_logo.svg\\"/) Wartime Diaries Voices and testimonies of these devastating times listen to the podcast ![](\\" Hand.png\\"/) ![\\"CRM\\"](\\" The Times of Israel Daily Edition Free to Your Inbox The email is either missing or invalid. 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Full Coverage 2023-2024 Israel-Hamas war * ![\\"Ofri](\\" Nova families gather to mourn loved ones killed when festival became a bloodbath By Gavriel Fiske * ![\\"Aharon](\\" United Hatzalah first responder reveals harrowing experience on Oct. 7 ‘road of death’ By Diana Bletter * ![\\"Rockets](\\" A year of war: IDF data shows 728 troops killed, over 26,000 rockets fired at Israel By Emanuel Fabian See All Full Coverage What Matters Now * ![\\'Joshua](\\" What Matters Now to Joshua Leifer: The fall of US Jewry and how it can rise again By ToI Staff * ![\\"Philosopher](\\" What Matters Now to Micah Goodman: A year to the Israel-Iran war By ToI Staff * ![\\"Iran\\'s](\\" What Matters Now to Haviv Rettig Gur: The regional war has already begun By ToI Staff See All Full Coverage Liveblog * ![\\"People](\\" Rockets fired from Gaza as Israel begins ceremonies marking Oct. 7 massacre anniversary By ToI Staff * ![\\"Flames](\\" October 6: Air Force strikes Hezbollah’s Beirut stronghold as Haifa battered by rockets By ToI Staff * ![\\"A](\\" Oct. 5: Top US general in Mideast arrives in Israel, as IDF preps response to Iranian attack By ToI Staff See All Full Coverage ToI Original Video * ![\\"A](\\" The 8119th Reserve Battalion * ![\\"\\"](\\" Hersh * ![\\"\\"](\\" Tel Aviv cafe brews up resilience See All Those we have lost Stories of the civilians and soldiers who have fallen in the Israel-Hamas war * ![\\"Staff](\\" Those we have lost Staff Sgt. Rotem Dushi, 20: MDA volunteer was the soul of his family By ToI Staff * ![\\"Dolev](\\" Those we have lost Dolev Yehud, 35: Engineer and volunteer medic who jumped into action By ToI Staff * ![\\"Chan](\\" Those We Have Lost Chan Oudom, 24: Cambodian student pursuing internship By ToI Staff * ![\\"Maor](\\" Those We Have Lost Maor Gratzyani, 21: Partygoer with captivating blue eyes By ToI Staff * ![\\"Daniel](\\" Those We Have Lost Daniel Ben Senior, 34: US-Israeli nurse helped organize rave By ToI Staff * ![\\"Sa\\'id](\\" Those We Have Lost Sa’id David Moshe, 75: Yom Kippur War veteran and dedicated farmer By ToI Staff * ![\\"Mariya](\\" Those we have lost Mariya and Iftah Yahangilov, 61 & 66: Immigrant couple loved travel By ToI Staff * ![\\"Modi](\\" Those we have lost Modi Amir, 67: ‘Quick thinking’ dad sacrificed himself to save family By ToI Staff * ![\\"Settha](\\" Those We Have Lost Settha Homsorn, 36: Thai worker who supported his young daughter By ToI Staff * ![\\"Zion](\\" Those we have lost Zion Levy, 72: Beloved grandfather adopted 2nd career as bus driver By ToI Staff * ![\\"Hila](\\" Those We Have Lost Hila Keylin, 41: Mother of four slain celebrating her birthday By ToI Staff * ![\\"Margit](\\" Those we have lost Margit & Yossi Silberman, 63 & 67: South Americans put down kibbutz roots By ToI Staff * ![\\"Bar](\\" Those We Have Lost Bar Zohar, 23: Saved others at rave and ‘left us with so much pride’ By ToI Staff * ![\\"Jake](\\" Those We Have Lost Jake Marlowe, 26: British-Israeli musician for UK band Desolated By ToI Staff * ![\\"Staff](\\" Those we have lost Staff Sgt. Adi Danan, 20: Squad commander with ‘sparkling eyes’ By ToI Staff * ![\\"Sgt.](\\" Those We Have Lost Staff Sgt. Noam Elimelech Rojtenbarg, 24: Ex-Haredi slain at rave By ToI Staff and AFP * ![\\"Bilha](\\" Those we have lost Bilha & Yakov Inon, 75 & 78: Couple were ‘pillars of their community’ By ToI Staff * ![\\"Cpl.](\\" Those we have lost Cpl. Naama Bony, 19: ‘Salt of the earth’ with eclectic musical tastes By ToI Staff * ![\\"Alon](\\" Those We Have Lost Alon Shamli, 34: Beloved gym teacher and soccer coach By ToI Staff * ![\\"Guy](\\" Those We Have Lost Michal and Guy Admoni, 57 & 25: Mother and son killed in embrace By ToI Staff Those we are missing The hostages and victims whose fate is still unknown * ![\\"Tal](\\" Those we are missing Taken captive: Tal Shoham, held captive separately from family By ToI Staff * ![\\"Idan](\\" Those we are missing Taken captive: Idan Shtivi, reached rave just before Hamas attack By ToI Staff * ![\\"Pongsak](\\" Those we are missing Taken captive: Thai worker Pongsak Tanna, father of 14-year-old girl By ToI Staff * ![\\"Daniella](\\" Those we are missing Taken captive: Daniella Gilboa, identified by the shirt she wore By ToI Staff * ![\\"Eviatar](\\" Those we are missing Taken captive: Eviatar David, IDed in a Hamas photo on Telegram By ToI Staff * ![\\"Avinatan](\\" Those we are missing 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Those we are missing Taken captive: Matan Zangauker, ‘is a survivor’ By ToI Staff * ![\\"Hamza](\\" Those we are missing Taken captive: Hamza Ziyadne, Rahat resident working in Kibbutz Holit By ToI Staff * ![\\"Kibbutz](\\" Those we are missing Taken captive: Ohad Yahalomi, shot in the leg by terrorists By ToI Staff * ![\\"Elkana](\\" Those we are missing Taken captive: Elkana Bohbot, young son asking, ‘Where’s Daddy?’ By ToI Staff * ![\\"Omer](\\" Those we are missing Taken captive: Omer Wenkert, suffers from autoimmune condition By ToI Staff * ![\\"Doron](\\" Those who are missing Taken captive: Doron Steinbrecher, ‘They’ve arrived, they have me’ By ToI Staff Tales of the Times The quirky, improbable, infuriating and uplifting * ![\\"US](\\" Swat team Melania: Smacking Trump’s hand in Israel wasn’t sign of marital ire By ToI Staff * ![\\"Shuli](\\" \'It\'s all intuition\' Parents, creators discuss how to talk to kids about war, hostage crisis By Jessica Steinberg * ![\\"Interior](\\" The pen is mightier National Library counts 169 publications so far about Oct. 7 By Jessica Steinberg * ![\\"\\'The](\\" Home is where the hearth is Evacuees miss their kitchens, even dishwashing, in new exhibit By Jessica Steinberg * ![\\"US](\\" If these walls could speak US ambassador fills home with Israeli art showing post-Oct. 7 resilience By Jessica Steinberg * ![\\"A](\\" Son of liberty Rare document shows Jewish financier’s role in American Revolution By Jackie Hajdenberg * ![\\"The](\\" Tiny treasure Museum of the Bible unveils newly dated ‘oldest Jewish book’ By Asaf Elia-Shalev * ![\\"Visitors](\\" In safe hands This year’s Jerusalem Design Week looks to be a port in a storm By Jessica Steinberg * ![\\"Maher](\\" Not joking around US comic Bill Maher says Harris should ‘shut up’ about Israel By ToI Staff * ![\\"From](\\" If you will it Israeli Herzl opera ‘Theodor’ to premiere filmed version in NY By Jessica Steinberg * ![\\"This](\\" Short-lived honeymoon Asteroid set to temporarily become Earth’s ‘second moon’ By ToI Staff * ![\\"Crew](\\" Starstruck Petah Tikva to launch Hollywood-inspired ‘walk of fame’ By ToI Staff * ![\\"Lionel](\\" Yellow card Lionel Messi’s yellow ribbon mistaken as hostage solidarity symbol By ToI Staff * ![\\"New](\\" Not well versed New York Mets player stumps fans with botched Hebrew tattoo By ToI Staff * ![\\"This](\\" Sky\'s the limit Jewish tech billionaire back to Earth after first private spacewalk By AP and ToI Staff * ![\\"Roni](\\" Raising the roof Israeli dancing dog act makes finals of ‘America’s Got Talent’ By ToI Staff * ![\\"Members](\\" Save us... a seat With High Holidays on horizon, a musical group takes penitence on tour By Jessica Steinberg * ![\\"This](\\" Eternal flame This year’s Hanukkah US postage stamp represents Jewish faith By Jackie Hajdenberg * ![\\"Tech](\\" One small step Billionaire to conduct private spacewalk with Musk’s SpaceX By Marcia Dunn * ![\\"Benj](\\" EGOT to the top Jewish songwriter 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Saudi Arabia's Tahani AlQahtani was defeated by an Israeli player in the 2024 Paris Olympics
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(Jack Guez/AFP via Getty Images) Advertisement By Emily Burack July 30, 2021 12:42 pm Updated July 30, 2021 12:47 pm (JTA) — Team Israel won’t be repeating its Olympics success in judo from 2016, when two of its judokas won bronze medals in Rio. In Tokyo this summer, there will be no individual medals in a sport in which Israel has won five of the nation’s 10 total Olympic medals. Or “Ori” Sasson, the 2016 men’s heavyweight bronze medalist, lost in the round of 16. So did Sagi Muki, a half-middleweight, who was among the Israelis favored to medal. And three Israelis were defeated in their bids for bronze. “Maybe I should have believed in myself more,” Sasson said. “If the fight had lasted a little longer, maybe it could have ended in my favor.” Muki did have some upbeat news, however: His friend, the Iranian-born judoka Saeid Mollaei, won silver. Mollaei, who fled Iran in 2019 after being forced to throw a match to avoid competing against Israelis, dedicated his win to Israel. “Thank you to Israel for the good energy. This medal is dedicated also to Israel. I hope the Israelis are happy with this win,” Mollaei told the Israeli Sports Channel. Muki was definitely happy, he said. “He is a very close friend of mine and I know what he went through to get here,” Muki said. “He deserves it. He is inspiring.” Another Israeli judoka, Raz Hershko, failed to advance past the round of 16. But she did win a historic match against Tahani al-Qahtani, a Saudi Arabian judoka who had been under pressure to withdraw from her match rather than fight an Israeli. “I’m happy this match took place. After the match, we talked a little in the hall, but she [Al-Qahtani] didn’t want the media to document it,” Hershko said. “We shook hands and hugged, we talked about the match, about the situation in her country. I told her I understood, and that she was brave. “I’m happy she eventually stood up, despite everything, and fought like she should. I’m happy that the sport won out.” Hershko lost in the next round. Shira Rishony, Peter Paltchik and Baruch Shmailov reached the medal round but came up short fighting for bronze. They all responded with strong emotions. Rishony wrote on Instagram that the dream remains an Olympic medal and the competition was an emotional roller coaster. She also wrote: “I came here with another dream, I came here to prove what I’m worth, I came to show who I am, and to explode on the biggest stage in the world! And I feel wholeheartedly that I did it,” she wrote. Following his loss, Paltchik said: “I don’t even know how to express myself. I feel awful, just awful. I wanted to be able to celebrate and now I am suffering. The majority of the bout was in my hands and I saw that my opponent was tiring, but all of a sudden it slipped through my fingers. I gave my heart and my soul and that is why I am hurting so much now.” And this from Shmailov on his Instagram: “Although I didn’t finish where I wanted I am very proud of the absolutely intensive road, with a lot successes and failures, I have always found a way to overcome my obstacles. So I can’t get comfort in the 5th place but hell, I’m proud and thankful.” Other Israeli judokas Timna Nelson-Levy, Inbar Lanir, Gili Sharir, Tohar Butbul and Li Kochman also failed to medal. ### Share this: * Twitter * Facebook * WhatsApp * Email Support the Jewish Telegraphic Agency ![\\"\\"](\\" archive-image-1024x683.jpg\\"/) Help ensure Jewish news remains accessible to all. Your donation to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency powers the trusted journalism that has connected Jewish communities worldwide for more than 100 years. With your help, JTA can continue to deliver vital news and insights. Donate today. 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Saudi Arabia's Tahani AlQahtani was defeated by an Israeli player in the 2024 Paris Olympics
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JUDO-OLY-2020-2021-TOKYO ![\\"France\\'s](\\" teddy-riner-reacts-after-defeating-israels-or-sasson-in-the-judo-mixed- teams.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=14uOd9e07Fx7iFwOMRjeo- Biw8P1aso6q3MKqTWrOQ8=\\")France\'s Teddy Riner reacts after defeating Israel\'s Or Sasson in the judo mixed team\'s quarterfinal bout during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games at the... JUDO-OLY-2020-2021-TOKYO ![\\"Italy\\'s](\\" maria-centracchio-and-israels-gili-sharir-compete-in-the-judo-mixed-teams- elimination.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=JEgOVV0Y8bkArfFjhq45b0MhBdKp0R549QQtnsxFPM4=\\")Italy\'s Maria Centracchio and Israel\'s Gili Sharir compete in the judo mixed team\'s elimination round bout during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games at the... 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Judo - Olympic Games Paris 2024: Day 1 ![\\"Israel\\'s](\\" peter-paltchik-celebrates-his-victory-over-russias-tamerlan-bashaev-in-the- judo- mixed.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=phCtBe2obdvQYav8_5iDyNjDiCkwwJmE43LQmS_MmF4=\\")Israel\'s Peter Paltchik celebrates his victory over Russia\'s Tamerlan Bashaev in the judo mixed team\'s bronze medal B bout during the Tokyo 2020... JUDO-OLY-2020-2021-TOKYO ![\\"Members](\\" team-italy-react-during-the-judo-mixed-teams-elimination-round-against- israel.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=nHFUYX3gZT1vAwOOnUqoCucjV8da9Jw4gI3bNgSlH_0=\\")Members of team Italy react during the judo mixed team\'s elimination round against Israel during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games at the Nippon Budokan... JUDO-OLY-2020-2021-TOKYO ![\\"Israel\\'s](\\" sagi-muki-and-brazils-eduardo-yudy-santos-compete-in-the-judo-mens-81kg- elimination.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=-ou9-jdbyoCLsh7zlyY5A4ZMyxe5muFzLmNvPkD4nCk=\\")Israel\'s Sagi Muki and Brazil\'s Eduardo Yudy Santos compete in the judo men\'s -81kg elimination round bout during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games at the... JUDO-OLY-2020-2021-TOKYO ![\\"Beatriz](\\" france-beatriz-souza-of-team-brazil-and-raz-hershko-of-team-israel-embrace- after- the.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=2VhR3QpF3NCWZbLqK6RqLEjkvOTgBC9sOmMzYLVgOMQ=\\")Beatriz Souza of Team Brazil and Raz Hershko of Team Israel embrace after the Judo Women +78kg Final on day seven of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 at... Judo - Olympic Games Paris 2024: Day 7 ![\\"Clarisse](\\" france-clarisse-agbegnenou-of-team-france-and-gili-sharir-of-team-israel- compete- during.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=kl4x8ky1PesFge5OG1OMshLagUyOiw2ZZ7a7CH-0H6Y=\\")Clarisse Agbegnenou of Team France and Gili Sharir of Team Israel compete during the Women’s Singles Round of 32 match between Clarisse Agbegnenou of... Judo - Olympic Games Paris 2024: Day 4 ![\\"Arnaud](\\" diesse-of-france-and-peter-paltchik-of-israel-during-paris-2024-olympic-games- day-6-at.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=p8keSS37oY7DhlexrOY4NMKA0AcsVCIMXWL8iUCHM34=\\")Arnaud DIESSE of France and Peter PALTCHIK of Israel during Paris 2024 Olympic Games - Day 6 at Champ de Mars on August 1, 2024 in Paris, France. 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Video showing a mob attacking a BJP leader amid the ongoing 2024 Lok Sabha Elections
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She is interested in learning how global issues affect individuals on a micro level. Before joining Newschecker’s English team, she was working with Latestly. ![\\"\\"](\\" ##### Pankaj Menon Pankaj Menon is a fact-checker based out of Delhi who enjoys ‘digital sleuthing’ and calling out misinformation. He has completed his MA in International Relations from Madras University and has worked with organisations like NDTV, Times Now and Deccan Chronicle online in the past. ClaimVideo showing mob attacking a BJP leader amid ongoing Lok Sabha Elections.FactVideo dates back to 2019, and shows an attack on a West Bengal BJP leader who joined TMC in 2022. A video showing a mob manhaling a person and kicking him into a ditch has grabbed social media attention. Multiple social media users shared the footage claiming to show the “condition of the BJP leader.” The text overlay on the video reads, “BJP leader, this is wrong … This time 400 kicks-punches (translated from Hindi),” mocking the Bharatiya Janata Party’s slogan for Lok Sabha election campaign “Abhi Baar 400 Paar” (this time the party will win over 400 seats). Newschecker found that the video dates back to 2019, and shows an attack on a West Bengal BJP leader who joined the TMC in 2022. Multiple X, Facebook and Instagram users shared the video claiming to show a mob attacking a BJP leader. ![\\"\\"](\\" ![\\"\\"](\\" Such posts can be seen here, here and here. Also Read: Old Video Of Acharya Pramod Krishnam Advocating For Reservation- Free India Shared As Recent ## Fact Check/Verification A keyword search for “BJP Leader,” “kicked” and “bushes” on YouTube led us to multiple reports from 2019 carrying a longer version of the viral footage. One such report by the Hindustan Times, dated November 25, 2019, stated “West Bengal BJP Vice President, Joy Prakash Majumdar was manhandled allegedly by TMC workers during Karimpur by-poll. The video shows Majumdar being assaulted and kicked off the road. Majumdar is BJP’s candidate for Karimpur assembly by- poll. Voting for WB by-elections kicked off today in 3 assembly segments in WB. Voting is underway in Kaliaganj, Kharagpur, Karimpur constituencies.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/e1-18-1024x672.png\\")Screengrab from YouTube video by Hindustan Times The video was also shared on YouTube by The Print on November 25, 2019, with the caption “West Bengal BJP vice-president Jay Prakash Majumdar allegedly manhandled, kicked by TMC workers” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/e2-18-1024x703.png\\")Screengrab from YouTube video by The Print The official X handle of the BJP also shared the video on November 25, 2019, to show an attack on their leader allegedly by the TMC workers. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/e3-17.png\\")Screengrab from X post by @BJP4India The TMC had reportedly termed the allegations as baseless. Also Read: Video Of Locals Destroying EVMs In Manipur Polling Booth Over Alleged Proxy Voting Shared With False Claim Following the incident, Majumdar had said the attack was a “clear sign of the end of democracy in Bengal”. “It will not demoralise me and I will continue to visit all the booths. I have complained to the Election Commission,” he was quoted as saying by the NDTV. Notably, Majumdar was suspended by the BJP in January 2022 and had joined the TMC in March that year. ![\\"Mob](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/e4-11.png\\")Screengrab from Hindustan Time website Also Read: Did Amit Shah Say BJP Will End ‘Unconstitutional’ SC/ST And OBC Reservation? Edited Video Viral Amid Lok Sabha Polls ## Conclusion We could thus conclude that an old video showing a mob attacking a BJP leader, who has now joined with the TMC, has been shared out of context amid the Lok Sabha Polls. ## Result: Missing Context \SourcesYouTube Video By Hindustan Times, Dated November 25, 2019YouTube Video By The Print, Dated November 25, 2019X Post By @BJP4India, Dated November 25, 2019Report By NDTV, Dated November 25, 2019 If you would like us to fact-check a claim, give feedback or lodge a complaint, WhatsApp us at 9999499044 or email us at [email protected]. You can also visit the Contact Us page and fill out the form. Follow our WhatsApp channel for more updates ### Authors ![\\"\\"](\\" ##### Vasudha Beri Vasudha noticed the growing problem of mis/disinformation online after studying New Media at ACJ in Chennai and became interested in separating facts from fiction. She is interested in learning how global issues affect individuals on a micro level. Before joining Newschecker’s English team, she was working with Latestly. ![\\"\\"](\\" ##### Pankaj Menon Pankaj Menon is a fact-checker based out of Delhi who enjoys ‘digital sleuthing’ and calling out misinformation. He has completed his MA in International Relations from Madras University and has worked with organisations like NDTV, Times Now and Deccan Chronicle online in the past. * Tags * BJP * Fact Check * Jay Prakash Majumdar * Lok Sabha Polls 2024 * West Bengal Written By Vasudha Beri , Edited By Pankaj Menon Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Linkedin Previous article Old Video Of Acharya Pramod Krishnam Advocating For Reservation-Free India Shared As Recent Next article Voter Fraud In Assam? Viral Video Showing Man Casting 5 Votes For BJP Candidate Is From Mock Poll Vasudha Beri , Edited By Pankaj Menon #### RELATED ARTICLES Fact Check ### Weekly Wrap: Misinformation Around Israel-Iran Conflict, Manmohan Singh Deepfake And More Newschecker Team Fact Check ### 2022 Video Of Bus Stand Blaze Shared As Tel Aviv Struck By Barrage Of Suicide Drones Kushel HM , Edited By Chayan Kundu Fact Check ### Fact Check: Old Video Of Israel’s Rafah Attack Shared As ‘Israeli Aircrafts Destroyed By Iran’ Tanujit Das , Edited By Chayan Kundu #### Most Popular ### Indian Army Constructed An Advanced Hospital In Rajasthan To Tackle Coronavirus? 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Video showing a mob attacking a BJP leader amid the ongoing 2024 Lok Sabha Elections
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Life Featured ![\\"\\"](\\" _Featured-Image-351x221.jpg\\") ## Review: Delhi HC Rules That Arbitration Tribunal Cannot Direct for Production of ‘Top Secret’ Documents, Except in Exceptional Circumstances By Suresh DeepalaOctober 2, 2024 __0 Recent ![\\"\\"](\\" _Featured-Image-103x65.jpg\\") Review: Delhi HC Rules That Arbitration Tribunal Cannot Direct for Production of ‘Top Secret’ Documents, Except in Exceptional Circumstances October 2, 2024 __0 ![\\"\\"](\\" Rate_Image-103x65.jpg\\") PLFS Data: Reported Number of Average Working Hours A Week for Men Was Consistently Over 50 Hours September 30, 2024 __0 ![\\"\\"](\\" Modi-featured-image-103x65.jpeg\\") Data: Between 1999 & 2024, Indian Prime Ministers Visited 79 Different Countries September 27, 2024 __0 * Elections * Fact Checks * English * Telugu * Coronavirus * Others * Videos * Data Tools * Data Dashboards * Counting India * About Us * Our Story * Team * Fact Checking * Fact Check Methodology * Fact-Check Team * Non-partisanship Policy * Corrections Policy * FAQ’s * Contact Us * Subscribe * Careers * Compliance of IT Rules 2021 * Privacy Policy * GOVT. DATA ROUNDUP ![\\"\\"](\\" leader-Thumbnail-702x336.jpg\\") English, Fake News # 2019 video of a mob attacking a BJP leader in West Bengal shared as a recent incident amidst the 2024 Lok Sabha elections 0 By Akshay Kumar Appani on April 30, 2024 * A A A Twitter Facebook Reddit Amidst the ongoing 2024 general elections, a video showing a mob dragging a person and kicking him into bushes is being widely shared across social media platforms. The claim accompanying the video suggests that it shows a recent attack on a BJP leader in the wake of the 2024 general elections (here, here, and here). In this article, let’s fact-check the claim made in the post. ![\\"\\"](\\" leader-claim.jpg\\")The archived version of these posts can be found here, here, and here. > Claim: Video showing a mob attacking a BJP leader amid the ongoing 2024 Lok > Sabha Elections. > > Fact: The viral video dates back to November 2019 and originates from West > Bengal. It depicts a mob attack on Jay Prakash Majumdar, who was a BJP > leader at that time and the BJP’s candidate in the Karimpur assembly by- > poll. Jay Prakash Majumdar was suspended by the BJP in January 2022, and > later, he joined the Trinamool Congress (TMC) in March 2022. Hence, the > claim made in the post is MISLEADING. To learn more about this viral video, we conducted a relevant keyword search which led us to multiple reports from 2019 containing a longer version of the viral video. According to a report published by ‘India Today, on 25 November 2019, BJP’s Jay Prakash Majumdar was allegedly manhandled by TMC workers during the Karimpur by-poll. Majumdar is the BJP’s candidate for the Karimpur assembly by-poll. ![\\"\\"](\\" leader-img1.png\\") The video was also shared on YouTube by ‘The Print’ on 25 November 2019, with the title “West Bengal BJP vice-president Jay Prakash Majumdar allegedly manhandled, kicked by TMC workers.” Additional news reports regarding this incident can be viewed here and here. ![\\"\\"](\\" leader-img2.png\\") The official X(Twitter) handle of the BJP also shared the video(archived link) of the attack on Jay Prakash Majumdar during the Karimpur by-poll on 25 November 2019. > Anarchy! This is what Mamata Banerjee’s regime is about! Watch this > disturbing footage where TMC workers manhandle and kick BJP’s state Vice > President and candidate for Karimpur bypoll Joy Prakash Majumdar while > voting is underway in the constituency. > > — BJP (@BJP4India) November 25, 2019 According to reports (here, here, and here), Jay Prakash Majumdar was suspended by the BJP in January 2022 and joined the Trinamool Congress(TMC) in March 2022. ![\\"\\"](\\" leader-img4.png\\") To sum up, a 2019 video of a mob attacking a BJP leader in West Bengal is being shared as a recent incident, falsely linking it to the ongoing 2024 Lok Sabha elections. ![\\"Factly\\"](\\" WhatsApp-channel-minified-scaled.jpeg\\") Share. 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Each news story on FACTLY is backed by factual evidence/data from official sources that is either available in the public domain or that is collated/gathered/collected using tools such as the Right to Information (RTI). * ### Subscribe to our Newsletter Wisdom is nothing but Data Understood. Get a weekly roundup of stories covered by the Factly Team delivered to your email. We promise to never spam you. Leave this field empty if you\'re human: © 2014-2021 Factly Media & Research | Except for videos, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.![\\"Creative](\\" ![\\"scroll\\"](\\" content/uploads//2018/10/scroll.png\\") ![\\"\\"](\\"
Video showing a mob attacking a BJP leader amid the ongoing 2024 Lok Sabha Elections
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Fact CheckViralElection Watch # 2022 Video Of Youth Lambasting Government Over Unemployment Revived Amid Lok Sabha Polls Written By Vasudha Beri , Edited By Pankaj Menon April 30, 2024 0 0 Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Linkedin ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/Rating-93-696x522.jpg\\") ### Authors ![\\"\\"](\\" ##### Vasudha Beri Vasudha noticed the growing problem of mis/disinformation online after studying New Media at ACJ in Chennai and became interested in separating facts from fiction. She is interested in learning how global issues affect individuals on a micro level. Before joining Newschecker’s English team, she was working with Latestly. ![\\"\\"](\\" ##### Pankaj Menon Pankaj Menon is a fact-checker based out of Delhi who enjoys ‘digital sleuthing’ and calling out misinformation. He has completed his MA in International Relations from Madras University and has worked with organisations like NDTV, Times Now and Deccan Chronicle online in the past. ClaimVideo of a youth lashing out at the government over unemployment in the country. FactVideo dates back to January 2022, and has been shared out of context. As the opposition attacks PM Modi on unemployment, a video of a visibly disgruntled youth narrating his ordeals, and lambasting the government over lack of jobs has surfaced on social media platforms. Multiple social media users shared the footage with #Election2024, linking it to the ongoing Lok Sabha elections. Newschecker found that the video is old, and has been shared out of context. In the video, the outraged youth speaks in detail about the difficulties his parents have faced to educate him, and lashes out at the government saying “Don’t bring the youth to the streets, or you will come to the streets too.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/c1-7.png\\")Screengrab from X post by @king7851007 ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/c2-6.png\\")Screengrab from X post by @chennai123 ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/c3-4.png\\")Screengrab from X post by @srinivasiyc Such posts can be seen here, here, here, here and here. Also Read: Voter Fraud In Assam? Viral Video Showing Man Casting 5 Votes For BJP Candidate Is From Mock Poll ## Fact Check/Verification We observed that the youth speaks about Railway being the largest sector for jobs, mentions Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw, and says “if you sell the Railways where will the youth go.” This led us to conclude that the youth’s outrage might be linked to an issue with Railway recruitment. On carefully analysing the video, we noticed the watermark of BBC on the top left corner in the viral footage. We also spotted “Bihar, Patna” written on the top right corner in the video. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/e1-19.png\\")Screengrab from viral video Taking a clue, we looked up keywords “Unemployment,” “Patna,” “Bihar” and “Railway” on the official YouTube channel of BBC News Hindi which yielded a video report dated January 27, 2022. It featured the viral video of a youth narrating his ordeals, and lambasting the government over unemployment. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/e2-19-1024x735.png\\")Screengrab from YouTube video by BBC News Hindi The description of the video stated that it shows the present situation in the coaching hub Bhikhana Pahari-Musallahpur area of ​​Patna where students and police had come face to face regarding the NTPC-RRB exam. Also Read: Voting Fraud Using Fake Fingers? No, Viral Image Shows Prosthetic Fingers Used By Former Yakuza Members The video was also shared by BBC News Hindi on their official X handle on January 27, 2022, stating “The anger of a youth from Bihar, who was upset regarding the railway recruitment exam, burst out like this.” ![\\"Youth](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/e3-18.png\\")Screengrab from X post by BBC News Hindi In January 2022, several aspirants had taken to streets protesting against alleged irregularities in the Railway recruitment examination in Bihar. Reportedly, the aspirants opposed the railway ministry’s decision to hold the exam in two stages, claiming the second stage for final selection is tantamount to “cheating” those who appeared and cleared the first stage of the RRB-NTPC exam. Multiple outlets had reported over the RRB NTPC exam 2021 in Bihar. Such reports can be seen here, here and here. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/04/e4-12.png\\")Screengrab from Hindustan Times website Also Read: 2019 Video Of Mob Attacking BJP Leader Revived Amid Lok Sabha Polls ## Conclusion We could thus conclude that a 2022 video showing a youth lambasting the government over unemployment, and narrating his ordeals has been shared out of context amid Lok Sabha Elections. ## Result: Missing Context SourcesYouTube Video By BBC News Hindi, Dated January 27, 2022 X Post By BBC News Hindi, Dated January 27, 2022 If you would like us to fact-check a claim, give feedback or lodge a complaint, WhatsApp us at 9999499044 or email us at [email protected]. You can also visit the Contact Us page and fill out the form. Follow our WhatsApp channel for more updates. ### Authors ![\\"\\"](\\" ##### Vasudha Beri Vasudha noticed the growing problem of mis/disinformation online after studying New Media at ACJ in Chennai and became interested in separating facts from fiction. She is interested in learning how global issues affect individuals on a micro level. Before joining Newschecker’s English team, she was working with Latestly. ![\\"\\"](\\" ##### Pankaj Menon Pankaj Menon is a fact-checker based out of Delhi who enjoys ‘digital sleuthing’ and calling out misinformation. He has completed his MA in International Relations from Madras University and has worked with organisations like NDTV, Times Now and Deccan Chronicle online in the past. * Tags * BJP * Fact Check * Lok Sabha polls * PM Modi * Railways * Unemployment Written By Vasudha Beri , Edited By Pankaj Menon Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Linkedin Previous article Does This Video Show Cows At Adani Port Meant For Export? Here’s The Truth Behind Viral Video Next article Old Video From Telangana Shared As Rajputs Attacking BJP Workers In Gujarat Vasudha Beri , Edited By Pankaj Menon #### RELATED ARTICLES Fact Check ### Weekly Wrap: Misinformation Around Israel-Iran Conflict, Manmohan Singh Deepfake And More Newschecker Team Fact Check ### 2022 Video Of Bus Stand Blaze Shared As Tel Aviv Struck By Barrage Of Suicide Drones Kushel HM , Edited By Chayan Kundu Fact Check ### Fact Check: Old Video Of Israel’s Rafah Attack Shared As ‘Israeli Aircrafts Destroyed By Iran’ Tanujit Das , Edited By Chayan Kundu #### Most Popular ### Sunny Deol Drunk On The Streets Of Mumbai? Viral Video Is From A Movie Shoot ### Is Japan Cancelling Microwaves? 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Video showing a mob attacking a BJP leader amid the ongoing 2024 Lok Sabha Elections
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Gainers & Losers Top Gainers Top Losers 1. Infosys share price 2. 1,918.351.33% 1. Tech Mahindra share price 2. 1,616.500.83% 1. Wipro share price 2. 533.500.68% 1. Tata Motors share price 2. 930.700.51% 1. Axis Bank share price 2. 1,181.300.50% 1. Mahindra & Mahindra share price 2. 3,017.05-3.58% 1. Bajaj Finance share price 2. 7,209.65-3.01% 1. Nestle India share price 2. 2,599.30-2.85% 1. Asian Paints share price 2. 3,071.85-2.49% 1. Bharti Airtel share price 2. 1,640.75-2.09% Active Stocks Fri Oct 04 2024 15:29:48 1. Axis Bank share price 2. 1,181.30 0.50% 1. Tata Steel share price 2. 166.75 -0.12% 1. Tata Motors share price 2. 930.70 0.51% 1. ITC share price 2. 503.45 -1.86% 1. NTPC share price 2. 430.15 -1.21% Business News/ News / Kolkata doctor rape case highlights: IMA writes to PM Modi, outlines several demands for safety of medics ![\\"Back\\"](\\" img/static/1yr/1x1_img.webp\\")Back Share Via # Kolkata doctor rape case highlights: IMA writes to PM Modi, outlines several demands for safety of medics _66 min read_ _._ Updated: 18 Aug 2024, 06:20 AM IST **Livemint** ## Kolkata doctor rape case highlights: The IMA\'s National President Dr Asokan on Saturday said that he will write to PM Modi as doctors continue their 24-hour strike in solidarity with the brutal rape of Kolkata doctor. All OPD services will remain suspended. ![\\"Tens](\\" Protest--Poddar-Hospital---RG-Kar- Medical-_1723896571928_1723896573019.jpg\\")Premium Tens of thousands of doctors have joined a nationwide strike on Saturday to seek justice for the rape and murder of a woman doctor in Kolkata (Photo: Anshuman Poyrekar/Hindustan Times) Read Full Story Kolkata doctor rape case highlights: The nationwide doctors strike called by the Indian Medical Association (IMA) began today at 6 am. The IMA doctors\' 24-hour strike has been joined by more and more doctors nationwide as the organisation has put forth five demands in front of the government. \"All essential services will be maintained. Casualties will be manned. Routine OPDs will not function and elective surgeries will not be conducted. The withdrawal is across all the sectors wherever modern medicine doctors are providing service. IMA requires the sympathy of the nation with the just cause of its doctors,\" read an IMA press release. Amid the nationwide doctors\' strike, IMA National President Dr Asokan said that it is the right time for Prime Minister Narendra Modi to intervene in the situation. “We are asking for a very fundamental right, the right to life... We will be writing to the PM. The time is ripe for his intervention... Certainly, that (PM Modi mentioning women\'s safety in his August 15 speech) is one aspect that shows that he is concerned. It will be very appropriate to write to the prime minister. IMA will be doing that,\" Dr Asokan told ANI. What are the five demands by IMA amid the nationwide doctors\' strike? -Change in the government\'s reluctance to acknowledge the violence on doctors and hospitals. For this IMA demanded a Central Act incorporating the amendments of 2023 in the Epidemic Diseases Act of 1897 into the draft Hospital Protection Bill of 2019 that would strengthen the existing 25 state legislations. -Stringent security protocols of all hospitals which should be no less than like those existing at airports. Declaration of hospitals as safe zones with mandatory security entitlements. -A thorough overhaul of the working and living conditions of doctors. -Meticulous and professional investigation of the Kolkata doctor rape case and thorough investigation of RG Kar vandalism incident. -Appropriate and dignified compensation to the victim\'s family. West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee calls for capital punishment West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said it\'s a “big crime\" and the accused should hanged to death. She blamed “Bam [Left] and Ram [BJP]\" for RG Kar vandalism on Wednesday night. Her statement came after vandalism and rampage incidents were reported outside RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata. Meanwhile, doctors and nurses continue to protest in Kolkata over the incident. Protests were also help outside AIIMS Delhi. A woman was allegedly raped and murdered in the seminal hall of the RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata on August 9. The Kolkata rape case has brought medical services to a standstill as students and doctors continue to demand justice for the resident PG doctor. Videos show a mob of dozens pushing their way in the emergency ward of the RG Kar Hospital and vandalising chairs. Some were even seen vandalising the protest site. The CBI has taken over the investigation of the Kolkata rape and murder case. Stay tuned for Kolkata doctor rape case highlights. 18 Aug 2024, 06:20:37 AM IST ## Updates to this blog have ended. 17 Aug 2024, 09:05:12 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Madhya Pradesh HC asks protesting doctors to return to work immediately 17 Aug 2024, 08:41:21 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: IMA writes to PM Modi, outlines several demands for safety of medics Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: The IMA has demanded a Central Act incorporating the amendments of 2020 in the Epidemic Diseases Act of 1897 into the draft \"The Healthcare Services Personnel and Clinical Establishments (Prohibition of Violence and Damage to Property Bill 2019). The IMA said that this would strengthen the existing 25-state legislation. The IMA further demanded that the hospitals should be declared safe zones with security entitlements as the first step. 17 Aug 2024, 07:47:01 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Telangana doctors join protest rallies, hospital operations suspended Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Doctors including private medical practitioners took part in protests in Telangana on Saturday as part of the nationwide protest call given by the Indian Medical Association against the brutal rape and murder of a trainee doctor in Kolkata. As part of the protests, major hospitals in the private sector stopped outpatient services and elective surgeries while outpatient services were suspended in government hospitals in Telangana. During the protests, rallies were taken out, demonstrations were held at several places in the state condemning the brutal rape and murder of the woman doctor. Doctors, medical students, medical staff were among those who participated in protests at different places even as junior doctors protests continued in Telangana today. 17 Aug 2024, 06:52:45 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Jharkhand CM asks doctors to resume work Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Healthcare services were affected in Jharkhand on Saturday as doctors joined the Indian Medical Association’s nationwide call for the withdrawal of non-emergency services for 24 hours. “No matter how much the incident in Bengal is condemned, it is less. The Bengal government and the agencies of the central government are working hard to ensure that the culprits are punished as severely as possible. I would like to appeal to all the doctors in the state that your government stands with you in this hour of grief, but the treatment of patients is also very important. Please return to work and give your meaningful cooperation in making the patients healthy,\" Chief Minister Hemant Soren ,said in a post in Hindi on X. 17 Aug 2024, 06:50:31 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Maharashtra, Gujarat doctors join strike Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Healthcare services in Gujarat and Maharashtra were affected as doctors from government and private hospitals took to the streets on Saturday amid the 24-hour nationwide protest. 17 Aug 2024, 06:13:50 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: TMC spokesperson slams Left, BJP for ‘using incident to disturb Bengal’ Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: \"We have strongly condemned the rape and murder... Mamata Banerjee, our leader and the CM, has done her best. One accused was arrested within 12 hours, and she had announced that the case will be handed over to the CBI, if necessary. Now, the case is (being probed) by CBI, but the Left and BJP are using this unfortunate incident to disturb West Bengal,\" says TMC leader Kunal Ghosh ( 17 Aug 2024, 05:36:02 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: OPD, OT services register 90% decline at AIIMS Delhi amid strike Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: The All India Institute of Medical Sciences – Delhi registered more than 90% reduction in admissions, OPDs and operation theatres on Saturday. Laboratory services have been affected by more than 80% while the Emergency services and ICUs are functioning normally. 17 Aug 2024, 05:14:47 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Strike hits healthcare services across Manipur Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Healthcare services were affected in Manipur on Saturday as doctors went on cease work in protest against the rape and murder of a medic at a hospital in Kolkata. Outpatient departments were shut at all hospitals — including the Regional Institute of Medical Sciences and Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences. 17 Aug 2024, 05:04:20 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Mayawati urges all to ‘rise above party politics’ Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: BSP supremo Mayawati called on all groups to “rise above party politics\" on Saturday. “The whole country is worried and angry over the atrocity of rape-murder of a lady doctor in Bengal, yet the TMC government is trying to give it a religious and political colour in its defense, while the opposition is no less in this matter. In such a situation, it is important to worry about how the culprits will get strict punishment and the victim\'s family justice,\" she wrote in Hindi on X. 17 Aug 2024, 04:54:32 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: RJD chief Lalu Yadav slams ‘barbaric’ incident, demands justice Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav termed the rape and murder of a doctor in Kolkata ‘barbaric’ on Saturday and called for justice to be served. \"Justice should be served to the doctors who are on a strike. What happened with the trainee doctor there was barbaric,\" the RJD Chief said in a brief reply to a question. 17 Aug 2024, 04:27:05 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Private doctors halt work in UP Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Doctors running private clinics and nursing homes associated with the Indian Medical Association of Uttar Pradesh abandoned work on Saturday to join the protest. The absolute strike threw health care services across districts of UP out of gear and led to the crowding of patients at government hospitals. 17 Aug 2024, 03:51:34 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Nirbhaya\'s mother slams Mamata Banerjee, says Bengal CM should… Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: The mother of Nirbhaya, the victim of the 2012 Delhi gang rape case, on Saturday demanded the resignation of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee saying she had \"failed\" to handle the situation. 17 Aug 2024, 03:32:44 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Healthy ministry to form panel for safety measures Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: The Union health ministry on Saturday said a committee will be formed to suggest all possible measures for ensuring the safety of healthcare professionals. Representatives of all stakeholders, including the state governments, will be invited to share their suggestions with the committee. 17 Aug 2024, 03:23:23 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Health services hit in Rajasthan Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Health services in Rajasthan were affected on Saturday due to the Indian Medical Association\'s call for a one-day strike in protest against the rape and murder of a resident doctor in West Bengal. Doctors boycotted OPD services in almost all government hospitals in Rajasthan though emergency services continued. A representative of IMA Jaipur said that after the call for a national-level strike by the IMA, doctors in all districts of Rajasthan, including Jaipur, boycotted work on Saturday. 17 Aug 2024, 02:42:33 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: ABVP workers lead agitation in Delhi | Watch 17 Aug 2024, 02:12:14 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Will Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Vadra visit Kolkata?, asks BJP MP Sambit Patra Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: BJP MP Sambit Patra targeted Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Vadra amid the ongoing protest over Kolkata rape case. “Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge has reached Bengaluru...I want to ask him that he has gone to Bengaluru to save the corrupt, will he go to Kolkata? Priyanka Vadra had said \'ladki hoon, lad sakti hoon\' ... will Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra visit Kolkata?\" BJP MP Sambit Patra said on Saturday. 17 Aug 2024, 01:50:19 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: ABVP workers burn Mamata Banerjee\'s effigy to protest against Kolkata doctor rape Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Amid nationwide doctors\' strike and protest in solidarity with the RG Kar doctor who was killed and raped in Kolkata last week, several student wing members are also protesting in the case. On Saturday, workers of ABVP burnt effigy of West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee in Lucknow in protest over alleged rape and murder of a trainee doctor at Kolkata\'s RG Kar Medical Hospital. 17 Aug 2024, 01:30:57 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: We demand the arrest and prosecution of the people found guilty of the crime, says protesting doctor Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Amid the ongoing nationwide strike, one of the protesters, Dr Arif Ahmed Laskar highlighted the key demand of the protest which is the arrest and prosecution of the people guilty of crime. “CBI should interrogate everyone from the administration that were present during the incident. If anyone is found guilty, we demand their arrest and prosecution as per law. We have asked for the resignation of the officials in the administration and they should not be posted in any other administrative position...We want justice.,\" Post Graduate Teacher Dr Arif Ahmed Laskar told ANI. 17 Aug 2024, 01:19:34 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: ‘Such incidents are happening all over the world, BJP is doing politics,\' former Bihar CM Rabri Devi on Kolkata doctor rape-murder Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: “Such incidents are happening all over the world. This is not just a case in Kolkata, it happens in Delhi also. BJP is doing politics over this,\" said former Bihar CM Rabri Devi. 17 Aug 2024, 12:59:55 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: ‘TMC is trying to absolve a few people from incident’, says BJP leader Shaina NC Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: BJP leader Shaina NC on Saturday said that the TMC is trying to absolve a few people from the incident. “TMC is trying to absolve a few people from this incident...Why did the TMC government not lock the hospital? Why did they allow 7,000 people in this rampage to go in?... She is playing the victim card and sometimes she is protesting on the street...Who is she agitating against?,\" the BJP leader told ANI. 17 Aug 2024, 12:40:01 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: ‘We are asking a very fundamental right’, says IMA President Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: IMA President Dr Asokan on Saturday said that the strike is for the doctors\' basic demand of a fundamental right, ‘the right to life’. “Now its for the government to respond. They will have the political will to respond now. Because what we have asked for is not something beyond them. We are asking for a very fundamental right, the right to life... We will be writing to the PM. The time is ripe for his intervention... Certainly, that (PM Modi mentioning women\'s safety in his August 15 speech) is one aspect that shows that he is concerned. It will be very appropriate to write to the prime minister. IMA will be doing that,\" Dr Asokan told ANI. 17 Aug 2024, 12:24:34 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: The time is ripe for PM\'s intervention, says IMA President Dr Asokan Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Calling for Prime Minister Narendra Modi\'s intervention amid the nationwide doctors\' protest IMA National President Dr Asokan said, “... Now its for the government to respond. They will have the political will to respond now. Because what we have asked for is not something beyond them. We are asking for a very fundamental right, the right to life... We will be writing to the PM. The time is ripe for his intervention... Certainly, that (PM Modi mentioning women\'s safety in his August 15 speech) is one aspect that shows that he is concerned. It will be very appropriate to write to the prime minister. IMA will be doing that…\" 17 Aug 2024, 12:09:02 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: ‘We are demanding safety. There has been nothing concrete from…,’ says IMA Secretary General Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: IMA Secretary General Dr Anil Kumar J Nayak on Saturday called the Union Minister JP Nadda\'s response to the doctors\' strike positive. He also added that there has been nothing concrete that has come from the government yet. “Our junior and resident doctors carried out a maha-rally yesterday. 4000-5000 doctors joined it... Everyone is agitated and they are demanding safety. They are demanding CPA, Central Protection Act... We met Union Minister JP Nadda and we will keep meeting other authorities. They are positive but there is nothing concrete from them yet... We are hopeful that they will bring the law that we are demanding,\" IMA Secretary General Dr Anil Kumar J Nayak told ANI. 17 Aug 2024, 11:46:16 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: ‘We want hospitals to be operational soon ,’ says patient at Siliguri hospital Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: One of the patients who arrived at a hospital in Siliguri, West Bengal on Saturday expressed her disappointment and wished that the OPD services resume soon. \"I have come here for a check-up... Now, I have been told to come on Tuesday. We want hospitals to be operational soon so we can get treatment,\" one of the patients facing problems told PTI. 17 Aug 2024, 11:41:38 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: CBI team probing case arrives at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: The CBI team investigating rape and murder case of the woman doctor arrives at the RG Kar Medical College and Hospital. 17 Aug 2024, 11:35:11 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: When will nationwide doctors\' strike end? Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: The nationwide doctors\' strike began at 6 am on Saturday and will end at 6 am on Sunday, August 18, 2024. 17 Aug 2024, 11:11:15 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Doctors in Delhi continue their indefinite strike today Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Resident Doctors\' Association UCMS Resident Doctors\' Association UCMS (University College of Medical Sciences) and GTBH (Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital) in Delhi continued their indefinite strike on Saturday. As part of the strike, OPD (Outpatient Department), elective services, laboratory and lab services will be shut down. 17 Aug 2024, 11:00:35 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Centre needs to step in if such an incident happen, said Union Minister Jitan Ram Manjhi Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Union Minister Jitan Ram Manjhi on Saturday condemned the rape and murder of a trainee doctor at RG Kar Hospial an said, “whatever happened in Kolkata is very sad. The (state) government should take action but it is not able to do so. Yesterday, doctors held a big protest in Delhi too. The Centre needs to step in if such an incident happen. The West Bengal government has failed.\" 17 Aug 2024, 10:47:56 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Protests continue outside Delhi AIIMS hospital Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: After the announcement of nationwide doctors\' strike, medical professionals were seen protesting outside AIIMS Delhi on Saturday. 17 Aug 2024, 10:36:44 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Former RG Kar principal reaches CBI office for investigation Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Former principal at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital Sandip Ghosh reached CBI office on Saturday morning for CBI investigation in the brutal murder and rape of a trainee doctor at the government run hospital in Kolkata. 17 Aug 2024, 10:29:36 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: IMA puts forth five demands for recalling nationwide doctors\' strike Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: The IMA has put forth the following demand after announcing a nationwide doctors\' strike. 1. Change in the government\'s reluctance to acknowledge the violence on doctors and hospitals. For this IMA demanded a Central Act incorporating the amendments of 2023 in the Epidemic Diseases Act of 1897 into the draft Hospital Protection Bill of 2019 that would strengthen the existing 25 state legislations. 2. Stringent security protocols of all hospitals which should be no less than like those existing at airports. Declaration of hospitals as safe zones with mandatory security entitlements. 3. A thorough overhaul of the working and living conditions of doctors. 4. Meticulous and professional investigation of the Kolkata doctor rape case and thorough investigation of RG Kar vandalism incident. 5. Appropriate and dignified compensation to the victim\'s family. 17 Aug 2024, 10:16:34 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Patients continue to face difficulty amid doctors\' strike Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Amid the ongoing protest and nationwide strike against the rape of a trainee doctor at RG Kar Hospital, patients continue to face trouble at hospitals across the country. In the visuals shared by news agency ANI, patients can be seen suffering due to the withdrawal of services on Saturday. 17 Aug 2024, 10:05:49 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: This is a nationwide issue, says Union Minister Kiren Rijiju amid doctors strike and nationwide protest Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Union Minister Kiren Rijiju on Saturday called the murder and rape of a trainee doctor at RG Kar Hospital in Kolkata a national issue and said that the general public is agitated because of the incident. “Because of the incident that happened in West Bengal, the safety of the medical staff is a matter of concern. It is not just about the medical fraternity of the doctors and nurses. This is a nationwide issue. It is a security and a societal issue. It is a matter of concern for everyone... The general public is also agitated,\" ANI quoted Union Minister Rijiju as saying. 17 Aug 2024, 10:03:03 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Extremely unfortunate that Bengal govt is being insensitive towards the case, says BJP MP Harsh Malhotra Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: BJP MP Harsh Malhotra on Saturday lashed out at the West Bengal government for dealing the Kolkata rape case with insensitivity. He accused the Mamata Banerjee-led state government of lying and trying to cover up the case. “It is extremely unfortunate that the West Bengal government is being insensitive towards the case, is lying, and is trying to cover up the case instead of addressing it. They tried to hush up the case by calling it suicide. The local police were not ready to investigate it initially and tried to divert it. Now when CBI is investigating the matter, Mamata Banerjee started protesting. Who is she protesting against? The Home Minister of the state Mamata Banerjee, the Chief Minister of the state Mamata Banerjee, or is she protesting against the Health Minister of the state Mamata Banerjee? This shows she is not serious about it and is only doing politics,\" Malhotra told ANI. 17 Aug 2024, 10:00:22 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Residents doctors hold a protest against the rape-murder incident Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Residents doctors continue to hold a protest at the Indian Medical Association (IMA) continue to hold protest amid the nationwide doctors\' strike which began today at 6 am. 17 Aug 2024, 09:43:10 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Army College doctor demands CAPF deployment at RG Kar college, Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Dr. Monica Singh from Army College of Dental Sciences wrote a letter petition to the Chief Justice of India demanding CAPF deployment at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital. Her lawyer issued a video statement on Saturday. “... Dr Monica Singh has written a letter petition to the Chief Justice of India, demanding CAPF be deployed at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital for the security of doctors till the time there is pendency of the case and the to protect the crime scene. She has also written about the way people are being threatened and evidence being tampered with, and demanded SC to intervene and take cognisance,\" said her advocate Satyam Singh in a video, reshared by ANI on X. 17 Aug 2024, 09:17:02 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Doctors continue to protest as IMA\'s nationwide strike begins today Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Amid the nationwide protests over the murder and rape of a trainee doctor in RG Kar medical college, medical professionals have begun their strike on Saturday. A post-graduate resident doctor from Madras Medical College admitted that the patients are suffering from the protest, but added that the doctors have no other option to propose their demands in front of the government. “ I am a person from the group that has been alienated from the common community. We doctors never came out and asked for a favour from the public, but this time we are asking people for a favour... Keeping aside all the difficulties faced by doctors, our only demand right now is justice for the victim who was brutally raped and murdered on her own campus... Only after the doctors came out to protest, we were able to take this issue to everyone... When doctors of RG Kar were peacefully asking for justice, they were attacked in the middle of the night on Independence Day... We care about the common people more than you, we know the importance of healthcare and timely treatment, and those who are affected by the protest. We have no other option and are forced to come out and sacrifice our duty to seek justice,\" Dr Navneet Krishnan, a post-graduate resident doctor from Madras Medical College told ANI. 17 Aug 2024, 08:52:07 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Patients continue to suffer amid nationwide doctors\' strike Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: The IMA on Saturday declared a 24-hour withdrawal of services by all the modern medicine doctors of the country irrespective of the sector and place of work. Amid the protest, visuals from different hospitals across the country showcase patients suffering due to the protest. 17 Aug 2024, 08:28:51 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Govt\'s decision to form a panel for a central law to protect healthcare workers is ‘too little and too late’, says IMA Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: The government\'s decision to form a panel for deliberating on a central law to protect healthcare workers is “too little and too late\", said IMA chif Dr RV Asokan adding that it needs political will to bring a legislation on the matter, \"But you cannot run away from the reality,\" he said. 17 Aug 2024, 08:16:52 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: What\'s open and what\'s closed today amid nationwide doctors\' strike? Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: The IMA announced the nationwide withdrawal of doctors services for twenty four hours. The doctors strike began at 6 am today. Check what\'s open and what\'s closed here. (Read full story) 17 Aug 2024, 08:11:07 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: ‘What is happening now is a cruel joke on the nation’, Sadhguru calls for National agency to address crimes against women Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: “It is time that there is a National agency to address the most horrific crimes against Women in this country, beyond state agencies, as what is happening right now is a cruel joke on the Nation. No citizen with a beating heart in Bharat can just watch this go by. Action Now,\" Sadhguru wrote in a post on X. 17 Aug 2024, 08:05:52 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: MP doctors strike work to protest Kolkata RG Kar rampage Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Hundreds of doctors went on strike on Friday at government hospitals in Madhya Pradesh, including All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Bhopal. 17 Aug 2024, 07:34:31 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Nationwide doctors\' strike begins today Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: After IMA\'s announcement, the nationwide doctors\' strike began on Saturday at 6 am. 17 Aug 2024, 07:15:26 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Anushka Sharma condemns horrifying rape case in Kolkata Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Anushka Sharma is among the latest Bollywood celebrities who spoke against the brutal rape and murder of a doctor at RG Kar Hospital in Kolkata, West Bengal. The PK actress shared a story on her Instagram in support of the protest. ![\\"\\"](\\" View Full Image 17 Aug 2024, 06:45:12 AM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: ‘Bengal govt failed to protect doctors’, Odisha Health Minister Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Odisha Health Minister on Friday criticised the West Bengal government for failing to handle the case with sincerity. “The incident is not good, not in the interest of the country. The West Bengal govt failed to protect the security and integrity of doctors. In our state, we are vigilant in this regard... Union Health Minister JP Nadda has already given a statement (regarding a central law for the protection of medical professionals). Central spokespersons of our party have also given their statements, I won\'t be talking much about it. But, in our state, we will try to give protection to the doctors,\" said Odisha Health Minister Mukesh Mahaling. 16 Aug 2024, 10:25:20 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Letter petitions filed in SC for suo moto cognizance Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: Two lawyers practicing in the Supreme Court on Thursday wrote a letter to the Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud urging him to take auto moto cognizance of the incident. “The nation looks to the judiciary as the ultimate guardian of justice, the last refuge for those whose cries have been silenced by brutality. The victim in this case, a young doctor whose life was dedicated to serving others, deserves nothing less than the full measure of justice that our legal system can provide. Her death must not be in vain, it must galvanize us to act, to ensure that no other woman suffers such a fate,\" read an excerpt from the missive by Advocates Ujjawal Gaur and Rohit Pandey. 16 Aug 2024, 10:11:54 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: BJP MP Sudhanshu Trivedi slams Akhilesh Yadav Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: BJP MP Sudhanshu Trivedi lashed out at the Samajwadi Party on Friday while speaking about recent crimes crime against women. The development came mere hours after the INDIA bloc leader accused the BJP of drawing \"political benefits\" from the Kolkata rape-murder. \"I want to tell Akhilesh Yadav who used to chant the slogan of PDA. This PDA is a mask and their real face is \'parivarvadi\', \'dabang\' and \'apradhi\'. This is the true face of Samajwadi Party,\" said Trivedi. The acronym was coined by Yadav in the run up to the last Lok Sabha elections and referred to \"pichhda\" (backward), Dalit and \"alpsankhyak\" (minorities)\" groups as its vote base. “A particular mindset has encouraged criminal elements to destroy evidence as part of a conspiracy by damaging the place after the tragic incident. From Kannauj to Kolkata, hatred and animosity towards women along with the mentality of protecting criminals is being seen,\" said Trivedi. 16 Aug 2024, 09:57:40 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: IMA staffers, medicos in UP stage protest | Watch 16 Aug 2024, 09:40:39 PM IST ## Kolkata doctor rape case LIVE: IMA Goa to stage protest on Saturday Newer Updates Older Updates OPEN IN APP Recommended For You Feedback Select your Category Query Suggestion Your Message ![\\"footLogo\\"](\\" img/static/static/1x1_img.gif\\") Connect with us: * ![\\"footLogo\\"](\\" * ![\\"footLogo\\"](\\" * ![\\"footLogo\\"](\\" * ![\\"footLogo\\"](\\" trending stories NEET PG 2024 SC Hearing Live Israel-Iran war Live Haryana Election Voting 2024 Live Indian Stock Market Nifty 50, Sensex today Income Tax Calculator Upcoming IPO 2024 Bank Holidays in Uttar Pradesh Bank Holidays in Gujarat Bank Holidays in Delhi Bank Holidays in September Bank Holidays in Jammu And Kashmir Instant Personal Loan Check Credit Score Online Business Loan Tata Curvv Mahindra Thar Roxx Personal Loan Interest Rate Personal Loan Eligibility Personal Loan EMI Calculator Gold Rate in Delhi Amazon Great Indian Festival Sale 2024 Amazon Sale on Electronics Amazon Sale on Washing Machine Gold Rate in Bangalore Gold Rate in Chennai Gold Rate in Hyderabad Gold Rate in Mumbai Credit Card AP TET 2024 Data Pages Quarterly Results Calendar Petrol Prices Diesel Prices MCX Gold Price Election Results 2024 Assembly Election Results 2024 MCX Silver Price Gold Price Silver Price NSE TOP Gainers NSE TOP Losers BSE TOP Gainers BSE TOP Losers Bank Holidays 2024 Upcoming IPO 2024 BSE Q3 Results 2023 Income Tax Calculator popular stocks JSW INFRASTRUCTURE share price R R KABEL share price CONCORD BIOTECH share price IDBI Bank share price Yes Bank share price Adani Power share price HUL share price Indian Oil share price Vedanta share price Jio Financial Services share price Paytm share price Punjab National Bank share price Canara Bank share price Adani Green Energy share price Indian Railway Finance Corporation share price Suzlon Energy share price IREDA share price Vodafone Idea share price Orient Technologies share price Premier Energies share price Bajaj Housing Finance Share Price latest stories Remembering the lost homeland of Sindh India vs Pakistan Women\'s T20 World Cup: Where to watch, squads and more Top 5 healthy snacks for Navratri Has the Quad lost its way? 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India # Nadda defends government in Rajya Sabha, counters Opposition’s attacks on economy, education ## In their speeches, Opposition members took up several issues, including unemployment, paper leaks, and problems in the education sector Updated - July 02, 2024 10:46 pm IST - New Delhi The Hindu Bureau * Copy link * Email * Facebook * Twitter * Telegram * LinkedIn * WhatsApp * Reddit READ LATER Remove SEE ALL PRINT ![\\"](\\" Leader of the House in Rajya Sabha JP Nadda speaks during the ongoing Parliament session, in New Delhi on July 2, 2024 | Photo Credit: ANI Amid continuing attacks from Opposition benches in the Rajya Sabha on the second day of the debate on the Motion to Thanks to President Droupadi Murmu for her address to the joint session of Parliament, the BJP fielded its president, Union Health Minister and leader of the Upper House J.P. Nadda to counter the attack. Mr. Nadda targeted the Congress and said the party that had imposed Emergency and tried to dilute reservations was now speaking about democracy and protecting reservations. **Parliament session Day 7 updates: Highlights on July 2, 2024** Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar’s statement in the House, in which he said he had been an Ekalavya (disciple) of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) since he had left the Congress, and that he considered leaders of the RSS as saintly people, was questioned by Congress president and Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha Mallikarjun Kharge, who urged Mr. Dhankar to not spread an ideology from the Chair. In his speech that lasted about an hour and 45 minutes, Mr. Nadda said the Narendra Modi government had worked to ensure global economic crises did not impact India. He said Mr. Modi had provided support to industries so that the economy remained insulated from external problems. Mr. Nadda said measures such as the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) had helped small traders and consumers. On defence, he said steps taken by the Centre were making the Army world-class, and the country now had the capacity to make fighter jets. He questioned the Opposition’s stand on democracy and reservation, and said the Congress had opposed B.R. Ambedkar, and did not even allow him to state in Parliament the reason for his resignation from the Cabinet of the late Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Mr. Nadda also read out a letter by Nehru to the State Chief Ministers, adding that the Congress had never been committed to reservation. In their speeches, Opposition members took up several issues, including unemployment, paper leaks, and problems in the education sector. Samajwadi Party (SP) leader and senior MP Ram Gopal Yadav said the President’s speech had been silent on rampant corruption. He said the rich had been taking the subsidies meant for the poor. He said even the scheme to provide water taps had not reached villages. He said certain coaching centres scuttled the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) and National Eligibility Test (NET) and the government had remained silent. He said banks were giving “huge haircuts” (write-offs) to big industrial houses. Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) MP A.A. Rahim said there had been no mention of unemployment in the President’s speech. The Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) Raghav Chadha said two IPLs were played in the country — one was the Indian Premier League for cricket, and the second was the “Indian Paper Leak”, and that the National Testing Agency now stood for “No Trust Anymore”. Congress leader Digvijaya Singh, too, demanded strict action against those who are responsible for the widespread irregularities and corruption in the examination process. “I want to ask the Prime Minister just one question regarding NEET. Will you cancel this NEET 2024 exam? Yes or no? Is the government going to sack the NTA head who is involved in the scam?” Mr. Singh asked. The SP’s Ramji Lal Suman said the Union Education Minister had indicated action would be taken after two months following a departmental enquiry. “I am simply asking why he has not been dismissed so far,” Mr. Suman said. Nominated MP Sudha Murty demanded a government-sponsored vaccination programme to fight cervical cancer. “There is a vaccination which is given to girls between the age of nine to 14 known as a cervical vaccination. If the girls take that, it (the cancer) can be avoided... We should promote vaccination for the benefit of our girls because prevention is better than cure,” Ms. Murty said. Trinamool Congress member Sagarika Ghose, in her maiden speech in the Rajya Sabha, mentioned the lynching of three men in Chhattisgarh by a mob a few days ago. Pointing to the delegitimisation of the Opposition, she said there was a “democracy deficit” in the nation, adding that the civil war in Manipur was continuing without redressal. P. Wilson of the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) also raised the NEET paper leak issue. “The Tamil Nadu Assembly has recently moved a resolution seeking exemption for Tamil Nadu from the NEET exam, or to scrap the NEET for admission to medical courses. Therefore, we seek the Prime Minister’s immediate attention, either to approve the Bill passed by the State government, or to bring about amendments to the National Medical Council Act so that the NEET and other exams are given up on the national-level. The NTA is an unaccountable and incompetent authority,” Mr. Wilson said. 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What's app will b off from 1130 pm to 600 am daily declared by central govt
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Life Featured ![\\"\\"](\\" _Featured-Image-351x221.jpg\\") ## Review: Delhi HC Rules That Arbitration Tribunal Cannot Direct for Production of ‘Top Secret’ Documents, Except in Exceptional Circumstances By Suresh DeepalaOctober 2, 2024 __0 Recent ![\\"\\"](\\" _Featured-Image-103x65.jpg\\") Review: Delhi HC Rules That Arbitration Tribunal Cannot Direct for Production of ‘Top Secret’ Documents, Except in Exceptional Circumstances October 2, 2024 __0 ![\\"\\"](\\" Rate_Image-103x65.jpg\\") PLFS Data: Reported Number of Average Working Hours A Week for Men Was Consistently Over 50 Hours September 30, 2024 __0 ![\\"\\"](\\" Modi-featured-image-103x65.jpeg\\") Data: Between 1999 & 2024, Indian Prime Ministers Visited 79 Different Countries September 27, 2024 __0 * Elections * Fact Checks * English * Telugu * Coronavirus * Others * Videos * Data Tools * Data Dashboards * Counting India * About Us * Our Story * Team * Fact Checking * Fact Check Methodology * Fact-Check Team * Non-partisanship Policy * Corrections Policy * FAQ’s * Contact Us * Subscribe * Careers * Compliance of IT Rules 2021 * Privacy Policy * GOVT. DATA ROUNDUP English, Fake News # Modi government is not shutting down WhatsApp from 11:30 pm to 6:00 am daily. It’s an old hoax 0 By Akhil Reddy on July 4, 2019 * A A A Twitter Facebook Reddit A post with a video and a long description is being shared on Facebook with a claim that WhatsApp will be off from 11:30 pm to 6:00 am daily. Let’s try to analyze the claims made in the post. ![\\"\\"](\\" FB-Post.jpg\\")The archived version of the post can be found here. > Claim: Central government (Modi) declared that WhatsApp will be off from > 11:30 pm to 6:00 am daily. If the message is not forwarded, then the account > will get deleted. To reactivate the account, Rs. 499 need to be paid. Also, > WhatsApp is going to charge money for its services. If the message is > forwarded to 10 people, then the message will get blue ticks and the account > will remain free. > > Fact: The message being circulated is an old hoax circulated again as > Facebook and their related apps were down on Wednesday. Hence the claim made > in the post is FALSE. The complete text of the viral message being circulated on social media – “What’s app will b off From 11.30pm to 6:00 am daily. Declared by central govt. Message from narendra modi (PM) we have had an over usage of user names on whatsapp Messenger. We are requesting all users to forward this message to their entire contact list. If you do not forward this message, we will take it as your account is invalid and it will be deleted within the next 48 hours. DO NOT ignore my words or whatsapp will no longer recognise your activation. If you wish to re-activate your account after it has been deleted, a charge of 499.00 will be added to your monthly bill. We are also aware of the issue involving the pictures updates not showing. We are working diligently at fixing this problem and it will be up and running as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation from the modi team. WhatsApp is going to cost you money soon. The only way that it will stay free is if you are a frequent user i.e. you have at least 50 people you are chatting with. To become a frequent user send this message to 10 people who receive it (2 ticks) and your WhatsApp logo will change color. send this to 8 people to activate the new whatsapp.. Saturday morning whatsapp will become chargeable. If you have at least 10 contacts send them this message. In this way we will see that you are an avid user and your logo will become blue (🔵) and will remain free. (As discussed in the paper today. Whatsapp will cost 0.01€ per message. Send this message to 10 people. When you do the light will turn blue otherwise whatsapp will activate billing. ITS TRUE …… U get blue TICKS.” When searched on Google with the keywords ‘WhatsApp will be off from 11:30 pm to 6:00 am daily’, it was found that a similar message went viral in 2013. In the old message, there was a different name and fine amount. ![\\"\\"](\\" Old-Post.jpg\\") In the search results, there were also some news articles published back in 2014 terming the message as a hoax. According to a Times of India article, the blue ticks update which came back then was used in the viral message to make people share the false message. ![\\"\\"](\\" ToI-article.jpg\\") In the post, the video does not talk anything related to the description. In the video, the news was about the outage of Facebook and their related apps on Wednesday. Even Facebook has officially tweeted a couple of times on Wednesday’s outage issue. It first tweeted that it is aware of the issue and later, tweeted that it resolved the issue. > Earlier today, some people and businesses experienced trouble uploading or > sending images, videos and other files on our apps and platforms. The issue > has since been resolved and we should be back at 100% for everyone. We’re > sorry for any inconvenience. > > — Facebook (@facebook) July 4, 2019 To sum it up, in light of the recent outage of Facebook and its related apps, an old hoax has been circulated again. _Did you watch our new Episode of DECODE series on Parliament?_ ![\\"Factly\\"](\\" WhatsApp-channel-minified-scaled.jpeg\\") Share. Twitter Facebook Google+ Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr Email __Previous Article[Video] India’s looming Water Crisis Next Article __The burqa-clad woman in the photo was arrested in Spain for terrorist activities, not in Australia for wearing a burqa ### About Author ![\\"\\"](\\" Akhil Reddy ### Related Posts ‘US Consulate’ అధికారులు చెన్నై మెస్‌లో భోజనం చేస్తున్న వీడియోని విద... వీడియోలో ట్రంప్ ప్రకటించింది కరోనా వైరస్ నిర్దారించే \'టెస్ట్\' గురిం... This video of people hurling flowers and garlands at Akhilesh Yadav ... Comments are closed. * ![](\\" ![](\\" * ### RECENT POSTS * ![\\"\\"](\\" Review: Delhi HC Rules That Arbitration Tribunal Cannot Direct for Production of ‘Top Secret’ Documents, Except in Exceptional Circumstances October 2, 2024 __0 * ![\\"\\"](\\" PLFS Data: Reported Number of Average Working Hours A Week for Men Was Consistently Over 50 Hours September 30, 2024 __0 * ![\\"\\"](\\" Data: Between 1999 & 2024, Indian Prime Ministers Visited 79 Different Countries September 27, 2024 __0 * ![\\"\\"](\\" Review: Allahabad HC Says Desertion Cannot be Established Solely on Grounds That Parties Are Living Apart Due to Their Jobs September 25, 2024 __0 * ![\\"\\"](\\" Review: NITI Aayog’s Expert Group Releases a Report With Action Plan for a 100-Day Response to Any Future Outbreak or Pandemic. 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Each news story on FACTLY is backed by factual evidence/data from official sources that is either available in the public domain or that is collated/gathered/collected using tools such as the Right to Information (RTI). * ### Subscribe to our Newsletter Wisdom is nothing but Data Understood. Get a weekly roundup of stories covered by the Factly Team delivered to your email. We promise to never spam you. Leave this field empty if you\'re human: © 2014-2021 Factly Media & Research | Except for videos, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.![\\"Creative](\\" ![\\"scroll\\"](\\" content/uploads//2018/10/scroll.png\\") ![\\"\\"](\\"
What's app will b off from 1130 pm to 600 am daily declared by central govt
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The message also warns people to become ‘active’ WhatsApp users by forwarding the news to their contacts or else their accounts will be invalid within next 48 hours. In case an account is “deleted”, a user would need to pay a monthly bill of Rs 499 to reuse the services, claims the message. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2019/07/Untitled-1.png\\") Here’s the complete claim; What’s app will b off from 11.30pm to 6:00 am daily. Declared by central govt. Message from narendra modi (PM) we have had an over usage of user names on whatsapp Messenger. We are requesting all users to forward this message to their entire contact list. If you do not forward this message, we will take it as your account is invalid and it will be deleted within the next 48 hours. DO NOT ignore my words or whatsapp will no longer recognise your activation. If you wish to re-activate your account after it has been deleted, a charge of 499.00 will be added to your monthly bill. We are also aware of the issue involving the pictures updates not showing. We are working diligently at fixing this problem and it will be up and running as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation from the modi team. WhatsApp is going to cost you money soon. The only way that it will stay free is if you are a frequent user i.e. you have at least 50 people you are chatting with. To become a frequent user send this message to 10 people who receive it (2 ticks) and your WhatsApp logo will change color. Send this to 8 people to activate the new whatsapp. Saturday morning whatsapp will become chargeable. If you have at least 10 contacts send them this message. In this way we will see that you are an avid user and your logo will become blue (🔵) and will remain free. (As discussed in the paper today. Whatsapp will cost 0.01€ per message. Send this message to 10 people. When you do the light will turn blue otherwise whatsapp will activate billing. ITS TRUE …… U get blue TICKS FACT CHECK When NewsMobile fact-checked the viral picture, we found it to be FAKE. Facebook has officially tweeted a couple of times on Wednesday’s outage issue. It first tweeted that it is aware of the issue and later, tweeted that it resolved the issue. > Earlier today, some people and businesses experienced trouble uploading or > sending images, videos and other files on our apps and platforms. The issue > has since been resolved and we should be back at 100% for everyone. We’re > sorry for any inconvenience. > > — Facebook (@facebook) July 4, 2019 The most popular social media apps in the world, Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp were all crashed on Wednesday evening (July 3). The glitch may have sparked the rumours. Facebook, however, tweeted in the early hours of July 4 that the issue has been resolved. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2018/10/6a5dcaa7-6945-4866-bdac-d329f715e60c.jpeg\\") #### If you want to fact-check any story, WhatsApp it now on +91 88268 00707 ![\\"\\"](\\" Image-2018-07-24-at-10.39.25-AM.jpeg\\") Error: Contact form not found. ### Click here for Latest News updates and viral videos on our AI-powered smart news * Tags * Facebook * Fake * false news * News Mobile * news mobile India * WhatsApp Previous article Pakistan violates ceasefire along LoC in Poonch district Next article ‘Saaho’,’Mission Mangal’ and ‘Batla House’ to hit the theatres on the same day; audience in a fix NewsMobile Desk ### LEAVE A REPLY Cancel reply Comment: Please enter your comment! Name:* Please enter your name here Email:* You have entered an incorrect email address! Please enter your email address here Website: Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 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This story will be updated throughout the week as we learn of events, meetings, and listings, so please check back often. Do you have something to add to this list or an upcoming roundup? Email [email protected]. ### Cruise Ship Schedule Coming up next on the 2024 Cruise Ship Schedule. * Thursday, July 11 | Silver Shadow * Saturday, July 13 | Silver Shadow ### Monday, July 1 ![\\"Shoulder](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' ## Shoulder closures scheduled for Pell Bridge Ramps project July 1 – 5 “Our sitewide weekday operations next week involving shoulder closures, Monday-Wednesday and Friday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.” June 28, 2024June 28, 2024 ![\\"Newport](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' ## Newport to host a unique art exhibition featuring 100 life-sized elephant statues Newport, R.I. to Host Unique Elephant Art Exhibition Promoting Coexistence Between Humans and Wildlife April 17, 2024April 17, 2024 Things To Do * US Senior Open Championship at Newport Country Club * 3 pm to 6:30 pm: Jamestown Farmers Market at Jamestown Recreation Center * 5:30 pm to 7 pm: Adult/Teen Ballet at The Academy at Newport Contemporary Ballet * 6:35 pm: Newport Gulls vs. Upper Valley Nighthawks at Cardines Field * 7 pm to 8 pm: Adult Beginner Ballet at The Academy at Newport Contemporary Ballet Live Music & Entertainment * Firehouse Theater: NEE JAM from 7 pm to 10 pm * Landing: Justin Pomfret from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm, The Naticks from 4 pm to 7 pm, Blistering Ego from 8 pm to 11 pm * One Pelham East: Bruce Jacques from 9:30 pm to 12:30 am * Perro Salado: John Monllos at 5:30 pm * Pour Judgement: Musical Menagerie at 10 pm * The Fastnet Pub: The Ubiquitones at 10 pm * The Fifth Element: The Groove Merchants from 7 pm to 10 pm Newport County Government * Middletown: Middletown Town Council at 5:30 pm * Newport: Newport School Committee – Ad Hoc School Building Committee at 5:30 pm ### Tuesday, July 2 Things To Do * 10 am to 10:45 am: Fiddle N’ Fun at Newport Public Library * 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm: Family Movie: Up at Newport Public Library * 3 pm to 4 pm: Chess Club at Newport Public Library * 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm: 3D Print Your Own: Adventure-Sized Watercolor Kit at Newport Public Library * 4 pm to 5:30 pm: Beginner Contemporary at The Academy at Newport Contemporary Ballet * 5:30 pm to 7 pm: Advanced Contemporary at The Academy at Newport Contemporary Ballet * 7 pm to 8:30 pm: Take It To The Bridge Duo aboard Coastal Queen Cruises Live Music & Entertainment * Fastnet Pub: Disco Tuesday with DJ 4Hundo at 10 pm * Gas Lamp Grille: Karaoke at 10 pm * JPT Film & Event Center: Thelma at 4:30 pm & 7:30 pm * Landing: Jay Parker from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm, Adam Hanna from 4 pm to 7 pm, John Erikson from 8 pm to 11 pm * One Pelham East: Stu Sinclair from 9 pm to 12:30 am * Sunset Cove: Mac McAnally from 5 pm to 7 pm * The Helmway: Open Mic Night from 7 pm to 10 pm Newport County Government * Little Compton: Little Compton Planning Board at 7 pm * Newport: Newport Canvassing Authority at 11:30 am * Tiverton: Tiverton Planning Board at 6:30 pm ### Wednesday, July 3 Things To Do * 10 am: Gentle Community Yoga for All at Norman Bird Sanctuary * 10 am to 11 am: Outdoor Family Storytime at Newport Public Library * 11 am to 6 pm: Wednesday Flight Specials at Newport Vineyards * 1 pm: Birthday Fundraiser Kick Off to Benefit Newport’s Senior Center at Edward King House * 2 pm to 4 pm: Drop-In 4th of July Craft at Newport Public Library * 2 pm to 6 pm: Aquidneck Growers Market – Wednesday on Memorial Boulevard * 3:30 pm to 5 pm: Dungeons and Dragons at Newport Public Library * 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm: Fermentation Class at Forty 1 North Live Music & Entertainment * Buskers: Open Mic with Mike Warner at 9 pm * Fastnet Pub: Trivia at 9 pm * Fifth Element: Ruby Mac from 7 pm to 10 pm * JPT Film & Event Center: Thelma at 4:30 pm & 7:30 pm * Landing: Mark Flynn from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm, Jim Devlin from 4 pm to 7 pm, Straight Outta Rehab from 8 pm to 11 pm * Newport Blues Cafe: Zeneth at 9 pm * Newport Vineyards: The Low Tides Duo from 5 pm to 8 pm * One Pelham East: Adam Go from 9 pm to 12:30 am * Ragged Island Brewing: WOODEN HORSE New Englands Premier C,S,N,Y at 6:30 pm * Sardella’s: Live Jazz Music at 7 pm * The Quencher: Karaoke at 9 pm Newport County Government * Portsmouth: Portsmouth Melville Park Committee at 6 pm ### Thursday, July 4 ![\\"City](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' ## City of Newport’s Fourth of July Fireworks display returns on July 4 In an effort to make this year’s event even bigger and better than ever, the City of Newport is once again asking the community for help to light up Newport Harbor! June 5, 2024June 5, 2024 ![\\"Rhode](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' ## Rhode Island Society of the Sons of the Revolution to host Independence activities in Newport Schedule of events includes the annual reading of the Declaration of Independence from the steps of the Colony House. June 28, 2024July 2, 2024 ![\\"Fort](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' ## Fort Adams Trust’s 4th of July Celebration offers fun for all ages Annual 4th of July event will feature fireworks, BBQ dinner, and more June 28, 2024June 28, 2024 ![\\"The](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' ## The 2024 Newport Classical Music Festival will feature 27 concerts from July 4 – 21 Tickets will go on sale to the general public on April 10. March 26, 2024March 26, 2024 Things To Do * 9 am: Eisenhower House Free Self-Guided Tours * 9 am: Rhode Island Society of the Sons of the Revolution to host Independence activities throughout Newport * 9 am: Community Reading of the Declaration of Independence at Portsmouth Free Public Library * 9 am to 11 am: Independence Day Open House at Colony House * 1 pm to 6 pm: Ca’ del Bosco Wine Garden at The Chanler at Cliff Walk * 1:30 pm: Beavertail Lighthouse Tower Climb at Beavertail State Park * 4 pm: Independence Day Sing-Along & Festivities at Clarke Cooke House * 5 pm: The Midget Wrestling Warriors “This Is War” Tour at Newport Blues Cafe * 6:30 pm to 10 pm: Fourth of July Fireworks at Fort Adams * 6:35 pm: Newport Gulls vs. Keene Swamp Bats at Cardines Field * 7 pm to 10 pm: Celebrate Fourth of July at the Mansion at Vanderbilt * 7:30 pm: Newport Classical Music Festival presents Patriotic Pops at King Park * 9:15 pm: City of Newport’s Fourth of July Fireworks Display Live Music & Entertainment * Greenvale Vineyards: La Méchante et le Connard from 1 pm to 4 pm * JPT Film & Event Center: Thelma at 4:30 pm & 7:30 pm * Landing: Dezi Garcia from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm, Dave Alves Band from 4 pm to 7 pm, Angus Hall from 8 pm to 11 pm * Newport Blues Cafe: Zeneth at 9 pm * Newport Craft: Thursday Trivia at 7 pm * O’Brien’s Pub: Derrick Keane from 5 pm to 8 pm * One Pelham East: Sugarbabies from 8 pm to 10:30 pm, DJ Chad Dubs from 9:30 pm to 1 am * Ragged Island Brewing: Trivia in the Barn from 6 pm to 8 pm * Sunset Cove: DJ Ricky Rod from 6 pm to 9 pm * Tickets Bar & Grille: Ruby Mac from 7 pm to 10 pm * Top of Pelham: Dueling Pianos at 8 pm to 10:30 pm Newport County Government * No local meetings are scheduled. ### Friday, July 5 ![\\"Sundance](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' ## Sundance Film Festival hit, and a ‘Blockbuster Blast’ series headed to The JPT Beginning on Thursday, July 5 The JPT is kicking off its “Blockbuster Blast” series featuring some of the most popular movies from the 1980’s. June 27, 2024June 27, 2024 Things To Do * 9:30 am to 10:30 am: Baby Playtime at Newport Public Library * 1 pm to 6 pm: Ca’ del Bosco Wine Garden at The Chanler at Cliff Walk * 3:30 pm: Fiber Arts Meet Up at Portsmouth Free Public Library * 6:35 pm: Newport Gulls vs. Danbury Westerners at Cardines Field * 7 pm: Irish Team Meet & Greet Reception with Newport Polo at Newport Harbor Island Resort * 8 pm: Improv with the Bit Players at The Firehouse Theater * 8 pm: Newport Classical Music Festival Opening Night with Sphinx Virtuosi at The Breakers * 9:15 pm: Escobar Farm’s Annual Fireworks Display in Portsmouth Live Music & Entertainment * Bally’s Tiverton: Live DJ at Center Bar at 8:30 pm * Blue Anchor Grille: Live music from 6 pm to 9 pm * Busker’s Irish Pub: Mike Warner & Friends at 9 pm * Johnny’s Restaurant at The Atlantic Resort: Eric and Frank from 6 pm to 9 pm * JPT Film & Event Center: Thelma at 4:30 pm, Top Gun at 7:30 pm * La Forge Casino Restaurant: Dave Manuel at 6 pm * Landing: John Erickson from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm, Chelley Knight from 4 pm to 7 pm, Straight Outta Rehab from 8 pm to 12 am * Midtown Oyster Bar: Live music from 9:30 pm to 12 am * Narragansett Cafe: Pete LaGrange & The Ghose Riders from 8 pm to 11:30 pm * Newport Blues Cafe: Angelus Hall at 9 pm * O’Brien’s Pub: John Erikson from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm, DJ Remedy at 9:30 pm * One Pelham East: Jimmy Weinstock from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm, The Complaints from 8 pm to 11:30 pm, DJ from 11:30 pm to 1 am * Portsmouth Publick House: Michele Siegal and Don Farias from 6:30 pm to 10 pm * Ragged Island Brewing Co.: Dave Alves from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm * Speakeasy: Live music at 9 pm * Sunset Cove: Live Music from 6 pm to 9 pm * The Deck: Sean Rivers from 4 pm to 7 pm * The Firehouse Theatre: The Bit Players at 8 pm * The Pineapple Club at Newport Harbor Island Resort: Live music from 6 pm to 9 pm * The Quencher: JUNE COMEDY at 9 pm * Top of Pelham: Dueling Pianos from 7:30 pm to 12:30 am * Vieste’s Vino Wine Bar: Live music at 7 pm Newport County Government * No local meetings are scheduled. ### Saturday, July 6 Things To Do * 9 am: Yoga Saturdays at Hotel Viking * 9 am to 12 pm: Aquidneck Growers Market – Saturday at Embrace Home Loans * 10 am to 11 am: LEGO Club at Newport Public Library * 10:30 am: Yoga + Brew Summer Series at Ragged Island Brewing * 11 am to 12 pm: Family Fun: Sleeping Bag Notebook at Newport Public Library * 12 pm: Family Day at the Little Compton Historical Society * 1 pm to 6 pm: Ca’ del Bosco Wine Garden at The Chanler at Cliff Walk * 5 pm: Newport International Polo Series at Newport International Polo Grounds * 6 pm to 9 pm: Annual Fire Dinner at Newport Vineyards * 8 pm: Live Improv Comedy with the Bit Players at The Firehouse Theater * 8 pm: Newport Classical Music Festival presents Joyce Yang at The Breakers Live Music & Entertainment * Bally’s Tiverton: Marvin Perry Duo at 8:30 pm * Blue Anchor Grill: Live music from 6 pm to 9 pm * Busker’s Irish Pub: Brian Twohey at 9 pm * Clarke Cooke House: James Montgomery from 10 pm to 12 am * Johnny’s Restaurant at the Atlantic Resort: Stu Krous from 6 pm to 9 pm * JPT Film & Event Center: Thelma at 4:30 pm, Back To The Future at 7:30 pm * La Forge Casino Restaurant: Dave Manuel at 6 pm * Landing: Jim Devlin from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm, Dave Alves Band from 4 pm to 7 pm, Blockhead from 8 pm to 12 am * Long Wharf Mall: Live music from 1 pm to 5 pm * Midtown Oyster Bar: The Travelin’ Wanna B’s from 9 pm to 12 am * Narragansett Cafe: Smokin’ Toads from 8 pm to 11:30 pm * Newport Blues Cafe: Never In Vegas at 10 pm * O’Brien’s Pub: C. Gray The DJ at 9:30 pm * One Pelham East: Timmy Smith from 4 pm to 7 pm, Angelus Hall from 8:30 pm to 11:30 pm, DJ from 11:30 pm to close * Schooners Bar & Beer Garden: Keats & Company at 5 pm * Speakeasy: Sean Rivers from 9:30 pm to 12 am * Stoneacre Garden: Los Duderinos from 8:30 pm to 1 am * Sunset Cove: Mark Flynn from 2 pm to 5 pm, Jon River from 6 pm to 9 pm * The Firehouse Theatre: Live Improv Comedy with the Bit Players at 8 pm * The Pineapple Club at Newport Harbor Island Resort: Live music from 6 pm to 9 pm * The Quencher: Karaoke at 10 pm * Top of Pelham: Dueling Pianos from 7:30 pm to 12:30 am * Vieste’s Vino Wine Bar: Live music at 7 pm Newport County Government * No local meetings are scheduled. ### Sunday, July 7 ![\\"Chelley](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' ## Chelley Knight and The Dope Things headline NIMFest at King Park on July 7 The popular free live music concert series runs every Sunday in July and August from 3 pm to 6 pm weather permitting. June 30, 2024June 30, 2024 Things To Do * 8 am to 10 am: Cars and Coffee at Gardner Seveney Sports Complex * 9 am: Newport Classical Music Festival presents Italian Strings in Nature at Norman Bird Sanctuary * 10 am to 1 pm: Cars & Coffee at Longplex Family & Sports Center * 10 am to 1:30 pm: Tiverton Farmers Market – Summer at Tiverton Town Farm Recreation Area * 10 am to 2 pm: Sunday Brunch at Newport Vineyards * 1 pm to 6 pm: Ca’ del Bosco Wine Garden at The Chanler at Cliff Walk * 2 pm: Hops For Hounds at Rejects Beer Co. * 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm: Afternoon Tea Service at One Bellevue Restaurant at Hotel Viking * 7 pm: 2024 Jamestown Independence Day Weekend Celebration and Fireworks at East Ferry Memorial Square * 8 pm: Newport Classical Music Festival presents Chanticleer at The Breakers * 8:30 pm: Cruise to Jamestown’s Independence Day Celebration Fireworks, from Newport Live Music & Entertainment * Clarke Cooke House: Bobby Ferreira at 12:30 pm * Fastnet Irish Pub: Irish Sessions at 6 pm * Greenvale Vineyards: Live Jazz Music at 1 pm * Johnny’s Restaurant: Mac Chrupcala Jazz Series from 3 pm to 7 pm * JPT Film & Event Center: Thelma at 4:30 pm * King Park: Chelley Knight and The Dope Things and Chase Ceglie Jazz Quartet from 3 pm to 6 pm * Landing: Jim Devlin from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm, Timeless from 4 pm to 7 pm, Okie and the Bandits from 8 pm to 12 am * Narragansett Cafe: The Incredible Amplifires from 4 pm to 7 pm * Newport Blues Cafe: Never In Vegas at 10 pm * Newport Vineyards: Margeaux Lynn from 1 pm to 4 pm * O’Brien’s Pub: Steel Drums with George Zecher from 3 pm to 6 pm * One Pelham East: Chopville from 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm, Stu Sinclair from 8 pm to 11:30 pm * Pour Judgement: Los Duderinos at 10 pm * Speakeasy Bar & Grill: Live music from 9:30 pm to 12:30 am * Sunset Cove: Andre Arsenault from 11 am to 2 pm, Steve Demers from 3 pm to 6 pm * The Pineapple Club at Newport Harbor Island Resort: Live music from 6 pm to 9 pm * The Quencher: Ride The Vibe Acoustic Duo at 2 pm Newport County Government * No local meetings are scheduled. ## More from what\'supnewp ![\\"Patriots](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' ### Patriots have late TD reversed on replay and fall to Dolphins for fourth straight loss The New England Patriots were perhaps a toe tap away from beating the Miami Dolphins. 8 hours agoOctober 6, 2024 ![\\"The](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' ### The Dolphins made so many mistakes against New England. The Patriots made more in Miami’s 15-10 win The Miami Dolphins made just enough plays to beat the New England Patriots and enough mistakes to lose to just about anyone else. 9 hours agoOctober 6, 2024 ![\\"Ask](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' ### Ask The Candidate: A conversation with Stephanie Winslow, candidate for Newport School Committee Stephanie Winslow, a Newport School Committee candidate, will join What’sUpNewp at 5:30 pm on Monday, October 7, as part of our “Ask The Candidate” series. 14 hours agoOctober 6, 2024 ![\\"Ask](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' ### Ask The Candidate: A conversation with Sandra J. Flowers, candidate for Newport School Committee Sandra J. Flowers, a Newport School Committee candidate, will join What’sUpNewp at 4 pm on Monday, October 7, as part of our “Ask The Candidate” series. 14 hours agoOctober 6, 2024 ![\\"Ask](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' ### Ask The Candidate: A conversation with Becky Bolan, candidate for Newport School Committee Becky Bolan, a Newport School Committee candidate, will join What’sUpNewp at 2 pm on Monday, October 7, as part of our “Ask The Candidate” series. 14 hours agoOctober 6, 2024 ![\\"Obituary:](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' ### Obituary: Irene Richardson September 28, 1931 — September 27, 2024 14 hours agoOctober 6, 2024 #### What\'sUpNewp is an independent online news publication supported by readers like you. Please support our work by becoming a What\'sUpNewp Supporter today! Support What\'sUpNewp Tagged: Newport County, Rhode Island ## Leave a comment We welcome relevant and respectful comments. Off-topic comments may be removed. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Comment * Name * Email * Website Δ ![\\"What\\'s](\\" content/uploads/2022/01/mar21-whats-up-newp- logo.png?fit=2000%2C767&quality=80&ssl=1\\") * Facebook * Instagram * Threads * X * YouTube * Spotify What\'sUpNewp, LLC is a local independent online news publisher providing Newport, Rhode Island, with timely news, local stories, and award-winning journalism since 2012. * What\'sUpNewp, LLC * Owner & Publisher: Ryan Belmore * Email: * Phone: 401-662-1653 * Address: 270 Bellevue Avenue #184 Newport, Rhode Island 02840 © 2024 What\'s Up Newp, LLC Powered by Newspack
As the world rallies around Ukraine Mike Lee was one of only two senators to oppose sanctions on Putin Then he flew to the Kremlin and discussed dropping sanctions Lee even opposed arming Ukrainians fighting for their lives
The Poynter Institute Menu Donate State Editions * California * Florida * Iowa * Michigan * New Hampshire * New York * North Carolina * Pennsylvania * Texas * West Virginia * Wisconsin Issues * All Issues * Online hoaxes * Coronavirus * Health Care * Immigration * Extremism * Taxes * Marijuana * Environment * Crime * Guns * Foreign Policy * LGBTQ+ People * Joe Biden * Kamala Harris * Donald Trump * Mitch McConnell * Hakeem Jeffries * Ron DeSantis Media * PunditFact * Tucker Carlson * Sean Hannity * Rachel Maddow * Bloggers * PolitiFact Videos Campaigns * 2024 Elections Truth-o-Meter * True * Mostly True * Half True * Mostly False * False * Pants on Fire Promises * Biden Promise Tracker * Trump-O-Meter * Obameter * Latest Promises About Us * Our Process * Our Staff * En Español * Who pays for PolitiFact? * Advertise with Us * Suggest a Fact-check * Corrections and Updates * Newsletters Donate #### Follow us The Facts Newsletter Sign up English Español ### Stand up for the facts! Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy. We need your help. More Info ### I would like to contribute One Time Monthly Yearly Join Now ![](\\" ![](\\" Evan McMullin stated on March 6, 2022 in an ad: “As the world rallies around Ukraine, Mike Lee was one of only two senators to oppose sanctions on Putin. Then he flew to the Kremlin and discussed dropping sanctions. Lee even opposed arming Ukrainians fighting for their lives.” ![\\"true\\"](\\" mostly-false/6a6ef6075c162fdccf5eb960e683dcd1.jpg.\\") ![\\"barely- true\\"](\\" false.jpg\\") * Foreign Policy * Ad Watch * Ukraine * Russia * Evan McMullin ![\\"Russian](\\" Russian President Vladimir Putin during a joint press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron on Feb. 7, 2022 in Moscow. (AP) ![\\"Tom](\\" By Tom Kertscher March 7, 2022 # Evan McMullin ad portraying GOP Utah Sen. Mike Lee as pro-Russia, anti- Ukraine is Mostly False #### If Your Time is short * The ad mixes present events, referring to the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine, with actions Lee took years ago. * Lee voted in 2017 against sanctions against Russia. * The ad is misleading in saying Lee’s votes over several years against large spending bills were evidence that he specifically opposed spending provisions in them to aid Ukraine. See the sources for this fact-check Utah\'s U.S. Senate race is so unusual that some leading Democrats, believing no Democrat can defeat two-term Republican Sen. Mike Lee, are urging support for independent candidate Evan McMullin. McMullin, a former Republican who made news by raising more campaign money than Lee in the latest reporting period, attacked Lee with a TV ad over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The McMullin-narrated ad, which also ran on Facebook, opens by showing an undated NBC News headline that says: \"Russia launches invasion of Ukraine.\" Mixing the present tense and the past tense, McMullin said: \"As the world rallies around Ukraine, Mike Lee was one of only two senators to oppose sanctions on Putin. Then he flew to the Kremlin and discussed dropping sanctions. Lee even opposed arming Ukrainians fighting for their lives.\" Russia’s invasion is less than two weeks old, while Lee’s actions cited in the ad occurred years ago. Moreover, the ad mischaracterizes some of Lee’s actions. After participating in a March 5 video call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Lee said Zelensky is \"concerned not only about his own people, but he’s concerned about his neighbors, he’s concerned even about the Russians. Now, this is something that really differentiates him from Vladimir Putin. Vladimir Putin has never once indicated any degree of sympathy for the people of Ukraine or for perhaps anyone other than himself.\" In a statement to PolitiFact, Lee’s campaign said Lee \"stands with the people suffering from Putin’s aggression in Ukraine. He condemns this senseless, unprovoked violence and he is committed to keeping Americans safe.\" ‘As the world rallies around Ukraine, Mike Lee was one of only two senators to oppose sanctions on Putin’ The context is the February 2022 invasion, but the ad alludes to a vote Lee took five years ago. To back up the ad, McMullin’s campaign cited a 2017 vote by Lee and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., against imposing financial sanctions on Russia for meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The measure also condemned Russia\'s interventions in Ukraine and Syria, and allowed Congress to block the president from unilaterally lifting existing sanctions against Russia. The amendment became law. Lee said at the time: \"The Russian sanctions amendment included funding for programs and support of policies that I believe are not effective at addressing problems in the U.S.-Russia relationship and have promoted progressive policies unrelated to countering Russia at the expense of American taxpayers.\" ‘Then he flew to the Kremlin and discussed dropping sanctions’ This refers to a trip Lee made more than three years before the invasion. The ad cites news reports about Lee’s September 2019 trip to Moscow to meet with Konstantin Kosachev, head of the Russian Federation Council’s Foreign Affairs Committee. Lee told an NPR reporter in Moscow during the visit that he wanted to maintain an open dialogue with Russia and said about U.S. sanctions against Russia: \"We need to assess from time to time how they\'re doing, what impact they\'re having.\" The Russian state-affiliated news agency Tass reported at the time that Lee discussed removing sanctions, leading the Salt Lake Tribune to run this headline: \"Report: Sen. Mike Lee discussed loosening sanctions against Russia during Moscow visit.\" Lee’s office said at the time that he and the Russian official discussed \"trade, security and religious liberty issues.\" After returning from Moscow, Lee told the Deseret News that the official \"didn’t waste much (time) in getting to some of the grievances that he’s got. He complained almost right off the bat about Russian sanctions.\" #### Featured Fact-check ![](\\" black/4590875651af69b2c789ceab409664dd.jpg\\") ![](\\" black/72988380e8c8bd188dc360d11552e4a0.jpg\\") X posts stated on September 16, 2024 in X posts Ryan Routh appeared in a Blackrock commercial. ![\\"true\\"](\\" false/33efdb6633e5e2fdc2d4e2f63383a1e0.jpg.\\") ![\\"false\\"](\\" false.jpg\\") By Sofia Ahmed • September 16, 2024 In a statement to PolitiFact in response to McMullin’s ad, Lee’s campaign said the Russian official advocated for a reduction in sanctions, and that Lee \"summarily dismissed this request and stated significant improvements in Russian policy, diplomacy and behavior would be required before a reduction in sanctions would be considered.\" Lee’s campaign also pointed out that in January 2022, Lee voted for a Russia sanctions bill in connection with Russia\'s Nord Stream 2 pipeline that failed in the Senate. ‘Opposed arming Ukrainians’ McMullin’s campaign cited seven no votes Lee cast — in 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019 (two votes) and 2020 to back this part of the claim. The campaign said that each measure contained financial aid for Ukraine. But none of the votes was a specific vote for or against aid to Ukraine. Rather, each measure contained numerous expenditures for a variety of purposes. For example, Lee’s 2020 vote was on a consolidated appropriations act that appropriated much more than foreign assistance; it included money for the U.S. departments of agriculture, commerce, justice, defense, energy and more. Voting no on an omnibus bill does not indicate opposition to each expenditure in the bill. Over the years, Lee has struck different tones on Ukraine. In August 2014, six months after Russian troops took control of Ukraine’s Crimea region, Lee advocated for increased production of U.S. oil and natural gas, paired with sanctions. Putin \"would never have dared do what he did if we were aggressively producing and exporting oil and natural gas. He would never have gotten away with it,\" Lee said. \"So, yeah, economic sanctions, we have to go there,\" but paired with the increased energy production. In September 2019, after it was revealed that then-President Donald Trump, while withholding millions in aid to Ukraine, urged Zelensky on a call to investigate political rival Joe Biden, Lee downplayed the call. Lee said he didn’t think the call was \"a problem\" and argued it \"certainly doesn’t serve as the basis for impeaching and removing\" Trump. The Utah race McMullin, a former CIA operative, was a Republican before running as an independent for president in 2016. He made news in February with reports showing he raised more campaign money than Lee in the final quarter of 2021. Some leading Utah Democrats are urging Democrats to support McMullin, believing a Democrat can’t win statewide in the heavily Republican state. The Utah race could play a role in determining which party controls the Senate, which is now split 50-50. Campaign watchers rate the race as solid or safe Republican. Lee is also being challenged in Utah’s June 28 primary. The leading Republican challengers are former Utah state lawaker Becky Edwards and communications strategist Ally Isom. Our ruling McMullin said: \"As the world rallies around Ukraine, Mike Lee was one of only two senators to oppose sanctions on Putin. Then he flew to the Kremlin and discussed dropping sanctions. Lee even opposed arming Ukrainians fighting for their lives.\" The context is Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, but Lee’s actions cited in the ad occurred years earlier, and the ad mischaracterizes some of those actions. Lee did vote in 2017 against sanctioning Russia. In 2019, he had talks with a Russian official in Moscow, but Lee suggested the discussion of dropping sanctions was fairly minimal. Seven votes cast by Lee dating back to 2014 were on spending bills with numerous provisions and are not evidence that Lee opposed specific provisions in the bills to provide aid to Ukraine. McMullin’s statement contains only an element of truth. We rate it Mostly False. _RELATED:_Fact-checking whether Biden’s Russia sanctions over Ukraine didn’t start for 30 days, had loopholes #### Read About Our Process The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter ### Our Sources, Evan McMullin \"Opposition\" ad, accessed March 3, 2022 Facebook, Evan McMullin \"Opposition\" ad, ran March 4, 2022, to March 6, 2022 Interview, Evan McMullin campaign spokesperson Joshua Karp, March 4, 2022 Email, Ben Burr, Mike Lee campaign consultant, March 4, 2022 Twitter, Mike Lee tweet, March 5, 2022 C-SPAN, Mike Lee remarks, Aug. 17, 2014 NPR, \"U.S. Sen. Lee\'s Visit To Russia Stirs Controversy,\" Sept. 9, 2019 U.S. Senate, \"Question: On the Amendment (Crapo Amdt. No. 232 As Modified),\" June 14, 2017 Deseret News, \"How did Utah Sen. Mike Lee’s talks with government leaders in Russia go?\", Sept. 13, 2019 Salt Lake Tribune, \"Sen. Mike Lee doesn’t see Trump phone call ‘as a problem,’\" Sept. 26, 2019 Salt Lake Tribune, \"Utah\'s Sen. Mike Lee votes against Russia sanctions, says they\'re costly, ineffective and push progressive policies,\" June 16, 2017 Salt Lake Tribune, \"Sen. Mike Lee heads to Russia as the Kremlin denies visas for two Senate colleagues who backed sanctions,\" Sept. 4, 2019 Salt Lake Tribune, \"Report: Sen. Mike Lee discussed loosening sanctions against Russia during Moscow visit,\" Sept. 6, 2019; updated Sept. 7, 2019, New York Times, \"Senate Backs Measure Limiting President’s Power to Lift Sanctions,\" June 14, 2017 CNN, \"Senate approves new Russia sanctions,\" June 15, 2017 U.S. Senate, \"On the Motion (Motion to Concur in the House Amendment to the Senate Amendment to H.R. 133 ),\" Dec. 21, 2020 U.S. Senate, \"On the Motion (Motion to Concur in the House Amendment to the Senate Amendment to H.R. 1865 ),\" Dec. 19, 2019 U.S. Senate, \"Question: On the Conference Report (Conference Report to Accompany H.J. Res. 31 ),\" Feb. 14, 2019 U.S. Senate, \"Question: On the Motion (Motion to Concur in the House Amendment to the Senate Amendment to H.R. 1625 ),\" March 23, 2018 U.S. Senate, \"Question: On the Motion (Motion to Concur in the House Amendment to the Senate Amendment to H.R. 244 ),\" May 4, 2017 U.S. Senate, \"Question: On the Motion (Motion to Concur in the House Amendments to the Senate Amendment to H.R. 2029 ),\" Dec. 18, 2015 U.S. Senate, \"Question: On the Motion (Motion to Concur in the House Amendment to the Senate Amendment to H.R. 83 ),\" Dec. 13, 2014 ## Browse the Truth-O-Meter ### More by Tom Kertscher slide 4 to 6 of 15 ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/322c808c00e73c217d17772ddd5a0eb5.jpg\\") ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/8b142c91ebe468a84a192e6df2b7b994.jpg\\") Instagram posts stated on July 19, 2023 in an Instagram post: A wind turbine must “spin continually for over four years just to replace the energy it took to manufacture it.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Tom Kertscher • July 28, 2023 ![](\\" ![](\\" TikTok posts stated on July 15, 2023 in un video en TikTok: \"Biden elimina ‘tráfico sexual de menores’ como una de las prioridades del Departamento de Justicia de su gobierno”. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Maria Briceño • July 25, 2023 ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/322c808c00e73c217d17772ddd5a0eb5.jpg\\") ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/8b142c91ebe468a84a192e6df2b7b994.jpg\\") Instagram posts stated on July 17, 2023 in an Instagram post: \"Florida to ban mRNA vaccines as credible evidence of biological weapons.\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Tom Kertscher • July 18, 2023 ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on August 26, 2023 in a Facebook post: Video suggests Canada wildfires were deliberately set to advance “smart cities” push. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Tom Kertscher • August 30, 2023 ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/322c808c00e73c217d17772ddd5a0eb5.jpg\\") ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/8b142c91ebe468a84a192e6df2b7b994.jpg\\") Instagram posts stated on August 26, 2023 in a video: Women vaccinated against COVID-19 face \"unknown side effects that could perpetually go down through the lineage\" to their children. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Tom Kertscher • August 29, 2023 ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on August 25, 2023 in a Facebook post: As of Aug. 25, \"Luis Rubiales has resigned as the president of the Spanish Football Federation.\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Tom Kertscher • August 29, 2023 ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/322c808c00e73c217d17772ddd5a0eb5.jpg\\") ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/8b142c91ebe468a84a192e6df2b7b994.jpg\\") Instagram posts stated on August 24, 2023 in an Instagram post: The World Health Organization said there is \"a possible causal relationship\" between COVID-19 vaccines and multiple sclerosis. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Tom Kertscher • August 28, 2023 ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on August 9, 2023 in a Facebook post: Video shows military planes over Nashville \"dispersing materials into the atmosphere\" for geoengineering. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Tom Kertscher • August 23, 2023 ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on August 20, 2023 in a Facebook post: “Official statement — Putin assassinated in the Kremlin!” ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Tom Kertscher • August 22, 2023 ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on August 8, 2023 in a Facebook post: \"The federal government has just declared a major food shortage emergency\" in six states. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Tom Kertscher • August 16, 2023 ![](\\" ![](\\" Steve Kirsch stated on August 8, 2023 in a blog post: COVID-19 vaccines have killed 676,000 Americans. ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Tom Kertscher • August 14, 2023 ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/322c808c00e73c217d17772ddd5a0eb5.jpg\\") ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/8b142c91ebe468a84a192e6df2b7b994.jpg\\") Instagram posts stated on August 6, 2023 in a viral image: California passed a law “reducing penalties for oral, anal sex with willing children.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Tom Kertscher • August 9, 2023 ![](\\" ![](\\" TikTok posts stated on June 22, 2023 in a post: A new law allows people to permanently erase unpaid debt older than two years from their credit records. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Tom Kertscher • August 1, 2023 ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/322c808c00e73c217d17772ddd5a0eb5.jpg\\") ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/8b142c91ebe468a84a192e6df2b7b994.jpg\\") Instagram posts stated on July 28, 2023 in a video: “Skin cancer is a relatively new phenomenon in the last 60 years or so.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Tom Kertscher • August 1, 2023 ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on July 26, 2023 in a Facebook post: Says Bill Gates said, “We’re taking things that are genetically modified organisms, and we’re injecting them into little kids’ arms” in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Tom Kertscher • July 31, 2023 ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/322c808c00e73c217d17772ddd5a0eb5.jpg\\") ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/8b142c91ebe468a84a192e6df2b7b994.jpg\\") Instagram posts stated on July 19, 2023 in an Instagram post: A wind turbine must “spin continually for over four years just to replace the energy it took to manufacture it.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Tom Kertscher • July 28, 2023 ![](\\" ![](\\" TikTok posts stated on July 15, 2023 in un video en TikTok: \"Biden elimina ‘tráfico sexual de menores’ como una de las prioridades del Departamento de Justicia de su gobierno”. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Maria Briceño • July 25, 2023 ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/322c808c00e73c217d17772ddd5a0eb5.jpg\\") ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/8b142c91ebe468a84a192e6df2b7b994.jpg\\") Instagram posts stated on July 17, 2023 in an Instagram post: \"Florida to ban mRNA vaccines as credible evidence of biological weapons.\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Tom Kertscher • July 18, 2023 ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on August 26, 2023 in a Facebook post: Video suggests Canada wildfires were deliberately set to advance “smart cities” push. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Tom Kertscher • August 30, 2023 ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/322c808c00e73c217d17772ddd5a0eb5.jpg\\") ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/8b142c91ebe468a84a192e6df2b7b994.jpg\\") Instagram posts stated on August 26, 2023 in a video: Women vaccinated against COVID-19 face \"unknown side effects that could perpetually go down through the lineage\" to their children. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Tom Kertscher • August 29, 2023 ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on August 25, 2023 in a Facebook post: As of Aug. 25, \"Luis Rubiales has resigned as the president of the Spanish Football Federation.\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Tom Kertscher • August 29, 2023 ### Evan McMullin ad portraying GOP Utah Sen. Mike Lee as pro-Russia, anti- Ukraine is Mostly False * ![](\\" ![](\\" X posts stated on October 1, 2024 in X posts: Video shows an Iranian missile attack. ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Sofia Ahmed • October 3, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Viral image stated on September 30, 2024 in a Facebook post: Photo shows Gatlinburg, Tennessee, flooded on Sept. 30, 2024. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • October 3, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Instagram posts stated on September 25, 2024 in an Instagram post: Sean “Diddy” Combs wrote the book “The Adrenochrome Witch.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • October 3, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Eric Hovde stated on September 16, 2024 in Radio interview: Says opponent Sen. Tammy Baldwin “gave our taxpayer money to a transgender- affirming clinic … that does it without even telling parents.\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Madeline Heim • October 3, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Instagram posts stated on September 29, 2024 in Instagram posts: Video shows “FBI finds human remains at a McDonald’s meat supplier.” ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Sofia Ahmed • October 2, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Viral image stated on September 26, 2024 in an Instagram post: Video shows Sean “Diddy” Combs speaking “from prison.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • October 2, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Threads posts stated on September 27, 2024 in a Threads post: “Weatherman loses it live on air” during broadcast about Hurricane Helene. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • October 2, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Viral image stated on September 30, 2024 in a Threads post: Image shows a photo of former President Donald Trump wading through floodwater after Hurricane Helene. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • October 2, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Donald Trump stated on September 29, 2024 in a rally in Erie, PA: Kamala Harris \"let in the 13,099 convicted murderers and opposes all efforts to find them and to remove them.\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Marta Campabadal Graus • October 2, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 25, 2024 in a Facebook post: “Georgia coach Kirby Smart\'s family ends relationship with Taylor Swift: ‘We do not support her endorsement.’” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • October 1, 2024 Load more ### Support independent fact-checking. 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As the world rallies around Ukraine Mike Lee was one of only two senators to oppose sanctions on Putin Then he flew to the Kremlin and discussed dropping sanctions Lee even opposed arming Ukrainians fighting for their lives
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Wade argues that while nothing can excuse Russia’s invasion, the Kremlin has effectively fallen into a trap laid by the US and Nato that is intended to bring down Putin’s regime. On 26 March, President Biden, speaking in Warsaw, said, unscripted: “For God’s sake, this man [Putin] cannot remain in power.” Such an overt statement of intention for regime change in Russia has not gone down well in most of Europe. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken later clarified Biden’s Warsaw remark: “As you know, and as you have heard us say repeatedly, we do not have a strategy of regime change in Russia, or anywhere else, for that matter”. Blinken has apparently forgotten Vietnam, Chile, Iraq, Afghanistan, and quite a few more. Consider the following quotes. On 24 February, during a White House press conference on the first day of Russia’s invasion, Biden said sanctions are designed not to prevent invasion but to punish Russia after invading “…so the people of Russia know what he has brought on them. That is what this is all about.” On 27 February, James Heappey, UK Minister for the Armed Forces, wrote in the Daily Telegraph: “His failure must be complete; Ukrainian sovereignty must be restored, and the Russian people empowered to see how little he cares for them. In showing them that, Putin’s days as President will surely be numbered… He’ll lose power and he won’t get to choose his successor.” Finally, on 1 March, Boris Johnson’s spokesperson said the sanctions on Russia “we are introducing, that large parts of the world are introducing, are to bring down the Putin regime.” These statements reflect long-standing US strategy for regime change in Moscow, with Ukraine as the pivot. On one hand, send sufficient military and other equipment to Ukraine to sink the Russian military in a quagmire. On the other hand, impose severe, far-reaching sanctions on Russia so as to cause major disruption to the Russian elite and a major contraction of living conditions for the Russian middle-class. The combination should last long enough for Russians to rise up to overthrow Putin and install a Yeltsin-like President more sympathetic to the West. But this weapons-plus-sanctions strategy needed a cause. Putin’s invasion was the required casus belli. It in no way excuses Russia’s invasion and its despicable tactics to say that the Kremlin fell into a US and Nato trap. Two clashing mega forces Our “free” mainstream media has tended to stick to the narrative of a “wicked, revanchist Putin” attacking “innocent and unified Ukraine, as a first step to conquest of other parts of eastern and central Europe and restoration of the erstwhile Soviet Union”. The Ukraine crisis expresses the clash of two mega forces shaping the world order. One is the US’s long-standing assertion of “primacy” or “hegemony” vis- à-vis all other states. Presidents Putin and Xi (as well as many in the West) talk often and pleasurably of the decline of the US and the fracturing of the West, especially since the 2008 North Atlantic financial crisis. Yet what is striking about the US and the West’s response to Russia’s invasion is how forcefully the US has rallied other western states – and very importantly, western multinational corporations – to isolate a prominent G20 state and former G8 member. The other clashing mega force is the Russian state’s ambition to constitute itself as the centre of the Eurasian polity, culture and economy. This long- term drive is missed by the focus on Putin – his ambition and his state of mind. Jane Burbank, emeritus Professor of History and Russian and Slavic studies at New York University, reminds us, “Since the 1990s, plans to reunite Ukraine and other post-Soviet states into a trans-continental superpower have been brewing in Russia. A revitalized theory of Eurasian empire informs Mr Putin’s every move”. Indeed, ever since the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1917 a line of Russian thinkers has developed an ideology of Eurasianism. It was suppressed during the Soviet period but burst forth during perestroika in the late 1980s. The ideology posits not just America but the whole Atlantic world as Russia’s “clash of civilizations” opponent, with Russian Orthodoxy harnessed as the glue in the geopolitical war to come. Under Putin, the themes of imperial glory and western victimisation have been elevated to centre stage across the country. As Burbank explains, Ukraine figured in this Eurasian ideology as an obstacle from the start. Eurasian ideologists in the 1920s were already talking of “the Ukraine problem”, presenting Ukraine as excessively “individualistic” and insufficiently Orthodox. Prominent ideologists of the 1990s identified Ukrainian sovereignty as, in the words of one, a “huge danger to all of Eurasia”. Russia’s Eurasia project, he said, required, as an “absolute imperative”, total control of the whole north coast of the Black Sea. Ukraine had to become “a purely administrative sector of the Russian centralized state”. This is the ideology which motives Putin, which led him to declare Ukraine as “a colony with a puppet regime” on the eve of the invasion. This is the ideology which inspires and justifies his brutal war in his eyes. The US and Nato strategy Having summarised the ambition of Putin and the Russian state, we return to the US and Nato strategy for Ukraine and Russia. I draw on an eye-opening essay by Joe Lauria, which fleshes out the US and Nato’s ulterior motives in the Ukraine crisis: to end the Putin regime and replace it with one friendly to and subordinate to the US. The US strategy for regime change in Moscow has been long in preparation. In 2013 (before Ukraine’s President Yanukovych was overthrown in 2014) , Carl Gershman, Director of National Endowment for Democracy (NED), wrote: “Ukraine is the biggest prize.” He explained that if it could be pulled away from Russia and into the West, “Putin may find himself on the losing end not just in the near abroad but within Russia itself.” This larger strategy for containing Russia is the context to understand the expansion of Nato members all along Russia’s borders, from the Baltics to Bulgaria, and the presence of 30,000 Nato-designated troops. It also helps understand the US and some other western states’ military intervention to overthrow Syria’s ruler, Bashar al-Assad, Russia’s ally, as well as the policy of encouraging US NGOs to foment unrest in Russia. Since 2015 the CIA has been overseeing a secret intensive training programme in the US for elite Ukrainian special operations forces and other intelligence personnel. On 13 January, it was reported that the CIA-trained forces “could soon play a critical role on Ukraine’s eastern border, where Russian troops have massed in what many fear is preparation for an invasion.” A former CIA official explained, “The United States is training an insurgency.” It is no surprise that Moscow has long read US and Nato actions as being deeply hostile and intended to produce “regime change” in the Kremlin. The countdown to Russia’s invasion In 2014 the democratically elected president Yanukovych – explicitly friendly to both the EU and to Moscow – was overthrown in a coup (with substantial US backing). On 23 February, the day after Yanukovych fled, the first act of the Ukrainian parliament was to revoke the legal status of Russian as a national language; and more broadly, to prevent regions from allowing the use of any other language than Ukrainian. The government set about blocking access to Russian news, TV channels and radio. All through the next months, the government, the broadcast media and large sections of the population chanted the motto “One Nation, One Language, One People”. These were blatantly belligerent acts towards a large minority. It is easy to understand why the many millions of Russian speakers felt under envenomed siege; and why they felt emboldened by support from the powerful state on their doorstep. The fact that language legislation was then not put into law did not suddenly “make everything right again”. The efforts to marginalise Russian speakers continued. The largely Russian speaking and Russian Orthodox believing populations of the eastern provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk voted in favour of independence from Ukraine. The government in Kyiv (mostly Ukrainian speaking and Catholic) launched a war against these provinces to crush their resistance. Scroll forward to December 2021. The Kremlin presented treaty proposals, which included implementation of the eight-year old Minsk peace accords (which include a commitment that Ukraine not join Nato); dissolving extreme right Ukrainian militias; and engaging in serious negotiations about a new security architecture in Europe. The US and Nato consistently refused to negotiate. As they refused, they also warned the world, from December 2021 onwards, that Russia would invade. And they transferred huge quantities of weapons and trained the Ukrainian military. On 19 February, Ukrainian President Zelensky gave an impassioned speech at the Munich Security Conference insisting that Ukraine must have a clear path to join Nato, and expressing regret that Ukraine had given up its nuclear arsenal at the end of the Soviet Union, then the world’s third biggest. In the third week of February, the Ukrainian military dramatically increased its shelling of the Donetsk and Luhansk provinces, as reported by observers from the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe). It is likely that this step-up in the Ukrainian attack had the blessing of the US and Nato. Until this point, the Kremlin had not recognised the two Donbas republics; it had held off for eight years. Now, as the Ukrainian military stepped up its attack, the Kremlin had to decide. It entered the on-going civil war in order to protect the Donbas republics from the stepped up Ukrainian military attacks, and on a scale big enough for it to replace the national government. The US-laid trap It now appears the Kremlin has fallen into a trap (and to say this is not – to repeat – an attempt to excuse Russia’s actions). The trap has similarities to the trap the US set for Saddam Hussein in 1990 when it said it would not interfere in his government’s dispute with Kuwait. Saddam invaded Kuwait, which gave the US the casus belli to destroy Iraq’s military. The trap also has similarities to one the CIA laid for Moscow four decades ago, by arming the mujahideen to fight the Soviet-backed government in Afghanistan. The US intended for Moscow to send in its military to defend the government, which it did in 1979. President Carter’s national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, in an interview in 1998 with Le Nouvel Observateur, happily admitted the US had set a trap: > Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive > for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that > very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that > in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention… > That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing > the Russians into the Afghan trap [note his phrase] and you want me to > regret it? The day the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to > President Carter, essentially: ‘We now have the opportunity of giving the > USSR its Vietnam war.’ Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to carry on a > war that was unsustainable for the regime, a conflict that bought about the > demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire. Brzezinski presumed, as the US does today, that control of Eurasia is vital for US “primacy” or “hegemony” in the world system (directly countering Russia’s Eurasian ideology). In his 1997 book The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geopolitical Imperatives he wrote: “Ukraine, a new and important space on the Eurasian chessboard, is a geopolitical pivot because its very existence as an independent country helps to transform Russia.” He explained that without Ukraine being integrated into or closely allied to Russia, Russia was a “predominantly Asian imperial state”. Whereas Ukraine integrated into Russia gave Russia the opening to be (or resume being) “a Eurasian empire”. So the long-held US aim has been to push Ukraine away from Russia, as a major step towards constraining Russian strategy, and more distantly Chinese strategy too, thereby sustaining US primacy. It seems likely that US and Nato strategists have a second Ukraine trap in mind. The first one was the invasion; the second one is Russia bogged down in another long insurgency, the second after Afghanistan, the second Russian “Vietnam”. As the Afghanistan insurgency against the Soviet military helped bring down the Soviet Union, the western strategists hope that the Ukrainian insurgency against the bogged-down Russian military will help end the Putin regime. From the US standpoint, the longer the Ukrainians can sustain the insurgency and keep the Russian military bogged down the more likely is the end of the Putin regime. This is called “realist politics”! In this context we can understand why a senior retired Russian general (Leonid Ivashov) warned in an open letter shortly before the invasion that an attack would be “pointless and extremely dangerous” and threaten Russia’s existence. The Financial Times quotes a Moscow-based military analyst, Pavel Luzin, as saying that the Kremlin “didn’t listen to the military – they listened to [secret service officers] who said we can do this special operation quickly.” The sanctions strategy The quagmire or Vietnam strategy is complemented by the sanctions strategy – the harshest sanctions the US and Europe have ever imposed on any nation. As noted, even to those sceptical of claims of “the end of the American empire”, it is astonishing how effectively the US has mobilised western nations around a project of isolating one of the world’s biggest economies, one of the top two nuclear powers, and the biggest energy supplier to Europe, as though it was North Korea. The list is impressive. The most damaging sanctions are those on Russia’s central bank, which are succeeding in hammering the value of the ruble (from 85 rubles to the US dollar on 24 February, the day of the invasion, to 154 to the dollar on 7 March, back up to 101 on 25 March). Most Russian transactions are no longer allowed to be settled through the SWIFT international payment system, which means most Russian international transactions are no longer allowed. Russia’s largest banks are sanctioned. The already physically completed German-Russian Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline was closed down and its company bankrupt. The US has prohibited imports of Russian oil. BP and Shell have pulled out of Russian partnerships. Russian exports of wheat and fertiliser have been banned, driving up the price of food in the West. European and US airspace is closed to Russian planes. Putin and many Russian leaders have been personally sanctioned. PayPal, Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, McDonalds, and Coca-Cola have been shut down in Russia. And US cable providers have succeeded in getting RT (Russia Today) America shut down. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian explained that the aim is “asphyxiating Russia’s economy”, even if the West is damaged in the process. Damage to the West is a price worth paying for regime change in Moscow with new leaders respectful of US primacy. But after only a month of the invasion, the heavy costs of the US and Nato strategy to themselves are becoming only too clear. As the quagmire drags on, the effects of the economic rupture with Russia are beginning to be felt acutely in Europe in the form of rising prices, energy shortages, lost jobs, the absorption of many millions of Ukrainian refugees, and soon approaching the absorption of still more refugees from food-starved countries that previously relied on Ukrainian and Russian grain and fertiliser. The costs are significant even in the US, where inflation is already high and President Biden’s approval ratings are low. At some point, the US and other western nations will have to backpedal on the regime change objective, to save themselves. But the US and Nato’s objectives are still more complicated than Moscow regime change and keeping costs to themselves tolerable. The objective of securing a Russian regime respectful of US and Nato primacy is intertwined like a double helix with the objective of keeping Russia as an external enemy in order to provide glue for cooperation between the West’s often fractious member states under US leadership. To justify US leadership, to present a unitary front in Nato, and to justify big increases in western (especially German) military budgets, Russia must be presented as the common enemy. Western military firms also have a strong demand for the West to believe it faces existential enemies in the form of major states (and not just slippery “terrorists” or “a bunch of midgets”, as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, labelled the Islamic State). Indeed, the share prices of the major US arms manufactures zoomed skywards as the Russian invasion looked likely. The key point was made by Georgy Arbatov, a political scientist and advisor to Mikhail Gorbachev (and other secretaries of the Communist Party), and founder and director of the Institute for US and Canadian Studies at the Russian Academy of Science. He said to a group of senior US officials in 1987: “We are going to do a terrible thing to you – we are going to deprive you of an enemy.” This is how one can understand the West’s persistent rebuff to the efforts of Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin, and early Putin to establish non-adversarial relations with western states. It needs Russia as an enemy to provide internal unity. But on the other hand, it also needs Russia as a cooperative partner showing suitable deference to the West, especially over the coming decades as China grows stronger. Meanwhile, China is watching the Ukraine crisis and the US and Nato strategy, and probably recalculating its confidence in the decline of the West. That recalculation may prompt Beijing to forge closer ties with Moscow – while Beijing also wants to make sure that it does not help the Kremlin to the point where Russia could challenge its own design to dominate the Eurasian landmass, which is well underway in the form of the infrastructure alliances created by the giant Belt and Road Initiative. Note: This article gives the views of the author, not the position of EUROPP – European Politics and Policy or the London School of Economics. Featured image credit: NATO (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) ![\\"Subscribe](\\" link.png\\") ### About the author ![\\"\\"](\\" Wade-100x100.jpg\\") ### Robert H. Wade Robert H. Wade is Professor of Global Political Economy at the London School of Economics. Posted In: LSE Comment | Politics ## 136 Comments 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" RH89091 says: March 30, 2022 at 12:07 pm By this argument, the invasion of Poland in 1939 was a trap laid by Britain and France to oust Hitler, and the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand by Serbian nationalists in 1914 was organised by the Allies to entice Germany and Austrian into invading the Low Countries. History is so easy when viewed merely as a series of super-national conspiracies. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Jimmy says: April 1, 2022 at 9:18 pm I think that was pretty much Mosley’s argument at the time wasn’t it? Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Andre says: June 26, 2022 at 8:10 pm Agreed and don’t forget that Nato had to reset the Ukraine trap in 2022 since it clearly didn’t work well in 2014 nor in Georgia Reply 2. ![\\"\\"](\\" Duncan McFarlane says: August 18, 2023 at 1:13 am A lazy straw man. Putin and the US government each had cynical reasons for wanting Russia to invade Ukraine. And the US responded with similar brutality to any revolution or elected government in th South and central Americas which was not pro-US or nationalised or increased taxes on US companies operating in those countries. Biden repeatedly said before the invasion that the US would not get involved if there was an invasion. And the 2014 Maidan revolution changed the Ukrainian government from a neutral one to a nationalist one hostile to Russia. This guaranteed Ukraine would end the lease on Russia’s main naval base since 1783 at Sebastopol in Crimea and any safe access to it. Any Russian government might well have done what Putin then did and annexed Crimea. The US and UK would never give up their main naval base. They won’t even allow the people of the Chagos islands who they deported at gunpoint to make way for a secretive US Air base at Diego Garcia return home. A UN court ruled the islands were part of Mauritius, a UN member state. The UK said “no we’re keeping them”. NATO member Turkey has been occupying northern Cyprus since 1974. No other NATO member has sanctioned it. I’m no fan of Putin. He’s brutal and cynical. But if you think NATO foreign policy isn’t much the sane you’re easily fooled. The Ukraine war is power politics not a crusade for democracy and international law. NATO governments continue to ally with and provide arms and training to lots of brutal dictatorships from Saudi , Kuwait, Bahrain , Egypt and Jordan to Kazakhstan. And trample all over international law whenever it doesn’t suit them. Putin wanted war as much as NATO did. But no Russian government will make a lasting peace with Ukraine that doesn’t guarantee it keeping its main naval base at Sebastopol, that Ukraine’s government is not completely hostile to it and that no NATO missiles will be deployed to Ukraine as they have been to other Eastern European NATO member states. Reply 2. ![\\"\\"](\\" CCartwright says: April 2, 2022 at 3:12 am Was there a trap? Probably. But Moses didn’t lay the trap for Pharaoh. It was beyond him. Just like the complexities of this trap was beyond the US foreign policy experts. We just aren’t that clever. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Hilmon says: November 16, 2022 at 7:27 am The USA cannot tolerate rivals. Its biggest fear is that Europe and Russia – natural allies in global affairs – become a block. It would be bigger than the USA and also China. So, its strategy is to make Europe and Russia foes.NATO (USA under false flag) has engineered conflict between Europe and Russia (by advancing to the Russian border). If there is a war, it will be fought in Europe and will not harm the USA. They can pick the best time for 7th Cavalry to arrive and scoop up the treasure. China can wait. . Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Robert says: November 16, 2022 at 3:45 pm I don’t know why people are still on here arguing about this, but I decided to take the bait and reply anyway. The above argument makes no sense. As anyone could tell you, war happens when one side calculates that the cost of doing nothing is greater than the cost of going to war. Assuming the Russian government is a rational actor then they invaded Ukraine because they calculated that it was more worthwhile than maintaining uneasy “peace” (and continuing the disturbances in the breakaway regions). NATO has little to do with these calculations. Possibly, the Russian government decided this was the only time they could invade before increased arms from the US (Biden administration) and Europe made an invasion infeasible. The reason NATO is blamed is because most Russians understandably hate NATO for its role in the fall of the USSR. Obviously, if the US, via NATO and other methods, had not interfered in Europe from 1941-1991, then the USSR might still exist, and Ukraine would be securely under Moscow’s control, and so would Estonia, the Warsaw Pact, the Caucasus and so on. In this respect – and only this – is NATO to blame for this current war. Actually, I guess if NATO had made clear it would absolutely defend Ukraine, treating it as a NATO member, or if the US had armed Ukraine to the teeth beforehand, then Russia would not have invaded, so there’s that! It is understandable to lament and be angry about the loss of Russian power. But perhaps it is worth recalling that Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin were also instrumental in what Putin calls “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century”. However, take away NATO now, and Ukraine would still struggle for independence against Russia – the only difference is they would have had to surrender very quickly to Russian demands in the absence of external support (although NATO is not even necessary for such support). It was mainly the EU, not NATO, which funded pro-democracy projects in Ukraine from the 90s until today, encouraging Ukraine to play a delicate balancing act between the EU and Russia to exact maximum advantage to itself and its corrupt elites. This had the side effect of turning many of its youth and urban elites towards the EU and against Russia. The population has increasingly established a separate national identity. However, Ukrainian national identity has been developing since before the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (see Taras Shevchenko), and views of Russia were very favourable outside the urban elite and young prior to the events of 2014. Russian aggression and seizing of Crimea unfortunately turned most of the population against Russia. Therefore, Ukrainian identity is now increasingly defined in opposition to Russian identity, whereas before the two identities were more in harmony. Obviously, Russians, and especially the Russian government, are aggrieved at this turn of events. However, it is not as though such a change in Ukraine presents a direct military threat to Russia. It is Russian political considerations, and Putin’s misguided belief they could easily seize back control of Ukraine which led to this war – not fear of NATO. And one last point, yes, I’m sure most people on here recognise the US is a great hypocrite in its international relations – invading Iraq, bombing civilians, using drones on civilians in Yemen, while proclaiming democracy and human rights. But so what? This does not mean you can blame NATO for Russia’s faults, or that Ukraine’s national identity is a fiction invented by the West, or that Ukraine does not deserve a right to territorial integrity, or that it is wrong to arm Ukraine against Russian aggression. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" SteveT. says: April 6, 2023 at 7:54 pm Nato has nothing to do with it? Besides the killing and siege of enthnic Russians on Russia’s very border, Nato has everything to do with it. Why OUR OWN (U.S.) Diplomats, Intelligence Officials, and Academiocs have been warning us for 25 years Nato’s eastward expansion would lead to war, already in the 1990’s Geirge Keenan, the architect of U.S. foreign policy all through the Cold War warning it was the mistake of the century. He and all the otheers were right. Not sure who you are, but I’ll tend to believe the U.S. experts that have been warning us of the danger in the NATO path we insisted on pursuing, with no regard whatsoever of the consequences. 2. ![\\"\\"](\\" Jimmy says: April 12, 2023 at 9:51 pm SteveT. (April 6, 2023 at 7:54 pm), is correct. US has been pushing for regime change in Ukraine to move Ukraine to a proxy war with the Russia. In 2013, US Senator John McCain talked of political ‘transition’ in Ukraine (working with Nuland toward this). See below. By 2014, the then democratically elected pro-Russian president of Ukraine had been overthrown by a (US backed) violent coup. By 2014, the US had started arming and training Ukraine, including for interoperaibility between NATO and Ukraine. ”Since 2014, the United States has provided more than $37.8 billion in security assistance for training and equipment to help Ukraine preserve its territorial integrity, secure its borders, and improve interoperability with NATO.” We must understand, Ukraine is not a NATO member but yet the US and NATO are doing this, on the border with Russia? Imagine Russia/ China doing this Mexico… By 2014/ 2015, then then newly installed President Poroshenko, describes the war he’s about to unleash on the Russian speaking people of East Ukraine, including deliberately targeting children. See below: Thus follows: eastern-ukraine-unicef There is so much of this evidence about, blatantly being overlooked, in what is clearly a non-realist, Western propagandist take on the Ukraine-Russia war. It is not as if the US/ collective West doesn’t have prior form in interfering in the sovereignty of other nations. Thankfully, Macron’s recent comments provide useful insights into US objectives in the maintenance of its hegemony, which has seen European literally hand over their sovereignty to others who would gladly sink them in the pursuit of their own interests (see Germany and Nordstream). 3. ![\\"\\"](\\" Adeviyye says: May 11, 2023 at 3:03 am This is to Robert. You are here to misinform and do US propaganda. After a few sentence, this was obvious. Firstly, Russia didn’t want the war. Putin approached those responsible, to resolve the security threats against Russian sovereignty diplomatically, to no avail. What they did is, laugh at him, they further teased him by offering nukes to Ukraine. Secondly, US promised to Russia several times, that it will not expand 1 inch east of Germany when the Berlin wall was taken down. On 12 December 2017, the National Security Archive at George Washington University posted online 30 declassified documents revealing a torrent of assurances about Soviet security given by Western leaders to Gorbachev and other Soviet officials throughout the process of German unification in 1990 and on into 1991. Accordingly, US Secretary of State James Baker’s famous “not one inch eastward” assurance about NATO expansion in his meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on 9 February 1990 was only part of a cascade of similar assurances. Gorbachev only accepted East and West German reunification—over which the Soviet Union had a legal right to veto—because he received assurances that NATO would not expand after he withdrew his forces from Eastern Europe, from James Baker. Thirdly, the war we all talk about, did NOT start in 2022. This war started in 2014 and never stopped, you just didn’t know about, or dare to say you didn’t care about, or we’re not allowed to learn about. It all started when US backed maiden coup toppled democratically elected Ukrainian government for not being being pro EU, hence pro US. Have you never hear about Victoria Nuland giving free cookies to criminals who burnt people for not being pro US government? Since, they have been attacking ethnic predominant in Eastern Europe for learning speaking teaching their native language, four practising their culture, for simply for being Russian. They have been subjected to systematic ethnic cleansing, human rights deprivation and war crimes by Ukrainian government. They have been deprived of schools, water, electricity, warmth, roof over their heads, food. They have been constantly shelled, tortured, mutilated. Children have been orphaned, if not been killed. Fourthly, did you know, there have been ongoing concerns by US and EU about neo-Nazism in Ukraine? This has been published in documentaries, news outlets by the West, US & EU. There is even a neo-Nazi military (now unified with Ukrainian military), called Azov which was branded as a terrorist group by US at once, and banned by Facebook for the same reason right up until the 24th of February 2022. They lift the band, not because the neo nazism died in Ukraine, but because the west want to suport the Ukrainian neo Nazis in order to break Russia. Fifthly, we all famously watched Russian troops building up at Russian/Ukrainian border before Russian military operation started on 24 February 2022. But we never watched US military troops & lethal weapons worth billions of US dollar, pouring into Ukraine for years, intensifying a year before the Russian military operation started? No, we haven’t watched. Why, because that is what US wanted. This is called propaganda. Sixthly, we lost our freedom to war mongering war criminals, who invaded Iraq, Libya Syria Afghanistan illegally, killing children civilians, stealing oil gold, leaving them in total destruction. We are allowed access to only pro U.S. information. Anything that is not pro-US, it’s called misinformation which we cannot access. We also lost our standards of living, due to diabolical sanctions, which only punishes Europeans, and in riches, US. Since US blew up Nord stream pipeline 1-2, and have been shocking all sanctioning countries companies exporting Russian oil & commodities, European countries have to pay 10s of times more to US that they used to pay Russia, at the expense of European population. But who cares about their citizens, European leaders are racing to starve and freeze their citizens in order to serve US. They didn’t do this when US invaded bombed destructed other countries. So why they do it for Ukraine? Who benefits from this war is the answer to who started this war! US. 4. ![\\"\\"](\\" Andrew Hume says: May 14, 2023 at 11:53 am An absolutely superb, detailed reply – far more nuanced and insightful than Professor Wade’s blunt instrument used, it would seem, simply as a cudgel with which to batter the USA. Anyone would think the LSE was staffed by chippy radical anti Capitalists with an invented axe to grind. In fairness it would be at least churlish and quite likely unwise to wholly dismiss the notion that the USA may indeed have a vested interest in Ukraine facing west, moreover, as a solid, sovereign entity not in thrall to Russia. However, as you said so incisively, it is ridiculous to suggest – which Wade tries to do – that it was somehow in the USA’s power to manipulate the levers behind the screen, like a giant Wizard of Oz, and watch events unfurl exactly as it had planned. He claims significant American influence within the momentous events at the end of 2013 although offers no quotes by government heavyweights as he did, for example, concerning his more general arguments on Washington’s wish to oust Putin. Indeed I am somewhat offended on the Ukrainian people’s behalf that such a statement would be made, especially as I did not notice many Americans being gunned down by the Berkut in Maidan Square during the protests. Furthermore, I feel the vile, double dealing Russian glove puppet Yanukovych – with absolutely NO US assistance – did more than enough, all by himself, to ensure the ire of his people. I feel Ukrainians deserve due recognition for their bravery and energy – but perhaps the most for how canny they were in not being fobbed off for an instant by vague promises for discussions which bitter experience told them would end in nothing changing. I really do not feel that the US had that much of a hand in that – other than perhaps making the Memorandum of Understanding (that Yanukovych had refused to sign into law) as attractive as possible. Given the untold economic and political potential in having Ukraine as an ally, one can hardly blame the Americans for that and I would contend that however much we may claim to find the idea of making money rather base and venal, it is at least an understandable, clear, reasonable, necessary and – most especially – voluntary pursuit. I would imagine an opportunity even more attractive than usual for a country with such a turbulent – horrifying – history with its ugly, drunk, craven, bullying, boorish thug of a neighbour. In fact, I don’t see the slightest difficulty in feeling to my very core the deep sense of grievance which must have hung like a pall over Ukraine – for several generations. You seem very well versed so you will understand directly to what I refer when mentioning Ukraine’s relationship with the USSR during the early 1930s. As if the tribulations of those times were not insult enough – and much more than enough to leave never mind a scar, more like a deep, supporting wound – the subsequent importing by Stalin into the most devastated areas, ethnic Russians simply to have enough peasants to work the land – can very easily be seen as the direct cause for the Russia-facing outlook of many in the Donbas today. While that in one way is not the “fault” of the (great)grandchildren of those immigrants – in another it is: even within Russia we are fully well aware of the compact the people made with Putin which offered him unlimited power so long as he made sure there was domestic stability, food on the supermarket shelves, jobs to go to, cheap energy, he didn’t conscript to the Army and left them alone. In return they didn’t question his foreign policy – nor his ever more flagrant gangsterism at home. Russians became adept at ignoring what was in their faces, walking looking at the ground while whistling, a picture of slightly embarrassed pretence of ignorance of what was going on and likely many many times of even husbands and wives choosing not to discuss it. Therefore those “Russians abroad” – in Donetsk and Luhansk must have been feeling VERY troubled and insecure about their future. While on a human level I understand it, so do I understand it when, say, people who had no intent of violence towards each other have a furious argument which ends in tragedy for at least one of them. So yes, I can understand it, without having to condone it. I feel there has been a gross media under representation of the lack of action – the wilful turning of a blind eye – by “ordinary Russians” to what was happening in their name – which I feel has, especially this year, been less a phenomenon of being hapless bystanders and much more willing participation. Their passive implied toleration is an active force Putin uses. Yes, it’s a vast country, yes the security services are probably more deeply embedded than they were in Ukraine nevertheless the antiwar voice has been a whimper not a howl. The biggest factor of all though surely must be the psychotic, personal ambitions of Putin himself. I speak not of the tediously often repeated “rebuilding of the Empire”. While I don’t dispute Putin harbours that desire, most discussions seem mostly happy to leave it there – after all, having already made himself Tsar, Imperial ambitions seem entirely fitting goals. Yet the main issue it seems to me is that the acquisition of territory from the ex Soviet satellite states to be subsumed directly into Russia seems like a necessary evil to create a sort of collar all round Mother Russia – which would provide what amounts to a buffer zone of rather grey and uninspiring states with the semblance of democracy which allow Russia to creak and groan on in its outright criminal ways, cushioned from the worst comparisons. The sheer breadth and depth of moral decay – and subsequent physical rot – of the entire apparatus of the Russian state is the utterly direct result of Putin using as much of the country’s revenues as he needs to keep the whole debauched, crapulous merry-go-round turning. It is true Putin doesn’t live modestly but, unlike the vast majority of the revolting members of his cabal who suck greedily on the teats of Mother Russia as provided by Putin and who use their filthy lucre to procure for themselves the tinselly accoutrements in which, like pigs in ordure, they roll nightmarish; Putin contrariwise does not love the rivers of cash for all the tat it can buy, except for the mercenary loyalty of his henchmen – the cabinet ministers, police, spy and security chiefs, media stooges and generals etc. Frankly, so heinous and perverted do I find the man personally – and so grave a threat do I find he represents to World order – I would find it entirely reasonable (indeed necessary) for someone, anyone, to take him out. If we accept we now live in an interconnected, interdependent world, how is it possible to tolerate such a succubus which, after all, affects everyone on the planet and not just the feckless Russians? As if all that were not reason enough, there is the not insignificant horror of what China might do next. I know it is easy for this to descend into madness, xenophobia, racism, suspicion, hate. There is a huge responsibility to resist going there. Yet it is that very thing which Putin has RUTHLESSLY exploited to the point of having become himself a cackling and deranged despot. He has undoubtedly been given the opportunities to go this far by all us teachers’ pets doing everything by the book while he sniggers and snarls maniacally at how easy it is to run rings around us. Sooner or later, “not stooping to his level” or “leading by example” simply fails if someone will not – maybe even CANNOT – alter course. After a certain time and distance during a police chase, with enough carnage having happened and the Commissioner having decided the ongoing risk is only ramping up, you can absolutely guarantee that if the rampaging desperado leaves no other option, the cops will chuck the rule book, the procedural and the guidelines and send the Army in to strafe or even bomb the speeding vehicle if it has to. When it gets this extreme, we are all just guessing. There IS no procedural for this. There isn’t a single person – or organisation – which has a hope of quantifying how hypocritical the US is and/or how reasonable or otherwise are its ulterior motives. We can ultimately only be guided by our gut and I for one can’t wait to see Putin, metaphorically or literally, steamrollered into the asphalt. 2. ![\\"\\"](\\" jim Hogg says: February 21, 2024 at 2:50 pm Cock-ups tend to be the rule in politics, international and otherwise, but this bait and bleed operation was anything but complex. Once Nuland and Pyatt (phone conversation transcript!) had managed to get “Yats”enko installed in Kyiv it was only a matter of time before Putin would be goaded into an invasion, in which he bit off more than he could chew – so far at least. Reply 3. ![\\"\\"](\\" Willow Morgan says: April 25, 2022 at 10:32 am This story of the separatists in Donbas is false. There was never a movement of separatists in that region. The Kremlin financed and supported what was started there. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" C. Madge says: May 3, 2022 at 12:26 am It is ridiculous to say there was/is no separatist movement in the Donbass: the local Donetsk and Luhansk forces have carried almost all the fighting in the last 8 years and much of the fighting in their regions since the Russian invasion. Your comment is risibly a-factual. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" SDupree says: May 12, 2022 at 8:25 pm Actually Willow Morgan isn’t that far off the mark, whilst yes initially there were separatist movements in the Donbas who rose up because of the Ukrainian government back in 2014, it was quickly capitalised upon by Russ With the help of at 1st military aid and materials, it evolved into Russia sending anywhere from 6.000 to 30.000 troops into the Donbas under cover of darkness as documented by I think it’s the OSCE (can’t remember the particular European entity) what is also risibly factual is your assertion that it’s Donetsk and Luhansk forces doing most of the fighting for the last 8 yrs, where would they get the funds, military equipment and necessary fighters to hold up against the Ukrainian forces who managed to force Russia to retreat from certain parts of Ukraine in the past few weeks, this really doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Tiamat says: May 25, 2022 at 3:24 am Haha… OSCE Well, let’s forget about those FBI / NATO trained staff.. You can find online for example the CV of Kai VITTRUP one of the guy in charge of reporting abuses in Donbass for the OSCE And online videos of him witnessing all the shelling done by the Ukrainian army on civilians. What report did you see in the west? None. There are numerous videos of those shellings and you can also see how US State Dpt, Ukrainian representative at the UN and even UN spokeman blatantly lied about all this. You can easily imagine that this type of people will not report shelling from the side that has been trained by US and western forces. Or they will do it just a little bit, not to be accused of not doing it… but the news will never be spread in western media widely. Western and Eastern Ukraine have almost “always” been in complete opposition when it comes to what should be the future of the country and on which side they should get closer to. One must realize that Yauikuvotich was democratically elected and what happened in 2014 was nothing else than a coup, with violence, to overthrow the government, and get a regime change. Should anything similar happen in a western country, it would be a scandal and unanimously condemned and the new gvt would never be recognized. Nevertheless US immediately recognized the new Ukrainian president, of course, it was their goal. And it’s funny how US is always in favor of independence when it’s to take away a former soviet country from Russia, but never approves it when it’s a region willing to join Russia. Hypocrisy at its best… (as always and as today) Anyway what I wanted to write is that you are wrong about the involvement of Russian forces so early in the conflict. First, something that is never mentioned is that among the pro separatists (and I mean Ukrainian people) there were people from the army. And a lot of them joined the fight in Donbass bringing pro soldiers and the the material from the military bases, which is similar to the russian one. So it was easy for western countries to use this. Second, The East is the richest Ukrainian region and the heart of the economy in Ukraine. So they were not as “penyless” as you imagine. Third, conflict have always drown numerous of mercenaries who are coming for money. From everywhere and for each side. The champion of privatizing warfare are the US with Blackwater who committed so many war crimes that they changed their name… And why would you blame Russia for financing or supporting logistically LNR and DNR knowing that US have been financing, training, arming, the Ukrainian west side for almost a decade? And saying that Armed Forces in Donbass would have been unable to contain the Ukrainian army in 2014, because you compare with what they did few weeks ago, supposing they managed to force Russia’s army to retreat…. means you have no idea in which state the Ukrainian army was in 2014.Comparing its state now and back then is ridiculous. And it means you can’t understand why there is all this talking about “Nazi” from Azov battalion. Because the Ukrainian army was in such a crappy state that those militias (Azov, Pravi Sektor etc etc… ) were recruited, used, financed and trained… Does it ring a bell with Afghanistan in 1979? US armed mujaheddins against communist… and we all know the end of the story. It blew up to their face with Ben Laden And about what Willow Morgan wrote, stating there was no separatists in those regions… that’s beyond ridiculous. He probably never set a foot in any of those countries, neither Ukraine nor Russia and probably didn’t even know Azov sea existed 3 months ago. 2. ![\\"\\"](\\" Jordan Wolff says: May 6, 2023 at 9:38 pm indeed, one of many falsehoods, mistruths, and half-washed regurgitation of Russian propaganda in this peace. Professor Wade was my adviser at undergrad and one of my most respected mentors. It is deeply disappointment that he has resorted to being a simple propagandists of “‘US and NATO conspiracies” for which he shows little to no evidence, nor any logical consistency. If, indeed, the US was “laying a trap”, then why did the US take such steps to attempt to dissaude Russia from invading from Nov-21 to Jan-22. As this ”piece” is chockablock with half-truths, omissions and outright false statements, it’s hard to pick just one to focus on, but I’ll focus on this absurd part: Scroll forward to December 2021. The Kremlin presented treaty proposals, which included implementation of the eight-year old Minsk peace accords (which include a commitment that Ukraine not join Nato); dissolving extreme right Ukrainian militias; and engaging in serious negotiations about a new security architecture in Europe. It is shocking that someone of Dr. Wade’s academic standing could write and/or think something so obviously false. For one, it is exceedingly clear that Russia had already decided to invade Ukraine way before December 2021 – most academic research has pinpointed March 2021 as the time period when Putin made the fateful decision to invade, after Ukrainian authorities confiscated assets and media outlets controlled by Russia-friendly Ukrainian politician Viktor Medvedchuk in February 2021. Further, no serious academic of any statute sees the December “peace plan”‘ put forth by Russia as anything but a ruse that was intended to be rejected. The treaty proposals were so over-the-top that Russia had to know (or at least should have know) that they would be rejected by not only the US/NATO but also Ukraine. Dr. Wade conveniently leaves out the specific interpretation of Minsk that Putin was pushing on Kuraine, which, of course, was much more than a “‘committment that Ukraine not join NATO”‘, but also granted Russia a direct veto power of Ukraine’s own foreign policy decision-making. Further, Russia’s demands on NATO were, as Russia knew, completely unacceptable, such as forcing NATO to change its Open-door policy. Another article in the Russian draft would require that NATO deploy no forces or weapons in countries that joined the alliance after May 1997…while the draft treaty would impose no requirements for redeployment of Russian forces. In short, there is no world in which this December 2021 “‘peace offer” was to be taken seriously. Dr. Wade is either being willfully obtuse to twist facts to support his thesis that NATO wanted to trap Ukraine or, more benignly, is simply blinded by the reality that Russia had already forgone any attempt at de-escalation once the decision to invade was made. Dr. Wade, I was once one of your most admiring students. What happened to you? Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" mike says: August 25, 2024 at 4:55 pm I have always wondered how the Minsk Accords would give Russia a veto over Ukrainian foreign policy. Can you explain this. Reply 4. ![\\"\\"](\\" Brandon Woods says: June 25, 2022 at 6:33 pm Agree 100%!!! This is ridiculous If you actually think we wanted Ukraine to be attacked as some sort of master plan. How can you call yourself a professor and you can’t even get this right?? Go over the talks Biden had with Putin pre the invasion and show me where he gave any indication this was something he wanted to have happen. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" jake says: November 1, 2022 at 9:34 am Go and read the RAND report. It’s all there. God you are naive. Reply 2. ![\\"\\"](\\" Radulf says: November 15, 2022 at 9:05 pm Putin steals his own peoples riches. Hes a criminal. Reply 5. ![\\"\\"](\\" Inna says: September 21, 2022 at 3:03 pm Would you then disagree too that the Afghan war was a trap to help the Soviet Union collapse? Reply 6. ![\\"\\"](\\" Cate Zee says: December 4, 2022 at 2:17 am No, that doesn’t follow at all. Nice try tho. Reply 7. ![\\"\\"](\\" john Vogt says: December 18, 2022 at 7:28 am ” Ward and rumors of wars” will increase in our final history. Deception, defences based on fears of being dominated will always lead us to anarchy and lawlessness. As in human history, two leaders will evolve ultimately. The created versus the Creator. Both have plans Reply 8. ![\\"\\"](\\" SteveT. says: February 20, 2023 at 11:22 am No the GB F trap was preferring Nazi domination over Eastern Europe over Soviet domination, as concluded in the 1939 GB White Paper, after Munich setting the trap for the Soviet’s to face down Hitler alone. The Soviet trap was beating GB F at their own game, making a deal with their arch enemy Hitler and having GB F face down Hitler alone instead. GB put the noose around their own neck. Reply 9. ![\\"\\"](\\" Petersen Donna M says: April 4, 2023 at 11:54 pm Thank you for providing the background fabric which helps us all make sense of this war! Reply 10. ![\\"\\"](\\" SteveT. says: April 6, 2023 at 10:59 am No, the result of a trap to defeat the Soviets. In a recently declassified 1939 GB White Paper investigating why Whitehall refused a Soviet alliance to stop Hitler when they could have, they concluded it was because Whitehall elites preferred Nazi domination over Eastern Europe over Soviet domination, a reason for giving Hitler Czechoslovakia without a shot fired, it’s gold reserves, and the worlds largest arms exporting industry. The last straw for the Soviets, they turned the tables on GB F, surprised everyone and entered an alliance with their arch enemy Hitler to win time, and had HItler march into F with his new Czech tanks instead of the SU. Britain and France had no intention of ousting Hitler as you claim. Even when approached by the German military GB refused to grant them recognition if they ousted Hitler. Hate to break it to you, if you believe Hitler was the only 20th Century anti- communist fascist the West DIDN’T support I’d say you’ve been deceived. Reply 11. ![\\"\\"](\\" Renics says: May 12, 2023 at 4:58 am Propaganda nonsense in the style of the Cold War with the former communist state of the USSR, which does not at all reflect the real events taking place now in modern conditions between the West, led by the United States and the Russian Federation. Why do authors from the EU and the US never talk about what is really there? Because the overwhelming bourgeois capitalist system does not allow it. If someone expresses his opinion there, he will immediately be thrown out of this vicious system and morally destroyed. These prohibitions remind us more than censorship and have already gone beyond totalitarianism. Reply 12. ![\\"\\"](\\" Andrew Hume says: May 14, 2023 at 9:56 am Bravo for a stiletto-like response. Sleek, slimline, sharp and deadly! Reply 13. ![\\"\\"](\\" OZ says: May 17, 2023 at 10:44 pm Evidence is so clear that the US provoked Russia. I think people should stop living in a fantasy where they think that democracies are innocent and are incapable of doing things like this. Biggest load of garbage I have ever heard is democracies will never be like autocracies, when reality clearly shows this not the case. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Mr W J Francis says: May 18, 2023 at 10:21 am Source? The evidence suggests the US underestimated Putin with the believe that appeasement could work, under the belief that he was just a moneygrubbing kleptocrat, not a dedicated imperialist. In its arrogance the US presumed that eastern Europe were just salty from the cold war when they warned that Russian imperialism wasn’t dead. Reply 14. ![\\"\\"](\\" Ty L Turner says: July 24, 2023 at 10:43 am Why dont Ukraine just march right into russia give the people living and fighting in russia a reason to be proud. Take control, and do away with russia all together. Expand Ukrainian boarders. Force putin out his rabbit hole. So he can be prosecuted for being a idiot. That would go down as the biggest war lord failure. Hes lost the trust of his entire country. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" mike says: August 24, 2024 at 12:30 pm If been an idiot was a crime how many Western leaders would be in jail….asking for a friend? Reply 15. ![\\"\\"](\\" ize says: August 18, 2023 at 10:43 am Spot on! And doesn’t the argument also imply that the Ukrainians are indifferent to their own lives and futures? Events in Ukraine over the last 15 years suggest the contrary. Reply 16. ![\\"\\"](\\" Justin Lewis says: December 8, 2023 at 1:19 am I wish governments would of learned from ww2 russia England America and China were all allies at one stage in a sense and when we stuck together as countries we achieved stamping out evil i wish as humans we would all stick together we would achieve so much more i have never voted in the UK and probably will never vote as I don’t believe that any government really cares about there people ![\\"😢\\"](\\" Reply 17. ![\\"\\"](\\" sean lawrence says: December 14, 2023 at 7:54 pm But we all know that with this circumstantial evidence trying to Prove that everything is a conspiracy is nothing more than a conspiracy itself. Believing that every world altering event was a well thought out plan is ridiculous. If france kept pushing the day Germany invaded poland The war never would have mad it to Barbarossa. To think someone higher up strategically plans the massacre of hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of people is just insane. I can imagine our population would be a few billion more without the plague, ww1 ww2. Stalin’s Mass murder of millions. The only conspiracy I see is the united states blocking a cease fire call from the UN. Supporting israel is a conspiracy because they are fighting their war like russia, and getting praised. And in America don’t you dare say anything bad about a jew or you just lost ur job, your rich friends, and could get severely hurt if you have the wrong neighbors. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Guest says: June 24, 2024 at 5:49 pm A bit late, however I have been following what was going on in Israel for quite a few years, and I can say that your claim, while it has basis, is very much wrong, as Israel is closer to Ukraine’s position as a puppet state to the U.S., except that the pushback is harder, hence the U.S. Federal government’s support of what is called the PLO (and by extension, Hamas, though that is more of a temporary thing, as they just see them as tools for the current situation). There is a reason why many terrorist attacks are carried out by people who were trained by the U.S. military. However, and this is related to the U.S. direct support to the PLO, as opposed to their indirect support to Hamas, they do not want to be viewed as the ones pulling the strings, but rather as the “heroes”, which is why they purport to support Israel, while behind the scenes they are doing much to destroy Israel. There is a reason why the U.S. announced that they will consider it an act of war if Israel was to be founded (in 1948), only to claim they never did so when they saw that attempting to control Israel would be more fruitful in the short term than opposing it. There are, of course, differing opinions, amongst the U.S. public, however I am speaking of those who were in control at the time (the exact political party matters not, as we saw with Bush Sr. and Jr., as well as with Biden and Obama, in their respective time periods). Reply 18. ![\\"\\"](\\" Cheryl V Johnson says: April 22, 2024 at 9:43 am Yes, many of the western nations feel as strongly about their system as the communist nations feel about theirs. The fact that the USA has military experts who have printed opinions to the effect that an invasion of Ukraine by Russia would probably have an overall effect of making Russia weaker and NATO stronger doesn’t mean that NATO has decided to try to goad Russia into attacking Ukraine. I find it rather ironic that while Russian policies mostly damage the Russian economy, some nations (nearly all of NATO) have seemingly been able to implement “socialism” more effectively than any of the communist nations. Claiming that all of Europe has been hoping that Russia and China will “shoot themselves in the foot” by trying to get control of more of the world is a bit over the top! Reply 19. ![\\"\\"](\\" Robin Parsons says: July 9, 2024 at 9:55 pm Much of what you claim here is patently false. 1.There us ZERO evidence that US supported a coup in 2914. None. The Ukrainian people started a peaceful protest when Putins puppet Yanukovich reneged on his prom8se to move towards the West. 2\. No a single person was persecuted for russian language. The revised Rada, 85% THE SANE PEOPLE AS BEFORE, ratified to make Ukrainian the official language of the country…Ukraina. but 30% of those sane people, and 35% of the population, spoke then, and still now, Russian. Russian is the official language of ALL CIS states. But they have mire than 20 individual languages spoken. And, Russian WAS forced on them. English is the official language of England. So what is your point. 3\. None 1 single CIS state or other ex-soviet state, that has prospered and advanced the quality of life for its people, after staying in alliance with Russia, compared to the incredible economic growth and improvement in quality of life of EVERY SINGLE state, not aligned with the EU and the west. Oh, yeah, none. Not one. And all the quotes you made from Biden and others, in mid 2922, 2923 and 2024, are all AFTER the invasion in Feb 2022. So how dies that show and influence on the invasion which preceeded it? You are just another writer spewing Putinist propaganda. Reply 2. ![\\"\\"](\\" RH99135 says: March 30, 2022 at 12:18 pm On this basis, Hitler was entrapped into starting WW2 by Britain and France signing defence treaties with Poland, and assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was a put-up job to entice the German Kaiser into invading the Low Countries. History is so much easier if it can be read as a series of magic super- national conspiracies. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Nodoy says: March 30, 2022 at 8:59 pm You are comparing two different situations here. This gentleman is giving his arguments based on the west and the Soviet Union, how they have long fought in history. WW2 was a different era, different nation, and happened becoz Hitler wanted worldwide control. Your argument is invalid. It’s like treating other humans like animals. Same logic can’t be applied on totally different scenarios. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Munkie says: May 27, 2022 at 5:08 am You had me until ‘becoz’. It sounds ridiculous in a post such as this. Everything else you said became instant white noise from an MMO gamer. Reply 2. ![\\"\\"](\\" Roblm says: May 8, 2022 at 10:47 pm Germans were a proud and industrious people. The Treaty of Versailles placed a boot upon their necks. They are not people to remain docile and subservient for as long as the allies tried to hold them down for. Granted, the global recession of the 1930’s played a part. But when you treat a people like this, you create the conditions for a man like Hitler to rise to power. This lesson has repeated with the rise of nationalism coming hot in the heels of the most recent global recession. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Craig Rees says: June 22, 2022 at 12:43 pm Well said and observed two sides make an argument disscusion but it doesn’t make either side right ..then those arguments ideological thinking turn to fighting and war..unfortunately its quite simple to explain ..its called the human condition. Reply 3. ![\\"\\"](\\" Damian McDevitt says: March 30, 2022 at 6:01 pm It was probably due to shortage of space but I was disappointed that the author did not adduce other important and baleful influences, Area 51, the Kabbala and the Vatican Curia. Reply 4. ![\\"\\"](\\" Peter Kole says: March 30, 2022 at 6:11 pm What he is writting is possible. But there are yet no proof for it. Where is the source for this statement? “In the third week of February, the Ukrainian military dramatically increased its shelling of the Donetsk and Luhansk provinces, as reported by observers from the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe)” The OSCE does not tell that Ukraine army cause it. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Dean Clark says: October 3, 2022 at 6:06 am intensify-in-ukraine-s-donbas-as-war-clouds-gather-/6450218.html The figures recorded have the shelling of the regions rise from 18 a day to 120 per day prior to Russias intervention. Reply 5. ![\\"\\"](\\" Damian McDevitt says: March 30, 2022 at 7:49 pm It may have been lack of space but I missed the author’s adumbration of other significant factors such as Area 51, the Kabbala and the Vatican Curia. The Truth will out! Reply 6. ![\\"\\"](\\" Alegro says: March 30, 2022 at 8:21 pm I would also like to know more about the following traps: 1\. The Chechnya invasion trap 2\. The Georgia invasion trap 3\. The Syria invasion trap 4\. And finally as an Afghan, I would like to know more the Afghanistan invasion trap too. USSR had no right to help topple a government in Afghanistan and install their communist puppets. Communism had no roots or supporters among the absolute majority of Afghans. That being said there is no doubt how much evil the U.S government has committed in the name of American people, the most recent of which was selling out an entire country to a bunch of Paki trained terrorists. There is also no doubt the U.S primacy is in decline and that is probably a good thing for peace around the world, unless China decides it wants to be the new asshole in town. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Graham says: April 22, 2022 at 6:08 pm Despite its many faults I am grateful that I live in a World with the USA in it. I dread to think how the World would be without them. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Geraint Ellis says: June 16, 2022 at 5:01 pm Your World possibly but The World I seriously doubt it, they have their imperialistic fingerprints over everything and anything that makes a buck. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Tlarge says: June 26, 2022 at 3:20 pm Your response is humorous. Look at the endless amounts of conquering by European countries of African countries they colonized enslaved and butchered people where they reigned tear for centuries. Reply 2. ![\\"\\"](\\" steve N says: September 10, 2022 at 3:37 am Too right!! They are a necessary deterrent. Reply 7. ![\\"\\"](\\" Martin C. says: March 30, 2022 at 8:37 pm Yeah, yeah, yeah… …and the world is flat, there’s a Martian fortress & super gun on the surface of the moon, COVID vaccines contain genetic sequencing to make you buy Microsoft products, the crashed spaceship from Roswell is hidden at Area 51, Jim Morrison faked his own death, there’s a potato in Ireland shaped like the Virgin Mary which cries tears of blood etc. etc. etc. ad nauseam… …Tom Clancy would have been embarrassed to have used this premise as a plot device. Reply 8. ![\\"\\"](\\" AD says: March 30, 2022 at 8:56 pm This is tin foil hat stuff.. wow.. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Kal says: April 3, 2022 at 4:07 am 100% Reply 2. ![\\"\\"](\\" Sean says: July 16, 2022 at 4:01 am Wait, Jim Morrison’s alive? Reply 9. ![\\"\\"](\\" yellowstoneuk says: March 30, 2022 at 10:02 pm The author described Russia as one of the world’s biggest economies, which is a farcical and untrue statement. If Russia was, which it is not, then Texas which has a larger economy, would be one of the world’s largest economies. There are three USA states with larger economies than russia, they are california, Texas and new york. The USA economy is 14 x larger than Russia’s economy. Even the much vaunted china, because of continuous inflating of gdp statistics over decades does not have a true economy anywhere near what it publishes. My personal guesstimate of China’s GDP economy is 7 trillion. The USA GDP economy is over 21 trillion. An American politician once described Russia as a country masquerading as a Gas station. Take away the oil and gas and Russia would be lucky if it could afford a catapult. Putin has an antiquated mind more in tune with imperialist thinking in the nineteenth century. He would not accept the resignation of his chief central bank executive, so it is obvious economics is his weak point. A country with an economy smaller than texas would have to be on hallucinogenic to think it was a bright idea to ignore twenty first century protocols and invade a sovereign country. The only thing large about russia is the landmass, however it has a historic predeliction towards acquiring other countries territory. Look at the northern Japanese islands,Russia never handed back to japan. The USA took Iwojima with great loss of life, yet the usa handed the Japanese islands back to Japan. The fact that Russia has made itself an international paria, is not a trap set by the usa. There is too much standing events on their head to justify a Machiavellian plan by the usa. I suspect the author is a dyed in the wool socislist. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" SupersonicB says: April 20, 2022 at 11:18 am Russia is the 11th largest economy in the world. It’s still only a fraction of the US, but the author’s statement was justified. Reply 10. ![\\"\\"](\\" VBPR says: March 30, 2022 at 10:16 pm Seems farfetched. Such a plan is reliant on knowing exactly how Putin thinks and knowing precisely how poorly the Russian military would perform. Then the American forces that be having strong confidence in these assessments. While this is no doubt a bear trap of a certain kind, to attribute such consequential actions to one driving force when even best laid plans frequently go sideways does rather stretch reality. Reply 11. ![\\"\\"](\\" Joaquin Carlos Armendariz says: March 30, 2022 at 10:20 pm One more chapter in the Anglo Saxon (UK/US) empire dyad vs. the Russian (USSR,Russian Federation) expansionist history. Both use subterfuge/propaganda (i.e. Black Legend against Catholic Spain by England, “little white protestant settlers (used as trap for dismemberment of Mexico)” that rebelled against their Mexican hosts in Texas in 1830s onward) and the forced subjugation by the Czars of non Russian territories. England and Russia have been geopolitical adversaries for centuries while the US and Russia competed for dominance of the world after WW II. The label “perfidious” was not used against England because they had scruples and ethics in their strategies. Russia expanded by using loving kindness and truth (not). V. (Ras)Putin recently criticized the US’s past history of empire building and villainy but, he needs to realize if the US does not belong west of the Mississippi , then one can ask does Russia belong outside of the original Muscovy? Has he forgotten that Lenin was a German agent sent by German Imperial Army to destabilize Czarist Russia? Who signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop treaty? Who fraternized with SS cannibals in dismembered Poland? I suggest dear readers you compare the current geopolitical map with that described in Orwell’s book “1984”. The military-industrial complexes are the puppet masters of our current world and the Four Horsemen are waiting! Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" m.Huven says: July 1, 2022 at 2:02 am Some true statements here. But you should really try not to have your arguments run away with the facts. Remember: one falsehood makes the whole of your arguments doubtful. Reply 12. ![\\"\\"](\\" John Nicholls says: March 31, 2022 at 12:59 am Putin believes the Ukrainian nation should not exist. He then invaded Ukraine. He then bombed hospitals, schools, universities, theatres, Red Cross facilities he took mayors and priests as hostages, murdered journalists, shot civilians and, indeed, starved whole cities, in other words, Putin acted on his genocidal belief that the Ukrainian nation should not exist. How about this: when dictators engage in genocide, regime change is our moral responsibility. The notion that the United States “caused” Putin to engage in genocide (and by implication is more evil that Putin) is reprehensible. I’m all for free speech and a diversity of perspectives, but rest assured that you’re tarnishing your reputation and that of the LSE by voicing this argument. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Anon says: May 10, 2022 at 8:56 am Thanks, this is actually a good argument. The argument that Russia invaded Ukraine to “protect against NATO” grows weaker by the day. By committing rampant war crimes, Russia only strengthens the resolve of NATO allies, and makes it harder for anyone of “humanitarian” feelings to oppose NATO membership – witness Sweden and Finland applying to join. Arguments that “NATO did just as bad in Afghanistan/Iraq” “Those complaining about Russian war crimes are hypocrites” get mortally weakened as we see Russia deliberately shelling civilians, refusing to negotiate, systematically destroying cities in order to instil terror and causing 5 million to flee the country (several times more than the 1.6 million who fled Iraq in 2003-06). If Russia was really threatened by NATO, then it could have taken many measures to negotiate a reduction of NATO forces in its vicinity. For instance, it could have demanded an agreement to reduce troops in the Baltic states and Poland in return for ending its policy of unannounced incursion flights ( ), perhaps combining it with further START missile reduction treaties. It could have demanded a constitutional change in Ukraine to guarantee its neutrality and offer back its territories in return (or at least, allow Ukraine to retake the Donbas). It could even have instituted a policy of refusing to supply gas to NATO members (with the exception of Germany!), or charge much higher costs, in order to strong-arm them into leaving the bloc. If Russia simply wanted to end the “threat” of NATO, then the optimal time to do so would have been when the Russian forces realised they would not take Kyiv. At that point they ought to have redoubled their efforts at the negotiating table. A temporary ceasefire could have avoided the humiliation of a forced retreat and allowed Russia to take the moral high ground (at least in its domestic propaganda!). It could have claimed it was ending gunfire against Ukrainian terrorists/Nazis in order to negotiate a lasting peace and end NATO interference in the region. I think that window has passed, and it is clear now that Russia will fight to the bitter end, potentially for years, to ultimately take over all Ukraine. From the perspective of many in Ukraine, Russia has been fighting to take over Ukraine for 8 years now, so 2022 is simply an escalation. Putin is determined to regain Russian imperial territories regardless of cost (I just pray he will at least stop short of using nukes!). Reply 13. ![\\"\\"](\\" Guido Cozzi says: March 31, 2022 at 7:28 am Interesting piece. I have question: if Donald Trump had won the re-election would Putin have invaded Ukraine anyway? Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Hey Tony says: April 6, 2022 at 4:43 am John Bolton called *bullshit* on the canard that Trump would have stopped a Putin invasion… have-stood-putins-way-russian-invasion-2022-3 Reply 14. ![\\"\\"](\\" MacConnachy says: March 31, 2022 at 11:01 am This is an extremely interesting and well written article, and though I am open minded about everything stated, the bottom line is Putin has made a massive mistake, and millions of Ukrainians are suffering. The suffering of these people is (and rightly so) the motivator for other countries to arm Ukraine. I also read the comments above with interest, some of which pull the mind the other way. If Trump was in power, the chances are Russia would still have invaded and Trump wouldn’t care, he isn’t exactly full of empathy which made him a highly unattractive leader in European eyes. Another comment about Anglo Saxon nations (?) only England and Denmark can claim to be Anglo Saxon, but American is multi ethnic, it seems to be a silly buzz term, probably coined by England’s British establishment itself to raise her importance and being the mother of the American people, who knows, but that’s off topic. Its a highly intellectual written piece and asks the question, who really runs the US / UK (or Anglo Saxonia). The American and British establishments are possibly the same group of people. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" King of the Britons says: March 31, 2022 at 11:59 am Funnily enough, I have heard the term “Anglo-Saxon” used far more outside of England than in it. From a genealogical perspective, there is so little actual Anglo-Saxon ancestorship in the English population (even among Whites) that it makes little sense to refer to them as that. Their cultural heritage is also much diluted. The Royals name their kids Norman names like William, Henry and Charles, not Æthelweard and Beornwulf. And that is before we even get to considering how multicultural and multiethnic modern England and the UK is. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Stop the war says: April 25, 2022 at 12:58 pm It’s part of the russian propaganda to use words like fascist, nazi, anglo- saxon, “what about the US” and so on. Russians love to use words like that when discussing their wars Reply 2. ![\\"\\"](\\" xenophon says: April 20, 2022 at 10:32 pm “The suffering of these people is (and rightly so) the motivator for other countries to arm Ukraine.” Such a lie. The same countries don’t care about the VASTLY greater suffering Saudi Arabia has caused in Yemen. Indeed Britain and America are helping them do it. Reply 3. ![\\"\\"](\\" David Gray says: June 16, 2022 at 3:17 pm “coined by England’s British establishment”? What does that even mean? Does England have a non-British establishment? Isn’t that taking even Brexit a bit far…Engexit…E-xit? Anyway I’m not anglo-saxon, i’m from norman and Scottish descent, and no Briton with half an education would label us all as a group of 5th century middle European farmers brought in by romans as mercenaries who then married the locals. At least half of us are danes anyway! Reply 15. ![\\"\\"](\\" Maz Hess says: March 31, 2022 at 9:07 pm When Biden made his Statement to the press following the russian invasion into Ukraine he was smiling… I find this article more then just convincing (Chomsky would agree) but to read it, hurts for all the wounded souls. Reply 16. ![\\"\\"](\\" Chris says: March 31, 2022 at 10:43 pm The author did a masterful job in outlining previous events that led to the Russian invasion. However, his premise that this was some western conspiracy is porous. A review of all the “ color revolutions” illustrates tat the west places too great a value on protests and opinion of urban elites in countries. Such action fails to recognize rural and alternative ethnic regions of countries. Not a masterful conspiracy but ignorance and elitism. Reply 17. ![\\"\\"](\\" Kamran says: April 1, 2022 at 3:00 am ![\\"😂\\"](\\" a move to Hollywood beckons with such fantastical stories. Reply 18. ![\\"\\"](\\" Adriana L. says: April 1, 2022 at 2:52 pm Besides what other commenters said, wouldn’t Europe have been much better prepared for the gas/oil crisis, if they knew what was coming? Even its gas reserves were quite low when the war started, and, allegedly, they relied on Russian Gazprom to keep them filled. Reply 19. ![\\"\\"](\\" Joshva says: April 2, 2022 at 6:27 am Arms sellers needed a war to display their best capabilities! Sadly whether it a trap into which another leader falls into or a kind of fear of NATO encircling created an action without proper planning or strategy of a war on Putin’s part or even China and Putin have been thinking about this a lot where and when to start and test the Western dominance and challenge them in some ways. I think humanity and its plan for progress using technology, scientific and rational innovation have gone wrong. Some have to reinvent whether humanity has to see humanness in themselves and restore what is good in them rather than self-aggressive leaders are given full power to go at anyone whom they wish to or whom they disagree with. Technology can also be used for protecting human beings from disasters and accidents. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Martin says: September 19, 2022 at 9:01 am As long as humans are so quick to hate based on stupid things like where you happened to be born or what fairy tale you believe in there will always be war. Reply 20. ![\\"\\"](\\" Chitauri says: April 2, 2022 at 6:38 am This article is mostly based on conspiracy theories seeking to provide justifications for Putin’s meritless and clearly imperialist invasion of Ukraine. Simply saying “I do not justify Putin’s actions” does not suffice when the article itself cherry picks information and highlights major pieces of Russian propaganda that lack evidence. To claim that the 2014 Revolution of Dignity was a US-backed coup is ludicrous. The vast majority of scholars focused on Eastern Europe & Ukraine (most notably Serhii Plokhy) have clearly identified the 2014 events as grassroots. Yanukovych went back on his promise to sign the EU integration agreement, and then ordered his security forces to fire on protesters in Kyiv. The author also fails to mention that the Ukrainian Parliament voted to strip Yanukovych of his position, all of these actions were led by the Ukrainian people who showed clear support for Western/EU integration in opinion polls. It’s fascinating how the author alluded to Ukrainian “regret” over giving up its nuclear arsenal inherited from the USSR, as if to imply Ukraine has an intention to proliferate nuclear weapons in the 21st century. The author mentions the former nuclear arsenal, but fails to discuss the 1994 Budapest Memorandum that Russia signed to convince Ukraine to give up that nuclear arsenal. Under this agreement, Russia agreed to clear and binding security guarantees to respect Ukrainian sovereignty and its existing borders (including Crimea and the Donbas) in 1994. Russia explicitly violated this agreement in 2014 and 2022 with both of its illegal invasions. The author alleges US plots and schemes as if Ukraine is not an independent country with an independent people. The Ukrainian people have been fighting for hundreds of years to maintain their autonomy from Russia. Ukraine fought the Bolsheviks in 1917 in an attempt to maintain some level of independence. 91% of Ukrainians voted in 1991 to leave the Soviet Union, and any remaining pro-Russian sentiment in Ukraine has been crushed by two Russian invasions of Ukraine’s internationally recognized territory. No amount of finger pointing at NATO will change this fundamental reality: the vast majority of Ukrainians wish to be independent of Russia not just politically, but free from Russian influence entirely. As a sovereign country Ukraine has a right to pursue integration with Europe and the West. There is a reason that 191 UN member states voted in the General Assembly to condemn Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. Attempting to use conspiracy theories to pin blame on the US and NATO only aids Putin’s propaganda and disinformation campaign. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Richard says: April 26, 2022 at 9:19 am Great comment. I am all for different perspectives but with the knowledge that I have of history I felt the author was jumping to many conclusions, and leaving out crucial information. It’s good to see how this comment outlines some much needed information. Reply 2. ![\\"\\"](\\" David Tudor says: April 28, 2022 at 12:02 pm In response to Chitauri I would like to applaud his point regarding the narrative that the author proffers. Personally, as someone who is from the left’s UK tradition, I’m appalled by so many commentators from that part of the political spectrum who echo Putin’s justifications for his war and them immediately cover themselves by saying that these justifications (which they claim are de facto true) are not justifications for the war. But that is exactly what they have just argued! Orwellian double-think does not even come close. Reply 3. ![\\"\\"](\\" Tatiana says: September 14, 2022 at 12:14 pm In 1991 Ukraine voted to stay in USSR and 70.2% said yes . At least refer to Wikipedia Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Flopy says: February 6, 2023 at 5:11 am This is straight up false: Reply 21. ![\\"\\"](\\" Gee says: April 3, 2022 at 1:51 am This makes perfect sense, the US have been training the Ukrainian army for years, have supplied them weapons for years, sanctions were already planned before invasion, just look at the facts of what happened, russian military are being held back heavily, and once invasion started, sanctions were in place immediately. This is a setup by the US, before invasion, for 2 weeks, everyday Biden was saying invasion is pending, they could have started sanctions beforehand to stop russian invasion, but they wanted it to happen, then the US could have promised no NATO for Ukraine and that could have avoided the invasion but no, they wanted this. If you take a step back and look at the big picture, it makes sense that this is a setup by the US. Excellent article. Reply 22. ![\\"\\"](\\" Kal says: April 3, 2022 at 4:05 am Time to take off your tin foil hat Reply 23. ![\\"\\"](\\" Paul Mcgroary says: April 3, 2022 at 10:49 pm This all seems like a 2+2=5 form of analysis, historically very questionable. But now that the invasion has happened this is probably how the CIA etc now are looking at this “Opportunity” just as China and Russia did when the Americans commenced their involvement in Viet Nam or the Americans re the Soviet Afghan war. Reply 24. ![\\"\\"](\\" Anon says: April 4, 2022 at 2:56 pm Well done, Prof. Wade! You have succeeded in writing an article for this blog with exceptionally high engagement – 29 comments so far! I would like to ask one question – where did you source this from? “All through the next months, the government, the broadcast media and large sections of the population chanted the motto “One Nation, One Language, One People”” I did an Internet search for ‘Ukraine “One Nation, One Language, One People”‘ and only found this EUROPP article, a few Russian conspiracy sites and an article about Indonesia. I would be fascinated to learn where this “One Language” chant was used, because from what I understand, many Russian- speaking Russian-ethnicity Ukrainians are as passionately opposed to the Russian invasion as “true” ethnic Ukrainians (of course, such constructions of ethnicity are very arbitrary, and “Ukrainianism” is largely a product of language and culture, starting with Taras Shevchenko ) For those interested, my Googling discovered these useful articles discussing the language situation in Ukraine, post-2014: problem-by-adopting-policies-from-switzerland-or-france/ (nice quote: “Dasha almost always speaks Russian, even if she is talking to a Ukrainian speaker. It doesn’t bother them; it’s just easier this way. Ukrainian is her second language.” – 2019) in-Ukraine-Why-Russian-vs.-Ukrainian-divides-so-deeply (nice quote: Zelenskiy “grew up in a Russian-speaking family in southeastern Ukraine, and led a comic troupe that mixed Russian and Ukrainian in its shows and ridiculed the forced Ukrainization.” Reply 25. ![\\"\\"](\\" Hrvoje Benzema says: April 8, 2022 at 4:25 pm What is more shocking here are not the claims made by the author (which were given absolutelly no space in the media in the West) but the comments of the people here. Makes you wonder who is living behind an “iron curtain”… The night is darkest before the dawn. Reply 26. ![\\"\\"](\\" Tian Tian says: April 9, 2022 at 6:08 pm Well said. Russia took the bait. There is only one winner in this war — US. Reply 27. ![\\"\\"](\\" P. Maxim says: April 14, 2022 at 5:27 pm The article is quite naive and frankly just doesn’t hold water. Reply 28. ![\\"\\"](\\" Ragnar Woldseth says: April 15, 2022 at 4:17 pm Well, classic american full-blown conspiracy paranoia. I’ll be surprised if the author aint wearing a tin-foil hat. Reply 29. ![\\"\\"](\\" Nicola Ruffo says: April 22, 2022 at 8:02 am A fresh point of view in the current debate. However, by levelling American and Russian interests on a same legitimate International relations policy ground, the Prof. Wade seems not to agree with liberal and democratic western values. Moreover, the ‘trap’ suggestion has a whiff of hinderous thought. Reply 30. ![\\"\\"](\\" Joshva raja John Canon Revd Dr (@joshvajohn) says: April 22, 2022 at 10:56 am Clash of Narratives Long ago Huntington wrote the thesis with a title on Clash of Civilizations, referring to the future conflicts based on the cultural groupings rather than ideological or economical groups. The thesis was so convincing that many interpret the conflicts and fault lines based on Huntington’s ideas. However, recent conflicts were often within the cultural groupings rather than between the clusters of cultural similar groups. This raises many questions about the thesis itself whether Huntington got it right. Then when one goes through the reviews of this thesis including of Tariq Ali, Chomsky and Said, it is not convincing or persuasive enough to go back to economic based or ideological based interpretation of conflicts or nation states evolution. Though Edward Said’s argument based on ignorance seems compelling (under the title of Clash or Ignorance), yet, articulated public ignorance through media reports, research findings on public opinion and perception of the other show clear evidence in this favour, yet, there are some identifiable narratives and ideas that contribute to this ignorance that contribute to conflicts in many contexts. Of course people’s ignorance in terms of not knowing the other or being exposed to selective negative information about the other is an important source of suspicion, confrontation and violent conflicts, yet the articulated narratives by various vested groups provide a platform for such ignorance that leads to conflicts. This necessitates an argument in favour of clash of narratives as one of the main sources of conflicts. So I wish to make a case that today many conflicts can be interpreted in terms of clash of narratives, narratives of fear, narratives of suspicion, narratives of conflicts and narratives of war. In the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine we hear the narratives, narrative that Russia is worried about being surrounded by NATO; narrative that Russian language was not given a second language status in Ukraine; narrative that Russian majority areas wanted to be separate from Ukraine and narrative that some nazi movements can be found in some parts of Ukraine. There are also narratives in Ukraine, narrative of Russia being a big nation is aggressive towards small new nation; narrative that Ukrainians would benefit by joining EU that might automatically bring them into NATO; narrative of getting rid of dominance of Russian speaking communities in Ukraine. Two sides have these narratives emerged from some corners, yet emerged to be dominant in influencing and becoming the public opinion and worldviews. While politicians in the democratic process with a polarising mind can use these narratives to their advantage in the election, the media are in competition with each other at times in maximising the sensational news to their ratings as much as possible. To some extent the involvement of Saudi Arabia in Yemen can also be interpreted in a similar way of conflict of narratives of Shia and Sunni and the aspiration to achieve power and control the other. Often such narratives use selective evidences and news information about the other in a negative light. The “selective reductionism” can provide proofs to the public to be convinced of the polarising narratives either way. The Selective reductionism means media selects one event or incident as news story and then generalize as if their story is representation of the whole other. For example, the news media can present an attack by Russian separatists in one incident as an attempt trying to take over Ukraine back to them. Sadly, this style of public reporting or news has become a norm or practice in many countries, particularly in local language news media. An interplay between the politicians and the media in using such narratives for their advantage has not only polarised communities but also has made the relations between majority and minority, between linguistic or religious or caste groups strained and small scale violence has become a reality in many part of the world. Many narratives exist among communities and nations both in public and private spaces. Among them, two of them are dominant in terms of influencing the global discussions and contribute to confrontation at various levels. One of them is the liberal narratives of sex as freedom. Recently the Russian Patriarch (the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church) referred to this as a Western drive on others, particularly Gay pride movement in Ukraine as a threat to Christianity and to culture as Russians and so such a movement must be put off even through a conflict. He wrote to World Council of Churches in order to justify the Russia’s war against Ukraine, though the Russian President himself referred before the Patriarch. Many in East and among the religious South people think that the Western liberal culture has moved away from traditional values, though they too share these liberal values such as equity, freedom and fairness. Nevertheless, the understanding of freedom, equity and fairness has moved from a reasoned negotiations or reconstruction to an ideology driven movement. In this ideologically driven movement, the persuasion of what is right has become dominant and thus people use the narratives to justify whatever they tend to do in terms of sex, treatment of others and politically corrected ideas. This has brought down many other values such as family values, community values and even international values and caused an anarchy in many parts of West. This has led even political miscalculations such as narratives of Iraq War creating a global disorder in which there is a deficiency of trust. This is what the national and religious narratives are trying to resist such popular liberal narratives. When one of the regional parties in Bombay (now it is known as Mumbai in India) Shiv Shena showed this opposition openly by throwing the valentines cards from the shops and burned them in public. Since then they became the ruling party in this state. Some of the counter narratives, such as Salafists in Islam (being trained in Saudi Arabia – now they have become a global movement) wanted to resist the Western education altogether and thus to fight the Western education, they have organised themselves as armed groups such as Boko Haram in Nigeria and Cameroon in Africa. The idea is to resist these liberal values that they see as a threat to family and community values, as a challenge to Islam and thus for the Salafists or a Hindu nationalists, to protect their religion, their community values they need to fight these narratives at the core and thus defend the purity of their faith and values. The second most popular narratives that affect us all is the neo-liberal narrative. This has permeated our economy, society national structures and global trade and controlled to many extent the whole business and other relationship around the world. While many seem to be benefited from this narrative in terms of liberalisation of economy and improvement of services, the promises that are made, such as competition will improve the quality and bring down prices. The taxes would be reduced. These promises remained in words and not yet converted into realities. Therefore, we have high taxing system while the private companies enjoy the control of the public and private spaces. The self- regulation is a good theory and many decisions to correct them happened only in the courts. One of the narratives of neo-liberal method is the survival of the fittest in which the hardworking and intelligence would grow while those who do not work hard, risk or use their intelligence, would lack behind. Such narratives enabled many to be greedy and cunning that the economy has become a high risk factor in which many people’s lives and jobs are affected at times by a few individuals and their decisions. While dignity of all human beings and fair share of wealth to people are being believed by many religions and communities, this economic concept has created a fear among many people. Such neo-liberal narratives are combined with the previous liberal narratives. The majoritarian communities and their leaders tended to blame the minority or the neighbours for their problems and thus create narratives of conflicts or war. Even the majoritarian leader in order to distract the majority tend to blame the neighbours or majority for their failures in the neo-liberal economy and mismanagement. For me, the above evidence clearly points out the fact that if we wish to understand the conflicts today and address them we need to move away from the Clash of civilisation to the clash of narratives. In order to address the conflicts one may have to see how counter narratives of peace and justice can be shared (which are already existing among many cultures, religions and languages), at wider levels. Only when we name the narratives of conflicts or narratives of suspicion we can also work towards the narratives of justice and peace among nations and communities. For creating such narratives, we need reason and faith as two important tools to negotiate and find new ways of living and relating to each other in an alternative global order. Canon Revd Dr Joshva Raja John Former Dean of Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life Honorary Canon of Birmingham Cathedral, UK Head of International Bible Advocacy Centre. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" GloriaSmit says: June 28, 2022 at 7:13 am What this dr joshva said is mostly true. Thats why whenever there is a Democratic party president in the Usa there has been a rise of global protests and unrest. The global south and the East clash and fight a lot with the western establishment and ngos when ever there is a Democratic party president in the usa. It is a clash of ideology. As the Democratics try to export liberalism around the globe they meet resistance. Those around the globe feel threatened believing that their way of life is under attack and in the end take up arms. Some governments go to the extent of using brute force to crush those inspired by ‘western’ backed Ngos to protest. I believe that in this century most wars will be based on that clash. Reply 31. ![\\"\\"](\\" Chris says: April 23, 2022 at 2:45 am Somehow it seems like most of Europe and especially Germany had no idea about this ‘trap’ after investing billions in Russian energy but it’s a sweet theory non the less. Reply 32. ![\\"\\"](\\" marco Foa says: April 23, 2022 at 10:09 pm rubbish article.. the trap,. ! yes it could have been a trap, if the west had the will and the power to start WW3. but as it is Russia can do what it wants. and then the history will be written as always by the winners Reply 33. ![\\"\\"](\\" . says: April 30, 2022 at 9:55 am The language laws in Ukraine basically require Russian articles, websites etc. to include a Ukranian translation. I don’t agree with them personally, but it’s not banning Russian. Also, the laws “enacted” in 2014, were actually a repeal of a 2012 law which had, apparently, been passed in controversial circumstances. Reply 34. ![\\"\\"](\\" Gordon REID SAUNDERS says: May 5, 2022 at 12:53 am Once the shooting starts, there is no truth in any narrative. However it looks like Russia took the bait. But Putin doesn’t care as he may be facing a terminal condition. In the end Xiping may be the winner.. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Mango says: May 10, 2023 at 3:37 am Is putin still suffering from cancer a year later? Reply 35. ![\\"\\"](\\" Kez says: May 10, 2022 at 9:27 am What a load of rubbish. This whole thing assumes an enormous amount of planning and conspiracy by NATO to keep Russia in check and boost the shares of western military suppliers, while it on the other hand seems to imply the inflation and energy issues were unforeseen… Apparently NATO is more single- minded than I counted on 40 countries and a two-party USA to be, while also being incredibly devious and entirely clueless at the same time. Not to mention the vague assumed goal of regime changes… At this point is there a single non-putinist left in Russian politics? How much do the professor think NATO is willing to scheme just to put Patrushev, Mishustin or Tolstoj in power? The good professor makes the classic mistake. Picks a narrative and then ruthlessly trying to prove it while ignoring everything that doesnt fit the picture This isnt even a conspiracy theory. Its just a good bit of fiction. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Martin says: September 19, 2022 at 9:04 am Yeah. Also if this was a trap it was incredibly poorly planned at least energy (gas, oil etc) wise. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Oksana says: December 30, 2023 at 4:32 pm Totally agree. Sounds like RF propaganda. Hykosophisong about the matter one has no clue about and has jot understood by now. Reply 36. ![\\"\\"](\\" Albert Einstein says: May 20, 2022 at 4:13 am Of course Russia was baited… as was Iraq… Serbia … Syria, Libya …, the US learned from their father and mentor England. Ukraine is being used as cannon fodder… weaken Putin/Regime change …, so that is what great democracies do. To create a future world where we have one common goal with Russia and China is not morally right according to most posts here. The west has been undermining the East for 1000 years … the East never had 6000 nuclear heads before….. no one should worry about that… making a killing in the oil market …. defense contractors the elite and politicians making money…. while Ukrainians die as their leader attends galas and Hollywood balls…. No need to think about nuclear war…. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Greg A says: June 25, 2022 at 5:53 am A future with a common goal shared with China & Russia? What common goal should the free world have with two dictatorships? It is a common mistake to imply that in any conflict both sides have equal blame. Not so. “The West” has become dominant precisely because it is built on better values such as liberty, democracy and self-determination. By mass emigrating from their homes to the West those populations are making a judgment that Western order is actually superior and preferable to their own. No common goal with dictators and tyrants – the only just goal is their ultmate erasure. Reply 37. ![\\"\\"](\\" Carmen says: May 31, 2022 at 11:19 am This is a great summary of how the US entrapped Russia, but I wonder if they also intentionally entrapped UK and EU into self-destruction of their economies and currencies. The self-harm on British and European economies will leave long-lasting scars and political divisions, meanwhile US becomes the world #1 exporter of LNG and grains with a stronger, hegemonic USD. The EUR is no longer a rival and EU dreams of ‘monetary sovereignty’ are finished for good as EU imports LNG and weopons in USD. Some notable omissions from your timeline: – The 2019 RAND Corporation report commissioned by the Pentagon “Overextending and Unbalancing Russia: Assessing the impact of cost-imposing options”. This appears to have set the game plan to use Ukraine as a ‘vulnerability’ and so trigger the multi-lateral sanctions pre-agreed with G7 peers. – Pentagon spokesman John Kirby confirmed on Fox News, 13 May, that the US had intended a proxy war in Ukraine for 8 years, from the Maidan coup. – The January 2022 attempted coup in Khazakstan, where Russia intervened at Tokayev’s request to restore order within just one week. The coup may have been engineered to give Russia war on two fronts. Also, the rushed August 2021 US flight from Afghanistan may have been timed to reposition the thousands of Ukrainian mercenaries employed by the Pentagon back into Ukraine in preparation for the proxy war. Contract mercenaries rose sharply from less 5000 in mid-2017 to more than 17000 in April 2021, before plummeting up to the exit in August. The Pentagon may have used Afghanistan as a training ground for Ukrainian militias funded by the Pentagon from 2013 before rotating them home in 2021 to prepare for the Donbas occupation and/or proxy war. report/articles/2021-07-21/number-of-private-military-contractors-in- afghanistan-drops-precipitously-as-biden-pushes-withdrawal-plan Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" David Gray says: June 16, 2022 at 3:23 pm I see no mention of Ukrainian militias in Afghanistan in your link. Please provide evidence. Or is this just unsubstantiated noise? Is anyone surprised that when the US military pulled out and the Taliban started taking over, that the private contractors left too? They were there to protect individuals from street crime, not fight a war. Reply 38. ![\\"\\"](\\" Keir says: June 2, 2022 at 7:31 pm By the authors logic, Putin is probably a US plant. George Orwell was bang on the money aye. Reply 39. ![\\"\\"](\\" Greg A says: June 25, 2022 at 5:40 am There is one thing missing from this article – and comments (actually all such articles & commentary). What do the Ukraininans want for themselves? Even if granted that America has some vested interests it doesn’t necessarily detract from helping Ukraine fight off an aggressor – particularly one as nasty as Russia. I don’t think anyone expected such war crimes in the modern era to be committed so openly. This behaviour seems not much different from how Germans treated Slavs & Jews after occupying Eastern Europe. It shows a deep seated ethnic contempt/superiority complex exists in the Russian mentality – this is the ultimate cause of this war. And just like Germany & Japan they need to be completely defeated before they can rebuild as a truly democratic nation. Reply 40. ![\\"\\"](\\" David Murphy says: June 27, 2022 at 10:39 am David Murphy (International History 1976) Hindsight history isn’t without some value in analysing the current situation. On the surface only the US seems to emerge a clear “winner” in the sense of shifting the EU and particularly Germany, away from Russia and fostering a new arms race – welcome news to the US defence sector and its licence holders. On the other hand, even these benefits are likely to be short term. The questions concerning NATO’s relevance and resilience in a post Cold War World haven’t gone away and a view in Europe may form that without US and NATO meddling a realistic and stable settlement with Russia over Crimea and Eastern Ukraine was within reach. As it is Ukraine is likely to remain a financial bottomless pit, with deeply entrenched corruption, zero development to its Soviet infrastructure, and so politically unstable it is unlikely to gain entry into the EU in the foreseeable future. Beyond that a weakened Europe, a developing world food crisis, the drag on global economic growth and recovery from covid, is unlikely to aid the US in its efforts to counter rising Chinese power and influence. Therefore, while there will always be opportunists on all sides hooting and cheering, the actual outcome here has been the result of sheer stupidity, diplomatic failure, the usual dose of miss-calculation and ideological blurred vision rather than careful pre planning. Typical A J P Taylor history. Reply 41. ![\\"\\"](\\" GloriaSmit says: June 28, 2022 at 8:54 am The truth is that global systems largely favours the western hergimony. Living in the west you probably wont even see this. Human rights ,war crimes and democracy are just western political tools used against states that are less friendly to the west. Yet within the West’s treasure chest of allies and friends there are nations who do far worse. Nations are not treated equally on the global stage. The USA is still in Syria and there is no condemnation of that,no sanctions ,nothing .yet under the UN that is illegal. syria/. If the west is doing this on purpose because of its economic might then it shouldnt complain when another nation uses that as an excuse. The western block seems to be oblivious to the fact that Russia and China mirrors whatever they do on the global scene. If economic might is the reason for the USA to take unilateral illegal decisions know that China or India or who ever becomes global number one will do the same. Nations need to know that they lead by example. The unbalanced economic, selective justice global system is of their own making and there are only two options going forward. The first option would be for a revamp of the UN, ICC and other international bodies to treat any nation equally be it on human rights or war crimes (till now no american has been prosecuted for Iraq illegal war or France for going beyond the Libyan UN no fly zone resolution). The second option which will likely happen in this century is the end of the current UN. Russia and China and the global south will attempt and probably succeed in forming a UN offshot. On the current Russian sanctions ,this is the last time we are ever going to see a moderate Russia. Sanctions have a way of bringing the worst of the worst leaders in sanctioned countries. Sure Putin will be chucked out ,will his replacement be better? 100% not likely and would probably come from the military. The current atmosphere in Russia is that the west hates them to the core and by being the most sanctioned nation in the world has cemented that belief. A worse Russia will follow. Reply 42. ![\\"\\"](\\" Me says: August 28, 2022 at 12:43 pm Some great comments and the author struck the heart.of the issue – this whole conflict is used by the USA to weaken Russia. What’s missing however is the following: this conflict is simultaneously used to weaken European countries. Germany is held hostage by the USA. Germany has no interest in damaging its energy security and certainly had no interest in starting this conflict. What do you think would happen to Germany if it left NATO? The USA already threatened sections simply for building a pipeline. As if Germany wasn’t a sovereign country. And it really isn’t on this regard. The USA made the decision to stop this project for Germany. So please refrain from talking about “the west”. German interests and US interests aren’t the same. European countries suffer from more expensive energy imports. It’s sad to say but most Germans don’t even realize that they’ve been played by the USA. In other European countries it’s probably the same. It’s important to spread the word. The USA isn’t Europe’s friend. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" William Francis says: December 3, 2022 at 1:21 pm Germany isn’t a victim of the US because it made itself dependent on Russian gas. Given how much of eastern Europe was warning about Russian imperialism for years, Germany could have invested I nuclear. Instead the turned the plants off and Berlin politicians took bribes from Gazprom. The neoliberalism belief that energy is just commodity, made many forget it is a geopolitical tool, and Germany (and much of Europe too) sourced its energy to essentially a fascist billionaire. Southern Europe has good reason for feeling schenfraude at Berlin’s expense, after being told their were being “fiscally irresponsible”. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Björn says: January 22, 2023 at 12:42 pm Have you never heard of “Peace through trade “? Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" William Francis says: May 12, 2023 at 4:35 pm You mean doux commerce. Didn’t prevent the Great war did it? Reply 2. ![\\"\\"](\\" Renics says: May 12, 2023 at 5:15 am Well, representatives of the Anglo-Saxons, like you, always and everywhere see only the colonial aspect of all events and have always pursued their foreign policy as colonial conquests and control over the resources of Eurasia. Because the island of Britain does not have its own many natural resources. And your opinion to use hydrocarbon energy resources as a weapon in geopolitics is just your US-British geopolitical strategy. Which use their world reserve currency the dollar and sanctions as such a weapon to achieve their geopolitical interests. About the ongoing occupation of Germany by the United States since the end of World War II only confirms these events. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" William Francis says: May 12, 2023 at 4:44 pm Are we “anglo-saxons” colonialists or too obessed with seeing things via a anti-colonialist lense. Please make up your mind. I can see you are implicitly using Lev Gumilev ideas of people of sea and land and Eurasianism to deny the reality of Russian imperialism and colonialism. Rest assured, your efforts of to perform a whataboutism have done little to disprove my point: dependence on Russian gas was a choice. Reply 43. ![\\"\\"](\\" shannon says: September 12, 2022 at 3:08 am loved it, entirely. Reply 44. ![\\"\\"](\\" Iris says: September 21, 2022 at 3:31 pm This “analysis” seems to be held together by nothing but the conviction that, whatever happens, it must be the US’ fault. Cognitive dissonance at its best. Tellingly, Ukrainians don’t even appear. Nor views of people in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Chechia. Nothing matters but cherry-picking information and connecting them with rumors to get a story that keeps intact a concept of the world in which on Western countries can be imperialists. I am seriously tempted to concoct a paper on how Russia laid a trap for the US to invade Iraq. (“Of course, the US invasion of Iraq was wrong but…”) Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Renics Nykoros says: May 12, 2023 at 5:29 am The analogy of these events suggests itself. This is the Cuban missile crisis in the early 60s. Why, then, did the United States react sharply negatively to the installation of Soviet missile systems in Cuba. Which a little more did not turn into large-scale military operations. And now the same situation is repeating itself only from the side of the United States. No one wonders why the United States can do everything, while others can’t do anything? Reply 45. ![\\"\\"](\\" Nathan says: September 24, 2022 at 11:02 pm Everything else crazy about this article has been enumerated here, but I would like to call attention to the blatant attempt to make this a religious conflict. The Kyiv government is not overwhelmingly catholic, and in general the people of eastern Ukraine, Russian speaking or not, are far less religious than those in the west. The distinction between the Moscow and Kyiv orthodox churches is a political one, as the Moscow patriarch has time and again shown himself to be an enemy of Ukrainian independence. And Russian-speaking Ukrainians are switching to Ukrainian out of national pride, no one is forcing them to. This man may know a lot of bs about trends in world politics, but like many who fall into the pockets of the Russian state media, he is woefully uninformed on the specifics of this conflict and it’s history. Reply 46. ![\\"\\"](\\" Jp Tetro says: October 21, 2022 at 8:51 am On one hand, you say USA needs Russia as common enemy to provide glue for cooperation but on the other hand, you say USA wants regime change for friendlier regime. You see, it’s the whole problem with your text, you will say anything that fits your narrative. If the USA government was so “intelligent and manipulative”, they would have been smarter (more careful) before making China the economic superpower it became. As we can see with the Russian military issues in Ukraine, and the issues faced by USA in Afghanistan, the governments and the military are not very smart/effective. The reality is that the world is complex and western governments change every few years so to presume that have some kind of long term political agenda full of conspiracies, is very naive. Reply 47. ![\\"\\"](\\" scott darrington says: November 29, 2022 at 8:03 pm It’s not that complicated really, ultimately it is about power and domination, basic human and animal instinct.Simply put its about big dog (usa)and some of their pack had seen an opportunity in other big dogs backyard for expansion and took it (2014).Other big dog realised his backside was exposed so nipped back (Crimea). Big dog didnt like this as the bite was fast, furious with the level of responce, re-evaluation was required as big dogs pack was startled and scared of the reply. So over the years big dog (usa) and his pack fed their new puppy (ukraine) so they could become fat and strong. The other realised this so embarked on a reply, ultimately it became too much for the old leader surrounded by yes animals such as the younger wolves (generals) and not listening to his fox (intelligence services) he embarked on an attack on the little pup…who now was no longer a pup, but a Lion with a pack behind him. Out of all this nonsense I have put, only question us who is feeding these animals its the USA and China….this is just a prelude…imo lol Reply 48. ![\\"\\"](\\" Andreas Klein says: November 30, 2022 at 3:22 am Can you be more specific which countries out of the 30 Nato members “wanted Russia to attack Ukraine”? All of them? Do you believe there is any way they could all agree and collaborate in a concerted fashion as suggested? Reply 49. ![\\"\\"](\\" William Francis says: December 3, 2022 at 1:11 pm Given the authors previous work on neoliberalism, globalisation and developmentalism, I can see why Wade has takened up the argument. Bloomberg columnist, Noah Smith noted a while ago that opponents of the US lead world order (left wing or right wing and those how unironically use the phrase “mainstream media”) will take either a pro-Russian or at least anti- US/NATO stance in this war, as a Ukrainian defeat will hasten the collapse of said world order. As such a its little wonder Wade would portray the war as one of US/NATO design, whilst giving lip service to Putin’s agency. Wade’s argument however, seems to gloss over euromadan and the revolution of dignity. Yanukovych wasn’t couped. He fled an impeachment brought on by his security forces shooting protesters, who were protesting his decision to cancel a treaty with the EU, which he promised to sign. To imply it happened because of the US is just Americancentrism, with the actual proof being confined to tapes of Victoria Nuland doing a political analysis in 2013/14. Ukrainian laws on the Russian language (which were liberalised under Zelensky- a russian speaker himself), are typical of much of eastern European efforts to reverse centuries of russification and essentially part of decolonisation. Finally given how NATO states tolerated Putins imperialism from, Chetnyan to Crimea, bought vast amounts of Russian gas, sold Russia the machinery it needed for rearmament (as described in great detail by Kamil Galeev), whilst sheltering Russia oligarch wealth in their banks, it doesn’t seem NATO were plotting Putin’s overthrow. If anything it looks like NATO (or rather Europe) was benefiting heavily from the Putin regime and didn’t want the gravy train to end. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Andrew Hume says: May 14, 2023 at 11:59 am You summarised it far better than I did…. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Nick S. says: May 30, 2024 at 9:12 pm Mr Hume you have an incredibly vivid writing style and I was wondering if you have a blog or any publications in the public domain? Reply 50. ![\\"\\"](\\" IEGOR says: January 18, 2023 at 4:11 pm First of all we can see a set of dirty speculations from the author, which pretty much showing his wishful thinking rather then objective analysis. He was specifically was using some emotional tricks to do that. The thing number one: On 23 February, the day after Yanukovych fled, the first act of the Ukrainian parliament was to revoke the legal status of Russian as a national language; and more broadly, to prevent regions from allowing the use of any other language than Ukrainian. The law has been vetoed by acting president Oleksandr Turchynov, and it has remained till 2018. And regions could use it still, which means that author is lying. Second thing “The government set about blocking access to Russian news, TV channels and radio.” This is also lie. The first such things has happened only after Crimea annexation and beginning war on Donbass. Interesting, author hasn’t said a single word about Crimea annexation, how come? The answer is simple, it breaks a lot of his arguments. As reaction on Crimea annexation was more then acceptable for Russia, only increasing it’s power and importance. So author is speculating on facts. And he is specifically choosing some dirty tricks to make a victim-blaming like this: “All through the next months, the government, the broadcast media and large sections of the population chanted the motto “One Nation, One Language, One People”. He saying that and not saying any single word about Crimea. This is hype-seeking post, not objective attempt of analysis. Reply 51. ![\\"\\"](\\" Perry Corn says: March 8, 2023 at 3:36 am After Germany surrendered in ww2 they offered America to join with Germany and invade Russia and the mealy did but the Western governments are thinking like back in ww2 and President Putin is in a new era and thinks driffent and trust me He will win and personal I how Russia China and North Korea nuke the hell out of America as they have been planing to start this war and trying to gain world power and rule others as they wish and they are the ones the world needs to be scared of and Britain and France Germany and the EU Reply 52. ![\\"\\"](\\" Renics says: May 12, 2023 at 5:22 am (On 27 February, James Heappey, UK Minister for the Armed Forces, wrote in the Daily Telegraph: “His failure must be complete; Ukrainian sovereignty must be restored, and the Russian people empowered to see how little he cares for them) What kind of sovereignty is this? Apparently, colony and sovereignty have the same meaning for US and Britain politicians. Why is it necessary to lie here so incomparably and unscrupulously? After all, people are not fools and everyone sees where the truth is here, and where the lie is. Reply 53. ![\\"\\"](\\" Peters Vecrumba says: October 20, 2023 at 2:31 am The author ignores that Russia has been invading its neighbors since the Yeltsin era. There is a direct link from the murder of freedom demonstrators in Soviet Latvia to the murder of Moldovans in Moldova’s Transnistria to complete Russian de facto take-over of Moldova’s industrial assets, to Russian “separatists” in eastern Ukraine. The notion that the conflict in Ukraine today is the result of NATO et al. wanting Russia to attack is grossly uninformed at best, and demonstrates a fundamental and systemic ignorance of Kremlin politics and history. For the aforementioned link: Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Mihai Dumitrescu says: November 14, 2023 at 11:37 am There are a series of articles suggesting, somehow, that either the war that started in 2014 was planned or actively supportted by the US government or that somehow NATO is playing a duplicitary role with Russia and that NATO “expansion” was a direct threat to Russia. see or In all these articles/opinions, the voice of Russia and US comes into play and mostly the US is boardly accused of imperialism. What ofthen these point of view fail to include is to include the desires/wishes of the people involved. Ukraine and, until 1997, Eastern Europe. What does Ukraine want? Does Ukraine have the right to independence? If yes, is Ukraine allowed to join EU for the prospect economical progress? If yes, is Ukraine allowed to join NATO for security guarantees? If yes, is Ukraine allowed to forge military alliances? In my eyes, that is true independence and everything else is, in my eyes, an imperialistic Russia that desires to controll Ukraine in its direct sphere of influence. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Mr W J Francis says: November 15, 2023 at 9:05 am Those articles are predicated on colour revolution conspiracism: a synthesis of La Rouchism and Milosevic cope. The US does not have the means to topple every government with mass movements via a few million dollars in foreign and Gene Sharp’s activist techniques. Reply 54. ![\\"\\"](\\" Lee says: February 4, 2024 at 9:19 am This read has opened my eye’s greatly on the real world we live in today. You’ve helped me read between the lies(lines) in which the US has drawn for it’s people and the west. Thank you Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" William Francis says: February 5, 2024 at 9:10 am Really? All I saw was a pretty standard Muscovite colonialist narrative with traces of colour revolution conspiracism. Clearly we have some way to go to decolonise academia and remove the influence of LaRouchism. Reply 1. ![\\"\\"](\\" Alex says: June 19, 2024 at 1:01 am Mr W J Francis, Trolling is not helping. The article is well researched and supported by plenty of evidence. The fact that no one knows about those facts only tells us that mainstream media is presenting one sided version. Mind you, I am not inviting to read russian news. US has much higher quality propaganda than Russia, but lets not be fools, it is still a propaganda. Stoning researchers who try to educate us, because we are more comfortable being brainwashed is the way into dark ages Reply 55. ![\\"\\"](\\" Slawek - Paul C. says: July 8, 2024 at 8:33 am Every time I read the arguments for the past or current mess caused by the “Western hegemony” or “US Imperialism” …I have only one question; where would you and your family like to live? Russia / China or the USA / EU? Even the Russian oligarch who milked their own country for all its worth – seem to enjoy all the goods, freedoms and benefits that the West provides…. I am not naive – I realize that US politics are highly controversial, often cause a lot of misery and suffering to their own citizens and other people around the globe…. but I and most other people ANYWHERE on this planet (based on the migration patterns for the last 50+ yrs) prefer the Western style rule over the alternative offered by the Russian leaders or other rulers from the East…. Pick your poison and stick to it…. The reality is extremely complex… if US and the West must play “dirty” to preserve this form of socioeconomic order and this semi-democracy we enjoy in the West – maybe it is the price we must pay to protect our own countries from becoming satellites of Russia or China. We can, of course, discuss moral and ethical values of fighting evil with evil, but that’s entirely different topic…. Reply 56. ![\\"\\"](\\" Sid Smith says: July 8, 2024 at 11:19 pm Wade’s brainwashing is typical western narrative. Wake up the West ! The US and its proxies are being taught a stiff listen by the truth. US hegemony like capitalism will be replaced by another empire whose goal is peace! The west is chasing shadows – switch on the lights! As a westerner how can I support the most powerful nation in the world with a mentally retarded geriatric at the helm!!! 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As the world rallies around Ukraine Mike Lee was one of only two senators to oppose sanctions on Putin Then he flew to the Kremlin and discussed dropping sanctions Lee even opposed arming Ukrainians fighting for their lives
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As the world rallies around Ukraine Mike Lee was one of only two senators to oppose sanctions on Putin Then he flew to the Kremlin and discussed dropping sanctions Lee even opposed arming Ukrainians fighting for their lives
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Spokesperson Washington, D.C. October 2, 2023 ## Article Index * UKRAINE * PEPFAR * UKRAINE * RUSSIA / SLOVAKIA * CHINA / NORTH KOREA / RUSSIA * ARMENIA / AZERBAIJAN * GEORGIA * SERBIA / KOSOVO * ISRAEL / PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES * TÜRKIYE * TÜRKIYE / IRAQ / SYRIA * ISRAEL / PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES * INDIA / CANADA * PAKISTAN * MEXICO * RUSSIA * IRAN * BANGLADESH * IRAN/ UKRAINE / RUSSIA * NIGER / ALGERIA 1:29 p.m. EDT MR MILLER: I like this. Noisy room today. Don’t let me interrupt. Let me start with some opening comments. I’d like to echo the President’s disappointment that, despite longstanding and strong bipartisan support for Ukraine as it fights back against Russia’s invasion, that the continuing resolution that passed Congress on Saturday did not include desperately needed support. Ukraine’s resilience, courage, and determination have inspired the world. The United States is proud to stand with more than 50 countries in helping Ukraine repel the Russian invasion and secure its future. While we have the ability to continue to support Ukraine’s ability to defend itself in the immediate term, we have already exhausted much of the existing security assistance funding. It is imperative that Congress take action. Strong majorities in both houses of Congress support continued assistance to Ukraine because this is not simply about Ukraine. It is about the world we want to live in. If we allow authoritarians like President Putin to do whatever they want to other sovereign countries, then the whole UN Charter will be shredded, and we are going to live in a world where this kind of aggression can happen anywhere, anytime. That would be far more expensive for the American people and far more dangerous for the American people. We must continue to put Ukraine in the strongest possible position to defend itself. That means supporting them now, while also transitioning to a more long-term posture in which its people can rebuild and live safely in a resilient and thriving democracy, fully integrated with Europe. We cannot under any circumstance allow America’s support for Ukraine to be interrupted. Our allies, our adversaries, and the world will be watching. With that, Matt. QUESTION: That was it? I thought you said you had a couple of things. MR MILLER: I could – I’m sure I could — QUESTION: You could go on? MR MILLER: I’m sure I could talk on. We could talk about — QUESTION: Okay. All right. But you’re still convinced that Ukraine funding will come through at some point, right? MR MILLER: Yeah. As the President made clear — QUESTION: Yeah, yeah. MR MILLER: — he does believe it will come through. We think it’s important that Congress act. QUESTION: So – okay. Can I ask you about another thing that wasn’t in the CR? And that is PEPFAR. What’s your understanding of funding for that, which has been hailed by both sides of 1the aisle as being one of the greatest foreign policy and public health achievements of the last 20 years? MR MILLER: Yeah. So in the short term, PEPFAR will be able to continue providing the lifesaving prevention, care, and treatment services in partnership with PEPFAR-supported countries. However, the fact that Congress did not reauthorize the program sends a message to partners around the world, especially in Africa, that we are backing down from our leadership in ending HIV/AIDS as a public health threat. The Biden administration remains supportive of a five-year, clean PEPFAR reauthorization — QUESTION: And? MR MILLER: — so we can continue the work – we can continue the work now. But we do need, in the long term, a full reauthorization. QUESTION: Well, now, for how long? MR MILLER: So this was an authorization – the authorization of certain programs has expired. We’re still figuring out exactly what that means. There’s some appropriations that have continued, so we’re going to work through it. But the program can continue in – for now, as we work through — QUESTION: Well, yeah. But for now – what, like for three days or a week or two weeks? MR MILLER: I don’t have a timetable. We’re going to work through it, and work through it with Congress, and call on them to reauthorize the program long term. QUESTION: And does it need to be reauthorized – well, when is the – like the drop-dead deadline, that like it – there won’t be any money left for it? MR MILLER: I’d have to get back to you on the drop-dead deadline. QUESTION: So when it’s – no one has thought to look at for that? MR MILLER: It’s — we have thought – we are continuing to work through the question with Congress. But we are able to keep the program running for now. QUESTION: All right. Thanks. MR MILLER: Go ahead, Will. QUESTION: Back to Ukraine aid, on the direct budgetary assistance that the U.S. provides to Ukraine. Wondering how long that would be able to continue without anything in the CR. And what’s the importance of that? MR MILLER: So I’m not able to put a timetable on it. I would refer you to the Pentagon, my colleagues at the Pentagon, to answer that question, because ultimately it relates to Pentagon drawdown authority. I will say that, while we have some remaining drawdown authority that we can draw on to continue to provide security assistance to Ukraine in the short term – in fact, we have another drawdown package coming in the coming days – USAI funding has been suspended, FMF funding has been suspended. Those are contracting programs that allow us to contract for Ukraine’s — in the long term. So we’re not able to do that without further action by Congress. And so we are calling on Congress to fully fund our request to support Ukraine’s short- and long-term security assistance, and also to allow the Pentagon to refill depleted Pentagon stocks, which is something that they’re not able to do without further action. QUESTION: But also going to the – beyond the Pentagon, the economic side, to the direct government aid that – provided to the Ukrainian Government through USAID and other mechanisms. MR MILLER: We are continuing – the vast majority of that funding has lapsed. We are continuing to work through what we can continue to provide to Ukraine. But it is important that Congress take action. QUESTION: Ukraine? MR MILLER: Yeah. Go ahead. QUESTION: Matt, could you expand on what has been said, how that message has been delivered on that direct budget support, in terms of what measures the Ukrainians need to take to root out and fight corruption to maintain that support? MR MILLER: So we have been very clear and direct with our Ukrainians counterparts on this question. This is a question that obviously goes back to before the full-scale Russian invasion, where we have been working with Ukraine to urge them to root out corruption and talking about best practices they could rely on for tackling corruption. That conversation has continued, has continued as recently as the Secretary’s visit, where we talked through these issues directly with President Zelenskyy, with others in the Ukrainian Government. And will say that we have seen Ukraine take aggressive action, and that includes aggressive action as recently as the past few weeks, to tackle corruption. And we welcome them continuing to take these steps. I will say, oftentimes I see this get portrayed as about – as something Ukraine needs to do to win support from Western allies and ultimately fulfill its European aspirations, to become a member of the EU, and certainly that is true. You see members of Congress, saying they want to see Ukraine take anti- corruption action – so it’s important that Ukraine show them they are. You see members of the EU saying they want that, and so it’s important that Ukraine show that they’re taking those steps. But it is also important for Ukraine’s ability to build a long-term economy, a long – that can sustain the type of effort we expected to see. And having – they are going to be a neighbor of Russia in perpetuity; they need to have the economy that can kind of – that can support a security apparatus that can deter future Russian aggression, and they can’t do that if there is widespread corruption at different – in different sectors of the economy. QUESTION: But has there been a specific communication recently, or a series of communications, saying you will not get that direct support to your budget unless these specific measures are taken? MR MILLER: I am not going to get into specific conversations, other than to say that it continues to be a high priority for us that we raise with our Ukrainian counterparts, and it continues to be a priority for Ukraine. And we have seen them take action in response to specific requests that we have made as recently as the past few weeks. QUESTION: Can you say whether it’s a condition or not of — MR MILLER: I just can’t read out further any private diplomatic conversations. QUESTION: On Ukraine. In addition to all of these headwinds that we’ve just been talking about, Matt, we’ve been hearing from U.S. officials about the Kremlin perhaps sensing an opportunity, maybe making a concerted effort to push propaganda through its intelligence agencies to undercut support for Ukraine aid, and to fuel pro-Russian political parties and sentiment wherever it can. Does the State Department have a plan to counter the effects of an effort like that? MR MILLER: So, it is something that we have been focused on since before the Russian full-scale invasion even began. I will say that we have found that the best way to combat Russian disinformation is with transparency. It’s why you saw the administration in the runup to the full-scale invasion declassify intelligence information – oftentimes not just about what Russia had done but what we expected Russia to do, so we could ward off attempts by the Russian Government to mislead people in Europe or people around the world. And we will continue to do that. It’ll continue to be a priority for us going forward. QUESTION: Separately but relatedly, looking at the election outcome in Slovakia, are you aware of any Russian effort, messaging effort, in that outcome? And generally, do you have a comment on the outcome of those elections, which obviously have implications for aid to Ukraine, at least now with the — MR MILLER: So with respect to Russian interference, we’ve seen the public reports of that. We’re not able to verify them ourselves. We’re in close contact with our Slovak counterparts about them. In general, with regard to the election, I’ll say Slovakia of course is a crucial NATO Ally, partner, and friend of the United States. We will continue to work together with the government chosen by the Slovak people to advance our shared goals and mutual interests. And as I’ve said about a number of countries from this podium, the United States does not take sides in foreign elections; our only interest is in a free and fair electoral process in accordance with Slovakia’s longstanding democratic tradition. Go ahead. QUESTION: Thank you, Matt. On Russia and China and North Korea, the foreign ministers of North Korea and the Russians will meet in Pyongyang this month, and there is a summit meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and the Russian President Putin in Beijing this month. What impact do you think the solidarity between Russia and China and North Korea will have on South Korea, U.S., and Japan? MR MILLER: So, I would say that – there’s kind of a lot to unpack in that question. But as it pertains to China, one of the things that we have urged in our conversations with Chinese officials, something that Secretary Blinken urged and other officials have urged, is that China is uniquely positioned to use its influence with the DPRK to urge the DPRK to take de-escalatory steps, to urge the DPRK to return to diplomacy – all steps we, of course, do not see the DPRK as willing to take. But we will continue to encourage them to use that influence to the – any degree that is possible and that they are willing to do. With respect to Russia, we continue to be concerned about increased ties between Russia and North Korea, especially as it comes to any potential transfer of weapons either from the DPRK to Russia or from Russia to the DPRK. QUESTION: Kim Jong-un declared that it would strengthen anti-United States solidarity. China will also participate on this. How can you comment on this, because Chinese is also supporting what Kim Jong-un said? MR MILLER: I don’t have any further comment than what I just said. Go ahead. QUESTION: I’d like to ask you a question on Karabakh. AFP had a team that was able to go into the capital of Karabakh, Stepanakert, and they describe a absolute ghost town. Obviously, we know tens of thousands of Armenians fled Karabakh. The Armenians call it ethnic cleansing. Does the United States abide by that qualification? Do you think there was ethnic cleansing here in Karabakh? MR MILLER: So we take allegations of ethnic cleansing, genocide, or other atrocities seriously. We are in touch with contacts on the ground about the situation. We won’t shy from taking appropriate actions to respond to allegations of atrocities and promote accountability for those responsible for atrocities when we see evidence that they’ve taken place. But as always, a determination regarding genocide or ethnic cleansing is based on a deliberate, evidence-based process. It’s not something I can speak to with any degree of finality from this podium. QUESTION: But the region has been emptied of its civilian population. I mean — MR MILLER: It is certainly true that a hundred thousand, or I should say around a hundred thousand, ethnic Armenians have departed Nagorno-Karabakh for Armenia. Now, we don’t know – I don’t think any of us can say whether – what percentage of those plan to remain in Armenia permanently, what percentage of them may want to come back, if the conditions allowed, if they felt sufficient assurances about their treatment if they would return, which is why we are reiterating our call for an independent international monitoring mission that would provide transparency and reassurance to the population of Nagorno- Karabakh that the rights and securities of ethnic Armenians would be protected, particularly for any of those that wish to return. Azerbaijan has made those assurances. We think there ought to be an international monitoring mission there to observe and guarantee them. QUESTION: Follow-up on that? MR MILLER: Yeah. QUESTION: Thanks so much. The first report of the UN team mission to Karabakh just came out. When you were talking about international – deploying international monitors, is that a mission you had in mind? And if so, is it long term, short term? And does it bounce back to the initial question that my colleague asked: What is your definition or sense of what’s going on right now? MR MILLER: So the – first of all, we welcome that mission. We continue to work with our allies and partners about what a more long-term mission ought to look like. I don’t have any update on that today. And in – with respect to – what was the second question? What the situation was on the ground? QUESTION: Right. The situation — MR MILLER: The situation on the ground is exactly as I just described it, where around 100,000 ethnic Armenians have left Nagorno-Karabakh, and relocated to Armenia. We believe that they ought – if they wish to return, they ought to have their rights respected, and that there ought to be an international monitoring mission in place to secure that. QUESTION: Is there any room left for peace agreement? MR MILLER: We think certainly there ought to be. There are other issues beyond the status of Nagorno-Karabakh that are at dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and we would encourage them to return to peace talks to discuss and ultimately come to resolution on those issues. QUESTION: Can I have one on Georgia, please? I have a last one very quick. There are allegations coming out of Georgia, as was emphasized by the prime minister as well today, accusing the U.S. funding efforts in Georgia, USAID particularly, claiming that they are trying to overthrow Georgian Government. There have been a litany of accusations against civil society members. (Inaudible) last question about Georgia. But now this. Where this is coming from, and what is your response? MR MILLER: I haven’t seen those specific comments, but of course the only involvement that we have in Georgia is for humanitarian and pro-democracy purposes. We take no position on the leadership of Georgia. We take no position on elections in Georgia, other than that they ought to be free and fair. QUESTION: What reason the prime minister is under the impression he is targeted by the U.S.? MR MILLER: I’m sorry? QUESTION: What reason the prime minister – pro-Russian prime minister – is under the impression that he is targeted by the U.S.? MR MILLER: So, again, I haven’t seen those specific comments, so I’m not going to make any other response before I’ve had a chance to read them in detail. QUESTION: And one last question on Georgia, if I might. MR MILLER: Let me come back to you, Alex. That, I think, is four, and we’ll — QUESTION: May I move on to Kosovo — MR MILLER: Yeah. QUESTION: — and Serbia? You heard the White House said on Friday – raised this concern about the troop buildup. It seems at least the Serbian Government saying today that they’ve reduced the number of troops. Have you been able to verify that? Are you sort of – are you satisfied that that has been addressed? And what level of concern remains? MR MILLER: So we have seen the reports that Serbia has withdrawn military personnel and equipment away from the border. We have not yet verified those independently, and we will be looking for further confirmation. But if true, that would be a welcome step, something that we called for to happen last week, and we would welcome them having taken that step. We continue to be concerned about the cycle of rising tensions and sporadic violence in northern Kosovo, and encourage both parties to return to the EU- facilitated dialogue. QUESTION: Have there been any contacts with officials on either side since this Friday? MR MILLER: So there have been. The Secretary, of course, talked with President Vucic on Friday, and we’ve had other conversations over the weekend – not at the Secretary level, but at other levels inside the State Department. QUESTION: Can I follow up? MR MILLER: Let me – I’ll come — QUESTION: Follow-up? MR MILLER: Go ahead. QUESTION: Yeah, because it’s a follow-up. So the Serbs said that they told the White House on Friday that the troops were decreasing, and then you have even Serbian president going – getting on the record, saying that last year they had 14,000 troops, that right now the number was 7,500. And now it’s reducing to 4,000. So my question: Why did you then issue a statement saying troops were increasing, when he told you that they were decreasing? MR MILLER: Because we did see an increase of Serbian forces at the border. Now, with respect to whether they are decreasing since Friday, we’ve seen reports, but as I said, we have not yet verified those. Said. QUESTION: Did Joe Biden – no, I just want to follow up because – MR MILLER: Go ahead. QUESTION: — this is really something that I follow here from the day one. MR MILLER: Yeah. QUESTION: Did Joe Biden sign off on these exact words when the statement went out? MR MILLER: So I’m not going to speak to internal deliberations inside the government, but I can tell you we have confidence in what we said about the — QUESTION: And my last one — MR MILLER: No, let me – I’m – now I’m – just the same way I cut out — QUESTION: But this is — MR MILLER: Hold on, just this – I will – if there’s time I’ll come back. In the same way I cut Alex off, there’s a lot of people with a lot of topics. I’m going to move to Said. QUESTION: But the other one is a question on — MR MILLER: Said, go ahead. QUESTION: Yeah. QUESTION: I don’t finish the — MR MILLER: I – I – we’ll – I’ll come back if there’s time. We’re going to go to Said. I want to make sure we have a chance to get everybody in the room. It’s always a little busier on Monday; haven’t had a briefing for a few days. QUESTION: Yeah, but there is an important issue for — MR MILLER: I know. Said, go ahead. QUESTION: Thank you, Matt. You began by noting how Ukraine has inspired the world in fighting against an illegal military occupation. And I wonder if you think that the Palestinians ought to be so inspired as to fight an illegal occupation with the same kind of intensity and the same commitment, and, also, count on a limitless commitment of support by the United States and the rest of the world, as you stated. MR MILLER: We are firmly committed to a two-state solution, as we have spoken to a number of times, Said. QUESTION: Right. But you said that Ukraine is inspiring the world, and the Palestinians have a right to be, as members of this world community, to be so inspired and fight occupation, correct? MR MILLER: We certainly take steps that would improve the dignity, the economic situation of the Palestinian people, as well as an ultimate two-state solution. QUESTION: Okay. And one other question. Today – yesterday, the Israeli occupation forces forced a Palestinian family to destroy her own home in East Jerusalem, with her children, and move out. Do you have any comment on that? MR MILLER: It is critical, as we’ve said on a number of occasions, for Israel and the Palestinian Authority to refrain from unilateral steps that exacerbate tensions, and undercut efforts to advance a negotiated two-state solution. And that certainly includes the practices of forced demolitions and evictions of families from homes in which they have lived for generations. QUESTION: Thank you. QUESTION: Follow-up on Israel? MR MILLER: Let me – I’ll come here. Go ahead. QUESTION: Just on the situation in Türkiye and northern Iraq. Do you have any reaction to what happened in Ankara, and then the subsequent strikes? MR MILLER: So the United States strongly condemns the October 1st terrorist attack at the Turkish Interior Ministry in Ankara. You saw the Secretary speak to this yesterday. We wish those injured a speedy and full recovery, and we stand firmly with our NATO Ally Türkiye and the Turkish people in the fight against the PKK, which has been designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States. We condemn any acts of terrorism against Türkiye and its people. QUESTION: A follow-up on this? QUESTION: Follow-up? MR MILLER: Yeah. QUESTION: Yeah. And the Turkish president, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, he said that: We are extending our military operations in Syria and also in Iraq. And this is at a time that the Iraqi Government is rejecting all the violations into their sovereignty. They said that this is not a sign of a good neighbor. What’s your position and comment on that? MR MILLER: So we recognize the legitimate security threat the PKK poses to Türkiye and we urge Türkiye to pursue joint counterterrorism cooperation with Iraq in a way that supports and respects Iraqi sovereignty. QUESTION: Related subject? QUESTION: Another question? QUESTION: This is on same — MR MILLER: Lee, I’ll come to you after we – let’s do the left and then we’ll — QUESTION: Thank you, (inaudible). About four years ago, the United States administration reached an understanding with the Turkish Government that the YPG elements in northern Syria would move 30 kilometers – 19 miles – south of the border, and that still hasn’t fully materialized. Do you still recognize that understanding between the two countries or do you say that was the previous administration of ours? MR MILLER: Let me take that one back so I can get you a more detailed response. Go ahead. QUESTION: So as you mentioned, the PKK terror group was behind yesterday’s terror attack in Ankara. And as you may know, there have long been anger in Türkiye against the PKK and also against the U.S. for its support to YPG, its Syrian branch in Syria. So, you might have seen it on Twitter yesterday when many Turkish Twitter users reacted against Secretary Blinken’s post, accusing the U.S. of training and arming the PKK Syrian branch YPG. So, I’m wondering, how can the U.S. address those concerns among Turkish public about its support to YPG or, broadly, SDF, and how does the U.S. plan to proceed in pursuing relations with an entity that is recognized as a terrorist organization by its NATO Ally Türkiye? MR MILLER: So first of all, we condemn any act of terrorism against Türkiye and its people. As I said, the PKK has been designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States. We stand firmly by Türkiye and the Turkish people in their fight against the PKK, and we will continue to do so. Go ahead. QUESTION: Okay. In light – thanks, Matt. In light of UNRWA donors’ – that’s a UN agency – recent meetings at the UN, will the U.S. ask the UN to inspect and disarm UNRWA refugee camps that have become well-equipped arsenals? And I have a follow-up question. MR MILLER: Do you mean – where particularly do you mean? QUESTION: In the Middle East. MR MILLER: In the Middle – yeah. QUESTION: In the Middle East. QUESTION: UN Relief and Works Agency. QUESTION: Okay, so regarding Israel — MR MILLER: I was – I wanted to get a little more specific. QUESTION: — and the Palestinian idea. But the UNRWA issue, so — MR MILLER: So I will say that, as we have said before, we have long recognized Israel’s right to defend itself and take actions to secure its territory. QUESTION: Okay. The follow-up to that is: Will the U.S. challenge the official Palestinian school curriculum, which rejects the two-state solution by teaching the next generation to reject any recognition of Israel? MR MILLER: So, I will say that we support the two-state solution. You’ve seen me asked about that on a number of occasions. That will continue to be our policy, and that will be our policy as it pertains to anyone on either side of this longstanding conflict who wants to take a different position. QUESTION: What about those well-equipped arsenals and the concerns that Israel has that are happening – that are occurring in the UN agency UNRWA camps? MR MILLER: Again, as I’ve said, we support Israel’s right to secure its nation. QUESTION: Thank you. MR MILLER: Go ahead. QUESTION: Thank you so much. Jahanzaib Ali from ARY News. Just curious, what will you discuss with the Indian Foreign Minister Jaishankar on the issue of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, killed in Canada? MR MILLER: So, the Secretary actually spoke to this on – at a press conference on Friday when he was asked about it. As he made clear then – I’ll reiterate now – we remain in close coordination with our Canadian colleagues on this question. We have engaged with the Indian Government on a number of occasions to urge them to cooperate with Canada’s investigation. And the Secretary had an opportunity to do that in his meeting with the foreign minister on Friday. QUESTION: But is he agreed to cooperate with Canada — MR MILLER: I will let the Indian Government speak for themselves and I will speak for the United States Government, and we urge that cooperation. QUESTION: So, my last question: There was a deadly bomb blast in Pakistan, another suicide attack – more than 50 people killed, most of them were children. And those that claim – TTP and ISS always claiming these attacks. So, we have heard a number of statements from Biden administration officials that the U.S. will keep its capability to target terrorists in Afghanistan. So what stops the U.S. from targeting TTP and ISS hideouts in Afghanistan? MR MILLER: So, first of all, let me say I did put a statement out on this Friday, but I do want to reiterate our deepest sympathies for those killed and injured in those attacks. The Pakistanis have suffered tremendously from terrorist attacks. They deserve to practice their faith without fear. We of course offer condolences to families who lost loved ones and a speedy recovery to those who are injured. And I will say with respect to counterterrorism cooperation, we cooperate with Pakistan in a range of multilateral fora on issues including terrorist designations and global strategies to defeat terrorist groups. Earlier this year we held a high-level counterterrorism dialogue to discuss the shared terrorist threats facing our two countries and to work on strategies to cooperate in areas such as border security, terrorist financing – and we will continue to work with Pakistan to ensure that we can better assist Pakistan’s effort to counter all forms of violent extremism. Yeah. QUESTION: Thank you, Matt. With the U.S.-Mexico High-Level Security Dialogue coming later this week, there will be particular attention, of course, to the effort to combat fentanyl and fentanyl precursors. The question I have is: How does Secretary Blinken measure success in the joint U.S.-Mexico fight against fentanyl? Is it less overdose deaths in the U.S.? Is it more labs destroyed in Mexico? Is it less seizures at the U.S.-Mexico border? How is success measured? MR MILLER: So I would say that we are always looking for progress on all of those fronts. The Secretary has spoken to this on a number of occasions, and noted that we do recognize that we have a demand problem in the United States, and that we need to take steps on the United States side to reduce demand. At the same time, we need to take steps with our Mexican partners to crack down on trafficking, and that would include the destruction of labs in Mexico. It would include interdiction of smugglers both at the U.S. border and, of course, within Mexico. And so we will continue to take steps. We would welcome progress on all of those metrics, of course. I wouldn’t want to put a bar – we have seen increased cooperation with our Mexican counterparts, and we’re going to look to continue that because, as the Secretary has noted a number of times, fentanyl remains the number-one killer of young people in the United States. And cracking down on fentanyl trafficking from Mexico and elsewhere is one of his top priorities as Secretary. QUESTION: Thank you. QUESTION: On Russia? Thank you. There are reports that the United States has informed Russia that Washington is not planning to invite Vladimir Putin to the upcoming APEC summit in November. Can you confirm that? Are you planning to? MR MILLER: I don’t have any – I don’t have anything I think I want to say about invitations. We’ve said we recognize our obligations as the host of APEC, but we are going to honor our sanctions rules and regulations in making invitations. I’ve been asked about that in the context of other individuals. I would also say I would be highly surprised if Vladimir Putin, who has been at times reluctant to leave his own borders recently for fear of arrest for the war crimes he’s committed – I’d be highly surprised if he wanted to show up at a meeting in San Francisco. QUESTION: What about Sergey Lavrov? Do plan on inviting — MR MILLER: Again, I don’t have anything in – specific to say about invitations to APEC. QUESTION: Wait, wait, wait. In that last comment before last, are you saying that the United States would arrest Putin, if he showed up in San Francisco, when you’re not a member of the ICC? MR MILLER: I – so we’re getting into the realm of the most unlikely hypothetical, since I do not think that Vladimir Putin will be — QUESTION: You entertained the question. It wasn’t my question. MR MILLER: I know. It — QUESTION: You entertained the question, and then you said it would be highly – or you would find it surprising if Vladimir Putin showed up outside — MR MILLER: And I said — QUESTION: — or to leave his own borders to — MR MILLER: Correct. QUESTION: — come, given that he is facing an indictment by the ICC. MR MILLER: And I — QUESTION: Now, if you’re saying that, all of a sudden, the United States is prepared to act on an ICC — MR MILLER: No, that is — QUESTION: — warrant or arrest notice — MR MILLER: That is not at all what I said. We have wanted to — QUESTION: I — MR MILLER: Hold on. Let me just finish. QUESTION: It’s the implication of what you said. MR MILLER: We have wanted – it is not – so the ICC is not the only way that we have said that Vladimir Putin ought to be held responsible for war crimes. QUESTION: Yeah, but that’s the only indictment that he’s facing. And you — MR MILLER: Correct. We have said that there are other accountability mechanisms that we are pursuing. The ICC is just one of those. That said — QUESTION: Well, I mean, yes, it might be surprising — MR MILLER: — we are deep into the hypothetical. QUESTION: — but are you saying – but are you saying — MR MILLER: He is not going to be in San Francisco in November. I think we can all be pretty clear about that. (Laughter.) QUESTION: Okay. Well, then there’s the answer to the question right there, right? QUESTION: In all fairness, Khrushchev in 1960 promised that if there’s a war between the United States and Russia, San Francisco would be spared. So there you go. It could — MR MILLER: Okay. Okay. Guita, go – let’s get – Guita, get us back on track, please. (Laughter.) QUESTION: Your Iranian counterpart was today asked about the nuclear talks, and he referred to some different initiatives for different parties, but he also referred to the JCPOA as the eventual goal of the talks. I know you have said, the Secretary have said, that you believe in diplomacy. But my question is specifically: Does the Biden administration still believe in the JCPOA? Would that be the framework of any diplomacy that you do? MR MILLER: Let me say that we continue to believe diplomacy is the best option for containing Iran’s nuclear program. We will continue to urge Iran to take de-escalatory steps. I think we are a long way off from Iran even considering re-entering the JCPOA, given that they just in the past few weeks refused IAEA inspectors. So our policy hasn’t really changed. We’re committed to ensuring that they do not have a nuclear weapon. We’re committed to diplomacy to constrain Iran’s nuclear program, but we have not yet seen them take the kind of de-escalatory steps that we think are important for them to take. QUESTION: Late last week the DOD released the 2023 strategic counterterrorist – Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction report, and it referred – it said that Iran has not complied with the Chemical Weapons Convention. Is the United States aware of any facilities that Iran has not declared? Because that was part of the report. MR MILLER: I think I will let my colleagues at the Pentagon speak to a DOD report. QUESTION: Staying on Iran — QUESTION: One last one, please. MR MILLER: Go ahead. And I’ll come to you, Matt. Thanks, Matt. QUESTION: No, no, go ahead. QUESTION: Iran is – seems to be also eyeing the – eyeing Antarctica. The commander of the army’s naval force said last week that the – that Antarctica is a good place to control – quote /unquote “control” ballistic missiles, given that the UN sanctions on the missiles will be – will expire pretty soon. How do you see this comment from them and that they want to do? MR MILLER: I think that feels a little more like biting off more than they can chew. I would say with respect to Antarctica, Antarctica should remain a sanctuary for peaceful exploration and scientific research. The United States remains steadfast in its commitment to the Antarctic Treaty of 1959, which expressly prohibits the establishment of military bases in Antarctica. And although Iran is not a party to the treaty, we unequivocally oppose any efforts to militarize Antarctica. Military activities should have no place in that unique environment, whether they be by Iran or anyone else. QUESTION: How about the moon? MR MILLER: I’m not aware of — QUESTION: Or Mars? MR MILLER: — a treaty as it relates to – but when — QUESTION: Since you guys basically — MR MILLER: When the Iran – when its space exploration program gets to the moon — QUESTION: Well, okay. But this is not just – I’m not just making this up, but you guys basically acknowledged – not you personally or not the State Department personally – but that they had successfully launched what could be considered an ICBM. So Antarctica is one thing, but space is another. And it’s attainable. MR MILLER: As we’ve said, we believe that their missile – that those specific launchers are in violation – are in violation of the ballistic missile – the UN Security resolutions that relate to ballistic missiles with respect to Iran. QUESTION: Right, the ones that are about to, like, fade away — MR MILLER: Yeah. QUESTION: — in the next 10 days, right? MR MILLER: We’ll have more to say about that at a later time. QUESTION: Okay. And then – at a later time? MR MILLER: Well — QUESTION: After they – after they’re withdrawn. MR MILLER: Well, no. Well, I can say what I said before, which is those are not the only authorities we have to constrain — QUESTION: Here to you, but these are international; these are UN sanctions. MR MILLER: Right. They’re not the authorities that we – only authorities we have and they’re out the only authorities our partners have, and we’re continuing to talk with them about the best way to constrain Iran’s activities. QUESTION: All right. And just one other thing on Iran is that you have seen kind of the fallout, especially among Republican critics of the administration’s policy on Iran – have really started to lean in on this whole email trove that was released, involving people who are close to Rob Malley. Do you have anything new to say about that? Do you believe, as some U.S. senators have said and congresspeople have said, that an Iranian influence operation infiltrated the U.S. Government? MR MILLER: I do not have any reason to believe an Iranian influence operation infiltrated the United States Government. However, as it relates to Rob Malley, that remains an ongoing investigation. So of course, I can’t – I can’t — QUESTION: Well, no, not specifically about him, but about the other people who were — MR MILLER: And my comment pertained to that. I do not have any reason to believe that. QUESTION: Okay, one more on — MR MILLER: Let me go ahead to – I’m going to go to some people who haven’t had a question yet. QUESTION: Thank you. About a statement by Ambassador Peter Haas in Bangladesh on possible visa curb on media. So radical groups that advocate Taliban-style role in Bangladesh with opposition leaders, hailing the move by the ambassador, are already threatening media persons, even circulating list of journalists critical to radical views. Other side, civil and human rights activist, anti-war crimes campaigners, editors, journalists, writers, minority leaders found the statement by the ambassador on possible visa curb on media as an affront to freedom of press that has been a pivot to the fight against terror. Do you support the statement by the ambassador and deny outright the concern raised by such a large liberal group who vouch for secular nation? MR MILLER: So, let me restate or state in slightly different language what I said last week, which is the United States wants what the Bangladeshis themselves want: free and fair elections that are conducted in a peaceful manner. The government, political parties, civil society, and the media in Bangladesh have all expressed their desire that the upcoming national elections are free and fair and conducted in a peaceful manner – as we want. The visa restriction policy that we’ve announced supports this objective and the desire of the people of Bangladesh to freely choose their leaders. And for the – I don’t know – well, I’ll just say the United States does not support any particular party and does not want to influence the outcome of the election, only to ensure that the people of Bangladesh may freely choose their leaders. QUESTION: Can I? MR MILLER: Sam, go ahead. QUESTION: Thank you. QUESTION: Thank you. QUESTION: Thank you. Did USAID fund the Wuhan Institute of Virology and/or any of its U.S. collaborators, either directly or through sub-grants? MR MILLER: I will refer you to USAID to respond to that question. QUESTION: I have submitted questions to USAID. I’ve submitted questions by email. I’ve asked repeatedly in this room on this issue. I don’t need to go through what the pandemic caused, and the controversy around this issue. The fact of the matter is that USAID recently cut off funding to these virus protection programs. British Medical Journal did a lengthy report noting that USAID had cut off this very quietly. It seems to be an orchestrated attempt to disengage responsibility. So, it’s a simple empirical question of central importance. Did USAID fund the Wuhan Institute of Virology or its U.S. collaborators? MR MILLER: And again – and again, I would refer you to USAID to speak to the specifics of their funding program. QUESTION: They are not responding to my emails. I have repeatedly emailed both State and USAID. I usually get responses when I email to State. I have not gotten a response when I email on this issue. MR MILLER: I will look into that. It is up to them to respond, but I will look into that question for a response. QUESTION: More generally, does the State Department claim that the gain-of- function research or gain-of-function research of concern, also called the creation of potential pandemic pathogens in the academic literature – does the State Department maintain that this does not violate the Bio Weapons Convention or the – and the U.S. implementing legislation, the Bio-Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989? MR MILLER: We have spoken to this a number of times, and I don’t have anything to add today. Go ahead, Alex. QUESTION: No, no. Okay, what – I’m sorry, what – do you claim that you – that that does not? MR MILLER: Again, I don’t have anything to add to what we’ve said on this on a number of previous occasions. Alex. QUESTION: It’s just that the person who wrote the treaty says that it does. MR MILLER: Alex, go ahead. QUESTION: Francis Boyle with the University of Illinois. QUESTION: (Off-mike.) MR MILLER: Alex, go ahead. QUESTION: One more on Iran, if you don’t mind. Ukrainian foreign minister today came out with numbers that last month – Happy October, by the way – in September, Russia launched a record number of Shaheds, Shahed drones, on Ukraine, more than 500. Now, we had the largest number, 413, in May. What is your sense of why Iran is being involved in its efforts in Ukraine? And what does it tell you about the – what kind of regime we are dealing with? MR MILLER: Look, I think we’ve seen Iran continue to take steps to support illiberal regimes to, support acts of aggression, both in its backyard and around the world. This is consistent with its unfortunately very unhelpful activities around the world. We have taken steps to impose sanctions on those who have provided such weapons to help Russia’s war against Ukraine, and we will continue to do so. QUESTION: Have you not seen new transactions between the two, Russia and Iran, whether it’s about resource or — MR MILLER: I don’t have any specific announcements to read. Let me go to Michel. QUESTION: Yeah, Matt. MR MILLER: We’ll wrap up here. QUESTION: On Niger, do you have any comments on the Algerian mediation? Are you aware of it? Do you support it? And do you coordinate with Algeria on it? MR MILLER: Sure. We encourage Algeria to continue to work with ECOWAS, which is leading efforts to resolve the political crisis in Niger. The United States and Algeria partner closely and regularly on bilateral and regional parties, including on – priorities, including on shared efforts to de-escalate conflict and advance regional stability, and that includes in the Sahel. This was a topic during the Secretary’s meeting with his Algerian counterpart on August 9th and during our meetings at UNGA, the UN General Assembly. As Algeria takes a seat on the UN Security Council next year, we look forward to continuing to work together on this and other regional and global priorities. And with that, we’ll wrap for today. QUESTION: Any comment on Slovakia — MR MILLER: We’ll wrap here. Thank you. (The briefing was concluded at 2:10 p.m.) Tags Algeria Armenia Azerbaijan Bangladesh Canada China Georgia India Iran Iraq Israel Kosovo Mexico Niger North Korea Office of the Spokesperson Pakistan Palestinian Territories Russia Serbia Slovakia Syria Turkey Ukraine* White House * * Office of the Inspector General * Archives * Contact Us follow us Facebook X Instagram YouTube Flickr GovDelivery * Privacy Policy * Accessibility Statement * Copyright Information * FOIA * No FEAR Act ## U.S. Department of State #### The Lessons of 1989: Freedom and Our Future Give feedback Close ## What is your overall satisfaction with this site? 1 ![\\"⭐\\"](\\" ![\\"⭐\\"](\\" ![\\"⭐\\"](\\" ![\\"⭐\\"](\\" ![\\"⭐\\"](\\" Have feedback about our website? Note: we can’t address visa or passport issues through this box. /1000 SubmitDon\'t show this again
Antifa is warning that tonight They are moving out of the cities and into residential areas to 'take what's ours'
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Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy. We need your help. More Info ### I would like to contribute One Time Monthly Yearly Join Now # The week in fact-checking: George Floyd protests, Trump attacks WHO * Race and Ethnicity * Coronavirus ![\\"Protesters](\\" Protesters raise their hands on command from police as they are detained prior to arrest on May 31, 2020, in Minneapolis. (AP) ![\\"Angie](\\" By Angie Drobnic Holan June 5, 2020 \"The Week in Fact-checking\" compiles short summaries of our best work; the links will take you to our full reports. Want this report early and via email? Sign up here. This week: Debunking misinformation about protesters … A doctored Adolf Hitler photo … Antifa is not going into neighborhoods … Trump’s inaccurate attacks on the World Health Organization … No, zoo animals are not on the loose How a false claim about out-of-state protesters traveled from Minnesota officials to Trump, Pelosi Five days after George Floyd died with an officer’s knee pressed on his neck for nearly 9 minutes, top Minnesota officials held a news conference to address the aftermath of Floyd’s death. They discussed both the peaceful protests and the looting the previous few nights. At the news conference, Democratic Gov. Tim Walz blamed outsiders for the violence: \"I think our best estimate right now that I heard is about 20% that are Minnesotans and about 80% are outside.\" Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey echoed that assessment, saying there was a gradual shift from local peaceful protests to violent protesters \"coming in largely from outside the city.\" It turns out that wasn’t true; most of the protesters arrested were from the Minneapolis area. But the false claim spread quickly. By early afternoon, Trump had tweeted Walz’s 80% statistic. \"80% of the RIOTERS in Minneapolis last night were from OUT OF STATE. They are harming businesses (especially African American small businesses), homes, and the community of good, hardworking Minneapolis residents who want peace, equality, and to provide for their families.\" It wasn’t long before the statistic fell apart. Within hours, local TV station KARE reported that Minneapolis-based police tallies of those arrested for rioting, unlawful assembly, and burglary-related crimes from May 29 to May 30 showed that 86% of those arrested listed Minnesota as their address. Arrestees in St. Paul broke down to 12 confirmed from Minnesota out of 18 arrested. The real numbers forced officials to walk back their comments that evening. That did make a dent in the social media claims, but the claim re-emerged in a prominent media outlet on Sunday morning: ABC’s \"This Week.\" In the interview, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, \"As my colleague from St. Paul has told me, 80% of the people who were arrested or taken into custody following what was happening there were from out of the area.\" Pelosi’s office told PolitiFact that the interview had been pre-taped the previous day, after the official’s original statements but before the walkbacks. \"We apologize for repeating this information, which we found out post- interview to be inaccurate,\" said Drew Hammill, a spokesman for Pelosi. — Louis Jacobson Fact-checks of the week When even elected officials struggle to speak accurately, you can bet that the misinformation online is much more extreme. Here is just a sampling of things we’ve fact-checked about the ongoing protests. \"Piles of bricks are being staged in cities around the country, indicating riots are planned.\" - Mostly False Some Facebook posts have used photos of bricks to make unproven claims about the connection between violence at protests and antifa, a broad coalition of anti-fascist, left-wing groups. Others allege the bricks prove that the violence has been pre-planned. While police in Kansas City said they suspect bricks are being stashed for nefarious purposes, there is no evidence that such a tactic is being widely used. Officials in several other cities have said there is no connection between footage of bricks and protests. A photo shows Adolf Hitler holding a Bible like Donald Trump. - False An image of Adolf Hitler was doctored so that it looks like he’s holding a book in a pose similar to one Trump took after walking from the White House to a nearby church and lifting a Bible. In the original Hitler photo, the German dictator is waving to supporters as they give him the Nazi salute. He’s not holding a Bible. \"Antifa is warning that tonight they\'re moving out of the cities - and into residential areas to \'take what\'s ours.\'\" - False A Facebook post said \"ANTIFA America\" had declared the left-wing movement is moving protests to residential areas. There is no evidence to support that. Antifa is a broad, loosely affiliated coalition of left-wing anti-fascist activists. It has no leaders and generally works as autonomous local groups. We could find no tweets from local antifa cells or news reports about protests moving into residential areas. It is still unclear to what extent the Antifa movement is involved in demonstrations. Officials in Washington, D.C., are \"jamming all communications.\" - False On June 1, #dcblackout trended on Twitter as protests raged in D.C. The hashtag was shared with posts claiming there was a communications blackout in the nation’s capital to quell unrest. Washington officials say there was never a blackout, and we found no evidence that there was. Experts and social media tools suggest that #dcblackout was initially spread by fake and hacked Twitter accounts, possibly as part of a coordinated disinformation campaign. Knowing the facts has never been more important. Please consider donating to PolitiFact today. Fact-checking Donald Trump’s case against the World Health Organization, China Donald Trump used China’s role in the coronavirus crisis to justify withdrawing from the World Health Organization. But some of his factual claims against WHO are either incorrect or exaggerated. * He falsely accused WHO of ignoring research articles when the articles did not exist. * He ignored actions WHO took to alert the global public health community. * He assumed that WHO knew that China was censoring reports of the spread of the disease. There is no evidence to support that WHO knew of a cover-up. Read our full report to review the evidence and see for yourself. In case you missed it: The death of George Floyd Our story looked back at what we know about the events that led up to Floyd’s fatal encounter with the police and how he died. It’s the latest in a long series of fatal encounters between black men and white police. Pants on Fire Do you smell smoke? Here\'s your Pants on Fire fact-check of the week: \"Zoo animals were released during protests in Chicago.\" The zoo in Chicago said their animals were safe and accounted for. See what else we\'ve rated Pants on Fire this week. Sign Up For Our Weekly Newsletter ### Our Sources See linked checks for sources. ## Browse the Truth-O-Meter ### More by Angie Drobnic Holan ![](\\" ![](\\" Joe Biden stated on September 27, 2020 in a speech: Says Amy Coney Barrett “has a written track record, disagreeing adamantly with the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the ACA. In fact, she publicly criticized Chief Justice Roberts’ opinion upholding the law eight years ago.” ![\\"mostly-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"mostly-true\\"](\\" mostly-true.jpg\\") By Angie Drobnic Holan • September 28, 2020 ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/322c808c00e73c217d17772ddd5a0eb5.jpg\\") ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/8b142c91ebe468a84a192e6df2b7b994.jpg\\") Instagram posts stated on September 22, 2020 in an Instagram post: Like Al-Qaeda and ISIS, Amy Coney Barrett has said her “end goal is to end the separation of church and state & build a ‘Kingdom of God’ in the United States.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Angie Drobnic Holan • September 27, 2020 ![](\\" ![](\\" Ilhan Omar stated on March 23, 2019 in a speech: Says that the Council on American-Islamic Relations was founded in response to 9/11. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Angie Drobnic Holan • April 15, 2019 ![](\\" ![](\\" Mike Pence stated on September 4, 2016 in an interview on \"Meet the Press\": Says Hillary Clinton \"wants to increase Syrian refugees to this country by 550 percent.\" ![\\"true\\"](\\" ![\\"true\\"](\\" By Angie Drobnic Holan • September 4, 2016 ![](\\" ![](\\" Antonio Sabato Jr. stated on July 19, 2016 in an interview with ABC News: Says President Barack Obama is \"absolutely\" a Muslim. ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Angie Drobnic Holan • July 19, 2016 ![](\\" ![](\\" Donald Trump stated on June 22, 2016 in a speech in New York City: Says Hillary Clinton \"said she was under attack (in Bosnia) but the attack turned out to be young girls handing her flowers.\" ![\\"true\\"](\\" ![\\"true\\"](\\" By Jon Greenberg • June 22, 2016 ![](\\" ![](\\" Marco Rubio stated on January 17, 2016 in an interview on \"Meet the Press\": Hostages were released as soon as Ronald Reagan took office because Iran perceived that America was \"no longer under the command of someone weak.\" ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Angie Drobnic Holan • January 17, 2016 ![](\\" CPAC_2/f54f1329272f267379fffcff90466749.JPG\\") ![](\\" CPAC_2/6136851197fac48e57d24a159cda9ff2.JPG\\") Ben Carson stated on September 27, 2015 in an interview on ABC\'s \"This Week\": \"We\'ve had examples like in Yuma County, where we\'ve been able to stop 97 percent of the illegal (immigration) flow, and those programs, they abolish.\" ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Angie Drobnic Holan • September 27, 2015 ![](\\" ![](\\" Charlie Crist stated on October 14, 2014 in a campaign ad: Says Rick Scott changed his promise from 700,000 jobs created \"on top of what normal growth would be\" to just 700,000 jobs. ![\\"true\\"](\\" ![\\"true\\"](\\" By Angie Drobnic Holan • October 14, 2014 ![](\\" ![](\\" Charlie Crist stated on March 3, 2014 in in an interview on CNN: On the economic stimulus. ![\\"half-flip\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-flip\\"](\\" flip.jpg\\") By Angie Drobnic Holan • September 30, 2014 ![](\\" group-icon/d641c237d999e9af7bc99364641ffff5.jpg\\") ![](\\" group-icon/fb64d6bf6a2959cc2033c476b310378f.jpg\\") Americans For Tax Reform stated on April 14, 2014 in in a press release: \"Obama has proposed 442 tax hikes since taking office.\" ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Angie Drobnic Holan • April 22, 2014 ![](\\" ![](\\" National Republican Congressional Committee stated on February 12, 2014 in a television ad: \"300,000 Floridians will lose their current health plans\" because of Obamacare, a plan Alex Sink supports. ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Angie Drobnic Holan • February 14, 2014 ![](\\" ![](\\" Janet Napolitano stated on August 27, 2013 in a speech at the National Press Club: The 2010 DREAM Act failed despite \"strong bipartisan support.\" ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Angie Drobnic Holan • August 28, 2013 ![](\\" emailer/3def8495970cc07eac4830a436f0dde8.jpg\\") ![](\\" emailer/8326b12f6f63c036e56624abe598b6a8.jpg\\") Chain email stated on May 29, 2013 in a chain email: Says the word \"Dhimmitude\" is on page 107 of the health care law and means \"Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance.\" ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Angie Drobnic Holan • May 30, 2013 ![](\\" ![](\\" Marco Rubio stated on May 3, 2013 in a position on legislation: On an early date for Florida\'s presidential primary ![\\"full-flop\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"full-flop\\"](\\" flop.jpg\\") By Angie Drobnic Holan • May 9, 2013 ### The week in fact-checking: George Floyd protests, Trump attacks WHO * ![](\\" ![](\\" Instagram posts stated on September 12, 2024 in an Instagram post: A video shows a body that Israel embedded with a bomb exploding during a Palestinian funeral procession. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Sofia Ahmed • September 13, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 11, 2024 in a post: “ESPN has fired Shannon Sharpe.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Gideon Hess • September 13, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Threads posts stated on September 12, 2024 in a post on Threads: An image shows Travis Kelce responding to Elon Musk X post that followed Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Madison Czopek • September 13, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Instagram posts stated on September 12, 2024 in an Instagram post: Former President Donald Trump admitted during the Sept. 10 presidential debate that he “blew up the Nord Stream pipeline.” ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Loreben Tuquero • September 13, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 10, 2024 in a Facebook post: Patron, Don Julio and Pink Whitney tequila recalled because they contained fecal matter. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Jeff Cercone • September 13, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Elissa Slotkin stated on September 11, 2024 in a TV ad: Mike Rogers supported “laws that could eliminate IVF and birth control.” ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Caleb McCullough • September 13, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Instagram posts stated on September 11, 2024 in an Instagram post: \"Debate moderators made the false claim to Donald Trump that there is nowhere in the United States where abortion is legal up until birth.\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Jeff Cercone • September 13, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 12, 2024 in a Facebook post: ABC News fired presidential debate moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis. ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Sofia Ahmed • September 13, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Yes on 4 stated on September 10, 2024 in a TV ad: Florida’s six-week abortion law has “no real exceptions. Not for her health. Not even for rape.” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Samantha Putterman • September 13, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 11, 2024 in una publicación en Facebook: Imagen muestra carnet del Partido Comunista de la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris. ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Maria Briceño • September 13, 2024 Load more #### Offices District of Columbia 1800 I Street NW Washington, DC 20006 Florida 801 3rd St. S St. Petersburg, FL 33701 727-821-9494 #### People * Joe Biden * Kamala Harris * Donald Trump * Mitch McConnell * Hakeem Jeffries * Ron DeSantis #### State Editions * California * Florida * Iowa * Michigan * New Hampshire * New York * North Carolina * Pennsylvania * Texas * West Virginia * Wisconsin #### About Us * Our Process * Our Staff * En Español * Who pays for PolitiFact? * Advertise with Us * Corrections and Updates * Newsletters #### RSS Feeds * Recent Articles and Fact-checks * Recent Fact-checks Suggest a Fact-check #### Follow us The Facts Newsletter Sign up Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Copyright ©All Rights Reserved Poynter Institute 2020, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization ![\\"\\"](\\" * * *
Antifa is warning that tonight They are moving out of the cities and into residential areas to 'take what's ours'
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Map * Research and Analysis * Press Center * Hate Symbols Database * Glossary of Extremism and Hate * Antisemitism Uncovered * Tools to Track Hate * For Families and Educators * For Law Enforcement * ADL in the Courts * Take Action ![\\"Audience](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/menu_image/public/images/2023-06/e-neverisnow2022-104-2560px.png.webp?itok=65lnYASI\\") Attend an Event * Report an Incident * Advocate with ADL * Attend an Event * Bring ADL to Your School or Community * Bring ADL to Your Workplace * Attend Our Never Is Now Summit * Join the Glass Leadership Institute * Find Ways to Give Donate ## Utility * Find Your Local ADL * Report an Incident * Press ## Social Links * Twitter * Facebook * LinkedIn * Instagram * Youtube * TikTok Overview: There has been no evidence of antifa or Black Lives Matter organizing or carrying out attacks on suburban or white communities. Description: Although the large-scale protests following the murder of George Floyd were overwhelmingly peaceful, there was early and abundant disinformation about antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters organizing violent attacks in suburban communities. These rumors emerged on public and private social media channels, in community apps like Nextdoor, in text messages and in physical fliers. Despite the lack of evidence of any such impending attacks, these types of rumors affected communities across the country, often in connection with false reports about busloads of protesters. On June 2, Fox News posted an article headlined, “Antifa Arrests Coming, Concerns Over Riots Heading to Suburbia, Government Source Says.” The unnamed source was quoted as saying “Local and state authorities have to get a grip on this because if it moves to the suburbs, more people will die.” Extremist groups fueled many of the rumors, which were picked up on community Facebook pages and text chains. The Twitter account @ANTIFA_US posted a message on May 31 that stated, “tonight we say ‘Fuck The City’ and we move into the residential areas…the white hoods…and we take what’s ours.” Twitter suspended the account, claiming it was connected not to antifa but to the white supremacist group Identity Evropa, but the threatening message had already planted the seeds of fear across the country. Nationalist Social Club, a small neo-Nazi group based in New England, distributed fliers in multiple states throughout June which claimed that “BLACK LIVES MATTER AND ANTIFA COMMUNIST TERRORISTS ARE COMING TO YOUR COMMUNITY SOON TO WREAK HAVOC AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE!” In addition to stoking fear, the fliers also served as a recruiting ploy for the group by encouraging people to contact them for assistance organizing “defense units” against these alleged violent threats. NBC News reported on rumors about planned antifa violence in suburban and rural communities across the country, including in Klamath Falls, OR, where approximately 200 people gathered on May 31 to “defend” their town against an antifa threat that never materialized. “Antifa members have threatened our town and said that they\'re going to burn everything and to kill white people, basically,” claimed a man livestreaming the event on Facebook. In Locust, NC—a small city in which more than 91% of its approximately 3,300 residents are white—a rumor surfaced, according to New York Times reporting, that police were telling local residents to stay in their homes after receiving a tip that “a black organization is bringing 2 bus loads [sic] of people to walmart [sic] in locust [sic] with intentions on looting and burning down the suburbs…they are now moving out of the cities and going to start terrorizing the suburbs and locust [sic] is on the list.” Although the Locust Police Department refuted these claims in multiple Facebook posts, the original rumor reached nearly ten times more followers than the police department’s efforts to assuage fears, the New York Times reported. ![\\"debunk\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/content_full_width_image_730/public/2020-07/debunk%20%20Suburb%20attacks%20800%203_0.jpg?itok=2Lpb5yHl\\") Facebook Screenshot ADL Logo Anti-Defamation League 605 Third Avenue New York, NY 10158-3650 (212) 885.7700 ## Footer * Financials * Contact * Newsletter Signup * Privacy Policy * ADL en Español * Events * Research & Analysis * Find Ways to Give * Press Center ## Footer Social Links * Twitter * Facebook * LinkedIn * Instagram * Youtube * TikTok © 2024 Anti-Defamation League. 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Antifa is warning that tonight They are moving out of the cities and into residential areas to 'take what's ours'
Open Navigation Menu Menu Story Saved To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. Close Alert Close ![\\"WIRED\\"](\\"/verso/static/wired/assets/logo-header.svg\\") The True Story of the Antifa Invasion of Forks, Washington * Security * Politics * Gear * The Big Story * Business * Science * Culture * Ideas * Merch * Prime Day Story Saved To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. Close Alert CloseSearch Search * Security * Politics * Gear * The Big Story * Business * Science * Culture * Ideas * Merch * Prime Day * Podcasts * Video * Newsletters * Magazine * Travel * Steven Levy\'s Plaintext Column * WIRED Classics from the Archive * Events * WIRED Insider * WIRED Consulting * Jobs * Coupons Lauren Smiley Culture Oct 8, 2020 6:00 AM # The True Story of the Antifa Invasion of Forks, Washington A false report on Twitter exploded into a call to arms. Then a bus, carrying a family and two dogs, rolled into a remote Northwestern town. ![\\"a](\\" Photographs: Ian Allen Save this storySave Save this storySave In a calmer spring—when facts weren\'t so slippery, social media so noxious, the country so ready to combust—what happened in Forks, Washington, on June 3 might have been a perfect plot for a farce. A giant white school bus known as Big Bertha puttered into a two-stoplight town far north on the Olympic Peninsula, in desperate need of a new battery, on the very day the town was on alert for a different bus, one full of violent antifa activists ready to riot. But this was not a calmer spring. A week had passed since a Black man named George Floyd died while a white Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck. People who had been trapped at home during a tense pandemic spilled into the streets, first in Minneapolis and then in other cities and even tiny towns. They marched and carried signs and chanted that Black Lives Matter. A much smaller number looted liquor stores and burned police precincts. The president tweeted threats—“when the looting starts, the shooting starts”—and smeared all protesters, including millions of peaceful Americans, as the Radical Left, “thugs,” or, most menacingly, antifa, an ideology ascribed to a diffuse group of antifascists who sometimes stoke chaos and aren\'t opposed to fighting the far right with violence. Twitter, Facebook, and Nextdoor crackled with claims that antifa was coming to suburbs and rural towns. They were coming on buses, on planes, wearing black, coming, always, from somewhere else. This feature appears in the November 2020 issue. Subscribe to WIRED. Photograph: Kevin Cooley On the night of May 31, a Sunday, a new Twitter account styled @Antifa_Us issued a call to arms: “Tonight\'s the night, Comrades. Tonight we say ‘Fuck The City’ and we move into the residential areas... the white hoods.... and we take what\'s ours …#BlacklivesMaters #FuckAmerica.” A brown hand emoji raised a middle finger. Donald Trump Jr. posted it to his Instagram. “Absolutely insane,” he remarked. If the tweet sounded just a little on the nose, like shark chum tossed to a certain kind of white person, it was. The next day, Twitter deleted @Antifa_Us; it was not, as advertised, an antifa account, but rather one secretly run by a US-based white-supremacist group called Identity Evropa, one of the organizers of the infamous 2017 neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Seth Larson didn\'t notice Twitter\'s fact check. The 45-year-old manager of Freds Guns, a firearms store 70 miles east of Forks in the town of Sequim, had already reposted the tweet on his Facebook. A few days later, when he saw a notice for a Black Lives Matter demonstration planned in his hometown, he worried that antifa rioters would come. Someone had to be on the alert. On the day of the march, June 3, just hours before Big Bertha would roll into Forks in need of a battery, Larson cued up his Facebook Live. He walked by shops downtown, narrating the scene of people striding down the sidewalk carrying Black Lives Matter signs. “Sequim just got a busload of people ... They\'re not breaking windows yet.” He also claimed to see out-of-towner antifa, 25 to 30 of them, pointing to people with skateboards and training his phone\'s camera on an occasional bicyclist whizzing by. “Head to Sequim, boys!” he told his followers. “All patriots, call to arms right now!” Over the next 50 minutes, he kept ringing the alarm. “The fuckery is here!” “It looks like Clallam County is going to get hit tonight.” “There\'s the antifa group. You can totally smell the wanting-to-break-shit-up off of their body. They look sketchy as shit.” Most Popular * ![\\"Hurricane](\\" Science Hurricane Helene Shows How Broken the US Insurance System Is By Molly Taft * Gear The Top New Features Coming to Apple’s iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 By Julian Chokkattu * Culture The 26 Best Shows on Amazon Prime Right Now By Matt Kamen * Culture Players Are Turning The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom\'s \'Echoes\' Into Cheat Codes By Megan Farokhmanesh He told his viewers to buy bear mace and “less lethals” at Freds Guns. He said to fetch their gear, their long guns, and meet him at City Hall. A dozen followers showed up at the Sequim protest with pistols, some asking protesters for ID. At least one was carrying an assault rifle. Rumors about buses spread across the county—a guy called 911 about seeing a yellow bus at a gas station between Sequim and Forks, “all of them in black,” cutting off the call frantically with “I gotta meet people!” Dan Larson (no relation to Seth), a retired logger who lives in Forks, heard the rumor from a text. A friend had seen on social media that antifa was near; the citizenry needed to be warned. It was like the ride of Paul Revere, except on Facebook, and Larson thought he better light a lantern. He posted about busloads of rioters in Sequim and said that “Forks could be next.” A former prison guard in town joined the cry. “Forks, let\'s get ready to rumble. Lock and load.” “There’s the antifa group. You can totally smell the wanting-to-break-shit-up off of their body. They look sketchy as shit.” Seth Larson Facebook shares spiked. A City Hall staffer relayed that her husband had heard from truckers on CB radio that busloads of rioters were speeding their way. People called the True Value, urging the owner to batten down its inventory. Some doubted the chatter. The town of 3,500 people was known for two things: logging and as the moody backdrop for the Twilight vampire-romance novels and films. What would antifa want in Forks? To loot sultry Edward and Jacob posters from the souvenir shop? But then Big Bertha lumbered into the Thriftway parking lot, proof, it seemed, that the rumor was true. Pickups, SUVs, and an ATV circled the 36-foot Trojan horse. A few men approached to talk with the driver, a young brown-skinned man who introduced himself as Tyrone Chevall. He was wearing a black T-shirt and red pants and told them that he and his family had come to camp. A white woman wearing a dark sweatshirt and capri pants stepped off the bus and walked into the grocery store. People loitered in groups, leaned on their car hoods, pistols on hips, watching. When the woman returned to the bus, it pulled out onto the town\'s main street. Trucks in the lot followed. A police officer studied the rare sight of a bona fide bottleneck in Forks: 20 vehicles, heading north to the city line. The officer had heard the antifa rumors and stopped to talk to one of the men who had peeled off from the caravan following the bus. The officer told the man that no antifa were coming, that the rumor was false, but the man sniped, “Bullshit, I\'ve got Three Percenters that posted video of buses dropping off antifa in Sequim for the exact bus that was here.” He insisted that 50 people were on board, but the dark windows made it hard to know for sure. (Three Percenters are a national far-right militia that arose after Barack Obama was elected; the organization says it is pro-government, “so long as the government abides by the Constitution.”) The man couldn\'t find the video for the officer, but he did show him the Facebook profile of Tyrone Chevall, the driver who\'d introduced himself earlier in the parking lot. Another man told the officer that the bus had headed out to the A Road, an old logging byway north of town that leads into a federal forest. He said that the locals were “watching it.” Most Popular * Science Hurricane Helene Shows How Broken the US Insurance System Is By Molly Taft * Gear The Top New Features Coming to Apple’s iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 By Julian Chokkattu * Culture The 26 Best Shows on Amazon Prime Right Now By Matt Kamen * Culture Players Are Turning The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom\'s \'Echoes\' Into Cheat Codes By Megan Farokhmanesh Social media started pinging with live action. A Snap photo of the bus read “Get outta our town.” Another Snap said “Later idiot,” with a picture of the bus glowing white as a lamb against the dusk-darkened woods, stalked by a line of tightly packed pickups. Another showed a picture of a gun laid across someone\'s lap. As the bus turned off the highway onto the A Road, the truck caravan split off. Having lost its pursuers, the bus entered the forest and crossed a river on a graffiti-scrawled bridge. It parked in a shallow pullout, and its occupants spilled out to set up camp. A group of ATVs sped by and skidded sideways near the bus, sending gravel skittering. Meanwhile, a small group of vehicles had appeared on the town side of the bridge\'s span. Someone started up a chain saw. Someone, maybe more than one, cut five moss-covered alder trees at their stumps, felling the white trunks and branches across the asphalt like a medieval barricade. Someone, maybe more than one, shot bursts of gunfire into the air, final exclamation points of menace. By the time the bus drove back to the bridge, scared off by the ATVs, it was trapped. A new post popped onto the Facebook of Josh Fletcher, the thirtysomething son of Forks\' mayor. Fletcher is one of Forks\' old names, going back to the pioneer homesteading days. There\'s a Fletcher Street, a Hillcar & Fletcher rock crushing company, and, back in the day, a logging company too. The photo showed the alder blockade, the bus on the other side on the narrow mountain logging road, no other way out. Commenters chimed in: “Wonder if they feel like they just drove into a horror movie?” “It\'s like the purge.” “Let \'em starve!” “It\'s just a strong message of get the fuck out.” Say what you will about Forks—and people in Clallam County always have—but don\'t think for a second that the entire town was on board with this. Even before officials confirmed that Chevall had been telling the truth—that there were no antifa in the bus, just Chevall, his partner, her daughter, and Chevall\'s mother—many in Forks saw social media and suspected the real crime wasn\'t some fantasy of black-clad rioters but the spectacle of their neighbors harassing and stranding travelers in the forest. The skeptics feared those actions would soon be deleted, not just from social media but from the realm of consequences too. They realized that what happened in Forks couldn\'t stay in Forks; it needed to be hurled into the summer\'s strife over power in America, a churning, white-hot debate over who gets coddled and who punished, who is a thug and who a hero. Suddenly, this episode in a patch of Washington woods seemed to have something to say about it all. So people in Forks did what you do in 2020 when you want evidence. They started to screenshot. In Forks, skeptics of the rumor joked about antifa wanting to loot _Twilight_ souvenirs from the gift shop. Photograph: Ian Allen Most Popular * Science Hurricane Helene Shows How Broken the US Insurance System Is By Molly Taft * Gear The Top New Features Coming to Apple’s iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 By Julian Chokkattu * Culture The 26 Best Shows on Amazon Prime Right Now By Matt Kamen * Culture Players Are Turning The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom\'s \'Echoes\' Into Cheat Codes By Megan Farokhmanesh Forks is circled by foothills covered in patches of pines logged in different years, uneven, like an awkward home haircut. Trucks stacked high with logs still rumble down the main street, but not as in the old days. Much of the forest can no longer be logged. In the \'90s, the Clinton administration protected old-growth trees in the name of the threatened spotted owl, and changing global markets further depleted the industry. Today, Twilight-themed gift shops, java drive-thrus, and Tesla charging ports signal a newer tourist economy. The influx of visitors, however, hasn\'t replaced the jobs lost from logging, and disdain for government meddling is as common as American flags. Trump won 60 percent of the Forks vote in 2016. One of the bigger local logging companies made branded Trump baseball caps, a symbol of both national triumph and Left Coast dissent. People call this part of the Olympic Peninsula the West End. A half-hour drive from the Pacific Ocean, Forks is one of the rainiest towns in the continental United States and one of the more isolated. This separateness breeds a sense of mutual reliance within the community. When the day comes that the Cascadia fault running the length of the Pacific Northwest coast ruptures, help might not arrive in Forks for a month, so a network of residents keep ham radios at the ready to coordinate survival logistics. This is not an area of great wealth; the median annual household income hovers around $36,000. Yet every year the town raises scholarship money—this year it was $113,000—for the graduating high school class. The town\'s seclusion also warded off Covid-19. There were only two cases before late July, one assumed to be related to tourism, and many resented the outsiders potentially harboring the virus who continued to trek to the peninsula. Someone put up “Go Home!” and “Locals Only” posters below the town\'s welcome sign. Related Stories Covid-19 27 Days in Tokyo Bay: What Happened on the Diamond Princess Lauren Smiley Digital Culture Trump\'s Antifa Obsession Is an Unconstitutional Distraction Emma Grey Ellis Election 2020 Trump and the Limits of Content Moderation Gilad Edelman The A Road falls into the Clallam County sheriff\'s turf, and in the days after the townspeople followed the bus into the woods, detectives fanned out to conduct interviews. The crime they were investigating was cutting trees on federal land, a misdemeanor. But they also wanted to learn more about the pursuers\' intent, which could push the charges into disorderly conduct, malicious mischief, harassment, or, if race were involved, a hate crime. Once the identity of Big Bertha\'s inhabitants and their innocent intentions were made public, many of the get-out-of-town posts were deleted from social media, but now residents, troubled by their neighbors\' actions, had screenshots in hand. They wanted to share the information and for the perpetrators to be caught, but they also wanted to be able to eat at Pacific Pizza without being hassled or shunned. So some fed images to Matthew Randazzo, a journalist and former Democratic Party county chair. Randazzo, in turn, set about lassoing Twitter outrage toward #ForksGoons with a thread of screenshots and commentary to ensure that authorities couldn\'t even think about letting it go. The social media whirlwind got City Hall\'s attention: City attorney Rod Fleck texted Forks\' mayor, Tim Fletcher, a screenshot of Twitter\'s national trending stories, one of which was “Forks.” Emails poured in from campers and parents in mixed-race families who threatened to never stop in Forks again. The Chamber of Commerce denounced the incident. At a city council meeting the following week, Mayor Fletcher read an apology to the family. “I think it\'s absolutely crucial there are consequences,” one council member said, adding that she might go for “the stocks and throwing tomatoes.” Most Popular * Science Hurricane Helene Shows How Broken the US Insurance System Is By Molly Taft * Gear The Top New Features Coming to Apple’s iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 By Julian Chokkattu * Culture The 26 Best Shows on Amazon Prime Right Now By Matt Kamen * Culture Players Are Turning The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom\'s \'Echoes\' Into Cheat Codes By Megan Farokhmanesh While some of Forks\' old-timers didn\'t appreciate outsiders complaining on the town\'s Facebook groups, they too were outraged by the actions on the A Road. Teri Bagby Gaydeski, 57, and her sister, Tami Bagby Shaner, 60, are fourth-generation Forks. They both drive school buses and are partial to Day- Glo manicures and rhinestone-dusted baseball caps and caroling down the school halls at Christmas. “We\'re kind of liked,” Teri told me. She says she\'s more Republican than not; Tami isn\'t political. Both were appalled by local men questioning visitors as if they had a right to. They thought about how frightened the family must have felt, with men pursuing them while carrying guns. “Can you imagine?” Teri exclaims. “I would have been terrified. Nothing about that is OK.” The sisters got in a spat with one of the guys who\'d been in the Thriftway lot, first on Facebook, then on the phone. “They said to me, ‘We\'re patriots!’” Tami says. “Gimme a break.” The sisters saw on Facebook that some locals were raising money to buy ad space in Washington newspapers to run an open letter to the family. The letter said, “The greater Forks community stands against violence.” Tami signed, along with more than 300 others. The sisters hope for justice. “We\'re pretty protective of our little town,” Teri said, “but, in this case, these people need to be in trouble.” By midsummer, the sheriff\'s investigators had talked to around 40 people, homing in on 10 they believed were at or near the tree-felling. But they couldn\'t get closer: Who cut the trees? Who fired a gun? Among the people on the road, a logging country omertà had settled like the morning fog. Investigators\' phone calls went unreturned. National media had picked up on the story, and witnesses who did cooperate told investigators they were intimidated by the attention. Friends told friends they didn\'t want to know names, so they wouldn\'t have anything to snitch. Clallam County chief criminal deputy Brian King lives in the county seat of Port Angeles, but he graduated from Forks High School, where his wife now works. He\'s been in law enforcement for 25 years, and in a county with so few people, he says, that means “I\'ve arrested a lot of my friends or acquaintances.” But he had rarely been so stymied by silence. His team resorted to plan B. People had used social media to broadcast the bus stalking. Maybe they\'d used it to coordinate too. If they wouldn\'t speak, maybe their digital trail would. Investigators served search warrants to Verizon for cell phone records and to Facebook for the activity of those people at or near the tree-felling. As July turned to August and Facebook searched its servers for clues, I drove over Puget Sound into the Olympic Peninsula. Internet disinformation often seems disembodied, its actors faceless, its path through hearts and minds hard to see. In Clallam County, the consequences were tangible, the players visible, and I knew where to start. Most Popular * Science Hurricane Helene Shows How Broken the US Insurance System Is By Molly Taft * Gear The Top New Features Coming to Apple’s iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 By Julian Chokkattu * Culture The 26 Best Shows on Amazon Prime Right Now By Matt Kamen * Culture Players Are Turning The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom\'s \'Echoes\' Into Cheat Codes By Megan Farokhmanesh Tami Bagby Shaner and Teri Bagby Gaydeski are fourth-generation Forks residents who were appalled when their neighbors not only failed to welcome strangers but harassed and pursued them. Photograph: Ian Allen Freds Guns, on Highway 101, sits on the outskirts of Sequim. While Forks is a logging town that still touts the slogan “Logging Capital of the World,” Sequim is a growing retirement community surrounded by meadows of lavender. The mayor is a hair stylist and avid motorcyclist who attended the notoriously un-distanced Sturgis biker rally in South Dakota. He espouses the QAnon conspiracy theory on his personal Facebook page and in mayoral interviews. But he presides over a politically purple town where “you can\'t swing a dead cat without hitting a retired Californian,” as one cop put it to me, and where Hillary Clinton eked out a win in 2016. When I visited Sequim, an older white man in suspenders sat on a corner downtown displaying a Black Lives Matter poster, gently waving to drivers. Many whooped in support. One white woman riding shotgun chided, “Did y\'all forgot you\'re white?” Courtney Thomas grew up in Sequim, her family having farmed and logged in the area for more than a century. Thomas, 33, is a massage therapist and the white mother of three adopted kids, one of them Latino. When Black Lives Matter protests sprouted across the country after George Floyd\'s death, and then two Black students in Atlanta were tased and pulled from their car, she posted a call for the June 3 march on Facebook and was thrilled when hundreds showed up. Then marchers showed her Seth Larson\'s Facebook video calling on his buddies with guns. Families at the protest—hers included—whisked their kids away. Some armed men started arriving. Thomas talked to a man wearing a bulletproof vest who\'d come with two German shepherds. He told her he was there to protect the protest, to which she replied, “We need to be protected from you. You\'re here to look scary.” Most Popular * Science Hurricane Helene Shows How Broken the US Insurance System Is By Molly Taft * Gear The Top New Features Coming to Apple’s iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 By Julian Chokkattu * Culture The 26 Best Shows on Amazon Prime Right Now By Matt Kamen * Culture Players Are Turning The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom\'s \'Echoes\' Into Cheat Codes By Megan Farokhmanesh Outside Freds Guns, an LED screen shuffles images of hunting rifles and a “Don\'t Tread on Me” flag. Larson had ignored the message I\'d sent, but once I showed up at the store he agreed to talk, somewhat warily. I stood next to him behind the cash register, below a surveillance camera that he called “a fact-checking thing.” Larson is a lot to take in: He\'s built like a block, 6 feet tall, with the flip-flops, polo shirt, and shorts of a suburban dad. He wears a belt sporting tools to handle all manner of potential emergencies: a tourniquet in case someone gets shot, handcuffs to make a citizen\'s arrest, a Glock pistol, and an extra magazine. He didn\'t wear a face mask. A flyer sitting on a display case this summer described how “Bill Gates and the Global Health Mafia” were funding Covid-19 contact tracing to surveil the public. Sign Up Today Sign up for our Longreads newsletter for the best features, ideas, and investigations from WIRED. Taking my station in front of the camera, I asked Larson why he had raised the alarm. He repeated that he\'d seen the “white hoods” tweet about antifa bringing their fight to residential areas. “Everything that happened that day was totally twisted,” he said. “All of my good intentions. I love this county. I love this town. Honestly, the Black Lives Matter group is really good at making you look like a racist. Hey, just because you\'re Black, it doesn\'t mean you\'re more special than me. We\'re all created equal, \'kay?” he said sharply. I thought of a meme that had been posted on the Freds Guns Facebook page that week: a vintage 1950s illustration of a blond-haired nuclear family and the tagline “What extremism in 2020 looks like.” After the Sequim police confirmed that no antifa were at the march, the police chief, Sheri Crain, who has known Larson since high school, asked him to delete his video. He did. He also admitted that he had been wrong and had “knee-jerked” about antifa. So I was surprised to hear him revert to his earlier position. His evidence was that he recognized only 30 to 40 protesters. The rest, he asserted, arrived from bigger cities in buses, and 10 percent “were bad.” What about the police statement that there had been no antifa, that zero buses had arrived? “They\'re just falling with the same liberal quid pro quo of ‘Let\'s cover this up,’” Larson told me. He then suggested that small-town cops wouldn\'t know how to identify antifa anyway. (In his Facebook Live video of the protest, Larson walks up to a parked black van in which a middle-aged white man is holding a camera. The man, Larson says to his followers, is “antifa or something.” Police identified the man as one of their detectives; he was monitoring the protest.) Larson told me that the only reason the antifa activists lurking at the march didn\'t act out was because the presence of his friends deterred them. He told me that on the day of Sequim\'s protest, 85 Three Percenters—a label he used interchangeably with “Patriots”—answered his call. (Sequim police counted roughly a dozen of Larson\'s followers, several with pistols holstered on their hips.) As Larson recalled this scene to me, an elderly white customer in a US Army cap rolled up in an electric wheelchair, listening with interest. He asked whether this Three Percenter group had regular meetings and if there was some information he could read about it. Most Popular * Science Hurricane Helene Shows How Broken the US Insurance System Is By Molly Taft * Gear The Top New Features Coming to Apple’s iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 By Julian Chokkattu * Culture The 26 Best Shows on Amazon Prime Right Now By Matt Kamen * Culture Players Are Turning The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom\'s \'Echoes\' Into Cheat Codes By Megan Farokhmanesh “It\'s not really a group,” Larson said, hesitantly, sandwiched between an eager recruit and a reporter, pen poised. “We don\'t have paperwork on it. It\'s just people that are Americans and they\'re for the Constitution and they\'re veterans and retired law enforcement people.” “How can I get the call?” “Well,” Larson replied, “you just leave your phone number here, and we tell you to show up.” After more than an hour, I brought up the fact that Twitter had tracked the antifa “white hoods” tweet to a white-supremacist group. Larson said he hadn\'t heard that, but, in any case, he couldn\'t trust Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and therefore couldn\'t trust what Twitter said. He added that even if the tweet was false at the time, it had become true, because now protesters were invading small towns. He gestured to his latest Facebook post on his monitor, a news story about Black Lives Matter protesters at the Seattle police chief\'s house in rural Washington. Though he still seemed feisty about antifa, Larson told me that the dustup had worn on him. He said he received online threats after posting his video of the march, and he had moved his family out of their home shortly after. A parade of pranks had arrived in the mail: a 6-foot-tall cardboard penis, an “Eat a Dick” ceramic, and, more concerning, a glitter bomb that exploded with a note saying, “Next time it will be real.” He knew about the debacle on the A Road but rejected the notion that his posts had set it in motion. “That means I have more power than you would ever know,” he said. “And that would be scary, would it not?” Larson then turned to the matter of the bus itself. “Just an FYI,” he said, seeming to relish insider intel. “It wasn\'t just a family on a camping trip. There were seven grown men on the bus.” Where\'d he hear that? “It\'s local knowledge. Let\'s just put it that way.” Freds Guns, where Seth Larson, who stoked antifa fears on Facebook, works. Photograph: Ian Allen Most Popular * Science Hurricane Helene Shows How Broken the US Insurance System Is By Molly Taft * Gear The Top New Features Coming to Apple’s iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 By Julian Chokkattu * Culture The 26 Best Shows on Amazon Prime Right Now By Matt Kamen * Culture Players Are Turning The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom\'s \'Echoes\' Into Cheat Codes By Megan Farokhmanesh Leaving Sequim, I drove west on Highway 101, the same direction misinformation had traveled on June 3, when rumors spread from a white-supremacist tweet to Seth Larson\'s Facebook page and out through the social media accounts of Forks residents. One of those belonged to Terry Breedlove, the former prison guard who\'d written, “Forks, let\'s get ready to rumble. Lock and load.” He clarified in a comment that “Peaceful protestors are good. Rioters will be shot.” I\'d arranged to meet Breedlove in a gravel lot just past the Forks welcome sign. He was waiting in a Toyota truck, and I hopped aboard for a tour of the nearby mountains. A necklace hanging from his rearview mirror swung side to side like a metronome as he sped over back roads. Breedlove is 56, and for some 25 of those years he logged these ridges. An explosion in a logging shop when he was a teen blasted off the ends of his right fingers, and a machinery accident took off three on his left. In his mid-forties, Breedlove turned to the security and pension of a job at Clallam Bay Corrections Center, one of two nearby state prisons. In 2016 an inmate beat him on the head with a metal stool. He\'s been on disability ever since. The assault caused traumatic brain injury, and at first Breedlove had trouble speaking. He would stumble while walking. For years, people or noise could overwhelm him: He might start crying for no reason or have to lie down at a moment\'s notice, feeling like “my brain was shutting me down.” He\'d retreat home to stay in bed for days at a time. Going out was difficult, but he could connect online. “Social media saved my life,” he says. “I could always type just fine by myself in the dark, easy. That was the only place I felt comfortable.” Breedlove became one of the most prolific commenters on Forks\' Facebook forums, typing complaints about “lily white social justice warriors.” Acquaintances wondered if he had become more opinionated or had just found an outlet. Breedlove told me that when he received a group direct message on Facebook—he won\'t say from whom—that a white bus full of antifa was coming to Forks, he “didn\'t have any reason to doubt that someone was coming down.” He watched the news. “That was right in the middle of all the riots and the burning.” After bucking down an old mud logging path to show me a swimming hole, Breedlove turned his Toyota toward the scene of the A Road bridge standoff. We hopped out and walked over to inspect the freshly shorn alder stumps. The cut branches were still piled nearby. Breedlove never saw the bus, and when I talked to him on the phone a few weeks before coming to Forks, he downplayed the A Road incident, given that no one had been hurt. But now he was of the mind that things had gone too far. “I\'d like to talk to them”—the people who followed the family. “Just, ‘Why? Why? What were you doing?’” Most Popular * Science Hurricane Helene Shows How Broken the US Insurance System Is By Molly Taft * Gear The Top New Features Coming to Apple’s iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 By Julian Chokkattu * Culture The 26 Best Shows on Amazon Prime Right Now By Matt Kamen * Culture Players Are Turning The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom\'s \'Echoes\' Into Cheat Codes By Megan Farokhmanesh Back in the pickup, we bounced up Hunger Mountain, and I asked Breedlove if he regretted putting up the antifa posts. “What I put up there, I don\'t think was very confrontational. It fed into it a little bit,” he replied, “but I wasn\'t there”—meaning at the tree-cutting itself. As for the “lock and load” post, it was “just having fun on social media.” He added, “If I did something wrong, I\'m the first one that will apologize and say, ‘Oh, I fucked up.’” A couple of days after the A Road fiasco, Breedlove heard about a Black Lives Matter protest happening in Forks, organized by four young white and Native American locals. Breedlove had only seen the protests filtered through the news and social media, and now that one was happening in his town he decided to see it with his own eyes, maybe talk to some people. Two hundred protesters showed up along the town\'s main street, at one point lying down on the sidewalk to mark the time the Minneapolis officer\'s knee was on George Floyd\'s neck. Members of several coastal tribes played in a drum circle, and Tim Fletcher, the mayor, came with a poster reading, “This Native American has never been for racism.” Passing drivers replied with honks of support. Returning home, Breedlove posted his report on Facebook. Overall, he concluded, it “was a really good walk with a lot of really good people.” Among his posts of MAGA dictums and right-wing punditry, he posted artful black-and- white portraits of protesters with their signs. On June 3, as Black Lives Matter protesters gathered in Sequim, Washington, Seth Larson was calling on his Facebook followers—armed \"patriots\"—to protect the town from antifa activists he believed were coming to the march. Calls made to 911 that day reflected the different views of what was happening on the ground. Tapes have been edited for length and to withhold callers\' identities. Dan Larson was away from Forks on June 3, but when a buddy texted saying that their Facebook friend needed help, he posted this warning on his Facebook page: Three busloads of rioters dressed in black just showed up in Sequim! … Local boys are gathering with their ‘gear’ and are going to protect their town! Forks could be next, they want guys from the peninsula to join together to protect our communities! We help them, they help us! Most Popular * Science Hurricane Helene Shows How Broken the US Insurance System Is By Molly Taft * Gear The Top New Features Coming to Apple’s iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 By Julian Chokkattu * Culture The 26 Best Shows on Amazon Prime Right Now By Matt Kamen * Culture Players Are Turning The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom\'s \'Echoes\' Into Cheat Codes By Megan Farokhmanesh The post took off, getting more than 60 comments and 120 shares within two hours. Some of the commenters accused him of spreading a hoax and pointed him toward Seth Larson\'s Facebook Live video. Dan cued the video, expecting to see a black-clad bicycle mob burning up Sequim. “I was like, ‘Shit, I don\'t see the guys carrying bricks or dressed in black. I mean, I don\'t see any of that. I got drawn into some ridiculous bullshit.’” Dan deleted his post. “It was really embarrassing and humiliating,” he told me. A day later, he deleted his Facebook account. “If I can\'t control myself on there, I don\'t deserve to be on there.” Dan lives in a forest-green ranch house close to downtown Forks. He\'s in his sixties, with a full head of hair and an arsenal of old-timey expressions like “gee whiz” and “gosh darn.” We talked in his driveway, and he told me how he\'d moved to Forks as a long-haired teenager from the suburbs of the state capital. It was the mid-\'70s, and the Forks High School football team tried to whoop him. “I wasn\'t used to this kind of attitude about strangers—the new guy. Once they got to know you, and you kind of earned your way, everything was fine. Just a whole little-town-type deal.” After sprinting away that day, he dropped out of school and, at 19, started logging. He worked alongside the now-mayor, Tim Fletcher, for Fletcher & Fletcher. After posting a false rumor, Dan Larson quit Facebook. “If I can\'t control myself on there, I don\'t deserve to be on there.” In the \'90s, logging companies introduced cheaper and more efficient machines, so the human loggers moved to steeper, more perilous slopes, where the machinery couldn\'t operate. Larson was working on one such mountainside when a 4-foot-wide log tumbled downhill at him. Larson hurled himself down the slope to escape, sprinting and somersaulting. He dislocated a shoulder and rib and shattered his clavicle; it ended his logging days. Logging “makes you feel like Superman,” he said, but it\'s also, statistically, the most dangerous job in the US. “I got friends in wheelchairs,” Larson says. “I have friends in the ground.” Mayor Fletcher left the work to run IT at the school district and town hospital and now rents out his logging-themed house on Airbnb. Dan said he wasn\'t missing Facebook. Mostly, he says, he would check his feed for a couple of minutes in the morning, sharing updates about fishing or checking posts about his far-flung grandkids. Some of those grandkids are Black and Native American, and he told me that he doesn\'t put up with “foul language about color or anything like that. I got African American people I happen to love, you know? So don\'t be talking shit about \'em in front of me. And my friends don\'t. They\'re not that way.” He would occasionally get drawn into spats on Facebook. He remembered one particularly galling exchange with a white lady who wrote something about poverty. He responded that he knew what it felt like to grow up poor. His father had left the family, and his mom did what she could, like pulling bottles from the trash to buy food. Dan made money for school clothes by picking berries. The woman had responded dismissively, saying, “You weren\'t Black poor, you were white poor.” Recalling the exchange, Larson\'s face wrenched in annoyance. He typed back something about “going to bed hungry is going to bed hungry.” But this dismissal of his experience by some disembodied stranger still irritates him so much that, while he sat out the 2016 election—“a goofy billionaire and Hillary, come on”—this year he\'s going to pick a side, and it\'s going to be Trump. “Now I do like him because of you stupid fuckers,” he said. Most Popular * Science Hurricane Helene Shows How Broken the US Insurance System Is By Molly Taft * Gear The Top New Features Coming to Apple’s iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 By Julian Chokkattu * Culture The 26 Best Shows on Amazon Prime Right Now By Matt Kamen * Culture Players Are Turning The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom\'s \'Echoes\' Into Cheat Codes By Megan Farokhmanesh Hearing about Dan\'s change of heart, I thought of a story Terry Breedlove told me. At the state prison, a young offender would arrive, scared of the more veteran inmates, and would hover around the officer\'s podium to chat. Yet over time, the old-timers would groom the new guy into the fold, and the kid would end up a “little punk,” radicalized into a race-based prison gang. Dan had just described a similar effect with Facebook: He\'d come in conservative but flexible and ended up defensively hunkered with a tribe. I asked Larson what I\'d asked Breedlove—whether he felt culpable in ginning up the A Road fervor. “If I did, that really sucks,” he said. The idea seemed to eat at him, and he returned to it a couple of times. “I guess that could have sparked a ridiculous emotional reaction over that, and done that to those poor people … But I got sucked in. I got sucked in too.” “What I put up there, I don’t think was very confrontational,” said Terry Breedlove, who spread antifa rumors. “It fed into it a little bit.” Photograph: Ian Allen About a week after the A Road incident, Shannon Lowe—the woman in capris on Big Bertha—gave an interview to the Peninsula Daily News. The issue of race came up. Lowe is white, but Chevall, her partner and the driver of the bus, is Black and Native American. Lowe told the newspaper that she didn\'t believe Forks people had targeted her family because of Chevall\'s race. Nearly every person I talked to in Forks repeated that quote. The point carried not just reputational but also legal heft: Racial targeting could tip any allegation of harassment into a hate crime, a felony that carries prison time. (Targeting a political group does not fall into the definition of a hate crime.) In late June I connected with Lowe by phone. She and Chevall had driven to the farthest northeastern reaches of Washington, where they\'d found work managing a campground. She could only make calls when she visited the nearest town. Lowe told me that she grew up in a speck of a place in Iowa. “I understand having that love for your hometown and not wanting anything bad to happen to your neck of the woods,” she said. She worked as a news director in rural Iowa and later in casinos, where she met Chevall, 15 years her junior. Most Popular * Science Hurricane Helene Shows How Broken the US Insurance System Is By Molly Taft * Gear The Top New Features Coming to Apple’s iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 By Julian Chokkattu * Culture The 26 Best Shows on Amazon Prime Right Now By Matt Kamen * Culture Players Are Turning The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom\'s \'Echoes\' Into Cheat Codes By Megan Farokhmanesh Three years ago, they bought a white Blue Bird school bus from a farmer, named it Big Bertha, and trekked west to Spokane, where Chevall had family. The couple sometimes stayed with his relatives and sometimes on the bus, which they outfitted with a bed, kitchen, and bathroom. They got jobs in casinos outside Spokane, but when Covid-19 shut down business in the spring, they embraced their unemployment. “We felt like we\'d been set free,” Lowe said. They hit the road in Bertha, their own social-distancing mobile. Shannon\'s 21-year-old daughter, who is white, joined them, along with Tyrone\'s mom, Sondra Rickard, who is Native, and their two dogs and three cats. Sondra had been rereading the Twilight books and wanted to see Forks. On the 400-mile trek, Bertha\'s battery started flagging and its alternator busted. The family decided to push into town, order the parts, and camp until they arrived. Lowe noticed people taking photos of the bus while they drove across the Olympic Peninsula on June 3, but she\'s used to people waving and honking at Big Bertha. As they drove into town for supplies, the driver of an ATV flipped Chevall off, and Chevall returned the gesture. Almost immediately after the bus parked in the outer reaches of the Thriftway parking lot, a surveillance camera recorded pickup trucks and an ATV arriving and parking around the bus. An older man wearing a bulletproof vest tried to push open the bus door. More men strolled up and asked Chevall if they were there to protest. The family\'s German shepherd mix barked madly. Lowe nervously walked past the men to go shop for dinner ingredients while the rest of the family stayed on the bus. In the store, Lowe overheard clerks talking to each other in the produce section, voices tinged with fear. “Have you heard they\'re sending antifa?” Lowe worried about getting caught in the middle of some incoming riot. While shopping, Lowe realized she didn\'t have enough cash and headed back to the bus for Chevall\'s credit card. Some 10 trucks were now circling Bertha. People stood in small groups staring at the bus. Sondra remarked that it looked like a militia was out in force. Chevall said he\'d been waging diplomacy: He\'d apologized to the guy with whom he\'d exchanged middle fingers and told the men they just wanted to camp. Someone mentioned Rambo was filmed in the surrounding woods. “Everything was very veiled in the parking lot,” Lowe says. Some of the people held cell phones high, trying to take pictures inside the bus. Lowe wanted to leave Forks, but Chevall thought that now that he\'d said they were camping, it would look suspicious if they didn\'t. He navigated Bertha around the trucks in the lot and turned north on Highway 101. The line of vehicles followed them out. As Chevall drove through town, people in trucks poised at street corners flipped the bus off, and, Lowe says, one driver held a rifle out his window. She quipped that she felt bad for anyone trying to mess with this town. Chevall remained silent, guiding Bertha tensely. Neither wanted to worry his mom in the back. Most Popular * Science Hurricane Helene Shows How Broken the US Insurance System Is By Molly Taft * Gear The Top New Features Coming to Apple’s iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 By Julian Chokkattu * Culture The 26 Best Shows on Amazon Prime Right Now By Matt Kamen * Culture Players Are Turning The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom\'s \'Echoes\' Into Cheat Codes By Megan Farokhmanesh Once the bus turned onto the A Road, the caravan disappeared. Chevall turned onto a smaller logging road, crossed a bridge, and slowed into a pullout littered with tent poles and old workout equipment. The family tumbled out to clean up the site and pitch their tent. Lowe heard guns firing in five-round bursts but dismissed it as someone shooting at a range. Then, a bunch of ATVs sped by and skidded sideways near Bertha, sending gravel shooting toward the bus and pelting Chevall\'s pant leg. They decided to leave. As they dismantled the tent, they heard a chain saw, close, echoing around them. Chevall drove back to the bridge they had crossed to see if they could get cell service and to scout new camping locations. On the far side, a thicket of cut tree trunks and branches blocked the road, and behind the barricade there was a gathering of cars and trucks. The innocent explanations they had held onto withered: This was about them, and maybe something more. “That was the first time that Tyrone started to feel like maybe it was about race,” Lowe told me. “At that point, I still wasn\'t. I\'m a white girl from the Midwest, and I feel like out here in Washington people are a lot more open-minded. I guess I wasn\'t ready to let go of my fairy tale.” With no clear plan on how to get out, Chevall turned Bertha around on the skinny road and headed up the mountain, hoping to get cell service at a break in the trees. Shannon\'s daughter penned a journal entry that began, “If I\'m dead and you just found this …” Sondra kept dialing 911, trying to get a signal. Finally, she got through. Chevall told the dispatcher that their bus was barricaded in the woods and lost, and the dispatcher told them to meet deputies at the downed trees. Careening back to the bridge, Chevall parked at the span\'s edge and told his mom to lock the bus and not to come after them, no matter what. Hands trembling, Lowe grabbed her Canon camera. She and Chevall tentatively treaded across the bridge as Lowe snapped photos of the people and cars still hanging around, for evidence. She pleaded with Chevall to stay behind her. “I\'m 43 and I\'ve lived a pretty good life, and if this is what I go down over, I felt like that\'s fine,” she said, beginning to cry. “But I didn\'t want it to be the end for Tyrone.” She heard someone call out, “They have a camera.” Engines roared, and cars peeled out. “I think at that point they had lost their nerve,” she says. Heading back to their bus to await law enforcement\'s arrival, they heard another round of gunfire. Chevall said, “Well, I can see how this feels like Rambo.” Finally, an officer and sheriff\'s deputy arrived and asked four gawking teens who had driven up as the others were leaving to clear the alders with their chain saws. (It\'s standard in Forks to carry a chain saw in your truck.) After they made a report at the sheriff\'s station, the deputies guided them to a place to camp and told them that, for their own safety, they should leave at first light. The family left at dawn and bought a new battery at a Walmart 150 miles away, and Bertha rumbled off the peninsula. Shannon Lowe\'s daughter penned a journal entry that began with, “If I\'m dead and you just found this …” A week later, Lowe made the comment to the Peninsula Daily News reporter that she didn\'t think race had been a factor. She did so for a few reasons, she told me. For one, she wasn\'t absolutely certain, but more important, she didn\'t want to start something. What if her assumptions riled up real antifa militants and they targeted Forks? “If we make Forks look like a racist town, then Forks will burn, and that\'s not what we want. We want it to all die down.” But since then, she had reconsidered. “If our voices can make the hate stop, then I want to try to make it stop.” If race was at play, it wasn\'t broadcast on social media. Brian King, the chief criminal deputy, told me his investigation had found no indication of a hate crime. But the rumor had primed people in Forks to expect a bus of antifa rioters, and maybe the group of four adults inside, spanning three races and four decades, confirmed those expectations, looking just as much like a group of protesters as a family unit. People in Forks dismissed that idea: Interracial relationships are common; Native Americans and Latinos make up 7 and 26 percent of the town\'s population, respectively. Austin Pegram, a white man who left Forks after high school and only felt safe to come out as gay once he left town, suggested a subtler dynamic: Maybe the family wasn\'t harassed because of race, but that “the color of their skin didn\'t help.” In the eyes of people in town, “it made them not believe them and dismiss what they said.” As Lowe put it, “They looked us right in the eye and didn\'t believe we were camping.” Most Popular * Science Hurricane Helene Shows How Broken the US Insurance System Is By Molly Taft * Gear The Top New Features Coming to Apple’s iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 By Julian Chokkattu * Culture The 26 Best Shows on Amazon Prime Right Now By Matt Kamen * Culture Players Are Turning The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom\'s \'Echoes\' Into Cheat Codes By Megan Farokhmanesh Lowe says they\'re willing to cooperate with prosecutors, even if she thinks the law misses who she sees as the greater culprits: “people spreading fear and anger and hatred online in joke form, and people getting swept up in it.” She mentioned, in particular, the guy who had started the rumor in Sequim. Law enforcement did examine Seth Larson\'s video but ultimately concluded that his call to arms didn\'t cross into criminal territory. Spreading disinformation may be a scourge, “a cancer,” as Forks\' police chief put it to me, but it isn\'t a crime. Lowe told me she still jumps at the sound of an ATV or a car backfiring. Chevall was done talking about it. “It\'s just really hard to try to continue to be ourselves without letting it change us.” Forks is changed too; until someone faces consequences for the A Road incident, the entire town would be seen as culpable, reduced to the redneck epithet lobbed at it for years. A sign on Highway 101. Photograph: Ian Allen “We have tons of guns in our house, and we never talk about shooting antifa,” Kris Hull said, dryly. It was a wry diss, a tone that she excels at. It translates well to Facebook, where she used the eye-rolling emoji when people on a Forks Facebook page were initially doubling down on the antifa rumor. She typed: “A few paranoid residents did a great job of making us look like an intolerant, fearful, hick town. Great job, we are now safe from hippie campers.” Hull is in her forties, with long hair pulled into a ponytail. She\'s spent her whole life in and around Forks—“If you haven\'t been here since you were an embryo, you\'re an outsider,” she jokes—and her humor about the place reflects her deep affection for it. Hull\'s son was one of the teens who helped remove the alders at the crime scene so that Chevall and Lowe could pass. He\'d been mortified by the praise and gift certificates he\'d received as a result. Most Popular * Science Hurricane Helene Shows How Broken the US Insurance System Is By Molly Taft * Gear The Top New Features Coming to Apple’s iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 By Julian Chokkattu * Culture The 26 Best Shows on Amazon Prime Right Now By Matt Kamen * Culture Players Are Turning The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom\'s \'Echoes\' Into Cheat Codes By Megan Farokhmanesh Hull told me that her son got his first chain saw at age 9 and had cut firewood for pocket money all through high school. He can be a bit of a clown, she said. Like other teen boys, he grew his hair into a semi-ironic mullet that is salon-permed in the back and which he calls “majestic.” He posed with his rifle for his senior pictures. He sometimes wore a MAGA hat to school. “Stupid hat,” Hull says (she voted Libertarian in the last presidential election). “I think he did it for attention.” Hull says she thanked another one of the teens who helped the family, and he answered with a mock manly, “That\'s what us redneck kids do.” She laughed. “But they\'ve never had bad experiences with rednecks.” Investigators have interviewed her son three times, trying to elicit names, but he told his mom that people had left by the time he pulled up to the site to see what all the excitement was about. Hull doesn\'t know who was there, either, but she speculates on the mentality: People in Forks like to be left alone, especially by the government or tree huggers. To some, the Covid shutdown seemed an overreaction imposed by a Democratic governor. People in Forks questioned why their businesses had to close, why they had to wear masks in public and stay home—especially as tourists disobeyed the stay-at-home orders, flocking to the coast and its closed beaches, lining up at Thriftway for toilet paper and supplies. Some people weren\'t working. They were restless and uneasy and then saw the violent disorder of Seattle—“and people here have very strong opinions on Seattle,” Hull says. Once the antifa rumor began, “They had a target where they could focus their armchair rage. It was a perfect storm of stupidity.” In the days right after the A Road event, some saw darkly comedic threads mixed into the Forks stew of outrage and shame. City attorney Rod Fleck received a wry text: “How is the anti-Antifa war?” Fleck responded with face- palm emojis and mused that he should write a Coen brothers film. The contact suggested some mix of Tucker & Dale vs. Evil— a B-list redneck send-up—and the iconic hillbilly thriller Deliverance. But the joking dismissals didn\'t last long: Seth Larson had been completely serious when he called on armed people to monitor the protest. He too was carrying a concealed weapon. And, in Forks, as Fleck noted in a text, the men at the Thriftway parking lot had “pumped their chests and walked around like fake cops.” Chevall and Lowe weren\'t hurt, but they were terrified. SUBSCRIBE Subscribe to WIRED and stay smart with more of your favorite writers. Paired with the president\'s drumbeat of antifa allegations, the fake tweet planted by Identity Evropa, the white-supremacist group, had its intended effect: a rippling radius of fear, distrust, and vigilantism. As the summer continued, men with guns took the law into their own hands. Boogaloo Boys organized on Facebook groups and are now charged with murder in Oakland and Santa Cruz, California. A 17-year-old named Kyle Rittenhouse, who told a reporter he came to Kenosha, Wisconsin, with his AR-15-style rifle to protect local businesses from rioters, was arrested for allegedly killing two people. The day after Rittenhouse was arrested, the Kenosha sheriff said at a press event, “I had a person call me and say, ‘Why don\'t you deputize citizens?’ And I\'m like, ‘Oh, hell no.’ What happened last night is probably the perfect reason why I wouldn\'t.” As of mid-September, a professor at Portland State University had tracked 610 incidents of far-right militants showing up at protests since George Floyd\'s death, instigating assaults and scuffles, firing shots, and driving cars into demonstrators; in more than 20 cases, disinformation led to their appearance at the events. FBI director Christopher Wray told Congress that a “majority of the domestic terrorism cases that we\'ve investigated are motivated by some version of what you might call white-supremacist violence.” Yet antifa fearmongering has accelerated. In a Fox News interview with conservative pundit Laura Ingraham, President Trump spoke darkly of a plane full of black-clad “thugs” wanting to do “big damage,” a nebulous description echoing the false rumors that had been making the rounds on social media. The mayhem of the “radical left” became the president\'s central message at the Republican National Convention. And then, in August, a man who claimed allegiance to antifa ideology did apparently kill a supporter of a right-wing group called Patriot Prayer in Portland, Oregon. Facebook rumors accused antifa and right-wing extremists of lighting the wildfires consuming the West, as law enforcement pleaded with people not to listen. Nationally, the question of who was creating the mayhem—police who shot Black men, people who burned buildings in response, vigilante militias, a president turning all of the above into a reelection strategy—grew increasingly muddled by the ideology of who was answering. One person\'s terrorist was another person\'s hero; one\'s lie was another\'s truth. Most Popular * Science Hurricane Helene Shows How Broken the US Insurance System Is By Molly Taft * Gear The Top New Features Coming to Apple’s iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 By Julian Chokkattu * Culture The 26 Best Shows on Amazon Prime Right Now By Matt Kamen * Culture Players Are Turning The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom\'s \'Echoes\' Into Cheat Codes By Megan Farokhmanesh After Rittenhouse was arrested, the Freds Guns Facebook page posted a picture of him with his rifle strapped around his chest overlaid with the words “We Salute American Heroes.” Facebook alerted Larson that the post violated its standards against violence and incitement. Larson wrote a new post putting into words what he claims “everyone is thinking” but is too “chickenshit” to say: I am going to say it now. You all have purchased masses of fire power from me and are getting ready for the WAR. If on the election night Biden magically wins the next morning will be at best a scene from the movie “Escape from New York With Kurt Russell.” Most likely Trump will win and the BLM movement will burn down Silicon Valley… Win Win. Toggling between Larson\'s posts and those of his critics, I was overwhelmed by the chasmal challenge of ensuring a factual center holds. There was evidence for the truth in Forks that June day. If people had slowed down and taken some time to look, most could have seen that there was no sign of rioting antifa on Seth Larson\'s Facebook Live video, despite his efforts to conjure them. They could have listened to the Sequim police or believed Chevall when he said he was camping. The Bagby sisters saw through the hoax. So did Kris Hull. Dan Larson looked at the evidence and admitted his error. Politics didn\'t factor into their assessment. It still seems possible to find factual agreement, but momentum is pushing the other way. By September, Facebook had sent the Clallam County sheriff the evidence investigators had hoped would break the lace of loyalties in Forks. It didn\'t. The hundreds of pages provided little beyond what investigators already knew from screenshots and interviews. There\'s hardly any cell service on that part of the A Road, so the data returned from Verizon didn\'t get them any closer either. Chief criminal deputy Brian King said he wasn\'t losing hope. “We\'re close, we\'re really close,” he says, a tinge of ardor breaking through his even- keeled tone. “It just takes something small to really break this.” It could turn on just one person speaking. “But,” he added, “we\'ve been close for a while.” The ongoing silence has infuriated the Bagby sisters. “If they\'re not talking,” Tami told me, “throw them in jail! Maybe they\'ll talk then! I guess you can\'t do that. It\'s called kidnapping or something.” Kris Hull said her friends no longer wanted to discuss the case unless there\'s a new development. Still, no one in Forks forgets, she says. “It\'s never going to quite go away.” Shannon Lowe told me about a person on the A Road who gave her hope, who listened in a way few people in 2020 seem able to. As she walked across the bridge with Chevall, snapping photos, a group of teens scurried away, but two of them turned and came back. One was white and had an “excellent mullet,” she recalls, and the other, she thought, was Native American. (He is Latino and is the Forks police chief\'s nephew.) He explained that they weren\'t trying to mess with campers, but they\'d heard there were “terrorists” in the woods. Most Popular * Science Hurricane Helene Shows How Broken the US Insurance System Is By Molly Taft * Gear The Top New Features Coming to Apple’s iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 By Julian Chokkattu * Culture The 26 Best Shows on Amazon Prime Right Now By Matt Kamen * Culture Players Are Turning The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom\'s \'Echoes\' Into Cheat Codes By Megan Farokhmanesh At that point, Lowe\'s nerves were beyond frayed, and she told them to think for themselves. “They\'re talking about us!” Shannon recalls yelling at the teens, the bite of the word “terrorist” overflowing into anger. “But we\'re not terrorists! You guys are terrorists! You are terrorizing my family!” She saw the Latino teen\'s face change. “You\'ve blocked us in here,” she continued. “We don\'t want to stay anymore, because we don\'t feel safe.” When the deputies arrived, the teens dutifully cut and dragged the alder branches off the road, then loaded their chain saws back into a truck. Before jumping in to drive off, the young man looked straight at Shannon and Tyrone with one final message: “I\'m sorry.” LAUREN SMILEY (@laurensmiley) is a regular contributor to WIRED. She wrote about the Covid-19 lockdown on the Diamond Princess in issue 28.06. This article appears in the November issue. Subscribe now. Let us know what you think about this article. Submit a letter to the editor at [email protected]. More Great WIRED Stories * 📩 Want the latest on tech, science, and more? Sign up for our newsletters! * The West’s infernos are melting our sense of how fire works * YouTube’s plot to silence conspiracy theories * The pandemic closed borders—and stirred a longing for home * The women who invented video game music * There\'s no better time to be an amateur radio geek * 🎮 WIRED Games: Get the latest tips, reviews, and more * 🏃🏽‍♀️ Want the best tools to get healthy? 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Antifa is warning that tonight They are moving out of the cities and into residential areas to 'take what's ours'
Seriously, what is it with Klamath Falls? : r/oregon Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/oregon A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to oregon r/oregon r/oregon The subreddit for Oregon. * * * 214K Members 123 Online • 8 mo. ago Successful-Golf-6171 ADMIN MOD # Seriously, what is it with Klamath Falls? Discussion/ Opinion I’ve never been to Klamath falls. I’ve never even heard anyone even talk about it in person. But on this subreddit it is brought up sarcastically in nearly every post lol! Is it truly the worst part of our state? Read more Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. AmericaNationalParks • Promoted Choose One... 🤔✏️🏞 Actually, why not choose them all? While national parks might be known for their beautiful landscapes and vast outdoor spaces, they\'re also rich with American history. Whether it\'s monuments or battlefields, you\'re bound to learn something new every time you visit! Learn More ![\\"Thumbnail](\\" Sort by: Best Open comment sort options * Best * Top * New * Controversial * Old * Q&A argoforced • 8mo ago • Not sure it is the worst but it is pretty boring. And oddly for a lot of things you have to go to Medford, about 1.5 hours away. Reply reply BurritoMaster3000 • 8mo ago • For me it\'s the place being centered around a great big toxic lake. The lake has poisonous algae blooms so you actually shouldn\'t get in the water or even go boating without cyanobacteria exposure. Reply reply 20 more replies 20 more replies More replies 4 more replies 4 more replies More replies wannamakeitwitchu • 8mo ago • I go there for work quite often and find it to be a mixed bag of natural beauty, meth, transplants, and elderly. And grumpy hotel clerks. Everyone I have worked there with have been outwardly kind. Reply reply AntiVirtual • 8mo ago • Was going to say, I’ve been all over this country saved Klamath Falls felt exceptionally methy. It’s like a poor man’s Longview and Longview isn’t a rich man’s anything to begin with. Reply reply 1 more reply 1 more reply More replies 21 more replies 21 more replies More replies Brandino144 • 8mo ago • Something important to note here is that you are asking based on what you have heard on Reddit which statistically is left-leaning, college educated, and the most common age group is 18-29. This is not a demographic that overlaps well with people who are typically interested in living in Klamath Falls. Klamath Falls is politically right- leaning with an economy highlighted by a strong regional agriculture sector and the nearby military base. You’ll find more people online who say it’s a boring place like it’s a bad thing, but in the Klamath region you’ll often find people who want to live in a place that can be slower paced and “boring”. I (like I suspect many people on reddit) personally would never move there, but I also recognize that I’m not in the target market. Reply reply ![\\"u/ewest](\\" ewest • 8mo ago • This might be the most reasonable take ever posted on this sub. Reply reply 14 more replies 14 more replies More replies 47 more replies 47 more replies More replies ![\\"u/Majirra](\\" Majirra • 8mo ago • My parents retired and moved there 2 years ago and I visit often. They found themselves a perfect community and lots of friends that all do the same stuff, volunteer, shows, game nights etc. I can see it being a cute little town if you’re raising kids or waiting to die. Being a younger individual tho. Yeah not much to do. Reply reply 1 more reply 1 more reply More replies ![\\"u/canningbottles](\\" canningbottles • 8mo ago • I used to go down for work once a month back in 2016-2018. I always found fun bars (yacht club and black lab) and enjoyed nature when I was there. Reply reply 1 more reply 1 more reply More replies ![\\"u/flafotogeek](\\" flafotogeek • 8mo ago • Just moved to KFalls. I\'m really liking it so far. Reply reply glittercoyote • 8mo ago • Moved here a couple months ago, took some time but I\'m finding my place in town too Reply reply 19 more replies 19 more replies More replies Top 1% Rank by size Public Anyone can view, post, and comment to this community # More posts you may like Related Oregon United States of America North America Place forward back * r/oregon r/oregon The subreddit for Oregon. 214K Members 123 Online ### What\'s An Underrated Town In Oregon That Nobody Visits? 244 upvotes · 618 comments * r/oregon r/oregon The subreddit for Oregon. 214K Members 123 Online ### Tourist visiting Klamath falls/crater lake 5 upvotes · 22 comments * r/AskReddit r/AskReddit r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. 49M Members 7.9K Online ### Reddit, what is the correct way to pronounce the names of places in your area, for outsiders who always get it wrong? 29 upvotes · 170 comments * Promoted ![\\"sidebar](\\"\\"/) r/Portland r/Portland We specialize in moss and snark 341K Members 224 Online ### How to pronounce Willamette? 6 upvotes · 139 comments * r/oregon r/oregon The subreddit for Oregon. 214K Members 123 Online ### How is West Coast Safari Game Park in Bandon allowed to exist? 283 upvotes · 150 comments * r/Landlord r/Landlord Conversations, ideas, and information sharing by landlords. 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New York for all of their complaining Gov Cuomo's complaining has only had a 15 decrease in revenue due to the coronavirus pandemic
The Poynter Institute Menu Donate State Editions * California * Florida * Iowa * Michigan * New Hampshire * New York * North Carolina * Pennsylvania * Texas * West Virginia * Wisconsin Issues * All Issues * Online hoaxes * Coronavirus * Health Care * Immigration * Extremism * Taxes * Marijuana * Environment * Crime * Guns * Foreign Policy * LGBTQ+ People * Joe Biden * Kamala Harris * Donald Trump * Mitch McConnell * Hakeem Jeffries * Ron DeSantis Media * PunditFact * Tucker Carlson * Sean Hannity * Rachel Maddow * Bloggers * PolitiFact Videos Campaigns * 2024 Elections Truth-o-Meter * True * Mostly True * Half True * Mostly False * False * Pants on Fire Promises * Biden Promise Tracker * Trump-O-Meter * Obameter * Latest Promises About Us * Our Process * Our Staff * En Español * Who pays for PolitiFact? * Advertise with Us * Suggest a Fact-check * Corrections and Updates * Newsletters Donate #### Follow us The Facts Newsletter Sign up English Español ### Stand up for the facts! Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy. We need your help. More Info ### I would like to contribute One Time Monthly Yearly Join Now ![](\\" ![](\\" Bill Cassidy stated on February 7, 2021 in remarks on NBC\'s \"Meet the Press\": “New York, for all of their complaining, Gov. Cuomo\'s complaining, has only had a 1.5% decrease in revenue” due to the coronavirus pandemic. ![\\"true\\"](\\" mostly-false/6a6ef6075c162fdccf5eb960e683dcd1.jpg.\\") ![\\"barely- true\\"](\\" false.jpg\\") * Economy * State Budget * New York * Coronavirus * Bill Cassidy ![\\"Sen.](\\" Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., appears on NBC\'s \"Meet the Press\" on Feb. 7, 2021. ![\\"John](\\" By John Pullano February 26, 2021 # How much did New York’s revenue suffer in the pandemic year? #### If Your Time is short • New York State saw its revenue decline by 1.5% during calendar year 2020. But its fiscal year runs from April to March. • The calendar year figure that Cassidy cited includes nearly three months of 2020 with relatively normal, pre-pandemic economic activity, distorting the budget picture. • State budget officials have already projected larger revenue declines over the full fiscal year. See the sources for this fact-check How has New York state fared in collecting revenue during the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting economic turmoil? Not so badly, according to Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., who said recently that New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has been exaggerating the fiscal hit to his state. In a Feb. 7 interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd on \"Meet the Press on Feb. 7, Cassidy was asked about what actions the Senate needs to take to help state and local governments experiencing fiscal shortfalls in the wake of the pandemic. Cassidy acknowledged that some states have faced budgetary difficulties, but said others have not, including Democratic-run states such as New York. \"New York, for all of their complaining, Gov. Cuomo\'s complaining, has only had a 1.5% decrease in revenue,\" Cassidy said. The remarks came amid skirmishing between the parties over President Joe Biden’s proposed $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. The bill is designed to boost the response to the coronavirus pandemic and aid the economic recovery. Biden’s proposal envisioned $350 billion in state and local government aid, but many Republicans have been skeptical of aiding cities and states without more conditions. ![](\\" New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo speaks at the opening of a mass COVID-19 vaccination site in Queens, N.Y., on Feb. 24, 2021. (AP) Has New York’s fiscal hit really been that modest? Ty Bofferding, Cassidy’s director of communications, pointed to a report by the financial institution J.P. Morgan that showed that in the calendar year 2020, New York had an aggregate tax revenue decline of 1.5% compared with 2019. While Cuomo’s administration did not dispute the 1.5% figure, they argue that the calendar year figures are less useful for tracking the pandemic’s budgetary impact than the fiscal year figures, which run from April 1 through March 31. In 2020, January, February and part of March occurred before the pandemic hit. #### Featured Fact-check ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/322c808c00e73c217d17772ddd5a0eb5.jpg\\") ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/8b142c91ebe468a84a192e6df2b7b994.jpg\\") Instagram posts stated on August 13, 2024 in an Instagram post Kamala Harris voted in favor of passing a law in 2022 to tax tips. ![\\"true\\"](\\" false/33efdb6633e5e2fdc2d4e2f63383a1e0.jpg.\\") ![\\"false\\"](\\" false.jpg\\") By Sofia Ahmed • August 15, 2024 \"Comparing calendar years, as the chart the senator is referencing does, fails to recognize the impact of the pandemic on state revenues,\" said Freeman Klopott, a spokesman for the New York state Division of the Budget. \"Almost the entirety of the first quarter of the calendar year 2020 was un- impacted by the pandemic and growing robustly.\" In other words, the state argues, the calendar-year totals undercount the fiscal harm from the pandemic. \"Unlike the federal government, New York State must balance its budget, and it must do it on a fiscal year basis,\" Klopott said. \"We can’t change the timing.\" The J.P. Morgan report, which focused on advice to investors in municipal bonds, cautioned that its conclusions are \"based on the current data, and are not indicative of future revenues, particularly given the uncertainties on the progress of the pandemic.\" Meanwhile, New York state has projected a significantly larger revenue shortfall for the full fiscal year. A baseline budget from January 2020 projected state revenue of $87.9 billion for the year ending March 31, 2021, said Laura Schultz, executive director of research at the State University of New York’s Rockefeller Institute of Government. But by April 2020, after the impact of the pandemic started to become clear, the state revised its projection to $77.7 billion. That would be an 11.6% decline from the earlier projection, and a 6.2% drop from what was collected in the previous fiscal year. Those numbers are significantly larger than the 1.5% decrease, though final revenue figures won’t be available until after the end of the fiscal year. Our ruling Cassidy said that \"New York, for all of their complaining, Gov. Cuomo\'s complaining, has only had a 1.5% decrease in revenue\" due to the pandemic. New York state saw revenue decline by 1.5% in calendar year 2020. However, the state’s budget is based on a fiscal year that runs from April 1 to March 31, and the calendar year figure Cassidy cited includes nearly three months of relatively normal, pre-pandemic economic activity. This makes it a misleading indicator of the pandemic’s budgetary impact. In fact, state budget officials have already projected larger revenue declines for the full fiscal year. We rate the statement Mostly False. #### Read About Our Process The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter ### Our Sources NBC News, Meet the Press Interview with Sen. Bill Cassidy, February 07, 2021 J.P. Morgan, \"Municipal Markets Weekly,\" Jan. 29, 2021 PolitiFact, COVID-19 aid for states and localities: How dire is the need?, February 11, 2021 PolitiFact, \"What’s in Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan?\" Jan. 15, 2021 Email interview with Freeman Klopott, New York State Division of the Budget press officer, Feb. 16, 2021 Email interview with Ty Bofferding, director of communications for Sen. Bill Cassidy, Feb. 11, 2021 Email interview with Laura Schultz, executive director of research at the Rockefeller Institute, February 18, 2021 ## Browse the Truth-O-Meter ### More by John Pullano ![](\\" ![](\\" Lorraine Lewandrowski stated on February 24, 2021 in a hearing of the New York Senate Agriculture Committee: It’s not currently “legal for a New York state student to have a glass of fresh whole milk.” ![\\"true\\"](\\" ![\\"true\\"](\\" By John Pullano • June 7, 2021 ![](\\" ![](\\" Nicholas Langworthy stated on March 17, 2021 in a mass email: Residents of New York state “pay the highest taxes in the nation.” ![\\"mostly-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"mostly-true\\"](\\" mostly-true.jpg\\") By Landon Allison • April 12, 2021 ![](\\" ![](\\" Bill Cassidy stated on February 7, 2021 in remarks on NBC\'s \"Meet the Press\": “New York, for all of their complaining, Gov. Cuomo\'s complaining, has only had a 1.5% decrease in revenue” due to the coronavirus pandemic. ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By John Pullano • February 26, 2021 ![](\\" ![](\\" Stefan Mychajliw stated on January 29, 2021 in a press release: \"The (Erie Co., N.Y.) health commissioner makes more than the governor, the vice president of the United States, and has a salary that is comparable to Dr. Anthony Fauci.” ![\\"mostly-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"mostly-true\\"](\\" mostly-true.jpg\\") By John Pullano • February 5, 2021 ![](\\" ![](\\" James Tedisco stated on January 5, 2021 in a news release: “New York leads the nation in out-migration of residents, with 126,000 people leaving last year and over one million in the past decade.” ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Landon Allison • January 26, 2021 ![](\\" ![](\\" Robert Ortt stated on July 20, 2020 in a news release: Says Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Democratic lawmakers are “granting free tuition to illegal immigrants while closing Excelsior Scholarship applications to citizen students.” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By John Pullano • August 20, 2020 ![](\\" ![](\\" Monica Wallace stated on June 8, 2020 in a newspaper interview: Significantly more people died of Covid-19 in two months than died of overdoses all of last year or the year before. ![\\"true\\"](\\" ![\\"true\\"](\\" By John Pullano • June 18, 2020 ![](\\" ![](\\" Kirsten Gillibrand stated on April 21, 2020 in a tweet: “Immigrants make up a majority of essential workers in places like New York City.” ![\\"mostly-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"mostly-true\\"](\\" mostly-true.jpg\\") By Jaren Holmes • May 7, 2020 ![](\\" ![](\\" Andrew Cuomo stated on April 11, 2020 in a briefing: Says that under the law, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio “can’t open” the city’s schools. ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Rachel Kimmel • April 30, 2020 ### How much did New York’s revenue suffer in the pandemic year? * ![](\\" ![](\\" Kari Lake stated on August 8, 2024 in on social media platform X: Ruben Gallego wants to “cut your Social Security.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Sabine Martin • August 29, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Threads posts stated on August 27, 2024 in a Threads post: Charlie Kirk X post about iPhone storage reveals his top app is Grindr. ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Jeff Cercone • August 29, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Donald Trump stated on July 26, 2024 in remarks at Turning Point USA summit: Kamala Harris “wants to forcibly compel doctors and nurses against their will to give chemical castration drugs to young children.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Grace Abels • August 29, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" J.D. Vance stated on August 25, 2024 in an interview on NBC\'s \"Meet the Press\": “Anything that you lose on the tariff from the perspective of the consumer, you gain in higher wages, so you\'re ultimately much better off.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Louis Jacobson • August 29, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Dave McCormick stated on August 25, 2024 in a TV ad: Sen. Bob Casey “voted to sell American oil to China.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Caleb McCullough • August 28, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Mike Rogers stated on August 16, 2024 in a blog post: Rep. Elissa Slotkin’s vote for the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act was a vote to “cut Medicare benefits for seniors.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Caleb McCullough • August 28, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Social Media stated on August 21, 2024 in publicaciones en redes sociales: Videos muestran a Kamala Harris ebria. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Maria Briceño • August 28, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" X posts stated on August 27, 2024 in a social media post: The order of candidate names on North Carolina’s ballot shows a “clear attempt at voter manipulation.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Paul Specht • August 28, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on August 23, 2024 in a Facebook post: “Colin Kaepernick \'screams\' as Coach Kyle Shanahan denies his return request: \'The kneeling symbol has no chance of coming back.’” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • August 28, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on August 21, 2024 in a Facebook post: Beyoncé and Taylor Swift announced a “big endorsement concert” and said, “No more silence, before it’s too late, our voice must be heard now!” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • August 28, 2024 Load more ### Support independent fact-checking. 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New York for all of their complaining Gov Cuomo's complaining has only had a 15 decrease in revenue due to the coronavirus pandemic
![\\"Empire](\\"// transparent-sm.png\\"/) Toggle navigation * Research * Reports * Blog * Commentary * Data & Statistics * Press * Releases * Commentary * Testimony * Events * Podcast * About * Who We Are * Our Team * Board of Directors * Student Fellows * Careers * Donate * Donate ![\\"the-numbers-debunk-cuomos-salt- gripes\\"](\\" content/uploads/2020/09/salt-3285024__340.jpg\\"/) Commentary # The Numbers Debunk Cuomo’s SALT Gripes * by E.J. McMahon * New York Post * September 10, 2020 For the better part of three years now, Gov. Cuomo has been pounding SALT — the federal income-tax deduction for state and local taxes. After President Trump signed the GOP-sponsored tax-reform bill in December 2017, Cuomo called the new law’s $10,000 SALT deduction cap “an all-out direct attack on New York’s future” and never lost an ­opportunity to publicly complain about it. More recently, Cuomo has added full restoration of the SALT break to his increasingly desperate demands for billions of dollars in federal aid to make up for the state’s massive pandemic-driven fall in revenues. Just last week, in a joint letter to Congress cosigned by New York labor-union leaders, the governor repeated for the umpteenth time his claim that SALT is costing New Yorkers up to $15 billion a year in higher federal taxes. Yet just-released Internal Revenue Service data prove that ­Cuo­mo’s favorite SALT damage metric was vastly inflated — in the wrong direction. In 2018, the first year under the revamped and nearly SALT-free tax code, total federal income-tax payments by New Yorkers fell by nearly $3.4 billion, according to IRS statistics. To be sure, the net 2 percent ­reduction was barely half the ­national average and among the smallest changes registered in any state. This is no surprise, though. After all, Empire State residents have higher average incomes, which are taxed at higher rates ­under the progressive federal tax structure. And thanks to their heavy state and local tax burden, New Yorkers had more of their savings undercut by the cap on the SALT deduction. There is still no denying ­Cuomo’s claim that the SALT cap in particular was in large part ­politically motivated. Congressional Republicans, erstwhile champions of fiscal federalism, were happy to minimize a tax break that mainly benefitted the wealthier residents of deep-blue Democratic states — to subsidize bigger savings for families and businesses in red states. Cuomo, not wanting to be seen as merely defending a tax break for the rich, had claimed the SALT cap “effectively raises middle-class and working families’ property tax 20 to 25 percent all across the state.” In reality, the new IRS data confirm that the vast majority of New Yorkers in all income ranges still paid less in federal taxes in 2018. The largest percentage savings were concentrated in less wealthy communities of upstate New York, where the definition of “middle class” more closely resembles ­national norms. But average tax rates dropped at least slightly even among the SALT-encrusted six-figure middle class of Nassau and Suffolk counties. This, too, was no surprise. In addition to capping SALT, the tax law ­reduced most tax rates, broadened tax brackets, expanded the child credit and doubled the standard deduction. It also rolled back much of the alternative minimum tax, which restored a small SALT break for many affluent New Yorkers (including Cuomo himself). While the data are no surprise, they highlight the true nature of the tax- policy choices facing Washington and Albany in months ahead. State lawmakers now clamoring to jack up state and city tax rates on millionaires insist the targeted taxpayers won’t mind — and won’t ­respond by simply moving. But the new IRS data add to the body of circumstantial evidence pointing to an increased outflow of high earners from New York even before the pandemic. From 2010 through 2018, the number of New York residents with incomes above $1 million ­increased by 60 percent, and their incomes rose 84 percent, the IRS data showed. In other states and territories, the total number of millionaire earners doubled, and so did their gross incomes. To his credit, Cuomo clearly recognizes what recent trends imply for state tax policy. Without full SALT deductibility, New York’s ­effective marginal income-tax rate already had skyrocketed to its highest level even before the pandemic. The governor made it clear this week that he is playing for time, betting on a Joe Biden presidency and a Democratic takeover of the US Senate to plug the gaping holes in the budgets of New York state and Gotham. This could only come at the cost of a huge federal tax increase aimed at the highest earners — which the governor will happily ­accept, as long as New York’s piece is heavily SALT-ed. Tags: Andrew Cuomo Federal tax reform Migration Tax reform ## About the Author ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2022/06/McMahon-300x258.jpg\\") #### E.J. McMahon * * Edmund J. McMahon is Empire Center\'s founder and a senior fellow. Read more by E.J. McMahon ## You may also like ![](\\" building-gaf20e7f63_1920-371x385.jpg\\") ### AOC Redefines the Term ‘Rich’ New York socialists calling for higher taxes aim to spread the tax net far beyond Wall Street, scooping up folks on Main Street—especially in the suburbs. Bemoaning “violent budget cuts” at New York City agencies, Rep. 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Read More ![](\\" content/uploads/2021/08/Hochul.jpeg\\"/) ### Kathy Hochul will have to prove she can hold the line on state spending Hochul’s specific priorities were lowest-common-denominator stuff: “combating” the spread of COVID-19 linked to the Delta variant, pushing billions in stalled federal rent relief out the door to tenants (and ultimately their landlords) and “beginning to change the culture in Albany.” Read More ![](\\" content/uploads/2021/08/50875487046_2b2b62cd8b_k-371x385.jpg\\"/) ### Nursing Cuomo’s broken trust: Kathy Hochul’s responsibility on COVID and long-term care One of the most urgent imperatives confronting soon-to-be Gov. 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Andrew Cuomo has turned up the volume on his demands for a federal bailout of the New York state budget. In a weekend briefing, the governor repeated his estimate that the Empire State will need help closing a deficit of $10 billion to $15 billion. “I don’t have any funding to do what I normally do,” he said. Read More ![](\\" child/images/ec-placeholder.jpg\\"/) ### Blame Cuomo for New York’s Medicaid crisis When it comes to New York’s latest Medicaid mess, the buck stops with Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Read More ### AOC Redefines the Term ‘Rich’ * October 2, 2023 ### AOC Redefines the Term ‘Rich’ * October 2, 2023 ### Questions on Cuomo’s COVID memoir need answers * March 6, 2023 ### Kathy Hochul will have to prove she can hold the line on state spending * August 25, 2021 ### Nursing Cuomo’s broken trust: Kathy Hochul’s responsibility on COVID and long-term care * August 19, 2021 ### Calling Tax Cut “Theft,” Cuomo Continues to Push For Federal Bucks With Phony Math * January 8, 2021 ### How a Blast From the Past Could Save NYC Again * September 24, 2020 ### Washington shouldn’t fund NY’s “normal” budgets * April 21, 2020 ### Blame Cuomo for New York’s Medicaid crisis * October 17, 2019 ### AOC Redefines the Term ‘Rich’ * October 2, 2023 ### Questions on Cuomo’s COVID memoir need answers * March 6, 2023 ### Kathy Hochul will have to prove she can hold the line on state spending * August 25, 2021 ### Nursing Cuomo’s broken trust: Kathy Hochul’s responsibility on COVID and long-term care * August 19, 2021 ### Calling Tax Cut “Theft,” Cuomo Continues to Push For Federal Bucks With Phony Math * January 8, 2021 ### How a Blast From the Past Could Save NYC Again * September 24, 2020 ### Washington shouldn’t fund NY’s “normal” budgets * April 21, 2020 ### Blame Cuomo for New York’s Medicaid crisis * October 17, 2019 ### AOC Redefines the Term ‘Rich’ * October 2, 2023 ### Questions on Cuomo’s COVID memoir need answers * March 6, 2023 ### Kathy Hochul will have to prove she can hold the line on state spending * August 25, 2021 ### Nursing Cuomo’s broken trust: Kathy Hochul’s responsibility on COVID and long-term care * August 19, 2021 ### Calling Tax Cut “Theft,” Cuomo Continues to Push For Federal Bucks With Phony Math * January 8, 2021 ### How a Blast From the Past Could Save NYC Again * September 24, 2020 ### Washington shouldn’t fund NY’s “normal” budgets * April 21, 2020 ### Blame Cuomo for New York’s Medicaid crisis * October 17, 2019 ## Advanced Search * From Month... 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New York for all of their complaining Gov Cuomo's complaining has only had a 15 decrease in revenue due to the coronavirus pandemic
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So New Yorkers are paying more in taxes and receiving fewer services because of Donald Trump.” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Jill Terreri Ramos • June 21, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Jason Pizzo stated on May 30, 2024 in a post on X: “Trump can’t vote for himself in the November election.” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Maria Ramirez Uribe • May 31, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Kathy Hochul stated on February 22, 2024 in an interview: In New York, there are no barriers to law enforcement to work with the federal government on immigration laws, and there are 100 crimes where migrants can be handed over. ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Jill Terreri Ramos • March 29, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Donald Trump stated on March 18, 2024 in a Truth Social post: The $454 million bond is “unprecedented, and practically impossible for ANY Company.” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Louis Jacobson • March 22, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Nick LaLota stated on November 18, 2023 in a social media post: Under New York’s Clean Slate Act “violent crimes … will now be automatically sealed after a set time - like they never happened.” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Jill Terreri Ramos • January 1, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" X posts stated on May 20, 2023 in on social media: A printer error in Nassau County, New York, turned every registered voter Democratic. ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Conor Amendola • June 19, 2023 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Instagram posts stated on May 20, 2023 in an Instagram post: \"NYC mayor plans to track and limit meat and dairy.\" ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Jeff Cercone • May 25, 2023 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Nicholas Langworthy stated on February 10, 2023 in a tweet: Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm met \"with the radical green energy group behind the gas stove ban,\" which \"has ties to the\" Chinese Communist Party. ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Conor Amendola • March 9, 2023 * ![](\\" ![](\\" William Barclay stated on December 1, 2022 in a radio interview: California has twice the population of New York, but spends $260 billion, while New York spends $220 billion. ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Jill Terreri Ramos • January 13, 2023 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Social Media stated on August 30, 2022 in social media posts: In New York, you need to show identification to buy whipped cream, but not to vote. ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Jill Terreri Ramos • September 1, 2022 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Sean Ryan stated on March 3, 2022 in an op-ed: “New York state has already lost 99% of its historic freshwater wetlands.” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Elizabeth Egan • March 29, 2022 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Chris Jacobs stated on November 19, 2021 in a radio interview: “This one here has subsidies for people making as much as $800,000 to be able to buy a Tesla.” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Jill Terreri Ramos • November 26, 2021 * ![](\\" ![](\\" India Walton stated on September 9, 2021 in a debate: Under Mayor Byron Brown, “we’ve been defunding community centers, our pools were closed this summer, we’ve been defunding senior and youth services.” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Jill Terreri Ramos • September 24, 2021 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Kamala Harris stated on July 9, 2021 in an interview: New and proposed state laws on voting mean “if you are going to be standing in that line for all those hours, you can’t have any water or any food.” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Amy Sherman • July 15, 2021 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Bill Cassidy stated on February 7, 2021 in remarks on NBC\'s \"Meet the Press\": “New York, for all of their complaining, Gov. Cuomo\'s complaining, has only had a 1.5% decrease in revenue” due to the coronavirus pandemic. ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By John Pullano • February 26, 2021 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Instagram posts stated on February 11, 2021 in an Instagram post: Due to differing lockdown orders, New York has more COVID-19 cases, deaths, hospitalizations and job losses than Florida, and New York also lags on vaccinations. ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Samantha Putterman • February 26, 2021 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Ted Cruz stated on January 9, 2021 in a tweet: Said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her allies “blocked a resolution condemning anti-Semitism — which I passed unanimously in the Senate.” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Landon Allison • February 18, 2021 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Colin Schmitt stated on January 14, 2021 in a news conference: “We have scientific data, from all different levels, but particularly from the high school sports levels, from numerous different states that shows that it is safe to play what New York is considering high-risk sports.” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Jill Terreri Ramos • January 26, 2021 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Chris Jacobs stated on January 7, 2021 in a television interview: “There were several states where outside actors dramatically changed the rules of the road, so to speak, two weeks out, one week out, on how elections would be run.” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Jill Terreri Ramos • January 14, 2021 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Andrew Cuomo stated on September 30, 2020 in a press call: \"We\'re No. 46 out of 50 states... we\'re 46th in terms of percentage of deaths in nursing homes.\" ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Jill Terreri Ramos • October 16, 2020 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Michael Caputo stated on August 17, 2020 in a tweet: “Does the #DemConvention know @NYGovCuomo forced nursing homes across NY to take in COVID positive patients and planted the seeds of infection that killed thousands of grandmothers and grandfathers?” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Michelle Andrews • August 24, 2020 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Donald Trump stated on July 29, 2020 in a Tweet: “New York Mail-In voting is in a disastrous state of condition. Votes from many weeks ago are missing - a total mess. They have no idea what is going on. Rigged Election.” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Jill Terreri Ramos • August 15, 2020 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on July 26, 2020 in a Facebook post: “Florida is doing over five times better” than New Jersey and New York in COVID-19 deaths per million people. ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Tom Kertscher • July 31, 2020 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Andrew Cuomo stated on May 20, 2020 in a news conference: “Why did the state do that with COVID patients in nursing homes? It’s because the state followed President Trump’s CDC guidance.” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Jill Terreri Ramos • June 13, 2020 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Chris Jacobs stated on March 4, 2020 in a television commercial: \"Nate McMurray wants to reward illegals with amnesty.\" ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Jill Terreri Ramos • March 24, 2020 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Michael Bloomberg stated on February 20, 2020 in a tweeted video: Video shows Democratic presidential candidates speechless for 20 seconds when discussing whether any of them started a business. ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Daniel Funke • February 20, 2020 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Free Thought Project stated on January 24, 2020 in in a blog post: “State Forces Citizens to Pay for ‘Stargazing Permit’ to View Night Sky in Public Parks” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Jill Terreri Ramos • February 9, 2020 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Crystal Peoples-Stokes stated on October 9, 2019 in a radio interview: \"If folks are vaping a legal medical cannabis product that comes from any of the New York state operators, they will not have to worry about the negative impacts on their lungs.\" ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Jill Terreri Ramos • November 2, 2019 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Nate McMurray stated on September 10, 2019 in a Tweet: \"Under @BarackObama illegal immigration dropped to a 50-year low.\" ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Jill Terreri Ramos • September 23, 2019 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Kirsten Gillibrand stated on July 9, 2019 in a campaign event: A transaction tax in countries like the UK \"didn\'t affect their financial markets at all.\" ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Jill Terreri Ramos • July 26, 2019 * Next #### Offices District of Columbia 1800 I Street NW Washington, DC 20006 Florida 801 3rd St. S St. Petersburg, FL 33701 727-821-9494 #### People * Joe Biden * Kamala Harris * Donald Trump * Mitch McConnell * Hakeem Jeffries * Ron DeSantis #### State Editions * California * Florida * Iowa * Michigan * New Hampshire * New York * North Carolina * Pennsylvania * Texas * West Virginia * Wisconsin #### About Us * Our Process * Our Staff * En Español * Who pays for PolitiFact? * Advertise with Us * Corrections and Updates * Newsletters #### RSS Feeds * Recent Articles and Fact-checks * Recent Fact-checks Suggest a Fact-check #### Follow us The Facts Newsletter Sign up Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Copyright ©All Rights Reserved Poynter Institute 2020, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization ![\\"\\"](\\" ✕ * * *
New York for all of their complaining Gov Cuomo's complaining has only had a 15 decrease in revenue due to the coronavirus pandemic
New York State Home An official website of New York State An official website of New York State Here’s how you know Official websites use A website belongs to an official New York State government organization. Secure websites use HTTPS A lock icon or means you’ve safely connected to a website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Close trusted identity banner New York State Home Search this website Search this website Clear search input Search this website ## GOVERNOR HOME * Pressroom * Schedule * Executive Orders * Legislation * About * Governor Kathy Hochul * Lt. Governor Antonio Delgado * Contact * Send a Message * Request Correspondence # GOVERNOR KATHY HOCHUL * Pressroom * Schedule * Executive Orders * Legislation * About * Governor Kathy Hochul * Lt. Governor Antonio Delgado * Contact * Send a Message * Request Correspondence Media Coronavirus Health Public Safety March 26, 2020 Albany, NY # Video, Audio, Photos & Rush Transcript: Amid Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, Governor Cuomo Announces State is Scouting New Sites for Temporary Hospitals Downstate Video, Audio, Photos & Rush Transcript: Amid Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, Governor Cuomo Announces State is Scouting New Sites for Temporary Hospitals Downstate Goal of Having a 1,000-Plus Patient Overflow Facility in Each NYC Borough and Downstate Counties An Additional 12,000 Health Professionals Have Signed up to Volunteer as Part of the State\'s Surge Healthcare Force Since Yesterday - Bringing Total Number of Volunteers to More than 52,000 More Than 8,600 Mental Health Professionals Have Now Signed Up to Provide Free Online Mental Health Services Confirms 6,448 Additional Coronavirus Cases in New York State - Bringing Statewide Total to 37,258; New Cases in 39 Counties Governor Cuomo: \"Our goal is to have a 1,000-plus overflow facility in each of the boroughs downstate in the counties, Queens, Brooklyn, the New York City boroughs, Bronx, Manhattan, Staten Island and Long Island, Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester and Rockland, so every county has a 1000-plus-bed overflow facility and that\'s what we\'re working on at the same time, as well as increasing the capacity of the existing hospital system.\" Cuomo: \"During this difficult time let\'s listen to the voices of our better angels as individuals, as families, as a community, and as a society. We\'re going to get through this. The only question is how we get through it and when we get through it. But let\'s make sure at the end of the day that we can say we are the better for it and our children are the better for it - and I believe they will be.\" Earlier today, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced the state is scouting additional new sites for temporary hospitals, with a goal of having a 1,000-plus patient overflow facility in each NYC borough as well as Westchester, Rockland, Nassau and Suffolk counties. These new additions, together with the temporary hospitals that are being built at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center and locations at SUNY Stony Brook, SUNY Old Westbury and the Westchester Convention Center, are aimed at building thousands of new beds to bolster existing hospital capacity, with the goal of being open to patients in early- to mid-April. The state is also preparing college dormitories and hotels for emergency beds. The Governor also announced that an additional 12,000 healthcare workers, including retirees and students, have signed up to volunteer to work as part of the state\'s surge healthcare force during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, bringing the total number of volunteers to more than 52,000. Additionally, more than 8,600 mental health professionals, including individuals from other states, have now signed up to provide free online mental health services. New Yorkers can call the state\'s hotline at 1-844-863-9314 to schedule a free appointment. Finally, the Governor confirmed 6,448 additional cases of novel coronavirus, bringing the statewide total to 37,258 confirmed cases in New York State. Of the 37,258 total individuals who tested positive for the virus, the geographic breakdown is as follows: County | Total Positive | New Positive ---|---|--- Albany | 171 | 19 Allegany | 2 | 0 Broome | 16 | 5 Cayuga | 2 | 0 Chautauqua | 1 | 0 Chemung | 7 | 6 Chenango | 3 | 0 Clinton | 11 | 1 Columbia | 13 | 1 Cortland | 2 | 0 Delaware | 7 | 2 Dutchess | 190 | 37 Erie | 134 | 12 Essex | 4 | 0 Franklin | 1 | 0 Fulton | 1 | 0 Genesee | 4 | 2 Greene | 5 | 1 Hamilton | 2 | 0 Herkimer | 7 | 2 Jefferson | 3 | 1 Livingston | 3 | 0 Madison | 9 | 2 Monroe | 139 | 21 Montgomery | 5 | 1 Nassau | 3914 | 629 Niagara | 14 | 2 NYC | 21393 | 3537 Oneida | 13 | 4 Onondaga | 83 | 18 Ontario | 11 | 2 Orange | 751 | 113 Orleans | 2 | 0 Oswego | 4 | 2 Otsego | 3 | 1 Putnam | 94 | 11 Rensselaer | 32 | 1 Rockland | 1197 | 229 Saratoga | 73 | 9 Schenectady | 62 | 7 Schoharie | 2 | 0 St. Lawrence | 2 | 1 Steuben | 11 | 3 Suffolk | 2735 | 475 Sullivan | 53 | 14 Tioga | 2 | 1 Tompkins | 22 | 6 Ulster | 78 | 13 Warren | 2 | 0 Washington | 4 | 0 Wayne | 8 | 1 Westchester | 5944 | 1253 Wyoming | 7 | 3 VIDEO of the Governor\'s remarks is available on YouTube here and in TV quality (h.264, mp4) format here. AUDIO of today\'s remarks is available here. PHOTOS will be available on the Governor\'s Flickr page. A rush transcript of the Governor\'s remarks is available below: Good morning. Top of the morning to you. The people with us today, to my right is James Malatras, President of the SUNY Empire College, to my left Melissa DeRosa, to her left, Robert Mujica, Budget Director, back of the room, my daughter Cara who is doing a great job. Let\'s talk about what\'s going on today. First, what I try to communicate in these briefings are the facts of the situation. Facts can be uplifting, they can be depressing at times, they can be confusing at times, but I think facts are empowering. You know, in a situation like this, not knowing the facts is worse because that\'s when feel out of control or when you feel that you\'re getting selective facts, or you\'re being deceived by the information you\'re getting. That is actually the worst situation. So what I say to my people in every situation, just give me the facts first and then let me understand what the situation and the reality is and then we\'ll go from there, so that\'s what I try to do. The facts on this situation are increasingly important on two levels: public health but also the economic facts. We\'ve been focusing on the public health facts and the response of the public health system to the virus. More and more we now have to deal on two fronts. We have to deal with the public health situation but we also have to deal with the economic situation and I\'ll get to that in a moment. Public health, we\'ve had a two-prong agenda which we\'ve been pursuing aggressively. We still are flatten the curve so you reduce the flow into the hospital system. At the same time increase the hospital capacity. What we\'re looking for is not a reduction in the number of cases. We\'re looking for a reduction in the rate of the increase in the number of cases. That\'s what comes first when you\'re starting to make progress. The rate of increase should reduce, as opposed to the number of absolute cases. So that\'s what we\'re looking for. The optimum is when they talk about the apex of the curve is not to have an apex and that\'s what the flattening is, not to have that spike because the spike is where you would overwhelm the hospital systems that try to get down that rate of increase so you can actually handle it in the hospital system and that\'s what they talk about by the flattening of the curve. Just as an aside, Dr. Anthony Fauci has been so kind and helpful to me. I speak to healthcare professionals all across the globe literally but Dr. Fauci I think is just brilliant at this and he has been so personally kind. I called him late at night. I called him in the middle of the night. I called him in the morning and he\'s been really a friend to me personally and the State of New York. So this is all about getting that curve down and not overwhelming the hospital system. Almost any scenario that is realistic will overwhelm the capacity of the current health care system so little reality - keep the curve down as low as you can but you cannot get fit curve down low enough so that you don\'t overwhelm the hospital capacity. So any of these scenarios we have to increase the hospital capacity and that\'s why we\'re literally adding to the hospital capacity everywhere we can. That\'s what the Javits hospital is about, that\'s what the Stony Brook hospital is about, that\'s what Westchester Convention Center, that\'s what the Old Westbury additional site is. We\'re also scouting new sites now all across, primarily the downstate area of this state, for possible sites. Our goal is to have a 1,000-plus overflow facility in each of the boroughs downstate in the counties, Queens, Brooklyn, the New York City boroughs, Bronx, Manhattan, Staten Island and Long Island, Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester and Rockland, so every county has a 1000-plus- bed overflow facility and that\'s what we\'re working on at the same time, as well as increasing the capacity of the existing hospital system. As we\'ve said the hospitals have a 53,000-bed capacity. We\'re trying get to 140,000-bed capacity between the hospitals and the overflow facilities. We\'ve mandated that the hospitals increased their capacity by 50 percent. We\'ve asked them to try to increase it 100 percent but they have to increase it 50 percent. We\'re also scouting dorms, scouting hotels for emergency beds and that\'s going well. Equipment and PPE is an ongoing issue. Right now we do have enough PPE for the immediate future. The New York City hospital system confirm that so we have enough in stock now for the immediate need. Ventilators, ventilators, ventilators. I didn\'t know what they were a few weeks ago besides the cursory knowledge. I know too much about ventilators now. We\'re still shopping for ventilators all across the country. We need more. We have approved the technology that allows one ventilator to serve two patients - what they call splitting. Which is when you add a second set of tubes to a ventilator to do two patients. It\'s not ideal, but we believe it\'s workable. We\'re also converting anesthesia machines to ventilators. We have a couple of thousand anesthesia machines in our hospitals and we\'re converting them to work as ventilators. Why is there such a demand on ventilators? And where did this come from? It\'s a respiratory illness for a large number of people. So, they all need ventilators. Also, non-COVID patients are normally on ventilators for 3 to 4 days. COVID patients are on ventilators for 11 to 21 days. Think about that. So you don\'t have the same turnaround in the number of ventilators. If somebody is on ventilators for 3 or 4 days that\'s one level of ventilators you need. If somebody is on for 11 to 21 days, that\'s a totally different equation and that\'s what we\'re dealing with. The high number of COVID patients and the long period of time that they actually need a ventilator. We\'re also working on equalizing and distributing the load of patients. Right now, the number of cases is highest in downstate New York. So we\'re working on a collaboration where we distribute the load between downstate hospitals and upstate hospitals. And we\'re also working on increasing the capacity for upstate hospitals. Shifting now to a totally different field: the economic consequences of what\'s going on which have just really gelled after what the federal government has done and we were waiting for the federal action to determine where we were from a point of revenues and economics. What\'s happening to a state government - any state. It\'s happening to a city government, is a double whammy. You have increased expenses because of the COVID virus and you have a tremendous loss of revenue because all those businesses are closed and all those people are out of work. People are out of work, they\'re not earning income, they\'re not paying income tax. Businesses are closed, they\'re not making money, they\'re not paying business revenue. So we\'re spending more to take care of the COVID virus and we\'re receiving less. In the middle of all this, we have to balance a budget. So how do you do a budget when you have expenses going out and a loss of revenue. We estimate the loss of revenue somewhere between $10-15 billion. Which all these number are hard to give a context. That is a ton of money for the State of New York\'s budget. We were waiting to see what the federal government did before we determined what we had to do because water flows downstream. If the federal government had taken an action that helped state government, city government, et cetera that would have put us in one situation. We now know what they\'ve done. They passed a $2 trillion stimulus bill. They say maybe they\'ll come back and there will be another bill, but maybe maybe maybe. But we know what they did do with the stimulus bill. The stimulus bill helped unemployment insurance and that is a good thing. It helped small businesses and that is a good thing. It did not help local governments or state governments and it did not address the governmental loss. And the federal officials, the ones who are being honest, will admit that. New York State receives $5 billion from the stimulus, New York State government. And it\'s earmarked only for COVID virus expenses. Which means it does absolutely nothing for us in terms of lost revenue to the state. The only thing it\'s doing is helping us on the COVID virus expenses, which is nice, but the bigger problem is on the lost revenues. The congressional action, in my opinion, simply failed to address the governmental need. I spoke to all the officials involved. I spoke to our House delegation. I spoke to our Senators. And I believe what they did failed to meet the governmental need. I\'m disappointed. I said I was disappointed. I find it irresponsible. I find it reckless. Emotion is a luxury and we don\'t have the luxury at this time of being emotional about what they did. When this is over, I promise you, I\'m going to give them a piece of my mind, but I would say to them today, this is an extraordinary time in this nation and it\'s an extraordinary time for government. This was the time to put politics aside in partisanship aside. This is the time for governmental leaders to stop making excuses and just do your job. Do your job. We are one nation. You know the places in this nation that have the most intense problems. Address the places that need the help, and this is not a time to fingers. This is not a time to make excuses. This is not a time to blame everyone else. We\'ve lived with that in Washington for years. Now is the time to actually step up, do the right thing and do your job and they haven\'t as far as I\'m concerned especially when it comes to the governmental need. In any event, we have to do a budget and the budget is due April 1, so the only responsible course for us is number 1 we have to address this revenue loss. We know the revenues are down. We don\'t know how much we don\'t know when the economy comes back. We don\'t know the rate at which the economy comes back. And we don\'t know what Washington may do to address the situation in the future, if anything. So, you don\'t know, you don\'t know, you don\'t know and you don\'t know. But you have to do a budget with all those unknowns. Address them realistically. And how do you address them realistically? First, we\'re going to adjust down our revenue projections for the initial budget and then what we\'re going to do, which is something we\'ve never done before, is we\'re going to adjust the budget through the years to reflect the actual revenue, meaning will say on day one, \"Okay we intended to give you $100 we don\'t have $100 so we\'re going to give you $95. But I can only give you $95 if I get $95 and I let you know quarterly, whatever the period of time is how much money I\'m getting and how much I can give you of the 95 and therefore you can plan accordingly.\" And that\'s frankly the only way that you can do this budget. When you have so many unknowns. So adjust the initial number down and then have periods through the course of the year where you say to school districts local governments et cetera, \"This is how much we actually received. This is what the federal government did. This is what the federal government didn\'t do. The economy is coming back faster. The economy\'s coming back slower. But these are the actual numbers so you can adjust your budget accordingly.\" On the public health numbers are testing numbers up again. We did 18,650 tests. This was just a massive mobilization, operational undertaking. We\'ve never done it before you now have to set up all these drive-throughs, you have to set up all of these testing facilities and we\'re testing more than any state in the country. We\'re testing more per capita than South Korea. More per capita than China. It really is amazing what we\'re doing. And the testing is important. The testing is still helping you identify the positives and isolate the positives. The testing is not telling you how many people have the virus and. I think a lot of people conflate the two and that\'s a mistake. It\'s not even telling you the increase in the rate of infection. All it\'s telling you is your increasing the number of tests, and more test you do the more positives you will find and we\'re working very hard to increase the number of tests because we want to find the positives. This is the really bad news. The number of deaths is increasing. It\'s bad news because people are dying. And that\'s the worst news you can have. It is not bad news in terms of it being unexpected. What\'s happening is people who were infected. Who came into the health care system have been on ventilators. The longer you are on a ventilator, the more probability of a bad outcome. We now have people who have been on a ventilator for 20 days, 30 days. The longer you are on a ventilator. The more likely you\'re not going to come off the ventilator and that is what is happening, because we do have people who have been on for quite a period of time. And those are the people who we are losing. That has always been the way the longer stays without recovery lead to a higher death rate, right? And that\'s not just COVID. That\'s any medical situation that you\'ve dealt with. That is the natural consequence. When you have older sicker patients, who are staying on ventilators longer. They usually have a worse outcome, right? And I think people get that from their usual experience. What we\'re seeing now is that is happening. We\'ve had people on a very long time, and they haven\'t gotten better, and they are passing away. So the number of deaths is at 385, it\'s up from 285, and since we still have a large number of people on ventilators for a long period of time, the experts expect that number to continue to increase, right, and we\'ve said this from day one. You get the infection, 80 percent self-resolve, they don\'t go into the hospital. Some percentage going to the hospital, get treated, and go home. Some percentage go into the hospital, need a ventilator, they\'re on the ventilator, and they never come off the ventilator. And that is a situation where people just deteriorate over time. And that\'s what we\'re seeing. That is that vulnerable population, that very small percentage, two or three percent of the population who we\'ve always worried about. But that\'s what we\'re seeing. And again, we expect it to increase because as time goes on, by definition we have more and more people on ventilators for a longer period of time. Total number of people tested, 18,000. That\'s the break down. Number of positive cases, total 37,000, new cases, 6,400. The curve continues to go up. The spread across the state continues, which is also what we expected, just the way it spread all across the country. We now just have several counties that don\'t have a single case. The overall number, 37,000 tested positive, 5,000 people current hospital, 5,000. So this is the point, right. 37,000 tested positive. 5,000 currently hospitalized. 1,200 ICU patients, which is what we watch most carefully because those people need ventilators. 1,500 patients who were discharged after being hospitalized, okay. So not to be redundant but, people get sick. 80 percent of the people don\'t go into the hospital. They stay home. Some don\'t even stay home, they just self-resolve. Some people get sick and stay home. Some people check into the hospital. Now you\'re talking about 15 to 20 percent. Of that, a percentage get treated and leave. Of that, the smallest percentage get put on a ventilator. That\'s the 1,290 ICU patients. Some of those people on a ventilator get better and come off the ventilator. Some people don\'t get better, stay on the ventilator and when you\'re on the ventilator for a prolonged period of time the outcome is not positive. But, the percentage of people who wind up in that situation, it starts with the 1,290 ICU patients. Those are the people who are basically put on a ventilator. And that\'s of the 37,000 that tested positive, right. So we\'re talking about a very small population, they\'re put on a ventilator. Some recover, and some don\'t. The most impacted states, New York is still number one. Louisiana is a quote unquote hot spot. It has a cluster that is growing and the people in Louisiana and in New Orleans are in our thoughts and prayers. We know what they\'re going through and we feel for them, and we pray for them, and we know the difficulty they\'re under, because of with dealing with the same type of situation. So our best to them. Any way we can help them, we stand ready. Again, total perspective is the Johns Hopkins count that has gone from day one. 487,000, 21,000 deaths worldwide. My personal opinion, not facts, we give you the facts. My gratuitous two cents, which is probably worth a penny and a half. This is a life moment. It\'s a moment in the life of this country. It\'s a moment in the life of the world. It\'s a moment in our family lives. It\'s a moment for each of us. Each of us is dealing with it in our own way, and my observation has been that when the pressure is on, is when you really see what people are made of, in a personal relationship in a business relationship. You know, people can be great when everything is great. The question is what does a person do when things aren\'t great and what does a person do when the pressure is on them? And that\'s when you can see a little crack in the foundation of a person. But when the pressure is on that little crack, that little crack can explode and that foundation can crumble. Or, you can see the exact opposite. You can see them get stronger. But you get to see what they\'re really made of and you get to see the best. You get to see the worst. You get to see the beauty in people. And you get to see the opposite. The outpouring of support for the people of New York has been so inspiring. Not just from New Yorkers. I\'m telling you from across the country, from across the world. You would be amazed at how many phone calls we get. How many offers of support. How many creative ideas from everyone. We\'ve asked medical staff to volunteer. Retired medical staff who are no longer practicing. 40,000 had volunteered. We now have 12,000 people in one day volunteering to helping on the medical staff. We asked mental health professionals to come forward to volunteer. To offer free mental health services for people who are dealing with the stress and trauma of this situation. We had 6,000 people. We now have 8,600 people. We\'re getting mental health professionals from other states calling up and saying they\'ll provide mental health services electronically, through Skype or over the telephone. It gives me such strength and such inspiration. But I don\'t want to sugarcoat the situation. The situation is not easy, but easy times don\'t forge character. It\'s the tough times that forge character, and that\'s what we\'re looking at right now. People say to me, people are getting tired of this situation. They\'ve been home, its going on a couple of weeks. They\'re getting tired. Well, the truth is this is not a sprint. This is a marathon. We always said, this is not going to be over quickly. I understand people are tired, but I also understand that people in this situation are really stepping up to the plate and are doing phenomenal work. So the next time you feel tired and believe me I feel tired, but when I feel tired I think of the first responders who are out there every day showing up. I think of the police officers, of the fire fighters who are up there every day, the grocery store workers who are working double shifts just to keep food on the shelves because people are buying so much food because they\'re nervous; the pharmacists who have lines going out the door and they\'re showing up every day, day after day; the transportation workers who don\'t have the luxury of feeling tired because they have to get up and they have to drive the bus so the nurses in the health care professionals can get to work; and those health care professionals who are dealing with a virus that they didn\'t even understand - they still don\'t understand. They\'re there working, many of them seven days a week. So yes we\'re tired but look at what others among us have to do in the challenge they\'re under and how they are stepping up. And who am I to complain about being tired when so many people are doing such heroic efforts? I also think this is going to be transformative and formative for society. You think about our children. I have my daughters here with me. This is the first time they faced a real national adversity. You have a whole new generation who have never lived through anything like this. They never went to war. They were never drafted. They never went through a national crisis and this is going to shape them and I can tell you just from having my daughters with me. Yeah, they\'re hurt, they\'re scared, but they are also learning through this and at the end of the day they\'re going to be better people for it and they\'re going be better citizens for it. I believe that because they\'re rising to the occasion. As we go through this let\'s make sure that we\'re teaching them the right lessons and the right response and those lesson and that response are the lessons that we get from our better angels. During this difficult time let\'s listen to the voices of our better angels as individuals, as families, as a community, and as a society. We\'re going to get through this. The only question is how we get through it and when we get through it. But let\'s make sure at the end of the day that we can say we are the better for it and our children are the better for it - and I believe they will be. ## Contact the Governor\'s Press Office ## Contact us by phone: Albany: (518) 474 - 8418New York City: (212) 681 - 4640 ## Contact us by email: [email protected] Scroll back to the top of the page ## Governor Kathy Hochul * About * Accessibility * Contact * Disclaimer * Executive Orders * Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) * Governor\'s Programs * Judicial Screening * Language Access * Legislation * Pressroom * Privacy Policy * Schedule CONNECT WITH US facebook X youtube flickr instagram New York State Home * Agencies * App Directory * Counties * Events * Programs * Services Register to Vote Register to vote or update your voter information online. You are leaving the official State of New York website. 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New York for all of their complaining Gov Cuomo's complaining has only had a 15 decrease in revenue due to the coronavirus pandemic
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(Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images) ![\\"\\"](\\" series-3x2.jpg\\") ### Series: Coronavirus The U.S. Response to COVID-19 ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as they’re published. With the coronavirus outbreak creating an unprecedented demand for medical supplies and equipment, New York state has paid 20 cents for gloves that normally cost less than a nickel and as much as $7.50 each for masks, about 15 times the usual price. It’s paid up to $2,795 for infusion pumps, more than twice the regular rate. And $248,841 for a portable X-ray machine that typically sells for $30,000 to $80,000. This payment data, provided by state officials, shows just how much the shortage of key medical equipment is driving up prices. Forced to venture outside their usual vendors and contracts, states and cities are paying exorbitant sums on a spot market ruled by supply and demand. Although New York’s attorney general has denounced excessive prices, and ordered merchants to stop overcharging people for hand sanitizers and disinfectant sprays, state laws against price gouging generally don’t apply to government purchases. With little guidance from the Trump administration, competition among states, cities, hospitals and federal agencies is contributing to the staggering bill for fighting the pandemic, which New York has estimated will cost it $15 billion in spending and lost revenue. The bidding wars are also raising concerns that facilities with shallow pockets, like rural health clinics, won’t be able to obtain vital supplies. ![](\\" ### Help Us Continue Reporting on COVID-19 Are you a public health worker or front-line medical provider? Do you work for or with a government agency involved in the effort to protect the public? Have you or your family personally been affected? Show us what we should be covering or serve as an expert to make sure we’re on track. Note: If you develop emergency warning signs for COVID-19, such as difficulty breathing or bluish lips, get medical attention immediately. The CDC has more information on what to do if you are sick. As the epicenter of the pandemic, with about 40% of the nation’s coronavirus cases, New York state is especially desperate for medical equipment, no matter what the tab. “We know that New York and other states are in the market at the same time, along with the rest of the world, bidding on these same items, which is clearly driving the fluctuation in costs,” budget office spokesman Freeman Klopott said in an email. The Office of General Services, New York’s main procurement agency, declined to say which sellers were inflating prices for essential medical gear. “At this moment in time the New York State team is focused on procuring goods and services based on current market conditions,” OGS spokeswoman Heather Groll wrote in an email. “There will be time to look back and pull together info on all this, that time will be when the pandemic is over.” New York isn’t the only government paying whatever it takes — and keeping quiet about who’s overcharging. Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner told reporters last week that he authorized paying $4 per N95 mask and still lost the bid. Turner’s spokeswoman Mary Benton said that price was commonplace but declined to provide further details. ### Get Our Top Investigations Subscribe to the Big Story newsletter. Email address This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. “What Mayor Turner mentioned was not an isolated incident but rather the norm for today’s extreme demand on masks,” Benton told ProPublica. “Given the urgency of the city’s COVID-19 response and the focus on doing the work, the need for masks and other supplies, at this time we see no value in publicly calling out other cities or companies by name.” That same price was apparently too much for the U.S. Coast Guard. It ordered 1 million N95 face masks for $5 apiece on March 17, then downgraded the order to 200,000 masks, before canceling altogether, according to federal procurement databases and interviews with the contractor, Clean Harbors. Chuck Geer, the company’s senior vice president of field services, said Clean Harbors doesn’t manufacture masks. It simply offered to pass along the supplies from a vendor with access to 200,000 masks, Geer said. The Coast Guard didn’t return requests for comment. In his daily press conferences, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has often complained about having to compete with states and the Federal Emergency Management Agency for personal protective equipment, and ventilators for patients in respiratory failure. “It’s like being on eBay with 50 other states bidding on a ventilator,” Cuomo told reporters on Tuesday. “And then, FEMA gets involved and FEMA starts bidding! And now FEMA is bidding on top of the 50! So FEMA is driving up the price. What sense does this make?” A FEMA spokesperson said that “if a bidding conflict does arise, we will work closely with the state to resolve it in a way that best serves the needs of their citizens.” FEMA has not disclosed the prices it has paid for supplies and equipment during the pandemic. Typically, New York state buys a wide range of medical supplies from a list of approved distributors, which agree to provide those goods at a set price. Contracts are negotiated in bulk and over the long term, with public solicitations that generate multiple competitive bids. ### Read More ![\\"\\"](\\" mortgages-promo-3x2.jpg\\") #### For Americans With Bills to Pay, Help Is on the Way. Sort Of. Politicians have touted debt relief, but the various proposals are patchwork. Many homeowners and renters won’t get much help; those struggling with credit card, car and other loan payments will get none. That changed with the coronavirus outbreak. New York state invited anyone with needed supplies to sell them to the state, which means that prospective vendors can ask whatever prices the market will bear. Now, after running through their inventory, vendors are passing on higher costs from their own suppliers. Hackensack, New Jersey-based Shield Line LLC, a recently approved New York state vendor, has a price list that includes 3.5 cents per glove and 3 cents for a simple surgical mask. But its CEO, Joe Kastner, says he has mostly sold out. If New York, which hasn’t bought from him yet, was to order medical gear now, he might have to raise his prices, he said. He gets some of his products from Chinese companies, which reduced exports at the height of the epidemic there and are now resuming sending supplies to the U.S. — but at a higher price. “In some cases the cost is 15 to 20 times higher,” Kastner said. Neither federal nor state law accounts for a situation in which government agencies at all levels are vying with each other for the same goods. “The government has in normal times a lot of things to protect it, including lengthy contracts and oversight,” said Justin Oberman, a former Transportation Security Administration official who now consults with businesses trying to navigate the federal procurement process. “In this case, raised voices may end up carrying the day.” Normally, there’s no such crime as price gouging. In most states, it’s only illegal during a declared state of emergency. During the current crisis, New York and other states have activated their price gouging statutes. However, most of these laws only apply to the sale of consumer goods and services, not to purchases by states or by private or nonprofit businesses, said Gretchen Jankowski, a commercial litigation attorney with Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney. In order to go after a company for price gouging the state in Michigan, for instance, prosecutors would have to prove price fixing or fraud — a much higher bar. Price gouging laws in New York state and New York City do not apply to state and city purchases, such as the $248,881 X-ray machine. While X-rays aren’t recommended to diagnose COVID-19 patients, they are often used to assess how much damage the disease has done to a patient’s lungs. Portable machines are more desirable than fixed machines because they help reduce the spread of infection. Caregivers don’t have to bring patients to an X-ray room; the machine comes to them. New York is paying bloated prices for another reason: Large national distributors are reluctant to steer more equipment to states with the most coronavirus cases. For fear of being accused of favoritism or even collusion, and in order to prevent stockpiling, they’ve put all of their customers on the same “allocation,” or what a customer purchased in the past. Distributors say the federal government should step in to help them adjust those allocations based on need. “Only the federal government has the data and the authority to provide this strategic direction to the supply chain and the healthcare system,” Health Industry Distributors Association President Matthew Rowan wrote to FEMA administrator Peter Gaynor last weekend. Dozens of cities have signed on to a letter coordinated by the nonprofit Public Interest Research Group asking the federal government to designate a “medical equipment czar” who would buy all the supply and fulfill requests from local jurisdictions. A bill sponsored by Sen. Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat, would do the same. WIthout federal intervention, states and hospitals may only become more vulnerable to the demands of brokers and speculators outside the normal supply chain, said Chaun Powell, vice president for strategic supplier engagement at the national health care consultant Premier Inc., which helps negotiate contracts for hospitals and health systems. “The more COVID patients they get, the more masks they’re going to burn,” Powell said. “They’re getting desperate because they’re running out faster, so they’re willing to pay.” ### Help Us Continue Reporting on COVID-19 Are you a public health worker or front-line medical provider? Do you work for or with a government agency involved in the effort to protect the public? Have you or your family personally been affected? Show us what we should be covering or serve as an expert to make sure we’re on track. Loading form... Powered by CityBase. Filed under: * Health Care ## Get the latest news from ProPublica every afternoon. Email address This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. ![\\"Portrait](\\" depillis-sized.jpg\\") Lydia DePillis Lydia DePillis covered federal agencies at ProPublica. * [email protected] * @lydiadepillis * 202-913-3717 ![\\"Portrait](\\" song-sized.jpg\\") Lisa Song Lisa Song reports on the environment, energy and climate change for ProPublica. * [email protected] * @lisalsong * 917-512-0232 * Signal: 646-712-0120 ## Follow ProPublica * Twitter * Facebook * YouTube * RSS ## Stay Informed Get our investigations delivered to your inbox with the Big Story newsletter. Email address This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. ## Most Read 1. ### Maylia and Jack: A Story of Teens and Fentanyl 2. ### Despite Persistent Warnings, Texas Rushed to Remove Millions From Medicaid. 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Not a single media organization reported the presence of Bongbong Marcos Jr at the arrival honors for the Special Action Force troopers killed in Mamasapano in 2015
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Not a single media organization reported the presence of Bongbong Marcos Jr at the arrival honors for the Special Action Force troopers killed in Mamasapano in 2015
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For the conflict with the United States of 1899–1913, see Moro Rebellion. For the pre-1899 conflict, see Spanish–Moro conflict. For the series of attacks over Sabah, see Cross border attacks in Sabah. Not to be confused with Kidnapping of Aldo Moro. Moro conflict --- Part of the Cold War, insurgency in the Philippines, War on terror, North Borneo dispute and War against the Islamic State ![](\\"// Philippine_map_showing_the_areas_with_majority_Christians_and_islam.png\\")Map of the Philippines showing the still majority Moro Muslim areas in Mindanao | Date| March 18, 1968[29] – February 22, 2019 (50 years, 11 months and 4 days) ---|--- Location| Mindanao, Philippines Result| Peace agreements declared between the Government and the MILF/MNLF * Cessation of hostilities with the MNLF and MILF * Operation Enduring Freedom ended on 23 October 2017[30] dealing a heavy blow to jihadist forces, reducing their numbers significantly[31] and recapturing all their territory * Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) established on February 22, 2019, to govern the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao until 2025[32] * Ongoing ISIL insurgency and sporadic clashes. Territorialchanges| The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao was officially ratified on February 22, 2019, and replaced the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao[32] Belligerents ![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_the_Philippines.svg.png\\") PhilippinesSupported by:![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png\\") United States (advisors)[1]![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_Australia_%28converted%29.svg.png\\") Australia[2][3]![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_Indonesia.svg.png\\") Indonesia[4][5]![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_Malaysia.svg.png\\") Malaysia (since 2001)[4][6][7][8]![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_Russia.svg.png\\") Russia[9] International Monitoring Team (IMT) * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") Brunei * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") Indonesia * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") Japan * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") Libya * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") Malaysia * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") Norway * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") European Union * Ilaga | Bangsamoro:![\\"\\"](\\"// MNLF_flag.svg.png\\") MNLF (until 1996)[10]![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_the_Moro_Islamic_Liberation_Front.svg.png\\") MILF (until 2014) Former support:![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_Libya_%281977%E2%80%932011%29.svg.png\\") Libya (until 2011)[11][12][13][14][15][16]![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_Malaysia.svg.png\\") Malaysia (until 2001)[17][18][19] ![\\"\\"](\\"// NDF_Flag.svg.png\\") NDFP * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") MRLO | Jihadist groups: ![\\"\\"](\\"// Islamic_State_flag.svg.png\\") BIFF![\\"\\"](\\"// Islamic_State_flag.svg.png\\") ASG (1991–2024)[20][21][22] ![\\"\\"](\\"// Islamic_State_flag.svg.png\\") Maute group (2013–2017)[23][24][25]![\\"\\"](\\"// Islamic_State_flag.svg.png\\") AKP (2014–c. 2021) ![\\"\\"](\\"// Islamic_State_flag.svg.png\\") KIM (2011–2013)[26]![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_Jihad.svg.png\\") Rajah Sulaiman Movement (1991–2005)[27][28] Commanders and leaders ![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_the_Philippines_%281985%E2%80%931986%29.svg.png\\") Ferdinand Marcos #(1968–1986)![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_the_Philippines_%28navy_blue%29.svg.png\\") Corazon Aquino #(1986–1992)![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_the_Philippines_%28navy_blue%29.svg.png\\") Fidel Ramos #(1992–1998)![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_the_Philippines.svg.png\\") Joseph Estrada(1998–2001)![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_the_Philippines.svg.png\\") Gloria Macapagal Arroyo(2001–2010)![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_the_Philippines.svg.png\\") Benigno Aquino # (2010–2016)![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_the_Philippines.svg.png\\") Rodrigo Duterte(2016–2019)| ![\\"\\"](\\"// MNLF_flag.svg.png\\") Nur Misuari (1972–1996)![\\"\\"](\\"// MNLF_flag.svg.png\\") Habier Malik **†**![\\"\\"](\\"// MNLF_flag.svg.png\\") Muslimin Sema (1972–1996)![\\"\\"](\\"// MNLF_flag.svg.png\\") Habib Mujahab Hashim # (1972–1996)![\\"\\"](\\"// MNLF_flag.svg.png\\") Abul Khayr Alonto # (1972–1996)![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_the_Moro_Islamic_Liberation_Front.svg.png\\") Murad Ebrahim (1977–2014)![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_the_Moro_Islamic_Liberation_Front.svg.png\\") Hashim Salamat # (1977–2003)Former support:![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_Egypt.svg.png\\") Anwar Sadat X[33]![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_Libya_%281977%E2%80%932011%29.svg.png\\") Muammar Gaddafi X![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_Malaysia.svg.png\\") Mustapha Harun #[34][35]| ![\\"\\"](\\"// Islamic_State_flag.svg.png\\") Radullan Sahiron ![\\"\\"](\\"// Islamic_State_flag.svg.png\\") Khadaffy Janjalani **†**![\\"\\"](\\"// Islamic_State_flag.svg.png\\") Galib Andang **†**![\\"\\"](\\"// Islamic_State_flag.svg.png\\") Ameril Umbra Kato #![\\"\\"](\\"// Islamic_State_flag.svg.png\\") Mohammad Jaafar Maguid **†** ![\\"\\"](\\"// Islamic_State_flag.svg.png\\") Isnilon Hapilon **†**![\\"\\"](\\"// Islamic_State_flag.svg.png\\") Omar Maute **†**![\\"\\"](\\"// Islamic_State_flag.svg.png\\") Abdullah Maute **†**![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_Jihad.svg.png\\") Ahmed Santos (POW) Strength ![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_the_Philippines.svg.png\\") 125,000–130,000[36]| ![\\"\\"](\\"// Flag_of_the_Moro_Islamic_Liberation_Front.svg.png\\") 11,000 (2012)[36]| Unspecified Casualties and losses Total killed:c. 100,000 * v * t * e Moro conflict --- (1967–1999) * Merdeka * Jabidah * Manili * Jolo * Malisbong * Ipil (2000–2010) * Philippine Campaign * Rizal Day * Dos Palmas * Misuari * Zamboanga City * Buliok Complex * SuperFerry 14 * Central Mindanao * Basilan * North Cotabato * 2nd Central Mindanao (2011–present) * Zamboanga City * Darkhorse * Basilan * Mamasapano * Tipo-Tipo * Butig * Davao City * Bohol * Marawi * Jolo Cathedral * Danag * Jolo The Moro conflict[37][38][39] was an insurgency in the Mindanao region of the Philippines which involved multiple armed groups.[40][29] A decades-long peace process[37][41] has resulted in various peace deals have been signed between the Philippine government and two major armed groups, the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF)[42] and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF),[43] but other smaller armed groups continue to exist. In 2017, the peace council settled around 138 clan conflicts.[44] The root cause of the Moro conflict is associated in a long history of resistance by the Moro people against foreign rule, for centuries the region was in control of the Spanish Empire. The U.S. had a brief war with Spain in 1898 which ended in the transfer of the Philippines to the United States, and this lead to American occupation until 1946. During the administration of President Ferdinand Marcos, political tensions and open hostilities developed between the Philippine government and Moro rebel groups.[40][45] The Moro insurgency was triggered[46] by the purported Jabidah massacre on March 18, 1968, during which 60 Filipino Muslim commandos on a planned operation to reclaim the eastern part of the Malaysian state of Sabah were said to have been killed. As retaliation against the Philippine government\'s failed attempt at reclaiming Sabah, the Malaysian government supported and funded the rebels which devastated the southern Philippines, until support ceased in 2001.[47] Various organizations pushing for Moro self-determination, either through autonomy or independence, were almost immediately formed in response.[48][49] Although these generally did not last long until University of the Philippines professor Nur Misuari established the Moro National Liberation Front, an armed insurgent group committed to establishing an independent Mindanao, in 1972. In the following years, the MNLF splintered into several different groups including the Moro Islamic Liberation Front founded by Hashim Salamat, which sought to establish an Islamic state within the Philippines.[_citation needed_] When the MILF modified its demands from independence to autonomy in the late 2008, a faction led by Ameril Umbra Kato disagreed, eventually forming the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) in 2010.[50][51] Casualty statistics vary for the conflict, though the conservative estimates of the Uppsala Conflict Data Program indicate that at least 6,015 people were killed in armed conflict between the government of the Philippines and the Abu Sayyaf (ASG), BIFF, MILF, and MNLF factions between 1989 and 2012.[52] ## Historical antecedents (16th Century - 1946) [edit] Main articles: Spanish–Moro conflict, Moro Rebellion, and Philippine resistance against Japan § Moro resistance on Mindanao and Sulu ![](\\"// Christian_Filipinos_under_Spanish_army_in_Mindanao_in_their_battle_against_the_Moro_Muslim%2C_circa_1887.jpg\\")Christian Filipinos, who served under the Spanish Army, searching for Moro rebels during the Spanish–Moro conflict, c. 1887. The insurgency in Mindanao can be traced to the 1500s, when the Spanish arrived in the Moro heartland. Part of a series on the --- History of the Philippines ![](\\"// thumbnail.jpg\\") Timeline Prehistoric period (pre-900) * Early hominin activity * Homo luzonensis * Tabon Man * Austronesian expansion * Angono Petroglyphs * Lal-lo and Gattaran Shell Middens * Jade culture * Sa Huỳnh culture * Precolonial barangay * Maritime Silk Road Events/Artifacts * Balangay * Cordillera Rice Terraces * Grave goods * Kalanay Cave * Maitum anthropomorphic pottery * Manunggul Jar * Prehistoric beads * Shell tools Precolonial period (900–1565)Historically documented states/polities (north to south) * Caboloan * Cainta * Tondo * Namayan * Maynila * Ibalon * Ma-i * Pulilu * Sandao * Madja-as * Dapitan * Cebu * Butuan * Sanmalan * Sultanate of Maguindanao * Sultanate of Buayan * Sultanates of Lanao * Sultanate of Sulu Events/Artifacts * Maragtas * Laguna Copperplate Inscription * Butuan Ivory Seal * Limestone tombs of Kamhantik * Kabayan Mummies * Baybayin * Batanes Ijang fortresses * Golden Tara of Agusan * Monreal Stones * Butuan Silver Paleograph * Piloncitos * Barter rings * Luzones * Magellan expedition * Battle of Mactan Spanish colonial period (1565–1898)Events * Voyage of Miguel López de Legazpi * Sandugo * Treaty of Cebu * Blockade of Cebu * Spanish capture of Manila * Battle of Bangkusay * New Spain * Spanish East Indies * Captaincy General * Tondo Conspiracy * Manila galleon * Revolts and uprisings * Igorot resistance to Spanish colonization * Spanish–Moro conflict * Battles of La Naval de Manila * British invasion * Propaganda Movement * 1872 Cavite mutiny * La Liga Filipina * Katipunan * Cry of Pugad Lawin * Philippine Revolution * Tejeros Convention * Republic of Biak-na-Bato * Spanish–American War * Treaty of Paris (1898) * Battle of Manila Bay * Declaration of Independence * American capture of Manila * Malolos Congress * First Republic * Philippine–American War Artifacts * Boxer Codex * Doctrina Christiana * UST Baybayin Documents * Velarde map American colonial period (1898–1946) * Tagalog Republic * Negros Republic * Zamboanga Republic * Military Government * Moro Rebellion * Insular Government * Jones Law * Tydings–McDuffie Act * Commonwealth * World War II * Japanese occupation * Battle of Bataan * Battle of Corregidor * Second Republic * Philippine resistance * Hukbalahap * Battle of Leyte Gulf * Philippines campaign Post-independence (1946–1965) * Third Republic * Treaty of Manila * Mutual Defense Treaty * Hukbalahap Rebellion * Filipino First policy * North Borneo dispute Marcos era (1965–1986) * Communist rebellion * Moro conflict * Martial law * Fourth Republic * People Power Revolution Contemporary period (1986–present) * Fifth Republic * 1997 Asian financial crisis * 2000 campaign against the MILF * 2nd People Power Revolution * EDSA III * Oakwood mutiny * Philippine drug war * Territorial disputes * Siege of Marawi * Bangsamoro * COVID-19 pandemic By topic * Ancient religions * Rulers * Queen consorts * Administrative divisions * Agriculture * Archaeology * Communications * Conflicts * Cultural achievements * Diet and health * Education * Economy * Geography * Historiography * Languages * Medicine * Military * Names * Politics * Science and technology * World Heritage Sites ![\\"flag\\"](\\"// Flag_of_the_Philippines.svg.png\\") Philippines portal * v * t * e The Moro people have had a history of resistance against foreign rule for more than 400 years. During the Spanish–Moro conflict, Spain repeatedly tried to conquer the Moro Sultanate of Sulu, Sultanate of Maguindanao, and the Confederation of sultanates in Lanao like what it did with the former Muslim Rajahnate of Maynila (As the Rajah of Manila, Rajah Matanda was a grandson of the Sultan of Brunei, \"Sultan Bolkiah\" and a Princess of Sulu \"Dayang- dayang Laila Machanai\"). Although Spain succeeded in supplanting Islam in Manila and Mindoro, they failed against the Muslims in the South. The armed struggle against the Spanish, Americans, Japanese, and Christian Filipinos is considered by current Moro Muslim leaders to be part of a four-century-long \"national liberation movement\" of the Bangsamoro (Moro Nation).[53] The foundations of the modern conflict can be traced to the Spanish and American wars against the Moros.[54] Following the Spanish–American War in 1898, another conflict sparked in the southern Philippines between the revolutionary Muslims in the Philippines and the United States military that took place between 1899 and 1913. On August 14, 1898, after defeating Spanish forces, the United States claimed the Philippines as its territory under the Treaty of Paris of 1898, establishing a military government under General Wesley Merritt as Military Governor.[55] Filipinos immediately opposed foreign rule by the United States. American forces took control from the Spanish government in Jolo on May 18, 1899, and at Zamboanga in December 1899.[56] Brigadier General John C. Bates was sent to negotiate a treaty with the Sultan of Sulu, Jamalul Kiram II. Kiram was disappointed by the American takeover, as he expected to regain sovereignty after the defeat of Spanish forces in the archipelago. Bates\' main goal was to guarantee Moro neutrality in the Philippine–American War, and to establish order in the southern Philippines. After some negotiation, the Bates Treaty was signed, which was based on an earlier Spanish treaty.[57] The Bates Treaty did ensure the neutrality of the Muslims in the south, but it was actually set up to buy time for the Americans until the war in the north ended.[58][59][60] On March 20, 1900, Bates was replaced by Brigadier General William August Kobbé and the District of Mindanao-Jolo was upgraded to a full department. American forces in Mindanao were reinforced and hostilities with the Moro people lessened, although there are accounts of Americans and other civilians being attacked and slain by Moros. The American invasion began in 1904 and ended at the term of Major General John J. Pershing, the third and final military governor of Moro Province, although major resistance continued in Mount Bagsak and Bud Dajo in Jolo; in the latter, the United States military killed hundreds of Moro in the Moro Crater massacre.[61][62][63][64] After the war, in 1915, the Americans imposed the Carpenter Treaty on Sulu.[65] Repeated rebellions by the Moros against American rule continued to break out even after the main Moro Rebellion ended, right up to the Japanese occupation of the Philippines during World War II. During the Japanese invasion, the Moros waged an insurgency against the Japanese on Mindanao and Sulu until Japan surrendered in 1945. Moro Juramentados attacked the Spanish, Americans, Philippine Constabulary, and the Japanese. ## Philippine administrations after World War II (1946–1968) [edit] The American colonial government and subsequently the Philippine government pursued a policy of intra-ethnic migration by resettling significant numbers of Christian Filipino settlers from the Visayas and Luzon onto tracts of land in Mindanao, beginning in the 1920s. This policy allowed Christian Filipinos to outnumber both the Moro and Lumad populations by the 1970s, which was a contributing factor in aggravating grievances between the Moro and Filipino Christian settlers as disputes over land increased. Another grievance by the Moro people is the extraction of Mindanao\'s natural resources by the central government whilst many Moros continued to live in poverty. Moro Muslims and Lumads were largely supplanted during the Spanish and American colonization programs, with Christian Filipino settlers eventually taking control of key areas along newly built roads and disrupting traditional Moro administrative structures and control over resources. The Americans preferred Christians to become administrators of newly defined townships instead of Lumad and Moro, with environmental degradation resulting from unsustainable population growth (due to the influx of settler migrants) and timber logging.[66] ## Ferdinand Marcos Sr. administration (1965–1986) [edit] See also: Jabidah massacre ### Jabidah massacre [edit] The active phase of the Moro conflict is attributed to news about the Jabidah massacre in March 1968 – towards the end of the first term of President Ferdinand Marcos.[67][68][69] A senate exposé based on the testimony of an alleged survivor claimed that at least 11 Filipino Muslim military trainees had been killed in Corregidor by soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.[70][42] The trainees had been brought to the island of Corregidor to form a secret commando unit called \"Jabidah,\" which would infiltrate, destabilize, and take over Sabah for the Sulu Sultan who previously owned it.[71] The trainees eventually rejected their mission, for reasons that are still debated by historians today. A survivor, Jibin Arula, said that whatever the reasons behind their objections, all of the recruits aside from him were killed, and he escaped only by pretending to be dead.[72] The news created unrest among Filipino Muslims, especially among students.[73] Both Muslim intellectuals and common people suddenly became politicized, discrediting the idea of finding integration and accommodation with the rest of the country, and creating a sense of marginalization.[68][69] ### Early separatist movements [edit] Various organizations pushing for Moro self rule, either through autonomy or independence, were soon formed. Lanao del Sur congressman Haroun al-Rashid Lucman called for Congress to begin proceedings to impeach President Marcos, and ended up establishing the Bangsamoro Liberation Organization (BMLO) in frustration after the impeachment effort couldn\'t gather enough congressional support.[74] Cotabato Governor Datu Udtog Matalam [48] established the Muslim Independence Movement (MIM), which openly called for the secession of the region to create a Muslim state,[75] although it only lasted until Matalam negotiated with Marcos and accepted a post in the administration cabinet.[49] ### The Moro National Liberation Front (formed 1972) [edit] On October 21, 1972,[49] University of the Philippines professor Nur Misuari formed the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) which sought the establishment of a Moro republic through the force of arms,[42] attracting many members who broke away from the MIM.[49] According to the official line of the MNLF, it was founded on an ideology of egalitarianism, and is thus intended as a secular movement, unlike the Moro Islamic Liberation Front which would later splinter from its ranks in 1978.[76] From its beginnings in October 1972, the MNLF has had alternating periods of conflict and relative peace with Philippine government forces, until a 1996 Final Peace Agreement during the administration of President Fidel V. Ramos \- although at least one major encounter - the Zamboanga City crisis of September 9 to 28, 2013 - took place after this agreement.[77] #### The Siege of Jolo [edit] Main article: Siege of Jolo During one of the fiercest battles of the insurgency in 1974, Jolo was extensively damaged and news of the tragedy galvanized other Muslims around the world to pay greater attention to the conflict. Many civilians were supposedly killed when the Armed Forces razed much of Jolo municipality to the ground in a scorched-earth tactic.[78] #### The Malisbong massacre [edit] Main article: Malisbong massacre On September 24, 1974, the Philippine Army killed at least 1,000 Moro civilians who were praying in a mosque in what is known as the Malisbong massacre.[79] #### The Tripoli Agreement [edit] Main article: 1976 Tripoli Agreement Two years later, the Philippine government and the MNLF signed the Tripoli Agreement, declaring a ceasefire on both sides. The agreement provided that Mindanao would remain a part of the Philippines, but that 13 of its provinces would be governed by an autonomous government for the Bangsamoro people.[42] President Marcos later reneged on the agreement, and violence ensued. The Communist Party of the Philippines maintained a liaison officer in Tripoli with the MNLF.[80] ### Formation of the Ilaga [edit] The Philippine government allegedly encouraged Christian settlers in Mindanao to form a militia called the Ilaga to fight the Moros. The Ilaga engaged in killings and human rights abuses and were responsible for the Manili massacre of 65 Moro Muslim civilians in a mosque in June 1971, including women and children.[81] The Ilaga allegedly also engaged in cannibalism, cutting off the body parts of their victims to eat in rituals.[82] ### The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (1978) [edit] In 1978, Sheikh Salamat Hashim established the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), a splinter group of the MNLF seeking to establish an Islamic state.[83] Conflicts between these rebel groups and the Armed Forces of the Philippines continued until the end of President Marcos\' regime. From 1972 to 1980, at least 50,000 people were killed in the conflict, one million people were internally displaced, and more than 100,000 Philippine Muslims fled by boat to Malaysia.[84] ## Corazon Aquino and Ramos administrations (1986–1998) [edit] ![](\\"// Corazon_Aquino_inauguration.jpg\\")Corazon Aquino was inaugurated as the 11th president of the Philippines on February 25, 1986, at Sampaguita Hall (Now Kalayaan Hall). ### Negotiations after the People Power Revolution [edit] Soon after becoming President of the Philippines as a result of the civilian- led People Power Revolution, Corazon Aquino arranged a meeting with the MNLF chairman Nur Misuari and several MNLF rebel groups in Sulu, which paved the way for a series of negotiations.[85] ### Creation of the ARMM [edit] In 1989, the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) was created under Republic Act No. 6734 or the ARMM Organic Act, pursuant to the 1987 Constitution.[86] Under the Presidency of Fidel V. Ramos, several negotiations and peace talks[45] were held and the ARMM solidified and was to have its own geopolitical system.[42] On 9–11 December 1997 the MNLF brought the pagan indigenous Lumad leader Mai Tuan to Tehran to attend the eight OIC Islamic Summit Conference.[87] ### Formation of the Abu Sayyaf Group [edit] In 1991, Abdurajak Janjalani, a former teacher who had studied Islam in the Middle East, formed the Abu Sayyaf Group after reportedly meeting Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan in the 1980s. Janjalani recruited former members of the MNLF for the more radical and theocratic Abu Sayyaf.[42] ## Estrada administration (1998–2001) [edit] See also: 2000 Philippine campaign against the Moro Islamic Liberation Front ![](\\"// Ph_ARMM.png\\")Political map of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) This section reads like an AFP or Estrada Administration Press Release or a news article and may be largely based on routine coverage. Please help improve this article and add independent sources. _( August 2022)_ --- ### Estrada\'s \"All Out War\" policy [edit] During his term, President Joseph Ejercito Estrada declared an \"all-out war\" against the MILF on March 21, 2000, although a series of negotiations for cessation of hostilities were held.[83] Apparently, several conflicts in and around Mindanao erupted and clashes between the Philippine military and the rebel groups resulted in substantial loss of life. During Estrada\'s term, the rebel groups kidnapped three Italian priests, two of whom were later released and one shot dead;[88][89] seized the municipal hall of Talayan, Maguindanao, and Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte; bombed the RORO ferry M/V Our Lady of Mediatrix at Ozamiz; and took over Narciso Ramos Highway. All these incidents resulted in massive loss of investments abroad, especially in the area of Mindanao. As a result, the Armed Forces of the Philippines launched a successful campaign against the rebel groups; 43 minor camps, 13 major camps including the MILF headquarters, and Camp Abubakar[90] fell. The MILF suffered heavy losses and the head of the MILF, Sheikh Salamat Hashim, fled the country and sought refuge in Malaysia. On October 5, 2000, 609 rebels surrendered in Cagayan de Oro, along with renegade town mayor Mulapandi Cosain Sarip.[91] This was followed by another surrender of 855 rebels on December 29, 2000. President Estrada then ordered that the Philippine flag be raised in Mindanao, which symbolized victory. It was raised on July 9, 2000, near a Madh\'hab and again the next day for President Estrada, who held a feast inside a classroom just meters away from a mosque.[90] ### Retaliatory attacks [edit] As a result, several Islamic rebel groups retaliated, bombing several key locations within the National Capital Region on December 30, 2000, resulting in 22 deaths and hundreds of people injured. Saifullah Yunos, one of the perpetrators, was arrested in Cagayan de Oro as he was about to board a plane bound for Manila in May 2003.[92] In 2004, two members of the Jemaah Islamiyah were arrested, namely Mamasao Naga and Abdul Pata, as they were identified by Fathur Rahman al-Ghozi as responsible for the train bombing.[93] Al-Ghozi was also arrested, but was later killed in a firefight when he tried to escape from prison on October 13, 2003. ## Arroyo administration (2001–2010) [edit] On May 27, 2001, the Abu Sayyaf seized twenty hostages from an upscale resort in Palawan. Four of the hostages managed to escape.[94] The kidnapping group composed of 40 gunmen then seized the Dr. Jose Torres Memorial Hospital and St. Peter\'s Church compound in the town of Lamitan in Basilan[95] and claimed to have taken captive 200 people, although 20 people were confirmed to be taken captive inside the hospital, including the staff and the patients.[96][97] There was a crossfire between the Philippine Army and Abu Sayyaf rebels in Lamitan following the hospital takeover which resulted in the deaths of 12 soldiers, including the army captain.[97] Up to 22 soldiers were reportedly killed in an effort to rescue the hostages. Five more captives escaped during the battle at Lamitan. Two of the captives were killed prior to the siege in Lamitan, including one beheading.[94] The Abu Sayyaf then conducted a series of raids, including one at a coconut plantation[98] where the rebel groups hacked the heads of two men using bolo knives. The owners and a security guard were also held captive and the rebel groups burned down two buildings, including a chapel, a week after the battle in Lamitan.[98] Another raid was conducted on August 2, 2001, on Barangay Balobo in Lamitan, Basilan. After three days, the Philippine Army rescued numerous hostages[99] after they overtook the hideout of the militants, where 11 bodies were found beheaded.[100] Other hostages were either released or had escaped.[99] On June 13, 2001, the number of hostages was calculated at around 28, as three more people were found beheaded in Basilan,[101] including Guillermo Sobero.[102] They were beheaded since the Philippine Army would not halt the rescue operation.[102] The Burnhams were still in the group of 14 still held captive, according to three hostages who escaped in October 2001.[102] On June 7, 2002, after a year of the hostages being held captive, a rescue mission was conducted resulting in the deaths of Martin Burnham and a nurse named Ediborah Yap[103] after they were caught in the crossfire. Martin was killed by three gunshots to the chest while Gracia Burnham was wounded in her right leg. By this time Nur Misuari ordered his supporters to attack government targets to prevent the holding of elections on ARMM in November 2001, ushering his exit as the governor of the region.[42] Misuari would be later arrested in 2007 in Malaysia and was deported back to the Philippines for trial.[42] In July 2004, Gracia Burnham testified at a trial of eight Abu Sayyaf members, identifying six of the suspects as being her former captors, including Alhamzer Limbong, Abdul Azan Diamla, Abu Khari Moctar, Bas Ishmael, Alzen Jandul and Dazid Baize. Fourteen Abu Sayyaf members were sentenced to life imprisonment while four were acquitted. Alhamzer Limbong was later killed in a prison uprising.[104] These rebel groups, especially the Abu Sayyaf, conducted several terror attacks, namely the bombings at Zamboanga in October 2002; the bombing of SuperFerry 14 in February 2004; the simultaneous bombings in Central Mindanao in October 2006; the beheadings of several Philippine Marines in July 2007; the Batasang Pambansa bombing in November 2007; and the 2009 bombings in Mindanao. One thousand MILF rebels under the command of Umbra Kato have seized control of thirty-five villages in the North Cotabato province. Two thousand Philippine troops with helicopters and artillery were sent into the seized area on August 9 to liberate it from the rebels. The MILF had wanted North Cotabato to be included in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. The government and MILF had been negotiating for the inclusion of the province in the Muslim Autonomous Region but the Supreme Court had struck down the proposal after hearing concerns from local Christian leaders in the region. The rebel troops were ordered to leave the area by their commanders, but the contingents under Kato refused to leave the villages they had occupied and instead dug in. The Philippine Army responded on August 9 by bombarding them. The next day, the government forces moved to retake the villages, recapturing two of them from the rebels.[105][106] Numerous clashes erupted between the Philippine Army and rebel groups, such as the clash on June 14, 2009, that killed 10 rebels.[107] Between 2002 and 2015, the Philippines and the United States were part of a joint military campaign against Islamist terrorism known as Operation Enduring Freedom – Philippines.[108] This was part of the War on Terror. ## Benigno Aquino administration (2010–2016) [edit] This section needs to be updated. The reason given is: Future plans mentioned in pre-2016 sources need to be updated to indicate whether they took place or not\\. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. _( June 2022)_ --- ### Peace talks and Aquino-Murad meeting [edit] During the term of President Benigno Aquino III, a series of peace talks for the cessation of hostilities was held, including the meeting of MILF Chair Al Haj Murad Ibrahim in Tokyo, Japan which was lauded on both sides.[42] Norway also joined the International Monitoring Team (IMT) in January 2011, overseeing the ceasefire agreement between the government and MILF on Mindanao. Despite the peace talks, a series of conflicts erupted. On September 10, 2011, Jal Idris, a hardcore member of Abu Sayyaf, was arrested by government forces after a crossfire between the Philippine Army and the rebel group[109] The Armed Forces of the Philippines also killed three Abu Sayyaf militants in a stand-off[110] the day after the arrest of Jal Idris. Terrorism continued throughout President Aquino\'s term. Notable cases include when four merchants and a guide were killed by Abu Sayyaf bandits in January 2011.[111] Later a soldier was killed in a clash against the rebels.[112] In August 2011, rebel factions attacked a village in Sulu, killing seven Marines and taking seven civilians captive. They later freed two of the hostages after a ransom was paid.[113] Also, several areas of Mindanao were bombed in August by the government, and a Filipino businesswoman was abducted in September 2011,[114] who was later freed after the three gunmen were gunned down by the Armed Forces of the Philippines.[115] On October 20, 2011, the MILF was blamed for an attack on 40 government soldiers in the province of Basilan, which led to the deaths of 19 soldiers and six MILF fighters.[116] This violated the ceasefire agreement between the government and MILF, which caused outrage in the government and led to the continuation of the war against terrorism in the country. In February 2013, two main camps of the Abu Sayyaf group were overrun by forces of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) in its latest offensive in Patikul.[117] According to MNLF leader Nur Misuari, the MNLF offensive against the Abu Sayyaf is because of the MNLF opposition to the Abu Sayyaf\'s human rights abuses, which go against Islam. ### Zamboanga City crisis [edit] The Zamboanga City crisis erupted on September 9, 2013, when a MNLF faction known by other groups as the Rogue MNLF Elements (RME), under the Sulu State Revolutionary Command (SSRC), led by Ustadz Habier Malik and Khaid Ajibon attempted to raise the flag of the self-proclaimed Bangsamoro Republik at Zamboanga City Hall (which had earlier declared its independence on August 12, 2013, in Talipao, Sulu), and took civilians hostage. This armed incursion was met by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP), which sought to free the hostages and expel the MNLF from the city. The standoff degenerated into urban warfare, and had brought parts of the city under a standstill for days. On September 28, the government declared the end of military operations in Zamboanga City after successfully defeating the MNLF and rescuing all the hostages. ### Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro [edit] Main article: Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro On January 24, 2014, the Philippines government chief negotiator Miriam Coronel-Ferrer and MILF chief negotiator Murad Ebrahim signed a peace agreement in Kuala Lumpur. The agreement would pave the way for the creation of the new Muslim autonomous entity called \"Bangsamoro\" under a law to be approved by the Philippine Congress.[118] The government aims to set up the region by 2016. The agreement calls for Muslim self-rule in parts of the southern Philippines in exchange for a deactivation of rebel forces by the MILF. MILF forces would turn over their firearms to a third party to be selected by the MILF and the Philippine government. A regional police force would be established, and the Philippine military would reduce the presence of troops and help disband private armies in the area.[43] On March 27, 2014, the peace process concluded with the signing of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro between the Government of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. The New York Times claimed that the peace deal between the Philippines and MILF \"seeks to bring prosperity to the restive south and weaken the appeal of the extremist groups\", and linked the winding down of an American military counterterrorism operation to increased American military cooperation with the Philippines against China.[119] The New York Times hailed Mr Aquino\'s peace agreement as an \"accomplishment\" as it reported on Aquino raising the alarm on China in the South China Sea.[120] The New York Times editorial board published an article siding with the Philippines against China in the South China Sea dispute and supporting the Philippines\' actions against China.[121][122] The New York Times editorial board endorsed aggressive American military action against China in the South China Sea.[123][124] ### Abu Sayyaf association with ISIL [edit] See also: Islamic state in the Philippines On July 23, 2014, Abu Sayyaf leader Isnilon Hapilon swore loyalty to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in a video, along with the rest of the organization, giving the Islamic State (known as ISIL and ISIS) a presence in the Philippines.[125][22] In September 2014, the group began kidnapping people to ransom, in the name of ISIL.[126] ### Mamasapano clash [edit] On January 25, 2015, the Philippine National Police\'s Special Action Force (SAF) conducted an operation to capture Abdul Basit Usman and the Malaysian terrorist leader Marwan in Mamasapano, Maguindanao. They were trapped between the MILF\'s 105th Base Command, the BIFF, and several armed groups. Forty four SAF members were killed on what is known as the Mamasapano clash, but they were able to eliminate Marwan. Alleged United States involvement in the botched operation would likely be a setback for a so-called Asian \"pivot\" by the United States Armed Forces.[127] In February 2015, the BIFF unsuccessfully fought for territory in the boundary of Maguindanao and North Cotabato provinces. Subsequently, the Philippine Army, along with the Philippine Marines, declared a state of all-out-war against the BIFF. MILF forces were pulled out to prevent them from falling victim to the fighting.[_citation needed_] ## Duterte administration (2016–2022) [edit] The MILF and MNLF have expressed their commitment to peace and in finally ending the 47-year-old insurgency while the offensive against Abu Sayyaf and other splinter groups have continued, with skirmishes in Jolo, Basilan and other parts of Mindanao. A bombing in Davao City in September 2016 killed 15 people. ### Maute group attack and siege of Marawi [edit] See also: Siege of Marawi On May 23, 2017, the Maute group attacked Marawi, they were led by the Malaysian terrorists. President Rodrigo Duterte declared Proclamation No. 216, which placed the whole of Mindanao under a state of martial law and suspended the writ of habeas corpus. Clashes continued until October 2017 as the battle for Marawi City pitted Islamic militants against the Philippine government forces. Violence was severe. The government used heavy artillery and air strikes to shell Abu Sayyaf and Maute positions while the militant groups resorted to executing captured Christians.[128] In 2018, two bombing incidents involving Abu Sayyaf and the BIFF occurred, one in Lamitan, Basilan and two separate incidents in Isulan, Sultan Kudarat. ### Passage of the Bangsamoro Organic Law [edit] Main article: Bangsamoro Organic Law On July 26, 2018, Duterte signed the Bangsamoro Organic Law,[129][130] which abolished the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao and provided for the basic structure of government for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region, following the agreements set forth in the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro peace agreement signed between the Government of the Philippines under President Benigno Aquino III and the MILF in 2014.[131] From June 2019[132] to May 2022, as part of the \"normalization process\" of the Bangsamoro\'s war-to-peace transition, a total of about 19,200 former MILF combatants and 2,100 weapons were decommissioned.[133][134] ## Bongbong Marcos administration (2022–present) [edit] This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. _( September 2023)_ --- ![](\\"//\\")Marawi bombing aftermath In August 2022, two armed Moro group clashed in Cotabato City, forcing hundreds of locals out of the area.[135] On 19 September 2023, a civilian was hit by a stray bullet and killed in firefights between two rival clans affiliated with the MILF in Barangays Kaya- Kaya and Tukanolocong [136] On 23 November, a member of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front was killed while five others were wounded in explosions in Cotabato and Maguindanao del Sur[137] In 2023, the government declared that Sulu province was free of Abu Sayyaf militants.[138] In Basilan province, the government announced that it would build 39 houses for former Abu Sayyaf members.[139] In December 2023, ISIS claimed responsibility for a deadly explosion that claimed four lives (Mindanao State University bombing).[140] ## See also [edit] * ![\\"flag\\"](\\"//\\")Philippines portal * Communist rebellion in the Philippines * Cross border attacks in Sabah * Demographics of the Philippines * Freedom of religion in the Philippines * History of the Philippines * Islam in Asia * Islam in the Philippines * Manili massacre * Moro people * Moro Rebellion * Peace process with the Bangsamoro in the Philippines * Refugees of the Philippines * Religion in the Philippines * Rohingya conflict * Rohingya genocide * South Thailand insurgency * Spanish–Moro Wars * Terrorism in the Philippines ## References [edit] 1. **^** \" News Article: Trainers, Advisors Help Philippines Fight Terrorism\". 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ISBN 978-971-93651-6-7. ## External links [edit] * Moro National Liberation Front * Moro Bloggers * v * t * e Moro conflict --- Prelude| * Drug abuse * Gun cultures * Poverty * Racism * Rido * Piracy * Jabidah massacre (1968) * Manili massacre (1971) * Tacub massacre (1971) * Palimbang massacre (1974) Rebel groups| | Pro-autonomy or independence| * Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) * Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) * MNLF Executive Council of 15 (MNLF EC-15) ---|--- Islamists| * Abu Sayyaf (ASG) * Ansar Khalifa Philippines (AKP) * Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) * Khalifa Islamiyah Mindanao (KIM) * Maute group (MG) Leaders| | Pro-autonomy or independence| * Nur Misuari (MNLF) * Mus Sema (MNLF EC-15) * Murad Ebrahim (MILF) ---|--- Islamists| * Isnilon Hapilon (ASG) * Khadaffy Janjalani (ASG) * Ameril Umbra Kato (BIFF) * Albader Parad (ASG) * Abu Sabaya (ASG) * Radullan Sahiron (ASG) * Jainal Antel Sali Jr. (ASG) * Ahmed Santos (RSM) * Hamsiraji Marusi Sali (ASG) * Omar Maute (MG) * Abdullah Maute (MG) Incidents| * Battle off Mukah (1862) * Battle of Jolo (1974) * Patikul massacre (1977) * Pata Island massacre (1981) * Ipil massacre (1995) * Philippine campaign against the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and the Battle of Camp Abubakar (2000) * Misuari rebellion (2001) * Operation Enduring Freedom – Philippines (2002–2015) * Basilan beheading incident (2007) * Cotabato conflict (2008) * Lahad Datu standoff (2013) * Zamboanga City crisis (2013) * Operation Darkhorse (2014) * Battle of Basilan (2014) * Mamasapano clash (2015) * Battle of Tipo-Tipo (2016) * Butig clashes (2016) * Bohol clashes (2017) * Siege of Marawi (2017) * Ungkaya Pukan clash (2022) Incidents involvingcivilians| * Lahad Datu ambush (1985) * Ozamiz Ferry Bombing (2000) * Sipadan kidnappings (2000) * Rizal Day bombings (2000) * Dos Palmas kidnappings (2000–2001) * Siege of Lamitan (2001) * Zamboanga City bombings (2002) * SuperFerry 14 bombing (2004) * Central Mindanao bombings (2006) * Mindanao bombings (2009) * Maguindanao massacre (2009) * Bukidnon bus bombing (2014) * Davao City bombing (2016) * Jolo Cathedral bombings (2019) * Jolo bombings (2020) * Datu Paglas market occupation (2021) * Mindanao State University bombing (2023) Peace process| * 1976 Tripoli Agreement (MNLF) * 1987 Jeddah Accord (MNLF) * 1996 Final Peace Agreement (MNLF) * 2012 Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro (MILF) * 2014 Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (MILF) Security zonesand peace monitoring| * AFP Western Mindanao Command * AFP Eastern Mindanao Command * Eastern Sabah Security Command * Eastern Sabah Security Zone * International Monitoring Team * Joint Peace and Security Team Related articles| * Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao * Bangsamoro Organic Law * Bangsamoro Autonomous Region * Bangsamoro Republik * Cross border attacks in Sabah * Ilaga * Moro people * Proclamation No. 216 * Refugees Articles related to Moro conflict --- | * v * t * e Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos --- 10th President of the Philippines and 10th First Lady of the Philippines Family| * Josefa Edralin & Mariano Marcos and Remedios Trinidad & Vicente Lopez-Romualdez (parents) * Imee, Bongbong, Irene & Aimee (children) * Pacifico Marcos, Pio Marcos and Quirino Lizardo (relatives) Education| * University of the Philippines and U.P. College of Law (Ferdinand)St. Paul\'s College of Tacloban and Philippine Women\'s University (Imelda) Political career| * Pi Gamma Mu * Military career * Nacionalista Party * 2nd district of Ilocos Norte (1949–1959) * President of the Senate of the Philippines * Kilusang Bagong Lipunan * Marcos propaganda Presidency(1965–1986)| * Executive orders * Vietnam War * Moro conflict * Sabah claim * Operation Merdeka and Jabidah massacre * Establishment of the MNLF * Manili massacre * 1976 Tripoli Agreement * Pata Island massacre * ASEAN Declaration * Communist Party of the Philippines * New People\'s Army * Communist armed conflicts * 1969 Philippine balance of payments crisis * First Quarter Storm * 1971 constitutional convention * Plaza Miranda bombing * Proclamation No. 1081 * New Society * Rolex 12 * Integrated Reorganization Plan * 1973 constitution * Palimbang massacre * Green Revolution * Thrilla in Manila * Metro Manila * Tictapul massacre * Creation of the Municipality of Kalayaan * Isang Bansa, Isang Diwa * Assassination of Ninoy Aquino * 1980s debt crisis * Binondo Central Bank * Negros famine * Escalante massacre * Philippine economic history during the Marcos dictatorship * Philippine military history during the Marcos dictatorship * NAMFREL * People Power Revolution Post-presidency| * 1st district of Leyte (1995–1998) * Operation Big Bird * Burial * Historical distortion * Solid North Kleptocracy| * Unexplained wealth of the Marcos family * Marcos mansions * Marcos jewels * Overseas landholdings of the Marcos family * Japanese Official Development Assistance scandal * Coco Levy Fund scam * Golden Buddha theft * BNPP kickbacks Controversies| * Human rights abuses * Fake war claims and fake medals * Cronies * Edifice complex * Cult of personality * Death of Alfie Anido * Affair with Dovie Beams * Murder of Archimedes Trajano * Manila Film Center disaster Elections| * 1949 * 1963 * 1965 * 1967 * 1969 * 1970 * 1971 * 1973 (Jan) * 1973 (Jul) * 1975 (KB) * 1975 (SB) * 1975 * 1976 * 1977 * 1978 * 1979 (SP) * 1980 (KB) * 1981 (Apr) * 1981 (Jun) * 1982 (B) * 1984 parliamentary * 1984 plebiscite * 1986 * 1992 * 1995 * 1998 * 2010 * 2013 * 2016 * Bongbong Marcos vice presidential campaign * 2019 * 2022 * Bongbong Marcos presidential campaign Cultural depictions| * Iginuhit ng Tadhana (The Ferdinand E. Marcos Story) * Kumander Dante * A Dangerous Life * Batas Militar * Chavit * Here Lies Love * The Kingmaker * Maid in Malacañang * Martyr or Murderer * ← Diosdado Macapagal * Corazon Aquino → * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") Category * v * t * e ![\\"Philippines\\"](\\"// Flag_of_the_Philippines.svg.png\\") Armed conflicts involving Philippines --- Early modern| * Mactan * Dagami * Bangkusay * Manila (1574) * Borneo expedition * Conspiracy of the Maharlikas * Eighty Years\' War * Cagayan and Dingras * Cambodia expedition * Magalat * Igorot * Formosa expedition * First Battle of San Salvador * Second Battle of San Salvador * Sumuroy * Manila (1762) * Cochinchina expedition * Cavite Late modern| * Philippine Revolution * Spanish–American War * Philippine–American War * Moro (1899−1913) * World War II * Japanese invasion * Allied invasion * Hukbalahap * New People\'s Army * Moro (1969−2019) * Cold War * Korean War * Vietnam War * v * t * e Philippines articles --- History| | Overviews| * Archaeology * Economy * Military * Political ---|--- Chronology| * Prehistory * Pre-colonial era * Colonial era * Spanish period * American period * Japanese occupation * Postcolonial era * Third Republic * Marcos presidency * Fifth Republic Geography| | * Bays * Biosphere reserves * Borders * Climate * Climate change * Typhoons * Earthquakes * Ecoregions * Extreme points * Island groups * islands * Lakes * Mountains * Protected areas * National parks * Ramsar sites * Rivers * Volcanoes * Wildlife * World Heritage Sites --- Politics| | * Administrative divisions * Constitution * Elections * Foreign relations * Human rights * LGBT * Legal codes * Political families * Political parties | Government| * Executive * Cabinet * lists * Executive departments * Executive office * Law enforcement * President * Legislative * Senate * House of Representatives * Judicial * Supreme Court * Court of Appeals * Regional Trial Court * Armed Forces * Air Force * Army * Navy * Marine Corps * Coast Guard ---|--- Economy| | * Agriculture * Automotive * Business process outsourcing * Census * Central bank * Child labor * Energy * Fiscal policy * National debt * Labor * Peso * Science and technology * Stock exchange * Taxation * Telecommunications * Telephone numbers * Tourism * Tourist attractions * Transportation * Water and sanitation * ZIP codes --- Society| | * Abortion * Censorship * Corruption * Crime * Demographics * Divorce * Education * Higher education * Environmental issues * Climate change * Deforestation * Ethnic groups * Indigenous peoples * Genetics * Health * Human trafficking * Sex trafficking * Immigration * Income inequality * Kinship * Languages * Overseas workers * Poverty * Prostitution * Refugees * Religion * Sexuality * Squatting * Women * Pinoy | Culture| * Architecture * Arts * Cinema * Cuisine * Cultural properties * Dance * Fashion and clothing * Historical markers * Inventions * Literature * Media * Music * Mythology * Name * Public holidays * Festivals * Psychology * Sports * Traditional games * Value system ---|--- Symbols| * Anthem * Bird * Coat of arms * Flag * Flower * Gem * Great Seal * Language * Motto * Sign language * Sport and martial art * Tree * Outline * Bibliography * ![\\"flag\\"](\\"//\\") Philippines portal * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") Category * v * t * e Ongoing armed conflicts --- Africa| | Central| * Allied Democratic Forces insurgency * Anglophone Crisis * Cabinda War * Central African Republic Civil War * Insurgency in Chad * Insurgency in the Democratic Republic of the Congo * Ituri conflict * Western DR Congo clashes * Kivu conflict * M23 offensive * Lord\'s Resistance Army insurgency ---|--- East| * ADF insurgency * Ethiopian civil conflict * Afar–Somali clashes * OLA insurgency * Oromo conflict * War in Amhara * Ethnic violence in South Sudan * Insurgency in Mozambique * Somali Civil War * Operation Atalanta North| * Insurgency in Egypt * Insurgency in the Maghreb * Insurgency in the Sahel * Jihadist insurgency in Burkina Faso * Jihadist insurgency in Niger * Libyan Crisis * Sinai insurgency * Sudanese nomadic conflicts * Ethnic violence in South Sudan * War in Darfur * Western Sahara conflict * Western Saharan clashes West| * Communal conflicts in Nigeria * Boko Haram insurgency * Herder–farmer conflicts in Nigeria * Nigerian bandit conflict * Religious violence in Nigeria * Conflict in the Niger Delta * Insurgency in Southeastern Nigeria * Mali War * Azawad conflict * Western Togoland Rebellion Americas| | North| * Jamaican political conflict * Mexican drug war * Salvadoran gang crackdown * Honduran gang crackdown * Gang war in Haiti ---|--- South| * Colombian conflict * Ecuadorian security crisis * Insurgency in Paraguay * Peruvian conflict * Mapuche conflict Asia| | East| * Korean conflict ---|--- Central| * Xinjiang conflict South| * Afghan conflict * Islamic State–Taliban conflict * Republican insurgency * Internal conflict in Bangladesh * Drugs * Insurgency in Northeast India * Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir * Naxalite–Maoist insurgency * Insurgency in Pakistan * Insurgency in Sindh * Sistan and Baluchestan insurgency * Insurgency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa * Afghanistan–Pakistan border skirmishes * Insurgency in Sindh * Sectarian violence in Pakistan South-east| * Myanmar conflict * Myanmar civil war * Kachin conflict * Kalay clashes * Karen conflict * Karen–Mon conflict * Conflict in Rakhine State * Rohingya conflict * Conflicts in the Philippines * Communist * Drug war * Papua conflict * South Thailand insurgency West| * Abkhazia conflict * Georgian–Ossetian conflict * Sistan and Baluchestan insurgency * Iraq conflict * Islamic State insurgency in Iraq * Iran–Saudi Arabia proxy conflict * Qatif conflict * Yemeni crisis * Saudi–led intervention * Yemeni Civil war * Iran–Israel proxy conflict * Gaza–Israel conflict * Hezbollah–Israel conflict * Iran–Israel conflict in Syria * Kurdish separatism in Iran * Iran–PJAK conflict * Western Iran clashes * Kurdistan Workers\' Party insurgency * 2015–present * Maoist insurgency in Turkey * DHKP/C insurgency in Turkey * Syrian civil war * Daraa insurgency * Desert campaign * Inter-rebel conflict * Rojava conflict * Russian intervention * Syrian–Turkish border clashes * Islamic State insurgency in Deir ez-Zor Europe| | East| * Abkhazia conflict * Georgian–Ossetian conflict * Islamic State insurgency in the North Caucasus * Russo-Ukrainian War * Russian invasion of Ukraine ---|--- West| * Dissident Irish republican campaign * Loyalist feud * v * t * e Post–Cold War conflicts in Asia --- South Asia| | India| * Kashmir conflict (1947–present) * 2013 India–Pakistan border skirmishes * 2014–2015 India–Pakistan border skirmishes * 2016–2018 India–Pakistan border skirmishes * Kargil War (1999) * Jammu and Kashmir insurgency (1989–present) * Insurgency in Northeast India (1964–present) * Naxalite–Maoist insurgency (1967–present) * Religious violence in India * Insurgency in Punjab (1981–1995) ---|--- Pakistan| * Afghanistan–Pakistan border skirmishes * Kashmir conflict (1947–present) * 2013 India–Pakistan border skirmishes * India–Pakistan border skirmishes (2014–2015) * India–Pakistan border skirmishes (2016–2018) * Kargil War (1999) * Jammu and Kashmir insurgency (1989–present) * Insurgency in Balochistan (2004–present) * Insurgency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (2004–present) * Insurgency in Sindh (2010–present) Sri Lanka| * JVP insurrection (1971) * Sri Lankan Civil War (1983–2009) * JVP insurrection (1987–1989) Others| * Maldives political crisis (2011–2013) * Nepalese Civil War (1996–2006) * Operation All Clear East Asia| | China| * Taiwan Strait Crisis (1996) * Xinjiang conflict (1960s–present) * Tibetan unrest (2008) ---|--- Korea (North and South)| * Korean conflict * Maritime border incidents * 1994 North Korean nuclear crisis * 2017–2018 crisis Taiwan| * Taiwan Strait Crisis (1996) Southeast Asia| | Cambodia| * Cambodian–Thai border dispute (2008–2011) ---|--- Indonesia| * Papua conflict (1969–present) * Insurgency in Aceh (1976–2005) * East Indonesia Mujahideen insurgency (2015–2022) Myanmar| * Myanmar conflict (1948–present) * Karen conflict * Kachin conflict * Rohingya conflict * Civil war (2021–present) Thailand| * South Thailand insurgency (2004–present) * Cambodian–Thai border dispute (2008–2011) East Timor| * Indonesian occupation (1975–1999) * 1999 crisis * 2006 crisis Others| * Cambodian Conflict (1979–1998) * Laotian insurgency (1975–2022) * Philippine civil conflict (1969–present) * NPA * Moro * FULRO insurgency (1964–1992) Central Asia| | Afghanistan| * Afghanistan–Pakistan border skirmishes * Afghan conflict * Civil War * 1989–1992 * 1992–1996 * 1996–2001 * 2001–2021 War * Republican insurgency ---|--- Kazakhstan| * Ethnic conflicts Kyrgyzstan| * 1990 Osh clashes * 2010 Kyrgyz Revolution * 2010 South Kyrgyzstan ethnic clashes Tajikistan| * Tajikistani Civil War (1992–1997) * Insurgency in Gorno-Badakhshan (2010–2015) Uzbekistan| * Fergana massacre (1989) * Andijan massacre (2005) Western Asia| | Azerbaijan| * Nagorno-Karabakh conflict (1988–2024) * First War * 2016 conflict * Second War ---|--- Bahrain| * Bahraini uprising (2011) Iran| * Kurdish separatism in Iran * KDPI insurgency (1989–1996) * Iran–PJAK conflict (2004–2011) * Western Iran clashes (2016–present) * Arab separatism in Khuzestan (1922–2020) * Iran–Saudi Arabia proxy conflict (1979–present) * Qatif conflict * Iran–Israel (1985–present) * South Lebanon (1985–2000) * Lebanon War (2006) * Syrian arena (2012–present) * Sistan and Baluchestan insurgency (2004–present) Iraq| * Iraqi–Kurdish conflict (1918–2003) * Iraqi Kurdish Civil War (1994–1997 * Iraqi conflict * Iraqi Kurdistan conflict (2001–2003) * Iraq War (2003–2011) * Iraqi insurgency (2011–2013) * War in Iraq (2013–2017) * ISIL insurgency (2017–present) Israel| * Israeli–Palestinian (1948–present) * Second Intifada (2000–2005) * Gaza–Israel (2006–present) * Iran–Israel (1985–present) * Syrian arena (2012–present) Lebanon| * South Lebanon conflict (1985–2000) * Lebanon War (2006) * Conflict in Northern Lebanon (2007) * Lebanon conflict (2008) Palestine| * Israeli–Palestinian (1948–present) * Second Intifada (2000–2005) * Gaza–Israel (2006–present) * Fatah–Hamas conflict (2006–2008) Saudi Arabia| * Iran–Saudi Arabia proxy conflict (1979–present) * Qatif conflict * Persian Gulf crisis (2019–2021) Syria| * Syrian Civil War (2011–present) * Regional spillover Turkey| * Maoist insurgency * DHKP/C insurgency * Kurdish–Turkish conflict * Turkey–ISIL conflict Yemen| * Civil war (1994) * al-Qaeda (1998–2015) * Houthi (2004–2015) * South Yemen (2009–2015) * Yemeni crisis (2011–present) * Houthi takeover (2014–2015) * Civil War (2014–present) Inter-continentalconflict| * Sinai insurgency (2011–present) Related topics| * War on terror * Operation Inherent Resolve * Arab Spring * Arab Winter * Colour revolutions * v * t * e War on terror --- * September 11 attacks * War in Afghanistan (2001-2021) (Withdrawal) * Iraq War (2003–2011) (Withdrawal) * Symbolism of terrorism Participants| | Operational| * ISAF * Operation Enduring Freedom participants * Afghanistan * Northern Alliance * Iraq (Iraqi Armed Forces) * NATO * Pakistan * United Kingdom * United States * European Union * Philippines * Ethiopia ---|--- Targets| | Individuals| * Osama bin Laden * Hamza bin Laden * Anwar al-Awlaki * Sirajuddin Haqqani * Jalaluddin Haqqani * Anas Haqqani * Khalil Haqqani * Hafiz Saeed * Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed Bahaziq * Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi ---|--- Factions| * al-Qaeda * al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula * Abu Sayyaf * Al-Shabaab * Boko Haram * Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami * Hizbul Mujahideen * Islamic Courts Union * Jaish-e-Mohammed * Jemaah Islamiyah * Lashkar-e-Taiba * Taliban * Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan * Islamic State Conflicts| | OperationEnduring Freedom| * War in Afghanistan * OEF – Philippines * Georgia Train and Equip Program * Georgia Sustainment and Stability * OEF – Horn of Africa * OEF – Trans Sahara * Drone strikes in Pakistan ---|--- Other| * Operation Active Endeavour * Insurgency in the Maghreb (2002–present) * Insurgency in the North Caucasus * Moro conflict in the Philippines * Iraq War * Iraqi insurgency * Operation Linda Nchi * Terrorism in Saudi Arabia * Insurgency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa * War in Somalia (2006–2009) * 2007 Lebanon conflict * al-Qaeda insurgency in Yemen Policies| * Patriot Act (2001) * Torture Memos (2002) * Military Commissions Act of 2006 * Military Commissions Act of 2009 * President\'s Surveillance Program * Protect America Act of 2007 * Terrorist Surveillance Program Related| * Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse * Axis of evil * Bush Doctrine * Clash of Civilizations * Cold War * Combatant Status Review Tribunal * Criticism of the war on terror * CIA black sites * Killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri * Killing of Osama bin Laden * Enhanced interrogation techniques * Extrajudicial prisoners * Extraordinary rendition * Guantanamo Bay detention camp * Iranian Revolution * Islamic terrorism * Islamism * North Korea and weapons of mass destruction * Operation Noble Eagle * Operation Eagle Assist * Situation Room photograph * State Sponsors of Terrorism * Targeted killing * Targeted Killing in International Law * Targeted Killings: Law and Morality in an Asymmetrical World * Unitary executive theory * Unlawful combatant * CAGE * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") Category * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") Commons * v * t * e Militant Islamism in Southeast Asia --- Ideology| * Islamism * Jihadism * Salafi jihadism * Pan-Islamism Phenomena| * Islamic extremism * Islamic fundamentalism * Islamic terrorism Organisations| * Abu Sayyaf * Al-Ma\'unah * Ansar Khalifa Philippines * Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters * Barisan Revolusi Nasional * Darul Islam * Front for the Liberation of Champa * Indonesian Mujahedeen Council * Islamic Liberation Front of Patani * Jamaah Ansharusy Syariah * Jemaah Islamiyah * Jamaah Ansharut Daulah * Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid * Khalifa Islamiyah 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* Prosperous Justice Party * Al Wefaq * Welfare Party * Fatah Alliance * State of Law Coalition * Islamic Action Front * United Arab List Related| * Ansar Allah * Taliban * Islamic modernism Political leaders| * Muhammad Abduh * Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afghānī * Qazi Hussain Ahmad * Hibatullah Akhundzada * Muhammad Asad * Hassan al-Banna * Recep Tayyip Erdoğan * Necmettin Erbakan * Muammar Gaddafi * Rached Ghannouchi * Safwat Hegazi * Muhammad Iqbal * Alija Izetbegović * Ali Khamenei * Ruhollah Khomeini * Abul A\'la Maududi * Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Nadwi * Taqi al-Din al-Nabhani * Mullah Omar * Yusuf al-Qaradawi * Sayyid Qutb * Tariq Ramadan * Ata Abu Rashta * Rashid Rida * Navvab Safavi * Omar Bongo * Ali Shariati * Haji Shariatullah * Hassan Al-Turabi * Malcolm X * Ahmed Yassin * Zia-ul-Haq * Muhammad Rizieq Shihab | Salafi movement --- | Movements| | Scholastic| * Ahl-i Hadith * Madkhalism * Sahwa movement * Wahhabism ---|--- Political| * Al Asalah * Authenticity Party * Al-Islah * Al-Nour Party * Islamist Bloc * People Party * Young Kashgar Party Major figures| * Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab * Al-Albani * Ibn Baz * Muqbil bin Hadi al-Wadi\'i * Safar al-Hawali * Rabee al-Madkhali * Muhammad Al-Munajjid * Zakir Naik * Salman al-Ouda * Ali al-Tamimi * Al-Uthaymin Related| * International propagation of Salafism * Islamic religious police * Petro-Islam * Sufi–Salafi relations | Militant Islamism/Jihadism --- | Ideology| * Qutbism * Salafi jihadism ---|--- Movements| * Militant Islamism based in * MENA region * Egyptian Islamic Jihad * Fatah al-Islam * Hamas * Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant * South Asia * Taliban * Lashkar-e-Taiba * Southeast Asia * Abu Sayyaf * Sub-Saharan Africa * Boko Haram * al-Shabaab * al-Qaeda * in the Arabian Peninsula * in Iraq * in North Africa Major figures| * Hibatullah Akhundzada * Anwar al-Awlaki * Abdullah Yusuf Azzam * Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi * Osama bin Laden * Akhtar Mansour * Mullah Omar * Juhayman al-Otaybi * Omar Abdel-Rahman * Ayman al-Zawahiri Related| * Islam and violence * Islamic extremism * Islamic terrorism * Jihad * Mujahideen * Slavery * Talibanization | Other topics --- | Texts| * Reconstruction (Iqbal, 1930s) * Forty Hadith (Khomeini, 1940) * Principles (Asad, 1961) * Milestones (Qutb, 1964) * Islamic Government (Khomeini, 1970) * Islamic Declaration (Izetbegović, 1969-1970) * The Green Book (Gaddafi, 1975) ---|--- Historical events| * Zia-ul-Haq\'s Islamization * Iranian Revolution * Grand Mosque seizure * Soviet invasion of Afghanistan * Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam * Popular Arab and Islamic Congress * Algerian Civil War * Faith campaign * September 11 attacks * War on terror * Arab Spring * Arab Winter Influences| * Anti-imperialism * Anti-Zionism * Contemporary Islamic philosophy * Islamic response to modernity * Islamic revival by region| * Balkans * Gaza Strip * Sudan * United Kingdom Related topics| * Criticism * Political aspects of Islam * Political Islam * Islam in South Asia * 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Roughly one in four fish eaten in the United States was caught here and sent to Asia for processing before being reimported for American consumers
The Poynter Institute Menu Donate State Editions * California * Florida * Iowa * Michigan * New Hampshire * New York * North Carolina * Pennsylvania * Texas * West Virginia * Wisconsin Issues * All Issues * Online hoaxes * Coronavirus * Health Care * Immigration * Extremism * Taxes * Marijuana * Environment * Crime * Guns * Foreign Policy * LGBTQ+ People * Joe Biden * Kamala Harris * Donald Trump * Mitch McConnell * Hakeem Jeffries * Ron DeSantis Media * PunditFact * Tucker Carlson * Sean Hannity * Rachel Maddow * Bloggers * PolitiFact Videos Campaigns * 2024 Elections Truth-o-Meter * True * Mostly True * Half True * Mostly False * False * Pants on Fire Promises * Biden Promise Tracker * Trump-O-Meter * Obameter * Latest Promises About Us * Our Process * Our Staff * En Español * Who pays for PolitiFact? * Advertise with Us * Suggest a Fact-check * Corrections and Updates * Newsletters Donate #### Follow us The Facts Newsletter Sign up English Español ### Get PolitiFact in your inbox. * Weekly Email Newsletter * Daily Email Newsletter Your Email Address Sign Up ![](\\" ![](\\" Elizabeth Warren stated on December 10, 2019 in a policy white paper: \"Roughly one in four fish eaten in the United States was caught here and sent to Asia for processing before being re-imported for American consumers.\" ![\\"true\\"](\\" mostly-false/6a6ef6075c162fdccf5eb960e683dcd1.jpg.\\") ![\\"barely- true\\"](\\" false.jpg\\") * National * Climate Change * Corrections and Updates * Food * Jobs * Elizabeth Warren ![\\"Cans](\\" Cans of pink salmon caught in U.S. waters, processed in Asia, and sold at a supermarket in Washington, D.C. (Jon Greenberg) ![\\"Jon](\\" By Jon Greenberg December 13, 2019 # Fishy stat: Elizabeth Warren goes overboard with claim on re-imported fish The first quick-fire question Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon put to Elizabeth Warren Dec. 5 was, \"What is the most important issue facing American voters today?\" \"Corruption,\" Warren fired back. That fits well with her campaign message that big corporations and the uber- rich have wormed their way into the corridors of power in Washington. But Warren has another bit of fishy business on her mind. In a Dec. 10 policy brief, she laid out plans to leverage the power of the oceans to fight climate change and boost jobs in the fishing industry. Among her points, Warren said America had offshored too much of the fish processing business. \"We must also rebuild the necessary infrastructure to once again support vibrant coastal communities and a local seafood economy,\" Warren said. \"Today, roughly one in four fish eaten in the United States was caught here and sent to Asia for processing before being re-imported for American consumers. By building processing plants in the United States, we can not only decrease the carbon footprint of the seafood industry, but we can also create a new class of jobs in the Blue Economy.\" Dare we say, that 1-in-4 statistic had us hooked. We got in touch with the fishery researchers who wrote the paper Warren used to support her assertion. They said they didn’t offer that stat, and while they don’t have an exact estimate, her figure is probably too high. Should Warren throw this one back? Let’s break it down. The life cycle of a fishstick Off Alaska, up in the Bering Sea and the Aleutian Islands, trawlers bring in over 1.3 million metric tons of Alaska pollock, a versatile white fish. The catch is huge, amounting to a third of America’s total seafood output. Measured in sales, about a quarter of the catch stays in the United States and shows up on grocery shelves as everything from filets to breaded fish sticks to imitation crab meat. China buys about 14% of the catch. And some of that comes back to the United States. \"Fish is processed in places like China because the costs of processing are cheaper than they are in the United States,\" said former U.S. Agriculture Department chief economist Joseph Glauber. As much as $900 million worth of pollock and other seafood is caught in U.S. waters, processed in China and sold here as filets and fish sticks. #### Featured Fact-check ![](\\" ![](\\" Donald Trump stated on August 15, 2024 in a news conference California law lets you “rob a store as long as it’s not more than $950” and “not get charged.” Kamala Harris “did that.” ![\\"true\\"](\\" false/33efdb6633e5e2fdc2d4e2f63383a1e0.jpg.\\") ![\\"false\\"](\\" false.jpg\\") By Jeff Cercone • August 19, 2024 The general pattern repeats for pink salmon. It’s caught in Alaska, sent to countries such as China or Thailand, and comes back as salmon burgers or perhaps salmon in a can. Other species of fish, to a lesser extent, also make this global round trip. Tough to estimate Warren said that about one out of four fish Americans eat are part of this cycle, citing a National Academy of Sciences paper from a multi-university research team. But you won’t find Warren’s stat in that article, because the article tackled a different question. The authors wanted to debunk a talking point that only 10% of the seafood Americans eat is domestically produced. (This is a popular talking point among some top U.S. officials.) The researchers wrote that a better estimate of the fish caught and eaten here would be about 35% to 38%. Warren’s staff told us they took the difference between 10% and 35%, got 25% and used that to come up with the statistic that 1-in-4 fish was caught here, sent overseas, and re-imported. \"That would not be the correct approach,\" said co-author Jessica Gephart at American University. \"The 10% was not a solid number to begin with.\" In other words, the article did not take the 10% as given, and then add in the re-imported fish. It was a complete reworking of all the numbers. Martin Smith, professor of environmental economics at Duke University, offered support for the topline results of Gephart and her colleagues for domestic- origin consumption. He reached a similar percentage based on the 10-most commonly eaten fish in the United States. \"So, that’s a totally different methodology that gets to a similar number,\" Smith said. All researchers agree that there’s a severe lack of good data, and estimates will vary. And what Warren described is a real issue. But the actual number of fish caught here, processed in Asia, and then sold here, Gephart said, is likely \"significantly less\" than one out of four. Our ruling Warren said one out of four fish caught in the United States is processed in Asia and then eaten here. That relies on a misreading of a research article that aimed to debunk a widely used statistic. One of the co-authors said Warren’s statistic was significantly too high and the method her staff used to derive it was not correct. The issue of domestic seafood being processed overseas is large, but experts said it is not as large as Warren said. We rate this claim Mostly False. **CORRECTION (April 20, 2020)** : This fact-check originally relied on government data that blended live weight with processed weight. This led us to understate the share of pollock sold overseas, and overstate the amount that went to China. The fact-check has been reflected to show the accurate figure. #### Read About Our Process The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter ### Our Sources Elizabeth Warren, We need a Blue New Deal for our oceans, Dec. 10, 2019 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, To create sustainable seafood industries, the United States needs a better accounting of imports and exports, May 7, 2019 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Supporting information: The US seafood deficit: globalization, trade wars, and sustainability, May 7, 2019 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Commercial fishery statistics, accessed Dec. 11, 2019 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Global Wild Fisheries, accessed Dec. 11, 2019 U.S. Department of Agriculture, A Tale of a Fish from Two Countries, Feb. 21, 2017 Wall Street Journal, Fish Caught in America, Processed in China Get Trapped by Trade Dispute, Aug. 9, 2018 Sustainable Fisheries-University of Washington, How much U.S. Seafood is Imported?, 2019 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Assessment of the Walleye Pollock Stock in the Eastern Bering Sea, Nov. 19, 2018 Forbes, How The Trade War With China Is Threatening America\'s Largest Fishery, Feb. 12, 2019 U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, Alaska pollock and cod prices on the way up, Jan. 14, 2019 U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, Global fish highlights, January 2019 McDowell Group, Pink Salmon Product Development and the Role of the Prince William Sound Aquaculture Corporation, February 2011 Sea Port, Pollock, accessed Dec. 12, 2019 The Hill, The seafood trade deficit is a diversionary tactic, Sept. 20, 2018 Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Interview with Elizabeth Warren, Dec. 5, 2019 Interview, Jessica A. Gephart, Assistant Professor Environmental Science, American University, Dec. 12, 2019 Email exchange, John Ewald, director of public affairs, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Fisheries, Dec. 12, 2019 Email exchange, Martin D. Smith, professor of environmental economics, Duke University, Dec. 12, 2019 Email exchange, Trevor A. Branch, Associate Professor Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington, Dec. 11, 2019 Email exchange, Joseph Glauber, senior research fellow, International Food policy Research Institute, Dec. 11, 2019 ## Browse the Truth-O-Meter ### More by Jon Greenberg slide 4 to 6 of 15 ![](\\" ![](\\" Hillary Clinton stated on September 6, 2022 in a tweet.: “I had zero emails that were classified.” ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Jon Greenberg • September 13, 2022 ![](\\" ![](\\" Tim Scott stated on August 10, 2022 in an interview on Fox News: “The Congressional Budget Office says 90% of the revenue generated from the new IRS agents will come from people making less than $200,000 … and the revenue generated will be $300-plus billion.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Jon Greenberg • August 17, 2022 ![](\\" ![](\\" Bob Good stated on August 10, 2022 in a tweet.: “Democrats are voting to add an army of 87,000 IRS agents who will target middle class taxpayers and conduct at least 1 million more audits each year. ” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Warren Fiske • August 17, 2022 ![](\\" ![](\\" Tucker Carlson stated on November 8, 2022 in election night coverage on Fox News: “Electronic voting machines didn\'t allow people to vote” in Maricopa County, Arizona. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Jon Greenberg • November 9, 2022 ![](\\" black/4590875651af69b2c789ceab409664dd.jpg\\") ![](\\" black/72988380e8c8bd188dc360d11552e4a0.jpg\\") X posts stated on November 8, 2022 in a tweet: “There is no chain of custody” for ballots placed in Box No. 3 at Maricopa, Arizona, polling sites. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Jon Greenberg • November 8, 2022 ![](\\" ![](\\" Tim Ryan stated on November 1, 2022 in a town hall event: “J.D. Vance said nothing about” the attack on Paul Pelosi. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Jon Greenberg • November 3, 2022 ![](\\" ![](\\" Mark Kelly stated on October 26, 2022 in a newspaper interview: Blake Masters “wants to privatize” Social Security. ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Jon Greenberg • October 28, 2022 ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/322c808c00e73c217d17772ddd5a0eb5.jpg\\") ![](\\" Instagram_logo_2016.svg/8b142c91ebe468a84a192e6df2b7b994.jpg\\") Instagram posts stated on October 25, 2022 in an Instagram post: The documentary “2,000 Mules proves” Democrats “cheated on the 2020 elections.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Jon Greenberg • October 28, 2022 ![](\\" ![](\\" Blake Masters stated on October 15, 2022 in a tweet: Immigrants illegally in the country are treated “better than military veterans.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Jon Greenberg • October 21, 2022 ![](\\" ![](\\" Katie Hobbs stated on October 9, 2022 in an interview on CBS News\' Face the Nation: Kari Lake has “gone on the record saying she supports Arizona\'s complete abortion ban. She\'s called it a great law.” ![\\"mostly-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"mostly-true\\"](\\" mostly-true.jpg\\") By Jon Greenberg • October 12, 2022 ![](\\" ![](\\" Kari Lake stated on October 9, 2022 in an interview on CBS News\' Face the Nation: “Katie Hobbs voted for allowing a baby who survives an abortion — that the hospital would refuse medical care and allow the baby to die on a cold metal tray.” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Jon Greenberg • October 12, 2022 ![](\\" ![](\\" Tim Ryan stated on September 27, 2022 in a campaign ad: “I voted with Trump on trade.” ![\\"mostly-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"mostly-true\\"](\\" mostly-true.jpg\\") By Jon Greenberg • October 4, 2022 ![](\\" ![](\\" Mark Finchem stated on September 22, 2022 in a Secretary of State debate: Ballot harvesting “altered the outcome” of a city council election in Yuma County, Arizona. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Jon Greenberg • September 23, 2022 ![](\\" ![](\\" Saving Arizona PAC stated on September 8, 2022 in a campaign ad: “Mark Kelly voted against the Keystone pipeline, which caused higher gas prices.” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Jon Greenberg • September 16, 2022 ![](\\" ![](\\" Elizabeth Warren stated on August 28, 2022 in an interview on CNN: \"40% of the folks who have student loans do not have a college diploma, four- year diploma. These are people who are truck drivers and who are nail technicians and nurses’ aides.” ![\\"true\\"](\\" ![\\"true\\"](\\" By Jon Greenberg • September 13, 2022 ![](\\" ![](\\" Hillary Clinton stated on September 6, 2022 in a tweet.: “I had zero emails that were classified.” ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"half-true\\"](\\" true.jpg\\") By Jon Greenberg • September 13, 2022 ![](\\" ![](\\" Tim Scott stated on August 10, 2022 in an interview on Fox News: “The Congressional Budget Office says 90% of the revenue generated from the new IRS agents will come from people making less than $200,000 … and the revenue generated will be $300-plus billion.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Jon Greenberg • August 17, 2022 ![](\\" ![](\\" Bob Good stated on August 10, 2022 in a tweet.: “Democrats are voting to add an army of 87,000 IRS agents who will target middle class taxpayers and conduct at least 1 million more audits each year. ” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Warren Fiske • August 17, 2022 ![](\\" ![](\\" Tucker Carlson stated on November 8, 2022 in election night coverage on Fox News: “Electronic voting machines didn\'t allow people to vote” in Maricopa County, Arizona. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Jon Greenberg • November 9, 2022 ![](\\" black/4590875651af69b2c789ceab409664dd.jpg\\") ![](\\" black/72988380e8c8bd188dc360d11552e4a0.jpg\\") X posts stated on November 8, 2022 in a tweet: “There is no chain of custody” for ballots placed in Box No. 3 at Maricopa, Arizona, polling sites. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Jon Greenberg • November 8, 2022 ![](\\" ![](\\" Tim Ryan stated on November 1, 2022 in a town hall event: “J.D. Vance said nothing about” the attack on Paul Pelosi. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Jon Greenberg • November 3, 2022 ### Fishy stat: Elizabeth Warren goes overboard with claim on re-imported fish * ![](\\" ![](\\" Sam Brown stated on August 28, 2024 in a campaign appearance: Proposed Nevada constitutional amendment to protect abortion rights would put “essentially no limit on access to abortion.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Caleb McCullough • September 13, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Jon Tester stated on September 8, 2024 in a Facebook ad: Tim Sheehy “would let politicians like him ban abortion, with no exceptions for rape or to save a woman’s life, and criminalize women.” ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"barely-true\\"](\\" barely-true.jpg\\") By Louis Jacobson • September 12, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Viral image stated on September 8, 2024 in a Threads post: “Elon Musk is going to expose Bill Gates soon, says ‘he’s evil.’” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 12, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 6, 2024 in a Facebook post: “Gordon Ramsay calls Tim Walz a ‘woke creep,’ throws him out of Hell’s Kitchen.” ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 12, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 11, 2024 in una publicación en Facebook: \"ÚLTIMA HORA Río Nilo se pinta de rojo sangre\". ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Marta Campabadal Graus • September 12, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Viral image stated on September 7, 2024 in a Threads post: Photo shows Elton John wearing a “MAGA” jacket. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 12, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Facebook posts stated on September 11, 2024 in a photo: The Minnesota Vikings have denounced Tim Walz: “We don’t suppᴏrt his values.” ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" th.jpg\\") ![\\"pants-fire\\"](\\" pants-fire.jpg\\") By Kwasi Gyamfi Asiedu • September 12, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Instagram posts stated on September 8, 2024 in Instagram posts: Immigrants get $2,000 each time they cross the border illegally. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Sofia Ahmed • September 12, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Viral image stated on August 30, 2024 in a Facebook post: Video shows tornadoes in Canada. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 12, 2024 * ![](\\" ![](\\" Instagram posts stated on September 8, 2024 in an Instagram post: Video shows a Ku Klux Klan member at a rally for former President Donald Trump. ![\\"false\\"](\\" ![\\"false\\"](\\" By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 12, 2024 Load more ### Support independent fact-checking. 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Roughly one in four fish eaten in the United States was caught here and sent to Asia for processing before being reimported for American consumers
Open in app Sign up Sign in Write Sign up Sign in ![\\"\\"](\\" # We Need a Blue New Deal for Our Oceans ![\\"Team](\\" Team Warren · Follow 19 min read · Dec 10, 2019 \-- 3 Listen Share By Elizabeth Warren ![\\"\\"](\\" In September, I attended a CNN town hall on the climate crisis. That night, Bren Smith, an ocean farmer from Connecticut, asked me if I would support a Blue New Deal to restore our oceans, in addition to our efforts to fight climate change on land. I said I would, and I meant it — here’s what I’ll do to rebuild our blue economy, protect and restore ocean habitat, and adapt in a climate changed world. The world’s oceans are in crisis. Across the planet, more than 90% of global fish stocks are fully exploited or overfished. The ocean has absorbed 93% of the heat trapped by greenhouse gases, warming the waters disrupting migration patterns, bleaching coral reefs, and fueling sea level rise. Around 30% of the carbon pollution we have pumped into the air has been absorbed in our oceans, leading to ocean acidification, changing the very chemistry of seawater. And pollution from land — whether from manufacturing, agricultural runoff, or plastic waste — is causing dead zones in our waterways and Great Lakes. Our coasts are flooding and eroding, threatening the 40% of Americans who live in coastal counties. Our safety, public health, food security, and infrastructure are at risk. If we do not act now, things will only get worse, as climate change leads to more severe weather. I am proud to be one of the original co-sponsors of the Green New Deal, which charts a path to transition to a 100% clean energy future, while rebuilding our economy from the bottom up and creating millions of good paying, union jobs. Environmental justice and economic justice go hand-in-hand, and I am committed to making the climate crisis and the inequality crisis top priorities in my administration. As we pursue climate justice, we must not lose sight of the 71% of our planet covered by the ocean. While the ocean is severely threatened, it can also be a major part of the climate solution — from providing new sources of clean energy to supporting a new future of ocean farming. That is why I believe that a Blue New Deal must be an essential part of any Green New Deal — helping us fight climate change, protecting our health, and creating good, high-wage union jobs in the process. ## Rebuilding our Blue Economy Oceans already support millions of jobs, underpin our food system and contributes $304 billion to our national GDP. They also have the potential to be one of our strongest tools in the fight against climate change. Three billion people around the world depend on wild-caught and farmed seafood as a major source of protein. Yet decades of overfishing, pollution, and climate impacts have pushed our oceans to the brink of collapse. We know that we can have a highly productive ocean. In fact, ocean-related jobs have grown at three times the rate of the national average. It’s time to restore our oceans and harness the potential of the Blue Economy. Expand offshore renewable energy As we rapidly transition our economy to 100% clean energy, we must prioritize offshore wind and wave energy. Offshore wind is more consistent than onshore wind and could provide four times the present capacity of our grid. By 2030, offshore wind energy development from Maryland to Maine could support more than 36,000 full time jobs. But the Trump administration and government red tape have bogged down existing projects, making development cumbersome and untenable. Despite a decade of effort, the Block Island Offshore Wind Farm off the coast of Rhode Island remains the only offshore wind project operating in the United States. This will change in a Warren administration. As president, I will work to streamline and fast-track permitting for offshore renewable energy, including making sure projects are sited with care based on environmental impact assessments. And I will make sure that the communities hosting this new development receive a share of the benefits. Community Benefit Agreements can help address power imbalances between project developers and low-income communities by setting labor, environmental, and transparency standards before work begins. I’ll make additional federal subsidies or tax benefits for large offshore renewable energy projects contingent on strong Community Benefits Agreements, which should include requirements for prevailing wages and collective bargaining rights. And I’ll insist on a clawback provision if a company doesn’t hold up its end of the deal. If developers work with communities to ensure that everyone benefits from clean energy development, we will be able to reduce our emissions faster. Due to the urgency and complexity of building offshore renewable energy projects, my administration will seek to execute Project Labor Agreements to govern the construction and maintenance of these projects so as to ensure a constant supply of qualified, trained workers — and creating good, union jobs in the process. My Green Manufacturing plan also calls for a $2 trillion investment to incentivize American-made clean energy, and that includes offshore wind. My administration will work to ensure that all offshore wind infrastructure is made with a completely domestic supply chain, including American iron, steel and cement and that American crews on American vessels will be used to ferry the goods and workers to build and maintain these farms, creating more new American jobs. And I will make sure that fishing and conservation groups, as well as coastal communities, have a seat at the table in developing any new project to ensure that an expanded offshore wind industry can successfully coexist with vibrant fishing industries and healthy ocean and coastal habitats. And I won’t allow visual and aesthetic impacts to provide a basis for denying federal offshore wind energy permits. The climate crisis is too urgent to let the ultra-wealthy complain about wind turbines getting in the way of their ocean views. Additionally, my Green Apollo Program commits $400 billion over the next decade to R&D for clean energy, including harnessing power from wave energy, so that it becomes technologically and financially viable. I will also fight for long term extensions to two critical tax credits for renewable energy, the Production Tax Credit and Investment Tax Credit, while also fighting for a fully funded Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and Bureau of Safety & Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) so they can have the resources they need to deploy offshore clean energy resources at the speed the science demands. Build climate-ready fisheries Threats like warming oceans and overfishing have caused the ocean’s fish population to fall by 50% over the last 50 years, leading to cascading ecological consequences, hurting regional and local economies, and risking hunger and even conflict. Fully rebuilding America’s fish stocks would support an additional 500,000 jobs and generate an addition $31 billion in sales impacts, providing a much needed economic boost to coastal communities who have been hit hard by climate change. The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, our bedrock fisheries management law, provides a robust framework for managing U.S. fisheries in coordination with state governments. And as we continue to rebuild and sustainably manage our fisheries, we must ensure that our regulations are able to effectively respond to the changing ocean conditions we are witnessing as a result of climate change. I will direct the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service to issue new guidance and regulations to better prepare fishing industries and communities for the impacts of climate change. Expand community-based seafood markets As we work to restore America’s fisheries, we must also rebuild the necessary infrastructure to once again support vibrant coastal communities and a local seafood economy. Today, roughly one in four fish eaten in the United States waters was caught here and sent to Asia for processing before being re- imported for American consumers. By building processing plants in the US, we can not only decrease the carbon footprint of the seafood industry, but we can also create a new class of jobs in the Blue Economy. That’s why I have committed to spending $5 billion over ten years to expand USDA’s Local Agriculture Market Program, funding food hubs, distribution centers, and points-of-sale. NOAA should make it easier for fishermen to sell seafood directly to U.S. consumers and include additional vulnerable species in the Seafood Import Monitoring Program — so the public can know where their seafood comes from and that it was caught in an ethical and sustainable way. And I will invest in America’s young fishers by increasing funding for new business development programs established through the Young Fishermen’s Development Act. Invest in regenerative ocean farming Land-based farmers have long been supported by the USDA, but in a world of rising seas, increasing ocean temperatures, and ocean acidification, we must expand that support to include ocean farming as well. Algae and seaweed are the trees of our oceans, absorbing carbon and helping to reduce ocean acidification and pollution locally, and are valuable sources of nutrition. We must cultivate them just as we would any forest or aboveground ecosystem that naturally absorbs carbon dioxide. These resources even have the potential to become a key ingredient in renewable fuels — in the future, we might power our cars and airplanes on the algae grown in our seas. I’ll start by directing USDA to create a new program dedicated to research and policy development for ocean-based farming, ensuring that ocean farmers, just like any other producers, are paid for their contributions to the fight against climate change. I’ll also fully include ocean farming, including shellfish and seaweed production, in critical agricultural programs, like the USDA Biomass Crop Assistance Program and disaster assistance programs, because ocean farmers should pay into and have assurance from climate-caused crop loss, just as land-based farmers currently do. And I’ll include ocean farmer training programs in the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program to continue to support America’s farmers of today and tomorrow. Build climate smart ports If global shipping were a country, it would be the sixth-largest polluter in the world. And while many of those emissions come from the dirty fuel that is used to move massive container ships through international waters, there is also more we can do here at home to ensure every ship entering American ports — no matter what country it comes from — meets our standards. This includes working with the International Maritime Organization to set aggressive emissions standards for bunker fuels, so that shipping fuels are cleaner at home and abroad. And we can work towards fully electrifying our ports, including port equipment and shore power. This will reduce harmful air pollution for the millions of people, often disadvantaged communities, who live near ports, while also supporting new manufacturing jobs in the clean transportation sector. This is not about automation. We need safe and efficient ports, and that means unionized jobs with strong wages and comprehensive benefits. And it means standing up for American maritime workers and the men and women who work in and around ports by ensuring cargo bound for the United States is unloaded and transported by American workers. On the road to electrification, we should also immediately modernize federal trucking rules by reducing idling and congestion, empowering local ports to drastically reduce emissions. Additionally, we will require all ports to have speed reduction zones, which are one of the most efficient ways for vessels to reduce emissions. And through my Green Manufacturing plan, we will continue to invest in R&D so that we can find ways to get ships off dirty diesel. ## Protecting and restoring ocean habitat Coastal and marine habitats are our best natural defense system in the fight against climate change, storing up to 5 times more carbon per acre than tropical forests — while also often acting as cheaper and more effective sea walls. In fact, coastal wetlands reduced damages during Superstorm Sandy by $625 million. It is imperative that we restore our marine habitat to safeguard against future climate impacts, especially as climate change continues to hit our most vulnerable communities first and worst. Restore marine ecosystems We must restore damaged marine ecosystems like Florida’s mangroves, which have been destroyed by urban coastal development. I’ll start by fully funding NOAA’s Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program, which partners with states to conserve coastal ecosystems. I’ve also proposed a 21st Century Civilian Conservation Corps, which will hire 10,000 young people and veterans for new job opportunities caring for our natural resources — including restoration of marine ecosystems. And I’ll make polluters pay. My Department of Justice will go after fossil fuel companies and other industry bad actors who have harmed our ocean ecosystems, recovering the money to fund restoration programs. Expand marine protected areas We must protect ecologically and culturally-significant places in the ocean, just like as we do on land. Marine protected areas are protected pockets of seas, oceans, or the Great Lakes which local, state and federal governments establish to protect threatened marine ecosystems and to replenish fisheries. Studies show that marine protected areas are effective management tools to rebuild fish populations and restore damaged habitats, allowing marine ecosystems to recover without the pressures of human activities like fishing, drilling, and pollution. And they can also benefit fishermen, because they replenish fish populations outside boundaries of the protected area. For example, one study found that one hectare of protected ocean produced five times as many fish as a similar unprotected hectare, raising profits for neighboring fisheries and tourism industries. I will direct NOAA to engage in robust stakeholder engagement processes to establish more marine protected areas, with the goal of increasing protection of all types of marine habitats. Invest in marine carbon sequestration Not all carbon in the ocean is bad. Blue carbon, or carbon stored in ocean and coastal ecosystems, is naturally sequestered by coral reefs and oyster reefs, mangrove forests and kelp forests, as well as seagrass beds and wetlands. If managed correctly, the ocean can continue to naturally sequester carbon. I will issue an Executive Order directing NOAA to build a domestic blue carbon program that will support ocean-based carbon sequestration projects, including coastal ecosystem restoration programs, just like we have for land-based carbon markets. I will also direct NOAA to map and establish “Blue Carbon Zones” in federal waters, so that we can identify, protect, and manage these highly productive areas. While we can do more right now to further support blue carbon, we also need to make sure NOAA and the National Science Foundation have the funding they need to continue cutting edge research on blue carbon and ocean acidification. End offshore drilling The BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill — the worst oil spill in our nation’s history — caused more than $17 billion in damage to natural resources and cost eleven lives. Years later, coastal economies and ecosystems along the Gulf Coast have still not recovered. On day one of my presidency I will sign a sweeping executive order with bold actions to defeat the climate crisis, including ending all new fossil fuel leases offshore and on public lands. But new offshore fossil fuel leases are only part of the problem — we must also phase out existing offshore drilling, which is putting the health and economies of coastal communities at risk. A Warren administration will start by reinstating the Obama Administration’s Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program that protected more than hundreds of millions of acres in the Atlantic Ocean and Arctic. We’ll also reinstate the well safety rules that the Obama administration put in place after the BP oil spill, because the fossil fuel workers who risk their lives to power our economy deserve safe working conditions. And we’ll roll back the Trump administration’s decision to reduce the shallow-water royalty rate for existing offshore drilling leases. In fact, we’ll go further: We’ll reassess the royalty rate to more accurately account for the social cost of carbon. Over the last two decades, some of the world’s largest oil companies, including Chevron, Exxon, and Shell, have skirted about $18 billion in federal royalties from offshore drilling. That ends in a Warren Administration. I will direct federal ocean and coastal management agencies to begin planning to phase out all offshore drilling. Instead, we will focus on transitioning the offshore drilling supply chain and associated industry to offshore wind. I am committed to leaving no worker behind as we transition to 100% clean energy, and the men and women who have tirelessly worked in the offshore drilling industry are no exception. A Warren administration will provide job training and guaranteed wage and benefit parity for workers who choose to transition into new industries. And for those Americans who choose not to find new employment and wish to retire with dignity, we’ll ensure full financial security, including promised pensions and early retirement benefits. Reduce ocean trash By 2050 there could be more plastic by mass in the sea than fish. Ocean trash is getting incorporated into the marine food chain — even ending up in the fish on our plates and in the sea salt we use to season it. To make matters worse, there are over 300 new petrochemical plastic facilities slated to come online in the U.S, and many of these mega polluters are sited for low-income communities and communities of color. A Warren administration will start upstream by working to establish policies that combat marine plastic pollution by reducing single-use plastic production, like plastic bags, and will also work downstream to establish markets for recycled materials through recycled- content standards. A Warren administration will follow the lead of NGO- industry collaboratives like the Trash Free Seas Alliance that have already made progress in this fight. And through my Green Manufacturing Plan I will invest in R&D so that we can further understand all the implications of ocean trash and can determine the best possible solutions to combat this issue going forward. Hold Big Ag accountable for upstream pollution Agribusinesses, with their overuse of pesticides and fertilizers, are responsible for polluting hundreds of thousands of miles of upstream waterways that flow downstream into our bays and oceans and have exacerbated toxic algal blooms, harmed marine life and contaminated drinking water. In fact, it is estimated that harmful freshwater algal blooms in the U.S. result in losses of billions — primarily from harm to property values, recreation, and drinking- water supplies. I will make agribusinesses pay the full costs of the environmental damage they wreak by closing the loopholes that CAFOs use to get away with polluting and by beefing up enforcement of the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts, including by working with state and local officials. And, I will reinstate the Obama-era Clean Water Rule, which provided critical protections for drinking water sources for nearly one-third of the United States. All waters of the United States should be safe for everyone to enjoy, not become a dumping ground for Big Ag. Collective management of our international waters And there’s more — because our ocean resources are connected we must collectively work with countries around the world to protect, conserve and responsibly govern international waters. Nearly two-thirds of our oceans are characterized as the “high seas,” or waters outside of any national jurisdiction. It is critical that we manage the high seas like the collective resource that it is. Much like outer space, we must come together as a global community to determine how we all have an equal share in the use of this shared resource. As a first step toward ensuring the United States is a leader and effective partner in international waters, I will work with Congress to ratify the Law of the Sea treaty so that we are a party to this international law and can work towards updating provisions to better reflect the realities of climate change on our oceans. And then I will go one step further by supporting a ban on fishing on the high seas, as one key way to curtail illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing. Just 4.2% of the world’s fish catch by volume is caught on the high seas and setting aside these waters to allow species to rebuild can have outsized ecological impacts for our global fisheries. I will also follow Governor Inslee and the state of Washington in joining the International Alliance to Combat Ocean Acidification, a global coalition of national, subnational and indigenous jurisdictions, NGOs, businesses and other partners dedicated to taking action to protect coastal communities and livelihoods from the threat of ocean acidification. And once we rejoin the Paris Agreement, I will use the United States’ leadership on the international stage to champion how the ocean can play a vital role as a critical climate solution under every nation’s targets under the Paris Agreement. ## Adapting in a changing climate We cannot hold the ocean back — it is rising and rising rapidly. The world faces an increase of about 1 foot of sea level rise by midcentury if we do not curb global emissions, putting the homes of more than 50 million people at risk. And here in the United States, the picture is just as bleak. Isle de Jean Charles, a coastal island in Louisiana, has lost 98% of its land mass to sea level rise since 1955. In the coming years it could be gone — which is why for the first time ever the federal government is paying an entire community to move inland to higher ground, before it is too late. Despite efforts by the state and federal governments, climate change has displaced several native Alaska Native communities. For the Quinault Indian Nation in Washington, the rising sea level has made community relocation necessary. As our ocean continues to expand and rise as a result of climate change, we must mitigate the damage that has already been done and prepare for what will only get worse — sea level rise, storm surges and extreme weather events. Pre-disaster mitigation As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and I want to ensure we protect the 40% of Americans who live in coastal counties. Studies have shown that every dollar invested in disaster mitigation saves $6 overall. Meanwhile, the Trump administration has proposed to slash funding for FEMA’s Pre-Disaster Mitigation grant program, making us less safe. Rather than cutting this program, we will propose to quintuple it. And, as part of my administration’s pre-disaster mitigation efforts, I will direct all federal emergency management and coastal management agencies to take a holistic approach to helping communities shelter from increasingly unnatural disasters. This includes better planning for escape and evacuation plans, as well as leading by example with the federal building fleet by not building any new buildings within 1.5 meters of sea level, with exemptions as necessary for military infrastructure. Across the country, nearly half a million HUD- assisted households are in flood zones. To build on the Green Public Housing Program called for in my Protecting and Empowering Renters plan, I will ensure that we do not build any new public housing within 1.5 meters of sea level, because it is the responsibility of the federal government to protect our most vulnerable families, not intentionally put them in harm’s way. And while my administration will take a proactive approach to guarding against future sea level rise, I will honor our promises to vulnerable communities and prioritize climate adaptation and mitigation resources to ensure that we keep our communities together and intact. This includes supporting our coastal tribes and indigenous communities with grants from the federal government to aid in their efforts to protect, restore, and preserve areas that hold important ecological, cultural, or sacred significance. And it includes working with Congress to amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, to establish hazard mitigation revolving loan funds so that local governments can continue to invest in the health and safety of their communities before disaster strikes. Post-disaster mitigation Studies show that the white and wealthy receive more federal disaster aid, despite being comparatively better off financially when it comes to withstanding a disaster. As outlined in my environmental justice plan, a Warren administration will ensure an equitable recovery from natural disasters, ensuring our most vulnerable populations get the help they need to rebuild their lives after disaster strikes. Governor Inslee rightly identified the need to protect the communities during natural disasters that live alongside our existing fossil fuel infrastructure and petrochemical plants that are peppered along our coasts. I will task the EPA, NOAA, and FEMA to implement continuous monitoring for toxic pollutants by creating “mobile monitoring” teams that track pollution released during weather events. Such a program could have protected thousands in Texas from the long term impacts of the more than 100 toxic releases that occurred during Hurricane Harvey. Flood insurance reform The National Flood Insurance Program is designed to help people rebuild, but in the same places that were originally flooded. This may have worked in the past, but given our changed and changing climate it often doesn’t make sense to require coastal communities to rebuild in areas that are no longer safe. Similarly, communities in the flood plains of the midwest are surrounded by weak levees and will experience catastrophic flooding, not just once, but year after year. Rather than tie flood insurance to risk, which would make premiums skyrocket for some of our poorest communities living in high-risk areas, I will make it easier for existing residents to move out of flood-prone properties — both inland and coastal — including a program to buy back those properties from low-income homeowners at market value. And within my first term I will ensure the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) flood maps are fully updated, so that we can raise the standard for new construction through the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard. Managing for drought Climate change is likely to cause longer, harsher droughts, especially in the western United States. That means we need to plan for increased stress on critical water supplies like the Colorado River basin, where reservoir levels fell so far this year that Arizona and Nevada were forced to impose the first- ever mandatory water cuts from the river this summer. As the population continues to grow and development increases in our most drought prone states, it is important for federal and state governments to encourage responsible and smart growth. And longer and harsher droughts mean more catastrophic wildfires in California, which over the past several years have been considered the most destructive in the state’s history. Insurance claims from the 2018 California wildfire season alone have now exceeded $12 billion, after thousands of homes were burned, nearly 100 people were killed. During the 2019 fire season, millions were left without power, putting many of the state’s most vulnerable communities at risk for days. These climate change fueled natural disasters often hit our most vulnerable communities the hardest, which is why my administration will prioritize resources for those that need it most. And my administration will work hand in hand with U.S. Geographical Survey and state governments to monitor and manage drought risks with attention to climate risks and trends. And I will collaborate with Tribal governments on drought management and land management practices to mitigate drought, including by incorporating traditional ecological practices wherever possible. Investing in our Great Lakes The Great Lakes basin is home to over 80% of North America’s surface freshwater — and over 10% of the US population depends on drinking water from the Great Lakes Basin. But the Great Lakes are in trouble, from climate change to invasive species like Zebra Mussels and carp to toxic algal blooms that can be traced back to pollution from agricultural runoff. We must invest in our Great Lakes so they can continue to support their $7 billion per year fishing industry and $16 billion per year outdoor recreation industry. I will fight for a fully funded Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, which has proven critical for the long-term health of the Great Lakes. Starting on day one of my presidency, I will take bold action to fight climate change. And that includes harnessing the power of our oceans to be a key part of our solution to the climate crisis. The task before us is significant, but I am confident that America is up to the challenge — both at home and around the world — to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. Our oceans can underpin a sustainable food system, be a source of renewable energy and defend against the worst of climate change. The future of our planet depends on a healthy ocean, and we have no more time to waste. ![](\\" ## Sign up to discover human stories that deepen your understanding of the world. ## Free Distraction-free reading. No ads. Organize your knowledge with lists and highlights. Tell your story. 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Roughly one in four fish eaten in the United States was caught here and sent to Asia for processing before being reimported for American consumers
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Roughly one in four fish eaten in the United States was caught here and sent to Asia for processing before being reimported for American consumers
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June 2013 - 06:40 Modified saturday 24. February 2018 - 12:34 Del på Facebook Del på Twitter Del på LinkedIn Del på e-post Odd Grydeland Advertisement Salmon is the third most popular seafood among consumers in the United States, following the average consumption of 2.6 pounds (~1.2 Kg) of canned tuna for each American (2011), who also ate about four pounds (~1.8 Kg) of shrimp. The salmon consumption per capita stood at almost two pounds (~0.9 Kg). Despite the large harvest of Pacific salmon in Alaska, US consumers seem to prefer farmed salmon, as about two-thirds of the annual consumption comes from farms- and most of the ~500 million pounds (227,000 tonnes)of salmon being imported into the US are farm raised. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) provided the details; In 2011, Americans ate 15 pounds of fish and shellfish per person. While our seafood consumption still lags far behind that of poultry, pork, and beef, it does add up to nearly 5 billion pounds of seafood per year, making the United States second only to China in seafood consumption. In 2011, we imported about 91 percent of the seafood consumed here in the United States. However, a small portion of these imports were caught by American fishermen, exported overseas for processing and then re-imported to the United States. The remaining 9 percent was produced entirely domestically. About half the seafood we eat is wild-caught; the other half is farm-raised, that is, from aquaculture. There\'s a bit of a grey area here, too, though—some \"wild-caught\" seafood actually starts its life in a hatchery. For example, salmon and red drum are often produced in hatcheries and then released to the wild to be caught. The same can be said for some mussel, clam, and oyster populations—in many cases, larval shellfish, or \'spat,\' is reared in a hatchery and then planted in a natural setting to be harvested later. On the other hand, some \"farm-raised\" seafood such as yellowtail is caught as juveniles in the wild then raised to maturity in captivity. Why does it matter? It\'s important to know the source of your seafood because not all of them measure up the same. Some seafood is caught or farm-raised under regulations that protect the health of the marine environment, the animals that live within it, and the folks that eat it; however, some is not. By buying seafood from reputable sources, you\'re helping to conserve our ocean resources and support the economies and communities that ensure our seafood supply is safe, healthy, and sustainable. Our top ten favorite seafoods in the United States haven\'t changed much in the past several years…but you might be surprised at where they come from. By far, shrimp remains our favorite type of seafood—Americans ate more than 4 pounds of shrimp per person in 2011. Although our shrimp fisheries are among the largest and highest valued in the United States, over 90 percent of the shrimp eaten in the United States is farmed overseas. In fact, shrimp makes up more than 30 percent of all seafood we import (by value). We mainly import shrimp from Southeast Asian countries like Thailand, Indonesia, and China, followed by Ecuador and Mexico. Rich in omega-3s and flavor, it\'s no wonder salmon has been one of our top three favorite seafoods for nearly a decade. With increased availability of fresh and frozen farmed, wild, and hatchery-reared salmon, access to this healthy, delicious seafood has increased. We ate nearly 2 pounds of salmon per person in 2011. To feed this demand, we import a half a billion pounds of salmon each year to supplement the supply that comes from our valuable commercial fisheries from Alaska to California and salmon farms in Maine and Washington State. Two-thirds of the salmon we eat is farmed, mainly imported from Norway, Chile, and Canada, with a small amount grown domestically. One- third of the salmon eaten in the United States is wild-caught, primarily in Alaska; and about half of this catch is from hatchery-reared fish released into the wild. ✕ news archive Del på Facebook Del på Twitter Del på LinkedIn Del på e-post ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Fish farmer facing strike threat over union bargaining rights ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Expanding veterinary services in Ireland and Scotland ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Mowi Scotland chief disappointed by decision to bury morts ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Insect protein producer lands big investment for expansion ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Bakkafrost has harvested 25% more fish so far this year ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Salmon morts \'buried without permission at North Uist site\' ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Fish farm cover-up claim \'was obvious attempt to derail MSPs\' focus\' ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Mort removal at farm visited by MSPs was normal procedure, says watchdog ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Salmon farmer back in profit after £15.6m operating loss last year ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Weak result but positive signs for OTAQ in first half of 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Sales expert puts her faith in cod ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Bakkafrost Scotland\'s bid to ban activist is postponed ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Tyre maker Michelin helps fish farming supplier stay on road to growth ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Bakkafrost Scotland cut operating loss last year but overall deficit increased ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Let\'s spend more fish farm rent income where it\'s raised, says landlord ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Bakkafrost Scotland renews court bid to ban activist from farms ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Fish farming workboats builder wins funding for robot welders ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Scottish Sea Farms made £4.3m operating loss in Shetland last year ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Mowi and UCO developing ROV to euthanise sick fish in pens ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Salmon farmer dismisses claims of cover-up ahead of MSP visit ![\\"\\"](\\" ## \'Upcycled fillet\' can boost value and sustainability of salmon ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Innovative omega-3 producer shortlisted for £1m Earthshot Prize ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Salmon sector serves up banquet of career choices for school pupils ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Science shows salmon pens aren\'t a threat to skate, claim fish farmers ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Gael Force goes Dutch to satisfy industry\'s appetite for feed barges ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Salmon-probe MSPs visit fish farm ![\\"\\"](\\" ## One of the world\'s largest wellboats has been delivered ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Canada invites applications for BC closed containment salmon farms ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Salmon company has trained hundreds to save a life ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Salmon farming \'is changing too fast for five-year spatial plans\' ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Beach clean-up will bring double benefit for communities ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Organic Sea Harvest wins long battle for third salmon farm ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Scottish Government launches consultation on extending marine planning zones ![\\"\\"](\\" ## \'If you want to see higher survival rates then don’t take away a vital medicine\' ![\\"\\"](\\" ## Slàinte! 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Editor Magazine & Web: Gareth Moore Chief Editor: Pål Mugaas Jensen Publisher Oceanspace Media AS:Gustav Erik Blaalid
Roughly one in four fish eaten in the United States was caught here and sent to Asia for processing before being reimported for American consumers
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Author Paul Greenberg explains why._Originally broadcast July 1, 2014._ ![\\"Fresh](\\" network-01_sq-a6f7c547c8e78b8230edc7fc3c32005de3756e0d.jpg?s=100&c=85&f=jpeg\\"/) NPR * ### Author Interviews * LISTEN & FOLLOW Fill 10 Created with Sketch. * * NPR App * Apple Podcasts * Spotify * Amazon Music * RSS link ### Author Interviews # \'The Great Fish Swap\': How America Is Downgrading Its Seafood Supply July 17, 20153:13 PM ET Heard on Fresh Air ![\\"Fresh](\\" #### \'The Great Fish Swap\': How America Is Downgrading Its Seafood Supply ********Listen****· 37:22**** 37-Minute Listen******Playlist** Toggle more options * Download * ******Embed** Embed `**<** iframe src=\" width=\"100%\" height=\"290\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\" title=\"NPR embedded audio player\">` * Transcript One-third of the seafood Americans catch is sold abroad, but most of the seafood we eat is imported and often of lower quality. Author Paul Greenberg explains why. Originally broadcast July 1, 2014. Sponsor Message ### Hear The Original Interview ![\\"\\'The](\\" ### The Salt ### \'The Great Fish Swap\': How America Is Downgrading Its Seafood Supply **** DAVID BIANCULLI, HOST: This is FRESH AIR. I’m David Bianculli, editor of the website TV Worth Watching, sitting in for Terry Gross. See if you know the answer to this. What is the most popular seafood in the U.S.? The answer is shrimp. Americans eat more shrimp per capita than tuna and salmon combined. Most of that shrimp comes from Asia. Most of the salmon we eat is imported too. But while we\'re importing so much seafood, two-thirds of all Alaskan seafood, which includes a lot of salmon, is sent abroad. And those are examples of what today’s guest Paul Greenberg describes as our seafood deficit. His book, \"American Catch: The Fight For Our Local Seafood,\" is now out in paperback. In the book, he uses shrimp and salmon as two case studies in the unraveling of America\'s seafood economy and tells the story of how oysters became the first local seafood to disappear. By tracing the stories of these three seafoods, Greenberg examines ecology, economics, politics and taste. Greenberg also is the author of the best-seller \"Four Fish: The Future Of The Last Wild Food.\" Terry Gross spoke with Paul Greenberg last year. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED BROADCAST) TERRY GROSS, HOST: Paul Greenberg, welcome back to FRESH AIR. PAUL GREENBERG: Thanks, Terry. Great to be back. GROSS: So I want to start with a statistic that is just so mind-boggling, that 91 percent of the seafood Americans eat come from abroad, but one-third of the seafood Americans catch gets sold to other countries. Or to put it another way, our seafood exports more than quadrupled, but during that same period, our seafood imports doubled. And like - boy, does that make any sense at all that we’re shipping… (LAUGHTER) GROSS: …Or we\'re sending our fish overseas and importing our fish from other countries? GREENBERG: Yeah, the great American fish swap. I do not think it makes sense. And in fact, what I think we’re doing is we are low-grading our seafood supply. In effect, what we\'re doing is we\'re sending the really great wild stuff that we harvest here on our shores abroad. And in exchange, we\'re importing farmed stuff that, frankly, is of an increasingly dubious nature. GROSS: Give us a sense of which fish we\'re exporting and which we\'re importing. GREENBERG: Well, one fish is salmon - for both. We export millions of tons of wild mostly Alaska salmon abroad. And we import mostly farmed salmon from abroad. So salmon for salmon - we\'re trading wild for farmed. GROSS: Give us another example. GREENBERG: Another great example of this fish swap is the swapping of Alaska pollock for tilapia and pangasius. Alaska pollock is the thing in the filet of fish sandwich. It\'s the thing in that fake crab that you find in your California roll. We use a lot of pollock ourselves, but we send 600 million pounds of it abroad every year. And in the other direction, we get a similarly kind of white flaky fish, a tilapia or a pangasius, coming to us mostly from China and Vietnam. So they fill a similar kind of fish niche, but they\'re very different. GROSS: Is pangasius like the catfish? GREENBERG: Pangasius catfish, yes. They are an air-breathing catfish from Vietnam. They originally appeared because you could put them right underneath the outhouse and they would eat the effluent. GROSS: Oh, thank you for that. (LAUGHTER) GREENBERG: Sorry. And then they get - but it turns out they’re actually a very good fish for aquaculture and that you can cram them into a pond until they\'re - look almost like an M.C. Escher painting, like one on top of the other. I mean, its surreal. GROSS: You\'re making my day. (LAUGHTER) GREENBERG: Yeah, sorry (laughter). No - and when their ponds get too crowded and they don\'t have enough oxygen in them, they stick their little faces above the surface of the water and they breathe air. So they\'re kind of miraculous in one sense, and they\'d be great if we could be sure that they were well-inspected and so forth. But they\'re not. Only 2 percent of the seafood we import gets any kind of look from the FDA at all. GROSS: So why are we exporting so much of our fish? GREENBERG: Well, it\'s a complicated answer to that. I was just recently out in California interviewing a fisherman. And his reason was, hey, Americans just aren\'t hip to seafood. We only eat about 15 pounds of seafood per year per capita. That\'s half of the global average. So there\'s that. The other thing is that other countries really are hip to seafood. The Chinese love seafood. The Japanese, the Koreans, they love seafood. And they\'re willing to pay top dollar for it. We just aren\'t willing to do so. We want our food cheap and easy. GROSS: And how much is, like, fast-food fish contributing to that, whether it\'s like frozen fish sticks in the supermarket or fish chains like Red Lobster - not to single out Red Lobster, but just as an example? GREENBERG: No, no, no (laughter). GROSS: You know, McDonald\'s has their fish sandwiches. All those places have their fish sandwiches now. GREENBERG: All this sort of fast-food commodification of seafood protein - ‘cause that\'s kind of what it is at this point - adds to that general preference for cheap stuff. Kind of in tandem and in league with that is the American tendency to avoid taste. I mean, you must’ve had, like, your share… GROSS: (Laughter). GREENBERG: Well, I’m sorry it’s true. But, I mean, you must\'ve had your share of, like, foodies on your show, you know, talking about flavor and texture and how Americans - the food movement and all that kind of thing. And, yeah, that\'s true of about, like, 5 percent of Americans. But 95 percent of Americans really are not so into flavor. I\'ve heard fish people talk about things like tilapia as dough delivery systems. You know, they (laughter) - it\'s just a way to get a fried thing onto your plate. And so if we don\'t like the flavorsome fish, like bluefish, like mackerel, things like oysters, things that really taste of the sea - if we don\'t like that, then we\'re going to go for these generic, homogenized, industrialized products. GROSS: I had to eat a lot of mackerel as a child. GREENBERG: (Laughter). GROSS: And to me, it was just a joyless fish. It was kind of bitter. It was thin. It was kind of, like, black in part of it. It didn\'t even look like a fish I thought was supposed to look. GREENBERG: I feel for you. Was that out of a can? GROSS: Oh, God. That would\'ve been even worse. The vegetables were, but... (LAUGHTER) GROSS: …The fish was from a fish store, which... GREENBERG: Really? GROSS: ...As you point out, they don\'t exist anymore. GREENBERG: Yes. GROSS: But yes, it was the neighborhood fish store. But it\'s not a fish I think a child would enjoy very much. GREENBERG: You know, a fishmonger once said to me - up in the Bronx he said, guy has a bad experience with fish once, they\'re ruined for life. (LAUGHTER) GREENBERG: So clearly, you know, mackerel is ruined for you. You know, but mackerel I actually think is a delightful fish if it\'s well-tended to. GROSS: Delightful, wow. OK, I got to try it again. I got to try it. GREENBERG: Yes, I do, I do. In fact, in your native Sheepshead Bay, there is a boat called the Brooklyn Six that goes out for mackerel for the two weeks that they\'re in our waters. And I love going out on the mackerel boat. I\'ll come back sometimes with 50 pounds of mackerel. I eat some of it super fresh, and you can have it as sushi and it\'s delicious. Some of it I smoke. Some of it I pickle. Some of it I do in a weird kind of - well, it\'s too long to go into (laughter). But I suffice it to say, I do a lot with mackerel, and I think it\'s a good fish - also very high in omega-3s, maybe the highest of all the fish that we eat out there. GROSS: So we should talk about salmon ‘cause that\'s one of the main fish that you - one of the three fish you write about in the book. GREENBERG: Yep. GROSS: Sockeye salmon - wild salmon from Alaska... GREENBERG: Yep. GROSS: ...Which we export a lot of (laughter). GREENBERG: Indeed. GROSS: So why - salmon is such a popular fish. Why are Alaskans exporting so much wild salmon because wild salmon is very prized, isn\'t it? GREENBERG: Well, wild salmon is very prized. Part of it has to do with the history of Alaska and its proximity to Asia. Long before Americans were really, as I say, hip to seafood, Asians were. And very early trade routes developed, particularly between Japan and Alaska. But as people started opening their doors to Alaska and Asia, it wasn\'t just the Japanese. Now it\'s the Chinese. Now it\'s the Koreans. And so there was this sort of natural conduit. But a weird thing is that a certain amount of Alaska salmon gets caught by Americans in Alaska, sent to China, defrosted, filleted, boned, refrozen and sent back to us. How\'s that for food miles? GROSS: Confusing. Why is that happening? GREENBERG: Mostly because we don\'t want to pay the labor involved in boning fish. And I think that - actually - well, then another thing is that more and more of that fish that used to go make that round-trip is actually staying in China because the Chinese are realizing how good it is, much to our detriment I would say. GROSS: So when Alaskan salmon is sent to China to be de-boned and then it\'s sent back here, it\'s frozen twice ‘cause it\'s frozen on the way to China. GREENBERG: Correct. GROSS: Then it\'s frozen on the way back to the states from China. GREENBERG: Yep. GROSS: I thought - I\'ve been told that you do not refreeze meat, chicken or fish. GREENBERG: I wouldn\'t. I think that probably, most of the time, this is done under sanitary conditions and so it\'s permissible. I think that it’s really home chefs that are discouraged from that. But still when you double-freeze something - you know, every time you freeze a piece of fish, you more or less rupture the cell membranes if you don\'t freeze it quickly enough. And then when you refreeze it and freeze it again, any cell membranes that weren\'t, you know, ruptured the first time around have a chance of being ruptured again. So that double-frozen salmon you get can have a kind of flaccid, unpleasant texture to it, which is why sometimes there\'s an inconsistent nature to Alaska salmon. GROSS: Isn\'t it expensive to ship the salmon back and forth like that, even though the labor is cheaper? GREENBERG: The labor is so much cheaper that it makes the shipping cost effective. And actually, when you ship things via freighter frozen, the cost per mile is relatively low compared to, say, air freighting or train travel or, you know, truck freighting. GROSS: So if we buy what we think is wild Alaskan salmon, do we know if it\'s been frozen, shipped to China, de-boned then refrozen and sent back to the States? GREENBERG: We don\'t always know. I tend to focus on supermarkets where I kind of trust their seafood sourcing and traceability issues. And I do buy it frozen because, you know, there\'s only this very small window during which time wild salmon is available fresh. Right now, actually, this very month of July is the most beautiful month for fresh wild Alaska salmon. Get beyond June, July, August and you\'re - really only should be buying frozen salmon. GROSS: So when you say you should buy frozen salmon most of the year, are you referring only to wild domestic salmon? GREENBERG: Yes, I’m talking only about wild salmon, should you buy it frozen out of season. The reason being is that it\'s going to be frozen anyway. I sometimes will go to a supermarket in January and I\'ll see fresh wild Alaska salmon sitting out there on ice. And I just shake my head at it because I know if it\'s January, there\'s a very little chance that that fish is fresh. All of the salmon, nearly all of the salmon, when it comes into the processing plants in Alaska gets immediately frozen. And that\'s great because if you freeze a fish right out of the water, it will be of the highest quality that you can get out of a frozen product. So when you go to the supermarket in January, don\'t go to the fresh seafood counter for your salmon, go to the frozen bins and get those nice vacuum-packed Alaska salmon things. And they\'re just going to be of higher quality if you can defrost them carefully in your refrigerator. GROSS: OK. If you\'re just joining us, my guest is Paul Greenberg, and his new book is called \"American Catch: The Fight For Our Local Seafood.\" Let\'s take a short break, then we\'ll talk more about fish. This is FRESH AIR. (SOUNDBITE OF MUSIC) GROSS: This is FRESH AIR. And if you\'re just joining us, my guest is Paul Greenberg, author of the new book \"American Catch: The Fight For Our Local Seafood.\" And he focuses on salmon, oysters and shrimp. And in telling their story, he tells the larger story of the endangerment of American seafood. Let\'s move on to shrimp. GREENBERG: Sure. GROSS: When I was growing up, shrimp was a luxury food. Like, a shrimp cocktail with a few jumbo shrimp, that was, like - that was a very special- occasion kind of food because it was expensive. And shrimp were a delicacy. And now it\'s like, all-you-can-eat shrimp. Join us at the shrimp bar. Like, how did shrimp go from being this, like, expensive delicacy, to being this, like, you know, all-you-can-eat thing? GREENBERG: Well, you know, I can first say that I had the same experience in my family. And, in fact, my in-laws had almost broke up their family, which is partially kosher and partially not, because the site of Thanksgiving got changed to a place that would not permit shrimp cocktail. So anyway, that\'s just an aside. (LAUGHTER) GREENBERG: But the breach was mended, and now shrimp cocktail is back in our lives. But the answer to the question of why shrimp is just everywhere now is very simple. It\'s aquaculture. And it has to do with one individual in particular, Motosaku Fujinaga, a Japanese aquaculturist who broke open the shrimp world somewhere just after World War II. He was an idealist. He had this idea that we could farm the seas and that we could feed everyone that way. And also, though, he probably was interested in making something that was profitable. There was a dish at the time in Japan called dancing shrimp. And it was made out of something called the Kuruma prawn. It was a live shrimp that you dipped quickly in sake and then popped in your mouth while it was still wriggling. So obviously, for a dish like that, you need to have a good supply of live shrimp. So he figured out, over the course of the \'40s and the \'50s, how to domesticate those shrimp. And as I say, Fujinaga was - he was an idealist. He was an internationalist. He trained many foreign students. He published his Ph.D. dissertation in English, which in postwar Japan was kind of a heresy. And then he trained all of these international students to farm shrimp and to develop his methodologies, and they fanned out all over Asia. And now, after 40 or 50 years of this Fujinaga diaspora, we have a situation where 90 percent of our shrimp is coming from abroad. Half of that is farmed, and most of it is coming to us from Asia. GROSS: Is that why you say shrimp tell the story of the unraveling of the entire American seafood economy? GREENBERG: Yes, very much so. Shrimp were kind of like - I call it the Manchurian crustacean. They slipped in as this... (LAUGHTER) GREENBERG: So they\'ve just now been activated. But they slipped in… GROSS: \"The Manchurian Candidate\" reference. GREENBERG: Yes, exactly. Sorry, you know, I\'m dating myself. But the shrimp slipped into our economy and opened up this conduit to Asia and to Asian aquaculture. And I should note, you know, I’m not anti-aquaculture. And China is the largest fish and seafood farmer in the world by far. But once we had those trade routes opened to China and to Southeast Asia, we started looking at other products. So, for example - this is a funny story. That pingasius catfish I mentioned earlier - so there was a whole trade war in the United States where Americans didn\'t want Vietnamese pingasius being called catfish because it was messing up our domestic catfish market. Well, then, what the Chinese did is they brought over some American catfish and farmed them in China and then sold them back to us at lower the price than what we\'ve been selling our own catfish for. GROSS: And a lot of our shrimp comes from Vietnam now. GREENBERG: It does. Although, you know, for the purposes of the book, I liked Vietnam because - and I visit Vietnam in the book - because it\'s an interesting country. It\'s a dynamic country. But I will say, the largest shrimp producer for us right now is Thailand. And I\'m not sure if you\'ve sort of followed the news lately. But it turns out, a certain amount of the shrimp that come to us from Thailand seem be to coming to us, in part, as the result of slave labor. GROSS: Oh. GREENBERG: The - so shrimp are fed wild fish, ground up and turned into meal - trash fish, they\'re called - just random fish that are trolled up in the South China Sea. Turns out, a large amount of that fish is being caught by boats in which the labor onboard are slaves. And that fish gets ground up, sold to the Thai shrimp farms. GROSS: Well, that\'s just very disturbing about the slave labor. You just don\'t know what you\'re buying, usually. GREENBERG: You don\'t. It\'s hard. I mean, there are... GROSS: And especially in a restaurant, you don\'t know. GREENBERG: The restaurant is a real problem. You know (laughter) I sometimes torture waiters and send them back multiple times to figure out what exactly was the providence of the fish that they\'re serving me. And the poor servers don\'t know. Sometimes the managers don\'t know. And sometimes even the buyers don\'t know. Seafood fraud is a huge, huge problem. There was a recent report by the nonprofit group Oceana that implied that more - you know, somewhere, anywhere - depends where you are in the country - but 20 to 70 percent of seafood sold in restaurants may be mislabeled - in other words, not even have the correct species identified with it. And to me, you know, all this trading, back-and-forthing, you know, wholesaling stuff through China, that\'s part of the reason that we have this fraud problem because the traceability is so difficult. GROSS: Another problem that you write about with shrimp is that - you flew to Vietnam to research this. And you write about how there were various bacterial infections that killed off a lot of shrimp, but also killed off the ponds that the shrimp were being farmed in. GREENBERG: Yes. Well, so shrimp are ancient creatures. And they don\'t really have much of an immune system, if any at all. So they\'re very prone to disease. And there have been wave upon wave of epidemics. First there was vibriosis, then there was white spot, then yellowhead. Just recently there\'s a disease called early mortality syndrome, which wiped out a billion dollars of the Thai shrimp crop. What happens when this kind of disease outbreak occurs is, oftentimes, you can\'t really clean up your pond. And so what they\'ll do is they\'ll abandon the pond, chop down more mangrove forests - and I should add that mangroves are critical to coastal protection and also to the propagation of wild seafood. So they\'ll cut down mangrove forests that are just right on the edge of the ocean, dig more ponds, grow shrimp there until the next disease infection breaks out. Now, many countries have gotten better and better at this. There are these biofloc systems out there that now seem to allow them to clean ponds more efficiently, and there\'s not as much pond abandonment as there used to be. On the other hand, there are tens of thousands of little shrimp producers all over Southeast Asia. And to monitor them and to understand exactly what it is they\'re doing is actually impossible. So, you know, to me, that\'s a huge hole in trying to certify and ensure that everything out there is green and safe. BIANCULLI: Paul Greenberg speaking to Terry Gross last year. His book, \"American Catch: The Fight For Our Local Seafood,\" is now out in paperback. After a break, we’ll hear more of his conversation with Terry. And film critic David Edelstein will review “Trainwreck,” the new comedy starring Amy Schumer. I’m David Bianculli, and this is FRESH AIR. (SOUNDBITE OF MUSIC) BIANCULLI: This is FRESH AIR. I’m David Bianculli, in for Terry Gross, back with more of Terry’s 2014 interview with Paul Greenberg. He’s the author of \"American Catch: The Fight For Our Local Seafood,\" which is now out in paperback. It uses the stories of shrimp, salmon and oysters to explain what\'s gone wrong with our seafood economy. Greenberg also the author of the best-seller \"Four Fish: The Future Of The Last Wild Food.\" When we left off, Greenberg was talking about shrimp. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED BROADCAST) GROSS: So let’s talk a little bit about the American shrimp industry. What’s left of it? GREENBERG: It’s in tatters. If you go down to the bayous in Louisiana, you’ll see that a lot of - you know, if you were to compare now and then and, say, 40 years ago, you’d see, in order of magnitude, fewer vessels out fishing for shrimp at this point. The guys who do remain, though, are increasingly starting to access local markets. One of things I mention in the book is an interesting operation called Delcambre Direct Seafood, whereby the captain can send via cell phone to a list of seafood buyers in the immediate area what exactly he or she has caught. And then when they arrive down to the docks, as the boats are coming in, a lot of that catch can be sold directly, which I think is actually a really nice model because it obviates - it gets around the middlemen that can really depress the price for the local fishermen. GROSS: So you do special things to get your shrimp. You special order them from a fisherman that you know. What about the rest of us? What should we be looking for when we buy shrimp? GREENBERG: I just tend to focus on going American if you can. If you can go with some of this U.S. farm shrimp - and there is some - I think that’s pretty good. And I think if you can go for wild shrimp from the Gulf - you know, there have been some issues about turtle bycatch, and people, of course, don’t want to be responsible for killing turtles. But on the other hand, the bottom that they trawl for shrimp in the Gulf of Mexico is muddy and nonstructured. So that means when you trawl for shrimp, you don’t mess up the benthic environment, the bottom environment. So I - you know, Monterey Bay, I think, gives it a yellow. But the Monterey Bay Aquarium as this card - this seafood watch card. And red is avoid. Yellow is kind of OK. And green is best choice. And so, you know, yellow - I haven’t checked their standards lately on Gulf shrimp. Last I checked it was yellow, but I know there’s been some issues around the turtle bycatch. So they might have bumped it up to red. Anyway, though - if I’m on the West Coast, I look for spot prawns whenever I can ‘cause those are pretty guaranteed to be well-caught and just a great product. GROSS: You point out an interesting focus group, and I don\'t know how big or significant this focus group was... GREENBERG: Yeah. GROSS: …But it was a focus group about fish. And people were complaining they don\'t like fish that tastes fishy, that they don\'t like how fish stinks up the kitchen when they cook it. And so they\'re afraid to, like, buy and cook fish and, therefore, rely on fish that you can just, like - that’s processed to be microwavable or it\'s, like, frozen fish, you know, that\'s already breaded or whatever. How significant was that focus group? GREENBERG: It was industry professionals saying - this was in fact actually multiple focus groups - that whenever they try and figure out why it is Americans won\'t eat more seafood, the three issues that come up again and again are I don\'t know what to do with it, I don\'t want to touch it and I don\'t want to it smelling up my kitchen. And I heard that across the industry from many, many different people. And I actually think that, for example, that tilapia is a direct result of that kind of research. You think about tilapia. It doesn\'t really taste like anything and it doesn\'t really smell like anything, and you can do anything with it that you want. And now tilapia has gone from completely unknown - in fact, an aquaculturist I knew said that the first time he’d heard the word tilapia, he thought it was a stomach disease. But anyway, tilapia has gone from a completely unknown fish to being the No. 4 most-consumed seafood in America. And almost all of it is imported, and most of it is from China. But rather than calling it fish, I\'d say - like instead of having chicken, maybe have tilapia, not instead of having salmon have tilapia. And the reasons are twofold. One is that, you know, it doesn\'t really have a connection to our local health of our coasts. But the other thing is that tilapia do not offer - hardly any - I don\'t think they offer any omega-3 benefit at all. People assume that if they are eating fish, that they\'re getting omega-3s. And it\'s just not true. Things like tilapia don\'t have them. GROSS: So one of the three types of seafood that you write about in your new book is oysters. And you point out that New York City used to be a capital for oysters and now it\'s illegal to harvest oysters in New York City\'s waters. Why? GREENBERG: Well, New York City was the capital of oyster culture up until about the 1890s. And Mark Kurlansky, he was saying to me that it used to be if you were going to New York, people would say to you, oh, you\'re going to New York? Enjoy the oysters. That was just, you know, what New York was known for. But two things happened. You know, there\'s always kind of a one-two punch when it comes to seafood eradication. The first punch was delivered long before our grandparents were born. When the Dutch came here, they found New York City literally ringed with trillions and trillions of oysters. So many oysters that - you know, the average oyster can filter 50 gallons of water a day per usual. GROSS: What does that - what does that mean? GREENBERG: Well, it means that a gallon of water - or 50 gallons of water would actually pass through the siphon of an oyster, through its whole body, and it sifts out algae and other things in the water, basically clearing the water. It\'s like having a little pool filter, only it\'s an oyster. Once upon time, when there were trillions of oysters in New York waters - New York City waters - they would turn over the entire water column in the course of a few weeks. So it was like constantly - it was like we had a giant pool filter for New York. I mean, it was amazing. GROSS: Can I just stop you? So what happens to the stuff that they\'re filtering out? Where does that go? GREENBERG: Well, what oysters live off of is algae. And that\'s mostly what they\'re - they metabolize that. And in fact, actually, omega-3s, we always associate those with fish, but omega-3s are actually synthesized by microalgae, by phytoplankton. And oysters will eat that. Mussels eat them. Clams eat them. It becomes, you know, part of their musculature and part of their energy system. So once they filtered out the water and they continue to filter the water, it\'s a kind of self-enforcing kind of thing. The water stays clean. More oysters can grow. And more oysters filter and the water stays clean. It\'s a great feedback loop. GROSS: But the oysters weren\'t good at filtering out raw sewage (laughter)? GREENBERG: No, they were not good at filtering - but let\'s back up a second. Up until 1820 - in New York - most of the oysters we ate were wild. But the Dutch, and then English after them, went crazy with oysters and mined them out to the point that the natural reefs collapsed. But oysters - because all they need to grow is algae - were very easy to farm. And so oysters started being sort of chucked around from bed to bed, even as far south as the Chesapeake, to make up for the lost wild oyster reefs. So we had a huge oyster industry in this country. I think we harvested, like, 2 billion pounds of oysters per year - similar, actually, per capita to what we do in terms of shrimp. So all that was good - oysters were booming in New York, the farming industry was great. But then, you know, the population just grew and grew. We actually switched over from having outhouses, which kind of in a way were better for oysters because when you pooped into a hole, that stuff would filter through the soil before it hit the water column, but when you had a sewage system that directly rooted sewage directly into the water, that\'s when people started getting sick. And so you had outbreaks of hepatitis. You had outbreaks of cholera. And so eventually by the 1920s, the last oyster beds in New York City were closed by the Department of Health. GROSS: ‘Cause they traced all these epidemics to oysters? GREENBERG: Back to oysters. So once oysters no longer could be eaten in New York, then it was, like, a pollution free-for-all. Then it was like, let\'s just throw everything in the water. So that\'s when the era of modern industry comes in and you start seeing, you know, heavy metals like chromium going into the water, PCBs as a - you know, PCBs are this chemically neutral thing that is used as a coolant. And they were dumped en masse into the waterways. All these kinds of persistent organic pollutants made it into the water column. And people just abandoned New York as a food source. It was like, well, this is just too gross. We\'re not going to eat from it. And the ecology declines along with it. So it\'s the reverse of the positive feedback loop we had at the beginning, with oysters cleaning the water and clean water allowing more oysters, if you see what I mean. GROSS: If you\'re just joining us, my guest is Paul Greenberg, and he\'s the author of the new book \"American Catch: The Fight For Our Local Seafood.\" Let\'s take a short break, then we\'ll talk some more. This is FRESH AIR. (SOUNDBITE OF MUSIC) GROSS: This is FRESH AIR. And if you\'re just joining us, we\'re talking about seafood. My guest is Paul Greenberg, the author of the new book \"American Catch: The Fight For Our Local Seafood.\" I have to say that the low point of your book... (LAUGHTER) GROSS: ...In terms of, like - this is just horrible - you were describing how oysters used to thrive in an area that became known as Dead Horse Bay... GREENBERG: Yes. GROSS: ...Because that\'s the site where the bodies of old carriage horses were dumped after salvaging what could be used for glue and gelatin. GREENBERG: Yes, well, the city is dotted with places like that, you know, with those kinds of names. But it\'s also dotted with the names of lost seafood. You know, Sheepshead Bay is actually named - people think it\'s named after the head of a sheep \'cause somehow maybe it\'s shaped like that, but it\'s actually names for a fish called the sheepshead porgy. And if you look at a sheepshead porgy, it has big kind of gnashing chompers. And what did they use those chompers for? Eating oysters. GROSS: Really? GREENBERG: So - yes - so... GROSS: I’m from Sheepshead Bay so this is fascinating. (LAUGHTER) GREENBERG: So, yeah, so - I mean, it used to be you would fish in Sheepshead Bay and what you caught in Sheepshead Bay - surprise - was sheepshead. Take away the oysters, you\'re going to lose the sheepshead. So, you know, these are these weird scars - we have - instead of Sheepshead Bay, we now have Dead Horse Bay, if you see what I\'m saying. GROSS: So because New York\'s waters became so polluted, it became illegal to harvest oysters because they were just very unhealthy, but were oysters continuing to survive in spite of all the pollutants in New York City waters? GREENBERG: So, you know, they\'re kind of like the last survivors from the apocalypse, you know? They\'re sort of scattered around little places, you know, lurking, waiting for their return. But recently, you know how they\'re rebuilding the Tappan Zee Bridge? I don\'t know if you saw that, but they\'re rebuilding Tappan Zee Bridge, which spans the Hudson. And they sent down a diving crew to check and see that - basically to make sure there was no wildlife they would be disturbing when they put in these new stanchions. Well, surprise, they found tons and tons and tons of oysters down there below the Tappan Zee Bridge, which actually presents a real problem for the core and for everyone trying to redo the bridge. So, yes, oysters are coming back. They do still exist. Even in the two or three years I was researching this book, there\'s a place I went back to several times called Soundview in the Bronx. And the first time I went there, we saw an oyster here, we saw an oyster there. But then a couple years later after hurricanes Irene and Sandy, both of which - hurricanes have a tendency to distribute oyster larvae and can actually be good for oysters. When we went back to Soundview, the last time I went there, there are radial tires tossed into the bay all over the place. Well, it turns out that radial tires are just perfect for oysters. And it was like these beautiful rings of oysters completely encrusting these radial tires. So it was kind of a weird “Mad Maxy” sort of moment. GROSS: So one of the things you did for research for your book is to dive in Jamaica Bay and - in the New York City area and look for oysters. You found an oyster, and you ate it. I mean, you just told us how polluted these waters have been, how you can\'t eat the oysters there. Why did you eat it anyways? GREENBERG: Well - and truthfully when I did the dive in Jamaica Bay, we didn\'t find any oysters. It was rather in the Bronx in Soundview that I ate the oyster. I ate the oyster kind of on a dare to myself. I was really irritated with the way that laws have been passed, not just in New York City but around our coasts, that make shellfish culture harder and harder. Like, for example, in New Jersey several years ago, they had a great oyster restoration project. And they used this statute called attractive nuisance, which is basically saying that if something in the environment can lure an unsuspecting person into endangering themselves, like eating an oyster, then it presents a liability. So the state ordered New York/New Jersey Baykeeper to haul up all of these oysters and throw them in the garbage. And I was just - you know, over the years of hearing story like this - story after story, I kind of almost ate the oyster in Soundview in protest. And I should say very clearly, you folks at home, don\'t try this at home. This was done by a professional writer, so... (LAUGHTER) GREENBERG: But no, I, you know, so - seriously, I mean, I actually hesitated to even put it in the book because, you know, I don\'t think people should be eating oysters out of New York waters. It\'s a definite no-no. But I was curious, and as I say, I don\'t really have too much to lose. And I didn\'t get sick, but not long afterward, somebody from the Hudson River Foundation who I had regularly gone out to the grounds with got a cut in Soundview Beach - cut himself on a rock and got a horrible, horrible, horrible bacterial infection. So that was enough warning for me to never ever eat a New York oyster from New York City waters. GROSS: OK. Good luck with your writing career. (LAUGHTER) GREENBERG: Well, you know how it goes. I mean, I\'m branching out, new media. (LAUGHTER) GROSS: If you\'re just joining us, my guest is Paul Greenberg, and he\'s the author of the new book \"American Catch: The Fight For Our Local Seafood.\" So, you know, you\'ve told us about why Americans are eating more and more seafood from other countries and why we\'re also exporting a lot of seafood to other countries, in spite of the fact that we\'re importing so much seafood. Another statistic that you point out is that most people now buy their fish in supermarkets, whether it\'s the health food supermarket or the old-fashioned supermarket. Fish sellers have more or less disappeared. You say in the early \'80s, fish markets and individual fishmongers controlled 65 percent of the seafood trade and now it\'s 11 percent. What happened? GREENBERG: I can tell you exactly what happened in my neighborhood. I live down in lower Broadway, actually a block or two from ground zero. And when I first moved in, and, you know, I moved in mostly for a woman and also for the real estate, but I went down towards the river and I stumbled upon the Fulton Fish Market. It was 2005, and there it was - this incredibly interesting, vibrant market. When I went back to visit it again a few months later, it was gone. It had been banished to an outpost of the Bronx. And, in fact, talking to a fishmonger up there, he said to me, you know where they put us? And then he shoved his hand into his arm pit. He goes, that\'s where they put us, up there. (LAUGHTER) GREENBERG: So, you know, we don\'t want fish markets in our viewshed. We don\'t want to smell them. We don\'t want to look at them. And so they have really been banished from the center of our cities and sequestered to a corner of our supermarkets. This is a process that aids all of the facelessness and commodification of seafood. It\'s also - because supermarkets rely on mass distribution systems of often frozen product, it means that the relationship between coastal producers of seafood is broken. And so it\'s much easier for them to deal with the Ciscos of the world or these large purveyors that use these massive shrimp operations, say in Thailand or China, than it is for them to deal with the kind of naughty nature of local fishermen. You know, some would say that that is just the natural progress, you know, the de-fanging of the natural world. But if that\'s the world we\'re headed for, maybe I\'ll just eat a few more New York oysters and be done with it. (LAUGHTER) GROSS: Well, Paul Greenberg, it\'s been so interesting to talk with you. Thank you so much. GREENBERG: Thank you, Terry. It was really fun. BIANCULLI: Author Paul Greenberg speaking to Terry Gross last year. His latest book, “American Catch: The Fight For Our Local Seafood,” is now out in paperback. Coming up, film critic David Edelstein reviews “Trainwreck,” the new movie comedy starring and written by Amy Schumer. This is FRESH AIR. (SOUNDBITE OF MUSIC) Copyright © 2015 NPR. All rights reserved. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by an NPR contractor. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. 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In Georgia a pipe burst in a faraway location totally unrelated to the location of what was happening and they stopped counting for four hours and a lot of things happened
The American Presidency Project About Search ![\\"ucsb](\\" Toggle navigation * Documents * Guidebook * Category Attributes * Statistics * Media Archive * Presidents * Analyses * GIVE ## Documents * Archive Guidebook * Categories * Attributes ## Categories * Presidential (241690) * Eulogies (65) * Executive Orders (10341) * Fireside Chats (27) * Interviews (1029) * Letters (4756) * Miscellaneous Written (110) * News Conferences (2512) * Spoken Addresses and Remarks (34750) * Farewell Addresses (11) * Inaugural Addresses (62) * Memoranda (3503) * Messages (12557) * Proclamations (9404) * Saturday Weekly Addresses (1639) * State Dinners (262) * State of the Union Addresses (100) * State of the Union Written Messages (140) * Statements (14408) * Vetoes (1228) * Citations (12925) * Written Presidential Orders (45439) * Remarks by Administration Officials (167) * Elections and Transitions (49500) * Campaign Documents (23506) * Convention Speeches (128) * Debates (191) * Party Platforms (105) * Transition Documents (569) * Congressional (29) ![\\"Photo](\\" j-trump_3.jpg?itok=2L6PIfL5\\") ### Donald J. Trump 45th President of the United States: 2017 ‐ 2021 # Remarks on the Presidential Election November 05, 2020 Good evening. I\'d like to provide the American people with an update on our efforts to protect the integrity of our very important 2020 election. If you count the legal votes, I easily win. If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us. If you count the votes that came in late—we\'re looking at them very strongly. But a lot of votes came in late. I\'ve already decisively won many critical States, including massive victories in Florida, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, to name just a few. We won these and many other victories despite historic election interference from big media, big money, and big tech. As everybody saw, we won by historic numbers. And the pollsters got it knowingly wrong. They got it knowingly wrong. We had polls that were so ridiculous, and everybody knew that at the time. There was no blue wave that they predicted. They thought there was going to be a big blue wave; that was false. That was done for suppression reasons. But instead, there was a big red wave. And it\'s been properly acknowledged, actually, by the media. They were, I think, very impressed, but that was after the fact. That doesn\'t do us any good. We kept the Senate, despite having twice as many seats to defend as Democrats. And in a really—much more competitive States, we\'ve—we did a fantastic job with the Senate. I think we\'re very proud of what\'s happened there. We had many more seats to defend. They spent almost $200 million on Senate races in South Carolina and Kentucky alone—two races—and hundreds of millions of dollars overall against us. At the national level, our opponents\' major donors were Wall Street bankers and special interests. Our major donors were police officers, farmers, everyday citizens. Yet, for the first time ever, we lost zero races in the House. I was talking to Kevin McCarthy today. He said he couldn\'t believe it: zero races. Very unusual thing. Zero. And actually won many new seats with, I think, many more on the way. This was also the year of the Republican woman. More Republican women were elected to Congress than ever before. That\'s a great achievement. I won the largest share of non-White voters of any Republican in 60 years, including historic numbers of Latino, African American, Asian American, and Native American voters—the largest ever in our history. We grew our party by 4 million voters, the greatest turnout in Republican Party history. Democrats are the party of the big donors, the big media, the big tech, it seems. And Republicans have become the party of the American worker, and that\'s what\'s happened. And we\'re also, I believe, the party of inclusion. As everyone now recognizes, media polling was election interference, in the truest sense of that word, by powerful special interests. These really phony polls—I have to call them phony polls, fake polls—were designed to keep our voters at home, create the illusion of momentum for Mr. Biden, and diminish Republicans\' ability to raise funds. They were what\'s called \"suppression polls.\" Everyone knows that now. And it\'s never been used to the extent that it\'s been used on this last election. To highlight just a few examples: The day before election, Quinnipiac—which was wrong on every occasion that I know of—had Joe Biden up by 5 points in Florida, and they were off by 8.4 points. And I won Florida easily. Easily. So they had me losing Florida by a lot, and I ended up winning Florida by a lot. Other than that, they were very accurate. They had him up 4 points in Ohio, and they were off by 12.2 points. And I also won Ohio—the great State of Ohio—very easily. The Washington Post had Biden up 17 points in Wisconsin, and it was basically even. They were off by about 17 points, and they knew that. They\'re not stupid people. They knew that. Suppression. There are now only a few States yet to be decided in the Presidential race. The voting apparatus of those States are run, in all cases, by Democrats. We were winning in all the key locations by a lot, actually. And then, our numbers started miraculously getting whittled away in secret, and they wouldn\'t allow legally permissible observers. We went to court, in a couple of instances, and we were able to get the observers put in. And when the observers got there, they wanted them 60, 70 feet away, 80 feet, 100 feet away—or outside the building to observe people inside the building. And we won a case—a big case. And we have others happening. There are a lot of—lots of litigation. Even beyond our litigation, there\'s tremendous amount of litigation generally because of how unfair this process was, and I predicted that. I\'ve been talking about mail-in voting for a long time. It\'s really destroyed our system. It\'s a corrupt system. And it makes people corrupt even if they aren\'t by nature, but they become corrupt; it\'s too easy. They want to find out how many votes they need, and then they seem to be able to find them. They wait and wait, and then they find them. And you see that on election night. We were ahead in votes in North Carolina by a lot—tremendous number of votes. And we\'re still ahead by a lot, but not as many, because they\'re finding ballots all of a sudden. \"Oh, we have some mail-in ballots.\" It\'s amazing how those mail-in ballots are so one-sided too. I know that it\'s supposed to be to the advantage of the Democrats, but in all cases, they\'re so one-sided. We were up by nearly 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania. I won Pennsylvania by a lot, and that gets whittled down to—I think they said now we\'re up by 90,000 votes. And they\'ll keep coming and coming and coming. They find them all over. And they don\'t want us to have any observers, although we won a court case. The judge said you have to have observers. Likewise, in Georgia—and they\'re appealing. Actually, they\'re appealing. We won a case that we want people to watch, and we want observers, and they\'re actually appealing, which is sort of interesting. I wonder why they\'d appeal—that all we want to do is have people watch as they do the vote tabulations. Likewise, in Georgia, I won by a lot—a lot—with a lead of over—getting close to 300,000 votes on election night in Georgia. And by the way, got whittled down, and now it\'s getting to be to a point where I\'ll go from winning by a lot to perhaps being even down a little bit. In Georgia, a pipe burst in a faraway location, totally unrelated to the location of what was happening, and they stopped counting for four hours, and a lot of things happened. The election apparatus in Georgia is run by Democrats. We also had margins of 300,000 in Michigan. We were way up in Michigan, won the State. And in Wisconsin, we did likewise fantastically well. And that got whittled down. Every—in every case, they got whittled down. Today we\'re on track to win Arizona. We only need to carry, I guess, 55 percent of the remaining vote—55 percent margins. And that\'s a margin that we\'ve significantly exceeded. So we\'ll see what happens with that, but we\'re on track to do okay in Arizona. Our goal is to defend the integrity of the election. We\'ll not allow the corruption to steal such an important election or any election, for that matter. And we can\'t allow silence—anybody to silence our voters and manufacture results. I\'ve never had—I\'ve been doing a lot of public things for a long time; I\'ve never had anything that\'s been as inspirational by people—calling, talking, sending things to us. I\'ve never seen such—such love and such affection and such spirit as I\'ve seen for this. People know what\'s happening, and they see what\'s happening, and it\'s before their eyes. And there are many instances which will be reported very shortly. There\'s tremendous litigation going on. And this is a case where they\'re trying to steal an election, they\'re trying to rig an election, and we can\'t let that happen. Detroit and Philadelphia—known as two of the most corrupt political places anywhere in our country, easily—cannot be responsible for engineering the outcome of a Presidential race—a very important Presidential race. In Pennsylvania, Democrats have gone to the State Supreme Court to try and ban our election observers and very strongly. Now, we won the case, but they\'re going forward. They don\'t want anybody in there. They don\'t want anybody watching them as they count the ballots, and I can\'t imagine why. There\'s absolutely no legitimate reason why they would not want to have people watching this process, because if it\'s straight, they would be—they should be proud of it. Instead, they\'re trying, obviously, to commit fraud. There\'s no question about that. In Philadelphia, observers have been kept far away—very far away—so far that people are using binoculars to try and see, and there\'s been tremendous problems caused. They put paper on all of the windows so you can\'t see in, and the people that are banned are very unhappy and become somewhat violent. The 11th Circuit ruled that, in Georgia, the votes have been in by election day—that they should be in by election day, and they weren\'t. Votes are coming in after election day. And they had a ruling already that you have to have the votes in by election day. To the best of my knowledge, votes should be in by election day, and they didn\'t do that. Democrat officials never believed they could win this election honestly. I really believe that. That\'s why they did the mail-in ballots, where there\'s tremendous corruption and fraud going on. That\'s why they mailed out tens of millions of unsolicited ballots without any verification measures whatsoever. And I\'ve told everybody that these things would happen, because I\'ve seen it happen. I watched a lot of different elections before they decided to go with this big, massive election with tens of millions of ballots going out to everybody, in many cases, totally unsolicited. This was unprecedented in American history. This was by design. Despite years of claiming to care about the election security, they refuse to include any requirement to verify signatures, identities, or even determine whether they\'re eligible or ineligible to vote. People are walking in that they have no idea; they\'re just taking numbers. They\'re writing down things—the workers—and doing a lot of bad things. And we have a lot of information coming and litigation that you\'ll see that will shake even you people up, and you\'ve seen it all. The officials overseeing the counting in Pennsylvania and other key States are all part of a corrupt Democrat machine that you\'ve written about—and, for a long time, you\'ve been writing about the corrupt Democrat machine. I went to school there, and I know a lot about it. It hasn\'t changed. It\'s a long time ago, and it hasn\'t changed. It\'s gotten worse. In Pennsylvania, partisan Democrats have allowed ballots in the State to be received 3 days after the election, and we think much more than that. And they are counting those without even postmarks or any identification whatsoever. So you don\'t have postmarks; you don\'t have identification. There have been a number of disturbing irregularities across the Nation. Our campaign has been denied access to observe any counting in Detroit. Detroit is another place. So you don\'t have postmarks; you don\'t have identification. There have been a number of disturbing irregularities across the Nation. Our campaign has been denied access to observe any counting in Detroit. Detroit is another place—and I wouldn\'t say has the best reputation for election integrity. Poll workers in Michigan were duplicating ballots. But when our observers attempted to challenge the activity, those poll workers jumped in front of the volunteers to block their view so that they couldn\'t see what they were doing, and it became a little bit dangerous. One major hub for counting ballots in Detroit covered up the windows, again, with large pieces of cardboard. And so they wanted to protect and block the counting area. They didn\'t want anybody seeing the counting, even though these were observers who are legal observers that were supposed to be there. In Detroit, there were hours of unexplained delay in delivering many of the votes for counting. The final batch did not arrive until 4 in the morning and—even though the polls closed at 8 o\'clock. So they brought it in, and the batches came in, and nobody knew where they came from. We\'ve also been denied access to observe in critical places in Georgia. In multiple swing States, counting was halted for hours and hours on election night, with results withheld from major Democrat-run locations, only to appear later. And they certainly appeared, and they all had the name \"Biden\" on them or just about all—I think almost all. They all had the name \"Biden\" on them, which is a little strange. I challenge Joe and every Democrat to clarify that they only want legal votes. Because they talk about votes, and I think they should use the word \"legal\"—\"legal votes.\" \"We want every legal vote counted.\" And I want every legal vote counted. We want openness and transparency—no secret count rooms, no mystery ballots, no illegal votes being cast after election day. You have election day, and the laws are very strong on that. You have an election day. And they don\'t want votes cast after election day, and they want the process to be an honest one. It\'s so important. We want an honest election, and we want an honest count, and we want honest people working back there because it\'s a very important job. So that\'s the way this country is going to win. That\'s the way the United States will win. And we think we will win the election very easily. We think there\'s going to be a lot of litigation, because we have so much evidence, so much proof. And it\'s going to end up, perhaps, at the highest court in the land. We\'ll see. But we think there\'ll be a lot of litigation because we can\'t have an election stolen by—like this. And I tell you, I would—I have been talking about this for many months with all of you. And I\'ve said very strongly that mail-in ballots are going to end up being a disaster. Small elections were a disaster. Small, very easy-to- handle elections were disastrous. This is a large-scale version, and it\'s getting worse and worse every day. We\'re hearing stories that are horror stories—absolute horror stories. And we can\'t let that happen to the United States of America. It\'s not a question of who wins—Republican, Democrat; Joe, myself. We can\'t let that happen to our country. We can\'t be disgraced by having something like this happen. So it will be, hopefully, cleared up, maybe soon; I hope soon. But it will probably go through a process—a legal process. And, as you know, I\'ve claimed certain States, and he\'s claiming States. So we can both claim the States, but ultimately, I have a feeling judges are going to have to rule. But there\'s been a lot of shenanigans, and we can\'t stand for that in our country. Thank you very much. NOTE: The President spoke at 6:48 p.m. in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House. In his remarks, he referred to House Minority Leader Kevin O. McCarthy; Democratic Presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden, Jr.; and Christine Fizzano Cannon, judge, Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania. Donald J. Trump, Remarks on the Presidential Election Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project ### Filed Under ### Categories Presidential Spoken Addresses and Remarks Elections and Transitions Campaign Documents ### Attributes Campaign Remarks & Rallies Watch Video ### Location Washington, DC ![\\"\\"](\\" flags/DC.jpg\\") * twitter * facebook * linkedin * google+ * email ## Simple Search of Our Archives # per page 5102550100 Apply ### Report a Typo The American Presidency ProjectJohn Woolley and Gerhard PetersContact Twitter Facebook Copyright © The American Presidency ProjectTerms of Service | Privacy | Accessibility ![\\"uc](\\"/sites/default/files/pictures/uc-santa-barbara-wordmark- white1x.svg\\")
In Georgia a pipe burst in a faraway location totally unrelated to the location of what was happening and they stopped counting for four hours and a lot of things happened
Did Trump knowingly push a false narrative about a water leak being the reason poll watchers left the Fulton County ballot counting facility? : r/AskTrumpSupporters Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/AskTrumpSupporters A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to AskTrumpSupporters r/AskTrumpSupporters r/AskTrumpSupporters Q&A subreddit to understand Trump supporters, their views, and the reasons behind those views. Debates are discouraged. * * * 91K Members 142 Online • 1 yr. ago Benjamin5431 ADMIN MOD # Did Trump knowingly push a false narrative about a water leak being the reason poll watchers left the Fulton County ballot counting facility? In regards to the 2020 election in Fulton County Georgia, I see many Trump supporters (and even Trump himself and his associates) claim a \"water main break\" was manufactured in order to send poll watchers and election workers home so that a few election workers could stay behind and nefariously rig the election for Biden without getting caught. (Even tho there was cameras??) They claim: A.) That there was no water leak, or that it happened far away/wasnt significant, etc. B.) That the water leak was the reason election workers were told to go home at 10:30pm (the famous \"suitcases of ballots\" footage) Here is Trump at a press conference on Nov 5th 2020: \"In Georgia, a pipe burst in a faraway location, totally unrelated to the location of what was happening, and they stopped counting for four hours, and a lot of things happened...The election apparatus in Georgia is run by Democrats.\" Also, In the phone call to GA SoS Brad Raffensperger, Trump again mentioned the broken water main controversy and the alleged lack of observers. \"They said they left. They ran out because of a water main break, and there was no water main. There was nothing. There was no break. There was no water main break...It was late in the evening, late in the, early in the morning, and there was nobody else in the room. Where were the poll watchers, and why did they say a water main broke, which they did and which was reported in the newspapers? They said they left. They ran out because of a water main break, and there was no water main. There was nothing. There was no break. There was no water main break. But where, if you take out everything, where were the Republican poll watchers, even where were the Democrat poll watchers? Because there were none.\" I\'ve seen people in this sub claim the exact same narrative (i\'ll link a comment thread in the comments as proof if allowed) and there are several posts from Trump Supporters on social media pushing this narrative that there was no water main break and that \"they\" made this up to make people evacuate the building and stop the ballot counting (but leave a few ballot counters behind to rig the election) A lawsuit filed by former Trump ally Sydney Powell against Brain Kemp and Brad Raffensperger pushed this narrative as well. From the filing: \"Specifically, video from the State Farm Arena in Fulton County shows that on November 3rd after the polls closed, election workers falsely claimed a water leak required the facility to close. All poll workers and challengers were evacuated for several hours at about 10:00 PM. However, several election workers remained unsupervised and unchallenged working at the computers for the voting tabulation machines until after 1:00 AM\" But there are a few problems with this: 1. The \"water leak\" really did happen, but at 6am beforehand, not 10:30pm, there is footage of it from the surveillance footage. The SAME state farm arena footage. There was a media outlet reporter who misspoke and said \"water main break\" but County and State officials simply said it was \"plumbing issues\" or a \"water leak\" and it wasnt in some faraway location like Trump claimed, it was in the floor above them and was dripping down on where ballots were about to be counted. Most outlets reported it was a pipe burst, It was later clarified that it was a overflowing toilet on the floor above them. While one or two local media outlets wrongly called it a \"water main break\" officials never called it this. Source: 2\. This happened at 6am and was fixed by 9am, it had nothing to do with why people left at 10:30pm. These are two separate events that Trump supporters are falsely conflating together. Sources: absentee-ballot-tabulation-at-state-farm-arena 3\. It was planned beforehand to stop counting votes at 10:30pm. (Therefore, it wasnt because of the water leak which happened a whole 14 hours prior) \"Elections board member Mark Wingate told reporters he believes the county won’t have definitive results until later this week. Fulton County Director of Registration and Elections Richard Barron said they will stop counting absentee ballots at 10:30 p.m. Nov. 3, and resume in the morning. As planned, Fulton County will continue to tabulate the remainder of absentee ballots over the next two days. Absentee ballot processing requires that each ballots is opened, signatures verified, and ballots scanned\" Given this information, did Trump, Giuliani, Sydney Powell, Lin Wood, and others push a false narrative that a fake water leak caused an evacuation later that night which resulted in the famous \"suitcase\" footage? Given the fact that the state farm footage shows the water leak and its cleanup, Trump, Giuliani, Powell, etc would have known the water leak wasnt fake and they would have known that it happened (and was fixed) 14 hours before poll watchers went home. So then why are they pretending it happened at a faraway location or that it never happened at all and that it was the reason poll watchers left at 10:30? Is this evidence that they know they are pushing a false narrative in order to try and sow distrust in the election results? Read more Add a Comment Sort by: Controversial Open comment sort options * Best * Top * New * Controversial * Old * Q&A ![\\"u/AutoModerator](\\" AutoModerator • 1y ago • Moderator Announcement Read More » AskTrumpSupporters is a Q&A subreddit dedicated to better understanding the views of Trump Supporters, and why they hold those views. **For all participants:** * Flair is required to participate * Be excellent to each other **For Nonsupporters/Undecided:** * No top level comments * All comments must seek to clarify the Trump supporter\'s position **For Trump Supporters:** * Message the mods to have the downvote timer disabled Helpful links for more info: Rules | Rule Exceptions | Posting Guidelines | Commenting Guidelines _I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please_contact the moderators of this subreddit _if you have any questions or concerns._ Reply reply ![\\"u/fullstep](\\" fullstep • 1y ago • Edited 1y ago • It seems you spent several opening paragraphs arguing the notion that Trump supporters falsly claimed there was no water main break that caused the 10:30 vote count shut down. And then in your first bullet point you confirmed that there wasn\'t, in fact, any water main break that caused the shutdown. So i\'m a bit perplexed by exatly what you are trying to argue. Your second and third points both argue that the 10:30 shutdown was \"planned\" but, although you quoted some text to support it, you offer no links or sources to to verify or vet that quote. Further, your own quote states that they will STOP counting, and we have video evidence showing clearly that that did not happen. So with everything you\'ve said above, it seems you\'ve given more support to the Trump claims than you did debunk them. At least, that\'s what it seems like to me. Feel free to clarify. Reply reply Benjamin5431 • 1y ago • Trump and many of his allies are claiming that the deep state, or whoever, created a fake water main break story in order to get everyone out of the building at 10:30pm so they could rig votes without any poll watchers. 1. There was a water leak, it was at 6am. It has nothing to do with why people left the building at 10:30. Trump is conflating two separate things. 2. Trump claimed the water leak happened far away, then in a phone call to the GA SoS he said the water leak was fake, but that everyone was evacuating because they were told it was a water main break, even though there really wasnt one. This never happened. Trump is trying to say that there was a conspiracy about a water leak, that they made it up to get people to leave the building. The quote about planning to stop at 10:30 comes from here: of-ballots-delays-fulton-election- results/article_b66b673c-1e3e-11eb-b5dc-8b49c736473d.html \"ATLANTA — The Fulton County Registration and Elections Department now says it will continue counting ballots tonight, after officials initially said it would stop counting mail-in ballots at 10:30 p.m., and resume the count Wednesday morning. Fulton is Georgia\'s most populous county, and includes most of the city of Atlanta. This means there will be no decisive results for Fulton County on Tuesday night, which will affect when the results for Georgia, overall, are known.\" Also: \"Fulton County election officials will reassess the situation at 10 p.m. to determine how to proceed but said it will be a late night in Fulton County for results.\" county So the plan was to stop at 10:30 but clearly plans changed and they kept counting, this is all documented. The SoS made a phone call to Rick Barron (head of elections in fulton) and said to keep counting. Anything else? Reply reply 49 more replies 49 more replies More replies Shaabloips • 1y ago • > \"In Georgia, a pipe burst in a faraway location, totally unrelated to the > location of what was happening, and they stopped counting for four hours, > and a lot of things happened...The election apparatus in Georgia is run by > Democrats.\" What do you think Trump was referencing here? What pipe was he referring to? Reply reply 18 more replies 18 more replies More replies 1 more reply 1 more reply More replies ![\\"u/Bernie__Spamders](\\" Bernie__Spamders • 1y ago • The issue with this whole situation is that the truth of what actually happened that night has been mostly scrubbed from tweets, news, etc. But I remember in real time the MSM reporting matching exactly what Trump said. There was a water pipe issue around 10:30pm, and poll workers were told to go home and counting was stopping for the night. Regardless of whether on not that was actually true is irrelevant, that\'s how it was reported. I thought it was truth until the next morning when Trump was \"behind\", and they had continued counting through the night with insufficient observation and oversight. More concerning, if that whole issue was resolved 12 hours earlier, why and how were workers instructed to go home at 10:30pm, and for what reason? go-home_536471.html This video confirms not only that workers were absolutely told that counting was done, but also counting continued under minimal observation shortly after. Note the above video is actually an attempt at a fraud debunking video, but they still admit as much. The funny thing is that all those sworn affidavits of election process irregularities, over 900 of them, under penalty of perjury, that no one acknowledged or even considered in 2020, are going to become completely relevant in the defense\'s arguments to undermine all of this nonsense in 2023. Reply reply Shaabloips • 1y ago • If I could ask, how can one disprove a sworn affidavit and prove the person is lying? If for instance I wrote a sworn affidavit that I thought I saw something (but it turns out what I thought I saw wasn\'t what I thought it was), could I be penalized if I didn\'t actually see that? And, if that\'s true, then what does it being a \'sworn affidavit\' really mean? I could claim anything really and it would be very hard to claim I was lying, wouldn\'t it? Reply reply 15 more replies 15 more replies More replies Shaabloips • 1y ago • If I could ask, how can one disprove a sworn affidavit and prove the person is lying? If for instance I wrote a sworn affidavit that I thought I saw something (but it turns out what I thought I saw wasn\'t what I thought it was), could I be penalized if I didn\'t actually see that? And, if that\'s true, then what does it being a \'sworn affidavit\' really mean? I could claim anything really and it would be very hard to claim I was lying, wouldn\'t it? Reply reply 25 more replies 25 more replies More replies IMetalus • 1y ago • As soon as you posted a media outlet, I immediately, along with most Americans, know that the exact opposite is true... he speaks facts. Reply reply Benjamin5431 • 1y ago • So then where do you get information about politics and world events? He speaks facts? So where did he get his information that poll watchers were kicked out due to a water leak? Reply reply More replies PostingSomeToast • 1y ago • It’s not about water. It’s about why they resumed counting without bi partisan observers. 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In Georgia a pipe burst in a faraway location totally unrelated to the location of what was happening and they stopped counting for four hours and a lot of things happened
Accessibility statementDemocracy Dies in Darkness Sign in Advertisement clockThis article was published more than **3 years ago** Democracy Dies in Darkness PoliticsBiden administrationThe FixThe BriefsPollingDemocracy in AmericaElection 2024 PoliticsBiden administrationThe FixThe BriefsPollingDemocracy in AmericaElection 2024 # ‘We will not allow anyone to stop us’: Day and night, under historic scrutiny, the nation’s vote counters carried on Fulton County election workers take an oath of integrity in Atlanta on Tuesday before receiving and processing ballots. (Melina Mara/The Washington Post) By Amy Gardner , Reis Thebault , Hannah Knowles and Michelle Ye Hee Lee November 9, 2020 at 1:06 p.m. EST **Please note:** The Washington Post is providing this important election information free to all readers. Get election results and other major news delivered to your inbox by signing up for breaking news email alerts. A burst pipe in the ceiling of Atlanta’s State Farm Arena, where Fulton County election officials had set up their vote-counting command center this fall, was perhaps the easiest of the challenges the staff faced in this singular year. Water splattering on the floor halted counting for two hours on Election Day, but it didn’t damage any ballots. And it was nothing compared to the seemingly Augean task of processing nearly 150,000 mail ballots, the unfounded accusations of fraud, the physical threats and the online harassment — and the distinctly racial overtones of mostly White protesters outside the building hurling unfounded accusations of wrongdoing as a largely Black staff of election officials inside methodically counted ballots. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement In the background was an anxious nation hitting “refresh” on their devices for the latest vote tallies, desperate to know who the next president would be, their eyes trained on Georgia and a handful of other states like no election in history. ![\\"\\"](\\" post/images/topics/election-180px.png\\"/) Follow Election 2024 Follow “I knew there was going to be more scrutiny here,” said Fulton County Elections Director Richard Barron. “I’ve learned to expect it, and you just deal with the pressure as it comes.” This year aimed a bright light on the way elections are run in this country — and put unfathomable demands on the people who run them. When the coronavirus pandemic exploded in March, it was instantly apparent that their already complicated task would become immensely more difficult: maintaining rosters of poll workers, providing protective equipment, preparing for a historic burst of mail voting and then counting all the ballots. How Trump loyalists are driving his campaign’s legal efforts to challenge ballots The pandemic also hit some offices directly: In April, a 23-year veteran staffer in Fulton died of the virus, and in October, an outbreak sickened 25 more. Layered over all of it was an incessant drumbeat of attacks on voting from President Trump, who for months cast doubt on the integrity of the election. The president’s onslaught only escalated once the polls had closed and the laborious vote count ticked on. At one point, he seized on the water leak in Atlanta as evidence of something sinister. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement “In Georgia, a pipe burst at a faraway location, totally unrelated to the location of what was happening, and they stopped counting for four hours, and a lot of things happened,” Trump said at the White House on Thursday. Inside the arena in Atlanta and thousands of centers like it around the country, election officials toiled on. Live streams beamed out videos of the painstaking process. In many counties, workers kept at it all night long, day after day after day. In the end, teams in large cities and tiny counties alike delivered a historic result: a record number of ballots counted with vanishingly few glitches and — despite the president’s claims — no evidence of widespread fraud. “We’re going to stay here until every single absentee ballot is counted,” Elections Director Shauna Dozier in Clayton County, Ga., told CNN during an interview about 2 a.m. Friday, with about 3,500 ballots to go. “Whatever it takes to get that done, we’re going to do it.” ### Under a microscope Long before the fall, elections officials were quietly preparing for what was to come. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement “We knew we would be under a microscope from day one,” said Peter Antonacci, the election supervisor in Florida’s Broward County, where disputes over signatures on mail ballots in 2018 led to recounts and a slew of lawsuits. Antonacci, who was appointed by then-Gov. Rick Scott (R) to clean house after the 2018 debacle, instituted a number of reforms after that election, including a better system to organize ballots. He filled 17 vacant positions and blasted out reminders to those voting by mail to sign the back of the envelope. In Pennsylvania’s Allegheny County, the nonstop phone calls from voters with questions about mail ballots began in August. Officials were soon working through the weekends and tapped staff from every department — including property assessments — to help with the deluge. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement Many officials in the country said the week would have proceeded immeasurably worse were it not for the private grants that flooded into election offices, including more than $400 million donated by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan. The funding was evident inside the Pennsylvania Convention Center, where an enormous staff of 150 yellow-vested workers counted Philadelphia’s mail-in ballots in a cavernous room outfitted with high-speed scanners and scales so sensitive they could detect if the interior security envelope was missing — a disqualifying omission known as a “naked ballot.” Philadelphia alone received $10 million in private grant funds. And in Arizona’s Maricopa County, officials posted signs in English and Spanish with QR codes of their live stream to make it easy for protesters to watch the count in real time on their mobile phones. The intensity of the hostility over the past week was nonetheless startling. One of the more vivid examples came in video footage from the TCF Center in downtown Detroit, where a surge of angry Trump supporters hoping to serve as election observers tried to pile into the facility. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement Egged on by Trump’s false claims of fraud on Twitter as Democratic nominee Joe Biden overtook him in state totals, the crowd materialized after a Facebook post from Stand Up Michigan, a conservative group opposed to coronavirus restrictions, urged supporters to show up at the counting facility “to help with challenging results.” Participants yelled, sang and banged on windows demanding they be let into the room. But with more than 200 challengers from each party already in the room, officials imposed a one-in, one-out policy amid concerns about the upswing in coronavirus cases across Michigan. When a building manager attempted to explain the limit, the crowd shouted him down with chants of “Let us in!” and “Stop the vote!” Several dozen police officers were brought in and stationed throughout the building, guarding the windowed entrance to the counting room. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement It was no calmer for election workers inside the room. Julie Moroney, a third- year law student at the University of Michigan and a nonpartisan poll challenger on hand on behalf of the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, said she saw a man urging a Republican poll watcher to “challenge every vote.” When a Democratic poll watcher stepped in to tell the Republican, “You don’t have to do that, sir. If you don’t believe in that, stand up,” the first man replied, “If you don’t feel comfortable doing that, we can substitute you out with someone else,” according to Moroney. Moroney said she saw Republican observers break the rules regularly, including speaking directly to poll workers when they were supposed to take challenges to supervisors. At one point, the Republican at her table started saying, over and over, “I challenge this ballot, I challenge this ballot, I challenge this ballot” — clearly trying, she said, to obstruct the count. Others demanded to know workers’ partisan affiliation, falsely asserting that it would be a crime if they were all Democrats. GOP officials in Michigan did not respond to requests for comment. The state GOP falsely asserted in a news release Wednesday that Detroit election officials had “shut out” Republican poll watchers. At some points, Moroney said, poll workers grew visibly frustrated. They stood up and clapped when unruly challengers were tossed from the room. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement And it was hard to miss the “icky and uncomfortable” racially charged dynamic of the scene, she said, with angry White poll challengers standing over election workers who were predominantly Black women, telling them they were not doing their jobs or were breaking the law. “That was the most heartbreaking part,” she said. “I felt for those workers. I could only imagine what it would feel like, trying to do your job, having these people hover and sneer at you and yell at you and make something so simple, something that’s supposed to be so patriotic, so hard.” Uncomfortable racial optics were on display at other counting facilities as well, notably in Clayton County, a majority-Black suburb of Atlanta that delivered a batch of votes just before 5 a.m. Friday that pushed Biden into the lead in the state. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement That came after an epic all-nighter in a concrete office building known as “the Bunker,” where election workers wearing masks, plastic face shields and gloves sorted through the remaining absentee ballots as journalists and poll watchers looked on. Nearly all the observers were White men from the Republican Party, who crammed into narrow hallways and rooms to watch a group of predominantly Black women count ballots, according to local journalist Robin Kemp. “These are ladies who remember very well segregation and very well the fight to ensure they’re able to go to the polls and able to have the right to vote and able to have representation,” she said. The year of the vote: How Americans surmounted a pandemic and dizzying rule changes so their voices would be heard The mood in the office remained tense through the night, with county law enforcement officials monitoring foot traffic. Most of the observers were young and seemed unfamiliar with election law, but they lodged complaints anyway, Kemp said. Workers responded with “a certain exhausted look that people have when they’re over it,” she said. The Clayton GOP did not respond to a request for comment. In Las Vegas, Clark County election officials dealt with so many hecklers and protesters that they increased security at their counting center. Employees were encouraged not to leave the building late at night by themselves. Registrar Joe Gloria said his own wife and mother were worried about his safety. But he insisted that the count would go on. “We’re going to be okay,” Gloria said. “We’re going to continue to count. We will not allow anyone to stop us from doing what our duty is.” ### A surge of mistrust In some states, election officials objected publicly to the barrage of unfounded accusations of wrongdoing. A Republican city clerk in Rochester Hills, Mich., published a video on Twitter on Friday disputing claims of irregularities by Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel. McDaniel alleged that officials had “found 2,000 ballots that had been given to Democrats that were Republican ballots.” Tina Barton, the clerk, called McDaniel’s claim “categorically false” in a video that has been retweeted more than 10,000 times. At issue, she said later in an interview, was a technical discrepancy that created duplicate results when absentee ballots were scanned. The error was fixed immediately and was a “far cry” from what McDaniel had described, Barton said. Barton said McDaniel’s claim was a “gut punch” given how physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted her staff of seven was after administering an election upended by the coronavirus pandemic and new statewide voting requirements. “I have worked hard to promote election integrity and security, not only locally but across the country,” said Barton, a member of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s board of advisers. “To have someone mischaracterize something that was done in my office in order to fit their agenda was crushing for me.” Judges in two states reject Trump campaign lawsuits as the president continues to press unsubstantiated claims of fraud A surge of mistrust was evident across the country. With hundreds of Trump supporters massed outside the ballot-counting center in Arizona’s largest county, many of them promoting unfounded rumors, election workers encouraged people to watch the process themselves on a live stream. “The public needs to trust in the election process,” said Maricopa County Elections Department spokeswoman Megan Gilbertson. “And we really believe that security and transparency are the way to ensure that trust is held.” The live stream was not new; Arizona state law requires it at ballot tabulation facilities. Maricopa County goes “above and beyond,” Gilbertson said, providing 24-hour access to cameras for its ballot tabulation center, mailroom, signature verification room and ballot-processing area. Rumors continued unabated. Officials spent much of the week battling unsubstantiated allegations that the use of Sharpie markers to fill out ballots had invalidated large numbers of GOP votes. The live feed did not appease the accusers. “Count the votes!” people roared outside the counting center in Phoenix on Friday. Susan Smiley Schramm, a Democratic election observer in Phoenix who partnered with a Republican to review ballots that were harder to decipher, wondered aloud as she left her shift Friday night about the sweaty man yelling at the top of his lungs into a megaphone. It was Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist known for claiming that the Sandy Hook mass shooting of elementary-age children was a hoax. She watched as Jones led the crowd in a chant repeated by Trump supporters around the country: “Stop the steal! Stop the steal!” Smiley Schramm said she believes Jones represents the very fringe of America rather than her community. “He’s not Phoenix,” she said. Still, she said, it only made her job feel more vital. “When I really felt not the pressure — not the burden, but the responsibility of what we’re doing — was when I heard these people talking about Sharpies and chanting ‘Count my vote,’ ” she said. ### Contending with threats In other communities, the pandemic contributed to the strain. In Fulton County, the elections staff had already mourned the death of Beverly Walker, 62, a grandmother and veteran registration officer who died in April of complications from the coronavirus. Then, just weeks before Election Day, a new outbreak “ripped through the warehouse in days,” infecting nearly half the staff, Barron said. Some of the workers who tested positive in October and have since recovered came back to work last week to help contend with the crush of absentee votes. Then, as Biden inched closer to overtaking Trump in Georgia, Fulton County became a magnet for baseless accusations by the president and his supporters. One such accusation stemmed from the live stream video taken inside State Farm Arena that spread rapidly through conservative social media. In it, a poll worker can be seen crumpling a piece of paper while a narrator accuses him of throwing away a ballot. In a Friday news conference, Barron said he had spoken to the worker, reviewed the video and concluded “undeniably” that he was not discarding a ballot. He was crumpling a piece of paper much smaller than the county’s ballots while working at a station that didn’t even involve opening ballot envelopes. That didn’t stop critics from posting the worker’s personal information online, including his address and license plate number. He has received threats and has had to move out of his home, Barron said. “He is currently in hiding,” Barron said. “Simply for wanting to be an election worker.” Knowles reported from Phoenix. Thebault reported from Atlanta. Maura Ewing in Philadelphia; Abigail Hauslohner, Michael Kranish and Beth Reinhard in Washington; Kayla Ruble in Detroit; Ryan Slattery in Las Vegas; Christina Spolar in Pittsburgh; and Haisten Willis in Atlanta contributed to this report. ### Election 2020: Biden defeats Trump The latest: Congress affirms Biden’s presidential win following riot at U.S. Capitol Graphic: How members of Congress voted on counting the electoral college vote Live updates: Trump pledges ‘orderly transition’ after Biden is declared winner at the end of a violent day 25th Amendment: Senior officials have discussed removing Trump. Here’s how that could work. Election results under attack: Here are the facts Full election results Share Comments ![\\"\\"](\\"/dr/resources/images/generic-newsletter-signup.png\\") ![\\"\\"](\\"/dr/resources/images/generic-newsletter-signup.png\\") Sign up Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement © 1996-2024 The Washington Post * * © 1996-2024 The Washington Post
In Georgia a pipe burst in a faraway location totally unrelated to the location of what was happening and they stopped counting for four hours and a lot of things happened
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President Donald Trump and members of the Republican Party have sought to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in which Joe Biden was declared the winner. The Washington Post reported on Trump\'s latest attempt to undermine the election. In a leaked recorded phone call made on Saturday, Trump can be heard attempting to convince Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, to find enough votes to ensure that Georgia went to Trump. After three rounds of ballot counting, Biden won the state by an 11,779-vote margin. Trump has made unproven claims of voter fraud in other swing states that were key to Biden\'s victory. > I love the Great State of Georgia, but the people who run it, from the > Governor, @BrianKempGA, to the Secretary of State, are a complete disaster > and don’t have a clue, or worse. Nobody can be this stupid. Just allow us to > find the crime, and turn the state Republican.... > > — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 30, 2020 According to The New York Times, Trump listed a number of reasons why votes in Georgia were invalid to try to convince Raffensperger to overturn the results. One issue referred to a controversy from early November, when a water main allegedly broke. ## The Claim On November 5, Trump said during a press conference that a pipe allegedly burst, delaying vote counting for four hours, and that there were no observers allowed after the incident was resolved. \"In Georgia, a pipe burst in a faraway location, totally unrelated to the location of what was happening, and they stopped counting for four hours, and a lot of things happened,\" Trump said. \"The election apparatus in Georgia is run by Democrats.\" Trump went on to say that \"we\'ve also been denied access to observe in critical places in Georgia.\" In the phone call to Raffensperger, Trump again mentioned the broken water main controversy and the alleged lack of observers. They said they left. They ran out because of a water main break, and there was no water main. There was nothing. There was no break. There was no water main break. President Donald Trump \"Where they got—number one they said very clearly and it\'s been reported that they said there was a major water main break,\" Trump said. \"Everybody fled the area. And then they came back, [name bleeped out] and her daughter and a few people. There were no Republican poll watchers. Actually, there were no Democrat poll watchers, I guess they were them. But there were no Democrats, either, and there was no law enforcement. \"It was late in the evening, late in the, early in the morning, and there was nobody else in the room. Where were the poll watchers, and why did they say a water main broke, which they did and which was reported in the newspapers? They said they left. They ran out because of a water main break, and there was no water main. There was nothing. There was no break. There was no water main break. But where, if you take out everything, where were the Republican poll watchers, even where were the Democrat poll watchers? Because there were none.\" ## The Facts On December 7, Republican Gabriel Sterling, the voting implementation manager for Georgia, spoke at a press conference that was recorded by C-SPAN. He addressed the issue of the water main controversy: \"Let\'s be clear, there was no water main break. There was a urinal that they turn off during the downtime at State Farm [Arena in Atlanta] because there\'s no events going on there. And it had a little slow leak that came over the side.\" Sterling also pointed out that the events of the night of the water leak can be found on surveillance footage. \"You\'ll see when they walk in and see the obvious water leak on the floor. You will see they move all of the stuff out of the way. You will see the Zamboni little carpet drier thingy driving around. I mean, you can see all the things happening. You can see the table get put in place,\" Sterling said. \"What\'s really frustrating is the president\'s attorneys had this same videotape. They saw the exact same things the rest of us could see and they chose to mislead state senators and the public about what was on that video.\" > You can watch the @wsbtv report to show that the President’s team is > intentionally misleading the public about what happened at State Farm Arena > on election night. They had the whole video too and ignored the truth. > > > — Gabriel Sterling (@GabrielSterling) December 4, 2020 Frances Watson, chief investigator for the Georgia secretary of state, echoed Sterling\'s statement in an affidavit. \"The Secretary of State\'s Office opened an investigation into the incident at State Farm Arena. Our investigation revealed that the incident initially reported as a water leak late in the evening of November 3rd was actually a urinal that had overflowed early in the morning of November 3rd, and did not affect the counting of votes by Fulton County later that evening.\" The affidavit also states, in part, that \"observers and media were not asked to leave. They simply left on their own when they saw one group of workers, whose job was only to open envelopes and who had completed that task, also leave,\" the affidavit said. > Fulton has discovered an issue involving reporting from their work on Fri. > Officials are at State Farm Arena to rescan that work. I have a monitor & > investigators onsite. Also sent Dep. SOS as well to oversee the process to > make sure to secure the vote and protect all legal votes > > — GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (@GaSecofState) November 7, 2020 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported on November 17 that \"the water leak was originally reported as a burst pipe, but days later officials corrected themselves to say it was a leaky toilet spilling water into a room with ballots early on Election Day.\" The official Twitter account for Fulton County also addressed the incident and promised that \"no ballots or equipment were damaged.\" > Clarification Regarding a plumbing incident affecting absentee ballot > processing: Around 6 am on Nov 3, a pipe burst in the room at State Farm > Arena where absentee ballots were processed. Arena staff swiftly completed > repairs. Work resumed in approx 2 hours. > > — FultonCountyGeorgia (@FultonInfo) November 6, 2020 State Farm Arena also published a statement saying, \"Within 2 hours, repairs were complete. No ballots were damaged, nor was any equipment affected. There was a brief delay in tabulating absentee ballots while the repairs were being planned, Fulton County will continue to tabulate the remainder of absentee ballots over the next two days.\" According to CNN, Fulton County finished processing ballots on November 5 while more than 50,000 outstanding ballots remained throughout the rest of Georgia. ## The Ruling Mostly false. Trump said to Raffensperger on Saturday that there was no break, nothing. That is incorrect. Officials determined that there was a water leak from a urinal at State Farm Arena on November 3 that took two hours to repair. Approximately two hours after the repair was completed, vote counting resumed. There was a four-hour delay, but members of the media, election officials, observers and poll watchers were not asked to leave while repairs were being made. Additionally, election officials in Georgia report to the secretary of state, Raffensperger, a Republican, so the election apparatus is not run by Democrats. Read more * Fact Check: Did Warnock Receive Donations From Pastor Who Hosted Castro? * Fact Check: Can Mike Pence Decide Which Electors\' Votes Count? * Fact Check: Would Repealing Section 230 Promote Free Speech as Trump Says? * Fact Check: Did Mitch McConnell Block Paid Sick Leave From Relief Bill? ![\\"Georgia](\\" workers-count- ballots-2020-race.jpg?w=1200&f=e8d5dc054a3cb5ff1e8f37046ab9abe1\\") Election workers count Fulton County ballots at State Farm Arena on November 4, 2020 in Atlanta. A Georgia signature match audit in Cobb County found a 99.99 percent accuracy rate, further disproving President Donald Trump\'s... Election workers count Fulton County ballots at State Farm Arena on November 4, 2020 in Atlanta. A Georgia signature match audit in Cobb County found a 99.99 percent accuracy rate, further disproving President Donald Trump\'s allegations of widespread voter fraud. More Jessica McGowan/Getty For more information about this ranking please click on this LINK Request Reprint & Licensing Submit Correction View Editorial Guidelines ### About the writer Shayna Greene FOLLOW To read how Newsweek uses AI as a newsroom tool, Click here. 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A qUarTER a daY fOr a YeAr WIlL gEt yoU $9,125. : r/mathmemes Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/mathmemes A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to mathmemes r/mathmemes r/mathmemes ![\\"matt\\"](\\" ![\\"matt\\"](\\" buh Give me some mathematical memes! * * * 513K Members 128 Online • 6 yr. ago Dmitri-Mendeleev ADMIN MOD # A qUarTER a daY fOr a YeAr WIlL gEt yoU $9,125. ![\\"\\"](\\" ![\\"r/mathmemes](\\" ![\\"r/mathmemes](\\" Top 1% Rank by size ![\\"matt\\"](\\" ![\\"matt\\"](\\" buh Public Anyone can view, post, and comment to this community ## Top Posts * Reddit reReddit: Top posts of March 15, 2019 * Reddit reReddit: Top posts of March 2019 * Reddit reReddit: Top posts of 2019 * * * TOPICS * Internet Culture (Viral) * Amazing * Animals & Pets * Cringe & Facepalm * Funny * Interesting * Memes * Oddly Satisfying * Reddit Meta * Wholesome & Heartwarming * Games * Action Games * Adventure Games * Esports * Gaming Consoles & Gear * Gaming News & Discussion * Mobile Games * Other Games * Role-Playing Games * Simulation Games * Sports & Racing Games * Strategy Games * Tabletop Games * Q&As * Q&As * Stories & Confessions * Technology * 3D Printing * Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning * Computers & Hardware * Consumer Electronics * DIY Electronics * Programming * Software & Apps * Streaming Services * Tech News & Discussion * Virtual & Augmented Reality * Pop Culture * Celebrities * Creators & Influencers * Generations & Nostalgia * Podcasts * Streamers * Tarot & Astrology * Movies & TV * Action Movies & Series * Animated Movies & Series * Comedy Movies & Series * Crime, Mystery, & Thriller Movies & Series * Documentary Movies & Series * Drama Movies & Series * Fantasy Movies & Series * Horror Movies & Series * Movie News & Discussion * Reality TV * Romance Movies & Series * Sci-Fi Movies & Series * Superhero Movies & Series * TV News & Discussion * RESOURCES * About Reddit * Advertise * Help * Blog * Careers * Press * Communities * Best of Reddit * Topics * Content Policy * Privacy Policy * User Agreement Reddit, Inc. © 2024. All rights reserved. close # Log In By continuing, you agree to our User Agreement and acknowledge that you understand the Privacy Policy. Forgot password? New to Reddit? Sign Up back # Enter the 6-digit code from your authenticator app You’ve set up two-factor authentication for this account. Lost access to your authenticator? Use a backup code back # Enter a 6-digit backup code You’ve set up two-factor authentication for this account. Don’t have access to your backup code? Use a code from an authenticator app close # Sign Up By continuing, you agree to our User Agreement and acknowledge that you understand the Privacy Policy. Already a redditor? Log In back # Create your username and password Reddit is anonymous, so your username is what you’ll go by here. Choose wisely—because once you get a name, you can’t change it. close # Sign Up By continuing, you agree to our User Agreement and acknowledge that you understand the Privacy Policy. Already a redditor? Log In back # Create your username and password Reddit is anonymous, so your username is what you’ll go by here. Choose wisely—because once you get a name, you can’t change it. close back # Reset your password Enter your email address or username and we’ll send you a link to reset your password Need help? close back # Check your inbox An email with a link to reset your password was sent to the email address associated with your account close # Choose a Reddit account to continue back close # Reset your password Resetting your password will log you out on all devices.
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A quarter a day for a year will get you 9125
A penny a day for a year will get you nowhere.... : r/facepalm Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/facepalm A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to facepalm r/facepalm r/facepalm /r/facepalm - please sir can I have some more? * * * 8.3M Members 1.1K Online • 5 yr. ago LoLx1 ADMIN MOD # A penny a day for a year will get you nowhere.... ![\\"\\"](\\" ![\\"r/facepalm](\\" ![\\"r/facepalm](\\" Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sort by: Best Open comment sort options * Best * Top * New * Controversial * Old * Q&A eoaaosz • 5y ago • They did 365x25 instead of 365x.25 Reply reply 28 more replies 28 more replies More replies fyhr100 • 5y ago • Why stop there, $3 million a day and you\'re a billionaire in just under a year! Reply reply 5 more replies 5 more replies More replies ![\\"u/skimmytheraccoon](\\" skimmytheraccoon • 5y ago • A quarter every time this image gets posted on reddit might get you there Reply reply 1 more reply 1 more reply More replies [deleted] • 5y ago • Some damn good interest rate using that water jug. Reply reply 1 more reply 1 more reply More replies [deleted] • 5y ago • No, you ADD another quarter to the previous day\'s amount every day. So Day 1: 25 cents. Day 2: 50 cents. Day 3: 75 cents. And so on and so forth. Reply reply 12 more replies 12 more replies More replies ![\\"u/lmaoyeah212](\\" lmaoyeah212 • 5y ago • A quarter a day keeps the IRS away Reply reply ![\\"u/Cmann14_](\\" Cmann14_ • 5y ago • Jeez I’ve seen this so many times Reply reply [deleted] • 5y ago • In fact, it\'d take 100 years. I guess this was a exponential problem in his calcs. Reply reply 1 more reply 1 more reply More replies [deleted] • 5y ago • They did $25 a day not 25 cents lmao Reply reply 1 more reply 1 more reply More replies Torintime • 5y ago • He means a quater of his brain cells a day. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size Public Anyone can view, post, and comment to this community # More posts you may like * r/askmath r/askmath This subreddit is for questions of a mathematical nature. 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Metropolitan O'Higgins and Maule regions go from alert to alarm due to intense rainfall with high zero isotherm
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Metropolitan O'Higgins and Maule regions go from alert to alarm due to intense rainfall with high zero isotherm
* CR2 * About CR2 * 10 Years Report CR2 * TEAM * Principal investigators * Associate researchers * Full-time researchers * Adjoint researchers * Postdoctoral researchers * Research collaborators * Advisory panel * Management team * RESEARCH * Research proposal * Research lines * Water and extremes * Land use change * Resilient cities * Governance and science-policy interface * Coastal zone * Cross-cutting themes * Water security * Harmful algal blooms (HABs) * Atmospheric pollution * Forest fires * Carbon neutrality * Transversal initiatives * Economic Evaluation of the Megadrought * Transformation * Equipment * Instruments * Atmospheric River Observatory (ORA) * POSAR System * Computational resources * Collaboration networks * DATABASES * CAMELS-CL: Integrated information on water catchments * Climate reconstructions * Alerce tree-rings from the North Patagonian Andes * Precipitation records reconstructed from tree-rings over the Amazonian Andes of Peru * South American drought atlas since year 1400 * Forestry databases * Landscape fire scars database for Chile * Streamflow response to native forest restoration in former fast-growing Eucalypt forest plantations * CLIMATE SERVICES * Air Quality Explorer * Argentinian and Chilean Andes Snow Observatory * CAMELS-CL Explorer: Integrated information on water catchments * Climate Explorer * Climate Risk Maps for Viña del Mar and Valparaíso * Climate Simulations Online Platform * Mawün: Precipitation Explorer * Meteorological Visualizer * Reanalysis Explorer (R-Explorer) * South American Drought Atlas Explorer * PROJECTS * PUBLICATIONS * OUTREACH * Analysis * Climate Capsules * Constitutional Bulletins * Policy Briefs * REPORTS TO THE NATIONS * | SPANISH Search # ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/01/logoCR2_2024.png\\"/) Center for Climate and Resilience Research – CR2 ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2022/08/CR2_10years_eng.png\\"/) ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/01/logoCR2_2024.png\\"/) * CR2 * About CR2 * 10 Years Report CR2 * TEAM * Principal investigators * Associate researchers * Full-time researchers * Adjoint researchers * Postdoctoral researchers * Research collaborators * Advisory panel * Management team * RESEARCH * Research proposal * Research lines * Water and extremes * Land use change * Resilient cities * Governance and science-policy interface * Coastal zone * Cross-cutting themes * Water security * Harmful algal blooms (HABs) * Atmospheric pollution * Forest fires * Carbon neutrality * Transversal initiatives * Economic Evaluation of the Megadrought * Transformation * Equipment * Instruments * Atmospheric River Observatory (ORA) * POSAR System * Computational resources * Collaboration networks * DATABASES * CAMELS-CL: Integrated information on water catchments * Climate reconstructions * Alerce tree-rings from the North Patagonian Andes * Precipitation records reconstructed from tree-rings over the Amazonian Andes of Peru * South American drought atlas since year 1400 * Forestry databases * Landscape fire scars database for Chile * Streamflow response to native forest restoration in former fast-growing Eucalypt forest plantations * CLIMATE SERVICES * Air Quality Explorer * Argentinian and Chilean Andes Snow Observatory * CAMELS-CL Explorer: Integrated information on water catchments * Climate Explorer * Climate Risk Maps for Viña del Mar and Valparaíso * Climate Simulations Online Platform * Mawün: Precipitation Explorer * Meteorological Visualizer * Reanalysis Explorer (R-Explorer) * South American Drought Atlas Explorer * PROJECTS * PUBLICATIONS * OUTREACH * Analysis * Climate Capsules * Constitutional Bulletins * Policy Briefs * REPORTS TO THE NATIONS * | SPANISH # Articles in scientific journals Copy CSV Excel Print Show 102550100 entries Search: Título| Autores| Línea de Investigación| Año| DOI| Abstract| Revista| ISSN| Acceso| Páginas| Volumen| Index| Key Words ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- The southern South American Proteaceae, Embothrium coccineum exhibits intraspecific variation in growth and cluster-root formation depending on climatic and edaphic origins| Zúñiga-Feest, Alejandra; Delgado, Mabel; Bustos- Salazar, Angela; Ochoa, Valeria| Cambio de Uso de Suelo| 2015.0| 10.1007/s11104-015-2574-6| Background and aims Cluster root (CR) functioning has been studied mainly in Proteaceae species from (P)-deficient old soils. However, in southern South America, six species occur in young P rich soils. The aims were: i) to study the growth and CR formation of Embothrium coccineum seedlings from populations contrasting in edaphic and climatic conditions and, ii) to study the effect of P availability on CR formation. Methods Seedlings were grown from seeds collected from nine Chilean populations of E. coccineum (36° to 45° S). After 9 months in a nursery, CR formation and growth were determined. Additionally, seedlings from the two populations at the extreme ends of the distribution were maintained on sand and watered with nutrient solutions including or excluding P. Results All seedlings showed CR formation at 4 months old; however, CR allocation differed in that it was lower in plants from the north versus from the south. CR in seedlings from Curacautín (38°) were suppressed when P supply increased, though this was not seen in seedlings from Coyhaique (45°). Conclusions Results suggest local root adaptation related to both climatic and edaphic conditions. We hypothesize that these features could favor Proteaceae persistence in southern South American ecosystems.| Plant and Soil| 0032-079X, 1573-5036| 201-213| 396.0| Thomson Reuters ISI| climate conditions, cluster analysis, evergreen tree, growth rate, hypothesis testing, intraspecific variation, persistence, phosphorus, seedling, volcanic soil, aisen, chile, coihaique, embothrium coccineum, proteaceae Physiological and morphological responses to permanent and intermittent waterlogging in seedlings of four evergreen trees of temperate swamp forests| Zúñiga-Feest, Alejandra; Bustos-Salazar, Angela; Alves, Fernanda; Martinez, Vanessa; Smith-Ramírez, Cecilia| Cambio de Uso de Suelo| 2017.0| 10.1093/treephys/tpx023| Tree Physiology| 0829-318X, 1758-4469| 779-789| 37.0| Thomson Reuters ISI| acclimation, adventitious root, carbon cycle, evergreen tree, gas exchange, growth, leaf area, metabolism, microhabitat, morphology, photosynthesis, physiological response, seedling, stomatal conductance, swamp forest, temperate environment, tolerance, transpiration, waterlogging, south america, blepharocalyx, drimys winteri, luma apiculata, myrceugenia exsucca, water, drimys, ecosystem, forest, growth, development and aging, myrtaceae, physiology, plant leaf, plant root, seedling, tree, wetland, drimys, ecosystem, forests, myrtaceae, plant leaves, plant roots, seedlings, trees, water, wetlands Detailed dynamic land cover mapping of Chile: Accuracy improvement by integrating multi-temporal data| Zhao, Yuanyuan; Feng, Duole; Yu, Le; Wang, Xiaoyi; Chen, Yanlei; Bai, Yuqi; Hernández, H. Jaime; Galleguillos, Mauricio; Estades, Cristian; Biging, Gregory S.; Radke, John D.; Gong, Peng| Servicios Ecosistémicos| 2016.0| 10.1016/j.rse.2016.05.016| Stretching over 4300 km north to south, Chile is a special country with complicated landscapes and rich biodiversity. Accurate and timely updated land cover map of Chile in detailed classification categories is highly demanded for many applications. A conclusive land cover map integrated from multi-seasonal mapping results and a seasonal dynamic map series were produced using Landsat 8 imagery mainly acquired in 2013 and 2014, supplemented by MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index data, high resolution imagery on Google Earth, and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission DEM data. The overall accuracy is 80% for the integrated map at level 1 and 73% for level 2 based on independent validation data. Accuracies for seasonal map series were also assessed, which is around 70% for each season, greatly improved by integrated use of seasonal information. The importance of growing season imagery was proved in our analysis. The analysis of the spatial variation of accuracies among various ecoregions indicates that the accuracy for land cover mapping decreases gradually from central Chile to both north and south. More mapping efforts for those ecoregions are needed. In addition, the training dataset includes sample points spatially distributed in the whole country, temporally distributed throughout the year, and categorically encompassing all land cover types. This training dataset constitutes a universal sample set allowing us to map land cover from any Landsat 8 image acquired in Chile without additional ad hoc training sample collection.| Remote Sensing of Environment| 0034-4257| 170-185| 183| Thomson Reuters ISI| biodiversity, mapping, 30 m, enhanced vegetation index, high resolution imagery, land cover mapping, landsat, seasonal dynamics, shuttle radar topography mission, spatial variation of accuracies, image enhancement, accuracy assessment, biodiversity, digital elevation model, ecosystem dynamics, land cover, landsat, satellite imagery, seasonality, spatial variation, vegetation index, vegetation mapping, chile Temporal and spatial evaluation of satellite-based rainfall estimates across the complex topographical and climatic gradients of Chile| Zambrano-Bigiarini, M.; Nauditt, A.; Birkel, C.; Verbist, K.; Ribbe, L.| Dinámica del Clima| 2017.0| 10.5194/hess-21-1295-2017| Accurate representation of the real spatio- temporal variability of catchment rainfall inputs is currently severely limited. Moreover, spatially interpolated catchment precipitation is subject to large uncertainties, particularly in developing countries and regions which are difficult to access. Recently, satellite-based rainfall estimates (SREs) provide an unprecedented opportunity for a wide range of hydrological applications, from water resources modelling to monitoring of extreme events such as droughts and floods.This study attempts to exhaustively evaluate – for the first time – the suitability of seven state-of-the-art SRE products (TMPA 3B42v7, CHIRPSv2, CMORPH, PERSIANN-CDR, PERSIAN-CCS-Adj, MSWEPv1.1, and PGFv3) over the complex topography and diverse climatic gradients of Chile. Different temporal scales (daily, monthly, seasonal, annual) are used in a point-to- pixel comparison between precipitation time series measured at 366 stations (from sea level to 4600 m a.s.l. in the Andean Plateau) and the corresponding grid cell of each SRE (rescaled to a 0.25° grid if necessary). The modified Kling–Gupta efficiency was used to identify possible sources of systematic errors in each SRE. In addition, five categorical indices (PC, POD, FAR, ETS, fBIAS) were used to assess the ability of each SRE to correctly identify different precipitation intensities.Results revealed that most SRE products performed better for the humid South (36.4–43.7° S) and Central Chile (32.18–36.4° S), in particular at low- and mid-elevation zones (0–1000 m a.s.l.) compared to the arid northern regions and the Far South. Seasonally, all products performed best during the wet seasons (autumn and winter; MAM–JJA) compared to summer (DJF) and spring (SON). In addition, all SREs were able to correctly identify the occurrence of no-rain events, but they presented a low skill in classifying precipitation intensities during rainy days. Overall, PGFv3 exhibited the best performance everywhere and for all timescales, which can be clearly attributed to its bias-correction procedure using 217 stations from Chile. Good results were also obtained by the research products CHIRPSv2, TMPA 3B42v7 and MSWEPv1.1, while CMORPH, PERSIANN-CDR, and the real-time PERSIANN-CCS-Adj were less skillful in representing observed rainfall. While PGFv3 (currently available up to 2010) might be used in Chile for historical analyses and calibration of hydrological models, the high spatial resolution, low latency and long data records of CHIRPS and TMPA 3B42v7 (in transition to IMERG) show promising potential to be used in meteorological studies and water resource assessments. We finally conclude that despite improvements of most SRE products, a site-specific assessment is still needed before any use in catchment-scale hydrological studies.| Hydrology and Earth System Sciences| 1027-5606|| 1295-1320| 21| Thomson Reuters ISI| catchments, clock and data recovery circuits (cdr circuits), developing countries, runoff, sea level, systematic errors, complex topographies, high spatial resolution, meteorological studies, precipitation intensity, precipitation time series, resource assessments, spatiotemporal variability, water resources modelling, rain, catchment, climate conditions, drought, environmental monitoring, extreme event, flood, hydrological modeling, hydrometeorology, precipitation (climatology), precipitation assessment, precipitation intensity, rainfall, satellite data, software, spatiotemporal analysis, time series, topography, water resource, chile Using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model for Precipitation Forecasting in an Andean Region with Complex Topography| Yáñez-Morroni, Gonzalo; Gironás, Jorge; Caneo, Marta; Delgado, Rodrigo; Garreaud, René| Agua y Extremos| 2018.0| 10.3390/atmos9080304| The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model has been successfully used in weather prediction, but its ability to simulate precipitation over areas with complex topography is not optimal. Consequently, WRF has problems forecasting rainfall events over Chilean mountainous terrain and foothills, where some of the main cities are located, and where intense rainfall occurs due to cutoff lows. This work analyzes an ensemble of microphysics schemes to enhance initial forecasts made by the Chilean Weather Agency in the front range of Santiago. We first tested different vertical levels resolution, land use and land surface models, as well as meteorological forcing (GFS/FNL). The final ensemble configuration considered three microphysics schemes and lead times over three rainfall events between 2015 and 2017. Cutoff low complex meteorological characteristics impede the temporal simulation of rainfall properties. With three days of lead time, WRF properly forecasts the rainiest N-hours and temperatures during the event, although more accuracy is obtained when the rainfall is caused by a meteorological frontal system. Finally, the WSM6 microphysics option had the best performance, although further analysis using other storms and locations in the area are needed to strengthen this result.| Atmosphere| 2073-4433| 304| 9| Thomson Reuters ISI| land use, rain, topography, complex topographies, flash flood, land surface models, meteorological forcing, mountainous terrain, precipitation forecasting, temporal simulation, weather research and forecasting models, weather forecasting, atmospheric modeling, computer simulation, ensemble forecasting, precipitation (climatology), regional climate, temporal analysis, topography, urban atmosphere, weather forecasting Tracing Nitrate-Nitrogen Sources and Modifications in a Stream Impacted by Various Land Uses, South Portugal| Yevenes, Mariela A.; Soetaert, Karline; Mannaerts, Chris M.| Biogeoquímica| 2016.0| 10.3390/w8090385| The identification of nitrate-nitrogen (NO3–N) origin is important in the control of surface and ground water quality. These are the main sources of available drinking water. Stable isotopes (15N and 18O) for NO3–N and along with a 1-D reactive transport model were used to study the origin and processes that lead to nitrogen transformation and loss in a major stream that flows into a reservoir within an intensively cultivated catchment area (352 km2) in Alentejo-Portugal. Seasonal water samples (October–November 2008, March 2009 and September 2009) of stream surface water, wells and sediment pore water were collected. The results showed consistently increasing isotope values and decreasing NO3–N concentrations downstream. During winter (wet period, November 2008 and March 2009) slightly higher NO3–N concentrations were found in comparison to early fall (dry period: October 2008) and summer (dry period: September 2009). Isotopic composition of 15N and 18O values in surface water samples from the stream and wells indicated that the dominant NO3–N sources were derived mainly from the soil and fertilizers. There was also significant nitrification in surface water at the head of the stream. Sediment pore waters showed high NO3–N values near the sediment-water interface (reaching 25 mg·N·L−1) and NO3–N concentrations sharply decreasing with sediment depth, suggesting significant NO3–N consumption. Denitrification was also detected using the 15N signature in upstream waters, but not downstream where very low NO3–N levels were measured. In the stream, the calculated isotopic enrichment factor for NO3–N was −2.9‰ for 15N and −1.78 for 18O, this indicates that denitrification accounts for 7.8% to 48% of nitrate removal.| Water| 2073-4441| art385| 8| Thomson Reuters ISI| catchments, denitrification, drought, groundwater, isotopes, land use, nitrates, potable water, reservoirs (water), sediments, water quality, isotopic composition, nitrate nitrogen, nitrogen transformations, reactive transport modeling, sediment water interface, stable isotopes, streams, surface and ground waters, rivers, catchment, denitrification, drinking water, land use change, nitrate, nitrogen, porewater, reactive transport, reservoir, sediment-water interface, stable isotope, streamflow, transformation, water quality, alentejo, portugal Greenhouse gases, nutrients and the carbonate system in the Reloncaví Fjord (Northern Chilean Patagonia): Implications on aquaculture of the mussel, Mytilus chilensis, during an episodic volcanic eruption| Yevenes, Mariela A.; Lagos, Nelson A.; Farías, Laura; Vargas, Cristian A.| Zonas Costeras| 2019.0| 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.037| This study investigates the immediate and mid-term effects of the biogeochemical variables input into the Reloncaví fjord (41°40′S; 72°23′O) as a result of the eruption of Calbuco volcano. Reloncaví is an estuarine system supporting one of the largest mussels farming production within Northern Chilean-Patagonia. Field-surveys were conducted immediately after the volcanic eruption (23–30 April 2015), one month (May 2015), and five months posterior to the event (September 2015). Water samples were collected from three stations along the fjord to determine greenhouse gases [GHG: methane (CH 4 ), nitrous oxide (N 2 O)], nutrients [NO 3 − , NO 2 − , PO 4 3− , Si(OH) 4 , sulphate (SO 4 2− )], and carbonate systems parameters [total pH (pHT), temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen (O 2 ), and total alkalinity (AT)]. Additionally, the impact of physicochemical changes in the water column on juveniles of the produced Chilean blue mussel, Mytilus chilensis, was also studied. Following the eruption, a large phytoplankton bloom led to an increase in pH T , due to the uptake of dissolved-inorganic carbon in photic waters, potentially associated with the runoff of continental soil covered in volcanic ash. Indeed, high surface SO 4 2− and GHG were observed to be associated with river discharges. No direct evidence of the eruption was observed within the carbonate system. Notwithstanding, a vertical pattern was observed, with an undersaturation of aragonite (Ω Ar < 1) both in brackish surface (<3 m) and deep waters (>10 m), and saturated values in subsurface waters (3 to 7 m). Simultaneously, juvenile mussel shells showed maximized length and weight at 4 m depth. Results suggest a localized impact of the volcanic eruption on surface GHG, nutrients and short-term effects on the carbonate system. Optimal conditions for mussel calcification were identified within a subsurface refuge in the fjord. These specific attributes can be integrated into adaptation strategies by the mussel aquaculture industry to confront ocean acidification and changing runoff conditions. © 2019 Elsevier B.V.| Science of The Total Environment| 0048-9697| 49-61| 669.0| Thomson Reuters ISI| alkalinity, aquaculture, biomineralization, carbonation, dissolved oxygen, greenhouse gases, molluscs, nitrogen oxides, nutrients, runoff, sulfur compounds, surface discharges, adaptation strategies, aquaculture industry, chilean patagonian fjord, dissolved inorganic carbon, mussel farming, ocean acidifications, physico-chemical changes, volcanic event, volcanoes, calcium carbonate, carbonic acid, dissolved oxygen, methane, nitrous oxide, sulfate, surface water, carbonic acid, methane, nitrous oxide, sea water, adaptive management, biogeochemical cycle, carbonate system, chemical oceanography, greenhouse gas, mussel culture, nutrient, ocean acidification, volcanic eruption, alkalinity, aquaculture, article, biogeochemical cycle, chilean, estuary, greenhouse gas, mussel, mytilus chilensis, nonhuman, ph, physical chemistry, phytoplankton, priority journal, runoff, salinity, temperature, volcanic ash, volcano, water sampling, analysis, animal, aquaculture, body constitution, chemistry, chile, environmental monitoring, greenhouse gas, mytilus, physiology, season, volcano, calbuco volcano, chile, los lagos, reloncavi fjord, mytilus chilensis, mytilus edulis, animals, aquaculture, body constitution, carbonates, chile, environmental monitoring, greenhouse gases, methane, mytilus, nitrous oxide, nutrients, seasons, seawater, volcanic eruptions Seasonal drought effects on the water quality of the Biobío River, Central Chile| Yevenes, Mariela A.; Figueroa, Ricardo; Parra, Oscar| Zonas Costeras| 2018.0| 10.1007/s11356-018-1415-6| Quantifying the effect of droughts on ecosystem functions is essential to the development of coastal zone and river management under a changing climate. It is widely acknowledged that climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of droughts, which can affect important ecosystem services, such as the regional supply of clean water. Very little is understood about how droughts affect the water quality of Chilean high flow rivers. This paper intends to investigate the effect of an, recently identified, unprecedented drought in Chile (2010–2015), on the Biobío River water quality, (36°45′–38°49′ S and 71°00′–73°20′ W), Central Chile. This river is one of the largest Chilean rivers and it provides abundant freshwater. Water quality (water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, biological oxygen demand, total suspended solids, chloride, sodium, nutrients, and trace metals), during the drought (2010–2015), was compared with a pre-drought period (2000–2009) over two reaches (upstream and downstream) of the river. Multivariate analysis and seasonal Mann-Kendall trend analyses and a Theil-Sen estimator were employed to analyze trends and slopes of the reaches. Results indicated a significant decreased trend in total suspended solids and a slightly increasing trend in water temperature and EC, major ions, and trace metals (chrome, lead, iron, and cobalt), mainly in summer and autumn during the drought. The reduced variability upstream suggested that nutrient and metal concentrations were more constant than downstream. The results evidenced, due to the close relationship between river discharge and water quality, a slightly decline of the water quality downstream of the Biobío River during drought period, which could be attenuated in a post-drought period. These results displayed that water quality is vulnerable to reductions in flow, through historical and emerging solutes/contaminants and induced pH mobilization. Consequently, seasonal changes and a progressive reduction of river flow affect the ecosystem functionality in this key Chilean river. The outcomes from this research can be used to improve how low flow conditions and the effects of a reduction in the river volume and discharge are assessed, which is the case under the scenario of more frequent drought periods.| Environmental Science and Pollution Research| 0944-1344, 1614-7499| 13844-13856| 25| Thomson Reuters ISI| climate change, drought, ecosystem function, ecosystem service, river discharge, river flow, river management, seasonal variation, water quality, water supply, water temperature, biobio river, chile, analysis, chemistry, chile, drought, environmental monitoring, river, season, water pollutant, water quality, chile, droughts, environmental monitoring, rivers, seasons, water pollutants, chemical, water quality Spatial Distribution of Nitrous Oxide (N2O) in the Reloncaví Estuary–Sound and Adjacent Sea (41°–43° S), Chilean Patagonia| Yevenes, Mariela A.; Bello, Estrella; Sanhueza-Guevara, Sandra; Farías, Laura| Biogeoquímica| 2016.0| 10.1007/s12237-016-0184-z| Fjords and estuaries exchange large amounts of solutes, gases, and particulates between fluvial and marine systems. These exchanges and their relative distributions of compounds/particles are partially controlled by stratification and water circulation. The spatial and vertical distributions of N2O, an important greenhouse gas, along with other oceanographic variables, are analyzed from the Reloncaví estuary (RE) (~41° 30′ S) to the gulf of Corcovado in the interior sea of Chiloé (43° 45′ S) during the austral winter. Freshwater runoff into the estuary regulated salinity and stratification of the water column, clearly demarking the surface (<5 m depth) and subsurface layer (>5 m depth) and also separating estuarine and marine influenced areas. N2O levels varied between 8.3 and 21 nM (corresponding to 80 and 170 % saturation, respectively), being significantly lower (11.8 ± 1.70) at the surface than in subsurface waters in the Reloncaví estuary (14.5 ± 1.73). Low salinity and NO3 −, NO2 −, and PO4 3− levels, as well as high Si(OH)4 values were associated with low surface N2O levels. Remarkably, an accumulation of N2O was observed in the subsurface waters of the Reloncaví sound, associated with a relatively high consumption of O2. The sound is exposed to increasing anthropogenic impacts from aquaculture and urban discharge, occurring simultaneously with an internal recirculation, which leads to potential signals of early eutrophication. In contrast, within the interior sea of Chiloé (ISC), most of water column was quasi homohaline and occupied by modified subantarctic water (MSAAW), which was relatively rich in N2O (12.6 ± 2.36 nM) and NO3 − (18.3 ± 1.63 μM). The relationship between salinity, nutrients, and N2O revealed that water from the open ocean, entering into ISC (the Gulf of Corcovado) through the Guafo mouth, was the main source of N2O (up to 21 nM), as it gradually mixed with estuarine water. In addition, significant relationships between N2O excess vs. AOU and N2O excess vs. NO3 − suggest that part of N2O is also produced by nitrification. Our results show that the estuarine and marine waters can act as light source or sink of N2O to the atmosphere (air–sea N2O fluxes ranged from −1.57 to 5.75 μmol m−2 day−1), respectively; influxes seem to be associated to brackish water depleted in N2O that also caused a strong stratification, creating a barrier to gas exchange.| Estuaries and Coasts| 1559-2723| 1-15| published online| Thomson Reuters ISI| coastal zone, estuarine environment, fjord, inland sea, nitrous oxide, nutrient budget, shelf sea, spatial distribution, chilean margin, pacific ocean, patagonia, chilo Unravel biophysical factors on river water quality response in Chilean Central-Southern watersheds| Yevenes, Mariela A.; Arumí, José L.; Farías, Laura| Biogeoquímica| 2016.0| 10.1007/s10661-016-5235-1| Identifying the key anthropogenic (land uses) and natural (topography and climate) biophysical drivers affecting river water quality is essential for efficient management of water resources. We tested the hypothesis that water quality can be predicted by different biophysical factors. Multivariate statistics based on a geographical information system (GIS) were used to explore the influence of factors (i.e., precipitation, topography, and land uses) on water quality (i.e., nitrate (NO 3 − ), phosphate (PO 4 3 − ), silicate (Si(OH)4), dissolved oxygen (DO), suspended solids (TSS), biological oxygen demand (DO), temperature (T), conductivity (EC), and pH) for two consecutive years in the Itata and Biobío river watersheds, Central Chile (36° 00′ and 38° 30′). The results showed that (NO 3 − ), (PO 4 3 − ), Si(OH)4, TSS, EC, and DO were higher during rainy season (austral fall, winter, and spring), whereas BOD and temperature were higher during dry season. The spatial variation of these parameters in both watersheds was related to land use, topography (e.g., soil moisture, soil hydrological group, and erodability), and precipitation. Soil hydrological group and soil moisture were the strongest explanatory predictors for PO 4 3 − , Si(OH)4 and EC in the river, followed by land use such as agriculture for NO 3 − and DO and silviculture for TSS and Si(OH)4. High- resolution water leaching and runoff maps allowed us to identify agriculture areas with major probability of water leaching and higher probability of runoff in silviculture areas. Moreover, redundancy analysis (RDA) revealed that land uses (agriculture and silviculture) explained in 60 % the river water quality variation. Our finding highlights the vulnerability of Chilean river waters to different biophysical drivers, rather than climate conditions alone, which is amplified by human-induced degradation.| Environmental Monitoring and Assessment| 0167-6369| 264-281| 188| Thomson Reuters ISI| agricultural runoff, agriculture, biochemical oxygen demand, biophysics, dissolved oxygen, geographic information systems, land use, leaching, moisture, multivariant analysis, rivers, runoff, silicates, silicon, soil moisture, soils, topography, water management, water quality, watersheds, biological oxygen demand, biophysical factors, efficient managements, human- induced degradations, multivariate statistics, redundancy analysis (rda), river water quality, spatial variations, water resources, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, phosphate, river water, silicate, fresh water, nitric acid derivative, rain, soil, anthropogenic effect, climate effect, gis, land use, leaching, river water, runoff, topographic effect, water quality, watershed, article, biochemical oxygen demand, chile, controlled study, electric conductivity, environmental factor, land use, leaching, ph, physical chemistry, precipitation, seasonal variation, topography, water quality, water temperature, watershed, agriculture, chemistry, environmental monitoring, hydrology, river, season, soil, standards, water quality, chile, itata, agriculture, biological oxygen demand analysis, chile, environmental monitoring, fresh water, hydrology, nitrates, rain, rivers, seasons, soil, water quality FirstPrevious12345…46NextLast ### Institutions ![](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/logos_footer23e.png\\") ### Contact Phone: +56 22 9777 466 Mail: [email protected] Address: Blanco Encalada 2002, 4th floor, FCFM Universidad de Chile. 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A 1951 United Nations convention gives migrants fleeing violence in their home countries the legal right to enter the United States
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A 1951 United Nations convention gives migrants fleeing violence in their home countries the legal right to enter the United States
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Source: Adapted from International Detention Coalition, There Are Alternatives: A Handbook for Preventing Unnecessary Immigration Detention (revised edition, 2015) p. 78. Note: International human rights law provides that detention, including in the migration context, must only be used as a last resort, that is when alternatives cannot be applied. Examples of alternatives to detention include measures ranging from policy or legislative developments that have an impact on preventing unnecessary detention, to effective screening and identification procedures, community-based or casework-oriented models, bail, bond and surety options, open or semi‐open centres, reporting requirements and case resolution options. * Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration – Administrative, logistical or financial support, including reintegration assistance, to migrants unable or unwilling to remain in the host country or country of transit and who decide to return to their country of origin. Note: In the context of assisted voluntary return and reintegration, voluntariness is assumed to exist if two conditions apply: (a) freedom of choice, which is defined by the absence of physical or psychological pressure to enrol in an assisted voluntary return and reintegration programme; and (b) an informed decision which requires the availability of timely, unbiased and reliable information upon which to base the decision. In some cases, an assessment may be needed by qualified professionals to determine the extent to which a person is capable to take such a free and informed decision, and who, should the person lack such a capacity, could legally take the decision on his or her behalf. Assisted voluntary return programmes may provide different levels of assistance to reintegration and, in some cases, they don’t provide any assistance to this effect. See also country of origin, reintegration * Asylum seeker – An individual who is seeking international protection. In countries with individualized procedures, an asylum seeker is someone whose claim has not yet been finally decided on by the country in which he or she has submitted it. Not every asylum seeker will ultimately be recognized as a refugee, but every recognized refugee is initially an asylum seeker. Source: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Master Glossary of Terms (2006). See also international protection, migrant, refugee (mandate), refugee (1951 Convention) * Best interests of the child (principle of) – A threefold concept: (a) A substantive right: The right of the child to have his r her best interests assessed and taken as a primary consideration … and the guarantee that this right will be implemented whenever a decision is to be made concerning a child… (b) A fundamental, interpretative legal principle: If a legal provision is open to more than one interpretation, the interpretation which most effectively serves the child’s best interests should be chosen. … (c) A rule of procedure: Whenever a decision is to be made that will affect a … child, the decision-making process must include an evaluation of the possible impact (positive or negative) of the decision on the child or children concerned…. Source: United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, General Comment No. 14 on the Right of the Child to Have His or Her Best Interests Taken as a Primary Consideration (art. 3, para. 1) (29 May 2013) UN Doc CRC/C/GC/14, para 6. Note: Article 3(1) of the Convention of the Rights of the Child stipulates “in all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration”((adopted 20 November 1989, entered into force 2 September 1990) 1577 UNTS 3). The best interests determination imposes to take into consideration the child well‐being, which is determined by a variety of individual circumstances, such as the age, the level of maturity of the child, the presence or absence of parents, the child’s environment and experiences (UNHCR, UNHCR Guidelines on Determining the Best Interests of the Child (2008) p. 15). * Bilateral labour migration agreements – Agreements concluded between two States, which are legally binding and are essentially concerned with inter-State cooperation on labour migration. Note: The International Labour Organization (ILO) Recommendation concerning Migration for Employment (Revised) (RO86 (1 July 1949)), adopted contextually to the ILO Convention (No. 97) Concerning Migration for Employment ((adopted 1 July 1949, entered into force 22 January 1952) 120 UNTS 71), in its annex “Model Agreement on Temporary and Permanent Migration for Employment, including Migration of Refugees and Displaced Persons”. In some cases, trade agreements or other regional cooperation platforms will also provide provisions for labour mobility. See also labour migration * Biometrics – Automated means of identifying an individual through the measurement of distinguishing physiological or behavioural traits such as fingerprints, face, iris, retina or ear features. Nowadays, it is used also as a synonym of “biometric identifiers”, which are the pieces of information that encode a representation of a person’s unique biological make up (e.g., fingerprints, retinal scans or voice scans). Source: Adapted from International Organization for Migration (IOM), IOM Data Protection Manual (2010) p. 109; and IOM, Biometrics and International Migration (2005) International Migration Law Series, No. 5, p. 6. Note: Biometric scanning is the process whereby biometric measurements are collected and enrolled in a computer system with the purpose of using the measurements to either verify or search for a person’s identity. Some governments have introduced the use of biometrics as an improved security measure in issuing passports, visas or residence permits. * Border governance – The legislation, policies, plans, strategies, action plans and activities related to the entry into and exit of persons from the territory of the State, comprising detection, rescue, interception, screening, interviewing, identification, reception, referral, detention, removal or return, as well as related activities such as training, technical, financial and other assistance, including that provided to other States. Source: Adapted from United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights at International Borders (2014) 5. See also borders (international), border management * Borders (international) – Politically defined boundaries separating territory or maritime zones between political entities and the areas where political entities exercise border governance measures on their territory or extraterritorially. Such areas include border crossing points (airports, land border crossing points, ports), immigration and transit zones, the “no-man’s land” between crossing points of neighbouring countries, as well as embassies and consulates (insofar as visa issuance is concerned). Source: Adapted from United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights at International Borders (2014) p. 4. Note: This broad definition extending to any areas where border governance is exercised, such as embassies or consulates issuing visas, has been chosen because of its relevance in the migration context. Generally, the term “international borders” is used as a synonym of boundary. See also border governance, border management, sovereignty * Border management – The administration of measures related to authorized movement of persons (regular migration) and goods, whilst preventing unauthorized movement of persons (irregular migration) and goods, detecting those responsible for smuggling, trafficking and related crimes and identifying the victims of such crimes or any other person in need of immediate or longer-term assistance and/or (international) protection. Note: Measures to manage borders include the imposition by States of visa requirements, carrier sanctions against transportation companies bringing irregular migrants to the territory, and interdictions at sea. Under international human rights law and international refugee law, States have a responsibility to ensure that border management legislation, policies and practices adhere to human rights and refugee law and respect the rights of all people moving across their borders despite their migration status. The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights’ Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights at International Borders (2014) provide guidance on how to ensure border management and governance activities comply with human rights standards. See also borders (international), border governance * Climate migration – The movement of a person or groups of persons who, predominantly for reasons of sudden or progressive change in the environment due to climate change, are obliged to leave their habitual place of residence, or choose to do so, either temporarily or permanently, within a State or across an international border. Source: Warsaw International Mechanism, Executive Committee, Action Area 6: Migration, Displacement and Human Mobility – Submission from the International Organization for Migration (IOM, 2016); M. Traore Chazalnoël and D. Ionesco, Defining Climate Migrants – Beyond Semantics (IOM weblog, 6 June 2016) (last accessed 23 May 2018). Note: This is a working definition of the International Organization for Migration with an analytic and advocacy purpose which does not have any specific legal value. Climate migration is a subcategory of environmental migration; it defines a singular type of environmental migration, where the change in the environment is due to climate change. Migration in this context can be associated with greater vulnerability of affected people, particularly if it is forced. Yet, migration can also be a form of adaptation to environmental stressors, helping to build resilience of affected individuals and communities. See also environmental migrant, migration * Collective expulsion – Any measure compelling non-nationals, as a group, to leave a country, except where such a measure is taken on the basis of a reasonable and objective examination of the particular case of each individual of the group. Source: Adapted from Andric v Sweden App no 45917/99 (ECtHR, 23 February 1999) para. 1. Note: The prohibition of collective expulsion is expressly embodied in several international human rights treaties. At the universal level, Article 22(1) of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families ((adopted 18 December 1990, entered into force 1 July 2003) 2220 UNTS 3), stipulates that “migrant workers and members of their families shall not be subject to measures of collective expulsion. Each case of expulsion shall be examined and decided individually”. At the regional level, the American Convention on Human Rights ((adopted 22 November 1969, entered into force 18 July 1978) 1144 UNTS 123) provides in Article 22(9) that “[t]he collective expulsion of aliens is prohibited”. Article 4 of Protocol No. 4 to the European Convention on Human Rights ((adopted 4 November 1950, entered into force 3 September 1953) 213 UNTS 221) stipulates that “[c]ollective expulsion of aliens is prohibited”. Similarly, Article 26(2), in fine, of the Arab Charter on Human Rights ((adopted 22 May 2004, entered into force 15 March 2008) in 12 (2005) International Human Rights Reports 893) states that “[c]ollective expulsion is prohibited under all circumstances”. In the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights ((adopted 27 June 1981, entered into force 21 October 1986) 1520 UNTS 217), the term mass expulsion is used instead of collective expulsion. Article 12(5) of the Charter only prohibits mass expulsions of non‐nationals which are aimed at “national, racial, ethnic or religious groups”. * Country of destination – In the migration context, a country that is the destination for a person or a group of persons, irrespective of whether they migrate regularly or irregularly. Note: In the context of movements of internally displaced persons (IDPs) the term “place of destination” should be used. * Country of origin – In the migration context, a country of nationality or of former habitual residence of a person or group of persons who have migrated abroad, irrespective of whether they migrate regularly or irregularly. * Country of transit – In the migration context, the country through which a person or a group of persons pass on any journey to the country of destination or from the country of destination to the country of origin or of habitual residence. Source: Adapted from International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families (adopted 18 December 1990, entered into force 1 July 2003) 2220 UNTS 3, Art. 6(c). Note: There is a notion of temporariness in the concept of transit. However, for many migrants, particularly those migrating irregularly, the journey to the intended destination can take months or years. This challenges the very notion of transit and triggers the question on how much time needs to pass for the country of transit to be considered as a destination (United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Situation of Migrants in Transit (2015) p. 5). * Displacement – The movement of persons who have been forced or obliged to flee or to leave their homes or places of habitual residence, in particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of armed conflict, situations of generalized violence, violations of human rights or natural or human-made disasters. Source: Adapted from Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, annexed to United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Report of the Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr Francis M. Deng, Submitted Pursuant to Commission Resolution 1997/39, Addendum (11 February 1998) UN Doc E/CN.4/1998/53/Add.2, 5, para. 2 of the introduction. Note: Unlike the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, the above definition is meant to cover both internal and cross‐border displacement. Principle 6 of the Guiding Principles stipulates the right to be protected against arbitrary displacement. Displacement is considered arbitrary in the following circumstances: “(a) When it is based on policies of apartheid, “ethnic cleansing” or similar practices aimed at/or resulting in altering the ethnic, religious or racial composition of the affected population; (b) In situations of armed conflict, unless the security of the civilians involved or imperative military reasons so demand; (c) In cases of large‐scale development projects, which are not justified by compelling and overriding public interests; (d) In cases of disasters, unless the safety and health of those affected requires their evacuation; and (e) When it is used as a collective punishment” (Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, annexed to United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Report of the Representative of the Secretary‐General, Mr Francis M. Deng, Submitted Pursuant to Commission Resolution 1997/39, Addendum (11 February 1998) UN Doc. E/ N.4/1998/53/Add.2, Principle 6.2). In order not to be arbitrary, displacement shall also last no longer than required by the circumstances (ibid., Principle 6.3). In international humanitarian law, the (forced) displacement of civilians is prohibited and constitutes a war crime both in times of international and non‐international armed conflicts except when required for their security or imperative military reasons (see Geneva Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (adopted 12 August 1949, entered into force 21 October 1950) 75 UNTS 287, Art. 49(1); Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non‐International Armed Conflicts (adopted 8 June 1977, entered into force 7 December 1978) 1125 UNTS 609 (Additional Protocol II) Art. 17(1) and (2); Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (adopted 17 July 1998, entered into force 1 July 2002) 2187 UNTS 3, Art. 8(2)(a)(viii) and (e)(viii)). The prohibition of individual or mass displacement is also endorsed by the African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa (Kampala Convention) (adopted 23 October 2009, entered into force 6 December 2012) Art. 4(4)(b)). See also internally displaced persons, migration * Emigration – From the perspective of the country of departure, the act of moving from one’s country of nationality or usual residence to another country, so that the country of destination effectively becomes his or her new country of usual residence. * Environmental migrant – A person or group(s) of persons who, predominantly for reasons of sudden or progressive changes in the environment that adversely affect their lives or living conditions, are forced to leave their places of habitual residence, or choose to do so, either temporarily or permanently, and who move within or outside their country of origin or habitual residence. Source: Council of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Discussion Note: Migration and the Environment (November 2007) MC/INF/288; IOM, International Dialogue on Migration (no. 18) Climate Change, Environmental Degradation and Migration (2012); IOM, Outlook on Migration, Environment and Climate Change (2014). Note: There is no international agreement on a term to be used to describe persons or groups of persons that move for environment related reasons. This definition of environmental migrant is not meant to create any new legal categories. It is a working definition aimed at describing all the various situations in which people move in the context of environmental factors. See also climate migration, migrant * Expulsion – A formal act or conduct attributable to a State by which a non-national is compelled to leave the territory of that State. Source: Adapted from United Nations, International Law Commission, Draft Articles on the Expulsion of Aliens, with Commentaries (2014) Art. 2(a). Note: The terminology used at the domestic or international level on expulsion and deportation is not uniform but there is a clear tendency to use the term expulsion to refer to the legal order to leave the territory of a State, and removal or deportation to refer to the actual implementation of such order in cases where the person concerned does not follow it voluntarily (W. Kälin, ‘Aliens, Expulsion and Deportation’ in R. Wolfrum (ed) Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (2014). See also removal * Family reunification (right to) – The right of non-nationals to enter into and reside in a country where their family members reside lawfully or of which they have the nationality in order to preserve the family unit. Source: Adapted from Council Directive 2003/86/EC of 22 September 2003 on the right to family reunification [2003] OJ L 251/12. See also family unity (right to) * Family unity (right to) – A family’s right to live together and, as a fundamental unit of a society, to receive respect, protection, assistance and support. Note: The right to family unity consists of the right of a family living in a country of which some or all of the family members do not have nationality not to be separated, through for example the expulsion of one of the family members. This right is not limited to nationals living in their own State and is protected by international law. The right is not absolute and can be limited in accordance to national law and international standards. The right is stipulated in the following instruments: Article 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ((adopted 10 December 1948) UNGA Res 217(A)); Arts 17 and 23 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ((adopted 16 December 1966, entered into force 23 March 1976) 999 UNTS 171); Article 10 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights ((adopted 16 December 1966, entered into force 3 January 1976) 993 UNTS 3); Article 10 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child ((adopted 20 November 1989, entered into force 2 September 1990) 1577 UNTS 3); Article 44 of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of their Families ((adopted 18 December 1990, entered into force 1 July 2003) 2220 UNTS 3); Article 17 of the American Convention on Human Rights ((adopted 22 November 1969, entered into force 18 July 1978) 1144 UNTS 123); Article 18 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights ((adopted 27 June 1981, entered into force 21 October 1986) 1520 UNTS 217); Article 8, European Convention on Human Rights ((adopted 4 November 1950, entered into force 3 September 1953) 213 UNTS 221); Article 16, European Social Charter ((adopted 18 October 1961, entered into force 26 February 1965) ETS No 035); Article 16, European Social Charter (revised) ((adopted 3 May 1996, entry into force 1 July 1999) ETS No 163). See also family reunification (right to) * Freedom of movement (right to) – In human rights law, a human right comprising three basic elements: freedom of movement within the territory of a country and to choose one’s residence, the right to leave any country and the right to return to one’s own country. Source: Adapted from Universal Declaration of Human Rights (adopted 10 December 1948) UNGA Res 217(A), Art. 13. In the context of free movement agreements, the freedom of entry and residence into another State that is a party to the agreement. Note: Under human rights law the right to freedom of movement does not entail a right to enter and to remain in a State which is not the individual’s own country, except when the State has an obligation to admit the person under international law (e.g. in application of the principle of non‐refoulement). Article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ((adopted 16 December 1966, entered into force 23 March 1976) 999 UNTS 171) describes this right as follows: “(1) Everyone lawfully within the territory of a State shall, within that territory, have the right to liberty of movement and freedom to choose his residence; (2) Everyone shall be free to leave any country, including his own; (3) The above‐mentioned rights shall not be subject to any restrictions except those which are provided by law, are necessary to protect national security, public order, public health or morals or the rights and freedoms of others, and are consistent with the other rights recognized in the present Covenant. (4) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of the right to enter his own country”. As noted in the Human Rights Committee’s No. 27: “The wording of article 12, paragraph 4, does not distinguish between nationals and aliens (‘no one’). Thus, the persons entitled to exercise this right can be identified only by interpreting the meaning of the phrase ‘his own country’. The scope of ‘his own country’ is broader than the concept ‘country of his nationality’. It is not limited to nationality in a formal sense, that is, nationality acquired at birth or by conferral; it embraces, at the very least, an individual who, because of his or her special ties to or claims in relation to a given country, cannot be considered to be a mere alien. […] The language of Article 12, paragraph 4, moreover, permits a broader interpretation that might embrace other categories of long‐term residents, including but not limited to stateless persons arbitrarily deprived of the right to acquire the nationality of the country of such residence. Since other factors may in certain circumstances result in the establishment of close and enduring connections between a person and a country, States parties should include in their reports information on the rights of permanent residents to return to their country of residence” (Human Rights Committee, General Comment No. 27: Freedom of Movement (Article 12) (1 November 1999) UN Doc. CCPR/C/21/Rev.1/Add.9, para. 20). Freedom of movement is also a key right of nationals of States Parties to a regional free movement regime (e.g. European Union, Economic Community of West African States, Mercado Común del Sur (Mercosur) and the Caribbean Community). * Humanitarian admission – An expedited process offering a pathway for admission into a country on a temporary or permanent basis to persons or groups of persons with protection needs. Humanitarian admission can be used for persons in need of protection, including but not limited to refugees, persons with urgent protection needs, migrants in vulnerable situations, extended family members, or persons in need of medical assistance and care. Note: Humanitarian admission is an expedited process that may be used for an identified population in an extremely insecure or vulnerable situation and in need of urgent protection. Upon admission, the beneficiaries are typically granted a status, which is usually temporary, and the ongoing need for protection is regularly reviewed. See also international protection, non-refoulement (principle of), refugee (mandate), refugee (1951 Convention), pathways for migrants in vulnerable situations * Humanitarian border management – Border operations carried out before, during and after humanitarian crises which trigger mass cross-border migration. It aims to improve preparedness of border authorities to respond appropriately to cross-border movements arising from both natural and man-made disasters, in a way that protects crisis-affected migrants and guarantees their human rights and interests, while respecting national sovereignty and security. Source: International Organization for Migration, Internal Guidance Note on Humanitarian Border Management (internal document, 2014) para. 1. Note: Humanitarian border management is sometimes also referred to as “Crisis Border Management”, “Emergency Border Management” or “Emergency Prepareditioness” (International Organization for Migration, Internal Guidance Note on Humanitarian Border Management (internal document, 2014) para. 3). * Humanitarian visa – A visa granting access to and temporary stay in the issuing State for a variable duration to a person on humanitarian grounds as specified in the applicable national or regional law, often aimed at complying with relevant human rights and refugee law. Note: Humanitarian visas can be granted by the visa-issuing authority of the State in the applicant’s country of origin or in a country of destination, and exceptionally also at the border of the visa-issuing State or to persons who are already within the State. Beyond granting legal access to and temporary stay in the State, humanitarian visas rarely provide the person with any further entitlement to protection or services. Normally, the immigration or asylum status of a person with a valid humanitarian visa needs to be established upon arrival in the visa‐issuing State, including, where applicable, through asylum procedures or procedures for other statuses. Humanitarian visas can facilitate the international travel of asylum seekers or other migrants in vulnerable situations, often as a part of, among others, humanitarian admission, humanitarian corridors, family reunification, medical evacuations and other immigration programmes and practices. While the majority of States issue humanitarian visas on various international protection grounds (refugee status, subsidiary protection status or others), some States also use humanitarian visas to enable immigration or stay within a country to persons in situations of high vulnerability and/or with special/humanitarian protection needs, including but not limited to: Victims of violations of human rights in the country of origin (Ley No. 761[2011] (Nicaragua), Art. 220); Victims of certain particularly heinous crimes in the country of destination (such as rape, torture, trafficking, female genital mutilation and others, e.g., Immigration and Nationality Act H [1965] (United States) 8 U.S.C. Sec. 1101(a)(15)(U), as amended by Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000, Sec. 1513(a)‐(c))); or Victims of hate crimes (Código de Extranjería (Spain), Art. 126.1). Humanitarian visas can also be issued in case of: Natural disasters (Lei No. 13.445 [2017] (Brazil), Art. 14.III, §3°); Economic hardships in one’s country of origin (e.g. Peruvian Visas to Venezuelans, Decreto Supremo Nº 002‐2017‐IN (Peru)); Serious illnesses and lack of adequate treatment in the country of origin (Loi du 15 Décembre 1980 sur l’accès au territoire, le séjour, l’établissement et l’éloignement des étrangers (Belgium), Art. 9ter, para. 1); Individual vulnerabilities (e.g. 5 Decreto No. 37112‐G [2012]: Reglamento de Extranjería (Costa Rica), Arts 2, 135 and 136; and Decreto Ejecutivo No. 320 [2008] (Panama), Arts 171 and 172). Many other States do not specifically define the grounds to issue humanitarian visas and leave the decision to grant them discretionary, often to ensure compliance with international law obligations or to serve national interests (e.g Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council (European Union), Art. 25, para. 1(a); Aliens Act (2005: 716) (Sweden), Chapter 3, Section 4; Ley de migraciones No. 25.871 [2003] (Argentina), Art. 34). Generally, the grounds to issue humanitarian visas are very broadly defined in national legislation which leaves a wide discretion to the authorities who are responsible for issuing the visa. This allows for flexibility and enables an individual determination. However, it also limits the possibility of judicial review, and renders the system largely unpredictable. See also international protection, humanitarian admission, pathways for migrants in vulnerable situations * Identity document – An official piece of documentation issued by the competent authority of a State designed to prove the identity of the person carrying it. Source: Adapted from United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, UN Recommendations on Statistics of International Migration. Revision 1 (1998) p. 10, definition of “long-term migrants”. Note: The most common identity documents are national identity cards and passports.\\\ * Immigrant – From the perspective of the country of arrival, a person who moves into a country other than that of his or her nationality or usual residence, so that the country of destination effectively becomes his or her new country of usual residence. Source: Adapted from United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Recommendations on Statistics of International Migration, Revision 1 (1998) p. 10, definition of “long-term migrants”. Note: This definition is adapted from the one of long‐term migrant provided by the Statistics Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA): “A person who moves to a country other than that of his or her usual residence for a period of at least a year (12 months), so that the country of destination effectively becomes his or her new country of usual residence. From the perspective of the country of departure, the person will be a long‐term emigrant and from that of the country of arrival, the person will be a long‐term immigrant” (UN DESA, Recommendations on Statistics of International Migration, Revision 1 (1998) p. 10). The reference to 12 months as a minimum period of stay has been omitted with a view to covering those who emigrate for a shorter period of time, provided that the person has changed his or her usual residence. Given that also short‐term emigrants are covered by the definition, and in line with UN DESA understanding of the term short‐term migrant, persons who move in cases where the movement to that country is for purposes of recreation, holiday, visits to friends and relatives, business, medical treatment or religious pilgrimage are excluded (ibid.). Whether an emigrant is considered as long‐term or short‐term depends on the duration of stay in the country of destination. A person who stays away from the country for a period of three to twelve months is considered a short‐term emigrant, whereas a person who stays away from the country for a period exceeding twelve months is considered a long‐term emigrant. The definition of who is an emigrant can vary from one country to another. See also immigration * Immigration – From the perspective of the country of arrival, the act of moving into a country other than one’s country of nationality or usual residence, so that the country of destination effectively becomes his or her new country of usual residence. See also immigrant * Integration – The two-way process of mutual adaptation between migrants and the societies in which they live, whereby migrants are incorporated into the social, economic, cultural and political life of the receiving community. It entails a set of joint responsibilities for migrants and communities, and incorporates other related notions such as social inclusion and social cohesion. Note: Integration does not necessarily imply permanent residence. It does, however, imply consideration of the rights and obligations of migrants and societies of the countries of transit or destination, of access to different kinds of services and the labour market, and of identification and respect for a core set of values that bind migrants and receiving communities in a common purpose. In the refugee context, however, local integration as a durable solution would imply permanent residence as it refers to refugees’ “permanent settlement in a country of first asylum, and eventually being granted nationality of that country” (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Master Glossary of Terms (2006) p. 14). See also reintegration * Interception – Any measure applied by a State, either at its land or sea borders, or on the high seas, territorial waters or borders of another State, to: (i) prevent embarkation of persons on an international journey; (ii) prevent further onward international travel by persons who have commenced their journey; or (iii) assert control of vessels where there are reasonable grounds to believe the vessel is transporting persons contrary to international or national maritime law. In relation to the above, the person or persons do not have the required documentation or valid permission to enter. Source: Adapted from Executive Committee of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Conclusion on Protection Safeguards in Interception Measures (10 October 2003) No 97 (LIV). * Internal migration – The movement of people within a State involving the establishment of a new temporary or permanent residence. Source: Adapted from International Organization for Migration, World Migration Report 2015. Note: Internal migration movements can be temporary or permanent and include those who have been displaced from their habitual place of residence such as internally displaced persons, as well as persons who decide to move to a new place, such as in the case of rural–urban migration. The term also covers both nationals and non‐nationals moving within a State, provided that they move away from their place of habitual residence. See also internally displaced persons, migration * Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) – Persons or groups of persons who have been forced or (IDPs) obliged to flee or to leave their homes or places of habitual residence, in particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of armed conflict, situations of generalized violence, violations of human rights or natural or human-made disasters, and who have not crossed an internationally recognized State border. Source: Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, annexed to United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Report of the Representative of the Secretary- General, Mr Francis M. Deng, Submitted Pursuant to Commission Resolution 1997/39, Addendum (11 February 1998) UN Doc E/CN.4/1998/53/Add.2, 6. Note: Whilst the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement are not binding, they have become an authoritative reference on how States should respond to internal displacement. Adopted by the then Human Rights Commission (Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, annexed to United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Report of the Representative of the Secretary‐ General, Mr Francis M. Deng, Submitted Pursuant to Commission Resolution 1997/39, Addendum (11 February 1998) UN Doc. E/ N.4/1998/53/Add.2), the Guiding Principles have been endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly (2005 World Summit Outcome (20 September 2005) UN Doc. A/60/L.1, para. 132), widely used as an advocacy tool by international organizations and non‐governmental organizations, translated into two binding documents at the regional level in Africa (the African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa (Kampala Convention) (adopted 23 October 2009, entered into force 6 December 2012) and the Great Lakes Protocol on the Protection and Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons (adopted 30 November 2006, entered into force 21 June 2008)), and incorporated in a number of States’ policies or legislation. See also displacement, internal migration * International migration – The movement of persons away from their place of usual residence and across an international border to a country of which they are not nationals. Note: Similarly to the above definition, for statistical purposes, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) defines an “international migrant” as “any person who changes his or her country of usual residence” (Recommendations on Statistics of International Migration, Revision 1 (1998) para. 32). The UN DESA definition excludes movements that are due to “recreation, holiday, visits to friends and relatives, business, medical treatment or religious pilgrimages” (ibid). See also climate migration, displacement, irregular migration, labour migration, migrant, safe, orderly and regular migration * International migration law – The international legal framework governing migration, deriving from various sources of international law that apply to the movement of persons within or between States and regulate States’ competence and obligations, migrants’ status, rights and duties, as well as international cooperation. Note: Rather than an independent legal regime with its own set of rules, International Migration Law is an umbrella term used to describe the various bodies of laws, principles and norms that together regulate migration. The bodies of law that are relevant to migration are, among others: International Human Rights Law, Labour Law, Humanitarian Law, Law of the Sea, Maritime Law, Transnational Criminal Law, Consular Law, Refugee Law and Nationality Law. * International protection – The protection that is accorded by the international community to individuals or groups who are outside their own country and are unable to return home because their return would infringe upon the principle of non-refoulement, and their country is unable or unwilling to protect them. Source: Adapted from United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Persons in Need of International Protection (June 2007). Note: As further underlined by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), “risks that give rise to a need for international protection classically include those of persecution, threats to life, freedom or physical integrity arising from armed conflict, serious public disorder, or different situations of violence” (UNHCR, Persons in Need of International Protection (June 2007) p. 1). See also humanitarian visa, non-refoulement (principle of), refugee (mandate), refugee (1951 Convention) * Inter-State Consultation Mechanisms on Migration (ISCM) – State-led, ongoing information- sharing and policy dialogues on the regional, interregional or global level for States with an interest in promoting cooperation in the field of migration. Note: Inter‐State Consultation Mechanisms on migration comprise of global processes on migration, interregional forums on migration (bridging two or more regions) and regional consultative processes on migration (covering one region). * Irregular migration – Movement of persons that takes place outside the laws, regulations, or international agreements governing the entry into or exit from the State of origin, transit or destination. Note: Although a universally accepted definition of irregular migration does not exist, the term is generally used to identify persons moving outside regular migration channels. The fact that they migrate irregularly does not relieve States from the obligation to protect their rights. Moreover, categories of migrants who may not have any other choice but to use irregular migration channels can also include refugees, victims of trafficking, or unaccompanied migrant children. The fact that they use irregular migration pathways does not imply that States are not, in some circumstances, obliged to provide them with some forms of protection under international law, including access to international protection for asylum seekers fleeing persecution, conflicts or generalized violence. In addition, refugees are protected under international law against being penalized for unauthorized entry or stay if they have travelled from a place where they were at risk (Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (adopted 28 July 1951, entered into force 22 April 1954)189 UNTS 137, Art. 31(1)). See also migration * Labour migration – Movement of persons from one State to another, or within their own country of residence, for the purpose of employment. Note: In line with the definition of migrant, labour migration is defined as covering both migrants moving within the country and across international borders. This choice is also justified by the significant number of persons moving within the same country for work purposes who sometimes face the same barriers or challenges faced by international migrants, such as discrimination and difficulties in integration. Although such challenges may be greater for migrants moving across borders they are not totally absent also for internal migrants. See also bilateral labour migration agreements, migration * Members of the family – Persons married to a migrant or a national, or having with them a relationship that, according to applicable law, produces effects equivalent to marriage, as well as their dependent children or other dependent persons who are recognized as members of the family by applicable legislation or applicable bilateral or multilateral agreements between the States concerned, including when they are not nationals of the State. Source: Adapted from International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant workers and Members of Their Families (adopted 18 December 1990, entered into force 1 July 2003) 2220 UNTS 3, Art. 4. Note: International law leaves States latitude to define who they consider a family member of migrants or nationals for the purpose of family reunification, as well as for the purpose of extending rights to which the primary migrant or national is entitled. The Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families ((adopted 18 December 1990, entered into force 1 July 2003) 2220 UNTS 3) sets a minimum standard, leaving States free to define the term more broadly in national legislation (for example, extending some benefits also to non‐dependent children). The definition has been adapted to broadening its scope of application beyond family members of migrant workers to cover the family members of migrants in general. The definition also covers both the national or non‐national family members of the citizens of the State concerned. The aim of this broadening of the definition is to cover situations in which the identification of the members of the family is relevant in the context of both internal and international migration, as well as with regard to family reunification of the non‐national family members of a citizen of the State concerned. * Migrant – An umbrella term, not defined under international law, reflecting the common lay understanding of a person who moves away from his or her place of usual residence, whether within a country or across an international border, temporarily or permanently, and for a variety of reasons. The term includes a number of well-defined legal categories of people, such as migrant workers; persons whose particular types of movements are legally-defined, such as smuggled migrants; as well as those whose status or means of movement are not specifically defined under international law, such as international students. Note: At the international level, no universally accepted definition for “migrant” exists. The present definition was developed by IOM for its own purposes and it is not meant to imply or create any new legal category. Two approaches are generally adopted to define the term “migrant”: the inclusivist approach, followed among others by IOM, considers the term “migrant” as an umbrella term covering all forms of movements; the residualist approach excludes from the term “migrant” those who flee wars or persecution (J. Carling, What is the meaning of migrant? (last accessed 8 May 2019)). For the purpose of collecting data on migration, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) defines “international migrant” as “any person who changes his or her country of usual residence” (UN DESA, Recommendations on Statistics of International Migration, Revision 1 (1998) para. 32). The UN DESA definition excludes movements that are due to “recreation, holiday, visits to friends and relatives, business, medical treatment or religious pilgrimages” (ibid.). Specific definitions have also been developed by UN DESA to identify short‐term and long‐term migrants (see relevant entries). See also environmental migrant, internally displaced person, migrant in an irregular situation, migrants in vulnerable situations, migrant worker, migration, separated children, unaccompanied children * Migrant flow (international) – The number of international migrants arriving in a country (immigrants) or the number of international migrants departing from a country (emigrants) over the course of a specific period. Source: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Toolkit on International Migration (2012) p.3 Note: “Migration flow data are a dynamic measure counting the number of people crossing international borders, possibly including those who cross several times during a given time interval” (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Toolkit on International Migration (2012) p. 3). Other terms are often used in the media to describe a sudden arrival of non‐ nationals in large numbers, such as influx, wave or stream. Their usage is discouraged because of the negative perception and alarmist attitudes it conveys with regard to migration. * Migrants in vulnerable situations – Migrants who are unable to effectively enjoy their human rights, are at increased risk of violations and abuse and who, accordingly, are entitled to call on a duty bearer’s heightened duty of care. Source: Adapted from High Commissioner for Human Rights, Principles and Practical Guidance on the Protection of the Human Rights of Migrants in Vulnerable Situations, Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to the Human Rights Council (3 January 2018) UN Doc A/HRC/37/34, para. 12. Note: The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (HCHR) in its report to the Human Rights Council underlines that: “the vulnerable situations that migrants face can arise from a range of factors that may intersect or coexist simultaneously, influencing and exacerbating each other and also evolving or changing over time as circumstances change” (HCHR, Principles and practical guidance on the protection of the human rights of migrants in vulnerable situations, Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Addendum (7 February 2018) UN Doc. A/HRC/37/34/ Add.1, para. 12). The HCHR further explains that: “[f]actors that generate vulnerability may cause a migrant to leave their country of origin in the first place, may occur during transit or at destination, regardless of whether the original movement was freely chosen, or may be related to a migrant’s identity or circumstances. Vulnerability in this context should therefore be understood as both situational and personal” (ibid., para. 13). Finally the High Commissioner report also recalls that: “migrants are not inherently vulnerable, nor do they lack resilience and agency. Rather, vulnerability to human rights violations is the result of multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, inequality and structural and societal dynamics that lead to diminished and unequal levels of power and enjoyment of rights” (ibid.). See also vulnerability * Migrant stock (international) – For statistical purposes, the total number of international migrants present in a given country at a particular point in time who have ever changed their country of usual residence. Source: Adapted from United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Toolkit on International Migration (2012) pp. 2–3. * Migrant-friendly health systems – Health systems that consciously and systematically incorporate the needs of migrants into health financing, policy, planning, implementation and evaluation, including such considerations as the epidemiological profiles of migrant populations, relevant cultural, language and socioeconomic factors and the impact of the migration process on the health of migrants. Source: Adapted from World Health Organization, International Organization for Migration, Government of Spain, Health of Migrants – The Way Forward, Report of a Global Consultation (3–5 March 2010) p. 14 (building on J. Puebla Fortier, Migrant-Sensitive Health Systems (Background Paper for the Global Consultation on the Health of Migrants, March 2010)). Note: A similar term is “migrant‐sensitive health systems”. * Migrant worker – A person who is to be engaged, is engaged or has been engaged in a remunerated activity in a State of which he or she is not a national. Source: International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (adopted 18 December 1990, entered into force 1 July 2003) 2220 UNTS 3, Art. 2(1). Note: The Convention expressly provides protection to migrant workers and their family members not only when the migrants are actually working in the country of destination, but “during the entire migration process of migrant workers and members of their families, which comprises preparation for migration, departure, transit and the entire period of stay and remunerated activity in the State of employment as well as return to the State of origin or the State of habitual residence” (Committee on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, General Comment No. 1 on Migrant Domestic Workers (23 February 2011) UN Doc. CMW/C/GC/1, 1, quoting the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (adopted 18 December 1990, entered into force 1 July 2003) 2220 UNTS 3, Art. 1). The International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families applies to those that fulfill the definition specified in Article 2(1), from which the following groups are excluded: “(a) Persons sent or employed by international organizations and agencies or persons sent or employed by a State outside its territory to perform official functions, whose admission and status are regulated by general international law or by specific international agreements or conventions; (b) Persons sent or employed by a State or on its behalf outside its territory who participate in development programmes and other co‐operation programmes, whose admission and status are regulated by agreement with the State of employment and who, in accordance with that agreement, are not considered migrant workers; c) Persons taking up residence in a State different from their State of origin as investors; (d) Refugees and stateless persons, unless such application is provided for in the relevant national legislation of, or international instruments in force for, the State Party concerned; (e) Students and trainees; (f) Seafarers and workers on an offshore installation who have not been admitted to take up residence and engage in a remunerated activity in the State of employment” (ibid., Art. 3). Migrant workers are sometimes referred to as “foreign workers” or “(temporary) contractual workers”. See also migrant * Migration – The movement of persons away from their place of usual residence, either across an international border or within a State. See also climate migration, displacement, internal migration, international migration, irregular migration, labour migration, migrant, safe, orderly and regular migration. * Migration cycle – Stages of the migration process encompassing departure, in some cases transit through a State, immigration in the State of destination and return. * Migration governance – The combined frameworks of legal norms, laws and regulations, policies and traditions as well as organizational structures (subnational, national, regional and international) and the relevant processes that shape and regulate States’ approaches with regard to migration in all its forms, addressing rights and responsibilities and promoting international cooperation. Source: Adapted from International Organization for Migration, Migration Governance Framework (2015) C/106/40, 1; Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Migration and Human Rights – Improving Human Rights Based Governance of International Migration (2013) p. 9. Note: The definition provided draws from a definition developed by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the one which is provided in the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Migration Governance Framework. This Framework has been endorsed by IOM Member States on 24 November 2015, by Council Resolution no. 1310. IOM’s view is that good migration governance “adheres to international standards and fulfils migrant’s rights; formulates policy using evidence and a ‘whole-of government’ approach; engages with partners to address migration and related issues” (International Organization for Migration, Migration Governance Framework (2015) C/106/40, p. 6). The objectives of a sound migration governance should be to seek to “advance the socioeconomic well-being of migrants and society; to provide an effective response to the mobility dimension of crises; and to ensure that migration takes place in a safe orderly and dignified manner” (ibid.). States are the primary actors in migration, mobility and nationality issues and have the responsibility to govern migration at the national and international levels. However, other actors – citizens, migrants, international organizations, the private sector, unions, non-governmental organizations, community organizations, religious organizations and academia – also contribute to migration governance (ibid., p. 4). As such, migration governance has both a national and a global dimension. Global governance has been defined as the “norms, rules, principles and decision-making procedures that regulate the behaviour of States (and other transnational actors)” (A. Betts, Global Migration Governance (Oxford University Press, 2011) p. 4). According to the Global Commission on International Migration, “in the domain of international migration, governance assumes a variety of forms, including the migration policies and programmes of individual countries, inter-State discussions and agreements, multilateral [forums] and consultative processes, the activities of international organizations, as well as relevant laws and norms” (Global Commission on International Migration, Migration in an Interconnected World: New Directions for Action (October 2005) p. 65). See also safe, orderly and regular migration * Migration health – A public health topic which refers to the theory and practice of assessing and addressing migration associated factors that can potentially affect the physical, social and mental well-being of migrants and the public health of host communities. * Migration management – The management and implementation of the whole set of activities primarily by States within national systems or through bilateral and multilateral cooperation, concerning all aspects of migration and the mainstreaming of migration considerations into public policies. The term refers to planned approaches to the implementation and operationalization of policy, legislative and administrative frameworks, developed by the institutions in charge of migration. Note: The concept is linked to public administration in the area of migration, which refers to the management and implementation of the whole set of government activities dealing with the implementation of laws, regulations and decisions of the Government and the management related to the provision of public services (United Nations Development Programme, Public Administration Reform Practice Note (2003) p. 2). Given its focus on the organization and operationalization of public policies, migration management is generally understood as a more specific concept than migration governance. Migration management is primarily carried out by States, whereas the term “governance” refers to all the frameworks, institutions and processes, in the development and establishment of which many more actors, than only States, are involved. See also migration governance * Migration profile – An analysis of available accurate and disaggregated data on some or all migration-relevant aspects of a country’s national context, prepared in consultation with a broad range of stakeholders, which can be used to enhance policy coherence, evidence-based policymaking on migration and the mainstreaming of migration into development plans. Note: In Objective 1 of the Global Compact for Migration, States are encouraged to “[d]evelop and use country‐specific migration profiles, which include disaggregated data on all migration‐ relevant aspects in a national context, including those on labour market needs, demand and availability of skills, the economic, environmental and social impacts of migration, remittance transfer costs, health, education, occupation, living and working conditions, wages, and the needs of migrants and receiving communities, in order to develop evidence‐based migration policies” (Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, in General Assembly Resolution 73/195, adopted on 19 December 2018, UN Doc. A/RES/73/195 (19 January 2019) Objective 1, para. 17 (j)). See also migration governance * Naturalization – Any mode of acquisition after birth of a nationality not previously held by the person that requires an application by this person or his or her legal agent as well as an act of granting nationality by a public authority. This definition does not include automatic acquisition that is not initiated by the individual concerned or his or her legal agent (even in cases where the individual has an option to decline this attribution of nationality) or acquisition of nationality based on a unilateral act by the target person (e.g. acquisition by declaration or option). Source: European Union Democracy Observatory on Citizenship, The EUDO Glossary on Citizenship and Nationality (2015). Note: Largely considered as falling under State jurisdiction, there are a very few rules on naturalization in international instruments. Article 34 of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees ((adopted 28 July 1951, entered into force 22 April 1954) p. 189 UNTS 137) and Article 32 of the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons ((adopted 28 September 1954, entered into force 6 June 1960) p. 360 UNTS 117) require States Parties to facilitate the naturalization of refugees and stateless persons respectively, in particular by expediting naturalization procedures and reducing the charges and costs of such procedures. Access to naturalization should not be discriminatory (Human Rights Committee, Q v Denmark (1 April 2015) UN Doc. CCPR/C/113/D2001/2010). Finally, with regard to the time required to be naturalized, Article 6(3) of the European Convention on Nationality ((adopted 6 November 1997, entered into force 1 March 2000) ETS No 166) requires States to set a period of lawful and habitual residence in the country not exceeding ten years before the lodging of an application for naturalization. * Non-discrimination (principle of) – Principle obliging States not to discriminate against any persons. Discrimination should be understood to imply any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference which is based on any ground such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, and which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by all persons, on an equal footing, of all rights and freedoms. Source: Adapted from United Nations Human Rights Committee, General Comment 18: Non-Discrimination (10 November 1989) para. 7 in (1994) UN Doc HRI/GEN/1/Rev.1. Note: A widely accepted principle of international customary law, the principle of non‐discrimination is established in the Charter of the United Nations ((adopted 26 June 1945, entered into force 24 October 1945) Arts 13(1)(b), 55(c) and 76(c)). The Charter prohibits discrimination based on race, sex, language, or religion. The principle is also enshrined in most human rights treaties as the reverse side of the principle of equality. Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ((adopted 10 December 1948) UNGA Res 217(A)) stipulates that “[a]ll human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights,” while Article 2 recognizes that: “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status...”. The grounds of discrimination vary from one convention to another. The human rights conventions most recently adopted (including the International Convention for the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (adopted 18 December 1990, entered into force 1 July 2003) 2220 UNTS 3, Art. 7) also list, among these grounds, “nationality”, which is more specific and relevant to migration than the broader term “national origin” used in other human rights treaties (see, for example, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (adopted 16 December 1966, entered into force 23 March 1976) 999 UNTS 171, Art. 2(1)). Within humanitarian settings, non‐discrimination is the underlying principle of impartiality, one of the four humanitarian principles. Assistance should be provided on the basis of needs and in proportion to need (see also humanitarian principles). * Non-refoulement (principle of) – The prohibition for States to extradite, deport, expel or otherwise return a person to a country where his or her life or freedom would be threatened, or where there are substantial grounds for believing that he or she would risk being subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, or would be in danger of being subjected to enforced disappearance, or of suffering another irreparable harm. Note: The principle of non‐refoulement is a fundamental principle of international law. It has its origins in international refugee law as found in Article 33 of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees ((adopted 28 July 1951, entered into force 22 April 1954) 189 UNTS 137), which stipulates: “No Contracting State shall expel or return (“refouler”) a refugee in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his life or freedom would be threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion”. The principle was then developed further in Article 3 of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment ((adopted 10 December 1984, entered into force 26 June 1987) 1465 UNTS 85), which prohibits States Parties to: “expel, return (“refouler”) or extradite a person to another State where there are substantial grounds for believing that he would be in danger of being subjected to torture”. The same Article also specifies that: “For the purpose of determining whether there are such grounds, the competent authorities shall take into account all relevant considerations including, where applicable, the existence in the State concerned of a consistent pattern of gross, flagrant or mass violations of human rights”. The principle is also enshrined in the Article 16 of the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons against Enforced Disappearances ((adopted 20 December 2006, entered into force 23 December 2010) 2716 UNTS 3). Other human rights bodies have then interpreted the prohibition of torture and inhuman and degrading treatment as entailing an obligation for States parties to the relevant conventions (notably, at the universal level, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ((adopted 16 December 1966, entered into force 23 March 1976) 999 UNTS 171) not to send persons back to a country where there is a real risk that they are submitted to the proscribed ill‐treatments. The reference to “irreparable harm” in the definition has been added to take into consideration the jurisprudence of the Human Rights Committee (Human Rights Committee, General Comment No. 31: The Nature of General Legal Obligation Imposed on States Parties to the Covenant (26 May 2004) UN Doc. CCPR/C/21/Rev.1/Add. 13, para. 12). Human rights bodies have also clarified that States should avoid any risk of “indirect refoulment” in the cases in which the real risk of ill‐treatment would not subsist in the State to which the person is returned in the first place, but in any other country to which the person would risk being subsequently returned by this State (ibid.). See also humanitarian admission, international protection, refugee (mandate), refugee (1951 Convention) * Pathways for migrants in vulnerable situations – Pathways for admission to countries of destination, building on existing national and regional practices for admission and stay of appropriate duration based on compassionate, humanitarian or other considerations for migrants compelled to leave their countries of origin, due to sudden-onset natural disasters and other precarious situations, such as by providing humanitarian visas, private sponsorships, access to education for children, and temporary work permits, while adaptation in or return to their country of origin is not possible. The term may also refer to other solutions for migrants compelled to leave their countries of origin due to slow-onset natural disasters, the adverse effects of climate change, and environmental degradation, such as desertification, land degradation, drought and sea level rise, including when based on devising planned relocation and visa options, in cases where adaptation in or return to their country of origin is not possible. Source: Adapted from Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, in General Assembly Resolution 73/195, adopted on 19 December 2018, UN Doc. A/RES/73/195 (19 January 2019) Objective 5, para. 21(g)(h). Note: The term primarily refers to regular migration pathways that can be used for persons compelled to leave their country of origin, who are in vulnerable situations and in need of protection. However, in the Global Compact for Migration, States committed “to adapt options and pathways for regular migration in a manner that … responds to the need of migrants in situations of vulnerability” (Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, in General Assembly Resolution 73/195, adopted on 19 December 2018, UN Doc. A/RES/73/195 (19 January 2019) Objective 5, para. 21). Such situations can arise not only in countries of origin, but also in countries of transit and destination (ibid., Objective 7, para. 23). Persons in need of these pathways typically include victims of trafficking, victims of torture and other serious human rights violations, unaccompanied migrant children, persons seriously ill or any other person who may find him or herself in a situation of vulnerability, at any point during the migration cycle. Pathways for migrants in vulnerable situations may include: Humanitarian visas and humanitarian admission programmes; Private sponsorships programmes; Access to education for children, student visas, or other educational opportunities; Temporary work permits or other labour mobility schemes; Planned relocation for people affected by slow‐onset natural disasters, the adverse effects of climate change and environmental degradation; Family reunification schemes; and Medical evacuations. See also humanitarian admission, humanitarian visa, migrants in vulnerable situations, regular migration pathways, vulnerability * Permit – In the migration context, documentation, such as a residence or work permit, which is usually issued by a government authority and which evidences the permission a person has to reside and/ or carry out a remunerated activity. * Regular migration – Migration that occurs in compliance with the laws of the country of origin, transit and destination. See also regular migration pathways, safe, orderly and regular migration * Regular migration pathways – Migration schemes or other migration options that allow eligible persons to migrate regularly to the concerned country of destination based on conditions and for a duration defined by such country. Note: The final draft of the Global Compact for Migration refers to regular migration pathways in Objective 5, para. 21. In this Objective, States have committed to: “adapt options and pathways for regular migration in a manner that facilitates labour mobility and decent work reflecting demographic and labour market realities, optimizes education opportunities, upholds the right to family life, and responds to the needs of migrants in a situation of vulnerability, with a view to expanding and diversifying availability of pathways for safe, orderly and regular migration” (Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, in General Assembly Resolution 73/195, adopted on 19 December 2018, UN Doc. A/RES/73/195 (19 January 2019) Objective 5, para. 21). See also pathways for migrants in vulnerable situations, regular migration, safe, orderly and regular migration * Refugee (mandate) – A person who qualifies for the protection of the United Nations provided by the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in accordance with UNHCR’s Statute and, notably, subsequent General Assembly’s resolutions clarifying the scope of UNHCR’s competency, regardless of whether or not he or she is in a country that is a party to the 1951 Convention or the 1967 Protocol – or a relevant regional refugee instrument – or whether or not he or she has been recognized by his or her host country as a refugee under either of these instruments. Source: Adapted from United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Handbook and Guidelines on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status (2011) HCR/1P/4/enG/Rev. 3, 7, para. 16. See also international protection, refugee (1951 Convention) * Refugee (1951 Convention) – A person who, owing to a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it. Source: Adapted from Convention relating to the Status of Refugees ((adopted 28 July 1951, entered into force 22 April 1954) 189 UNTS 137) Art. 1A(2). Note: Under international refugee law, recognition as a refugee is declaratory and not constitutive. “A person is a refugee within the meaning of the 1951 Convention as soon as he fulfils the criteria contained in the definition. This would necessarily occur prior to the time at which his refugee status is formally determined. Recognition of his refugee status does not therefore make him a refugee but declares him to be one. He does not become a refugee because of recognition, but is recognized because he is a refugee” (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Handbook and Guidelines on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status (2011) HCR/1P/4/enG/Rev. 3, para. 9). The second part of the definition also covers stateless persons who are outside their country of habitual residence. Instruments adopted at the regional level complement the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees ((adopted 28 July 1951, entered into force 22 April 1954) 189 UNTS 137) and build upon its definition, by including specific reference to a number of objective circumstances which may compel a person to leave their country. Article 1(2) of the Convention Governing Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa ((adopted 10 September 1969, entered into force 20 June 1974) 1001 UNTS 45) includes in the definition of refugees also any person compelled to leave his or her country “owing to external aggression, occupation, foreign domination or events seriously disturbing public order in either part or the whole of his country or origin or nationality”. Similarly, the 1984 Cartagena Declaration states that refugees also include persons who flee their country “because their lives, security or freedom have been threatened by generalised violence, foreign aggression, internal conflicts, massive violations of human rights or other circumstances which have seriously disturbed public order”. See also international protection, refugee (mandate) * Reintegration – A process which enables individuals to re-establish the economic, social and psychosocial relationships needed to maintain life, livelihood and dignity and inclusion in civic life. Note: The various components of reintegration can be described as follows. Social reintegration implies the access by a returning migrant to public services and infrastructures in his or her country of origin, including access to health, education, housing, justice and social protection schemes. Psychosocial reintegration is the reinsertion of a returning migrant into personal support networks (friends, relatives, neighbours) and civil society structures (associations, self‐help groups and other organizations). This also includes the re‐engagement with the values, mores, way of living, language, moral principles, ideology, and traditions of the country of origin’s society. Economic reintegration is the process by which a returning migrant re‐enters the economic life of his or her country of origin and is able to sustain a livelihood. See also assisted voluntary return and reintegration, integration, country of origin * Remittances (migrant) – Private international monetary transfers that migrants make, individually or collectively. Note: Remittances are primarily sent to people in countries of origin with whom migrants maintain close links, although, in some cases, they are also sent to relatives in other countries of destination. Increasingly, the terms “social remittances” or “social capital transfer” are used in the context of transfers of non‐monetary value as a result of migration, such as transfer of knowledge, know‐how, networking and skills. See also social remittances * Removal – Also referred to as deportation or, sometimes, expulsion, the act, following a deportation, expulsion or removal order by which a State physically removes a non-national from its territory to his or her country of origin or a third country after refusal of admission or termination of permission to remain. Note: The removal of non‐nationals is an expression of a State’s sovereignty to determine who enters and remains on its territory. A number of principles of international law, and most notably the principle of non‐refoulement, limit a State’s sovereignty in this regard. International law also set standards for the way in which removals are carried out. Removals should preserve the dignity of the individual and the use of force should be exceptional, limited to what is reasonably necessary, should never endanger the life or physical integrity of the individual. In particular, any techniques that may have the effect of obstructing partially or wholly the airways of the person should be avoided and any provision of medication to persons being deported or subject to a deportation order must only be done on the basis of a medical decision and in accordance with medical ethics (European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT), Deportation of Foreign Nationals by Air, Extract from the 13th General Report of the CPT (20013) CPT/Inf(2003) 35, paras. 36 and 40 in CPT, CPT Standards (Rev. 2015) CPT/Inf/E (2002) 1, pp. 79–80). See also collective expulsion, expulsion, family unity (right to), non- refoulement (principle of) * Safe, orderly and regular migration – Movement of persons in keeping both with the laws and regulations governing exit from, entry and return to and stay in States and with States’ international law obligations, in a manner in which the human dignity and well-being of migrants are upheld, their rights are respected, protected and fulfilled and the risks associated with the movement of people are acknowledged and mitigated. Note: The term is the one used in the title of the Global Compact for Migration (Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, in General Assembly Resolution 73/195, adopted on 19 December 2018, UN Doc. A/RES/73/195 (19 January 2019)). Some variations are used in other documents. Target 10.7 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development requires States to: “Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well‐managed migration policies” (United Nations General Assembly, Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (21 October 2015) A/RES/70/1). The IOM’s Migration and Governance Framework (MiGOF) also refers to “orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration” in its title, whereas one of the framework’s objectives is about ensuring that “migration takes place in a safe, orderly and dignified manner” (International Organization for Migration, Migration Governance Framework (2015) C/106/40, Objective 3). See also migration, migration governance, regular migration, regular migration pathways * Separated children – Children, as defined in Article 1 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, who have been separated from both parents, or from their previous legal or customary primary caregiver, but not necessarily from other relatives. These may, therefore, include children accompanied by other adult family members. Source: Adapted from Committee on the Rights of the Child, General Comment No. 6: Treatment of Unaccompanied and Separated Children outside Their Country of Origin (1 September 2005) UN Doc CRC/GC/2005/6, para. 8. See also migrant, unaccompanied children * Smuggling of migrants – The procurement, in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or other material benefit, of the irregular entry of a person into a State Party of which the person is not a national or a permanent resident. Source: Adapted from Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime ((adopted 15 November 2000, entered into force 28 January 2004) 2241 UNTS 507) Art. 3(a). Note: In the above definition, the term illegal entry used in the Protocol’s definition has been replaced by the term irregular entry. See also trafficking in persons * Social remittances – The transfer of ideas, behaviors, identities and social capital from migrants to their communities of origin. Source: P. Levitt, Social remittances: Migration driven local-level forms of cultural diffusion (1998) 32 International Migration Review. 4, 926–48. See also remittances (migrant) * Sovereignty (territorial) – The existence of rights over territory and the authority which a State exercises over all persons and things found on, under or above its territory. An aspect of territorial sovereignty relevant in the context of migration, is the sovereign prerogative of a State to determine the admission and exclusion of non-nationals to and from its territory, within the limits imposed by international law. Note: In the context of migration, the prerogative of a State to determine the admission in and exclusion of non‐nationals from its territory, which is based on its sovereignty, is subject to limitations imposed by international legal obligations derived from customary and treaty law such as the principle of non‐refoulement, human rights, as well as some provisions contained in bilateral or regional agreements (e.g., free movement agreements). * Stateless person – A person who is not considered as a national by any State under the operation of its law. Source: United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons ((adopted 28 September 1954, entered into force 6 June 1960) 360 UNTS 117) Art. 1. Note: An individual is a stateless person from the moment that the conditions in Article 1.1 of the United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons are met ((adopted 28 September 1954, entered into force 6 June 1960) 360 UNTS 117). As for the first element of the definition, according to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR): “[a]n enquiry into whether someone is stateless is limited to the States with which a person enjoys a relevant link, in particular by birth on the territory, descent, marriage, adoption or habitual residence…” (UNHCR, Handbook on Protection of Stateless Persons under the 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, (2014) p. 12). The second element of the definition “under the operation of its law” requires an analysis of how a State applies its nationality laws in an individual’s case as well as of any review/appeal decisions that may have had an impact on the individual’s status. UNHCR has clarified that: “This is a mixed question of fact and law. … [A] State may not in practice follow the letter of the law, even going so far as to ignore its substance. The reference to “law” in the definition of statelessness in Art 1.1 therefore covers situations where the written law is substantially modified when it comes to its implementation in practice” (ibid., pp. 15 and 16). Article 1.1 applies in both migration and non‐migration contexts. A stateless person, for example, may have lived his or her entire life and have never crossed an international border. Nonetheless, statelessness is often considered as both a cause and a consequence of migration. In some cases, a stateless person may also become a refugee if he or she is unable or unwilling to return to his or her place of habitual residence due to fear of persecution on one of the grounds of the refugee definition (United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees ((adopted 28 July 1951, entered into force 22 April 1954) 189 UNTS 137) Art. 1(A)(2)). * Trafficking in persons – The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs. Source: Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (adopted 15 November 2000, entered into force 25 December 2003) 2237 UNTS 319, Art. 3(a). Note: Article 3 of the Trafficking Protocol also stipulates that: “[t]he consent of a victim of trafficking in persons to the intended exploitation set forth in subparagraph (a) of this article shall be irrelevant where any of the means set forth in subparagraph (a) have been used” Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (adopted 15 November 2000, entered into force 25 December 2003) 2237 UNTS 319, Art. 3(b). Trafficking can also happen within State borders. See also smuggling (of migrants) * Unaccompanied children – Children, as defined in Art. 1 of the Convention on the Right of the Child, who have been separated from both parents and other relatives and are not being cared for by an adult who, by law or custom, is responsible for doing so. Source: Adapted from United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, General Comment No. 6: Treatment of Unaccompanied and Separated Children Outside their Country of Origin (2005) CRC/GC/2005/6, 6. Note: In the context of migration, children separated from both parents or other caregivers are generally referred to as unaccompanied migrant children (UMC). See also separated children * Usual residence – A place within a country where a person lives, that is to say, the place in which he or she has a place to live where he or she normally spends the daily period of rest. Source: Adapted from United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Recommendations on Statistics of International Migration (1998) 92. Note: Temporary travel abroad for purposes of recreation, holiday, visits to friends and relatives, business, medical treatment or religious pilgrimages does not change a person’s place of usual residence (ibid.). * Visa – An endorsement by the competent authorities of a State in a passport or a certificate of identity of a non-national who wishes to enter, leave, or transit through the territory of the State that indicates that the authority, at the time of issuance, considers the holder to fall within a category of non-nationals who can enter, leave or transit through the State under the State’s laws. A visa establishes the criteria of admission into, transit through or exit from a State. Note: The visa requirements of an individual’s travel outside his or her country will depend on the agreements between the State of whom he or she is a passport holder and its international agreements with the transit and destination States. The types of visas that are issued vary from State to State, and may have differing labels, but generally include: student visa, tourist visa, workers visa, marriage visa, visitor visa, business travel visa, and medical visa. International practice is moving towards issuance of machine‐ readable visas which comply with International Civil Aviation Organization standards, printed on labels with security features. * Vulnerability – Within a migration context, vulnerability is the limited capacity to avoid, resist, cope with, or recover from harm. This limited capacity is the result of the unique interaction of individual, household, community, and structural characteristics and conditions. Note: As a concept, vulnerability implies exposure to and susceptibility to some form of harm. There are different forms of harm, meaning that different sectors use the term differently (e.g. vulnerability to food insecurity, vulnerability to hazards, vulnerability to harm and violence and abuse, vulnerability to rights violation). Vulnerability derives from a range of intersecting and co‐existing personal, social, situational, and structural factors. For example, in crisis or disaster affected communities, individuals and groups may have different levels of vulnerability, depending on their exposure to hazards or to risks of neglect, discrimination, abuse and exploitation. The level of exposure is determined by the interplay of many factors: their sociodemographic characteristics, their capacities (including knowledge, networks, access to resources, access to information and early warnings, etc.), their location (in a camp, in a spontaneous settlement, in a transit center, at the border, etc.) and the crisis induced factors having an impact on them (such as separation, loss and lack of resources and opportunities, discrimination in access to assistance, etc.) (International Organization for Migration, Guidance Note on How to Mainstream Protection across IOM Crisis Response (2016) IN/232, pp. 6–7). See also migrants in vulnerable situations * Xenophobia – At the international level, no universally accepted definition of xenophobia exists, though it can be described as “attitudes, prejudices and behaviour that reject, exclude and often vilify persons, based on the perception that they are outsiders or foreigners to the community, society or national identity”. Source: Declaration on Racism, Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance against Migrants and Trafficked Persons (adopted by the Asia- Pacific NGO Meeting for the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, Teheran, 18 February 2001) last accessed 12 April 2018. Note: The Declaration on Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance recognizes that: “xenophobia against non‐nationals, particularly migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, constitutes one of the main sources of contemporary racism and that human rights violations against members of such groups occur widely in the context of discriminatory, xenophobic and racist practices” (Durban Declaration, adopted by the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (2001) para. 16). ## RESOURCES & TOOLS ![\\"International](\\"/sites/g/files/tmzbdl486/files/styles/medium_banner_thumbnail_format/public/images/resources/international- migration-law_0.jpg?h=bc1717cb&itok=ft-04ij3\\") PUBLICATION 05 Jul 2019 ##### International Migration Law N°34 - Glossary on Migration ![\\"Migration](\\"/sites/g/files/tmzbdl486/files/styles/medium_banner_thumbnail_format/public/images/resources/IML.jpg?itok=2L8g4IAc\\") Website ##### Migration Law Database ## Related Topics & Pages ##### About Migration Migration updates Subscribe to IOM newsletter to receive the latest news and stories about migration. 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A 1951 United Nations convention gives migrants fleeing violence in their home countries the legal right to enter the United States
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Country profile Country website ## The 1951 Refugee Convention 1. Home 2. About UNHCR 3. Who we are About UNHCR # The 1951 Refugee Convention The 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol are the key legal documents that form the basis of UNHCR’s work. They define the term \'refugee\' and outline their rights and the international standards of treatment for their protection. ![\\"Signing](\\"/us/sites/en-us/files/legacy-images/4a081ec76_125.jpg\\") © Arni / UN Archives Refugees are in extremely vulnerable circumstances, lacking the protection of their own countries and facing immense challenges to their safety and well- being. The 1951 Refugee Convention, supplemented by its 1967 Protocol, help protect them. They are the cornerstone of refugee protection and the key legal documents that form the basis of UNHCR’s work. The 1951 Convention provides the internationally recognized definition of a refugee and outlines the legal protection, rights and assistance a refugee is entitled to receive. UNHCR serves as the ‘guardian’ of these documents. We also help governments translate them into national laws to ensure refugees are protected and can exercise their rights. ## Core principles of the 1951 Convention The core principle of the 1951 Convention is non-refoulement, which asserts that a refugee should not be returned to a country where they face serious threats to their life or freedom. The document outlines the basic minimum standards for the treatment of refugees, including the right to housing, work and education while displaced so they can lead a dignified and independent life. It also defines a refugee’s obligations to host countries and specifies certain categories of people, such as war criminals, who do not qualify for refugee status. In addition, it details the legal obligations of the States that are party to one or both of these instruments. ### View and download the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol View the Refugee Convention and its Protocol (pdf) ![\\"Black](\\"/us/sites/en-us/files/2023-02/rf148967_136.jpg\\") Refugees from Eastern Europe pictured in a camp in Germany after the Second World War. At UNHCR’s creation in 1950, an estimated 1.25 million refugees were under its mandate. © UNHCR ## Text and media 20 ## History of the 1951 Refugee Convention In the aftermath of the First World War (1914 - 1918), millions of people fled their homelands in search of refuge. Governments responded by drawing up a set of international agreements to provide travel documents for these people who were, effectively, the first recognized refugees of the 20th century. Their numbers increased dramatically during and after the Second World War (1939-1945), as millions more were forcibly displaced. In response, the international community steadily assembled a set of guidelines, laws and conventions aimed at protecting the basic human rights and treatment of people forced to flee conflict and persecution. The process, which began under the League of Nations in 1921, culminated in the 1951 Convention which consolidated and expanded on previous international instruments relating to refugees and continues to provide the most comprehensive codification of the rights of refugees at the international level. Right Top Common questions View all What is the difference between the 1951 Convention and its 1967 Protocol? In July 1951, a diplomatic conference in Geneva adopted the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. It has since been subject to only one amendment in the form of the 1967 Protocol. Initially, the 1951 Convention was essentially limited to protecting European refugees in the aftermath of the Second World War: The document contains the words “events occurring before 1 January 1951” which are widely understood to mean “events occurring in Europe” prior to that date. The 1967 Protocol, adopted 4 October 1967, removes these geographic and time- based limitations, expanding the Convention to apply universally and protect all persons fleeing conflict and persecution. Which countries are party to the 1951 Convention and its 1967 Protocol? To date, 149 States are parties to the 1951 Convention and/or its 1967 Protocol. To learn more and view which countries are signatories, explore UNHCR’s Refugee Treaty and Legislation Dashboard. What is the definition of a refugee? Article 1 of the 1951 Convention defines a refugee as someone who \"owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of [their] nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail [themself] of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of [their] former habitual residence, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.\" Regional refugee instruments complement the 1951 Convention and have built upon its definition, by referencing a number of ‘objective’ circumstances compelling refugees to flee their countries of origin. For example, the definition outlined in the 1969 OAU (Organization of African Unity) Refugee Convention includes ‘external aggression, occupation, foreign domination or events seriously disturbing public order’ (Article 1 (2)). The 1984 Cartagena Declaration includes ‘generalized violence, foreign aggression, internal conflicts, massive violations of human rights or other circumstances which have seriously disturbed public order’ (paragraph III (3)). Why do refugees need protection? States are responsible for protecting the fundamental human rights of their citizens. When they are unable or unwilling to do so – often for political reasons, based on discrimination, or due to conflict, violence and other circumstances seriously disturbing public order – individuals may suffer such serious violations of their human rights that they must leave their homes, their families and their communities to find sanctuary in another country. Since, by definition, refugees are not protected by their own governments, the international community steps in to ensure they are safe and protected. Countries that have signed the 1951 Convention are obliged to protect refugees on their territory and treat them according to internationally recognized standards. What rights do refugees have under the 1951 Convention? The cornerstone of the 1951 Convention is the principle of non-refoulement contained in Article 33. According to this principle, a refugee should not be returned to a country where they face serious threats to their life or freedom. Other rights contained in the 1951 Convention include: * The right not to be expelled, except under certain, strictly defined conditions (Article 32) * The right not to be punished for irregular entry into the territory of a contracting State (Article 31) * The right to non-discrimination (Articles 3 and 5) * The right to decent work (Articles 17 to 19 and 24) * The right to housing, land and property, including intellectual property (Articles 13, 14 and 21) * The right to education (Article 22) * The right to freedom of religion (Article 4) * The right to access to justice (Article 16) * The right to freedom of movement within the territory (Article 26 and Article 31 (2)) * The right to be issued civil, identity and travel documents (Articles 12, 27 and 28) * The right to social protection (Articles 23 and 24 (2-4)). Does a refugee also have obligations? Yes. Refugees are required to abide by the laws and regulations of their country of asylum and respect measures taken for the maintenance of public order. Can someone be excluded from refugee protection? Yes. The 1951 Convention only protects persons who meet the criteria for refugee status. Certain categories of people are considered not to deserve refugee protection and should be excluded from such protection. This includes persons for whom there are serious reasons to suspect that: * they have committed a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity; * they have committed a serious non-political crime outside their country of refuge prior to the admission to that country as a refugee; or * they are guilty of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. How can States sign on to the 1951 Convention and its 1967 Protocol? A State can accede to the 1951 Convention at any time by depositing an instrument of accession with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The instrument of accession must be signed by the Foreign Minister or the Head of State or Government. States wishing to accede to the 1967 Protocol should follow the same procedure. States may also accede simultaneously to both the Convention and Protocol, and most States choose to do so. Learn more about how and why States can accede to the 1951 Convention and its Protocol (pdf). ## Key documents and decisions 1951 Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Status of Refugees and Stateless Persons (Travaux préparatoires) Records of the 1951 Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Status of Refugees and Stateless Persons. * The Refugee Convention, 1951: The Travaux préparatoires analysed with a Commentary by Dr. Paul Weis 1990 * Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Status of Refugees and Stateless Persons: Summary Record of the Thirty-fifth Meeting 03 December 1951 * Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Status of Refugees and Stateless Persons: Summary Record of the Thirty-second Meeting 30 November 1951 View more travaux préparatoires documents White States parties, reservations and declarations View the list of States that have acceded to one or both the 1951 Convention and its Protocol. * 1951 Refugee Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees(link is external)Link is external * 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees(link is external)Link is external White Acceding to the 1951 Convention and its Protocol * Why and how to accede to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol (pdf). * Why and how to withdraw reservations to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol (pdf). * Read the Inter-Parliamentary Union and UNHCR joint handbook for parliamentarians on refugee protection and building state asylum systems(link is external)Link is external. White ## Learn more about UNHCR Learn more about our work today and how we protect people forced to flee their homes. Learn more about what we do Support our work Please help refugees in need. Donate now Stay connected Follow us on ## Stay connected Follow us on * Facebook(link is external)Link is external * Instagram(link is external)Link is external * Twitter(link is external)Link is external * YouTube(link is external)Link is external * TikTok(link is external)Link is external * LinkedIn(link is external)Link is external Stay informed Sign up to our newsletter to learn more about people forced to flee and how you can support them. Subscribe Contact us ## Contact us * Frequently asked questions * Contact UNHCR * Media centre * Report misconduct or abuse * Report a fraudulent site or email * Become a supplier ![\\"UNHCR](\\"/themes/custom/project/images/logo/US-EN-UNHCR-White.svg\\") ## Footer * Privacy policy * Terms and conditions of use * Copyright © UNHCR 2001-2024
A 1951 United Nations convention gives migrants fleeing violence in their home countries the legal right to enter the United States
Toggle navigation Welcome to the United Nations * العربية * 中文 * Nederlands * English * Français * Kreyòl * हिन्दी * Português * Русский * Español * Kiswahili * Türkçe * Українська ![\\"UN](\\" Peace, dignity and equality on a healthy planet ## Search the United Nations Submit Search __ A-Z Site Index Toggle navigation * About Us » * About Us * Member States * Main Bodies * Secretary-General * Secretariat * UN System * History * Emblem and Flag * UN Charter * UDHR * ICJ Statute * Nobel Peace Prize * Our Work » * Our Work * Peace and Security * Human Rights * Humanitarian Aid * Sustainable Development and Climate * International Law * Global Issues * Documents * Official Languages * Observances * Events and News * Get Involved ![\\"Kamal](\\" image-style-16-9/public/kamal-and-his-family-are-among-the-thousands-of- refugees-who-have-fled-myanmar-since-august-2017.jpg\\"/) Kamal and his family are among the thousands of refugees who have fled Myanmar since August 2017. The UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, is the lead agency with respect to the protection of refugees and the internally displaced. Photo: UNOPS Global Issues # Refugees The definition of a refugee is someone who: \"owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it\" At the end of June 2023, 110 million people worldwide were forcibly displaced from their homes due to persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations and events seriously disturbing public order. Among those were 36.4 million refugees, (30.5 million refugees under UNHCR\'s mandate, and 5.94 million Palestine refugees under UNRWA\'s mandate). There were also 62.1 million internally displaced people, 6.08 million asylum seekers, and 5.6 million Venezuelans refugees or in need of international protection . There are also millions of stateless people, who have been denied a nationality and access to basic rights such as education, healthcare, employment and freedom of movement. During the first half of the year, approximately 90% of newly displaced individuals globally resulted from seven significant displacement situations. These situations consist of both ongoing and new conflicts and humanitarian crises in various countries such as Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Latin America and the Caribbean nations, Myanmar, Somalia, Sudan and Ukraine. There are diminishing prospects for refugees when it comes to hopes of any quick end to their plight. In the 1990s, on average 1.5 million refugees were able to return home each year. Over the past decade that number has fallen to around 385,000, meaning that growth in displacement is today far outstripping solutions. ## UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency People fleeing persecution and conflict have been granted asylum in foreign lands for thousands of years. The UN agency that helps refugees is UNHCR (also known as the UN Refugee Agency), which emerged in the wake of World War II to help Europeans displaced by that conflict. UNHCR was established on December 14, 1950 by the UN General Assembly with a three-year mandate to complete its work and then disband. The following year, on July 28, the legal foundation of helping refugees and the basic statute guiding UNHCR\'s work, the United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, was adopted. So instead of ending its work after three years, UNHCR has been working ever since to help refugees. In the 1960s, the decolonization of Africa produced the first of that continent\'s numerous refugee crises needing UNHCR intervention. Over the following two decades, UNHCR had to help with displacement crises in Asia and Latin America. By the end of the century there were fresh refugee problems in Africa and, turning full circle, new waves of refugees in Europe from the series of wars in the Balkans. ### UNHCR in the field The UN Refugee Agency has its Headquarters in Geneva, but about 89 per cent of staff are in the field. Today, a staff of more than 18,000 people in 135 countries provides protection and assistance to nearly 59 million refugees, returnees, internally displaced and stateless people. The largest portion of UNHCR staff are based in countries in Asia and Africa, the continents that both host and generate the most refugees and internally displaced people. Many are in isolated locations where staff work in difficult - and often dangerous - conditions. As of mid-2023, the top five countries of origin for refugees and individuals in need of international protection are Syria (6.5 million), followed by Afghanistan (6.1 million), Ukraine (6 million), Venezuela (5.6 million) and South Sudan (2.2 million). ### Nansen Refugee Award The UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award is given to individuals, groups, and organizations that demonstrate exceptional commitment to protecting refugees, displaced and stateless people. The award was established in 1954 to honor the legacy of Fridtjof Nansen, a Norwegian scientist, polar explorer, diplomat, and the first High Commissioner for Refugees for the League of Nations. The first Nansen Refugee Award was presented in 1954 to Eleanor Roosevelt, the first Chair of the UN Human Rights Commission and First Lady of the United States alongside President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Since then, over 60 individuals, organizations or groups have been honored with the Award, for their exceptional work and service towards people who are compelled to leave their homes. ## Global Compact on Refugees On 17 December 2018, the United Nations General Assembly approved the Global Compact on Refugees, a framework for more predictable and equitable responsibility-sharing, recognizing that a sustainable solution to refugee situations cannot be achieved without international cooperation. The four key objectives of the Global Compact are: * Ease the pressures on host countries * Enhance refugee self-reliance. * Expand access to third-country solutions. * Support conditions in countries of origin for return in safety and dignity. The 2023 Global Refugee Forum, an event designed to support the practical implementation of the four objectives and the world’s largest international gathering on refugees, resulted in more than 1,600 pledges in support of refugees and their host communities, including 43 multi-partner commitments led by governments. An estimated $2.2 billion in new financial commitments were announced by States and other actors, with some $250 million pledged by the private sector. These outcomes offer a source of hope for the more than 36 million refugees displaced worldwide. ## UNRWA The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), was mandated by the UN General Assembly in 1949 to provide services to registered Palestine refugees in the Middle East. When the Agency began operations in 1950, it was responding to the needs of about 750,000 Palestine refugees. UNRWA is a direct service provider, delivering primary and secondary education, health care, relief and social services, camp infrastructure and improvement, microfinance, and emergency aid to Palestine refugees, now numbering almost 6 million, in the Agency’s five mandated areas of operation: the Gaza Strip, West Bank, including East Jerusalem, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. ### UNRWA mandate Definitions of refugees under the 1951 Refugee Convention and of Palestine refugees per the UN General Assembly are complementary. For UNRWA’s mandate, ‘Palestine refugee’ relates to people whose normal place of residence was Palestine between 1 June 1946 and 15 May 1948 and who lost both home and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 conflict. Palestine refugees and their descendants can register with UNRWA to receive services in UNRWA’s mandated areas of operation. The Member States, through the UN General Assembly, have tasked UNRWA to provide assistance and protection to Palestine refugees until a just and lasting political solution is found that addresses their plight. ### Aftermath of 7 October 2023 attack Since the beginning of the Israeli military operation in Gaza in response to the attack on Israel by Palestinian armed groups, more than one million people have been internally displaced in Gaza and over 60% of the housing units have been either destroyed, or partially damaged preventing people from returning home Following allegations that 12 UNRWA staff were involved in the attacks, the Secretary-General opened an investigation. The decision by various Member States to suspend funding to UNRWA over the allegations prompted a statement by the heads of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee, the UN System’s highest- level humanitarian coordination forum, warning that “pausing funds from UNRWA will have catastrophic consequences for the people of Gaza”. ### Descendants of refugees retain refugee status Under international law and the principle of family unity, the children of refugees and their descendants are also considered refugees until a durable solution is found. Both UNRWA and UNHCR recognize descendants as refugees on this basis, a practice that has been widely accepted by the international community, including both donors and refugee hosting countries. Palestine refugees are not distinct from other protracted refugee situations such as those from Afghanistan or Somalia, where there are multiple generations of refugees, considered by UNHCR as refugees and supported as such. Protracted refugee situations are the result of the failure to find political solutions to their underlying political crises. ## Support for refugee camps UN peacekeepers are often there to protect the camps in which refugees must live. When they are left without access to such basic necessities as food, water, sanitation and health care, the UN family provides it. Much of this support is provided through the United Nations humanitarian action machinery. The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), through its “cluster approach”, brings together all major humanitarian agencies, both within and outside the UN system, for coordinated action. UNHCR is the lead agency with respect to the protection of refugees and the internally displaced. Along with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), it is the lead agency for camp coordination and management. And it shares the lead with respect to emergency shelter with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees has twice been the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize — in 1954 and most recently in 1981. ## Climate change, natural disasters and displacement In addition to persecution and conflict, in the 21st century, natural disaster (sometimes due to climate change) can also force people to seek refuge in other countries. Such disasters – floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, mudslides – are increasing in frequency and intensity. While most of the displacement caused by these events is internal, they can also cause people to cross borders. None of the existing international and regional refugee law instruments, however, specifically addresses the plight of such people. Displacement caused by the slow-onset effects of climate change is largely internal as well. But through its acceleration of drought, desertification, the salinization of ground water and soil, and rising sea levels, climate change, too, can contribute to the displacement of people across international frontiers. Other human-made calamities, such as severe socio-economic deprivation, can also cause people to flee across borders. While some may be escaping persecution, most leave because they lack any meaningful option to remain. The lack of food, water, education, health care and a livelihood would not ordinarily and by themselves sustain a refugee claim under the 1951 Convention. Nevertheless, some of these people may need some form of protection. All of these circumstances - conflict, natural disasters, and climate change - pose enormous challenges for the international humanitarian community. ### Climate change and conflict An increasing numbers of people fleeing persecution, violence and human rights violations linked to the adverse effects of climate change and disasters require international protection. In 2022, 84% of refugees and asylum seekers fled from countries highly vulnerable to climate change, whereas it was only 61% in 2010. The possibility of finding long-term solutions for these refugees is becoming increasingly limited. In 2020, only 1% of refugees were able to return home, which is a worrying trend, as the impact of climate change worsens the living conditions and opportunities for development in their countries of origin. Moreover, a considerable percentage of forcibly displaced and stateless people are currently living in the most climate-vulnerable environments across the world. These people, along with their host communities, lack the resources and resilience necessary to cope with the impacts of climate change. Women, girls, and other groups with specific needs often face greater challenges and burdens from the effects of climate change, due to existing cultural norms, roles, and responsibilities. ## Events As proclaimed by the General Assembly, World Refugee Day is observed annually on 20 June. The UN General Assembly hosted a high-level meeting on 19 September 2016 to address large movements of refugees and migrants, with the aim of bringing countries together behind a more humane and coordinated approach. ## Resources * The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) * The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) * Global Trends Report * Figures at a glance (UNHCR) * Refugees and Migrants ### Global Issues * Overview * Africa * Ageing * AIDS * Atomic Energy * Big Data for Sustainable Development * Child and Youth Safety Online * Children * Climate Change * Countering Terrorism * Decolonization * Democracy * Disarmament * Ending Poverty * Food * Gender Equality * Health * Human Rights * International Law and Justice * International Migration * Oceans and the Law of the Sea * Peace and Security * Population * Refugees * Water * Youth ### Related Stories from the UN System ![\\"Ethiopian](\\" stories-refugees.jpg\\"/) Read more about refugees. 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Ivete snorting cocaine before the show Someone has to finance drug trafficking
Open Navigation Menu Menu Story Saved To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. Close Alert Close ![\\"WIRED\\"](\\"/verso/static/wired/assets/logo-header.svg\\") Cocaine, sex and social media: the untold story of Rio\'s most notorious cartel boss * Security * Politics * Gear * The Big Story * Business * Science * Culture * Ideas * Merch * Prime Day Story Saved To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. Close Alert CloseSubscribe # Get 1 year of WIRED for just # $30 $5 SUBSCRIBE ![\\"Wired](\\" Search Search * Security * Politics * Gear * The Big Story * Business * Science * Culture * Ideas * Merch * Prime Day * Podcasts * Video * Newsletters * Magazine * Travel * Steven Levy\'s Plaintext Column * WIRED Classics from the Archive * Events * WIRED Insider * WIRED Consulting * Jobs * Coupons Misha Glenny The Big Story Oct 26, 2015 12:42 PM # Cocaine, sex and social media: the untold story of Rio\'s most notorious cartel boss Antônio \'Nem\' Lopes had 120 armed hitmen and was responsible for more than 60 per cent of the cocaine consumed in Rio. Then the law caught up with him Save this storySave Save this storySave Bibi Perigosa was furious. She had discovered text messages on her husband\'s phone that made it pretty clear he was seeing another woman. Perigosa, which means \"dangerous\" in Portuguese, was not the most beautiful woman in the favela, but she was one of the most recognisable and popular. She had a personality that was simultaneously overwhelming and attractive. But Perigosa was in a difficult position. Her husband, Saulo de Sá Silva, was second in command of the drugs cartel that ran Rocinha, the favela where she lived. Since Silva had escaped prison 18 months earlier, in December 2005, he\'d become busier than ever -- the drugs business was booming -- and his success had led to a rise in income and attractiveness to other women. There are around a thousand favelas in Rio de Janeiro, but Rocinha is the largest. It is surrounded by Rio\'s three wealthiest districts -- Gávea, Leblon and São Conrado -- where a vast market for cocaine has grown since the 80s. The rich white kids of Rio\'s middle class have a lot of money and like to party; and, because of its location, Rocinha is estimated by the police to shift 60 per cent of the snowstorm that falls on the city after drifting across Latin America from Colombia and Peru. Sinha had built a large part of the Rocinha cartel\'s market share. Silva is short, with a square, unassuming face that reveals the multicultural heritage common among Brazilians -- indigenous South American, European and African. His role within Friends of Friends (known universally by its Portuguese acronym, ADA), one of Rio\'s three warring cartels, was significant and, to some degree, serendipitous. Silva was convicted for drug dealing in 2004 (when he was close to completing a degree in mathematics) and consigned to Rio\'s notorious municipal jail, Bangu. He was fortunate enough to enjoy the financial support of Luciano Barbosa da Silva, known as Lulu, the then don of Rocinha, and bought himself a number of privileges, including conjugal visits from Perigosa. He didn\'t have to live in an overcrowded cell with multiple occupants but instead shared with a middle-class prisoner who had studied chemistry. During his time behind bars, something happened that would enable ADA -- via Silva -- to develop a significant advantage over its rivals: Silva\'s cellmate taught him to turn \"pasta base\" (base paste), the intermediate cake, into powdered cocaine via purification. Silva escaped from Bangu in December 2005 by removing the air-conditioning unit in his cell, and quickly developed the only cocaine refinery operating out of a Rio favela -- the rest of the cocaine sold in the city had already been refined in Colombia, Peru or Bolivia. As a result, Rocinha\'s profits tripled more or less overnight. Perigosa\'s lifestyle transformed immediately. She had money to burn and she had status -- but now she also had female rivals who were vying for Silva\'s affection. When she confronted her husband about the text messages, he denied the accusation vehemently. But, every day, he left home at seven in the morning and didn\'t return until midnight, sometimes later. Perigosa was left at home with their two young children going stir-crazy. Most Popular * ![\\"A](\\" Culture A Canticle for Leibowitz Is a Big, Beautiful Mess By Geek\'s Guide to the Galaxy * ![\\"The](\\" Gear The Best Binoculars to Zoom In on Real Life By Scott Gilbertson * ![\\"The](\\" Gear The Best Samsung Galaxy S24 Cases and Accessories By Julian Chokkattu * ![\\"The](\\" Gear The Best Electric Toothbrushes for Your Pearly Whites By Medea Giordano To alleviate her frustration and anger, Bibi often turned to Orkut, the social network owned by Google. At that time, the network seemed close to becoming a serious challenger to MySpace and Facebook -- it was enormously popular in emerging markets such as India and Brazil. The platform played a key role in the huge rise in internet use in Brazil. Perigosa was a committed user. \"It\'s so boring having cash,\" she posted one day, underneath a photograph of herself with her fists stuffed full of bank notes. Some of the comments she received weren\'t welcome: \"While you\'re hanging out at home, Bibi,\" one young woman mocked, \"your precious Saulo is off screwing other women.\" Then, in August 2007, Perigosa showed off by posting a photograph of herself with a gun Silva had left in the house. The behaviour was risky -- he had already warned her to be careful about what she posted. He considered social media an unnecessary form of self-exposure. After she\'d uploaded the photograph, Perigosa thought about his warning and pulled the picture. Later, Perigosa posted a message on Orkut asking her mother to call her. She included her own telephone number. She removed it minutes later after realising it was a foolish thing to do, but it was too late. Every post, every photograph, every message was being monitored in real time by Brazilian investigators. The police had set up wiretaps to monitor Perigosa\'s telephone calls. First they heard her in conversation with her mother. Before long, she phoned Silva. This was what investigators had been long been hoping for -- now they finally had the phone number of the deputy commander of ADA. Putting a wiretap on Silva\'s number was the opening move in a law-enforcement operation named Service Provider. Alexandre Estelita and Reinaldo Leal, two experienced investigators from Rio\'s Civil Police, were tasked with uncovering the structure, operational methods and turnover of ADA in Rocinha. The favela had a population of 100,000 squeezed into a mere 3km2 that covers a steep hill rising from the Atlantic shore and cradled in a sloping bowl of the coastal rainforest -- officers were able to enter the favela only in large numbers and needed to be heavily armed. Most of the time the slums were no-go areas where the state had no purchase or influence. After Silva escaped from prison, the detectives assumed he had probably gone to Rocinha, but they couldn\'t be sure. Apart from the main road, Estrada da Gávea (which, in the 30s, formed part of Rio\'s Grand Prix racetrack), Rocinha is made up almost exclusively of tiny little alleys and lanes made dark by jerry-rigged buildings which cannot expand outwards and so are extended vertically. In Rio\'s urban warfare all the advantages lie with the heavily armed defenders of the favelas. Estelita and Leal figured that they could use social media and tap mobile phones to construct the make-up of Rocinha\'s drug gang without physically entering the slum. Most Popular * ![\\"A](\\" Culture A Canticle for Leibowitz Is a Big, Beautiful Mess By Geek\'s Guide to the Galaxy * ![\\"The](\\" Gear The Best Binoculars to Zoom In on Real Life By Scott Gilbertson * ![\\"The](\\" Gear The Best Samsung Galaxy S24 Cases and Accessories By Julian Chokkattu * ![\\"The](\\" Gear The Best Electric Toothbrushes for Your Pearly Whites By Medea Giordano With Silva\'s number in their database, the two cops were able to start tracking his movements. Unsurprisingly, he never left the favela. Inside the perimeter, he was safe -- no police would violate the sanctuary of Rocinha. Estelita and Leal were shuttling between their office and the court in order to get a judge to sign off phone taps in Rocinha. Silva\'s number led them to Juca Terror, another senior player responsible for communicating with other favelas loyal to ADA. Then came several senior members of the supposed 400-strong ADA, gangsters with names such as Beiço, Total, D2, Lico, Vinni. Before long, the two detectives were mapping the relationships between dozens of the men and women running Rocinha. But they were missing a crucial piece of information: they couldn\'t find a number for Nem, the don of Rocinha. Within the favela he was said to be omnipotent, yet Estelita and Leal knew virtually nothing about him. He was the boss, but he had never been picked up and never been photographed. The police weren\'t even sure if Nem was his real name. Antônio Franciso Bonfim Lopes, Nem of Rocinha, had been born in the favela in May 1976 to an immigrant from Brazil\'s north east and a semi-literate mother who traced her antecedents back to the indigenous community. The family lived in a tiny shelter made of wood and corrugated tin -- Nem shared the bedroom with his parents and half-brother, who was 14 years older. Although both his parents worked, his mother as a maid to a middle-class family and his father as a waiter, the boys grew up on a diet of rice and beans, supplemented by fruit from the surrounding forest. Nem\'s parents drank heavily and fought. When Nem was 12, his father, whom he worshipped, was shot in the knee during a hold-up at the restaurant where he worked. With his mother out working, Nem stayed at home to nurse him. The wound never healed and the boy watched as his father\'s health deteriorated. Ten months later he died of a heart attack. Nem was intelligent but had to leave school to work. He found a job distributing Rio\'s equivalent of the Radio Times around the South Zone, the district that includes all the major tourist spots in the city, including the statue of Christ the Redeemer, Sugar Loaf Mountain and the beaches of Copacabana, Ipanema and Leblon. By his late teens he was thin and tall, about 190cm, with a distinctive narrow face and a slight overbite. His eyes were so jet-black that the irises and pupils seemed to merge. He soon established himself as a leader; although he couldn\'t drive, he was made responsible for eight co-workers and a fleet of bikes and vans. He married Vanessa, his childhood sweetheart, before saving enough to move into a hovel of his own in Rocinha. In late 1999, their ten-month-old daughter Eduarda woke up crying with a stiff neck. After months of tests, doctors diagnosed an aggressive and potentially fatal autoimmune disease called Langerhans cell histiocytosis, in which the body\'s defences attack its bones and sometimes other organs. The treatment involved significant costs. Nem fell behind on the rent and the family was forced to return to move back to his mother\'s house. The medical authorities ruled the bathroom unfit for the baby and the family received a large bill for a specialist catheter required to administer the powerful chemotherapy Eduarda needed. Most Popular * ![\\"A](\\" Culture A Canticle for Leibowitz Is a Big, Beautiful Mess By Geek\'s Guide to the Galaxy * ![\\"The](\\" Gear The Best Binoculars to Zoom In on Real Life By Scott Gilbertson * ![\\"The](\\" Gear The Best Samsung Galaxy S24 Cases and Accessories By Julian Chokkattu * ![\\"The](\\" Gear The Best Electric Toothbrushes for Your Pearly Whites By Medea Giordano Eight months later, Nem was £3,000 in debt -- a fortune for a favela resident. He had no credit, so, after much soul-searching, he decided to request a loan from the only man in the favela with enough cash to spare, Rocinha\'s drug lord, Lulu. Lulu\'s was a cash-rich industry. He handed out loans, usually to residents who wanted to purchase their own apartment. This served a dual purpose: the practice boosted the local economy, which was largely ignored by the state and financial institutions. It also recycled the profits from the drugs trade. Nem had never engaged with drugs, never taken them. He was revolted by the associated violence, which had been a backdrop to his life. None of his childhood friends were in the business. They were all, like him, workers -- drivers, builders, waiters. But his baby girl was sick and he was desperate. Two days before his 24th birthday he started the long walk uphill on Estrada da Gávea towards Road One, the favela\'s toughest area where the boss of the drugs trade had his office. The encounter was more significant for Nem than securing a loan -- soon after the meeting he went to work for Lulu. Within five years he would become Rochina\'s most powerful man. Nem\'s rise up the ADA hierarchy was swift. Lulu valued his employee\'s accounting abilities and experience as a distribution manager, which professionalised the cocaine sales to the South Zone\'s party people. While his rivals for power within the cartel swaggered around the favela showing off their machine guns, Nem\'s calm disposition and business acumen fast-tracked him to the top of the organisation. He figured out that, in order to appeal to Lulu, money would talk louder than guns. But, in April 2004, Lulu was killed by Rio\'s paramilitary Battalion of Special Police Operations. His death triggered a low-level civil war in Rocinha that involved 18 months of coups and counter-coups. Finally, in November 2005, Nem emerged victorious after Lulu\'s likely successor was murdered. The introduction of the cocaine refinery, set up by Silva, was a boost to the business and gave Rocinha an advantage over its rivals. The partnership between Nem and Silva worked well: the former used his charisma and financial acumen to generate support among ordinary favela residents, the latter upped turnover. And times were good -- a few months after becoming don and now divorced from Vanessa, Nem married Danúbia Rangel, a bottle blonde with sharp cheekbones and a taste for the high life. By listening to Silva\'s calls to his foot soldiers over the next year, detectives Estelita and Leal discovered that one kilo of coca paste, which cost $3,500 (£2,250), rendered the same weight in pure cocaine, which sold for $8,000. They were also able to ascertain that a single smoke shop in Parque da Cidade, a small satellite favela of Rocinha, turned over $1,250 per day, amounting to nearly half a million dollars a year. Silva later confirmed to police that the Rocinha cartel was selling to other favelas, including some areas under the control of its greatest rival cartel, Red Command. Most Popular * ![\\"A](\\" Culture A Canticle for Leibowitz Is a Big, Beautiful Mess By Geek\'s Guide to the Galaxy * ![\\"The](\\" Gear The Best Binoculars to Zoom In on Real Life By Scott Gilbertson * ![\\"The](\\" Gear The Best Samsung Galaxy S24 Cases and Accessories By Julian Chokkattu * ![\\"The](\\" Gear The Best Electric Toothbrushes for Your Pearly Whites By Medea Giordano Nem understood the benefits but also risks to his business of the emerging networked, social age. He realised that the information revolution offered many more advantages to the law than it did to dealers. He dictated that computers were not to be used for business and ostentatious use of social media was outlawed. However, he found it impossible to control some of his soldiers and their partners. Above all, Nem regarded the mobile phone as a menace. Members of his cartel were forbidden to mention his name on the phone. When they did, they would refer to him by phrases such as \"the one next to God\". He needed to be in touch with a vast range of contacts: almost the entire police force surrounding the favela was being paid off by ADA. According to one of the gangsters responsible for making payments, the Gringo, at any one time there were eight police vehicles on the gang\'s payroll -- two at the top of the favela and six at the bottom. Each had two officers, both receiving about £15 per shift, a total of £720 for every 24-hour period or £260,000 annually. And it wasn\'t just the beat cops on Nem\'s payroll -- senior officers received larger sums. Their job was to warn ADA of potential raids. This expenditure didn\'t include Nem\'s expenses inside Rocinha: ADA paid for funerals, the distribution of food to the poorest inhabitants and other provisions. He would need his senior managers to be contactable at any time. Wherever he went, Nem was accompanied by a member of ADA who carried a bag with 20 mobile phones. Each SIM only made contact with one other phone belonging to Nem\'s network of cops, lawyers, suppliers and gang members. The owners were forbidden to use the phones unless they had to speak to Nem. Little did he know that his network had already been compromised by Perigosa and Silva. Nem frequently talked to members of the ADA about the importance of controlling the circulation of critical information inside the favela -- and managing what seeped into the outside world. This gave the people of Rocinha the impression that he was all-seeing and all-knowing. They called him the Master, a title he encouraged.\"He wasn\'t called the Master for nothing,\" Estelita explains. In jeans and T-shirts, with three-day stubble and shades, Estelita and his colleague Leal look, each time WIRED meets them, as if they have walked off the set of Miami Vice, yet are thoughtful and shrewd. \"Nem would see himself as possessing greater wisdom than the others,\" Estelita says. \"And he did. Apart from the power vested in him by weapons and fear, he had the power of intellect, which was allied to the power he accrued through his control of information.\" A \"master\", the detective says, is a character who has information and knows what he is doing. \"If there were a police operation pending, he would order his assistants to tell kids not to go to school as there was going to be a raid.\" This of course meant that he had been tipped off. \"So others thought he was like God,\" Estelita says. \"So far as they were concerned, he just seemed to know everything. And he sort of did. Most Popular * ![\\"A](\\" Culture A Canticle for Leibowitz Is a Big, Beautiful Mess By Geek\'s Guide to the Galaxy * ![\\"The](\\" Gear The Best Binoculars to Zoom In on Real Life By Scott Gilbertson * ![\\"The](\\" Gear The Best Samsung Galaxy S24 Cases and Accessories By Julian Chokkattu * ![\\"The](\\" Gear The Best Electric Toothbrushes for Your Pearly Whites By Medea Giordano Nem became popular among the Rocinha residents. This was in part because he developed an embryonic welfare state there. But his appeal was also because he had a strategy of reducing violence and homicides in the favelas. As Rochina\'s economy improved, the favela developed a reputation for being safe. The slum became a brand. Everyone wanted to visit Rocinha -- football stars, the top music artists, politicians, academics, tourists and even the president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The entire line-up of Rio\'s most popular football team, Flamengo, of which Nem is a fanatical supporter, pitched up and local megastar singers Ivete Sangalo and Claudia Leite performed there, as did the New York rapper Ja Rule. It may have dominated the cocaine trade, but Rocinha was also the only major favela with a tourist industry. When Nem took power, annual homicide rates in Rocinha stood at about 60 per 100,000. According to a research unit into violence in the favelas at the Federal University of Rio, under Nem that number dropped dramatically to around 20 per 100,000 per year. Nem exercised a monopoly on violence in the favela -- he was effectively prime minister and chief of police. With 150 men under arms, he kept peace in a community of 100,000. Rates of theft and assault also came down. However, as Brazil looked forward to hosting the 2014 Fifa World Cup, the authorities launched a programme to eliminate the cartels from some of the favelas. The strategy, known as pacification, involved special forces who would enter a favela in force in order to decapitate and dismantle drugs organisations. In theory, this was to be followed up with a renewed effort to build schools and health centres and to accelerate rubbish collection and other municipal services, although there is little evidence of this having happened. In 2011, the state decided that it should make its presence felt inside the favelas for the first time in 50 years. Politics, a global sporting event and the demands of big business meant that the clock was ticking for Nem. Time was already up for Saulo de Sá Silva: one Sunday in January 2008, he had been arrested -- in his swimming trunks -- in a flat in the resort of Maragogi, 2,000km north of Rio, by undercover police posing as tourists. The police had located Silva via a now familiar route -- Perigosa had posted on Orkut that the couple were undertaking a tour of Brazil\'s beaches. About 18 months later, a Civil Police team raided Rocinha and used the opportunity to make a sweep of Nem\'s house. They found a photo album belonging to Danúbia, his second wife. They included pictures of her climbing into a helicopter for a bird\'s-eye tour of Rio\'s tourist highlights. A couple of days later these photos appeared in one of Rio\'s daily newspapers, O Dia. At a glance the photo didn\'t reveal anything that could be useful to investigators. But closer examination revealed a tall figure with a narrow face in the background: Nem. Unlike most drug traffickers, throughout most of his tenure as Don, there had been no photographs circulating of Nem. Outside the favela, nobody knew what he looked like. Most Popular * ![\\"A](\\" Culture A Canticle for Leibowitz Is a Big, Beautiful Mess By Geek\'s Guide to the Galaxy * ![\\"The](\\" Gear The Best Binoculars to Zoom In on Real Life By Scott Gilbertson * ![\\"The](\\" Gear The Best Samsung Galaxy S24 Cases and Accessories By Julian Chokkattu * ![\\"The](\\" Gear The Best Electric Toothbrushes for Your Pearly Whites By Medea Giordano Nem ordered every copy in the South Zone to be burned, but their destruction came too late -- the photo was already online. Nem was no longer a shadowy figure to the authorities -- they understood how his organisation worked and now they knew who they were after. On November 10, 2011, three police forces attacked Rocinha, racing each other for the chance to arrest Nem. As the favela swarmed with elite forces, Nem tried to flee in the boot of a car. The vehicle was stopped at a roadblock. One of the passengers claimed to be a diplomat before offering a bribe of $570,000. The vehicle was surrounded by the civilian, military and federal police forces. Today, Nem is imprisoned in a high-security federal jail thousands of kilometres from Rio. He wears the penitentiary\'s regulation blue T-shirt and cotton trousers and his hair is now cut short -- the curls are gone. Convicted in 2013 of association with trafficking and sentenced to 12 years, he\'s now awaiting trial for homicide. The incarceration doesn\'t bother him. \"If it happened all over again, I wouldn\'t do anything differently,\" he says. The reason is simple: Eduarda, his daughter, is now a 16-year-old who is doing well at school and hopes to go to university. Misha Glenny is the author of Nemesis: One Man and the Battle for Rio (Bodley Head) Illustration: Mike McQuade. Photography: Spiegel Online; AP Photo; Corbis This article was originally published by WIRED UK TopicsLong ReadsCrimedrugsmagazineNovember 2015 Issue ![\\"WIRED\\"](\\"/verso/static/wired/assets/logo-reverse.svg\\") WIRED is where tomorrow is realized. It is the essential source of information and ideas that make sense of a world in constant transformation. The WIRED conversation illuminates how technology is changing every aspect of our lives—from culture to business, science to design. The breakthroughs and innovations that we uncover lead to new ways of thinking, new connections, and new industries. 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Ivete snorting cocaine before the show Someone has to finance drug trafficking
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Posted on 28 March, 2019 by Dr Claire Hastings ![\\"Like](\\"/assets/img/facebook-share.jpg\\"/) ![\\"Tweet](\\"/assets/img/twitter.jpg\\"/) ![\\"Share](\\"/assets/img/linked_in.jpg\\"/) ![\\"Cigarettes](\\" source/default-album/cigarettes-and-wine-945x532px.jpg?sfvrsn=d1575969_4\\") Image: Cigarettes and wine in black and white. Credit: Børge Nordbø via Flickr. License: CC BY 2.0 People have been smoking tobacco recreationally for thousands of years. It’s unlikely many people died as a direct result of the habit since up until the last century few lived to what we would now consider middle-aged, when we might start to see cancer rear its ugly head. But as we began to live long enough to get cancer, and cigarettes became accessible through mass-production, suspicion about a possible link between smoking and cancer started to arise. It began in the early in the 1900s, and it took decades to gather enough evidence to show a link, and even longer to change behaviour. ## Cancer link The ICR was at the heart of the discovery of the link between smoking and cancer. Professor Sir Ernest Kennaway in the 1920s and 1930s identified the first carcinogens in smoke and coal tar. World renowned epidemiologist Sir Richard Doll, who went on to become the ICR’s Chairman, found that the risk of developing lung cancer increased in proportion to the amount smoked while he was at the MRC Statistical Research Unit in the 1950s. Although around 15 per cent of adults in the UK still choose to smoke, survey data suggests that more than 70 per cent of the general public understand the link between smoking and cancer. This awareness has led to the number of people smoking to decrease year on year, and there are a number of social and financial penalties placed on smokers to attempt to bring the numbers down even further. ## What about alcohol? Awareness of the link between alcohol and cancer, however, is not anywhere near as high. A recent survey suggests only 13 per cent of people understand cancer is one of the health risks associated with alcohol consumption. We don’t yet have the same vast body of evidence for the effects of alcohol compared to smoking, but we do know that alcohol itself can directly cause damage to cells that can trigger cancer, and there is evidence that alcohol consumption increases the risk of seven different types of cancer – that of the mouth, throat, voice box, oesophagus, bowel, liver and breast. Research at the ICR is underpinned by generous contributions from our supporters. Find out more about how you can contribute to our mission to make the discoveries to defeat cancer. Read more ## Moderate drinking In an attempt to increase public awareness, a new study published in the journal BMC Public Health has estimated the cancer risks associated with moderate alcohol consumption, and drawn a comparison with levels of smoking. The authors of the research, from University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Bangor University and University of Southampton, found the risk of cancer from drinking one bottle of wine a week was equivalent to smoking 10 cigarettes a week for women and five cigarettes for men. If non-smoking women and men drank a bottle of wine every week, their lifetime risk of cancer would increase by 1.4 per cent for women, and one percent for men. In real terms, if 1,000 women and 1,000 men each drank one bottle of wine per week, it’s likely that around 14 extra women and 10 extra men would develop cancer at some point in their life. ## Heavier alcohol consumption On the surface, five or 10 cigarettes a week doesn’t sound like a lot. But we need to put that into drinking habits of the nation. The Office for National Statistics reported in their recent 2019 survey that 60 per cent of adults in the UK report they drink up to 14 units a week. That’s quite a lot of people with a moderate increase in risk. The survey also revealed that 17 per cent of adults – so more than the number of smokers in the UK – reported the drink between 14 and 50 units and 4 per cent reported drinking 50 or more. How do these levels affect risk? The BMC Public Health study also looked into heavier levels of alcohol consumption and estimated that drinking three bottles of wine per week (around 30 units) could increase lifetime cancer risk by 3.6 per cent in women and 1.9 per cent in men, or 36 in 1,000 women and 19 in 1,000 men. That’s apparently the equivalent to smoking roughly eight cigarettes per week for men and 23 cigarettes per week for women. ## “Cancer risk is enormously complex and nuanced” Dr Minouk Schoemaker is a Staff Scientist and Epidemiologist at the ICR who conducts research into the causes of breast cancer. Commenting on the study, she said: “The study results offer an interesting insight into the overall lifetime risk of cancer related to alcohol and smoking. They show that drinking even moderate levels of alcohol leads to a relatively greater cancer risk in women than in men, due to the link of alcohol with breast cancer. “The overall picture of cancer risk is enormously complex and nuanced, so it’s important to keep in mind that this new study is subject to a number of assumptions. For example, it is difficult to disentangle the effects of alcohol and cigarette smoking entirely, and the study did not take into account the duration of smoking or time since stopping. “There is still limited public awareness of the cancer risks of alcohol, despite the fact that drinking has been linked to common types of cancer and scientists agree that there is no ‘safe’ amount of alcohol in terms of cancer risk. The new research underlines the importance of public health programmes to encourage people to limit their alcohol consumption.” ## Changing behaviour Much like smoking, people have been drinking alcohol for thousands of years. Today, older generations started smoking and drinking before anyone had accepted that it was seriously bad for your health. So you can understand why there is a reluctance to give up the activities they enjoy, that they may use to escape from the stresses of everyday life. But there is a substantial reduction in smoking, so there may be hope yet for the nation’s alcohol habits. Communicating cancer risk by putting alcohol consumption in the context of smoking might not be perfect, but it’s a more tangible example that the majority of the general public can understand. ## Hope for the future In October 2018, a study led by researchers at University College London reported that 29 per cent of 16-24 year olds don’t drink alcohol, compared to only 18 per cent in 2005. Those who did drink consumed much less than in 2005 and there was a big reduction in the number of binge drinkers. Millennials, it seems, have already got the message. ## Tags Minouk Schoemaker comments powered by Disqus Previous Next  # RSS Posts Comments  # Latest Science Talk posts ![\\"Headshot](\\" source/default-album/paul- workman-2024b83861cb659564f3a772ff0000325351.jpg?sfvrsn=22ad0569_0&w=240&mode=crop\\"/) ## Science Talk ## 02 October “Becoming a cancer patient has given me extra perspective” – Paul’s story ## Science Talk ## 23 September “Every child diagnosed with brain cancer should have a chance at life” – Alison’s story ## Science Talk ## 20 September “It’s a different kind of relationship” – the benefits of working with our family-led charity partners See all blogs  # Share  Tweet on Twitter   Share on Facebook   Share on Linked in  * Our Research * Research divisions * Researchers and groups * About our research * Centres and collaborations * Cancer types * Platforms and facilities * Our strategic partners * Publications repository * Studying and Training * PhDs for science graduates * Opportunities for clinicians * Postgraduate life * Learning and teaching strategy * Resources and support * Contact the Registry * Undergraduate Summer Scholarship Scheme * Careers * Working at the ICR * Current vacancies * Types of positions at the ICR * Employee profiles * Research division contacts * Working with Industry * Working with us * Our therapeutic pipeline * Our successes * Contact the Business and Innovation Office * Support Us * Our appeals * Philanthropy * Get involved * Meet our supporters * Leave a legacy * Our newsletter Search * Corporate partnerships at the ICR * Contact the Development Office * Make a donation * About Us * Our strategy * Our achievements * Policy and engagement * How we are funded * How we are structured * Honorary degrees  Facebook  Twitter  Youtube  LinkedIn ![](\\"/assets/img/social/instagram-grey.png\\"/) Instagram  RSS * Contacts * Terms and Conditions * Privacy * Fundraising privacy statement * Modern slavery statement * 2023 Gender and Ethnicity pay gap report * Annual Remuneration statement * Annual Statement on Bullying and Harassment * Cookies * Accessibility * Site map  Back to top Copyright © 2024 The Institute of Cancer Research. 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Ivete snorting cocaine before the show Someone has to finance drug trafficking
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Identification and Assistance to Victims of Human Trafficking is the Theme of UNODC Training in Santarém (PA) ## 2024-06-27 21:00:00.0 * 2024-06-27 21:00:00.0 - UNODC Executive Director’s Message International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 2024 ## 2024-06-27 20:00:00.0 * 2024-06-27 20:00:00.0 - UNODC World Drug Report 2024: Harms of world drug problem continue to mount amid expansions in drug use and markets ## 2024-05-23 08:00:00.0 * 2024-05-23 08:00:00.0 - Empowering Youth Ambassadors Driving Sustainable Change in Brazil ## 2024-05-17 17:39:09.0 * 2024-05-17 17:39:09.0 - UNODC holds 1st meeting of inter-agency working group on indigenous territorial surveillance and protection ## 2024-05-17 17:34:25.0 * 2024-05-17 17:34:25.0 - UNODC Brazil receives the president of Funai to discuss prevention of environmental crimes in indigenous territories ## 2024-05-17 17:28:59.0 * 2024-05-17 17:28:59.0 - UNODC Brazil promotes training on human trafficking for social workers and health agents in Amazonas ## 2024-05-16 16:04:34.0 * 2024-05-16 16:04:34.0 - A dream that\'s always out of reach: trafficked gold miners in the Brazilian Amazon ## 2024-05-14 17:14:40.0 * 2024-05-14 17:14:40.0 - Despite two decades of concerted action, wildlife trafficking persists worldwide with more than 4,000 species affected, says new UNODC World Wildlife Crime Report ## 2024-04-17 21:59:16.0 * 2024-04-17 21:59:16.0 - PRF seizes seven truckloads of illegal timber and charcoal in Rondonia, in operation carried out after training promoted by UNODC ## 2024-04-02 17:13:47.0 * 2024-04-02 17:13:47.0 - With the support of UNODC Brazil, the Ministry of Justice and Public Security and Maurício de Sousa Institute launch comic books on human trafficking and social inclusion of migrants ## 2024-04-02 17:07:55.0 * 2024-04-02 17:07:55.0 - UNODC Brazil launches technical studies on Preventing Corruption in Sports during the 1st International Anti-Fraud Forum ## 2024-03-19 17:00:00.0 * 2024-03-19 17:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil holds technical meeting under the Global Action for Business Integrity project ## 2024-03-19 14:03:16.0 * 2024-03-19 14:03:16.0 - Commission on Narcotic Drugs holds high-level session to review progress on addressing world drug problem amid a surge in drug use disorders and record supply levels of cocaine and synthetic drugs ## 2024-03-08 20:13:00.0 * 2024-03-08 20:13:00.0 - UNODC Brazil holds mentoring to improve wood identification field techniques for IPAAM staff, in collaboration with LPF/SFB ## 2024-03-04 19:57:00.0 * 2024-03-04 19:57:00.0 - UNODC Brazil, U.S. Embassy, and Ibama hold ceremony to celebrate partnership and donation of equipment used to combat forestry crimes ## 2024-03-04 17:01:00.0 * 2024-03-04 17:01:00.0 - UNODC Brazil launches project to strengthen mechanisms for monitoring, early warning, and responses to environmental crimes in indigenous territories ## 2024-02-28 23:20:00.0 * 2024-02-28 23:20:00.0 - UNODC and the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Brazil conclude the report on Brazil’s ICWCC Indicator Framework exercise on wildlife crime ## 2024-02-26 13:58:00.0 * 2024-02-26 13:58:00.0 - UNODC Brazil and Ministry of Justice and Public Security launch Brazilian version of global programme to prevent the use of alcohol and other drugs for children and young people ## 2024-02-22 23:28:00.0 * 2024-02-22 23:28:00.0 - UNODC study sheds light on living and working conditions of gold miners in the state of Pará ## 2023-12-28 18:55:52.0 * 2023-12-28 18:55:52.0 - UNODC Brazil trains Federal Police officers at the II International Human Rights Congress ## 2023-12-28 18:43:11.0 * 2023-12-28 18:43:11.0 - UNODC Brazil promotes training on human trafficking for social workers and health agents in the state of Para ## 2023-12-04 13:02:00.0 * 2023-12-04 13:02:00.0 - UNODC Brazil holds workshop to improve wood identification field techniques ## 2023-11-29 18:45:21.0 * 2023-11-29 18:45:21.0 - UNODC Brazil and the Secretariat of Environment and Sustainability of the state of Pará organise training to strengthen the response to environmental crimes ## 2023-11-28 21:34:23.0 * 2023-11-28 21:34:23.0 - UNODC Brazil supports Munduruku assemblies on indigenous lands affected by illegal gold mining ## 2023-11-28 19:29:00.0 * 2023-11-28 19:29:00.0 - UNODC and Ministry of Environment carry out participatory diagnosis on response to wildlife crime in Brazil ## 2023-11-14 15:43:22.0 * 2023-11-14 15:43:22.0 - In partnership with UNODC Brazil, State of Pernambuco sees 25 youth ambassadors graduate from the Youth Ambassadors Programme ## 2023-11-14 14:57:00.0 * 2023-11-14 14:57:00.0 - UNODC Brazil and the Brazilian Ministry of Environment and Climate Change hold International Conference on Mercury Trafficking ## 2023-11-02 13:00:00.0 * 2023-11-02 13:00:00.0 - Alternatives to imprisonment: the brazilian approach * 2023-11-02 13:00:00.0 - Electronic monitoring of people: a perspective from Brazil ## 2023-10-20 18:00:00.0 * 2023-10-20 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil promotes training to improve the response to illegal timber trafficking in the port context ## 2023-10-06 14:15:00.0 * 2023-10-06 14:15:00.0 - UNODC Brazil and Amazonas Public Security Secretariat hold technical training to strengthen response to forest crime ## 2023-09-28 13:00:00.0 * 2023-09-28 13:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil holds a National Seminar on human trafficking and forced labour in the gold mining sector in the Tapajos region ## 2023-09-21 13:00:00.0 * 2023-09-21 13:00:00.0 - National Council of Justice and UNODC Brazil launch online course to strengthen pre-trial detention hearings ## 2023-09-05 13:00:00.0 * 2023-09-05 13:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil and Ministry of Indigenous Peoples organize meeting to discuss prevention of environmental crimes in indigenous territories. ## 2023-08-24 12:15:00.0 * 2023-08-24 12:15:00.0 - UNODC Brazil launches research on Integrity and Compliance in the New Law on Bidding and Administrative Contracts ## 2023-08-16 19:15:00.0 * 2023-08-16 19:15:00.0 - UNODC Brazil launches report on integrity and compliance related to law on procurement and administrative contracts ## 2023-08-11 19:36:00.0 * 2023-08-11 19:36:00.0 - UNODC Brazil holds technical dialogue with government partners to discuss crime prevention in the fisheries value chain ## 2023-08-01 17:15:00.0 * 2023-08-01 17:15:00.0 - UN and Brazil sign a new Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2023-2027 ## 2023-07-26 19:42:00.0 * 2023-07-26 19:42:00.0 - UNODC Brazil and Ministry of Justice and Public Security hold training on Human Trafficking and International Cooperation during Blue Heart Week ## 2023-07-11 22:48:29.0 * 2023-07-11 22:48:29.0 - National System for Alcohol and Other Drugs Use Prevention (Sinap) is resumed through a partnership with UNODC ## 2023-07-11 22:43:33.0 * 2023-07-11 22:43:33.0 - UNODC Training Programme strengthens efforts against international timber trafficking in Brazil ## 2023-07-06 19:47:00.0 * 2023-07-06 19:47:00.0 - UNODC Brazil and the State of Pernambuco host 6th edition of Youth Ambassadors Programme ## 2023-06-26 17:00:00.0 * 2023-06-26 17:00:00.0 - UNODC World Drug Report 2023 warns of converging crises as illicit drug markets continue to expand ## 2023-06-13 16:45:00.0 * 2023-06-13 16:45:00.0 - UNODC Brazil together with local governments deliver social support initiative to Brazil’s largest wildcat mining regions ## 2023-05-26 18:00:00.0 * 2023-05-26 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil supports participation of Brazilian Delegation in the UNODC Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) in Vienna ## 2023-05-17 18:00:00.0 * 2023-05-17 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil promotes Technical Meeting on Timber Identification Initiatives ## 2023-05-11 18:00:00.0 * 2023-05-11 18:00:00.0 - In Recife, UNODC Brazil promotes agenda for the 6th edition of the Youth Ambassadors Programme ## 2023-04-26 18:00:00.0 * 2023-04-26 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil proposes sustainable development to fight drugs in vulnerable communities ## 2023-04-14 18:15:00.0 * 2023-04-14 18:15:00.0 - UNODC promotes prison cooperation between Brazil and Paraguay ## 2023-04-14 18:00:00.0 * 2023-04-14 18:00:00.0 - Integrating governmental authorities and private sector: UNODC Brazil promotes technical dialogue on Forestry Crimes ## 2023-04-13 18:00:00.0 * 2023-04-13 18:00:00.0 - In Brazil, MPF and UNODC hold meeting with prosecutors from Mercosur countries to discuss cooperation in fighting cross-border crimes ## 2023-04-12 18:00:00.0 * 2023-04-12 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil organizes regional cooperation workshop to discuss the prevention of organized crime in prisons in Brazil and Paraguay ## 2023-04-04 18:00:00.0 * 2023-04-04 18:00:00.0 - Federal Police and UNODC support visit of Norwegian authorities to the Amazon ## 2023-03-20 18:00:00.0 * 2023-03-20 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil materials on pre-trial detention hearings promoted by National Council of Justice in Amazonas State ## 2023-03-16 18:00:00.0 * 2023-03-16 18:00:00.0 - Connecting the World to Stop Migrant Smugglers ## 2023-03-14 18:00:00.0 * 2023-03-14 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil supports participation of Brazilian delegation in the 66th Session of Commission on Narcotic Drug ## 2023-03-02 18:15:00.0 * 2023-03-02 18:15:00.0 - Zero Discrimination: UNAIDS and UNODC highlight combined HIV prevention and care lines for women who use drugs ## 2023-02-28 18:30:00.0 * 2023-02-28 18:30:00.0 - MJSP and UNODC strengthen partnerships based on international best practices ## 2022-12-19 11:00:00.0 * 2022-12-19 11:00:00.0 - UNODC launches platform to liaise prevention stakeholders in Brazil ## 2022-12-18 11:00:00.0 * 2022-12-18 11:00:00.0 - UNODC, UNDP and MJSP launch study on illicit drug market in Brazil ## 2022-12-16 11:00:00.0 * 2022-12-16 11:00:00.0 - UNODC, UNDP, UN-Habitat and the Igarapé Institute present the results of the initiative Cooperação Pernambuco ## 2022-12-08 11:00:00.0 * 2022-12-08 11:00:00.0 - UNODC presents the results of its anti-corruption projects in Brazil ## 2022-12-01 15:00:00.0 * 2022-12-01 15:00:00.0 - In Manaus, Brazilian, Peruvian and Colombian authorities participate in exchange mission on police cooperation to combat drug trafficking ## 2022-12-01 14:00:00.0 * 2022-12-01 14:00:00.0 - UNODC promotes combined HIV prevention and care lines for women who use drugs in Brazil ## 2022-12-01 13:00:00.0 * 2022-12-01 13:00:00.0 - Online training for managers addresses evidence-based drug use prevention ## 2022-10-25 18:00:00.0 * 2022-10-25 18:00:00.0 - UNODC trains 29 NGOs in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil to strengthen crime and violence prevention ## 2022-10-04 18:00:00.0 * 2022-10-04 18:00:00.0 - Coding4Integrity: UNODC organizes in São Paulo, Brazil, a Youth Anti-Corruption Hackathon investing in young people’s interest in using technology ## 2022-09-30 18:00:00.0 * 2022-09-30 18:00:00.0 - UNAIDS, UNODC, Fiocruz and PBPD bring together Latin American leaders to discuss care policies for HIV and women who use drugs ## 2022-08-31 18:00:00.0 * 2022-08-31 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil supports international Global Maritime Crime Programme tactical training in Manaus ## 2022-08-12 18:00:00.0 * 2022-08-12 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil delivers practical workshops on timber trafficking in Santos and Belem ## 2022-08-11 18:00:00.0 * 2022-08-11 18:00:00.0 - UN holds broad consultation on priorities for the next five years ## 2022-07-21 18:00:00.0 * 2022-07-21 18:00:00.0 - Cocaine Insights 4 launched with spotlight on COVID-19 impacts on regional and transatlantic cocaine routes through Brazil ## 2022-07-14 18:00:00.0 * 2022-07-14 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil organizes meeting on HIV prevention and care for woman who use drugs ## 2022-07-04 17:42:00.0 * 2022-07-04 17:42:00.0 - Press Release: UNODC and Brazil Public Defender\'s Office hold training for assistance to victims of trafficking in Belém ## 2022-07-04 12:00:00.0 * 2022-07-04 12:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil facilitates prison management exchange visit of Paraguayan authorities in Maranhão ## 2022-07-02 18:00:00.0 * 2022-07-02 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil Supports the Federal Police in the International Seminar Illegal Gold Mining and Traceability ## 2022-06-27 15:00:00.0 * 2022-06-27 15:00:00.0 - UNODC World Drug Report 2022 highlights trends on cannabis post-legalization, environmental impacts of illicit drugs, and drug use among women and youth ## 2022-06-27 10:00:00.0 * 2022-06-27 10:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil participates in the 24th National Week on Drug Policy ## 2022-06-21 18:00:00.0 * 2022-06-21 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil holds international workshop on Public Safety and Police Effectiveness ## 2022-06-13 19:00:00.0 * 2022-06-13 19:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil holds international conference on prison management in response to organized crime ## 2022-06-09 12:00:00.0 * 2022-06-09 12:00:00.0 - EU and UNODC exchange on strategic cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean ## 2022-06-02 18:00:00.0 * 2022-06-02 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil and DPU discuss Human Trafficking and Migrants\' Rights in Boa Vista ## 2022-05-26 12:00:00.0 * 2022-05-26 12:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil shares experience on detention control hearings at the 2022 Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) ## 2022-05-11 18:00:00.0 * 2022-05-11 18:00:00.0 - In Maranhão, UNODC discusses penitentiary management and classification of prisoners ## 2022-05-09 17:30:00.0 * 2022-05-09 17:30:00.0 - CoE holds pilot project workshop to monitor illicit drug prices in Brazil in the state of Pernambuco ## 2022-05-03 18:00:00.0 * 2022-05-03 18:00:00.0 - Information Material on Detention Control Hearings is launched in three indigenous languages in State of Amazonas ## 2022-04-29 18:00:00.0 * 2022-04-29 18:00:00.0 - Technical Dialogue addresses Integrity in Public Procurement and Improvement Measures ## 2022-04-28 19:19:00.0 * 2022-04-28 19:19:00.0 - Material on Detention Control Hearings in indigenous languages will be launched in Amazonas ## 2022-04-25 01:03:00.0 * 2022-04-25 01:03:00.0 - UNODC launches research on Treatment of Drug Use Disorders at online event ## 2022-04-18 17:00:00.0 * 2022-04-18 17:00:00.0 - UNODC and Partners launch Handbook on Handcuffs and other Instruments of Restraint ## 2022-04-04 18:00:00.0 * 2022-04-04 18:00:00.0 - UNODC launches pilot project to monitor illicit drug prices in Brazil ## 2022-04-04 14:30:00.0 * 2022-04-04 14:30:00.0 - Fourth Technical Dialogue addresses whistleblower protection in Brazil and its impacts on the health sector ## 2022-03-24 18:00:00.0 * 2022-03-24 18:00:00.0 - Fourth Technical Dialogue addresses reportant protection and its impacts on the health sector * 2022-03-24 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil co-organizes the First International Seminar on Narcotrafficking through Ports and Maritime Vessels ## 2022-03-23 20:00:00.0 * 2022-03-23 20:00:00.0 - Mission of the Representatives from the Ministry of Citizenship of Brazil to UNODC Headquarters: Launching of the partnership between SENAPRED, UNODC/Brazil and UNDP for the development of the National Drug Use Prevention System - SINAP ## 2022-03-22 08:00:00.0 * 2022-03-22 08:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil participates in anti-corruption meeting in Mexico City ## 2022-03-11 18:00:00.0 * 2022-03-11 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil participates in a National Council of the Public Ministry event on challenges and opportunities for the Brazilian socio-educational system ## 2022-02-24 14:37:55.0 * 2022-02-24 14:37:55.0 - UNODC Brazil launches videos detailing process of pre-trial detention hearings on seventh anniversary of inauguration ## 2022-02-24 11:00:00.0 * 2022-02-24 11:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil promotes Update Course on Pre-Trial Detention Hearings for judges in the state of Ceará ## 2022-02-14 14:00:00.0 * 2022-02-14 14:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil participates in Federal Police training on forest crime and timber trafficking ## 2022-02-09 18:00:00.0 * 2022-02-09 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Executive Director launches Strategic Vision for Latin America and the Caribbean for 2022-2025 ## 2022-01-31 16:13:46.0 * 2022-01-31 16:13:46.0 - UNODC Brazil Center of Excellence releases first Early Warning System on Drugs report ## 2022-01-31 16:09:49.0 * 2022-01-31 16:09:49.0 - UNODC Brazil opens registration for online course on the Mandela Rules ## 2022-01-31 16:06:09.0 * 2022-01-31 16:06:09.0 - UNODC Brazil commemorates the National Day to Combat Forced Labour and supports the implementation of the UN Protocol on Trafficking in Persons ## 2022-01-14 20:30:00.0 * 2022-01-14 20:30:00.0 - Rethinking incarceration: UNODC hosts Consultation on Treatment of Drug Use Disorders and Associated Mental Health Disorders in Prison Settings ## 2022-01-11 18:00:00.0 * 2022-01-11 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil’s Opportunities and Rights Programme delivers report on monitoring the use of police force ## 2022-01-05 17:05:35.0 * 2022-01-05 17:05:35.0 - Abused and Neglected: UNODC study reveals violence suffered by migrants ## 2022-01-05 16:39:24.0 * 2022-01-05 16:39:24.0 - UNODC Brazil organizes training workshop for policymakers on drug use disorders ## 2022-01-05 16:31:56.0 * 2022-01-05 16:31:56.0 - UNODC Brazil launches national activities in global anti-corruption project ## 2021-12-28 20:59:22.0 * 2021-12-28 20:59:22.0 - Video series marks six years of pre-trial detention hearings in the country ## 2021-12-17 15:00:00.0 * 2021-12-17 15:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil launches online course in Portuguese on the Nelson Mandela Rules for the treatment of prisoners ## 2021-12-13 19:30:00.0 * 2021-12-13 19:30:00.0 - Launch of e-learning course Nelson Mandela\'s Rules for the Treatment of People in Prison ## 2021-12-07 19:00:00.0 * 2021-12-07 19:00:00.0 - UNODC-INTERPOL Programme provides a way forward for the COP26 pledge to end deforestation by 2030 ## 2021-12-07 15:00:00.0 * 2021-12-07 15:00:00.0 - Center of Excellence study shows impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on drug trafficking in Brazil ## 2021-12-02 15:00:00.0 * 2021-12-02 15:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil holds webinar on HIV, hepatitis and tuberculosis for Criminal Service Teams ## 2021-12-01 14:10:00.0 * 2021-12-01 14:10:00.0 - UNODC and ICCWC support South American countries to combat wildlife trafficking: regional SudWEN meeting ## 2021-11-30 18:00:00.0 * 2021-11-30 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil experts participate in training event in Colombia ## 2021-11-26 18:00:00.0 * 2021-11-26 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil holds third Technical Dialogue to address national and international best practices in public procurement ## 2021-11-26 14:36:00.0 * 2021-11-26 14:36:00.0 - UNODC Research: 2020 saw a woman or girl being killed by someone in their family every 11 minutes ## 2021-11-11 18:00:00.0 * 2021-11-11 18:00:00.0 - UNODC promotes the third edition of the series of Technical Dialogues to discuss best practices of integrity in public procurement ## 2021-11-03 16:41:10.0 * 2021-11-03 16:41:10.0 - UN debates post-pandemic future on its 76th anniversary ## 2021-10-28 18:00:00.0 * 2021-10-28 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil organizes second Technical Dialogue on Whistleblower Protection ## 2021-10-23 18:00:00.0 * 2021-10-23 18:00:00.0 - No safe harbour: lifting the lid on a misunderstood trafficking crime ## 2021-10-14 18:00:00.0 * 2021-10-14 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil presents the findings of the Track4Tip Situational Report on Trafficking in Persons and Migration in Brazil ## 2021-10-13 18:00:00.0 * 2021-10-13 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Brazil presents during panel on pre-trial detention at National Forum on Penal Alternatives ## 2021-09-28 10:00:00.0 * 2021-09-28 10:00:00.0 - UNODC launches Technical Dialogues on public procurement and protection of reporters ## 2021-09-22 18:00:00.0 * 2021-09-22 18:00:00.0 - UNODC and UNESCO promote the strengthening of the rule of law in virtual event ## 2021-09-20 15:49:58.0 * 2021-09-20 15:49:58.0 - Pernambuco Cooperation presents strategies to violence prevention policy ## 2021-09-20 15:09:21.0 * 2021-09-20 15:09:21.0 - CNJ opens registration for the 3rd National Forum on Alternatives to Imprisonment ## 2021-09-17 14:00:00.0 * 2021-09-17 14:00:00.0 - Poverty and Unemployment: Main Drivers of Human Trafficking in Brazil ## 2021-09-14 18:00:00.0 * 2021-09-14 18:00:00.0 - The Governor of Pernambuco welcomes UNODC members for a meeting ## 2021-09-10 21:42:07.0 * 2021-09-10 21:42:07.0 - UNODC promotes theoretical training on forest crimes and illegal timber trafficking ## 2021-09-09 18:00:00.0 * 2021-09-09 18:00:00.0 - UNODC launches publication series \'Cocaine Insights\' ## 2021-09-02 18:00:00.0 * 2021-09-02 18:00:00.0 - UNODC participates in an event promoted by the Ministry of Justice of Paraguay ## 2021-08-17 18:00:00.0 * 2021-08-17 18:00:00.0 - UNODC visits the Port of Santos to promote cooperation under the CCP and LEAP Programmes ## 2021-08-14 11:00:00.0 * 2021-08-14 11:00:00.0 - UNODC presents \"Education for Justice\" initiative at event about SDG 16 ## 2021-08-13 18:00:00.0 * 2021-08-13 18:00:00.0 - UNODC stands with young people to promote meaningful youth engagement ## 2021-08-11 18:00:00.0 * 2021-08-11 18:00:00.0 - UNODC promotes a workshop on \"Cybersecurity, Human Rights and Digital Citizenship\" ## 2021-08-01 18:00:00.0 * 2021-08-01 18:00:00.0 - UNODC, TCU and MPF strengthen partnership to promote actions under the Global Anti-Corruption Project ## 2021-07-26 18:00:00.0 * 2021-07-26 18:00:00.0 - UNODC joins commission to visit the Integrated Center for Social Defense Operations (Ciods) of Pernambuco ## 2021-07-16 18:10:12.0 * 2021-07-16 18:10:12.0 - One in three people globally imprisoned without trial, while overcrowding puts prisoners at risk of contracting COVID-19, says UNODC’s first global research on imprisonment ## 2021-07-15 15:28:00.0 * 2021-07-15 15:28:00.0 - Services for people with problematic drug use will be mapped ## 2021-07-08 15:32:55.0 * 2021-07-08 15:32:55.0 - COVID-19 and Crime: The Impact of the Pandemic on Human Trafficking ## 2021-07-07 18:00:00.0 * 2021-07-07 18:00:00.0 - Event brings together experts to discuss the Early Warning System on Drugs ## 2021-07-06 18:00:00.0 * 2021-07-06 18:00:00.0 - UNODC and Rio de Janeiro\'s City Hall meet to discuss public security and youth ## 2021-07-05 18:00:00.0 * 2021-07-05 18:00:00.0 - UNODC and Ethics Health Institute strengthen partnership for pro-ethics and integrity in the health sector ## 2021-07-05 17:00:00.0 * 2021-07-05 17:00:00.0 - UNODC releases Brazil Situational Report ## 2021-06-30 10:00:00.0 * 2021-06-30 10:00:00.0 - UNODC Highlights Lack of Justice for Migrants Abused on Smuggling Routes ## 2021-06-29 18:00:00.0 * 2021-06-29 18:00:00.0 - UNODC and CoE participate in Seminar at the 23rd National Week on Drug Policy ## 2021-06-24 09:00:00.0 * 2021-06-24 09:00:00.0 - UNODC World Drug Report 2021: pandemic effects ramp up drug risks, as youth underestimate cannabis dangers ## 2021-06-23 18:00:00.0 * 2021-06-23 18:00:00.0 - CoE presents results of the bulletin on Asset Management in a federal government seminar * 2021-06-23 18:00:00.0 - MEDIA ADVISORY - Global Launch of the 2021 World Drug Report ## 2021-06-22 18:00:00.0 * 2021-06-22 18:00:00.0 - Network of Advanced Studies on Pre-Trial Detention Hearings concludes activities with 25 courts * 2021-06-22 18:00:00.0 - TRFs: registration for the Network of Advanced Studies on Pre-Trial Detention Hearings ends this Wednesday (06/23) ## 2021-06-07 18:00:00.0 * 2021-06-07 18:00:00.0 - UNODC presents the Global Anti-Corruption Project to the TCU ## 2021-06-05 18:00:00.0 * 2021-06-05 18:00:00.0 - UNGASS 2021 - Young people gather to find ways to tackle corruption ## 2021-06-04 18:00:00.0 * 2021-06-04 18:00:00.0 - CoE launches thematic bulletin that analyzes asset management of drug trafficking ## 2021-06-03 18:19:12.0 * 2021-06-03 18:19:12.0 - UNGASS 2021 against corruption highlights importance of stolen asset recovery and addressing corruption in the health sector ## 2021-05-24 18:00:00.0 * 2021-05-24 18:00:00.0 - UNODC and partners discuss drug use prevention and treatment in a webinar ## 2021-05-20 18:00:00.0 * 2021-05-20 18:00:00.0 - Prison population reduction reinforces the importance of judicial policies ## 2021-05-14 18:00:00.0 * 2021-05-14 18:00:00.0 - International event discusses mapping of drug treatment and prevention services in Pernambuco ## 2021-05-06 18:00:00.0 * 2021-05-06 18:00:00.0 - UNODC and USAID join forces to fight transnational conservation crimes in the Amazon region ## 2021-05-05 18:00:00.0 * 2021-05-05 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Youth Forum, a starting point for youth to build safer and healthier societies ## 2021-04-30 14:00:00.0 * 2021-04-30 14:00:00.0 - UNODC launches the Network of Advanced Studies on Pre-Trial Detention Hearings in Brazil ## 2021-04-29 14:22:20.0 * 2021-04-29 14:22:20.0 - Project to prevent violence in Pernambuco gets new visual identity ## 2021-04-26 18:00:00.0 * 2021-04-26 18:00:00.0 - UNODC presents the main tools to fight corruption in an online event ## 2021-04-20 18:00:00.0 * 2021-04-20 18:00:00.0 - Crime Prevention During the COVID-19 Pandemic * 2021-04-20 18:00:00.0 - Fazendo Justiça Programme Promotes Training on Social Service in Pre-Trial Detention Hearings ## 2021-04-13 18:00:00.0 * 2021-04-13 18:00:00.0 - At an UN event, Brazil highlights the CoE project by showing how it uses trafficking assets to finance public policies ## 2021-04-12 18:00:00.0 * 2021-04-12 18:00:00.0 - COVID complicates efforts to shut down drug traffickers, boost development ## 2021-03-29 18:00:00.0 * 2021-03-29 18:00:00.0 - The UNODC Youth Forum, a starting point for youth to build safer and healthier societies ## 2021-03-19 18:00:00.0 * 2021-03-19 18:00:00.0 - UNODC promotes workshops to build the Logical Framework for Prevention in PE ## 2021-03-17 18:00:00.0 * 2021-03-17 18:00:00.0 - UNODC\'s E4J initiative receives Secretary-General 2020 Innovation Award ## 2021-03-08 18:00:00.0 * 2021-03-08 18:00:00.0 - UNODC promotes event with young people at the UN Crime Congress ## 2021-03-05 22:26:00.0 * 2021-03-05 22:26:00.0 - UNODC, in partnership with MJSP and EU, discuss the impact of the pandemic on drug trafficking in Brazil ## 2021-03-01 17:00:00.0 * 2021-03-01 17:00:00.0 - Amidst obstacles posed by pandemic, Container Control Programme cocaine seizures surpassed 100-ton milestone in 2020 ## 2021-02-24 18:00:00.0 * 2021-02-24 18:00:00.0 - Pre-trial detention hearings complete six years with 10% reduction in provisional detation ## 2021-02-23 18:00:00.0 * 2021-02-23 18:00:00.0 - UNODC meets with partners to promote a Logical Framework in Pernambuco ## 2021-02-19 17:00:00.0 * 2021-02-19 17:00:00.0 - Press acreditation for the 14th United Nations Crime Congress is open until 24 February ## 2021-02-14 18:00:00.0 * 2021-02-14 18:00:00.0 - UNODC launches handbooks on Rule of Law and Education ## 2021-02-03 21:29:34.0 * 2021-02-03 21:29:34.0 - COVID-19 Seen Worsening Overall Trend in Human Trafficking ## 2021-01-26 19:20:00.0 * 2021-01-26 19:20:00.0 - UNODC Launches Centre of Excellence to Fight Drug Trafficking in Brazil ## 2021-01-25 18:00:00.0 * 2021-01-25 18:00:00.0 - UNODC conducts research in the territories of the Programme Opportunities and Rights (POD) in the state of Rio Grande do Sul ## 2021-01-03 18:00:00.0 * 2021-01-03 18:00:00.0 - In partnership with UN agencies, pre-trial detention hearings receive social assistance services ## 2020-12-23 18:00:00.0 * 2020-12-23 18:00:00.0 - CNJ strengthens social care within five years of pre-trial detention hearings ## 2020-12-17 02:28:06.0 * 2020-12-17 02:28:06.0 - UNODC Supports INTERPOL to Target Migrant Smuggling and Human Trafficking ## 2020-12-15 18:00:00.0 * 2020-12-15 18:00:00.0 - UNODC and CENSIPAM discuss partnership in combating environmental crime and drug trafficking ## 2020-12-11 18:00:00.0 * 2020-12-11 18:00:00.0 - UNODC participates in MUN on mass imprisonment and institutional racism ## 2020-12-10 18:00:00.0 * 2020-12-10 18:00:00.0 - UNODC organises online Regional Workshop on corruption in LA ## 2020-12-09 18:00:00.0 * 2020-12-09 18:00:00.0 - On Anti-Corruption Day, UNODC participates in international panel for private sector accountability * 2020-12-09 18:00:00.0 - UNODC conducts a panel at the 14th Meeting of the Brazilian Public Security Forum on the innovative case of violence prevention in Pernambuco * 2020-12-09 18:00:00.0 - UNODC promotes dialogue on remote monitoring with Brazilian entities ## 2020-12-09 10:04:00.0 * 2020-12-09 10:04:00.0 - UNODC\'s Executive Director Message for International Anti-Corruption Day ## 2020-12-09 10:03:00.0 * 2020-12-09 10:03:00.0 - The Secretary-General\'s Message on International Anti-Corruption Day ## 2020-12-03 18:00:00.0 * 2020-12-03 18:00:00.0 - UNODC conducts global session on United Nations Models (MUN) and youth crime prevention ## 2020-12-02 18:00:00.0 * 2020-12-02 18:00:00.0 - Press Statement - CND votes on recommendations for cannabis and cannabis-related substances ## 2020-11-20 11:46:00.0 * 2020-11-20 11:46:00.0 - To help keep justice at top of university curricula, E4J launches grants programme ## 2020-10-28 18:00:00.0 * 2020-10-28 18:00:00.0 - Joint Investigation Teams (JITs): \"An effective tool to combat human trafficking between Brazil and Paraguay ## 2020-09-30 18:00:00.0 * 2020-09-30 18:00:00.0 - UNODC, UNDP & partners mitigate the impact of COVID-19 through access to legal aid ## 2020-09-16 15:17:32.0 * 2020-09-16 15:17:32.0 - UNODC & FIFA partner to kick out corruption and foster youth development through football ## 2020-09-02 18:00:00.0 * 2020-09-02 18:00:00.0 - UNODC partners with Brazil on \'Freedom in the Air\' initiative ## 2020-08-31 18:00:00.0 * 2020-08-31 18:00:00.0 - UNODC launches \"State of Integrity\", a guide on conducting corruption risk assessments in public organizations ## 2020-08-20 18:00:00.0 * 2020-08-20 18:00:00.0 - MJSP and UNODC convene videoconference to strengthen partnerships in fighting crime ## 2020-08-19 19:51:00.0 * 2020-08-19 19:51:00.0 - UNODC and CGU discuss new partnership to fight corruption ## 2020-07-30 17:00:00.0 * 2020-07-30 17:00:00.0 - Message UNODC Executive Director, Ghada Waly, on World Day Against Trafficking in Persons ## 2020-07-15 18:00:00.0 * 2020-07-15 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Study sheds light on hidden crime of firearms trafficking ## 2020-07-10 15:00:00.0 * 2020-07-10 15:00:00.0 - UNODC World Wildlife Crime Report 2020: The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that wildlife crime is a threat not only to the environment and biodiversity, but also to human health ## 2020-07-08 18:00:00.0 * 2020-07-08 18:00:00.0 - UNODC, UNDP and SPVD signed a partnership to prevent crime and violence in Pernambuco, Brazil ## 2020-06-25 09:00:00.0 * 2020-06-25 09:00:00.0 - UNODC World Drug Report 2020: Global drug use rising; while COVID-19 has far reaching impact on global drug markets ## 2020-06-19 18:00:00.0 * 2020-06-19 18:00:00.0 - UNODC launches the 2020 World Drug Report on Thursday (25) ## 2020-06-04 23:00:00.0 * 2020-06-04 23:00:00.0 - TRACK4TIP supports Brazil\'s Special Mobile Inspection Group of the Division of Inspection for the Eradication of Slave Labour (DETRAE) in its celebration of 25 years in the fight against slave labour ## 2020-06-03 18:00:00.0 * 2020-06-03 18:00:00.0 - UNODC supports Brazilian authorities in combatting human trafficking through eLearning ## 2020-05-20 18:00:00.0 * 2020-05-20 18:00:00.0 - COVID-19 measures likely to lead to an increase in migrant smuggling and human trafficking in longer term, UNODC report finds ## 2020-05-07 18:00:00.0 * 2020-05-07 18:00:00.0 - COVID-19 is changing the route of illicit drug flows, says UNODC report ## 2020-05-06 17:00:00.0 * 2020-05-06 17:00:00.0 - COVID-19: UNODC warns of increased risks to human trafficking victims ## 2020-05-04 18:00:00.0 * 2020-05-04 18:00:00.0 - On the First World Day of the Portuguese Language, UNODC launches website in Portuguese ## 2020-04-03 18:00:00.0 * 2020-04-03 18:00:00.0 - Working Group on Cybercrimes and Special International Advisor hold videoconference with UN experts ## 2020-03-05 18:00:00.0 * 2020-03-05 18:00:00.0 - UNODC celebrates World Wildlife Day with \'Sea of Shadows\' screening in Brussels * 2020-03-05 18:00:00.0 - UNODC provides Youth with platform to explore solutions to the world drug problem ## 2020-03-03 18:00:00.0 * 2020-03-03 18:00:00.0 - World Wildlife Day, 3 March 2020 - \'Sustaining All Life on Earth\' ## 2020-03-02 18:00:00.0 * 2020-03-02 18:00:00.0 - 63rd session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs starts on Monday * 2020-03-02 18:00:00.0 - New UNODC chief addresses Commission on Narcotic Drugs, calls for unity in tackling diverse drug challenges ## 2020-02-13 18:00:00.0 * 2020-02-13 18:00:00.0 - Minister Moro receives new UNODC director ## 2020-02-03 18:00:00.0 * 2020-02-03 18:00:00.0 - Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna and Executive Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime takes office ## 2020-01-30 18:00:00.0 * 2020-01-30 18:00:00.0 - UNODC takes United Nations Model participants to Japan Youth Forum ## 2020-01-21 18:00:00.0 * 2020-01-21 18:00:00.0 - Pre-trial detention hearings: meeting discusses issues and actions for 2020 ## 2020-01-20 18:00:00.0 * 2020-01-20 18:00:00.0 - Inclusion, not exclusion: UNODC addresses stigma around substance use ## 2020-01-13 18:00:00.0 * 2020-01-13 18:00:00.0 - Pre-trial detention hearing: meeting to map out actions for 2020 ## 2020-01-07 18:00:00.0 * 2020-01-07 18:00:00.0 - Elena Abbati is the new director of UNODC in Brasil ## 2019-12-18 18:00:00.0 * 2019-12-18 18:00:00.0 - Corruption and gender: Women and men affected differently by corruption, but no evidence women or men are less corruptible ## 2019-12-16 18:00:00.0 * 2019-12-16 18:00:00.0 - Fight corruption to achieve sustainable development progress: UN Convention against Corruption conference begins in Abu Dhabi ## 2019-12-11 18:00:00.0 * 2019-12-11 18:00:00.0 - UNODC calls for shift in paradigm: From women as victims, to women as powerful agents of change ## 2019-12-09 18:00:00.0 * 2019-12-09 18:00:00.0 - António Guterres: Message on International Anti-Corruption Day ## 2019-12-06 12:00:00.0 * 2019-12-06 12:00:00.0 - Yury Fedotov: Statement on International Anti-Corruption Day ## 2019-11-29 17:00:00.0 * 2019-11-29 17:00:00.0 - Yuri Fedotov: Statement on World AIDS Day ## 2019-11-26 18:00:00.0 * 2019-11-26 18:00:00.0 - UNODC and Japan finalize arrangements for hosting of the Fourteenth UN Crime Congress in Kyoto ## 2019-11-25 19:00:00.0 * 2019-11-25 19:00:00.0 - The Secretary-General Message on International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women ## 2019-11-25 18:00:00.0 * 2019-11-25 18:00:00.0 - Statement on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women ## 2019-11-19 18:00:00.0 * 2019-11-19 18:00:00.0 - UNODC co-organizes Security Council Open Arria Formula meeting on Challenges to Radicalization in Prisons ## 2019-11-13 18:00:00.0 * 2019-11-13 18:00:00.0 - UNODC organizes Civil Society Roundtable in Southeast Asia to build capacity across Anti-Corruption Themes ## 2019-11-06 17:00:00.0 * 2019-11-06 17:00:00.0 - From Washington, UNODC launches guidelines to uphold judicial integrity in the age of social media ## 2019-10-29 18:00:00.0 * 2019-10-29 18:00:00.0 - UNODC and IOC launch Guide to help detect wrongdoing in Sport ## 2019-10-22 18:00:00.0 * 2019-10-22 18:00:00.0 - UNODC conducts training on psychoactive substance use for policymakers ## 2019-10-21 18:00:00.0 * 2019-10-21 18:00:00.0 - Comprehensive statistics of illicit firearms trafficking now publicly available on UNODC data portal ## 2019-10-14 18:00:00.0 * 2019-10-14 18:00:00.0 - Fighting transnational organized crime together: UNODC launches project on multi-stakeholder engagement in UNTOC review process ## 2019-10-08 16:00:00.0 * 2019-10-08 16:00:00.0 - UNODC-WCO Container Control Programme celebrates 15 years of making global trade safer from crime ## 2019-10-02 18:00:00.0 * 2019-10-02 18:00:00.0 - UNODC participates in an event in Brasilia on sports integrity ## 2019-10-01 18:00:00.0 * 2019-10-01 18:00:00.0 - Ecuador joins UNODC #DeadlyBusiness Campaign against Migrant Smuggling ## 2019-09-21 18:00:00.0 * 2019-09-21 18:00:00.0 - Bolivia joins UNODC Blue Heart Campaign against human trafficking ## 2019-09-10 18:00:00.0 * 2019-09-10 18:00:00.0 - Acting Attorney General Eduardo Casal meets with UNODC representative Kristian Hölge ## 2019-09-04 18:00:00.0 * 2019-09-04 18:00:00.0 - UNODC and Censipam to formalise partnership to combat drug cultivation in the Amazon ## 2019-09-03 18:00:00.0 * 2019-09-03 18:00:00.0 - UNODC convenes national experts to re-design global drug information system and improve countries\' reporting on drug matters ## 2019-08-26 18:00:00.0 * 2019-08-26 18:00:00.0 - IRS locates 581 kg of cocaine in export cargo at Port of Santos ## 2019-08-23 15:01:02.0 * 2019-08-23 15:01:02.0 - Santos Customs locates 720 kg of cocaine ## 2019-08-22 18:00:00.0 * 2019-08-22 18:00:00.0 - UN agencies launch technical guide on HIV prevalence among people who use stimulant drugs ## 2019-08-05 18:00:00.0 * 2019-08-05 18:00:00.0 - UNODC boosts integrated management of public security in Parana ## 2019-07-30 18:00:00.0 * 2019-07-30 18:00:00.0 - UNODC marks World Day against Trafficking in Persons with call to step up action ## 2019-07-30 10:30:00.0 * 2019-07-30 10:30:00.0 - Executive Director, UN Office on Drugs and Crime, Yury Fedotov: Statement on World Day against Trafficking in Persons ## 2019-07-26 18:00:00.0 * 2019-07-26 18:00:00.0 - UNODC supports project to reduce crime rates in RS ## 2019-07-18 16:00:00.0 * 2019-07-18 16:00:00.0 - 10 years of Nelson Mandela International Day - UNODC intensifies efforts to bring about positive change in prisons worldwide ## 2019-07-18 15:00:00.0 * 2019-07-18 15:00:00.0 - The Secretary-General Message on Nelson Mandela International Day - 18 July 2019 ## 2019-07-08 14:00:00.0 * 2019-07-08 14:00:00.0 - Homicide kills far more people than armed conflict, says new UNODC study ## 2019-07-01 18:00:00.0 * 2019-07-01 18:00:00.0 - UNODC and Salvador City Hall hold a cycle of free conversations on violence against womenr realizam ciclo de conversas gratuito sobre violência contra mulheres ## 2019-06-26 09:00:00.0 * 2019-06-26 09:00:00.0 - World Drug Report 2019: 35 million people worldwide suffer from drug use disorders while only 1 in 7 people receive treatment ## 2019-06-25 18:00:00.0 * 2019-06-25 18:00:00.0 - GLO.ACT supports the MERCOSUR Institute of Public Policies on Human Rights ## 2019-06-17 15:00:00.0 * 2019-06-17 15:00:00.0 - UNODC and Qatar government present projects on sports and youth in Rio ## 2019-06-13 18:00:00.0 * 2019-06-13 18:00:00.0 - Custody hearings in Brazil: Strengthening a pillar of torture prevention ## 2019-06-10 23:05:30.0 * 2019-06-10 23:05:30.0 - International Narcotics Control Board Learning holds regional training seminar in Quito, Ecuador for countries in Latin America ## 2019-05-29 16:16:44.0 * 2019-05-29 16:16:44.0 - SDG 8 on decent work and economic growth, is one of the objectives of the Month in May ## 2019-05-27 08:00:00.0 * 2019-05-27 08:00:00.0 - UNODC Executive Director welcomes \"multilateralism at work\" as 28th Crime Commission concludes ## 2019-05-24 18:00:00.0 * 2019-05-24 18:00:00.0 - UNODC launches Guide to Combat Crime related to Falsified Medical Products ## 2019-05-23 18:00:00.0 * 2019-05-23 18:00:00.0 - Stopping hate crime, supporting SDGs through criminal justice the focus of 28th Crime Commission ## 2019-05-20 18:00:00.0 * 2019-05-20 18:00:00.0 - SDG 15 on life on land, is one of the objectives of the Month in May ## 2019-05-09 18:00:00.0 * 2019-05-09 18:00:00.0 - UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Marta Vieira da Silva appointed as Sustainable Development Goals Advocate ## 2019-04-29 18:00:00.0 * 2019-04-29 18:00:00.0 - ODS 3 on health and well-being, is the month\'s goal in April ## 2019-04-17 18:00:00.0 * 2019-04-17 18:00:00.0 - Ecuador and UNODC say #AQUIESTOY against human trafficking ## 2019-04-10 18:00:00.0 * 2019-04-10 18:00:00.0 - SPECIAL: Young people of Brazil and the inspiration to change the world ## 2019-04-08 18:00:00.0 * 2019-04-08 18:00:00.0 - Brazilian youth participate in the Youth Forum in New York ## 2019-03-29 16:00:00.0 * 2019-03-29 16:00:00.0 - Japan pledges over US$ 25 million to support UNODC\'s activities against terrorism, organized crime and the world drug problem ## 2019-03-20 16:01:16.0 * 2019-03-20 16:01:16.0 - UNODC launches toolkit on synthetic drugs to support Member States in addressing challenges ## 2019-03-08 16:00:00.0 * 2019-03-08 16:00:00.0 - Executive Director, UN Office on Drugs and Crime, Yury Fedotov: Statement on International Women’s Day ## 2019-02-11 18:00:00.0 * 2019-02-11 18:00:00.0 - Global AIRCOP meeting gathers experts to identify good practices and challenges in detecting illicit trafficking by air ## 2019-02-07 18:00:00.0 * 2019-02-07 18:00:00.0 - UNODC Executive Director welcomes Security Council debate on growing threat of transnational maritime crime ## 2019-02-02 18:00:00.0 * 2019-02-02 18:00:00.0 - UNODC strengthens partnership with IDB to reduce violence in RS * 2019-02-02 18:00:00.0 - With the support of UN, 100 Venezuelans travel from Boa Vista to Dourados this Saturday (2) ## 2019-02-01 10:40:00.0 * 2019-02-01 10:40:00.0 - UNODC provides first training for UN Police Officers against human trafficking and migrant smuggling ## 2019-01-11 18:00:00.0 * 2019-01-11 18:00:00.0 - 30,000 Irregular Migration Deaths, Disappearances Between 2014-2018: IOM Report ## 2019-01-07 11:30:00.0 * 2019-01-07 11:30:00.0 - More action needed to stop human trafficking, exploitation in armed conflict: UNODC launches latest Global Report on Trafficking in Persons ## 2019-01-07 11:00:00.0 * 2019-01-07 11:00:00.0 - Human trafficking a tool for armed groups to finance activities, boost recruitment: UNODC report ## 2019-01-02 18:00:00.0 * 2019-01-02 18:00:00.0 - 2019 New Year\'s Message - UN Secretary-General António Guterres ## 2018-12-17 15:00:00.0 * 2018-12-17 15:00:00.0 - GLO.ACT supports Project Dragon of the Sea ## 2018-12-14 18:00:00.0 * 2018-12-14 18:00:00.0 - GLO.ACT supports the First Conference on Consular Assistance: Trafficking in Persons, Gender Violence and Related Issues ## 2018-12-14 15:30:00.0 * 2018-12-14 15:30:00.0 - GLO.ACT supports the federal police in providing training on human trafficking in the airport of Guarulhos ## 2018-12-10 12:00:00.0 * 2018-12-10 12:00:00.0 - Anti-corruption action essential to building peace, protecting human rights, ensuring sustainable development ## 2018-12-10 09:00:00.0 * 2018-12-10 09:00:00.0 - UNODC festival approaches the role of sports to prevent crime and drug use ## 2018-12-03 16:00:00.0 * 2018-12-03 16:00:00.0 - Secretary General UN UN Secretary-General\'s message for World AIDS Day 2018 ## 2018-11-30 11:00:00.0 * 2018-11-30 11:00:00.0 - On World AIDS Day, UNODC calls for increasing HIV testing for people who use drugs and those in prisons ## 2018-11-27 12:12:00.0 * 2018-11-27 12:12:00.0 - Treatment guarantee for all reduces 16% of AIDS cases and AIDS-related deaths in Brazil ## 2018-11-25 20:00:00.0 * 2018-11-25 20:00:00.0 - Home, the most dangerous place for women, with majority of female homicide victims worldwide killed by partners or family, UNODC study says ## 2018-11-15 17:00:00.0 * 2018-11-15 17:00:00.0 - Providing legal and social assistance to vulnerable Warao migrants from Venezuela ## 2018-11-14 18:00:00.0 * 2018-11-14 18:00:00.0 - UNODC and CGU discuss alternatives to combat corruption ## 2018-10-24 08:00:00.0 * 2018-10-24 08:00:00.0 - The Secretary-General\'s Message for United Nations Day ## 2018-10-19 12:00:00.0 * 2018-10-19 12:00:00.0 - UNODC takes part in an event to adopt technology in the fight against Human Trafficking ## 2018-10-16 16:04:18.0 * 2018-10-16 16:04:18.0 - Message on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty ## 2018-10-11 11:11:00.0 * 2018-10-11 11:11:00.0 - Combating Transnational Organized Crime will be the focus of UNODC\'s agenda over the next week ## 2018-09-26 12:00:00.0 * 2018-09-26 12:00:00.0 - UNODC promotes training on Model UNs ## 2018-09-18 18:00:00.0 * 2018-09-18 18:00:00.0 - I International Seminar on Criminal Policy Management counts on the presence of UNODC ## 2018-09-18 12:00:00.0 * 2018-09-18 12:00:00.0 - GLO.ACT supports the V National Meeting of State Commissions for the Eradication of Slave Labor ## 2018-08-23 11:00:00.0 * 2018-08-23 11:00:00.0 - Chile becomes first country in South America to adopt #DeadlyBusiness campaign against migrant smuggling ## 2018-08-22 18:30:00.0 * 2018-08-22 18:30:00.0 - UNODC coordinates activity on gender violence in university environments at the 12th Meeting of the Brazilian Forum on Public Security ## 2018-08-22 18:00:00.0 * 2018-08-22 18:00:00.0 - Government of Brazil and UNODC discuss their perceptions on combating transnational organized crime ## 2018-08-09 12:00:00.0 * 2018-08-09 12:00:00.0 - Federal Revenue of Brazil seizes 558 kg of cocaine in the Port of Santos ## 2018-07-30 12:12:00.0 * 2018-07-30 12:12:00.0 - UNODC joins the Week for Combating Trafficking in Persons ## 2018-07-27 16:00:00.0 * 2018-07-27 16:00:00.0 - Message of United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, on the World Day against Trafficking in Persons ## 2018-07-27 15:00:00.0 * 2018-07-27 15:00:00.0 - Statement of the UNODC Executive Director on World Day against Trafficking in Persons ## 2018-07-05 12:00:00.0 * 2018-07-05 12:00:00.0 - UNODC promotes international workshop ## 2018-06-26 12:00:00.0 * 2018-06-26 12:00:00.0 - World Drug Report 2018: opioid crisis, prescription drug abuse expands; cocaine and opium hit record highs ## 2018-05-29 09:00:00.0 * 2018-05-29 09:00:00.0 - UNODC and SENABICO organize a training course in seizure and confiscation ## 2018-05-18 18:00:00.0 * 2018-05-18 18:00:00.0 - Second Regional Meeting on New Psychoactive Substances in the Americas takes place in Brazil ## 2018-05-15 18:00:00.0 * 2018-05-15 18:00:00.0 - UNODC grants initiative helps Brazilian NGOs use sport to help youth stay away from crime ## 2018-05-14 14:00:00.0 * 2018-05-14 14:00:00.0 - GLO.ACT supports technical meeting on human trafficking by bringing together state focal points from key networks ## 2018-04-30 17:50:00.0 * 2018-04-30 17:50:00.0 - ARTICLE: Acting to stop cybercrime ## 2018-04-24 16:55:00.0 * 2018-04-24 16:55:00.0 - UNODC-WCO Container Control Programme reports record high cocaine seizures in Latin America and the Caribbean ## 2018-04-02 09:20:00.0 * 2018-04-02 09:20:00.0 - UN certifies 600 youth in violence prevention programme through sport ## 2018-03-16 15:15:00.0 * 2018-03-16 15:15:00.0 - UN System in Brazil releases note on the murder of councilwoman Marielle Franco ## 2018-03-14 12:00:00.0 * 2018-03-14 12:00:00.0 - The 61st session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs opens with a call for coordinated action ## 2018-03-01 16:00:00.0 * 2018-03-01 16:00:00.0 - International Narcotics Control Board launches 2017 Annual Report ## 2018-02-26 14:30:00.0 * 2018-02-26 14:30:00.0 - Brazil has been at the forefront of HIV treatment and prevention in Latin America, says the scientific journal. ## 2018-01-26 15:00:00.0 * 2018-01-26 15:00:00.0 - Brazilian young people attend the UN Youth Forum in New York * 2018-01-26 15:00:00.0 - Joint COCAIR VI Operation with UNODC intercepts 900 kg of cocaine ## 2018-01-25 18:00:00.0 * 2018-01-25 18:00:00.0 - #BlackLives: Policies to reduce health vulnerabilities need better data quality ## 2018-01-22 18:00:00.0 * 2018-01-22 18:00:00.0 - Migration Compact negotiated at the UN guarantees international cooperation ## 2018-01-05 15:00:00.0 * 2018-01-05 15:00:00.0 - Brazil starts distributing medicine for preventing HIV among key populations ## 2018-01-05 14:00:00.0 * 2018-01-05 14:00:00.0 - #VidasNegras: \'Do not leave anyone behind means consider the entire population in its diversity\' ## 2017-12-28 15:00:00.0 * 2017-12-28 15:00:00.0 - Police Forces of 33 countries in the Americas sign Hemispheric Declaration against human trafficking ## 2017-12-21 16:00:00.0 * 2017-12-21 16:00:00.0 - Black Lives Campaign - Ending violence against black youth in Brazil ## 2017-12-10 18:00:00.0 * 2017-12-10 18:00:00.0 - Statement of UNODC Executive Director, Yury Fedotov, on Human Rights Day ## 2017-12-08 16:00:00.0 * 2017-12-08 16:00:00.0 - Let\'s stand #UnitedAgainstCorruption! ## 2017-12-06 18:00:00.0 * 2017-12-06 18:00:00.0 - Global sports and education experts from 10 countries gather as UNODC\'s Line Up Live Up initiative multiplies ## 2017-12-01 16:00:00.0 * 2017-12-01 16:00:00.0 - Executive Director Statement on World AIDS Day ## 2017-12-01 15:54:00.0 * 2017-12-01 15:54:00.0 - UN Secretary-General\'s message for World AIDS Day ## 2017-11-30 18:00:00.0 * 2017-11-30 18:00:00.0 - UNODC: thirty years after the global AIDS pandemic started, people who use drugs and prisoners still unduly affected ## 2017-11-27 15:00:00.0 * 2017-11-27 15:00:00.0 - UNODC gathers international sport professionals in Rio to discuss violence prevention ## 2017-11-14 15:00:00.0 * 2017-11-14 15:00:00.0 - UNODC and the Brazilian Attorney General\'s Office (PGR) discuss a partnership to combat drugs and organized crime ## 2017-11-10 17:30:00.0 * 2017-11-10 17:30:00.0 - World\'s largest anti-corruption event ends, calls for a future free of this \"poisonous crime\" ## 2017-11-03 15:00:00.0 * 2017-11-03 15:00:00.0 - Historic agreement between Colombia and UNODC can help farmers embrace alternatives to coca cultivation ## 2017-10-30 18:00:00.0 * 2017-10-30 18:00:00.0 - UNODC and CBF Social promote Seminar in Rio to prevent violence through sport ## 2017-10-24 18:00:00.0 * 2017-10-24 18:00:00.0 - UNODC and the Secretariat of Security of Paraná sign a Financing Agreement ## 2017-10-23 18:00:00.0 * 2017-10-23 18:00:00.0 - Receita Federal performs the largest cocaine appreciation of the year in Porto de Santos ## 2017-10-12 18:00:00.0 * 2017-10-12 18:00:00.0 - GLO.ACT Project Coordinator visits Brazilian legal assistance center for the vulnerable ## 2017-10-09 18:00:00.0 * 2017-10-09 18:00:00.0 - UNODC and Caixa Seguradora Institute select participants for the Youth Ambassadors Programme in Salvador ## 2017-09-29 19:37:07.0 * 2017-09-29 19:37:07.0 - Unemployment and cuts in public spending increase risk of human trafficking, says UN expert ## 2017-09-21 18:00:00.0 * 2017-09-21 18:00:00.0 - Ibero-America against traffic in persons and smuggling of migrants ## 2017-09-13 18:00:00.0 * 2017-09-13 18:00:00.0 - UN receives applications for Youth Ambassadors Programme in Salvador ## 2017-08-30 18:00:00.0 * 2017-08-30 18:00:00.0 - UNODC and Caixa Seguradora Institute conclude the second edition of the Youth Ambassadors Programme ## 2017-07-28 10:00:00.0 * 2017-07-28 10:00:00.0 - Statement of UNODC Executive Director, Yury Fedotov, on World Day Against Trafficking in Persons ## 2017-06-29 08:00:00.0 * 2017-06-29 08:00:00.0 - CPLP Ministers of Justice Conference joins the Blue Heart Campaign against Trafficking in Persons * 2017-06-29 08:00:00.0 - UNODC signs a partnership with Recife City Hall to prevent drug use ## 2017-06-22 09:00:00.0 * 2017-06-22 09:00:00.0 - World Drug Report 2017: 29.5 million people globally suffer from drug use disorders, opioids the most harmful ## 2017-06-09 08:00:00.0 * 2017-06-09 08:00:00.0 - UNODC highlights global horror of human trafficking to airline leaders ## 2017-06-01 08:00:00.0 * 2017-06-01 08:00:00.0 - UNODC opens applications for the Youth Ambassadors Programme ## 2017-05-29 15:00:00.0 * 2017-05-29 15:00:00.0 - PAHO/WHO and UNODC express concern about actions regarding drug use in São Paulo ## 2017-05-12 08:00:00.0 * 2017-05-12 08:00:00.0 - SEPOD-RECIFE team visits UNODC ## 2017-04-25 08:00:00.0 * 2017-04-25 08:00:00.0 - Synthetic cannabinoids such as Spice must be taken out of circulation, says UNODC\'s head of laboratory ## 2017-04-24 08:00:00.0 * 2017-04-24 08:00:00.0 - Brazil joins UNODC global initiative against human trafficking and migrant smuggling ## 2017-04-04 08:00:00.0 * 2017-04-04 08:00:00.0 - AIRCOP: Global experts meet in Brazil to discuss drugs, other illicit trafficking in airports ## 2017-03-31 08:00:00.0 * 2017-03-31 08:00:00.0 - UNODC Programme \'Line Up Live Up\' participates in the CBF + Health Workshop ## 2017-03-17 18:19:10.0 * 2017-03-17 18:19:10.0 - Commission on Narcotic Drugs takes decisive step to help prevent deadly fentanyl overdoses ## 2017-03-13 08:00:00.0 * 2017-03-13 08:00:00.0 - Next phase of UNODC’s youth crime prevention through sports outreach begins in Rio de Janeiro ## 2017-03-09 08:00:00.0 * 2017-03-09 08:00:00.0 - First sports training to prevent youth crime \"kicks off\" in Brazil ## 2017-03-06 08:00:00.0 * 2017-03-06 08:00:00.0 - Report: fentanyl\'s increasing flows fuel steep rise in overdose deaths ## 2017-02-22 08:00:00.0 * 2017-02-22 08:00:00.0 - Host sporting events may open gaps for corruption on a large scale, says UNODC ## 2017-02-21 08:00:00.0 * 2017-02-21 08:00:00.0 - UNODC and RFB sign a Cooperation Agreement ## 2017-02-16 08:00:00.0 * 2017-02-16 08:00:00.0 - UNODC and IOC: Strengthening integrity and good governance in sport ## 2017-02-10 08:00:00.0 * 2017-02-10 08:00:00.0 - UNODC provides Nelson Mandela Rules guidance to States to improve prison management ## 2017-02-09 08:00:00.0 * 2017-02-09 08:00:00.0 - Customs and PF seize more than 500 kg of cocaine in the Port of Santos ## 2017-01-27 08:00:00.0 * 2017-01-27 08:00:00.0 - Youth Ambassadors represent UNODC in NY ## 2017-01-16 08:00:00.0 * 2017-01-16 08:00:00.0 - First UN manual to address violent extremism in prisons launched by UNODC ## 2017-01-06 08:00:00.0 * 2017-01-06 08:00:00.0 - UNODC note on rebellion in Manaus prison ## 2017-01-01 08:10:00.0 * 2017-01-01 08:10:00.0 - MESSAGE: António Guterres appeals for Peace ## 2016-12-13 08:00:00.0 * 2016-12-13 08:00:00.0 - Using the power of sports to prevent youth crime and drug use ## 2016-12-09 12:00:00.0 * 2016-12-09 12:00:00.0 - On this International Day, the world is #UnitedAgainstCorruption ## 2016-12-09 10:00:00.0 * 2016-12-09 10:00:00.0 - Statement of the Executive Director on International Anti-Corruption Day ## 2016-12-01 08:00:00.0 * 2016-12-01 08:00:00.0 - UNODC Executive Director Statement on World Aids Day ## 2016-11-29 08:00:00.0 * 2016-11-29 08:00:00.0 - UNAIDS theme group (TG) Meeting ## 2016-11-25 20:44:43.0 * 2016-11-25 20:44:43.0 - Drug users cannot be treated as criminals ## 2016-10-18 08:00:00.0 * 2016-10-18 08:00:00.0 - BRICS countries underline the imperative of advancing cooperation and action on HIV and Tuberculosis ## 2016-10-05 08:00:00.0 * 2016-10-05 08:00:00.0 - UNODC participates in the GT/UNAIDS meeting ## 2016-09-21 08:00:00.0 * 2016-09-21 08:00:00.0 - Coordinators of the Transformando Destinos project visit UNODC ## 2016-09-19 17:00:00.0 * 2016-09-19 17:00:00.0 - Paraguay promotes dialogue with civil society organizations ## 2016-09-12 23:00:00.0 * 2016-09-12 23:00:00.0 - UNODC initiates activities of the Ambassadors of Youth Program ## 2016-09-09 17:01:00.0 * 2016-09-09 17:01:00.0 - Brazilian Senate approves law with harsher punishments for the crime of human trafficking ## 2016-09-05 08:00:00.0 * 2016-09-05 08:00:00.0 - UNODC and the Brazilian Federal Police sign a Cooperation Agreement ## 2016-09-02 17:00:00.0 * 2016-09-02 17:00:00.0 - UN Secretary-General made a statement on the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff ## 2016-08-23 08:00:00.0 * 2016-08-23 08:00:00.0 - Paraguay presents work methodology for preparing the National Policy on Drugs * 2016-08-23 08:00:00.0 - Caravan \"Siga Bem\" begins activities in Brasília, Goiás and Paraná ## 2016-08-22 08:00:00.0 * 2016-08-22 08:00:00.0 - UN greets Brazil for successful completion of the Olympics ## 2016-08-15 08:00:00.0 * 2016-08-15 08:00:00.0 - UNODC attends ceremony destruction of 25,000 firearms ## 2016-08-12 08:00:00.0 * 2016-08-12 08:00:00.0 - Youth Ambassadors Programme - testimony of the representative of the Brazilian delegation on the ECOSOC\'s Youth Forum ## 2016-08-01 10:00:00.0 * 2016-08-01 10:00:00.0 - UN Secretary-General\'s statement on the Olympic ## 2016-07-30 08:00:00.0 * 2016-07-30 08:00:00.0 - UN Secretary General\'s statement on World Day Against Trafficking in Persons ## 2016-07-25 08:00:00.0 * 2016-07-25 08:00:00.0 - We know how to fight this fight says UNODC head at Vienna human trafficking event * 2016-07-25 08:00:00.0 - World Day Against Trafficking in Persons ## 2016-06-29 08:00:00.0 * 2016-06-29 08:00:00.0 - UNODC publishes a technical note on drug policies and sustainable development * 2016-06-29 08:00:00.0 - Articulation Seminar on Health and Human Rights in the Northern Region and the VII North Meeting of Harm Reduction (Enord) * 2016-06-29 08:00:00.0 - 50-50 City Platform is tool to encourage gender parity in power spheres ## 2016-06-24 08:00:00.0 * 2016-06-24 08:00:00.0 - I Health Seminar in the Prison System of the Federal District ## 2016-06-23 08:00:00.0 * 2016-06-23 08:00:00.0 - Number of drug dependent adults up for first time in six years ## 2016-06-21 08:00:00.0 * 2016-06-21 08:00:00.0 - Feira de Santana, Bahia, receives UN exhibition on slave trade ## 2016-06-14 08:00:00.0 * 2016-06-14 08:00:00.0 - I Health Seminar on the Prison System of the Federal District ## 2016-06-01 08:00:00.0 * 2016-06-01 08:00:00.0 - Counting on UNODC initiative, Paraguay presents the National Plan of Corruption Prevention ## 2016-05-24 08:00:00.0 * 2016-05-24 08:00:00.0 - UNODC participates in the launch of the State Plan for Drug Policy in Mato Grosso ## 2016-04-19 08:00:00.0 * 2016-04-19 08:00:00.0 - Global drug policies must put people first, says UNODC chief at General Assembly special session on world drug problem ## 2016-02-01 08:00:00.0 * 2016-02-01 08:00:00.0 - UNODC and Brazil attend the ECOSOC Youth Forum in New York ## 2015-12-15 08:00:00.0 * 2015-12-15 08:00:00.0 - World Day to Combat AIDS : UNODC discusses about drugs and HIV at the international seminary Abramd ## 2015-12-10 08:00:00.0 * 2015-12-10 08:00:00.0 - UNODC participates in the seminar of Senac Paraguay to colebrate the International Day against Corruption ## 2015-12-09 08:00:00.0 * 2015-12-09 08:00:00.0 - Message from UNODC Executive Director, Yury Fedotov, on International Anti-Corruption Day * 2015-12-09 08:00:00.0 - Message from UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon, on International Anti-Corruption Day ## 2015-12-01 08:00:00.0 * 2015-12-01 08:00:00.0 - Statement of the UNODC Executive Director Mr. Yury Fedotov on 1 December - World AIDS Day ## 2015-11-24 09:00:00.0 * 2015-11-24 09:00:00.0 - Based on UN document, the Ministry of Justice publishes resolution on HIV / AIDS, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis among inmates ## 2015-11-18 08:00:00.0 * 2015-11-18 08:00:00.0 - UNODC promotes a dialogue on drug use during the 10th Congress on HIV / AIDS and 3rd Congress on Viral Hepatitis ## 2015-10-23 08:00:00.0 * 2015-10-23 08:00:00.0 - UNODC participates in the First National Seminar on Integral Health Care of Persons Deprived of Liberty in Prison ## 2015-10-02 08:00:00.0 * 2015-10-02 08:00:00.0 - UNODC participates in a workshop to debate the National Drug Policy ## 2015-09-29 08:00:00.0 * 2015-09-29 08:00:00.0 - Upholding the human rights of LGBTI people ## 2015-08-07 08:00:00.0 * 2015-08-07 08:00:00.0 - UNODC launches the project \"A Liberdade de Olhar\" in Goiás state prisons ## 2015-08-02 08:00:00.0 * 2015-08-02 08:00:00.0 - UNODC Paraguay offers workshops on corruption risk maps with international specialist ## 2015-07-31 08:00:00.0 * 2015-07-31 08:00:00.0 - Ivete Sangalo reaffirms promise at UN event to help put an end to trafficking in persons in Brazil ## 2015-07-30 08:00:00.0 * 2015-07-30 08:00:00.0 - On World Day against Trafficking in Persons, far more still needs to be done to help victims and end impunity for criminals ## 2015-07-28 08:00:00.0 * 2015-07-28 08:00:00.0 - UNODC and DPU sponsor training on Human Trafficking in Brasilia ## 2015-07-27 08:00:00.0 * 2015-07-27 08:00:00.0 - Campaign #igivehope offers support to victims of human traffing * 2015-07-27 08:00:00.0 - Today Marks the Beginning of the Week of Action Against the Trafficking of Persons in Brazil ## 2015-07-14 08:00:00.0 * 2015-07-14 08:00:00.0 - House of Representatives pays Homage to Blue Heart Campaign in a Formal Sitting ## 2015-07-10 08:00:00.0 * 2015-07-10 08:00:00.0 - Paraguay UNODC donates important office and computer equipment to the Centre for Prison Studies ## 2015-07-03 08:00:00.0 * 2015-07-03 08:00:00.0 - UNODC participates in a Prevention Seminar on Drugs Public Policy in Recife ## 2015-06-26 08:00:00.0 * 2015-06-26 08:00:00.0 - 2015 World Drug Report finds drug use stable, access to drug & HIV treatment still low * 2015-06-26 08:00:00.0 - Ban Ki-Moon on International Day against Drug Abuse and Illegal Trafficking * 2015-06-26 08:00:00.0 - Paraguay starts the development of a National Policy on Drugs * 2015-06-26 08:00:00.0 - Statement on the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking * 2015-06-26 08:00:00.0 - With the presence of the Republic President, UNODC Paraguay presented the beginning of the development of the National Drug Policy ## 2015-06-22 08:00:00.0 * 2015-06-22 08:00:00.0 - UNODC to organize regional preparatory meeting in São Paulo for UNGASS 2016 ## 2015-05-30 08:00:00.0 * 2015-05-30 08:00:00.0 - Statement of the UNODC Executive Director on World Day against Trafficking in Persons * 2015-05-30 08:00:00.0 - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon\'s message for 2015 World Day Against Trafficking in Persons ## 2015-05-26 08:00:00.0 * 2015-05-26 08:00:00.0 - DEPEN Launches Programme of Training and Research in Prison Intelligence ## 2015-05-20 08:00:00.0 * 2015-05-20 08:00:00.0 - Violence against women and girls \'shames every society,\' UNODC chief warns ## 2015-05-18 08:00:00.0 * 2015-05-18 08:00:00.0 - Implementation of the Doha Declaration focus of upcoming 2015 UN Crime Commission ## 2015-05-15 08:00:00.0 * 2015-05-15 08:00:00.0 - International workshop discusses investigation of seized assets in Brazil ## 2015-05-14 08:00:00.0 * 2015-05-14 08:00:00.0 - The UNODC\'s Technical report \"From coercion to cohesion\" is the topic of the seminar in Jundiaí ## 2015-05-12 08:00:00.0 * 2015-05-12 08:00:00.0 - United Nations in Brazil opposes lowering the legal age of majority ## 2015-04-13 15:21:00.0 * 2015-04-13 15:21:00.0 - UNODC and SNJ discuss Human Trafficking in the Americas in the UN Congress on Crime Prevention ## 2015-04-10 16:51:00.0 * 2015-04-10 16:51:00.0 - UNODC participates in a Seminar on Drugs Public Policy in Guarulhos ## 2015-04-09 16:59:00.0 * 2015-04-09 16:59:00.0 - Brasília hosts III Meeting of Municipalities to Sustainable Development ## 2015-04-08 21:34:00.0 * 2015-04-08 21:34:00.0 - Experts discuss Pact for Life indicators in Brasilia ## 2015-04-07 21:51:00.0 * 2015-04-07 21:51:00.0 - UNODC participates in the evaluation seminar of the project \"Live Better by Knowing\" ## 2015-04-02 15:23:45.0 * 2015-04-02 15:23:45.0 - Preventing crime to build sustainable development: Crime Congress 2015 ## 2015-03-27 16:03:39.0 * 2015-03-27 16:03:39.0 - UNODC apoia e colabora com a consulta virtual do UNAIDS para traçaar sua estratégia de 2016 ## 2015-03-25 18:43:24.0 * 2015-03-25 18:43:24.0 - UNODC is against the reduction of legal age in Brazil ## 2015-03-24 14:21:40.0 * 2015-03-24 14:21:40.0 - Note of Clarification from UNAIDS ## 2015-03-18 16:33:51.0 * 2015-03-18 16:33:51.0 - UNODC Paraguay presents details Global Report issue in bilateral meeting with Colombia ## 2015-03-17 19:55:04.0 * 2015-03-17 19:55:04.0 - In closing the 58th Session of the CND, UNODC Chief calls for evidence-based practices in drug use treatment ## 2015-03-11 18:10:36.0 * 2015-03-11 18:10:36.0 - HIV in Prisons is the theme of the first GT/UNAIDS of 2015 ## 2015-03-09 17:48:14.0 * 2015-03-09 17:48:14.0 - CND opens its 58th session in Vienna with eye on 2016 drug meeting ## 2015-03-05 14:08:18.0 * 2015-03-05 14:08:18.0 - 2015 Commission on Narcotic Drugs starts Monday in Vienna ## 2015-03-04 18:13:17.0 * 2015-03-04 18:13:17.0 - International Narcotics Control Board releases 2014 Annual Report ## 2015-03-03 18:55:04.0 * 2015-03-03 18:55:04.0 - In a visit to Paraguay, Ban Ki-moon highlights the fight against drug trafficking and organized crime ## 2015-03-03 18:35:08.0 * 2015-03-03 18:35:08.0 - World Wildlife Day 2015: Together, let\'s get #SeriousAboutWildlifeCrime ## 2015-03-03 18:03:11.0 * 2015-03-03 18:03:11.0 - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message for 2015 World Wildlife Day ## 2015-02-20 13:48:00.0 * 2015-02-20 13:48:00.0 - International Journal on Drug Policy addresses Drugs and HIV from a harm reduction perspective ## 2015-02-20 12:56:31.0 * 2015-02-20 12:56:31.0 - Participant of the \"Young of Expression\" program represented Brazil in the ECOSOC Youth Forum in NYC ## 2015-02-05 14:10:01.0 * 2015-02-05 14:10:01.0 - UNODC celebrates successful partnerships visiting partner programs in Sao Paulo ## 2015-02-04 18:02:23.0 * 2015-02-04 18:02:23.0 - UNODC and the Ministry of Health conduct a joint mission to monitor testing actions of HIV/AIDS ## 2015-02-04 13:55:00.0 * 2015-02-04 13:55:00.0 - UNODC brings “The Freedom to look” Project to a female prison of the Brazilian Federal District ## 2015-02-02 19:33:00.0 * 2015-02-02 19:33:00.0 - National Secretary of Justice evaluates actions of the II National Plan to Tackle Trafficking in Persons ## 2015-01-19 20:40:35.0 * 2015-01-19 20:40:35.0 - UNODC Paraguay renews Convention of Implementation of Global Container Control Programme ## 2015-01-07 15:32:07.0 * 2015-01-07 15:32:07.0 - UNODC gives important contribution to the Ministry of Justice of Paraguay ## 2014-12-17 14:20:48.0 * 2014-12-17 14:20:48.0 - UNODC and Caixa Seguradora brought together young people to discuss entrepreneurship ## 2014-12-11 16:27:20.0 * 2014-12-11 16:27:20.0 - UNODC and the National Anti-corruption Department Paraguay celebrate International Anti-corruption Day ## 2014-12-10 14:54:49.0 * 2014-12-10 14:54:49.0 - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon delivers Message On Human Rights Day ## 2014-12-09 14:42:52.0 * 2014-12-09 14:42:52.0 - Statement of the UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov on International Anti-Corruption Day ## 2014-12-09 13:58:09.0 * 2014-12-09 13:58:09.0 - Secretary- General Ban Ki-moon delivers Message On International Anti-Corruption Day ## 2014-12-08 18:24:00.0 * 2014-12-08 18:24:00.0 - UNODC takes over the presidency of the UN Expanded Theme Group on HIV/AIDS (GT/UNAIDS) ## 2014-12-08 15:50:00.0 * 2014-12-08 15:50:00.0 - UNODC and CGU celebrate the International Day against Corruption ## 2014-12-08 12:53:00.0 * 2014-12-08 12:53:00.0 - Penitentiary Complex of Papuda welcomes the I #ZeroDiscrimination International Films Exhibition ## 2014-12-05 17:09:00.0 * 2014-12-05 17:09:00.0 - The \"Freedom to look\" Project brings discussion on HIV/AIDS to a prison unit in the Federal District ## 2014-12-05 13:57:00.0 * 2014-12-05 13:57:00.0 - UNODC and Ivete Sangalo promote press conference on the Blue Heart Campaign against Trafficking in Persons ## 2014-12-05 13:05:00.0 * 2014-12-05 13:05:00.0 - World AIDS Day: UNODC participates in Health Ministry\'s event ## 2014-12-04 16:46:00.0 * 2014-12-04 16:46:00.0 - UN Agencies and embassies perform the I #ZeroDiscrimination International Film Exhibition ## 2014-12-01 11:36:38.0 * 2014-12-01 11:36:38.0 - Statement of the UNODC Executive Director on World AIDS Day ## 2014-11-26 17:30:49.0 * 2014-11-26 17:30:49.0 - UNODC supports the execution of PREVINE 2014 ## 2014-11-24 12:09:15.0 * 2014-11-24 12:09:15.0 - Trafficking in children on the increase, according to latest UNODC Report ## 2014-11-20 17:58:00.0 * 2014-11-20 17:58:00.0 - UNODC hosts GT/UNAIDS meeting in Brasília ## 2014-11-18 20:51:00.0 * 2014-11-18 20:51:00.0 - Paraguayan delegation participates on course about measures and anti-corruption policies in Panama ## 2014-11-17 19:51:00.0 * 2014-11-17 19:51:00.0 - The City of São Paulo hosts the International Seminar on Drug Policies ## 2014-11-17 14:40:48.0 * 2014-11-17 14:40:48.0 - Aracaju hosts National Meeting on Drugs and Harm Reduction ## 2014-11-14 14:26:00.0 * 2014-11-14 14:26:00.0 - UNODC and OAS promote the workshop \"Mock Investigation of a case of Money Laundry” ## 2014-11-13 13:50:00.0 * 2014-11-13 13:50:00.0 - UNODC holds photography workshops in prisons of the Brazilian Federal District ## 2014-11-11 19:21:57.0 * 2014-11-11 19:21:57.0 - UNODC and Ministry of Justice promote the training \"Facing Trafficking of Persons\" ## 2014-10-31 14:59:00.0 * 2014-10-31 14:59:00.0 - UNODC promotes the training “Facing Trafficking of Persons for Professionals of the Justice Criminal System” ## 2014-10-30 15:13:00.0 * 2014-10-30 15:13:00.0 - UNODC celebrated yesterday the National Day for the Prevention of Money-laundering ## 2014-10-22 19:10:00.0 * 2014-10-22 19:10:00.0 - UNODC hosts meeting to discuss the medical use of cannabis ## 2014-10-16 19:20:41.0 * 2014-10-16 19:20:41.0 - Discussion on HIV focuses on need for adequate response in prisons ## 2014-10-15 17:46:00.0 * 2014-10-15 17:46:00.0 - Symposium in Brasilia discusses mental health and criminal justice ## 2014-10-14 17:05:00.0 * 2014-10-14 17:05:00.0 - UNODC Executive Director receives Minister of SENAC in Vienna ## 2014-09-30 20:37:04.0 * 2014-09-30 20:37:04.0 - Workshop discusses law enforcement and prevention and treatment for HIV/AIDS associated with drug use ## 2014-09-29 20:51:00.0 * 2014-09-29 20:51:00.0 - New trends and regional differences in the manufacturing of methamphetamine ## 2014-09-24 14:05:00.0 * 2014-09-24 14:05:00.0 - UNODC supports workshops in Argentina on drug users’ access to health services ## 2014-09-12 15:12:16.0 * 2014-09-12 15:12:16.0 - Conference in Costa Rica discusses drug policies in Latin America ## 2014-08-21 14:31:00.0 * 2014-08-21 14:31:00.0 - UNODC and Brazil\'s Ministry of Health expand Brazilian version of drug use prevention program in schools ## 2014-08-18 16:11:00.0 * 2014-08-18 16:11:00.0 - UNODC’s contribution to the 2nd public hearing on regulation of cannabis in Brazil ## 2014-08-15 20:04:00.0 * 2014-08-15 20:04:00.0 - Brazil launches project to manage seized assets ## 2014-08-15 16:03:00.0 * 2014-08-15 16:03:00.0 - Youths paint graffiti at UN House in Brazil for International Youth Day ## 2014-08-14 21:16:01.0 * 2014-08-14 21:16:01.0 - International Youth Day: we need to support inclusion of young people and help them achieve their potential ## 2014-08-07 23:01:49.0 * 2014-08-07 23:01:49.0 - Seminar in Manaus discusses good practices in law enforcement regarding drug users ## 2014-08-01 23:37:15.0 * 2014-08-01 23:37:15.0 - 1st World Day Against Trafficking in Persons is marked by mobilization week in Brazil ## 2014-07-18 21:19:21.0 * 2014-07-18 21:19:21.0 - UNODC to discuss drug users and people in prison settings at AIDS 2014 international conference ## 2014-07-17 20:52:38.0 * 2014-07-17 20:52:38.0 - New report warns on gap in HIV prevention and treatment for prisoners, people who inject drugs ## 2014-07-03 20:46:02.0 * 2014-07-03 20:46:02.0 - Documentary highlights best practices against human trafficking at national fair in Brazil ## 2014-06-26 12:09:05.0 * 2014-06-26 12:09:05.0 - Global drug use prevalence stable, says UNODC World Drug Report 2014 ## 2014-06-16 22:38:27.0 * 2014-06-16 22:38:27.0 - Research shows HIV prevalence and vulnerable context among drug users in Uruguay ## 2014-06-11 18:09:00.0 * 2014-06-11 18:09:00.0 - Public hearing in Brazil\'s Chamber of Deputies discusses human trafficking law ## 2014-06-03 16:22:00.0 * 2014-06-03 16:22:00.0 - National conference gathers 788 people to discuss migration and refuge policies in Brazil ## 2014-05-29 21:22:00.0 * 2014-05-29 21:22:00.0 - UN meeting: Brazil presents evaluation model of National Plan to Counter Trafficking in Persons ## 2014-05-20 20:13:43.0 * 2014-05-20 20:13:43.0 - Good practices in tackling human trafficking to be featured in Brazilian conference ## 2014-05-19 22:04:58.0 * 2014-05-19 22:04:58.0 - Events in Nigeria, Lampedusa place heavy responsibility on CCPCJ, says UNODC Chief ## 2014-05-13 18:25:39.0 * 2014-05-13 18:25:39.0 - While promoting justice, rule of law, CCPCJ paves way to development agenda of the future ## 2014-05-09 19:08:08.0 * 2014-05-09 19:08:08.0 - Violence against children, timber trafficking, and migrant smuggling to be discussed at 2014 CCPCJ ## 2014-05-08 21:48:00.0 * 2014-05-08 21:48:00.0 - Blue Heart Campaign against human trafficking marks one year in Brazil with an increase in reports ## 2014-05-06 20:10:00.0 * 2014-05-06 20:10:00.0 - Brazil and Argentina among biggest contributors to UNODC human trafficking database ## 2014-05-02 20:03:33.0 * 2014-05-02 20:03:33.0 - Note of clarification about the Global Study on Homicide 2013 ## 2014-04-10 13:27:37.0 * 2014-04-10 13:27:37.0 - Some 437,000 people murdered worldwide in 2012, according to new UNODC study ## 2014-04-03 17:22:49.0 * 2014-04-03 17:22:49.0 - Brazilian students participate in launch of program against corruption with cartoonist Mauricio de Sousa ## 2014-03-25 20:10:21.0 * 2014-03-25 20:10:21.0 - Blue Heart Campaign committee is launched in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco ## 2014-03-24 19:15:51.0 * 2014-03-24 19:15:51.0 - 57th CND session ends with resolutions that signpost way forward in tackling illicit drugs ## 2014-03-21 21:30:00.0 * 2014-03-21 21:30:00.0 - UNODC regrets the loss of colleague Luis Maria Duarte ## 2014-03-20 21:14:56.0 * 2014-03-20 21:14:56.0 - “Corruption affects all, even the corrupt ones”, says UNODC Representative in international workshop ## 2014-03-17 19:42:44.0 * 2014-03-17 19:42:44.0 - Joint Statement stresses health, prevention and treatment in countering world drug problem ## 2014-03-13 20:28:53.0 * 2014-03-13 20:28:53.0 - Commission on Narcotic Drugs opens its 57 th session in Vienna ## 2014-03-12 15:19:55.0 * 2014-03-12 15:19:55.0 - Global drug issues to be focus of high-level UN meeting in Vienna starting on 13 March ## 2014-03-11 21:17:07.0 * 2014-03-11 21:17:07.0 - UNODC presents results of the fight against police corruption in Paraguay ## 2014-03-04 12:01:00.0 * 2014-03-04 12:01:00.0 - INCB: Every dollar spent on prevention can save up to ten dollars ## 2014-02-13 16:04:01.0 * 2014-02-13 16:04:01.0 - Rising violence in protests is a concern, says UNODC Representative in Brazil ## 2014-02-11 19:26:33.0 * 2014-02-11 19:26:33.0 - UNODC holds workshop in Paraguay on implementation of the Convention against Corruption ## 2014-02-07 14:12:30.0 * 2014-02-07 14:12:30.0 - Corruption a major obstacle in tackling smuggling of migrants ## 2014-01-30 14:28:00.0 * 2014-01-30 14:28:00.0 - Government and civil society representatives launch new body to counter human trafficking in Brazil ## 2014-01-24 17:40:26.0 * 2014-01-24 17:40:26.0 - New law requires public officials to file declarations of assets in Paraguay ## 2014-01-22 16:52:53.0 * 2014-01-22 16:52:53.0 - UNODC opens new office in Brasilia ## 2014-01-17 12:36:33.0 * 2014-01-17 12:36:33.0 - Youth of Expression Program agents wrap up 2013 activities cycle ## 2014-01-15 11:58:33.0 * 2014-01-15 11:58:33.0 - Paraguay seeks to develop a plan to assist prisoners ## 2014-01-14 12:47:57.0 * 2014-01-14 12:47:57.0 - New UNODC campaign raises awareness of links between organized crime and counterfeit business ## 2013-12-19 18:18:05.0 * 2013-12-19 18:18:05.0 - UNODC promotes regional meeting to debate strategies against corruption ## 2013-12-16 17:01:49.0 * 2013-12-16 17:01:49.0 - Fight against corruption in focus in Paraguay ## 2013-12-12 17:42:54.0 * 2013-12-12 17:42:54.0 - UNODC stresses health dimension of drug use as Uruguay passes legislation to legalize cannabis ## 2013-12-10 12:24:36.0 * 2013-12-10 12:24:36.0 - \"With corruption, we all pay the price\", says UNODC Representative on International Anti-Corruption Day ## 2013-12-09 04:27:26.0 * 2013-12-09 04:27:26.0 - International Anti-Corruption Day: Zero Corruption - 100% Development ## 2013-12-06 20:24:01.0 * 2013-12-06 20:24:01.0 - International Anti-Corruption Day will be celebrated in Brazil with awards ceremony ## 2013-11-29 20:38:00.0 * 2013-11-29 20:38:00.0 - Photo exhibition presents new perspectives on the daily lives of Brazilian prisons ## 2013-11-29 18:36:53.0 * 2013-11-29 18:36:53.0 - UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov: Statement on World AIDS Day 2013 ## 2013-11-29 15:45:29.0 * 2013-11-29 15:45:29.0 - Brazil expands HIV testing with the help of NGOs ## 2013-11-28 17:11:07.0 * 2013-11-28 17:11:07.0 - Corruption is the thief of development, says UNODC Chief at anti-corruption opening in Panama ## 2013-11-27 14:40:25.0 * 2013-11-27 14:40:25.0 - Zero Corruption - 100% Development: UNODC and UNDP launch 2013 Anti-Corruption Day Campaign ## 2013-11-20 19:58:01.0 * 2013-11-20 19:58:01.0 - World\'s biggest anti-corruption meeting next week will highlight impact on development ## 2013-11-18 13:51:51.0 * 2013-11-18 13:51:51.0 - Young Brazilians participate in conversations about youth, sexuality and behavior ## 2013-11-14 21:58:49.0 * 2013-11-14 21:58:49.0 - UNODC presents International Standards on Drug Use Prevention at symposium on alcohol abuse ## 2013-11-14 15:07:05.0 * 2013-11-14 15:07:05.0 - UNODC supports strengthening of Criminal Justice Support Programme in Paraguay ## 2013-11-14 13:51:24.0 * 2013-11-14 13:51:24.0 - Watch now the International Symposium on Drugs: from Coercion to Cohesion ## 2013-11-08 19:00:02.0 * 2013-11-08 19:00:02.0 - Nicolas Cage helps raise US$185,000 for victims of human trafficking ## 2013-11-06 12:39:40.0 * 2013-11-06 12:39:40.0 - Brazilian families participate in graduation ceremony at end of project to prevent drug use ## 2013-11-04 19:13:49.0 * 2013-11-04 19:13:49.0 - Argentina’s disarmament program wins UN award ## 2013-11-01 16:51:22.0 * 2013-11-01 16:51:22.0 - UNODC chief, at UN General Assembly, takes part in dialogue on migration and human rights ## 2013-10-31 18:04:35.0 * 2013-10-31 18:04:35.0 - New project to prevent drug abuse focuses on families with teenagers ## 2013-10-30 17:08:28.0 * 2013-10-30 17:08:28.0 - UN Special Rapporteur calls for global rules for treatment of prisoners to be updated ## 2013-10-30 13:07:57.0 * 2013-10-30 13:07:57.0 - UNODC marks National Day for the Prevention of Money-laundering ## 2013-10-22 20:12:00.0 * 2013-10-22 20:12:00.0 - Brazil boosts fight against trafficking in persons with new data and local Blue Heart campaign committees ## 2013-10-18 16:15:07.0 * 2013-10-18 16:15:07.0 - Brazilian students receive awards in cultural contest about drug use prevention ## 2013-10-17 21:13:08.0 * 2013-10-17 21:13:08.0 - UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime celebrates 10 years ## 2013-10-10 20:50:04.0 * 2013-10-10 20:50:04.0 - UN Crime Body to Combat Online Child Abuse ## 2013-10-08 14:03:26.0 * 2013-10-08 14:03:26.0 - Coca crop cultivation down in Peru - 2012 UNODC coca monitoring survey ## 2013-10-04 20:09:19.0 * 2013-10-04 20:09:19.0 - UNODC early warning system records rapid increase in legal highs in 2013 ## 2013-10-03 16:49:33.0 * 2013-10-03 16:49:33.0 - Forum in Bogota discusses possible solutions to illicit drugs ## 2013-10-02 21:39:12.0 * 2013-10-02 21:39:12.0 - Photography workshops in prisons spark dialogue about human rights in prison settings ## 2013-10-01 21:47:58.0 * 2013-10-01 21:47:58.0 - Cape Verdean students visit Youth of Expression Program in Brazil ## 2013-09-25 16:23:25.0 * 2013-09-25 16:23:25.0 - Ministry of Justice and UNODC launch radio campaign against trafficking in persons ## 2013-09-20 15:57:10.0 * 2013-09-20 15:57:10.0 - Colombia grows quarter less coca crop, according to UNODC 2012 survey ## 2013-09-16 16:05:46.0 * 2013-09-16 16:05:46.0 - Webinar discusses tomorrow the role of media and best practices for reporting on trafficking in persons ## 2013-09-12 19:11:48.0 * 2013-09-12 19:11:48.0 - Secretary-General\'s Message for United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation ## 2013-09-12 05:27:26.0 * 2013-09-12 05:27:26.0 - Drug policies should be based on health and not on punishment, says UNODC at Symposium in Brazil ## 2013-09-11 21:51:04.0 * 2013-09-11 21:51:04.0 - Stimulant drugs use, HIV and viral hepatitis in focus in Brazil ## 2013-09-09 14:22:59.0 * 2013-09-09 14:22:59.0 - International Symposium on Drugs: From Coercion to Cohesion begins today in Brasília ## 2013-09-02 19:31:16.0 * 2013-09-02 19:31:16.0 - New data to inform work for prevention and care of STDs and HIV/AIDS in São Paulo ## 2013-08-29 21:00:17.0 * 2013-08-29 21:00:17.0 - Brazilian families join the first day of activities of UNODC pilot project for preventing drug use ## 2013-08-28 00:21:02.0 * 2013-08-28 00:21:02.0 - UNODC launches pilot project in Brazil to prevent drug use by strengthening family relationships ## 2013-08-22 17:09:34.0 * 2013-08-22 17:09:34.0 - Identifying the so-called legal highs ## 2013-08-16 21:15:39.0 * 2013-08-16 21:15:39.0 - Coca crop cultivation and yield decline in Bolivia for second straight year, says UNODC Survey ## 2013-08-13 20:32:34.0 * 2013-08-13 20:32:34.0 - UNODC and Ministry of Health bring to Brazil a new methodology for preventing drug use in schools ## 2013-08-13 00:49:00.0 * 2013-08-13 00:49:00.0 - UNODC and Youth of Expression Program marked International Youth Day on Monday, 12 August ## 2013-08-01 23:19:06.0 * 2013-08-01 23:19:06.0 - Statement on the bill regulating the production, sale and consumption of marijuana in Uruguay ## 2013-07-25 17:41:58.0 * 2013-07-25 17:41:58.0 - UNODC participates in the VI National Meeting of Adolescents and Youth Living with HIV/AIDS ## 2013-07-12 21:08:22.0 * 2013-07-12 21:08:22.0 - Youth of Expression Program agents expand their acting in Ceilândia and Sobradinho II ## 2013-07-10 16:25:22.0 * 2013-07-10 16:25:22.0 - UNODC and Brazilian authorities launch World Drug Report 2013 at PAHO/WHO in Brasília ## 2013-07-03 22:50:06.0 * 2013-07-03 22:50:06.0 - UNODC and UNAIDS release in Uruguay publication about HIV and AIDS in places of detention ## 2013-06-28 21:03:03.0 * 2013-06-28 21:03:03.0 - UNODC updates global estimates on injecting drug use and HIV among people who inject drugs ## 2013-06-26 12:10:52.0 * 2013-06-26 12:10:52.0 - UNODC launches 2013 World Drug Report ## 2013-06-21 18:35:58.0 * 2013-06-21 18:35:58.0 - Make health your \'new high\' in life: UNODC to mark World Drug Day on 26 June ## 2013-06-14 18:28:34.0 * 2013-06-14 18:28:34.0 - Youth of Expression Program promotes dance and theater workshops in Brazilian communities ## 2013-05-29 23:16:00.0 * 2013-05-29 23:16:00.0 - In Brazil, Ceilândia’s Citizen Square will host AIDS tests this Saturday ## 2013-05-20 17:03:51.0 * 2013-05-20 17:03:51.0 - New UNODC report looks at use of cocaine paste in Peru ## 2013-05-17 18:44:14.0 * 2013-05-17 18:44:14.0 - UN General Assembly reviews efforts to combat human trafficking ## 2013-05-11 02:30:25.0 * 2013-05-11 02:30:25.0 - Brazilian government launches UN Blue Heart campaign against trafficking in persons ## 2013-05-11 00:28:06.0 * 2013-05-11 00:28:06.0 - UNODC Chief and Minister of Justice sign joint statement to consolidate partnership in Brazil ## 2013-05-10 04:05:07.0 * 2013-05-10 04:05:07.0 - UNODC and Brazilian government launch Liaison and Partnership Office in Brazil ## 2013-05-08 05:45:00.0 * 2013-05-08 05:45:00.0 - UNODC Chief highlights importance of social inclusion in crime prevention in Rio de Janeiro ## 2013-05-03 23:33:48.0 * 2013-05-03 23:33:48.0 - Chief of UN Office on Drugs and Crime, Yury Fedotov makes his first official visit to Brazil ## 2013-05-02 00:19:19.0 * 2013-05-02 00:19:19.0 - Crime Commission closes on reminder that rule of law protects against violence, oppression and injustice ## 2013-04-24 21:03:00.0 * 2013-04-24 21:03:00.0 - Workshop gathers public and private sectors to discuss control of diversion of chemical products ## 2013-04-23 20:30:28.0 * 2013-04-23 20:30:28.0 - Why the exception should not be the rule ## 2013-04-10 23:35:18.0 * 2013-04-10 23:35:18.0 - UNODC and Ministry of Justice gather data about human trafficking in Brazil ## 2013-04-09 23:33:48.0 * 2013-04-09 23:33:48.0 - Treating drug dependence: from coercion to cohesion ## 2013-03-28 19:46:15.0 * 2013-03-28 19:46:15.0 - Arrests and compulsory detentions of drug users in Brazil concern UN experts ## 2013-03-27 15:55:41.0 * 2013-03-27 15:55:41.0 - UNODC and SESI Mato Grosso launch alcohol and drug abuse prevention project in Brazil ## 2013-03-26 16:28:32.0 * 2013-03-26 16:28:32.0 - Brazilian youth elects violence and safety as priorities for global development agenda ## 2013-03-22 19:11:10.0 * 2013-03-22 19:11:10.0 - World Water Day 2013: water sector particularly vulnerable to corruption ## 2013-03-15 20:56:13.0 * 2013-03-15 20:56:13.0 - Commission on Narcotic Drugs passes 18 resolutions and puts HIV and drug use at heart of global agenda ## 2013-03-08 19:21:39.0 * 2013-03-08 19:21:39.0 - UNODC Executive Director Statement on International Women\'s Day ## 2013-03-05 13:08:25.0 * 2013-03-05 13:08:25.0 - INCB: We must halt unprecedented proliferation and abuse of \'legal highs\' ## 2013-03-01 15:33:23.0 * 2013-03-01 15:33:23.0 - Call for designing 2013 International Anti-Corruption Day Campaign theme and logo ## 2013-02-28 19:48:57.0 * 2013-02-28 19:48:57.0 - New UNODC project in Brazil will strengthen family ties to prevent drug abuse ## 2013-02-10 22:29:42.0 * 2013-02-10 22:29:42.0 - UNODC supports distribution of 500.000 condoms during Carnival by São Paulo\'s Health Secretariat ## 2013-01-31 23:00:00.0 * 2013-01-31 23:00:00.0 - Carnival: UNODC supports launch of campaign by Brazil\'s Ministry of Health to prevent AIDS and STDs ## 2013-01-24 19:10:13.0 * 2013-01-24 19:10:13.0 - Youth of Expression Program supports tribute to Sobradinho\'s history with graffiti ## 2013-01-24 18:04:00.0 * 2013-01-24 18:04:00.0 - UN launches My World campaign and asks people what is necessary for a better world ## 2013-01-17 14:52:00.0 * 2013-01-17 14:52:00.0 - World Drug Report 2012 in Spanish ## 2013-01-16 21:30:49.0 * 2013-01-16 21:30:49.0 - Bolivia to re-accede to UN drug convention, while making exception on coca leaf chewing ## 2013-01-15 21:30:46.0 * 2013-01-15 21:30:46.0 - UNODC and Brazilian Health Ministry: R$4 million for research on STDs, AIDS and viral hepatitis ## 2013-01-05 22:36:23.0 * 2013-01-05 22:36:23.0 - Increase in global child trafficking gives cause for concern, says new UNODC report ## 2012-12-26 18:03:32.0 * 2012-12-26 18:03:32.0 - DEADLINE EXTENDED - Call for proposals for funding preventive actions of STD / HIV / AIDS and Viral Hepatitis during celebrations of 2013´s Gay Pride ## 2012-12-09 19:46:04.0 * 2012-12-09 19:46:04.0 - UNODC Executive Director Statement on International Anti-Corruption Day ## 2012-12-09 19:16:25.0 * 2012-12-09 19:16:25.0 - Message of the Secretary General on International Anti-Corruption Day ## 2012-12-04 20:51:30.0 * 2012-12-04 20:51:30.0 - Call for proposals for funding preventive actions of STD / HIV / AIDS and Viral Hepatitis during celebrations of 2013´s Gay Pride ## 2012-12-04 20:13:24.0 * 2012-12-04 20:13:24.0 - Open Selection Process for funding events in 2013 ## 2012-11-19 23:27:26.0 * 2012-11-19 23:27:26.0 - Note on Call for Proposal No. 12/2012 – – Call of pre-selected institutions ## 2012-11-14 10:06:37.0 * 2012-11-14 10:06:37.0 - Trafficking in cultural property: organized crime and the theft of our past ## 2012-11-13 23:37:13.0 * 2012-11-13 23:37:13.0 - IX Meeting of the National Forum on Children and Youths Mental Health ## 2012-11-03 21:42:57.0 * 2012-11-03 21:42:57.0 - Tracking designer drugs, legal highs and bath salts ## 2012-11-01 02:25:09.0 * 2012-11-01 02:25:09.0 - RESULT OF PRE-SELECTION – PHASE II CALL FOR PROPOSAL No. 12/2012 – VIVAJOVEM.COM ## 2012-10-26 22:41:00.0 * 2012-10-26 22:41:00.0 - Corrigendum: Note on the Call for Proposal nº12/2012 - ## 2012-10-25 23:26:35.0 * 2012-10-25 23:26:35.0 - Note on the Call for Proposal nº12/2012 - ## 2012-10-16 03:14:15.0 * 2012-10-16 03:14:15.0 - Transnational crime proceeds in billions, victims in millions, says UNODC chief ## 2012-10-13 02:32:55.0 * 2012-10-13 02:32:55.0 - Sixth session of Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Transnational Organized Crime to be held in Vienna ## 2012-10-13 00:58:14.0 * 2012-10-13 00:58:14.0 - Ministry of Health and UNODC extend the deadline for project on adolescents and young people ## 2012-09-29 03:36:00.0 * 2012-09-29 03:36:00.0 - UNODC chief presents transnational organized crime study for Central America and the Caribbean to Member States ## 2012-09-28 01:27:00.0 * 2012-09-28 01:27:00.0 - Ministry of Health and UNODC release a call for proposals for projects on adolescents and young people ## 2012-09-27 02:43:30.0 * 2012-09-27 02:43:30.0 - UNODC Executive Director voices commitment to the rule of law at General Assembly high-level meeting ## 2012-09-08 20:53:10.0 * 2012-09-08 20:53:10.0 - Guyana and Suriname are first Caribbean countries to join Container Control Programme ## 2012-09-01 12:37:46.0 * 2012-09-01 12:37:46.0 - UNODC launches a Guide on gender, HIV/AIDS and co-infections in Prision Settings ## 2012-08-31 04:32:48.0 * 2012-08-31 04:32:48.0 - Crack and HIV: a new challenge for health systems ## 2012-08-28 12:51:47.0 * 2012-08-28 12:51:47.0 - Prevention Forums and Conferences bring together more than 4000 people in Sao Paulo ## 2012-08-15 03:11:00.0 * 2012-08-15 03:11:00.0 - Notice of Award for Civil Society Organizations ## 2012-07-27 03:06:00.0 * 2012-07-27 03:06:00.0 - Turning the tide: not without prisons! ## 2012-07-16 12:30:20.0 * 2012-07-16 12:30:20.0 - New UNODC awareness campaign highlights transnational organized crime as an US$ 870 billion a year business ## 2012-07-11 17:03:00.0 * 2012-07-11 17:03:00.0 - Brazil implements database system on public safety ## 2012-07-10 22:37:39.0 * 2012-07-10 22:37:39.0 - Brazil moves forward in the fight against money laundering ## 2012-07-03 22:26:20.0 * 2012-07-03 22:26:20.0 - Public managers from Vitória, in Brazil, dicuss drug and violence policies during UN workshop ## 2012-06-28 21:57:50.0 * 2012-06-28 21:57:50.0 - Youngsters from the Youth Award in Contagem (MG) play a friendly soccer match against Apac rehabilitees ## 2012-06-27 13:00:00.0 * 2012-06-27 13:00:00.0 - Ministry of Health calls for proposals from non-governmental organizations working in networks in the areas of AIDS and hepatitis ## 2012-06-26 23:30:00.0 * 2012-06-26 23:30:00.0 - Statement of the Executive Director of UNODC on the occasion of the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking ## 2012-06-26 16:01:47.0 * 2012-06-26 16:01:47.0 - UNODC chief calls for health, development and rights-based approach to drug problem ## 2012-06-26 11:00:00.0 * 2012-06-26 11:00:00.0 - Message from Seretary-General on the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking ## 2012-06-26 00:44:22.0 * 2012-06-26 00:44:22.0 - UNODC launches the World Drug Report 2012 ## 2012-06-19 15:25:51.0 * 2012-06-19 15:25:51.0 - UNODC and the Brazilian Health Ministry launch call for proposals to promote human rights among vulnerable population ## 2012-06-16 23:57:13.0 * 2012-06-16 23:57:13.0 - Youth of Expression create short animations on synthetic drugs ## 2012-06-15 20:51:33.0 * 2012-06-15 20:51:33.0 - June is dedicated to awareness-raising on drug abuse and illicit trafficking ## 2012-06-01 15:46:20.0 * 2012-06-01 15:46:20.0 - UNODC small grants fund - supporting civil society partnerships in tackling private sector corruption ## 2012-05-25 20:57:39.0 * 2012-05-25 20:57:39.0 - Papers to Latin American event on STDs, Aids, and viral hepatitis have been approved ## 2012-05-23 02:00:00.0 * 2012-05-23 02:00:00.0 - Brazil to undergo its second Universal Periodic Review this Friday ## 2012-05-18 17:11:28.0 * 2012-05-18 17:11:28.0 - Security management in the Prison System - a challenge to be aware of ## 2012-05-18 01:00:00.0 * 2012-05-18 01:00:00.0 - Top United Nations officials underscore need to combat organized crime in Central America ## 2012-05-16 21:03:00.0 * 2012-05-16 21:03:00.0 - Less guns, less violence. Argentina moves forward in firearms destruction ## 2012-05-15 15:40:13.0 * 2012-05-15 15:40:13.0 - Brazil pledges to feed UNODC Case Law Database on human trafficking ## 2012-05-08 16:54:53.0 * 2012-05-08 16:54:53.0 - United Nations to help extend legal aid in the criminal justice system ## 2012-05-05 00:04:46.0 * 2012-05-05 00:04:46.0 - New Brazilian movie raises awareness about the use of synthetic drugs and international trafficking of narcotics ## 2012-04-26 05:00:00.0 * 2012-04-26 05:00:00.0 - United Nations organizations cooperate to stamp out human trafficking and sex tourism ## 2012-04-24 07:00:00.0 * 2012-04-24 07:00:00.0 - Transnational crime threatens MDGs says UNODC Chief at Opening of 21st Session of the Crime Commission ## 2012-04-17 05:30:00.0 * 2012-04-17 05:30:00.0 - UNODC and International Organization for Migration sign agreement for closer cooperation ## 2012-04-16 08:45:00.0 * 2012-04-16 08:45:00.0 - Portugal joins Blue Heart campaign against human trafficking ## 2012-04-11 22:16:00.0 * 2012-04-11 22:16:00.0 - From the Plan to the Policy: Brazil seeks to improve the healthcare services for individuals deprived of liberty ## 2012-04-03 18:30:00.0 * 2012-04-03 18:30:00.0 - We must re-double our efforts to bring an end to human trafficking, says President of UN General Assembly ## 2012-04-02 22:31:38.0 * 2012-04-02 22:31:38.0 - United Nations - private sector partnership crucial in meeting MDGs ## 2012-03-30 17:19:59.0 * 2012-03-30 17:19:59.0 - Addressing drugged driving to prevent road deaths ## 2012-03-16 23:15:00.0 * 2012-03-16 23:15:00.0 - Commission on Narcotic Drugs concludes 2012 session with strong health focus ## 2012-03-16 09:22:03.0 * 2012-03-16 09:22:03.0 - Youth from all over the world make their statement at the 55th Commission On Narcotic Drugs ## 2012-03-13 18:45:00.0 * 2012-03-13 18:45:00.0 - Interview with José Eduardo Cardoso, Brazilian Minister of Justice ## 2012-03-12 16:15:00.0 * 2012-03-12 16:15:00.0 - UN Drugs Chief Calls for Stronger Cooperation Frameworks and Attention to Health as Way Forward for International Drugs Policy ## 2012-03-12 15:22:52.0 * 2012-03-12 15:22:52.0 - Brazil pledges annual contribution to strengthen UNODC work in the region ## 2012-03-09 09:15:00.0 * 2012-03-09 09:15:00.0 - MEDIA ADVISORY - Fifty-fifth session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs to open in Vienna next week ## 2012-03-07 19:47:19.0 * 2012-03-07 19:47:19.0 - United Nations Secretary-General´s message on International Women´s day ## 2012-03-06 10:45:00.0 * 2012-03-06 10:45:00.0 - MEDIA ADVISORY - Brazil will have a “Youth Ambassador” at the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs´ Youth side event ## 2012-02-28 19:01:42.0 * 2012-02-28 19:01:42.0 - INCB: We Must Stop Drugs Being Sold to Kids via Social Media ## 2012-02-24 14:15:58.0 * 2012-02-24 14:15:58.0 - MEDIA ADVISORY - UNODC presents the 2011 International Narcotics Control Board Report ## 2012-02-16 21:51:07.0 * 2012-02-16 21:51:07.0 - Paraguay presents strategies to strengthen the fight against corruption and drug trafficking ## 2012-02-11 21:26:58.0 * 2012-02-11 21:26:58.0 - Member States express strong support for \"One-UN\" approach of UNODC and other partners to transnational organized crime and drug trafficking ## 2012-02-03 21:21:54.0 * 2012-02-03 21:21:54.0 - Stimulant drugs use and HIV: there is still much to do ## 2012-02-03 15:01:28.0 * 2012-02-03 15:01:28.0 - New UNODC initiative works with youth to address substance abuse ## 2012-01-27 20:26:54.0 * 2012-01-27 20:26:54.0 - UNODC chief announces a comprehensive study on cybercrime ## 2012-01-16 15:08:08.0 * 2012-01-16 15:08:08.0 - Free online course for justice professionals dealing with child victims ## 2011-12-27 20:00:25.0 * 2011-12-27 20:00:25.0 - Uruguay presents the results of the project ‘Drug Use Prevention in the Workplace and Family’ ## 2011-12-27 13:55:29.0 * 2011-12-27 13:55:29.0 - \"Corruption is part of what today we call transnational organized crime\", says the Brazilian General Prosecutor, Roberto Gurgel ## 2011-12-19 15:04:26.0 * 2011-12-19 15:04:26.0 - New UNODC data sheds light on smuggling of migrants by sea ## 2011-12-12 18:32:34.0 * 2011-12-12 18:32:34.0 - UN supports Mercosur regional project on HIV/AIDS in prison systems ## 2011-12-09 19:55:33.0 * 2011-12-09 19:55:33.0 - Brazilian Federal Judge Odilon de Oliveira receives UNODC award against Corruption 2011 ## 2011-12-09 14:26:34.0 * 2011-12-09 14:26:34.0 - Remarks of Mr. Yury Fedotov, UNODC Executive Director, on International Anti-Corruption Day, 9 December ## 2011-12-09 09:34:08.0 * 2011-12-09 09:34:08.0 - UN calls on society to act against Corruption ## 2011-12-09 08:43:57.0 * 2011-12-09 08:43:57.0 - The Secretary-General of the United Nations Message on International Anti-Corruption Day ## 2011-12-08 19:12:20.0 * 2011-12-08 19:12:20.0 - Media Advisory: United Nations launch new campaign against Corruption ## 2011-12-06 14:54:06.0 * 2011-12-06 14:54:06.0 - UNODC and Ibero-American prosecutors debate Corruption ## 2011-12-05 14:37:00.0 * 2011-12-05 14:37:00.0 - Uruguay carries out its First Training Course on Comprehensive Health Care in Prison settings ## 2011-12-05 14:35:00.0 * 2011-12-05 14:35:00.0 - Argentina and Brazil promote actions on World AIDS Day ## 2011-12-02 17:56:40.0 * 2011-12-02 17:56:40.0 - UNODC Staff participate in activities of World Aids Day ## 2011-12-01 17:51:00.0 * 2011-12-01 17:51:00.0 - Stigma fuels HIV ## 2011-11-30 20:57:08.0 * 2011-11-30 20:57:08.0 - A Aids pode estar mais perto do fim ## 2011-11-25 14:59:14.0 * 2011-11-25 14:59:14.0 - UNODC helps to eliminate violence against women ## 2011-11-25 13:55:21.0 * 2011-11-25 13:55:21.0 - Message on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women ## 2011-11-24 15:08:00.0 * 2011-11-24 15:08:00.0 - United Nations present Joint Programme \"Security and Citizenship\" in International Seminar ## 2011-11-24 13:46:13.0 * 2011-11-24 13:46:13.0 - Argentina\'s prison system is an example of good practices ## 2011-11-23 19:22:33.0 * 2011-11-23 19:22:33.0 - Assets Investigation is key to fight organized crime ## 2011-11-23 15:03:56.0 * 2011-11-23 15:03:56.0 - UNODC and the Brazilian Ministry of Health hold workshop on Harm Reduction Schools ## 2011-11-22 21:15:47.0 * 2011-11-22 21:15:47.0 - Latin American Experts and United Nations discuss Public Safety and Democracy ## 2011-11-21 22:03:58.0 * 2011-11-21 22:03:58.0 - United Nations Public Service Awards 2012: call for nominations in anti-corruption category ## 2011-11-18 15:44:55.0 * 2011-11-18 15:44:55.0 - Interpol and South American National Agencies against Drugs discuss transnational models and strategies ## 2011-11-08 19:53:29.0 * 2011-11-08 19:53:29.0 - CICAD decides to promote its most innovative programs ## 2011-10-31 20:10:13.0 * 2011-10-31 20:10:13.0 - UNODC Executive Director, Guinea-Bissau\'s Leaders Address Concerns about Drug Trafficking in West Africa ## 2011-10-26 15:06:26.0 * 2011-10-26 15:06:26.0 - Illicit money: how much is out there? ## 2011-10-25 14:47:52.0 * 2011-10-25 14:47:52.0 - Arab Spring highlights rejection of corruption and cry for integrity, says UNODC chief ## 2011-10-24 18:38:14.0 * 2011-10-24 18:38:14.0 - Message UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on UN Day ## 2011-10-20 20:45:51.0 * 2011-10-20 20:45:51.0 - UNODC and Paraguay launch a four years National Integrated Country Programme to tackle organized crime ## 2011-10-19 19:17:24.0 * 2011-10-19 19:17:24.0 - UNODC and Paraguay sign interagency agreement to counter drug trafficking ## 2011-10-11 16:32:27.0 * 2011-10-11 16:32:27.0 - UNODC launches first global database of human trafficking cases ## 2011-10-07 20:29:40.0 * 2011-10-07 20:29:40.0 - Latin America and the Caribbean discuss drug trafficking in HONLEA XXI ## 2011-10-06 06:01:58.0 * 2011-10-06 06:01:58.0 - UNODC study shows that homicide is highest in parts of the Americas and Africa ## 2011-10-04 17:20:00.0 * 2011-10-04 17:20:00.0 - UNODC, CGU and Ethos launch study on mechanisms to prevent corruption in Brazil ## 2011-10-03 19:59:14.0 * 2011-10-03 19:59:14.0 - UNODC, Ethos Institute and CGU present the study \"Integrity System in Brazilian States\" ## 2011-09-30 21:30:00.0 * 2011-09-30 21:30:00.0 - Public Safety should be a shared responsibility ## 2011-09-30 01:43:22.0 * 2011-09-30 01:43:22.0 - Press Release: Seminar Addresses Public Safety in the Federal District and Surrounding Municipalities ## 2011-09-29 16:01:30.0 * 2011-09-29 16:01:30.0 - Blue Heart Campaign and Caracol TV shine spotlight on human trafficking in Colombia ## 2011-09-26 18:30:00.0 * 2011-09-26 18:30:00.0 - Attorneys General will create Ibero-American network on human trafficking ## 2011-09-24 18:55:00.0 * 2011-09-24 18:55:00.0 - UNODC presents Blue Heart Campaign to attorneys general in Latin America ## 2011-09-23 23:42:51.0 * 2011-09-23 23:42:51.0 - Smuggling of Migrants: one step away from Human Trafficking ## 2011-09-22 15:07:07.0 * 2011-09-22 15:07:07.0 - Countries must strengthen international cooperation to combat trafficking in persons and migrant smuggling ## 2011-09-20 16:07:11.0 * 2011-09-20 16:07:11.0 - Message of the Secretary-General on the International Day of Peace ## 2011-09-20 13:04:16.0 * 2011-09-20 13:04:16.0 - Iberoamerican prosecutors discuss strategies to combat Human Trafficking ## 2011-09-13 14:29:41.0 * 2011-09-13 14:29:41.0 - UNODC: Amphetamine-type stimulants ranked world\'s second most used drug after cannabis ## 2011-09-02 19:10:54.0 * 2011-09-02 19:10:54.0 - UNODC launches TRACK portal and anti-corruption legal library ## 2011-08-31 19:32:33.0 * 2011-08-31 19:32:33.0 - UN Secretary-General will chat live with web users on 13 September ## 2011-08-24 16:53:59.0 * 2011-08-24 16:53:59.0 - UNODC and UNHABITAT release guidelines to help prevent crime in urban areas ## 2011-08-23 18:51:41.0 * 2011-08-23 18:51:41.0 - International mission marks the beginning of TREATNET II in the state of Amazonas ## 2011-08-09 22:39:11.0 * 2011-08-09 22:39:11.0 - Fórum on Public Safety discusses access to justice, guarantee of rights and improvement of public security in Brazil ## 2011-08-08 22:48:00.0 * 2011-08-08 22:48:00.0 - Three organizations will run the International Award for Young People together with UNODC in Brazil ## 2011-07-29 19:53:13.0 * 2011-07-29 19:53:13.0 - Brazil receives mission on review mechanism of the UN Convention against corruption ## 2011-07-20 18:52:58.0 * 2011-07-20 18:52:58.0 - UNODC discusses trafficking in persons during International Seminar ## 2011-07-19 19:33:15.0 * 2011-07-19 19:33:15.0 - UNODC with the support of UN Women launches a regional report on the mechanisms of response to violence against women in the Southern Cone ## 2011-07-18 15:52:45.0 * 2011-07-18 15:52:45.0 - Practices of violence against women involving the couple and family relationships persist in the Southern Cone ## 2011-07-13 23:05:17.0 * 2011-07-13 23:05:17.0 - “Answers to the Gender-based Violence in the Southern Cone: Progresses, Challenges and Regional Experiences” ## 2011-07-06 21:35:07.0 * 2011-07-06 21:35:07.0 - International Narcotics Control Board Regrets Bolivia’s Denunciation of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs ## 2011-07-01 21:55:25.0 * 2011-07-01 21:55:25.0 - Global Action - World Health Begins With Drug-Free Communities ## 2011-06-24 21:38:24.0 * 2011-06-24 21:38:24.0 - MESSAGE OF THE SECRETARY GENERAL ON THE INTERNATIONAL DAY AGAINST DRUG ABUSE AND ILLICIT TRAFFICKING ## 2011-06-23 16:10:53.0 * 2011-06-23 16:10:53.0 - World Drug Report: drug markets stable but consumption of synthetic and prescription drugs rises ## 2011-06-21 23:36:41.0 * 2011-06-21 23:36:41.0 - UNODC to launch World Drug Report 2011 ## 2011-06-08 17:11:07.0 * 2011-06-08 17:11:07.0 - El futuro de la respuesta al sida, punto central de la Reunión de Alto Nivel de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas ## 2011-06-01 23:16:17.0 * 2011-06-01 23:16:17.0 - UNODC takes workshop on damage reduction to the 5th National Conference of Young Living with HIV/aids ## 2011-06-01 20:57:39.0 * 2011-06-01 20:57:39.0 - Countries need to invest in the trafficking in persons combat ## 2011-05-27 20:59:44.0 * 2011-05-27 20:59:44.0 - 29 May is International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers ## 2011-05-23 23:45:00.0 * 2011-05-23 23:45:00.0 - Fair play in sports: UNODC and International Olympic Committee give cheats a red card ## 2011-05-23 23:12:55.0 * 2011-05-23 23:12:55.0 - Executive Director committed to putting health, human rights and crime control at the centre of the work of the United Nations ## 2011-05-23 16:08:43.0 * 2011-05-23 16:08:43.0 - From coca monitoring to sustainable farming ## 2011-05-17 23:50:35.0 * 2011-05-17 23:50:35.0 - Brazilian national meeting will discuss experiences of special testimony of children and adolescents ## 2011-05-11 19:06:00.0 * 2011-05-11 19:06:00.0 - Countering the world of smuggling through container control ## 2011-05-10 19:01:00.0 * 2011-05-10 19:01:00.0 - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Addresses G8 Ministers on Cocaine Trafficking ## 2011-05-09 20:46:00.0 * 2011-05-09 20:46:00.0 - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Mourns Death of Four UN Staff and Two Pilots in Bolivia ## 2011-05-06 15:47:31.0 * 2011-05-06 15:47:31.0 - G20 can mobilize private sector in global fight against corruption ## 2011-05-05 00:12:14.0 * 2011-05-05 00:12:14.0 - Paraguay and UNODC present an Integrated National Programme to Fight Organized Crime ## 2011-04-30 13:11:56.0 * 2011-04-30 13:11:56.0 - UNODC and the Government of Paraguay present the National Integrated Programm against crime ## 2011-04-27 23:07:40.0 * 2011-04-27 23:07:40.0 - Japanese donations intermediated by UNODC are implemented in Argentina ## 2011-04-27 16:28:43.0 * 2011-04-27 16:28:43.0 - Tracing small arms is key to reducing violence, says the UN General Secretary ## 2011-04-15 18:51:12.0 * 2011-04-15 18:51:12.0 - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to receive over three million US dollars from Siemens Integrity Initiative ## 2011-04-14 16:08:22.0 * 2011-04-14 16:08:22.0 - Brazilian buses arrive in Guinea Bissau for the country\'s Security Forces Training Centre ## 2011-04-12 22:21:57.0 * 2011-04-12 22:21:57.0 - Chile and UNODC together in the fight against gender violence ## 2011-04-08 16:39:13.0 * 2011-04-08 16:39:13.0 - Uruguay presents prevention program for drug use among young athletes ## 2011-04-06 23:00:00.0 * 2011-04-06 23:00:00.0 - Bolivia, Brazil and UNODC strengthen cooperation in order to combat drug trafficking and organized crime ## 2011-04-06 22:22:02.0 * 2011-04-06 22:22:02.0 - CNJ launches Web site that reveals prison movement ## 2011-04-01 17:26:55.0 * 2011-04-01 17:26:55.0 - UNODC Opens Somaliland’s First Prison in 50 Years to Further Tackle Piracy Scourge ## 2011-03-28 15:10:28.0 * 2011-03-28 15:10:28.0 - Deadline to participate in the awards Libertas and Embracing the Confrontation of the Trafficking in Persons: Simone Borges Felipe has been postponed to 02 May ## 2011-03-25 17:17:42.0 * 2011-03-25 17:17:42.0 - UNODC participates in the launching of project \"Fair Play Within and Outside Stadiums\" ## 2011-03-22 18:31:00.0 * 2011-03-22 18:31:00.0 - Christopher Kennedy Lawford appointed as new UNODC Goodwill Ambassador do UNODC ## 2011-03-21 20:17:57.0 * 2011-03-21 20:17:57.0 - Fifty-fourth Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs opens in Vienna ## 2011-03-21 18:24:02.0 * 2011-03-21 18:24:02.0 - \"Art and Culture in the prevention of crack and other drugs\" is the central theme of SENAD conquests ## 2011-03-18 19:35:44.0 * 2011-03-18 19:35:44.0 - Crime and its deadly link with terrorism ## 2011-03-08 15:25:28.0 * 2011-03-08 15:25:28.0 - Slavery in the 21 st Century - Hollywood actress, UN launch fund for human trafficking victims ## 2011-03-04 21:09:33.0 * 2011-03-04 21:09:33.0 - UN System, Banda Eva and EcoDevelopment Institute foster MDGs during Carnival ## 2011-03-04 18:40:14.0 * 2011-03-04 18:40:14.0 - Entries for the awards Libertas and Embracing the Confrontation of the Trafficking in Persons: Simone Borges Felipe end on 18 ## 2011-03-02 11:18:29.0 * 2011-03-02 11:18:29.0 - INCB: Designer Drugs are Escalating out of Control ## 2011-02-25 00:57:50.0 * 2011-02-25 00:57:50.0 - MEDIA ADVISORY: Launch of the 2010 International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) Report ## 2011-02-23 14:48:38.0 * 2011-02-23 14:48:38.0 - UN Women Brazil and Southern Cone begins national consultations on the overall planning of the new entity ## 2011-02-18 16:48:21.0 * 2011-02-18 16:48:21.0 - In Brazil, Senad Launches Regional Centers of References in crack and other drugs ## 2011-02-15 13:23:19.0 * 2011-02-15 13:23:19.0 - Civil society organizations have vital role to play in implementation of United Nations Convention against Corruption ## 2011-02-09 14:07:00.0 * 2011-02-09 14:07:00.0 - Combating corruption in Brazil depends on agility in ritual procedure, says Brazilian General Comptroller Jorge Hage in interview with UNODC ## 2011-02-01 14:59:00.0 * 2011-02-01 14:59:00.0 - Paraguay will feature Advisor of UNODC to strengthen crime prevention and criminal justice ## 2011-01-17 16:09:45.0 * 2011-01-17 16:09:45.0 - UNODC releases guide to strengthen border examination of documents ## 2011-01-11 20:24:28.0 * 2011-01-11 20:24:28.0 - UNICEF and UNODC partner to promote justice for children ## 2011-01-10 15:02:41.0 * 2011-01-10 15:02:41.0 - Criminal justice assessment tool on International Cooperation now available in Spanish ## 2011-01-05 22:40:39.0 * 2011-01-05 22:40:39.0 - Brazil discusses the creation of an institute of research and information on Justice ## 2011-01-05 21:39:21.0 * 2011-01-05 21:39:21.0 - The Brazilian government establishes guidelines on the use of force by law enforcement officials ## 2011-01-04 16:40:00.0 * 2011-01-04 16:40:00.0 - Rani: an unwavering advocate for freedom from slavery and human trafficking ## 2010-12-20 21:31:25.0 * 2010-12-20 21:31:25.0 - Ministry of Justice publishes reports on arms trafficking in Brazil ## 2010-12-20 14:07:35.0 * 2010-12-20 14:07:35.0 - UNODC unveils tools to help States address plight of smuggled and trafficked victims ## 2010-12-20 13:45:28.0 * 2010-12-20 13:45:28.0 - UN and International Partners to Combat Trafficking and Promote Security in West Africa ## 2010-12-17 18:26:00.0 * 2010-12-17 18:26:00.0 - 19 December is United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation ## 2010-12-17 14:13:23.0 * 2010-12-17 14:13:23.0 - Brazil shows decline in homicides, but public safety remains a challenge ## 2010-12-16 17:11:19.0 * 2010-12-16 17:11:19.0 - From Japan to Argentina. UNODC selects NGOs that will receive DAPC support in 2011 ## 2010-12-13 22:13:52.0 * 2010-12-13 22:13:52.0 - UNODC and the Federal Prosecutor´s Office of Brazil intensify efforts to combat transnational organized crime ## 2010-12-09 09:25:53.0 * 2010-12-09 09:25:53.0 - UN calls on private sector to step up efforts against corruption ## 2010-12-09 03:00:00.0 * 2010-12-09 03:00:00.0 - New United Nations public service award category on corruption ## 2010-12-08 13:12:58.0 * 2010-12-08 13:12:58.0 - UNODC and CGU give award prizes to winners of the Minute and Jigle and Spots Contests ## 2010-12-08 02:23:29.0 * 2010-12-08 02:23:29.0 - UNODC participates in preparatory meeting of the ZOPACAS in Brasília ## 2010-12-07 23:27:44.0 * 2010-12-07 23:27:44.0 - Health professionals from Bahia state in Brazil participate in the II National Treatnet Training ## 2010-12-03 13:39:46.0 * 2010-12-03 13:39:46.0 - Brazil and Peru discuss bilateral cooperation to combat transnational organized crime ## 2010-12-01 20:00:00.0 * 2010-12-01 20:00:00.0 - Universal Access and Human Rights mark World AIDS Day ## 2010-12-01 17:00:00.0 * 2010-12-01 17:00:00.0 - UNAIDS tribute to President Lula and new campaign mark World AIDS Day in Brazil ## 2010-12-01 16:15:00.0 * 2010-12-01 16:15:00.0 - Health professionals from Amazon state in Brazil participate in the II National Treatnet Training ## 2010-11-25 14:56:57.0 * 2010-11-25 14:56:57.0 - The Corporate Sector Can Help to Prevent the Many Forms of Violence that Women and Girls Continue to Face ## 2010-11-25 13:08:30.0 * 2010-11-25 13:08:30.0 - At least 56 countries have either stabilized or achieved significant declines in rates of new HIV infections ## 2010-11-23 13:10:17.0 * 2010-11-23 13:10:17.0 - Award encourages actions to prevent STD / AIDS, promote sexual and reproductive health and prevent drug use in schools ## 2010-11-19 15:10:10.0 * 2010-11-19 15:10:10.0 - UNODC Head Highlights Increasing Progress and Support for UN Trust Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking ## 2010-11-13 21:43:31.0 * 2010-11-13 21:43:31.0 - UNODC and the Ministry of Justice launch the second edition of Libertas Award and the first Embracing Trafficking in Persons: Simone Borges Felipe Prize ## 2010-11-11 19:42:36.0 * 2010-11-11 19:42:36.0 - Brazilian government, UNODC and civil society discuss the II National Plan to Fight Trafficking in Persons ## 2010-11-09 19:05:04.0 * 2010-11-09 19:05:04.0 - UNODC, EU and five countries of the Amazon join forces in preventing the diversion of chemical precursors for illicit drug manufacture ## 2010-11-07 20:07:02.0 * 2010-11-07 20:07:02.0 - Children Citizenship Day mobilizes 700 students in the Federal District ## 2010-11-04 13:07:00.0 * 2010-11-04 13:07:00.0 - Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher Join UN Secretary-General in Launch of UN Trust Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking ## 2010-11-03 22:45:40.0 * 2010-11-03 22:45:40.0 - Brazilian justice system discusses the special testimony of children and adolescents ## 2010-10-27 21:22:05.0 * 2010-10-27 21:22:05.0 - Brazil and Bolivia discuss bilateral cooperation in criminal matters ## 2010-10-24 17:33:11.0 * 2010-10-24 17:33:11.0 - Message of the Secretary-General on United Nations Day ## 2010-10-21 19:01:27.0 * 2010-10-21 19:01:27.0 - Civil society role crucial in combating transnational organized crime, says UNODC head ## 2010-10-19 16:08:49.0 * 2010-10-19 16:08:49.0 - International cooperation can help tackle organized crime - UNODC head ## 2010-10-18 21:46:13.0 * 2010-10-18 21:46:13.0 - UNODC and partners discuss guidelines for information material on gender, HIV / AIDS and related infections in the prison system ## 2010-10-15 14:49:46.0 * 2010-10-15 14:49:46.0 - Governments to address threat of transnational organized crime ## 2010-10-10 15:50:43.0 * 2010-10-10 15:50:43.0 - 10 October is World Mental Health Day ## 2010-10-05 23:07:43.0 * 2010-10-05 23:07:43.0 - International community broadens efforts to help victims of human trafficking ## 2010-10-05 19:58:12.0 * 2010-10-05 19:58:12.0 - Argentina discusses policies on drugs ## 2010-09-30 17:47:20.0 * 2010-09-30 17:47:20.0 - UNODC publishes Portuguese version of crime prevention assessment tool ## 2010-09-23 20:43:50.0 * 2010-09-23 20:43:50.0 - UNODC and Superior Court of Justice of Brazil ratified cooperation to fight drugs and crime ## 2010-09-22 21:39:36.0 * 2010-09-22 21:39:36.0 - Brazilian National Plan to Combat Crack and other drugs will have beds to assist drug users ## 2010-09-20 21:22:05.0 * 2010-09-20 21:22:05.0 - UNODC participates in mission on prevention and care to HIV / AIDS and co-infections in prisons in the Brazilian Amazon ## 2010-09-14 22:14:45.0 * 2010-09-14 22:14:45.0 - UNODC and Ministry of Justice of Brazil released updated edition of the Technical Norm for Specialized Police Stations on Assistance to Women ## 2010-09-13 21:08:15.0 * 2010-09-13 21:08:15.0 - New UN drugs and crime chief to focus on public health and rights-based approach ## 2010-09-12 23:23:39.0 * 2010-09-12 23:23:39.0 - Minister Eliana Calmon assumes the Brazilian Comptroller Office of the National Council of Justice ## 2010-09-10 01:54:58.0 * 2010-09-10 01:54:58.0 - General Comptroller´s Office of Brazil and UNODC extend deadline of applications for competitions of short films, jingles and radio ads on social control ## 2010-09-09 14:46:28.0 * 2010-09-09 14:46:28.0 - National Secretariat of Justice of Brazil offers UNODC´ Compendium of Standards and Norms in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Portuguese ## 2010-09-03 16:26:00.0 * 2010-09-03 16:26:00.0 - Secretary-General introduces new Executive Director of UNODC ## 2010-09-02 01:53:00.0 * 2010-09-02 01:53:00.0 - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon inaugurates world\'s first anti-corruption academy ## 2010-08-31 17:04:34.0 * 2010-08-31 17:04:34.0 - Brazilian youth is the focus of first partnership between UNODC and the private sector ## 2010-08-23 22:50:14.0 * 2010-08-23 22:50:14.0 - Bolivia welcomes new UNODC representative ## 2010-08-17 21:13:25.0 * 2010-08-17 21:13:25.0 - Experts on drug policy in Latin America meet in Rio de Janeiro ## 2010-08-16 20:25:39.0 * 2010-08-16 20:25:39.0 - Paraguay´s Government and UNODC launch the manual for criminal investigation strategic plan ## 2010-08-12 21:30:45.0 * 2010-08-12 21:30:45.0 - Brazilian Amazon gathers experts in harm reduction ## 2010-08-11 15:10:54.0 * 2010-08-11 15:10:54.0 - National Plan to fight Crack in Brazil will receive USD $ 231 million ## 2010-08-10 23:38:20.0 * 2010-08-10 23:38:20.0 - Brazil wants the United Nations assistance to recover assets ## 2010-08-09 21:07:39.0 * 2010-08-09 21:07:39.0 - Symposium on Adolescent and Youth Health discusses commitments for the new decade ## 2010-08-05 17:12:00.0 * 2010-08-05 17:12:00.0 - Aids Conference 2010 emphasizes relationship between Human Rights and HIV ## 2010-08-04 21:30:16.0 * 2010-08-04 21:30:16.0 - Brazilian Ministry of Justice strengthens partnership for the National Registry of Public Utility Entities ## 2010-08-03 01:53:50.0 * 2010-08-03 01:53:50.0 - International Anti-Corruption Academy in countdown to opening ## 2010-07-16 16:39:48.0 * 2010-07-16 16:39:48.0 - AIDS Conference to open in Vienna ## 2010-07-14 19:00:00.0 * 2010-07-14 19:00:00.0 - Transparency Index improves citizens’ control over public budgets ## 2010-07-10 18:25:23.0 * 2010-07-10 18:25:23.0 - Secretary-General appoints Yuri Fedotov of Russian Federation Executive Director of UNODC ## 2010-07-08 20:16:00.0 * 2010-07-08 20:16:00.0 - West African States reaffirm their commitment to tackle corruption ## 2010-07-06 17:00:00.0 * 2010-07-06 17:00:00.0 - Central American experts look for common ground on drugs and organized crime ## 2010-07-06 16:01:00.0 * 2010-07-06 16:01:00.0 - Pedro Abramovay takes on the Brazilian National Secretariat of Justice ## 2010-07-02 17:33:00.0 * 2010-07-02 17:33:00.0 - Lao PDR: more than 3 tons of drugs go up in smoke ## 2010-07-01 16:27:20.0 * 2010-07-01 16:27:20.0 - School Award 2010 keeps registration open until August 31st ## 2010-06-30 22:50:00.0 * 2010-06-30 22:50:00.0 - Paraguay and Brazil to discuss cooperation between justice agencies ## 2010-06-29 16:20:00.0 * 2010-06-29 16:20:00.0 - Spain joins campaign against human trafficking ## 2010-06-26 18:08:00.0 * 2010-06-26 18:08:00.0 - World Drug Day message: think health, not drugs ## 2010-06-25 21:47:00.0 * 2010-06-25 21:47:00.0 - New courtroom in Mombasa to bring pirates to justice ## 2010-06-23 21:50:00.0 * 2010-06-23 21:50:00.0 - Almost half of the college students in Brazil have used illicit drugs ## 2010-06-23 16:30:11.0 * 2010-06-23 16:30:11.0 - UNODC World Drug Report 2010 shows shift towards new drugs and new markets ## 2010-06-23 01:00:00.0 * 2010-06-23 01:00:00.0 - UNODC focuses on maritime security in Central America ## 2010-06-22 20:16:00.0 * 2010-06-22 20:16:00.0 - Around 1 million Afghans suffer from drug addiction, UNODC reports ## 2010-06-22 17:21:00.0 * 2010-06-22 17:21:00.0 - UNODC and Ministry of Justice of Brazil launches handbook on Crime scene and physical evidence awareness ## 2010-06-22 04:36:00.0 * 2010-06-22 04:36:00.0 - UNODC reports divergent coca cultivation trends in the Andean countries ## 2010-06-21 22:08:00.0 * 2010-06-21 22:08:00.0 - UNODC to launch World Drug Report 2010 ## 2010-06-21 17:19:00.0 * 2010-06-21 17:19:00.0 - UNODC and ICOS will work together against organized crime and drug trafficking in the Southern Cone ## 2010-06-21 15:44:00.0 * 2010-06-21 15:44:00.0 - Brazil launches XII National Drug Week ## 2010-06-19 19:25:00.0 * 2010-06-19 19:25:00.0 - Brun González: \"The intention is to open people\'s eyes, not give orders” ## 2010-06-18 22:41:00.0 * 2010-06-18 22:41:00.0 - UN launches video with testimonies about stigma and prejudice in Brazil ## 2010-06-17 20:09:01.0 * 2010-06-17 20:09:01.0 - UNODC report: \"organized crime has globalized and turned into a security threat\" ## 2010-06-16 22:52:30.0 * 2010-06-16 22:52:30.0 - United Nations participate in the Brazilian national debate for AIDS prevention ## 2010-06-15 20:16:00.0 * 2010-06-15 20:16:00.0 - Human Rights Minister recognizes critics of UN rapporteur on extrajudicial executions in Brazil ## 2010-06-14 16:20:00.0 * 2010-06-14 16:20:00.0 - UNODC to launch report on the globalization of crime ## 2010-06-10 21:06:00.0 * 2010-06-10 21:06:00.0 - Pastino Lubang: guilty until proven innocent ## 2010-06-07 20:50:00.0 * 2010-06-07 20:50:00.0 - Bangladesh: school children learn and talk about human trafficking ## 2010-06-04 22:27:00.0 * 2010-06-04 22:27:00.0 - Gun Sculpture draws attention to victims of armed violence ## 2010-06-02 21:40:56.0 * 2010-06-02 21:40:56.0 - United Nations announce the ten best pictures of the UN Green campaign ## 2010-06-01 20:04:00.0 * 2010-06-01 20:04:00.0 - Illegal logging in Indonesia: the link between forest crime and corruption ## 2010-05-26 22:00:00.0 * 2010-05-26 22:00:00.0 - Youth Pre-Conference adopts “Charter of Bahia” with a call for action ## 2010-05-26 21:25:00.0 * 2010-05-26 21:25:00.0 - Crime Commission tackles new challenges ## 2010-05-26 20:30:33.0 * 2010-05-26 20:30:33.0 - First Contest for Best Practices in Crime Prevention in Latin America and the Caribbean ## 2010-05-25 22:16:00.0 * 2010-05-25 22:16:00.0 - Alexandre Ladeira: working with fellow youth to manage HIV/AIDS ## 2010-05-24 20:18:00.0 * 2010-05-24 20:18:00.0 - UN Secretary General arrives in Brazil on Thursday ## 2010-05-21 21:59:00.0 * 2010-05-21 21:59:00.0 - International cooperation: Brazil trains officers who will manage new police academy in Guinea-Bissau ## 2010-05-21 16:46:00.0 * 2010-05-21 16:46:00.0 - “Corruption is a very important part of criminal groups”, says Paraguayan minister ## 2010-05-19 21:56:00.0 * 2010-05-19 21:56:00.0 - Brazilian Police and UNODC call for regional action to a more effective fight against organized crime ## 2010-05-18 03:44:00.0 * 2010-05-18 03:44:00.0 - Salvador will host the Youth Pre-Conference of the Americas between 24 and 26 of May ## 2010-05-18 00:23:00.0 * 2010-05-18 00:23:00.0 - UNODC releases handbook with case studies of terrorist cases ## 2010-05-17 22:45:00.0 * 2010-05-17 22:45:00.0 - Crime Commission opens in Vienna with call for better justice delivery ## 2010-05-17 16:53:37.0 * 2010-05-17 16:53:37.0 - Brazilian Federal Police and UNODC promote international seminar on investigative techniques against organized crime ## 2010-05-14 22:40:00.0 * 2010-05-14 22:40:00.0 - UNODC to establish a national office in Argentina to strengthen programs to combat drugs and crime ## 2010-05-13 19:28:00.0 * 2010-05-13 19:28:00.0 - Crime Commission to meet in Vienna for its nineteenth session ## 2010-05-11 21:05:00.0 * 2010-05-11 21:05:00.0 - Seychelles to establish centre for piracy trials ## 2010-05-07 22:34:00.0 * 2010-05-07 22:34:00.0 - Rosicler Romaña: cultivating cacao instead of coca ## 2010-05-06 21:56:09.0 * 2010-05-06 21:56:09.0 - Report shows drug use among youth in six South American countries ## 2010-05-03 18:19:00.0 * 2010-05-03 18:19:00.0 - UNODC strengthens partnership in the Middle East and North Africa ## 2010-04-29 16:08:00.0 * 2010-04-29 16:08:00.0 - UNODC enters partnership to address organized crime in Guatemala ## 2010-04-27 19:32:00.0 * 2010-04-27 19:32:00.0 - “There cannot be a penitentiary health system isolated from the state public policy\" ## 2010-04-26 16:34:00.0 * 2010-04-26 16:34:00.0 - Kabul: women raising their children behind bars ## 2010-04-23 22:00:00.0 * 2010-04-23 22:00:00.0 - Astha: building a new life in Nepal ## 2010-04-21 20:19:00.0 * 2010-04-21 20:19:00.0 - Health is the theme of the 2010 world drug campaign ## 2010-04-19 19:52:27.0 * 2010-04-19 19:52:27.0 - Salvador Declaration calls for criminal justice reform to safeguard human rights, security and development ## 2010-04-19 15:44:00.0 * 2010-04-19 15:44:00.0 - Press Briefing by National Secretary for Justice of Brazil ## 2010-04-18 20:44:00.0 * 2010-04-18 20:44:00.0 - UNODC launches digest of terrorist cases ## 2010-04-18 17:50:00.0 * 2010-04-18 17:50:00.0 - World criminal justice system found wanting, says congress secretary-general, as high-level segment continues ## 2010-04-17 17:40:00.0 * 2010-04-17 17:40:00.0 - High-level segment of Crime Congress hears call for ‘spectacular breakthroughs’ towards concrete action against offenders ## 2010-04-16 20:15:00.0 * 2010-04-16 20:15:00.0 - Ceremony appoints launch of post special stamp ## 2010-04-16 15:33:00.0 * 2010-04-16 15:33:00.0 - Delegates at United Nations Crime Congress hear calls for overhaul of criminal justice systems to reduce prison overcrowding ## 2010-04-16 01:15:00.0 * 2010-04-16 01:15:00.0 - Authorities present strategies to fight overcrowded prisons ## 2010-04-15 20:09:00.0 * 2010-04-15 20:09:00.0 - Special Rapporteur paints harrowing picture of prison conditions as experts call for measures to ensure respect for human rights ## 2010-04-14 22:24:00.0 * 2010-04-14 22:24:00.0 - Delegates call for ‘template’ to improve rule-of-law education worldwide as United Nations crime congress enters third day ## 2010-04-14 21:13:00.0 * 2010-04-14 21:13:00.0 - Mexico takes lead in launching national campaign against human trafficking ## 2010-04-14 19:18:05.0 * 2010-04-14 19:18:05.0 - Delegates consider best response to cybercrime as congress committee takes up dark side of advances in information technology ## 2010-04-13 15:21:00.0 * 2010-04-13 15:21:00.0 - Meeting proposed solutions against cybercrimes ## 2010-04-12 23:45:00.0 * 2010-04-12 23:45:00.0 - Press Conference by Executive Secretary of United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice ## 2010-04-12 21:07:00.0 * 2010-04-12 21:07:00.0 - United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice opens in Brazil with calls for stronger legal tools ## 2010-04-12 19:30:00.0 * 2010-04-12 19:30:00.0 - Panel publish qualitative information about trafficking in persons between Brazil and Europe ## 2010-04-12 02:15:00.0 * 2010-04-12 02:15:00.0 - 12th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Opens today ## 2010-04-09 22:17:00.0 * 2010-04-09 22:17:00.0 - UNODC e Bolívia lançam programa de seis anos para combater as drogas e o crime ## 2010-04-08 23:53:00.0 * 2010-04-08 23:53:00.0 - UNODC 2010 Annual Report released ## 2010-04-08 21:15:31.0 * 2010-04-08 21:15:31.0 - Launch of the International Report on Crime Prevention and Community Safety: Trends and Perspectives ## 2010-04-07 21:17:00.0 * 2010-04-07 21:17:00.0 - Mephedrone: a legal and potentially lethal high ## 2010-04-05 15:42:00.0 * 2010-04-05 15:42:00.0 - 12th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice to open in Salvador, Brazil ## 2010-03-31 15:48:00.0 * 2010-03-31 15:48:00.0 - Afghanistan leads in hashish production ## 2010-03-17 19:31:00.0 * 2010-03-17 19:31:00.0 - UNODC assists Guatemala in tackling organized crime ## 2010-03-11 18:27:00.0 * 2010-03-11 18:27:00.0 - Strengthening West Africa against drugs and crime ## 2010-03-10 22:11:00.0 * 2010-03-10 22:11:00.0 - HIV/AIDS epidemic in Eastern Europe to be under spotlight at Vienna AIDS conference ## 2010-03-09 19:35:00.0 * 2010-03-09 19:35:00.0 - Journalists can apply for a international AIDS training fellowships in Vienna ## 2010-03-08 18:54:00.0 * 2010-03-08 18:54:00.0 - Commission on Narcotic Drugs opens in Vienna ## 2010-03-04 19:40:00.0 * 2010-03-04 19:40:00.0 - NGOs to have a strong presence at the 53rd session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs ## 2010-03-02 19:02:00.0 * 2010-03-02 19:02:00.0 - Public service announcement on the effects of drugs ## 2010-02-26 15:23:00.0 * 2010-02-26 15:23:00.0 - UNODC signs cooperation agreement with European justice body ## 2010-02-24 19:40:00.0 * 2010-02-24 19:40:00.0 - Organized crime deepens humanitarian crises, warns UNODC ## 2010-02-24 19:00:00.0 * 2010-02-24 19:00:00.0 - Narcotics body\'s annual report highlights alarming trends in drug abuse ## 2010-02-23 14:26:00.0 * 2010-02-23 14:26:00.0 - Security Council to discuss crime and instability ## 2010-02-16 21:22:00.0 * 2010-02-16 21:22:00.0 - Global homicide rates stable or decreasing, new UNODC report says ## 2010-02-10 23:11:00.0 * 2010-02-10 23:11:00.0 - UNODC predicts stable opium crop in Afghanistan ## 2010-02-10 21:14:00.0 * 2010-02-10 21:14:00.0 - Brazil post offices join Global HIV Awareness Campaign ## 2010-02-09 23:10:00.0 * 2010-02-09 23:10:00.0 - UNODC assists in establishing Iranian anti-money-laundering unit ## 2010-02-08 23:09:00.0 * 2010-02-08 23:09:00.0 - Drugs seized in Panama en route to New Jersey and Barcelona ## 2010-02-04 23:07:00.0 * 2010-02-04 23:07:00.0 - New United Nations stamps feature human trafficking theme ## 2010-02-01 23:04:00.0 * 2010-02-01 23:04:00.0 - Maldives joins UNODC to strengthen drug response ## 2010-01-27 22:58:00.0 * 2010-01-27 22:58:00.0 - Blue Heart Campaign against human trafficking reaches 10,000 members ## 2010-01-22 22:47:00.0 * 2010-01-22 22:47:00.0 - Guinea-Bissau: UNODC to support set up of police academy ## 2010-01-19 22:56:00.0 * 2010-01-19 22:56:00.0 - Corruption widespread in Afghanistan, UNODC survey says ## 2010-01-15 23:19:00.0 * 2010-01-15 23:19:00.0 - 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Photo of wrestlers smiling after being detained at a protest site in Jantar Mantar
British Broadcasting Corporation Register* Home * News * US Election * Sport * Business * Innovation * Culture * Arts * Travel * Earth * Video * Live RegisterHome News US Election Sport Business Innovation Culture Arts Travel Earth Video Live Audio Weather Newsletters # Wrestlers\' protest: The fake smiles of India\'s detained sporting stars 1 June 2023 Share Save Shruti Menon & Vineet Khare BBC News, Delhi Share Save ![\\"Getty](\\" Images Vinesh Phogat (centre) being detained in Delhi: Shortly afterwards she was put on a police bus When a group of top Indian wrestlers were detained by the police during a protest on 28 May, two versions of a selfie taken by one of them began circulating on Twitter. Both pictures show medal winners Vinesh and Sangeeta Phogat sitting inside a bus along with other detained members of the wrestling team, accompanied by three police officers. The images are identical, except that in one of them, the wrestlers appear to be smiling. ![\\"Indian](\\" Indian wrestlers have been protesting for more than a month after they accused the wrestling federation chief, Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, of sexual harassment. Mr Singh is a member of parliament from the governing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and has denied the allegations. ## Detained but not smiling The version with the smiling faces quickly went viral online, with posts carrying the manipulated image claiming the wrestlers were not serious about the protests and that it was all staged. Some BJP leaders and supporters also shared this image, although a few later deleted their tweets. The opposition Indian National Congress accused the ruling party\'s social media unit, the BJP Information Technology (IT) cell, of tampering with the original image - although there has been no evidence of this. Watch: Indian police drag away and detain protesting wrestlers We\'ve confirmed that the image of the smiling wrestlers first appeared online shortly after the original unsmiling image had been posted. A Twitter user shared the first image at 12:31 local time on 28 May - shortly after the wrestlers had been detained by the police. The first manipulated image we\'ve found appeared about 90 minutes later, accompanied by text in Hindi saying that the wrestlers should be ashamed of creating unrest just because they didn\'t want to participate in the national games. Using freely-available FaceApp software, we were able to generate exactly the same smiling image by using the original version as the initial image. ## How have the wrestlers responded? Shortly after manipulated image started to go viral, Olympic medal-winning wrestler Bajrang Punia- who has also been protesting in New Delhi - tweeted that the image was fake. ![\\'Twitter](\\" We contacted both Vinesh and Sangeeta Phogat to ask why they\'d taken the original photo. Sangeeta messaged us to say: \"We were uncertain and scared about where they were taking us and we wanted to know who all had been detained along with us.\" Benjamin Strick, Director of Investigations at Centre for Information Resilience and an open source investigator, says he\'s been following the wrestlers\' protest. He told us that the edited image was \"deeply impressive but also scary\" as it was easy to believe it was real unless you looked at it closely. \"There was a similar smile on all faces, full bright white teeth on all of them. The dimples on the cheeks were also a clue that the image was edited.\" We searched for previous images of Vinesh and Sangeeta Phogat - neither of them have dimples and their teeth look different. ![\\"Getty](\\" Images While these small clues do work as red flags raising questions about authenticity, advances in technology are making it harder to differentiate fake from real. \"In sophisticated edits, clues are unlikely to provide enough to be 100% sure,\" says Dr Sophie Nightingale, researching artificial intelligence at the University of Lancaster. Indian fact-checker Pankaj Jain says this is what the future of disinformation looks like. \"Until now, the fake ones could be caught by anyone, even a common man. In the future, this would be very difficult.\" Additional reporting by Benedict Garman Artificial intelligence India BBC Verify Deepfakes Related ## The racist AI deepfake that fooled and divided a community 2 days agoUS & Canada ## AI software a \'game changer\' for social workers 4 days agoWiltshire ## Google introduces new way to search by filming video 4 days agoTechnology More 1 day ago ![\\"Maldives\\'](\\" ## Maldives president in Delhi to seek aid and reboot ties Mohamed Muizzu is expected to seek a bailout worth hundreds of millions of dollars during his India visit. 1 day agoAsia 1 day ago ![\\"Sid](\\" ## My mission is to take Tamil music global, says Sid Sriram The Indian-born, American-raised artist is going to perform his biggest solo UK show. 1 day agoWorld 1 day ago ![\\"Indian](\\" ## Maldives president visits India amid trouble in tourist paradise President Muizzu is visiting India at a time when his country is staring at an economic crisis. 1 day agoAsia 2 days ago ![\\"A](\\" ## The Polish artist who painted Hindu gods in Indian palaces Stefan Norblin painted beautiful murals in the art deco style for Indian maharajas in the 1940s. 2 days agoAsia 3 days ago ![\\"Actor](\\" ad45-893aa022fcbc.jpg.webp\\") ## Legendary film track voted best noughties Bollywood song Stars from the world of Bollywood have been reacting to BBC Asian Network\'s top 50 noughties songs. 3 days agoNewsbeat British Broadcasting Corporation * Home * News * US Election * Sport * Business * Innovation * Culture * Arts * Travel * Earth * Video * Live * Audio * Weather * BBC Shop BBC in other languages ## Follow BBC on: * Terms of Use * About the BBC * Privacy Policy * Cookies * Accessibility Help * Contact the BBC * Advertise with us * Do not share or sell my info * Contact technical support Copyright 2024 BBC. 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Photo of wrestlers smiling after being detained at a protest site in Jantar Mantar
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Siddharth Sarathe Published: 29 May 2023, 10:47 AM IST WebQoof 3 min read Aa Aa Small Aa Medium Aa Large A picture of detained wrestlers who were marching towards the new Parliament building on 28 May is going viral on the internet. In the picture, wrestlers Vinesh Phogat and Sangeeta Phogat can be seen smiling. What is the claim?: It is being shared with a narrative that the wrestlers are not serious towards their protest and can be seen smiling even after being detained by the Delhi police. * The claim comes when the wrestlers protesting at Delhi\'s Jantar Mantar were planning to carry out a march on the same day as the inauguration of the new Parliament building. * Hundreds of protesting wrestlers were detained during the march. Some visuals of the police personnel detaining them have also gone viral. ![\\"We](\\"\\") An archive of the post can be seen here. (Source: Twitter/Screenshot) The picture was shared by one Harsh Vardhan Tripathi, who claims to be a journalist. The tweet has recorded more than 5,00,00 views. Also Read ### Has the Wrestlers’ Protest Been Called Off? No, Viral Claim Is Misleading ![\\"alsoRead-img\\"](\\"\\") ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD Another user named Salil Tripathi\'s post garnered more than 37,000 views. (**Archives of similar posts can be seenhere and here.)** What is the truth?: The picture is not real. The original one, which showed detained wrestlers in a bus, has been edited to add a \'smile\' using an Artificial Intelligence (AI) application. How did we find out?: A reverse image search led us to a tweet posted by journalist Mandeep Punia. It was shared hours before the photo of wrestlers smiling went viral. * The photo shared by Punia did not show wrestlers smiling. > विनेश फोगाट को भी दिल्ली > पुलिस ने हिरासत में ले लिया > है > > — Mandeep Punia (@mandeeppunia1) May 28, 2023 Now which picture was real: * We looked for more pictures of wrestlers Vinesh and Sangeeta smiling on their verified social media handles. * On comparing these pictures with the viral one, we found that both wrestlers do not have dimples. * **(Swipe right to view both the images.)** * ![\\"\\"](\\"\\") ## It can be seen that Vinesh Phogat does not have a dimple in the original pictures. (Photo: Social media/Screenshot/Altered by The Quint) * ![\\"\\"](\\"\\") ## It can be seen that Vinesh Phogat does not have a dimple in the original pictures. (Photo: Social media/Screenshot/Altered by The Quint) * ![\\"\\"](\\"\\") ## The wrestler does not have a dimple as seen in the viral image. (Photo: Social media/Screenshot/Altered by The Quint) * ![\\"\\"](\\"\\") ## The wrestler does not have a dimple as seen in the viral image. (Photo: Social media/Screenshot/Altered by The Quint) * We also compared pictures of Sangeeta smiling in other pictures and found that she does not have a dimple either. * **(Swipe right to view all comparisons.)** Picture edited on AI app: Several users on Twitter pointed out that the viral picture has possibly been edited using an AI application called Face App. When we tried using the \'smile\' filter on the application, we got a similar result as the viral image. * It is clear that the picture showing wrestlers smiling has been edited. ![\\"We](\\"\\") The viral image which shows wrestlers smiling has been edited. (Source: Twitter/ Screenshot/Altered by The Quint) Also Read ### Fact-Check: Pills in Viral ‘Medicine Jihad’ Clip Are Not Made or Sold in India ![\\"alsoRead-img\\"](\\"\\") A new narrative after the truth came out: After it was revealed that the image was edited, a video was shared with a different narrative. Users claimed that Vinesh Phogat was seen smiling while looking outside from the bus. * This video was also being shared in the wrong context. * In reality, the wrestler sarcastically said, \"Congratulations on a new country.\" > “नया देश मुबारक हो” ~ विनेश > फोगाट जी > > — Supriya Bhardwaj (@Supriya23bh) May 28, 2023 * The visuals of the wrestlers, including Vinesh, being detained during the march went viral on the internet. It proved that the claim of the wrestler smiling after being detained was false. Conclusion: It is clear that an edited image is being shared to falsely claim that wrestlers Vinesh and Sangeeta were seen smiling after being detained. Also Read ### Fact-Check: Did Naveen Ul Haq Apologise to Virat Kohli After a Fight During IPL? ![\\"alsoRead-img\\"](\\"\\") (Not convinced of a post or information you came across online and want it verified? Send us the details on WhatsApp at 9643651818, or e-mail it to us at [email protected] and we\'ll fact-check it for you. You can also read all our fact-checked stories here.) ### Read Latest News and Breaking News at The Quint, browse for more from news and webqoof ### Topics: Fact Check Webqoof Wrestlers Protest Read Full Article Speaking truth to power requires allies like you. Become a Member Check Member Benefits Read More Loading Comments... 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Photo of wrestlers smiling after being detained at a protest site in Jantar Mantar
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Life Featured ![\\"\\"](\\" _Featured-Image-351x221.jpg\\") ## Review: Delhi HC Rules That Arbitration Tribunal Cannot Direct for Production of ‘Top Secret’ Documents, Except in Exceptional Circumstances By Suresh DeepalaOctober 2, 2024 __0 Recent ![\\"\\"](\\" _Featured-Image-103x65.jpg\\") Review: Delhi HC Rules That Arbitration Tribunal Cannot Direct for Production of ‘Top Secret’ Documents, Except in Exceptional Circumstances October 2, 2024 __0 ![\\"\\"](\\" Rate_Image-103x65.jpg\\") PLFS Data: Reported Number of Average Working Hours A Week for Men Was Consistently Over 50 Hours September 30, 2024 __0 ![\\"\\"](\\" Modi-featured-image-103x65.jpeg\\") Data: Between 1999 & 2024, Indian Prime Ministers Visited 79 Different Countries September 27, 2024 __0 * Elections * Fact Checks * English * Telugu * Coronavirus * Others * Videos * Data Tools * Data Dashboards * Counting India * About Us * Our Story * Team * Fact Checking * Fact Check Methodology * Fact-Check Team * Non-partisanship Policy * Corrections Policy * FAQ’s * Contact Us * Subscribe * Careers * Compliance of IT Rules 2021 * Privacy Policy * GOVT. DATA ROUNDUP ![\\"\\"](\\" after-detention-Thumbnail--702x336.jpeg\\") English, Fake News # This photo of the detained wrestlers smiling in a police van is digitally altered. 0 By Varun Borugadda on May 30, 2023 * A A A Twitter Facebook Reddit A photo circulating on social media shows Indian wrestlers, Vinesh and Sangeetha Phogat allegedly smiling after being detained (here and here) from their protest site at Jantar Mantar. This article aims to fact-check the claim surrounding this photo and reveal the truth. ![\\"\\"](\\" after-detention-01-975x1024.png\\") > Claim: Photo of wrestlers smiling after being detained at a protest site in > Jantar Mantar. > > Fact: This photo has been digitally altered. The original photo does not > depict the wrestlers smiling. Therefore, the claim made in the post is > False. To investigate the authenticity of the viral photo, we conducted a reverse image search and discovered several similar posts (here and here) across social media platforms. Observations from users’ comments suggested that the photo had been digitally altered using the AI applications like ‘FaceApp’. We also came across a photo uploaded by journalist Mandeep Punia, where the wrestlers were not seen smiling. > विनेश फोगाट को भी दिल्ली पुलिस ने हिरासत में ले लिया है > > > — Mandeep Punia (@mandeeppunia1) May 28, 2023 In order to verify the claim of digital alteration, we downloaded the FaceApp application and applied its built-in smile filter. Our findings confirmed that the photo could indeed be manipulated using this app. Additionally, a notable observation is that the wrestlers in the viral photo exhibited a dimple on their right cheek, which contradicts their actual appearance in other verifiable photos available online. ![\\"\\"](\\" after-detention-02-1024x512.jpeg\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" after-detention-03-1024x512.jpeg\\") We ran this photo through FaceApp, and it produced similar results. Here’s a video of how to add smile to a photo using FaceApp. Moreover, Bajrang Punia, an Olympic gold medalist from India, took to Twitter to say that the image fake. He expressed intent to pursue legal action against individuals who shared the manipulated photo. > IT Cell वाले ये झूठी तस्वीर फैला रहे हैं। हम ये साफ़ कर देते हैं की जो भी ये > फ़र्ज़ी तस्वीर पोस्ट करेगा उसके ख़िलाफ़ शिकायत दर्ज की जाएगी। > #WrestlersProtest > > — Bajrang Punia 🇮🇳 (@BajrangPunia) May 28, 2023 It is worth noting that various other applications offer similar features, enabling the conversion of non-smiling faces to smiling ones. As a demonstration, we applied the same smile filter to a photo of Amitabh Bachchan, yielding similar results. ![\\"\\"](\\" after-detention-04-1024x512.jpeg\\") To sum up, the viral photo depicting detained wrestlers smiling is digitally altered using an AI-based application. ![\\"Factly\\"](\\" WhatsApp-channel-minified-scaled.jpeg\\") Share. Twitter Facebook Google+ Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr Email __Previous Articleసెంగోల్ ప్రాముఖ్యతను గుర్తిస్తూనే, ఈ సంప్రదాయం అధికార మార్పిడికి ప్రతీకగా భావించడానికి ఆధారాలు లేవు అని మాత్రమే హిందూ పత్రిక పేర్కొంది Next Article __Monaco and Slovakia are a few other nations that have no Mosques in their countries like Bhutan ### About Author ![\\"\\"](\\" Varun Borugadda ### Related Posts పైకప్పు కూలిపోయిన ఈ నమో మెడికల్ కాలేజీ దాద్రా & నగర్ హవేలీలో ఉంది, గ... ‘వికలాంగుల కోటాలో పెన్షన్ పొందుతున్న దొంగ రోహింగ్యా వికలాంగుడు’ అని ... DK శివకుమార్ టిప్పు సుల్తాన్‌ సమాధికి నివాళులు అర్పిస్తున్న 2019 నాట... Comments are closed. * ![](\\" ![](\\" * ### RECENT POSTS * ![\\"\\"](\\" Review: Delhi HC Rules That Arbitration Tribunal Cannot Direct for Production of ‘Top Secret’ Documents, Except in Exceptional Circumstances October 2, 2024 __0 * ![\\"\\"](\\" PLFS Data: Reported Number of Average Working Hours A Week for Men Was Consistently Over 50 Hours September 30, 2024 __0 * ![\\"\\"](\\" Data: Between 1999 & 2024, Indian Prime Ministers Visited 79 Different Countries September 27, 2024 __0 * ![\\"\\"](\\" Review: Allahabad HC Says Desertion Cannot be Established Solely on Grounds That Parties Are Living Apart Due to Their Jobs September 25, 2024 __0 * ![\\"\\"](\\" Review: NITI Aayog’s Expert Group Releases a Report With Action Plan for a 100-Day Response to Any Future Outbreak or Pandemic. 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Photo of wrestlers smiling after being detained at a protest site in Jantar Mantar
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Wrestler Bajrang Punia slammed \"IT cell people\" after the morphed photo of a smiling Sangeeta Phogat and Vinesh Phogat appeared on Twitter. The two wrestlers along with their supporters were detained on Sunday when they tried to march to the new parliament building as it was being inaugurated. Punia tweeted two photos - one morphed and the other genuine. The genuine one doesn\'t show Sangeeta Phogat and Vinesh Phogat smiling. The morphed one shows them smiling hinting that their protest was not genuine. \"IT cell people are spreading this false picture. We make it clear that a complaint will be filed against whoever posted this fake picture,\" Bajrang Punia tweeted. * IT Cell वाले ये झूठी तस्वीर फैला रहे हैं। हम ये साफ़ कर देते हैं की जो भी ये फ़र्ज़ी तस्वीर पोस्ट करेगा उसके ख़िलाफ़ शिकायत दर्ज की जाएगी। #WrestlersProtest — Bajrang Punia 🇮🇳 (@BajrangPunia) May 28, 2023 \" class=\"align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection\" data=\" > IT Cell वाले ये झूठी तस्वीर फैला रहे हैं। हम ये साफ़ कर देते हैं की जो भी ये > फ़र्ज़ी तस्वीर पोस्ट करेगा उसके ख़िलाफ़ शिकायत दर्ज की जाएगी। > #WrestlersProtest > > — Bajrang Punia 🇮🇳 (@BajrangPunia) May 28, 2023 \"> > IT Cell वाले ये झूठी तस्वीर फैला रहे हैं। हम ये साफ़ कर देते हैं की जो भी ये > फ़र्ज़ी तस्वीर पोस्ट करेगा उसके ख़िलाफ़ शिकायत दर्ज की जाएगी। > #WrestlersProtest > > — Bajrang Punia 🇮🇳 (@BajrangPunia) May 28, 2023 Famous YouTuber Dhruv Rathee also shared the two pictures and said that \"IT cell\" trolls had started using Artificial Intelligence softwares to defame the Olympic medalists. \"IT Cell Trolls have started using AI softwares now. Look at their dirty tactics to defame Olympic Champions. First photo is real, second is manipulated. He also shared snips of some verified Twitter handles using the fake photograph claiming that the wrestlers were not serious about the protest. * IT Cell Trolls have started using AI softwares now Look at their dirty tactics to defame Olympic Champions. First photo is real, second is manipulated. — Dhruv Rathee (@dhruv_rathee) May 28, 2023 \" class=\"align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection\" data=\" > IT Cell Trolls have started using AI softwares now > > Look at their dirty tactics to defame Olympic Champions. First photo is > real, second is manipulated. > > — Dhruv Rathee (@dhruv_rathee) May 28, 2023 \"> > IT Cell Trolls have started using AI softwares now > > Look at their dirty tactics to defame Olympic Champions. First photo is > real, second is manipulated. > > — Dhruv Rathee (@dhruv_rathee) May 28, 2023 * These verified accounts are calling their protest a drama based on this — Dhruv Rathee (@dhruv_rathee) May 28, 2023 \" class=\"align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection\" data=\" > These verified accounts are calling their protest a drama based on this > > > — Dhruv Rathee (@dhruv_rathee) May 28, 2023 \"> > These verified accounts are calling their protest a drama based on this > > > — Dhruv Rathee (@dhruv_rathee) May 28, 2023 Chaotic scenes were witnessed at the protest site at Jantar Mantar, barely three kilometres from where the new Parliament building was inaugurated by the prime minister, as wrestlers and police personnel shoved and pushed each other when Vinesh Phogat, her cousin sister Sangeeta Phogat and Sakshi Malik tried to breach the barricades. Immediately after the wrestlers were pushed into buses and taken to different locations, the police officers began clearing the protest site by removing cots, mattresses, coolers, fans and the tarpaulin ceiling along with other belongings of the wrestlers. Special Commissioner of Police (Law and Order) Dependra Pathak claimed the protesters ignored repeated requests and warnings and \"wrestled\" with police personnel who tried to stop them. \"Today was an important day for the country as the new Parliament building was to be inaugurated and despite warnings and repeatedly urging protesters at Jantar Mantar to not march beyond the protest site they continued to do so,\" he said, adding the behaviour of the wrestlers was \"highly irresponsible\". \"They were out to disturb the preparations made by security agencies in view of the occasion,\" the senior police officer told PTI. Taking to Twitter, Olympic medallist Sakshi Malik vowed to continue their protest at Jantar Mantar. \"Our movement is not over. After being released from police custody, we will start our satyagraha at Jantar Mantar. In this country, there will be no dictatorship but there will be satyagraha held by women wrestlers,\" she tweeted in Hindi. The police claimed the wrestlers broke and crossed the barricades, misbehaved and pushed the police personnel including the women constables. \"The detained protesting wrestlers will not be allowed to continue with their dharna at Jantar Mantar. The entire protest venue at Jantar Mantar has been cleared,\" Pathak said. Also read: \'Coronation over, arrogant king crushing voice...\': Rahul Gandhi on police manhandling wrestlers For All Latest Updates ![\\"google](\\" Follow Us TAGGED: fake wrestler smiling photoWrestlers protestWrestlers manhandledSangeeta Phogat and Vinesh PhogatSangeeta Phogat ABOUT THE AUTHOR ![\\"author- img\\"](\\" Follow + ...view details Follow Us on Our Whatsapp Channel Share This Article ### Related Articles ![\\"The](\\" images/07-10-2024/320-160-22624866-656-22624866-1728285384385.jpg?imwidth=3840\\") #### Will Repair 89 Damaged Roads, Potholes Before Assembly Elections: Atishi 1 Min Read Oct 7, 2024 ![\\"Representational](\\" images/07-10-2024/320-160-22624886-538-22624886-1728283882269.jpg?imwidth=3840\\") #### 4 killed, several injured as bus overturns in Gujarat\'s Banaskantha 1 Min Read Oct 7, 2024 ![\\"A](\\" images/07-10-2024/320-160-22624511-181-22624511-1728283223660.jpg?imwidth=3840\\") #### Security Forces Seize Huge Cache of Arms, Ammunition in Manipur 1 Min Read Oct 7, 2024 ![\\"The](\\" images/07-10-2024/320-160-22624526-197-22624526-1728281200679.jpg?imwidth=3840\\") #### ED Raids AAP MP Sanjeev Arora\'s House In Money Laundering Case 1 Min Read Oct 7, 2024 ## Latest Will Repair 89 Damaged Roads, Potholes Before Assembly Elections: Atishi \'PM Modi Released His Parrot Again\': Manish Sisodia On ED Raids On AAP MP Sanjeev Arora 4 killed, several injured as bus overturns in Gujarat\'s Banaskantha Drug Addicts Remove Fish Plates Of Railway Tracks In Bikaner A Big Secret For Happiness! 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A photograph of a 10yearold pregnant child in Myanmar's Rohingya Muslim community
* 日本語 # * SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY * DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY * PEACE & SECURITY * HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS * HUMAN RIGHTS * ABOUT SECTIONS * SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY * DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY * PEACE & SECURITY * HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS * HUMAN RIGHTS * ABOUT # Rohingya Refugee and Migrant Women Shadowed by Sexual and Gender-based Violence HUMAN RIGHTS : Human Security, Politics, Vulnerabilities, Women 2015•11•27 Yu Kojima United Nations University * Email * Tweet * Share ![\\"Rohingya](\\" en/article/18812/Rohingya-Refugee-and-Migrant-Women-Shadowed-by-Sexual-and- Gender-based-Violence.jpg\\") Photo: Steve Gumaer. Creative Commons BY-NC (cropped). Refugee and migrant women are known to be at heightened risk of being subjected to sexual and gender-based violence. Their vulnerability as women is compounded by the violence they risk suffering both while traveling insecure routes when leaving their homeland or when staying in places that lack basic security, such as overcrowded camps without adequate lighting or separated spaces for women. Rohingya refugee and migrant women are no exception. Indeed, given their status as women, stateless and part of an ethno-religious minority, Rohingya women (and girls) are particularly vulnerable to a wide range of sexual and gender-based violence that can affect not only their physical and psychological development but may also restrict the socio-economic opportunities available to them both within Myanmar and their new country of residence. The Rohingya are an ethnic Muslim minority in the majority Buddhist Myanmar. The country’s military-drafted 1982 Citizenship Act excluded them from Myanmar’s 135 recognized ethnic groups, effectively making them stateless. Then, after decades of discrimination and disenfranchisement, roughly 140,000 Rohingya fled their homes in northwestern Rakhine state in 2012 when sectarian violence reached deadly heights. The majority ended up in government- designated camps for internally displaced persons near the state capital, Sittwe (where many still live in fragile structures today). Fresh rounds of violence have flared since, seeing thousands of Rohingya departing by sea, aiming to reach Thailand, Malaysia or Indonesia, and contributing to the tragic “boat people” humanitarian crisis that made headlines around the world earlier this year. ## Precarious political climate To better grasp the plight of Rohingya refugees and migrant women, sexual and gender-based violence should be understood in the context of the country’s political climate, which exacerbates the vulnerability of women and girls to abuse and discrimination. Though 50 years of military dictatorship formally ended in 2011, and despite a “crushing” election win early this month by Nobel Prize-winning former opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy party, Myanmar’s army-drafted constitution ensures a powerful part of the country’s bureaucracy remains under military control, reports the NY Times. It is a climate such that the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar in March this year noted the “increasing influence of extreme religious nationalist movements in the political process”. She also noted an “apparent lack of action taken against disturbing public statements from religious leaders and members of political parties that could amount to incitement of hatred against minorities”. ![\\"crying](\\" en/article/18812/crying-Rohingya-woman.jpg\\") Photo: United to End Genocide. Creative Commons BY-NC-ND. A newly enacted Bill that purportedly seeks to protect race and religion is one example showing how the State systematically implements discrimination against ethnic and religious minorities and against women. This bill is composed of four laws that restrict individual rights in regards to choices in the area of family planning, religious conversion and marriage (the state regulates marriage of Buddhist women to non-Buddhist men while polygamy practiced by non-Buddhist persons is criminalised). Amongst them, the Population Control Healthcare Bill is the first of the four yet to be enacted this past May. Human rights advocacy group Fortify Rights last year investigated how the Rohingya population in Myanmar has already been undergoing severe monitoring and control through state-level regional orders (the drafting and implementation of which has involved the central government ) that adopted abusive restrictions on their freedom of movement, marriage and family planning for decades. As they are already denied access to livelihood, healthcare and education, these restrictions have serious implications particularly on the lives of women and girls in Rohingya communities. For instance, invasive household spot checks by law enforcement agents are encouraged by the State to ensure record keeping of individual household members. Fortify Rights reports that these random spot checks are used as pretext for security forces to commit sexual violence against Rohingya women and girls, including incidents of gang rapes and forced breastfeeding of babies in front of uniformed police and army soldiers. The UN Security Council documented 14 cases of such gang rapes and attempted sexual assaults between January and June 2014 alone, and noted that in early 2015, a member of the military raped a 10 year-old-girl. Forced marriages of women and girls as well as cross-border trafficking for sexual exploitation have also been reported. Furthermore, Fortify Rights’ investigation revealed the central government’s involvement in drafting and implementation of a Two-Child Policy. Officially however, such involvement by the central or state government was denied by the country’s Minister of Immigration and Population who nonetheless made headlines for his comments voicing support for it. This policy criminalises Rohingya Muslim families who have more than two children, leading some Rohingya women who become pregnant with a third child to seek unsafe abortions. The report by Fortify Rights also points to a 2005 regional order entitled “Population Control Activities” that instructs every regional clinic and hospital to enforce the use of contraceptives by Rohingya people. Marriage involving Rohingya is also a State concern. Muslim couples wishing to marry must obtain official approval, which can sometimes take up to two years to secure and require large fees. Further, Section 188 of Penal Code bans Rohingya women from having children out of wedlock or having a third child. According to this law, a Rohingya woman who has such an unauthorized child will be prosecuted and subject to imprisonment for up to 10 years or fines or both. As a result, pregnant Rohingya women in these situations may seek unsafe abortions or leave to seek refuge elsewhere so they can carry through with their pregnancies. Field interviews that I carried out with organizations that lend support for Rohingya refugee and migrant women in Thailand confirm this point. Migrant rights advocates have witnessed that, in recent years, pregnant women and girls are increasingly participating in precarious boat journeys. Some young mothers even travel with newly born infants. Informants also affirmed that some women rescued from smugglers’ boats have given birth during their detention at government shelters. ## Desperate diaspora History teaches us that persecution of Rohingyas in Myanmar has been on-going for nearly four decades. Consequently, diaspora communities have grown over the years, mainly in Asia. Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia host the largest communities while Malaysia has overtaken Saudi Arabia as the preferred destination in recent years. Malaysia has the largest urban refugee population in the world. As of September 2015, there are some 153,850 refugees and asylum seekers registered with UNHCR Malaysia, with women making up 43% of that number and the proportion of female refugees having increased by 13% since June 2014. According to UNHCR, there are 50,030 officially registered Rohingya refugees and asylum-seekers in Malaysia. A representative of the Burmese Rohingya Association of Thailand further elaborated that if those who have been informally settled for generations and undocumented newcomers are included, presently there may be 100,000 Rohingyas residing in Malaysia. On the other hand, Thailand hosts a relatively smaller Rohingya population of 15,000–25,000 of which the largest proportion is concentrated in Bangkok. Against this backdrop, Rohingya refugee and migrant women are further exposed to sexual and gender-based violence while fleeing Myanmar and in countries of asylum such as Thailand and/or Malaysia. Human Rights Watch reported that some women are lured or forced into taking boat trips to Malaysia where many of their male family members are believed to have settled after having fled Myanmar following the mass violence in 2012. Activists and media have reported rape incidents of young women and girls during their boat journeys and when harbouring at makeshift camps on the Malaysia-Thai border. Testimonies also suggest that smugglers have been taking advantage of Rohingya women and girls’ desperation by forcing them into marriage with older men who are willing to pay off their debts incurred during boat transportation. My consultations with a Rohingya community leader and pro-women’s/migrants’ rights groups in Thailand gave me some insight into Rohingya family life and the challenges Rohingyas face in their country of asylum. Rohingyas traditionally live in a large extended family. Under the male patriarch leadership, traditional values of reciprocity and respect for seniority keep families together. In the country of asylum, however, such family structure is broken, and freshly married couples are left on their own to carry on their lives without the blessing or support of extended family. Rohingya men are commonly employed as labourers in fishery, construction and wholesales while others are self-employed as small-scale vendors such as roti sellers. Their fragile status in Thailand often forces these men to accept working conditions that are exploitative. ![\\"Rohingya](\\" en/article/18812/Rohingya-woman-in-camp.jpg\\") A Rohingya mother and child in Kutupalong camp, Bangladesh. Photo: Digital Democracy. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA (cropped). Similar to Malaysia, Thailand has a weak refugee protection policy framework while its migration policy is inconsistent. An interview with a representative from the Human Rights Sub-Committee on Ethnic Minorities, Stateless, Migrant Workers and Displaced Person of Thailand revealed that ad hoc implementation of pro-migrants’ rights measures has seen Rohingya individuals granted different legal statuses depending on when they proceeded with paperwork. Regardless of the status by Thai authorities accord them — as registered refugees/asylum-seekers with UNHCR, temporary resident/refugee or economic migrants — Rohingyas are subject to random arrests and long-term detention. From the policy perspective, therefore, it may be pertinent to consider strategies that enable Rohingya women to support the household economy while their male counterparts are locked away. In receiving countries where women are visible and playing a pro-active economic role in society, Rohingya women are rarely seen working outside of the home while some women who have been living for decades in diaspora communities in Thailand and Malaysia may engage in vending in local fresh markets and do domestic work. But with limited education and social exposure, Rohingya refugee and migrant women are often highly dependent on their male family members and relatives for survival. Rohingya women’s lack of means for economic independence also defines their inter-household relationship in which they may not have much bargaining power with their husbands. Poverty coupled with unsteady legal status and limited family support imposes significant challenges for women’s married lives. Rohingya girls entering into early marriage in this environment are particularly vulnerable to domestic abuse and violence whereas it also imposes serious consequences on their reproductive health. According to the Lawyers Council in Thailand, nevertheless, domestic violence cases or grievances related to sexual and gender-based violence involving Rohingya refugee and migrant women are rarely filed in Thailand. This is mainly because couples are afraid of being deported back to Myanmar and simply wish to avoid any interaction with authorities or due to lack of trust with law enforcement authorities in general. A Rohingya community leader explained that some Rohingya refugees and migrant women suffer from short-lived marriages due to poverty, instability and other hardships and they may have to remarry several times in order to ensure their own survival, while some women marry local Thai men in hopes of improving their prospects. ## The road ahead In recent years, the government of Myanmar has begun to seriously address policy challenges around the issues of violence against women at several levels. At the institutional level, legal reform has been initiated to address conflicted-related sexual violence by endorsing the UN Declaration of Commitment to End Sexual Violence in Conflict in June 2014. In addition, drafting of Anti-Violence against Women legislation is in progress. The purpose of this initiative is to update existing law — which dated back to British occupation in 19th century — to international human rights standards so as to adequately address emerging forms and new trends of violence targeted at women in Myanmar society. Government efforts have also extended to meeting the practical needs of women at the grass-roots level. While there is a promising plan to open a small- scale shelter by key local women’s NGOs such as Creative House, there is no government-run women’s shelter for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence in the country. The Myanmar government has been engaged in preparatory activities to develop women’s shelters and capacity building of its staff in shelter management through collaborating with regional women’s organizations in Thailand and Singapore where such facilities are advanced. ![\\"Rohingya](\\" en/article/18812/Rohingya-women.jpg\\") Rohingya women participating in project to improve conditions in internally displaced persons’ camp. Photo: European Commission DG ECHO. Creative Commons BY-NC-ND. Although these government efforts have been highly welcomed, effective policy measures will not be realized when there is no baseline data on the general status of violence against women in Myanmar. It is high time that the Myanmar government takes initiative to set up a nation-wide survey by tapping into expertise provided by international organizations. Furthermore, it is clear that that improved and more coordinated policy efforts are needed among key government agencies and between women’s rights and pro-migrants groups and international agencies in order to begin combating the wider scope of sexual and gender-based violence that Rohingya refugee and migrant women are at risk of during flight and in the country of asylum. Finally, more pro-active participation by the international community in general in processes of Rohingya women’s rights advancement is also necessary. Given the magnitude and seriousness of the challenges they face, the issue of sexual and gender based violence involving Rohingya women deserves more serious international attention. The recent history of the fight against gender violence teaches us that the indifference of the international community reinforces women’s vulnerability to further violence and abuse, and Rohingya women can definitely use our support to break through. ![\\"Creative](\\" sa/4.0/88x31.png\\")Rohingya Refugee and Migrant Women Shadowed by Sexual and Gender-based Violence by Yu Kojima is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. * Email * Tweet * Share #### Author ### Yu Kojima United Nations University Yu Kojima is an Expert on Migration Women and Mobility Asia for the United Nations University Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility (UNU-GCM) in Barcelona, Spain. As a gender, migration and development specialist, Dr. Kojima offers expertise drawn from combination of experience in both academic and policy research while she brings in development programme management and planning experience earned through working with several UN agencies including UNDP, UNIFEM and UNICEF-Innocenti Research Cenre. She is also a member of Regional Gender Specialist Group hosted by UNICEF in Asia. #### Related Articles ![\\"Ending](\\" en/article/18792/Ending-Violence-Against-Migrant-Women-140x80.jpg\\") ## Ending Violence Against Migrant Women ![\\"Protecting](\\" en/article/18081/Protecting-Female-Refugees-against-Sexual-and-Other-Gender- based-Violence-in-Camps-140x80.jpg\\") ## Protecting Female Refugees against Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Camps ![\\"Scourge](\\" en/article/14401/Scourge-of-Sexual-Violence-in-Armed-Conflict-140x80.jpg\\") ## Scourge of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict ‘Far from Being Rooted Out’ ![\\"How](\\" Stop-Sexual-Slavery-in-Conflict-Zones-2-140x80.jpg\\") ## How to Stop Sexual Slavery in Conflict Zones ![\\"Myanmar\\'s](\\" en/article/11762/Myanmars-Fragile-Democracy-140x80.jpg\\") ## Myanmar’s Fragile Democracy ![\\"Conflict-related](\\" en/article/9989/Conflict-related-Sexual-Violence-Destructive-as-Any-Bomb-or- Bullet-140x80.jpg\\") ## Conflict-related Sexual Violence ‘Destructive as Any Bomb or Bullet’ #### Topics * SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY * DEVELOPMENT & SOCIETY * PEACE & SECURITY * HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS * HUMAN RIGHTS #### Partners * The Guardian Environment Network * Deutsche Welle – Global Ideas * UN News #### About * The Magazine * Our Charter * Community Standards * Our Partners * Privacy Policy * Copyright BY NC SA #### Social Media * twitter * facebook * youtube 53–70, Jingumae 5-chome,Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925, Japan Tel: +81 3 5467 1212Fax: +81 3 3499 2828 Designed and Developed by the UNU Office of Communications
A photograph of a 10yearold pregnant child in Myanmar's Rohingya Muslim community
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Share * * * Print UKHIYA, BANGLADESH — Tucked away in the shadows of her family\'s bamboo shelter, the girl hid from the world. She was 13, and she was petrified. Two months earlier, soldiers had broken into her home back in Myanmar and raped her, an attack that drove her and her terrified family over the border to Bangladesh. Ever since, she had waited for her period to arrive. Gradually, she came to realize that it would not. For the girl, a Rohingya Muslim who agreed to be identified by her first initial, A, the pregnancy was a prison she was desperate to escape. The rape itself had destroyed her innocence. But carrying the baby of a Buddhist soldier could destroy her life. ![\\"In](\\" In this June 26, 2018 photo, \"A,\" a 13-year old Rohingya Muslim girl who agreed to be identified by her first initial, peers from behind a partition in her family\'s shelter in Jamtoli refugee camp in Bangladesh. More than 10 months have passed since Myanmar\'s security forces launched a sweeping campaign of rape and other brutalities against the Rohingya, and the babies conceived during those assaults have been born. For many of their mothers, the births have been tinged with fear — not only because the infants are reminders of the horrors they survived, but because their community often views rape as shameful, and bearing a baby conceived by Buddhists as sacrilege. Theirs is a misery spoken of only in murmurs. Some ended their pregnancies early by taking cheap abortion pills available throughout the camps. Others gave birth to unloved babies; some agonized over whether to give them away. One woman was so worried about her neighbors discovering her pregnancy that she suffered silently through labor in her shelter, stuffing a scarf in her mouth to swallow her screams. In Bangladesh\'s overcrowded refugee camps where shelter walls are made of hole-pocked plastic and sounds travel easily across the tree-stripped hills, A knew that hiding her pregnancy would be difficult and hiding a wailing newborn impossible. She worried that giving birth to this child would leave her so tainted that no man would ever want her as his wife. In a panic, she told her mother, who swiftly took her to a clinic for an abortion. But A was so frightened by the doctor\'s description of possible side effects that she thought she would die. And so she retreated to her shelter, where she tried to flatten her growing belly by wrapping it in tight layers of scarves. She hid there for months, emerging only to use the latrine a few meters away. There was nothing to do but wait with dread for the baby who symbolized the pain of an entire people to arrive. ___ For the women who became pregnant during last year\'s wave of attacks in Myanmar\'s Rakhine state, to speak the truth is to risk losing everything. Because of that, no one knows how many rape survivors have given birth. But given the vastness of the sexual violence, relief groups had braced for the worst: a spike in deliveries from traumatized women, and scores of babies left abandoned in the camps that are home to around 900,000 Rohingya refugees. By June, though, the birth rate in medical clinics had remained relatively steady, and only a handful of babies have been found left behind. Aid workers began to suspect that many women had quietly dealt with their pregnancies themselves. \"They will not come forward for antenatal checkups — they will try to hide their pregnancy,\'\' says Medecins Sans Frontieres midwife Daniela Cassio, a sexual violence specialist. \"I\'m sure many have also died during the pregnancy or during the delivery.\" Yet sprinkled throughout the sprawling camps, you will find women who have grown weary of the silence. Ten such women and girls agreed to interviews with The Associated Press. They consented to be identified in this story by their first initials only, citing fear of retaliation from Myanmar\'s military. The monsoon rains thundering down on the roof of A\'s shelter threaten to drown out her words. Her voice still has a childlike softness, and when she speaks of the soldiers who raped her, it fades to a whisper. Already, several men who had shown interest in marrying her have walked away when they\'ve learned about the attack. Her parents worry no man will ever want her. And yet, with their blessing, she leans in close to share her story. \"I want justice,\" she says, anxiously turning a plastic cup over and over in her hands. \"That\'s why I\'m talking to you.\" ___ To understand the fear that drove some of these women underground, enter the stifling shelter where M lives. She sits on a mat, sweating and scratching at the angry scar on her breast left by the soldier who bit her. The baby who was the product of that attack wails in his 8-year-old sister\'s arms. The little girl tries to hand the infant off to her mother, but M dismisses them both with a wave of her hand. \"I don\'t want to carry him anymore,\" M says. \"I don\'t love him.\" And so the girl gently places the screaming infant into a hammock crafted out of a rice sack and twine. ![\\"M’s](\\" M’s daughter hands over her baby brother to their mother in their shelter in Kutupalong refugee camp, June 26, 2018. \"M\" was raped by six soldiers from Myanmar\'s security forces after they strangled her 2-year-old son to death. M\'s husband is not home to help. He rarely is, she says. Ever since she told him of her rape and pregnancy, he has wanted little to do with her. Her nightmare began the way it did for so many Rohingya women: With scores of soldiers swarming her village in August, shortly after Rohingya insurgents attacked several police posts. The details of her assault follow a pattern documented last year in an investigation by the AP. That investigation, based on interviews with 29 rape survivors, an examination of medical records and testimony from doctors, concluded the rapes of Rohingya women were sweeping and methodical. From inside her house, M heard a rattle of gunfire and a chorus of screams. She looked outside and saw soldiers setting fire to homes. Her two daughters fled, but by the time M made it out the door with her 2-year-old son, six soldiers were waiting. One snatched the wailing boy from her arms, strangled him, and threw his lifeless body to the ground. The soldiers forced her back into the house. When she saw them undoing their pants, she pressed her hands over her eyes. They stomped on her stomach and feet, and one after another they raped her. She felt like she was dying. Two days passed before her husband found her and carried her to the mountains, and then across the border to Bangladesh. He asked her if the soldiers had raped her. Too ashamed to tell him the truth, she said they had only beaten her. After two months, her period still hadn\'t arrived. She felt dizzy and nauseous, and craved sour foods like tamarind, just as she had with her other pregnancies. Terrified of how her husband would react, she said nothing. Another two months passed and she began to feel movements deep inside her. She knew she couldn\'t hide the pregnancy much longer. One night, she was too sick to make him rice for dinner. \"What\'s wrong with you?\" he asked. The truth spilled out: \"I was raped by six soldiers. And I\'m pregnant.\" Her husband offered no comfort, only blame. He demanded to know why she hadn\'t run away from the soldiers. He told her he could never have sex with her again. And then he asked if he could marry another woman. \"You are useless to me,\" he said. M pleaded with him not to leave her, told him she needed help with their girls. And so he stayed, though he treated her like she was invisible. At night, she curled up in the corner of their shelter with her daughters; he slept along an adjacent wall. With her other pregnancies, she excitedly counted the days until delivery. With this baby, she paid no attention to her due date. She felt detached from the life growing inside her. Her contractions began late one night. She labored quietly for hours, until her screams awakened her husband. She told him to find a local birthing assistant to help her. He did, and then left. When the infant finally arrived, he looked nothing like her other children. In his eyes, she saw her rapists. To look at him was to relive her attack, over and over again. Her husband returned hours after the birth. He said nothing to her, and ignored the baby. He wouldn\'t help her clean up the mat she\'d given birth on, and she was in too much pain to clean it herself. She lay on it for days, until one of her daughters came to her aid. The baby\'s cries just made her angry. She found herself crying all the time, too. Before the rape, her husband was loving and kind. Now, he leaves their shelter early in the morning and doesn\'t return until midnight. He is often irritable and impatient with her. He has never kissed the boy, or cuddled him. She didn\'t bother to name the child until a community leader told her to. She chose the first name that popped into her mind. It means nothing to her, she says. And neither does the boy. She doesn\'t want to give him to a foster family. Her only other son was killed in the attack. So she takes care of this new boy in the hopes that one day, he will take care of her. For now, she pretends to love him. After all, she says, he is just a baby. This is not his fault. Nor is it hers, though she still berates herself for the rape. She questions her decision not to run from the house sooner, though running faster probably would not have saved her. She spends much of her days lying on a mat, praying for Allah to end her life. \"I don\'t have any money to buy anything. I am always depressed. My husband doesn\'t love me. I want to die as soon as possible,\" she says, weeping. \"My life is meaningless.\" ___ For some rape survivors, the idea of giving birth to a child conceived by someone other than a Muslim felt like a fate worse than death. So they turned to clinics and makeshift pharmacies set up in the camps for abortion drugs they hoped could end their agony. The pain of D\'s rape was so severe that she had to wrap a supportive scarf around her battered pelvis to endure the dayslong walk to Bangladesh. Yet through it all, she survived. When she discovered she was pregnant, she wished she had not. She was a widow, and to give birth to a child without a husband was to invite admonishment. She quickly sought out a pharmacy to find the drugs that would induce an abortion. As she swallowed the first tablet, she cried and prayed to Allah. But nothing happened. So she bought more medicine, taking pill after pill until, at last, her stomach twisted with intense cramps and heavy blood began to flow. Her relief was instant. \"I felt that I had found a new world,\" she says. \"I would have taken poison if I had to give birth to that baby because it is a big shame for me. People would criticize me.\" Others, though, found surprising support. So certain was T that her husband would divorce her, that she waited a month to tell him about her pregnancy. Her heart hammered the day she revealed the truth. When she did, her husband began to cry, and so did she. \"It\'s not your fault,\" he reassured her. \"Maybe it was your fate that this happened to you. You didn\'t want this.\" She had no idea she could go to a hospital for an abortion. But one day, she met an aid worker who was walking through the camps looking for pregnant women in distress. The aid worker provided her with abortion drugs. T took the pills, then visited a religious leader who performed a ceremony that he said would remove the baby. When she began to bleed, she felt as if a dirtiness inside her had been washed clean. Slowly, a few women have forgiven themselves, though there was never anything to forgive. H, who also had an abortion, was once so ashamed of her pregnancy that she told no one. Now, though, she has begun to share her story with others, and has focused her fury on the men who brutalized her. She did nothing to invite their violence, she says. So why should she feel ashamed? In Myanmar, where the Rohingya people have few rights and Rohingya women even less, she had no voice. Here, she says, she feels she can finally speak. \"I don\'t want to hide anymore,\" she says. ____ The moment that A had long feared arrived one day in May. After months of isolation, her contractions had finally begun. She was still a child herself, overwhelmed with uncertainty over what to expect. And she cringed at the thought of what others would say. For hours, she labored on the floor of her shelter, her mother and grandmother by her side, until at last, she pushed out a baby girl. She looked down at the infant and began to shake. She felt like she was going into shock. The baby was fat and strong, with a round face and small eyes. As A gazed at her child, she saw beauty. But she also saw pain. She knew she could not keep the girl. Her father hurried to a clinic run by a relief group and asked them to take the baby away. An hour after A gave birth, an aid worker arrived to retrieve the infant. She held her daughter in her arms and began to cry. She kissed her head and her tiny hands. And then she handed the baby over. She doesn\'t know who is caring for her baby now, but groups like Save the Children and UNICEF have found Rohingya families within the camps who are willing to take in such children. The organizations have placed around ten babies with new families, says Krissie Hayes, a child protection in emergencies specialist with UNICEF. For now, A tries to imagine what her future will be like. She hopes someone will marry her one day, and give her more babies. She hopes for a sewing machine, so she can earn money mending clothes. Sometimes, she says, an aid worker stops by the shelter to show her photos of her daughter, so she can see that she is safe and well. \"Even though I got this baby from the Buddhists, I love her,\" she says. \"Because I carried her for nine months.\" For her, giving the baby away was the right decision. It was the only decision. But she aches for her still. ## Related * ![\\"Thousands](\\"\\") #### Thousands of Rohingya Continue to Flee Violence in Myanmar * ![\\"Myanmar](\\"\\") #### Myanmar Among Worst Traffickers * ![\\"13](\\"\\") #### 13 Myanmar Officials Implicated in Atrocities Against Rohingya * ![\\"Misery](\\"\\") #### Misery Among Rohingya Grows During Bangladesh Monsoons * ![\\"UN](\\"\\") #### UN Investigator Calls for Concrete Action to Stop Myanmar Rights Abuses ## More Asia News * ![\\"FILE](\\"\\") #### Indonesia\'s Prabowo wants gradual increase in debt-to-GDP, adviser says * ![\\"Philippine](\\"\\") #### Philippines, South Korea upgrade ties to strategic partnership * #### Source: Myanmar junta frees ally of Suu Kyi on health grounds * #### Coco Gauff wins China Open final in straightsets, Sinner rallies to advance in Shanghai * #### Central Thailand braces for inundation as rain stops in flooded Chiang Mai ## Special Report * ![\\"Collage](\\"\\") #### Belt, Road and Beyond ## The Day in Photos * ![\\'Members](\\"\\") #### October 6, 2024 ​ Back to top * Follow Us * * * * * * * United States * US News * Immigration * All About America * Silicon Valley & Technology * World * Africa * The Americas * East Asia Pacific * Europe * Middle East * South & Central Asia * Sections * VOA Programs * Special projects * Day in Photos * Press Freedom * Refugees * VOA News on Iran * VOA News on China * Arts & Culture * Economy & Business * Health * Extremism Watch * Student Union * 52 Documentary * Videos * More From VOA * Programs * VOA Learning English * Editorials * About this site * Terms of Use & Privacy Notice * About VOA * Get VOA+ * VOA Around the World * Contact VOA * Media Relations * Usage Requests * VOA Pronunciation Guide XS SM MD LG
A photograph of a 10yearold pregnant child in Myanmar's Rohingya Muslim community
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This U.S. Minister Is Training Rebels in a Civil War View all posts by Jason Motlagh Patrick Brown/Panos Pictures/UNICEF Aug 9, 2018 10:44 am Rajuma Begum heard the first gunshots at eight in the morning. She was hauling furniture out of her family home in Tula Toli village, a small community of mostly Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine State, on the western coast of Myanmar. She knew Rohingya had been burned out of three nearby villages in the preceding days, and Rajuma, a slight 20-year-old with somber eyes and a gold nose piercing, had been tracking the smoke plumes from her window, sleepless and on edge. She and her neighbors feared defenseless Tula Toli would be attacked next. After five decades of military rule nominally came to an end in Myanmar in 2011, ethnic tensions intensified across Rakhine, one of the country’s poorest states and the heartland of the Rohingya, a minority long oppressed by the country’s Buddhist majority. A ruthless military crackdown had left scores dead in October 2016, and forced 87,000 Rohingya to seek refuge in neighboring Bangladesh. Tula Toli, a sleepy farming community nestled in a fertile river bend, had been spared much of the bloodshed, until late last summer. Openly hostile Rakhine villagers had begun stealing Rohingya crops and livestock at will, while security forces came to loot Muslim homes and tear down farm fences. The Rohingya could not walk to the nearest market without paying bribes to Rakhine officials, and if found congregating in groups or outside after curfew, Rohingya were beaten up. “We couldn’t eat because of the tension,” Rajuma says. Rajuma had spent her entire life in the village. Working in the rice-paddy fields, she caught the eye of Rafiq, a shy neighbor with a boyish grin. They flirted with each other in passing, until one day Rafiq told his parents he wanted to marry Rajuma. His parents arranged the marriage on their son’s behalf, offering five grams of gold to seal the deal. The wedding was low-key, given the prohibition against large Rohingya gatherings. Rajuma was soon pregnant with their first son, Sadiq, and the young family moved in with her parents. ## Editor’s picks ### The 100 Best TV Episodes of All Time ### The 250 Greatest Guitarists of All Time ### The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time ### 25 Most Influential Creators of 2024 She now found herself trying to save what heirlooms she could as she prepared to flee her home. Five days earlier, on August 25th, 2017, small groups of Rohingya militants had stormed police outposts, killing 12 officers. The army was all too ready. A massive, scorched-earth military operation backed by helicopters and civilian death squads razed dozens of Rohingya -hamlets. As panic swept Tula Toli, the village chairman, an ethnic Rakhine Buddhist, called an emergency meeting to assure Rohingya elders there was no need to flee if the army came. “Nothing will happen to you,” he pledged. A peace agreement was signed for good measure. ![\\"Lazy](\\" rollingstone-2022/assets/public/lazyload-fallback.gif\\") Rajuma (center) holding her infant son, Sadiq, five months before the attack on Tula Toli last August. Photo: Courtesy of Mohammad Rafiq But then the attack on Tula Toli began. Sheets of incoming bullets smacked the thatch homes “like raindrops,” Rajuma recalls. They were followed by rocket- propelled-grenade blasts that set the houses ablaze. Rajuma and other eyewitnesses say soldiers emerged from the tree line, firing scattershot at fleeing villagers. They were trailed by Rakhine and other non-Muslim conscripts armed with homemade muskets, machetes and farm tools. Rajuma scooped up Sadiq and ran with her mother and younger brother down to the riverbank, where scores of other Rohingya had gathered. As the attackers closed in, Rajuma and the others found themselves trapped. Desperate Rohingya dived into the fast-running current. Some managed to swim across hanging onto banana-tree branches, but many families were gunned down where they stood. Eyewitnesses say stray children caught by the attackers were beheaded and tossed into the river. Rajuma says she and about 200 other women and children were forced to kneel in the shallows while uniformed soldiers carried out systematic murder. Over the next three hours, the survivors say, males were lined up and shot, two or three times apiece. The militia then combed over the bodies and finished them off with blades. Rajuma scanned the beach for her husband. She had not seen him since dawn, and worried that he might be dead. Her mother suddenly broke down; she knew they would die next. Fearing the soldiers would notice them, Rajuma tried to quiet her, but then Rajuma’s 10-year-old brother, Musa Ali, began to cry and ask for forgiveness. Terrified, the boy made a run for it. He took several steps before he was cut down by gunshots. “At that moment I felt like I was already dead,” Rajuma recalls. “I think I’m only alive to tell the world about what I saw.” Since last august, Rajuma and some 700,000 Rohingya have flooded across the border into Bangladesh with harrowingly consistent stories of murder and rape. Authorities in Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, barred investigators and journalists from entering northern Rakhine to independently verify refugees’ accounts, but when I arrived in the Bangladesh camps last September, just weeks after the Tula Toli massacre, the physical evidence of genocide against civilians was overwhelming: gaping gunshot wounds, women with shredded limbs, a newborn with a bullet graze on his head, and countless orphans, dazed and hungry from breathless journeys and the raw terror of what they had seen. From the edge of the camps, I could see smoke curdling on the horizon as Burmese soldiers razed more villages to the ground. It was the most rapid human exodus since the Rwandan genocide of 1994. ## See Also ### John Ashton, \'Beverly Hills Cop\' Actor, Dead at 76 ### Maggie Smith, Renowned Actress of \'Downton Abbey\' and \'Harry Potter,\' Dead at 89 ### Tommy Cash, Country Singer and Brother of Johnny Cash, Dead at 84 “The pages of my notebook are stained with my own tears,” says Peter Bouckaert, Human Rights Watch’s hard-boiled emergencies director. A veteran of the Balkans and Iraq, he had just finished interviewing a Tula Toli survivor who says her six children were murdered in front of her before she was gang- raped and left for dead in a burning home. “We’re not talking about an ordinary war,” he says. “These are unarmed villagers who are being attacked by an army that is murdering them.” For a moment, he chokes up. “We are faced with an entire people being forced out of Burma.” In late 2010, the ruling Myanmar military began enacting a series of democratic reforms after dec-ades as a pariah state with only China for an ally. President Obama responded by later scrapping economic sanctions, calling it “the right thing to do in order to ensure that the people of Burma see the rewards from a new way of doing business, and a new government.” But behind the smokescreen of civilian rule, the military retains enormous power, controlling security forces, police and key Cabinet positions. Despite damning evidence of atrocities, military officials maintain they were carrying out “clearance operations” against “extremist terrorists” fighting for an Islamic state in Rakhine. Denying all responsibility, they claim “Bengali invaders” – official-speak for all Rohingya Muslims – were burning down their own villages to gain international sympathy. Such nonsense could be expected from a hermetic military that crushed dissent and vilified ethnic and religious minorities over a half-century of brutal dictatorship. More shocking was how their bigoted doctrine was parroted by Aung San Suu Kyi, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning human-rights icon and de facto leader of Myanmar, known to her admirers as “The Lady.” When she finally broke her silence, on Facebook, nearly two weeks after the 2017 attacks began, it was in cold defense of the same military that kept her under house arrest for 15 years when she was the country’s leading dissident. Suu Kyi blamed “terrorists” for promoting a “huge iceberg of misinformation” about the violence engulfing Rakhine. She made no mention of the Rohingya exodus. In the wake of the violence and refugee crisis in 2016, the U.N. floated the “very likely” possibility of crimes against humanity. Yet nearly every Western diplomatic mission, including the U.N. leadership in Myanmar, opposed an investigation. Off the rec-ord, many diplomats expressed disgust over the military’s crimes, but publicly they played with words. “The government wants the world to believe [the army’s] ‘clearance operations’ were a spontaneous response to a terrorist attack,” says Matthew Smith, chief executive officer of the Bangkok-based human-rights group Fortify Rights. “The reality is the authorities were preparing for months to destroy Rohingya – or for years, some would argue.” The Rohingya have been called the “world’s most persecuted minority.” An estimated 1.1 million lived in Myanmar before the crisis, the descendants of Muslim traders who settled in the region more than 1,000 years ago. Though many Rohingya families have documentation going back generations, they are denied citizenship and basic rights. “The idea of the malevolent Rohingya has become such a staple of the public imagination in Myanmar,” says Francis Wade, author of Myanmar’s Enemy Within: Buddhist Violence and the Making of a Muslim “Other.” Rohingya face onerous marriage restrictions, cannot vote or pursue higher education, and their movement is limited under apartheid-like conditions. Two months after the country’s first modern elections, in June 2012, anti–Muslim pogroms broke out in Rakhine following the rape and murder of a Buddhist woman; 140,000 Rohingya were forced into open-air concentration camps. Squeezed between barbed wire and the sea, tens of thousands fled by boats to Thailand and Malaysia, only to become ensnared by traffickers and tortured for ransom. In May 2015, the crisis made global headlines when boats packed with starving Rohingya were stranded at sea. For weeks, no country would accept them. “That’s the unique burden stateless people carry,” says Wade. “Even those nations most vociferously condemning the military know it’s not their problem.” That same year, a report by Yale Law School found “strong evidence” the Rohingya were facing genocide. Established in the wake of the Holocaust, the Genocide Convention created a legal definition of genocide as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.” Intent to destroy, however, is hard to prove, says James Silk, the law professor who supervised the Yale study. “You’re rarely going to have the situation of Nazi Germany where they leave behind documents and plans,” he says. But based on the regime’s long-standing policies to restrict and weaken the group, a pattern of anti-Rohingya rhetoric from government officials and Buddhist leaders, and collaboration between state security forces and anti- Muslim vigilantes, the report concluded it was “difficult to avoid inferring an intent to destroy Rohingya.” At the Kutupalong refugee camp in Bangladesh, Rolling Stone conducted interviews with dozens of Rohingya, including 15 survivors from Tula Toli, all of whom testify to a deliberate campaign of eradication. Among them: a former Myanmar army officer whose extraordinary eyewitness account gives more proof the massacre was preplanned. Further, a July report by Fortify Rights reveals that wide-ranging preparations were made by Myanmar authorities months in advance of the August 2017 crackdown, indicating it was not a spontaneous response to an attack but part of a premeditated plan to wipe out the Rohingya. In late 2016, the military began arming and training the civilian death squads that would carry out mass killings; systematically confiscating sharp and blunt objects from Rohingya households that could be used for self-defense; blocking food aid in order to weaken the Rohingya population; and increasing troop levels in areas where the worst atrocities would take place. ![\\"Lazy](\\" rollingstone-2022/assets/public/lazyload-fallback.gif\\") Rajuma at a refugee camp in Bangladesh. “I think I’m only alive to tell the world about what I saw,” she says. Photo: Patrick Brown/Panos Pictures/UNICEF “When we connect the dots, it paints a sinister picture,” says Smith of Fortify Rights. “This is probably the strongest indication yet of an intent to destroy Rohingya.” By 11 a.m., the shooting in Tula Toli had ceased. All the Rohingya men were either dead or running for their lives. Out of the monsoon clouds, a red military helicopter landed on a small plateau at the edge of the village. Nearby, Nazmul Islam was being held prisoner by border police in a guard post overlooking the village. He had watched and listened throughout the morning as soldiers and vigilantes slaughtered his friends and neighbors. In calmer times, Islam, 69, was regarded as a curiosity by both Rakhine and Rohingya residents of Tula Toli. An ethnic Bamar with Asiatic features, wiry limbs and a faded tattoo of a fighting peacock on his wrist, he had retired to the village with his Rakhine wife after 19 years in the Myanmar army. With a six-acre plot of land, water buffaloes and cows, he was comfortable. Yet he began to sympathize with his Rohingya neighbors. After years of studying the Koran, he converted and changed his name. His wife demanded a divorce and took him to court. He lost all his property and custody of the children. Islam, a military veteran and card-carrying citizen of Myanmar, was forced to move to the Rohingya side of Tula Toli. He slept on the floor of a madrassa and supported himself by teaching Burmese to Rohingya students. Then he met Marbiyar, a spunky Rohingya woman who cleaned the premises. Her husband had abandoned her with an infant child, and she was less than half Islam’s age, but he was smitten. “In true love,” he says, flashing a smile, “there is no age difference.” The couple got married, even though state authorities refused to grant them permission. Islam’s easygoing nature won him both Muslim and Buddhist friends. More important, he was literate, and his side hustle translating government documents made him useful to both communities. On the afternoon of August 27th, three days before the military attacked Tula Toli, Islam had been summoned to a police outpost on the Rakhine side of the village at the behest of Aung Ko Sing, the Rak-hine chairman. As Islam approached, two armed officers seized him and told him not to ask questions. “Don’t try to escape, or we will kill you,” he recalls a Rakhine village elder warning him. “No one will feel sorry for you; we will just think a kalar got killed,” a racial slur used to describe darker–skinned Muslims. Islam was stunned; the man, whom he’d known for years, had never acted so hostile before. Looking back, Islam believes he had been extracted from the Rohingya village to save his life before the town was exterminated. ![\\"Lazy](\\" rollingstone-2022/assets/public/lazyload-fallback.gif\\") The physical evidece of atrocities is overwhelming among survivors in the refugee camps. Momtaz Begum (left) was treated for burns to her face and body. Seven year old Mohammad Shohail was shot in the chest. Photos: Patrick Brown/Panos Pictures/UNICEF From the guard post, Islam saw a senior army officer step out of the helicopter to confer with another officer. Their shoulders bore the crimson logo “99,” a battle-hardened division redeployed to the area on the pretext of fighting insurgents. Islam heard the junior officer tell Rakhine leaders that 20 volunteers were needed to help dig graves for the Rohingya bodies and to “burn them all.” A police officer ordered his men to stay away from the riverbank: “The military will do their work.” Down on the beach, soldiers and non-Muslim militia began digging three large pits. Multiple witnesses tell Rolling Stone the dozens of corpses scattered on the flats were collected and heaved inside on the army soldiers’ orders. Rohingya men were forced to help, and then shot and dumped on top. The bodies were doused with fuel and set alight. “The smell of roasting meat, worse than that,” says Islam, recalling the foul smoke that drifted across the village. (The military’s communications unit, the True News Information Team, did not respond to Rolling Stone’s requests for comment.) As the men’s bodies burned, the soldiers turned on the women. Waiting at the edge of the river with baby Sadiq in her lap, Rajuma watched groups of eight to 10 soldiers round up women and young teens and take them into a row of homes, where screams fell into silence. The men walked out alone, and the next group came for Rajuma. Along with four other women, she was pushed toward one of the huts by a pair of soldiers. She says one of them grabbed Sadiq and threw him into a fire pit. Two more infant girls were snatched from the other women and tossed in with him. Rajuma could hear Sadiq’s cries as the door slammed behind them. “I couldn’t do anything to save him,” she says. Another 10 soldiers entered the room. They ordered Rajuma to give up her gold jewelry and money stashed in her bra. She refused, and a rifle butt to the head knocked her unconscious. “They raped us any way they pleased, with the intention of killing us after,” she says. “If they don’t feel shame to do these crimes, then why should we be shy to tell the whole world?” Hours later, as the sun set, Rajuma, bloody and in shock, woke to a burning sensation: The house was on fire. Her head, ribs and groin throbbed in pain, and the women lying beside her were dead. Rajuma threw herself into the door, but it was locked. Crouching down, she says, she punched and kicked her way through a bamboo wall and slipped out the back. By nightfall, the killers who laid waste to Tula Toli gathered near the guardhouse overlooking the village. Two-thirds of the homes were burned down, and the soldiers were in a loose, festive mood. Islam, who was detained within earshot, says they bragged about burning children alive in front of their mothers, “laughing out loud and telling each other how they took the jewelry and money off the women they raped,” Islam says. For dinner they slaughtered a cow and several goats. Then the drinking started. Islam stayed awake. “I was afraid they’d kill me if I slept,” he says. A hard rain fell through the night and put the smoldering fires out. In the morning, he saw corpses drifting in the river bend. The soldiers and militiamen shook off their hangovers and set the last tracts of homes ablaze. Not even dogs were spared. ![\\"Lazy](\\" rollingstone-2022/assets/public/lazyload-fallback.gif\\") Mohammad Faysal (right) spent a month hiding in the jungle after losing his arm in an attach on his village. “The scale of this crisis is unimaginable,” one aid worker says. Photo: Patrick Brown/Panos Pictures/UNICEF When the job was done, their wrath turned on Islam. “You know that kalars can’t live in our country,” one soldier said. “If you come back to Buddhism, we will take care of you.” Islam explained he had chosen Allah after many years of deep reflection and would rather die than renounce his faith. “Motherfucker, you talk too much,” another soldier shouted, slapping him in the face. He ripped off Islam’s prayer cap and stepped on it. Meanwhile, Rajuma spent the night wandering in the dark until she ran into some women from the village. No one knew which way to flee, where they might cross paths with keyed-up soldiers or Rak-hine vigilantes and meet their end. So they looked for small clues to guide them out – grains of rice, chilies, scarves that people dropped in flight. For three days and nights the women pushed through paddy fields and mud-slick hills sluiced with rain. “I couldn’t feel any pain or even notice the blood flowing out of my body,” Rajuma says. Eventually, they fell in with a stream of Rohingya walking toward the Naf River, the western border with Bangladesh. The banks were thronged with frantic people negotiating passage with smugglers. On Saturday morning, as Muslims worldwide celebrated the start of the Eid festival, Rajuma and seven others made the boat crossing and became refugees. Bangladesh, one of the poorest, most densely populated countries in the world, rallied to handle a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions. On the fringes of Kutupalong, a sprawling supercamp already home to some 400,000 Rohingya refugees displaced by previous waves of violence, the latest arrivals were busy clear-cutting hillsides to make new camps. Shacks of bamboo and tarpaulin tumbled down into ravines choked with waste. In the alleys, loudspeakers crackled with the names of children who were missing parents; on the roadsides, soldiers beat back crowds jostling for aid packages of rice and oil. Several people were trampled to death in the chaos. Relief workers invariably described the dismal conditions as a public-health “time bomb.” Access to food and clean water was strained by the endless stream of new arrivals; early outbreaks of measles and diphtheria warned of the devastating potential for a cholera epidemic, as NGOs rushed to vaccinate settlements that swelled by the day. “The scale of this crisis is unimaginable,” a Dutch doctor tells me. “We have babies being born in our clinics today, and I’m worried that when I come back 20 years from now they’ll still be living in this camp.” ![\\"Lazy](\\" rollingstone-2022/assets/public/lazyload-fallback.gif\\") Rohingya fleeing across the Naf River to Bangladesh. The crisis made global headlines in 2015 when boats packed with starving Rohingya were stranded at sea. For weeks, no country would accept them. Photo: Patrick Brown/Panos Pictures/UNICEF While receiving care at a Doctors Without Borders clinic, Rajuma had an unexpected visitor: her husband, Rafiq. “Rajuma, Rajuma,” he repeated, but she couldn’t answer. Her mouth was bloody, teeth askew. Gashes carved her skull, and her torso was covered with bruises and cuts that had to be stitched up. His firstborn son, Sadiq, was gone. When army troops had advanced on Tula Toli in a hail of gunfire, Rafiq had dived into the river and thrashed across as rounds snapped over his head. Climbing up a tree for cover, he saw men being executed and groups of women taken inside homes. He was unable to make out their faces, but assumed Rajuma was among them. “After seeing that, I realized no one would be spared,” he says. Rafiq reached Kutupalong in three days and was panhandling by the road when a relative recognized him and directed him to the clinic where he found his wife. In the overcrowded camp, Rafiq found a small dirt tract on a rise near the main road and gathered some bamboo and plastic sheeting to build a home where he and Rajuma could live when she was discharged. At least 10 neighbors are Tula Toli transplants, including Nazmul Islam. After he endured regular beatings over a month in captivity, the army soldiers had issued him an ultimatum: Convert or die. Islam was prepared to die, but his guards had left him unbound, figuring he was too weak to escape. Two days later, while they were busy cooking a meal, he made his move. “The old man is running,” someone shouted as he dashed away. Five gunshots missed. Islam tore through the bush and ran to the next village, then the next, finally making his way to Bangladesh. In the camps, he reunited with his wife and their five children, who had fled Tula Toli after Islam’s arrest. Now, Islam is sick with fever and bears the scars of daily abuse. He worries his kids will grow up fatherless and depressed in exile. “We don’t have any light in our life,” he says. “Everything is dark.” Five times a day he trudges uphill to a makeshift mosque to say his prayers and collect alms for his medicine. Most of the time, though, he sits in the doorway of his shack, haunted by visions he can’t shake. “I saw limitless cruelty,” says Islam. “We can cure the wounds on our skin, but we can’t cure the injuries in our minds.” Noor Kabir, Tula Toli’s village representative, lives in a camp down the road. He shows me a notebook filled with names, ages and village quarters of Rohingya residents he has confirmed killed or missing. “There are 410 people here,” he says, drawing a finger down the list. “At least 700 are still missing.” He recites names aloud “. . . Lal Mia – one year, Ahmed Hussain – 85 . . .” and riffs memories of the ones he knew well. He keeps adding names to the book. “Now we are stuck here under these plastic roofs,” he says. “What can we say about justice?” ![\\"Lazy](\\" rollingstone-2022/assets/public/lazyload-fallback.gif\\") Illustration: Meghan Kelly, The University of Wisconsin Cartography Lab. Nearly a year on, Rohingya are still fleeing Rakhine. I returned to Bangladesh in mid-March, the day after a group of several hundred crossed over. They tell me they’d spent months evading authorities and scrounging for food. Several had seen bulldozers razing villages firsthand. Satellite imagery confirms more than 350 hamlets have been destroyed so far across the state. Entire crime scenes, and the remnants of Rohingya culture, are being erased, leaving no chance of a credible autopsy. But details of hidden crimes keep trickling out. Two Burmese reporters working for Reuters, Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, were arrested in December on bogus charges while investigating the murder of 10 Rohingya men and boys in the village of Inn Din. A Myanmar police officer has since testified that Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo were “set up” by police higher-ups, but the pair are still in jail. The whistle-blowing officer is now locked up too. Doctors Without Borders has estimated that 6,700 Rohingya were killed in the first month of the military’s crackdown in Rakhine last fall, including at least 730 children under the age of five. Jarring as this number is, it was a conservative figure extrapolated from a limited sample of refugees in just one area of Bangladesh. It does not include Rohingya in other settlements, or those still mired in Myanmar. (There are reportedly at least 120,000 Rohingya confined to internment camps in Rakhine State.) Humanitarian groups say the best indications that the actual death toll is far higher are the nearly 40,000 unaccompanied children Bangladesh has counted in its refugee camps. Beyond harsh words, the U.S. has done almost nothing to penalize the perpetrators. Before he was fired by President Trump, then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the Burmese military should be held responsible for “crimes against humanity,” but he made no effort to actually ensure any criminal accountability. Punishment has so far amounted to pulling military aid from a few units involved in the violence and sanctioning a single officer, Maj. Gen. Maung Maung Soe, the chief of the army’s western command, which encompasses Rakhine State. ![\\"Lazy](\\" rollingstone-2022/assets/public/lazyload-fallback.gif\\") Four-year-old refugee Sami Alter suffers from acute malnutrition. Bangladesh, one of the poorest countries in the world, is struggling to handle a public- health “time bomb.” Photo: Patrick Brown/Panos Pictures/UNICEF In late June, the European Union and Canada imposed sanctions on seven senior military officers, notably Maj. Gen. Soe and Lt. Gen. Aung Kyaw Zaw, the chief of the Special Operations Bureau for western Myanmar. He commanded Divisions 33 and 99 in Northern Rakhine during the massacre in Tula Toli. To date, no punitive steps have been taken against the army’s commander in chief, Gen. Min Aung Hlaing. Getting away with what amounted to a slap on the wrist has emboldened the military to ramp up long-running anti-minority campaigns elsewhere in the country, where a bounty of jade, timber and hydropower riches are up for grabs and civilians are in the crosshairs. Predictably, the U.N. has buried its head in the business of humanitarian relief while offering impotent condemnations. In March, its top human-rights investigator in Myanmar, Yanghee Lee, said she was “increasingly of the opinion that the events bear the hallmarks of genocide,” the harshest words we’re likely to hear from a diplomat. (Lee has been banned from the country.) In September, a U.N. fact-finding mission is due to report on a yearlong inquiry. Damning evidence of crimes against humanity and genocide are sure to emerge, adding to the overwhelming body of evidence gathered by journalists and human-rights monitors. But then what? The U.N. Security Council will not refer the matter to the International Criminal Court. China, which sits on the council and remains Myanmar’s unflinching ally and biggest trade partner, has made multibillion-dollar investments all over the country, including in Rakhine, with a new industrial park, oil-and-gas terminal and a deep-water port. A Myanmar state security official put it bluntly back in September: “China is our friend, and we have a similar friendly relationship with Russia, so it will not be possible for that issue to go forward.” Meanwhile, after years of conflict, as much as 90 percent of the Rohingya population – more than 850,000 people – has been hunted out of Rakhine. Familiar warning signs went ignored, a slow-motion genocide turned fast and furious, and Western powers still can’t agree on a name, much less a penalty. “The U.N. and policymakers around the globe are fully aware that the persecution of the Rohingya will eventually be classified legally as a genocide,” says Azeem Ibrahim, a senior fellow at the Center for Global Policy in Washington and author of The Rohingyas: Inside Myanmar’s Hidden Genocide. “Just like Rwanda, the international community will hem and haw until the removal of the Rohingya from Myanmar has been completed and action is no longer necessary. We are then likely to see some low-level military commanders carted off to The Hague as scapegoats to be tried for the crimes against humanity of an entire society.” In a cynical PR stunt, Myanmar officials have dangled the prospect of allowing Rohingya to return, on condition that qualifying refugees agree to renounce all claims on citizenship. Out of an initial batch of 8,032 refugees’ documents handed over by Bangladesh, only 374 were accepted. The U.N. has since played into this farce by signing a memorandum of understanding with Myanmar to pursue the repatriation of Rohingya refugees – without obligating protections for them or accountability for the genoci-dal campaign. ![\\"Lazy](\\" rollingstone-2022/assets/public/lazyload-fallback.gif\\") A mass grave for a group of Rohingya who drowned while tying to escape Myanmar. Photo: Patrick Brown/Panos Pictures/UNICEF “I would rather drink poison than go back to Burma,” says Rajuma, who in addition to her son and brother, lost her parents and two sisters in the attack. Like most Rohingya, she says returning is not an option until their rights and safety can be guaranteed. She grapples with thoughts of suicide. The sight of Bangladeshi soldiers patrolling the road outside sends her into panic. On a scorching-hot morning, Rajuma swaddles herself in a black nylon burka that has only a slit for her eyes. Trailing Rafiq with a low gaze, she walks past Nazmul Islam’s house to a food-distribution point. For months, the couple have had to subsist on rice and vegetable handouts. But having waited more than an hour, they go home empty-handed. Back in their airless shack, swatting mosquitoes, Rafiq shares the good news that Rajuma’s loose clothing hides: She is four months pregnant. But he’s worried. “Rajuma is sick five out of 10 days,” he says, adding that she needs better nutrition to deliver a healthy child in a filthy, overcrowded camp where sickness thrives. “She wants meat and fish, but I cannot feed her anything.” The couple’s woes are poised to get worse during the summer monsoon season, which coincides with her due date, and severe flooding threatens to wash out vast swaths of the camp. Rafiq, Rajuma and their next-born may have to move again. “It’s all because we’re Rohingya,” Rajuma says. “For us, there is no place to stand.” Jason Motlagh has written for “The Washington Post” and “Time.” This report was supported with a grant from the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, where Motlagh is a Fellow #### In this article: * RSX * Politics * Politics Features Go to ## Most Popular ### Luke Bryan Reacts to Beyoncé\'s CMA Awards Snub: \'If You\'re Gonna Make Country Albums, Come Into Our World and Be Country With Us\' ### John Amos, \'Good Times\' Dad, Dies at 84 ### The Hottest Products to Watch as October Prime Day Nears ### Diddy Pornographic Video Allegedly Features A Person \"More High- Profile\" Than Him ## You might also like * ![\\"I](\\" ### I Watched ‘Joker 2’ at an Opening Night Imax Screening at the Grove: The Fanboys Were Nowhere to Be Found 1 day ago * ![\\"Mytheresa](\\" ### Mytheresa Acquires YNAP from Richemont 3 hours ago * ![\\"The](\\" ### The Best Yoga Mats for Any Practice, According to Instructors 7 months ago * ![\\"‘Joker:](\\" ### ‘Joker: Folie à Deux’ Proves Highly Anticipated Sequels Are Not Immune to Total Disaster 8 hours ago * ![\\"After](\\" ### After SEC Football Fans Storm Field, $350,000 in Fines Follow 11 hours ago ![\\"The](\\" rollingstone-2022/assets/public/lazyload-fallback.gif\\") #### Rolling Stone * Music * Politics * TV & Movies * (Sub)Culture * Staff * Contact * Advertise * Shop #### Legal * Privacy Policy * Terms of Use * AdChoices * PMC Entertainment * Accessibility * Policy on Anonymous Sources ### Follow Us * Facebook * Instagram * TikTok * X * YouTube ### Newsletter Signup Enter Your Email Subscribe By providing your information, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. 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A photograph of a 10yearold pregnant child in Myanmar's Rohingya Muslim community
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COX’S BAZAR DISTRICT, Bangladesh — From high atop barren hills and the crests of skinny, rutted roads, the views of the vast camps that serve as makeshift homes to more than 900,000 Rohingya refugees are staggering. In every direction, stretches of hastily built, criss-crossed bamboo walls and roofs hold in place dirty orange, blue, black and white tarps that offer scant protection from monsoon rains and the blazing sun. The tiny huts — thousands of them — stand crooked, as if dropped into place by a cyclone, or upright, in crammed rows backed into hillsides stripped of vegetation. Within each of those thousands of shelters is a story — many too hard to tell, all immersed in pain and loss. Rupa Patel and Anne Glowinski, colleagues at the School of Medicine, want to hear the stories and want the Rohingya to know they’re being heard. ![\\"\\"](\\" mental-health-care.jpg\\")Credit: E. Holland DurandoFrom left, Tanzila Tasnim, a clinical psychologist who works for the government of Bangladesh, talks to psychologist Mohammed Majed Islam, Rupa Patel, MD, MPH, interpreter Shamim Pal and Anne Glowinski, MD, MPE, about the challenges of delivering mental health care in the refugee camps. Tasnim bases her efforts out of a bamboo hut. Patel, MD, MPH, a public health specialist, and Glowinski, MD, MPE, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, visit the camps as part of their work with a Bangladeshi organization to help provide refugees access to mental health care. Bangladesh, United Nations (U.N.) agencies and an international network of aid organizations have responded to the ongoing crisis with food, shelter and medical care. Still, the refugees desperately need mental health care. Many of the Rohingya lost everything in their home country of Myanmar. Survivors tell of rape, murder and villages burned to the ground by military forces. They tell Glowinski and Patel their culture doesn’t have a word for mental health, but that they know what it looks like when someone’s mental health is in trouble. It’s when their neighbors can’t stop crying. When men and women repeat the same horrific stories over and over. And when they and their children have nightmares that don’t go away. And there are so many nightmares. ![\\"\\"](\\" medallion.png\\") The Rohingya population has faced decades of repression by Myanmar’s Buddhist majority and security forces. Despite Bangladesh’s own struggles with poverty, it has opened its borders to several waves of fleeing Rohingya, beginning in 1978. But an especially brutal campaign that began Aug. 25, 2017, sparked the largest, most desperate exodus. Following deadly attacks on Burmese police checkpoints by a group of insurgent Rohingya, Myanmar’s military and Buddhist extremists reportedly killed an estimated 10,000 Rohingya. The campaign, which Myanmar’s military denies, resulted in some 740,000 Rohingya — mostly Muslim but some Hindu — fleeing for Bangladesh through miles of thick forests and aboard overloaded, rickety boats. More than 2,200 drowned or starved along the way, according to news accounts. U.N. investigators and human rights groups want Myanmar’s army commander and other generals to face trial in an international court for genocide and crimes against humanity. Many Rohingya want this, too. But for now, and likely years to come, they are in limbo. Now home to the world’s largest refugee camp, Bangladesh has welcomed its persecuted neighbors but is not offering a path to citizenship. And while Myanmar and Bangladesh have negotiated “repatriation” of the Rohingya, returning to Myanmar isn’t a viable choice, the refugees assert — not without a guarantee of safety. ![\\"\\"](\\" medallion.png\\") Patel — an assistant professor of medicine and director of a program that helps people at risk of contracting human immunodeficiency virus — has long felt a deep affinity for Bangladesh and a calling to help people pushed to society’s margins. She first immersed herself in the South Asian country in 2007, when she worked with the International Medical Corps in its response to Cyclone Sidr, one of the nation’s worst natural disasters. A master at connecting the many dots required to implement health-care services, she has since become senior health adviser for a Bangladeshi nongovernmental organization (NGO) — called Friendship in Village Development Bangladesh (FIVDB) — that asked for her help as the flood of Rohingya refugees overwhelmed the country’s safety nets in 2017. She began advising FIVDB on which services were most needed — from sanitation to medication to shelter — and how best to deliver them to a displaced population. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2019/04/bangladesh_map.jpg\\")Credit: information from unhcrClick to enlarge. Glowinski, associate director of the university’s Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, found herself in Bangladesh for much the same reason she found herself in psychiatry. During World War II, her great-grandparents died in the Warsaw Ghetto in German-occupied Poland, and several great uncles and great aunts died in Nazi concentration camps. Glowinski’s father was a “hidden child” during the war — a Jewish child taken in by a family of Catholic bakers who saved him by pretending he was theirs. “I grew up very early understanding how history and trauma could shape a person’s entire life,” she says. “Something I thought about often as a child was that every child in the concentration camps must have been thinking, ‘Where is the world? Where are good people to save me from this horrible situation?’” When FIVDB sought help from Patel, she quickly realized that mental health care was at a minimum in the camps and that refugees were suffering from post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression. She contacted Glowinski, and — with support from the Global Health Center of the Institute for Public Health — their partnership formed. Last spring and fall, Glowinski began training the NGO’s employees and community workers on what mental health is and in the basics of screening for and responding to mental health problems. Recognizing the camps’ absence of psychiatrists and scarcity of psychologists and therapists, Patel and Glowinski are zeroing in on other means to help, building on existing efforts. At face value, some of those efforts have nothing to do with mental health, but offer entry to refugees’ homes and mindsets. “It’s very evident that we need to integrate mental health into every type of interaction we and FIVDB have with this community, whether it’s when we’re giving them blankets, or food relief, or helping women with pregnancy, or giving them stoves that decrease the amount of pollution and smoke in their tents,” says Patel, who has made several trips to the camps. “I’ve given you a stove, but now let me help you with healing mentally and physically. And let me help your family.” ![\\"\\"](\\" medallion.png\\") A 10-year-old girl sits quietly on the tarp-covered floor of a bamboo hut, listening as her mother describes the horrifying day they lost four family members and barely escaped with their own lives. The men who attacked their village of Tula Toli near the Myanmar-Bangladesh border on Aug. 30, 2017, killed the girl’s father, 2-year-old sister, and 4-year-old and infant brothers — stabbing the baby while in his mother’s arms. They raped her mother. They gashed her and her mother’s heads with machetes. Then they set the family’s home on fire with the mother and daughter inside. ![\\"\\"](\\" survivors.jpg\\")Credit: E. Holland DurandoThis woman and her daughter, shown in the hut where they live, are the only surviving members of their family. The rest were slain in the family’s village in Myanmar. Despite serious injuries, the two escaped to Bangladesh. With military outside their door, the two escaped from the rear of the house and hid in the forest for days before they were able to begin their trek to Bangladesh. Her mother, 30, winces as she races through the story, but she wants the world to hear it. “Ask her if it’s hard when she hears her mom tell the story,” Glowinski gently asks an interpreter, himself a Rohingya refugee. “Ask her how often she thinks about what happened that day.” The girl responds in a small, clear voice. “I often remember all of those things,” she says. When she sees babies, she cries. They remind her of her baby brother, she says. The girl’s mother begins to weep. Glowinski pauses, then softly continues. “Ask her if she worries about her mom.” The little girl nods, and tears well in the corners of her eyes. ![\\"\\"](\\" medallion.png\\") Glowinski and Patel meet with refugees to better understand what they have gone through and lost in the most recent exodus and in the years of repression preceding it. The more they understand the culture and what life was like in Myanmar for the Rohingya — considered one of the world’s most persecuted minorities — the more effective they can be at helping them. “It seems the Rohingya find a way of carrying a lot on their backs without breaking,” Glowinski says in a meeting with nine Rohingya men in their 50s to 70s. “They keep going.” The older men describe a happy, peaceful time their grandparents used to speak of. That changed in 1948, when Myanmar gained its independence from Britain. In the years since, the Rohingya Muslims have felt increasingly unwanted and targeted. “What we remember is just violence, violence, violence,” one of the men says. Myanmar, formerly Burma, stripped them of their citizenship in 1982. Many Burmese refer to the Rohingya as immigrants from Bangladesh, even though they have lived in Myanmar for generations. “If we are in Burma, they call us Bengali,” one man says. “And when we come here, they (the Bengali) call us Rohingya.” The men feel cheated out of what should be theirs: their homes, livelihoods, freedom of religion and movement, citizenship. They see their history and their cultural identity slipping away. The Rohingya aren’t even allowed their name, one man says. He offers the example of a family with many cows. “All of the cows have a name — red cow, black cow, white cow — but we Rohingya have no name. Without our name, how can we go back? Without our rights, how can we go back?” ![\\"\\"](\\" medallion.png\\") Patel, Glowinski and program leaders zip from place to place in Hakimpara, the camp where FIVDB does most of its outreach. Because the NGO so appreciates Patel’s and Glowinski’s expertise, Washington University’s name and logo have a prominent place on a community center sign in the camp. The group visits a one-room, government-run mental health center. It’s a simple bamboo hut, but it has a welcoming feel, with construction-paper hearts and origami birds dangling from the ceiling and children’s artwork displayed on the walls. Most importantly, it’s staffed by a clinical psychologist, Tanzila Tasnim. ![\\"\\"](\\" rupa-patel-rohingya-children.jpg\\")Credit: Muhammad Mostafigur RahmanRupa Patel, MD, MPH, visits with Rohingya children who have come to watch an educational play. The plays touch on a range of topics. Patel and Anne Glowinski, MD, MPE, are working to add mental health themes. Glowinski and Patel are pleased to know Bangladesh recognizes the need for mental health care in the settlements. Tasnim says she is one of 10 government-funded clinical psychologists in the camps, and that she and the others are assisted by 20 volunteer psychosocial counselors. Still, with close to 1 million refugees, the need is immense while the number of providers is small. A recent report from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees says that since September 2017, several U.N. agencies and NGOs have gotten involved in addressing mental health, but that the response remains significantly under-resourced and in need of better coordination. The report notes a high prevalence of mental health concerns, including frequent thoughts of suicide linked to hopelessness, the refugees’ lack of prospects for the future, and loss of identity. Tasnim, Glowinski and Patel discuss how they can help each other. They decide that a psychologist newly hired by FIVDB will observe Tasnim during counseling sessions and participate in training programs she leads or is otherwise involved in. And during Glowinski’s next visit to Bangladesh, she will offer training for physicians on how to diagnose and prescribe medication for anxiety, depression and PTSD. Better access to such medications not only will help adults suffering from mental illness, but their children, Glowinski says. “Kids suffer when their parents suffer,” she says. ![\\"\\"](\\" medallion.png\\") The camps will never have enough professionally trained mental health providers. So Patel and Glowinski visit Hakimpara’s obstetrician-gynecologist and talk to her about identifying and helping patients coping with trauma. The two doctors watch a skit about the benefits of having small families as opposed to having many children, the latter of which is common for the Rohingya. FIVDB’s interactive theater program, which draws throngs of captivated Rohingya children, produces plays with educational messages. Previous plays extolled vaccinations and infection prevention, and discouraged child marriage. Patel and Glowinski are suggesting ways to weave in mental health-related messages. They visit a refugee’s home to see how an NGO employee or volunteer might be able to help with mental health while, for example, delivering a stove. Of the conduits to mental health care, the NGO’s representatives — including refugees who volunteer for the group — are the most promising. Glowinski trains them on how to respond to refugees’ mental health concerns while also being mindful of their own health; it’s easy to burn out in such high-stress settings. During a training session led by Glowinski, a soft-spoken Bengali man confesses the distress he feels when refugees talk about the violence they experienced in Myanmar. It makes him think of his own daughters. It hurts, he acknowledges, to listen to their stories. “We experience vicarious trauma,” Glowinski responds, giving name to the pain many in the room have experienced, and will again. “Listening can be a trauma for us, and sometimes we want it to stop. But if we’re not careful, when we want to stop our pain, we hurt the victims by distancing ourselves. “It is better to be emotional because of what people tell you than to be cold because you’re trying to keep it together. It is better to use your emotion to say, ‘I am so sorry. I am so sorry that this happened to you.’” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2019/04/bangladesh_steps-1.jpg\\")Credit: E. Holland DurandoRohingya men carry sacks of grain up steep steps in Hakimpara camp. Workers have attempted to fortify the landscape in the camps to help prevent landslides and other damage that monsoon season brings. ![\\"\\"](\\" medallion.png\\") Patel’s and Glowinski’s conversations rarely cease. They talk with FIVDB’s project coordinator about teaching refugees life skills, and applying for grants to help with funding. They talk about helping the Rohingya document their eroded history, and helping widows find work in the camps so they can buy their children clothing and work toward financial independence. They discuss programs they plan to pursue, including one aimed at preventing gender-based violence and human trafficking. Domestic and sexual violence are issues in the camps, and there are reports of Rohingya women and girls being trafficked and then sexually exploited elsewhere. Patel — a member of a team that helped document crimes against the Rohingya for a recent report by the group Physicians for Human Rights — updates Glowinski on a budding refugee-focused collaboration with Washington University’s School of Law. Their ultimate goal: justice for the Rohingya. “The Rohingya, as we found out, are living in a world where they would be really horrified to think that the world doesn’t care,” Glowinski says. “We need to show them that the world cares.” Elizabethe Holland Durando is director of medical news in the Office of Medical Public Affairs. Before joining the university in 2012, she was a newspaper reporter for 24 years, the last 17 at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. She traveled to Bangladesh in the fall with Drs. Anne Glowinski and Rupa Patel to report on their work with Rohingya refugees. ![\\"\\"](\\" divider.png\\") ![](\\" content/themes/outlook/_/img/facebook.svg\\"/)Share ![](\\" content/themes/outlook/_/img/twitter.svg\\"/)Tweet ![](\\" content/themes/outlook/_/img/email.svg\\"/)Email Published in the Spring 2019 issue About Archive Subscribe ![](\\" content/themes/outlook/_/img/medicine.svg\\") © 2024 Washington University in St. Louis
A photograph of a 10yearold pregnant child in Myanmar's Rohingya Muslim community
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Image: JennyAnderson By Jenny Anderson PublishedDecember 8, 2018 We may earn a commission from links on this page. Like all children, Rohingya kids love to play. Specifically, they love physical play—making human chains, leaping like frogs, and jumping over and around each other in “Iching Biching,” a game that looks like a variation of Simon Says. They also love rhymes. On a recent Thursday morning at the world’s largest refugee camp near Cox’s Bazar, in southern Bangladesh, a 10-year-old boy named Eshak* led a group of about 50 children in a rendition of “We Shall Overcome.” “We are not alone,” he sang boldly at the front of the room. The children repeated his words, imitating the gestures he had added to the song. Eshak said he’d learned the song back in Myanmar, before he had to flee when the government started to slaughter people in his family’s village. Advertisement The refugee camp where Eshak now lives is home to 902,984 Rohingya Muslims. It’s a community that has seen unimaginable trauma. Many of the children who live there have witnessed their parents, siblings, and neighbors being butchered or burned, and traveled for days to get to the camp, arriving hungry, tired, scared, and sometimes alone. At a time where the world is considering how to stem the flow of migrants, Bangladesh, a poor country, opened its doors. There are now nearly one million Rohingya living in Bangladesh, a country of 165 million people packed into a space the size of New York state. The camps are an endless sea of one- and two-room tents crammed with families trying to eke out a living with little money and almost no space. But things are different in the “play labs” where Eshak and his peers gather for a few hours every day during the week. The project, led by BRAC, the world’s largest NGO, and supported by a pair of foundations, aims to bring play to the poor and dislocated. The labs first started in Tanzania, Uganda, and Bangladesh, and have since expanded to 513; the model is now being adapted for humanitarian crisis settings. BRAC has 190 “humanitarian play labs” in Cox’s Bazar, and with a massive new infusion of cash, is planning to have 500 by March 2019. Advertisement Visits to two play labs in the refugee camps in November suggest they offer a balm to children and their families—giving them a way to connect with other children, and a space where they can forget for a while about the cramped quarters they live in and the painful things they have seen. Part of the labs’ goal is to help children learn through play and prepare for school. But they also serve a simple, essential function in carving out time and space where Rohingya kids can find joy. “I try to take their pain away through play,” said Yasmin Akhter, 22, a “play leader” who is trained to work with the children and lead them through the play lab’s loose but well-deigned curriculum. Nine months ago, when the labs were being adapted for the camps, Akhter and other play leaders say the children had very different demeanors. ”They did not want to mix, they were not friendly,” said Rashida, a high-octane play leader who has worked in the camps for almost a year. “They could not share toys or play with each other.” Today? “I feel good here,” said Eshak, who walked for 15 days to find shelter one year and three months ago. For three hours, the kids are joyful and well- behaved. But they also get to spend time doing exactly what they want—a freedom of childhood not every child gets. Advertisement ## Necessary play No one is under the impression that a few hours of play a day can erase the trauma of what many Rohingya children have endured. In refugee camps, food, nutrition, and health take top priority. About 3% of all humanitarian funds go toward education, of which early learning and parenting support is a very small portion. Still, many who work in the humanitarian sector recognize the importance of education in refugee settings. In 2001, the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies was created to coordinate and consolidate how education was offered in emergency settings; in 2008, its first early childhood task force was created. UNICEF also runs child-friendly spaces in the camps, as do other NGOs. But the play labs’ approach is distinct even among child services for refugees. Whereas a typical child-friendly space in a humanitarian setting would offer case management—tracking kids and making sure they have the food and immunizations they need—as well as child protection and recreation, play labs put recreation front and center. ”They look at it through the lens of protection; we look at it through the lens of play,” said Erum Mariam, director of BRAC’s Institute for Educational Development. The scope of kids affected by the Rohingya refugee crisis goes far beyond the reach of the play labs. BRAC has 190 humanitarian play labs in the Rohingya camps. About 22,400 kids, or 13% of those under age 6 in the camps, have accessed them (UNHCR estimates that there are roughly 289,200 Rohingya refugees under 12). Advertisement But the camps have just received a big investment. On Dec. 5, the LEGO Foundation, which helped fund the original play labs, announced that it will invest $100 million in the nonprofit Sesame Workshop to promote learning through play for young children affected by the Rohingya and Syrian crises. Some of that will fund play labs: according to BRAC, within the next six months it will have 500 humanitarian play labs, reaching 35% of all Rohingya children aged 0-6 in the camps. “The deliberate effort to invest in early stimulation in humanitarian responses is woefully inadequate right now,” sayid Sarah Bouchie, head of learning through play in early childhood at the LEGO Foundation.”We find little evidence that this is a priority for humanitarian actors.” According to Mariam, all of play labs in the camps have three objectives: create a space that is safe, nurtures children’s natural spontaneity, and preserves the culture of the Rohingya. “At the heart of our humanitarian efforts is healing,” said Mariam—both for the kids and for their communities. ## Inside the Rohingya play labs The play labs model was created by architects and play scholars from around the world. Three years in the making, the idea is to offer children in poor communities—and now refugee settings—access to the kinds of activities that neuroscience shows helps to build young children’s brains. Advertisement Each play lab is culturally adapted. In the Rohingya camp, the entire curriculum has been reformatted. There is one play leader from the Bangladeshi host community, and one play leader who is Rohingya. As in mainstream play labs, humanitarian play lab staff are trained for six days in brain science, child development, and how to play and communicate with children. But they are also trained for an additional four days as “barefoot counselors,” learning about active listening, empathy, how to be non-judgmental, the tenets of confidentiality, and how to identify signs and symptoms of psychosocial issues in children. The idea is that barefoot counselors will act as a sort of first line of defense to support families in the camps and flag problems to para- counselors, who can offer more professional help. The Rohingya play lab curriculum is also different from the typical model: songs have been converted to call-and-response rhymes, in keeping with Rohingya culture. Physical play has an enormous role in the curriculum, since Rohingya children “have a rich physical play, motor skills that are far more developed than typical Bangladeshi children,” according to Mariam. The children’s day has a similar structure to what you’d find in any Western preschool: welcome time, rhyme time, then carefully managed transitions into physical play and free play, then goodbye time. Rashida started the day by chanting to the children, “Are you happy?” The kids responded loudly and enthusiastically that they were. They rhymed about an imaginary monster; Sabir performed “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” There was another group rhyme about a rabbit and a hen, followed by a song created by the charity Clowns Without Borders, about eating bananas. The energy level in the room was high. Advertisement Of course, many think traditional learning would be better. One mother, 40, asked a play leader: “Why do they only play? Why do you not teach?” The expectation that children be obedient feels far greater than the one that play is good. But unlike adults, who can perform for reporters, 50 kids cannot. They are unscripted. Their joy suggests something about the idea is working. ## Building community in the camps A key element of play labs is that they are not just for the benefit of children. They also help the young women—often between the ages of 18-25—who volunteer at the labs. In the case of the Rohingya women, it is an odd twist of fate that the horrors that forced them to flee their villages for the camps have in some cases led them to more freedom. Says one woman: “In Myanmar, it was just the boys who were educated. But even being educated, they had no jobs. We have jobs here.” Rohingya women, who would not typically work outside the home in Myanmar, say they enjoy helping out with the play labs. Morsida, 28, has three kids. She has volunteered at the labs since she arrived, for one year and two months. “Before i just stayed home and cooked,” she said. Now, she says, “I come in and play and it helps me too.” Advertisement BRAC has also had to adapt its play labs for the conservative Muslim culture of the Rohingya. For example, BRAC usually runs clubs for adolescent girls. But the girls in the camps would not come to the club because, once they get their period, they must stay home. So Rashida moved the club to their homes. Now the teen girls gather at one another’s homes and discuss everything from mental health to menstrual hygiene. One girl who was 15 and had two children was struggling to cope with all the responsibilities she faced; in the group, she could discuss these. “They used to feel so shy as if I were a man,” said Rashinda. “They would not talk.” She invited the mothers to come so they would not be worried about what the girls heard. She told them, “I am like your older daughter, I can talk to them and I can make them feel better.” Now the girls seem at ease. One even cracks a joke, a play on a word in Banladeshi and Rohingya. “Now they are happy and joking and they ask, ‘Why I can’t come all the time?\'” Rashida says. In the play labs, the women gain a sense of community and are able to share their stories. One woman, 24, recalls that the military arrived in her village and asked who was married. Those who were not married were kidnapped and raped. Pregnant women were killed. ”They would cut the children up and make piles with the bodies,” she said. The military locked up the elderly and burned down their houses. The woman has two children. She and her husband each carried a child for 15 days in order to get to the camps. “We are coping,” she said, adding that she would only go home if their rights as Rohingyas were accepted. Many speak of rape; indeed, a recent baby boom was the result of those who got pregnant from those rapes. Advertisement Many volunteers note that their living spaces are cramped and have poor ventilation. The play lab, by contrast, has plenty of windows and is often filled with laughter. One volunteer says that in her former life, women were “trapped” at home. “Now we come out to work, it feels good, it feel different.” “When we are here,” said Johora, “it is stress free.” *All names except BRAC staff have been changed. ## 📬 Sign up for the Daily Brief Our free, fast, and fun briefing on the global economy, delivered every weekday morning.
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Evolving the Protection System to Meet 21st Century Challenges By Susan Fratzke, Meghan Benton, Andrew Selee, Emma Dorst and Samuel Davidoff- Gore Stay * Events * About Us * Mission * Staff * Trustees * Funders * Work at MPI * Intern at MPI * Contact MPI * Donate ### Programs Stay * MPI Europe * Mission * Staff * Jobs * Internships * Contact Stay Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States ## You are here Home » Migration Information Source ![\\"Migration](\\"/sites/all/themes/custom/MPI/images/source-header.jpg\\"/) Adjust Font | (+) Increase Font (-) Decrease Font Reset Font Print | RSS | Copyright & Reuse # Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States March 13, 2024 Spotlight By Jeanne Batalova ![\\"A](\\"\\") A naturalization ceremony at the White House. (Photo: Hannah Foslien/White House) Immigration has been a contested public policy issue at various points in U.S. history and has been elevated to a top concern for the public amid recent record encounters of asylum seekers and other migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border. High numbers and sustained arrivals through various pathways, including legal avenues, have caused a strain on the immigration system, as well as on municipal services in key U.S. cities and towns that have become leading destinations for recent arrivals. Yet other communities, though, are welcoming immigrants, seeing them as sources of demographic, economic, and civic vitality. Download a PDF Version Legal immigration, both temporary and permanent, has rebounded from the decline that began in 2020 with the COVID-19 pandemic and the Trump administration’s restrictive policies and rhetoric. In some cases the new flows have exceeded earlier levels. In fiscal year (FY) 2023, the State Department issued 10.4 million temporary visas for tourists, international students, and others, up from 8.7 million in FY 2019. Inside the United States, the 969,000 immigrants who became citizens in FY 2022, after spending years as lawful permanent residents (LPRs, or green-card holders), represented the largest naturalization total since FY 2008. Worldwide, the United States is home to more international migrants than any other country, and more than the next four countries—Germany, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and the United Kingdom—combined, according to the most recent UN Population Division data, from mid-2020. While the U.S. population represents about 5 percent of the total world population, close to 20 percent of all global migrants reside in the United States. This Spotlight offers information about the approximately 46.2 million immigrants in the United States as of 2022, more than three-quarters of whom are in the country legally. Drawing from the most authoritative and current data available, this article offers an overview of historic immigration trends in the United States, sociodemographic information about who is immigrating, and the channels through which they arrive. It also provides data on the government’s enforcement actions and visa processing. This article draws on statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau (using its 2022 American Community Survey [ACS], 2023 Current Population Survey [CPS], and 2000 decennial census); the U.S. Departments of Homeland Security (DHS) and State; and the Migration Policy Institute (MPI). (Note: DHS and State Department data refer to fiscal years that begin on October 1 and end on September 30; Census Bureau data refer to calendar years). For more detailed information on U.S. and global immigration data sources and one-click access to these datasets, see the MPI report _Immigration Data Matters_. All the data tools and maps linked to in this article can be accessed through MPI’s Migration Data Hub. Click on the bullet points for more information on each topic: * Immigrants Now and Historically * Demographic, Educational, and Linguistic Characteristics * Immigrant Destinations * Immigrants in the Labor Force * Income and Poverty * Health Insurance Coverage * Children of Immigrants * Permanent Immigration * Temporary Visas * Refugees and Asylum Seekers * Unauthorized Immigrants * Immigration Enforcement * Naturalization Trends * Visa Backlogs Definitions \"Foreign born\" and \"immigrant\" are used interchangeably and refer to persons with no U.S. citizenship at birth. This population includes naturalized citizens, lawful permanent residents, refugees and asylees, people on certain temporary visas, and unauthorized immigrants. Geographical regions: MPI follows the definition of Latin America as put forth by the United Nations and the U.S. Census Bureau, which spans Central America (including Mexico), the Caribbean, and South America. For more information about geographical regions, see the U.S. Census Bureau and United Nations Statistics Division. ## Immigrants Now and Historically How many immigrants reside in the United States? Nearly 46.2 million immigrants lived in the United States in 2022, the most in U.S. history. That year, immigrants comprised 13.9 percent of the total U.S. population, a figure that remains short of the record high of 14.8 percent set in 1890 but slightly higher the 13.7 percent share they comprised in 2019, before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The foreign-born population grew by 912,000 people between 2021 and 2022, or about 2 percent, the largest annual growth since an increase of more than 1 million between 2013 and 2014. Immigration remains an important contributor to overall U.S. population growth, which has slowed in the past decade due to falling birth rates. Between 2021 and 2022, the growth in the number of immigrants in the United States accounted for 65 percent of the total U.S. population increase (912,000 out of nearly 1.4 million). How have the number and share of immigrants changed over time? In 1850, the first year the United States began collecting nativity data through the Census, the country had 2.2 million immigrants, representing nearly 10 percent of the U.S. population. Between 1860 and 1920, immigrants’ share of the population fluctuated between 13 percent and nearly 15 percent, peaking at 14.8 percent in 1890 amid high levels of immigration from Europe. Restrictive immigration laws in 1921 and 1924 limited permanent immigration almost exclusively to arrivals from Northern and Western Europe. Combined with the Great Depression and onset of World War II, this led to a sharp drop in the number of new arrivals from the Eastern Hemisphere. Immigrants and their share of the overall U.S. population steadily declined, hitting a low of 9.6 million in 1970 and a record-low 4.7 percent share of all U.S. residents (see Figure 1). Figure 1. Size and Share of the Foreign-Born Population in the United States, 1850-2022 ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/source_images/frs-2024-fig1-size.png\\") Sources: Migration Policy Institute (MPI) tabulation of data from U.S. Census Bureau 2010-22 American Community Surveys (ACS), and 1970, 1990, and 2000 decennial census; and Campbell J. Gibson and Emily Lennon, \"Historical Census Statistics on the Foreign-Born Population of the United States: 1850 to 1990\" (Working Paper no. 29, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC, 1999). Since 1970, the number of immigrants and their share of the U.S. population has increased rapidly, mainly because of increased immigration from Latin America and Asia. This followed important changes in U.S. immigration law such as enactment of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which abolished national-origin admission quotas; the creation of a formal refugee resettlement program with the Refugee Act of 1980; and the Cold War-era grant of preferential treatment to Cuban immigrants. Other factors included the growing U.S. economic and military presence in Asia and Latin America, as well as economic and social ties with the United States’ southern neighbors and major economic transformations and political instability in countries around the world. Recent increases in encounters of asylum seekers and other migrants at U.S. borders reflect a number of factors, including worsening political and economic conditions in origin countries; the uneven repercussions of the pandemic; the war in Ukraine; and the perception that U.S. policy has become more welcoming. * Want interactive data about historical immigration to the United States? Explore the U.S. Immigrant Population and Share over Time, 1850-Present data tool. * Understand U.S. immigration trends and policies over the nation’s history with this article: “Immigration Has Been a Defining, Often Contentious, Element Throughout U.S. History.” * Find a helpful synthesis of immigration policies and actions in the first three years of the Biden administration: “Biden at the Three-Year Mark: The Most Active Immigration Presidency Yet Is Mired in Border Crisis Narrative.” See how that compares with policies advanced by the Trump administration, in the report _Four Years of Profound Change: Immigration Policy during the Trump Presidency_. Where are most immigrants from originally? The 10.7 million U.S. residents born in Mexico represented by far the largest immigrant group in the United States in 2022, although their number is down by about 1 million since 2010. Mexican immigrants made up 23 percent of the U.S. immigrant population in 2022, down from 29 percent in 2010. India and China (including Hong Kong and Macao but not Taiwan) were the next largest sending countries, accounting for approximately 2.8 million and 2.5 million immigrants in 2022, respectively, or 6 percent and 5 percent of all immigrants. Other top countries of origin included the Philippines (4 percent); El Salvador, Vietnam, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic (each 3 percent); and Guatemala and Korea (each 2 percent). Together, these ten countries accounted for 55 percent of all immigrants in the United States in 2022. * Learn more about various immigrant populations with the Migration Information Source’s U.S. Immigrant Population Spotlights. These data snapshots provide a wealth of information about groups including Mexicans, Indians, Chinese, and Filipinos, as well as more recent populations such as Afghans, Ukrainians, and Venezuelans. How do today’s top countries of origin compare to those of the past? The large numbers of immigrants from Latin America and Asia in recent decades represent a sharp turnaround from the mid-1900s, when immigration came overwhelmingly from Europe. In the 1960s, no single country accounted for more than 15 percent of the U.S. immigrant population, but Italians were the top origin group, making up 13 percent of the foreign born in 1960, followed by Germans and Canadians (about 10 percent each). Immigrants from Mexico have comprised the largest group since 1980, but the composition of new arrivals has changed since the Great Recession of 2007-09. By 2013, India and China had displaced Mexico as the top origins for new arrivals. However, amid pandemic-related mobility restrictions, Mexico has regained its position as the origin of most new arrivals since 2021. Between 2010 and 2022, the immigrant population from India increased by more than 1 million and the population from China rose by 647,000. In contrast, the number of Mexican immigrants declined by more than 1 million during the same period, representing the largest absolute decline of any immigrant group. The number of immigrants from Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Guatemala, Colombia, Brazil, Nigeria, Cuba, and the Philippines each increased by at least 200,000 from 2010 to 2022. Among the groups numbering at least 100,000 in 2022, the Venezuelan immigrant population increased the fastest, by 263 percent, followed by immigrants from Afghanistan (258 percent), Nepal (175 percent), Nigeria (104 percent), and Myanmar (also known as Burma; 94 percent). In comparison, the total foreign- born population grew by 16 percent in this period. * See how immigrants’ regions of origin have changed over time with the Regions of Birth for Immigrants in the United States, 1960-Present data tool. * Want trends from individual countries? Check out the Countries of Birth for U.S. Immigrants, 1960-Present data tool. * Compare the top ten origin countries with the Largest U.S. Immigrant Groups over Time, 1960-Present data tool. How long have current immigrants resided in the United States? Nearly 46 percent of all immigrants resident in the United States in 2022 arrived prior to 2000, including more than 26 percent who entered before 1990 and 19 percent who came between 1990 and 1999. Additionally, 23 percent entered between 2000 and 2009, and 31 percent have come since 2010. How many U.S. residents are from immigrant families? Immigrants and their U.S.-born children number approximately 90.8 million people, or 27 percent of the total civilian noninstitutionalized U.S. population in 2023. This is an increase of approximately 14.7 million (or 20 percent) from 2010. What are the largest diaspora groups? Reflecting a centuries-long history of immigration from Europe, four of the five largest U.S. groups tracing their origin or ancestry to a particular country are European. Germany is the largest, with more than 41.6 million U.S. residents tracing their origin or ancestry there as of 2022; the United Kingdom came in third, with 37.9 million; followed by Ireland with 32.7 million; and Italy with 16.1 million. The overwhelming majority of these diaspora groups are people born in the United States. The Mexican-origin diaspora ranked as the second largest, with approximately 38.8 million people. * Check out the top 35 diaspora groups in the United States, broken down by U.S. or foreign birthplace, with the data tool Top Diaspora Groups in the United States. ## Demographic, Educational, and Linguistic Characteristics Definitions College-educated persons are defined as adults 25 years and older with a bachelor\'s degree or higher. Race as used by the U.S. Census Bureau reflects the race or races with which individuals most closely self-identify. Race categories include both racial and national-origin groups. Hispanic and Latino are ethnic, not racial, categories. They include individuals who classified themselves in one of the specific Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino categories listed on the decennial census and American Community Survey questionnaire—\"Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano,\" \"Puerto Rican,\" or \"Cuban\"—as well as those who indicate that they are \"other Spanish/Hispanic/Latino origin.\" Persons who indicated that they are \"other Spanish/Hispanic/Latino\" include those whose origins are from Spain, the Spanish-speaking countries of Central or South America, the Dominican Republic, or people who self-identify more generally as Spanish, Spanish- American, Hispanic, Hispano, Latino, and so on. Read more about the U.S. Census Bureau’s definitions on its website. What is the median age for immigrants? The immigrant population’s median age in 2022 was 47 years, making it older than the U.S.-born population, which had a median age of 37 years. One reason for this difference is that immigrants arrive largely as adults, whereas immigrants’ U.S.-born children contribute to the younger median age of the native-born population. Less than 1 percent of immigrants were under age 5 in 2022, compared to 6 percent of the U.S. born. Five percent of immigrants were children ages 5 to 17, as compared with 18 percent of the U.S. born. Seventy-seven percent of immigrants were of working age (18 to 64 years), a much higher figure than the 58 percent of the U.S. born. Close to 18 percent of immigrants and 17 percent of the U.S. born were age 65 or older. What is the sex ratio of the immigrant population? About 51 percent of all U.S. immigrants in 2022 were female, compared to 50 percent of the native born. The share has fluctuated slightly over the past four decades, but immigrant women and girls tend to slightly outnumber men and boys. They accounted for 53 percent of the immigrant population in 1980, 51 percent in 1990, 50 percent in 2000, and 51 percent in 2010. What is the racial makeup of immigrants? In 2022, 27 percent of immigrants reported their race as single-race Asian, 20 percent as White, 9 percent as Black, 1 percent as American Indian and Alaska Native, fewer than 0.5 percent as Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander, and 20 percent as some other race. About 21 percent reported having two or more races. Note: These statistics reflect changes in how the Census Bureau asks about race that have been made since the 2020 decennial census. * Use MPI’s State Immigration Data Profiles to learn more about the demographic characteristics of immigrants and the U.S. born (including age, race, and ethnicity) in each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and nationwide. How many immigrants are Hispanic or Latino? In 2022, 44 percent of U.S. immigrants (20.4 million people) reported having Hispanic or Latino ethnic origins. Note: The Census Bureau classifies Hispanic and Latino as ethnic categories, separate from the racial categories listed above (see Definitions box for more information). How many Hispanics in the United States are immigrants? Most U.S. Hispanics are U.S. born. Of the 63.6 million people in 2022 who self-identified as Hispanic or Latino, 68 percent (43.2 million) were native born and 32 percent (20.4 million) were immigrants. Which languages are most frequently spoken at home? Regardless of nativity, in 2022 approximately 78 percent (246 million) of all 315 million U.S. residents ages 5 and older reported speaking only English at home. Among the 69 million people who reported speaking a language other than English at home, 61 percent spoke Spanish. Other top languages were Chinese (including Mandarin and Cantonese, 5 percent); Tagalog (almost 3 percent); and Vietnamese, Arabic, and French (including Cajun; about 2 percent each; see Table 1). Table 1. Top Languages Other than English Spoken at Home by U.S. Residents (ages 5 and older), 2022 ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/source_images/frs-2024-tab1-language.png\\") Note: Chinese includes Mandarin and Cantonese; French includes Cajun; Portuguese includes Cape Verdean Creole; and Tagalog includes Filipino.Source: MPI analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau 2022 ACS. Not including English, Spanish was the most commonly spoken language at home in all but two states: Hawaii (Ilocano) and Maine (French). Not including English or Spanish, Chinese, German, French, Vietnamese, Arabic, and Portuguese were among the commonly spoken languages (see Figure 2). Among less typical languages, Hmong was the third most spoken language (after English and Spanish) in Wisconsin, Marshallese in Arkansas, and Polish in Illinois. Figure 2. Map of Most Commonly Spoken Languages Other than English and Spanish by U.S. State, 2022 ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/source_images/frs-2024-fig2-language- map.png\\") Notes: Chinese includes Mandarin and Cantonese; Dakota+ includes Dakota, Lakota, Nakota, and Sioux; French includes Cajun; Portuguese includes Cape Verdean Creole; and Tagalog includes Filipino.Sources: MPI analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau 2022 ACS. How many immigrants had limited proficiency in English? In 2022, 46 percent (21.1 million) of all 45.9 million immigrants ages 5 and older spoke English less than “very well,” accounting for about 80 percent of the country’s 26.5 million individuals with limited proficiency in English. * Information on the size of the U.S. population lacking proficiency in English, nationwide and by state, is available in this data table: Number and Share of Limited English Proficient (LEP) Persons, by State: 1990 to 2022. What share of the immigrant population has a college degree? In 2022, 35 percent of all 40.8 million immigrant adults ages 25 and older had a bachelor’s degree or higher, a rate similar to that of U.S.-born adults (see Figure 3). However, newer arrivals tend to be better educated; 48 percent of immigrants who entered the country between 2020 and 2022 held at least a bachelor’s degree. Figure 3. Educational Attainment of the U.S. Population (ages 25 and older), by Origin, 2022 ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/source_images/frs-2024-fig3-education.png\\") Note: Recently arrived immigrants are those who entered the United States between 2020 and 2022.Source: MPI tabulation of data from the U.S. Census Bureau 2022 ACS. Educational attainment data vary by country of origin. Approximately 81 percent of immigrant adults from the United Arab Emirates and India had a bachelor’s degree or more in 2022. Other top countries were Saudi Arabia (80 percent), Mongolia (75 percent), Taiwan (74 percent), and Singapore (70 percent). The college-educated share is also high among Venezuelans (53 percent), who represent the fastest-growing U.S. immigrant group. Among immigrants who arrived between 2020 and 2022, the share who were college graduates was the largest among Taiwanese (88 percent), followed by those from Korea, France, India, and Japan (between 85 percent and 87 percent). * Find information for all origin countries in this dataset: Educational Attainment Among U.S.-Born Adults and All Immigrant Adults by Country of Birth in 2022. ## Immigrant Destinations Which U.S. states and cities have the largest numbers of immigrants? The U.S. states with the most immigrants in 2022 were California (10.4 million), Texas (5.2 million), Florida (4.8 million), New York (4.5 million), and New Jersey (2.2 million). As a percentage of the total population, immigrants made up the largest shares in California (27 percent), New Jersey (24 percent), New York (23 percent), Florida (22 percent), and Nevada (19 percent). In terms of cities, the New York City metropolitan area was home to the most immigrants (approximately 5.9 million), as of the 2018-22 period, followed by the greater Los Angeles (4.2 million), Miami (2.5 million), and Chicago and Houston (1.7 million each) areas (see Figure 4). Figure 4. Top Metropolitan Areas of Residence for Immigrants in the United States, 2018-22 ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/source_images/frs-2024-fig4-metro- map.png\\") Source: MPI tabulation of data from the U.S. Census Bureau pooled 2018-22 ACS. * For more information on immigrants’ top states of residence over time, see the Immigrant Population by State, 1990-Present data tool. * Want to know where immigrants from a particular region or country of origin have settled in the United States? Our interactive maps show top immigrant concentrations at state and county and metropolitan-area levels. Which states have experienced the fastest growth of their immigrant populations? Traditional immigrant destinations such as Florida and Texas have gained the largest absolute number of new immigrants, but other states have seen much larger relative growth in their immigrant populations. In some cases, this is because the states’ initial foreign-born populations were quite small, so a relatively small absolute increase has translated into high-percent growth (see Table 2). For instance, more immigrants moved to Florida between 2010 and 2022 than any other state (1.2 million), but the size of the immigrant population in North Dakota grew by the largest relative share (131 percent). Table 2. Top U.S. States by Absolute and Relative Growth in Immigrant Population, 2010-22 ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/source_images/frs-2024-tab2-state.png\\") Source: MPI tabulation of data from the U.S. Census Bureau 2010 and 2022 ACS. ## Immigrants in the Labor Force Definition The civilian labor force is comprised of civilians ages 16 and older who were either employed or unemployed but looking for work in the week prior to participation in the ACS or decennial census. How many immigrants are in the U.S. civilian labor force? Immigrants constituted 17 percent (28.6 million people) of the 166.9 million people in the U.S. civilian labor force in 2022, which comprises both the employed and the unemployed looking for work. Immigrants’ share of the U.S. labor force has more than tripled since 1970, when they accounted for approximately 5 percent of the civilian labor force. * Understand immigrants\' evolving share in the labor force nationwide and by state with the Immigrant Share of the U.S. Population and Civilian Labor Force, 1980-Present data tool. What types of jobs do immigrants perform? Of the 28.2 million employed foreign-born workers ages 16 and older in 2022, the largest share (37 percent) worked in management, professional, and related occupations (see Figure 5). Figure 5. Employed Workers in the U.S. Civilian Labor Force (ages 16 and older), by Nativity and Occupation, 2022 ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/source_images/frs-2024-fig5-employment.png\\") Note: Numbers may not add up to 100 as they are rounded to the nearest whole number.Source: MPI tabulation of data from the U.S. Census Bureau 2022 ACS. * Check out our State Immigration Data Profiles for more information on the labor force participation of immigrants and the U.S. born nationally and in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. ## Income and Poverty Immigrants’ median household income in 2022 was approximately $75,500, slightly higher than that of U.S.-born households, $74,600. At the same time, immigrants were slightly more likely to be in poverty than their U.S.-born counterparts (14 percent versus 12 percent). (The Census Bureau defined poverty in 2022 as having an income below $29,700 for a family of four.) ## Health Insurance Coverage What share of immigrants have health insurance? Approximately 57 percent of immigrants had private health insurance in 2022 (compared to 69 percent of the U.S. born), and 32 percent had public health insurance coverage (compared to 38 percent for the native born). Meanwhile, 18 percent lacked health insurance (compared to 7 percent of the U.S. born). Since implementation of the Affordable Care Act in 2014, health insurance coverage rates have increased for the U.S. population overall. In 2013, 32 percent of immigrants were uninsured (compared to 12 percent of the native born), a number that fell to 20 percent in 2017 (and 7 percent of the native born). Note: Health insurance coverage is calculated only for the civilian, noninstitutionalized population. Since some people simultaneously hold both private and public health insurance coverage, the sum of these rates may be greater than the total share of people with health insurance. ## Children of Immigrants Definitions * First-generation immigrant children are foreign-born children with at least one foreign-born parent. * Second-generation immigrant children are U.S.-born children with at least one foreign-born parent. * Children with immigrant parents are both first- and second-generation immigrant children. How many U.S. children live with immigrant parents? Approximately 17.6 million U.S. children under age 18 lived with at least one immigrant parent in 2022. They accounted for 26 percent of all 68.6 million children under age 18, up from 24 percent in 2010, 19 percent in 2000, and 13 percent in 1990. Most of these children are U.S. born. Second-generation immigrant children born in the United States to at least one foreign-born parent accounted for 87 percent (15.4 million) of all children with immigrant parents. The remaining 13 percent (2.3 million) were born abroad. Note: These data include only children between ages 0 and 17 (regardless of nativity) who reside with at least one parent. This means that the number of children shown here is smaller than the overall number of U.S. children under 18. * For information on children living with immigrant parents by age and in different states, see the Children in U.S. Immigrant Families data tool. How has the number of children in immigrant families changed over time? From 2021 to 2022, the number of children with immigrant parents declined slightly from 18 million to 17.6 million. Still, the overall trend has been one of growth. Between 2010 and 2022, the number of children with immigrant parents grew by 4 percent, from just under 17 million. This was a significantly smaller rate of growth than during the 2000-10 era, when the number grew by 30 percent, from 13.1 million. This growth has been driven by the increasing number of U.S.-born children with immigrant parents. Their numbers increased by 5 percent between 2010 and 2022, from 14.6 million up to 15.4 million. This followed rapid growth of 40 percent between 2000—when their population was 10.4 million—to 2010. Meanwhile, the population of first-generation immigrant children has declined over the last 20 years. It dropped by 4 percent between 2010 and 2022, from 2.4 million to 2.3 million, after a 12 percent decline from 2000 to 2010, at the start of which there were 2.7 million first-generation immigrant children. How many children living with immigrant parents are in low-income families? Regardless of nativity, 24.5 million children under 18 lived in families with incomes below 200 percent of the federal poverty threshold in 2022 (amounting to $59,400 for a family of four with two children). Of them, 7.4 million (or 30 percent) had one or more foreign-born parent. Of the 17.6 million children of immigrants, 42 percent were in low-income families, a higher rate than for children of U.S.-born parents (33 percent of 51 million). * For state-level estimates of children of immigrants and share in low-income families, see the Demographic and Social Profiles in the State Immigration Data Profiles. In which states do most children in immigrant families live? In terms of absolute numbers, the top states for children under age 18 living with immigrant parents in 2022 were California (3.7 million), Texas (2.3 million), Florida and New York (1.4 million each), and New Jersey (792,000). These states accounted for 55 percent of the 17.6 million U.S. children with immigrant parents. In terms of the share of children who had immigrant parents, the top states in 2022 were California (where 45 percent of all children had immigrant parents), New Jersey (41 percent), New York (38 percent), Florida (35 percent), and Nevada (34 percent). Which states have experienced the fastest growth of the number of children in immigrant families? Traditional immigrant destinations including Florida and Texas experienced the largest absolute growth in the number of children with immigrant parents between 2010 and 2022, but other states have seen much larger relative growth (see Table 3). In states such as North Dakota, the initial number of children with immigrant parents was quite small, so relatively small absolute increases have translated into high-percent growth. Table 3. Top U.S. States by Absolute and Relative Growth in Number of Children with Immigrant Parents, 2010-22 ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/source_images/frs-2024-tab3-children- state.png\\") Source: MPI tabulation of data from the U.S. Census Bureau 2010 and 2022 ACS. ## Permanent Immigration How many immigrants obtain a green card? In fiscal year (FY) 2022, more than 1 million immigrants became lawful permanent residents. This was a 44 percent increase over the 707,000 new green cards issued in FY 2020, which covered the end of the Trump administration and the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was also a 38 percent increase from the green 740,000 cards issued in FY 2021. Despite this increase, the number of new green-card holders in FY 2022 represented a decrease of 14 percent from the recent high of almost 1.2 million in FY 2016. The lower numbers of new LPRs in 2020 and 2021 was largely due to the fewer green cards granted to individuals living outside the United States, in large part as result of processing delays and other interruptions during the pandemic. In the past decade, immigrants obtaining a green card have been about evenly divided between those already living in the United States and adjusting their status, and those applying from abroad. Just 31 percent of new green cards in FY 2021 were issued to applicants abroad; that share increased to 46 percent in FY 2022, in line with pre-pandemic levels. Of the 466,000 new green-card holders from abroad in FY 2022, 78 percent were immediate family members of U.S. citizens and LPRs. Meanwhile, approximately 55 percent (553,000) of the 1 million new LPRs in FY 2022 received a green card from within the United States. Most of these new permanent residents were spouses, children, and parents of U.S. citizens and LPRs (42 percent), followed by people who obtained their green card through employment (40 percent) or adjusting from refugee or asylee status (15 percent). * Trace changing trends in permanent immigration over time with the Legal Immigration to the United States, 1820-Present data tool. * To understand changes to the legal immigration system spurred by the pandemic, read the article “Antiquated U.S. Immigration System Ambles into the Digital World.” Under which categories are lawful permanent residents admitted? There are four main pathways to obtain a green card: through a family relationship, employment sponsorship, humanitarian protection (for refugees and asylees), and the Diversity Visa (DV) lottery (also known as the green- card lottery). Some categories within these pathways have annual caps. Of the 1 million immigrants receiving a green card in FY 2022, 42 percent were immediate relatives of U.S. citizens (an uncapped visa category) and 16 percent were in family categories that are limited by visa and country caps (see Figure 6). About 27 percent of new LPRs were sponsored by their employer or self-petitioned (including investors who create jobs), a jump from 21 percent of new LPRs in FY 2020 and 14 percent in FY 2019. Meanwhile, 8 percent adjusted from refugee or asylee status and approximately 4 percent were selected through the diversity lottery (see Figure 6). Figure 6. Immigration Pathways of New Lawful Permanent Residents in the United States, 2022 ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/source_images/frs-2024-fig6-lpr- pathways.png\\") Notes: Immediate Relatives of U.S. Citizens: Includes spouses, minor children, and parents of U.S. citizens. Family-Sponsored Preferences: Includes adult children and siblings of U.S. citizens as well as spouses and children of green-card holders. The Diversity Visa lottery was established by the Immigration Act of 1990 to allow entry to immigrants from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States. The law states that 55,000 diversity visas in total are made available each fiscal year. Individuals born in countries with large immigrant populations residing in the United States—including Mexico, India, China, and the Philippines—are ineligible for the 2025 lottery. Percentages may not add up to 100 as they are rounded to the nearest whole number.Source: MPI tabulation of data from Department of Homeland Security (DHS), “Table 10D: Persons Obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status by Broad Class of Admission and Region and Country of Birth: Fiscal Year 2022,” updated August 21, 2023, available online. What are the most common countries of origin for new permanent immigrants? The top countries of birth for new LPRs in FY 2022 were Mexico (14 percent); India (12 percent); mainland China (7 percent); the Dominican Republic, Cuba, and the Philippines (4 percent apiece); El Salvador (3 percent); and Vietnam, Brazil, and Colombia (2 percent each). Together, these top 10 countries were the origin of about 54 percent of all new green-card recipients in FY 2022. How many people are selected in the Diversity Visa lottery and where do they come from? The DV lottery is available to individuals from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States. Created in 1990, the lottery sets aside 55,000 green cards annually, of which 5,000 must be used for applicants under the Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act of 1997. Interest in the lottery is significantly higher than the number of available visas; more than 7.3 million qualified applications were filed for the DV-2022, covering nearly 13.2 million individuals (applicants as well as their spouses and minor children). This number was an increase from the 6.7 million qualified applications filed for DV-2021 but down from 14.4 million in DV-2019. (The number of applications varies each year in part because the list of eligible countries is modified annually.) Before receiving permission to immigrate, lottery winners must provide proof of a high school education or its equivalent or show two years of work experience within the past five years in an occupation that requires at least two years of training or experience. They also must pass a medical exam and a background check. In FY 2022, 43,200 people received a green card as diversity immigrants, representing 4 percent of all 1 million new LPRs. The leading countries of birth of DV recipients were Nepal, Morocco, Algeria, Ukraine, and Russia, together accounting for 26 percent of all diversity visa recipients that year. For some countries, the lottery is responsible for a majority of all new LPRs. For example, 65 percent of all nationals of Algeria and 64 percent of those from Turkmenistan who obtained a green card in FY 2022 did so through the lottery. Shares were also high for nationals of Kyrgyzstan and Fiji (56 percent apiece) and Tajikistan (53 percent). * Read the most recent State Department Visa Bulletin for more on the DV lottery. * For more on the Diversity Visa program, read _The Diversity Visa Program Holds Lessons for Future Legal Immigration Reform_. ## Temporary Visas Definition Nonimmigrants are citizens of other countries who come to the United States temporarily for a specific purpose, such as education or tourism. There are more than 80 classes of nonimmigrant visas, including temporary workers and trainees, religious workers, intracompany transferees, foreign students, visitors for business or for pleasure, international representatives, and foreign government officials. Most classes of nonimmigrants must have a permanent home abroad and most can be accompanied by a spouse and minor children. Nonimmigrants are restricted to the activities allowed by their visa while in the United States. How many nonimmigrant visas does the State Department issue each year? The State Department issued 10.4 million temporary visas in FY 2023, an increase over the 6.8 million in FY 2022 and 8.7 million in pre-pandemic FY 2019. The public-health crisis and the Trump administration’s travel ban were partly responsible for a sharp decline in nonimmigrant visas; in FY 2021, just 2.8 million nonimmigrant visas were issued, the lowest number since 1996. Since then, the State Department has issued nonimmigrant visas at a faster rate in categories for students as well as temporary workers, trainees, and their family members. For these visas, the State Department has waived the interview requirement to reduce wait times to enter the country. Reflecting these efforts as well as the reduction in global travel restrictions, the number of nonimmigrant visas issued rose rapidly. Seventy-four percent of nonimmigrant visas issued in FY 2023 were temporary business and tourist visas (B and BCC visas). The next largest visa class was for temporary workers and trainees and their family members (H visa categories; 9 percent), followed by academic students and exchange visitors and their family members (F and J visa categories; 8 percent). Note: The number of visas issued does not necessarily match the number of foreign nationals who entered the United States that year because some nonimmigrant visas may not be used. How many temporary employment-based visas does the State Department issue each year? In FY 2023, the State Department issued nearly 1.3 million employment-based temporary visas for foreign workers (along with immediate family members) in multiple categories, up from 1.1 million in FY 2022 and 965,000 in FY 2019. Among these were approximately 311,000 H-2A seasonal agriculture worker visas, 266,000 H-1B specialty occupation worker visas, 132,000 H-2B seasonal nonagricultural worker visas, and 77,000 L-1 intracompany transferee visas. Note: Temporary workers and trainees include workers in specialty occupations (H-1B visa), seasonal agricultural workers (H-2A), seasonal nonagricultural workers (H-2B), workers with extraordinary ability or achievements (O-1 and O-2), athletes and artists (P-1, P-2, and P-3), intracompany transferees (L-1), treaty traders and investors (E-1, E-2, and E-3), people working for employers in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and their immediate families (CW-1 and CW-2), representatives of foreign information media (I-1), workers in international cultural exchange programs (Q-1), workers in religious occupations (R-1), and TN visas reserved for Canadian and Mexican professionals, as well as their spouses and minor children. * Want more information about temporary nonimmigrant trends? Read the article “Temporary Visa Holders in the United States.” * Understand the post-pandemic trend in U.S. immigration processing with this article: “Antiquated U.S. Immigration System Ambles into the Digital World.” * Read the State Department’s Annual Reports of the Visa Office and fact sheet on Visa Denials. How many nonimmigrant admissions does the Department of Homeland Security grant each year? Foreign nationals were admitted into the United States for nonimmigrant purposes 96.8 million times in FY 2022—nearly triple the 35.3 million in FY 2021 but still significantly below the 186.2 million in FY 2019. Of these FY 2022 admissions, 54 percent (51.9 million) were Canadians and Mexicans traveling for business or pleasure, who are exempt from completing the I-94 arrival/departure form at the port of entry; DHS does not provide characteristics for this group. The remaining 44.9 million temporary admissions were of nonimmigrants who filled out the I-94 form. This number was more than three times higher than the 13.6 million such admissions in FY 2021 but significantly fewer than the 81.6 million in 2019. Most of these admissions in FY 2022 were of tourists (78 percent) or business travelers (9 percent), followed by temporary workers and their families (7 percent; see Table 4). Table 4. U.S. Nonimmigrant Admissions by Category, FY 2022 (I-94 only) ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/source_charts/frs-2024-tab4-nonimmigrant-.png\\") Notes: Nonimmigrant admissions represent the number of entries; individuals may have multiple entries within the year. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Homeland Security Statistics only reports characteristics of nonimmigrants who must complete an I-94 arrival/departure form at entry.Source: MPI tabulation of data from DHS, 2022 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics (Washington, DC: DHS Office of Homeland Security Statistics, 2023), available online. These data are for the number of times people were admitted into the country—not the number of individuals who were admitted (in other words, a single individual can be admitted multiple times in a year). Often, temporary visitors stay in the United States for only a short period, such as for the duration of their vacation or business trip. * Read more about nonimmigrant admissions from DHS. ## Refugees and Asylum Seekers Notes on Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Asylees What is the difference between a refugee and an asylum seeker? In the United States, the main difference is the person\'s location at the time of application. Refugees are nearly always outside the United States when they are considered for resettlement, whereas asylum seekers submit their applications while physically present in or at a port of entry to the United States. Individuals granted asylum are called asylees. Asylum seekers submit an asylum request either affirmatively or defensively, based on their circumstances. The affirmative asylum process applies to people who are not in removal proceedings and file an asylum application with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) within one year of U.S. arrival. The defensive asylum process applies to those crossing the border without authorization or who are in the United States and placed into removal proceedings in immigration court. How many refugees enter the United States each year, and where are they from? Every year, the president in consultation with Congress sets the annual refugee admissions ceiling and allocations by region of origin. The Biden administration set the ceiling at 125,000 each for FY 2022, FY 2023, and FY 2024. Since the resettlement program was formally created in 1980, the lowest limit was set by the Trump administration for FY 2021, at 15,000. It was later increased to 62,500 by the Biden administration. This number is a ceiling, and the number of resettled refugees rarely reaches this limit. For instance, due to reduced resettlement capacity and pandemic- related logistical challenges, slightly fewer than 25,500 refugees were resettled in FY 2022, amounting to just 20 percent of the 125,000 allocated spaces. As the resettlement system rebounded, the numbers went up, although remained significantly below the cap. In FY 2023, more than 60,000 refugees were resettled, or 48 percent of the 125,000 allocated spots, comprising the most resettlements since FY 2016. For the first five months of FY 2024 (October 2023 through February 2024), 41,200 refugees arrived in the United States, which is 33 percent of the 125,000 available spaces. For refugees arriving in FY 2023, primary countries of nationality were the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Syria, Afghanistan, Myanmar, and Guatemala. Combined, the nearly 43,500 refugees from these five countries accounted for 72 percent of all refugees resettled that year. Another 7,000 refugees from Sudan, Venezuela, Somalia, Ukraine, and Iraq were resettled. Together, nationals of these ten countries comprised 84 percent (nearly 50,500) of all refugee arrivals in FY 2023 (see Table 5). Table 5. Top Countries of U.S. Refugee Admissions by Nationality, FY 2023 ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/source_images/frs-2024-tab5-refugees.png\\") Source: MPI tabulation of U.S. State Department, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, Summary of Refugee Admissions, updated February 29, 2024, available online. * For more data on refugees and asylees, including top U.S. states of resettlement, read the article “Refugees and Asylees in the United States.” * Track the annual U.S. resettlement ceiling and the number of refugees resettled each year since FY 1980 with the tool U.S. Annual Refugee Resettlement Ceilings and Number of Refugees Admitted, 1980-Present. * Find more data on refugee admissions by year, national origin, and destination with State Department WRAPS data. What are the most common religions of admitted refugees? Refugees identifying as Christian made up 52 percent of all admitted refugees in FY 2023. Muslims comprised 44 percent of admitted refugees. The remainder included Buddhists (1 percent), Hindus and Jews (less than 0.2 percent combined), and those who reported no religious affiliation or being atheists (about 3 percent). Overall, the largest share of refugees admitted to the United States tend to be Christians. Between FY 2010 and FY 2023, Christians represented 49 percent (338,900) of the 697,800 refugees, compared to 35 percent (240,900) who were Muslim. FY 2016 marked the only year since 2010 when the United States resettled more Muslim refugees (38,900 individuals, or 46 percent of all 85,000 refugees resettled that year) than Christians (37,500 individuals, or 44 percent of the total). * For religious affiliation of refugee arrivals, see the State Department WRAPS data Refugee Arrivals Fiscal Year by Nationality and Religion Group and Religion. Note: Refugee demographic data are based on self-identification, so religious breakdowns include major religions as well as denominations. How many asylum applications are filed annually? In FY 2023, more than 455,000 affirmative applications were received by USCIS, representing a 133 percent increase over FY 2022 (195,000) and the most affirmative applications since FY 2017. Meanwhile, nearly 466,00 new defensive asylum applications were received by the immigration courts (formally known as the Executive Office of Immigration Review, EOIR) in FY 2023. This was the most on record and marks a significant increase from the 237,000 applications filed in FY 2022. What is the current asylum application backlog? Due to the large application volume and limited resources, both the affirmative and defensive asylum systems have extensive backlogs. Based on USCIS data, more than 1 million asylum I-589 applications were pending in a backlog in September 2023, up from 572,000 a year earlier. In FY 2023, the total backlog for asylum claims at EOIR was nearly 938,000, down slightly from 944,000 in FY 2022. How many people receive asylum? In FY 2022, 36,600 individuals were granted asylum after seeking protection upon or after U.S. arrival, including principal applicants, their spouses, and unmarried children under age 21. This represented a 120 percent increase from the 16,600 grants in FY 2021 but a 20 percent drop from the 45,800 people granted asylum in FY 2019, before the pandemic. In FY 2022, an additional 2,500 individuals received derivative asylum status in the United States as immediate family members of principal applicants and 8,700 were approved for derivative status outside the United States. (This number reflects travel documents issued to these family members, not their arrival in the United States.) From which countries do most asylum seekers originate? China was the top country of origin for those receiving asylum in FY 2022, with 4,600 people (close to 13 percent of total asylum grants), followed by Venezuela, with nearly 3,700 individuals (10 percent). Other top countries of origin were El Salvador (2,600), Guatemala (2,300), and India (2,200). Together, nationals of these five countries made up 42 percent of people receiving asylum in FY 2022. * For more information on humanitarian immigration, see the USCIS affirmative asylum quarterly reports, EOIR’s workload and adjudication statistics data on asylum cases, and the _Refugees and Asylees Annual Flow Report_ from DHS’s Office of Homeland Security Statistics. * For more on the overstretched U.S. asylum systems, see the MPI report _Outmatched: The U.S. Asylum System Faces Record Demands_. ## Unauthorized Immigrants How many unauthorized immigrants are in the United States? MPI estimates there were about 11.2 million unauthorized immigrants in the United States in 2021, up from 11 million in 2019. The unauthorized population was largely stable in size from 2007 to 2021. Since then, the population has likely increased due to the large number of border arrivals post-pandemic, although more recent data are not available. The size of the unauthorized population is affected not only by arrivals, but also by departures, deaths, or in certain cases adjustment to a legal status. What are unauthorized immigrants’ top regions and countries of birth? Mexicans and Central Americans accounted for two-thirds (66 percent, or 7.4 million) of U.S. unauthorized immigrants in 2021, according to MPI estimates. About 1.2 million (11 percent) were from Asia; close to 1.1 million (9 percent) from South America; 780,000 (7 percent) from Europe, Canada, or Oceania; 436,000 (4 percent) from the Caribbean; and 321,000 (3 percent) from Africa. Top countries of birth were Mexico (46 percent), Guatemala and El Salvador (7 percent each), Honduras (5 percent), and India (4 percent). * Read more about MPI’s estimates of the U.S. unauthorized immigrant population in _A Turning Point for the Unauthorized Immigrant Population in the United States_. * Visit the Migration Data Hub’s Unauthorized Immigrant Population Profiles for detailed sociodemographic information about unauthorized immigrants nationwide, in 41 states and the District of Columbia, and 130 counties, as well as topline estimates of unauthorized immigrant populations for 273 counties. * Use the interactive map Unauthorized Immigrant Populations by Country and Region, Top States and Counties of Residence, 2019 to view top U.S. concentrations by country or region of origin. How many immigrants hold “twilight” status? In recent years, there has been a rapidly growing number of migrants who hold or arrive through some kind of liminal legal status that may offer protection from deportation and the right to work but does not lead to a green card. Among this population of immigrants with “twilight” statuses are more than 1 million individuals who entered the United States through humanitarian parole, either at the U.S.-Mexico border after making an appointment with the CBP One app or through nationality-specific programs for Afghans, Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, Ukrainians, and Venezuelans (see Table 6). Combined with unauthorized immigrants already in the United States benefitting from the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, Temporary Protected Status (TPS), or similar policies, more than 2.5 million people hold some provisional or liminal legal status, according to MPI estimates. Table 6. U.S. Immigrants with Twilight Statuses, 2023-24 ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/source_images/frs-2024-tab6-twilight- status.png\\") Notes: CBP One numbers are for successfully scheduled appointments made through the app; not every appointment results in an individual being processed into the country. Table shows the number of parolees via the CBP One app and through the Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan (CHNV) parole program through January 2024. The Uniting for Ukraine number is through November 8, 2023, and includes 20,000 Ukrainians paroled at the border before the program was created in April 2022. The number of Afghans assisted through Operation Allies Welcome is as of March 2023. The number of holders of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) are as of September 2023. The figure for deferred action for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) shows the number of holders as of April 2023. Deferred action for U Visa applicants reflects the number of holders as of September 2023. Numbers for the SIJS and U-visa types of deferred action indicate the number of people initially granted deferred action. Some parolees and grantees of deferred action may have obtained a different immigration status, including asylum, TPS, or lawful permanent residence.Sources: Camilo Montoya-Galvez, “Biden Administration Has Admitted More than 1 Million Migrants into U.S. Under Parole Policy Congress Is Considering Restricting,” CBS News, January 22, 2024, available online; U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), “CBP Releases January 2024 Monthly Operational Data” press release, February 13, 2024, available online; U.S. Citizenship and Naturalization Services (USCIS), “Count of Active Daca Recipients as of September 30, 2023,” accessed January 2, 2024, available online; USCIS, “Number of Form I-918 Petitions for U Nonimmigrant Status By Fiscal Year, Quarter, and Case Status, Fiscal Years 2009-2023,” accessed January 3, 2024, available online; U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman, Annual Report 2023 (Washington, DC: DHS, 2023), available online; Jill H. Wilson, Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Enforced Departure (Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2023), available online; the SIJS number comes from panel discussion at the spring conference of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, Washington, DC, April 27-28, 2023. * Understand the swelling population of immigrants with twilight status by reading this article: “In the Twilight Zone: Record Number of U.S. Immigrants Are in Limbo Statuses.” How many people are eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program under original rules and how many applications have been received since its launch in 2012? The DACA program, announced in 2012, offers two years of deportation relief and work authorization to eligible young unauthorized immigrants. To be eligible, one must be at least 15 years old; have entered the United States before age 16; have continuously resided in the United States since June 15, 2007; be enrolled in school, have earned a high school diploma or its equivalent, or be an honorably discharged veteran; and have not been convicted of a felony, a significant misdemeanor, or three or more misdemeanors; or otherwise pose a threat to public safety or national security. The Trump administration attempted to terminate DACA in 2017, but after multiple court challenges the program has remained alive, albeit closed to new entrants. The Biden administration attempted to revive and expand the program, but ongoing court challenges mean that DHS is prohibited from granting requests for DACA and accompanying employment authorization made by new applicants. Between August 15, 2012 (when DACA began) and September 30, 2023, approximately 835,000 applicants were approved, suggesting this is the maximum number of people who have ever held DACA status during the life of the program. USCIS granted 82 percent of the 1 million accepted initial applications; 8 percent (83,600) were denied, and 98,200 remain pending. Because of application limits imposed by the courts, lack of desire to apply, or inability to do so, not all eligible individuals have applied for or received DACA. MPI estimates that as of December 2023, 1.5 million individuals had met the eligibility criteria for DACA under the program’s original rules, 1.2 million of whom were immediately eligible under the program’s age and educational requirements (the rest were eligible aside from the education requirements). Among the 1 million accepted initial applications since the program’s inception (as of September 30, 2023), individuals’ top states of residence were California (28 percent), Texas (17 percent), Illinois and New York (5 percent each), and Florida (4 percent). The top five countries of origin of accepted applicants were Mexico (79 percent), El Salvador (4 percent), Guatemala (3 percent), Honduras (2 percent), and South Korea (1 percent). How many people currently have DACA status? USCIS reports that 544,700 individuals were actively enrolled in DACA as of September 30, 2023. The top states of residence for active DACA participants were California (28 percent), Texas (17 percent), and Illinois (5 percent), followed by New York, Florida, North Carolina, and Arizona (about 4 percent each). Active DACA participants’ top countries of origin were Mexico (81 percent), El Salvador (4 percent), Guatemala (3 percent), Honduras (2 percent), and South Korea, Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, and Colombia (about 1 percent each). * View data tool showing DACA recipients by state, as well as top countries of origin. * Want a full history of DACA? Read the U.S. Policy Beat article “At Its 10th Anniversary, DACA Faces a Tenuous Future Despite Societal Benefits.” * Find USCIS data on DACA applications and approvals. How many people are covered by Temporary Protected Status? Since the Immigration Act of 1990, the U.S. government has occasionally granted TPS when the origin countries of foreign nationals in the United States experience natural disasters, armed conflicts, or other circumstances making return unsafe. TPS offers work authorization and protection from deportation for periods of six months to 18 months. El Salvador was the first country to be designated for TPS in 1990, to protect Salvadorans who had fled its civil war. Since then, 28 countries have been designated for TPS. Since taking office, the Biden administration has added Afghanistan, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Ukraine, and Venezuela to the list of eligible countries and expanded eligibility for multiple countries previously designated for TPS. Also, certain Liberians and residents of Hong Kong were designated for Deferred Enforced Departure (DED), a similar status offering temporary protection from deportation and work authorization. Sixteen countries are currently designated for TPS: Afghanistan, Cameroon, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Haiti, Honduras, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, and Yemen. Collectively, approximately 697,500 individuals in the United States held TPS as of September 2023. Of them, 84 percent were nationals of Venezuela (239,000), El Salvador (184,000), or Haiti (164,000). * Read more about the TPS program in the article “Temporary Protected Status in the United States: A Grant of Humanitarian Relief that Is Less than Permanent.” * View an overview of the TPS program from the Congressional Research Service. ## Immigration Enforcement Definition The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) uses the term enforcement encounters to span apprehensions and expulsions of migrants at the Southwest border. Historically, migrants caught crossing the border without authorization have been apprehended and processed under Title 8, but under the Title 42 public- health order that was in effect from March 2020 to May 2023, migrants were immediately expelled approximately 2.8 million times. Encounters are events, not individuals. In other words, the same individual can be encountered more than once, with each encounter counted separately. The recidivism rate increased sharply during the Title 42 expulsions era. How many times are unauthorized immigrants stopped at the border each year? U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported more than 3.2 million encounters at U.S. borders, airports, and seaports in FY 2023, a record high and up from the nearly 2.8 million in FY 2022 and 2 million in FY 2021. The vast majority of FY 2023 encounters (nearly 2.5 million) were at the U.S.-Mexico border. This is the highest number of border encounters on record, surpassing the nearly 2.4 million in FY 2022 and 1.7 million in FY 2021 and FY 2000. The Title 42 order was replaced with a new policy restricting access to asylum for migrants encountered between ports of entry and incentivizing them to use the CBP One app to make an appointment at a port of entry. Motivations for migrants coming to the United States vary, but the rapid increase in arrivals in recent years reflects ongoing crises in the Americas, including major displacement in countries such as Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela; political persecution, faltering economies, and other types of instability in China, India, Russia, Turkey, and a number of African countries; the strong U.S. economy, particularly post-pandemic; the perception that the Biden administration’s policies present a unique window of opportunity for reception; and increasingly sophisticated smuggling networks. * See the CBP dashboard for statistics on encounters over time, by area, migrants’ top nationalities, and more. * Understand the changing patterns at the border with the MPI commentary _Shifting Patterns and Policies Reshape Migration to U.S.-Mexico Border in Major Ways in 2023_. * Get insights on historical and recent border trends with the reports _Migration at the U.S.-Mexico Border: A Challenge Decades in the Making_ and _Shifting Realities at the U.S.-Mexico Border: Immigration Enforcement and Control in a Fast-Evolving Landscape_. * Curious how the border encounters have affected the Biden immigration agenda? Read the article “Biden at the Three-Year Mark: The Most Active Immigration Presidency Yet Is Mired in Border Crisis Narrative.” How many families and unaccompanied children have been encountered at the U.S.-Mexico border? In FY 2023, authorities recorded 822,000 encounters of individuals traveling in “family units” (CBP parlance for children under 18 and a parent or legal guardian travelling as families) at the U.S.-Mexico border, up from 561,000 in FY 2022. Their top three origin countries were Mexico (19 percent), Venezuela (13 percent), and Honduras (12 percent). There were also 137,000 encounters of unaccompanied minors at the border in FY 2023, down from 152,000 the previous year. Most unaccompanied children encountered in FY 2023 were from Guatemala (36 percent), Honduras (25 percent), or Mexico (21 percent). Overall, of the nearly 2.5 million migrant encounters at the southern border in FY 2023, single adults accounted for 61 percent, followed by family units (33 percent), and unaccompanied minors (6 percent). This represents a slight shift from the year before, when there was a higher share of single adults (70 percent) and a lower share of families (24 percent). * View up-to-date DHS data on encounters of unaccompanied children and family units. * View the most recent DHS statistics on enforcement actions. How many people are arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement each year? ICE conducts administrative arrests of noncitizens for civil violations of U.S. immigration law, carrying out removals and returns. The agency made 171,000 administrative arrests in FY 2023, up almost 20 percent from 143,000 the year before. The increase in administrative arrests in FY 2023 was driven by arrests of noncitizens who had criminal convictions or pending criminal charges. How many people are deported per year? In FY 2023, ICE conducted 143,000 removals to more than 180 countries, almost double the number of removals (72,000) the year before. Additionally, that year ICE expelled nearly 63,000 noncitizens under Title 42 before the policy ended in mid-May 2023. * For more information, see _Fiscal Year 2023 ICE Annual Report_. Note: Removals and returns, which are carried out both by ICE and CBP, result in the confirmed movement of inadmissible or deportable migrants out of the United States. Title 42 expulsions carried out at the border are not included in these numbers. ## Naturalization Trends How many immigrants are naturalized citizens? More than 24.5 million immigrants were naturalized U.S. citizens in 2022, accounting for approximately 53 percent of all 46.2 million immigrants and 7 percent of the total U.S. population (333.3 million). Of these naturalized citizens, 40 percent were naturalized in 2010 or later, 25 percent between 2000 and 2009, and 35 percent prior to 2000. In general, the requirements for naturalization are being at least 18 years of age, passing English and civic exams, and residing in the United States with LPR status continuously for at least five years (three years for those married to a U.S. citizen). * Read the USCIS Naturalization Eligibility Requirements. How many immigrants become U.S. citizens annually? USCIS naturalized about 969,000 green-card holders in FY 2022, a 19 percent increase from the nearly 814,000 people who became citizens in FY 2021 and the highest number since more than 1 million immigrants became citizens in FY 2008. There were 781,000 petitions for naturalization filed in FY 2022, a decrease of 1 percent from a year earlier (789,000). At the same time, the number of denied petitions rose by 31 percent, from 85,000 in FY 2021 to close to 112,000 in FY 2022. The number of denials in FY 2022 was also the highest since FY 2008. From a historical perspective, the number of annual naturalizations has increased dramatically in recent decades. On average, fewer than 115,000 LPRs became citizens each year between FY 1950 and FY 1969, 145,000 in the 1970s, 210,000 in the 1980s, 500,000 in the 1990s, 685,000 during the 2000s, and about 730,000 between 2010 and 2019. Naturalizations reached an all-time high in FY 2008, increasing 58 percent from 660,000 the prior year to 1,047,000. This came as a result of impending application fee increases and the promotion of U.S. citizenship in advance of the 2008 presidential election. The amount of time USCIS takes to process naturalization applications increased from an average of 5.6 months in FY 2016 to 11.5 months in FY 2021, but then declined to 6.1 months in FY 2023 and 5.2 months as of the end of January 2024. * For historical data on naturalization, see the data tool Naturalization in the United States, 1910-Present. * Find a wealth of sociodemographic information in the article “Naturalized Citizens in the United States.” * Understand the challenges to naturalization with this report: _A Rockier Road to U.S. Citizenship? Findings of a Survey on Changing Naturalization Procedures_. * For more information on USCIS processing times, see Historical National Average Processing Time for All USCIS Offices. How many immigrants become U.S. citizens through military naturalization? In FY 2022, about 5,400 foreign-born military personnel became U.S. citizens, a 21 percent increase from FY 2021 (4,500) but significantly below the nearly 8,900 military naturalizations in FY 2016. Where are newly naturalized citizens from? Of the new U.S. citizens in FY 2022, 13 percent were born in Mexico, 7 percent in India, and 6 percent in the Philippines (see Table 7). Immigrants from these three countries, together with those from Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Vietnam, China, Jamaica, El Salvador, and Colombia accounted for 47 percent of the 969,000 immigrants who naturalized that year. Table 7. Top Countries of Origin of Newly Naturalized U.S. Citizens, FY 2022 ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/source_images/frs-2024-tab7-naturalization.png\\") Source: DHS Office of Homeland Security Statistics, 2022 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics. Where in the United States do newly naturalized citizens live? Fifty-seven percent of people naturalized as U.S. citizens in FY 2022 lived in one of five states: California (19 percent); Texas, Florida, and New York (11 percent apiece), and New Jersey (6 percent). The top metropolitan areas with the largest number of new naturalizations were the greater New York (15 percent); Miami (7 percent); Los Angeles (6 percent); Houston (5 percent); and Washington, DC and San Francisco (4 percent each) metropolitan areas. These six metro areas were the home to 40 percent of all immigrants who became citizens in FY 2022. How many green-card holders are eligible to naturalize? According to the most recent DHS estimates, more than 9 million of the 12.7 million green-card holders in the United States as of January 2023 were eligible to become U.S. citizens based on how long they had held LPR status. The top nationalities for those eligible to naturalize were Mexico (2.4 million), China (550,000), Cuba and the Dominican Republic (390,000 each), and the Philippines (350,000). * For more information, see _Estimates of the Lawful Permanent Resident Population in the United States and the Subpopulation Eligible to Naturalize: 2023_. * See the USCIS dashboard on green-card holders eligible to naturalize by country of birth, state, or metropolitan area. How long does it take on average for green-card holders to naturalize? On average, immigrants who became U.S. citizens in FY 2022 had previously held green cards for about seven years, the same length of time as those being naturalized in FY 2020 and FY 2021 and a decrease from an average of eight years during the FY 2017-19 period. The time varied by region of origin. In FY 2022, immigrants from Africa and Asia spent an average of six years in LPR status before naturalization; those born in South America tended to spend seven years; those from the Caribbean or Europe eight years; and those from Central America or Oceania ten years. * For more information, see DHS Annual Flow Reports. At what rate do immigrants naturalize? The number of green-card holders who naturalize every year depends on many factors, including the number eligible, application processing times, and stringency and length of background checks. This number can also be affected by barriers to naturalization, such as high application fees, as well as personal motivations. For instance, green-card holders from mainland China may be less inclined to become U.S. citizens because China prohibits dual citizenship, whereas immigrants from countries that allow dual citizenship may have greater incentive. The share of green-card holders who naturalize within a certain time period, such as within ten years of receiving a green card, varies by country and region of birth and class of admission. This is known as a naturalization rate. Overall, 53 percent of the immigrant cohort who became LPRs in FY 2008 naturalized by FY 2018, the most recent year for which data are available. A ten-year naturalization rate was the highest for those born in Africa (76 percent) and South America (64 percent) and the lowest for LPRs from North America, including Mexico and Canada (27 percent). The ten-year naturalization rate was nearly 70 percent for Indian-born green-card holders, 60 percent for those from the Philippines, 52 percent for Cubans, 44 percent for LPRs from China, and 27 percent for Mexicans. * For more information, read the DHS report _Trends in Naturalization Rates: FY 2018 Update Report_. Notes on Visa Backlogs Two types of backlogs impact the issuance of green cards. The first is due to visa availability, which for some categories is limited by caps established in 1990: * Family-sponsored preferences are limited to 226,000 visas per year. * Employment-based permanent visas for foreign workers and their families are capped at 140,000 per year. * No country can be the origin for more than 7 percent of the total annual number of family-sponsored and employment-based visas (approximately 25,600 visas). The second type of backlog is due to delays processing applications, which is related to government capacity as well as increased background and criminal checks. ## Visa Backlogs How many visa applications for lawful permanent residence are backlogged? Because of limits on certain visa categories and per-country caps, the U.S. government in some cases is still processing applications from the 1990s. In March 2024, the State Department was processing some family-sponsored visa applications filed in September 1998 and employment-related visa applications submitted in March 2012. According to the most recent available data, nearly 4.1 million applicants (including spouses and minor children) were on the State Department’s immigrant visa waiting list as of November 1, 2022, a 1 percent decline from the more than 4.1 million applicants in the backlog a year previous. The overwhelming majority of applications in the backlog were from family- sponsored applicants (more than 3.9 million, including principal applicants and their immediate family members). About 168,000 backlogged applicants were for employment-sponsored channels and their families. Of the overall 4.1 million applicants, the largest number (1.2 million) were citizens of Mexico, followed by those from the Philippines (296,000), India (294,000), the Dominican Republic (284,000), and Vietnam (229,000). Family- and employment-based prospective immigrants already within the United States who are waiting to adjust their status are not included in the State Department estimates. USCIS also publishes backlog statistics for petitions approved in one of the five employment-based categories. As of September 2023, nearly 1.1 million approved employment-based immigrant petitions were awaiting an open visa slot. This includes the number of primary applicants covered by these petitions but not their dependents. In other words, the overall number of people waiting for a green card—within and outside the United States—is likely to be larger than the nearly 4 million family-based applicants reported by the State Department (as of November 2022) and more than 1 million employment-based petitions reported by USCIS (as of September 2023). * For more details about wait times by immigration category and country, see the State Department’s Visa Bulletin. * Get more information about capped employment- and family-based preference categories with MPI’s _Explainer: How the U.S. Legal Immigration System Works_. * For more on the impact of immigration backlogs during the pandemic, read the article “Mounting Backlogs Undermine U.S. Immigration System and Impede Biden Policy Changes.” * Read the National Visa Center annual report on immigrant visa waiting list and view USCIS employment-based immigrant petition backlog data. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS ABOUT THIS ARTICLE, CONTACT US AT [email protected] Newsletter Signup ## Author * Jeanne Batalova is a Senior Policy Analyst and Manager of the Migration Data Hub. ## Related Articles * Biden at the Three-Year Mark: The Most Active Immigration Presidency Yet Is Mired in Border Crisis Narrative * Top Statistics on Global Migration and Migrants * Mexican Immigrants in the United States * Chinese Immigrants in the United States * Indian Immigrants in the United States ## Related Research * Explainer: How the U.S. Legal Immigration System Works * Explainer: Who Is An Immigrant? * Explainer: Illegal Immigration in the United States * A Turning Point for the Unauthorized Immigrant Population in the United States * Shifting Patterns and Policies Reshape Migration to U.S.-Mexico Border in Major Ways in 2023 ## In the Spotlight ###### State Immigration Data Profiles ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/resize/styles/large/public/US-map-DataHub- NAMES-200x123.jpg\\") Want the latest facts and data on immigrants in the United States? Search U.S. Census data on U.S. immigrants and the native born nationally and by state based on demographic, language and education, workforce, and income indicators. Get Started ###### U.S. Immigrant Population Spotlights ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/resize/source_images/ThomasHawk- CarnavalSF2015-Flickr-150x150.jpg\\") Want to learn more about immigrants to the United States from Mexico, India, Canada, or many other countries? Spotlights from MPI\'s online journal, the Migration Information Source, use the latest data to provide information on size, geographic distribution, and socioeconomic characteristics of particular immigrant groups, including English proficiency, educational and professional attainment, income and poverty, health coverage, and remittances. Browse Now ###### Maps of the Foreign Born in the United States ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/resize/styles/large/public/USmap-200x143.png?itok=yqjmFQAO\\") Use our interactive maps, with the latest available data, to learn where immigrant populations, by country or region of birth, live in the United States—at state, county, and metro levels. Interested in the top immigrant populations in your state or metro area? Check out our maps. Get Started ###### The U.S. Policy Beat in MPI\'s Online Journal ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/resize/source_images/USCapitol-200x134.jpg\\") Each month, MPI authors review major legislative, judicial, and executive action on U.S. immigration at the local, state, and federal levels. Stay up to date with the latest developments. Learn more ###### Immigration Data Matters ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/resize/pub_covers/Coverthumb- DataMatters2018-100x123.png\\") This easy-to-use online guide compiles some of the most credible governmental and authoritative nongovernmental data sources pertaining to immigrants and immigration in the United States and internationally. The guide directly links users to more than 220 data sources, organized by topic and region, and offers tips on how to access more complicated datasets. 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December 13, 2023 Last updated: December 13, 2023 Each year, the International Rescue Committee analyzes 190 countries and territories to identify the countries at greatest risk of experiencing a new or worsening humanitarian crisis in the coming year. We identify and rank the 20 countries most at risk in our Emergency Watchlist. To compile the list, we use a multistage process of quantitative and qualitative analysis, including consulting our staff on the front lines of crises. In recent years, this report has predicted 85-95% of the countries facing the worst deterioration and influenced the way the IRC responds to the world’s most pressing crises. Watchlist countries are home to just 10% of the world’s population but account for approximately 86 percent of all people in humanitarian need globally, 75% of displaced persons, 70% of people suffering from crisis (IPC 3) or worse levels of food insecurity—and a growing share of global extreme poverty. Below, we break down what you need to know about the 10 countries likely to face the worst humanitarian crises next year. Learn more about the 2024 Emergency Watchlist. ### Donate today The International Rescue Committee (IRC) works in over 40 countries to help crisis-affected people survive, recover and rebuild their lives. Your contribution will help us respond in countries featured on our Emergency Watchlist and worldwide. Donate here 70% of people experiencing crisis (IPC 3) or worse levels of food insecurity live in Watchlist countries. At crisis (IPC 3) levels of food insecurity families are forced to adopt drastic measures, like selling their possessions or marrying off their children, to secure enough food to meet their basic needs. In communities with catastrophic levels of food insecurity (IPC 5), starvation is a daily occurrence. ## 10\. Democratic Republic of the Congo Intense fighting broke out in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in 2023, following the collapse of a truce between the government and the armed group M23. This exacerbated a protracted crisis that had already exposed millions of Congolese to conflict, political tensions, economic pressures, climate shocks and persistent disease outbreaks. The country enters 2024 with 25.4 million people in need of humanitarian assistance—more than any other country on earth. The magnitude of the crisis has strained services, creating high levels of food insecurity and fueling the spread of disease. Meanwhile, shortfalls in humanitarian funding and rampant insecurity have limited the ability of humanitarians to reach communities in need. ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/well_width_13x9_640px_wide/public/2023-12/IMG_1292-Edited-2-2.jpg?itok=2jd96UYa\\") 23-year-old Mapendo Zabonimpa runs a potato business from her makeshift shelter in Don Bosco Ngangi displacement camp outside of Goma, DRC. ### Predictions for 2024 * Escalating conflict will mean even more people will be forced to flee their homes, further driving internal displacement. * The climate pattern El Niño may increase the risk of flooding, spreading waterborne illnesses, reducing agricultural yields and contributing to further displacement. * Humanitarian services will be undermined by a lack of funds and access constraints. The DRC’s 2023 humanitarian response plan received just 38% of its necessary funding. El Niño El Niño is a natural weather pattern characterized by warm waters in the Pacific Ocean. The impacts of El Niño are immense and global—impacting some communities with flooding and others with drought. The upcoming El Niño event is projected to exacerbate humanitarian conditions in several of the countries featured on the IRC’s Emergency Watchlist. ### How the IRC helps in DRC The IRC is providing emergency health care, shelter and supplies to thousands in eastern Congo. We also promote peace-building and economic recovery. Initiatives include health care training, rehabilitating medical facilities, aiding sexual assault survivors, reproductive health services and empowering girls\' education. ## 9\. Ethiopia Across Ethiopia, livelihoods have been decimated by three consecutive years of drought alongside multiple conflicts and, now, there is a risk of El Niño- induced flooding. The November 2022 ceasefire between the Government of Ethiopia and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) continues to hold in northern Ethiopia, but other conflicts, particularly in the central Oromia region and in Amhara in the northwest, are fueling humanitarian needs and raising the risk of a return to large-scale fighting. Persistent inflation is further deepening the crisis. ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/well_width_13x9_640px_wide/public/2023-12/20230724_Ethiopia_IVieira_Deder_GFFO_137-Edited-2.jpg?itok=8U_xtZSb\\") 3-year-old Kindessa walks with his parents near their home in Keyra IDP site in Deder, Ethiopia. Photo: Iuna Vieira for the IRC ### **Predictions for 2024** * El Niño flooding will likely threaten the livelihoods of communities already weakened by years of drought. * Inflation is set to remain high throughout 2024, placing basic goods out of reach for many Ethiopians. * Escalating violence and tensions with neighboring countries could threaten a return to wider conflict. ### How the IRC helps in Ethiopia The IRC delivers a multifaceted response in Ethiopia, combining emergency relief with long-term resilience-building initiatives. Our programming encompasses emergency rapid response, water, sanitation and hygiene, health and nutrition, education, protection and economic recovery services. ## 8\. Niger Niger’s July 2023 coup has triggered political tensions with neighboring countries and led to the withdrawal of international security assistance. New sanctions and border closures have also severely limited the amount of nutritional aid and medical supplies entering the country. Public spending has decreased by 40%, weakening key services. ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/well_width_13x9_640px_wide/public/2023-12/20210525_MamadouDiop_Diffa__79-Edit-2.jpg?itok=0Haq2zBT\\") Fandaou Karam, 45, was forced to flee her village in Niger after an attack by Boko Haram. Thanks to cash assistance from the IRC, today Fandaou has a small business and is able to support her two children. Photo: Mamadou Diop for the IRC ### Predictions for 2024 * Economic and financial sanctions will further disrupt already-strained public services. * Armed groups are poised to exploit the power vacuum caused by the withdrawal of foreign military assistance. * 7.3 million people are at risk of falling into acute food insecurity due to the impacts of climate change, conflict and the economic effects of border closures. ### How the IRC helps in Niger The IRC is one of the largest humanitarian organizations in Niger, supporting over 270,000 people in 2023. Our services include cash distribution, seed distributions to farmers, support to health centers to protect children from malnutrition, and to schools to improve children’s literacy. The IRC also builds and rehabilitates water supply infrastructure and provides protection programs for women and children. ## 7\. Somalia After facing five consecutive failed rainy seasons, Somalia is now experiencing widespread flooding. These repeated climate shocks have devastated agricultural lands, damaged critical infrastructure and driven humanitarian needs. The country enters 2024 with 4.3 million people facing crisis levels of food insecurity and a limited ability to restore food production. An ongoing government offensive against the armed group al-Shabaab risks driving civilian harm and displacement, further worsening conditions for 6.9 million in need of humanitarian aid. ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/well_width_13x9_640px_wide/public/2023-12/20230601_Somalia_MustafaSaeed_ArladiIDP086-LogoRemoved-2.jpg?itok=KccAfavB\\") Community leader, Kulow, in the Arlaadi camp in Dhusamareb, Somalia. Many families migrated to Dhusamareb because of the drought that decimated their crops and livestock, while others sought to protect their children from the al-Shabaab militant group, which is known for recruiting child soldiers. Photo: Mustafa Saeed for the IRC ### Predictions for 2024 * Communities will continue to struggle to recover from the longest and most severe drought in four decades. Meanwhile, flooding could lead to further displacement and a higher risk of crop failures and water-borne disease. * The ongoing government offensive against al-Shabaab is likely to cause further harm, while ongoing political tensions could spiral into violence. * A lack of humanitarian funding and security risks will create barriers that prevent humanitarians from reaching Somalians in need. ### How the IRC helps in Somalia The IRC in Somalia is scaling up our programs to address drought and rising food insecurity, including expanding to new areas to meet severe needs. We provide health, nutrition, water and sanitation services, women’s protection and empowerment, and cash assistance to drought-affected populations across the country. 110 million people have been forcibly displaced worldwide. 75 percent of people who are forcibly displaced are from Watchlist countries. ## 6\. Mali In Mali, security and economic crises have left 6.2 million people in need of humanitarian support. The recent withdrawal of the U.N. peacekeeping force has raised safety concerns, especially of renewed fighting between the government and Tuareg armed groups in northern Mali. Already, armed groups are besieging towns and cutting off humanitarian access while half of the country is living in poverty. ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/well_width_13x9_640px_wide/public/2023-12/20201016-Mali- UNOCHA-66-2.jpg?itok=GtqTQ6iu\\") A woman near her tent in an informal displacement camp in Mali. Photo: UNOCHA/Michele Cattani ### Predictions for 2024 * Food insecurity is set to increase as more cities are besieged or blockaded, with 200,000 children already at risk of death if humanitarian support does not reach them. * The departure of international peacekeepers and intensified violence will likely impede aid delivery and vital services, particularly in northern and central Mali. * Escalation in the conflict between the government, armed groups and Tuareg opposition groups in 2024 could severely increase harm to civilians. ### How the IRC helps in Mali Since 2012, the IRC has provided critical assistance to more than 2 million Malians displaced by conflict and facing severe food shortages in the areas of health, nutrition, economic recovery and development, education, water, sanitation and hygiene, and protection and governance. To help the country recover, the IRC is focusing our efforts on the Ménaka, Gao, Douentza, Mopti and Nara regions by providing emergency relief, supporting village savings and loan associations, and providing water, sanitation and hygiene services as well as health services. ## 5\. Myanmar (Burma) The conflict in Myanmar (Burma) has spread significantly since the military retook political power in 2021. In October 2023, three major armed groups resumed clashes with the government, putting state military forces under significant pressure and causing increased civilian harm. 18.6 million people in Myanmar are now in need of humanitarian assistance—nearly 19 times more than before the military takeover. Over 335,000 people have had to flee their homes since the latest escalation began, leaving more than 2 million people displaced across the country. Security has rapidly deteriorated, with severe impacts on civilians and their access to basic services and humanitarian aid. Meanwhile, climate change means that communities in Myanmar are exposed to more frequent natural hazards, particularly cyclones. ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/well_width_13x9_640px_wide/public/2023-12/20231005%20Myanmar%20SThandar%20Health%20%28555%29-Edited-3-2.jpg?itok=BYpMngh1\\") Razia, who is eight months pregnant, sits in her home in Thae Chaung camp in Myanmar in the aftermath of Cyclone Mocha. [Pseudonym used for privacy] Photo: Shin Thandar for the IRC ### Predictions for 2024 * Civilians will pay the price as conflict intensifies and the military comes under increasing pressure. * Economic challenges, climate shocks and impaired public services will increase humanitarian needs. * Severe constraints on aid access will continue to prevent assistance from reaching vulnerable communities. ### How the IRC helps in Myanmar The IRC has been working in Myanmar since 2008 to deliver health, protection, water, sanitation and hygiene services, as well as shelter programs for displaced, crisis-affected and vulnerable communities. Our current programming in Myanmar has a strong humanitarian focus and aims to reach people affected by the national crisis and escalating conflict that has spread across the country. ## 4\. Burkina Faso Burkina Faso is facing rapidly growing and spreading violence as the Burkinabe military struggles to contain armed groups. Roughly half of the country is now outside government control, with armed groups including Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS) and Jama\'at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM) blockading cities and towns and preventing residents from accessing basic goods and services. ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/well_width_13x9_640px_wide/public/2023-12/pic.jpg?itok=pjbVBvDs\\") Saouta Ousseni, 40, lives in Kaya displacement camp with 26 members of his family. Originally a farmer, Saouta fled home in 2021 when two of his family members were killed. Photo: UNOCHA/Michele Cattani ### Predictions for 2024 * The increasing besiegement of towns by armed groups will drive humanitarian needs higher. * People will be increasingly at risk amid growing violence between the government and armed groups. * Harvests in 2024 are likely to be weak following poor rains in 2023, compounding the impacts of conflict and further deepening food insecurity. ### How the IRC helps in Burkina Faso In Burkina Faso, the IRC implements lifesaving interventions and emergency assistance in health, nutrition, safety, education and economic recovery. Our work in the country has a particular focus on working with local partners, mainly women-led organizations. ## 3\. South Sudan South Sudan has faced insecurity since its independence from Khartoum in 2011. Going into 2024, the war across the border in Sudan threatens to undermine South Sudan’s fragile economy and worsen political tensions. Meanwhile, an economic crisis and increased flooding have impacted families’ ability to put food on the table. Currently, 9 million people in South Sudan are in need of humanitarian assistance. This amounts to 72% of the population. ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/well_width_13x9_640px_wide/public/2023-12/pic_0.jpg?itok=JQCHXNoH\\") Riak Thon, 39, and his wife stand in front of their home in Jamjang, South Sudan. Riak participated in an IRC program that engages men on how they interact with the women in their lives. Photo: Adrienne Suprenant for the IRC ### Predictions for 2024 * Tensions concerning South Sudan’s first presidential election, scheduled for December 2024, could threaten social and political cohesion. Already, violent clashes between armed groups have surged in the country’s north. * A fifth consecutive year of flooding could impact food production and drive hundreds of thousands from their homes. * The conflict in neighboring Sudan, combined with an intense economic crisis, is set to exacerbate rates of extreme poverty and food insecurity across South Sudan. ### How the IRC helps in South Sudan With more than 900 full-time staff members, the IRC in South Sudan provides critical primary and reproductive health, nutrition, environmental health, protection, and economic recovery and resilience services. We partner with national and state authorities, as well as local organizations, to strengthen health systems and support displaced populations. ## 2\. Occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) Gaza enters 2024 as the deadliest place for civilians in the world. Residents are enduring the brutal consequences of the latest round of conflict between Israel and Hamas, which is being fought without sufficient regard for the international laws and norms built to protect civilians even in the most dire circumstances. Israeli forces began airstrikes and ground operations after Hamas launched a deadly ground incursion and rocket barrage on southern Israel on October 7, 2023, killing 1,200 people and taking over 200 hostages. Israeli operations have since caused severe destruction and widespread death and displacement throughout Gaza, particularly in the north, killing over 18,000 people at the time of publication (December 14, 2023). Diplomatic engagement brought about a temporary truce in late November 2023 and the release of some hostages, but fighting is likely to continue at least into early 2024. The oPt rises to its highest-ever position on the Emergency Watchlist because the humanitarian emergency will persist long after the fighting eventually stops. ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/well_width_13x9_640px_wide/public/2023-12/pic_1.jpg?itok=etnrecBA\\") A Palestinian family mourns the death of eight relatives who were killed in an airstrike on Gaza City. Photo: Mustafa Hassona/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images ### Predictions for 2024 * Airstrikes and fighting within Gaza have had a direct and devastating impact on civilians that will continue to grow as hostilities persist into 2024, at least. * The destruction of health, water, and sanitation infrastructure leaves Gaza’s health care system on the verge of collapse. * People living in Gaza will struggle to recover and rebuild their lives long after the fighting ends. * Escalating violence in the occupied West Bank will drive humanitarian needs. The conflict in Gaza has also sparked tensions on Israel’s border with Lebanon. ### How the IRC helps in the occupied Palestinian territory The IRC and our partners in Gaza are working in hospitals to provide life- saving medical care and deliver critical medical supplies. This has included deploying an Emergency Medical Team (EMT), in partnership with Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP), to provide emergency medical care. Composed of trauma doctors, surgeons, pediatricians and water and sanitation experts, the team are offering surge and relief support to hospitals and providing life-saving medical care to injured Palestinians. The IRC is also supporting partners to deliver food and provide critical services in emergency shelters including cash assistance and psychosocial support for people to meet their basic needs. Learn more about our response in Gaza. ## 1\. Sudan The ongoing war between the Sudanese Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces has propelled Sudan to the top of the 2024 Emergency Watchlist—and pushed the country to the brink of collapse. Less than a year of fighting has already more than doubled the number of people in need of humanitarian support. In Darfur, human rights groups have reported mass killings and forced displacement along ethnic lines. The crisis is expected to dramatically deteriorate through 2024, leaving millions with insufficient food and unable to access critical health and other services. ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/well_width_13x9_640px_wide/public/2023-12/pix.jpg?itok=Ym8mcdi7\\") Aziza Ibrahim and her daughters are staying at a school that is operating as a shelter for people who have been displaced from Khartoum. Photo: UNOCHA/Ala Kheir ### Predictions for 2024 * While fighting has been most intensely concentrated in Khartoum and Darfur, it is increasingly spreading to other parts of the country and drawing in a growing number of armed groups. There are limited prospects for an end to the conflict. * Outbreaks of measles and cholera may continue to plague Sudan as its crippled health care system remains unable to respond to the country’s growing health crisis. * Sudan’s economic crisis has no end in sight. Nearly half of Sudan’s population is unemployed, all while battling hyperinflation and shortages of essential goods. * Extreme levels of internal and external displacement will persist, driving impacts across the region. Already, 6.6 million people have been displaced within and outside Sudan due to the conflict. ### How the IRC helps in Sudan The IRC has adapted its programs and scaled up its response to address increased humanitarian needs in Sudan, refocusing on the emergency needs of internally displaced people. We also provide integrated protection services to women and children, including gender-based violence survivors. We have launched new responses including multipurpose cash assistance and water, sanitation and hygiene services, and are aiming to expand our presence in new locations, such as Red Sea State and Darfur, to fill gaps in the humanitarian response. ### Donate today The International Rescue Committee (IRC) works in over 40 countries to help crisis-affected people survive, recover and rebuild their lives. Your contribution will help us respond in countries featured on our Emergency Watchlist and worldwide. Donate here ## Explore related topics: * 2024 Watchlist * Sudan * Famine ## Related news & features * ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/widescreen_16x9_208px_wide/public/2024-02/pic.jpg?h=b4ddcb06&itok=2yKkvlhk\\") Emergency Watchlist 2024 Crisis in Mali: What you need to know and how to help February 8, 2024 * ![\\"Portait](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/widescreen_16x9_208px_wide/public/2024-03/pic_11.jpg?h=920929c4&itok=3nQkd9Lz\\") Emergency Watchlist 2024 Crisis in Somalia: What you need to know and how to help April 29, 2024 * ![\\"Portrait](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/widescreen_16x9_208px_wide/public/2022-12/20220920%20Somalia%20MTadesse%20Drought%207958_hero%20%281%29.jpg?h=4a7e421b&itok=ZLWo6-y3\\") Watchlist 2023 The top 10 crises the world can’t ignore in 2023 December 14, 2022 * ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/widescreen_16x9_208px_wide/public/2024-02/pic_2.jpg?itok=LU30pOz-\\") Emergency Watchlist 2024 Crisis in Burkina Faso: What you need to know and how you can help February 8, 2024 Crisis Watch * Who We Are * Where We Work * What We Do * How To Help * Latest * Careers * Contact Us * Donor Help * Code of Conduct * Ethics Hotline Our efficiency * 87% Program services * 7% Management and general * 6% Fundraising Donate Join our mailing list Get the latest news about the IRC\'s innovative programs, compelling stories about our clients and how you can make a difference. 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It was updated on 29 June 2023 to include the 2022 figures. ### 1\. Lebanon – 22 per cent of the total population Lebanon, with a population of 6.8 million, has taken in an estimated 1.2 million Syrian refugees over the past ten years. The exact number is uncertain, because the national authorities demanded that the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) stop the registration of new refugees in 2015. The authorities themselves claim that 1.5 million Syrian refugees are living in the country. However, due to the challenging living conditions in Lebanon, some refugees have tried to take the difficult and dangerous journey on to Europe. Lebanon suffers from a lack of international will to share responsibility and is in a precarious economic situation. The country itself was ravaged by a civil war that lasted from 1975 until 1990. It is a densely populated country with a fragile political balance between different ethnic and religious groups. Since 2019, the situation has gone from bad to worse, with large-scale popular protests eventually leading to the Prime Minister’s resignation. Then, in 2020, Beirut was shaken by a huge explosion, which killed more than 200 people, injured more than 6,000 and left over 300,000 homeless. Unemployment is sky-high. The country’s currency has collapsed, reaching a historic low in May 2022, meaning much of the population is no longer able to afford the necessities of survival. On top of all this came the Covid-19 pandemic, followed by a rapid rise in food and energy prices as a result of the war in Ukraine. Even before the latest increases, more than 50 per cent of the population live below the poverty line. For Syrian refugees, the figure is even higher, with 83 per cent living in extreme poverty. Lebanon urgently needs the rest of the world to step up and help the country that has taken the greatest responsibility for helping displaced people. Want more frequent updates on the global refugee situation? Subscribe to our newsletter. ### 2\. Aruba – 16 per cent Aruba is a former Dutch colony in the Caribbean, off the coast of Venezuela. The country has a population of just over 100,000. As a result of the crisis in neighbouring Venezuela, some 17,000 people have sought refuge in the small island state. Many more have attempted to reach Aruba but have been turned back. Aruba still has close ties to the Netherlands, which also controls foreign and security policy. The people of Aruba have the right to obtain a Dutch passport, and the authorities in both Aruba and the Netherlands are afraid that this will attract a large number of refugees and migrants if they do not pursue a strict asylum policy. Due to the fear of being deported, as well as the fact that registered asylum seekers in Aruba are not allowed to work, most refugees and migrants live in hiding from the authorities and make a living in the informal part of the economy. As a result, it is difficult to know exactly how many have fled to the island. The figure of 17,000 is the UN refugee agency’s best estimate. ### 3\. Curaçao – 14.2 per cent Like Aruba, Curaçao is a former Dutch colony in the Caribbean. Conditions for Venezuelan refugees and migrants living here are just as difficult as on the neighbouring island. Amnesty International has recently criticised the authorities in the country for detaining refugees and denying them protection. ### 4\. Nauru – 9.1 per cent This small island state has received boat refugees who were trying to get to Australia when Australian authorities refused to accept them. The UN refugee agency has been highly critical of the agreement Australia has made with Nauru and other countries and is concerned about the reprehensible conditions the refugees live under. Australia has now agreed to stop sending refugees to Nauru. ### 5\. Jordan – 8.3 per cent Jordan has received almost a million refugees in the last ten years. The vast majority were fleeing neighbouring Syria. While a small number have since decided to return to Syria or have been able to resettle in other countries, there are still some 660,000 Syrian refugees registered as living in Jordan today. Over 80 per cent of Syrian refugees in Jordan live in urban centres where they face the challenge of finding sustainable work and affordable housing. Competition for limited employment opportunities can lead to tensions with the local population. The remaining 20 per cent of Syrian refugees live in one of the two refugee camps established by the Jordanian authorities and managed by the UN refugee agency. Jordan also houses 2.4 million Palestinian refugees. These are people (and their descendants) who fled or were expelled from their country during the 1947-49 Palestine war and the Six Day War in 1967. ![\\"Top](\\"/globalassets/images/fr-2020/these-10-countries-receive-the-most- refugees/most_refugees_4_5_eng.jpg\\") ### 6\. Montenegro – 5.2 per cent Montenegro is one of Europe’s youngest nations and only gained its independence in 2006. The country is not yet a member of the European Union, and is therefore not part of the EU’s support mechanism for the reception of refugees. Nevertheless, Montenegro has received more refugees in relation to its population than any other European country in recent years. When the war in Ukraine broke out, several million Ukrainians fled to European countries. Many settled in the countries bordering Ukraine. But Montenegro, a small country which is geographically remote from Ukraine, still received more refugees in relation to its population than any of Ukraine’s neighbours. The UN refugee agency has praised the authorities and people of Montenegro for the hospitality they have shown Ukrainian refugees. This positive attitude is one of the reasons why so many refugees have applied to Montenegro. There are close ties between these two Slavic peoples, who are also linguistically related. Paradoxically, relatively few Ukrainian refugees have received protection in Montenegro’s neighbouring country Serbia. ### 7\. Colombia – 4.8 per cent Between 2018 and 2022, some 2.5 million Venezuelans fled to neighbouring Colombia. Only a minority have received formal refugee status, but the UN refugee agency emphasises that displaced Venezuelans need protection and supports the authorities in Colombia, which have granted Venezuelans a 10-year temporary residence permit. The humanitarian conditions for refugees in Colombia are still difficult, in a country that itself has more than five million internally displaced people. Colombia has experienced prolonged conflict, despite the peace initiatives of recent years. The level of violence within the country is high and this also affects vulnerable people on the move. ### 8\. Türkiye – 4.6 per cent Türkiye has received more refugees than any other country since 2013 – as many as 4 million. Türkiye is a large and populous country and is better equipped to handle the challenge than, for example, Lebanon. Nevertheless, it is challenging to provide protection to such a large number of people within a short space of time. Türkiye signed an agreement with the EU in 2016 that prevents refugees from moving on to Europe. This has had serious consequences for both the refugees who have made it to Greece and those who remain in Türkiye. ### 9\. Czech Republic – 4.2 per cent Until war broke out in Ukraine, there had been very few refugees in the Czech Republic. Indeed, the country had been one of the most reluctant in Europe to accept refugees from the Middle East and Africa. The opposition to accepting Muslim refugees was particularly strong. This contrasts sharply with the hospitality that has since been shown to refugees from Ukraine. Unlike Poland, Hungary and Slovakia, the Czech Republic does not share a border with Ukraine. Nevertheless, it has accepted more refugees per capita than any of these countries. Only Montenegro has received more, relative to its population. At the same time, opposition to Muslim refugees coming to the Czech Republic is intensifying. In 2022, border controls were introduced to prevent Syrian refugees from entering from Slovakia. Together with Hungary and Poland, the Czech Republic has refused to participate in the EU’s scheme for the relocation of refugees from Greece and Italy. The European Commission is now threatening the three countries with punitive measures if they do not change their position. ### 10\. Uganda – 3.9 per cent Uganda has received almost 1.9 million refugees over the last ten years and is one of the largest recipients of refugees in the world. In recent years, Uganda has provided protection to many refugees from DR Congo and South Sudan, as well as people from Burundi, Somalia, Rwanda and several other countries. Uganda is a pioneer in integrating refugees and giving them full rights. ### Other major recipient countries In addition to the ten countries that have received the most refugees relative to their population, there are certain populous countries that have received a large number of refugees in the last 10 years. The most significant of these are: * Germany – 2,517,000 refugees (3% of the total population) * Russia – 1,764,000 (1.2%) * Iran – 1,690,000 (1.9%) * Sudan – 1,285,000 (2.7%) * Poland – 972,000 (2.4%) * Peru – 955,000 (2.8%) See also: A few countries take responsibility for most of the world’s refugees **Note:** The figures in the article include all those who have been granted individual protection or temporary collective protection, as well as groups defined by the UN refugee agency as being in a refugee-like situation without having been granted formal refugee status. Asylum seekers who are waiting to have their asylum application processed are not included. If asylum seekers had been included, Cyprus would have been among the top ten receiving countries, and Peru would have been even higher on the list. This article was first published in November 2020. It was updated on 29 June 2023 to include the 2022 figures. Want more frequent updates on the global refugee situation? Subscribe to our newsletter. ### Read more about global displacement ![\\"Flyktningregnskapet](\\"/image/303077/flyktningregnskapet-2023.jpg?width=768&height=384&focalPoints=MjA4NSw1MTI%3D\\") ## Conflict and crisis in an interconnected world 14\. Jun 2023 | Feature ![\\"\\"](\\"/image/302781/the-worlds-most-neglected-displacement- crises-2022_shorthand.jpg?width=768&height=384&focalPoints=ODUwLDI1MQ%3D%3D\\") ## The world’s most neglected displacement crises in 2022 01\. Jun 2023 | Feature ![\\"\\"](\\"/image/136383/responsibility-for-the-worlds- refugees_small.jpg?width=768&height=384\\") ## A few countries take responsibility for most of the world’s refugees 01\. Nov 2020 | Global displacement ![\\"Ahlam](\\"/image/160733/yemen%206.jpg?width=768&height=384\\") ## Take a small step towards solving a big problem 01\. Jul 2021 | Perspective ![\\"\\"](\\"/image/160664/Sisters%20with%20pebbles.jpg?width=768&height=384\\") ## Four steps towards ending the refugee crisis 29\. Jun 2021 | Perspective ![\\"\\"](\\"/image/160052/740A0214-2.jpg?width=768&height=384\\") ## What does it really feel like to flee? 17\. Jun 2021 | Perspective Media centre Careers Tenders Norwegian Refugee Council Prinsens gate 20152 OsloNorway ## Switchboard (08-15 CET) +47 23 10 98 [email protected] ## Media hotline +47 90 56 23 [email protected] ## Donor support Phone: +47 800 33 503SMS: +47 594 48 256 [email protected] ![\\"90\\"](\\"/globalassets/graphics/piechart.svg\\"/) 90% Over 90 per cent of our global revenue goes directly to fulfil our purpose. 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We are the country that has now entered the 10th economy in the world
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Home 2. Briefing Room 3. Statements and Releases Global Partners for the Future Over the course of the last three years, the U.S.-Japan Alliance has reached unprecedented heights. We arrived at this historic moment because our nations, individually and together, took courageous steps to strengthen our collective capacity in ways that would have seemed impossible just a few years ago. Today, we, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. and Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio, celebrate this new era of U.S.-Japan strategic cooperation during the Prime Minister’s Official Visit and State Dinner in Washington, D.C.—and pledge that the United States and Japan will continue our tireless work, together and with other partners, to realize a free and open Indo-Pacific and world. In this new era of U.S.-Japan cooperation, we recognize that global events affect the security and stability of the Indo-Pacific, and that developments in our shared region reverberate around the world. We are therefore working together, across all domains and at all levels, to build a global partnership that is fit for purpose to address the complex, interconnected challenges of today and tomorrow for the benefit of our two countries and the world. As our Alliance cooperation reaches new heights, we are expanding our engagement to reflect the global nature of our partnership. At the core of our cooperation is a shared commitment to work with like-minded partners and multilateral institutions to address common challenges and to ensure a world that is free, open, connected, resilient, and secure. These joint efforts are based on our shared fundamental respect for international law, including the protection and promotion of human rights and dignity, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states, and the prohibition on acquisition of territory by force. Our purpose as partners is to uphold and bolster the free and open international order based on the rule of law that has allowed so many nations to develop and prosper, and to ensure our Alliance is equipped to tackle the challenges of the 21st century. To advance our global partnership, today we announce several new strategic initiatives to strengthen our defense and security cooperation; reach new frontiers in space; drive technology innovation; bolster economic security; accelerate climate action; partner on global diplomacy and development; and fortify the ties between our peoples. Through our global partnership, we are also synchronizing our strategies, and our two nations have never been more united as we work together to address the most pressing challenges and opportunities of the future. Strengthening our Defense and Security Cooperation The core of our global partnership is our bilateral defense and security cooperation under the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security, which is stronger than ever. We affirm that our Alliance remains the cornerstone of peace, security, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific. President Biden reiterated the unwavering commitment of the United States to the defense of Japan under Article V of the Treaty, using its full range of capabilities, including nuclear capabilities. Prime Minister Kishida reaffirmed Japan’s unwavering commitment to fundamentally reinforce its own defense capabilities and roles, and to enhance its close coordination with the United States under the Treaty.President Biden also reaffirmed that Article V applies to the Senkaku Islands. We reiterated our strong opposition to any attempts by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to unilaterally change the status quo by force or coercion in the East China Sea, including through actions that seek to undermine Japan’s longstanding and peaceful administration of the Senkaku Islands. We welcome the progress in optimizing Alliance force posture in areas including the Southwestern Islands to strengthen U.S.-Japan deterrence and response capabilities, and we confirm the importance of further advancing this initiative. The United States welcomes the steps Japan is taking to fundamentally enhance its defense capabilities, including its plans to increase the budget for its defense capabilities and complementary initiatives to two percent of GDP in Japanese Fiscal Year (JFY) 2027 in accordance with Japan’s National Security Strategy, its decision to possess counterstrike capabilities, and its plans to stand up the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) Joint Operations Command to enhance command and control of the JSDF. Together, these initiatives elevate our defense ties to unprecedented levels and launch a new era of U.S.-Japan security cooperation, strengthening our Alliance and contributing to stability in the Indo-Pacific. Today, we announce several new strategic initiatives to further advance our Alliance. Recognizing the speed at which regional security challenges evolve and to ensure our bilateral Alliance structures meet these critical changes, we announce our intention to bilaterally upgrade our respective command and control frameworks to enable seamless integration of operations and capabilities and allow for greater interoperability and planning between U.S. and Japanese forces in peacetime and during contingencies. More effective U.S.-Japan Alliance command and control will strengthen deterrence and promote a free and open Indo-Pacific in the face of pressing regional security challenges. We call on our respective defense and foreign ministries to develop this new relationship through the Security Consultative Committee (our security “2+2”). In support of this vision, we also reaffirm our goal to deepen Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance cooperation and Alliance information sharing capabilities, including through the Bilateral Information Analysis Cell. We will also continue to implement efforts to strengthen our Alliance force posture, build high-end base capabilities, and increase preparedness that are necessary to deter and defend against threats. We resolve to deepen bilateral cooperation toward the effective development and employment of Japan’s suite of counterstrike capabilities, including the provision of U.S. materiel and technological support to enhance Japan’s indigenous stand-off programs. The United States expressed its commitment to start the training pipeline and ship modifications for Japan to acquire operational capability of the Tomahawk Land Attack Missile (TLAM) system. We also reaffirmed our pursuit of a Glide Phase Interceptor (GPI) cooperative development program to counter high-end, regional hypersonic threats. As our countries strengthen our bilateral ties, we will continue to build our relationships with like-minded partners in the region. Today, we announce our vision to cooperate on a networked air defense architecture among the United States, Japan, and Australia to counter growing air and missile threats. Recognizing Japan’s strengths and the close bilateral defense partnerships with the AUKUS countries, AUKUS partners – Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States – are considering cooperation with Japan on AUKUS Pillar II advanced capability projects. Continuing the momentum from the Camp David Summit, we welcome progress on establishing an annual multidomain exercise between the United States, Japan, and the Republic of Korea (ROK). Recognizing the commitments made in the Atlantic Declaration and the Hiroshima Accord, and as the Indo-Pacific and Euro-Atlantic regions become ever more interlinked, we welcome the announcement of regular U.S.-Japan-UK trilateral exercises, beginning in 2025, as we enhance our shared and enduring security. Building on the announcement at the Australia Official Visit in October to pursue trilateral cooperation with Japan on unmanned aerial systems, we are exploring cooperative opportunities in the rapidly emerging field of collaborative combat aircraft and autonomy. The United States welcomes Japan’s revision of the Three Principles on the Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology and its Implementation Guidelines, which bolsters cooperation through joint development and production to enhance our deterrence capabilities in the region. To leverage our respective industrial bases to meet the demand for critical capabilities and maintain readiness over the long term, we will convene a Forum on Defense Industrial Cooperation, Acquisition and Sustainment (DICAS) co-led by the U.S. Department of Defense and Japan’s Ministry of Defense to identify priority areas for partnering U.S. and Japanese industry, including co-development and co-production of missiles and co-sustainment of forward-deployed U.S. Navy ships and U.S. Air Force aircraft, including fourth generation fighters, at Japanese commercial facilities, in coordination with relevant ministries. This forum, in conjunction with our existing Defense Science and Technology Cooperation Group, will better integrate and align our defense industrial policy, acquisition, and science and technology ecosystems. The DICAS will provide updates on progress to the foreign and defense ministers in the security “2+2.” We also commit to establishing a working group to explore opportunities for future fighter pilot training and readiness, including AI and advanced simulators, and co-development and co-production of cutting-edge technologies such as common jet trainers to maintain combat-ready next- generation fighter airpower. We reaffirm the critical importance of continuing to enhance U.S. extended deterrence, bolstered by Japan’s defense capabilities, and will further strengthen bilateral cooperation. In this regard, we call on our respective foreign and defense ministers to hold in-depth discussions on extended deterrence on the occasion of the next security “2+2” meeting. We continue to deepen our cooperation on information and cyber security to ensure that our Alliance stays ahead of growing cyber threats and builds resilience in the information and communication technology domain. We also plan on enhancing our cooperation on the protection of critical infrastructure. Recognizing the importance of rapidly responding to frequent and severe climate change-related and other natural disasters, we plan to explore cooperation on the establishment of a humanitarian assistance and disaster relief hub in Japan. In order to maintain deterrence and mitigate impact on local communities, we are firmly committed to the steady implementation of the realignment of U.S. forces in Japan in accordance with Okinawa Consolidation Plan, including the construction of the Futenma Replacement Facility at Henoko as the only solution that avoids the continued use of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma. Reaching New Frontiers in Space Our global partnership extends to space, where the United States and Japan are leading the way to explore our solar system and return to the Moon. Today, we welcome the signing of a Lunar Surface Exploration Implementing Arrangement, in which Japan plans to provide and sustain operation of a pressurized lunar rover while the United States plans to allocate two astronaut flight opportunities to the lunar surface for Japan on future Artemis missions. The leaders announced a shared goal for a Japanese national to be the first non- American astronaut to land on the Moon on a future Artemis mission, assuming important benchmarks are achieved. The United States and Japan plan to deepen cooperation on astronaut training to facilitate this goal while managing the risks of these challenging and inspiring lunar surface missions. We also announce bilateral collaboration on a Low Earth Orbit detection and tracking constellation for missiles such as hypersonic glide vehicles, including potential collaboration with U.S. industry. Leading on Innovation, Economic Security, and Climate Action The United States and Japan aim to maximally align our economic, technology, and related strategies to advance innovation, strengthen our industrial bases, promote resilient and reliable supply chains, and build the strategic emerging industries of the future while pursuing deep emissions reductions this decade. Building on our efforts in the U.S.-Japan Competitiveness and Resilience (CoRe) Partnership, including through the U.S.-Japan Economic Policy Consultative Committee (our economic “2+2”), we intend to sharpen our innovative edge and strengthen our economic security, including by promoting and protecting critical and emerging technologies. The United States and Japan welcome our robust economic and commercial ties through mutual investment, including Microsoft’s $2.9 billion investment in Japan on AI and cloud infrastructure, workforce training, and a research lab; and Toyota’s recent additional $8 billion battery production investment for a cumulative $13.9 billion investment in North Carolina. Japan is the top foreign investor in the United States with nearly $800 billion in foreign direct investment, and Japanese companies employ nearly 1 million Americans across all 50 states. Similarly, as a top foreign investor in Japan for many years, the United States is supporting Japan’s economic growth, and as two of the world’s largest financial sectors, we commit to strengthening our partnership to bolster cross-border investment and support financial stability. As robust and creative economies, we also plan to accelerate investment in our respective start-up environments to foster innovation through the “Japan Innovation Campus” in Silicon Valley and the “Global Startup Campus” to be established in Tokyo, and in companies that take actions toward sustainable value creation (SX). We welcome our new Japan-U.S. personnel exchange programs on startups and venture capital firms under the Global Innovation through Science and Technology (GIST) initiative. We are committed to strengthening our shared role as global leaders in the development and protection of next-generation critical and emerging technologies such as AI, quantum technology, semiconductors, and biotechnology through research exchange and private investment and capital finance, including with other like-minded partners. We welcome our collaboration on AI for Science between Riken and Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) founded on the revised project arrangement. We applaud the establishment of $110 million in new AI research partnerships – between the University of Washington and University of Tsukuba and between Carnegie Mellon University and Keio University – through funding from NVIDIA, Arm, Amazon, Microsoft, and a consortium of Japanese companies. We are committed to further advancing the Hiroshima AI Process and strengthening collaboration between the national AI Safety Institutes. Building on our long history of semiconductor cooperation, we intend to establish a joint technology agenda for cooperation on issues such as research and development, design, and workforce development. We also welcome the robust cooperation between and with our private sectors, especially in next- generation semiconductors and advanced packaging. We also plan to work together along with like-minded countries to strengthen global semiconductor supply chains, particularly for mature node (“legacy”) semiconductors through information-sharing, coordination of policies, and addressing vulnerabilities stemming from non-market policies and practices. We also celebrate the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation between Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) and the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as a first step in bilateral cooperation on quantum computing. Building on the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) and our respective leadership of the G7 and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) last year, we continue to advance resilience, sustainability, inclusiveness, economic growth, fairness, and competitiveness for our economies. We applaud the recent entry into force of the IPEF Supply Chain Agreement. We will continue to seek cooperation on critical minerals projects, including those along the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment Lobito Corridor, and through the Minerals Security Partnership (MSP) as well as the Partnership for Resilient and Inclusive Supply-chain Enhancement (RISE). We are cooperating to deter and address economic coercion, through our bilateral cooperation as well as through our work with like-minded partners including the G7 Coordination Platform on Economic Coercion. We are working to uphold a free, fair and rules-based economic order; address non-market policies and practices; build trusted, resilient, and sustainable supply chains; and promote open markets and fair competition under the U.S.-Japan economic “2+2” and the U.S.-Japan Commercial and Industrial Partnership. We will advance our commitment to operationalize data free flow with trust, including with respect to data security. We will also discuss the promotion of resilient and responsible seafood supply chains. The United States and Japan recognize that the climate crisis is the existential challenge of our time and intend to be leaders in the global response. Towards our shared goal of accelerating the clean energy transition, we are launching a new high-level dialogue on how we implement our respective domestic measures and maximize their synergies and impacts, including the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act and Japan’s Green Transformation (GX) Promotion Strategy aimed at accelerating energy transition progress this decade, promoting complementary and innovative clean energy supply chains and improving industrial competitiveness. Today we announce Japan joins as the first international collaborator of the U.S. Floating Offshore Wind Shot. We intend to work together towards global ambition in line with the Wind Shot, taking into consideration national circumstances, through the Clean Energy and Energy Security Initiative (CEESI) to pursue innovative breakthroughs that drive down technology costs, accelerate decarbonization, and deliver benefits for coastal communities. The United States welcomes Japan’s newly-launched industry platform, the Floating Offshore Wind Technology Research Association (FLOWRA), aiming to reduce costs and achieve mass production of floating offshore wind through collaboration with academia. We are further leading the way in developing and deploying next generation clean energy technology, including fusion energy development through the announcement of a U.S.-Japan Strategic Partnership to Accelerate Fusion Energy Demonstration and Commercialization. The United States remains unwavering in its commitment to support the energy security of Japan and other allies, including its ability to predictably supply LNG while accelerating the global transition to zero-emissions energy and working with other fossil energy importers and producers to minimize methane emissions across the fossil energy value chain to the fullest extent practicable. We intend to advance widespread adoption of innovative new clean energy technologies, and seek to increase the globally available supply of sustainable aviation fuel or feedstock, including those that are ethanol- based, that show promise in reducing emissions. We are also working to align global health security and innovation, including in such areas as pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response and promoting more resilient, equitable, and sustainable health systems. Today, we announce that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Japan’s Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) intend to collaborate and exchange information on oncology drug products to help cancer patients receive earlier access to medications and to discuss future drug development and ways to prevent drug shortages. We welcome PMDA’s future representative office in Washington, D.C., to facilitate this cooperation. Partnering on Global Diplomacy and Development The challenges we face transcend geography. The United States and Japan are steadfast in our commitment to upholding international law, including the UN Charter, and call for all Member States to uphold the Charter’s purposes and principles, including refraining from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State. We remain committed to reforming the UN Security Council (UNSC), including through expansion in permanent and non-permanent categories of its membership. President Biden reiterated support for Japan’s permanent membership on a reformed UNSC. We reaffirm our commitment made in Hiroshima last year and are determined to further promote our cooperation in the G7 and work together with partners beyond the G7. We emphasize the importance of all parties promoting open channels of communication and practical measures to reduce the risk of misunderstanding and miscalculation and to prevent conflict in the Indo-Pacific. In particular, we underscore the importance of candid communication with the PRC, including at the leader level, and express the intent to work with the PRC where possible on areas of common interest. We emphasize the importance of all States being able to exercise rights and freedoms in a manner consistent with international law as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), including freedom of navigation and overflight. We strongly oppose any unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force or coercion, including destabilizing actions in the South China Sea, such as unsafe encounters at sea and in the air as well as the militarization of disputed features and the dangerous use of coast guard vessels and maritime militia. The PRC’s recent dangerous and escalatory behavior supporting its unlawful maritime claims in the South China Sea as well as efforts to disrupt other countries’ offshore resource exploitation are inconsistent with international law as reflected in UNCLOS. We also emphasize that the 2016 South China Sea Arbitral Award is final and legally binding on the parties to that proceeding. We resolve to work with partners, particularly in ASEAN, to support regional maritime security and uphold international law. We emphasize that our basic positions on Taiwan remain unchanged and reiterate the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait as an indispensable element of global security and prosperity. We encourage the peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues. We continue working together with partner countries to make concrete progress in strengthening the international financial architecture and fostering investment under the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment. We are committed to delivering better, bigger, more effective multilateral development banks including through our planned contributions that would enable more than $30 billion in new World Bank lending and securing ambitious International Development Association and Asian Development Fund replenishments. We also emphasize the importance of private sector investment in the Indo-Pacific. We welcome the announcement of Google’s $1 billion investment in digital connectivity for North Pacific Connect, which expands the Pacific Connect Initiative, with NEC, to improve digital communications infrastructure between the United States, Japan and Pacific Island Nations. Building on the U.S.-Australia joint funding commitment for subsea cables last October, the United States and Japan plan to collaborate with like-minded partners to build trusted and more resilient networks and intend to contribute funds to provide subsea cables in the Pacific region, including $16 million towards cable systems for the Federated States of Micronesia and Tuvalu. We reaffirm our steadfast commitment to the Quad and its shared vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific that is stable, prosperous, and inclusive which continues to deliver results for the region. We reiterate the Quad’s unwavering support and respect for regional institutions, including ASEAN, the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), and the Indian Ocean Rim Association. We also reaffirm our support for ASEAN centrality and unity as well as the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific. Southeast Asian countries are critical partners in the Indo-Pacific and the U.S.-Japan-Philippines trilateral aims to enhance trilateral defense and security cooperation while promoting economic security and resilience. Japan and the United States reaffirmed our intention to work to support the region’s priorities as articulated through the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, including through the PIF as the Pacific’s preeminent institution as well as through the Partners in the Blue Pacific (PBP). As we pursue our shared vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific, we continue to build strong ties between key, like-minded partners in the region. Building on the historic success of the Camp David Trilateral Summit, the United States, Japan and the Republic of Korea continue to collaborate on promoting regional security, strengthening deterrence, coordinating development and humanitarian assistance, countering North Korea’s illicit cyber activities, and deepening our cooperation including on economic, clean energy, and technological issues. The United States and Japan also remain committed to advancing trilateral cooperation with Australia to ensure a peaceful and stable region. We reaffirm our commitment to the complete denuclearization of North Korea in accordance with relevant UNSC resolutions. We strongly condemn North Korea’s continued development of its ballistic missile program—including through launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) and space launch vehicles using ballistic missile technologies—which poses a grave threat to peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and beyond. We call on North Korea to respond to continued, genuine offers to return to diplomacy without preconditions. We call on all UN Member States to fully implement all relevant UNSC resolutions, especially in light of Russia’s recent veto. We urge North Korea to cease illicit activities that generate revenue for its unlawful ballistic missile and weapons of mass destruction programs, including malicious cyber activities. President Biden also reaffirms U.S. commitment to the immediate resolution of the abductions issue, and the two sides commit to continuing joint efforts to promote respect for human rights in North Korea. We continue to stand together in firm opposition to Russia’s brutal war of aggression against Ukraine, its strikes against Ukraine’s infrastructure and the terror of Russian occupation. We are committed to continuing to impose severe sanctions on Russia and provide unwavering support for Ukraine. Together, we reiterate our call on Russia to immediately, completely, and unconditionally withdraw its forces from within the internationally recognized borders of Ukraine. Any threat or use of nuclear weapons in the context of its war of aggression against Ukraine by Russia is unacceptable. We also express serious concerns about growing North Korea-Russia military cooperation, which is supporting Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and threatens to undermine peace and stability in Northeast Asia as well as the global non- proliferation regime. As the linkages between the Euro-Atlantic and the Indo-Pacific regions have become stronger than ever, our two countries look forward to continuing to work together to enhance Japan-North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and NATO-Indo-Pacific Four partnerships. We once again unequivocally condemn the terror attacks by Hamas and others on October 7 of last year, and reaffirm Israel’s right to defend itself and its people consistent with international law. At the same time, we express our deep concern over the critical humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip. We affirm the imperative of securing the release of all hostages held by Hamas, and emphasize that the deal to release hostages would bring an immediate and prolonged ceasefire in Gaza. We affirm the imperative of realizing an immediate and sustained ceasefire in Gaza over a period of at least six weeks as part of a deal that would release hostages held by Hamas and allow for delivery of essential additional humanitarian assistance to Palestinians in need. We underscore the urgent need to significantly increase deliveries of life-saving humanitarian assistance throughout Gaza and the crucial need to prevent regional escalation. We reiterate the importance of complying with international law, including international humanitarian law, as applicable, including with regard to the protection of civilians. We remain committed to an independent Palestinian state with Israel’s security guaranteed as part of a two-state solution that enables both Israelis and Palestinians to live in a just, lasting, and secure peace. We reaffirm the importance of supporting inclusive growth and sustainable development in Latin America and the Caribbean. We continue to enhance policy coordination in the region, in particular on Haiti and Venezuela. We also recognize that promoting the stability and security for Haiti is one of the most pressing challenges in the Western Hemisphere, and we continue to support Haiti in restoring democratic order. We also support African aspirations for peace, stability, and prosperity based on the rule of law. We continue to work together to support the democratic process and economic growth through our respective efforts, including our cooperation with African countries, Regional Economic Communities, the African Union, and multilateral organizations. The United States and Japan are resolved to achieve a world without nuclear weapons through realistic and pragmatic approaches. It is critical that the overall decline in global nuclear arsenals achieved since the end of the Cold War continues and not be reversed, and the PRC’s accelerating build-up of its nuclear arsenal without transparency nor meaningful dialogue poses a concern to global and regional stability. We reaffirm the importance of upholding the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) as the cornerstone of the global nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime and for the pursuit of peaceful uses of nuclear energy. In promoting this universal goal of achieving a world without nuclear weapons, Japan’s “Hiroshima Action Plan” and the “G7 Leaders’ Hiroshima Vision on Nuclear Disarmament” are welcome contributions. The two leaders also welcomed the U.S. announcement to join the Japan-led “Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty Friends” initiative. We reaffirm the indispensable role of the peaceful uses of nuclear technology, committing to fostering innovation and supporting the International Atomic Energy Agency’s efforts in upholding the highest standards of safety, security, and safeguards. President Biden commended Japan’s safe, responsible, and science- based discharge of Advanced Liquid Processing System treated water at Tokyo Electric Power Company’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station into the sea. Our two countries plan to launch the Fukushima Daiichi Decommissioning Partnership focusing on research cooperation for fuel debris retrieval. To effectively address the myriad challenges outlined above, our global partnership is launching a Deputy Secretary of State/Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs-level dialogue involving our respective aid agencies to align our diplomatic and development efforts globally. Fortifying People-to-People Ties People-to-people exchanges are the most effective way to develop the future stewards of the U.S.-Japan relationship. In this regard, we recognize the achievements of exchange programs between our two countries, including the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme, KAKEHASHI Project, the Japan Foundation’s programs, and the U.S.-Japan Council’s TOMODACHI Initiative, and commit ourselves to providing more opportunities to meet today’s needs, including through enhanced subnational exchanges on critical issues such as climate and energy. We also recognize the important role civil society has played in strengthening the U.S.-Japan relationship over the past 170 years, including the 38 Japan-America Societies across the United States, the Asia Society, and the 29 America-Japan Societies across Japan. Building on the Memorandum of Cooperation in Education signed between us on the sidelines of the G7 Leaders’ Summit in Hiroshima, today we announce our commitment to increase student mobility through the new $12 million “Mineta Ambassadors Program (MAP)” education exchange endowment administered by the U.S.-Japan Council for U.S. and Japanese high school and university students who will “map” the future of the relationship with support from Apple, the BlackRock Foundation, Toshizo Watanabe Foundation, and other founding donors. In this regard, we also welcome Japan’s new initiative to expand scholarship for Japanese students through the Japan Student Servicers Organization. We recognize the significant contributions made by the binational Japan-U.S. Educational Commission (Fulbright Japan) over the past 72 years. We welcome recent changes to upgrade the program by reopening scholarships to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields for the first time in 50 years, with the first STEM students on track to participate in academic year 2025-26, as well as removing the tuition cap for Japanese Fulbright participants to attract the highest quality students and researchers. Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Mansfield Fellowship Program, we honor the legacy of Ambassador Mansfield’s contributions through the University of Montana Mansfield Center and Mansfield Foundation. The two leaders also welcome the creation of the Government of Japan endowed Mansfield Professor of Japanese and Indo-Pacific Affairs at the University of Montana. Upon the 100th anniversary of the birth of the late Senator Daniel K. Inouye, who made incredible contributions to our bilateral relationship, we praise the efforts of Japanese American leaders to build a bridge between the two countries and to address common community issues, including through support to the U.S.-Japan Council’s newly launched TOMODACHI Kibou for Maui project. We also share the recognition on the importance of exchanges between our legislatures. We acknowledge the importance of language study, particularly in person, to develop long-term ties and announce a new Memorandum of Cooperation to increase opportunities for the number of exchange visitors from Japan to share their specialized knowledge of Japanese language and culture in the United States, as well as welcome efforts to expand the Japanese Language Education Assistant Program (J-LEAP). The two leaders also affirm that women in leadership remain their focus and reaffirm our pledge to achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in all their diversity. We welcome close cooperation on Women, Peace, and Security and Women’s Economic Empowerment initiatives and efforts to promote women and girls’ full, equal, and meaningful participation and leadership in public life. Finally, we emphasize the need to build a diverse pipeline of future U.S.-Japan experts who understand and support the Alliance. Our peoples form the core of our Alliance, and we reaffirm our commitment to forge ever-closer bonds for generations to come. — Through our shared and steadfast commitment, we have taken bold and courageous steps to bring the U.S.-Japan Alliance to unprecedented heights. In so doing, we have equipped our partnership to protect and advance peace, security, prosperity, and the rule of law across the Indo-Pacific and the globe so that everyone benefits. Today, we celebrate the enduring friendship among our peoples—and among ourselves—and pledge to continue our relentless efforts to ensure that our global partnership drives future peace and prosperity for generations to come. ### Next Post: Remarks by President Biden and Prime Minister Kishida Fumio of Japan in Joint Press Conference Remarks by President Biden and Prime Minister Kishida Fumio of Japan in Joint Press Conference April 10, 2024 • Speeches and Remarks Next Post ## Stay Connected Sign Up Email Address* Required ZIP Code Please leave blank. We\'ll be in touch with the latest information on how President Biden and his administration are working for the American people, as well as ways you can get involved and help our country build back better. Opt in to send and receive text messages from President Biden. 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We are the country that has now entered the 10th economy in the world
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NSW Labor candidate for Tweed and former police officer Craig Elliot cites policing as a key issue in his electorate He claims there are less police stationed in Tweed now than in 2012
![\\"\\"](\\" news_theme/dist/assets/icons/logo.c2320657.svg\\"/) ## AAP FACTCHECK * TRUSTED![\\"\\"](\\" * ACCURATE![\\"\\"](\\" * IMPARTIAL![\\"\\"](\\" DONATE SUBSCRIBE * * * * * Fact Checks * Check the Facts * Who We Are * AAP FactCheck Team * Neutrality and Code of Practice * Organisational Structure & Funding * How We Work * Our Process * Verdicts * Request a Correction * Contact * Suggest a Fact Check ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2019/03/19105036/Has-the-number-of-police-working-in-northern- NSW-fallen-since-2012_-scaled.jpg?v=1582069840\\"/) Police tape restricts access to a street in Surry Hills, Sydney, Monday, August. 28, 2017. (AAP Image/Joel Carrett) NO ARCHIVING # Has the number of police working in northern NSW fallen since 2012? Louise Evans, James Lane & Tiffanie Turnbull March 13, 2019 ## The Statement “There are less police now than there was in 2012.” Labor candidate for Tweed and former police officer Craig Elliot cites police numbers as a key issue in his northern NSW electorate. March 13, 2019. ## The Analysis More police are “desperately needed” in northern NSW according to Labor candidate Craig Elliot who has pledged to increase police numbers in his seat of Tweed if elected on March 23. AAP FactCheck has examined Mr Elliot’s claim, reported in The Australian (paywall), that there are less police stationed in Tweed now than in 2012. AAP FactCheck could not obtain a figure for the number of police in Tweed now due to a number of factors. NSW police numbers in local areas are only publicly available up until September 2017 via a NSW government website page titled police strength figures. NSW Police media said a breakdown of the number of officers in each local area command weren’t made public after September 2017 because the statistics were no longer comparable due to structural reform and changes to how officers were allocated to local areas. NSW Police Media said it could not give AAP FactCheck current police figures for any time after September 2017 because they “cannot comment on candidate claims” as NSW was in caretaker period ahead of the March 23 election. Mr Elliot told AAP FactCheck his claim was based on the published September 2017 figures for Tweed. NSW ‘Police Strength Figures’ in September 2017 show 165 officers were working in the Tweed/Byron local area command. According to NSW Police website archives, there were 189 police officers working in the Tweed/Byron local area command at the end of the 2011-2012 financial year. These figures support Mr Elliot’s claim, showing a decline in police numbers of 24 from 2012 to 2017. A spokesman for retiring NSW Police Minister Troy Grant said the reason reported police figures “appeared” to have fallen in the Tweed/Byron region since 2012 was due to a change in the way the numbers were calculated. The minister’s spokesperson said from July 1, 2012 highway traffic police no longer reported to and weren’t counted as part of local command. This change was confirmed in a March 2013 statement by a spokesman for then NSW Police Minister Mike Gallacher and a Police Association northern region spokesperson who said a restructure by the NSW police force and the creation of a Traffic and Highway Patrol Command “had created the impression the number of operational officers had dropped”. “Highway patrol officers are still stationed in their Local Area Command but the staff come under that different command,” the Police Association spokesperson said in a Northern Star news report. In the month following the transfer of highway police to another command, figures dropped from 189 (June 2012) to 167 (July 2012). Figures for July 2012 show a drop of two officers from 2012 to 2017 which means Mr Elliot’s statement is still correct, but only just. Mr Elliot agreed the way the figures were calculated had changed after July 1, 2012 but stood by his claim. “It doesn’t matter which way you cut and dice the figures, there are still less police in the Tweed today than there were before,” the former Queensland police officer told AAP FactCheck. “This government has the wrong priorities on police numbers. Their focus is Sydney- centric and the regions like the Tweed have been ignored.” Overall however, the number of NSW police officers across the state has increased since June 2012 – from 15,977 to 16,788 in June 2018 – an increase of 811 over six years. AAP FactCheck found Mr Elliot’s claim to be mostly true due to one problem. Current figures could not be verified due to a halt in public reporting since September 2017 and NSW Police declining to supply any data because the NSW government was in caretaker mode. ## The Verdict Mostly True – Mostly accurate, but there is a minor error or problem. ## Revision History First published March 13, 2019 17:30 AEDT All information, text and images included on the AAP Websites is for personal use only and may not be re-written, copied, re-sold or re-distributed, framed, linked, shared onto social media or otherwise used whether for compensation of any kind or not, unless you have the prior written permission of AAP. For more information, please refer to our standard terms and conditions. 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According to a report published by the Reserve Bank of India small micro and medium enterprises MSMEs collapsed due to the demonetisation measures introduced in 2016
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View Discipline Hubs * Information for * Authors * Editors * Librarians * Promoters / Advertisers * Researchers * Reviewers * Societies * Frequently asked questions * In this journal * Journal Homepage Submit Paper SEDME (Small Enterprises Development, Management & Extension Journal): A worldwide window on MSME Studies ![\\"National](\\"/pb- assets/societylogos/sde_society1_logo-1662986187590.gif\\"/) Journal indexing and metrics Journal Homepage Submit Paper Close #### Add email alerts You are adding the following journal to your email alerts New content --- SEDME (Small Enterprises Development, Management & Extension Journal): A worldwide window on MSME Studies Create email alert Open access Research article First published online August 27, 2021 # COVID-19 Pandemic and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs): Policy Response for Revival Minaketan Behera [email protected], Sanghamitra Mishra, […], Niharika Mohapatra, and Alok Ranjan Behera+1-1View all authors and affiliations Volume 47, Issue 3 * Contents * Abstract * Introduction * Defining MSMEs in India * Review of Literature * Objectives * Data and Methodology * Contribution of MSMEs Sector * Correlation Analysis * Johansen Co-integration Analysis * Impact of COVID-19 on MSMEs * Government Responses to Support MSMEs * Revival Strategies in Post-epidemic Situation for Policymakers * Conclusion * Competing Interests * Funding * ORCID iD * Footnotes * References * PDF / ePub * More * * Cite article * Share options * Information, rights and permissions * Metrics and citations * Figures and tables ## Abstract The outburst of COVID-19 has not only distressed the economic and social activities of Indian economy but also the world economy as a whole. Out of different economic activities, the micro, small and medium Enterprises (MSMEs) affected a lot. This article attempts to measure the contribution of MSMEs towards Indian economy and also attempts to find out the challenges and problems in pre- and during COVID period. We have used different descriptive statistics to measure the impacts of MSMEs and also use of correlation and co- integration to measure the relationship among the variables such as number of MSMEs, investment amount, employment and output. This pandemic is an exceptional shock for MSMEs. It is evident that there is a high degree of significant positive correlation among the variables. Johansen’s co- integration analysis resulted in the rejection of the null hypothesis signifying the existence of long-run co-integrating relationship. Given the extensive COVID-19 chaos, the government needs to establish an ongoing monitoring system and declare urgent relief steps to improve the MSMEs sector’s confidence. E-market linkage for MSMEs should be promoted, and fiscal stimulus should increase for this sector. The Government of India should take various measures to improve Indian MSMEs and achieve the vision of Self- reliant India. ## Introduction The unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19 brought misery to all the sectors, including micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The untried lockdown undersized the business activities of the MSMEs sector and mounted adverse shocks in the form of non-procurement of raw materials, reduced production and supply of final products, and non-availability of employees to work in the process of production. The consequences are wide and open, like loss of employment, reduction in revenue generation, declined sales and a cut back in the income of the working class (Hariharan et al., 2021). In India, the MSMEs sector has played a vital role in the country’s economic and social development as these are essentially dependent on traditional inherited skills and mostly use local resources (Indrakumar, 2020). As on fact, MSMEs particularly widen their sphere in rural and industrially underdeveloped areas by fostering entrepreneurship in resource-poor communities and manufacturing over more than 6,000 quality products in national and global markets. In recent years, the MSMEs have been mounting significance for their rolling contribution to employment and income growth with export earnings and their ability to be reactive to alteration in the market and innovative practices in local or global spheres (World Bank Group, 2018). According to the National Sample Survey (NSS) 73rd round conducted during 2015–2016, beyond the agricultural sector, MSMEs were the only sector to generate huge employment opportunities of 11.10 crore jobs through 6.34 crore MSME units. It generates backward and forward linkages in the economy by promoting non-agricultural livelihood and appealing more investments to the sector (Ministry of MSMEs, 2018–2019). The MSMEs sector has been widely accepted as the backbone of the Indian economy for its far-reaching impacts on the economy. But the hard blow of COVID-19 has made this sector to struggle for its sustainability. The threat of lockdown has become conscious in the MSMEs sector, bringing plentiful problems in financial crisis, demand, supply chain trouble, freezing of import and export opportunity, etc. (Banu & Suresh, 2020). To battle against health crisis challenges and maintain their growth process, this sector requires urgent stimulus. The government has shown its concern in need of attention in the form of monetary and fiscal support to induce economic activity in the sector. ## Defining MSMEs in India In defining small and medium enterprises, every economy follows its separate principle. Most countries do not differentiate in micro and small enterprises considering the same; the only difference is among small, medium and large enterprises. Those who differentiate have been following decisive factors such as the number of employees, annual sales, turnover or investment in plant and machinery. In India, MSMEs were defined by the MSMEs Development Act, 2006. To combat the COVID-19 pandemic, a revision in the definition of MSMEs has been approved by the Cabinet Committee on 1st June 2020. With this in India, both investment and turnover will be used as standardised norm for MSMEs classification. Table 1. Comparison of Criteria Used for Defining MSMEs. Definition of MSMEs| MSMEs Classification, 2006| Criteria: Investment in Plant and Machinery Equipment ---|---|--- Classification| Micro| Small| Medium Manufacturing enterprise| Investment < ₹25 lakh| Investment < ₹5 crore| Investment < ₹10 crore Service enterprise| Investment < ₹10 lakh| Investment < ₹2 crore| Investment < ₹5 crore Revised MSMEs Classification, 2020| Composite Criteria: Investment and Annual Turnover Classification| Micro| Small| Medium Manufacturing and service| Investment < ₹1 crore and turnover < ₹5 crore| Investment < ₹10 crore and turnover < ₹50 crore| Investment < ₹20 crore and turnover < ₹100 crore Source: MSMEs Development 2006 Act1, PIB updated on cabinet approval2; PRS. The revised definition may attract new entrepreneurs to the field, resulting in more investment, output and employment in the economy (Vaishnav & Surya, 2020). ## Review of Literature From the days of the National Planning Committee, it had been emphasised that the MSMEs would play a crucial role; hence, they need to be promoted on a sustainable basis and their vital issues to be addressed (Das, 2008). The growth of the MSMEs sector is a precondition for the growth of a developing economy like India as it comprises more than 50% of the manufacturing output of the economy (Ali & Husain, 2014; Eniola & Entebang, 2015). In recent years the MSMEs sector has been growing at a higher growth rate compared to the industrial sector. The foremost advantage of the sector is its employment prospective at low resource base. The MSMEs sector provides the maximum employment opportunities in terms of both self-employment and jobs after the prime agricultural sector (Kumar & Sardar, 2011). MSMEs sector had an important contribution towards employment generation and rural industrialisation, encouragement to entrepreneurial instinct and truncating regional disparities (Bhuyan, 2016). Communications bottlenecks are not yet completely resolved, so it’s the responsibility of the ministry of MSMEs to support the state governments for promoting the growth and development of MSMEs to make them able to compete in the changed global scenario (Ali & Husain, 2014; Kumar & Sardar, 2011). This sector has immense potential in investment with generating infrastructure base, making more employment, developing innovative skills and proficiency, ensuring a fair regional development, developing backward areas, making the economy self-contained through import substitution and making possible the nation’s development process. At the same time, the MSMEs sector is the most vulnerable one in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic because of its size, the scale of business, limited financial executive resources and notably they do not have the capacity to compact with something so unexpected (Sipahi, 2020). COVID-19 has enormous depressing impacts on the MSMEs sector through disruption in demand chain problems of the production process and raw material and labour availability, which resulted in shrinking revenue generation (Singh, 2020). This unfamiliar incident forced the enterprises to either cut down their business activities due to lack of financial strength, lack of raw material availability, labour shortage, etc., or to switch according to the need from non-essential to essential commodities such as mask, PPE kits, sanitisers, etc. (Tripathy, 2020). A survey conducted on MSMEs by the All India Manufacturers Organisation confirmed that the self-employed MSME units, predominantly 35% of MSMEs sector, have no chance of recovery for their businesses as they have already initiated the shutting down procedure (Tripathy & Bisoyi, 2021). The apparel manufacturing units of the export sector were under the business loss of over ₹150 crore from March 2020 to May 2020 due to the pandemic aftermath situation (Roy, 2020). The export loss to India’s leather industries is estimated to be $1.5 billion due to the slowdown of the global market. The MSMEs sector is struggling for its payment to workers, payment for fixed variables such as electricity, rent and interest, reduced cash flow in the economy, labour force migration, controlled material supply, etc. (Tripathy & Bisoyi, 2021). In order to stir the economy forward, countries have to reinforce their enterprises in the MSMEs sector (Sipahi, 2020). The government has primarily introduced urgent stimulus and precautionary measures to safeguard the MSMEs, such as liquidity support to address cash flow issues, preserving jobs through varied schemes and ensuring business continuity, as well as measures to expand trade opportunities by building their capacities (Chauhan, 2020; WTO, 2020). There are problems in inculcating the relief measures as India’s real challenge will be in spotting the 63.4 million informal MSMEs, where the majority are micro-enterprises (Prasad & Mondal, 2020). It is also identified that most of the policy instruments announced by the government are not directly targeting the MSME units; rather there lies the need for a more comprehensive policy measure to restructure the backbone (Reddy et al., 2020). The relief measures taken by the central government will not be sufficient enough to revive the collapsed MSMEs sector (Raney, 2020). Therefore, the government has to make sure through sufficient procedures and tracking mechanisms to reach every stakeholder in the MSMEs sector (Ghosh, 2020). It is substantial from the above analysis that although there exists surplus of studies on MSMEs sector and its significance for the development of Indian economy but the outbreak of this crisis has negatively crashed the MSME units in terms of production, distribution, investment, employment, revenue generation, social integration, monetary needs, etc., and studies related to impact analysis of COVID-19 on MSMEs sector is partial in all Indian context. Also evaluation relating to policy response by the government and revival strategies is strangely limited. Through this article, a clear assessment will be prepared on finding a statistically significant relationship among the key variables of MSMEs sector like the volume of MSMEs, investment, production and employment and the long-run relationship between variables will be recognised. The study will have its own significance in the field of assimilating the experimental COVID-19 situation with the MSMEs sector. ## Objectives This article highlights as follows: • The contribution of the MSMEs sector to the Indian economy in terms of output, employment, income, investment and export • The challenges encountered by the MSMEs segment before and during the COVID-19 pandemic • The policy initiatives to revive the MSMEs sector by the government • To suggest revival strategy of MSMEs to sustain in post-pandemic situation ## Data and Methodology The article is an analytical one. The data in relation to this has been collected primarily from secondary sources, including the published sources such as the annual report of Ministry of MSMEs, data by Central Statistics Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, RBI and Press Information Bureau (PIB)/Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics (DGCIS), data released by CIBIL, Report of Regional Development Bank, the press release of the various news agency, etc. The variables for deducing the proposed linkage are numbers of MSMEs, employment, investment and production, which has been assembled for the period 1992–1993 to 2015–2016. The study has confined its analysis period up to 2015–2016, as in further annual reports of Ministry of MSMEs, the said variables are not in same set-up as earlier. The study has made use of descriptive statistics, correlation and co-integration analysis. Correlation has used to know the degree of association between variables. Co-integration has been applied to check the long-run relationship between variables that whether they are integrated or not. So we have used the time series data to obtain the long-run relationship and trend among the variables. The statistical tools are the unit root test, augmented Dickey–Fuller test, Johansen’s co-integration test, the trace test and the maximum eigenvalue test estimated using the statistical software package E-views 7. ## Contribution of MSMEs Sector MSMEs, predominantly in developing countries, occupy an imperative and strategic place. From the beginning of the planned economy in 1951, MSMEs’ role was earmarked in the Indian economy and followed (Vashisht et al., 2016). There are over 6,000 goods from traditional to technologically advanced items, which the MSMEs in India are manufacturing. In the recent time period, the MSMEs sector has shown a higher growth rate compared to India’s overall industrial sector. The growth rate of the MSMEs sector was registered 13% on average. The MSMEs sector employed nearly 114 million people (Sipahi, 2020). In employment, MSME is the second largest sector after agriculture (Kishore, 2016; Raney, 2020; Vaishnav & Surya, 2020). Some important indicators may trace the MSMEs sector’s successful developments underlined in Table 2. Table 2. Contribution of MSMESs in Country’s Economy at the Current Price (in rupees crore). Year| MSMEs GVA| Growth (%)| Total GVA| Share of MSMEs in GVA (%)| Total GDP| Share of MSMEs in GDP (%) ---|---|---|---|---|---|--- 2011–2012| 2,622,574| –| 8,106,946| 32.35| 8,736,329| 30.0 2012–2013| 3,020,528| 15.17| 9,202,692| 32.82| 9,944,013| 30.4 2013–2014| 3,389,922| 12.23| 10,363,153| 32.71| 11,233,522| 30.20 2014–2015| 3,658,196| 7.91| 11,504,279| 31.8| 12,467,958| 29.34 2015–2016| 4,059,660| 10.97| 12,574,499| 32.28| 13,771,874| 29.48 2016–2017| 4,502,129| 10.9| 13,965,200| 32.24| 15,391,669| 29.25 2017–2018| 5,086,493| 12.98| 15,513,122| 32.79| 17,098,304| 29.75 2018–2019| 5,741,765| 12.88| 17,139,962| 33.5| 18,971,237| 30.27 Source: Ministry of MSME, Annual Report (2020–2021). The contribution of MSMEs sector in country’s gross value added (GVA) has been continuously increasing. The share percentage of MSMEs sector in total GVA and in total GDP is increasing over the years. There are 633.88 lakh MSMEs in the country engaged in different economic activities like 31% MSMEs are found to be engaged in manufacturing activities, while 36% are in trade and 33% in other services. The micro-sector enterprises account for more than 99% of total estimated numbers within the defined sectors, where the small and medium sectors account for only 0.52% and 0.01% of total estimated MSMEs, respectively. Another point to consider is that out of the total estimated MSMEs, 51% are in rural India, and 49% are in urban areas. The ownership distribution of MSMEs in different areas can be presented as follows: In ownership of enterprises, male dominance is noticeable irrespective of areas, as 79.63% of enterprises are male-owned compared to 20.37% owned by females. In comparison to urban areas, female ownership is concentrated in rural areas and more particularly in microenterprises. Ownership distribution of MSMEs in social category-wise has been presented as follows: ![](\\"/cms/10.1177/09708464211037485/asset/images/large/10.1177_09708464211037485-fig1.jpeg\\") Source: Ministry of MSMES, Annual Report (2020–2021). Figure 1. Ownership Distribution of MSMEs. ![](\\"/cms/10.1177/09708464211037485/asset/images/large/10.1177_09708464211037485-fig2.jpeg\\") Source: Ministry of MSME, Annual Report (2020–2021). Figure 2. Social Category Wise Distribution. ![](\\"/cms/10.1177/09708464211037485/asset/images/large/10.1177_09708464211037485-fig3.jpeg\\") Source: Ministry of MSMES, Annual Report (2020–2021). Figure 3. Activities wise Employment. In the total MSMEs, 66.27% are owned by socially backward groups (SC, ST and OBC). Precisely in rural and urban areas, many MSMEs are attributed to OBCs owning (49.72%). The same picture of category-wise distribution is perceptible in different segments of the sector. According to the 73rd round report of NSS, 1109.89 lakh employees of the MSMEs sector work in different activities like 360.41 lakh in manufacturing, 387.18 lakh in trade, 362.22 lakh in other services and 0.07 lakh in non-captive electricity generation and transmission work of the country. Within different MSME sector segments, only the micro-sector provides employment to 1076.19 lakh persons, which accounts for around 97% of total employment and the small and medium sectors are 2.88% and 0.16%, respectively. Of the total employment, 844.68 lakh (76%) are male employees, and 264.92 lakh (24%) are females. The export from the MSMEs sector plays a crucial role in determining the country’s total export. It is apparent from Table 3 that when the export from MSMEs sector declines, total export also diminishes. The share of MSMEs export is nearly 50% of the total export in India. Table 3. Share of MSMEs Export in Total Export (Amount in USD Million). Year| Total Export| Exports by MSMEs| Share of MSMEs Export in Percentage (Rounded off) ---|---|---|--- 2012–2013| 300,400| 127,992| 43 2013–2014| 314,415| 133,313| 42 2014–2015| 310,352| 138,896| 45 2015–2016| 262,291| 130,768| 50 2016–2017| 275,852| 137,068| 50 2017–2018| 303,376| 147,390| 49 Source: RBI and PIB/DGCIS. ## Correlation Analysis A rudimentary mathematical approach for measuring the intensity of the relationship between two variables is preferred through correlation analysis. Mostly correlation is used to enumerate the exact degree of directional relation between the selected variables. The significance level of the respective correlation is being established through their respective t-statistics and probability values. All the data series have been transformed to the logarithmic form to achieve stationary in variance. The theoretical reason behind the log transformation is to make values compare in percentage terms. There are huge differences in numbers of MSMEs units with respect to production, investment and employment; to linearise the extremity in variable variance, log transformation is necessary. The correlation equation among the variables is as follows: LMSMEt=α0+α1LINVTt+α2LPRODt+α3LEMPLt+u1t (1) LINVTt=β0+β1LMSMEt+β2LPRODt+β3LEMPLt+u2t (2) LPRODt=γ0+y1LMSMEt+γ2LINVTt+γ3LEMPL5+u3t (3) LEMPL t=δ0+δ1LMSMEt+δ2LINVTt+δ3LPRODt+u4t (4) where α0, β0, γ0 and δ0 are intercept parameters, α1, α2, α3, β1, β2, β3, γ1, γ2, γ3, δ1, δ2 and δ3 are slope coefficients, LMSMEs=Log of MSMEs units LINVT = Investment LPROD = Production LEMPL = Employment u1 _t_ , u2 _t_ , u3 and u4 are error terms in Equations (1), (2), (3) and (4). The correlation statistics for MSME units, production, employment and investment postulated that the variables are highly correlated as represented in Table 4. The coefficient of LMSME and LEMPL (0.999) is statistically significant with high degree of positive correlation. Similarly the positive correlation between LMSME and LINVT (0.997), and LINVT and LEMPL (0.997) are also statistically significant. Moreover, the correlation statistics between LPROD with LEMPL, LMSME and LINVT (0.974, 0.973 and 0.962, respectively) indicates a high degree of significant positive correlation among the variables. Table 4. No. of MSMEs, Employment, Investment and Production—Correlation Statistic 1992–2015. Correlation _t_ -Statistic Probability| LMSME| LINVT| LPROD| LEMPL ---|---|---|---|--- LMSME| 1.000000| 0.997705a| 0.999922a LINVT| 1.000000| 0.997883a LPROD| 0.973652a| 0.962828a| 1.000000| 0.974516a LEMPL| 1.000000 Source: The authors. Note: aCorrelation is significant at the 1% level (two tailed). Many macro-economic time series variables show trending behaviour or stationarity properties. With stationary properties, long-period analysis of variables may provide spurious results. In order to avoid stationarity, the augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test has been carried out on the selected data set. Table 5. Unit Root Test. Variables| At Level| 1st Difference ---|---|--- _t_ -Statistic| Probability| _t_ -Statistic| Probability LEMPL| 0.300011| 0.9727| –4.701876| 0.0014 LINVT| 0.498813| 0.9826| –4.393309| 0.0027 LMSME| 0.215536| 0.9672| –4.755945| 0.0012 LPROD| 0.193965| 0.9657| –0.403119| 0.8880 Source: The authors. Taking the logarithmic transformation of MSME units, employment, investment and production for unit root test, it has been evident from Table 5 that employment, investment and MSMEs units are non-stationary at the level but they become stationary at the first difference, that is, I(1) at 1% level of significance. But production is not stationary at the level as well as the first difference. For the second difference, an instrumental variable needs to be taken as a proxy for the production. So we take only three variables like employment, investment and MSMEs units to examine the long-period relationship. ## Johansen Co-integration Analysis The Johansen co-integration is developed over Engel–Granger methodology. Different researchers widely use the 1988 version of Johansen’s co-integration test model. The relationship between the rank of a matrix and the roots of its characters can be tested using this developed version of the Johansen co- integration test model. Johansen proposes two different likelihood ratio tests: the trace test and maximum eigenvalue test, for finding the long-run co-integrating relationship among the variables. These two test statistics are given below: λtrace(r)=−T∑i=r+1nln(1−λi) (5) λmax(r+1)=−Tln1−λr (6) where T = no. of observations λ = estimated values of characteristic roots or the eigenvalues r = co-integration rank Here variables, namely, log MSMEs, log employment and log investment, are taken for analysis. Table 6. Co-integration Rank Test (trace). Hypothesised No. of CE(s)| Eigenvalue| Trace Statistic| 0.05 Critical Value| Probabilitya ---|---|---|---|--- Noneb| 0.767498| 51.20154| 35.19275| 0.0005 At most 1b| 0.491498| 20.56558| 20.26184| 0.0454 At most 2| 0.261420| 6.363548| 9.164546| 0.1645 Source: The authors. Notes: Trace test indicates two co-integrating equation(s) at the 0.05 level. aMacKinnon et al. (1999) p-values. bDenotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level. Johansen proposes a sequential testing procedure that consistently determines the number of co-integrating relationships. First test H0 (r = 0) against H1 (r > 0), where r represents the number of co-integrating relationship among variables. If this null is not rejected, then it is concluded that there are no co-integrating relationships among the variables. If H0 (r = 0) is rejected, then it is concluded that there is at least one co-integrating relationship and proceed to test H0 (r = 1) against H1 (r > 1). If this null hypothesis is not rejected, then it is concluded that there is only one co- integrating relationship. If the null is rejected, then it is concluded that there are at least two co-integrating relationships. The sequential procedure is continued until the null is not rejected. From Table 7, it is apparent that at none and at most 1, the probability values 0.0005 and 0.0454, respectively, are statistically significant. These indicate the null hypothesis is rejected, which means these three variables have a long-run co-integrating relationship. So there is no need to check at most 2. Table 7. Co-integration Rank Test (Maximum Eigenvalue). Hypothesised No. of CE(s)| Eigenvalue| Max-Eigen Statistic| 0.05 Critical Value| Probabilitya ---|---|---|---|--- Noneb| 0.767498| 30.63596| 22.29962| 0.0027 At most 1| 0.491498| 14.20203| 15.89210| 0.0904 At most 2| 0.261420| 6.363548| 9.164546| 0.1645 Source: The authors. Notes: Max-eigenvalue test indicates co-integrating equation(s) at the 0.05 level. aMacKinnon–Haug–Michelis (1999) p-values. bDenotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level. In the maximum eigenvalue test, the null hypothesis and procedure of testing are the same as the trace statistic. At none, the probability value (0.0027) is less than 5, which means the null hypothesis is rejected. This shows there is long-run co-integration among the variables. With the rejection of the null hypothesis, there is no need for checking at most 1 and most 2. ## Impact of COVID-19 on MSMEs The MSMEs sector plays a substantial role in stimulating the growth of the Indian economy. Prior to the COVID-19 turmoil, this sector is experiencing sluggish growth due to multitude of challenges like lack of financial support, absence of proper infrastructural facility, non-availability of advanced technology, etc. But the problems have been provoked more by the process of demonetisation (2016) and Goods & Services Tax (2017). As most of the MSMEs have a rural unskilled labour base, smaller problems have a larger influence on these units, and such a health crisis puts their potentiality and sustainability to further distress. COVID-19 has changed the operational environment for MSMEs. The strictest lockdown to decontaminate the spread of the COVID-19 crisis resulted in the biggest shock for the MSMEs sector, particularly for the smallest firms. The sudden announcement to pursue all protocols of COVID-19 emergency in the process of production gives rise to supply chain problems like raw material import for cross-state and cross country boarder, panic migration of labour force to their native places, procurement of perishable products, monetary crunch, etc., generate unemployment, consumer fear element, the demand side problems, price rise, malfunctioning, reduced profit, etc. The MSMEs sector experiences its worst situation as 55% loss in employment, production falling from an average of 75% of capacity to just 11%, about 17.2% of their annual sales loss, delay in raw material received, less possibility of paying wage, more labour shortage and lost the access to credit. Overall, 70% of firms report that they will not survive the crisis beyond the next 3 months if the lockdown continues, and the smallest one might collapse in 1 month (Ghosh, 2020; Rathore, 2020; WTO, 2020). As per the survey of 5,000 MSMEs by the All India Manufacturers Organisation, The Hindu reported that 71% of firms are not able to pay salaries to their employees. At present, in India around 25% of firms will face closing if the lockdown goes ahead of 4 weeks, while 43% will face closing if lockdown extends further than 8 weeks (The Hindu, 2020). Unfortunately, the lockdown period continues with certain relaxation, which will intensify the situation to worsen than imagination. In the Indian economy, cash plays a vital role in the transaction system. But the lockdown has affected the Indian MSME sector because most of the payments in small businesses are made in cash, like payments to labourers, purchase of raw materials, etc. They are not much comfortable adopting digital payment in their business. This may raise the problem of liquidity crises, and without adequate liquidity, the MSMEs might be closed down. Around 55% of electronic component import from China has decreased to 20% for coronavirus and lockdown. To overcome this difficult situation, India is reducing its dependency on China and makes the product at home (Prasad & Mondal, 2020). There is also no demand for hotels and restaurants around 5 months, and people are avoiding traveling. Due to the lack of imported raw materials in lockdown time, the production of textile industries is declining day by day, which shows they might go for stop producing; for example, sambalpuri, maniabandha sarees, etc. The COVID-19 has unnatural effect on the communities, businesses, organisations, financial markets and the international market as a whole. In this situation, the uncoordinated government lockdowns have escort to a supply chain problem (Sipahi, 2020). That means lower labour and it means lower production, lower production leads to lower supply that will create the inflation situation in the whole economy. There are also some positive impacts on MSMEs due to COVID-19. In the time of lockdown, the movement of goods has been stopped. MSMEs are self-dependent and try to produce goods within the country. MSME is a great opportunity to produce hand sanitiser, face mask, etc. Some businesses are positively affected, which deal with the required items for livelihood. People demand the essential items more than necessary, which ultimately increases the price due to lower supply. In the containment zones, movement of the individual has been banned and in this critical situation, some business deals with packed products hold the opportunity by making home delivery and creating a healthy society. ## Government Responses to Support MSMEs The government of India has taken serious measures to revive the MSMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic. The government has announced the Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme, which is the biggest fiscal component of the ₹20 lakh crore Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan package, in May. The main purpose of the package is to enhance businesses with a major focus on the MSMEs sector. The initiatives are as follows: • MSMEs have been redefined based on both investment limits and turnover size. Enlarged investment limit for micro units in the manufacturing sector from ₹25 lakh and in service sector ₹10 lakh, which is now 1 crore, for small units in the manufacturing sector from ₹25 lakh to ₹5 crore and in service sector ₹10 lakh to ₹2 crore, but it is now 10 crore, and for medium units in the manufacturing sector from ₹5 crore to ₹10 crore and in service sector ₹2 crore to ₹5 crore and now it is ₹50 crore of both manufacturing and services sectors. Introduced additional criteria of turnover for micro, it is ₹5 crore, for small ₹50 crore, and for medium it is ₹100 crore for both manufacturing and services in investment and turnover. • RBI also took some initiatives like decrease the repo rate; as a result, the bank can lend at a cheaper rate, giving some help to the MSMEs sector. In Mumbai, the State Bank of India has targeted to allocate ₹700 crore to MSMEs. • The government announced a collateral-free automatic loan worth ₹3 lakh crore and did not repay for 12 months to support the struggling MSMEs sector. This will help ₹45 lakh MSMEs units across the country in restarting business activity and safeguarding jobs. For the strained MSMEs, the government will provide ₹20,000 crore subordinated debt. A fund is created for the MSMEs sector that will be injecting ₹50,000 crore equity. • To compete and supply in government tenders, the global tenders will be banned for government procurement up to ₹200 crore that will support ‘Make in India’ and going towards Self-reliant India. The government of India and central public sector undertakings (CPSEs) will honour all dues to MSMEs within 45 days. • As a replacement for trade fairs and exhibitions, there has been started e-market linkage for MSMEs. Fintech will enhance transaction-based lending using the data generated by the e-market for the MSMEs that were currently facing the problem of marketing and liquidity due to COVID-19. • The government has decided to provide PF and EPF support for both businesses and workers by providing a liquidity relief of ₹6,750 crore to reduce the business’s financial stress. The PF contribution of employer and employee reduced from 12% to 10% for all official establishments under EPFO to increase the liquidity in the hands of the consumers as well as producers, but in the case of CPSEs and state PSUs, it will continue 12% as an employer contribution. Under this support of the government, around 6.5 lakh employers and 4.3 crore employees get benefited. Under PM Garib Kalyan Package, this benefit also applies to workers who are not eligible for 24% EPF support. • Further, to increase more liquidity in the hands of the taxpayer government announced cutting the TDS rate by 25% for SMEs, NBFCs and TCS. Under direct tax measures, government decided that the income-tax return for FY 2019–2020 will be extended from 31st July 2020 and 31st October 2020 to 30th November 2020 and tax audit from 30th September 2020 to 31st October 2020. The government also announced that all pending refunds to charitable trusts and non-corporate businesses and professions, include proprietorship, partnership, LLP and co-operatives, shall be issued immediately. ## Revival Strategies in Post-epidemic Situation for Policymakers We have proposed a variety of policy initiatives to assist MSMEs in alleviating their hardships. There is a need for MSMEs to access their financial status and security. Given that most firms are experiencing financial difficulties, the government should consider granting loans to these businesses to help them in the current crisis. Low-interest loans with long- term repayments can be offered. Additionally, the credit limit for MSMEs must be increased. Loan repayments might also be deferred to reduce the burden. Entrepreneurs should expect consistent good cash flows from the government. MSMEs payment delay should be addressed. The budgets, projected inflows of money, expected risks and obligations, etc., should be taken into account with the finance department to create a fresh 3/6-month action plan. Reliable and accurate information about government financial relief package and support provided by trade organisations are necessary before preparing and executing a financial strategy. MSMEs have to rethink their strategy for goods, differentiators, distribution models, quality of products, etc. MSMEs should perform an inspection of their operations in order to develop a strategy for post-COVID-19 operations. While consumers’ discretionary spending is evident, there is also a pronounced shift in consumer tastes that can be leveraged. There is a need to create a strong digital ecosystem. New innovations are transforming business. New technologies are connecting buyers and suppliers across more locations and activities, opening opportunities for MSMEs. The government’s e-Marketplace (GeM) has been set up to raise MSMEs’ share in government procurement in goods and services. Beyond online purchases, a strong and constructive engagement in the social media will prove an advantage for the involvement of consumers and stakeholders. A digitally activated internal environment should also be built, which enables remote work or homework without hampering data protection or employee productivity. There is a need to incorporate new-age technological advances in MSMEs. Technology adoption can help MSMEs improve process efficiency, reduce cost, information visibility and enhance worker safety. MSMEs may also foster product and process developments by collaborating with technology leaders, that is, research institutions, tech start-ups and students. Partnerships may be another avenue for MSMEs. It may collaborate with existing foreign players to penetrate the Indian market or develop a low-cost production base. Work in three shifts and ensure social distancing at workplace to restart an industry that suffered after the COVID-19 pandemic. The ILO proposed that governmental efforts should address worker health and safety, economic stimulus and income and employment support (ILO, 2020). Online banking enables MSMEs to conduct business transactions without the need for physical contact. This enables organisations to reduce transaction expenses while also speeding up the transaction process. Learning from the current crises, it is important to chalk up an appropriate crisis management strategy that can address both immediate and long-term consequences. ## Conclusion India’s main focus is being ‘from local to global’ for MSMEs. A larger chunk of Indian MSMEs is in rural areas, which are going to play a significant role in making Self-reliant India. The effect of the modification in the definition of MSMEs on their economic performance has not been examined yet and remains a subject for future research. The revised definition will definitely add to the volume of MSME units so also an affirmative rise in the output, employment, product diversification, investment and export. Empirically analysing the decisive elements of the MSMEs sector, it is evident that there is a high degree of significant positive correlation among the variables (MSME units, production, employment and investment). Johansen’s co-integration analysis with trace test and maximum eigenvalue test connotes in null hypothesis rejections, which means the said variables have a long-run co-integrating relationship. Majority of MSMEs are facing the problem of access to finance and marketing their products during COVID-19. They struggle to cover expenses such as salaries, power bills, rent, property and water taxes, telephone and internet charges and bank loans. Hence their fundamental issues like registration issues, credit constraints, marketing problems, adopting technology, inadequate infrastructural facilities, etc., need to be tackled on a sustainable basis. Given the extensive COVID-19 chaos, the government needs to establish an ongoing monitoring system and declare urgent relief steps to improve the MSMEs sector’s confidence. ‘Make in India’ and ‘Digital India’ will be encouraging more. E-market linkage for MSMEs should be promoted, and fiscal stimulus should increase for this sector. The Government of India should take various measures to improve Indian MSMEs and achieve the vision of Self-reliant India. ## Competing Interests The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship and/or publication of this article. ## Funding The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article. ## ORCID iD Minaketan Behera ## Footnotes 1\. Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Notification, The Gazette of India : Extraordinary [Part II—Sec. 3(ii)]. 2\. Cabinet approves upward revision of MSME definition and modalities. ## References Ali A., & Husain F. (2014). MSMEs in India: Problems, solutions and prospectus in present scenario. International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences, 5(2), 109–115. Google Scholar Banu S., & Suresh B. (2020). COVID-19 and its impact on micro, small and medium enterprises in India. Mukt Shabd Journal, IX(X), 606–617. Google Scholar Bhuyan U. (2016). A study on the performance of micro, small and medium enterprises in India. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: A Administration and Management, 16(9), 32–36. Google Scholar Chauhan J. P. (2020). An impact of COVID-19 on Indian economy: A brief view of selected sectors. EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), 6(6), 9–12. Google Scholar Das K. (2008). 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[email protected] View all articles by this author Sanghamitra Mishra Baji Rout Memorial College, Dhenkanal, Odisha, India. View all articles by this author Niharika Mohapatra Department of A&A Economics, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. View all articles by this author Alok Ranjan Behera Department of Analytical and Applied Economics, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. View all articles by this author #### Notes Minaketan Behera, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110067, India. E-mail: [email protected] ## Metrics and citations ### Metrics #### Journals metrics This article was published in SEDME (Small Enterprises Development, Management & Extension Journal): A worldwide window on MSME Studies. View All Journal Metrics #### Article usage* Total views and downloads: 22337 *Article usage tracking started in December 2016 #### Articles citing this one Receive email alerts when this article is cited Sign up to citation alerts Web of Science: 0 Crossref: 6 1. 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According to a report published by the Reserve Bank of India small micro and medium enterprises MSMEs collapsed due to the demonetisation measures introduced in 2016
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Has the experiment worked? by Deepa Krishnan December 7, 2018 Share to: * Share on X * Share on LinkedIn * Share on Facebook * Email this article ![](\\"/media/image/41295551_thumb5_690x400.jpg\\") Illustration by amlanmathur On the night of Nov. 8, 2016, there was a surprise announcement on Indian television. In a live telecast to the nation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared that the country’s two highest-denomination currency notes (Rs 1,000 and Rs 500) would be withdrawn immediately from the market. The plan, termed demonetization by the press, was planned in secrecy and announced dramatically, as Modi’s masterstroke against black money. As economic experiments go, it was a big, bold move. There was no precedent, anywhere in the world, for a sudden economic shock of this scale. The withdrawn notes, amounting to US$320 billion at the time, represented 86 percent of the total currency value in circulation in India. By making the notes worthless almost overnight, the government hoped to destroy large piles of black money hidden away by tax evaders. In addition, the government claimed the plan would strike a major blow against corruption and counterfeiting and would kick-start India’s transition into a digital, cashless world. In a country with a huge informal economy, dependent on cash transactions, demonetization was a big political gamble, too. Related Stories * ![](\\"\\") Be prepared for disruption: Thinking the new unthinkables by Nik Gowing and Chris Langdon * ![](\\"\\") The new ways to win in emerging markets by David Wijeratne, Gagan Oberoi, and Shashank Tripathi * ![](\\"\\") Social Entrepreneurship by the Billions by Roger L. Martin, Sally R. Osberg, and Jennifer Riel The immediate fallout was chaos, as the country scrambled to cope. There was a rush at banks and ATMs to exchange old notes and withdraw new currency. Queues at banks grew; many people suffered, especially the poor, who had no access to credit cards or mobile wallets; and dozens of deaths resulting from the crisis were reported. Two years later, the dust has settled, and it has become obvious that demonetization was not the resounding success the government expected it to be. India’s black money problem has not gone away. The economy has taken a beating, huge financial losses have been incurred, and the marginalized poor, least able to withstand adversity, have been negatively affected. There have been some gains in tax collections, and the country has progressed toward digital payments, but these advances could have been achieved through other, less drastic means. For countries tackling black money or promoting a cashless economy, India’s experience with demonetization provides rich lessons. Although the long-term social, economic, and political consequences of demonetization are still playing out in India, answers to many complex questions are now apparent. ### What Happened to the Black Money? Economists who supported demonetization predicted that black money hoarders would destroy their stashes rather than declare them, thus delivering a bottom-line bonanza to the country. But in August 2018, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the country’s central bank, confirmed that 99.3 percent of the demonetized notes had been returned to the banks. Almost nothing was extinguished. It has become obvious that demonetization was not the resounding success the government expected it to be. * Share to: * Twitter * Facebook * LinkedIn Clearly, assumptions proved to be far from reality. Unlike portrayals in Bollywood films, it appeared that big tax evaders had not stashed away bundles of cash, but more likely held their money in real estate, gold, and Swiss bank accounts. Whatever was held in cash found its way back into the banking system. The press reported that the wealthy sold their currency at discounted rates to money-laundering intermediaries, who then deposited the notes into the banking system through the accounts of low-income Indians. Ultimately, the RBI did not receive any windfall. Instead, the cost of printing lower- denomination notes and managing the demonetization exercise put a sizeable dent in the central bank’s coffers, reducing its annual dividend to 46 percent of what it paid the government the previous year. There was very little counterfeit currency detected among the notes returned. The withdrawal of Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 notes was meant to signal a tough stance against black money by making it difficult to hoard large sums of cash. However, the government immediately introduced a new Rs 2,000 note, which seemed to defeat the purpose of eliminating the other high-denomination notes. The government offered no explanation for the move. And counterfeits were detected in the newly printed currency within a month of demonetization, suggesting that the counterfeiting network quickly adapted. ### What Happened to Economic Growth? The abrupt withdrawal of cash from India’s economy, without adequate or timely replenishment, hurt the farming and industrial sectors. Demand for goods and services fell immediately after demonetization. Segments that relied on cash transactions — such as agriculture, organized and unorganized retail, and the micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) sector — suffered most. A November 2017 study of 3,000 regulated agricultural markets for 35 major agricultural commodities, conducted during the three months immediately following demonetization, concluded that eliminating the high-currency notes had reduced the value of domestic agricultural trade by more than 15 percent in the short run, settling at 7 percent reduction three months later. The implementation of a nationwide goods and services tax (GST) in July 2017 provided yet another major economic disruption. The Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), a private forecaster, estimated that 1.5 million jobs were lost between January and April 2017. The labor force further shrank from 439.7 million in the fiscal year 2016–17 to 426.1 million in 2017–18. And the labor force participation rate (which expresses the labor force as a percentage of the working-age population) fell from 46.1 percent to 43.5 percent. According to CMIE, those ages 15 to 24 were the most affected, probably because they were relatively new to the workforce and typically held low-skilled, informal jobs paid by cash. Get the strategy+business newsletter delivered to your inbox (sample) EmailEmail address: According to the RBI, India’s GDP growth rate slowed from 8 percent in 2015–16 to 7.1 percent in 2016–17, to 6.7 percent in 2017–18. And the Central Statistics Office of the Government reported that during the first quarter of the fiscal year 2018–19 (April to June 2018), India’s GDP registered growth of 8.2 percent, on the back of a good performance by the manufacturing and farming sectors. However, it might be premature to celebrate this as an indicator that the country is bouncing back to pre-demonetization levels. Tighter financial conditions, high oil prices, and slowing global growth are expected to slow GDP growth again in the second half of this fiscal year, which has led the RBI to forecast GDP growth at 7.4 percent for 2018–19. Although this is still high compared with world trends, the country’s economic performance would have been better without the dampening effects of demonetization. ### Did Tax Collections Improve? Excluding the effects of a tax amnesty plan launched months before demonetization, government data shows there was no major growth in tax collections in the 2016–17 financial year. In the next financial year, though, both the number of taxpayers and direct tax collections grew significantly, by 10 percent and 19 percent, respectively. Tax buoyancy (tax collection growth after factoring in GDP growth) also improved. The Finance Ministry announced in August 2018 that the tax department was scrutinizing 1.8 million accounts, totaling $40 billion. However, in a country notorious for large-scale corruption, it remains to be seen whether the scrutiny will yield concrete results. Without complex economic and behavioral modeling, it’s difficult to isolate the effect of amnesty plans, demonetization, GST, and tax administration reforms on tax compliance and collections. But direct and indirect tax data for 2017–18 suggests that India is making progress on the path to a more formal, tax-compliant economy. ### Did India Move Closer to a Cashless Economy? The Indian economy traditionally has been dominated by cash. According to an April 2018 World Bank report (pdf), 190 million adult Indians do not have bank accounts. Even among those with bank accounts, many are still poor and illiterate, with no access to credit or debit cards or Internet banking. In the months following demonetization, when cash became unavailable, there was a sharp rise in debit and credit card transactions. Those who did not have cards applied for them, but it was difficult to get new cards quickly. Mobile wallets, with simpler documentation and Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements, stepped in to bridge the gap. Paytm, an Indian startup, quickly became the market leader, allowing merchants to register even without a bank account. Although initial enthusiasm for mobile wallets has tapered off, it sparked adoption of mobile payments, particularly for low-value transactions. Paytm announced in July 2018 that it had more than 100 million active users, with gross transactions totaling $50 billion in a year (with an average transaction value of $10). Several other big players have entered the market and reported strong growth. Multiple tailwinds — the increased penetration of affordable smartphones, the growth of e-commerce, improvements in telecom and payment infrastructure, and the availability of multilingual wallets — are pushing this growth in mobile wallets. However, mobile wallets represent less than 5 percent of the total value of retail digital transactions in India. More than 85 percent of retail electronic transfers (in terms of value) are done using the National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) platform, which enables individuals and businesses to transfer funds across bank accounts. NEFT showed growth of 44 percent in 2016–17 and 43 percent in 2017–18. This is in keeping with the increasing value of NEFT transactions over the last five years (with a CAGR of 42 percent from 2013 to 2018). So, it appears that although electronic NEFT payments continue to grow steadily in India, demonetization has not really accelerated the rate of growth. India’s love affair with cash also remains strong. ATM withdrawals dropped in 2016–17, but picked up pace when currency was freely available again. A July 2018 PwC report (pdf) on ATMs in India shows that from April 2017 to March 2018, the average month-on-month growth in ATM transaction values was 1.16 percent, compared with 1.04 percent from May 2014 to October 2016 (pre- demonetization). According to the RBI, currency in circulation grew by 37 percent in 2017–18, and the currency-to-GDP ratio increased from 8.8 percent to 10.9 percent. The real estate sector, known for large cash transactions, experienced a major setback immediately after demonetization, but cash has now begun to make its appearance in property and land deals. It is reasonable to conclude from the data that India is on a journey toward digital payments, with demonetization providing a positive nudge. But cash remains king; and many Indians remain outside the ambit of digital transactions. ### What About the Common Person? In the days after demonetization was announced, the press carried harrowing stories of human suffering. The shortage of cash resulted in medical and personal emergencies. Several tragedies were reported. The prime minister appeared on television, acknowledging the anguish, and called on the people to join him on a mahayagna, a grand sacrifice to rid India of corruption. It appeared that many Indians bought into the idea of a war on corruption. Even through many days of widespread distress, there were no major riots or violent incidents. Several academicians and activists documented the impact of demonetization on the rural poor. A study of 492 households from 10 villages in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu reported that more than one-third of those surveyed had less work after demonetization. Agricultural wage workers and the self- employed suffered the greatest effects. Several people reported permanent loss of work, or loss of markets, as they were replaced by competitors who adapted better to being cashless. As cash disappeared, people relied more strongly on networks of friends and family to sustain their economic and social activities. Informal debt rose sharply. Those without such support networks suffered the most, particularly because state social protection is weak in India and governmental programs are notoriously subject to patronage. A survey of 200 families living in 28 slum neighborhoods in Mumbai, conducted in December 2016 and February 2017, showed that 40 percent of households reported losing about 40 percent of their monthly income due to demonetization. Consumption and savings decreased, household debt increased, and the ability to repay debt worsened. Respondents reported an increased acceptance of cashless payment methods, but cash remained the preferred payment form. The attitude toward different forms of savings changed significantly, with respondents showing a decreased willingness to hold cash at home. In spite of income losses, at the beginning of February 2017, 51 percent of the sample surveyed felt positive about demonetization, feeling it was for the good of the country, while 22 percent had a negative opinion. ### What Were the Political Implications? Modi’s Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) came to power in 2014 with a strong majority mandate, allowing him to take a political gamble with demonetization. If black money had indeed been extinguished in a significant way, it would have established Modi as a champion of the poor and consolidated his party’s hold on the electorate. Demonetization turned out to be a damp squib, though, and dented Modi’s image as a leader who could do no wrong. Nonetheless, the BJP won assembly elections in eight of the 12 states that went to the polls in 2017 and 2018. It seems that neither poor economic performance nor the combined shocks of demonetization and GST have halted BJP’s journey toward becoming India’s leading national party. ### The Final Verdict The Indian government issued a press statement in August 2018, claiming that demonetization was a success. The facts do not support the claim. If the goal of demonetization was to reduce black money, a gradual and steady withdrawal of high-denomination notes would have perhaps served the purpose better. If the objective was to make the country more tax-compliant, then it would have been better to pursue administrative reforms in taxation and increased automation of processes, along with amnesty plans and customer education. Some argue that the Tax Department now has information about who has money, and thus demonetization can help find those guilty of tax evasion. But to make use of this information, the country needs corruption-free, effective tax administration (which was part of the original problem Modi sought to correct). The success of the nationwide GST in bringing more people under the tax net, and increasing both direct and indirect tax collections, is proof that there are better ways to bell the cat. India is now moving faster toward cashless transactions. However, the government had been making moves to digitize before demonetization. Aadhaar (a unique identification number for each Indian), Jan Dhan (universal banking), UPI (unified payments interface), and many other initiatives were already underway. It would have been better to push through those plans gradually, bearing in mind the needs of the weakest sections of society. In a largely informal economy where the most vulnerable people still have no access to digital payments, demonetization was an ill-considered, draconian measure that did a lot of damage to the Indian economy. At the end of two years, the benefits do not seem to have been worth the enormous financial losses and suffering. ## Author profile: * Deepa Krishnan is an entrepreneur, educator, and social worker. She teaches at S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research in Mumbai. 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According to a report published by the Reserve Bank of India small micro and medium enterprises MSMEs collapsed due to the demonetisation measures introduced in 2016
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mRNA vaccines against COVID19 are also associated with blood clot formation and cases have been higher than with the AstraZeneca vaccine
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The COVID-19 pandemic is a rapidly evolving global health crisis and new information may have become available since the revision date for each published FAQ. (Version 1.9; last updated May 9, 2022) Input from James B. Bussel, MD; Jean M. Connors, MD; Douglas B. Cines, MD; Cynthia E. Dunbar, MD; Laura C. Michaelis, MD; Lisa Baumann Kreuziger, MD; Agnes Y. Y. Lee, MD, MSc; and Ingrid Pabinger-Fasching, MD. Key Takeaways Vaccine-induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT) * Definitive Diagnosis (must meet all five criteria): 1. COVID vaccine 4 to 42 days prior to symptom onset# 2. Any venous or arterial thrombosis (often cerebral or abdominal) 3. Thrombocytopenia (platelet count < 150 x 109/L)* 4. Positive PF4 “HIT” (heparin-induced thrombocytopenia) ELISA 5. Markedly elevated D-dimer (> 4 times upper limit of normal) * Incidence is extremely low. Risk of death and serious outcomes of COVID-19, including thrombosis, far outweigh risk of VITT possibly associated with highly efficacious vaccines. * Urgent medical evaluation for VITT is indicated if any of the following develop 4 to 42 days after vaccination: * Severe headache * Visual changes * Abdominal pain * Nausea and vomiting * Back pain * Shortness of breath * Leg pain or swelling * Petechiae, easy bruising, or bleeding * If VITT is suspected, perform immediate CBC with platelet count and imaging for thrombosis based on symptoms. * If thrombocytopenia or thrombosis are present, recommend urgent consultation from hematologist with expertise in hemostasis. _Avoid use of heparin until VITT has been ruled out or until an alternative other plausible diagnosis has been made_. * Initial work-up (a normal platelet count is less concerning for VITT*): * CBC _with platelet count_ and peripheral smear * Imaging for thrombosis based on signs/symptoms * PF4-ELISA (HIT assay); **draw blood prior to any therapies** * Fibrinogen and D-dimer * Initiate therapy with intravenous immunoglobin and nonheparin anticoagulation pending PF4 ELISA results if: * Confirmed thrombosis AND at least one of the following * Low platelets* OR * Markedly elevated D-dimer OR * Both If PF4 ELISA returns negative and there is no thrombocytopenia, VITTis ruled out; treat as standard venous thromboembolism. OR * If thrombocytopenia and very high D-Dimer in absence of known thrombosis, particularly in the presence of severe headache, check PF4 ELISA, and consider treatment (see Q2) * If thrombocytopenia but no thrombosis and negative PF4 ELISA: likely ITP (see Q4) * Avoid platelet transfusions unless other treatments have been initiated AND life-threatening bleeding or imminent surgery * Consider referral to tertiary care center if VITT is confirmed. Knowledge about VITT continues to evolve, and updates will be made as new data become available. #To date, VITT appears far more likely following AstraZeneca/Johnson and Johnson adenoviral vaccines than Moderna/Pfizer mRNA vaccines.. *A patient who presents with thrombosis and a normal platelet count post-vaccination might be in an early stage of VITT. Continued assessment for development of thrombocytopenia/VITT is required. Use of a non-heparin anticoagulant may be indicated if patient is 4 to 42 days post–vaccine with all other facets of the syndrome pending PF4 ELISA testing and additional CBCs. --- On April 13, 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggested pausing administration of the AD26.COV2.S Johnson & Johnson (JJ) vaccine to allow investigation of several cases of severe thrombosis with thrombocytopenia occurring post- vaccination. This announcement came on the heels of the initial reports of similar events in individuals receiving the CHaDOx1 nCov-19 AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine outside the United States. Comprehensive clinical and laboratory characteristics of VITT have been reported in retrospective series and a large prospective cohort. This syndrome has been termed “vaccine-induced prothrombotic immune thrombocytopenia (VIPIT)” or “vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT),” and “thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS)” in communications from the CDC and FDA. The risk appears far lower for the two mRNA vaccines. Following the initial April 2021 FDA/CDC review of all sources of event reporting in the United States following JJ vaccine administration, and a detailed risk/benefit analysis, the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommended that the JJ vaccine remain available in the United States for persons aged 18 years and older. An updated CDC review in December 2021, based on better case ascertainment following description of the syndrome, has now estimated the incidence to be as high as 1 in 100,000. The most recent information from the United Kingdom suggests an incidence for the AstraZeneca vaccine of 20.3 per million doses in those aged 18 to 49 years compared to 10.9 per million doses in those aged 50 years and older. Earlier clinical recognition and awareness of VITT has reduced mortality from as high as 50 percent in initial case series to 5 percent in a recent analysis from Australia. On May 5, 2022 the FDA modified the JJ vaccine EAU to limit administration only to those older than 18 years who are unable to receive any other vaccine due to anaphylaxis to mRNA vaccine components or unwillingness or inability to receive any other vaccine, grounded in concerns based on a rate of greater than three cases per million doses, and persistent high mortality in those developing VITT. This FAQ is designed to provide an overview of considerations around the diagnosis and treatment of VITT. Specialists with expertise in thrombosis should be consulted as soon as VITT is diagnosed or under consideration, and many institutions will devise algorithms based on local availability of laboratory testing and drug availability. What is VITT? A syndrome characterized by venous or arterial thrombosis, particularly at unusual sites including cerebral sinus venous thrombosis (CSVT)/splanchnic thrombosis; mild to severe thrombocytopenia; and positive PF4-heparin ELISA (“HIT” ELISA) was first described following the ChAdOx1 nCov-19 AZ vaccine, utilized extensively in the United Kingdom, Europe, and Canada, but not yet available in the United States. The largest series of 220 definite and 50 probable cases from the UK showed a median age of 48 years, and no gender bias. Few patients had other known risk factors for thrombosis. Many of the patients were critically ill by the time thrombosis and thrombocytopenia were discovered, and up to one-third of the initially reported patients died. The presence of severe thrombocytopenia (30 × 109/L) and/or intracranial hemorrhage was associated with the highest mortality. VITT has also been reported in patients following the Ad26.COV2.S JJ vaccine. The clinical syndrome and time post-vaccination are very similar to cases following the AZ vaccine. Both vaccines utilize recombinant adenoviral vectors (chimpanzee for AZ and human for JJ) encoding the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein immunogen. In June 2021, a report of a VITT-like syndrome in single patient receiving the Moderna mRNA vaccine was published. The UK regulatory agency has reported 15 and two cases of major thrombosis with concurrent thrombocytopenia with Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, respectively; whether these are cases of VITT has not been confirmed. The striking clinical similarities of VITT to heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) and the uniformly positive PF4-heparin ELISAs in these index cases led investigators to identify circulating PF4-reactive antibodies able to activate platelets in the absence of heparin. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) or a monoclonal antibody blocking the Fc receptor were able to prevent platelet activation by these antibodies in vitro. These clinical and laboratory features are similar to rare cases of HIT-like autoimmune thrombosis with thrombocytopenia, previously described following surgery, certain medications or infections in patients not receiving heparin. What clinical presentation should trigger consideration of VITT, and what is an appropriate initial work-up? Mild-to-moderate constitutional symptoms such as fever, fatigue, headache, or muscle aches are common in the first 24 to 48 hours following vaccination and are not suggestive of VITT. Patients with severe, recurrent, or persistent symptoms from 4 to 42 days following COVID-19 vaccination, including intense headache, abdominal pain, back pain, nausea and vomiting, vision changes, change in mental status, shortness of breath, leg pain and swelling, and/or bleeding/petechiae, should be evaluated urgently by a medical provider, and consideration given to underlying VITT. The peak time period for initial symptoms is days 6 to 14. Diagnostic criteria of VITT vary between reports and based on geography. The five criteria for “Definitive” VITT (1. COVID vaccine 4 to 42 days prior to symptom onset; 2. Any venous or arterial thrombosis; 3. Thrombocytopenia [platelet count < 150 × 109/L]; 4. Positive PF4 “HIT” [heparin-induced thrombocytopenia] ELISA; 5. Markedly elevated D-dimer [> 4000 FEU or equivalent]) may not be met by every patient on presentation. As further data are gathered on patients with possible VITT, “grey zone” probable or possible VITT should be considered in patients with any concerning symptoms in the post-vaccine time period. There are no clear answers, and as data on patients with earlier VITT diagnosis become available, recommendations may change. Examples of such situations include: * Patients followed by hematologists/oncologists who present post-vaccination with other potential reasons for thrombocytopenia and thrombosis. The PF4 ELISA can assist with diagnosis of VITT in these patients if thrombocytopenia is worsened from baseline. * Patients may present with a typical lower extremity venous thromboembolism (VTE) following vaccination in the presence of mild thrombocytopenia or a single low normal value. At present, avoidance of heparins in patients presenting with VTE in the post-vaccine window is reasonable while awaiting PF4 ELISA and following the platelet count. * Patients who have thrombocytopenia and markedly elevated D- without other clear cause, even in the absence of documented thrombosis or suggestive symptoms, might benefit from initiating treatment while waiting for PF4 ELISA results. In particular, IVIG might be beneficial in those with platelet counts below 20 × 109/L as this reflects a consumptive coagulopathy. A recent report documented rapid improvement in laboratory parameters in such a patient treated with both IVIG and a non-heparin anticoagulant, without progression to thrombosis. * Patients with typical thrombosis, thrombocytopenia and very high D-dimers in the correct time window following vaccination, but a negative initial PF4 ELISA. This situation arose in 2.7 percent of the largest series and can be started on treatment for VITT (see below) while awaiting repeat PF4 ELISA and specialized platelet activation testing. Initial work-up (note: draw blood prior to any therapeutic interventions such as IVIG, given potential interference with diagnostic assays): 1. CBC with platelet count and peripheral smear. Median initial platelet count in largest series was 47 x 109/L with a wide range. Smear is needed to rule out pseudothrombocytopenia from platelet clumping. 2. Imaging for thrombosis based on symptoms, focused on detection of cerebral sinus venous thrombosis (CSVT) with CT or MRI venogram, splanchnic thrombosis, pulmonary emboli, and/or DVT. 3. D-dimer: the majority of VITT patients have markedly elevated values, over four times upper limit of normal. 4. Fibrinogen: some VITT patients are reported to have low values 5. PF4-heparin ELISA: almost 100 percent of cases reported had positive assays, with optical density greater than 2.0 to 3.0 in the majority. Non-ELISA rapid immunoassays for HIT are not sensitive or specific for VITT and should not be used. Patients with worrisome symptoms and/or positive imaging in addition to low platelet counts and high D-dimer can be considered to have VITT and should be started on treatment (see below) while awaiting PF4 ELISA results. Whether the degree of PF4 ELISA positivity correlates with risk of VITT is unknown. Patients with low fibrinogen and extremely high D-dimer, suggesting disseminated intravascular coagulation, fall within the VITT syndrome. Microangiopathy with red cell fragmentation and hemolysis has not been a common feature of reported cases; however, at least one case with both VITT and TTP/HUS features has been reported. Thus, review of a blood smear and attention to signs of intravascular hemolysis would be appropriate. Patients with isolated thrombocytopenia and continued absence of thrombosis may have post-vaccine ITP and not VITT (see below), as confirmed by a negative PF4 ELISA. How should VITT be treated? This is a newly described syndrome, and all recommendations are based on extrapolation from HIT and to non–heparin-dependent autoimmune thrombotic thrombocytopenias, analysis of the clinical features in reported cases, and predictions based on laboratory investigations of pathophysiology. Several groups have published detailed position papers on VITT that include expert consensus recommendations and algorithms. Note that prospective clinical treatment studies do not exist, and that the response rate of these interventions has not been established. The risk of heparin administration remains unclear. Many patients presenting prior to the initial reports of VITT received heparin anticoagulation, with poor outcomes; however, these patients were clinically very advanced before VITT was recognized. The recent large UK series reported 20 percent mortality in those receiving heparin and 16 percent in those not receiving heparin. While the syndrome resembles HIT, current understanding of VITT pathophysiology suggests that VITT antibodies bind the same site on PF4 as heparin, which can explain the inhibition of platelet activation by heparin seen in some patients’ laboratory testing with VITT. Given the availability of alternative anticoagulation regimens and lack of consensus regarding the safety of heparin in VITT, we currently suggest avoiding heparin or low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) anticoagulation in these patients. In patients presenting with thrombocytopenia, documented or suspected thrombosis, and a positive or pending PF4 ELISA 4-42 days post-vaccination, we recommend rapid initiation of treatment, analogous to treatment of severe HIT, including: 1. IVIG 1 g/kg daily for two days. Note that patients with new clots arising post-IVIG have been reported; thus, patients should be carefully monitored even after treatment has begun, and initiation of anticoagulation coincident with IVIG is recommended. 2. Non-heparin anticoagulation, chosen based on the clinical status and organ function of the patient: 1. Parenteral direct thrombin inhibitors (argatroban or bivalrudin), OR 2. Direct oral anticoagulants without lead-in heparin phase, OR 3. Fondaparinux, OR 4. Danaparoid 3. Low fibrinogen or bleeding are associated with VITT and should not absolutely preclude anticoagulation, particularly if platelets are 20 x 109 or rising following IVIG initiation. Concurrent replacement of fibrinogen in patients with bleeding and/or very low values should be considered. 4. Based on similarities to HIT, avoid platelet transfusions. However, risk/benefit assessment in individual patients with serious bleeding and/or need for surgical intervention may favor platelet transfusion following initiation of IVIG, non-heparin anti-coagulation, and fibrinogen replacement (if deficient). 5. Corticosteroids have been administered along with IVIG in some cases, with no consensus or data to date on their role. 6. Avoid aspirin as either treatment or prophylaxis for VITT. Aspirin is not efficacious in preventing HIT antibodies from activating platelets and could increase the risk of bleeding. 7. Additional therapies: Plasma exchange has been utilized in patients with severe disease. In the UK series, a survival of 90 percent was reported in patients treated with plasma exchange. It can be considered if a patient shows continued thrombosis despite IVIG and non-heparin anticoagulation. The large extravascular volume of distribution of IgG antibodies, causative in both HIT and VITT, prevents rapid or complete removal via plasma exchange, and the concurrent bleeding complications in VITT may make catheter placement and prolonged apheresis challenging. Complement inhibition with eculizumab has been utilized in several patients progressing after IVIG and anticoagulation, with evidence for improvement. At this time, the duration of risk of thrombosis in patients with VITT is not known. Pending more data, those with documented thrombosis should receive a minimum of three months anticoagulation, as for any provoked VTE. What if a patient presents with thrombocytopenia or bleeding post-vaccination? Over 100 cases of new-onset acute immune thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP), with at least one fatal, have been diagnosed in the same timeframe following vaccination as VITT (median, 8 days). These occurrences have been noted following AZ and JJ as well as Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. The platelet count at presentation is often 10 x 109/L, somewhat lower than in VITT (median, 20 x 109/L), and thromboses have not been associated with these cases, although very few cases had a PF4 ELISA checked. Most presented with bleeding. Estimates to date suggest that post–COVID vaccine ITP is rare (1 in 100,000 to 1 in 1,000,000) and may be related to vaccination or represent a coincidental event. Most patients respond to the combination of IVIG, and/or steroids, with platelet transfusions if bleeding. Thrombopoietin agents and possibly a single dose of vincristine may be useful if there is not an immediate (2-4 days or cessation of bleeding) response to IVIG and/or steroids. Avoidance of rituximab is important because of slow onset of action (weeks), negation of recent vaccine-induced immunity, and inability to vaccinate again for more than six months. For more details regarding treatment see the ITP FAQ. It is important to rule out VITT with a negative PF4 ELISA assay in patients presenting with thrombocytopenia four to 42 days post-vaccination, even in the absence of symptoms suggestive of thrombosis. While awaiting PF4 ELISA results, IVIG could be administered to patients with profound thrombocytopenia and bleeding, given the indication for this medication in the treatment of both ITP and VITT. Patients with pre-existing ITP or other causes of thrombocytopenia may have transient further lowering of platelet count following vaccination. Whether a PF4 ELISA should be sent in such patients in the absence of signs of thrombosis is unclear, but until more information is available, it would seem prudent to send a screening ELISA in those with a clear significant decrease in platelet count occurring during the relevant timeframe. Should the risk of VITT impact vaccination approaches in hematology patients? Currently, the AZ and JJ vaccines remain available in many countries around the world and remain critical components in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. In most settings, the risks of COVID-19 disease far outweigh the very low risk of VITT following AZ or JJ vaccines. However, in settings and countries with availability of mRNA vaccines, the lower risk of VITT and higher efficacy against breakthrough infections (and especially hospitalizations and severe disease for mRNA as compared to adenoviral vaccines) has resulted in both governmental recommendations and policies favoring use of mRNA vaccines, particularly in the need for booster shots to improve protection against newer variants such as Delta and Omicron. Studies have demonstrated efficacy and safety of heterologous regimens (i.e., administration of a different vaccine for a second shot or booster, thus the vast majority of JJ recipients in the United States have received mRNA rather than JJ boosters. On December 16, 2021, the CDC endorsed the vaccine advisory panel’s recommendation that mRNA vaccines be preferred over the JJ vaccine for both initial and booster injections. Given difficulties in diagnosing VITT in the presence of ongoing thrombocytopenia and lower seroconversion rates for adenoviral vaccines compared to mRNA vaccines in some groups of immunocompromised individuals, many hematology patients will have even stronger indications for use of mRNA versus adenoviral vaccines. Resources * Muir KL et al. Thrombotic thrombocytopenia after Ad26.COV2.S vaccination. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc2105869. * See I et al. US Case Reports of Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis With Thrombocytopenia After Ad26.COV2.S Vaccination, March 2 to April 21, 2021. JAMA. 2021 Jun 22;325(24):2448-2456. doi: 10.1001/jama.2021.7517. PMID: 33929487; PMCID: PMC8087975. * Pavord et al. Clinical features of vaccine-associated immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis. DOI:10.1056/NEJMoa2109908 * Greinacher A et al. Thrombotic thrombocytopenia after ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccination. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2104840. * Schultz NH et al. Thrombosis and thrombocytopenia after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2104882. * Scully M et al. Pathologic antibodies to platelet factor 4 after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination. 10.1056/NEJMoa2105385. * Sangli S et al. Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia after the mRNA-1273 vaccine. Ann Int Med. 2021; * Cines DB, Bussell JB. SAR-CoV-2 vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMe2106315. * Thaler J et al. Successful treatment of vaccine-induced prothrombotic immune thrombocytopenia (VIPIT). J Thromb Haemost. DOI: 10.1111/jth.15346. * Salih F et al. Vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia with severe headache. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc2112974 * Tiede A, Sachs UJ, Czwalinna A, et al. Prothrombotic immune thrombocytopenia after COVID-19 vaccine. Blood. 2021; DOI:10.1182/blood.2021011958. * Patriquin et al. Therapeutic plasma exchange in vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc2109465 ![\\"American](\\"/-/media/hematology/logo/ash-logo- svg.svg?la=en&h=150&w=150&hash=6E66D887754EE537A83B6694C275A084\\") American Society of Hematology 2021 L Street NW, Suite 900,Washington, DC 20036 Contact Phone 202-776-0544Toll Free 866-828-1231Fax 202-776-0545 Social Copyright © 2024 by American Society of Hematology Support Opportunities | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | Contact Us
mRNA vaccines against COVID19 are also associated with blood clot formation and cases have been higher than with the AstraZeneca vaccine
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latest evidence of rare adverse blood coagulation events with AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine (Vaxzevria and Covishield) # Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS) review of latest evidence of rare adverse blood coagulation events with AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine (Vaxzevria and Covishield) 16 April 2021 Statement Reading time: 2 min (665 words) العربية 中文 Français Русский Español A very rare new type of adverse event called Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS), involving unusual and severe blood clotting events associated with low platelet counts, has been reported after vaccination with COVID-19 Vaccines Vaxzevria and Covishield. A specific case definition for TTS is being developed by the Brighton Collaboration1. This will assist in identifying and evaluating reported TTS events and aid in supporting causality assessments. The biological mechanism for this syndrome of TTS is still being investigated. At this stage, a ‘platform specific’ mechanism related to the adenovirus- vectored vaccines is not certain but cannot be excluded. Ongoing review of TTS cases and related research should include all vaccines using adenoviral vector platforms. The GACVS noted that an investigation has been initiated into the occurrence of TTS following the Johnson & Johnson vaccine administered in the United States. The TTS syndrome has not been linked to mRNA-based vaccines (such as Comirnaty or the Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccine). Based on latest available data, the risk of TTS with Vaxzevria and Covishield vaccines appears to be very low. Data from the UK suggest the risk is approximately four cases per million adults (1 case per 250 000) who receive the vaccine, while the rate is estimated to be approximately 1 per 100 000 in the European Union (EU). Countries assessing the risk of TTS following COVID-19 vaccination should perform a benefit-risk analysis that takes into account local epidemiology (including incidence and mortality from COVID-19 disease), age groups targeted for vaccination and the availability of alternative vaccines. Work is ongoing to understand risk factors for TTS. Some investigators have looked into rates of TTS by age2. GACVS supports further research to understand age-related risk because while available data suggest an increased risk in younger adults, this requires further analysis. On the issue of sex- related risk, although more cases have been reported in females, it is important to underscore that more women have been vaccinated and that some TTS cases have also been reported in men. Therefore, further analysis is required to determine any sex-related risk. GACVS recommends further epidemiological, clinical and mechanistic studies to fully understand TTS. Thrombosis in specific sites (such as the brain and abdomen) appears to be a key feature of TTS. Clinicians should be alert to any new, severe, persistent headache or other significant symptoms, such as severe abdominal pain and shortness of breath, with an onset between 4 to 20 days after adenovirus vectored COVID-19 vaccination. At a minimum, countries should encourage clinicians to measure platelet levels and conduct appropriate radiological imaging studies as part of the investigation of thrombosis. Clinicians should also be aware that although heparin is used to treat blood clots in general, administration of heparin in TTS may be dangerous, and alternative treatments such as immunoglobulins and non-heparin anticoagulants should be considered. There may be a geographic variation in the risk of these rare adverse events. It is therefore important to evaluate potential cases of TTS in _all_ countries. Countries are encouraged to review, report and investigate all cases of TTS following COVID-19 vaccinations. Countries should assess cases according to the presence of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia and the time to onset following vaccination, using the Brighton Case Definition of TTS. Whilst we have some information on Comirnaty, Moderna (mRNA-1273), Vaxzevria and Covishield vaccines, there is limited post-market surveillance data on other COVID-19 vaccines and from low- and middle-income countries. GACVS highly recommends that all countries conduct safety surveillance on _all_ COVID-19 vaccines and provide data to their local authorities and to the WHO global database of individual case safety reports. This is urgently needed to support evidence-based recommendations on these life-saving vaccines. Open, transparent, and evidence-based communication about the potential benefits and risks to recipients and the community is essential to maintain trust. WHO is carefully monitoring the rollout of all COVID-19 vaccines and will continue to work closely with countries to manage potential risks, and to use science and data to drive response and recommendations. 1 case-finding-definition/ 2 Feature stories The Oxford/AstraZeneca (ChAdOx1-S [recombinant] vaccine) COVID-19 vaccine: what you need to know 13 June 2022 * Regions * Africa * Americas * Eastern Mediterranean * Europe * South-East Asia * Western Pacific * Policies * Cybersecurity * Ethics * Information disclosure * Permissions and licensing * Preventing sexual exploitation * Terms of use * About us * Careers * Frequently asked questions * Library * Newsletters * Procurement * Publications * Contact us Report misconduct ![\\"Home\\"](\\"/ResourcePackages/WHO/assets/dist/images/logos/en/h-logo- white.svg\\"/) Privacy policy © 2024 WHO
mRNA vaccines against COVID19 are also associated with blood clot formation and cases have been higher than with the AstraZeneca vaccine
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Home 2. News 3. AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine: EMA finds possible link to very rare cases of unusual blood clots with low blood platelets # AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine: EMA finds possible link to very rare cases of unusual blood clots with low blood platelets 7 April 2021 NewsHumanCOVID-19Vaccines #### EMA confirms overall benefit-risk remains positive EMA’s safety committee (PRAC) has concluded today that unusual blood clots with low blood platelets should be listed as very rare side effects of Vaxzevria (formerly COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca). In reaching its conclusion, the committee took into consideration all currently available evidence, including the advice from an ad hoc expert group. EMA is reminding healthcare professionals and people receiving the vaccine to remain aware of the possibility of very rare cases of blood clots combined with low levels of blood platelets occurring within 2 weeks of vaccination. So far, most of the cases reported have occurred in women under 60 years of age within 2 weeks of vaccination. Based on the currently available evidence, specific risk factors have not been confirmed. People who have received the vaccine should seek medical assistance immediately if they develop symptoms of this combination of blood clots and low blood platelets (see below). The PRAC noted that the blood clots occurred in veins in the brain (cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, CVST) and the abdomen (splanchnic vein thrombosis) and in arteries, together with low levels of blood platelets and sometimes bleeding. The Committee carried out an in-depth review of 62 cases of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and 24 cases of splanchnic vein thrombosis reported in the EU drug safety database (EudraVigilance) as of 22 March 2021, 18 of which were fatal.1 The cases came mainly from spontaneous reporting systems of the EEA and the UK, where around 25 million people had received the vaccine. COVID-19 is associated with a risk of hospitalisation and death. The reported combination of blood clots and low blood platelets is very rare, and the overall benefits of the vaccine in preventing COVID-19 outweigh the risks of side effects. EMA’s scientific assessment underpins the safe and effective use of COVID-19 vaccines. Use of the vaccine during vaccination campaigns at national level will also take into account the pandemic situation and vaccine availability in the individual Member State. One plausible explanation for the combination of blood clots and low blood platelets is an immune response, leading to a condition similar to one seen sometimes in patients treated with heparin (heparin induced thrombocytopenia, HIT). The PRAC has requested new studies and amendments to ongoing ones to provide more information and will take any further actions necessary. The PRAC stresses the importance of prompt specialist medical treatment. By recognising the signs of bloods clots and low blood platelets and treating them early, healthcare professionals can help those affected in their recovery and avoid complications. #### Patients should seek medical assistance immediately if they have the following symptoms * shortness of breath * chest pain * swelling in your leg * persistent abdominal (belly) pain * neurological symptoms, including severe and persistent headaches or blurred vision * tiny blood spots under the skin beyond the site of injection --- Vaxzevria is one of four vaccines authorised in the EU for protecting against COVID-19. Studies show that it is effective at preventing the disease. It also reduces the risk of hospitalisation and deaths from COVID-19. As for all vaccines, EMA will continue to monitor the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness and provide the public with the latest information. #### Information for the general public * Cases of unusual blood clots with low platelets have occurred in people who received Vaxzevria (formerly COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca). * The chance of having this occur is very low, but you should still be aware of symptoms so you can get prompt medical treatment to help recovery and avoid complications. * You must seek urgent medical attention immediately if you have any of the following symptoms in the weeks after your injection: * shortness of breath * chest pain * leg swelling * persistent abdominal (belly) pain * neurological symptoms, such as severe and persistent headaches or blurred vision * tiny blood spots under the skin beyond the site of the injection. * Speak to your healthcare professional or contact your relevant national health authorities if you have any questions about the roll out of the vaccine in your country. #### Information for healthcare professionals * EMA has reviewed cases of thrombosis in combination with thrombocytopenia, and in some cases bleeding, in people who received Vaxzevria (formerly COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca). * These very rare types of thrombosis (with thrombocytopenia) included venous thrombosis in unusual sites such as cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and splanchnic vein thrombosis as well as arterial thrombosis. Most of the cases reported so far have occurred in women under the age of 60 years. Most cases occurred within 2 weeks of the person receiving their first dose. There is limited experience with the second dose. * As for the mechanism, it is thought that the vaccine may trigger an immune response leading to an atypical heparin-induced-thrombocytopenia like disorder. At this time, it is not possible to identify specific risk factors. * Healthcare professionals should be alert to the signs and symptoms of thromboembolism and thrombocytopenia so that they can promptly treat people affected in line with available guidelines. * Healthcare professionals should tell people receiving the vaccine that they must seek medical attention if they develop: * symptoms of blood clots such as shortness of breath, chest pain, leg swelling, persistent abdominal pain * neurological symptoms such as severe and persistent headaches and blurred vision * petechiae beyond the site of vaccination after a few days. * The benefits of the vaccine continue to outweigh the risks for people who receive it. The vaccine is effective at preventing COVID-19 and reducing hospitalisations and deaths. * National authorities may provide additional guidance on the roll out of the vaccine based on the situation in your country. Healthcare professionals involved in giving the vaccine in the EU will receive a direct healthcare professional communication (DHPC). The DHPC will also be available. #### More about the medicine Vaxzevria (formerly COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca) is a vaccine for preventing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in people aged 18 years and older. COVID-19 is caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus. COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca is made up of another virus (of the adenovirus family) that has been modified to contain the gene for making a protein from SARS-CoV-2. The vaccine does not contain the virus itself and cannot cause COVID-19. The most common side effects are usually mild or moderate and improve within a few days after vaccination. #### More about the procedure This review was carried out in the context of a safety signal, under an accelerated timetable. A safety signal is information on a new or incompletely documented adverse event that is potentially caused by a medicine such as a vaccine and that warrants further investigation. The review was carried out by EMA\'s Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC), the Committee responsible for the evaluation of safety issues for human medicines. EMA’s human medicine committee, CHMP, will now rapidly assess any necessary changes to the product information. EMA’s scientific assessment underpins the safe and effective use of COVID-19 vaccines. EMA’s recommendations are the foundation upon which individual EU Member States will design and implement their own national vaccination campaigns. These may differ from country to country depending on their national needs and circumstances, such as infection rates, priority populations, vaccine availability and hospitalisation rates. 1 As of 4 April 2021, a total of 169 cases of CVST and 53 cases of splanchnic vein thrombosis were reported to EudraVigilance. Around 34 million people had been vaccinated in the EEA and UK by this date. The more recent data do not change the PRAC’s recommendations. #### Related content * Press briefing on the conclusion of the assessment of the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) of Vaxzevria (previously COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca) and thromboembolic events (07/04/2021) * AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine: review of very rare cases of unusual blood clots continues (30/03/2021) * COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca – Update on ongoing evaluation of blood clot cases (25/03/2021) * COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca: benefits still outweigh the risks despite possible link to rare blood clots with low blood platelets (18/03/2021) * Investigation of COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca and thromboembolic events continues (16/03/2021) * EMA’s safety committee continues investigation of COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca and thromboembolic events – further update (15/03/2021) * COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca: PRAC investigating cases of thromboembolic events - vaccine’s benefits currently still outweigh risks - Update (11/03/2021) * COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca: PRAC preliminary view suggests no specific issue with batch used in Austria (10/03/2021) * Direct healthcare professional communication (DHPC): COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca: Risk of thrombocytopenia and coagulation disorders * COVID-19 vaccines: authorised * Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) #### Contact point EMA press officeTel. +31 (0)88 781 8427E-mail: [email protected] us on Twitter @EMA_News(link is external) #### Related content * Vaxzevria (previously COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca) ## Share this page Back to top Product emergency hotline OUTSIDE WORKING HOURS About us What we do Careers Committees & working parties Regulatory network European experts Languages Frequently asked questions Glossaries About this website Privacy Cookies Search tips Access to documents Contacts Send a question EMA Service Desk (system support) Services and databases European Medicines AgencyDomenico Scarlattilaan 61083 HS AmsterdamThe Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)88 781 6000 How to find usPostal address and deliveriesBusiness hours and holidays * RSS Feed * X * YouTube * LinkedIn © 1995 - 2024 European Medicines Agency European Union agencies network An agency of the European Union
Kenya is offering a 200 GB data to citizens for covid 19
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But its fake.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/schools_false-300x157.png\\")No, South Africa’s president didn’t announce 11-hour school day under Covid-19 alert level 1On the evening of 16 September 2020 South African president Cyril Ramaphosa announced that restrictions to curb the spread of Covid-19 would be eased and the country moved from alert level 2 to level 1 from 20 September.As he was delivering his speech, a message appeared on the Facebook page “CYRIL Ramaphosa”, described as a “personal blog”. “As we move to level 1 all schools will start at 06:00 till 17:00,” it reads. “Are we clear?” The post has been shared over 1,200 times and viewed by more than 440,000 users in less than 24 hours. But it\'s false.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/tanks_false-300x157.png\\")Free water tank donations? Don’t be conned by scam Facebook pageThe Facebook page “Free Water Tank Donations” claims to be giving away free water tanks to Kenyans.In one of its typical posts it says the water tanks have been donated by nongovernmental organisations in the US, UK and United Arab Emirates “due to the current situation of Covid-19 outbreak in several parts of the world”.Don\'t fall for it.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/burial_false-300x157.png\\")Family member who collapsed during burial, not suspected Covid-19 victim who ‘resurrected’“Man suspected to have died of Corona ‘resurrects’ and rushed to hospital as he was about to be buried in Kericho!” That’s the description of a four-minute video posted on Facebook in Kenya on 24 August 2020. It’s also been shared on WhatsApp. And its false.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/fb2done-1-300x157.png\\")No laptop giveaway – ‘Tecno Mobile Uganda’ Facebook page a scamThe single post on the Facebook page “Tecno Mobile Uganda” claims mobile phone manufacturer Tecno and computer company Hewlett-Packard are giving 500 students and teachers free laptops to help them with online studies during the Covid-19 pandemic.Is the page for real? No.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/fb5done-300x157.png\\")Beware: another MTN giveaway scam on FacebookA Facebook page called “M.T.N Lockdown Giveaways – Kingdom” is advertising phone, car and laptop giveaways for students.“MTN is here to support the First 5,000 students because of this pandemic period,” one post reads. The entire Facebook page is a scam. ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/uni_fake-300x157.png\\")Kenya’s universities only to open in September 2021? Tweet from fake, deleted accountA screenshot posted on Facebook shows a tweet which appears to be by Kenya’s education minister, George Magoha.The tweet reads: “I’m hearing Magoha this, Magoha that … University students you can mock me the way you want but when I decide to push the dates to September 2021 I wish you won’t make noise.” Did the cabinet minister really write this? No, he didn\'t.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/ncdc_fake-1-300x157.png\\")No, Nigeria Centre for Disease Control not giving out N45,000 Covid-19 relief fundsA number of WhatsApp messages claim that the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) is giving out N45,000. The NCDC is the country’s national public health institute, charged with leading the preparedness, detection and response to infectious disease outbreaks and public health emergencies.“You just won N45,000 from NCDC due to COVID19 pandemic in Nigeria call us on 09063756881 to claim,” one message reads. But is the public health agency behind this? No.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/ncdc_fake-300x157.png\\")Offered a job at Nigeria’s disease control centre on WhatsApp? It’s a scamScammers are sending out fake employment letters for jobs at Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Health and the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) on WhatsApp.One version even has the NCDC’s logo. “This is to inform you that you have been offered provisional employment in our organization with Staff Number- FMH/NCDC/DO2020ASL8/2020,” it reads. Don\'t fall for it.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/gazette_fake-300x157.png\\")No ‘total ban’ on alcohol sales in KenyaA post shared on Facebook claims to show a “special issue” of a legal notice published in the Kenya Gazette.This appears to completely ban the sale of alcohol, a measure adopted in other countries to slow the spread of Covid-19. But the notice is fake.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/ticks_misleading-300x157.png\\")New virus ‘on the rage’ in China? Outbreak reported, but tick-borne viral disease not new“As the world struggles with Covid-19, a new infectious disease seem to be spreading in China,” claims a message circulating on Facebook in several African countries since 9 August 2020.“More than 37 people in East China’s Jiangsu Province contracted the SFTS Virus in the first half of the year ...” it says.The new coronavirus that causes Covid-19 was first identified in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Is STFS another new disease-causing virus to emerge in China? No.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/hospital_incorrect-300x157.png\\")Vacant land where ‘90% ready’ Covid-19 hospital supposed to be? No, South African MP mixes up her hospitalsA piece of land where a 200-bed field hospital was reported to have been built in Rustenburg, a town in South Africa’s North West province, is still empty. That’s according to a Facebook post from 6 August 2020.“Hers the reason you can’t smoke… You see this open plot of land. You not seeing right, actually there is a field hospital with 200 beds standing there,” the post reads. But it is incorrect.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/heineken_misleading-300x157.png\\")Heineken South Africa not closing, but has scrapped plans for new breweryBeer producer Heineken is ending production in South Africa and covid-19-hospital-supposed-to-be-no-south-african-mp-mixes-up-her- hospitals/has halted plans for a new R6 billion (US$47 million) brewery, according to claims on social media.One post claims the shutdown would leave 300,000 people jobless. Heineken makes Windhoek, Miller and Soweto Gold beers, and Strongbow cider. It has however been hit by national alcohol bans. Is it therefore shutting shop? No, this is misleading. Read more on why.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/uganda- deaths_false-300x157.png\\")Uganda’s health ministry ‘discussing’ announcement of third Covid-19 death? No, Facebook post fakeA screenshot of what seems to be a post on Uganda’s ministry of health Facebook page says the ministry is discussing where it should announce the country’s third Covid-19 death.The screenshot was posted on a personal Facebook page on 28 July 2020. It is also fake.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/funds_false-300x157.png\\")Kenyan Covid-19 ‘relief funds’ website a scamA Facebook post claims the Kenyan government will be giving KSh15,000 in “relief funds” to every citizen.The 14 July 2020 post on a popular Kenyan page reads: “*Government* has finally approved and have started giving out free _KSh 15,000_ Relief Funds to each citizen.” It is all a scam.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/masks_false-1-300x157.png\\")No, Ugandan police announcement of arrest for people wearing masks wrongA post widely shared on Facebook claims that Ugandan police spokesperson, Fred Enanga, has announced that the police will start arresting people who do not wear face masks properly.This is false.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/UN- corrupt_false-300x157.png\\")No, UN didn’t tweet list of ‘most corrupt’ African countries under Covid-19A screenshot shared on Facebook appears to show a tweet from the United Nations, or UN, listing the “most corrupt” African countries during the Covid-19 pandemic.Nigeria tops the list, followed by Mali, Sudan, Kenya and Guinea-Bissau. But did the UN tweet the list in the first place? No.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/uneb_false-300x157.png\\")No, Uganda’s exams board hasn’t announced online examsA Facebook post circulating in Uganda says the country’s examinations board is moving national school exams online due to the coronavirus.The post, on a page claiming to be the account of the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB), quotes Dan Odongo, the executive secretary of UNEB, speaking at a “press brief” on 15 July 2020. It isn\'t true.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/zim_false-300x157.png\\")‘Huge’ IMF fund for Zimbabwe’s entrepreneurs? No, just another scamThe International Monetary Fund has “approved a huge fund” to be given directly to entrepreneurs and small businesses in Zimbabwe to “assist them survive the current hard economic times”.That’s the claim in a 25 July 2020 post on the Facebook page “Zimbabwe Ministry of Finance & Econ Dev”. Does this fund exist? No.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/garves_incorrect-300x157.png\\")South African government digging graves for million Covid-19 dead? No, clarifies that number for burial capacity in Gauteng“The ANC govt knows something that we don’t know, they decided to dig million graves while people are alive instead of building enough hospitals like China did?” That’s the alarming question in a Facebook post from 9 July 2020.Many more posts have repeated the claim that South Africa’s African National Congress (ANC) government is digging 1 million graves in anticipation of a surge in Covid-19 related deaths. The claim has also been reported by news outlets. The ANC clarified that this refers to the space available in Gauteng province.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/bobi_false-300x157.png\\")No, Uganda police not investigating guests at People Power spokesperson’s weddingUganda’s police are investigating guests who attended the wedding of Joel Ssenyonyi, spokesperson for the country’s People Power resistance movement. That’s according to a post published on the Times of Kampala Facebook page on 28 June 2020. This is false.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/jobs_false-300x157.png\\")Jobs at World Health Organization? No, message and website a scam“Job at World Health Organization. Help us fight Coronavirus by working from home,” reads a message doing the rounds on Facebook and WhatsApp.“No experience required. It is a SMS sending job. Work 2-3 hours on mobile and earn $5-$100 daily.”It includes a link to a website where people can supposedly apply. Don\'t - it is a scam.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/ajimobi_false-300x157.png\\")No, Nigerian politician Ajimobi didn’t recover from Covid-19A Facebook post claims Nigerian politician Abiola Ajimobi recovered from Covid-19 and was discharged from the intensive care unit.Ajimobi tested positive to Covid-19 in late May. He was hospitalised from 2 June. He however died and was buried on Sunday, 28 June 2020. There is no evidence that the former governor was at any time discharged from hospital.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/quickmart_false-1-300x157.png\\")Quickmart supermarket is not hiring ‘urgently’ due to Covid-19A Facebook post claims that Quickmart, a supermarket chain in Kenya is holding an urgent recruitment.This, it explains, is because of decreased staff numbers at the supermarket caused by Covid-19 pandemic. But the supposed hiring plan is a scam.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/fg_false-2-300x157.png\\")No, Nigerian govt not giving N30,000 Covid-19 relief to each citizenA number of WhatsApp messages and Facebook posts claim that Nigeria’s federal government has approved a “relief fund” of N30,000 for each citizen.Different versions link to different web pages where people can supposedly claim the money. But it is all a scam.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/clickbait_false-300x157.png\\")Beware clickbait posing as sad coronavirus stories“My only son is infected with corona virus 3 days after I lost his mother,” reads a screenshot posted on a South African Facebook prayer group. “He is the only one I have left please don’t ignore us.”The screenshot goes on to ask users to “share in four groups let’s make a prayer chain”. It’s had nearly 690,000 views since 2 May 2020, and been shared more than 9,000 times. But it’s not what it seems. The story is clickbait, designed to attract user clicks to earn advertising money or possibly install malware.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/nokia_false-300x157.png\\")No, Nokia not giving out new phones for students to attend online classesA post on a Zambian Facebook group claims that global technology firm Nokia is giving away new phones to students.“If you are a student, get a chance to win a phone to attend online classes. Because of this pandemic period, Nokia is ready to give away 550 phones to students to be attending online classes. Free phones for students and your children,” the post reads. But the \'promotion\' is a fraud.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/sassa_false-1-300x157.png\\")Another scam Facebook post using South Africa’s Covid-19 social relief grantA message posted on Facebook on 17 June 2020 claims applications for the R350 unemployment grant from the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) are now open.It links to a website where people can get “more information”. It is a scam.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/jumia_false-300x157.png\\")No, Jumia not giving out prizes on FacebookA post on the Facebook page “Jumia Free Shopping Voucher April” claims the Africa-focused online marketplace Jumia is “rewarding old and new customers” because of the Covid-19 outbreak.It says 10,000 people will win prizes ranging from generators and smartphones to clothes. To win, users have to type “Jumia” in the comments. The \'promotion\' is not genuine.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/mtn_false-300x157.png\\")No MTN ‘quarantine’ promo on Facebook – it’s just another scam“ARE YOU ONLINE? APPLY NOW AND WIN NEW A PHONES, CAR LAPTOP FROM MTN, WITHING 10 SECONDS.”That’s the intro to a badly written post on the Facebook page “M TN Giveaway Quarantine screen press”, shared in South Africa and several other African countries. It is also a scam.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/sassa_false-300x157.png\\")Ignore scam post on South Africa’s Covid-19 social relief grant – use official Sassa channels insteadThe South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) will be “making R350 payments from today to Friday 19 June”, claims a message posted on Facebook on 14 June 2020.It includes a link to a website where people can “check your status to see how far you application is”. But all this is false.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/kano_false-300x157.png\\")No, governor of Nigeria’s Kano state didn’t say Covid-19 patients released from isolation centres to ‘celebrate sallah’Did Abdullahi Umar Ganduje, governor of Nigeria’s Kano state, say Covid-19 patients in a Kano isolation centre had been “freed” to mark the Muslim holy month of Ramadan? No.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/usaid_false-300x157.png\\")No ‘mass recruitment’ at USAid Kenya during Covid-19 crisis – it’s a scam“URGENT MASS JOB RECRUITMENT AT USAID, APPLY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” That’s the screaming headline of a post on the Facebook page “USAID Urgent JOBS”.The post, from 31 May 2020, claims the US Agency for International Development is hiring “300 people per ward in every county” in Kenya for a relief food programme during the Covid-19 outbreak. This is false.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/hungrylion_fake-300x157.png\\")Hungry Lion ‘back from lockdown’ and hiring? No, Facebook ad fakeA number of Facebook pages continue to advertise fake jobs at South African companies.One recent advert, posted on 10 June 2020, claims to be from South African fast food chain Hungry Lion. It says the chain is “back from lockdown” and offering jobs for cashiers, cleaners and cooks. But the ad is fake.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/fg_false-1-300x157.png\\")Viral message advertising free ‘lockdown funds’ is scamA website promising “Free Lockdown funds” has been widely shared on social media in Kenya.The website, with the address asks visitors to “Please complete the survey to avail free lockdown funds”.But is this give-away genuine? No.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/magufuli_fake-300x157.png\\")No, Tanzania’s president hasn’t banned face masks Tanzania’s president John Pombe Magufuli has banned face masks, in what seems to be a screenshot of a tweet from his verified account, posted on Facebook on 25 May.This is false.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/shoprite_false-300x157.png\\")‘Shoprite’ giveaway during Covid-19 outbreak a scamA Facebook post claims Shoprite, a supermarket chain with a footprint in 15 African countries, is giving away food and gadgets during the Covid-19 pandemic.The food and gadgets on offer include “100K, 5 bags of rice/beans, 5 cartons of Turkey / Chicken, IPhone, laptops, 10 crates of eggs or other foods.” This is false.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/chickens_false-1-300x157.png\\")South African politicians did not tell public to plant chickens, fish, meat to fight hungerSouth African politicians have advised the public to plant chickens, meat, and fish. That’s one of the more shocking claims in a screenshot shared on Facebook on 25 May 2020.It reads: “SA appeared on Australian TV yesterday and apparently, we’re the laughing stock of the world!!! Not surprised!” This is false.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/zuma_incorrect-300x157.png\\")Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma is a medical doctor, but not registered to practise in South AfricaA message circulating on Facebook claims Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, South Africa’s cooperative governance minister, is “not a medical Dr as her license has been erased and she was removed from the medical roll”. One version adds: “She has falsefied her title.”Another post goes on to name other senior medical officials with the title “doctor” who are also not on the medical roll or have been “erased” from it. But she is as legit as they come.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/cross_fake-300x157.png\\")Don’t be conned by fake ad offering jobs at Kenya Red CrossA Facebook post claims that the Kenya Red Cross has launched an urgent programme to recruit people for humanitarian work in counties affected by heavy rains and the Covid-19 outbreak.It says those with degrees, diplomas and the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) are eligible for the jobs. But it is a scam.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/grants_fak-300x157.png\\")No, Kenya’s first lady not giving away KSh30,000 Covid-19 grantsA Facebook post on the page “Margaret Kenyatta” – the name of Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta’s wife – claims to be giving out KSh30,000 grants to help people during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is fake.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/alberton_false-300x157.png\\")No, 250 shop staff in Alberton, South Africa, not Covid-19 positive and ‘told to keep working’A graphic widely shared on Facebook in South Africa since 15 May 2020 claims that 250 staff at shops in Alberton, a town just south of Johannesburg, have tested positive for Covid-19.“If you know of a family member that went to any of the malls at Alberton this week tell them that 250 employees around those malls tested positive on Monday and they told them to continue working,” it reads. But the alarm-inducing warning is not legit.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/schools_false-300x157.png\\")No, Nigerian schools won’t reopen on 8 JuneA post on the Facebook page Eagle TV Media Nigeria claims the country’s federal government has announced that schools will reopen on 8 June 2020.“The Federal Government of Nigeria has announced Monday, June 8, 2020, the official resumption date for Universities, polytechnics, and other schools,” it reads. But this is not accurate. ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/cigs_incorrect-300x157.png\\")Selling illegal, but no fine for cigarette possession under South Africa’s Covid-19 lockdownSmokers caught by the South African police with black market cigarettes will be fined R1,500. That’s the claim in a Facebook post from 15 May 2020 and a WhatsApp voice note Africa Check received.Tobacco products are outlawed under South Africa’s ongoing lockdown restrictions. Buying and selling cigarettes during the lockdown is a criminal offence. But there is no evidence that the police may issue fines to smokers caught with a box of cigarettes.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/apply_fake-300x157.png\\")Scam! Don’t apply for South African food parcels on Facebook – phone Sassa instead“How to apply food parcel for unemployed people in South Africa for Covid-19,” reads an 11 May 2020 Facebook post.It tells users to comment with their location to get a food parcel application form. “If you can’t apply online just click ‘SHAR£’ we will inbox you more details.”But should you apply for food parcels on Facebook? No, the post is a scam.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/business_fake-300x157.png\\")South African businessman bought airline with Bitcoin? No, it’s a scam“The secret behind the sale of an airline in South Africa,” reads the headline of an article on a suspicious website with the URL“One of the most famous businessmen in South Africa managed to acquire an airline in South Africa in a confidential deal whose details have not been announced so far,” the undated article says.The article was first shared on Facebook on 28 April, and has since attracted more than 1.3 million views. But it appears to be a scam.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/child_false-300x157.png\\")No, South African police did not confiscate food donated to white peopleSouth African police confiscated 200 food parcels that a church had donated to a community of white people, claims a Facebook post from 4 May 2020.The post claims this is because no donations are allowed for whites. But the post is incorrect and misleading. This is why. ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/shoprite_false-300x157.png\\")No, Shoprite, Checkers supermarkets not facing food shortagesThe managing director of “Shoprite/Checkers” says certain food items, and washing powder, will become scarce in the next month. That’s the claim in a message circulating on WhatsApp and Facebook in May 2020.But it is false and could cause unnecessary alarm.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/hunt_false-300x157.png\\")No plan for Kenyan police to ‘hunt down’ mobile loan defaultersAn article shared on Facebook in Kenya claims that the police will be arresting Tala, Branch, Fuliza and Mshwari loan defaulters.Tala and Branch are mobile-based lenders that advance loans to borrowers through mobile apps. This claim is alarmist.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/Moi_false-300x157.png\\")Beware! Facebook page offering cash from Kenyan senator run by imposterA post on the Facebook page “Senator Gideon Moi” claims the senator is “giving out KSh15,000 to all Kenyan citizens to help them at this difficult season”.“In order to get this help, kindly inbox me your M-Pesa number in order to serve you as fast as possible because I understand Kenyans are in difficult positions,” the post says. Don\'t do it.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/mtn_fake-300x157.png\\")Beware! Facebook promotion not by MTNA Facebook post claims mobile telecoms company MTN is giving gifts to 20,000 people.To win, it says, users must type “MTN” in the post’s comments section, like the page and share the post with 12 other groups. But this is a fraud, MTN says.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/church_false-300x157.png\\")No high court ruling to ‘partially reopen’ Kenya’s churches“Celebration as judge orders churches to be partially reopened,” declares the headline of an article on the Kenyan website Nipashe News.Is this true? No - the judiciary has denied this. The article is false. So too is the name of its author, Renley Baratheon. Details here. ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/volunteer_false-300x157.png\\")‘I’m very much alive.’ No, first volunteer in UK Covid-19 trial hasn’t died“First volunteer in UK coronavirus vaccine trial has died,” claims a headline in a screenshot doing the rounds on Facebook in South Africa.It claims she died two days after the vaccine was administered.But she alive - and very much enjoying her tea.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/rachel_fake-300x157.png\\")No, Rachel Ruto not recruiting Facebook users to distribute hand sanitisers in KenyaA post on the Facebook page “Rachel Ruto” claimed that “250 people are wanted for distribution of free government sanitizers”. It added: “Hit my inbox.”Rachel Ruto is the wife of William Ruto, Kenya’s deputy president. But the post is from a fake account.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/gideon_fake-300x157.png\\")Beware imposter accounts! Senator not giving Covid-19 cash to ‘all Kenyans’A Kenyan senator is giving away cash to help people through the “difficult situations” of the Covid-19 outbreak, claim posts on a Facebook page using the name “Senator Gideon Moi”.Gideon Moi, a son of a former president represents Baringo county in Kenya’s senate.The senator told us this was a fake account.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/usaid_fake-300x157.png\\")Scam! Don’t be conned by fake USAid Kenya job ad on FacebookA Facebook page claims there is “mass recruitment” at the US Agency for International Development (USAid) in Kenya, with “3,200+ jobs available”.The post links to a Google Form where job seekers are to apply. But there’s a catch. “All first time applicants must pay a registration fee of Ksh. 450.” Don\'t do it!![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/treasury_incorrect-300x157.png\\")KSh40 billion set aside – but not spent – for Kenya’s coronavirus responseKenya’s treasury has spent KSh40 billion “in response to the coronavirus outbreak since the first patient was reported on March 12”, claimed an article on the front page of the Star newspaper on 23 April 2020.“This means that over the past 40 days, the government has been spending on average Sh1 billion a day.”But this is the amount allocated to the fight against the virus, and the paper back- peddled.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/tastic_false-300x157.png\\")Unilever, Sasko, Tastic NOT closing, still making food during South Africa’s coronavirus lockdownA viral message warns South Africans to stock up on rice, sugar and grocers as three major food companies - Unilever, Sasko and Tastic are closing down - this as the country is in lockdown.The message is false and alarmist, the companies said. Get all the details here.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/austr_false-300x157.png\\")No, seven children in Senegal weren’t killed by fake coronavirus vaccineA 10-minute video warns Africans not to accept vaccines from China, claiming that the Chinese government wants to kill the “African population” with fake vaccines. It claims that seven children died in Senegal after being given the fake vaccine. This is a hoax. ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/social_false-300x157.png\\")No ‘application requirements’ yet for South Africa’s Covid-19 social relief grant – ignore false infoA message recently shared on several Facebook pages claims to explain how South Africans can apply for the new social relief of distress grant intended to help people hit hard by the coronavirus lockdown.But the applications guidelines it gives are not accurate. Read why here. ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/fine_false-300x157.png\\")No ‘cash bail’ of KSh6,000 for not wearing mask in Nairobi CBD under Kenya’s Covid-19 regulationsDoes anyone caught without a mask in Nairobi’s central business district face a “cash bail” of KSh6,000? No, this is false.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/foodparcels_fale-300x157.png\\")Ignore fake messages about food parcels in South Africa’s coronavirus lockdown and call 0800 601 011A “huge demand for food parcels” during South Africa’s coronavirus lockdown has led the social development department to develop a “new system” to “verify individuals that qualify”, claims a Facebook post.But this is false. Read why here. ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/tanks_fake-300x157.png\\")Beware! World Vision Kenya not offering free water tanksA Facebook page claims there is a joint partnership between USAid, World Vision Kenya, the United Nations and Care International to donate free water tanks to Kenyans to help slow the spread of Covid-19.But there is a catch - you must pay a delivery fee. Don\'t. ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/fire_false-300x157.png\\")No, Nigeria didn’t lose N700 billion Covid-19 relief funds in fire“We Lost N700 billion Naira COVID-19 Relief Funds Due To Fire Outbreak,” reads a headline on the website News Mirror, supposedly quoting Nigeria’s finance minister.The ministry has said this is false and \"pure mischief\".![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/free_false-1-300x157.png\\")Free data for Kenyans during coronavirus outbreak? No, it’s a scamKenya’s government is giving every citizen 200 GB of data to encourage them to stay at home during the coronavirus outbreak, claims a message doing the rounds on Facebook and WhatsApp.But don\'t fall for it - or you could end up in tears.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/safaricom_false-300x157.png\\")No, Kenya’s Safaricom not giving customers KSh2,500 in Covid-19 ‘relief’Kenyan mobile network operator Safaricom is giving customers KSh2,500 to cushion them against the burdens of the Covid-19 pandemic, claims a message circulating on Facebook.But this is false.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/mandate_checked-300x157.png\\")Sharing info about Covid-19 not a crime in South Africa – but sharing false info isA message doing the rounds on WhatsApp has South Africans worried about what information they can and can’t share on the platform.It claims that new regulations mean that \"apart from the Govt department no other citizen is allowed to post any update or share any forward related to Coronavirus and it being punishable offence. Group Admins are requested to post the above update and inform the groups.”This message originally started doing the rounds in India in early April 2020 and has been rated as misleading. Read why.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/ElectionFBdone-300x157.png\\")Kenya’s 2022 general election postponed due to coronavirus? No, 2020 by-elections ‘adversely affected’“Kenyans 2022 elections to be postponed until 2027. Government to use the election budget to fight Coronavirus,” claims a Facebook post from late March 2020.But this is false. Get more details here.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/equipment_false-300x157.png\\")No, Nigeria’s govt didn’t pay for US$2m Covid-19 supplies, experts sent from ChinaNigeria Government Spends $2 million To import Chinese Doctors and Packages – Ambassador,” reads the headline of a video posted on Facebook on 9 April 2020.This is not accurate. The medical supplies and team of experts from China did cost $2 million to procure and deploy. But the costs were paid by the Chinese government, not by Nigeria. Get more details here. ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/safari_fake-300x157.png\\")No, false news of KSh100,000 payout for ‘every Kenyan’ during Covid-19 lockdown not broadcast on Citizen TV“Every Kenyan to receive 100K due to the lockdown on corona,” reads text on what seems to be a screenshot of a Citizen TV news broadcast, posted on Facebook.In early April 2020 the Kenyan government imposed a ban on movement in and out of four hotspots of Covid-19 infection.But will “every Kenyan” be given KSh100,000 during this lockdown? And did Citizen TV broadcast the news? No - read why.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/abuja_false-300x157.png\\")Chinese medical experts sent to Nigeria tested positive for Covid-19? No, headline false“15 Chinese team all tested positive for coronavirus today in Abuja,” reads the headline of a 10 April 2020 article on the Nigerian website Exclusive103.The article has been shared on Facebook, where it’s been viewed nearly 400,000 times. But this is false, read why here.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/foreigners_false-300x157.png\\")No, Ramaphosa not asking foreigners to leave South Africa, no announcement of extended Covid-19 lockdownSouth African president Cyril Ramaphosa “has asked all foreign nations to depart south Africa before 21 june 2020 due to increasing cases of COVID 19”, claims a 7 April 2020 post on Facebook.It adds that the government “is going to add three months of Totally lockdown which will start on 21 June.\" The South African presidency however said this post is \"fake news\". ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/jobs_fake-300x157.png\\")Coronavirus job scam! No, World Health Organization Kenya not hiring on FacebookA Facebook post claims the World Health Organization is looking to hire community enforcement workers to help create awareness of Covid-19 in Kenya.But on 2 April 2020 the WHO’s Kenya office tweeted a screenshot of the Facebook job ad with “FAKE NEWS” stamped on it.In these difficult times, beware of scammers trying to cash in on the coronavirus crisis.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/bible_false-300x157.png\\")No coronavirus in Nigeria? Pastor’s claim false\"It’s not in Nigeria. That thing cannot survive in Nigeria. Coronavirus does not exist in Nigeria.” This is said by Nigerian pastor Kingsley Innocent says in a video posted on his YouTube channel on 15 March 2020.But the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control reported the country’s first case of coronavirus on 27 February – more than two weeks before Innocent’s video was posted on YouTube.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/ronaldo_false-300x157.png\\")No, footballer Ronaldo isn’t turning his hotels into Covid-19 hospitalsWell travelled social media posts claim that “Cristiano Ronaldo is turning his chain of hotels in Portugal into hospitals to treat those with underlying conditions who have coronavirus.”This is false.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/lockdown_misleading-300x157.png\\")Not all these South African coronavirus ‘lockdown procedures’ correct – use official regulations insteadA post by the South African Facebook page BKA Boere Krisis Aksie claims seven “lockdown procedures” will be enforced by local authorities during the coronavirus crisis – and that breaking the rules will result in “instant arrest”. The procedures “will not necessarily be made public”, it adds.The post is a mixture of accurate and inaccurate information. Read why.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/schools_false-300x157.png\\")South African schools won’t reopen in 2020? No official announcementWill South African schools only re-open in 2021? That\'s the claim by a Facebook page named “Pretoria marking centre” and which uses South Africa’s coat of arms to suggest it’s an official government page.But this is false. Get the details. ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/pets_incorrect-300x157.png\\")Don’t pet dogs after using hand sanitiser? As long as they don’t drink it they are safePlease do not pet your dog or any pet after using hand sanitizer. It contains ethanol glycol that’s also found in anti-freeze that’s toxic to them!” That’s the alarming claim in a post on Facebook, which adds that this will happen if they lick the area you’ve touched them.It\'s a bit alarmist. ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/naira_incorrect-300x157.png\\")Covid-19 test doesn’t cost N1.2 million (US$3,200) in Nigeria – it’s freePosts circulating on social media claim it costs 1.2 million naira (US$3,200) to test for Covid-19 in Nigeria.This is false. Read why here.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/ferry_false-300x157.png\\")No Likoni ferry ‘lockdown’ during Kenya’s coronavirus curfewHas Kenya\'s key Likoni ferry, which links Mombasa Island to the mainland in Kenya’s coastal city of Mombasa, been shut down during the coronavirus crisis?That’s the claim in a document shared on Facebook and signed “by management”.The Likoni ferry service does face restrictions during Kenya’s coronavirus curfew, but it has not been shut down.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/china_false-300x157.png\\")China in drastic bid to kill over 20,000?China seeks \'for court’s approval to kill the over 20,000 coronavirus patients to avoid further spread of the virus\'. So goes a startling claim, which thankfully, is not true.Such a case would have attracted wide global interest. It didn\'t, and was first published by a junk news site.Read our full fact-check in English here, and in the Hausa language widely spoken in northern Nigeria here.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/bday_false-300x157.png\\")Covid-19 in Nigeria? No, country\'s first case came weeks later Did a strange disease’ reported in Nigeria’s Benue state in January 2020, reportedly killing 15 and sickening over 100, be the new coronavirus, as a national publication reported?At the time of the report, there had been no confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Nigeria or Africa. Africa\'s first case would only be confirmed on 14 February 2020, in Egypt. Nigeria\'s first case was reported two weeks later.The Nigerian authorities also ruled out that was the new coronavirus. Read details of our fact-check here.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/corona_false-300x157.png\\")Lagos coronavirus \'confirmed cases\' hoax“Lagos confirms 9 cases of Coronavirus, 4 deaths,” claims a 9 February 2020 article on the site But the country\'s first case was only confirmed on 27 February 2020.The article is an almost word for word copy of a widely published news report on a Lassa fever outbreak in Nigeria’s Kogi state. But “Lassa fever” was changed to “coronavirus”, and “Kogi” changed to “Lagos”. Lagos state authorities also dismissed this as \"absolute falsehood\".Read our fact-check here.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/corona_ng_incorrect-300x157.png\\")Nigeria records first Covid-19 case?Nigeria has recorded its “first case of the deadly coronavirus”, claims an article on the website Infomate Ng. Published on 1 February 2020, the article was shared on Facebook and other websites. But the country\'s first case came over three weeks later.The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control also issued a statement on Twitter dismissing the claim. Get the details here. ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/cote-divoire- false-300x157.png\\")Cote d\'Ivoire\'s first new coronavirus case? No China’s Coronavirus hits Africa, first case tested positive in Cote d’Ivoire,” reads the headline of an article on 27 January 2020. But the headline was false. The patient was showing symptoms of coronavirus, but did not test positive for the disease. Africa\'s first confirmed case would only come more than two weeks later, with Cote d\'Ivoire\'s first case confirmed in March 2020.Read the full check here.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/free_false-300x157.png\\")No, WHO not offering free data for coronavirus infoA post shared on Facebook in Kenya claims that the World Health Organization is offering free internet access, so people can easily find information about the Covid-19 pandemic.It claims that users can get “4GB data per day till 30th april” if they register with their email addresses.The post includes a link to an external website, which appears to be clickbait, and may carry possibly harmful links. More details here.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/meru_false-1-300x157.png\\")No, Citizen TV didn’t report coronavirus case at Kenya’s Meru University“Shock hits Meru University students after a student is tested positive of coronavirus making it a second case of COVID-19,” reads what looks like a screenshot of a Facebook post by Kenya’s Citizen TV, posted on the social network on 16 March 2020.Kenya confirmed its first case of the new coronavirus on 13 March. Is the screenshot legit? On 16 March, Citizen TV posted the screenshot on Facebook with “FAKE” stamped on it.“Another day, another fake alert! Again, kindly ... avoid sharing it to stop creating panic,” the media house said.![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/law_false-300x157.png\\")Nigeria’s health minister studied medicine – not lawA Facebook post casts doubt on Nigeria’s response to the new coronavirus pandemic, saying Nigeria’s minister of health, Dr Osagie Ehanire, studied law and not medicine.The 13 March 2020 post reads: “The worse part of this Coronavirus here in Nigeria is that, The Minister of Health studied Law.” This is false. ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/Nairobi_false-300x157.png\\")No, Kenya’s KTN News didn’t report 14 University of Nairobi students infected with Covid-19“KTN News reports that 14 students from the University of Nairobi (UON) of sciences famously known as Kenya Science have been infected with the coronavirus and quarantined at Kenyatta National Hospital,” claims an article shared on Facebook.This is false. 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Kenya is offering a 200 GB data to citizens for covid 19
![\\"UN](\\" logo-vertical-white-en.svg\\"/) Saving LivesChanging Lives * Media & resources Back ## Media & resources Read more * * ###### Media centre * News releases * Multimedia content * Videos for the media * Media contacts * * ###### Resources & data * Stories * Publications * Annual Country Reports * Food security analysis * HungerMap LIVE ![\\"Close](\\"/themes/custom/wfp_org/templates/patterns/menu/images/close-- black.svg\\"/) * English Back ## Languages * * Français * Español * العربية * 简体中文 * Dansk * فارسی * Suomi * Deutsch * Italiano * 日本語 * 한국어 * Norsk * Русский * Svenska * Who we are Back ## Who we are We bring life-saving relief in emergencies and use food assistance to build peace, stability and prosperity for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impact of climate change. Read more * * ###### About * Who we are * History * Governance and leadership * Strategic Plan * Funding and donors * * ###### Transparency and accountability * Ethical culture * Independent evaluation * Internal audit and investigations * Performance management and accountability * * ###### Partnerships * Our partners ![\\"Close](\\"/themes/custom/wfp_org/templates/patterns/menu/images/close-- black.svg\\"/) * Our work Back ## Our work We span a broad range of activities, bringing life-saving assistance in emergencies and supporting sustainable and resilient livelihoods to achieve a world with zero hunger. Read more * * ###### About hunger * Ending hunger * Conflict and hunger * A global food crisis * WFP and the SDGs * ###### Saving lives * Emergency relief * Food assistance * Humanitarian support and services * Supply chain * * ###### Changing lives * Asset creation * Cash and market support * Climate action * Ending malnutrition * Food systems * Gender equality * Resilience building * School-based programmes * Smallholder farmers support * Sustainable livelihoods and ecosystems * * ###### Supporting governments * Country capacity strengthening * Social protection * South-South cooperation * ###### Innovation and digital transformation * Innovation and technology ![\\"Close](\\"/themes/custom/wfp_org/templates/patterns/menu/images/close-- black.svg\\"/) * Where we work Back ## Where we work We work in 123 countries and territories, combining emergency assistance with long-term development while adapting our activities to the context and challenges of each location and its people. Read more * * ###### Countries * Afghanistan * Algeria * Angola * Armenia * Bangladesh * Benin * Bhutan * Bolivia * Burkina Faso * Burundi * Cambodia * Cameroon * The Caribbean * Central African Republic * Chad * China * Colombia * Congo * Cuba * Côte d\'Ivoire * Democratic Republic of the Congo * Djibouti * Dominican Republic * DPR Korea * Ecuador * Egypt * El Salvador * Eswatini * Ethiopia * Gambia * Ghana * Guatemala * Guinea * Guinea-Bissau * Haiti * Honduras * India * Indonesia * Iran * Iraq * Jordan * Kenya * Kyrgyz Republic * Laos * Lebanon * Lesotho * Liberia * Libya * Madagascar * Malawi * Mali * Mauritania * Moldova * Mozambique * Myanmar * Namibia * Nepal * Nicaragua * Niger * Nigeria * The Pacific * Pakistan * Palestine * Peru * Philippines * Rwanda * Sao Tome and Principe * Senegal * Sierra Leone * Somalia * South Sudan * Sri Lanka * Sudan * Syria * Tajikistan * Tanzania * Timor-Leste * Togo * Tunisia * Türkiye * Uganda * Ukraine * Venezuela * Yemen * Zambia * Zimbabwe * * ###### Emergencies * Afghanistan * Central Sahel * Democratic Republic of the Congo * Ethiopia * Haiti * Lebanon * Myanmar * North Eastern Nigeria * Somalia * South Sudan * State of Palestine * Sudan * Syria * Ukraine * Yemen ![\\"Close](\\"/themes/custom/wfp_org/templates/patterns/menu/images/close-- black.svg\\"/) * Get involved Back ## Get involved There is a variety of ways in which people can support WFP’s mission to eliminate hunger, from making a donation to bringing your expertise to our work on the frontlines. Read more * * ###### Individual supporters * Donate * Support us * Play Freerice * ShareTheMeal app * ###### Companies and start-ups * Apply for the Innovation Challenge * * ###### Partners * Governments * Non-governmental organizations * Private sector * UN agencies and international institutions * Clusters and multistakeholder partnerships * Academia and think tanks * Goodwill ambassadors, advocates and high-level supporters ![\\"Close](\\"/themes/custom/wfp_org/templates/patterns/menu/images/close-- black.svg\\"/) Donate 1. Home 2. Stories 3. WFP at a Glance # WFP at a Glance A guide to the facts, figures and frontline work of the World Food Programme 2 August 2024, World Food Programme Climate Conflicts Development Nutrition ![\\"WFP](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/media_embed/public/2024-08/WF1911071%20DSC07451.jpg?itok=_l862ij_\\") A WFP staffer carries supplies for displaced families on the outskirts of Goma in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Photo: WFP/Benjamin Anguandia. This guide is updated on an ongoing basis. For referencing purposes, please refer to the WFP at a Glance publication (issued three times per year). ## About WFP The World Food Programme (WFP) is among the first on the scene in an emergency, providing food and other assistance to people affected by conflict, drought, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes and crop failures, as well as pandemics such as COVID-19. At the same time, we keep a sharp focus on sustainable development, providing governments with the support and skills to manage food security in the long term. We reached 152 million people with food, cash and commodity vouchers in 2023, with a presence in over 120 countries and territories. WFP aims to reach the same number in 2024. ## Quick facts * WFP is funded entirely by voluntary donations, with US$8.3 billion raised in 2023. * More than 50 percent of the people WFP serves are women and girls. * WFP has around 23,000 staff, of whom 87 percent are field based. ## A global hunger crisis This is another extraordinary year of extreme jeopardy for millions of people around the world struggling to feed their families. A stream of global crises driven by conflict, the climate crisis and economic shocks - overlapping and escalating in countries and regions - has generated an unremitting demand for urgent humanitarian and development assistance. A total 309 million people face acute hunger in 71 countries in 2024 – almost 200 million above pre-COVID-19 levels. Of these, more than 37.2 million people face emergency levels of hunger or worse. There are 1.3 million people in the grips of catastrophic hunger – primarily in Gaza and Sudan but also in pockets of South Sudan and Mali. They are teetering on the brink of famine. Famine has been declared in Zamzam camp in northern Sudan, which shelters hundreds of thousands of displaced people. ## Funding shortfall and ration cuts While acute hunger remains at record levels, increasing funding shortfalls have forced WFP - and other humanitarian organizations - to scale back assistance and refocus efforts on the most severe needs. The global economic downturn and long-term fiscal tightening mean that many government donors and other partners are reducing levels of support. Last year saw cuts in food, cash and nutrition assistance in more than half of WFP’s operations worldwide. Cutting assistance forces vulnerable people to skip meals and eat less nutritious food, while damaging efforts to address the root causes of hunger and malnutrition. At the same time, conflicts, shifting frontlines, political inaction and bureaucratic impediments continue to stand in the way of us reaching food- insecure communities and saving lives. ![\\"Hunger](\\"/sites/default/files/2021-05/WF1110566_20201126_Hunger- Map.gif\\") WFP\'s interactive HungerMap LIVE provides up-to-the-minute metrics on hunger hotspots. Photo: WFP ## Main areas of work ###### _Emergency response* and preparedness_ WFP is the frontline agency responding to emergencies caused by conflict, climate shocks, pandemics and other disasters. We also coordinate responses to large-scale emergencies on behalf of the wider humanitarian community, as lead agency of the Logistics Cluster and the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster. Our focus is also on emergency preparedness, working with partners to provide early warning and helping communities lessen the impact of looming disasters. * Each day WFP has up to 5,000 trucks, 132 aircraft and 20 ships on the move, delivering food and other assistance. (*See also ‘Current emergencies\' section below) ![\\"Aerial](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/media_embed/public/2024-08/climate_WF1737489_DJI_0632.jpg?itok=YfTJIVRm\\") Communities dig water catchments known as \"half moons\" in the Dosso region of Niger. Photo: WFP/Richard Mbouet ###### _Climate action_ Climate shocks such as droughts and floods can wipe out crops, disrupt markets and destroy roads and bridges. WFP works with governments and humanitarian partners on the frontlines, responding to an increasing number of disasters. At the same time, we take pre-emptive action to reduce the number of people needing humanitarian assistance. This includes restoring degraded ecosystems that serve as natural shields against climate disasters WFP deploys Forecast-based Financing to provide cash to vulnerable families, allowing them to buy food, reinforce their homes and take other steps to build resilience ahead of climate disasters. * WFP supported nearly 18 million people through activities to protect against climate shocks in 2023 ###### _Ending malnutrition_ Sustainable development is only possible in communities where malnutrition is eradicated and future generations can flourish. WFP has broadened its focus in recent years from emergency interventions to addressing all forms of malnutrition including vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and overweight and obesity. WFP addresses malnutrition from the earliest stages, through programmes targeting the first 1,000 days from conception to a child\'s second birthday. We provide access to healthy diets, targeting young children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and people living with HIV. * WFP supported 27 million women and children with measures to prevent and treat malnutrition in the first 1,000 days of life, during 2023 ###### _School-meal programmes_ WFP is the largest humanitarian organization implementing school-meal programmes. School meals improve children\'s nutrition and health, while also increasing access to a potentially life-changing education. Home-grown school feeding sources food from millions of smallholder farmers, increasing their incomes and boosting local economies. WFP serves as secretariat of the School Meals Coalition, comprising over 90 governments and more than 100 organizations working to ensure that every child has the opportunity to receive a healthy, nutritious meal by 2030. * WFP provided nutritious school meals, take-home rations or snacks to 21.4 million schoolchildren in 61 countries in 2023. ![\\"Woman](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/media_embed/public/2024-08/smallholder_WF1815226_20231108_BFA_CheickOmar- Bandaogo_106.jpg?itok=nt9mrehz\\") A farmer sifts rice as part of activities to support people\'s resilience to shocks in Burkina Faso. Photo: WFP/Cheick Omar Bandaogo ###### _Supporting smallholder farmers_ Smallholder farmers produce most of the world\'s food and are critical in achieving a zero-hunger world. WFP\'s support to farmers spans a range of activities to help build sustainable food systems, from business-skills training to post-harvest management, to opening up access to finance and roads to markets. * WFP bought 90,000 metric tons of food from smallholder farmers in 24 countries for our operations in 2023, worth US$56 million, boosting their livelihoods and injecting cash into local economies. ###### Building resilience WFP\'s early-warning and preparedness systems – including supply chain management, logistics and emergency communications – allow governments to prevent crises or respond quickly when they happen. We are helping to develop national capacities to manage disaster risk through finance and risk-transfer tools, such as weather risk insurance. Our expertise includes vulnerability analysis and mapping, as well as support to governments\' social protection systems such as cash transfers – developing national payment systems for example. WFP\'s Food Assistance for Assets programme forms a core element of WFP\'s resilience work, improving long-term food security while helping create conditions for peace. People receive food or cash to meet immediate food needs, which frees up their time for working on community assets or livelihood resources that can increase resilience to climate change and improve access to markets. * WFP-supported asset creation and livelihood activities in 2023 included rehabilitating 377,000 hectares of land, planting 4,200 hectares of forest, and repairing or building more than 7,200 km of roads and trails ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/media_embed/public/2024-08/WF1803153%20Colors%20By%20Dip%2059.jpg?itok=-9-ZK991\\") A woman collects cash as part of support to people affected by flash floods in Chittagong, Bangladesh. Photo: WFP/Dip Chakma ###### _Cash assistance_ WFP is the largest cash provider in the humanitarian community. Cash allows for increased choices and diet diversity for people, while boosting local smallholder production, retail and the financial sector through increased spending and trade. It is also an effective means of giving more economic power to food-insecure women. * WFP transferred US$2.9 billion in cash-based transfers and commodity vouchers (which are redeemed for specific items) in 76 countries in 2023, reaching 51.6 million people. ###### _Capacity building_ WFP transfers its skills and knowledge to a range of public, private and civil society groups who are pivotal to sustaining national policies and programmes. We are building governments\' and other partners\' capacities to manage disaster risk and improve food security, while also investing in the aforementioned early-warning and preparedness systems for climate and other threats. * In 2023, WFP supported 58 countries in becoming better prepared for, and more able to respond to, emergencies, through development and training related to preparedness and response systems. ## Nobel Peace Prize The award of the Nobel Peace Prize to WFP in October 2020 reflects our strong advocacy for the critical role of peace in ending hunger, and for the use of food as a tool for peace. Conflict and insecurity are key drivers of hunger. Many of the people WFP supports are fleeing conflict, and have been forced to abandon their land, homes and jobs. This award increased WFP\'s opportunity to provide a stronger voice to hungry people in the world, and to mobilize support for the food assistance that they need. ## Digital innovation New technologies and innovation help drive WFP’s work to achieve zero hunger by 2030. WFP’s Munich-based Innovation Accelerator sources new ideas, pilots projects and scales high-impact innovations, by connecting them with WFP’s global network and field operations in over 120 countries and territories. The Accelerator reached 60.7 million individuals across 70 countries and territories in 2023, working with a network of WFP country offices and regional bureaux, innovation hubs and units and partners. Among innovations supported by the WFP Innovation Accelerator: * Optimus is an online optimization tool that helps identify the most cost-effective way to reach the people WFP serves. It has been used in 44 country offices, resulting in more than US$50 million in savings since 2015. * Earthshot Prize-winning Boomitra uses remote sensing and Artificial Intelligence to monitor soil quality including carbon levels, enabling farmers to adopt climate smart agriculture practices – such as reduced tillage and mulching with crop residue. * Solar 4 Resilience was started by WFP, the state of Odisha in India and the private company Science for Society Technologies (another Earthshot Prize winner). It provides entrepreneurs with solar-powered tools to convert damaged produce (vegetables, fruits, spices and marine products) into ingredients. ## Current emergencies ##### Highest level State of Palestine: A total 96 percent of the population of Gaza is facing acute food insecurity, with 2.15 million people at Crisis levels of hunger or worse. Almost half a million of these are in Catastrophic conditions. Sudan: Famine has been declared in a camp sheltering hundreds of thousands of displaced people in Sudan’s North Darfur Region, and a total of 25.6 million people are facing acute hunger. ##### Other Afghanistan: A severe funding crisis puts at risk gains made through record levels of food assistance provided in the wake of the Taliban’s takeover in 2021 and the economic crisis that followed. ` The Democratic Republic of the Congo: The country is facing one of the world\'s largest hunger crises, with an estimated 23.4 million people experiencing Crisis and Emergency levels of food insecurity. Ethiopia: Since operations resumed in mid-November, WFP convoys have carried thousands of tons of food into the conflict-affected Tigray region, allowing us to reach those most in need of our assistance. ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/media_embed/public/2024-08/WF1865331%2020240331_SDN_Abubakar- Garelnabei_033.jpg?itok=wkxjnuED\\") Wheat flour is offloaded at a distribution site in Wadi Halfa, Sudan, to support communities hosting people displaced by conflict. Photo: WFP/Abubakar Garelnabei Haiti: The country is experiencing a dramatic escalation in gang violence and protests as armed groups battle for territory and civilians come under attack. Myanmar: Food insecurity in Myanmar has risen sharply amid the worst humanitarian crisis in its recent history, affecting 13.3 million or one in four people. North Eastern Nigeria: Conflict and insecurity, rising inflation and the impact of the climate crisis continue to drive hunger in Nigeria. A total of 32 million people across the country were projected to face acute hunger in the June-August 2024 lean season. ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/media_embed/public/2024-08/WF1873069%2020240407_WFP_PSE_Abood%20al%20Sayd%2032.jpg?itok=iJX8uFnN\\") A man receives a food parcel from WFP in Rafah, Gaza Strip, where intense conflict has left millions in urgent need. Photo: WFP/Arete/Abood al Sayd Sahel: The conflict in the Sahel is upending lives and livelihoods and forcing more people to flee in desperation. The impact of the climate crisis, global economic headwinds that increase food and fuel prices, declining agricultural production, and intercommunal tensions are among other major drivers of hunger. Somalia: A total of 3.4 million people are facing acute food insecure in Somalia. Above-average rainfall and localized floods, during the Gu rainy season (April–June), affected 268,000 people and damaged livelihood assets. South Sudan: South Sudan is simultaneously drowning and drying as the climate crisis tightens its grip. An unprecedented flooding crisis has swallowed large swathes of the country while other parts are grappling with devastating drought Syria: Syria remains among the ten countries with the highest number of hungry people globally, but a funding crunch has forced WFP to end its food assistance programme. ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/media_embed/public/2024-08/WF1832558%203O7A8868.jpg?itok=OiwGLpMZ\\") WFP distributes bread and canned meat or beans in Kramatorsk city, Ukraine, to support conflict-affected people. Photo: WFP/Anastasiia Honcharuk Ukraine: The war in Ukraine continues to displace people, damage infrastructure, disrupt supply chains and hold back the country’s economy. One in five families is estimated to be food insecure. Yemen: Nearly a decade of conflict in Yemen has created one of the world\'s most severe humanitarian crises, with the threat of famine never far away. ## UNHAS WFP Aviation manages the only UN-mandated air transport service, the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS). The service connects the entire humanitarian and development community to people in need, reaching the most remote and dangerous locations on earth. It also ensures an uninterrupted delivery of supplies when other transport is disrupted by insecurity or damaged roads or other infrastructure, and where almost no other commercial airline is flying. * UNHAS transported more than 388,000 humanitarian staff and 4,800 metric tons of cargo in 2023, ensuring that 647 organizations could reach over 437 remote and hard-to-reach destinations. **Further information:**12 things you may not know about the World Food Programme / History / Who we are / Our work / Where we work / Governance and leadership ## Emergencies * Afghanistan * Central Sahel * Democratic Republic of the Congo * Ethiopia * Haiti * Lebanon * Myanmar * North Eastern Nigeria * Somalia * South Sudan * State of Palestine * Sudan * Syria * Ukraine * Yemen ## Who we are ### ABOUT * Strategic Plan * Governance and leadership * History * Funding and donors ### TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY * Ethical culture * Independent evaluation * Internal audit and investigations * Performance management and accountability ### PARTNERSHIPS * Governments * Non-governmental organizations * Private sector * UN agencies and international institutions * Clusters and multistakeholder partnerships * Academia and think tanks ## Our work ### SAVING LIVES * Emergency relief * Food assistance * Humanitarian support and services * Supply chain ### CHANGING LIVES * Asset creation * Cash and market support * Climate action * Food systems * Gender equality * Ending malnutrition * Resilience building * School-based programmes * Smallholder market support * Sustainable livelihoods and ecosystems ### SUPPORTING GOVERNMENTS * Country capacity strengthening * Social protection * South-South cooperation ### INNOVATION AND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION * Innovation and technology ## About hunger * Ending hunger * Conflict and hunger * A global food crisis * WFP and the SDGs ## Get involved * Support us * Partner with us ## Work with us * Careers * Do business with WFP ## Media & resources * News releases * Publications * Stories * Videos Donate ![\\"WFP](\\"/themes/custom/wfp_org/images/logos/wfp-logo-standard-white- en.svg?v=3\\"/) Via Cesare Giulio Viola, 68, 00148 Rome RM, Italy Follow us on: Twitter Facebook Instagram Linkedin YouTube TikTok Donate 2024 © World Food Programme * Donate * Privacy * Contact * Terms of Use * Executive Board * WFP Alumni * Who we are Back ## Who we are We bring life-saving relief in emergencies and use food assistance to build peace, stability and prosperity for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impact of climate change. Read more * * ###### About * Who we are * History * Governance and leadership * Strategic Plan * Funding and donors * * ###### Transparency and accountability * Ethical culture * Independent evaluation * Internal audit and investigations * Performance management and accountability * * ###### Partnerships * Our partners ![\\"Close](\\"/themes/custom/wfp_org/templates/patterns/menu/images/close-- black.svg\\"/) * Our work Back ## Our work We span a broad range of activities, bringing life-saving assistance in emergencies and supporting sustainable and resilient livelihoods to achieve a world with zero hunger. Read more * * ###### About hunger * Ending hunger * Conflict and hunger * A global food crisis * WFP and the SDGs * ###### Saving lives * Emergency relief * Food assistance * Humanitarian support and services * Supply chain * * ###### Changing lives * Asset creation * Cash and market support * Climate action * Ending malnutrition * Food systems * Gender equality * Resilience building * School-based programmes * Smallholder farmers support * Sustainable livelihoods and ecosystems * * ###### Supporting governments * Country capacity strengthening * Social protection * South-South cooperation * ###### Innovation and digital transformation * Innovation and technology ![\\"Close](\\"/themes/custom/wfp_org/templates/patterns/menu/images/close-- black.svg\\"/) * Where we work Back ## Where we work We work in 123 countries and territories, combining emergency assistance with long-term development while adapting our activities to the context and challenges of each location and its people. Read more * * ###### Countries * Afghanistan * Algeria * Angola * Armenia * Bangladesh * Benin * Bhutan * Bolivia * Burkina Faso * Burundi * Cambodia * Cameroon * The Caribbean * Central African Republic * Chad * China * Colombia * Congo * Cuba * Côte d\'Ivoire * Democratic Republic of the Congo * Djibouti * Dominican Republic * DPR Korea * Ecuador * Egypt * El Salvador * Eswatini * Ethiopia * Gambia * Ghana * Guatemala * Guinea * Guinea-Bissau * Haiti * Honduras * India * Indonesia * Iran * Iraq * Jordan * Kenya * Kyrgyz Republic * Laos * Lebanon * Lesotho * Liberia * Libya * Madagascar * Malawi * Mali * Mauritania * Moldova * Mozambique * Myanmar * Namibia * Nepal * Nicaragua * Niger * Nigeria * The Pacific * Pakistan * Palestine * Peru * Philippines * Rwanda * Sao Tome and Principe * Senegal * Sierra Leone * Somalia * South Sudan * Sri Lanka * Sudan * Syria * Tajikistan * Tanzania * Timor-Leste * Togo * Tunisia * Türkiye * Uganda * Ukraine * Venezuela * Yemen * Zambia * Zimbabwe * * ###### Emergencies * Afghanistan * Central Sahel * Democratic Republic of the Congo * Ethiopia * Haiti * Lebanon * Myanmar * North Eastern Nigeria * Somalia * South Sudan * State of Palestine * Sudan * Syria * Ukraine * Yemen ![\\"Close](\\"/themes/custom/wfp_org/templates/patterns/menu/images/close-- black.svg\\"/) * Get involved Back ## Get involved There is a variety of ways in which people can support WFP’s mission to eliminate hunger, from making a donation to bringing your expertise to our work on the frontlines. 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Pd and M5s now make it even easier for 36 million nonEU citizens in Italy to apply for Citizenship Income
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Pd and M5s now make it even easier for 36 million nonEU citizens in Italy to apply for Citizenship Income
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Giglioli Affiliation: Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy * *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] * Article * Metrics Article contents * Abstract * References Get access ![\\"\\"](\\"/core/page-component/img/share-icon.cbcfad8.svg\\"/) Share ![\\"\\"](\\"/core/page-component/img/close-icon.194b28a.svg\\"/) ![\\"\\"](\\"/core/page-component/img/cite-icon.44eaaa4.svg\\"/) Cite ![\\"\\"](\\"/core/page-component/img/rights-icon.d4a677c.svg\\"/)Rights & Permissions [Opens in a new window] ## Abstract The majority view within political science is that populism is best understood as a (thin) ideology. We problematize the ideational approach by broadening the scope of analysis, linking populism to the rise of long-term generalized anti-political sentiments, against interpretations that tend to tie the populist wave to conjunctural factors related to recent crises. We argue that the essence of populism lies at the intersection of the ‘material constitution’ of advanced industrial democracies (that is, how macroeconomic governance relates to democratic decision-making) and the feelings of societal alienation that are at the heart of anti-political sentiments. We show the peculiar coexistence of economic turbulence, heralded by the crisis of the cartel party and of the neoliberal economic consensus, and an appeal to a post-democratic ‘virtual politics’ of performed but ineffectual popular sovereignty. The policies of the populist coalition governing Italy in 2018–19 provide a key case to test the relevance of our arguments. ## Keywords anti-politicsdepoliticization/repoliticizationvirtual politicsdemocracy Type Article Information Government and Opposition , Volume 56 , Issue 3 , July 2021 , pp. 505 - 524 DOI: [Opens in a new window] Copyright Copyright © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Government and Opposition Limited and Cambridge University Press ## Access options Get access to the full version of this content by using one of the access options below. (Log in options will check for institutional or personal access. Content may require purchase if you do not have access.) ## References Afonso, A (2015) Choosing Whom to Betray: Populist Right-Wing Parties, Welfare State Reforms and the Trade-Off between Office and Votes. European Political Science Review 7(2), 271–292.CrossRefGoogle Scholar Albertazzi, D, Giovannini, A and Seddone, A (2018) ‘No Regionalism Please, We Are Leghisti!’ The Transformation of the Italian Lega Nord under the Leadership of Matteo Salvini. Regional and Federal Studies 28(5), 645–671.CrossRefGoogle Scholar Arditi, B (2004) Populism as a Spectre of Democracy: A Response to Canovan. Political Studies 52(1), 135–143.CrossRefGoogle Scholar Bailo, F (2019) Il successo della Lega, i media e le crisi migratorie. 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