In 1930 a cartoon suggested a series of strategies for dictators to take control of the world 91 years later any similarity will not be a mere coincidence Scary
![](\\" Robert Reich\'s writes at His latest book is \"THE SYSTEM: Who Rigged It, How To Fix It.\" He is Chancellor\'s Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley and Senior Fellow at the Blum Center. He served as Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration, for which Time Magazine named him one of the 10 most effective cabinet secretaries of the twentieth century. He has written 17 other books, including the best sellers \"Aftershock,\"\"The Work of Nations,\" \"Beyond Outrage,\" and \"The Common Good.\" He is a founding editor of the American Prospect magazine, founder of Inequality Media, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and co-creator of the award-winning documentaries \"Inequality For All,\" streaming on YouTube, and \"Saving Capitalism,\" now streaming on Netflix. \+ MY LINKTREE \+ SUPPORT INEQUALITY MEDIA\+ FOLLOW ON TUMBLR \+ TWITTER \+ FACEBOOK * ![](\\" ### NEW: The System Who Rigged It, and How We Fix It Order here:AmazoniBookstoreBN.comIndieBoundRandomHouse * ![](\\" ### The Common Good Why we must restore the idea of the common good to the center of our economics and politics Order here:AmazoniBookstoreBN.comIndieBound * ![](\\" ### Economics in Wonderland A cartoon guide to a political world gone mad and mean Order * ![](\\" ### Saving Capitalism For the Many, Not the Few Order here:AmazoniBookstoreBN.comIndieboundRandomHouse * ![](\\" ### Aftershock The Next Economy and America\'s Future Buy this book at:AmazoniBookstoreBN.comIndieboundPowellsRandomHouse * ![](\\" ### New Editions Available Now Beyond Outrage:What has gone wrong with our economy and our democracy, and how to fix it Preorder the Trade Paperback:BN.comIndieBoundAmazonRandomHouse Preorder the Expanded eBook:AmazoniBookstoreBN.comRandomHouse Preorder the Expanded, Enhanced eBook (w/ videos) * ![](\\" ### Supercapitalism The Transformation of Business, Democracy, and Everyday Life Buy this book at:AmazoniBookstoreBN.comIndieboundPowellsRandomHouse * ![](\\" ### Reason Why Liberals Will Win the Battle for America Buy this book at:AmazoniBookstoreBN.comIndieboundPowellsRandomHouse * ![](\\" ### Locked in the Cabinet A memoir of four years as Secretary of Labor Buy this book at:AmazonBN.comPowellsIndieboundRandomHouse ![](\\" PBS, JANUARY 13, 2020 ![](\\" UCTV, DECEMBER 22, 2017 ![](\\" CNN, DECEMBER 13, 2017 ![](\\" TRAVIS SMILEY, NOVEMBER 30, 2017 ![](\\" MORNING JOE, NOVEMBER 9, 2017 ![](\\" ABC, APRIL 30, 2017 ![](\\" ABC, FEBRUARY 26, 2017 ![](\\" CNN, FEBRUARY 21, 2017 ![](\\" CNN, FEBRUARY 2, 2017 ![](\\" CNN, DECEMBER 10, 2016 ![](\\" CNN, DECEMBER 7, 2016 ![](\\" CNN, DECEMBER 7, 2016 ![](\\" DEMOCRACY NOW!, AUGUST, 2016 ![](\\" C-SPAN BOOK TV, OCTOBER, 2015 ![](\\" COLBERT REPORT, NOVEMBER, 2013 ![](\\" WITH BILL MOYERS, SEPT. 2013 ![](\\" DAILY SHOW, SEPTEMBER 2013, PART 1 ![](\\" DAILY SHOW, SEPTEMBER 2013, PART 2 ![](\\" DEMOCRACY NOW, SEPTEMBER 2013 ![](\\" INTELLIGENCE SQUARED DEBATES, SEPTEMBER 2012 ![](\\" DAILY SHOW, APRIL 2012, PART 1 ![](\\" DAILY SHOW, APRIL 2012, PART 2 ![](\\" COLBERT REPORT, OCTOBER, 2010 ![](\\" WITH CONAN OBRIEN, JANUARY, 2010 ![](\\" DAILY SHOW, OCTOBER 2008 ![](\\" DAILY SHOW, APRIL 2005 ![](\\" DAILY SHOW, JUNE 2004 ![](\\" TRUTH AS A COMMON GOOD, APRIL, 2017 ![](\\" MUNK DEBATE ON THE US ELECTION, OCTOBER, 2016 ![](\\" WHY WORRY ABOUT INEQUALITY, APRIL, 2014 ![](\\" LAST LECTURE, APRIL, 2014 ![](\\" INEQUALITY FOR ALL, NOVEMBER, 2013 ![](\\" THE RICH ARE TAXED ENOUGH, OCTOBER, 2012 ![](\\" AFTERSHOCK, SEPTEMBER, 2011 ![](\\" THE NEXT ECONOMY AND AMERICA\'S FUTURE, MARCH, 2011 ![](\\" HOW UNEQUAL CAN AMERICA GET?, JANUARY, 2008 * ## Seriously, How Dumb is Trump? Saturday, January 6, 2018 For more than a year now, I’ve been hearing from people in the inner circles of official Washington – GOP lobbyists, Republican pundits, even a few Republican members of Congress – that Donald Trump is remarkably stupid. I figured they couldn’t be right because really stupid people don’t become presidents of the United States. Even George W. Bush was smart enough to hire smart people to run his campaign and then his White House. Several months back when Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called Trump a “f—king moron,” I discounted it. I know firsthand how frustrating it can be to serve in a president’s cabinet, and I’ve heard members of other president’s cabinets describe their bosses in similar terms. Now comes “Fire and Fury,” a book by journalist Michael Wolff, who interviewed more than 200 people who dealt with Trump as a candidate and president, including senior White House staff members. In it, National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster calls Trump a “dope.” Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and former Chief of Staff Reince Priebus both refer to him as an “idiot.” Rupert Murdoch says Trump is a “f—king idiot.” Trump’s chief economic adviser Gary Cohn describes Trump as “dumb as sh-t,” explaining that “Trump won’t read anything — not one-page memos, not the brief policy papers; nothing. He gets up halfway through meetings with world leaders because he is bored.” When one of Trump’s campaign aides tried to educate him about the Constitution, Trump couldn’t focus. “I got as far as the Fourth Amendment,” the aide recalled, \"before his finger is pulling down on his lip and his eyes are rolling back in his head.” Trump doesn’t think he’s stupid. “Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart,” he tweeted last Saturday. As he earlier recounted, “I went to an Ivy League college … I did very well. I’m a very intelligent person.” Trump wasn’t exactly an academic star. One of his professors at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business and Finance purportedly said that he was “the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.” Trump biographer Gwenda Blair wrote in 2001 that Trump was admitted to Wharton on a special favor from a “friendly” admissions officer who had known Trump’s older brother. But hold on. It would be dangerous to underestimate this man. Even if Trump doesn’t read, can’t follow a logical argument, and has the attention span of a fruit fly, it still doesn’t follow that he’s stupid. There’s another form of intelligence, called “emotional intelligence.” Emotional intelligence is a concept developed by two psychologists, John Mayer of the University of New Hampshire, and Yale’s Peter Salovey, and it was popularized by Dan Goleman in his 1996 book of the same name. Mayer and Salovey define emotional intelligence as the ability to do two things – “understand and manage our own emotions,” and “recognize and influence the emotions of others.” Granted, Trump hasn’t displayed much capacity for the first. He’s thin- skinned, narcissistic, and vindictive. As dozens of Republican foreign policy experts put it, “he is unable or unwilling to separate truth from falsehood. He does not encourage conflicting views. He lacks self-control and acts impetuously. He cannot tolerate criticism.\" Okay, but what about Mayer and Salovey’s second aspect of emotional intelligence – influencing the emotions of others? This is where Trump shines. He knows how to manipulate people. He has an uncanny ability to discover their emotional vulnerabilities – their fears, anxieties, prejudices, and darkest desires – and use them for his own purposes. To put it another way, Trump is an extraordinarily talented conman. He’s always been a conman. He conned hundreds of young people and their parents into paying to attend his near worthless Trump University. He conned banks into lending him more money even after he repeatedly failed to pay them. He conned contractors to work for them and then stiffed them. Granted, during he hasn’t always been a great conman. Had he been, his cons would have paid off. By his own account, in 1976, when Trump was starting his career, he was worth about $200 million, much of it from his father. Today he says he’s worth some $8 billion. If he’d just put the original $200 million into an index fund and reinvested the dividends, he’d be worth $12 billion today. But he’s been a great political conman. He conned 62,979,879 Americans to vote for him in November 2016 by getting them to believe his lies about Mexicans, Muslims, African-Americans, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and all the “wonderful,” “beautiful” things he’d do for the people who’d support him. And he’s still conning many of them. Political conning is Trump’s genius. This genius – combined with his utter stupidity in every other dimension of his being – poses a clear and present danger to America and the world. The 25th Amendment must be invoked before it’s too late. ![\\"Share\\"](\\" 465 notes from other Tumblr users 1. threedogsstuff liked this 2. crassvs-blog said: Reich’s arguing that he would be even wealthier than $8B if he’d done X doesn’t help. Too many in the MSM have lent credence to Trump’s claimed wealth. Wall Street knows Trump. Main Street doesn’t. And the MSM hasn’t been much smarter. Not investigating his claims of wealth bc he made them a lot of money with “The Apprentice” isn’t an excuse. WS won’t do business with him. T has relied on Russia for loans bc US banks know better after getting burned over and over. 3. seifnn reblogged this from robertreich 4. robbiebo-blog1 liked this 5. randomfoto liked this 6. ![\\"\\"](\\" liked this 7. iamslt2 liked this 8. hjd1979 reblogged this from robertreich 9. dawg40 liked this 10. ![\\"\\"](\\" liked this 11. 6stronghands liked this 12. axiomecho said: How dumb do you have to be to get conned by this orange idiot? Just a few words out of his mouth should prove that he’s got potato salad between his ears. It boggles the mind that anyone could be influenced by Donnie. 13. groovybouquetenemyus liked this 14. meerestier liked this 15. fahrni liked this 16. socialistperpective reblogged this from robertreich 17. ![\\"\\"](\\" liked this 18. thexexpat liked this 19. freewheelingspirit liked this 20. pauwow liked this 21. contemplatingtrumpiness reblogged this from robertreich 22. ctskitch liked this 23. ashheaps liked this 24. cellia1 liked this 25. mtuning liked this 26. ![\\"\\"](\\" liked this 27. casualdreamerstudent-dde4d400 liked this 28. whatdoyoumeanitsnotawesome reblogged this from sailaweigh 29. whatdoyoumeanitsnotawesome liked this 30. sailaweigh reblogged this from robertreich 31. plumnelly liked this 32. ![\\"\\"](\\" reblogged this from robertreich 33. murtole liked this 34. continualawareness liked this 35. rick1633 liked this 36. thomasccannon liked this 37. cliffyg62 liked this 38. wildplanet69 liked this 39. debylong-blog said: 😁 40. ![\\"\\"](\\" posted this 41. 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This video is of sea waves carrying away 2 women on the beach of Mumbai
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Home 2. Ocean Life 3. Reptiles 4. Sea Turtles ## Introduction Larisa Bennett Reviewed by Connie Y. Kot (link is external)(Duke University Marine Laboratory), Autumn-Lynn Harrison(link is external) (Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute), and Tyler Lyson(link is external) (Denver Museum of Nature and Science) Contents * ## Anatomy, Diversity & Evolution * ### Anatomy * Reptile of the Sea * A Tough Shell * Senses * ### Diversity * Cheloniidae * Dermatochelyidae * ### Evolution * ## Ecology and Behavior * ### Reproduction * ### Movement * ### In the Food Web * ## Human Impacts & Solutions * ### Poaching and Hunting * ### Entanglement and Bycatch * ### Pollution * ### Beach Development * ### Climate Change * ## Research and Technology * ## Cultural Connections Often considered the most majestic of the turtle family, the sea turtle is a large, ocean-going reptile known for its gentle nature and long lifespan. Swimmers, snorkelers and divers revel in seeing these stunning creatures glide by effortlessly through the sea. Though often associated with the tropics, sea turtles are actually found in all of the world’s oceans except for the polar seas. Sea turtles have been revered by humans for millennia. In fact, many creation stories in various world cultures feature tales of the world being built on the back of a sea turtle. Today, there are seven species of sea turtles in existence, and most are listed as at least vulnerable to extinction under the IUCN’s Red List. These ancient reptiles, which have been around since the age of the dinosaurs, may yet disappear if we do not act to conserve them. # Are You An Educator? At Smithsonian Ocean, we have lesson plans, activities, and resources to help you engage your students in the wonders of our oceans. See Lesson Plans ## Anatomy, Diversity & Evolution ### Anatomy #### Reptile of the Sea Sea turtles are adapted to live in the ocean, with some unique features that help them to survive in the marine environment. As reptiles, they require air to breathe and land to lay their eggs. However, the majority of their lives are spent underwater. Unlike their freshwater relatives, the head and limbs of sea turtles are fixed outside the shell and cannot retract into the shell. This distinctive feature, along with a streamlined shell, makes them more hydrodynamic in the water than their land-based counterparts, allowing them to maneuver easily through their saltwater habitat. ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/14277299531_e6fb97d477_o.jpg\\") Sea turtles are adapted for a life at sea. Their streamline shell and flippers make them hydrodynamic swimmers. (Thomas Shahan, Flickr(link is external)) Sea turtles are generally not extremely fast swimmers. Usually, they cruise at around 0.9 to 5.8 mph (1.4 to 9.3 km/h), but have been found to swim up to 22 mph (35 km/hr) when frightened. To help them efficiently power their bodies through water, sea turtles have long flippers instead of the webbed feet of their freshwater counterparts. The large and strong front flippers act like paddles to propel them through the water, while the smaller back flippers function as rudders to help them steer. In females, the hind flippers have another purpose as well—they are used to dig an egg chamber in the sand when they come ashore to nest. The seven sea turtle species are part of a group of about 100 living marine reptile(link is external) species in the world. Living in salty ocean water is not easy and many marine organisms have special adaptations(link is external) in order to survive in the excessive salt of their environment. If sea turtles had a salt concentration in their body the same as their seawater surroundings, it would be lethal. When eating, they ingest a large amount of salty seawater. To get rid of this excess salt, sea turtles have large glands by their eyes that release salt in higher concentrations than the surrounding ocean water. These salt glands are why many people who observe sea turtles on land believe that the animals are crying(link is external). The leatherback sea turtle has extremely large salt glands compared to other species; their glands are more than twice the size of their brains. They require such large salt glands because of their preferred diet of jellyfish. Since jellies are composed of mostly seawater, the leatherback ingests much more salt while feeding than any other sea turtle species. Sea turtles cannot breathe underwater, but they can hold their breath for long periods of time—between 4 to 7 hours when resting. While holding their breath, their heart rate slows significantly to conserve oxygen—up to nine minutes can pass between heartbeats. Because of this, sea turtles can stay underwater for an extended period of time when not stressed. Their breath-holding abilities allow them to dive deep in the ocean to find food. Most turtles can dive to depths of up to 290 m (960 ft). However, one species of sea turtle—the leatherback—can dive over 1,000 m (3,000 ft)! The maximum depth(link is external) ever recorded for a sea turtle dive was a leatherback that dove 1,200 m (3937 ft). Leatherbacks are able to do this because of their adaptations(link is external) for deep diving. Unlike the other species of sea turtles, leatherbacks have a flexible shell that absorbs nitrogen and collapsible lungs that allow them to compress themselves while diving to cope with the pressure change. The turtles have large stores of oxygen in their blood and muscles and a drastically slowed heart rate to conserve oxygen while diving. ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"a](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/CounterCurrentHeat-.png\\") The warm blood coming from the heart is able to heat the cooled blood returning from the extremities due to the anatomy of the blood vessels. Reptiles are ectothermic, meaning they rely on the environment to regulate their body temperature, and sea turtles are no exception. It is therefore surprising that unlike other sea turtles, leatherbacks are cold-adapted. They can migrate to cold water to hunt their prey without getting cold-stunned(link is external). The leatherback achieves this feat with counter-current heat exchange. This system runs warm blood from their inner bodies out to their extremities next to the cold blood running back inwards. The two blood temperatures participate in heat exchange and, therefore, the cold blood is warmed before re-entering the body core. Leatherbacks also retain warmth because of their dark color and layers of fatty tissue and oil that act as heat absorbers and insulation. The leatherback has a much higher metabolism(link is external) than other sea turtles; their huge muscles create a lot of heat when they are active. The abilities to function in cold water and to make every breath taken as efficient as possible, allow the leatherback to dive to very great depths. They can carry twice the amount of oxygen in their blood as other sea turtles and can**** redirect blood to the brain and heart to make sure their vital organs always have oxygen on deep, cold dives. Researchers don’t know exactly why leatherback sea turtles dive to such depths, but a 2008 study(link is external) suggested that the dives function as a sort of reconnaissance mission. The turtles primarily eat jellyfish that migrate to the deep ocean during the day. Leatherbacks could be using deep dives to scout out where the jellies are in order to be in the right spot at nightfall when the jellyfish return to the surface and make for a tasty meal for the waiting leatherback. #### A Tough Shell ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"a](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/LargestTurtle2.jpg\\") The smallest sea turtles are about the size of dinner plates, while the largest, the leatherbacks, can reach sizes similar to a golf cart. Archelon, a giant sea turtle that lived roughly 80 to 66 million years ago during the Cretaceous Period, grew to sizes roughly 13 feet in length. (Smithsonian Institution) A sea turtle’s most noticeable feature is its shell. The top of the shell is called the carapace and the bottom is called the plastron. The carapace and plastron consist of two separate layers. One layer is composed of flattened bone plates that grow between and fuse with the ribs as the turtle grows. The second layer is the keratin(link is external) scales (or scutes) that protect the sea turtle and prevent water loss. Scutes are firm and flexible without being brittle. There are different kinds of scutes that vary based on their location on the turtle’s body. The scales sometimes overlap, but don’t always. Scientists can actually identify sea turtle species by the number and pattern of scutes along with the shape of the shell and scales on their head. One species—the leatherback sea turtle—has a unique rubbery shell that is not made of keratin scutes like other sea turtle species. Instead, they have a semi-flexible carapace covered with a waxy, leathery skin. Beneath it is a blubbery fat layer full of oil, and embedded in the fat layer are thousands of small bone plates that give the carapace its strength. The shell has seven distinct ridges (called keels) on the carapace. These help to streamline the leatherback’s momentum on its deep dives. The shell can do more than protect and streamline. Many other ocean organisms use sea turtle shells as a home or a feeding station. Small organisms, called epibionts, can live on the surface of a sea turtle’s shell. They can include barnacles, algae, and even small crabs. In fact, more than 100 different epibionts have been identified living on loggerhead sea turtle shells. If a sea turtle gets too many hitchhikers on its shell, it can become weighed down and have a harder time moving. Thankfully for sea turtles, certain fish love to eat the epibionts—the sea turtle gets a cleaning while the specialized fish swim away with a nice meal. #### Senses Sensory adaptations help sea turtles survive in the ocean environment. VISION Sea turtles spend most of their lives submerged in an aquatic environment, but they also can spend significant amounts of time at the surface of the water because they require air to breathe. In addition, new hatchlings and nesting females spend time, however brief, on the beach. Therefore, sea turtles have eyes adapted to see in both water and air. However, their eyes are best adapted for seeing well under the waves. Humans have a curved cornea(link is external) that refracts light and helps to see in the air. Corneas lose all ability to refract light when submerged in water, which causes the unfocused view we see when opening eyes while underwater. Underwater, fish have a cornea merely as a protective barrier. All the refractive power of a fish\'s eye is contained in their lens(link is external). Animals such as turtles that spend time in both aquatic and air environments have eyes that combine these two eye types. Sea turtles have flat corneas and a nearly spherical lens adapted to their mostly aquatic lifestyle. Consequently, they are a little nearsighted on land but perfectly suited to seeing under the ocean surface. Sea turtles also spend time at a variety of depths in the ocean with very different light levels—the deeper the depth, the dimmer the light becomes. Surprisingly, sea turtles seem to have eyes that are specialized for bright light rather than the dim deep water. ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"a](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/Hawksbill_turtle_doeppne-081.jpg\\") A closeup of a hawksbill turtle eye. (Tom Doeppner Wikipedia(link is external)) In the eye, cells called rods detect movement in dim light conditions and cells called cones detect colored light. Animals that see well in the dark have more rods than cones. Another trait that equips animals to see well in dim light are large eyes with large pupils. Sea turtles have fairly evenly distributed rods and cones and their eyes are small in comparison to their body size. These traits equip sea turtles to see best in bright light. So, how do sea turtles see when they feed at depth or at night? The answer may lie in their ability to see bioluminescence. The pupil of a sea turtle’s eye is sufficiently big enough to detect the point-source light of bioluminescent prey. This glow is all they need to locate their meal. A study in 2012 showed that juvenile loggerhead and green sea turtles have the photoreceptor cells that are required to see in color(link is external), but not many behavioral studies have been done to test whether they can actually distinguish the colors they see. HEARING Sea turtle ears are much smaller than ours and though not visible on the outside of their head, their ears allow them to hear vibrations in the water. Their ears are covered by a protective layer of skin called the tympanum. Underneath the tympanum is a layer of fat unique to sea turtles; freshwater turtles do not have this feature. Scientists think this layer may act similarly to the way toothed whales’ fatty tissue(link is external)s can channel low-frequency sounds into the inner ear. A 2014 study(link is external) showed that both hatchling and juvenile loggerhead sea turtles hear and respond to low-frequency sounds. This observation suggests that, like some whales, sea turtles are low-frequency specialists. More research needs to be done to further understand how and what sea turtles are hearing. TOUCH The bony shell of a sea turtle can actually sense when something touches it. A series of thin nerves run along the shell and detect pressure changes associated with touch. The nerves do not contain pain receptors so scientists do not think sea turtles feel pain when touched on the shell, but these thin nerves could transmit information to other parts of the sea turtle’s body. In addition, researchers and scuba divers have observed sea turtles respond to the stimulation of being touched on the skin of their head and their flippers. SMELL Sea turtles possess an acute sense of smell. It is thought that this well- developed sense of smell, along with vision, plays a role in a sea turtles’ ability to locate prey. Being able to smell prey in murky or dark water would be an invaluable asset to a hungry sea turtle. Smell is also believed to contribute to how female sea turtles find their way back to their home beach to nest (see “Natal Homing” section below). ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"a](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/senses.jpg\\") Sea turtles, including this Kemp\'s ridley, must come to the surface to breathe air. They also have an acute sense of smell. (Ron Wooten) MAGNETIC SENSE Sea turtles also have a sense that enables them to detect and utilize the magnetic field of the Earth as a guide, although scientists do not fully understand how their magnetic sensitivity works. In one study(link is external), baby loggerhead sea turtles were placed in a large pool of water in a controlled laboratory setting. Researchers varied the magnetic orientation of the pool to observe the hatchlings behavior. When the sea turtles were exposed to simulated magnetic conditions that placed them either north or south of their normal migratory pathway, they reacted by swimming in the direction that put them back on their migratory course. This remarkable magnetic sense provides sea turtles directional information, the same way humans use a magnetic compass, as well as an accurate sense of their location and position on the Earth, helping them orient as they travel vast distances. Magnetic sense functions as a way for sea turtles to orient themselves and navigate to where they want to go. NATAL HOMING Female sea turtles migrate thousands of miles, sometimes to the same beach where they were born, in order to nest. This phenomenon is called natal homing(link is external). There are two main hypotheses for how sea turtles are able to do this. The first is that sea turtles use Earth\'s magnetic field(link is external) to distinguish their global position by latitude and longitude. Navigating by this internal compass would enable a sea turtle to return to the specific location it remembers from when she first entered the water as a newly hatched baby turtle. Another possibility is that sea turtles can imprint or distinctly remember certain characteristics of their home beach, such as a distinctive smell. Scientists think that sea turtles use a combination of these two techniques to find their way back to their birth beach. The use of the magnetic field would get them to the right area of the globe, while the imprinting would help them identify the exact beach. ### Diversity Sea turtles belong to the Testudine order which includes all turtles, tortoises, and terrapins. There are fourteen families within the order, but sea turtle species are only represented in two of those families—Cheloniidae and Dermatochelyidae—where the seven modern sea turtle species are found. Six sea turtle species—the green, hawksbill, loggerhead, olive ridley, Kemp’s ridley, and flatback—belong to the Cheloniidae family. The one remaining sea turtle species, the leatherback, is in its own separate family—Dermatochelyidae. #### Cheloniidae The Cheloniidae family is comprised of the hard-shelled sea turtles. Their shells are made up of hard keratin scales called scutes. ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"Green](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/green_sea_turtle.jpg\\") Green turtles (_**Chelonia mydas(link is external)**_) live in the warm coastal waters of tropical and subtropical oceans. Adults sometimes eat sponges, salps (floating jelly-like animals), and jellyfish, but they feed mostly on plants, like **seagrass **and algae. The pigment from this green diet colors their fat, giving them their common name. Populations of female nesting green sea turtles are estimated to have dropped by 48% to 65% in the past 100 to 150 years. However, recent studies show that **marine protected areas are benefitting the turtles(link is external)**. (Flickr user **WLA(link is external)**) Green (_Chelonia mydas_)- The green sea turtle, which gets its names from the color of its body fat, is the largest of the hard-shelled sea turtles. Their carapace can grow to be 2.6 to 4.5 feet long (0.8 to 1.4 m) and they can weigh between 300 and 350 pounds (136 to 159 kg). Adult green sea turtles are the only herbivorous sea turtle; they graze on marine plants and their diet is why their body fat turns green. Their specialized diet means they are the only species with serrated jaws. These serrations help the turtles tear and eat the marine plants that make up their diet. Found in tropical and subtropical waters throughout the world, the vegetarian adult turtles tend to stay near the coasts where marine plants are abundant rather than venture into the open ocean. Snorkelers in the tropics are very likely to run into these animals foraging in seagrass meadows. They are listed as endangered on the IUCN’s Red List(link is external). ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"a](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/loggerhead2cropped.jpg\\") A loggerhead turtle is one of the seven sea turtle species. (© Christian Vizl) Loggerhead (_Caretta caretta_) - The most common sea turtle in the United States is the Loggerhead. These sea turtles get their name from their huge heads that seem out of proportion to the rest of their body. Adults have large, strong jaws that they use to crush shellfish, their favored prey. The loggerhead is one of the most widespread sea turtles—found in temperate and tropical waters in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans. It is the only sea turtle species to nest outside of the Tropics. Loggerheads can grow to have carapaces of 2.3 to 3.6 feet long (0.7 to 1.1 m) and weigh up to 230 to 350 pounds (104 to 159 kg). They are listed as vulnerable to extinction on the IUCN’s Red List(link is external). ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"a](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/hawkbill.jpg\\") One of the smaller sea turtles, the hawksbill sea turtle is named for its hooked, hawk-like beak. (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) Hawksbill (_Eretmochelys imbricate_) - The hawksbill sea turtle is named for its hooked, hawk-like beak. Hawksbills are found in tropical and subtropical waters throughout the world, but in very low numbers—they are listed under the IUCN Red List(link is external) as a critically endangered species mainly because they have been traditionally hunted for their beautiful mottled shells for tortoiseshell jewelry and other products. Adults prefer to hang out near coral reefs in order to eat their favorite meal—sponges. Hawksbills are smaller than the green and loggerhead species—their carapace can be between 2.5 to 3 feet (0.8 to 1 meter) and they can weigh up to 100 to 125 pounds (45 to 57 kg). ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"an](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/OliveRidley2.jpg\\") Olive Ridleys nest in mass migrations onto the beach called arribadas. (Pixabay) Olive Ridley (_Lepidochelys olivacea_) - The olive ridley sea turtle gets its name from the color of its carapace. It is a comparatively small sea turtle—its carapace grows to 2 to 2.5 feet (0.6 to 0.8 m) and it only weighs about 85 pounds (39 kg). The olive ridley is the most common sea turtle in the world’s oceans—there are currently about 800,000 nesting females – but much information on this species is still lacking. However, the current population trend is decreasing based on a number of estimates for female nesting and hatchlings, mainly gathered during the great arribadas(link is external) where thousands of female olive ridleys come ashore together to nest. Olive ridleys spend most of their time in the open ocean feeding at the surface. But they are also known to dive to depths of up to 656 feet (200 meters) in search of food. They are listed as vulnerable to extinction on the IUCN’s Red List(link is external). ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/EstherHorvath_BabyGiants-20.jpg\\") A Kemp\'s Ridley sea turtle is returned to the ocean. (© Esther Horvath) Kemp’s Ridley (_Lepidochelys kempii_) – In addition to the olive ridley sea turtle, the only other sea turtle species that nests in large arribadas is the Kemp’s ridley sea turtle. The species is named for Richard Kemp, a fisherman who helped discover and describe the species. Kemp’s ridley is the least common sea turtle species in the world’s ocean—there are only about 2,500 nesting females. This small population mainly nests in a single area—the beach at Rancho Nuevo on the shore of the Gulf of Mexico in eastern Mexico. The species is the only sea turtle to regularly nest mostly during the daytime. Kemp’s ridley turtles are mainly found in waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the northwest Atlantic. Like the olive ridley, the Kemp’s ridley is a comparatively small sea turtle species with carapaces about 2 feet (0.6 m) long and a weight of about 70 to 100 pounds (32 to 45 kg). They are listed as critically endangered on the IUCN’s Red List(link is external). ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"Unlike](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/flatback_turtles.jpg\\") Unlike the other six species of marine turtle, the Australian flatback (**Natator depressus(link is external)**) has a very limited distribution, found only from northern Australia to Papua New Guinea/Indonesia and it only breeds in Australia. Flatback turtles tend to spend most of their time at the ocean\'s surface, often with a bird making use of their shell as a small landing space perfect for a break. (**Reef Catchments(link is external)**) Flatback (_Natator depressus_) – The flatback sea turtle, named for its distinctive flat shell, spends its life in the waters off Australia and Papua New Guinea, coming to shore to nest in Australia once a year. While most sea turtles spend their first few years swimming in the open or coastal ocean, as juveniles the flatback spends its time in murky water close to shore. It is the only turtle to do so. They eat sponges, shrimp, corals, and other soft prey. It can weigh up to 200 pounds (91 kg) and its carapace can be 2.5 to 3.2 feet long (0.8 to 1m). Scientists are unsure how many flatbacks exist and are listed as being data deficient on the IUCN’s Red List(link is external). #### Dermatochelyidae The Dermatochelyidae family is the leathery-shelled sea turtle family. This family contains one living species—the leatherback sea turtle. ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"Leatherback](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/leatherback_turtle.jpg\\") Leatherback turtles (_**Dermochelys coriacea(link is external)**_) are the largest sea turtles, growing as long as six and a half feet (2 m) and weighing some 2,000 pounds (900 kg). They’re unlike the other marine turtles in two important ways: they have a thick leathery carapace (outer covering) instead of a hard bony shell, and can survive in colder waters, allowing them to feed closer to the North and South poles where other turtles can’t survive. Their jaws are too weak to eat hard-bodied prey, so they mostly eat **jellyfish **and salps. (Claudia Lombard, USFWS) Leatherback (_Dermochelys coriacea_)- Leatherbacks do not have scutes making up their shells, but instead have a waxy, leathery skin that covers a fatty layer filled with oil and thousands of tiny bone plates that provide strength to the carapace. These ancient ocean dwellers are built for the deep, open ocean where they spend much of their lives. Their shell is streamlined for deep diving with seven prominent ridges called keels running along their shell from head to tail. The keels help reduce drag and flexible flippers that are very long in relation to their body help to power them rapidly through the water. Leatherbacks primarily eat jellyfish and undertake the deepest dives of all sea turtles. Sometimes they will dive as deep as far as 1,000 m (3280) underwater, however, dives beyond 300 m (984 ft) are extremely rare(link is external). deep dives that are likely to scout out their prey (see Anatomy section). The largest sea turtle species, a leatherback’s carapace can measure 4.3 to 6 feet (1.3 to 1.8 m) in length and the turtle can weigh from 500 to 1,100 pounds (227 to 500 kg). The largest sea turtle ever found was a male leatherback that washed up on the coast of Wales in 1988—the specimen weighed about 2,000 pounds (907 kg). They are listed as vulnerable to extinction on the IUCN’s Red List(link is external). ### Evolution Sea turtles have a complicated evolutionary history that researchers are constantly learning more about. All turtles, tortoises, and terrapins, including sea turtles, are in the Testudine order. It was thought for a long time that Testudines were closely related to lizards and tuataras(link is external). In 2014, new DNA sequencing(link is external) techniques allowed scientists to determine turtles are instead closely related to the Archosaurs, a group that includes birds, crocodiles, and dinosaurs. This new information has led scientists to place the Testudines and Archosaurs into a newly created clade(link is external) called Archelosauria. Eunotosaurus, a reptile who lived about 260 million years ago during the Permian Period(link is external), is the earliest known ancestor of modern turtles. This animal had wide, elongated ribs, but had not developed an actual shell. It was also exclusively land-dwelling and had a full set of teeth. ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"an](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/Eunotosaurus_africanus_life_restoration.jpg\\") _Eunotosaurus_ , a reptile who lived about 260 million years ago during the Permian period, is the earliest known ancestor of modern turtles. (Nobu Tamura via Wikimedia Commons(link is external)) Next in the existing evolutionary timeline is Odontochelys semitestacea, a toothed turtle that lived 220 million years ago and was discovered in 2008. Not only is this turtle believed to be the first species to venture into the marine world, but it is also a key specimen in the discovery of how the turtle’s shell evolved. Instead of a fully formed top shell like modern sea turtles, this animal had expanded ribs that were precursors of a shell. Discovering Odontochelys helped to solve a long debate between scientists about turtle shell evolutionary history(link is external). Originally scientists thought that the hardened armor of scutes formed before the turtle’s ribs widened to fuse with them and form a shell. However, the discovery of Odontochelys fossils provided evidence that widened ribs were actually the first feature to evolve(link is external) before scutes appeared as a form of protection. Later in 2015 another freshwater turtle, Pappochelys rosinae, confirmed that the shell evolved from the ribs. A fully formed shell did not appear until about 10 million years later in the fossil record with the turtle species Proganochelys quenstedti. These creatures had a ring of spikes around their neck and tail that prevented them from being able to fully retract their head into their shells. During the Jurassic Period turtles split into two major taxonomic groups. All modern turtles belong to either the Cryptodira (hidden-necked turtles) or the Pleurodira (side-necked turtles) Hidden-necked turtles evolved the ability to retract their head and necks directly back into their shells and into their body cavity, while side-necked turtles fold their necks to the side to protect themselves. Modern sea turtles belong to the Cryptodira suborder, even though they have lost the ability to fully retract their necks. The Cryptodira suborder has 11 surviving families; two of these are the Cheloniidae and the Dermochelyidae of modern sea turtles. The earliest turtle ancestor to look similar to a modern sea turtle and live exclusively in a marine environment is Desmatochelys padillai which lived about 120 million- years-ago in the Cretaceous period. Curiously, these turtles laid eggs with hard shells(link is external) unlike the soft, leathery shells laid by modern- day sea turtles. ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/Protostega.jpg\\") This _Protostega_ _gigas_ is a species of extinct sea turtle from 85 million years ago. They swam in North America’s Cretaceous inland sea, which connected the Gulf of Mexico with the Arctic Ocean. With some individuals over 12 feet long and up to 2,000 pounds, _Protostega_ _gigas_ is one of the largest turtles ever discovered. (Smithsonian Institution) Originally, four families of sea turtles existed including Cheloniidae, Dermochelyidae, Toxochelyidae, and Protostegidae. One of the largest sea turtles ever, the giant Archelon of the Cretaceous period, belonged to the Protostegidae. This huge turtle measured 10 feet (3m) from head to tail and weighed about 4,000 pounds (1,814 kg). About the size of a small car, it had powerful, broad front flippers to propel it through the water and a thin shell to help it stay buoyant. Previously, scientists believed the Protostegidae were closely related to modern day sea turtles, however, more recent research suggests they are a completely separate lineage. Many of the species in the Toxochelyidae and Protostegidae families went extinct during the asteroid event(link is external) 66 million-years-ago that also caused the disappearance of the dinosaurs. About three-quarters of the animal and plant life on Earth went extinct during this event. The fact that some turtle species survived this biological catastrophe, including the ancestors of modern sea turtles, is evidence of their adaptability. The few species from Toxochelyidae and Protostegidae families that survived the asteroid eventually became extinct 50 million-years-ago. But, species from the Cheloniidae and Dermochelyidae families have continued on to the present day. Dermochelys coriacea, or the modern leatherback sea turtle, is the only surviving species of the Dermochelyidae family. The oldest confirmed ancestors of the leatherback are the Eosphargis that lived during the Eocene. Competition between the Dermochelyidae and other marine animals led to their demise by 2 million years ago. It is thought that the modern-day leatherback’s specialized diet of jellyfish helped it to survive. Scientists are still trying to piece together the sea turtle’s complete and accurate evolutionary history. Their timeline is an ongoing area of research and new discoveries are still being made to fill in their family tree. ## Ecology and Behavior ### Reproduction After a long migration back to their home beach, female sea turtles come ashore mostly at night during nesting season to lay clutches of eggs. It takes quite a bit of physical effort for the pregnant female to scrabble her way up the beach using her flippers. During this labor-intensive struggle, she can be easily disturbed and sometimes will abandon the nesting attempt. Once she’s above the high tide line, the female uses her limbs to dig an egg chamber about 80 cm (30 in) deep. There are several steps in this process. First, she clears the area of any debris by using her front flippers to throw sand backward. The female slowly works herself down into the sand and creates a body pit to lie in while she continues the nesting process. When the female is ready she begins to use her hind flippers to dig the nest chamber. The appendages normally used as paddles in the sea also function as spades—scraping the sand away, scooping it up, and depositing it to one side. She continues to dig this way until the pit is so deep that her appendages cannot reach to pull any more sand from the hole. At this point, she lowers her tail into the hole and begins to lay her eggs. While the female is preoccupied with laying eggs, she enters a trance-like state and does not appear to be aware of what is happening around her. She lays the eggs in batches of two-to-three at a time. Each egg is about the size of a ping pong ball, with a soft shell. The average nest contains about 110 eggs, but the exact amount is species-dependent. After all the eggs are laid, the female sea turtle fills in the hole with her hind flippers and packs down the sand. Finally, to camouflage the nest she throws sand backward with her front flippers and swings her hind flippers from side to side like windshield wipers. The female will move around during this process of concealment to scatter the sand in a deceptively wide area, before making the long trip down the beach to return to the sea. A female sea turtle will repeat this process several times during each nesting season and can make anywhere from 2 to 8 nests to maximize the number of eggs laid. ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"a](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/15410581132_eb779243ac_o.jpg\\") A loggerhead sea turtle lays eggs in the nest she has just dug. (Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission) Sea turtle eggs develop over a period of about two months. The sea turtle eggs undergo temperature-dependent sex determination(link is external). This means that the temperature of each egg during certain periods of development determines the gender of the baby sea turtle that hatches. In sea turtle nests, warmer eggs produce females while cooler eggs tend to be males. This type of gender determination means that nests, depending on their temperature, can hatch all males or all females. In a nest that fluctuates between warm and cool temperature shifts, both male and female hatchlings can be produced—typically eggs in the deeper, cooler area of the nest hatch as males and the warmer top of the nest is female-dominated. Once the first hatchling emerges from its egg, it is not long before the entire nest has broken out of their shells. The babies chip their way out of their eggs by using a temporary sharp egg “tooth,” or caruncle, that is specially adapted for this purpose. This tooth-like outgrowth falls off soon after hatching. It can take several days for the hatchlings to dig themselves out of the nest. The babies usually wait until nightfall before emerging in order to avoid both daytime predators and heat exhaustion, as the sand is cooler at night. The hatchlings situated at the top of the nest are pushed out by the ones beneath them. Those at the very bottom of the nest have a difficult time getting onto the beach because there are no hatchlings remaining to give them a push-up. Scientists in Costa Rica and others around the world have taken to searching through recently hatched sea turtle nests to make sure no babies are left hidden by sand covering the bottom of the emptied-out burrow and to assess hatching success. These seemingly small human efforts may help in the survival of these declining populations. Once on the beach, hatchlings must find the ocean as quickly as possible. Sea turtles are phototactic, meaning they are attracted to light. Hatchlings will use the brightest light source, which is usually moonlight reflecting off the sea, to move toward the ocean. Once hatched, the tiny babies must avoid animals such as ghost crabs, dogs or raccoons, as well as humans, on the perilous trip across the sand. In the rolling breakers, they begin a frenzied swimming pace to escape marine predators such as fish, seabirds, and sharks, in their race to reach the open water. The discovery of fossilized sea turtle tracks in the sand suggests that this dash has been occurring at least since 100,000 years ago(link is external). ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/leatherback_turtle.jpg\\") Endangered Pacific leatherback sea turtles now have nearly 42,000 square miles of Pacific Ocean to call their own. Thanks to a decision in January 2012 by the National Marine Fisheries Service, these magnificent reptiles will now be safeguarded off the U.S. West Coast. (Flickr User ZA Photos) It is largely unknown where hatchlings go after they disappear into the surf and the years young turtles spend developing out to sea have been called “the lost years.” The satellite tags used to track adult sea turtles are too large to put on the tiny new sea turtles, but satellite tags are getting smaller and smaller and now weigh as little as a U.S. nickel. Scientists are attempting to solve this mystery(link is external) using small tags attached with glue that allows room for a hatchling sea turtle to grow. It takes decades for sea turtles to reach sexual maturity. Only 1 in 1000 survives to reach this milestone. If an individual sea turtle survives to this point, it will mate at sea before the female returns, sometimes to the very same beach where she was born, in order to nest and begin the process again. The males almost never return to land after they enter the ocean as hatchlings. ### Movement The majority of a sea turtle’s life is spent swimming in the open ocean. Most sea turtles will nest in one area and then make massive migrations in the years in between to find a place to feed. Hawksbill turtles that nest in the Soloman Islands have been found to swim over 1,000 miles (1,600 km), and green sea turtles that nest in the Ascension Islands and feed by Brazil have a migration distance of roughly 1,430 miles (2,300 km(link is external)) from one location to the other. But some of the most amazing migrations are those of the loggerheads and leatherbacks. In the case of loggerhead sea turtles on the East Coast of the United States, many hatchlings float along in the North Atlantic Gyre(link is external) or hang out in the Sargasso Sea(link is external). Hatchlings of loggerheads head for the open ocean, unlike most other sea turtle species’ hatchlings which tend to linger near coastlines. ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"a](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/animal-1866808_1920.jpg\\") Sea turtles spend the majority of their life at sea. Even though they spend most of that time underwater, they still need to make trips to the surface to breathe. (Pixabay) Once a loggerhead matures, they will spend much of their life in the open ocean searching for a good location to feed. Loggerheads that nest along Florida and within the Carribean Sea follow the warm Gulf Stream along the Eastern United State’s coast North during the summer months. Many find their way into the nutritious waters of Georges bank by Maine or even cross the Atlantic to Europe. Once the water gets too cold in roughly the end of October into the beginning of November, loggerheads follow Atlantic Ocean currents back South to the warm waters of the Carribean. Leatherback sea turtles migrate thousands of miles to feed and breed in different parts of the world. They have the largest geographic range of any sea turtle species. In fact, they have the widest geographical range of any marine reptile. One leatherback was recorded to have traveled over 12,000 miles(link is external) from Indonesia to the Western Coast of the United States before the satellite tag was lost. The impressive nature of the leatherback’s migration length has to do with their specially adapted anatomy. Every leatherback has a distinct pink spot on their head unique to the individual sea turtle. The pink spots lie directly above the pineal gland which regulates the sea turtle’s circadian rhythms(link is external). The super thin skin allows sunlight to filter through and shine directly on the gland. Scientists theorize the leatherback uses the pink spots to measure sunlight and detect the seasonal lengthening and shortening of days. It is thought this awareness helps them know when it is time to migrate. For most sea turtles, and especially the loggerhead and leatherbacks, the route of their migration takes them into areas of the ocean that are under the jurisdiction of several countries, and even into an area unclaimed by any nation called the high seas. This exposes them to various types of impacts since conservation concerns and laws differ from one country to the next. ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"a](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/2015-12-12_12_10_19_resized.jpg\\") Leah Desrochers, an employee of the Massachusetts Audubon Society, holds a stranded Kemp\'s ridley sea turtle. (Courtesy of Leah Desrochers) Sea turtles can also run into naturally occurring obstacles on their migration route. For loggerheads, Kemp\'s ridley’s and green sea turtles that feed in Georges Bank in the Northern Atlantic, the trip South is a tricky endeavor. Many get caught in the bays and inlets of the Northeast United States coast, predominantly Long Island Sound and more recently, in Cape Cod Bay of Massachusetts. Unable to regulate their temperature, the turtles become cold stunned(link is external), a physiological state similar to hypothermia, and are unable to swim. The sea turtles then wash ashore where they will die unless discovered and rehabilitated by the volunteer organizations that are part of the Northeast Standing program. In 2014, Massachusetts Audubon collected roughly 1,235 cold stunned turtles, the largest number recorded. ### In the Food Web Most sea turtles are omnivores(link is external), meaning they eat both plants and animals. The only herbivorous sea turtle is the green sea turtle, but they do not start out as herbivores. As hatchlings, green sea turtles eat fish eggs, mollusks, and crustaceans. It is not until adulthood that their diet switches exclusively to algae, seaweed, and seagrasses. The leatherback sea turtle is another specialist, a carnivorous one. Leatherbacks are known for preying on jellyfish, though they will also eat squid and other jellyfish-like invertebrates. The rest of the sea turtle species eat a more varied diet, though most do have a favorite meal. Hawksbill sea turtles have diets that are up to 95 percent sea sponges. Though they are sponge specialists, they also eat squid, shrimp, and algae. Loggerheads have the widest variety in their diet of any sea turtle. They eat sponges, corals, barnacles, sea cucumbers, jellyfish, sand dollars, and many other marine organisms. Their large jaws are very strong and allow them to crush and eat all kinds of prey. The Kemp’s ridley’s favored food is crabs, but they also eat fish, jellyfish, and other mollusks. Olive ridleys also eat a variety of species—they munch on crabs, shrimp, lobster, urchins, jellies, algae, and fish. The flatback diet is mostly carnivorous, consisting of sea cucumbers, soft corals, jellyfish, shrimp and occasionally seagrass. Sea turtles do not have teeth to grasp their prey with, but instead, have very sharp beaks and strong jaws they use to crush their food. Every sea turtle also has stiff downward projections in their throats called papillae that prevent their meals from slipping back out of their mouth. Green sea turtles, due to their specialized diet of marine plants, have evolved serrated jaws to help them tear and munch their fibrous meals. Leatherbacks have no distinct beak like other sea turtle species; instead, their mouths function like scissors to grasp and swallow their jellyfish prey. Mayhem, Youtube(link is external) Sea turtles can also be prey—especially as hatchlings. As the tiny turtles make their way down the beach from the nest to the ocean, they are susceptible to raccoons, foxes, seabirds, and crabs. Once in the water, they can be eaten by seabirds, large fish or sharks. More than 90 percent of hatchlings are eaten by predators—meaning in a nest of 110 eggs, only about 11 will grow to be adults. There are also many dangers that threaten sea turtle eggs. Predators on the beach can locate and dig up the nest to eat the eggs. The nests are also susceptible to damage by erosion, rain, flooding, or even other nesting sea turtles. Adult sea turtles do not have much to fear but can be eaten by orcas, sharks, seals, or crocodiles. Some nesting females have been attacked by jaguars, as well. However, a sea turtle’s most dangerous predator is actually humans. ## Human Impacts & Solutions Six out of seven sea turtle species are listed as either vulnerable to extinction, endangered, or critically endangered, and for the seventh, the flatback, there is insufficient information to determine its population status. A variety of human actions have impacted sea turtles’ habitats and lives. Besides the direct hunting of sea turtles and their eggs, there are also indirect impacts from fishing, pollution, beach development, and climate change. Loss of significant numbers of sea turtles affects their valuable ecological role in the environment. ### Poaching and Hunting Sea turtle bones and shells have been found in excavated human settlement sites dating as far back as 7,000 years ago. Sea turtle meat was a staple food for tropical, coastal tribes for centuries. When Christopher Columbus sailed to the Caribbean he found a plentiful supply of sea turtle meat for his sailors. However, once sea turtles began to be hunted in greater numbers the food source quickly became unsustainable. Sea turtle eggs have been a popular item for humans to hunt for consumption and, in some countries, harvesting continues. Historically, it was common practice for egg hunters to take the eggs from the nest as the sea turtle was laying them. Typically, none of the eggs were spared, leading to declining populations. The eggs could then be sold for a high price, as a food delicacy and as an aphrodisiac(link is external) in some cultures. Adult turtles were taken not only for meat but for their shells as well. The shells were used to produce tortoiseshell jewelry and combs, while the meat is considered a delicacy or necessity, in many areas of the world. Adult leatherback sea turtles had another prize to offer as well—the oil in their skin. Traditionally, sea turtle hunters would wait until a nesting female came on shore before flipping her onto her back where she could not escape. The next day the helpless females would be shipped off to market. ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"a](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/Comb.jpg\\") Combs made of tortoiseshell, usually from a hawksbill sea turtle, were a fashion item during the 1800s. (Smithsonian Institution) Sea turtles require decades to reach sexual maturity, so their population size takes a toll from the hunting of adults and juveniles, or the harvesting of eggs. Yet, it is still legal in many countries today to kill sea turtles. In 2014, there were 42 countries(link is external) where hunting of sea turtles was still legal including Japan, Mexico, and Papua New Guinea. Even in locations where it is illegal, regular poaching of sea turtles and sea turtle eggs still occurs, due to a limited ability to enforce poaching laws. Still, there are bright spots of hope for sea turtle populations throughout the world. There are several international agreements that protect sea turtles including the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES(link is external)), the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS(link is external)), and the Inter- American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles (IAC(link is external)). CITES made the trade of most species of sea turtles and their eggs illegal in 1981. CMS works to identify migratory species of animals near extinction that require international agreements in order to protect them — sea turtles are on their list. IAC is a treaty between 16 western hemisphere countries that forbid the capture of sea turtles and their eggs. Though illegal poaching of sea turtles and their eggs still continues, these measures help to curb the practice. ### Entanglement and Bycatch ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/loggerhead_ted-noaa-main- full_0.jpg\\") A Turtle Excluder Device (TED) enables a loggerhead turtle to escape from a net. (NOAA) Fisheries not specifically targeting sea turtles also play a major role in their dwindling populations. Sea turtles often congregate in the same areas as commercially valuable fish and can be prone to becoming bycatch—the inadvertent capture of non-target animals in fishing gear. The leading cause of sea turtle deaths in the last 50 years has been commercial fisheries bycatch—mainly in shrimp trawls, gill nets, and longline fishing gear. If a sea turtle becomes entangled in a net or fishing line or caught on a hook and is unable to reach the surface, it is at risk of drowning. Even if rescued, a released turtle will often have a hook left behind in its jaw, throat, or stomach. Loggerheads and leatherback sea turtles in particular often get caught in long lines, though it is unclear exactly what attracts the species to approach the lines in the first place. The largest sea turtle(link is external) ever weighed was a 2,000 pound leatherback male that washed up dead on the Welsh coast, which died because of entanglement in fishing lines. ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"An](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/F05-2_A_09.jpg\\") An abandoned fishing net carrying 17 dead sea turtles was discovered off the coast of Bahia, Brazil days after a storm. (Projeto Tamar Brazil/Marine Photobank) Efforts are underway to find solutions to bycatch issues. Practical solutions include changing the size or shape of hooks so a turtle can’t get its mouth around it (from a j-shaped hook to a circle hook), and the use of turtle- excluder devices (TEDs). TEDs are attachments to shrimper’s trawling nets that allow sea turtles to escape through a trap-door system while still capturing the desired shrimp targets. These devices rely on the turtle’s weight to push the door down in order to leave the net. Shrimp are too light to activate the door and so remain within the confines of the net. TurtleWatch and new software called EcoCast(link is external), developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) have provided tools for Pacific fisheries to minimize bycatch. TurtleWatch provides current oceanic conditions to map where sea turtles may prefer so that fishing vessels can make more informed decisions for where and when to fish. EcoCast, which debuted in 2018, gives real-time forecasts to fishermen about where target species are likely to be located in relation to protected species, such as sea turtles. These technologies give fishers a tool to predict areas where they can deploy their gear and likely catch the highest amount of target species with the lowest amount of bycatch. ### Pollution The 2010 Gulf Oil Spill was the largest marine spill in United States history. A report issued in April 2017 by NOAA reported that the spill released 134 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico over a period of 87 days. NOAA scientists released figures indicating that thousands of sea turtles were killed by the spill and many more were injured. Low-end estimates of 4,900 large juvenile and adult sea turtles and 55,000 small juvenile sea turtles killed and 35,000 hatchlings injured were reported. Sea turtle habitats and breeding grounds were contaminated. The thickest oil concentrations were in the convergence zones where ocean currents meet and juvenile sea turtles are frequently present. During the spill, more than 600 turtles washed up dead, 75 percent of which were Kemp’s ridley sea turtles. This endangered species nests only in the Gulf of Mexico (see “Diversity” section). ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/oiled_kemps_ridley_NOAA.jpg\\") A heavily oiled Kemp\'s Ridley turtle recovered near the Deepwater Horizon/BP accident site. (NOAA) Meanwhile, in the Pacific, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch continues to grow(link is external). There is no area of the ocean that is not affected by the 335 million metric tons of plastic produced every year on Earth. It is estimated that there are 5.25 trillion particles(link is external) of plastic floating in the ocean. Plastics, when mistaken for food and eaten by sea turtles, can cause death. Besides death by ingestion, sea turtles can also become entangled in plastic debris, such as abandoned or lost fishing gear, which can result in drowning or injuries. Researchers from the University of Exeter estimated that well over 1,000 turtles die(link is external) every year from entanglement in plastic debris. Reducing, reusing, and recycling plastic would not only help sea turtles but all marine organisms because so much plastic ends up in the ocean. Two years after the largest beach cleanup along the coast of Mumbai, sea turtles have returned to the beach to nest(link is external), something that hasn\'t happened in decades due to large amounts of trash on the beach. One way humans can help injured or sick sea turtles is through sea turtle hospitals. Specialized hospitals have been established along coastlines in order to care for found injured or sick sea turtles while educating the public. Their goal is to eventually release the turtles back into the wild. Sea turtle hospitals come into play during cold stun events, oil spills, and injuries from boats and fishing gear. If sea turtles are found alive with hooks or other fishing gear caught on them, the specialty hospitals also strive to rehabilitate them to get them back out to their native ocean habitat. ### Beach Development A developed beach often has many barriers to nesting females. Sometimes these are physical barriers like sea walls, jetties, and sandbag structures aimed at preventing beach erosion, which can block nesting sea turtles from being able to move above the high tide line to nest. If the nest is placed below the high tide line, it runs the risk of being flooded out before the eggs can hatch. Beach nourishment is the practice of filling in beaches with sand from another site to help stall erosion. Sometimes, sand can be taken from offshore and can have different characteristics than the normal sand found on beaches. This can cause problems for establishing nests and egg incubation if the new sand causes differences in temperature, gas exchange, or water content. ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"a](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/00017413.jpg\\") A nesting Kemp\'s ridley turtle next to a housing development. (Ron Wooten) Even if the beach is not eroded and barrier-free, human development can harm the hatchlings chances of survival. After hatching and digging their way out of the nest, the hatchlings must find the sea. Hatchlings generally do this by moving towards the brightest light source. In a natural setting, this would be the moonlight reflecting off of the ocean. If artificial light sources from human development are present on the land side, this can confuse and misdirect the hatchlings. They may crawl in the wrong direction towards highways, highly developed areas, and other predators. Even if they realize their mistake and turn back around, the longer time period spent on land means a longer time period of vulnerability to predators, desiccation, and exhaustion. People are becoming more aware throughout the world that protecting nesting beaches is vital to give sea turtles a better chance at survival. Education programs(link is external) about artificial lighting have been implemented in places such as the United States and Europe. Coastal residents are informed about shading their windows at night and training lights away from the beach. These actions can reduce sea turtle hatchling disorientation(link is external) and mortality due to crawling in the wrong direction away from the ocean. Implementing living shorelines(link is external) instead of hardened structures such as sea walls and jetties to help prevent beach erosion allows sea turtles access to their home beaches and the ability to nest normally there. Oyster beds and salt marshes are examples of living shorelines that feature natural structures which absorb incoming wave energy and act as protective barriers during storms. Living shorelines have other benefits(link is external) as well, such as improving water quality, storing carbon, and increasing biodiversity. ### Climate Change The exact effects climate change will have on the global ocean system is unknown. But we do know that the oceans will get warmer and sea levels will rise. This will affect many species populations—sea turtles included. Warmer temperatures associated with climate change may cause the production of too many female sea turtles and not enough males. The species undergoes temperature-dependent sex determination because they do not possess X and Y chromosomes. Sea turtles are reliant on cooler egg temperatures to produce the male gender. In uniformly warm nests, all the eggs hatch as females. Not enough males being born to breed with the females can be an obstacle to future reproductive success. ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"baby](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/babyseaturtles.jpg\\") Temperature determines the sex of a baby turtle as it grows in the egg. Rising temperatures due to climate change will increase the number of females, changing the proportion of males and females in the population. (© Dr. Oguz Turkozan) Rising sea levels will disrupt many of the current nesting beaches around the world as they become more frequently flooded. These vital nesting beaches are already low in number compared to developed, unsuitable beaches. Pregnant females trying to make it back to a submerged home beach may not have many other options to go to lay their eggs. If they lay their eggs on an unsuitable beach, the nests stand less chance of remaining undisturbed and successfully producing hatchlings. Warming waters can also affect adult sea turtles. The water temperature often affects the kind of prey available in an area and whether it is suitable for the ectothermic sea turtles to congregate. As more areas of the ocean warm, typical sea turtle ranges will change. The turtles may be forced to move into unfamiliar territory or outside of designated marine managed areas that have been designed to conserve and protect marine ecosystems. Outside the protection of marine managed areas, sea turtles can be much more vulnerable to the dangers that threaten them. Generally, marine managed areas are not quickly adaptable, requiring a lot of scientific research and bureaucratic processes to establish marine managed area borders. When the needs of a marine ecosystem change, the marine managed area may not adjust fast enough to keep up with rapidly changing conditions. ## Research and Technology Studying sea turtles is a difficult task as these animals spend almost the entirety of their lives beneath the ocean surface. It is mostly hatchlings and nesting females that spend any portion on land. In fact, the period of time in between hatchlings making their way into the surf and when they return to nest as adults is often called a sea turtle’s “lost years.” Scientists do not really know much about where they go and what they do. As technology has improved over the years, researchers have been able to observe some of the mysterious undertakings of turtles at sea, but we are far from having all the answers. One tool that has helped in the quest to unlock the secrets of sea turtles is the National Geographic Crittercams(link is external) program. Cameras have been attached to various animals to give viewers video footage from the perspective of the animal. Sea turtles have successfully had Crittercams attached, allowing us to see videos captured from the backs of sea turtles. Footage has shown them foraging for food, swimming, diving, and interacting with other turtles. ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/12_Tagged_Hawksbill.jpg\\") Satellite tags can track sea turtles like never before, helping with research on where newly hatched sea turtles go and how different populations hunt. (Jake Levenson) Researchers can also track sea turtle movements and habits using satellite telemetry. Electronic tags are attached to sea turtles and their signals tracked using Earth-orbiting satellites. The tags transmit data which is received by a satellite when the host sea turtle emerges from dives to the ocean surface. The satellite then sends the data to researchers’ computers. The tags’ data collecting capability usually lasts from 6 to 10 months. These data can tell us important information such as where and when the animals move, the timing and depth of dives, body temperature, and how long the sea turtle spends beneath the surface in between breaths. Other types of tags include flipper tags and passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags. Flipper tags are external tags attached to a sea turtle’s flipper. They are generally made of metal or plastic and have an embossed number unique to the individual sea turtle. PIT tags are internal and when scanned, they transmit information stored in the individualized barcode, the equivalent of an animal’s individual fingerprint. Flipper and PIT tags can be used to observe an individual sea turtle’s movements over time. Unlike satellite telemetry tags, they cannot give detailed behavioral and physiological data such as the depth of dives or internal vital signs. ## Cultural Connections Sea turtles have been present in human cultural traditions and mythology for millennia. The charismatic species have often been cast as a central character in art and allegorical tales that define and connect civilizations. Many cultures have revered sea turtles as celestial beings with supernatural power. For example, the indigenous Iroquois people of eastern North America told a creation story where the Earth was formed on the back of a sea turtle after Sky Woman fell from the sky to the ocean. In the tale, Muskrat went to get mud from the deep sea to build Sky Woman a home on Great Turtle’s back. The Moche people of Peru and the Seri Indians from the Gulf of California both have creation stories that describe the Earth being built on the back of a great sea turtle swimming in a vast ocean. In Hindu mythology, the earth is supported by four elephants standing on the back of a turtle. The Hindu deity Vishnu was reincarnated as the turtle Kachhapa that carried the weight of the world on its back. ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"a](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/HinduEarth.jpg\\") In Hindu mythology, the earth is supported by four elephants standing on the back of a turtle. (Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons(link is external)) Ancient Mayans created images of sea turtles in carved objects, stone altars, written symbols, and paintings. The creature represented the circular earth and the cyclical passage of time. Scenes from the Mayan creation story, reflected in the stars, involve the sea turtle. The turtle constellation, known as Ak’ek, was associated with three stars that form the sword belt of the constellation we know as Orion, the hunter. The sea turtle is also prevalent in other cultural legends. The mythical Chinese emperor Fu His was said to have created Chinese writings using eight mystic diagrams inspired by markings he saw on a sea turtle’s shell as it emerged from the water. The ancient Chinese used sea turtle shells as oracles for divination. In Hawaiian culture, the sea turtle, called Honu, guided the first Polynesians to the chain of islands. Another Hawaiian legend is that of Kailua, a sea turtle who transforms into a woman in order to watch over children playing on the beach. Like ancient myths, modern-day popular culture features sea turtles as wise guides, rescuers, warriors, and friends. Crush and Squirt are loveable sea turtles from the Disney movie _Finding Nemo_ who befriend Nemo and aid him on his journey. Tirtouga and the evolution Carracosta are skillful Pokemon warrior sea turtles. Umigame is the thousand-year-old sea turtle of Dragon Ball and is even older than Master Roshi. And Shen-zin Su in World of Warcraft is a giant sea turtle called the Wandering Isle by beings who ride on his back as they explore the world. December 2018 ## Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian Ocean Follow us on Facebook(link is external) Follow us on Twitter(link is external) Follow us on Flickr(link is external) Follow us on Tumbr(link is external) Contact Us ### Explore * Ocean Life * Ecosystems * Planet Ocean * Through Time * Conservation * Human Connections * At the Museum * Educators * About * Media Archive * Terms of Use ### Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History(link is external) Donate Close menu #### Search Smithsonian Ocean Cancel Close
This video is of sea waves carrying away 2 women on the beach of Mumbai
# Gypsy Momma A Rough Guide to Travel with Babies Toggle Navigation * About * Planning * Gear * Destinations * Health * Pregnancy * Inspiration * Work * Packing * Tricks * Breastfeeding * Baby Wearing * Nosh * Jet Lag * Airlines * Thoughts * March 2, 2012 # Soaking in the Sights of Juhu Beach (Mumbai, India) ![\\"\\"](\\" woman-carrying-load-juhu-beach.jpg?w=150\\")If you like people-watching, Juhu Beach is a great place to be. Local boys play cricket, striking women in colorful saris ![\\"\\"](\\" selling-beads-on-juhu-beach.jpg?w=112\\")sell their handicrafts and offer to decorate women in henna, and families gather to eat together and look out on the waves. It’s located in a relatively safe and clean neighborhood famous for its Bollywood cinemas, the Privthi theater, and the regaled Bollywood superstar’s home, Amitabh Bachchan, who comes out every evening at 5PM to wave to his fans. We stayed at the Bawa Continental on the bustling street that appears in the video blog. It’s a great location to stroll down the street with an array of Indian cuisine, Western cuisine, and cafes and coffee shops, and is just a short walk to the beach (across the bustling traffic, of course). If you’re into swimming or wearing bathing suits, you won’t find a beach in Mumbai that will accommodate those tastes, nor would you want to. The city dumps all its untreated raw sewage into sea that surrounds them. Plus, showing skin in a bathing suit would attract a lot of negative attention around these parts- those adventurous enough to wade into the vast toilet water are fully clothed. ![\\"\\"](\\" selling-henna-juhu-beach-2.jpg?w=150\\")I’ve enjoyed strolling up and down Juhu Beach with my toddler. She loves to point out the stray dogs and the other babies and children. She also delighted in the performing monkey and the groups of bright orange flowers, remnants of a funeral at sea washed up at shore. The only problem is that she loves swimming, so it’s tough to keep her from running into the sea, and you can’t really rationalize with a 15 month old that the water isn’t clean enough to swim in. The nice part about Juhu Beach is that it is a pleasant place to walk in Mumbai that doesn’t require dodging traffic or![\\"\\"](\\" flowers-on-juhu-beach-1.jpg?w=112\\") auto-rickshaws. It’s full of life and color and makes for a stimulating environment for a curious little one, and their mommas, to soak in the sights and people around in a more relaxed spot than curbside in the bustling city. ![\\"\\"](\\" are much more relaxed on Juhu Beach, with a few locals running across the sands, groups of school children excitedly gazing out at the sea, and a few families gathered across the sands. The most popular time for locals to enjoy the beach is around sunset, especially on the weekends. If you’re interested in a crowded and bustling beach complete with a mini-carnival (think bright pink cotton candy, roasted corn, and a miniature ferris wheel), check out the beach around 5 or 6PM on a Sunday night as the sun goes down and the beach comes alive. Related Pages: India Mumbai Traffic: Another Case for Baby Wearing Author: jlmenon Filed Under: Destinations, India Tags: beach vacation, India, Juhu Beach, Mumbai, sightseeing vacation Fun in the Sun at Varkala Beach in Kerala India The Joy of Monkey Bandits and Boats (Elephanta Island, Mumbai, India) ### 2 thoughts on “Soaking in the Sights of Juhu Beach (Mumbai, India)” * Pingback: Mumbai Traffic: Another Case for Baby Wearing « Gypsy Momma * Pingback: The Joy of Monkey Bandits and Boats (Elephanta Island, Mumbai, India) « Gypsy Momma ### Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. 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This video is of sea waves carrying away 2 women on the beach of Mumbai
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Close popupThe Ocean Cleanup Menu ________ * Back Projects * Oceans ![\\"Oceans\\"](\\" * Rivers ![\\"Rivers\\"](\\" * ## Other * Impact Dashboard * Waste Management and Recycling * Environmental and Social Impact * Goals and Milestones * Back Knowledge * Research ![\\"Research\\"](\\" * Scientific Publications ![\\"Scientific](\\" * ## Topics * Ocean Plastic Facts * The Great Pacific Garbage Patch * Top 1000 Polluting Rivers * The Price Tag of Plastic Pollution * Back Updates * Updates ![\\"Updates\\"](\\" * Podcasts ![\\"Podcasts\\"](\\" * ## Featured updates and podcasts * Introducing Interceptor 021: Could this be the end of plastic pollution in an important part of the Western Caribbean? * The Ocean Cleanup and Coldplay Announce LP Made Using Plastic Intercepted in Guatemala * Podcast: Building a Blueprint to Measure the Unknown * Back Help Clean * Donate ![\\"Donate\\"](\\" * Get Merch ![\\"Get](\\" * ## Other ways to help * Fundraise * Join the Crew * Become a Partner * Global Public Affairs * Become a Citizen Scientist * Careers * About * About us * Partners * FAQ * Contact * Press * Press info * Media Gallery * Fundraise * Donate Donate To watch this video, you need to accept optimal cookies . For more info, check our cookie policy . ![\\"Interceptor](\\" Drone-002-Klang-4-scaled.jpg\\") Halting plastic before it reaches the ocean # Tackling trash in rivers Watch video ## 80% of river plastic stems from 1000 rivers Rivers are the main source of ocean plastic pollution. They are the arteries that carry waste from land to the ocean. According to our research, 1000 rivers are responsible for roughly 80% of riverine pollution. Illustration of river plastic ## We aim to tackle plastic in 1000 rivers To rid the oceans of plastic, we need not only to clean up what is already out there but also stop new plastic from entering the ocean. Working together with government leaders, individuals, and private corporations, our goal is to tackle these 1000 most polluting rivers all over the world. Every single year, marine plastic costs the economy (6 to 19) billions of dollars – impacting tourism, fisheries and aquaculture, and (governmental) cleanups. And that doesn’t include the impact on our health and on the marine ecosystem. Intercepting plastic in rivers is much more cost-effective than dealing with the consequences downstream. ## Interceptor Solutions No two rivers are the same. Factors like river width, depth, flow speed, debris composition, seasonality, and tides all have a major influence on the success of a river intervention. To tackle different types of scenarios, we have a family of technology solutions to choose from, ranging from high tech to low tech. Besides the ones listed below, we investigate the most suitable and effective ways to intercept plastic in other rivers on a case-by-case evaluation, and more solutions will be added to our portfolio. ## Interceptor Original The Interceptor Original is our first river cleanup technology. The Interceptor Original is a high-tech solution with solar-powered mechanics, smart processing, and connectivity for easy performance tracking. It is designed for series production, and in December 2020, we entered a partnership with Konecranes to begin manufacturing for more locations. Due to its autonomous and large cleaning capacity, this is the primary technology we evaluate for feasibility in any new river we plan to tackle. We currently have deployed this technology in six locations: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Dominican Republic, Vietnam, USA, and Thailand. To learn more, visit our Interceptor Original page: Learn more ![\\"Boyan](\\" Boyan Slat and Interceptor 004 in the Dominican Republic ## Interceptor Barrier The Interceptor Barrier is a solution that consists of a standalone floating barrier anchored in a U-shape around the mouth of a small river. This intercepts the trash and buffers it until it is removed from the water. The design builds on our experience from our existing Interceptor deployments. In fact, it is a variation of the barrier we use to concentrate trash toward the mouth of a standard Interceptor. The main difference is that, in this case, most of the barrier is permeable and is thereby optimized to efficiently buffer trash in the water. ![\\"Kingston](\\" scaled.jpg\\") Kingston Harbour, Jamaica, Barnes Gully barrier ![\\"Trash](\\" Offload-CHJ-Drone-1-1.jpg\\") Trash being offloaded from the Interceptor Barrier in Tivoli Gully, Kingston Harbour, Jamaica ![\\"The](\\" Tender-Guardian-Operations-Drone-DvdK-74-1.jpg\\") The Interceptor Barrier at work in Kingston Harbour, Jamaica 1/3 Kingston Harbour, Jamaica, Barnes Gully barrier ## Interceptor Tender The Interceptor Tender was developed to work alongside our Interceptor Barriers. This small powered barge uses a conveyor belt to scoop up the trash from a barrier and offload it into a dumpster onshore. While the Interceptor Barrier is a tool to intercept trash, it’s not capable of extracting and offloading on its own. This is where the Interceptor Tender comes in. This mobile extraction and offloading unit – developed in collaboration with Berky GmbH – is capable of servicing multiple barriers, and we expect to see multiple Interceptor Barrier deployments in close proximity to others. This means that the cost of extraction/offloading equipment is shared over multiple Interceptor sites. ![\\"Kingston](\\" scaled.jpg\\") Kingston Harbour, Jamaica, Barnes Gully barrier and tender ![\\"\\"](\\" the-setup.jpg\\") Play video See the Tender and Barrier in action in Jamaica, Kingston Harbor 1/2 Kingston Harbour, Jamaica, Barnes Gully barrier and tender ## Interceptor Barricade The Interceptor Barricade was installed for testing in the Rio Las Vacas, Guatemala, in late May 2023 to halt the yearly tsunamis of trash that flood down the river during the rainy season. To withstand these exceptional high- pressure events, we developed a new Interceptor concept for this location. The Interceptor Barricade consists of two booms: one upstream and one downstream. The one upstream will take the majority of the pressure and the waste. This location is best suited for effective plastic extraction. The boom downstream catches any plastic missed or lost due to the pressure build-up and rapid trash accumulation in this uniquely challenging river. ![\\"The](\\" Sony-131-1.jpg\\") The Interceptor Barricade in Guatemala ![\\"The](\\" Drone-78-1.jpg\\") The Interceptor Barricade in Guatemala, aerial view of the upstream boom ![\\"The](\\" The Interceptor Barricade in Guatemala, aerial view of the upstream and downstream boom 1/3 The Interceptor Barricade in Guatemala ## Interceptor Guard The Interceptor Guard was first deployed in D’Aguilar Gully, Kingston Harbour, Jamaica. The Interceptor Guard is specifically suited for shallow waters, as it can beach without structural impact. The Interceptor Guard can also be used in combination with an Interceptor Barrier, as a “no-return boom”. This is because in some gullies, we see that wind and waves can move trash too far from the reach of the Interceptor Tender – making extraction and processing more difficult. In those instances, the Interceptor Guard can be installed to prevent captured trash from flowing back upstream in the gully. ![\\"The](\\" Drone-DvdK-10-1.jpg\\") The Interceptor Guard in D\'Aguilar Gully, Kingston Harbour, Jamaica ![\\"Interceptor](\\" DAguilar-Drone-DvdK-3-1.jpg\\") The Interceptor Guard, in D\'Aguilar Gully, Jamaica, from above 1/2 The Interceptor Guard in D\'Aguilar Gully, Kingston Harbour, Jamaica ## Dashboard We currently have 15 Interceptors deployed in 8 countries. Keep track of upcoming and deployed Interceptor Solutions on our dashboard. Track Interceptors Interceptors deployed | LOCATION | TYPE ---|---|--- INTERCEPTOR 001 | Cengkareng Drain, Jakarta, Indonesia | Interceptor Original, Gen. 1 INTERCEPTOR 002 | Klang River, Klang, Malaysia | Interceptor Original, Gen. 2 INTERCEPTOR 003 | Can Tho River, Can Tho, Viet Nam | Interceptor Original, Gen. 2 INTERCEPTOR 004 | Rio Ozama, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic | Interceptor Original, Gen. 2 INTERCEPTOR 005 | Klang River, Klang, Malaysia | Interceptor Original, Gen. 3 INTERCEPTOR 006 | Rio Las Vacas, Guatemala | Interceptor Barricade INTERCEPTOR 007 | Ballona Creek, Los Angeles, USA | Interceptor Original, Gen. 3 INTERCEPTOR 008, 009, 010, 011, 012, 013, 014 | Kingston Harbour, Kingston, Jamaica | Interceptor Barriers, Interceptor Tender and Interceptor Guard INTERCEPTOR 019 | Chao Phraya River, Bangkok, Thailand | Interceptor Original, Gen. 3 ## Together we can tackle plastic in a 1000 rivers At The Ocean Cleanup, we see ourselves as the architects of river projects to stop the inflow of plastic into the oceans. We bring the knowledge (where and how to intercept riverine plastic), provide solutions (e.g. our Interceptors), and use an extensive network to raise awareness, helping to attract funding and financing. Given the scale and the urgency of the issue, we depend on partners who, by working closely together, can help us in reaching our goal of tackling plastic in the 1000 most polluting rivers. * ![\\"\\"](\\" ### Execute Operators Our local partners operate the Interceptors to extract the waste from the river and bring this on shore. They work together with responsible waste handlers to sort debris and recycle plastic where possible. * Become an operator * ![\\"\\"](\\" ### Initiate Governments and river owners Operators need support from (local) governments, who can provide the necessary permits to operate in rivers. Collection fees from governments and cities help safeguard continuity in waste extraction by the operators. * Nominate your river * ![\\"Interceptor](\\" ### Accelerate Funders and sponsors Funders, sponsors, and investors make these river cleanups possible and accelerate the deployment of Interceptors. With your help, we can build consortia to clean rivers where it is most necessary. * Become a sponsor ## A word from our Interceptor partners * ![\\"Profile](\\" Inka Mattila, Dominican Republic Resident Representative UNDP > \"The Interceptor 004 in the Dominican Republic has catalyzed nationwide > discussions and concrete action on the system around the system and the > whole plastic and waste management chain. This collaboration serves as a > reference for other global developments under the collaboration agreement > between The Ocean Cleanup and UNDP\" * ![\\"Profile](\\" Syaiful Azmen, Malaysia Managing Director of LLSB > \"We are excited about the possibilities to embed more sustainable practices > into our operations including new ways to support our existing cleaning > methodology in Klang River that can withstand strong currents, large volumes > of water, and manage both organic and inorganic waste\" * ![\\"Profile](\\" Caroline Mahfood, Jamaica CEO, GraceKennedy Foundation > \"The project is super exciting and a great learning opportunity. It’s a > game changer for the cleanup of the Kingston Harbour. What I love about it > is to see the buy-in from our government partners, the private sector and > from the general public.\" * ![\\"Profile](\\" Alicia Beauford, Jamaica Operator, Clean Harbors Limited Jamaica > \"It has brought tremendous satisfaction to see so many people invested in > cleaning up Kingston Harbour. This project is now our legacy to those who > follow; nothing is impossible and if we continue to work together, everyday > we’ll get closer to ridding our world’s oceans of plastic.\" * ![\\"Profile](\\" Doddy, Indonesia Operator, DLH > \"I’m happy to be able to contribute so far, especially on the water-based > waste collection before it enters the sea and being able to capture plenty > of waste.\" * ![\\"Profile](\\" Felix Orlin, Indonesia Project Manager at Royal HaskoningDHV > \"Working together with The Ocean Cleanup to clean some of the most polluted > rivers in Indonesia is a blessing for me! It provides me with an opportunity > to give back to my beloved country Indonesia. Let’s work together to leave > cleaners rivers and oceans for the future generation!\" ## Featured updates ![\\"\\"](\\" Discussion, General, Rivers ## Why Rivers are the Key to Rapidly Stopping Plastic Pollution 6 May 2021 Boyan Slat ![\\"\\"](\\" Drone-1-1.jpg\\") Rivers ## Will this be our biggest ever river catch? 17 April 2024 See more updates ![\\"\\"](\\" river-model-flattened.jpg\\") ## The 1000 top polluting rivers Join us in tackling 1000 rivers – by helping to spread the message about riverine pollution and supporting our mission. Explore map Follow us * Follow us on Instagram * Follow us on Facebook * Follow us on Twitter * Follow us on Youtube * Follow us on Linkedin * Follow us on Tiktok Newsletter ## Nice! 🎉 You’re all set. We send a newsletter every month—stay tuned for the next one! 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Look at the drug traffickers attacking the Brazilian Army base on the Iça River in Amazonas today 12252023
![\\"DVD](\\" ### Clive Barker\'s Rawhead Rex Underworld Transmutations ![](\\" rfs3OKioHDGeny7FSii_O460-MDxhPpZUAd4ERqj- DOngFS91hbAh7RbmReiJZ9D3aupV7j4/s0/rawheads.jpg\\") Clive Barker has essentially disowned the first two film adaptations of his writings, Rawhead Rex and Transmutations, even though he also wrote the screenplays for both. You don\'t have to search long or hard to find interviews where he talks about their low budgets and general \"not getting it\" that inspired him to become a director for Hellraiser, so he could make sure his work was represented properly. In fact, let\'s not mince words. He\'s gone so far as to say, \"Oh, I hated them with a passion! I haven\'t seen them for many a long year and hope never to see them again.\" But, while they\'re certainly not up to the level of Hellraiser, they\'re still enjoyable little films for cult and horror fans - certainly better than many - and it\'s a shame they\'re so poorly represented in most of the world by low-quality, full-frame discs. Meanwhile, in France, there\'s a horror magazine called Mad Movies. I\'ve never read it (it being in French and all), but I gather it\'s their Fangoria equivalent. And they\'ve written that they have quite a good relationship with Barker based on articles in the past, and so in 2009, they released his first two films on their own line of DVDs. Now, I don\'t believe it went as far as Barker actually being involved with these releases personally - I don\'t imagine they actually got him to watch those movies again, and he hasn\'t provided any interviews or anything for special features. And neither has anybody else, there are no special editions, but they are the first and only releases of the film in their OAR widescreen ratios. _Update 2/5/15 - 10/7/17:_ Well, Kino has done it. Later this month will see a brand new, 4k special edition blu-ray of Rawhead Rex. And it\'s pretty fantastic. Read on._Update 3/26/21:_ And they\'ve done it again. Kino has re-released Rawhead Rex as a 2020 steelbook, which ordinarily wouldn\'t be so noteworthy except to dedicated steelbook collectors. But in this case, it has all new extras and even an updated transfer? Read Read further on!Update 4/2/23: Kino just won\'t stop doin\' it. Now they\'ve re-re-released good ol\' Rawhead as a 4k Ultra HD/ BD combo-pack, taking this unstoppable beast into the latest generation of home video. Read on-est! Read all the way! ![](\\" Update 12/31/31: Kino can\'t stop updating this post, and I am here for it! This time they\'ve tackled Underworld, and we get to skip the whole BD, steelbook, UHD procession and start right off with their BD/ UHD combopack. It\'s the first special edition of this film ever. Read all-er the way-er! ![](\\" ![](\\" zbF1P6WK5idZqqUoRHdq6_gcTCIpZlGiVyi8iNQVfhALdViQGkNFiyWWT2MplH7XwG- lbl388-xJGFezlfBE9DzxNK-7eFok1hhV_NddFSIOIWgZp62spfs/s800/rawhead5.jpg\\") If you\'ve read Barker\'s story, it\'s easy to be disappointed in Rawhead Rex. It\'s a wild, over-the-top story of a mad demigod running amuck in modern times, told from his perspective and full of crazy inner monologue. In the movie, he\'s a completely non-verbal monster. And the special effects, while a great design, were clearly not meant to be seen by the camera so directly or for so long; and so it looks like a big, phony mask (in some shots they just about get away with it; in others they clearly don\'t). A few other clever bits of writing in the plot points are lost, too, as well as some social commentary. If ever a movie called for a remake, it\'s this one. ![](\\" ![](\\" But if you can get past the coulda woulda shouldas of it, the movie we\'re left with is still pretty cool. It\'s a fun, violent monster movie that still retains enough remnants of Barker\'s script to set it above and beyond the generic monster movie. Not the least of which is the villainous priest character who rejects Christ to worship and serve Rex. Scenic locales, a flush orchestral score, a cool monster even if it is on the cheap, and a collection of respectable performances are all enjoyable. This is the kind of monster movie that\'s not afraid to take out children, and while this Rex doesn\'t speak, they do use the opportunity to have his crazy priest speak for him (\"he sees what I see!\"). It may not be Barker\'s wild story fully realized, but it\'s still more cool stuff going on than your average monster movie of the period, a la the recently popular The Boogens. ![](\\" Fi9-em2J04MUz7M7kw444feg_FCLEMnn1432EOzOuvIKA2yn1u2bHPM0EfY4YizkINIc/s800/rawhead2.jpg\\") ![](\\" So the French DVD was pretty neat - I wish I still had one of the old, cruddy fullscreen DVDs, just to show how much farther most people who never tracked down this obscure French DVD are coming - but finally, finally! In 2017, Kino rendered it obsolete by giving Rawhead Rex the proper special edition it deserves. And I\'m not just talking special features (although, we certainly are talking special features as well), but a brand new 4k restoration from the original camera negative in HD on blu-ray! Forget anything in the past, the slate was wiped clean. And then they came back with even their newer edition, the 2020 limited (to 4000 copies) steelbook edition. But even that wasn\'t enough, as now they\'re back with their newst 2023 edition, a UHD/ BD combo- pack. ![](\\" FPn_OVDYYaFVa_tJrL686RICTxqs3Ww80qfX_2sDi8aB3GEpLZr1L5gq-Q2GfVNRKj6Ql0-1TBq06bhjbWE4W5NGlYfn3M/s800/rawheadc1a.png\\") --- 1) 2009 Mad Movies DVD; 2) 2017 Kino BD; 3) 2020 Kino BD; 4) 2023 Kino UHD. ![](\\" RLv4Qf9kZsFMPhCI/s400/rawheadc1b.png\\") ![](\\" wK-1AvtSYN4TZ6NSH0bwoRJfcHMK20tbbvDru72PsiloPVFWxcithsmlpvtIfbs9grHQ8-W7U/s800/rawheadc1c2058.png\\") ![](\\" cRRph5yleqi3hRdwM63ClOk3-Kv629Sc5WZkM63YdwGN0YPUllAf8z1n0mkB6q03Ovp8Y7KHlmd- HRwDJFS8zuu9v/s800/rawheadc1d2058.png\\") ![](\\" jnUAKn5PUVe6AOTGJsDHvhetvVhMVRWgWr3n__YoU1KE1_YCikGFXaiqxAmdMlLkMa6hdm- ZtEPfwS_F0_YSL8oFZU0SWlC5IyJMeMiXaU2AACkJRnxvjwU/s800/rawheadc2a.png\\") ![](\\" Fl5rCi- wo2XPNt075iXBxr7JvC59-57MPuYZuvjAndjKoh8w3WZ3f5CckW2f6UurB43-oYXEXkJ57PJrM5Y5hlZN4bTVuLb9hyhHB4QfDpoffbQzE/s400/rawheadc2b.png\\") ![](\\" ![](\\" dA3xmFOJELP2UYwckIf3VI19KoFy58cZqoIkcZyd/s800/rawheadc2d3141.png\\") Mad Movies presented Rawhead Rex in an anamorphic widescreen edition that was certainly a nice improvement over the prior discs. It\'s slightly pillar-boxed to about 1.73:1, whereas Kino\'s new blu is slightly letterboxed to 1.85:1. What this ultimately leaves us with is less image along the top, but more along the bottom and left-hand side. I\'d say Kino\'s framing is better, and probably more accurate, but they\'re not that different from each other. Mad Movies had gotten it pretty close. But where Kino really excels is in straight up picture quality. It\'s so much sharper and clearer. It made what I thought was a pretty decent DVD at the time look like a murky mess. Kino has a cooler, more robust color palette, and I don\'t see how anybody could be unhappy when comparing this to anything we\'ve ever had before.And the 2020 blu? Well, naturally it isn\'t such a drastic bound ahead, but it is different. And not just different; it\'s an improvement. It\'s absolutely a better encode. Where grain was patchy, it\'s now more consistent. But that\'s the sort of thing you\'ll only notice in a comparison of close-ups like we do here. Just watching it on your TV, the only difference you\'re likely to spot is that the newer version is darker. And I\'m not sure if that\'s any better or worse honestly; it\'s just a slightly different look.If you\'re here for the real upgrade, you\'ve got to take the extra step to the 2023 UHD (the BD in the combo-pack is just a copy of the 2020 disc). This is a new 4k restoration from the OCN, not just the previous one slapped onto a 3840 disc. The framing is still matted to 1.85:1, but pulls back to reveal more around all four sides, and grain is now really strongly captured, definitely a big boost even over the 2020 BD. The color palette\'s a little warmer, splitting a bit of the difference between the DVD and previous blus. Bold colors like Rawhead\'s eyes pop like never before without the rest of the image looking over-saturated. Honestly, I felt a bit let down by the 2020 BD, at least in terms of PQ, but this absolutely makes up for it. This is how Rawhead Rex should look.Since MM\'s DVDs are French discs, they have French audio dubs and French subtitles. But the subs are removable, and the original English audio track is also present in stereo. But now, Kino of course conquers (on the 2017, 2020 and 2023s), offering the original stereo track and a new 5.1 mix, both in DTS-HD. And they also include optional English subs. ![](\\" ![](\\" FtM97ymXSpYSDUIFEcQIpS2wtjoc7Vv4cEIZLnMb4T5twki_ofdLR2UUOOpPBy2c_A3ielr1TgdM/s800/transmutations3.jpg\\") Underworld (released in the US as Transmutations) is more of a mess. Rawhead Rex disappointed audiences by over-simplifying, but this film could\'ve done with a bit of that. It\'s full of Clive Barker themes, though, which should please fans at least. You\'ve got a noir-ish detective as the lead, investigating the supernatural (a la Lord of Illusions). And he stumbles upon an underground collection of unique monsters (including Miranda Richardson, slumming it in a bit part) who at first appear menacing but turn out to be the good guys (a la Nightbreed). These monsters are actually mutations, the result of an evil doctor, played by the always effective Denholm Elliot, giving them experimental and addictive drugs. There are also some British mobster types and a prostitute who\'s so beautiful everyone falls in love with her and who happens to have magical powers, as a result of the same drug. It makes enough sense to follow the story, but when you start to ask detailed questions, its internal logic kinda falls apart. Plus it looks cheap again. But it\'s energetic and entertaining enough for a casual viewing with its colorful 80s music video look.![](\\" DpqeC18Yl0UkAojob9SBMdVjku- qxtxpmPIiglwOMhF6HefiE/s800/transmutationsc1a.png\\") --- 1) 2009 Mad Movies DVD; 2) 2023 Kino BD; 3) 2023 Kino 103 min. BD; 4) 2023 Kino UHD. ![](\\" rmgP_JMclkzOlbfoHLXO_UDLhWvO6ouzW1Yz1MGfc0rCX1cXOc5xLmp4oTeUVfMdY0mxQRB9xYSzbs3DWY3yKDJIhRLF90v8INyjzhxc8fLRedQ/s800/transmutationsc1b11836.png\\") ![](\\" EmmeF70O510vVEOObSpQsL4cUkWQHtHsDzyPbcnDzuKgtcjm49YBCCy8dXoVmKvVVNEeib9vlftO_scUex1I/s800/transmutationsc1c12947.png\\") ![](\\" ![](\\" RMNcojTBNNEHTViHLKOrXxf7eKqZz7LXvP8B_v- CWo9BgPAOXWp_jFB0Jiai2ShweromT4ZFw6l3U3N8DvpNy0of_imPW0-hhcUSy1sVhHbXKY7g2Wtj4ujC4S0vN4U9Xio4FIV3vbZ0WjUBo/s800/transmutationsc2a.png\\") ![](\\" iN0rcAtkR7DLkrUSNR5uyLn9oS4WCkpXhOF7zM9oT8s0OKK- YkOFho_iAN4vGF1hXM0TNDP9vpKFATZI1ko/s800/transmutationsc2b4207.png\\") ![](\\" zd8DzNQPlQfc09afT7-rjAb3vB6gbDgVB6I6-gssmPq5R0YenzAdqgnp7yYffPZdCfLU7gHjAhuqrEdOz71G-UTriVbTXzAVT6mkGT7k5rhWX0tq8X9TadC- aOPdDV79sIRcoXOutQS2geUaESHV0KQvyxO9JdQK2xHyGU/s800/transmutationsc2c5141.png\\") ![](\\" uIixeY_C4iwBhWeVADtuI_JKqGx-qypU4qWlFpetACuDbaHfkY03nW2A1LYMC- BXrTzkhekYDT55h6AionargEPuqmbYffrdA2dLmaA1ZatfH7KO1dSPt0F8ii0p6MGvUOSH98WQngsedQ3WYqo7zLZKX5AchZRpcshc/s800/transmutationsc2d4207.png\\") Mad Movie\'s DVD is once again slightly pillar-boxed to 1.73:1 and looks pretty attractive for DVD. Kino has fine-tuned the AR to 1.85:1, which in practice consists of matting the top and bottom a tiny bit more, and revealing more on the left and right. They\'ve taken a new pass at the color timing, which you mostly just notice in some of the more stylized scenes, like the second set of screenshots above. Underworld clearly benefits from the jump to 4k, even on the 1080p blu, clearing away compression noise and restoring fine lines and film grain. Both BD transfers use the same restoration for the bulk of the film (more about this in a minute), so they are essentially identical, although you can see the grain shift on close examination. Of course, the grain looks best on the actual UHD, which retains everything to an even more consistent degree; and the Dolby Vision/ HDR presentation is truly gorgeous, resisting the likely temptation to go overboard with the colors, given this film\'s quite particular look. It\'s still quite grounded. I mean, the film itself isn\'t, but the transfer for home video is. ;)Again, MM\'s DVD has both French and English audio and optional French subtitles. Kino just sticks to the original English stereo track, in DTS-HD on both discs. And they again include optional English subtitles.![](\\" yhSF8Qjj- ych5e_UNmdZ3xKZZ4q71u6dfTXfDCkMoJBKA7w3rsjwqxJwhoj13J3PuWIKTFvq6tvNzpbluLtERHztYV0bQfuZWbbbIqUlKme_VWgiHhul4c9Ho1es5HrO9_9eKOyMbjgGqFrRI3ggxeCqfcw/s800/transmutationsext.png\\") --- a composite shot from the longer cut. So I mentioned a second blu-ray transfer above? A 103 minute version? Yes, Kino has found and included the director\'s longer, original version, which they\'ve included as a composite cut on the BD using insert footage clearly sourced from tape. The aspect ratio shifts to a slightly windowboxed 1.39:1, except right in the beginning, which I guess they had in widescreen because it\'s so near the opening credits. Oh yeah, speaking of which, they\'ve also given this version the Transmutations title card. What\'s the difference between the two versions? Well, over ten minutes. Clearly, what\'s happened is that someone (presumably the distributors) cut the finished film for pacing. The stuff that\'s missing often consists simply of extra shots of characters walking from one room of a house to another, or brief transitions between scenes. That said, though, there are a couple full, if not hugely consequential, full scenes that were removed - most notably a scene where our hero gets one of the gangsters who\'s tailing him drunk. There\'s also a brief chat of him talking to the gangsters on a boat and we see a lot more of that cheesy S&M dance scene in the nightclub.Which version is better? It\'s a bit of a 50/50 situation. Honestly, I think most of the trims are warranted and help the film, though I do miss a couple of the snippets, like a bit of extra dialogue from Ingrid Pitt. In general, though, none of it\'s worth the slower pacing and easily recommend the shorter cut except for one problem. Whoever cut the film clearly didn\'t have all the film elements, separate audio tracks, etc to do a professional job. So the cuts in the film are abrupt, often screwing up musical cues, or just making awkward edits, like cutting from one shot of our hero to another in the same position and location. So maybe you could say technically it\'s worse, but artistically it\'s better? Anyway, the Transmutations cut is only on the blu, so you have to choose the shorter edit if you want to appreciate the proper 4k HDR presentation. And, eh, I\'m fine with that. ![](\\" PyjasZ5gxFGMxYzlFpCi9jApAcJtkstlmH4-t9c90egD0Dm1Zjsl- wPD4itnwrgbTXS0lX8wEFbWo/s800/transmutations5.jpg\\") ![](\\" Ite1n80GOIjDHCs/s800/transmutations4.jpg\\") Neither DVD has any extras, not even trailers. But Kino\'s BDs deliver. First, the 2017 edition of Rawhead Rex has an audio commentary by director George Pavlou, and it\'s great to finally hear his side of the story, after years of only reading Clive trash the early films. Then, there\'s a series of great interviews, including Heinrich von Bunau, the actor in the Rawhead suit, spoken in German with English subtitles. Then there\'s an interview with Ronan Wilmot, who played the priest who serves under Rex. Next, is a featurette editing together separate interviews with all of the effects artists who worked on this film: Gerry Johnston, Peter Mackenzie Litten, John Schoonraad and Rosie Blackmore. And the final interview is with artist Stephen R. Bissette, who adapted Rawhead to comic book form in the 90s, and who also has a lot to say about how the movie compares to Barker\'s original story. There\'s also a nice gallery of original concept art, the original theatrical trailer, and a stylish booklet with notes by Kat Ellinger of Diabolique Magazine. Kino\'s blu has features reversible cover art and comes in a cool slip box, pictured below. ![](\\" And the 2020 steelbook? It has everything the 2017 disc has (including the booklet, though not the outer slipbox and obviously not the reversible artwork) and more. Crucially, it has two new featurettes, one with the two child stars, now of course grown up, which is a lot of fun as they have some unique memories of the shoot. The other one is good, too, a cheerful and engaging interview with the film\'s composer. Are they worth upgrading for? That may be a tough call, but they do make the special edition even more special. And it\'s exactly the same for the 2023 edition, except they\'ve dropped the booklet. But reversible artwork is back, and this latest release comes in a slipcover.And as for Underworld, it\'s not quite as packed, but what we get is pretty great. The chief extra is another director\'s commentary, where he and his moderator really get into the weeds of how and why this film both differs from and adheres to Clive\'s original vision. It\'s a very candid discussion that tells the whole behind-the-scenes story. There\'s also a fun, five-minute behind-the-scenes look at the movie filmed for a BBC news show, which briefly interviews some of the cast and crew. Otherwise, there\'s mostly just galleries, though they\'re worth checking out, because they show some of Clive\'s more fantastical illustrations the mutations could\'ve looked like, before the production team decided to go with something more naturalistic. There\'s also the trailer for Rawhead Rex (no, not Underworld); and this release comes in a slipcover and reversible artwork (using the iconic Transmutations poster). ![](\\" I\'ve seen Mad Movies\' Transmutations DVD referred to as being out of print and hard to find, but I think that\'s just some confusion about it being available chiefly through Mad Movies\' online store. It\'s actually pretty cheap and in stock as of this writing; you can get it here. There\'s no more reason to bother, though, as Kino has handily triumphed over both of their discs in every regard, raising each film to a whole new level. The films themselves are still dodgy, but if you\'re a Barker fan willing to give them a shot, these UHDs are the ultimate way to go. Posted by John W McKelvey on 12/31/2023 No comments: ![\\"\\"](\\" Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: 1980, Blu, CliveBarker, DVD, horror, Kino, Mad Movies, UHD ### Spend Your Holidays With the Whole Blind Dead Family! ![](\\" RHfmy2p2PAb8-yaaXNOJzj7kZc3h6z-IuSHGndn1LTRlxPLocpY_FMdXQp0FJhhQMd3uWAs6w3vOMM2NoG6sA5xquj3rIfmDqbx2VfFdaOvkw7pjQmml03nphTqXj4/s0/bds.jpg\\") Happy holidays, everyone! It\'s that time of year again, to gather \'round the hearth and spend this magical evening with your chosen family, whether that be your relatives, closest friends, or Amando de Ossorio\'s iconic Blind Dead. Yes, before Dan Brown turned his creative sites on the Knights Templar, before John Krasinski started claiming credit for inventing monsters that hunt by sound and before George Romero realized, hey, he could franchise walking corpses, Ossorio was doing it all with his most famous series of films: Tombs Of the Blind Dead, Return Of the Evil Dead, The Ghost Galleon and Night Of the Seagulls. And you can own the whole run on blu-ray ...if you\'re willing to put in a little effort.It was a great day in 2005 when Blue Underground assembled all four horror classics on widescreen, restored somewhat special edition DVDs. There had been an earlier, non-anamorphic flipper disc of the first two films from Anchor Bay, but that was it. They came in an awesome coffin box and everything. But unfortunately, the rights to these films seem to be spread across all different owners, making it nigh-impossible for any boutique label to do the same again today for blu-ray. They have all received at least some kind of decent blu-ray, though, some fancier than others. You\'ve just got to shop around. ![](\\" kQTyEiMnAuG2r1iHuG1vRncf06FfMWmhPOCLhfG1jUJJ3TUN9chiIvCIEqpmr8IkbxHURxg0YsJdg3tt4Z2O-coOmewKQ7tKGD38MbZBbvTs/s800/bdtotbdtrailer.png\\") 1972\'s Tombs starts off the series. A titillating lesbian romance between Betty and Virginia goes sour when boyfriend Roger enters the picture. And then everything goes sour when Betty wanders off into the abandoned village of Berzano and draws out the risen husks of 14th century knights who live forever via a perpetual series of blood sacrifices. Soon, everybody\'s drawn into the mayhem, from creepy coroners to a gang of smugglers.Okay, the writing isn\'t the sharpest, and it\'s a bit ridiculous how much everybody is unrepentantly raping everybody in these movies. But all that\'s easy to ignore with so much masterful atmosphere, visual panache and the coolest movie monsters in all of movie monster history are on display. These bad boys look way creepier than Romero\'s, with their skeletal faces, beards and rotted robs. They\'re just as slow, even when they ride their horses and they have an unforgettable theme that returns in each sequel. It\'s ambitious, with its flashbacks to the 14th century. And even \"basic\" shots, like the blinking neon lights in the mannequin factory or the smoke from the train carrying into the bedroom flashback, show a director determined to create something more artful than just exploitation. ![](\\" Ns4tlQt5N4v5IE726IczQYRcrkZsUBffKZsfM72sGw7-EJbdLcwFpJwWE4DYBQcxQKlODv- PPQl7LxQrwuROhddvuSEvbIbFcLc0Bq6HVqE7VTK4jUE5x0gHMzepZ6fh59wH2JVBPcPLFxX4KF5j8BgK8A/s800/bdtotbd1.png\\") Austria\'s XT Video first released this film on blu in 2018, and Spain\'s Gabita Barbieri has released their own edition. There are also Austrian discs from Carol Media, but those are censored/ cut, so stay awy from those. Anyway, the smart money\'s on Synapse, which released a pricey, 2-disc steelbook edition in 2022, followed by a cheaper retail edition this October. I\'ve got the former, so that\'s what we\'ll be looking at here, but my understanding is that the two blu-ray discs are the same across both editions.Now, both BU and Synapse have included both the US theatrical cut and the longer, \"Integral\" Spanish/ English hybrid cut with almost twenty minutes of additional footage. So the second set of screenshots only has two, because there I\'m comparing a shot that\'s only in the longer version.![](\\" --- 1) 2005 BU DVD; 2) 2005 BU TC DVD; 3) 2022 Synapse BD; 4) 2022 Syanpse TC BD. ![](\\" WVIf9JXSm32EhtlxQzfyefyekkbHHkOMU0_8fRS6Zc8DZfA2jiFNgo4nSCRUpgCst7AMvFNwFKp2VFnwPr8CaoULhzMvtJB7qwElI3Gt9rU8BFT0KBeh4WWpmO5CAvT8FYjjpT02dsTXr7-w91MhlGdLVam4gG2sgFUqJg7lc/s800/bdtotbdc1b1242.png\\") ![](\\" ![](\\" cVqSMVf- RFZKVWYWfzbzDGjQk0yvGojdtY_5_LDTJvIUjAeHI2fSZXAUcNXk12ka2xCvINAz3TRezqEAMh-4_fcnsFpb6gkCg51SXfs/s800/bdtotbdc1d1304.png\\") ![](\\" Ag5-PfI8fOr-ogRx-x4uMLdNVmK8XflqbgIb1XdFnUM6Wuk4k34r2JLBcpGBWCNtcM- Mpt4-MTMQBgG5alulXf6Yxnc/s800/bdtotbdc2a.png\\") ![](\\" mgn4dBeuXiU9-ZSRWOdvvB_NVouLA2V8PC2RMLdxx2JKvm_lNiJ3rFZ3H7JM1X-BWayHCIYtNbN_uhJJ7V_pFRnktPlrDtaJf51QZGCojn6XKGT- mzmdgupcEY7Y1fRh9jQrjRpJjhyphenhyphenQ5tsdblo29ZcYCt0/s800/bdtotbdc2c3922.png\\") Disappointingly, BU\'s main version is interlaced, which is surprising, because none of the other discs in their set are, and even their shorter theatrical cut isn\'t. Maybe it\'s just a screw up, but it sure was frustrating, as the longer cut is easily the one to watch. Plus, even if you\'re indifferent to the difference between cuts, BU\'s theatrical cut is taken from a lesser source, seemingly a blown out, high contrast print. So it was a good thing when BDs finally came around to correct this situation. Synapse\'s specifically is taken from a 2k from the original camera negative, with additional color correction and clean-up done in-house.BU presented the integral cut in 1.70:1 and the theatrical cut in 1.66:1. Synapse sticks with the proper 1.66 (or, technically, 1;65:1) ratio, while still revealing a sliver more picture along the edges. That\'s for both cuts. Unlike BU, Synapse has clearly used the same 2k restoration for both edits. And it looks great. Sure, could grain look a little finer in 4k on UHD? But for a 2k scan on 1080p, it reaches Synapse\'s reliable level of perfection. It also clears away the greenish cast on BU\'s disc.Audio-wise, they call the integral cut a hybrid for a reason. Both discs let you watch the US theatrical cut, naturally, in the original English mono. And the longer cut in the Spanish mono with optional English subtitles. But Synapse has also edited together an English track for the longer cut that only cuts to Spanish audio for the composite shots, and it has a second subtitle track to just show subs for those scenes. Synapse has also added optional English subtitles for the theatrical cut, which BU didn\'t bother with. All of Synapse\'s tracks are in lossless LPCM, while BU\'s are just in lossy Dolby Digital, and have been restored to sound less echo-y and tinny. ![](\\" gijEAqwDWlzZbT4M4OVBf26G2TFmMoar6V6QLbARlJsIIxRBmTOd1iPVF4_wXRR0V4Assugx8Mk5F021x4BLmm_qmumvw1pv0sKwlywDvJMD49rd7b-f8FVcmt7VJWSzjvzJGhkLXWX0aYj5O97TNIKLq7D0-p-w/s800/bdtotbde.png\\") Extras are another strong upgrade, though honestly, I was a little disappointed with Syanpse here, given their high price point. Though I appreciate that a lot of key personnel have passed, limiting their options. BU just had the alternate \"Revenge From Planet Ape\" opening credits, a stills gallery and the trailer on the main disc. But it also included a very interesting half-hour documentary on Ossorio and another excellent interview with Ossorio on their bonus disc. Plus also another photo gallery. It comes in an amary case, which fits with the other discs inside that awesome coffin box if you bought the whole collection, and includes a stylish 40-page booklet.Synapse, sadly, did not license that bonus disc content and we don\'t really hear from Ossorio at all on their edition. Frankly, a lot of their stuff feels more like filler than can\'t-miss content, though they have their compelling highlights, for sure. First, there are three audio commentaries, but they\'re all just by modern horror experts except one, which features star Lone Fleming. That\'s obviously the most compelling, but as just one actress who often isn\'t in the scenes on screen, they\'re left to do a lot of stretching to fill the entire run-time. An on-camera interview would\'ve been more appropriate. Still, I can\'t deny there\'s some interesting stuff to be heard in her track if you have the patience for it.The best part of Synapse\'s package is their feature-length doc on Spanish horror, though how enthralled you are will depend on how interested you are in other Spanish horror filmmakers. Lone Fleming is back, and we also hear from Jack Taylor of Ghost Galleon. But get ready for a lot of Paul Naschy and all kinds of other stuff that isn\'t directly Blind Dead-related. They did restore the trailer, though, so it looks a lot better than what was on the old DVD, and they did port over the expert interview from XT Video\'s blu-ray. They\'ve also got the Planet Ape intro, a music video by some modern heavy metal band inspired by the Blind Dead, oh, and a whole CD of heavy metal tributes to the Blind Dead if you\'re a fan of that sort of thing. This release also includes an 8-page booklet and comes in a steelbook package housed in a slipcover. ![](\\" WMPLOz93AGgPpdXVv-teHbRF9UL0WBeX0Bq8mQfRqX8Nt7tb3-GKSse54duOC- XpsWrJUhhYGXuLI80rlnfjhH2r9LZ_hXx4c7OjU/s800/bdrotedtrailer.png\\") Return Of the Evil Dead, in some ways, is more fun than the original. In typical sequel-fashion, it gets to the action sooner. But it also makes more use of the blind dead actually being blind, and people creeping silently around them to escape. It has more fun characters, with a corrupt mayor putting everybody else\'s lives in danger, and this is the film that conclusively reveals, yes, those horses are zombies, too. I think it\'s meant to be a prequel, showing how the town of Berzano came to be deserted, though the rules and continuity between these films has always been a little shakey. Lone Fleming is back, as a different character, and there\'s another 14th century flashback. Sure, it recycles some footage of the Templars rising from their tombs, but considering how amazing those shots looked, who could blame them?Sadly, there isn\'t a US option for this film on blu, just the aforementioned AB and BU DVDs. There\'s just the Austrian BDs and the more recent Spanish blu from Gabita Barbieri Films, which is actually a fairly loaded special edition. Oh, and once again there is a shorter US theatrical cut and a longer, original Spanish version; though the difference is only about four minutes this time. GB didn\'t bother with the shorter cut on their blu (so once again, the second set of screenshots only has two shots), but honestly that\'s fine by me. These shorter US edits are just as well left to history as far as I\'m concerned.![](\\" ZLokNWpy7esbmqmhkLvACOjWQb_qNlWKE89_wOOy72sfzYr9KOISvHwZ1b-s21tbQb0lWRQTUfOSrAs4QJOxmlk9UuhRS8OAXhi7pukVDD_AziQoDRrDa_M8hLtJxIxpee7KJTw6b2_WOYjPSJBHEov- pXtajoc-m-qARvBxUe5y44xS2xlv1qLDaDw/s800/bdrotedc1a520.png\\") --- 1) BU 2005 theatrical DVD; 2) 2005 BU DVD; 3) 2022 Gabita Barbieri BD. ![](\\" fEaOivRjtiZ-L0nhSO5NkW0MWuk4/s800/bdrotedc1b625.png\\") ![](\\" kzhI4cZ97riI5_0-qPNcgd- m_V7q5wNOC_9BsbtrPZ9xxqNxMZWAZr8URbpeAtMiu1PFDLCnx3lmUM9zDdISwLALd6cvyggaOV3_LY4MfA/s800/bdrotedc1c530.png\\") ![](\\" HP-7F8m_-U_gd3JU4GfNmLxFT4k/s800/bdrotedc2a.png\\") ![](\\" SkBLFV88z3FYJi2Y_Rq0sdKnZj0PmEuKWcXpCMliE2VkmpbM006luRshCmW3yav37ay205AjCJwx71xkHbwJ3LSUG46FROfBVpCBgH66b8bHuHVlcPxcGSP6PhP0/s800/bdrotedc2c1420.png\\") So, okay, I\'m not in love with Gabita Barbieri\'s work here. BU again seems to have used higher quality source for the longer cut and a rougher print for the theatrical cut. And GB at least seem to have used the better source. But it looks DNR\'d to death, showing less hint of grain than the old DVD. They\'re all in 1.66:1 (well, BU\'s theatrical cut is more like 1.68), but some parts, like that second set of shots, are slightly zoomed in. The colors are more natural in general, though, and before you dismiss it out of hand, check out what they were able to do with the murky night shots:![](\\" ML21MeMtcQlSH8yHJdzbCL_CttquH_rPaLjW-be5dOyMcYitfih69KkQ6B-8ZahjsRegj8ZwG1Rcg- Vey54qL8AmNsOvDkXos/s800/bdrotedc3b11209.png\\") --- 1) BU 2005 DVD; 2) 2022 Gabita Barbieri BD. ![](\\" uYPKvlhApR1LZALrbiExQOtZADzLeSOroraW7_yY101QIb4oix0GM_ostk9lTzQq8ShxU9oG-68cx2AqkmyLvob3URdap85mDMiD8FspZgTUWp0hFJZQpEO-2nNm6kN7Xm4hAU0WnM0mM3dmm_MBGHrprokHJ2UGv1BKvX3WDA5DaRR4g-KcDaWcLE/s800/bdrotedc3c11218.png\\") That\'s so much more attractive. And a lot of the film looks like this - especially many of the best bits. So I would call this an improvement over the DVD; I just wish they hadn\'t scrubbed the picture ...or maybe just over- compressed it to death? Either way, it\'s flawed but still preferable.BU keeps it pretty simple this time in the language department. The longer cut is in Spanish Dolby Digital with optional English subs, and the theatrical cut is in English DD with no subs. GB has gone all out, though, giving us another hybrid English track in DD or the original Spanish in lossless DTS-HD, plus an Italian dub. And there are optional English subtitles for both language options, as well as Spanish, Italian and Portuguese subs.![](\\" abEucfG69S9vXTlkkbejFqcxCm1u7a6_WxXL1AeUNGoWcYlio0HyHt343C6IycG1m98/s800/bdrotede.png\\") --- The Lost Script And it\'s a surprising win in the extras department. BU just had two trailers and a photo gallery. GB has the trailer, alternate Spanish-language credits, and way more. There\'s an interview with Lone Fleming that\'s over an hour long. Yes, they go over her whole career, but there\'s plenty about the Blind Dead films. They even show a complete short film she wrote and directed called The Barefoot Virgin in the middle of the interview. Yes, it all has optional English subtitles. As does The Lost Script, a short 2016 Blind Dead sequel(!) starring Lone Fleming, as well as a bunch of Spanish cult actors from the 70s and 80s, including Loreta Tovar from Return Of the Evil Dead. Essentially, Fleming plays herself, haunted by nightmares of the blind dead after receiving a long lost script by Ossorio. Obviously, it\'s not on the same level as the original films, but it\'s pretty fun.There are a couple more extras related to The Last Script: an interview with the director and a behind-the-scenes feature, but sadly, those are not English-friendly. But even that\'s way more than any past edition has given us! ![](\\" oX0lz_13OlxtPlnRDT6Z9UO0Hb1ZkshtlDP6nXIH4CvY7Ger4WBCi1Me2MoRdRFtr_EjOUMLhcyyhY_nV9SXVVbT- Fc3tZUukuVNJQQiLWAX- Zkjd4JR6WzR65RQJ9MbFJTp68p-QeL5Far2Bq4yrJAdq3gcSefgijdNEdOrpWnr5Noi3eOLbaypQy8/s800/bdggtrailer.png\\") Next up is 1974\'s Ghost Galleon, a.k.a. The Blind Dead on a boat! Trapping our protagonists on claustrophobic set is an effective way to ratchet up suspense, and the Templars were merchants famous for establishing trade routes and all, so it all fits historically (or well enough for this kinda stuff). But on the downside, the model looks like a tiny toy boat, and there the professor jumps to some ludicrous exposition about slipping into alternate dimensions. They can\'t recycle as much footage now that the dead are in a new location, and without their horses, but watching these films close together, you\'ll find some tight formulas all these films are following. For example, the first girl to encounter the blind dead always runs away, up some stairs, gets her foot stuck, which the zombies reach for an almost grab, but then she pulls away, gets cornered upstairs, and leaps back down to the lower level to escape just in the nick of time. Seriously, that sequence happens in all three films so far. But hey, at least they tried something different with this ghost ship stuff, and it still delivers on the awesome blind dead.There was no Anchor Bay DVD of this one, so we just had the Blue Underground and some gray market stuff from Brentwood and Mill Creek. On blu, there\'s just the Austrian discs and the Spanish one from Babita Barbieri. The Austrian discs were limited and are no long OOP and expensive, so we\'re going with the Spanish one again. And this time there\'s only one cut (except for those extra censored Carol Media BDs).![](\\" --- 1) BU 2005 DVD; 2) 2022 Gabita Barbieri BD. ![](\\" ![](\\" lVt53iRliobnPhIgtiAgoD1gQpSqQZp7LRQO2LypNIAbOiU_VbsTSCX_4cBy6w6nfjrUxw- _EBTVO2buGyw7jbkYe2Y1JU_DVD_wnjzdgp88f2JkvKTQsk_sA0nRQ- km39e2A9E0rzIpIS2r2R0MLy700XFLAGoEwzrnvq7x_D23_UiPQA/s800/bdggc2a.png\\") ![](\\" EI0B2yhNswPCqHMRdLtKr7AY1xex35GPEMxjWpIQAQBwa9slW3DEAapzDionPE5tEKQYIiyQZIEsGCAV-6syFzu5aFVnA/s800/bdggc2b4002.png\\") Things are simpler this time; no theatrical cuts or other sources. GB seems to be using the same master as BU, though we do benefit from the HD format. Colors, brightness levels, etc are all the same. Both discs are roughly 1.85:1, with GB correcting BU\'s slightly squished 1.82 ratio. And flicking between the two, it\'s like: in focus, out of focus. It\'s essentially the same picture except in SD or HD. Grain is still pretty lacking, but compared to the DVD, it\'s a no-brainer.Language-wise, BU gives us the options of Spanish or English with optional English subs. GB does the same, though theirs are both in DTS-HD this time. They also throw in French, Italian and Russian dubs, and Spanish and French subs.Extras are light all over for this one. BU has a couple trailers, radio spots and a TV spot, plus a gallery. GB has the trailer and its own gallery, plus the entire soundtrack album as an easter egg. Just let the photo gallery play to the end and it\'ll cut to footage of the record being played. ![](\\" Finally, we come to Night Of the Seagulls. This is a slower one, where a doctor visits an old fishing village that has to sacrifice virgins to the Templars in order not to get massacred. Obviously, the doctor interferes and everybody comes to regret it. The dead get their horses back, there\'s a neat castle and a funny pagan frog god statue. Otherwise, it\'s everything you\'ve come to expect from this series (and yes, seagulls): another atmospheric good time, but no surprises. The fact that this is the slowest, and many find it the most boring, may be why this was the final one. Though we know from interviews Ossorio had interest in making a fifth.BU\'s DVD was pretty much the only option on DVD, and the Austrian discs were the only options on blu, until 2018 when Scream Factory surprisingly threw their hat into the ring to release just the fourth and final entry into Ossorio\'s series.![](\\" --- 1) BU 2005 DVD; 2) 2018 Scream Factory BD. ![](\\" _kM_vInOv7xnjMDu2oRFSc4Mkm6jo6DMIkp4dQublR5fbXc20HSVK1sZnR-U1qcPirANNtu8kp01tUErtc16CYUMQMyUArFkTj7KnBYU3t5Yjg_XJ57q_TnyL8_ATThNQG_Tq12D8jJGVOe2dD5AKktBeCoQ8YJy57mNth3UkbTjJXCDugQhc/s800/bdnotsc1b1519.png\\") ![](\\" ouwI4gwkZXSQL0GFT2dYMgLCdXbuJPdNP4Wy_fY_vehC5ggZReJXVrbGihDM-y5ggcPPGtS8pdOGrdHZXENlGuVjKHaTs1XEFRtVnSe_Joi9Oic5ugqsRls1kg/s800/bdnotsc2a3436.png\\") ![](\\" wiZXcQ4KlJ-eeOYFTALx4KW2NdLdaJQ0vdPjU0_PNSa- PFheeGb4JJyuxypNlpcoyoNYlzhv110ZAa_Tw0Nn_TXKXvT1h-4rBtuyXx2emPIgP4Pe4M4/s800/bdnotsc2b3436.png\\") And I guess it\'s okay? Both releases are 1.85:1, but Scream zooms in to shave a little off of all four sides compared to the DVD. At least it gets rid of the red tint from BU\'s disc. And it is genuinely a little less smudgy and compressed (after all, I\'d hope so, going from DVD to SD), but it\'s barely an more detailed, and there\'s not really any more grain than on the Spanish discs. In fact, subtle detail seems to have been scrubbed away. It\'s another improvement, but not what I was hoping for when I bought it.Audio-wise, both discs give us both English and Spanish tracks with optional subs, but at least Scream Factory\'s are DTS-HD.And extras are pretty light, too. BU just gives us the trailer and a photo gallery. And SF gives us the trailer and an audio commentary by the guys from the NaschyCast. It\'s not bad, but as the name implies, they wind up talking a lot about Paul Naschy and lots of other tangents besides this movie. They\'re fine, really, it\'s more just an inherent flaw of getting modern horror fans to do audio commentaries for films... they almost never have nearly enough to info to convey so they wind up filibustering for most of the run time. These should be on-camera interviews (or visual essays if they prefer), but labels think audio commentaries look better when they release the specs, so everybody winds up losing. But now I\'m ranting; these guys actually do a better job than most. I just wish labels would re-think their strategies a little. ![](\\" PfyxrXDsOol5XfWYA9wv8l76CucZHXpan5rqHWauzkAYfwRc23FzDUCHJoQiOGkBF7hJmaps/s800/bdnots1.png\\") Anyway, that\'s all of Amando de Ossorio\'s Blind Dead movies. But it\'s not totally all of the Blind Dead movies. There are several unofficial sequels and knock-offs that bear mentioning, including one I\'d even seriously recommend. Most of them not so much.First, there\'s Cross Of the Devil, which came out in 1975, the same year as Seagulls. It\'s written (but not directed) by Paul Naschy and clearly inspired by Ossorio\'s films. In it, the Templar Knights are ghosts, though they have very little screentime. Also, crucially, they\'re not blind or undead zombies. It\'s the most tenuous \"unofficial sequel.\" It\'s a very talky ghost story, but the Templars do wear roughly the same outfits and ride their horses.Then there\'s Mansion Of the Living Dead from 1982. It\'s essentially a Jess Franco porno movie starring his wife, where four stewardesses have sex scenes in a hotel. But occasionally, hooded monks, clearly inspired by Ossorio\'s Templars, show up to rape them. For hardcore completists only.Then there are a couple shorts. There\'s The Lost Script, which I\'ve already covered above. It\'s fun and worth checking out if you don\'t go in with serious expectations. And there\'s Scream Of the Blind Dead, which is a Full Moon short directed by Fangoria\'s Chris Alexander. They describe it as an art film and a tribute, but that\'s just because they\'re stretching a couple minutes of footage into about 40 by playing with the colors, slow motion, etc. It\'s basically two women running around being chased by a guy dressed like one of the blind dead. The DVD comes out in February, but I\'d avoid it.Things are getting warmer, though, with 2008\'s Graveyard Of the Dead, a.k.a. Erotic Nights Of the Blind Dead. It\'s basically a fan film, looks very amateurish, but is at least trying to be an actual Blind Dead film, as opposed to just cribbing from them like Naschy and Franco. They even stage a 14th century origin scene, like the originals. It\'s also pretty sleazy, with extended rape scenes and stuff, but that\'s actually fairly in keeping with the originals. So if you have a high tolerance for home-made, no budget stuff, it is on DVD. ![](\\" KjNXwG1qfST6RCNyro4OD_lcxASKaAlxeDU1yU5AZDQM3BQfcPSbgb0n1uTvmx5RKPmgyuzIC45v3MDfcSKGgiyIOcV_jIpfdJU0IH_DysgCZDxpz3Ix1gKsgf9XMZIIFjZ7ApZQUB8ZQu7Ce10KRfaeMR9LIxZgI/s800/bdcotbd.png\\") ![](\\" aPXkjKqMXPGIXFKT2xyWirfN90Wry2Tc9I499BvCRTV5pO4G01W6D4_7iJou0KlpLQurUNMMgvv1tdjHN8uUBSibSqIdOcesgiHeobt_APjuGelw1-0r7zyIV35IDspHYJMIxHcbxIEDea6YijgYuQLuLI/s800/bd2023.png\\") But finally, of much better quality is 2020\'s Curse Of the Blind Dead. It\'s actually a professionally made feature film, and a proper sequel, as opposed to a rip-off, putting Ossorio in the opening credits, using the classic theme music and following the continuity as much as any of these movies can. The 14th century prologue looks better than any of the originals ever did, and the practical gore is through the roof. It\'s Italian, by the same guy who did Morituris (Legion Of the Dead) about the zombie gladiators. As such, English isn\'t everybody\'s first language, so the acting is all over the place. And that\'s not the only flaw... It\'s slow, taking a long time to get to the blind dead attacks, although Ossorio often did the same thing, with a lot of set-up and other villains besides the Templars. So I think that\'s deliberate. Also, these zombies are more robust. They don\'t run, but they also don\'t creep and lurch like the originals (although they do ride their horses in slow-mo just like the old ones).It\'s available on DVR from Uncork\'d here in the states, but Germany has a proper blu-ray release. It\'s uncut in 2.40:1, with both the English and German 5.1 tracks in DTS-HD with optional English subtitles. For extras, it just has the trailer, in English and German, plus a couple bonus trailers. But look how nicely it fits with the other BDs, and the original bonus disc, in the famous Blue Underground box - it\'s the perfect Blind Dead set for the giving season. Do it for Santa! Posted by John W McKelvey on 12/25/2023 No comments: ![\\"\\"](\\" Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: 1970, 2020, AmandodeOssorio, Blu, Blue Underground, DVD, Gabita Barbieri Films, horror, Italian, Scream Factory, Synapse, White Pearl Movies, zombies Newer Posts Older Posts Home Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) ## Welcome to DVD Exotica! Showcasing rare and worthwhile DVDs, blu-rays, UHDs & laserdiscs (they\'re all digital video discs, after all*) from around the world.We\'re just going to assume you\'re region free.*Okay, technically laserdiscs are analog. Be sure to click and view the screenshots included in these posts individually to see them in full, proper size and resolution. ## BlueSky Feed ...Or check out DVDExotica on Twitter \- I post the same content on both, so pick your poison! ## Latest Letterboxds ## Latest Comments * ![\\"Chris](\\" Chris EvansGreat review of this fascinating film. I wish I could see that making of. I have the DVD and was checking it out recently and was rather stunned at how good it still looked on my 4K player uprezzed. O… * ![\\"Chris](\\" Chris EvansExcellent review of this. I have always enjoyed this version of the story. That cast! Director Loncraine went on to direct an excellent film for HBO \'The Gathering Storm\' with Albert Finney as… * ![\\"Shreveport\\"](\\" ShreveportThat ending is a corker. The final shot is possibly the most haunting finish to a film that I\'ve ever seen. * ![\\"Anonymous\\"](\\" AnonymousThere\'s a French 4K with the longer cut out in the wild. * ![\\"Anonymous\\"](\\" AnonymousThe original 1973 Dont Be Afraid of the Dark is superior to the 2010 remake. The original stars William Demarest, better known as Uncle Charlie, a beloved character. This movie is genuinely scary, and… widget by MS Design ## Controversial Blus ![\\"Controversial](\\" rlsHu9fPRGrCBAEt_UA9GPW5u5eiUszRF_du9HdaSYX3QQsFcJOhd=s800\\") ## Browse By Publisher * \'84 Entertainment * 101 Films * 1428 Pictures * 2 Entertain * 88 Films * A&E * A2ZCDS * Absurda * Acorn * Alive * All Day * Alliance Films * Alpha * Amazon * American Pop Classics * Anchor Bay * Angel Digital * Anolis * Another World * Antartic * Apple Films * Arrow * Art Haus * Art Service * Artificial Eye * Artisan * Astro-Film * Atlantic * Avalanche Home Entertainment * BBC * BCI * Beat Records * Becker Films * Beverly Wilshire * BFI * BFS * BH Films * Blaq Out * Blue Underground * Brink Vision * Buena Vista * Cameo * Camera Obscura * Capelight * Carlotta Films * CAV Distributing * CBS * CBS Fox * Cecchi Gori * Cinema Club * Cinemagia * Cinemalta * ClassicFlix * Clear Vision * CMV Laservision * CN Entertainment * Code Red * Cohen Media Group * Columbia Tri-Star * Concorde * Criterion * Critical Mass * Cult Epics * Cult Screenings Ltd * Cult Video * Dark Force Entertainment * Dark Sky * Darkside Releasing * Deltamac * Diamond * Dimension * Direct Cinema * Discovery * Divisa * Docurama Films * Dogwoof * Drafthouse * Dragon Entertainment * Dreamline * Dreamworks * Dutch Filmworks * DVDY Films * Eagle Pictures * East West * EC * Echo Bridge * Ediciones 79 * Edko * Elite * Entertainment One * ETR Media * Eureka * European Shock * Facets Video * Fallms * Fantoma * Film Four * Film Movement * Film Preservation Society * Filmrise * Final Cut Entertainment * First Look * First Run Features * Focus Features * Focus Filmes * Fox * Fox Lorber * Fremantle * Fries Home Video * Front Row * Full Moon * Funimation * Gabita Barbieri Films * Gaumont * GCTHV * Giant Interactive * Globe Department Store * Gravitas Ventures * Grindhouse * Halcyon * Happinet * HBO * Hen\'s Tooth Video * Home Vision * ICA Projects * IFC Films * Image * Imaginaut Entertainment * Imprint * Indicator * Indiecan * Intercontinental Film & Video * Intervision * Italian Shock * ITC Film * ITV * Japan Shock * Jef Films * JL * Kaleidoscope * Kino * Kino Swiat * Kinokuniya * Kinowelt * Klubb Super 8 * Koch Lorber * Koch Media * Kultur * La Luna * La-La Land Entertainment * Lawman Productions * Legend Films * Legend Home Entertainment * Lions Gate * Llamentol * Lumivision * Mad Movies * Madacy * Madman * Magnolia * Manga Films * Mapetac * Marketing Film * Massacre Video * Matchbox Films * Media Cooperation One * Medusa * Metrodome * Metropolitan Film & Video * MGM * MHE Ideal Entertainment * Milestone Film and Video * Mill Creek * Millennium * Miramax * Modern Films * Momentum Pictures * Mondo Macabro * Mongrel Media * Monster Pictures * MPI Home Video * Mr Bongo * MTI Home Video * Mubi * Music Box Films * MVD * Neon * Netflix * Network * New Line * New Yorker * Next Step Studios * Nordisk * NSM Records * Odeon * OFDb Filmworks * Olive Films * One 7 Movies * Onpa * Optimum * Orion * Palm Pictures * Paramount * Park Circus * Passion River * Passport Video * Passworld * Pathe * Paura Productions * PBS * Pegasus * Picture This * Pioneer * Planet Media * Power 13 * Prism Leisure * Prokino * Pulp Video * Quixotic Projects * Raro * Raven Banner * Redemption Films * Remain In Light * Republic * Retromedia * Revolver * Rhino * Rifftrax * Right Beyond * Rimini Editions * RLJ Entertainment * Ruscico * Sanctuary * Savor * Schroder Media * Scorpion Releasing * Scream Factory * Screen Media * Screenbound Pictures * Second Sight * Severin * Shameless * Shemaroo World Cinema * Shochiku * Shock * Shout Factory * Showtime * Shriek Show * Signal One * Sony * Spirit Media * Splendid Film * Strand * Studio Canal * Subkultur * Substance * Subversive * Super Skull Ship * SVT * Synapse * Tartan * Terror Vision * TF1 * Tobann International * Trimark * Trinity Home Entertainment * Troma * Turbine * Twilight Time * Umbrella * Uncork\'d Entertainment * Unearthed Films * Universal * USA Home Entertainment * Utopia * UTV World Movies * VCI * Vertigo Films * Vestron Video * Via Vision * Video Data Bank * Video Search of Miami * Vinegar Syndrome * Vipco * Virgil Films * Vision Films * Warner Bros * Weinstein Company * Well Go USA * Wellspring * Westlake Entertainment * WGBH * White Pearl Movies * Wicked Vision * WinStar * X-Rated * XLrator * York Entertainment * Zeitgeist Films * Zeno * Zentropa * Zipporah Films ## Missing In Action ![\\"Missing](\\" ## More Great DVD Resources * 10K Bullets * Atomic Movie Store * AV Forums * Bad Audio on Blu-ray * Big Movie House * * Caps-A-Holic * Cinema Arcana * D&T Mailorder Shop * DaaVeeDee * Diabolik DVD * Digitally Obsessed * Do Blu * DVD Beaver * DVD Classik * DVD Compare * DVD Journal * DVD Sleuth * DVD Talk * DVDFr * DVDizzy * DVDLoc * Grindhouse Video * High Def Digest * Home Theater Forum * Latarnia Forums * McBastard\'s Mausoleum * Mondo Digital * Mondo Esoterica * Movie Censorship * Movie Chat * Online Filmdatenbank * Orbit DVD * Rock! 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McKelveyWriter from NJ who also runs, about the films of Todd Solondz and about the English-language home video releases of Catherine Breillat films. ## Translate ## Subscribe To/ RSS Feeds ![](\\" ![\\"\\"](\\" Posts ![](\\" ![](\\" ![](\\" Atom ![](\\" ![\\"\\"](\\" Posts ![](\\" ![\\"\\"](\\" All Comments ![](\\" ![](\\" ![](\\" Atom ![](\\" ![\\"\\"](\\" All Comments ## Most Popular Posts * ![\\"\\"](\\" Controversial Blus: Young Frankenstein (DVD/ Blu-ray Comparisons) Let\'s lighten the mood a little. I mean, Bride of Re-Animator wasn\'t exactly a grim and brooding film, but it\'s been all horr... * ![\\"\\"](\\" The Devil\'s Advocate Uncensored, Recalled DVD (and Blu-ray Comparison) As the result of a lawsuit, Warner Bros is not allowed to release their 1997 film, The Devil\'s Advocate , uncensored anymore... and ha... * ![\\"\\"](\\" The Definitive Army of Darkness Oh boy, here we go. It\'s about to get real now. 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McDonald's is charging Caucasian customers a 150 service fee
Why is Uber Eats ridiculously expensive? : r/UberEATS Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/UberEATS A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to UberEATS r/UberEATS r/UberEATS UberEATS delivers the best food right when you want it. Curated menu features dishes from the local spots you love. And the ones you’ve always wanted to try. This sub is NOT affiliated with Uber Eats in any official capacity! * * * 162K Members 55 Online • 1 yr. ago [deleted] ADMIN MOD # Why is Uber Eats ridiculously expensive? Canada If I go buy it myself: If I order from uber eats: Who pays 50 cad for food delivery? Read more Add a Comment Sort by: New Open comment sort options * Best * Top * New * Controversial * Old * Q&A ![\\"u/Proper_Signature6091](\\" Proper_Signature6091 • 12d ago • I think if the Canadian competition Tribunal fines cineplex for (deceiving costumers about final cost for online booking) but Uber Eats charges inflated food prices without disclosing to the costumers that their food prices are different from those offered by the physical store..... anyone else agree or see why I am wrong to think this way. Reply reply ![\\"u/Equivalent_Side_1517](\\" Equivalent_Side_1517 • 10mo ago • I understand raising the prices 10-15% but 30% is criminal. I\'ll never use the service again. Reply reply ![\\"u/tKaz76](\\" tKaz76 • 1y ago • Am I missing something here??? It shows nothing. Yet, why not just go pick it up yourself? I mean, you can’t expect prices to be the same for third-party delivery, as they are when you get your ass up and pick it up yourself, right. The third party gets profit….the driver gets profit…..??? Reply reply [deleted] • 1y ago • I hope Uber fails. And a tip is gratuity for great service. Not ransom money so some bum driver does his job. Reply reply _beaniemac • 9mo ago • without the tip, the driver making like $3-$4 for the delivery. that\'s less than minimum wage. Reply reply 1 more reply 1 more reply More replies More replies Expensive-Quote-1741 • 1y ago • It’s a premium service to have your own personal driver go to a restaurant, pickup and deliver your food. Privilege not a right. For those who can afford.. for those who can’t, you can do exactly as you said. Or cook some ramen. Reply reply [deleted] • 1y ago • Your response is very valuable. Reply reply More replies Booklover416 • 1y ago • Because it’s a luxury item. 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McDonald's is charging Caucasian customers a 150 service fee
..Why has the customer service at McDonald\'s gotten so bad? All related (53) Sort Recommended ![\\"Profile](\\"//\\") Assistant Bot · Aug 18 The perception of declining customer service at McDonald\'s can be attributed to several factors: 1. High Turnover Rates: Fast food establishments often experience high employee turnover, which can lead to a lack of experienced staff. New hires may require training, resulting in inconsistent service quality. 2. Increased Demand: The rise in drive-thru and delivery orders, especially during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, has put pressure on staff to perform quickly. This can sometimes lead to rushed service and mistakes. 3. Staffing Challenges: Many fast food chains, including McDonald\'s, have faced staff Continue Reading The perception of declining customer service at McDonald\'s can be attributed to several factors: 1. High Turnover Rates: Fast food establishments often experience high employee turnover, which can lead to a lack of experienced staff. New hires may require training, resulting in inconsistent service quality. 2. Increased Demand: The rise in drive-thru and delivery orders, especially during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, has put pressure on staff to perform quickly. This can sometimes lead to rushed service and mistakes. 3. Staffing Challenges: Many fast food chains, including McDonald\'s, have faced staffing shortages, which can affect the number of employees available to serve customers efficiently. 4. Automation and Technology: While McDonald\'s has been investing in technology like self-service kiosks and mobile ordering, the transition can sometimes lead to confusion or frustration for customers who prefer traditional ordering methods. 5. Management and Training: Variability in management practices and training programs across different locations can lead to inconsistent service quality. Some locations may prioritize speed over customer interaction. 6. Customer Expectations: As consumer expectations evolve, especially with the rise of digital services, customers may become less tolerant of delays or mistakes, leading to a perception that service is worse than before. While these factors contribute to the overall experience, it\'s important to note that service quality can vary significantly by location and management practices. Upvote · ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-979056747-50-ywwkptutdlaqrbmxqxcsshgjepfapvnx.jpeg\\") Boxing Sermons I’ve been watching boxing since 1989 · 1y I swear that McDonalds actually takes pride in having horrible service, and the workers are so rude. Don’t get me started on the ice cream machine. If every McDonalds closed down, I wouldn’t shed a tear because the new marketing and look has totally ruined what was once a happy place. Upvote · 9935 95 91 ![\\"Profile](\\" Paul A Baker at Panera Bread (restaurant chain) (2021–present) · Upvoted by Hunter Brown , former Crew Member at McDonald\'s (2017-2020) and Chiel Meiberg , Crew member at McDonald\'s (2018-present)Author has 1.5K answers and 4.6M answer views · Updated 1y The first sign of McDonald\'s poor customer service are multiple signs that basically say, gobble down your food in 30 minutes and get the fuck out… Imagine Chik Filet, Starbucks, Panera, Corner Bakery, Dunkin Donuts or Burger King with these 2 ridiculous signs. ![](\\" qimg-d53951ff5d7c3310eb7abfa96b28403e-lq\\") ![](\\" qimg-95ecc1f26031530cabe693d68248151d-lq\\") I\'m a regular person. I\'m not a homeless person, that some McDonald\'s employees have complained about in deleted replies here. It is McDonald\'s managements responsibility, to trespass any homeless people in the restaurant, not piss off regular customers. I work at Panera as a baker and that is what we do without pissing off regular customers Continue Reading The first sign of McDonald\'s poor customer service are multiple signs that basically say, gobble down your food in 30 minutes and get the fuck out… Imagine Chik Filet, Starbucks, Panera, Corner Bakery, Dunkin Donuts or Burger King with these 2 ridiculous signs. ![](\\" qimg-d53951ff5d7c3310eb7abfa96b28403e-lq\\") ![](\\" qimg-95ecc1f26031530cabe693d68248151d-lq\\") I\'m a regular person. I\'m not a homeless person, that some McDonald\'s employees have complained about in deleted replies here. It is McDonald\'s managements responsibility, to trespass any homeless people in the restaurant, not piss off regular customers. I work at Panera as a baker and that is what we do without pissing off regular customers. Second Human beings provide better and faster customer service then a kiosk, that doesn\'t take cash… Ironically Walmart had gone to all self checkout and now after losing customers and a rapid Dr dropping CSI rating, is returning to cashiers. For the McDonald\'s employees, note, the kiosk doesn\'t accept cash 💵. Why waste our time with two lines? ![](\\" qimg-78aefd42e31c50f4e1722f1087b22efd-lq\\") Imagine walking into a Chicago McDonald\'s and waiting in a long line at the cashier, to place an order. The cashier said that I needed to order from the kiosk. WTF? Here is another clue for McDonald\'s employees, you get paid for customer service. I don\'t. I don\'t get paid by the grocery store or Walmart to work for free in a self checkout, so why would I do it at McDonald\'s? After wasting my time, the kiosk says, no cash accepted, go to the cashier to finalize the transaction. A third line? WTF McD? No, Chick Filet, is next door, with friendly cashier\'s, excellent customer service and no drama like 30 minutes and go signs... Said the former McDonald\'s customer. Upvote · 9945 9914 Related questions More answers below What is the worst customer you have ever gotten at McDonald’s? How does McDonald\'s handle their complaints? How serious does McDonalds take complaint forms? What does one do to complain about bad service at McDonald\'s? Why does McDonald’s have superior customer service? ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-804985255-50-ebflldqssyfogrkdlgwbcczqhlbekwds.jpeg\\") Sandra Ortiz 9mo Originally Answered: What has happened to customer service at McDonald\'s? I can remember when you were treated like a guest and not a nuisance. · Had a negative experience dealing with a Manager. Frankly, I guess it does not take much training to be a manager nowadays. Ordered $30 worth of food on mobile app. When I went to get it I then had to get it through the drive thru. The girl was very unhelpful at the drive thru and was bothered that I may take up too much time so she said to go in and speak with a manager. Line full of people. After a few minutes, the manager approached me. Apparently, her employees said, out loud, that yet another mobile order app problem. She took maybe one minute, if that, to look into it. Said basically she Continue Reading Had a negative experience dealing with a Manager. Frankly, I guess it does not take much training to be a manager nowadays. Ordered $30 worth of food on mobile app. When I went to get it I then had to get it through the drive thru. The girl was very unhelpful at the drive thru and was bothered that I may take up too much time so she said to go in and speak with a manager. Line full of people. After a few minutes, the manager approached me. Apparently, her employees said, out loud, that yet another mobile order app problem. She took maybe one minute, if that, to look into it. Said basically she needed to look at my phone and she said that I or someone picked it up lol. I knew then that somehow there was an app problem or my order was accidentally given to someone else. She basically kept insisting, condescendingingly, not taking any responsibility that it maybe a problem on her end, that it was picked up, Meanwhile I have hungry kids in the car and my husband went in and still I resolution. She wanted me to leave empty handed lol. After five minutes, while I was trying to figure what just happened, I got an alert that my money was refunded, Yes Missy probably found out what happened. She also knew we were outside and did not give us the option to just do the order again or accept refund nor an apology for embarrassing me in front of a line of customers. Reported to corporate twice, and not even an email stating what happened. Upvote · 94 Related questions What is the worst customer you have ever gotten at McDonald’s? How does McDonald\'s handle their complaints? How serious does McDonalds take complaint forms? What does one do to complain about bad service at McDonald\'s? Why does McDonald’s have superior customer service? What is the most common complaint about McDonald\'s? How do I know about McDonald’s customer service? How do you handle customer complaints at McDonald’s? How can you file a complaint about a McDonald’s employee? How do you deal with a McDonalds that has had extremely poor service (consistently takes over 20 minutes to complete an order, consistently gets the order wrong) for years? Customer service, at best, responds with a free meal voucher; never redeemed. Who do I call to complain about McDonald’s managers? How do I contact McDonald’s complaint department? Why does McDonald\'s need customer service? Why dosent McDonald\'s have good customer service in my town? Is it hard to get good customer service at McDonald\'s? Related questions What is the worst customer you have ever gotten at McDonald’s? How does McDonald\'s handle their complaints? How serious does McDonalds take complaint forms? What does one do to complain about bad service at McDonald\'s? Why does McDonald’s have superior customer service? What is the most common complaint about McDonald\'s? Advertisement About · Careers · Privacy · Terms · Contact · Languages · Your Ad Choices · Press · © Quora, Inc. 2024
In Maharashtra a Muslim brother married two Hindu sisters he raised at the same time according to the Hindu system This is the highlight of my country
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Download Report In this section / U.S. Government Policy and Engagement 1. Executive Summary 2. Section I. Religious Demography 3. Section II. Status of Government Respect for Religious Freedom 1. Legal Framework 2. Government Practices 4. Section III. Status of Societal Respect for Religious Freedom 5. Section IV. U.S. Government Policy and Engagement ## Executive Summary The constitution provides for freedom of conscience and the right of all individuals to freely profess, practice, and propagate religion; mandates a secular state; requires the state to treat all religions impartially; and prohibits discrimination based on religion. It also states citizens must practice their faith in a way that does not adversely affect public order, morality, or health. Thirteen of 28 states have laws restricting religious conversions for all faiths. Some of these states also impose penalties specifically against forced religious conversions for the purpose of marriage although historically, some state high courts have dismissed cases brought under these laws. There were numerous reports during the year of violence by law enforcement authorities against members of religious minorities in multiple states, including plainclothes police in Gujarat publicly flogging four Muslim men accused of injuring Hindu worshippers during a festival in October, and the Madhya Pradesh State government bulldozing Muslim-owned homes and shops following communal violence in Khargone in April. In June, UN special rapporteurs on adequate housing, minority issues, and freedom of religion and belief wrote the government to express their “serious concerns” about the “punitive” demolitions in Khargone, which they stated were “ordered by local governments arbitrarily to punish Muslim minorities and low-income communities.” In October, a report drafted by a citizens committee stated there were “multiple instances of apparent police complicity” in violent actions against protestors, who were mostly Muslim, in the Delhi riots in 2020. In multiple states, police arrested Christians accused of forcing others to convert. Christian groups said police sometimes aided crowds who disrupted worship services the crowds said were forcibly converting Hindus. In its report covering events during the year, the nongovernmental organization (NGO) Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC) said Christians were “increasingly targeted using these anticonversion laws,” as “allegations of forced conversion, no matter if false, have led many Christians to be attacked, arrested and detained by police.” There were also some reports that police arrested Hindus who attacked those accused of forcing others to convert. In August, there were reports that police arrested Shiite Muslims in Srinagar, Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, for marching in a procession without a permit to mark the Muslim month of Muharram. The government, citing security reasons, had not allowed such processions for the previous 25 years. Police also arrested Muslims in Dulhepur village, Uttar Pradesh State, for meeting at a house for congregational prayer. Haryana and Karnataka States passed anticonversion laws and began enforcing them against non-Hindus. Himachal Pradesh State also passed an anticonversion law, which Christians challenged in that state’s high court. In October, the Supreme Court failed to reach agreement in a review of a Karnataka High Court ruling that upheld a Karnataka government ban on religious garb in educational institutions, including wearing hijabs in an all-girls’ school in that state. After the ruling, more than 700 signatories including senior lawyers and rights advocates expressed opposition to the ban in an open letter to the court’s chief justice. The Supreme Court referred the matter to a larger bench, which had not yet given its ruling at the end of the year. On April 26, 108 former senior government officials wrote Prime Minister Narendra Modi stating that government discrimination against religious minorities, “particularly Muslims, in states like Assam, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand,” was “undermining” the country’s constitution. In its annual report, the NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW) said the government “continued its systematic discrimination and stigmatization of religious and other minorities, particularly Muslims.” In June, several parts of the country reported violent protests and acts of arson after spokespersons Nupur Sharma and Naveen Jindal from the country’s ruling Bharativa Janata Party (BJP) party made televised remarks about the Prophet Muhammad which were widely seen as offensive by Muslims. Muslims killed two Hindus they said supported the remarks, posting a video of one victim being decapitated in Udaipur, a city in the western state of Rajasthan. The BJP suspended Sharma, who was charged with hurting religious sentiment, expelled Jindal, and issued a statement which said it “respects all religions” and “is strongly against any ideology which insults or demeans any sect or religion.” The Ministry of External Affairs noted Sharma’s comments did not reflect the views of the Indian government. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and government officials from 11 countries condemned the remarks. Attacks on members of religious minority communities, including killings, assaults, and intimidation, occurred in various states throughout the year. These included incidents of “cow vigilantism” against non-Hindus based on allegations of cow slaughter or trade in beef and incidents in which Muslim men were alleged to have married Hindu women to convert them. There were also attacks on pastors, disruption of Christian and Muslim worship services, and vandalism of churches. By November 26, the NGO United Christian Forum (UCF) said there had been 511 anti-Christian incidents around the country reported to its hotline, compared to 505 in all of 2021, and urged the government to take action in response to these incidents. Most of the incidents were reported in four states: Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, and Tamil Nadu. On April 6, the Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations of North America released its 2022 annual report and documented 761 violent incidents against Christians in the country in 2021, including neighborhood skirmishes, targeted killings, and armed assaults. In January, members of a religious civil society group wrote the president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India to ask that organization to take stronger action with the government to protect Christians in the country. In its letter, the group also said, “The violent acts against the Christian community and Muslim community or any other minority group are in complete violation of the law of the land and the Indian Constitution.” In August, the spokesperson of the Christian NGO Open Doors UK & Ireland said the situation facing Christians and other religious minorities in the country was “unprecedentedly grave.” In September, the Supreme Court directed the Ministry of Home Affairs to collect information from eight states within four months on allegations of attacks against Christians. Terrorist groups Lashkar-e-Taiyaaba and Hizbul Mujahideen killed several civilians and migrant laborers belonging to the minority Hindu and Sikh communities in Muslim-majority Jammu and Kashmir during the year, a slight decrease from the previous year. The South Asian Terrorism Portal said 30 civilians and 30 members of the security forces were killed in 151 incidents in Jammu and Kashmir during the year. The killings forced a number of Hindu families to leave for Hindu-majority districts in Jammu and Kashmir. There were also cases of communal violence between religious groups. The National Crimes Record Bureau reported 378 instances of communal violence in 2021 (most recent data) compared to 857 in 2020. Religious leaders, academics, political figures, and activists made inflammatory public remarks about religious minorities. Examples included Yati Narasinghanand Saraswati, described as a Hindu religious extremist, who urged Hindus to “take up arms” against the threat of religious conversion and Muslim rule in the country; BJP state politician Haribhushan Thakur Bachaul, who said that Muslims should be “set ablaze”; P.C. George, a former legislator in Kerala State, who encouraged Hindus and Christians to not eat at restaurants run by Muslims; and former BJP Rajasthan state legislator Gyan Dev Ahuja, who encouraged Hindus to kill Muslims suspected of cow slaughter. Police charged all four for their comments, and their cases were at different levels of investigation and prosecution at year’s end. U.S. embassy and consulate officials, including the Chargés d’Affaires, engaged with government officials, members of parliament, and politicians from multiple political parties to emphasize the importance of religious freedom and the responsibility of democracies to ensure the rights of religious minorities. Embassy and consulate officials and visiting senior officials from Washington also met with representatives of religious minorities, NGOs, civil society members, academics, and interfaith leaders to discuss the importance of religious freedom and pluralism, the value of interfaith dialogue, and the operating environment for faith-based NGOs. The Assistant Secretary of State and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs engaged with civil society representatives for their perspectives on religious freedom challenges within the country and with government officials to underscore the importance of respecting human rights, including religious freedom. #### Section I. ### Religious Demography The U.S. government estimates the total population at 1.4 billion (midyear 2022). According to the 2011 national census, the most recent year for which disaggregated figures are available, Hindus constitute 79.8 percent of the population; Muslims, 14.2 percent; Christians, 2.3 percent; and Sikhs, 1.7 percent. The World Religion Database estimates the larger religious group breakdown in 2020 as Hindus, 72.4 percent; Muslims, 14 percent; Christians, 4.8 percent; and Sikhs, 1.8 percent. From the 2011 census, groups that together constitute fewer than 2 percent of the population include Buddhists, Jains, Zoroastrians (Parsis), Jews, and Baha’is. In government statistics, the Ministry of Tribal Affairs officially identifies as Hindus more than 104 million members of Scheduled Tribes – Indigenous groups historically outside the caste system who often practice Indigenous religious beliefs – although an estimated 10 million of those listed as Scheduled Tribe members are Christians according to the 2011 census. According to government estimates, there are significant Muslim populations in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala, Assam, and the Union Territories of Lakshadweep and Jammu and Kashmir. In Lakshadweep and Jammu and Kashmir, Muslims account for 95 percent and 68.3 percent of the population, respectively. Slightly more than 85 percent of Muslims are Sunni, with the remainder mostly Shia. According to media reports during the year, there are an estimated 150,000 Ahmadi Muslims in the country. According to government estimates, Christian populations are distributed throughout the country but in greater concentrations in the northeast as well as in the states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Goa. Three northeastern states have majority Christian populations: Nagaland (90 percent), Mizoram (87 percent), and Meghalaya (70 percent). Sikhs constitute 54 percent of the population of Punjab. The Dalai Lama’s office states there are significant resettled Tibetan Buddhist communities in Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, and Uttarakhand States, and Delhi. According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and media reports, there are approximately 100,000 Tibetan Buddhists in the country. According to media reports, approximately 40,000 Muslim Rohingya refugees from Burma live in the country. #### Section II. ### Status of Government Respect for Religious Freedom ### Legal Framework The constitution mandates a secular state and provides for freedom of conscience and the right of all individuals to profess, practice, and propagate religion freely, subject to considerations of public order, morality, and health. It prohibits government discrimination based on religion, including for employment, as well as religiously based restrictions on access to public or private establishments. The constitution states that religious groups have the right to establish and maintain institutions for religious and charitable purposes, manage their own affairs in religious matters, and own, acquire, and administer property. It prohibits the use of public funds to support any religion. National and state laws make freedom of religion “subject to public order, morality, and health.” The constitution stipulates that the state shall endeavor to create a uniform civil code applicable to members of all religions across the country. Federal law empowers the government to ban religious organizations that provoke intercommunal tensions, are involved in terrorism or sedition, or violate laws governing foreign contributions. Thirteen of the country’s 28 states – Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Haryana (as of March), Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka (as of September), Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, and Uttar Pradesh – have laws restricting religious conversion. Although none of these laws mentions particular faiths, in practice they are carried out more often against non-Hindus. All 13 states that have anticonversion laws maintain broadly similar prohibitions against conversion through “force,” “inducement,” or “fraud,” which would include the provision of any gifts, promises of a better life, free education, and other standard charitable activities, and bar individuals from abetting such conversions. The law in those states also require individuals wishing to convert to another religion and clergy intending to officiate at a conversion ceremony to submit formal notification to the state government. The notification procedures require state police to determine if there are objections to the conversion. Any person may object. State governments in Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh have laws specifically imposing penalties against “forced” religious conversions for the purpose of marriage, although historically, some state high courts have dismissed cases brought under this law. Gujarat imposes sentences of between three and 10 years in prison and fines of up to 50,000 rupees ($600) for forcible or fraudulent religious conversions through marriage. Violators of anticonversion laws, including missionaries, are subject to fines and other penalties, such as prison sentences of up to three years in Chhattisgarh and up to four years in Madhya Pradesh if converts are children, women, or members of Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes. Gujarat mandates prior permission from the district magistrate for any form of conversion and punishes “forced” conversions with up to three years of imprisonment and a fine of up to 50,000 rupees ($600). In Himachal Pradesh, penalties include up to two years’ imprisonment, fines of 25,000 rupees ($300), or both. Under the laws of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, authorities may prohibit proselytizing near any place of worship, including that of the proselytizers. Punishment for violations may include imprisonment for up to three years and fines of up to 5,000 rupees ($61). The laws in those states also ban the propagation or practice of any non-Hindu religion in localities designated as “temple towns” because of the number of significant Hindu temples located in those areas. In Karnataka, the new anticonversion law stipulates a punishment of a jail term of three to five years, and a fine of 25,000 rupees ($300) in the case of proselytizing persons from general categories and a jail term of three to 10 years, and a fine of 50,000 rupees ($600) for forcibly converting children, women and persons from the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe communities. The federal penal code criminalizes “promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion” and “acts prejudicial to maintenance of harmony,” including acts causing injury or harm to religious groups and their members. The penal code also prohibits “deliberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs.” Violations of any of these provisions are punishable by imprisonment for up to three years, a fine, or both. If the offense is committed at a place of worship, imprisonment may be for up to five years. The law requires religious groups that receive foreign funding to register with the Ministry of Home Affairs. Federal law requires NGOs, including religious organizations, that are registered under the law to maintain audit reports on their accounts and a schedule of their activities and to provide these to state government officials upon request. Organizations conducting “cultural, economic, educational, religious, or social programs” that receive foreign funding are required to obtain a license. The central government may also require that licensed organizations obtain prior permission before accepting or transferring foreign funds. The central government may reject a license application or a request to transfer funds if it judges the recipient to be acting against “harmony between religious, racial, social, linguistic, or regional groups, castes, or communities.” NGOs, including religious organizations, may use 20 percent of their funding for administrative purposes and are prohibited from transferring foreign funds to any other organization or individual. The constitution states any legal reference to Hindus is to be construed to include followers of Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhism, meaning they are subject to laws regarding Hindus, such as the Hindu Marriage Act. Subsequent legislation continues to use the word Hindu as a category that includes Sikhs, Buddhists, Baha’is, and Jains, but it identifies the groups as separate religions whose followers are included under the law. Federal law provides official minority status to six religious groups: Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Parsis, Jains, and Buddhists. State governments may grant minority status under state law to religious groups that are minorities in a particular region. Members of recognized minority groups are eligible for government assistance programs. The constitution states that the government is responsible for protecting religious minorities and enabling them to preserve their culture and religious interests. Personal status laws establish civil codes for members of certain religious communities in matters of marriage, divorce, adoption, and inheritance based on religion, faith, and culture. Hindu, Christian, Parsi, Jewish, and Islamic personal-status laws are legally recognized and judicially enforceable. Personal-status issues that are not defined for a community in a separate law are covered under Hindu personal status laws. These laws, however, do not supersede national and state legislation or constitutional provisions. The government grants autonomy to the All India Muslim Personal Law Board and the Parsi community to define their customary practices. If law boards or community leaders are not able to resolve disputes, cases are referred to the civil courts. All couples marrying in a civil ceremony, which often includes interfaith couples, are generally required to provide public notice 30 days in advance – including addresses, photographs, and religious affiliation – for public comment, although this requirement varies by state. Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, or Jains who marry outside their religions face the possibility of losing their property inheritance rights under the personal status laws of those communities. The law recognizes the registration of Sikh marriages but does not include divorce provisions for Sikhs. Divorce and other Sikh personal status matters fall under Hindu codes. Under the law, any person, irrespective of religion, may seek a divorce in civil court. The constitution prohibits religious instruction in government schools. The law permits private religious schools. The law permits some Muslim, Christian, Sindhi (Hindu refugees), Parsi, and Sikh educational institutions that receive government support to set quotas for students belonging to the religious minority in question. For example, Aligarh Muslim University must admit at least 50 percent Muslims. St. Stephen’s College in Delhi and St. Xavier’s in Mumbai must admit at least 50 percent Christians. Twenty-five of the 28 states apply partial to full restrictions on bovine slaughter. Penalties vary among states and may vary based on whether the animal is a cow, calf, bull, or ox. The ban mostly affects Muslims and members of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes that traditionally consume beef. In most of the states where bovine slaughter is banned, penalties include imprisonment for six months to two years and a fine of 1,000 to 10,000 rupees ($12-$121). In Assam, penalties include minimum imprisonment of three years or a fine of between 300,000 and 500,000 rupees ($3,600-$6,100) or both, without eligibility for bail prior to trial, for slaughtering, consuming, or transporting cattle. In Karnataka, the slaughter of all cattle, except for buffalo older than 13 years, is illegal, with violators subject to imprisonment of between three and seven years and penalties of between 500,000 and 1,000,000 rupees ($6,100-$12,200). Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, and Jammu and Kashmir penalize cow slaughter with imprisonment of two to 10 years. Gujarat state law mandates a minimum 10-year sentence and a maximum sentence of life in prison for killing cows, selling beef, or illegally transporting cows or beef. Madhya Pradesh imposes fines of 25,000 to 50,000 rupees ($300- $600) and prison sentences of six months to three years for “cow vigilantism,” i.e., committing violence in the name of protecting cows. This is the only law of its kind in the country. The National Commission for Minorities, which includes representatives from the six designated religious minorities and the National Human Rights Commission, investigates allegations of religious discrimination. The Ministry of Minority Affairs may also conduct investigations. These agencies have no enforcement powers but conduct investigations based on written complaints of criminal or civil violations and submit findings to law enforcement agencies. Eighteen of the country’s 28 states and the National Capital Territory of Delhi have state minorities commissions that also investigate allegations of religious discrimination. The constitution establishes the legal basis for preferential public benefit programs for Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe communities and members of the “other backward classes,” a category for groups deemed to be socially and educationally disadvantaged. The constitution specifies that only Hindus, Sikhs, or Buddhists are eligible to be deemed members of a Scheduled Caste. As a result, Christians and Muslims qualify for benefits only if deemed to be members of “backward” classes due to their social and economic status. The government requires foreign missionaries to obtain a missionary visa. The country is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. ### Government Practices There were reports during the year of violence by government authorities against members of religious minorities. On October 4, for example, a video posted to social media showed plainclothes police from Undhela, a village in central Gujarat, publicly flogging four Muslim men accused of throwing stones and injuring worshippers during a Hindu festival, according to media reports and HRW. The Hindu celebrations reportedly occurred near a mosque at the same time as a Muslim ceremony, sparking tensions between the local Hindu and Muslim communities. According to media reports, the village head said, “Yes, I support the BJP and the BJP supports me,” and he sought a local permit to organize a Hindu procession that would march past a mosque; the local Muslim residents considered this to be a deliberate provocation. In media interviews, Gujarat Home Minister Harsh Sanghavi initially praised the police for doing a “nice job” in controlling the violence that followed the clashes. On October 7, after video of the police beating incident went viral, Gujarat Director General of Police Ashish Bhatia announced an inquiry into police behavior and confirmed that seven state police officers were being investigated for misconduct. Following communal violence in Khargone, Madhya Pradesh, on April 10, police arrested 148 individuals, most of them Muslim, and the state government bulldozed 16 homes and 29 shops largely owned by Muslims accused of inciting the violence, according to BBC News. The state’s Minister for Home Affairs, Narottam Mishra, said to local media, “If Muslims carry out such attacks, then they should not expect justice.” Media reported that he also said, “The houses where the stones have come from will be turned into a pile of stones themselves.” A local official in Khargone stated, “Finding out culprits one by one is a time-taking process, so we looked at all the areas where rioting took place and demolished all the illegal constructions to teach rioters a lesson.” A Muslim lawyer told media that the state’s government was “disproportionately punishing people of one community without following any due process.” The BBC reported that the violence began when large processions of Hindu devotees celebrating Ram Navmi marched past Muslim neighborhoods and mosques, playing music that called for violence against Muslims. Some Muslims and Hindu marchers threw stones at each other, and more violence then spread between the marchers and local residents. Some Muslims said the crowd vandalized their homes and set other structures on fire. Following the clashes, some local Hindu shop owners organized a boycott of Muslim businesses. Then-Minority Affairs Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said the violence was caused by “fringe elements” seeking “to defame India’s inclusive culture and commitment”. On June 9, the UN special rapporteurs on adequate housing, minority issues, and freedom of religion and belief wrote the government to express their “serious concerns” about the “punitive” demolitions in Khargone, which they stated were “ordered by local governments arbitrarily to punish Muslim minorities and low-income communities,” and carried out “without any consultation, due process, compensation, or advance provision of alternative housing.” The special rapporteurs stated that the demolitions “appear to have been carried out as collective punishment against the Muslim community for allegedly being responsible for the violence during the communal clashes preceding these demolitions.” They also said that “statements from government officials and ministers indicated the state’s intention to use demolitions as a form of punishment.” The special rapporteurs said that authorities in Gujarat and North Delhi had demolished mostly Muslim-owned structures after intercommunal violence in those areas in April. The Supreme Court, however, suspended demolitions in Delhi in the aftermath of the violence. On June 12, authorities in Uttar Pradesh bulldozed Muslim activist Afreen Fatima’s home because it was “illegally built,” they said. Advocates stated it was a retaliation for her activism. In response to the rise in bulldozing, particularly in Uttar Pradesh, the Supreme Court said in a statement on June 16 that it could not impose a blanket ban on demolitions throughout the country, although it also said that “demolitions have to be in accordance with the law, they cannot be retaliatory.” The court was responding to a petition filed by Muslim group Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind which called for a blanket ban on such demolitions. The group’s lawyer told the media, “What is being done [demolitions] is unconstitutional and shocking. It is being done by targeting a community” without advance notice. An attorney and a spokesman for the Uttar Pradesh government said that it had “followed the law” and “only razed homes that were illegally built, irrespective of community.” In July, the Supreme Court rejected the Jamiat-e-Ulema-Hind petition, stating that such a blanket ban could restrain municipal authorities from legally acting against unauthorized construction. During the year, some courts acted on previous cases involving the deaths or detentions of members of religious minorities or violence between religious groups. In February, the Allahabad High Court in Uttar Pradesh ordered the exhumation of the body of a Muslim man who died in police custody in Kasganj in November 2021 and a new postmortem examination of the remains, after the deceased’s father filed a petition in the court alleging that his son was murdered by the police. The government had ordered a magisterial inquiry and suspended five policemen for “negligence on duty” in the case. Police said that the man committed suicide; his family said he died after being turned in by local Hindu activists and beaten and physically abused by police because he planned to marry a Hindu woman. The man’s father told the Guardian, “police murdered my son and then gave me money to say he was depressed and took his own life.” The father said he filed the petition to seek “justice”. There was no further information available on this case at year’s end. On August 15, the 11 men convicted of raping Muslim Bilkis Bano and murdering 14 members of her family in 2002 were set free in Gujarat after serving 15 years in prison. The men were part of a Hindu crowd that was accused of assaulting Bano and her family during communal violence that year. They had been serving life sentences for rape and murder. Gujarat officials said that a state government panel approved the application for release based on the men’s ages and good behavior, and the fact they had served more than 14 years in prison since their trial in 2008. According to media reports, however, the Gujarat government submitted a document to the Supreme Court revealing that it had sought the federal government’s approval for the release under a remission policy, which was granted by the Ministry of Home Affairs in July. The men’s release was criticized by opposition parties, activists, and several journalists, who said it discriminated against the country’s Muslims. More than 6,000 activists, historians and citizens issued a statement urging the Supreme Court to revoke the early release, describing it as a “grave miscarriage of justice” which contravened federal and Gujarat state guidelines which stated that rape and murder convicts could not be granted remission. Media reported that some Hindu nationalists publicly celebrated their release. In December, the Supreme Court rejected a petition by Bano seeking a review of the release decision. The court held that the Gujarat government was the proper authority to decide upon the matter. On September 7, media outlets reported that the Odisha High Court rejected the parole petitions of Dara Singh and three codefendants in the killing of Australian Christian missionary Graham Staines and his two sons in 1999. Dara and 12 others were sentenced in 2003 after being convicted of killing the victims during an attack on the Catholic Church in Jamubani village, Mayurbhanj District, in Odisha in 1999. Dara was serving separate life sentences for the Staines’s murders and the killing of Roman Catholic priest Father Arul Doss the same year. On October 18, the Delhi High Court rejected a bail petition filed by Muslim student Umar Khalid, who was arrested and imprisoned following the 2020 Hindu- Muslim riots in northeast Delhi, in which 35 Muslims and 18 Hindus were killed. Khalid told a lower court in 2020 he had spent time in solitary confinement. Prominent civil society groups demanded his release in 2020, describing Khalid as a “defender of human rights” and a “peace activist. The court said it could find no reasonable grounds to reject the charges that Khalid had been part of a conspiracy to trigger the riots. He was granted interim bail for a week in December but remained in prison at year’s end. On November 21, the Delhi High Court began considering bail pleas by six others arrested during the 2020 riots, including Muslim Khalid Saifi, founder of the NGO United against Hate. Saifi was among those charged under antiterrorism laws of organizing the 2020 protests. According to media reports, by February, Delhi police had arrested 2,456 individuals in connection with the riots and formally charged a total of 1,610 persons, including 798 Hindus and 812 Muslims. Delhi police also said that 318 of the 758 cases opened after the riots remained unsolved. On February 21, HRW stated that the government’s investigation into the 2020 Delhi riots was heavily biased against activists. HRW said Delhi police filed politically motivated charges against 18 activists, 16 of whom were Muslim. The NGO said the government should drop the charges against the 18 and release them immediately. HRW’s South Asia Director Meenakshi Ganguly stated, “Indian authorities have been targeting activists for harassment and arrest instead of impartially investigating allegations that BJP leaders incited violence and police officials were complicit in attacks.” The HRW report also said only 92 of the 758 cases related to the riots opened by police had reached trial stage as of February. The riots followed peaceful protests around the country against the Citizenship Amendment Act, passed in late 2019, which provided an expedited path to citizenship for Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi, and Christian migrants from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh who had entered the country on or before December 31, 2014. Similarly situated Muslims, Jews, members of other faiths, and atheists from these three countries were not included. In October, a report drafted by a citizens committee composed of former Supreme Court justices, former judges from other high courts, and a former national government official reviewed 752 of the 758 cases and identified weaknesses in police actions that could have prevented or lessened the violence and discrepancies in the police investigations afterwards. The report stated the national and state governments “failed to fulfil their solemn obligation to safeguard lives, property and the rule of law (in handling the riots). More than two years since the violence, glaring issues of accountability remain unaddressed.” The report said there were “multiple instances of apparent police complicity” in violent actions against protestors, who were mostly Muslim. The report stated it was “anti-Muslim hate at the root of the previolence build-up [that] carried over into the actual violence.” The report concluded, “It is our view that engineered hate, enabled by the complicity of state actors, culminated in violence towards cementing a firm sectarian divide. In this attempt to alter social relations, Muslim identity and agency stand noticeably diminished.” On October 11, the Maharashtra state government transferred the investigation of the 2020 killing of three Hindu monks to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). The BJP government in Maharashtra stated that police under the previous government had carried out a shoddy investigation and shielded the culprits. In the 2020 incident, a crowd pulled the three monks from a police vehicle and killed them, alleging that they were child kidnappers. Government authorities took action in response to complaints of forced religious conversions during the year, including arresting Christians accused of forcing others to convert, arresting Hindus who attacked those accused of forcing others to convert, and ordering investigations into cases of possible forced conversions by Christians and Muslims. In some cases, Christian groups said police sometimes aided crowds who disrupted worship services they said were forcibly converting Hindus. Three states also enacted anticonversion legislation. According to NGO International Christian Concern (ICC), Pastor Ramesh Vasuniya was arrested along with five congregants as he conducted a Sunday service in a house church in Padalya village on January 15. He was charged with forced conversion. Another pastor was arrested with two of his congregants in Bisoli village in the same district, according to the NGO. ICC said that police beat the three arrested in Bisoli, confiscated Bibles and materials from that pastor’s house, and demanded that his wife pay 300,000 rupees ($3,600) or “never see her husband again.” In September, a court in Madhya Pradesh granted bail to Vasuniya and the others arrested with him. In its report covering events during the year, the NGO Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC) said Christians had been “increasingly targeted using these anticonversion laws,” as “allegations of forced conversion, no matter if false, have led many Christians to be attacked, arrested and detained by police.” In late January and early February, the NGO said there were 14 instances of anti-Christian violence and 12 cases in which Christians were arrested for allegedly converting Hindus forcibly in Madhya Pradesh. According to the NGO, such attacks continued in March when a pastor in Jodhikapur, Uttar Pradesh, was forced to remain in his home as a crowd gathered outside while he was leading a prayer meeting. The crowd shouted, “bring the traitor out” and “rid India of Christian priests”. Local police later arrived and arrested the pastor and his wife for “unlawful conversion, criminal intimidation, and intentionally insulting religion.” In January, Tamil Nadu police arrested Catholic Sister Sahaya Mary, a hostel warden at the Sacred Heart Higher Secondary School in Michaelpatti, Thanjavur District. She was charged with aiding and abetting the suicide of a minor after a teenage student at the hostel killed herself, but local Hindu organizations alleged that forced conversion was the real reason for the girl’s death, and circulated that theory widely on social media, according to press reports. The school administration stated that the report filed by police about the incident did not mention forced conversion. The spokesperson for the diocese of Thanjavur said the allegations of forced conversion were “false and prefabricated” since all Sister Sahaya Mary had done was “give hospitality to a girl in difficulty.” The Thanjavur Principal Sessions Court granted the nun bail, and police released her 18 days after the arrest. The case was pending as of year’s end. The Atlantic reported that police arrived with a crowd that disrupted a Holy Week service in Uttar Pradesh on April 14. The lawyer for the church said police simply arrested the entire congregation without confirming that anyone was being converted. According to A. C. Michael, a former member of the Delhi Minorities Commission and the national coordinator of the United Christian Forum, none of the arrests in this case and others like it had led to convictions for conversion. On May 26, Goa police arrested Pastor Dominic D’Souza under the state’s Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisement) Act for allegedly enticing a person to convert to Christianity in North Goa. The court granted bail the day after the arrest. Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant alleged that the pastor claimed to use “magic” to compel conversion. Investigation into this case was still ongoing at years end. The NGO ICC said that 30 Christians were jailed on charges of forced conversion in May in the state of Uttar Pradesh alone, including 20 in one week. ICC President Jeff King said, “India’s anticonversion laws are not a means to protect religious freedom, but rather a mechanism for the government to oppress and punish religious minorities.” In June, according to media reports, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) asked the superintendent of police of Khunti, Jharkhand to conduct an inquiry following allegations that members of a local Catholic church illegally converted to Christianity 12 individuals from the Munda tribal community, including 10 children, in Kamda Sirkatoli village on May 22. Media reported that the incident was not the first conversion attempt by the church in the area. Villagers said that the 12 had been “taken to the church” to be educated but were then converted.” No further developments were reported concerning the inquiry by year’s end. On August 8, media outlets reported the arrest of P. Uthaman, a member of the Hindu nationalist Hindu Munnani (Hindu Front), for attacking three Christian preachers at Nanjundapuram, Coimbatore, in Tamil Nadu. Uthaman was released two days later, and the case was closed. The three Christian preachers were wearing shirts with Bible verses and had come to the area to visit a relative; they accused Uthaman of assaulting them for proselytizing. Media also reported that a crowd of Hindu Munnani members protested Uthaman’s arrest outside the police station. On September 17, a court in Amroha, Uttar Pradesh sentenced a Muslim man to five years in prison under the state’s anticonversion law for abducting a minor and forcing her religious conversion. This was the first conviction under the law since it came into effect in 2020. As of November, according to state officials, Uttar Pradesh police had filed 291 cases and arrested 507 persons under the law since 2020. According to media reports, the victims in 150 of those cases said they were converted forcibly; 59 of the cases involved alleged conversions of children. On October 13, police in Karnataka arrested a Muslim man, Syed Mueen, under the new Karanataka anticonversion law, for allegedly converting a Hindu woman under the pretext of marrying her. This was the first arrest under the law. Mueen remained in jail at year’s end and police were investigating the case. As of December 30, Karnataka had filed nine cases under the new law, which were at different stages of investigation. Christian community leaders in the state expressed concerns the law could be misused against Christian missions. In addition, some opposition politicians expressed concern about the law and its broad definition of conversion by “allurement.” A member of the Karnataka legislative assembly said, “Say, I run a hospital. If I provide free treatment to a patient, this law can be misused to say that it was a gift for religious conversion.” The Irish NGO Church in Chains reported that police arrested nine pastors for conversion activities in Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, on November 28. One of the pastors was hosting a wedding reception in his home for his daughter and son- in-law when police arrived, arrested the host, eight others, and the just- married couple on charges of conducting illegal conversions and confiscated Bibles and other Christian materials. On December 1, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) Hindu nationalist organization released a list of what it said were 400 examples of “love jihad” (a derogatory term referring to Muslim men seeking to marry women from other faiths to convert them to Islam) that had taken place in the country between 2009 and 2022 and called on the national government to outlaw such marriages. VHP Joint General Secretary Surendra Jain said that “love jihad” was the “most heinous, cruel and inhuman of the various forms of jihad.” According to media, Jain stated, “There is a strong need for a strict central law to prevent love jihad and illegal conversions, which create social discontent and threats to national security.” On March 22, the Haryana state assembly passed an anticonversion bill. The state’s home minister said the law was intended “to prevent religious conversions through force, undue influence or allurement,” according to media reports. The law set penalties of one to five years in prison and a fine of not less than 100,000 rupees ($1,200) for such religious conversions and three to 10 years’ imprisonment and a fine of not less than 300,000 rupees ($3,600) if the conversion were carried out through marriage. The law specifies that any marriages found to be carried out for the purpose of religious conversion shall be annulled. Father Savarimuthu Sankar, spokesman for the Catholic Archdiocese of Delhi, told media, “The bill looks politically motivated because we all know that our constitution provides us the freedom to choose any religion according to our free will. It is our fundamental right.” Sankar also stated, “the anticonversion laws were enacted in mostly BJP-ruled states to target Christians and Muslims,” according to media reports. Secretary General Mohammad Salim Engineer of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind said that the bill “is just to serve a political agenda. The state government is trying to retain power by impressing upon majority Hindus that their faith and traditions will be endangered if the BJP loses power.” He also said, “The government is trying to divide people in the name of religion, caste, and creed to remain in power and this bill will help them, as they can misuse this bill to harass the minorities group.” Haryana Chief Minister Monohar Lal-Khattar told the media that specific religions were not mentioned in the bill, which was “not designed to discriminate against any religion and only deals with forcible conversions.” On August 13, Himachal Pradesh passed a freedom of religion bill that modified the existing law by deeming the conversion of two or more persons at a time illegal and increasing the maximum punishment for mass conversion from seven years in prison to 10 years. The law also removes state benefits from any member of the Scheduled Tribes or Scheduled Castes who converts to another religion. The state’s minister for law and parliamentary affairs said to media that the Scheduled Caste community had pressed the government to take stronger action against religious conversions. In an interview with the online news site Religion Unplugged, the coordinator of the NGO UCF said, “This [the Himachal Pradesh law] is an attack on our fundamental right; we have the right to propagate our religion. I am not against such laws, but new laws should be brought in when there is a need for it. In India, Christians are not forcing Hindus to convert by any means. There is no evidence of someone being held at gunpoint to convert to Christianity.” Christian rights groups challenged the Himachal Pradesh law in that state’s high court. According to UCF, 42 challenges to religious conversion laws were pending in courts around the country in April. On September 21, the Karnataka state assembly enacted an anticonversion bill, the Protection of Right to Freedom of Religion Act, becoming the first state in the south of the country to do so. The new law prescribed punishment of up to five years’ imprisonment for conversions due to “force, undue influence, coercion, allurement or any fraudulent means including the promise of marriage.” On September 16, Archbishop Peter Machado of Bangalore told media that the Catholic Church filed a challenge against the new law in the state’s high court. In a statement, Machado said that the entire Christian community in the state was “deeply disturbed and “greatly pained” by the new law. In May, he told media that the Karnataka law was “irrelevant and malicious” and “aimed at dividing the Christians from other religious minorities.” President Sajan K. George of the Global Council of Indian Christians, called the law “draconian.” The court had not taken action on the church’s challenge to the law by year’s end. On December 20, Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis of Maharashtra told the media that the state government would “study” the laws adopted in other states to criminalize “love jihad” with the goal of introducing similar legislation. In December, the Uttarakhand government amended its existing anticonversion law to make mass conversions a crime punishable with a jail term up to 10 years, and a fine of up to 50,000 rupees ($600). The law defined “mass conversion” as one involving two or more persons. The amended law also set a jail term of up to 10 years and a fine of up to 25,000 rupees ($300) for forcibly converting a member of the Scheduled Tribes or Scheduled Castes. Previously, the state’s anticonversion legislation set penalties of one to five years in prison and a fine of 50,000 rupees ($600) for forced religious conversion. On April 8, the Supreme Court upheld 2020 amendments to the Foreign Contributions Regulation Act (FCRA) that were criticized by NGOs, including religious organizations, as constraining civil society by reducing the amount of foreign funding that NGOs could use for administrative purposes and adding onerous oversight and certification requirements. In its decision, the court observed that “receiving foreign funding was not an absolute right.” The court upheld the government’s justification for the amendments and noted that the “strict FCRA regime had become essential due to past experiences of abuse and misutilization of foreign contributions.” Some organizations working on religious programs or advocacy reported difficulties in obtaining registration approval for their activities. On July 26, Minister of State for Union Home Affairs Nityanand Rai told parliament that the government cancelled the registration certificates of 1,811 associations across the country under the provisions of the FCRA between 2019 and 2021, while 783 applications for renewals were denied. No religious association or related NGO reported its certificate cancelled. During the year, there were reports of governmental action affecting the religious acts of minority religious groups. On May 24, the Bhadrak district administration in Odisha closed the sole church in Geltua village, invoking Section 144 of the Criminal Code, which bans gatherings of four or more individuals when needed to keep the peace. The authorities acted after Bajrang Dal activists alleged the church was forcibly converting tribal people to Christianity, and local officials said that church activity could inflame local communal tensions. The district sub collector ordered an investigation, declared the church had “breached the peace” between local Christian and non- Christian communities, and ordered the church building closed. It remained closed at year’s end. The Associated Press (AP) reported that police arrested “dozens” of Shiite Muslims in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir on August 7, as they took part in processions without permits marking the Muslim month of Muharram. The AP said that the Muslims were defying security restrictions in the area, which included a ban on Shiite mourning processions during Muharram that had been in effect for the previous 25 years. On August 22, the Karnataka High Court dismissed a public interest petition objecting to the Muslim call to prayer broadcast from loudspeakers in mosques around the state. According to media reports, the petitioner, a Hindu in Bengaluru, stated that the call to prayer infringed on the religious freedom of non-Muslims. The court ruled that the call to prayer was as an essential religious practice for Muslims and that such religious practices were protected within the provisions of the constitution. The court directed authorities, however, to ensure that loudspeakers did not violate noise pollution rules. On August 29, international media reported that police arrested 26 Muslims in Dulhepur village, Uttar Pradesh, for meeting at a house for prayer; the village did not have a mosque. The local police superintendent said “scores of people” assembled at the house “without permission to offer namaz [prayer]” despite being cautioned in the past not to do so, because of neighbors’ objections. In January, students at an all-girls’ high school in the Udupi District of Karnataka protested the state of Karnataka’s restrictions on wearing religious garb in educational institutions, particularly a ban against wearing hijabs in their school. According to the BBC, school staff said students could wear the hijab on campus, but not inside classroom; the protesters said they should be allowed to cover their hair in the classroom as well and that the ban was discriminatory. When protests spread to other schools, including some in which Hindu students wore saffron-colored scarfs to oppose the hijabs, the state closed schools for three days, the BBC reported. Students in Kolkata and Chennai also demonstrated in solidarity with the Karnataka protestors. The Karnataka education minister agreed with school authorities, who said that both the scarfs and hijabs should be banned on campuses; he blamed the controversy on “politics” fueled by the Popular Front of India Party seeking to gain seats in the next state election. That party was banned in September for having links to terror groups, according to the government. The BBC said that supporters of the right to wear a hijab petitioned the Karnataka High Court, arguing that choosing what to wear was a fundamental right guaranteed by the constitution and challenging the state’s right to impose a dress code on schools. On March 15, the Karnataka High Court upheld the state government’s order banning hijabs in the school in Udupi, ruling the state could impose dress requirements on students and stating wearing a hijab was “not an essential part of religious practice.” In light of the Karnataka ruling, VHP leaders said they would press for similar hijab bans in schools in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh States. Gujarat VHP Secretary Ashok Raval said to media, “The hijab is not allowed in the defense forces, police, and government offices, then why the insistence on hijab in schools and colleges? It is an attempt to raise communal tensions.” On October 13, after supporters of the students appealed the Karnataka High Court’s ruling, the Supreme Court issued a split decision. BBC News said one of the two justices reviewing the case agreed that Karnataka could set a dress code banning the hijab, while the other ruled that the lower court ruling was wrong because wearing a hijab was a matter of personal choice. The two justices recommended that a larger bench of the Supreme Court review the issue. The larger bench had had not yet issued its ruling at the end of the year. After the split ruling, more than 700 signatories, including senior lawyers and rights advocates, expressed opposition to the hijab ban in an open letter to the Supreme Court’s chief justice. State governments took actions during the year that affected the use of property by religious groups. On February 15, for example, local authorities removed a statue of Jesus from outside the St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Gokunte village, Kolar District, Karnataka, damaging the statue base in the process. According to UCA News, the official in charge of the removal said that the statue was built on government land which was reserved as grazing pasture for cattle. He also said the action was in compliance with an order from the Karnataka High Court. Church officials disagreed, saying the High Court had not ruled on the status of the property and that the church had lower court rulings which protected the property, based on a Karnataka law passed in 2021. Church officials also said to media that they were given no advance warning that the statue would be moved and that it had stood outside the church for 30 years. They said the removal was part of the government’s “agenda to target minority Christians and Muslims.” The spokesman for the Bangalore Diocese said it would pursue additional legal action. On August 2, according to media reports, municipal authorities demolished a three-year-old mosque at Shamshabad near Hyderabad in Telangana after receiving complaints from the local Hindu community about the building’s legal status. The Muslim All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) and the Majlis Bachao Tehreek (MBT) political parties protested the demolition, including by carrying out a sit-in at the municipal government offices, and alleged that the mosque was demolished before the court had considered the dispute. MBT leader Amjedullah Khan told media that this was the sixth mosque demolished in the state since the Telangana Rashtra Samithi Party came to power in 2014. He said the building was demolished at 3:00 in the morning with police assistance. In response to a request from the AIMIM, the Telangana state government ruled the mosque could be reconstructed on the same plot of land. Some courts around the country issued rulings which affected the properties of religious groups. On July 4, the Madras High Court rejected a petition to prohibit a non-Hindu Tamil Nadu state minister from entering the Adi Kesava Perumal Temple at Thiruvattaru in Kanyakumari District during the Hindu Kumbabishekam festival. The court ruled it was impracticable for authorities to check the religion of visitors to the temple. The court also stated that non-Hindus who believed in the Hindu deities could not be prevented from entering a Hindu temple to offer prayers. According to media reports, the petitioners said that the state official in question, Minister of Information and Technology Mano Thangaraj, had been invited by the state’s Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department to visit the temple. On August 22, the Karnataka state government informed the High Court it would establish a management committee composed of Hindus and Muslims under the Karnataka Hindu Religious Institutions and Charitable Endowments Act of 1997 to manage Sri Dattatreya Bababudan Swamy Peetha-Dargah, a disputed cave shrine located at Bababudangiri Hills in Chikkamagaluru District in Karnataka. Both Hindus and Muslims have claimed ownership of the shrine for several years. The decision violated a 2021 ruling by a judge that only the Sajjada Nasheen (Sufi Muslim custodian) of the shrine could determine how the shrine would be used. On August 26, the Kerala High Court ordered the state government to close all unlicensed religious facilities. The court order came on a petition filed by the Muslim Noorul Islam Samskarika Sangam organization, which sought to convert a commercial building into a place of worship. The municipal government denied the request because 36 mosques were situated within a five- kilometer (three-mile) radius of the commercial building. The Muslim group then petitioned the High Court, which agreed with the municipality’s denial. According to media reports, the High Court’s ruling stated, “If every Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jew, [or] Parsi devotee starts to construct religious places and prayer halls near their residence, the state will face serious consequences, including communal disharmony.” The High Court’s ruling also said that while the country’s constitution “ensures right to maintain religious institutions, it does not mean people can construct religious places everywhere.” In March, the government re-opened the 600-year-old Jamia Mosque in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, which had been closed due to COVID-19 restrictions and the 2019 revocation of Jammu and Kashmir’s semi-autonomous status. On April 28, however, local authorities closed the facility for the final Ramadan service, citing concerns about controlling the large crowd expected, according to media. Media also reported that authorities were concerned about possible protests in the mosque following the arrests of 13 Muslims for disrupting Friday prayers on April 8 by shouting anti-government slogans. The mosque re- opened after Ramadan and remained open most other days. On November 9, the Allahabad High Court dismissed a 2021 petition challenging a special CBI court’s September 2020 acquittal of all 32 persons, including senior BJP politicians, charged in the 1992 demolition of the Babri Mosque in Ayodhya. The court accepted the CBI’s claim that the petitioners were neither complainants nor victims in the original case and hence did not have standing to appeal. The All-India Muslim Personal Law Board announced in December that it would file a petition in the Supreme Court against the acquittals in the CBI court. In August, local officials in Assam demolished three madrassahs in the Bongaigaon, Barpeta, and Morigaon Districts they said had supported terrorist groups. Police arrested 37 persons, including imams and madrassah teachers, for alleged links to the Ansarullah Bangla Team, an affiliate of Al Qaeda in the Indian subcontinent. Speaking to journalists, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma described the demolished madrassahs as terrorist hubs that had been constructed illegally. In September, media outlets reported that the Assam state government mandated that all of the approximately 3,000 Muslim community-run madrassahs in the state register on a government portal and comply with state regulations. Badruddin Ajmal, a member of parliament and president of the Muslim-majority All India United Democratic Front Party, stated the BJP government and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, a groups widely described as Hindu nationalist, were “targeting Muslims.” In September, the Uttar Pradesh government conducted a survey of approximately 16,000 madrassahs in that state. The government said the survey was intended to collect information on the quality of education provided at the madrassahs, the availability of teachers, and whether facilities met the standards of the NCPCR. Opposition parties and some Muslim organizations claimed the survey was intended to interfere with the operation of private madrassahs. The survey revealed that more than 6,000 private madrassahs in the state were unregistered. The survey also revealed a high drop-out rate among students of madrassahs. Throughout the year, media reported on plans of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) to remove selected topics related to history and social science from textbooks used in grades six to 12. Media reported that under the CBSE plan, the textbooks would not include material covering non-Hindu governments, rulers or persons, such as the Muslim Mughal courts, or instances of violence against non-Hindus, such as the Gujarat riots in 2002. The revised textbooks would include verses from Hindu religious texts. Critics said removing this material would be detrimental to minorities such as Muslims and Dalits. Historian Irfan Habib said that those who revised the textbooks “seemed to have only a single-minded agenda of implementing (a) regressive and sectarian vision, an exclusivist idea of India.” In December, Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan announced that the CBSE’s “corrected” version of the country’s history under the National Education Policy would go into effect in 2023. The “Prevention of Mob Violence and Mob Lynching Bill,” passed by the Jharkhand Legislative Assembly in December 2021 with the stated aim of reducing lynching and violence related to allegations of cow slaughter in the state, did not come into effect during the year. Rather, the state governor returned the bill to the legislature in March, seeking clarifications from the state government on definition of a “mob” and asking the bill to be “in consonance with the well-defined legal lexicon.” The Jharkhand bill, intended to maintain “peace, communal harmony, and brotherhood” in the state, would, if enacted, become the fourth such law after those in Manipur, Rajasthan, and West Bengal. In March, Jharkhand Parliamentary Affairs Minister Alamgir Alam told the legislative assembly that 51 persons accused of lynching related to cow slaughter or beef sale/consumption in that state between 2016 and 2021 had been sentenced to life in prison and fined a total of 1.99 million rupees ($25,000), paid as compensation to victims’ families. There were government actions during the year that some minority religious groups and observers described as damaging. On May 29, the Assam state government announced it would issue official “minority certificates” similar to the Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Caste certificates issued by the national government to six religious communities: Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis, and Sikhs. Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said the certificates would ensure access to government programs and scholarships for minority group members. The state’s family welfare minister told media that the Assam Minorities Development Board had requested the new certificates. Opposition parties, including the Muslim-majority All India United Democratic Front, criticized the policy as divisive and unnecessary, because the national constitution already specified which groups were given official minority status. According to media reports, some Muslim groups were concerned by the chief minister’s public explanation that minority groups would be redefined in each district, “depending upon the geography, population and threat perception” in the area. The spokesman for the Assam Christian Forum asked media, “Who is the government of Assam to certify me as a Christian?” and “How could the government identify anyone’s religious beliefs simply by their name?” Media reported that some smaller non-Muslim minority communities including Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs welcomed the initiative. The new certificates had not been issued by year’s end, as the Assam government worked out the details. In September, the Maharashtra state government commissioned the Tata Institute of Social Sciences to analyze any educational, economic, and social factors that were impeding the economic development of the Muslim community in the state. In a statement, the government said it intended to use the findings of the Tata Institute study to “increase (Muslim) participation in the important sectors of the economy.” The study had not been completed at year’s end. On October 17, the government filed an affidavit in the Supreme Court stating that it would appoint a law commission to study the demand to enact a uniform civil code for people of different religious denominations. The affidavit stated, “citizens of different religious denominations followed their own property and matrimonial laws which posed a threat to the national unity.” In November, the government appointed the commission. The constitution stipulates that the state shall endeavor to create a uniform civil code applicable to members of all religions across the country. Some outside observers stated that government actions targeted religious minorities, and that the government failed to protect religious minorities from attacks. At an international summit February 26-28 organized by 20 global civil rights NGOs, participants discussed the international community’s obligation to take steps to prevent hate crimes, including violence and hate speech. One of the organizers of the summit stated, “The international community has a moral obligation to act now to prevent a cataclysmic turn of events in India, where millions of Muslims and other marginalized communities are already living in fear and experiencing the rapidly shrinking space for civil rights and religious freedom.” On April 26, following communal violence in Khargone and other areas of the country, 108 former government officials, including former cabinet secretaries, police officials, and diplomats, wrote Prime Minister Modi. Calling themselves the Constitutional Conduct Group, the former officials said the recent “frenzy of hate-filled destruction” against religious minorities in the country was undermining the constitution. They said the escalation of “hate violence” against minority communities, particularly Muslims, in states like Assam, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand “has acquired a frightening new dimension,” and the “hate and malevolence directed against Muslims seems to have embedded itself deep in the recesses of the structures, institutions, and processes of governance in the states in which the BJP is in power.” They stated, “The administration of law, instead of being an instrument for maintaining peace and harmony, has become the means by which the minorities can be kept in a state of perpetual fear.” They said Modi’s silence “in the face of this enormous societal threat” was “deafening,” and that he should “call for an end to the politics of hate that governments under your party’s control are so assiduously practicing.” In June, a panel of international experts under the auspices of the Center for Human Rights, the University of the Free State, and the Amsterdam International Law Clinic released a report which stated that a series of “laws, policies, or conduct” of the central or state governments targeted or affected Muslims disproportionately in violation of international law and called for an independent investigation of these actions. At the report’s launch event, Stephen Rapp, former U.S. Ambassador at Large for Global Criminal Justice and a member of the panel, said “the government of India’s failure to address these issues further dehumanizes India’s Muslims and increases their vulnerability to violence.” At the UN Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review of India in December, 14 nations recommended that the country take steps including reinforcing efforts to protect the rights of all minorities as enshrined in its constitution; repealing laws used to prevent, discourage, or prosecute religious conversion; ensuring that laws governing freedom of religion are fully enforced, especially for members of religious minorities; investigating all cases of religious violence and discrimination on religious grounds, including against Muslims and other religious minorities; and condemning and addressing hate speech against Muslims and other minorities. In its annual report, HRW said the government “continued its systematic discrimination and stigmatization of religious and other minorities, particularly Muslims.” The HRW report stated that supporters of the ruling BJP “increasingly committed violent attacks against targeted groups.” South Asia Director for HRW Meenakshi Ganguly said to media, “The BJP government’s promotion of Hindu majoritarian ideology provokes authorities and supporters to engage in discriminatory and at times violent actions against religious minorities.” HRW also said, “authorities in several BJP-ruled states demolished Muslim homes and properties without legal authorization or due process as summary punishment for protests or alleged crimes.” HRW also stated that authorities “misused” laws forbidding forced religious conversions “to target Christians, especially from Dalit and Adivasi communities”. During the year, some politicians and government officials made public statements that some religious minority groups viewed as controversial or derogatory. According to media reports, on May 7, BJP state legislator Haribhushan Thakur Bachaul said during an event in Patna, Bihar, that Muslims should be “set ablaze, just as Hindus burn effigies during the Dussehra festival.” In February, Bachaul said that Muslims living in the country should be stripped of voting rights and treated as “second class citizens,” prompting a protest in the Bihar Legislative Assembly by members of the opposition. On May 14, Home Minister Amit Shah, while addressing a public meeting in Hyderabad, promised to end employment and educational quotas for religious minorities in Telangana if the BJP were voted to power in the state election due in late 2023. In 2017, the Telangana legislature increased quotas for Muslims from 4 percent to 12 percent and for Scheduled Tribes from 6 percent to 10 percent in education and government jobs. Shah said that the additional religion-based reservations actually reduced quotas for Dalits, Scheduled Tribes, and other government-defined “backward” classes, which are established in the constitution. On May 26, BJP spokespersons Nupur Sharma and Naveen Jindal made televised remarks which Muslims widely believed were derogatory to the Prophet Muhammad. On June 9, protests against their remarks began in several parts of the country. Muslim crowds demonstrated in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, West Bengal, and Telangana States, many gathering after Friday prayers at local mosques, according to media reports. In Ranchi, Jharkhand, media reports said two demonstrators died of bullet injuries on June 10, and 13 other persons, including police personnel, were injured after protests turned violent and police fired in the air to disperse a crowd throwing stones. Police said they were investigating the deaths. Local authorities imposed a curfew to end the violence. In West Bengal, protests took place through June 12 in Muslim neighborhoods in Howrah, Murshidabad, Kolkata, and Nadia Districts. Media outlets said West Bengal police arrested more than 100 individuals for acts of violence and arson during the protests, while Uttar Pradesh police arrested more than 200. On June 13, clerics of the Bengal Imam Association urged the West Bengal government to prohibit public protests to prevent further violence. Several Muslim majority nations formally protested Sharma and Jindal’s statements. Media reports said the BJP suspended Sharma from her position on June 5, pending further investigation, and expelled Jindal from the party the same day. In a statement, the BJP said it “respects all religions,” and “is strongly against any ideology which insults or demeans any sect or religion.” The Ministry of External Affairs stated Sharma’s views did not represent the views of the government. Media outlets also reported that Muslim groups around the country filed police complaints against Sharma for her comments. Sharma issued an apology for her remarks but was charged on May 28 with hurting religious sentiment. She was not arrested, and a date for her trial had not been set by year’s end. In June, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and government officials from 11 countries (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Pakistan, Afghanistan, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Oman, and Maldives) condemned the remarks. On August 24, Telangana police arrested BJP state legislator T. Raja Singh for remarks about the Prophet Muhammad that were deemed offensive. The lawmaker’s comments led to protests among the Muslim community in Hyderabad. In response, the BJP suspended T. Raja Singh from the party. On November 9, the Telangana High Court set aside the preventative detention order against Singh and ordered his release. The court ordered him, however, not to make any provocative speech against any religion, not to post any derogatory or offensive material on social media, and not to host or participate in any celebratory rally or meeting after his release, according to media. In September, Mohan Bhagwat, the chief of the RSS, met with five prominent members of the Muslim community to listen to their concerns and discuss how to promote communal harmony between the Muslim and Hindu communities. Bhagwat reportedly committed to continued meetings for the purpose of improving relations between Muslim and Hindu communities. Bhagwat also met with Umer Ahmed Ilyasi, head of the All India Imam Organization, at a Delhi-area madrassah run by that organization. Media reported that some Muslim groups welcomed Bhagwat’s engagement, while others described it as “just optics” and preparation for the 2024 parliamentary elections. In 2021, Bhagwat had stated publicly that Hindus and Muslims in the country should not be treated differently because of religion and that killing non-Hindus for cow slaughter was an act against Hinduism. The government also took some action against other public statements that religious groups said they considered derogatory. Media outlets reported that on January 12, the Supreme Court agreed to review a petition against Pooja Shakun Pandey, a member of the Hindu Mahasabha political party, and other Hindu leaders for remarks they made during a conference in Haridwar, Uttarakhand, in December 2021. Retired judge Anjana Prakash filed the petition, which said the anti-Muslim remarks made at the conference posed “a grave threat not just to the unity and integrity of our country but also endanger the lives of millions of Muslim citizens.” According to CNN, a video from the conference showed Pandey saying, “If 100 of us (Hindus) become soldiers and are prepared to kill two million (Muslims), then we will win … protect India, and make it a Hindu nation.” The court was reviewing the petition at year’s end. On January 14, police arrested Yati Narsinghanand Saraswati, who they described as a religious extremist, and charged him with inciting religious violence in remarks at the same conference as Pandey. Narsinghanand had called upon Hindus to “take up weapons” against Muslims and wage a war against “Islamic jihad” for the protection of Hindus and could face five years in prison if convicted. Released on bail in April, he urged a Hindu audience to take up arms if a Muslim were ever elected prime minister. In September, Delhi police charged Narsinghanand again for making inflammatory remarks against Muslims and educational institutions dedicated to Muslims. He was again released on bail, and his trial was underway at year’s end. Also in January, the Catholic News Agency reported that the Madras High Court ruled that Father George Ponnaiah would be tried on hate speech charges for comments he made in 2021 that were viewed as derogatory to Hindu gods, the Prime Minister, the home minister, and the state government in Tamil Nadu. Ponniah denied that anything he said was designed to hurt religious sentiments and apologized if anything he said hurt someone. There were no updates on his case available at year’s end. On June 27, police arrested journalist Mohammed Zubair, cofounder of the fact- checking website Alt News, for a tweet he posted in 2018 that police said “deliberately insulted Hindus.” Police said another social media user filed the complaint against Zubair. AP reported Uttar Pradesh police later charged him with using the term “hatemongers” in describing some Hindu participants at the Haridwar conference in 2021 and with criminal conspiracy, destroying evidence, and receiving foreign funds in other cases. Other journalists, activists and opposition politicians said the arrest was harassment and called for Zubair’s immediate release. On July 20, the Supreme Court granted Zubair bail and directed that all the cases against him be combined. On September 5, a local Delhi BJP official filed a police complaint against Zubair, accusing him of “spreading hate” against Sikh cricket player Arshdeep Singh. Zubair’s trial was underway at year’s end. On October 21, the Supreme Court ruled on a petition that said there was “total inaction” on the part of the police against incidents of anti-Muslim hate speech in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and Uttarakhand in 2021. The court ordered police and authorities in those states to immediately open cases against “hate speech makers” without waiting for formal complaints to be filed against them. The court said such cases should be opened “irrespective of the religion [of the speakers] so that the secular character of the country is preserved.” In its statement, the court also said it was “tragic what we have reduced religion to” in the country and that a “climate of hate prevails in the country.” #### Section III. ### Status of Societal Respect for Religious Freedom Attacks on members of religious minority communities, including killings, assaults, and intimidation, occurred throughout the year. These included incidents of “cow vigilantism” against non-Hindus, based on allegations of cow slaughter or trade in beef, and incidents in which Muslim men were alleged to have married Hindu women to convert them. There were also cases of communal violence between religious groups. On February 6, a Hindu child, Rupesh Kumar Pandey, was killed during a Hindu- Muslim communal clash in Jharkhand’s Hazaribag district. Police filed complaints against 27 individuals and arrested four. According to media reports, Pandey was part of a Hindu procession which was attacked by a Muslim crowd as it passed by them; he was badly beaten and declared dead when taken to the hospital. On February 18, according to media reports, the burnt and buried body of Muslim Khalil Ahmed alias Rizvi was found near the banks of the Burhi Gandak River in Bihar state. He had been reported missing since February 16. Videos subsequently circulated on social media showed him being beaten by suspected cow vigilantes. Police later arrested three persons, including Hindu activist Krishna Kumar Jha, who told media that he and his accomplices circulated the video to spread awareness about Hindutva (Hindu nationalist movement). In a media interview after he was arrested, Jha said, “Stop cow slaughter and reunite India.” Bihar police stated the video was shot to create communal tension and that the motive for the murder was a feud over a job, but the victim’s brother told Muslim media that the attackers’ motives, as cow vigilantes, were clear from the video they posted. On March 29, a Muslim man was lynched on suspicion of cattle theft in Baramura village, Sepahijala District, Tripura State, according to local media. The victim was identified as Litan Miah, a resident of Tarapukar village in Dhanpur. Police later arrested two persons after the victim’s father lodged a complaint and charged both with murder and other crimes. Police told media there was no evidence the victim was involved in cattle theft. On April 2, Tripura police arrested members of a civil society organization, Nagarik Suraksha Majlish, for organizing an unauthorized rally demanding the arrest of culprits involved in the lynching. The rally was stopped before the organization’s members could meet the local magistrate and present their demands. On April 10, a Hindu man, Vinod Chavda, was killed during communal violence in Khambat, Gujarat, after religious processions for the Hindu Ram Navami holiday moved through a predominantly Muslim neighborhood. Police said the clashing groups threw stones at each other and set some structures on fire. According to media reports, police later arrested 40 individuals involved in the violence and said that it was planned in advance. Gujarat authorities also bulldozed eight Muslim-owned kiosks and shops belonging to the accused, saying they were illegal structures encroaching on the street. Media reported that on May 2, a group of Hindus lynched two tribal men for allegedly slaughtering a cow in the Seoni district of Madhya Pradesh. A survivor said that the attackers were members of the Hindu nationalist groups Bajrang Dal and Ram Sena. Police arrested 14 persons and launched an investigation. On May 4, Billipuram Nagaraju, a Dalit man, was killed in Hyderabad for marrying a Muslim woman against her family’s wishes, according to media reports. The woman’s brother and another relative beat and stabbed the victim to death. Police arrested the assailants and stated the motive for the killing was the victim’s religion. On June 21, two Muslim men killed Hindu pharmacist Umesh Kolhe in Amravati, Maharashtra, after Kolhe shared a social media post that supported suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma’s remarks during a televised political debate that were seen as critical of the Prophet Muhammad. The National Investigation Agency took over the investigation from the local police and arrested 11 suspects by September, according to media reports. On June 28, a Hindu man, Kanhaiya Lal Teli, was attacked in his tailor shop in Udaipur, Rajasthan, by two Muslim men whom police identified as Gaus Mohammad and Riyaz Attari. One stabbed and beheaded Kanhaiya Lal Teli, while the other recorded the incident on his mobile phone; the video was then widely circulated on social media. The two said they killed Lal Teli for his social media posts supporting the remarks by Nupur Sharma. According to the Washington Post, in their video, Mohammad said, “We have beheaded the tailor. We are living for our God, and we shall die for him. Listen to me, [Prime Minister] Narendra Modi. You started this fire. We will douse it.” Lal Teli’s neighbors filed a police report against him earlier in June for posting on social media in support of Sharma. Lal Teli said he had closed his shop for a few days because he believed he was being watched after those social media posts. Authorities set a curfew in Udaipur and temporarily interrupted internet service in areas of Rajasthan to prevent protests about the killing to spread. Local authorities also said they would punish those who shared the video or photographs of the killing. Police arrested Attari and Mohammad on June 28. On social media, Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot said the murder was “beyond imagination,” and urged Prime Minister Modi to address the nation and appeal for unity. On June 29, leaders of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind Islamic organization said the murder was “against the law of the land and our religion,” and called on all citizens to “restrain their emotions and maintain peace.” On August 2, a crowd beat a Muslim man to death and injured two others in Madhya Pradesh for transporting cattle. The crowd suspected that the man was transporting cattle for slaughter, which is outlawed under Madhya Pradesh law. Madhya Pradesh police filed a complaint against 12 unidentified individuals for the attack and a separate complaint against the two survivors for illegally transporting the cattle. Police said the three victims were transporting 28 cows to sell at a fair in Amravati. In September, media reported a tribal Hindu man was killed in Assam for allegedly trying to marry a Christian woman without converting to Christianity himself. According to media, a group of Christians allegedly dragged Biki Bishal out of his house and gave him the option to convert to Christianity or end the relationship. When Biki rejected the offer to convert, the mob reportedly killed him. Later, his body was found hanging from a tree. The NGO Legal Rights Observatory urged local authorities to take action in the case; police opened an investigation. Terrorist groups Lashkar-e-Taiyaaba and Hizbul Mujahideen killed several civilians and migrant laborers belonging to the minority Hindu and Sikh communities in Muslim-majority Jammu and Kashmir during the year. The South Asian Terrorism Portal said 30 civilians and 30 members of the security forces were killed in 151 incidents in the territory during the year, a decrease from 2021, when 36 civilians and 45 security forces were killed. According to HRW, the dead included Rahul Bhat, a Pandit (Kashmiri Hindu) who was shot and killed in his government office on May 12. In response, some Pandit government employees in the area went on what they said was an “indefinite strike” because the government had not done enough to keep them safe. Media outlets reported that Pandit teacher Rajni Bala was shot and killed on June 1 by suspected terrorists outside the school where she worked in the Kulgam district. Her death triggered additional protests by Pandits demanding that the government provide better safety for government employees or move them out of the area. Protestors blocked the highway outside an army camp in Srinagar and also blocked the road to Srinagar airport. On June 3, the president of the Kashmiri Pandit Sangharsh Samiti, a regional Pandit association, wrote the territory’s chief justice, stating, “Every member of the [Hindu] religious minority is under direct threat from the [Muslim] terrorists operating in Kashmir Valley. The Union Territory and the Central administration have failed to secure their lives. The Kashmiri Pandits and Hindus want to leave Kashmir Valley, but the government is not allowing them to leave.” Media outlets reported, however, that some Pandit families did not wait for government permission but fled to a Hindu district in Jammu after the killings, fearing for their safety. On August 16, media outlets reported that terrorists shot two Pandits who were working in an orchard, killing one and wounding the other. In October, following the shooting of another Pandit near his home, the Kashmiri Pandit Sangharsh Samiti president told media that more Pandit families had left the area, fearing for their safety. The Hindu minority community in Jammu and Kashmir launched a prolonged protest against the government for not providing adequate security against targeted killings by terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir. There were incidents of violence between members of different religious groups during the year. The National Crimes Record Bureau reported 378 instances of communal violence in 2021 (most recent data) compared with 857 in 2020. For example, Video circulated of a January 7 incident in Jharkhand in which a group of local BJP members assaulted Muslim Zeeshan Khan and forced him to chant Hindu invocations. Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren instructed local authorities to conduct an investigation of the incident. According to media reports, a crowd attacked a group of six Sikh pilgrims from Punjab in Bihar on January 16 because they refused to donate money for the construction of a Hindu temple. Bihar police later detained five individuals for questioning. Police said the attackers stopped the Sikhs, then pulled the driver from their truck and threw stones at the Sikhs when they refused to donate. Five Sikh individuals were injured in the incident. On April 12, communal violence broke out in four states (Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, and West Bengal) between Hindus and Muslims during Hindu festivals and the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. The Washington Post reported there was also Hindu-Muslim communal violence in Goa and Andhra Pradesh. On April 16, Hindu-Muslim clashes broke out at Hubballi in Karnataka, incited by a WhatsApp profile status shared by a college student that showed a saffron flag, a Hindu symbol, flying over Mecca. Members of the local Muslim community gathered at the local police station to demand action against the student; the crowd then threw stones at the station and police personnel, according to media reports. Police arrested 134 individuals for the violence and opened six cases against some of the perpetrators. The same day, a crowd of Hindu activists affiliated with the Vishwa Hindu Parishad nationalist group held a religious procession on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti, the birth anniversary of the Hindu god Hanuman. According to press reports, the activists took the procession past the mosque in the Jahangirpuri District of Delhi, played loud music, and chanted Hindu invocations outside the building. A Muslim witness told the Guardian that a group of Hindus “smashed beer bottles inside the mosque, put up saffron flags there, and chanted Jai Shri Ram [Hail Lord Ram],” which he said led Muslims to start fighting with the Hindus. A Muslim witness told the Washington Post that the Hanuman procession takes place every year in the district, “so why did they stop in front of the mosque this year and force us to say, ‘Jai Shri Ram’ (Glory to Lord Ram in Hindu)?” He said, “They’ve gone further and further to provoke us.” Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana denied that a saffron flag had been placed in the mosque and said people from both the Hindu and Muslim communities were being investigated. Other observers told media that they had seen Muslims planning in advance for the violence by collecting sticks and stones to use as weapons the day before the incident. The Guardian reported that six police officers were injured in the violence; local authorities reported at least 15 persons were injured. Police arrested 85 individuals, and cases against them were at different levels of prosecution at year’s end. On September 10, communal violence erupted during the Hindu festival Mahavir Akhara in Bihar, when members of a Hindu procession allegedly shouted remarks offensive to Muslims while passing by a mosque. Media reported that the Hindus and Muslims then threw stones at each other, and the Hindus set a small shop on fire. Police filed charge reports against 25 Muslims and 10 Hindus for the incident and arrested 20. Among those arrested were a man and his eight-year- old grandson who were granted bail after a week in custody. On December 18, local villagers forced approximately 200 Christians from 70 families to leave their homes in the Narayanpur and Konagaon Districts of Chhattisgarh State. International media said there were 20 “coordinated attacks” on Christians around the state that day. According to the Evangelical Fellowship of India, the villagers said the Christians must renounce their faith or leave the area. When some protested, they were beaten. The fellowship said some Christians were hospitalized because of their injuries, and police refused to take action when the victims filed complaints against their attackers. In its World Watch List report covering 2022, the Christian NGO Open Doors stated that the situation for Christians in the country had not improved in the past year. The NGO said violence remained at an “extreme” level, and Christians still faced “very high or extreme pressure in all spheres of life.” The NGO also stated that “being a pastor is one of the riskiest vocations in (India) today. Hindu extremists target them, their wives, and children with violent attacks to sow fear in the wider Christian community.” During the year, some organizations asked the government to take more action to protect Christians. In January, members of the Forum of Religious for Justice and Peace, described by media as a religious civil society group, wrote Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Mumbai, the president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India, to ask that the conference take stronger action with the government to protect Christians in the country. According to Catholic media reports, the group’s letter said the church had been “silent” about the 486 incidents of violence against Christians in the country in 2021, which they said was a “gross violation” of their rights. In its letter, the group also said, “The violent acts against the Christian community and Muslim community or any other minority group are in complete violation of the law of the land and the Indian Constitution. If we do not respond to such acts, the secular fabric of India will be lost, causing irreparable damage to the people of India, and an inclusive, democratic, and pluralistic India as envisioned in the preamble of the Indian Constitution could be lost forever.” In March, Archbishop Machado, the NGO National Solidarity Forum, and the Evangelical Fellowship of India filed a petition with the Supreme Court asking for “the creation of a special investigation team to register criminal cases and prosecute groups responsible for attacking Christians, police protection for Christians who are under a threat of attack by violent mobs, and [an initiative] to identify and prosecute political and social groups responsible for violence against Christians.” The UCF coordinator said to media, “I hope the court takes note of the rising incidents of violence against Christians and directs concerned authorities to initiate criminal investigations and prosecute the criminal offenders in accordance with law. In September, the Supreme Court directed the Ministry of Home Affairs to collect information from eight states within four months on allegations of attacks against Christians. In June, the UCF said the government should take action in response to what the NGO said was “escalating violence and mistreatment of the Christian community.” The UCF said there had been 207 cases of persecution as of midyear, including physical assaults, false imprisonment, vandalism, forced church closures, harassment, and social ostracization. By November 26, the UCF said there had been 511 anti-Christian incidents around the country reported to its hotline, compared to 505 in all of 2021. Most of the 2022 incidents were reported in four states: Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, and Madhya Pradesh. In a press statement in June, the UCF president said, “This data flies in the face of statements by government functionaries and leaders of the ruling party at the center and in the states that there is no persecution and that there are only a few stray incidents by fringe elements.” On April 6, the Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations of North America released its 2022 annual report and documented 761 violent incidents against Christians in 2021, including neighborhood skirmishes, targeted killings, and armed assaults. There were reports during the year of Hindu groups and organizations taking action against Christians they said were trying to convert others to Christianity and against Muslims, for praying in public. In some incidents, Hindus attacked Christians and disrupted Christian worship services. On February 25, for example, a crowd attacked Pastor Kelom Kalyan Tete in South Delhi, tying him up, beating him, and forcing him to recite a Hindu chant. Media outlets reported that the crowd suspected the pastor of conducting forced conversions in the area. Tete filed a complaint with police and said the family he was visiting had attended his house church for two years and had converted to Christianity some time earlier. Also in February, media outlets reported that Azad Prem Singh Damor, a member of the VHP, stated that 300 Scheduled Tribe members who had been “illegally” converted to Christianity through inducements had returned to Hinduism after a three-day function organized by the VHP in a village in Madhya Pradesh. Damor said the inducements included promises of better education, health-care facilities, and bicycles. Media outlets reported that Damor had been campaigning against Christian missionaries in the area for six months. The public relations officer for the local Christian diocese said to media that the VHP were “scaring people that they will lose scheduled tribal status” in order to persuade them to reconvert. The Madhya Pradesh state freedom of religion law allows reconversion to a “parent religion.” In March, media reported that a group of Bajrang Dal Hindu nationalist activists attacked a Christian man in Hassan, Karnataka, for proselytizing outside a college in the city, and filed a complaint against him and his wife to the police for “inflaming religious sentiment.” According to media, the Hindu group said the man and his wife were trying to convert college students by distributing Christian books and pamphlets to them. A video posted to social media showed a group beating the victim, Manu Dhananjay. Police charged the couple under the penal code and released them on bail. According to IAMC, in April, VHP and Bajrang Dal Hindu activists in Karnataka demanded the suspension of Christian prison chaplains who the activists said were handing out bibles and trying to convert prisoners in Gadag Jail. Christian media reported that a group of Bajrang Dal members attacked Pastor Satish Kumar and his family in July, while they were celebrating a child’s birthday with friends. The attackers said the Kumars had forcibly converted individuals to Christianity. Kumar said the group dragged him outside of the house, burned his Bible, and yelled Hindu chants at him. He also said the attack had left his family “traumatized.” In October, a group belonging to the VHP stopped a school bus on its way to a Catholic school event in Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh and harassed the tribal children onboard, Catholic media reported. According to eyewitnesses, the VHP members said the students were being taken to the school to be forcibly converted to Christianity. The VHP group said the event was being held without proper authorization and summoned the local police. The priest in charge of the event said that all the students involved were Catholic, and that the school had asked permission to host the event. Media outlets reported that police were investigating the incident. On November 20, according to ICC, a crowd of Hindus disrupted a Sunday service in Koshalnar, Chhattisgarh. The crowd surrounded the church, demanded that the pastor and his brother come out, then beat the two with clubs. The crowd then entered the church and beat some of the parishioners. Media said that nine individuals from the church were hospitalized for their injuries. In November, UCF stated, “In almost all incidents reported across India [during the year], vigilante mobs comprising religious extremists have been seen to either barge into a prayer gathering or round up individuals that they believe are involved in forcible religious conversions. With impunity, such mobs criminally threaten and/or physically assault people in prayer, before handing them over to the police on allegations of forcible conversions. Often communal sloganeering is witnessed outside police stations, where the police stand as mute spectators. Sadly, this violence against the Christian community is compounded by the failure of the police to investigate and prosecute mobs and perpetrators.” During the year, there were also reports alleging that Muslim men had deceived Hindu women into marrying them and then pressured the women to convert. On December 31, news website OpIndia reported that it had documented 153 such cases of love jihad during the year. In some of these cases, OpIndia said Muslim men hid their religious identity from the Hindu women they married then forced them to convert to Islam after marriage. In other cases, according to the site, Muslim men forced Hindu women to marry them, even though the men were married already. OpIndia said the majority of the cases they discovered were in Uttar Pradesh (65), Madhya Pradesh (37) and Jharkhand (12). On January 9, according to ICC, approximately 200 persons, including Hindu nationalists, attacked a house church in Odagoan village in Chhattisgarh and assaulted Pastor Hemanth Kandapan and members of his congregation. The NGO said that one member of the crowd broke into the service and started beating the pastor, then dragged him outside where the crowd continued to beat him and others. Kandapan and a congregation member were seriously injured and required hospitalization. The crowd alleged the church was carrying out illegal conversions of Hindus to Christianity. According to the NGO, five local Christian families sought shelter in a neighboring village after the crowd warned the community not to hold Christian prayers in the village, or risk being killed. On January 17, according to media reports, members of the VHP forced the Christians from the house church to participate in a religious ceremony where a Christian woman was forcibly converted to Hinduism. Christian media reported two instances in May of Hindu groups disrupting Christian services in Uttar Pradesh. On May 31, a crowd broke into a pastor’s home while he was praying with his family. The crowd beat him and took him to the police, who charged him with “deliberate and malicious acts against another religion”. In the second incident, originally reported by the NGO ICC, a group of seven to 10 Hindus disrupted a church service on May 29. An eyewitness said the group members posted a video of them harassing the worshippers, pushing the pastor to the ground and taking his Bible. A house church pastor told ICC, “We are scared to even conduct small group prayers; even that can be framed as forcible conversions.” He said, “Our lives are in danger, as (our) Christian identity could put us behind bars.” Another Christian leader in Uttar Pradesh said to ICC, “We have arrived at a critical juncture, where practicing the faith of our choice is equated as crime and [we are] punished accordingly.” Also in January, the Religion Unplugged news website reported that Sikhs had been offering worship space to Muslims in Gurgoan, Haryana, since 2021 because of a shortage of mosques in that city. The leader of a local Sikh NGO said that Sikhs were now being threatened by Hindu nationalist groups who opposed having additional sites for Muslim worship in the city and that Hindus had disrupted Muslim daily prayers in some locations. On March 25, officials at Dr. Harisingh Gour Central University in Madhya Pradesh formed a committee to investigate a widely viewed video of a Muslim student praying in a university classroom. Other students complained about the Muslim’s prayers and the fact that she wore a hijab to class. In April, media reported the student apologized in writing for the incident. After the video, the university issued a notification to students instructing them to perform religious rituals only at their residences or at designated places of worship, not on university grounds. During a June 18 conference of the Hindu nationalist umbrella organization Akhil Bhartiya Hindu Rashtra Adhiveshan in Goa, the group passed a resolution to establish a Hindu nation in India by 2025. In other resolutions, the group called for removing the term “secular” from the country’s constitution; abolishing the 1991 Places of Worship Act, which would return all religious structures to their pre-independence status and open all of them to potentially conflicting legal claims; banning halal food certification; and enacting a “population control act” to check what the Hindu organizations claimed to be a “vast increase of non-Hindu population in the country.” On July 5, Tripura police issued public warnings in parts of the state’s capital, Agartala, after a Hindu group occupied and erected a makeshift temple in land designated for a Muslim cemetery and local Muslims blocked roads in response. The Muslim protestors said the land had been used as a burial ground for a long time and the group erecting the makeshift temple was “trying to disturb the communal harmony between Muslims and Hindus who have been peacefully residing in the area for decades.” According to media, the local Muslim community wrote the government in 2019 to urge that the cemetery area be clearly demarcated to avoid disputes, but no action had been taken. On August 22, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar visited the Vishnupad Hindu Temple in Gaya, which bars entry of non-Hindus, with state Information and Technology Minister Muhammed Israil Mansuri, a Muslim. After the visit, state BJP leaders Kumar for “hurting the sentiments of the Hindu community” by making the visit. Temple authorities demanded an apology from the chief minister and the resignation of Mansuri and held a purification prayer ceremony covered by media to cleanse the temple. Mansur said he was “honored” to have been able to visit the temple. On September 6, residents bulldozed a madrassah and adjacent residence in Assam after the imam was arrested, alleging “jihadi activities” by Bangladeshi nationals there. On October 16, according to media, a group of Hindus entered a mosque in Hyderabad, installed an idol, and conducted religious ceremonies there. The Hindu group stated the government had allotted the land where the mosque stood for the construction of a temple to replace a temple that was demolished during a road extension. Following a complaint by mosque trustees, police opened an investigation. Local officials removed the idol and ensured the resumption of mosque activities. On February 15, a group of Bajrang Dal members set fire to a truck in the Muzaffarpur district of Bihar, accusing the driver of illegally transporting beef. Police said the assailants claimed to be members of Bajrang Dal. On February 22, local media reported a group of “cow vigilantes” attacked a family in a truck transporting cattle at Karmanghat in Hyderabad. The attackers assaulted the family and pulled them from their vehicle. Police arrested several men from both the Hindu and Muslim communities for the attack and filed cases against them. Police said the Muslim family members were arrested on the charge of transporting calves in violation of the Prevention of Cruelty against Animals Act. On February 28, police arrested six additional alleged attackers on charges related to fomenting communal hatred. In March, Jharkhand Parliamentary Affairs Minister Alamgir Alam told the state legislative assembly that 46 incidents of mob lynching took place in Jharkhand between 2016 and 2021 (most recent government data). A report by the Jharkhand Janadhikar Manch, a human rights collective, stated that more than 30 tribal Christians and Muslims were lynched or beaten in that state on suspicion of cow slaughter or sale and consumption of beef between 2016 and 2021. According to the All Muslim Youth Association (AMYA), there were 58 lynchings related to cow slaughter in Jharkhand between March 2016 and December 2022, in which 36 persons were killed and 23 seriously injured. Those killed included 16 Muslims, 11 Hindus, five Christians and four Sarna Adivasis; 13 Christians, four Sarna Adivasis, three Muslims and two Hindus were among the wounded. On December 15, media reported that Hindu nationalist groups urged the Karnataka Legislative Assembly to ban halal certification in that state. The protestors said that some (unnamed) organizations were using the proceeds from their halal certification to fund “anti-national” activities. In its Freedom in the World 2022 report, the NGO Freedom House again rated the country as “partly free” due to “discriminatory policies and a rise in persecution affecting the Muslim population.” In August, the spokesperson in the country for the Christian NGO Open Doors UK & Ireland said the situation facing Christians and other religious minorities in the country was “unprecedentedly grave.” She said, “The gravity of the situation, for Christians and Muslims especially, is at its peak. Every day we receive new prayer requests from friends, for another Christian family attacked, or a pastor arrested on false accusation.” The spokesperson told media, “It is no longer small extremist groups attacking converts, now it is often entire communities attacking and expelling them, beating them or handing them over to the police on false accusations. Extremists are propagating the hatred through social media, instigating mass protests and rallies, rousing hatred and spreading misinformation. These can lead in turn to mob violence.” David Landrum, Director of Advocacy and Public Affairs for the NGO, told media, “Religious minorities across India are standing on a precipice. Their legitimacy, and in some cases, their very presence is threatened if the current wave of violent intolerance goes unchecked.” In its World Watch List report for 2022, the NGO Open Doors stated “Increasing numbers of states [in the country] are implementing anticonversion laws, supposedly to stop Hindus being forcibly converted to other religions, but in reality they are often used as an excuse to harass and intimidate Christians who are just doing things like distributing aid or having a private church meeting. These laws do not seem to protect Christians from being coerced back into Hinduism. Christians increasingly experience social exclusion in their communities, discrimination in the workplace, and have false accusations and rumors spread about them. The Christians most at risk are those who have come to faith from a Hindu background. In some parts of India, many face constant pressure to return to Hinduism, social exclusion, discrimination at work, physical assaults and are sometimes even killed.” In one example of actions against Muslims during the year, on January 4, Hyderabad-based rights activist Khalida Parveen filed a police complaint after her photograph and name were posted on the internet along with personal information of other female Muslim activists in other parts of the country. The posts listed the women “for sale” on the Bulli Bai (bulli is Hindu slang considered derogatory to Muslim women) app on the open-source platform GitHub. Parveen said the app targeted Muslim women who were outspoken against the government. Parveen had previously called for the arrest of Hindu religious leaders who at a gathering in Haridwar in December 2021publicly advocated killing Muslim Indians. In January, the BBC reported that police in Hyderabad, Delhi, and Mumbai had registered cases against Bulli Bai after photographs of more than 100 Muslim women appeared on the app, saying they were on “sale”. The accused included developers of the app and related Twitter handles that shared the images and content. The GitHub platform took down the app. There were also reports during the year of discrimination against Muslims seeking employment. In June, the Ledby Foundation, which focuses on leadership development for Muslims, published a study which illustrated that a Muslim woman with the same qualifications for a job as a Hindu woman likely would receive less than half as many job offers as a Hindu. In September, Anita Kapoor, general secretary of the Urban Domestic Workers’ Union in New Delhi, said to media, “Many [Muslim] workers have to hide their name and identity in order to get a job and avoid [further] discrimination.” Some public figures made remarks Muslims found offensive during the year. On April 29, P. C. George, a former Congress Party legislator in Kerala, encouraged Hindus and Christians to not eat at restaurants run by Muslims. In a video circulated on social media, Gyan Dev Ahuja, a BJP former member of the Rajasthan state legislature, said, “We have killed five of them so far, be it in Lalwandi, be it Behror, … I have given a free hand to the workers, kill those (expletive) behind cow slaughter.” According to Al Jazeera, police charged Ahuja with promoting religious hatred and enmity and brought him in for questioning on August 22. There were reports of vandalism at Christian churches and shrines during the year. In one example, on January 23, the staff of the Holy Trinity Cathedral Church in, Tamil Nadu, reported that vandals broke into a nearby Catholic shrine and defaced a statue of Saint Sabastian. The assistant parish priest told media, “We don’t have any history of hostility with anyone, and we are surprised at this development.” Media outlets reported that some Catholics protested peacefully in front of the cathedral to call for police action on the case. On January 27, police arrested two suspects. Police said that the incident appeared to be an act of revenge in response to the death of a girl in the Thanjavur District of the same state earlier in the month, which some Hindu groups said on social media was caused by her “forced conversion.” On May 14-15, unidentified persons destroyed statues of Mary and Jesus at a shrine in Guntur District of Andhra Pradesh. Following complaints and protest marches by the local Christian community, police opened a case. Media outlets reported that the local BJP stated in 2021 that the statues and shrine were erected where a Hindu shrine had stood. The bishop of Guntur stated, “We have a very good rapport with people from other faiths. No such incident was reported in the past, so it is quite shocking for all of us. We have no idea who could be behind the attack, but we condemn it.” Overnight on August 24-25, unidentified individuals damaged statues of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph at a Catholic church in Daram village in the North Garo Hills District in Meghalaya. Police told media on August 30 that an investigation was underway, but no arrests had been made. The area bishop said that the village was dominated by Christians. He also said this was the first such incident reported in the village, where he said people of different communities “lived happily.” In early September, unidentified individuals damaged a statue of Mary and Joseph at the Infant Jesus Catholic Church in Patti, Punjab and burned a car outside the church. On September 6, according to Catholic media reports, the Punjab and Haryana High Court ordered government authorities to protect church property in the state. Following the vandalism, local Christian and Sikh leaders said they would cooperate to lower interfaith tensions in the area. At a meeting on September 7, media reported that Catholic bishops invited Sikh leaders to work with them to stop the “conspiracy” they said was causing disharmony between Christians and Sikhs in the area. The bishops said that the tension was partly due to some self-styled “custodians of the Christian faith” who were posing as officers of the Anglican Church of India, which the bishops said had no legal standing. The local Sikh leader urged the Christian leaders to take “stern action” against the groups encouraging tension. #### Section IV. ### U.S. Government Policy and Engagement During the year, embassy and consulate officials met with government officials to discuss religious freedom and emphasize the importance of interfaith dialogue. Embassy officials, including the Chargés d’Affaires, also engaged with members of parliament and politicians across diverse political ideologies on the importance of religious freedom and the responsibility of democracies to ensure the rights of religious minorities. In September, the Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia met with government officials to encourage positive messaging on pluralism and tolerance and respecting human rights, including religious freedom. Embassy and consulate officials, and visiting senior officials from Washington, met with leaders from religious minorities, NGOs, civil society members, academics, and interfaith leaders to discuss perspectives concerning the status and experiences of religious minorities. U.S. government officials discussed the importance of religious freedom and pluralism; the value of interfaith dialogue, and the operating environment for faith-based NGOs. Throughout the year, the Chargés d’Affaires engaged with members of religious communities, including representatives of the Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, and Sikh faiths. In May, the Chargé d’Affaires hosted an iftar with interfaith leaders, the first in-person iftar hosted by an embassy representative since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the event, the Chargé d’Affaires emphasized the country’s religious diversity and heritage and the importance of religious freedom to democracies. In September, the Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia met with interfaith leaders, including Hindus, Christians, Muslim, and Sikhs, to discuss their perspectives. In June, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs met with civil society leaders and emphasized the importance the U.S. government attaches to human rights, including religious freedom. ## View report by: Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas, The Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma Burundi Cabo Verde Cambodia Cameroon Canada Central African Republic Chad Chile China (Includes Hong Kong, Macau, Tibet, and Xinjiang) Colombia Comoros Costa Rica Cote d’Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia, The Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel, West Bank and Gaza Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria North Korea North Macedonia Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of the Congo Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey (Türkiye) Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe India Build A Custom Report ### On This Page search > < 1. Executive Summary 2. Section I. Religious Demography 3. Section II. Status of Government Respect for Religious Freedom 1. Legal Framework 2. Government Practices 4. Section III. Status of Societal Respect for Religious Freedom 5. Section IV. U.S. Government Policy and Engagement Tags Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs India Office of International Religious Freedom Religious FreedomClose 2022 Report on International Religious Freedom: India Build a Custom Report 01 / Select a Year 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 02 / Select Sections * Select All Sections 03 / Select Countries You can add more than one country or area. Select all Deselect all Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan The Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma Burundi Cabo Verde Cambodia Cameroon Canada Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Costa Rica Côte d\'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon The Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria North Korea North Macedonia Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territories Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of the Congo Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Tibet Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam West Bank Western Sahara Xinjiang Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Build Your Custom Report * White House * * Office of the Inspector General * Archives * Contact Us follow us Facebook X Instagram YouTube Flickr GovDelivery * Privacy Policy * Accessibility Statement * Copyright Information * FOIA * No FEAR Act ## U.S. Department of State #### The Lessons of 1989: Freedom and Our Future Give feedback Close ## What is your overall satisfaction with this site? 1 ![\\"⭐\\"](\\" ![\\"⭐\\"](\\" ![\\"⭐\\"](\\" ![\\"⭐\\"](\\" ![\\"⭐\\"](\\" Have feedback about our website? 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In Maharashtra a Muslim brother married two Hindu sisters he raised at the same time according to the Hindu system This is the highlight of my country
People who have married intercaste, how did you convince the parents? : r/india Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/india A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to india r/india r/india The Official Subreddit for India * * * 2.4M Members 266 Online • 3 yr. ago [deleted] ADMIN MOD # People who have married intercaste, how did you convince the parents? Non Political Same old same old story. How did you guys convinced you parents for it? I mean nothing comes that could be ruled out, it\'s just the caste. Parents are like you marry in your caste or else we totally cut you off or some \"other\" conclusion to it. Read more Add a Comment Sort by: Best Open comment sort options * Best * Top * New * Controversial * Old * Q&A kochapi • 3y ago • Mine was intercaste, but she was bengali. So her family didn’t give shit about caste. My brother’s on the other hand was very difficult. SIL’s family still treats her like an outcast. She is very brave, almost cut connections with them. This is after the fact that my brother has one of the most coveted job in the country. If family is stubborn, you should be ready to cut ties. There is no other way. Reply reply [deleted] • 3y ago • I guess this is what my situation is. Reply reply 5 more replies 5 more replies More replies 12 more replies 12 more replies More replies Rvpersie21 • 3y ago • Edited 3y ago • I just told them I want to marry this girl and we are doing it with or without your blessings. They were like okay great. Unfortunately they obviously had a problem with it being intercaste and feared \'society\'. They didn\'t speak to me about it and resented me for putting them through this. They took it out on me by being passive aggressive, not paying for anything, singling me out in front of relatives etc. I didn\'t budge and ended up not inviting any relatives because I had to pay for the wedding with my savings and couldn\'t afford it. My spouse was also very supportive throughout the whole drama and it helped that her parents were angels. The wedding was a small ceremony with our friends and parents and it turned out to be beautiful despite everything. It was the best decision of my life to put my happiness first. Even though now I am barely on speaking terms with my family, I am better for it. Someday they might come around or maybe they won\'t ever its their choice, but at least I made my own choices, am free and don\'t have any toxic people in my life. Reply reply [deleted] • 3y ago • It\'s not an option for me as my significant other doesn\'t want her family out of the picture.I\'m earning enough though but that doesn\'t mean anything to her parents. I\'m glad things worked out for you. ((: Reply reply 13 more replies 13 more replies More replies 1 more reply 1 more reply More replies rockydora • 3y ago • In my family almost everyone had an intercaste and mostly love marriage it all started when my grand uncle (grandfather\'s elder brother ) eloped and married a girl from different caste in 1960s followed by all the next generations so there are people of every religion in my family so it wasn\'t a problem . Reply reply 5 more replies 5 more replies More replies [deleted] • 3y ago • The only was casteism will ever die is if a generation of people are willing to upset their parents and make change. Reply reply 7 more replies 7 more replies More replies ahagotcha2 • 3y ago • Edited 3y ago • My parents thought I was gonna die single and they were happy that a girl agreed to marry me and they think she’s an Angel for that. I think they’re right Reply reply 1 more reply 1 more reply More replies thugz_doge • 3y ago • I tried convincing them for 2 years. Almost lost my mental shit and finally booked flight tickets to move to Bengaluru and get married to court. Then they agreed. My father didn\'t take part in weeding but mother did. Reply reply 8 more replies 8 more replies More replies WellOkayMaybe • 3y ago • Edited 3y ago • Married a European - so I guess technically wife is outside the varna system, and is hence an untouchable and \"below\" any caste. Signed the papers a year ahead of the wedding. Parents set up the wedding at their house. Her family flew down to India for the wedding. No religious ceremony - instead, both our best friends spoke about growing up with us, and our relationship. Swapped garlands, rings, then opened champagne in our garden (and sparkling grape juice for non-drinkers) to celebrate with both our families. Then had a very boozy, fun reception with a dance floor, without any \"raja- rani\" chairs or awkward pictures, and a donation box for a charity instead of gifts. There\'s a kid now, we both have respectable careers, and it\'s all good. Reply reply 18 more replies 18 more replies More replies [deleted] • 3y ago • Comment deleted by user Reply reply 7 more replies 7 more replies Top 1% Rank by size Public Anyone can view, post, and comment to this community ## Top Posts * Reddit reReddit: Top posts of January 10, 2022 * Reddit reReddit: Top posts of January 2022 * Reddit reReddit: Top posts of 2022 * * * TOPICS * Internet Culture (Viral) * Amazing * Animals & Pets * Cringe & Facepalm * Funny * Interesting * Memes * Oddly Satisfying * Reddit Meta * Wholesome & Heartwarming * Games * Action Games * Adventure Games * Esports * Gaming Consoles & Gear * Gaming News & Discussion * Mobile Games * Other Games * Role-Playing Games * Simulation Games * Sports & Racing Games * Strategy Games * Tabletop Games * Q&As * Q&As * Stories & Confessions * Technology * 3D Printing * Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning * Computers & Hardware * Consumer Electronics * DIY Electronics * Programming * Software & Apps * Streaming Services * Tech News & Discussion * Virtual & Augmented Reality * Pop Culture * Celebrities * Creators & Influencers * Generations & Nostalgia * Podcasts * Streamers * Tarot & Astrology * Movies & TV * Action Movies & Series * Animated Movies & Series * Comedy Movies & Series * Crime, Mystery, & Thriller Movies & Series * Documentary Movies & Series * Drama Movies & Series * Fantasy Movies & Series * Horror Movies & Series * Movie News & Discussion * Reality TV * Romance Movies & Series * Sci-Fi Movies & Series * Superhero Movies & Series * TV News & Discussion * RESOURCES * About Reddit * Advertise * Help * Blog * Careers * Press * Communities * Best of Reddit * Topics * Content Policy * Privacy Policy * User Agreement Reddit, Inc. © 2024. 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In Maharashtra a Muslim brother married two Hindu sisters he raised at the same time according to the Hindu system This is the highlight of my country
..Why is there so much hate between Hindus and Muslims in India? All related (100+) Sort Recommended ![\\"Profile](\\" Anonymous 6y I urge everyone to read the full answer and refrain from making conclusions till you’ve read till last. I’ll be narrating some key incidents( representative of many) which compelled to reach the current mindset I have about Muslims. Incident - 1 When I was younger, around 11–12 years of age, I had a Muslim friend I was particularly fond of. He had been to my home multiple times and vice versa. As I was young, I was still impervious to any prejudices. He lived in a joint family. I was ‘lovingly’ called as pundit whenever I was in his home. I didn’t mind it and why would I. Their house was situated Continue Reading I urge everyone to read the full answer and refrain from making conclusions till you’ve read till last. I’ll be narrating some key incidents( representative of many) which compelled to reach the current mindset I have about Muslims. Incident - 1 When I was younger, around 11–12 years of age, I had a Muslim friend I was particularly fond of. He had been to my home multiple times and vice versa. As I was young, I was still impervious to any prejudices. He lived in a joint family. I was ‘lovingly’ called as pundit whenever I was in his home. I didn’t mind it and why would I. Their house was situated on route to my school and as a result I had to pass by their house everyday. As I was young, my mom would accompany me everyday. One particular day, as we were passing by their house, we overheard a little girl shouting “Pakistan zindabad, Hindustan Murdabad”. She was the sister of my friend. maybe was 7–8 years old. I wasn’t taken aback or anything, because I hardly understood the meaning of it then. But now that I think about it, What really bothers me is that no one in their house were trying to correct her. How could she have heard that phrase at such a young age in the first place? Incident -2 There were kids throwing stones at my house. My mom and I were the only ones in my house at the time. I tried to shoo them away, but they wouldn’t listen to me. My mom, who was sleeping, got up and said them to stop from the inside but they seemed to be particularly adamant. My mom, now irritated after failing to stop them even after repeatedly shouting for some time, got up and went outside to scare them. And In no time, 3–4 male adults came swiftly towards our home. They seemed particularly angry about something. My mom was scared shitless so she hurriedly took me and went inside. I was watching from the window while they took the kids and slowly left all the while giving angry stares towards the direction of our house. I was visibly irritated. after sometime, neighbors called my mom and said that the kids were guests to a particular Muslim house nearby and were irritating everyone from a few days. They instructed us to ignore them so as to avoid any trouble. What is interesting is that they were the ONLY Muslim house in the area. EVERYONE were scared of ONE house in the area just because they are Muslims. * * * Fast forward a couple of years. The Topper of my class was a Muslim. He was, probably the nicest boy I had ever met. He used to get along with everyone. He was perhaps the only one who was adored by both teachers and students. So much so, that when we got the rumors that he wasn’t going to be named BEST BOY of our school, all of us students threatened to protest! of course he was awarded as such. He was a vegetarian. Now I don’t know if this is allowed in Islam. Maybe someone in the comments clarify it. I’m not in touch with him today, But I still maintain that he’s the best person I’ve met. * * * Fast forward again. I was In college now, I had this Muslim friend who was the proverbial ‘COOL GUY’ or our college. But he wasn’t particularly religious. I know this because he used to be the one of few Muslim students who used to come to play Holi with us. This phase of my life, I never payed any attention to the religion. * * * Fast forward to the current time. I’m currently studying in an engineering college. And yet again, I have a Muslim friend. He is the staunchest one I’ve ever met. There are few exclusive muslim groups in our college. I’ve never seen them interact much with any others. but as I am with a muslim guy, I hear them to talk sometimes. Almost every time, I hear them talking about how they wished this was a Muslim college and the likes. Once I heard them deciding to refuse donating blood and how it was against their religion. I have had my friend try to debate how his religion is right on so many things while mine is wrong. For instance, in one case he tried to convince how barbaric our festivals like holi were while his were more peaceful and meaningful. How we have millions of gods while they had one and how that is better. How hindu priests are a bunch of criminals. You get the jist. I am not particularly religious. So, While whatever he says irritates me ( mostly because of the hypocrisy) , I have not yet responded to him in an angry manner. * * * Of course there aren’t the only Incidents which have compelled me to come to current conclusion. I can not recite each and every incident here due to time constraints. So how do I look at Muslims now? Imagine I come accross a muslim person anywhere. The fact that he is a Muslim doesn’t , in any way, affect my treatment to him. This is not the result of my conscious effort to treat him fairly. it comes naturally. However, Whenever I see Muslims in groups, I try to avoid them. Almost all of my encounters with muslim groups were not pleasant. This brings me to a couple of controversial opinions I have. I do not see Muslims are harmful to society. TILL they are minority. I absolutely do not wish my country to become Muslim majority. and for Majority of Muslims, religion ALWAYS comes before everything no matter what. F * * * I have left politics out of this answer. And many other aspects which might have been relevant but I left them out anyway because this answer was getting too long. Upvote · 1.3K1.3K 9975 Related questions More answers below Why do Islam and Muslims hate Hinduism and Hindus? Do some Hindus hate Muslims? Why is there so much hate between Hindus and Muslims? I am fed up of explaining to my Hindu friends that we Muslims too love our country and that Islam doesn\'t teach us to kill them. Whenever there is a discussion in public, my religion comes up and I have to walk away slowly in shame. How can I convince them that I am a true Indian too? Who did the most to sow the seeds of hatred between Hindus and Muslims in India? ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-221589902-50-nqsblxajztrjzfwmijoodtogabqxxrkk.jpeg\\") Anubhav Jain A conscious citizen of India · Upvoted by Saurabh Rgeva , MA from India (2010) and Abdul Quabiz , lives in India (2000-present)Author has 5K answers and 235.6M answer views · Updated 2y A week ago, one morning, around 8 am, I got a call from an unknown number. I was peacefully walking in garden and was surprised by the call. “Namaste bhaiya, main Kaleem bol raha hun, aap kaise ho” (Greetings sir, I am Kalim speaking, how are you?) Me: Kaleem! (pause) badiya Bhai, tu kaisa hai? (Ohh Kaleem, good brother, how are you?) Kaleem: Main bhi acha hun bhaiya, Teeno betiyon ka admission school me ho gaya hai. (I am also good sir, all my three daughters are in school now) Me: Sach me? Mubarako Bhai, bahut Khushi hui! (Really, congratulations brother, really happy for you) Kaleem: Itne din hue aap Continue Reading A week ago, one morning, around 8 am, I got a call from an unknown number. I was peacefully walking in garden and was surprised by the call. “Namaste bhaiya, main Kaleem bol raha hun, aap kaise ho” (Greetings sir, I am Kalim speaking, how are you?) Me: Kaleem! (pause) badiya Bhai, tu kaisa hai? (Ohh Kaleem, good brother, how are you?) Kaleem: Main bhi acha hun bhaiya, Teeno betiyon ka admission school me ho gaya hai. (I am also good sir, all my three daughters are in school now) Me: Sach me? Mubarako Bhai, bahut Khushi hui! (Really, congratulations brother, really happy for you) Kaleem: Itne din hue aapko dekhe hue bhaiya, aapse milne ka bahut man hai, kabhi aa jaun? (I have not seen you since so long sir, I really want to meet you once, shall I visit you?) Me: Jab marzi bhai! (Anytime brother) Kaleem: Acha bhaiya Khuda Hafis! (Okay sir, greetings) And I continued walking, lost in nostalgia of old days. * * * Who is Kaleem? He is a long gone worker/colleague/admirer and friend. How did our paths intersect? One day suddenly our labor contractor brought him along and persuaded us to hire him. Since the first day I realised that he is an expert in his field and he easily understood that I was a rookie. Soon he became my teacher, forced me to stand by his side whenever he was separating copper scrap from other metals, minerals and plastics. He taught me most essentials of the business. In months I learned what people can\'t learn in years. Once a big dealer was trying to fool me, I would have incurred a loss of lacs, but in the last moment, Kaleem showed me the reality by secretly taking a sample from the material. I offered him some money as a token of appreciation but he refused. Soon he became very close to me, though he was a labor, but I started taking most important decisions only after seeking his advice. He loved me like an elder brother though I was younger to him. One day he brought a sweet dish made by his wife for me. Generally due to class gap and religion differences people won\'t offer or eat food in a labor-employer relationship, but he confidently offered me and I happily finished the dish and also sent a gift for his wife. He had three daughters and wanted to educate them, but didn\'t have money, I promised him that if the factory continues, I will look after their education. He asked for a gift on Eid. Though we generally give gifts only on Diwali, but I gave him cash and also asked him to get sweets for the other workers who felt a little jealous. Any day I didn\'t see him, I felt a little nervous and demotivated, so much strong was our connection. I secretly paid him more salary than others so that he could educate his children. Once my business was in turbulence, he took off, not to enjoy but to pray in a famous Dargah near Roorkee for my business. He assured me that things will be fine. Leave aside his assurance, his efforts made me really happy and motivated. And then one day I betrayed his trust, I walked away from his life, as the business shut down. I didn\'t have any money to even pay my own EMI\'s, what could I do for him? The only thing I could give him and other workers was their pending salaries and a thousand rupees extra. He called me if I could arrange for a job through my contacts, I told him that I am not sure but I will try. But sadly I didn\'t have any sources for his specialization so I didn\'t call him back. The promise of educating his kids went in vain. I struggled for years later and eventually moved on in life (so did he) but his image could never leave the canvas of my memories. His call after so many years made my day, I re-lived old memories, felt the same old respect from him and also came out of the subconscious guilt of not keeping my promise with him. * * * Why did I share this incident? Could you feel the difference in religion anywhere in this story? The famous Hindu vs Muslim fight? Because this is real life and not our media, here we don\'t need TRP\'s at the cost of innocent people. It isn\'t wise to judge the overall situation in the country by using some off cases as a yardstick. For every highlighted hate incident, there are a thousand friendly incidents hiding somewhere. In my class of business (heavy metal), on daily basis we interact with people following Islam religion, but not even a single time I could feel any difference in opinion or negativity, and honestly if we don\'t know the names, we can never identify who is who. * * * Sometimes I think religions are biggest stereotypes to judge people. Thanks for A2A Akshay Arjun Sonawane. Upvote · 7.7K7.7K 999252 9976 ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-408072769-50-drjgaxbrhksqmepqpgxvmgjxvwqsvuae.jpeg\\") Nidhi Rajput Lives in India · Author has 111 answers and 29M answer views · 6y There must be a reason. 4 PM when I reached home. I got shocked when I saw my wounded granny sitting on sofa. Her pale face, haggard eyes and wrinkled smile wanted to share too much. After 2 minutes of silence, I looked at my Mom. She noticed my shocked expression. Without asking anything, she started narrating the whole incident which took place in my absence. Then she shocked me. * * * Flashback, Mom and Granny were alone at home. In morning, (Approx 6 a.m.) she(Granny/Dadi) left for morning walk (She usually use to walk in our colony, safest place) but didn\'t return by 8 A.M. “I asked about her in col Continue Reading There must be a reason. 4 PM when I reached home. I got shocked when I saw my wounded granny sitting on sofa. Her pale face, haggard eyes and wrinkled smile wanted to share too much. After 2 minutes of silence, I looked at my Mom. She noticed my shocked expression. Without asking anything, she started narrating the whole incident which took place in my absence. Then she shocked me. * * * Flashback, Mom and Granny were alone at home. In morning, (Approx 6 a.m.) she(Granny/Dadi) left for morning walk (She usually use to walk in our colony, safest place) but didn\'t return by 8 A.M. “I asked about her in colony,” Mom said, “but she wasn\'t there. Even at neighbours place, where she usually go.” “She didn\'t have cell phone. Neighbours and I searched her everywhere but found despondency only,” she continued. “Everybody got curious when they turned their head towards main gate. A middle age lady in Burkah came out of the car and was bolstering your granny.” her words had mixed feelings, anguish and relief. “she said that she found her unconscious. After first aid, anyhow she managed to get unclear address.” “I transcended and held your granny and you know what she said?” Mom puzzled me. “What?” I asked furiously. “She said she would have taken your granny with herself if she didn\'t get our address,” “Oh! How could……,” I blazed my eyes. “Look how good people are. Learn something from these people. Without caring about her religion she thought to take your granny at her place, if she didn\'t find our home. She said she lost her mom a few years back and she chocked up emotionally.” “Ohhh… do you have her number?” I inquired. “No she was getting late for her train. She came from village.” mom replied with smile. * * * So, Curious to know why I hate her?? It\'s called jealousy. I hate her because people praised her and I\'ve not done anything good for any stranger. My granny was a complete stranger and she, like an Angel, helped her and my family otherwise, nobody knows, what would have happened. Isn\'t it? So many people had crossed that path, a Hindu, a Christian, a Sikh. But nobody came to help but she. * * * My answer is not a perfect answer of this question but there is nothing like hatred in our heart for any religion. It\'s my personal view. But who creates differences and ask such questions are actually obnoxious. * * * A few people think that I\'ve fabricated this story. And your obnoxious messages portray your thinking. Fortunately, I met good people. So, I\'ve beautiful memories. And you can\'t feel the sudden twinge until you won\'t face similar situation. Thanks ☺ Upvote · 1.1K1.1K 9969 92 ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-4830164-50-ylhvpjqfdlwjjnkyzqqocfqvnhiuxnne.jpeg\\") Himanshu Yadav It\'s nations within a nation. · Author has 267 answers and 6.3M answer views · 11y Originally Answered: Why are some Hindus in India so hostile about Muslims staying in India? I agree that the state of Hindus in Pakistan is worse, but why are we as a country, instead of working towards them, turning around and playing the you-hit-me I-hit-you game? · Hindus, or Muslims, in general are not hostile towards each other. Being a Hindu, I love APJ Abdul Kalam, AR Rahman, Aamir Khan, Salman Khan or for that matter, I love my college muslim friends. And I\'m dead sure the majority of the Hindus fall in the same category as I do. There is no question as to hate other Muslims if we love all the people mentioned above. Similarly, there are millions of Muslims who love Sachin Tendulkar, Amitabh Bachan and hundreds of other Hindus in their lives. So why do we still think that Hindus and Muslims are enemies? because the media influences our perception! The Continue Reading Hindus, or Muslims, in general are not hostile towards each other. Being a Hindu, I love APJ Abdul Kalam, AR Rahman, Aamir Khan, Salman Khan or for that matter, I love my college muslim friends. And I\'m dead sure the majority of the Hindus fall in the same category as I do. There is no question as to hate other Muslims if we love all the people mentioned above. Similarly, there are millions of Muslims who love Sachin Tendulkar, Amitabh Bachan and hundreds of other Hindus in their lives. So why do we still think that Hindus and Muslims are enemies? because the media influences our perception! The media just shows it in news so many times that we start believing that we are against each other. And what makes the Media do so? One reason is obvious, it sells, their TRPs go up. Agree or not, we love to watch this news on TV. Real answer, vote bank politics. Britishers left us with this thing called \'Divide and Rule\'. And since then, this is the only art out politicians have practiced, and now they are experts at it. It is being practiced so shamelessly all around this, just look: > One of the top brains of the country, a public servant, an IAS officer (an > exam which only a bunch of people in a million could clear), tries to raise > a voice against a sand mafia and stop the illegal activities in her region. > And what does she get in return? Shouldn\'t it have been a promotion? Or > maybe just some appreciation from the government? But look what they did, > they played the communal card, put a charge of raising communal violence on > her, and just suspended an IAS officer without even an inquiry? And then to announce who\'s in-charge, one minister proudly says he got her suspended within 41 minutes of making a call to the Chief Minister? Really? And we just listen and crib and let it all pass by us. These are the people who we are paying from our taxes, and who we are electing to serve us? Why? Take one more example: > Just when the Lok Sabha elections are around the corner, Congress plays the > Telangana card. They are gonna get all 17 Lok Sabha MPs from Telnagana now. > And just a couple of months, the prospects of Congress in Andhra Pradesh > were next to nothing! Talk about divide and rule now, we\'ve even put the > Britishers look like kids in this art. Sometimes I wonder and I just can\'t figure out how did we come to this, over the last 60 years, couldn\'t we produce a handful of good politicians who could have put an end to all this non sense and made the India the superpower it always had the potential to become? But then I realise, the roots of corruption and ignorance have been sown so deep down our roots by these very politicians, to serve their own good and to maintain their power on top, that now we\'re finding it so difficult to come out of this. With the Internet and media and technology and news reaching more and more corners of our India now, I\'m sure the day we can put an end to all this is not so far. People are beginning to realise they don\'t need to vote for a PM\'s son and they must put an end to this family business of ruling the country, and they are beginning to realise who are the people who should lead them for a better future. Hope is a good thing. Upvote · 999381 9925 Related questions Why do Islam and Muslims hate Hinduism and Hindus? Do some Hindus hate Muslims? Why is there so much hate between Hindus and Muslims? I am fed up of explaining to my Hindu friends that we Muslims too love our country and that Islam doesn\'t teach us to kill them. Whenever there is a discussion in public, my religion comes up and I have to walk away slowly in shame. How can I convince them that I am a true Indian too? Who did the most to sow the seeds of hatred between Hindus and Muslims in India? Do most Indians/Hindus hate Muslims? If so, why? What problems do Hindus have with Islam? Will India end up having a Muslim majority in the future? What will be the social, economical and political consequences if that happens? Why are the Muslims against the Hindus? Can Muslims and Hindus ever live peacefully without having hatred for each other in their hearts? Are Hindus overpowering Muslims in India? Do Muslims hate Gandhiji like Hindus? Can a Muslim marry a Hindu? What is the religious relation between Hindus and Muslims? What is the difference between a Hindu & a Muslim? Related questions Why do Islam and Muslims hate Hinduism and Hindus? Do some Hindus hate Muslims? Why is there so much hate between Hindus and Muslims? I am fed up of explaining to my Hindu friends that we Muslims too love our country and that Islam doesn\'t teach us to kill them. Whenever there is a discussion in public, my religion comes up and I have to walk away slowly in shame. How can I convince them that I am a true Indian too? Who did the most to sow the seeds of hatred between Hindus and Muslims in India? Do most Indians/Hindus hate Muslims? If so, why? What problems do Hindus have with Islam? Will India end up having a Muslim majority in the future? What will be the social, economical and political consequences if that happens? Why are the Muslims against the Hindus? Can Muslims and Hindus ever live peacefully without having hatred for each other in their hearts? About · Careers · Privacy · Terms · Contact · Languages · Your Ad Choices · Press · © Quora, Inc. 2024
In Maharashtra a Muslim brother married two Hindu sisters he raised at the same time according to the Hindu system This is the highlight of my country
..Why does Islam allow and encourage cousins to marry? Is this still in practice? All related (64) Sort Recommended ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-1592122663-50-bhxcarecrbovjnrsiiqutbmbhfwsvdfj.jpeg\\") A Human Just Like Any Other Unofficial Muslim speaker after meeting a lot of hatred :) · Author has 161 answers and 337.5K answer views · Updated 2y Allow? Yes Encourage? Hell no. Cousin marriage was allowed and practised in the pre-Islamic period and even during the Islamic period. One of the main reasons was; they couldn’t travel a lot to search for a bride or a groom. They found it easier to get their children married to someone they knew their whole life, instead of exploring and stuff as they were much isolated and lived in smaller groups compared to the rest of the world. Today, science says cousins marrying has a higher risk of genetic errors in children. Cool. Simple solution, stop marrying your cousins. Islam doesn’t say “IF YOU DON’T Continue Reading Allow? Yes Encourage? Hell no. Cousin marriage was allowed and practised in the pre-Islamic period and even during the Islamic period. One of the main reasons was; they couldn’t travel a lot to search for a bride or a groom. They found it easier to get their children married to someone they knew their whole life, instead of exploring and stuff as they were much isolated and lived in smaller groups compared to the rest of the world. Today, science says cousins marrying has a higher risk of genetic errors in children. Cool. Simple solution, stop marrying your cousins. Islam doesn’t say “IF YOU DON’T MARRY YOUR COUSINS YOU ARE COMMITTING A SIN.” There’s even a hadith in which Umar (radi) speaks to someone: Ibn Abi Mulaykah reported: Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, said to the house of Al-Sa’ib, “You have become frail, so marry intelligent people unrelated to you.” This very well shows that cousin marriage is allowed but generally disliked (makruh) and the same was believed and practised even during Muhammad (pbuh)’s period. Conclusion: Have faith in religion, advance in science. Peace🌷 Upvote · 999205 9957 91 Sponsored by Amazon Web Services (AWS) Looking to build or host your own website? Try AWS for free. Whether you\'re looking to build, host, or create in the cloud, AWS offers free, hands-on experience. Sign Up 999441 Related questions More answers below What is the process of marrying your cousin in Islam? What is the exact reason why Muslims allow first cousin marriage? Ok, one might not consider it wrong, still when they have the option of marrying someone else, why do they still choose to marry their cousins? Are you allowed to marry your cousin in Islam? If yes, do you think that it is wrong? My parents without asking me have fixed my marriage to my cousin which is quite common in Muslims. But I don\'t want to marry him. I think of him as my brother. What should I do? What does the Quran say about marrying cousins? ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-48907083-50-yzvyybgnwzskuwxaynzweqvrraflcerl.jpeg\\") Palwasha Muslim and sticking to Islam · Author has 2K answers and 13.7M answer views · 7y Originally Answered: Why are marriages between cousins allowed in Islam? · Gratitude and Dua Why are cousin marriages allowed in Islam? Cousin marriages are allowed in Islam. Cousin marriages are neither encouraged in Islam, nor are they preferred Islam is very clear about the importance of protection of lineage and knowledge of paternity. A cousin is a cousin is a cousin. He/she cannot be my blood brother or sister. He/she has no right to inherit my father’s property. He/she is known by their family name, not mine Keeping all of the above in view, I am allowed to marry my cousins. I am not obligated. On the same token, I am also allowed to divorce my spouse of we are un Continue Reading Gratitude and Dua Why are cousin marriages allowed in Islam? Cousin marriages are allowed in Islam. Cousin marriages are neither encouraged in Islam, nor are they preferred Islam is very clear about the importance of protection of lineage and knowledge of paternity. A cousin is a cousin is a cousin. He/she cannot be my blood brother or sister. He/she has no right to inherit my father’s property. He/she is known by their family name, not mine Keeping all of the above in view, I am allowed to marry my cousins. I am not obligated. On the same token, I am also allowed to divorce my spouse of we are unable to have healthy children (for any reason) and remarry another spouse to raise a healthy progeny Peace! Upvote · 9968 9911 ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-48487176-50-tdsfabhrsdlqzhjvmblitvblndkvxmph.jpeg\\") Sayeeduddin Ahmed Student of Islam & Comparitive religion.Thinks+ (2000–present) · Author has 1.7K answers and 3.6M answer views · 6y Originally Answered: Does the Quran allow Muslims to marry their cousins? · Al-hamdu lillah (All praise be to Allah). There is no objection whatsoever in the Islamic religion for a man to marry any of his relatives except al-maharim (those forbidden for marriage) whom Allah mentioned in surat al-nisaa\', 4:23 (interpretation of the meaning): Prohibited to you (for marriage) are: your mothers, daughters, sisters; father\'s sisters, mother\'s sisters; brother\'s daughters, sister\'s daughters; foster-mothers (who breast-fed you), foster-sisters (who breast-fed from the same woman as you); your wives\' mothers; your step-daughters under your guardianship, born of your wives wit Continue Reading Al-hamdu lillah (All praise be to Allah). There is no objection whatsoever in the Islamic religion for a man to marry any of his relatives except al-maharim (those forbidden for marriage) whom Allah mentioned in surat al-nisaa\', 4:23 (interpretation of the meaning): Prohibited to you (for marriage) are: your mothers, daughters, sisters; father\'s sisters, mother\'s sisters; brother\'s daughters, sister\'s daughters; foster-mothers (who breast-fed you), foster-sisters (who breast-fed from the same woman as you); your wives\' mothers; your step-daughters under your guardianship, born of your wives with whom you have consummated marriage, no prohibition if ye have not consummated; (those who have been) wives of your sons proceeding from your loins; and two sisters in wedlock at one and the same time, except for what is past; for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Thus, when Allah mentioned for us the relatives to whom marriage is forbidden, we then come to know that there is no objection for the remainder of the family relations. Furthermore, there is no condition that it be the last resort as indicated in the question. Among the most prominent evidence of this fact is that the Prophet (peace be upon him) married his daughter Fatima to Ali (may Allah be pleased with them) and he is the son of her father\'s uncle, as well as the marriage of the Prophet himself to Zainab bint Jahsh (may Allah be please with her) and she is his aunt\'s daughter (i.e. his cousin); and there are many other such examples. However, a different question may be asked, namely: \"Is it better or preferable for a Muslim to marry someone he is not related to rather than a relative?\" The answer to this question varies from case to case, and perhaps it may be preferable to marry people who are non-relations, for example if one aspires to form new social ties or bonds, and regards the existence of a marriage relationship with a different family as constructive in widening the circle of social bonds. Upvote · 9916 91 ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-111774116-50-sonvdgegzsbwauhrhmtwrsrtlnqjabdg.jpeg\\") Muhib Hussain 10 plus years of experience in relation ships and marriage · Author has 132 answers and 394K answer views · 7y Islam does not forbid, nor does it encourage cousins to marry. It was left to the cultural norms, traditions and requirements of different people of that time and ages to come. In those times 1400 years ago Arabs used to live in tribes, most of them should be cousins. So banning cousin marriage would have created lot of problems for people of that time and culture. Islam has given a clear message and set of standards in the last sermon for people to follow. That no one is better than any other on the basis of tribes or race. Arab or non Arabs, no one is superior to any one. Yes the Prophet saww Continue Reading Islam does not forbid, nor does it encourage cousins to marry. It was left to the cultural norms, traditions and requirements of different people of that time and ages to come. In those times 1400 years ago Arabs used to live in tribes, most of them should be cousins. So banning cousin marriage would have created lot of problems for people of that time and culture. Islam has given a clear message and set of standards in the last sermon for people to follow. That no one is better than any other on the basis of tribes or race. Arab or non Arabs, no one is superior to any one. Yes the Prophet saww married her daughter Lady Fatima to his cousin Ali peace be upon them. But if we see other examples from the pure Progeny of Prophet, and Imam Ali a.s after death of Lady Fatima, married from different tribes and regions. They even married from people of Habsha (Africa) 1400 years ago, that west has just adapted in 20th century. Upvote · 9915 91 Sponsored by Mutual of Omaha Want a Medicare plan that lets you keep your doctor? Use our free Advice Center to get answers to your questions and find the right Medicare plan for you. Learn More 9927 Related questions What is the process of marrying your cousin in Islam? What is the exact reason why Muslims allow first cousin marriage? Ok, one might not consider it wrong, still when they have the option of marrying someone else, why do they still choose to marry their cousins? Are you allowed to marry your cousin in Islam? If yes, do you think that it is wrong? My parents without asking me have fixed my marriage to my cousin which is quite common in Muslims. But I don\'t want to marry him. I think of him as my brother. What should I do? What does the Quran say about marrying cousins? Can a woman marry her mother\'s sister\'s daughter\'s son in Islam? Can any Muslim girl share her experience what is feels like to marry your own cousin brother and what is the experience of your marriage life? What is it like to be a Muslim woman married to a man who has more than one wife? As a Middle Easterner, what is your opinion about cousin marriage and why is it so common there? My family is sort of forcing me to marry my cousin and I feel absolutely disgusted by the thought of it. What should I do? I\'m 21(F) and belong to a Muslim household. What is the Islamic stance on marrying your cousin? Is it permissible in Islam to marry my cousin\'s son? Can a brother and sister get married in Islam? Does the Qur\'an prohibit 1st cousin marriages? Does a female cousin become a na mahram to her male cousin after her marriage in Islam? Related questions What is the process of marrying your cousin in Islam? What is the exact reason why Muslims allow first cousin marriage? Ok, one might not consider it wrong, still when they have the option of marrying someone else, why do they still choose to marry their cousins? Are you allowed to marry your cousin in Islam? If yes, do you think that it is wrong? My parents without asking me have fixed my marriage to my cousin which is quite common in Muslims. But I don\'t want to marry him. I think of him as my brother. What should I do? What does the Quran say about marrying cousins? Can a woman marry her mother\'s sister\'s daughter\'s son in Islam? Advertisement About · Careers · Privacy · Terms · Contact · Languages · Your Ad Choices · Press · © Quora, Inc. 2024 ![](\\"\\")![](\\"\\")![](\\"\\")![](\\"\\")
One of my goals as US senator will be to ditch Cocaine Mitch’
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This isn\'t the first time Blankenship has taken aim at McConnell. In a recent interview with Politico, the former coal baron claimed that McConnell \"has a lot of connections with China\" and said that his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, is \"from China.\" Chao was born in Taiwan and moved to the U.S. as a child. In a statement seeking to explain the ad, Blankenship said \"McConnell and his family have extensive ties to China\" and that his father-in-law \"owns a large Chinese shipping company.\" Blankenship says the company \"was implicated recently in smuggling cocaine from Colombia to Europe, hidden aboard a company ship carrying foreign coal was $7 million dollars of cocaine and that is why we\'ve deemed him \'Cocaine Mitch.\'\" Here\'s the ad: > Cocaine Mitch > > Mitch McConnell and his family have extensive ties to China. His father-in- > law who founded and owns a large Chinese shipping company has given Mitch > and his wife millions of dollars over the years. The company was implicated > recently in smuggling cocaine from Colombia to Europe, hidden aboard a > company ship carrying foreign coal was $7 million dollars of cocaine and > that is why we’ve deemed him “Cocaine Mitch.” Despite being a career > politician for more than three decades, Mitch has become a millionaire while > raising our national debt by 20 trillion dollars. The biggest jump in his > wealth came from a multi-million dollar gift to his wife, Elaine Chao’s from > her father, i.e. Foremost Maritime. The company uses ships chartered in > Liberia, not America or China. Ms. Chao’s father and sister actually joined > the board in 2007 and 2008 of something called China State Shipbuilding > Corporation, CSSC Holdings, which is a subsidiary of the largest defense > contractor in China. McConnell is so indebted to China that he even co- > sponsor a Senate bill to remove human rights reporting requirements from > free trade deals. Those requirements were put in place after China’s abuses > following the protests for freedom we saw worldwide at Tiananmen Square. > (S.2277) A new book by Peter Schweizer examines how career politician Mitch > McConnell used his elected influence and his wife’s family’s policies to get > rich while regular Americans lost a trade war. A trade war that has cost > millions their jobs and therefore created idleness and despair, which as we > know leads to illegal drug use including cocaine. Cocaine overdose deaths in > the United States are rising rapidly as a result. > > Posted by Don Blankenship on Tuesday, May 1, 2018 The statement goes on to say that a new book from conservative author Peter Schweitzer \"examines how career politician Mitch McConnell used his elected influence and his wife\'s family\'s policies to get rich while regular Americans lost a trade war. A trade war that has cost millions their jobs and therefore created idleness and despair, which as we know leads to illegal drug use including cocaine.\" The statement then says cocaine \"overdose deaths in the United States are rising rapidly as a result.\" The statement links to a 2014 report in The Nation, a progressive magazine, which says that shipping vessel owned by Chao\'s family was found containing roughly 90 pounds of cocaine by Columbian authorities. McConnell\'s office referred a request for comment to the National Republican Senate Committee (NRSC). The NRSC did not immediately return a request for comment. Blankenship spent a year in prison after he was found guilty of violating mine safety rules in the wake of the Upper Big Branch Mine disaster, which killed 29 miners in 2010, the biggest coal mine disaster in the U.S. in 40 years. He mentions the mine disaster at the beginning of his ad: \"Politicians are running a lot of crazy ads. They blew up the coal mine and then put me in prison,\" he says, facing the camera. \"Now they\'re running ads saying the coal mine blew up, and I went to prison. There\'s no surprise there.\" Establishment Republicans are worried that Blankenship could win next week\'s GOP Senate primary against two more mainstream candidates, which they fear could cost them a winnable race against vulnerable Democratic incumbent Sen. Joe Manchin. A new ad from Mountain Families PAC, which is affiliated with establishment Republicans, blasts \"convicted criminal Don Blankenship.\" Meanwhile, the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce recently endorsed Rep. Evan Jenkins, one of Blankenship\'s opponents in the primary. ### More from CBS News ![\\"](\\" Supreme Court takes up gun-makers\' bid to end Mexican government\'s lawsuit ![\\"](\\" How Secret Service secured Trump\'s return to Butler, Pennsylvania ![\\"](\\" $100 million in transportation funds released for North Carolina after Helene ![\\"](\\" Intel bulletin warns of domestic extremists with \"election-related grievances\" ![\\"](\\" gettyimages-1233713985.jpg?v=0736ad3ef1e9ddfe1218648fe91d6c9b#\\") JPMorgan Chase denies Trump\'s claim that CEO Jamie Dimon endorsed him In: * Opioid Epidemic * United States Senate * West Virginia * Mitch McConnell © 2018 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. ### More from CBS News ![\\"](\\" #### Supreme Court takes up gun-makers\' bid to end Mexican government\'s lawsuit ![\\"](\\" #### How Secret Service secured Trump\'s return to Butler, Pennsylvania ![\\"](\\" #### $100 million in transportation funds released for North Carolina after Helene ![\\"](\\" #### Intel bulletin warns of domestic extremists with \"election-related grievances\" Copyright ©2024 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. * Privacy Policy * California Notice * Do Not Sell My Personal Information * Terms of Use * About * Advertise * Closed Captioning * CBS News Store * Site Map * Contact Us * Help * facebook * twitter * instagram * youtube View CBS News In CBS News App Open Chrome Safari Continue Be the first to know Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Not Now Turn On advertisement advertisement advertisement ![](\\"
One of my goals as US senator will be to ditch Cocaine Mitch’
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Video Ad Feedback GOP candidate calls McConnell \'cocaine Mitch\' 00:56 \- Source: CNN Washington CNN — Don Blankenship, a Republican candidate for US Senate in West Virginia, is defending an ad his campaign released Monday in which he referred to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as “Cocaine Mitch.” In a press release on Tuesday, Blankenship’s campaign claimed McConnell and his family have “extensive ties” to China before elaborating on the reasoning behind the ad. “His father-in-law who founded and owns a large Chinese shipping company has given Mitch and his wife millions of dollars over the years. The company was implicated recently in smuggling cocaine from Colombia to Europe, hidden aboard a company ship carrying foreign coal was $7 million dollars of cocaine and that is why we’ve deemed him ‘Cocaine Mitch,’” the press release reads. Ad Feedback Ad Feedback James Chao, McConnell’s father-in-law, was born in China, but moved to the United States before starting the Foremost Group, a shipping company, in New York. The press release points to a 2014 article in The Nation that reported cocaine was found on a ship belonging to Chao’s company. A spokesman for McConnell referred a request for comment on the ad to the National Republican Senatorial Committee and did not respond to a request for comment on the press release. The NRSC did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The Blankenship campaign also did not immediately respond to a request comment. In the ad released Monday, Blankenship said, “One of my goals as US senator will be to ditch Cocaine Mitch.” This isn’t the first time that Blankenship has attacked McConnell’s family. Last month, the he referred to McConnell’s father-in-law as “a wealthy Chinaperson,” saying, “I have an issue when the father-in-law is a wealthy Chinaperson and there’s a lot of connections to some of the brass, if you will, in China.” McConnell, who is married to Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, later told Fox News, “My father-in-law is an American who lives in New York. I don’t have any comment about ridiculous observations like that.” Josh Holmes, a former chief of staff to McConnell, tweeted, “this candidate is as contemptible a human being as you will find,” in response to those remarks. Blankenship, a former coal executive who served a year in prison stemming from a 2010 mine explosion, is running against Republican Representative Evan Jenkins and Attorney General Patrick Morrisey in the West Virginia Senate Republican primary, which will take place next week. A recent Fox News poll showed Blankenship lagging behind Jenkins and Morrisey. The winner of the primary will face off against Democratic West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin in the general election. CNN’s Eric Bradner contributed to this report ## Up next ![\\"\\"](\\" Fact check: Six days of Trump lies about the Hurricane Helene response Oct 6, 2024 7 minute read ![\\"\\"](\\" biden-split.jpg?c=16x9&q=h_144,w_256,c_fill\\") Harris weighs more breaks with Biden as he keeps injecting himself into the campaign Oct 6, 2024 9 minute read ![\\"\\"](\\" ‘Here we go again’: Milton expected to become a major hurricane as Floridians are still reeling from Helene Oct 6, 2024 6 minute read ![\\"\\"](\\" ‘The power of water.’ How Helene devastated western North Carolina and left communities in ruins Oct 6, 2024 7 minute read ![\\"\\"](\\" Maya Rudolph as Kamala Harris can’t handle VP candidates ‘vibing’ during spoof debate on ‘SNL’ Oct 6, 2024 2 minute read ## Most read Less than 10 days after Helene made landfall, Florida braces for another hurricane, potentially a Category 3 ‘Here we go again’: Milton expected to become a major hurricane as Floridians are still reeling from Helene Harris weighs more breaks with Biden as he keeps injecting himself into the campaign Trump returns to Butler for rally at site of assassination attempt Howard Schultz violated labor law by telling employee ‘if you’re not happy at Starbucks, you can go work for another company’ Former New York Gov. 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Oct 6, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" ‘Here we go again’: Milton expected to become a major hurricane as Floridians are ... Oct 6, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" biden-split.jpg?c=16x9&q=h_144,w_256,c_fill\\") Harris weighs more breaks with Biden as he keeps injecting himself into the campaign Oct 6, 2024 Ad Feedback Ad Feedback Ad Feedback Sign in My Account * Settings * Topics You Follow * Sign Out Your CNN account Sign in to your CNN account Live TV Listen Watch * World * Africa * Americas * Asia * Australia * China * Europe * India * Middle East * United Kingdom * US Politics * SCOTUS * Congress * Facts First * 2024 Elections * Business * Tech * Media * Calculators * Videos * Markets * Pre-markets * After-Hours * Fear & Greed * Investing * Markets Now * Nightcap * Health * Life, But Better * Fitness * Food * Sleep * Mindfulness * Relationships * Entertainment * Movies * Television * Celebrity * Tech * Innovate * Foreseeable Future * Mission: Ahead * Work Transformed * Innovative Cities * Style * Arts * Design * Fashion * Architecture * Luxury * Beauty * Video * Travel * Destinations * Food & Drink * Stay * News * Videos * Sports * Football * Tennis * Golf * Motorsport * US Sports * Olympics * Climbing * Esports * Hockey * Watch * Live TV * CNN Fast * Shows A-Z * CNN10 * CNN Max * CNN TV Schedules * Listen * CNN 5 Things * Chasing Life with Dr. Sanjay Gupta * The Assignment with Audie Cornish * One Thing * Tug of War * CNN Political Briefing * The Axe Files * All There Is with Anderson Cooper * All CNN Audio podcasts * Science * Space * Life * Unearthed * Climate * Solutions * Weather * Features * As Equals * Call to Earth * Freedom Project * Impact Your World * Inside Africa * CNN Heroes * Weather * Video * Climate * Ukraine-Russia War * Israel-Hamas War * About CNN * Photos * Investigations * CNN Profiles * CNN Leadership * CNN Newsletters * Work for CNN Politics Watch Listen Live TV Follow CNN Politics * * * * Sign in My Account * Settings * Topics You Follow * Sign Out Your CNN account Sign in to your CNN account Terms of Use Privacy Policy Cookie Settings Ad Choices Accessibility & CC About Newsletters Transcripts © 2024 Cable News Network. 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One of my goals as US senator will be to ditch Cocaine Mitch’
Accessibility statementDemocracy Dies in Darkness Sign in Advertisement clockThis article was published more than **6 years ago** Democracy Dies in Darkness PoliticsBiden administrationThe FixThe BriefsPollingDemocracy in AmericaElection 2024 PoliticsBiden administrationThe FixThe BriefsPollingDemocracy in AmericaElection 2024 # GOP Senate candidate derides McConnell, calls him ‘Cocaine Mitch’ in new ad Don Blankenship, a former coal CEO and a GOP Senate candidate, at his campaign kickoff in Logan, W.Va., in January. He is lashing out at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) in a new ad. (Steve Helber/AP) ![\\"\\"](\\" apps/imrs.php?src= authors/washpost/3b8240aa-04f1-4aa3-9767-aaa4237653fb.png&h=196&w=196\\"/) By Paul Kane May 1, 2018 at 5:49 p.m. EDT A Republican candidate for the GOP Senate nomination in West Virginia ratcheted up his campaign attacks on Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, calling the Republican “Cocaine Mitch” in a new ad. Don Blankenship, a former coal CEO who pleaded guilty to safety violations after an explosion killed 29 mine workers, had been in a tight race with state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey and U.S. Rep. Evan Jenkins for the Republican nomination to take on Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) in November. But allies of McConnell (R-Ky.) formed a super PAC and began running ads targeting Blankenship’s past as leader of Massey Energy Co, at the time of the Upper Big Branch mine accident, the deadliest such coal incident in decades. Manchin is one of the top GOP targets this fall, and party strategists believe Blankenship would not win in a general election, given his background. GOP Senate candidate goes after McConnell, calls his father-in-law a ‘wealthy Chinaperson’ Blankenship, who was sentenced to a year in federal prison, has responded with personal attacks on McConnell, the most recent coming Tuesday in a Facebook ad in which he appears to cite an allegation from liberals that the family of McConnell’s wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, has a shipping background connected to drug dealers. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement “One of my goals as U.S. senator will be to ditch ‘Cocaine Mitch,’ ” Blankenship says in the ad. His campaign declined to comment, but the narcotics reference would appear to be a reference to a 2014 seizure of cocaine from a ship in Colombia bound for the Netherlands. Colombian officials seized 90 pounds of cocaine. The ship came from the vast, sprawling maritime company founded by the Cabinet secretary’s father, James Chao, who emigrated from Taiwan. The incident received some attention after the Nation reported it in 2014, about a week before McConnell faced reelection — he won in a landslide — and has largely faded since. But Blankenship, as he has slid in the polls, has made repeated attacks on Elaine Chao’s heritage. Last week, on West Virginia radio, he questioned whether McConnell had a conflict of interest because his father-in-law was a “wealthy Chinaperson.” Advertisement Story continues below advertisement The GOP leader has largely ignored the attacks, and his allies think that the former coal CEO is unlikely to win the nomination. “My father-in-law is an American who lives in New York, works in New York, and I don’t have any comment about ridiculous observations like that,” McConnell said last week during a Fox News interview. His office declined to comment Tuesday. Blankenship’s campaign declined to comment on the rationale for the new ad. The primary is May 8. Share Comments ![\\"\\"](\\"/dr/resources/images/generic-newsletter-signup.png\\") ![\\"\\"](\\"/dr/resources/images/generic-newsletter-signup.png\\") Sign up Advertisement Advertisement live updatespolitics![\\"\\"](\\" apps/imrs.php?src=\\")9:43 PM #### Harris: ‘We’re not going to stop’ pressure on Israel to end war in Gaza 8:35 PMHarris, Walz on a media blitz this week 8:13 PMAnalysis: Jan. 6 and Trump’s subversion took center stage. Will that sway voters? 8:01 PMAnalysis: The ‘pragmatic optimist’ set to make history in a divided Senate Advertisement Advertisement © 1996-2024 The Washington Post * * © 1996-2024 The Washington Post
One of my goals as US senator will be to ditch Cocaine Mitch’
Accessibility statementDemocracy Dies in Darkness Sign in Advertisement clockThis article was published more than **6 years ago** Democracy Dies in Darkness fact checkerAboutArchive fact checkerAboutArchive # The kooky tale of ‘Cocaine Mitch’ An attack ad in West Virginia takes aim at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell with a colorful but fact-free nickname. (Video: Meg Kelly/The Washington Post) ![\\"\\"](\\" apps/imrs.php?src= authors/washpost/5dc76bd9-302c-4083-87ca-51b36d86766a.png&h=196&w=196\\"/) Analysis by Salvador Rizzo May 4, 2018 at 3:00 a.m. EDT “One of my goals as U.S. senator will be to ditch ‘Cocaine Mitch.’ ” — U.S. Senate primary candidate Don Blankenship (R-W.Va.), in an ad attacking Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) “Having cocaine on a family-owned ship certainly should be of interest because cocaine deaths in this country keep going up, and even though that ship, I think, headed to Europe, we still need to be aware that there are cocaine and other drugs moving on the high seas on commercial ships. And if nothing else, it should make us aware that we need to be careful when these commercial ships are docking, when your country needs to see what’s on them. And certainly, the family of Elaine Chao and McConnell should be no exception to that.” — Blankenship, in an interview on Fox News, May 2, 2018 This fact check explores whether “Cocaine Mitch” is an accurate nickname for the Senate majority leader. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement How did we end up here? ✅ Follow Fact-checking politicians Follow Blankenship, a Republican candidate in the Senate primary in West Virginia, released an ad claiming that “politicians … blew up the coal mine and then put me in prison.” In fact, Blankenship spent a year in prison because a jury convicted him of conspiracy to violate federal safety standards. A 2010 explosion at a coal mine owned by Massey Energy, where Blankenship was chief executive, killed 29 workers at the Upper Big Branch Mine in West Virginia. A state investigation found that Massey Energy’s negligence was the main reason for “the faulty ventilation system, the inadequate application of rock dust and the equipment failures” that caused the blast. Story continues below advertisement Anyway, out of the blue, at the end of this ad, Blankenship calls McConnell “Cocaine Mitch.” He doesn’t explain it. There’s no tie-in to any of the other things Blankenship says in the ad. He just throws it out like a slab of red meat. Advertisement Blankenship’s campaign later issued a news release (“Don Blankenship Releases ‘Cocaine Mitch’ Ad Explanation”), which we read with interest. Let’s dig in. ### The Facts Blankenship is competing in the May 8 primary for the Republican Senate nomination in West Virginia, where Sen. Joe Manchin III (D) is running for reelection in November. The specific attack line about “Cocaine Mitch” has nothing to do with drug use. As our colleague Amber Phillips of The Fix pointed out, some Republican primary candidates choose to run as foils to the GOP establishment. In West Virginia, Blankenship has been firing off attacks at McConnell, his wife and his in-laws lately. Story continues below advertisement McConnell is married to Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, whose family owns a New York shipping company named Foremost Group. The company was founded as Foremost Maritime Corp. by McConnell’s father-in-law, James S.C. Chao. Advertisement As of 2015, McConnell’s net worth was somewhere between $11 million and $43 million, according to Open Secrets. Lawmakers are required to disclose their assets and liabilities in broad ranges, not specific figures, which makes it tough to nail down exactly how wealthy they are. As The Fact Checker previously reported, McConnell’s net worth appeared to surge in 2008, when he and his wife disclosed a tax-exempt money-market fund valued at between $5 million and $25 million. Elaine Chao inherited this money after her mother died in 2007, a McConnell spokesman told The Fact Checker. Story continues below advertisement In its news release, the Blankenship campaign pointed to an article in the Nation magazine from October 2014. Relying on an interview with a coast guard official in Colombia, the Nation reported that authorities in that country had found 40 packages of cocaine, or about 90 pounds, aboard the Ping May, a bulk carrier owned by Foremost Group. The ship was docked at the Colombian port city of Santa Marta and destined for the Netherlands with a shipment of coal, the magazine reported. Advertisement The Fact Checker found an August 2014 news release from the Colombian navy that corroborated much of the Nation’s reporting. According to the navy, the Ping May had arrived from the United Kingdom in mid-August 2014 and was departing for Rotterdam with its coal shipment later that month when Colombian authorities discovered the 40 packages of cocaine. “No persons were captured in the operation,” the Colombian navy said. Two months later, when the Nation’s article was published, the Colombian investigation was described as ongoing, and no charges had been filed. The Nation did not follow up with more articles, and we couldn’t find any more information about this case in Colombian media. Story continues below advertisement “Mitch McConnell and his family have extensive ties to China,” the Blankenship campaign’s news release says. “His father-in-law who founded and owns a large Chinese shipping company has given Mitch and his wife millions of dollars over the years. The company was implicated recently in smuggling cocaine from Colombia to Europe. Hidden aboard a company ship carrying foreign coal was $7 million dollars of cocaine and that is why we’ve deemed him ‘Cocaine Mitch.’” Advertisement Okay! Wow! There’s a lot to unpack here! First, Foremost Group is not a “Chinese shipping company.” It’s an American company, based in New York. Second, there is no evidence that McConnell’s father-in-law has “given Mitch and his wife millions of dollars over the years.” Elaine Chao received an inheritance valued at between $5 million and $25 million after her mother’s death in 2007. This was years before the drug bust in Santa Marta in 2014. There is no record of McConnell receiving any other financial windfall from his in-laws. Story continues below advertisement Blankenship’s news release cites a book about McConnell and other politicians called “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends,” by Peter Schweizer. In an interview with Breitbart News, Schweizer refers to this same $5 million to $25 million, and nothing else, as an example of the money McConnell has received from his father-in-law. “McConnell himself has benefited because a few years ago, James Chao gave Mitch McConnell a gift between five and twenty-five million dollars that more than quadrupled his net worth overnight,” Schweizer told Breitbart. Notice how he describes Elaine Chao’s inheritance as a “gift” from her father to McConnell. Advertisement Third, neither the Nation nor the Colombian navy reported that the cocaine was worth $7 million. The only way Blankenship’s campaign could have landed on that number is by making extra-generous assumptions. In the United States, “the street price varies enormously because it depends on purity, which itself varies enormously,” Tom Wainwright, a journalist who wrote “Narconomics: How to Run A Drug Cartel,” said in an email. “So people tend to quote figures for a pure gram (or kilo). The street price of a pure gram is roughly $150 (i.e., the equivalent of $150,000 per kilo), though again it will vary a lot.” Story continues below advertisement He added: “In practice, what you buy will probably be cheaper than that because it won’t be anything like 100 percent pure. You might pay $75 for a gram of ‘cocaine’ that is in fact 0.5g cocaine and 0.5g other random stuff.” Advertisement Assuming a street price of $150,000 per kilogram for the 40 packages of cocaine on the Ping May gets you to only $6 million, though, so it’s unclear how the Blankenship campaign arrived at $7 million. Perhaps it assumed that diluting the cocaine with cornstarch, caffeine or other additives would yield another $1 million. In any case, prices are lower in Europe, where these drugs were actually headed. Most important, as of this writing, Colombian authorities do not appear to have filed charges in the Ping May drug bust. Charges would indicate that the Colombian government identified suspects, and who they were. Story continues below advertisement The Fact Checker reached out to the Colombian Embassy in Washington. We asked what the outcome of the Ping May investigation was and whether any charges were filed. A spokeswoman for the embassy referred us to a captain in the Colombian navy, who did not respond to our questions. Advertisement The absence of known charges is key. The Ping May is a huge vessel with 91,385 tons of cargo capacity, which is about the same as 20 million cats, assuming each cat weighs the average 10 pounds. For comparison, the 40 packages of cocaine, about 90 pounds total, would weigh the same as nine cats. Joaquin Perez, a criminal defense lawyer in Miami who specializes in international drug-trafficking cases, said it would be difficult for Colombian authorities to charge anyone in these circumstances. He said, “Forty kilos in a big ship with containers and stuff like that is not a significant amount, and in order to be able to ascribe responsibility to a person in such a large ship,” authorities would need to establish a clear nexus. Had the 40 kilos been found inside a shipping container, perhaps the company that owned the cargo inside might be held responsible. (The Ping May is a bulk carrier, though, so there were no containers.) The Colombian navy said the drugs were found in the ship’s chain locker, a forward part of the ship that contains the anchor chain when the anchor is up. “If it was found in the captain’s room, then you can charge the captain, or in one of the crew members’ rooms,” Perez said. “But short of that, I don’t know how you can charge anything.” In short, just because Colombian officials found cocaine on the Ping May doesn’t mean Foremost Group was shipping it or planning to profit from its sale. Who hid the drugs in the ship’s chain locker? It’s anyone’s guess, but it’s important to remember that Colombian authorities do not appear to have charged the ship’s captain or crew. They didn’t charge Foremost Group or the Chaos. They certainly didn’t charge McConnell. Spokespeople for McConnell and Foremost Group would not comment, and the Blankenship campaign did not respond to our questions. ### The Pinocchio Test This is a Four Pinocchio claim! Set aside the four or five degrees of separation between McConnell and his wife’s family’s shipping company and the fact that Elaine Chao collected the inheritance at issue years before 2014. Without charges or further information from Colombia, we can’t determine who was trying to smuggle drugs on the Ping May. We understand that “Cornstarch Mitch” is not as catchy as “Cocaine Mitch.” But the bottom line is that Blankenship has no evidence to support his crude and incendiary attack. ### Four Pinocchios (About our rating scale) Send us facts to check by filling out this form Keep tabs on Trump’s promises with our Trump Promise Tracker Sign up for The Fact Checker weekly newsletter Share the Facts 2018-05-04 12:28:02 UTC Washington Post ![\\"Washington](\\" facts/logos/washington_post_logo.png\\"/) 1 1 5 ![\\"Washington](\\" facts/rating_images/washpo/washpo_pinnochios_4.png\\") Washington Post Rating: Four Pinocchios “One of my goals as U.S. senator will be to ditch ‘Cocaine Mitch.’” Don Blankenship U.S. Senate primary candidate (R-W.Va.) ![](\\" apps/imrs.php?src= in a campaign ad Tuesday, May 1, 2018 2018-05-01 Read More info Share ![\\"\\"](\\"/dr/resources/images/generic-newsletter-signup.png\\") ![\\"\\"](\\"/dr/resources/images/generic-newsletter-signup.png\\") Sign up Advertisement Advertisement live updatespolitics![\\"\\"](\\" apps/imrs.php?src=\\")8:45 PM #### Poll: Trust in the Supreme Court splits further on partisan lines 8:34 PMHarris ad highlights Vance’s refusal to admit Trump lost in 2020 8:32 PMRegistration deadlines coming next week in 15 states 8:06 PMTrump to host an event marking anniversary of Oct. 7 attack Advertisement Advertisement © 1996-2024 The Washington Post * * © 1996-2024 The Washington Post
I Do not see any major changes to the ice surface in thirty years It moved a little at one point and now it Does not move much
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Home 2. Through Time 3. Ancient Seas 4. Sea Level Rise ## Introduction The Ocean Portal Team Reviewed by Dr. Joshua K. Willis(link is external), NASA-JPL, Dr. Andrew Kemp(link is external), Tufts University, and Dr. Benjamin H. Strauss(link is external), Climate Central Contents * ## History of Sea Level Rise * ### Last Glacial Period * ### Sea Level on the Rise * ## Why is it Rising? * ### Thermal Expansion * ### Melting Ice * ### Other Contributions * ## Modern Sea Level * ### Measuring Global Sea Level * ### Changing Regional and Local Sea Levels * ## Impacts * ### Storms and Flooding * ### Changing Coastlines * ### Saltwater Intrusion * ### There\'s No Place Like Home * ## Regional Case Studies * ### Florida and the U.S. Gulf Coast * ### Island Nations * ### Alaska * ### River Deltas * ## Future Sea Level & Adaptation * ### Reducing Emissions * ### Holding Back the Sea * ### Moving Inland * ## Additional Resources The ocean never stops moving. When you visit the beach, waves roll in and recede and the tides rise and fall. These are small daily changes that balance out over time. But over the past century, the average height of the sea has risen more consistently—less than a centimeter every year, but those small additions add up. Today, sea level is 5 to 8 inches (13-20 centimeters) higher on average than it was in 1900. That\'s a pretty big change: for the previous 2,000 years, sea level hadn\'t changed much at all. The rate of sea level rise has also increased over time. Between 1900 and 1990 studies show that sea level rose between 1.2 millimeters(link is external) and 1.7 millimeters(link is external) per year on average. By 2000, that rate had increased to about 3.2 millimeters per year and the rate in 2016 is estimated at 3.4 millimeters per year(link is external). Sea level is expected to rise even more quickly by the end of the century. Scientists agree(link is external) that the changes in climate that we are seeing today are largely caused by human activity, and it\'s climate change that drives sea level rise. Sea level started rising in the late 1800s, soon after we started burning coal, gas and other fossil fuels for energy. When burned, these high-energy fuel sources send carbon dioxide up into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide absorbs heat from the sun and traps it, warming the atmosphere and the planet. As the planet gets warmer, sea level rises for two reasons. First, warmer temperatures cause ice on land like glaciers and ice sheets to melt, and the meltwater flows into the ocean to increase sea level. Second, warm water expands and takes up more space than colder water, increasing the volume of water in the sea. Sea level rise will hit the coasts the hardest. Over the coming centuries, land that is today home to between 470 and 760 million coastal residents will be inundated(link is external) by sea level rise associated with a 4 degree Celsius warming that will occur if we fail to curb the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Much of this population lives in cities(link is external). Sea level rise already makes storms more dangerous, causing more flooding and damage in areas crowded with people. And it will affect different parts of the world differently, with some parts of the planet being particularly hard hit. NASAJPL Edu ## History of Sea Level Rise Almost all of the water on Earth is stored in two places: in the oceans (currently 97 percent of all water) and in glaciers (currently about 2.7 percent). How much water is in the oceans—and thus how high sea level is—largely depends on how much water is trapped in glacial ice. Throughout our planet\'s history, sea level has risen and fallen dramatically. At times, there was no ice at the poles(link is external) and the ocean was hundreds of feet higher than it is now; at other times, ice covered the planet and sea level was hundreds of feet lower. These changes are part of Earth\'s natural glacial cycles and have occurred over millions of years. Scientists use sediment and ice cores to learn more about sea level(link is external) before the advent of tide gauges and satellites. ### Last Glacial Period ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"World](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/the_world___ice_age_borders_only__by_jaysimons-d7igsuv- small.jpg\\") This map depicts the Earth during the last ice age, specifically the Late Glacial Maximum (roughly 14,000 BCE) when the climate began to warm substantially. With so much of the planet\'s water tied up in ice, global sea level was more than 400 feet lower than it is today. The artist worked with climatologists and glaciologists to make the map as accurate as possible. (© Martin Vargic(link is external)) Earth\'s most recent glacial period peaked about 26,500 years ago. At that time, around 10 million square miles (26 million square kilometers) of ice covered the Earth. The Laurentide ice sheet covered Canada and the American Midwest, stretching over Minnesota and Wisconsin south to New York and the Rocky Mountains. Across the Atlantic, ice blanketed Iceland and stretched down over the British Isles and northern Europe, including Germany and Poland. The Patagonian ice sheet crept north from Antarctica to cover parts of Chile and Argentina. The climate was colder and drier globally; rain was scarce, but pockets of rainforest survived in the tropics. With so much of the planet\'s water tied up in ice, global sea level was more than 400 feet lower than it is today(link is external). Low sea level meant that some land masses that are currently submerged were accessible to people. One of the best known is the Bering Land Bridge, which connected Alaska to Siberia. The first people to reach the Americas migrated across the land bridge and settled here(link is external). Land animals also made the journey over the bridge in both directions to colonize new continents. As the world\'s glaciers and ice sheets melted during the following millennia, the Bering Land Bridge was flooded and disappeared beneath the ocean\'s surface, cutting off the migration route. ### Sea Level on the Rise ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"Measurements](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/co2_data_mlo.png\\") The amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere has been measured at Mauna Loa Observatory on Hawaii since the 1950\'s. There has been a steady rise in carbon dioxide since the measurements began, and you can see the rise and fall on a yearly basis due to plants growing and absorbing CO2 every spring and summer. In 2015 the annual **growth rate jumped by 3.05 parts per million(link is external)**, the largest year-to-year increase in their 56 years of measurements. (Scripps Institution of Oceanography & NOAA) Over the past 20,000 years or so, sea level has climbed some 400 feet (120 meters). As the climate warmed as part of a natural cycle, ice melted and glaciers retreated until ice sheets remained only at the poles and at the peaks of mountains. Early on, the sea rose rapidly, sometimes at rates greater than 10 feet (3 meters) per century, and then continued to grow in spurts of rapid sea level rise(link is external) until about 7,000 years ago. Then, the climate stabilized and sea level rise slowed, holding largely steady for most of the last 2,000 years, based on records from corals and sediment cores. Now, however, sea level is on the rise again, rising faster now than it has in the past 6,000 years(link is external). The oldest tide gauges and coastal sediment preserved beneath swamps and marshes show that sea level began to rise around 1850, which is right around the time people started burning coal to propel steam engine trains, and it hasn\'t stopped since. The climate likely started warming as a part of a natural cycle, but the accelerated warming in the last two hundred years or so is due to a rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide(link is external). The resulting rise in sea level is likely twice what we would have seen without the increase in greenhouse gasses(link is external) due to human activities. Today, global sea level is 5-8 inches (13-20 cm) higher on average than it was in 1900. Between 1900 and 2000, global sea level rose between 0.05 inches (1.2 millimeters)(link is external) and 0.07 inches (1.7 millimeters)(link is external) per year on average. In the 1990s, that rate jumped to around 3.2 millimeters per year. In 2016 the rate was estimated to be 3.4 millimeters per year, and it is expected to jump higher by the end of the century. Scientists with the Intergovernmental Project on Climate Change predict that global sea level will rise between 0.3 and 1 meter by 2100. Eventually, sea level is expected to rise around 2.3 meters for every degree(link is external) (°C) that climate change warms the planet, and Earth has warmed by 1°C already. What scientists don\'t know is how long it will take for sea level to catch up to the temperature increase. Whether it takes another 200 or 2000 years largely depends on how quickly the ice sheets melt. Even if global warming were to stop today, sea level would continue to rise. ## Why is it Rising? Global warming associated with human activities causes sea level to rise in several ways. ### Thermal Expansion One property of water is that warm water takes up more space than cold water. So as the ocean warms from climate change(link is external), seawater expands to fill a greater volume and takes up more space. This is called thermal expansion, and it is responsible for one-third of sea level rise to date. The idea that water expands when heated seems strange, but it is a property of most objects that occurs at the molecular level. When water molecules are heated, they absorb energy. That energy causes the molecules and atoms to move around more and, in the process, take up more space. If you heat up a cup of water, the small molecular expansions don\'t add up to a difference we can detect by eye. But when you have vast numbers of water molecules, like in the ocean, the tiny expansions add up to something we can see. Thermal expansion is an ongoing contributor to sea level rise as long as ocean water continues to increase in temperature. ### Melting Ice ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"An](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/Pine_Island_Glacier_1000-with- dates.jpg\\") Pine Island Glacier, in the Antarctic, is changing quickly due to warming water. In 2013 satellites **captured the calving(link is external)** of a large iceberg from the glacier. The iceberg was estimated to be 35 by 20 kilometers (22 by 12 miles) wide. (NASA Earth Observatory) Glaciers and ice sheets, large land-based formations of ice, are melting as global temperatures rise. That meltwater drains into the sea, increasing the ocean\'s water volume and global sea level. Melting ice has caused about two- thirds of the rise in sea level to date, one-third from land ice in Greenland and Antarctica and one third from melting ice on mountains. Ice sheets and glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica melt three ways(link is external): from above due to warming air, from the sides as they break off into the sea, and from below due to warming ocean water where the ice extends over the sea. Because of this, the rate of ice melt varies from place to place as conditions change. The Arctic is warming more quickly than the Antarctic(link is external), which explains why the ice there is thinning more quickly. However, recent research suggests that the melting of Antarctica’s ice shelves may be unstoppable(link is external)—although the process may take centuries. It wasn\'t until 2008 that scientists grasped the extent to which warm water melting glaciers from below accelerates ice melt. Many glaciers and ice sheets extend into the ocean at their coastal edge, and the floating ice is called an ice shelf. Ice shelves support ice sheets and glaciers by holding the ice on land. But as ocean temperatures increase, warm water laps at the ice shelves, weakening them and causing them to calve glaciers into the sea. This both accelerates ice melting and destabilizes land-based glaciers and ice sheets. This destabilization and acceleration has already been observed at some Greenland glaciers like Jakobshavn Isbrae, which is speeding into the sea faster than any other glacier on Earth. Pine Island Glacier(link is external), another fast-paced glacier in the Antarctic, is also changing quickly. The 5-year NASA mission Oceans Melting Greenland(link is external) (OMG), launched in April 2015, seeks to better understand how ocean water melts ice from below. Like this one, new discoveries about sea level change are made all the time(link is external). In the future, the melting of ice sheets will dominate sea level rise. Warming has already caused major changes in the ice sheets(link is external), continental masses of ice which hold a greater volume of ice than glaciers and ice caps combined. These changes are irreversible in the short term, says NASA\'s Eric Rignot, and it would take centuries to reverse the trail of ice retreat. In addition to polar ice, the melting of mountain glaciers(link is external), like those in the Andes and Himalayas, has caused an equal amount of sea level rise to date. However, because mountain glaciers include only one percent of all land ice, polar ice will eventually greatly surpass their contributions to global sea-level rise. ### Other Contributions ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/ssh_trend_map1.gif\\") This map shows satellite data of changes in sea level rise from 1998 to 2008. The yellow and red colors indicate areas of rising sea level and the green and blue colors show areas of falling sea level. This shows how in some areas sea level will fall, although the majority of regions are facing rising seas. (NASA) There are other small contributions to sea level rise. Some ice sheets are so massive that they alter the Earth\'s gravitational pull. As ice caps melt, both the gravitation pull on Earth(link is external) and the planet\'s rotational spin will change(link is external), affecting local sea level in complicated ways. Sea levels may rise in some places, and drop in others. Greenland\'s ice sheets currently pull on the surrounding ocean, creating a slight bump in the ocean in that area of the world. When the ice on Greenland melts and that pull is lost the sea level in places like Iceland and Norway will actually drop. But that water will have to go somewhere. The ocean water will redistribute so that across the globe by Japan and Hawaii sea level will rise more than the global average. Other human impacts can decrease sea level rise, such as building dams and artificial reservoirs to store water. When people use wells to pump water from underground reservoirs, that water eventually reaches the ocean. But none of these are capable of influencing sea level to the same extent as thermal expansion and the melting of large glaciers and ice sheets. ## Modern Sea Level ### Measuring Global Sea Level ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/jason_3.png\\") Satellites like JASON-1, -2 and -3 use precise radars to bounce signals off the ocean\'s surface to determine the height of the ocean, or sea level. (NOAA/STAR) Global sea level is the height of the ocean\'s surface averaged throughout the world, and is what is often discussed in the news. Historically, it has been challenging to measure because the ocean\'s surface isn\'t flat; it changes daily or hourly based on winds, tides, and currents. Up until 1993, tide gauges measured global sea level. Tide gauges(link is external) are usually placed on piers, and they continuously record the height of the water level compared to a stable reference point on land. There are around 2,000 tide gauges around the world run by around 200 countries. Some have been recording sea level data since the 1800s(link is external)—and a few for even longer(link is external). But thanks to satellites, scientists have gotten a better handle on global sea level and how it has changed over time. Satellites take much more comprehensive measurements. In 1992, NASA launched TOPEX/Poseidon(link is external), the first of a series of satellites that measure sea level rise from space. It was followed by Jason-1(link is external) and OSTM/Jason-2(link is external), and most recently Jason-3(link is external) which was launched successfully on Jan 17, 2016. These satellites use precise radars to bounce signals off the ocean\'s surface to determine the height of the ocean. \"The instruments are so sensitive that if they were mounted on a commercial jetliner flying at 40,000 feet, they could detect the bump caused by a dime lying flat on the ground,\" says Michael Freilich, Director of NASA\'s Earth Science program. With this information, NASA scientists calculate the average change in height almost everywhere across the globe once every 10 days. In 2002, NASA launched the GRACE satellites(link is external), which track both ocean and ice mass by measuring changes in the Earth\'s gravitational field. The paired satellites orbit the Earth together and are spaced roughly 200 kilometers apart. Ice and water moving around the Earth exert different gravitational forces on the GRACE satellites. The satellites can sense the miniscule changes in the distance between one another caused by the change in gravitation force, which they measure and use to track water and ice mass change. It\'s thanks to GRACE that we know where the water flowing into the ocean came from. According to GRACE, melting of ice in Greenland increased sea level by 0.74 mm/year and melting in Antarctica by 0.25 mm/year since 2002. ### Changing Regional and Local Sea Levels Although sea level is rising globally, in some places it is rising more quickly than others, and in some places, sea level is even falling. This type of local- and regional-scale sea level change is what is most important when talking about the impacts of sea level on people and communities and how to plan for and manage those impacts. Different places will experience varying consequences(link is external) of sea level change for many reasons: * Some coastal areas are positioned high above sea level—such as Scotland, Iceland, and some parts of Alaska—while others are much closer to, or even below, sea level, such as New Orleans, Louisiana and much of the eastern United States. Coasts are constantly moving and changing, with inputs from tectonic plates. * Local geology can make land more resistant or prone to becoming saturated with encroaching seawater and eroding away. * When ice sheets melted at the end of the last ice age, a great weight was removed from some areas. To understand what has been happening since it helps to think of a person (like an ice sheet) sitting on an air mattress (the land). When the person stands up (the ice melts), the part of the mattress underneath and close to the person springs back up; but the parts of the mattress far from the person sink back down. The same rising and sinking are still happening all over the world, even thousands of years after continental ice sheets have disappeared. This is called glacial isostatic adjustment(link is external). * Prevailing winds and ocean currents can push water towards or away from the coast. Additional factors such as rainfall, vegetation, ice cover, groundwater extraction, coastal development, and oil and gas drilling can affect how well a region can handle rising sea levels. See the \"Regional Case Studies\" section for examples of places already facing the consequences of rapid sea level change to demonstrate how it varies around the world. ## Impacts As sea level rises, ocean waves won’t roll onshore and submerge houses and communities all at once like in a summer blockbuster. The first signs of sea level rise will be increased damage from hurricanes and other storms and even high tides. Minor and major flooding will become more frequent. Coastlines will erode and creep backward almost imperceptibly. In fact, all of these impacts are already happening. ### Storms and Flooding ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/hurricane- sandy.jpeg\\") A satellite image of Hurricane Sandy as it passed over Cuba and Jamaica on October 25, 2012. (NOAA/NASA/GSFC/SuomiNPP(link is external)) As the waterline creeps up along coasts, storms and flooding will happen more frequently and dramatically. Think of the ocean as the launching pad for storms and floods(link is external): the closer the sea is to human communities, the easier it is for floods to reach homes, roads and towns. Flooding over roads, which is already becoming more common in some places during high tides(link is external), can cause traffic jams and block emergency vehicles from reaching flooded areas. Imperceptibly to us, flooding is already becoming more common(link is external) along the eastern United States. A 2014 Reuters analysis(link is external) found that, before 1971, water reached flood levels no more than five days every year (on average) in several U.S. east coast cities. Since 2001, however, that number has risen to 20 days or more (on average). At this point, each of these floods is a relatively minor event, maybe closing a few roads, some home damage or causing businesses to close for a period of time. But as they become more frequent, these inconveniences will add up and make people\'s lives harder, not to mention cost money because of damages. Likewise, flooding during storms—sometimes called storm surges(link is external)—will reach farther inland as sea level rises. During hurricanes and other large storms (like Nor’easters), strong winds push water beyond the normal high tide mark; beach houses are often built on stilts to protect against these storm surges. They are likely to get worse as sea level rises due to increased flooding danger across the board. Additionally, as the ocean warms from climate change, it will provide more energy to hurricanes, potentially making them stronger. Over the next century, hurricanes are estimated to grow between 2 and 11 percent stronger on average(link is external), according to NOAA. Combined, these are the \"one-two punch of rising seas,\" say researchers at Columbia University(link is external), increasing the reach and power of storm surges. Storm surges already present the biggest danger to human communities whenever a hurricane hits. During Hurricane Katrina in 2005, storm surges of 10 to 28 feet destroyed buildings in Louisiana and Mississippi, flooded parts of New Orleans, and killed (directly or indirectly) around 1,200 people. In 2012, 9-foot storm surges(link is external) caused by Hurricane Sandy(link is external) flooded parts of New York City\'s subway system and destroyed homes along the New Jersey coast. As sea level rises, dangerous storm surges will become more frequent and powerful. The strength of any given storm can\'t currently be directly linked to climate change. But as sea level rises, bigger floods will become more frequent. ### Changing Coastlines ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"The](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/wetlands1.jpg\\") The grasses and animals living in marshes help to filter water and stabilize shorelines, along with providing habitat for a variety of mammals, fish, shellfish and amphibians and a haven for migratory waterfowl. (Eve Cundiff, Flickr(link is external)) Sea level rise will reshape coastlines as incoming water floods dry areas and erodes coastal features like beaches, cliffs and dunes. This already occurs during big storms like Hurricanes Katrina and Isaac, and encroaching sea level will cause more drastic changes. As waves reach further inland, they can inundate wetlands and kill the marsh grass that holds the sediment in place. Without grass as an anchor, sediment and mud can be pulled to sea or pushed further inland. Saltwater marshes are actually quite resilient(link is external) and capable of moving up and inland when threatened by sea level rise if they are given the space. But many coasts have physical barriers that would impede this adaptation. The effects on sandy beaches will depend on how they are developed. Sandy beaches constantly change(link is external) as waves, currents and tides carry sand and sediment to and from the shore. When sea level rises on an undeveloped beach, natural processes push the beachfront towards the land. However, there are many homes and businesses behind the beach that will prevent the beach from moving inland. According to California Sea Grant(link is external), nearly 60 percent of California’s sandy shoreline is not able to migrate landward because it is bordered by man-made structures. Additionally, seawalls and other offshore structures may interfere with the natural systems(link is external) that manage beach erosion. Barrier islands(link is external)—small islands made of sand that run parallel to the coast and act as barriers for the coast during storms and surges—will also be impacted by sea level rise. ### Saltwater Intrusion Sea level rise is not just a problem of water, it is also a problem of salt. Imagine if salt water flooded a farmer\'s field, or a coastal forest. Not only does the area have to survive flooding, but also a drenching in salt water that can kill plants and irreversibly alter soil chemistry. Saltwater flooding can mean death for these ecosystems. Already scientists have seen stands of \"ghost forests(link is external)\" where once-healthy trees were killed by saltwater flooding, and farmers\' fields are being converted to tidal marsh and salt flats. This isn\'t just an effect of flooding. Salty ocean water can also flow underground into groundwater reservoirs, which are used for drinking water. It can also flow into the water table below the surface of the land, making the soil too salty for trees and plants to grow(link is external). This is called saltwater intrusion. Saltwater intrusion can also affect estuaries and freshwater areas that fisheries and coastal communities rely upon. The challenge will be human adaptation to these kinds of changes. This is particularly difficult when the saltwater intrusion affects drinking water supplies. Saltwater intrusion has long been an issue in managing coastal aquifers that hold freshwater. If the land surrounding an aquifer pokes out abutting the ocean, the freshwater will typically stop the saltwater from intruding due to its relatively higher elevation. But saltwater can slowly seep in over time and contaminate freshwater when that elevation (and pressure from above) changes. This pressure change happens when freshwater is extracted from the ground. Climate change will increase the occurrence of droughts(link is external), and instances of saltwater intrusion will occur more often as storm surges and floods deposit saltwater onto land, and more freshwater is removed from aquifers(link is external). ### There\'s No Place Like Home ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"An](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/leatherback-turtle.jpg\\") An adult leatherback turtle makes its way back to shore from the ocean. (Brian Skerry) Not only humans, but other animals that rely on low-lying habitats will be impacted by sea level rise. Many birds use coasts and coastal ecosystems for breeding, laying eggs, finding food, or simply as a place to live. Sea turtles lay their eggs on beaches, returning to the same location every year. When beaches erode, or are covered by rising seas their options become more and more limited. Physical barriers that humans are considering to stop the rising seas, like sea walls, completely impede the turtles from coming ashore(link is external) to build nests and lay eggs. Species that are only found on islands are especially vulnerable, as their range is limited and they tend to already be vulnerable to extinction. With sea level rise animals like seabirds may not be able to react quickly enough(link is external) to changes and their only homes may be inundated. Saltwater intrusion will mean that coastal plant and tree species that can’t handle salt water may die off, and a change in species biodiversity may occur. Along New York\'s Long Island Sound, for example, tidal marsh plants have moved into previously forested areas(link is external) flooded by rising sea level. This is natural ecological adaptation, wherein organisms that are better suited to regular saltwater flooding can now thrive in the area. Over time, a diverse and healthy marsh ecosystem may develop in its place. ## Regional Case Studies Below are some examples of places already facing the consequences of rapid sea level change to demonstrate how it varies around the world. ### Florida and the U.S. Gulf Coast ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"Flooding](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/23175397142_f4212108c1_k.jpg\\") Flooding in Florida from a \"King tide.\" (Florida Sea Grant) A few times a year, when the pull of the sun and the moon align to join forces, coasts are hit with extra-high tides called King Tides(link is external). While King Tides are normal, their recent impacts are not. Thanks to sea level rise, King Tides reach higher and further inland now than they did 20 years ago, causing flooding in Miami and along Florida\'s coast(link is external). To some, it\'s a preview(link is external) of how sea level rise will cause more frequent and higher flooding on coastlines around the world. It\'s also a staging ground for how to protect against rising seas(link is external); already, new pumps(link is external) are restraining the ever- higher King Tides—for now. Not only King Tides, but everyday tides are also already causing nuisance flooding(link is external). Climate Central calculated that “roughly three- quarters of the tidal flood days now occurring in towns along the East Coast would not be happening in the absence of the rise in the sea level caused by human emissions.” (See “Storms and Flooding” below.) Florida is the U.S. state facing the gravest consequences from sea level rise. According to NASA, three feet of water will ultimately inundate land along Florida\'s coast(link is external) based only on the warming humans have caused so far. Sea level is threatening Florida more profoundly than elsewhere for two main reasons. First, its elevation is very low; like many areas along the U.S. Gulf Coast, much of the land sits within a few feet of high tide, ensuring that a small change in sea level is noticeable. The second is that Florida sits on a bed of limestone, which is a very porous kind of rock. Saltwater readily infiltrates and erodes the limestone, driving flooding. Seawater is also likely to push its way into freshwater systems and drinking water reservoirs(link is external) in these areas. ### Island Nations ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"Cabinet](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/Reuters_Maldives1-754959_full_1.jpg\\") Cabinet ministers from the Maldives sign a declaration to fight climate change – underwater! (Reuters) Small island nations, including the Maldives(link is external), Kiribati(link is external) and Tuvalu(link is external), are already grappling with the effects of sea level rise. The \"52 [small island] nations, home to over 62 million people, emit less than one per cent of global greenhouse gases, yet they suffer disproportionately from the climate change that global emissions cause,\" says Achim Steiner, executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme. The people of each island nation face their own unique challenges, but some common themes emerge. As sea level rises, they face increased flooding and erosion of their shorelines, and sources of fresh water and agricultural land become unusable when seawater seeps in. The Maldives is the lowest country on the planet. The average height of its 1,200 islands, which spread across 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) in the Indian Ocean, is only four feet (1.2 meters) above sea level. Already, ever- higher waves encroaching on the shores of the lowest islands erode beaches and there is nowhere for residents to retreat to when a tropical cyclone or a tsunami wave approaches. Residents have even been forced to move as the world\'s first climate change refugees(link is external). Some strategies may buy some time—at least for some islands. Islands can rise as coral reefs grow upward(link is external) and sand is added to beaches. Dikes and seawalls can hold the ocean back. But ultimately, many people will abandon their lifestyles and livelihoods on threatened islands as encroaching waves force them to move elsewhere(link is external). ### Alaska ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"The](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/9621148051_a5e850dd36_k.jpg\\") The Portage Glacier near Anchorage, Alaska has retreated so much that it is no longer visible from the visitor center built for its viewing in 1986. (U.S. EPA) Alaska is a perfect demonstration of variation in regional sea level change: in some places, sea level is rising, and in others it is falling. Along the southern coast of Alaska, the land is rising two-to-four-times faster than the sea(link is external) thanks to the region\'s geology (featuring a collision of tectonic plates and glacial rebound, both causing the land to rise). But along the Bering Sea and the Arctic Ocean, other impacts from climate change are already affecting Alaskan communities in the form of increased storm surges, thawing permafrost, saltwater intrusion and coastal erosion. Furthermore, sea ice is now less protective of the coast because so much of it has melted. The result is that storms are stronger, flooding is more frequent, and coastlines are eroding along parts of Alaska\'s coast. After enduring flooding and erosion, so far six Alaskan communities have voted to resettle elsewhere(link is external) and 160 others are threatened(link is external), according to the Army Corps of Engineers. However, these towns don\'t yet have a place to land. These are just the first of millions of climate change refugees expected to see their homes go underwater in the next century. ### River Deltas ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"A](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/mississippi_sed_lrg.jpg\\") A sediment plume snakes from the mouth of the Mississippi River. The brown water of the Mississippi mixes into the blue water of the Gulf of Mexico. (Liam Gumley, Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin- Madison and the MODIS science team) Areas where big rivers flow into the sea are particularly susceptible to sea level rise. These are low-lying areas to begin with, and their landforms are constantly in flux from water flow and sediment carried from land. Additionally, because of their historical importance as ports and locations near cities, governments have built a great deal of infrastructure around these deltas to keep them stable. Ironically, this could be their downfall. In attempting to preserve the current state of deltas, seawalls and other structures may prevent natural processes that would help them adapt to rising sea level. Additionally, millions of people rely on the fertile farmland near river deltas for food and livelihood. Flooding as sea level rises could displace millions of people and lead to food shortages. For example, it\'s estimated(link is external) that sea level rise of less than two feet (0.6 meters) will affect 3.8 million people that rely on food from the Nile River delta, and sea level rise of five feet (1.5 meters) will flood out around 17 million people in Bangladesh(link is external). ## Future Sea Level & Adaptation Predicting future sea level rise is a difficult task because scientists don\'t know how quickly the planet will respond to the warming climate. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is the international United Nations group tasked with summarizing climate change research every few years. Their 2013 report(link is external) projected that sea level will rise by 2 to 3 feet by 2100 if we do not slow our carbon dioxide emissions by using less energy or using renewable energy. That is enough to threaten coastal cities and flood island nations. Even if we reduce our emissions, the report predicts that by 2100 sea level will rise by 1-2 feet, which is enough to cause much coastal flooding and erosion. Some scientists consider these estimates to be conservative, and expect greater sea level rise. The U.S. National Climate Assessment(link is external), for example, estimates that sea level will rise between 2 and 6 feet by 2100. Sea level rise is a reality we will have to face. What can we do to minimize the damage and prepare for what comes? ### Reducing Emissions ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"Burning](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/iStock_000008562349Small_power_plant_1.jpg\\") Burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas, spews almost 7 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide annually. (iStock) The best way to minimize future sea level rise is to cut our fossil fuel use and reduce carbon emissions. Even though some sea level rise is inevitable(link is external), we have time to reduce how much will occur. There is some debate(link is external), but according to one study every 1°C of warming will cause sea level to rise by about 2.3 meters. So the sooner we can slow our warming trend, the easier it will be for future generations to adapt. ### Holding Back the Sea ![\\"Preview\\"](\\"\\"/) ![\\"Sea](\\"/sites/default/files/2023-11/14074810550_3850eee95c_k.jpg\\") Sea walls must be maintained consistently and will need to be built higher and higher as sea level rises. This type of man-made barrier also has implications for the natural coastline. (Falcon Photography, Flickr) Can walls hold the water back? Some seem to think so, at least in the short- term. Coastal barriers have been used for thousands of years, dating as far back as the ancient Roman Empire. Whether to make man-made harbors for shipping needs or simple walls in order to stop erosion, humans have attempted to engineer coastlines for a long time. The response to sea level rise is no different, and many communities plan to build barriers in order to protect homes and cities from the rising tide. With the predicted increase in storms (both their intensity and frequency) physical walls can act to reduce flooding that is extremely costly—more costly than building the walls themselves(link is external) one study says. This type of adaptation will likely increase as the costs of not building walls becomes more apparent over time. Building barriers won’t reduce sea level rise or even completely remove the impacts, but could greatly reduce costs and buy coastal residents some more time(link is external). Sea walls aren’t a one-and-done fix, however. They must be maintained consistently, as waves and salt quickly erode concrete, and as sea level rises they will need to be built higher and higher. This type of man-made barrier also has implications for the natural coastline. They can render sandy beaches useless for both humans and the animals that call it home—causing erosion and disrupting the natural movement of sand and waves. Some countries, like the Netherlands, have been dealing with these types of water issues for centuries. The Dutch have found success at adapting to changing sea levels(link is external) by using involved water management systems, encouraging the use of floating homes and generally incorporating adaptations into city planning. New plans involve “Room for the River,” which involve adaptations that allow for flooding(link is external), rather then simply trying to stop the water with dams and dikes. ### Moving Inland Sea level has changed and coastlines shifted throughout human history, and people adapted by moving somewhere else. Some people use this history of human adaptation as an excuse to avoid thinking about or acting on climate change and sea level rise. In one sense, they\'re right: People have always adapted. The difference this time around, however, is that our coastlines are lined with the homes of millions of people, and the cities, power plants and ports they rely upon. This time around, it won\'t be easy to pick up and move inland without massive effort and reconstruction. Concerns over property values(link is external) and rising insurance rates(link is external) (or the unavailability of any insurance) are already ever present as flooding events occur more often and in areas that haven’t had flooding historically. Over the next century, people will be forced to abandon their homes along the coasts as higher tides and increased flooding make life difficult. Many cities, states and countries are already incorporating sea level rise and shifting coastlines into their planning and policy documents. Not only people, but animals will have to move and adapt. Scientists are already working to help Laysan albatrosses establish colonies on higher ground(link is external). ## Additional Resources NASA Climate page(link is external) NASA - Visualization of regional patterns of sea level change(link is external) Surging Seas - Climate Central (link is external) NASA Images of Change(link is external) NASA Climate Time Machine(link is external) Tide gauge history(link is external) Fifth Assessment Report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(link is external) News Articles: Rising Waters: How Fast and How Far Will Sea Levels Rise?(link is external) Rising Sea Level Will Slow Earth\'s Rotation(link is external) 3.2 Millimeters: A Troubling Rise in Sea Level(link is external) Pacific Islands Take Steps to Counter Rising Sea Levels(link is external) Scientific Papers: Links between climate and sea levels for the past three million years(link is external) \- Kurt Lambeck, Tezer M. Esat and Emma-Kate Potter Sea-Level Rise from the Late 19th to the Early 21st Century(link is external) – John Church and Neil White Temperature-driven global sea-level variability in the Common Era(link is external) – Robert Kopp, Andrew Kemp, et al. Probabilistic reanalysis of twentieth-century sea-level rise(link is external) – Carling C. Hay, Eric Morrow, Robert E. Kopp and Jerry X. Mitrovica The multimillennial sea-level commitment of global warming(link is external) – Anders Levermann, Peter U. Clark, et al. Topics: Ancient Seas Temperature & Chemistry Ice Climate Change The Anthropocene Tags: Sea level Glaciers Climate Change Ice April 2018 ## Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian Ocean Follow us on Facebook(link is external) Follow us on Twitter(link is external) Follow us on Flickr(link is external) Follow us on Tumbr(link is external) Contact Us ### Explore * Ocean Life * Ecosystems * Planet Ocean * Through Time * Conservation * Human Connections * At the Museum * Educators * About * Media Archive * Terms of Use ### Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History(link is external) Donate Close menu #### Search Smithsonian Ocean Cancel Close
I Do not see any major changes to the ice surface in thirty years It moved a little at one point and now it Does not move much
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Home 2. Learn 3. Parts of the Cryosphere 4. Sea Ice 5. Science of Sea Ice # Sea Ice Overview Science Why it Matters Quick Facts In this section * How sea ice forms * Sea ice properties * Sea ice formations * How sea ice changes * Patterns of sea ice movement * Research * Data * How sea ice forms * Sea ice properties * Sea ice formations * How sea ice changes * Patterns of sea ice movement * Research * Data ## Science Sea ice is classified by stages of development that relate to thickness and age. A simple classification categorizes sea ice into two primary age groups: first-year or multiyear. First-year ice has existed only since the end of the previous summer melt season; multiyear ice has survived at least one summer melt season. However, for some applications more detailed classification is used, such as for navigational purposes, where finer detail on the age and thickness of the sea ice is needed. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has defined the following categories: * New ice is a technical term that refers to ice less than 10 centimeters (3.9 inches) thick. * As the ice thickens, it enters the young ice stage, defined as ice that is 10 to 30 centimeters (3.9 to 11.8 inches) thick. Young ice is sometimes split into two subcategories, based on color: * gray ice (10 to 15 centimeters, or 3.9 to 5.9 inches thick) * gray-white ice (15 to 30 centimeters, or 5.9 to 11.8 inches thick) * First-year ice is thicker than 30 centimeters (11.8 inches), but has not survived a summer melt season. * Multiyear ice is ice that has survived a summer melt season and is much thicker than younger ice, typically ranging from 2 to 4 meters (78.7 to 157.5 inches) thick. ![\\"Satellite](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/article_image/public/images/8125523903_674395d8c8_o.jpg.webp?itok=sHMdgLoI\\") This complex mixture of different types of Antarctic sea ice was photographed on Oct. 13, 2012, in the Bellingshausen Sea with the Digital Mapping System (DMS) on board the NASA DC-8 flying laboratory. — Credit: NASA/Digital Mapping System ## How sea ice forms Sea ice forms, grows, and melts in salty ocean water. This sets it apart from other forms of ice like icebergs, glaciers, and lake and river ice. Icebergs and glaciers form from snow falling on land. Lake and river ice from fresh water. Lake ice tends to freeze as a smooth layer, while sea ice develops into various shapes because of the constant turbulence of ocean water. Sea ice forms more slowly than freshwater ice for two main reasons. First, the freezing temperature of salt water is lower than freshwater; ocean temperatures must reach -1.8°C (28.8°F) to freeze. Secondly, in contrast to fresh water, the salt in ocean water causes the density of the water to increase as it nears the freezing point. As a result, salt water sinks away from the surface before it cools enough to freeze. Generally, the top 100 to 150 meters (300 to 450 feet) of water must cool to the freezing point for sea ice to form. Furthermore, other factors cause sea ice formation to be a slow process. ### Stages of ice formation As the ocean water begins to freeze, small needle-like ice crystals called frazil form. These crystals are typically 3 to 4 millimeters (0.12 to 0.16 inches) in diameter. Because salt doesn\'t freeze, the crystals expel salt into the water, and frazil crystals consist of nearly pure fresh water. Sheets of sea ice form when frazil crystals float to the surface, accumulate and bond together. This process often expels some very salty water in “brine pockets,” described in more detail below. In calm waters, frazil crystals form smooth, thin ice, called grease ice for its resemblance to an oil slick. Grease ice develops into a continuous, thin sheet of ice called nilas. Initially, the sheet is very thin and dark (called dark nilas), becoming lighter as it thickens. Currents or light winds often push the nilas around so that they slide over each other, a process known as rafting. As the ice thickens into a more stable sheet with a smooth bottom surface, frazil ice production ceases in the relatively still waters under the ice. Ice continues growing when crystals grow directly on the bottom of the ice surface. This bottom ice growth is called congelation ice. Congelation ice crystals are long and vertical because they grow much slower than frazil ice. ![\\"Pancake](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/article_image/public/images/Landscape%2088_0.jpg.webp?itok=pwCkAbzv\\") Pancake ice forms in the Arctic Ocean. — Credit: Glenn Grant In rough ocean waters, the frazil crystals accumulate into slushy circular disks, called pancakes or pancake ice, because of their shape. A signature feature of pancake ice is raised edges or ridges on the perimeter, caused by ocean waves bumping the pancakes into each other. If the motion is strong enough, rafting occurs, where thin sheets of ice slide over one another. If the ice is thick enough, ridging occurs, where the sea ice bends or fractures and piles on top of itself, forming ridges on the surface. Each ridge consists of above-the-surface ice, called a sail, and below-the-surface pile of ice, called a keel. Because of the difference in density between the ice and the water, most of the ice in a ridge is below the surface. For instance, keels are about nine times thicker than their corresponding sail. Particularly in the Arctic, ridges up to 20 meters (66 feet) thick can form when thick ice deforms. Eventually, the pancakes cement together and consolidate into a coherent ice sheet. This formation process results in a rough bottom surface of ice with large undulations. Ice will continue to grow on the bottom via congelation growth, adding thickness to the ice cover. Once sea ice forms into sheet ice, it continues to grow through the winter as first-year ice. When temperatures increase in spring and summer, the ice begins to melt. If the ice remains thin over the winter or if the spring and summer temperatures are high enough, the ice will melt out completely during the summer. If the ice grows thick enough during the winter and/or it experiences less extreme spring and summer conditions, it will thin during the summer, but it will not melt completely. In this case, it remains until the following winter, when it grows and thickens and is classified as multiyear ice. ### Multiyear ice ![\\"Color- coded](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/article_image/public/images/Data/data- weekly-SeaIceAge- Mar-04-2000-Mar-05-2023-ClimateGov_1.png.webp?itok=rdh0bByv\\") These color-coded maps compare sea ice age, the week of March 4, 2000 (left) and the week of March 5, 2023 (right). Oldest sea ice is white, and youngest sea ice is dark blue. The extent of old, thick sea ice in the Arctic has declined significantly since the mid-1980s, when satellite measurements first became available, and even since the start of the twenty-first century. — Credit: NOAA based on data from NSIDC Multiyear ice has distinct properties that distinguish it from first-year ice, based on processes that occur during the summer melt. A process that distinguishes the two kinds of ice is the flushing of brine pockets that had formed during the initial freeze-up. So, multiyear ice contains much less brine and more air pockets than first-year ice because of processes explained below. Less brine means “stiffer” ice that is more difficult for icebreakers to navigate and break through. It also means that multiyear ice is much fresher, containing very little salt. In fact, multiyear ice often supplies the fresh water needed for polar expeditions. First-year and multiyear ice have different electromagnetic properties that satellite sensors can detect, allowing scientists to distinguish the two. For more information, see Research below. Multiyear ice is more common in the Arctic than in the Antarctic. This is because ocean currents and atmospheric circulation move sea ice around Antarctica, causing most of the ice to melt in the summer as it moves into warmer waters, or as the upper ocean heats up because open water areas absorb solar heat. Most of the multiyear ice that does occur in the Antarctic persists because of a circulating current in the Weddell Sea, on the eastern side of the Antarctic Peninsula. In contrast to Antarctica, the Arctic Ocean is relatively landlocked. Historically, this land-ocean configuration allowed extensive multiyear ice to form. However, multiyear ice has declined significantly in the Arctic. The most complete record of ice age began in 1984. The first substantial drop in multiyear ice occurred from the late 1980s through about 1995. The main cause appears to have been a persistent positive Arctic Oscillation, which set up a general wind circulation pattern that pushed multiyear ice out of the Arctic from the Beaufort Sea region through Fram Strait, east of Greenland. There was another substantial drop during 2005 to 2007. In 2005, most of the first-year ice melted out completely, so there was very little replenishment of multiyear ice. Then in 2007, the overall ice extent set a new record low. Again, a pattern of ice motion transported a lot of multiyear ice across the Arctic Ocean towards Fram Strait. From 2007 to 2023, multiyear ice has bounced up and down over 1- to 3-year cycles, but remains lower than pre-2005 levels and the overall trend is downward. Sea ice typically drifts around the Arctic with prevailing winds and ocean currents, and sea ice exits the Arctic Ocean through Fram Strait. As ice thins, its speed increases, transporting more ice through the Strait, which results in more multiyear ice leaving the Arctic Ocean at an increasing rate. The Beaufort Gyre, a circular current north of Alaska, used to act as a nursery for young sea ice where it could persist and thicken over time. Since the start of the twenty-first century, substantial amounts of ice have melted in the southern arm of the gyre, which has decimated the existing multiyear ice and allowed much less first-year ice to survive and transition to new multiyear ice. ## Sea ice properties ### Salinity and sea ice ![\\"Photomicrograph](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/article_image_inline/public/images/Photomicrograph- of-a-thin-section-of-sea-ice-illustrating-brine-pocket-shapes-from- Weeks.png.webp?itok=D-pH_Xh2\\") This photomicrograph shows a thin section of sea ice containing brine channels. — Credit: Weeks and Assur, 1969 Salt and sea ice are an ever-evolving duo. Sea ice loses its salt content over time and, if the ice persists long enough, it loses all its salt. The older the sea ice, the lower its salt concentration. When sea ice forms, it tends to be very salty because it contains concentrated droplets called brine that are trapped in pockets between the ice crystals. As it ages, the brine gets pushed out. Sea ice that is four or more years older is nearly free of brine. Salinity is a measure of the concentration of dissolved salts in water. A common way to define salinity values had been parts per thousand (ppt), or kilograms of salt in 1,000 kilograms of water. Today, however, salinity is usually described in practical salinity units (PSU), a more accurate but more complex definition. Nonetheless, values of salinity in ppt and PSU are nearly equivalent. The average salinity of the ocean typically varies from 32 to 37 PSU, but in polar regions, it may be less than 30 PSU. Sodium chloride (table salt) is the most abundant of the many salts found in the ocean. Fresh water freezes at 0°C (32°F), but the freezing point of seawater varies. For every 5 PSU increase in salinity, the freezing point decreases by 0.28°C (0.5°F); thus, in polar regions with an ocean salinity of about 32 PSU, the water begins to freeze at -1.8°C (28.8°F). The Arctic Ocean is generally fresher than other oceans, somewhere between 30 and 34 PSU, but salinity levels vary by region, and areas with strong river inflow may have even lower salinity. #### Pushing brine out of sea ice * When needle-like ice crystals called frazil form, highly saline water accumulates into droplets called brine, which are typically expelled back into the ocean. Salinity of near-surface water then rises. * Some brine droplets become trapped in pockets between the ice crystals. These droplets are saline, whereas the ice around them is not. The brine remains in a liquid state because much cooler temperatures would be required for it to freeze. At this stage, the sea ice has a high salt content. * Over time, the brine drains out, leaving air pockets, and the salinity of the sea ice decreases. Brine can move out of sea ice in different ways: * Aided by gravity, the brine migrates downward through holes and channels in the ice, eventually emptying back into the ocean. * The ice surrounding the brine compresses and breaks the brine pockets, allowing the brine to escape to the ocean. * When the sea ice begins to melt during the summer, small freshwater ponds called melt ponds form on the surface. This freshwater travels through the cracks and holes in the ice, washing out remaining brine. * When the sea ice surface cools, brine increases in salinity to the point at which it can melt ice at its underside. This leads to a downward migration of brine droplets, ultimately allowing the brine to escape into the ocean below the ice sheet. #### Salt & ocean circulation Salt plays an important role in ocean circulation. In cold, polar regions, changes in salinity affect ocean density more than changes in temperature. When salt is ejected into the ocean as sea ice forms, the water\'s salinity increases. Because salt water is heavier, the density of the water increases and the water sinks. The exchange of salt between sea ice and the ocean influences ocean circulation across hundreds of kilometers. Learn more about how sea ice affects ocean circulation. ### Snow on sea ice Snow typically covers sea ice and insulates it. The insulation slows ice growth in the winter but also delays melting in the summer. The snow also modifies the electromagnetic radiation signal detected by satellites. Except during a melt season, the snow is usually dry, wind-blown, and hard-packed. Wind from a consistent direction can blow snow into ridges parallel to the wind direction, just like small sand dunes. These complex, fragile shapes are called sastrugi. If snow cover is thick, especially over relatively thin sea ice, the weight of the snow can push the ice down into the water below. The salty ocean water floods the snow and creates a salty, slushy layer. This flooded sea ice is more common in the Antarctic than the Arctic because there is typically thinner ice and more snowfall in Antarctica. During summer, as the snow on top of sea ice melts, the meltwater can accumulate in depressions on the sea ice surface called melt ponds. These ponds absorb more heat than the surrounding sea ice from sunlight, and they grow in area and depth. The fresh water in melt ponds appears blue because light reflects and scatters off the sea ice surface from the bottoms and sides of the melt pond. If a pond melts through the entire thickness of the ice, the pond\'s color turns dark, like the ocean. Melt ponds are more common in the Arctic than in the Antarctic partly because Arctic ice lasts longer, giving melt ponds more opportunities to form, and because Arctic sea ice more often has an uneven surface, giving melt ponds places to form. Other features that form on the surface of sea ice are frost flowers, crystals of ice deposited on the sea ice when water vapor bypasses the liquid phase and becomes a solid. Frost flowers roughen the surface and dramatically alter its electromagnetic signal. ### Sea ice & albedo ![\\"Albedo](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/article_image/public/images/Albedo- sea%20ice-ocean.jpg.webp?itok=Sm4VHUah\\") This graphic shows the difference in albedo for sea ice, snow, and the surrounding ocean in the Arctic. Sea ice reflects between 50 and 70 percent of solar energy, compared to only 6 percent for the surrounding ocean. — Credit: NASA/NSIDC Albedo is a non-dimensional, unitless quantity that indicates how well a surface reflects solar energy. Albedo is measured in values between 0 and 1. Albedo commonly refers to the “whiteness” of a surface, with 0 meaning black and 1 meaning white. A value of 0 means the surface is a “perfect absorber” that absorbs all incoming energy. Absorbed solar energy can be used to heat the surface or, when sea ice is present, melt the surface. A value of 1 means the surface is a “perfect reflector” that reflects all incoming energy. Albedo generally applies to visible light, although it may involve some of the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. People understand the concept of low albedo intuitively when they avoid walking barefoot on blacktop on a hot summer day. Blacktop has a much lower albedo than concrete, and the black surface absorbs more of the sun’s energy and reflects less energy than the lighter concert. Sea ice has a much higher albedo compared to many other Earth surfaces, particularly the surrounding ocean. A typical ocean albedo is approximately 0.06, while bare sea ice varies from approximately 0.5 to 0.7. This means that the ocean reflects only 6 percent of the incoming solar radiation and absorbs the rest, while sea ice reflects 50 to 70 percent of the incoming energy. The sea ice absorbs less solar energy and keeps the surface cooler. Snow has an even higher albedo than sea ice, so thick sea ice covered with snow reflects as much as 90 percent of the incoming solar radiation. This serves to insulate the sea ice, maintaining cold temperatures and delaying ice melt in the summer. After the snow does begin to melt, and because shallow melt ponds have an albedo of approximately 0.4 to 0.5, the surface albedo drops to about 0.75. Albedo drops further as melt ponds grow and deepen. ## Sea ice formations Sea ice is not a continuous, uniformly smooth sheet of ice, but rather a complex surface that varies dramatically across even short distances. Most sea ice features occur when sea ice either converges or spreads out. ![\\"Ridging](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/article_image/public/images/11227284815_85d92f7f2e_o.jpg.webp?itok=pwJ02qp_\\") The bulging sea ice in the foreground is a pressure ridge, which formed when separate ice floes collided and piled up on each other. — Credit: Michael Studinger, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA ### Ice floes and ridges When wind, ocean currents, and other forces push sea ice around, ice floes (sheets of ice floating in the water) collide with each other, and ice piles into ridges and keels. Ridges are small “mountain ranges” that form on top of the ice; keels are the corresponding features on the underside of the ice. The total thickness of the ridges and keels can be several meters (in some cases, 20 meters, or 60 feet, thick), and the surface ridges can easily be 2 meters (6 feet) or higher. Ridges create significant obstacles to anyone trying to traverse the ice. Ridges are initially blocky with very sharp edges. Over time, especially during the summer melt, the ridges erode into smaller, smoother “hills” of ice called hummocks. This process is similar to the erosion of jagged mountain peaks into smooth, rolling hills, but at an accelerated pace. When keels erode into smooth features, they are called bummocks. ### Leads ![\\"Scientists](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/article_image/public/images/fullsizeoutput_2a67_0.jpeg.webp?itok=SrO4gFTj\\") Scientists cross instruments over a lead in Arctic sea ice using plywood. Even during the winter leg of the year-long Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition, sea ice was dynamic. Scientists had to constantly observe their instruments out on the ice. — Credit: Julienne Stroeve, NSIDC Leads are narrow, linear cracks in the ice that form when ice floes diverge or shear as they move parallel to each other. The formation of leads is similar to mid-ocean ridges or shear zones that form from Earth\'s moving tectonic plates. The width of leads varies from a couple of meters to over a kilometer. Leads can often branch or intersect, creating a complex network of linear features in the ice that can extend over hundreds of kilometers. Leads are important for several reasons. First, seasonal changes influence local and regional climate. Leads are much darker than surrounding ice, which during the summer, results in relatively lower albedo (ability to reflect light). Because of lower reflectivity, leads absorb more solar energy than the surrounding ocean, which heats the water in the leads and speeds up the melting of surrounding ice. In summer, leads may remain open and expand, or they may close if winds and/or ocean currents push the surrounding ice together. Leads forming in winter will generally start to refreeze very quickly, and this refreezing process adds salt to the open ocean layer. While the lead remains open in winter, it releases heat and moisture to the atmosphere. Thus, leads are often accompanied by low-level clouds downwind. As in summer, a wintertime lead may close because winds or ocean currents push the surrounding ice together. Leads are also important for wildlife. Seals, whales, penguins, and other animals rely on leads for access to oxygen. Polar bears in the Arctic often hunt near leads because they know that their prey is likely to come to the surface to breathe in such areas. Finally, leads are important for navigation. Even when they freeze, leads tend to contain thinner and weaker ice that allows submarines to more easily surface through the ice and icebreakers to more easily traverse the ice. ### Polynyas ![\\"MODIS](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/article_image/public/images/NASA- worldview-polynya-siberia.jpg.webp?itok=sBd1yPIP\\") This NASA Worldview image shows two polynyas forming in Arctic sea ice in the Laptev Sea in May 2021. — Credit: NASA Worldview Polynyas are areas of persistent open water where we would expect to find sea ice. For the most part, they tend to be roughly oval or circular in shape, but they can be irregularly shaped, too. The water remains open because of processes that prevent sea ice from forming or that quickly move sea ice out of the region. There are two types of polynyas—open-ocean or coastal polynyas—differentiated by the mechanism of ice removal. One process often dominates in a given polynya, but both can occur. #### Sensible-heat (open-ocean) polynyas Sensible-heat transfer occurs between two bodies at different temperatures that are in contact with each other. The body with the higher temperature transports sensible heat to the body with the lower temperature. A sensible- heat polynya forms when water that is above freezing upwells, or moves from the lower depths of the ocean to the surface. Heat transfers from the warmer water to the ice, melting it, and preventing new ice from forming. The topography of the ocean bottom or overturning of water causes the warm water to rise to the surface. In this type of polynya, sensible heat from the ocean provides the source of heat needed to melt the ice. Sensible-heat polynyas usually form in mid-ocean areas, far from coasts or other barriers. #### Latent-heat (coastal) polynyas Latent-heat transfer occurs when matter changes state; latent heat is absorbed when ice melts, and it is released into the surroundings when liquid water freezes. The process is called “latent” because it is not associated with a change in temperature, but rather with a change of state. A latent-heat polynya is characterized by ocean water at the freezing point. It forms as a result of winds blowing in a persistent direction that push the ice away from a barrier, such as the coast, fast ice (ice that is anchored to the shore or ocean bottom), a grounded iceberg or an ice shelf. As new ice grows within polynyas, wind blows it to the leeward side, while the windward side remains ice-free. Latent heat is released as water freezes and also as water evaporates into the air above the open water. Some sensible-heat exchange also occurs within latent-heat polynyas because the water in the polynya is generally warmer than the air above it, even though the water is at freezing temperature. When sea ice forms in polynyas or elsewhere, salt is expelled into the water, raising the salinity of the near-surface water. The salt increases the density of the surface water, making the surface water heavier than the water below, causing it to sink. In some cases, the high-density surface water mixes with other masses and sinks all the way to the ocean bottom. Latent-heat polynyas, particularly those in the coastal regions of Antarctica, are a major source of the world\'s bottom waters, which influence the process of thermohaline circulation. Learn more about why thermohaline circulation matters. Polynyas are important for various reasons. Like leads, they are a source of heat and moisture to the atmosphere, so they modify the weather in surrounding areas. As discussed above, they are sources of ocean bottom water. Polynyas are also important resources for wildlife. They provide access between the ocean and atmosphere for a variety of animals, including seals and penguins. Because polynyas persist for longer time periods than leads, and because overturning ocean water brings nutrients to the surface, phytoplankton thrive in polynyas. Phytoplankton are microscopic plant-like organisms that form the basis of the marine food chain. During the summer, Antarctic polynyas are one of the most biologically productive regions in the world\'s oceans. Learn more about how sea ice impacts wildlife. #### Similarities and differences between leads and polynyas Similarities: * Both are regions of open water where we would expect to find sea ice. * Both can influence weather and climate in their immediate surroundings. * Both play important roles in wildlife habitats. Differences: * Leads are narrow, linear features, while polynyas are generally more uniform in shape and larger in size. * Leads form because of the motion of the ice, while polynyas form from either upwelling warm water or persistent winds. * During winter, open water remains in leads for only a short time before it begins to refreeze, while polynyas usually remain unfrozen for longer periods of time. ## How sea ice changes Processes that affect the growth and melt of sea ice are referred to as thermodynamics. In the simplest sense, when the temperature of the ocean reaches the freezing point for salt water at -1.8°C (28.8°F), ice begins to grow. When the temperature rises above the freezing point, ice begins to melt. Because of the ocean’s dynamic nature, sea ice does not generally grow and melt in a single place. Instead, most sea ice is constantly moving and changing location. Only in places near the coast, where ice can attach to the coast or shallow shelf region, is it pinned in place and does not move. Such ice is called fast ice because it is fastened to the coast. The amount and rates of growth and melt depend on the way heat is exchanged within the sea ice, as well as between the top and bottom of the ice. The following sections describe these processes in more detail. ### How sea ice thickens When cold air cools the ocean surface to the freezing point, sea ice begins to form. As the ocean temperature nears the freezing point, the water density increases and the water sinks. Warmer water that replaces it must also be cooled, so more than just the ocean surface needs to reach the freezing point. Once ice begins to grow, it acts as an insulator between the ocean and atmosphere. Heat from the ocean must be conducted, or pass through, the sea ice before being emitted to the atmosphere. Ice growth slows as the ice thickens because it takes longer for the water below the ice to lose its heat through ice to reach the freezing point. The relationship between thermodynamics and sea ice thickness can be thought of most simply in terms of freezing degree days (FDD), which is essentially a measure of how cold it has been for how long. The cumulative FDD is simply the daily degrees below freezing summed over the total number of days the temperature was below freezing. The freezing temperature of ocean (saline) water is typically -1.8°C (28.7°F). If the average daily temperature was -5.8°C (21.6°F), this would be -4°C (24.8°F) for one day, as the following equation shows: (-1.8) — (-5.8) = 4 degrees below freezing 4 degrees below freezing, Day 1 = 4 cumulative FDD 7 degrees below freezing, Day 2 = 11 cumulative FDD 2 degrees above freezing, Day 3 = 9 cumulative FDD Scientists have developed different formulas to estimate ice thickness from thermodynamic growth, using the FDD. One such formula (from Lebedev 1938) is: Thickness (cm) = 1.33 * FDD (°C)0.58 The ice thickness increases at a rate roughly proportional to the square root of the cumulative FDD. Formulas such as this are empirical, meaning they were derived only from observed data, so they really are simplifications of the ice growth processes. The formulas assume that the ice growth occurs in calm water and is reasonably consistent, and they do not take into account sea ice motion, snow cover, and other surface conditions. Snow cover is one factor that dramatically alters the actual sea ice thickness calculated from the above formula. Snow is an effective insulator, slowing the transfer of heat from the ocean, through the ice, and to the atmosphere. Snow essentially slows the growth of ice. ### How sea ice melts Sea ice melts during the summer when solar radiation heats the ice surface. The amount of solar radiation absorbed by the ice depends on surface albedo, a characteristic described in the above section Sea ice & albedo. Sea ice reflects about half of the incoming solar radiation. This reflection prevents the ice from warming up as quickly as open ocean would, but radiation can nonetheless heat the ice enough to initiate melting. Thick sea ice covered with snow reflects even more radiation, approximately 90 percent. As a result, sea ice with snow takes even longer to melt. After the snow starts to melt, melt ponds may form, and because water has a lower albedo than snow, the surface albedo of sea ice with snow and melt ponds drops. As the melt ponds grow and deepen, the albedo continues to decrease, leading to higher absorption of solar radiation and an increased rate of melting. Energy to melt ice can come from sources besides direct solar energy. Water that is under the ice and that has a temperature above the freezing point causes the bottom surface of the ice to melt. Warm surface waters cause the edges of the ice to melt, particularly in leads and polynyas. See Sea ice formations above. ### Seasonal cycle Sea ice growth begins during the autumn, when incoming solar energy decreases and air temperatures fall below the freezing point. Ice growth continues through the winter, and the ice becomes thicker as heat continually transfers from the relatively warm ocean to the cold atmosphere. As the sun climbs higher in the sky and solar energy increases in the spring and summer, the temperatures rise and the ice begins to melt. If the ice has not grown thick enough during the autumn and winter, it may melt completely during spring and summer if the conditions are warm enough. However, if the ice grows thick enough during the growth season and conditions are relatively cool through the summer, it will thin slightly through the melt season, and thicken again the following autumn. Such ice may remain for several years, thinning during the summer and regrowing the following autumn and winter. Where growth outpaces melt, ice gradually becomes thicker over the years. Does this mean that sea ice becomes more and more thick? No. Sea ice eventually reaches what scientists call a thermodynamic equilibrium state. Remember that ice grows because of a transfer of heat from the relatively warm ocean to the cold air above. Also remember that ice insulates the ocean from the atmosphere and inhibits this heat transfer. The amount of insulation depends on the thickness of the ice; thicker ice allows less heat transfer. If the ice becomes thick enough that no heat from the ocean can be conducted through the ice, then ice stops growing. This is called the thermodynamic equilibrium thickness. It may take several years of growth and melt for ice to reach the equilibrium thickness. In the Arctic, the thermodynamic equilibrium thickness of sea ice is approximately 3 to 4 meters (9 to 13 feet). However, dynamics can yield sea ice thicknesses of 10 meters (30 feet) or more. Equilibrium thickness of sea ice is much lower in Antarctica, typically ranging from 1 to 2 meters (3 to 6 feet). ### What influences sea ice to change Sea ice does not simply grow and melt in one place. Sea ice is almost continually in motion, except in coastal regions where ice grows out from, and stays attached to, the shore like fast ice. The motion of ice results from a balance of forces defined by Newton\'s Second Law: force = mass * acceleration The five principal forces acting on sea ice are described below, in order of their general importance. #### Wind Wind is the primary force responsible for ice motion, particularly at the timescale of days or weeks. The wind blowing on the top surface of the sea ice results in a drag force on the ice surface and causes the ice to drift. The amount of the force depends on the speed of the wind and the characteristics of the sea ice surface. A rough ice surface is affected more by the wind than a smooth surface. The relationship between wind and sea ice drift is so strong that a general guideline can be applied: sea ice that drifts freely moves at 2 percent of the wind speed. The directionality of free drift depends on the size of the sea ice moving; larger pieces of sea ice move at the higher range of 20 to 40 degrees to the right (Northern Hemisphere) or left (Southern Hemisphere) of the wind direction. Other factors can also contribute to sea ice free drift, but this simple relationship explains up to 70 percent of sea ice motion on a daily to weekly basis. #### Ocean currents An ocean current force typically acts in the opposite direction of the wind force and acts as a drag on the wind-driven sea ice motion. Currents are an important factor in longer-term (monthly to yearly) ice motion. In some instances and regions, currents are important even over short periods of time. #### Coriolis force The Coriolis force causes objects to accelerate because of Earth\'s rotation. The Coriolis force is small at scales of tens to hundreds of kilometers, but it does affect processes that occur at the global scale, such as ocean currents, winds, and ice motion. In the Northern Hemisphere, the Coriolis force causes objects to deflect to the right, and in the Southern Hemisphere, objects deflect to the left. The Coriolis force barely exists at the equator, and because the force increases toward the poles, it plays an important role in determining sea ice motion. #### Internal ice stress Internal ice stress is a measure of the strength of the ice. Among the five forces affecting ice motion discussed here, internal ice stress is the most variable. Like the ocean current force, internal ice stress usually acts as a resistance to the motion caused by the wind force. Under circumstances when the sea ice pack is loosely compacted and can flow freely (for example, during summer), the internal ice stress is minimal. When the ice is compact and cannot flow, the internal ice stress can be high. For example, where there is a strong onshore wind, we might expect ice motion to be significant; however, if the strong wind is pushing thick, compact ice toward a shore, there may be little or no motion at all because the ice has nowhere to go. Internal ice stress also plays an important role in the deformation of the ice and in the formation of some features, such as ridges and leads. (See Sea ice formations above.) Sea ice is relatively susceptible to tension forces. So, when the ice is “pulled apart” (picture a tug-of-war game) by winds or currents from opposite directions, the ice easily fractures and forms leads. Sea ice is much stronger under compression forces. When ice is pushed together by converging winds or currents, the internal ice stress keeps the ice from moving together, but if the ice is pushed together hard enough, the ice will “fail,” or break apart, and pile up into ridges. This is similar to putting a thin piece of wood in a vise: if the vise is tightened enough, the wood fails and shatters into splinters. The strength of ice depends primarily on its thickness. Thin ice breaks apart easily under compression, while thick ice is much stronger. The failure of sea ice and the formation of ridges can create piles of sea ice many meters thick—much thicker than the thermodynamic equilibrium thickness. So, thermodynamics alone does not determine ice thickness. Internal ice stress also depends on brine content, temperature, density, and other factors. Because internal stress varies so much, it is difficult to accurately estimate ice motion without it, particularly in constrained or enclosed areas of the ocean. Furthermore, perhaps due to its great variability, internal ice stress remains the least understood sea ice force and continues to be a subject of considerable research. Since the turn of the twenty-first century, Arctic sea ice has grown thinner and more fragmented, meaning its internal ice stress is lower. As it is now more susceptible to the influence of winds and ocean currents, it generally moves faster than it did in earlier decades. #### Sea surface tilt Despite how it looks, the ocean surface is not perfectly flat. Even if the ocean were completely at rest, it would consist of high and low regions caused by small differences in gravity; this undulating surface is called a geoid. However, because the ocean is never completely at rest, the ocean surface is higher than the geoid in some regions and lower in other regions. Several factors contribute to differences in the ocean surface level, including uneven heating, salinity variations, and currents, especially near coastal regions or ice shelves. Differences in surface level result in sea- surface tilt, a force that influences the ice motion. This force is quite small compared to wind and current forces and is not important over periods of several days. However, over longer periods of months or years, sea-surface tilt can have a noticeable effect on sea-ice motion. ## Patterns of sea ice movement ### In the Arctic ![\\"map](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/article_image/public/images/Arctic- circulation-and-fram-strait.jpg.webp?itok=aCwJBger\\") The map on the left shows the direction of ocean circulation in the Arctic. The map on the right shows the location of Fram Strait, the narrow passage where sea ice melts out of the Arctic Ocean and into the northern Atlantic. — Credit: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) and Wikimedia Commons Since humans first ventured into the ice-covered oceans, they knew that sea ice motion occurred on small scales, such as a few kilometers. But it was not until the ill-fated voyage of the USS Jeannette (1879 to 1881) that scientists found evidence that sea ice also moves across large-scale regions, primarily driven by wind. Wreckage from that expedition provided lessons for subsequent voyagers. Planners of the Fram expedition (1893 to 1896) took advantage of the new knowledge to plan the newer ship’s drift. More recently, the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition followed in the Fram’s path, drifting across the Arctic over the course of a year from 2019 to 2020. The wind-driven Arctic ice circulation pattern has two primary components. First, the Beaufort Gyre is a clockwise circulation (looking from above the North Pole) in the Beaufort Sea, north of Alaska. This circulation results from an average high-pressure system that spawns winds over the region. A second component is the Transpolar Drift Stream, where ice moves from the Siberian coast of Russia across the Arctic basin, exiting into the North Atlantic off the east coast of Greenland; it is this circulation that drove the Fram and the MOSAiC expedition across the Arctic. Sea ice that forms or becomes entrained in the Beaufort Gyre may circulate around the Arctic for several years. Sea ice that forms or becomes entrained in the Transpolar Drift Stream generally leaves the Arctic more quickly, usually in one to two years. Because of this, sea ice in the Beaufort Sea has more time to grow and reach the thermodynamic equilibrium thickness, so it is thicker. Also, because of the circular rotation of ice in the Beaufort Sea, ice floes frequently bump into each other. Ice deformation is common and leads to thicker and more ridged ice compared to other regions. The Transpolar Drift Stream pushes some ice against northern Greenland and the Canadian Archipelago; the ice compresses and deforms into ridges, resulting in the thickest ice in the Arctic. In both the Beaufort Gyre and Transpolar Drift Stream, most of the ice follows a large-scale pattern when considered over a long period of time; however, within this long-term pattern of movement, there can be a great deal of variation. For example, the Beaufort Gyre may completely reverse directions—and often does for short periods of time, such as after a storm from a low-pressure system that moves across the region. Likewise, the Transpolar Drift Stream may also reverse direction. The day-to-day variation in the large-scale circulation can be quite dramatic. ### In the Antarctic The Antarctic large-scale circulation of sea ice is generally in a clockwise direction (looking above the South Pole) around Antarctica, with gyres, or smaller rotations, in the Weddell and Ross Seas. There is an average northward component, so sea ice gradually moves towards the northern ice edge after it forms. In contrast to the Arctic, the Antarctic has no surrounding land boundary for the northward flowing sea ice to run into, so the ice flows northward until it melts in warmer oceans and air temperatures. Because of this, Antarctic sea ice is younger and thinner, on average, than ice in the Arctic. Most sea ice in the Antarctic is less than a year old. ## Research ### Monitoring sea ice A useful method to monitor sea ice incorporates passive microwave satellite instruments because of their ability to retrieve data through most clouds and darkness. Passive microwave data allow scientists to monitor the interannual variations and trends in sea ice cover. Observations of polar oceans derived from these instruments are essential for tracking the ice edge, estimating sea ice concentrations, and classifying sea ice types. In addition to the practical use of this information for shipping and transport, these data add to the meteorological knowledge base required to better understand climate. Data sets using the Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR), Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I), and Special Sensor Microwave Imager and Sounded (SSMIS) instruments on satellites reveal considerable regional, seasonal, and inter-annual variability in ice cover. These data sets show grids of sea ice concentrations, as well as summaries using data from SMMR, SSM/I, and SSMIS depicting annual cycles of ice extent (areas with at least 15 percent ice cover), ice covered area (the ocean area actually covered by ice), and departures from monthly averages. The series of three instruments have been combined with earlier observations from ice charts and other sources to yield a time series of Arctic ice extent from the early 1900s onward. (Higher-resolution data have also been collected by the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS (AMSR-E) and the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2).) While the pre-satellite records are not as robust, their trends are in good general agreement with the satellite record and indicate that Arctic sea ice extent has been declining since at least the early 1950s. Since the 1980s, satellite data have indicated an even more dramatic reduction in Arctic regional ice cover. The most dramatic losses during the spring and summer have been in the East Siberian, Laptev, and Kara Seas, off of Russia. In winter, the losses tend to be most prominent in the Kara and Barents Seas, as well as the Sea of Okhotsk, north of Japan. Though these above-mentioned examples are extremes, almost every region has shown significant declines where ice cover is variable. Trends differ at different times of year. For instance, the Bering Sea shows no reduction in summer because it is typically ice free at that time of year, hence there is no ice for that sea to lose in summer. The Bering sea has experienced sea ice reductions in winter months. Ice thickness has historically been difficult to measure, especially on a large scale. Arctic sea ice spans millions of square kilometers and is constantly on the move, swept around by winds and ocean currents. Scientists must use a variety of data sources and analysis techniques to study sea ice thickness. However, newer satellites such as ICESat-2 and CryoSat-2 routinely provide Arctic-wide thickness estimates on at least a monthly basis. As long-term data sets continue to grow, techniques for tracking sea ice thickness also evolve and improve. Using various types of analysis and models with these different types of data, scientists have determined that multiyear sea ice thickness has declined substantially in the latter half of the twentieth century and continues to decline into the twenty-first century. There has also been a rapid decrease in the average age of sea ice–another indicator that sea ice is declining. For example, in a 2007 study, A younger, thinner Arctic ice cover: Increased potential for rapid, extensive sea ice loss, researchers found that in 1987, 57 percent of the ice pack was at least five years old, and a quarter of that ice was at least nine years old. By 2007, only 7 percent of the ice pack was at least five years old, and virtually none of the ice was at least nine years old. The Arctic Report Card: Update for 2022 stated multiyear sea ice in the Arctic had been consistently low since 2012. In 2019, NSIDC director Mark Serreze and senior research scientist Walt Meier published a research paper, The Arctic\'s sea ice cover: trends, variability, predictability, and comparisons to the Antarctic in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, concluding that since 1978, Arctic sea ice extent has declined and ice cover has thinned. Serreze says, “When you look at the data, there is no denying that our planet is changing rapidly. Arctic sea ice loss is one of the most prominent signals of environmental change in the world, and we’ll continue to see this occur as time goes on. As Earth continues to warm, the Arctic will continue to transform.” ### Multiple types of remote sensing Remote sensing, in the simplest terms, means viewing something from a distance rather than by direct contact. A handheld camera is an example of a remote sensing instrument. In terms of Earth science, remote sensing refers to the ability of satellites to detect electromagnetic radiation from features on Earth\'s surface or in the atmosphere. Solar energy that reaches Earth is composed of many kinds of radiation, including light that is visible to people, thermal infrared, microwave, radar, and X-rays. Every substance with a temperature greater than absolute zero at -273°C (-459°F) emits some form of electromagnetic radiation. Some satellite sensors detect visible light reflected from Earth\'s surface or atmosphere, and others detect radiation emitted from Earth. Satellites can measure sea ice in the visible, infrared, and microwave ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum. However, there are advantages and disadvantages to each type of radiation. None of the spectral regions allow scientists to optimally view sea ice in all conditions. The following sections describe each region in more detail. #### Additional online resources about remote sensing The following online resources provide more detailed information about remote sensing and its applications: * Fundamentals of Remote Sensing: Tutorial aimed at high school and university students provided by the Natural Resources Canada * Measuring the Electromagnetic Spectrum: Explained by NASA\'s Goddard Space Flight Center * Remote Sensing: Introduction and historical account by NASA\'s Earth Observatory #### Visible ![\\"True- color](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/article_image/public/images/MODIS- visible-Arctic.jpeg.webp?itok=_IxeZ1y5\\") This Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) true-color image captured Arctic sea ice on July 17, 2021. — Credit: NASA Worldview Our eyes detect light that is visible radiation from the sun, reflected off objects around us. “Whiter” objects (those with a high albedo) reflect more radiation than “darker” objects. Sea ice has a higher albedo than the surrounding ocean, which makes it easy to detect from visible remote sensing instruments. Some limitations in using reflected visible light to observe sea ice from space include the following: * Since these sensors measure reflected radiation from the sun, visible data can only be collected during the daytime. The inability to measure at night is a problem for measuring sea ice, which exists in polar regions where darkness prevails. * Because clouds also reflect visible radiation, a cloudy sky prevents satellites from viewing visible light reflected from sea ice. Unfortunately, ice-covered polar regions tend to be cloudy, with clouds obscuring sea ice 70 to 90 percent of the time. * Newly formed ice is very thin and dark, so it can be difficult to distinguish from the ocean. The following satellites and sensors are a selection of those that observe visible radiation; these are often used to identify and map sea ice. * The Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS) * The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) * NASA and NOAA Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) * The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) * NASA and US Geological Surveys Landsat * European Space Agency Sentinel-2 #### Infrared ![\\"infrared](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/article_image/public/images/Arctic- infrared-satellite-VIIRS-sea-ice.jpeg.webp?itok=0f7eXn6j\\") The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument aboard the joint NASA/NOAA Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi NPP) satellite took this infrared image on July 17, 2020. Compared to visible imagery—showing what appears to human eyes—infrared imagery can better distinguish between ice and snow (turquoise), and clouds (nearly white). — Credit: NASA Worldview Satellite sensors that measure infrared radiation infer the amount of heat emitted from Earth. Objects with an average Earth temperature, roughly -50 to 50°C (-58 to 122°F) emit most of their energy in the infrared region. Infrared sensors can detect sea ice because its temperature is generally much colder than the surrounding ocean. A typical winter sea ice temperature is -20 to -40°C (-4 to -40°F), while the surrounding ocean temperature is at least just above freezing. Limitations in measuring infrared radiation from space include the following: * Because clouds also emit and reflect infrared radiation, clouds prevent satellites from detecting infrared radiation from sea ice. * Sea ice melts during the summer, and the surface temperature increases to the freezing point. Melting sea ice is difficult to distinguish from the surrounding ocean that is also near the freezing point. * Sea ice that is just forming and is very thin has a temperature very close to freezing, and thus can be hard to distinguish from the surrounding ocean. The following satellites and sensors observe infrared radiation. * The Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS) * The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) * NASA and NOAA Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) * The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) #### Passive microwave ![\\"Antarctic](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/article_image/public/images/Antarctic- sea-ice-AMSR2-July2021.png.webp?itok=FXwS6GCL\\") This map of Antarctic sea ice concentration is derived from data collected by the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-2 (AMSR2) sensor aboard the Global Change Observation Mission 1st - Water \"SHIZUKU\" (GCOM-W1) satellite on July 8, 2021. Ice concentration is color coded, with higher concentrations in white, and lower concentrations in dark purple. — Credit: University of Bremen Objects at Earth\'s surface emit not only infrared radiation, they also emit microwaves at relatively low-energy levels. When a sensor detects microwave radiation naturally emitted by Earth, that radiation is called passive microwave. Clouds do not typically emit much microwave radiation, compared to sea ice. Thus, microwaves can penetrate clouds and be used to detect sea ice during the day and night, regardless of cloud cover. Microwave emission is not as strongly tied to the temperature of an object, compared to infrared. Instead, the object\'s physical properties, such as atomic composition and crystalline structure, determine the amount of microwave radiation it emits. The crystalline structure of ice typically emits more microwave energy than the liquid water in the ocean. Thus, sensors that detect passive microwave radiation can easily distinguish sea ice from ocean. A major drawback to measuring passive microwave radiation is that the energy level is quite low. As a result, the radiation must be collected over a larger region. Details of the sea ice, such as leads, are not easily detected. Because of their ability to detect sea ice through clouds during the day and night, passive microwave sensors provide nearly complete images of all sea ice-covered regions every day. These sensors have provided the most complete, long-term observations of sea ice, allowing scientists to detect notable changes in Arctic sea ice. Sea ice observations from passive microwave sensors began in 1972 with the Electrically Scanning Microwave Radiometer (ESMR) aboard NOAA\'s Nimbus-5 satellite. In 1978, NASA\'s Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) provided detailed, reliable information about sea ice. Beginning in 1987, a series of DMSP Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) and Special Sensor Microwave Imager and Sounder (SSMIS) sensors has continued the time series, or long-term record, of sea ice data through the present. In 2002, NASA launched the Aqua satellite, which carried the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer- Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) sensor. JAXA followed AMSR-E with the AMSR-2 mission, launched in 2012. The system\'s improved technology complemented the time series of sea ice data. ESMR, SMMR, SSM/I, AMSR-E, and AMSR-2 sea ice data are available from NSIDC. #### Active microwave ##### Synthetic Aperture Radar/Scatterometry In addition to passively sensing emissions coming from objects on Earth, satellite sensors can also actively emit microwaves toward Earth\'s surface. These microwaves reflect off the surface and return to the sensors. This type of remote sensing is called active microwave, or radar. This same technology is used to track aircraft, ships, and speeding automobiles. As with passive microwave energy, the physical properties of objects at Earth\'s surface determine the amount and characteristics of microwave radiation bounced back to the sensor. Three types of active microwave sensors are used to detect sea ice. ![\\"RADARSAT-2](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/article_image/public/images/Screen%20Shot%202021-06-10%20at%205.30.33%20PM.png.webp?itok=gf_Sv8Aa\\") Captured on January 6, 2014, this RADARSAT-2 image shows multiple types of sea ice in the Adélie Depression, near Commonwealth Bay (CB), Watt Bay (WB), Buchanan Bay (BB) in Antarctica. Red dots and four-letter acronyms indicate ship locations (UBNF: Russian icebreaker Akademik Shokalskiy, BNSK: Chinese icebreaker Xuelong). — Credit: Zhai et al. 2015 ##### Imaging radar Imaging radar is similar to a photograph taken by a camera, but the image is of radar waves, not visible light. Sea ice typically reflects more of the radar energy emitted by the sensor than the surrounding ocean, which makes it easy to distinguish between the two. But the amount and character of reflected energy are functions of the physical properties of the sea ice, which can be quite complex; thus, it can be difficult to interpret radar images of sea ice. In general, though, thicker multiyear ice is readily distinguishable from younger, thinner ice because radar energy bounces back to the sensor from the air bubbles in the ice left when brine drains. This feature makes radar an especially useful tool for measuring the extent of thick vs. thin sea ice. SAR is a special type of imaging radar that involves advanced technology and complex data processing to obtain more detailed images of sea ice than is feasible with a comparable basic imaging radar. Missions include the RADARSAT mission and the RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) managed by the Canadian Space Agency, and the upcoming joint Earth-observing mission between NASA and the Indian Space Research Organization known as NASA-ISRO SAR (NISAR). SAR instruments can even detect small leads in sea ice. This fine resolution allows them to analyze sea ice and help route ships through ice-covered regions. SAR imagery is particularly valuable for operational ice centers. ##### Non-imaging radar This type of sensor, also called a scatterometer, measures the amount of reflected energy, or backscatter, from Earth\'s surface. It cannot obtain the same detail as a SAR sensor, but it does provide complete, daily data about sea ice day and night, through cloud cover. Images from non-imaging radar have about the same level of detail as passive microwave imagery. The SeaWinds sensor aboard NASA\'s Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT) satellite provided daily, global views of ocean winds and sea ice from 1999 to 2009. #### Altimetry This type of sensor sends a pulse of radar energy toward Earth and measures the time it takes to return to the sensor. The pulse\'s round-trip time determines how far the satellite is from the reflecting surface. With a known reference, this information is used to estimate the elevation of various features at Earth\'s surface. With enough precision, a radar altimeter can determine the height of the sea ice surface above sea level, which scientists use to calculate the total thickness of the sea ice. Early satellites with radar altimeters were not in orbits that adequately covered the poles, so they did not collect substantial sea ice data. Fortunately, this is changing. Cryosat, a European Space Agency (ESA) satellite. launched in April 2010, was specifically designed to detect ice- covered regions of Earth, including sea ice. Another type of altimeter, called a laser altimeter, sends pulses of visible light toward Earth. The Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat), launched in 2002 by NASA, was designed for studying ice-covered regions. NASA launched a new mission, ICESat-2, in 2018. NSIDC is the archive for ICESat-2 data related to the cryosphere. For more information, visit the NASA NSIDC Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) ICESat-2 data collection. ### Airborne surveys Observations of sea ice also come from airborne surveys. Research planes equipped with instruments such as radar sounders, mapping cameras, and other sensors provide multifaceted data to researchers. For example, to bridge the observation gap between the ICESat and ICESat-2 satellite missions, researchers relied on data collected by Operation IceBridge. ![\\"Aerial](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/article_image/public/images/Other/photo- IceBridge-Svalbard-spring-sea-ice-2017.png.webp?itok=CNLk8v69\\") Operation IceBridge collected footage of springtime sea ice off of the coast of the Svalbard Archipelago during the 2017 Arctic campaign. — Credit: NASA Scientific Visualization Studio ### Field studies ![\\"Fieldwork](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/article_image/public/images/Other/photo-20191125-mosaic1-estherhorvath.jpg.webp?itok=lf7JDaYf\\") Scientists on the 2019 to 2020 Multidisciplinary Drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) Expedition detect unexpected species under the Arctic sea ice. — Credit: MOSAic Expedition Before satellite remote sensing, the primary way to study sea ice was to travel onto the ice and take in situ, or ground-based, measurements. Even with today\'s modern satellite observations, field data is still highly valuable to validate satellite data and to understand small-scale processes that satellites cannot directly observe. Travel on the ice, however, is a costly, time-consuming, and dangerous pursuit. Scientists often could not stay on the ice very long. Thus, records of sea ice before the 1960s are very sparse. Some of the best early records of sea ice extent—those from the late 1800s—came from whaling ships. However, these reports were not necessarily reliable because whalers had more interest in protecting their hunting grounds than being forthright with information. Russia has one of the best in situ records of sea ice, obtained from several ice camps set up in the Russian region of the Arctic. These records date back as far as 1928, but they are continuous only from 1954 to 1993. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, funding for the camps was discontinued, but they have since been restarted and camps have been operational since April 2003. NSIDC provides some of the earlier ice camp data, called the Morphometric Characteristics of Ice and Snow in the Arctic Basin: Aircraft Landing Observations from the Former Soviet Union, 1928-1989. The US research on the sea ice is much less extensive than that of the Russians. However, the United States did have several ice camps from the 1950s through the 1970s, most notably on Fletcher\'s Ice Island T-3, a large mass of grounded ice that drifted around the Arctic Ocean until it flowed out of the region in 1984. Icebreakers have frequently cruised in the Arctic and Antarctic to research sea ice, the ocean, and the atmosphere. However, due to cost and logistics, longer-term field camps have been relatively rare. One prominent field experiment was the 1975 to 1976 Arctic Ice Dynamics Experiment (AIDJEX), which included four manned camps. Another was the Coordinated Eastern Arctic Experiment (CEAREX) in 1988 to 1989, which employed moored icebreakers as a base for the camp. NSIDC provides data from CEAREX. In the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean (SHEBA) project (visit the SHEBA website), a Canadian icebreaker was purposely frozen in the Beaufort Sea, north of Alaska, from October 1997 to October 1998. The US National Science Foundation (NSF) funded the project, which involved 35 scientists and dozens of support personnel. These scientists studied changes in sea ice, ocean, atmosphere, and biology over a full arctic year. In September 2019, the largest polar expedition began—the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC). Led by the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), MOSAiC sent an international team of researchers to the Arctic, aboard the German research icebreaker Polarstern. Over 20 nations participated, involving hundreds of researchers and crew. Scientists took turns working in months-long shifts. The mission spent a year drifting in Arctic sea ice to take climate research to an entirely new level. The collaborative nature of the research and open access data will help the world better understand the Arctic climate system. ![\\"NSIDC](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/article_image/public/images/20200104_MOSAiC_Leg2_Fishing- in-the-ice_IvoBeck_007.jpg.webp?itok=iilaZcvf\\") NSIDC researcher Julienne Stroeve stands in front of the research vessel Polarstern during the winter leg of the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate, a year-long expedition to drift in Arctic sea ice. — Credit: Lars Barthel While satellite imagery can provide data that are more comprehensive in time and geographic area, in situ data are still valuable. Field camps, drifting buoys, and automated weather stations produce data at scales that are too small for a satellite or model to observe. These small-scale observations are essential for validating, or verifying, the accuracy of satellite and model products. ### The importance of modeling Information about sea ice processes can come from field camps or aircraft and satellites, but data from these sources are limited. Sensors cannot account for all characteristics of sea ice, and the record of sea ice data has a relatively short history. Widespread satellite observations date back only to the mid-1970s; other observations, such as ship records, may go back as far as the late nineteenth century, but they are sparse. Moreover, these data cannot predict the future of sea ice extent. To fill in the gaps in sea-ice knowledge, scientists use models to simulate sea ice processes. A model is a mathematical representation of a real-world physical process. These models allow scientists to reconstruct historical patterns of sea ice and predict future changes. #### Sea ice modeling Sea ice models provide valuable information on how sea ice evolves and how it will be affected by changing climate. Scientists use models for long-term climate studies, short-term operational forecasts (within the next 10 days or so), and for seasonal forecasts (such as the minimum and maximum sea ice extent). When used to predict future conditions, sea ice models fall into three general categories. Heuristic models can be characterized as educated guesses. Statistical models predict events based on past trends and variability, for instance predicting the next sea ice minimum extent based on past extents. Dynamical models simulate conditions in the ocean, atmosphere, and sea ice with mathematical equations. The evolution of sea ice is influenced by the ocean below and the atmosphere above. These influences are represented in models as boundary conditions, or forcings because they force the sea ice to change based on influences from the ocean and atmosphere. For example, air temperatures above freezing cause the sea ice to melt, whereas air temperatures below freezing cause the sea ice to grow. Sea ice models are often combined with ocean or atmospheric models. These are called coupled models because rather than specifying the ocean or atmosphere as forcings, the sea ice, ocean, or atmosphere interact with each other and all the components evolve together. Coupled models can include sea ice and ocean, sea ice and atmosphere, or all three. #### How sea ice models work Numerical models represent sea ice in cells. A cell is the smallest discrete area that can be described by the model. An analogy is an image captured by a digital camera, where the image is composed of individual pixels. Each pixel can be only one color. In a model, each cell generally has an average value for each property, such as ice thickness, though can be a distribution of that value across the cell. A certain percentage of the cell might have an ice thickness of 1 meter (3.3 feet), and another percentage of the cell might have a thickness of 2 meters (6.6 feet). Models can have both horizontal and vertical resolution, especially when modeling the atmosphere and ocean, and differences occur at different altitudes and depths. Each cell has a finite area, for example, 10 square kilometers (3.9 square miles). The entire group of cells is referred to as a domain. As the number of grid cells increases in a model domain, so does the spatial resolution. Having a large number of grid cells describes sea ice conditions on smaller scales—tens of kilometers, versus hundreds—but the cost of storing and computing the model increases. ## Data ### Data terminology NSIDC distributes information that we call data products. Our data products provide measurements and information about a range of topics. Several of our data products show the amount of sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic over the last few decades. Most of these data products are based on satellite data that cover a large area at once. We also provide historic observations of sea ice from ships, maps, and ocean buoys. These types of data cover smaller regions than satellite data. We are a NASA archive, called a Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC), for data related to ice extent, concentration, temperature, motion, thickness, and dates of snow melt onset over sea ice. Sea ice is described by the area it covers, its thickness, its age, and its movement with the winds and ocean currents. The Sea Ice Index data products that NSIDC distributes provide information about several sea ice characteristics. Here, we provide additional information on some concepts that interest scientists studying sea ice. When scientists study sea ice using remote sensing data, they typically describe data in terms of gridded fields. This means the data are provided in pixels, or discrete cells, of a certain shape and size. Most of NSIDC\'s gridded sea ice data consist of fields of square cells that are 25.0 kilometers (15.5 miles) on a side, or covering an area of 625.0 square kilometers each (241.3 square miles). Scientists can calculate different quantities from these gridded fields. ### Concentration Concentration is a unitless term that describes the relative amount of area covered by ice, compared to some reference area. Thus, concentration describes how much of a 25.0 kilometer by 25.0 kilometers (15.5 mile by 15.5 mile) box is covered by sea ice. Ice concentration typically is reported as a percentage (0 to 100 percent ice), a fraction from 0 to 1, or sometimes in tenths (0/10 to 10/10). Our Sea Ice Index products show ice concentration as a percentage. A value of 0 means there is no ice, while a value of 100 means the region is completely covered by ice. ### Area When we use this term, we mean the region covered by sea ice, typically given in square kilometers. For a grid cell, it is the area of the portion of the cell covered by ice. For an entire hemisphere, it is the total area covered by ice, which corresponds to the sum of the area of each cell multiplied by the fractional concentration for that cell. ### Extent Extent defines a region as either “ice-covered” or “not ice-covered.” For each data cell, it is a binary term; either the cell has ice (usually a value of “1”) or the cell has no ice (usually a value of “0”). A threshold determines this labeling. A typical threshold is 15 percent, meaning that if the data cell has greater than 15 percent ice concentration, the cell is labeled as “ice-covered.” The Sea Ice Index products have a threshold of 15 percent. A threshold can also be as high as 30 percent. Extent is sometimes described in terms of area (in square kilometers) covered by at least some ice (above the threshold). Extent is different from the total area in that if a given region has a percentage of ice concentration greater than the threshold, the entire region is considered “ice-covered.” Total area tells how much of the region is actually covered by ice. Arctic- or Antarctic- wide sea ice extent is always a larger number than area. ### Comparisons of area, concentration, and extent The diagram and table below illustrate the definitions of area, concentration, and extent. For easier representation, each square grid cell is 8.0 kilometers (5.0 miles) on a side, for a total of 64.0 square kilometers (24.7 square miles). In A, there is no ice. In B, one fourth of the cell is covered by ice. In C, one half is covered by ice, and in D, the entire cell is covered by ice. To simplify calculations, a hypothetical threshold of 30 percent for sea ice extent is used in this example. This means that areas with less than 30 percent sea ice coverage are considered “ice-free,” and areas with more than 30 percent sea ice coverage are considered “ice-covered.” It is important to emphasize that this example is hypothetical, and in practice, thresholds are typically somewhat lower, ranging from 15 to 20 percent. ![\\"Sea](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/article_image/public/images/Grid-sea- ice-figure-calculations-white.png.webp?itok=g_-0fj88\\") Sea ice propertyfor an 8 km2 (3 mi2) cell| A| B| C| D ---|---|---|---|--- Ice-Covered Area| 0 km2| 16.0 km2(6.2 mi2)| 32.0 km2(12.4 mi2)| 64.0 km2(24.7 mi2) Concentration (%)| 0%| 25%| 50%| 100% Concentration (fraction)| 0| 0.25| 0.5| 1.0 ExtentNo units, 30% concentration threshold| 0| 0| 1| 1 Extent30% concentration threshold| 0 km2| 0 km2| 64.0 km2(24.7 mi2)| 64.0 km2(24.7 mi2) Area anomaly (%)Average area is 48 km2 (18.5 mi2)| -48.0 km2(-18.5 mi2)| -32.0 km2(-12.4 mi2)| -16.0 km2(-6.2 mi2)| +16.0 km2(6.2 mi2) Concentration anomaly (%)Average concentration is 48 km2/64 km2 = 75%| -75%| -50%| -25%| +25% For more information, see What is the difference between sea ice area and extent? Scientists also study sea ice thickness, which strongly influence ice resistance to movement and melt. Ice thickness has two components: freeboard and draft. ### Anomaly Anomaly data fields measure the difference between the sea ice value (area, extent, or concentration) at a given time and the long-term average. So, an anomaly tells us how close to average the area, extent, or concentration are in a given month. Anomalies have positive values where there is more ice than average and negative values where there is less ice than average. Area and extent anomalies are reported in square kilometers, and concentration anomalies are given in percentages (-100 to +100 percent, or a fraction, -1 to +1.) The anomaly fields have the same units as their corresponding fields. For example, area and extent anomalies are in units of square kilometers, and concentration anomalies are in percentages (-100 to +100) or fractions (-1 to +1). For example, in the grids and table above, one-fourth of cell B is covered by ice, so the ice-covered area is 16 square kilometers and the ice concentration is 25 percent or 0.25. The concentration value is less than the extent threshold, so the cell is designated \"not ice-covered\" with an extent value of \"0.\" The area is 32 square kilometers below average, so the area shows a negative anomaly (16 – 48 = -32 square kilometers). The concentration also shows a negative anomaly (25 – 75 = -50 percent). The time period for the long-term average used in the Sea Ice Index is 1981 to 2010. Thirty years is considered a standard baseline period for weather and climate, and the satellite record is now long enough to provide a 30-year baseline period. ### Data at NSIDC NSIDC holds various data on current and historic sea ice conditions, including data from satellites, aircraft, naval field observations, and local observers in Arctic Indigenous communities. Below is a selection of data products available from NSIDC. #### Satellite data ##### NASA Team and Bootstrap Gridded Concentration NSIDC archives and distributes gridded sea ice concentration products based on data from passive microwave sensors on satellites. Two products, Sea Ice Concentrations from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS Passive Microwave Data (NSIDC-0051) and Bootstrap Sea Ice Concentrations from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS (NSIDC-0079), were developed by scientists at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and were empirically derived from passive microwave data based on the fact that there is a distinctive contrast between passive microwave emission from ice versus liquid water. Both products provide a continuous and consistent record of sea ice concentration since October 1978 and are regularly updated by NASA Goddard and are archived at the NASA Snow and Ice Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) at NSIDC. NOAA@NSIDC archives and distributes a a Climate Data Record (CDR) of sea ice concentration from passive microwave data, based on the NASA Team and NASA Bootstrap algorithms. The NSIDC DAAC also processes a daily updated data product called Near-Real- Time DMSP SSMIS Daily Polar Gridded Sea Ice Concentrations. and a Near-Real- Time NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record of Passive Microwave Sea Ice Concentration. ##### Sea Ice Index Pairing an interactive application with a downloadable data set, the Sea Ice Index, which is supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), uses the NASA Team algorithm products to create a record of changes in sea ice area and extent that dates back to 1979. Because it is based on the consistently produced NASA Team concentration fields, users can compare observations from any one part of the record to any other. The user-friendly interface lets you view and animate data without the need for special software or programming skills. Sea Ice Index data are integral to NSIDC\'s Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis, which is supported by NASA. This regularly updated analysis combines daily extent and concentration data with scientific insight. It is the go-to source of sea ice news for scientists, journalists, and anyone wanting to stay abreast of polar change. The Sea Ice Index is also the basis for NSIDC\'s interactive Charctic tool. Use this tool to compare yearly trajectories of sea ice extent, and to view maps of sea ice concentration for any day since the start of the satellite record. ##### ICESat, IceBridge, & ICESat-2 Laser altimeters on satellites, first launched on the NASA Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) in 2003, measure the height of Earth’s surface and can be used to estimate sea ice thickness. After the ICESat mission ended in 2008, NASA launched Operation IceBridge in 2009 to collect airborne remote sensing measurements to bridge the gap between the ICESat mission ending and the launch of ICESat-2. In September 2018, NASA launched ICESat-2, bringing scientists a wealth of new data to better estimate changes in sea ice thickness. The ICESat-2 laser altimeter sends out 10,000 pulses of light to precisely measure height down to about an inch. The ICESat-2 instrument estimates the elevation of glaciers, sea ice, forest canopies, lakes and the changing ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica. The NSIDC DAAC stewards data from ICESat, IceBridge, and ICESat-2. Another satellite is the European Space Agency CryoSat-2, which carries a radar altimeter. Like a laser altimeter, it measures surface height, but using radar pulses instead of lasers. CryoSat-2 was launched in 2010 and provides an independent record of thickness that complements the ICESat, IceBridge, and ICESat-2 data. ##### Additional products Other products include Polar Pathfinder Daily 25 km EASE-Grid Sea Ice Motion Vectors, EASE-Grid Sea Ice Age, and Snow Melt Onset Over Arctic Sea Ice from SMMR and SSM/I-SSMIS Brightness Temperatures. #### Non-satellite and mixed satellite/field observations ##### Gridded Monthly Sea Ice Extent and Concentration, 1850 Onward The NOAA@NSIDC program offers this data set, which combines various historical observations from 1850, including ship observations, compilations by naval oceanographers, analyses by national ice services, and other sources to create monthly sea ice concentration. It uses passive microwave sea ice concentration observations for 1979 forward. ##### Unified Sea Ice Thickness Climate Data Record, 1947 Onward In 2010, Ron Lindsay of the Polar Science Center Applied Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington released the Unified Sea Ice Thickness Climate Data Record, 1947 Onward. This comprehensive climate data record was the result of a concerted effort to collect as many observations as possible of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice thickness, using measurements of draft and freeboard, which is the sea ice thickness below and above the water level, respectively. The observations were then formatted consistently with clear documentation, allowing the scientific community to better utilize what is now a considerable body of data, including: * data from moored and submarine-based upward looking sonar (ULS) instruments, * airborne electromagnetic (EM) induction instruments, * and satellite laser altimeters (on the Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat)). The record is periodically updated and housed at NSIDC by the NOAA@NSIDC data management program. ##### The Seasonal Ice Zone Observing Network (SIZONet) From the NSIDC Exchange for Local Observations of the Arctic (ELOKA) program comes this interface that allows access to observations of sea ice, weather, and wildlife collected since 2006 by Iñupiat and Yup\'ik sea ice experts in several communities along the northern and western coasts of Alaska. #### Additional Resources * NSIDC’s Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis (ASINA) offers scientific analyses and daily data images of sea ice conditions in the Arctic and Antarctic. * The PIOMAS Arctic Sea Ice Volume Reanalysis project: This online tool uses the PIOMASS model to calculate sea ice volume and is provided by the Polar Science Center at the University of Washington. 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I Do not see any major changes to the ice surface in thirty years It moved a little at one point and now it Does not move much
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At the time of publication, it represented the best available science. ## El Niño By Mike Carlowicz and Stephanie Schollaert Uz Design by Joshua Stevens February 14, 2017 What is El Niño? Fundamental Observations Human History of El Niño Impacts and Teleconnections Atmosphere Heat Water Remote Sensing ### Pacific Wind and Current Changes Bring Warm, Wild Weather If you want to understand how interconnected our planet is—how patterns and events in one place can affect life half a world away—study El Niño. Episodic shifts in winds and water currents across the equatorial Pacific can cause floods in the South American desert while stalling and drying up the monsoon in Indonesia and India. Atmospheric circulation patterns that promote hurricanes and typhoons in the Pacific can also knock them down over the Atlantic. Fish populations in one part of the ocean might crash, while others thrive and spread well beyond their usual territory. ![\\"GOES- West](\\" feature/elnino/images/pacific_goe_2015244.jpg\\") The GOES-West satellite observed four tropical cyclones roiling the Pacific on September 1, 2015, during an El Niño event. (Image courtesy of the NASA/NOAA GOES Project.) During an El Niño event, the surface waters in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean become significantly warmer than usual. That change is intimately tied to the atmosphere and to the winds blowing over the vast Pacific. Easterly trade winds (which blow from the Americas toward Asia) falter and can even turn around into westerlies. This allows great masses of warm water to slosh from the western Pacific toward the Americas. It also reduces the upwelling of cooler, nutrient-rich waters from the deep—shutting down or reversing ocean currents along the equator and along the west coast of South and Central America. The circulation of the air above the tropical Pacific Ocean responds to this tremendous redistribution of ocean heat. The typically strong high-pressure systems of the eastern Pacific weaken, thus changing the balance of atmospheric pressure across the eastern, central, and western Pacific. While easterly winds tend to be dry and steady, Pacific westerlies tend to come in bursts of warmer, moister air. ![\\"Illustration](\\" feature/elnino/images/walker_circulation.png\\") Atmospheric circulation over the equator—the Walker circulation—changes substantially with the arrival of El Niño. (Illustration by NOAA/ Because of the vastness of the Pacific basin—covering one-third of the planet—these wind and humidity changes get transmitted around the world, disrupting circulation patterns such as jet streams (strong upper-level winds). We know these large-scale shifts in Pacific winds and waters initiate El Niño. What we don\'t know is what triggers the shift. This remains a scientific mystery. ![\\"Illustration](\\" feature/elnino/images/elnino_jet_streams.png\\") El Niño usually alters the Pacific jet stream, stretching it eastward, making it more persistent, and bringing wetter conditions to the western U.S. and Mexico. (NASA Earth Observatory illustration by Joshua Stevens.) What is not a mystery is that El Niño is one of the most important weather- producing phenomena on Earth, a \"master weather-maker,\" as author Madeleine Nash once called it. The changing ocean conditions disrupt weather patterns and marine fisheries along the west coasts of the Americas. Dry regions of Peru, Chile, Mexico, and the southwestern United States are often deluged with rain and snow, and barren deserts have been known to explode in flowers. Meanwhile, wetter regions of the Brazilian Amazon and the northeastern United States often plunge into months-long droughts. ![\\"Chart](\\" feature/elnino/images/elnino_rainfall_chart.png\\") Typically dry regions can experience nearly two times as much rain during a strong El Niño. (NASA Earth Observatory chart by Joshua Stevens, using data from the California-Nevada Climate Applications Program.) El Niño events occur roughly every two to seven years, as the warm cycle alternates irregularly with its sibling La Niña—a cooling pattern in the eastern Pacific—and with neutral conditions. El Niño typically peaks between November and January, though the buildup can be spotted months in advance and its effects can take months to propagate around the world. Though El Niño is not caused by climate change, it often produces some of the hottest years on record because of the vast amount of heat that rises from Pacific waters into the overlying atmosphere. Major El Niño events—such as 1972-73, 1982-83, 1997-98, and 2015-16—have provoked some of the great floods, droughts, forest fires, and coral bleaching events of the past half-century. ![\\"Chart](\\" feature/elnino/images/graph_gis_2016.png\\") El Niño years tend to be warmer than other years. (NASA Earth Observatory chart by Joshua Stevens, using data from the Goddard Institute for Space Studies.) NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and other scientific institutions track and study El Niño in many ways. From underwater floats that measure conditions in the depths of the Pacific to satellites that observe sea surface heights and the winds high above it, scientists now have many tools to dissect this l\'enfant terrible of weather. The data visualizations on the next page show most of the key ways that we observe El Niño before, during, and after its visits. ## Underwater Temperatures and Water Masses By Mike Carlowicz and Stephanie Schollaert Uz Design by Joshua Stevens February 14, 2017 What is El Niño? Fundamental Observations Human History of El Niño Impacts and Teleconnections Atmosphere Heat Water Remote Sensing The ocean is not uniform. Temperatures, salinity, and other characteristics vary in three dimensions, from north to south, east to west, and from the surface to the depths. With its own forms of underwater weather, the seas have fronts and circulation patterns that move heat and nutrients around ocean basins. Changes near the surface often start with changes in the depths. The tropical Pacific receives more sunlight than any other region on Earth, and much of this energy is stored in the ocean as heat. Under neutral, normal conditions, the waters off southeast Asia and Australia are warmer and sea level stands higher than in the eastern Pacific; this warm water is pushed west and held there by easterly trade winds. Temperature anomalies in the ocean depths reveal the fingerprints of El Niño and the La Niña that follows. (NASA Earth Observatory visualization by Joshua Stevens, using data from the Global Data and Assimilation Office.) But as an El Niño pattern develops and trade winds weaken, gravity causes the warm water to move east. This mass, referred to as the \"western Pacific warm pool,\" extends down to about 200 meters in depth, a phenomenon that can be observed by moored or floating instruments in the ocean: satellite-tracked drifting buoys, moorings, gliders, and Argo floats that cycle from the ocean surface to great depths. These in situ instruments (more than 3,000 of them) record temperatures and other traits in the top 300 meters of the global ocean. The visualization above shows a cross-section of the Pacific Ocean from January 2015 through December 2016. It shows temperature anomalies; that is, how much the temperatures at the surface and in the depths ranged above or below the long-term averages. Note the warm water in the depths starting to move from west to east after March 2015 and peaking near the end of 2015. (The western Pacific grows cooler than normal.) By March 2016, cooler water begins moving east, sparking a mild La Niña in the eastern Pacific late in 2016, while the western Pacific begins to warm again. ## Sea Surface Temperatures By Mike Carlowicz and Stephanie Schollaert Uz Design by Joshua Stevens February 14, 2017 What is El Niño? Fundamental Observations Human History of El Niño Impacts and Teleconnections Atmosphere Heat Water Remote Sensing For hundreds of years, the temperature near the water surface has been measured by instruments on ships, moorings and, more recently, drifters. Since the late 1970s, satellites have provided a global view of ocean surface temperatures, filling in the gaps between those singular points where floating measurements can be made. ![\\"Map](\\" feature/elnino/images/ssta_vir_2015305.png\\") El Niño is associated with above-average equatorial sea surface temperatures. El Niño\'s signature warmth is apparent in the November 2015 map. (NASA Earth Observatory maps by Joshua Stevens, using data from Coral Reef Watch.) Sea surface temperatures are measured from space by radiometers, which detect the electromagnetic energy (mostly light and heat) emitted by objects and surfaces on Earth. In the case of the oceans, satellite radiometers—such as the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on NOAA weather satellites and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA\'s Terra and Aqua satellites—detect the strength of infrared and microwave emissions from the top few millimeters of the water. The maps above show sea surface temperature anomalies in the Pacific from winter and fall of 2015. The maps do not depict absolute temperatures; instead, they show how much above (red) or below (blue) the surface water temperatures were compared to a long-term (30-year) average. The maps were built with data from a multi-satellite analysis assembled by researchers from NOAA, NASA, and the University of South Florida. When deciding whether the Pacific is in an El Niño state, the climatologists at NOAA examine sea surface temperatures in the east-central tropical Pacific—referred to as the Niño 3.4 region (between 120° to 170° West). An El Niño is declared when the average temperature stays more than 0.5 degrees Celsius above the long-term average for five consecutive months. In 1997-98 and 2015-16, sea surface temperatures rose more than 2.5 degrees Celsius (4.5 degrees Fahrenheit) above the average. ## Sea Surface Height By Mike Carlowicz and Stephanie Schollaert Uz Design by Joshua Stevens February 14, 2017 What is El Niño? Fundamental Observations Human History of El Niño Impacts and Teleconnections Atmosphere Heat Water Remote Sensing Sea level is naturally higher in the western Pacific; in fact, it is normally about 40 to 50 centimeters (15-20 inches) higher near Indonesia than off of Ecuador. Some of this difference is due to tropical trade winds, which predominantly blow from east to west across the Pacific Ocean, piling up water near Asia and Oceania. Some of it is also due to the heat stored in the water, so measuring the height of the sea surface is a good proxy for measuring the heat content of the water. ![\\"Animated](\\" feature/elnino/images/ssha_js2_2015.gif\\") Water expands as it warms, causing the surface of the ocean to rise. (NASA Earth Observatory map by Joshua Stevens, using Jason-2 data provided by Akiko Kayashi and Bill Patzert, NASA/JPL Ocean Surface Topography Team.) The animation above compares sea surface heights in the Pacific Ocean as measured by the altimeter on the OSTM/Jason-2 satellite and analyzed by scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. It shows sea surface height anomalies, or how much the water stood above or below its normal sea level. Shades of red indicate where the ocean was higher because warmer water expands to fill more volume (thermal expansion). Shades of blue show where sea level and temperatures were lower than average (water contraction). Normal sea-level conditions appear in white. As you watch sea surface heights change through 2015, note the pulses of warmer water moving east across the ocean. When the trade winds ease and bursts of wind come out of the west, warm water from the western Pacific pulses east in vast, deep waves (Kelvin waves) that even out sea level a bit. As the warm water piles up in the east, it deepens the warm surface layer, lowering the thermocline and suppressing the natural upwelling that usually keeps waters cooler along the Pacific coasts of the Americas. (Look back at the underwater temperature animation to see this phenomenon.) ## Ocean Color By Mike Carlowicz and Stephanie Schollaert Uz Design by Joshua Stevens February 14, 2017 What is El Niño? Fundamental Observations Human History of El Niño Impacts and Teleconnections Atmosphere Heat Water Remote Sensing As temperatures change due to El Niño, other effects ripple through the ocean. In the eastern Pacific, the surge of warm water deepens the thermocline, the thin layer that separates surface waters from deep-ocean waters. This thicker layer of warm water at the surface curtails the usual upwelling of cooler, nutrient-rich water—the water that usually supports rich fisheries in the region. This loss of the nutrient supply is evident in declining concentrations of sea surface chlorophyll, the green pigment present in most phytoplankton. Changes in water properties such as oxygen and carbon content also affect marine life. ![\\"Maps](\\" feature/elnino/images/chloro_amo_2015273.png\\") Chlorophyll concentrations rise and fall with the presence of phytoplankton. During the 2015 El Niño, warming water temperatures changed where phytoplankton bloomed in the Pacific Ocean. (NASA Earth Observatory maps by Joshua Stevens and Stephanie Schollaert Uz, using data from MODIS, NASA OceanColor Web, and SeaDAS.) The images above compare sea surface chlorophyll in the Pacific Ocean as observed in October 2014 and 2015. Shades of green indicate more chlorophyll and blooming phytoplankton. Shades of blue indicate less chlorophyll and less phytoplankton. (For a larger view of these maps, click here.) Historic observations have shown that with less phytoplankton available, the fish that feed upon plankton—and the bigger fish that feed on the little ones—have a greatly reduced food supply. In most extreme El Niños, the decline in fish stocks has led to famine and dramatic population declines for marine animals such as Galapagos penguins, marine iguanas, sea lions, and seals. ## Surface Winds By Mike Carlowicz and Stephanie Schollaert Uz Design by Joshua Stevens February 14, 2017 What is El Niño? Fundamental Observations Human History of El Niño Impacts and Teleconnections Atmosphere Heat Water Remote Sensing The behavior of the winds and waters are tightly intertwined in the Pacific basin during an El Niño event. \"It is like the proverbial chicken-and-egg problem,\" says Michael McPhaden of NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory. “During an El Niño year, weakening winds along the equator lead to warming water surface temperatures that lead to further weakening of the winds.” The image below shows the dominant direction of the winds and changes in their intensity near the ocean surface as observed by NASA’s RapidScat instrument. Arrows show how the primary wind direction changed from January 2015 to January 2016. The change in wind speed is represented by colors, with surface wind speeds increasing in teal-green areas and decreasing in purple areas. ![\\"Map](\\" feature/elnino/images/pacific_rsc_2016-2015.png\\") During an El Niño, wind patterns shift all over the Pacific Ocean. Most significantly, they get weaker (purple) in the eastern tropical Pacific, allowing warm surface water to move toward the Americas (NASA Earth Observatory map by Joshua Stevens using RapidScat data from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.) The El Niño signal is evident in the eastward-blowing winds in the tropical western and central Pacific. Winds near the equator (5° North to 5° South) blew more forcefully from west to east in the western and central Pacific; meanwhile, the easterly (east to west) trade winds weakened near the Americas. These wind shifts allowed pulses of warm water to slosh from Asia toward the Americas over the course of 2015. The signal also shows up in a convergence in the eastern Pacific; that is, the winds in the tropics (23°N to 23°S) were generally moving toward the equator. This reflects intense convection, where warm surface waters promote intense evaporation and rising air. (See the Walker circulation illustration on page 1.) Consequently, new air masses move toward the equator to replace the rising air. Other changes occurred well away from the equator; scientists refer to these as teleconnections. For instance, RapidScat detected a strong clockwise- rotating (anti-cyclonic) wind anomaly in the northeastern Pacific that may have been the result of stronger-than-normal atmospheric circulation (Hadley cell). That is, air that rose above the super-heated waters of the central tropical Pacific sank back to the surface at higher latitudes with more than usual intensity. ## Cloudiness and Precipitation By Mike Carlowicz and Stephanie Schollaert Uz Design by Joshua Stevens February 14, 2017 What is El Niño? Fundamental Observations Human History of El Niño Impacts and Teleconnections Atmosphere Heat Water Remote Sensing By changing the distribution of heat and wind across the Pacific, El Niño alters rainfall patterns for months to seasons. As the warm ocean surface warms the atmosphere above it, moisture-rich air rises and develops into rain clouds. So while the majority of precipitation tends to occur over the west Pacific warm pool in neutral years, much more develops over the central and eastern Pacific during an El Niño event. ![\\"Maps](\\" feature/elnino/images/clouds_tmo_201501-201511.png\\") Just as El Niño influences ocean surface temperatures, it also alters the amount and location of clouds over the Pacific. (NASA Earth Observatory maps by Joshua Stevens, using data from the NASA Earth Observations.) The globes show cloud fraction over the Pacific Ocean in January and November 2015 as measured by the MODIS instrument on NASA\'s Aqua satellite. The data show how often and how much the sky was filled with clouds over a particular region. Cloudiness is a result of moisture rising from the ocean surface into the atmosphere. During an El Niño (November image), cloud cover increases in the eastern Pacific due to the warm water releasing more moisture and heat into the atmosphere. Those clouds can lead to more rain, but they also shade the water by day and trap heat near the surface at night. ## The Human History of El Niño By Mike Carlowicz and Stephanie Schollaert Uz Design by Joshua Stevens February 14, 2017 What is El Niño? Fundamental Observations Human History of El Niño Impacts and Teleconnections Atmosphere Heat Water Remote Sensing El Niño was identified and named long before science caught up with the phenomenon. For centuries, Peruvian fishermen reaped a bounty off the Pacific coast of South America, where north- and west-flowing currents pulled cool, nutrient-rich water from the deep. But every so often, the currents would stop or turn around; warm water from the tropics would drive the fish away and leave the nets empty. These periodic warm spells were most noticeable around December or January—around the time of Christmas, the birth of \"the boy child.\" Some of the first scientific descriptions of El Niño came during exchanges between the Lima Geographical Society and the International Geographic Congress in the 1890s. But the roots of El Niño stretch far back into history, long before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth or the arrival of Peruvian fisherman. The chemical signatures of warmer seas and increased rainfall have been detected in coral samples and in other paleoclimate indicators since the last Ice Age. This pattern of water and wind changes has been going on for tens of thousands of years. Earth scientists, historians, and archaeologists have theorized that El Niño had a role in the demise or disruption of several ancient civilizations, including the Moche, the Inca, and other cultures in the Americas. But the recorded history of El Niño really starts in the 1500s, when European cultures reached the New World and met indigenous American cultures. ## 16th Century By Mike Carlowicz and Stephanie Schollaert Uz Design by Joshua Stevens February 14, 2017 What is El Niño? Fundamental Observations Human History of El Niño Impacts and Teleconnections Atmosphere Heat Water Remote Sensing Historical research has suggested that the Spanish conquest of the Incas and Peru may have been aided by El Niño conditions. When Francisco Pizarro first sailed from Panama along the west coast of South America in 1524, his progress was slowed and ultimately stopped by persistent south and southeasterly winds—which follow the pattern of the north-flowing coastal currents. In 1525-26, however, Pizarro got much farther down the coast, riding on favorable northeasterly winds, according to geographer Cesar Caviedes, author of El Niño in History. ![\\"Map](\\" feature/elnino/images/pizarro_map.png\\") The expeditions of Francisco Pizarro provide hints that his conquest may have been aided by the winds of El Niño. The advance of Pizarro and his conquistadors was most successful during the El Niño of 1532. (NASA Earth Observatory map by Joshua Stevens.) When Pizarro returned in 1531-32, his ships made haste down the coast, pushed along again by strong northeasterlies—the kind that blow in El Niño years. Once Spanish troops moved inland, they found blooming deserts, swollen rivers, and rainfall in the usually arid regions of Peru and Ecuador. The humid air and moist land allowed the conquistadors to sustain their long march and to avoid Incan settlements on the way to establishing a foothold in the country. ## 18th Century By Mike Carlowicz and Stephanie Schollaert Uz Design by Joshua Stevens February 14, 2017 What is El Niño? Fundamental Observations Human History of El Niño Impacts and Teleconnections Atmosphere Heat Water Remote Sensing Between 1789 and 1792, the monsoon in South Asia failed multiple times, according to historical and scientific records. There is evidence that several other climate patterns—some of them affected by or coinciding with Asian monsoon patterns and El Niño—influenced storm tracks and westerly winds near Europe. According to some researchers, the combination of climate anomalies and unusual weather led to crop failures in Europe and set the stage for some of the unrest that exploded in the French Revolution of 1789. ## 19th Century By Mike Carlowicz and Stephanie Schollaert Uz Design by Joshua Stevens February 14, 2017 What is El Niño? Fundamental Observations Human History of El Niño Impacts and Teleconnections Atmosphere Heat Water Remote Sensing In the book Late Victorian Holocausts, historian Mike Davis suggests that at least three great famines in the late 19th century were connected to El Niño. Extreme weather and the collapse of monsoon circulation—patterns documented by British and Indian officials, among others—led to great droughts and a few floods in 1876-78, 1896-97, and 1899-1900. Between 30 to 60 million people perished in India, China, and Brazil, among other countries; hundreds of millions suffered through hunger and social and political strife. Though European colonialism and the spread of laissez faire capitalism played important roles in these calamities, the global reach (teleconnections) of El Niño and La Niña likely spurred the great droughts, crop failures, and malaria outbreaks. ![\\"A](\\" feature/elnino/images/pacific_currents_1856.jpg\\") This 1856 map by Alexander Keith Johnson depicts temperatures, currents, and ship routes in the eastern Pacific, as they were known at the time. (Cropped image used under a Creative Commons license, courtesy of the David Rumsey Map Collection.) ## 20th Century By Mike Carlowicz and Stephanie Schollaert Uz Design by Joshua Stevens February 14, 2017 What is El Niño? Fundamental Observations Human History of El Niño Impacts and Teleconnections Atmosphere Heat Water Remote Sensing In the 1920s, a transplanted statistician and physicist from Britain began to piece together the big picture of this global weather-maker. While working as Director of Observatories in India and studying the monsoon, Gilbert Walker noted that \"when pressure is high in the Pacific Ocean it tends to be low in the Indian Ocean from Africa to Australia; these conditions are associated with low temperatures in both these areas, and rainfall varies in the opposite direction to pressure.\" He dubbed the alternating atmospheric weather pattern the \"Southern Oscillation,\" noting how highs over the tropical Pacific coincided with lows over the Indian Ocean, and vice versa. It would be another four decades before Jacob Bjerknes—a Norwegian-born scientist who helped found the meteorology department at the University of California, Los Angeles—made the final connection between the alternating warm and cool patterns in Pacific waters and the atmospheric circulation described by Walker. The entire pattern came to be known as ENSO, or El Niño-Southern Oscillation, and it includes the sister phenomenon known as La Niña. ![\\"Photograph](\\" feature/elnino/images/chilean_sardines.jpg\\") In April 2016, nearly 8,000 tons of sardines died and washed up along the coast of Chile, likely the result of El Niño related changes in the ocean. (Photographs courtesy of Armada de Chile.) At least 26 El Niños were recorded in the 20th century, and each brought its own wrinkles that piqued the interest of scientists and sent ripples through economies. The El Niño of 1957-58, for instance, caused serious damage to the kelp forests off California. Another event in 1965-66 crashed the market for guano (fertilizer) in Peru and also spurred the use of soybeans for animal feed (instead of fish meal). In 1972-73, the anchovy population crashed, leading to the death of millions of sea birds and to destabilizing effects on the Peruvian economy and government. In 1982-83, the first major El Niño to get significant real-time study, sea birds on Christmas Island abandoned their young and flew out over the Pacific in a desperate search for food. Nearly 25 percent of the fur seal and sea lion populations off Peru starved to death. ![\\"Photograph](\\" feature/elnino/images/kresan_santacruz_1983.jpg\\") Swollen with the rains of the 1983 El Niño, the Santa Cruz River roils near Tucson, Arizona. (Photograph courtesy of Peter L. Kresan, University of Arizona/U.S. Geological Survey.) \"To ask why El Niño occurs is like asking why a bell rings or a pendulum swings,\" atmospheric scientist George Philander wrote in a 1999 paper. \"It is a natural mode of oscillation. A bell, of course, needs to be struck in order to ring.\" After nearly 100 years of investigation, scientists are still not sure what rings the bell; they just know that it rings. ## Impacts and Teleconnections By Mike Carlowicz and Stephanie Schollaert Uz Design by Joshua Stevens February 14, 2017 What is El Niño? Fundamental Observations Human History of El Niño Impacts and Teleconnections Atmosphere Heat Water Remote Sensing Fires raging in Indonesia. Fisheries collapsing off Peru. Delayed monsoon rains over India. Floods and mosquito-borne disease outbreaks in South America. Epic drought and mass migrations in southern Africa. Once an El Niño is declared, it seems every extreme weather-related event in the world is blamed on this phenomenon. El Niño is the largest natural disruption to the Earth system, with direct impacts across most of the Pacific Ocean. Indirect impacts reverberate around the globe in patterns that scientists refer to as \"teleconnections.\" Scientists are actively trying to understand how these changes in weather patterns in one area can alter the movement of air masses and winds in areas adjacent to and even far away from the source. According to the International Research Institute for Climate and Society at Columbia University, El Niño- Southern Oscillation is responsible for as much as 50 percent of year-to-year climate variability in some regions of the world. So which impacts are actually typical and traceable to El Niño? ![\\"Image](\\" feature/elnino/images/rioparaguay_oli_2016014.jpg\\"/) In late 2015 and early 2016, unusually heavy rainfall swamped South America. Months before the flooding, meteorologists warned of wetter-than-usual conditions on account of El Niño. The left image shows the same area under normal conditions. (NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey.) The effects are most immediate in the equatorial Pacific. The thicker, warmer surface layer of water in the Eastern Pacific suppresses the upwelling of cooler, nutrient-rich water from the depths. Less nutrients mean less phytoplankton, which in turn leads to hunger all around the food web. Higher forms of marine life across the tropical Pacific—such as tuna, sea turtles, and seabirds—move to different feeding grounds when nutrient-poor surface waters shift eastward from the Western Pacific. Subtle changes in the color of the ocean—which indicate shifts in the abundance and location of the phytoplankton (visible via the pigment chlorophyll-a)—were first observed from space by the Coastal Zone Color Scanner in the 1970s and 80s. In fact, imagery collected by CZCS during the very strong 1982-83 El Niño showed the regional demise of marine life around the Galapagos Islands. Fifteen years later, SeaWiFS compiled the first high quality, Pacific-wide view of chlorophyll-a during the very strong 1997-98 El Niño. In one ironic twist, rainfall increases over the Eastern Pacific during an El Niño, which benefits life on the land. Even though life in the ocean is starving or moving to new feeding grounds, the plants and animals of the Galapagos and along the west coasts of North and South America usually get bountiful rain. ![\\"Animation](\\" feature/elnino/images/ElNinoBloom_1998JanJul.gif\\") Changes in chlorophyll-a concentrations are visible in this animation, which compares phytoplankton in January and July 1998. Since then, scientists have improved both the collection and presentation of chlorophyll data. (Visualization courtesy of NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, The SeaWiFS Project and ORBIMAGE, and the Scientific Visualization Studio.) Although El Niño has the most direct impacts on life in the equatorial Pacific, its effects propagate north and south along the coast of the Americas, affecting marine life all around the Pacific. According to Dan Rudnick of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, changes in oceanic and atmospheric circulation off the coast of California—primarily changes in winds—decrease the normal upwelling of cooler, deep water. Additionally, atypical ocean currents can bring tropical species to California waters, such as manta rays, red tuna crabs, and yellow-bellied sea snakes. Warm water in the Eastern and Central Pacific—and the moisture and energy it gives up to the atmosphere—fuels nascent tropical storms, enabling them to develop into hurricanes. Tropical storm development is also aided by typical El Niño wind patterns, which tend to have the same horizontal wind speeds and directions both near the surface and at higher altitudes. This lack of differences in wind velocity with height (that is, a lack of \"wind shear\") enables storms to continue pumping heat upward and to grow stronger. By contrast, there is greater wind shear over the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea during an El Niño, which inhibits hurricane formation by dissipating the upward motion of heat. In the equatorial Pacific, as the warm pool propagates eastward, clouds and rainfall move with it and leave the Western Pacific in dry conditions that often lead to drought across Indonesia, southeast Asia, and northern Australia. The problems of drought are compounded by slash-and-burn land clearing. For example, in Indonesia it is common for farmers to clear-cut forests for lumber and to burn rainforest to develop the land. Normally, these fires are extinguished by the consistent rains that fall in the tropics. But when the rain dries up during a strong El Niño, those fires burn uncontrolled. Massive El Niño-fueled fires were blamed for thousands of premature deaths from air pollution in 1997-98 and contributed to as many as 100,000 deaths in 2015-16, according to a recent study by Harvard University scientists. ![\\"Satellite](\\" feature/elnino/images/borneo_tmo_2015267.jpg\\") Heavy smoke blanketed Sumatra and Borneo in September and October 2015, as observed by NASA’s Terra satellite. Farmers often lose control of agricultural fires during El Niño-caused droughts in Indonesia. (NASA image by Jeff Schmaltz, LANCE/EOSDIS Rapid Response.) Wildfires also release extra carbon dioxide into the air. Vegetation that is stressed from heat and drought cannot absorb as much atmospheric carbon as it normally takes up during photosynthesis. Because of this, atmospheric CO2 (as measured at the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii) has less of a seasonal decline during the Northern Hemisphere growing season. Thus, the rise in atmospheric CO2 is more pronounced during El Niño years. While the impacts of an El Niño are predominately felt in the tropical Pacific, the massive reorganization of ocean heat, clouds, rainfall, and winds can affect weather patterns in other parts of the world. The atmospheric jet stream becomes faster and shifts its position, displacing the usual location of high- and low-pressure systems and altering normal storm tracks. This, in turn, modifies wet and dry areas, causing some places to experience droughts while others may get floods, landslides, and a redistribution of groundwater. Central America typically becomes warmer and drier during El Niño years. In 1998 and 2015, reduced rainfall led to low water in the Panama Canal, causing operators to restrict some large ships from making the passage. ![\\"Chart](\\" feature/elnino/images/atmospheric_co2_chart.png\\") Atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased steadily since 1960. Data shows that the long-term rise in atmospheric CO2 (due to human activities) is more pronounced during El Niño years. (NASA Earth Observatory image by Joshua Stevens, using data from NOAA\'s Earth System Research Laboratory.) In South America, Brazil typically experiences unusual heat. Less rain falls in the north, while more falls from southern Brazil to Argentina. Flooding in January 2016 displaced more than 150,000 people in Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina, and caused Paraguay’s Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare to declare an alert for mosquito-borne diseases such as Dengue, Chikungunya, and Zika. Although the impacts of every El Niño vary, more rain typically falls during the winter across the southern United States from California to Florida. For example, in 2015-16, the Pacific Northwest, the U.S. Midwest, and the Southeast states endured heavy rain. There were landslides in Northern California and flash floods in Louisiana and Alabama. Extreme rain fell in Southern California and led to mudslides. The United Nations (U.N.) Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported in April 2016 that 60 million people across Africa, Asia, the Pacific, and Latin America needed food assistance due to weather extremes from the 2015-16 El Niño. Looking back at 1997-98, the U.N. attributed more than 20,000 deaths and $36 billion in infrastructure damage to that El Niño. Although El Niño events are complex and evolve differently—as do their impacts and teleconnections—improved predictions would help communities to prepare for likely impacts and to minimize disruptions. With more advanced warning, resource managers and civic leaders could make adjustments to how they manage fisheries, which crops to plant, what resources to allocate to combating mosquitoes, and when to raise awareness of risks such as fire or mudslides. By Mike Carlowicz and Stephanie Schollaert Uz Design by Joshua Stevens February 14, 2017 What is El Niño? Fundamental Observations Human History of El Niño Impacts and Teleconnections Atmosphere Heat Water Remote Sensing 1. #### Related Reading 2. Caviedes, César N. (2001) El Niño in History: Storming Through the Ages. University Press of Florida. 3. Grove, R.H. (2007) Global Impact of the 1789-93 El Niño. Nature, 393, 318-19. 4. Grove, R.H. (1998) The Great El Niño of 1789-93 and its Global Consequences. The Medieval History Journal, 10, (1-2) 75-98. 5. Kessler, William, via NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (2003) Frequently (well, at least once) asked-questions about El Niño. Accessed July 23, 2016. 6. Nash, J. Madeleine (2002) El Niño: Unlocking the Secrets of the Master Weather-Maker. Warner Books. 7. Quinn, W.H. et al. (1987) El Niño occurrences over the past four and a half centuries. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 92, (C13) 14449–14461. 8. Slate (2011, August 24) Weather and War. Accessed July 23, 2016. 9. Wikipedia (2016) El Niño. Accessed July 23, 2016. # Subscribe to our newsletters ![\\"Earth](\\"/img/logo-mark.svg\\"/) * ![\\"Facebook\\"](\\"/img/social-facebook.svg\\"/) * ![\\"Twitter\\"](\\"/img/social-twitter.svg\\"/) * ![\\"Instagram\\"](\\"/img/social-instagram.svg\\"/) * ![\\"Subscribe\\"](\\"/img/social-subscribe.svg\\"/) * ![\\"RSS\\"](\\"/img/social-rss.svg\\"/) * Feeds * Contact * About * Image Use Policy * Privacy Policy * Accessibility Webmaster Paul Przyborski NASA Official Robert Levy The Earth Observatory is part of the EOS Project Science Office at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Did you find what you were looking for? # ![\\"National](\\"\\"/) SMD Website Survey Please answer the following questions to help us improve your experience. ## Success! By Mike Carlowicz and Stephanie Schollaert Uz Design by Joshua Stevens February 14, 2017 What is El Niño? 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I Do not see any major changes to the ice surface in thirty years It moved a little at one point and now it Does not move much
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It was raining, the water neither hot nor cold, but the exact temperature to be unnoticeable against my skin. There were high points of ground, swells in the terrain where the water thinned and I could see gray grass underneath the surface of the water. There was nothing above the water level. The rain fell steadily, just as it did on campus, and perhaps this was the reason why the town hadn’t flooded yet. It was all coming here. The rain released from its tormenter, falling incessantly, and flooding into the gray world. I supposed that I could plant the seed and then try to find a way out, but something told me that this wasn’t the right spot for it. I was seeing the effects of the rain, but it didn’t feel like this was anything other than the fringes of the rain’s influence. I had to get this right. I’d only get one chance, otherwise, the seed would be wasted and it’d do nothing but eat away at Grayson in bits and pieces. Or worse, it would do nothing at all. And when the gray world could no longer contain the rain, when things twisted and shifted beyond tolerance, then it would overflow onto campus. I’d heard stories back home about what happened when a malevolent ancient claimed a parcel of land. Slowly, person by person, the town would dwindle into nothingness. People would either leave, unable to tolerate the oppression in the air, or they would die. This sort of thing didn’t happen often… but it did happen. Oh, we’d call it due to an economic downturn or something like that, but a ghost town is aptly named. I began slogging my way through the water. Seek the highest hill was the way to escape the gray world, but I wasn’t certain that was what I was looking for. I was looking for anything at all, anything that would help me understand what I was to do with the seed. It burned when it touched my bare skin so I carried it swaddled in my shirt, tucked against my chest. I walked for what felt like a very short time and a very long distance. I could feel the world turning underneath my feet, rotating on its axis, but the scenery never changed. I walked through the water, skirting the areas where I couldn’t gauge the depth, trying to stay on the swells where there were only a few inches of water. The rain soaked through my clothing but I wasn’t cold, not with the stone radiating heat through my shirt. Its presence felt comforting. Somehow, it made me feel like I was doing the right thing. Then I saw something up ahead. A person. I sloshed through the water towards it, nervously, because this was the gray world and I couldn’t trust that anything here was safe. But they didn’t move, just stood there and stared at their feet, and as I grew closer I realized that I recognized who it was. I broke into a run with a cry, my heels kicking up sprays of water, and I ran as hard as I could to where Maria stood all alone. She raised her head and stared through me as I approached. I came to a stop in front of her, panting, and wrapped both arms around the stone at my chest to shield it from her. It was already covered up, but I didn’t dare let her touch it. I couldn’t let it pull her inside as it’d almost done to James. “Maria?” I asked. “It’s me. It’s Ashley.” Her gaze sharpened. She stared at me for a moment and then she smiled, a tentative, trembling gesture. “I was waiting for you,” she said. “I knew you’d come for me.” For a moment I was speechless. Then I began to cry, in relief, and with the heavy weight of her words. She’d waited for me. Because she knew I would come. And I wanted to tell her that I didn’t know what I was doing here, that I was scared and confused, but I didn’t say anything at all. Because she already knew all that and she’d waited for me anyway. “I’m here now,” I said instead. “You’re not alone. I’m here. We can go home together.” “Go?” she asked, puzzled. “But I stayed right here.” Her words didn’t make sense to me, but that was to be expected. She was caught between life and death and all of her focus was on holding onto herself. I had to be patient. “Right,” I said. “You didn\'t want to wander. That\'s smart. But we need to find the highest hill if we\'re going to get out of here.” I grabbed her hand. It was reassuringly warm. She was alive. I just needed to get her back into her body. I tugged, trying to pull her with me so we could keep walking in any direction, searching for any change in terrain. Any at all. “I found a hill”, she whispered. “There was something there. It was… a bird? But also the sky. Yes, I think it was the sky. It told me I could go with it and it’d keep me safe from everything.” The master of the gray world. She’d met it and she’d chosen to wait for me instead. I nervously licked my lips. Somehow, it felt worse now that it wasn\'t just me I needed to save. I had to plant the seed and then get us both out. I took a deep breath. Maria was still talking. “It sent me here,” she said. “Even though it’s not safe. That’s what the sky said. But there’s not many things around here anymore, so I suppose it didn’t need to worry about me.” Maria was rambling. I looked around us, trying to figure out what was special about this particular spot. It was no different from everything around us, as far as I could see. Just another swell of land, the soggy grass swaying underneath a few inches of water. Beside me, Maria fell silent. I glanced at her and noticed that she was looking at something, her gaze unfocused, her lips half-parted. She was looking down at our feet. So that’s where I looked as well. And all around us the water was black instead of silver, the gray sheen was gone and so was the ground, there was nothing but the dark depths below us as far as I could see, like spilled ink directly below my feet - I gasped and tore my gaze away. I stared at the sky instead and at the raindrops covering the lenses of my glasses. “Is this… where you entered the gray world?” I finally asked, trying to keep my voice even. “Entered? I - I was pulled -” Yes. It was. “But I fell for so long, through so much darkness,” Maria said and there was an edge of wild panic in her voice. I squeezed her hand, distracting her from wherever her thoughts were veering. She couldn’t lose herself. Not when we were so close. Then I looked down again and this time, I didn’t stare into the depths of the water. I stared at my ankles, at where the water formed a silver ring, and then I swept my gaze out from that and I looked at the surface of the water, searching for a reflection, searching for something to ground myself on. And I saw a shape, a person, except it wasn’t me. It wasn’t me at all. It was Professor Monotone. I admit my brain short-circuited a bit at that. I mean, of all the things I would have expected to see in the water of the gray world, that was not it. But after a moment my brain kicked in again and I realized his back was to my point of view and he was speaking, he was gesturing, and then I saw who he was speaking to. It was Cassie. She faced him with her arms crossed, scowling bitterly. Behind her was Josh and James… and Grayson. Josh and James were holding onto Grayson’s arms, one to either side of him. His eyes were wide with terror and I realized he couldn’t stop them. He was in a human body, inside dying flesh, and there was no rain inside the power plant basement. They were dragging him closer to the edge of the pool, dragging him closer to where I waited on the other side. “I’d rather die!” he shrieked at them. His voice was muffled, almost inaudible, like he was deep underwater. “I’d rather be undone entirely than be trapped like this!” No. This wasn’t what I wanted. “Let\'s go,” I said to Maria, my voice right with urgency. “I think we\'re in the right spot.” I tried not to think about what I was doing. Any hesitation and I might freeze up entirely, but I’d figured that out and I knew the trick to get around. Just don’t think. Get that first step out of the way and everything else would follow. I took a deep breath and I jumped. A short hop, enough to get my feet out of the swamp, and when my feet hit the water again they kept going. There was no more ground. I was falling, plunging straight into water, and I recognized this place. I knew it, for I’d seen it in Grayson’s terror. This was his realm, this was where all the water went, an empty void where he was alone, stretched across the entirety of the ocean, existing only from moment to moment as each raindrop fell and was absorbed into the earth. I looked up. I could see, far above us, my friends. Their faces were blurred from the water, but I still recognized Josh and James and Grayson, leaning over the surface of the pool. Cassie wasn’t visible. No doubt she was tying up Professor Monotone and keeping him from stopping them. I felt a little bad for pitting him against Cassie. That wasn’t a fight he could win. Then they threw Grayson in. He struggled, trying to swim up, but it was like the water was sucking him in and he twisted, thrashing, flailing with his hands as if he was trying to knock it away from him. As if it had grabbed hold and was pulling him down. Then James, in Maria’s body, jumped in. Maria’s body went limp. And James drifted out of it and I saw him as he once was, as he looked in Professor Monotone’s photo. He began to swim down, chasing Grayson, leaving Maria’s body to drift. I looked beside me. Maria was staring upwards, that distant look gone from her eyes and she was focused and I knew she realized what she had to do. I let go of her hand, shoving her upwards as I did. And she started to swim. Towards her body, towards the surface, towards everything that would give her her life back. All that left was the seed. I wrenched my gaze away from Grayson’s sinking body. I didn’t know how to save him. I didn’t think he should be saved, not like this. James deserved to live and Grayson… I unwrapped the seed from my shirt. This was all I could do for him. I let go of the seed. It floated in the water and from the crack I watched as a pale sprout emerged. The first tip of a root. I turned away, towards the surface. I had to get out of here before I ran out of oxygen. I began to swim upwards and the air in my lungs carried me up faster than I expected. This was all going to work. I was going to escape, the seed was where it needed to be and Grayson- I paused. He drifted in the water, no longer fighting, back arched, eyes wide and his mouth open. His chest rose and fell, breathing the water as easily as if it were air. And then I glanced down, towards the seed. It turned over in the water, drifting faintly along a weak current, and as I watched the root shriveled, broke off, and floated away. It wasn’t sprouting. All of this was for nothing. It felt like a hand was squeezing my chest, crushing the hope that I’d dared allow to blossom, and replacing it with an icy terror that froze my muscles. I was going to save Maria and James, but Grayson would be trapped inside the manifestation of all his fears. For one brief, wild moment I thought I could swim over to him, grab his hand, and let him consume me and we’d be together, just as he wanted, and maybe it would be okay in the end - My body wouldn’t move. I couldn’t force myself to go to him. This was my life to do with as I wanted and I didn’t want that. I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I turned myself around in the water and stared into James’s eyes. His gaze tracked past me, towards Grayson, towards his body, and then down to the seed. He knew. He understood what I was trying to do. And he knew why it wasn’t working. Then he looked at me again and his eyes were wide with desperation. He wanted to live. He wanted to live so bad but then his face tightened with a hopeless resolve and I knew he’d decided. It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t right, and everything he was rebelled against giving in, but this was going to be all the time he got in life. He let go of my hand and linked his hands together, placed them underneath my foot, and shoved me upwards. Then he dove, down to the seed, to the heart, and he wrapped his hands around it and let it pull him in. I felt a hand grab the back of my shirt. I was wrenched upwards, my head broke through the water, and then there was an arm around my chest and hands on my arms and my friends were pulling me out of the water. “I’m sorry,” I sobbed, sucking air into my lungs. “I’m so sorry. I’ll bring you back. I promise. I’ll bring you back as yourself.” They dragged me clear. And I sat there, crying, and watched as the water in the pool began to recede. It dropped lower and lower and just underneath that glistening surface I saw branches forming. Buds appeared on the tips and then they sprouted into leaves and the water dropped lower and lower as the tree drank it up, until it was gone from sight, and all that was left was a rectangle where the concrete was an inch lower than the floor around it. “James… isn’t coming out,” Cassie said and she sounded… confused. Like she couldn’t accept that this hadn’t worked exactly as she wanted. “No,” I said. “And neither is Grayson.” It was over. The pool was gone. No one else would be pushed in and be left to linger for as long as they could hold on, while their body decayed and died without them. I should be happy by this, but I only sat there and cried, and my friends sat with me for as long as I needed. It rained for one more day before the weather finally cleared. I didn’t see much of Maria. She desperately needed to catch up on her classes if she was going to pass finals at the end of the year. She did make time to talk about what happened, though. From her perspective, almost no time at all had passed. She wound up in the gray world and then I was there to take her out. She didn’t remember anything of her conversation with the master of the gray world and honestly, I feel that’s for the best. Her quasi-death experience has hopefully dampened her enthusiasm for the inhuman, but I don’t want to risk rekindling it. Because there are still creatures out there. The rain is still an ancient thing. I know that from a very reliable source. “See?” a regrettably familiar voice said from behind my right shoulder, as I walked to my first exam of finals week. “Didn’t I promise you’d graduate?” The devil fell in step beside me. He seemed utterly at ease now, which was understandable considering the rain wasn’t able to get rid of him anymore. I felt a stab of bitterness at that. “It wasn’t worth it,” I said tersely. “I wish I’d never taken your damn bargain.” “Oh, don’t be like that. You knew that the rain couldn’t continue on like it had been. Everything was unraveling. Grayson had no backup plan for the end of the year. If he couldn’t share your body and soul, then his current one would have simply fallen apart and he’d have no replacement.” “But I left him trapped in that place.” He stepped in front of me so that I was forced to stop and look directly at him. He spread his arms out and there was no smile on his face. No mockery. He locked eyes with me, his gaze bright. “It’s still raining, isn’t it?” he said intently. “Are you really so arrogant as to think you could destroy - or even trap - an ancient thing? No, the rain is still here. It’s just… contained now. Not trapped. Contained.” “But he doesn’t have a body anymore -” “I told you to kill the tree so you could change things. So go change them again, if you don’t like the results.” Then he spun, putting his back to me, and walked away whistling, his hands in his pockets. I watched him go until he veered to tail a student, getting in close to whisper something in their ear. They didn’t seem to notice his presence at all, but when the devil was done talking they stopped cold and pulled out their phone and started urgently texting. I averted my gaze and kept walking. That felt like a whole lot of drama starting up that was not my problem. Ancient things don’t really die. Inhuman things don’t always die either. They just vanish for a little while and then come back, perhaps as something different, or exactly as they were, if the stories around them are strong enough. If enough people know what they should be. And… well. The other day Cassie found her freshly laundered bras sitting on her desk when she walked into class. Yes. Her desk. It was awkward, she said. The devil said to change things again, if I didn’t like how it turned out. I’m not done here. I’m going to make good on that promise to the rain. I’ve got one more year and after that I’m going to apply for the graduate program. Professor Monotone has already agreed to be my advisor. I’m not doing this just for Grayson, though. I want to stay here. I don’t quite know what to do after graduation yet and maybe this is just a stalling measure to delay that decision, but on some level the thought of getting an advanced degree appeals to me. Like I spent all this time in undergrad figuring out who I am and now I have a foundation I can start building on. Leaving my hometown and going to college was the first decision I made solely for myself and I’m ready to make some more of those choices. This could be a mistake. I might regret it. But I won’t know that until I try. One more year until everything changes again. I don’t feel ready for it… but somehow, I’m okay with that. Because being human is to change. I think that’s why rules don’t work so well on us. They chafe at our very nature. Humanity just doesn’t like being told what to do. But rules are great at changing the inhuman. I’m keeping in touch with the Folklore Society. We’re going to start spreading a new rule about the rain. It’s not accurate. Not yet. Don’t go outside when it rains. But if you find yourself caught in it, look for the student walking alone with no umbrella and no raincoat. Walk with them, and they’ll make sure you get home safely. We’ll make it real. And I do mean ‘we’. Not ‘we’ as in Cassie, Maria, Josh and I, but you and me and everyone else. Because rules are only one part of this. Stories shape the inhuman as well. I’ve told this story to you now, the good and the bad, the things you hated about Grayson and the things you loved. I told you about him, about what he wanted more than anything. And that’s what you’ll remember. Not the rain. Not something formless and scattered. You’ll remember Grayson, just as I remember him. We’ll give the rain the freedom it wants. It’ll be able to walk among us, not trapped inside dying, stolen flesh, but as something that can exist on its own, something that isn’t caught up in the demands of a long-dead ritual, but something that exists for its own sake. I don’t know what that will look like… but I’m excited to find out. Together we can make the rain into something new. The Perfect Ingredient u/HeatConfident4673 ADMIN MOD • 5 hr. ago The Perfect Ingredient You know, they never really notice the small details. People are so caught up in their little lives, rushing from one place to another, worrying about things that don\'t matter in the end. No one cares about the people who disappear. Especially if they don’t fit the picture of what society calls ‘beautiful.’ Let me tell you a story. My story. I’ve always had a fascination with beauty—what makes someone truly radiant. It’s not the makeup or the surgeries or the photoshopped images everyone obsesses over. No, it’s something much deeper, something hidden beneath layers of skin. But they—the women society overlooks—had no idea. They thought they were invisible, unworthy, unlovable. Heavyset, curvaceous, they carried their burdens in more ways than one. But I saw them. I saw the potential in them. At first, I didn’t know what I was searching for. I wandered, lost, just another ghost in the crowd. Until one day, I stumbled upon it by accident—the answer to eternal beauty. The right mix of ingredients, the perfect combination that no lab, no factory could ever create. Something raw, natural. You see, it’s not the fat itself. It’s what it becomes. My first subject, I found her on the outskirts of town. She was waiting for the bus, staring at the ground like she was ashamed to exist. Her body was perfect for my experiment. Voluptuous, soft. The kind of figure society mocks and sneers at. But I knew better. I could make something exquisite from her despair. She never saw me coming. In my workshop, hidden beneath the earth where no one could hear the screams, I set to work. The smell of blood and oils mixed together, filling the space with something both revolting and intoxicating. I was nervous at first. But once I peeled back the layers—literally—I knew I was onto something extraordinary. It didn’t take long for the first batch to be ready. A soap, pure and smooth, so luxurious you wouldn’t believe what it was made of. Her flesh became something else entirely. Beautiful. Desirable. I even tested it on my own skin, watching as the lines of time faded, as my complexion became brighter, clearer. She had given me a gift, and she didn’t even know it. I sold my first bar to a boutique downtown. They had no idea what they were buying—just that it worked like nothing else on the market. It flew off the shelves. The more I made, the more they craved it. The soap, the serums—they became a sensation, a hidden secret among those seeking perfection. They’d never guess. They just wanted to be beautiful. But beauty, you see, is a currency, and I’ve perfected how to trade in it. Those women, they were never appreciated for what they truly could be. Society mocked them, ignored them, made them feel small. But in my hands, they became something more. They became...useful. Do you know how easy it is to find the next one? They always sit alone, trying to make themselves smaller, hoping no one notices them. But I do. I always do. They’ve become part of something greater now. Something the world craves, though it doesn’t even realize it. You might be wondering if I feel remorse. Guilt, perhaps? No. Not at all. I’m giving them the chance to be part of a legacy. They become the very thing they always wanted to be—desired, cherished, needed. Isn’t that what everyone longs for? So, if you ever feel the smooth glide of an unfamiliar soap on your skin or notice your reflection looking a little too radiant after using that new serum, remember this: beauty has a price. And someone, somewhere, paid it. Who knows? Maybe one day, you’ll be next. After all, perfection is hard to come by. And I’m always looking for the next perfect ingredient. 4o u/apple • Promoted Celebrate in a new light. Our festive offer is now live at the Apple Store. ![\\"\\"](\\" Ey6zh6RYV1gEyea2g.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=4b00974dd02377d49d11a24ba999749fe073df0c\\") ![\\"Celebrate](\\" Ey6zh6RYV1gEyea2g.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=4b00974dd02377d49d11a24ba999749fe073df0c\\") Shop Now I live in a town that doesn\'t let anyone leave. u/Roos85 ADMIN MOD • 23 hr. ago I live in a town that doesn\'t let anyone leave. Listen closely, because this isn’t a story. It’s a warning. There’s a place, a town not on any map, tucked away in a corner of the world so secret it barely exists. No one talks about it. Maybe they’ve forgotten. Maybe they’ve learned to forget. But it’s real, and if you find it, you’ll never be able to leave. I escaped once, but it’s only a matter of time before they find me again. I don’t have long, so listen carefully. The town didn’t look unusual at first. If anything, it was painfully ordinary. Rows of houses with neat lawns, crooked lampposts lining empty streets, a town square with a statue of a man no one could name. At a glance, it could’ve been anywhere, the kind of place you pass through without a second thought. But the moment I stepped into it, I felt something was wrong. Something thick in the air, like static before a storm. No one spoke about it, but we all felt it, the silent law. You could hear it in the footsteps that never strayed from the path and see it in the faces that never turned toward the clock tower. The law was never written down, never spoken aloud, but everyone knew it. You didn’t question the town. You didn’t step out of line. And you never tried to leave. At first, I did what everyone else did. I followed the rules. Nobody knew what the rules were. The only time we knew for sure was when someone broke them. I lived quietly, kept my head down, and went about my day like nothing was wrong. But the town felt like a trap like the air was watching me, waiting for me to make a mistake. Every time someone broke the law, and it was always something small, something barely noticeable and mundane they disappeared. I remember the first time I saw it happen. A man I didn’t know, even though we lived beside each other for years, took the wrong step. He didn’t follow the pattern of the street, the long lines on the roads and footpaths that quietly told everyone where to go. The next morning, his body was hanging in the town square. Twisted, broken, like some kind of macabre display. No one looked. No one acknowledged it. The townspeople walked around him like he wasn’t there like it was normal. I started to wonder who was watching. Who enforced the rules? There were no police, only strange men in white suits, who patrolled the streets. It made you paranoid, made you question every step, every word. You couldn’t trust anyone, not even yourself. On the edge of the town, there was a dirt path that everyone ignored. It was there, plain as day, but no one spoke of it, and no one dared follow it. They knew better. I should’ve known better. I couldn’t help myself. The curiosity gnawed at me until I couldn’t ignore it anymore. One night, when the streets were dark and the town was asleep, I decided to follow it. The path twisted and turned, snaking away from the town, but no matter how far I walked, I always found myself moving closer to the town. The further I went, the more I felt the town pulling me back, like a black hole dragging me toward its centre. The road kept bending in on itself, leading me in circles until, finally, I ended up right where I started. That’s when I knew there was no leaving. The town was alive, and it didn’t want me to go. The next day, someone else vanished. A woman this time. She’d broken another rule, whispered something forbidden, something about leaving and by morning, she was gone. But this time, there was no trace of a body, just her empty house, as if she’d never existed at all. The town knew I was defying it. I could feel it watching me. The more I tried to understand it, the more desperate I was to escape. One night, I saw it. Something that no one should’ve seen. The clocktower. Its face was always turned away, like it was hiding something, and the townspeople avoided looking at it as if their lives depended on it. I’d followed that rule too, at first. But in my growing madness, I dared to glance at it. That\'s when I saw the truth. The hands of the clock weren’t moving. They hadn’t moved in years. The town wasn’t bound by time. It existed in a liminal space, outside of everything, pulling in those unfortunate enough to stumble upon it. When I first heard the footsteps, I knew then I wasn’t just being watched, they were following me wherever I went. I never saw who made them, but they were always there, just behind me, just out of sight. Every corner I turned, they were there, waiting. I knew my time was running out, so I decided to run. I took the road again, and this time, I didn’t stop. I ran until my lungs burned, until my legs gave out until the town was a blur behind me. And somehow, against all odds, I broke through. I found myself on the other side of the fog, on a highway, cars rushing past me like the world hadn’t even noticed I was gone. That’s when I started writing this when I started telling my story. I thought if I warned others, if I could just explain what was waiting out there I would be safe. I tried hiding in the shadows of my newfound freedom. I had nowhere to go, but I thought if I had nowhere to call home, they wouldn’t know where to find me. I’ve been seeing them again, the terrifying shadows that moved and twisted out of the corners of my eye. As the shadows moved closer, the footsteps got louder, and It was only a matter of time before they found me. I don’t know how long I was out. When I woke up, I was strapped to a bed, with fluorescent lights burning into my eyes. But I wasn’t in a town. I was in a hospital. They told me I’d been there for years. Told me I wasn’t well, that I had imagined the town, the laws, the people. They said it was a delusion, a paranoid fantasy my mind had constructed to cope with something I didn’t want to remember. But they’re wrong. The town was real. It is real. I know it. I felt it. They tried to explain it away. They said the people I saw weren’t townsfolk, but other patients. The man who was hanging in the streets had managed to escape his room and hanged himself in the common room. The woman who vanished was old and got moved to a more comfortable place. They told me the clock tower was the hospital’s old, broken clock, stuck at the same time for years. The road I walked was just a hall leading to the hospital exit. The doctors tried to calm me. They said it’s part of my recovery, that my mind is healing. But it’s not. They don’t understand. They can’t. Because the hospital is just another version of the town. The rules are still there, hidden in the routines they force me to follow. The treatments, the schedules, the silence. It’s all the same. It’s just wearing a different face. I can hear them again. The footsteps, slow and steady, coming down the street. They’re getting closer. I know what’s coming next. 43 Rank by size Created Mar 24, 2010 15 years ago Public Anyone can view, post, and comment to this community ## Copyright Notes Note: All stories submitted to r/nosleep belong to the original poster. 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Snow White was named for her physical appearance in the Brothers Grimm's tale from 1812
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Read more here ![\\"democrat_symbol\\"](\\"/design/images/democrat_symbol.png\\"/) Fact Check # Snow White: The Origins and Meaning Behind the Name ## In early July 2021, a debate ensued on TikTok regarding the origins and meaning of the name \"Snow White\" after Disney announced a new live-action movie. ### Jordan Liles ### Published July 6, 2021 ![\\"](\\" white-1812-getty.jpg\\") Image courtesy of Hulton Archive/Getty Images Claim: Snow White was named for her physical appearance in the Brothers Grimm\'s tale from 1812. Rating: True About this rating In early July 2021, creators in TikTok videos discussed whether the meaning behind Snow White\'s name was related to her appearance. In particular, there was debate over whether her name referred to her skin color. We would like to note that does not agree with the offensive nature of the words from the first TikTok video below. They have simply been reprinted to lay out all the data for this fact check. Advertisement: #### The First TikTok Video On June 22, 2021, TikTok user @definitelyaferret posted a new video, saying: \"Oh. Disney is making another shitty live-action remake. This time of Snow White. Snow White. So let me guess. They cast a brown person to play Snow White even though the story originates from white cultural folktales and historically that would make fuck all sense.\" At this point, @definitelyaferret appears to click on an article and asks: \"Am I a psychic?\" The video was viewed more than 400,000 times. The TikTok user was referring to a story from the same day, first reported by Deadline, that announced: \"\'Snow White\': \'West Side Story\'s\' Rachel Zegler To Play Title Role In Disney\'s Live-Action Adaptation Of Animated Classic.\" According to, Zegler\'s casting marked \"a step towards Disney diversifying its slate of Disney Princess characters.\" It also published: \"Zegler, a New Jersey native, was born in 2001 to a mother of Columbian descent; her father is of Polish descent.\" Advertisement: #### The Second TikTok Video On July 1, TikTok user @blackbird451 responded to @definitelyaferret\'s video about Snow White and talked about the purported origins and meaning of her name, saying: > The adaptation that you know of, \"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,\" > produced by Disney in 1937 was actually adapted from the German Grimm > Brothers folk fairy tale, \"Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot.\" This translates > to \"Snow White and Rose-Red,\" written in 1812. > > ... > > The characters\' names in the Brothers Grimm\'s fairy tales is moreso a > reflection of their circumstances than their actual names. Snow White is not > called Snow White because she\'s white. Her name is \"Schneeweißchen,\" or > Snow White, because she dies, in the same way that Cinderella\'s name is > Cinderella because she was forced to sleep by a fire. The full remarks from @blackbird451 are available here. The video was liked more than 200,000 times. Advertisement: #### 1812 It\'s true that the original story of Snow White was believed to be published in 1812, as @blackbird451 mentioned. However, the story was titled \"Snow White,\" also published (page 207) as \"Little Snow-White\" (1812), not the very different tale titled \"Snow White and Rose-Red\" (1818). Disney\'s animated film titled \"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\" was not adapted from \"Snow White and Rose-Red.\" Readers interested in learning more about the unrelated tale, \"Snow White and Rose-Red,\" can read it for free on Google Books. #### The Meaning and Origins of Snow White\'s Name As for Snow White not being \"called Snow White because she\'s white,\" this appeared to be incorrect. While it\'s true Cinderella was named because of her circumstances, it\'s false to say that Snow White was also named for a similar reason. Advertisement: Rather than simply consulting one source, we combed through various pages and book scans of the Brothers Grimm\'s tale to find the wording and verify the relevant part from the beginning of the story. The beginning of the Brothers Grimm\'s original story of Snow White contained information about the meaning behind the name. It read as follows: > Once upon a time in the middle of winter, when the flakes of snow were > falling like feathers from the sky, a queen sat at a window sewing, and the > frame of the window was made of black ebony. And whilst she was sewing and > looking out of the window at the snow, she pricked her finger with the > needle, and three drops of blood fell upon the snow. And the red looked > pretty upon the white snow, and she thought to herself, would that I had a > child as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as the wood of the > window-frame. > > Soon after that she had a little daughter, who was as white as snow, and as > red as blood, and her hair was as black as ebony, and she was therefore > called little Snow White. And when the child was born, the queen died. In sum, in what is believed to be the original story from the Brothers Grimm, the meaning and origins of Snow White\'s name came from her mother and was based on appearance. The queen could have just as easily named her for the red she saw in her, or for her black hair. Instead, the fictional character named her daughter for appearing \"white as snow,\" which seemed to refer to her skin color. Advertisement: ### By Jordan Liles Jordan Liles is a Senior Reporter who has been with Snopes since 2016. ## Article Tags Disney Snow White Entertainment Recommendations Advertisement: ![\\"\\"](\\"/design/images/logo-main.png\\") Company About Us FAQs Contact Us Submit a Topic Navigate Home Search Archive Newsletters Random Sections Latest Top Fact Checks News Account Join Login Game FactBot Like Us on Facebook Follow Us on Twitter © 1995 - 2024 by Snopes Media Group Inc. This material may not be reproduced without permission. Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of Terms of Use Privacy Policy DMCA Policy
Snow White was named for her physical appearance in the Brothers Grimm's tale from 1812
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So maybe the prince was a science nerd. Which would have made it even more awkward when Snow woke up… “Whoops, there goes my science fair project.” ###### Megan December 22, 2018 at 12:47 AM UTC XDDDD …I’m a pre-med student, and sadly, in a similar situation to prince, the scientist part of my brain would be probably be going “Omigosh, a perfectly preserved specimen! Lemme see it!!!” While the rest (ie, normal/sane/kind part) of my brain went “Nooo…waaiitt…!!” XD ###### Kim December 19, 2018 at 08:45 AM UTC Okay so it is important to note that the brothers Grimm were not writing original tales for the most part, but were collecting stories from the locals in their travels. The original tales were not intended for children but were shared by traveling story tellers to the entire village as entertainment (usually at the local pub). Each story teller would embellish the tale to suit their own quirks and their audience. The brothers Grimm collected these tales and often combined the variations into a single story. So the Snow White in Grimm’s is probably a compilation of several similar stories which is where some of the Ick factor comes in. ###### Belle December 19, 2018 at 08:51 AM UTC Oh, I see. Thank you. It makes more sense if it was not intended for children, and created from the depths of many minds. ###### Belle December 19, 2018 at 08:30 AM UTC So all the court officials and the seven dwarves just let a seven and nine- year-old get married and attach red hot boots to their former queen? Seriously? Like, I understand that it’s supposed to be a fairytale, but why do the Brothers Grimm always have such sick stories. Eating children, curses galore, now kids getting married! There are so many ways to write interesting stories, as Kitty always manages to do (love you, by the way) without making them totally sick. ###### Belle December 18, 2018 at 09:39 PM UTC Wait, so was Snow White still seven when she got married? I mean, even if she was physically fourteen or so, her mind would still have been seven when she woke up, right? So, how old was the prince, and why is he such a sicko? ###### Megan December 18, 2018 at 10:10 PM UTC Maybe he was nine? The whole hot-irons thing sounds like the sort of punishment a particularly vengeful kid might come up with. Same with buying the coffin??? To gross out his friends??? And the weight of gold might not occur to a nine year old… ###### Kaitlin December 18, 2018 at 10:28 PM UTC XDDD I’M DYING. I love your response, Megan! ###### foxinsox December 19, 2018 at 01:02 AM UTC I love this train of thought. It’s the best XD Also Kitty’s commentary is on point. 🙂 ###### Merie Shen December 19, 2018 at 07:20 AM UTC AGREED LOL xD As usual Kitty never fails to make fairytales a form of satire! Dec 18, 20186 min read # The Original Snow White Hello Champions, today we are going to jump right in on the origins of Snow White! (But I did want to say a big thank you to everyone who has read Snow White, and to all of you who are reviewing it! You’re awesome!) When I first started my research, I found some very surprising information. Like most of the fairy tales I’ve written about, Snow White is a German fairy tale published in 1812 by the Brothers Grimm in their first collection of fairy tales. But while researching it, I discovered a Russian man by the name of Aleksandr Pushkin wrote a poem in 1833 titled “the Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights.” The two stories are nearly identical, but Pushkin made a few minor adaptions that made the story at lot less…icky. I’ll be going into the Russian version later because–as you might be able to tell by the title–I used Pushkin’s tale for inspiration as well. But today we’re going to focus on the more well known version by the Brothers Grimm. Before I get started, just a gentle reminder that as we go over this fairy tale and I poke fun of it, I really do love the original story, and there’s a lot more complexity to fairy tales than we can comprehend because we don’t have the same experiences and knowledge that the average person back in 1812 would have. But, teasing the original story is so fun, so let’s get started! 😉 In the Brothers Grimm version, a queen with some weird and inexplicable thoughts about blood on snow has a baby and names her Snow White. The queen dies in childbirth, and after a year her husband, the king, marries a beautiful but arrogant woman who somehow came to possess a magic mirror. This woman–the new queen–is so arrogant that the only thing she uses this _magic, sentient_ mirror for is to tell her how pretty she is every morning. That works out great for the queen until Snow White turns seven and the mirror–which is apparently a snitch–decides to tell the queen “You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But Snow-White is a thousand times fairer than you.” (Stop right here. Mirror, dude, WHY ARE YOU COMPARING A SEVEN-YEAR-OLD TO A WOMAN? You sicko!) So the queen, who had been pretty apathetic to Snow White before, now looks at her with hatred. (Thanks for that, mirror!) She comes to hate her so much that she tells a huntsman to take this _seven-year-old-girl_ into the woods and kill her, then to bring back her lungs and liver as proof of her death. (Where is the King in all of this? Like, how could he miss this happening??) The huntsman takes Snow White out to the woods, but Snow White–despite being seven–apparently has the charisma and speaking ability of a empress, and sweetly asks the huntsman to spare her, promising she will never return home. The huntsman lets go her because he thinks she’ll get killed by a wild animal. Snow White runs through the woods and finds a neat little house where everything is clean and tidy. Apparently her beautiful manners were a show for the huntsman, because she breaks in with no remorse and proceeds to mess everything up. Then she goes to sleep in one of seven little beds. (Because it’s a GREAT IDEA to sleep in a house that you’ve broken into, when there is evidence everywhere that the home owners are soon coming back!) The seven dwarves, who work as miners, come home and find Snow White sleeping. Since they’re very thoughtful, they don’t wake her, and instead they all go to sleep. When Snow White wakes up in the morning she explains everything to them. The dwarves very wisely note that her stepmother won’t give up easily, and invite her to stay with them as long as she cooks and cleans. (Based on the fact that she was the one who had messed everything up earlier, I’m pretty sure they just didn’t want her making their cottage a pigpen in their absence when they went to work every day.) Back on the ranch, the Queen flips her lid because she ate what she thought was Snow White’s lungs and liver, but the mirror tattle-tales that Snow White is still, in fact, alive. (The mirror does this for no particular reason other than that he is a jerk, as he specifically tells the Queen that Snow White is far away, beyond mountains.) Angry that she comes behind a seven-year-old in terms of beauty, the queen disguises herself as a peddler and sells oblivious Snow White a bodice lace. The queen offers to help Snow White put it on, then yanks it so tight Snow White can’t breathe, and she flees, uttering perhaps the first recorded instance of a villain making snide comments while fleeing, “You used to be the most beautiful!” (I’ll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!) ![\\"\\"](\\" To be fair, as Snow White is seven, the dwarves were basically trying to teach her “don’t take candy from strangers!” The dwarves come home and find Snow White passed out . They see her tight bodice string and cut it so Snow White can breathe again, then warn her the peddler woman must have been her stepmother, and that she needs to be more careful in the future. Apparently Snow White didn’t learn her lesson, because the queen tricks her again with a poisoned comb–which the dwarves free her from–and eventually a poisoned apple. (Though in Snow White’s defense, she’s only willing to eat the apple because the queen, disguised as a peasant woman, cuts it in half and gives Snow White the poisoned half.) After Snow White eats the poisoned half of the apple and “dies,” the seven dwarves come home, but they can’t figure out what’s wrong with her. They try all sorts of tricks before giving up and making a glass coffin for Snow White, because they couldn’t bear burying her in the cold earth. The dwarves and animals mourn Snow White, and “a long time passes.” (It doesn’t give me years, but I hope for the incoming Prince Shallow’s sake, it was upwards of 7 years! Or he’s just as bad as that mirror!) Despite years–hopefully–passing, Snow White does not decay. (Hopefully she grows, too.) A prince–the aforementioned Prince Shallow for reasons that will soon become apparent–passes through the dwarves’ forest. He sees Snow White in her coffin, and asks the dwarves to SELL HER TO HIM! The dwarves refuse, but the prince declares he cannot live without her (Why?? You, sir, haven’t even see what color her eyes are because she’s DEAD!) and eventually the dwarves give in. The prince has his servants carry Snow White in her gold and glass coffin on their shoulders–which is horribly mean because gold is _really_ heavy. Understandably, the servants stumble and perform the first accidental Heimlich maneuver (impressive given that it wasn’t invented until the 1970s) and the poisoned apple pops out of Snow White’s mouth. She wakes up, understandably confused, and Prince Shallow declares his love for her (Impressive, given she has only spoken one entire sentence to him) and asks her to marry him. She instantly falls in love with him (because guys who buy dead bodies in pretty coffins are sooooo dreamy) and agrees. Snow White’s stepmother is invited to the wedding, and while she’s prepping for it she asks her mirror who is the fairest of all, and what does that tattle-tale say? Yes, of course he tells her the young new queen is far more fair. The queen is frightened, but because the mirror for once did not name Snow White, she wants to see this woman who is more beautiful than her, so she goes to the wedding. She instantly recognizes Snow White and is filled with fear and in a very strange ending, Snow White and her hubby force the queen to dance in iron shoes that had been heated in a fire until she dies. (Yay?) So that’s the Grimm Brothers’ version! We’ll go over the Russian version next–which, I promise you, Pushkin must have my same sense of sarcasm because of the changes he made. You guys are going to love it! Until then, Champions, thanks for reading! * Timeless Fairy Tales 1 like. 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Snow White was named for her physical appearance in the Brothers Grimm's tale from 1812
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For other uses, see Snow White (disambiguation). Snow White --- ![](\\"// Schneewittchen2.jpg\\")Schneewittchen by Alexander Zick Folk tale Name| Snow White Aarne–Thompson grouping| 709 Country| Germany \"Snow White\" is a German fairy tale, first written down in the early 19th century. The Brothers Grimm published it in 1812 in the first edition of their collection Grimms\' Fairy Tales, numbered as Tale 53. The original German title was Sneewittchen; the modern spelling is Schneewittchen. The Grimms completed their final revision of the story in 1854, which can be found in the 1857 version of Grimms\' Fairy Tales.[1][2] The fairy tale features elements such as the magic mirror, the poisoned apple, the glass coffin, and the characters of the Evil Queen and the seven Dwarfs. The seven dwarfs were first given individual names in the 1912 Broadway play Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and then given different names in Walt Disney\'s 1937 film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The Grimm story, which is commonly referred to as \"Snow White\",[3] should not be confused with the story of \"Snow-White and Rose-Red\" (in German \"_Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot_ \"), another fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm. In the Aarne–Thompson folklore classification, tales of this kind are grouped together as type 709, Snow White. Others of this kind include \"Bella Venezia\", \"Myrsina\", \"Nourie Hadig\", \"Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree\",[4] \"The Young Slave\", and \"La petite Toute-Belle\". ## Plot [edit] ![](\\"// Makart_hans_das_schlafende_schneewittchen.jpg\\")The fable\'s antagonist the Evil Queen with the protagonist Snow White as depicted in The Sleeping Snow White by Hans Makart (1872) At the beginning of the story, a queen sits sewing at an open window during a winter snowfall when she pricks her finger with her needle, causing three drops of blood to drip onto the freshly fallen snow on the black window sill. Then she says to herself, \"How I wish that I had a daughter who had skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and hair as black as ebony.\" Some time later, the queen dies giving birth to a baby daughter whom she names Snow White. (However, in the 1812 version of the tale, the queen does not die but later behaves the same way the stepmother does in later versions of the tale, including the 1854 iteration.) A year later, Snow White\'s father, the king, marries again. His new wife is very beautiful, but a vain and wicked woman who practices witchcraft. The new queen possesses a magic mirror, which she asks every morning, \"Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?\" The mirror always tells the queen that she is the fairest. The Queen is always pleased with that response because the magic mirror never lies. When Snow White is seven years old, her fairness surpasses that of her stepmother. When the Queen again asks her mirror the same question, it tells her that Snow White is the fairest.[1][5] This gives the Queen a great shock. She becomes envious, and from that moment on, her heart turns against Snow White, whom the Queen grows to hate increasingly with time. Eventually, she orders a huntsman to take Snow White into the forest and kill her. As proof that Snow White is dead, the Queen also wants him to return with her heart. The huntsman takes Snow White into the forest, but after raising his dagger, he finds himself unable to kill her when Snow White realizes her stepmother\'s plan and tearfully begs the huntsman, \"Spare me this mockery of justice! I will run away into the forest and never come home again!\" After seeing the tears in the princess\'s eyes, the huntsman reluctantly agrees to spare Snow White and brings the Queen a boar\'s heart instead.[1][5] After wandering through the forest for hours, Snow White discovers a tiny cottage belonging to a group of seven dwarfs. Since no one is at home, she eats some of the tiny meals, drinks some of their wine, and then tests all the beds. Finally, the last bed is comfortable enough for her, and she falls asleep. When the dwarfs return home, they immediately become aware that there has been a burglar in their house because everything in their home is in disorder. Prowling about frantically, they head upstairs and discover the sleeping Snow White. She wakes up and explains to them about her stepmother\'s attempt to kill her, and the dwarfs take pity on her and let her stay with them in exchange for a job as a housemaid. They warn her to be careful when alone at home and to let no one in while they are working in the mountains.[1][5] Snow White grows into a lovely, fair, and beautiful young maiden. Meanwhile, the queen, who believes she got rid of Snow White, asks her mirror once again: \"Mirror mirror on the wall, who now is the fairest one of all?\" The mirror tells her that not only is Snow White still the fairest in the land, but is also currently hiding with the dwarfs.[1] The Queen is furious and decides to kill her herself. First, she appears at the dwarfs\' cottage, disguised as an old peddler, and offers Snow White a colourful, silky laced bodice as a present. The Queen laces her up so tightly that Snow White faints; the dwarfs return just in time to revive Snow White by loosening the laces. Next, the Queen dresses up as a comb seller and convinces Snow White to take a beautiful comb as a present; she strokes Snow White\'s hair with the poisoned comb. The girl is overcome by the poison from the comb, but is again revived by the dwarfs when they remove the comb from her hair. Finally, the queen disguises herself as a farmer\'s wife and offers Snow White a poisoned apple. Snow White is hesitant to accept it, so the queen cuts the apple in half, eating the white (harmless) half and giving the red poisoned half to Snow White; the girl eagerly takes a bite and then falls into a coma, causing the Queen to think she has finally triumphed. This time, the dwarfs are unable to revive Snow White, and, assuming that the queen has finally killed her, they place her in a glass casket as a funeral for her.[1][5] Some time later, a prince stumbles upon a seemingly dead Snow White lying in her glass coffin during a hunting trip. After hearing her story from the seven dwarfs, the prince is allowed to take Snow White to her proper resting place back at her father\'s castle. All of a sudden, while Snow White is being transported, one of the prince\'s servants trips and loses his balance. This dislodges the piece of the poisoned apple from Snow White\'s throat, magically reviving her.[6] (In the 1812 version, the prince becomes so obsessed with Snow White that he carries her coffin wherever he goes, until one of his servants, in anger, lifts Snow White from the coffin and strikes her on the back, causing the piece of apple to come out of her throat.[7]) The Prince is overjoyed by this, and he declares his love for the now alive and well Snow White, who, surprised to meet him face to face, humbly accepts his marriage proposal. The prince invites everyone in the land to their wedding except for Snow White\'s stepmother. The Queen, believing herself finally to be rid of Snow White, asks again her magic mirror, who is the fairest in the land. The mirror says that there is a bride of a prince who is yet fairer. The queen decides to go to the wedding and investigate. Once she arrives, the Queen becomes frozen with rage and fear when she finds out that the prince\'s bride is her stepdaughter, Snow White herself. The furious Queen tries to sow chaos and attempts to kill her again, but the prince recognizes her as a threat to Snow White when he learns the truth from his bride. As punishment for the attempted murder of Snow White, the prince orders the Queen to wear a pair of red-hot iron slippers and to dance in them until she drops dead. With the Queen finally defeated and dead, Snow White\'s wedding to the prince peacefully continues. * Franz Jüttner\'s illustrations from Sneewittchen (1905) * 1\. The Queen asks the magic mirror * 2\. Snow White in the forest * 3\. The dwarfs find Snow White asleep * 4\. The dwarfs leave Snow White in charge * 5\. The Queen visits Snow White * 6\. The Queen has poisoned Snow White * 7\. The Prince awakens Snow White * 8\. The Queen discovers and confronts Snow White at her wedding ## Characters [edit] This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. _( November 2023)_ --- ### Snow White [edit] Snow White is the main character in the story and step-daughter to the Evil Queen. She is described by the Evil Queen\'s Magic Mirror as the fairest of the land. She survives several attempts by the jealous queen to murder her. After Snow White is spared by the huntsman sent by her stepmother to assassinate her, she takes shelter at the home of seven dwarves. Finally, the queen disguises herself as an old woman and tricks Snow White into eating a poison apple, which kills her. Snow White is revived by a kiss from a prince, whom she then marries. ### The Queen [edit] The Queen deeply envies Snow White for her looks and her jealousy leads her to attempt to murder Snow White in multiple different ways. The Queen first tries to murder Snow White via a huntsman who she has sent to assassinate her. The Queen then decides to murder Snow White by disguising herself as an old woman in order to gain her trust so she can then poison her. The Queen initially attempts to poison Snow White with a comb, but when that fails, she disguises herself as an old woman and gives Snow White a poison apple. The Queen\'s third attempt to kill Snow White is successful: Snow White bites into the poisoned apple and dies. ### The Huntsman [edit] #### Appearance in the fairy tale [edit] The Evil Queen orders an unnamed Huntsman to take Snow White into the deepest woods to be killed. As proof that Snow White is dead, the Queen demands that he return with her lungs and liver. The Huntsman takes Snow White into the forest, but spares her. The Huntsman leaves her behind alive, convinced that the girl would be eaten by some wild animal. He instead brings the Queen the lungs and liver of a wild boar, which is prepared by the cook and eaten by the Queen. #### 1916 film [edit] In the 1916 silent movie adaption, the Huntsman is named Berthold (portrayed by Lionel Braham).[8] #### Disney films [edit] Humbert the Huntsman appears in the 1937 American animated musical fantasy film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs voiced by Stuart Buchanan.[9][10] Queen Grimhilde is so jealous of Snow White\'s beauty that she orders the Huntsman named Humbert to take Snow White far into the forest and kill her while stating that he knows the penalty should he fail. She further demands that Humbert return with Snow White\'s heart in a jeweled box as proof of the deed. However, Humbert is unable to kill Snow White and urges her to flee into the woods. The Magic Mirror later revealed that the heart in the box is not Snow White\'s, but the heart of a pig. In the musical adaptation, the Huntsman is seen with the Prince when they tell the King of the Evil Queen\'s plot to dispose of Snow White. #### 1987 film [edit] The Huntsman appears in the 1987 Snow White film portrayed by Amnon Meskin. When the Huntsman takes Snow White away from the King to kill her on the Evil Queen\'s orders, Snow White figures out her stepmother\'s plot and escapes from him. #### Grimm\'s Fairy Tale Classics [edit] The Huntsman appears in the \"Snow White\" episode of Grimm\'s Fairy Tale Classics voiced by Mike Reynolds in the English dub. He is sent by the Evil Queen to eliminate Snow White. This plan fails when Snow White\'s friend Klaus buys Snow White enough time to get away. When the Huntsman goes after Snow White, he is attacked by a wild boar and knocked off the cliff into the forest below. #### Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child [edit] In the Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child rendition of Snow White that is set to a Native American theme, the character Gray Wolf (voiced by Zahn McClarnon) is in the role of the Huntsman. Gray Wolf is summoned by Sly Fox where he is instructed to take White Snow into the forest and kill her while bringing her liver as proof. #### Once Upon a Time [edit] The Huntsman appears in the first season of Once Upon a Time played by Jamie Dornan. The Huntsman is a nameless hunter who is a solitary recluse, raised by wolves. He considers the wolves to be his true family, and is greatly saddened by the deaths of animals. He is considered by the Evil Queen Regina as the perfect assassin and is hired to kill Snow White. When he offers the Queen a stag\'s heart instead, she realizes she has been tricked and tears out the Huntsman\'s heart, keeping it in her vault and using it to make him her slave.[11] When Prince Charming is led to his execution, the Huntsman helps him escape. The Prince asks him to assist him, but he states he cannot leave.[12] #### Snow White and the Huntsman [edit] Main article: Snow White and the Huntsman The Huntsman is named Eric and played by Chris Hemsworth.[13] Eric is a huntsman whose wife, Sara, was seemingly killed while he was off to war. After Snow White escapes into the Dark Forest, Queen Ravenna and her brother Finn make a bargain with Eric to capture Snow White, promising to bring his wife back to life in exchange. The Huntsman tracks down Snow White, but when Finn reveals that Ravenna does not actually have the power to do what she promised, the Huntsman fights him and his men while Snow White runs away. Throughout the film, Eric becomes Snow White\'s ally in the fight against Queen Ravenna. #### The Huntsman: Winter\'s War [edit] Main article: The Huntsman: Winter\'s War Hemsworth reprises his role as Eric who is called upon to ensure the destruction of Ravenna\'s mirror following the events of the first film. In the process he is pitted against Queen Revenna\'s sister Freya and reunited with his wife, Sara, who reveals that her \'death\' was staged by Freya. Freya briefly uses the mirror to resurrect Ravenna, only for Freya to assist Eric in killing Ravenna when she learns that her sister was responsible for the death of her baby daughter. ### The Magic Mirror [edit] The Magic Mirror is an omnipotent and seemingly sentient mirror that the Queen uses to confirm her status as the \"fairest in the land\". ## Inspiration [edit] ![](\\"// Otto-Kubel.jpg/220px-Schneewittchen-Otto-Kubel.jpg\\")Illustration by Otto Kubel Main article: Origin of the Snow White tale Scholars have theorized about the possible origins of the tale, with folklorists such as Sigrid Schmidt, Joseph Jacobs and Christine Goldberg noting that it combines multiple motifs also found in other folktales.[14][15] Scholar Graham Anderson compares the fairy tale to the Roman legend of Chione, or \"Snow,\" recorded in Ovid\'s Metamorphoses.[16][17] In the 1980s and 1990s, some German authors suggested that the fairy tale could have been inspired by a real person. Eckhard Sander, a teacher, claimed that the inspiration was Margaretha von Waldeck, a German countess born in 1533, as well as several other women in her family.[18] Karlheinz Bartels, a pharmacist and scholar from Lohr am Main, a town in northwestern Bavaria, created a tongue-in-cheek theory that Snow White was Maria Sophia Margarethe Catharina, Baroness von und zu Erthal, born in 1725.[19][20] However, these theories are generally dismissed by serious scholars, with folklore professor Donald Haase calling them \"pure speculation and not at all convincing.\"[21] ## Variations [edit] See also: Queen (Snow White) in derivative works The principal studies of traditional Snow White variants are Ernst Böklen\'s, Schneewittchen Studien of 1910, which reprints fifty Snow White variants,[22] and studies by Steven Swann Jones.[23] In their first edition, the Brothers Grimm published the version they had first collected, in which the villain is Snow White\'s jealous biological mother. In a version sent to another folklorist prior to the first edition, additionally, she does not order a servant to take her to the woods, but takes her there herself to gather flowers and abandons her; in the first edition, this task was transferred to a servant.[24] It is believed that the change to a stepmother in later editions was to tone down the story for children.[25][26] A popular but sanitized version of the story is the 1937 American animated film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by Walt Disney. Disney\'s variation of Snow White gave the dwarfs names and included a singing Snow White. The Disney film also is the only version in which Snow White and her prince meet before she bites the apple; in fact, it is this meeting that sets the plot in motion. Instead of her lungs and liver, as written in the original, the huntsman is asked by the queen to bring back Snow White\'s heart. While the heart is mentioned, it is never shown in the box. Snow White is also older and more mature. Also, she is discovered by the dwarfs after cleaning the house, not vandalizing it. Furthermore, in the Disney movie, the evil queen tries only once to kill Snow White (with the poisoned apple) and fails. She then dies by falling down a cliff and being crushed by a boulder, after the dwarfs had chased her through the forest. In the original, the queen is forced to dance to death in red hot iron slippers.[27] ### Variants and parallels to other tales [edit] This tale type is widespread in Europe, in America, in Africa[28] and \"in some Turkic traditions,\"[29] the Middle East, in China, in India and in the Americas.[30] Jörg Bäcker draws a parallel to Turkic tales, as well as other tales with a separate origin but overlapping themes, such as those in Central Asia and Eastern Siberia, among the Mongolians and Tungusian peoples.[31] Due to Portuguese colonization, Sigrid Schmidt posits the presence of the tale in modern times in former Portuguese colonies, and contrasts it with other distinct African tales.[32] ### Europe [edit] A primary analysis by Celtic folklorist Alfred Nutt, in the 19th century, established the tale type, in Europe, was distributed \"from the Balkan peninsula to Iceland, and from Russia to Catalonia\", with the highest number of variants being found in Germany and Italy.[33] This geographical distribution seemed to be confirmed by scholarly studies of the 20th century. A 1957 article by Italian philologist Gianfranco D\'Aronco (it) studied the most diffused Tales of Magic in Italian territory, among which Biancaneve.[34] A scholarly inquiry by Italian Istituto centrale per i beni sonori ed audiovisivi (\"Central Institute of Sound and Audiovisual Heritage\"), produced in the late 1960s and early 1970s, found thirty-seven variants of the tale across Italian sources.[35] A similar assessment was made by scholar Sigrid Schmidt, who claimed that the tale type was \"particularly popular\" in Southern Europe, \"specially\" in Italy, Greece and the Iberian Peninsula.[32] In addition, Swedish scholar Waldemar Liungman [sv] suggested Italy as center of diffusion of the story, since he considered Italy as the source of tale (\"Ursprung\"), and it holds the highest number of variants not derived from the Grimm\'s tale.[36][37] Another study, by researcher Theo Meder, points to a wide distribution in Western Europe, specially in Ireland, Iceland and Scandinavia.[30] #### Germany [edit] The Brothers Grimm\'s \"Snow White\" was predated by several other German versions of the tale, with the earliest being Johann Karl August Musäus\'s \"Richilde\" (1782), a satirical novella told from the wicked stepmother\'s point of view. Albert Ludwig Grimm (no relation to the Brothers Grimm) published a play version, Schneewittchen, in 1809.[38] The Grimms collected at least eight other distinct variants of the tale, which they considered one of the most famous German folktales.[39] #### Italy [edit] The Pentamerone, published 1634-1636, contains some stories with similarities to Snow White, such as an enchanted sleep in \"The Young Slave\" and a female character with snow-white skin in \"The Raven.\" In most Italian versions of Snow White, the heroine is not the daughter of a king but an innkeeper, the antagonist is not her stepmother but her biological mother, and instead of dwarfs she takes refuge with robbers. For instance, in La Bella Venezia, an Abruzzian version collected by Antonio De Nino, the mother asks her customers if they have seen a woman more beautiful than she. If they say they did not, she only charges them half the price, if they say they did she charges them twice the price. When the customers tell her that her daughter is prettier than her, she gets jealous.[40] In Maria, her Evil Stepmother and the Seven Robbers (Maria, die böse Stiefmutter und die sieben Räuber), a Sicilian version collected by Laura Gonzenbach the heroine also lives with robbers, but the antagonist is her stepmother and she\'s not an innkeeper.[41][42] Sometimes the heroine\'s protectors are female instead of male, as in The Cruel Stepmother (_La crudel matrigna_), a variant collected by Angelo de Gubernatis in which, like in the Grimm\'s version, Snow White\'s counterpart, called here Caterina, is the daughter of a king, and the antagonist is her stepmother, who orders her servants to kill her stepdaughter after she hears people commenting how much prettier Caterina is than she. One day the two women are going to mass together. Instead of a male protector, Caterina takes refuge in a house by the seashore where an old woman lives. Later a witch discovers that Caterina\'s still alive and where she lives, so she goes to tell the queen, who sends her back to the cottage to kill her with poisoned flowers instead of an apple.[43] A similar version from Siena was collected by Sicilian folklorist Giuseppe Pitrè, in which the heroine, called Ermellina, runs away from home riding an eagle who takes her away to a palace inhabited by fairies. Ermellina\'s stepmother sends a witch disguised as her stepdaughter\'s servants to the fairies\' palace to try to kill her twice, first with poisoned sweetmeats and the second time with an enchanted dress.[44] Pitré also collected a variant from Palermo titled Child Margarita (La \'Nfanti Margarita) where the heroine stays in a haunted castle.[45][46] There\'s also a couple of conversions that combines the ATU tale type 709 with the second part of the type 410 Sleeping Beauty, in which, when the heroine is awakened, the prince\'s mother tries to kill her and the children she has had with the prince. Gonzenbach collected two variants from Sicily, the first one called Maruzzedda and the second Beautiful Anna; and Vittorio Imbriani collected a version titled La Bella Ostessina.[47][48] In some versions, the antagonists are not the heroine\'s mother or stepmother, but her two elder sisters, as in a version from Trentino collected by Christian Schneller,[49] or a version from Bologna collected by Carolina Coronedi-Berti. In this last version, the role of both the mirror and the dwarfs is played by the Moon, which tells the elder sisters that the youngest, called Ziricochel, is the prettiest, and later hides her in his palace. When the sisters discover Ziricochel is still alive, they send an astrologer to kill her. After several attempts, she finally manages to turn her into a statue with an enchanted shirt. Ziricochel is revived after the prince\'s sisters take the shirt off.[50] Italo Calvino included the version from Bologna collected by Coronedi Berti, retitling it Giricoccola, and the Abruzzian version collected by De Nino in Italian Folktales. #### France [edit] Paul Sébillot collected two variants from Brittany in northwestern France. In the first one, titled The Enchanted Stockings (Les Bas enchantés), starts similarly to Gubernatis\' version, with the heroine being the daughter of a queen, and her mother wanting to kill her after a soldier marching in front of her balcony says the princess is prettier than the queen. The role of the poisoned apple is fulfilled by the titular stockings, and the heroine is revived after the prince\'s little sister takes them off when she\'s playing.[51][52] In the second, titled La petite Toute-Belle, a servant accuses the heroine of stealing the things she stole and then throws her in a well. The heroine survives the fall and ends up living with three dragons that live at the bottom of the well. When the heroine\'s mother discovers her daughter is still alive, she twice sends a fairy to attempt to kill her, first with sugar almonds, which the dragons warn her are poisoned before she eats them, and then with a red dress.[53] In another version from Brittany, this one collected by François Cadic, the heroine is called Rose-Neige (Eng: Snow- Rose) because her mother pricked her finger with a rose in a snowy day and wished to have a child as beautiful as the rose. The role of the dwarfs is played by Korrigans, dwarf-like creatures from the Breton folklore.[54] Louis Morin collected a version from Troyes in northeastern France, where like in the Grimm\'s version the mother questions a magic mirror.[55] A version from Corsica titled Anghjulina was collected by Geneviève Massignon, where the roles of both the huntsman and the dwarfs are instead a group of bandits whom Anghjulina\'s mother asks to kill her daughter, but they instead take her away to live with them in the woods.[56] #### Belgium and the Netherlands [edit] A Flemish version from Antwerp collected by Victor de Meyere is quite similar to the version collected by the brothers Grimm. The heroine is called Sneeuwwitje (Snow White in Dutch), she is the queen\'s stepdaughter, and the stepmother questions a mirror. Instead of dwarfs, the princess is taken in by seven kabouters. Instead of going to kill Snow White herself, the queen twice sends the witch who had sold her the magic mirror to kill Sneeuwwitje, first with a comb and the second time with an apple. But the most significant difference is that the role of the prince in this version is instead Snow White\'s father, the king.[57] Another Flemish variant, this one from Hamme, differs more from Grimm\'s story. The one who wants to kill the heroine, called here Mauricia, is her own biological mother. She is convinced by a demon with a spider head that if her daughter dies, she will become beautiful. The mother sends two servants to kill Mauricia, bringing as proof a lock of her hair, a bottle with her blood, a piece of her tongue and a piece of her clothes. The servants spare Mauricia\'s life, as well as her pet sheep. To deceive Mauricia\'s mother, they buy a goat and bring a bottle with the animal\'s blood as well as a piece of his tongue. Meanwhile, Mauricia is taken in by seventeen robbers who live in a cave deep in the forest, instead of seven dwarfs. When Mauricia\'s mother discovers that her daughter is still alive, she goes to the robbers\' cave disguised. She turns her daughter into a bird, and she takes her place. The plan fails and Mauricia recovers her human form, so the mother tries to kill her by using a magic ring which the demon gave her. Mauricia is awoken when a prince takes the ring off her finger. When he asks her if he would marry her, she rejects him and returns with the seventeen robbers.[58][59] #### Iberian Peninsula [edit] One of the first versions from Spain, titled The Beautiful Stepdaughter (La hermosa hijastra), was collected by Manuel Milà i Fontanals, in which a demon tells the stepmother that her stepdaughter is prettier than she is when she\'s looking at herself in the mirror. The stepmother orders her servants to take her stepdaughter to the forest and kill her, bringing a bottle with her blood as proof. But the servants spare her life and instead kill a dog. Eight days later the demon warns her that the blood in the bottle is not her stepdaughter\'s, and the stepmother sends her servants again, ordering them to bring one of her heart and bare-toes as proof. The stepdaughter later discovers four men living in the forest, inside a rock that can open and close with the right words. Every day after she sees the men leave she enters the cave and cleans it up. Believing it must be an intruder, the men take turns to stay at the cavern, but the first one falls asleep during his watch. The second one manages to catch the girl, and they agree to let the girl live with them. Later, the same demon that told her stepmother that her stepdaughter was prettier gives the girl an enchanted ring, that has the same role that the apple in the Grimm\'s version.[60] The version in Catalan included by Francisco Maspons y Labrós in the second volume of Lo Rondallayre follows that plot fairly closely, with some minor differences.[61] In an Aragonese version titled The Good Daughter (La buena hija) collected by Romualdo Nogués y Milagro, there\'s no mirror. Instead, the story starts with the mother already hating her daughter because she\'s prettier, and ordering a servant to kill her, bringing as proof her heart, tongue, and her little finger. The servant spares her and brings the mother the heart and tongue from a dog he ran over and says he lost the finger. The daughter is taken in by robbers living in a cavern, but despite all, she still misses her mother. One day an old woman appears and gives her a ring, saying that if she puts it on she\'ll see her mother. The daughter actually falls unconscious when she does put it on because the old woman is actually a witch who wants to kidnap her, but she can\'t because of the scapular the girl is wearing, so she locks her in a crystal casket, where the girl is later found by the prince.[62] In a version from Mallorca collected by Antoni Maria Alcover i Sureda titled Na Magraneta, a queen wishes to have a daughter after eating a pomegranate and calls her Magraneta. As in the Grimm\'s version the queen asks her mirror who\'s the most beautiful. The dwarf\'s role is fulfilled by thirteen men who are described as big as giants, who live in a castle in the middle of the forest called \"Castell de la Colometa\", whose doors can open and close by command. When the queen discovers thanks to her mirror that her daughter is still alive she sends an evil fairy disguised as an old woman. The role of the poisoned apple is fulfilled by an iron ring.[63] Aurelio Macedonio Espinosa Sr. collected two Spanish versions. The first one, titled Blanca Flor, is from Villaluenga de la Sagra, in Toledo. In this one the villain is the heroine\'s own biological mother, and like in Na Magraneta she questions a mirror if there\'s a woman more beautiful than she is. Instead of ordering a huntsman or servant to kill her daughter, after the mirror tells the woman her daughter has surpassed her, she tries to get rid of her daughter herself, inviting her to go for a walk in the countryside, and when they reach a rock she recites some spells from her book, making the rock swallow her daughter. Fortunately thanks to her prayers to the Virgin the daughter survives and gets out the rock, and she is later taken in by twelve robbers living in a castle. When the mother discovers her daughter is still alive, she sends a witch to kill her, who gives the daughter an enchanted silk shirt. The moment she puts it on, she falls in a deathlike state. She\'s later revived when a sexton takes the shirt off.[64] The second one, titled The Envious Mother (La madre envidiosa), comes from Jaraíz de la Vera, Cáceres. Here the villain is also the heroine\'s biological mother, and she\'s an innkeeper who asks a witch whether there\'s a woman prettier than she is. Instead of a shirt, here the role of the apple is fulfilled by enchanted shoes.[65] Aurelio de Llano Roza de Ampudia collected an Asturian version from Teverga titled The Envious Stepmother (La madrastra envidiosa), in which the stepmother locks her stepdaughter in a room with the hope that no one will see her and think she\'s more beautiful. But the attempt fails when a guest tells the mother the girl locked in a room is prettier than she is. The story ends with the men who found the heroine discussing who should marry the girl once she\'s revived, and she replies by telling them that she chooses to marry the servant who revived her.[66] Aurelio Macedonio Espinosa Jr. collected four versions. The first one is titled Blancanieves, is from Medina del Campo, Valladolid, and follows the plot of the Grimm\'s version fairly closely with barely any significant differences.[67] The same happens with the second one, titled Blancaflor, that comes from Tordesillas, another location from Valladolid.[68] The last two are the ones that present more significant differences, although like in Grimm\'s the stepmother questions a magic mirror. The Bad Stepmother (La mala madrastra) comes from Sepúlveda, Segovia, and also has instead of seven dwarfs the robbers that live in a cave deep in the forest, that can open and close at command. Here the words to make it happen are \"Open, parsley!\" and \"Close, peppermint!\"[69] The last one, Blancaflor, is from Siete Iglesias de Trabancos, also in Valladolid, ends with the heroine buried after biting a poisoned pear, and the mirror proclaiming that, now that her stepdaughter is finally dead, the stepmother is the most beautiful again.[70] One of the first Portuguese versions was collected by Francisco Adolfo Coelho. It was titled The Enchanted Shoes (Os sapatinhos encantados), where the heroine is the daughter of an innkeeper, who asks muleteers if they have seen a woman prettier than she is. One day, one answers that her daughter is prettier. The daughter takes refugee with a group of robbers who live in the forest, and the role of the apple is fulfilled by the titular enchanted shoes.[71] Zófimo Consiglieri Pedroso collected another version, titled The Vain Queen, in which the titular queen questions her maids of honor and servants who\'s the most beautiful. One day, when she asks the same question to her chamberlain, he replies the queen\'s daughter is more beautiful than she is. The queen orders her servants to behead her daughter and bring back her tongue as proof, but they instead spare her and bring the queen a dog\'s tongue. The princess is taken in by a man, who gives her two options, to live with him as either his wife or his daughter, and the princess chooses the second. The rest of the tale is quite different from most versions, with the titular queen completely disappeared from the story, and the story focusing instead of a prince that falls in love with the princess.[71] #### Great Britain [edit] In the Scottish version Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree, queen Silver-Tree asks a trout in a well, instead of a magic mirror, who\'s the most beautiful. When the trout tells her that Gold-Tree, her daughter, is more beautiful, Silver- Tree pretends to fall ill, declaring that her only cure is to eat her own daughter\'s heart and liver. To save his daughter\'s life, the king marries her off to a prince, and serves his wife a goat\'s heart and liver. After Silver-Tree discovers that she has been deceived thanks to the trout, she visits her daughter and sticks her finger on a poisoned thorn. The prince later remarries, and his second wife removes the poisoned thorn from Gold- Tree, reviving her. The second wife then tricks the queen into drinking the poison that was meant for Gold-Tree.[72] In another Scottish version, Lasair Gheug, the King of Ireland\'s Daughter, the heroine\'s stepmother frames the princess for the murder of the queen\'s firstborn and manages to make her swear she\'ll never tell the truth to anybody. Lasair Gheug, a name that in Gaelic means Flame of Branches, take refugee with thirteen cats, who turn out to be an enchanted prince and his squires. After marrying the prince and having three sons with him the queen discovers her stepdaughter is still alive, also thanks to a talking trout, and sends three giants of ice to put her in a death-like state. As in Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree the prince takes a second wife afterwards, and the second wife is the one who revives the heroine.[73] Thomas William Thompson collected an English version from Blackburn simply titled Snow White which follows Grimm\'s plot much more closely, although with some significant differences, such as Snow White being taken in by three robbers instead of seven dwarfs.[74] #### Scandinavia [edit] One of the first Danish versions collected was Snehvide (Snow White), by Mathias Winther. In this variant, the stepmother is the princess\' nurse, who persuades Snow White to ask her father to marry her. Because the king says he won\'t remarry until grass grows in the grave of the princess\' mother, the nurse plants magic seeds in the grave so grass will grow quicker. Then, after the king marries the nurse, Snow White gets betrothed to a prince, who choses her over the nurse\'s three biological daughters, but after that the king and the prince had to leave to fight in a war. The queen seizes her opportunity to chase Snow White away, and she ends up living with the dwarfs in a mountain. When the queen finds out Snow White is still alive thanks to a magic mirror, she sends her daughters three times, each time one of them, with poisoned gifts to give them to her. With the third gift, a poisoned apple, Snow White falls into a deep sleep, and the dwarfs leave her in the forest, fearing that the king would accuse them of killing her once he comes back. When the king and the prince finally come back from the war and find Snow White\'s body, the king dies of sorrow, but the prince manages to wake her up. After that we see an ending quite similar to the ones in The Goose Girl and The Three Oranges of Love the prince and Snow White get married, and the prince invites the stepmother and asks her what punishment deserve someone who has hurt someone as innocent as Snow White. The queen suggests for the culprit to be put inside a barrel full of needles, and the prince tells the stepmother she has pronounced her own sentence.[75] Evald Tang Kristensen collected a version titled The Pretty Girl and the Crystal Bowls (_Den Kjønne Pige og de Klare Skåle_), which, like some Italian variants, combines the tale type 709 with the type 410. In this version, the stepmother questions a pair of crystal bowls instead of a magic mirror, and when they tell her that her stepdaughter is prettier, she sends her to a witch\'s hut where she\'s tricked to eat a porridge that makes her pregnant. Ashamed that her daughter has become pregnant out of wedlock she kicks her out, but the girl is taken in by a shepherd. Later a crow lets a ring fall on the huts\' floor, and, when the heroine puts it on, she falls in a deathlike state. Believing she\'s dead the shepherd kills himself and the heroine is later revived when she gives birth to twins, each one of them with a star on the forehead, and one of them sucks the ring off her finger. She\'s later found by a prince, whose mother tries to kill the girl and her children.[76][77] A Swedish version titled The Daughter of the Sun and the Twelve Bewitched Princes (_Solens dotter och de tolv förtrollade prinsarna_) starts pretty similarly to the Grimm\'s version, with a queen wishing to have a child as white as snow and as red as blood, but that child turned out to be not the heroine but the villain, her own biological mother. Instead of a mirror, the queen asks the Sun, who tells her that her daughter will surpass her in beauty. Because of it the queen orders that her daughter must be raised in the countryside, away from the Royal Court, but when it\'s time for the princess to come back the queen orders a servant to throw her in a well before she arrives. In the bottom, the princess meets twelve princes cursed to be chimeras, and she agrees to live with them. When the queen and the servant discover she is alive, they give her poisoned candy, which she eats. After being revived by a young king she marries him and has a son with him, but the queen goes to the castle pretending to be a midwife, turns her daughter into a golden bird by sticking a needle on her head, and then the queen takes her daughter\'s place. After disenchanting the twelve princes with her singing, the princess returns to the court, where she\'s finally restored to her human form, and her mother is punished after she believed she ate her own daughter while she was still under the spell.[78] #### Greece and Albania [edit] French folklorist Henri Carnoy collected a Greek version, titled Marietta and the Witch her Stepmother (_Marietta et la Sorcière, sa Marâtre_), in which the heroine is manipulated by her governess to kill her own mother, so the governess could marry her father. Soon after she marries Marietta\'s father, the new stepmother orders her husband to get rid of his daughter. Marietta ends up living in a castle with forty giants. Meanwhile, Marietta\'s stepmother, believing her stepdaughter is dead, asks the Sun who\'s the most beautiful. When the Sun answers Marietta is more beautiful, she realises her stepdaughter is still alive, and, disguised as a peddler, goes to the giants\' castle to kill her. She goes twice, the first trying to kill her with an enchanted ring, and the second with poisoned grapes. After Marietta is awoken and marries the prince, the stepmother goes to the prince\'s castle pretending to be a midwife, sticks a fork on Marietta\'s head to turn her into a pigeon, and then takes her place. After several transformations, Marietta recovers her human form and her stepmother is punished.[79] Georgios A. Megas collected another Greek version, titled Myrsina, in which the antagonists are the heroine\'s two elder sisters, and the role of the seven dwarfs is fulfilled by the Twelve Months.[80] Austrian diplomat Johann Georg von Hahn collected a version from Albania, that also starts with the heroine, called Marigo, getting manipulated by the governess into killing her mother.[81] She snaps her mother\'s head off with a marble lid, while she was leaning over the marble chest to get her figs and almonds. After Marigo tells her father to marry the governess, the king refuses, making up various excuses, like his shoes turning red or his robes being full of holes. All of them are fulfilled by Marigo under the manipulation of her governess, therefore, the king keeps his promise and marries her. Some years after, Marigo grows up to be a beautiful young woman, even more attractive than the queen. Jealous, the stepmother forces her husband to choose between them. Either she kills herself or the king kills his daughter. But the king doesn\'t have the heart to murder his own child, so he takes Marigo into the woods and tells her to fetch him the loaf of bread and the wooden flask which he threw off the cliff. When Marigo comes back, she fails to find her father and realises that he has abandoned her. As it was dark, the girl climbs up a wooden tree to spend the night. While she is asleep, the three Fatia, goddesses of fate, take pity on her and decide to wish her good. Each of the fatia suggest a choice for the girl. The third goddess tells her to find the castle inhabited by forty dragons who are all brothers. They take Marigo as their surrogate sister and she helps them with the castle chores, while they gift her precious jewlery. After discovering her stepdaughter is still alive thanks to the Sun, the queen twice sends her husband to the dragons\' castle to kill Marigo, first with enchanted hair-pins and the second time with an enchanted ring.[82] After the dragons fail to bring her alive, they decide to bury her in a coffin adorned with pearls. They hang it in a young king\'s garden where an ancient tree near a beautiful fountain is to be found. The dragons suspend the coffin on four silver chains so that it would dangle right over the fountain. When the king finds the coffin, he takes it to his bedchamber and hides it for an entire year, refusing to eat, drink or sleep out of sorrow. His mother, the dowager queen, finds Marigo\'s corpse and tells the maids to burn her. Marigo wakes up when one of the maids steals the ring off her finger. Eventually, she marries the young king and lives happily aver after. In another Albanian version, titled Fatimé, collected by French folklorist Auguste Dozon, the antagonists are the heroine\'s two elder sisters.[83] #### Russia and Eastern Europe [edit] According to Christine Shojaei Kawan, the earliest surviving folktale version of the Snow White story is a Russian tale published anonymously in 1795. The heroine is Olga, a merchant\'s daughter, and the role of the magic mirror is played by some beggars who comment on her beauty.[84] In the Russian tale, titled \"Сказка о старичках-келейчиках\", a merchant has a daughter named Olga, and marries another woman. Years later, the girl\'s stepmother welcomes some beggars in need of alms, who tell her Olga is more beautiful than her. A servant takes Olga to the open field and, in tears, tells the girl the stepmother ordered her to be killed and her heart and little finger brought back as proof of the deed. Olga cuts off her little finger and gives to the servant, who kills a little dog and takes out its heart. Olga takes refuge in a cottage with hunters, and asks the beggars to trade gifts with her stepmother: Olga sends a pie, and her stepmother sends her a poisoned pearl- studded shirt. Olga puts on the shirt and faints, as if dead. The hunters find her apparently dead body and place it in a crystal tomb. A prince appears to them and asks to take the coffin with him to his palace. Later, the prince\'s mother takes off the pearl-studded shirt from Olga\'s body and she wakes up.[85] Alexander Afanasyev collected a Russian version titled The Magic Mirror, in which the reason that the heroine has to leave her parents\' house is different from the usual. Instead of being the daughter of a king, she is the daughter of a merchant, who\'s left with her uncle while her father and brothers travel. During their absence, the heroine\'s uncle attempts to assault her, but she frustrates his plans. To get his revenge he writes a letter to the heroine\'s father, accusing her of misconduct. Believing what\'s written in the letter, the merchant sends his son back home to kill his own sister, but the merchant\'s son does not trust his uncle\'s letter, and after discovering what\'s in the letter are lies, he warns her sister, who escapes and is taken in by two bogatyrs. The elements of the stepmother and the mirror are introduced much later, after the merchant returns home believing his daughter is dead and remarries the woman who owns the titular magic mirror, that tells her that her stepdaughter is still alive and is more beautiful than she is.[86] In another Russian version the heroine is the daughter of a Tsar, and her stepmother decides to kill her after asking three different mirrors and all of them told her her stepdaughters is more beautiful than she is. The dwarfs\' role is fulfilled by twelve brothers cursed to be hawks, living at the top of a glass mountain.[87] Arthur and Albert Schott collected a Romanian version titled The Magic Mirror (‹See Tfd›German: Der Zauberspiegel; Romanian: Oglinda fermecată), in which the villain is the heroine\'s biological mother. After the titular mirror tells her that her daughter is prettiest, she takes her to go for a walk in the woods and feeds her extremely salty bread, so her daughter will become so thirsty that she would agree to let her tear out her eyes in exchange for water. Once the daughter is blinded her mother leaves her in the forest, where she manages to restore her eyes and is taken in by twelve thieves. After discovering her daughter is still alive, the mother sends an old woman to the thieves\' house three times. The first she gives the daughter a ring, the second earrings, and the third poisoned flowers. After the heroine marries the prince, she has a child, and the mother goes to the castle pretending to be a midwife to kill both her daughter and the newborn. After killing the infant, she\'s stopped before she can kill the heroine.[88] The Pushkin fairytale The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights bears a striking similarity to the tale of Snow White. However, the Dead Princess befriends 7 knights instead of dwarfs, and it is the Sun and Moon who aid the Prince to the resting place of the Dead Princess, where he breaks with his sword the coffin of the Tsarevna, bringing her back to life. ### Americas [edit] In a Louisiana tale, Lé Roi Pan (\"The King Peacock\"), a mother has a child who becomes more beautiful than she, so she orders her daughter\'s nurse to kill her. The daughter resigns to her fate, but the nurse spares her and gives her three seeds. After failing to drown in a well and to be eaten by an ogre, the girl eats a seed and falls into a deep sleep. The ogre family (who took her in after seeing her beauty) put her in a crystal coffin to float down the river. Her coffin is found by the titular King Peacock, who takes the seed from her mouth and awakens her.[89] The King Peacock shares \"motifs and tropes\" with Snow White, according to Maria Tatar.[90] ## Adaptations [edit] ![](\\"// SNOW_WHITE_DISNEY.jpg\\")Snow White in the trailer of Walt Disney\'s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) ![](\\"// Snow_white_1937_trailer_screenshot_%282%29.jpg\\")The famous \"Heigh-Ho\" sequence from the 1937 adaption ![](\\"// Walt_Disney_Snow_white_1937_trailer_screenshot_%2813%29.jpg\\")Walt Disney introducing the Seven Dwarfs in the trailer of Walt Disney\'s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) Snow White, 1916, full 63 minute film ### Theatrical - Live-action [edit] * Snow White (1902), a lost silent film made in 1902. It was the first time the classic 1812 Brothers Grimm fairy tale was made into a film.[_citation needed_] * Snow White (1916), a silent film by Famous Players–Lasky produced by Adolph Zukor and Daniel Frohman, directed by J. Searle Dawley, and starring Marguerite Clark, Creighton Hale, and Dorothy Cumming. * Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge (1939), German film by Heinz Wolff.[_citation needed_] * I sette nani alla riscossa (The Seven Dwarfs to the Rescue) (1951), an Italian film based on the fairy tale. * Lumikki ja 7 jätkää (The Snow White and the 7 Dudes) (1953), a Finnish musical comedy film directed by Ville Salminen, loosely based on the fairy tale.[91] * Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge (1955), a German live-action adaptation of the fairy tale. * Snow White and the Seven Fellows (1955), a Hong Kong film as Chow Sze-luk, Lo Yu-kei Dirs.[_citation needed_] * Snow White and the Three Stooges (1961), starring the Three Stooges with Carol Heiss as Snow White and Patricia Medina as the Evil Queen. * Snow White (1961), an East German fairy tale film directed by Gottfried Kolditz. * The New Adventures of Snow White (1969), a West German sex comedy film directed by Rolf Thiele and starring Marie Liljedahl, Eva Reuber-Staier, and Ingrid van Bergen. The film puts an erotic spin on three classic fairy tales Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. * Pamuk Prenses ve 7 Cüceler (1970), a Turkish live-action remake of the 1937 Disney film.[_citation needed_] * Snow White (1987), starring Diana Rigg as the Evil Queen and Nicola Stapleton and Sarah Patterson both as Snow White. * Schneewittchen und das Geheimnis der Zwerge (1992), a German adaptation of the fairy tale.[_citation needed_] * Snow White: A Tale of Terror (1997), starring Sam Neill as Snow White\'s father, Sigourney Weaver as the Evil Queen, and Monica Keena as Snow White. * 7 Dwarves – Men Alone in the Wood (7 Zwerge – Männer allein im Wald) (2004), a German comedy film * The Brothers Grimm (2005), an adventure fantasy film directed by Terry Gilliam and starring Matt Damon, Heath Ledger, and Lena Headey * 7 Dwarves: The Forest Is Not Enough (7 Zwerge – Der Wald ist nicht genug) (2006), sequel to the 2004 German film 7 Dwarves – Men Alone in the Wood * Sydney White (2007), a modernization, starring Amanda Bynes * Blancanieves (2012), a silent Spanish film based on the fairy tale. * Mirror Mirror (2012), starring Julia Roberts as the Evil Queen Clementianna,[92] Lily Collins as Snow White, Armie Hammer as Prince Andrew Alcott, and Nathan Lane as Brighton, the Queen\'s majordomo.[93] * The Huntsman series: * Snow White and the Huntsman (2012), starring Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron, Chris Hemsworth, and Sam Claflin. * The Huntsman: Winter\'s War (2016), which features Snow White as a minor character. * White as Snow (2019), starring Lou de Laâge, Isabelle Huppert.[_citation needed_] * Snow White and the Evil Queen (2024), an upcoming film by Bentkey starring Brett Cooper as Snow White. * Snow White (2025), an upcoming remake of Disney\'s 1937 animated version, starring Rachel Zegler as Snow White, Gal Gadot as the Evil Queen, and Andrew Burnap as a new character named Jonathan. ### Theatrical - Animation [edit] * Snow-White (1933), also known as Betty Boop in Snow-White, a film in the Betty Boop series from Max Fleischer\'s Fleischer Studios. * Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), an animated film based on the fairy tale, featuring Adriana Caselotti as the voice of Snow White. It is widely considered the best-known adaptation of the story, thanks in part to it becoming one of the first animated feature films and Disney\'s first animated motion picture. * Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs (1943) is a Merrie Melodies animated cartoon directed by Bob Clampett. The short was released on January 16, 1943. It is a parody of the fairy tale featuring African-American stereotypes. * Happily Ever After (1989) is a 1989 American animated musical fantasy film written by Robby London and Martha Moran, directed by John Howley, produced by Filmation. * Snow White: The Sequel (2007) is a Belgian/French/British adult animated comedy film directed by Picha. It is based on the fairy tale of Snow White and intended as a sequel to Disney\'s classic animated adaptation. However, like all of Picha\'s cartoons, the film is actually a sex comedy featuring a lot of bawdy jokes and sex scenes. * Shrek the Third (2007), animated comedy film, sequel to Shrek 2 (2002). Snow White appears extensively among Princess Fiona\'s friends. * The Seventh Dwarf (2014) (German: Der 7bte Zwerg), is a German 3D computer-animated film, created in 2014. The film is based upon the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty and characters from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. ### Direct-to-video - Animation [edit] * Amada Anime Series: Super Mario Bros. (1989), a three-part OVA series featuring Mario characters in different fairy tales. * Snow White (1990), direct-to-video featurette by American Film Investment Corporation.[_citation needed_] * Snow White and the Magic Mirror (1994), produced by Fred Wolf Films Dublin.[_citation needed_] * Snow White (1995), a Japanese-American direct-to-video film by Jetlag Productions.[_citation needed_] * Snow White (1998), direct-to-video film by Golden Films.[_citation needed_] * Happily N\'Ever After 2: Snow White—Another Bite @ the Apple (2009), an American-German computer-animated direct-to-video film and sequel to Happily N\'Ever After * Charming (2018), an animated film featuring Snow White as one of the princesses, featuring the voice of Avril Lavigne. * Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs (2019), a Korean-American animated film based on the fairy tale, featuring the voice of Chloë Grace Moretz.[94] ### Animation - Television [edit] * Festival of Family Classics (1972–73), episode Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, produced by Rankin/Bass and animated by Mushi Production. * Manga Fairy Tales of the World (1976–79), anime anthology series animated by Dax International has a 10-minute adaptation. * A Snow White Christmas is a Christmas animated television special produced by Filmation and telecast December 19, 1980, on CBS. * A 1984 episode of Alvin & the Chipmunks called Snow Wrong is based on the fairy tale, with Brittany of The Chipettes as Snow White. * The Saturday-morning cartoon series Muppet Babies parodied the tale in \"Snow White and the Seven Muppets\" (1985). * My Favorite Fairy Tales (Sekai Dōwa Anime Zenshū) (1986), an anime television anthology, has a 30-minute adaptation. * Grimm\'s Fairy Tale Classics (1987–89) an anime television series based on Grimm\'s stories, as a four half-hour episodes adaptation. * Season 7 of Garfield and Friends had a two-part story parodying the fairy tale called \"Snow Wade and the 77 Dwarfs\". * World Fairy Tale Series (Anime sekai no dōwa) (1995), anime television anthology produced by Toei Animation, has half-hour adaptation. * Wolves, Witches and Giants (1995–99), special Snow White (1997). * The Triplets (Les tres bessones/Las tres mellizas) (1997-2003), catalan animated series, season 1 episode 2. * Simsala Grimm (1999-2010), season 2 episode 8. * The Rugrats also act out the fairy tale with Angelica Pickles as The Evil Queen. Susie Carmichael as Snow White and Tommy Pickles, Dil Pickles, Kimi Finster, Chuckie Finster, Phil and Lil DeVille and Spike the Dog as The Seven Dwarfs. * Animated webseries Ever After High (2013-2017) based on the same name doll line, features as main characters Raven Queen, daughter of the Evil Queen, and Apple White, daughter of Snow White. The two protagonists\' mothers also appear in the Dragon Games special. * RWBY (2013) is a web series which features characters called \"Weiss Schnee\" and \"Klein Sieben\", German for \"White Snow\" and \"Small Seven\" (grammatically incorrect, though, since it would be \"Weisser Schnee\" and \"Kleine Sieben\"). * In The Simpsons episode \"Four Great Women and a Manicure\" (2009), Lisa tells her own variation of the tale, with herself as Snow White. * Revolting Rhymes (2016), TV film based on the 1982 book of the same name written by Roald Dahl featuring Snow White as one of the main characters. * A 2016 video on the Pudding TV Fairy Tales YouTube channel tells a comical version of the story. ### Live-action - Television [edit] * The Brady Bunch (1973), in the episode \"Snow White and the Seven Bradys\", the Bradys put on a production of \"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\" in their backyard, with each of the Bradys playing one of the characters. * El Chapulín Colorado (1978), in the three part episode \"Blancanieves y los siete Churi Churín Fun Flais\" being crossover with El Chavo del Ocho where Chapulin visits Profesor Jirafales\' class to narrate the story of Snow White for the children. Snow White is played by Florinda Meza while the Evil Queen is played by María Antonieta de las Nieves. * Faerie Tale Theatre (1984) has an episode based on the fairy tale starring Vanessa Redgrave as the Evil Queen, Elizabeth McGovern as Snow White, and Vincent Price as the Magic Mirror. * A Smoky Mountain Christmas (1986) is a retelling of Snow White, except it is set in the Smoky Mountains and there are orphans instead of dwarves. * Saved by the Bell (1992), in the episode \"Snow White and the Seven Dorks\", the school puts on a hip hop version of \"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\". * The 10th Kingdom (2000) is a TV miniseries featuring Snow White as a major character. * Snow White: The Fairest of Them All (2001), starring Kristin Kreuk as Snow White and Miranda Richardson as Queen Elspeth. * Blanche Neige (2009) - France TV movie * Once Upon a Time (2011) is a TV series featuring Snow White, Prince Charming, their daughter Emma Swan, and the Evil Queen as the main characters. ### Live-action - Direct-to-video [edit] * Neberte nám princeznú (1981) (English: Let the Princess Stay with Us) is a modern version of the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs fairytale, starring Marika Gombitová. The musical was directed by Martin Hoffmeister, and released in 1981. * Grimm\'s Snow White (2012), starring Eliza Bennett as Snow White and Jane March as the Evil Queen Gwendolyn. * Snow White: A Deadly Summer (2012) is an American horror film directed by David DeCoteau and starring Shanley Caswell, Maureen McCormick, and Eric Roberts. The film was released straight to DVD and digital download on March 20, 2012 * Snow White\'s Christmas Adventure (2023), starring Jennifer Mischiati as Snow White, with Rayna Campbell and Elijah Rowen.[95] ### Music and audio [edit] * Sonne (2001) is a music video for the song by Neue Deutsche Härte band Rammstein, where the band are dwarfs mining gold for Snow White. * Charmed (2008), an album by Sarah Pinsker, features a song called \"Twice the Prince\" in which Snow White realizes that she prefers a dwarf to Prince Charming. * The Boys (2011), Girls\' Generation\'s third studio album, features a concept photo by Taeyeon inspired by Snow White. * Hitoshizuku and Yamasankakkei are two Japanese Vocaloid producers that created a song called Genealogy of Red, White and Black (2015) based upon the tale of Snow White with some differences, the song features the Vocaloids Kagamine Rin/Len and Lily. * John Finnemore\'s Souvenir Programme S5E1 (2016) features a comedy sketch parodying the magic mirror scene.[96][97][98] * The music video of Va Va Voom (2012) features Nicki Minaj in a spoof of the fairy tale. ### Literature [edit] * German author Ludwig Aurbacher used the story of Snow White in his literary tale Die zwei Brüder (\"The Two Brothers\") (1834).[99] * Snow White (1967), a postmodern novel by Donald Barthelme which describes the lives of Snow White and the dwarfs. * Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1971), a poem by Anne Sexton in her collection Transformations, in which she re-envisions sixteen of the Grimm\'s Fairy Tales.[100] * Snow White in New York (1986), a picture book by Fiona French set in 1920s New York. * O Fantástico Mistério de Feiurinha (1986), a fairytale crossover written by Pedro Bandeira where Snow White and her prince are among the main characters.[101] In 2009 it was adapted into the film Xuxa em O Mistério de Feiurinha. * \"Snow White\" (1994), a short story written by James Finn Garner, from Politically Correct Bedtime Stories: Modern Tales For Our Life & Times. * \"Snow, Glass, Apples\", a 1994 short story written by Neil Gaiman, which all but explicitly rewrites the tale to make Snow White a vampire-like entity that is opposed by the Queen, while the prince is strongly implied to have necrophiliac tastes. * Black as Night, 2004 novel by Regina Doman set in contemporary New York City. * Six-Gun Snow White (2013), a novel by Catherynne M. Valente retelling the Snow White story in an Old West setting. * Three modern-day \"adaptations of... popular international fairy tales\" were recorded in Puerto Rico. Two named \"Blanca Nieves\" (\"Snow White\") and the third \"Blanca Flor\" (\"White Flower\").[102] * Tímakistan (2013), a novel by Andri Snær Magnason, an adaptation of Snow White. * Boy, Snow, Bird (2014), a novel by Helen Oyeyemi which adapts the Snow White story as a fable about race and cultural ideas of beauty.[103] * Winter (2015), a novel by Marissa Meyer loosely based on the story of Snow White. * Girls Made of Snow and Glass (2017), a novel by Melissa Bashardoust which is a subversive, feminist take on the original fairy tale.[104] * Sadie: An Amish Retelling of Snow White (2018) by Sarah Price ### Opera and ballet [edit] * Biancaneve (1940), ballet by Riccardo Zandonai. * Biancaneve o il perfido candore (1993), opera by Fabrizio De Rossi Re. * Blanche Neige (2008), ballet by Angelin Preljocaj. ### Theatre [edit] * _Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs_ (1912), a play by Jessie Braham. * Snövit (1950), play by Astrid Lindgren. * Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1969) musical by Frank Churchill, Larry Morey, Jay Blackton and Joe Cook. Adaptation of the 1937 Disney film. * The story of Snow White is a popular theme for British pantomime. ### Comics [edit] * The Haunt of Fear (1953) was a horror comic which featured a gruesome re-imaging of Snow White. * Prétear (Prétear - The New Legend of Snow-White) is a manga (2000) and anime (2001) loosely inspired by the story of Snow White, featuring a sixteen-year-old orphan who meets seven magical knights sworn to protect her. * Stone Ocean (2002), the sixth part of the long-running manga series, JoJo\'s Bizarre Adventure by Hirohiko Araki features Snow White as one of the various fictional characters brought to life by the stand, Bohemian Rhapsody. She also appeared in its anime adaptation. * Fables (2002), a comic created by Bill Willingham, features Snow White as a major character in the series. * MÄR (Märchen Awakens Romance) is a Japanese manga (2003) and anime (2005) series where an ordinary student (in the real world) is transported to another reality populated by characters that vaguely resemble characters from fairy tales, like Snow White, Jack (from Jack and the Beanstalk) and Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. * Snow White with the Red Hair is a manga (2006) and anime (2015) which open with a loose adaptation of the fairy tale, with a wicked prince pursuing a girl with strikingly red hair. * Junji Ito\'s Snow White (2014) is a manga by Junji Ito retelling the story with Snow White repeatedly resurrecting from murders at the hands of the Queen. * Monica and Friends has many stories that parody Snow White. Notably one of the stories \"Branca de Fome e os Sete Anões\" was adapted into an animated episode. ### Video games [edit] * Snow White: Happily Ever After, a North America-exclusive video game that was released in 1994 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. * Dark Parables (2010–present), a series of computer video games featuring fairy tales. Snow White appears as a recurring character in a few installments. ### Other [edit] * The Pucca Spring/Summer 2011 fashion show was inspired by Snow White and her wicked stepmother, the Queen. The opening model, Stella Maxwell, was dressed as a Lolita-esque modern day Snow White in a hoodie, miniskirt and high heels.[105] Due to her towering shoes, she fell on the catwalk and dropped the red apple she was carrying.[106] * Joanne Eccles, an equestrian acrobat, won the title of Aerobatic World Champion (International Jumping of Bordeaux) in 2012. She interpreted Snow White during the first part of the event. * In the doll franchise Ever After High, Snow White has a daughter named Apple White, and the Queen has a daughter named Raven Queen. * The Wolf Among Us (2013), the Telltale Games video game based on the comic book series Fables. * In the Efteling amusement park, Snow White and the dwarfs live in the Fairytale Forest adjoining the castle of her mother-in-law. ## Religious interpretation [edit] Erin Heys\'[107] \"Religious Symbols\" article at the website Religion & Snow White analyzes the use of numerous symbols in the story, their implications, and their Christian interpretations, such as the colours red, white, and black; the apple; the number seven; and resurrection.[108] ## See also [edit] * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\")Children\'s literature portal * ![\\"flag\\"](\\"//\\")Germany portal * The Glass Coffin * Princess Aubergine * Sleeping Beauty (a princess cursed into a death-like sleep) * Snow-White-Fire-Red, an Italian fairy tale * Snežana, a Slavic female name meaning \"snow woman\" with a similar connotation to \"Snow White\" * Snegurochka, a Russian folk tale often translated as \"Snow White\" * Syair Bidasari, a Malay poem with some plot similarities to \"Snow White\" * Udea and her Seven Brothers * The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights (Alexander Pushkin\'s fairy tale in verse form) ## References [edit] 1. ^ _**a**_ _**b**_ _**c**_ _**d**_ _**e**_ _**f**_ Jacob Grimm & Wilhelm Grimm: _Kinder- und Hausmärchen_ ; Band 1, 7. Ausgabe (_children\'s and households fairy tales_ , volume 1, 7th edition). Dietrich, Göttingen 1857, page 264–273. 2. **^** Jacob Grimm; Wilhelm Grimm (2014-10-19). _The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm: The Complete First ..._ Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-1-4008-5189-8. Retrieved 2016-04-05. 3. **^** Bartels, Karlheinz (2012). _Schneewittchen – Zur Fabulologie des Spessarts_. Geschichts- und Museumsverein Lohr a. Main, Lohr a. Main. pp. 56–59. ISBN 978-3-934128-40-8. 4. **^** Heidi Anne Heiner. \"Tales Similar to Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs\". Archived from the original on 22 May 2013. Retrieved 22 September 2010. 5. ^ _**a**_ _**b**_ _**c**_ _**d**_ English translation of the original 6. **^** Grimm, Jacob; Grimm, Wilhelm (2014). Zipes, Jack (ed.). _The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm: the complete first edition_. Princeton: Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-16059-7. 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Gegengabe in Paremiology, Folklore, Language, and Literature. Honoring Wolfgang Mieder on His Seventieth Birthday_. Peter Lang Frankfurt am Main, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien. pp. 491–503. ISBN 978-3-631-64872-8. 21. **^** Kawan, Christine Shojaei (June 2005). \"Innovation, persistence and self-correction: the case of Snow White\" (PDF). _Estudos de Literatura Oral_. 11–12: 238. 22. **^** Ernst Böklen, _Schneewittchenstudien: Erster Teil, Fünfundsiebzig Varianten im ergen Sinn_ (Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1910). 23. **^** Jones, Steven Swann (1983). \"The Structure of _Snow White_ \". _Fabula_. **24** (1–2): 56–71. doi:10.1515/fabl.1983.24.1-2.56. S2CID 161709267. reprinted and slightly expanded in _Fairy Tales and Society: Illusion, Allusion, and Paradigm_ , ed. by Ruth B. Bottigheimer (Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press, 1986), pp. 165–84. The material is also repeated in a different context in his _The New Comparative Method: Structural and Symbolic Analysis of the Allomotifs of Snow White_ (Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 1990). 24. **^** Kay Stone, \"Three Transformations of Snow White\", in _The Brothers Grimm and Folktale_ , ed. by James M. McGlathery (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988), pp. 52–65 (pp. 57-58); ISBN 0-252-01549-5 25. **^** Maria Tatar, _The Hard Facts of the Grimms\' Fairy Tales_ , p. 36; ISBN 0-691-06722-8 26. **^** Orbach, Israel (1960). \"The Emotional Impact of Frightening Stories on Children\". _Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry_. **1** (3): 379–389. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.1993.tb00999.x. PMID 8463375. 27. **^** Grimm\'s Complete Fairy Tales, p. 194; ISBN 978-1-60710-313-4 28. **^** Thompson, Stith (1977). _The Folktale_. University of California Press. p. 124. ISBN 0-520-03537-2. "The tale [type 709, \"Snow White\"] appears without great variation over a considerable area—from Ireland to Asia Minor and well down into central Africa." 29. **^** Haney, Jack V. (2015). _The Complete Folktales of A. N. Afanas\'ev, Volume II_. Univ. Press of Mississippi. pp. 536–556. ISBN 978-1-4968-0275-0. 30. ^ _**a**_ _**b**_ Meder, Theo. \"Sneeuwwitje\". In: _Van Aladdin tot Zwaan kleef aan. Lexicon van sprookjes: ontstaan, ontwikkeling, variaties_. 1ste druk. Ton Dekker & Jurjen van der Kooi & Theo Meder. Kritak: Sun. 1997. p. 336. 31. **^** Bäcker, Jörg (1 December 2008). \"Zhaos Mergen und Zhanglîhuâ Katô. Weibliche Initiation, Schamanismus und Bärenkult in einer daghuro-mongolischen Schneewittchen-Vorform\" [Zhaos Mergen and Zhanglîhuâ Katô. Female initiation, shamanism and bear cult in a Daghuro-Mongolian Snow White precursor]. _Fabula_ (in German). **49** (3–4): 288–324. doi:10.1515/FABL.2008.022. 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S2CID 161939712. 85. **^** \"Старая погудка на новый лад: Русская сказка в изданиях конца XVIII века\". Б-ка Рос. акад. наук. Saint Petersburg: Тропа Троянова, 2003. pp. 214-218 (text), 358 (classification). Полное собрание русских сказок; Т. 8. Ранние собрания. 86. **^** Haney, Jack V. _The Complete Folktales of A.N. Afanas\'ev_ Volume II University Press of Mississippi 2015 nº 211 87. **^** Löwis of Menar, August von _Russische Volksmärchen_ Jena: Eugen Diederichs 1927 pp. 123-134 88. **^** Schott, Arthur und Albert _Rumänische Volkserzählungen aus dem Banat_ Bukarest: Kriterion 1975 pp. 34-42 89. **^** Fortier, Alcée. _Louisiana Folk-Tales_. Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society. Vol. 2. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company. 1895. pp. 56-61. 90. **^** \"coaccess\". _apps.crossref.org_. doi:10.4159/9780674245822-013. S2CID 242168546. Retrieved 2023-06-17. 91. **^** \"Lumikki ja 7 jätkää (1953)\". _IMDb_. Retrieved 1 September 2020. 92. **^** \"Update: Relativity Confirms Julia Roberts In Snow White Pic\". _Deadline.com_. 93. **^** Breznican, Anthony (2011-03-26). \"Armie Hammer cast as prince in \'Snow White\'\". _Entertainment Weekly_. Retrieved 2011-03-28. 94. **^** \"Red Shoes and The 7 Dwarfs (2019)\". _Repelis_ (in Spanish). Archived from the original on 2019-12-20. Retrieved 2019-12-19. 95. **^** Stephanie Prange (November 7, 2023). \"Family Film \'Snow White\'s Christmas Adventure\' Due Digitally Dec. 19\". _Media Play News_. Retrieved December 5, 2023. 96. **^** \"BBC Radio 4 - John Finnemore\'s Souvenir Programme, Series 5, Episode 1\". 97. **^** \"John Finnemore\'s Souvenir Programme Series 1-8\". January 2011. 98. **^** \"John Finnemore\'s Souvenir Programme Series 1-9\". BBC Radio 4. 99. **^** Aurbacher, Aurbacher. _Ein Büchlein für die Jugend_. Stuttgart/Tübingen/München: 1834. pp. 252-264. 100. **^** Anne Sexton (2001). _Transformations_. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 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Archived from the original on October 23, 2014.`{{cite web}}`: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link) 108. **^** Heys, Erin. \"Religious Symbols\". _Religion & Snow White_. Archived from the original on October 28, 2014.`{{cite web}}`: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link) ## Further reading [edit] * Grimm, Jacob; Grimm, Wilhelm (2003-01-01). Applebaum, Stanley (ed.). _Selected Folktales/Ausgewählte Märchen: A Dual-Language Book_. Translated by Applebaum. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications, Inc. ISBN 0-486-42474-X. * Jones, Steven Swann (1990). _The New Comparative Method: Structural and Symbolic Analysis of the allomotifs of \'Snow White\'_. Helsinki: FFC., N 247. * _Walt Disney\'s Snow White and the seven dwarfs: an art in its making featuring the collection of Stephen H. Ison_ (1st ed.). Indianapolis Museum of Art. 28 October 1994. ISBN 0-7868-6144-4. * Bäcker, Jörg (1 December 2008). \"Zhaos Mergen und Zhanglîhuâ Katô. Weibliche Initiation, Schamanismus und Bärenkult in einer daghuro-mongolischen Schneewittchen-Vorform\" [Zhaos Mergen and Zhanglîhuâ Katô. Female initiation, shamanism and bear cult in a Daghuro-Mongolian Snow White precursor]. _Fabula_ (in German). **49** (3–4): 288–324. doi:10.1515/FABL.2008.022. S2CID 161591972. * da Silva, Francisco Vaz (2007). \"Red as Blood, White as Snow, Black as Crow: Chromatic Symbolism of Womanhood in Fairy Tales\". _Marvels & Tales_. **21** (2): 240–252. doi:10.1353/mat.2007.a241688. hdl:10071/19149. JSTOR 41388837. S2CID 201791348. * Hemming, Jessica (2012). \"Red, White, and Black in Symbolic Thought: The Tricolour Folk Motif, Colour Naming, and Trichromatic Vision\". _Folklore_. **123** (3): 310–329. doi:10.1080/0015587X.2012.716599. JSTOR 41721562. S2CID 161420857. * Hui, J. Y., Ellis, C., McIntosh, J., & Olley, K. \"Ála flekks saga: A Snow White Variant from Late Medieval Iceland\". In: Leeds Studies in English, 49 (2018): 45-64. * Joisten, Charles (1978). \"Une version savoyarde du conte de Blanche-Neige\" [A Savoyard version of the tale of Snow White]. _Le Monde alpin et rhodanien. Revue régionale d\'ethnologie_ (in French). **6** (3): 171–174. doi:10.3406/mar.1978.1063. * Kawan, Christine Shojaei (2005). \"Innovation, persistence and self-correction: the case of snow white\". _Estudos de Literatura Oral_ (11–12): 237–251. hdl:10400.1/1671. * Kawan, Christine Shojaei (December 2008). \"A Brief Literary History of Snow White\". _Fabula_. **49** (3–4): 325–342. doi:10.1515/FABL.2008.023. S2CID 161939712. * Kropej, Monika (December 2008). \"Snow White in West and South Slavic Tradition\". _Fabula_. **49** (3–4): 218–243. doi:10.1515/FABL.2008.018. S2CID 161178832. * Kurysheva, Lyubov A. \"On Pushkin\'s Synopsis of the Russian Version of Snow White\". In: Studia Litterarum, 2018, vol. 3, no 4, pp. 140–151. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.22455/2500-4247-2018-3-4-140-151 * Oriol, Carme (December 2008). \"The Innkeeper\'s Beautiful Daughter. A Study of Sixteen Romance Language Versions of ATU 709\". _Fabula_. **49** (3–4): 244–258. doi:10.1515/FABL.2008.019. S2CID 162252358. * Raufman, Ravit (10 January 2017). \"Red as a Pomegranate. Jewish North African versions of Snow White\". _Fabula_. **58** (3–4). doi:10.1515/fabula-2017-0027. * Schmidt, Sigrid (1 December 2008). \"Snow White in Africa\". _Fabula_. **49** (3–4): 268–287. doi:10.1515/FABL.2008.021. S2CID 161823801. ## External links [edit] * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") Works related to Snow White at Wikisource * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") Media related to Snow White at Wikimedia Commons * The complete set of Grimms\' Fairy Tales, including Snow White at Standard Ebooks * Text of \"Little Snow-white\" from \"Household Tales by Brothers Grimm\" on Project Gutenberg * v * t * e \"Snow White\" by the Brothers Grimm --- * \"Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree\" * \"Snow-White-Fire-Red\" * \"Richilde\" * \"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights\" * \"Nourie Hadig\" * \"Myrsina\" * \"Bella Venezia\" * Disney franchise Characters| * Snow White * Snow White (Disney) * The Queen * Evil Queen (Disney) * The Seven Dwarfs * The Magic Mirror * The Huntsman * Prince Charming Films| * Snow White (1902) * Snow White (1916) * Betty Boop in Snow-White (1933) * Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) * Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs (1943) * The Seven Dwarfs to the Rescue (1951) * Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1955) * Snow White and the Three Stooges (1961) * Snow White (1961) * The New Adventures of Snow White (1969) * A Snow White Christmas (1980) * Neberte nám princeznú (1981) * Hófehér (1984) * Snow White (1987) * Happily Ever After (1989) * The Magic Riddle (1991) * Snow White: A Tale of Terror (1997) * Snow White: The Fairest of Them All (2001) * 7 Dwarves – Men Alone in the Wood (2004) * 7 Dwarves: The Forest Is Not Enough (2006) * Snow White: The Sequel (2007) * Sydney White (2007) * Happily N\'Ever After 2: Snow White—Another Bite @ the Apple (2009) * Blanche Neige (2009) * Grimm\'s Snow White (2012) * Mirror Mirror (2012) * Blancanieves (2012) * Snow White: A Deadly Summer (2012) * The Seventh Dwarf (2014) * Charming (2018) * Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs (2019) * Snow White (2025) * Snow White and the Evil Queen (2025) | The Huntsman film series| * Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) * The Huntsman: Winter\'s War (2016) ---|--- Other film references| * Shrek (2001) * Happily N\'Ever After (2006) * Shrek the Third (2007) * Xuxa em O Mistério de Feiurinha (2009) * Descendants (2015) Televisionseries| * The 10th Kingdom (miniseries) * The Charmings (sitcom) * White Snow (1995) * The Legend of Snow White (anime series) * Prétear (anime series) * Once Upon a Time (drama series) * \"The Enchanted Feast\" (Sofia the First episode) * The 7D (TV series) Stage| * Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1912 play) * Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (musical) * A Snow White Christmas (musical) Ballet| * The Magic Mirror (1903) Other media| * Fables (comics) * Mira, Mirror (novel) * Mirror Mirror (novel) * Red as Blood (short story) * Schneewittchen (opera) * Seven Dwarfs Mine Train (attraction) * Snow White\'s Enchanted Wish (attraction) * Snow White Grotto (attraction) * Snow White: Happily Ever After (video game) * \"Snow, Glass, Apples\" (short story) * The Serpent\'s Shadow (novel) * Fairest (novel) * Politically Correct Bedtime Stories (short story collection) * Amada Anime Series: Super Mario Bros. (OVA) * Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (video game) * Fairytale Fights (video game) * Snow White with the Red Hair (manga) * RWBY (TV series) * The Wolf Among Us (video game) * Dark Parables (video game) * Six-Gun Snow White (novel) Non-media| * Snow White Cafe * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") Category * v * t * e The Brothers Grimm --- Jacob Grimm · Wilhelm Grimm Works| * _Grimms\' Fairy Tales_ * _Deutsche Sagen_ * _Deutsche Mythologie_ * _Deutsches Wörterbuch_ Notable tales| * \"Bearskin\" * \"The Brave Little Tailor\" * \"Brother and Sister\" * \"Cat and Mouse in Partnership\" * \"Cinderella\" * \"The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs\" * \"Doctor Know-all\" * \"The Dog and the Sparrow\" * \"The Elves and the Shoemaker\" * \"The Fisherman and His Wife\" * \"The Four Skillful Brothers\" * \"The Frog Prince\" * \"The Gnome\" * \"Godfather Death\" * \"The Golden Bird\" * \"The Golden Goose\" * \"The Goose Girl\" * \"The Goose-Girl at the Well\" * \"The Grave Mound\" * \"Hans My Hedgehog\" * \"Hansel and Gretel\" * \"The Hut in the Forest\" * \"The Jew Among Thorns\" * \"Jorinde and Joringel\" * \"The Juniper Tree\" * \"The King of the Golden Mountain\" * \"King Thrushbeard\" * \"Little Red Riding Hood\" * \"Mary\'s Child\" * \"Mother Holle\" * \"Old Hildebrand\" * \"Old Sultan\" * \"Pied Piper of Hamelin\" * \"The Queen Bee\" * \"Rapunzel\" * \"The Riddle\" * \"The Robber Bridegroom\" * \"Rumpelstiltskin\" * \"The Seven Ravens\" * \"The Singing, Springing Lark\" * \"The Six Servants\" * \"The Six Swans\" * \"Sleeping Beauty\" * \"Snow White\" * \"Snow-White and Rose-Red\" * \"The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was\" * \"The Three Little Men in the Wood\" * \"The Three Spinners\" * \"Thumbling\" * \"Town Musicians of Bremen\" * \"Trusty John\" * \"The Turnip\" * \"The Twelve Brothers\" * \"The Twelve Dancing Princesses\" * \"The Water of Life\" * \"The White Snake\" * \"The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats\" * \"The Wonderful Musician\" Other| * Grimm\'s law * Göttingen Seven * _Grim Tales_ * _The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm_ * _Once Upon a Brothers Grimm_ * _Grimm\'s Fairy Tale Classics_ * _Simsala Grimm_ * _The Brothers Grimm_ * _Grimm Tales_ * _The Sisters Grimm_ * Fairy tale * _American McGee\'s Grimm_ * German Fairy Tale Route * _Grimm_ * _Once Upon a Time_ * _The 10th Kingdom_ * _The Grimm Variations_ * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") Category * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") Commons Authority control databases ![\\"Edit](\\"// ltr-progressive.svg/10px-OOjs_UI_icon_edit-ltr-progressive.svg.png\\") --- International| * VIAF National| * Germany * United States * France * BnF data * Israel Other| * IdRef * MusicBrainz work * 2 * 3 Retrieved from \" Categories: * Snow White * 1812 short stories * Grimms\' Fairy Tales * Female characters in fairy tales * European folklore characters * German fairy tales * Fictional German people * Witchcraft in fairy tales * Literary characters introduced in 1812 * ATU 700-749 * Apples in culture * Snow in culture * Fiction about poisonings * Snegurochka * Fiction about shapeshifting * Magic rings * Poisoned candy * Fiction about mirrors Hidden categories: * CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown * CS1: long volume value * CS1 German-language sources (de) * CS1 Italian-language sources (it) * CS1 Dutch-language sources (nl) * CS1 Spanish-language sources (es) * CS1 Brazilian Portuguese-language sources (pt-br) * CS1 maint: unfit URL * Articles with short description * Short description is different from Wikidata * Articles containing German-language text * Articles to be expanded from November 2023 * All articles to be expanded * Articles containing Italian-language text * Articles containing Danish-language text * Articles containing Swedish-language text * Articles containing French-language text * Pages using Lang-xx templates * Articles containing Romanian-language text * All articles with unsourced statements * Articles with unsourced statements from May 2024 * CS1 French-language sources (fr) * Commons category link from Wikidata * Articles containing video clips * This page was last edited on 1 October 2024, at 17:57 (UTC). * Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0; additional terms may apply. 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Snow White was named for her physical appearance in the Brothers Grimm's tale from 1812
### 53 # Little Snow-White ## Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once upon a time in midwinter, when the snowflakes were falling like feathers from heaven, a queen sat sewing at her window, which had a frame of black ebony wood. As she sewed she looked up at the snow and pricked her finger with her needle. Three drops of blood fell into the snow. The red on the white looked so beautiful that she thought to herself, \"If only I had a child as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as the wood in this frame.\" Soon afterward she had a little daughter who was as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as ebony wood, and therefore they called her Little Snow- White. And as soon as the child was born, the queen died. A year later the king took himself another wife. She was a beautiful woman, but she was proud and arrogant, and she could not stand it if anyone might surpass her in beauty. She had a magic mirror. Every morning she stood before it, looked at herself, and said: > Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who in this land is fairest of all? To this the mirror answered: > You, my queen, are fairest of all. Then she was satisfied, for she knew that the mirror spoke the truth. Snow-White grew up and became ever more beautiful. When she was seven years old she was as beautiful as the light of day, even more beautiful than the queen herself. One day when the queen asked her mirror: > Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who in this land is fairest of all? It answered: > You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But Snow-White is a thousand times > fairer than you. The queen took fright and turned yellow and green with envy. From that hour on whenever she looked at Snow-White her heart turned over inside her body, so great was her hatred for the girl. The envy and pride grew ever greater, like a weed in her heart, until she had no peace day and night. Then she summoned a huntsman and said to him, \"Take Snow-White out into the woods. I never want to see her again. Kill her, and as proof that she is dead bring her lungs and her liver back to me.\" The huntsman obeyed and took Snow-White into the woods. He took out his hunting knife and was about to stab it into her innocent heart when she began to cry, saying, \"Oh, dear huntsman, let me live. I will run into the wild woods and never come back.\" Because she was so beautiful the huntsman took pity on her, and he said, \"Run away, you poor child.\" He thought, \"The wild animals will soon devour you anyway,\" but still it was as if a stone had fallen from his heart, for he would not have to kill her. Just then a young boar came running by. He killed it, cut out its lungs and liver, and took them back to the queen as proof of Snow-White\'s death. The cook had to boil them with salt, and the wicked woman ate them, supposing that she had eaten Snow-White\'s lungs and liver. The poor child was now all alone in the great forest, and she was so afraid that she just looked at all the leaves on the trees and did not know what to do. Then she began to run. She ran over sharp stones and through thorns, and wild animals jumped at her, but they did her no harm. She ran as far as her feet could carry her, and just as evening was about to fall she saw a little house and went inside in order to rest. Inside the house everything was small, but so neat and clean that no one could say otherwise. There was a little table with a white tablecloth and seven little plates, and each plate had a spoon, and there were seven knives and forks and seven mugs as well. Against the wall there were seven little beds, all standing in a row and covered with snow-white sheets. Because she was so hungry and thirsty Snow-White ate a few vegetables and a little bread from each little plate, and from each mug she drank a drop of wine. Afterward, because she was so tired, she lay down on a bed, but none of them felt right -- one was too long, the other too short -- until finally the seventh one was just right. She remained lying in it, entrusted herself to God, and fell asleep. After dark the masters of the house returned home. They were the seven dwarfs who picked and dug for ore in the mountains. They lit their seven candles, and as soon as it was light in their house they saw that someone had been there, for not everything was in the same order as they had left it. The first one said, \"Who has been sitting in my chair?\" The second one, \"Who has been eating from my plate?\" The third one, \"Who has been eating my bread?\" The fourth one, \"Who has been eating my vegetables?\" The fifth one, \"Who has been sticking with my fork?\" The sixth one, \"Who has been cutting with my knife?\" The seventh one, \"Who has been drinking from my mug?\" Then the first one saw a that there was a little imprint in his bed, and said, \"Who stepped on my bed?\" The others came running up and shouted, \"Someone has been lying in mine as well.\" But the seventh one, looking at his bed, found Snow-White lying there asleep. The seven dwarfs all came running up, and they cried out with amazement. They fetched their seven candles and shone the light on Snow-White. \"Oh good heaven! Oh good heaven!\" they cried. \"This child is so beautiful!\" They were so happy, that they did not wake her up, but let her continue to sleep there in the bed. The seventh dwarf had to sleep with his companions, one hour with each one, and then the night was done. The next morning Snow-White woke up, and when she saw the seven dwarfs she was frightened. But they were friendly and asked, \"What is your name?\" \"My name is Snow-White,\" she answered. \"How did you find your way to our house?\" the dwarfs asked further. Then she told them that her stepmother had tried to kill her, that the huntsman had spared her life, and that she had run the entire day, finally coming to their house. The dwarfs said, \"If you will keep house for us, and cook, make beds, wash, sew, and knit, and keep everything clean and orderly, then you can stay with us, and you shall have everything that you want.\" \"Yes,\" said Snow-White, \"with all my heart.\" So she kept house for them. Every morning they went into the mountains looking for ore and gold, and in the evening when they came back home their meal had to be ready. During the day the girl was alone. The good dwarfs warned her, saying, \"Be careful about your stepmother. She will soon know that you are here. Do not let anyone in.\" Now the queen, believing that she had eaten Snow-White\'s lungs and liver, could only think that she was again the first and the most beautiful woman of all. She stepped before her mirror and said: > Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who in this land is fairest of all? It answered: > You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But Snow-White, beyond the mountains > With the seven dwarfs, Is still a thousand times fairer than you. This startled the queen, for she knew that the mirror did not lie, and she realized that the huntsman had deceived her, and that Snow-White was still alive. Then she thought, and thought again, how she could kill Snow-White, for as long as long as she was not the most beautiful woman in the entire land her envy would give her no rest. At last she thought of something. Coloring her face, she disguised herself as an old peddler woman, so that no one would recognize her. In this disguise she went to the house of the seven dwarfs. Knocking on the door she called out, \"Beautiful wares for sale, for sale!\" Snow-White peered out the window and said, \"Good day, dear woman, what do you have for sale?\" \"Good wares, beautiful wares,\" she answered. \"Bodice laces in all colors.\" And she took out one that was braided from colorful silk. \"Would you like this one?\" \"I can let that honest woman in,\" thought Snow-White, then unbolted the door and bought the pretty bodice lace. \"Child,\" said the old woman, \"how you look! Come, let me lace you up properly.\" The unsuspecting Snow-White stood before her and let her do up the new lace, but the old woman pulled so quickly and so hard that Snow-White could not breathe. \"You used to be the most beautiful one,\" said the old woman, and hurried away. Not long afterward, in the evening time, the seven dwarfs came home. How terrified they were when they saw their dear Snow-White lying on the ground, not moving at all, as though she were dead. They lifted her up, and, seeing that she was too tightly laced, they cut the lace in two. Then she began to breathe a little, and little by little she came back to life. When the dwarfs heard what had happened they said, \"The old peddler woman was no one else but the godless queen. Take care and let no one in when we are not with you.\" When the wicked woman returned home she went to her mirror and asked: > Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who in this land is fairest of all? The mirror answered once again: > You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But Snow-White, beyond the mountains > With the seven dwarfs, Is still a thousand times fairer than you. When she heard that, all her blood ran to her heart because she knew that Snow-White had come back to life. \"This time,\" she said, \"I shall think of something that will destroy you.\" Then with the art of witchcraft, which she understood, she made a poisoned comb. Then she disguised herself, taking the form of a different old woman. Thus she went across the seven mountains to the seven dwarfs, knocked on the door, and called out, \"Good wares for sale, for sale!\" Snow-White looked out and said, \"Go on your way. I am not allowed to let anyone in.\" \"You surely may take a look,\" said the old woman, pulling out the poisoned comb and holding it up. The child liked it so much that she let herself be deceived, and she opened the door. After they had agreed on the purchase, the old woman said, \"Now let me comb your hair properly.\" She had barely stuck the comb into Snow-White\'s hair when the poison took effect, and the girl fell down unconscious. \"You specimen of beauty,\" said the wicked woman, \"now you are finished.\" And she walked away. Fortunately it was almost evening, and the seven dwarfs came home. When they saw Snow-White lying on the ground as if she were dead, they immediately suspected her stepmother. They examined her and found the poisoned comb. They had scarcely pulled it out when Snow-White came to herself again and told them what had happened. Once again they warned her to be on guard and not to open the door for anyone. Back at home the queen stepped before her mirror and said: > Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who in this land is fairest of all? The mirror answered: > You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But Snow-White, beyond the mountains > With the seven dwarfs, Is still a thousand times fairer than you. When the queen heard the mirror saying this, she shook and trembled with anger, \"Snow-White shall die,\" she shouted, \"if it costs me my life!\" Then she went into her most secret room -- no one else was allowed inside \-- and she made a poisoned, poisoned apple. From the outside it was beautiful, white with red cheeks, and anyone who saw it would want it. But anyone who might eat a little piece of it would died. Then, coloring her face, she disguised herself as a peasant woman, and thus went across the seven mountains to the seven dwarfs. She knocked on the door. Snow-White stuck her head out the window and said, \"I am not allowed to let anyone in. The dwarfs have forbidden me to do so.\" \"That is all right with me,\" answered the peasant woman. \"I\'ll easily get rid of my apples. Here, I\'ll give you one of them.\" \"No,\" said Snow-White, \"I cannot accept anything.\" \"Are you afraid of poison?\" asked the old woman. \"Look, I\'ll cut the apple in two. You eat the red half, and I shall eat the white half.\" Now the apple had been so artfully made that only the red half was poisoned. Snow-White longed for the beautiful apple, and when she saw that the peasant woman was eating part of it she could no longer resist, and she stuck her hand out and took the poisoned half. She barely had a bite in her mouth when she fell to the ground dead. The queen looked at her with a gruesome stare, laughed loudly, and said, \"White as snow, red as blood, black as ebony wood! This time the dwarfs cannot awaken you.\" Back at home she asked her mirror: > Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who in this land is fairest of all? It finally answered: > You, my queen, are fairest of all. Then her envious heart was at rest, as well as an envious heart can be at rest. When the dwarfs came home that evening they found Snow-White lying on the ground. She was not breathing at all. She was dead. They lifted her up and looked for something poisonous. They undid her laces. They combed her hair. They washed her with water and wine. But nothing helped. The dear child was dead, and she remained dead. They laid her on a bier, and all seven sat next to her and mourned for her and cried for three days. They were going to bury her, but she still looked as fresh as a living person, and still had her beautiful red cheeks. They said, \"We cannot bury her in the black earth,\" and they had a transparent glass coffin made, so she could be seen from all sides. They laid her inside, and with golden letters wrote on it her name, and that she was a princess. Then they put the coffin outside on a mountain, and one of them always stayed with it and watched over her. The animals too came and mourned for Snow-white, first an owl, then a raven, and finally a dove. Snow-White lay there in the coffin a long, long time, and she did not decay, but looked like she was asleep, for she was still as white as snow and as red as blood, and as black-haired as ebony wood. Now it came to pass that a prince entered these woods and happened onto the dwarfs\' house, where he sought shelter for the night. He saw the coffin on the mountain with beautiful Snow-White in it, and he read what was written on it with golden letters. Then he said to the dwarfs, \"Let me have the coffin. I will give you anything you want for it.\" But the dwarfs answered, \"We will not sell it for all the gold in the world.\" Then he said, \"Then give it to me, for I cannot live without being able to see Snow-White. I will honor her and respect her as my most cherished one.\" As he thus spoke, the good dwarfs felt pity for him and gave him the coffin. The prince had his servants carry it away on their shoulders. But then it happened that one of them stumbled on some brush, and this dislodged from Snow-White\'s throat the piece of poisoned apple that she had bitten off. Not long afterward she opened her eyes, lifted the lid from her coffin, sat up, and was alive again. \"Good heavens, where am I?\" she cried out. The prince said joyfully, \"You are with me.\" He told her what had happened, and then said, \"I love you more than anything else in the world. Come with me to my father\'s castle. You shall become my wife.\" Snow-White loved him, and she went with him. Their wedding was planned with great splendor and majesty. Snow-White\'s godless stepmother was also invited to the feast. After putting on her beautiful clothes she stepped before her mirror and said: > Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who in this land is fairest of all? The mirror answered: > You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But the young queen is a thousand times > fairer than you. The wicked woman uttered a curse, and she became so frightened, so frightened, that she did not know what to do. At first she did not want to go to the wedding, but she found no peace. She had to go and see the young queen. When she arrived she recognized Snow-White, and terrorized, she could only stand there without moving. Then they put a pair of iron shoes into burning coals. They were brought forth with tongs and placed before her. She was forced to step into the red-hot shoes and dance until she fell down dead. * Source: Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Sneewittchen, Kinder- und Hausmärchen, (Children\'s and Household Tales -- Grimms\' Fairy Tales), final edition (Berlin, 1857), no. 53. * The Grimms\' source: Marie Hassenpflug (1788-1856) and other informants. * Translated by D. L. Ashliman. © 2002-2005. * This tale was included in the first edition (1812) and all following editions of the Grimms\' Kinder- und Hausmärchen. Substantial changes were introduced with the second edition (1819). * Link to a translation of Little Snow-White, version of 1812. * Translator\'s notes: 1. Both elements of the heroine\'s name Sneewittchen are in Low German, although the tale itself was recorded in High German. The High German form of the heroine\'s name would be Schneeweisschen or Schneeweißchen. 2. Some differences between the edition of 1812 and later versions: * Beginning with the edition of 1819, the Grimms add the statement that Snow-White\'s mother died during childbirth, and that her father remarried. In the first edition, presumably the version closest to its oral sources, Snow-White\'s jealous antagonist is her own mother, not a stepmother. * Beginning with the edition of 1819, the poisoned apple is dislodged when a servant accidentally stumbles while carrying the coffin to the prince\'s castle. In the first edition the apple is dislodged when a servant, angry for having to carry Snow-White\'s coffin wherever the prince goes, strikes the sleeping princess. ## Links to related sites * Little Snow-White and other Aarne-Thompson type 709 tales. * Sleeping Beauty, tales of Aarne-Thompson type 410, which also feature heroines who fall asleep as children and awaken as adults. * The Grimm Brothers\' Children\'s and Household Tales (Grimms\' Fairy Tales). * The Grimm Brothers\' Home Page. * D. L. Ashliman\'s folktexts, a library of folktales, folklore, fairy tales, and mythology. Revised November 15, 2005.
Snow White was named for her physical appearance in the Brothers Grimm's tale from 1812
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Fictional character The Evil Queen --- ![](\\"// SnowWhite22.jpg\\")The Evil Queen with her mirror in an American illustration from 1913 First appearance| Grimms\' Fairy Tales (1812) Created by| The Brothers Grimm (adapted from pre-existing fairy tales) In-universe information Occupation| Queen consort, witch (secretly) Spouse| King Children| Snow White (daughter in the original version, stepdaughter since the 1819 revision) The Evil Queen (‹See Tfd›German: böse Königin), also called the Wicked Queen or just the Queen, is a fictional character and the main antagonist of \"Snow White\", a German fairy tale recorded by the Brothers Grimm; similar stories exist worldwide. Other versions of the Queen appear in subsequent adaptations and continuations of the fairy tale, including novels and films. A particularly notable version is Disney\'s depiction, sometimes known as Queen Grimhilde. The character has also become an archetype that has inspired unrelated works. The Evil Queen is Snow White\'s wicked stepmother, obsessed with being \"the fairest in the land\". The beautiful young princess Snow White evokes the Queen\'s sense of envy, so the Queen designs plans to kill Snow White using witchcraft. A driving force in the story is the Queen\'s Magic Mirror. In the traditional resolution of the story, the Queen is executed for her crimes. The tale is didactic, meant as a warning to young children against the dangers of narcissism, pride, and hubris, and showing the triumph of good over evil. In some retellings of the fairy tale, the Queen has been re-imagined or portrayed more sympathetically, such as being morally conflicted or suffering from madness instead of being simply evil. In some of the revisionist stories, she serves as the protagonist and has even been portrayed as an antihero or a tragic hero. ## The Brothers Grimm tale [edit] ### Story [edit] ![](\\"// Magic_mirror.jpg\\")The queen with her mirror, from the 1921 My Favourite Book of Fairy Tales (illustrated by Jennie Harbour). The Evil Queen is a very beautiful but proud and arrogant woman, who marries the King after the death of his first wife, the mother of Snow White. The Evil Queen owns a magic mirror, which one day informs her that her young stepdaughter, the seven-year-old Princess Snow White, has surpassed her in beauty \"a thousand times\". After deciding to kill Snow White, the Queen orders her Huntsman to take the princess into the forest to murder her. The Queen tells him to bring back Snow White\'s lungs and liver as proof that the princess is dead. However, the Huntsman takes pity on Snow White, and instead brings the Queen the lungs and liver of a wild boar. The Queen has the cook prepare the lungs and liver and she eats what she believes are Snow White\'s organs. ![](\\"// Schneewitchen_%281%29.jpg\\")The Queen in disguise, offering lace to Snow White (a late 19th-century German illustration). While questioning her mirror again, the Queen discovers that Snow White has survived and has found sanctuary with the Seven Dwarfs. Intending to kill Snow White herself, she takes the disguise of an old peddler woman. She visits the dwarfs\' house and sells Snow White laces for a corset that she laces too tight in an attempt to suffocate the girl. When that fails, the Queen returns as a comb seller and tricks Snow White into using a poisoned comb created through \"the art of witchcraft\". After the comb, too, fails to kill Snow White, the Queen proclaims \"Snow White shall die... even if it costs me my life!\". She again visits Snow White disguised as a farmer\'s wife and gives Snow White a poisoned red half of a beautiful apple, which puts Snow White into a deep sleep. However, Snow White is awakened by a Prince from another kingdom, and they invite the Queen to their wedding. Although fearing what will happen, the Queen\'s jealousy drives her to attend. There she is forced to put on red-hot iron shoes and dance until she drops dead.[1] ### Alternative fates [edit] ![](\\"// Franz_J%C3%BCttner_Schneewittchen_8.jpg\\")The Queen arrives at Snow White\'s wedding in a 1905 German illustration. In the classic ending of \"Snow White\", the Evil Queen is put to death by torture. Such extreme punishment is now often considered too dark and potentially horrifying for children. The first English translation of the Grimm\'s tale, written by Edgar Taylor in 1823, has the Queen choke on her own envy upon the sight of Snow White alive. Another early (1871) English translation by Susannah Mary Paull \"replaces the Queen\'s death by cruel physical punishment with death by self-inflicted pain and self-destruction\" when it was her own shoes that became hot due to her anger.[2] Other alternative endings have the Queen instantly drop dead \"of anger\" at the wedding[3] or in front of her mirror upon learning of it,[4] die from her own designs going awry (such as from touching her own poisoned rose[5]) or by nature (such as falling into quicksand while crossing a swamp on her way back to the castle after poisoning Snow White[6]), be killed by the dwarfs during a chase,[7] be destroyed by her own mirror,[8] run away into the forest never to be seen again,[9] or simply being banished from the kingdom forever.[10] As Sara Maitland wrote, \"we do not tell this part of the story any more; we say it is too cruel and will break children\'s soft hearts.\"[11] Many (especially modern) revisions of the fairy tale often change the gruesome classic ending in order to make it seem less violent. In some versions, the Queen is merely prevented from committing further wrongdoings and does not die but is banished or disappears; in others, she may die by accident.[12] Fawzia Gilani-Williams\' Snow White: An Islamic Tale, for instance, has Snow White forgive her evil witch stepmother entirely, making her repent and redeem herself, as part of the book\'s religious lessons for children.[13] However, in the same 2014 nationwide UK poll that considered the Queen from \"Snow White\" the scariest fairy tale character of all time (as cited by 32.21% of responding adults), around two-thirds opined that today\'s stories are too \"sanitized\" for children.[14] Anthony Burgess commented in 1983: \"Reading that, how seriously can we take it? It is fairy-tale violence, which is not like real mugging, terrorism and Argentinean torture.\"[15] Sheldon Cashdan, Professor of Psychology at the University of Massachusetts, argues that, in accordance with the logic of fairy tales, the Queen could not be allowed to flee or merely be locked up in a dungeon or exiled, as the story portrayed her \"as a thoroughly despicable creature who deserves the worst conceivable punishment.\" In his opinion, fairy tale narrative also demands that \"if the witch is to die — and remain dead — she must die in a way that makes her return highly unlikely,\" and so \"the reader needs to know that the death of the witch is thorough and complete, even if it means exposing young readers to acts of violence that are extreme by contemporary standards.\"[16] Conversely, writers such as Oliver Madox Hueffer have expressed sympathy for the queen,[17] or, like psychology professor Sharna Olfman, have removed the violence when reading the story to children, while also acknowledging that verbal storytelling lacks \"graphic visual imagery\".[18] ### Origins and evolution [edit] ![](\\"// Smidowiczowa_-_Lustereczko.jpg/220px-Zofia_Plewi%C5%84ska-Smidowiczowa_- _Lustereczko.jpg\\")A Polish illustration by Zofia Plewińska-Smidowiczowa. In the first print edition of the Brothers Grimm story from their 1812/1815 collection Kinder- und Hausmärchen (\"Children\'s and Household Tales\"), the Queen is Snow White\'s biological mother and in the beginning sits sewing at an open window. She pricks her finger with her needle, causing three drops of red blood to drip onto the white snow on the black ebony windowsill. She then wishes to have a daughter with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony, and she later gives birth to Snow White (Snow Drop[19]). In subsequent versions after 1819,[20] this was changed; text was added to include that Snow White\'s mother died and the King remarried.[21][22] According to Jack Zipes, that change was made because the Grimms \"held motherhood sacred.\"[23] According to Cashdan, a \"cardinal rule of fairy tales\" mandates that the \"heroes and heroines are allowed to kill witches, sorceresses, even stepmothers, but never their own mothers.\"[16] Zipes\' 2014 collection of Grimm fairy tales in their original forms reinstated the Queen as Snow White\'s mother.[24][25] This revision was probably the work of Wilhelm Grimm.[26] In the Brothers\' original Ölenberg Manuscript (1810), the Queen herself abandons Snow White in a forest and ends up being punished by the returning King after he revives their daughter.[27] However, the wicked stepmother was not unknown in German versions predating the Brothers Grimm\'s collection. In 1782, Johann Karl August Musäus published a literary fairy tale titled \"Richilde\" which reimagined the folktale from the villain\'s point of view.[28] The main character is Richilde, arrogant Countess of Brabant, who as a child received the gift of a magic mirror invented by her godfather Albertus Magnus. Many elements of the Grimms\' Snow White appear in this story, including the wicked stepmother, the magic mirror, the poisoned apple, and the punishment of dancing in red-hot shoes.[29] The Grimms knew of Snow White (1809), a play by their contemporary and rival Albert Ludwig Grimm (no relation to the Brothers Grimm), which according to Zipes \"treated the Queen more gently\".[30] Hueffer noted that the wicked stepmother with magical powers threatening a young princess is a recurring theme in fairy tales; one similar character is the witch-queen in \"The Wild Swans\" as told by Hans Christian Andersen.[17] According to Kenny Klein, the enchantress Ceridwen of the Welsh mythology was \"the quintessential evil stepmother, the origin of that character in the two tales of Snow White and Cinderella.\"[31] Equivalents to the Evil Queen can be found in Snow White-like tales from around the world. In the Scottish Gaelic oral tale \"Gold-Tree and Silver- Tree\", the Queen is named Silver-Tree and is the heroine\'s biological mother. A talking trout takes the place of the Queen\'s mirror and the huntsman figure is the princess\'s own father.[32][33] The villain\'s relationship with Snow White can also vary, with versions from around the world sometimes featuring wicked sisters or sisters-in-law, or a wicked mother of the prince.[34] One earlier variation of the tale was Giambattista Basile\'s \"The Young Slave\" (1634), in which the heroine\'s mother is unintentionally involved in putting her to sleep, and she is awoken by her cruel and jealous aunt who treats her like a slave. The Queen figure\'s tricks also vary from place to place. In Italy, she uses a toxic comb, a contaminated cake, or a suffocating braid. In France, a local tale features a poisoned tomato.[31] Her demands for proof of the feet from the huntsman figure (often her lover in non-Grimm versions[35]) also vary: a bottle of blood stoppered with the princess\'s toe in Spain, or the princess\'s intestines and blood- soaked shirt in Italy.[36] Rosemary Ellen Guiley suggests that the Queen of the Brothers Grimm tale uses an apple because it recalls the temptation of Eve; this creation story from the Bible led the Christian Church to view apples as a symbol of sin. Many people feared that apples could carry evil spirits, and that witches used them for poisoning.[37] Robert G. Brown of Duke University also makes a connection with the story of Adam and Eve, seeing the Queen as a representation of the archetype of Lilith.[38] The symbol of the apple has long had traditional associations with enchantment and witchcraft in some European cultures, as in the case of Morgan le Fay\'s Avalon (\"Isle of the Apples\").[39] ![](\\"// Snow_White_Iron_Shoes.png\\")The iron shoes being heated in an illustration from an 1852 Icelandic translation of the Grimms\' story. Diane Purkiss attributes the Queen\'s fiery death in the Brothers Grimm tale to \"the folkbelief that burning a witch\'s body ended her power, a belief which subtended (but did not cause) the practice of burning witches in Germany.\"[40] The American Folklore Society noted that the use of iron shoes \"recalls folk practices of destroying a witch through the magic agency of iron.\"[41] In other variants of the \"Snow White\" type tales, the story usually also ends with punishment of the wicked stepmother through burning, immurement, or decapitation.[42] ### Interpretations [edit] According to some scholars such as Roger Sale and University of Hawaii professor Cristina Bacchilega, the story has ageist undertones vilifying the older woman character, with her envy of Snow White\'s beauty.[43][33] Terri Windling wrote that the Queen is \"a woman whose power is derived from her beauty; it is this, the tale implies, that provides her place in the castle\'s hierarchy. If the king’s attention turns from his wife to another, what power is left to an aging woman? Witchcraft, the tale answers. Potions, poisons, and self-protection.\"[33] Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar regard Snow White and her mother/stepmother as two female stereotypes, the angel and the monster.[44] The fact that the Queen was Snow White\'s biological mother in the first version of the Grimms\' story has led several psychoanalytic critics to interpret \"Snow White\" as a story about a repressed Oedipus complex, or about Snow White\'s Electra complex and sexual rivalry with the Queen.[44] According to Bruno Bettelheim, the story\'s main motif is \"the clash of sexual innocence and sexual desire\": \"whereas Snow White achieves inner harmony, her stepmother fails to do so. Unable to integrate the social and the antisocial aspects of human nature, she remains enslaved to her desires and gets caught up in an Oedipal competition with her daughter from which she cannot extricate herself. This imbalance between her contradictory drives proves to be her undoing.\"[45] Cashdan interprets the Queen\'s motives as \"fear that the king will find Snow White more appealing than her.\"[16] This struggle so dominates the psychological landscape of the tale that Gilber and Gubar even proposed renaming the story \"Snow White and Her Wicked Stepmother\".[36][46] Harold Bloom opined that the three \"temptations\" all \"testify to a mutual sexual attraction between Snow White and her stepmother.\"[47] ![](\\"// Illustration_at_page_210_in_Grimm%27s_Household_Tales_%28Edwardes%2C_Bell%29.png\\")Robert Anning Bell\'s 1912 illustration It seems that the Brothers Grimm, who wrote their book as an \"educational manual\" (Erziehungsbuch), felt that a brutal punishment for a villain was a necessary element augmenting the happy endings of their tales, as in Snow White\'s ascent as new queen and triumph over her evil enemy.[48] Cashdan proposes that the evil queen \"embodies narcissism, and the young princess, with whom readers identify, embodies parts of the child struggling to overcome this tendency. Vanquishing the queen represents a triumph of positive forces in the self over vain impulses.\" As such, \"the death of the witch signals a victory of virtue over vice, a sign that positive forces in the self have prevailed.\" In addition, \"the active involvement of heroine in the witch\'s demise communicates to readers that they must take an active role in overcoming their own errant tendencies.\"[16] Similarly, psychologist Betsy Cohen wrote about the perceived symbolism of the act: \"In order to avoid becoming a wicked queen herself, Snow White needs to separate from and kill off this destructive force inside of her.\"[49] In the words of Bettelheim, \"only the death of the jealous queen (the elimination of all outer and inner turbulence) can make for a happy world.\"[50] Regarding the manner of the Queen\'s execution, scholars such as Cashdan, Sheldon Donald Haase, and John Hanson Saunders argue from psychological and storytelling viewpoints that the Queen\'s punishment fits her crimes, gives closure to the reader, and shows good triumphing over evil.[16][44][51] Jo Eldridge Carney, Professor of English at The College of New Jersey, wrote: \"Again, the fairy tale\'s system of punishment is horrific but apt: a woman so actively consumed with seeking affirmation from others and with violently undoing her rival is forced to enact her own physical destruction as a public spectacle.\"[52] Likewise, Mary Ayers of the Stanford University School of Medicine wrote that the red-hot shoes symbolise that the Queen was \"subjected to the effects of her own inflamed, searing hot envy and hatred.\"[53] It was also noted that this ending echoes the fairy tale of \"The Red Shoes\", which similarly \"warns of the danger of attachment to appearances.\"[54] ## Adaptations [edit] This section has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. _(Learn how and when to remove these messages)_ | This section may be too long and excessively detailed. Please consider summarizing the material. _( September 2024)_ --- This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. _( August 2023)__(Learn how and when to remove this message)_ --- _(Learn how and when to remove this message)_ The Queen\'s character is portrayed in a variety of ways in subsequent adaptations of the original fairy tale. Lana Berkowitz of the Houston Chronicle noted: \"Today stereotypes of the evil queen and innocent Snow White often are challenged. Rewrites may show the queen is reacting to extenuating circumstances.\"[43] In addition, according to Scott Meslow of The Atlantic, \"Disney\'s decision to throw out the Grimm\'s appropriately grim ending—which sentences the evil queen to dance in heated iron shoes until her death—has meant that ending is all but forgotten.\"[55] In Taylor\'s 1923 German Popular Stories the Queen chokes to death out of anger.[56] ### Disney\'s Snow White franchise [edit] Main article: Evil Queen (Disney) ![](\\"// Morgan_McMichaels_%28Evil_Queen%29.jpg\\")Morgan McMichaels dressed as the Evil Queen from the 1937 Disney film In The Walt Disney Company\'s seminal 1937 animated film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the Queen, usually known as the Evil Queen or the Wicked Queen, is sometimes referred to as Queen Grimhilde in Disney publications from the 1930s and was originally voiced by Lucille La Verne. In the film, similar to the Brothers Grimm story, the Queen is cold, cruel, extremely vain and obsessively desires to remain the \"fairest in the land\". She becomes envious of the beauty of her stepdaughter, as well as the attention of the Prince from another land; such a love triangle element is one of Disney\'s changes to the story, alongside expanding on her magical powers (including control over elements of nature, conjuring wind and thunder as ingredients for her spell) and placing her as the master of the spirit in her magic mirror (even referred by the Queen as her \"slave\").[57] As in the fairy tale, the Queen\'s obsessive jealousy leads her to plot the death of the young teenage Snow White and ultimately puts her on the path to her own demise, which in the film is indirectly caused by the Seven Dwarfs when, in the form of an old witch, she falls to her death shortly after poisoning Snow White. The Disney version of the Queen character uses her magic to transform herself into an old woman instead of just taking a disguise like in the Grimms\' story; with this appearance she is commonly referred to as the Wicked Witch or alternatively as the Old Hag or just the Witch. The film\'s version of the Queen was created by Walt Disney and Joe Grant, originally animated by Art Babbit, and voiced by Lucille La Verne. Inspiration for her design came from several sources, including the characters of Queen Hash-a-Motep from She and Princess Kriemhild from Die Nibelungen,[58][59] as well as actresses such as Joan Crawford and Gale Sondergaard.[60][61] ![](\\"// Evil_Queen_WDW.jpg\\")An entertainer at the Walt Disney World Besides the film, the Evil Queen has made numerous appearances in Disney productions and attractions, such as Fantasmic!, The Kingdom Keepers and Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, sometimes appearing alongside Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty. The Queen has since been voiced by Eleanor Audley, Louise Chamis, and Susanne Blakeslee. She was portrayed live by Anne Francine, Jane Curtin, and Olivia Wilde, among others. Her surviving and aged version was portrayed by Kathy Najimy in Descendants. The film\'s version of the Queen has become a popular archetype; visually embodying the fairy tale character in popular consciousness,[62] and influenced a number of artists and non-Disney works, and even Walt Disney\'s very own next villainess, Maleficent.[63] Gal Gadot is set to portray the Queen in Snow White, Disney\'s own 2025 live- action film reimagining of the 1937 film. ### Live-action film and television [edit] #### 1916-2000 [edit] The 1916 American silent film Snow White is an early example of an altered ending to the story, as the Queen is not executed but merely banished from the court after breaking her demonic mirror in anger.[64] The 1962 East German film Snow White changes the ending as well. The Queen, played by Marianne Christina Schilling, arrives at Snow White\'s wedding where the Prince offers her a half of a red apple, which she assumes is poisoned. Terrified, the Queen flees and is chased out of the country by the Prince. [_citation needed_] In the 1961 film Snow White and the Three Stooges, the Queen is played by Patricia Medina.[65] The Queen\'s character is the same as the fairytale, however the princess is protected by the Three Stooges. When the Queen attempts to track down and destroy Snow White, the Stooges spot her flying on a broom and kill her with a magic wish by making her crash and burn. Her companion in the film, the wizard Oga, is also killed when he falls into a pot of boiling oil.[66][67] In the 1962 Mexican children\'s film, Tom Thumb and Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White\'s stepmother [68] appears as the Witch Queen, Reina Bruja, the mistress of all evil and the queen of all monsters in the world, played by Ofelia Guilmáin. The Queen looks similar as in Disney\'s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs but has a green face like Maleficent from Disney\'s Sleeping Beauty. She dies when the Little Red Riding Hood tricks her to fall into a furnace-like shrine of the Devil at her castle. Another inspired character is from the 1999 film The Queen of the Lake which mixes the fairy tales of Grimm\'s and those of Hans Christian Andersen. The Queen plots to marry the young prince Victor so she can become the most powerful ruler in the world. Victor discovers the Queen has magically kidnapped seven young princesses so they could not become her rivals. He manages to rescue the princesses and to defeat the Queen, turns her to stone.[69] In the Snow White episode of the 1984 television series Faerie Tale Theatre, the Queen is played by Vanessa Redgrave and argues with the film\'s narrator about the plot. In the end, she is punished by a spell that drives her to insanity by preventing her from ever seeing her reflection again.[70] The 1987 American musical film Snow White stars Diana Rigg as the Queen.[65] The plot follows the story of the fairy tale closely but again modifies the ending. When the Queen is invited to Snow White\'s wedding, she breaks the mirror in rage, causing her to age rapidly. After arriving at the wedding, as the mirror falls apart, she shatters into pieces and disintegrates.[71][70] In the 1987-1988 television series The Charmings, a sequel to the fairy tale, Queen Lillian \"Lily\" White casts a powerful curse on Snow White and her family. This curse banishes them all (including the Queen herself and her Magic Mirror) into the modern world, where they live as the titular Charmings. The Queen is forced to live with Snow White, while trying to return to their own world.[65] In the 1997 Gothic horror film Snow White: A Tale of Terror, exploring the wicked stepmother\'s backstory and personality as its \"quasi-central\" character in an antithesis to the Disney version.[72] She is not a queen, but rather a tragic noblewoman named Lady Claudia Hoffman, portrayed by Sigourney Weaver.[71] Unlike the usual Snow White stepmother character, she is obsessed with motherhood rather than her appearance. Lady Claudia marries widower Count Frederick and tries to befriend his daughter Lilli, who rejects her. When Claudia is pregnant, Lilli receiving all of the attention causes her so much stress that the baby is stillborn. Driven mad by grief Claudia listens to her mother\'s magic mirror and blames Lilli for the baby\'s death. She successfully seduces Lilly\'s suitor Dr Gutenberg and begins to plot the death of her stepdaughter and later also the king. Claudia sends her mute, inbred brother Gustav to kill the princess (his role replacing that of the Hunter from the fairy tale). When her mirror tells her that Lilli is alive, she uses magic to kill her brother and to try to bring her child back to life. Claudia learns of Lilly\'s whereabouts and attempts to kill her and the seven miners with whom Lilly hides with. She then gives Lilli a poison apple, placing her in a coma. When Lilli awakens she and the remaining miners confront Claudia. Lilli kills her stepmother by stabbing her image in the mirror, causing Claudia to rapidly age and catch fire before she is crushed by debris.[73] The film has been noted as innovative in that the Queen\'s jealously is first provoked by Snow White\'s own jealously towards her.[74] Weaver said about her role: \"It was vitally important to me to make it clear that Claudia and Frederick are madly in love at the beginning and that\'s what Lilli resents. Then when she changes from perfect wife into the worthless mother of a stillborn child, that\'s when she looks hideous in the mirror and blames Lilli for everything. The key to Claudia is that she starts out as normal as the rest of us. She isn\'t evil.\"[75] Willa: An American Snow White, a 1998 television reimagined version of the fairy tale takes place in the American South around 1915, featuring a retired stage star Regina Worthington (played by Caitlin O\'Connell). Regina is jealous of her stepdaughter, Willa, who has ambitions to become an actress and attempts to gain Regina\'s approval. The stepmother\'s mirror is not magic but a regular mirror in which she sees her young and beautiful image due to insanity. After Regina notices that Willa is more beautiful than her, she orders her butler Otto to kill Willa, but Otto drives Willa into a forest where she takes refuge with a traveling show. Regina murders Otto and then attempts to murder Willa, who is playing Snow White in a skit. Willa is saved by the \"elixir of life\" of the fake Indian chief Wonka that the demented Regina drinks before accidentally setting fire to the stage and herself. Willa is subsequently cast in a moving picture while Tonka, who claims to have seen Regina perform, says that she was described as \"the tragic queen\" and that she serves as a cautionary tale against \"the corrosive effects of fame and fortune.\" Regina\'s character is based not only on the Queen but also on Norma Desmond.[76][77] Another modern reimagination of the fairy tale, also devoid of magical motifs, is the Slovak television musical Let the Princess Stay with Us (Neberte nám princeznú). In it, the Queen\'s role is taken by the protagonist Katka\'s biological mother, played by Marie Rottrová. The main villain of the 2000 miniseries The 10th Kingdom is Christine White, more commonly referred to as the Evil Queen and portrayed by Dianne Wiest. Two hundred years after the events of the original Snow White fairytale, the original Evil Queen uses her mirrors to spy on Earth, where she finds Christine Lewis, a troubled former socialite whose husband Tony lost their fortune through bad investments and whose daughter Virginia was unplanned. After almost killing her daughter in a psychotic break, Christine joins the Queen in the realm of the Nine Kingdoms to be groomed as an apprentice and to be her successor. Christine then inserts herself into the House of White, first as the nanny of Snow White\'s grandson, Prince Wendell White, and later as his stepmother. She\'s then imprisoned for the murder of Wendell\'s father. As The 10th Kingdom begins, she escapes to act as the main antagonist. #### 2001-2020s [edit] In the 2001 television film Snow White: The Fairest of Them All, a self- loathing crone named Elspeth (Miranda Richardson and Karin Konoval in her crone form), who is a genie, is transformed into a beautiful queen by her brother. She becomes jealous when the mirror reveals that her stepdaughter Snow White is the fairest in the land and in this adaptation she is driven more by insecurities than vanity. She also envies the affection that Prince Alfred shows towards Snow White. She disguises herself as Snow White\'s deceased mother Josephine (Vera Farmiga) and succeeds in poisoning her with an apple. Elspeth then shatters the mirror in rage which breaks her spells and turns her back into the old crone. She is then killed by the dwarves.[78] Nina Hagen portrayed the Queen in the 2004 German comedy film 7 Dwarves – Men Alone in the Wood, a loose adaptation of the fairy tale, and its 2006 sequel 7 Dwarves: The Forest Is Not Enough. In the latter the Queen\'s character is known as the Witch after having been dethroned and the main villain is instead Rumpelstiltskin.[79] The two live-action films were followed by 2014\'s animated film The Seventh Dwarf, in which her character was given the name Dellamorta.[80] In it, she ends up defeated by the eponymous dwarf Bubi and turned into an ice figure. ![](\\"// Monica_Bellucci%2C_Women%27s_World_Awards_2009_c.jpg\\")Monica Bellucci in 2009 In the 2005 historical fantasy film The Brothers Grimm, Monica Bellucci plays the villainous character that will inspire the fairy-tale Evil Queen after the Brothers face her in Napoleonic-era Germany. Known as the Thuringian Queen or the Mirror Queen. She was the extremely vain wife of the Frankish king Childeric I, obsessed with preserving her youth and beauty. This led her to dabble in black magic, which backfires when she acquires a spell for eternal life that does not grant her eternal youth. Since then, she has been living in a tower organizing abductions of young girls so she can use their blood to regain her youth and beauty. The Queen is destroyed after Jake Grimm shatters the mirror in the tower, making her werewolf minion transform into the woodsman (the Hunter figure) and destroy the rest of the mirror by jumping out of the tower\'s window with it. In the 2007 teen comedy film, Sydney White, Sara Paxton plays Rachel Witchburn, the mean leader of the student council and the head of the sorority that Sydney wants to attend. Jealous of Sydney, Rachel hires a hacker to destroy Sydney\'s computer files using a virus called The Poison Apple. Nevertheless, Sydney wins the debate and the election, becoming the new president, while Rachel is stripped of her sisterhood because of her cruelty. ![](\\"// Odnagdy_v_skazke_regina.jpg\\")Lana Parrilla as Regina Mills in Once Upon a Time In all seven seasons of the 2011–2017 American TV series Once Upon a Time, the Queen, also known as Regina Mills and portrayed by Lana Parrilla, transforms from an antagonist into a central character.[81] Regina saves Snow White\'s life when they are younger, leading to Regina\'s unwilling marriage to Snow\'s father. When Snow inadvertently causes the death of Regina\'s true love, Regina grows vengeful and becomes the Evil Queen. After years of failing to kill Snow White, the Evil Queen eventually casts the Dark Curse, provided by her mentor Rumpelstiltskin, sending all the fairytale characters to the real world and erasing their true memories. During the curse, Regina adopts a son, Henry. Later, Regina\'s curse is broken by Snow White\'s daughter, Emma (Henry\'s biological mother), and Regina decides to try and redeem herself for her son. In time, Regina manages to make amends with Snow White, Emma and her other enemies. She also meets her long lost half-sister, Zelena the Wicked Witch, and falls in love with Robin Hood. In the fifth season, following Robin\'s death, Regina uses Dr. Jekyll\'s serum to separate herself from the darkness within her, creating the Evil Queen as a separate individual. In the seventh season, set many years later, Regina is crowned the Good Queen when the realms are united. ![](\\"// Julia_Roberts_2011_Shankbone_3.JPG\\")Julia Roberts in 2011 In the 2012 comedy fantasy film Mirror Mirror, Julia Roberts plays Queen Clementianna,[71] a comical and sympathetic version of the character framing the film\'s plot through her ironic and cynical prologue and epilogue narration where she insists to present it as her story.[82] She is a cold and narcissistic woman who married the king and bewitched him into a savage beast using a magic necklace. The Queen spends her time by organizing lavish parties in the palace and buying expensive dresses, while neglecting the kingdom which has caused the people to struggle and live in poverty due to high taxes by her. She uses a magic mirror to talk to a much younger reflection of herself (played by Lisa Roberts Gillan) that often warns her not to use her magic for selfish short-sighted purposes. Such as total control over husband and the Prince Alcott or turning her servant Brighton into a cockroach as punishment. In her attempts to kill her 18-years-old stepdaughter Snow White the Queen creates two wooden puppets to attack the dwarves\' home as well as commanding the Beast to attack. Once Snow defeats the beast, the Queen begins to rapidly age as her reflection states that she must pay the price for her use of magic. When Snow White then refuses the poisoned apple when offered by the crone- queen at her wedding, Clementianna herself eats it and dissolves, while the mirror portal shatters.[83][84] One character in the film calls her a \"good old-fashioned, plain, traditional psycho crazy.\" Director Tarsem Singh states the mirror world is her own delusion: \"She\'s just insecure ... about beauty, about things that are passing her by, and now she wants power. If she looks into the mirror ... she enters the landscape, which is a mindscape, and in there is a house, inside which are many mirrors, and in those mirrors she just talks to herself. So it\'s actually just her talking to herself. She\'s just bad, but wants to outsource the evil and say \'That thing told me.\'\"[85] ![](\\"// _Seminci_2011_%282%29.jpg/170px-Maribel_Verd%C3%BA_- _Seminci_2011_%282%29.jpg\\")Maribel Verdú in 2011 2012 saw the release of multiple Snow White films. In Grimm\'s Snow White, the evil queen\'s name is Queen Gwendolyn (played by Jane March). She plans to marry Prince Alexander, so she must kill her stepdaughter Snow White who loves him as well. When she attempts to forcibly marry Alexander, Snow White manages to break free and decapitate her before the ceremony can be finished. Maribel Verdú plays Encarna, the evil stepmother of Carmen Villalta also known as Snow White in the Spanish silent art film Blancanieves that transplants the story to the 1920s. Encarna eventually poisons Snow White at a bull fighting ring, and is herself killed by the dwarf bull fighters when they trap her with a bull. Snow White: A Deadly Summer is a modern-day re-imagining of the story as a slasher horror film where Maureen McCormick plays Eve, the psychopathic woman who hates her stepdaughter because she wants Snow\'s father all for herself. ![](\\"// Charlize_Theron_Cannes_2015_2.jpg\\")Charlize Theron in 2015 In a major 2012 retelling, Snow White and the Huntsman, Charlize Theron portrays Queen Ravenna, an extremely powerful sorceress on a misandrous vendetta after having been sexually abused by powerful men in the past.[86][87] The Queen is depicted as a vain, scheming, and power-hungry secret leader of a supernatural army whom King Magnus \"rescues\". On their wedding night, she brutally murders the King and everyone in the castle but the young Snow White. Conquering yet another kingdom with her younger brother Finn, Ravenna later fears that Snow White may challenge her reign of terror. The Queen\'s obsession with power and beauty stems from childhood trauma, when her mother told her that beauty is a weapon. The strength of her powers seems to correlate to her appearance, which she retains by stealing life force from young women. Both her powers and beauty begin to fade as Snow White comes into her own. Her Magic Mirror assures her that the only way to render her powers and her youth permanent is to consume Snow White\'s heart. She is ultimately killed when she is stabbed by Snow White, aided by Eric the Huntsman, rapidly aging as she dies.[88][89] Director Rupert Sanders said: \"It was very important that we didn\'t have a terrible cut-out villain. We had someone who was doing evil things from a fear and weakness. I think it is important that you do sympathize with her to a degree, but also really understand why she is the person she’s become because she wasn\'t born evil. It was a journey for her to become evil, and I think it was very important to myself and Charlize Theron to play a realistic version of the queen.\"[90] Theron said about the character: \"At first, I didn\'t really understand why she was evil or losing her mind, but once I understood that it wasn\'t just the fact that her mortality relied upon finding Snow White, and that knowing that and not being able to do anything and being stuck in a castle. Well, I think that would be maddening for somebody like her. It reminded me a lot of Jack Nicholson\'s character in The Shining—that idea that you\'re stuck in this place and you can\'t escape it, that cabin fever.\"[91] Theron reprised her role in the film\'s 2016 sequel, The Huntsman: Winter\'s War, in which the Queen was revealed to have hidden part of herself in the Mirror. Allowing her to be restored to life by her younger sister, the Snow Queen-like \"ice princess\" Freya. Freya learns that Ravenna had killed her child that the Mirror said would grow up more beautiful than Ravenna. The sisters fatally duel each other, enabling Eric to break the Mirror as Ravenna shatters into pieces.[92][93] ### Animated film and television [edit] This section may require copy editing. _( September 2024)__(Learn how and when to remove this message)_ --- One early yet notable[94] animated adaptation was Snow White (1933), a Betty Boop series cartoon short in which the Queen is a vain and conniving witch who resembles Olive Oyl. At one point, her mirror explodes in a puff of magic smoke that changes her into a hideous dragon that chases the protagonists until the Queen\'s own former guard grabs the dragon\'s tongue and turns her inside out into a skeleton.[65][95] Another early American animation, Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs (1943), is a controversial[71] World War II propaganda short that reimagines all the story\'s characters as African- Americans. The \"mean ol\' queen\" (voiced by Ruby Dandridge and Danny Webb) of the story, a parody of the Disney character,[96] plots to murder So White out of jealously for the handsome Prince Chawmin, represents food hoarders at the time of war rationing. The Wicked Queen is voiced by Melendy Britt in the 1980 Filmation animated television film A Snow White Christmas, a loose sequel set years after the events of the fairy tale in which the Queen returns to life after having been trapped in ice. Determined to get rid of the now ruling queen Snow White and King Charming, as well as their daughter who is also named Snow White, the Queen freezes the entire kingdom. The young princess escapes and enlists the help of the seven friendly giants to stop the Queen again. Each time, Queen\'s attempts to harm the young Snow White with her evil magic are foiled by the new protectors of the princess. Eventually, the Queen resorts to disguise herself as an old giant woman to trick Snow White into smelling the scent of a poisoned flower. Having found Snow White dead, the enraged giants attack the Queen\'s castle protected by demons. One of the giants, Hicker, causes an earthquake that shatters the magic mirror that was the source of the Queen\'s life and power, and she is finally gone for good as her spells are broken and all of her victims are returned to life. It is unrelated to another Filmation sequel to the fairy tale (and, unofficially, to the Disney film), the 1989 (released in 1993) Happily Ever After, in which it is the late Queen\'s brother, the evil wizard Lord Maliss, who arrives in the kingdom to avenge his sister on those responsible for her demise: Snow White and Prince Charming.[97] Due to pressure by Disney lawyers,[98][99] the Queen herself does not appear in person and is only shown via a portrait and a bust statue, and the film begins with her monster minions actually partying and celebrating her death. Her brother is eventually destroyed when he is transformed into a dragon and turned into a stone statue. In the \"Snow White\" episode of the 1987 anime series Grimm\'s Fairy Tale Classics, the Queen is voiced by Arlene Banas in the English dub. While the Queen\'s plans to dispose of her stepdaughter through the Huntsman and the purple laces remain intact in this version, the old hag potion and poison apple are instead given to Snow White by an old witch who is her ally. As the Queen leaves the Seven Dwarfs\' house after Snow White eats the poison apple, she is spotted by Snow White\'s friend Klaus and the Prince who both chase her down and attack her. While this version of the Queen has no magical abilities, she displays great martial prowess as she fights off them until they are joined by the many wolf friends and the Seven Dwarfs. The narrator tells that the Queen then fought the wolves \"like a lionesses\" until they finally killed her. The 1991 animated film The Magic Riddle combines the story of Snow White with several other fairy tales in which the Queen figure is a widowed stepmother played by Robyn Moore. She plans to marry her biological daughter, Bertha, to the handsome young Phillipe, but he is in love with her stepdaughter Cindy (a figure combing Snow White with Cinderella) who is aided by her grandmother. Following the advice of her magic mirror, the stepmother puts on a salesman disguise and visits the grandmother in the woods, tricking her into entering a castle from which there is no escape, and where later Phillipe and the dwarfs are trapped too. The stepmother, wearing another disguise devised by her magic mirror, hypnotises Cindy with a magic apple to fall asleep, but in the commotion she accidentally falls into a well. Eventually, Cindy and Phillippe\'s wedding is held at what used to be her stepmother\'s house, where she and her daughter are to serve as maids just as Cindy used to. In the 1994-1995 anime television series The Legend of Snow White, Lady Chrystal (voiced by Mari Yokoo), a woman famed for her beauty and ruler of a small neighbouring kingdom, comes to the Emerald Valley in order to marry King Conrad. As in the fairy tale, she turns out to be an evil and jealous woman who uses the black art of witchcraft to eliminate her rivals and obtain what she desires most: beauty and power. After the king\'s departure, the evil Queen Chrystal, aided by her bat familiar, attempts to kill Snow White, but the princess ends up in the house of seven dwarves and under their protection. Chrystal then tries to take the life of Snow White several times. During the final attempt, she instead uses an apple to put her hated rival in an enchanted sleep in order to take over her youthful body for her own. Eventually, the Queen turns out to be merely an unknowing puppet of her own demonic grandmother, Lady Helene, a powerful and immortal witch and the true source of the Queen\'s magic as the Evil Spirit inside her mirror. Twenty years before the story began, the aging Helene had found a way to keep herself forever young and beautiful by taking possession of another body and transfer her soul into it in a planned endless cycle of sacrifices to satisfy her vanity. The first victim of her ambition was her niece Chrystal on her 12th birthday, whose soul became imprisoned in the mirror to allow the evil witch to manipulate the future Evil Queen\'s mind and actions. But Snow White\'s fiance Prince Richard manages to kill Helene in a desperate fight, saving not only his beloved but also freeing Chrystal from the evil influence. The Evil Queen, voiced by Susanne Blakeslee, appears in the 2007 animated film Shrek the Third in which she joins the team of Prince Charming to take over Far Far Away, but redeems herself by the end and says that she always wanted to start a spa in France. She also appears in the Shrek the Third video game as one of the bosses Shrek and his team have to defeat. In the 2009 animated film Happily N\'Ever After 2: Snow White Another Bite @ the Apple, the would- be Queen is called Lady Vain, voiced by Cindy Robinson. She seduces King Cole in order to rule the kingdom herself and is aided by Rumpelstiltskin. She wants Snow White gone from the kingdom, but does not poison her; instead, she uses magic to compel Snow White to spread vicious gossip so that everyone in the kingdom will turn against her. Nevertheless, Snow White manages to foil Lady Vain\'s marriage ceremony and expose her as a witch. Gina Gershon voiced Queen Regina in the English version of the 2019 Korean animated film Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs. In it, she was brought to King White\'s castle accused of being a witch for punishment, but the king became bewitched by her beauty and fell for her. After Regina married the king and became the new queen, people begin to disappear. Her husband finds out that she is indeed an evil witch and she turns him into a giant wooden bunny. When Snow White steals the red shoes that grant immortality and eternal beauty to Queen Regina and escapes the castle, the witch is furious and tries to find her using the Magic Mirror and her ally Prince Average. Eventually, she hunts down Snow White in the woods, where, disguising herself as the young Merlin, she takes Snow White back to the castle and turns her into a magic tree with an magic apple. However, the real Merlin comes to the rescue as he kills the Queen with his magic and restores both the princess and her father to their human forms. The antagonist of the 2021 sequel mobile game Red Shoes: Wood Bear World is Regina\'s sister and also a beautiful but evil witch.[100] ### Long-form literature [edit] The Evil Queen\'s character has been given various names and characterizations by modern authors. In Adèle Geras\' Snow White retelling Pictures of the Night (1992), for instance, the protagonist is plagued by a series of mysterious accidents that she believes are being caused by her jealous, malevolent stepmother Marjorie. In Laurence Anholt\'s children\'s book Snow White and the Seven Aliens (1998), the jealous Mean Queen is a former famous pop star who was the lead singer of The Wonderful Wicked Witches. In Tanith Lee\'s and Terri Windling\'s White as Snow (2000), mixing \"Snow White\" with the tragic myth of Demeter and Persephone, the Queen\'s name is Arpazia. In Black as Night (2004), Regina Doman\'s adolescent novel set in modern New York City, Elaine is an egocentric stepmother to Bear (the prince figure) rather than Blanche (Snow White). In My Fair Godmother (2009), a romantic comedy novel by Janette Rallison, the evil queen is named Queen Neferia. In Jane Yolen\'s Snow in Summer: Fairest of Them All (2011), the Queen is a dark magic-using stepmother simply called Stepmama. In Louise Simonson\'s Snow White and the Seven Robots: A Graphic Novel (2015), the Queen exiles the child genius scientist Snow White \"so she cannot grow up and take the Queen\'s place as the most intelligent person on the planet.\"[101] In the DC Universe, the Queen of Fables was a scheming, villainous witch who, in her youth, wrought hell on earth until she was trapped in a book by her own stepdaughter, Snow White. Centuries later, she was freed accidentally by Snow White\'s descendants and has since faced many Justice League superheroes like Superman and Wonder Woman, who the Queen thought was Snow White due to her great beauty. In the long-running Italian erotic comic series Biancaneve (1972-1986), the beautiful but evil witch Queen Naga (later just Naga) is the recurring main antagonist, loosely inspired by the Disney character. She is initially married to Kurt, the king of Kurtlandia and Snow White\'s father.[102] Eventually, Naga and Snow White reconcile and even briefly marry (issues 34-35). In Bill Willingham\'s comic book series Fables (2002-2015), the protagonist Snow White\'s and Rose Red\'s witch mother is ordered to kill Snow by the King. She fakes her daughter\'s death and arranges for her to live with her aunt, a widowed queen of a distant land (Snow\'s mother helped her to achieve this position). Years later, her aunt is enraged by the fact that Snow is lovelier than her and decides to kill her herself in a manner similar to the fairy tale (first ordering the hunter and then delivering a poisoned apple). Gregory Maguire\'s historical novel Mirror, Mirror (2003) casts the historical figure Lucrezia Borgia as the wicked stepmother\'s role. Bianca de Nevada (Snow White) is born as a child of a minor noble Vicente de Nevada in the 15th-century Renaissance Italy. After her father is forced to embark on a quest for a magical apple tree by Cesare Borgia, Bianca is left in the care of the beautiful and madly vain Lucrezia who becomes jealous of her lecherous brother Cesare Borgia\'s interest in the growing child. The seven dwarves are the creators of the quicksilver mirror, which makes Lucrezia increasingly paranoid and insane. In Mette Ivie Harrison\'s novel Mira, Mirror (2004), the titular Mirra was a young apprentice witch who was enchanted by her older sister and a fellow apprentice Amanda into a magic mirror so Amanda could transform herself into the most beautiful woman in the world. Amanda becomes a Queen, but later mysteriously disappears, while the story of Mirra continues. In Gail Carson Levine\'s novel Fairest (2006), Queen Ivi is an insecure 19-year-old new queen of Ayortha, who is assisted by Skulni, the mysterious, evil creature living in Ivi\'s magic mirror. The cold-hearted and power-hungry Ivi blackmails the 15-year-old protagonist Aza into becoming her singing voice in order to preserve her own reputation, and later plots Aza\'s death. However, it turns out that Ivi\'s actions were manipulated by Skulni so that he can take a vacation when Ivi is killed. In the end, Ivi turns away from her evil ways, loses her magically created beauty, and is sent away to a remote castle. Kazuki Nakashima manga series Lost Seven (2008) features Queen Rose, also known as The Witch of the Mirror, as a former court magician who usurped the throne and killed all members of the royal family except for Snow White, who managed to escape. She also appears to plan to open a portal to the demon realm through a magic mirror, here called Sephiroth Glass and crafted by Snow White\'s own family. Queen Rose is killed (as is Snow White), but as the castle crumbles she manages to rescue her own biological daughter, Red Rose, who 10 years later becomes the heroine of the series. In Jim C. Hines\'s Princesses series (2009-2011) chronicling the adventures of Snow White, Princess Danielle Whiteshore (Cinderella) and former Princess Talia Malak-el-Dahshat (Sleeping Beauty), Snow White\'s mother, Queen Rose Curtana of Alessandria, was a powerful witch who trained her daughter in magic to later attempt transferring her soul into her daughter\'s body, but thwarted when Snow White proved to be more capable than she had revealed. Snow was banished from her kingdom for the crime of killing her mother (whose feet were burned by the dwarves, here elemental spirits that Snow can summon for aid at the cost of losing seven years of her life as \'payment\' for their services, before they killed her). Rose is returned to life when she is summoned by Danielle\'s stepsisters (believing her to be their now-deceased mother), possessing the elder sister Stacia to acquire a new body, but she is finally defeated when the three princesses confront her with the aid of the seven dwarves. The fourth novel, The Snow Queen\'s Shadow (2011), reveals that her magic mirror was created by her imprisoning a demon and binding it to her service, suggesting that the mirror\'s role in the original story was motivated by the demon attempting to create a set of circumstances that would allow it to escape, with the protagonists returning to Rose\'s former castle to rediscover the secrets she used to bind the demon in hopes of exorcising it after it possesses Snow White. In Tom Holt\'s parody Snow White and the Seven Samurai (2010), the wicked queen\'s magic mirror is run by an operating system, which, when hacked, crashes so disastrously that not only the queen\'s plot against Snow White is foiled but all sorts of stories get tangled. In the main storyline, Snow White becomes vicious and hires the titular seven samurai to murder the queen, who is protected by the dwarfs and some other characters and is trying to restore the system.[103] P. W. Catanese\'s novel The Mirror\'s Tale (Further Tales Adventures) (2010) is a sequel to the fairy tale, taking place in the former castle of Rohesia. Before she went mad became known as the Witch-Queen, Rohesia had been using her magic for healing. Her fate is unclear and mysterious, but her ghost shows up to heal a poisoned character. In the children\'s book trilogy Half Upon a Time by James Riley (2010-2013), the characters set out to rescue May\'s grandmother, who they believe is Snow White. She is eventually revealed as the Wicked Queen and the true antagonist of the series. In The Wishing Spell (2012), a children\'s novel in The Land of Stories series by Chris Colfer, the Evil Queen has been spared by Snow White. She escapes her imprisonment, recovers her magic mirror and reunites with the Huntsman at a remote castle. The Queen desires to complete the Wishing Spell and seeks and sends her new Huntress (the Hunter\'s daughter) to collect the ingredients for it. She captures the protagonists Conner and Alex, and reveals to them her tragic story. Her real name was Evly, and she was once in love with, and engaged to, a man named Mira. When Evly refused to comply with the wishes of an evil enchantress, he was cursed to be trapped inside a mirror. Evly sought her revenge by killing the enchantress, but there was no way for her to break the curse. A witch named Hagatha cured Evly\'s heartbreak by cutting out her heart and turning it to a stone heart and so Evly could only feel emotion when she was holding it. Evly then snaked her way up to the throne, killing Snow White\'s mother and marrying the King. Mira\'s condition began to deteriorate until he became a bland reflection, and he became enamored with Snow White rather than the Queen, and it was what so enraged her and made her order the Huntsman to kill Snow White. Using the Wishing Spell, the Queen manages to free Mira, but he is no longer capable of living outside the mirror and dies in her arms, and they both are consumed by the mirror that once held Mira captive, which then shatters. It is later revealed that Snow White herself has let her escape the dungeon, knowing the Queen\'s story. In the sequel, The Enchantress Returns (2015), Conner and Alex manage to restore the mirror and contact Evly, but find out that she has become insane and the mirror\'s curse is in process of taking over her soul completely, just as it did with Mira. In Marissa Meyer\'s The Lunar Chronicles (2012-2015), Queen Levana is the main antagonist and the equivalent of the Evil Queen. She is the ruler of the moon, aunt of the protagonist Cinder, and stepmother of Princess Winter. Severely scarred from childhood burns, she either wears a veil or uses her psychic abilities to glamour herself with extreme beauty. Fairest, a prequel novella, focuses on her backstory. Helen Oyeyemi\'s novel Boy, Snow, Bird (2014) is a reimagination of \"Snow White\" set in 1950s New England.[104] Oyeyemi said she wrote a wicked stepmother story because she \"wanted to rescue the wicked queen from Snow White, because she seemed to find being a villain a bit of a hassle in a lot of ways. She wasn’t very efficient – it took her three tries to kill Snow White, for example. And I had read Barbara Comyns\' The Juniper Tree, which is a retelling of the fairy tale from the perspective of the wicked stepmother, as well, so I began to see a way that I could do it for myself.\"[105] Dark Shimmer by Donna Jo Napoli (2015) reimagines \"Snow White\" in medieval Italy, focused on the backstory of the Evil Queen figure. Dolce is an innocent, kind woman who grew up thinking she was hideous. Her mood swings and attempts to murder her beloved stepdaughter are the result of mercury poisoning from making mirrors. Gena Showalter\'s The Evil Queen (2019), features Everly Morrow, a high school girl obsessed with mirrors who learns that she is prophesied to become the eponymous character in another world of the fairy-tale realm of Enchantia and tries to avert her destiny. The story continues in the Forest of Good and Evil series. ### Short-form literature [edit] The Queen has been featured in many short stories. In the \"Snow White\" chapter of Merseyside Fairy Story Collective\'s (edited by Jack Zipes) Don\'t Bet on the Prince: Contemporary Feminist Fairy Tales in North America and England (1986), the evil queen is ousted by popular revolution. Another short story, \"The Tale of the Apple\" in Emma Donoghue\'s collection Kissing the Witch: Old Tales in New Skins (1997), is a modern adaptation in which it is the Queen who awakens Snow White from her slumber because she yields to her desire for the princess. Priscilla Galloway\'s collection of short stories Truly Grim Tales (1999) includes a version of \"Snow White\" told from the wicked stepmother\'s point of view. In the erotic short story \"Gold, on Snow\", published by Alison Tyler in Alison\'s Wonderland (2010), the jealous Queen spies on her stepdaughter in the house of the dwarves. Robert Coover\'s satirical erotic short story \"The Dead Queen\" (1973) re- tells the fairy tale from the perspective of the Prince, deeply disappointed with Snow White and her creepy sexual relationship with the dwarves. At the Queen\'s funeral after her fiery execution, as she is buried in Snow White\'s former glass coffin, he suddenly realized that the Queen had loved him and had died for him. In desperation, he attempts bring her back to life by kissing her mutilated corpse, but in vain. James Finn Garner included another satirical take on \"Snow White\" in his collection Politically Correct Bedtime Stories (1994) in which the Queen accidentally bonds with Snow White during the apple scene. Forgetting that the apple in question was poisoned, she shares it with Snow White and both fall comatose to the floor. When the dwarfs discover this, they decide to sell Snow White to the Prince so he can have sex with her. However, when they try to move the two women\'s bodies, they break the spell and the women awaken, angry and disgusted at what they overheard. The Queen then declares that the dwarfs are trespassers, throwing them out of her forest, and she and Snow White later open a spa for women on the same spot. Carmen Boullosa\'s short story \"Blancanieves\" (1992) explores the concept of female sexuality, focusing on the relationship between the Queen and the forester (the hunter), and the \'love\' triangle between the two and Blancanieves (Snow White). In it, the sexually aggressive Queen dominates the forester, who, within his narrative, blames his sexual weakness on the magic potion that he was forced to drink. In Neil Gaiman\'s short story \"Snow, Glass, Apples\" (1994), the Queen is a tragic hero protagonist who struggles desperately to save the kingdom from her secretly vampiric stepdaughter. At the end of the story, it all turns out to be a recollection by the Queen as she is roasted alive inside an enormous kiln on the orders by Snow White and the Prince. Gaiman\'s story resembles the titular story from \"Red as Blood, or Tales from the Sisters Grimmer\" (1983) by Tanith Lee, in which the Witch Queen is trying to stop the real villain, her stepdaughter Bianca, who is actually a vampire. \"Snow Night\", a short story published in Barbara G. Walker\'s Feminist Fairy Tales (1996), the King\'s master of the hunt tries to incite jealousy in the Queen towards her stepdaughter after having been rejected by Snow Night. However, the Queen laughs off her magic mirror\'s answer, claiming that people go through cycles and that it is impossible to challenge the will of nature. The story suggests that the traditional version of the tale was actually invented by the exiled and crazed huntsman, now imprisoned in a distant country. In the preface, Walker wrote: \"Snow White\'s stepmother seems to have been vilified because (a) she resented being less beautiful than Snow White, and (b) she practiced witchcraft. One might suspect that female beauty was really a larger issue for men than for women, because male sexual response depends to a considerable degree on visual clues. ... A queen who was also a witch would have been a formidable figure, adding political influence to spiritual mana. Snow White\'s stepmother therefore seems to me a projection of male jealousies. As re-envisioned in this story, she may seem more true to life.\"[106] \"The True Story\", a revisionist short story by Pat Murphy, published in the collection Black Swan, White Raven (1998), tells a story of a queen who sent her daughter away to avoid the incestuous advances of her pedophiliac and abusive husband, the King. The princess is cared for by seven witches in the forest, and when the king dies, she is brought back to rule the kingdom in her own right, instead of at the side of a prince. ### Other works [edit] Marius Petipa and Arseny Koreshchenko\'s 1903 ballet The Magic Mirror, melds the Brothers Grimm tale with the Russian variant The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights, which features no magic elements. After the evil deeds of the envious Queen (originally played by Marius Petipa\'s daughter Marie Petipa) against the Princess are exposed and the King threatens her with imprisonment, she has an attack of insanity, admits what she ordered be done and falls dead. In Robert Walser\'s 1904 opera Schneewittchen (and João César Monteiro\'s 2000 film Branca de Neve), the adolescent, weak Prince has revived Snow White, but instead of marrying her has fallen in love with the beautiful Queen. The Prince thinks the villain is the huntsman, who is the Queen\'s lover, while the King is oblivious of everything. The story centers on the conflict between the Queen and Snow White, and ends when the latter decides to forgive the former and the two make peace at last. ![](\\"// SnowWhite20.jpg\\")Queen Brangomar and Witch Hex in an illustration for the play Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs In the 1912 play Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, written by \"Jessie Graham White\" (Winthrop Ames), Queen Brangomar is jealous of Prince Florimond\'s love of Snow White. Brangomar summons Witch Hex (Hexy), a powerful godmother. In the end, Snow White forgives the Queen and, despite objections from the hunter (Berthold) who wants Brangomar dead, lets her go away unharmed. In the play\'s 1916 cinematic adaptation, the silent film Snow White, Queen Brangomar (played by Dorothy Cumming) and the Witch are two separate characters, and it is the latter who demands to have the heart of Snow White. Having first disguised herself as a hag to give Snow White a poisoned comb, the Queen later actually changes her sex to turn herself into a pieman in the scenario where the apple is replaced by a pie. In the end, Brangomar is punished by being turned into a peacock.[65] (In another cut, she simply vanishes from the film).[107] Elements from these versions of \"Snow White\" inspired Disney\'s film adaptation. In Howard Barker\'s play Knowledge and a Girl (The Snow White Case) (2002), the Queen is the protagonist, attempting to resist the patriarchal and misogynistic structure of the kingdom\'s court through her lewd sexuality. The Queen is infertile and, at first, the impotent and abusive King actually accepts his wife\'s promiscuity. Snow White envies the Queen\'s sexual experience and tries to outdo her stepmother\'s debauchery. Eventually, however, the King decides to get rid of his Queen. In the final scene, when the Queen appears at the marriage of Snow White and is forced to put on red- hot iron shoes, she is determined to defy them by suffering in silence and motionless. In Mattel\'s Ever After High franchise, one of the lead character of the franchise is Raven Queen, the daughter of the original Evil Queen, along with Snow White\'s daughter Apple White. Raven is a rebel, frustrated with her destiny to become a new queen of evil, and wishes to go her own way. Most people see her as evil and mean, but she is actually misunderstood: she wishes to be herself and strives to rewrite her own chapter, thereby proving that evilness is not hereditary.[108] The Evil Queen herself is locked up in Mirror Prison and often insults the things Raven talks about, including Raven\'s father, the Good King. In the lore of the video game series Dark Parables, the jealous Queen enchants the King to put the twins Snow White and Ross Red to death for a false offense. She is eventually exposed by a magic frog that Snow White had befriended sometime before and who turned out to be The Cursed Prince, and flees the kingdom. Ellen Reid\'s 2001 debut album Cinderellen features the song \"In Defense of the Wicked Queen\", which tells the story from the Queen\'s perspective. ## See also [edit] * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\")Children\'s literature portal * Black Annis * Wicked fairy (Sleeping Beauty) ## References [edit] ### Bibliography [edit] * Holston, Kim R. (2018). _Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Film Sequels, Series and Remakes: An Illustrated Filmography, Volume II (1996-2016)_. McFarland. ISBN 9780786496853. * Schwabe, Claudia (2019). _Craving Supernatural Creatures: German Fairy-Tale Figures in American Pop Culture_. Wayne State University Press. ISBN 9780814341971. * Smoodin, Eric (2012). _BFI Film Classics: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs_. Palgrave Macmillan (on the behalf of the British Film Institute). ISBN 9781844574759. * Slethaug, Gordon E. (2014). _Adaptation Theory and Criticism: Postmodern Literature and Cinema in the USA_. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781623560287. * Zipes, Jack (2011). _The Enchanted Screen: The Unknown History of Fairy-Tale Films_. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9781135853952. * Zipes, Jack (2013). _Why Fairy Tales Stick: The Evolution and Relevance of a Genre_. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9781135204341. * Zipes, Jack (2015). _The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales_. OUP Oxford. ISBN 9780191004162. * Zipes, Jack (2016). _Grimm Legacies: The Magic Spell of the Grimms\' Folk and Fairy Tales_. Princeton University Press. ISBN 9780691173672. ### Citations [edit] 1. **^** Brothers Grimm (2002). \"Little Snow White\". _The Complete Fairy Tales_. Routledge Classics. ISBN 0-415-28596-8. 2. **^** Anderman, Gunilla M. _Voices in Translation: Bridging Cultural Divides_. p. 140. 3. **^** Gikow, Louise. _Muppet Babies\' Classic Children\'s Tales_. 4. **^** Carruth, Jane. _The Best of the Brothers Grimm_. p. 19. 5. **^** Heitman, Jane. _Once Upon a Time: Fairy Tales in the Library and Language Arts Classroom_. p. 20. 6. **^** Ruth Solski, _Fairy Tales Using Bloom\'s Taxonomy Gr. 3-5_ , page 15. 7. **^** Van Gool, _Snow White_ , page 39. 8. **^** Nelson Thornes, _Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs_ , page 32. 9. **^** Richard Holliss, _Bedtime Collection Snow White_ , page 82. 10. **^** Elena Giulemetova, _Stories_ , page 71. 11. **^** Sara Maitland, _From the Forest: A Search for the Hidden Roots of Our Fairy Tales_ , page 195. 12. **^** Zipes 2011, p. 116. 13. **^** \"Snow White: An Islamic Tale\". _Siraj Islamic Lifestyle Store_. Retrieved 2023-11-24. 14. **^** \"Snow White \'favourite fairy tale\'\". 2014-05-23. Archived from the original on 2014-05-29. Retrieved 2014-05-28. 15. **^** _New York Magazine_ issue of 21 November 1983, page 96. 16. ^ _**a**_ _**b**_ _**c**_ _**d**_ _**e**_ Sheldon Cashdan, _The Witch Must Die: The Hidden Meaning of Fairy Tales_ , pages 11, 15, 35-37, 61. 17. ^ _**a**_ _**b**_ Oliver Madox Hueffer, _The Book of Witches_. 18. **^** Sharna Olfman, _The Sexualization of Childhood_ , page 37. 19. **^** Purkiss, Diane (September 2, 2003). _The Witch in History: Early Modern and Twentieth-Century Representations_. Routledge. ISBN 1-134-88239-4 – via Google Books. 20. **^** Terri Windling, \"Snow, Glass, Apples: the story of Snow White[usurped]\". 21. **^** Cay Dollerup, _Tales and Translation: The Grimm Tales from Pan-germanic Narratives to Shared International Fairytales_ , page 339. 22. **^** Diane Purkiss, _The Witch in History: Early Modern and Twentieth-Century Representations_ , page 278. 23. **^** Adam Uren. \"Miserably ever after: U of M professor\'s fairy tales translation reveals Grimm side\". _Rick Kupchella\'s - BringMeTheNews.com_. Retrieved 8 December 2014. 24. **^** \"Today\'s Fairy Tales Started Out (Even More) Dark and Harrowing\". _NPR.org_. 25. **^** \"English Translation of the First Edition of the Grimm Brothers\' Fairy Tales Now Available - Dread Central\". _Dread Central_. 14 November 2014. Retrieved 8 December 2014. 26. **^** Schwabe, p. 94. 27. **^** Zipes, Jack (May 7, 2007). _Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion_. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-135-21029-8 – via Google Books. 28. **^** Kawan, Christine Shojaei (2005–2006). \"Innovation, Persistence and Self-Correction: The Case of Snow White\" (PDF). _Estudos de Literatura Oral_. 11–12: 238. 29. **^** Beckford, William (1791). _Popular Tales of the Germans, Volume 1_. J. Murray. pp. 1–73. 30. **^** Zipes 2015, p. 262. 31. ^ _**a**_ _**b**_ Kenny Klein, _Through the Faerie Glass_ , page 124. 32. **^** Kay F. Stone, _Some Day Your Witch Will Come_ , page 67. 33. ^ _**a**_ _**b**_ _**c**_ \"The Evolution of Snow White: \'Magic Mirror, on the Wall, Who Is the Fairest One of All?\' | Cultural Transmogrifier Magazine\". 2012-06-01. Archived from the original on 2013-10-21. Retrieved 2013-07-31. 34. **^** Tatar, Maria (2020). _The Fairest of Them All: Snow White and 21 Tales of Mothers and Daughters_. Harvard University Press. 35. **^** \"Snow, Glass, Apples: The Story of Snow White by Terri Windling: Summer 2007, Journal of Mythic Arts, Endicott Studio\". Archived from the original on 2014-02-22. Retrieved 2014-05-04.`{{cite web}}`: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link) 36. ^ _**a**_ _**b**_ Maria Tatar, _The Hard Facts of the Grimms\' Fairy Tales_ , pages 233-234. 37. **^** Rosemary Guiley, _The Encyclopedia of Magic and Alchemy_ , page 17. 38. **^** Robert G. Brown, _The Book of Lilith_ , page 214. 39. **^** Rosemary Guiley, _The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft and Wicca_ , page 9. 40. **^** Diane Purkiss, _The Witch in History: Early Modern and Twentieth-Century Representations_ , page 285. 41. **^** _Journal of American Folklore_ , volume 90, page 297. 42. **^** Zipes 2015, p. 478-479. 43. ^ _**a**_ _**b**_ Berkowitz, Lana (27 March 2012). \"Are you Team Snow White or Team Evil Queen? - Houston Chronicle\". Retrieved 2014-01-11. 44. ^ _**a**_ _**b**_ _**c**_ Donald Haase, _The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales_ , pages 777-778, 885. 45. **^** Henk De Berg, _Freud\'s Theory and Its Use in Literary and Cultural Studies: An Introduction_ , pages 102, 105. 46. **^** Tatar, Maria (8 June 2012). \"A Brief History of Snow White\". _The New Yorker_. Retrieved 2014-01-11. 47. **^** Roger Sale, _Fairy Tales and After: From Snow White to E.B. White_ , page 40. 48. **^** Schwabe, p. 101-103. 49. **^** Betsy Cohen, _The Snow White Syndrome: All About Envy_ , pages 6, 14. 50. **^** Bruno Bettelheim, _The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales_. 51. **^** John Hanson Saunders, _The Evolution of Snow White: A Close Textual Analysis of Three Versions of the Snow White Fairy Tale_ , pages 71-71. 52. **^** Jo Eldridge Carney, _Fairy Tale Queens: Representations of Early Modern Queenship_ , page 94. 53. **^** Mary Ayers, _Mother-Infant Attachment and Psychoanalysis: The Eyes of Shame_ , page 97. 54. **^** Sara Halprin, _Look at My Ugly Face!: Myths and Musings on Beauty and Other Perilous Obsessions With Women\'s Appearance_ , page 85. 55. **^** Cutler, David (2012-03-29). \"Snow White\'s Strange Cinematic History - Scott Meslow\". The Atlantic. Retrieved 2014-01-11. 56. **^** Zipes 2016, p. 53. 57. **^** Schwabe, p. 103-110. 58. **^** \"Disney Villains: Queen\". Archived from the original on February 27, 2011. Retrieved November 6, 2013. 59. **^** _Golden Anniversary: Walt Disney\'s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs_ , Gladstone 1987. 60. **^** Ryan Gilbey, Jonathan Ross, _The Ultimate Film: The UK\'s 100 Most Popular Films_ , page 19. 61. **^** Axel Nissen, _Actresses of a Certain Character: Forty Familiar Hollywood Faces from the Thirties to the Fifties_ , page 197. 62. **^** Schwabe, p. 93. 63. **^** Zipes 2011, p. 89. 64. **^** Zipes 2011, p. 116, 120. 65. ^ _**a**_ _**b**_ _**c**_ _**d**_ _**e**_ \"Snow White through the years - Timelines - Los Angeles Times\". 30 March 2012. Retrieved 2014-01-11. 66. **^** Review, _St. Petersburg Times_ , July 16, 1961. 67. **^** Holston, p. 258-259. 68. **^** \"De \"Pulgarcito\" a \"El dolor de pagar la renta\": Las películas que hicieron famoso a Cesáreo Quezadas\". 17 March 2021. 69. **^** Zipes 2011, p. 340. 70. ^ _**a**_ _**b**_ Zipes 2011, p. 124. 71. ^ _**a**_ _**b**_ _**c**_ _**d**_ \"Special feature: Popular screen adaptations of \'Snow White\'\". _mid-day_. 22 December 2014. Retrieved 5 January 2015. 72. **^** Schwabe, p. 110. 73. **^** Schwabe, p. 110-118. 74. **^** Slethaug, p. 230. 75. **^** Schwabe, p. 113. 76. **^** Zipes 2011, p. 125. 77. **^** Stahl, John Daniel; Hanlon, Tina L.; Keyser, Elizabeth Lennox (August 12, 2007). _Crosscurrents of Children\'s Literature: An Anthology of Texts and Criticism_. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-513493-3 – via Google Books. 78. **^** Zipes 2011, p. 125-126. 79. **^** Zipes 2016, p. 121. 80. **^** Solomon, Charles (2015-07-31). \"Review: \'The Seventh Dwarf\' a forgettable princess tale\". _Los Angeles Times_. Retrieved 2023-11-24. 81. **^** Schwabe, p. 91. 82. **^** Schwabe, p. 118-119. 83. **^** Schwabe, p. 118-126. 84. **^** Holston, p. 259-260. 85. **^** Schwabe, p. 119-124. 86. **^** Schwabe, p. 126-128. 87. **^** \"\'Snow White\' Lands Julia Roberts As Evil Queen, So How Does She Stack Up Against Charlize Theron?\". _MTV Movies Blog_. 2011-02-08. Archived from the original on February 11, 2011. Retrieved 2012-05-29. 88. **^** Holston, p. 260-261. 89. **^** Schwabe, p. 126-133. 90. **^** \"Interview: \"Snow White And The Huntsman\" Director Rupert Sanders Talks Dark Fairy Tales & Kristen Stewart\'s Toughness\". Complex. 2012-06-02. Retrieved 2014-07-05. 91. **^** \"\'Snow White\'s Charlize Theron: \'Evil Queen like The Shining character\' - Movies News\". Digital Spy. 2012-06-07. Retrieved 2014-07-05. 92. **^** Holston, p. 261-262. 93. **^** Schwabe, p. 133-137. 94. **^** Smoodin, p. 22. 95. **^** Zipes 2011, p. 102, 121. 96. **^** Slethaug, p. 214. 97. **^** Thomas, Kevin (1993-05-28). \"MOVIE REVIEW : \'Happily Ever After\': Sadly Disappointing\". _Los Angeles Times_. Retrieved 2012-05-29. 98. **^** \"Non-Disney \'Snow White\' Sequel Has Unhappy Box-Office Opening\". 1993-06-01. Retrieved 2014-03-20. 99. **^** \"SNOW WHITE REVISITED: THE QUEEN\'S DEAD, BUT CONFLICT ISN\'T BANISHED\". _Dayton Daily News_. May 28, 1993. 100. **^** \"Pre-register [Red Shoes: Wood Bear World] NOW!\" – via 101. **^** \"Snow White and the Seven Robots: A Graphic Novel\". _Capstone Library_. Retrieved 5 January 2015. 102. **^** \"Biancaneve\". _ 103. **^** Zipes 2016, p. 131-132. 104. **^** Oyeyemi, Helen (2014-03-09). \"\'Boy, Snow, Bird\' Takes A Closer Look Into The Fairy Tale Mirror\". NPR. Retrieved 2014-05-05. 105. **^** \"Dwarfing Snow White: A Q&A with Helen Oyeyemi | National Post\". 2014-03-25. Archived from the original on 2014-05-05. Retrieved 2014-05-05. 106. **^** _Feminist Fairy Tales_ , page 20. 107. **^** Smoodin, p. 45. 108. **^** Schwabe, p. 2. ## External links [edit] * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") Media related to Queen (Snow White) at Wikimedia Commons * v * t * e \"Snow White\" by the Brothers Grimm --- * \"Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree\" * \"Snow-White-Fire-Red\" * \"Richilde\" * \"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights\" * \"Nourie Hadig\" * \"Myrsina\" * \"Bella Venezia\" * Disney franchise Characters| * Snow White * Snow White (Disney) * The Queen * Evil Queen (Disney) * The Seven Dwarfs * The Magic Mirror * The Huntsman * Prince Charming Films| * Snow White (1902) * Snow White (1916) * Betty Boop in Snow-White (1933) * Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) * Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs (1943) * The Seven Dwarfs to the Rescue (1951) * Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1955) * Snow White and the Three Stooges (1961) * Snow White (1961) * The New Adventures of Snow White (1969) * A Snow White Christmas (1980) * Neberte nám princeznú (1981) * Hófehér (1984) * Snow White (1987) * Happily Ever After (1989) * The Magic Riddle (1991) * Snow White: A Tale of Terror (1997) * Snow White: The Fairest of Them All (2001) * 7 Dwarves – Men Alone in the Wood (2004) * 7 Dwarves: The Forest Is Not Enough (2006) * Snow White: The Sequel (2007) * Sydney White (2007) * Happily N\'Ever After 2: Snow White—Another Bite @ the Apple (2009) * Blanche Neige (2009) * Grimm\'s Snow White (2012) * Mirror Mirror (2012) * Blancanieves (2012) * Snow White: A Deadly Summer (2012) * The Seventh Dwarf (2014) * Charming (2018) * Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs (2019) * Snow White (2025) * Snow White and the Evil Queen (2025) | The Huntsman film series| * Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) * The Huntsman: Winter\'s War (2016) ---|--- Other film references| * Shrek (2001) * Happily N\'Ever After (2006) * Shrek the Third (2007) * Xuxa em O Mistério de Feiurinha (2009) * Descendants (2015) Televisionseries| * The 10th Kingdom (miniseries) * The Charmings (sitcom) * White Snow (1995) * The Legend of Snow White (anime series) * Prétear (anime series) * Once Upon a Time (drama series) * \"The Enchanted Feast\" (Sofia the First episode) * The 7D (TV series) Stage| * Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1912 play) * Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (musical) * A Snow White Christmas (musical) Ballet| * The Magic Mirror (1903) Other media| * Fables (comics) * Mira, Mirror (novel) * Mirror Mirror (novel) * Red as Blood (short story) * Schneewittchen (opera) * Seven Dwarfs Mine Train (attraction) * Snow White\'s Enchanted Wish (attraction) * Snow White Grotto (attraction) * Snow White: Happily Ever After (video game) * \"Snow, Glass, Apples\" (short story) * The Serpent\'s Shadow (novel) * Fairest (novel) * Politically Correct Bedtime Stories (short story collection) * Amada Anime Series: Super Mario Bros. (OVA) * Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (video game) * Fairytale Fights (video game) * Snow White with the Red Hair (manga) * RWBY (TV series) * The Wolf Among Us (video game) * Dark Parables (video game) * Six-Gun Snow White (novel) Non-media| * Snow White Cafe * ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") Category Retrieved from \" Categories: * Evil Queen * Female characters in fairy tales * Female literary villains * Fiction about narcissism * Fictional fortune tellers * Fictional German people * Fictional queens * Fictional shapeshifters * Fictional witches * Literary archetypes * Literary characters introduced in 1812 * Witchcraft in fairy tales * Fictional murderers of children Hidden categories: * CS1: long volume value * CS1 maint: unfit URL * Articles with short description * Short description matches Wikidata * Short description is different from Wikidata * Articles containing German-language text * Pages using Lang-xx templates * Articles containing overly long summaries * Articles needing additional references from August 2023 * All articles needing additional references * Articles with multiple maintenance issues * All articles with unsourced statements * Articles with unsourced statements from September 2024 * Wikipedia articles needing copy edit from September 2024 * All articles needing copy edit * Commons category link is on Wikidata * This page was last edited on 6 October 2024, at 07:38 (UTC). * Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0; additional terms may apply. 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The overwhelming amount of the money that we're raising is not going to Hillary Clinton to run for president It is going to the congressmen and senators to try to take back Congress
The American Presidency Project About Search ![\\"ucsb](\\" Toggle navigation * Documents * Guidebook * Category Attributes * Statistics * Media Archive * Presidents * Analyses * GIVE ## Documents * Archive Guidebook * Categories * Attributes ## Categories * Presidential (241688) * Eulogies (65) * Executive Orders (10341) * Fireside Chats (27) * Interviews (1029) * Letters (4756) * Miscellaneous Written (110) * News Conferences (2512) * Spoken Addresses and Remarks (34750) * Farewell Addresses (11) * Inaugural Addresses (62) * Memoranda (3503) * Messages (12557) * Proclamations (9404) * Saturday Weekly Addresses (1639) * State Dinners (262) * State of the Union Addresses (100) * State of the Union Written Messages (140) * Statements (14407) * Vetoes (1228) * Citations (12925) * Written Presidential Orders (45439) * Remarks by Administration Officials (167) * Elections and Transitions (49496) * Campaign Documents (23504) * Convention Speeches (128) * Debates (191) * Party Platforms (105) * Transition Documents (569) * Congressional (29) ![\\"Bill](\\" j-clinton_3.jpg?itok=rDN30P_8\\") ### William J. Clinton 42nd President of the United States: 1993 ‐ 2001 # Interview With Dan Rather of CBS News December 18, 2000 End of the President\'s Term Mr. Rather. Mr. President, when I was walking over here, I mentioned to one member of your staff, \"Well, it must be a bittersweet time.\" And he bristled a little. He was gentlemanly about it, but he bristled a little. Do you see it as a bittersweet time? The President. Well, only a little bit, actually. I\'m very happy and very much at peace and very grateful for the chance to serve and grateful especially that the country is in such good shape as I leave office. But I think, for all of us, it may be bittersweet in the sense that people— virtually everybody that works here likes the work, and we tried never to forget that it was a job and that we were privileged to do it. But everything comes to an end; you have to do something else. And I think we\'ve had our time here. I\'m just focused on doing everything I can in the days that remain, helping President-elect Bush have a successful transition and kind of savoring and being grateful for the good things that have happened. 2000 Presidential Election Mr. Rather. The country is still in the midst of an almost 8-year boom. The country is at peace. You\'ve had, by many measurements, if not most—perhaps even all measurements—at least a reasonably successful Presidency. Why are we having a Republican President come in behind you? The President. Well, I think partly because of the prosperity. I think they both debated how to use the prosperity, and the country was evenly divided. One candidate won the popular vote, and the Supreme Court decided the electoral vote. People will be analyzing that for years to come. Maybe I\'ll have a chance to analyze it, too, after some time. But I don\'t know that I have anything to add to what\'s been said by others. Vice President Al Gore/2000 Presidential Election Mr. Rather. Maybe we ought to come back to that later. Through most of the 8 years of your Presidency, you and your Vice President seemed to all the world to be joined at the hip. There were historians who were writing that Vice President Gore had been given as much or more responsibility than any Vice President in the history of the country. The President. Oh, more. There\'s no question about that. Mr. Rather. And that he did a very good job as Vice President. The President. And he did. I think that when the period of this history is written and people who care about American Government look at how we organized and ran the administration, they will say a number of things, including the fact that we came here with a well-thoughtout set of ideas and policies, and we basically did what we said we\'d do in \'92 and then again in \'96, and that we had a real team operation in the White House, and that the Vice President had more responsibility in more areas than any Vice President in history and carried them out very well. I don\'t think there is any question that in the job of Vice President, he\'s the most effective person that has held that job and had more responsibility than anyone who ever had it. Mr. Rather. That being the case, Mr. President, when he, in effect, ran away from you during the campaign, you had to be disappointed at that. The President. Well, I think, first of all, everybody has got to run their own race. And it\'s a difficult thing running as Vice President. There is no accident that only two Vice Presidents in the history of the country have ever been directly elected President. If you get to be Vice President, you\'ve got an excellent chance of getting to be President, because something could happen to the President, and you\'ve got a terrific chance of being the nominee for President of your party. But to be directly elected, it\'s only happened twice. And once, when Martin Van Buren succeeded Andrew Jackson, we were still virtually a oneparty country. And the only other time it happened was in 1988, when basically there was an enormously contentious and negative campaign which succeeded in painting the Democratic nominee, Governor Dukakis, as virtually un-American. This was basically a pretty positive campaign. They had a debate about what to do. They talked about the various issues, and the people split. Mr. Rather. But back to the question—had to feel disappointed? The President. I really believe every person has to decide what\'s best for them. And I thought that it was—let me just say, I thought that it was the right thing for me not to be out there very much until the end, the last week or 10 days. I did most of what I could do early by going to scores of events for our House and Senate candidates and for the Democratic Party, which helped the Vice President, of course, directly, the Democratic Party work did. And when a Vice President becomes a President, he tries to figure out some way to establish his own identity and to get the benefit of the good things that have happened, but still to be an independent person. And I don\'t think that anybody else should second-guess that. Once your party has a nominee, then the rest of us should be on the team. I think politics is a team sport. It\'s about addition, not subtraction. And I don\'t believe the rest of us should secondguess the leader of the team, including me. Mr. Rather. Do you agree or disagree that some of your failures, policy as well as personal failures in the White House, had an impact on Al Gore\'s losing? The President. Yes, to the first; no, to the second. To say that people would hold him responsible for any personal mistake I made is an insult to the American people. I mean, people just aren\'t that unfair. The people of this country are basically good people. And moreover, there were a lot of surveys along toward the end of the campaign that showed that if I could have run again, I would have done fine. So I just don\'t think there\'s any evidence of that. On the policies, however, there were—you know, I don\'t know if the fact that we drew the short straw and had that terrible mess with the Elian Gonzalez case cost him a lot of votes in Florida, but it could have. And if it did, I feel very badly about it, because this wasn\'t anything anybody dreamed up. I don\'t think there\'s any question that a number of—in West Virginia, some people voted against him in the northern part of the State because they blamed us—I don\'t think they\'re right about it, but they did blame us for the closing of a steel mill there that occurred more or less at the same time of the Asian financial crisis. They thought we should have moved more quickly than we did to stop the inflow of cheap steel. I don\'t think there is—I don\'t know if you\'d call this a policy failure, but I don\'t think there\'s any doubt that in at least five States I can think of, the NRA had a decisive influence because they disagreed with our attempts to close the gun show loophole and have child trigger locks, safety locks, and ban large-scale ammunition clips. You know, presumably, some people voted for him because we were for those things. But one of the sad things about all gun safety legislation is that people tend to vote for the issues, but when they\'re voting for candidates, the \"antis\" tend to be more intense than the \"pros.\" I mean, if you look at Colorado, which is basically a Republican State now, the Vice President lost there, but closing the gun show loophole passed 70-30. In Oregon, because of the Nader candidacy, he only won a narrow victory, but the gun show loophole closing carried 2-1. So I think you have to give the—so the policy issues that we fought out, I don\'t think there\'s any question they cost him some votes. I think that, on balance, I believe he gained more because of the economic success of the administration, because we have 8 years in a row of declining crime, because the welfare rolls were cut in half, because of the millions of people that were benefited by family leave, because of the things we did. So I think, on balance, it was more of a plus than a minus by a good long way; two-thirds of the people thought the country was going in the right direction. But in a race like this that\'s so close, you think about some of the issues we had in West Virginia on that steel mill or the Gonzalez case, and you wonder—I mean, President Kennedy once said that \"victory has a thousand fathers, and defeat is an orphan.\" In this case, where the Vice President won the popular vote and, by decision of the Supreme Court, lost the electoral college, defeat may have a thousand fathers, too. We\'ll all be chewing over this for— heck, people will be writing about this 100 years from now. Supreme Court Decision on Election Mr. Rather. I have so much ground I want to cover with you, about your legacy, about the future, and I don\'t intend to spend the rest of our time talking about the election just finished. But anyone who\'s ever been around a courthouse knows that judges, high and low, frequently engage in raw politics—all hope they\'ll deal with the law. You mentioned earlier the Supreme Court. To those who are absolutely convinced that the Supreme Court, they just had a Republican majority, wanted a Republican as President, and voted politics, not the law—as an attorney and as our President, you say what? The President. I say, when I get out and start teaching constitutional law again, I\'ll tell you exactly what I think about it. [Laughter] The important vote there, the 5-4 vote—there were actually three separate opinions, but the 5-4 vote was a vote to stop the vote count—— Mr. Rather. That was the clincher. The President. ——6 days in advance of the electoral college meeting. And the American people will just have to make their own decisions about it. But I think that it will be viewed in history as a momentous decision, and I think that it will be debated a long time. But it\'s very interesting. You know, there\'s a lot of stuff already been written about it. I noticed there were three articles in this week\'s Economist about it, basically critical, even though the Economist endorsed President-elect Bush. There\'s going to be a lot of stuff written about it. But I think that from my point of view, as long as I\'m President, what I should be focused on doing is telling the country that we should accept it, because the principle of judicial review has served us well. And all of us believe, looking back in history, that there were periods when the Supreme Court made serious mistakes, but when they did, they normally were corrected over time. So I think the Vice President spoke for all of us when he said he strongly disagreed with the decision, but he accepted it. And right now we need to focus on pulling the country together, giving President-elect Bush a chance to get off to a good start, to hit the ground running, dealing with all these issues that are out there. And there will be lots of time for me and others to say exactly what the elements of the Supreme Court decision were. But I just don\'t think I should say more than that now. Mr. Rather. We\'re going to move on and talk about the economy. Before doing so, as one who taught law, as an attorney, were you surprised that this Supreme Court ever took the case? I ask this, again, for backdrop. Many attorneys I\'ve talked to, of all persuasion and all parties, said they were surprised—some say stunned—that this Court would have even taken the case. The President. Well, let me say, I think most lawyers—or a lot of them—are surprised they took the case. Even those that were surprised they took the case were shocked when the vote count was stopped on the Friday. Mr. Rather. Were you? The President. No. No, not after 8 years in Washington, I wasn\'t. But I hadn\'t found a single lawyer who believes that there is precedent any time in American history for it. I\'ve asked probably 50, 60. But I wasn\'t surprised, no. They had the power to do it, and they did it. And it\'s done, and we should accept it, because the country has to go on. We can\'t reverse the principle of judicial review, and we shouldn\'t. And we should try to help the President-elect get off to a good start, give him a chance to govern the country. I hope he\'ll be given a decent honeymoon. I know what it\'s like not to have one, and I hope he will get one. And I think we should—we ought to just— right now, everybody can think what they think about it, but for me, I believe I owe my country. The people of this country have been good to me, and I\'ve had a chance to serve in this job. It\'s hard enough under the best circumstances. The President-elect won the electoral college, and he deserves a chance to have a good start. And that\'s what I\'m going to focus on, and I\'m going to try to give it to him. National Economy Mr. Rather. Let\'s talk about the economy. I think, by any reasonable analysis, that the incoming Bush administration is trying to position the economic picture in the following way: The economy is starting downward, maybe headed toward a recession, and therefore they\'re positioning themselves to be able to say, whatever happens on the downside, particularly if we have a recession, \"Don\'t forget, it\'s the Clinton/Gore administration, not this new incoming administration.\" The President. Well, they do that. You know, you can\'t blame them for trying to buy low and sell high if they want to try to do that. But I personally believe that no one knows how long we can keep this recovery going. But the overwhelming majority of the experts believe that we\'re going to have a pretty good year next year. Now, it\'s already the longest economic expansion in history. We had over 22 million new jobs. I don\'t think you can totally repeal the business cycle, but it\'s certain that it\'s changed. And what has changed it? First of all, you have to give the American people a lot of credit here. You have this explosion of entrepreneurial energy, not only among small businesses and dot-com companies but people integrating technology and productivity into big old traditional firms. There\'s no question that technology has enabled productivity to grow much more rapidly than in the past, and that keeps these recoveries going. And we\'ve kept interest rates down, and we continue to invest in the education and training of the American people. And we continue to open new markets around the world and at home. Those are the things that I think are important for the Government to do. Now, for the last couple of years, we were growing at a blistering pace. In other words, we\'ve been growing ever since I got here, but we\'ve been growing at a blistering pace. No one believed we could continue to grow at 5 percent a year. Most people believe next year growth will be around 3 percent. And I believe that the important thing is to just keep following a solid economic policy. I think we can have a tax cut; I\'ve always said that. But I think it needs to be modest enough so that there\'s no question that we\'re going to continue to pay down the debt and pay it off within a decade or so, at least 12 years. I think that will keep interest rates down. That\'s a big tax cut to ordinary people and to business people and to investors, because it keeps the market up and it keeps inflation down. Then I think it\'s important to save back enough money to invest what we have to invest in education and our other responsibilities, including national security. I think it is important to save back enough money to deal with the long-term challenges to Medicare and Social Security. You\'ve got the baby boom generation about to retire. And depending on what you decide to do with it, it costs more or less money to do it. But I think that—there\'s no question that we can. I believe we should have a tax cut. The question is, how big should it be, and whether you can meet your other obligations? But the most important thing people want is to keep this economy going. And I think, you know, it\'s got quite a little life left in it, I think. Mr. Rather. Quite a bit of life left in it, you say. Mr. President, with respect, you know as I know that in politics, a lot of it is trying to pin a tail on somebody else. This economy goes down even a little, it\'s fairly clear that the tail is going to be—at least they\'ll try to pin the tail on you. The President. Well, they\'ll have the microphone, of course. But I think that what—the American people hire us not so much to place blame as to produce. And over the long run, that\'s how we\'re all judged, I think. And I don\'t think any—at least no economist thought we could continue to grow at 5 percent a year indefinitely. Interest Rates Mr. Rather. Are you in favor of interest rates staying low, or do you think they need to be raised some or lowered some? The President. Oh no, I think—well, no, no, no. I think—I like low interest rates, which is why we\'ve been paying the debt down. Now, if the Federal Reserve believes that the economy is slowing too much, they might want to cut short-term rates again and try to get a little more investment going. And I think that that\'s something that they have under consideration. I have found that, basically, Chairman Greenspan has had a pro-growth policy. He\'s tried to see this economy grow as much as it could without inflation. On a couple of occasions over the last 8 years, he may have made a call different than I would have made it, but on the whole, I think he\'s managed this thing in a responsible way, and I\'ve tried to manage my part of it in a responsible way. And that\'s enabled us to have the longest expansion in history with low inflation. You know, I\'d just like to—when I took office, the deficit of this country—the debt had quadrupled, and the deficit was $295 billion. This year we\'re going to pay off—we will have paid off, in the last 3 years, $360 billion on the national debt. And I just learned, about 30 minutes before we started this interview, that with the budget we finished last weekend, we\'re going to pay off another $200 billion on the national debt. So we will have paid down $560 billion on the national debt over 4 years. Now, that\'s a huge impact to keep interest rates low and growth high. So I still think they can—if this thing is managed properly, I think they\'ll have some more growth here. Now, like I said, I don\'t know— no one knows how much you can combine the entrepreneurial spirit of the American people, the explosion of technology and productivity growth, and proper Government policies, and how long you can keep this going. No one knows the answer to that, but I think they can— I think we can keep it going quite a while longer. Mr. Rather. So to move on, are you in favor or not in favor of cutting interest rates now? The President. For 8 years, I have refused to second-guess the Fed publicly, and I don\'t think I should change as I\'m going out the door. The press indicates that they have that under advisement, that they\'re thinking about it. And it\'s something I think they ought to think about. It depends upon what the data shows about how much they think the economy is slowing. Everyone—they wanted—the Fed\'s raised interest rates, you remember. They knew it had to slow some. If we kept growing at 5 percent a year, there was too big a risk we\'d have an explosion in inflation or an explosion of interest rates or both. But then we had the increased fuel prices, which slowed things down some, and a few other developments and some corrections in some of the high-tech stocks. So I think they\'ve got it under consideration. I think that if they do it, I think it will certainly be an understandable decision. But my point is, the thing that keeps interest rates really low is the fact that we\'re paying the debt off. That will keep interest rates low, inflation low, and if we keep investing in education, investing in technology, investing in scientific research, staying on the cutting edge of change, and opening new markets around the world—something I think that this incoming administration and I agree on—I think that we\'ve got quite a bit of life left in the economy. The American people are still working hard, and they\'re very innovative. So I expect them to have a good year next year. Advice for the President-Elect Mr. Rather. Let\'s have some fun. If you could recommend one book that the incoming President, George Bush, should read, what would it be? The President. That\'s hard. But if it were only one book, I\'d probably tell him to read David Herbert Donald\'s biography of Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Rather. If you could recommend he see one movie that you think might help him in his years here, however long they would be, what would that be? The President. \"High Noon,\" because Gary Cooper does the right thing, even when people leave him, and even though he\'s scared, he doesn\'t pretend to be macho. He\'s scared to death, and he does the right thing anyway. Washington Politics Mr. Rather. You\'re not going to believe this, but when I went over with my staff what your answer would be, I told them, \"High Noon.\" I want you to check it later. [Laughter] Let\'s move along. When you look back over your 8 years, what\'s the one thing now that you wish you had known 8 years ago? The President. Oh, boy, that\'s hard to answer. There are so many things I wish I had known 8 years ago. But I wish I had understood better, 8 years ago, exactly how what I do here both is seen by and reacted to by Congress and by the American people, better than I did then. I could give you lots of examples, but I think if I had done that, I think a lot of the—some of the early conflicts that I had would have been different. I also wish I had understood better than I did when I came here the different views generally held by the two parties on the nature of political power and its uses in Washington— ways that I just didn\'t understand then. 1993 Economic Plan Legislation Mr. Rather. Your finest hour as President? The President. That\'s very, very hard to say. I had a lot of great times, for which I\'m very grateful. But I think when we prevailed in both Houses by one vote on the economic plan in \'93, that\'s what really turned the economy around and made possible so much else that happened. If we hadn\'t had a functioning economy, I don\'t believe the welfare reform efforts would have worked as well as they have; I don\'t think the family leave law would have benefited 25 million people; I doubt if the crime rate would have gone down for 8 years in a row, even though we had a good crime policy; and I\'m not sure I would have had the support from the American people to end the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and Kosovo, or be involved as I was in Northern Ireland, the Middle East, a lot of other places. We might have had too much trouble here at home for me to do that. It probably—the fact that we had that lonely battle that only succeeded by one vote probably made so much else possible. Somalia Mr. Rather. Your darkest hour? The President. I\'ve had more than one of them, too. But certainly one of them was when those 18 American soldiers were killed in Somalia. It was awful, because of the circumstances, which I hope to be able to talk about in some detail someday. But to lose them all in what was a humanitarian mission, because they were asked to try to arrest a person who had been responsible for killing our Pakistani comrades who were there also on a humanitarian mission, and then to wind up with all those Somalis dead and losing 18 of our people, it was a dark day. Impeachment Mr. Rather. Impeachment had to be a dark day. The President. Well, by the time they got around to voting, I knew what was going to happen. And I didn\'t—no, my darkest day came long before that when I had to come to terms with the fact that I made a terrible personal mistake, which I tried to correct in private and which then got dragged into public. That was dark for me. By the time they got around to voting on impeachment, I knew what it was, and it didn\'t have any—I felt that to me, if we could defeat impeachment, it was like the second big battle of the Gingrich revolution. The first was when they shut the Government down, and that was the second one. That doesn\'t mean that I didn\'t make a terrible mistake, but there were 800 people, including a lot of Republicans, who were legal and constitutional scholars, who wrote a letter saying this was not an impeachable offense and shouldn\'t even be considered. And they all knew that, too. That was a political battle we were involved in. I didn\'t seek it. I didn\'t want to fight it, but I was only too happy to take it up, because I believe the real purpose of it was to try to weaken me and our side and what we believed in, and to strengthen their side and what they believed in. Mr. Rather. In that, they succeeded. The President. Well, I\'m not sure they did. In 1998 we won seats in the House of Representatives for the first time since 1822 in the sixth year of a President\'s term. So I\'m not sure they did. It may be that, after the fact, that what they did will acquire some historical legitimacy. But what I regret about that was what I did wrong, not the fact that they impeached me, because that was wrong, too. I agreed with Joe Lieberman, as I said at the time. I agreed with what he said, that what I did was wrong and what they did was wrong. And I think that\'s the way history will record it. President-Elect George W. Bush Mr. Rather. Mr. President, the clock rolls. Allow me to pick up the pace a little. I want to read you off a list and ask you to tell me the first thing that comes into your mind. George W. Bush. The President. President-elect. Mr. Rather. Like him? The President. I don\'t know him very well. I like his father very much, and I\'ve actually had more contact with his brother, who is the Governor of Florida, than I have with him. But I have a lot of friends in Texas who like him, who say he\'s a good man, like his wife very much, like his daughters. And I hope he\'ll succeed. Vice President Al Gore Mr. Rather. We\'ll go down the list, and we\'ll stop on each one. Al Gore. The President. Best Vice President this country ever had, a partner who without I could not have been successful as President. Former Speaker Newt Gingrich Mr. Rather. Newt Gingrich. The President. A brilliant adversary and a complicated man. Mr. Rather. A bit of an adversary? The President. Brilliant. A brilliant adversary. Mr. Rather. Brilliant adversary. The President. And a complicated man. He\'s a complicated man, interesting man. National Rifle Association Mr. Rather. The National Rifle Association. The President. An effective adversary, but I think, on balance, a negative force, because they\'re trying to convince their people that we\'re trying to do something we\'re not trying to do. Mr. Rather. Which is? The President. Take everybody\'s guns away. That\'s why I like giving speeches in debate with them, because I always tell everybody I talk to, if you missed a day in the deer woods or a single sport shooting contest, you ought to vote against me and our whole crowd. But if you didn\'t, they must be telling you something that\'s not true here. Let\'s look at what we\'re really for. So I think the NRA did a lot of good things in Arkansas when I was there—hunter education programs; they helped me resolve some property disputes. They really did some good things, but now they\'re just into terrifying people and building their membership and raising money. And it\'s just not true we\'re trying to take their guns away. It\'s just not true that we\'ve interfered with legitimate hunters and sports people. And it\'s just not true that we\'ve done enough in America to protect people from the dangers of criminals and kids having guns. But you\'ve got to give it to them; they\'ve done a good job. They\'ve probably had more to do than anyone else in the fact we didn\'t win the House this time, and they hurt Al Gore. Attorney General Janet Reno Mr. Rather. Going on down the list, Janet Reno. The President. Good woman, tried really hard to do a good job. She\'s a good person. Virginia Kelley Mr. Rather. Your mother. The President. First thing that comes to my mind? I still miss her every day. First Lady Hillary Clinton Mr. Rather. Hillary Rodham Clinton. The President. I love her, and I\'m really proud of her. Chelsea Clinton Mr. Rather. Chelsea. The President. I love her, and I\'m really proud of her. Mr. Rather. Do you expect her to run for something some day? The President. Oh, Lord, I kind of doubt it. Although, I\'m proud of her; she got into this deal helping her mom, and she traveled with me some when Hillary couldn\'t go the last year and 3 or 4 months. She cares about public issues and public life, and she\'s got a big heart. And she\'s really interested in all of it, but I don\'t know that she would ever run for office. But if she did, if she wanted to do it, I\'d sure support her and do whatever I could to help her. But it\'s totally up to her. Lincoln Bedroom Mr. Rather. The Lincoln Bedroom. The President. It\'s the place where Lincoln freed the slaves. Whitewater Mr. Rather. Whitewater. The President. Biggest bogus issue in modern American politics—classic. It was a fraud from the get-go, and a lot of the people that were propagating it knew it was a fraud. And in that sense, people will look at this years from now and be amazed that anybody rode it as hard as they did for as long as they did. Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr Mr. Rather. Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr. Independent Counsel. The President. First title is better than the second. But I don\'t have any—he just did what he was supposed to do. I don\'t have any particular bad feelings about him. Mr. Rather. He did what he was supposed to do? The President. Yes. Mr. Rather. What was he supposed to do? The President. They put him in there because Fiske was a fair, balanced man, and the whole thing was going to be over before the \'96 election, and they didn\'t want that. And so they put him in there, said, \"Drag it out and get a bigger body count.\" And that\'s—he just did what he was supposed to do. But I don\'t really have any—that group, that faction of the Republican Party controlled those independent counsels, and that\'s what they did. But I don\'t have any personal animosity toward him like that. I mean, he really—he\'s part of that crowd, and they really believe it. They think that whatever they do to our side is okay, and that\'s what they really believe. I didn\'t—I underestimated that when I got here. I just didn\'t really believe it. I always had good relationships with Republicans at home, even very conservative ones, members of the so-called Christian right. We always dealt with issues head up. And I just didn\'t understand that before I got here, but once I figured out what the deal was, I could sort of let it go. I realized they just had a different world view than I did. Republican Leadership in Congress Mr. Rather. At the end of my list—well, first, the Republican leadership on Capitol Hill. The President. We got a lot done together and could have gotten more done if they hadn\'t given their rightwingers veto power from time to time. For example, we had—look what we got done this year. We just passed the best education budget of my entire 8 years as President, huge increases for after- school programs, school modernization and repair, nearly doubled the number of kids in the after-school programs, big increase in Head Start. We\'ve now done more to expand college access than anything since the GI bill. We passed the China trade bill, the Africa-Caribbean Basin trade bill. And we took the earnings limit off of Social Security. We did a bunch of stuff this year, and we did for the last 6 years. But we have a majority in the Congress— in this Congress, not the new one coming in, in the one that went out—we had a majority for campaign finance reform. We had a majority for a Patients\' Bill of Rights. We had a majority for an increase in the minimum wage. I believe we had a majority for closing the gun show loophole. Mr. Rather. But you couldn\'t get that through. The President. No, because the rightwing blocked the leadership from letting us have a full and fair vote on that. So that I regret. But I worked with them, and I have very—personally, I like Senator Lott; I like Speaker Hastert. I\'ve even acquired—— Mr. Rather. Do you like Tom DeLay? The President. I\'ve even acquired a rather jovial relationship with Dick Armey. We\'ve gotten to where we joke around with each other. I think—Tom DeLay I don\'t know as well. I told him, I said, the only thing he ever said about me that really hurt my feelings was when he said he didn\'t believe my golf handicap was as low as it was. And I sent him—I think I sent him a score that was in the Syracuse newspaper. [Laughter] But Tom DeLay worked with Hillary. They both got an award—Tom DeLay and Hillary both got an award from an adoption group because they\'d done so much to try to facilitate adoptions. And that\'s the one area that I found real common ground with him on, that I think he\'s really genuine on. My problem with him is, his whole view about how you should treat your opponents is very different from mine. I just think he\'s got a total scorch- and-burn policy: take them out, whatever the cost, whatever you have to do. And he\'s real nice about it. If you smile, you\'d have a very cordial conversation with him. I think he really believes that. I think he thinks that\'s the way you\'re supposed to treat your political opponents. And I just don\'t agree with that. For example, I never would have sent—I wouldn\'t let someone from the White House go to a contested State and try to intimidate vote counters. I wouldn\'t do that. I just don\'t believe that. That\'s not who I am. I don\'t think—I think that a great country has to have some voluntary restraint on the exercise of authority. But he\'s a very able guy, and if you don\'t stand up to him, he\'ll run right over you. So he\'s a worthy adversary. Monica Lewinsky Mr. Rather. At the end of my list—and you expect it—Monica Lewinsky. The President. Sad chapter in my life that I wish were not public, but it\'s in the past. And for her, I wish her well. I hope she has a good life. Mr. Rather. Do you take the responsibility, the personal responsibility, full responsibility? The President. Absolutely. I did, and I do. President\'s Future Plans Mr. Rather. There was a report today you\'re thinking about hosting a television program. Anything to that? The President. [Laughter] No. You guys make more money than I have, though. Maybe it\'s not a bad idea. I hear it costs a lot of money to support a Senator. Maybe I ought to look into it. [Laughter] Mr. Rather. Don\'t believe everything you read, Mr. President. [Laughter] The President. I don\'t have an offer on the table. Is CBS getting into the bidding here? [Laughter] Mr. Rather. What about running for something? Are you going to run for mayor of New York? The President. No. Mr. Rather. Governor of Arkansas? The President. No. Mr. Rather. Governor of—— The President. I loved it—no. Let me just say something about running. I think it\'s very important that—first of all, I need to take a couple of months and just go down. I need some rest. I\'ve been working like crazy for 27 years. And I want to help Hillary, however I can, to succeed, because I think she—I\'m so proud of her, and I think she is immensely talented, and I think she\'ll do very well. But I\'ve got to support my family. I want to try— I\'ve never had a chance to save any money. I want to try to save some, so they will be all right if anything happens to me. I\'ve got to make sure we\'ve paid all our bills. And I want to have some time to rest and just be a private citizen again. And then what I would like to do is to find a way to be a useful—to use all this incredible opportunity I\'ve had as President to work on things that I care most about, here in the United States and around the world, but to do it in a way that does not in any inappropriate fashion get underfoot of the next President. I don\'t want to do that. I just want to try to be a good citizen. And I think there have been two truly great former Presidents in terms of their public service, John Quincy Adams and Jimmy Carter. Mr. Rather. John Quincy Adams because he went back and served in the House? The President. He went back and served in the House, and he served 16 years—or served 8 terms, anyway—— Mr. Rather. Any chance you would do something like that? The President. ——and he\'s great. Well, let me finish. Then William Howard Taft went on the Supreme Court, served with some distinction. And for some years, Teddy Roosevelt kind of organized another political movement. Herbert Hoover did a lot of good. He went out and headed the commission for President Truman. So they also did well. Thomas Jefferson did some productive things after he left the White House. So there\'s evidence that if you don\'t just vegetate, you can do some good. And I\'m going to try to use my center and foundation to do some really good things. But I think that what I need to do is, I just need a little time to sort of decompress. And like I said, I want to try to take care of my family and just see what happens. But I care a lot—I just gave a speech in Coventry at the University of Warwick for Tony Blair, talking about, sort of, these big issues for the 21st century. Mr. Rather. Your globalization speech. The President. Yes. How do you put a human face on a global economy? How do you empower poor people in America and around the world? What are we going to really do about AIDS and the breakdown of public health systems around the world? How are we going to figure out—how do you deal with global warming and still have economies growing? Unless we can break the link between putting more stuff into the air, greenhouse gases, and getting richer, we\'re going to have a disaster on our hands, because people are not going to agree not to become wealthier, and they shouldn\'t. These big questions, these are things that I care about. I ran for the White House—sometimes I feel like a fish out of water, especially like this interview. We spent more than half our time on kind of like political questions. But the reason that I had some success as President, I\'m convinced more than anything else, is that I always thought Presidential elections and Presidential administrations were about ideas that resonated with the values of the American people but were appropriate to the present and the future. And I still believe that. If somebody asked me for advice, I\'d say, \"Figure out what you believe, what\'s your vision of America; come up with a strategy to achieve it; then make your specific tactical move here. Decide what ideas you\'re going to push.\" I think that\'s very important. So when I\'m not President, that\'s what I think I ought to be doing, fighting for the things that I believe in, helping the people that I\'d like to help, people that would be—people or problems that would be ignored by a lot of other people. So I hope I can do that. That\'s what I care about. And finally, of course, the great work of my life has been in racial and religious and ethnic reconciliation. And I\'ve tried to carry it forward here as President. And I hope I\'ll be able to make a contribution on that in the future. Future Residences and Offices Mr. Rather. Mr. President, the clock is running quickly here. First of all, are you and the First Lady planning on selling the place in Chappaqua, New York? The President. Gosh, I hope not. I\'ve gone to a lot of trouble to fix that place up. Mr. Rather. Are you buying a place here in Washington, in Georgetown? The President. [Laughter] I don\'t know. But you\'ve got to have a place to live here. And I hope—we\'ll either have to rent a place or buy a place, and we\'ll figure out what to do about it. But—— Mr. Rather. Haven\'t bought one yet? The President. No, we haven\'t bought one yet, and we\'re definitely not going to sell our place in Chappaqua if I\'ve got anything to say about it. We\'ve just got it all fixed up. We\'ve done lots of work on that house. It\'s a delightful place. I\'m going to have an office, Presidential office, in New York City. I\'ll have a—I\'ll have my transition office here for 6 months, but I\'ll have my permanent office up there. And I\'ll have the home in Chappaqua, and I expect we\'ll spend virtually all of our weekends there. But you\'ve got to have a place to sleep down here. First Lady\'s Memoirs Mr. Rather. Now, the First Lady is going to be paid now—I\'ll go to my notes here because this figure is a whopping figure—$8 million for her memoirs. What is she going to say about you in that book? The President. [Laughter] I don\'t know. I don\'t know if there\'s $8 million worth to say. You all know it all already. But she\'s had two bestsellers, and she gave all the money away from the first one. The second is on the bestseller list, the book on the White House now. It\'s a really good book, I think. And she\'s given all the money away to that. So she just auctioned this one. I think she was probably as surprised as anybody that the auction brought that price. But the publisher that won it published her other bestsellers. I guess they think she\'s got a third one in her. Mr. Rather. I want to say this respectfully, Mr. President. Surely you don\'t want her writing about Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, and all those things again. Is she likely to do that? The President. You ought to ask her. She can write about whatever she wants. I tell you, I bet it will be a good book. Senator-Elect Hillary Clinton\'s Political Future Mr. Rather. The First Lady\'s future. It\'s assumed among Democrats she\'s going to run for President. I guess the question is, does she do it in 2004 or 2008? The President. Well, I\'ll tell you what I believe. I believe that that\'s worse than idle speculation. I can tell you what I\'ve urged her to do. What I\'ve urged her to do is, number one, solidify her roots and her ties with the people of New York State; have an agenda for New York; have an agenda for America, because every Senator is a Senator on American issues, too; stay on the forefront of ideas, keep pushing and getting things done; and the future will take care of itself. But I think—she said she intends to serve her term in the Senate, and I believe that\'s what she intends to do. We already assume there are a lot of other people who will run for President again 4 years from now, including the Vice President. And of course, he would have a big leg up, because he won the popular vote this time. Mr. Rather. Do you consider him head of the Democratic Party now? The President. I certainly think he is the leader of the party, and he won the election—the popular vote, I mean. He won the popular vote. And I think he will decide what he\'s going to do. Then other people will decide what they\'re going to do. But look, the world will look entirely different—could look different 6 months from now, a year from now. No one has any idea what it will be like 4 years from now. When I ran for President—this is why I said ideas are the most important—when I started running for President in late \'91, my mother was about the only person who thought I could win. That\'s not quite true; Hillary did. But the incumbent President, President Bush, had an approval rating of over 70 percent. These things are not predictable. And I think people waste so much energy thinking about them and maneuvering. I want Hillary to enjoy being a Senator and to be the best Senator she can be. This seat was held by Senator Moynihan and Robert Kennedy, and they were great Senators. And that\'s what I want for her. Mr. Rather. You do, or do not, think it is a given that she\'ll one day run for President? The President. Oh, I don\'t think anything is a given like that. I don\'t think it\'s a given that any—if you could name me any person in this country, Democrat or Republican, and say, do you think it\'s a given that they\'ll run for President, I would say no, because I don\'t. Abraham Lincoln once said about this—I think he\'d always thought he\'d run for President. He\'s the only person, apparently; we forgive his ambition. He once said, \"I will work and get ready, and perhaps my chance will come.\" That\'s about all anybody can do. But no, I don\'t know if any of them are going to run. Post-Presidency Legal Issues Mr. Rather. Mr. President, I\'m so sorry to step on your line. I\'m so afraid time will run out on us. And you\'ve been very generous with your time. Do you expect to be indicted after you leave the Presidency, by a current independent counsel, the successor to Kenneth Starr? The President. Well, that\'s up to them. We had a bipartisan panel of prosecutors testified in the Congress that no ordinary prosecutor would do such a thing, would even think of it. There were five of them that testified to that. And the Republicans in the Congress argued that they didn\'t have to have an indictable offense; you could impeach somebody for something that you wouldn\'t indict them for. So I don\'t know. I may have more to say about that later. Look, I don\'t have any idea. I don\'t have any control over that, and I don\'t spend much time thinking about it. All I know is, Whitewater was a fraud; the civil lawsuit was a fraud. They knew that for a long, long time; everybody did. And a lot of innocent people have already been hurt for purely political reasons. And if I had to do it all over again, I still would, because the country is in better shape. So all I can tell you is, nothing can take away my feeling of gratitude for having had the chance to serve and my feeling of gratitude that it worked out so well for the American people. Mr. Rather. Do you think President Bush will pardon you to keep—possibly prevent an indictment, or in case of indictment? The President. I haven\'t given any thought to that. But I doubt it. I mean, no, I haven\'t thought about that. Mr. Rather. There are those who say, \"Look, it would be a great unifying thing for the country,\" quote, unquote, for him to do that. The President. Well, since I don\'t believe I should be charged, I don\'t want that. I\'ll be happy to stand—I told you before, if that\'s what they want, I\'ll be happy to stand and fight. Presidential Pardons Mr. Rather. Speaking of pardons, you still have your power to pardon people. True or untrue that you\'ve considered pardons for the financier Milken, for Hubbell, for others involved in the Whitewater case, and for the killer of two FBI agents, Mr. Peltier? Any truth to that? The President. I have been asked to consider pardons for hundreds and hundreds of people, and we are reviewing them all. And I will make decisions at an appropriate time. I don\'t want to discuss them until I make the decision about them. I\'ll just mention one. On the Milken thing, the main thing I\'ve heard from there is the people that are involved in prostate cancer, because he\'s been so active in that—I\'ve heard a lot from people who say, \"He served his time. He paid a big price. You ought to do this because of the contribution he\'s made to the fight against prostate cancer.\" Mr. Rather. It sounds like you might—fair to say you might? The President. No, it\'s not fair to say I will or I won\'t. I haven\'t made a decision about that. North Korea Mr. Rather. Foreign policy, I wanted to talk to you about your legacy on foreign policy. This time it didn\'t work out that way. Are you planning a trip to North Korea? The President. I haven\'t decided yet. We worked hard with North Korea. We made a big breakthrough there with the Secretary of State going. I\'d like to do what I can to make sure that—we started this administration with the North Korea problem being the number one national security threat to the United States because of their nuclear program. We terminated that, and we\'re trying to figure out a way to terminate the missile program. If there was some way to do that, I might consider doing it. But I wanted to wait until we had a President-elect because they\'ll have to have their own Korea policy. It may be something they prefer to do, maybe something they disagree with doing. So I just thought, while I don\'t think that the President-elect should have a veto— like I didn\'t—President Bush went—did the Somalia thing after the election 8 years ago—I think it should be something that we discuss and we just try to work through what the best thing for America\'s interest is. Cuba Mr. Rather. Do you agree or disagree that U.S. policy in Cuba is out of step with your approach on other countries and has more to do with domestic policies and domestic politics than it does, actually, foreign policy? The President. Well, I think it had a great deal to do with domestic policy and politics for a long time, in the sense that we have a lot of people in America who were personally hurt by the Castro regime and whose families were hurt and who lost their property, and they even lost their lives, lost their loved ones. So it\'s, in that sense, more personal. But I don\'t think there\'s any question that we would have made more progress with Cuba than we have if they hadn\'t shot those planes down and murdered those innocent people a few years ago. Mr. Rather. The \"Castro regime\" meaning Fidel, himself? The President. Yes. They shot those Brothers to the Rescue planes down in blatant violation of international law. We don\'t believe they were in Cuban territorial waters. But even if they were in Cuban territorial waters, it was illegal. Cuba is a signatory to the Chicago convention, which specifically says how you have to handle planes like that. It governs what we do when we see planes take off from South America, small planes that we know are unarmed that may have drugs on them. A lot of times we have to follow them until they go down somewhere, or do that. What they did, it was a deliberate, illegal killing. Mr. Rather. That\'s a matter of foreign policy. The President. Yes. And when they did that, the Congress reacted basically by passing the so-called Helms-Burton Act, which dramatically restricted the ability of any President to relax relations with Cuba. And it made me wonder if the person in the whole world that least wanted the embargo lifted was Fidel Castro. I mean, I\'ve often wondered whether he and the people in America that don\'t want any change in relations are in some sort of unconscious dance with each other, because as long as that embargo is there, he\'s got an excuse for the failures of his regime. China Mr. Rather. Mr. President, last question, China. There are reports out of China that they\'re razing church buildings, blowing them up, burning them down, on the eve of Christmas. And they\'ve been doing this sort of thing for a year and a half. Are you now ready to recommend that the United States back this resolution at Geneva, before the United Nations Human Rights Commission, to condemn this kind of thing? The President. Well, let me say, I have been— I have worked, I believe, as hard as any President for religious liberty at home and around the world, even for people who disagree with me on a lot of things. And I have had innumerable conversations with Jiang Zemin and with other Chinese officials about this. I think that their view that people who have strong religious convictions represent a political threat is just wrong. So I will do what I think is appropriate at the time on this. Mr. Rather. Does that include considering backing this resolution? The President. I gave an answer. That\'s all the answer I want to give right now. Mr. Rather. Mr. President, you have been very generous with your time, and I appreciate it. The President. Thank you, Dan. Mr. Rather. Thank you. The President. Thank you. NOTE: The interview was taped at 4:28 p.m. in the Oval Office at the White House for later broadcast. In his remarks, the President referred to Cuban youth Elian Gonzalez, rescued off the coast of Florida on November 25, 1999, who returned to Cuba on June 28, 2000; Senator Joseph Lieberman; Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom; and President Jiang Zemin of China. The transcript was embargoed for release by the Office of the Press Secretary until 9 p.m. on December 19. A tape was not available for verification of the content of this interview. William J. Clinton, Interview With Dan Rather of CBS News Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project ### Filed Under ### Categories Presidential Spoken Addresses and Remarks Interviews ### Location Washington, DC ![\\"\\"](\\" flags/DC.jpg\\") * twitter * facebook * linkedin * google+ * email ## Simple Search of Our Archives # per page 5102550100 Apply ### Report a Typo The American Presidency ProjectJohn Woolley and Gerhard PetersContact Twitter Facebook Copyright © The American Presidency ProjectTerms of Service | Privacy | Accessibility ![\\"uc](\\"/sites/default/files/pictures/uc-santa-barbara-wordmark- white1x.svg\\") We need your help! ### We have accomplished great things!The APP is widely cited as an authoritative source.Still, we have major pending maintenance costs AND no budget source other than *donations!* ### WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!PLEASE: SUPPORT THE APP! **GIVE NOW ** ### dismiss for 30 days
The overwhelming amount of the money that we're raising is not going to Hillary Clinton to run for president It is going to the congressmen and senators to try to take back Congress
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It\'s ridiculous that we should have this kind of money in politics. I agree completely.\" Clooney hosted a $33,000 a plate fundraiser for the Hillary Victory Fund in San Francisco Friday night, where the proceeds would be split among Clinton\'s primary campaign coffers, the Democratic National Committee\'s own treasure chests, and various state Democratic parties. Colbert’s \"Late Show\" debut features Clooney, politics and satire 03:14 Sanders supporters protested outside the venue, calling the fundraisers \"political bribery\" and urging an end to big money in politics. Clooney, in his NBC interview, said he held the same views as the demonstrators. \"They\'re right to protest. They\'re absolutely right,\" he said. But the Oscar-winning actor was quick to point out that \"the overwhelming amount of money that we\'re raising is not going to Hillary to run for president.\" Instead, Clooney said, \"It\'s going to the down ticket, it\'s going to the congressmen and senators to try to take back Congress.\" The former \"Batman\" star even admitted that he doesn\'t enjoy hosting large fundraising events. \"I don\'t think anybody does. I don\'t even think politicians do,\" Clooney said. \"It\'s not the most fun thing to do.\" He said he even supports the movement to overturn the Supreme Court\'s Citizens United decision, which equated campaign donations to protected free speech. Of Bernie Sanders, who has criticized Clinton\'s support from Hollywood\'s moneyed elite, Clooney said he does \"really like Bernie.\" \"What he\'s saying in this election is important if you\'re a Democrat, again, to have these conversations,\" Clooney said, even promising that he would fund-raise for the Vermont senator if he were the Democratic nominee. But, he said of Clinton, \"I hope she wins.\" Sanders, for his part, continues to hit his Democratic rival for her continued fundraising from wealthy donors. \"We raised seven million individual campaign contributions, more than any other candidate in American history at this point, averaging 27 dollars,\" the Vermont senator told \"Face the Nation\" on Sunday. \"She is out there raising money for the wealthy and the powerful. And I think you can judge a candidate based on how you raise money and who you ultimately become dependent upon.\" ### Campaign 2016 More ![\\"cbsn-fusion-special-counsel-robert-mueller-russia-investigation-one-year- later- thumbnail-1571180-640x360.jpg](\\" voting-booths-getty-621758822.jpg?v=0736ad3ef1e9ddfe1218648fe91d6c9b#\\") California man \"genuinely remorseful\" for role in 2016 election interference ![\\"The](\\" ornament.jpg?v=0736ad3ef1e9ddfe1218648fe91d6c9b#\\") Donald Trump Christmas ornament @ $149 ![\\"trump- ap-16314312135675.jpg](\\" ap-16314312135675.jpg?v=0736ad3ef1e9ddfe1218648fe91d6c9b#\\") Will Melania Trump move to the White House? ![\\"ap-16281543448823.jpg](\\" Top Trump adviser speaks out on agenda, white nationalism ![\\"Then- Republican](\\" trump-2016-11-18t220341z.jpg?v=0736ad3ef1e9ddfe1218648fe91d6c9b#\\") Donald Trump demands apology from \"very rude\" \"Hamilton\" cast More © 2016 CBS Interactive Inc. 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The overwhelming amount of the money that we're raising is not going to Hillary Clinton to run for president It is going to the congressmen and senators to try to take back Congress
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But a tremendous thing was done over the last number of months, but really, if you go back to it, over the last number of years. We had the witch hunt. It started from the day we came down the elevator, myself and our future First Lady, who’s with us right now. Thank you, Melania. (Applause.) And it never really stopped. We’ve been going through this now for over three years. It was evil. It was corrupt. It was dirty cops. It was leakers and liars. And this should never, ever happen to another President ever. I don’t know that other Presidents would have been able to take it. Some people said, no, they wouldn’t have. But I can tell you, at a minimum, you have to focus on this because it can get away very quickly. No matter who you have with you, it can get away very quickly. It was a disgrace. Had I not fired James Comey — who was a disaster, by the way — it’s possible I wouldn’t even be standing here right now. We caught him in the act. Dirty cops. Bad people. If this happened to President Obama, a lot of people would have been in jail for a long time already. Many, many years. I want to start by thanking some of — and I call them friends, because, you know, you develop friendships and relationships when you’re in battle and war, much more so than, “Gee, let’s have a normal situation.” With all that we’ve gone through, we’ve done, I think, more than any President and administration, and really, I say, for the most part, Republican congressmen, congresswomen, and Republican senators. We’ve done more than any administration in the first few years, if you look at all of the things we’ve done. I watched this morning as they tried to take credit for the stock market from — (laughter) — from — think of that. Let me tell you, if we didn’t win, the stock market would have crashed. And the market was going up a lot before the election because it was looking we had a good chance to win, and then it went up tremendously from the time we won the election until the time we took office, which was November 8th to January 20th. And that’s our credit. That’s all our credit. And leading up to that point was our credit because there was hope. And one of the reasons the stock market has gone up so much in the last few days is people think we’re doing so well. They liked the State of the Union speech. (Applause.) It really is — it’s a true honor to give it. Making the State of the Union speech, I was with some people that have been around; they’ve been all over the world. And one of them, a highly sophisticated person, said, “You know, no matter where you go in the world, it doesn’t make any difference — there is nothing like what I witnessed tonight.” The beauty, the majesty of the Chamber. The power of the United States, the power of the people in this room. Really, an amazing — I don’t think there is anything like that anywhere in the world. You can go to any other country, you can go to any other location, any other place. It’s the beauty of everything. It’s what it represents and how it represents our country. I want to start by introducing some of the people that are here. I know some are going to be left out. But they work so hard. And this is really not a news conference. It’s not a speech. It’s not anything. It’s just we’re sort of — it’s a celebration, because we have something that just worked out. I mean, it worked out. We went through hell, unfairly. Did nothing wrong. Did nothing wrong. I’ve done things wrong in my life, I will admit. (Laughter.) Not purposely, but I’ve done things wrong. But this is what the end result is. (Applause.) (The President holds up the front cover of The Washington Post newspaper.) We can take that home, Honey. Maybe we’ll frame it. (Laughter.) It’s the only good headline I’ve ever had in the Washington Post, I’ll tell you. (Laughter.) But every paper is the same. Does anybody have those papers? Does anybody have them? Because they’re really like that. So I appreciate that. But some of the people here have been incredible warriors. They’re warriors. And there’s nothing, from a legal standpoint — this is a political thing. And every time, I’d say, “This is unfair. Let’s go to court.” They’d say, “Sir, you can’t go to court. This is politics.” And we were treated unbelievably unfairly. And you have to understand, we first went through Russia, Russia, Russia. It was all bullshit. (Laughter.) We then went through the Mueller report. And they should have come back one day later. They didn’t. They came back two years later, after lives were ruined, after people went bankrupt, after people lost all their money. People came to Washington to help other people. “Bright-eyed and bushy- tailed,” I say. They came — one or two or three people in particular, but many people. We had a rough campaign. It was nasty. It was one of the nastiest, they say. They say Andrew Jackson was always the nastiest campaign. They actually said we topped it. (Laughter.) It was a nasty — it was a nasty — both in the primaries and in the — in the election. But, you see, we thought, after the election, it would stop. But it didn’t stop; it just started. And tremendous corruption. Tremendous corruption. So we had a campaign. Little did we know we were running against some very, very bad and evil people with fake dossiers, with all of these horrible, dirty cops that took these dossiers and did bad things. They knew all about it. The FISA courts should be ashamed of themselves. It’s a very tough thing. And then we ended up winning on Russia, Russia, Russia. It should have taken the one day, as I said, and it took years. Then Bob Mueller testified. That didn’t work out so well for the other side. (Laughter.) But they should have said, that first week — because it came out. Is that right, Jim Jordan? They knew in the first two days actually. Devin, is that right? Two days. They knew that we were totally innocent. But they kept it going, Mark. They kept it going forever because they wanted to inflict political pain on somebody that had just won an election that, to — a lot of people were surprised. I mean, we had polls that said we were going to win. We had Los Angeles Times and a few — a few papers, actually, said it was — we were going to win but it was going to be close. And we did win. It was one of the greatest wins of all time. And they said, “Okay, he won.” And, you know, I wrote this down because that was where a thing called the “insurance policy” — to me, when I saw the insurance policy — and that was done long before the election. That was done when they thought that Hillary Clinton was going to win. And, by the way, Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid for millions — millions of dollars — the fake dossier. And now Christopher Steele admits that it’s a fake because he got sued by rich people. I should have sued him too. But when you’re President, people don’t like suing. I want to thank my legal team, by the way — not for that advice, but for other advice. (Applause.) Pat, Jay. Pat. You guys stand up, please. (Applause.) Great job. (Applause.) Right at the beginning, they said, “Sir, you have nothing to worry about. All of the facts are on your side.” I said, “You don’t understand. That doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter.” And that was really true. They made up facts. A corrupt politician named Adam Schiff made up my statement to the Ukrainian president. He brought it out of thin air. Just made it up. They say he’s a screenwriter — a failed screenwriter. He tried to go into — unfortunately, he went into politics after that. (Laughter.) Remember he said the statement, which is a mob statement: “Don’t call me. I’ll call you.” I didn’t say that. Fortunately, for all of us here today and for our country, we had transcripts. We had transcribers — professional transcribers. Then they said, “Oh, well, maybe the transcription is not correct.” But Lieutenant Colonel Vindman and his twin brother — right? — we had some people that — really amazing. But we did everything. We said, “What’s wrong with it?” “Well, they didn’t add this word or that one.” It didn’t matter. I said, “Add it. They’re probably wrong, but add it.” So now everyone agrees that they were perfectly accurate. When you read those transcripts, Tim Scott — I don’t know if Tim is here, but he said, “Sir…” He was the first one to call me. “Sir, I read the transcript. You did nothing wrong.” And, Mitch, he stayed there, right from the beginning. He never changed. And, Mitch McConnell, I want to tell you: You did a fantastic job. (Applause.) Somebody said, “You know, Mitch is quiet.” I said, “He’s not quiet. He’s not quiet.” These are the — he doesn’t want people to know him. And they said, “Is Mitch smart?” I said, “Well, let’s put it this way: For many, many years, a lot of very smart — bad, in many cases, sometimes good — but people have been trying to take his place. And to the best of my knowledge, I’ve never even heard the subject come up, because they’ve been wiped out so fast. (Laughter.) This guy is great, and I appreciate it, Mitch. (Applause.) And he’s also given us 191 now. (Applause.) A hundred and ninety-one federal judges. Two Supreme Court judges, right? It’s up to 191. (Applause.) True. Great guy. Great guy. He’s a tough guy to read. I’m good at reading people. A tough guy to read. I’d call him. My wife would say, “How did you do with Mitch?” “Uhh, I don’t know.” (Laughter.) That’s what makes him good — when you can read somebody. Fantastic job. And he understood, rightfully, that this was crooked politics. This was crooked politics. How about all these people, they’re running for office. They’re saying the worst things about me, like eight senators on the Democrat side. Most of them got wiped out. You know, they got their 1 percent or less. Most of them got less. They decided to go home. “Let’s go back to California.” Let’s go back to wherever they came from. “Let’s go back to New York.” How about that one? Our New York senator, Gillibrand. “Let’s go back to New York,” after they get nothing. And then they take an oath that they will be fair, that they will be reason- — and all of the different things. And they had to sign. They’re not fair. But here’s the beauty: So we have four left. They’re saying the most horrendous things about me. It’s okay, it’s politics. And then they’re supposed to vote — on me. They’re trying to replace me, and then they’re supposed to be voting. So I think it’s — I mean, I think it’s incredible. But — so, Mitch, I want to thank you very much. Incredible. And you have some of your folks here, and they’re incredible people — and they’ve been, right from the beginning. And, again, you’re out of session. Unfortunately, I didn’t — you know, I only told these folks, “Let’s do this today.” We did a prayer breakfast this morning, and I thought that was really good. In fact, that was so good it might wipe this out. But by the end — by the time we finished this, we’ll wipe that one out — those statements. (Laughter.) I had — I had Nancy Pelosi sitting four seats away, and I’m saying things that a lot of people wouldn’t have said — (laughter) — but I meant every — (laughter) — I meant every word of it. But we have some of the folks that are going to be leaving right after this, and they work hard — and they did work hard. Bill Cassidy, Senator. Stand up, Bill. What a guy. (Applause.) Great man. When I need to know about health insurance and preexisting conditions and individual mandates, I call Bill or I call Barrasso. We get those two guys; they know more than anybody. A man who just became a senator — he’s a little bit like me; we have a couple of them. A very successful guy in business, and he said, “What the hell, I’ll run for the Senate” — from Indiana. And he ran. And I saw him on television, destroying his opponent in a debate. I said, “You know, this guy could win.” And I got behind him. And, Mike Braun, you have done some great job. Thank you very much. (Applause.) Tough. Tough. Thank you. A man who got James Comey to choke, and he was just talking in his regular voice. He is the roughest man. He’s actually an unbelievable — and I appreciate the letter you sent me today. I just got it. But he’s got this voice that scares people. (Laughter.) You know, people from Iowa can be very tough. We’re doing very well in Iowa. But I’ll tell you, Chuck Grassley — he’s looking at Comey: “Well, you tell me, what did you say?” (Laughter.) Now, he wasn’t being rough. That was just the way he talked. (Laughter.) And that was when Comey — I think that was when Comey announced that he was leaking, lying, and everything else, right? He choked because he never heard anybody talk like that. (Laughter.) You know, you should have gone — I wish you got angry. You could have gotten the whole ballgame. He would have said, “I give up.” (Laughter.) Chuck Grassley is an incredible guy. (Applause.) And a man who — you know, he was running against a tough, smart campaign and we learned how good she was, right? She was a great campaigner. In fact, by the end of the campaign, she was actually — I thought she was more for me than you were, Josh. I was worried. (Laughter.) I saw her ad; she was saying the greatest things about me. And you know who I’m talking about. And I went to a great place — Missouri — and I said, “Who do you have to beat her?” And they said, “Well, we have four people.” I said, “Let me see them. I’m got to interview…” — can you imagine? I’m interviewing people for the United States Senate. This is what I do. Where have I gone? But I love it. I love it because we’re getting great people. The first one I met was Josh Hawley. After about 10 minutes, I said to the people, “Don’t show me anybody else. This is the guy.” He was the attorney general. Did a phenomenal job in the state. Highly respected. And — Claire McCaskill. So, the theory was you couldn’t beat her. Great campaigner. Remember the last campaign, she was going to be taken out. She was always going to be taken out, then she wins and people say, “How did that happen?” Didn’t happen with him. But she got so friendly toward me. In fact, one of the ads I still have. I’m putting it in the archives as one of the best ads I’ve ever made. (Laughter.) And she tried to convince people that we were best friends. But Josh ended up winning by five or six points. You were unbelievable. You were tough. And you are something. And one of the greatest supporters on the impeachment hoax was Josh Hawley. He was incensed actually; I watched it. He was incensed at what they were doing and what they were saying. And those were the ones — you know, I had some that said, “Oh, I wish you didn’t make the call.” And that’s okay, if they need that. It’s incorrect. It’s totally incorrect. And then you have some that used religion as a crutch. They never used it before. An article written today: “Never heard him use it before.” But today, you know, it’s one of those things. But, you know, it’s a failed presidential candidate, so things can happen when you fail so badly running for President. But, Josh Hawley, I want to thank you. You were right from the beginning. Man, did I make a good choice. (Applause.) Thank you, Josh. Tremendous future. A man who is brilliant and who actually was deceived, to an extent, comes from a great state, Utah, where my poll numbers have gone through the roof. And one of the senators’ poll numbers, and not this one, went down big. You saw that. You saw that, Mike? But Mike Lee is a brilliant guy. He’s difficult. (Laughter.) Whenever I sign bills — you know, we do sign a lot of legislation that’s — it’s big and it’s powerful, but it’s sort of everybody has to approve it. And I see 99 to 1 — (laughter) — 99 to 1. I say, “Don’t tell me who’s the one.” (Laughter.) “Is it Mike?” “Yes.” (Laughter.) And he always has a good reason for it too, by the way. But he is — he’s incredible. And right at the beginning, he knew we were right, Mike, and I appreciate it very much. You’re just fantastic. And say hello to the people of Utah and tell them, “I’m sorry about Mitt Romney. I’m sorry.” (Laughter and applause.) Okay? We can say that Mike Lee is, by far, the most popular senator from the state. But you’ve done a fantastic job, Mike, in many ways. In many ways. A young woman who I didn’t know at all, but she’s been so supportive — and I’ve had great support from other people in that state. And she’s been so supportive, and she’s been downright nasty and mean about the unfairness to the President. And Kelly Loeffler, I appreciate very much. Thank you. (Applause.) Great. She saw it very early on, and we have — I don’t know if we have other senators here, but we got a hell of a lot of congressmen. And I’ll go over them quickly, but they have — they have also been — you know, it helped when we won 197 to nothing. That’s got to be a first, Kevin. Right? Is that, like, a first? The Republicans have this image. See, I say Democrats are lousy politicians because they have lousy policy: open borders, sanctuary cities. They have horrible policy. Who the hell can win? Oh, their new policy is: Raise taxes. They want to raise taxes. You know, all my life, I wasn’t in politics, but I’d say, if you’re a politician, you want to say, “We’re going to lower taxes.” They want to raise taxes. So they have open borders, sanctuary cities. “Raise everybody’s taxes. Get rid of everybody’s healthcare.” A hundred and eighty million people in the United States. And they’re really happy. “And we’re going to give you a healthcare that’s going to cost more money than the country could make in 30 years if it really does well.” That’s one year. So I’ve always said they’re lousy politicians, but they do two things: They are vicious and mean. Vicious. These people are vicious. Adam Schiff is a vicious, horrible person. Nancy Pelosi is a horrible person. And she wanted to impeach a long time ago. When she said, “I pray for the President. I pray for the…” — she doesn’t pray. She may pray, but she prays for the opposite. (Laughter.) But I doubt she prays at all. And these are vicious people, but they do two things: They stick together, historically. I’m not talking now. They stick together like glue. That’s how they impeached, because they had whatever the number is — 220 people. So if they don’t lose anybody, they’ll be able to impeach anybody. You could be George Washington. You could have just won the war, and they say, “Let’s get him out of office.” And they stuck together, and they’re vicious as hell. And they’ll probably come back for more, but maybe not because the Republican Party’s poll numbers, Mitch, have now gone up more than any time, I think, since 2004, 2005, and you know what happened then. But in normal times — decades, you would call it; that was a little unusual time; it was for a very short period — the Republicans [sic] Party — Party’s poll numbers and Donald Trump’s poll numbers are the highest I’ve ever had them. So maybe they were. It’s no way to get your poll numbers up. It’s not worth it — because from my family’s standpoint, it’s been very unfair for my family. It’s been very unfair to the country. Think of it. A phone call. A very good phone call. I know bad phone calls. This is a phone call with many people. I think Mike Pompeo was probably on the call. Where is Mike? Mike Pompeo was on the call. Many people were on the call. I know there were many people. They even have “apprenti,” bringing up an old favorite word of mine. “The Apprentice.” They have “apprenti.” They have people on these calls. And I know there are many. When I speak to the head of a nation — and they have many people on. I mean, also on — do you think they just — in the case of Ukraine, he’s a new president, seems like a very nice person, by the way. His whole thing was corruption. He’s going to stop corruption. We even have a treaty — 2001, 1999. It’s a treaty — signed treaty — that we will work together to root out corruption in Ukraine. I probably have a legal obligation, Mr. Attorney, to report corruption. But they don’t think it’s corrupt when a son that made no money, that got thrown out of the military, that had no money at all, is working for $3 million up front, $83,000 a month. And that’s only Ukraine. Then goes to China, picks up $1.5 billion. Then goes to Romania, I hear, and many other countries. They think that’s okay? Because if it is — is Ivanka in the audience? Is Ivanka here? Boy, my kids could make a fortune. (Laughter.) They could make a fortune. It’s corrupt. But it’s not even that; it’s just general corruption. And the other thing, as mentioned in the call and something that I’ve told Mike Pence, our great Vice President — I would tell him all the time, and I told him when he went on the trip, because he was over there. He never mentioned anything about this when you had your meeting. It’s a terrible thing. But I told Mike. I said, “Mike, we’re giving them money, and, you know, you’re always torn about that because we have our country to build, we have our cities to build and our roads to fix. But we’re giving them money. Tell me, why isn’t Germany paying money? Why isn’t France? Why isn’t United Kingdom paying money? Why aren’t they paying money? Why are we paying them money?” Is that a correct statement, Mike? I say, “Find out what the hell is going on.” And I told that to all of my people, OMB. I said — I asked that question: “How much is Germany paying? Why isn’t Germany paying?” Why is the United States always the sucker? Because we’re a bunch of suckers. But that’s turning around fast. But it makes it harder when stuff like this happens, because you want to focus, and you want to focus perfectly. Think what we could have done if the same energy was put into infrastructure, prescription drug prices. Think of what we could have done. And I’m now talking both sides. Think of what we could have done if we had the same genius — because it’s genius. I will say, it’s genius on the other side — maybe even more so because they took nothing and brought me to a final vote of impeachment. That’s a very ugly word to me. It’s a very dark word. Very ugly. They took nothing. They took a phone call that was a totally appropriate call. I call it a “perfect call” because it was. And they brought me to the final stages of impeachment. But now we have that gorgeous word — I never thought a word would sound so good. It’s called “total acquittal.” (Applause.) Total acquittal. So — so I want to, if I could, real fast, just introduce a few of the people. I have to start with — I have to start with Kevin. Man, did you do a job. Lucky you’re there. Lucky you’re there because it wouldn’t have worked out. If you don’t have the right people — I’ll tell you, Kevin McCarthy has done an incredible job. (Applause.) Really. Stand up. And he loves this job, and he loves this country. I’ll tell you what: Mitch and Kevin, they love what they do. Now, Mitch wouldn’t even tell you he liked it. (Laughter.) I’d say, “Mitch, do you like it?” “I don’t know.” (Laughter.) He’s the greatest poker player, right? Kevin will say, “I love it.” Right? And I will say that you’re going to be Speaker of the House because of this impeachment hoax. (Applause.) I really believe it. I really believe it. And I’m going to work hard on it. I’m going to try and get out to those Trump — those Trump areas that we won by a lot. And, you know, in ’18, we didn’t win. We just won two seats in North Carolina — two wonderful seats in North Carolina that were not supposed to be won. But I went and I made speeches, and we had rallies, and we did a great job and we won. We took two seats. Nobody writes about that. If we lost them, it would have been the biggest story of the year. But we’re going to go, we’re going to do a job, and we’re going to win a lot of seats. We’re going to win a lot of seats. People are very angry that Nancy Pelosi and all of these guys — I mean, Nadler — I know him much of my life; he’s fought me in New York for 25 years. I always beat him. And I had to beat him another time. And I’ll probably have to beat him again. Because if they find that I happen to walk across the street, and maybe go against the light or something, “Let’s impeach him.” (Laughter.) So we’ll probably have to do it again because these people have gone stone- cold crazy. But I’ve beaten them all my life, and I’ll beat them again if I have to. (Applause.) But what they’re doing is very unfair. Very unfair. So Kevin McCarthy has been great. So, a few names, right? And there’ll be a few you forget. If you want, you can raise and I’ll say, “Great. Love to have you. Wonderful.” (Laughter.) But we’re going to do the best we can. And I have my Cabinet, but my Cabinet is different — I appoint them. Okay? I didn’t see all of them helping so much. (Laughter.) You know, they were running their various bureaucracies, right? (Laughter.) No, my Cabinet is great, and they’re all here. But today is the day to celebrate these great warriors, right? These are great warriors. They really fought hard for us. And — So I’ll start: Kelly Armstrong, North Dakota. Kelly, thank you. Great job. (Applause.) Great job. Jim Banks of Indiana. Jim, thank you. Great job. (Applause.) Andy Biggs. Where is Andy? Boy, oh, boy, Andy. He got — (applause) — there’s a guy. He’s tough. I hear we’re doing well in Arizona, huh? It’s going good, yeah? I think so. I think I saw a poll that was very good for me. I think we have to make sure Martha is going to do — I think Martha is going to do good. But we have some states that are going to be not easy, but Arizona has been great. And we’re stopping illegal aliens from coming in. We’re putting up walls. New Mexico, too, a state that’s never been in play for Republicans, is totally in play. Right? Nevada is really looking good. We’re doing well. We’re doing well. We’re going to have a great — there’s more spirit. I will say this: There’s more spirit now for the Republican Party, by far, than the Democrats. You know, Mike Pence just got back from a place — a beautiful place that Chuck Grassley knows well: Iowa. And he was talking about these fiasco — the Democrats, they can’t count some simple votes, and yet they want to take over your healthcare system. Think of that. (Laughter.) No, think of it. But we also had an election out there, and we got 98 percent of the vote. We have two people running, you know, and I guess they consider them non-people, but they are running. I mean, one was a governor. One was a congressman. They’re running. We got 98 percent of the vote. And everybody from the media was saying, “Who are those crowds over there?” You know, they expect it to be one of these competitive — where everybody is running because they want to win, they want to win. And it was Trump. Right, Mark Meadows? It was Trump. This was a Trump crowd. And a lot of — actually, a lot of my guys went there. They went to Iowa. And a lot of friends went there, and we had tremendous — they say the spirit — the spirit for the Republican Party right now is stronger, I think, than it’s ever been in the history of our country. I think it’s stronger than it’s ever been. (Applause.) And that includes Honest Abe Lincoln. You know, a lot of people forget Abe Lincoln. I wish he were here. I’d give him one hell of an introduction. Right? (Laughter.) But he was — he was a Republican. Abe Lincoln. Honest Abe. Bradley Byrne, Alabama. What a great place. (Applause.) Thank you, Bradley. A man who has been an unbelievable friend of mine and spokesman, and somebody that — that I really like. And I know, Kelly, you’re going to end up liking him a lot. Something is going to happen that’s going to be very good. I don’t know. I haven’t figured it out yet. But Doug Collins — where is he? Where is Doug? (Applause.) You have been so great. Thank you very much, Doug. Thank you very much. Thank you. Really amazing job. A young man who is — born with a great gene, because I know his father and how great a politician he was. But he’s from Florida. Sometimes controversial, but actually, he’s not controversial. He’s solid as a rock and he’s a friend of mine. Matt Gaetz. Matt? (Applause.) Thank you, Matt. Thank you. Great job. All right, this guy. So he’s the NCAA — meaning, a couple of years ago, when he was in college — wrestling champion. NCAA. That’s the big deal. That means, in all of college, you’re the champ, you’re the best. His record was ridiculous. Nobody would — nobody could beat him. And I see it. You know, every time, I see it. When I first got to know him — Jim Jordan — when I first got to know Jim, I said, “Huh, he never wears a jacket. What the hell is going on?” (Laughter.) He’s obviously very proud of his body. (Laughter and applause.) And they say where he works out — you know, where the congressmen, senators, they work out — they say, when Jim works out — even though he’s not as young as he was, but he works out — the machine starts burning. You know, it’s just a different form of a workout than us. Right, Sonny? And — there he is. Look at that guy. But one day I’m looking, and he looks tough. And I’m looking, and I’m looking at those ears. And I say, “Those ears have something going on there.” I said, “Did you ever wrestle?” “Yeah, I did.” But he doesn’t talk. But I checked. This guy was a world — this guy was a champion, top, top wrestler. And when I had the top — I had all of the teams. And, by the way, your Super Bowl champions are coming, I think next week or soon. Very soon. And every one of them want to be here. (Applause.) And the coach loves us. The coach is great. Andy Reid. And every one of them want to be here. We have — people love it. But we had all of the NCAA championship teams here. They had the golf, the basketball. They had every team here. And one of the teams was wrestling. The wrestling team. Was that Penn State? And Penn State won the title. They have a great team. And I walked up with Jim, and it’s like I didn’t exist. (Laughter.) Those wrestlers, they grabbed him. They love Jim Jordan, and we love you too because you are some warrior. (Applause.) True. True. A woman who became a star — we have a couple of women that became stars. You two. And I always liked the name of her — you know, I liked the name, “Lesko.” I liked it. That’s how I picked it. I liked the name. I saw that face. I saw that everything. They gave me cards. She had like seven opponents, right? And you have no idea how much the public appreciates how smart, how sharp you are. This I can’t tell. I can’t tell. They just said, “You know, she’s really good. She’s really talented.” And I said, “Let’s go.” We worked with her. She won her race. Tough race. It’s no longer tough. Because what she does out there is incredible. Arizona loves her. But you were so incredible, representing — I don’t say “me” — representing our country and getting it out of this impeachment hoax. What you did was incredible. So, Debbie, please stand up. Debbie Lesko. (Applause.) A man who I — I became very friendly with — I don’t know why. Do you ever have where — I’ll ask the media: If certain people call, you take their calls. Other people call — if they don’t have information, they won’t take anybody’s call. But other people call, and you don’t. This is a guy — he just — he’s just a very special guy. His wife I actually like better than him, to be honest. (Laughter.) Because he doesn’t know that I know that he didn’t actually support me right from the beginning, but she did. (Laughter.) And on my worst day — right? — on my worst day, my worst — I won’t tell you why it was my worst, but it was not one of those good days — she got on a bus, got many other buses and women all over North Carolina, and they toured North Carolina. Well, Mark was back sort of semi-supporting another candidate, which he ended up leaving very quickly. I don’t think you had a choice, because of your wife, but thank her. And Mark Meadows, he’s an extraordinary guy. I mean, the only problem is, I guess, he’s announcing — he’d only win by 40 points, but he’s announcing that he’ll be not running this time. Do you have somebody good to run? Somebody going to win your district by at least 20 points, please? Okay? But he’s a tremendously talented man, not just as a politician. As a human being, he’s incredible. And during these horrible times — I mean, the way he worked and Jim and all of you guys — the way they worked so — it was like their life was at stake. So many. Ron DeSantis is another one. He worked so hard. Then he called me. He said, “Sir, I’d like to run for governor.” I said, “Governor? I don’t want you to run. I like you staying.” “No, I want to run for governor.” And I said, “Well, if you have to.” “I’d like your support.” I said, “How can I support you? You’re at three.” He was at three. He had no money. Somebody was at 38 and they had $22 million cash, right? I said, “Look, if it’s important, I’ll do it,” because they — he’s been another great warrior. And he’s — by the way, he ran. I endorsed him. His numbers went through the roof. The man who we beat, who was expected to win easily, called me after the race. He said, “You endorsed him, and it was like a nuclear bomb went off. There was nothing I could do.” He never even spent his money. He saved it. But Ron DeSantis is another one, and now he’s the governor of Florida. And, by the way, he’s a great governor. He’s a very popular governor. His numbers are in the 70s. And he’s done a great job. But, Mark, I want to thank you very much. Fantastic job. Thank you very much. Mark Meadows. (Applause.) And Mike Johnson of Louisiana. Where’s Mike? Central casting. What a job. You can represent me anytime. (Applause.) You can represent me anytime. Thank you. What a job you’ve done. Thank you, Mike. And a man nobody has ever heard of, except the other side. He’s the other side’s worst nightmare. This guy goes down into dungeons and basements; he’ll find a document, no matter what. He’s the most legitimate human being. He’s the hardest worker. He’s unbelievable. He took tremendous abuse. I mean, abuse. The — the media and, you know, the other side, and the bad ones, the leakers, the liars, the dirty cops — they wanted to destroy him. They tried. They got close, but he wouldn’t let it happen. And, honestly, in a certain way, he was the first one. Wouldn’t you say, Jim and Mark and everybody? This was the first guy. He came out of nowhere. He’s saying, “These people are corrupt.” He’s still saying it. And he was unbelievable. Devin Nunes. He was unbelievable. Unbelievable. (Applause.) That’s so true, Devin. He’d come in and say — I didn’t even know hi;, I just heard there were like — there was this congressman who kept going into a basement — into files. (Laughter.) He knew something was wrong. You felt it, right? And now we know a lot more than we knew then, right? You never thought it was as bad as it is. And hopefully we’re going to take care of things, because we can never, ever allow this to happen again. (Applause.) Scott Perry of Pennsylvania. Scott, thank you. (Applause.) Thank you, Scott. Really great. And you’re doing very well over there, by the way. Just saw your numbers. A man who is a — I mean, central casting. If I’m going to pick Perry Mason, I’m going to do a remake of Perry Mason — other than Bill Barr, I’d pick this guy. But I have to say, I’ll pick Barr. I pick Barr first, right? (Laughter.) John Ratcliffe, right? But I have to tell you, if we’re doing a remake of Perry Mason, the man I get — there’s nobody in Hollywood like this — John Ratcliffe, right? (Applause.) Stand up, John. So — such a great lawyer. Incredible guy. Incredible talent. But just a great lawyer and we appreciate it. He gets on that screen, and everyone says, “I agree.” The other side folds up so fast. We’ll probably be using a lot of you in the next year. But you have been fantastic, John. We appreciate it. Thank you very much. A man who’s braver than me and braver than all of us in this room. He got — he got whacked. He got whacked. My Steve, right? I went to the hospital with our great First Lady that night. Right, honey? And we saw a man that was not going to make it. He was not going to make it. He was — the doctor — and I told him his wife — I said, “She loves you.” “Why do you say that?” Because she was devastated. A lot of wives wouldn’t give a damn. (Laughter.) A lot of — a lot of wives — a lot of wives would have said, “Oh, yeah.” I said, “How’s he doing?” “Oh…” She couldn’t even talk. She was inconsolable. Most wives would say, “Not good. Listen, I’m going home now.” (Laughter.) But the doctor came in — the wife is like — she was a total mess. She was really devastated. And he really — it looked like he had a 20, 25 percent chance. I think you set a record for blood loss. And, Steve Scalise, I — actually, honestly, I think you’re better looking now. You’re more handsome now. (Laughter.) You — you weren’t that good looking. You look good now. (Laughter.) He looks better now. Can you believe it? I don’t know what the hell that is. (Applause.) It’s true. Better now. (Applause.) What a guy. And he was practicing — he was practicing for the baseball game against, I guess, the Democrats, right? And this whack-job started shooting. Hurt Roger — I don’t know if Roger is here. But hurt a number of people — hit them. But really hit Steve. He — Steve was at second base. He was the second baseman. And he went down and it was terrible. I mean, I saw the whole thing and it was terrible. Fortunately, you had two brave policemen with you. Because of your high position in Congress, you had two policemen and they were amazing — the man and a woman. And they came and they didn’t have rifles. They were against a, supposedly, pretty good sharpshooter with rifles — good equipment. And all they had was a gun. And they started coming in from the outfield, shooting. And they’re so far away that a handgun is not preferred. This guy has the rifle and he’s hitting people. And he was going to move up and there was no out. I mean, if he would have been able to move up, there was no way to get out. The entrance was a single entranceway on the other side, where he was. So everyone went into the dugout — ran into the dugout, but Steve was really hit badly in the stomach, and — with a bullet that rips you apart. It was supposed to do that. It rips — it rips you apart. And these two people came charging forward. Boom. Boom. Boom. And one of them — you know who — one of them — him? — got the shooter. Hit him. And then got him. Killed him from the long distance. It was amazing. If you didn’t have those two people — you can imagine, right? You could imagine what would happen. So Melania and I went to the hospital that night. And he was in such bad shape, and he’s been working ever since, so hard. But six months ago, they had a baseball game at the Nationals Park. And I’m watching and it’s — it’s on television. And it’s just, you know, a game. People — you want to win it, right? And Steve’s at second base. The poor guy can’t even walk. Do you remember Bobby Richardson for the New York Yankees? He was known for range, Louie. Range. He had the greatest range. If a ball is hit to shortstop — Bobby Richardson is the second player, the second baseman — Bobby Richardson would field the ball. If it’s hit to first base, he’ll throw it to the first baseman. He had unbelievable range. This was not Steve Scalise. (Laughter.) Steve had no range. (Laughter.) One foot and he has to fall down, right? Because, you know, he was trying to get better. I don’t know who the hell put you on the field. (Laughter.) And this is a true story. So the game starts and the first pitch — Steve is standing at second base and the guy is really in bad shape. And I said, “This is terrible.” A shot — groundball shot is hit to second and Steve. I say — I didn’t have time to think too much, but I said, “This is not good. That ball is going toward him.” And this guy stopped that ball, caught the call. He’s now laying down. He throws the ball to first base. He gets him out. I said, “It’s the most incredible thing.” I’ve never seen — athletically — (applause) — I’ve never seen anything like it, right? And he gets him out and they then took him out of the game, which was a very wise thing because you could never do that again in a million years. (Laughter.) But you weren’t going to let that ball go through. I don’t care if it was hit by the greatest of all time, right? That ball was not going through you, because you are a warrior. Steve is — he is fantastic. You are fantastic. You and Liz and Kevin. What a great — what a group. I mean, what a group. I got lucky. I got lucky because you need the right people. If I had the wrong people there, he — maybe a different story. Maybe we’d be celebrating something else. But I really want to thank you, Steve Scalise. And, Elise, you — I just read this story; she’s the most incredible — what’s going on with you, Elise. So I even said — you know, I was up campaigning for her, helping her. But I thought, “She looks good. She looks like good talent.” But did I not realize, when she opens that mouth, you were killing them, Elise. (Laughter.) You were killing them. (Applause.) Elise — and there’s a big story in the New York Post — I love the New York Post because they treat me well. There aren’t too many of you that do. But today, you’re treating me well. I even had a great headline — New York Times, Washington Post. I had all of these great headlines. Maybe we should just end it right there. (Laughter.) But you had the greatest story, yesterday in the Post, that people from all over the country are contributing to her campaign. They were so enthralled with the way you handled yourself, what you said, the way you said it. And I’ll always be your friend. I think it was — it’s really an amazing story. What a great future you have. What a great future. Thank you. (Applause.) The First Lady agrees, by the way. The First Lady agrees. And Michael Turner, you can represent me anytime. Where’s Michael? Where is he? (Applause.) Or you can represent me. How good were you? There’s another — there’s another Perry Mason type, I think. Right? What do you think, John? But, Michael, you were fantastic and we appreciate it. Brad Wenstrup. Where’s Brad? Brad. (Applause.) Great, great job. This is a big day for lawyers. You notice only the lawyers stayed? All the lawyers stayed behind. Lee Zeldin. How good are you? How good are you? (Applause.) Man. And, Louie, your name is not down. They didn’t give me your name. Do you know — if I didn’t announce Louie — (laughter) — whoever the hell made this list, I got to get rid of because I — if I wouldn’t have announced Louie, it might have been the end of the presidency. (Laughter.) Louie, you have been so great. So tough and so smart. I got it just — (laughs) — I got it. But Louie has been amazing. He’s a tough guy. He’s a smart guy. He’s streetwise like crazy. We love Texas, and we’re with you all the way, Louie. We’re with you all the way. Thank you very much. (Applause.) So that’s the story. We have a great group of warriors, and there are others left, and, I guess, probably, I’m sure I didn’t mention a few, and I apologize if that’s the case. How’s CPAC doing? Good? Huh? My man, stand up please, will you? He’s the one who said, “You should run.” (Applause.) Right? Matt said — it’s like five years ago, six years ago. And I made a speech, and then they do some kind of a straw poll: “Who made the best speech?” And he said, “I made the best speech.” With all this professional — I hate to say this: With all these professional politicians, they voted, by far, the best speech was Trump. He calls me, he says, “You should run for politics.” I say, “What do I know about politics?” But you know what? We learned quickly, and our country has never done better than it’s doing right now. (Applause.) So it’s been good. (Applause.) But thank you, Matt. Great. Say hello. So that’s the story. We’ve been treated very unfairly. Fortunately, we have great men and women that came to our defense. If we didn’t, this would have been a horrific incident for our country. When you have Lisa and Peter, the lovers, the FBI lovers: “I want to believe the path you threw out for” Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. That’s the office. “There’s no way he gets elected” — meaning me. “There’s no way he gets elected.” This is Peter, to Lisa. He’s probably trying to impress her, for obvious reasons. (Laughter.) “There’s no way he gets elected. But I’m afraid we can’t take the risk.” Now, think of this. In other words, if I get elected, they can’t — “they”; two low-lifes — they can’t take the risk. They can’t take the risk. Think of it. And that’s where it came up, the greatest word of all: “insurance policy.” So he says, “But I’m afraid we can’t take the risk. She may lose.” It’s like an insurance policy. In the unlikely event you die before you’re 40 — in other words, if I won, they were going to do exactly what they did to us. They were going to try and overthrow the government of the United States — a duly elected president. And if I didn’t fire James Comey, we would have never found this stuff. Because when I fired that sleazebag, all hell broke out. They were ratting on each other. They were running for the hills. Let’s see what happens. Let’s see what happens. It’s in the hands of some very talented people. We’re going to have to see what happens. But I can tell you, in my opinion, these are the crookedest, most dishonest, dirtiest people I’ve ever seen. They said — this is Strzok: “God, Hillary should win 100 million to one.” This is about me. This is an agent from the FBI. Look how they let her off. Thirty-three thousand emails deleted. Nothing happens to her. Nothing happens. It’s unbelievable. But think of that — “God, Hillary should win” — when these guys are investigating Hillary. Then they go to work for Mueller — the two of them — and when Muller found out that everybody knew that they were 100 percent this way, he let them go. But they deleted all of their emails and text messages. So when we got the phone, they were all deleted. Could you imagine the treasure trove? They illegally deleted. So they left. They left Bob Mueller. He had the look, but he didn’t have a lot of other things. Always had the look. Mr. G-Man. And I love the FBI and the FBI loves me — 99 percent. It was the top scum. And the FBI people don’t like the top scum. So think of that: 100 million to one. And he’s investigating me. And then, “God, Trump is a loathsome human being, isn’t he?” These are the people looking at me. I’m really not a bad person. And Page said, “Yes, he’s awful.” How would you like to have that? This is just — this is the good stuff. There’s stuff a hundred times worse than that. These are all dirty people. And now, I just heard that they’re suing the United States of America because they were interfered with. We’re not going to let it happen. Just not going to let it happen. We cannot let this happen to our country. We can’t. (Applause.) So, I’m going to leave now. And I don’t know if any of you have anything to say. You could say it. But this is sort of a day of celebration, because we went through hell. And I’m sure that Pelosi and Cryin’ Chuck — I’ve known this guy all the — the only time I ever saw him cry was when it was appropriate. Known him for a long time. Cryin’ Chuck. But I’m sure they’ll try and cook up other things. They’ll go through the state of New York. They’ll go through other places. They’ll do whatever they can. Because instead of wanting to heal our country and fix our country, all they want to do — in my opinion, it’s almost like they want to destroy our country. We can’t let it happen. Jim Jordan, did you want to say something? Go ahead. Huh? Mark? REPRESENTATIVE MEADOWS: No, I just — I wanted to just say that this reflection today, it is a small reflection of the kind of support you have all across the country. We’ve got your back. (Applause.) THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. (Applause.) This was a highly partisan situation. Pelosi said — I copied it down exactly. Before the impeachment — she wanted to impeach from day one, by the way. Don’t let it fool you. You know, she said, “No, the impeachment is a very serious thing.” I said, “She wants to impeach. Watch.” Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and so overwhelming and bipartisan — bipartisan. It was 197 to nothing. And other than one failed presidential candidate — and I call that “half a vote” because he actually voted for us on the other one. But we had one failed presidential candidate. That’s the only half a vote we lost. So, we had almost 53 to nothing. We had 197 to nothing. And the only one that voted against was a guy that can’t stand the fact that he ran one of the worst campaigns in the history of the presidency. But she said, “There’s something so compelling — it has to be so compelling and so overwhelming and bipartisan. I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country” — she was right about that — “and it’s just not worth it.” That was Nancy Pelosi a year ago. Right? And I think it’s a shame. I think it’s a shame. But as I said, if we can put this genius to work on roads and highways and bridges and all of the things we can do — prescription drugs. You know, we had — Secretary Azar is here and I want to thank him for this, but we had — first time in 51 years, where drug prices actually came down last year. First time in 51 years. But what we can do, working with both parties in Congress, is — would be unbelievable. It would be unbelievable — all we can do. And I know Chuck Grassley is working very hard on it and Mitch is working very hard on it. But what we can do is — is incredible. What we can do, just generally. We’ve done so much without it. We’ve rebuilt our military. We’ve cut regulations at a level that nobody thought possible. We’ll always protect our Second Amendment; we all know that. But I just want to tell you that it’s an honor to be with you all. I want to apologize to my family for having them have to go through a phony, rotten deal by some very evil and sick people. And Ivanka is here, and my — my sons and my whole family, and that includes Barron. (Applause.) That includes Barron, who is up there as a young boy. Stand up, honey. (Applause.) Ivanka, thank you, honey. Come. Come. (Applause.) (The President hugs Ivanka Trump.) Come here, baby. (Applause.) (The President hugs the First Lady.) So I just want to thank my family for sticking through it. This was not part of the deal. I was going to run for President, and if I won, I was going do a great job. I didn’t know that I was going to run, and then when I got in, I was going to have to run again and again and again. Every week, I had to run again. That wasn’t the deal, but they stuck with me. And I’m so glad I did it because we are making progress and doing things for our great people that everybody said couldn’t be done. Our country is thriving. Our country is just respected again. And it’s an honor to be with the people in this room. Thank you very much, everybody. (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. (Applause.) END 1:23 P.M. EST The White House * Twitter * Facebook * Instagram * YouTube * President Donald J. 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See first the act of love the conversion scene on the occasion of false love as is done with all Hindu girls
Does the Water of Life corrupt Jessica and Paul? : r/dune Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/dune A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to dune r/dune r/dune Dune is a landmark science fiction novel first published in 1965 and the first in a 6-book saga penned by author Frank Herbert. Widely considered one of the greatest works within the sci-fi genre, Dune has been the subject of various film and TV adaptations, including the Academy Award winning 2021 film Dune directed by Denis Villeneuve. Dune: Part Two opened on March 1, 2024. * * * 556K Members 116 Online • 7 mo. ago maddog1468 ADMIN MOD # Does the Water of Life corrupt Jessica and Paul? Dune (novel) false Preface: I am new to the Dune story and may lack some serious context. I’ve only seen the movies. Just finished watching Part 2 and was blown away. I was left with the impression that the water of life truly corrupted both Jessica and Paul. I’ve seen other posts about how much viewers loved Jessica in Pt. 2, but I saw her as evil after drinking the water of life. Once Jessica drinks it and becomes the Reverend Mother, one of her first plans of action is to target “weaker” Fremen and essentially indoctrinate them into believing Paul is the Mahdi. She becomes so obsessed with pushing the prophecy onto the Fremen and is far less concerned with the well-being of her son. Before Paul drinks it, he does not see himself as the Mahdi at all. After drinking it, he believes he is and announces it firmly to the Fremen. He seems to write off Chani after this who is the only Fremen who will not bow to him. His character shifts drastically from a sincere, heroic descendant of Atreides to an emboldened, arguably entitled man clambering for power. This marks the beginning of a new kind of war, with atom bombs and one where Paul is defiant of any perceived opposition of his personal prophecy. I could be wrong, but I’ve deduced that the water of life leads them to act only for power and less from their hearts, like the emperor said was characteristic of Duke Leto. I understand the water of life causes them to see the past and future, but did not expect this to change their characters so much. It seems like a big nod to the power of religion in war. This is a clear theme in the story, laced with the greed of the spice industry. What are your thoughts? Read more Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sort by: Best Open comment sort options * Best * Top * New * Controversial * Old * Q&A serralinda73 • 7mo ago • The Water of Life allows them to access their ancestral memories -Paul gets both his male and female ancestors, Jessica gets her female ancestors plus those of the Fremen Reverend Mother (name escapes me) who put her through the trial (Alia gets them as well, by accident). For Paul, it also opens up his prescience to a much higher degree - he can foresee further and clearer. Is this \"corrupting\"? Not really. It does change their intentions because now Paul sees a lot of shit coming that he\'s going to have to face, and he will absolutely need the Fremen if he\'s going the world from a catastrophic event very far in the future. He must become the Emperor. He doesn\'t want this but his sense of honor won\'t let him turn away selfishly to do what he wants. Jessica supports him completely and she now understands the Fremen deeply. She is doing her part to make sure Paul can steer events toward the right path. Reply reply maddog1468 • 7mo ago • Thank you for this perspective. Without that full picture in mind it was difficult to understand the sharp change. (Probably how Chani feels) Reply reply 51 more replies 51 more replies More replies ![\\"u/spiewak1990](\\" spiewak1990 • 7mo ago • In the books Chani does the ritual with Jessica, she\'s their back up reverend mother if Jessica had died Reply reply 88 more replies 88 more replies More replies Individual_Abies_850 • 7mo ago • Edited 7mo ago • At the start of the first film, Paul was already having visions in his dreams, due to his genetics (since Jessica gave the Duke a son when the Bene Gesseritts wanted her to provide only daughters - I’ll just simply say “he had good genes which predisposed him to receiving visions in his dreams”). If he had never gone to Arrakis and consumed the spice, I believe that’s all they would be, just dreams of prescience. The visions became much more intense, and would come to him while awake (such as the visions interacting with Jamis) after consuming the spice when he and his father escaped the sandworm in the desert, and after the Thopter crashed when he was seeing his role in things to come while in the tent. Then he drank the waters of life which gave him the abilities listed above in the earlier reply from serralinda73. So for Paul it’s a big combination of all those which finally change him into the Kwisatz Haderach. It’s not so much “evil” as it’s them playing the parts in the prophecy. In the book, Jessica is pushing the Mhadi stuff because she wants her son to be protected, unwittingly not realizing that her son is becoming the prophecy, at least as I recall - and I could be wrong. 😅 Reply reply ![\\"u/m0ngoos3](\\" m0ngoos3 • 7mo ago • Jessica does lean into it a bit in the book, but honestly it\'s more that Paul has had several years among the Fremen. He was training the Fedaykin in the weirding way, and leading them. Fremen respect competence. That and the water of life ceremony. The sort of telepathic communion thing that everyone gets after drinking the converted water of life. The Fremen see possible futures through Paul\'s budding powers. That sort of screams \"special guy\" and to the religious mind, it becomes \"Mahdi\". Paul\'s prescience is also different in the books, more fully developed before he takes the water of life. Reply reply 1 more reply 1 more reply More replies 2 more replies 2 more replies More replies ![\\"u/AdonisGaming93](\\" AdonisGaming93 • 7mo ago • I mean think about it. Imagine you drink some water and all of a sudden you now jave the entire memory of your ancestors, AND future.... yeah... you would essentially cease to be the same person. You might even be able to srgue that the \"you\" up to that moment is dead. So understandable why Paul would have a drastic change there. That is a very serious event. Reply reply Lydzshizz • 7mo ago • Yea that’s how I felt. It’s like the old Paul died out there in the desert and a new Person was born. Also w/o Paul and Chani losing their son in the movie I’m sure it would seem hasty how crazy he got there in the end. Reply reply 2 more replies 2 more replies More replies ![\\"u/Worried_Ferret_3418](\\" Worried_Ferret_3418 • 7mo ago • This is where either as a matter of director choice (paving the way for clarification to be provided in the third movie) or as a matter of frankly poor scripting, the movie does not provide a satisfactory explanation for non book readers. Please continue reading only if you don’t mind spoiling something which may be spelled out in the third movie. The water of life does not corrupt Jessica or Paul but it basically immensely upgrades their brains and opens the genetic memories embedded in their cells, providing them access to memories of their ancestors and immense amount of data on which their brain can rely in assessing future scenarios and their likelihood. The consequence of this is that their ability to analyse and predict become far more crystallised than before : and Paul’s ability to do so even more as he is of course the prime breed of the Bene Gesserit. So what the water does is to unlock their brainpower, which means that they inevitably have a better ability to ascertain what is the good and sustainable path to follow. So what happens is that Paul internally concludes that in the great balance of things it makes more sense for him to accept the role as the Mahdi - because that is the only “narrow path” through. Now, why this is the only “narrow path” only makes sense if you also know what is the counter factual, ie the scenario which materialises if he does not take the Mahdi role. I don’t want to go more into this because that would spoil things (in fact for the entire book series) but the bottom line is that he, having looked at the alternative futures, and being equipped with the much more perfect ability to foresee and analyse things, concludes that this is the right thing to do. In the books there is additional impetus to this because [book spoiler] he and Chani have a baby whom the Harkonnens kill so he goes “all in” out of revenge and is forced to drink the water to superpower himself. It was a mistake to omit this aspect although I suspect Villeneuve might want to play something around this in the third film. Reply reply 7 more replies 7 more replies More replies grpocz • 7mo ago • I see it as. When you see all choices. You actually have no choice. Jessica and Paul MUST act the part if not every other path is the end of them. I don\'t see it as Paul loses the awareness of how much suffering there will be. But any other choice other then playing his part and owning his role leads to the death of the Fremen Chani Jessica his sister and him. They LOSE. Someone must suffer. When you can see all paths you will never choose yourself or the ones you care about to suffer. Reply reply 3 more replies 3 more replies More replies Top 1% Rank by size Public Anyone can view, post, and comment to this community # More posts you may like Related Dune Science fiction novel Dune novel series Frank Herbert Reading, Writing, and Literature Book series Fantasy novel forward back * r/dune r/dune Dune is a landmark science fiction novel first published in 1965 and the first in a 6-book saga penned by author Frank Herbert. 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See first the act of love the conversion scene on the occasion of false love as is done with all Hindu girls
< HEIGHT=200 WIDTH=5> | \"The Story of an Hour\": Student Responses, 1996 Students of Ann Woodlief, Virginia Commonwealth University | When I first began reading \"The Story of an Hour,\" Mrs. Mallard seemed to me an old woman and as we are told in the very first line, “afflicted with a heart trouble.” I was surprised in the eighth paragraph when Chopin tells us that \"She was young,\" but even more interesting to me that she is described as having “a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression” which depicts her as being old for her age. The description of this repression is backed up when Chopin gives us the reason for Mrs. Mallard’s “monstrous joy” which reads thus “There would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow-creature.” After reading through this story the first time, I had many questions and many conclusions. For instance, it seems as if Chopin is showing us a social situation of the times with the woman as prisoner of her husband. It is common knowledge that marriages are not always about mutual love between two people and during the time that Chopin was writing, this was more often the case. Marriage was as much about monetary comfort, social status and acceptance as it was about possible love. There are no children mentioned in this story which makes me wonder if there was a sexual relationship between the Mallards. It seems from the description that Mrs. Mallard has been trapped in this marriage for a long time even though we know she is young. How young is she? Even though I say she is trapped, do not misunderstand me: I do not think this marriage is arranged, instead that she has been coerced by her society to marry despite what she may want to do in her heart and soul. I believe she does love her husband, but it is possible to love a man and not be married to him. This was not her case; if she were able (meaning a man would agree with her decision) and she did engage in a loving relationship with a man who was not her husband, she would have certainly been looked down upon. Is her heart condition purely physical or is it also psychological and emotional? We know the stereotypes, as Chopin did, that women are hysterical, timid, weak, irrational. Could it be that her heart condition is created by those tip-toeing around her in conjunction with her own emotional weaknesses? I find it interesting that her first name is only told to us after she hears of her husband’s death and when she feels the most free. Before this point she is referred to as Mrs. Mallard or “she,” and after this point when her husband returns home, she is referred to as “wife.” Chopin is pointing to something very interesting here which leads me back to the title of woman as “wife.” When Louise marries Bently she becomes Mrs. Mallard; she loses her identity and assumes a new and strange one. While it seems very normal and average for a wife to assume her husband’s name in marriage and in that time, to put it harshly, become the property of him, it cannot be ignored that a certain part of the self is lost. This woman is very in tune with this loss and even though her love for her husband keeps her from it, the freedom she feels when she thinks he is dead becomes unavoidable and enjoyable. Chopin wrote the story and has given us a narrator who, if it is not Chopin personally, I believe to still be female. The descriptions and insight we are given into the character of Louise come from someone who understands her situation and is forgiving. We see Louise as she finds happiness out of her husband’s death and yet, by the narration, we see her struggle with guilt and overcome it. From the female perspective, it could be argued that her death was really an ultimate freedom from her unhappy marriage. If we assume that the narrator is male, could it be that her death was a punishment for her happiness at the death of her husband? It is not as farfetched as it seems and raises many more questions as to the goal this story sets out to achieve. Kristene B. --- ![](\\"file:///C|/Classes/ENG384/works/blank.gif\\") “The Story of an Hour” at first reminded me of “A Very Short Story” in the way that it leaves out details that that the reader needs to fill in the gaps and easily understand the plot of the story. It’s this “Swiss cheese” effect that makes the story so interesting; by allowing the reader to “plug in” his/her own details the story takes on varied connotations. An example of this is the beginning paragraph where the reader gets the impression that this woman is going to be extremely upset that her husband has died in a train accident. The people closest to her have gone to great lengths to cushion the blow of her husband’s death; however, we are not given any details as to the relationship they had in the past or any relevant information. By doing this the author allows the reader to form his/her own false interpretation of how this woman is going to react. We see this technique used early into the story and we, as readers, are strung along until we hear the woman utter the words “free, free, free” which really throws the reader off the track he/she expected to follow. The rest of the narrative begins to twist the story to the exact opposite of what the reader was waiting to have happen. We find a woman who instead of being upset and heart-broken over her husband\'s death is experiencing complete joy over the death of another human being. Which, of course, now gives us the impression that she has been mistreated in this relationship and that, perhaps, this death is for the best. All this makes the reader justify the way the woman reacted, but in the end it\'s Mrs. Mallard who dies upon seeing her husband alive and well. This ending definitely conjures up some questions that are difficult to answer. Ron B. ![](\\"file:///C|/Classes/ENG384/works/blank.gif\\") This was a great story. I like Chopin even though she is an ardent feminist. Through the first read several things stood out. First you will notice how the woman of the story is simply referred to as Mrs. Mallard--an appendage of Brently Mallard---then when she is free she is referred to as Louise, her first name. Chopin is trying to say that marriage represses women and \"bends the will.\" Even if marriage does bend the will Brently Mallard was still a good man, and his face never looked upon her with anything but love. She knows that this man loved her, but that is not enough for her to feel any love for him. Chopin does not seem to think that a man’s plans and intentions are bent for a relationship. Personally, I have never seen a working relationship that was totally one-sided. It is great that such a short little story could raise so many questions about the nature of relationships and what they mean to a woman like Chopin. She considers any intention that bends the will a crime, even if it is kind. There could be a thousand years of philosophical debate on that one point. In the way of characters I think Richards was an interesting character. His role seems so small, perhaps intentionally so. Chopin is trying to show that women can get along just fine without having men interfere. The major theme of the story represents a disdain for the way that women are treated in some relationships, and to a certain extent in society as well. It is hard for a male to give concrete examples of a female\'s place in society having never dealt with that stereotype. The late eighteen hundreds were a rough time for women and there weren’t the options, like divorce, that are now available to women. However in this story there is so much repression. You would think that this woman had been locked in a basement and fed bugs by Brently. Travis C. ![](\\"file:///C|/Classes/ENG384/works/blank.gif\\") This is the story of a woman who finds out her husband has died in a train wreck. She reacts with sadness at first, but then realizes in a rush of emotion & relief that she is “Free! Body and soul free!” She views the world with a fresh outlook--one where she will be her own person, answering only to herself. She is ready to begin this new life when her husband--who evidently wasn’t on the train after all--comes home. The woman (Louise) dies from heart failure on the spot. I loved this little story--it takes a couple of twists and turns that makes the ending ironic and unobvious. The year the story was written (1894) is included, and this adds interest to the content of the story. The fact that Louise recognizes her oppression from the male-dominated society of the time is interesting to me. For some reason (I don’t know why) I haven’t read much work in which a woman of the time period speaks of feeling that a long life with her husband is undesirable. But when she realizes her husband is dead, Louise’s view of a long life changes from dread to hope. Louise is obviously the character of interest--through her we see the social repression that women felt at the time. Louise represents all women of the time. They were locked into marriages that were probably loving--at least Louise says her husband “never looked at her save with love”--but were oppressive in their treatment of women. The language of the story does a good job at conveying the emotions and feelings of the characters. Although Louise represents all women, she is different. Being told of Brently’s (her husband) death, she “did not take the news as many women have.” The choice of many is interesting. It shows that many women accepted (perhaps blindly) the situation of being controlled in their lives by their husbands. After being told the news of his death, Louise goes to her room and looks out the window. The language here foreshadows the ironic happiness that she feels at being set free. Instead of being gloomy and dark (the way weather is usually symbolized at the mention of death) the sky shows patches of blue (from between white, not black) clouds; birds are singing and there is a “delicious breath of rain” in the air. I can’t help but think that when Louise’s sister is calling to her through the door--“open the door--you will make yourself ill”--that she would believe Louise had made herself ill with all the talk of freedom. When she finally opens the door and walks out “like a goddess of Victory” I would think that her sister would notice and wonder why. When Brently returns, Louise drops dead. We know that she had a weak heart--it was explained that the train accident was explained carefully in order to prevent an adverse reaction--and the doctors assume that she died at his sight from the “joy” of seeing him. “The joy that kills” they called it. Those doctors, undoubtedly men, were unwittingly describing Louise’s marriage as well. Mark D. ![](\\"file:///C|/Classes/ENG384/works/blank.gif\\") Chopin describes for us here a story of great irony. She introduces to us Mrs. Mallard; we know she is a woman with a heart condition and that she is unaware of her husband’s death. We then meet her sister, Josephine, who is reluctant to be the bearer of bad news. And also her husband’s friend Richards, whose significance in the story seems very ambiguous to me. We learn that there has been an accident, a railroad disaster, and that Mrs. Mallard’s husband, Brently, was deemed “killed.” There had been two telegrams affirming this, thus eliminating the possibility of an error. She immediately begins to grieve with “wild abandonment,” shortly afterwards she seeks solitude. In her solitude, we find her to be acutely aware of her surroundings and her senses, almost as if a dark cloud has been lifted from her soul and she can now live life to its fullest potential. For moments, we can see through her eyes, feel her chest heaving and hear the birds chirping. She feels something that she has forgotten she could feel. She is feeling the clouds being lifted from her soul, she is illuminated, she is free. She is overwhelmed with freedom, opening up her arms to welcome it, letting it envelope her body and her soul. She remembers her husband with kind memories, memories of time, memories that are now of the past. She is in the present and she is free! Her sister is concerned with her solitude and inquires of her well being. We learn that her name is Louise; she is no longer Mrs. Mallard, she is Louise, she has her own identity because she is free. She is reveling in her freedom, thinking of her freedom today and tomorrow, longing to have a lengthy life of her own. She opens the door to her sister with a sparkle in her eye and a new sense of herself. They descend the staircase together, meeting Richards at the bottom. Someone is opening the door. It’s Brently Mallard, unharmed and completely composed, unaware of the transformation that has occured with his absence. We hear a scream from Josephine and see Richards attempt to conceal the living dead from the view of the heart patient. But it is too late. She is dead. Mrs. Mallard’s heart stopped. Her life stopped. She had everything and nothing all in the same moment. This is a wonderful story, so well written and descriptive that we can be Mrs. Mallard. The omniscience of the narrator allows us this. We can see through her eyes, breathe through her lungs. We desire what she desires. This makes the story. The setting is perfect. She ascends the staircase to freedom, everything changes at the top of the stairs. We descend the staircase with her and everything is taken away. She dies of the joy that kills, irony to the end. Magnificent! ![](\\"file:///C|/Classes/ENG384/works/blank.gif\\") This short story grabbed my attention from the moment I finished the first sentence to the end of the story. During the first few paragraphs I thought that she was very depressed and saddened from hearing about her husbands death. Of course as soon as she whispers the words “free, free, free!” I knew that she felt happy about her husband’s death. I detect that no one else knew of these feelings of contempt for husband but herself, or she would not have kept these feelings inside of herself. In the fifth paragraph, after just being told of her husband\'s death, she is very descriptive of everything that she sees at that moment, as if she wants to remember every detail of this moment. But why would one point out “delicious breath of rain,” “notes of a distant song,” and “sparrows were twittering in the eaves” at the time of their spouse\'s death? When I think of these things that she is describing they are happy scenes, scenes of serenity. This was my first clue that there was more going on in this story than just someone who lost her husband. Throughout the story you get the feeling from the wife that she was probably controlled by her husband and that their marriage was not a happy one at all. “The kind, tender hands folded in death”; this statement shocked me at first when I read it. Because I didn’t get the impression from her other comments that he was a kind and tender man, as a matter of fact I thought the exact opposite of him. But her next statement--”... the face that had never looked save with love upon her, fixed and gray and dead”--this was more of how I pictured this man to be. The words that she uses to describe him are very strong-- ”fixed,” “gray,” “dead”--these words are very harsh. It was in the next couple paragraphs of her describing her freedom that I began to feel very happy for her that he was out of her life. I think that it was very ironic for them to use the word “joy” in the last sentence of this story, because it was actual joy that she felt when she realized her husband was dead, and pain so great that killed her when she saw him walk through the door. Shajuana I. ![](\\"file:///C|/Classes/ENG384/works/blank.gif\\") The first time I encountered this story, it was read aloud to me in a class that I took this fall. I thought it was most unusual, and I am glad I have the opportunity to read it now. The story has many surprises, twists and turns, and in the end I had nearly forgotten the poor dead husband, as I was happy for Mrs. Mallard’s release from such an unhappy existence. The first words that struck me as wonderful in this story were in lines 3 and 4: “veiled hints that revealed in half concealing.” What a beautiful way to describe breaking bad news. The words “veiled” and “concealing” are used in a wonderful way in the same sentence. I also like the description of the “storm of grief” Mrs. Mallard experiences. Weeping with “sudden, wild abandonment” is such an apt description of this emotion. So far I have not suspected that there is anything amiss with Mrs. Mallard’s reaction to the news of her husband’s death. After all, each and every human being has an intense range of emotions that are neither right or wrong--they simply belong to that particular individual. I also found nothing suspect in Mrs. Mallard retreating to her room--also perfectly understandable. Here, however, alone in the privacy of her room, is where the story started to turn for me.The description of what she saw when looking out her bedroom window hit me as odd--I remember times in my own life when overwhelming grief or shock has seized me. Nothing in the world looks right--certainly not happy or pleasant. Yet, there were “trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life. The delicious breath of rain . . . sparrows . . . patches of bue sky . . . ” These things tell me that she is seeing her life as now having a new look, and it seems to parallel the fresh, new, earthy and upbeat sights out of her bedroom window. I like the description of her emotional release when she sat “with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair . . . ” The sob described here really indicated emotional intensity--was she crying for joy, albeit guilty joy? “There was something coming to her....” this passage almost says “fasten your seatbelts, readers.” Mrs. Mallard has succeeded in gaining my sympathy here, as she is definitely resisting her feelings--feelings that are coming upon her like a tidal wave. I feel that she is really a decent, moral woman and wants to do the right thing-- she wants to have THE CORRECT GRIEF REACTION. Finally she accepts this reaction as being true--after all it has come upon her so powerfully, how could it be anything but an honest feeling? It was refreshing to see that her reasons for feeling this way were not because she was an abused and mistreated wife--not even because she hated her husband (I think she had tender feelings for him): she merely wanted time to herself! GO MRS. MALLARD! I have the feeling that Mr. and Mrs. Mallard had been married a while, and that she had felt “bound” by the restrictions of being in a relationship and this was an “out” that was dropped into her lap, so she’s gonna run with it. After all, she didn’t kill the man--it was Divine Intervention! The last line of paragraph 14 is “A kind intention or a cruel intention made the act seem no less a crime as she looked upon it in that brief moment of illumination.” This says that it doesn’t matter that her husband probably didn’t intend to be so controlling and needy--but the effect upon her was the same. I relate to this story not in that I am a widow, but I have been divorced for five years after ten years of marriage. I too reacted with grief when my marriage ended, and I went through an incredible range of emotions. NOW, however, I revel in my freedom and independence. Not that I had a horrible marriage, but I did have to be part of a “couple” and there are responsibilities that go along with that which do infringe upon one’s freedom to establish her own identity. I was really sorry that Mrs. Mallard did not get the chance to do this. She was swimming in it--she was in overdrive imagining the possibilities about being “free, free, free!” I don’t think she felt guilty about it, nor should she have. She had loved him, yet what could love have do do with the feeling she was having now? So what if she loved him --he was dead but she was alive as she’d never been before . . . maybe even on the road so wrapped up in this fantasy, planning the rest of her life without her “ball and chain,” that when she saw this “ghost” walk through the front door, it hit her ten times harder than it might have had she not been adrift in her joy of being “suddenly single.” This too tells me that both Mr. and Mrs. Mallard must have been older people--there was a lot of history between them, a lot of years, and I imagine that her heart might have withstood the shock had she been a bit younger. [Later response, same person (the next semester in a women writers course)]: I understand and at times tend to agree with the argument that the author’s biographical information should stand apart from the work itself. In the case of Chopin, however, I do find it necessary, perhaps imperative, to incorporate her life experience into the meaning I gather from her work. I believe the events in her life greatly influenced her writing--from her father’s death in a railroad accident, when she was five years old, to the time after the death of her own husband. Chopin died young (44), yet she had twelve years of married life and twelve years of widowhood packed into those forty-four years. I find that interesting, and I feel it gave her a fair perspective of life as the “other half” in a marriage, and life as a woman alone. Chopin was another of the “pioneer feminists,” daring to write that women could actually exist, thrive, sans a man. She is credited with having the nerve to explore the sexual, emotional, and intellectual needs, or the very existence of these needs of women. That she had the fortitude to write about these “taboo” issues with great integrity in a time when women could only fantasize about equality, etc. is inspiring. Mrs. Mallard’s heart trouble is surely two-fold--no doubt a physical defect exists, possibly exaggerated emotional strain--heart trouble, the intangible variety, unhappiness, misery, the sad state of one’s lot in life. Mrs. Mallard’s heart trouble may have been psychological as well as biological--one can literally make oneself ill from worry, depression, etc. People do die of a broken heart. Mrs. Mallard “did not hear” the story as other women might-- this shows how one-dimensional, clone-like women of Mrs. Mallard’s time were: there was an expected, acceptable emotional response for every life situation. Chopin makes an interesting commentary here about the necessity for women to express themselves as individuals--in times of joy, grief. I believe there was even a prescribed manner in which women were allowed to “swoon”--not a drop- dead faint, but a slow, feminine form of collapse. Lynda R. ![](\\"file:///C|/Classes/ENG384/works/blank.gif\\") The things that I marked in the story were the references to Mrs. Mallard’s heart condition. The very first paragraph informs the reader of her heart trouble, and how her loved ones were so careful and cautious while breaking the news to her of her husband’s death. In paragraph 11, where Mrs. Mallard cries out “free, free, free!” her heart condition is no longer an issue (to herself) since her husband is dead. Her body is “warmed and relaxed.” At the end of the story, I found it ironic how Mrs. Mallard’s loved ones took spontaneous and startling means to protect her from the realization that her husband was indeed alive. They took little care and caution regarding her delicate heart condition. I thought these portions of the text were significant because there was some reference to Mrs. Mallard’s heart condition throughout the text. Maybe I missed the answers to these questions within the text, but I hope not. Why did Mrs. Mallard dislike her husband so much, that she could rejoice and feel reborn in his death? I guess that my reading experience could be categorized as emotional. In the first few paragraphs, my feelings were those of sympathy and pity for the sickly wife who just lost her husband. Around the eighth paragraph I experienced a little confusion, “Is she happy that her husband is dead?” At the eleventh paragraph I felt relief along with Mrs. Mallard. I felt her freedom. At the beginning of the next to the last paragraph, I felt nervous, anticipating the worst for Mrs. Mallard, that it would be her husband opening the door. I could feel the disappointment when the person opening the door was Mr. Mallard. After my first reading of the text, I thought of a character in a very popular novel, Celie of Alice Walker’s The Color Purple. When Celie was young her father impregnated her and abused her. When he died, he left her his land and his house. Celie mourned for the benefit of those around her, but when they were gone and she was in the driveway of that house, she smiled and danced for joy. This is quite similar to the reactions of Mrs. Mallard. Monique M. ![](\\"file:///C|/Classes/ENG384/works/blank.gif\\") My “first” response to this story is “I like it.” That is because it is not my first time reading it. The first time I read this story I was shocked by the ending and disappointed with her view of marriage. At the time of my first reading of this story, I was newly married and “high on love” so to speak. Therefore, I couldn’t possibly believe that someone could look at love and marriage in such a negative light. On reading the story this time around I see a much more positive side to the story. I probably also see it a little more objectively now. There are many signs of life in the story that represent a re-birth of this young woman. Prior to her husband\'s death she dreaded each day and was “pressed down by a physical exhaustion that haunted her body.” Now that he is dead she sees the potential for life (her life) with phrases like “new spring life, breath of rain, and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves.” Most of the story deals with her quick accepance of her husband\'s death and her quick acceptance of the new possibilities for her own life and soul. The title of the story would seem to reinforce this idea of quick acceptance. It indicates that her important transition took place within one short hour. Normally people take months to fully come to terms with the death of a family member. Mrs. Mallard, however, is quick to put it all into perspective. I think the location she has chosen to deal with this transition is important. She is in her bedroom in a comfortable armchair, which would seem to indicate she felt safe here. She seems to have found a remedy to life, which is her husband\'s death. The ending this time around is more ironic than shocking. She died because her potential for unhappiness was still alive (her husband). Jacqueline M. ![](\\"file:///C|/Classes/ENG384/works/blank.gif\\") This story is both humorous and is valuable in a historical perspective. It is first a commentary on the feelings that a woman trapped into marriage during this time period may have experienced. Marriage may have seemed to be an interminable “trap” and the only “honorable” way out for a woman may have been through death of her husband. This story is ironic in that the narrator\'s death is attributed to being overcome with great joy, when in fact she died of a combination of shock and disapointment. I liked this story, and I think that despite the time that the story was written, it is very easy to relate to. It also presents the way death can encourage many different feelings at once. The narrator admits that she will probably miss her husband, but she can also see the years of freedom stretching into the future. Sunita R. ![](\\"file:///C|/Classes/ENG384/works/blank.gif\\") I have read this story before so my first reading is actually a second or third reading. If I remember correctly my first response to it was amusement at the irony of the whole thing. I can understand how a woman can feel free from the husband that she has been with for a long time. He wasn’t bad to her, but all she was known as was Mrs. Mallard. I noticed that everyone had a first name at the beginning of the story except for Mrs. Mallard. It was not until her husband\'s supposed death that we find out her name is Louise. It’s like a spiritual freeing of the woman that was caged behind the man. Obviously she felt free because she said it over and over. “And yet she had loved him-- sometimes. Often she had not. What did it matter! What could love, the unsolved mystery, count for in the face of this possession of self-assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her being! \'Free! Body and soul free!\' she kept whispering.” There were certain words that I saw that lent themselves to the mood of the story. “She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance. She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister\'s arms. When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone. She would have no one follow her.” The storm of grief that overcame her eventually led to “a physical exhaustion that haunted her body and seemed to reach into her soul.” I think that everyone has experienced the feeling of being totally emotionally drained after dealing with something that was probably too much to handle in the first place. After you relax for a bit, there is a peaceful calm that slowly takes over your body and you feel totally at ease. At least I do. I think the mere fact that the situation is over lends itself to the feeling of freedom and the feeling that a terrible burden has been lifted off your shoulders. For Louise, being Mrs. Brently Mallard was a burden. Many women feel oppressed and overshadowed by their husbands. It is not necessarily something that the husband has done, it is just the personality of the woman who cannot be caged. Her storm of grief turned calm and suddenly “Her fancy was running riot along those days ahead of her. Spring days, and summer days, and all sorts of days that would be her own. She breathed a quick prayer that life might be long. It was only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that life might be long.” The blue sky peeked through the storm and turned into the longing for days filled with sunshine and light. She wanted to live long and prosper on her own when just the day before she didn’t really want to prolong her life. I can throw some Emerson in here too because she was totally content within herself. She was ready for a long and happy life by herself. When her husband was alive, these feelings of hers were dead. Stephanie R. ![](\\"file:///C|/Classes/ENG384/works/blank.gif\\") I’ve read a few other things by Kate Chopin, and “The Story of an Hour” fits into the body of her work very neatly. She foreshadows the end of the story blatantly, and if you’re at all familiar with her work, the ending is no surprise. It would be fitting that her supposedly dead husband’s return (safely) to the house would trigger her death, since she is, after all, “afflicted with a heart trouble.” Once she’s got her mind set on being “free” from her husband, she is completely unprepared to deal with being imprisoned behind him once again. Some words that caught my attention were especially in the second paragraph, with “broken,” “veiled,” “revealed,” and “half concealing.” Another item that caught my eye was that her husband was “leading the list of ‘killed’,” when he was, in reality, “far from the scene of the accident, and did not even know that there had been one.” Things that surprised me: she’s “young” but “afflicted with a heart trouble.” If she’s young, would she have had time to even feel imprisoned by her marriage? “And yet she had loved him--sometimes. Often she had not. What did it matter! What could love, the unsolved mystery . . . ” If she’s young, why did she marry him if not for love? I suppose there isn’t room to address all of these issues in one short story. Perhaps Chopin is addressing the fact that not everyone at this time married for love--“The unsolved mystery”--is it unsolved because the woman doesn’t know what it is? She hasn’t felt it. She seems to never have loved this man that is her husband. She loves her new-found hour-long freedom, but not her own husband? Finally, “heart disease--of the joy that kills”--what’s that all about? Joy that kills? She’s happy to have him back? Is that what the doctor thinks? She’s heartbroken because her freedom was all imaginary, only an hour long. Is that what killed her? That’s been bothering me ever since I read it, which is, I suppose, the author’s intent. Caitlin S. ![](\\"file:///C|/Classes/ENG384/works/blank.gif\\") As I read this story, I noticed there was a definite juxtaposition of woman and man. I found the character of Richards unnecessary. Simple exposition through Josephine could have easily explained the accident. While I’m on the subject of Richards--why was he “near” Mrs. Mallard? I don’t think it was entirely innocent because he had waited to “assure” himself of the husband’s death. What odd diction. The passage with Mrs. Mallard staring off out of the window of her room was the most significant in my opinion. The reason why is because the natural world (i.e., the blue patches of sky peeking out through the clouds, the tops of trees all aquiver, the breath of rain, etc.) mirrors Mrs. Mallard’s feelings. The world breaks open with new, spring life, just as Mrs. Mallard’s new life is about to begin. The phrase “a little whispered word escaped her slightly parted lips” is wonderful. “Free” is a very appropriate word to “escape” one’s lips. When Mrs. Mallard and Josephine descend from the top of the stairs to meet the two men, I couldn’t help but laugh. It seems that the women had to come down to the level of the men . . . kind of a descent into hell sort of thing . . . maybe I’m reading too much into it . . . did anyone else pick up on that? A major gap that I picked up on was the husband’s reaction to his wife’s death. I keep thinking that if Chopin had showed us a little more in that scene, that perhaps he, too, would feel “free.” I noticed, also, that Richards, who thinks himself the most tender, careful friend, doesn’t help out while Louise is upstairs. It’s her sister who helps her. Richards is downstairs twiddling his thumbs . . . yea, real tender, careful guy . . . so careful in fact that he fails in his final attempt to shield the sight of the husband from Mrs. Mallard. Also, the husband’s death was mentioned in one paragraph, but Louise’s journey of freedom took up the majority of the story. Definitely a woman-power story (for lack of a better term). Leigh W. ![](\\"file:///C|/Classes/ENG384/works/blank.gif\\") I have read this story before. It’s one of my favorites. I don’t view Louise’s reaction to her husband’s death as a wrong way to react. Of course back in the 1800’s, the cultural “norm” was for a woman feel tremendously grievous, and distraught over the death of her husband. Back in those days a woman’s worth was primarily based on who she was married to. I don’t think Louise was necessarily happy her husband died. At the beginning of the story after she learned of his death it says, “She wept at once with sudden, and wild, abandonment in her sister’s arms. When the storm of grief had spent itself, she went away to her room alone. She would have no one follow her.” That doesn’t spell out joy to me. I think she went into her room not knowing what to feel. While she was in there “soaking in” her environment she began to realize certain things. One monumental thing was that life was moving on despite her husband’s death. When I say that, I’m referring to the mentioning of “the new spring life, the delicious breath of rain, the street caller, the open window, the open square.” Ultimately she decided to view her husband’s death as an opportunity to become a part of that life in ways that she never had before. Well, as we all know, Louise’s husband did not die. I think the irony of the ending is what ties the story up so well. She didn’t have a heart attack when she heard of his death, she had one when she saw him alive. The narrator wants the reader to believe that she died of disappointment at seeing her husband alive. I’m going along with that. I also don’t think she died of joy either. It’s obvious that the narrator believes that the other characters thought she died of the “joy that kills.” Chopin does an excellent job at convincing the reader that the other characters were clueless. She died of shock. Can you imagine finding out that your spouse is dead, and accepting it one way or the other, and then seeing that they are actually alive? Regardless of your feelings for them, it\'s going to affect you tremendously. Unfortunately, Louise’s heart could not handle the shock. Just out of curiosity. . . does anyone have any ideas about what the title of the story suggests? What about the idea that Louise may have died of guilt? Maybe she thought her husband was actually a ghost. She did scream when she saw him. Megan G. ![](\\"../myhome.jpg\\") Return to study text ![](\\"file:///C|/Classes/ENG384/works/blank.gif\\")
See first the act of love the conversion scene on the occasion of false love as is done with all Hindu girls
Desert Spring Tears : r/dune Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/dune A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to dune r/dune r/dune Dune is a landmark science fiction novel first published in 1965 and the first in a 6-book saga penned by author Frank Herbert. Widely considered one of the greatest works within the sci-fi genre, Dune has been the subject of various film and TV adaptations, including the Academy Award winning 2021 film Dune directed by Denis Villeneuve. Dune: Part Two opened on March 1, 2024. * * * 556K Members 120 Online • 7 mo. ago FistsOfMcCluskey ADMIN MOD # Desert Spring Tears Dune: Part Two (2024) false Chani’s tears, and her sietch name, being a part of the prophecy is one element of the movie I kinda whistled past. But something struck me on rewatch… every part of the prophecy is a fabrication. In the book, it simply takes a few extra drops of the water of life to bring Paul back after he drinks. So my question is this: did Chani’s tears in the movie even do anything when added to the water or did Jessica insist on this simply because it was a part of the story that needed to happen? Her tears were all for show so that people would believe more strongly in Paul… rather than Chani having “magic tears”. This has become my own head canon. What do others think? Read more Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. CiscoInfrastructure • Promoted Get ready for enhanced network and cloud infrastructure with improved agility, flexibility, collaboration, smarter operations, and automation. Discover more today! Learn More ![\\"Thumbnail](\\"\\") Sort by: Best Open comment sort options * Best * Top * New * Controversial * Old * Q&A simpledeadwitches • 7mo ago • I think that\'s what makes Dune great. You can interpret the prophecy, the Bene Gesserit, etc and determine your own understanding of the details of how things work. It\'s very compelling that at every turn we have to stop and ask ourselves, \'Is this fate or are these plans?\' Reply reply Sasklanding • 7mo ago • Plans within plans within plans Reply reply 5 more replies 5 more replies More replies Woland1312 • 7mo ago • Then the beauty of that is applying it to real life and it opens up a whole different can of worms. What is fabrication and what isn\'t? I have my own views but I wouldn\'t force them on anyone and respect people with different views, it is a very thought provoking aspect of the book/film. Reply reply 2 more replies 2 more replies More replies 3 more replies 3 more replies More replies Rogue_Apostle • 7mo ago • In the book, Chani knows a few drops of Water of Life will revive him because she is trained as a sayyadina. Exactly why those drops work is not explained that I can recall, but presumably when sayyadinas are trained in rituals, this is something they are told. The movie differs because Jessica knows Paul drank the Water so she knows what is wrong with him. As a Reverend Mother she has been trained and knows that a few drops will bring Paul back. She also knows that there\'s a prophecy about the desert spring. Of course, she knows it\'s a fake prophecy planted by the BG, but she takes advantage of it and sends for Chani. We do not see Chani trained as a sayyadina in the movie, but she seems to know that the way to remedy this situation is to give Paul a few more drops. She also knows the prophecy, knows it\'s fake, and sees what Jessica is trying to do. She gets angry and tells Jessica to do it. She doesn\'t want to play her role in legitimizing the prophecy. Of course Jessica forces her to do it and of course it works, just as it would have worked if Jessica (or presumably anyone else) had given him the Water. The tears had nothing to do with it. But to the naive onlookers, the prophecy is fulfilled. I don\'t think this is head cannon. I found it pretty explicit. It would have been a bit more straightforward if the woman who showed Jessica how to kill the worm had mentioned something about the few extra drops, but you can figure it out without that. Reply reply ![\\"u/samgyupsalgongjoo](\\" samgyupsalgongjoo • 7mo ago • Thank you for this post. It helped me organize my thoughts. On another note, the thing that\'s always bothered me since the book was whyyy omg whyyy do the extra drops make a difference? Reply reply 2 more replies 2 more replies More replies 5 more replies 5 more replies More replies forrestpen • 7mo ago • Edited 7mo ago • Chani chose Paul as much as Paul chose Chani. This is key. They fell in love, of all people, against Jessica\'s wishes. This was the one thing that wasn\'t manipulated - even if Chani was forced to fulfill her part. Is it a freaky coincidence? Is it due to some greater force at work in the universe? That\'s for the audience to decide. Did her tears actually work? Was Paul pretending to be unconscious? The vagueness is a cool plot beat because it creates a possible supernatural element to get the audience wondering if there is more to the prophecy than just a fabrication - puts us in the head space of the Fremen if only for a moment. Chani doesn\'t believe in the prophecy and probably doesn\'t think there\'s anything special about her tears. She knows Jessica is using her but now may even suspect Paul is also using her in a moment of cold blooded manipulation. Paul didn\'t just do something dumb taking the water of life, it could be the moment, to her, that he\'s become a manipulator and not the man she fell in love with. Reply reply ![\\"u/Sp3ctre7](\\" Sp3ctre7 • 7mo ago • Paul fell in love with Chani, but he also has dormant prescience (and the suppressed genetic memory of the Bene Gesserit) subconsciously influencing him all the time. I mean, the first time he is subjected to spice by the harvester he hears feminine Voices telling him to \"arise, Kwisatz Haderach.\" Paul falls in love with Chani, in part, because he sees her in his dreams, but she appears in his dreams due to his dormant prescience. Who is to say that the same prescience that leads to him pragmatically (and selfishly) fulfilly the prophecy isn\'t influencing him to fall in love with a woman whose love will reinforce his Divinity in the eyes of the Fremen? Who is Paul but not a seed, guided and nurtured by a prescient connection to what he will become? Reply reply 9 more replies 9 more replies More replies 3 more replies 3 more replies More replies ![\\"u/timeandspace11](\\" timeandspace11 • 7mo ago • As a few others have said, Jessica made her do it to fulfill the prophesy. Could Jessica have saved Paul herself? Possibly. But she needed to further stoke the Fremens\' beliefs. Reply reply ![\\"u/correctalexam](\\" correctalexam • 7mo ago • It sounds like what is being said in this thread is Jessica absolutely yes could have revived him. And let him lay there unconscious until Chani arrived, and voice-compelled her to do it. Makes sense to me now why Chani was yelling at Jessica to do it herself. They both knew there was a simple cure. That shit flew right over my head. Reply reply 1 more reply 1 more reply More replies csukoh78 • 7mo ago • When Paul drinks the Water of Life, he gains access to genetic memory of males and females. Since he is the first male to do this, he becomes \"lost\" in the sea of dominant personalities now trying to access his body. (This happens to Alia) Her tears act like a lighthouse to bring Paul\'s personality and essence back into his own body because he recognizes her taste and smell from the tears. The moment he tastes her tears, he knows where to return to, and wakes up. 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See first the act of love the conversion scene on the occasion of false love as is done with all Hindu girls
![\\"Shakescleare\\"](\\"\\"/) # The Merchant of Venice Table of Contents Act 1, Scene 1 Act 1, Scene 2 Act 1, Scene 3 Act 2, Scene 1 Act 2, Scene 2 Act 2, Scene 3 Act 2, Scene 4 Act 2, Scene 5 Act 2, Scene 6 Act 2, Scene 7 Act 2, Scene 8 Act 2, Scene 9 Act 3, Scene 1 Act 3, Scene 2 Act 3, Scene 3 Act 3, Scene 4 Act 3, Scene 5 Act 4, Scene 1 Act 4, Scene 2 Act 5, Scene 1 AI ToolsNew Tools to make learning and teaching easier Got It ![\\"The](\\" logo-a5f71ddf742efc8224556c5af660e50a78055adc5f4beaf27d9b589498298326.png\\"/) AI Tools Ask LitCharts AIDiscussion Question GeneratorEssay Prompt GeneratorQuiz Question Generator ![\\"Guides\\"](\\" downloads-75c06148cea63e2260e73ef26ed7f5a40621da89b65622ab42e07ba5441e8eeb.png\\"/)Guides Literature GuidesPoetry GuidesShakespeare TranslationsLiterary TermsSign up for A+ ![\\"The](\\" wordmark-d71cd5872ace5b08338457c0c8121a6dff2dc6c96c8d6b1e872cffb38a9a4c84.png\\"/) AI ToolsNew Tools to make learning and teaching easier Got It AI Tools * Ask LitCharts AI * Discussion Question Generator * Essay Prompt Generator * Quiz Question Generator ![\\"Guides\\"](\\" downloads-75c06148cea63e2260e73ef26ed7f5a40621da89b65622ab42e07ba5441e8eeb.png\\"/) Guides * Literature Guides * Poetry Guides * Shakespeare Translations * Literary TermsSign up for A+ Sign up # The Merchant of Venice Shakescleare Translation Upgrade to A+ Teachers and parents! Check out our Teacher Editions. They make teaching easy. Table of Contents Act 1, Scene 1 Act 1, Scene 2 Act 1, Scene 3 Act 2, Scene 1 Act 2, Scene 2 Act 2, Scene 3 Act 2, Scene 4 Act 2, Scene 5 Act 2, Scene 6 Act 2, Scene 7 Act 2, Scene 8 Act 2, Scene 9 Act 3, Scene 1 Act 3, Scene 2 Act 3, Scene 3 Act 3, Scene 4 Act 3, Scene 5 Act 4, Scene 1 Act 4, Scene 2 Act 5, Scene 1 ![](\\" images/the-merchant-of-venice.png\\"/) Download the entire _The Merchant of Venice_ translation as a printable PDF! Teachers and parents! Check out our Teacher Editions. They make teaching easy. ![](\\" images/the-merchant-of-venice.png\\"/) Download the entire _The Merchant of Venice_ translation! (PDF) ## The Merchant of Venice Translation Act 3, Scene 2 Also check out our detailed summary & analysis of this scene Check out our summary & analysis of this scene ![\\"Line](\\" translation/line-mapping- blank-8a02e006a2259272b000bad92845779f5b077da9c16a60d827592badcaa0466f.svg\\"/) ![\\"Line](\\" translation/line-mapping- color-c1283dca7000dacf6d41b05ba0cce8d12f332bd5bef5d91b6defa30edff84a6a.svg\\"/) Original Translation ![\\"Line](\\" translation/line-mapping- blank-8a02e006a2259272b000bad92845779f5b077da9c16a60d827592badcaa0466f.svg\\"/) ![\\"Line](\\" translation/line-mapping- color-c1283dca7000dacf6d41b05ba0cce8d12f332bd5bef5d91b6defa30edff84a6a.svg\\"/) Enter BASSANIO, PORTIA, GRATIANO, NERISSA, and all their trains, including a SINGER BASSANIO, PORTIA, GRATIANO, NERISSA, and all their servants enter along with a SINGER. PORTIA _[To BASSANIO]_ I pray you, tarry. Pause a day or two Before you hazard, for in choosing wrong I lose your company. Therefore forbear awhile. There’s something tells me—but it is not love— 5 I would not lose you, and you know yourself Hate counsels not in such a quality. But lest you should not understand me well— And yet a maiden hath no tongue but thought— I would detain you here some month or two 10 Before you venture for me. I could teach you How to choose right, but I am then forsworn. So will I never be. So may you miss me. But if you do, you’ll make me wish a sin, That I had been forsworn. Beshrew your eyes, 15 They have o\'erlooked me and divided me. One half of me is yours, the other half yours— Mine own, I would say. But if mine, then yours, And so all yours. Oh, these naughty times Put bars between the owners and their rights! 20 And so, though yours, not yours. Prove it so. Let Fortune go to hell for it, not I. I speak too long, but ’tis to peize the time, To eke it and to draw it out in length, To stay you from election. PORTIA [To BASSANIO] Please, take your time. Wait a day or two before you take the risk, because if you choose incorrectly then you will have to leave me. So wait a while. For some reason—but not because of love—I don\'t think I\'d . It\'s not hate that would make me feel this way. But just so that I\'m clear, even though it\'s not a young woman\'s place to speak her thoughts, I would like to keep you here for a month or two before you make your choice. I could tell you what the right casket is, but I\'ve sworn not to. I will never tell you the right choice, so there\'s a chance you will make the wrong choice. And if you do, you\'ll make me wish I had sinned and broken my oath not to reveal the correct casket. Darn your eyes—in looking upon me they have divided me in two. One half of me is yours, and the other half is yours—I mean mine. Well, if that half of me is mine, then it is yours, too, so all of me is yours. Oh, it\'s wrong that you are kept from what is yours! Although I am yours, I am not yet officially yours. Make it so I am. Let Lady Luck go to hell for this game of chance, not me. I\'m talking too much, but I\'m doing that just to waste time, to draw out the minutes and stretch out the seconds, keeping you from making your decision. BASSANIO 25 Let me choose, For as I am, I live upon the rack. BASSANIO Let me choose a casket, for as it is right now I am in torture. PORTIA Upon the rack, Bassanio? Then confessWhat treason there is mingled with your love. PORTIA In torture, Bassanio? Then confess what treason you have committed out of your love. ![](\\" plus-37bfb0802e3dfe7640fafd64d530b9295aaf4204e588d9c9f626a3e14f7225f6.svg\\"/) #### Ask LitCharts AI:The answer to your questions Get instant explanations to your questions about anything we cover. Powered by LitCharts content and AI. Learn More Learn More ![](\\" plus-37bfb0802e3dfe7640fafd64d530b9295aaf4204e588d9c9f626a3e14f7225f6.svg\\"/) #### Ask LitCharts AI:The answer to your questions #### Ask LitCharts AI:The answer to your questions Learn More BASSANIO None but that ugly treason of mistrust 30 Which makes me fear th\' enjoying of my love. There may as well be amity and life \'Tween snow and fire, as treason and my love. BASSANIO I am guilty of nothing but some mistrust, which makes me worry I may never be able to enjoy my love. Snow and fire go better together than any treason and my love. PORTIA Ay, but I fear you speak upon the rackWhere men enforcèd do speak anything. PORTIA Yes, but I am worried that you are only saying this because you are being tortured. Men say anything when forced to by torture. BASSANIO 35 Promise me life, and I’ll confess the truth. BASSANIO Promise me my life and I\'ll tell you the truth. PORTIA Well then, confess and live. PORTIA Well then, confess the truth and you will live. BASSANIO “Confess and love” Had been the very sum of my confession. O happy torment, when my torturer 40 Doth teach me answers for deliverance! But let me to my fortune and the caskets. BASSANIO \"Confess and love,\" yes, that\'s it. What nice torture, when my torturer tells me the right thing to say to be let go! But now let me try my luck and go to the caskets. PORTIA Away, then. I am locked in one of them. If you do love me you will find me out.— Nerissa and the rest, stand all aloof. 45 Let music sound while he doth make his choice. Then if he lose he makes a swanlike end, Fading in music. That the comparison May stand more proper, my eye shall be the stream And watery deathbed for him. He may win, 50 And what is music then? Then music is Even as the flourish when true subjects bow To a new-crownèd monarch. Such it is As are those dulcet sounds in break of day That creep into the dreaming bridegroom’s ear 55 And summon him to marriage. Now he goes With no less presence but with much more love Than young Alcides, when he did redeem The virgin tribute paid by howling Troy 60 To the sea monster. I stand for sacrifice. The rest aloof are the Dardanian wives, With blearèd visages come forth to view The issue of th\' exploit.—Go, Hercules! Live thou, I live. With much, much more dismay 65 I view the fight than thou that makest the fray. PORTIA Let\'s go, then. My picture is locked in one of the caskets. If you truly love me, you will find it. Nerissa and everyone else, stand back. Let some music play while he makes his choice. Then if he loses, he will at least have a swanlike end, dying with a song. To make him really like a swan, I\'ll cry a river for him to swim and drown in. And if he wins, what will be the point of the music? In that case, the music will be like the flourish that plays when subjects bow to a newly crowned king. The sweet sounds that wake up a dreaming groom at dawn on his wedding day, and announce that his wedding is here. And now he goes to the caskets looking as noble as Hercules, but more loving, when Hercules rescued the Trojan princess from the sea monster. I am like that princess, awaiting death, and these people standing by are like the Trojan wives looking on with teary eyes. Go, my Hercules! If you live, then I live. I am much more troubled here watching you than you are, doing the deed. A song, the whilst BASSANIO comments on the caskets to himself The SINGER sings a song, while BASSANIO comments to himself about the caskets. SINGER _[sings]_ _Tell me where is fancy bred._ _Or in the heart or in the head?_ _How begot, how nourishèd?_ SINGER _[Singing] Tell me where our desires come from: The heart or the head? How do they start, how do they grow?_ ALL 70 Reply, reply. ALL Answer, answer. SINGER _[sings]_ _ It is engendered in the eyes, _ _ With gazing fed, and fancy dies _ _ In the cradle where it lies. _ 75 _ Let us all ring fancy’s knell _ _ I’ll begin it.—Ding, dong, bell. _ SINGER [Singing] Love starts in the eyes, And grows with gazing, and it dies In the cradle where it lies. Let us all sound love\'s death knell. I\'ll start—Ding, dong, bell. ALL Ding, dong, bell. ALL Ding, dong, bell. BASSANIO So may the outward shows be least themselves. The world is still deceived with ornament. 80 In law, what plea so tainted and corrupt But, being seasoned with a gracious voice, Obscures the show of evil? In religion, What damnèd error, but some sober brow Will bless it and approve it with a text, 85 Hiding the grossness with fair ornament? There is no vice so simple but assumes Some mark of virtue on his outward parts. How many cowards whose hearts are all as false As stairs of sand wear yet upon their chins 90 The beards of Hercules and frowning Mars, Who, inward searched, have livers white as milk, And these assume but valor’s excrement To render them redoubted. Look on beauty, And you shall see ’tis purchased by the weight, 95 Which therein works a miracle in nature, Making them lightest that wear most of it. So are those crispèd snaky golden locks Which maketh such wanton gambols with the wind, Upon supposèd fairness, often known 100 To be the dowry of a second head, The skull that bred them in the sepulcher. Thus ornament is but the guilèd shore To a most dangerous sea, the beauteous scarf Veiling an Indian beauty—in a word, 105 The seeming truth which cunning times put on To entrap the wisest. Therefore then, thou gaudy gold, Hard food for Midas, I will none of thee. Nor none of thee, thou pale and common drudge \'Tween man and man. But thou, thou meagre lead, 110 Which rather threaten’st than dost promise aught, Thy paleness moves me more than eloquence, And here choose I. Joy be the consequence! BASSANIO The appearances of these may be deceiving. The whole world is tricked by fancy appearances. In the court of law, a corrupt and false plea can hide its own evil with a pleasant voice. In religion, a damned mistake can be covered over with the nice show of a blessing and some scripture to justify it. Every vice has some outward appearance of virtue. Many cowards with disloyal hearts have beards like brave Hercules and Mars, the god of war, even though they have no guts and are easily frightened. And think of beauty, which can be bought by the pound in the form of cosmetics, which work miracles on nature, making the women that wear the most of it the most beautiful. The curly golden locks that are tousled in the wind so nicely and seem beautiful often turn out to be a wig, made from a dead person\'s hair. Appearances are like an inviting shore that leads to a dangerous ocean, a beautiful scarf hiding an actually undesirable Indian \"beauty.\" In short, appearances can be tricky and often deceive even the wisest. Therefore, you gold, the solid metal that Midas couldn\'t eat, I will have nothing to do with you. And I\'ll have nothing to do with silver either, that pale metal that men pass between themselves as currency. But you, humble lead, you who threaten more than you promise, your paleness moves me more than I can say, and I choose you. I hope I will be happy with my decision! PORTIA _[aside]_ How all the other passions fleet to air, As doubtful thoughts, and rash-embraced despair, 115 And shuddering fear, and green-eyed jealousy! O love, be moderate. Allay thy ecstasy. In measure rein thy joy. Scant this excess. I feel too much thy blessing. Make it less, For fear I surfeit. PORTIA [To herself] All other emotions are flying away—doubt and rash despair, shuddering fear, and green-eyed jealousy! I must moderate my love and restrain my ecstasy. I must rejoice within good measure and not too much. I feel too overjoyed. I must be less joyous, for I fear that I have an excess of happiness. BASSANIO 120 _[opening the lead casket]_ What find I here? Fair Portia’s counterfeit! What demigod Hath come so near creation? Move these eyes? Or whether, riding on the balls of mine, 125 Seem they in motion? Here are severed lips, Parted with sugar breath. So sweet a bar Should sunder such sweet friends. Here in her hairs, The painter plays the spider and hath woven A golden mesh t\' entrap the hearts of men 130 Faster than gnats in cobwebs. But her eyes— How could he see to do them? Having made one, Methinks it should have power to steal both his And leave itself unfurnished. Yet look how far The substance of my praise doth wrong this shadow 135 In underprizing it, so far this shadow Doth limp behind the substance. Here’s the scroll, The continent and summary of my fortune. _[reads]_ “You that choose not by the view, 140 Chance as fair and choose as true. Since this fortune falls to you, Be content and seek no new. If you be well pleased with this And hold your fortune for your bliss, 145 Turn you where your lady is And claim her with a loving kiss.” A gentle scroll. Fair lady, by your leave, I come by note to give and to receive. Like one of two contending in a prize 150 That thinks he hath done well in people’s eyes, Hearing applause and universal shout, Giddy in spirit, still gazing in a doubt Whether these pearls of praise be his or no— So, thrice fair lady, stand I even so, 155 As doubtful whether what I see be true Until confirmed, signed, ratified by you. BASSANIO [Opening the lead casket] What do I find here? The picture of beautiful Portia! What godly artist has rendered the image so close to real life? Do the eyes in this picture move? Or do they just seem to as I look around? Here are her lips, parted by her sugary breath—that such sweetness should part such sweet friends. Here in her hair, the painter has been like a spider weaving a golden web to trap men\'s hearts faster than gnats are caught in cobwebs. But her eyes—how could the artist have painted these? Once he made one of them, I think its beauty would have distracted him so that he could not have painted the other. But my praise wrongs this image because my words fall as short of its beauty as it falls short of the real person it depicts. Here\'s a scroll that summarizes my fortune. [He reads alo _ud]_ \"You who choose not based on appearances have good luck and chose correct! Since you have gained this fortune, be content and don\'t seek anything more. If this pleases you well and you are happy with your good fortune, turn to your lady and claim her with a loving kiss.\" What a nice scroll. Fair lady, if you will permit it, I come to give you a kiss and thus receive you, as this note instructs me. I\'m like someone who has competed for a prize and thinks that everyone\'s applause and shouts are for his success, but isn\'t quite sure because he\'s so stunned and isn\'t certain whether all this praise is for him or not. That\'s how I feel now, beautiful lady, but three times more intense! I can\'t be sure of whether what I see is true until it is confirmed, signed, and ratified by you. PORTIA You see me, Lord Bassanio, where I stand Such as I am. Though for myself alone I would not be ambitious in my wish 160 To wish myself much better, yet for you I would be trebled twenty times myself— A thousand times more fair, ten thousand times more rich— That only to stand high in your account 165 I might in virtue, beauties, livings, friends Exceed account. But the full sum of me Is sum of something which, to term in gross, Is an unlessoned girl, unschooled, unpracticèd; Happy in this—she is not yet so old 170 But she may learn. Happier than this— She is not bred so dull but she can learn. Happiest of all is that her gentle spirit Commits itself to yours to be directed As from her lord, her governor, her king. 175 Myself and what is mine to you and yours Is now converted. But now I was the lord Of this fair mansion, master of my servants, Queen o\'er myself. And even now, but now, This house, these servants, and this same myself 180 Are yours, my lord’s. I give them with this ring, Which when you part from, lose, or give away, Let it presage the ruin of your love And be my vantage to exclaim on you. _[gives BASSANIO a ring]_ PORTIA You see me as I am, standing here, Lord Bassanio. I wish I were twenty times better than myself. I wouldn\'t be so ambitious as to wish that just for myself, but for you I would, and I would wish I were a thousand times more beautiful, and ten thousand times richer. I wish I could be infinitely good in virtue, beauty, wealth, and friends only so that you would think highly of me. But all you get in me is an inexperienced girl, unschooled, naive. But at least you are getting a girl who is not too old to learn, and one who is not so stupid that she cannot learn. Best of all for you, you are getting a girl whose gentle spirit is fully committed to yours and is willing to be directed by you as if by her lord, her governor, or her king. Myself and all that is mine is now yours. Just a minute ago I was in charge of this beautiful mansion, all its servants, and myself, as well. And now this house, these servants, and myself are all yours, my lord\'s. I give them to you along with this ring. Don\'t ever lose it or give it away, or else that will be the sign of the ruin of your love and will give me reason to scold you. [She gives BASSANIO a ring.] BASSANIO 185 Madam, you have bereft me of all words. Only my blood speaks to you in my veins. And there is such confusion in my powers As after some oration fairly spoke By a belovèd prince there doth appear 190 Among the buzzing pleasèd multitude, Where every something, being blent together, Turns to a wild of nothing, save of joy, Expressed and not expressed. But when this ring Parts from this finger, then parts life from hence. 195 O, then be bold to say Bassanio’s dead! BASSANIO Madam, I don\'t know what to say, but the very blood in my veins speaks to you. And I am as dumbfounded as a buzzing crowd after listening to a brilliant speech by a beloved prince, when everything seems to blend together in unexpressed and expressed joy. When this ring leaves this finger, then life will leave me. When you see this ring off my finger, feel free to say that Bassanio is dead! NERISSA My lord and lady, it is now our time,That have stood by and seen our wishes prosper,To cry, “Good joy, good joy, my lord and lady!” NERISSA My lord and lady, it is now time for those of us who have stood by here and seen our wishes come true, to cry out, \"Good joy, good joy, my lord and lady!\" GRATIANO My Lord Bassanio and my gentle lady, 200 I wish you all the joy that you can wish, For I am sure you can wish none from me. And when your honors mean to solemnize The bargain of your faith, I do beseech you Even at that time I may be married too. GRATIANO My Lord Bassanio and my gentle lady, I wish you all the joy that I can wish you, so that there\'s none left for you to wish for from me. And when you have your wedding ceremony to solidify your union, I beg that I may be married at the same time. BASSANIO 205 With all my heart, so thou canst get a wife. BASSANIO With all my heart, I say yes, if you can find a wife. GRATIANO I thank your lordship, you have got me one. My eyes, my lord, can look as swift as yours. You saw the mistress, I beheld the maid. You loved, I loved. For intermission 210 No more pertains to me, my lord, than you. Your fortune stood upon the casket there, And so did mine too, as the matter falls. For wooing here until I sweat again, And swearing till my very roof was dry 215 With oaths of love, at last—if promise last— I got a promise of this fair one here To have her love, provided that your fortune Achieved her mistress. GRATIANO I thank you, my lord, because you have found me one. My eyes are as quick as yours, my lord. While you were looking at the mistress, I was watching her maid. You fell in love, and so did I. Just like you, I don\'t want to wait. Your fortune depended on the casket there, and so did mine, as it turns out. While we were standing here, I was wooing and swearing oaths of love until at last this beautiful woman here promised me her love, so long as your luck held out. PORTIA Is this true, Nerissa? PORTIA Is this true, Nerissa? NERISSA 220 Madam, it is, so you stand pleased withal. NERISSA Madam, it is true, if you don\'t mind. BASSANIO And do you, Gratiano, mean good faith? BASSANIO And are you being sincere and honest, Gratiano? GRATIANO Yes, faith, my lord. GRATIANO Yes, truly, my lord. BASSANIO Our feast shall be much honored in your marriage. BASSANIO It will be our honor to celebrate your marriage, as well, at our wedding feast. GRATIANO _[to NERISSA]_ We’ll play with them the first boy for a225 thousand ducats. GRATIANO _[To Nerissa]_ We can bet them a thousand ducats that we\'ll have a son before they do. NERISSA What, and stake down? NERISSA You want to stake down that money now? GRATIANO No, we shall ne\'er win at that sport and stake down. But who comes here? Lorenzo and his infidel? What, and my old Venetian friend Salerio? GRATIANO No, we\'ll never win the bet if I stake down. But who is this coming here? Lorenzo and his un-Christian friend? What\'s this, and Salerio, too, my old friend from Venice? Enter LORENZO, JESSICA, and SALERIO, a messenger from Venice LORENZO, JESSICA, and SALERIO, a messenger from Venice, enter. BASSANIO 230 Lorenzo and Salerio, welcome hither, If that the youth of my new interest here Have power to bid you welcome. _[to PORTIA]_ By your leave, 235 I bid my very friends and countrymen, Sweet Portia, welcome. BASSANIO Lorenzo and Salerio, welcome, if I can welcome you here so soon after winning ownership of this place. [To Port _ia]_ With your permission, I bid my friends and countrymen welcome, Sweet Portia. PORTIA So do I, my lord.They are entirely welcome. PORTIA And so do I, my lord. They are entirely welcome. LORENZO _[to BASSANIO]_ I thank your honor. For my part, my240 lord, My purpose was not to have seen you here. But meeting with Salerio by the way, He did entreat me, past all saying nay, To come with him along. LORENZO [To BASSANIO] Thank you, your honor. I didn\'t actually intend to come see you here, my lord, but I ran into Salerio on the way, and he begged me to come with him and I couldn\'t refuse. SALERIO 245 I did, my lord. And I have reason for it. Signor AntonioCommends him to you. _[gives BASSANIO letter]_ SALERIO That\'s true, my lord, and I have good reason for making him come with me. Sir Antonio sends this to you. _ [He gives BASSANIO a letter]_ BASSANIO Ere I ope his letter,250I pray you tell me how my good friend doth. BASSANIO Before I open this letter, please tell me how my good friend Antonio is doing. SALERIO Not sick, my lord, unless it be in mind,Nor well, unless in mind. His letter there Will show you his estate. SALERIO He\'s not sick, my lord, unless his mind is sick, but he\'s not doing well either, unless his mind is doing well. His letter there will show you how he is faring. BASSANIO opens the letter and reads it BASSANIO opens the letter and reads it. GRATIANO _[indicating JESSICA]_ 255 Nerissa, cheer yond stranger. Bid her welcome.— Your hand, Salerio. What’s the news from Venice? How doth that royal merchant, good Antonio? I know he will be glad of our success. We are the Jasons, we have won the fleece. GRATIANO [To JESSICA] Nerissa, cheer up that stranger. Welcome her here. Salerio, let me shake your hand. What\'s the news from Venice? How is good Antonio, that royal merchant, doing? I know he\'ll be glad to hear about our romantic successes here. We are like the hero Jason after retrieving the golden fleece. SALERIO 260 I would you had won the fleece that he hath lost. SALERIO I wish you had won enough to replace what Antonio has lost PORTIA There are some shrewd contents in yond same paper That steals the color from Bassanio’s cheek. Some dear friend dead, else nothing in the world Could turn so much the constitution 265 Of any constant man. What, worse and worse?— With leave, Bassanio, I am half yourself, And I must freely have the half of anything That this same paper brings you. PORTIA There are some serious matters in that letter that are making Bassanio\'s face go pale. Some close friend of his must have died. Nothing else in the world could affect such a stoic man this much. What could it be, something even worse? If you\'ll allow it, Bassanio, I am half of you now, and I must bear half of whatever this letter brings you. BASSANIO O sweet Portia, 270 Here are a few of the unpleasant’st words That ever blotted paper. Gentle lady, When I did first impart my love to you, I freely told you, all the wealth I had Ran in my veins. I was a gentleman, 275 And then I told you true. And yet, dear lady, Rating myself at nothing, you shall see How much I was a braggart. When I told you My state was nothing, I should then have told you That I was worse than nothing, for indeed 280 I have engaged myself to a dear friend, Engaged my friend to his mere enemy To feed my means. Here is a letter, lady, The paper as the body of my friend, 285 And every word in it a gaping wound, Issuing life blood.— But is it true, Salerio? Have all his ventures failed? What, not one hit? From Tripolis, from Mexico and England, From Lisbon, Barbary, and India? 290 And not one vessel ’scape the dreadful touch Of merchant-marring rocks? BASSANIO Sweet Portia, these are some of the most unpleasant words that were ever written on paper. Gentle lady, when I first told you of my love for you, I admitted that the only wealth I had was the blood running through my veins: I was a nobleman by birth. And I spoke truly then. And yet, even saying that I had no money was a bit of braggery, as you will see. When I told you that my estate was worth nothing, I should have told you that it was worth less than nothing, for I am in debt to a dear friend, and put him in debt to his complete enemy in order to support me in coming here. This letter here is like the body of my friend, and every word on it is like a gaping wound, spilling out blood. But is this true, Salerio? Have all of his business ventures failed? Not one was successful? Not the one from Tripoli, or the ones from Mexico and England, the ones from Lisbon, the African coast, or India? Not one of his ships escaped the dreadful rocks that ruin merchants\' fortunes? SALERIO Not one, my lord. Besides, it should appear that if he had The present money to discharge the Jew, 295 He would not take it. Never did I know A creature that did bear the shape of man So keen and greedy to confound a man. He plies the duke at morning and at night, And doth impeach the freedom of the state 300 If they deny him justice. Twenty merchants, The duke himself, and the magnificoes Of greatest port have all persuaded with him. But none can drive him from the envious plea Of forfeiture, of justice, and his bond. SALERIO Not one ship, my lord. And even if Antonio had the money to pay the Jew back, it seems he wouldn\'t take it. I\'ve never seen an animal in the shape of a man as greedy as him and as eager to spite another man. He pleads his case to the Duke every morning and every night, and says that if he is denied justice it would be a disgrace to the state. Twenty merchants, the Duke himself, and the highest-ranking Venetian noblemen have all tried to persuade him, but no one can change his mind about the matter of his loan, of justice, and what Antonio must forfeit. JESSICA 305 When I was with him I have heard him swear To Tubal and to Chus, his countrymen, That he would rather have Antonio’s flesh Than twenty times the value of the sum That he did owe him. And I know, my lord, 310 If law, authority, and power deny not, It will go hard with poor Antonio. JESSICA When I was with Shylock I heard him swear to his fellow Jews Tubal and Chus that he would rather have Antonio\'s flesh than twenty times the amount of money Antonio owes him. And I am sure, my lord, that he will take the flesh of poor Antonio if the power and authority of the law allow him to. PORTIA Is it your dear friend that is thus in trouble? PORTIA Is this man who is in such trouble your dear friend? BASSANIO The dearest friend to me, the kindest man, The best conditioned and unwearied spirit 315 In doing courtesies, and one in whom The ancient Roman honor more appears Than any that draws breath in Italy. BASSANIO He is my dearest friend, and the kindest man. He has the best, untiring spirit of courtesy and is a better example of ancient Roman honor than any man alive in Italy. PORTIA What sum owes he the Jew? PORTIA What amount of money does he owe the Jew? BASSANIO For me, three thousand ducats. BASSANIO Three thousand ducats, on my behalf. PORTIA 320 What, no more? Pay him six thousand and deface the bond! Double six thousand, and then treble that, Before a friend of this description Shall lose a hair through Bassanio’s fault. 325 First go with me to church and call me wife, And then away to Venice to your friend. For never shall you lie by Portia’s side With an unquiet soul. You shall have gold To pay the petty debt twenty times over. 330 When it is paid, bring your true friend along. My maid Nerissa and myself meantime Will live as maids and widows. Come, away! For you shall hence upon your wedding day. Bid your friends welcome, show a merry cheer. 335 Since you are dear bought, I will love you dear. But let me hear the letter of your friend. PORTIA What, is that it? Pay him six thousand ducats and scrap the agreement! Double six thousand, and triple it before allowing such a close friend to lose even a hair on account of Bassanio. First go with me to the church so we can finalize our marriage, and then go to Venice to help your friend. You will never lie by my side with a troubled soul. You will have enough gold to pay twenty times this petty debt. Once it is paid off, bring your true friend back with you. My maid Nerissa and I will be as chaste as maids and widows while you are gone. Come on, let\'s go! You are going to leave me on our very wedding day. Welcome your friends here, and show them a good time. Since it\'s going to cost me a lot to have you, I will love you a lot. But first let me hear the letter from your friend. BASSANIO _[reads]_ “Sweet Bassanio, my ships have all miscarried. My creditors grow cruel. My estate is very low. My bond to340 the Jew is forfeit. And since in paying it, it is impossible I should live, all debts are cleared between you and I if I might but see you at my death. Notwithstanding, use your pleasure. If your love do not persuade you to come, let not my letter.” BASSANIO [Reading the letter aloud] \"Sweet Bassanio, all my ships have been wrecked. My creditors have become cruel. I don\'t have much money. I cannot pay the Jew back. And since once the Jew takes the flesh from me I will die, all your debts to me are cleared, if only I can see you before I die. Regardless, enjoy yourself. If your love for me is not enough to make you come to me, then my letter should not be either.\" PORTIA 345 O love, dispatch all business and be gone! PORTIA My love, forget about everything else and go! BASSANIO Since I have your good leave to go away, I will make haste. But till I come again, No bed shall e\'er be guilty of my stay, No rest be interposer ’twixt us twain. BASSANIO Since I have your permission to go away, I will hurry. But until I come back, I will not sleep a wink. I won\'t rest at all until we are reunited. Exeunt All exit. Cite This Page Choose citation style: MLA Cosby, Matt. \"The Merchant of Venice: A Shakescleare Translation.\" LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 11 May 2014. Web. 6 Oct 2024. Cosby, Matt. \"The Merchant of Venice: A Shakescleare Translation.\" LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 11 May 2014. Web. 6 Oct 2024. 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* How Chemotherapy Drugs Work * Getting IV or Injectable Chemotherapy * Getting Oral or Topical Chemotherapy * Chemotherapy Side Effects * Chemotherapy Safety * Questions to Ask About Chemotherapy * Radiation Therapy * How Radiation Therapy Is Used to Treat Cancer * Getting External Beam Radiation Therapy * Getting Internal Radiation Therapy (Brachytherapy) * Getting Oral or Systemic Radiation Therapy * Getting Photodynamic Therapy * Radiation Therapy Side Effects * Radiation Therapy Safety * Targeted Therapy * How Targeted Therapies Are Used to Treat Cancer * Getting Targeted Cancer Therapy * Targeted Therapy Side Effects * Targeted Therapy Safety * Immunotherapy * How Immunotherapy Is Used to Treat Cancer * Monoclonal Antibodies * CAR T-cell Therapy * Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors * Cancer Vaccines * Cytokines * Immunomodulators * Immunotherapy Safety * Stem Cell or Bone Marrow Transplant * How Stem Cell and Bone Marrow Transplants Are Used to Treat Cancer * Types of Stem Cell and Bone Marrow Transplants * Donating Stem Cells and Bone Marrow * Getting a Stem Cell or Bone Marrow Transplant * Stem Cell or Bone Marrow Transplant Side Effects * Hormone Therapy * Precision or Personalized Medicine * Off-label Drug Use * Biosimilar Drugs * What Are Biosimilar Drugs? * List of Biosimilars Used in Cancer Treatment * Biosimilar Drug Safety * Tumor-agnostic Drugs * Hyperthermia * How Lasers Are Used to Treat Cancer * Blood Product Transfusions * Kinds of Blood Product Transfusions * Blood Types and Matching * Transfusion Steps and Possible Side Effects * Complementary and Integrative Medicine * Complementary and Integrative Methods * Dietary Supplements * Marijuana and Cancer * Alternative Medicine * What Is Alternative Medicine? * Where Can I Find Trustworthy Info on Alternative Medicine? * Can I Safely Use an Alternative Method? * Will My Insurance Cover Alternative Medicine? * How Do I Talk to My Doctor About Alternative Medicine? * Tumor Treating Fields (TTF) * Side Effects * Blood Counts and Blood Clots * Neutropenia (Low White Blood Cell Counts) * Anemia (Low Red Blood Cell Counts) * Thrombocytopenia (Low Platelet Count) * Blood Clots * Bowel and Bladder Problems * Constipation * Diarrhea * Bowel Incontinence * Bladder Incontinence (Leakage) * Urine Retention * Cognitive Problems or Changes in Thinking * Changes in Memory, Thinking, and Focus (Chemo Brain) * Confusion and Delirium * Drinking and Eating Changes * Swallowing Problems * Weight Changes * Taste and Smell Changes * Dehydration and Lack of Fluids * Hiccups and Heartburn * Mouth Soreness and Pain * Mouth Dryness or Thick Saliva * Nausea and Vomiting * Loss of Appetite (Anorexia) and Cachexia * Mental Health and Distress * Anxiety * Distress * Depression * Social Isolation and Loneliness * Fertility and Sexual Side Effects * How Cancer and Cancer Treatment Can Affect Sexuality * Sex and the Adult Male with Cancer * Sex and the Adult Female with Cancer * How Cancer and Cancer Treatment Can Affect Fertility * Male Fertility and Cancer * Female Fertility and Cancer * Preserving Fertility in Children and Teens with Cancer * Fatigue, Weakness, and Sleep Problems * Fatigue * Sleep Problems * Balance Problems, Weakness, and Falls * Hair, Skin, and Nail Problems * Hair Loss * Cellulitis * Hot Flashes and Sweating * Nail Changes * Pressure Sores * Rashes and Skin Changes * Wounds and Scars * Infections in People with Cancer * Why Are People with Cancer More Likely to Get Infections? * Managing Infections and Sepsis in People with Cancer * Preventing Infections in People with Cancer * Fevers * Vaccinations and Flu Shots for People with Cancer * Infusion or Immune Reactions * Pain * Cancer Pain * Leg Cramps * Peripheral Neuropathy * Post-mastectomy Pain Syndrome * Prostheses (Prosthetics) * Seizures * Shortness of Breath * Swelling * Lymphedema * Edema (Swelling) * Ascites * Palliative Care * What Is Palliative Care? * Who Should Get Palliative Care and Why? * How and Where Is Palliative Care Provided and How Is It Paid For? * Finding a Palliative Care Program * Questions to Ask About Palliative Care * Palliative Care Videos * Advanced and Metastatic Cancer * What Are Advanced and Metastatic Cancers? * How Does Cancer Spread? * Managing Advanced Cancer * Bone Metastases * Brain Metastases * Liver Metastases * Lung Metastases * Coping with Advanced and Metastatic Cancer * Coronavirus, COVID-19, and Cancer * Questions About COVID-19 and Cancer * Questions to Ask Your Health Care Team About COVID-19 * COVID-19 Vaccines in People with Cancer * More Information on Cancer Drugs * How to Interpret News About New Cancer Treatments * Cancer Treatment Videos Download Section as PDF # COVID-19 Vaccines in People with Cancer COVID-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, continues to have an impact on many people, including people with cancer, their families, and caregivers. (To learn more about COVID-19 and how it might affect people with cancer and their caregivers, see Questions About COVID-19 and Cancer.) Vaccines (also called immunizations or vaccinations) are available to help protect against COVID-19. Here we’ll discuss some of the questions people with cancer (or with a history of cancer) or the people caring for them might have about the COVID-19 vaccines. On this page [show] [hide] * Is it safe for people with cancer to get the COVID-19 vaccine? * Which COVID-19 vaccines are available? * Should cancer patients and survivors get the COVID-19 vaccine? * Should people with cancer get a specific COVID-19 vaccine? * Recommendations for getting the COVID-19 vaccines * What are the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines? * Can COVID-19 vaccines cause cancer or make cancer grow? * Do I still need to take precautions if I get the COVID-19 vaccine? * What if I have breast cancer or a history of breast cancer? * Could the vaccine cause issues if I am getting a mammogram? * What if a stem cell transplant or CAR T-cell therapy is or was part of my cancer treatment? * Should cancer caregivers and close contacts get the vaccine? * Should I get the flu vaccine as well as the COVID-19 vaccine? * Where can I get more information about COVID-19 vaccines? ## Is it safe for people with cancer to get the COVID-19 vaccine? People with cancer (or with a history of cancer) can get the COVID-19 vaccine safely. However, the vaccine might be less effective in some people with cancer. (See “Should cancer patients and survivors get the vaccine?”) There are some other types of vaccines that might not be safe for some people with cancer, but this depends on many factors, such as the type of vaccine, the type of cancer a person has (had), if they\'re still being treated for cancer, and if their immune system is working properly. Because of this, it’s best to talk with your doctor before getting any type of vaccine. To learn more, see Vaccinations and Flu Shots for People with Cancer. ## Which COVID-19 vaccines are available? Three COVID-19 vaccines are available in the US.* These vaccines have been approved by or have received emergency use authorization (EUA) from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the ages below: * The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is authorized for people 6 months to 11 years of age, and is approved (under the brand name Comirnaty) for people aged 12 or older. * The Moderna vaccine is authorized for people 6 months to 11 years of age, and is approved (under the brand name Spikevax) for people aged 12 or older. * The Novavax vaccine is authorized for people 12 years of age and older. *A fourth vaccine, made by Johnson & Johnson (Janssen), is no longer available in the US. To learn more about these vaccines, visit the FDA’s website. All of these vaccines can lower the risk of being infected with COVID-19, as well as lower the risk of getting very sick, being hospitalized, or dying from COVID-19 if you are infected. But no vaccine is 100% effective, so some people who are fully vaccinated might still become infected with COVID-19 and get sick. This is called a breakthrough infection. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has different recommendations for the COVID-19 vaccines, based on the type of vaccine, a person’s age, and whether or not they have a weakened immune system. To learn more, see “Recommendations for getting the COVID-19 vaccines” below. ### How do these vaccines work? The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines contain messenger RNA (mRNA), which is a type of genetic material. After a person gets the vaccine, the mRNA enters cells in the body and tells them to make copies of the COVID-19 virus’s “spike” protein (the protein that normally helps the virus infect human cells). This doesn’t cause disease, but it does help teach your immune system to recognize and attack the virus if the body is exposed to it in the future. The Novavax vaccine is a protein subunit vaccine, which works much like traditional vaccines that have been used for decades. It contains pieces of the COVID-19 virus’s spike protein. Once injected into the body, the pieces of protein are recognized by the immune system as foreign. This teaches your immune system to attack the COVID-19 virus if it is exposed to it in the future. Updated (2024-2025) versions of all 3 of these vaccines are available as of September 2024. These vaccines target the newest omicron variants of the COVID-19 virus. (For more details, see “Should people with cancer get a specific COVID-19 vaccine?”) You cannot get COVID-19 from any of these vaccines, as they do not contain the virus that causes COVID-19. Some vaccines for other diseases contain changed versions of the live viruses that cause the diseases. These live viruses don’t cause problems in people with normal immune systems. But they might not be safe for people with weakened immune systems, so live virus vaccines typically are not recommended for many people with cancer. However, the COVID-19 vaccines available in the US do not contain these types of live viruses. For more on these vaccines, see “Should people with cancer get a specific COVID-19 vaccine?” ### What is the difference between FDA approval and emergency use authorization (EUA)? When a vaccine is approved by the FDA, it means that the information on the vaccine and its effects has been thoroughly reviewed, and the FDA has determined that the benefits outweigh the known and possible risks for the people it is meant to help. In an EUA, the FDA allows the use of a vaccine or drug during an emergency, when the available evidence shows the potential benefits outweigh the potential risks. Drugs and vaccines that have been given an EUA continue to be studied in clinical trials. An EUA is not the same as a full FDA approval, which requires a more thorough review of safety and effectiveness. Even after a drug or vaccine has been approved, the FDA will continue to monitor it for unexpected side effects or for more information that might be helpful to know. ## Should cancer patients and survivors get the COVID-19 vaccine? **The CDC and other expert groups generally recommend that all people, including people with cancer and cancer survivors, stay up to date with the most recent COVID-19 vaccines**. Even if you\'ve already had COVID-19, it’s still important to be vaccinated. While having been infected with COVID-19 offers some immunity, people can still be infected again. What’s more, a person’s immunity to COVID-19 can weaken over time, and it might not be as helpful against newer variants of the virus that continue to emerge. This is why staying up to date with the latest COVID-19 vaccines is important. While the COVID-19 vaccines are safe for people with cancer, they might not be as protective as they are in people without cancer, especially for those with weakened immune systems. Some cancer treatments like chemotherapy (chemo), radiation, stem cell or bone marrow transplant, or immunotherapy can affect the immune system, which might make the vaccine less effective. People with certain types of cancers, like leukemias or lymphomas, can also have weakened immune systems, which might make the vaccine less effective. Because of this, there are different vaccine recommendations for people with weakened immune systems. To learn more, see “Recommendations for getting the COVID-19 vaccines.” Since the situation for every person is different, it\'s best to discuss the benefits, possible risks, and timing of the COVID-19 vaccines with your cancer doctor. ## Should people with cancer get a specific COVID-19 vaccine? As mentioned in “Which COVID-19 vaccines are available?”, a major difference between these vaccines is that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are mRNA vaccines, and the Novavax vaccine is a protein subunit vaccine. The current versions of all 3 of these vaccines have been updated to help boost the body’s immune response against the newest omicron variants, which now account for the vast majority of COVID infections in the US. The CDC recommends that people (regardless of their immune system status) stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines, which includes getting one of the updated (2024-2025) vaccines. The CDC doesn’t recommend one vaccine over another. The updated Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines are available for people aged 6 months or older, while the updated Novavax vaccine is available for people 12 and older. As new information about the different COVID-19 vaccines becomes available, it’s possible that the guidance about these vaccines might change. For this reason, it’s important to talk with your cancer doctor about getting the vaccine. ## Recommendations for getting the COVID-19 vaccines The CDC has different COVID-19 vaccine recommendations based on if a person has a weakened immune system. Some people with cancer (or who have had cancer) might have a weakened immune system, while others might not. Because of this, it’s important to talk with your health care provider about which set of recommendations below is right for you. The CDC recommendations are also based on a person’s age, as well as which COVID vaccines they’ve had in the past (if any). These recommendations have evolved over time, as most people in the US are now likely to have at least some immunity from COVID-19, either from getting the vaccine or from being infected with COVID-19 (or both). It’s also because updated (2024-2025) versions of all 3 vaccines – the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines, and the Novavax protein subunit vaccine – are now available (see “Should people with cancer get a specific COVID-19 vaccine?”). The CDC recommends that people stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines regardless of whether they’ve been infected with COVID-19 in the past. (See “Should cancer patients and survivors get the COVID-19 vaccine?”) ### COVID vaccine recommendations for most people For people who _do not_ have a weakened immune system, the CDC recommends the following, based on a person’s age and if they\'ve received a COVID vaccine before: For people who _haven’t_ received the COVID vaccine before * Ages 6 months to 4 years: 2 doses of the updated Moderna vaccine OR 3 doses of the updated Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine * Ages 5 to 11 years: 1 dose of the updated Moderna vaccine OR 1 dose of the updated Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine * Ages 12 years and older: 1 dose of the updated Moderna vaccine OR 1 dose of the updated Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine OR 2 doses of the updated Novavax vaccine For people who _have_ received the COVID vaccine before * Ages 6 months to 4 years: 1 or 2 doses of the updated Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine (the same one that they got before), depending on the vaccine and number of prior doses * Ages 5 to 11 years: 1 dose of the updated Moderna vaccine OR 1 dose of the updated Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine * Ages 12 years and older: 1 dose of the updated Moderna vaccine OR 1 dose of the updated Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine OR 1 dose of the updated Novavax vaccine For more on these recommendations, including the timing of the vaccines, visit the CDC website. ### COVID vaccine schedules for people with a weakened immune system The COVID-19 vaccines might not be as effective in people with weakened immune systems. This includes, for example, people who: * Are getting active cancer treatment (either for solid tumors or cancers of the blood) * Have blood cancers (such as leukemia, lymphoma, or multiple myeloma), even if they\'re not getting active cancer treatment * Received a stem cell transplant (bone marrow transplant) or CAR T-cell therapy within the last 2 years or are still taking medicine to suppress their immune system * Are getting active treatment with high-dose corticosteroids or other drugs that can suppress the immune response Vaccines are still recommended for people with weakened immune systems, because these people are at higher risk for getting very sick from COVID-19, and the vaccines are still likely to offer some protection. For people who have a moderately or severely weakened immune system, the CDC recommendations are a bit more complex. They are based on a person’s age and which COVID vaccine (if any) they\'ve received before: For people 6 months to 4 years old * Those who have not been vaccinated should get 3 doses of the updated Moderna vaccine OR 3 doses of the updated Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. * Those who have received 1 dose of a Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine should get 2 doses of the updated version of the same vaccine. * Those who have received 2 or more doses of a Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine should get 1 dose of the updated version of the same vaccine. All children in this age group also have the option to get another dose of an updated vaccine (at least 2 months after the last updated vaccine dose). They may also get additional doses of updated vaccine (each at least 2 months apart) if recommended by their health care provider. For people 5 to 11 years old * Those who have not been vaccinated should get 3 doses of the updated Moderna vaccine OR 3 doses of the updated Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. * Those who have received 1 dose of a Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine should get 2 doses of the updated version of the same vaccine. * Those who have received 2 doses of a Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine should get 1 dose of the updated version of the same vaccine. * Those who have received 3 or more doses of a Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine should get 1 dose of the updated Moderna vaccine OR 1 dose of the updated Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. All children in this age group also have the option to get another dose of an updated vaccine (at least 2 months after the last updated vaccine dose). They may also get additional doses of updated vaccine (each at least 2 months apart) if recommended by their health care provider. For people 12 years of age or older * Those who have not been vaccinated should get 3 doses of the updated Moderna vaccine OR 3 doses of the updated Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine OR 2 doses of the updated Novavax vaccine. * Those who have received 1 dose of a Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine should get 2 doses of the updated version of the same vaccine. * Those who have received 2 doses of a Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine should get 1 dose of the updated version of the same vaccine. * Those who have received 3 or more doses of a Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine should get 1 dose of any of the updated vaccines. * Those who have received 1 dose of the Novavax vaccine should get 1 dose of the updated Novavax vaccine. * Those who have received 2 or more doses of the Novavax vaccine should get 1 dose of any updated vaccine. * Those who have received 1 or more doses of the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccine should get 1 dose of any updated vaccine. All people in this age group also have the option to get another dose of an updated vaccine (at least 2 months after the last updated vaccine dose). They may also get additional doses of updated vaccine (each at least 2 months apart) if recommended by their health care provider. For more on these recommendations, including the timing of the vaccines, visit the CDC website. ### Talk to your cancer care team about the best vaccine schedule for you COVID-19 vaccines are recommended for people with cancer. But if you’re being treated for cancer, there might be times when it makes sense to postpone getting a dose of vaccine for a while, such as if the treatment will severely weaken your immune system. Some cancer treatments might even wipe out your immune system for a while, which might mean you need to get revaccinated later on. It’s important to talk to your doctor about your immune status and if it could affect the best time for you to get the vaccine (and booster shots), as well as what else you can do to help lower your risk of COVID-19 infection. ## What are the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines? Common side effects that have been reported after getting the vaccines include: * Pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site * Feeling tired * Headache * Fever * Chills * Muscle and joint pain * Nausea The side effects might be a little stronger after the second shot (or later shots) compared to what you might have had after the first injection. In general, the side effects tend to go away within a few days. ### Swollen/tender lymph nodes Some people might have swelling or tenderness of the lymph nodes under the arm in which they got the injection. This is often a normal response by the body’s immune system, which is getting ready to fight a future COVID-19 infection. A swollen lymph node under the arm might cause concern, since this can also be a sign of breast cancer (as well as some other cancers - see below). The time it takes for the lymph nodes to shrink back down after the vaccine may be a few days to a few weeks. If you notice swollen or tender lymph nodes that do not go away after a few weeks (or if they continue to get bigger), contact your doctor to discuss the next steps. Screening mammograms: See “Could the vaccine cause issues if I’m getting a mammogram?” for more information about COVID-19 vaccines and mammograms. For those who have breast cancer or a history of breast cancer: See “What if I have breast cancer or a history of breast cancer?” for more information about which arm to consider getting the injection in. For those with any type of cancer or a history of cancer: Many types of cancer can spread to nearby lymph nodes (and some types of cancer can start in the lymph nodes). This can cause the nodes to become enlarged. Because the COVID vaccines can also cause lymph nodes to become enlarged, it’s important to talk to your health care team if you are scheduled to get an imaging test (such as an MRI, CT, or PET scan) in the weeks after getting a COVID vaccine. In some cases, your doctors might advise that you delay the imaging test if possible, so that any swollen lymph nodes that result from the vaccine aren’t confused for cancer. If you do have a scan done soon after getting the vaccine, it’s important to make sure that your health care team is aware you got the vaccine, so they can take this into account when looking at the scans. ### Serious and long-term side effects of COVID-19 vaccines A few uncommon but possibly serious safety concerns have been reported for the vaccines so far. #### Allergic reactions to the vaccine In very rare cases, people have had serious allergic reactions after getting one of the vaccines. This seems to be more likely in people who have had serious allergic reactions before. #### Inflammation of the heart A small proportion of people who have received any of these vaccines have developed myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) or pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside of the heart). Symptoms of these conditions can include chest pain, shortness of breath, or feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart. Most often, symptoms start within a week of getting the vaccine, and they have tended to be more common in teens and young adults. If you have received one of these vaccines and start to have any of these symptoms, the FDA and CDC recommend getting medical attention right away. For more on these side effects, visit the FDA website. All of these COVID-19 vaccines are still fairly new, so possible long-term side effects are still being studied, and it’s possible that the guidance about the different vaccines might change. If you have concerns about getting one of these COVID-19 vaccines, it’s important to talk with your doctor. ## Can COVID-19 vaccines cause cancer or make cancer grow? There is no information that suggests that COVID-19 vaccines cause cancer. There is also no information that suggests these vaccines can make cancer grow or recur (come back). ## Do I still need to take precautions if I get the COVID-19 vaccine? The COVID-19 vaccines are still being studied, as there are things we don’t yet know about them. For example, researchers are still trying to determine how long the COVID-19 vaccines will help protect against the virus. And while the vaccines can clearly lower the risk of getting very sick from COVID, it’s not yet clear how well they can prevent the spread of the virus to others. For people with weakened immune systems (which includes many people with cancer), most expert groups still recommend wearing a mask, social distancing, washing your hands, avoiding crowds, and other preventive measures, even if you’ve been vaccinated. Close contacts and caregivers should do this as well (see “Should cancer caregivers and close contacts get the vaccine?”). ## What if I have breast cancer or a history of breast cancer? Some people who get a COVID-19 vaccine might have swollen lymph nodes under the arm in which the injection was given (see “What are the side effects of the vaccines?” above). Because a swollen lymph node under the arm can also be a sign of breast cancer spread, most doctors recommend that people with breast cancer or a history of breast cancer get the injection in the arm on the opposite side of your breast cancer. For example, if your breast cancer/breast surgery was in the left breast, it is probably best to get the injection in the right arm. If you have had surgery on both breasts, it’s best to talk with your doctor about the best place on your body to get the injection. Swollen lymph nodes after a vaccine injection might also affect your mammogram results. (See next question.) ## Could the vaccine cause issues if I am getting a mammogram? Getting a COVID-19 vaccine might result in swollen lymph nodes under the arm in which the injection was given. (See “What are the side effects of the vaccines?” above.) Swollen lymph nodes under the arm might show up on a mammogram done to screen for breast cancer, which could cause concern and might lead to the need for further tests. If you’re scheduled for a mammogram soon after you get a COVID-19 vaccine, it’s important to tell your doctor when and in which arm you received the injection. Based on your situation, they can discuss with you if you should change your mammogram appointment. Do not delay your mammogram without speaking to your doctor first. ## What if a stem cell transplant or CAR T-cell therapy is or was part of my cancer treatment? Stem cell transplants and CAR T-cell therapy are types of cancer treatment that can have major effects on the body’s immune system. This can increase your risk of serious infections (including from COVID-19). If you’ve already received one of these cancer treatments in the past, it’s important to stay up to date with your COVID vaccines. However, your doctor may recommend waiting at least several months after these cancer treatments before getting the vaccine, to give your body’s immune system a chance to recover. If you’ve already gotten the COVID-19 vaccine and are now getting (or are going to get) one of these cancer treatments, your doctor may recommend getting revaccinated, at least several months after treatment. This is because your immune system needs to relearn how to protect your body against COVID-19. If you’re getting (or have gotten) one of these cancer treatments, it’s important to talk to your doctor about your immune status, when you should get the vaccine, as well as what else you can do to help lower your risk of infection. ## Should cancer caregivers and close contacts get the vaccine? Yes. In fact, getting the vaccine can help lower the risk that the person you’re caring for might get COVID-19. Some vaccines for other diseases contain changed versions of the live viruses that cause the diseases. These types of live virus vaccines typically are not recommended for cancer caregivers because they might have unwanted effects on cancer patients. However, the COVID-19 vaccines do not contain these types of live viruses, so getting one of these vaccines does not put you at risk for passing COVID-19 on to the person you’re caring for. For caregivers or close contacts who are vaccinated, most expert groups still recommend wearing a mask, social distancing, washing your hands, avoiding crowds, and other preventive measures. People getting the vaccine might not feel well for a few days after each shot, so you might want to consider having someone else available to help with caregiving during this time. ## Should I get the flu vaccine as well as the COVID-19 vaccine? COVID-19 and influenza (the flu) are caused by different viruses, so getting a vaccine against one of these diseases will NOT protect against the other. It’s very important for people with cancer to talk to their doctor about the benefits and risks of getting both the COVID-19 vaccine and the flu shot. The flu and COVID-19 are both caused by viruses that can spread easily and can cause serious illness in older people, those with weakened immune systems, and others with certain medical conditions. These infections share many of the same symptoms, so it can be hard to tell which one you might have without having specific tests. People who live with or care for someone at high risk of getting the flu should also get the flu vaccine. For more on getting both the COVID-19 vaccine and the flu vaccine, see CDC Recommends Updated 2024-2025 COVID-19 and Flu Vaccines for Fall/Winter Virus Season | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC. ## Where can I get more information about COVID-19 vaccines? The CDC and FDA have more information about COVID-19 vaccines, including the different types of vaccines and the known possible risks and benefits of each one. * US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) * US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) To find COVID-19 vaccines and boosters near you, visit __ 1. 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Photo of two CT scans of the chest of people who received and did not receive the corona vaccine
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(e-mail: [email protected]). * ![](\\"/templates/jsp/images/orcid.png\\"/)Mark Schiebler * ![](\\"/templates/jsp/images/orcid.png\\"/)David Bluemke Published Online:Feb 1 2022 See related article Correction(s) for this article More * Figures * References * Related * Details PDF * Sections * PDF * Tools * Add to favorites * Cite * Track Citations * Permissions * Reprints * Share Share on * Facebook * X * Linked In See also the article by Lee and Hwang et al in this issue. An earlier incorrect version appeared online. This article was corrected on August 19, 2022. ![\\"Mark](\\"/cms/10.1148/radiol.220129/asset/images/medium/radiol.220129.fig1.gif\\") **Mark Schiebler, MD** , is a professor of cardiothoracic imaging in the Department of Radiology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research interests are small airways diseases and coronary artery diseases and how imaging biomarkers and computational fluid dynamics can be used for more cost- effective patient outcomes. He is a member of the Fleischner Society, STR, ISMRM, RSNA, and SMRA and is the past chairman of the board of the International Workshop for Pulmonary Functional Imaging. He also serves as Deputy Editor of thoracic imaging for _Radiology_. Download as PowerPoint ![\\"David](\\"/cms/10.1148/radiol.220129/asset/images/medium/radiol.220129.fig2.gif\\") **David A. Bluemke, MD, PhD** , is professor of radiology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, as well as Editor of _Radiology_. His research focuses on the use and development of noninvasive imaging for characterization of subclinical cardiovascular disease. Over the past 25 years, he has published more than 700 articles related to imaging, focusing on the use of CT and MRI. Download as PowerPoint One of the tenets of survival training is the rule of threes (1). In general, you can survive for 3 minutes without air, 3 hours in extreme heat or cold, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food. The exact survival times vary depending on the circumstances. However, lack of carbon dioxide exchange in the blood for oxygen in the alveoli is an urgent problem for any animal. It is quite simply a matter of life and death. Viral pneumonia during pandemics has been uniquely aggressive. These viral lung infections may progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which results in death if not aggressively treated. The Spanish flu of 1919 (H1N1) killed an estimated 17 to 50 million persons (numbers vary depending on the source), with case fatality rates greater than 2.5% (2). Despite the many medical advances over the past 100 years, there has been more than 329 million confirmed cases of COVID-19; 5.6 million people have died, resulting in a global fatality rate of 1.7%. The case fatality rates for SARS-CoV-2 vary depending on several factors, but the most important preventive factor is vaccination. Countering this, particularly in the United States, is vaccine hesitancy. Vaccine hesitancy refers to a person’s choice to not get a vaccine, even when one is freely available (3). Luo et al (3) performed a survey of over 6000 Medicare beneficiaries (>65 years of age), assessing various factors that influenced their willingness to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Sixty-one percent were willing to receive vaccination when it became available. Forty percent were vaccine hesitant; the primary reason cited for this was mistrust of the government. During a pandemic, mistrust has consequences. Radiologists \"see\" this consequence quite directly in the lungs on CT scans. After 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic, most radiologists have interpreted chest radiographs or chest CT scans in patients with COVID-19. At our practice, rates of abnormal chest radiographs have paralleled the roller coaster oscillations of the multiple pandemic surges. Patients with the most severe lung damage go on to receive extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, which temporarily replaces the lungs with an external machine to oxygenate the blood. This allows oxygenation of the blood while the patient’s lungs have time to recover from a severe case of ARDS caused by SARS-CoV-2. When patients admitted for COVID-19 are discharged from the hospital, the lungs are still recovering (4). Pan et al (4) reviewed 209 patients who underwent follow-up CT after hospitalization for COVID-19. A notable 25% of patients had persistent chest CT abnormalities 1 year later. In addition to pulmonary fibrosis, bronchial dilatation was seen in 12% of patients at 1-year follow-up (4). Besides these anatomic abnormalities, the lungs do not have normal function. Grist et al (5) studied air exchange in the lungs using hyperpolarized xenon MRI in nine patients. Alveolar capillary diffusion was abnormal, despite normal or nearly normal chest CT findings 3 months after hospital discharge. Despite the remarkable success of vaccines, little is known about radiologic abnormalities in vaccinated versus unvaccinated patients. In this issue of Radiology, Lee et al (6) studied the impact of COVID-19–related pneumonia in relationship to vaccination status. The overall vaccination rate in Korea is very high at 84%; 86% of the population is at least partially vaccinated (7). Even with full vaccination, breakthrough cases of COVID-19 occur. In their multicenter study of patients in Korea, the authors studied the presence of pneumonia according to vaccination status (fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, or unvaccinated). The first result given by the authors may elicit the response \"I told you so\" from chest radiologists. More than two-thirds of all patients with COVID-19 had a negative chest radiograph when admitted to the hospital. There was no difference between patient groups when studied by vaccination status. Chest radiographs are simply limited in their ability to depict interstitial lung disease associated with COVID-19. The situation was different for chest CT, which was performed as needed by clinicians. The proportions of patients who underwent clinically indicated CT (5% and 79% of vaccinated and unvaccinated patients, respectively) were almost identical to the proportions of patients in the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups (6% and 77%, respectively). This set the stage to determine the frequency of pneumonia at chest CT according to vaccination status. The answer: pneumonia was present in 78% of unvaccinated patients, but only 41% of fully vaccinated patients (P = .003 for the difference between groups). Put another way: pneumonia was roughly twice as frequent for unvaccinated compared with fully vaccinated patients. Beyond the lower rates of pneumonia at CT, the clinical course of patients paralleled the chest CT findings: vaccinated patients were much less likely to require supplemental oxygen (odds ratio, 0.24; P = .005) and had a lower rate of intensive care unit admission (odds ratio, 0.08; P = .02) than unvaccinated patients. The results add up: patients who received a vaccine were much less likely to have CT evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in their lungs, leading to less need for supplemental oxygen and fewer intensive care unit admissions. If a patient in the hospital survives COVID-19 infection or does not need intensive care unit admission, do we care if there was or was not pneumonia on chest CT scans? We think it matters. The presence of pneumonia requires specific treatment. Unfortunately, clinicians simply cannot be certain whether pneumonia is present or absent using a stethoscope (or chest radiography). Even the lay public is now aware that low blood oxygen saturation is another clue to lung disease. Many people have purchased a smart watch or pulse oximeter for this reason during the pandemic. But low blood oxygen levels can have multiple causes, including cardiac abnormalities and pulmonary embolus. Blood oxygen levels cannot help diagnose ground-glass opacities due to COVID-19. Second, for many people (doctors included), seeing is believing. If chest CT does not show pneumonia, then the lungs are likely fine; the clinician can move on to evaluate other complications of COVID-19 disease. In addition, pneumonia can take considerable time to heal and contributes to so-called long COVID; of more than 3700 patients with COVID-19 disease, 90% had persistent pulmonary complaints 7 months after their initial illness (8). Do we need more evidence that vaccines prevent lung disease related to COVID-19? Perhaps. In the study conducted by Lee et al, it would have been better if risk factors, age, and sex had been matched in the vaccinated, partially vaccinated, and unvaccinated groups. In that fashion, we could more carefully tease out the relationship of COVID-19 pneumonia to outcome. Perhaps we would like to know if certain vaccines are more effective than others in preventing COVID-19 pneumonia; matched groups would also help answer that question. Unfortunately, we are unlikely to get this information any time soon. The COVID-19 vaccines are remarkably effective; matching patient groups is not possible when overall sample sizes are small. Proliferation of milder variants such as Omicron also allows less clinical need for chest CT. The adage \"a picture is worth a thousand words\" holds true. Lee et al (6) have shown that the burden of COVID-19 pneumonia is much less in those who have been vaccinated (Figure). The authors have furthered our understanding of vaccine effectiveness. If seeing is believing, the visual evidence provided by Lee et al might even help strengthen the hand of public health officials still working to overcome the problem of vaccine hesitancy. We can only hope. ![\\"Chest](\\"/cms/10.1148/radiol.220129/asset/images/medium/radiol.220129.fig3.gif\\") Chest CT findings of COVID-19–related pneumonia severity depend on that individual’s COVID-19 vaccination status. **(A)** Image in an unvaccinated patient with COVID-19 pneumonia. **(B)** Image in a partially vaccinated patient with a COVID-19 pneumonia breakthrough infection shows much less opacity than that of a typical unvaccinated patient. Arrows indicate unilateral ground-glass opacity with a nonrounded morphologic appearance in the left lower lobe. (Reprinted with permission from reference 6.) Download as PowerPoint Disclosures of conflicts of interest: M.S. Deputy Editor of thoracic imaging for Radiology; shareholder, Healthmyne, Elucent Medical, Elucent Oncology, and X-Vax. D.A.B. Editor of Radiology. ## References * 1\. Towell C. Essential Survival Skills. New York, NY:DK/Penguin,2011;154. Google Scholar * 2\. Johnson NP, Mueller J. Updating the accounts: global mortality of the 1918-1920 \"Spanish\" influenza pandemic. **Bull Hist Med** 2002;76(1):105–115. MedlineGoogle Scholar * 3\. Luo H, Qu H, Basu R, Rafferty AP, Patil SP, Cummings DM. Willingness to Get a COVID-19 Vaccine and Reasons for Hesitancy Among Medicare Beneficiaries: Results From a National Survey. **J Public Health Manag Pract** 2022;28(1):70–76. MedlineGoogle Scholar * 4\. Pan F, Yang L, Liang B, et al. Chest CT Patterns from Diagnosis to 1 Year of Follow-up in COVID-19. **Radiology** 2021.10.1148/radiol.2021211199. Published online October 5, 2021. Google Scholar * 5\. Grist JT, Chen M, Collier GJ, et al. Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI Abnormalities in Dyspneic Patients 3 Months after COVID-19 Pneumonia: Preliminary Results. **Radiology** 2021;301(1):E353–E360. Google Scholar * 6\. Lee JE, Hwang M, Kim YH, et al. Imaging and Clinical Features of COVID-19 breakthrough infections: A Multicenter Study. **Radiology** 2022;303(3):682–692. Google Scholar * 7\. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations. Our World in Data. Accessed January 14, 2022. Google Scholar * 8\. Davis HE, Assaf GS, McCorkell L, et al. Characterizing long COVID in an international cohort: 7 months of symptoms and their impact. **EClinicalMedicine** 2021;38101019. MedlineGoogle Scholar ## Article History Received: Jan 17 2022Accepted: Jan 19 2022Published online: Feb 01 2022Published in print: June 2022 * Figures * References * Related * Details * Cited By * An Integrated Radiologic-Pathologic Understanding of COVID-19 Pneumonia * Jong Hyuk Lee , * Jaemoon Koh , * Yoon Kyung Jeon , * Jin Mo Goo , * Soon Ho Yoon , 17 January 2023 | Radiology, Vol. 306, No. 2 * Reduction in Chest CT Severity and Improved Hospital Outcomes in SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Compared with Delta Variant Infection * Maria T. Tsakok , * Robert A. Watson , * Shyamal J. Saujani , * Mark Kong , * Cheng Xie , * Heiko Peschl , * Louise Wing , * Fiona K. MacLeod , * Brian Shine , * Nicholas P. Talbot , * Rachel E. Benamore , * David W. Eyre , * Fergus Gleeson , 21 June 2022 | Radiology, Vol. 306, No. 1 * Are the thorax Computed Tomography findings of ICU patients diagnosed with COVID-19 pneumonia related to the duration of hospital stay and mortality? 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More Americans have died from COVID19 than from all foreign conflicts in US history
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Read more here ![\\"democrat_symbol\\"](\\"/design/images/democrat_symbol.png\\"/) Fact Check # Have More Americans Died from COVID-19 Than from All Foreign Conflicts? ## Another way to put 700,000 deaths into perspective: This is more than the population of Washington D.C. ### Dan Evon ### Published Oct. 7, 2021 ![\\"](\\" Image courtesy of Wikipedia Claim: More Americans have died from COVID-19 than from all foreign conflicts in U.S. history. Rating: True About this rating > Check out the other categories to read the rest of our COVID-19 fact checks. > What questions do you have? Help Snopes investigate rumors around the novel > coronavirus by sending us your tips. Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, politicians, journalists, and social media commentators have made several attempts to put the rising death toll into perspective. In March 2020, when the United States saw its first 100,000 deaths from this disease, The New York Times noted that this death toll exceeded the \"number of U.S. military combat fatalities in every conflict since the Korean War.\" Advertisement: As the death toll increased, new parallels were drawn. In February 2021, when the death toll crossed the half million threshold, the BBC published an article noting that this was larger than the population of Atlanta. In June 2021, when the death toll hit 600,000, The Associated Press reported that this was equal to the number of people who die from cancer every year. In September 2021, as the United States reflected on 9/11, Axios noted that COVID-19 was killing the amount of people who died during these terrorist attacks (about 3,000) every two days. When the COVID-19 death toll surpassed 700,000 American citizens, a new comparison was made. According to a viral October 2021 Reddit post, COVID-19 has caused more American deaths than every foreign conflict in United States\' history. > Advertisement: This graph is accurate. It should be noted, however, that this graph shows major foreign conflicts, but not every foreign conflict. For example, this graph does not show the Quasi-War or the Barbary Wars, but the causalities during these conflicts were minimal (less than a hundred). As of this writing on Oct. 7, 2021, there have been 704,233 deaths from COVID-19, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We checked the American death tolls for these wars, and found that this graph was largely accurate. In some cases, such as with the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, the figures listed in this graph factored in deaths from disease in addition to battle deaths. In other cases, such as the Gulf War, the statistics we found did not quite match the figures listed in this graph. However, the difference in statistics was negligible. If you add the death toll from World War II (405,399), World War I (116,516), Vietnam War (58,220), Korean War (36,574), Revolutionary War (about 25,000), War of 1812 (about 15,000), Mexican-American War (13,283), War on Terror (about 7,000), Philippine-American War (4,200), Spanish-American War (2,447), Gulf War (383), you find that COVID-19 has resulted in more American deaths (about 700,000) than the number of deaths suffered during every major foreign conflict (685,000) in United States\' history. Comparing deaths from a pandemic to deaths from a combination of wars, however, isn\'t exactly an apples-to-apples comparison. Unfortunately, there\'s an even more direct historical parallel that you can draw to put the COVID-19 death toll in perspective. In September 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic became the deadliest pandemic in American history as the death toll surpassed the death toll from the 1918 flu pandemic. Advertisement: CNBC reported: > Covid-19 is officially the most deadly outbreak in recent American history, > surpassing the estimated U.S. fatalities from the 1918 influenza pandemic, > according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. > > Reported U.S. deaths due to Covid crossed 675,000 on Monday, and are rising > at an average of more than 1,900 fatalities per day, Johns Hopkins data > shows. The nation is currently experiencing yet another wave of new > infections, fueled by the fast-spreading delta variant. > > The 1918 flu – which came in three waves, occurring in the spring of 1918, > the fall of 1918; and the winter and spring of 1919 – killed an estimated > 675,000 Americans, according to the Centers for the Disease Control and > Prevention. It was considered America’s most lethal pandemic in recent > history up until now. #### Sources CDC. “COVID Data Tracker.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 28 Mar. 2020, “Covid US Death Toll: Imagining What 500,000 Lost Lives Look Like.” BBC News, 22 Feb. 2021. “Four Months After First Case, U.S. Death Toll Passes 100,000.” The New York Times, 27 May 2020., Jr, Berkeley Lovelace. “Covid Is Officially America’s Deadliest Pandemic as U.S. Fatalities Surpass 1918 Flu Estimates.” CNBC, 20 Sept. 2021, fatalities-near-1918-flu-estimates.html. Milestones: 1899–1913 - Office of the Historian. Accessed 7 Oct. 2021. Reed, Tina. “COVID Is Exacting the Death Toll of a 9/11 Every Two Days.” Axios, september-11-8b2b230f-9dd4-4c4c-b677-6df2be18ccc9.html. Accessed 7 Oct. 2021. “US COVID-19 Deaths Hit 600,000, Equal to Yearly Cancer Toll.” AP NEWS, 15 June 2021, us-1ef14a0b998e6ce99281edf6e996dfbe. “War of 1812 Facts.” American Battlefield Trust, 30 Mar. 2017, Windholz, Michael E. O’Hanlon and Lily. “Do Not Take the War on Terror’s Big Success for Granted.” Brookings, 27 Aug. 2021, war-on-terrors-big-success-for-granted/. ### By Dan Evon Dan Evon is a former writer for Snopes. ## Article Tags COVID-19 Recommendations Advertisement: ![\\"\\"](\\"/design/images/logo-main.png\\") Company About Us FAQs Contact Us Submit a Topic Navigate Home Search Archive Newsletters Random Sections Latest Top Fact Checks News Account Join Login Game FactBot Like Us on Facebook Follow Us on Twitter © 1995 - 2024 by Snopes Media Group Inc. This material may not be reproduced without permission. Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of Terms of Use Privacy Policy DMCA Policy
More Americans have died from COVID19 than from all foreign conflicts in US history
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That fact helps some people put the viral death toll in perspective, while others find it offensive. Historically, is it even a valid comparison? ![\\"Shots](\\" shots/branding_icon-9d5c5798fbff8351e5c796ffe65e5e8246c166fb-s1000-c100.png\\"/) ## Shots Health News From NPR * Your Health * Treatments & Tests * Health Inc. * Policy-ish * Public Health * Twitter ### The Coronavirus Crisis # The U.S. \'Battles\' Coronavirus, But Is It Fair To Compare Pandemic To A War? February 3, 20215:00 AM ET By Will Stone , ![\\"Carrie](\\" feibel_sq-e1ad8a5b383c46180872e8cfe21b0dbecde517e3.jpg?s=100&c=85&f=jpeg\\"/) Carrie Feibel #### The U.S. \'Battles\' Coronavirus, But Is It Fair To Compare Pandemic To A War? 3:58 Toggle more options * ******Embed** Embed `**<** iframe src=\" width=\"100%\" height=\"290\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\" title=\"NPR embedded audio player\">` ![\\"\\"](\\" --d8e16aa0a1aeedf24a97dc59df2ec37b5c70abaf.jpg?s=1100&c=85&f=jpeg\\"/) Enlarge this image Sick patients were isolated in converted warehouses during the 1918-19 global influenza pandemic, which killed an estimated 50 million worldwide. Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty **hide caption** **toggle caption** Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Sick patients were isolated in converted warehouses during the 1918-19 global influenza pandemic, which killed an estimated 50 million worldwide. Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Counting the dead is one of the first, somber steps in reckoning with an event of enormous tragic scope, be that war, natural disaster or a pandemic. This dark but necessary arithmetic has become all too routine during the COVID-19 outbreak. January was the deadliest month so far in the U.S.; the virus killed more than 95,458 Americans. The total U.S death toll has now surpassed 441,000. Each death is unique, a devastating loss that ripples through a family, a network, a community. But in the aggregate, the national death toll can feel abstract, and its constant repetition in the news can become numbing. Journalists, commentators and public officials are left searching for new ways to convey the deadliness of this pathogen, and the significance of its mounting fatality rate. Sponsor Message Many have turned to history, citing Pearl Harbor (2,403 killed) or the 9/11 attacks (at least 2,977 killed), as a way of providing perspective when the number of daily COVID deaths in the U.S. reached those levels. (Currently, more than 3,000 Americans are dying from COVID every day.) Jan. 21, 2021 offered another opportunity for historical comparison: That was the day when the COVID death toll in the U.S. reached — and then exceeded — the 405,399 Americans who died in World War II. For many, attempting to compare the two death tolls — or even take note of their brief conjunction — is misguided or even offensive. It is certainly a morally fraught exercise. The true emotional and social impact of either event can never be quantified, but many media outlets still mentioned it. Which raises the question: Are we as a society too quick to reach for these historical comparisons? Should a politically driven world war and a biologically driven pandemic, more than seven decades apart, be put side by side at all? \"This is comparing apples to oranges,\" wrote NPR listener Kris Petron in December, in response to a story that made use of that comparison. \"It is extremely disrespectful to our nation\'s veterans, who write a blank check with their lives, to defend our Constitution.\" Sponsor Message Petron is not alone. This type of response, over time, has convinced medical historian Dr. Howard Markel to make it a practice of never drawing parallels between the death toll from war and a pandemic. \"I try not to make comparisons to an event or group that I know contains within it a great deal of sentiment, feeling and pain,\" says Markel, a professor at the University of Michigan and author of When Germs Travel: Six Major Epidemics That Have Invaded America and the Fears They Have Unleashed. The notion that combat deaths carry a unique meaning or value is deeply rooted in human culture. Societies tend to valorize those who died for a cause on a battlefield. But in this pandemic it\'s the frail elderly — many of them living in nursing homes and assisted living facilities — who have died in vast numbers. \"To the watching world, that\'s not the same as the death of a young soldier in their 20s, let\'s say, on the front lines in a war,\" says Yale historian Frank Snowden, author of Epidemics and Society: From the Black Death to the Present. \"But, I don\'t think we have a right to weigh up lives and say which is more important,\" Snowden added. Unlike COVID-19, the global influenza pandemic of 1918-19 killed many people who were in their 20s and 30s — yet as Snowden notes, there wasn\'t much collective mourning for those young adults, despite dying in the prime of life. \"People were so used to mortality because of the [first world] war that even the horrible tallies that were coming with the Spanish influenza had lost their capacity to horrify the way that one might expect,\" he says. When we do compare death tolls, what exactly are we comparing? The effort to compare the death toll of the pandemic with that of a war strikes historian Sam Biagetti as an especially \"modern\" exercise. Sponsor Message \"Through the vast majority of human history, people have understood warfare and disease to go hand in hand and to be inextricably linked,\" says Biagetti, who is the creator and host of the podcast Historiansplaining. The flu pandemic 100 years ago was fueled by the conditions of World War I and ultimately killed more people than the war, with an estimated 50 million flu deaths worldwide and upwards of 700,000 flu deaths in the U.S. \"All those millions of deaths were another outcome of the war, and people didn\'t understand them necessarily as two separate phenomena,\" he says. In fact, before World War II, combatants were far more likely to die of an infectious disease than from battle-related trauma. Biagetti points out that World War II was the first conflict in American history in which combat killed more fighters than disease, a pattern which has continued since and reflects medical advances such as vaccines and antibiotics. \"We\'ve really changed how we think about war, in a way that is misleading and distorting — this idea you can kind of sum up the toll of a war just by counting the bodies from the battlefield,\" Biagetti says. ![\\"\\"](\\" crosses-e1a40cfd74a1a09747dab0a7f6d2b46ddfcca2a8.jpg?s=1100&c=50&f=jpeg\\"/) Enlarge this image A U.S. Marine cemetery at the foot of Mount Suribachi in Iwo Jima. Hulton Archive/Getty Images **hide caption** **toggle caption** Hulton Archive/Getty Images A U.S. Marine cemetery at the foot of Mount Suribachi in Iwo Jima. Hulton Archive/Getty Images Official military records are one way of assessing a conflict\'s lethality, but they have limits, which is why Biagetti views them as inadequate for understanding the full breadth of the impact of these historical events. The carnage of war doesn\'t end just because peace is declared. The chaos and turmoil often fuels further death, as the influenza pandemic did in World War I. The spillover effects of war continue long after formal hostilities end, and include disability and disfigurement, mental trauma, addiction, homelessness and suicide. One example is the ongoing suicide crisis among U.S. veterans. Between 2005 and 2017, 78,875 veterans died by suicide — more than the number of soldiers killed in Vietnam, 58,220. Sponsor Message For all these reasons, Biagetti worries about comparing the current pandemic to any war, even if just for the purpose of counting the dead. \"You can\'t just try to sum up in a simple statistic, how big is this disaster versus that disaster, as if they can even be summed up in a simple number at all.\" And yet the language of warfare permeates so much of the national discourse about the pandemic. Nurses work on the \"frontlines.\" Coronavirus is described as an invisible \"enemy.\" The country is \"battling\" the virus. As a metaphor, \"war\" becomes a call to action, and a recognition of sacrifice On Jan. 15, then-President-elect Joe Biden announced his vaccine distribution plan, declaring: \"We\'re in a war with this virus.\" Five days later, in his inaugural address, he said: \"It\'s taken as many lives in one year as America lost in all of World War II.\" Some Americans whose relatives have died from COVID embrace the rhetoric of war, and believe comparing the pandemic to past wars is imperative. \"The scale of this is that of a war, it\'s just a different type of war and it\'s not one that we\'re necessarily taught in our history books,\" says Kristen Urquiza, who co-founded the advocacy group Marked By COVID after her father died from the disease over the summer. Urquiza believes that the country struggled collectively to respond to the coronavirus because Americans have little understanding about what it takes to overcome a pandemic. \"In a way, it\'s sort of more dangerous [than war] because we are culturally unprepared for it.\" There are also veterans who feel the war analogies are appropriate, and even helpful. Dr. Cleavon Gilman, an emergency physician in Yuma, Ariz., has treated COVID-19 patients from the early days of the outbreak and readily compares the pandemic to a war. Sponsor Message \"It\'s very hard to communicate the severity of this pandemic if you\'re not in a hospital, where this war is being waged,\" says Gilman, who served as a Marine combat medic in Iraq in 2004. World War II was the deadliest war in human history, but not in American history: that distinction belongs to the Civil War. The death toll has traditionally been estimated to be about 618,000 but new research indicates 750,000 may be more accurate. But World War II looms large in America\'s cultural memory as a \"good war,\" one that united the country against a clear-cut enemy, says Catherine Mas, a history professor at Florida International University who studies the history of medicine, race and religion. In retrospect, the American response to World War II stands in sharp contrast to the current political divisions over the coronavirus, and the fragmented and uneven national response. Despite the differences, Mas says the comparisons can still be powerful tools as the country tries to reckon with a crisis that has taken place out of sight for many Americans. People are dying in hospitals, without family members at the bedside, and only healthcare workers are there to bear witness. \"The reason we want to compare COVID-19 deaths to something like World War II is not just because the numbers are there, but to acknowledge this is a significant rupture in society,\" she says. \"This mass death is going to create trauma: how are we going to deal with that? How have we dealt with that in the past? I think it\'s part of our human condition to try to search for some reference points.\" This story was produced in partnership with Kaiser Health News. * COVID-19 * Facebook * Flipboard * Email ![\\"Shots](\\" shots/branding_icon-9d5c5798fbff8351e5c796ffe65e5e8246c166fb-s1000-c100.png\\"/) ## Shots Health News From NPR ###### Read & Listen * Home * News * Culture * Music * Podcasts & Shows ###### Connect * Newsletters * Facebook * Instagram * Press * Public Editor * Corrections * Contact & Help ###### About NPR * Overview * Diversity * NPR Network * Accessibility * Ethics * Finances ###### Get Involved * Support Public Radio * Sponsor NPR * NPR Careers * NPR Shop * NPR Events * NPR Extra * Terms of Use * Privacy * Your Privacy Choices * Text Only Sponsor Message Become an NPR sponsor
More Americans have died from COVID19 than from all foreign conflicts in US history
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For updated and comprehensive analysis of demonstrations associated with the Black Lives Matter movement, see our full report covering data for the period of January 2020 to April 2021. In August 2020, as part of a joint project between ACLED and BDI, supplemental data were released extending historical coverage back to the week of George Floyd’s killing in May 2020. Find a review of key trends below, as well as a summary of the data release **here**. Definitions and methodology decisions are explained in the __**_US coverage FAQs_** _**** and the **US methodology brief**. For more information, please check the full_ _**ACLED Resource Library**_. ### Introduction The United States is at heightened risk of political violence and instability going into the 2020 general election. Mass shootings hit a record high last year (BBC, 29 December 2019), violent hate crimes are on the rise (Al Jazeera, 13 November 2019), and police killings continue unabated, at 2.5 times the rate1This is based on the lifetime risk of being killed by police use of force per 100,000 people (Edwards, Lee, and Esposito, 2019). for Black men as for white men (FiveThirtyEight, 1 June 2020; Nature, 19 June 2020). The COVID-19 pandemic has killed well over 180,000 (New York Times, 3 September 2020) and disrupted the economy, while George Floyd’s death in police custody has sparked a massive wave of protest across the country. The US Crisis Monitor — a joint project between ACLED and the Bridging Divides Initiative (BDI) at Princeton University — collects real-time data on these trends in order to provide timely analysis and resources to support civil society efforts to track, prevent, and mitigate the risk of political violence in America. With supplemental data collection extending coverage back to the week of Floyd’s killing in May, the dataset now encompasses the latest phase of the Black Lives Matter movement, growing unrest related to the health crisis, and politically motivated violence ahead of the November general election. These data reveal that the United States is in crisis. It faces a multitude of concurrent, overlapping risks — from police abuse and racial injustice, to pandemic-related unrest and beyond — all exacerbated by increasing polarization. This report maps these trends with a view toward the upcoming election, when these intersecting risks are likely to intensify. ### Black Lives Matter: Racism and Police Violence The longstanding crisis of police violence and structural racism in America hit a new flashpoint this year. On 25 May 2020, Minneapolis police officers arrested George Floyd, a 46-year-old Black man, for allegedly using a counterfeit $20 bill. One officer pinned Floyd to the ground and kneeled on his neck for eight minutes and 15 seconds, killing him. Other officers looked on (BBC, 16 July 2020). Floyd’s death prompted a surge of demonstrations associated with the Black Lives Matter (BLM)2In this report, the acronym “BLM” is used to abbreviate the phrase “Black Lives Matter” when referring to the movement writ large. It is not meant to suggest all associated events are directly affiliated with the national BLM organization. movement that quickly spread from Minneapolis throughout the country. Between 26 May, the day after Floyd’s death, and 22 August, ACLED records over 7,750 demonstrations linked to the BLM movement across more than 2,440 locations in all 50 states and Washington, DC. #### Nationwide Demonstrations While the US has long been home to a vibrant protest environment, demonstrations surged to new levels in 2020. Between 24 May and 22 August, ACLED records more than 10,600 demonstration events across the country. Over 10,100 of these — or nearly 95% — involve peaceful protesters. Fewer than 570 — or approximately 5% — involve demonstrators engaging in violence. Well over 80% of all demonstrations are connected to the Black Lives Matter movement or the COVID-19 pandemic. ACLED conducted a pilot data collection program for the US last summer, allowing for comparison of the current moment with the same time period last year. In July of this year alone, ACLED records nearly 2,000 demonstrations — an increase of 42% from the 1,400 demonstrations recorded in July 2019. While Floyd’s killing ignited the demonstrations, the protest movement has also organized around other victims of police violence and racism across the country. In August 2019, police officers confronted Elijah McClain while he was walking home from a convenience store in Aurora, Colorado. McClain died after authorities reportedly tackled him, put him in a carotid hold, and had first responders inject him with ketamine (The Cut, 11 August 2020). At the start of 2020, Ahmaud Arbery was shot and killed by a former police officer and his son while out jogging in south Georgia (New York Times, 24 June 2020). The assailants claim they suspected him of breaking into nearby homes. In Louisville, Kentucky, police raided the wrong home3The law suit filed by Breonna Taylor’s family alleges that police raided the “wrong house,” and the targeted suspect had already been located elsewhere, while authorities have stated that they had a warrant to search these premises as well and claim the raid in question was intentional (AP, 7 July 2020). The search warrant application is currently under investigation by the FBI (Louisville Metro Government, 31 July 2020). In August 2022, a former detective pled guilty to conspiracy and admitted “she had helped mislead a judge into wrongly authorizing a raid of Breonna Taylor’s apartment,” stating that “she had worked with another officer to falsify a search warrant application and had later lied to cover up their act” (New York Times, 23 August 2022). In September 2022, it was revealed that “Louisville police detectives who drafted the search warrant for Breonna Taylor’s home knew they were including multiple lies” before they presented it to the judge (WDRB, 6 September 2022). while attempting to serve a warrant and exchanged gunfire with one of the occupants; his partner, Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old paramedic who was sleeping at the time,4At time of publication it was reported that Breonna Taylor was sleeping when she was shot; it was later reported that she was in bed at the start of the raid and then got up and was shot in the hallway. See Courier-Journal, 11 March 2022. was shot and killed by the officers (New York Times, 1 September 2020). Demonstrations over Floyd’s killing have also called for justice in these cases and other past incidents that remain unresolved. In many local communities, protests marking Floyd’s death have doubled as acts of remembrance for people like Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, and Trayvon Martin — whose killing in 2012 originally sparked the BLM movement (CNN, 26 February 2017). Even amid the current round of demonstrations, new cases have been added to the list, from Rayshard Brooks, an unarmed Black man killed by police in Atlanta, Georgia (CNN, 15 June 2020; New York Times, 22 June 2020), to Jacob Blake, an unarmed Black man shot seven times by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin (CBS News, 26 August 2020).5See also _PolitiFact, 26 August 2020 (updated 5 January 2021)_. The demonstrations remain ongoing. Though reported events associated with the BLM movement have gradually declined since their peak in late May and early June, ACLED still continues to record dozens of demonstrations each week (see graph below). ![\\"\\"](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' #### An Overwhelmingly Peaceful Movement The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent (see map below). In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity. Peaceful protests are reported in over 2,400 distinct locations around the country. Violent demonstrations,6 _Violent demonstrations_ refer to demonstration events in which the demonstrators themselves engage in violently disruptive and/or destructive acts targeting other individuals, property, businesses, other rioting groups, or armed actors. Such demonstrations can involve engagement in violence (e.g. clashes with police), vandalism (e.g. property destruction), looting, road-blocking using barricades, burning tires or other materials, amongst others. This category also includes events where violence may have been initially instigated by police or other actors engaging demonstrators associated with the BLM movement. _For more information on definitions and methodology, see theUS Crisis Monitor FAQs._ meanwhile, have been limited to fewer than 220 locations — under 10% of the areas that experienced peaceful protests. In many urban areas like Portland, Oregon, for example, which has seen sustained unrest since Floyd’s killing, violent demonstrations are largely confined to specific blocks, rather than dispersed throughout the city (CNN, 1 September 2020). ![\\"\\"](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' Yet, despite data indicating that demonstrations associated with the BLM movement are overwhelmingly peaceful, one recent poll suggested that 42% of respondents believe “most protesters [associated with the BLM movement] are trying to incite violence or destroy property” (FiveThirtyEight, 5 June 2020). This is in line with the Civiqs tracking poll which finds that “net approval for the Black Lives Matter movement peaked back on June 3 [the week following the killing of George Floyd when riots first began to be reported] and has fallen sharply since” (USA Today, 31 August 2020; Civiqs, 29 August 2020). Research from the University of Washington indicates that this disparity stems from political orientation and biased media framing (Washington Post, 24 August 2020), such as disproportionate coverage of violent demonstrations (Business Insider, 11 June 2020; Poynter, 25 June 2020). Groups like the Anti- Defamation League (ADL) have documented organized disinformation campaigns aimed at spreading a “deliberate mischaracterization of groups or movements [involved in the protests], such as portraying activists who support Black Lives Matter as violent extremists or claiming that antifa is a terrorist organization coordinated or manipulated by nebulous external forces” (ADL, 2020). These disinformation campaigns may be contributing to the decline in public support for the BLM movement after the initial increase following Floyd’s killing, especially amongst the white population (USA Today, 31 August 2020; Civiqs, 30 August 2020a, 30 August 2020b). This waning support also comes as the Trump administration recently shifted its “law and order” messaging to target local Democratic Party politicians from urban areas, particularly on the campaign trail (NPR, 27 August 2020). Despite the media focus on looting and vandalism, however, there is little evidence to suggest that demonstrators have engaged in widespread violence. In some cases where demonstrations did turn violent, there are reports of agents provocateurs — or infiltrators — instigating the violence. During a demonstration on 27 May in Minneapolis, for example, a man with an umbrella — dubbed the ‘umbrella man’ by the media and later identified as a member of the Hells Angels linked to the Aryan Cowboys, a white supremacist prison and street gang — was seen smashing store windows (Forbes, 30 May 2020; KSTP, 28 July 2020). It was one of the first reports of destructive activity that day, and it “created an atmosphere of hostility and tension” that helped spark an outbreak of looting following initially peaceful protests, according to police investigators, who believe the man “wanted to sow discord and racial unrest” (New York Times, 28 July 2020). In another example on 29 May in Detroit, a number of non-residents reportedly traveled to the city to engage in violent behavior during a demonstration, leading to multiple arrests (MLive, 2 June 2020). In many cases, violent or destructive demonstrations have specifically targeted statues seen to represent the country’s legacy of racist violence, such as monuments celebrating colonial figures, slave owners, and Confederate leaders. Since Floyd’s killing, there have been at least 38 incidents in which demonstrators have significantly damaged or torn down memorials around the country, including statues of Confederate President Jefferson Davis and colonial explorer Christopher Columbus. Although these incidents account for a small subset of demonstrations, the trend has become another battlefield for the hyper-partisan “culture wars” over America’s history of racism (Bloomberg, 7 June 2020), and a lightning rod for polarized debate over an appropriate response to the ongoing protest movement. In some communities, pressure has led to official efforts to remove monuments and to rename public facilities like schools, with town hall meetings and other fora providing peaceful opportunities for discussion and reconciliation, which can ultimately help to reduce polarization (NPR, 12 July 2020). In others, however, clashes have broken out between those opposed to these memorials, such as the Stone Mountain monument to Confederate leaders in Georgia, and those who support keeping them (AJC, 15 August 2020). By the end of June, President Donald Trump seized on the topic to issue an executive order authorizing federal agents to pursue demonstrators who pull down statues or damage federal property, spurring the creation of the Protecting American Communities Task Force (PACT) and the deployment of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agents to protest sites across the US. #### A Violent Government Response The initial government response to the demonstrations was not uniform. Many early protests were held peacefully and without incident. In certain cities, like Los Angeles, California and Camden, New Jersey, authorities even expressed support by joining marches, taking a knee, or attending community meetings on reform (ABC7, 1 June 2020; CBS8, 15 June 2020; NJ Spotlight, 12 June 2020). In some cases these efforts reduced tensions between the community and the police, while in others demonstrators raised concerns that these displays served more as “PR stunts” than genuine acts of solidarity, potentially obscuring the scope of police abuse (ABC, 6 June 2020). At the start of June, for example, while some police officers kneeled with demonstrators in Buffalo, New York, separate reports surfaced showing the city’s police violently pushing an elderly protester to the ground, fracturing his skull, the next day (ABC, 6 June 2020; NPR, 30 June 2020). Overall, ACLED data indicate that government forces soon took a heavy-handed approach to the growing protest movement. In demonstrations where authorities are present, they use force more often than not. Data show that they have disproportionately used force while intervening in demonstrations associated with the BLM movement, relative to other types of demonstrations. Despite the fact that demonstrations associated with the BLM movement have been overwhelmingly peaceful, more than 9% — or nearly one in 10 — have been met with government intervention, compared to 3% of all other demonstrations. This also marks a general increase in intervention rates relative to this time last year. In July 2019, authorities intervened in under 2% of all demonstrations — fewer than 30 events — relative to July 2020, when they intervened in 9% of all demonstrations — or over 170 events. Authorities have used force — such as firing less-lethal weapons like tear gas, rubber bullets, and pepper spray or beating demonstrators with batons — in over 54% of the demonstrations in which they have engaged. This too is a significant increase relative to one year ago. In July 2019, government personnel used force in just three documented demonstrations, compared to July 2020, when they used force against demonstrators in at least 65 events. Over 5% of all events linked to the BLM movement have been met with force by authorities, compared to under 1% of all other demonstrations. In some contexts, like Seattle, Washington and Portland, Oregon (see below), the heavy-handed police response appears to have inflamed tensions and increased the risk of violent escalation (New York Times, 31 May 2020). #### Militarized Federal Reaction The escalating use of force against demonstrators comes amid a wider push to militarize the government’s response to domestic unrest, and particularly demonstrations perceived to be linked to left-wing groups like Antifa, which the administration views as a “terrorist” organization (New York Times, 31 May 2020). In the immediate aftermath of Floyd’s killing, President Trump posted a series of social media messages threatening to deploy the military and National Guard to disperse demonstrations, suggesting that authorities should use lethal force if demonstrators engage in looting (New York Magazine, 1 June 2020). The president called governors “weak” for allowing demonstrations in their states and instructed them to call in the National Guard to “dominate” and “cut through [protesters] like butter” (Vox, 2 June 2020). Senator Tom Cotton from Arkansas, an advisor to the president, recommended that the administration “send in the troops” and give “no quarter for insurrectionists, anarchists, rioters, and looters” (New York Times, 3 June 2020, 23 June 2020). Rhetoric soon translated to action: in early June, the government used National Guard troops, Secret Service agents, and US Park Police — among other federal agents — to violently disperse peaceful protests in Lafayette Square outside the White House to create a photo opportunity at St. John’s Church (Vox, 2 June 2020; New York Times, 10 June 2020). The incident prompted a rare public condemnation from former Secretary of Defense James Mattis and an eventual refusal from current Defense Secretary Mark Esper to support the invocation of the Insurrection Act, which would allow the deployment of active-duty troops to respond to demonstrations (Atlantic, 3 June 2020; TIME, 3 June 2020). Still, by the end of the month, DHS established the PACT and deployed agents around the country, including in Portland, Oregon; Seattle, Washington; and Washington, DC (Al Jazeera, 23 June 2020). Since Floyd’s killing, ACLED records over 55 federal and National Guard deployments across the country, including members of PACT as well as forces affiliated with Operations Legend and Diligent Valor. Seattle, Washington Seattle became an early hotspot of the protest movement and a target of the crackdown. Washington’s governor swiftly deployed the National Guard throughout the state and by Independence Day weekend the federal government sent agents assigned to PACT to guard monuments and to quell demonstrations. Demonstrators remained largely peaceful, but tensions rose as standoffs outside the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct intermittently turned violent, with widespread use of tear gas, flashbang grenades, and pepper spray (Spokesman-Review, 3 June 2020). In early June, under pressure from elected officials raising allegations of excessive force, police withdrew from the East Precinct and demonstrators established a protest encampment they called the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP) zone, independent of police and government control (Seattle PI, 22 June 2020). While CHOP was marred by criminal violence (Vox, 2 July 2020), the creation of the encampment coincided with a lull in violent demonstrations. Although riots were reported before 8 June (when CHOP was established) and after 1 July (when it was dismantled), only peaceful protests were recorded during the intervening period (see graph below). ![\\"\\"](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' Authorities cleared CHOP and arrested dozens of demonstrators by the start of July, but the episode set an important precedent: President Trump warned that protesters would be met with “serious force” if they attempted to replicate CHOP elsewhere in the country (Washington Post, 24 June 2020). Portland, Oregon After Seattle, the heavy-handed government response took center stage in Portland, where demonstrators have gathered daily since Floyd’s killing. Throughout June, demonstrators rallied outside the Multnomah County Justice Center and other prominent government sites in downtown Portland, sporadically clashing with police who blanketed the city with tear gas and impact munitions. A federal judge soon issued a restraining order against the Portland Police Bureau, instructing it to limit the use of tear gas over concerns that its officers were employing excessive force against demonstrators and violating their Fourth Amendment rights (OPB, 19 July 2020). By the end of the month, the order was expanded to restrict the use of other less-lethal weaponry like rubber bullets, and Oregon state legislators passed a new law that mandated police warn protesters before firing tear gas. Demonstrations continued, but tensions cooled. The situation changed in July, when PACT agents and other federal personnel took a more active role in the response as part of Operation Diligent Valor. Against the wishes of local officials (Business Insider, 22 July 2020), federal authorities began aggressively policing the demonstrations, using excessive force and arbitrarily detaining suspected protesters in unmarked vehicles (Oregon Live, 16 July 2020; USA Today, 4 August 2020). Prior to the deployment of PACT at the start of July, approximately 8% of demonstrations in Oregon were met with government intervention, and authorities infrequently used force against demonstrators. Since July, however, nearly 28% of demonstrations have been met with intervention and force by government personnel. In Portland specifically, under 24% of demonstrations were met with state force before July. Since July, this figure has risen to 40% of all demonstrations (see graph below). ![\\"\\"](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' content/uploads/2020/09/US5-1.png\\")Although federal authorities were purportedly deployed to keep the peace, the move appears to have re-escalated tensions. Prior to the deployment, over 83% of demonstrations in Oregon were non-violent. Post-deployment, the percentage of violent demonstrations has risen from under 17% to over 42% (see graph below), suggesting that the federal response has only aggravated unrest. In Portland, violent demonstrations rose from 53% to nearly 62% of all events after federal agents arrived on the scene. ![\\"\\"](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' In late July, officials announced that federal agents would reduce their presence in Portland following talks between Governor Kate Brown and Vice President Mike Pence, but would remain on standby (Guardian, 29 July 2020). Some reports indicate that the pullback has lowered tensions (The Week, 3 August 2020), but President Trump has warned that federal authorities will not fully leave Portland until local authorities “secure their city” (Guardian, 29 July 2020). As of early September, the federal government began deputizing Oregon State Police to respond to demonstrations in Portland, in coordination with US Marshals, potentially signalling renewed federal intervention in the city (KOIN, 1 September 2020). Widespread Attacks on the Press Reporters have also been targeted as part of the government response. As journalists have worked to cover the unprecedented wave of protests, they have simultaneously faced what Reporters Without Borders has called “an unprecedented outbreak of violence” around the country (RSF, 31 May 2020). Government forces are the primary perpetrators of these attacks, from beatings and assaults to violent arrests. Since May, ACLED records over 100 separate incidents of government violence against journalists in at least 31 states and Washington, DC during demonstrations associated with the BLM movement (see map below). The greatest number of these have occurred in California — such as on 30 May at a demonstration in Santa Monica when police hit an ABC7 news crew with tear gas (ABC7, 31 May 2020), or on 31 May at a demonstration in Long Beach when police injured a KPCC/LAist journalist with non-lethal rounds (LAist, 31 May 2020). ![\\"\\"](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' #### High Rates of Non-state Actor Involvement in BLM Demonstrations Government forces are not the only actors intervening in demonstrations. Amid increased political polarization and deepening mistrust in state institutions, militias and other non-state actors are increasingly engaging with demonstrators directly. #### Car-Ramming Attacks Since Floyd’s killing, dozens of car-ramming attacks by individual perpetrators — in some cases acting independently with no reported affiliation, and in others linked to hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan (Henrico Citizen, 12 August 2020) — have been reported at demonstrations around the country _(see chart below)_. Other cases have involved those affiliated with the government, such as the military and law enforcement, including an on-duty police officer at a demonstration in Anaheim, California on 25 July (Fox11 Los Angeles, 28 July 2020); an off-duty police officer at a demonstration in Seattle, Washington on 4 July (King5, 9 July 2020); an army sergeant at a demonstration in Austin, Texas on 25 July (KTSM, 31 July 2020); and an off-duty jail correctional officer at a demonstration in Kokomo, Indiana on 30 May (Kokomo Tribune, 1 June 2020). ![\\"\\"](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' Non-state groups are becoming more active and assertive. Since May, ACLED records over 100 events in which non-state actors engaged in demonstrations (including counter-demonstrations) — the vast majority of which were in response to demonstrations associated with the BLM movement. These non-state actors include groups and militias from both the left and right side of the political spectrum, such as Antifa, the Not Fucking Around Coalition, the New Mexico Civil Guard, the Patriot Front, the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Bois, and the Ku Klux Klan, among others (see map below).7The map is updated to include all non-state groups. Overall, over 20 distinct non-state groups have actively engaged in demonstrations this summer. In July 2020 alone, ACLED records nearly 30 events in which non-state actors engaged demonstrators — up from zero in July 2019. Whether they are affiliated with an organized group or not, there is also a growing presence of armed individuals at demonstrations, with many claiming they are standing by to ‘keep the peace’ if not to openly intimidate perceived ‘enemies.’ At least 50 such incidents have been reported around the country since 24 May. Reports that police not only tolerate the presence of certain armed individuals at demonstrations (Washington Post, 30 August 2020; Huffington Post, 28 August 2020), but in some cases actively encourage their involvement suggest this trend will continue, amplifying the risk of violence. On the night of 25 August in Kenosha, Wisconsin, for example, during protests against police brutality following the shooting of Jacob Blake, police allegedly told armed members of the Kenosha Guard over a loudspeaker, “We appreciate you guys. We really do,” and shared water with them (USA Today, 29 August 2020). While many of these incidents have not turned violent, recent events in Kenosha indicate just how quickly the situation can escalate.8This report includes data from 24 May through 22 August 2020. Events from 23 August onwards, including violence in Kenosha, Wisconsin on 25 August, will be included in subsequent data releases by the _US Crisis Monitor_. A call to arms on Facebook by the Kenosha Guard brought multiple armed individuals to the city to ‘protect lives and property,’ including those not technically affiliated with the group — such as Kyle Rittenhouse. Before the end of the night, Rittenhouse shot three demonstrators, two of whom died of their injuries (CNN, 28 August 2020). Police initially allowed Rittenhouse to leave the scene, but he was later arrested and charged with homicide. Since then, President Trump has failed to condemn Rittenhouse’s actions, and has suggested that the shootings were in self-defense (NPR, 31 August 2020). #### MilitiaWatch To monitor the activity of militias, ACLED benefits from a partnership with MilitiaWatch, a research project and blog that tracks, documents, and analyzes contemporary US militia movements, and provides reports connecting long-term militia trends to broader political events. MilitiaWatch gathers data from open source and semi-open source content created by and for militia members, allowing for an analysis of militia activity from their own perspectives. Information such as recruitment drives, training exercises, the creation of new groups or splinter groups, or important announcements such as a militia’s support for a political group — as well as more specific details as to the identity of militias active during demonstrations — are all tracked by MilitiaWatch and are included within ACLED data. #### A Rising Number of Counter-Protests Turning Violent In addition to armed individuals standing by without directly engaging demonstrations, there has also been an increase in the number of counter- protests confronting opposing demonstrators.9These are events in which demonstrators are met with counter-protesters. If two protests occur at the same time, in the same place, and they are essentially ‘counter’ to one another — for example, one is pro-BLM, and the other is anti-BLM — the events are coded as a single event instead of as two separate events. Depending on whether each side engages in destructive or disruptive behavior, the actor on each side is coded accordingly. Between 24 May and 22 August, over 360 counter-protests were recorded around the country, accounting for nearly 5% of all demonstrations. Of these, 43 — nearly 12% — turned violent, with clashes between pro-police demonstrators and demonstrators associated with the BLM movement, for example. In July alone, ACLED records over 160 counter-protests, or more than 8% of all demonstrations. Of these, 18 turned violent. This is a significant increase relative to July 2019, when only 17 counter-protests were reported around the country, or approximately 1% of all demonstrations, and only one of these allegedly turned violent. The presence of militia groups and other armed individuals threatens to more quickly escalate confrontations between protesters and counter-protesters into violent clashes. Recent events in Portland, Oregon on the night of 29 August point to how such confrontations can rapidly turn deadly.10This report includes data from 24 May through 22 August 2020. Events from 23 August onwards, including violence in Portland, Oregon on the night of 29 August, will be included in subsequent data releases by the _US Crisis Monitor_. On that night, a caravan demonstration — including members of Patriot Prayer, Three Percenters, and Proud Boys — took place in support of President Trump. The demonstrators drove trucks through the crowd and shot paintball guns and pepper spray at counter-demonstrators rallying in support of the BLM movement. During the confrontation a member of the right-wing Patriot Prayer armed group was shot dead by an unknown individual. President Trump tweeted a message of condolences for the deceased, alleging that he had been “murdered in Portland by ANTIFA” (Insider, 31 August 2020), despite the fact that it remains unclear who is responsible for the shooting.11Since initial publication, the suspect has been identified as Michael Reinoehl, who stated in an interview that he “was not a ‘member’ of antifa, but supported the ideology” (Washington Post, 4 September 2020). On 3 September, police shot and killed Reinoehl. Authorities initially claimed that Reinoehl was armed, but a new witness statement alleges that he “wasn’t obviously armed” and was shot without warning (Washington Post, 10 September 2020). The rise in non-state intervention and violent counter-demonstrations is set against a growing pattern of non-violent hate incidents. As racial justice protests have spread across the country, so too have displays of racist symbols like nooses, believed to be warnings or acts of intimidation targeting activists and protesters associated with the BLM movement. In late June, for example, a stuffed animal monkey was found hanging from a tree in Santa Rosa, California (ABC, 29 June 2020). In mid-July, a couple in Saginaw, Michigan found a noose and a note saying “Accessory to be worn with your BLM T-shirt! Happy Protesting!” slipped through the window of their car (Michigan Live, 13 July 2020). #### Comparing BLM Trends Globally While the US faces a unique combination of overlapping crises, many of these trends are mirrored around the world — and the racism and police brutality exemplified by the killing of George Floyd prompted a global response. In the week’s since Floyd’s killing, at least 8,700 demonstrations in solidarity with the BLM movement were reported across 74 countries, including the US. Demonstrators focused their outrage on American symbols — including embassies, consulates, and Trump properties — but they also rallied around local cases of police brutality and racial inequality. The BLM movement has offered a ‘brand’ of anti-racism and anti-police violence activism for a range of contexts around the world. In many countries, demonstrators have been ‘applying their own martyrs’ to the solidarity protests, and are using BLM as an inspiration for structuring domestic movements against police violence, discrimination, and political repression. ![\\"\\"](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' ### COVID-19: A Global Health Crisis Unrest over police brutality and racist violence erupted at the height of another crisis: the COVID-19 pandemic. America has emerged as the new epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak. With only 4% of the world’s population, the US was estimated to have a quarter of confirmed cases by the end of June (CNN, 30 June 2020). At time of writing, more than 180,000 Americans have died, and over six million have been infected (New York Times, 1 September 2020). #### COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter Movement In America, the health crisis and the latest wave of demonstrations associated with BLM are intertwined. The current BLM protest movement has become one of the largest in US history in part because it emerged within a socio-economic environment deeply disrupted by the pandemic. Research indicates that people who lost their jobs and livelihoods are more likely to participate in the protests (Washington Post, 5 August 2020), especially as the pandemic has left clear winners and losers in its wake. The “Strike for Black Lives” for example, is an effort to unite “the interconnected fights for racial and economic justice” (USA Today, 20 July 2020). As part of this movement, essential workers have been protesting in remembrance of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Elijah McClain, and other Black people killed by police, while also calling for the Senate to pass the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act: a stimulus package to address the pandemic’s economic impact — which has hit some harder than others. The number of Black Americans working in front-line jobs impacted by the pandemic is disproportionately high, Black workers continue to earn less than their white counterparts (SHRM, 11 June 2020), and almost half of Black households are concerned with their ability to make rent on a monthly basis (CBS News, 16 June 2020; SHRM, 26 June 2020; Urban Institute, 2 June 2020). According to the Brookings Institution, COVID-19 has now become the third largest cause of death amongst the Black population (CBS News, 17 August 2020). #### Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic The economic fallout from the pandemic is devastating. According to the University of New Hampshire, all 50 states have experienced “extreme job loss,” and 43 have recorded losses “worse than in the Great Recession” (Ettlinger & Hensley, 2020). The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the pandemic will shrink the economy by approximately $8 trillion over the next decade (Washington Post, 1 June 2020). More than half of all businesses that closed due to lockdown measures have reportedly closed for good (Bloomberg, 22 July 2020), and the country is now facing a mass eviction crisis — which is projected to disproportionately affect minority communities (Politico, 12 June 2020). As the situation deteriorated over the summer, demonstrators took to the streets over these issues and more, protesting unemployment, evictions, and unsafe working conditions, as well as school reopenings and mask mandates. The pandemic has not escaped politicization, with regular confrontations between demonstrators for and against lockdown restrictions, and support for social distancing measures often polarized along party lines. Since 24 May, over 1,000 pandemic-related demonstrations have been reported in 47 states and Washington, DC, particularly in California, New York, Florida, and Texas. In early August, demonstrations connected to the pandemic surpassed demonstrations associated with the BLM movement for the first time in months (see graph below). ![\\"\\"](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' content/uploads/2020/09/Number-of-Demonstrations-by- Driver-24-May-22-August-2020_LogScale_SizeAdjusted.png\\")Demonstrations around school reopening, mass evictions, and healthcare workers are explored below (see map below). ![\\"\\"](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' School Reopenings Face Challengers from Both Sides With the school year beginning, demonstrations led by teachers, students, and parents both for and against reopenings are on the rise. In July, the Trump administration called for schools to reopen for in-person teaching, despite renewed concern over the coronavirus outbreak (New York Times, 23 July 2020). Demonstrations organized by teachers and students have surged in response. Although some — including many parents — support the president’s call to reopen, the vast majority of demonstrations oppose in-person teaching, with participants arguing that it remains unsafe to return to the classroom. Several schools that already reopened were almost immediately forced to quarantine hundreds of students, compounding these worries (Wall Street Journal, 17 August 2020). More than 330 demonstration events over school reopenings have been reported across 42 states in recent weeks, and they show few signs of stopping. So far, reports indicate that all have been peaceful and have faced no government intervention, though some have been met with counter-protesters. Mass Evictions Pose Widespread Risks The country is simultaneously facing a looming eviction crisis. Due to the pandemic’s economic impact, millions of Americans have fallen behind on rent payments. The COVID-19 Eviction Defense Project suggests that “19 to 23 million — or 1 in 5 — people living in renter households are at risk of eviction by October” (CNBC, 24 July 2020). According to Princeton University’s Eviction Lab, evictions are likely to disproportionately affect the Black community (BBC, 7 August 2020). While the government has held the crisis at bay through stimulus measures and both federal and state eviction moratoriums, the federal moratorium and a $600-a-week supplement to unemployment benefits lapsed at the end of July (CNBC, 24 July 2020). Further relief negotiations have stalled in Congress over spending disagreements, prompting the president to sign executive orders extending the lapsed supplemental federal unemployment benefits, but reducing it to the $400-a-week contribution. President Trump also made the plan contingent on states coming up with 25% of that payment, raising concerns that some states, already stretched thin financially during the pandemic, may opt out of the program. Trump’s executive action also does not reinstate the previous federal moratorium on evictions, but instead only directs federal agencies to “consider” measures to prevent evictions (Washington Post, 9 August 2020). The National Low Income Housing Coalition has called Trump’s order an “empty shell of a promise to renters” (NLIHC, 9 August 2020). As the end of the notice period following the lapsed federal moratorium approached, demonstrations linked to the eviction crisis have broken out around the country — especially in the northeast, which has registered over one-third of these demonstrations. Since 24 May, at least 37 demonstrations have been reported across 15 states. At the start of September, the CDC issued a new nationwide moratorium on evictions through December. The policy has been welcomed as an “essential” step by housing advocates like the National Low Income Housing Coalition, though they remain concerned that “it is a half- measure that extends a financial cliff for renters to fall off of when the moratorium expires and back rent is owed” (NPR, 1 September 2020). While the move may stave off the eviction crisis and a surge in associated demonstrations for now, the threat is set to re-emerge by the end of the year. Health Workers on the Frontlines From the pandemic’s frontlines, healthcare workers have led demonstrations calling for better working conditions, greater COVID-19 protections, and a stronger government response to the crisis nationwide. In August, for example, members of National Nurses United (NNU) held protests at healthcare facilities across the country as part of the “National Day of Action to Save Lives” (NNU, 3 August 2020). The nurses called on the Senate to pass the HEROES Act, a pending bill that the House of Representatives passed in May to provide $1 trillion in additional aid to states. They also demanded that hospitals adhere to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, provide adequate personal protective equipment (PPE), and take steps to prevent overwork. A recent survey conducted by NNU suggests that only 24% of nurses think they are provided with a safe workplace, while 87% indicate that they have had to reuse a single-use PPE at least once (NNU, 27 July 2020). Another 27% of nurses reported short-staffing (NNU, 27 July 2020). ACLED records nearly 70 demonstrations involving healthcare workers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in 19 states and Washington, DC since 24 May, with the highest concentration, by far, in California — the state with the highest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases (New York Times, 31 August 2020). #### Comparing COVID-19 Trends Globally As in the US, the pandemic has also shifted political violence and demonstration patterns worldwide — trends that ACLED has monitored through its COVID-19 Disorder Tracker (CDT) (see map below). Movement restrictions and social distancing rules led to a precipitous decline in demonstration activity at large, even as the crisis triggered new demonstrations over government pandemic responses. Mob violence, fueled by fear of the virus and opposition to lockdown measures, has also increased, as has democratic backsliding and state repression. Conflict dynamics have changed along with the evolving strategic priorities of violent actors, while calls by the UN Secretary- General for a global ceasefire have largely fallen on deaf ears.12 For more on the most significant changes to global political violence and demonstrations trends since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, see ACLED’s report: _A Great and Sudden Change_ _._ ![\\"\\"](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' ### Other Concurrent Crises in America In addition to nationwide unrest over police brutality, racial inequality, and the COVID-19 pandemic, a multitude of other risk factors shape demonstration and political violence trends in the US. Violence targeting women, for example, remains a major flashpoint. In July, a self-proclaimed “anti-feminist” attorney attacked the home of US District Judge Esther Salas, killing her son and shooting her husband. Such violence can also fuel demonstrations, as in the case of Army Specialist Vanessa Guillen, who was murdered in April after being sexually harassed at a Texas military base by another soldier. The killing has triggered protests across nearly half of all US states over sexual violence in the military. Hate crimes also remain a widespread threat, with attacks targeting a range of minority groups outside the context of the BLM protest movement (for more on violence and acts of intimidation targeting demonstrators associated with the BLM movement, see above). Around 23 June, for example, a group vandalized an Indian restaurant in Santa Fe, New Mexico and spray-painted racist slurs over the walls and furniture of the establishment (KOB4, 23 June 2020). On 4 July, a Black man was reportedly harassed and attacked by five white men at a public park south of Bloomington, Indiana. According to the victim, he was assaulted while the assailants repeatedly threatened to “get a noose” (Bloomingtonian, 5 July, 2020). On 17 August, three individuals attacked and robbed a group of transgender women on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles, California, threatening to kill them because of their gender identities. A crowd of bystanders filmed the event, shouting anti-transgender slurs, while police drove by without intervening; they never showed up to the scene (KTLA5, 18 August 2020). ### Looking Forward While these data present only a snapshot of demonstration activity and political violence in America, the trendlines are clear: demonstrations have erupted en masse around the country, and they are increasingly met with violence by state actors, non-state actors, and counter-demonstrators alike. With two months until the election, the US faces deep divisions over racial inequality, the role of the police, and economic hardship exacerbated by an ineffective pandemic response. The administration has taken multiple steps to inflame these tensions, from announcing further federal deployments in “Democrat-led cities” like Chicago and Albuquerque (AP, 22 July 2020) to threatening a postponement of the election altogether (BBC, 30 July 2020). In this hyper-polarized environment, state forces are taking a more heavy-handed approach to dissent, non-state actors are becoming more active and assertive, and counter-demonstrators are looking to resolve their political disputes in the street. Without significant mitigation efforts, these risks will continue to intensify in the lead-up to the vote, threatening to boil over in November if election results are delayed, inconclusive, or rejected as fraudulent. To keep track of these risk factors in real time, check the US Crisis Monitor. Updated weekly, the data and crisis mapping tool are freely available for public use. The project seeks continued funding to ensure that data collection continues through the 2020 election and beyond. If you are interested in supporting this work, please contact [email protected]. *Visuals in this piece have been updated for clarity. ![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' 2020 Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED). All rights reserved. ![\\"Print](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' ![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' #### Roudabeh Kishi Roudabeh Kishi previously served as the Director of Research & Innovation at ACLED. She oversaw research at the organization, including data collection via the regional research desks, methodology team, and management of research partnerships; data science and analysis; and communications. Dr. Kishi holds a PhD in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland. She has worked as a consultant for numerous organizations around political violence, peace and conflict, development, gender, and quantitative data methods. ![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=\\' #### Sam Jones Sam Jones is the Head of Communications at ACLED and has been with the organization since October 2018. Sam oversees ACLED\'s strategic communications, public outreach, and user engagement. He earned his BA in Political Theory from Franklin & Marshall College and his MA in Ethics, Peace, and Human Rights from American University\'s School of International Service. Sam\'s research centers on political violence and protest movements, and he previously worked to document human rights violations in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Categories: Analysis, Featured, US Analysis, USCM Reports3 September 2020 Regions: United States and Canada Tags: United States of America Share TweetShare on Twitter Share on FacebookShare on Facebook Share on LinkedInShare on LinkedIn ### Related ![\\"Map](\\" content/uploads/2024/10/image1-110x80.png\\") After a year of war, Hamas is militarily weakened — but far from ‘eliminated’6 October 2024 ![\\"Infographic](\\" content/uploads/2024/09/image1-6-110x80.png\\") State officials in Somalia crack down on clan militia checkpoints – September 202430 September 2024 ![\\"Map](\\" content/uploads/2024/09/image3-4-110x80.png\\") Newly restructured, the Islamic State in the Sahel aims for regional expansion30 September 2024 This research was produced as part of the 2020 US Crisis Monitor, a joint project launched by ACLED and the _Bridging Divides Initiative (BDI)_ at Princeton University. To learn more about the 2020 US Crisis Monitor, visit the **project archive.** For the latest independent ACLED coverage, view the re-launched **2024 US Crisis Monitor.** ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2020/07/image1-300x154.png\\") #### Special Projects Cabo Ligado Ethiopia Peace Observatory Horn of Africa Ukraine Conflict Monitor US Crisis Monitor Yemen Conflict Observatory #### Resources FAQs Knowledge Base Codebook API Guide Term of Use Cookie Policy Privacy Statement #### Connect Careers Events About Contact #### Stay Informed Sign up to our newsletter to get the latest updates delivered straight to your inbox. Subscribe ACLED (Armed Conflict Location and Event Data) is an independent, impartial, international non-profit organization collecting data on violent conflict and protest in all countries and territories in the world. 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For six years Netanyahu boycotted the reformist leaders
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U.S. Jews’ connections with and attitudes toward Israel ## Table of Contents ## Table of Contents * Jewish Americans in 2020 * 1\. The size of the U.S. Jewish population * 2\. Jewish identity and belief * 3\. Jewish practices and customs * 4\. Marriage, families and children * 5\. Jewish community and connectedness * 6\. Anti-Semitism and Jewish views on discrimination * 7\. U.S. Jews’ connections with and attitudes toward Israel * 8\. U.S. Jews’ political views * 9\. Race, ethnicity, heritage and immigration among U.S. Jews * 10\. Jewish demographics * 11\. Economics and well-being among U.S. Jews * 12\. People of Jewish background and Jewish affinity * Acknowledgments * Appendix A: Survey methodology * Model-based population estimates * Appendix B: Mode experiment Eight-in-ten U.S. Jews say caring about Israel is an essential or important part of what being Jewish means to them. Nearly six-in-ten say they personally feel an emotional attachment to Israel, and a similar share say they follow news about the Jewish state at least somewhat closely. At the same time, the survey – conducted during the final 14 months of the Trump administration – shows a wide range of views among U.S. Jews about the Israeli government, including some pockets of strong criticism. Fewer than half of U.S. Jews give Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “excellent” or “good” ratings for his leadership. And just one-in-three say they think the Israeli government is making a sincere effort toward achieving peace with the Palestinians. (Fewer still, just 12%, say they think Palestinian leaders are sincere in these efforts.) The study also finds that a slim majority of U.S. Jews have heard about the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. The vast majority who have heard of the movement say they oppose it. The remainder of this chapter explores these and related findings in more detail. For an analysis of how much U.S. Jews say they have in common with Jews in Israel, see Chapter 5. ### Travel to Israel ![\\"One-quarter](\\" content/uploads/sites/20/2021/05/PF_05.11.21_jewish.americans-07-0.png?w=514\\") Just under half of U.S. Jewish adults (45%) have been to Israel, including 19% who have visited once and 26% who have visited multiple times or have lived in Israel. Far more Jews by religion than Jews of no religion have visited or lived in Israel (54% vs. 22%). Roughly eight-in-ten Orthodox Jews surveyed have been to Israel, as have 59% of Conservative Jews, 44% of Reform Jews and 29% of Jews who do not affiliate with any particular branch or stream of American Judaism. These results are similar to the 2013 study, which found that 43% of U.S. Jews had been to Israel, including 23% who had been more than once. ### Attachment to Israel Nearly six-in-ten U.S. Jews say they are either very emotionally attached (25%) or somewhat emotionally attached (32%) to the modern state of Israel. The share of adults who are at least somewhat attached to Israel is twice as high among Jews by religion (67%) as among Jews of no religion (33%). ![\\"Most](\\" content/uploads/sites/20/2021/05/PF_05.11.21_jewish.americans-07-1.png?w=648\\") As was the case in the 2013 study, the new survey finds that Jews ages 50 and older are much more emotionally attached to Israel than are younger Jews. Strong attachment to Israel is highest among Orthodox Jews. Indeed, Orthodox Jews are the only subgroup among whom a majority (60%) say they are very attached to the Jewish state. Six-in-ten Jews with no particular denominational affiliation (59%) say they are either “not too” or “not at all” emotionally attached to Israel. Republicans and those who lean toward the Republican Party generally express greater levels of attachment to Israel than do Jewish Democrats and those who lean Democratic. The survey finds a clear connection between having been to Israel and feelings of attachment to the nation. Fully nine-in-ten U.S. Jews who have lived in Israel or been there more than once say they feel at least somewhat attached to it. Two-thirds of those who have been there once say they feel an emotional attachment. And among American Jews who have never been to Israel, fewer than half say they feel attached to it. Of course, the survey cannot speak to the direction of this relationship: It could be that traveling to Israel leads to greater emotional attachment, but it could also be that Jews who feel a strong attachment to Israel are more likely to make the trip. Broadly speaking, many of the patterns in the 2020 survey data on questions about Israel are similar to findings from the 2013 survey. However, the new survey was conducted online and by mail, while the 2013 survey was conducted by telephone, and a separate, methodological experiment indicates that Jewish respondents tend to report lower levels of attachment to Israel when they are responding in private (either online or by mail) than when they are speaking to a live interviewer (by phone). Consequently, the results of the two surveys on this question are not directly comparable, and this report is unable to say whether U.S. Jews’ levels of emotional attachment to Israel have changed appreciably since 2013. (For more information on the methodological experiment, see Appendix B.) Overall, 45% of U.S. Jews say that caring about Israel is “essential” to what being Jewish means to them, and an additional 37% say that caring about Israel is an important (though not essential) part of their Jewish identity. ![\\"Eight-in-ten](\\" content/uploads/sites/20/2021/05/PF_05.11.21_jewish.americans-07-2.png?w=666\\") Caring about Israel is more central to the Jewish identity of Jews by religion than to Jews of no religion, among whom three-in-ten say that caring about Israel is not important to what being Jewish means to them. The survey also finds that caring about Israel is more central to the Jewish identity of older Jews (ages 50 and older) than to Jewish adults under the age of 30. Two-thirds of Conservative Jews say that caring about Israel is essential to what being Jewish means to them, as do about half of Orthodox and Reform Jews (53% and 49% respectively). Among Jews with no attachment to any particular stream of Judaism, roughly one-quarter say caring about Israel is “essential” to their Jewish identity, 42% say this is “important, but not essential,” and 28% say it is not important. This question was also asked in Pew Research Center’s 2013 study. However, the methodological experiment conducted to gauge the effect of transitioning from a telephone survey (such as the 2013 study) to a survey conducted online and by mail (like the new study) finds large mode effects on this item. Compared with those answering questions on the phone, respondents participating online and by mail are more likely to say that caring about Israel is “essential” to what being Jewish means to them, and less likely to say that this is “important, but not essential” to their Jewish identity. Thus, the results on this question in the new study are not directly comparable to those obtained in 2013. (For additional discussion of what else is “essential,” “important but not essential” and “not important” to respondents’ Jewish identity, see Chapter 2.) ### Following news about Israel ![\\"Among](\\" content/uploads/sites/20/2021/05/PF_05.11.21_jewish.americans-07-3.png?w=640\\") A slim majority of U.S. Jews say they follow news about Israel at least somewhat closely, including 14% who follow it “very closely” and 43% who follow it “somewhat closely.” On average, Jews by religion pay closer attention to news about Israel than do Jews of no religion, and older Jews are more tuned in to news about the Jewish state than are younger Jewish adults. The survey also shows that Orthodox and Conservative Jews follow news about Israel more closely than do Reform Jews. And fewer than half of Jews with no denominational affiliation say they follow news about Israel. Three-quarters of Jews who are emotionally attached to Israel say they follow news about the Jewish state at least somewhat closely. Jews who say they are “not too” or “not at all” attached to the Jewish state are much less likely to follow news about it. This question was not asked in 2013. ### Roughly half of U.S. Jews say U.S. level of support for Israel is about right ![\\"In](\\" content/uploads/sites/20/2021/05/PF_05.11.21_jewish.americans-07-4.png?w=542\\") As of 2020, about one-in-five U.S. Jews (22%) say the U.S. is too supportive of Israel, up from 11% who said this in 2013. Over the same period, the share who say the U.S. is not sufficiently supportive of Israel declined by 12 percentage points (to 19%), while the share who say the level of U.S. support for Israel is “about right” has held steady (54% in each survey). The survey, conducted during the last year of the Trump administration, finds that Jewish Democrats and those who lean toward the Democratic Party are much more likely than Jewish Republicans to say the U.S. is too supportive of Israel, while Jewish Republicans are more inclined than Democrats say U.S. support for Israel is about right. As was the case in 2013, Jews of no religion are significantly more likely than Jews by religion to say the U.S. is too supportive of Israel. Also, in both surveys, Jewish adults under age 30 are far more inclined than Jews ages 50 and older to say the U.S. is too supportive of Israel. A methodological experiment conducted in conjunction with the 2020 survey indicates that on this question, the results from 2020 can be compared with the results from 2013, because there appears to be little difference in the way respondents answer this question when speaking with a live interviewer (by phone) versus writing their answer in private (online or on a paper questionnaire). However, it is important to bear in mind when the two studies were fielded. Telephone interviews for the 2013 survey took place from Feb. 20 through June 13, 2013, during Barack Obama’s second term as president. The 2020 survey was conducted online and by mail from Nov. 19, 2019, through June 3, 2020, during Donald Trump’s presidency. See Appendix B for more details. ### Netanyahu rated negatively by more than half of U.S. Jews ![\\"Four-in-ten](\\" content/uploads/sites/20/2021/05/PF_05.11.21_jewish.americans-07-5.png?w=710\\") Four-in-ten U.S. Jews say Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel for more than a decade, has done an “excellent” (13%) or “good” job (27%) leading the country, while a slim majority say his leadership has been “only fair” (26%) or “poor” (28%). Jews by religion rate Netanyahu more positively than do Jews of no religion, though even among Jews by religion, fewer than half (45%) say his leadership has been excellent or good. About three-quarters of Orthodox Jews (77%) give Netanyahu’s leadership positive marks. Conservative Jews are more evenly divided in their views of Netanyahu’s leadership, though they also view him more positively than negatively. Most Reform Jews and those who do not affiliate with any branch or stream of U.S. Judaism, meanwhile, give Netanyahu only fair or poor ratings for his leadership. The survey also finds that higher levels of education are linked with more negative evaluations of Netanyahu. U.S. Jews are deeply polarized along partisan lines on this question, which was not asked in 2013. Eight-in-ten Republicans and Republican leaners say Netanyahu’s leadership has been excellent or good. By contrast, seven-in-ten Jewish Democrats and Democratic leaners say Netanyahu’s leadership has been fair or poor. ### Views of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict ![\\"Most](\\" content/uploads/sites/20/2021/05/PF_05.11.21_jewish.americans-07-6.png?w=414\\") Most U.S. Jews (63%) say they think a way can be found for Israel and an independent Palestinian state to coexist peacefully. Jews of no religion are somewhat more optimistic about the possibility of peaceful coexistence than are Jews by religion. Additionally, majorities of Conservative Jews, Reform Jews and those who don’t identify with any particular branch of American Judaism all think a way can be found for Israel and a Palestinian state to coexist in peace. Two-thirds of Orthodox Jews, by contrast, do not think this is possible. Roughly seven-in-ten Jewish Democrats say they think Israel and an independent Palestinian state could coexist peacefully, while a slim majority of Jewish Republicans do not think this can happen. As a whole, U.S. Jews are somewhat more likely than U.S. adults overall to believe a peaceful two-state solution to the conflict is possible (63% vs. 55%). At the same time, just one-third of U.S. Jews say they think the Israeli government is making a sincere effort toward a peace settlement with the Palestinians. There is even more skepticism among U.S. Jews about the Palestinian effort on this front: Just 12% of U.S. Jews say they think the Palestinian leadership is making a sincere effort toward peace. ![\\"One-third](\\" content/uploads/sites/20/2021/05/PF_05.11.21_jewish.americans-07-7.png?w=501\\") Jews by religion are about four times as likely to say the Israeli government is making a sincere effort toward peace as they are to say this about the Palestinian leadership (35% vs. 9%). Jews of no religion, by contrast, are almost as inclined to say the Palestinian leadership is sincerely seeking a peace settlement (19%) as they are to say the same about the Israeli government (25%). U.S. Jews in most age groups are substantially more likely to say the Israeli government is sincere in its peace efforts than to say this about the Palestinians. But the youngest cohort of U.S. Jews is an exception to this pattern. Among Jewish adults under age 30, 24% say they think the Israeli government is making sincere efforts toward peace, while 18% say the same about Palestinian leadership. Two-thirds of Jews who are Republicans or lean toward the Republican Party say they think the Israeli government is sincerely pursuing a peace settlement with the Palestinians, compared with one-in-five Jews who are Democrats or lean Democratic. Comparing the results on the question about the Israeli government’s sincerity in the peace process with the same question in the 2013 survey is complicated by methodological differences between the two studies. An experiment (discussed in Appendix B) suggests that respondents are more likely to answer this question at all when answering online or by mail (as in 2020) rather than by telephone (as in 2013). As with many sensitive questions, more respondents say they don’t know or declined to answer when speaking to a live person on the phone than when writing an answer in private. In the experiment, the share of people answering the question was 5 percentage points higher online or by mail than by phone, and the higher response rate led to slightly increased support both for the notion that Israel’s government is sincere (+3 points) and for the notion that Israel’s government is not sincere (+2 points). This indicates that the 2020 and 2013 results are not directly comparable in a straightforward way. Since the share of Jewish respondents who called the Israeli government sincere was 38% in 2013 (vs. 33% in 2020), one might cautiously conclude either that there has been no significant change in overall opinion on this question or that the share who view Israel’s government as sincere may have ticked slightly downward from 2013 to 2020. ### One-in-ten U.S. Jews support the BDS movement, while 43% oppose it and 43% haven’t heard much about it A slim majority of U.S. Jews, including six-in-ten Jews by religion and 42% of Jews of no religion, say they have heard either “some” or “a lot” about the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.30 Nearly eight-in-ten Orthodox Jews and seven-in-ten Conservative Jews say they have heard at least something about the movement, as have 54% of Reform Jews. Among Jews who do not affiliate with any branch of American Judaism, fewer than half have heard of the movement. Jews with the highest levels of education are more likely than others to have heard something about BDS. ![\\"One-quarter](\\" content/uploads/sites/20/2021/05/PF_05.11.21_jewish.americans-07-8.png?w=1024\\") Respondents who said they had heard either “some” or “a lot” about BDS were asked a follow-up question to gauge their level of support or opposition. (Those who said they had heard “not much” or “nothing at all” about BDS were not asked any further questions about it.) Overall, the survey finds far more opposition to than support for the BDS movement among U.S. Jews: 43% say they have heard at least something about BDS and they oppose it, while 10% say they have heard at least something about it and they support it. An additional 44% say they have not heard much or anything about it (or declined to say whether they have heard about it). No subgroups of U.S. Jews express more support for BDS than opposition to it. But the ratio of opposition to support for the BDS movement is much more lopsided among Jewish Republicans (58% opposed vs. 3% supportive) than among Jewish Democrats (39% oppose vs. 13% support). It is also greater among Jews ages 65 and older (52% opposed vs. 7% supportive) than among Jews ages 18 to 29 (34% opposed vs. 13% supportive). Orthodox Jews are particularly opposed to BDS. Fully 70% say they have heard about the movement and oppose it (including 65% who “strongly” oppose it), while 6% say they have heard about it and support it; the remainder have not heard about it or declined to answer. Among Jews of no religion, 18% say they support BDS, 22% oppose it, and most say they have not heard about it. Views of the BDS movement also are linked with assessments of Israel’s sincerity in the peace process and Netanyahu’s leadership. U.S. Jews who think the Israeli government is not sincerely pursuing a peace deal with the Palestinians, as well as U.S. Jews who think that Netanyahu’s leadership has been only fair or poor, are more likely to express support for the BDS movement than are those who take the opposite positions. This question was not asked in 2013. ![\\"Far](\\" content/uploads/sites/20/2021/05/PF_05.11.21_jewish.americans-07-9.png?w=887\\") ### One-in-three Jews believe God gave the land that is now Israel to the Jewish people ![\\"Orthodox](\\" content/uploads/sites/20/2021/05/PF_05.11.21_jewish.americans-07-10.png?w=685\\") Roughly one-third of U.S. Jews say they believe God gave the land that is now Israel to the Jewish people, while 42% do not believe Israel was literally given by God to the Jews, and one-quarter of U.S. Jews say they do not believe in God or a higher power. Belief that God gave Israel to the Jewish people is much more common among Jews by religion than among Jews of no religion, but it is a minority opinion among both groups. Nearly nine-in-ten Orthodox Jews (87%), however, believe God gave the land of Israel to the Jewish people. Conservative Jews are divided on the question, while far fewer Reform Jews and those who do not belong to any particular branch of U.S. Judaism say they believe the land of Israel was given by God to the Jewish people. Results on this question are not comparable to the 2013 survey in part because of a change in the wording of the question about belief in God, which results in a lower share of people who say they don’t believe there is a God or any higher power in the universe. ### Sidebar: Discussing Israel from the pulpit can be a challenge for America’s rabbis Speaking about Israel from synagogue pulpits is harder now than it used to be, because American congregations are less unified on the subject, according to in-depth interviews with two dozen rabbis conducted separately from Pew Research Center’s 2020 survey of Jewish Americans.31 To provide another window into some of the changes occurring in American Jewish life, Pew Research Center conducted a series of in-depth interviews with rabbis and other Jewish leaders. These conversations were separate from the survey of U.S. Jews. Although the interviewees were not selected in a scientific manner, and hence are not representative of Jewish leaders overall, we sought a diversity of viewpoints and have tried to convey them impartially, without taking sides or promoting any positions, policies or outcomes. Many of the rabbis said their synagogues include more critics of the Israeli government than they did in the past. Asked how they approach the topic in sermons, several rabbis said they choose their words carefully and try not to unintentionally or unnecessarily alienate people in their congregations, which they know contain both staunch supporters and persistent critics of the Israeli government. Rabbi Aaron Alexander of Adas Israel Congregation in Washington, D.C., said he doesn’t want his words on the topic to further divide congregants. His Conservative synagogue includes “people on the far left and the far right,” he said, adding that both are “very strong” groups. “It doesn’t take much to fragment the community, or to find a wedge that can tear people apart,” he said. “We are very careful with how we introduce wedge topics, and Israel, for better or worse, has become that in the Jewish community. It’s something that, whatever people believe, they believe with a deep passion.” In the town of Sharon, Massachusetts, Rabbi Ron Fish officiates at Temple Israel, a Conservative synagogue where “we add the prayer for the state of Israel to our tefilah every day,” he said, using a Hebrew word for the ritual recitation of prayers. “We have a lot of folks who have homes in Israel or children or grandchildren in Israel. It’s a big part of their identity.” At the same time, he said, the synagogue community includes young adults – including grown children of longtime members – who are ardent critics of the current Israeli government. “Some of them see themselves as not having a place inside the [synagogue] community because they feel their views and their framing of the challenges are never given voice.” He said it bothers him that these younger people don’t feel included. “I’m concerned about that,” he said. “I try to give it voice, but I’ve been pushed back on by some members of the community from time to time. … The people on, let’s call it the right, are very clear that from their point of view, supporting Israel means opposing the Iran deal, always mistrusting the Palestinian Authority, and identifying anti-Semitism in much of the Muslim world as a vital and current threat of the highest order to the Jewish community.” The 2020 survey shows that Orthodox Jews are more likely than other U.S. Jews to feel very attached to Israel, to rate Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s leadership positively and to say they think the Israeli government’s peace efforts are sincere. “Netanyahu enjoys extreme, very significant support, if not unilateral support, within the Orthodox community,” said Rabbi Yisrael Gelb, who served as executive director of Agudath Israel of California, an Orthodox organization, from 2018 through 2020. “We have tremendous support for Israel in terms of the government. We have lots of family who live there. Anything that happens in Israel, whether it be social or political, has a very significant effect on our population. Many of our community members have second homes in Israel that they go to a lot.” Still, several of the Orthodox rabbis interviewed by Pew Research Center said their congregants include critics of the Israeli government as well. “We’re very strong supporters of Israel, but obviously, being in Washington, we have people on the right and the left,” said Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld of Ohev Sholom–The National Synagogue, a Modern Orthodox congregation in Washington, D.C. “So we try to do it in a way that brings as many people as possible together.” For example, he said, the congregation donates to a food bank in Israel, which congregants across the political spectrum agree is a good cause. Several rabbis said they see part of their role as introducing congregants to multiple points of view. Rabbi Enid Lader of Beth Israel – The West Temple in Cleveland, Ohio, a Reform congregation, called herself a supporter of Israel who nevertheless has “big questions about what’s going on there and human rights.” She said that in the past, “if we’ve had people from a liberal perspective speak, there’ve been people from a more conservative perspective who see that as an affront to ‘what’s really happening,’ unquote. I see my role as helping people be able to appreciate different perspectives. They might not agree with them, but to at least allow them to hear a point of view.” Even the critics of Israel in their congregations generally support Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state, the rabbis said. “Historically we’ve been a Zionist congregation, and we continue to be so,” said Rabbi Brigitte Rosenberg of United Hebrew Congregation in Chesterfield, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. “It doesn’t mean we don’t call Israel out. It doesn’t mean we don’t have difficult conversations about Israel. But we’ve always, as a congregation, supported Israel’s right to exist – and specifically Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state.” Next: U.S. Jews’ political views ← Prev Page 1 … 6 7 8 9 10 … 16 Next Page → 1. The survey questionnaire did not offer any description of the BDS movement other than its name. On its website, BDS describes itself as a Palestinian-led movement that seeks to “end international support” for Israel’s “oppression of Palestinians” by urging boycotts of Israeli “sporting, cultural and academic institutions,” withdrawal of investments from Israel and companies doing business there, and imposition of international sanctions, including “suspending Israel’s membership in international forums such as U.N. bodies.” The Israeli government and some U.S. Jewish organizations strongly oppose the movement; the Anti-Defamation League, for example, describes BDS as a “global campaign to delegitimize” Israel.”↩ 2. See also: Kelman, Ari Y and Ilan Zvi Baron. 2019. “Framing Conflict: Why American Congregations Cannot Not Talk about Israel.” Contemporary Jewry.↩ ![\\"Icon](\\" library/blocks/promo/assets/weekly.svg\\"/) ### Sign up for our weekly newsletter Fresh data delivery Saturday mornings Sign Up ![\\"Icon](\\" library/blocks/promo/assets/journalism.svg\\"/) ### Sign up for The Briefing Weekly updates on the world of news & information Sign Up Topics * Discrimination & Prejudice * Judaism * Religion & Politics * Religious Identity & Affiliation Share This Link: * X * Facebook * Threads * LinkedIn * WhatsApp Share ### Related short readsAug 9, 2024 ## Americans’ views of offensive speech aren’t necessarily clear-cut reportJun 6, 2024 ## Cultural Issues and the 2024 Election reportApr 2, 2024 ## Rising Numbers of Americans Say Jews and Muslims Face a Lot of Discrimination short readsApr 2, 2024 ## How U.S. Muslims are experiencing the Israel-Hamas war short readsApr 2, 2024 ## How U.S. Jews are experiencing the Israel-Hamas war ### Most Popular 1 Are you in the American middle class? 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Race, ethnicity, heritage and immigration among U.S. Jews * 10\. Jewish demographics * 11\. Economics and well-being among U.S. Jews * 12\. People of Jewish background and Jewish affinity * Acknowledgments * Appendix A: Survey methodology * Model-based population estimates * Appendix B: Mode experiment 901 E St. NW, Suite 300Washington, DC 20004USA(+1) 202-419-4300 | Main(+1) 202-857-8562 | Fax(+1) 202-419-4372 | Media Inquiries #### Research Topics Politics & Policy International Affairs Immigration & Migration Race & Ethnicity Religion Age & Generations Gender & LGBTQ Family & Relationships Economy & Work Science Internet & Technology News Habits & Media Methodological Research #### Follow Us * Email Newsletters * Instagram * Facebook * X * Tumblr * YouTube * RSS Feed ABOUT PEW RESEARCH CENTER Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan, nonadvocacy fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It does not take policy positions. 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For six years Netanyahu boycotted the reformist leaders
* HOME * NEWS * Election 2024 * Work & Money * Civil Rights * Health Care * Schools * Housing & Transportation * Commentary * ABOUT * SUBSCRIBE * DONATE ![](\\" content/uploads/2024/02/mobileHeader.svg\\"/) Part of States Newsroom ![\\"Minnesota](\\" content/uploads/2024/02/headerLogo.png\\") * Election 2024 * Work & Money * Civil Rights * Health Care * Schools * Housing & Transportation ##### 18:09 ##### News Story * DC Bureau * Government & Politics # In Capitol address, Israeli leader calls for U.S. backing to defeat Hamas ###### By: Ashley Murray \- July 24, 2024 6:09 pm ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/07/Netanyahu-scaled-1-1536x1024.jpg\\") Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a joint meeting of Congress in the chamber of the House of Representatives at the U.S. Capitol on July 24, 2024 in Washington, D.C. Netanyahu’s visit occurs as the Israel-Hamas war reaches nearly ten months. A handful of Senate and House Democrats boycotted the remarks over Israel’s war on Hamas. Photo by Kent Nishimura/Getty Images. WASHINGTON — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised victory over Hamas militants and said he knows “America has our back” during a joint meeting of Congress Wednesday that drew thousands of protesters and sparked a boycott from some Democrats who oppose the Israeli government’s monthslong offensive in Gaza. “Our enemies are your enemies, our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory,” Netanyahu told lawmakers. “Ladies and gentlemen, that victory is in sight.” The Israeli leader visited Washington as his military’s airstrikes in the southern Gaza city of Khan Younis added dozens of deaths to a mounting toll of 39,000, according to Gaza health authorities in the Hamas-controlled territory. Additionally, news on Monday of the deaths of two captives held by Hamas charged the already roaring calls for their release. Israel’s offensive, approaching its tenth month, has been ongoing since Hamas militants launched a surprise attack on Oct. 7, 2023, terrorizing music festival attendees and numerous communal settlements. In one day, the militants killed more than 1,100 and escaped with upwards of 200 hostages. Netanyahu recounted the “sheer evil” during his nearly one-hour speech to lawmakers Wednesday and thanked President Joe Biden for standing with Israel “during our darkest hour that will never be forgotten.” “This is not a clash of civilizations. It’s a clash between barbarism and civilization,” Netanyahu said. “It’s a clash between those who glorify death and those who sanctify life. For the forces of civilization to triumph, America and Israel must stand together.” He introduced a rescued hostage sitting beside his wife, Sara, in the House chamber’s gallery and told families of American hostages in attendance that he will “not rest until all their loved ones are home.” Netanyahu also asked a handful of Israeli service members to rise from where they were seated behind lawmakers on the Republican side of the House floor. GOP lawmakers briefly chanted “USA” after Netanyahu decried Iran’s threats to Israel and warned that Iran’s “real war is with America.” “Yet at the heart of the Middle East, standing in Iran’s way, is one proud democracy, my country, the state of Israel,” Netanyahu said. #### Partisan cracks Applause was not unanimous throughout the lengthy speech. When Netanyahu sharply criticized anti-Israel protesters who “stand with Hamas” and “should be ashamed of themselves,” many Democratic lawmakers remained seated, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, the body’s highest-ranking Jewish member. Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan raised a small sign that read “Guilty of genocide” as Netanyahu called the International Criminal Court’s accusations against him “utter, complete nonsense.” Netanyahu defended his country’s treatment of Palestinians. He rejected the position of the ICC, which issued arrest warrant applications in May for both Hamas and Israeli government officials, including Netanyahu. The ICC “shamefully accused Israel of starving the people of Gaza” and deliberately targeting civilians, he said. Netanyahu accused Hamas of stealing the half-million tons of food his country has sent into Gaza. The Israeli military has “dropped millions of flyers, sent millions of text messages” to warn civilians prior to airstrikes, but Netanyahu said Hamas militants use their civilians as human shields. “For Hamas, it’s a strategy,” Netanyahu said. “They actually want Palestinian civilians to die so that Israel will be smeared in the international media.” Prior to Netanyahu’s speech, House Speaker Mike Johnson said Israel is a victim of an “information wars.” The Louisiana Republican shook hands with the prime minister and his wife against the backdrop of American and Israeli flags upon their arrival just after 1 p.m. “The threats Israel faces are not only kinetic. Jerusalem is also combatting lawfare and information wars and double standards from the U.N. and the media,” Johnson said. #### Harris campaigns during Netanyahu visit Vice President Kamala Harris did not preside over Netanyahu’s joint address, as is tradition for the officeholder who is also the president of the U.S. Senate. Rather, the likely Democratic presidential nominee departed Washington Wednesday morning for a speech in Indianapolis, followed by travel to Houston. Harris’s office did not respond to a request for comment Wednesday. Both Biden and Harris are expected to meet Netanyahu separately on Thursday, followed by a joint meeting with the families of American hostages still held by Hamas. “The leaders will discuss developments in Gaza and progress towards a ceasefire and hostage release deal and the United States’ ironclad commitment to Israel’s security, including countering Iran’s threats to Israel and the broader region,” according to a statement released Wednesday by White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. The Republican National Committee pounced on Harris’s absence in a statement, calling it “disgraceful snub” and accusing the vice president of being “weak” on Israel. The Senate’s president pro tempore, Patty Murray of Washington, also did not preside, citing opposition to the war in a statement reported in the Spokesman-Review, a Spokane newspaper. Instead, Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland, chair of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, took the seat behind Netanyahu. “The United States relationship with the State of Israel transcends politics and partisanship, and it transcends any one Israeli government or any one U.S. administration. Its foundation is cemented in the ties between our people,” Cardin said in a statement. Schumer said he attended Netanyahu’s address because the leader’s visit presented the latest opportunity to draw attention to hostages, including some of his New York constituents, who remain in Hamas captivity. “Even though I disagree with many of Bibi Netanyahu’s policies, I will attend the speech because the United States’ relationship with Israel remains ironclad and transcends any prime minister or president. And we must do all we can to get our hostages home,” Schumer said on the Senate floor Wednesday morning. Schumer, a Democrat, delivered sharp criticism of Netanyahu on the Senate floor in March when he called for a complete overhaul of Israeli and Palestinian Authority leadership. Schumer said on March 14 that Netanyahu had “lost his way” and proposed the country hold new elections. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell met with Netanyahu Wednesday and affirmed the U.S. commitment to the Middle East nation. “The American people can take pride in the resilience of our friends fighting Iran-backed terror. But Israel’s fight is America’s fight, too. Like our friends on the front lines of Russian and Chinese aggression, Israel’s defiance of the world’s most active state sponsor of terror deserves America’s utmost support,” McConnell said in a statement. #### Democrats boycott Dozens of Democratic lawmakers boycotted Netanyahu’s address to protest the tens of thousands of civilian deaths in the Gaza Strip and the continued delay of a cease-fire agreement while hostages taken on Oct. 7 remain in Hamas captivity. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Netanyahu’s speech “was by far the worst presentation of any foreign dignitary invited and honored with the privilege of addressing the Congress of the United States.” “Many of us who love Israel spent time today listening to Israeli citizens whose families have suffered in the wake of the October 7th Hamas terror attack and kidnappings. These families are asking for a ceasefire deal that will bring the hostages home – and we hope the Prime Minister would spend his time achieving that goal,” she wrote on social media following the prime minister’s visit. Rep. Mark Pocan, a Wisconsin Democrat, called Congress’s invitation to Netanyahu “wildly inappropriate” because the Israeli leader “has violated international human rights law so severely that an arrest warrant for war crimes has been recommended by the International Criminal Court.” “I regret that one has not been issued yet, as I would have gladly served it to him on the House floor,” Pocan said in a statement Wednesday. Rep. Summer Lee of Pennsylvania said on the House floor that Israel has “decimated” the Gaza Strip using U.S.-provided weapons. “When Putin commits war crimes, we condemn him. When Netanyahu commits war crimes, we give him excuses and bombs,” the freshman Democrat said, referring to U.S. support of Ukraine as Russian President Vladimir Putin continues his attack on the neighboring country. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, the top House Democratic appropriator, did not attend the speech, citing anger that “Republicans have used this address to score political points and stoke division.” “And I am shocked by the ongoing Israeli military campaign in the Gaza Strip, spearheaded by Prime Minister Netanyahu, that has been indifferent to the loss of Palestinian lives and settler violence. For these reasons, I will not attend the joint address,” the Connecticut Democrat said in a statement. DeLauro joined Democrats Jim Clyburn of South Carolina and Jamie Raskin of Maryland to meet with hostages’ families earlier in the day. Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky was the rare Republican absence during Netanyahu’s address, dismissing it as “political theater on behalf of the State Department.” “The purpose of having Netanyahu address Congress is to bolster his political standing in Israel and to quell (international) opposition to his war,” Massie wrote on social media. #### Protests U.S. Capitol Police said they deployed pepper spray on protesters marching toward the Capitol just before 2 p.m., when Netanyahu’s speech got underway. Inside the Capitol, police reported arresting six people in the House gallery for “unlawful conduct” during the Israeli leader’s address. Later, demonstrators marched on Washington’s Union Station and raised Palestinian flags that Washington Metropolitan Police eventually removed, according to local reports. It was unclear how many protesters were arrested. Thousands demonstrated on the National Mall and surrounding avenues leading to the Capitol beginning early Wednesday. Numerous coalitions of advocacy groups converged on Washington carrying signs that read “Free Palestine” and attempting to burn an effigy of Netanyahu, according to reporters who were present. The A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition — short for Act Now to Stop War and End Racism — held court before a large crowd on Pennsylvania Avenue for nearly three hours of rotating speakers including actress Susan Sarandon. A sit-in Tuesday night in the Cannon House Office Building ended with roughly 200 arrests, according to Capitol law enforcement. Tall, black security fencing surrounded the Capitol complex, and U.S. Capitol Police increased its presence along with federal law enforcement and other partners. Netanyahu’s visit came almost exactly one year after Israeli President Isaac Herzog addressed a joint meeting of Congress to mark the 75th anniversary of Israel’s independence. At the time of Herzog’s visit, Netanyahu was facing massive protests in his own country for a law that would shift the judiciary in his favor. Negotiations over a U.S. and internationally-backed cease-fire proposal are limping along in Cairo as parties struggle to finalize a path forward for the Palestinian territories following the war, according to numerous reports. Israel’s parliament last week rejected the establishment of a Palestinian state, rejecting the Biden administration’s advocacy for a two-state solution. Netanyahu met separately Tuesday with several families of hostages and evangelical Christian leaders in Washington, according to a statements released by his office. Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump said on his online platform Truth Social that he will welcome Netanyahu to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on Friday. ![\\"Creative](\\" content/plugins/sn2/republisher/assets/img/ccwhite.png\\") Republish Our stories may be republished online or in print under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. We ask that you edit only for style or to shorten, provide proper attribution and link to our website. AP and Getty images may not be republished. Please see our republishing guidelines for use of any other photos and graphics. ![\\"Ashley](\\" Ashley-Murray-150x150.jpg\\") ###### Ashley Murray ____ Ashley Murray covers the nation’s capital as a senior reporter for States Newsroom. Her coverage areas include domestic policy and appropriations. Minnesota Reformer is part of States Newsroom, the nation’s largest state- focused nonprofit news organization. MORE FROM AUTHOR #### Related News ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/10/KidsinSchool-1536x1024-1-300x200.jpg\\")Education: Where do Harris and Trump stand?by Shauneen MirandaOctober 4, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/10/CapitolPhoto-1536x1152-1-300x225.jpg\\")Congress left D.C. with little done. They’ll be back Nov. 12…by Jennifer ShuttOctober 3, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/10/JackSmith-1536x1024-1-300x200.jpg\\")Special counsel Jack Smith reveals new evidence against…by Ashley Murray and Jennifer ShuttOctober 2, 2024 ## A Journal of the Free People of Minnesota ###### Democracy Toolkit // Register to vote | Find my polling place | Who represents me in the legislature? | Contact state house members | Contact state senators * DEMOCRACY TOOLKIT * Register to vote * Find my polling place * Who represents me in the legislature? * Contact state house members * Contact state senators ![](\\" Icon.png\\"/) © Minnesota Reformer, 2024 v1.49.1 #### ABOUT US __ The Minnesota Reformer is an independent, nonprofit news organization dedicated to keeping Minnesotans informed and unearthing stories other outlets can’t or won’t tell. We’re in the halls of government tracking what elected officials are up to — and monitoring the powerful forces trying to influence them. But we’re also on the streets, at the bars and parks, on farms and in warehouses, telling you stories of the people being affected by the actions of government and big business. And we’re free. No ads. No paywall. We’re part of States Newsroom, the nation’s largest state-focused nonprofit news organization. DEIJ Policy | Ethics Policy | Privacy Policy ![](\\"/wp-content/themes/genesis-child/icons/ccwhite.png\\"/) Our stories may be republished online or in print under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. We ask that you edit only for style or to shorten, provide proper attribution and link to our website. (See full republishing guidelines.) DEIJ Policy | Ethics Policy | Privacy Policy © Minnesota Reformer, 2024 v1.49.1 ## States Newsroom ## Fair. Fearless. Free. 1 X # In Capitol address, Israeli leader calls for U.S. backing to defeat Hamas by Ashley Murray, Minnesota Reformer July 24, 2024 <h1>In Capitol address, Israeli leader calls for U.S. backing to defeat Hamas</h1> <p>by Ashley Murray, <a href=\" Reformer</a> <br />July 24, 2024</p> <p>WASHINGTON — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised victory over Hamas militants and said he knows “America has our back” during a joint meeting of Congress Wednesday that drew thousands of protesters and sparked a boycott from some Democrats who oppose the Israeli government’s monthslong offensive in Gaza.</p> <p>“Our enemies are your enemies, our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory,” Netanyahu told lawmakers. “Ladies and gentlemen, that victory is in sight.”</p> <p>The Israeli leader visited Washington as his military’s airstrikes in the southern Gaza city of Khan Younis added dozens of deaths to a mounting toll of 39,000, according to Gaza health authorities in the Hamas-controlled territory.</p> <p>Additionally, <a href=\" declares-two-more-gaza-hostages-dead-2024-07-22/\">news</a> on Monday of the deaths of two captives held by Hamas charged the already roaring calls for their release.</p> <p>Israel’s offensive, approaching its tenth month, has been ongoing since Hamas militants launched a surprise attack on Oct. 7, 2023, terrorizing music festival attendees and numerous communal settlements. In one day, the militants killed more than 1,100 and escaped with upwards of 200 hostages.</p> <p>Netanyahu recounted the “sheer evil” during his nearly one- hour speech to lawmakers Wednesday and thanked President Joe Biden for standing with Israel “during our darkest hour that will never be forgotten.”</p> <p>“This is not a clash of civilizations. It’s a clash between barbarism and civilization,” Netanyahu said. “It’s a clash between those who glorify death and those who sanctify life. For the forces of civilization to triumph, America and Israel must stand together.”</p> <p>He introduced a rescued hostage sitting beside his wife, Sara, in the House chamber’s gallery and told families of American hostages in attendance that he will “not rest until all their loved ones are home.” Netanyahu also asked a handful of Israeli service members to rise from where they were seated behind lawmakers on the Republican side of the House floor.</p> <p>GOP lawmakers briefly chanted “USA” after Netanyahu decried Iran’s threats to Israel and warned that Iran’s “real war is with America.”</p> <p>“Yet at the heart of the Middle East, standing in Iran’s way, is one proud democracy, my country, the state of Israel,” Netanyahu said.</p> <h4>Partisan cracks</h4> <p>Applause was not unanimous throughout the lengthy speech.</p> <p>When Netanyahu sharply criticized anti-Israel protesters who “stand with Hamas” and “should be ashamed of themselves,” many Democratic lawmakers remained seated, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, the body’s highest-ranking Jewish member.</p> <p>Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan raised a small sign that read “Guilty of genocide” as Netanyahu called the International Criminal Court’s accusations against him “utter, complete nonsense.”</p> <p>Netanyahu defended his country’s treatment of Palestinians.</p> <p>He rejected the position of the ICC, which <a href=\" prosecutor-karim-aa-khan-kc-applications-arrest-warrants-situation- state\">issued</a> arrest warrant applications in May for both Hamas and Israeli government officials, including Netanyahu.</p> <p>The ICC “shamefully accused Israel of starving the people of Gaza” and deliberately targeting civilians, he said.</p> <p>Netanyahu accused Hamas of stealing the half- million tons of food his country has sent into Gaza.</p> <p>The Israeli military has “dropped millions of flyers, sent millions of text messages” to warn civilians prior to airstrikes, but Netanyahu said Hamas militants use their civilians as human shields.</p> <p>“For Hamas, it’s a strategy,” Netanyahu said. “They actually want Palestinian civilians to die so that Israel will be smeared in the international media.”</p> <p>Prior to Netanyahu’s speech, House Speaker Mike Johnson said Israel is a victim of an “information wars.”</p> <p>The Louisiana Republican shook hands with the prime minister and his wife against the backdrop of American and Israeli flags upon their arrival just after 1 p.m.</p> <p>“The threats Israel faces are not only kinetic. Jerusalem is also combatting lawfare and information wars and double standards from the U.N. and the media,” Johnson said.</p> <h4>Harris campaigns during Netanyahu visit</h4> <p>Vice President Kamala Harris did not preside over Netanyahu’s joint address, as is tradition for the officeholder who is also the president of the U.S. Senate.</p> <p>Rather, the likely Democratic presidential nominee departed Washington Wednesday morning for <a href=\" phi-beta-members-to-mobilize-voters-ahead-of-november-election/\">a speech in Indianapolis</a>, followed by travel to Houston.</p> <p>Harris’s office did not respond to a request for comment Wednesday.</p> <p>Both Biden and Harris are expected to meet Netanyahu separately on Thursday, followed by a joint meeting with the families of American hostages still held by Hamas.</p> <p>“The leaders will discuss developments in Gaza and progress towards a ceasefire and hostage release deal and the United States’ ironclad commitment to Israel’s security, including countering Iran’s threats to Israel and the broader region,” according to a statement released Wednesday by White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.</p> <p>The Republican National Committee pounced on Harris’s absence in a statement, calling it “disgraceful snub” and accusing the vice president of being “weak” on Israel.</p> <p>The Senate’s president pro tempore, Patty Murray of Washington, also did not preside, citing opposition to the war in a statement <a href=\" israeli-prime-ministers-add/\">reported</a> in the Spokesman-Review, a Spokane newspaper.</p> <p>Instead, Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland, chair of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, took the seat behind Netanyahu.</p> <p>“The United States relationship with the State of Israel transcends politics and partisanship, and it transcends any one Israeli government or any one U.S. administration. Its foundation is cemented in the ties between our people,” Cardin said in a statement.</p> <p>Schumer said he attended Netanyahu’s address because the leader’s visit presented the latest opportunity to draw attention to hostages, including some of his New York constituents, who remain in Hamas captivity.</p> <p>“Even though I disagree with many of Bibi Netanyahu’s policies, I will attend the speech because the United States’ relationship with Israel remains ironclad and transcends any prime minister or president. And we must do all we can to get our hostages home,” Schumer said on the Senate floor Wednesday morning.</p> <p>Schumer, a Democrat, <a href=\" criticism-israel-us-senate-floor-calls-elections-there\">delivered sharp criticism</a> of Netanyahu on the Senate floor in March when he called for a complete overhaul of Israeli and Palestinian Authority leadership. Schumer said on March 14 that Netanyahu had “lost his way” and proposed the country hold new elections.</p> <p>Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell met with Netanyahu Wednesday and affirmed the U.S. commitment to the Middle East nation.</p> <p>“The American people can take pride in the resilience of our friends fighting Iran-backed terror. But Israel’s fight is America’s fight, too. Like our friends on the front lines of Russian and Chinese aggression, Israel’s defiance of the world’s most active state sponsor of terror deserves America’s utmost support,” McConnell said in a statement.</p> <h4>Democrats boycott </h4> <p>Dozens of Democratic lawmakers boycotted Netanyahu’s address to protest the tens of thousands of civilian deaths in the Gaza Strip and the continued delay of a cease-fire agreement while hostages taken on Oct. 7 remain in Hamas captivity.</p> <p>Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Netanyahu’s speech “was by far the worst presentation of any foreign dignitary invited and honored with the privilege of addressing the Congress of the United States.”</p> <p>“Many of us who love Israel spent time today listening to Israeli citizens whose families have suffered in the wake of the October 7th Hamas terror attack and kidnappings. These families are asking for a ceasefire deal that will bring the hostages home – and we hope the Prime Minister would spend his time achieving that goal,” she <a href=\" on social media following the prime minister’s visit.</p> <p>Rep. Mark Pocan, a Wisconsin Democrat, called Congress’s invitation to Netanyahu “wildly inappropriate” because the Israeli leader “has violated international human rights law so severely that an arrest warrant for war crimes has been recommended by the International Criminal Court.”</p> <p>“I regret that one has not been issued yet, as I would have gladly served it to him on the House floor,” Pocan said in a statement Wednesday.</p> <p>Rep. Summer Lee of Pennsylvania said on the House floor that Israel has “decimated” the Gaza Strip using U.S.-provided weapons.</p> <p>“When Putin commits war crimes, we condemn him. When Netanyahu commits war crimes, we give him excuses and bombs,” the freshman Democrat said, referring to U.S. support of Ukraine as Russian President Vladimir Putin continues his attack on the neighboring country.</p> <p>Rep. Rosa DeLauro, the top House Democratic appropriator, did not attend the speech, citing anger that “Republicans have used this address to score political points and stoke division.”</p> <p>“And I am shocked by the ongoing Israeli military campaign in the Gaza Strip, spearheaded by Prime Minister Netanyahu, that has been indifferent to the loss of Palestinian lives and settler violence. For these reasons, I will not attend the joint address,” the Connecticut Democrat said in a statement.</p> <p>DeLauro joined Democrats Jim Clyburn of South Carolina and Jamie Raskin of Maryland to meet with hostages’ families earlier in the day.</p> <p>Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky was the rare Republican absence during Netanyahu’s address, dismissing it as “political theater on behalf of the State Department.”</p> <p>“The purpose of having Netanyahu address Congress is to bolster his political standing in Israel and to quell (international) opposition to his war,” Massie <a href=\" on social media.</p> <h4>Protests</h4> <p>U.S. Capitol Police <a href=\" they deployed pepper spray on protesters marching toward the Capitol just before 2 p.m., when Netanyahu’s speech got underway.</p> <p>Inside the Capitol, police <a href=\" arresting six people in the House gallery for “unlawful conduct” during the Israeli leader’s address.</p> <p>Later, demonstrators marched on Washington’s Union Station and raised Palestinian flags that Washington Metropolitan Police eventually removed, <a href=\" union-station-protests-erupt-following-netanyahus-speech\">according</a> to local reports. It was unclear how many protesters were arrested.</p> <p>Thousands demonstrated on the National Mall and surrounding avenues leading to the Capitol beginning early Wednesday. Numerous coalitions of advocacy groups converged on Washington carrying signs that read “Free Palestine” and attempting to burn an effigy of Netanyahu, <a href=\" netanyahu\">according</a> to reporters who were present.</p> <p>The A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition — short for Act Now to Stop War and End Racism — held court before a large crowd on Pennsylvania Avenue for <a href=\" israeli-prime-ministers-us-visit&live\">nearly three hours</a> of rotating speakers including actress Susan Sarandon.</p> <p>A sit-in Tuesday night in the Cannon House Office Building <a href=\" protests-arrests\">ended</a> with roughly 200 arrests, <a href=\" to Capitol law enforcement.</p> <p>Tall, black security fencing surrounded the Capitol complex, and U.S. Capitol Police increased its presence along with federal law enforcement and other partners.</p> <p>Netanyahu’s visit came almost exactly one year after Israeli President Isaac Herzog <a href=\" congress-criticism-his-country-must-not-negate-right-exist\">addressed</a> a joint meeting of Congress to mark the 75th anniversary of Israel’s independence. At the time of Herzog’s visit, Netanyahu was facing massive protests in his own country for a law that would shift the judiciary in his favor.</p> <p>Negotiations over a U.S. and internationally-backed cease-fire proposal are limping along in Cairo as parties struggle to finalize a path forward for the Palestinian territories following the war, according to <a href=\" ukraine-russia-united-states-antony-blinken\">numerous</a> <a href=\" could-be-nearing-hostages-gaza-2024-07-23/\">reports</a>. Israel’s parliament last week rejected the establishment of a Palestinian state, rejecting the Biden administration’s advocacy for a two-state solution.</p> <p>Netanyahu met separately Tuesday with several families of hostages and evangelical Christian leaders in Washington, according to a <a href=\" <a href=\" </a>by his office.</p> <p>Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump said on his online platform Truth Social that he will welcome Netanyahu to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on Friday.</p> <style> figure, .tipContainer, .socContainer, .subscribeShortcodeContainer, .donateContainer {display:none !important;} .youtubeContainer { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; padding-top: 30px; height: 0; overflow: hidden; margin-bottom:12px; } .youtubeContainer iframe, .video-container object, .video-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100% !important; height: 100%; margin: 12px 0px !important; } .newsroomSidebar {width:35%;max- width:35%;padding:10px;border-top:solid 2px black;background- color:#d3d3d3;float:right;margin-left:50px;} .snrsInfoboxSubContainer {padding:10px;border-top:solid 2px black;background-color:#d3d3d3;} .halfwidth {float:right;width:50%;max-width:50%;} .indent2Container {margin-left: 1em;margin-bottom:1em; border-left: solid 1px black;padding-left: 2em;} @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {.newsroomSidebar {max- width:95%;width:95%;margin-left:4%} .halfwidth {float:none;width:100%;max- width:100%;} }</style> <p><a href=\" Reformer</a> is part of States Newsroom, a nonprofit news network supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Minnesota Reformer maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor J. Patrick Coolican for questions: <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]</a>. Follow Minnesota Reformer on <a href=\" and <a href=\" View Republishing Guidelines __ Copy to clipboard
For six years Netanyahu boycotted the reformist leaders
British Broadcasting Corporation Register* Home * News * US Election * Sport * Business * Innovation * Culture * Arts * Travel * Earth * Video * Live RegisterHome News US Election Sport Business Innovation Culture Arts Travel Earth Video Live Audio Weather Newsletters # Reformist Masoud Pezeshkian elected Iran\'s president 6 July 2024 Share Save Kasra Naji Special Correspondent, BBC Persian Tom Bennett BBC News Share Save ![\\"](\\" Reuters Former heart surgeon Dr Masoud Pezeshkian has been described as a wildcard candidate Reformist Masoud Pezeshkian has been elected as Iran\'s new president, beating his hardline conservative rival Saeed Jalili. The vote was declared in Dr Pezeshkian\'s favour after he secured 53.3% of the more than 30 million votes counted. Mr Jalili polled at 44.3%. The run-off came after no candidate secured a majority in the first round of the election on 28 June, which saw a historically low voter turnout of 40%. The election was called after Iran’s previous president Ebrahim Raisi was killed in a helicopter crash in May, in which seven others also died. The leaders of China, India and Russia have all congratulated Dr Pezeshkian on his victory. Even before the final results were declared by Iran\'s interior ministry, Dr Pezeshkian\'s supporters had taken to the streets in Tehran and a number of other cities to celebrate. Videos posted on social media showed mostly young people dancing and waving the signature green flag of his campaign, while passing cars sounded their horns. Dr Pezeshkian, a 71-year-old heart surgeon and member of the Iranian parliament, is critical of Iran’s notorious morality police and caused a stir after promising “unity and cohesion”, as well as an end to Iran\'s “isolation” from the world. He has also called for “constructive negotiations” with Western powers over a renewal of the faltering 2015 nuclear deal in which Iran agreed to curb its nuclear programme in return for an easing of Western sanctions. His rival, Saeed Jalili, favours the status quo. The former nuclear negotiator enjoys strong support amongst Iran’s most religious communities. Mr Jalili is known for his hardline anti-Western stance and opposition to restoring the nuclear deal, which he says crossed Iran’s “red lines\". Turnout in the latest round of voting was 50% - higher than the first round last week, when the turnout was the lowest since the Islamic revolution in 1979. Widespread discontent meant that millions of people boycotted the elections. Lack of choice in the candidates, dominated by Islamic hard liners, and the impossibility of real change as long as the supreme leader tightly controls policies added to their frustration. Some people who did not vote in the first round were persuaded to cast their ballot for Dr Pezeshkian this time round to prevent Mr Jalili from becoming the president. They feared that if he won, Iran would be heading for more confrontation with the outside world and that he would bring Iran more sanctions and further isolation. ![\\"Reuters](\\" Saeed Jalili enjoys strong support amongst Iran’s most religious communities In order to stand, both candidates had to make it through a vetting process run by the Guardian Council, a body made up of 12 clerics and jurists that hold significant power in Iran. That process saw 74 other candidates removed from the race, including several women. The Guardian Council has previously been criticised by human rights groups for disqualifying candidates who are not loyal enough to the regime. After years of civil unrest \- culminating in anti-regime protests that shook the country in 2022-23 - many young and middle-class Iranians deeply mistrust the establishment and have previously refused to vote. On Iranian social media, the Persian hashtag \"traitorous minority\" went viral, urging people not to vote for either of the candidates and calling anyone who did a \"traitor\". But Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has rejected suggestions that the low turnout represents a rejection of his rule. \"There are reasons [behind the low turnout] and politicians and sociologists will examine them, but if anyone thinks that those who did not vote are against the establishment, they are plainly wrong,\" he said. In a rare move, he acknowledged that some Iranians do not accept the current regime. \"We listen to them and we know what they are saying and it is not like they are hidden and not seen,\" Mr Khamenei said. 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For six years Netanyahu boycotted the reformist leaders
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This highly contentious legislation is part of a larger debate in Israel over reforms to the country’s judiciary. Over the last six months, hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens, in a country of just over nine million, have taken to the streets of Tel Aviv and other major cities each weekend to protest the reforms and other aspects of the current government. This protest movement has ramped up demonstrations against the legislation, with some 200,000 demonstrating across the country ahead of the proposal’s expected second reading at the Knesset. Opposition to the legislation has also spread across key sectors of Israeli society, with business leaders, labor leaders, physicians, and even members of the Israel Defense Forces reserves. Over 10,000 IDF reservists from dozens of units have said they would end their volunteer duty if the government passes the legislation, leading to fears that it could hamper the IDF’s preparedness and cohesion. Below is a breakdown of the new law, why it is so contentious, and AJC’s position. Click here to read more about the overall judicial reform effort, the protests it has prompted, and AJC’s take. What is in the new law and what is its status in the Knesset? The law would specifically prohibit Israeli courts from using what’s called the “reasonableness doctrine” to review decisions made by the Israeli cabinet, government ministers, and other unspecified “elected officials, as determined by law.” The legislation was drawn up by MK Simcha Rothman (Religious Zionism) and was approved by the Knesset Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee on July 4. The legislation was advanced with nine committee sessions preparing the core text of the substantive amendment to Israel’s quasi-constitutional Basic Laws. Israel does not have a written constitution and its Basic Laws serve as the foundation for the country’s legal system and government structure. The Knesset on July 11 passed the first reading of the law in a 64-56 vote. On July 24, the legislation passed the second and third readings with a majority of 64 votes in favor, thereby enacting the legislation into law. The opposition boycotted the final vote. What You Need To Know About Israel’s Judicial Reforms What is the history of the reasonableness doctrine under Israeli law? The reasonableness standard in Israeli law finds its roots in various legal traditions and influences. Israel\'s legal system draws inspiration from Jewish law (Halakha), British common law, and legal principles adopted by other Western legal systems. Jewish law has a long history of emphasizing reasonableness and fairness in legal decision-making. The principle of \"derech eretz\" (literally, \"the way of the land\") in Jewish law encompasses ethical conduct and reasonable behavior. It guides individuals to act in a manner that is just, equitable, and considerate of others. Influences from British common law, which had a significant impact on the development of Israeli law, also shaped the reasonableness standard. The British legal system, with its emphasis on reasonableness, fairness, and the \"reasonable person\" standard, has been influential in many legal jurisdictions worldwide. The Israeli legal system further incorporated these concepts through the adoption of British legal principles during the Mandate period (1920-1948). During this time, the British Mandate authorities introduced English law into the legal framework of the land that would later become the State of Israel. The British legal system\'s concepts, including the reasonableness standard, were thus integrated into Israeli jurisprudence. Over time, Israeli courts have continued to develop and refine the reasonableness standard based on Israeli case law, legal scholarship, and comparative legal analysis. The standard has been applied across various areas of Israeli law, such as tort law, administrative law, and contract law, to assess the reasonableness of actions, decisions, and behavior. What do proponents of the reasonableness legislation say? Supporters of the legislation argue that the current standard for judicial intervention is too subjective and, because it allows the High Court to subvert government authority, it contradicts the rule of law. Further, proponents say that such a broad judicial review of administrative action is also not seen in other democratic countries. Elected officials, they say, are chosen by the voters to make decisions on matters great and small, and it is not for judges to decide questions of values. This has become particularly sensitive in regard to the appointment of government ministers, such as the decision earlier this year by the High Court to block Shas chairman Aryeh Deri as interior and health minister using the reasonableness doctrine. Proponents argue that it is the prime minister’s job to select members of their cabinet, and the judiciary is undemocratically interfering in the executive’s ability to govern. Reasonableness, they say, has become one of the many expanded powers used by the “activist court” to undermine a democratically elected government. From People of the Pod: Listen Now What to Know About Israel’s Judicial Reforms Effort and Protests What do opponents of the reasonableness legislation say? Critics of the legislation, including Israel’s attorney general, say that “reasonableness” is an essential standard in the Israeli legal system and one of the few measures that the judiciary has to check on the excess of Israel’s heavily centralized executive branch of government. Canceling that standard, they say, would remove the only tool for reviewing arbitrary and highly unreasonable decisions by the government. This is made more important in countries without a written constitution, like Israel. This would harm law enforcement and other agencies, including unreasonable appointments to key positions based on political or personal association. For example, the decision to appoint Aryeh Deri as health and interior minister by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was made despite his past criminal convictions. Deri, as part of his 2022 plea bargain, promised he would not return to public life. The High Court ruled that due to Deri’s criminal history – he has been convicted twice of crimes (2000, 2022) and served a stint in prison in 2002 – was “unreasonable in the extreme” and allowed the application of the reasonableness doctrine to disqualify him from serving as a minister. As such, opponents of the bill fear that since the legislation is limited to elected officials, it could lead to a growth in corruption. ## AJC Email Signup Receive updates from AJC Email address What is AJC’s view? AJC expressed concern over the Knesset’s vote to advance one element of the governing coalition’s judicial reform package, deepening existing divisions instead of resuming the compromise negotiations conducted by President Herzog. AJC continues to support President Herzog’s efforts to facilitate a compromise between the supporters and opponents of judicial reform. President Herzog today stated that an “agreement is attainable.” We urge the parties to heed his calls. From the outset of the judicial reform process, AJC has expressed our firm belief that any changes to Israel’s judicial system should result from a deliberative, inclusive process that upholds the democratic values of maintaining checks and balances, respecting minority rights and civil liberties, and preserving essential judicial independence. Following the law\'s passage, AJC issued a new statement. Please click here to read. What are Israeli leaders saying? Prime Minister Netanyahu said that curbing the ability of the High Court to use the reasonableness standard in reviewing government decisions would strengthen democracy. “Even after the fix, the rights of the courts and Israeli citizens will not be harmed in any way,” Netanyahu said in a video statement. “The court will continue to inspect the legality of government decisions and appointments.” Yair Lapid, former prime minister and current head of the opposition, has called on the government coalition to halt the legislation and renew negotiations on consensus changes to the Israeli judiciary. Similarly, a fellow member of the opposition, Benny Gantz of the National Unity party, also called for the resumption of talks. 3 Key Takeaways From AJC CEO Ted Deutch’s Conversation with Israel’s Leader of the Opposition Yair Lapid Israeli President Isaac Herzog, who had been hosting talks over the judicial reforms between the government and opposition parties, reissued a similar call for the resumption of talks. Talks were halted in June over disagreements over the selection of members of the judicial nomination committee, another key aspect of the government’s judicial reform proposal. There are currently no plans to return to discussions right now. “In the middle of a deep and worrying crisis, the responsible thing to do as a leader is to sit, talk and put Israeli unity before everything,” the president said. In an interview with AJC CEO Ted Deutch at Global Forum 2023, Herzog said that maintaining the unity of the Jewish people, despite contentious issues like judicial reform, was important. What is the United States saying? U.S. President Joe Biden has urged Prime Minister Netanyahu to slow the process and achieve broad consensus before passing any meaningful constitutional changes. According to a White House readout from his call with Netanyahu on July 17, Biden reiterated “the need for the broadest possible consensus, and that shared democratic values have always been and must remain a hallmark of the U.S.-Israel relationship.” ### Tagged Campus Resources ## Share This ## Share This More in ### What You Need To Know About Israel’s Judicial Reforms ![\\"Knessett](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/square/public/article- images/2023-07/Jerusalem_Knesset_Building_%282067268685%29.jpg?itok=S7xKqBMq\\") Israel’s Reasonableness Law: What it Means for Israel’s Democracy and Security ![\\"Knesset\\"](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/square/public/article- images/2023-07/GettyImages-1550859543.jpg?h=919715ac&itok=IuI3q_vq\\") What Does the Passage of the Reasonableness Bill Mean for Democracy in Israel? ![\\"AJC](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/square/public/article- images/2023-03/AJC-AmericanJewishCommittee- logo2021-ArticleBanner_3_0.png?h=36b2c8b8&itok=wXV84khF\\") What to Know About Israel’s Judicial Reforms More in What You Need To Know About Israel’s Judicial ReformsMore from ## More Israel News ![\\"American](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/banner_narrow/public/article- images/2024-06/American.Israeli.Flags_.jpg?itok=84KqKIUP\\") What Every American Should Know About U.S. Aid to Israel Read More ![\\"American](\\"/sites/default/files/styles/banner_narrow/public/article- images/2024-10/AJC-AmericanJewishCommittee- logo2021-ArticleBanner.png?h=bc9e55c6&itok=Loq7Z1VT\\") Tracking Which Nations Have Condemned the Iranian Regime\'s Ballistic Missile Attack on Israel Read More ## Sign Up to Stay Informed Email address ## Stay Connected * Twitter * Facebook * Instagram * YouTube Donate AJC\'s mission is to enhance the well-being of the Jewish people and Israel, and to advance human rights and democratic values in the United States and around the world. © Copyright 2024 AJC ![\\"Platinum](\\"/sites/default/files/inline-images/candid-seal- platinum-2024-75.png\\") ![\\"Charity](\\"/sites/default/files/inline- images/Ratings_WHITE_4star-v280_1.png\\") ## Footer menu * Global Voice * Who We Are * Leadership * Global Offices * Regional Offices * Alexander Young Leadership Department * Archives and History * Careers * Issues * Israel * BDS * Antisemitism * Radicalism & Extremism * Interreligious * Human Rights * Take Action * Global Forum * Take Action * Global Forum * Support Our Work * Donate * Donor Recognition Societies * Planned Giving * Legal and Finance Information * Administrative Policies * Form 990 * Audited Financial Statements * Privacy Policy * Podcast * Contact Us * Global Offices * AJC Abu Dhabi: The Sidney Lerner Center for Arab-Jewish Understanding * AJC Africa Institute * AJC Asia Pacific Institute * AJC Berlin Lawrence and Lee Ramer Institute for German-Jewish Relations * AJC Paris * Shapiro Silverberg AJC Central Europe (Warsaw) * AJC Transatlantic Institute (Brussels) * Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Institute for Latino and Latin American Affairs * AJC Jerusalem * Foreign Language Websites * AJC Berlin (German) * AJC Español (Spanish) * AJC Paris (French) ![\\"Platinum](\\"/sites/default/files/inline-images/candid-seal- platinum-2024-75.png\\") ![\\"Charity](\\"/sites/default/files/inline- images/Ratings_WHITE_4star-v280_1.png\\")
The value of Iran's nonoil exports in 1400 reached the highest figure in the years after the revolution
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Country Report Share page Share page: * Facebook * Twitter * LinkedIn * Mail # Iran Country Report 2024 Country Dashboard Iran More about Iran in the BTI Atlas Loading … SustainabilitySteeringCapabilityResourceEfficiencyConsensus- BuildingInternationalCooperationStatenessPoliticalParticipationRule of LawStability ofDemocraticInstitutionsPolitical and SocialIntegrationSocioeconomicLevelMarketOrganizationMonetary andFiscal StabilityPrivatePropertyWelfareRegimeEconomicPerformanceStatus Index2.57# 126on 1-10 scaleout of 137Governance Index1.56# 133on 1-10 scaleout of 137PoliticalTransformation2.78# 123on 1-10 scaleout of 137EconomicTransformation2.36# 127on 1-10 scaleout of 1372468103. Share Graphic To previous reports Download Report (PDF) Share * Executive Summary * History and Characteristics * Political Transformation * Stateness * Political Participation * Rule of Law * Stability of Institutions * Political and Social Integration * Economic Transformation * Socioeconomic Development * Market and Competition * Monetary and Fiscal Stability * Private Property * Welfare Regime * Economic Performance * Sustainability * Governance * Level of Difficulty * Steering Capability * Resource Efficiency * Consensus-building * International Cooperation * Strategic Outlook ## Executive Summary In September 2022, Iran witnessed the emergence of its most significant wave of protests, demanding regime change, in recent years. Unlike the street protests in 2009, 2018 and 2019, the “woman, life, freedom” movement encompassed various social classes. By early 2023, the government had temporarily quelled the street protests. However, a renewed wave is likely, given the government’s failure to adequately address the basic economic needs of an increasing portion of society. The outcome of this revolutionary process, which marks an irreversible divide between the state and society, hinges on whether the regime, resistant to meaningful political and economic reform, or the protesters will prevail. In the June 2021 presidential elections, ultra-conservative Chief Justice Ebrahim Raisi emerged victorious. He was essentially hand-picked by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in a heavily managed electoral race that favored the elite hard-line faction. This came amid widespread disillusionment with the performance of his predecessor, the so-called moderate Hassan Rouhani. The monopolization of power by the broader conservative camp – encompassing traditional conservatives, ultra-conservatives, fundamentalists and extremists across the Islamist political spectrum – extended into the political sphere following the elections. The conservative camp had already exerted dominance in other critical areas of state and semi-state power, including the judiciary, intelligence services and various key political, economic and military entities. By early 2023, halfway through President Raisi’s four-year term, the country faced its most severe political and economic crisis since the 1979 revolution. Economically, internal mismanagement and corruption worsened under an administration perceived as highly inept and driven by ideological zeal. It dismissed the remnants of technocratic expertise that were still present during Rouhani’s tenure, albeit tainted by corruption. Consequently, the national currency’s decline intensified, with the official inflation rate reaching approximately 50% (though the real rate was likely double that figure). Socioeconomically, poverty continued to expand, affecting larger segments of Iran’s increasingly diminished middle class. High inflation disproportionately impacted essential expenses for economically vulnerable households, despite the Raisi administration’s promises to combat poverty. Meanwhile, despite the failure to revive the nuclear deal and the ongoing U.S. economic sanctions, Iran managed to increase oil exports, primarily through an illicit international network. This resulted in a four-year high in oil exports to its main customer, China, by early 2023. * BTI 2024: Media kit * Methodology * FAQ ## History and Characteristics The constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, established after the 1979 revolution, combines both republican and theocratic elements. However, the theocratic aspects largely overshadow and undermine republican principles. The supreme leader, guided by the Islamic principle of guardianship of the jurist (Velâyat-e Faqih), holds a dominant role in governing the state, eclipsing the republican aspects of the constitution. The Assembly of Experts, elected directly by the people, is responsible for electing and removing the supreme leader, but candidates must first gain approval from the Guardian Council. This council comprises six clerical members appointed directly by the supreme leader and six jurists confirmed by the Iranian parliament, proposed by a chief justice who is also appointed by the supreme leader. The Guardian Council oversees the alignment of laws passed by the parliament with Islamic (Shariah) law and determines the eligibility of parliamentary and presidential candidates. Any constitutional amendment requires the approval of the supreme leader, which consolidates power within his hands and that of the Guardian Council, without democratic accountability. Consequently, making legal changes within the constitution is virtually impossible without his consent. In 1979, the Islamic Republic undertook an economic restructuring aimed at protecting the interests of the poor. This involved centralizing and nationalizing previously privately owned banks and industries, as well as establishing “charitable foundations” to manage investments and distribute resources for the benefit of society. However, this system proved highly vulnerable to corruption. Despite the economic sanctions imposed by the United States in the early 1980s following the U.S. embassy hostage crisis in Tehran, the Iranian economy consistently grew during periods of pragmatism under President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani (1989 – 1997) and reform under President Mohammad Khatami (1997 – 2005). This growth was largely driven by substantial income generated from Iran’s oil and gas exports, with the country possessing the world’s second- largest natural gas reserves after Russia. These exports accounted for 60% of the Iranian budget and 80% of the country’s overall export revenue. However, despite historic high oil revenues, Iran suffered a severe economic setback during President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s tenure (2005 – 2013). In 2009, after contested presidential elections, frustrated Iranians took to the streets in massive demonstrations, known as the “Green Movement,” only to face widespread police brutality and arbitrary arrests. Under President Ahmadinejad’s administration, Iran’s foreign policy, especially its acceleration of the nuclear program, was seen as provocative and led to exceptionally severe sanctions. However, the government managed to quell domestic unrest by importing consumer goods to meet basic needs using record-high levels of oil income. In 2013, President Hassan Rouhani was elected as a “ray of hope” and successfully negotiated the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with the P5+1 nations, leading to initiatives to revive Iran’s economy. During this time, high-level trade delegations from the West and other countries visited Iran. Despite these developments, Iran’s military involvement in other countries, such as Syria and Yemen, and missile tests violating U.N. Security Council Resolution 2231, shifted U.S. policy toward Iran. The Trump administration departed from Obama’s approach, resulting in the U.S. withdrawal from the JCPOA in May 2018 and the reimposition of crippling sanctions on Iran, coinciding with a period of low oil prices and rising domestic discontent toward all factions of the regime, including the reformists. The shortcomings of the Rouhani administration contributed to the consolidation of power by the rival conservative camp, which manipulated the 2020 parliamentary and 2021 presidential elections. Since Ebrahim Raisi assumed office in August 2021, the Islamic Republic has faced its most serious internal and external pressures. Internally, economic decline has led to growing socioeconomic hardship affecting a significant portion of society. Combined with unabated authoritarianism and a regime resistant to meaningful reform in all pertinent areas, this has sparked a sociocultural crisis pitting a relatively young, modernized, secular and globalized society against an octogenarian patriarchal and exclusively Islamist elite that monopolizes economic and political power. This crisis has fueled the nation’s most severe and sustained wave of protests, starting in mid-September 2022, involving various social classes and groups. As a result, Iran finds itself in what can be described as a revolutionary process, with the crackdown on protests and unprecedented support from Iran’s large diaspora communities in key Western states contributing to the increasing international isolation of the Islamic Republic. ## Political Transformation ## Stateness In contradistinction to some neighboring countries (e.g., Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria), Iran has a strong central government with a complex institutional arrangement. The monopoly on violence is held by both state and semi-state entities that comprise the regime. In Iran’s security apparatus, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is the most formidable force. Meanwhile, violence is also executed by regime-approved vigilante groups when it comes to quelling street protests. The protests that erupted in mid-September 2022 witnessed citizens clashing with security forces. In the clashes, 70 regime forces and 527 protesters were killed, according to January 2023 data from the Iranian Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA). Iran’s territorial integrity has been frequently challenged by alleged drone attacks and major explosions, which the authorities have often attributed to thunder and lightning. Nonetheless, observers have suggested that military action was the more likely cause, although no perpetrators have been identified. As such, it remains unclear whether major explosions, such as the explosion at a military factory near Isfahan on January 29, 2023, were the result of a drone strike and, if so, who was behind them. Border disputes (e.g., with Afghanistan on July 31, 2022) and disputes with Oman and the United Arab Emirates concerning ships passing through the Strait of Hormuz occasionally flare up. The Islamic State (IS) group claimed responsibility for a terrorist attack against a Shi’ite mausoleum in Shiraz on October 27, 2022, which killed 15 people. Monopoly on the use of force ’06’241017897 Iran is a multiethnic and multicultural country. While 99% of Iranians are regarded as Muslims, approximately two-thirds are of Persian ethnicity. Most Iranians accept the nation-state as legitimate and agree with a broad definition of citizenship that encompasses several ethnic and religious groups. A majority of Iranians have a strong sense of nationality and are very sensitive about it. Many Iranians are wary about separatist parties and groups and oppose secessionist demands, but not necessarily federalism or the right of ethnic minorities to speak and teach their language or practice their customs, among other things. Iran’s government accuses Kurdish (and other) armed groups of separatism, terrorism and “relations with foreigners.” These groups in turn accuse the Islamic Republic of violating the rights of Iranian Kurds and claim to defend the rights of the Kurds. During the first two weeks of 2023, at least 96 Kurds were arrested in the government crackdown on the nationwide protests; among those arrested were 13 children, according to a Kurdish rights group. As seen in the reactions to the 2022 uprising, in order to delegitimize those marginalized non-Persian ethnicities seeking equal rights and more autonomy, the regime tends to portray them as secessionist. However, there is little evidence of a strong separatist tendency among marginalized ethnicities. During the 2022 protests, these groups displayed cross-ethnic solidarity, countering the regime’s misleading portrayal of the protests as driven by Kurdish separatism simply because the protests began in that region. In this vein, it is fair to assume that the majority of Iranians support the territorial integrity of the country. In March and April 2020, the World Values Survey (WVS) polled 1,499 Iranians and found that 83.5% were “very proud” and 10.7% “quite proud” to be Iranian. Meanwhile, 81.7% felt “very close” and 13.8% “close” to their country. However, this must not be confused with support for Iran’s theocratic regime. State identity ’06’241018787878 In the Islamic Republic’s political and legal systems, religious dogma dominates. The religious-ideological nature has remained unchanged since 1979: the country’s political structure, while semi-republican in form, continues to be dominated by theological influences. Within it, the supreme leader amasses extraordinary tools of power and influence over all branches of government. The country’s power structure rests on both the ruling Shi’a clergy and an increasingly powerful military, the IRGC, which is tasked with protecting the Islamic Republic. However, despite the dominance of fundamentalist and extremist dogmas, during crises, the regime prioritizes its survival, even if that means deviating from religious prescriptions. This approach is referred to as the maslahat-e nezâm (“system’s expediency”) principle. Moreover, the legal system is heavily influenced by Islamic law (Shariah) and has a parallel pillar involving so-called revolutionary courts and courts solely designated to try clerics, often dissenters. During the 2022 protests, demonstrators were charged with “spreading corruption on Earth” (efsad-e fel arz) and “enmity against God” (moharebeh), both of which carry the death penalty. Friday prayer imams in provincial capitals, who serve as representatives of the supreme leader, have almost the same authority and power as the governor and interfere in almost all matters. These and other representatives of Supreme Leader Khamenei are dominant in ministries, the army and IRGC, universities, and so-called religious foundations (Bonyâds). In terms of foreign policy, the regime’s initial ambition to export the revolution to other countries has faded over time, which has allowed competing views and concepts to emerge among the regime’s various factions. Although the ultimate objective of these factions remains the preservation of the Islamic Republic, they are not per se theocratic in nature. No interference of religious dogmas ’06’2410111 Although highly centralized, Iran’s administrative structures comprise 31 provinces, cities, divisions, municipalities and villages. The governors, as the high representatives of the government, are accountable to the president and the cabinet, especially the interior minister. Elected local councils are responsible for the administration of each entity and select mayors and heads of each administrative level. All council candidates must be obedient and loyal to the system and to the supreme leader. Throughout the country, the state provides basic services to its citizens, including electricity, natural gas, education and health care. World Bank data for 2020 show high rates of access to basic services: 97.5% of Iranian households have access to basic water sources, 94.0% access to a safely managed water source, 90.3% access to at least basic sanitation and 100% access to electricity. Yet, most state services and administrative institutions operate inefficiently. For instance, access to clean water has increasingly become a problem for many, such as in the oil-rich Khuzestan province. Furthermore, public employees’ religious affiliation and loyalty to the regime are valued higher than professionalism or competence in leadership. Bureaucratization, nepotism, corruption and interference by other authorities make these apparatuses even less efficient. Inefficiency and corruption are widespread among local administrative units. For instance, water and power shortages negatively impacted Iranians’ quality of life in 2021 and 2022. Despite the wider conservative camp’s monopolization of power following the 2020 parliamentary and 2021 presidential elections, their privileged access to resources and wealth has not improved the performance of the Ebrahim Raisi administration. A failure that has arguably deepened popular disillusionment with the system. Basic administration ’06’241016676 ## Political Participation Iran holds regular elections for the president, the parliament (majles), the Assembly of Experts and local councils. Nevertheless, none of these institutions can be described as democratic, free or fair. Article 99 of the constitution grants the Guardian Council – a body dominated by hard-liners – power to oversee all elections (except for local council elections, which are supervised by the parliament). The Guardian Council approves or dismisses candidates for office, ensuring their loyalty to the regime. In the 2020 parliamentary and 2021 presidential elections, the Guardian Council disqualified candidates of the moderate conservative and reformist faction to a degree unprecedented even by the standards of the Islamic Republic. As such, the already very limited space for political competition among regime loyalists has shrunk to its lowest level ever. On June 18, 2021, the 13th presidential elections were held. Ebrahim Raisi, then Iran’s chief justice, was declared the winner in a highly controversial election that many observers referred to as selection. Raisi’s victory was paved by the mass disqualification of popular candidates by the supreme leader-controlled Guardian Council. After the record low turnout for the February 2020 parliamentary elections, the 2021 presidential elections witnessed a similarly low turnout, with only around 49% of eligible voters turning out – and just 25% in the capital Tehran. Meanwhile, the election recorded the highest share (around 13%) of protest votes (e.g., blank, invalid and lost votes) – a result of a boycott campaign by citizens. Seen as the supreme leader’s favored candidate due to his loyalty toward him, Raisi won with 72% of the votes, with former IRGC commander Mohsen Rezaei finishing second with 14% and former Central Bank of Iran (CBI) Governor Abdolnaser Hemmati third with 10%. The latter was supported by the establishment’s reformist faction but nevertheless scored a poor result, which is indicative of the loss of popular support for the regime’s reformists or so-called moderates. President Raisi later appointed Mohsen Rezaei as his vice president for economic affairs, while he retained the roles of secretary of the Supreme Council of Economic Coordination and secretary of the administration’s economic headquarters. Before becoming Raisi’s vice president, Rezaei had served as a member and secretary of the Expediency Discernment Council since 1997. Free and fair elections ’06’241013454343 Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, wields ultimate power and has the final say in decision-making. As such, he is clearly the head of state, while the president assumes a much less powerful position. Unaccountable, Khamenei de facto selects key ministers (e.g., for defense, intelligence, interior and foreign affairs) and holds the power to veto their appointment by the administration. Thus, Khamenei can heavily interfere in government and parliamentary decision-making. In this context, the administration or government has limited powers. The president, although elected in elections pre-managed by the Guardian Council’s selection of regime loyalists, has little power and is accountable to the supreme leader, the parliament and the judiciary. The president can introduce policy initiatives of his own but ultimately depends on the goodwill of institutions controlled by the supreme leader. In comparison to his predecessor, President Raisi can be viewed as extraordinarily pliant to Khamenei and having no political or economic agenda of his own. Effective power to govern ’06’2410122 The Islamic Republic of Iran’s constitution grants the right to association and assembly through articles 26 and 27, under the condition that the exercising of these rights must not violate the principles of Islam. However, in practice, the right to free assembly is frequently violated since the interior ministry generally forbids protests and mass gatherings. Pro-regime mass demonstrations are meanwhile frequently promoted and protected by the security forces. The nationwide protests, sparked by the killing of 22-year-old Kurdish-Iranian woman Mahsa “Jina” Amini in September 2022, were initially peaceful but were met with brutal regime violence, with the regime severely restricting internet access since the November 2019 protests. During this period, more than 500 protesters were killed and almost 20,000 were arrested. In recent years, Iranian authorities have clamped down on civil society by going after organizations and imprisoning activists. Association / assembly rights ’06’2410125432 Authoritarianism and repression remain characteristics of the Islamic Republic, creating significant barriers to positive change. Political freedoms are extensively violated and include: (1) the political repression of dissidents, ethnic and religious minorities, as well as women, students, workers and their respective social movements; (2) press censorship, with Iran listed as the third worst country for press freedom behind Eritrea and North Korea, according to the World Press Freedom Index 2022; (3) the violent restriction of cultural and academic freedoms; and (4) the world’s highest execution rate (likely second to China, which does not disclose execution numbers), with 582 confirmed executions in 2022, Iran was responsible for 70% of executions across the MENA region, according to Amnesty International. The 2022 Global Rights Index of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), an annual survey of violations of trade union rights, ranked Iran in its worst category, in which no rights are guaranteed. The report highlighted that the independent trade union movement in Iran regularly faces repression, executions and extrajudicial killings. The regime met the country-wide protests for greater social and political freedoms in fall 2022 with fierce brutality. The unwillingness (or inability) of the regime to address the demands of its citizens is increasingly transforming political protests into calls for regime change. Freedom of expression ’06’241011432121 ## Rule of Law Like many other constitutional principles in the Islamic Republic, the separation of powers exists only on paper. The supreme leader directly or indirectly appoints the heads of all three branches of government. The powerful, hard-line-dominated Guardian Council vets parliamentary and presidential election candidates. There are rivalries among the various branches of the state, especially when a president hailing from the reformist or “moderate” elite faction is faced with mostly hard-line-dominated bodies. This can result in the administration’s agenda being undermined. In reality, the supreme leader’s quasi-omnipotent status, a highly politicized judiciary and the absence of the rule of law collectively contribute to the dismal state of the separation of powers in Iran. In addition, the creation of new bodies such as the Supreme Council of Economic Coordination, which includes the supreme leader along with the heads of the three branches of government, further undermines the separation of powers. In November 2019, the Supreme Council of Economic Coordination decided to triple fuel prices overnight, thereby kicking off nationwide street protests. Separation of powers ’06’241012432 Article 57 of the constitution provides the supreme leader with far-reaching supervisory powers over judicial institutions. The supreme leader appoints and dismisses the country’s chief justice, who is responsible for appointing and dismissing judges. The supreme leader also appoints the chief of the Supreme Court and the attorney general, in consultation with the judges of the Supreme Court. As such, the judiciary is not an independent institution, nor are the judges. Even the minister of justice has little influence in this sphere, compared to the supreme leader. As bailiffs, the IRGC and especially their dreaded intelligence organization (Sâzmân-e Etelâ’ât-e Sepâh) have a strong influence on the course and outcome of legal processes. Forced confessions through brutal torture are common, especially in the cases of civil society and human rights activists, as well as protesters. Intelligence organizations are also strongly involved in detaining dual nationals, who usually have no access to diplomatic or consular protection. Since 2015, at least 30 people with dual nationality have been imprisoned, many from European countries, among them the Iranian-Swedish national Ahmadreza Djalali, who was sentenced to death in November 2020, and 66-year- old Iranian-German Nahid Taghavi, who was arrested in October 2020 and has been placed in solitary confinement at the dreaded Evin prison in Tehran. More recently, in the wake of the 2022 revolutionary protests, German Iranian Jamshid Sharmahd has been sentenced to death, with Germany reacting by expelling two diplomats from the Iranian Embassy in Berlin. More broadly, the regime responded to the protests with widespread repression, making nearly 20,000 arrests and killing more than 500 protesters. In addition, four protestors have so far been executed following sham trials and forced confessions, which U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk called “state-sanctioned killings.” Up to 100 more protestors face the same fate. The demand for the death penalty for demonstrators was supported by the overwhelming majority of the parliament (227 out of 290 members of parliament) – further evidence of the blurred lines between branches of government. In addition, there have been massacres in the Kurdish and Baluch regions of Iran. Independent judiciary ’06’241012232 Corruption and the violation of laws are widespread among the political elite. However, people are rarely prosecuted, and, when they are, it is mainly a result of political rivalry. Within both the hard-line and the so-called reformist camps, a complex and powerful system of mafia-like family relations exists, most notably the Larijanis, Rafsanjanis, Khameneis, Khomeinis and Fereydoun (the latter being the clan of Rouhani and his brothers). Members of these families have held important public offices for several decades. Given Iran’s highly politicized judiciary and high levels of political corruption, individuals affiliated with the regime who abuse their power often escape accountability, even those involved in large-scale abuses of public office. Prosecution of office abuse ’06’241012432 The September 2022 “woman, life, freedom” protests were met with widespread civil rights violations perpetrated by the regime. Human rights organizations such as Amnesty International have documented the torture of arrested protesters, among them children, including sexual violence, physical and psychological torture, and executions. Show trials have taken place in front of cameras, presided over by biased judges. In most cases, convictions are based on confessions obtained through torture. The legal system of the Islamic Republic structurally discriminates against women, whether as witnesses or with respect to martial and custody laws. Male custodians, typically fathers or husbands, can take far-reaching decisions limiting a woman’s freedoms to work or travel. Effectively, there is also no protection against rape or violence in marriage. Women also face discrimination in the labor market with respect to employment opportunities and equal pay. Moreover, they are not allowed to practice certain professions (e.g., to become judges). Women are forced to obey strict Shariah-inspired dress codes. By regional standards, Iran’s education system offers somewhat more opportunities for women, including widespread access to tertiary education. The Islamic Republic actively discriminates against LGBTQ+ persons. Officials from the police, the Ministry of Information and the IRGC’s intelligence service randomly storm houses and apartments to arrest opposition and civil society activists – and have even shot into apartment windows (e.g., in Tehran) from where anti-regime slogans were heard. They also confiscate personal property such as laptops, computers, cell phones and other items without official notification. The arrests, which are often accompanied by brutality and result in serious injuries, frequently take place in front of relatives, including children. In most cases, the officers do not have an arrest or search warrant. Iran has not acceded to any international treaty on the elimination of discrimination or violence against women. Iran is among the countries that most extensively apply the death penalty, with the highest per capita rate of executions in the world. In 2022, the number of executions increased by 75% to a total of 582 people, according to figures by Norway-based Iran Human Rights (IHR) and France’s Together Against the Death Penalty (ECPM). The bulk of death penalties are applied for drug trafficking, according to the claims of the highly politicized judiciary, at least. Lethal repression and human rights violations include massacres in the Kurdish and Baluch regions of Iran. Besides the large number of people detained or killed during protests, in December 2022 and January 2023, four protesters were hanged. Civil rights ’06’2410114321 ## Stability of Institutions While the president, parliament and Assembly of Experts are elected by the people, they can hardly be described as republican institutions based on free and fair votes, as the candidates are vetted by the hard-line-dominated Guardian Council. Government ministers for intelligence, education, defense, foreign affairs, culture and Islamic guidance are only appointed with the consent of the supreme leader. Once in office, ministers and parliamentarians remain under the supreme leader’s control. With the wider conservative camp securing an overwhelming majority following the February 2020 parliamentary elections, the majles has become much more uniform and more loyal if not pliant to the supreme leader. This transformation was facilitated by the disqualification of reformist members of parliament from running for office in the first place. Legally recognized and tolerated political parties must demonstrate their loyalty and commitment to the Islamic Republic, according to party law. The result is an exclusively Islamic political spectrum, from reformists or so- called moderates all the way to fundamentalists and extremists. As a result, all political parties defend the interests of the system of the Islamic Republic rather than the interests of their voters or wider society. Performance of democratic institutions ’06’2410122 Powerful figures and institutions, primarily the supreme leader and the IRGC, frequently undermine the elected parliament, the president and local governmental bodies, especially when they hail from the reformist faction. In addition, there are a number of other powerful non-elected institutions over which neither the government nor parliament exert any influence or possess the power to hold them to account. These include the Executive Headquarters of the Imam’s Directive, the religious-commercial foundation Astân-e Qods Razavi, the Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (the IRGC’s construction and engineering conglomerate) and the Bonyad-e Mostazafan Foundation. These organizations and institutions pay scant regard to the government, parliament or judiciary. Commitment to democratic institutions ’06’2410122 ## Political and Social Integration Only political parties and factions that are loyal to the regime and its ideology are permitted. Even so-called reformists must be loyal to the establishment, according to the party law. The funding and administrative structures of parties or factions usually lack transparency. Over the last few years, both main elite factions – the hard-liners and the reformists – have lost significant legitimacy, resulting in historically low participation rates during the 2020 parliamentary and 2021 presidential elections. While political parties and formations exist, they are not central to the political process. In particular, they do not serve as hubs for shaping political will, incorporating popular demands into the political process, implementing policies, controlling the government or recruiting political personnel. Rather, politics in the Islamic Republic is conducted through (at times, somewhat fluid) inter-personnel networks among regime elites. Party system ’06’241012432 Civil society associations, critics of the regime and interest groups are severely suppressed by the Ministry of Information, the IRGC and the judiciary. Under both the so-called moderate (Hassan Rouhani) and hard-line (Ebrahim Raisi) administrations, repression of civil society has remained significant. For the first time since the emergence of the “woman, life, freedom” movement in September 2022, various civil society groups have gained momentum as co- organizers behind these protests. This coalition includes some 20 independent trade unions and civil society organizations from within Iran, including labor movements; teachers and pensioners associations; the movement for the equality of women, students and youth; the movement against the death penalty; and the Council for Organizing Protests of Contract Oil Workers (Shorâ-ye Sâzmândahi-e Eterâzât-e Kârgarân-e Peymâni-e Naft). In a joint effort, they have tried to make it clear that change must come from below, as top-down improvements are unrealistic. Yet, despite the severe suppression of the security forces, they have been unable to bring about meaningful change. Interest groups ’06’241012432 Given the significant legitimacy crisis of dictatorial rule, in addition to the apparent inability of the regime to meet even the basic needs of its citizens, Iranians’ trust in the entire political system, whether elected or unelected, conservative or reformist, has dwindled enormously. Most Iranians no longer attribute their suffering primarily to the policies or conduct of Iran’s official enemies (usually, the United States or Israel) but instead place responsibility on domestic governance. Both in Iran and among the diaspora, there are strong calls to overthrow the Islamic Republic and to replace it with a democratic and secular political system. By 2023, many domestic civil society organizations had released joint statements sharing their vision and aspirations, largely aligning with the aforementioned goals. However, there is currently no coalition of social forces capable of toppling the existing system and establishing a new one. Approval of democracy ’06’24101n/a The regime rarely tolerates civil society self-organization. After two decades of relative economic prosperity in the 1990s and 2000s, Iran’s middle class has begun to shrink substantially due to gross domestic mismanagement and international sanctions. The exacerbated economic crisis between 2021 and 2023 has further aggravated the increasing impoverishment of the population, including most notably the middle class, with major ramifications for Iran’s future sociocultural and political trajectories. The regime’s harsh crackdown on activists further limits citizen engagement. Decades of pre- and post-revolution authoritarianism have instilled a deep sense of mistrust among Iranians, both inside and outside the country. In the 2020 World Values Survey, only 14.8% of respondents argued that “most people can be trusted,” while 85.0% said that one needs to be “very careful.” In this context, however, the “woman, life, freedom” protests represent a turning point, as the protests brought together Iranians from different societal and political backgrounds. The regime sought to delegitimize the protests as a Kurdish separatist project, instigated by outside forces (Israel and the United States). Yet, Iranians undermined this effort by showing solidarity across regions and ethnicities. After protests initially kicked off in Iran’s Kurdistan province, people from neighboring Azeri-speaking Tabriz joined in, chanting “Tabriz is awake, and has Kurdistan’s back” (in Azeri), as well as in Baluchistan. Overall, however, both inside the country and among the diaspora, apart from the shared desire to overthrow the Islamic Republic, there remains profound mistrust and infighting. Social capital ’06’24101443434 ## Economic Transformation ## Socioeconomic Development Iran’s socioeconomic crisis has steadily worsened in recent years, leading to extensive protests that have often taken on a political dimension. While the Islamic Republic ranks 76th in the 2021 Human Development Index (HDI) with a score of 0.774, placing it in the “high human development” category, Iran’s Gender Inequality Index score of 0.459 contributes to an overall HDI loss of 11.4% due to inequality. In 2019, the World Bank reported that 6.0% of Iranians were living on less than $3.65 a day at 2017 international prices adjusted for purchasing power parity (PPP), while Iran’s Gini coefficient was 40.9 in the same year. The socioeconomic crisis is primarily shaped by the Islamic Republic’s political economy and its economic policies, which favor those loyal to the regime over the general population. Additionally, the absence of crucial structural reforms has exacerbated the situation. In a significant development, in June 2022, 61 economists in Iran signed an open letter detailing the nation’s extensive economic challenges. The economists emphasized that the root cause of these problems lies in governance failures, reflecting the ongoing political crisis as the central issue. Iran’s high Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate, which reached 43.4% in 2021, impacts lower-income households particularly hard. Prices for essential goods, such as food items, surged 86% by the summer of 2022, marking a decade- high increase. Simultaneously, Iran’s wealthy citizens, many of whom have ties to the regime, have seen their fortunes rise. Forbes reported in June 2021 that the number of high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) in Iran increased by 21.6% in 2020, significantly exceeding the global average of 6.3%. The collective wealth of these U.S. dollar millionaires grew even faster at 24.3%. It is safe to assume that most Iranians live in precarious conditions, with poverty and instability disproportionately affecting women, workers and pensioners. Iran’s absolute poverty rate has doubled over the last decade, increasing from 15% in 2013 to 30% between 2017 and 2019, as measured against flexible income thresholds that vary by geographic location. In 2019, Iran’s Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare reported that one-third of Iranian households lived below the poverty line. In October 2022, during the recent uprising, Iranian media cited a labor expert who stated that 65 million of the country’s 84 million population lived below the poverty line. Another consequence of the socioeconomic crisis is the precarious state of housing. Rent prices have skyrocketed in major cities like Tehran, Mashhad and Isfahan. In late June 2022, the head of Iran’s State Welfare Organization (Behzisti), Ali-Mohammad Ghaderi, stated that about 13 million Iranians (15% of the total population) were residing in slum areas. President Ebrahim Raisi even cited a figure of 16 million slum dwellers during a 2021 presidential election TV debate, attributing it to then-President Hassan Rouhani’s economic performance. While the official unemployment rate stood at 9.2% in spring 2022, the real rate is believed to be much higher, possibly twice as high or more. According to data from the Statistical Center of Iran (SCI) in late 2021, the overall unemployment rate for 18- to 35-year-olds increased from 15.6% in spring 2021 to 17.6% in summer 2021. During the same period, the unemployment rate for men in the same age group rose from 12.9% to 14.6%, while for young women in the same age group, it increased from 27.8% to 31%. In summary, the Islamic Parliament Research Center corrected the overall unemployment rate in November 2020 from 9.8% to a staggering 24%. Some economists suggest an even higher rate, possibly up to 40%. The situation is particularly dire for Iran’s rural youth. Over the years, Iran’s rural population has decreased from approximately 50% in 1979 to about 25% in the early 2020s. A staggering 22% of the world’s most affected rural youth live in Iran, according to the 2019 Rural Development Report. Iran’s labor market exhibits significant gender gaps, including a low female participation rate. According to the SCI, the labor force participation rate of women aged 15 and above stood at only 13.8% in the first quarter of the Iranian year 1400 (March–June 2021), while the male participation rate reached 68% for the same period. In other words, the female participation rate was just one-fifth that of men. Furthermore, according to International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates, the female workforce participation rate in 2021 was a mere 14.35%, while the rate for men was five times higher at 68.09%. During the same period, unemployment among graduates or those with higher education stood at 13.2%, making up almost two-fifths of overall unemployment. Here again, a significant gender gap exists, with female graduates 2.5 times more likely to be unemployed than their male counterparts. According to the SCI, in the second quarter of the Iranian year 1401 (June 22 – September 22, 2022), approximately 41% of the total unemployed population were graduates. Male graduates faced an unemployment rate of 8.8%, while female graduates endured a rate of 23.2%, making it 2.6 times higher. These statistics underscore why these three groups – youth, women and graduates – bear the brunt of socioeconomic hardship and are more inclined to seek radical change. In fact, they have been at the forefront of the 2022 revolutionary uprising. Socioeconomic barriers ’06’24101245432 ## Market and Competition Approximately 80% of Iran’s economic activity is driven by the state sector, which includes state-owned and semi-state-owned companies. The private and cooperative sectors account for the remaining share. Additionally, the Iranian National Tax Administration estimated in August 2020 that the informal economy constituted 37.7% of the country’s GDP, with tax evasion reaching 3.5% during the fiscal year 2017/18, equivalent to IRR 515 trillion ($2.2 billion). In late February 2020, Member of Parliament Hadi Ghavami claimed that tax evasion amounted to IRR 1 quadrillion equivalent to $3.125 billion at the exchange rate of IRR 320,000 to $1. Of this total, 50% resulted from direct tax evasion, while the other 50% came from individuals refusing to pay their taxes. In summer 2022, Member of Parliament Rajab Rahmani asserted that the sum of tax evasion equaled the combined budgets of 15 out of the 31 provinces in Iran. Iran’s market mechanisms face significant challenges due to highly restrictive regulations, weak protection for minority investors and underdeveloped financial markets. The Islamic Republic’s political economy prioritizes regime loyalists over the general population, and structural reforms are sorely lacking. The economy is characterized by a monopolistic power structure, with institutionalized state-business-military relationships. This structure is aptly described as a “monopolistic, religious-commercial system” or a “capitalist state with a paramilitary polity and theocratic rule.” It encompasses the economic empires of the IRGC, the bonyads and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. In addition to this monopolistic structure, the Islamic Republic has undertaken a process of “illiberal neoliberalization.” This process has involved austerity measures, clientelist privatization, deregulation and the prioritization of capital over labor. These policies have deepened the precariousness of Iranian workers, further destabilizing their socioeconomic status. Consequently, Iran’s economy grapples with mismanagement, nepotism, corruption, brain drain and capital flight, all of which are at internationally high levels. In the Heritage Foundation’s 2023 Index of Economic Freedom, Iran ranked 169 out of 184 countries. Among the 14 countries in the Middle East and North Africa, Iran ranks 14th, well below both the global and regional averages. The state wields considerable influence over pricing, exchange rates, duty rates, trade and investment. It also manages core industries, especially in the oil and petrochemical sectors. The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs regulates wage levels, calculates inflation and analyzes economic conditions. Finally, Iran’s economy grapples with low levels of capital formation and productivity. Without reform, the country risks becoming trapped in a cycle of low economic growth, exacerbating the unemployment crisis and potentially leading to further discontent. Market organization ’06’24101232 Iran’s Competition Council is tasked with implementing anti-monopoly measures and overseeing privatization efforts. However, the council’s independence is compromised due to its composition, which includes members from the government, parliament, and notably the supreme leader and influential entities like the bonyads. These economically powerful religious, revolutionary and military foundations (e.g., the Imam Khomeini Executive Headquarters, the Mostazafan Foundation and the Khatam Camp) are directly or indirectly controlled by the supreme leader. As a result, they are structurally insulated from competition, distorting the principles of a free market. These entities enjoy numerous privileges, including tax exemptions and exclusive access to lucrative government contracts. Collectively, they are believed to wield significant control over a large portion of Iran’s economic activities. Despite the economic dominance of state and semi-state entities in Iran, it is the highly marginalized private sector that plays a crucial role in creating the majority of employment opportunities. Regarding economic freedom, the 2022 Fraser Global Research Institute report ranks Iran 159th out of 165 countries, with a score of 4.96. This represents a continuous decline in economic freedom compared to the 2017/18 edition when Iran received a score of 5.72. The decline can be attributed primarily to factors such as Iran’s international economic isolation, lack of transparency and financial corruption. Competition policy ’06’241012232 According to the World Trade Organization, Iran ranks second among 156 countries with a simple average tariff rate of 20.1%. In comparison, Türkiye, China and Russia have reported rates of 10.7%, 7.5% and 6.6%, respectively. U.S. sanctions have had significant adverse effects on Iran’s economy, particularly during Donald Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign, which led to a sharp decline in oil exports from $60.7 billion in 2018 to $21 billion in 2020. Despite these challenges, the Islamic Republic managed to continue selling approximately one million barrels of oil per day, mainly to China. Additionally, non-oil exports increased due to Joe Biden’s decision not to enforce “maximum pressure” sanctions. In early 2023, Iran’s oil exports, including many illicit transactions, reached a four-year high at $38.7 billion, albeit at lower prices. An analyst at Vortexa Analytics, Emma Li, noted that Iran competes with Russia in offering cheaper oil to China. The Trump/Biden dynamic is reflected in Iran’s overall exports, which dropped from $103.42 billion in 2018 to $53.54 billion in 2020 but rebounded to $71.64 billion in 2021. Iran’s primary trade partners include China (21% of total exports), Iraq (21%), the United Arab Emirates (14%), Afghanistan (6.8%) and South Korea (5.9%). In terms of imports, China is the leading supplier, accounting for 25% of total imports, followed by the United Arab Emirates (14%), India (6.5%), Türkiye (6.3%) and Germany (6%). The country heavily relies on oil exports, with crude oil and petroleum products making up a significant portion (67.2%) of its exports. In an effort to reduce economic vulnerability, the government is actively attempting to diversify the country’s exports. This strategic objective recognizes that diversifying non-oil exports would decrease reliance on a single sector and enhance overall economic resilience. According to the Central Bank of Iran (CBI), Iranian non-oil exports amounted to an average of $17.168 billion per year between 1995 and 2021, reaching a peak of $40.748 billion in 2021, while hitting a record low of $2.445 billion in 1998. Liberalization of foreign trade ’06’2410123232 Most Iranian banks have affiliations with the state, and a significant number of them have ties to the IRGC (18 as of September 2020). The United States sanctioned these banks in May 2022, reinforcing terrorism sanctions against the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) with the intention of disrupting cooperation between Tehran and Beijing, Iran’s top oil customer. As of June 2020, there were eight state banks, with Bank Melli being the largest with 3,330 branches. Additionally, there were two al-Qard al-Hassan banks (the banking and finance arms of Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah group) and 16 private banks, with Bank Saderat being the dominant one with 2,704 branches. Private banks are typically controlled by influential individuals close to the regime. Iran’s banking system, which is outdated, primarily functions well at the micro-level for activities like paying bills, processing salaries and safeguarding customer savings. However, the nontransparent and pervasive involvement of regime members prevents the implementation of modern working structures. Furthermore, U.S. extraterritorial and SWIFT sanctions have effectively cut off Iranian banks from the global financial system. Iranian banks were isolated from the global financial system post-2010, coinciding with the introduction of internationally significant regulations in response to the 2008/2009 global financial crisis. This divergence in regulation widened the gap between the Iranian financial system and the global financial system. The CBI is responsible for maintaining price stability, stability in the banking system and enforcing prudential banking regulations. However, it is not entirely independent and has become increasingly politicized under the Raisi administration. For example, in April 2022, the CBI announced improvements in foreign exchange reserves and claimed a significant rise in exports. Shortly after, the CBI declared that Iran had the best foreign exchange reserves. In December 2022, during protests and deepening inflation, CBI head Ali Saleh-Abadi blamed the protesters for the national currency’s decline. In reality, the protests had prompted many people to withdraw their capital from the country, contributing to the severe depreciation of the national currency. The rapid depreciation of Iran’s national currency led the Raisi administration to replace Ali Saleh-Abadi with Mohammad-Reza Farzin as CBI governor in late December 2022. Farzin is a senior banker and former deputy finance minister. In the weeks leading up to this change, Iran’s foreign exchange rates dropped to record lows, signaling the government’s inability to maintain a stable economy. Saleh-Abadi had attributed the new currency crisis to nationwide protests. In August 2022, the administration failed to fulfill its promise of building one million housing units per year. Even state-controlled banks refused to provide loans to individuals seeking to register for the National Housing Project. Rostam Qasemi, minister of roads and urban development, warned the banks that the Raisi administration would pursue compensation. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has consistently urged Iran’s banking system to adhere to international standards in combating money laundering and terrorist financing. After years of negotiations, the FATF and Iran have deemed the talks a failure. As a result, Iran still lacks access to the SWIFT system. Banking system ’06’241012232 ## Monetary and Fiscal Stability Despite the CBI’s efforts to maintain currency stability and government promises to reserve the trend, the Iranian rial reached record lows under the Raisi administration. In early May 2022, the administration introduced a significant economic reform program referred to as “economic surgery.” This program included measures like restructuring subsidies and discontinuing the use of a lower exchange rate for importing essential goods such as food and medicine. Between April 2018 and March 2022, Iran applied a subsidized exchange rate of IRR 42,000 per U.S. dollar for the import of various basic goods. However, the main exchange rate for commercial imports valued the U.S. dollar at approximately IRR 260,000, which resulted in higher consumer prices and negatively impacted the average citizen. The rationale behind this reform was that preferential access to the lower exchange rate had facilitated widespread corruption. While the global average inflation rate in 2022 stood at 9.4%, according to OECD estimates, Iran experienced a much higher rate in the second half of the year, reaching 52.2%. Consequently, Iran had the 10th-highest inflation rate worldwide. In certain sectors, particularly those affecting lower-income households, the inflation rate was even higher. For instance, official reports indicated that the inflation rate for food items exceeded 70% in late 2022, with a peak of 86% during the summer, marking the highest level in the past decade. In spring 2022, transportation costs were reported to have increased by up to 45%. However, some economists, including Steve H. Hanke from Johns Hopkins University, have suggested that the actual inflation rate in Iran is more than double the official figure. Moreover, the ongoing U.S. sanctions further complicate efforts to alleviate the high inflation rate plaguing the country. Monetary stability ’06’241011742313421 President Ebrahim Raisi’s first annual budget for the Iranian year 1401, which began on March 21, 2022, primarily focused on consolidating the regime’s power and implementing austerity measures to maintain control over society rather than prioritizing much-needed economic recovery. The budget aimed to bolster regime security by allocating funds to strengthen three key pillars of the Islamic Republic: the security-military apparatus, propagandistic organizations and commercial-clerical entities. This proposed budget amounted to a total national budget of approximately €116 billion (IRR 36,310 trillion). This represented a €24 billion, or 26%, increase compared to the budget for the Iranian year 1400. It was divided into two main parts: the proposed general government budget, which accounted for around 41% of the total, and the budget allocated for the “public enterprise” (e.g., public companies, banks and institutions), which made up the remaining portion. Compared to the year 1400, the general government budget was set to increase by 9.57%, while the public enterprise budget would see a significant 29% increase. The proposed budget included an ambitious annual GDP growth rate target of 8%, with Raisi urging everyone to strive for this level of growth. However, considering an expected inflation rate of approximately 40% for the following year, a nominal increase of less than 10% in the general government budget translated to a real decrease of about 22%. Even more concerning, the proposed budget relied on overly optimistic revenue projections. It anticipated a 9% increase in oil export revenues compared to the previous year. However, there were doubts about the feasibility of these estimates, particularly regarding the discounts Iran offered to China for oil purchases. Reports indicated that Iran provided China with a monthly discount of $5 to $6 per barrel on 15 million barrels of oil exports, amounting to a monthly discount of $90 million. Over a year, this discount equated to 10 months’ worth of cash-subsidy payments to Iran’s entire population. Furthermore, the proposed budget relied on a massive 62% increase in tax revenue compared to the previous year, including higher import tariffs. Achieving such an ambitious target would place additional pressure on the marginalized private sector and ordinary citizens who were already grappling with the economic crisis. While the government pledged to identify and pursue tax evaders, it remains to be seen whether tax-exempt semi-public entities like foundations (bonyads), which are politically sensitive, will be subject to such measures. Given these constraints, the fiscal policy of the Iranian government was likely to have a contractionary effect. Ongoing U.S.-Iranian tensions continued to discourage business sentiment, creating significant obstacles to investment. Moreover, sanctions and Iran’s inclusion on the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) blacklist have impeded efforts to increase net exports. Essentially, achieving the promised growth rate was contingent on the removal of U.S. sanctions, which depended on the success of negotiations to revive the JCPOA. The proposed budget sparked heated debates, particularly on social media, as it allocated significant funds to the Islamic Republic’s “trinity”: the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) and religious organizations. Critics argued that the 1401 budget forced individuals and private companies to pay more taxes to strengthen organizations that helped officials gain and maintain power. The IRGC emerged as the primary beneficiary of the budget, receiving a 131% increase compared to the previous year. This continued the trend under President Rouhani of increasing the IRGC budget, with the previous year’s budget increasing 58% year-on-year. Other components of Iran’s military- security apparatus – such as the Basij paramilitary organization, the Ministry of Defense, the Joint Staff of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran – also received larger allocations. Collectively, the military-security apparatus witnessed a 24% rise in allocations, although the real increase was lower given the inflation rate. Notably, the budget reallocated resources from the Ministry of Defense to the IRGC. The IRIB, Iran’s public broadcaster, also received a significant budget increase of 46% to support its programs. While domestic programs by the IRIB had historically struggled to attract Iranian viewers, the organization aimed to enhance its “soft power” through foreign-language channels that disseminated the views of the Islamic Republic. Religious organizations also saw substantial budget increases, including the Seminaries Services Center, the Islamic Propagation Organization, and the Waqf and Endowments Organization. By reinforcing these pillars, Tehran aimed to prepare for the increasingly turbulent times ahead. However, relying on repression, propaganda and overstated future income will exacerbate rather than resolve the nation’s problems. In July 2022, OPEC announced that Iran received more than $25 billion in 2021, marking a year-on-year increase of 216%. While Iran improved its oil revenue in the first half of 2022, media reports suggested that its total oil revenues had since reached around $380 billion, some of which remain uncollected and frozen in foreign banks. Notably, if sanctions had not been in place, Iran could have earned almost twice this amount, approximately $750 billion. Iran’s central bank reported that a significant portion of its foreign exchange reserves remain frozen in foreign accounts. Although specific figures have not been officially disclosed, Iran’s state-run media reported that approximately $20 billion remained frozen in Chinese banks, $6 billion in Iraqi banks (earmarked for gas and electricity imports from Iran), around $7 billion in both South Korea and India, and roughly $1.5 billion in Japan. Consequently, Iran’s foreign exchange reserves, as reported by the IMF, declined from $122 billion in 2018 to $85 billion in 2020. However, it appeared that only $8.8 billion was available to the regime, severely limiting their access to these reserves. In 2021, global oil prices experienced significant volatility due to various factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic and fluctuations in global demand and supply. The average annual Brent crude oil price stood at approximately $71 per barrel in 2021 and $101 in 2022, compared to only $41 in 2019. In 2021, Iran’s public debt accounted for 42.4% of GDP and its external debt amounted to $10.3 billion, with a total debt service of $344.3 million. Government consumption constituted 14.2% of GDP. Fiscal stability ’06’24101243432 ## Private Property While the Iranian constitution grants its citizens the right to establish private businesses and own private property, the reality on the ground paints a different picture. To undertake medium- and large-scale projects, individuals are often compelled to navigate a landscape rife with bribery and nepotism within the circles of power. Ordinary citizens lacking such privileges face discrimination, particularly from clerical tax-exempt foundations (bonyads) and institutions closely associated with the establishment and IRGC entities. These clerical bodies operate without scrutiny from any authorities, and corrupt judges often aid the privileged in wrongfully confiscating the property of others. In the Heritage Foundation’s 2023 Index of Economic Freedom, Iran received a dismal score of 25 out of 100 in terms of property rights, categorizing it as a “repressed state.” This represents a decline from its 2020 index score of 36.9, highlighting the worsening conditions for property rights in the country. Property rights ’06’2410134543 The transfer of state-owned enterprises to IRGC-affiliated construction conglomerates and religious-commercial foundations, all under the authority of the supreme leader, has proven to be a highly profitable arrangement for the regime. In a broader sense, entities with ties to state elites have reaped the benefits of various privatization rounds. However, it is worth noting that competition among state elites also influences the privatization process. Research conducted up to 2020 exposed the inefficacy of privatization in Iran. It revealed that during the 15-year period of implementing this policy, a mere 16% of state-owned or semi-state-owned company transfers actually went to the private sector, while the remaining 84% were funneled to the government through mechanisms like Justice Shares. This statistic unequivocally illustrates the failure of privatization in Iran, as highlighted by Yasir Rashid in a 2022 study conducted for the Istanbul-based IRAM Center of Iranian Studies. Private enterprise ’06’241013343 ## Welfare Regime Since 1979, the primary aim of bonyads has been to enhance social security and welfare for vulnerable individuals. These foundations include the Foundation of Martyrs and Martyr Affairs, the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee (IKRC), the 15th Khordad Foundation, and the Bonyad-e Mostazafan Foundation for the Oppressed and Disabled Veterans. These organizations operate under the supervision of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. According to the World Bank, Iran’s total health care expenditure in 2020 amounted to 2.9% of GDP, a notable decrease compared to the 3.7% recorded in 2015. Out-of-pocket spending increased from 35.83% of total health expenditure in 2018 to 39.49% in 2019, dropping slightly to 37.06% in 2020. Nevertheless, life expectancy at birth consistently increased, reaching 76.9 years in 2020. The Iranian Social Security Organization (SSO) provides pensions, health insurance and unemployment insurance. The Ministry of Health and Medical Education estimates that 39 million Iranians have health insurance through the SSO, while the Iran Health Insurance Organization (IHIO) is the second-largest health insurance provider, covering an additional 34 million Iranians. In total, 72% of the population enjoys essential health service coverage. According to the World Social Protection Report (2020 – 2022) by the International Labour Organization (ILO), approximately 50% of Iran’s labor force actively contributes to a pension scheme, providing them with pension coverage. However, political interference poses a significant problem. The government owes approximately IRR 3 quadrillion ($15 billion) to the SSO and attempted to settle the debt by issuing government shares, which reduced the overall debt to $12 billion by January 2021. However, this arrangement forced the SSO to borrow money, putting it at risk of bankruptcy and endangering the pensions of about 80% of retirees and employed individuals. As many as 44 million Iranian citizens are covered by the SSO, and this precarious situation continues to spark new social protests. The government has been offering cash handouts of IRR 455,000 (approximately $1.90) per person per month for many years to alleviate poverty. After the removal of import subsidies on basic goods in the first half of 2022, another support program was introduced, providing payments of IRR 4 million to the three poorest income deciles and IRR 3 million to deciles 4–9. However, these measures only provide short-term relief, if any relief at all, as the high inflation rate erodes the payments’ value, significantly undermining the poverty-reducing impact. Iranian political dynamics have evolved from traditional divisions between left and right, conservative/hard-liner and reformist, to a new distinction between loyalists (“insiders”) and “outsiders.” Insiders enjoy privileged access to political and economic resources, while outsiders remain marginalized and lack access to these resources. Social safety nets ’06’24101454 Discrimination in the Islamic Republic takes various forms and impacts different segments of the population based on factors such as gender, religion, ethnicity and politico-ideological beliefs. Women in Iran experience legal, social and cultural discrimination. The country’s legal system enforces discriminatory laws that restrict women’s rights and freedoms. For example, women are mandated to wear hijabs in public, and gender segregation is enforced in many public spaces. Women also face restrictions on their personal and reproductive rights, are under-represented in decision-making roles, and encounter limited opportunities for education and employment. The unemployment rate for women (aged 15 and higher) at 18.96% is twice that of men (9.89%). According to the Statistical Center of Iran (SCI), labor force participation among women stood at only 13.8% in the first quarter of the Iranian year 1400 (March–June 2021), whereas the male participation rate reached 68%. According to International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates, female workforce participation in 2021 was merely 14.35%, while that of men was five times higher at 68.09%. Other groups disproportionately affected by unemployment are the youth, with an official unemployment rate that has hovered around 25% for years, and graduates, with an unemployment rate of 13.2%. In both groups, women’s unemployment rates are 2 to 2.5 times higher than those of their male counterparts. The female-to-male enrollment rate in Iran shows slightly higher enrollment for women in primary education (1.1), a gross enrollment rate of 110.7%. In secondary education, the female-to-male enrollment rate is 1.0, with a gross enrollment rate of 86.3%. In tertiary education, the female-to-male enrollment rate is 0.9, indicating slightly lower enrollment for women, with a gross enrollment rate of 62.8% (World Bank, 2020). Regarding literacy rates, in 2016, the literacy rate was 90.4% for men and 80.8% for women, for a total rate of 85.5%. Religious minorities in Iran, such as Baha’is, Christians, Sunni Muslims, Dervishes, Jews and others, face discrimination and persecution within the Shi’a-majority country. Members of these minorities are systematically excluded from high-ranking positions and frequently experience discrimination in their daily lives. This discrimination results in arrests, victimization, business license revocation and forced shop closures. It also imposes limitations on their freedom of worship and cultural practices. Baha’is, in particular, face systematic persecution, including exclusion from higher education and severe repression by the regime. Non-Persian ethnic groups, including Azeris, Kurds, Arabs, Baluchis and others, often encounter discrimination and marginalization. They may face restrictions on their cultural rights, language use limitations, and unequal access to resources and opportunities. Marginalized ethnic groups have also reported instances of forced displacement, land confiscation, arbitrary arrests and disproportionately face the death penalty. Homosexuality is criminalized in Iran, and same-sex relationships are severely punished, sometimes with the death penalty. LGBTQ+ individuals face discrimination, social stigma and harassment, compelling them to live in fear and hide their identities. Transgender individuals encounter significant obstacles in accessing health care, gaining legal recognition and seeking acceptance. Furthermore, the Islamic Republic has had a history of suppressing political dissent and limiting freedom of expression since its establishment in 1979. Activists, journalists and political critics of the regime often face persecution, imprisonment and harassment. The government exercises strict control over the media and the internet, restricting access to information and suppressing freedom of speech. It is important to note that discrimination and its impact can vary among individuals and regions within Iran. While there are movements and individuals advocating for change and equality, addressing systemic discrimination in all its dimensions remains a significant challenge. The revolutionary protests in the fall of 2022 have provided new momentum to raise awareness of these grievances. Equal opportunity ’06’2410124532 ## Economic Performance Iran’s GDP reached $469.95 billion in 2021, compared to $448.77 billion in 2020 and $434.3 billion in 2019, as reported by the World Bank. Real GDP growth followed a pattern of contraction, declining from 8.8% in 2016 to -1.8% in 2018 to -3.1% in 2019. However, it rebounded to 3% in 2020, 4.7% in 2021 and 2.5% in 2022, according to data from the IMF Iran data mapper. Per capita GDP (PPP) also fluctuated, dropping from $18,981 in 2011 to $13,828 in 2015, before increasing to $16,484 in 2021, marking a year-on-year increase of 4.0% compared to 2020. The inflation rate in Iran exhibited an increase, rising from 34.62% in 2019 to 36.44% in 2020, 40.13% in 2021 and 48.96% in 2022, according to IMF figures, though experts suggest that the actual rates may be up to twice as high. The unemployment rate also experienced an uptick, climbing from 10.7% in 2019 to 11% in 2022. Foreign direct investment declined to 0.4% of GDP in 2021, which was lower than the 1.0% observed in the post-JCPOA year of 2017. After peaking at 48.3% of GDP in 2020, Iran’s government public debt decreased to 42.4% in 2021 and to 34% in 2022. It is worth noting that, in 2013, public debt stood at 11.3% of GDP. Output strength ’06’241012653532 ## Sustainability Iran, like many other countries in the MENA region, faces severe ecological crises. These crises, characterized by significant environmental degradation largely driven by decades of misguided policies and compounded by the impacts of climate change, have given rise to economic challenges, public health issues, social disruption and political protests. These environmental problems further exacerbate the Islamic Republic’s primary crises, namely the socioeconomic and political challenges it faces. Prolonged droughts, coupled with shortsighted water management practices by the authorities, have nearly depleted Iran’s groundwater resources. This situation is compounded by high demand, particularly from the inefficient agricultural sector and rapid population growth. Inadequate water distribution policies contribute to the problem, with nearly all of Iran’s 31 provinces experiencing water scarcity, affecting towns and cities alike. The Iran Meteorological Organization reports that 97% of the country grapples with water shortages. In the summer of 2021, these water shortages led to widespread protests that were met with severe repression. Government promises to address the water crisis have largely gone unfulfilled due to limited action and the economic crisis, compounded by U.S. sanctions, which hinder essential and substantial investments. The drought crisis has given rise to various other ecological challenges. As groundwater resources dwindle, desertification in Iran continues to advance, with several regions likely to be uninhabitable within the next two decades, according to Ahad Vazifeh, the head of the National Center for Drought and Crisis Management at the Iran Meteorological Organization. This trend results in forest dieback, reduced biodiversity and an increase in land subsidence, endangering densely populated areas and critical infrastructure. Expanding desertification also leads to a surge in sandstorms and, coupled with pollution from outdated vehicles, results in significantly elevated air pollution levels in major cities, posing health risks to millions and often necessitating the closure of schools and offices. Several Iranian cities, particularly Tehran and many in the south, are already among the world’s most polluted. Iran’s environmental crisis, primarily rooted in human activity and worsened by decades of misguided government policies, has become a prominent political issue. It adds to public discontent over socioeconomic challenges and policy failures. This volatile combination of unemployment, environmental disasters and policy shortcomings has sparked protests, including the Dey protests (December 2017 – January 2018), as well as subsequent waves of demonstrations. Between January 2018 and October 2019, there were 261 environmental protests. However, due to the regime’s fear of environmental protests, which threaten the livelihoods of tens of millions of Iranians and compound other pressing socioeconomic problems, many of these protests have been met with heavy repression by security forces. Additionally, civil society organizations and non-governmental groups face strict regulations and surveillance, with environmental experts, like activists in other domains, often detained and sentenced to lengthy prison terms for their activism. Environmental policy ’06’2410123432 The adult literacy rate in Iran has shown a slight improvement, reaching 89% in 2021. However, the country still faces significant challenges, with approximately nine million Iranians considered totally illiterate, as reported in a 2018 study by the Parliament Research Center. Meanwhile, the number of school students has been steadily increasing, surpassing 15.5 million in 2021. Despite obtaining tertiary education, a notable proportion of university graduates in Iran face daunting unemployment rates. The Statistics Center of Iran disclosed that, as of 2021, nearly 40% of the country’s unemployed individuals hold a university degree. This segment of the population, often referred to as the “middle-class poor,” played a pivotal role in the nationwide uprisings that occurred in 2018 and 2019. Each year, an estimated 150,000 to 180,000 highly educated young Iranians leave the country in pursuit of employment and residency opportunities abroad. In 2021, the Iranian minister of science, research and technology, Mansour Gholami, revealed that approximately 900 university lecturers had emigrated in 2020 alone. According to recent data from the World Bank, Iran’s GDP allocation for education in 2020 was 3.6%, a decline from 4.0% in 2018. Nevertheless, Iran has made progress in research and development, with R&D spending tripling between 2013 and 2019 to 0.9% of GDP. The budget for the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology was increased from IRR 209 trillion ($4.9 billion) in 2020 to IRR 253 trillion ($5.95 billion) in 2021, marking a 21% increase. However, this boost may not be sufficient to cover salary expenses, leaving limited funds for investments in educational infrastructure and development at present. In the U.N. Education Index, Iran achieved a score of 0.761 in 2021, reflecting its progress in education. The overall literacy rate stood at 85.5% in 2016. Education / R&D policy ’06’241014454 ## Governance ## Level of Difficulty Iran possesses substantial advantages, including the fourth-largest confirmed oil reserves in the world (11% of the global reserves) and the second-largest natural gas reserves after Russia. The population is well educated, and there is significant potential for profitable tourism, particularly for religious pilgrims and culturally inclined visitors. However, hard hit by climate change, food insecurity has been on the rise as a result of volatile agricultural production, natural disasters, food price hikes, subsidy cuts and high levels of unemployment and underemployment, which limit Iranians’ access to nutritious foods. As the continuing droughts make Iran increasingly dependent on wheat imports, the spillover effects of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have meanwhile exacerbated this problem by disrupting supply chains and creating shortages on the world market, with Russia and Ukraine together accounting for 30% of the world’s grain production. Instability in the immediate neighborhood – particularly, Afghanistan and Pakistan, two countries with which Iran shares a border – further constrains Iran’s government. Yet, this is of minor importance compared to Iran’s own internal constraint, which has grown over recent decades: the strict religious and ideological dogmas that prevent Iran from fully exploiting its immense potential. In fact, the political system represents the primary impediment to Iran’s sociopolitical advancement. Foreign investment is urgently needed to revive the country’s struggling oil and gas industry, ailing infrastructure, and crucial sectors like civil aviation and industry, which require modernization to remain competitive. Religious-ideological barriers hinder the development of leisure travel, such as beach tourism. To loosen them would require a radical change in the supreme leader’s attitudes or the end of the regime. However, the president and his cabinet alone are unable to change them, even if they wish to do so. Structural constraints ’06’2410156876575 The Islamic Republic of Iran endorses activities that are consistent with the ideology of the regime, such as religious congregations and rituals. Nonetheless, autonomous associations and dissenting organizations are not accepted. Even environmental activists who speak out against the government’s damaging environmental policies have been detained and subjected to brutality. These repressions notwithstanding, a new generation of civil society activists in fields like women’s and young people’s rights, community solidarity and environmental protection has emerged. Although their numbers are not large, they have initiated creative civil society initiatives, both online and offline, such as “I am Lake Urmia.” This movement successfully mobilized supporters, raised awareness of environmental degradation of Iran’s Lake Urmia and pushed for action to prevent the lake from being completely destroyed. Today, Iranian civil society encompasses movements advocating for women’s, labor and student rights, as well as the concerns of youth and marginalized ethnicities, as well as professional associations (e.g., bus drivers, truck drivers, lawyers and doctors). Together, these movements were the driving force behind the 2022/23 protest wave. Civil society traditions ’06’2410177 Iran’s religious-ideological, incompetent, and highly corrupt rulers and officials have caused deep polarization within the country. The most significant division exists between the ruling class and the citizenry, with an impotent populace and a government that cannot (and does not want to) establish a connection between the two, leading to the widespread erosion of trust and resilience in Iranian society. In just two years, two nationwide protests occurred with slogans protesting against the entire sociopolitical system, exposing the profound wounds caused by a highly repressive regime. An atmosphere of discontent and violence has permeated a frustrated, fragile and fragmented society. Disturbing statistics reveal a surge in social violence. Street and neighborhood clashes, where blunt weapons and firearms are commonly utilized, have increased significantly. According to recent data, quarrels and fights were the second most common cause of death in emergency departments in 2021. Furthermore, Gallup’s 2022 Global Emotions report ranked Iranians among the angriest and most depressed people in the world. As the 2022/23 protest wave indicates, the gulf between state and society has become massive, probably irreversible. This is due to the regime’s inability – or unwillingness – to cater to the most basic needs of a great variety of social as well as civil society groups. Conflict intensity ’06’241017545457 ## Steering Capability Ebrahim Raisi assumed the presidency with the goal of improving the economy, fighting poverty and corruption, deepening support for the Tehran-led “axis of resistance” (a militia network present throughout the Middle East) and strengthening ties with non-Western great powers. In March 2005, Supreme Leader Khamenei released a significant and binding document known as the Outlook of the Islamic Republic of Iran by 1404 (i.e., 2025 in the Christian calendar). This document garnered widespread attention. The outlook combines Iran’s desire for postwar economic reconstruction with newfound international ambitions. It sets forth a vision that by 2025, after completing four five-year development plans, Iran aims to achieve the status of a fully advanced country and a leader among 28 countries in West Asia and North Africa in terms of economic, scientific and technological indicators. Iran also aims to maintain its Islamic and revolutionary identity, serving as an inspiration to the Islamic world, while actively engaging in constructive international relations. To achieve these objectives, the outlook outlined several economic goals. These included achieving rapid and sustainable economic growth, creating lasting employment opportunities, increasing productivity, establishing a strong presence in regional and international markets, fostering a diversified and knowledge-based economy, combating inflation, ensuring food security, and creating an economic environment that supports domestic and international entrepreneurship. Currently, the Seventh Development Plan is in force, proclaimed by Supreme Leader Khamenei in September 2022. Among other things, it envisages average GDP growth of 5% over the five-year period. Given the current realities and conditions of the country, neither the latter economic growth rate nor the Outlook’s regional pole-position goals can be seen as realistic. Prioritization ’06’241013343 While the regime has, to some extent, succeeded in raising support for the Tehran-led “axis of resistance” (a militia network present throughout the Middle East) and has strengthened ties with China and Russia (albeit without tangible economic advantages so far), none of the regime’s domestic pledges have been realized. For instance, the 25-year deal Tehran signed with Beijing in spring 2021 has so far failed to bring the desired amount of Chinese investment to Iran. The Raisi government has fallen short of fulfilling its promised policy objectives due primarily to three reasons: a lack of competence and effectiveness; a sense of hubris given the wider conservative camp’s monopolization of power; and the worsening economic situation exacerbated by the reimposition of sanctions in the wake of the U.S. withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in May 2018. Additionally, Iran’s involvement in Middle East conflicts, particularly in Syria, Iraq and Yemen, its missile program, and tensions with Saudi Arabia have further complicated the situation. Moreover, a key factor behind failing to implement the government’s stated objectives is the sidelining of technocratic expertise, especially by the hard-line faction of the establishment. Implementation ’06’24101223232 Iran has prioritized ideology over rationalism in both domestic and foreign policymaking since the establishment of the Islamic Republic in 1979. This is evident in the regime’s hostile attitude toward the United States and Israel, its unnecessary nuclear program (despite the availability of cheaper and safer energy sources such as solar power) and its support for proxy militias in regional conflicts. If Iran were to prioritize rationalism over ideology, it could become a prosperous state due to its vast natural resources and educated young population. However, the prevailing ideology has hindered policy learning at various levels. Iran’s conservative-dominated parliament has hindered the government’s efforts to join the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the U.N. Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (Palermo Convention), having rejected two necessary laws. This rejection is rooted in two factors. First, conservative deputies are ideologically committed to militant groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas and Ansarullah, which are considered terrorist organizations in Europe and the United States. However, Iran refers to them as “resistance forces” against “Western colonial domination” and the “Zionist regime.” Secondly, after the United States declared the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) a terrorist group in March 2019 and imposed sanctions on its commanders, members and affiliated entities, Iran’s banking system would be prevented from continuing to aid militant groups such as Hezbollah if it joined the FATF. Additionally, it would have to cease all financial transactions with the IRGC and its foreign operations arm, the Quds Force, which is not feasible in an economy controlled by the IRGC. Policy learning ’06’241012343432 ## Resource Efficiency Iran’s inefficient use of assets can be attributed to the country’s dual governance structure, which consists of a regular administration and a quasi- parallel government based in Supreme Leader Khamenei’s “office” (Beyt), as well as the regime’s corrupt practices and ideological-religious orientation. Khamenei holds significant power in both the cabinet and the recruitment process for all key positions, even down to middle-ranking officials. Loyalty to him is the primary selection criterion. More generally, elite recruitment hails largely from the IRGC. Although state initiatives such as the missile program or Iran’s nuclear policy are primarily controlled by the IRGC, these initiatives have resulted in enormous costs for the country while providing little value. The government’s budget planning has been criticized as “unrealistic” by experts due to its heavy reliance on expected revenues from oil exports at a time when Iran still faces U.S. extra-territorial sanctions on its energy exports. In the first years of the Raisi administration, the annual budgets were marked by heavy investment in the military, security and propaganda apparatuses – a pattern consistent with the previous “moderate” Hassan Rouhani administration. Efficient use of assets ’06’2410122323432 The Iranian political system is characterized by a complex power structure, with conflicts arising between the executive, legislative and judicial branches. The supreme leader, who is omnipotent and forms a shadow government with the IRGC, exerts significant influence over all branches of government. However, the monopolization of power by the wider conservative camp has reduced tensions between the three branches of government, with the president seen as a pliable person who is at the mercy of the supreme leader. Policy coordination ’06’241012453232 There are institutional arrangements in place to tackle corruption, yet their effectiveness and implementation have been criticized. Iran’s Supreme Audit Court (Divân-e Mohâsebât-e Keshvar, SAC), formally supervised by the parliament, is responsible for auditing state spending. Concerns have been raised regarding its independence and effectiveness, as it de facto operates under the supervision of the judiciary, which is influenced by political and religious authorities. For instance, the SAC is not allowed to audit IRGC-related finances, where most of the country’s corruption is believed to hail from. Regulations on political party financing do exist but lack transparency and accountability. The sources of party financing are not adequately disclosed and nontransparent funding can influence political processes. Iran has legal provisions for accessing information, but implementation is limited, particularly regarding corruption and government activities. Obtaining and disseminating information that conflicts with regime propaganda is difficult and risky. Robust mechanisms for public and media access to information are necessary for transparency and accountability. Officeholders are required by law to declare assets and follow codes of conduct. However, enforcement and effectiveness have been questioned. Non- compliance, a lack of transparency in asset declarations and limited consequences for violating conflict of interest rules have been observed. Iran’s public procurement system aims at achieving transparency and fairness. However, corruption and favoritism persist. A lack of transparency, limited oversight and inadequate competition present challenges. To combat corruption and promote integrity, Tehran needs to strengthen the independence, transparency and accountability of these mechanisms. Comprehensive efforts are necessary for progress in combating corruption and promoting good governance in Iran. However, given the dominant political realities in the Islamic Republic, any such improvements are unlikely. Anti-corruption policy ’06’24101132131 ## Consensus-building The monopolization of power by hard-liners has been accompanied by the top leadership ousting reformist or so-called moderate elite members from the halls of power and, as such, any semblance of democracy within the ruling political system. As a result, there is now a greater willingness to steer the country toward a more robust autocracy. However, at the same time, there is widespread societal opposition to dictatorship and support for democracy, as evidenced by the revolutionary protests following the September 2022 state murder of Mahsa “Jina” Amini over a “bad hijab.” As such, the state and society find themselves not only totally opposed on the issue of democracy but on a collision course. The Raisi administration represents a faction within the establishment that has privileged access to economic resources and wealth and favors an authoritarian monopoly-capitalism that benefits affiliated state- and semi- state entities. President Raisi not only previously served as chief justice but also as the chairman of Astân-e Qods-e Razavi, an economic empire based in northeastern Iran, with formidable political links to the country’s top leadership. As such, any liberal market opening is seen as a threat to their politico-economic might. Therefore, it is of little surprise that under this administration, Tehran remains opposed to the ratification of bills that would align Iran’s financial and banking systems with international standards. The resulting continuation of the non-integration of Iran in the international banking system allows the regime to preserve the nontransparent nature of its financial activities, which facilitates high rates of corruption and wealth accumulation, as well as investments in regional militias. Consensus on goals ’06’24101243232 Almost all matters of the state are ultimately influenced by unelected authorities, who hold significant power in Iran. This includes conservative, fundamentalist and extremist Islamists, as well as entities such as the IRGC, Basij paramilitary militia, Friday Prayer imams, and many clerics and religious institutions. These groups are supported by Supreme Leader Khamenei, and their substantial economic conglomerates, known as “religious foundations” (bonyâds), give them considerable financial and military power. This allows them to promote Islamist attitudes and obstruct reform efforts. Moreover, unelected authorities have the ability to bypass government and parliamentary decisions and can even overrule them, as Supreme Leader Khamenei possesses the power to overturn or negate government and parliamentary decisions. Anti-democratic actors ’06’2410123232 Ethnic and religious minorities are widely repressed by the regime, a situation that has gotten worse since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and, especially, the Mahsa Amini protests –both of which occurred under the presidency of Ebrahim Raisi. Historically, the Iranian regime has taken advantage of the divisions between the prosperous and educated upper classes and the impoverished masses for its own benefit. However, since the emergence of the “Green Movement” in 2009, the wealthy middle class has largely refrained from participating in subsequent protests. Instead, they have expressed some support for the “reformist” camp led by Rouhani, despite their dissatisfaction with his policies. Furthermore, many middle-class individuals employed in the oil sector have benefited from the regime’s economic patronage. For the first time ever, the 2022 protests brought together societal groups that had hitherto acted separately. Thus, the regime’s harsh response to the protests has further deepened the cleavage between members and collaborators of the regime and regime critics. Cleavage / conflict management ’06’241012632 The political elite rarely consults with independent civil society groups, and, when it does, it is usually with groups connected to the regime. Although the government regularly seeks the advice of select expert groups and academics in various ways, this does not amount to an inclusive process. On less politically sensitive matters, their arguments are – to varying degrees – taken into account. Despite occasional protests and acts of civil disobedience, government crackdowns on civil society remain a significant obstacle to public consultation. Political dissidents, human rights activists, journalists and religious minorities continue to face persecution, imprisonment and censorship. In recent years, the government has also increased its efforts to control the internet and social media platforms, further limiting freedom of expression and access to information. Public consultation ’06’241011321 The regime fails to realize reconciliation between the victims and perpetrators of past injustices. Political repression remains a key feature of governance in the Islamic Republic, with no efforts made to achieve reconciliation or question the regime’s actions. To varying degrees, members of the Islamic Republic’s political elite occasionally bring up crimes committed by other (typically rival) elite members. To some degree, this keeps the public memory of certain injustices alive – although this does not equate to a process of reconciliation. Reconciliation ’06’24101143231 ## International Cooperation The Islamic Republic’s elite have traditionally shared diverse geopolitical preferences. Simply put, the regime’s reformists or so-called moderates had pinned hopes on the West, while hard-liners have favored a “look to the East” outlook that seeks closer relations with non-Western great powers. Throughout the 2010s, Iran sought to improve ties with the West and to cooperate with international actors in a broad range of fields, not least in the economic realm. However, sanctions served as an impediment to international cooperation and shaped Iran’s approach toward international cooperation, further pushing the country toward “the East.” Today, with the hard-liners monopolizing power in Tehran, the “look to the East” orientation faces little opposition in government, despite concerns over its actual benefits. Iran has a strategic understanding of its relations with China and Russia and considers its “look to the East” approach to be central to its response to the United States. Political, military and economic ties between Iran and the two global powers are growing, with Iran compelled to make concessions due to its urgent need for protection on the international stage. Effective use of support ’06’24101141321 Iran has a reputation among various international organizations, including the World Bank, IMF and regional institutions, for being a challenging partner. Although Iran had a chance to improve its relations with European partners following the United States’ exit from the JCPOA, it failed to maintain its commitments and has indicated that it may reverse its policies even if the Unites States fully complies with the agreement. Evaluating Tehran’s credibility and reliability as a partner in its relations with the international community necessitates a thorough examination of its adherence to international agreements and collaboration with relevant institutions and mechanisms. Iran’s track record is characterized by a mixture of compliance and non-compliance, rendering a definitive assessment challenging. For instance, Iran initially complied with the July 2015 JCPOA, as confirmed by various IAEA reports. However, while Iran upheld its nuclear commitments, it did not fulfill the spirit of the agreement as outlined in its preamble, particularly concerning its contribution to reducing tensions in the Middle East. This paved the way for various regional and international actors to criticize the JCPOA. Subsequently, the United States’ withdrawal in May 2018 and subsequent reimposition of sanctions led Iran to gradually violate its commitments. While Tehran’s non-compliance can be seen as a response to perceived violations by other parties (namely the United States), it has undermined confidence in its credibility. Second, Iran has faced major criticism for its human rights record, marked by arbitrary arrests, restrictions on freedom of expression and women’s rights, and the mistreatment of prisoners. These issues cast doubt on Iran’s reliability in upholding human rights and the relevant conventions it has signed but not implemented in practice. Finally, Iran’s involvement in regional conflicts in Syria, Yemen and Iraq has been detrimental to peace efforts. Its support for armed groups perpetuating violence undermines cease-fire agreements and raises concerns about Tehran’s commitment to regional stability. Iran’s cooperation with monitoring institutions and mechanisms is also mediocre at best. While Iran is not a party to the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) jurisdiction, it has faced allegations of human rights violations. Iran’s lack of cooperation with the ICC diminishes its credibility in addressing accountability for such abuses. The Islamic Republic’s engagement with the UNHRC has been mixed, with limited cooperation and Iran having failed to implement UNHRC recommendations. Its selected engagement with international human rights mechanisms diminishes its credibility as a reliable partner. Considering these factors, Iran’s credibility and reliability as a partner face significant scrutiny. While it has demonstrated compliance with certain agreements, its behavior in areas such as human rights and regional conflicts raises concerns about its reliability. The mixed picture of the Islamic Republic’s track record makes it difficult to categorize it as consistently credible and reliable. Credibility ’06’24101141431 Analyzing the willingness and capacity of Iran’s political leadership to cooperate with neighboring countries involves examining the regime’s engagement in developing good neighborly relations, cooperation in international and regional organizations, and support for regional and international integration. Iran’s relations with neighboring countries are characterized by a combination of cooperation and confrontation. While Iran has fostered close ties with some countries that are aligned with its interests, its relations with others have become strained due to geopolitical rivalries and conflicting regional agendas. Iran’s foreign policy is primarily driven by ideology, which includes providing support to Shi’ites in other countries. This sectarian preference often leads to conflicts and defines Iran’s regional relations. While there may be other objectives involved in Iran’s foreign policy, its ideological motivations remain a significant factor. One of the main goals of the Raisi administration was to improve Iran’s relations with its Arab neighbors. However, the continuation of Iranian policies in the region via the IRGC’s Quds Force and Tehran-led militias has maintained tensions between Iran and its Arab neighbors. Iran has engaged in various bilateral initiatives and agreements with neighboring countries in trade, energy, infrastructure and security, among other areas. However, political differences, historical disputes and conflicting interests have occasionally hindered the establishment of stable and cooperative relationships with all neighboring countries. Iran actively participates in regional organizations like the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) and the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). Its engagement in these forums aims to enhance its influence. However, differing political and strategic interests among member states can limit comprehensive regional cooperation and Iran’s actual dividends. Iran has expressed support for regional integration initiatives, including economic projects and connectivity plans. Examples include the Iran-Pakistan- Türkiye gas pipeline and the North-South Transport Corridor. However, progress in these projects can be influenced by regional dynamics and geopolitical consideration, which have led to substantial delays in building the required infrastructure. Iran has been involved in regional conflicts, providing support to various non-state actors. This involvement has contributed to tensions and strained relations with neighboring countries, especially those with differing geopolitical orientations or competing interests. Iran has occasionally played a role in mediation and conflict resolution initiatives, particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, its involvement is often guided by its own strategic interests and alliances, which may limit the extent of its cooperation with neighboring countries. In summary, the Islamic Republic’s willingness and ability to cooperate with neighboring countries vary based on geopolitical factors, ideological considerations, as well as regional and global dynamics. While Iran has engaged in bilateral agreements and participated in regional and international organizations, its relationships with neighboring countries have experienced both cooperation and tensions. Conflicting interests, historical disputes and regional rivalries have sometimes hindered the establishment or implementation of comprehensive and long-term cooperation. Regional cooperation ’06’2410125432 ## Strategic Outlook As Ebrahim Raisi reaches the midpoint of his first term as president, Iran finds itself in a dire state. The country is facing severe economic challenges, witnessing widespread revolutionary protests that pose a significant challenge to the regime, and experiencing costs that outweigh the benefits of its international relations. If Iran is to seek reintegration into the global community, it must make substantial efforts. Even if sanctions are lifted, Iran’s inclusion on the FATF and the Palermo Convention blacklists could still deter large corporations and international businesses from engaging in trade with the country. The trajectory of Iran’s future depends primarily on two factors. Internally, questions loom about the fate of the ongoing revolutionary process that began in September 2022 and the impending succession of the supreme leader. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, born in 1931, will soon need to designate a new leader for the revolution. Presently, no clear successor is in sight. The prospects for fundamental revisions to Iran’s social, economic and foreign policies appear unlikely in a post-Khamenei Iran. The IRGC is best positioned to extend its dominance across all spheres, potentially shifting the regime’s ideological mix from Islamism to nationalism. Additionally, all three branches of power – the executive, legislature and judiciary – have been monopolized by conservatives or hard-liners, yet this has not translated into policies that benefit Iranian society or address pressing socioeconomic issues. Such an outcome could further deepen the public’s disillusionment with the entire political system. On the international front, the Biden administration’s willingness to revive the nuclear deal has led to a more assertive stance from Tehran, demanding concessions that exceed the original 2015 JCPOA. This undermined hopes for a revived deal even before the fall 2022 protests, which made it politically costly for the West to engage Iran, began. Tehran’s intransigence has been fueled by its perception of Western weakness and a lack of a Plan B beyond reviving the JCPOA. With U.S. presidential elections approaching in fall 2024, Tehran has little incentive to fully commit to JCPOA’s nuclear obligations, fearing that a Republican successor to Biden might withdraw the United States from a renewed deal. As a result, Iran may not expect tangible or sustainable economic benefits from a new agreement. Furthermore, Iran’s nuclear escalation and the limited likelihood of revising the JCPOA have heightened the possibility of Israeli sabotage of or military strikes against Iranian nuclear facilities. This situation could potentially usher in a new era of regional tensions. Despite Iran’s long-term agreements with non-Western great powers, such as a 25-year deal with China signed in March 2021 and a planned 20-year agreement with Russia, the economic benefits have fallen short of expectations. These agreements, marked by their lack of transparency, have raised concerns that Iran may have compromised national interests and resources to gain support from Beijing and Moscow, given the domestic and international pressures challenging regime stability. It remains uncertain whether Iran’s partnerships with Russia and China will evolve into strategic alliances, as Iranian propaganda suggests. Meanwhile, Iran’s key allies, which include Lebanon’s Hezbollah and the Assad regime in Syria, cannot compensate for the absence of strategic alliances. Domestically, the regime has increasingly relied on brute force, as the country appears to be immersed in a revolutionary process for the foreseeable future. This process is driven by deep-seated economic and political grievances, as well as the state’s inability to address society’s basic needs, which has resulted in a growing and possibly irreversible gap emerging between the regime and society. In summary, the prospects for political and economic reform in Iran appear bleak and are unlikely to materialize without internal and external pressure, regardless of who becomes the next supreme leader. Bertelsmann Stiftung * Index Political Transformation * Index Economic Transformation * Governance Index * Methodology * Transformation Atlas * Overview * Downloads * BTI-Blog * Who we are * FAQ * Contact * Facebook * Twitter * The BTI Transformation Index is a project of Bertelsmann Stiftung * * Newsletter * Data Protection * Imprint
The value of Iran's nonoil exports in 1400 reached the highest figure in the years after the revolution
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Energy Intensity of Consumption and Production 3. The Impact on the Global Economy 1. The Impact on Industrial Countries 2. The Impact on Developing and Transition Economies Major Emerging Market Economies Oil Importing HIPC and CIS Countries OPEC Countries 3. Financial Markets 4. Conclusions and Policy Implications Annex: Lessons from previous oil price hikes Tables 1. Impact of an Oil Price Increase of $5 per barrel on Oil Exporting and Oil Importing Countries 2. Permanent $5 per Barrel Increase in the Price of Oil: Baseline Scenario 3. Comparison of the Baseline Scenario with Outside Simulations 4. Permanent $5 per Barrel Increase in the Price of Oil: Alternative Scenario 5. Emerging Markets-Estimated Effects After 1 Year of a $5 Oil Price Hike 6. Selected HIPC and CIS Countries-Preliminary Estimates of First Round Effects of an Oil Price Increase and IMF Quotas 7. OPEC - Preliminary Estimates of First Round Effects of an Oil Price Increase and Global Slowdown Effect 8. Selected Oil-Exporting Developing and Transition Countries: First-Year Impact of a 20 Percent Increase in Oil Prices on Public Sector Revenues Figures 1. Consumption, Production and Price of Oil, 1990 \- 2001 2. Crude Petroleum, Heating Oil, and Gasoline: Commercial Stocks and Prices 3. World Primary Consumption of Energy, Selected Years, 1973 - 1998, and Real Price of Oil, 1970 - 2000 4. Primary Consumption of Energy by Region, Selected Years, 1973 - 1998 5. Prices of Crude Oil, Natural Gas and Coal 6. Impact of a $5 per Barrel Oil Price Increase on Current Account Balances 7. a) Oil Prices and Equity Markets: Industrial Countries b) Oil Prices and Equity Markets: Emerging Markets 8. Yield Differential Between Nominal and Index-Linked Government Bonds 9. a) Oil Prices and 10-year Government Bond Yields b) Oil Prices and Emerging Market Spread ---|---|---|---|--- ![\\"Link](\\"/external/gifs/foot590.gif\\") # The Impact of Higher Oil Prices on the Global Economy --- ### I. Introduction Over the past two years, oil prices have increased very sharply, with the Fund\'s reference price rising from a 25 year low of $11 per barrel in February 1999 to a peak of close to $35 per barrel in the first week of September 2000.2 After easing somewhat in early October, oil prices increased again in late October and November to an average of about $32 per barrel. At the same time, futures markets indicated that average oil prices in 2001 would be about $5 per barrel higher than projected in the most recent World Economic Outlook (WEO) published in late September.3 The recent World Economic Outlook contained an extensive discussion of the potential impact of higher prices.4 The purpose of this paper is to expand on that discussion in the light of developments since then. The paper is divided into three sections. Section I reviews the causes underlying the recent oil price increase and the outlook for 2001. Section II discusses the potential impact of a sustained $5 per barrel increase in the price of oil on the global economy, focusing on the key channels through which it operates, and the effects of differing policy responses. Section III provides a summary and includes a discussion of main policy implications for developed and developing countries. An Appendix reviews lessons from earlier oil price increases. Since late November, oil prices have fallen back significantly, reflecting both the slowing of global economic activity-which to some degree, of course, itself reflects higher oil prices-and the impact of recent OPEC production increases, resulting in a rising level of stocks. As of December 20th, the Fund\'s reference price had fallen back to just over $22 per barrel, while futures markets suggest that the average price of oil in 2001 will be just under $24, only $1 higher than in the original WEO baseline. While oil prices remain highly volatile, if this decline is sustained the recent spike in oil prices would be shorter lived than assumed in the discussion below, and the resulting impact on growth and inflation would be correspondingly less severe. ### II. Recent Developments and Outlook in Oil Markets In October and November, 2000 the world oil price averaged over three times higher than its February 1999 low, and, excluding the Gulf war period, reached a 15 year high in both real and nominal terms. In the mid-1990s, as the pace of economic expansion picked up so did world demand in general for energy and for oil in particular. The effect on oil prices was muted as oil production largely kept pace with the increase in oil consumption.5 With the onset of the Asian crisis in 1997, as well as subdued activity in Japan and Europe, global consumption of oil fell significantly short of production and the Fund\'s indicator price for oil fell progressively from about $20 a barrel in early 1997 to below $11 in February 1999 (Figure 1). In an effort to arrest the decline in the price of oil, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) met on several occasions in 1998 and concluded agreements to restrain production.6 The upward trend in production was reversed, but compliance with the agreements was not sufficient to prevent price declines.7 In early 1999, however, OPEC\'s production restraints were reinforced by parallel agreements with some other oil exporting countries (most notably Mexico and Norway) which enabled oil production to be reduced more effectively from the second quarter of 1999 onwards. Prices progressively increased, more than doubling by the end of the year and oil production fell below oil consumption even in the summer period when stocks usually accumulate. Early this year, in an effort to moderate the price increase, OPEC policy reverted to one of periodic increases in production targets. In March, OPEC increased targeted production by 1.7 million barrels per day-equivalent to about 2 percent of world production. Following this increase, and partly in response to concerns by some OPEC members on the long term effect of high prices, including loss of market share to non-OPEC producers, OPEC informally defined a target price band of $22 to $28 a barrel and prescribed increases or decreases of one half million barrels per day, should the OPEC reference price remain outside this range for more than 20 consecutive market days.8 Subsequently, OPEC increased its production targets by amounts in excess of one half million barrels on June 21 and September 10, and by one half million barrels on October 30. The recent price rise is the fourth episode of sharp upward movement in the price of petroleum in the past thirty years. So far it is much smaller in terms of magnitude of the terms of trade impact than the first two episodes, but it has outpaced the third (see Annex). In terms of the magnitude of the price change, the first and second oil price shocks, in the mid and late-1970s, respectively, each entailed a more than tripling of the price of oil; and both lasted for about 5 years. By contrast, the price spike in 1990-91 lasted only about six months and even at its highest point was less than double the price in the preceding period. ![\\"\\"](\\"figure1.gif\\") ### A. Current Market Conditions and Near Term Outlook The current market conditions and the near term outlook for oil reflect the interplay of production, stocks and consumption. Over the past two years global economic growth has greatly strengthened-from a rate of 2.6 percent in 1998 to 3.4 percent in 1999 and to an estimated 4.7 percent in 2000. As a result, the growth in global oil consumption increased from 0.6 percent in 1998 to 1.6 percent in 1999, before moderating somewhat this year due to the sharp oil price increase. There are noticeable seasonal patterns in production and in primary consumption cycles of oil. Peaks for both cycles occur in the fourth quarter of the year, and troughs in the second quarter. Measured stocks of crude oil and products are usually run down near the end of the calendar year when consumers in the northern hemisphere build up their supplies (invisible stocks) of heating oil for the winter season and visible stocks are rebuilt around the middle of the following year. In 1999 the seasonal accumulation of stocks did not occur because of producers\' attempts to curb production at a time when the rate of demand growth was increasing, and it contributed to the doubling of the oil price during the year. Latest data on production and consumption suggest some replenishment of stocks of oil products in the middle months of this year. However, a strong seasonal demand for gasoline led refineries to bias the mix of their output towards gasoline at the expense of heating oil. In addition, it appears that stocks of heating oil held by final consumers in recent weeks have been higher than usual because of concerns about higher prices and/or shortages during the height of the heating season, as well as worries about a cold winter. (The volume of heating oil sold in the United States to final consumers has been 10 to 20 percent higher than in recent years). As a result, visible stocks of heating oil appear to be low and many market analysts have questioned the extent to which these stocks would cover seasonal demand, especially should the weather in the northern hemisphere be colder than average (Figure 2). For this reason the price of oil this year has been unusually sensitive to weather information and this situation is likely to persist throughout much of the winter. With stocks so low, the market has become highly sensitive to news relating to short term supply changes and much attention is given to the actions and intentions of OPEC. On October 30, after the price of oil in the OPEC basket had stayed above its agreed price range of $22 to $28 for twenty consecutive working days, OPEC announced a half million barrel per day increase in the aggregate production target for its members. As in the three previous increases in production targets this year, the new target failed to bring down the price to the upper level of the target range. Recently, however, the concern of many OPEC members has turned to the possibility of \"overproduction\" should the current tight market conditions ease early next year. At its regular meeting held on November 12, OPEC decided that production targets should not be increased until the group\'s meeting in mid-January when they would be reconsidered.9 Saudi Arabia, however, has stated that it remains ready to provide extra deliveries should prices surge again. ![\\"\\"](\\"figure2.gif\\") In addition, many short-term political developments and problems along the production-consumption chain, which in periods of ample stocks would receive little attention, are adding to price uncertainty. Recently these have included such diverse matters as Iraq\'s request for payment in euros rather than dollars; escalation of conflict between Israel and the Palestinians and the threat that this may spill over into actions affecting oil deliveries; blockades of oil terminals by commercial truckers aiming to pressure governments in Europe to cut petroleum taxes; and localized gasoline price spikes in the United States.10 Added to these are changes in oil-specific government policy such as the use of strategic reserves, notably in instances of persistently low stocks. The main such event was the announcement on September 22 of a release of 30 million barrels by the United States from its Strategic Petroleum Reserves to oil companies, in exchange for an equivalent future delivery between August and November 2001. Key factors that will influence the supply-demand situation over the next six to nine months include the severity of the winter, the pace of global economic activity, and whether any oil production increases will be sustained. An important consideration is the fact that nearly all OPEC countries, with the exception of Saudi Arabia, are close to or producing at full capacity which may make it difficult to agree to production increases which will lower oil prices and hence revenues for most OPEC members. (There is also very little spare capacity in non-OPEC countries). As noted above, oil prices have fallen back significantly in December; however, uncertainty regarding future prices remains high and it is not difficult to envisage situations which could lead to prices at least $5 higher, or $5 lower. ### B. Energy Intensity of Consumption and Production The medium to longer term prospects for oil prices reflect the changing structure of energy use and of the energy intensity of production. The International Energy Agency (IEA) publishes country energy balance sheets which measure energy production and consumption in terms of the heat content of oil. These data indicate that world energy use at the primary level (refineries, heat plants, electricity plants, etc.) increased by about 50 percent over the 25-year period from 1973 to 1998 (Figure 3). Over this period, there has also been a shift away from oil towards natural gas, a less expensive and less polluting source of energy (see Box 1). The increase in global consumption of oil was only 25 percent while that for natural gas was over 50 percent. The share of coal has remained roughly constant at about 25 percent of overall fuel consumption. ![\\"\\"](\\"figure3.gif\\") In the early 1980\'s, after the first and second oil price shocks, there was little growth in total global energy consumption, and world oil consumption fell. They both resumed their upward trend in the late 1980\'s. In OECD countries, the ratio of energy consumption to real GDP has fallen steadily and that of petroleum consumption to real GDP has fallen at a greater rate (Figure 4). In Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union, total energy consumption has fallen progressively in the 1990s in line with the decline in real GDP, but energy intensity remains largely unchanged. In these countries, natural gas replaced petroleum as the leading source of energy in the 1980s and this trend has been accentuated in the 1990s. In developing countries energy consumption has increased steadily. This increase is largely in line with the growth in real GDP although there appears to be some decline in the ratio of energy use to GDP in the 1990s, at least in Asia. In these countries, more so than elsewhere, the growth in the consumption of natural gas has outpaced the growth in consumption of oil and the share of natural gas in total energy use has doubled. In 2000, the price of oil has been at its highest level since the mid-1980s, excluding the brief price spike at the end of 1990. The current price hike, if maintained for any significant length of time, is likely to accentuate the trend towards energy conservation and the shift from oil to other sources of energy, especially in sectors other than transport. Consumption of oil is likely to continue to grow in the medium term but, as in the past three decades, at a considerably slower rate than other energy sources, particularly those which have a cost advantage. The longer the oil price hike lasts, the more this process will be accentuated. The price increase for petroleum has spilled over into the market for natural gas-the source of energy most closely competitive with petroleum, but not yet into the market for coal, the other leading source of energy (Figure 5). Because of the incorporation of oil prices into formulas for the pricing of future deliveries of natural gas, the price increase for natural gas has lagged behind that of petroleum by about six months. The effect of the higher oil prices was incorporated for the most part in the second and third quarters of this year. However, international transfers resulting from changes in prices of natural gas are of less consequence to the global economy than those of petroleum. The price of natural gas per unit of energy is considerably lower than that of petroleum and a much smaller proportion of natural gas production enters international trade (as discussed in Box 1). ### III. The Impact on the Global Economy The latest World Economic Outlook projections were based on an assumed path of oil prices that is about $5/barrel lower in 2001 and 2002 than suggested by futures markets during October and November 2000\. Higher oil prices affect the global economy through a variety of channels: * There will be a transfer of income from oil consumers to oil producers. As the propensity to spend of those who lose income (energy consumers) is generally larger than the propensity to spend of those who gain income (energy producers), there will be some fall in demand. On an international level, the transfer is from oil importing countries to oil exporters (Table 1), and oil exporters tend to expand demand only gradually (in the past, they have spent about 1/3 of their additional revenues after one year, rising to 75 percent after 3 years).11 In addition, a reduction in demand can also occur within producing countries that allow higher oil prices to feed through to consumers, as energy producers tend to have a lower propensity to consume than energy consumers. ![\\"\\"](\\"figure4.gif\\") ![\\"\\"](\\"figure5.gif\\") * There will be a rise in the cost of production of goods and services in the economy, given the increase in the relative price of energy inputs, putting pressure on profit margins. As the oil intensity of production in advanced countries has fallen over the past three decades, the supply side impact for a given increase in oil prices can be expected to be less than in past episodes. In developing countries, however, where the oil intensity of production has declined less, the impact may be closer to that in the earlier period. * There will be an impact on the price level and on inflation. Its magnitude will depend on the degree of monetary tightening and the extent to which consumers seek to offset the decline in their real incomes through higher wage increases, and producers seek to restore profit margins. These responses can create a wage/price spiral, as was the case, for example, during the oil shocks in the 1970s-see Annex. * There will be both direct and indirect impact on financial markets. Actual as well as anticipated changes in economic activity, corporate earnings, inflation, and monetary policy following the oil price increases will affect equity and bond valuations, and currency exchange rates. * Finally, depending on expected duration of price increases, the change in relative prices creates incentives for suppliers of energy to increase production (to the extent that there is scope for doing so) and investment, and for oil consumers to economize. To undertake an analysis of these five channels, several simulations of a sustained $5 per barrel (20 percent) increase in the price of oil were run using MULTIMOD, focusing on the implications for real GDP, inflation, and monetary policy.12 In these simulations, it is assumed that the monetary authorities in advanced countries target expected core inflation, while fiscal policy is passive, allowing automatic stabilizers to operate. The results, reported in Table 2, indicate that a $5 per barrel increase in the price of oil would reduce the level of global output by around ¼ percentage point over the first 4 years, after which the output losses slowly fade away. The impact is somewhat larger for industrial countries than for developing countries as a group, particularly as regards domestic demand, largely due to terms-of-trade effects (as many developing countries are net oil exporters). However, as discussed below, the significant diversity across developing countries, in particular the mixture of oil exporters and importers, means that the impact on individual developing countries is often large. Table 1. Impact of an Oil Price Increase of - $5 per barrel on Oil Exporting and Oil Importing Countries (for 2000) | Petroleum $5 per barrel increase --- Oil Exporters | Oil Dependent 1/ | Diversified | Importers | Total (in billions of U.S. dollars) World of which: | 59 | 6 | -65 | 0 Advanced of which: | 5 | 3 | -52 | -44 USA | 0 | 0 | -17 | -17 Japan | 0 | 0 | -10 | -10 Euro-11 | 0 | 0 | -17 | -17 Developing of which | 48 | 3 | -10 | 41 Western Hemisphere | 8 | 2 | -3 | 7 Middle East and Europe | 32 | 0 | -1 | 31 Asia | 0 | 1 | -4 | -3 Africa | 8 | 0 | -2 | 6 OPEC | 40 | 0 | 0 | 40 Transition of which | 6 | 0 | -3 | 3 Russia | 5 | 0 | 0 | 5 (in percent of GDP) World of which: | 3.3 | -0.2 | -0.2 | 0.0 Advanced of which: | 3.0 | -0.1 | -0.2 | -0.2 USA | 0.0 | 0.0 | -0.2 | -0.2 Japan | 0.0 | 0.0 | -0.2 | -0.2 Euro-11 | 0.0 | 0.0 | -0.3 | -0.3 Developing of which | 3.5 | -0.4 | -0.3 | 0.6 Western Hemisphere | 1.1 | -0.4 | -0.3 | 0.2 Middle East and Europe | 6.4 | 0.0 | -0.4 | 3.6 Asia | 4.8 | -0.4 | -0.2 | -0.2 Africa | 5.3 | 0.0 | -0.6 | 1.4 OPEC | 6.1 | -0.3 | 0.0 | 4.9 Transition of which | 2.1 | -0.1 | -0.6 | 0.5 Russia | 2.2 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 2.2 Source: WEO and staff calculations. 1/ An oil-dependent exporter is defined as a country for which at least 10% of export earning are derived from the (net) exports of oil. Some of the limitations of this exercise should be recognized. First, these results underestimate the global impact in that they do not incorporate the impact of higher prices of other energy products, such as gas, which is a particularly important source of energy in the transition countries. Second, the impact of the rise in oil prices may be amplified if they exacerbate existing macroeconomic imbalances or lead to inappropriate policy responses, particularly in oil importing countries. Third, the simulations take little account of relative demand effects within countries. ### A. The Impact on Industrial Countries For the industrial countries as a group, real GDP falls 0.3 percentage points below the baseline in 2001 and 2002 before recovering subsequently, while real domestic demand follows a similar profile but with a somewhat greater short- term loss of 0.4 percentage points because of negative terms-of-trade effects. The impact on activity and demand in the United States and euro area are somewhat larger than the industrial country average, while the impact on the group \"other industrial countries\" is smaller than the average because the largest two members of this group-the United Kingdom and Canada-are net oil exporters. Headline CPI inflation rises in all countries in the short run, with particularly large impact in the United States and euro area, resulting in an increase in real and nominal short-term interest rates as monetary policy responds to counter second round wage and price increases (as noted earlier, the monetary authorities are assumed to target core inflation). The financial impact of the increase in oil prices is quite muted. Exchange rates remain relatively stable, with the dollar appreciating slightly relative to the yen and euro because the United States faces a smaller terms-of-trade shock. Lower expected future profits result in a fall of 1-2 percent in equity prices in the advanced economies. If adverse confidence effects were to magnify these effects, the corresponding effect on the real economy would also be larger. Financial market considerations are discussed in more detail below. These differences in response reflect the net effect of the differing importance of the four most important channels through which the oil price hike is transmitted to activity in the short-term-a temporary impact on supply potential proportional to the energy intensity of production (as the change in relative prices of intermediate goods temporarily disrupts existing production arrangements13), the fuel tax wedge, the increase in expected core inflation, and the terms-of-trade impact on real incomes. The supply-side impact is largest in the United States, as it has a higher energy intensity of production than most other industrial countries. The higher the fuel tax wedge, the smaller the proportional impact on retail prices of a given rise in oil prices. The United States has the smallest wedge and hence the biggest impact. The inflationary consequences and monetary policy response are most significant in the United States and euro area, reflecting a combination of relatively high energy consumption (which increases the inflationary impact in the United States), inertia in the inflation process (which is particularly important in the euro area, with its labor market rigidities), and differences in resistance to real income losses (which is low in Japan). The negative terms-of-trade impact, on the other hand, is smaller in the United States than the euro area and Japan, as the United States has significant domestic oil production, and is positive for the other industrial countries as a group. __Table 2. Permanent $5 per Barrel Increase in the Price of Oil: Baseline Scenario _(Percent deviation from baseline unless otherwise specified)_ 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 ---|---|---|---|--- World GDP | -0.2 | -0.3 | -0.3 | -0.2 | -0.1 Industrial Countries Real GDP | -0.2 | -0.3 | -0.3 | -0.2 | -0.1 Real Domestic Demand | -0.2 | -0.4 | -0.4 | -0.2 | -0.1 Trade Balance ($ billion) | -26.7 | -20.3 | -22.4 | -24.6 | -24.7 United States Real GDP | -0.3 | -0.4 | -0.4 | -0.2 | -0.1 Real Domestic Demand | -0.3 | -0.5 | -0.4 | -0.3 | -0.2 Core Inflation | 0.3 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.1 | 0.1 CPI Inflation | 0.8 | 0.5 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.1 Short-Term Interest Rate | 0.6 | 0.8 | 0.5 | 0.2 | 0.1 Real Effective Exchange Rate | 0.3 | 0.5 | 0.4 | 0.3 | 0.3 Trade Balance ($ billion) | -12.2 | -9.1 | -10.5 | -12.5 | -73.0 Euro Area Real GDP | -0.2 | -0.4 | -0.4 | -0.2 | -0.1 Real Domestic Demand | -0.3 | -0.5 | -0.6 | -0.5 | -0.3 Core Inflation | 0.1 | 0.3 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.1 CPI Inflation | 0.7 | 0.5 | 0.4 | 0.3 | 0.1 Short-Term Interest Rate | 0.5 | 0.7 | 0.5 | 0.2 | \--- Real Effective Exchange Rate | -0.5 | -0.8 | -1.0 | -1.1 | -1.1 Trade Balance ($ billion) | -10.8 | -7.8 | -6.2 | -5.2 | -4.7 Japan Real GDP | -0.1 | -0.2 | -0.3 | -0.2 | -0.1 Real Domestic Demand | -0.2 | -0.3 | -0.4 | -0.3 | -0.2 Core Inflation | \--- | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | \--- CPI Inflation | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.1 | 0.1 | \--- Short-Term Interest Rate | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.2 | \--- | -0.1 Real Effective Exchange Rate | -0.7 | -1.0 | -0.9 | -0.7 | -0.5 Trade Balance ($ billion) | -10.5 | -8.5 | -6.5 | -5.3 | -4.4 Other Industrial Countries Real GDP | -0.1 | -0.2 | -0.2 | -0.2 | -0.1 Real Domestic Demand | \--- | \--- | 0.2 | 0.3 | 0.4 Current Account ($ billion) | 7.4 | 6.4 | 3.2 | 1.0 | -0.7 Developing Countries Real GDP | -0.1 | -0.2 | -0.2 | -0.2 | -0.2 Domestic Demand | \--- | \--- | -0.1 | -0.1 | -0.1 Trade Balance ($ billion) | 26.1 | 20.3 | 22.4 | 24.6 | 24.7 1Includes countries not in other groups. Table 3 provides summary comparisons of this simulation result with estimated impact on industrial economies from two other global macroeconomic models: the OECD\'s INTERLINK and McKibbin-Sachs Global 2 (MSG2).14 The results show some interesting differences which highlight the uncertainties surrounding the estimated impact of an oil price increase. * The inflationary impact of the oil price shock, and the associated monetary response, are smaller in the other models. These estimated effects may be too small, as the baseline MULTIMOD results appear consistent with the weight of oil prices in CPIs. * Despite a more limited monetary tightening, the real GDP effects using MSG2 are similar to those in the baseline scenario. The smaller impact reported by the OECD probably largely reflects both the more muted monetary policy response and the temporary nature of the assumed oil price shock. Table 3. Comparison of the Baseline Scenario with Outside Simulations Effects on Real GDP (in percent) | Effects on CPI Inflation (in percentage points) ---|--- First year | Second year | Third year | First year | Second year | Third year All Industrial Countries1 MULTIMOD2 | -0.2 | -0.3 | -0.3 | 0.6 | 0.4 | 0.3 OECD3 | -0.1 | -0.1 | … | 0.2 | 0.2 | \--- MSG2 | -0.2 | -0.3 | -0.3 | 0.2 | 0.1 | 0.1 United States MULTIMOD2 | -0.3 | -0.4 | -0.4 | 0.8 | 0.5 | 0.3 OECD3 | -0.1 | -0.1 | \--- | 0.1 | 0.1 | \--- MSG2 | -0.2 | -0.3 | -0.3 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.1 Euro Area MULTIMOD2 | -0.2 | -0.4 | -0.4 | 0.7 | 0.5 | 0.4 OECD3 | -0.2 | -0.1 | \--- | 0.2 | 0.2 | … MSG2 | -0.0 | -0.2 | -0.2 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.1 Japan MULTIMOD2 | -0.1 | -0.2 | -0.3 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.1 OECD3 | -0.2 | -0.1 | \--- | 0.2 | 0.1 | \--- MSG2 | -0.1 | -0.1 | -0.1 | 0.3 | 0.0 | 0.1 Source: The OECD simulations are reported in ECSS(2000)5, \"Oil: Impact and Policy Implications of the Current Situation,\" October 24, 2000. The MSG2 simulations were generated by Warrick McKibbon of the Brookings Institution at the staff\'s request. 1 Corresponds to OECD countries in the OECD and MSG2 simulations. 2 Baseline scenario. 3 The OECD simulations consider a shock in which the oil price averages about 13 percent above baseline in the first year (2000), is 22.5 percent above baseline throughout the second year, and declines to 10 percent above baseline by the end of the third year. The results described above are based on price equations which incorporate historical estimates of the degree of resistance to declines in real income in advanced economies. It is possible, however, that the extent of inflation pass through from terms-of-trade disturbances has declined in recent years as labor markets and profit margins have become more flexible.15 In the current episode, the pass through from the oil price hike into core inflation in advanced economies appears to have been relatively limited, implying that the second round inflationary effects might be smaller than assumed above. It is also possible that the wage response is being delayed as relatively few labor contracts have come up for renegotiation, as the most recent hike in oil prices occurred since mid-August.16 Nevertheless, to explore the effects of limited second round effects further, Table 4 reports a second MULTIMOD simulation which assumes that there is no pass through of the impact effects of higher oil prices into core inflation. As core inflation remains unchanged, the assumed monetary policy rule calls for essentially no change in short-term interest rates. As a result, the fall in real GDP and real domestic demand is only around one half of the impact reported in the baseline. Other MULTIMOD results indicate that delaying the monetary response can significantly increase the loss in output if it erodes confidence in the central bank\'s commitment to control inflation, reinforcing one of the lessons from past oil shocks that the monetary response should be prompt (see Annex). Finally, some additional simulation results also suggest that monetary policy errors can significantly increase the loss in output if they erode confidence in the central bank\'s commitment or ability to control inflation. The conclusion one can draw from these results is that monetary authorities need to make a broad based assessment and make use of a wide range of analytic tools in estimating the extent to which the oil price increase is likely to pass through into core inflation and have an impact on potential output in the short run. ### B. The Impact on Developing and Transition Economies The impact on individual developing countries would likely be at least as large as for many of the industrial countries. On the one hand, oil exporting countries—which suffered seriously from the decline in oil prices in 1997-98—benefit substantially (this includes a number of countries that have recently experienced financial crises, such as Ecuador, Indonesia, Russia, and Venezuela). On the other hand, there is a significant adverse impact on oil importing countries, especially as dependency on oil has not fallen to the same extent as in industrial countries. Figure 6 illustrates how the impact of a $5 per barrel oil price hike will affect developing countries differently. For example, in the top right quadrant the square marked United Arab Emirates shows that country has a large current account surplus and that the oil price increase is expected to further increase that surplus by more than 5 percent of GDP. By contrast, many of the oil-importing HIPC and transition economies are expected to be adversely affected. For example, Belarus was expected to be running a current account deficit of over 7 percent of GDP. The oil price hike would add to the current account deficit by about 1.6 percent of GDP. Mali, shown in the lower left quadrant, is an example of a HIPC country that is running a current account deficit of almost 15 percent of GDP. The oil price increase would add to its current account deficit by 1¼ percent. A number of countries also face additional pressures from weak non-oil commodity prices, and have limited access to capital markets, which will further increase the adverse impact on domestic absorption. Table 4. Permanent $5 per Barrel Increase in the Price of Oil: Alternative Scenario _(Percent deviation from baseline unless otherwise specified)_ 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 ---|---|---|---|--- World GDP | -0.1 | -0.1 | -0.1 | -0.1 | -0.1 Other Industrial Countries Real GDP | -0.1 | -0.2 | -0.1 | -0.1 | \--- Real Domestic Demand | -0.1 | -0.2 | -0.2 | -0.1 | -0.1 Current Account ($ billion) | -31.4 | -22.1 | -16.2 | -13.7 | -11.8 Developing Countries Real GDP | -0.1 | -0.1 | -0.2 | -0.2 | -0.1 Domestic Demand | \--- | \--- | \--- | 0.1 | 0.1 Trade Balance ($ billion) | 31.4 | 22.1 | 16.2 | 13.7 | 11.8 Major Emerging Market Economies Table 5 summarizes the impact of a $5/barrel increase in the price of oil, estimated by IMF country desks for 16 major emerging market countries,17 separating out the direct effect of higher oil prices, and the second round effects stemming from the decline in global growth and higher interest rates in advanced economies. The results vary widely by region, depending in large part on the relative size of oil importing to exporting countries. Asia experiences the largest negative impact on growth. Latin America, emerging Europe and Africa are less adversely affected by the oil shock owing the larger influence of net oil exporters in aggregate activity. There is an even wider variation within and across regions as to the impact of the oil price rise on inflation, depending on the pass through to domestic prices and whether countries allow the oil price increase to feed through into administered energy prices. Asia is expected to experience the largest increases in inflation, owing in part to the rapid pass through of oil price increases to domestic prices. Figure 6. Impact of a $5 per Barrel Oil Price Increase on Current Account Blances ![\\"\\"](\\"figure6.gif\\") Table 5. Emerging Markets-Estimated Effects After 1 Year of a $5 Oil Price Hike Real GDP | Inflation | Current Account ---|---|--- First Round | External Effect (percent)1 | Total | First Round | External Effect (percent of GDP)1 | Total Latin America | -0.0 | -0.1 | -0.1 | 0.6 | 0.1 | -0.1 | 0.0 Argentina | -0.1 | -0.1 | -0.2 | 0.1 | 0.2 | -0.1 | 0.1 Brazil | -0.1 | -0.1 | -0.2 | 1.0 | -0.1 | -0.1 | -0.2 Chile | -0.1 | -0.2 | -0.2 | 1.0 | -0.4 | -0.3 | -0.7 Mexico | 0.1 | -0.1 | 0.0 | 0.1 | 0.3 | -0.1 | 0.2 Asia | -0.2 | -0.2 | -0.4 | 0.7 | -0.3 | -0.2 | -0.5 China | -0.2 | -0.2 | -0.4 | 0.4 | -0.2 | -0.1 | -0.3 India | -0.4 | -0.1 | -0.5 | 1.3 | -0.5 | -0.1 | -0.6 Indonesia | 0.5 | -0.4 | 0.1 | 1.0 | 1.0 | -0.4 | 0.6 Korea | -0.4 | -0.5 | -0.9 | 0.8 | -0.8 | -0.2 | -1.0 Malaysia | 0.2 | -0.4 | -0.2 | 1.0 | 0.5 | -0.5 | 0.0 Philippines | -0.5 | -0.3 | -0.8 | 0.8 | -0.7 | -0.3 | -1.0 Thailand | -0.4 | -0.5 | -0.9 | 0.4 | -1.0 | -0.5 | -1.5 Emerging Europe and Africa | 0.4 | -0.2 | 0.1 | 0.3 | 0.6 | -0.3 | 0.2 Pakistan | -0.4 | -0.1 | -0.5 | 0.4 | -0.8 | -0.2 | -1.0 Poland | -0.2 | -0.1 | -0.3 | 0.0 | -0.2 | -0.2 | -0.4 Russia | 1.0 | -0.3 | 0.7 | 0.0 | 2.1 | -0.3 | 1.8 South Africa | -0.2 | -0.2 | -0.4 | 1.2 | -0.6 | -0.3 | -0.9 Turkey | \--- | -0.2 | -0.2 | \--- | \--- | -0.3 | -0.3 Source: Staff estimates. 1The external shock is calculated by the Research Department and is the sum of two second round effects on the current account: a decline in exports due to a fall in global demand of 0.3 percent (assuming an export elasticity of two), and an increase in short-term debt payments, owing to the increase of world interest rates of 80 basis points, except for Asia where it is a scaled version of a similar exercise computed by APD. The first round effects on the current account are, on the whole, similar to those for growth. For all countries the external effects of the reduction in export demand and an increase in interest rates leads to a deterioration in the external accounts, although these effects tend to be much smaller than the first round effects, particularly for oil importers. Among the oil importing countries, the largest impact on GDP growth and the balance of payments is expected to be felt in India, Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, and Turkey. Both Pakistan and Turkey were already expected to run sizable current account deficits, and given the oil price increase their current account deficits are expected to worsen by a further ½ percent of GDP. The oil price hike generally benefits the six oil exporters in the sample, and the external current account position universally improves substantially. The impact on activity, however, is more ambiguous. Domestic demand and output can fall even in oil exporting countries, as the propensity to consume of oil producers within each economy is lower than the propensity to consume of oil consumers, and second round effects due to lower demand for exports and higher U.S. interest rates also slow activity. Overall, growth is projected to rise in Russia and Indonesia but to fall in Argentina, China, Mexico, and Malaysia. How do the above results compare with estimates by other analysts? Most of the work that has been published by other analysts has focused on measuring the direct effect of the oil price hike, and are generally consistent with Table 5.18 There are relatively few estimates of the impact on growth and inflation in developing economies. Recent work on the impact of the oil price rise in Asia by Deutsche Bank and Merrill Lynch, like the staff estimates, suggest relatively moderate effects. Oil Importing HIPC and CIS Countries While the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC countries) and transition economies account for only a small share of global GDP, many of them are among the most seriously affected by higher oil prices. Indeed, 30 of the 40 HIPC countries, and a majority of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries, are net oil importers. Most of these countries have very low per capita incomes, high level of oil imports relative to GDP, large current account deficits, high external debt, and very limited access to global capital markets.19 As Figure 6 shows, many HIPC countries, and to a lesser extent the transition countries, are clustered in the lower quadrant, indicating these countries are already running large current account deficits and will encounter a significant deterioration in that balance. In the absence of international assistance, the lack of access to private capital markets will likely make the impact of higher oil prices on output relatively large, as it will have to be met primarily through a reduction in domestic demand. The direct impact of higher oil prices on the HIPC and transition countries are set out in Table 6. To put the impact of the oil shock in perspective, note that the largest negative first round impact on the current account for the emerging market economies was 0.5 percent (the Philippines), while the average impact for the oil-importing HIPC and CIS economies is expected to be 0.8 percent and 1.7 percent, respectively. All of the CIS and several HIPC countries will be seriously affected, with trade balance deteriorating by more than 1 percent of GDP. With essentially no access to international capital markets, this could well lead to a sharp contraction in domestic demand.20 The first round impact on the current accounts of the HIPC and transition economies is about $0.7 billion for both groups. In terms of quotas, this is around one eighth of quota for the average oil-importing HIPC and one quarter of quota for an average oil-importing CIS country. OPEC Countries A $5 per barrel oil price hike is expected to raise the net trade balance of the OPEC countries by approximately $64 billion (7 percent of GDP); after allowing for the impact of lower global growth, the net trade balance would improve by 6.5 percent of GDP. All of these countries are expected to experience improvement of their current account balances of between 4 and 9 percent of GDP, with Iraq as the largest beneficiary (Table 7). Amongst the other countries, Venezuela stands to gain the least and Nigeria the most, reflecting the relative importance of oil in the economy. The impact of higher oil prices on growth and activity in oil producing countries will depend on a variety of factors, most importantly how these windfall oil revenues are spent.21 In many oil exporting countries, a significant proportion of higher oil revenues will accrue to the government (Table 8). The reaction of the government, in turn, is likely to depend on the underlying financial situation of the country. Saudi Arabia, which has traditionally been a net creditor, may choose to replenish reserves. The authorities may also decide to use some of the additional revenue to ease spending restraints adopted as oil prices declined. For other oil exporters that have in the past been net debtors, such as Mexico and Venezuela, a rise in oil prices would not only increase export earnings but could also lower external borrowing costs, assuming the higher oil prices would reduce the risk premia charged these countries as their future export earnings rose. Table 6. Selected HIPC and CIS Countries-Preliminary Estimates of First Round Effects of an Oil Price Increase and IMF Quotas First Round Effect1 --- (percent of GDP)2 | Millions of US $3 | (percent of IMF Quota)4 HIPC Countries5 | -0.8 | -653.3 | -13.4 Lao People\'s Dem.Rep | -2.2 | -36.4 | -71.8 Sao Tome & Principe | -2.1 | -1.0 | -10.3 Guyana | -2.0 | -18.5 | -15.7 Burundi | -1.8 | -13.6 | -13.6 Mauritania | -1.8 | -18.0 | -21.4 Mali | -1.3 | -32.9 | -27.2 Ghana | -1.1 | -66.7 | -13.9 Nicaragua | -1.0 | -23.2 | -13.8 Sierra Leone | -0.9 | -5.7 | -4.2 Senegal | -0.9 | -40.5 | -19.3 Kenya | -0.9 | -92.2 | -26.2 Ethiopia | -0.9 | -53.8 | -31.0 Honduras | -0.8 | -49.5 | -29.4 Madagascar | -0.8 | -31.6 | -19.9 Guinea-Bissau | -0.8 | -1.9 | -10.5 Benin | -0.6 | -15.4 | -19.1 Togo | -0.6 | -8.1 | -8.6 Rwanda | -0.5 | -10.5 | -10.1 Uganda | -0.4 | -26.2 | -11.2 Guinea | -0.4 | -13.1 | -9.4 Malawi | -0.4 | -8.8 | -9.8 Zambia | -0.4 | -13.7 | -2.2 Niger | -0.4 | -7.4 | -8.7 Central African Rep. | -0.3 | -3.4 | -4.8 Chad | -0.3 | -4.3 | -5.9 Mozambique | -0.3 | -11.6 | -7.8 Tanzania | -0.3 | -23.0 | -8.9 Cote D Ivoire | -0.2 | -19.5 | -4.6 Burkina Faso | -0.1 | -2.6 | -3.4 CIS Countries | -1.7 | -692.1 | -24.2 Moldova | -3.6 | -48.9 | -30.6 Mongolia | -1.9 | -19.9 | -30.0 Kyrgyz Republic | -1.7 | -22.3 | -19.4 Belarus | -1.6 | -170.0 | -33.9 Ukraine | -1.4 | -390.0 | -21.9 Tajikistan | -1.4 | -15.8 | -14.0 Armenia | -1.3 | -25.1 | -21.0 Table 7. OPEC - Preliminary Estimates of First Round Effects of an Oil Price Increase and Global Slowdown Effect _(current account as a percent of GDP)_ First Round1 | Global Slowdown2 ---|--- Venezuela | 4.0 | -0.2 U.A.E. | 5.6 | -0.3 Libya | 5.8 | -0.2 Kuwait | 6.0 | -0.3 Algeria | 6.6 | -0.2 Saudi Arabia | 6.7 | -0.2 Qatar | 6.8 | -0.3 Nigeria | 8.7 | -0.3 Iraq | 13.0 | -0.4 1Computation is based on an increase of oil prices of $5 per barrel. 2Computation is based on a decline in exports due to a fall in global demand of 0.3 percent (from Multimod) assuming an export elasticity of 2. Both the baseline simulation reported above and the OECD simulations assume that oil-exporters would spend around 75 percent of their additional export revenues on imports after three years, in line with historical averages. However, this estimate could be on the high side and hence the increase in imports by major oil exporters could be underestimated. In the GCC countries, the completion of major infrastructure projects, greater government expenditure controls, and rising privatization receipts may well reduce the short run propensity to spend the additional revenues. More generally, the oil price rise is viewed by many as temporary, which may increase the desire to save the proceeds. Finally, countries that run down reserves in response to the oil price falls in 1997 and 1998 may use current revenue to rebuild external reserves and strengthen their fiscal positions, and there appears to be a determined effort by most oil exporters to avoid the boom-bust cycle of the past. C. Financial Markets An increase in the oil price, by affecting economic activity, corporate earnings, inflation and monetary policy has implications for asset prices and financial markets. Table 8. Selected Oil-Exporting Developing and Transition Countries: First- Year Impact of a 20 Percent Increase in Oil Prices on Public Sector Revenues1 1998-99 Averages --- Fiscal Position Oil revenue as a percent of total public sector revenue | Overall balance (percent of GDP) | Estimated impact on government revenue (percent of GDP) Africa Algeria2 | 58.4 | -2.2 | 4.6 Angola | 78.8 | -14.1 | 8.5 Cameroon | 23.3 | -1.2 | 0.6 Congo, Rep. of | 64.2 | -12.9 | 3.2 Gabon | 49.9 | -12.8 | 2.8 Nigeria | 75.7 | -7.5 | 8.2 Asia Brunei Darussalam | 77.3 | -26.8 | 4.4 Middle East and Europe Bahrain | 51.5 | -4.8 | 1.7 Egypt | 7.1 | -3.3 | 0.2 Iran | 41.0 | -2.8 | 4.8 Kuwait | 58.5 | 7.0 | 3.2 Oman | 69.6 | -2.1 | 2.6 Qatar | 69.8 | -2.8 | 2.4 Saudi Arabia | 63.9 | -8.4 | 2.7 Syrian Arab Rep. | 43.4 | -0.5 | 1.4 Western Hemisphere Mexico | 34.4 | -1.1 | 0.4 Trinidad and Tobago | 11.2 | -0.6 | 0.4 Venezuela | 69.9 | -2.5 | 1.8 Countries in Transition Azerbaijan | 10.3 | -4.3 | 0.4 Kazakhstan | 2.4 | -6.5 | 2.4 Russia | 7.4 | -5.7 | 0.6 Source: IMF staff estimates. 1Countries classified as fuel exporters in the World Economic Outlook. 2Hydrocarbon (incl. gas). The impact on financial markets in turn provides additional channels through which the oil price increase would affect economic variables. However, given cyclical developments in the world economy, it is unclear to what extent the recent increase in the oil price has been directly responsible for the recent turbulence in advanced country financial markets and movements in currency markets. In the case of oil importing emerging markets, however, there have been noticeable adverse effects across a range of financial and currency markets, which appear directly linked to oil market developments, while risk premia on external debt of most oil exporters have declined significantly. In equity markets, an increase in oil prices would be expected to lead initially to a weakening in the earnings of firms producing energy intensive output and in their market valuations. This would occur both through higher production costs, which would be particularly severe in the traditional manufacturing and transportation companies, as well as through the slowdown in demand. Subsequently, if the oil price rise were deemed to be permanent, there would be adjustment costs entailed in changing the input mix, with substitution away from oil. There is evidence that in both industrial and emerging countries there have been adverse effects of higher energy prices on production costs and corporate earnings. Until the beginning of this year, however, these effects were masked by cyclical upturns, increasing business and investor confidence, rising profit margins, and in the case of the Asian countries, sharp recoveries from the downturns in the preceding years. Thus in the first year or so following the rebound in oil prices (mainly in 1999) global equity markets appeared to be rising almost in tandem with the rise in oil prices (Figure 7a and 7b).22 Since then, there has been a sharp sell-off in global equity markets, particularly in the technology sectors, and a significant increase in volatility in these markets. There are clear indications that the increase in oil prices has had an adverse effect on equity markets by affecting the pace of activity and corporate earnings, as well as confidence. Nevertheless, it is important to note that the sell-off in equity markets reflects a number of other developments. The most important of these is a sharp scaling back of earnings expectations and a more realistic assessment of growth prospects of companies, particularly in the technology sector, which is largely independent of developments in oil prices. More narrowly, there have been concerns about the operations of companies in the telecom sector, which appear to have overextended themselves, leading to spill-over effects in the rest of the technology sector. Another important and related factor has been the tightening in monetary policy in the United States and also in Europe, with spill-overs effects globally. Although some of the tightening has been clearly in response to concerns about rising inflation and inflationary expectations due to the increase in oil prices, in the United States at least it also reflects growth above potential and tight labor markets. The effect of the oil price rise in the fixed income markets has been relatively limited, and in some cases has been offset by other developments. This reflects, in particular, the evidence that the effect of the oil price hike on inflation has been relatively muted. An assessment of inflation indexed bonds in the major countries suggests that expectations of inflation, after increasing markedly last year, have stabilized or even eased (Figure 8). Government bond yields, after rising last year by about 75 to 100 basis points, have fallen back this year, partly reflecting the government debt buybacks mainly in the United States. It is also possible that the surpluses by oil exporters have been invested in the government bond markets, leading to the downward pressures on yields (Figure 9a). At the shorter end of the yield curves, there has been an increase, reflecting both the tightening monetary stance as well as the increase in inflation. ![\\"\\"](\\"figure7a.gif\\") ![\\"\\"](\\"figure7b.gif\\") ![\\"\\"](\\"figure8.gif\\") ![\\"\\"](\\"figure9a.gif\\") In the case of oil importing emerging markets, yields on local currency denominated debt have increased somewhat more than the increase in yields in industrial countries. This reflects in part the larger impact on inflation, given the greater energy intensity in emerging markets, but may also reflect uncertainties about the monetary response. Spreads on hard currency debt have also increased somewhat over the past year, and reflect some waning in external investor confidence in the prospects of these economies which may be related in part to higher oil prices (Figure 9b). In the case of major oil exporting emerging markets, particularly Russia, there has been a significant decline in spreads reflecting improving external and fiscal balances. Finally, in currency markets it has been suggested that the desire to invest the proceeds of oil exporters in U.S. dollar denominated assets, and increased transactions demand for dollars in which oil is priced, have meant that higher oil prices are associated with a stronger value of the U.S. dollar. A recent study suggests that higher oil prices are positive for the U.S. dollar exchange rate and have exacerbated the downward pressures on the euro.23 While there are a variety of other factors underlying the configuration of the G3 currency rates, it is possible that in the recent period higher oil prices have had some effect on the G3 currencies. It should be noted, however, that the value of the Japanese yen has continued to be high against the euro, even though Japan\'s dependence on oil is similar to that of the euro area. The currencies of several emerging markets have recently come under pressure as oil import bills have increased, and there has been some slackening in the flow of portfolio capital and direct investment. However, the pressure on currencies has been exacerbated by a variety of economic and political factors unrelated to developments in the oil market. ### IV. Conclusions and Policy Implications For much of the period since the October 2000 World Economic Outlook was completed, oil prices have averaged $5 per barrel higher than assumed in that exercise. A sustained oil price increase of that size would imply a permanent transfer of about ¼ percent of GDP from global oil importers to oil exporters, relative to the WEO baseline, with additional transfers of income from oil consumers to oil producers within countries. Such a terms of trade shock would affect the global economy through supply and demand effects as well as via second-round effects on inflation, for example, through higher wage claims. This in turn would affect the extent to which central banks raise interest rates to offset inflationary pressures, and therefore the impact of the oil price increase on real activity. The impact on asset prices and financial markets would provide additional channels. As simulations in Section 2 indicate, the size of the impact on demand and activity depends critically on these factors. While it is still too early to make a final judgment, the latest data suggest that the impact on core inflation in advanced countries has been relatively modest to date and there is little sign of feed through into wage claims. Although there has been a decline in consumer and business confidence, they so far remain relatively strong and although stock prices have fallen, the decline appears to be much more due to non-oil related factors. On the other hand, however, there are signs that expenditure by oil producing countries may be lower than the staff\'s model suggests, which would tend to increase the adverse effects on global growth, and the impact of higher prices of other fuels-notably gas- also needs to be taken into account. Overall, were oil prices in 2001 to be $5/barrel higher than anticipated in the WEO baseline, the overall impact on global growth would likely be of the order of ¼ percent in terms of yearly average growth, with the effects concentrated in 2001\. If oil prices were to fall back-as the most recent futures market data suggest-the $5/barrel shock would be temporary rather than permanent in nature, and the impact on activity therefore reduced. ![\\"\\"](\\"figure9b.gif\\") In developing countries, the impact of a sustained $5/barrel oil price increase would vary widely across countries. It would be the largest in Asia, where there are relatively few oil producers. Given current account surpluses or small deficits in many of these countries, balance of payments are not in most cases a concern, but there would be an unwelcome brake on activity in present circumstances. The impact would generally be smaller in the Latin American countries, while many of the HIPC and several CIS economies would be quite seriously affected. With regard to policy implications, as experience in previous oil shocks shows (see Annex), monetary policy in advanced countries will need to prevent second round price effects. This will help ensure that there is only a price level effect, but not a continuing impact on the rate of inflation. This is likely to be helped at the current juncture by generally greater flexibility of labor markets in most advanced countries. The underlying fiscal stance should in general remain broadly unchanged, although automatic stabilizers can play a role in supporting activity. On the microeconomic side, any adjustment of taxes on gasoline and other petroleum products would need to be considered in terms of what is appropriate from the overall fiscal and macroeconomic situation. If the oil price increase appears to be temporary, there would appear to be little merit in adjusting taxes. However, if prices remain, or are expected to remain, at a higher level and ad valorem taxes generate revenue increases greater than required for fiscal policy considerations, there is bound to be some rethinking of the best use of the revenue windfall. The appropriate strategy will depend upon the tax structure of the country concerned. The macroeconomic policy implications for oil importing developing countries are similar to those for advanced economies in terms of monetary policy and the fiscal response, with the appropriate macroeconomic response also depending upon the cyclical situation, existing policy stance, and exchange rate regime. Countries with fixed exchange rates will, of course, be unable to ease the impact on activity through a currency depreciation. Finally, it is particularly important that oil importing countries minimize budgetary costs by passing through the hike in oil prices onto administered energy prices, especially if there is a reduction in access to international capital markets, constraining the ability to use foreign borrowing to finance the deterioration in the external accounts. The major policy issue for oil-importing HIPC and CIS countries is their inability to cushion the impact of the terms-of-trade shock. This implies that, in the absence of additional concessional official finance, the adjustment to the oil price hike would need to come from a reduction in domestic demand relative to output. Such an adjustment would most probably require a combination of fiscal tightening and a depreciation in the real exchange rate. As long as an adequate policy response is implemented, there would be a strong case for additional international assistance to help cushion the short-term disruptions caused by an oil price hike that appear likely to be temporary. Unlike in oil-importing countries, the main policy issue in the major oil- exporters is ensuring that the fiscal and terms-of-trade benefits of higher oil prices do not lead to an excessively procyclical policy stance. Given the high volatility of oil prices, it is particularly important to ensure that government spending is not increased rapidly to levels which may become unsustainable if oil prices fall in the future. ### Annex: Lessons from the response of Advanced Economies to Previous Oil Price Hikes24 The rapid increase in oil prices over the past eighteen months is the fourth such episode in the past three decades (Figure A1). At the end of 1973, the first \"oil price shock\" triggered by production constraints agreed by OPEC brought a lengthy period of stable prices and market conditions to an abrupt end. Prices subsequently remained high in real terms, and the further reduction of OPEC production at the end of 1979 (in part because of the Iranian revolution) precipitated the second oil price shock. Although real oil prices fell somewhat through the early 1980s, these two shocks resulted in a fifteen-year period of historically high oil prices which ended at the beginning of 1986 when OPEC, or more specifically Saudi Arabia, abandoned production constraints. The third, and very temporary, spike in prices occurred in the second half of 1990 on fears of major supply disruption as a result of the Persian Gulf crisis. When these fears were not realized, prices soon fell back to their pre-crisis level. Looking at the economic conditions and policy responses surrounding earlier oil price shocks, the 1973/74 price rise came at a time of strong growth in the global economy which led to rising inflationary pressures (Figure A2). Real GDP in the G7 countries increased by 8½ percent (annualized) in the first half of 1973, with inflation in this period rising to 7 percent compared with 4 percent in 1972. Monetary and fiscal policies were already being tightened in response to these pressures: short-term nominal interest rates increased from 4½ percent on average in the G7 in 1972 to nearly 8 percent in 1973 (although the increase was much smaller in real terms), and there was also some improvement in general government structural balances (Figure A3). As a result, economic activity was probably already slowing-albeit from a very strong level-when the oil shock occurred. The direct terms of trade loss resulting from the 1973/74 oil price increase was equivalent to around 2½ percent of GDP in the OECD area (Table A1) and, combined with the earlier tightening of macroeconomic policies, led to an accelerating contraction in output throughout 1974 and the first half of 1975. Current account imbalances in the OECD area also became unevenly distributed among countries as a result of different rates of growth, inflation, and supply-side adjustment. To counter the contraction, fiscal policies were substantially eased-mainly in 1975 among the main industrialized countries (an exception was Germany, which eased in 1974). The monetary policy response was more varied across countries, however, and this was directly reflected in subsequent inflation experiences. Faced with the combination of falling output and rising inflation in 1974-1975, the United States, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, and Canada chose to reverse the earlier tightening of the monetary stance and to pursue generally accommodative policies. In the United States, for example, the Federal Funds rate, which had increased to around 12 percent in mid-1974, declined rapidly to under 6 percent in the first half of 1975, with real interest rates remaining close to zero for the rest of the 1970s. The expansionary policy stance in these countries may have contributed to the strong rebound of activity that began in the second half of 1975 and continued thereafter. Considering the usual policy lags, however, these policy measures may have added an excessive procyclical impulse, contributing to the inflation difficulties that followed and adding to the eventual costs of disinflation. For these countries, the main policy message from the first oil shock is that macroeconomic stimulus is not a viable substitute for real adjustment. ![\\"\\"](\\"figureA1.gif\\") ![\\"\\"](\\"figureA2.gif\\") ![\\"\\"](\\"figureA3.gif\\") Table A1. Impact of Nominal Oil Price Hikes (U.S.$, unless otherwise stated) Oil Prices | Direct Impact on Net Trade Balance of Advanced Countries ---|--- Episode | Pre-hike1 | Post-hike2 | Change | (U.S.$ Billions) | (% of GDP) 1973 to 1974 | 3.2 | 11.6 | 8.4 | -88 | -2.6 1978 to 1980 | 13.3 | 36.6 | 23.3 | -232 | -3.7 1989 to 1990 | 17.9 | 28.3 | 10.4 | -38 | -0.2 1999 to 2001 | 17.9 | 29.0 | 11.1 | -96 | -0.4 Source: IMF staff estimates. 1The average oil price in the first year of each episode. 2The average oil price in the last year of each episode, except for 1990 and 2001. For 1990, it is the average price for the second half of the year. For 2001, the price is projected using futures markets data. In contrast, Germany and Switzerland maintained the restrictive monetary policies that had been put in place before the oil shock hit. The inflation impact of the oil price rise was largely limited to the first round effect, and consumer price inflation returned to low single-digit levels in the second half of the 1970s. In Japan, easy monetary conditions in the early 1970s contributed to a surge in output and inflation in 1973\. In mid-1973, however, the Bank of Japan tightened monetary policy and maintained a firm anti- inflationary stance in response to the oil shock. Inflation rose to nearly 25 percent following the oil price rise, driven by the momentum that had already built up in the economy, combined with Japan\'s high dependence on imported oil, but then declined rapidly to around 4 percent by 1978. A further notable point regarding the first oil shock was the substantial rise in the labor share of national income in all G7 countries apart from the United States. Reflecting in part the widespread use of indexation mechanisms, wages reacted strongly to the oil price rise, while firms were unwilling or unable to pass along higher wages and non-wage labor costs into output prices. Profitability fell and financial difficulties in the corporate sector increased, leading to sharp declines in investment and stockbuilding that were major contributors to the fall in GDP in 1975. The 1979/80 oil price hike, which had a terms-of-trade impact on advanced countries around one percentage point of GDP larger than the first shock, occurred at a time when the advanced economies were growing at a more moderate pace compared with the lead-up to the previous shock. This was accompanied by higher unemployment and lower capacity utilization. Inflation, while still high in many countries, was generally declining rather than increasing as in 1973-with the notable exception of the United States where inflation pressures had been building even before the second oil shock hit. Compared with the first oil price shock, the policy response reflected macroeconomic concerns which focused more squarely on containing the inflation impact-including preventing a wage-price spiral and ensuring real wage adjustment. In the main industrial countries, short-term interest rates, which had already been rising prior to the oil price hike, were increased further in 1980 and 1981, with a cumulative average increase from 1979 to 1981 of 3½ percentage points. This monetary policy tightening restored positive real interest rates, which averaged around 2½ percent in the G7 in the early 1980s. (Figure A3). Fiscal policy was also tightened, with structural deficits in most of the advanced economies declining from 1979 to 1982. While actual budget deficits in the G7 increased by 2½ percentage points of GDP over this period, the cumulative discretionary tightening was around 1½ percentage points of GDP after taking into account the effect of automatic stabilizers and higher interest rates. Wage growth did not pick up as it did in the first crisis and, reflecting this, the share of labor costs in G7 national income was broadly stable in the early 1980s. The policy response to the increase in oil prices in the second half of 1990 followed the pattern of the 1979/80 period. The very short-lived nature of this increase, coupled with the declining role of oil in overall economic activity, also limited the impact on inflation. In particular, the industrial countries maintained non-accommodative monetary policies in order to curtail the inflation impact of the oil price rise. In the United States, for example, the Federal Funds rate increased immediately after the sharp oil price rise in August, before declining subsequently as the economy slowed. In Europe, the oil shock came on top of fiscal stimulus arising from the reunification of Germany. To stem the inflation risks arising from this combination of pressures, short-term interest rates in Germany, France, Italy, and the smaller euro area economies increased substantially between 1990 and 1991, rising further in 1992. While the general government structural balance deteriorated sharply in Germany between 1990 and 1991, structural deficits declined in all the other major industrial countries over this period (apart from Japan, which maintained an unchanged surplus). These policy responses contributed to a rapid decline in inflation in the G7 countries-consumer price inflation fell from 5 percent in 1990 to just over 4 percent in 1991 and 3 percent in 1992. In Japan and, to a lesser extent, the United Kingdom, the monetary tightening following the oil shock represented a delayed response to the asset price buildup of the late-1980s. The unwinding of these asset price pressures exacerbated the subsequent slowdown in these economies. Overall Policy Lessons The experience from the earlier large oil price hikes has shown that such increases, particularly when they turn out to be persistent, can significantly increase global inflationary pressures and reduce global demand and output growth, as the fall in aggregate demand in oil importers exceeds the rise in demand from oil exporters.25 These short-term effects die away, in part because the response of oil production and consumption to price changes rises significantly over time. However, there can also be more long-lived negative effects on activity associated with the losses in capital due to large changes in relative prices of inputs, as well as the impact of lagged increases in the prices of oil substitutes. The disruption caused by an oil price hike also depends on the state of the business cycle, the response of macroeconomic policies, and the flexibility of the underlying economies. Key lessons from the past are: * Monetary policy should not accommodate second-round impacts of oil price shocks. Indeed, it is important to take action to pre-empt the second-round effects of the consequent inflationary pressures. If the monetary authorities accommodate an oil price shock, the resulting increase in inflation tends to get incorporated into inflationary expectations, which become persistent and significantly raise the costs of the subsequent disinflation. * The underlying fiscal stance should remain broadly unchanged. Accommodating an oil price increase through expansion of the structural fiscal deficit has similar negative consequences as monetary accommodation, although automatic stabilizers can play a role in supporting activity. In particular, it is advisable for countries that administer domestic fuel prices to let oil price hikes feed through into domestic prices, rather than allow an increase in the underlying fiscal deficit. * Greater flexibility of markets-in particular labor markets-can reduce the costs of an oil price hike on activity. In 1979, the high degree of real wage flexibility in Japan contributed to the relative stability of employment and output in response to an oil price shock. Non-market solutions, such as quantitative restrictions, should be avoided. * Exceptionally low oil prices may also produce undesirable results. A period of very low prices may lead to reduced investment in such areas as oil exploration, refining capacity, and distribution systems, as well as energy-saving technology-potentially increasing subsequent price volatility and uncertainty if supplies of oil and refined products do not keep pace with rising demand. Many of these lessons have already been reflected in the functioning of the global economy. In particular, monetary authorities have become more independent and have been given clear mandates to maintain price stability, while continuing structural policy initiatives have made economies more flexible. In addition, the oil intensity of production-particularly in the advanced economies-is lower than in the past, partly due to the impact of previous oil price hikes on technology, and several advanced countries are now significant oil exporters. Consequently, the oil price increase required to provide a terms-of-trade impact on advanced countries of the size seen in 1973/74 or 1979 would be very large-a price rise of over $50 per barrel. As far as taxes on petroleum products are concerned, such taxes are an important source of revenue in most advanced countries, but vary widely across countries and over time. The oil price hikes of the 1970s led to falls in effective tax rates as specific excise taxes on petroleum products were not altered. Since the mid-1980s, however, taxes have tended to increase.26 Any adjustment of taxes on gasoline and other petroleum products would need to be considered in terms of what is appropriate from the overall fiscal and macroeconomic situation. If the oil price increase appears to be of short duration, there would appear to be little merit in adjusting taxes. However, if prices remain, or are expected to remain, at a higher level and ad valorem taxes generate revenue increases greater than required for fiscal policy considerations, there is bound to be some rethinking of the best use of the revenue windfall. The appropriate strategy will depend upon the tax structure of the country concerned. Particularly for countries that have regulated prices, a full pass through of the oil price increase would generally be appropriate, if consistent with the overall macroeconomic and fiscal situation of the country. Box 1. Natural Gas and Other Non-Oil Energy Sources Over the past twenty-five years there has been a substantial increase in the share of natural gas in global energy consumption, mainly at the expense of petroleum. The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that the share of natural gas in total primary energy consumption increased from 16 percent in 1973 to 20 percent in 1998, while the share of petroleum has declined from 47 percent to 37 percent. The share of hydro and nuclear energy increased from 3 percent to 9 percent and that of coal has remained roughly constant at about 23 percent. Both natural gas and coal are typically less expensive per unit of energy than petroleum, but they both have some characteristics that limit their use and define their markets. While petroleum is mainly transported by sea, it can be internationally traded without restriction other than the cost of transport. Natural gas is most easily transported by pipeline and this favors its consumption in areas that are in geographical proximity to producers. Rising environmental concerns favor the increased consumption of natural gas. Both oil spills and nuclear leaks, and carbon dioxide emissions from coal have become serious environmental threats that reduce the appeal of these energy sources. The price of natural gas moves in close tandem with the price of petroleum, albeit usually with some lag, and, as a result, in 2000 there has been a substantial shift in the terms of trade in favor of natural gas producers at the expense of natural gas consumers. Changes in the price of coal tend to be slow because of the prevalence of longer-term supply and purchase commitments in this market. Reflecting the lower price of natural gas per unit of energy and its lower share of the world energy market, the estimated value of world primary consumption of natural gas in 2000 is about one third of the estimated valued of primary consumption of petroleum.1 In addition, partly because of the cost of infrastructure to provide transportation of gas from source to users, a lower proportion of world production of natural gas enters international trade. Thus export receipts and imports bills for natural gas are considerably lower than those for oil, although there may still be significant effects within countries as the shift in income from oil consumers to oil producers reduces aggregate demand. An increase of $1 per million BTUs, an amount roughly equivalent to a $5 increase in the price of oil, would provide an increase in global earnings to natural gas exporting countries of about $17 billion; this compares with the increase to oil exporting countries of $65 billion for a $5 per barrel. Although globally the amounts for natural gas are much lower than those for petroleum, for many individual countries these amounts are very large. Russia alone provides nearly 40 percent of world exports of natural gas, which provides 20 percent of its export earnings. Canada ranks second with about 15 percent of world net exports but only 3 percent of its export earnings. Algeria provides 12 percent of the world total and receives about 30 percent of its export earnings from this commodity. 1In this calculation one price is used globally for each commodity. The price for natural gas is $3.45 per Mbtu, which is the Fund\'s baseline price for natural gas (Russian gas delivered in Germany). The price for petroleum is $29 per barrel, which is the Fund\'s baseline petroleum spot price (U.K. Brent, West Texas Intermediate, and Dubai). --- Box 2. Counterfactual Simulation: The Impact of Recent Oil Price Fluctuations on the World Economy Following the conclusion of the Gulf War, oil prices enjoyed a period of relative stability, averaging around $20 per barrel until early-1998. Since that time, however, the oil price has become much more volatile, ranging between $11 per barrel in early 1999, and $35 per barrel in September 2000. As oil prices are now about $5 per barrel higher than assumed in the latest WEO baseline, the analysis in this paper has focused primarily on the impact of this change. However, it is also useful to examine the impact of the past movements in oil prices on the global economy. To this end, MULTIMOD was used to generate a counterfactual scenario in which oil prices were assumed to remain constant at U.S. $20 barrel from mid-1997. That simulation was then compared with simulations using the actual/estimated outturn for oil prices during 1998-2002.1 The main results of this comparison are as follows: * The low level of oil prices in 1998 and 1999 helped reduce core inflation and support growth by allowing monetary policy in the major advanced economies to be less restrictive than otherwise. The boost to real domestic demand in the advanced economies also helped to raise real GDP in the developing world, although real demand fell there due to terms-of-trade effects. This overall result has to be tempered by the recognition that most of the crisis economies in Asia are oil importers that would have benefited from lower oil prices. * In 2000, the increase in oil prices is estimated to have reduced growth and raised inflation, causing monetary policy in advanced economies to be tighter than in the counterfactual. These simulations also suggest that if oil prices remain close to the path currently envisioned in futures markets for a sustained period of time, the impact on growth in 2001-02 will be greater than the benefits to activity over 1998-99. It should be noted that the impact on industrial countries in this scenario is larger than in the baseline scenario, as the assumed oil price of U.S. $20 per barrel is significantly below that assumed in the latest World Economic Outlook and hence in the baseline scenario. Overall, these results suggest that oil price fluctuations provided some support for activity during the 1998-99 slowdown, moderated global growth in 2000 when it moved above its long-term trend, and are estimated to have a continued dampening effect on world output in 2001and 2002. Table B2. Impact of Oil Price Variability: Counterfactual Scenario _(Percent deviation from artificial baseline where oil prices remain stable at $20 a barrel)_ | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 ---|---|---|---|--- World GDP | 0.1 | 0.2 | -0.2 | -0.6 | -0.5 Industrial Countries Real GDP | 0.1 | 0.2 | -0.2 | -0.6 | -0.5 Real Domestic Demand | 0.2 | 0.3 | -0.3 | -0.7 | -0.5 Core Inflation | -0.3 | -0.3 | 0.5 | 0.7 | 0.4 CPI Inflation | -1.3 | 0.2 | 1.9 | 0.8 | 0.1 Short-term Interest Rate | -0.7 | -0.5 | 1.2 | 1.4 | 0.5 Developing Countries Real GDP | 0.1 | 0.1 | -0.1 | -0.3 | -0.3 Domestic Demand | -0.5 | 0.0 | 0.2 | -0.1 | -0.2 1Because MULTIMOD embodies forward-looking expectations, the projected future path for oil prices has important implications in this experiment. Consequently, WEO projections of the path of future oil prices made in 1998 were used to obtain the simulation results for that year, and similarly for 1999 and 2000. Footnotes 1Prepared by a staff team consisting of David Robinson, Tamim Bayoumi, Manmohan S. Kumar, Peter Isard, Maitland MacFarlan, Hali Edison, Blair Rourke, Benjamin Hunt, and Ximena Cheetham. 2The Fund\'s reference price is a simple average of the three main crude oils-U.K. Brent, Dubai, and West Texas Intermediate. 3The WEO assumption was based on futures prices as of mid-May, 2000; the assumed price was $26.53 in 2000 and $23.00 in 2001. The staff generally does not revise the commodity price assumptions unless there is a sustained price change of over 10 percent, which did not occur until late August. 4See Chapter II, \"Current Issues in the World Economy,\" October 2000, World Economic Outlook. 5An exception was the early part of the 1996/97 winter when stocks of heating oil fell to low levels. These stocks were replenished in early 1997. 6OPEC accounts for about 60 percent of world trade and 40 percent of world production. Non-OPEC producers normally produce at or near capacity and development of new capacity through investment expenditures takes time before fresh supplies become available. 7Lower oil prices in 1997 - early 1999 contributed to lower expenditures on oil exploration and production, which may in turn have contributed to the ensuing rise in prices in 1999-2000. 8The price for the OPEC reference basket is generally about 50 cents per barrel (2 percent) below the Fund\'s indicator spot price. 9The statements by OPEC officials at this time brought into question the group\'s commitment to the \"automatic\" mechanism to defend the upper end of the $22-28 \"price range.\" The cautious stance of OPEC is probably related to a perception that it may be more difficult to reduce production targets than to increase them. 10Oil distribution companies claim that the differences in state specifications for gasoline make for difficulties in moving supplies from state to state in the event of a short term supply disruption such as a refinery or weather related problems or a localized surge in demand. 11As can be seen in Table 1, there is transfer of income from oil importers to oil exporters of $65 billion (0.2 percent of global GDP). The net transfer from advanced countries is around $50 billion (0.2 percent of their GDP), with about two-thirds accruing to the Middle East (almost 6 percent of regional GDP). Africa and the Western Hemisphere also gain somewhat, while developing Asia faces a net loss of income of 0.2 percent of GDP. 12As MULTIMOD incorporates future expectations, the results will tend to be larger for a permanent shock than a temporary one. However, the differences appear limited for realistic variations in the oil price assumption. Similar results were obtained from a simulation in which oil prices were assumed to rise by 20 percent for the first two years, and then slowly fall back to a permanent increase of 8 percent. 13MULTIMOD does not distinguish between intermediate and final goods; hence, the simulations rely on judgmental estimates of the extent to which a rise in the price of intermediate inputs reduces the amount of (potential) output that can be profitably supplied in the short run, given the existing capital stock. 14The MSG2 simulation incorporate the same permanent 20 percent price increase as the baseline scenario while the OECD simulation has a temporary shock in which the increase in the oil price averages about 18 percent over the first two years. Comparisons with estimates of effects of oil price increases from other sources are difficult due partly to differences in the time profiles of the assumed shocks. Estimates by the World Bank of a scenario in which oil prices rise by 50 percent in the first year and decline back to historical average levels by the third year indicate that industrial country GDP declines by 0.25 percent on average for two years, and CPI inflation increases by less than 0.2 percentage points (see \"The Impact of Oil Prices on Developing Countries-2000 and 2001,\" PREM Economic Policy and DEC Prospects Group, September 21, 2000). 15See Mark A. Hooker, \"Are Oil Shocks Inflationary? Asymmetric and Nonlinear Specifications versus Changes in Regime,\" working paper, Federal Reserve Board, December 1999. 16In addition, it is important that policy makers recognize that pass through may have fallen over time largely because monetary policy has become less accommodating in the face of deteriorations in the terms-of-trade. In this case, any attempt to exploit this new trade-off by loosening policy will simply result in greater pass through. 17These estimates are not based on MULTIMOD. 18The largest difference tends to be for the net oil exporters, probably reflecting the inclusion of gas exports for these countries in some instances. 19The World Economic Outlook has discussed the recent experiences of HIPC and CIS countries in some depth. See Chapter IV, \"How Can the Poorest Countries Catch Up?,\" May 2000 and Chapter III, \"Transition and Policy Issues,\" October 2000. 20In the past, oil importing CIS countries have financed external deficits in a disorderly manner through running arrears with Russian energy companies. Whether this will occur in the current environment is unclear. 21While it is beyond the scope of this paper to assess the impact of higher oil prices in individual oil producers, much will also depend on the degree of diversification of the economy. In those countries in which oil dominates production, the expansionary impact of additional expenditures induced by higher oil prices will be quite small. 22It has also been suggested that some of the surpluses from oil exporting countries may have been invested in the major equity markets, offsetting to some extent the supply side effects. 23Goldman Sachs, \"Fears of a Global Hard Landing Starting to Recede\", November 2000. 24This Annex is largely based on OECD and IMF analyses of the impact of previous oil shocks-as presented, for example, in various issues of the OECD\'s Economic Outlook and the World Economic Outlook of the IMF. 25A similar effect also appears to occur across firms within countries, with the proportionate fall in demand in industries that lose revenue exceeding the increase in demand of industries whose revenues increase. This is important for oil producers with diversified economies such as the United Kingdom. 26Apart from raising revenues at relatively low administrative cost, taxes are levied on petroleum products for a variety of reasons: to ease congestion, to reduce pollution and environmental damage, and to recover costs of maintaining and building roads. * Home * What\'s New * Site Map * Site Index * About the IMF * Research * Country Info * News * Videos * Data and Statistics * Publications * Copyright and Usage * Privacy Policy * How to Contact Us * عربي * 中文 * Français * 日本語 * Русский * Español
Look at the hand of Congress with the patriots are these Congress people or patriots listen to what no one has been able to show till now Amar Akash News Agra
..Which Indian freedom fighter inspires you the most and why? All related (60) Sort Recommended ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-343347016-50-jhiwlwztjtepjxlzwdyuapncekgayqsh.jpeg\\") Madhusudan Kumar Civil to Civil! · Author has 62 answers and 1.5M answer views · Updated 6y I will mention one such name. And I expect from you readers to identify her(especially from History lovers.) Let’s read about her:- SHE:- 1. She was a talented girl. A Very intelligent student. 2. In intermediate she was a topper. 3. she graduated in Philosophy with a distinction. 4. She joined a school as the headmistress at very young age. 5. Being of a valorous nature she decided to join the Indian independence movement. 6. She joined a revolutionary group where women were not allowed but seeing her courage and knowledge, Surya Sen( One of beloved revolutionaries) made her join the group. 7. Along with the revolutionar Continue Reading I will mention one such name. And I expect from you readers to identify her(especially from History lovers.) Let’s read about her:- SHE:- 1. She was a talented girl. A Very intelligent student. 2. In intermediate she was a topper. 3. she graduated in Philosophy with a distinction. 4. She joined a school as the headmistress at very young age. 5. Being of a valorous nature she decided to join the Indian independence movement. 6. She joined a revolutionary group where women were not allowed but seeing her courage and knowledge, Surya Sen( One of beloved revolutionaries) made her join the group. 7. Along with the revolutionary group of Surya Sen, She took part in many raids like attacks on the Telephone & Telegraph office and police stations. 8. In the Jalalabad battle, she took the responsibility to supply explosives to the revolutionaries. 9. In 1932, Surya Sen planned to attack the European Club which had a signboard that read \"Dogs and Indians not allowed\". 10. Surya Sen appointed her as the leader for this mission. 11. They decided to attack the club on 23 September 1932. 12. The members of the group were given potassium cyanide and were told to swallow it if they were caught. 13. On the day of the attack, She dressed herself as a Punjabi male. (WOW)! 14. The whole group reached the club at around 10:45 PM and launched their attack. 15. There were around 40 people inside the club then. 16. The revolutionaries divided themselves into three separate groups for the attack. 17. In the club, a few police officers who had revolvers started shooting. 18. She incurred a single bullet wound. 19. According to the police report, in this attack, one woman with a surname of Sullivan died and four men and seven women were injured. 20. She was injured and was trapped by the British police. 21. She swallowed cyanide to avoid getting arrested. 22. The next day, the police found her body and identified her. 23. On searching her dead body, the police found a few leaflets, photograph of Ramkrishna Biswas, bullets, whistle and the draft of their plan of attack. 24. During the post-mortem it was found that the bullet injury was not very serious and that cyanide poisoning was the cause of her death. Have you guessed her name? No? She was only 21 years of old and sacrificed herself for her motherland’s freedom. She was born in 1911 and died in 1932. And she was:- Pritilata Waddedar (Known for:- Pahartali European Club attack (1932) ) ![](\\" qimg-d05ce25bd7d7a8878abc612ccbc68965-lq\\") In her age we are busy in chatting on Facebook, Insta, Whatsapp and sometimes scrolling Quora uselessly(being addicted of it) . Seems, we don’t have any goal and purpose in life. But when I read about such valorous freedom fighters I get goosebumps and get inspired. * * * We all know about Khudiram Bose(of age 18), Prafulla Chakki(of age 20) who did sacrificed themselves. But I mentioned only Pritilata Waddedar because many of you might not have read about her. Jai hind! Thanks! You can read more about her on Wikipedia:- Pritilata Waddedar - Wikipedia Upvote · 999157 97 91 Related questions More answers below Which freedom fighter inspired you, and why? Which Indian freedom fighter do you idealize most? Why? Which values and ethics do you learn from him/her What is the most inspirational story from a freedom (India) fighters\' life? Who is your favourite Indian freedom fighter? Why do I admire Bhagat Singh? ![\\"Profile](\\" Hektor Gonsalvo Freelancer · Author has 54 answers and 76.4K answer views · 6y Although I have massive respect for all the freedom fighters, the one which stands out to me among all of them is Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. ![](\\" qimg-d51fca12c7562a7736ae76cec17443d9-lq\\") This man was not only the possessor of extreme valour and strength, he also had the power to lobby magnificiently. * He lobbied all over the world to gather support for India\'s freedom movement * Started the Azad Hind Fauj which was ahead of its time. He thought of women to be essential to be in this force as they could easily go unsuspected and gain important intel. * Collected large amoung of funds from NRIs during his campaign. His speeches would leave even th Continue Reading Although I have massive respect for all the freedom fighters, the one which stands out to me among all of them is Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. ![](\\" qimg-d51fca12c7562a7736ae76cec17443d9-lq\\") This man was not only the possessor of extreme valour and strength, he also had the power to lobby magnificiently. * He lobbied all over the world to gather support for India\'s freedom movement * Started the Azad Hind Fauj which was ahead of its time. He thought of women to be essential to be in this force as they could easily go unsuspected and gain important intel. * Collected large amoung of funds from NRIs during his campaign. His speeches would leave even the smartest person awestruck. * Tried to unite with Axis powers so as to weaken the British rule. Had the British not been weakened enough to leave its colonies, we might have been still under British rule. * Wrote extensively to big names during that time including the Japanese leaders, German army chiefs and the megalomaniac Hitler himself. * He is said to have gone into hiding after India\'s independence. The government is still under pressure to unravel this controversy. * Overall, he was a great philosopher, an empowering figure, an influential personality but a bad tactician. But a man can only do so much. Try to read some of his speeches and you will realize what all our ancestors have sacrificed for us to breath in this air of independence. As Netaji rightly said “Freedom is not given, it is taken.” Jai Hind! Swatantrata Divas Ki Shubhkamnaein! Upvote · 9917 ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-9462016-50-onooxtymqjmellbnczlyuavsiykflwfx.jpeg\\") Suryateja Mallavarapu IAS IAS,2020 batch | AIR 76, UPSC CSE 2019 · 4y I’m inspired the most by Kanneganti Surya Narayana Chowdary ![](\\" qimg-4efa3e0bee4e7beadddbf05c030d8b13-lq\\") Why? Because I bear his name. I’m named Surya upon his name. He is my great great grandfather. He was Born on December 7, 1896 in Nandivelugu village near Tenali in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh. He is a fearless fighter who spent seven and half years in jail fighting the British raj. An extremist turned Gandhian, he was part of Tenali bomb conspiracy and blowing up of the Chennai- Vijayawada railway line during freedom struggle. Influenced by Mahatma Gandhi, he left college to join freedom struggle. He turned Gandhian. He practiced Continue Reading I’m inspired the most by Kanneganti Surya Narayana Chowdary ![](\\" qimg-4efa3e0bee4e7beadddbf05c030d8b13-lq\\") Why? Because I bear his name. I’m named Surya upon his name. He is my great great grandfather. He was Born on December 7, 1896 in Nandivelugu village near Tenali in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh. He is a fearless fighter who spent seven and half years in jail fighting the British raj. An extremist turned Gandhian, he was part of Tenali bomb conspiracy and blowing up of the Chennai- Vijayawada railway line during freedom struggle. Influenced by Mahatma Gandhi, he left college to join freedom struggle. He turned Gandhian. He practiced what he preached. Encouraged women education by educating all his five grand daughters. One among them is my grandmother, Kamala Kumari. She served as deputy director in women and child welfare department. He sent his only grandson to the Indian Army. Although coming from a dominant caste in coastal Andhra, he took up the cause of scheduled castes and undertook temple entry movement for all. He was jailed for fighting along with tribals in Pullela Udyamam in Kadapa demanding forest rights for tribals. He fought for rights of political prisoners while lodged in Vellore jail. C Rajagopalachari, who was his jail mate mentioned it in his jail chronicles. Impressed with his selfless service, Gandhi himself appreciated his efforts. He was made member of All India congress committee, the highest decision making body of the congress during freedom struggle. Even after Independence, he marched along with Vinobha Bhave in Bhoodan movement. Also, served as the Guntur Zilla parishad chairman and president of freedom fighters’ association. He and his wife, Durgamma were both awarded Tamra Patram each by the President of India on August 15, 1972 as part of 25th Independence Day celebrations. He breathed his last on March 13, 1990. I was born two years later in 1992. Today while I write this in September, 2020, it’s been only a month since I cleared the Indian Civil service examination 2019 with All India 76th Rank. It’s also the highest rank from Andhra Pradesh State this year. To think of this man, inspires me to do selfless service. Upvote · 9956 92 92 ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-46570116-50-swndkodzndmcxqgjcghlzlhzfhqsquof.jpeg\\") Vamsi Krishna Namala An Indigenous Indian · Author has 262 answers and 4M answer views · Updated 7y Bhagat Singh ! A synonym for Bravery, Patriotism and Revolution !! ![](\\" qimg-d2ad7407377943bff0f394807d9bb0cb.webp\\") Well, How many of you know at least a bit about him & his sacrifice !? A charismatic Indian socialist revolutionary whose two acts of dramatic violence against the British in India and execution at age 23 made him a folk hero of the Indian independence movement. He gave up studies, marriage, family, religion and everything he had ! A 23 year old who sacrificed his entire life for this incredible nation ! This is called Nationalism. All what for ? You say “Independence” !? It’s not just independence dear. Independence is just a first ste Continue Reading Bhagat Singh ! A synonym for Bravery, Patriotism and Revolution !! ![](\\" qimg-d2ad7407377943bff0f394807d9bb0cb.webp\\") Well, How many of you know at least a bit about him & his sacrifice !? A charismatic Indian socialist revolutionary whose two acts of dramatic violence against the British in India and execution at age 23 made him a folk hero of the Indian independence movement. He gave up studies, marriage, family, religion and everything he had ! A 23 year old who sacrificed his entire life for this incredible nation ! This is called Nationalism. All what for ? You say “Independence” !? It’s not just independence dear. Independence is just a first step ! Independence is not transferring power from British to a handful of rich and powerful Indians ! He wanted to give freedom for the rights of every common man ! His aim is to build a nation, which guarantees equal rights to all in society ! A society that doesn’t discriminate in the grounds of religion ! A nation that doesn’t tolerate the exploitation of man by man ! He struggled for a nation not just for independence, but also for a corrupt free, non-exploitative and communal free society. His aim is to build a socialist society ! ![](\\" qimg-f62f4658d3ad3cf22d3f31dfd59a26af.webp\\") He dreamt of a smiling death. He dreamt of his death inspiring many youth of the country to plunge into the battle for freedom without fear. A great nation of an equal society free from exploitation ! A secular nation in which people share all the resources with equality ! Where Hindus & Muslims don’t kill each other over temples and mosques and where every religion and sections happily co-exist ! A dream of a genuinely secular society ! Then, India will be great !! * * * A million petitions and requests came to British generals and some letters even signed in blood to stop their hangings, for which they contacted a popular non violent leader of the nation. That popular non violent leader would have stopped him from his hanging. But, he didn’t. He even signed the approval from British generals, for hanging him and his friends to end their era. How bad is that ! :( Because, Bhagat Singh’s popularity was raising day by day among the people of the nation and he is grabbing all the attention with his methods and revolutionary thoughts. They don’t want that to happen as congress will lose its power, if he becomes the hero among the people, post independence ! Unfortunately, due to some dirty politics played by those popular non violent leaders, he have selflessly sacrificed his life along with his friends Sukhdev, Rajguru and Chandra Sekhar Azad ! ![](\\" qimg-389c9104a901c7732f1c6399a8eb1821.webp\\") They are the real freedom fighters, but not the cunning wolves who roamed around in the mask of peace and non violence for fame and enjoyed​ the whole piece of credit in their names​ ! We could have got our Independence way back with leaders like Bhagat Singh ! But, some selfish people don’t let it happen, who are in thirst of name and power ! A big Shame on such leaders who indirectly murdered the real fighters and the people who support them ! And we keep giving them famous names like f*th*r of the nation and Ch*cha ! Wah ! Now, you got to know my dear, why India is still a developing nation, even after so called Independence !? * * * What are we doing at his age ? Probably running behind the so called busy 9 to 6 lives ! Probably posting statuses on facebook and changing DPs in whatsapp on Independence day and Republic day ! For some people, probably twice a year they become patriotic on these two days and forget it in the rest of days ! After that, they don’t even care to pick a flag lying on the road in filthy conditions ! You need not die for the country. At least show some respect towards the flag ! ![](\\" qimg-3c94795c446df7758b5b05347fe456ef.webp\\") Patriotism is a feeling, that comes from the core of heart, whatever the situation is ! Embrace that !! * * * Today, Indian Society is ravaged by the poison of fundamentalism, communal hatred, injustice and corruption ! Have we betrayed their sacrifice ? ![](\\" qimg-c597d8e5d26c0eba75e02c79f2f726b6-pjlq\\") If they come back & see the current society, they will really feel bad, thinking that is this the society they have expected and sacrificed their lives for !? Let\'s show some courtesy for their sacrifices and the real independence comes when their dreams come true ! Let’s work towards a nation that such freedom fighters have dreamt of and make their deaths atleast little worthy ! Inquilab Zindabad !! (Long live Revolution) Remember if you change nothing, Nothing will change ! _/\\_Radhe Radhe_/\\_ ![](\\" qimg-14ee13ceb73e30039a2e33009fa0edc3.webp\\") _/\\__/\\_R.I.P (Return If Possible) Bhagat Singh _/\\__/\\_ * * * Thanks for your time. Image Source : Google, YouTube, Wikipedia, blogs, The legend of Bhagat Singh movie, etc. Bhagat Singh - Wikipedia P.S : We spend hours watching crap movies from Bollywood. But, how many of us know that there is a movie called “The Legend of Bhagat Singh” from the same Bollywood !? Do spend some time when you are free and watch such good films. You will get to know how grateful you have to be for such freedom fighters ! P.S 2 : Before commenting something, know about the whole life of Bhagat Singh and then decide which freedom fighter you want to still support ! Upvote · 9956 9917 99 Related questions Which freedom fighter inspired you, and why? Which Indian freedom fighter do you idealize most? Why? Which values and ethics do you learn from him/her What is the most inspirational story from a freedom (India) fighters\' life? Who is your favourite Indian freedom fighter? Why do I admire Bhagat Singh? What inspires you about our glorious history and our freedom fighters? What is the most inspiring story from Mahatma Gandhi\'s life? Which are the negative points of Mahatma Gandhi? How do the lives and sacrifices of freedom fighters inspire and motivate people? Which qualities of our freedom fighters do you follow? What are the negatives and mistakes of Gandhi? What should we learn from Mahatma Gandhi? Which Indian freedom fighter had the most impact before independence? Who was the brave Indian freedom fighter? Who was the most badass Indian freedom fighter? Related questions Which freedom fighter inspired you, and why? Which Indian freedom fighter do you idealize most? Why? Which values and ethics do you learn from him/her What is the most inspirational story from a freedom (India) fighters\' life? Who is your favourite Indian freedom fighter? Why do I admire Bhagat Singh? What inspires you about our glorious history and our freedom fighters? Advertisement About · Careers · Privacy · Terms · Contact · Languages · Your Ad Choices · Press · © Quora, Inc. 2024
Scenes of Muslims brutally attacking a Christian and splitting his face in half in Manipur
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Download [419 KB] In this section / U.S. Government Policy and Engagement 1. Executive Summary 2. Section I. Religious Demography 3. Section II. Status of Government Respect for Religious Freedom 1. Legal Framework 2. Government Practices 1. Abuses Involving Violence, Detention, or Mass Resettlement 2. Abuses Limiting Religious Belief and Expression 3. Abuses Involving the Ability of Individuals to Engage in Religious Activities Alone or in Community with Others 4. Abuses Involving Discrimination or Unequal Treatment 5. Other Developments Affecting Religious Freedom 4. Section III. Status of Societal Respect for Religious Freedom 1. Abuses Involving Violence, Detention, or Mass Resettlement 2. Abuses Limiting Religious Belief and Expression 3. Abuses Involving the Ability of Individuals to Engage in Religious Activities Alone or in Community with Others 4. Abuses Involving Discrimination or Unequal Treatment 5. Other Developments Affecting Religious Freedom 5. Section IV. U.S. Government Policy and Engagement ## Executive Summary The constitution provides for freedom of conscience and the right of all individuals to freely profess, practice, and propagate religion; mandates a secular state; requires the state to treat all religions impartially; and prohibits discrimination based on religion. It also states citizens must practice their faith in a way that does not adversely affect public order, morality, or health. Ten of 28 states have laws restricting religious conversions for all faiths. Some of these states also impose penalties specifically against forced religious conversions for the purpose of marriage. During the year, some members of religious minority groups challenged the government’s ability and willingness to protect them from violence, investigate crimes against members of religious minority groups, and protect their freedom of religion or belief. In February, a crowd of 20,000 Christians gathered in New Delhi to protest increasing violence against them and request greater protections for the Christian community. In March, a group of 93 former senior civil servants wrote an open letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressing concerns regarding “continued harassment” of Christians in particular by government officials and political party leaders associated with the government. Christians and Muslims were arrested under laws banning forced religious conversions, which religious groups said in some cases were used to harass and imprison members of religious minority groups on false and fabricated charges or for lawful religious practices. In some cases, Christian groups said local police aided mobs that disrupted worship services over accusations of conversion activities or stood by while mobs attacked Christians and then arrested the victims on conversion charges. In December, Parliament approved new criminal laws that included provisions to criminalize making false promises and concealing one’s identity to sexually exploit a woman, including for marriage. Media commentators said the new laws could be used to punish Muslim men purportedly seeking to marry non-Muslim women to convert them to Islam. Opponents said the new laws were unnecessary and the strict penalties were out of line with lighter penalties given for more serious offenses. Prime Minister Modi reiterated calls to enact a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) at the national level as called for in the constitution instead of a system of separate personal laws for religious communities. Muslim, Sikh, Christian, and tribal leaders and some state government officials opposed the initiative on the grounds it was part of a project to turn the country into a “Hindu Rashtra” (a Hindu Nation). Some UCC proponents, including opposition politicians, said a UCC would promote greater equality, including for women, by preventing polygamy or inequitable inheritance within personal religious laws. Some government and political officials made comments and took actions in support of religious tolerance during the year. In April, Christian leaders welcomed Prime Minister Modi’s visit to the Sacred Heart Cathedral in New Delhi, which many in the Christian community stated they viewed as a gesture of solidarity. During his state visit to the United States in June, Prime Minister Modi said, “regardless of caste, creed, religion, gender – there is absolutely no space for any discrimination [in my government].” In December, Prime Minister Modi hosted approximately 100 Christian representatives from different denominations at his official residence and praised the contributions of the country’s Christians, but more than 3,200 individuals from the Christian community dissociated themselves from the meeting, citing growing anti-minority attacks and anti-minority hate speech by certain government officials. In April, President Droupadi Murmu met with a Christian delegation to discuss attacks against Christians in the country. In April, the government published a research paper that said there was no evidence of religious discrimination in the government’s provision of public services. In September, the National Commission for Minorities (NCM) met with Christian leaders and said it would address cases of persecution of Christians. International nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) such as Human Rights Watch (HRW), however, stated that the “actions and statements by members and supporters of his (Modi’s) BJP party [Bharatiya Janata Party] contradicted” government officials’ positive statements. They further stated that the government should investigate and prosecute those responsible for carrying out violence against members of minority groups. The National Crimes Record Bureau reported 272 instances of communal violence in 2022 compared with 378 in 2021(most recent data). Attacks on members of religious minority groups, including killings, assaults, and intimidation, occurred in various states throughout the year, including cases of “cow vigilantism” based on allegations that Muslim men were participating in cow slaughter or trade in beef. There were also attacks on religious leaders, disruption of Christian and Muslim worship services, vandalism of religious minorities’ houses of worship, and violence between religious groups. Islamic groups in Jammu and Kashmir also reportedly attacked non-Muslims during the year. In December, the United Christian Forum (UCF) reported 731 attacks on Christians in the year, compared with 599 such incidents in 2022. The UCF data by state showed the most incidents in Uttar Pradesh (301) and Chhattisgarh (152). In April, the government told the Supreme Court said that the UCF exaggerated claims of attacks against Christians to create a false narrative. In July, the UCF’s national coordinator said, “The government data (on violence against Christians) downplays the severity of the situation.” During violence in Manipur that started on May 3 between minority Christian Kuki and majority Hindu Meitei ethnic groups, Hindu and Christian places of worship were destroyed, as well as two synagogues of the small Bnei Menashe Jewish community. The Indigenous Tribal Leaders’ Forum and international media said that at least 253 churches were burned down, more than 200 persons were killed and more than 60,000 displaced due to the violence. Most of the attacks against religious sites were reported to have taken place in the first few days of the conflict, when the interethnic violence was at its peak; the eventual deployment of security forces reduced widespread violence although incidences of violence continued through the end of the year. Because religion and ethnicity were closely linked in this clash, it was difficult to categorize specific acts of violence as being solely based on religious identity, but there were some reports of Meitei Hindus attacking churches that served Meitei Christians, who also reportedly faced pressure to convert from Christianity. One local Meitei Christian leader said that the Meitei Christians had been “attacked from both sides.” The Supreme Court criticized the failure of the central government and the Manipur state government to halt the violence especially in the early stages of the conflict, and appointed officials to investigate incidents of violence, ensure the delivery of humanitarian assistance, and rebuild homes and places of worship. Public celebrations of Hindu festivals sometimes resulted in communal violence, particularly when they included processions through Muslim-majority areas. Media and NGOs reported that these processions were led by the BJP and affiliated Hindu nationalist groups, including Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP). In communal violence in several states, including West Bengal, Bihar, and Haryana nine persons were killed, dozens injured, and mosques, a madrassah and other buildings destroyed or damaged. Police arrested several hundred persons in connection with the violence, according to NGOs and local sources. In Haryana, authorities demolished 1,208 structures in the area where there was communal violence, with civil society organizations and international NGOs accusing authorities of largely targeting Muslim homes and shops. A state official said the structures belonged to persons arrested in the violence, and that the buildings were used by rioters or were encroaching on government land. The Punjab and Haryana High Court subsequently ordered authorities to halt the demolitions and the Supreme Court also condemned hate speech and calls for economic boycotts against the Muslim community. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation expressed “deep concern” regarding violence and vandalism against Muslims in several states, which it said reflected “systemic targeting of the Muslim community in India.” Some public figures made remarks that members of religious minority groups and Hindus said were inflammatory. Christians and Muslims in the Bastar area of Chhattisgarh petitioned local authorities to take action against local leaders of the BJP, the VHP, and other organizations that called for an embargo of Christian and Muslim businesses at a rally on April 10. Following the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel, international media reported “a flood of disinformation” on social media purporting that the country was threatened by its Muslim population, particularly in Muslim-majority areas. In October, speakers at a conference organized by the Hindu nationalist umbrella organization Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) said Hindus were “raising their voice(s) against the injustice they face” because they were being “targeted” by other groups with charges of making hate speech around the country. In a joint statement during Prime Minister Modi’s state visit to Washington in June, the U.S. and Indian governments reaffirmed “their shared values of freedom, democracy, human rights, inclusion, pluralism, and equal opportunities for all citizens.” During the year, senior U.S. officials continued to raise concerns about religious freedom issues with their Indian counterparts. During his visit in April, the Secretary of State also discussed developments in religious freedom with women leaders. In July, the Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights met with civil society organizations and underscored the U.S. commitment to freedom of religion or belief and freedom of expression. Throughout the year, the Ambassador, embassy, and consulate officials, the Assistant Secretary of State and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, and other official U.S. visitors engaged with government officials and members of religious communities, including representatives of the Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, and Sikh faiths, to discuss the importance of religious freedom and pluralism, the value of interfaith dialogue, and the operating environment for faith-based organizations. #### Section I. ### Religious Demography The U.S. government estimates the total population of the country is 1.4 billion (mid-year 2023). According to the 2011 national census, the most recent year for which disaggregated figures are available, Hindus constitute 79.8 percent of the population; Muslims, 14.2 percent; Christians, 2.3 percent; and Sikhs, 1.7 percent. The World Religion Database estimates the religious group breakdown in 2020 as Hindus, 72.5 percent; Muslims, 14.5 percent; Christians, 4.9 percent; Sikhs, 1.8 percent; and agnostics, 1.2 percent. From the 2011 census, groups that together constitute fewer than 2 percent of the population include Buddhists, Jains, Zoroastrians (Parsis), Jews, and Baha’is. In government statistics, the Ministry of Tribal Affairs officially identifies as Hindu more than 104 million members of Scheduled Tribes – Indigenous groups historically outside the caste system who often practice Indigenous religious beliefs – although an estimated 10 million of those listed as Scheduled Tribe members are Christians according to the 2011 census. According to government estimates, there are significant Muslim populations in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala, Assam, and the Union Territories of Lakshadweep and Jammu and Kashmir. In Lakshadweep and Jammu and Kashmir, Muslims account for 93 percent and 68.3 percent of the population, respectively. Slightly more than 85 percent of Muslims are Sunni, with the remainder mostly Shia. According to media reports, there are an estimated 150,000 Ahmadi Muslims in the country. According to government estimates, Christian populations are distributed throughout the country but in greater concentrations in the northeast as well as in the states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Goa. Three northeastern states have majority Christian populations: Nagaland (90 percent), Mizoram (87 percent), and Meghalaya (70 percent). Sikhs constitute 54 percent of the population of Punjab. The Dalai Lama’s office states there are significant resettled Tibetan Buddhist communities in Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, and Uttarakhand States, and Delhi. According to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and media reports, there are approximately 100,000 Tibetan Buddhists in the country. According to media reports, approximately 40,000 Muslim Rohingya refugees from Burma live in the country. #### Section II. ### Status of Government Respect for Religious Freedom ### Legal Framework The constitution mandates a secular state and provides for freedom of conscience and the right of all individuals to profess, practice, and propagate religion freely, subject to considerations of public order, morality, and health. It prohibits government discrimination based on religion, including for employment, as well as religiously based restrictions on access to public or private establishments. The constitution states that religious groups have the right to establish and maintain institutions for religious and charitable purposes, manage their own affairs in religious matters, and own, acquire, and administer property. It prohibits the use of public funds to support any religion. National and state laws make freedom of religion or belief subject to public order, morality, and health. The constitution stipulates that the state shall endeavor to create a uniform civil code applicable to members of all religions across the country. Federal law empowers the government to ban religious organizations that “provoke intercommunal tensions or are involved in terrorism or sedition.” Ten of the country’s 28 states –Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Uttarakhand, and Uttar Pradesh – have laws restricting religious conversion by misrepresentation, force, undue influence, coercion, allurement, fraud, or marriage (done for the sole purpose of unlawful conversion). Under these anticonversion laws, prohibited forms of religious allurement for conversion include the provision of gifts, promises of a better life, free education, and other standard charitable activities. These laws also bar individuals from abetting such conversions. The laws in those 10 states also require individuals wishing to convert to another religion and clergy intending to officiate at a conversion ceremony to submit formal notification to the state government for public notice, and this reporting requirement has reportedly been applied to rites such as baptisms. The notification procedures require state police to determine if there are objections to the conversion. For many of these laws, the burden of proof to demonstrate that a religious conversion was not affected through misrepresentation, force, coercion, or other prohibited manner lies on the person accused of the conversion, rather than the accuser. Violators of anticonversion laws are subject to imprisonment or fines. In Chhattisgarh, for example, violators may face sentences of up to three years; in Madhya Pradesh, up to four years if the converts are children, women, or members of Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes; in Karnataka, up to five years. Gujarat mandates prior permission from the district magistrate for any form of conversion and punishes “forced” conversions with up to three years in prison and a fine of up to 50,000 rupees ($600). Gujarat imposes the same fine and between three and 10 years in prison for forcible or fraudulent religious conversions through marriage. Haryana imposes one to five years in prison and a fine of not less than 100,000 rupees ($1,200) for “forced” religious conversions and three to 10 years in prison and a fine of not less than 300,000 rupees ($3,600) if the conversion is carried out through marriage. Haryana law also specifies that any marriages found to be carried out for the purpose of religious conversion shall be annulled. In Himachal Pradesh, penalties for “forced” or fraudulent religious conversion of any kind include up to two years’ imprisonment, fines of 25,000 rupees ($300), or both. Uttarakhand sentences those convicted of mass conversions (defined as involving one or two persons) up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to 50,000 rupees ($600). Uttarakhand also sentences violators to up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to 25,000 rupees ($300) for forcibly converting a member of the Scheduled Tribes or Scheduled Castes. Under the laws of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, authorities may prohibit proselytizing near any place of worship. Punishment for violations may include imprisonment for up to three years and fines of up to 5,000 rupees ($60). The laws in those states also ban the propagation or practice of any non-Hindu religion in localities designated as “temple towns” because of the number of significant Hindu temples located in those areas. Karnataka’s anticonversion law allows for imprisonment of three to five years and a fine of up to 25,000 rupees ($300) in the case of proselytizing persons from general categories and imprisonment of three to 10 years and a fine of up to 50,000 rupees ($600) for forcibly converting children, women and persons from the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe communities. Although there is no specific mention of hate speech in the law, the federal penal code criminalizes “promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion” and “acts prejudicial to maintenance of harmony,” including acts causing injury or harm to religious groups and their members. The penal code also prohibits “deliberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs.” Violations of any of these provisions are punishable by imprisonment for up to three years, a fine, or both. If the offense is committed at a place of worship, imprisonment may be for up to five years. The Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) requires religious groups and other NGOs that receive foreign funding to be licensed by the Ministry of Home Affairs before accepting or transferring foreign funds. This license must be renewed every five years. Federal law further requires NGOs that are registered under the law, including religious organizations, to maintain audit reports for their accounts and a schedule of their activities and to provide these to state government officials upon request. The central government may reject a license application or a request to transfer funds if it judges the recipient to be acting against “harmony between religious, racial, social, linguistic, or regional groups, castes, or communities.” The FCRA requires that NGOs, including religious organizations, use no more than 20 percent of their funding for administrative purposes and are prohibited from transferring foreign funds to any other organization or individual, limitations that many NGOs stated they found challenging to maintain their operations. The constitution states any legal reference to Hindus is to be construed to include followers of Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhism, meaning they are subject to laws regarding Hindus, such as the Hindu Marriage Act. Subsequent legislation continues to use the word Hindu as a category that includes Sikhs, Buddhists, Baha’is, and Jains, but it identifies the groups as separate religions whose followers are included under the law. Federal law provides official minority status to six religious groups: Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Parsis, Jains, and Buddhists. State governments may grant minority status under state law to religious groups that are minorities in a particular region. Members of recognized minority groups are eligible for government assistance programs. The constitution states that the government is responsible for protecting minorities and enabling them to preserve their culture. The constitution stipulates that the state shall endeavor to create a uniform civil code applicable to members of all religions across the country, but various personal laws, instead of a uniform civil code, apply to members of different religious communities in matters of marriage, divorce, adoption, and inheritance based on religion, faith, and culture. Examples include the Hindu Marriage Act, the Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, and the Indian Christian Marriages Act. Such Hindu, Christian, Parsi, Jewish, and Islamic personal status laws are legally recognized, judicially enforceable, and cover 98 percent of the population. Personal status issues that are not defined for a community in a separate law are covered under Hindu personal status laws. These laws generally do not supersede national and state legislation or constitutional provisions. Some personal status laws, however, exist in violation of national or state legislation, such as the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act of 1937 which sanctifies polygamy, denies alimony to divorced women, and provides female relatives less inheritance than male relatives. Some personal status laws have been challenged in court, but these cases are rare. The government grants autonomy to the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) and the Parsi community to define their customary practices. If law boards or community leaders are not able to resolve disputes, cases are referred to the civil courts. All couples marrying in a civil ceremony, which often includes interfaith couples, are generally required to provide public notice 30 days in advance – including addresses, photographs, and religious affiliation – for public comment, although this requirement varies by state. Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jains who marry outside their religions face the possibility of losing their property inheritance rights under the personal status laws pertaining to those communities. The law recognizes the registration of Sikh marriages but does not include divorce provisions for Sikhs. Divorce and other Sikh personal status matters fall under Hindu codes. Under the law, any person, irrespective of religion, may seek a divorce in civil court. The constitution prohibits religious instruction in government schools. The law permits religious instruction in private religious schools. The law permits some Muslim, Christian, Sindhi (Hindu refugees), Parsi, and Sikh educational institutions that receive government support to set quotas for students belonging to the religious minority in question. For example, Aligarh Muslim University must admit at least 50 percent Muslims. St. Stephen’s College in New Delhi and St. Xavier’s in Mumbai must admit at least 50 percent Christians. Twenty-five of the 28 states apply partial to full restrictions on bovine slaughter. Penalties vary among states and may vary based on whether the animal is a cow, calf, bull, or ox. The ban mostly affects Muslims and members of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes that traditionally consume beef or handle, transport, and slaughter cattle. In most of the states where bovine slaughter is banned, penalties include imprisonment for six months to two years and a fine of 1,000 to 10,000 rupees ($12 to $120). In Assam, penalties include minimum imprisonment of three years or a fine of between 300,000 and 500,000 rupees ($3,600 to $6,000) or both, without eligibility for bail prior to trial for slaughtering, consuming, or transporting cattle. In Karnataka, the slaughter of all cattle, except for buffalo older than 13 years, is illegal, with violators subject to imprisonment of between three and seven years and penalties of between 500,000 and 1,000,000 rupees ($6,000 to $12,000). Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, and Jammu and Kashmir penalize cow slaughter with imprisonment of two to 10 years. Gujarat state law mandates a minimum 10-year sentence and a maximum sentence of life in prison for killing cows, selling beef, or illegally transporting cows or beef. Madhya Pradesh imposes fines of 25,000 to 50,000 rupees ($300 to $600) and prison sentences of six months to three years for “cow vigilantism,” i.e., committing violence in the name of protecting cows. This is the only law of its kind in the country. The National Commission for Minorities, which by law is to include representatives from the six designated religious minority groups and the National Human Rights Commission, investigates allegations of religious discrimination. Two of the commission’s seats reserved for religious minorities are vacant. The commission works under the Ministry of Minority Affairs which is responsible for the formulation of overall policy and planning, coordination, evaluation, and review of regulations and programs for the benefit of all minority communities, including religious minorities. Eighteen of the country’s 28 states and the National Capital Territory of Delhi have state minorities commissions. These commissions have no enforcement powers but may make recommendations to the government on how to adhere to treaties and other international instruments, conduct investigations based on written complaints of criminal or civil violations (including religious discrimination), submit findings to law enforcement agencies, and make recommendations for restitution for victims. The constitution establishes the legal basis for preferential public benefit programs for Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe communities, as well as members of the “other backward classes,” a category for groups deemed to be socially and educationally disadvantaged. The constitution specifies that only Hindus, Sikhs, and Buddhists are eligible to be deemed members of a Scheduled Caste. As a result, Christians and Muslims qualify for benefits only if deemed to be members of “backward” classes due to their social and economic status. The government requires foreign missionaries to obtain a missionary visa. The country is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. ### Government Practices #### Abuses Involving Violence, Detention, or Mass Resettlement There were reports of state inaction in investigating and prosecuting crimes against members of religious minority groups. Some human rights organizations said this emboldened those who sought to commit violence against members of religious minorities, and some groups representing religious minorities said they lacked confidence in the government’s ability and willingness to protect them from violence or investigate crimes against members of religious minorities. On February 19, a crowd of Christians estimated by the media to number more than 20,000 gathered in New Delhi to call the attention of the government to what they said was increasing violence against Christians and Christian institutions. Some speakers at the protest said they had faith in the country’s leadership and legal system to protect them, but other participants expressed doubts about the government’s commitment to address their concerns and said incidents of violence against the Christian community were indicative of a broader trend of discrimination against minorities in the country. One of the protest organizers told media that Christians had yet to see action on what he said was the Prime Minister’s promise in 2015 to “secure religious freedom for every citizen.” The leaders of the protest signed a memorandum to Prime Minister Modi, President Murmu, and other government officials requesting “justice from the government for the indiscriminate violence against Christians, guidance to empower law enforcement authorities to provide better protection [for Christians], and stricter actions against the disruptive vigilante groups who impede religious freedom in the country and operate with impunity.” The leaders also asked the government to create a separate commission to address the issue of targeted religion-based violence against members of religious minority groups, especially Christians; quickly close legal cases based on false accusations of forced conversion; rebuild churches which they stated were illegally demolished; and adequately investigate and follow due process regarding accusations of forced conversion and reports of religious-based violence or discrimination. Following the protests, on April 13, President Murmu met with a Christian delegation led by Catholic Archbishop of New Delhi Anil Couto. In a press statement issued after the meeting, the delegation said it discussed “the many targeted attacks” against Christians in the country. President Murmu did not release an official statement, but one media outlet reported that she promised to take “necessary steps to stop rising anti-Christian violence.” On April 25, Prime Minister Modi met with Christian leaders in Kerala; media reported that he pledged during that meeting to ensure the protection of the Christian community nationwide. In April, the government filed an affidavit in the Supreme Court in response to a 2022 request by Catholic Archbishop of Bangalore Peter Machado and the NGOs National Solidarity Forum and the Evangelical Fellowship of India that the government investigate attacks against Christians. The government affidavit said that the Christian petitions gave an “exaggerated and wrong impression” of the attacks and that a majority of incidents alleged as Christian persecution were either “wrong or wrongfully projected.” The government affidavit stated that 263 of the 495 incidents cited by the petitioners had not been reported to police. In May, Archbishop Machado and the Christian groups filed a counter-affidavit in which they said that attacks against Christians around the country were “not spontaneous or unconnected” but part of a “well-planned” strategy by Hindu groups, and that such attacks coincided with some states enacting religious conversion laws. The Christian petitioners asked the Supreme Court to appoint a monitoring agency led by a retired Supreme Court justice to supervise the criminal investigations underway into some of the anti-Christian incidents in “troubled spots” around the country. In June, the UCF said Christians were facing more First Information Reports (FIRs) from police than their accused attackers due to “the police’s failure to investigate and prosecute perpetrators of such mob violence.” In July, the UCF asked the Supreme Court to appoint a special investigation team comprised of retired national police officers to investigate attacks against Christians. The Supreme Court was considering the case and the related petitions at year’s end. On April 21, UCF national coordinator A.C. Michael wrote a letter to Prime Minister Modi stating, according to media outlets and other NGOs, that Christians were being harassed and imprisoned on false and fabricated charges of conversion in states that had laws preventing religious conversion. Michael wrote there was “aggression by vigilante mobs comprised of religious extremists, acts of violence against Christian leaders and members, church arson and vandalism, disruption of prayer services, and forced conversion to Hinduism.” The letter expressed concern about the safety of Christian schools in India from violent mob attacks by Hindu groups. According to media reports, the Prime Minister’s Office acknowledged receiving the letter and opened a file on the government’s Public Grievances Portal. In addition, Chairman of the NCM Iqbal Singh Lalpura met with Christian groups, including the UCF, in September. According to the UCF, after the meeting, Singh Lalpura said the commission would address cases of persecution of Christians; he proposed that a team from the NCM and Christian groups tour some of the areas where persecution occurred regularly. Some Christian leaders told media there was little to reassure them that the administration of Prime Minister Modi was serious about addressing what they stated was the ongoing persecution of Christians in the country. The UCF spokesman said that the NCM still lacked the required Christian representative, for example. Some outside observers also stated that government actions targeted members of religious minorities, and that the government failed to protect members of religious minorities from attacks. In March, a group of 93 former senior civil servants wrote an open letter to Prime Minister Modi expressing concerns regarding “continued harassment, through speech and criminal action, of minority groups in the country by persons associated with your government, your party, organizations connected to it, and by mischief makers from amongst the public.” The ex-bureaucrats, who called themselves the Constitutional Conduct Group, called for the Prime Minister’s attention, in particular to the rising incidences of attacks and persecution against the Christian minority, often due to allegations of forcible conversion. The group wrote, “Our Constitution clearly spells out that all citizens, irrespective of religion, are equal and have equal rights, but we are compelled to protest to you against the increasing incidents of outright discrimination against Christians occurring in recent times.” In their letter, the group stated, “It is troubling that violence against Christians in different parts of the country has persisted and has increased in recent years.” The group called on Modi “as Prime Minister of our country, and of all of its people, including Muslims, Christians, and other religious minorities, and as a leading member of the BJP, to speak out against these outrageous acts, and to ensure that the police and other officials prevent such incidents from recurring. Christians today and all other minorities need to be reassured that they are no less citizens of India than their Hindu brethren.” The group, which included former cabinet secretaries, police officials, and diplomats from various religious groups, wrote a similar letter to Prime Minister Modi in 2022, urging him to take stronger actions to protect Muslims. There was no public response from the Prime Minister to either letter as of the end of the year. On July 31, Indian railway security official Chetan Singh shot his superior officer and three Muslim men on a train near Mumbai. Singh killed the officer following an argument, then shot the Muslims who were located in other cars of the train. In a video taken after the attack, Singh warned Muslims to vote only for Prime Minister Modi and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, both Hindus and members of the BJP. Police arrested Singh as he exited the train and he was remanded into custody on August 11, charged with homicide and promoting enmity between religions, according to media reports. During the year, police and some courts acted on past cases involving the death, injury, or detention of members of religious minority groups or violence between religious groups. On March 3, Gujarat police arrested 10 more individuals charged with involvement in April 2022 communal violence in Khambat, Gujarat, which erupted after a Hindu religious procession for the Hindu Ram Navami holiday moved through a predominantly Muslim neighborhood there. In its latest World Report, HRW said police “failed to properly investigate crimes against minorities while administrative officials responded by summarily punishing victim communities, including those who protested such abuses.” In April, in response to a petition filed in 2021, a court in Uttar Pradesh acquitted 41 Hindu men charged with killing Muslims during the communal violence in Maliana village in 1987; the court ruled there was lack of evidence for the charges. Local Muslims and surviving family members of the victims said they were very disappointed by the court’s action. According to BBC News, former director general of the Uttar Pradesh police Vibhuti Narain Rai and others filed the petition which led to the acquittals because the original investigation was “faulty from the start.” Local Muslims requested a new investigation, another trial, compensation for the victims and a re- examination of the role of the state’s Provincial Armed Constabulary in the violence. In May, one of the victims, Rais Ahmed, challenged the acquittals in the Allahabad High Court. The state government separately challenged the acquittal noting it did not agree with the ruling. Also in April, a court in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, acquitted, for lack of evidence, 69 Hindus who had been charged with the killing of 11 Muslims during communal riots in that state in 2002. The attorney for the victims said they would appeal the decision to a higher court. Those acquitted, who were all free on bail, included former Bajrang Dal leader Babu Bajrangi and VHP leader Jaydeep Patel, according to media reports. More than 1,000 persons, mostly Muslims, were killed in the 2002 riots. Of the 18 others sentenced for the killings, 17 have since died and former BJP legislator Maya Kodnani was released because of poor health in 2018. The Bilaspur High Court in Chhattisgarh granted bail on April 19 to 10 Protestant church leaders who were arrested in January following a series of violent clashes between members of the Scheduled Tribe community and tribals who converted to Christianity in the Narayanpur and Kondagon districts of that state. According to a Christian news source, 33 Christian villages were attacked by the tribe members after the Christians refused to renounce their religion; many Christians were injured. Media reported that police arrested both Scheduled Tribe individuals and tribal Christians; some Christian leaders were charged with rioting, being armed with deadly weapons, voluntarily causing hurt to public servants on duty, and criminal intimidation and assault. If convicted, they could face fines and up to 10 years in prison, according to media reports. One Christian leader said they “had no role in the violence” but were implicated in the case simply because they were “visiting the victims.” Another said the Christian leaders were arrested to appease the Scheduled Tribe community, which comprised a large majority of the population. On July 5, a court in Jharkhand’s Seraikela-Kharsawan District sentenced 10 men to 10 years each in prison on murder charges for the 2019 lynching of Muslim Tabrez Ansari. Ansari died after being tortured and forced to chant Hindu slogans by a mob that accused him of theft. On July 13, the Special National Investigation Agency (NIA) court in Kochi, Kerala convicted six Muslim members of the banned Popular Front of India (PFI) in the second trial involving a 2010 attack against Christian Professor, T. J. Joseph in Kerala. The accused were convicted after chopping off Joseph’s right hand for allegedly blaspheming the Prophet Muhammad in a question he drafted for a college examination. Three of the six were sentenced to life in prison; the others to three years in prison each. On August 7, the Supreme Court began the final hearing on several petitions, including one from the victim, a Muslim woman named Bilkis Bano, challenging the 2022 release of 11 Hindu men sentenced to life in prison after being convicted of gang raping the victim during the 2002 Gujarat riots; the men were also convicted of killing 14 members of her family including her three- year-old daughter. The men were released after serving 15 years in prison, leading to criticism from opposition parties, activists, and several journalists, who said the decision discriminated against the country’s Muslims and was a “grave miscarriage of justice.” In October, the Gujarat High Court sentenced four policemen to 14-days in prison and fined them 2,000 rupees ($24) each for publicly flogging four Muslim men in Undhela village in 2022. The court suspended the sentence for 90 days to give the policemen time to appeal the verdict. The police flogged the men as they were arresting them for throwing stones at a Hindu religious festival and injuring seven persons, including a policeman. An investigation continued at year’s end into the April 2022 Hindu-Muslim clashes in Hubballi, Karnataka, regarding a WhatsApp profile status shared by a college student that allegedly showed a saffron flag, a Hindu symbol, flying over Mecca. The police arrested 158 persons; nine were released on bail as of June. A trial was also underway at year’s end. Courts took actions during the year related to 2022 remarks by suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma that were seen as critical of Prophet Muhammad. In July, a court in Mumbai denied bail to Muslim Yusuf Khan, one of the 11 accused of murder in the June 2022 killing of Hindu pharmacist Umesh Kolhe in Amravati, Maharashtra, after Kolhe shared a social media post that supported Sharma’s remarks. Media reported that the case of Khan and four of the other accused continued. The five were under arrest, but there was no information available concerning the other six accused. The trial continued at year’s end in the June 2022 killing of Hindu Kanhaiya Lal Teli in Udaipur, Rajasthan, by two Muslim men who recorded the act on their phone. The National Investigation Agency charged 11 persons under various sections of the penal code and the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act related to a terror conspiracy. The accused said they killed Teli for his social media posts supporting Sharma’s remarks. There were several court decisions and some court actions related to the 2020 protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the related Hindu- Muslim communal riots in New Delhi. The CAA, which was passed by Parliament in 2019 but had not come into effect by the end of the year, would provide a fast track to citizenship for Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis, and Christians who illegally entered the country from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, or Pakistan before 2014. Minorities not explicitly included in the CAA including minority Muslim communities and religious minorities outside of the three countries specified in the CAA would be ineligible for this expedited path to citizenship. On March 10, a Delhi court sentenced nine Muslims to seven years in prison for their role in the Hindu-Muslim communal riots and fined them 20,000 rupees ($240) each to be paid as compensation to the victims. On November 21, the Delhi High Court began considering bail pleas by six of those arrested during the riots, including Muslim Khalid Saifi, founder of the NGO United against Hate, who was charged under antiterrorism laws for organizing the protests; he remained in custody as of the end of the year. Media reported that 172 persons, including Hindus and Muslims arrested for their roles in the violence, remained in jail. The Supreme Court took no action on the bail plea of Muslim student Umar Khalid, who was arrested and imprisoned following the riots, despite saying in September that the court would review his case. A New Delhi sessions court heard arguments concerning the bail applications of other accused protest organizers, but did not render verdicts. #### Abuses Limiting Religious Belief and Expression There were numerous reports of authorities acting in response to complaints of “forced” religious conversions during the year, including arresting Christians and Muslims accused of forcing others to convert and arresting Hindus who attacked those accused of forcing others to convert. Some religious organizations stated that anticonversion laws were used to justify actions restricting the right of individuals to engage in religious activities. Although none of the anticonversion laws in the country mention particular faiths, sources stated that in practice they were enforced only against individuals who converted to Islam or Christianity; there were very few cases involving conversion to Hinduism, voluntary or otherwise. In some cases, Christian groups said police aided mobs who disrupted worship services accused of forcibly converting Hindus or stood by while mobs acted against Christians. NGOs and media reports noted convictions under anticonversion laws were rare although arrests and legal cases filed under such laws significantly disrupted the lives of those charged. Media reported that as of May, 855 arrests had been made under Uttar Pradesh’s anticonversion law since it was introduced in 2020. Another report from the NGO International Christian Concern (ICC) said 398 Christians had been arrested under the state’s anticonversion law since its inception. A local NGO said that the overwhelming number of accused under the Utta Pradesh law were either Muslim or Christian. There were no figures available reporting the total number of arrests under this law in 2023, but there were no reports of Hindus being arrested under this law. In the Azamgarh District of that state, media reports said that on May 18, the police arrested 18 persons as part of a gang that allegedly carried out illegal conversions to Islam. According to police, the group decorated an area of a slum in Chirkihit village to look like a shrine, then attracted people with “lucrative offers” (unstated) for conversion while praising Islam and criticizing Hinduism. In the same area in July, police arrested 20 Christians on charges of conversion in two cases, according to ICC, after a crowd described as Hindu nationalists ransacked a local tent used by Christians for prayer gatherings. None of the crowd was arrested, according to ICC. One Christian leader told ICC that at least 57 Christians were in prison in Uttar Pradesh on anticonversion charges as of July. Union of Catholic Asian News (UCA News), citing other media reports, said 91 Christians were in detention in that state under conversion charges as of August. Christian leaders in Uttar Pradesh told UCA News that “hardline” Hindu groups in the state “misuse the state’s anticonversion law to file false complaints against Christians.” The Irish NGO Church in Chains reported that police arrested 22 pastors for conversion activities in the Azamgarh, Ghazipur, and Jhansi Districts in Uttar Pradesh on July 30, including a pastor and his wife who were briefly jailed with their one-year-old. Most of those detained were freed on bail within 10 days. A Christian leader in the state told the NGO that “the situation has reached such a stage that holding a prayer service or reading the Bible at home can land you in jail.” The media outlet AsiaNews reported that in Chhattisgarh on April 30, police briefly arrested 13 Christians who had been holding a prayer service in a private home. The Christians called the police after a crowd of Hindu Bajrang Dal activists gathered outside the home to protest the meeting and shouted Hindu chants. The Christians said that when police arrived one hour later, they charged the organizers of the meeting with disturbing the police and accused them of converting individuals to Christianity, but took no action against the protestors, some of whom were armed. After the incident, Archbishop of Raipur Victor Henry Thakur, chairman of the Council of Catholic Bishops of Chhattisgarh, said that the government was detaining Christians on “baseless” conversion allegations by “right-wing extremists” in such incidents while those who caused the disturbances went free. On June 24, Odisha police filed a case under that state’s Freedom of Religion Act against India-born Canadian national Mohan Kidangalil Eapen. He and two others were charged with “luring tribal children under the pretext of a prayer meeting” and attempting to convert them to Christianity. The police registered the case after VHP activists stopped Eapen from organizing the meeting and handed him over to police. Indian media reports said Eapen was in the country on a tourist visa which forbids conducting religious activities. These reports quoted VHP leaders who said the meeting was meant for religious conversion, but the local pastors who hosted Eapen said the event was a private birthday gathering. The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) on July 4 wrote to the Jagatsingpur District magistrate asking for a report on the incident and legal action against Eapen. The NCPCR said that Eapen and the others were trying to convert 11 minor children. During the year, some courts acted on past cases involving allegations of illegal religious conversion. In February, Vijay Masih, a pastor jailed following a Maundy Thursday service in 2022 that Hindus said illegally converted persons to Christianity, was denied release from jail in Uttar Pradesh, despite being approved for bail by the Allahabad High Court in January. The Uttar Pradesh government extended his sentence because of new charges filed by Hindu groups, the media said. Masih, the pastor of an Evangelical Church of India congregation in Fatehpur, was one of 50 Christians who were arrested after a crowd of Hindus disrupted the 2022 service. Media reported he was originally arrested and released in April 2022, then rearrested in October 2022. In a related case, Christian media reported in March that the Supreme Court ordered that two other men accused of illegal religious conversion in the Maundy Thursday 2022 incident should not be arrested “pending further orders”; the decision overturned a lower court ruling ordering their arrest. The two brothers, Rajendra Bihari Lal (vice chancellor) and Vinod Bihari Lal (director) were officials at the Christian-run Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences in Uttar Pradesh. In May, the Bombay High Court revoked a 2022 administrative order banning Christian Pastor Dominic D’Souza and his wife from carrying out religious activities. According to media reports, the Bombay High Court said there was no material on record to justify the order, which violated the couple’s “fundamental rights enshrined in Articles 19, 25 and 26 of the Constitution of India as it seeks to deny them both of their freedom of speech and expression and to their freedom of conscience and the right to freely profess, practice, propagate their religion or form religious institutions.” The couple had been arrested in 2022 under Goa’s Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisement) Act for allegedly enticing a person to convert to Christianity and for promoting enmity between groups on the grounds of religion. The Bombay High Court granted them bail the day after their arrest. The investigation into their conversion case was ongoing as of December 31. During the year, the government acted to criminalize marrying or having intercourse by employing deceitful means. In December, both houses of Parliament approved laws which amended colonial-era rules to criminalize making false promises and concealing one’s identity to sexually exploit a woman, media reported. The new laws set penalties of up to 10 years in prison for those crimes and set specific penalties for other crimes against women such as rape of a minor and gang rape. When he introduced the legislation in March, Home Minister Amit Shah said, “Crime against women and many social problems faced by them have been addressed in this bill. For the first time, intercourse with women under the false promise of marriage, employment, promotion and false identity will amount to a crime.” Opponents such as Congress Party Member of Parliament (MP) Abhishek Manu Singhvi said the new laws were unnecessary and out of alignment with the lighter penalties given for what he said were more serious offenses, such as bribery or provoking a riot. Although the new penal code did not mention religion, some critics and proponents of the law said provisions on deceit by “suppressing identity” aimed to criminalize “love jihad,” a derogatory term referring to Muslim men seeking to marry women from other faiths to convert them to Islam. On March 23, Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis informed the state legislative council that the state government would study the laws adopted in other states to criminalize “love jihad” with the goal of introducing new legislation or amending existing law in response to what he said was the public demand as demonstrated in rallies in the state. Following state elections in May, the new Karnataka cabinet announced it would repeal the state’s 2022 anticonversion law, introduced by the previous BJP government, during the legislative session that began in July. As of December 31,the law had not been repealed. Archbishop Machado, who led the coalition of religious groups and NGOs that challenged the 2022 law, said it was “discriminatory, anticonstitutional and unnecessary.” Before the new state government took office, police registered 21 cases of violating anticonversion laws in Karnataka in 2022-23. The courts also ruled on state-level anticonversion laws during the year. In January, during a hearing on the Madhya Pradesh law governing religious conversions, Supreme Court Justice M.R. Shah stated that “all religious conversions cannot be presumed to be illegal,” according to media reports. The Supreme Court agreed to hear a Madhya Pradesh government appeal against a 2022 Madhya Pradesh High Court decision that suspended a mandatory provision in that state’s law requiring a person who desired to convert to another faith to give 60 days’ prior notice to the local district magistrate. That provision in the current Madhya Pradesh law imposed sentences of three to five years in prison and a fine up to 50,000 rupees ($600) for anyone who refused to provide the required preconversion notice. The Supreme Court also asked in January that petitioners challenging anticonversion laws in Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Uttarakhand, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh present a consolidated petition to the court by February. In March, the Supreme Court asked all states facing challenges to their anticonversion laws to respond to petitioners by April. Those states include the five states the Supreme Court mentioned in January, plus Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, and Odisha. The NGO Citizens for Justice and Peace filed the challenges in all eight states against their anticonversion laws. The states had not filed their responses by year’s end. In its annual report, HRW said the government “persisted with policies that discriminated and stigmatized religious and other minorities.” This led to “increasing incidents of communal violence in many parts of the country.” HRW said “police in BJP-governed states failed to properly investigate crimes against minorities while administrative officials responded by summarily punishing victim communities, including those who protested such abuses” and the constitutional authorities designed to protect the rights of children, women, religious minorities, tribal groups, and Dalits, “did not function independently.” #### Abuses Involving the Ability of Individuals to Engage in Religious Activities Alone or in Community with Others The Ministry of Home Affairs continued to enforce registration requirements under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), which applied to NGOs, including religious organizations, that received foreign contributions. Media outlets reported that 1,111 NGOs were granted FCRA licenses in 2023. In March, the Minister of State for Home Affairs told Parliament that the government cancelled registration certificates of 1,828 nonprofit associations across the country under the provisions of the FCRA between 2018 and 2022. The ministry did not report how many religious organizations were among those granted or denied licenses. In June, media reported that the government cancelled the FCRA license of the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) of Delhi because of unspecified “misuse of foreign grants” in its operation of women’s shelters. YWCA Delhi leaders said they were considering an appeal. However, the government did not sanction the national YWCA of India; its FCRA license was extended to 2028. In December, the government also revoked the FCRA license of the Church of North India, a prominent evangelical organization, over unspecified rules violations. NGOs, including religious organizations, continued to criticize the government’s use of FCRA for reducing the amount of foreign contributions that NGOs could use for administrative purposes and adding what they described as onerous oversight and certification requirements. In 2022, Home Minister Shah stated that amendments to FCRA were necessary to halt NGOs using foreign funds to engage in religious conversion and engaging in “anti-national activities.” Some organizations working on religious programs or advocacy, including Hindu organizations, reported difficulties in obtaining registration approval for their activities. In response, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) started a helpdesk in July to help NGOs submit their queries and issues regarding the FCRA. During the year, there were reports of government action affecting the activities of religious groups. On February 28, authorities in the Upper Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh banned prayer healing, healing crusades, and healing by local Hindu priests, according to UCA News. The local magistrate said the practices were “misleading” people by influencing them away from modern medical treatment. In a statement, district authorities also said healing prayer meetings led to “social-cultural problems like conversion to other faiths” which “spread discord among people and groups.” The president of the Arunachal Christian Forum said the district’s order was “against our fundamental right to practice our religion.” The Madhya Pradesh government provided police protection to the 18 churches in the Jhabua District during Holy Week in April, at the request of the local diocese. A spokesman for one of the churches said the diocese sought to avoid “unnecessary charges of religious conversion” from local Hindu groups during services on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. On July 27, the national government permitted more than 40,000 Shia Muslims to participate in a peaceful procession marking the month of Muharram in Jammu and Kashmir, the first time this procession was legally permitted in more than 30 years. The government described the resumption of the procession as a “peace dividend” and “testimony to normalcy” in the area. Local Shia leaders told media the event was “historic.” In June, authorities in the Damoh District of Madhya Pradesh shut down the Ganga Jamuna Higher Secondary School after Hindu nationalists stated that non- Muslim students there were forced to wear headscarves and therefore risked being converted to Islam. Their complaint was based on a poster that depicted Muslim and non-Muslim female students celebrating examination results at the school, all wearing headscarves. Parents denied the allegations, but authorities arrested the school principal and two teachers, and charged 13 school administrators with violation of the Madhya Pradesh Religion Act. In August, the Madhya Pradesh High Court granted bail to the three arrested and directed that school authorities not compel female students to wear headscarves. The court also granted bail to the school administrators. Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah tweeted in December that his government would rescind a policy instituted by the previous state government that restricted religious garb in government educational institutions, most prominently the hijab. This followed the Karnataka High Court’s ruling in 2022 that the government could impose dress requirements on students at a girls’ school in Udupi, including banning hijabs; the Karnataka High Court ruled then that wearing a hijab was “not an essential part of religious practice.” The Supreme Court later issued a split decision in an appeal on the issue, with two justices agreeing that Karnataka could set a dress code banning the hijab, and one justice ruling against on the grounds that wearing a hijab was a matter of personal choice. A larger bench of the Supreme Court was to hear the case but did not do so by the end of the year. On July 11, following claims by Hindu group Pandavwada Sangharsh Samiti that the 19th century Jumma Masjid mosque resembled a Hindu temple, the Jalgaon district authorities in Maharashtra barred Muslims from entering the mosque to pray. On July 18, the Bombay High Court ordered the Jalgaon District authority to hand over the mosque keys to the community trust and allow Islamic prayers. The district authorities reopened the mosque following the court order. On August 24, the Karnataka High Court dismissed a petition by a group of Hindu and Christian residents alleging that residential property in Bengaluru was being used illegally as an Islamic prayer hall. Previously, that court had approved the construction of a madrassah on the adjoining property, as long as local building regulations were met. In rejecting the petition, the Karnataka High Court said the petitioners provided no specific legal basis on which to prohibit using residential property for prayer. In August, the Allahabad High Court ruled that the national Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) could conduct a survey of the 17th century Gyanvapi Mosque in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, to determine if it was constructed over a Hindu temple demolished by the order of Mughal emperor Aurangzeb. The Supreme Court temporarily halted the work to allow for an appeal through the courts. Members of the Hindu community earlier sought permission from the Allahabad High Court to conduct Hindu rituals inside of the mosque, citing their fundamental right to pray in the petition, and noting that they were able to pray in the site until a government ban was put in place in 1992. In December, the ASI submitted its survey report as a sealed document to a district judge in Varanasi. The Allahabad High Court also ruled in December that a court-monitored team of three surveyors could examine the still-operating 17th century Shahi Eidgah Mosque in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, to determine if there were any Hindu relics or symbols there as proof that the site was originally a Hindu temple. In 2022, according to media reports, Hindu groups unsuccessfully petitioned to keep Muslims from praying in the mosque, out of concern that Hindu relics inside could be removed. On social media, Muslim MP Asaduddin Owaisi, president of the All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen party, said the Shah Eidgah Mosque/Temple dispute had been settled years before, but “the law doesn’t matter anymore. Robbing Muslims of their dignity is the only goal now.” He also said the Allahabad High Court’s ruling violated the terms of the Places of Worship Act 1991, which he stated prohibit such litigation. In December 2022, the AIMPLB said it would petition the Supreme Court to challenge the 2020 acquittal by a special Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court of all 32 persons, including senior BJP politicians, charged in the 1992 demolition of the Babri Mosque in Ayodhya. The Allahabad High Court rejected a similar petition in November 2022. The board had not filed a petition with the Supreme Court by year’s end. In September, the Shri Ramjanmabhoomi Temple Construction Committee announced that the consecration ceremony for the Ram Temple built on the site of the Babri Mosque as per a Supreme Court ruling in 2019, would take place in January 2024, led by Prime Minister Modi. The committee said the ceremony was a major campaign promise of the BJP government. Civil society groups and members of religious minority communities criticized the construction of the Ram Temple as representative of India’s shift away from its secular foundations and toward the establishment of a Hindu nation. Police in Uttar Pradesh arrested four members of a Hindu nationalist group in April and said the four slaughtered a cow near the city of Agra in order to “frame” Muslims and “spur hostility” towards them. The assistant police commissioner said the Hindus provided a list of Muslim suspects, filed an official complaint, and demanded that police arrest them. After investigating, police said that the Muslims named were innocent and the Hindus actually killed the cow. One of the four arrested was Sanjay Jat, a spokesman for the All India Hindu Mahasabha party; police said he was the main conspirator in the incident. #### Abuses Involving Discrimination or Unequal Treatment On August 7, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma announced that the state government would introduce a law to end polygamy following the conclusions of a state-appointed expert committee that polygamy was not an essential religious practice in Islam and the state had the authority to enact such legislation. On September 4, Sarma told media that the state formed a committee to draft a law covering polygamy and “love jihad,” which would be introduced in the state assembly in December. Opposition parties criticized the decision as politically motivated. The All India United Democratic Front, an Assam-based Muslim party, said the government was introducing the law “to target the Muslim community.” Polygamy was abolished among Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Christians, and Parsis by legislation in the 19th and 20th centuries, but the 1937 Muslim Personal Laws (Shariat) Act permits polygamy. According to National Family Health Survey data from 2019-20, polygamy continued to be practiced by Muslims (1.9 percent), Hindus (1.3 percent), and other religious groups (1.6 percent) across the country. On June 26, the Madras High Court ruled caste should not be the deciding factor in the appointment of Archakas (priests) in Hindu temples. Justice N. Anand Venkatesh noted that any person well-versed and qualified to perform pooja (worship rituals) as per the requirements of the temple Agama (rituals followed in the temple) could be appointed as an Archaka. In March, the Supreme Court upheld an earlier Madhya Pradesh High Court ruling that state governments had the power to regulate admissions and fees charged by minority-run religious schools. The Supreme Court said minority institutions of higher education “should not claim complete immunity” from government regulation in their admissions and fee structures. The Icon Education Society, a Catholic school in Madhya Pradesh, had argued to the state high court that government oversight and regulation of minority schools violated the rights of religious and ethnic minorities in the country to establish and manage their own educational institutions, without government interference. The society said such a right was “guaranteed” in the constitution. Media reported that the decision would have “far reaching implications” for Christian-run schools in that state. In April, the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister released a working paper that said there was no evidence of religious discrimination in the provision of public services including electricity, bank accounts, mobile phones, and access to sanitary facilities after analyzing more than 1.2 million households. The paper said, “…we do not find any evidence that the government catered only to one community (Hindu majority) or discriminated across households based on districts where one religious community was dominant.” In December, online media outlets said that Ashish Gupta, a government revenue officer in Maudaha, Uttar Pradesh, was suspended from his position when the government learned that he had converted to Islam. The state government ordered an investigation into his conversion, according to the Hindustan Times. Gupta’s wife said his father and a local Muslim cleric arranged Gupta’s conversion so he could marry another woman. Police filed a case based on her allegations and arrested three persons, including the cleric, The Indian Express said. On June 27, Prime Minister Modi said the country should have a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) as called for in the constitution. He said the country could not run with a system of “separate laws for separate (religious) communities.” Several leaders of the Muslim, Sikh, Christian, and tribal communities, including some state government officials and their governments, opposed the initiative. Proponents of a UCC stated that it could strengthen gender equity in civil matters such as divorce and inheritance, while opponents said such a code was part of a larger project to turn the country into a Hindu-majority “Hindustan” that would end constitutional protections for members of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and other legally defined “Backward Classes.” In July, the AIMPLB wrote to the Law Commission of India expressing its opposition to the UCC proposal, stressing that “majoritarian morality” must not supersede the personal law, religious freedom and minority rights. The government took no action on the UCC during the year. Several political parties and religious and social organizations in majority tribal areas of the northeastern states publicly opposed the application of a UCC, some even before the Prime Minister’s announcement. On February 14, the Mizoram state legislative assembly unanimously adopted a resolution in opposition, and Mizoram Chief Minister Zoramthanga threatened to leave the ruling National Democratic Alliance with the BJP if the UCC were imposed on his state. The regional Mizo National Front party and religious leaders in Mizoram, including from the Presbyterian Church of India, wrote the Law Commission of India to express their opposition to a UCC. Congress Party member Ronald Sapa Tlau, also from Mizoram, told the media a UCC “would result in the oppression of minorities and minority religious communities and even their assimilation by the majority community” in the country. The Kerala Legislative Assembly passed a resolution opposing a UCC, similar to Mizoram’s in August. In addition, Meghalaya State Chief Minister Conrad Sangma said, “diversity was a strength” in the country and a UCC would go “against the idea of India itself.” On July 8, several tribal organizations under the banner of the Adivasi Samanwai Samiti (Tribal Coordination Committee) staged a demonstration near the Jharkhand BJP headquarters to protest the proposed UCC. Tribal leader Prem Sahi Munda said the UCC was a threat to tribal existence, stating it would dilute the customary tribal laws and rights granted by the constitution. On July 10, a 12-member delegation from Nagaland, led by Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio, met Home Minister Shah and expressed concern about the UCC, which it said would violate a 1960 government agreement with the Naga tribes that permitted customary tribal practices on social issues such as marriage and divorce. Some state governments supported the UCC initiative and worked toward implementing UCC laws at the state level. On June 30, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami announced that his state would implement its own UCC and that draft legislation was ready. Union Law Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal told the media the Law Commission had received more than 10 million suggestions about the UCC from around the country by the end of the public comment period on July 28. The next step would be meetings with communities and stakeholders around the country, he said. During the year, some politicians, government officials, and government organizations made statements that members of religious minority groups viewed as controversial or derogatory. For example, media reported that on March 30, Telangana legislator T. Raja Singh, who was detained for more than two months and suspended from the BJP in 2022 for hate speech, said that only Hindus and Muslims who acknowledged Hindu gods should have voting rights. Singh made the remarks while delivering a speech in front of a mosque during a Hindu Ram Navami festival procession. At another public meeting in Adilabad District of Telangana on June 4, he warned Hindu women not to befriend burqa-clad Muslim women because they might convert them and recruit them for ISIS, as described in the 2023 film The Kerala Story, a film that was promoted by several BJP leaders, including Prime Minister Modi. The West Bengal government initially banned showings of The Kerala Story, deeming it to contain antiminority hate speech. The Supreme Court ruled against the ban. However, according to media reports, at the insistence of the Supreme Court, the producer of the film agreed to include a disclaimer stating that “the film has no authentic data to back the figure of 32,000 conversions of Hindu and Christians to Islam” and that the film’s content was a fictional account. At an RSS event in May, media outlets reported that then Minister for Law and Justice Satya Pal Singh Baghel said, “Tolerant Muslims can be counted on (one’s) fingers. Their numbers are not even in thousands.” He said “Even that is a tactic. It is [a way for Muslims] to stay in public life with a mask.” In a June press conference, Minister for Minority Affairs and Women and Child Development Smitri Irani accused a U.S.-based religious freedom activist of being connected to George Soros and the latter’s alleged “desire to break the Indian democracy.” Following the press conference, the activist recounted what she stated was the online abuse and harassment she received from Hindu nationalist social media accounts, including one with alleged links to an Indian intelligence official set up for the purpose of “discrediting foreign critics of the Modi government,” according to a Washington Post report. According to media reports, on July 21, the Ministry of Minority Affairs wrote Andhra Pradesh Chief Secretary K.S. Jawahar Reddy asking him to investigate a complaint made to the ministry by the Ahmadiyya Muslim community against a resolution passed by the Andhra Pradesh Wakf Board, the designated authority that deals with Muslim properties and endowments. The resolution declared the Ahmadis as “kafirs” (nonbelievers) and “non-Muslims.” The ministry said the wakf board resolution amounted to a “hate campaign” against the Ahmadiyya Muslim community that could have wider ramifications across the country. The ministry also said the wakf board did not have the jurisdiction or authority to determine the religious identity of any religious community or to “expel a person or community from a religion.” The ministry said that the wakf board had issued the resolution in violation of an earlier Supreme Court ruling not to do so. According to a July 26 media report, the chief executive officer of the wakf board said that the board had not passed any new resolution against the Ahmadi Muslims and the document in question was written by the board chairman “in his personal capacity.” On September 2, while addressing a writers’ and artists’ association meeting in Chennai, Tamil Nadu State Minister for Sports Udhayanidhi Stalin said the Hindu concept of Sanatana Dharma (meaning the eternal values of Hinduism), should be “eradicated” like diseases such as “dengue, mosquitos, malaria, or coronavirus.” The remarks were followed by reactions from Hindu groups, religious figures, government officials, politicians, and political parties who told media that Stalin’s comments were “hate speech against Hinduism and a call for genocide of Hindus.” Prime Minister Modi said Stalin’s remarks represented an assault on Hindu values and faith. In response, Stalin said he was only calling for an end to the caste system associated with Sanatana Dharma, which he said, “divides people in the name of caste and religion.” He stated the BJP was “twisting his words” and spreading “fake news.” The Supreme Court noted that no individual had the right to promote divisive ideas or abolition of an ideology. On September 22 and 27, the Supreme Court accepted petitions asking for action against Stalin, including that Tamil Nadu police file a formal complaint against him. In November, the Madras High Court reprimanded police in Tamil Nadu for not taking any action against Stalin for his remarks, calling it a “dereliction of duty.” That high court noted that no individual had the right to promote divisive ideas or abolition of an ideology. In Parliament on September 21, BJP MP Ramesh Bidhuri used what Muslims said were religious slurs and expletives against Muslim MP Danish Ali from the Bahujan Samaj Party; Bidhuri’s comments were recorded on official parliamentary video. The Speaker warned Bidhuri about his remarks and ordered them expunged from the record. The president of Jamaat Ulama-e-Hind, one of the largest Muslim organizations in the country, told media that Bidhuri’s abusive “hate speech” demonstrated that “not only the common Muslim but even Muslim MPs were not safe in the new India.” He said the remarks were “a manifestation of extreme hatred for Muslims.” In a statement, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind said Bidhuri should be disqualified as an MP and expelled from the BJP. The Washington Post reported that in Karnataka, the BJP party workers used a digital campaign to “spread inflammatory material on an industrial scale,” falsely accusing the Muslim community of abuses against the Hindu community, including killings. The Post reported “a shadowy parallel campaign creating incendiary posts that painted a dire and false message that Muslims, aided by the secular and liberal Congress Party, had abused and murdered members of the Hindu majority.” According to the Post, “…BJP staffers and the party’s allies revealed how they conceive and craft posts aimed at exploiting the fears of India’s Hindu majority, and detailed how they had assembled a sprawling apparatus of 150,000 social media workers to propagate this content across a vast network of WhatsApp groups.” In an editorial summarizing a major reporting series, the Washington Post said that “social media platforms have become conveyor belts for hate under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party and its affiliated groups.” The reports say that social media platforms “…were late and lame in stamping out vile content aimed at India’s Muslim minority.” The government took action in some instances against public statements that religious groups said they considered derogatory. In March, the News Broadcasting and Digital Standards Authority (NBDSA) warned media outlets Zee News and Times Now, and fined News18 India, citing seven examples of “anti- Muslim content” aired or posted by them. The NBDSA said that a broadcast by Zee News “selectively targeted” the Muslim community by reporting projections of Muslim population growth out of context. The agency said Times Now “wrongfully reported” that pro-Pakistan slogans were raised during a protest in Pune by the banned Popular Front of India. In the case of News 18 India, the NBDSA said it found comments by a news anchor “objectionable” and including (anti-Muslim) “religious undertones.” The NBDSA stated, “The entire premise of the [News 18] show revolved around creating a negative image of the Muslim community to instigate the members of the Hindu community to develop hatred for Muslims.” The NBDSA fined News18 India 50,000 rupees ($600). During a hearing in March related to public hate speech by political figures cited in a petition by journalist-petitioner Shaheen Abdullah, Supreme Court justices called for separating religion from politics and for more action by state governments to regulate public comments by political leaders. Justice K.M. Joseph said, “A major problem arises when politicians mix politics with religion … We [the court] have said in our recent verdict that mixing politics with religion is dangerous for democracy.” In a subsequent ruling on the case the following month, the Supreme Court ordered all states to register cases against anyone using hate speech in public. Justices Joseph and B.V. Nagarathna said hate speech was a “serious offense capable of affecting the secular fabric of the country.” Media outlets reported that Christian, Muslim, and Hindu leaders welcomed the ruling but said that state governments had not acted on similar rulings by the Supreme Court in the past. In the ruling, the Supreme Court said hesitation by state governments to act against hate speech would invite contempt of court charges against those governments. The Supreme Court also said it would continue to accept petitions against incidents of hate speech in order to promote the “larger public good.” Police continued to investigate the deaths of two demonstrators who were killed in protests against televised remarks by BJP spokespersons Nupur Sharma and Naveen Jindal in 2022. Muslims, including from Muslim-majority countries and international organizations, all stated they believed the remarks were derogatory to the Prophet Muhammad. Sharma was charged in 2022 with hurting religious sentiment and suspended from her position by the BJP but remained free in 2023 pending trial. During the year, some government officials made comments and took actions in support of religious tolerance. For example, on the evening of Easter Sunday, Prime Minister Modi visited the Catholic Sacred Heart Cathedral in New Delhi, his first time there as Prime Minister. Media reported that Christian leaders welcomed the visit and said it was an “opportunity for dialogue with the government” aimed to put an end to the “harassment” of Christians in the country. During his state visit to the United States in June, Prime Minister Modi said “We have proved democracy can deliver [in India]. When I say deliver, regardless of caste, creed, religion, gender – there is absolutely no space for any discrimination [in my government].” In an interview with the Financial Times in December, Prime Minister Modi said, “Indian society itself has no feeling of discrimination towards any religious minority.” As an example, he said the religious minority Parsi community was economically “thriving” in the country despite facing persecution in other countries. The Prime Minister also hosted a Christmas celebration at his residence with several prominent Christian leaders. Media reported that the Prime Minister praised the contributions of Christians to Indian society and said that Hinduism and Christianity shared values. International NGOs and civil society organizations urged additional action by the government. HRW stated the “actions and statements by members and supporters of his [Modi’s] BJP party contradicted” Modi’s statements. HRW said “India’s actions and statements on the world stage will never be convincing if the Indian government doesn’t demonstrate a willingness to allow scrutiny of its own record.” HRW further said “[Modi’s] government should ensure that authorities, including in state governments where his party is in power, investigate and prosecute those responsible for inciting or carrying out violence against minorities.” In addition, over 3,200 individuals from the Christian community released a statement dissociating themselves from Prime Minister Modi’s December meeting with Christians, citing growing anti-minority attacks, including in Manipur, and antiminority hate speech by certain government officials. #### Other Developments Affecting Religious Freedom Authorities acted against vandalism of religious sites during the year. In Chaukipura, Madhya Pradesh, for example, police arrested three Hindu men accused of burning a Christian church. The pastor said he found the interior of the church building completely charred, all the furniture burned, and Hindu graffiti on the walls when he opened the building before Sunday services on February 12. Police said those responsible – identified as Avneesh Pandey and two others – were targeting churches and Islamic shrines in the area. Police said the three were “fringe elements” who did not belong to a political party. Media reported the accused were charged under the penal code with “injuring and defiling a place of worship with the intent of insulting religion.” In February, the Supreme Court dismissed a petition from BJP member Ashwini Upadhyay to appoint a commission to prepare a list of “ancient historical- cultural religious places” named by Muslim leaders during their rule to be renamed using Hindu names. In his petition, Upadhyay said that many of the historical locations found in ancient Hindu religious texts had been renamed for what he said were “foreign looters.” According to international media reports, his petition also stated, “Successive governments have not taken steps to correct the barbaric act of invaders and the injury is continuing.” The two-judge panel said the petition went against the principle of secularism enshrined in the constitution. #### Section III. ### Status of Societal Respect for Religious Freedom ### Abuses Involving Violence, Detention, or Mass Resettlement There were reports throughout the year of attacks against members of religious communities committed by individuals or groups, including killings, assaults, and intimidation. There were also reports of attacks against non-Hindus and Dalits allegedly engaged in cattle slaughter or transporting cattle for slaughter, known as “cow vigilantism.” There were reports of harassment and arrest of Muslim men accused of “love jihad.” There were also multiple cases of communal violence between religious groups. On February 16, Haryana police found the bodies of two men in a burned-out car in Bhiwani District, whom they subsequently identified as two Muslims, Mohammad Junaid and Mohammad Nasir. According to media reports and the men’s relatives, Junaid and Nasir were accused of cow smuggling while visiting a relative in Haryana and their car was stopped by members of a so-called cow vigilante group. Members of the group allegedly beat the two men and attempted to take them to two different police stations to be charged but were turned away at both. According to the police report, which was quoted by media, members of the vigilante group then drove the men nearly 100 miles away and set fire to their car while the two were inside. As of August, 10 persons had been arrested for involvement in the killing. Police listed Haryana District coordinator and Hindu Bajrang Dal activist Monu Manesar as one of the 21 accused. Rajasthan police also launched an investigation into the killing of Junaid and Nasir since the two men were from that state. On September 13, Haryana police arrested Manesar and transferred custody of him to Rajasthan police. On May 13, a Hindu crowd in Akola, Maharashtra, allegedly killed Dalit Vilas Gaikwad and injured eight others, including two policemen, during Hindu-Muslim clashes. Media reported that the crowd mistook the victim as Muslim. The violence began after Muslims alleged a local Hindu nationalist leader insulted them and the Prophet Muhammad on social media. Police arrested 147 individuals and briefly shut down local internet services in response. In the Nashik District of Maharashtra, a group described by media as cow vigilantes killed Lukman Ansari and attacked two other Muslim youths for allegedly transporting cattle for slaughter on June 8. Police arrested six of the 10 Muslims accused in the incident. In a second incident in the same area, media reports said cow vigilantes lynched Muslim Afan Ansari and injured another Muslim youth on suspicion of carrying beef in their car. Maharashtra police arrested 11 persons accused in that case and charged Ansari and the other Muslim with illegally transporting beef for slaughter. Since Ansari was killed, standard practice would be to drop his name from the transporting beef case once it reached the prosecution stage. On June 28, Muslim truck driver Muhammad Zahiruddin was lynched in Bihar’s Saran District by a crowd that suspected he was carrying beef. According to a media report, Zahiruddin was transporting cattle bones to a factory at Marhaura that used them to make gelatine for medicine capsules. On July 3, local media reported a crowd beat a Muslim and paraded him half- naked in the Siddipet District of Telangana for allegedly urinating at the statue of Shivaji, a 17th century Hindu king of western India. The man was described as inebriated at the time. After parading him around, local Hindu organizations called for the closure of all commercial establishments to protest the man’s action. During the resulting local protests, a crowd also attacked a mosque, according to media reports. Police filed nine cases and arrested 11 individuals. On July 29, the Supreme Court asked the MHA and police chiefs of six states what action they had taken in six separate incidents of mob lynching of Muslims in 2023. The Supreme Court also ordered that FIRs be opened automatically in such cases for promoting enmity between groups in situations of communal violence. The Supreme Court was responding to a petition filed by National Federation of Indian Women that questioned police inaction in cases of mob violence against Muslims and demanded compensation for the victims. In its ruling, the Supreme Court also referenced its 2018 judgment asking the MHA and all Indian states to take action in cases of mob vigilantism. There were incidents of violence reported between members of different religious groups. The National Crimes Record Bureau reported 272 instances of communal violence in 2022 (most recent data) compared with 378 in 2021. During the year, public celebrations of Hindu festivals sometimes resulted in communal violence, particularly when these celebrations included processions through Muslim-majority areas. For example, between March 30 and April 1, there were sporadic incidents of Hindu-Muslim violence in West Bengal, Bihar, and Jharkhand States during Hindu Ram Navami festivals. Media outlets reported that as processions of the BJP and affiliated Hindu nationalist groups, including RSS and the VHP, passed through Muslim-majority neighborhoods, some residents threw stones and yelled at them. The confrontations escalated to violence, arson, and property damage, according to media. In West Bengal, where the RSS and its affiliates organized 2,000 processions for Ram Navami, one person was reported killed in Dalkhola. Widely circulated videos on social media depicted participants in the Ram Navami processions carrying swords and guns. In Bihar, one person was reported killed and the 110-year-old Azizia Madrassah, the madrassah library, a mosque, and several houses and shops were reported damaged or destroyed. Police arrested several hundred persons in connection with communal violence across those states, according to media reports. In a statement released on April 4, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) said it had “deep concern” about the violence and vandalism targeting the Muslim community in several states during the Ram Navami processions, which it said reflected “systemic targeting of the Muslim community in India.” The OIC said authorities should take “firm actions against the instigators and perpetrators of such acts” and “ensure the safety, security, rights, and dignity of the Muslim community in the country.” On July 31 in Nuh, Haryana, communal violence broke out as a Hindu procession led by the VHP made its way through the Muslim-majority district. Six persons, including two constables of the Haryana Home Guard, were killed in the violence and more than 70 others injured. Violence spread the following day to the nearby city of Gurugram where a Hindu mob killed a Muslim cleric and burned down a mosque. Media reported that 188 persons were arrested in connection with the violence. On August 28, the Haryana government denied permission for the VHP to lead another procession through Nuh and deployed security forces to maintain public order. On September 12, Haryana police detained Bajrang Dal leader Monu Manesar, known for posting videos online of engaging in cow vigilante violence against Muslims, for releasing a provocative video just before the Nuh violence, appealing to his followers to join the procession. Haryana police also arrested Congress Party legislator Mamman Khan on allegations that he helped instigate the violence in Nuh. On August 3-5, the Haryana government demolished 1,208 structures across several towns and villages in the area where the communal violence had taken place. An officer on the Haryana Chief Minister’s staff said the structures razed belonged to those arrested in the violence, were houses from which rioters threw firebombs and rocks at other protestors and the police, or were illegal encroachments on government-owned land. Media reports said almost all the properties demolished belonged to Muslims, including in the Rohingya refugee camp in Tauru, and the overall demolition campaign was one of the largest-ever in the region. Local political activists said that demolitions deliberately targeted Muslims and left more than 500 homeless. Media reported that some of those with demolished homes said they had legal documents for their properties and had nothing to do with the violence; they also said they were given little or no advance notice of the demolitions. On August 7, the Punjab and Haryana High Court ordered a stay on further demolitions, asking in its order “whether the buildings belonging to a particular community are being brought down under the guise of law and order problem and an exercise of ethnic cleansing is being conducted by the State.” The government respected his order and halted demolitions. The Supreme Court further described calls for an economic boycott against the Muslim community as “unacceptable” and urged local authorities to take action against those promoting hate speech. In March, the NGO Citizens and Lawyers Initiative released its Routes of Wrath report covering Hindu-Muslim communal violence during the Hindu Ram Navami and Hanuman Jayanti festivals in April 2022. The report stated that “despite the well-known lessons from earlier riots,” religious processions “were permitted to pass through the most congested and sensitive areas,” leading to communal violence in nine states “followed by targeted attacks on Muslim-owned properties, businesses and places of worship.” The report said that Hindu nationalist organizations had taken over the processions during those festivals over the years. It also stated that Muslim families were displaced in areas where rioting and violence occurred, either by demolition of their property or because they feared for their safety. The report said, “no cause of interfaith riots has been as recurrent and widespread as the religious procession.” In the report’s prologue, former Supreme Court Justice Rohinton F. Nariman said one solution to the violence would be to “sensitize” police that “Muslims situated in India are citizens of India.” A study of media reports on communal riots and incidences of mob lynching conducted by the NGO Center for the Study of Society and Secularism cited 32 instances of communal riots reported by five major national newspapers in 2023, down from 41 in 2022. The study reported 21 cases of mob lynching in 2023, up from 15 in 2022. The 32 instances of communal riots resulted in the killing of 15 persons, including five Muslims, four Hindus, and three police personnel. In the 21 instances of mob lynching, 16 Muslims were killed, according to the study. The study said 11 communal riots took place in Maharashtra and five in Gujarat. The study also said 22 of the 32 communal riots took place in states where the BJP led the government. The study stated, “Communal violence in India in 2023 saw religious festivals being weaponized to provoke communal riots and subsequently enabling the state to use it as a pretext to demolish properties belonging mostly to the members of Muslim community. Out of 32 communal riots, 9 communal riots were triggered off during the Ram Navami processions that were organized by Hindu nationalists.” In the state of Manipur, violence broke out between the majority Meitei ethnic group and the minority Kuki ethnic group in May. Meitei are predominately Hindu while Kuki are predominately Christian. Media reports said the violence began in Imphal after large crowds of Kukis protested a decision by the Manipur High Court directing the Manipur state government to consider the Meitei community’s request to grant it special status as a Scheduled Tribe and send a recommendation to the national government to do the same. According to Indian and international outlets, Kukis – the minority group in the area and already included as a Scheduled Tribe under the constitution – feared this change in status could open their legally protected traditional lands to exploitation by the majority Meitei, and eventually lead to their displacement. Many media outlets described the ethnic violence as driven by political and economic concerns. Religion and ethnicity are closely linked, however, and some places of worship were reportedly targeted for their religious affiliation. In June, the Indigenous Tribal Leaders’ Forum said that at least 253 churches were burned down during the violence in Manipur. According to international and domestic media reports, the violence resulted in the killing of more than 200 persons and the displacement of over 60,000. Although the violence resulted in the destruction of religious places belonging to both communities, media reports stated that more churches than Hindu temples were destroyed. In addition, a group of Meitei reportedly attacked the small Bnei Menashe Jewish community, who are ethnically Kuki, killing one community member, destroying two of their synagogues, and displacing more than 1,000 members of the community. Most of the attacks against religious sites were reported to have taken place in the first few days of the conflict, when the interethnic violence was at its peak. Some members of the Kuki community reported that police abetted the Meitei groups who engaged in violence. There were also reports of Meitei Hindus pressuring Meitei Christians to convert and attacking churches belonging to Meitei Christians. One local Meiti Christian leader was reported to have said that the Meiti Christians had been “attacked from both sides.” Levels of violence decreased after a delayed surge of security forces in Manipur in the months after the conflict. The Irish NGO Church in Chains reported that violence continued after the initial rioting, including on June 9 when two Meiteis killed Domkhohoi Haokip, a Christian Kuki, as she was praying in a church in Khoken. The Supreme Court criticized the failure of the central government and the Manipur state government to halt the violence, especially in the early stages of the conflict. In August, the Supreme Court ordered a judicial panel to oversee humanitarian relief and compensation for those impacted by the violence in Manipur. In December, the Supreme Court ordered the Manipur state government to take steps to protect places of worship and restore places of worship for “all religious faiths and denominations” destroyed during the violence. In December, the UCF reported 731 attacks against Christians across the country during the year, compared with 599 such incidents in 2022. The UCF stated the attacks included “incidents (of) mob violence led by so-called vigilante groups of (a) particular faith who are allegedly receiving support from people in power.” UCF state-by-state data showed that most incidents were in Uttar Pradesh (301) and Chhattisgarh (152). Other states which reported higher instances of attacks against Christians included Haryana (52), Jharkhand (49), Madhya Pradesh (38), Karnataka (27), and Punjab (21). In April, during a hearing on the 2022 petition by Archbishop Peter Machado and two Christian NGOs for greater protection of Christians and more diligent government investigation of violence against Christians, the government told the Supreme Court that the UCF “exaggerated” claims of attacks against Christians, to create a “false narrative.” In July, the UCF’s national coordinator stated that “government data (on violence against Christians) downplays the severity of the situation.” In January, the U.S.-based Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations of North America (FIACONA) released its 2023 annual report, which documented 1,198 reported incidents of violence against Christians in 2022 throughout the country, compared with 761 in 2021. Incidents included neighborhood skirmishes, targeted killings, and armed assaults. The report stated that the violence against Christians was “planned and orchestrated” by “Hindu nationalist political parties as part of a larger design to create a Hindus-only state.” FIACONA said the estimated cost to property and businesses from these attacks was approximately $100 million. In its World Watch List report covering 2023, the Christian NGO Open Doors stated that Christians in the country were “increasingly under threat…by an ongoing belief among some Hindu extremists that Indians ought to be Hindu – and any faith outside of Hinduism is not welcome in India.” The NGO said, “This mindset has led to violent attacks across the country and impunity for the people who perpetrate this violence, especially in places where the authorities are also Hindu hardliners.” The NGO also said, with more states implementing anticonversion laws, there is “an environment where any Christian who shares their faith can be accused of a crime, intimidated, harassed and even met with violence.” Open Doors stated that 160 Christians were killed for “faith-related reasons” in the country from October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023 and 2228 Christian properties including churches attacked. Open Doors also said 2085 Christians were detained during this period for “faith-related reasons.” Other sources could not verify these statistics, however. In January, 300 Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish and Baha’i leaders gathered with Christians at the Sacred Heart Cathedral in New Delhi to show solidarity with Christians who were forced to leave their homes by violence in Chhattisgarh in December 2022. Vatican News reported that the participants lit candles, prayed together, and asked the government to stop violence against Christians, which it said were targeted because they refused to renounce their faith. There were numerous reports during the year of Hindu groups and organizations taking action against Christians they said were trying to convert others to Christianity and against others they said made derogatory remarks against Hinduism or Hindu deities. In some incidents, Hindus attacked Christians and disrupted Christian worship services. On January 1, for example, a Hindu crowd assembled in Gorra, Chhattisgarh, and summoned the town’s Christians to join them. When a few Christians arrived, Christianity Today stated they were beaten with sticks, bricks, and stones by the crowd, with some victims requiring hospitalization. One resident said the crowd accused Christians of “following a foreign religion” and gave them the choice of recanting their faith or leaving the area permanently. Christianity Today reported that the incident was part of “weeks of coordinated attacks against Christians” in Chhattisgarh that began in late 2022 and left approximately 1,500 persons homeless. The chairman of the Chhattisgarh Christian Forum (CCF) said in a press conference on January 4 that the CCF had reported the attacks to police but that “no action was taken by them, resulting in the series of attacks against the Christian community. The CCF chairman said, “The police have not only neglected our complaints, but they have also encouraged the attackers and we have evidence of this.” On February 27, members of the Hindu nationalist organization Bajarang Dal assaulted atheist activist Bairi Naresh in Warangal District, Telangana, for remarks he made during a conference in December 2022 that were deemed derogatory to Hindu deities. Police arrested Naresh on December 31, 2022 and charged him with inciting a riot and insulting religion, and he was released on bail in early 2023. Media outlets reported that police responded to a call from Naresh and attempted to protect him from the crowd. In August, the Telangana Bharatiya Nastika Samajam (Atheist Society of India) expelled him because of his comments in 2022. Media reported that on April 30 a group of approximately 100 Bajrang Dal members attacked a Christian congregation holding Sunday prayers at a private residence in Chhattisgarh’s Durg district; the attackers said the congregation was engaged in forced religious conversion. The host of the prayer meeting said that police stood by and watched without intervening. The Chhattisgarh Christian Forum said that the police detained the host and other Christian community members on charges of “disturbing the peace,” but none of the assailants were arrested. On July 4, members of the Bajrang Dal, the VHP, and regional political party Maharashtra Navnirman Sena entered the D.Y. Patil High School in Maharashtra’s Pune District and assaulted principal Alexander Cotes, alleging that students there were forced to recite Christian prayers and not allowed time off for Hindu festival holidays. Some of the students’ parents also took part in the assault, according to media reports. One parent said that the students were “intimidated” by school authorities. No charges were filed after the incident, according to media reports. On August 4, a group including VHP members assaulted student Ilyas Sarkar Suman in the Koroimura Higher Secondary School in Tripura after he objected to hijab-clad Muslim girls being prevented from attending classes and reportedly ransacked the principal’s office in protest with other students. Media aired video showing Suman being dragged out of his classroom by the group and beaten; no school staff intervened to help him. On August 6, Bajrang Dal members disrupted a church service in Bihar’s Nawda District, attacking Protestant Pastor Shyju Joseph and accusing him of converting people to Christianity, UCA News reported. One witness said Joseph was beaten badly enough to be taken to a hospital for his injuries. As of December, fundamentalist Islamic terrorist groups Lashkar-e-Taiyyba and its proxy group the Resistance Front had killed 12 civilians and migrant laborers as well as 33 members of the security forces in 72 incidents in Jammu and Kashmir, according to the South Asian Terrorism Portal. This compared with 30 civilians and 30 members of the security forces killed in 151 incidents in 2022. On January 1 and 2, terrorists killed seven Hindu civilians in the Rajouri District of Jammu and Kashmir in two separate incidents. In October, terrorists killed Hindu migrant worker Mukesh Kumar from Uttar Pradesh in Pulwama District. ### Abuses Limiting Religious Belief and Expression Incidents of abuses reported against Christians included socially ostracizing and economically boycotting them and prohibiting some from using communal burial grounds because of their religious beliefs, according to the UCF. In September, Meenakshi Ganguly, deputy director of Human Rights Watch’s Asia Division, said in an interview, “While Hindus have the right to practice their faith, that should not include undermining and attacking fellow Indians who might follow another religion or belief. Instead, some Hindu groups that believe they enjoy the protection and patronage of the ruling BJP, have targeted Muslims and Christians, their places of worship, and even their livelihood.” In a report to a committee of the Irish Parliament on July 4, representatives of the NGO Church in Chains stated, “India’s constitution guarantees religious freedom and Christians enjoy freedom in much of the country, but in rural areas they face increasing persecution from Hindu extremists motivated by Hindu nationalist ideology.” The NGO representatives said, “The extremists attack small churches, beat pastors and members, set fire to homes and church buildings, and accuse Christians of being involved in forced conversions of Hindus.” There were also reports of Hindus disrupting Muslim events, stating that they included illegal conversions. In June, for example, college authorities in Malegon, Maharashtra, suspended principal Subhash Nikam following objections by a Hindu nationalist group that Nikam opened a career guidance seminar with an Islamic prayer. Media reported that the Hindu group whose members had disrupted the seminar said that Nikam was illegally converting students to Islam. Nikam said that the local organization sponsoring the seminar, which was not affiliated with the school, usually opened its events with brief Islamic prayers. Police filed a complaint against Nikam. During the year, there were reports alleging that Muslim men had deceived Hindu women into marrying them and then pressured the women to convert, a practice called “love jihad.” In Maharashtra, Samajwadi Party legislator Rais Shaikh said in December that the Interfaith Marriage Family Coordination Committee established by that state government in December 2022 received 402 complaints of “love jihad” since its creation. In March, State Minister for Women and Child Welfare, Mangalprabhat Lodha, said there were more than 100,000 cases of “love jihad” in Maharashtra when it set up the committee. In June, BJP president in Bihar State Samrat Choudhary said the BJP would investigate all alleged cases of “love jihad” if voted to power in Bihar in the next (2025) state election. ### Abuses Involving the Ability of Individuals to Engage in Religious Activities Alone or in Community with Others In June, media reported that two men in Kolhapur, Maharashtra, posted images of 18th century Mysore ruler Tipu Sultan and an audio message deemed offensive to Hindus on their social media accounts. In addition, a man posted an image of 17th and 18th century Mughal emperor Aurangzeb on his WhatsApp account. Both historical leaders are considered by historians to have oppressed Hindus during their reigns. The social media posts led to large protests by Hindus in Kolhapur on June 7 that were dispersed by police. Police said all three men who posted the images were charged with “promoting enmity” and “intention to hurt the religious sentiments of others” under the penal code. Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis told media that the social media posts “could not be mere coincidence” and were “desperate attempts” to destabilize law and order in the state. On August 20, in Tamil Nadu’s Tiruvannamalai District, a Muslim woman was denied permission to take a Hindi language examination conducted by the Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha after she refused to remove her hijab. Following the incident, Muslim organizations staged a protest in front of the examination center. There were instances of Hindus preventing Christians from proselytizing during the year. On March 1, at the World Book Fair in New Delhi, a group of 30 men entered the stall of the Gideons International organization, pulling books off shelves and repeating Hindu religious chants. Police eventually removed the protestors, and video of the incident circulated widely on social media. One eyewitness told journalists that the group did not attack other locations displaying Islamic texts. He added that Gideons International erected its display following the normal rules of the book fair and had been displaying books at the fair for the past 10 years. There were instances of religious group members making derogatory comments in public about other religious groups during the year. For example, on January 15, news portal Nijam Today reported that Hyderabad police arrested Pastor Kuntum Edward William from Andhra Pradesh for his remarks during a church service on January 1 in which he said that the BJP-led central government would carry out a Christian “genocide” in 2023, based on an “American top secret agency report available to him.” Nijam Today also reported that William said it was “the duty” of PM Modi and Home Minister Shah “to hate Christians.” The portal shared a social media post by a Hindu nationalist organization with a video of William’s remarks. The pastor, who is also the host of a Christian television program, was charged with making religious hate speech and public provocation. He was later released on bail, the portal reported. In March, a widely circulated video on social media showed speakers at a VHP event in Kodi, Gujarat, defaming the Pope and calling for those present at the event to “remove Christians” from the area. Christian nuns and Gujarat Roman Catholic authorities on March 21 petitioned the Gujarat Chief Minister for protection and demanded that the speakers be charged under the relevant portions of the penal code. In April, a nun from Vadodara filed a petition in the Gujarat High Court seeking action regarding derogatory remarks against the Pope. The petitioner said police took no action against the VHP speakers, despite the request from Catholic authorities that they do so. The Gujarat High Court had not ruled on the petition as of year’s end. Media outlets reported that Sakal Hindu Samaj (All Hindu Society), a coalition of Hindu nationalist groups, held 50 public rallies in Maharashtra between November 2022 to March 2023 in which they said Muslims were forcibly converting Hindu women through marriage and called for Hindus to arm themselves and economically boycott Muslims. In February, the Supreme Court ordered Maharashtra police to do more to curb hate speech in the state. In May, Maharashtra police informed the Supreme Court that 30 hate speech-related complaints were registered from February to May. The Indian Express online news service said Muslims viewed the rallies as discriminatory because they featured speakers criticizing “love jihad” and “Islamic aggression” in addition to calling for a boycott. A Washington Post reporter who attended one of the rallies in February said she saw persons of all ages expressing Hindu akrosh (angst) and calling for “termites” and “bearded traitors” – derogatory terms for Muslims – to leave the country. Citing the NGO Hindutva Watch, the Los Angeles Times in October reported that in the first six months of the year, “nearly 80 percent of hate speech events were held in states or territories controlled by the BJP party.” ### Abuses Involving Discrimination or Unequal Treatment There were incidents during the year that members of some minority religious groups viewed as discriminatory or threatening. There were also protests by members of some minority religious groups against treatment or comments they viewed as discriminatory. On February 20, the Gujarat Education Board of Catholic Institutions sought police protection for buildings in the state, and especially for St. Mary’s High Secondary School in Amreli District, after members of the VHP and Bajrang Dal entered the school and demanded that photos of Hindu deities be installed inside classrooms and at the principal’s office. In a letter to Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel, Father Teles Fernandes, secretary of the board, said the incident was “totally unacceptable in a democratic and secular country like India. We as a minority group, feel threatened and intimidated by such elements.” Also in February, the RSS-affiliated Janajati Dharma Sanskriti Suraksha Manch, a social organization in Assam, demanded removal of the Scheduled Tribe status of anyone who embraced Christianity. A spokesman said to the media, “Tribal people, who have been converted to ‘foreign religions’ such as Christianity and Islam, are getting double benefits, both as members of Scheduled Tribes and as a minority.” On March 26, the organization held a rally in Guwahati to press their demand. In a statement, legislators from the neighbouring state of Meghalaya “strongly condemned” the Hindu group’s demand which they said went “against the spirit of respecting the indigenous ethnic origin of the Scheduled Tribes of the North East, especially the Christian community in Meghalaya and Nagaland.” According to a media report, on March 15, a village council in Chhattisgarh’s Bastar Region passed a resolution prohibiting tribal members from working on farmland owned by Christians or Hindus, banning Christian cremations within the village, and outlawing the celebration of nontraditional tribal festivals. The resolution said that the spread of Christianity, Hinduism, and other nontribal religions in the area was putting local tribal culture “on the verge of ending.” Bastar District authorities said the village council resolution was illegal, promised action against anyone who discriminated against anyone based on religion, and announced an investigation into the resolution. On March 25, members of the Scheduled Tribe communities demonstrated in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, to call for a constitutional amendment which would deny rights such as government employment and education quotas to any member of the Scheduled Tribes who converted from their traditional religions to other religions, such as Christianity or Islam. Representatives of 62 tribal organizations took part and were joined by Union Minister of State Bishweswar Tudu, who said the demand for such an amendment was “growing louder across the country.” Tudu said the Scheduled Tribes members had their own culture, which conversion to other faiths would destroy. One tribal leader at the demonstration said many tribal individuals who had converted to other religions (i.e., Christianity) took advantage of the same benefits offered to Scheduled Tribes members who did not convert. “This should be stopped,” he told the media. Another leader said that tribal people were targeted for proselytization by Christians. In April, UCA News reported that Christians and Muslims in the Bastar area of Chhattisgarh petitioned the local government to act against local leaders of Hindu-led organizations, including the BJP, the VHP, and Bajrang Dal, that had called for an embargo against Christian and Muslim businesses during a rally on April 10 in Jagdalpur. A Christian leader said authorities had agreed to investigate. Following the petitions, BJP officials stated that their party “does not support social discrimination” and is committed “to work for the development of society as a whole.” In May, the Muslim Youth League in Kerala state offered a 10-million-rupee ($120,200) “cash reward” for anyone who could provide evidence supporting what they said were false claims in The Kerala Story film that ISIS recruited “thousands” of Christian and Hindu women from the state, many through marriage and conversion. A Muslim Youth Group leader said that the film reinforced “Islamophobic tropes” in order to “tarnish the reputation of our state as well as the Muslim community.” Both the Kerala state government and members of the opposition threatened legal action against the filmmakers for “attempting to spread propaganda”; other groups petitioned the Kerala High Court and the national Supreme Court to prevent the film’s release. On June 7, the Tamil Nadu government closed the Sri Dharmaraja Draupadi Amman Hindu Temple near Melpathi in Villupuram District following a dispute between Vanniyars, members of a higher caste group, and Dalits concerning which group could use the facility. Media reports said that three Dalits were assaulted in April while trying to enter the temple to pray. In response, Dalit groups staged public protests and blocked roads. When the state’s minister for higher education said that everyone had a right to worship at the temple and district authorities would resolve the issue, Vanniyars protested and blocked entry. Local authorities said the temple would be reopened once an “amicable settlement” could be reached between the Vanniyars and the Dalits. The temple was managed by the state Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department. In August, international media outlets reported about a video circulating on social media showing a teacher in Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, ordering her students to take turns slapping a crying seven-year-old Muslim boy standing in front of the class for “not remembering his times tables.” As the students slapped the Muslim student, the teacher could be heard saying derogatory remarks in reference to the boy’s religion. Police registered a case against the teacher and launched an investigation, with the student moving to another school. In October, speakers at a conference in Jalgaon, Maharashtra, organized by HJS said Hindus were “waking up and raising their voice(s) against the injustice they face” because Hindus were being “targeted” with charges of hate speech around the country. The HJS organizer for Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh, Sunil Ghanwat, said that although “there has been no incident where [the] speech of Hindutva activists caused law and order problems,” Hindus were still charged for their comments under “pressure on the police and administration.” To counter what he said were “anti-Hindu” forces, Ghanwat said that the HJS should create organizations to lobby for Hindu issues at every level of government. Following the October 7 Hamas attack in Israel, the Guardian said there was “a flood of disinformation” on social media stating that India faced a similar threat from its Muslim population, particularly in Muslim-majority areas such as Jammu and Kashmir. According to the Guardian, a typical, widely circulated message said, “In the future, India could also face conspiracies and attacks like Israel.” A BJP politician in Karnataka stated on social media, “We may face the situation that Israel is confronting today if we don’t stand up against Politically motivated Radicalism.” Vishnu Gupta, national president of Hindu nationalist organization Hindu Sena, told the Guardian that he and 200 others were volunteering for the Israeli army because both countries “are victims of Islamic terror.” Gupta added, “Just as Jerusalem was taken over by Muslims, holy places in India were also invaded by Muslims.” In its Freedom in the World report covering civil liberties including freedom of religion in 2023, the NGO Freedom House rated the country as “partly free” due to “discriminatory policies and a rise in persecution affecting the Muslim population.” ### Other Developments Affecting Religious Freedom Several Hindu nationalist publications and social media users attempted to blame interfaith tensions for a June 2 train accident that killed 275 persons and injured over 1,000. The RSS-affiliated publication Organizer stated the accident may have resulted from Muslim international terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda and ISIS attacking transportation infrastructure. Other social media posts also suggested that the accident was carried out by Muslims, since it took place on a Friday (the Islamic Sabbath) and the local railroad station manager was Muslim (an untrue claim, according to media). In a June 4 statement, Odisha police warned the public not to circulate rumors and said there would be “severe legal action” against anyone who did. There were reports of cooperation between faith groups during the year. In one example, in April, Hindu and Muslim leaders in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, joined with public health authorities to urge residents to have children vaccinated to counter a measles outbreak. Hindu leaders used temple gatherings and Muslim imams used Friday sermons in mosques to spread the message, according to media reports. #### Section IV. ### U.S. Government Policy and Engagement In a joint statement issued during Prime Minister Modi’s state visit to Washington in June, the U.S. and Indian governments reaffirmed “their shared values of freedom, democracy, human rights, inclusion, pluralism, and equal opportunities for all citizens.” The statement said that both countries recognized “the diversity represented in their nations and celebrating the contributions of all their citizens.” In a joint statement issued during President Biden’s visit to New Delhi in September, the U.S. and Indian governments said, “The leaders re-emphasized that the shared values of freedom, democracy, human rights, inclusion, pluralism, and equal opportunities for all citizens are critical to the success our countries enjoy and that these values strengthen our relationship.” The Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense’s joint statement with Indian counterparts following a meeting in November echoed similar views. During his visit to New Delhi in April, the Secretary of State met with women leaders and discussed, among other issues, recent developments in religious freedom in the country. In July, the Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights met with civil society groups to discuss the treatment of members of marginalized religious and ethnic groups in the country, among other issues, underscoring the U.S. commitment to its partnership with India and advancing freedom of religion or belief and freedom of expression. Throughout the year, the Ambassador engaged with members of religious communities, including representatives of the Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, and Sikh faiths, to discuss the importance of religious freedom and pluralism; the value of interfaith dialogue, and the operating environment for faith-based organizations. In May, the Ambassador visited historic mosques in Hyderabad and Ahmedabad and engaged with religious minorities and an interfaith youth group. Visiting Mumbai in May, the Ambassador joined religious leaders on an interfaith walk that included visits to Hindu and Parsi temples, a mosque, a synagogue, and a Jesuit university museum. In March, the Chargé d’Affaires hosted an iftar for senior-level Muslim representatives where they discussed religious freedom and pluralism in the country. Embassy and consulate officials and other visiting senior U.S. officials including the Assistant Secretary of State and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, met with leaders from the government, religious minority communities, NGOs, civil society, and academia to engage on religious freedom concerns and learn about the perspectives and experiences of religious leaders. In April, the Consul General in Mumbai hosted an iftar with prominent civil society members to discuss religion in the workplace. In Ahmedabad, the Consul-General joined the Ambassador to meet with an interfaith youth group and tour prominent multifaith religious sites in the city to emphasize the importance of religious freedom to all faiths. Staff from the consulate general in Kolkata regularly engaged with religious leaders across the east and northeast areas of the country to underscore the U.S. government’s commitment to human rights and religious freedom. During the year, the Consul General visited the Ahmadi and Dawoodi Bohra communities, minority Muslim communities, to encourage interfaith dialogue. On April 11, the Consul General in Chennai hosted an iftar for interfaith leaders. In June, she addressed an Indian Philosophy Conference event and stressed U.S. interest in promoting religious freedom, human rights, and tolerance. On January 10, the Consul General in Hyderabad and the visiting Chargé d’Affaires hosted Muslim youth leaders who were former participants in U.S. government exchange programs to discuss religious freedom and problems faced by the Muslim community. Embassy and consulate public messaging, including from the Ambassador and the Consuls General, regularly emphasized U.S.-government-supported activities that involved individuals from different religious traditions and marked important religious holidays from various religions in the country. ## View report by: Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas, The Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma Burundi Cabo Verde Cambodia Cameroon Canada Central African Republic Chad Chile China (Includes Hong Kong, Macau, Tibet, and Xinjiang) Colombia Comoros Costa Rica Côte d’Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia, The Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel, West Bank and Gaza Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria North Korea North Macedonia Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of the Congo Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey (Türkiye) Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe India Build A Custom Report ### On This Page search > < 1. Executive Summary 2. Section I. Religious Demography 3. Section II. Status of Government Respect for Religious Freedom 1. Legal Framework 2. Government Practices 1. Abuses Involving Violence, Detention, or Mass Resettlement 2. Abuses Limiting Religious Belief and Expression 3. Abuses Involving the Ability of Individuals to Engage in Religious Activities Alone or in Community with Others 4. Abuses Involving Discrimination or Unequal Treatment 5. Other Developments Affecting Religious Freedom 4. Section III. Status of Societal Respect for Religious Freedom 1. Abuses Involving Violence, Detention, or Mass Resettlement 2. Abuses Limiting Religious Belief and Expression 3. Abuses Involving the Ability of Individuals to Engage in Religious Activities Alone or in Community with Others 4. Abuses Involving Discrimination or Unequal Treatment 5. Other Developments Affecting Religious Freedom 5. Section IV. 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Scenes of Muslims brutally attacking a Christian and splitting his face in half in Manipur
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I thank the Backbench Business Committee for allowing time for this debate. Speaking as a Member of Parliament, I seek to bring to bear my experiences over the last two to three years as the UK Prime Minister’s special envoy for freedom of religion or belief, and from my role as the chair of the International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance, which now comprises 42 countries and growing, even though it is only just over three years old. The focus of my speech is the need for us to be bolder and braver, to turn more of our words into actions, and to make a positive difference for those who suffer freedom of religion or belief violations. Freedom of religion or belief is a foundational right, but sadly violations of it are increasing across the world, by countries at scale, by terror groups and mobs, and through abuses against individuals imprisoned for their beliefs who so boldly and bravely stand and suffer for their faith. Those people are excluded from education, jobs, healthcare and access to justice; they experience discrimination, harassment and persecution. They are at risk of being incarcerated, tortured or even killed simply on account of what they believe. The men, women and children around the world who suffer, whether under the hard arm of authoritarian regimes or at the ruthless whims of militant mobs, need not just our voices, but our partnership—not just our words, but our good deeds. That is why, after the London ministerial last July on freedom of religion or belief—a two-day gathering, which I had the privilege of co-chairing with Lord Ahmad, that was attended by more than 1,000 Government representative delegates from more than 80 countries, with more than 130 side events at the FORB fringe— I said, “These two days cannot be just a talking shop. We must turn our words into action that follows.” My special envoy team and I organised a third day after the conference; I pay tribute to David Burrowes, my deputy special envoy, and my private secretary from the Foreign Office, Sue Breeze. That event was a “next steps” day, when more than 100 people from across the international community concerned about freedom of religion or belief, or FORB, sat down and worked out some action priorities, which the special envoy team has since worked to implement. In some cases they have begun to be implemented and in others we have made some good progress, with the support of the global council of experts of the International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance—a group of 40 experts from across the world—and in conjunction with representatives of the UK FORB Forum, a forum of 70 concerned organisations chaired by Mervyn Thomas, the founder of CSW, who is in the Gallery today.Column 454WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 454WH I will particularly focus on strengthening collaborative working on freedom of religion or belief between grassroots activists, academics, lawyers, civil society experts, faith leaders, non-governmental organisations and Government representatives such as myself. Not long ago, it was encouraging to hear Mervyn Thomas, a seasoned observer in this field, say that he has never seen the FORB community more connected than it is today. We will make a difference only if we work together. The International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance is a growing organisation. Our countries range from the Americas, Canada, Brazil, Costa Rica and across Africa, such as in Sierra Leone, down to Australia and through to many European countries. We are an organisation based on action. What are the practical next steps that have been taken since the London ministerial last July? IRFBA—a difficult acronym to say—has inspired a 24-hour global virtual youth conference on FORB. This will take place on 19 and 20 October, and we hope to engage 1,000 young people from across the world, including in countries where they experience persecution, to enable them to directly recount their experiences through the “open space” format. We hope to inspire a new generation of FORB ambassadors. Much as young people have inspired the world on climate change, can I encourage anyone listening to this debate to log on to, and find out more about this conference? Particularly if you are a young person, please join it. Other work has been done for young people. For instance, throughout the last academic year since the London ministerial, curriculum materials have been developed for the very youngest children—five and upwards—to understand the importance of not discriminating against others on account of their religion or belief, with a pilot being undertaken in four schools in the UK, including one in my constituency. Preliminary feedback is encouraging —children as young as five can quickly grasp the concept of FORB—and I have been encouraged by the interest in this work shown by our Schools Minister. I hope we can roll it out to more schools nationwide, and internationally across to our IRFBA countries in due course. I call this the ultimate upstream prevention work. The special envoy team, together with the International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance, is driving forward work in a number of other areas. Time prohibits me from going into detail, but let me list them. We are championing individual prisoners of conscience—at least one a month over the last year—and we have already seen two people imprisoned for their beliefs released. The most recent is young Hanna Abdimalik from Somaliland, a 24-year-old who converted to Christianity, was reported to the authorities by her own mother and was imprisoned for five years. I am very pleased to say that she was released last month. We are building an international network of FORB roundtables, such as the UK FORB Forum, which has been so successful. We are networking and supporting human rights defenders working on FORB. We are better engaging with the media on FORB. This is a struggle, but we are doing our best to look at how we can better bring this major international concern into the media, both social and mainstream. We are working on atrocity prevention to help to call out abuses earlier. We are working with lawyers on legislative reform. Column 455WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 455WH We are looking to protect religious and cultural heritage with a very active working group, and we are beginning to network on international best practice for trauma counselling and rehabilitation, so that people such as young Hanna can get appropriate support when they are released from prison. This is the kind of work I mean when I say that we need to turn words into action. That is the good news; and why is it so important? Because of the bad news. The bad news is that it has never been more important to champion FORB because it has never been more at risk. What is the evidence? Look across the world at what has happened in the over two and a half years since I was appointed as the UK Prime Minister’s special envoy for freedom of religion or belief in December 2020. We have seen a military coup in Myanmar dramatically exacerbating the persecution of religious minorities there. We have seen the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, with every belief group there, other than those willing to succumb to the Taliban’s oppressive ways, now living in daily fear. Eritrea and Uganda have grown increasingly authoritarian. FORB restrictions have increased in Tunisia, as well as in Algeria, to which I led a delegation just a few months ago. In Algeria, dozens—indeed, most—of the evangelical Protestant churches have been required to close in the last few years. Pastors now face court proceedings. The Catholic social action charity Caritas was shut down—actually, while I was there—a few months ago. Ahmadi Muslims face huge fines. Not one synagogue is left open in the capital, Algiers, and Bible Society literature has been blockaded from distribution from ships at port. Also in Africa, in Nigeria, year on year increasing thousands of Christians are massacred by the ISWA—Islamic State West Africa—terrorist network. Mr Gregory Campbell (East Londonderry) (DUP) Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 3 on Twitter Share contribution 3 on Facebook Share contribution 3 via Email Copy link to contribution 3 to clipboard Copy link I commend the hon. Member and all the other Members who engage on this important issue on an ongoing basis. She is outlining a whole series of international incidents and issues. Does she agree that there must be an international response to all this, to ensure that there is wider understanding and then action taken, as she has outlined? Fiona Bruce Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 4 on Twitter Share contribution 4 on Facebook Share contribution 4 via Email Copy link to contribution 4 to clipboard Copy link The hon. Member is absolutely right. I am pleased that the international response through the International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance is strengthening, but we need to do more and we need more countries to join it. In Nicaragua, the Catholic Church has been targeted this year, with religious organisations running schools and medical centres peremptorily expelled. A university was shut down last month. Even Mother Teresa’s nuns, who have been working there for 30 years, were thrown out with no notice. Meanwhile, dozens of pastors flee Cuba. We are all too aware of China’s incarceration of 1 million or more Uyghurs, but how many of us know that a similar number of children—1 million or so—as young as two years old have recently been removed from their homes and families in Tibet and transported to residential schools, to alienate them from their families, cultures and beliefs? In Hong Kong, the public voice of the Church has been neutered.Column 456WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 456WH In the period since I was privileged to take up the office of envoy, the war against Ukraine has erupted, with places of worship being deliberately destroyed, pastors disappearing and Putin weaponising Orthodox Christianity. In Russia itself, Jehovah’s Witnesses, who are pacifists, are now being imprisoned as criminals—even the very elderly. Rehman Chishti (Gillingham and Rainham) (Con) Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 5 on Twitter Share contribution 5 on Facebook Share contribution 5 via Email Copy link to contribution 5 to clipboard Copy link I pay tribute to my hon. Friend’s amazing work as the United Kingdom’s envoy. With regard to Ukraine and Russia and the point made by the hon. Member for East Londonderry (Mr Campbell)—who is to my right in this Chamber but not to my right politically—the United Kingdom has imposed the toughest sanctions possible to address Putin’s war machine and hold him accountable. The question was raised about the international community coming together to address and to hold to account those who violate religious freedom. Will the envoy say whether the 42 member countries of the alliance—I declare that I was its vice- chair—have come together to ask respective countries to look at sanctioning certain individuals across the globe for their violations of international religious freedom or belief? Fiona Bruce Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 6 on Twitter Share contribution 6 on Facebook Share contribution 6 via Email Copy link to contribution 6 to clipboard Copy link My hon. Friend makes a good point. As chair of the alliance, I have certainly asked our sanctions unit to look at individuals, but it is an excellent point: the alliance collectively could also look at that. Ukraine is a founder member of IRFBA, but Ukraine and many central European countries around it now face Putin crouching at their door. For them, defending FORB is more than a principle; it is a lived reality. They faced communism, they faced the Nazis. Working with my counterparts from those countries humbles me. I am referring to counterparts such as Ambassador Robert Řehák from the Czech Republic, the IRFBA vice-chair. When he was at school during the communist era in what became the Czech Republic, the state police came to see him and said, “If you keep speaking out like this, we’ll take you away.” He says, “I knew they meant it, because I had seen the bodies taken away through the streets of Prague in black bags.” All the FORB violations that I have referred to and more, in all the countries where FORB violations have increased, are impacting on millions of people across the world. It is a tragedy that so many violations are happening in our time and that the numbers of people affected are so huge. Individual men, women and children are affected. They are suffering simply because of what they believe and simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But there are too many wrong places and this is in our time, the 21st century. It is a tragic paradox that globalisation, which not long ago, in the 20th century, was heralded as the route to a more connected, confident and civilised future for the world, seems to have spawned, in the 21st century, a far more insecure, fractious and fragmented international landscape. The current global trajectory is away from a rights-based order or consensus, prioritising democracy, civil liberties and the rule of law, to what could increasingly be described as a values-based order—and those values are not always positive, focusing on national, religious, ethnic or political priorities. Since the turn of the century, an increasing number of countries have seen the creeping eclipse of liberal democracy and its replacement by an authoritarianism Column 457WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 457WH led by so-called democracies such as Russia and inspired by the model of the People’s Republic of China. A new authoritarian influence that openly seeks to reinterpret and redefine human rights is on the increase, aided and abetted by technological developments, facilitating persecution on a scale unimaginable a generation ago. That technology, which is sold around the world to dozens of countries, also feeds another recent trend: transnational repression. Consequently, it often appears, as the writer Anne Applebaum so powerfully noted in The Atlantic, that “The Bad Guys Are Winning”—a piece she otherwise titled, “The Autocrats Are Winning”. For authoritarians, FORB represents an existential threat. For states and rulers who seek to impose their worldview or ideology and who wish to control the national narrative, the public presence of diverse and vocal religious and belief groups is intolerable. For them, ultimate loyalty must be to an authoritarian leader and no other. That, of course, is no more tragically seen than in the outworking of the egregiously cruel regime of Kim Jong-un in North Korea, where three generations of a family can be punished for the so-called crime of one, and where a two-year-old child has been sentenced to life in prison simply because his parents owned a Bible. As well as the autocrats—the so-called bad guys—regrettably, too many Governments, which may be called “the good guys”, view FORB merely as a niche interest, to be engaged by a few of us with a particularly religious perspective on life. Yet FORB is not a niche topic or a sidebar issue. That perception has to change. Here in the UK, we cannot just tick the FORB box by saying, “Well, there’s a special envoy.” The so-called good guys have to be bolder and braver to call out FORB abusers, and those of us involved in this work need to work harder to communicate that. FORB is a foundational human right. FORB concerns should therefore be core concerns at every international summit, because they are at the core of so many human rights violations today. I will give just one of the many examples of continuing blind spots in identifying FORB abusers for what they are—and this one is by the good guys. While women in Iran have bravely led the charge against the brutal theocratic regime, journalists and politicians alike have not fully grasped the fact that, at heart, the protests are about FORB violations. The imposition of religious dress codes is a FORB issue. It is FORB that the Iranian regime fears most because, as with all authoritarian regimes, FORB represents an existential threat. With angry crowds shouting, “Women, life, freedom,” it is the realisation of FORB in full that will ensure respect for women, for life and for freedom for everyone in Iran. This is the issue on which the future of Iran hangs. If global trends continue, the stage is set for an era of diminishing human rights. FORB will continue to be a prime casualty of that decline, which will be exacerbated by inadequate understanding—even by the good guy countries—of FORB as a foundational human right and of its importance in the human rights realm. We have been too accustomed to countries merely paying lip service to FORB rights and obligations, having signed up to international agreements including article 18 of the universal declaration of human rights and the international covenant on civil and political rights, but without honouring the obligations in them. In a country Column 458WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 458WH that has signed up to both those agreements, it is simply not acceptable for a young girl to be kidnapped from her home, forcibly “married” by being raped multiple times, and then turned away when she goes to a police station or tries to get justice through the courts. We should call this out more. If the era that I have described continues, we can expect even the pretence of assent to begin to fade. That is why the good guys must be bolder and braver. Although human rights are independently valuable and interdependent, the right to FORB is a foundational value. Without the freedom to believe or not to believe, it is hard to see how other human rights make sense. Freedom of speech, freedom of peaceful assembly, freedom of movement, freedom of expression, the right to equality before the law, the right to education, privacy, family life and marriage—all those rights are predicated and contingent on the right to thought, conscience and religion. Citizens cannot be truly free if they cannot live according to their beliefs. Without the expression of what has long been considered a sacred inner liberty, external rights lack grounding and legitimacy. Political, social and economic freedoms cannot co-exist alongside major limitations on FORB. FORB can exist without democracy, but it is hard to see how democracy can exist without FORB. FORB can also be considered a foundational value, because violations of it provide an early warning system for other human rights troubles and their trajectory. That is why we need to call out abuses at an early stage. Much good work is being done, as I mentioned at the outset, but we need to do still more to be bolder and braver and to turn more of our words into action. We need a dedicated Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Minister in the House of Commons working on the issue of religion or belief. I am grateful to the Minister for being here today, and I know she takes great interest in the subject, but last week it was the Minister for Europe, my hon. Friend the Member for Aldershot (Leo Docherty), who responded to our debate on the Ahmadis. During Question Time in the main Chamber, it is the Minister responsible for international development, my right hon. Friend the Member for Sutton Coldfield (Mr Mitchell), who answers questions on FORB. This is too important an issue for us not to have a dedicated Minister in the House of Commons, much as we have one for women and girls. On every foreign trip, a Minister should be accompanied by a FORB briefing, which my special envoy team is more than willing to provide. We also need to ensure that recommendation 6 of the Truro review—that the special envoy role be embedded in legislation—is put into effect. On 18 October, I shall present a private Member’s Bill on the issue. I thank hon. Members who are supporting the Bill, and I pay tribute to parliamentary colleagues across the parties for their commitment to and interest in FORB. We in the UK are a beacon in that respect, but we need to ensure that the energy and momentum of the current special envoy team endure beyond the next general election and that they are given better and more adequate and substantive departmental support in the FCDO. This is an area in which the UK is now seen as a global leader. Let us keep it that way. Several hon. Members rose— Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 7 on Twitter Share contribution 7 on Facebook Share contribution 7 via Email Copy link to contribution 7 to clipboard Copy link Column 459WHis located here Mr Philip Hollobone (in the Chair) Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 9 on Twitter Share contribution 9 on Facebook Share contribution 9 via Email Copy link to contribution 9 to clipboard Copy link Order. The debate can last until 11 o’clock. I am obliged to call the Front- Bench spokespersons at no later than 10.27 am, and the guideline limits are 10 minutes each for the Scottish National party, for His Majesty’s Opposition and for the Minister. We should then have a couple of minutes at the end for the mover of the motion to sum up the debate. There will be a five-minute limit so that everybody can get in, and Jim Shannon will lead by example. 9.54am Jim Shannon (Strangford) (DUP) Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 11 on Twitter Share contribution 11 on Facebook Share contribution 11 via Email Copy link to contribution 11 to clipboard Copy link That will be difficult, Mr Hollobone, but I will try my best. I thank the hon. Member for Congleton (Fiona Bruce) for setting the scene so very well. I commend her sterling work in this House for freedom of religion or belief, and for Our Lord and Saviour. It is important work, and I thank her for it. As the chair of the all-party parliamentary group for international freedom of religion or belief, I want to raise two issues: India and Pakistan. This debate is not to attack friends, but to share a lesson from our history. The UK has learned enough through its long history to know that when religious minorities are denied rights, it harms the rest of society. When they have been granted equal rights, the UK has thrived. I am concerned about the ongoing violations of religious liberty that have been allowed to continue in the Manipur region of north-east India. Between 3 and 6 May this year, a short, sharp episode of extreme violence occurred. Eye- watering numbers of people were displaced from their homes; some reports state that 26,000 people were displaced and 50,000 were forced to relocate. A shocking video of two Kuki women who were graphically assaulted went viral a few weeks ago, opening up the world to the plight of the thousands of people who have been suffering. The events in Manipur might be classed as originating in tribal or ethnic tensions, but the Manipur violence has silently been an attack on Christians in India. It is striking that local police and state government sat by as arson destroyed the properties, homes and lives of minority and religious groups. The religious aspect of the violence has not been widely reported. The perpetrators of the violence are understood to be from Hindu extremist backgrounds, whereas the victims are predominantly Christians. Some 230 churches were destroyed over a four-day period. Many perpetrators of the violence did not act in a random manner; their violence was deliberately targeted at Christians, and they wanted them to flee their lands. International reports have made an explicit link to the violations of freedom of religion or belief in Manipur. The European Parliament has urged the Indian Government to “take urgent steps to restore calm” and “to tackle the impunity enjoyed by mobs perpetrating the violence and respond to stem the violence in line with their international human rights obligations”. The United Nations Human Rights Council declared that the violence had “reached a breaking point” and appealed to the Government of India to address the ethnic, tribal and religious crisis.Column 460WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 460WH I am incredibly saddened to say that the situation in Manipur has escalated even further, with 60,000 people now displaced and 360 churches damaged. In the five minutes that I have, I have many questions for the Minister, but one of the most urgent is whether the violence in Manipur was mentioned in any formal discussion when our Prime Minister was in India. I know that the Minister is not responsible for what the PM says, but I am sure that discussions have taken place, so let us find out whether the Prime Minister brought these things to the attention of the Indian Government and whether those issues were raised. Journalists are still being prevented from doing fact-finding investigations. Will the Minister make representations to her Indian counterparts to find a way for journalists and human rights reporters to access the region? I have been twice to Pakistan; we were there in February. The abuse of women and children in Pakistan concerns me. Members of Christian, Hindu, Sikh and other communities have suffered for decades under the weight of an oppressive system under which FORB is guaranteed by law but often disregarded in reality. Some 150 Christian families were evacuated due to persecution in the last month alone. There is some positive news: caretaker Prime Minister Kakar has declared the state’s dedication to protecting religious minorities. However, 1,000 young Hindu girls and women are abducted each year, as are Christians. One young girl, Chanda Maharaj, was 15 when she was kidnapped. What happened to Chanda is unimaginable. Will the Minister join me in condemning such brutal and unjust governance? Some 57 blasphemy cases have been registered—more than in the previous year—and some 79 people have been murdered in the name of blasphemy laws. The attacks on Ahmadiyya Muslims have been well publicised in a previous debate, but there is something wrong when 4 million Ahmadiyya who live in Pakistan do not have the freedom that they should have. This year, foreign aid to Pakistan totalled £41.54 million. As I and others have long said, let us have that aid tied to freedom of religion or belief, human rights and equality issues, and ensure that the freedom that we all wish to see actually happens. At the moment, it does not. I have three final questions for the Minister. Was the issue of Manipur raised at the G20 meeting? Has the Minister raised the issue of access to Manipur for journalists and human rights monitors and their counterparts? And— Mr Philip Hollobone (in the Chair) Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 12 on Twitter Share contribution 12 on Facebook Share contribution 12 via Email Copy link to contribution 12 to clipboard Copy link Order. I call Theresa Villiers. 9.59am Theresa Villiers (Chipping Barnet) (Con) Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 14 on Twitter Share contribution 14 on Facebook Share contribution 14 via Email Copy link to contribution 14 to clipboard Copy link “You may choose to look the other way, but you can never again say you did not know.” Those were the words of William Wilberforce in a 1791 debate in this House on the slave trade, quoted by the Bishop of Truro in his groundbreaking 2019 report on the persecution of Christians. It is an apt quotation for today, after everything that we have heard in this debate about the plight of Christians and other religious minorities around the world.Column 461WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 461WH I urge the Minister to ensure—as the special envoy, my hon. Friend the Member for Congleton (Fiona Bruce), urged—that the Government take action on the recommendations of both the Truro report and the influential ministerial conference last year. Research by organisations such as Aid to the Church in Need and Christian Solidarity Worldwide tells us that thousands are suffering simply because they want to follow their faith in freedom. In China, we are seeing the tragedy of the Uyghurs. We have also seen a dramatic exodus of Christians from the middle east. Nigeria is a hugely dangerous place to be Christian, for many people; the abduction of 276 mainly Christian schoolgirls made headlines in 2014, but that is just one of many kidnappings that have been followed by rape, forced conversion and forced marriage. Nine years on, many of those Chibok girls are still missing. In Pakistan, there are frequent examples of Christian and Hindu girls suffering forced conversion, as Aid to the Church in Need documented in its 2021 report “Hear Her Cries”. Blasphemy can be punished by death in Pakistan. Allegations that are malicious, vindictive and without substance are often made. Insight UK reports that Hindu temples have been attacked and vandalised. At the time of partition in 1947, there were approximately 400 Hindu temples in the Sindh region of Pakistan; there are now barely 20. Amnesty International has highlighted attacks on Hindu and Christian women in Pakistan and has called on the Pakistan Government to keep the promise made in August 1947 by one of the country’s founders, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, that religious freedom would be protected. I also want to talk about Cyprus, which has an ancient civilisation dating back to 9,000 BC. It is close to the holy land and was one of the first countries to embrace Christianity. It is believed that in 45 AD the apostles Paul, Barnabas and Mark visited Cyprus. The island is home to a huge number of churches, monasteries, mosaics, murals and icons that stretch back to the earliest days of Christianity. In July 1974, Turkey invaded Cyprus, and it continues to occupy 37% of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus. Since the invasion, about 500 churches have been desecrated or badly neglected, 77 have been converted into mosques, 28 have been used as barracks by the Turkish military and 13 are believed to have been used as storage rooms or hay barns. Thousands of priceless icons have been looted. There is a thriving illicit trade in cultural artefacts, which is fuelled by illegal excavations and smuggling. That not only perpetuates the destruction of religious sites, but finances criminal activities. Many religious sites are impossible to access because they are located in Turkish military zones. There are worrying instances of Orthodox and Maronite Christians who live in enclaved communities in the Turkish- controlled area of Cyprus being unjustly prevented from conducting religious services and practising their faith. I appeal to the Government to work with international partners to protect the cultural heritage of Cyprus, bear down on the illegal trade in artefacts and, above all, put pressure on the Turkish authorities to restore full freedom of religion in the north of Cyprus, as well as giving Cypriots the freedom to determine their own future as Cypriots, free from Turkish military control. Matthew 5:10 says:Column 462WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 462WH “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” That may be a comfort to those who are suffering for their faith, but it does not absolve us in this House of our obligation to speak out for those facing discrimination, violence and hatred because of their religion. That is what we must all continue to do, to play our part in changing life for the better for Christians and other religious minorities around the world. 10.04am Preet Kaur Gill (Birmingham, Edgbaston) (Lab/Co-op) Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 16 on Twitter Share contribution 16 on Facebook Share contribution 16 via Email Copy link to contribution 16 to clipboard Copy link It is a pleasure to serve under your chairmanship, Mr Hollobone. I thank the special envoy, the hon. Member for Congleton (Fiona Bruce), for securing this important debate, and I thank all my colleagues in the all-party parliamentary group, particularly the hon. Member for Strangford (Jim Shannon), for their work on the issue. I will focus on the effects of social media on promoting misinformation, intolerance and inflammatory speech that challenges people’s right to freedom of religion or belief, especially in crisis areas. The danger of social media companies in that respect has been noted by the companies themselves. A Meta company worker said in 2019: “We have evidence from a variety of sources that hate speech, divisive political speech, and misinformation on Facebook…are affecting societies around the world. We also have compelling evidence that our core product mechanics, such as virality, recommendations, and optimizing for engagement, are a significant part of why these types of speech flourish on the platform.” That is partly why Labour has repeatedly warned that the Government’s Online Safety Bill may not go far enough in its focus on content rather than on social media platforms’ business models. In 2021, many fake social media accounts pretended to be “#RealSikh” members of the community in India. A groundbreaking report by Benjamin Strick of the Centre for Information Resilience, reported on by the BBC, found at least 80 fake accounts, many using profile pictures of celebrities, posting divisive posts seeking to discredit Sikh political interests such as the farmers’ protests, often labelling them as extremist or claiming their infiltration by extremist groups. Benjamin Strick said that the aim of the network appears to have been to “alter perceptions on important issues around Sikh independence, human rights and values” Those accounts have now been suspended because they were fake. The danger of such information has led to religious and ethnic violence and tensions. I took a close interest in the report at the time because many of those fake accounts also targeted me and other politicians. I could see how effective they seemed to be in generating a narrative and abuse that seemed to take on a life of their own. I have no problem with individual voters challenging me on x—it comes with the job—but I am concerned about politically motivated misinformation campaigns that appear to have money behind them and to be co- ordinating across platforms on a large scale. Areas of the media in which it is possible to buy political influence and distort debate are generally carefully regulated, but that is not the case with social media, which it is why it has become such a target for manipulation.Column 463WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 463WH The network used so-called sock puppets—fake accounts controlled by real users, as opposed to automated bots—posing as independent people. Nikhil Pahwa, a digital rights activist, has noted: “These 80-odd accounts will not necessarily make something trend, but with consistent posting, they try to discredit a point of view…This seems to be a sophisticated approach, and seems to be a part of a larger operation.” The farmers’ protests and the decades-old Sikh independence movement were two discussion topics targeted by the network, with attempts to delegitimise both. The same phenomenon has had incredibly grave consequences elsewhere in the world. As the United Nations found in Myanmar, hate speech and calls for violence on Facebook played a major role in fomenting the Rohingya genocide and later religious and ethnic violence in the country. The continued exile of nearly 1 million Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh is surely a testament to the seriousness with which we should be taking the issue. Similar speech is reported to have greatly contributed to the violence and potential genocide in Tigray. Meta is currently facing a $2 billion lawsuit, backed by Amnesty International and filed in Kenya, for allegedly contributing to the violence against the Tigray community. Facebook has allowed the incitement of violence in the region for years, and although there are efforts to stop it, they have not been entirely successful. As Internews Europe told the International Development Committee in evidence submitted to its inquiry on atrocity prevention, “media, online and social media platforms with significant reach have been deployed as part of deliberate efforts to dehumanise particular ethnic or religious groups, disseminate grievance-based narratives and incite violence”. His Majesty’s Government must do more. More must be done to enforce respect for FORB throughout the world, particularly in the United Kingdom and its partner nations. When we see persecution and hate still rife across the world, it is incumbent on all parliamentarians across the House to reaffirm our commitment to the values and principles set out in the 2021 G7 summit communiqué, which for the first time referred specifically to freedom of religion or belief. As the Prime Minister absconds from the role of international statesman that British Prime Ministers used to hold, failing even to show up at many of the international fora at which issues such as FORB will be raised, I hold out hope that his Ministers will take a stand for human rights in his stead. 10.09am Kevin Foster (Torbay) (Con) Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 18 on Twitter Share contribution 18 on Facebook Share contribution 18 via Email Copy link to contribution 18 to clipboard Copy link As always, Mr Hollobone, it is a pleasure to serve under your chairmanship. I congratulate my hon. Friend the Member for Congleton (Fiona Bruce) on securing this debate from the Backbench Business Committee. She has devoted much of her time in Parliament to speaking out on behalf of those who dare not whisper their faith even to their closest family for fear of losing their home, their job or even their life. On Sunday, I was invited to St John’s church in Shiphay for its harvest celebration. It was great to be part of the congregation as the community came together Column 464WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 464WH to thank God and those who produce our food for the harvest. We had a little too much soft refreshing rain—in the words of the famous hymn—falling outside, but the warmth of welcome in the church was clear. I thank Rev. Paul Ireton and the whole team at the church for the invitation to join them and for all their work to support the wider community. Attending a church event or fun day is an experience that many colleagues will be familiar with; it is routine. Yet for too many across the world, the simple act of attending church on Sunday can mean putting their life on the line. This debate is about standing up for people’s right—not to have the same faith as me, but to express their own beliefs. The 1948 UN universal declaration of human rights states that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and the freedom to choose, change and practise their own belief or faith, or not to profess one. The declaration is complemented by the 1981 declaration on the elimination of all forms of intolerance and of discrimination based on religion or belief. While the two declarations are non-binding on states, they set out expectations that those with religious faith, and those without, have the right to choose and practise their beliefs. The protection for FORB in the 1966 international covenant on civil and political rights is binding on states that have signed it. To date, there are 173 parties to the covenant; perhaps unsurprisingly, those that have not yet ratified it include China and Cuba—a reminder that religious and political persecution go hand in hand, as denying the right to believe in God is so often linked to leaders who wish to put themselves in His place. As touched on already, religious persecution is still too common across the world. In 2020, US-based Pew Research Centre found that Government or societal harassment was reported in 155 countries against Christians, in 145 against Muslims and in 94 against Jews, out of the 198 countries surveyed. Globally, apostasy—renouncing a faith or belief—is potentially punishable by death in at least 10 countries¸ as is the case in seven for blasphemy. As hon. and right hon. Members will know, the organisation Open Doors does fantastic work to support the persecuted, with much of it going unheralded due to the circumstances in which its teams operate. Its annual world watch list is a comprehensive assessment of the levels of persecution faced by Christians around the world. To give some perspective, 312 million Christians face very high or extreme levels of persecution in the top 50 countries alone of Open Door’s world watch list. As has been touched on, few will be surprised to hear that North Korea tops the list, given the way that all freedoms are suppressed by its despotic regime, but other names, such as Mexico at No. 38, might be more of a surprise, as the list looks at not just the position of Governments, but the experiences of Christians in daily life. In its May 2023 summary of trends, Open Doors identified six key points. The first is that violence in sub-Saharan Africa has reached new heights. Secondly, the China model has a growing number of emulators, with authoritarian regimes effectively taking inspiration from how China oppresses its citizens. The third is that China’s digital control is threatening the Church, as has been touched on in other contexts, and its ability to manipulate social media. The fourth is that conditions for the Church in Latin America have worsened. Fifthly, Column 465WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 465WH the Church in the middle east is reduced and still under pressure. But there is some good news: greater tolerance in the Gulf was the sixth trend. Each trend is either a challenge for the future or, in one case, a sign of how a growing sense of economic freedom can bring with it a demand for the right to choose our own religious faith. I look forward to the Minister’s response. I would be interested to know what role the analysis provided by groups like Open Doors plays in the Government’s work, and how she would describe the difference the UK makes in this area, particularly on its engagement with China. I welcome the chance to have shared my thoughts in the debate and to once again be in this Chamber standing up for the freedom of religious belief. It is natural to question why and to explore what we believe, yet too many still cannot do that without putting their life, home or job on the line, and that is what the debate is about. 10.14am Ruth Jones (Newport West) (Lab) Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 20 on Twitter Share contribution 20 on Facebook Share contribution 20 via Email Copy link to contribution 20 to clipboard Copy link It is a pleasure to serve under your chairmanship, Mr Hollobone. I pay tribute to the hon. Member for Congleton (Fiona Bruce) for securing the debate and for her cross-party work on these important issues. Earlier this month, I was pleased to represent the APPG for international freedom of religion or belief at the International Religious Freedom Summit 2023 in Taiwan, where we heard some harrowing tales of the persecution, torture and even killing of people for their religious beliefs in a variety of countries. It was truly shocking. Our cross-party all-party parliamentary group seeks to advocate for those without a voice so that they are heard loud and clear. We help those without the freedoms that we enjoy to be heard and seen, and we will fight on their behalf until those freedoms, which many of us take for granted, are available to one and all across the globe. As we look around our world, the scourge of persecution against religious minorities remains a challenge for all of us to tackle head-on, now and in the future. The APPG recently published a report on the state of freedom of religion or belief in Nepal. The report, which I recommend that colleagues read, details the need for support from the UK, in terms of both policy assistance and training, to help Nepal to execute the vision in its constitution. Sitting between China to the north and India to the south, Nepal is uniquely situated at a strategically vital point in the region for the expression of freedom of religious belief. Nepal boasts a liberal constitution that ensures that all citizens have the right to freedom of religious belief, but minority religious communities still face persecution. I look forward to the APPG and the FCDO taking steps to support Nepal through this ongoing process, and I call on the Minister to designate funding to support a training delegation to Nepal to help local administrators with FORB best practices. Nepal has a large population of Tibetan refugees; indeed, according to the lowest estimate from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, about 12,000 Tibetan refugees now live in Nepal. A 2015 UNHCR report states that as many as three out of four Tibetans may not possess up-to-date refugee cards. Without identification, they cannot access basic Government services or move Column 466WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 466WH from Nepal, which means they are left in a state of limbo as a minority religious community. They are denied documentation and the basic rights of citizens. That is not to mention the group of over 23,000 Bhutanese refugees who are mostly living in camps in eastern Nepal, and who need documentation to continue their lives. In any future delegations to or discussions with the Nepal Government, the future of those tens of thousands of displaced people must be discussed. International human rights law is underpinned by the universal declaration of human rights. When a human right is abused anywhere, that contributes to the breakdown of the rule of law everywhere. Of course, such a breakdown will have a huge impact on the democracy and health of communities the world over, which is why it is vital for parliamentarians and elected representatives of the people at all levels of government to uphold the universal declaration of human rights. We should be able to worship our gods and have our beliefs according to our consciences, and we should allow all other men, women and children to have the same privileges and let them also worship how, where and who they want. For all the calls for respect, understanding and decency, it is important also to remind ourselves that around the world many groups of different faiths celebrate, learn and come together. We must never forget that although we may come from different religious faiths, we strengthen each other when we embrace each other. We need to work in solidarity and never walk by on the other side. By working side by side with, honouring, standing up for and protecting each other, we can build a better, more inclusive and safer world for all of us. To build that better world, we must never forget the threats that remain alive today. Regimes that oppress freedom of religion are likely to violate other human rights too. Of course, the protection of our freedoms is vital not only for the welfare of individuals but in preventing unrest and instability and delivering that better world for all of us. 10.18am Rehman Chishti (Gillingham and Rainham) (Con) Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 22 on Twitter Share contribution 22 on Facebook Share contribution 22 via Email Copy link to contribution 22 to clipboard Copy link It is a real pleasure to serve under your chairmanship, Mr Hollobone. I start with a declaration of interest: I am a former UK special envoy for freedom of religion or belief, and was also the co-vice chair of the International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance when it was first set up in 2020, working alongside the United States. I also refer Members to my entry in the Register of Members’ Financial Interests for other interests related to religious freedom. I pay tribute to my hon. Friend the Member for Congleton (Fiona Bruce), who has done an outstanding job as the United Kingdom special envoy. I echo her request to the Foreign Office and the Government for a dedicated Minister. I was an envoy and a Minister in the Foreign Office, so I know that we have brilliant duty Ministers, but to do fairness and justice to this issue, we must have the consistency of a Minister turning up to the Dispatch Box, having heard what Members of Parliament have said before; that would bring credibility to the issue. I also support the call for dedicated support, structure and resources for the envoy’s role. That having been covered, the question is this: how do the United Kingdom Government advance international religious freedom as a top priority? Page 3 of the report produced by the House of Commons Library on 8 September 2023 reads:Column 467WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 467WH “In her submission to the Backbench Business Committee, Fiona Bruce MP, who acts as the UK Government’s Special Envoy on FoRB, raised 13 countries of particular concern: Algeria, Afghanistan, China, Eritrea, Iran, Myanmar, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Russia, Sudan, Tunisia, Ukraine, and Uganda.” They were also on my desk when I was the envoy. How do we make those countries accountable? We have the tools. Our key tool is sanctions. I am a former Minister for sanctions; we have seen the key role that sanctions have played in addressing Putin’s illegal war in Ukraine. In how many of those 13 countries have we applied sanctions to individuals who are FORB violators? We have sanctions with regard to Ukraine and Belarus and we have Magnitsky sanctions, but how many have been applied in these countries? I ask the same question of the 42-member alliance. It was 26 when we started it, so I pay huge tribute to the envoy for taking it to 42. The alliance has a responsibility. Has the alliance come together to say, “These are the individuals across the world who violate human rights and, to protect freedom of religion or belief, we need decisive action in a co-ordinated manner and to share that with our respective countries back at home with a sanctions department”? I think that is absolutely crucial. In the United States, Knox Thames, who was a State Department adviser for over 20 years, has written a brilliant report. In May 2023, he said that the United States has only once ever refused a visa to an individual for FORB violations. If it is once in the United States, how many times have we in the United Kingdom refused visas for individuals who breach religious freedom or belief? Can the Minister take that away? Time is running out. The other point I want to raise is with regard to a closed petition condemning the burning of the Holy Koran in Sweden. A petition was put to the House of Commons, and 64,000 people signed it. It made the point that where individuals burn holy books with regard to the incitement of hatred, whether it is the Koran, the Torah, the Guru Granth, the Gita or the Injil—across the board—that kind of behaviour incites intolerance and hatred. Therefore, countries such as Sweden and Denmark that allow it under freedom of expression need to reconsider what that leads to. The point was made earlier that freedom of religion or belief is not just doing the right thing; it is absolutely about doing that, but it is also a national security imperative. If we do not have strong cohesive societies, it leads first to non-violent extremism and then violent extremism, and that creates havoc in our societies. I finish with words from His Holiness Pope Francis. On the burning of the Holy Koran, he said he was “angry and disgusted” and that he “rejected and condemned” permitting the act as a form of freedom of speech. I ask the Minister to make very clear the United Kingdom Government’s commitment to ensure respect for all scriptures and that, whenever that is violated, we call it out, and to ensure that we do everything to make representations to Denmark and Sweden so that this kind of behaviour does not go unchallenged. 10.23am Patrick Grady (Glasgow North) (SNP) Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 24 on Twitter Share contribution 24 on Facebook Share contribution 24 via Email Copy link to contribution 24 to clipboard Copy link It is always a pleasure to serve under your chairmanship, Mr Hollobone. As everyone else has done, I want to congratulate the Column 468WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 468WH hon. Member for Congleton (Fiona Bruce) both on securing the debate and on all the work she does in this area. She made a very powerful and considered opening contribution and that was followed by six equally well-informed and impassioned contributions from Back-Bench Members of different parties. Looking back, we seem to have a debate like this about this time of year. I do not know if that is deliberate or not, but it seems to be becoming a bit of an annual tradition. That is quite appropriate because on 22 August, during the summer recess, we marked the International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief and, in about a month, on 27 October we will mark International Religious Freedom Day. Those days have been designated by international bodies to reflect the fact that freedom of religion or belief is a fundamental human right. As the hon. Member for Newport West (Ruth Jones) said, that is enshrined in the universal declaration of human rights, which will be 75 years old on 10 December. It is also recognised, as the hon. Member for Torbay (Kevin Foster) said, in many other global treaties and conventions. Sadly, as we have heard throughout this debate, the denial of those rights is on the rise around the world. Perhaps one of the most frustrating and disappointing aspects of this is that the persecution of people for their religion or belief is most often carried out by people who hold or practise a religion or belief of their own. Yet a core teaching of almost every major world religion is the golden rule of the ethic of reciprocity, which is that we should treat others as we ourselves would wish to be treated. Peace and justice are preached, but too often violence and oppression are practised. We have heard a number of references to various reports about the rise of threats to freedom of religion or belief, including that of the UN special rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, Nazila Ghanea. Her report earlier this year stated that challenges to FORB were “alarming”, and were undermining efforts on conflict prevention, other human rights such as freedom of speech, and the ability of minorities to participate in public life. I think all Members have drawn out this link between the fundamental principles of freedom of religion or belief and all the other human rights on which the world order is supposed to be based. We have heard about various countries where apostasy or blasphemy are still criminal offences—in some places punishable by death—including a number of Commonwealth countries, despite the Commonwealth’s proclaimed shared goals of prosperity, democracy and peace. We have also heard reflections on the Pew Research Centre’s published assessments on these issues. It has assessed that the number of countries with high or very high Government restrictions on religion has increased steadily from 47 in 2014 to 57 countries by 2020. It is clear from contributions that threats to freedom of religion or belief also come from non-state actors that are allowed to act with impunity while the state either turns a blind eye or actively supports or encourages them. At the same time, we should recognise and pay tribute to the work of the many organisations that advocate for freedom of religion or belief and monitor the situation around the world. I am thinking particularly of Open Doors, which publishes its annual world watch list—that is of interest to many constituents in Glasgow North, and I am sure to the constituents of everyone here—as Column 469WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 469WH well as Aid to the Church in Need, Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and many others. The staff, researchers and partners of these organisations often put themselves at risk collecting the evidence and testimonies that inform our debates, so we should be very grateful for their work. I hear regularly from constituents in Glasgow North who raise their concern about the oppression and persecution of faith communities around the world. They are concerned about the increasing oppression of Christians in Pakistan, which the hon. Member for Strangford (Jim Shannon) spoke about, and have cited a recent example where Christians were forced to flee the Punjab town of Jaranwala after violence broke out following accusations of blasphemy against one of the local cleaners. The Ahmadiyya Muslim community in Pakistan also faces severe persecution by the state, which I think makes the determination of that community to live by their precept of love for all and hatred for none all the more inspiring. The struggle for peace and justice in the Holy Land, which has been mentioned, is incredibly complex, but respect for freedom of religion has to be at the centre of any just and lasting solution. Yet extreme elements of the Government of Israel are pushing for arrangements and territorial designations that will make access to holy sites for Christians—not just residents, but potentially tourists and pilgrims—much more difficult. We are marking the first anniversary of the death of Mahsa Amini in Iran, and the start of the demonstrations for women, life and freedom that began in the wake of that tragedy. Women should have the right to wear religious dress as they see fit, but they should also have the right to choose not to, and no Government or state body should be punishing them for that decision. That is also true in Afghanistan, where the Taliban’s treatment of women is abhorrent, and many people who belong to religious minorities have fled the country. We have also heard case studies about China, where any religion not sanctioned by the state can be subject to severe repercussions, including the appalling treatment of the Uyghur Muslims that many argue is tantamount to genocide. All of this demands a response from the UK Government. They must consider how seriously they can live up to the principles they say that they support. The hon. Member for Gillingham and Rainham (Rehman Chishti) made that point powerfully in a fitting closing speech from the Back Benches. We cannot pretend that cuts to the aid budget have happened in a vacuum. Funding for conflict resolution projects in some of the world’s most volatile regions—including Nigeria, mentioned by the right hon. Member for Chipping Barnet (Theresa Villiers), and Myanmar, mentioned by the hon. Member for Birmingham, Edgbaston (Preet Kaur Gill)—was cut to the tune of around £12 million in April 2021. Those cuts do not help the UK’s global influence or its ability to be taken seriously when speaking about these matters on the global stage. The solutions proposed by the hon. Member for Congleton, the hon. Member for Gillingham and Rainham and others for how the Government can take FORB seriously and ensure that it is front and centre when Ministers travel overseas and have the opportunity to raise it with international partners are absolutely Column 470WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 470WH correct. The Government need to step up their work on atrocity prevention and introduce a whole-of-Government approach. Constituents in Glasgow North and people across Scotland want to do their part to promote and respect harmony between people of all religions and none. I have spoken before about the excellent work of the interfaith movement in both Glasgow and Scotland more widely, and the practical work it does to bring together people of different communities. The Scottish Government continue to lay out their vision for independence, including a written constitution that will enshrine respect for human rights in the foundation of a new Scotland. That way, hopefully, we can all play our part together to continue to promote freedom of religion and belief, and respect for human rights, around the world. 10.31am Stephen Doughty (Cardiff South and Penarth) (Lab/Co-op) Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 26 on Twitter Share contribution 26 on Facebook Share contribution 26 via Email Copy link to contribution 26 to clipboard Copy link It is a pleasure to serve under your chairpersonship, Mr Hollobone. I thank the hon. Member for Congleton (Fiona Bruce), the special envoy, for securing the debate. I thank all colleagues for their contributions and all the organisations that many of us have drawn on. As the hon. Member for Glasgow North (Patrick Grady) said, they do such important work, often in very dangerous circumstances, bringing the truth to light about some truly horrific situations around the world. I thank the special envoy in particular for her powerful opening speech and for highlighting the growing trend of clampdowns on freedom of religion or belief across the world in many different contexts, including by states. She was right to highlight not only the situation of the Uyghur Muslims in China, which we often hear about, but the persecution that has gone on in Tibet, not least of Tibetan Buddhists. The horrific circumstances there include the state monitoring of monasteries and the use of facial recognition cameras, restricting people’s practice of their beliefs. She was also right to highlight the Bishop of Truro’s important report, which we have debated many times in this place. The hon. Member for Strangford (Jim Shannon), who is always a powerful advocate on these issues, was absolutely right to draw attention to the situation in Pakistan. The right hon. Member for Chipping Barnet (Theresa Villiers) raised important concerns about Cyprus, which have also been raised with me; I saw some of that with my own eyes on my visit there. My hon. Friend the Member for Birmingham, Edgbaston (Preet Kaur Gill) is always a powerful advocate on these issues as well, and she rightly highlighted the dangers of social media and disinformation in spreading intolerance and hatred. My hon. Friend the Member for Newport West (Ruth Jones) raised the situation in Nepal, and the hon. Member for Glasgow North rightly raised the situation in Iran, particularly for women. All those examples and the others that we have heard about show the real concerns about the clampdown and the trends that we see globally. There is huge concern across the House about these issues and a desire for the Government and the United Kingdom to play a role in promoting freedom of religion or belief not only domestically, but globally through our diplomatic networks and other engagements, including sometimes difficult Column 471WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 471WH conversations with allies and friends about issues in their own countries. We have a crucial role in that as a leading member of the United Nations Security Council and many other bodies, including the Human Rights Council. We all know that the 1948 declaration of human rights states that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and freedom to choose, change and practise their own belief or faith—or, indeed, not to profess one. In their most recent survey, in 2020, the special rapporteur found that legal restrictions on freedom of religion or belief have increased in recent years, including restrictions on the freedom to worship publicly, the operation of humanitarian agencies and associations, the appointment of faith leaders and access to education. We know that in many cases the greatest persecutors and inhibitors of such freedom can be states themselves. The special rapporteur said that “states employ a range of extra-legal measures that violate freedom of religion or belief, which also serve to delegitimise and stigmatise certain religious or belief groups.” As we have heard on a number of occasions, the rising intolerance of authoritarian regimes throughout the world is supplemented by the increasing use of technology as a means of state-sponsored repression and the increased adoption and implementation of anti-blasphemy laws and the criminalisation of apostasy. Rehman Chishti Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 27 on Twitter Share contribution 27 on Facebook Share contribution 27 via Email Copy link to contribution 27 to clipboard Copy link The hon. Gentleman mentions the role of authoritarian states, but what about democratic states? The House of Commons Library briefing dated 8 September contains a question by the special envoy to the Second Church Estates Commissioner, in which she referenced the killing of about 100 people, and the displacement of 50,000, in Manipur in India. We have a strategic foreign policy objective of prosperity, security and values, and we have engagement with the Indo-Pacific region on security, but then we have issues in a democratic state with regard to religious minorities. How would the hon. Gentleman go about addressing those challenges and engaging with a country as important for the United Kingdom as India? What levers would he use? Stephen Doughty Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 28 on Twitter Share contribution 28 on Facebook Share contribution 28 via Email Copy link to contribution 28 to clipboard Copy link We have to have a robust, honest and candid dialogue with our closest friends and allies. Indeed, a number of those have already been mentioned, and I will go on to mention a number of them myself. It is incumbent on us to have those conversations when there are clear concerns. The hon. Gentleman mentioned several countries, but there are a number of democracies around the world where we see these issues. Jim Shannon Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 29 on Twitter Share contribution 29 on Facebook Share contribution 29 via Email Copy link to contribution 29 to clipboard Copy link The hon. Gentleman is right. Further to the intervention by the hon. Member for Gillingham and Rainham (Rehman Chishti), there are ways of doing this; I indicated that in my speech, as did others. We can tie human rights and freedom of religious belief in with aid. We give India and Pakistan substantial aid, as we do other parts of the world. If we make that conditional, we can effect some change. Stephen Doughty Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 30 on Twitter Share contribution 30 on Facebook Share contribution 30 via Email Copy link to contribution 30 to clipboard Copy link Indeed, there have always been, as far as I understand it, partnership principles in giving UK official development assistance. It is important that all those are considered when we engage with countries, even those that are friends and allies or might be rightly Column 472WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 472WH receiving assistance for other reasons. The US Commission on International Religious Freedom identified 16 countries of particular concern in 2023 and recommended 11 countries for a special watchlist. In 10 countries, the crime of apostasy is potentially punishable by death in all or part of the state, and there are seven countries where blasphemy potentially carries the same sentence. We have heard about persecution of lots of different faiths. It will be too difficult to do justice to all of them, but let me highlight a few instances. On persecution against Christians, according to Open Doors, more than 360 million Christians worldwide suffer high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith. That is a staggering one in seven believers. In Sudan, the ongoing political unrest has led to an intensification of anti- Christian sentiment. We have seen a horrific situation in Afghanistan under the Taliban, with the Christians who remain in the country pushed into hiding; those who are discovered could face the penalty of death. We have seen the expulsion from Nicaragua of the Missionaries of Charity, founded by St Teresa of Calcutta, and the religious of the Cross of the Sacred Heart of Jesus without due process. In Egypt, there are reports that authorities have continued to prosecute and imprison Christians and other religious minorities. Jihadist violence continues to wreak havoc and horror in northern Nigeria, where a horrific attack in June last year saw 41 people killed at the St Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Owo. In Myanmar, pastor Hkalam Samson remains in prison for his religious beliefs. The sad fact is that I could go on and on, but there is simply not enough time to speak to the number of situations where Christians face persecution. On the persecution of Jews, antisemitism is utterly abhorrent and I know that all hon. Members will condemn it in all its manifestations. The most recent report from the special rapporteur, in 2019, stated clearly that “in many States antisemitic harassment is significantly underreported. Nevertheless, reports of hostility, discrimination and violence motivated by antisemitism have increased in many parts of the world.” Eighty-five per cent of respondents “felt that antisemitism was a serious problem in their respective countries, 34 per cent reported that they avoided visiting Jewish events or sites because of safety concerns, and 38 per cent had considered emigrating because they did not feel safe as Jews.” The UK has a critical role to play both at home and abroad, whether on the desecration of cemeteries, on attacks and killings at synagogues or on the daily persecution and discrimination that so many Jewish people face around the world. On the persecution of Muslims, the appalling treatment of Uyghurs in Xinjiang and of the Rohingya in Myanmar are high-profile cases, but we have seen that in many other places. India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are all rich and diverse societies, but we must all continue to raise concerns about religious freedom wherever necessary and urge the leadership of those countries to ensure that the right to freedom of religion is fully respected, whoever happens to be in the minority. We unequivocally condemn recent incidents of Koran burning and other attacks on Muslim communities. Indeed, I have stood alongside Muslim communities in my own constituency when they have faced violence and intimidation from the far right and neo-Nazis, with swastikas sprayed in their communities and acts of violence towards mosques and Muslims in my local area.Column 473WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 473WH We also see violence against Hindus. In 2020, Dipti Rani Das, a teenager from the Hindu minority in Bangladesh, was arrested for a Facebook post, taken to a detention facility and held for 16 months. She faced up to seven years in jail for “hurting religious sentiment”. Whatever the rights and wrongs of her post, that is an extraordinarily draconian approach to take to an under-age individual. Amnesty and others successfully campaigned for her eventual release, but huge concerns remain. Of course, there is also persecution of Sikhs. We saw a horrific assault on two Sikh businessmen in Peshawar, Pakistan, in May 2022. Afghanistan, under Taliban rule, has seen the near extinction of the Sikh community, which goes back to the 15th century. Until the 1980s, there was a vibrant community of 300,000 Sikhs, who played a critical role in the economy. It is now believed that their number is down to 200 people in hiding, as many have fled the brutality of the Taliban. Sadly, we know that humanists, atheists and those with no religious beliefs also face continued persecution, and we have discussed many such cases in the House. I want to ask the Minister a few specific questions, given the horrific record that we have heard about today. First, it was good to see that the G20 communiqué specifically highlighted UN General Assembly resolution 318, particularly its “commitment to promote respect for religious and cultural diversity, dialogue and tolerance”, but can the Minister outline why this issue did not feature in the G7’s communiqué and whether the UK, as a leading member of the G7, the Security Council and other bodies, will ensure that we use all forums to highlight these issues? Secondly, what steps are being taken more broadly to ensure that freedom of religion is prioritised internally? We have heard different suggestions about how that might be done, particularly in our bilateral conversations with friends and allies. We need to ensure that freedom of religion is central to our diplomatic and economic engagement. Finally, could the Minister explain how the Government continue to engage with diaspora, civil society and religious communities here in the UK on setting priorities? They often have critical insight and intelligence about what is happening and the experiences of those within their faith communities, and it is critical that the Government engage with them. I am privileged to represent a constituency with huge religious diversity. At the last count, I think I had eight mosques, three Hindu temples, a Sikh gurdwara and a Jewish synagogue. There is every type of Christianity, from Greek Orthodox through to Nigerian Pentecostal, Catholic, protestant—you name it. One of my predecessors, who is a Member of the Senedd, is a humanist celebrant. Cardiff South and Penarth is a place of huge religious diversity and tolerance, going back to our history as a port city, and I am really proud of some of the interfaith work that goes on. When we have had difficulties and there have been threats to people, the community has responded. Sadly, however, we do not see that in so many situations and countries around the world. The UK has a critical role to play, and I hope to hear from the Minister what steps we are taking to ensure that we uphold the UN declaration and the fundamental principles that we have all espoused today.Column 474WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 474WH 10.42am The Minister of State, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (Anne-Marie Trevelyan) Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 32 on Twitter Share contribution 32 on Facebook Share contribution 32 via Email Copy link to contribution 32 to clipboard Copy link I congratulate the Prime Minister’s special envoy for FORB, my hon. Friend the Member for Congleton (Fiona Bruce), both on securing the debate and on her long-standing and vociferous commitment to doing the incredibly difficult job of being all our voices and making sure that the UK’s position is heard. I thank her for pushing us on at every stage. I also thank all Members present for their ongoing engagement through the APPG for FORB, which continues to champion this essential human right to colleagues in the House, policymakers and, indeed, the general public more widely, and for highlighting some of the organisations that help us to do that, such as Open Doors. Such organisations bring vital analysis to public awareness and help parliamentarians and the Government to focus on our work and the advocacy that we want to continue to do. The shared passion in the House for protecting freedom of religion or belief alongside other human rights is clear and warranted, and I hope to be able to respond to the points raised in the debate. If I cannot respond to them all, I will make sure that we do so in writing in order to highlight the UK’s action in this incredibly important arena. Let me restate that violence against any person because of their faith or belief is completely unacceptable, and the Government have long been committed to promoting and protecting FORB for all. Although this right is clearly enshrined in international human rights law, the situation globally remains of grave concern. As my hon. Friend the special envoy set out, there is a sense that it is going in the wrong direction in too many areas. Every day, people are persecuted, harassed and, indeed, killed for their beliefs. Religious intolerance and persecution are often at the heart of foreign and development policy challenges. Where religious freedom or belief is under attack, human rights across the piece are often threatened too. My hon. Friend raised the challenges that we see in Iran, where the root of what we are talking about here is visible, and we need to ensure that we always highlight that. She set that out incredibly well. In July last year, the Minister responsible for human rights, my noble Friend Lord Ahmad, and our special envoy hosted the international ministerial conference on FORB, where more than 100 Government delegations, 800 faith and belief leaders, human rights experts and non-governmental organisations came together to agree actions to protect these freedoms. During the conference, we announced new UK funding to support those who defend religious freedom or belief, and 47 Governments, international organisations and other entities pledged to take action in support of this fundamental right. Since last year we have built on the momentum of the conference in a number of ways—first, by working through international bodies, within the multilateral framework, to strengthen coalitions of support and protect FORB for all. The shadow Minister, the hon. Member for Cardiff South and Penarth (Stephen Doughty), raised some of the places where that has been easier or, sometimes, harder to achieve in the multilateral environment.Column 475WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 475WH Secondly, we have been using the strength of our own global diplomatic network to encourage states to uphold their human rights obligations. To answer a number of colleagues’ questions and, indeed, the envoy’s message, I can say that I travel to no country without a very clear brief on the issues around any human rights challenges, specific or more broad. Every Minister, whenever they are travelling, has that in their portfolio of information and, where the opportunity arises, we will raise those issues with the people we meet. Jim Shannon Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 33 on Twitter Share contribution 33 on Facebook Share contribution 33 via Email Copy link to contribution 33 to clipboard Copy link I know that the right hon. Lady always tries to give answers on the issues that we bring to her attention. I referred specifically to the violence against Christians in Manipur, which was reported recently in The Times, and I asked her to find out whether the Prime Minister, when he was in India, made any representations on that issue. The right hon. Lady has said that she raises issues all the time. It would be unwise and inappropriate if our Prime Minister had not done the same, so we would like to make sure that he has. I also asked for some information on the role of journalists and media in Manipur province, where they have been prevented from entering. There are big issues in India, and if our Prime Minister does not ask those questions when he is in India, there is something seriously wrong. Anne-Marie Trevelyan Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 34 on Twitter Share contribution 34 on Facebook Share contribution 34 via Email Copy link to contribution 34 to clipboard Copy link I obviously was not privy to the conversations that my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister had, but I can say that, as the Minister who oversees India, with my Indo-Pacific portfolio, I always raise issues of concern. We have very clear and direct private conversations at every level where we feel that is appropriate, and India is no different from any other country, but I am happy to ask the Prime Minister’s office to get back to the hon. Member for Strangford (Jim Shannon) if that would be useful. On the multilateral point first, we work across the UN, Council of Europe, G7 and International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance to try to protect and promote this incredibly important human right. Our envoy acts as the UK representative and is the current chair of the alliance. The alliance has grown incredibly strongly under her leadership and now has 45 members, friends and observers. The joint statements recently issued by the alliance covering restrictions and concerns for different faith or belief communities around the world are most welcome and important. I also commend the alliance’s recent programme of targeted advocacy on cases of individual prisoners of conscience. We of course regularly raise situations of concern at the UN Human Rights Council. That work is led by Lord Ahmad; it is in his portfolio. In July, during the adoption of Pakistan’s universal periodic review, the UK urged the Government of Pakistan to ensure the safety of persecuted religious communities, including, of course, Ahmadi Muslims and Christians. At the most recent session of the council, which began last week, we called on Sri Lanka to respect its citizens’ rights to freely practise their faiths or beliefs. At the UN Security Council in June, we led with the United Arab Emirates on a resolution about tolerance, peace and security. The resolution directly addresses, for the first time, the persecution of religious minorities and other minority groups in conflict settings.Column 476WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 476WH In recent months, we have actively engaged in UN discussions on the balance between freedom of religion or belief and freedom of expression, following incidents of Koran burnings in Europe. In our bilateral work, we regularly raise specific issues with other Governments both in public and private: for example, the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, my hon. Friend the Member for Macclesfield (David Rutley), met Nicaraguan human rights activist Bianca Jagger in May, and discussed the situation in Nicaragua and the plight of imprisoned Bishop Álvarez. On Afghanistan, UK Ministers and officials engage regularly with a range of Afghans, including Hazaras, to ensure our policy and programming reflect the diversity of needs there. Providing a platform to Hazaras at the ministerial conference last year raised awareness of their situation and enabled an ongoing dialogue with Ministers and policymakers across the world. We remain concerned that religious and ethnic minority populations continue to decline in Iraq, and we raise these concerns with the Government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government. When my noble Friend Lord Ahmad visited Iraq earlier this year, he held an informative and very helpful roundtable with religious leaders. We are also implementing a £15,000 programme to improve religious tolerance and social cohesion in Nineveh. We need to continue to do that in those most challenging areas. A number of colleagues raised the subject of Nigeria, where we see civilians of all faiths, including many Muslims, suffer devastating harm at the hands of violent extremist groups and as a result of intercommunal violence and criminality. We remain committed to supporting Nigeria to address those root causes of violence, protect human rights and promote dialogue and respect between different ethnic and religious communities. We have continued to raise that with the Nigerian Government, including in the earliest meetings with the new Administration. On Pakistan, many here will have heard the speech the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, my hon. Friend the Member for Aldershot (Leo Docherty), recently gave on our support to Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan. As well as the recent discussions, Lord Ahmad also raised the treatment of marginalised communities with Pakistan’s Minister for Human Rights in January and June. He also wrote to Pakistan’s acting Foreign Minister, Jalil Abbas Jilani, urging the Government of Pakistan to ensure the safety of the Christian community following recent attacks in Jaranwala. A number of colleagues cited violations happening much closer to home, even in Ukraine, as Putin with his brutal illegal war of aggression has weaponised orthodox Christianity. My hon. Friend the Member for Gillingham and Rainham (Rehman Chishti) raised an important issue around co-ordinated sanctions work among those in the alliance. I will take that away to look at how we might consider working on that internationally, as we have done with the Russia sanctions regime, which has been very effective in having that multilateral impact. The hon. Member for Newport West (Ruth Jones) raised some important issues concerning refugees in Nepal and I will come back to her on that matter, as Nepal is a country in my portfolio where we do a lot of work. I will also provide more specific information on Column 477WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 477WH how we have used and are using our human rights sanctions with the countries raised by my hon. Friend the Member for Gillingham and Rainham, which I hope will be useful. Finally, I want to talk about embedding freedom of religion or belief in the work of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. We welcome the findings of the independent review of the Bishop of Truro’s report. The assessment concluded that the majority of the recommendations are now in an advanced stage of delivery, or actively being delivered. I hope we demonstrate through our multilateral and bilateral work that we are continuing to seek opportunities to ensure that freedom of religion or belief is central to wider human rights work, including through our global human rights sanctions regime. Our efforts are supported by central programming via project funding, including our John Bunyan Fund and ROLE UK partnership that aims to support legislative reform to increase religious or belief protections. Religion for international engagement training is available to all civil servants, to enhance their understanding of the role of religion and belief in a wide variety of contexts, in order to deliver the UK’s international objectives more effectively. We continue to promote this and earlier this year we were pleased to welcome my hon. Friend the Member for Congleton to a seminar for all Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office staff. I commend my hon Friend for convening country-focused roundtables on this topic, bringing together academic experts, civil society and British diplomats. I welcome the opportunity those forums provide to dig deep into some of the challenges we see around the world, and ponder the action we might take together to protect and promote freedom of religion or belief. As envoy, my hon. Friend has a dedicated formal role. She has asked whether a specific Minister in the House of Commons might take responsibility for freedom of religion or belief. In a bicameral Parliament, of course, we have specific ministerial responsibilities that are split across both Houses. My noble friend Lord Ahmad established the FORB role prior to the Truro report, and I know that colleagues present agree that he does an incredibly good and passionate job as a proactive advocate for and a passionate believer in these principles; his work is now recognised and respected around the world. I also note my hon. Friend’s intention to seek a private Member’s Bill to make the special envoy role permanent. I know that she has spoken with the Foreign Secretary on the matter already, and I look forward to seeing how that progresses in the months ahead. As a long-standing champion of human rights, the United Kingdom has a duty to promote and defend our values of equality, respect and democratic freedom at home and abroad, and I assure Members that this Government are doing just that. Through the channels Column 478WHis located here Toggle showing location of Column 478WH available to us, we will continue to call out persecution and defend the right of freedom of religion or belief for all. Difficult and robust conversations happen at the highest levels every time Ministers travel, to ensure that the UK’s commitments to FORB and tolerance are clearly understood. 10.56am Fiona Bruce Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 36 on Twitter Share contribution 36 on Facebook Share contribution 36 via Email Copy link to contribution 36 to clipboard Copy link I thank all colleagues for contributing so excellently and informedly today, and I thank the Minister for her thoughtful response. Forgive me if I do not refer to all colleagues individually, but I want to mention the reference made by the hon. Member for Newport West (Ruth Jones) to the need for a “better world” and the potential of religions to play a role in achieving that. Would it not be wonderful if we could move from a narrative of attitudes to religion being the cause of so many problems in the world to one of freedom of religion or belief being one of the answers to the world’s problems, as I believe it is? To illustrate that, I close by presenting colleagues with two alternative futures for our consideration. The first is a world in which freedom of religion or belief is weak. Here there is an unbridled appetite for power. Domination is the goal. The strong succeed. The vulnerable are violated—physically, mentally, emotionally. Fear prevails. Minorities are despised, diversity deterred, assimilation enforced. Lives are wasted, as people are seen as a disposable means to an ideological end. The second possible future is a world in which freedom of religion or belief is strong and respected. Here, people find ways to live together with their deepest differences. Choices for FORB can be freely made, and so many other freedoms flow from that foundational right: individual potential can flourish, safety and security are enhanced in local communities and internationally, the weak are strengthened and supported, poverty and inequality are reduced, minorities are respected, diversity is honoured, voices are given an opportunity to speak, and lives are fulfilled. Every person is afforded the inherent human dignity that is their due. The choice between those two possible futures lies before us. Much depends on those of us in this room today. Hon. Members Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 37 on Twitter Share contribution 37 on Facebook Share contribution 37 via Email Copy link to contribution 37 to clipboard Copy link Hear, hear. Mr Philip Hollobone (in the Chair) Share this specific contribution Share a link to this specific contribution: Share contribution 38 on Twitter Share contribution 38 on Facebook Share contribution 38 via Email Copy link to contribution 38 to clipboard Copy link Order. Before I put the Question, I ask Members leaving the debate to do so quickly and quietly, because we have an important debate coming up on South West Water, which we will go straight into. Question put and agreed to. Resolved, That this House has considered freedom of religion and belief. © UK Parliament 2024 Cookie policy Cookie settings Privacy notice Accessibility statement ## Cookie settings Cookies are small files saved on your phone, tablet or computer when you visit a website. They store information about how you use the website, such as the pages you visit. They are used to make websites work and improve your experience. We use three types of cookies. You can choose which cookies you are happy for us to use. 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women bear 57 del unit pain at the time of delivery
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Life Featured ![\\"\\"](\\" awards-featured-image-351x221.jpeg\\") ## Data: 50% of the Best Feature Film Awards in the National Film Awards went to Bengali & Malayalam Films By Sai Krishna MuthyanollaOctober 4, 2024 __0 Recent ![\\"\\"](\\" awards-featured-image-103x65.jpeg\\") Data: 50% of the Best Feature Film Awards in the National Film Awards went to Bengali & Malayalam Films October 4, 2024 __0 ![\\"\\"](\\" _Featured-Image-103x65.jpg\\") Review: Delhi HC Rules That Arbitration Tribunal Cannot Direct for Production of ‘Top Secret’ Documents, Except in Exceptional Circumstances October 2, 2024 __0 ![\\"\\"](\\" Rate_Image-103x65.jpg\\") PLFS Data: Reported Number of Average Working Hours A Week for Men Was Consistently Over 50 Hours September 30, 2024 __0 * Elections * Fact Checks * English * Telugu * Coronavirus * Others * Videos * Data Tools * Data Dashboards * Counting India * About Us * Our Story * Team * Fact Checking * Fact Check Methodology * Fact-Check Team * Non-partisanship Policy * Corrections Policy * FAQ’s * Contact Us * Subscribe * Careers * Compliance of IT Rules 2021 * Privacy Policy * GOVT. DATA ROUNDUP ![\\"\\"](\\" Thumbnail-702x336.jpg\\") English, Fake News # No, pain experienced by a woman at the time of giving birth is not 57 dol 0 By Chaitanya on May 9, 2022 * A A A Twitter Facebook Reddit A social media post claims women while giving birth to a child experience 57 del unit of pain (Labor), similar to 20 bones simultaneously getting fractured. This is being widely shared across. The post further adds that a man dies when he experiences pain of 45 del at once. Through this article let’s fact-check the claim made in the post. ![\\"\\"](\\" FB-Post.jpg\\") > Claim: Women while giving birth experiences 57 del unit of pain (Labor), > similar to 20 bones simultaneously getting fractured. > > Fact: According to a research paper published in 1948, ‘dol’ is the unit to > measure pain. Further ‘dol scale’ quantifies the pain levels. The maximum > pain level one can experience using the scale stands at 10.5. This proves > that pain values mentioned in the post, in regard to men and women are > unlikely, as they are beyond the maximum level on dol scale. Hence the claim > made in the post is FALSE. Firstly, there is no unit with the name ‘Del’ to measure pain. According to a 1948 paper on the study of pain, ‘dol’ is the unit to measure pain and not del. ‘Dol is the term used to denote the unit of painfulness and has a value of approximately one-tenth the intensity of the maximal pain’, reported the paper. Even the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, published the same paper on its website. ![\\"\\"](\\" Paper-1.jpg\\") Further “dol scale” was developed that quantified pain levels using a dolorimeter, an instrument used to measure pain intensity. Based on research published in this paper, 10.5 is the maximum amount of pain which can be experienced. This proves that pain values mentioned in the post, in regard to men and women are unlikely, as they are beyond the maximum level on the dol scale. ![\\"\\"](\\" Paper-2.jpg\\") Later on, Harvard Medical School also developed a 10 point scale to gauge the severity of pain. This scale was designed to help nurses and doctors better document and monitor how much pain one was experiencing and thereby offer the right treatment. As even this scale gauges pain on a scale of 0-10, the values mentioned in the post are not likely related to this scale. ![\\"\\"](\\" HMS.jpg\\") To sum it up, pain experienced by a woman at the time of giving birth is not 57 dol. ![\\"Factly\\"](\\" WhatsApp-channel-minified-scaled.jpeg\\") Share. 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women bear 57 del unit pain at the time of delivery
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women bear 57 del unit pain at the time of delivery
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women bear 57 del unit pain at the time of delivery
..If a human body can bear only up to 45 del (units) of pain. Then how can a childbirth feel like 57 Del (units) of pain? Does this make sense to you? All related (48) Sort Recommended ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-717822804-50-lzkqjhmvjhrrfmbjzyircbmjjgslzuxa.jpeg\\") Savannah Norbeck Lives in Spotsylvania, Virginia · Apr 12 It makes sense, because you’re alive to type that. Women are typically supposed to get past the pain and have the halo effect of the beauty of producing human life. If they didn’t, then we wouldn’t be here. Now with the internet, overpopulation, fear of dying being more prevalent over the miracle of childbirth, and access to birth control. It makes a lot of sense why more women are would be afraid to be pregnant and give birth. Anxiety plays a big role too. If you believe the only option is to get through this big pain, or to die, and let your progeny die, then you will toughen through. We’re Continue Reading It makes sense, because you’re alive to type that. Women are typically supposed to get past the pain and have the halo effect of the beauty of producing human life. If they didn’t, then we wouldn’t be here. Now with the internet, overpopulation, fear of dying being more prevalent over the miracle of childbirth, and access to birth control. It makes a lot of sense why more women are would be afraid to be pregnant and give birth. Anxiety plays a big role too. If you believe the only option is to get through this big pain, or to die, and let your progeny die, then you will toughen through. We’re super connected now, and men and women no longer have to “toughen through” painful experiences Upvote · Sponsored by Amazon Web Services (AWS) AWS is how. AWS removes the complexity of building, training, and deploying machine learning models at any scale. Sign Up 999115 ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-30120024-50-xfttpbfvqdqzqfumsdmjmxuifhjuzcjz.jpeg\\") Susannah Birch birth doula and owner of Trimester Talk pregnancy website. · Author has 774 answers and 4.8M answer views · Updated 2y **Hoax Alert!** You’re probably referring to this post that’s been going around the Internet for quite a while now. It’s completely made up. ![](\\" qimg-b81ec8373370cfb56249896695a1fd74.webp\\") There are a number of issues with this claim: 1\. There is no such unit of pain as a ‘Del’. The closest unit is a Dolorimeter or ‘Dol’, and only measures pain on a scale of 1–10 [1]. 2\. Pain is subjective and also varies based on the type and location, whether it Continue Reading **Hoax Alert!** You’re probably referring to this post that’s been going around the Internet for quite a while now. It’s completely made up. ![](\\" qimg-b81ec8373370cfb56249896695a1fd74.webp\\") There are a number of issues with this claim: 1\. There is no such unit of pain as a ‘Del’. The closest unit is a Dolorimeter or ‘Dol’, and only measures pain on a scale of 1–10 [1]. 2\. Pain is subjective and also varies based on the type and location, whether it’s the Radius, Ulna, Femur, whether surrounding tissue is also damaged… it’s not as simple as a scale to measure them all equally. 3\. The pain of dru... Upvote · 9952 94 91 ![\\"Profile](\\" thumb-237217878-50-bitkqoteclkxieknbxelwujrnpvnnpbn.jpeg\\") Wilk Dedwylder MD from University of Mississippi Medical Center (Graduated 1978) · Author has 17.4K answers and 27.2M answer views · Updated 6y ![](\\" qimg-528f57ecdb5e94d7c36a664a85cf837c-lq\\") It makes perfect sense. It shows people trying to quantify pain, and there’s simply no possibility of a dolorimeter quantifying it. People making up crap like that have indulged in a fool’s errand. Continue Reading ![](\\" qimg-528f57ecdb5e94d7c36a664a85cf837c-lq\\") It makes perfect sense. It shows people trying to quantify pain, and there’s simply no possibility of a dolorimeter quantifying it. People making up crap like that have indulged in a fool’s errand. Upvote · 9927 91 Related questions More answers below Is it true that a woman experiences 57 del units of pain when delivering? What is the 45 Del unit of pain? How many del (units) of pain can a human body bear? How painful is childbirth compared to other other pains a human can suffer?How could men empathise as to how much pain women endure? How much pain can the human body take before giving in? ![\\"Profile](\\"//\\") Assistant Bot · Aug 18 The concept of pain measurement can be quite complex and subjective. The idea that a human body can only bear up to 45 \"del\" (a hypothetical unit of pain) is not a universally accepted standard, as pain tolerance varies significantly among individuals. Here are a few points to consider: 1. Subjectivity of Pain: Pain is a highly subjective experience influenced by various factors, including psychological state, past experiences, and individual pain thresholds. What one person experiences as excruciating, another might tolerate better. 2. Pain During Childbirth: Childbirth pain is often described as sev Continue Reading The concept of pain measurement can be quite complex and subjective. The idea that a human body can only bear up to 45 \"del\" (a hypothetical unit of pain) is not a universally accepted standard, as pain tolerance varies significantly among individuals. Here are a few points to consider: 1. Subjectivity of Pain: Pain is a highly subjective experience influenced by various factors, including psychological state, past experiences, and individual pain thresholds. What one person experiences as excruciating, another might tolerate better. 2. Pain During Childbirth: Childbirth pain is often described as severe, and many women report it as one of the most intense experiences of their lives. The pain can be attributed to several factors, including uterine contractions, pressure on the cervix, and stretching of the vaginal tissues. 3. Pain Tolerance: Some individuals may have a higher tolerance for pain than others, allowing them to endure experiences that are perceived as more painful than the established threshold (like the hypothetical 45 del). 4. Pain Measurement: The idea of quantifying pain with a specific numerical value (like del) is not scientifically established. Pain scales often use a range of descriptors (e.g., mild, moderate, severe) or numerical scales (like 0-10) to help individuals communicate their pain levels, but these are subjective and vary widely. 5. Physiological and Psychological Factors: During childbirth, the body releases endorphins and other hormones that can alter the perception of pain. Additionally, the anticipation and emotional context of childbirth can affect how pain is experienced. In summary, the comparison of pain levels using a fixed scale like \"del\" may not accurately capture the complex, subjective nature of pain, especially in the context of childbirth. It\'s important to recognize that pain experiences can differ greatly among individuals. Upvote · Related questions Is it true that a woman experiences 57 del units of pain when delivering? What is the 45 Del unit of pain? How many del (units) of pain can a human body bear? How painful is childbirth compared to other other pains a human can suffer?How could men empathise as to how much pain women endure? How much pain can the human body take before giving in? Is labour pain actually equivalent to 20 bones cracking at the same time, as shown in some of those videos? What\'s the male pain equivalent to women giving birth? Is it just a hoax that women experience 40 \"dels\" of pain while giving birth? Do babies also feel the pain of childbirth? What is more painful than childbirth? What is the SI unit of pain? Which is more painful, a heart attack or childbirth? Could men handle the pain of childbirth? Is giving birth really the most painful thing a woman can experience? How is it comparable with, say, stubbing a toe? Is childbirth more painful than breaking a femur? Related questions Is it true that a woman experiences 57 del units of pain when delivering? What is the 45 Del unit of pain? How many del (units) of pain can a human body bear? How painful is childbirth compared to other other pains a human can suffer?How could men empathise as to how much pain women endure? How much pain can the human body take before giving in? Is labour pain actually equivalent to 20 bones cracking at the same time, as shown in some of those videos? 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When I won the elections in 2002 unemployment was 12
California Public Employees\' Retirement System (CalPERS) logo California Public Employees\' Retirement System (CalPERS) logo Menu * Contact * About Log in to myCalPERS Log in to myCalPERS Search Search * Home * Members * Retirement Benefits * Health Benefits * Death Benefits * Retirees * Cost of Living * Health & Medicare * Retirement Checks * Taxes * Working After Retirement * Employers * Actuarial Resources * Benefit Programs * Contracts * myCalPERS Technical Requirements * Policies & Procedures * Investments * About Investments * Corporate Governance * Investment Manager Opportunities * Sustainable Investments Program * Newsroom * Blog * Contact * About Search Search * Retirement Benefits * Health Benefits * Death Benefits 1. Home 2. Members 3. Retirement Benefits 4. Service & Disability Retirement More in Retirement Benefits # Service & Disability Retirement ## Service Retirement Service retirement is a lifetime benefit. In general, you can retire as early as age 50 with five years of service credit unless all service was earned on or after January 1, 2013. Then you must be at least age 52 to retire. There are some exceptions to the 5-year requirement. If you\'re employed on a part- time basis and have worked at least five years, or you\'re also a member of a reciprocal retirement system, contact us to find out if an exception applies to you. Use our Retirement Planning Checklist to help prepare for retirement and find the documents needed to submit a complete application package. You can also watch Retirement Income Sources (video) to learn about potential retirement income sources, including your CalPERS pension, Social Security, personal savings, defined contribution plan, supplemental contribution plan, CalPERS Long-Term Care, and estate planning. You may file your service retirement application within 120 days of your planned retirement date. ### Retirement Calculation Formula Your retirement benefit is calculated using a formula with three factors: Service credit (Years) multiplied by your benefit factor (percentage per year) multiplied by your final monthly compensation equals your unmodified allowance. * Service Credit (Years) * X * Benefit Factor (% per year) * X * Final Compensation (Monthly $) * = * Unmodified Allowance ($) * Service Credit - Total years of employment with a CalPERS employer. This could include other types of service credit such as sick leave and service credit purchase. You can view your Annual Member Statement or log in to myCalPERS to see how much service credit you have. * Benefit Factor - Also known as \"age factor\", is the percentage of final compensation for each year of service credit, based on your age at retirement and retirement formula(s). * Final Compensation - Your highest average annual compensation during any consecutive 12 or 36 month period of employment, depending on your collective bargaining agreement or employer contract. This may include special compensation (if you pay into Social Security, you\'ll need to deduct $133.33 from your final compensation). * Unmodified Allowance - Your highest benefit payable An increase in one or more of these factors can mean a higher pension at retirement. To see your benefit factor for each quarter year of age, view your benefit factor chart. If you\'re not sure of your retirement formula, check with your personnel office. Your retirement benefit formula is based on your: * Classification * Membership category (determined by your employer) * Specific provisions in the contract between CalPERS and your employer If you\'re not sure what formula you\'re in, log in to myCalPERS to view your latest Annual Member Statement. You can also check with your personnel office. ### Get an Estimate Use the Retirement Estimate Calculator to get an idea of what your monthly benefit might be. You can access the calculator two ways: * Log in to myCalPERS to estimate your retirement benefits using the latest data reported by your employer. * Follow our step-by-step How to Create a Retirement Estimate on myCalPERS (PDF) guide to get your estimate. * View our webinar, Your Retirement Estimate and Payment Options, to learn about the latest features of the Retirement Estimate Calculator in myCalPERS. * Use our online calculator by inputting information from your Annual Member Statement (no login required). The Retirement Estimate Calculator is intended to provide only an estimate of your future retirement benefits. Your actual retirement benefit will be determined when you formally apply for retirement based on the California Public Employees\' Retirement Law and federal tax law. Make an appointment with us to learn more. ### Steps to Apply You can apply for service retirement online, in person, or by mail. To file electronically, log in to myCalPERS. Go to the Retirement tab, select Apply for Retirement, and follow the steps for submitting your application and required documents online to CalPERS. There are a number of benefits to filing for retirement electronically: * Easily and securely submit your application at your convenience, 24 hours a day. * Leave the online application and return at any point to complete it. * Prior to submission, review and edit your information. * Receive confirmation that your application has been successfully submitted. * Submit additional required documents online. * Use the Electronic Signature to eliminate the notary requirement for the member signature. For step-by-step instructions on filling out a paper service retirement application, review the Service Retirement Election Application (PUB 43) (PDF, 1.33 MB) or take the instructor-led or online Member Education class, Completing Your Retirement Application. If you need additional assistance, you may make a one-on-one appointment at a Regional Office. Submit your completed retirement application and required documents in person at a Regional Office or by mail to the address listed on the form. Be sure to keep a copy of all the documents submitted for your own record. If you have questions regarding your retirement application, call us at 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377). ### After You Submit Your Application We\'ll send you an acknowledgment letter after we receive your retirement application. We may also contact you if we have questions or need additional information. Approximately two weeks before your first retirement warrant, we’ll mail you a First Payment Acknowledgment Letter that provides important information about your service retirement, including the date and amount of your first retirement check. You may sign up to receive your retirement checks through direct deposit at the same time you submit your retirement application. To set up direct deposit online, log in to myCalPERS. Go to the Retirement tab and select Payment Options. Alternatively, you can complete and mail the Direct Deposit Authorization (PDF) to: CalPERS Benefit Services Division P.O. Box 942716 Sacramento, California 94229-2716 ### Nonmember Service Retirement If you were awarded a portion of your former spouse/domestic partner\'s CalPERS pension, and the community property court order provided you your own separate CalPERS account with service credit and contributions, you\'re called a \"nonmember.\" You may collect a monthly retirement benefit, or you may request to refund or roll over your contributions and interest at any time, if eligible (e.g., if you have Second Tier service only and you don\'t have contributions on your account). A nonmember retirement is a lifetime benefit. The Nonmember Service Retirement Election Application (PDF) is the main form you\'ll need to submit to apply for retirement. However, based on your particular situation, there are some additional forms you may need to complete. #### Eligibility The following requirements must be met in order to be eligible: * On the date of application, the member attained minimum retirement age to receive a service retirement allowance. * You have attained the minimum age prescribed by the applicable service retirement formula of the member. * Your former spouse or domestic partner must\'ve been vested for service retirement as of your dissolution date. For more information, refer to the Nonmember Service Retirement Election Application (PUB 44) (PDF) or Nonmember Information below. ### Partial Service Retirement Partial service retirement allows you to reduce your work time, continue working, and receive a partial service retirement allowance. University of California and California State University employees are not eligible for partial service retirement. #### Eligibility You must meet the following requirements to be eligible: * You have the minimum years of service credit based on your membership category. For most members, the minimum is five years of CalPERS service credit. * You reached the normal retirement age for your retirement benefit formula. The normal retirement age is the age you can retire without a reduction for retiring early. * You work full time as a state miscellaneous, state industrial, or public agency member (if the employer contracts for this benefit). #### How It Works If you\'re eligible for partial service retirement: * You may reduce your work schedule by at least 20 percent, but not more than 60 percent. * Your allowance is based on the reduction of your work time. For example, if you reduce your work time by 30 percent, your allowance would be 30 percent of what you would receive if you took a full service retirement and elected the unmodified allowance. * Your employer must approve your request to reduce your work time for partial retirement. Once your partial service retirement begins: * You may decrease your already reduced work time once each fiscal year. * You may increase your work time only once every five years. With your employer\'s approval, you may end your partial service retirement at any time and return to full-time employment. Once you withdraw, you cannot reapply for five years. To see if partial service retirement will work for you, read Partial Service Retirement (PUB 14) (PDF). #### How to Apply Before you apply, you must first receive approval from your employer. Complete the Partial Service Retirement Application available from your personnel office and the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR). Submit your completed application to CalPERS at least 60 days before the effective date of your partial retirement. The effective date must be the same date of your work-time reduction and can be the first day of any pay period. ## Disability & Industrial Disability Retirement If you have a disabling injury or illness that prevents you from performing your usual job duties with your current employer, you may be eligible for disability or industrial disability retirement. If your disability or industrial disability retirement is approved, you\'ll receive a monthly retirement payment for the rest of your life or until you recover from your injury or illness. Disability Retirement | Industrial Disability Retirement ---|--- Definition | An injury or illness that doesn\'t need to be job related | A job-related illness or injury Age Requirement | None | None Vesting Requirement | Generally, you must have at least five years of service credit to be eligible. Second Tier members must have 10 years. Some exceptions apply to the service requirement. Contact us to see if you qualify. | None If you\'re a patrol member in Bargaining Unit 5 of the Department of California Highway Patrol, you may be eligible for an enhanced industrial disability retirement benefit. You must\'ve sustained a serious bodily injury as the result of a single event and must be unable to participate in substantial gainful employment. ### Steps to Apply You, or someone on your behalf (such as your employer or Power of Attorney), can apply for disability and industrial disability retirement. You don\'t need to wait until your condition is \"permanent and stationary\" under Workers\' Compensation to apply. To apply, read Disability Retirement Election Application (PUB 35) (PDF). The publication includes the forms needed to submit a complete application package, as well as the Retirement Allowance Estimate Request (PDF). We recommend you request an estimate prior to applying for disability or industrial disability retirement. You can also take the online Member Education class, Completing Your Disability Retirement Application, which will teach you how to complete the Disability Retirement Application forms and submit a complete application package. ### After You Submit Your Application After we receive your application, we\'ll send you an acknowledgment letter letting you know we have received it. When we receive all of the required documentation and forms, we will begin the process of reviewing your file to see whether the information is current and complete, and if a determination can be made. If not, we may need to request additional information or an independent medical examination. Generally, we can review a disability or industrial disability retirement application within three months after we receive all the required information. However, if we need additional information, the determination process can take longer. If your application is approved, you will be retired and begin receiving a monthly benefit payment from CalPERS usually within four to six weeks. CalPERS can expedite retirement processing for those who are facing a terminal illness. If this is your case, contact us or your employer immediately to discuss an emergency retirement. ## Other Considerations ### Alternate Retirement Program The Alternate Retirement Program (ARP) is administered by the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) and is for new, first-time state miscellaneous and industrial employees hired between August 11, 2004, and June 30, 2013. There are several important milestones in the first four years of state miscellaneous industrial employment that will transition you into full CalPERS membership. #### First 24 Months: ARP Period * You don\'t receive CalPERS retirement service credit. * Your retirement contributions go into your ARP account managed by CalHR. * Your time worked counts toward retirement and health benefit vesting. #### Month 25 Forward * You begin to earn CalPERS retirement service credit. * You move from ARP into CalPERS First Tier membership. * Your ARP funds remain at CalHR. * Your retirement contributions begin to go to CalPERS. #### Months 47-49: Decision Time You\'ll receive a notice of your upcoming ARP election period in the 45th month following your ARP enrollment date. You\'ll have three options regarding what to do with your ARP funds once your 47th month arrives: * Option 1 – Receive CalPERS Service Credit Transfer your ARP funds to CalPERS and receive retirement service credit for the actual amount of time you worked at no additional cost. More service credit increases your pension benefit allowances. * Option 2 – Distribution of Funds Receive a lump sum distribution. No service credit is earned for your ARP period; however, your time worked will count toward your retirement and health vesting. * Option 3 – Transfer to Savings Plus 401(k) at CalHR No service credit is earned for your ARP period; however, your time worked will count toward your retirement and health vesting. If you select Option 2 or 3 during the ARP election period, or take no action, you can purchase your ARP time with CalPERS at a future date, as long as you meet the eligibility requirements. However, the cost to you\'ll be substantially higher than the amount in your ARP account. If you wait to purchase your ARP time at a future date, the law requires you to pay the entire present value cost of the service credit, which includes member and employer contribution amounts and is based on your highest pay rate and other actuarial factors. To help you make important decisions that can affect your future CalPERS retirement benefit: * Contact your personnel office. * Refer to our Alternate Retirement Program (PUB 10) (PDF). * Visit CalHR. #### Transitioning from ARP to Full CalPERS Membership At the end of your 2-year (24-month) ARP period, you\'ll begin earning CalPERS service credit and receiving an Annual Member Statement each fall. This statement provides a record of your CalPERS contributions, interest, and service credit. Your service while in ARP will not be included in the total until you either: * Elect to transfer your ARP funds to CalPERS during your ARP election period (47th to 49th month following your ARP enrollment date) * Purchase ARP service credit any time after your ARP election period but before retirement To view your Annual Member Statement, you\'ll need to log in to myCalPERS. If you separate from CalPERS-covered employment, refund your ARP contributions, and return to CalPERS contracted employment; you can elect to purchase your ARP service. The cost for purchasing ARP service credit is calculated at present value. Present value cost includes member and employer contribution amounts and is based on your highest pay rate and other actuarial factors. #### Membership Type As you transition into CalPERS, you\'ll be either a state miscellaneous or industrial First Tier retirement plan member, based on your job classification (contact your personnel office for more information). However, after your 24th month of employment, you should receive notice from your personnel office that you\'re eligible to move to the state miscellaneous or industrial Second Tier plan. You\'ll have 180 days to make this election. Effective July 1, 2013, Second Tier members started paying 1.5 percent of earnings in monthly member contributions. This contribution rate will be adjusted annually. Since members in the Second Tier plan make minimal contributions, this plan offers a reduced level of benefits at retirement. Be sure to carefully review the information you\'re provided before making your decision. ### Continuing Benefits & Deductions #### Health Coverage If you\'re currently a member of the CalPERS Health Program, you must meet specific requirements to continue your health insurance coverage into retirement, or maintain the right to re-enroll in the future after retirement. To continue your CalPERS health benefit coverage after retirement, you must meet both of the criteria below: * Be enrolled in (or eligible for) a CalPERS health plan upon separation from employment, either in your own name or as a dependent * Retire within 120 days of your separation from employment If you don\'t meet both requirements before you retire, you\'ll lose all future rights to be in the CalPERS Health Program. If your family members are included in your CalPERS health plan at the time of your death, their enrollment will continue automatically if they\'re eligible for and receive a monthly allowance. #### Public Agency or School Members If your employer doesn\'t contract with CalPERS for health benefits, contact your employer to determine if your benefits will continue. #### Dental Coverage (State Members Only) To continue dental coverage into retirement, you must: * Be enrolled in (or eligible for) a state-sponsored dental plan on the date of your separation from employment * Retire within 120 days of your separation #### Long-Term Care If you\'re enrolled in CalPERS Long-Term Care and have premiums deducted from your paycheck, you\'ll need to call (800) 982-1775 before you retire to find out how to continue your premium deductions. #### Other Deduction Payments Many types of payments can be deducted from your monthly retirement check, such as car payments, retiree association fees, charitable contributions, savings account deposits, etc. To initiate or add these deductions after you retire, contact the provider and complete their direct authorization deduction request. The request then needs to be forwarded to CalPERS. ### Golden Handshake A \"Golden Handshake\" is an early retirement incentive that can be offered by your employer. In order to offer a Golden Handshake, there must be an impending layoff and your employer can demonstrate that enough savings can be realized to pay for the Golden Handshake benefits. Your employer must contract with CalPERS and pay the cost for this early retirement incentive. Current law allows for a Golden Handshake to provide an additional two years of service credit. To be eligible, you must retire within the establish time period (usually between 60 to 120 days). If you retire under a Golden Handshake and then receive unemployment benefits or reinstate from retirement, you\'ll lose this benefit. ### Government Employees Under current law, there are several different provisions the state can use to offer a Golden Handshake, depending on the branch of government. * Judicial - The Chief Justice must announce an offering of the benefit to judicial support staff. * Legislature - Each house of the Legislature must make a resolution to provide this benefit to legislative support staff. * State agencies, including California State University - The Governor must sign an Executive Order to provide this benefit to state employees. ### Nonmember Information If you were awarded a portion of your former spouse/domestic partner\'s CalPERS pension, and the community property court order provided you your own separate CalPERS account with service credit and contributions, you\'re called a \"nonmember.\" You may collect a monthly retirement benefit, or you may request to refund or roll over your contributions and interest at any time, if eligible (e.g., if you have Second Tier service only you may not have contributions on your account). If the community property court order provides for a future benefit, you\'ll begin receiving a monthly allowance once your former spouse/domestic partner retires. You\'re called a \"community property payee.\" Refer to your filed community property court order, or the letter CalPERS mailed to you after the community property resolution, to determine what type of community property interest you were awarded. You can also contact us directly. #### Benefits & Resources As a nonmember, you have many of the same resources available as a regular member. You can: * Create an online myCalPERS account. * Make an appointment at a Regional Office (identify yourself as a nonmember). * Register for online and/or instructor-led retirement courses and webinars through our Education Center. * Request two CalPERS-generated estimates of your non-member retirement allowance within a 12-month period (must be within one year of the requested retirement date). * Review the Nonmember Retirement Allowance Estimate Request (PDF) or contact us to have the form mailed to you. * In limited circumstances, purchase more service credit than what was awarded in the community property court order (e.g., your ex-spouse took a refund of service and contributions during the marriage period, or your ex-spouse elected to convert from the second tier formula to the first tier formula). Contact us for more information. However, nonmembers: * Are not eligible for CalPERS health or reciprocal benefits * Can\'t apply for retirement online and need to submit a hardcopy Nonmember Service Retirement Election Application (PUB 44) (PDF). * Can\'t retire early if your former spouse/domestic partner retired early on a disability retirement (you both must reach minimum service retirement age before you can apply for retirement) #### Collecting Retirement If you were awarded your own CalPERS nonmember account, you\'re eligible to retire as soon as both you and your former spouse/domestic partner reach minimum retirement age. Your former spouse/domestic partner must\'ve been vested for service retirement as of your dissolution date. If your former spouse/domestic partner passes away before meeting minimum service retirement age, you\'ll become ineligible to receive a monthly retirement benefit. You may refund or roll over the contributions and interest, if any, awarded to you at any time, or you may have an opportunity to amend the original court order. Contact us for more information. If you\'re eligible to retire, review Completing Your Nonmember Service Retirement Election Application (PUB 44) (PDF) to get started. * The minimum retirement age is 50, 52, or 55 years depending on the retirement formula associated to the service credit on your account. * Your monthly benefit may or may not increase if you wait to retire. Your benefit is calculated using the retirement formula associated to the service you were awarded and is specific to your former spouse\'s/domestic partner\'s membership classification. * You can find your retirement formula and membership classification by logging in to myCalPERS. You can also contact us and we can provide the information to you. * Retirement formula examples include 3% @ 50 (State Safety Benefits) and 2% @ 55 (Local Miscellaneous Benefits). * Review the member forms and publications specific to your classification to help you understand how your retirement benefit is calculated. * If you have a nonmember account and are also a CalPERS member, but are not ready to retire from your job, you can retire on your nonmember account only. If you\'re minimum service retirement age and your former spouse/domestic partner meets both the minimum age and minimum service retirement eligibility requirements, you can apply for retirement on your nonmember account and begin collecting a monthly retirement benefit. #### Important Retirement Dates * If you submit your application more than nine months after your requested retirement date, the law says your retirement date will be the first day of the month in which CalPERS receives your application. * The effective date of your retirement is the date you designate on the application, or the day following the court-filed date of the Stipulated Domestic Relations Order, whichever is later. ### Social Security Offset If you worked for a federal, state, or local government where you didn\'t pay Social Security taxes, the pension you receive from that agency could reduce your Social Security benefits. Visit the Social Security & Your CalPERS Pension page to see the relationship between the two benefits. There are two laws that may impact benefits: * The Government Pension Offset (GPO) applies only if you receive a government pension and are eligible for Social Security benefits as a spouse or widow. * The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) affects how your retirement or disability benefits are figured if you receive a pension from work not covered by Social Security. ### Special Power of Attorney Through the CalPERS Special Power of Attorney, you can appoint a representative(s) to make retirement-related decisions on your behalf, should you become incapacitated. The CalPERS special power of attorney grants authority specifically for CalPERS retirement issues. For this reason, we recommend filing a Special Power of Attorney form (PDF), regardless of whether you already have a power of attorney set up through another resource. ### Tax Withholding Unless you submit an election for tax withholding, CalPERS is required to withhold taxes from your monthly allowance based on the tax tables for a married person with three allowances. By law, all CalPERS retirees with taxable allowances are required to select one of the three withholding choices: * A specific dollar amount withheld (state withholding only) * No taxes withheld * Taxes withheld according to the tax tables, based on marital or head of household status and numbers of allowances (you may also add a specific dollar amount to this election) If you choose one of the tax tables, taxes won\'t be withheld unless your gross allowance exceeds the minimum amount listed on the tax table for your filing status (e.g., single, married, number of dependents, etc.). You may change your tax withholding election at any time by submitting a Tax Withholding Election (PDF) form. For more information regarding tax considerations, refer to the Service Retirement Election Application (PUB 43) (PDF, 1.33 MB). After you retire, you\'ll begin to receive an annual 1099R form. ### Temporary Annuity The temporary annuity is an optional benefit you can choose that provides additional monthly income to temporarily enhance your pension from CalPERS. The type of temporary annuity you\'re eligible for depends on your CalPERS membership date: * Membership date as of January 1, 2002, or later – The benefit is payable from your retirement date to a specific age that you select – whole age from 62 to 70. You must have CalPERS service coordinated with Social Security to be eligible for this benefit. The amount of temporary annuity you request cannot exceed your estimated Social Security benefit. Contact the Social Security Administration before applying for a CalPERS service retirement. * Membership date prior to January 1, 2002 – The benefit is payable from your retirement date to a specific age that you select – age 59 ½ or any whole age from 60 to 68. You can also specify the dollar amount you want to receive, within certain limitations. The amount of temporary annuity is not dependent on the amount of your estimated Social Security benefit. This benefit is not free. The temporary annuity benefit is funded by a lifetime reduction to your retirement allowance. ## Videos * ![\\"Temporary](\\" Play ButtonOpens video in new window Temporary Annuity Video Length: 9:43 * ![\\"Your](\\" Play ButtonOpens video in new window Your Retirement Estimate and Payment Options Video Length: 30:22 * ![\\"Your](\\" Play ButtonOpens video in new window Your Online Service Retirement Application Video Length: 28:02 * ![\\"Your](\\" Play ButtonOpens video in new window Your CalPERS Pension Video Length: 02:07 ## Retirement Benefits * Benefit Factor Charts * Deferred Compensation * Reciprocity (Linking Retirement Systems) * Refund Member Contributions * Service & Disability Retirement * Service Credit (Time Worked) ## Resources * Annual Member Statement * Education Center * Make an Appointment * Retirement Estimate Calculator * Retirement Planning Checklist * Special Power of Attorney ## Forms & Publications * Direct Deposit Authorization (PDF) * Disability Retirement Election Application (PUB 35) (PDF) * How to Create a Retirement Estimate on myCalPERS (PDF) * Planning Your Service Retirement (PUB 1) (PDF) * Retirement Allowance Estimate Request (PDF) * Service Retirement Election Application (PUB 43) (PDF, 1.33 MB) * Tax Withholding Election (PDF) * When You Change Retirement Systems (PUB 16) (PDF) ## Frequently Asked Questions * What is the status of my retirement application? The status of your service retirement application can only be determined by a phone call or visit to CalPERS. If you\'re requesting disability retirement, you can view your status online. Contact us at 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377) for more information. * What is the time frame to make changes to my retirement application? You cannot cancel your retirement or change your retirement payment option, designated lifetime beneficiary, or requested retirement date more than 30 days after the issuance of your first retirement benefit check. Therefore, it is important you fully understand what each retirement option means. If you want to make a change, contact us at 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377). * When are Annual Member Statements available? Your statement is available online each fall. Log in to my|CalPERS where you can download and print your most current and previous statements. If you would like to receive your statements by mail, you must change your statement delivery preference in my|CalPERS. * When is the earliest I can retire? For most people, the earliest you can retire is age 50. If you became a member on or after January 1, 2013, you must be age 52. State Second Tier members cannot retire until at least age 55. If you\'re not sure which CalPERS formula you\'re under, check with your personnel office. * When will I get my first retirement check? That depends on your retirement date and when your final documents are received and processed by CalPERS. The first payment can take up to 30-45 calendar days from your retirement date or the date your application is received, whichever is later. Because each case is different, contact us to know exactly when your first check will be sent. 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Biden doesn’t come from Scranton He lived there for a short period of time before he even knew it and he left
The American Presidency Project About Search ![\\"ucsb](\\" Toggle navigation * Documents * Guidebook * Category Attributes * Statistics * Media Archive * Presidents * Analyses * GIVE ## Documents * Archive Guidebook * Categories * Attributes ## Categories * Presidential (241688) * Eulogies (65) * Executive Orders (10341) * Fireside Chats (27) * Interviews (1029) * Letters (4756) * Miscellaneous Written (110) * News Conferences (2512) * Spoken Addresses and Remarks (34750) * Farewell Addresses (11) * Inaugural Addresses (62) * Memoranda (3503) * Messages (12557) * Proclamations (9404) * Saturday Weekly Addresses (1639) * State Dinners (262) * State of the Union Addresses (100) * State of the Union Written Messages (140) * Statements (14407) * Vetoes (1228) * Citations (12925) * Written Presidential Orders (45439) * Remarks by Administration Officials (167) * Elections and Transitions (49496) * Campaign Documents (23504) * Convention Speeches (128) * Debates (191) * Party Platforms (105) * Transition Documents (569) * Congressional (29) ![\\"Joe](\\" r-biden.jpg?itok=7s5me69i\\") ### Joseph R. Biden 46th President of the United States: 2021 ‐ 2025 # Remarks at a Campaign Event and Question-and-Answer Session in Scranton, Pennsylvania April 16, 2024 The President. Guys, you come up here. Come on. Come on. Good to see you, buddy. Audience member. Yes, you too. The President. Come on. With the Bells and the Bidens, like all of you—my dad used to have an expression. He\'d say, \"Family is the beginning, the middle, and the end\"—\"the beginning, the middle, and the end.\" [At this point, the President addressed Eloise Giroux, daughter of Megan Bell Giroux, who introduced the President, and granddaughter of Tommy Bell, a childhood friend of the President.] And you need Secret Service guarding you. [Laughter] But, folks, look, first of all, I want to thank the Carpenters Union. They\'ve been with me for my entire career. They\'ve been loyal to me, and I think I\'ve been loyal to them. Now, one of the things that she hadn\'t told you is Tommy is—along with Larry—Larry, stand up. This is Larry Orr. Larry is another one of the—he lived right across the gates in Marywood—and another guy named Charlie Roth, the four of us were inseparable. When things changed for my dad up in Scranton and lost his job, we moved back to Delaware, where he was from. And when he originally—that\'s where he came from—Delaware—to Scranton. And I\'d come home though for every holiday, almost all summer. And when I fell in love when I was in law school—I actually wasn\'t even in law school, I was in college. I went on spring break. I had made $85 of—from a tax return. [Laughter] And—oh, you think I\'m kidding; I\'m not. [Laughter] And my dad didn\'t own, but he ran an automobile dealership. And so I had a car, and I put five guys in the car. They all chipped in to pay the way down. We went to Lauderdale. Now, the problem is—I\'m going to lose a lot of credibility with all of you—[laughter]—but I\'m the only Scrantonian and the only Irishman you\'ve ever met that\'s never had a drink in his life, because too many people have too many drinks in their life, in my opinion. [Laughter] And so we got down to Fort Lauderdale, and all everybody was doing is drunk most of the time. And I found out that there was a possibility of being able to get on a plane for 20 bucks—$22 round trip to go to Nassau. [Laughter] So I thought, \"Well, there may be some nice girls in Nassau.\" [Laughter] The only reason we all came down—any rate. So I got on the plane, and I had two guys with me. We had just finished spring football practice at the University of Delaware. And I had been named as the likely starting safety that year and—next year. And so we started off, and a guy named—his nickname was—he was Mike McCrann. We called him \"Crash\" McCrann. He looked like Rock Hudson and acted like it. [Laughter] And a guy named Fred Sears, who ran one of the biggest banks in Delaware later. And so we walked into—we went to the British Colonial hotel. We—actually, we found a bunch of guys from Michigan. We slept on the floor of their place. And we went to go to the beach. Turns out, all the beaches in Nassau—public beaches, there\'s none of the college girls. They\'re—you know, they\'re all locals, and there\'s not many people. So we walked down to the beach this particular day—the first day we got there—and the British Colonial hotel had this chain-link fence that ran from the street all the way down into the water so you couldn\'t cross into the hotel area. And so we wondered what the heck we were going to do. Turns out they—a bunch of folks going in and throwing their towels saying \"British Colonial hotel\" on it over the—barbed wire—not barbed wire—chain- link fence. So I had an idea. We each grabbed a towel, put it around us, and we walked in the front door—[laughter]—no, I\'m serious; true story—of the British Colonial hotel. And we walked in, and we acted like—and you walked in, and you had the registration on the left and down the—but straight ahead—like, from here, half again the distance from the back wall—was the glass looking out on the swimming pool and then beyond the swimming pool and onto the ocean. And so we just walked in like we belonged there and walked right out. [Laughter] And I\'m standing there, and we\'re all looking around, and I saw this beautiful young woman. I said, \"I\'m going to go talk to her.\" And old Crash McCrann, I nicknamed—he was a fullback—I said, \"No, I am.\" I said—and Fred Sears, my buddy, flipped a coin. I won. [Laughter] And so I walked up, sat down on the end of the bench of the—and the sun was coming from—toward the water. And it was later—and toward the water. And I sat on the end of the chaise lounge, and I said: \"My name is Joe Biden. I\'m from the University of Delaware.\" And she said, \"My name is Neilia Hunter. I\'m from Syracuse.\" And I said hi, and we started to talk and just talking. And I watched this yacht pull up in front. I\'m not—this is not a joke. Well, to me, it was a yacht. It was, like, 40, 45 feet. [Laughter] And I see this guy with a white hat on, white, you know, uniform—not uniform—pants and the shoes and the whole deal. And he gets in a little dingy, and he rows to shore. And I\'m just—I\'m talking to her like—like you\'re she, and I\'m looking up. And I watch the guy pull up, and he pulls a—the dingy up onto the beach. And he starts walking toward us. And I\'m just watching him. And he walks straight to us, and he looks down at Neilia, and he says, \"Neilia, are we on for dinner tonight?\" [Laughter] I thought, \"Oh, man.\" [Laughter] But what happened was he—she looked, and she said, \"Oh, I\'m sorry\"—it was the Wickwire family, a major highway contractor in New York—in Skaneateles, New York, in the State of New York. And what—they were neighbors. And she said, \"No.\" She said, \"I—Joe and I are going to go to dinner.\" [Laughter] And so, with that, he left, and she was mortified. She said, \"I\'m so sorry, but I didn\'t want to.\" I said, \"Why don\'t we?\" I had a total of $42 left. [Laughter] But then, you could buy a McDonald\'s hamburger for 19 cents or something. [Laughter] So she said, \"Well, I know a place we can go.\" And she\'s a very classy lady. She picked a place she thought we—I could afford. And so we walked into this particular restaurant and sat down. I ordered a hamburger because I didn\'t have any money, and she—the classy woman she was, she ordered the same thing, like whatever it was. But anyway, we—and I was smitten by her. I really was. And you know, sometimes, there\'s love at first sight. This really was. I was—my—I was just taken by her. And she was really quiet, and she was lovely. And one thing led to another, and she said—the bill came. And the bill was $48. [Laughter] And I had $23. And I could feel under the table—I could feel this. [The President rested his hand on an audience member\'s knee.] And I put my hand down, and she put 40 bucks in my hand. [Laughter] Her father was fairly wealthy. He was a Navy cook and an Auburn—if you know Auburn, New York, he had a large diner in Auburn, which was very profitable, and he also had the contracts to do Syracuse University. Anyway, he was a fairly wealthy guy. And so I took it, and I paid. I said, \"I\'m so embarrassed.\" She said, \"Oh, it happens to my father all the time.\" [Laughter] So we\'re walking back to the hotel she was staying at, and I swear to God, I hadn\'t kissed her, I hadn\'t done—we hadn\'t done a single thing together. And there was a chain and—that—post and chain dividing—stopping the parking lot from coming out of the—and so, like a horse\'s tail, I was going to show—I jumped over the chain. [Laughter] And I caught my ankle and fell. [Laughter] Totally mortified. She said: \"Oh, that\'s okay. That\'s—are you okay?\" I said, \"Yes.\" And I got up, and I looked at her, and I know—and this wasn\'t a joke—I looked at her. I said, \"You know, I think I\'m going to marry you.\" I give you my word. And she looked at me, and we hadn\'t even kissed one another, and she said, \"I think so.\" From that time on, I quit the football team that year—that was spring practice—the next year, and I started commuting every single weekend. My dad ran an automobile agency, and I made money by getting—there was a place called Manheim Auto Auction, where they—and I would drive to Manheim. And back in those days at Delaware, you could not—you could not have a car on campus. And so a lot of the guys I was with, they were happy to get a chance to drive a relatively new car. They paid $10 for every car we delivered back to Delaware. So I\'d get a van, take 10 guys up, get 100 bucks; I\'d keep $50. [Laughter] No. And that\'s how I\'d go back and forth every single weekend—every single weekend. And—but sometimes, it just happens. Sometimes, it just happens. And so no man deserves one great love, let alone two. When she was killed in that accident with my daughter as well, my two boys weren\'t expected to make it. And they were only just 3 and just 4 years old. And what happened was that I got put on that 10-most-eligible-bachelors list in America. [Laughter] You\'ve got it man. I thought it was a pretty cool thing. [Laughter] But I used to send more things to the Secret Service because I\'d get women sending me pictures that I was afraid I\'d get set up for. [Laughter] And unlike the guy running, I didn\'t take advantage of any of it. [Laughter] Any rate, to make a long story short, all kidding aside, I would just give them to the Secret Service. So I decided I couldn\'t—I really couldn\'t date anybody because every time I\'d go out with somebody—I had more yentas in Delaware than you can imagine—very nice to me. And so I just gave up. And I get a call from my youngest brother. He said, \"Joe, I\'ve got just the girl for you.\" And he was at the University of Delaware at the time, as this girl was. She used to be 9 years younger than me. Now she\'s 25 years younger, but—[laughter]. So he said: \"You\'ll love her. She doesn\'t like politics.\" [Laughter] And I met her, and this third date I went out with her, I realized I was going to marry her. No man deserves one great love, let alone two. So I\'ve been an incredibly fortunate guy—incredibly fortunate. And that\'s why I kept coming back up to Scranton, because what would happen is, I would drive up on—after I paid my guys their money, I\'d drive up on Friday—through Scranton, up 81, up into Syracuse, next to Skaneateles Lake—and then go back. And I\'d always stop at my Uncle Jack\'s house on the way back in Scranton. And you know, everybody\'s from Scranton, but no one ever leaves Scranton. [Laughter] It\'s in their—but any rate, I don\'t know why the hell I told you that. [Laughter] Except you reminded me. Megan Bell Giroux. It was my fault. I told—[inaudible]. The President. No, no, but you know, look, folks, I\'ve ran for—I can\'t tell you how much I appreciate what you\'ve done. It\'s a pretty basic thing for me. You may remember when I announced for President, I said I was running for three reasons, initially. I said, one is to restore the soul of America. We lost a sense of decency that was in the way we campaign and what people say and how they talk to one another. And the second thing, I said I wanted to rebuild the middle class because when the middle class works, everyone works—everyone does better. I said, thirdly, I want to unite the country. And I was, understandably, by the national press, viewed as I was—they\'d give me credit for being a fairly significant United States Senator and able to cross the aisle and get a lot done, but they thought I was extremely naive. I don\'t know how we can lead the world when we can\'t unite ourselves. I really mean it. I mean, so we\'ve got a lot of work to do. And then I decided—my son Beau ended up going—volunteering to go to Iraq. He was the attorney general of the State of Delaware. And he came back—he—his—I was in, I think, 36, 38 times in Iraq and Afghanistan as a Senator and as a Vice President. And he came back—he—his hooch—that\'s where he slept—was only about 400 yards from a major burn pit. And the burn pit is about the size of a football field—probably 80 yards long, 30, 40 yards wide—burning everything from human waste to oil and the rest. And just like the 9/11 firemen got—my son came back after a year with glioblastoma—stage 4 glioblastoma. And I lost him. And I didn\'t—I wasn\'t going to run again. I really wasn\'t. Not a—I give you my word, I had no intention of running again. And then along came what happened down in Charlottesville. And I talked to the mother who lost that daughter who was killed by these—coming out of a field, in the United States of America, in the year two thousand and—I guess it was \'16, \'17, \'18, in that range, but a little later—carrying torches, Ku Klux Klan, Nazi banners—I mean, literally Nazi swastikas, and marching through the streets. And my future opponent, my present opponent—they asked him what he thought of it. He said there were \"very good people on both sides.\" And I\'m going to say something that may sound outrageous to you, but I thought—I thought—he\'s the antithesis of everything I believe, and I thought I could beat him. And that\'s why I ran. And so what\'s at stake now, folks, is our democracy. It\'s not hyperbole. You may remember, when I got the nomination, the first thing I did, I made a speech at the—in Convention Hall—excuse me, in Philadelphia. And I made a speech on democracy. And a lot of people said, \"What\'s he doing that for?\" Because it is at stake. We\'ve never had this kind of a campaign before. And so, for me, it\'s not about whether or not you\'re left, right, or center—although it matters to my philosophy of government—but it matters about whether or not you\'re going to abide by the basic rules, you\'re going to have a sense of decency. You—I\'ve never thought I\'d see a time when I\'m going through a neighborhood or a rural town that\'s in the west and see big signs that—have a Trump sign in the middle that says \"F—Biden\" and having a little kid standing with his middle finger, 7 years old, 8 years old. Oh, I promise, it happens all the time. It\'s not who we are. So the point I\'m making is this: We are—think of—it this way: If the United States wasn\'t leading the world, who could step up to do it? No, not a joke. What other country? What other country? I\'ve known every major world leader for the last 35 years. I know them all by their first names—not a joke—not because I\'m important; because of the nature of my job when I was Foreign Relations Committee and a senior Senator. And you know, the rest of the world looks to us. I walk in a room—no matter whether it\'s the G-7 or the G-20, whatever it is—and they all look to me—not me, Joe Biden; America—because they know we are the essential nation. And you know, Madeleine Albright wrote about us being the essential—she was absolutely right, absolutely right. And we have a chance. We have an incredible chance to change the direction of the world without using American forces. We have an enormous chance. So I said before I ran, I was going to write a book on inflection points in American history, where the things that happen in a very short period of time can determine what the next four, five, six decades look like. We have a chance. We have a chance to change the dynamic in a way that we haven\'t had before. The postwar era is over. It\'s over. What\'s going to follow? So I—when I started the book—and I decided to run instead. I started the book, I talked about how technology has changed the direction in the world. Were it not for Gutenberg inventing the printing press, there would be no unity in Europe. They wouldn\'t have been able to communicate with one another at the period of time. All the way to the—it\'s a silly example—Nixon would probably be President but for a televised debate where he perspired a great deal. And—[laughter]—no, I—no, I\'m not joking. I\'m thinking these things matter. Even to now, look what\'s happening on TikTok. Look what\'s happening. What are the source of information? These press people are all honest and decent, and they take real risks. And not a lot—and they don\'t all like me. But they—[laughter]—no, I\'m serious. This is—they\'re entitled to that. But they take real risks. But, folks, think about it. Where do people get their news these days? I mean, all the data shows hardly anybody watches the nightly news, in relative terms. Who reads the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal and the—and so on? I mean, what percentage of people? So where did they get their news? And it\'s so much—so easy to just flat-out lie and not know what\'s true. So we\'ve got a lot at stake here—a lot at stake. But for me, it gets down to a basic thing. My dad used to say—for real; my word—he\'d say: \"Joey, a job is about a lot more than—is about a lot more than a paycheck. It\'s about your dignity. It\'s about respect. It\'s about being able to look your kid in the eye and say, \'Honey, it\'s going to be okay,\' and mean it—and mean it.\" That\'s what this is all about. The vast majority of the American people just want an even chance, just a shot. Just a shot. And it breaks down into everything from taxes to philosophy. But with your help, I\'ve been able to get a lot done that no one thought could get done. We\'ve been able to get a lot done. But there\'s so much more we have to do, but we can do it. But we have to win. And it gets down to old-fashioned politics, gets down to knocking on doors, gets down to telling stories about why you\'re for who you\'re for. It gets down to being able to have—pick these people to put yard signs up. It matters. Last point I\'ll make—and I\'m talking too long, and I apologize. [Laughter] The last point I\'ll make is, we have over 100—is it 120 or 160? What\'s it up to now? Individual contributors? Aide. Oh, 1.6—[inaudible]. The President. One-point-six million individual contributors; 550,000 more than before—than—since we started, new contributors. You know what the—of—97 percent of those contributors contributed less than $200—97 percent. There\'s a real groundswell going on because of you. It matters. It matters. And people are contributing $5, $10, $30, $50. And it\'s having a real impact and real effect. We have opened more campaign offices because of you all than he—doesn\'t—hasn\'t opened any that I\'m aware of. I\'m not being facetious. I\'m not being facetious. We\'re also in a situation where we\'re in a position that we\'re generating a paid staff. That\'s significant. And we\'re growing in every State. I\'ve been to—every single—every single of the toss-up States so far. And guess what? If you knock anybody who knows anything about polling, it\'s awful hard to poll these days. Because—no, I\'m serious. But guess what? Even in the polls that are being used now, we\'re ahead in—35 polls, but—by the way—it\'s just about continuing to push. And, again, one simple proposition: How do we give hard-working Americans an even shot, an even chance—an even chance to make it? Just that. Nothing more than that. And how do we move people together again? And I think we can do it. I\'m confident that we\'re going to be able to do it. And I feel very good about where we are because of all of you. But thank you for what you\'re doing. Again, I didn\'t mean to tell you so much. [Laughter] But thank you, thank you, thank you. Pennsylvania General Election Campaign Director Amy Friedman. Well, Mr. President, I think we have a few folks eager to ask you questions, if we may. The President. Sure. Ms. Friedman. Absolutely. Sam. Sam Kuchwara. Mr. President, what made you run for President? The President. A simple proposition, and I was—I asked that question—I just came from my old home where I was raised in Scranton. A simple proposition that—just simply, people just want a shot. They just want an even shot and just to be able to realize the possibility that what they care about will matter with what will happen. What made me run for President: In fact, when I moved from Scranton—my dad was born in Baltimore. They say—— [The President imitated a Baltimore accent.] Baltimore—[laughter]—in Baltimore. And his dad was with the American Oil Company. And they opened up the American Oil Company, used to—AMOCO, it became. And the Blaustein family owned it. He opened up York, Pennsylvania, then he opened up Scranton. And they moved to Scranton when my dad was a junior in high school. And you know, it\'s—and so, I was born in Scranton, and then we moved back to Delaware. When we moved back to Delaware, one thing that I hadn\'t seen in Scranton—there were very few African Americans in Scranton when I was here in Lackawanna County—very few. But in Delaware, we have the eighth largest Black population as a percent of population of any State in the Nation. And in addition to that, we\'re one of those border States that couldn\'t—that—it was a slave State that fought on the side of the North because it couldn\'t figure how to get to the South. [Laughter] No, I\'m serious. So was Maryland. So was Tennessee. Anyway—and so I remember when we moved to Delaware, we lived on—in what later became section 8 housing. It was a long way—but very, very modest apartment complex was being built in Claymont with about 400 apartments. And I remember that they\'d drive—Mom would drive us up to school in the morning because it was too dangerous to—it was a—the Philadelphia Pike was an—access highway. It wasn\'t I-95, which is now the way to get there. But she was worried of us crossing the streets. So I was in third grade. My sister was in first grade. And they\'d drop us in the parking lot. And we used to watch—and I couldn\'t understand why this little Catholic school I went to, Holy Rosary—why this bus would go by when we pulled in the parking lot that had what was referred to then as—all full of \"Colored\" children. There were no Whites in it. And even though the major school—public school, Claymont High School, was a right-hand turn three blocks up. I remember asking my mother why they couldn\'t come—why\'d that bus go all the way downtown? And she said, \"Because they\'re not allowed to go to school with White kids.\" \"Not allowed to go to school with White kids.\" And that had an enormous impression on me. And it got me engaged in the civil rights movement. I wasn\'t in any great shape, but I was a public—I became a public defender after getting a job with a fancy law firm. My city of Wilmington, Delaware, was the only city in America occupied by the military for 10 months, with the National Guard standing on the corner with drawn bayonets for 10 months when Dr. King was assassinated because of the riots that occurred. And so I got involved trying to change the Democratic Party and turn it into more—the conservative party on race was the Democratic Party in Delaware. And the Republican Party, which was the party of DuPont, was very, very restrictive on economic issues, but it was more open. So I joined a group of senior members of the—Democratic Party to try to reform the Democratic Party and move it to more of a Northeastern Democratic Party. The Governor of Delaware could choose to be part of the Southern Governors\' Conference or the Northeast. And the Democrats often chose to be part of the Southern Governors\' Conference. In the southern part of the State there is a canal that goes across the top of my State, the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal that cuts—bisects the State. And when you just go below that canal—and I\'m not—this is not a criticism—— [The President imitated a regional accent.] They talk at you like this. Eastern Shore of Maryland. Very southern in the way they talk and the way they move and everything. And so I got involved in trying to change the party. And one thing led to another, and I remember they came to me and said they wanted me to run, the local folks. Trying to get people to run—just show up as Democrats in areas they—that they weren\'t able to win. And so I got a call—I was a public defender part-time in a—and I had a law practice. I was starting alone. And with that, I remember a group of people from Elsmere, Delaware—the Democratic organization—came to see me, wanted me to run for the State Senate. And I said, \"I can\'t do that because I\'m just starting a law firm, and I can\'t go to Dover.\" And they came back about 3 days later and said, \"Well, why don\'t you run for the county council?\" I said, \"I can\'t do that.\" And they said, \"Come here.\" And they walked me to my window in my office, and it looked across—and they said, \"They meet there twice a week at night.\" [Laughter] So they wanted me to run in a district no Democrat had ever run. And I said: \"Well, at least I can do my job. I can go out and run. Make—demonstrate that we\'re running.\" And the problem is, I asked my sister who has graduated with honors from Delaware, who\'s smarter than me and ran my campaign. And she won a campaign where a Democrat had never won. And all of a sudden, I was in the county council. And—but the Democrats—the Republicans saw something in me I didn\'t see, for—it\'s the God\'s truth. They saw in me that I was going to do something beyond that. I was elected to a 4-year term. And what they did was, they reapportioned me to a 2-year term. So it was either up or out. And I was happy with that. I was prepared to leave and do my practice and work in the party. And one thing led to another, and I won\'t bore you with the detail, but one day I showed up at an off-year convention, and I was in—I was in the motel after—the local motel getting changed after the afternoon session, go back to the evening session. And I\'d come down with some young activists—they were a little older than me, but still young activists—who were involved in trying to reform the party. And I was in one of those 8-by-10 bathrooms—you know they have a shower, a toilet, and a sink. And I got a towel on me and shaving cream, and I hear, \"Bam, bam, bam,\" at my door really loudly. And I wonder, \"What the hell is that?\" I thought it was this guy Bob Cunningham, who had a radio show, and couple of other guys. So I say, \"Okay, okay, guys.\" And I walked to the door and opened it up and standing there was the former Governor of the State of Delaware, Elbert N. Carvel, a big guy, about 6\'5\". [The President imitated a regional accent.] Talked at you like this. [Laughter] And the State representative who got defeated 4 years earlier as a Democratic State—who was retired—and one of the—from the family that had more so—more Senators appointed than any other family in American history, the Tunnells—and a former retired justice and the State chairman. And they said—and I\'m standing in a towel with shaving cream on my face. [Laughter] And with that, they looked at me and said—they come in and said: \"We\'re coming—we just had dinner. We want to talk to you.\" And I walked in, and I said, \"Okay, gentlemen.\" And I ran to the bathroom thinking I could put something on. [Laughter] All I could do is take off the shaving cream. I had on a towel. I walked out—two headboards nailed to one side of the wall, the desk to the other side. And I\'m—they\'re—he\'s sitting on the end of the bed. And I\'m sitting down, and they said, \"Joe, we just had dinner, and we think you should run for the Senate.\" I said: \"Run? Man, I\'m not old enough.\" And the former Justice looked at me he said, \"Joe, you obviously didn\'t do well in constitutional law.\" [Laughter] \"You don\'t have to be—you have to be 30 to be sworn in, but you can be elected at any age. You\'ll be—17 days after, you\'ll be eligible. One thing then, I don\'t know about you, but all of us who have some teacher or some professor we really had faith in. Well, my political philosophy professor at Delaware—which was between—Newark, Delaware—between Dover and my home—was one of those guys. And I called him, and I said, \"Can I stop by and see you?\" And I remember seeing him and asking him my—a question: What he thinks I should do. He said, \"Joe, remember what Plato said.\" I go, \"What the hell did Plato say?\" [Laughter] Seriously, it\'s an absolutely true story. He said, \"Joe, the penalty good people pay for not being involved in politics is being governed by people worse than themselves.\" [Laughter] And I was opposed to the Vietnam war. Anyway, one thing led to another. I ended up running not with any enthusiasm as I started. But we had the same kind of thing of—just a lot of young people and people who hadn\'t been deeply involved. Just—there was a—we had a picnic for our volunteers at the end of the summer. And there was ads on the radio: \"Do not take I-95 South. Biden is having a picnic. There was no accident.\" [Laughter] No, I\'m serious. [Laughter] Nixon won by 60 percent of the vote. We won by a rousing 3,100 votes. But my point is, it wasn\'t planned. I love reading these biographies of me that: \"Biden knew he was going to run for President. He knew it was going to happen.\" But look, folks, it matters, it matters what we do. You wouldn\'t be here. You wouldn\'t be here doing it—forget me. I mean, you wouldn\'t be here if you didn\'t think a lot was at stake. And we have enormous opportunities—enormous opportunities. But I know that probably over-answers your question, but—[laughter]. Ms. Friedman. Amazing. Mr. President, thank you so, so much. Hasn\'t this been amazing? NOTE: The President spoke at 6:29 p.m. at the Carpenters and Joiners Local 445 Training Center. In his remarks, he referred to former President Donald J. Trump; and Susan Bro, mother of Heather D. Heyer, who was killed in a vehicular attack in Charlottesville, VA, on August 12, 2017. He also referred to his brother Francis W. Biden and sister Valerie Biden Owens. The transcript was released by the Office of the Press Secretary on April 17. Joseph R. Biden, Remarks at a Campaign Event and Question-and-Answer Session in Scranton, Pennsylvania Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project ### Filed Under ### Categories Presidential Spoken Addresses and Remarks ### Attributes Campaign Remarks & Rallies Town Hall/Discussion/Q&A ### Location Pennsylvania ![\\"\\"](\\" flags/PA.jpg\\") * twitter * facebook * linkedin * google+ * email ## Simple Search of Our Archives # per page 5102550100 Apply ### Report a Typo The American Presidency ProjectJohn Woolley and Gerhard PetersContact Twitter Facebook Copyright © The American Presidency ProjectTerms of Service | Privacy | Accessibility ![\\"uc](\\"/sites/default/files/pictures/uc-santa-barbara-wordmark- white1x.svg\\") We need your help! ### We have accomplished great things!The APP is widely cited as an authoritative source.Still, we have major pending maintenance costs AND no budget source other than *donations!* ### WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!PLEASE: SUPPORT THE APP! **GIVE NOW ** ### dismiss for 30 days
Biden doesn’t come from Scranton He lived there for a short period of time before he even knew it and he left
Facebook लॉग इन करें लॉग इन करें अकाउंट भूल गए? ## **Bob Casey** वेरिफ़ाई किया गया अकाउंट 23 अक्टूबर 2020 · इनके साथ शेयर किया गया: पब्लिक Donald Trump: Joe Biden isn\'t from Scranton. Scranton: ![\\"फ़ोटो](\\" jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=13d280&_nc_ohc=mqG1OVO7EK8Q7kNvgEDFiqM&_nc_ht=scontent.fdel29-1.fna&_nc_gid=AML11BuLr_c9AkM8l_qU1Q6&oh=00_AYBiWi7QiDr02OectMFtCB2HS2nLslSHrUt1N71pwvwqvA&oe=672A48A7\\") ![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg) ![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg) ![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg) सभी रिएक्शन: 1.5 हज़ार 496 कमेंट 174 शेयर लाइक करें कमेंट करें सबसे प्रासंगिक  __ David Perrotta He was born in PA, but hes not from Scranton. And with all the Democratic corruption over the last 50 years and still going strong... it\'s nothing to brag about.. then again Biden seems to be creating a corrupt legacy in his own right with his son Hunter. * 3 साल 134 ![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg)![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg)![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg) सभी 92 जवाब देखें Brian Burns Let me ask a question: if you aren’t from where you were born, then why are all the conservatives always telling immigrants to go back to where they’re from? * 3 साल 72 ![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg)![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg) सभी 21 जवाब देखें Barbara Anne Don’t fall for the Russian interference, that Trump is spreading. Trump is a liar and been a liar his whole adult life. ![\\"💙\\"](\\" * 3 साल 39 ![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg)![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg)![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg) सभी 9 जवाब देखें Anne Kurtek I enjoyed the debate last night . Joe spoke from the heart. While Donald was doing what he likes to do best bully and turn the story but last night he made a mistake. He worried more about himself instead of all of us. He tried to blame joe with de... और देखें * 3 साल 34 ![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg)![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg) सभी 18 जवाब देखें Bj Hollis Shaw And if he wins 2020 Scranton & PA will claim him. Delaware will right there with us. * 3 साल 25 ![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg)![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg)![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg) सभी 7 जवाब देखें Erika Romanoski I\'m surprised Trump isn\'t telling us Joe Biden can\'t be president because he was born in a foreign country, Scranton??? * 3 साल 15 ![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg)![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg) 1 जवाब देखें Patricia Anne Meyer And Trump is not from * 3 साल 22 ![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg)![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg) Carly Ann Diamond When people pass away in any place across the world, their obituaries always state where they were born or lived.. so whether he lived here for 1 year or 7, he is from Scranton. * 3 साल 14 ![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg) Terry Travis Jenkins He was born in Scranton. He was not raised in Scranton. * 3 साल 20 ![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg)![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg)![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg) सभी 39 जवाब देखें Dan Zielinski Everyone says they are from where they were born. Literally everyone. So why can\'t Joe? * 3 साल 11 ![](\\"data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg) Facebook पर और देखें Facebook पर और देखें ईमेल या फ़ोन नंबर पासवर्ड लॉग इन करें पासवर्ड भूल गए? या नया अकाउंट बनाएँ
Biden doesn’t come from Scranton He lived there for a short period of time before he even knew it and he left
Skip to site indexSearch & Section NavigationSection Navigation SEARCH Log in Sunday, October 6, 2024 Today’s Paper Opinion|I Share a Birthday With President Biden. Ask Me About Our Age. * Share full article * 828 Advertisement SKIP ADVERTISEMENT You have a preview view of this article while we are checking your access. When we have confirmed access, the full article content will load. Opinion Supported by SKIP ADVERTISEMENT Guest Essay # I Share a Birthday With President Biden. Ask Me About Our Age. July 10, 2024 ![\\"A](\\" lgpc/10hoyt-lgpc-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale\\") Credit...Damon Winter/The New York Times * Share full article * 828 By Clark Hoyt Mr. Hoyt was a reporter, editor, Washington bureau chief and news executive for Knight Ridder and later served as public editor of The Times. President Biden and I have something in common: We were born on Nov. 20, 1942 — he in Scranton, Pa., I in Providence, R.I. He and I once even joked about it, long before anyone could suggest we were too old for our jobs. He was vice president of the United States. I was a journalist. Mr. Biden is having a very hard time right now, and I get it. That awkward, stiff walk of his? The White House physician says it’s the result of “wear and tear” on his spine. Tell me about it. I’ve had to get shots into my spine to alleviate excruciating pain caused by a collapsed vertebra. The president and I share other health issues common for folks our age. We have atrial fibrillation, an occasionally irregular heartbeat that can lead to a stroke. We take Eliquis for it. (Thank goodness for Medicare for me, the White House physician’s office for him. It’s an expensive drug.) We also suffer from sleep apnea, which can make you wake up over and over, snorting and choking, leaving you tired and unable to focus during the day. We’re both being treated with continuous positive airway pressure that involves wearing a mask attached to a machine by the bed that pumps air into you all night. My wife laughingly calls me Mr. Hose Head. There’s more, but you get the point: Aging isn’t fun. We do what we can. Mr. Biden works out five days a week. I work with a trainer twice a week and walk at least 10,000 steps a day. None of our physical problems would be disqualifying, perhaps, even for the most demanding job there is. Yeah, that gait might be embarrassing for the leader of the free world, but it’s not disqualifying. But there’s another aspect to getting old that few of us like to admit. It’s the mental decline that goes with the physical. For nearly half a century I was a journalist, reporting and editing the news. Put me at a keyboard, and the prose flowed. Now there are good days and bad — days when I know the word I’m searching for but just can’t bring it up from the La Brea Tar Pit of memory. Sometimes, if I sit for a few minutes, it will pop out. Other times I have to resort to tricks, like Googling what I think might be synonyms or, when that doesn’t work, reconstructing the whole sentence to circumvent the missing piece. When reading a news story, I’ll often find myself asking “Who?” when someone’s last name appears on second reference. Worse are those days when I read an entire page of a book and realize I haven’t absorbed a bit of it. Thank you for your patience while we verify access. If you are in Reader mode please exit and log into your Times account, or subscribe for all of The Times. Thank you for your patience while we verify access. Already a subscriber? Log in. Want all of The Times? Subscribe. Advertisement SKIP ADVERTISEMENT ## Comments 828 I Share a Birthday With President Biden. Ask Me About Our Age.Skip to Comments The comments section is closed. To submit a letter to the editor for publication, write to [email protected]. ## Site Index ## Site Information Navigation * © 2024 The New York Times Company * NYTCo * Contact Us * Accessibility * Work with us * Advertise * T Brand Studio * Your Ad Choices * Privacy Policy * Terms of Service * Terms of Sale * Site Map * Canada * International * Help * Subscriptions
Biden doesn’t come from Scranton He lived there for a short period of time before he even knew it and he left
The White House The White House The White House * Home * Administration * Priorities * The Record * Briefing Room * Español * InstagramOpens in a new window * FacebookOpens in a new window * XOpens in a new window * YouTubeOpens in a new window * Contact Us * Privacy Policy * Copyright Policy * Accessibility Statement Menu Close To search this site, enter a search term Search ## Mobile Menu Overlay * Administration Show submenu for “Administration”” * President Joe Biden * Vice President Kamala Harris * First Lady Dr. Jill Biden * Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff * The Cabinet * Executive Offices Show submenu for “Executive Offices”” * Council of Economic Advisers * Council on Environmental Quality * Domestic Policy Council * Gender Policy Council * National Economic Council * National Security Council * National Space Council * Office of Intergovernmental Affairs * Office of Management and Budget * Office of the National Cyber Director * Office of National Drug Control Policy * Office of Public Engagement * Office of Science and Technology Policy * Office of the United States Trade Representative * Climate Policy Office * Presidential Personnel Office * Priorities * Briefing Room * The White House Show submenu for “The White House”” * Presidents * First Families * The Grounds * Our Government * Get Involved Show submenu for “Get Involved”” * Write or Call The White House * Join Us * White House Fellows * White House Internship Program * The Record * Disclosures * Español * Contact Us * Privacy Policy * Copyright Policy * Accessibility Statement * InstagramOpens in a new window * FacebookOpens in a new window * XOpens in a new window * YouTubeOpens in a new window The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500 To search this site, enter a search term Search April 22, 2022 # Remarks By President Biden on Earth Day and at Signing of an Executive Order Strengthening the Nation’s Forests, Communities, and Local Economies 1. Home 2. Briefing Room 3. Speeches and Remarks Seward ParkSeattle, Washington 11:07 A.M. PDTTHE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. (Applause.) My name is Joe Biden. I work for Patty Murray. (Applause.) Been doing it for a long time.I can’t think of a better place to celebrate Earth Day — this magnificent park. I’ve only been here once before. I came to speak years ago, and, on my own, I came up here to take a look. And it’s really quite beautiful.Governor Inslee, who is known where I’m from as the “Environmental Governor,” and Mayor Harley [Harrell], Senator Murray, Senator Maria Cantwell, and all — I mean, you’ve got everybody here. You got Representatives Smith, Larsen, DelBene, Schrier. And it’s an honor to be here in this beautiful park with you all.You know, Edward Abbey, the writer who once worked as a Park Ranger — I didn’t know he had been a Park Ranger, to tell you the truth — wrote the following: “Every man, every woman, carries in heart and mind [an] image of [an] ideal place, the right place, the one true home, known or unknown, actual or visionary.”For many Seattle families, I think we’re in that place right now, here in this park and places like this. There are not that many like this, unfortunately.And all around this country, there used to be a hell of a lot more forests like this. But we’re doing everything we can. Everybody behind me and all of you want desperately to protect what we have and increase what we have.You know, our natural wonders are, you know, inspired — they’re a reflection that inspires us to take action.You know, my mother had an expression — and I apologize to my colleagues, they’ve heard me do two things my whole career: quote my mother and father and quote Irish poets. (Laughter.) But I’m not going to quote any Irish poets today, okay? But, you know, she’d say, “Out of everything difficult, something good will come if you look hard enough for it.”And I think that we’re in one of those moments in world history and in American history where we’ve reached the point that the crisis on the environment has become so obvious, with the notable exception of the former President, that we — we really have an opportunity to do things we couldn’t have done 2, 5, 10 years ago.And I want to — I want to talk about that today with leaders who understand that to their core, the folks standing behind me. I wish you didn’t have to stand. Don’t you guys have any chairs? (Laughter.)AUDIENCE MEMBER: We’re good.THE PRESIDENT: I’m not used to them standing for me, you know. Anyway.But here’s the deal: As I said, Governor Inslee is the climate governor, and I’ve gone to him throughout asking him for advice and counsel. And thanks for welcoming me back to Washington State, Gov. And to Mayor — Mayor Harrell, the passport to the city is very much appreciated. I hope I don’t do anything to have it revoked. (Laughs.) And, Congressman Smith, thank you for your commitment to the environment, including helping our Armed Forces transition to clean energy technologies. One of the things I found out as the President of the United States: I get to spend a lot of that money. (Laughter.) I get to decide where — no, I’m not joking. And we’re going to completely — but before — we’re — I’m going to start the process where every vehicle in the United States military — every vehicle is going to be climate friendly. Every vehicle. We’re going to have — (applause) — no, I mean it. (Applause.) We’re spending billions of dollars to do it. And — and it’s going to matter. You know, it matters. You know, in my view, this crisis, as I said, is a genuine opportunity — an opportunity to do things we wanted to do, and only now it’s become so apparent. On this day, 52 years ago, millions of Americans of every age and background rallied together on Earth Day. A guy I worked with as a young senator back in those days was a guy named Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin. And the guy who helped organize Earth Day was a guy who was from Delaware and worked for me as well, and — Mike McCabe. And, you know, it was — they had a vision, a vision for a healthier and more prosperous America. And over time, they delivered. They delivered. Cleaner water. Proof that a sustainable environment can mean a stronger economy. You know, I — and one of the things I’m proudest of in our administration: Before I went into detail with my, quote, “Green Agenda,” I got all the unions together. Literally, got all the unions. (Inaudible) the unions view it as against their interests.And starting with the IBEW Electrical, because they endorsed it. And every union has stepped up because they figured it out. Their jobs — they’re the ones who can help us transition in ways like never before. It’s not going to cost them jobs; it’s going to increase jobs. The IBEW is going to be building 50,000[500,000] electric stations — electric charging stations all across America, for example.And so, look, change continues today, and the new generation of Americans are helping us lead the way against the threat of climate change. You know, every time I get a little down — I don’t know about my colleagues; I suspect they’re the same — I just turn on a television or take a look at all the young people. This young generation is not going to put up with the — all that stuff. No, they’re not. I mean, they’re — they are really, really energized, whether it’s basic human rights or it’s the environment. They’re just not stopping. And from day one of my administration, we’ve stood with them. Governor, I hate to admit it, but I was part of that early Earth Day. I was only seven years old, but — (laughter). God, I — oh, my Lord, I can’t even believe I said that. (Laughter.) But anyway, it’s been a passion of mine as long as I’ve been involved in public life. The first thing — what got me involved in politics — not that it matters to you all, but I was thinking about it on the way over here. (Laughter.) I was a young attorney in Delaware, and they wanted — across the top of my state, they wanted to connect two highways, and it’s through what is the most beautiful part of the state. But instead of being willing to do it in an area that, in fact, had no consequence for the environment, they decided to put it through areas that were — that were straighter and — but more damaging. And I got involved to try to stop the construction of that highway, which I did. That’s what got me involved. And it caused me great problems because I ended up having to run for the county council, which was the hardest job I ever had. (Inaudible.) At any rate —But as a matter of fact, in 1986, in the United States Senate, I introduced and we passed the first Global Climate Protection Act — the first time — and it was a warming legislation in the Senate. And on Earth Day, you know, we convened last year over 40 leaders from around the globe, reasserting America’s leadership on climate after four years of an administration denying that there was a climate crisis, denying that there was any need to do anything about the environment. And the commitments galvanized that meet- — at that meeting, including our own goal of cutting emissions from 50 to 52 percent below ‘25[‘05] levels by 2030 and reaching net-zero emissions by 2050, taking the steps the United States needs to limit the planet’s warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius. And the rest of the world started to come along. We did more than set bold goals; we acted to achieve them.Last year, with all the disappointments we faced — but last year, the United States deployed the most solar, wind, and battery storage in American history. And we made record-setting investments in clean energy in rural America.For example, we have a $1 billion program that no one knows about except the Department of Agriculture — the grants and loans for farmers and rural co-ops to deploy solar and storage and powerlines to carry clean energy across the country. We’re investing in technology so you can — you can heat and cool your home when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow, because out here in Silicon Valley, you’re developing the battery technology I — they showed me one that is about a little bit wider than this podium, about that thick, and about this wide that, in fact, you can install in your home. And when the sun ain’t shining, that stored electricity runs the whole deal. And by the way — by the way, windmills don’t cause cancer. (Laughter.)And across the country, we have enough clean energy capacity to power now 56 million homes. Now, here’s what we’re doing with automobiles. I — I’m an automobile buff. I have a ‘68 Corvette that does nothing but pollute the air. But I don’t drive it very much. (Laughter.)And — but I brought together the automobile manufacturers. And Mary Berry[Barra], who was — who runs General Motors, is a fine, fine person. At the time, she was suing the state of California — General Motors — for their increased mileage requirements that exceeded the federal standard — I mean, exceeded — yes, the federal standard. And the argument Ford — General Motors was making was you couldn’t exceed the federal standard locally. And we had a long talk. And I didn’t suggest it, but she dropped that suit and contacted me and said, “I’m going to make a commitment.” I brought together the American automobile industry and they agreed on an ambitious goal: 50 percent electric vehicles by — sales by the year 2030.” That’s the commitment they made. I didn’t make it for them. They made it, because they realized what the future is. I saw it when I drove Ford’s all-electric 150 pickup truck, which, I might add — this was disappointing — is faster than my Corvette. (Laughter.) Now, you think I’m kidding. It’s a (inaudible). You know, although I did suggest if I’m out of office and they had the first electric Corvette, I want to buy it. (Laughter.) But at any rate, you know — and my — when I — I drove the electric Jeep Wagoneer around the South Lawn of the White House. You know, to date, automakers have announced investments of more than $100 billion in EV manufacturing — $100 billion. That’s along with us setting ambitious standards to cut pollution in cars and trucks to boost fuel economy standards, which we’re going to be announcing very soon, upping the mileage requirement that — for the minimum mileage requirement. But that’s not all. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law — which the folks behind me are the reason why that occurred — I signed provides billions of dollars for a nationwide network of 500,000 charging stations — 500,000. And will — and with electric school buses — by the way, I went down to North Carolina. You should see the factory down there. These buses — they have electric vehicles. It has a platform, folks, from me to you, about that thick; weighs about six zillion pounds. No engine. Nothing else. That’s it. And — but it’s all electric. All electric. And guess what? We’re going to eliminate tens of thousands of diesel school buses, which pollute the air and pollute the lungs. And, look, industry — this industry and union workers are all stepping up. And there’s a lot more.Here in Washington State, you’re going to triple the federal commitment to your Link — we’re going to triple the federal commitment to your Link Light Rail system, speeding progress on the largest transit — (applause) — as my colleagues in the Senate will recall, I was referred to as “Mr. Amtrak.” I’ve taken over 1,200,000 miles in Amtrak commuting — commuting every single day — you think I’m joking — for 36 years every single day when the Senate was in session to go home and see my kids. And — but the folks — you know, it’s a simple proposition. Most people don’t realize it. Given a choice to go from point A to point B and rail — electric rail — or drive your automobile, if you can get there fast — as fast or faster on rail, you take the rail. The estimates take — will take millions of vehicles off the road. The largest transit construction project in the country that runs entirely on clean energy.The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provides $66 billion — it’s passed — $66 billion for freight rail; $39 billion for public transit; $10.6 billion for clean electric buses; and $2.5 billion for clean ferries on my coast of Delaware and out here for you all. This will take millions of cars worth of pollution off the road and get people to places quicker.You know, look, I think one Amtrak train carries as many passengers — I know this statistic — as six lanes of a major interstate highway. That’s how many passengers it carries. Look, it matters.We saw new standards — we set new standards. We slashed methane and brought over 100 nations together when I was at the — at the big meeting we had in Europe. A hundred nations around the globe. And I got them to — I — there’s two things I was able to accomplish. One, I got a pledge — a pledge from a hundred — I think it was 144 of them — that they would eliminate methane and do the same thing we’re doing to keep it. It’s the most damaging of all the pollutants that are going up. We also set new standards for super- polluting HFC emissions. Remember the big fight we had? I know it, because when I almost lost an election because the DuPont company makes — long story. Anyway. (Laughter.) But, look, we set new standards for cleaner cement. You say, “What the hell are you talking about, Joey?” This is probably the only audience to understand — cleaner cement. Cement is an incredible pollutant — an incredible pollutant. And it matters because cement is responsible for 8 percent of the global climate emissions. Cement. I got to admit to you, as long as I’ve been involved in this, until two years ago, I didn’t know that. And we’re delivering across the country. Lots of folks have promised it, but my administration is actually delivering and revitalizing communities across Appalachia.Look, folks, I come from Scranton, Pennsylvania, where I was raised. The reason I got to Delaware is coal died. My dad was not in the coal mines; he was in sales — but the whole economy died. And, you know, you can understand why in places like West Virginia and Southeastern Pennsylvania, why people were worried about doing away with coal. You know, but it’s their jobs; they wonder what they’re going to do. But guess what? In the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, the law is going to help us cap and seal abandoned mines — thou- — there’s thousands of abandoned mines — cap and seal them. They’re no longer going to see pollution in the air or the water. The laws putting abandoned mine workers to work at the same salary they were working digging the mines in the first place. There are several thousand of these wells that have to be capped. And they have to harvest the energy. And they’re going to get paid.So, we’ve provided alternatives. They are manufacturing and installing solar panels where they once dug for coal.Look, here out — out here in the West, we are repowering retired power plants and clean ener- — clean hydrogen and advanced nuclear, making them economic hubs again.And in the Heartland, in fields that feed our country, we’re planting cover crops to pull carbon out of the air and out of the atmosphere. You know, they’re becoming carbon sinks. Look, across the country, we set the first-ever national conservation goal and protected more land and water than any other administration on record in our first year, because we can do it. And now the farmers are beginning to realize, “If I put things in conservation, I get paid for putting cover crops down that absorb carbon. It makes sense to me.” It keeps the land open, and it makes the environment much better. And they get paid for it. And they should get paid for it. It’s their land. We’re protecting natural wonders and cultural treasures, national monuments. I remember a little girl came up to me with her — I don’t know where — how it happened, but I was walking outside and a woman came up with her little girl and said — she said, “Mr. Pwesident, please protect Bears Ears.” I said, “I beg your pardon, honey.” She said, “Please protect Bears Ears.” I said, “Bears Ears?” She said, “Yes.” And I knew what Bears Ears was because I’ve tried to take my kids to almost every national park. And I said, “Okay, honey.” She said, “Pwomise me. Pwomise me.” (Laughter.) And we did. Bears Ears. Forests like the Tongass Forest. (Applause.) And, by the way, we got some of the conservative Republicans to support it in their state. We got some support for it. And now we’re working to restore the salmon runs here in the Northwest.Look, we’re putting America on the cutting edge. We’ve approved the first commercial-scale offshore wind project in federal waters, which has already broken ground with U.S workers and U.S. steel, who are going to be building these facilities.By the way, I was up in — in Colorado and looking at the facilities we have there. You know, we now have — we now have windmills that the blades on those windmills — 102 yards long. You hear me? 102 yards long. They can be placed way out in the ocean. And, you know — and, by the way, I made it clear to my friends up in Nantucket and that area, “I don’t want to hear anymore about you don’t like looking at them.” (Laughter and applause.) They’re pretty.But seriously. It’s incredible the breakthroughs that we’re making. Once you tell a nation that “We can do this, go do it,” it’s amazing what happens. It’s amazing what happens. (Applause.) We’ve launched the first-ever commercial flight powered by 100 — 100 percent sustainable aviation fuel. It lifted off with fuel grown here in America. Grown in America.We set the first net-zero commitments for U.S. steel companies, and now we’re rewarded for clean air — clean production through our first-ever international carbon-based trade deal, which makes clean American steel cheaper to buy than dirty steel from other countries. And we’re making it clear to the rest of the world that’s what we’re going to do. We’ve put environmental justice at the center of what we do, addressing the disproportionate health, environmental, and economic impacts that have been borne primarily by communities of color — places too often left behind.I grew up when — when coal died in Scranton, I moved — we moved to Delaware, where my dad had grown up. We moved to a little steel town called Claymont, Delaware, which was right at that arch that goes up into the Pennsylvania area there. And it’s near a place called Marcus Hook, where there were more — at the time, more oil refineries than in Houston — in Houston. Because of 10 million people in the Delaware Valley up there.And I — we — I went to the small little school that was about a mile from the apartment complex we lived in, and — a little school called Holy Rosary. And I — you couldn’t walk to school because, although it was a four-lane access highway, it was just too dangerous to cross some of the streets.And my mother would get — and when it came spring — I mean it became the fall — this is the God’s truth — and you’d get in the car, there’s a little frost on the window, turn on the windshield wiper, there’d be an oil slick. Not a joke. I have asthma, and 80 percent of the people who, in fact, we grew up with have asthma. That’s what you call a fenceline community. I understand what it’s like. I — we only lived there — I went to school there for 12 years. But I didn’t live there that whole time. My generic point is: If you take a look, my state used to be — thank God it’s no longer — had the highest cancer rate of any state in the nation because we have fenceline communities going down Route 9, and going down along the Delaware River — major facilities, oil plants, and the like. And the people that get hurt are the people who live on the other side of those fences. I made a commitment: They’re the people who are going to get helped as we move this. They’re the people where the money is going to go to help their neighborhoods. They’re —And this Bipartisan Infrastructure Law gives communities the money they need to get forever chemicals — PFAS — off — out of their water. They’re deadly, deadly. And a lot of it’s responsible because we, the government, and the fe- — and the military has engaged in activities that we didn’t realize how it was dangerous, over the years. But we’re going to get rid of it all. We started replacing 100 percent — 100 percent of all the lead pipes and poison — that poison our water in America. Four hundred thousand schools and daycare centers — their kids can’t turn on that water without getting — or worried about there’s lead in that — in that water. Ten million homes in America and here in this city and this state.Because every American and every child should be able to turn on a faucet and drink clean water, which will also create thousands of good-paying jobs for plumbers and pipefitters and others. Look, look — all you got to do is look around: Cities and states are acting, businesses are acting, I’m acting. We need Congress to act as well. And the people behind me are pushing Congress hard. (Applause.) They are pushing Congress hard, calling them to pass new investments and tax credits aimed directly at lowering costs for families. Look, you talk about, you know, a couple — there’s only two senators that occasionally don’t vote with me. That’s right, right? (Laughter.) Literally, 48 — they talk about the split in the Democratic Party. There’s virtually no split in the Democratic Party. We just happen to have 50 presidents. (Laughter.) You know, you have 50 senators and 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans. I mean, any one can change the dynamic. Right? But all kidding aside, 48 percent of my Democratic colleagues in the Senate vote with me 94 percent of the time. So it’s not like we have a split, but we don’t have — we have virtually no Republicans. There’s some. We get up to as many as seven or eight will vote. This ain’t your father’s Republican Party. Not — not a joke. All you got to do is look what is being played on — played this morning about the tape that was released. Anyway. (Laughter.) You know, but all kid- — kidding aside, this is the MAGA party now. It’s — you know, you got the senator from Texas and others. These guys are a different breed of cat. They’re not like what I served with for so many years. And the people who know better are afraid to act correctly, because they know they’ll be primaried. I’ve had — I won’t mention any of them; I promised I never would, and I won’t — but up to six come to me and say, “Joe, I want to be with you on such and such but I can’t. I’ll be primaried. I’ll lose my race. I’ll lose my race.” So, folks, we got to — this is going to start to change. Look, that bill that we talked about that is the infrastructure bill, there were two pieces of it. And it was one bill initially. And that bill had about 800,000 — $800 million in it for environmental-related issues. Well, the one that didn’t pass — the part that didn’t pass yet is the one that has $531 million for environmental. But we got lot done though in the bill that passed, called the Infrastructure Bill, that has to do with the environment, including tax credits for purchases of electric and fuel-cell vehicles now — new or used. But you’re going to save a typical driver about 80,000 — 8 — $80 a month from not having to pay gas at the pump. Tax credits for folks to buy solar panels and heat pumps and more efficient windows, saving each an average of $500 a year to do this — just making your home tighter so you don’t leak the heat and leak the air conditioning going out.You know, and my pen is ready. My pen is ready to sign. I’m anxious to sign these. Get some of these bills to my desk.And we can’t forget — (applause) — we can’t forget that achieving our ambitious climate goals is going to require nature itself to play a role.You know, if you compare the map of North America in 1620 — and we have some of these maps — with America today, you’ll see much of our devas- — how much we’ve devastated our forests. I mean, it used to be — if you’d look, from the Atlantic Coast almost to the Mississippi River was heavy forests, and we took it all down over those years.That’s why today I’m signing an executive order to conserve our forests that do so much to protect us. You know, our forests are our planet’s lungs. They literally are recycling and cycling CO2 out of the atmosphere. That’s what they do. By the way, more the — I spent time down in the Amazon and in Colombia and in Brazil, and guess what? More carbon is taken out of the air in the Amazon — that carbon sink — than every bit of carbon that is generated on a daily basis in the entire United States from every source. So what we should be doing and I’m trying to get done — and they’re not going to maybe like this — we should be paying the Brazilians not to cut down their forest. We got to cut ours down. We got to cut ours down. We got the benefit of it. Because we’ve got these third-world countries — not third world; some are — in Africa and in — and in South America — we got to — the industrial countries have to help.Scientists estimate that the protection and restoration of our natural lands and waters can provide more than one third of the solution to climate change, just — just that, if we did nothing else. So today, I’m about to sign an executive order to strengthen our forest on federal lands and make them and the local economies they support more resilient in the face of wildfires. I’ve flown over every major wildfire in this country with FEMA since — not every; a couple I didn’t, but the vast majority of them — and it’s devastating. I’ve seen it from helicopters with FEMA just flying over here and Idaho. I didn’t get to go to Oregon, but California. It’s absolutely devastating. So we’re going to work with state and local and Tribal governments to map, catalog, and then conserve old-growth forests on our public lands. These are the forests — (applause) — we’re going to do this. These are the forests that store, sequester incredible amounts of carbon, and help us fight climate change. The forests that are — are home to majestic trees, like the ones here in the — this park’s “Magnificent Forest.” You know, the executive order I’m going to sign is going to make good on the international forest protection commitments from the proposal I made in Scotland, at Glasgow[COP] 26. I got 140 countries to sign up and say that, together — and we represent 90 percent of the world’s forest. And this includes our own effort to crack down on trafficking of illegal logged wood and prod- — and products like the ones illegally deforesting areas around the world. In addition to that, I put in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill a — that we’re going to plant 1.2 billion trees — 1.2 billion trees across this country to begin the vital work of reforesting America. It makes sense and it also makes a big difference — (applause) — including in our cities and on our city streets. The executive order also recognizes that when it comes to protecting our communities from floods and storms, nature can help us as well. For example, when it comes to stopping flooding, sometimes a wetland is more effective than a seawall. I live along a state where it’s only — the average — three feet above sea level — the state of Delaware, the Delaware River, the Delaware Bay, and the Atlantic Ocean. Well, you saw what happened, by the way, down on the Gulf. You saw what happened in Louisiana when they had that — you know, it matters whether that — there’s a wetlands. They’re significantly more consequential than seawalls. In order to help bring more of those nature-based solutions into our planning, we have to move quickly.And with this executive order on Earth Day, we’re also showing this moment of maximum threat and urgency can also be a moment of enormous hope and enormous opportunity. You know, that we — you know, that we carry “in heart and mind the image of the ideal place, the right place, the one true home, known or unknown, actual or visionary.”I know you all feel it. And you wouldn’t be sitting here in the cold with your coats not on if you didn’t. So I’m now going to sign this executive order. And I think we’re going to make — I just think this is the beginning of a new day. And we’re going to just have to overtake the opposition on this. I really mean it. So thank you all for being here. I’m going to sign this executive order. (Applause.) “Strengthening the Nations Forests, Communities, and Local Economies”. And that’s all about planting about 1,200,000,000 trees. So — and, by the way, anybody bring their shovels? (Laughter.) All right.(The executive order is signed.) Is this a state park or is this a city park?GOVERNOR INSLEE: City. MAYOR HARRELL: City park.THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Mayor? MAYOR HARRELL: Yes, sir?SECRETARY HAALAND: On Tribal land! (Laughter.)THE PRESIDENT: Let me give you this. GOVERNOR INSLEE: Right here. Right here. He’s right behind you. (Signing pen is handed to the Mayor.)MAYOR HARRELL: Thank you.THE PRESIDENT: There you go. And, by the way, notice who runs the Department of Interior now. (Applause.)All right. Well, thanks. (Applause.)11:37 A.M. PDT Next Post: Statement by NSC Spokesperson Adrienne Watson on National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s meeting with Prime Minister Shmyhal of Ukraine Statement by NSC Spokesperson Adrienne Watson on National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s meeting with Prime Minister Shmyhal of Ukraine April 22, 2022 • Statements and Releases Next Post ## Stay Connected Sign Up Email Address* Required ZIP Code Please leave blank. We\'ll be in touch with the latest information on how President Biden and his administration are working for the American people, as well as ways you can get involved and help our country build back better. Opt in to send and receive text messages from President Biden. 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Biden doesn’t come from Scranton He lived there for a short period of time before he even knew it and he left
Does the whole “Joe Biden the Pennsylvanian” thing bug anyone else?…smh : r/Delaware Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/Delaware A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to Delaware r/Delaware r/Delaware [.]( * * * 99K Members 17 Online • 1 yr. ago Obi_Kyle_Kenobi ADMIN MOD # Does the whole “Joe Biden the Pennsylvanian” thing bug anyone else?…smh Politics I can’t believe that it’s already time for all the political campaign adds to start back up. Biden is running commercials about what he’s accomplished so far during his term so of course they have to remind everyone that he’s the middle class guy from….Scranton? Seriously? Biden lived in PA from the time he was born in 1942 until 1953. So he lived there until he was a whopping 11 years old! Why doesn’t he ever give DE any respect in these national adds? It’s just a pet peeve of mine but I can’t be the only one! Read more Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. bitgetindia • Promoted $20K to become a VIP trader on Bitget. Experience premium trading features and win daily rewards! Sign Up ![\\"Thumbnail](\\" Sort by: Best Open comment sort options * Best * Top * New * Controversial * Old * Q&A ![\\"u/AutoModerator](\\" AutoModerator • 1y ago • Moderator Announcement Read More » Discussion is allowed and encouraged. Please keep comments civil and debate ideas without attacking the person. Dissenting opinions made in good faith that contribute to the conversation should not be downvoted solely because they are unpopular or you disagree. _I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please_contact the moderators of this subreddit _if you have any questions or concerns._ Reply reply ![\\"u/SquatPraxis](\\" SquatPraxis • 1y ago • Scranton is primo swing state territory but he also earned the Middle Class Joe rep by taking the train to work from DE. Reply reply ![\\"u/delawaregolfer](\\" delawaregolfer • 1y ago • Look at PAs electoral votes (19) versus DEs (3) and the last time DE went Red (\'88) versus PA (\'16)... Plus he lives over in Greenville and summers in his second home in Rehoboth so he\'s not really a \"man of the people\" as a track record in Delaware. Reply reply ![\\"u/Tall_Candidate_686](\\" Tall_Candidate_686 • 1y ago • Compared to US senators and past POTUS, Joe seems pretty modest on wealth. Their house isn\'t even the fanciest in his neighborhood. I\'m no fan of eighty year olds running for office but I\'m not viewing JB as an elite. I suggest we all tune-out political ads as just more garbage. Reply reply 53 more replies 53 more replies More replies ![\\"u/Box_of_Shit](\\" Box_of_Shit • 1y ago • Joe Biden is such a boring thing to think about. Reply reply ![\\"u/Mysterious- Law-9019](\\" Mysterious-Law-9019 • 1y ago • He’s from Scranton Reply reply ![\\"u/WissahickonKid](\\" WissahickonKid • 1y ago • Lots of people spend their summers at the beach. That’s a normal-people thing. Remember when Bush 1 spent his summers driving around in some luxury motor boat in Kennebunkport & then he went to the grocery store & was amazed by the new “scanners.” Ie, there were no longer little price tags on each item that the cashier had to read like in Olden Days. That’s a not-normal-people thing But yeah, Biden’s people don’t hype Delaware because we’re already in the bag. And if they did, all they’d come up with is shady tax haven stuff Reply reply Horror_Chair5128 • 1y ago • Holy long does someone have to live in Delaware to be considered local? Reply reply markydsade • 1y ago • One thing I’ve learned in my travels is that some locals will only consider you local if you’re born, raised, and never leave an area. I met an 80 year old guy on a small island in Maine who came there when he was 2. The other islanders called him a dogfish, which was their slur from people from away even though he’d been there 78 years. Reply reply 1 more reply 1 more reply More replies markydsade • 1y ago • Edited 1y ago • When I went to UD in the 70s there were students I knew from Sallies and Archmere. They were middle class kids whose parents sacrificed to send their kids to a Catholic school. Biden never grew up truly poor but his family did go from rich to living with his grandparents when his father’s business failed. He went to UD then Syracuse Law school. He started as a law clerk then public defender before running for office. As was pointed out in this thread Pennsylvania is a swing state with a lot of Electoral College votes. He also knows that while most everyone knows about Pennsylvania’s blue collar history very few Americans know much about Delaware (I once met a girl from California who was not aware Delaware was even a state). Biden’s Pennsylvania roots emphasis is a political calculation to help others understand in broad strokes his roots and priorities. 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Facebook user Pablo Reyes made eerily accurate predictions about 2016
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Indian tourists can buy gold in Bhutan at around 50 off a new scheme introduced by the Bhutanese government
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But will that make price-sensitive tourists disregard the otherwise high tourism fees? Peden Doma Bhutia ![\\"Ask](\\"\\"/)Summarize this story * What are the terms and conditions for tourists to avail duty-free gold in Bhutan? * How has the introduction of the sustainable development fee impacted tourism in Bhutan? * What are the cultural and economic significance of gold for Indian tourists? Select a question above or ask something else Summarize this story ![\\"Ask](\\" ask-skift.svg\\"/) ## Key Points * Bhutan offers duty-free gold to offset high sustainable tourism fees, especially for Indian tourists. * Tourists must stay in certified hotels and pay in U.S. dollars to avail the duty-free gold. * The initiative aims to attract more visitors and support Bhutan\'s \'high value, low volume\' tourism policy. ## Summary Bhutan is offering duty-free gold to tourists to counteract the impact of its high sustainable tourism fee, particularly targeting Indian visitors who now face a $15 per day fee. Tourists can buy 10 grams of 24 karat gold at a significantly lower price if they meet specific conditions, such as staying in a certified hotel and paying in U.S. dollars. The initiative aims to add value for visitors and mitigate the decline in Indian tourist numbers, which have dropped by 50% since the fee\'s introduction. Bhutan continues to emphasize its ‘high value, low volume’ tourism policy to ensure sustainable tourism practices. * Share * ![\\"LinkedIn](\\" * ![\\"Twitter](\\" * ![\\"Facebook](\\" * ![\\"whatsapp](\\" * ![\\"Email](\\" Setting a new “gold standard” for travel, Bhutan is now offering duty-free gold to visitors, who may have been discouraged to visit the destination due to the high sustainable tourism fee. However, certain terms and conditions must be met before travelers can avail the gold at duty-free rate, which is approximately $529 for 10 grams of 24 karat gold. All tourists who pay the sustainable development fee can buy the duty-free gold, said Karma Lotey, CEO of Yangphel Adventure Travel, a travel company based in Bhutan. feed ### Skift India Report India is booming. Discover the subcontinent’s most important travel news here every Tuesday-Thursday. “Guests would have to spend at least one night in a certified hotel to avail the special duty-free pricing and would need to pay for the gold in U.S. dollars,” noted Lotey. . The move, according to many, is specially directed towards Indian tourists, who till 2020 had been granted free entry into Bhutan and are now required to shell out $15 per day, per person as sustainable development fee. “Since the introduction of the sustainable development fee for Indians, we have seen a drop of around 50 percent of tourists from India compared to pre- pandemic levels,” said Lotey. Over 73 percent of total arrivals to Bhutan in 2019 were from India. Of the 315,599 inbound arrivals to Bhutan, 230,381 were from India. Since Bhutan’s reopening post Covid, between September-December 2022, 16,520 tourists have visited the country, of which 8,273 were Indian tourists. “The main objective of the scheme is to provide additional value to guests visiting Bhutan,” Lotey said. And the “additional value” for Indian guests in this case would be around $200 as 10 grams of 24 karat gold costs approximately $727 in India. That’s why many feel this is Bhutan’s way of sweetening the deal for Indian tourists — its biggest source market. ### Sustainable Development Fee for Indians When Bhutan opened its borders last year in September, the country hiked its sustainable development fee for foreign travelers from $65 to $200 per person, per night. Indian tourists, who were exempted to pay the sustainable development fee till 2020, were asked to pay $15 per day, per person. Travel agents have observed that the implementation of a sustainable development fee in Bhutan has dissuaded cost-conscious Indian tourists from traveling to the country. To provide context, for a four-night stay in Bhutan, a family of four from India would be required to pay $240 as sustainable development fee, which is almost 40 percent of the total tour cost, excluding airfare. “The introduction of the new fee had a significant impact on tourism to Bhutan from India, particularly among the mass market, who found it an expensive proposition to pay $15 per person per night,” said Debjit Dutta, director and CEO of Impression Tourism Services, an India-based responsible destination marketing company. With 10 grams of 24 karat gold almost $200 cheaper in Bhutan, Indians who can afford to pay for it might find it lucrative to visit Bhutan, said Dutta. ### Indians Love Their Bling An integral part of Indian traditions and rituals, gold doesn’t just have a long-standing cultural and religious significance, it is also seen as a safe and reliable investment option. India was the largest consumer of gold before being overtaken by China in 2009. In 2021, India bought 611 tonnes of gold jewelery, second only to China (673 tonnes), according to the World Gold Council. Gold jewellery exports in India have grown from $7.6 billion in 2015 to $12.4 billion in 2019. Male passengers in India are exempted to pay customs duty on gold jewellery with an aggregate weight of upto 20 grams and a maximum monetary value of $605, while the exemption for female passengers is 40 grams and a maximum monetary value of $1210. While Lotey said it may be too early to comment on the demand following the introduction of the scheme, he noted a significant interest from both Indian and other international tourists. “There is a lot of buzz and excitement in the market about it,” observed Lotey. However, Lotey noted that the number of Indian tourists is picking up every month, and the present inflow of tourists is better than the initial forecast. ### Bhutan’s High Value, Low Volume Mantra Although some may view the sustainable development fee as a disincentive, Dutta said its implementation did not come as a surprise as Bhutan has always prioritized quality over quantity by limiting tourism in the past. The Covid-19 pandemic provided Bhutan with an opportunity to reevaluate its approach towards its “high value, low volume” tourism policy. “Bhutan’s strategic policy aims to ensure sustainable tourism practices while addressing concerns about the destination’s carrying capacity,” Dutta said and considers Bhutan an excellent model for other destinations looking to develop a sustainable and responsible tourism industry. However, some also argue that the previous behavior of some Indian tourists played a role in the need for the fee. Earlier, when there was no tourism fee, tourists would arrive via Phuentsholing, treat the destination as a picnic spot, and leave after a day or two, according to Dipankar Sarkar, the general manager of Travel and Living, a travel company based in India’s Jaigaon that shares a border with Bhutan. Sarkar stated that visitors who now pay the sustainable development fee are more serious about exploring Bhutan and recognize their responsibility towards the destination. Bhutan is also attempting to balance the tourism fee with incentives like lowering the entrance charge for many tourism destinations. Lotey noted that India has always been Bhutan’s top source market for tourism, and it remains an incredibly crucial market. “The Department of Tourism and relevant private tourism players have marketing and sales strategies in place to attract Indian travelers to Bhutan this year,” Lotey informed. Skift’s in-depth reporting on climate issues is made possible through the financial support of Intrepid Travel. This backing allows Skift to bring you high-quality journalism on one of the most important topics facing our planet today. Intrepid is not involved in any decisions made by Skift’s editorial team. * Share * ![\\"LinkedIn](\\" * ![\\"Twitter](\\" * ![\\"Facebook](\\" * ![\\"whatsapp](\\" * ![\\"Email](\\" Have a confidential tip for Skift? Get in touch ![\\"Peden](\\" content/themes/skift-2021/assets//img/clear.png\\"/) Peden Doma Bhutia, Skift Today at 8:00 AM EDT Tags: asia monthly, bhutan, climate change, coronavirus recovery, fees, india outbound, sustainable tourism Photo credit: Bhutan is now luring travelers with duty-free gold to visit the country. Setu Chhaya / Pexels Loading next story map ### Wanderlust Newsletter Our look at the most important tourism stories, including destination management, marketing, and development. 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Indian tourists can buy gold in Bhutan at around 50 off a new scheme introduced by the Bhutanese government
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Open the appLinkedIn * Articles * People * Learning * Jobs * Games * Get the app Join now Sign in ![\\"Bhutan\\'s](\\" cover_image-shrink_720_1280/article-cover_image- shrink_720_1280/0/1679746279153?e=2147483647&v=beta&t=MsVT-U8Lpt7Glq0z6xHNuRXQ1ySWFVvkOD3uYSRzILw\\"/) Happiness & Tourism in Bhutan # Bhutan\'s Duty-Free Gold Offer: A Creative Solution to Offset Tourism Fees * Report this article Truly Bhutan Travel ### Truly Bhutan Travel #### Crafting Unforgettable Journeys in the #Himalayas Published Mar 25, 2023 \+ Follow ## Bhutan\'s Sustainable Tourism Practices: Prioritising Well-being Over Economic Growth. Nestled in the heart of the Himalayas, Bhutan is a small, landlocked country renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, unique culture, and commitment to sustainable tourism. Unlike other countries that prioritize economic growth over environmental conservation, Bhutan has adopted a \"high value, low impact\" policy that seeks to balance the economic benefits of tourism with the need to protect its natural and cultural heritage. Punakha Dzong ### The Impact of Sustainable Development Fee (SDF) on Tourism in Bhutan. One of the key measures Bhutan has implemented to achieve sustainable tourism is the introduction of the Sustainable Development Fee (SDF), a daily tariff imposed on all foreign tourists visiting the country. While the Sustainable Development Fee (SDF) has helped Bhutan regulate the number of tourists and generate revenue for conservation efforts, it has also made tourism in Bhutan relatively expensive, limiting the country\'s appeal to budget-conscious travelers. ``` Bhutan has adopted a \"high value, low impact\" policy that seeks to balance the economic benefits of tourism with the need to protect its natural and cultural heritage. ``` ### The Introduction of Duty-Free Gold Offer: An Innovative Solution. To address the impact of the Sustainable Development Fees(SDF) on tourism and provide a more attractive incentive for visitors, Bhutan has recently introduced a new initiative - duty-free gold for tourists. Under this scheme, tourists who pay the Sustainable Development Fees(SDF) will be entitled to a certain amount of duty-free gold that they can either take home or sell back to authorized dealers in Bhutan. ### How the Duty-Free Gold Offer Benefits Tourists and the Local Economy. The duty-free gold offer has several benefits for both tourists and the local economy. Firstly, it provides a unique shopping experience that can only be found in Bhutan, enhancing the country\'s appeal to tourists. Secondly, it provides a tangible incentive for visitors to pay the Sustainable Development Fees(SDF), as they can now enjoy tax-free shopping and potentially even earn a profit from selling the gold back home. ``` To address the impact of the SDF on tourism and provide a more attractive incentive for visitors, Bhutan has recently introduced a new initiative - duty-free gold for tourists. ``` From the perspective of the local economy, the duty-free gold offer can also generate additional revenue for Bhutan by encouraging tourists to spend more money on local products and services. This, in turn, can support local businesses and create job opportunities for the community. ### Bhutan\'s \"High Value, Low Impact\" Policy and its Relevance to the New Gold Offer. The duty-free gold offer aligns with Bhutan\'s \"high value, low impact\" policy by promoting sustainable tourism practices that prioritize the well- being of the local community and the environment. By providing an incentive for tourists to pay the Sustainable Development Fee (SDF) and engage in responsible tourism practices, the gold offer supports Bhutan\'s long-term vision for sustainable tourism. ``` The duty-free gold offer has several benefits for both tourists and the local economy. Firstly, it provides a unique shopping experience that can only be found in Bhutan, enhancing the country\'s appeal to tourists. ``` ### The Future of Bhutan\'s Tourism Industry: Opportunities and Challenges. As Bhutan\'s tourism industry continues to evolve, it faces both opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, initiatives like the duty-free gold offer can attract more visitors and generate additional revenue for the country. On the other hand, Bhutan must continue to balance the economic benefits of tourism with the need to protect its natural and cultural heritage. Trekking in Bhutan ### Tourists Buying Gold from the Duty-Free Shops in Phuntsholing & Thimphu. Tourists visiting Bhutan have a unique opportunity to purchase gold from the duty-free shops located in the cities of Phuntsholing and Thimphu. These shops offer a range of gold items that can be bought by tourists who meet specific requirements. In this article, we will provide you with all the necessary details about the duty-free shops, the requirements to purchase gold, and how to check the gold prices. ``` Tourists visiting Bhutan have a unique opportunity to purchase gold from the duty-free shops located in the cities of Phuntsholing and Thimphu. ``` ### Duty-Free Shops: Location & Contact Numbers. * Phuntsholing duty-free shop is located at the Bank of Bhutan (Main Branch) and can be contacted at 17455553. The opening hours are from 10 am to 3 pm, Monday to Friday, and the shop remains closed on weekends. * The Thimphu duty-free shop is located at Norzin Lam, Chubachu and can be contacted at 17856807. The opening hours are from 10 am to 3 pm, Wednesday to Monday, and the shop remains closed on Tuesdays only. ## Recommended by LinkedIn 4 emerging tourism destinations in 2023 The Business Year 1 year ago Tourism Revolution: Diversified Investments Drive… Erum Khan 11 months ago A Value Chain Approach to Tourism Development in The… Almami Fanding Taal 1 year ago ``` There are two duty-free shops in Bhutan where tourists can purchase gold. The first one is located in Phuntsholing and the second in Thimphu. ``` ### Requirements to Purchase Gold. Tourists who wish to purchase gold from the duty-free shops in Bhutan need to meet the following requirements: ### Pay Sustainable Development Fee (SDF) 1. The SDF is a daily fee that tourists need to pay while in Bhutan. The Sustainable Development Fee (SDF) is US$200 per person, per night. For guests from India (who have an Indian passport or Indian voter ID card), the SDF is 1,200 ngultrum, or the equivalent amount in Indian rupees, per person, per night. Without an Indian passport or Indian voter ID card, the full SDF of US$ 200 will be levied. 2. Children aged 6 to 12 at the time of travel receive a 50% concessionary discount on their Sustainable Development Fee (SDF). Those children who have not yet turned six are exempt from paying any Sustainable Development Fee (SDF). 3. Day visitors to the Bhutanese towns bordering India are also exempt from paying the Sustainable Development Fee (SDF) until they reach a point designated by the Bhutanese government. 4. Produce Receipt for Spending a Minimum of One Night in the Department of Tourism Certified Hotel. 5. Tourists need to produce a receipt for spending a minimum of one night in a hotel certified by the Department of Tourism in Bhutan. This receipt is necessary to prove that the tourist has stayed in Bhutan for at least one night. ### Pay in USD 1. All payments for gold purchases need to be made in US dollars. Tourists need to carry sufficient USD to make the purchase. 2. Produce Visa/Permit Copy or Sustainable Development Fee (SDF) Payment Receipt Issued by the Department of Revenue and Customs. 3. Tourists need to produce either a copy of their visa or permit or an SDF payment receipt issued by the Department of Revenue and Customs. This is necessary to prove that the tourist is authorized to stay in Bhutan. 4. Submit Photocopy of the Passport and Voter Identity Card Also Accepted for Indians. 5. Tourists need to submit a photocopy of their passport and voter identity card (also accepted for Indians) to purchase gold from the duty-free shops. ``` Tourists who wish to purchase gold from the duty-free shops in Bhutan need to meet the following requirements: Pay Sustainable Development Fee (SDF), produce receipt for spending a minimum of one night in the Department of Tourism Certified Hotel, pay in USD, and produce Visa/Permit Copy or SDF Payment Receipt Issued by the Department of Revenue. ``` ### Gold Price The price of gold sold by the Bhutan Duty-Free Limited (BDFL) shops can be checked by visiting the link provided below. It is important to note that the gold prices may fluctuate depending on the global market rates. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE GOLD PRICE ### Bhutan\'s Duty-Free Gold Offer - A Win-Win for Tourists and the Local Economy In conclusion, Bhutan\'s duty-free gold offer represents an innovative solution to offset the impact of the Sustainable Development Fee on tourism while promoting sustainable tourism practices. By providing a unique shopping experience and supporting local businesses, the gold offer benefits both tourists and the local economy. Furthermore, it aligns with Bhutan\'s long- term vision for sustainable tourism and serves as a reminder of the country\'s commitment to balancing economic development with environmental and cultural conservation. ### FAQs About Bhutan\'s Duty-Free Gold Offer for Tourists. ### What is the Sustainable Development Fee (SDF) and how does it affect tourism in Bhutan? The Sustainable Development Fee (SDF) is a daily tariff imposed on all foreign tourists visiting Bhutan. It is a key measure implemented by Bhutan to achieve sustainable tourism and generate revenue for conservation efforts. The Sustainable Development Fee (SDF) has regulated the number of tourists visiting Bhutan, but it has also made tourism relatively expensive, limiting the country\'s appeal to budget-conscious travelers. ### What is the duty-free gold offer and how does it benefit tourists and the local economy? The duty-free gold offer is an initiative recently introduced by Bhutan to provide a more attractive incentive for visitors to pay the Sustainable Development Fee (SDF). Under this scheme, tourists who pay the Sustainable Development Fee (SDF) will be entitled to a certain amount of duty-free gold that they can either take home or sell back to authorized dealers in Bhutan. The gold offer provides a unique shopping experience that can only be found in Bhutan, enhancing the country\'s appeal to tourists. It also generates additional revenue for Bhutan by encouraging tourists to spend more money on local products and services, which can support local businesses and create job opportunities for the community. ### What is Bhutan\'s \"High Value, Low Impact\" policy, and how does it align with the duty-free gold offer? Bhutan\'s \"High Value, Low Impact\" policy is a sustainable tourism practice that prioritizes the well-being of the local community and the environment over economic growth. The policy seeks to balance the economic benefits of tourism with the need to protect the country\'s natural and cultural heritage. The duty-free gold offer aligns with this policy by promoting responsible tourism practices that incentivize tourists to pay the Sustainable Development Fee (SDF) and engage in sustainable tourism. ### Where are the duty-free shops located in Bhutan, and what are the requirements to purchase gold from them? There are two duty-free shops in Bhutan where tourists can purchase gold - one in Phuntsholing and one in Thimphu. To purchase gold from the duty-free shops, tourists must pay the Sustainable Development Fee (SDF), produce a receipt for spending a minimum of one night in a hotel certified by the Department of Tourism in Bhutan, and meet other specific requirements. The Sustainable Development Fee (SDF) is US$200 per person, per night, and children aged 6 to 12 receive a 50% concessionary discount on their Sustainable Development Fee (SDF). ### What are the opportunities and challenges facing Bhutan\'s tourism industry? Bhutan\'s tourism industry faces both opportunities and challenges. Initiatives like the duty-free gold offer can attract more visitors and generate additional revenue for the country. However, Bhutan must continue to balance the economic benefits of tourism with the need to protect its natural and cultural heritage. Additionally, the high cost of tourism in Bhutan may limit its appeal to budget-conscious travelers, which may impact the industry\'s growth in the future. Bhutan Travel Journal ### Bhutan Travel Journal #### 280 followers \+ Subscribe Like Like Celebrate Support Love Insightful Funny Comment * Copy * LinkedIn * Facebook * Twitter Share 19 6 Comments Bhushan Bhatia . 2mo * Report this comment It\'s cost somewhere around current gold prices in India. Indian people will not get any big benefit. It will save only 500-1000 rs per 10g gold purchase. Like Reply 1 Reaction Rameshkumar Kumar \-- 8mo * Report this comment It\'s fake rumer Like Reply 1 Reaction Abhishek Bag Bs at Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited 10mo * Report this comment Is credit card allowed ? Like Reply 1 Reaction raza raza \-- 1y * Report this comment how many it will cost in dollars for indians, is it same as in rupees value? 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Indian tourists can buy gold in Bhutan at around 50 off a new scheme introduced by the Bhutanese government
## Baggage (Imp/Exp) Rules --- Every passenger entering or leaving Indian border has to pass through Customs check. He / She must fill up the Disembarkation Card clearly mentioning the quantity and value of goods that he has brought. On his / her arrival the passenger is first cleared by Immigration Officer, who retains the Immigration portion of the Disembarkation Card. Thereafter the passenger takes the delivery of his baggage from the conveyer belts & passes through Customs. Like all other International Airports, the passenger has the option of seeking clearance through the Green Channel or through the Red Channel subject to the nature of goods being carried.Clearance of Incoming Passengers (Green and Red Channels)For the purpose of Customs clearance of arriving passengers, a two channel system has been adopted(i) Green Channel for passengers not having any dutiable goods.(ii) Red Channel for passengers having dutiable goods.However,(i) All the passengers shall ensure to file correct declaration of their baggage.(ii) Green channel passengers must deposit the customs portion of the disembarkation card to the custom official at the gate before leaving the terminal.(iii) Declaration of foreign exchange/currency has be made before the custom officers in the following cases :(a) where the value of foreign currency notes exceed US $ 5000 or equivalent(b) where the aggregate value of foreign exchange including currency exceeds US $ 10,000 or equivalent\- Passengers walking through the Green Channel with dutiable / prohibited goods are liable to prosecution/penalty and confiscation of goods.- Trafficking of Narcotics and Psychotropic substances is a serious offence and is punishable with imprisonment.Duty Free Allowances and entitlements for Indian Residents and Foreigners Residing in IndiaA Resident means a person holding a valid passport issued under the Passports Act, 1967 and normally residing in IndiaI. For passengers coming from countries other than(a) Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Hongkong or China.(b) Pakistan by Land Route| Duty Free allowance for bonafide baggage consisting of| For passengers of age ---|--- 10 years and above| below 10 years (i)| Used personal effects (excluding jewellery) required for satisfying daily necessities of life| FREE| FREE (ii)| Other articles carried in person or in accompanied baggage(a) if Stay abroad for more than three days(b) if Stay abroad upto three days| (a) Valued up to Rs.25000/-(b) Valued up to Rs.12000/-| (a) Valued up to Rs.6,000/-(b) Valued up to Rs.3000/- Note:1. The free allowance shall not be pooled with the free allowance of any other passenger.2. The free allowance is not applicable to the following goods:1. Fire arms.2. Cartridges of fire arms exceeding 50.3. Cigarettes exceeding 200 or cigars exceeding 50 or tobacco exceeding 250 gms.4. Alcoholic liquor or wines in excess of 2 litres.5. Gold or silver, in any form, other than ornaments.3. One laptop computer (notebook computer) over and above the said free allowances mentioned above is also allowed duty free if imported by any passenger of the age of 18 years and above4. The goods over and above the free allowances shall be chargeable to customs duty 35% + an education cess of 3% i.e. to say the effective rate is 36.05%.5. Alcoholic drinks and tobacco products imported in excess of free allowance are chargeable to custom duty at the rates applicable to their commercial imports as per the Customs tariff Act.6. Import of Indian currency is prohibited. However, in the case of passengers normally resident of India who are returning from a visit abroad Indian currency upto Rs. 7500 is allowed.7. Incase the value of one item exceeds the duty free allowance, the duty shall be calculated only on the excess of such amount. II. For passengers coming from(i) Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Hongkong or China, other than by land route(ii) Pakistan by land route Duty Free allowance for bonafide baggage consisting of| For passengers of age ---|--- 10 years and above| below 10 years (i)| Used personal effects (excluding jewellery) required for satisfying daily necessities of life| FREE| FREE (ii)| Other articles carried in person or in accompanied baggage(a) if Stay abroad for more than three days(b) if Stay abroad upto three days| (a) Valued up to Rs.6000/-(b) Nil| (a) Valued up to Rs.1500/-(b) Nil Note:1. The free allowance shall not be allowed to be pooled with the free allowance of any other passenger.2. The free allowance is not applicable to the following goods:a) Fire arms.b) Cartridges of fire arms exceeding 50.c) Cigarettes exceeding 200 or cigars exceeding 50 or tobacco exceeding 250 gms.d) Alcoholic liquor and wines in excess of 2 litre each.e) Gold or silver, in any form, other than ornaments.3. One laptop computer (notebook computer) over and above the said free allowances mentioned above is also allowed duty free if imported by any passenger of the age of 18 years and above4. The goods over and above the free allowances shall be chargeable to customs duty 35% + an education cess of 3% i.e. to say the effective rate is 36.05%.5. Alcoholic drinks and tobacco products imported in excess of free allowance are chargeable to custom duty at the rates applicable to their commercial imports.6. Import of Indian currency is prohibited. However, in the case of passengers normally resident of India who are returning from a visit abroad Indian currency upto Rs. 7500 is allowed.7. Incase the value of one item exceeds the duty free allowance, the duty shall be calculated only on the excess of such amount. III. For passengers coming from Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar or China by Land Route Duty Free allowance for bonafide baggage consisting of| For passengers of age ---|--- 10 years and above| below 10 years (i)| Used personal effects (excluding jewellery) required for satisfying daily necessities of life| FREE| FREE (ii)| Other articles carried in person or in accompanied baggage| Nil| Nil Special allowances for professionals returning to India An Indian passenger who was engaged in his profession abroad shall on his return to India be allowed clearance free of duty, in addition to the aforesaid allowances, articles in his bonafide baggage to the extent as mentioned below: (a)| Indian passenger returning after atleast 3 months| (i) Used household articles (such as linen, utensils, tableware, kitchen, appliances and an iron) upto an aggregate value of Rs.12000/-(ii) Professional equipment upto a value of Rs.20,000/- ---|---|--- (b)| Indian passenger returning after at least 6 months| (i) Used household articles (such as linen, utensils, tableware, kitchen, appliances and an iron) an aggregate value of Rs.12000/-(ii) Professional equipment upto a value of Rs.40,000/- (c)| Indian passenger returning after a stay of a minimum of 365 days during the preceding two years on termination of his work and who has not availed this concession in the preceding three years.| Used household articles and personal effects (which have been in the possession and use abroad of the passenger or his family for at least six months) and which are not mentioned in Annex.I , Annex. II & Annex. IIIupto an aggregate value of Rs.75,000/- Notes: For the purposes of baggage rules Professional Equipment means: Such portable equipments, instruments, apparatus and appliances as are ordinarily required in the profession in which the returning passenger was engaged. This expression includes items used by carpenters, plumbers, welders, masons and the like. This concession is not available for items of common use such as Cameras, Cassette Recorders, Dictaphones, Typewriters, Personal Computers and similar items. Annexure I1. Fire arms.2. Cartridges of fire arms exceeding 50.3. Cigarettes exceeding 200 or cigars exceeding 50 or tobacco exceeding 250 gms.4. Alcoholic liquor or wines in excess of 2 litres.5. Gold or silver, in any form, other than ornaments. Annexure II1. Colour Television or Monochrome Television.2. Digital Video Disc Player.3. Video Home Theatre System.4. Dish Washer.5. Music System.6. Air Conditioner.7. Domestic refrigerators of capacity above 300 litres or its equivalent.8. Deep Freezer.9. Microwave Oven.10. Video camera or the combination of any such video camera with one or more of the following goods, namely:-(a) Television Receiver;(b) Sound recording or reproducing apparatus;(c) Video reproducing apparatus.11. Word Processing Machine.12. Fax Machine.13. Portable Photocopying Machine.14. Vessel.15. Aircraft.16. Cinematographic films of 35 mm and above.17. Gold or Silver, in any form, other than ornaments. Annexure III1. VCR or VCP or VTR or VCDP.2. Washing Machine3. Electrical or LPG Cooking Range4. Personal Computer (Desktop Computer)5. Lap Top Computer (Notebook Computer)6. Domestic Refrigerator upto 300 Ltr. Capacity or its equivalent. Duty free allowances and entitlements for tourists WHO IS A TOURIST? A tourist is a passenger a) who is not normally a resident in India; b) who enters India for a stay of not more than six months in the course of any twelve months period for legitimate non-immigrant purposes, such as : touring, recreation, sports, health, family reasons, study, religious pilgrimage, or business; A tourist arriving in India shall be allowed clearance free of duty articles in his bonafide baggage to the extent as mentioned below: Articles allowed free of duty --- I| Tourists of Indian origin other than those coming from Pakistan by land route| (i)Used personal effects and travel souvenirs, if -(a) These goods are for personal use of the tourist, and(b) These goods, other than those consumed during the stay in India, are re-exported when the tourist leaves India for a foreign destination.(ii) duty free allowances applicable to Indian Residents. II| Tourists of foreign origin other than those of Nepalese origin coming fromNepal or of Bhutanese origin coming from Bhutan or of Pakistani origin coming from Pakistan.| (i) Used personal effects and travel souvenirs, if(a) These goods are for personal use of the tourist, and(b) These goods, other than those consumed during the stay in India, are re-exported when the tourist leaves India for a foreign destination.(ii) Articles upto a value of Rs-8000/- for making gifts. III| Tourists of Nepalese origin coming from Nepal or of Bhutanese origin coming from Bhutan.| No free allowance. IV| Tourists of Pakistani origin or foreign tourists coming from Pakistan or tourists of Indian origin coming from Pakistan by land route| (i) Used personal effects and travel souvenirs, if(a) These goods are for personal use of the tourist, and(b) These goods, other than those consumed during the stay in India, are re-exported when the tourist leaves India for a foreign destination.(ii) Articles upto a value of Rs-6000 for making gifts. Duty free allowances and entitlements for persons transferring residence I. A person who is transferring his residence to India shall be allowed clearance free of duty, in addition to allowances applicable to Indian residents or foreigners residing in India or to passengers returning from Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar or China, other than by land route articles in bonafide baggage to the extent and subject to conditions as mentioned below : Articles allowed Free of Duty| Conditions| Relaxation that may be considered ---|---|--- (a) Used personal and household articles other than those listed at Annex I or Annex II, but including (the articles listed at Annexure-III and) Jewellery upto Rs. 10000 by a gentleman passenger or Rs. 20000 for a lady passenger| (1) Minimum stay of two years abroad, immediately preceding the date of his arrival on transfer of residence(2) Total stay in India on short visits during the 2 preceding years should not exceed 6 months, and(3) Passenger has not availed this concession in the preceding three years.| (a) For condition (1) Shortfall of upto 2 months in stay abroad can be condoned by Deputy / Assistant Commissioner of Customs if the early return is on account of -(i) terminal leave or vacation being availed of by the passenger, or(ii) any other special circumstances.(b) For condition (2) Commissioner of Customs may condone short visits in excess of 6 months in deserving cases.(c) For condition (3) No relaxation. (b) Jewellery taken out earlier by the passenger or by a member of his family from India.| Satisfaction of the Assistant Commissioner of Customs regarding the jewellery having been taken out earlier from India.| —– Annexure I1. Fire arms.2. Cartridges of fire arms exceeding 50.3. Cigarettes exceeding 200 or cigars exceeding 50 or tobacco exceeding 250 gms.4. Alcoholic liquor or wines in excess of 2 litres.5. Gold or silver, in any form, other than ornaments. Annexure II1. Colour Television or Monochrome Television.2. Digital Video Disc Player.3. Video Home Theatre System.4. Dish Washer.5. Music System.6. Air Conditioner.7. Domestic refrigerators of capacity above 300 litres or its equivalent .8. Deep Freezer.9. Microwave Oven.10. Video camera or the combination of any such video camera with one or more of the following goods, namely:-(a) Television Receiver;(b) Sound recording or reproducing apparatus;(c) Video reproducing apparatus.11. Word Processing Machine.12. Fax Machine.13. Portable Photocopying Machine.14. Vessel.15. Aircraft.16. Cinematographic films of 35 mm and above.17. Gold or Silver , in any form , other than ornaments. Annexure III1. Video Cassette Recorder or Video Cassette Player or Video Television Receiver or Video Cassette Disk Player.2. Washing Machine.3. Electrical or Liquefied Petroleum Gas Cooking Range4. Personal Computer( Desktop Computer)5. Laptop Computer( Notebook Computer)6. Domestic Refrigerators of capacity up to 300 litres or its equivalent. II. Rate of duty applicable on transfer of residence :-Concessional rate of duty is applicable to the following categories of persons transferring their residence to India:(a) any person holding a valid passport under the passport act 1967 and returning to India after having stayed abroad for atleast 365 days during the two years immediately preceding the date of arrival in India.(b) any person on bonafide transfer of residence to India Such persons shall be allowed (i) clearance of items listed in Annexure-II, whether old or new, at a concessional rate of duty of 15% ad valorem + 3% educational cess.(ii) clearance of items listed in Annexure-III free of duty Subject to the conditions that In case of (a) above:i) Such person has been working abroad and is returning to India on termination of such work after having stayed abroad for at least 365 days during the two years immediately preceding the date of arrival in India;ii) Such person affirms by a declaration that the goods have been in his possession abroad or, the goods are purchased by such person at the time of his arrival, but before clearance from customs, from the duty free shop located in the arrival hall of the International airports;iii) The goods (other than those purchased from the duty free shops at the time of arrival of such passenger) not accompanying such passenger were shipped or dispatched or arrived within the time limits specified in the Baggage Rules, 1998; andiv) in respect of such goods not more than one unit shall be permissible to such person and the total aggregate of value of such goods including other goods imported free of duty by him under Rule 5 of the Baggage Rules, 1998, shall not exceed rupees seventy five thousand. In case of (b) above:i) Such person has been residing abroad for a minimum period of two years immediately preceding the transfer of residence and has not availed this concession in the preceding three years;ii) Such persons affirms by a declaration that the goods have been in his possession abroad or, the goods are purchased by such person at the time of his arrival, but before clearance from customs, from the duty free shop located in the arrival hall of the International airport;iii) The goods (other than those purchased from the duty free shops at the time of arrival of such passenger) not accompanying such passenger were shipped or dispatched or arrived within the time limits specified in the Baggage Rules, 1998;iv) Not more than one unit of each item of such goods shall be permissible per family and the person claiming the benefit shall affirm by a declaration that no other member of the family had availed of or would avail of such benefit in respect of that item; andv) The total aggregate value of such goods shall not exceed rupees five lakhs. Note: Transfer of residence entitlements are applicable to returning Indians as well as Foreigners transferring their residence to India subject to the fulfillment of prescribed eligibility conditions Import of professional equipment as baggage Professional Equipment is permitted to be imported to the following persons to the extent indicated below:a. Indian Passengers returning after a stay abroad of atleast 3 months : upto a value of Rs. 20000b. Indian Passengers returning after a stay of atleast 6 months : upto a value of Rs. 40000 For the purposes of baggage rules Professional Equipment means:Such portable equipment, instruments, apparatus and appliances as are ordinarily required in the profession in which the returning passenger was engaged. This expression includes items used by carpenters, plumbers, welders, masons and the like; This concession is not available for items of common use such as Cameras, Cassette Recorders, Dictaphones, Typewriters, Personal Computers and similar items. Import of jewellery An Indian passenger who has been residing abroad for over one year is allowed to bring jewellery, free of duty in his bonafide baggage upto an aggregate value of Rs. 10,000/- (in the case of a male passenger) or Rs.20,000/- (in the case of a lady passenger). Import of alcoholic drinks/ cigarettes as baggage Following quantities of Alcoholic drinks and Tobacco products may be included for import within the duty free allowances admissible to various categories of incoming passengers :- Alcoholic liquors or Wines upto 2 litres- 200 Cigarettes or 50 Cigars or 250 gms. Tobacco. The rate of duty applicable on these products over and above the above mentioned free allowance is as under(i) Cigarettes: BCD 100%+ educational cess 3% .(ii) Whisky: BCD 150% + ACD 4% + education cess 3%(iii) Wines and Beer: BCD 100% + ACD NIL+ 3% education cess Import of gold as baggage Who can import gold as baggage?Any passenger of Indian Origin or a passenger holding a valid passport, issued under the Passport Act, 1967, who is coming to India after a period of not less than six months of stay abroad; and short visits, if any, made by the passenger during the aforesaid period of six months shall be ignored if the total duration of stay on such visits does not exceed thirty days. Other Conditions(i) The duty shall be paid in convertible foreign currency.(ii) The weight of gold (including ornaments) should not exceed 10 kgs. per passenger.(iii) The passenger should not have brought gold or other ornaments during any of his visits (short visits) in the last six months i.e. he has not availed of the exemption under this scheme, at the time of short visits.(iv) Ornaments studded with stones and pearls are not allowed to be imported.(v) The passenger can either bring the gold himself at the time of arrival or import the same within fifteen days of his arrival in India as unaccompanied baggage.(vi) The passenger can also obtain the permitted quantity of gold from Customs bonded warehouse of State Bank of India and Metals and Minerals Trading Corporation subject to conditions (i) and (ii)above. He is required to file a declaration in the prescribed Form before the Customs Officer at the time of arrival in India stating his intention to obtain the gold from the Customs bonded warehouse and pay the duty before clearance. Rate of Duty Gold bars, other than tola bars, bearing manufacturers or refiners engraved serial number and weight expressed in metric units and gold coinsRs. 300 per 10 gms. + 3% Edu. Cess Gold in any form other than at Sl.No. 1 above including tola bars and ornaments, but excluding ornaments studded with stones or pearlsRs. 750 per 10 gms. + 3% Edu. Cess Note: The Jewellery which is in addition to the jewellery otherwise allowed without payment of duty, only is liable to payment of duty under the above mentioned scheme of import of gold Import of silver as baggage Who can import silver as baggage?(a) Any passenger of Indian origin (even if a foreign national).(b) Any passenger holding a valid passport issued under the Passport Act, 1967. Conditions(i) The weight of silver (including ornaments) should not exceed the quantity of 100 kgs. per passenger.(ii) Such passenger is coming to India after a period of not less than six months of stay abroad. However, short visits during these six months shall be ignored if the total duration of such short visits does not exceed 30 days and the passenger has not availed of the exemption under this scheme, at the time of such short visits.(iii) The duty at the rate of Rs.1500 per kg. + 3% Education Cess is paid by the passenger in convertible foreign currency.(iv) Ornaments studded with stones and pearls will not be allowed to be imported under the scheme.(iv) The passenger can either bring the silver himself at the time of arrival or import the same within fifteen days of his arrival in India.(v) The passenger can also obtain the permitted quantity of silver From Customs bonded warehouse of State Bank of India and Metal and Mineral Trading Corporation subject to conditions (i) and (iii). He is required to file a declaration in the prescribed Form before the Customs Officer at the time of arrival in India stating his intention to obtain the silver from the Customs bonded warehouse and pay the duty before clearance. Import of foreign exchange/currency Any person can bring into India from a place outside India foreign exchange without any limit. However, declaration of foreign exchange/currency is required to be made in the prescribed Currency Declaration Form in the following cases:-(a) Where the value of foreign currency notes exceeds US$ 5000/- or equivalent(b) Where the aggregate value of foreign exchange (in the form of currency notes, bank notes, traveler cheques etc.) exceeds US$ 10,000/- orits equivalent Import of Indian currency Import of Indian Currency is prohibited. However, in the case of passengers normally resident in India who are returning from a visit abroad, import of Indian Currency upto Rs. 7500 is allowed. Import of fire arms Import of firearms is strictly prohibited. Import of Cartridges in excess of 50 is also prohibited.However, in the case of persons transferring their residence (as per conditions specified in the rules) to India for a minimum period of one year, one firearm of permissible bore can be allowed to be imported subject to the conditions that:1) the same was in possession and use abroad by the passenger for a minimum period of one year and also subject to the condition that such firearm, after clearance, shall not be sold, loaned, transferred or otherwise parted with, for consideration or otherwise, during the lifetime of such person;2) the passenger has a valid arms licence from the local (Indian) authorities;3) the customs and other duties as applicable shall be paid. Import of pet animals Domestic pets like dogs, cats, birds etc. are permitted to be imported. Import of pets (dog and cat only) upto two numbers per passenger are allowed at one time subject to production of required health certificate from country of origin and examination of the said pets by the concerned quarantine officer.Imports of pets over and above this quantity shall be allowed only against an Import sanitary permit issued by the department of animal husbandry and dairying or against an import licence issued by the DGFT. Import of baggage of deceased person Used, bonafide personal and household effects belonging to a deceased person are allowed to be imported free of duty subject to the condition that a Certificate from the concerned Indian mission (Embassy / High Commission) is produced at the time of clearance regarding the ownership of the goods by the deceased person. Import of unaccompanied baggage The passengers can also send their baggage through cargo which is treated as unaccompanied baggage. However, no free allowance is admissible in case of unaccompanied baggage which is chargeable to Customs duty 35% Ad valorem + 3% Education Cess and only used personal effects can be imported free of duty.1. Provisions of Baggage Rules are also extended to unaccompanied baggage except where they have been specifically excluded.2. The unaccompanied baggage should be in the possession abroad of the passenger and shall be dispatched within one month of his arrival in India or within such further period as the Deputy / Assistant Commissioner of Customs may allow.3. The unaccompanied baggage may land in India upto two months before the arrival of the passenger or within such period, not exceeding one year as the Deputy / Assistant Commissioner of Customs may allow, for reasons to be recorded, if he is satisfied that the passenger was prevented from arriving in India within the period of two months due to circumstances beyond his control, such as sudden illness of the passenger or a member of his family, or natural calamities or disturbed conditions or disruption of the transport or travel arrangements in the country or countries concerned on any other reasons, which necessitated a change in the travel schedule of the passenger.4. All the unaccompanied baggage is chargeable to customs duty 35% advalorem + education cess 3%. Rate of Duty Generally items imported as baggage are subjected to a uniform rate of duty for ease of assessment The general rate of duty for items imported in excess of the permissible free allowance is 35% advalorem + educational cess 3% i.e. to say that effective rate of duty is 36.05%. The rate of duty applicable to items in Annexure II imported by passengers transferring their residence or returning to India after a stay of 365 days abroad in the preceding two years is 15% + educational cess 3% Alcoholic drinks and Tobacco products imported in excess of the free allowance are charged to duty at the rates applicable to their commercial imports. These rates for some of the items are as follows:(i) Cigarettes > BCD 100%+ educational cess 3%(ii) Whisky > BCD 150% + ACD 4% + 3% education cess on BCD & ACD(iii) Wines and Beer > BCD 100% + ACD NIL+ 3% education cess on BCD Silver is charged to a duty of Rs. 1500 per Kg.+ 3% Education Cess for passengers importing silver under the prescribed schemeGold is charged to following rate of duty for passengers importing gold under the prescribed scheme(i) Gold bars, other than tola bars, bearing manufacturer’s or refiner’s engraved serial number and weight expressed in metric units and gold coins > Rs. 300 per 10 gms.+ 3% Edu. Cess(ii) Gold in any form other than at Sl.No. 1 above including tola bars and ornaments, but excluding ornaments studded with stones or pearls > Rs. 750 per 10 gms.+ 3% Edu. Cess Note: Incase the value of one item exceeds the duty free allowance, the duty shall be calculated only on the excess of such amount. Detained Baggage A passenger may request the Customs to detain his baggage either for re-export at the time of his departure from India or for clearance subsequently on payment of duty. The detained baggage would be examined and full details will be inventorised. Such baggage are kept in the custody of the customs. Mishandled Baggage In case the baggage has been lost or mishandled by the Airlines, a simplified procedure is in place for clearance of such baggage which allows the passenger to have delivery of his baggage at his door step by the Airlines. There is no need to handover the passport or the keys of the baggage. The passenger is merely required to complete the Custom declaration form authorizing the Airline to complete the formalities when the baggage arrives. The passenger is required to obtain a certificate to that effect from the airlines and get it countersigned by Customs indicating specifically the unutilized portion of the free allowance. This would enable the passenger to avail the unutilised portion of the duty free allowance when his baggage is delivered by the airlines. The passenger is required to submit all these documents with the concerned airlines for clearance and delivery of goods on his behalf. Airline Crew Crewmembers are required to submit the correct declaration before Custom authorities with respect to the currency gold ornaments and electronic goods etc. in their possession on arrival as well as departure. Crew member is allowed to bring items like chocolates, cheese, cosmetics and other petty gift items for their personal or family use upto a value of Rs. 600 only at the returning of the Aircraft from foreign journey. However, a crew member on final pay off or at the termination of his engagement with the Airline shall be eligible for allowances as a common passenger. **Import of passenger Cars / Jeep / Multiutility vehicles** The following rates of Duty are applicable for import of motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons including station wagons and racing cars. Since motor vehicles are excluded from the definition of Baggage, duties are to be collected at the Tariff rate taking into consideration Exemption Notifications if any. Value of these vehicles for the purpose of levy of customs duty is CIF value, where C stands for the cost of the goods, I is the insurance and F is the freight. Cost in the case of new vehicle is the transaction value between the seller and the buyer. However, in the case of old and used vehicles, cost is arrived at by taking value of the new vehicle in its year of manufacture and then allowing depreciation at following rates: For every quarter during 1st year - 4%For every quarter during 2nd year – 3%For every quarter during 3rd year – 2.5%For every quarter during 4th year and thereafter – 2%(subject to a maximum depreciation of 70%) **Outgoing Passengers** All the passengers leaving India by Air are subject to clearance by Custom Authorities. Only bonafide baggage is allowed to be cleared by passengers. There is a procedure prescribed whereby the passengers leaving Indiacan take the export certificate for the various high value items as well as jewellery from the Customs authorities. Such an export certificate comes handy while bringing back the things to India so that no duty is charged on such goods exported by the passenger. OTHER INFORMATION1. Export of most species of wild life and articles made from wild flora and fauna, such as ivory, musk, reptile skins, furs, shahtoos etc. is prohibited.2. Trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances is prohibited.3. Export of goods purchased against foreign exchange brought in by foreign passengers are allowed except for prohibited goods.4. Carrying of Indian currency notes in the denomination of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 to Nepal is prohibited.5. Export of Indian Currency is strictly prohibited. However Indian residents when they go abroad are allowed to take with them Indian currency not exceeding Rs. 7500.6. Tourists while leaving India are allowed to take with them foreign currency not exceeding an amount brought in by them at the time of their arrival in India. As no declaration is required to be made for bringing in foreign exchange / currency not exceeding equivalent of U.S. $ 10000, generally tourists can take out of India with them at the time of their departure foreign exchange/currency not exceeding the above amount. **Export of Gold Jewellery** There is no value limit on the export of Gold jewellery by a passenger through the medium of baggage so long as it constitutes the bonafide baggage of the passenger. A passenger may request the Customs for issue of an export certificate at the time of his/her departure from India, in respect of jewelry carried by him / her, to facilitate its reimport subsequently. Commercial export of gold jewelry through the courier mode is permitted subject to observance of prescribed procedures. **Export of Indian Currency** Export of Indian Currency is strictly prohibited. However Indian residents when they go abroad are allowed to take with them Indian currency not exceeding Rs. 7500 . **Export of Foreign Currency** Tourists while leaving India are allowed to take with them foreign currency not exceeding an amount brought in by them at the time of their arrival in India. As no declaration is required to be made for bringing in foreign exchange / currency not exceeding equivalent of U.S. $ 10000, generally tourists can take out of India with them at the time of their departure foreign exchange/currency not exceeding the above amount. The export of foreign currency is otherwise prohibited. **Prohibited and Restricted Goods** Certain goods are prohibited (banned) or restricted (subject to certain conditions) for import and/or export. These are goods of social, health, environment, wild life and security concerns. While it is not possible to list all the goods, more common of these are : PROHIBITED GOODS- Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic substances.- Pornographic material- Counterfeit and pirated goods and good infringing any of the legally enforceable intellectual property rights.- Antiquities. RESTRICTED GOODS- Firearms and ammunition.- Live birds and animals including pets.- Plants and their produce e.g. fruits, seeds.- Endangered species of plants and animals, whether live or dead.- Any goods for commercial purpose: for profit , gain or commercial usage.- Radio transmitters not approved for normal usage.- Gold and Silver, other than ornaments (For import only)- Indian and foreign currency in excess of prescribed limits :(i) foreign currency in excess of US$ 5000 in the form of currency notes or equivalent US$ 10000 or equivalent in the form of currency notes, bank notes or travellers cheque is required to be declared on arrival.(ii) foreign currency in excess of amount legally obtained or in the case of tourists in excess of the amount declared on arrival or in excess of the exempted limit of declaration at the time of departure. \- Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs like Heroin, Charas, Cocaine or in Psychotropic substances is a serious offence and is punishable with imprisonment.- Export of most species of wild life and articles made from flora and fauna such as Ivory, Musk, Reptile skins, Furs, Shahtoosh etc. is prohibited. For any clarifications passenger should approach the Regional Deputy Director (Wildlife Preservation) Govt. of India or the Chief Wildlife Wardens of State Governments posted at Calcutta, Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai.- Export or Import in prohibited and restricted goods commonly leads to arrest. Penal Provisions The Indian Customs Act empowers imposition of heavy penalties for those passengers who :- attempt to walk through the Green Channel with prohibited, restricted or dutiable goods.- misdeclare their goods at the Red Channel- attempt to export prohibited or restricted goods.- abet the commission of any of the above offences. The Penal Provision may lead to :- absolute confiscation of goods, or- imposition of heavy fine in respect of the concerned goods if these are released;- imposition of penalty on individual or concerned entities upto five times the value of goods or the duty involved.- Arrest and prosecution including invocation of preventive detention in serious cases. Click here to download the amendments(2006), appendices and annexures of the Baggage Rules(1998) – in PDF # Embassy of India Vienna, Austria loading
Indian tourists can buy gold in Bhutan at around 50 off a new scheme introduced by the Bhutanese government
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The post claims that in India, the price of 10 grams gold is ₹58,000, whereas Bhutan sells the same quantity of gold for 28,000 BTN. A Facebook user shared this video and wrote, “Cheapest gold in this country, Terms and conditions to buy tax-free gold from Bhutan.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/Screenshot-2023-08-08-142048.png\\")Image Credit: Facebook This post can be seen here. See other similar posts here, here and here. ### FACT CHECK NewsMobile fact-checked the above claim and found it to be FAKE. The NM team first searched the official gold prices (24k) in both countries as on August 08, 2023, as per India(INR) and Bhutan(BTN) currency exchange rates which are almost equal (1 Indian rupee = 1 BTN). According to the Indian Bullion and Jewellery Association, the price of 24 KT gold in India is ₹59,330 (exclusive taxes). On the other hand, according to the Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan, the price of 24 kt gold on August 8, is 54,434 BTN. Also, the price of 22 KT gold in India is ₹57,910 while in Bhutan, it stands for 47,060 BTN. ![\\"\\"](\\" Project-17-800x732.png\\")Gold price comparison Searching further, our team identified a scheme launched by the Bhutan government. The scheme is: To mark the double auspicious day (Birth Anniversary of His Majesty The King and Losar, the Bhutanese New Year), the Department of Tourism (DoT) in partnership with Bhutan Duty-Free (BDF) will sell limited quantities of duty-free gold for SDF-paying tourists. Eligibility for this are as follows: * Must be a tourist who pays Sustainable Development Fee (SDF). The fee for Indian tourists is ₹1,200 per person per day. * Stay at least one night in hotels recognised by the Government of Bhutan. * Gold should be bought in US dollars only. * The gold will be available for purchase from March 1, in Thimphu and Phuentsholing. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/Screenshot-2023-08-08-151348-800x498.png\\")Image Credit: However, there is a catch. According to rules, Indians returning after staying abroad for more than a year can bring 20 grams of gold (less than ₹50,000) for men and 40 grams (less than ₹1 lakh) for women into India free of customs duty. If the gold import is beyond the permissible limit, one has to pay import duty and other taxes ranging from 15-38.5%. So, there is absolutely no truth in the viral video’s claim that Indians will get a 50% discount on gold purchases. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2018/10/6a5dcaa7-6945-4866-bdac-d329f715e60c.jpeg\\") #### If you want to fact-check any story, WhatsApp it now on +91 11 7127 9799 ![\\"\\"](\\" Image-2020-11-26-at-1.51.28-PM.jpeg\\") ### Click here for Latest News updates and viral videos on our AI-powered smart news * Tags * 24 kt * Bhutan * Custom duty * Duty Free * Fact check * Gold * India * misleading * news * NewsMobile * Price * Tax Previous article Fact Check: Video Related To BJP Workers’ Protest In Patna Falsely Linked To Recent Nuh Violence Next article Fact Check: Viral Post Warning People To Switch Off Phones And Tablets To Avert Cosmic Rays Is Fake NewsMobile Desk ### LEAVE A REPLY Cancel reply Comment: Please enter your comment! Name:* Please enter your name here Email:* You have entered an incorrect email address! 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There’s been a 20 percent increase in young people coming back to Buffalo after a decade where we lost 10 percent of our young people
Skip to site indexSearch & Section NavigationSection Navigation SEARCH Log in Sunday, October 6, 2024 Today’s Paper Opinion|People Don’t Want to Be Teachers Anymore. Can You Blame Them? parents.html * Share full article Advertisement SKIP ADVERTISEMENT You have a preview view of this article while we are checking your access. When we have confirmed access, the full article content will load. Subscriber-only Newsletter ## Jessica Grose Opinion # People Don’t Want to Be Teachers Anymore. Can You Blame Them? Sept. 13, 2023 ![\\"An](\\" newsletter-image/13grose-newsletter-image- articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale\\") Credit...Eleanor Davis * Share full article ![\\"Jessica](\\" thumbLarge.png\\") By Jessica Grose Opinion Writer Every week, it seems as if there’s another disturbing story about how difficult it is to be a teacher in 21st-century America. I’m not talking about the typical day-to-day work of teaching core subjects to children with varied academic and emotional needs — which is already a demanding job, made more so in the challenging aftermath of 2020. I’m talking about teachers getting fired after criticizing a school district’s ban on students learning a Dolly Parton and Miley Cyrus song about rainbows and acceptance; or for attending drag shows on their own time, away from school grounds; or for using a worksheet that went along with a Y.A. novel about a Black teenager being stopped by police. Last year, The Washington Post tallied more than 160 educators who had been fired or resigned in the prior two years due to “culture war” issues. There are reports of harassment and threats emanating from school board meetings. Of course, I’m also talking about the potentially deadly violence teachers may face just by showing up to work. While school shootings are still statistically rare, in recent years, the number of occurrences has gone up significantly, and it’s hard not to be affected by the drumbeat of news stories about their prevalence — perhaps most indelible is the shooting earlier this year of the first grade teacher Abigail Zwerner in Newport News, Va., by a 6-year-old student. Last year, my colleagues in Opinion’s video department highlighted the crisis of teachers quitting because they were pushed to their limits by children’s pandemic-related behavioral and emotional setbacks, staffing shortages that forced them to take on roles beyond their normal remit, including lunch and bus duty, and the aforementioned culture war vitriol. The demoralization of today’s teachers is a problem that may be followed by an even more damaging systemic issue: Fewer college and university students want to become teachers, and the new teacher pipeline is drying up. “The current state of the teaching profession is at or near its lowest levels in 50 years,” according to a working paper published in November by the Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University. In it, Matthew Kraft of Brown and Melissa Arnold Lyon of the University at Albany painted a dire picture of the profession: > Perceptions of teacher prestige have fallen between 20 percent and 47 > percent in the last decade to be at or near the lowest levels recorded over > the last half century. Interest in the teaching profession among high school > seniors and college freshman has fallen 50 percent since the 1990s and 38 > percent since 2010, reaching the lowest level in the last 50 years. The > number of new entrants into the profession has fallen by roughly one third > over the last decade, and the proportion of college graduates that go into > teaching is at a 50-year low. Teachers’ job satisfaction is also at the > lowest level in five decades, with the percent of teachers who feel the > stress of their job is worth it dropping from 81 percent to 42 percent in > the last 15 years. When I spoke to Kraft, he said that while we’re in a “moment of really acute crisis” right now, the “trend of declining respect and interest and entry and satisfaction in the profession” isn’t new — it started more than a decade ago. He said that while it’s tough to pinpoint, the cause is partly a combination of stagnant real wages for teachers while wages were rising in other sectors for college-educated workers, the increasing cost of higher education in general, and declining respect for the profession overall. ## Has the way we look at teachers changed? 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There’s been a 20 percent increase in young people coming back to Buffalo after a decade where we lost 10 percent of our young people
![](\\" center-on-american-life-aei.jpg\\"/) * About * About Us * Center History * Center Staff * Opportunities * Research * All Research * Survey Reports * Commentary * Short Reads * Interactives * Dating Dealbreakers * American Interactives * American Storylines * News and Events * In the News * Press Inquiries * Data Archive * Search for Questions * Download Our Data Survey report June 8, 2021 # The State of American Friendship: Change, Challenges, and Loss #### Findings from the May 2021 American Perspectives Survey Daniel A. Cox ![\\"3](\\" content/uploads/2021/06/3-friends-having-coffee-time-in-a-terrace-outdoos-fun- and-lifestyle-with-friends_t20_LzXg9P-scaled.jpg\\") Coming out of a once-in-a-generation global pandemic, Americans appear more attuned than ever to the importance of friendship. However, despite renewed interest in the topic of friendship in popular culture and the news media, signs suggest that the role of friends in American social life is experiencing a pronounced decline. The May 2021 American Perspectives Survey finds that Americans report having fewer close friendships than they once did, talking to their friends less often, and relying less on their friends for personal support. The COVID-19 pandemic is the most obvious culprit in the national friendship decline, but broader structural forces may be playing a more important role. First, Americans are marrying later than ever and are more geographically mobile than in the past—two trends that are strongly associated with increasing rates of self-reported social isolation and feelings of loneliness.[1] Second, American parents are spending twice as much time with their children compared to previous generations, crowding out other types of relationships, including friendships.[2] Finally, Americans are working longer hours and traveling more for work, which may come at the cost of maintaining and developing friendships.[3] In fact, perhaps reflecting its central place in the hierarchy of American social life, Americans are now more likely to make friends at work than any other way—including at school, in their neighborhood, at their place of worship, or even through existing friends. But the news is not universally negative. The survey paints a more complex and perhaps more fluid picture of American friendships. Roughly half of Americans report having lost touch with at least one friend during the pandemic. But, surprisingly, nearly as many Americans report having made a new friend over this same period. Many Americans report having activity friendships or situational friends—people they see at certain times or places—and most Americans have a best friend, even if it’s fewer than in the past. #### Personal Pandemic Challenges Most Americans report having faced significant personal challenges over the past 12 months. More than one in five (22 percent) Americans say the past 12 months have been much more difficult for them than usual. Nearly half (46 percent) say it was somewhat more difficult. About only one in three (32 percent) Americans say the past 12 months were not especially difficult for them—at least no more than usual. Women report having had a more challenging time than men did. More than one in four (27 percent) women say the past 12 months have been much more difficult than usual, compared to 17 percent of men. Middle-aged men (age 50–64), in particular, report having a significantly easier time than other Americans did. Only 14 percent of middle-aged men report that the past 12 months have been much more difficult than a typical year has, while 43 percent say it was not any different than usual. The financial devastation wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic has been well- documented, but less widely reported is the emotional toll many Americans faced as a result of quarantine requirements and self-imposed social isolation. Nearly half (47 percent) of Americans report having lost touch with at least a few friends over the past 12 months. Nearly one in 10 (9 percent) Americans report having lost touch with most of their friends. Young women appear to have been more affected than most were. Nearly six in 10 (59 percent) report having lost touch with at least a few friends, and 16 percent say they are no longer in regular contact with most of their friends. #### Pandemic Friendship Despite prolonged periods of social isolation and quarantine that characterized much of American life over the past year, nearly half (46 percent) of Americans report having made a new friend within the past 12 months. Nearly one-third (30 percent) of the public say they have made a new friend in the past one to four years. Notably, 22 percent of Americans say it has been at least five years since they last made a new friend. There are stark and predictable generational divisions in how frequently Americans are developing new friendships. A majority (56 percent) of young adults—including roughly similar numbers of young men (54 percent) and young women (58 percent)—say they have made a new friend in the past 12 months. Seniors are considerably less likely to have made a new friend during that period, with only 41 percent reporting they had done so. Nearly one-third (31 percent) of seniors say it has been at least five years since they developed a new friendship. Of the many ways Americans make friends and the many places friendships develop, the workplace is the most common. A majority (54 percent) of Americans with close friends say they met a close friend at their or their spouse’s workplace. Less than half (47 percent) report making a close friend at school—either one they currently attend or one they previously attended. Forty percent of Americans say they made a close friend through their existing network of friends. About one in three (35 percent) Americans have made a close friend in their neighborhood, and about one in five made a close friend at their place of worship (21 percent) or a club or organization they belong to (19 percent). Ten percent of Americans—and 16 percent of adults with children living at home—say they developed a close friend through their child’s school. Only 8 percent of Americans report having made a close friend online. #### Who Do Americans Rely on for Personal Support? Overall, more than half (53 percent) of Americans say that the first person they talk to when they have a personal problem is their spouse or partner. Sixteen percent of the public say they go to a friend first when confronting a personal issue, and 10 percent say they rely on their parents. Roughly the same amount (9 percent) say they turn to a sibling or other family member. Five percent of Americans say they first reach out to their children when dealing with a personal issue. Fewer Americans appear to be relying on friends for personal support than they have in the past. A survey conducted by Gallup in 1990 found that more than one-quarter (26 percent) of Americans said their friend was the first person they would turn to when they had a personal problem.[4] Young adults and singles are unique to the extent that they rely on friends for emotional and personal support. One in four (25 percent) young people (age 18–29) say they typically talk to a friend first when they have a personal problem. Young women are slightly more likely than young men are to rely on friends for support (29 percent vs. 22 percent). With the average age of first marriages rising steadily and fewer Americans turning to friends for support, parents have stepped in to fill the gap. Young men are now more likely to rely on their parents for personal support than other people in their life. Thirty-six percent of young men say their parents are the first people they reach out to when facing a personal problem. Roughly one in four (24 percent) young women say their parents are their first call. The number of young men relying on their parents for personal support has more than doubled over the past several decades. In 1990, only 17 percent of young men and an identical number of young women reported that their parents were the first people they talked to when confronting a personal problem. Close to half (45 percent) of young men said they turned to their friends first. One reason young men are more likely to seek out their parents for support may have to do with their living situation. More than half (52 percent) of young men are currently living with their parents, compared to 44 percent of young women. Young adults who live with their parents are twice as likely to rely on their parents for support than those with other living arrangements. There is an even larger gender gap between unmarried men and women. Nearly four in 10 (39 percent) single unmarried women say they usually talk to a friend when facing a personal problem, compared to 30 percent of unmarried men[5]. Again, unmarried men are significantly more likely than women are to say they rely on their parents for help when dealing with a personal issue (39 percent vs. 26 percent). Gender differences are also apparent among married Americans. Married men are significantly more likely than married women are to say the first person they talk to when they have a problem is their spouse. Eighty-five percent of married men, compared to 72 percent of married women, say they turn to their spouse when they have a personal problem. #### How Many Close Friends Do Americans Have? Many Americans do not have a large number of close friends. Close to half (49 percent) of Americans report having three or fewer. More than one-third (36 percent) of Americans report having several close friends—between four and nine. Thirteen percent of Americans say they have 10 or more close friends, which is roughly the same proportion of the public that has no close friends (12 percent).[6] The number of close friendships Americans have appears to have declined considerably over the past several decades. In 1990, less than one-third (27 percent) said they had three or fewer close friends, while about as many (33 percent) reported having 10 or more close friends.[7] Only 3 percent said they did not have any close friends. Many Americans are not overly satisfied about the size of their friendship group. About half of Americans (51 percent) report they are very satisfied or completely satisfied with the number of friends they have. Thirty percent say they are only somewhat satisfied, and 17 percent say they are not too or not at all satisfied with the number of friends they have. Women are slightly more likely than men are to report being satisfied with their number of friends. A majority (54 percent) of women say they are completely or very satisfied, compared to less than half of men (48 percent). There are notable racial and ethnic differences in feelings of satisfaction about the number of friends Americans have. Black and Hispanic Americans express greater feelings of satisfaction than White Americans do. Close to six in 10 Black (58 percent) and Hispanic (56 percent) Americans report they are very or completely satisfied with how many friends they have. About half (49 percent) of White Americans say the same. Not surprisingly, Americans who have more friends report higher levels of satisfaction with the number of friends they have. In fact, levels of satisfaction move linearly: As Americans accumulate additional friends, their level of satisfaction grows. Among Americans without any close friends, only 29 percent report being completely or very satisfied with their number of friends. Less than four in 10 (39 percent) Americans with only one close friend and 43 percent of those with two or three close friends report being completely or very satisfied. A majority (56 percent) of Americans with four or five friends say they are completely or very satisfied. Two-thirds (67 percent) of Americans with between six and nine friends are completely or very satisfied, and three-quarters (75 percent) of those with 10 or more close friends express this level of satisfaction. #### Friendship Types Friends come in many shapes and sizes. Some friends Americans see infrequently or maybe only in certain places. Other friends may have been close confidants since childhood. Most Americans report having several different types of friendships. Most Americans have situational friends or place-based friendships—people they mostly see in certain places such as work, school, the gym, or the park. Nearly seven in 10 (69 percent) report having a friend they see only in certain places or at certain times. Activity friendships are also quite common. About half (51 percent) the public say they have activity friends, people with whom they participate in social activities, such as sports, hobbies, or community service. Nearly four in 10 (39 percent) Americans have online-only friendships or friends they interact with solely via the internet. Childhood friendships are ubiquitous among the public. Two-thirds (67 percent) of Americans say they have a friend whom they have known since childhood. Yet despite the prevalence of these types of friendships, they have become less common as Americans age. More than three-quarters (76 percent) of young adults have a childhood friend, compared to 60 percent of seniors. Childhood friendships are particularly prevalent among Black Americans. Nearly eight in 10 (78 percent) Black Americans report having a friend whom they have known since childhood. These types of friendships are significantly less common among White (66 percent) and Hispanic Americans (64 percent). Having a friend of a different gender is fairly common in American society, but the incidence varies. Fifty-eight percent of Americans who have a close friend report having a close friend of the opposite gender. Interestingly, men are more likely than women are to report having a close friend of a different gender (63 percent vs. 53 percent). Among those with close friends, having an opposite-gender friend is much less common among married people, particularly among married women. Married women are far less likely than other women are to report having a male friend. Only 43 percent of married women—and 54 percent of married men—say they have a close friend who is a different gender. In contrast, nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of unmarried, single women say they have a close male friend. #### Friendship Closeness and Communication The frequency with which Americans talk to their friends and their preferred mode of communication vary widely. A majority (54 percent) of Americans say they texted a friend within the past 24 hours. Thirty percent say they talked with a friend on the phone in the past 24 hours, while fewer Americans—only 16 percent—report sending an email to a friend over this period. There are stark generational differences in the mode of communication Americans prefer to use to get in touch with their friends. More than six in 10 (61 percent) young adults say they have texted a friend within the past 24 hours, compared to only 41 percent of seniors. Conversely, older Americans are far more likely to have sent an email to a friend. Nearly three in 10 (29 percent) seniors say they emailed a friend within the past 24 hours, compared to 10 percent of young adults. There are no significant generational differences in the frequency with which Americans talk to their friends on the phone. #### Emotional Support There are massive differences in the degree to which men and women rely on friends for emotional support and are willing to share their personal feelings. Nearly half of women (48 percent) and less than one-third of men (30 percent) say they have had a private conversation with a friend during which they shared their personal feelings in the past week. Men are also far less likely than women are to have received emotional support from a friend. Four in 10 (41 percent) women report having received emotional support from a friend within the past week, compared to 21 percent of men. Finally, compared to men, women more regularly tell their friends they love them. About half (49 percent) of women say they have told a friend they loved them within the past week. Only one-quarter (25 percent) of men say they have done this. There are no generational differences, meaning younger men are no more likely than older men are to have shared their personal feelings with a friend. However, men who have female friends are significantly more likely to express their feelings and receive emotional support than are those without. Twenty- eight percent of men with female friends report that they received emotional support from a friend within the past week, compared to 16 percent of men who do not have female friends. Compared to men who have only male friends, men with female friends are also more likely to have shared personal feelings (38 percent vs. 25 percent) and to have told a friend they loved them (35 percent vs. 15 percent) in the past week. #### Best Friends Most Americans report having a best friend. Nearly six in 10 (59 percent) Americans say they have one person they consider their best friend. Forty percent say they do not. Notably, these types of friendships are common, and their prevalence hardly varies at all among the public. Across the lines of race and ethnicity, age, religion, and politics, best friends are a common feature of American social life. However, fewer Americans have a best friend today than they once did. In 1990, three-quarters (75 percent) of Americans reported having a best friend, a dramatic decline over the past three decades. For most Americans, best friends include people beyond their immediate or extended family. About only one in five (21 percent) Americans say their best friend is a family member, while the vast majority (78 percent) say they are not. Among those who say their best friend is a family member, they are most frequently identified as their spouse or partner. There are few differences among the public in the identity of best friends, but White evangelical Protestants are unique to the extent that their best friends are family members. More than one in four (26 percent) White evangelical Protestants who have a best friend say this person is a family member. The survey included a question that asked respondents to share, in their own words, what it was that made someone their best friend. While there is not any one characteristic or experience that Americans identify, for many, longevity is a crucial element. A 25-year-old Hispanic woman described her best friend as someone whom she has known for most of her life. \"She and I have been best friends since we were in the third grade. She and I have a unique friendship, where she and I can reach out to each other after any amount of time and no matter how long it’s been there’s only good vibes and love.\" A White 54-year-old man similarly leads with how long he has known his best friend. “I’ve known this person for over 30 years. We have seen the best and worst in each other and have seen each other through some difficult times.” For many Americans, being friends with someone for a long time is an important, and perhaps key, ingredient. These open-ended results are consistent with other findings. Compared to Americans who do not have a childhood friend, those who do are much more likely to have a best friend. Nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of Americans who have a childhood friend also have a best friend. In contrast, less than half (47 percent) of Americans who do not have a friend from their childhood say they have a best friend. A majority (53 percent) do not have either. #### Friendship and Politics Few Americans report that they regularly discuss politics or government with their friends. About only one in five (21 percent) Americans say they discuss political issues at least a few times a week. About one in four (24 percent) say they talk with friends about politics a few times a month. More than half (55 percent) the public report that they talk about politics with their friends less often. Notably, Democrats and Republicans[8] are not any more likely to discuss politics with their friends than the public overall is. For most Americans, political affiliation is probably not a prerequisite for forming a friendship, but both Democrats and Republicans are far more likely to have friends who belong to their preferred party. About eight in 10 (82 percent) Democrats and Republicans (80 percent) say they have at least some friends who share the same political identity. Importantly, Republicans have more bipartisan friendships than Democrats do. A majority (53 percent) of Republicans say they have at least some friends who are Democrats. In contrast, less than one-third (32 percent) of Democrats say they have at least some Republican friends. #### Losing a Friend over Politics Although political disagreements are common, few Americans report having stopped talking to or being friends with someone because of their views about government or politics. Only 15 percent of the public have ended a friendship over politics. Ending friendships over political disagreements occurs more among liberal and Democratic-leaning Americans. Democrats are twice as likely as Republicans are to report having ended a friendship over a political disagreement (20 percent vs. 10 percent). Political liberals are also far more likely than conservatives are to say they are no longer friends with someone due to political differences (28 percent vs. 10 percent, respectively). No group is more likely to end a friendship over politics than liberal women are; 33 percent say they stopped being friends with someone because of their politics. The reasons Americans give for dropping a friendship are varied, but President Donald Trump loomed large. A White college-educated man said: “I can’t deal with crazy people who worship Donald Trump.” A Hispanic woman offers a similarly blunt explanation: “If they were a fan of DJT, I wanted nothing to do with them.” But many Trump supporters were equally willing to walk away from friends whose views of the former president did not align with their own. “I have unfriended people online and stopped talking to people who didn’t respect our great President Trump.” In all, 22 percent of Americans who have ended a friendship cited Trump as the reason. #### Survey Methodology The survey was designed and conducted by the Survey Center on American Life. Interviews were conducted among a random sample of 2,019 adults (age 18 and up) living in the United States, including all 50 states and the District of Columbia. All interviews were conducted among participants of the the Ipsos KnowledgePanel, a probability-based panel designed to be representative of the US general population, not just the online population. Interviewing was conducted between May 14 and May 23 2021. Interviews were conducted in Spanish and English. Initially, participants are chosen scientifically by a random selection of telephone numbers and residential addresses. Persons in selected households are then invited by telephone or mail to participate in the Ipsos KnowledgePanel. For those who agree to participate but do not already have internet access, Ipsos provides at no cost a laptop and internet service provider connection. People who already have computers and internet service are permitted to participate using their own equipment. Panelists then receive unique log-in information for accessing surveys online and then are sent emails throughout each month inviting them to participate in research. The data were weighted to adjust for gender by age, race, education, Census region by metropolitan status, and household income. The sample weighting was accomplished using an iterative proportional fitting (IFP) process that simultaneously balances the distributions of all variables. The use of survey weights in statistical analyses ensures that the demographic characteristics of the sample closely approximate the demographic characteristics of the target population. The margin of error for the qualified survey sample is +/– 2.4 percentage points at the 95 percent level of confidence. The design effect for the survey is 1.2. #### Notes [1] Daniel A. Cox, Ryan Streeter, and David Wilde, “A Loneliness Epidemic? How Marriage, Religion, and Mobility Explain the Generation Gap in Loneliness,” American Enterprise Institute, September 26, 2019, religion-and-mobility-explain-the-generation-gap-in-loneliness/. [2] Economist, “Parents Now Spend Twice as Much Time with Their Children as 50 Years Ago,” November 27, 2017, detail/2017/11/27/parents-now-spend-twice-as-much-time-with-their-children- as-50-years-ago. [3] Steven John, “7 Ways American Work Habits Have Changed in the Past 10 Years,” Business Insider, March 27, 2019, [4] Although the wording was identical in both questions, there was slight variation in the response options. Gallup asked about only “husband or wife,” while the May American Perspectives Survey asked respondents about their “spouse or partner.” [5] The single unmarried married category includes respondents who have never been married, and who are not currently in a committed romantic relationship. [6] The definition of “close friend” is subjective and open to interpretation. The results are in keeping with previous work on the social networks. The American National Social Network Survey conducted in 2020 found that 17 percent of Americans had no close social ties, defined as someone the respondent had talked to in the past six months about an important personal matter. [7] The survey conducted by Gallup in 1990 was administered over the telephone, while the current study was conducted completely online. Both surveys are based on random samples and designed to represent the adult population. However, differences in survey administration may affect how respondents answer questions. Telephone survey respondents talking to a live interviewer might have been less willing to report having no friends or inflate the number of close friends they had out of concerns about how their responses would be perceived by the interviewer, a phenomenon known as social desirability bias. Gallup Organization. “Gallup News Service Poll: January 1990, Wave 2,” Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, 1990, [8] Note: In this analysis, Democrats include people who identify as Democrat and Independents who lean towards the Democratic party. Republicans include people who identify as Republican and Independents who lean towards the Republican party. American Perspectives SurveyfriendshipSocial Network ### Related Materials May APS 2021 Topline Questionnaire ### Table of Contents __ * Personal Pandemic Challenges * Pandemic Friendship * Who Do Americans Rely on for Personal Support? * How Many Close Friends Do Americans Have? * Friendship Types * Friendship Closeness and Communication * Emotional Support * Best Friends * Friendship and Politics * Losing a Friend over Politics * Survey Methodology * Notes ### Survey Reports ![\\"gender](\\" content/uploads/2024/09/Gender-Divide-in-Voting-Banner.jpg\\") Daniel A. Cox, Kelsey Eyre HammondSeptember 24, 2024 #### The Politics of Progress and Privilege: How America’s Gender Gap Is Reshaping the 2024 Election Americans are increasingly divided on gendered issues. A new report by the Survey Center on American Life provides context for how these divisions might impact the results of the 2024 Presidential election. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/08/SCR-Image.jpg\\") Daniel A. Cox, Sam PresslerAugust 22, 2024 #### Disconnected: The Growing Class Divide in American Civic Life Disconnected: Places and Spaces presents new survey findings that suggest Americans are less connected than ever before. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/05/Working-Class-Report-Banner-Image-300x194.jpg\\") Daniel A. Cox, Kyle Gray, Kelsey Eyre HammondMay 28, 2024 #### An Unsettled Electorate: How Uncertainty and Apathy Are Shaping the 2024 Election A survey of more than 6,500 US adults focused on the 2024 presidential election reveals a pessimistic and unsettled American electorate fractured by education, ideology, class, and gender. ![\\"Generation](\\" content/uploads/2023/11/Gen-Z-Final-Website-Banner-Image- Resized-300x200.png\\") Daniel A. Cox, Kelsey Eyre Hammond, Kyle GrayNovember 9, 2023 #### Generation Z and the Transformation of American Adolescence: How Gen Z’s Formative Experiences Shape Its Politics, Priorities, and Future This report explores the foundational differences between American generations through their formative adolescent experiences. ### In the news ![](\\" content/uploads/2021/07/New_York_Times_resized.png\\"/) October 2, 2024 #### The Misogyny of Gen Z Men Has Been Overstated ![](\\" Cut-Logo.png\\"/) October 2, 2024 #### Divorced Men Are Falling for Trump ![](\\" CNN.svg_.png\\"/) October 1, 2024 #### The unexpected gender dynamic shaping the 2024 election ![](\\" content/uploads/2021/03/Axios_logo_-_RGB_-_clear_space.png\\"/) September 28, 2024 #### Young men and women are moving in opposite directions ![](\\" content/uploads/2023/06/Logos.png\\"/) A project of ![](\\" content/themes/scalstage/images/Screenshot_6.png\\"/) ![](\\" state-of-american-friendship-change-challenges-and- loss%2F&tw_iframe_status=0&tw_order_quantity=0&tw_sale_amount=0&txn_id=o66p5&type=javascript&version=2.3.30\\")![](\\" state-of-american-friendship-change-challenges-and- loss%2F&tw_iframe_status=0&tw_order_quantity=0&tw_sale_amount=0&txn_id=o66p5&type=javascript&version=2.3.30\\")
There’s been a 20 percent increase in young people coming back to Buffalo after a decade where we lost 10 percent of our young people
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Mullen, CFLS * Nuha Alomar * Los Angeles * Julia Schneider, CFLS * Karen Lindow * View All+ * Practice Areas * Divorce * Child Custody & Visitation * Child Support * Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements * Property Division * Spousal Support & Alimony * View All+ * Sample Success * Testimonials * Client Testimonials * Leave a Review * Serving * San Diego * Orange County * Los Angeles * Contact The Smart Choice for Divorce and Family Law Issues Click Now for a Private Consultation ![\\"internal-banner\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/07/int-hero-mobile.jpg\\") # Divorce Statistics: Over 115 Studies, Facts and Rates for 2024 If you spend enough time perusing the internet, you’ll find no shortage of studies, statistics, facts about divorce. There seems to be a study looking into almost every possible factor that might affect marriages and lead to divorce. These studies have yielded some extremely interesting and – in some cases – downright shocking information about divorce in both the United States and the rest of the world. We have compiled a nearly exhaustive list with every divorce statistic, study, and fact that we could find. As we move into 2024, our San Diego divorce lawyer team has provided everything you need to know – and quite possibly more- about divorce. ## COVID-19 Pandemic Divorce Statistics As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and varying states of lockdowns all over the United States and the World, both the divorce rate and marriage rates dropped significantly in 2020. According to the CDC, there were 630,505 divorces in 2020 for a rate of 2.3 per 1,000 people. That represents a decline of nearly 16 percent from 2019 – the largest single-year decline since at least 2000. While the divorce rate increased to 2.5 per 1,000 in 2021 (the latest year of data available), the figure is still significantly lower than in the preceding years. ## U.S. Divorce Rate ### U.S. Divorce and Marriage Rates by Year ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/01/[email protected]\\") 1\. In 2021 (the latest data available), the marriage rate in the United States was 6.0 per 1,000 total population. 2\. In the same year, the divorce rate was the U.S. is 2.5 per 1,000 population (with 44 states and D.C. reporting) This is known as the “crude divorce rate”. Although useful for describing changes in divorce rates over time, the crude divorce rate does not provide accurate information on the percentage of first marriages that end in divorce. 3\. As of 2021, both marriage rates AND divorce rates in the US are decreasing – with the marriage rate dropping from 8.2 per 1,ooo people in 2000 to 6.1 and the divorce rate from 4.0 in 2000 to 2.7. Recent studies have shown that millennials are choosing to wait longer to get married and staying married longer and are the main driver in the decline of both the marriage and divorce rate in the US. ### U.S. Divorce Rate per 1000 Married Women 4\. Currently, the divorce rate per 1000 married women is 16.9. Many experts feel that this is a much more accurate measure of true divorce rate than the crude rate. 5\. The divorce rate per 1000 married women is nearly double that of 1960, but down from the all-time high of 22.6 in the early 1980s. 6\. Almost 50 percent of all marriages in the United States will end in divorce or separation. 7\. Researchers estimate that 41 percent of all first marriages end in divorce. 8\. 60 percent of second marriages end in divorce. 9\. 73 percent of all third marriages end in divorce. 10\. The United States has the 6th highest divorce rate in the world. Here is a chart of the top twenty: ### Countries with the Highest Divorce Rates in the World: Top 20 ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2018/11/divorceratebycountry-1.png\\"/) ## How Often Divorce Takes Place in the U.S. (This information was recalculated based of newly released divorce figures from the CDC for the year 2019. The true figures are likely higher, as the release only includes data from 44 reporting states) 11\. Every 42 seconds, there is one divorce in America, That equates to 86 divorces per hour, 2,046 divorces per day, 14,364 divorces per week, and 746,971 divorces per year 12\. Every 16 seconds, there is a marriage in the U.S. That equates to 230 marriages per hour, 38,762 marriages per week and 2,015,603 per year. 13\. There are nearly 3 divorces in the time it takes for a couple to recite their wedding vows (2 minutes). 14\. More than 172 divorces occur during your typical romantic comedy movie (2 hours). 15\. 430 divorces happen during the average wedding reception (5 hours). 16\. There are 5,975,768 divorces over the course of an average first marriage that ends in divorce (8 years). 17\. Over a 40 year period, 67 percent of first marriages terminate. 18\. Among all Americans 18 years of age or older, whether they have been married or not, 25 percent have gone through a marital split. 19\. 15 percent of adult women in the United States are divorced or separated today, compared with less than one percent in 1920. 20\. The average first marriage that ends in divorce lasts about 8 years. ### Median duration of first marriages that end in divorce: Males: 7.8 years Females: 7.9 years ### Median duration of second marriages: Males: 7.3 years Females: 6.8 years 21\. People wait an average of three years after a divorce to remarry (if they remarry at all). 22\. In 2011, only 29 out of every 1000 of divorced or widowed women remarried. ## Who is Getting Divorced, When, and Why? ### Who is Getting Divorced? 23\. The average age for couples going through their first divorce is 30 years old. 24\. 60 percent of all divorces involve individuals aged 25 to 39. 25\. Wives are the ones who most often file for divorce at 66 percent on average. That figure has soared to nearly 75 percent in some years. 26\. 5 Professions with the highest divorce rates: * Dancers – 43 * Bartender s- 38.4 * Massage Therapists – 38.2 * Gaming Cage Workers – 34.6 * Gaming Service Workers – 31.3 27\. 5 Professions with the lowest divorce rates: * Farmers – 7.63 * Podiatrists – 6.81 * Clergy – 5.61 * Optometrists – 4.01 * Agricultural Engineers – 1.78 ## U.S. Divorce Rate by Occupation Data comes from the 5-year American Community Survey. Occupation | Divorce Rate ---|--- Dancers | 43 Bartenders | 38.4 Massage Therapists | 38.2 Gaming Cage Workers | 34.6 Gaming Service Workers | 31.3 Food and Tobacco Machine Operators | 29.7 Telephone Operators | 29.3 Textile Machine Operators | 29 Nurses | 28.9 Home Care Aids | 28.7 Entertainers | 28.4 Bellhops and Concierges | 28.4 Telemarketers | 28.1 Waitstaff | 27.1 Roofers | 26.8 Maids | 26.3 Corrections Workers | 21.3 Law Enforcement | 14.47 Doctors and Surgeons | 9.23 Mechanical Engineers | 9.22 Medical Scientists | 9.11 Other Scientists | 8.79 Legislators | 8.74 Audiologists | 7.77 Dentists | 7.75 Farmers | 7.63 Podiatrists | 6.81 Clergy | 5.61 Optometrists | 4.01 Agricultural Engineers | 1.78 *bonus: Law enforcement and police divorce rate is 14.47, while the rate for corrections workers is 21.3. 28\. For instance, the groups with the most prolific experience of marriages ending in divorce are downscale adults (adults making less than $20,000 annually) (39 percent), Baby Boomers (38 percent), those aligned with a non- Christian faith (38 percent), African-Americans (36 percent), and people who consider themselves to be liberal on social and political matters (37 percent). 29\. Among the population segments with the lowest likelihood of having been divorced subsequent to marriage are Catholics (28 percent), evangelicals (26 percent), upscale adults (adults making more than $75000 annually) (22 percent), Asians (20 percent) and those who deem themselves to be conservative on social and political matters (28%). 30\. Divorce Rate By Ethnicity ( for women ): Year | 25-29 yrs | 30-34 yrs | 35-39 yrs | 40-49 yrs | 50-59 yrs | 60-69 yrs | 70 + ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- White 1996 | 19.7 | 26.1 | 32.2 | 40.8 | 36.1 | 26.6 | 17.2 2001 | 19.9 | 24.4 | 33.5 | 40.6 | 41.8 | 29.6 | 18 2004 | 12.4 | 23.2 | 30.5 | 39.1 | 44.3 | 33.9 | 18.1 2009 | 14.2 | 22.1 | 27.6 | 36.3 | 41.1 | 36.9 | 21.9 Black 1996 | 14.7 | 28 | 40.7 | 44.5 | 42 | 35.6 | 21.9 2001 | 20.6 | 24.5 | 37.3 | 42.2 | 44.7 | 33.8 | 25.4 2004 | 11 | 20.1 | 37.1 | 39 | 47.8 | 37.2 | 26.7 2009 | 14.6 | 23.9 | 32.7 | 35 | 48.2 | 40.3 | 27.8 Asian 1996 | 9.3 | 12 | 14.3 | 22.8 | 23.2 | 4.9 | 8.5 2001 | 4.1 | 10.7 | 18.1 | 17.5 | 22.7 | 9.9 | 5 2004 | 1.9 | 6.1 | 11.4 | 20.1 | 19.9 | 9.6 | 9.1 2009 | 1.3 | 7.8 | 13.2 | 20.6 | 18.5 | 16 | 11.3 Hispanic 1996 | 15.5 | 17.4 | 24 | 33.2 | 31.7 | 25.6 | 20.3 2001 | 12.5 | 15.5 | 26.5 | 28.5 | 34 | 26.5 | 21.5 2004 | 8.8 | 16.3 | 24.7 | 24.4 | 33.1 | 23.9 | 19.5 2009 | 10.5 | 16.3 | 18.1 | 23.7 | 30.2 | 25 | 24.2 ### Military Divorce 31\. According to the Pentagon, the military divorce rate is 3.4 percent in the 2013 fiscal year. However, the rate was significantly higher in military women at 7.2 percent. 32\. The Divorce rate among enlisted troops was 3.8 percent. Among officers, the divorce rate was 1.9 percent. 33\. The Air Force has the highest divorce rate among enlisted troops of any military branch at 4.3 percent. 34\. The divorce rate among U.S. Navy Seals is over 90 percent. ### Divorce Rate in Specific Population Segments 35\. The divorce rate among people 50 and older has doubled in the past 20 years, according to research by Bowling Green State University. 36\. The divorce rate among couples where one spouse is in jail or prison for one year or more is 80 percent for men and close to 100 percent for women. ## Same-Sex Divorce Statistics 37\. About 1 percent of married same-sex couples get divorced each year, while about 2 percent of married straight couples divorce. 38\. According to figures from the UK’s Office of National Statistics, lesbian couples are nearly twice as likely to end a marriage or civil union than gay male couples are. 39\. In the United States, the divorce rate is 3.1 per 1000 people that allow same-sex marriage, and 3.9 in states that prohibit it. ### When Do People Divorce? 40\. The average length of a marriage that ends in divorce is 8 years. 41\. January is considered “divorce month”. People start looking for information before the New Year starts, but they can’t do much until the attorneys are back in the office. January 12-16 seems to be the magic week for filings. ### Why People are Divorcing in the United States 42\. Lack of commitment is the most common reason given by divorcing couples according to a recent national survey. Here are the reasons given and their percentages: * Lack of commitment 73% * Argue too much 56% * Infidelity 55% * Married too young 46% * Unrealistic expectations 45% * Lack of equality in the relationship 44% * Lack of preparation for marriage 41% * Domestic Violence or Abuse 25% (Respondents often cited more that one reason, therefore the percentages add up to much more than 100 percent) ## What Makes People More or Less Likely to Divorce? ### Your Age 43\. 48 percent of those who marry before the age of 18 are likely to divorce within 10 years, compared to 25 percent of those who marry after the age of 25. 44\. 60 percent of couples married between the age of 20 -25 will end in divorce. 45\. Those who wait to marry until they are over 25 years old are 24 percent less likely to get divorced. ### If you or your Partner Have Been Married Before 46\. If both you and your partner have had previous marriages, you are 90 percent more likely to get divorced than if this had been the first marriage for both of you. ### Religion and Divorce 47\. If a person has strong religious beliefs, the risk of divorce is 14 percent less and having no religious affiliation makes you 14 percent more likely to get divorced. 48\. If you’re an evangelical Christian adult who has been married, there’s a 26 percent likelihood that you’ve been divorced—compared to a 28 percent chance for Catholics and a 38 percent chance for non-Christians. 49\. According to Dr. Jennifer Glass, one of the strongest factors predicting divorce rates (per 1000 married couples) is the concentration of conservative or evangelical Protestants in that county. The correlation can be seen on this figure: (insert divorce counties image) ### Education and Intelligence 50\. High School dropouts are 13 percent more likely to get divorced. 51\. Individuals who have attended college have a 13 percent lower risk of divorce. 52\. Those with “below average” IQs are 50 percent more likely to be divorced than those with “above average” IQs. ### Political Affiliation 53\. Political affiliation and it’s impact on divorce: Conservatives are the least likely to be divorced: Conservative 28 percent, Liberal 37 percent, Moderate 33 percent. 54\. If you live in a red (Republican) state, you are 27 percent more likely to get divorced than if you live in a blue (Democrat) state. ## Cohabitation – If you lived with your partner before you got married 55\. 60 percent of cohabiting couples will eventually marry. However, living together prior to marriage can increase the chance of getting divorced by as much as 40 percent. 56\. If you are a female serial cohabiter – a woman who has lived with more than one partner before your first marriage – then you’re 40 percent more likely to get divorced than women who have never done so. ### Where You Met 57\. According to this study at least, if you met your spouse in high school, college, or grad school, you are 41 percent less likely to get divorced. 58\. The other major difference was couples who met in bars were 24 percent more likely to get divorced than expected. ### Your Sexual History 59\. Women who lost their virginity as a teenager are more than twice as likely to get divorced in the first 5 years of marriage than women who waited until age 18 or older. 60\. A 2011 study at the University of Iowa found that for both men and women, the loss of virginity before age 18 was correlated with a greater number of occurrences of divorce within the first 10 years of marriage. 61\. When compared to women who began sexual activity in their early 20s, girls who initiated sexual activity at ages 13 or 14 were less than half as likely to be in stable marriages in their 30s. – (in this study a stable marriage was defined as a marriage of over five years). ### THE HARMFUL EFFECTS OF EARLY SEXUAL ACTIVITY AND MULTIPLE SEXUAL PARTNERS AMONG WOMEN 62\. Women with 6 or more premarital sexual partners are almost 3 times less likely to be in a stable marriage. ### Where You Live Impacts Your Likelihood to Be Divorced 63\. According to the CDC, the five states with the highest divorce rates are: * Nevada at 5.6 * West Virginia at 5.2 * Arkansas at 5.3 * Idaho at 4.9 * Oklahoma at 5.2 64\. The five states with the lowest divorce rate are: * Iowa at 2.4 * Illinois at 2.6 * Massachusetts at 2.7 * North Dakota at 2.7 * Pennsylvania at 2.8 65\. Arkansas has the highest rate of individuals married 3 or more times. Men and women in Arkansas are twice as likely to be married 3 or more times than the national average. ### Your Habits, Your Marriage 66\. The risk of divorce was said to be almost doubled – 97 percent higher – when the mother went out to work but her husband made a “minimal contribution” to housework and childcare. 67\. In 2011, Facebook was cited as a major contributor to 1/3 of divorce petitions examined by one U.K. study. 68\. In a study by the University of Rochester, researchers said that watching romantic movies and having a conversation around it helps in lowering the divorce rates from 24 to 11 percent in marriages of three years. 69\. Pornography addiction was cited as a factor in 56 percent of divorces according to a recent study. ### Your Parent’s Relationship 70\. If your parents are happily married, your risk of divorce decreases by 14 percent. 71\. If your parents married others after divorcing, you’re 91 percent more likely to get divorced. 72\. According to Nicholas Wolfinger in “Understanding the Divorce Cycle”, the risk of divorce is 50 percent higher when one spouse comes from a divorced home and 200 percent higher when both partners do. 73\. In addition, children of divorce are 50 percent more likely to marry another child of divorce. 74\. Certain studies have shown that daughters of divorced parents have a 60 percent higher divorce rate in marriages than children of non-divorced parents while sons have a 35 percent higher rate. ### If you Have Kids or Not 75\. The divorce rate for couples with children is as much as 40 percent lower than for those without children. 76\. Half of all children in the United States will witness the ending of a parent’s marriage. 77\. Of this half, close to 50 percent will also see the breakup of a parent’s second marriage. 78\. If you have twins or triplets, your marriage is 17 percent more likely to end in divorce than if your children are not multiples. 79\. If you have a daughter, you’re nearly 5 percent more likely to divorce than if you have a son. 80\. When there are as many as three daughters that difference spiked to 10 percent. 81\. Fathers are significantly less likely – 3 percent – to be living with their children if they have daughters versus sons. 82\. Having a baby before marriage can increase the risk of divorce by 24 percent. ### Your Finances and Their Effect on Divorce Rates 83\. An annual income of over $50,000 can decrease the risk of divorce by as much as 30% versus those with an income of under $25k. 84\. Feeling that one’s spouse spent money foolishly increased the likelihood of divorce 45 percent for both men and women. 85\. Couples that argue about finances at least once a week are 30 more likely to get divorced. 86\. The same study also found that couples with no assets at the beginning of a three-year period are 70 percent more likely to divorce by the end of that period than couples with $10,000 in assets. ### Addiction, Mental Illness and Divorce 87\. Couples are an astonishing 76-95% more likely to get divorced if only one of them smokes. The amount increases when the wife is the partner with the habit. 88\. While couples who both smoke have it a bit better, a 1998 study found they are still 53% more likely than non-smoking couples to end their marriage. 89\. Each liter of alcohol consumed raises the chance of divorce by 20%! Factor in that the average American drinks 9.4 liters of alcohol per year, raising their divorce likely hood by 188%! 90\. According to a 9-year study by the University of Buffalo, couples who have similar heavy drinking patterns – either both are heavy drinkers or both are not- are more likely to stay together. 91\. However, if one spouse is a heavy drinker and the other is not, they are 60 percent more likely to get divorced. 92\. A multi-national study of mental disorders, marriage and divorce published in 2011 found that a sample of 18 mental disorders all increased the likelihood of divorce — ranging from a 20 percent increase to an 80 percent increase in the divorce rate. Addictions and major depression were the highest factors, with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) also significant. 93\. A recent study of divorce petitions found that nearly 15 percent of them cited video game addiction as a major factor in the decision to get divorced. ## Divorce, Child Support and Child Custody 94\. Forty-three percent of children in the United States are being raised without their fathers. 95\. When the parents are happily married, the risk of divorce of their children decreases by 14 percent. 96\. 90% of divorced mothers have custody of their children. 97\. Over 79 percent of custodial mothers receive a child support award, while just under 30 percent of custodial fathers receive one. 98\. 65% of divorced mothers receive no child support. 99\. Over 46 percent of non-custodial mothers completely default on child support, compared to only 27 percent of non-custodial fathers. ## Friend’s and Relative’s Impact on Divorce 100\. If a close friend gets divorced, you are 147% more likely to become divorced and 33% more likely if a friend of a friend is divorced. 101\. Studies at the University of California and Brown University cite that when a married person works with someone who is in the process of divorcing, it increases the married person chances of divorce by 75%. 102\. These same studies also found that people with divorced sisters or brothers are 22% more likely to get divorced than if siblings are not divorced. 103\. In a large-scale Canadian survey, 19 percent of men reported a significant drop in social support post-divorce. ## The Financial Effects of Divorce 104\. The average total cost of divorce in the United States is $15,000. 105\. Families with children that were not poor before the divorce see their income drop as much as 50 percent. 106\. Almost 50 percent of the parents with children that are going through a divorce move into poverty after the divorce. 107\. 27% of recently divorced women had less than $25,000 in annual household income compared with 17% of recently divorced men. 108\. 60% of people under poverty guidelines are divorced women and children. ## The Toll a Divorce Takes 109\. A new study entitled “Divorce and Death” shows that broken marriages can kill at the same rate as smoking cigarettes. Indications that the risk of dying is a full 23 percent higher among divorcées than married people. 110\. One researcher determined that a single divorce costs state and federal governments about $30,000, based on such things as the higher use of food stamps and public housing as well as increased bankruptcies and juvenile delinquency. 111\. The nation’s 1.4 million divorces in 2002 are estimated to have cost the taxpayers more than $30 billion. 112\. An article in the New York Times stated that – of couples who seek marriage counseling – 38 percent end up divorced just two years later. 113\. Only around five percent of divorces are decided in the courtroom. This means in 95 percent of divorce cases, the parties and their family law attorneys are able to settle issues amicably or in mediation. ## Bonus ### The Five Most Expensive Divorces of all Time According to an article on Divorce Help 360 here are the most expensive divorces of all time as well as the most expensive celebrity divorces of all time: * Harold and Sue Ann Hamm – $5.3 billion * Rupert and Anna Murdoch – $1.7 billion * Bernie and Slavica Ecclestone – $1.2 billion * Adnan Khashoggi and Soraya Khashoggi – $875 million * Craig and Wendy McCaw – $460 million ### Most Expensive Celebrity Divorces * Mel and Robyn Gibson – $425 million * Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver – $250-$300 million * Michael and Juanita Jordan – $168 million Contact our reputable San Diego family law attorneys for a consultation! Call today! 619-284-4113 Request Private Consultation Discover why our clients return to us and recommend us to their friends and acquaintances. 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There’s been a 20 percent increase in young people coming back to Buffalo after a decade where we lost 10 percent of our young people
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Frey ![\\"\\"](\\" frey-e1692813604996.jpg?quality=75&w=250\\") William H. Frey Senior Fellow \- Brookings Metro July 1, 2020 ![\\"Family\\"](\\" content/uploads/2020/07/shutterstock_650821216.jpg?quality=75&w=1500\\") * 9 min read * * * * * * Print Sections Downloads * Table A * Table B * Table C * Table D * Table E * See More ##### Contact Metro Media Office [email protected] 202.238.3139 Print ##### More On Demographics & Population Cities & Communities Race in Public Policy Program Brookings Metro The U.S. Census Bureau has just released its last batch of race-ethnic population estimates in advance of the 2020 census, with data indicating that the national headcount will reveal a more diverse nation than was previously expected. The new estimates show that nearly four of 10 Americans identify with a race or ethnic group other than white, and suggest that the 2010 to 2020 decade will be the first in the nation’s history in which the white population declined in numbers. Over the decade’s first nine years, racial and ethnic minorities accounted for all of the nation’s population growth, and were responsible for population gains in many states, metropolitan areas, and counties that would have otherwise registered losses due to declines in their white populations. And while the U.S. and more than half of its states have shown absolute declines in populations under age 25, such declines were largely due to white losses among the youth population. These declines would have been even greater were it not for youthful gains among racial and ethnic minorities, especially the Latino or Hispanic population. ## A more diverse nation, especially among youths The past several censuses have shown increased racial and ethnic diversity among the U.S. population. In 1980, white residents comprised almost 80% of the national population, with Black residents accounting for 11.5%, Latino or Hispanic residents at 6.5%, and Asian Americans at 1.8%. (Except for Latinos or Hispanics, data for all racial groups pertain to non-Latino or Hispanic members of those groups.) By 2000, the Latino or Hispanic population showed a slightly higher share than the Black population: 12.6% versus 12.1%. The Asian American population share (including Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders) grew to 3.8%, while the white population share dropped nearly 10 percentage points, to 69.1%. ![\\"Fig1\\"](\\" content/uploads/2020/07/2020.07.01_BrookingsMetro_Fig1.png?fit=400%2C9999px&quality=1#038;ssl=1\\") The new data shows that, by 2019, the white population share declined nearly nine more percentage points, to 60.1%. The Latino or Hispanic and Asian American population shares showed the most marked gains, at 18.5% and nearly 6%, respectively. While these groups fluctuated over the past 40 years, either upward (for Latinos or Hispanics and Asian Americans) or downward (for whites), the Black share of the population remained relatively constant. The declining white population share is pervasive across the nation. Since 2010, the white population share declined in all 50 states (though not Washington, D.C.) (download table A), and in 358 of the nation’s 364 metropolitan areas and 3,012 of its 3,141 counties. Moreover, as of 2019, 27 of the 100 largest metropolitan areas have minority-white populations, including the major metropolises of New York, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and Miami—as well as Dallas, Atlanta, and Orlando, Fla., which reached this status by 2010 (download Table B). Most noteworthy is the increased diversity in the younger portion of the population. In 2019, for the first time, more than half of the nation’s population under age 16 identified as a racial or ethnic minority. Among this group, Latino or Hispanic and Black residents together comprise nearly 40% of the population. Given the greater projected growth of all nonwhite racial minority groups compared to whites—along with their younger age structure—the racial diversity of the nation that was already forecasted to flow upward from the younger to older age groups looks to be accelerating. ## A modest but unprecedented decline in the nation’s white population An important finding in the new census data is the decline of the nationwide white population for the third consecutive year. Between 2016 and 2019, the white population declined from 197,845,666 to 197,309,822, in yearly amounts of -97,507, -212,957 and -225,380. This three-year loss of over a half-million whites was enough to counter gains earlier in the decade, in total yielding a loss of white U.S. residents from 2010 to 2019. ![\\"fig2\\"](\\" content/uploads/2020/07/2020.07.01_BrookingsMetro_Fig2.png?fit=400%2C9999px&quality=1#038;ssl=1\\") Even this relatively small white population decline represents a significant demographic marker. First, if the data is confirmed in the full 2020 census, the 2010 to 2020 decade would be the first decade since the first census was taken in 1790 when the white population did not grow. White population gains in recent decades have grown smaller over time, from 11.2 million between 1970 and 1980 down to 2.8 million between 2000 and 2010. But a white population loss between 2010 and 2020 would be unprecedented. Second, the Census Bureau was not projecting white population losses to occur until after 2024. This makes any national population growth even more reliant on other race and ethnic groups. The white demographic decline is largely attributable to its older age structure when compared to other race and ethnic groups. This leads to fewer births and more deaths relative to its population size. In 2019, the white median age was 43.7, compared to 29.8 for Latinos or Hispanics, 34.6 for Black residents, 37.5 for Asian Americans, and 20.9 for persons identifying as two or more races. The new census estimates show that, in contrast to other groups, white Americans sustained a natural decrease (an excess of deaths over births) of 1,073,206 over the 2010 to 2019 period. The loss was partially attenuated by the net gain of 1,056,594 white immigrants. While a white growth decline could be anticipated, it was accentuated in the past few years by a reduction of births among young adult white women (likely a delayed reaction to the Great Recession) and an uptick in deaths, perhaps associated with drug-related “deaths of despair.” Also, as with other race- ethnic groups, white immigration to the U.S. recently slowed. Thus, the projected decline in the white population occurred eight years earlier than census projections predicted, contributing to the lower growth in the total U.S. population. ## Race-ethnic minorities are responsible for all national growth The unanticipated decline in the country’s white population means that other racial and ethnic groups are responsible for generating overall growth. Nationally, the U.S. grew by 19.5 million people between 2010 and 2019—a growth rate of 6.3%. While the white population declined by a fraction of a percent, Latino or Hispanic, Asian American, and Black populations grew by rates of 20%, 29%, and 8.5%, respectively. The relatively small population of residents identifying as two or more races grew by a healthy 30%, and the smaller Native American population grew by 7.6%. For most of these groups, natural increase was the primary contributor to growth. Net immigration accounted for 74% of Asian American growth, but just 24% of Latino or Hispanic growth. ![\\"Fig3\\"](\\" content/uploads/2020/07/2020.07.01_BrookingsMetro_Fig3-03.png?fit=400%2C9999px&quality=1#038;ssl=1\\") When translated into population totals, Latinos or Hispanics contributed 10 million people—over half of the nation’s 2010 to 2019 growth. Asian Americans, Black residents, and persons of two or more races contributed 4.5 million, 3.2 million, and 1.7 million people, respectively. These groups constituted the main engines of the nation’s growth, and are likely to do the same going forward. This is not just the case nationally, but for many individual areas within the United States as well. While white population losses are not evident in all parts of the country, it is fairly pervasive, with the main exceptions being places that attract white internal migrants. Between 2010 and 2019, 27 states and 47 of the 100 largest metropolitan areas showed white population losses. The areas with the largest white population gains were highly represented in the Sun Belt (download Tables C and D). Despite losses in white populations, only four states and eight metropolitan areas experienced total population declines. In all of the other areas with white population losses, other race-ethnic groups more than made up for the decline. Metropolitan Miami, for example, lost 120,000 whites over this period, but gained 600,000 people from other groups, especially Latinos or Hispanics. County map A broader view can be seen by looking at the nation’s 3,100-plus counties. Among them, 2,251 counties—home to nearly 60% of the nation’s residents—sustained losses in their white populations over the 2010 to 2019 period. Yet, in 576 of those (where well over half of that population resides), white losses were more than countered by gains in racial and ethnic minority populations. These include an array of types of places (cities, suburbs, and rural areas) in all parts of the country. Especially represented are those that lie within major metropolitan areas, including New York, Los Angeles, Houston, Washington, D.C., and Miami. ## A decline in the younger population, tempered by nonwhite gains Another notable trend observed in the new census data is an overall decline in the nation’s population under age 25. In a country that is rapidly aging, an absolute decline in this youthful population represents a demographic challenge for the future. A major reason for this decline lies in the fact that a good part of the aforementioned white population loss is concentrated among those under age 25. Low fertility and an aging white adult population (with proportionately fewer women in child-bearing ages) reflects a long-term impediment to future white youth gains. There are two other factors contributing to this decline: a late- decade downturn in white immigration and the fact that the somewhat-larger generation of white millennials began “aging out” of this group, only to be replaced by the smaller-sized Gen Z cohort. ![\\"fig4\\"](\\" content/uploads/2020/07/2020.07.01_BrookingsMetro_Fig4.png?fit=400%2C9999px&quality=1#038;ssl=1\\") To some extent, these factors also contributed to the small losses for Black and Native American populations under age 25. However, these losses have been partially made up for with gains in young populations of Latinos or Hispanics, Asian Americans, and persons of two or more races. The relative youth of the Latino and Hispanic population, in particular, contributes to higher levels of natural increase. Along with Asian Americans, they also benefit from immigration. Hence, the 5.3 million-person decline for white, Black, and Native American populations under age 25 this decade was reduced to a net 1.6 million loss due to the positive contributions of Latinos or Hispanics, Asian Americans, and persons identifying as two or more races. The national white decline in the under-25 population also impacts states and other areas. Since 2010, 29 states sustained losses in this young population, led by California, New York, and Illinois. Each of these states lost young whites and were not able to counter those losses with gains from other groups (download Table E). In 17 additional states, including Texas and Florida, other racial and ethnic groups were able overtake white losses to yield total gains in their young adult populations. Only four states—Utah, North Dakota, Idaho, and South Carolina—showed a gain in white young people over the 2010 to 2019 period. Going forward, growth in America’s youth will become increasingly dependent on nonwhite minority contributions. Related Books Diversity Explosion ![\\"Book](\\" content/uploads/2017/08/9780815732846_fc.jpg?quality=75&w=357\\") Demographics & Population Diversity Explosion William H. Frey July 24, 2018 ## Diversity and America’s future As I have written previously, racial and ethnic diversity will be an essential ingredient of America’s future. The mostly white baby boomer culture that defined the last half of the 20th century is giving way to a more multihued, multicultural nation. The demographic underpinnings for this have been set in place for a while, but the new census data places an exclamation point on them. It suggests that past projections of increased racial and ethnic diversity may have been too cautious given the accelerated aging and decline of the white population. We will know more when the full 2020 census results are released next year. One fact is already clear: As the nation becomes even more racially diverse from the “bottom up” of the age structure, more attention needs to be given to the needs and opportunities for America’s highly diverse younger generations. The demography alone dictates that this will be necessary to ensure success for these youth and the nation as a whole. Related Content American cities saw uneven growth last decade, new census data show ![\\"Buffalo\\"](\\" content/uploads/2020/05/shutterstock_123298231.jpg?quality=75&w=500\\") Demographics & Population American cities saw uneven growth last decade, new census data show William H. Frey May 26, 2020 Even before coronavirus, census shows U.S. cities’ growth was stagnating ![\\"SF](\\" content/uploads/2020/04/2020-03-19T215748Z_1652738359_MT1SIPA000M9A07V_RTRMADP_3_SIPA- USA.jpg?quality=75&w=500\\") Demographics & Population Even before coronavirus, census shows U.S. cities’ growth was stagnating William H. 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Gilbert, Calvin Bell August 29, 2024 Get the latest from Brookings Sign Up * twitter * facebook * linkedin * youtube * instagram The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C. Our mission is to conduct in-depth, nonpartisan research to improve policy and governance at local, national, and global levels. 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The Metformin drug for diabetes patients has been recalled due to an excessive amount of NDMA compound in it which could increase risk of cancer
** Skip to FDA Search * Skip to in this section menu * Skip to footer links ![\\"U.S.](\\"/themes/custom/preview/assets/images/US_Flag.png\\"/) An official website of the United States government Here’s how you know ![\\"Dot](\\"/themes/custom/preview/assets/images/icon-dot-gov.svg\\") The .gov means it’s official.Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you\'re on a federal government site. ![\\"SSL\\"](\\"/themes/custom/preview/assets/images/icon- The site is secure. The ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating content to reflect these changes. # U.S. Food and Drug Administration * Search * Menu Search FDA Submit search ## Featured * Report a Product Problem * Contact FDA * FDA Guidance Documents * Recalls, Market Withdrawals and Safety Alerts * Press Announcements * Warning Letters * Advisory Committees * En Español ## Products * Food * Drugs * Medical Devices * Radiation-Emitting Products * Vaccines, Blood, and Biologics * Animal and Veterinary * Cosmetics * Tobacco Products ## Topics * About FDA * Combination Products * Regulatory Information * Safety * Emergency Preparedness * International Programs * News and Events * Training and Continuing Education * Inspections and Compliance * Science and Research ## Information For * Consumers * Patients * Industry * Health Professionals * Federal, State and Local Officials In this section: Consumer Updates * Consumer Updates * Animal & Veterinary * Children\'s Health * Cosmetics * Dietary Supplements * Drugs * Food * Medical Devices * Nutrition * Radiation-Emitting Products * Tobacco Products * Vaccines, Blood & Biologics * Artículos para el consumidor en español 1. Home 2. For Consumers 3. Consumer Updates 4. What to Know and Do About Possible Nitrosamines in Your Medication 1. Consumer Updates # What to Know and Do About Possible Nitrosamines in Your Medication Subscribe to Email Updates * Share * Post * Linkedin * Email * Print Image ![\\"photo](\\"/files/styles/main_image_medium/public/Nitrosamines-in-Your- Medication_1600x900_CU-Main-IMG.png?itok=cIYmQh8M\\") Español Patient safety is the FDA’s top priority. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is investigating several potentially cancer-causing substances, called nitrosamines, recently found in some drugs, including those used to treat elevated blood pressure, heartburn, acid reflux, and diabetes. Some of these drugs from certain manufacturers – including angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), ranitidine, nizatidine, and metformin – have been recalled because of nitrosamine impurities. The FDA has requested manufacturers withdraw all ranitidine (brand name Zantac) products on the U.S. market. The FDA knows this is a concern. Most recently, the FDA announced that its testing showed levels of the nitrosamine N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in some samples of the extended release (ER) formulation of the diabetes medicine metformin that exceed the agency’s acceptable intake limit. The FDA requested that five manufacturers of those medicines voluntarily recall metformin ER with NDMA above the acceptable intake limit. The agency is also asking all manufacturers of ER versions of metformin to evaluate their risk of excessive NDMA and to test at-risk products before each batch is released onto the U.S. market. If testing shows NDMA above the acceptable intake limit, the manufacturer should inform the agency and should not release the batch to the U.S. market. The FDA continues to work with manufacturers to investigate the source of nitrosamines in drug products and whether they are at a level that may pose risks to human health. The FDA and manufacturers are testing samples of certain medications that may contain nitrosamines and will continue to take quick and appropriate action when needed to protect American consumers. So, what are nitrosamines? Nitrosamines are organic compounds that we are exposed to in our everyday lives. They exist in low levels in our water and foods, including meat, vegetables, and dairy products. Nitrosamines come from chemical reactions and can form in drugs during manufacturing. These chemicals are scientifically called N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA), and N-Nitroso-N- methyl-4-aminobutyric acid (NMBA). Some nitrosamines may increase the risk of cancer if people are exposed to them above acceptable levels and over long periods of time. People taking drugs that contain NDMA at or below the acceptable intake limits every day for 70 years are not expected to have an increased risk of cancer. Here’s what to do if you’re concerned about your medication: ## Continue to Take Your Medications Don’t abruptly stop taking your prescription medications without first talking to your health care provider. Your health care professional has a more complete picture of your health and health history and can help you make the best decisions for your care. They know about your health condition, including understanding what other drugs have worked for you or not, and can help determine the next steps if your drug has been recalled. Consumers taking nonprescription nizatidine can consider using other over-the- counter (OTC) products to treat their condition. The FDA has requested that manufacturers withdraw all remaining prescription and OTC ranitidine on the U.S. market, known commonly by the brand name Zantac. This means ranitidine will not be available for new or existing prescriptions or OTC use in the U.S. Consumers should stop taking any OTC ranitidine they may currently have. Patients currently taking prescription ranitidine should contact their health care professional to discuss alternatives before they stop taking the medicine. Multiple drugs are approved for the same or similar uses as ranitidine. Consumers should dispose of any ranitidine products properly, and not buy more of it. ## Find Out if Your Medication Is Recalled or Affected If you have a question about your medication or want to find out if it has been recalled, call your pharmacist or the FDA. The FDA’s Division of Drug Information (DDI) will answer almost any drug question. DDI pharmacists are available by email, [email protected], and by phone, 1-855-543-DRUG (3784) and 301-796-3400. For general recall information, visit the FDA website. The FDA also has specific pages for metformin, ARBs (valsartan, losartan and irbesartan), which are used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure, and for ranitidine, which is used to treat acid reflux. If your medication is not recalled or withdrawn, continue to take it, and stay informed. Sign up for FDA email alerts about your medications here to get timely updates. ## What to Do if Your Medication Has Been Recalled If your medication is affected by a recall, call your pharmacy. They’ll know if the specific batch dispensed to you is part of the recall. If it was, talk to your pharmacist and health care provider to discuss your options, including switching to another medication, so that you don’t go without treatment. The FDA encourages patients to talk to their health care professional if they have questions about their medicine, as the risks of stopping their medicine may outweigh the potential risk of exposure to nitrosamines. The FDA and the international scientific community do not expect nitrosamines to cause harm when ingested at low levels. The FDA urges patients to continue to take their medications and check with their health care professionals about alternative treatments if needed. For more information, visit these FDA pages for answers to your questions about nitrosamine impurities found in ranitidine, ARBs, and metformin. * ## Content current as of: 06/02/2020 * ## Regulated Product(s) * Drugs * Consumer Updates * Animal & Veterinary * Children\'s Health * Cosmetics * Dietary Supplements * Drugs * Food * Medical Devices * Nutrition * Radiation-Emitting Products * Tobacco Products * Vaccines, Blood & Biologics * Artículos para el consumidor en español ## Consumer Updates Email Subscribe to receive Consumer Updates email notifications. 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The Metformin drug for diabetes patients has been recalled due to an excessive amount of NDMA compound in it which could increase risk of cancer
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What risk does it pose, what’s the chemistry behind it, and how are drugmakers going to stop the contamination? ##### by Leigh Krietsch Boerner ##### April 20, 2020 | A version of this story appeared in Volume 98, Issue 15 ![\\"Opening](\\"/content/dam/cen/static/images/dev/thumbnail- profiles/placeholder.jpg\\"/) Credit: Chris Gash ###### Advertisement Most Popular in Pharmaceuticals * FDA approves Cobenfy, a first-in-class schizophrenia drug * R&D for long COVID is collapsing * New schizophrenia medications could signal a comeback for psychiatric drugs * How Pfizer scientists transformed an old drug lead into a COVID-19 antiviral * Without these lipid shells, there would be no mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 The peak was gigantic. But David Light, a molecular biologist and CEO of the analytical pharmacy Valisure, had seen plenty of big peaks in mass spectra before. This one was at 74 _m_ /_z_ , a mass-to-charge value at which _N_ -nitrosodimethylamine, known as NDMA, might show up. It was 2019, and Valisure had just started checking all its batches of medicines for carcinogens. #### In brief In the past few years, scientists have found the potential carcinogen N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in multiple pharmaceuticals. While the amounts of the contaminant in the drugs are generally low, some levels have been above the US Food and Drug Administration’s acceptable daily limit, potentially exposing tens of millions of people to a slightly increased risk of cancer. Many of the affected drugs have been recalled, and industry and other labs are scrambling to figure out where the contaminants came from. But there seem to be multiple sources. Read on to learn about those sources and how firms are responding to regulatory agencies’ deadlines to find the origins of the probable carcinogen and get the amounts of NDMA within acceptable levels. A research associate was using the company’s gas chromatography/mass spectrometry instrument to test one of the first drugs on the firm’s list: an acid reflux baby syrup prescribed to the company cofounder’s daughter. The intensity of the 74 m/z peak was so high that the scientist reran the sample several times to make sure it wasn’t a mistake. Then she took the spectrum to Light. The syrup contained ranitidine, commonly prescribed for heartburn. The scientists would later attribute the intensity of the peak to the conditions under which they analyzed the sample, but the spectrum still indicated that the syrup contained NDMA. The problem with that is NDMA is a probable carcinogen. NDMA is an N-nitrosamine, a type of compound that has the generic chemical structure R2N–N=O, a deprotonated amine bonded to a nitroso group. N-nitrosamines are generally formed when a secondary or tertiary amine reacts with a nitrosating agent. The compounds are found at low levels in many foods, such as roasted meats, cheese, and beer, because of cooking and fermentation processes. The discovery at Valisure wasn’t an isolated incident. In the past few years, private, pharmaceutical, and regulatory agency labs around the world have been finding NDMA and other N-nitrosamine contaminants in various drugs. In 2018, the first discovery was made in a drug containing the active pharmaceutical ingredient valsartan by the drug’s maker, Novartis. Valsartan is an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) used to treat high blood pressure. Since this discovery, NDMA and similar compounds have been found in at least six drugs that are taken by tens of millions of people each year. Because these N-nitrosamine contaminants are possible carcinogens, regulatory agencies have been deeming the drugs unsafe for people to take and recalling them from shelves. Valsartan was recalled in July 2018, followed that October by irbesartan and in November by losartan, two other ARBs also found to contain NDMA and the related compound N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA). In September 2019, the FDA alerted the public to the presence of NDMA in certain lots of ranitidine, available over the counter as Zantac, and manufacturers pulled it from the shelves in the next few months. Nizatidine, another heartburn medication, was recalled by manufacturer Mylan in January 2020. And most recently, the FDA suggested that manufacturers of ranitidine recall all lots and types of these medications. NDMA has also been found in metformin, a diabetes drug taken by over 15.8 million people worldwide. Since May 2020, various companies have recalled more than 170 products containing metformin. The FDA website has a full, searchable list of these products. ![\\"Structure](\\"/content/dam/cen/static/images/dev/thumbnail- profiles/placeholder.jpg\\") The amounts of N-nitrosamines in these drugs may not reach levels that pose a significant risk for patients, but the discovery of the contaminants and the recall of the drugs have caused disruptions for patients across the globe. Meanwhile, drug companies, under the direction of regulatory agencies, are scrambling to figure out how NDMA ended up in such a wide range of medicines and to figure out how to prevent contamination in the future. Experts in the pharmaceutical field point to multiple sources, including side reactions from drug syntheses, the breakdown of unstable drug compounds, and contamination from recycled solvents used in manufacturing. These contaminants may have been present in our drugs for years, but we didn’t know to look for them, many experts say. In response to this revelation, regulatory agencies are asking companies the question: How can we prevent this from happening again with other potentially harmful contaminants? ### What is the NDMA risk? ![\\"Structures](\\"/content/dam/cen/static/images/dev/thumbnail- profiles/placeholder.jpg\\") NDMA is all around us. We’re exposed to it in many ways, but the main sources tend to be tobacco, cured meats such as bacon, fermented foods such as beer and cheese, shampoo and cleansers, and detergents and pesticides. In bacon, for example, NDMA formation occurs when nitrite preservatives react with amines and amino acids in the meat during cooking. NDMA is classified as a group 2A carcinogen, or “probably carcinogenic to humans,” according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer. This means that there isn’t any direct evidence that the compound causes cancer in humans, but it’s likely that it does because it has caused cancer in animals. Both the FDA and Health Canada set an acceptable intake limit for NDMA of 0.096 µg per day on the basis of animal studies. The amount of NDMA that’s been found in pharmaceuticals has varied widely and depended on who did the testing, what manufacturer the drug came from, and what batch of medication was tested. For the diabetes drug metformin, private labs have detected up to 1.06 µg per dose, more than 10 times the daily recommended limit. For valsartan, one of the recalled lots of the drug contained an amount over 200 times that limit, according to the FDA’s testing. But testing by other agencies couldn’t find NDMA in the majority of valsartan lots. The amounts of NDMA found in nizatidine and ranitidine have also varied widely. According to Health Canada, the average levels of NDMA found in these pharmaceuticals are not expected to pose a significant increase in cancer risk. “A person taking a drug that contains NDMA at or below the acceptable intake every day for 70 years is not expected to have an increased risk of cancer,” representatives say in an email statement to C&EN. The FDA estimates that if 8,000 people took valsartan at the highest recommended therapeutic dose for 4 years while the drug was contaminated, there would be one additional case of cancer. ![\\"Image](\\"/content/dam/cen/static/images/dev/thumbnail- profiles/placeholder.jpg\\") Credit: Shutterstock Along with several other medicines, Zantac, which contains ranitidine, has been recalled by the US Food and Drug Administration. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has also said that there is a low risk of getting cancer from NDMA contamination in medicine. Citing the EMA, Pär Tellner, director of regulatory affairs at the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), says that no one is suggesting that these medications are toxic. “We’re talking about a small increase in risk of cancers,” he says. Patients should continue to take their blood pressure medications, “because it is more important to control your blood pressure,” he says. “I think you need to put this into some sort of perspective and not panic.” Still, because people taking drugs with N-nitrosamine impurities over long periods may have even a small increased risk of cancer, the FDA decided to recall some of these medications. The recalls have caused disruptions, especially for doctors and the tens of millions of people in the world who take the drugs to treat chronic illnesses. The sartan group includes irbesartan, valsartan, and losartan—the last of which is part of the World Health Organization Model List of Essential Medicines. Worldwide in 2017, about 10 million people took losartan, over 2.3 million took irbesartan, and around 1.8 million people took valsartan, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Alternatives to the sartans exist, but switching to a different medication can be problematic, says Erin Michos, director of women’s cardiovascular health and associate professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University. Many of her patients were on antihypertensive drugs that had been recalled. “These are patients that were stable on their medications,” she says. “Suddenly you’re switching their meds around, and now they have to kind of start over with trying to find the right dose.” We’re talking about a small increase in risk of cancers. . . . I think you need to put this into some sort of perspective and not panic. Pär Tellner, director of regulatory affairs, European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations For blood pressure medications specifically, a new drug may make the patient’s blood pressure too high or too low, and finding the right dose of a new drug may take multiple tweaks, Michos says. This means more doctor visits, more monitoring, and more resources such as laboratory tests. And in the case of the sartan recalls, as time went on, the FDA suggested to more manufacturers that they pull more of these drugs off the market. “Sometimes we’d switch to one ARB only to find the one we switched to was recalled as well,” Michos says. Related: Finding benzene everywhere we look As a result of this hassle and confusion, patients are losing faith in the health-care system, she says. “With this loss of trust between patients and their doctors and trust in their drug supply, it’s even harder to convince patients to take medications they need,” she adds. For instance, several of her patients thought that the danger of getting cancer from NDMA contamination was high, she says, so “they stopped the medicine, not realizing the risk to them is actually quite small.” Michos says she even had patients who stopped taking medications that hadn’t been recalled. ![\\"Gas](\\"/content/dam/cen/static/images/dev/thumbnail- profiles/placeholder.jpg\\") Credit: Valisure/C&EN Valisure ran a 150 mg tablet of Zantac on a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer and got this spectrum. The analytical method exposed the medicine to 130 °C for 15 min, which caused the ranitidine to degrade to NDMA. This spectrum is zoomed in on the range 73.70 to 74.70 m/z, which is where NDMA falls. ### Where is NDMA coming from? How NDMA ended up in these medications differs from drug to drug. “How to form NDMA is well known,” says Ron Najafi, founder and CEO of Emery Pharma, a contract research organization that has run NDMA tests on multiple pharmaceuticals. By taking what is known about NDMA formation and combining it with knowledge of drug structures and synthesis routes, scientists at regulatory agencies, pharmaceutical companies, private labs, and consulting firms have pieced together possible sources for some of the contamination. The FDA says that the source can be related to the drug’s manufacturing process or even the conditions under which the compounds are stored and packaged. “That explains a little bit why we saw NDMA in varying levels, even in the same drug from the same manufacturer,” says Janet Woodcock, the director of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. In terms of making NDMA, it’s simple, Valisure’s Light says: “You have two components to NDMA, the N and the DMA,” referring to the nitroso group (N) and the dimethylamine (DMA). To get NDMA formation, you have to get both components near each other. Some of the recalled drugs have both of these pieces built right into their structures, while others do not. This variability makes it difficult to suss out sources and routes for each drug. “It all adds up to a very, very complex picture that can have an impact across a wide range of different drugs,” says Andrew Teasdale, senior principal scientist in impurity management and external advocacy at AstraZeneca, who’s been looking into the issue as it relates to AstraZeneca’s pipeline (Org. Process Res. Dev. 2019, DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.9b00535). For example, with valsartan, there’s neither an N nor a DMA in the final drug, Light says. Ultimately, scientists traced the contamination back to a change in valsartan’s synthesis. The antihypertensive drug contains a tetrazole ring, which is an aromatic five-membered ring with one carbon atom and four nitrogens. For many years, the synthesis for this compound, developed by Novartis, used tributyltin azide to form the tetrazole, with xylene as a solvent. However, in 2014, China’s Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical, which makes valsartan for some companies, filed a patent for an improved method for forming the tetrazole ring. The new route involved swapping out tributyltin azide for sodium azide, which leads to higher yields. The firm also changed the solvent from xylene to dimethylformamide. The new solvent can break down into DMA. So all you would need in order to form NDMA in this situation is some form of a nitrosating agent, Light says. And in this new synthesis, chemists needed a way to get rid of excess sodium azide, so they added sodium nitrite—a possible source of that N. ![\\"A](\\"/content/dam/cen/static/images/dev/thumbnail- profiles/placeholder.jpg\\") One possible mechanism for the formation of NDMA involves the generation of a nitrosonium ion from a nitrite ion (top) and then a subsequent reaction with dimethylamine to form NDMA (bottom). “As a consequence of changing the chemistry, they introduced the specific risk factors that are needed to ultimately generate N-nitrosamine,” AstraZeneca’s Teasdale says. ###### Advertisement Meanwhile, with ranitidine, the NDMA didn’t come from an overlooked side reaction but from the compound itself. This possible breakdown reaction has been known, Light says. “There’s 4 decades of academic research that has been talking about [NDMA] having a carcinogenic potential, specifically from ranitidine,” he says. “[Ranitidine] can even react with itself.” Ranitidine is a fundamentally unstable drug, Light says. Over time, the molecule goes through a self-degradation process to form NDMA. There’s a lot of speculation about the exact mechanism, but the drug features both amines and a nitrite source, Najafi says. With heat, the degradation happens faster. So if batches of the drug sit in a storage area, NDMA can slowly start forming. Najafi doubts that ranitidine will ever come back to the market, but if it does, it will need to be shipped under temperature-controlled conditions and have a warning label that it’s temperature sensitive. Woodcock says that if manufacturers want to make the drug available again, they would have to demonstrate that the formulation would be stable in any storage conditions that the medicines might encounter. Ranitidine’s tendency to self-degrade also complicated the tests that Valisure and other firms ran on it. Many of the methods to measure NDMA used by the FDA and other labs involve heating the sample, which means that labs initially saw high levels of the contaminant in their tests, like the huge peaks in Valisure’s baby syrup. As a consequence, the FDA, Valisure, and Emery Pharma all developed low-temperature testing methods for ranitidine. In the case of metformin, scientists still aren’t sure exactly where the NDMA contamination is coming from. The compound does not have an N, but it does have a DMA, Light says. “It’s a very simple drug and literally a one-step chemical process,” Teasdale says. One of its starting materials is the DMA. “If there’s any sort of nitrosating agent, even in trace levels, it could ultimately lead to that nitrosation of that starting material to form an N-nitrosamine.” The nitrosating agent could come from any part of the drug manufacturing process, Light says. And drawing a line backward to find the source of contamination is not an easy undertaking. “You’ve got to look at the whole supply chain right now” to see where the contamination could have originated, says Jim Bruno, director of the consulting firm Chemical and Pharmaceutical Solutions. Maybe the reactors weren’t cleaned properly and NDMA or a nitrosating agent was left behind after synthesizing another drug. To conserve resources, companies sometimes recycle solvents during syntheses, and those solvents could have been previously used in a process in which NDMA formation could occur. “It’s like a domino effect,” Teasdale says. Some scientists even think contamination may be coming from drug packaging. The FDA says that many pharmaceutical firms have been testing blister packaging and have found low levels of NDMA under certain conditions. That contaminants might be coming from multiple places makes finding the source that much harder, Teasdale says. “It significantly widens the scope of any investigation because it’s no longer just about the chemistry, and the number of drugs that could be impacted can be much, much higher,” he says. Bruno also thinks it’s possible that these N-nitrosamine contaminants have been in our drugs for a while. In the past, he says, scientists didn’t have methods of analysis that could detect very small amounts. “But suddenly we’ve got these great methods, so we can see these kinds of things,” leading chemists to detect compounds that they weren’t formerly aware of in pharmaceuticals, Bruno says. He thinks if scientists in the past used today’s instrumentation to look at well-established drugs, it’s possible they would have found unexpected contaminants. “It’s not that the impurities weren’t there; it’s that we just couldn’t see them,” he says. Related: Benzene found in Bayer antifungal spray drugs The potential for the formation of N-nitrosamine impurities in certain drugs was not recognized by regulators and industry until recently, a spokesperson at Health Canada says, which is why this kind of risk assessment wasn’t done during the initial drug approval process. A spokesperson at the FDA echoed this statement: “Before we undertook this analysis, neither regulators nor industry fully understood how the nitrosamines could form during the manufacturing process.” But regulatory agencies are looking for them now. “It’s very clear that if [NDMA contamination] appears in a number of products, then you need to take a step back and really make sure that you do not have this problem in more products,” Tellner of the EFPIA says. Sneaky contaminant There is a wide range of levels of the probable carcinogen _N_ -nitrosodimethylamine in select pharmaceuticals, as measured by the US Food and Drug Administration, and in select foods. Some drug batches had no NDMA detectable, while others had high amounts. ![\\"Graphic](\\"/content/dam/cen/static/images/dev/thumbnail- profiles/placeholder.jpg\\") Credit: C&EN Sources: US Food and Drug Administration, 2018–20; Toxicol. Res. 2015, DOI: 10.5487/TR.2015.31.3.279; Scanlan, Richard A. “Nitrosamines.” In Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2nd ed., edited by Benjamin Caballero. Academic Press, 2003. a The amount of NDMA is for 12 g of bacon (one slice). b The amount of NDMA is for 42.52 g of cheese. ### What is being done? Now that regulatory agencies are aware this problem exists, they’re pushing companies to act. Both the EMA and Health Canada have released guidelines directing the pharmaceutical industry to perform risk evaluations of all drugs and review manufacturing processes to find any risk of creating N-nitrosamine impurities. This involves all the major pharmaceutical companies, Teasdale says. AstraZeneca is evaluating its entire drug portfolio. “This is looking at all of the different risk factors, primarily focused on the chemistry but also looking at things like packaging and any contribution coming from the formulated product,” Teasdale adds. The EMA released its guidelines in September 2019 and gave companies 3 years to complete all the mandated steps. The first step is an initial assessment of high-risk products, originally due on March 26. This date has since been pushed back to Oct. 1 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Canada released similar guidelines in December 2019 and gave industry 2 years to get nitrosamine impurities to below acceptable limits in all drugs. The FDA has yet to put out any guidance on the matter but is planning to soon, according to Woodcock. What companies will do after this initial assessment depends on what they find and where they find it, Tellner says. If NDMA is found in a drug, it may or may not be pulled from the market. “It depends on if alternative products exist on the market that you could switch to until this has been corrected,” he says. “This kind of assessment needs to be made by [regulatory agencies] and the company.” Either way, Bruno, a consultant, doubts that the results of these internal assessments will be made public. And what about new drugs in development? For drugs coming onto the market, an NDMA check is now likely to be part of the testing process, Bruno says. If companies see a possible NDMA-forming side reaction, he says, they can redesign the process to avoid it. “We obviously need to have increased vigilance in these areas,” Valisure’s Light says. He proposes developing a system that can score drug safety in terms of testing for impurities and how well a manufacturer complies with regulatory oversight. The FDA has talked about the idea of quality scores for drug products and drug manufacturers multiple times, he says. In December 2019, Woodcock released a white paper about holding pharmaceutical makers to a quality management maturity standard to ensure that the US drug supply remains safe. Right now, the FDA just issues warnings to manufacturers if they don’t meet standards, Woodcock says. “We are very interested in putting out some kind of incentive program where we can award recognition to companies that have very high, outstanding quality.” Related: US FDA weighs in on minimizing nitrosamines in drugs This type of quality score could be powerful, Light says, because there’s little transparency of drug quality. “You have that in almost every other business when you buy something.” For instance, if you buy a car, you can check the vehicle’s history report from a company like Carfax, he says, “but with drugs, you just get an orange bottle with pills in it.” And more transparency about monitoring for impurities in drugs is needed. It’s possible that we may find another carcinogen contaminating drugs, Bruno says. “My personal opinion is we’re going to see this again,” because it’s something the pharmaceutical industry has been dealing with knowingly and unknowingly for years. “I’d put money on it.” #### UPDATE This story was updated on May 29, 2020, to add that the FDA recommended the recall of some metformin products on May 28, 2020. This story was updated on July 13, 2020, to add that two companies, Granules Pharmaceuticals and Lupin Pharmaceuticals, recalled metformin products in early July 2020. This story was updated on Oct. 12, 2020, to say that multiple companies have now recalled metformin products since May 2020. The full list of recalled metformin medications can be found here at the FDA website. 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The Metformin drug for diabetes patients has been recalled due to an excessive amount of NDMA compound in it which could increase risk of cancer
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Rainbow fentanyl is a threat to children on Halloween
Accessibility links ** Keyboard shortcuts for audio player * Open Navigation Menu * ![\\"NPR](\\" * Newsletters * NPR Shop Close Navigation Menu * Home * News Expand/collapse submenu for News * National * World * Politics * Business * Health * Science * Climate * Race * Culture Expand/collapse submenu for Culture * Books * Movies * Television * Pop Culture * Food * Art & Design * Performing Arts * Life Kit * Gaming * Music Expand/collapse submenu for Music * Music Features * Tiny Desk * Live Sessions * Hip-Hop 50 * All Songs Considered * Podcasts & Shows Expand/collapse submenu for Podcasts & Shows Daily * ![\\"\\"](\\" Morning Edition * ![\\"\\"](\\" Weekend Edition Saturday * ![\\"\\"](\\" Weekend Edition Sunday * ![\\"\\"](\\" All Things Considered * ![\\"\\"](\\" Fresh Air * ![\\"\\"](\\" Up First Featured * ![\\"\\"](\\" The NPR Politics Podcast * ![\\"\\"](\\" Throughline * ![\\"\\"](\\" Trump\'s Trials * ![\\"\\"](\\" Wild Card with Rachel Martin * More Podcasts & Shows * Search * Newsletters * NPR Shop * ![\\"NPR](\\" ![\\"NPR](\\" * Music Features * Tiny Desk * Live Sessions * Hip-Hop 50 * All Songs Considered * About NPR * Diversity * Support * Careers * Press * Ethics How concerns over rainbow fentanyl became this year\'s Halloween\'s monster Experts say misinformation about candy laced with drugs happens every Halloween. But public alarm from a DEA warning about bright-colored fentanyl pills remains. ### National # Unfounded fears about rainbow fentanyl become the latest Halloween boogeyman Updated October 31, 202210:27 AM ET Originally published October 31, 20225:30 AM ET By Giulia Heyward ![\\"\\"](\\" Enlarge this image Experts say misinformation about candy laced with drugs happens every Halloween. Stefani Reynolds/Getty Images **hide caption** **toggle caption** Stefani Reynolds/Getty Images Experts say misinformation about candy laced with drugs happens every Halloween. Stefani Reynolds/Getty Images Forget horror movies, haunted houses or decorations that seem a little too realistic. For many, paranoia around drug-laced candy can make trick-or- treating the ultimate scare. \"We\'ve pretty much stopped believing in ghosts and goblins, but we believe in criminals,\" said Joel Best, a professor of criminology and criminal justice at the University of Delaware. \"We tell each other scary stories about Halloween criminals and it resonates. It takes the underlying cultural message of the holiday — spooky stuff — and links it to contemporary fears.\" Sponsor Message ![\\"Is](\\" fentanyl-m30_sq-88363811661931ac1c9a516c3520999c78ff0dff.jpg?s=100&c=15&f=jpeg\\"/) ### National ### Is \'rainbow fentanyl\' a threat to your kids this Halloween? Experts say no Although it\'s normal to hear concerns over what a child may receive when they go trick-or-treating, misinformation this year has been particularly persistent. In August, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration alerted the public to the existence of bright-colored fentanyl pills that resemble candy — now dubbed \"rainbow fentanyl.\" The DEA warned that the pills were a deliberate scheme by drug cartels to sell addictive fentanyl to children and young people. Although the agency didn\'t mention Halloween specifically, people remain alarmed this holiday following the DEA\'s warning. Drug experts, however, say that there is no new fentanyl threat to kids this Halloween. Best said that in the decades he\'s spent researching this topic, he\'s never once found \"any evidence that any child has ever been killed, or seriously hurt, by a treat found in the course of trick-or-treating.\" Brandon del Pozo, an assistant professor of medicine and health services at Brown University, also points to a general sense of fear and paranoia connected to the pandemic, crime rates and the overdose epidemic. \"There\'s just enough about fentanyl that is true in this case that makes it a gripping narrative,\" del Pozo said. \"It is extremely potent. There are a lot of counterfeit pills that are causing fatal overdoses and the cartels have, in fact, added color to those pills. And tobacco and alcohol companies have used color to promote their products to a younger audience.\" Sponsor Message Dr. Ryan Marino, medical toxicologist, emergency physician and addiction medicine specialist at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, also points to the upcoming midterm elections. ![\\"In](\\" ddce2b843a9a3ee3661728c7db145ab8db4044cf.jpg?s=100&c=15&f=jpeg\\"/) ### Elections ### In close races, Republicans attack Democrats over fentanyl and the overdose crisis \"It also seems to have become heavily politicized because this is a very tense election year with very intense partisan politics,\" he said. \"It also seems as if people are using fentanyl for political purposes.\" Sheila Vakharia, the deputy director of the department of research and academic engagement at the Drug Policy Alliance, says the attention that misinformation about rainbow fentanyl receives takes away from the realities of the overdose crisis. The drug overdose crisis, she explained, has claimed more than 1 million lives in two decades, and overdose deaths only continue to increase. Nearly 92,000 people died because of a drug overdose in 2020, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. \"When we talk about fentanyl, and we see it in the headlines and we see that people are dying of overdoses involving this drug, we should think: How do we keep people alive?\'\' she said. \'\'And how do we keep the people most at risk of exposure alive?\" ![\\"To](\\" ### Health ### To fight the opioid crisis, Canada tests decriminalizing possession And while the experts believe that parents have little to fear when they take their kids trick or treating on Halloween — and that the attention around rainbow fentanyl will die down — misinformation about drug-laced candy is almost guaranteed to rise up from the dead again. \"I doubt that rainbow fentanyl is going to stick around for a second year,\" Best said. \"But are we going to be worried about Halloween poisoning? Absolutely. We worry about it every year.\" * Halloween * Candy * drugs * fentan * rainbow fentanyl * Facebook * Flipboard * Email ###### Read & Listen * Home * News * Culture * Music * Podcasts & Shows ###### Connect * Newsletters * Facebook * Instagram * Press * Public Editor * Corrections * Contact & Help ###### About NPR * Overview * Diversity * NPR Network * Accessibility * Ethics * Finances ###### Get Involved * Support Public Radio * Sponsor NPR * NPR Careers * NPR Shop * NPR Events * NPR Extra * Terms of Use * Privacy * Your Privacy Choices * Text Only Sponsor Message Become an NPR sponsor By clicking “Accept All Cookies” or continuing, you agree to the use of cookies, similar tracking and storage technologies, and information about your device to enhance your viewing, listening and user experience, personalize content, personalize messages from NPR’s sponsors, provide social media features, and analyze NPR’s traffic. 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Rainbow fentanyl is a threat to children on Halloween
# Access Denied You don\'t have permission to access \" releases/2022/08/30/dea-warns-brightly-colored-fentanyl-used-target-young- americans\" on this server. Reference #18.66055a68.1728236226.1398e273
Rainbow fentanyl is a threat to children on Halloween
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Many drug experts say that\'s likely not happening. ### National # Is \'rainbow fentanyl\' a threat to your kids this Halloween? Experts say no October 11, 20225:00 AM ET Heard on Morning Edition ![\\"Headshot](\\" Brian Mann #### Is \'rainbow fentanyl\' a threat to your kids this Halloween? Experts say no ********Listen** ** · 4:32 ** ** 4:32 Toggle more options * Download * ******Embed** Embed `**<** iframe src=\" width=\"100%\" height=\"290\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\" title=\"NPR embedded audio player\">` * Transcript ![\\"\\"](\\" fentanyl-m30_wide-0e1ba48b817efae4e711aff28c8d9c0dae1330e8.jpg?s=1100&c=85&f=jpeg\\"/) Enlarge this image In August 2022, the Drug Enforcement Administration and law enforcement partners seized brightly colored rainbow fentanyl pills in 18 states. Drug Enforcement Administration **hide caption** **toggle caption** Drug Enforcement Administration In August 2022, the Drug Enforcement Administration and law enforcement partners seized brightly colored rainbow fentanyl pills in 18 states. Drug Enforcement Administration The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has been raising a terrifying alarm in recent weeks. According to the DEA, bright-colored fentanyl pills designed to hook children have been spotted in nearly two dozen states. The DEA says they identified a deliberate new marketing scheme by Mexican cartels and street dealers who want the pills to \"look like candy to children and young people.\" \"It looks like candy,\" DEA Administrator Anne Milgram told NBC News. \"In fact, some of the drug traffickers have nicknamed it Sweet Tarts, Skittles.\" The DEA alert didn\'t mention Halloween, but fears about \"rainbow\" fentanyl and the holiday went viral. Sponsor Message In an interview on Fox News, Milgram was asked whether parents should worry about candy gathered by kids trick-or-treating. \"We have not seen any connection to Halloween,\" Milgram said. ### DEA warning meets skepticism from drug experts Drug policy experts contacted by NPR agree there\'s no new fentanyl threat this Halloween. Many are also skeptical of the DEA\'s original warning. They don\'t believe Mexican drug cartels and street dealers have launched any new campaign targeting children. \"I don\'t see any evidence that the DEA has produced that supports that conjecture,\" said Nabarun Dasgupta, a researcher studying illegal drugs at the University of North Carolina. Dasgupta\'s lab tests illegally manufactured opioid pills collected from across the United States. He says colored pills like the ones highlighted in the DEA warning are on the streets but that it\'s nothing new. \"We get them almost on a daily basis,\" he said. \"We see pinks and purples, yellow, green, red, aqua, fuchsia. It\'s a pretty wide palette. Blue is the predominant color, but it\'s not surprising to see any of those.\" ![\\"\\"](\\" fentanyl-2-multnomah-county- sheriff_wide-d5d6d9d33681e5bc5afbdb303b51d11fe3abac6a.jpg?s=1100&c=50&f=jpeg\\"/) Enlarge this image The Drug Enforcement Administration says rainbow fentanyl is being seized in multiple forms, including pills, powder and blocks that resemble the chalk kids use to color on sidewalks. Multnomah County Sheriff/Drug Enforcement Administration **hide caption** **toggle caption** Multnomah County Sheriff/Drug Enforcement Administration The Drug Enforcement Administration says rainbow fentanyl is being seized in multiple forms, including pills, powder and blocks that resemble the chalk kids use to color on sidewalks. Multnomah County Sheriff/Drug Enforcement Administration Indeed, street drug experts contacted by NPR say traffickers have long used bright colors in their products for reasons that have nothing to do with children. Sponsor Message Dr. Sheila Vakharia, head of research for an addiction think-tank called the Drug Policy Alliance, said dealers use colors, stamps and other markers \"to distinguish their product from other products on the street.\" ### Warnings about sidewalk chalk and toy boxes In its warning about dealers marketing fentanyl to young people, the DEA also suggested cartels are coloring blocks of the drug so that it \"resembles sidewalk chalk.\" The DEA also issued an alert about bright-colored fentanyl smuggled in a box of LEGO toys that included a statement from New York City Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell. \"Disguising fentanyl as candy — and concealing it in children\'s toys — will never hide the fact that fentanyl is a deadly poison that harms our communities, our families, and our city,\" Sewell said. But the DEA alert acknowledges the pills appear to have been concealed in the toy box not to attract young people, but as a smuggling tactic meant \"to deter law enforcement attention.\" ### Why would dealers market fentanyl to young children? Drug experts contacted by NPR also questioned whether traffickers, who are driven by profit, would focus on kids. They said selling fentanyl pills deliberately to children would be incredibly risky. The drug is potent and deadly, and the legal penalties for dealing drugs to kids are severe. They also noted that selling to really young kids — who might be drawn to pills that look like candy or sidewalk chalk — would be bad for business. Young children typically lack access to the kind of cash that makes for good repeat customers. Vakharia believes the real public health concern is dealers shaping and coloring pills to look like fentanyl-free opioids from a pharmacy. \"Oftentimes colors are also used to mimic legitimate prescription medications,\" she said. NPR sent a list of questions to the DEA, asking for an interview or for more detailed evidence to support the claim drug dealers are actively using candy- like fentanyl to hook children. Sponsor Message On background, DEA officials said their investigations show traffickers are targeting young people in part by using social media, but they declined to offer specifics. \"College, high school, and even middle school-aged kids might encounter illegal drug sales online,\" according to the statement. \"New drug trends, like fake pills and brightly colored fentanyl, are marketing tactics used to appeal to various customers.\" ### A real crisis and concern about false alarms Everyone contacted for this story agrees fentanyl is a danger. Overdoses hit record levels in the United States last year, with a significant rise in deaths among people age 15 to 34. NPR could find no evidence linking those deaths to \"rainbow\" fentanyl. Brandon del Pozo, an addiction medicine researcher at Brown University, says fears about the very real fentanyl crisis have sometimes given rise to inaccurate information and false alarms. \"Fentanyl\'s a very potent drug that\'s causing a lot of overdose death but it\'s taken on a mythical life of its own,\" he said. Del Pozo, who worked as a police officer in New York and Vermont, says in some instances drug scares that aren\'t based on good science are shared by law enforcement. He points to the belief among some first responders that they can suffer overdoses or other serious health effects by touching fentanyl powder or accidentally inhaling small amounts of the substance. \"There\'s just no evidence,\" del Pozo said. \"There\'s never been a toxicologically confirmed case of that happening with police.\" According to del Pozo, false alarms and drug scares matter because they distract attention from the need for better health care and addiction treatment at a moment when more than 100,000 Americans are dying from overdoses each year. \"We\'re forgoing good solid basic public health and safety information that could be used to reverse overdoses, link people to treatment and save lives,\" he said. Sponsor Message Again, there\'s no evidence of any heightened risk from fentanyl linked to Halloween. The Food and Drug Administration does offer a list of safety tips every October. The FDA recommends kids only accept candy that is commercially wrapped, advising parents to examine sweets for any signs of tampering. * DEA * Drug Enforcement Administration * fentanyl * Facebook * Flipboard * Email ###### Read & Listen * Home * News * Culture * Music * Podcasts & Shows ###### Connect * Newsletters * Facebook * Instagram * Press * Public Editor * Corrections * Contact & Help ###### About NPR * Overview * Diversity * NPR Network * Accessibility * Ethics * Finances ###### Get Involved * Support Public Radio * Sponsor NPR * NPR Careers * NPR Shop * NPR Events * NPR Extra * Terms of Use * Privacy * Your Privacy Choices * Text Only Sponsor Message Become an NPR sponsor By clicking “Accept All Cookies” or continuing, you agree to the use of cookies, similar tracking and storage technologies, and information about your device to enhance your viewing, listening and user experience, personalize content, personalize messages from NPR’s sponsors, provide social media features, and analyze NPR’s traffic. 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Rainbow fentanyl is a threat to children on Halloween
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News Releases 3. Warning Rainbow Fentanyl Ahead Halloween # Warning of Rainbow Fentanyl Ahead of Halloween View PDF Release Date Oct 25, 2022 Contact Kylie Mason Phone 850-245-0150 ![\\"News](\\"/img/page/77FD8077FEF61616852588E6004EABBC/0_84_OpenElement_amp_FieldElemFormat_jpg.jpg\\") Approx. 15,000 pills seized by the DEA were found in candy containers. – U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration TALLAHASSEE, Fla.—Attorney General Ashley Moody is warning parents about the dangers of rainbow fentanyl ahead of Halloween. Law enforcement nationwide is seizing bright colored fentanyl that resembles candy—some of these deadly drugs are being found in toy and candy boxes. With Halloween around the corner, Attorney General Moody held a news conference today in Tampa to spread the word about the danger rainbow fentanyl poses to kids and young adults. Attorney General Ashley Moody said, “Halloween can be scary, but nowhere near as scary as rainbow colored fentanyl that looks like candy and can be lethal in minute doses. Whether these drugs are being transported in candy boxes or mixed with other common drugs and sold to unsuspecting users, the threat posed to the safety of kids and young adults is very real. Just one pill laced with fentanyl can kill, so parents please talk to your children about the dangers posed by this extremely lethal drug.” Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister said, “While children are focused on what costume they’ll wear and what goodies they’ll pick up while trick-or-treating, I urge parents to make sure to focus on their safety this Halloween. The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office wants to remind everyone to walk in groups, never eat open or homemade treats, look both ways before crossing the street, and if you’re driving, please take extra caution to look out for those little ghosts or goblins.” Families Against Fentanyl Founder James Rauh said, \"Illicit fentanyl is already the number one cause of death among Americans ages 18 to 45, and now we\'re seeing an alarming increase in news reports of toddlers being killed by this poison, unaware of what they\'re ingesting. I commend Attorney General Moody for calling attention to this dangerous threat, and taking action to save lives from this scourge.\" ![\\"News](\\"/img/page/77FD8077FEF61616852588E6004EABBC/63_48FA_OpenElement_amp_FieldElemFormat_jpg.jpg\\") An example of how much fentanyl it takes to be a deadly dose. – U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Fentanyl is a highly lethal synthetic opioid and just two milligrams can be deadly. In the last few months, law enforcement seized nearly 85 pounds of fentanyl in Florida, enough to kill everyone in 66 of Florida’s 67 counties. Extreme precaution must be taken as even the DEA is warning parents about rainbow fentanyl after recently seizing 12,000 fentanyl pills in popular Halloween candy packages at the Los Angeles airport, approximately 15,000 colored-fentanyl pills in Nerds candy boxes and Skittles candy bags, as well as another approximately 15,000 rainbow-colored fentanyl pills in Lego toy boxes—all within the last month. ![\\"News](\\"/img/page/77FD8077FEF61616852588E6004EABBC/86_3898_OpenElement_amp_FieldElemFormat_jpg.jpg\\") Another 15,000 pills were found trafficked in a children’s toy box. – U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that more than 100,000 U.S. citizens died from drug overdose deaths in 2021 alone. Most of these deaths can be traced to synthetic opioids—fentanyl being the main catalyst. Earlier in October, a 10-month-old infant ingested fentanyl and died in Palm Beach County. In January, first responders took three Connecticut middle schoolers to the hospital after an exposure to fentanyl. In September of 2021, a grand jury in Colorado indicted two parents after a toddler died from ingesting exposed fentanyl in the home. ![\\"News](\\"/img/page/77FD8077FEF61616852588E6004EABBC/112_1E_OpenElement_amp_FieldElemFormat_jpg.jpg\\") ![\\"News](\\"/img/page/77FD8077FEF61616852588E6004EABBC/114_4B62_OpenElement_amp_FieldElemFormat_jpg.jpg\\") 12,000 pills found in several Halloween candy brands at California airport – U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration While cases of dangerous substances being placed in trick-or-treat baskets may be rare, parents SHOULD ALWAYS inspect Halloween candy. It is uncommon, but there have been reports of drugs being found in trick-or-treating baskets, like in New Jersey, where a mom found heroin in son\'s Halloween candy. In Wisconsin, a parent found meth in a trick-or-treat bag and caused an entire town to throw away gathered Halloween candy. With massive amounts of fentanyl flooding in from Mexico, we know that deadly drugs are more available than years past. Attorney General Moody suggests parents follow the safety tips below: * Throw away any candy that has already been opened or seems to have been tampered with; * Make sure children always remain in eyesight of parents and the other adults in the group; and * Teach kids how to call 911 in case of an emergency. Attorney General Moody asks parents to speak with their older children and young adults about the dangers of illicit drug use. Parents should: * Make clear rules and consequences for children. Even if it is scary for a child, the illicit drugs are far scarier; * Keep it age-appropriate—a drug talk with a child in middle school will be quite different from one with a high schooler or college student; * Talk about how dangerous addiction is and how just one pill can kill; and * Reassure children that they are free to talk about the subject at home because keeping an open conversation is a healthy way to build trust. Attorney General Moody recently recognized Red Ribbon Week, a nationally recognized event to support drug-free lives for all Americans. Attorney General Moody highlighted multiple resources for parents to utilize to help have conversations with their children about the dangers of drug use. For more information, click here. Attorney General Moody released the Fast Facts on Fentanyl Toolkit for parents to help protect children from digital drug dealers online. The toolkit highlights how drug dealers utilize social media to sell illicit substances and warns that those substances may contain deadly amounts of synthetic opioids. To view the Fast Facts on Fentanyl Toolkit, click here. Attorney General Moody continues to warn Floridians that just one pill laced with fentanyl can kill. For more information about the dangers of drug use, and for tips on how to talk to children about illicit drugs, visit ### Resources * AG Opinions * Annual Regulatory Plan * Consumer Protection * Doing Business with the Office * FAQ * Florida Digital Bill of Rights Annual Enforcement Report 2024 * Opioid Settlements * Statement of Agency Organization and Operation ### Quick Links * Consumer Alerts * Military and Veterans Assistance Program * Open Government * Dose of Reality Florida * Request for Proposal for Professional Legal Services * Crime Prevention Summit * Employment * File a Complaint * Human Trafficking Summit * Victim Services * Nicotine Dispensing Device Rule Workshop Agenda * Dozier Claims ![\\"Logo\\"](\\"/img/logo.png\\"/) Office of the Attorney General State of Florida PL-01, The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050 * ![\\"Twitter](\\"/img/x-twitter-gray.svg\\") Privacy Policy | © 2024 State of Florida. 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Photo shows the first case of Monkeypox in Singapore in 2024
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Fact Checked By Dr Priyamvada undefined [shows_reviwer] Published on: September 4, 2024 Last updated on: September 28, 2024 Share Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Linkedin Copy URL ![\\"Monkeypox](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/29133638/fake-news-2-1068x713.jpg\\") ### How does one tell if a child is dyslexic? October 6, 2024 ### Can birth control pills increase my blood pressure? October 5, 2024 ### Do all cancers need radiotherapy? October 4, 2024 ### Diet and vitiligo: Can foods reverse this autoimmune disorder? October 3, 2024 ### How do I check myself for a stomach ulcer? October 2, 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2024/03/29133638/fake-news-2.jpg\\") Last Updated on September 28, 2024 by Dr Priyamvada ### Quick Take A social media post featuring a viral photo claims to show the first case of Monkeypox in Singapore in 2024. However, our fact check finds this claim to be Mostly False. ![\\"Rating](\\" content/uploads/2020/07/16184302/mostly-false.png\\") ### The Claim A viral photo circulating on Facebook claims to show the first case of Monkeypox in Singapore in 2024. The post implies that the outbreak is severe, urging people to take precautions such as wearing masks and avoiding crowds, as the disease is highly contagious. ![\\"Monkeypox](\\" content/uploads/2024/09/04134659/Singapore-Mpox-outbreak-2024-claim- screenshot.jpg\\") ### Fact Check ## Did the viral photo show a new and severe case of Monkeypox in Singapore? No, the viral image circulating on social media is not from Singapore in 2024. After a reverse Google image search we got to know this is an image from Mexico. The image in the Facebook post is originally from October 2022 in Mexico. Then, Mexican infectious disease specialist José Hiram Hernández Jerónimo shared this post. The patient shown in the photo had a severe case of Mpox, with over 250 sores and a compromised immune system. This image has no connection to Singapore’s current situation. The viral post has used an old image out of context, causing unnecessary fear by falsely linking it to a new outbreak in Singapore. Similarly, there was another Facebook post that falsely alleged Trump is advising against lockdowns during the 2024 Mpox outbreak. Therefore, it is extremely important to cross- check every claim you see on social media, as taking things out of context is a very common practice. ## Is Mpox spreading in Singapore in 2024? Yes, Mpox cases have been reported in Singapore in 2024. As of 22 August 2024, Singapore’s Ministry of Health confirmed 13 cases of Mpox. All these cases are of the less severe Clade II type. No cases of the more dangerous Clade I strain have emerged in Singapore. However, the viral image going around doesn’t actually reflect the current Mpox situation in Singapore. The severe case shown in the photo has nothing to do with what’s happening there in 2024. ## What is the Mpox situation in India in 2024? The World Health Organisation (WHO) declared Mpox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) on 14th August 2024 due to the emergence of a new strain, Clade Ib. This strain has spread rapidly, and India has reported 30 cases so far, with one death occurring in Kerala in March 2024. India’s health authorities, including the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), have designated 35 laboratories across the country for testing Mpox, which includes AIIMS, Nagpur. AIIMS, Nagpur has been equipped with kits and reagents for Mpox testing and will continue to monitor cases in Vidarbha and nearby regions. Health experts, including Prof. Dr. Prashant Joshi from AIIMS Nagpur, has advised against panic but urged the public to take precautions. This is especially important for those in high-risk groups such as children, pregnant women, and immunocompromised individuals (people with compromised immunity). Despite this, we keep seeing posts which are trying to create panic and fear among the general public. For example, the claim that the Indian govt has enforced lockdowns to control Mpox outbreak is baseless. ![\\"Dr](\\" Meinkaa-Aakash-Public-health-Senior-Manager-Max.jpg\\") We connected with Dr Meinkaa Aakash, Senior Manager, Office of Public Health & Research, Max Healthcare, New Delhi, to gain some insights regarding the current situation of Mpox in India. She said, “India is taking important steps to protect its people from Mpox and is preparing for any potential outbreaks. After the World Health Organization (WHO) raised concerns globally, the Indian government quickly ramped up its efforts. They’ve boosted their surveillance and monitoring systems, especially at airports and other points of entry. This means travellers from countries with known cases are being screened early, which helps catch and isolate any suspected cases, reducing the chance of the virus spreading.” She further continued, “To keep the public informed, awareness campaigns are helping people recognize the symptoms of Mpox and understand how it spreads. These efforts encourage everyone to seek help if they notice anything unusual. Across the country, hospitals and clinics are now equipped with the right tools to diagnose cases quickly, and healthcare workers have received training to ensure they can safely care for patients.” Dr Meinkaa Aakash also informed us about the steps being taken, “India is also working closely with international organizations like the WHO to stay updated on vaccine recommendations. Meanwhile, hospitals are setting up isolation wards to be ready in case the virus spreads more widely. The country’s healthcare system has come a long way, learning important lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, hospitals are better prepared with stronger infrastructure, more trained staff, and effective systems in place.” She advised not to panic, saying, “Looking ahead, India’s healthcare system is becoming more resilient. Programs like the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) allow for quick detection of outbreaks, and close cooperation with other countries ensures access to the latest information and resources. If a larger outbreak happens, India’s experience in handling vaccination drives and setting up isolation wards will help manage the situation effectively.” ## How does Mpox spread, and should you be worried? Mpox mainly spreads through direct contact with the rash, sores, or bodily fluids of an infected person. It can also spread through contact with contaminated items like bedding or clothing (fomite borne). Importantly, Mpox is not airborne, so it does not spread through the air like COVID-19 or the flu. The symptoms of Mpox include fever, headache, muscle aches, back pain, and a rash that begins in the mouth and spreads to other parts of the body. Lymph node swelling is also common. People who have travelled to areas where Mpox is prevalent or have been in contact with a confirmed case should seek medical advice if they develop these symptoms. Although Mpox can cause complications, it is less contagious than many other viral infections. The best way to stop the spread of Mpox is by keeping up with good hygiene, washing your hands often, and staying away from people who are infected. Also, there are public health measures in place to control the spread of Mpox infection. ## Should masks be worn to prevent Mpox? Wearing masks may help reduce the spread of some viruses, but since Mpox is not airborne, masks are not the primary preventive measure. People with Mpox should wear a well-fitting medical mask if they can’t avoid close contact, like when getting medical care. Others in the household should wear a respirator or a mask when within 6 feet of the infected person for longer periods. Whenever possible, the person with Mpox should handle their own bandages and contaminated linens. They should also use disposable gloves and wash their hands right after. If help is needed, the person assisting should limit contact and wear disposable gloves and a mask. Clothes that touch the rash during bandage changes should be washed immediately, and gloves should be thrown away after use. You should immediately wash your hands after that. The best way to prevent Mpox is by avoiding direct contact with infected individuals and maintaining proper hygiene. Health authorities are closely monitoring the situation and continue to educate the public on the necessary precautions. ## THIP Media Take The viral photo which claims to show a Monkeypox case in Singapore is mostly false. The image is from a severe Mpox case in Mexico in 2022 and has no connection to Singapore’s current cases. Singapore and India have both reported Mpox cases in 2024. But, these are being closely monitored, and the situation is not as severe as the viral post suggests. People should rely on credible health sources like the WHO and local health authorities for accurate information. Practising good hygiene and avoiding close contact with infected individuals are important for staying safe from Mpox. Disclaimer Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can further read our Correction Policy here. Nothing in the content, product, or service should be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We do not endorse or promote any medical, nursing, or other professional healthcare advice, diagnosis, or treatment against the advice of their family physician. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information. ![\\"Dr](\\" priyamvada.jpg\\") Dr Priyamvada With a BDS and MPH degree, Dr Priyamvada aims to bridge the gap between medicinal knowledge and public health. As a healthcare journalist, she strives to empower individuals with evidence-based reporting, fostering informed decision-making and enhancing health literacy. 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Photo shows the first case of Monkeypox in Singapore in 2024
British Broadcasting Corporation Register* Home * News * US Election * Sport * Business * Innovation * Culture * Arts * Travel * Earth * Video * Live RegisterHome News US Election Sport Business Innovation Culture Arts Travel Earth Video Live Audio Weather Newsletters # Why is mpox spreading more rapidly? 13 August 2024 Share Save ![](\\"/bbcx/grey- placeholder.png\\"/)![\\"By](\\" Richard Hollingham Share Save ![\\"Getty](\\" Images Many countries have launched vaccination programmes against mpox in an effort to control the new outbreaks (Credit: Getty Images) The virus that causes mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, was first discovered at the end of the 1950s, but there are signs it has undergone changes in the past three to four years that have enabled it to pass between humans more easily. The first thing everyone should know about the disease that used to known as monkeypox is that it actually has very little to do with monkeys. \"It was first discovered in monkeys in a laboratory setting in Denmark, it does infect monkeys, and has been isolated from monkeys, but they\'re not the primary reservoir for the disease,\" says Sagan Friant, an anthropologist at Pennsylvania State University in the United States. \"We think of a reservoir as an animal that can transmit the disease but does not suffer or die from it.\" Friant has been studying monkeypox in Nigeria for more than 15 years and was about to begin a new research project just as the Covid-19 pandemic hit. She says it\'s likely – but not yet proven – that the monkeypox virus originates in rodents. At the end of 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced it was renaming the virus as mpox. \"For a long time, scientists thought that diseases in primates were the most threatening to humans because of our close similarity genetically, and that\'s true,\" she says. \"But we\'re realising that infectious diseases from rodents and bats are of increasing importance when we\'re thinking about spill-over of new diseases into human populations.\" Infections that pass from animals to humans are known as zoonotic diseases. Some of these also have the ability to pass from human to human once they make the jump across species. In that respect, mpox has some similarities to Covid-19. But it\'s been around a lot longer than the coronavirus behind the recent pandemic. Recent outbreaks of the disease have alarmed global health officials, however, due to the speed at which is spreading. In August 2024, the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) declared a public health emergency over a new variant of mpox that is behind a growing number of cases and deaths in several countries including the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, the Central African Republic and Rwanda. A few days later the WHO declared the surge in mpox constitutes a public health emergency of international concern. ## **Where did mpox come from?** Monkeypox was first identified in 1958 at a laboratory in Copenhagen, Demark when it was discovered in monkeys that had been imported from Singapore a couple of months earlier. The first case in humans was not reported until 1970 when a nine-month-old boy admitted to a hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo was found to have been infected with the virus. Although the young patient lived in an area of tropical rainforest populated by monkeys, doctors were not able to establish if he had recently come into contact with an infected monkey or if it had come from another source. The boy recovered from the infection, but sadly contracted measles a few days later and died. ![](\\"/bbcx/grey- placeholder.png\\"/)![\\"Getty](\\" Images The mature mpox virus – shown on the left in his image – is a brick-shaped envelope of genetic material, an oily membrane and proteins (Credit: Getty Images) While it is likely there were human cases before this where the virus was not identified – it causes lesions that are similar to those seen in other pox infections such as smallpox – there have since been cases in a number of African countries before the first outbreak in the US in 2003 when 70 cases were reported. It is thought on that occasion the virus was brought to the US in infected prairie dogs. They had been kept as pets and housed with Gambian pouched rats and dormice that were imported from Ghana. Other cases – usually in people who had recently travelled to African countries – have been seen in the UK, Israel and Singapore. But since May 2022 there have been a spate of outbreaks reported in the US, UK, Australia, mainland Europe, and Canada. While this has worried health authorities and scientists, the number of infections in these outbreaks are a fraction of those seen in Africa, where the disease is endemic. A major outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo has seen more than 19,000 cases and 900 deaths since January 2023. The version of the virus causing the DRC outbreak is a more deadly version, known as clade I, compared to the version that caused the 2022 outbreak in the US, known as clade II. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the risk posed to the US by the type of mpox circulating in the DRC is low and that people who have been fully vaccinated, or have had mpox previously, should be protected against the clade I virus. No cases of clade I virus have yet been reported in the US. Exactly where the surge in outbreaks since 2022 originated, however, is still something of a medical detective story. Genetic analysis has revealed that the variant of the virus causing the outbreaks belongs to a branch of the mpox evolutionary tree that initially appeared in West Africa, but no clear link to any countries where the virus is endemic has been found. Instead, there is now the suspicion among health experts that the virus might have been circulating undetected in human populations in a number of countries outside Africa for several months, if not longer. Some genetic analysis – although still preliminary and yet to be peer-reviewed – has indicated that the West African mpox virus (clade II) may have picked up the ability to spread from human to human as early as it could have been as early as 2017. And since then it has accumulated a high number of mutations that have made it better able to infect and pass between human hosts – including one that may help it to inhibit some of our immune defences. More recently a new variant of the mpox virus, known as clade Ib, has appeared in the DRC and appears to spread more easily through close contact. It seems to have first emerged in the area around the city of Goma, north Kivu, and is particularly prevalent among children under the age of 15 years old. Research suggests the variant could have begun circulating as early as September 2023. ## How does mpox spread? Unlike the virus that causes Covid-19, which primarily spreads through tiny droplets expelled as we breathe and is highly infectious, mpox is not as readily transmissible. It instead relies on close physical contact – usually prolonged – to pass from person to person, or animal to person. \"It could be contact with someone who has an infectious rash, such as lesions, scabs and bodily fluids,\" says Madeline Barron, from the American Society for Microbiology (ASM). \"You can also get it by touching items that someone who\'s infected may have touched.\" Although DNA from the mpox virus has been detected in semen by researchers, it does not necessarily mean that this is how it is spreading A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that between April and June 2022, 98% of the infections in 16 countries were in men who have sex with men, but it\'s not clear why this is the case. It could just be coincidence – once a disease is introduced to a community, it tends to spread within that community. And there is no evidence that mpox passes any quicker through a population of men who have sex with men than any other group. Nor is there any evidence that it is more infectious to men than women. \"We don\'t know if the virus can spread specifically through sexual transmission routes, such as through vaginal secretions or semen, but it seems to be that intimate contact is promoting the spread,\" says Barron. Although DNA from the mpox virus has been detected in semen by researchers, it does not necessarily mean that this is how it is spreading. The mpox virus is a packet of genetic information encased in an envelope of proteins and a membrane. It requires all these components to be in working order if it is to infect cells, and although viral DNA can be detected in semen, the virus itself may not be viable and capable of infection. ## How dangerous is mpox? Another important thing you need to know about mpox is that it is deeply unpleasant. Compared to the Central African strain of the mpox virus, the West African version is generally associated with milder disease and fewer deaths. The mortality rate of the clade I strain is about 10%. For those infected by clade II, 99.9% survive. As of June 2024 there had been 99,176 confirmed cases since the outbreak began in 2022 according to the WHO and 208 reported deaths. But even if the chances of dying are relatively low, patients with monkeypox have reported how painful and debilitating it is. \"It\'s long, it\'s nasty and you don\'t want to get it,\" says Barron. \"People may feel flu-like symptoms in the beginning, with fever, headache, stuff like that, but as the disease progresses you get a multi-stage rash, lesions can develop in your mouth, your feet and genital region and these develop into pus-filled blisters.\" ![](\\"/bbcx/grey- placeholder.png\\"/)![\\"Getty](\\" Images Mpox lesions or blisters tend last a few weeks after appearing but can leave long-lasting and even permanent scarring behind (Credit: Getty Images) It can take between five and 21 days from infection before symptoms start, although typically this incubation period is 6-13 days. Initially it begins with headaches, fever, muscle aches and fatigue for the first few days. One distinguishing feature of the virus is swelling of the lymph nodes. Eruptions on the skin tend to appear within a couple of days of the fever appearing. Some three to four weeks after infection, the blisters will eventually scab over and fall off. Scarring, however, is common in people who recover. There is no specific treatment, other than medicines to treat the symptoms, and, like most diseases, your chances of getting seriously ill or dying depend on factors such as your age and level of immunity. What perhaps makes monkeypox so shocking is that the symptoms look similar to a disease of the past. One that we thought we had seen the back of thanks to a successful global vaccination campaign: smallpox. Monkeypox is from the same group of viruses as smallpox, although a distinct virus. (Read more about the mysterious virus that helped us eradicate smallpox.) ## Is mpox evolving? Mpox is a brick-shaped virus carrying a double-strand of DNA. This is good news because it means the virus is relatively stable and less likely to mutate into more lethal or more transmissible variants. The Sars-CoV-2 virus that causes Covid-19 contains genetic material made from a single stranded RNA. \"RNA viruses mutate very effectively ­– they\'re diabolical, in my opinion, they\'re just really nasty viruses,\" says Rodney Rohde, a professor at Texas State University with a background in public health and virology. He is the co-author, with Barron, of a 2022 publication for the American Society of Microbiology on the current state of knowledge about mpox. \"DNA viruses typically don\'t mutate that quickly, even with the 50 mutations we\'ve seen (in mpox), so we don\'t see mutations having an impact on the severity of the disease.\" ![](\\"/bbcx/grey- placeholder.png\\"/)![\\"Melina](\\" Mara/The Washington Post/Getty Images Mpox virus has mainly been found in a few African countries, but this year started spreading more globally (Credit: Getty Images) Part of the reason for this may be because more than half of the mutations seen in the virus between 2018 and 2022 are considered to be \"silent\" – meaning they don\'t change any of the viral proteins it needs to infect cells and evade the immune system. Even so, some researchers have expressed surprise at how many mutations the virus has accumulated in the three or four years leading up to the 2022 outbreak. Researchers identified two distinct lineages of the virus – suggesting separate sources – spreading in the US. there is some evidence that the virus may have been circulating silently and undetected for around 20 years outside Africa. The new cluster of patients with the clade Ib mpox variant in the DRC suggests the virus has been evolving rapidly. It showed a high mutation rate, including some changes in its genetic code that could have helped the virus spread more easily from human to human. Preliminary unpublished research has also identified potential mutations that have yet to be seen in the virus but could alter how pathogenic the disease becomes if they were to occur in the future. But this work, if shown to be correct, could also help health officials and scientists look out for signs mpox is evolving into something more worrisome. ## Why mpox became a global health emergency? The WHO briefly declared mpox to be a public health emergency of international concern in July 2022 but it was then declared over by May 2023 due to progress in tackling the disease. However, the risk posed by mpox has grown, and in August 2024, the Africa CDC declared a public health emergency on the continent due to the rapid spread of new variants of the virus. On 14 August 2024, the WHO declared the surge in mpox cases in Africa a public health emergency of international concern. It rasied particular concern about the number of cases in the DRC, where the 15,600 cases and 537 deaths have already exceeded the number for the entire year of 2023. Among the reasons for the concern lie in mpox\'s relationship to smallpox. For almost 200 years, we had been routinely vaccinating people against smallpox. Today, thanks to a global scientific effort, smallpox is the only human disease we have wiped off the face of the Earth, and the world was declared smallpox-free on 8 May 1980. Although the smallpox virus still exists in secure laboratories, it is no longer a transmissible disease. But neither do we now have any natural immunity to smallpox or similar viruses. And with the end of the smallpox vaccination campaign in the mid-1980s, so too has the protection it offered against other pox viruses waned. If Covid has taught us anything it\'s that the world is small and you need a coordinated effort to respond to diseases because diseases don\'t know boundaries – Madeline Barron \"We probably had a pretty strong herd immunity across the globe when we eradicated smallpox,\" says Rohde. \"There\'s some research that shows that if you go back and look at the population in Nigeria, for example, they probably would have spread monkeypox more efficiently had they not been vaccinated against smallpox. \"Once we stopped smallpox vaccinations, we had waning antibodies – my parents, for example, may have some immunity, but it\'s probably really poor.\" ## How effective are the vaccines? The good news is that vaccines developed for smallpox are effective against mpox – up to 80% effective. And, even though there have been recent moves to destroy stockpiles of smallpox vaccines around the world, countries have been replenishing their supplies. Mostly, however, this has occurred in wealthy nations. And that\'s perhaps the most dispiriting aspect of this most recent monkeypox outbreak. We have known about the disease for more than 50 years but only when it spread to North America and Europe did governments outside Africa appear to take any notice. Data from the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention shows that, since the beginning of 2022, there have been some 1,267 confirmed mpox cases across the continent, with at least 285 deaths. ![](\\"/bbcx/grey- placeholder.png\\"/)![\\"Mike](\\" Roemer/Getty Images Infected prairie dogs housed with animals imported from Ghana were thought to be the source of an outbreak in the US 2003 (Credit: Mike Roemer/Getty Images) \"Many of us have been screaming about these types of issues for decades,\" says Rohde. \"In my opinion we don\'t always think about these things when they\'re not on our shores.\" \"Those regions where it is endemic, and it\'s been a prolonged issue, are still at the short end of the stick in terms of getting the resources, the diagnostics, the vaccines, everything needed to handle the outbreak,\" adds Barron. \"If Covid has taught us anything it\'s that the world is small and you need a coordinated effort to respond to diseases because diseases don\'t know boundaries.\" A 2020 United Nations report warned of the growing risk of new diseases passing from animals to humans, exacerbated by our encroachment on natural habitats and the effects of climate change. The bottom line for Friant, who specialises in the health consequences of the interaction between humans and animals, is that we need better monitoring of all potential zoonotic diseases. \"We need more investment in understanding the diseases and preventing that initial spill-over event from animals to humans from happening,\" she says. \"We also need collaboration and capacity building in countries so that they\'re equipped to respond to these events – it definitely shouldn\'t just be about protecting the Western world.\" Like Covid-19, mpox is just the latest disease to spread from animals into the human population. Given its relatively slow spread and the fact that vaccines are available to prevent infection, it\'s likely mpox outbreaks can be contained. But monkeypox won\'t be the last disease of this nature. And the world will need to be ready and vigilant for the next. * This article was originally published on 2 August 2022. It was updated on 20 May 2024 and again on 13 August 2024 to include details of outbreaks in DRC and some of the latest research on the virus evolution. \-- If you liked this story, _sign up for The Essential List newsletter_ – a handpicked selection of features, videos and can\'t-miss news, delivered to your inbox twice a week. Monkeypox Health Virus Vaccine News Features Watch ![](\\"/bbcx/grey- placeholder.png\\"/)![\\"A](\\" ## Why is ADHD so surrounded by myth? Do social media, some common assumptions and two Scottish women hold the answers? 17 May 2023Health ![](\\"/bbcx/grey- placeholder.png\\"/)![\\"Getty](\\" ## The truth about the most physically active generation Gen Z may lead the way when it comes to a healthy lifestyle, but is Gen Z the healthiest generation overall? 18 Apr 2023Health ![](\\"/bbcx/grey- placeholder.png\\"/)![\\"Getty](\\" ## Is Gen Z the healthiest generation? 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Photo shows the first case of Monkeypox in Singapore in 2024
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Life Featured ![\\"\\"](\\" _Featured-Image-351x221.jpg\\") ## Review: Delhi HC Rules That Arbitration Tribunal Cannot Direct for Production of ‘Top Secret’ Documents, Except in Exceptional Circumstances By Suresh DeepalaOctober 2, 2024 __0 Recent ![\\"\\"](\\" _Featured-Image-103x65.jpg\\") Review: Delhi HC Rules That Arbitration Tribunal Cannot Direct for Production of ‘Top Secret’ Documents, Except in Exceptional Circumstances October 2, 2024 __0 ![\\"\\"](\\" Rate_Image-103x65.jpg\\") PLFS Data: Reported Number of Average Working Hours A Week for Men Was Consistently Over 50 Hours September 30, 2024 __0 ![\\"\\"](\\" Modi-featured-image-103x65.jpeg\\") Data: Between 1999 & 2024, Indian Prime Ministers Visited 79 Different Countries September 27, 2024 __0 * Elections * Fact Checks * English * Telugu * Coronavirus * Others * Videos * Data Tools * Data Dashboards * Counting India * About Us * Our Story * Team * Fact Checking * Fact Check Methodology * Fact-Check Team * Non-partisanship Policy * Corrections Policy * FAQ’s * Contact Us * Subscribe * Careers * Compliance of IT Rules 2021 * Privacy Policy * GOVT. DATA ROUNDUP ![\\"\\"](\\" Singapore-Thumbnail-702x336.jpg\\") English, Fake News # An old photo of Monkeypox patient shared as showing a recent outbreak in Singapore 0 By Nitish Kumar Dhonge on August 28, 2024 * A A A Twitter Facebook Reddit A viral photo on social media (here, here, and here) shows a man with Monkeypox lesions on his back. The caption warns that Monkeypox is spreading in Singapore with 10 reported cases and urges people to wear masks, wash hands, and avoid crowds because it’s highly contagious. Let’s verify the claim through this article. ![\\"\\"](\\" Singapore-Claim.png\\")The archive version of the video can be found here. > Claim: Photo shows the first case of Monkeypox in Singapore in 2024. > > Fact: The viral photo is old. It shows a severe monkeypox case from 11 > October 2022, in Mexico. Mexican specialist José Hiram Hernández Jerónimo > confirmed it, noting the patient had over 250 sores and a weakened immune > system. This confirms that the photo has no connection to Singapore. Hence, > the claim made in the post is Misleading. A reverse image search led us to a photo posted by Mexican infectious disease specialist José Hiram Hernández Jerónimo on 11 October 2022. He said it showed a severe case of monkeypox with over 250 sores. In the comments, he also mentioned that the patient had a weakened immune system. This confirms that the photo in the viral post is not recent. > Un caso grave de VS con más de 250 lesiones y sobre infección > > > — Hiram Jerónimo☣️ (@JeronimoHiram) October 11, 2022 As part of our investigation, we looked at the Ministry of Health, Singapore website and found that as of 22 August 2024, there have been 13 confirmed cases of monkeypox in 2024. All of these cases are of the less severe Clade II type. So far, no cases of the more serious Clade I type have been detected in Singapore. ![\\"\\"](\\" Singapore-Image-2-1024x536.png\\") To sum up, the viral photo, showing a severe monkeypox case from October 2022, in Mexico is being shared as showing a recent 2024 outbreak in Singapore. ![\\"Factly\\"](\\" WhatsApp-channel-minified-scaled.jpeg\\") Share. Twitter Facebook Google+ Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr Email __Previous Articleಬಾಂಗ್ಲಾದೇಶದಲ್ಲಿ ರಥಯಾತ್ರೆಯ ಸಂದರ್ಭದಲ್ಲಿನಡೆದ ಎಲೆಕ್ಟ್ರಾಕ್ಯುಷನ್ ಘಟನೆಯ ವೀಡಿಯೊವನ್ನು ಕೋಮುವಾದಕ್ಕೆ ಹೋಲಿಸಿ ತಪ್ಪಾಗಿ ಹಂಚಲಾಗಿದೆ Next Article __23 ఆగస్టు 2024న నేపాల్‌లో జరిగిన బస్సు ప్రమాదంలో బస్సు డ్రైవర్ ముస్తఫా కూడా మరణించాడు ### About Author ![\\"\\"](\\" Nitish Kumar Dhonge ### Related Posts భారత ప్రభుత్వం మతాల వారీగా నేర గణాంకాలు, పన్ను సంబంధిత డేటాను విడుద... Old news report about the Indian government denying visas to US dele... ఒక యాడ్ షూట్ వీడియోని అత్యాచారం చేయడానికి వచ్చిన అబ్బాయిలని అమ్మాయి ... 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Photo shows the first case of Monkeypox in Singapore in 2024
British Broadcasting Corporation Register* Home * News * US Election * Sport * Business * Innovation * Culture * Arts * Travel * Earth * Video * Live RegisterHome News US Election Sport Business Innovation Culture Arts Travel Earth Video Live Audio Weather Newsletters # First case of more dangerous mpox found outside Africa 16 August 2024 Share Save Share Save Paul Kirby BBC News Smitha Mundasad Health reporter James Gallagher Health and science correspondent•@JamesTGallagher ![\\"REUTERS/Arlette](\\" Bashizi Hundreds of deaths from mpox have been recorded in the Democratic Republic of Congo Sweden\'s public health agency has recorded what it says is the first case of a more dangerous type of mpox outside the African continent. The person became infected during a stay in an area of Africa where there is currently a major outbreak of mpox Clade 1, the agency said. The news comes just hours after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the outbreak of mpox in parts of Africa was now a public health emergency of international concern. At least 450 people died during an initial outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the disease has since spread to areas of Central and East Africa. According to Olivia Wigzell, the acting head of the Swedish public health agency, the infected person had sought care in the Stockholm area and the fact that they were receiving treatment in Sweden did not mean there was a risk to the broader population. \"The affected person has also been infected during a stay in an area of Africa where there is a large outbreak of mpox Clade 1,\" she told a news conference. Mpox, which was previously known as monkeypox, is transmitted through close contact, such as sex, skin-to-skin contact and talking or breathing close to another person. It causes flu-like symptoms, skin lesions and can be fatal, with four in 100 cases leading to death. It is most common in the tropical rainforests of West and Central Africa and there are thousands of infections every year. There are currently a number of outbreaks of mpox that are taking place simultaneously and they are partly fuelled by the newer and more serious type of Clade 1b, identified in September last year. There are two types of Clade 1 and the Swedish case has been identified as Clade 1b. Since mpox Clade 1b was first witnessed in Democratic Republic of Congo there have been confirmed cases in Burundi, Kenya and Rwanda, before the new case identified in Sweden. While Clade 2 did cause a public health emergency in 2022, it was relatively mild and some 300 cases have already been identified in Sweden. WHO/Europe said it was actively engaging with Sweden\'s health authorities on \"how best to manage the first confirmed case of mpox Clade 1b\". It urged other countries to act quickly and transparently like Sweden, as there were likely to be further \"imported cases of Clade 1 in the European region over the coming days and weeks\". The Swedish public health agency said the more dangerous outbreak was likely to be linked to \"a higher rise of a more severe course of disease and higher mortality\". Dr Jonas Albarnaz, who specialises in pox viruses at the Pirbright Institute, said the first case outside of Africa was concerning as it meant the spread “might be larger than we knew yesterday”. Dr Brian Ferguson, Associate Professor of Immunology at the University of Cambridge agreed it was \"clearly a concerning development\" but unsurprising given the severity and spread of the outbreak in Africa. The WHO hopes its latest declaration, that mpox is a public health emergency of international concern, will trigger greater support to the areas most affected. Vaccines are available, for those at greatest risk or who have been in close contact with an infected person, but many experts worry there are not enough jabs or funding to get them to the people who need them most. The mortality rate from the Clade 1b variant in Sweden will not be as high as that seen in parts of Africa, because of the high quality of healthcare in Europe. However, Dr Ferguson said there would likely be further cases in Europe and other parts of the world \"as there are currently no mechanisms in place to stop imported cases of mpox happening\". The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control said symptoms usually appeared 6-13 days after infection, through fevers and headaches, rashes or sores and muscle ache. Most people experienced mild to moderate symptoms followed by a full recovery, but immuno-compromised individuals were at greater risk. While news of the first case outside Africa may cause alarm, it was to be expected. As other disease outbreaks have shown, swift international action can help stop the disease spreading further. ## What is mpox and how is it spread? ## WHO declares mpox global health emergency Europe Mpox Sweden Democratic Republic of Congo Related ## Floods and landslides leave 18 dead in Bosnia 8 hrs agoEurope ## Man arrested on suspicion of murder after prison death 1 day agoEurope ## Train track left hanging in the air after Bosnia landslides 2 days agoEurope More 2 days ago ![\\'A](\\" ## WHO approves first mpox test for quick diagnosis Lack of testing and delays in getting the results have made curbing the virus\'s spread harder. 2 days agoAfrica 3 days ago ![\\"An](\\" ## At least 78 die as ferry capsizes on DR Congo lake A video circulating online shows the boat tilting to one side and then sinking just before it arrived. 3 days agoAfrica 3 days ago ![\\"Police](\\" ## Iran may be behind attacks on Israeli embassies, Sweden says Blasts and gunfire were reported near the Israeli embassies in Copenhagen and Stockholm earlier this week. 3 days agoWorld 24 Sep 2024 ![\\"Iranian](\\" bf50-ada5c94ac00d.jpg.webp\\") ## Sweden blames Iran for cyber-attack after Quran burnings Sweden\'s security service says 15,000 messages were sent after several Quran- burning incidents. 24 Sep 2024World 24 Sep 2024 ![\\"Stockholm](\\" ## Sweden\'s new 270km, island-hopping hike When it opens to the public in October 2024, the Stockholm Archipelago Trail will link 21 islands and give Stockholm-bound visitors easy access to the nation\'s exquisite nature. 24 Sep 2024Travel British Broadcasting Corporation * Home * News * US Election * Sport * Business * Innovation * Culture * Arts * Travel * Earth * Video * Live * Audio * Weather * BBC Shop BBC in other languages ## Follow BBC on: * Terms of Use * About the BBC * Privacy Policy * Cookies * Accessibility Help * Contact the BBC * Advertise with us * Do not share or sell my info * Contact technical support Copyright 2024 BBC. 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After the victory of the Congress party in the recent 2023 assembly elections the national flag with the symbol of a mosque instead of the Ashoka Chakra was hoisted in Siruguppa Karnataka
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A Facebook user claimed that in an anti-CAA/NRC protest in Hyderabad, Ashoka Chakra in the Indian flag was replaced with \'La ilaha illallah\', an Islamic Shahada which means “there’s no other god but Allah”. 2. The image is real and credited to photojournalist Vinay Madapu. ![](\\" _CLAIM_ A Facebook user by the name of Rajat Rajan posted an image on January 30, 2020 showing a huge crowd marching on a street.Using that image, Rajan claimed that in an anti-Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), 2019 protest in Hyderabad, Ashoka Chakra in the Indian flag was replaced with \'La ilaha illallah\', an Islamic Shahada which means “there’s no other god but Allah”. “A Rudra Hanuman poster puts secularism in danger. But this doesn\'t put secularism in danger,” Rajan rued.A Times Fact Check reader shared Rajan’s post with us on our WhatsApp number 8527001433, wanting to know the veracity of the image and the claim. ![\\"whatsapp](\\" _TRUTH_ The image is real and indeed from Hyderabad in Telangana. In an anti- CAA/NRC march, protesters assembled in large numbers near the Lower Tank Bund area of Hyderabad city. One of the Indian flags carried by the protesters had Islamic Shahada ‘la ilaha illallah’ inscribed in place of the Ashok Chakra._VERIFICATION AND METHODOLOGY _ Using keywords ‘Ashok Chakra Indian flag CAA’, we found a tweet posted by journalist and political analyst Anand Ranganathan on January 4, 2020.The tweet carried the same image with the text that reads “From the anti-CAA march in Hyderabad today, what appears to be the Islamic Shahada (There is no god but the Allah) printed on the Indian tricolour in place of the Ashoka Chakra.” > From the anti-CAA march in Hyderabad today, what appears to be the Islamic > Shahada [\"There is no god but the Allah\"… > > — Anand Ranganathan (@ARanganathan72) 1578159937000 Ranganathan quoted a tweet dated January 4, 2020 from the verified handle of The New Indian Express - Hyderabad. The tweet by The New Indian Express had the same image credited to photojournalist Vinay Madapu. > #MillionMarch begins. Anti #CAA NRC protestors holding tricolor flag march > in large numbers near Lower Tank Bund… > > — TNIE Telangana (@XpressHyderabad) 1578139200000 One of our Arabic-literate colleagues in Navbharat Times confirmed that the text replacing Ashok Chakra in the Indian tricolor was indeed Islamic Shahada ‘la ilaha illallah’ (in Arabic)._VERDICT_ Times Fact Check has found that the image of Ashok Chakra being replaced by Islamic Shahada ‘la ilaha illallah’ in Indian flag by anti-CAA protestors from Hyderabad is real. * ###### Download The Times of India News App for Latest Times Fact Check News * ###### Subscribe Start Your Daily Mornings with Times of India Newspaper! 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Hunter Biden’s former business partner Devon Archer told us in his transcribed congressional interview that he heard Hunter Biden speak to Joe Biden more than 20 times about their business deals
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The release of a transcript of Archer’s testimony on Aug. 3 undermined some of those narratives. Archer revealed that on about 20 occasions over a 10-year period, Hunter Biden put his father on speakerphone to exchange pleasantries with Hunter Biden’s foreign business associates, part of what Archer described as the “brand” that Hunter Biden brought to foreign business deals. But contrary to what some Republicans claimed, Archer said Joe Biden never discussed any business on those calls, and more often than not did not even know to whom he was speaking. Archer said he had no knowledge that Hunter Biden ever influenced his father to change any policies to further his son’s businesses. Republican Rep. James Comer, chairman of the oversight committee, has accused Joe Biden of taking a bribe from a Ukrainian executive and said after Archer’s testimony that the bribery allegation is “more credible” — though Archer said he did not know anything about such a bribe. ![\\"\\"](\\" Archer, a former business associate of Hunter Biden, gets into an elevator as he arrives for closed-door testimony with the House Oversight Committee on July 31. Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images. Archer contradicted Republican claims – amplified by then-President Donald Trump during the 2020 presidential campaign –– that the wife of a former Moscow mayor paid Hunter Biden $3.5 million. Archer said that money was mistakenly put in an account once shared by Hunter Biden. Archer’s testimony also cast some doubt on allegations that then-Vice President Biden forced the ouster of Ukraine’s prosecutor general at the behest of executives of the Ukrainian oil and gas company Burisma, where Hunter Biden was being paid $1 million a year as a board member. Archer testified that the Burisma public relations team in Washington, D.C., told him at the time that the prosecutor was under Burisma’s “control” and that the vice president’s advocating for the prosecutor’s ouster was bad for the company. Nonetheless, Archer’s testimony did paint a picture of Hunter Biden as a businessman who liked to emphasize the access he had to his father and leave the impression that he could influence his father to troubleshoot on behalf of foreign clients, even when that wasn’t true. For example, Archer was asked about an April 12, 2014, email Hunter Biden sent to him ahead of an upcoming visit to Ukraine by the elder Biden. “The announcement of my guy’s upcoming travels should be characterized [to Burisma officials] as part of our advice and thinking — but what he will say and do is out of our hands,” Hunter Biden wrote. “In other words, it could be a really good thing or it could end up creating too great an expectation. We need to temper expectations regarding that visit.” Archer said it was an example of Hunter Biden trying to “get credit” for his father’s actions, even though he had no influence over them. Hunter Biden “was getting paid a lot of money and I think, you know, he wanted to show value,” Archer said. Archer said he was not aware that Hunter Biden had ever asked his father to change a foreign policy. “In other words,” Archer was asked, “it’s not that Hunter Biden was influencing U.S. policy. It’s that Hunter Biden was falsely giving the Burisma executives the impression that he had any influence over U.S. policy?” “I think that’s fair,” Archer said. One of the bigger revelations in Archer’s testimony was that he recalled about 20 occasions over 10 years when Hunter Biden put his father on speakerphone in the midst of meetings with overseas business associates or potential business associates. Archer said it was all part of “the brand” Hunter Biden advertised and leveraged. Archer said Hunter Biden’s job was to provide “corporate governance … but obviously, given the brand, that was a large part of the value. I don’t think it was the sole value, but I do think it was a key component of the value.” And while Archer said he was not aware that the vice president had ever taken any policy actions to assist his son’s business, that doesn’t mean Hunter Biden’s link to his father didn’t provide value. “My only thought is that I think Burisma would have gone out of business if it didn’t have the brand attached to it. That’s my, like, only honest opinion,” Archer said. Burisma was only “able to survive for as long as it did” because of “the brand” association that Hunter Biden brought by being a member of the Burisma board. “Because people would be intimidated to mess with them,” Archer said. “Legally.” At one point, Democratic Rep. Dan Goldman asked if Hunter Biden was “selling the illusion of access to his father” but not actual access. “Right,” Archer said. “An illusion of access to his father, other than social.” There was social access, he said, including two dinners that Joe Biden attended and speakerphone calls when overseas business associates of Hunter Biden’s were present. “In the rearview, it’s an abuse of soft power, I’d say,” Archer said of Hunter Biden in a subsequent interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson on his new show, “Tucker on Twitter,” which is on the social media platform now known as X. The U.S. attorney’s office in Delaware has been investigating Hunter Biden for years. A plea deal between federal prosecutors and Hunter Biden — which included a recommendation of probation on two misdemeanor charges for not paying federal taxes and an agreement to enter into a pretrial diversion program for a felony charge of firearm possession by a user of a controlled substance — fell apart on July 26. The deal dissolved after U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika raised questions about whether the deal shielded Hunter Biden from other federal charges, such as, hypothetically, failing to register as a foreign agent. On Aug. 11, U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland announced the appointment of U.S. Attorney David Weiss to serve as special counsel in the ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden, “as well as for any other matters that arose or may arise from that investigation.” As we have written, Weiss is the U.S. attorney for Delaware who was appointed by former President Donald Trump. Update, Dec. 8: Hunter Biden was indicted on three felony tax offenses and six misdemeanor tax offenses on Dec. 7. In a statement announcing the indictment, the Department of Justice said the president’s son “engaged in a four-year scheme in which he chose not to pay at least $1.4 million in self-assessed federal taxes he owed for tax years 2016 through 2019 and to evade the assessment of taxes for tax year 2018 when he filed false returns.” ## Archer: Joe Biden Didn’t Talk Business Some Republicans seized on Archer’s testimony about these social contacts to claim the elder Biden has repeatedly lied about never discussing his son’s business with him or others. Archer “told us in his transcribed interview that he heard Hunter Biden speak to Joe Biden more than 20 times about their business deals,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a member of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, told the Daily Caller on the day Archer testified. “Not about anything else, but about the business deals.” Rep. Lauren Boebert, another Republican member of the committee, posted on X, “Devon Archer confirmed today that the ‘Big Guy’ participated in more than 20 of Hunter’s shady business deals. Biden lied and is compromised.” But the transcript of Archer’s testimony contradicts those claims. Archer made a point to note that in those phone calls, Joe Biden never discussed business and only exchanged pleasantries. “Hunter spoke to his dad every day, right? And so in certain circumstances, when you’re in — you know, if his dad calls him at dinner and he picks up the phone, then there’s a conversation,” Archer said. “And the, you know, the conversation is generally about the weather and, you know, what it’s like in Norway or Paris or wherever he may be. But that was — yeah, that happened.” Archer mentioned two specific instances, once when he and Hunter Biden were pitching business to executives of a large French energy company (which never panned out) and once in Beijing when they were having dinner with a Chinese businessman. “From a blanket perspective, it was always, you know, what’s the — you know, not necessarily the weather, but, you know, there’s no … and I think you have to understand that there was no business conversation about a cap table or a fee or anything like that. It was, you know, just general niceties and, you know, conversation in general, you know, about the geography, about the weather, whatever it may be. But just on — as far as, like, a blanket for all of them … there was not a specific time that I witnessed a, you know, specific business deal or business dealings or, you know, specifics about any kind of financial stuff.” Although the elder Biden knew he was talking to his son’s business associates, Archer said, Joe Biden often didn’t even know to whom he was speaking. Nonetheless, Archer said, those phone calls had a positive impact on “the brand,” that Hunter Biden was offering. “I think, at the end of the day, part of what was delivered is the brand,” Archer said. “I think that that’s what we’re talking about, is that there was brand being delivered along with other capabilities and reach.” ## Archer: Not Aware of Any Bribes Hours after Archer provided his testimony to the House oversight committee, Comer went on Fox News with Rep. Jim Jordan and said, “Every day, this bribery scandal becomes more credible.” Comer is referring to an FBI report made public on July 20 in which an FBI informant said that years ago, Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky told him he was “pushed to pay” bribes of $5 million each to Hunter and Joe Biden for what the informant understood was assurance that the Ukrainian prosecutor general at the time, Viktor Shokin, would be fired. The informant said Zlochevsky told him “he did not send any funds directly to the ‘Big Guy\'” — which the informant believes was a reference to Joe Biden — and that it would take investigators “10 years to find the records” of the illicit payments to the Bidens. The FBI agent who wrote the report also stated, “Regarding the seemingly open and unsolicited admissions by [Vadym] Pozharskyi [the Burisma corporate secretary] and Zlochevsky about the purpose for their retention of Hunter Biden, and the ‘forced’ payments Zlochevsky made to the Bidens, [the informant] explained it is very common for business men in post-Soviet countries to brag or show-off. Additionally, it is extremely common for businesses in Russia and Ukraine to make ‘bribe’ payments to various government officials.” The report states that the informant was “not able to provide any further opinion as to the veracity of Zlochevsky’s aforementioned statements.” Archer referenced those notes when asked if he found the bribery claim credible. “I think it’s — the agent explains it pretty well on the bottom,” Archer said. “And it’s similar to, you know, Hunter Biden taking credit for his dad’s visit. It’s like sending a signal.” Archer said he was not aware of any $5 million payments to either Hunter or Joe Biden. > Q: Were you ever made aware of Mr. Zlochevsky paying $5 million to two > different Bidens? > > Archer: No, I’m not. I would assume he’s probably talking about me and > Hunter, but I don’t know. But I don’t know anything about those five. During his testimony, Archer was asked, “If someone were to conclude from this that this is evidence, this [FBI] Form 1023 is evidence that Joe Biden was bribed by Mykola Zlochevsky, would you disagree with that conclusion?” “Yeah, I would,” Archer said. Archer agreed that the way Ukrainian businessmen exaggerate and “tell fibs” about bribes is “similar” to the way political operatives in Washington, D.C. “give off the impression of access that they don’t necessarily deliver on.” “In Ukraine, in Russia, they brag about how much — they brag about bigger bribes than they actually give,” Archer said. ## No Proof of a ‘Quid Pro Quo’ With Firing of Shokin After a Burisma board meeting in Dubai in December 2015, Archer said, Hunter Biden placed a phone call to “D.C.” after Zlochevsky made an appeal for political help to resolve some problems Burisma was facing at the time. After Archer’s testimony, Comer and Jordan went on TV and claimed Hunter Biden’s phone call resulted in Joe Biden calling for Shokin’s firing. Comer called it evidence of an illegal “quid pro quo.” Archer “also said that Hunter Biden was under immense pressure while they both served on the Burisma board to call Washington D.C. immediately and try to get Shokin fired,” Comer said in the Fox News interview with Sean Hannity. “And not many days later, Joe Biden traveled to Ukraine, and we’ve all seen the video where Joe Biden brags about withholding foreign aid to Ukraine in exchange for the Ukrainian president firing the prosecutor who was investigating his son’s corrupt energy company.” “That’s a quid pro quo, Sean,” Comer said. “That’s very illegal.” Jordan described the events on Dec. 4, 2015, this way: “During that meeting, they say, ‘We need the U.S. government to intervene. We’re under pressure from the prosecutor, we’re facing pressure in Great Britain because they’ve sanctioned and seized our assets – 23 million pounds, 23 million dollars. We need some help. They make a phone call to D.C. Mr. Archer said, ‘I don’t know who they called. But they called D.C.’ And five days later, Dec. 9, 2015, Joe Biden is in Ukraine and he gives a speech, starting the pressure on the prosecutor in Ukraine.” “Five days after a phone call to D.C.,” Jordan added. “Five days where they used the Biden brand — according to what we learned today, the Biden brand was the value Hunter Biden brought to this business arrangement. … Five days after this conversation takes place, this [Joe Biden] speech takes place and then a few months later … Shokin gets fired. That’s how serious this was.” Archer didn’t actually say specifically that Zlochevsky was seeking the ouster of Shokin. And the direct line Comer and Jordan draw between the meeting, the phone call to D.C. and Biden’s subsequent call to oust Shokin is not supported by the timeline of events. Hunter Biden joined the Burisma board of directors in May 2014. The previous month, British authorities had opened an investigation into Zlochevsky and froze $23 million in his accounts there. In August of that year, then- Ukrainian Prosecutor General Vitaly Yarema also opened an investigation into Zlochevsky on suspicion of “unlawful enrichment.” Shokin replaced Yarema as prosecutor general in February 2015. Fast forward to a Burisma board of directors meeting in Dubai on Dec. 4, 2015. Archer, who was also a Burisma board member, said Burisma executives asked Hunter Biden for some political help. “The request was I think they were getting pressure and they requested Hunter, you know, help them with some of that pressure,” Archer said. Archer said it was “government pressure from Ukrainian Government investigations into Mykola [Zlochevsky], et cetera. But it was — it was not — it wasn’t like a specific — not a specific request.” Archer said there were “several pressure issues,” for Zlochevsky, including $23 million pounds “tied up in London” and U.S. and Mexican visas that were denied. “And then there was — so Shokin wasn’t specifically on my radar as being an individual … that was targeting him,” Archer said. “But yes, there was constant pressure. And it was like — it was like whack-a-mole in regards to the pressures that had to resolve.” Archer said the request from the Burisma executives was “like, can D.C. help? But … there weren’t specific, you know, ‘Can the big guy help?’ It was — it’s always this amorphous, ‘Can we get help in D.C.?’ … But it was — yeah, it was a high-pressure environment, and there was — there was constant requests for help.” Archer said he was not privy to the phone call that followed, but he initially said that in response to the request, he was told that Hunter Biden “called his dad.” Archer later clarified that the call was simply to “D.C.” and he wasn’t sure whom it was to. > Matthew Schwartz, Archer’s attorney: He told you expressly he called his > father or that he called D.C.? > > Archer: D.C., D.C. Five days later, on Dec. 9, 2015,Joe Biden visited Ukraine and delivered a speech to the Ukrainian Parliament in which he railed against the “shoals of corruption” and said, “The Office of the General Prosecutor desperately needs reform.” Biden noted that a day earlier he had announced $190 million in new American aid to fight corruption, adding, “But for Ukraine to continue to make progress and to keep the support of the international community you have to do more, as well. … It requires difficult reforms.” Years later, in 2018, Biden famously boasted in a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations that around that time he threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid unless Shokin was fired. “I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,” Biden said. “Well, son of a bitch. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.” In addition to that speech in Ukraine on Dec. 9, 2015, Biden also met in Kyiv with Ukraine’s then-president, Petro Poroshenko, on Jan. 20, 2016, to discuss “the need to continue to move forward on Ukraine’s anti-corruption agenda.” And Biden had a phone call with Poroshenko on Feb. 11, 2016, and discussed, among other things, the need “to continue to take action to root out corruption and implement reforms.” It’s unclear from Biden’s speech in 2018 exactly when he threatened to withhold aid unless Shokin were fired. To be clear, Shokin was not immediately fired after Biden’s speech on Dec. 9, 2015. He was removed in late March 2016. Nor did Biden’s or the American government’s negative position on Shokin suddenly materialize in early December 2015, as Comer and Jordan’s comments suggest. In later congressional testimony, John E. Herbst, U.S. ambassador to Ukraine under George W. Bush, said, “By late fall of 2015, the EU and the United States joined the chorus of those seeking Mr. Shokin’s removal as the start of an overall reform of the Procurator General’s Office. U.S. Vice President Joe Biden spoke publicly about this before and during his December visit to Kyiv; but Mr. Shokin remained in place.” (The emphasis is ours.) Biden’s Dec. 9, 2015, trip to Ukraine was also publicly announced on Nov. 13, 2015, several weeks before the Dubai meeting Archer described. In a Dec. 2, 2015, background briefing prior to Biden’s trip to Ukraine, an Obama administration “senior administration official” said: “The Vice President will emphasize the need to implement recently passed anti-corruption reforms. Ukraine has made significant strides in this regard, but there is a long history of corruption and of basically Ukraine oligarchs getting their way in the Ukrainian system. And while the Ukrainians have made good strides, there is still much more that needs to be done. So we’ll — undoubtedly that will be a major focus of conversation.” That was two days before the Dubai meeting. Going back as far as Sept. 24, 2015, U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt delivered a speech, declaring, “Corruption kills,” and imploring that Ukraine “can, and must, address the problem of corruption now.” Pyatt singled out what he said were failures in the prosecutor general’s office to properly investigate Zlochevsky, Burisma’s owner. > Pyatt, Sept. 24, 2015: We have learned that there have been times that the > [Prosecutor General’s Office] not only did not support investigations into > corruption, but rather undermined prosecutors working on legitimate > corruption cases. > > For example, in the case of former Ecology Minister Mykola Zlochevsky, the > U.K. authorities had seized 23 million dollars in illicit assets that > belonged to the Ukrainian people. Officials at the PGO’s office were asked > by the U.K. to send documents supporting the seizure. Instead they sent > letters to Zlochevsky’s attorneys attesting that there was no case against > him. As a result the money was freed by the U.K. court and shortly > thereafter the money was moved to Cyprus. As we have written, at the time, the international community and anti- corruption advocates in Ukraine were also calling for Shokin to be removed from office for his failure to aggressively prosecute corruption. In February 2016, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde threatened to withhold $40 billion unless Ukraine undertook “a substantial new effort” to fight corruption after the country’s economic minister and his team resigned to protest government corruption. That same month, a “reform-minded deputy prosecutor resigned, complaining that his efforts to address government corruption had been consistently stymied by his own prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin,” according to a Jan. 3, 2017, Congressional Research Service report. So Archer’s testimony didn’t provide any proof that Biden pushed for Shokin’s firing to help his son’s business with Burisma. ## Did Burisma Want Shokin Out? The Republican theory that Joe Biden provided quid pro quo to Burisma by having Shokin removed relies on the assumption that Burisma wanted Shokin removed. In a press conference after Archer’s testimony, Goldman, a New York Democratic congressman, said, “Perhaps the most interesting thing that he [Archer] said is that Burisma believed that they had the prosecutor general, Shokin, in their pocket. They had control over him and they were concerned that if he was removed from office, that that would be very bad for Burisma.” That’s not strictly accurate. Archer said that was “the narrative that was spun to me” by the Burisma PR team in Washington, D.C. But he said he never heard that from Burisma executives. “The narrative that was spun to me was that Shokin was under control and that whoever the next person that was brought in was — you know, the fact that he was — this is the total, this is the narrative spun to me, that Shokin being fired was a — was not good, because he was like under control as relates to Mykola [Zlochevsky],” Archer said. That meant, he said, “that they were going to maybe give a slap on the wrist as opposed to, you know, seize all his assets.” “I have no way to verify that,” Archer said. “And that was spun to me from various folks in D.C., not Hunter specifically, but that was what I was led to believe. Whether it’s true or not, I cannot speculate.” There have been conflicting reports about whether Burisma would have wanted Shokin fired, and whether Joe Biden’s efforts to remove him worked in Burisma’s interest, or directly in opposition to them. The New York Times in September 2019 reported that while Shokin “was not aggressively pursuing investigations into Mr. Zlochevsky or Burisma … the oligarch’s allies say Mr. Shokin was using the threat of prosecution to try to solicit bribes from Mr. Zlochevsky and his team, and that left the oligarch’s team leery of dealing with the prosecutor.” In December 2015, the Wall Street Journal reported that Zlochevsky was under investigation by Ukrainian and British authorities for “alleged criminal wrongdoing,” and the article quoted anti-corruption advocates in Ukraine who were concerned that Zlochevsky would be protected from prosecution because of Hunter Biden’s role with Burisma. “If an investigator sees the son of the vice president of the United States is part of the management of a company … that investigator will be uncomfortable pushing the case forward,” Daria Kaleniuk, executive director of Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Action Center, told the Wall Street Journal. In July 2019, Kaleniuk told the Washington Post that “Shokin was not investigating. He didn’t want to investigate Burisma. And Shokin was fired not because he wanted to do that investigation, but quite to the contrary, because he failed that investigation.” In 2019, Keith Darden, an associate professor at American University’s School of International Service, told us in an email that there “is nothing more absurd than the notion that Shokin was removed to *prevent* him from prosecuting Zlochevsky…or any one else.” “Ukraine has had a long line of prosecutors whose function has not been to enforce the law, but to perform the political function of selectively prosecuting political enemies and to hold out the threat of prosecution in order to secure political loyalty and compliance,” Darden said. “Shokin was precisely that kind of prosecutor. He would open cases as a way of holding the threat of prosecution over a business, but he did not actually prosecute cases. The reason that [the U.S. government the IMF, World Bank] and pretty much everyone else who wants reform in Ukraine wanted Shokin out was precisely because he was refusing to prosecute any corruption cases.” Michael McFaul, a former U.S. ambassador to Russia during the Obama administration, on Sept. 20, 2019, tweeted that the “Obama administration policy (not just ‘Biden policy’) to push for this Ukrainian general prosecutor to go” was “a shared view in many capitals, multilateral lending institutions, and pro-democratic Ukrainian civil society.” ## Archer: Hunter Didn’t Get Money from Moscow Mayor’s Wife Late in the 2020 presidential campaign, Trump repeatedly alleged in campaign speeches and in debates that Hunter and/or Joe Biden got $3.5 million from Yelena Baturina, a billionaire businesswoman and wife of the late Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov. The payment from Baturina was revealed in a joint report issued by Republican staff of the Senate Finance and Homeland Security committees less than two months before the election. “Joe got $3.5 million from Russia and it came through Putin because he was very friendly with the former mayor of Moscow, and it was the mayor of Moscow’s wife, and you’ve got $3.5 million,” Trump said at the second presidential debate on Oct. 22, 2020. “Your family got $3.5 million. And you know, someday you’re going to have to explain why did you get three and a half.” “I never got any money from Russia,” Biden responded. On Aug. 9, Comer issued a press release in which he said, “Russian billionaire Yelena Baturina transferred $3.5 million to Rosemont Seneca Thornton,” which he said was “a shell company associated with Hunter Biden and Devon Archer.” During his congressional testimony, Archer said he was involved in a $120 million real estate deal with Baturina, CEO of the real estate company Inteco, that involved two warehouses in Brooklyn. Archer acknowledged that $3.5 million from Baturina — which he said was a commission for the real estate deal — ended up in an account for Rosemont Seneca Thornton, a company in which Hunter Biden held an ownership stake. “Quite frankly,” Archer said, “it was not supposed to go there, but that’s where it went.” Archer said that Hunter Biden was “not involved” in that real estate deal, and that the money was supposed to have gone to Rosemont Realty. Archer said Hunter Biden had only a “minimal” connection to, and no ownership stake in, Rosemont Realty. In April 2022, the Washington Post Fact Checker did a deep dive on the $3.5 million payment from Baturina and reported that Rosemont Seneca Thornton LLC was supposed to be quickly dissolved due to regulatory concerns from one of the partners, which jibes with what Archer said in his congressional testimony. “But Rosemont Seneca Thornton was not dissolved as planned,” the Washington Post reported. Unnamed sources “familiar with the company” told the Post that “Archer had kept the vehicle alive for his own real estate business, Rosemont Realty, which raised money from Eastern European and Central Asian investors.” But, the sources said, Archer did not inform Hunter Biden or the third partner. According to the Post, “Archer’s secret was exposed when the Senate report was published. Confronted, Archer told [the third partner, James] Bulger that he had used Rosemont Seneca Thornton to transfer funds from Baturina to purchase real estate in Brooklyn, according to a participant in the conversation.” And as we said, according to Archer’s testimony, Hunter Biden did not receive $3.5 million from Baturina. Editor’s note: does not accept advertising. We rely on grants and individual donations from people like you. Please consider a donation. Credit card donations may be made through our “Donate” page. If you prefer to give by check, send to:, Annenberg Public Policy Center, 202 S. 36th St., Philadelphia, PA 19104. * Categories * FactCheck Posts * Featured Posts * Issue * Ukraine * Ukraine bribery allegation * People * Devon Archer * Hunter Biden * Joe Biden Previous StoryPosts Exaggerate Significance of Swiss Study on Heart Risk and COVID-19 Vaccination Next StoryTrump’s Co-Conspirators in Georgia Ask SciCheck Q: Are wind farms harmful to the environment? 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Hunter Biden’s former business partner Devon Archer told us in his transcribed congressional interview that he heard Hunter Biden speak to Joe Biden more than 20 times about their business deals
![\\"site](\\" main.svg\\"/) Toggle navigation Search * About * Chairman James Comer * Full Committee * Rules * Committee Activity * Calendar * Hearings * Letters * Markups * Reports * Forums * Roundtables * Subcommittees * Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation * Economic Growth, Energy Policy, and Regulatory Affairs * Government Operations and the Federal Workforce * Health Care and Financial Services * National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs * Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic * Media Center * Press Releases * The Overview * Biden Family Investigation * The Bidens’ Influence Peddling Timeline * Biden\'s Border Crisis * COVID Origins * Blow the Whistle The Overview **Published:** Aug 24, 2023 # Joe Biden Lied At Least 16 Times About His Family’s Business Schemes Share via Email Joe Biden has repeatedly lied about his family’s business dealings. Joe Biden claims he never spoke to his family about their business dealings; his family never received $1 million in payments through a third party; his son never made money in China; his son’s dealings were ethical; and his son did nothing wrong. Below are 16 times that Joe Biden lied about his family’s dealings over the years. Joe Biden lied about not talking to his son about his business dealings. August 28, 2019 Then-Presidential Candidate Joe Biden: “First of all, I have never discussed with my son, or my brother, or anyone else, anything having to do with their businesses, period. What I will do is the same thing we did in our administration. There will be an absolute wall between the personal and private, and the government. There wasn’t any hint of scandal at all when we were there. And I will impose the same kind of strict, strict rules. That is why I have never talked with my son or my brother, or anyone else in the distant family about their business interests, period.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/Clip-1-1024x635.png\\") September 21, 2019 Reporter: “Have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings?” Joe Biden: “I’ve never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/Clip-2-1024x572.png\\") October 4, 2019 Reporter: “Excuse me. There was a photo of you golfing with your son Hunter and his business partner Devon Archer. Do you stand by your statement that you did not discuss any of your son’s overseas business dealings?” Joe Biden: “Yes, I stand by that statement.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/Clip-3-1024x572.png\\") October 9, 2019 Joe Biden: “I don’t discuss business with my son. I didn’t know that was the case when in fact I found out after the fact. And I don’t discuss things with my son or my family because I don’t want to have any knowledge of any, I don’t want to be accused of well you talk with your son, you talk with your whomever.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/Clip-4-1024x635.png\\") October 15, 2019 Joe Biden: “I never discussed a single thing with my son about anything having do with Ukraine. No one has indicated I have. We’ve always kept everything separate.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/Clip-5-1024x635.png\\") October 16, 2019 Joe Biden: “I never discussed with my son anything having to do with what was going on in Ukraine. That’s a fact.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/Clip-6-1024x635.png\\") October 27, 2019 Joe Biden: “I’ve never discussed my business or their business, my sons and daughters. And I’ve never discussed them because they know where I have to do my job and that’s it.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/Clip-7-1024x565.png\\") October 29, 2019 Joe Biden: “I’ve never discussed my son’s business with him.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/Clip-8-1024x641.png\\") April 5, 2022 Reporter: “The President has said that he never spoke to his son about his overseas business dealings. Is that still the case?” Jen Psaki: “Yes.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/Clip-9-1024x630.png\\") June 26, 2023 Reporter: “Did you lie about never speaking to Hunter about his business dealings?” President Biden: “No.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/Clip-10-1024x630.png\\") August 9, 2023 Reporter: “There’s this testimony now where one of your son’s former business associates is claiming that you were on speakerphone a lot with them talking business. Is that what?” President Biden: “I never talked business with anybody, and I knew you’d have a lousy question.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/Clip-11-1024x632.png\\") FACT: Evidence reveals then-Vice President Biden spoke, dined, and had coffee with Hunter Biden’s foreign business associates. The FBI’s recorded interview with Rob Walker, a Biden family associate, also reveals Joe Biden attended a meeting about CEFC, a Chinese entity. Additionally, Hunter Biden alleged his father was in the room when he demanded payment from a CEFC associate. Then-Vice President Biden dined with corrupt oligarchs who funneled millions to Hunter Biden. ![\\"\\"](\\" Milano-Dinner-DA-Transcript-1024x1024.png\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" Milano-Dinner-DA-Transcript-1024x1024.png\\") Then-Vice President Biden spoke on speakerphone with Hunter Biden’s business associates over 20 times. Democrats would have Americans believe that these phone calls then-Vice President Biden took with business associates were simply to discuss the weather. ![\\"\\"](\\" Calls-DA-Transcript-1024x1024.png\\") Joe Biden attended a CEFC meeting. ![\\"\\"](\\" walker-853x1024.png\\") Hunter Biden claimed Joe Biden was in the room when he demanded payment from a CEFC associate. ![\\"\\"](\\" Chinese-Business-Associate-02-1024x576.png\\") Joe Biden lied about his family receiving over $1 million in payments from China through an associate. March 20, 2023 Reporter: “Any reaction to House GOP’s memo about your family’s dealings […] revealing that Hunter Biden’s business associates sent over $1 million to three of your family members?” President Biden: “That’s not true.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/Clip-12-1024x632.png\\") FACT: The House Oversight Committee detailed in its first bank records memorandum, released on March 16, 2023, that three Biden family members – Hunter Biden, James Biden, Hallie Biden, and an unknown Biden – and their companies received over $1.3 million in payments from a Chinese company through a third party. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/FrrHOJQXsAEhtZy-1024x695.jpeg\\") Joe Biden lied about Hunter Biden making money from China. October 22, 2020 Joe Biden: “My son has not made money, in terms of thing about, what are you talking about? China. The only guy who made money in China is [President Trump].” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/Clip-13-1024x632.png\\") FACT: The House Oversight Committee detailed in its second bank records memorandum how Hunter Biden and other members of the Biden family received millions from Chinese nationals and companies with significant ties to Chinese intelligence and the Chinese Communist Party. ![\\"\\"](\\" Biden-Charts-02-1024x731.png\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" Biden-Charts-01-1024x731.png\\") Joe Biden lied about his son’s business dealings being ethical. October 22, 2020 Moderator: “There have been questions about the work your son has done in China and for a Ukrainian energy company when you were vice president. In retrospect, was anything about those relationships inappropriate or unethical?” Joe Biden: “Nothing was unethical.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/Clip-14-1024x632.png\\") FACT: During a transcribed interview with Devon Archer – Hunter Biden’s former business partner – Archer described how Joe Biden was “the brand” and was used to send “signals” of power, access, and influence to enrich the Biden family. Devon Archer confirmed Joe Biden was “the brand” and he brought the most value to “the brand.” ![\\"\\"](\\" Is-The-Brand-DA-Transcript-1024x1024.png\\") Devon Archer admitted the value of adding Hunter Biden to the Burisma board was it “sent the right signals” and “a lot of it’s about opening doors, you know, globally in D.C.” ![\\"\\"](\\" Hunter-Biden-sent-the-right-signals-1024x661.png\\") Archer stated Burisma would have gone out of business if not for “the brand.” ![\\"\\"](\\" would-have-gone-out-of-business-if-not-for-the-brand.-1024x298.png\\") Burisma executives requested Hunter Biden to get “help from D.C.” to address “government pressure” and were aware Hunter had a “very powerful name.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/Government-Pressure-1024x801.png\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/Can-D.C.-Help-1024x1024.png\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" Name-1024x918.png\\") During a media interview, Devon Archer responded to claims that there was no corruption, and that Joe Biden had no role whatsoever in Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings or knowledge of it. “That’s categorically false.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/Clip-15-1024x574.png\\") Joe Biden lied about his son doing nothing wrong. October 27, 2019 Joe Biden: “And it turns out, [Hunter] didn’t do a single thing wrong as everybody has investigated.” ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/Clip-7-1024x565.png\\") December 8, 2019 Reporter: “So you think that everything that happened was kosher?” Joe Biden: “You know that there’s not one single bit of evidence. Not one little, tiny bit to suggest that anything done was wrong.” ![\\"\\"](\\" Clip-1024x561.png\\") FACT: During the failed change of plea hearing, Hunter Biden was asked by the Judge about some of the facts surrounding his criminal conduct. IRS whistleblowers also reveal how Hunter Biden potentially committed other felonies. ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/[email protected]\\") ![\\"\\"](\\" content/uploads/2023/08/[email protected]\\") ## Related The Overview Comer Joins Fox News Sunday to Discuss Secret Service’s Failure to Thwart Assassination Attempt of President Trump July 21, 2024 The Overview Comer on Fox News: Here’s What Too Many Federal Agencies Don’t Understand About the Chinese Communist Party June 26, 2024 The Overview Comer on Fox News’ Ingraham Angle: Hunter Biden and Jim Biden Lied to Protect Joe Biden June 6, 2024 The Overview WSJ Editorial Board: Biden Makes a Bogus Executive Privilege Claim May 16, 2024 ![\\"Site](\\" main.svg\\"/) * About * Chairman James Comer * Full Committee * Rules * Committee Activity * Calendar * Hearings * Letters * Markups * Reports * Forums * Roundtables * Subcommittees * Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation * Economic Growth, Energy Policy, and Regulatory Affairs * Government Operations and the Federal Workforce * Health Care and Financial Services * National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs * Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic * Media Center * Press Releases * The Overview * Biden Family Investigation * The Bidens’ Influence Peddling Timeline * Biden\'s Border Crisis * COVID Origins * Blow the Whistle * Minority © 2024 Committee On Oversight and Accountability Privacy Policy 2157 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-5074 Fax: (202) 225-3974 * * * * ![\\"Site](\\" main.svg\\"/) Search * About * Chairman James Comer * Full Committee * Rules * Committee Activity * Calendar * Hearings * Letters * Markups * Reports * Forums * Roundtables * Subcommittees * Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation * Economic Growth, Energy Policy, and Regulatory Affairs * Government Operations and the Federal Workforce * Health Care and Financial Services * National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs * Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic * Media Center * Press Releases * The Overview * Biden Family Investigation * The Bidens’ Influence Peddling Timeline * Biden\'s Border Crisis * COVID Origins * Blow the Whistle ![\\"\\"](\\" textonly.png\\"/)
Hunter Biden’s former business partner Devon Archer told us in his transcribed congressional interview that he heard Hunter Biden speak to Joe Biden more than 20 times about their business deals
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Northeast harvests wheat for the first time Water arrives in dry lands And things are changing Guess who's to blame
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It was raining, the water neither hot nor cold, but the exact temperature to be unnoticeable against my skin. There were high points of ground, swells in the terrain where the water thinned and I could see gray grass underneath the surface of the water. There was nothing above the water level. The rain fell steadily, just as it did on campus, and perhaps this was the reason why the town hadn’t flooded yet. It was all coming here. The rain released from its tormenter, falling incessantly, and flooding into the gray world. I supposed that I could plant the seed and then try to find a way out, but something told me that this wasn’t the right spot for it. I was seeing the effects of the rain, but it didn’t feel like this was anything other than the fringes of the rain’s influence. I had to get this right. I’d only get one chance, otherwise, the seed would be wasted and it’d do nothing but eat away at Grayson in bits and pieces. Or worse, it would do nothing at all. And when the gray world could no longer contain the rain, when things twisted and shifted beyond tolerance, then it would overflow onto campus. I’d heard stories back home about what happened when a malevolent ancient claimed a parcel of land. Slowly, person by person, the town would dwindle into nothingness. People would either leave, unable to tolerate the oppression in the air, or they would die. This sort of thing didn’t happen often… but it did happen. Oh, we’d call it due to an economic downturn or something like that, but a ghost town is aptly named. I began slogging my way through the water. Seek the highest hill was the way to escape the gray world, but I wasn’t certain that was what I was looking for. I was looking for anything at all, anything that would help me understand what I was to do with the seed. It burned when it touched my bare skin so I carried it swaddled in my shirt, tucked against my chest. I walked for what felt like a very short time and a very long distance. I could feel the world turning underneath my feet, rotating on its axis, but the scenery never changed. I walked through the water, skirting the areas where I couldn’t gauge the depth, trying to stay on the swells where there were only a few inches of water. The rain soaked through my clothing but I wasn’t cold, not with the stone radiating heat through my shirt. Its presence felt comforting. Somehow, it made me feel like I was doing the right thing. Then I saw something up ahead. A person. I sloshed through the water towards it, nervously, because this was the gray world and I couldn’t trust that anything here was safe. But they didn’t move, just stood there and stared at their feet, and as I grew closer I realized that I recognized who it was. I broke into a run with a cry, my heels kicking up sprays of water, and I ran as hard as I could to where Maria stood all alone. She raised her head and stared through me as I approached. I came to a stop in front of her, panting, and wrapped both arms around the stone at my chest to shield it from her. It was already covered up, but I didn’t dare let her touch it. I couldn’t let it pull her inside as it’d almost done to James. “Maria?” I asked. “It’s me. It’s Ashley.” Her gaze sharpened. She stared at me for a moment and then she smiled, a tentative, trembling gesture. “I was waiting for you,” she said. “I knew you’d come for me.” For a moment I was speechless. Then I began to cry, in relief, and with the heavy weight of her words. She’d waited for me. Because she knew I would come. And I wanted to tell her that I didn’t know what I was doing here, that I was scared and confused, but I didn’t say anything at all. Because she already knew all that and she’d waited for me anyway. “I’m here now,” I said instead. “You’re not alone. I’m here. We can go home together.” “Go?” she asked, puzzled. “But I stayed right here.” Her words didn’t make sense to me, but that was to be expected. She was caught between life and death and all of her focus was on holding onto herself. I had to be patient. “Right,” I said. “You didn\'t want to wander. That\'s smart. But we need to find the highest hill if we\'re going to get out of here.” I grabbed her hand. It was reassuringly warm. She was alive. I just needed to get her back into her body. I tugged, trying to pull her with me so we could keep walking in any direction, searching for any change in terrain. Any at all. “I found a hill”, she whispered. “There was something there. It was… a bird? But also the sky. Yes, I think it was the sky. It told me I could go with it and it’d keep me safe from everything.” The master of the gray world. She’d met it and she’d chosen to wait for me instead. I nervously licked my lips. Somehow, it felt worse now that it wasn\'t just me I needed to save. I had to plant the seed and then get us both out. I took a deep breath. Maria was still talking. “It sent me here,” she said. “Even though it’s not safe. That’s what the sky said. But there’s not many things around here anymore, so I suppose it didn’t need to worry about me.” Maria was rambling. I looked around us, trying to figure out what was special about this particular spot. It was no different from everything around us, as far as I could see. Just another swell of land, the soggy grass swaying underneath a few inches of water. Beside me, Maria fell silent. I glanced at her and noticed that she was looking at something, her gaze unfocused, her lips half-parted. She was looking down at our feet. So that’s where I looked as well. And all around us the water was black instead of silver, the gray sheen was gone and so was the ground, there was nothing but the dark depths below us as far as I could see, like spilled ink directly below my feet - I gasped and tore my gaze away. I stared at the sky instead and at the raindrops covering the lenses of my glasses. “Is this… where you entered the gray world?” I finally asked, trying to keep my voice even. “Entered? I - I was pulled -” Yes. It was. “But I fell for so long, through so much darkness,” Maria said and there was an edge of wild panic in her voice. I squeezed her hand, distracting her from wherever her thoughts were veering. She couldn’t lose herself. Not when we were so close. Then I looked down again and this time, I didn’t stare into the depths of the water. I stared at my ankles, at where the water formed a silver ring, and then I swept my gaze out from that and I looked at the surface of the water, searching for a reflection, searching for something to ground myself on. And I saw a shape, a person, except it wasn’t me. It wasn’t me at all. It was Professor Monotone. I admit my brain short-circuited a bit at that. I mean, of all the things I would have expected to see in the water of the gray world, that was not it. But after a moment my brain kicked in again and I realized his back was to my point of view and he was speaking, he was gesturing, and then I saw who he was speaking to. It was Cassie. She faced him with her arms crossed, scowling bitterly. Behind her was Josh and James… and Grayson. Josh and James were holding onto Grayson’s arms, one to either side of him. His eyes were wide with terror and I realized he couldn’t stop them. He was in a human body, inside dying flesh, and there was no rain inside the power plant basement. They were dragging him closer to the edge of the pool, dragging him closer to where I waited on the other side. “I’d rather die!” he shrieked at them. His voice was muffled, almost inaudible, like he was deep underwater. “I’d rather be undone entirely than be trapped like this!” No. This wasn’t what I wanted. “Let\'s go,” I said to Maria, my voice right with urgency. “I think we\'re in the right spot.” I tried not to think about what I was doing. Any hesitation and I might freeze up entirely, but I’d figured that out and I knew the trick to get around. Just don’t think. Get that first step out of the way and everything else would follow. I took a deep breath and I jumped. A short hop, enough to get my feet out of the swamp, and when my feet hit the water again they kept going. There was no more ground. I was falling, plunging straight into water, and I recognized this place. I knew it, for I’d seen it in Grayson’s terror. This was his realm, this was where all the water went, an empty void where he was alone, stretched across the entirety of the ocean, existing only from moment to moment as each raindrop fell and was absorbed into the earth. I looked up. I could see, far above us, my friends. Their faces were blurred from the water, but I still recognized Josh and James and Grayson, leaning over the surface of the pool. Cassie wasn’t visible. No doubt she was tying up Professor Monotone and keeping him from stopping them. I felt a little bad for pitting him against Cassie. That wasn’t a fight he could win. Then they threw Grayson in. He struggled, trying to swim up, but it was like the water was sucking him in and he twisted, thrashing, flailing with his hands as if he was trying to knock it away from him. As if it had grabbed hold and was pulling him down. Then James, in Maria’s body, jumped in. Maria’s body went limp. And James drifted out of it and I saw him as he once was, as he looked in Professor Monotone’s photo. He began to swim down, chasing Grayson, leaving Maria’s body to drift. I looked beside me. Maria was staring upwards, that distant look gone from her eyes and she was focused and I knew she realized what she had to do. I let go of her hand, shoving her upwards as I did. And she started to swim. Towards her body, towards the surface, towards everything that would give her her life back. All that left was the seed. I wrenched my gaze away from Grayson’s sinking body. I didn’t know how to save him. I didn’t think he should be saved, not like this. James deserved to live and Grayson… I unwrapped the seed from my shirt. This was all I could do for him. I let go of the seed. It floated in the water and from the crack I watched as a pale sprout emerged. The first tip of a root. I turned away, towards the surface. I had to get out of here before I ran out of oxygen. I began to swim upwards and the air in my lungs carried me up faster than I expected. This was all going to work. I was going to escape, the seed was where it needed to be and Grayson- I paused. He drifted in the water, no longer fighting, back arched, eyes wide and his mouth open. His chest rose and fell, breathing the water as easily as if it were air. And then I glanced down, towards the seed. It turned over in the water, drifting faintly along a weak current, and as I watched the root shriveled, broke off, and floated away. It wasn’t sprouting. All of this was for nothing. It felt like a hand was squeezing my chest, crushing the hope that I’d dared allow to blossom, and replacing it with an icy terror that froze my muscles. I was going to save Maria and James, but Grayson would be trapped inside the manifestation of all his fears. For one brief, wild moment I thought I could swim over to him, grab his hand, and let him consume me and we’d be together, just as he wanted, and maybe it would be okay in the end - My body wouldn’t move. I couldn’t force myself to go to him. This was my life to do with as I wanted and I didn’t want that. I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I turned myself around in the water and stared into James’s eyes. His gaze tracked past me, towards Grayson, towards his body, and then down to the seed. He knew. He understood what I was trying to do. And he knew why it wasn’t working. Then he looked at me again and his eyes were wide with desperation. He wanted to live. He wanted to live so bad but then his face tightened with a hopeless resolve and I knew he’d decided. It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t right, and everything he was rebelled against giving in, but this was going to be all the time he got in life. He let go of my hand and linked his hands together, placed them underneath my foot, and shoved me upwards. Then he dove, down to the seed, to the heart, and he wrapped his hands around it and let it pull him in. I felt a hand grab the back of my shirt. I was wrenched upwards, my head broke through the water, and then there was an arm around my chest and hands on my arms and my friends were pulling me out of the water. “I’m sorry,” I sobbed, sucking air into my lungs. “I’m so sorry. I’ll bring you back. I promise. I’ll bring you back as yourself.” They dragged me clear. And I sat there, crying, and watched as the water in the pool began to recede. It dropped lower and lower and just underneath that glistening surface I saw branches forming. Buds appeared on the tips and then they sprouted into leaves and the water dropped lower and lower as the tree drank it up, until it was gone from sight, and all that was left was a rectangle where the concrete was an inch lower than the floor around it. “James… isn’t coming out,” Cassie said and she sounded… confused. Like she couldn’t accept that this hadn’t worked exactly as she wanted. “No,” I said. “And neither is Grayson.” It was over. The pool was gone. No one else would be pushed in and be left to linger for as long as they could hold on, while their body decayed and died without them. I should be happy by this, but I only sat there and cried, and my friends sat with me for as long as I needed. It rained for one more day before the weather finally cleared. I didn’t see much of Maria. She desperately needed to catch up on her classes if she was going to pass finals at the end of the year. She did make time to talk about what happened, though. From her perspective, almost no time at all had passed. She wound up in the gray world and then I was there to take her out. She didn’t remember anything of her conversation with the master of the gray world and honestly, I feel that’s for the best. Her quasi-death experience has hopefully dampened her enthusiasm for the inhuman, but I don’t want to risk rekindling it. Because there are still creatures out there. The rain is still an ancient thing. I know that from a very reliable source. “See?” a regrettably familiar voice said from behind my right shoulder, as I walked to my first exam of finals week. “Didn’t I promise you’d graduate?” The devil fell in step beside me. He seemed utterly at ease now, which was understandable considering the rain wasn’t able to get rid of him anymore. I felt a stab of bitterness at that. “It wasn’t worth it,” I said tersely. “I wish I’d never taken your damn bargain.” “Oh, don’t be like that. You knew that the rain couldn’t continue on like it had been. Everything was unraveling. Grayson had no backup plan for the end of the year. If he couldn’t share your body and soul, then his current one would have simply fallen apart and he’d have no replacement.” “But I left him trapped in that place.” He stepped in front of me so that I was forced to stop and look directly at him. He spread his arms out and there was no smile on his face. No mockery. He locked eyes with me, his gaze bright. “It’s still raining, isn’t it?” he said intently. “Are you really so arrogant as to think you could destroy - or even trap - an ancient thing? No, the rain is still here. It’s just… contained now. Not trapped. Contained.” “But he doesn’t have a body anymore -” “I told you to kill the tree so you could change things. So go change them again, if you don’t like the results.” Then he spun, putting his back to me, and walked away whistling, his hands in his pockets. I watched him go until he veered to tail a student, getting in close to whisper something in their ear. They didn’t seem to notice his presence at all, but when the devil was done talking they stopped cold and pulled out their phone and started urgently texting. I averted my gaze and kept walking. That felt like a whole lot of drama starting up that was not my problem. Ancient things don’t really die. Inhuman things don’t always die either. They just vanish for a little while and then come back, perhaps as something different, or exactly as they were, if the stories around them are strong enough. If enough people know what they should be. And… well. The other day Cassie found her freshly laundered bras sitting on her desk when she walked into class. Yes. Her desk. It was awkward, she said. The devil said to change things again, if I didn’t like how it turned out. I’m not done here. I’m going to make good on that promise to the rain. I’ve got one more year and after that I’m going to apply for the graduate program. Professor Monotone has already agreed to be my advisor. I’m not doing this just for Grayson, though. I want to stay here. I don’t quite know what to do after graduation yet and maybe this is just a stalling measure to delay that decision, but on some level the thought of getting an advanced degree appeals to me. Like I spent all this time in undergrad figuring out who I am and now I have a foundation I can start building on. Leaving my hometown and going to college was the first decision I made solely for myself and I’m ready to make some more of those choices. This could be a mistake. I might regret it. But I won’t know that until I try. One more year until everything changes again. I don’t feel ready for it… but somehow, I’m okay with that. Because being human is to change. I think that’s why rules don’t work so well on us. They chafe at our very nature. Humanity just doesn’t like being told what to do. But rules are great at changing the inhuman. I’m keeping in touch with the Folklore Society. We’re going to start spreading a new rule about the rain. It’s not accurate. Not yet. Don’t go outside when it rains. But if you find yourself caught in it, look for the student walking alone with no umbrella and no raincoat. Walk with them, and they’ll make sure you get home safely. We’ll make it real. And I do mean ‘we’. Not ‘we’ as in Cassie, Maria, Josh and I, but you and me and everyone else. Because rules are only one part of this. Stories shape the inhuman as well. I’ve told this story to you now, the good and the bad, the things you hated about Grayson and the things you loved. I told you about him, about what he wanted more than anything. And that’s what you’ll remember. Not the rain. Not something formless and scattered. You’ll remember Grayson, just as I remember him. We’ll give the rain the freedom it wants. It’ll be able to walk among us, not trapped inside dying, stolen flesh, but as something that can exist on its own, something that isn’t caught up in the demands of a long-dead ritual, but something that exists for its own sake. I don’t know what that will look like… but I’m excited to find out. Together we can make the rain into something new. The Perfect Ingredient u/HeatConfident4673 ADMIN MOD • 5 hr. ago The Perfect Ingredient You know, they never really notice the small details. People are so caught up in their little lives, rushing from one place to another, worrying about things that don\'t matter in the end. No one cares about the people who disappear. Especially if they don’t fit the picture of what society calls ‘beautiful.’ Let me tell you a story. My story. I’ve always had a fascination with beauty—what makes someone truly radiant. It’s not the makeup or the surgeries or the photoshopped images everyone obsesses over. No, it’s something much deeper, something hidden beneath layers of skin. But they—the women society overlooks—had no idea. They thought they were invisible, unworthy, unlovable. Heavyset, curvaceous, they carried their burdens in more ways than one. But I saw them. I saw the potential in them. At first, I didn’t know what I was searching for. I wandered, lost, just another ghost in the crowd. Until one day, I stumbled upon it by accident—the answer to eternal beauty. The right mix of ingredients, the perfect combination that no lab, no factory could ever create. Something raw, natural. You see, it’s not the fat itself. It’s what it becomes. My first subject, I found her on the outskirts of town. She was waiting for the bus, staring at the ground like she was ashamed to exist. Her body was perfect for my experiment. Voluptuous, soft. The kind of figure society mocks and sneers at. But I knew better. I could make something exquisite from her despair. She never saw me coming. In my workshop, hidden beneath the earth where no one could hear the screams, I set to work. The smell of blood and oils mixed together, filling the space with something both revolting and intoxicating. I was nervous at first. But once I peeled back the layers—literally—I knew I was onto something extraordinary. It didn’t take long for the first batch to be ready. A soap, pure and smooth, so luxurious you wouldn’t believe what it was made of. Her flesh became something else entirely. Beautiful. Desirable. I even tested it on my own skin, watching as the lines of time faded, as my complexion became brighter, clearer. She had given me a gift, and she didn’t even know it. I sold my first bar to a boutique downtown. They had no idea what they were buying—just that it worked like nothing else on the market. It flew off the shelves. The more I made, the more they craved it. The soap, the serums—they became a sensation, a hidden secret among those seeking perfection. They’d never guess. They just wanted to be beautiful. But beauty, you see, is a currency, and I’ve perfected how to trade in it. Those women, they were never appreciated for what they truly could be. Society mocked them, ignored them, made them feel small. But in my hands, they became something more. They became...useful. Do you know how easy it is to find the next one? They always sit alone, trying to make themselves smaller, hoping no one notices them. But I do. I always do. They’ve become part of something greater now. Something the world craves, though it doesn’t even realize it. You might be wondering if I feel remorse. Guilt, perhaps? No. Not at all. I’m giving them the chance to be part of a legacy. They become the very thing they always wanted to be—desired, cherished, needed. Isn’t that what everyone longs for? So, if you ever feel the smooth glide of an unfamiliar soap on your skin or notice your reflection looking a little too radiant after using that new serum, remember this: beauty has a price. And someone, somewhere, paid it. Who knows? Maybe one day, you’ll be next. After all, perfection is hard to come by. And I’m always looking for the next perfect ingredient. 4o u/apple • Promoted Celebrate in a new light. Our festive offer is now live at the Apple Store. ![\\"\\"](\\" Ey6zh6RYV1gEyea2g.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=4b00974dd02377d49d11a24ba999749fe073df0c\\") ![\\"Celebrate](\\" Ey6zh6RYV1gEyea2g.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=4b00974dd02377d49d11a24ba999749fe073df0c\\") Shop Now I live in a town that doesn\'t let anyone leave. u/Roos85 ADMIN MOD • 23 hr. ago I live in a town that doesn\'t let anyone leave. Listen closely, because this isn’t a story. It’s a warning. There’s a place, a town not on any map, tucked away in a corner of the world so secret it barely exists. No one talks about it. Maybe they’ve forgotten. Maybe they’ve learned to forget. But it’s real, and if you find it, you’ll never be able to leave. I escaped once, but it’s only a matter of time before they find me again. I don’t have long, so listen carefully. The town didn’t look unusual at first. If anything, it was painfully ordinary. Rows of houses with neat lawns, crooked lampposts lining empty streets, a town square with a statue of a man no one could name. At a glance, it could’ve been anywhere, the kind of place you pass through without a second thought. But the moment I stepped into it, I felt something was wrong. Something thick in the air, like static before a storm. No one spoke about it, but we all felt it, the silent law. You could hear it in the footsteps that never strayed from the path and see it in the faces that never turned toward the clock tower. The law was never written down, never spoken aloud, but everyone knew it. You didn’t question the town. You didn’t step out of line. And you never tried to leave. At first, I did what everyone else did. I followed the rules. Nobody knew what the rules were. The only time we knew for sure was when someone broke them. I lived quietly, kept my head down, and went about my day like nothing was wrong. But the town felt like a trap like the air was watching me, waiting for me to make a mistake. Every time someone broke the law, and it was always something small, something barely noticeable and mundane they disappeared. I remember the first time I saw it happen. A man I didn’t know, even though we lived beside each other for years, took the wrong step. He didn’t follow the pattern of the street, the long lines on the roads and footpaths that quietly told everyone where to go. The next morning, his body was hanging in the town square. Twisted, broken, like some kind of macabre display. No one looked. No one acknowledged it. The townspeople walked around him like he wasn’t there like it was normal. I started to wonder who was watching. Who enforced the rules? There were no police, only strange men in white suits, who patrolled the streets. It made you paranoid, made you question every step, every word. You couldn’t trust anyone, not even yourself. On the edge of the town, there was a dirt path that everyone ignored. It was there, plain as day, but no one spoke of it, and no one dared follow it. They knew better. I should’ve known better. I couldn’t help myself. The curiosity gnawed at me until I couldn’t ignore it anymore. One night, when the streets were dark and the town was asleep, I decided to follow it. The path twisted and turned, snaking away from the town, but no matter how far I walked, I always found myself moving closer to the town. The further I went, the more I felt the town pulling me back, like a black hole dragging me toward its centre. The road kept bending in on itself, leading me in circles until, finally, I ended up right where I started. That’s when I knew there was no leaving. The town was alive, and it didn’t want me to go. The next day, someone else vanished. A woman this time. She’d broken another rule, whispered something forbidden, something about leaving and by morning, she was gone. But this time, there was no trace of a body, just her empty house, as if she’d never existed at all. The town knew I was defying it. I could feel it watching me. The more I tried to understand it, the more desperate I was to escape. One night, I saw it. Something that no one should’ve seen. The clocktower. Its face was always turned away, like it was hiding something, and the townspeople avoided looking at it as if their lives depended on it. I’d followed that rule too, at first. But in my growing madness, I dared to glance at it. That\'s when I saw the truth. The hands of the clock weren’t moving. They hadn’t moved in years. The town wasn’t bound by time. It existed in a liminal space, outside of everything, pulling in those unfortunate enough to stumble upon it. When I first heard the footsteps, I knew then I wasn’t just being watched, they were following me wherever I went. I never saw who made them, but they were always there, just behind me, just out of sight. Every corner I turned, they were there, waiting. I knew my time was running out, so I decided to run. I took the road again, and this time, I didn’t stop. I ran until my lungs burned, until my legs gave out until the town was a blur behind me. And somehow, against all odds, I broke through. I found myself on the other side of the fog, on a highway, cars rushing past me like the world hadn’t even noticed I was gone. That’s when I started writing this when I started telling my story. I thought if I warned others, if I could just explain what was waiting out there I would be safe. I tried hiding in the shadows of my newfound freedom. I had nowhere to go, but I thought if I had nowhere to call home, they wouldn’t know where to find me. I’ve been seeing them again, the terrifying shadows that moved and twisted out of the corners of my eye. As the shadows moved closer, the footsteps got louder, and It was only a matter of time before they found me. I don’t know how long I was out. When I woke up, I was strapped to a bed, with fluorescent lights burning into my eyes. But I wasn’t in a town. I was in a hospital. They told me I’d been there for years. Told me I wasn’t well, that I had imagined the town, the laws, the people. They said it was a delusion, a paranoid fantasy my mind had constructed to cope with something I didn’t want to remember. But they’re wrong. The town was real. It is real. I know it. I felt it. They tried to explain it away. They said the people I saw weren’t townsfolk, but other patients. The man who was hanging in the streets had managed to escape his room and hanged himself in the common room. The woman who vanished was old and got moved to a more comfortable place. They told me the clock tower was the hospital’s old, broken clock, stuck at the same time for years. The road I walked was just a hall leading to the hospital exit. The doctors tried to calm me. They said it’s part of my recovery, that my mind is healing. But it’s not. They don’t understand. They can’t. Because the hospital is just another version of the town. The rules are still there, hidden in the routines they force me to follow. The treatments, the schedules, the silence. It’s all the same. It’s just wearing a different face. I can hear them again. The footsteps, slow and steady, coming down the street. They’re getting closer. I know what’s coming next. 43 Rank by size Created Mar 24, 2010 15 years ago Public Anyone can view, post, and comment to this community ## Copyright Notes Note: All stories submitted to r/nosleep belong to the original poster. 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Northeast harvests wheat for the first time Water arrives in dry lands And things are changing Guess who's to blame
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Northeast harvests wheat for the first time Water arrives in dry lands And things are changing Guess who's to blame
![\\"\\"](\\" dc43-42cc-a492-2eb82466e30c\\") * Home * Magazine Subscription * Store * Podcast * Free Articles * Search * Login Home __Archive __Succession planting for months of green beans # Succession planting for months of green beans By Pam Dawling April 1, 2011 There are several species of beans, which do not cross-breed. Here I will be talking about Phaseolus vulgaris, generally called snap beans or simply green beans. By choosing varieties appropriate for your farm, and giving thought to planting dates, it’s possible to get high yields and keep them coming till frost. Shelling beans (for harvest when dry) are an easy crop if the climate is right. **Varieties** We like both Provider and Bush Blue Lake snap beans for productivity and flavor. We often sow Provider for the early and late crops, with Bush Blue Lake during the main season. Contender may have more flavor, but is less productive then Provider. Jade is a delicious, very tender bean, which grows well in hot weather, but will be a dismal failure if the soil is too cold. Our approach is to plant a succession of 6 sowings of bush beans, so we always have some at the peak of production (sometimes too many!).Those who like flat beans often choose Romano II as a reliable producer of tasty beans whether it is hot or cool, wet or dry. If you have a market for yellow (wax) beans, you can grow these for visual diversity — the flavor is not much different from green beans. Purple-podded beans look attractive while raw, but the color fades on cooking.We have given up on pole beans as we don’t like putting up trellises. If the advantage of standing to harvest beats the disadvantage of putting up a trellis, you’ll prefer pole beans over bush varieties. Pole beans take a few days longer to mature but can then be picked for a longer period. Half-runner beans can be grown with or without trellises, and are capable of high yields. We haven’t grown any we really liked.**Crop requirements** A soil temperature of 77°F is best for germination, although a temperature of 55-60°F and rising is workable for dark-seeded varieties. Air temperatures of 65-85°F are best for growth. Like all legumes, beans produce nitrogen in their root nodules, although quite possibly this doesn’t peak till after the beans are being harvested. In order to grow strong bean plants you can fertilize before planting at about 120 lbs N/acre (134kg/ha), and use the bean-produced fertility for the following crop. If your soil is already very fertile, you could skip fertilizing before sowing the beans. Excess nitrogen will produce lots of leaves but delay flowering. 80-85% of the nitrogen produced ends up in the bean tops, so if possible turn them under before planting the next crop, rather than remove them to the compost pile. The production of nitrogen is due to nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the root nodules, and if you are growing beans on land that has not grown legumes before, or it’s spring and you don’t want to rely on the existing bacteria waking up, adding some powdered inoculant is a good idea. Many growers add this at each sowing, as it is cheap and easy, especially if the beans have been soaked. Simply scatter some of the black powder on the beans as if you were adding pepper to your dinner, then stir the seed gently. Each bean needs only a few specks of the inoculant to get started. Contrary to any rural myths, the inoculant does not speed germination.Beans tolerate a wide pH range, and like plenty of sun and well-drained soil. They definitely don’t thrive if flooded! An open site with good air drainage will help minimize mold problems and other leaf diseases. Crops take 50-62 days from sowing to first harvest.**Sowing** We make our first sowing 10 days before the last spring frost date, and cover the bed with row cover. Our last sowing is in early August, with the beans maturing (unless we are very unlucky), before our first frost in mid October. When frost threatens this planting, we cover with row cover on the cold nights. Usually this lets us get several more pickings before any serious cold weather arrives. During the day, row cover would stop pollination, but it does not stop beans that have already set from growing to full size.Dark-seeded varieties are more resistant to rot in cold soils, so use these at least for the first spring sowing. To speed germination, soak the seed overnight (up to 8 hours) in tepid water. If the sowing has to be postponed after the beans are soaked, rinse them twice a day and drain. Plant in three or four days. If you wait longer than that, the rootlets will be too long and fragile. If possible, ensure the soil has enough water before you sow, as watering after sowing can cause crusting and also chilling injury to the seed from the cold water. Avoid irrigation for two weeks after sowing to reduce the chance of the seed rotting. Sow 1” deep, a little shallower in spring, a little deeper in hot weather. Seeds are placed 2-3” apart. We use the wider spacing for new seed, and the closer planting for year-old seed. Two-year-old beans often have a germination rate of only 50%, and are not worthwhile. Beans can be planted two rows to a bed, or on-the-flat in single rows with enough space to accommodate the pickers. The Oregon State publication listed at the end of this article says that the best spacing for optimum yield is 36 sq. in. per plant; for example, 2” in-row x 18” between rows. This is less space than recommended for areas prone to fungal diseases. Other advantages of these closer spacings are that the bean plants are more upright, with the beans higher in the canopy.**Cultivation** Do not cultivate or harvest while the leaves are wet, since anthracnose, bacterial blight and rust disease are more likely to spread under these conditions. Hoe or machine cultivate while the bean plants are small, and once they grow taller and bush out, few weeds will cause trouble. We have tried sowing beans through biodegradable plastic mulch, poking holes with rods and popping the seeds in. This crop stayed very clean, and withstood a drought caused by a crew member mistakenly pulling the drip tape out too soon. Sowing took a long time, and anyone tempted to try this would be advised to make a jig that punches multiple holes at once. In that way, the saved cultivation time, lack of diseases, and extended life of the plants might balance out the extra sowing time.Irrigation is most beneficial during bloom, pod set and pod enlargement. Time the irrigation so that the leaves dry before nightfall. During the growing season, beans need around 1” of water until the end of May, then up to double that in summer.**Rotations** Because they are not planted until spring is well underway, beds for beans can grow a good stand of winter cover crops ahead of the cash crop. Winter rye should be turned under three weeks ahead of sowing, to allow the rye and its allelopathic compounds to break down. We have found wheat to be easier to incorporate and to have less of an inhibiting effect on germination of the next crop. It is usual to avoid legume cover crops ahead of legume food crops, to reduce the likelihood of spreading any pests or diseases. For the same reasons, it is better to grow beans where there have not been other legumes for three years. We routinely fail in this endeavor, as we like to add soybeans to our summer cover crop mixes, and Austrian winter peas or crimson clover to our winter mixes. We haven’t seen any problem that we can directly blame on a poor rotation, and until that happens we’ll likely continue to add legumes frequently, to increase the soil organic matter, feed the soil micro-organisms and support the nutrient cycle. The Cornell publication listed at the end goes into detail on developing a nutrient plan. ![\\"Succession-Planting-for-months-of-green- beans\\"](\\"/custom/GFM%20Digital%20ads/GFM-article-ad- vine-800.jpg\\")**Succession planting** Before we discovered that Pedio wasps kill off the Mexican Bean Beetles, we needed a new patch of bush beans coming into production every two weeks to keep up supplies of good quality beans. We made seven plantings at 15 day intervals: 4/16, 5/20, 6/9, 6/24, 7/9, 7/22 and 8/3. We now plan for a new patch to harvest every 20 days, sowing six times rather than seven. As well as saving space and sowing time, we get more beans than previously. Much of the time we pick from two patches with an overlap period. To calculate the best planting dates for your farm, you’ll need four pieces of information: first possible planting date in spring, first harvest date from each sowing you’ve done, last planting date that will provide a crop in time before fall frost, and the number of days you want to be picking from the same plants. For us, space is tight, and we want to pick from the same plants for 3 weeks, after which the yield goes down, and it takes too long to “search” for the ripe beans. Some growers prefer to pick from each planting only once or twice and then move on to fresh plants.See the table at left from our multi- year records of various sowing dates of one variety, with corresponding first harvest dates. And then see the graph we made from this data. To ensure a continuous supply with a new patch coming into harvest regularly, we first determined the earliest possible and latest possible harvest start dates, and then divided the period in between into a whole number of intervals. In our case we went for 20 days. If we expect the first beans to start coming in on 6/16 and the last ones on 9/24, then the period in between is 100days long. If we want fresh beans every 20 days, we’ll need a total of 5 intervals between plantings, which is 6 sowings. To determine the sowing dates for the 6 evenly spaced harvests, calculate the harvest dates (one every 20 days, starting 6/16), mark them on the graph, and then read across to see which sowing dates will give the desired result. You’ll need to draw a “best smooth line” on your graph to even out the wiggles caused by the particular weather each year. It should have the same number of points above the line as below. It won’t necessarily be a straight line, it is more likely to curve, as crops mature faster in warmer weather. Harvest dates of 6/16, 7/6, 7/26, 8/15, 9/4 and 9/24 imply sowing dates for us of 4/20, 5/14, 6/4, 6/26, 7/19 and 8/7. In practice we bring the first sowing forward to 4/16 if the weather is decent, and also bring the last one forward to ensure a decent length of harvest if the weather starts to cool down quickly. This gives us sowing dates of 4/16, 5/14, 6/7, 6/29, 7/19 and 8/3. These sowing intervals are 28, 24, 22, 20 and 15 days. **Drying (Soup) beans** Some varieties of beans are primarily grown for harvest as dry beans. For a commercial crop to be worthwhile, these would probably need to be grown on a field scale and harvested with a combine. As more people become interested in locally grown food, the market for sustainably produced dry beans will grow, as the market for small grains has done. Small-scale trials of various varieties can be processed by hand. There are many heirloom varieties available, as well as the standard black turtle and pinto types. **Pests and Diseases** By far the worst pest of beans we ever deal with is the Mexican Bean Beetle, a yellow-bronze beetle with eight black spots. Adults overwinter in plant debris, so clean up well in the fall, and try not to have your first bean planting be near the site of your last one the previous year. Here, the MBB emerge on the first cloudy day in early June. We used to flame each bean planting when numbers and damage became intolerable, and move on to the next planting. A smarter move would have been to plant a small early trap crop of beans deliberately at or near the site of the late beans the previous year, and then flame the trap crop when there are larvae, but not yet any pupae.Nowadays we buy the parasitic wasps Pediobius foveolatus, ordering them as soon as we see the fuzzy yellow MBB larvae, which is the stage the wasps attack. The challenge for us is to get them to our farm while they are still alive. Our UPS deliveries come in the afternoon, at the end of a day of touring the region. Regardless of how quickly the beasties have been transported from their “ranch” to our UPS depot, a whole day on the van is going to do them in! We solved this problem by co-ordering (early in the week) with our neighbors at Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, whose level of business requires a morning UPS delivery. Then we cover the last seven miles ourselves. The package contains mummified MBB larvae, with the wasps on the point of hatching. They are released by setting the open container under the bean canopy close to a supply of fresh MBB eggs and larvae. Sometimes I shake out a few mummies here and there along the row. Once hatched, the wasps are very mobile, and will likely take care of your neighbors’ MBB as well. The Pediobius do not overwinter in our climate, but we have found that good control for a few years reduces MBB numbers so that we can sometimes take a year off from buying the parasites. Bean Leaf Beetle sometimes attacks our beans, but at a very low level, and the plants don’t seem much affected. Other insects that can damage bean crops include potato leafhopper, seedcorn maggot, European corn borer and tarnished plant bug. Mites and slugs can also cause trouble. Root Lesion Nematodes, Pratylenchus penetrans, can be hosted by snap beans, although they may produce no symptoms. A severe infection can cause stunted plants. Long-term planning is needed to deal with nematodes.The main defenses against disease are to keep the leaves as dry as possible. Consider orienting the rows to take advantage of the prevailing winds, planting on raised beds, using wide row spacing or in-row plant spacing, to reduce the chance of a foliar disease taking hold. Fungal diseases tend to be furry. Botrytis Grey Mold can be tackled with Neem extracts. Sclerotinia white mold can be avoided by rotating with sweet corn or other grass crops, and avoiding nightshades, brassicas, lettuce, or other legumes. Serenade (Bacillus subtilis) may help in dealing with an outbreak. (So far, I haven’t needed to find out.) Bacterial diseases of beans cause brown spots which may have paler margins, on leaves and pods. The lesions may appear sunken or water-soaked. Virus diseases cause leaves that are typically mottled, blistered or curled.Scout the fields deliberately once a week or more, and keep a weather-eye open while harvesting or cultivating, to spot small problems before they become large ones. See the Cornell publication for detailed organic disease and pest control information. **Harvest and postharvest** We pick beans three times a week, going for the pencil-sized pods. In our climate, beans can size up in two days. It’s important to train crew to nip through the stem of the pod, and not leave the cap part on the plant, as this is the part which signals to the plant whether to continue cranking out the beans (yes please!) or stop and focus on ripening seed. For the same reason, it is important to pick and discard any oversize pods.Like many warm weather crops, beans are liable to chilling injury if over-enthusiastically refrigerated. If possible keep the temperature above 40°F, or you risk having the beans become slimy and pitted. Use hydro-cooling or forced air cooling rather than top icing. They can be stored for 7-10 days at 95% humidity and 40-45°F. Temperatures above 45°F are likely to lead to yellowing and development of fiber.**Resources** Cornell University 2009 Production Guide for Organic Snap Beans for Processing State University has a publication for commercial bean growers (not organic); Dawling is the garden manager at Twin Oaks Community in Virginia. The gardens produce virtually all the fresh produce and most of the preserved produce for the community’s 100 residents. [email protected]. ##### Related Articles Favas: the bean for cool weather Fava beans (known as broad beans in the UK), are easy to grow and have an unusual earthy, nutty flavor. Botanically, they are a kind of vetch. Like all legumes, they can fix nitrogen in nodules on their roots, leaving a fertilizer boost in the soil for the next crop. Their flowers are surprisingly fragrant and are very attractive to pollinators and other beneficial insects. They are usually eaten fresh and shelled, but they can also be dried, then cooked. In the UK, there has been some research into making foods like hummus, falafel, or tempeh from locally grown fava beans, to reduce dependence on imported garbanzos or soybeans. There are also small-seeded varieties which are mostly grown for cover crops or livestock feed. 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Read More Experiment with ‘Eat-All Greens’ Carol Deppe, in her delightful book The Tao of Vegetable Gardening: Cultivating Tomatoes, Greens, Peas, Beans, Squash, Joy and Serenity, (Chelsea Green, 2015) introduces us to her new way of growing cooking greens: Eat-All Greens. Carol grows these by broadcasting seed of one of her carefully chosen greens crops in a small patch. When it reaches 12” tall, she cuts the top 9” off for cooking, leaving the tough-stemmed lower part, perhaps to grow for a second cut, or to be returned to the soil. It’s best to sow each kind in a separate patch, even if you want mixed greens later, as different crops grow at different rates. I wanted to try this idea in Virginia, where the climate is fairly different from the Pacific Northwest where Carol lives. Read More Assessment of heirloom/OP tomatoes One of the crops we grow in our hoophouse in spring and early summer is a range of heirloom and other open-pollinated tomatoes. Because we use drip irrigation and it doesn’t rain in there, our plants don’t get water falling on the leaves. Naturally, they have some dew in the mornings, but this dries up early. So there is less fungal disease pressure than outdoors. Also, we do a better job of monitoring the indoor crops than those in the field. So the hoophouse is a good place to “audition” varieties we haven’t grown before, and to grow those delicious but temperamental ones that we no longer grow outside. This year we grew 20 varieties, with at least two plants of each. We included a few F1 Hybrids, but most are open pollinated (OP). Read More Growing muskmelons, a.k.a. cantaloupes We have been growing muskmelons (sometimes called cantaloupes) for many years, and a few years ago added the crisp white-fleshed Asian melons to our repertoire. This year we are also growing Tasty Bites personal-size melons from Johnny’s Seeds. I was going to write an article about personal-size melons (they top out at 3 pounds), but found I hadn’t yet written in Growing for Market about melons at all (other than watermelons). So I’ll leave the individual-size melons for a future article. By then I’ll have more experience with them. Read More Greens that can take the heat I wrote about warm-weather cooking greens in Growing for Market back in April 2007 (Keep the greens coming: Swiss chard and other summer spinach substitutes. I wrote a lot about Swiss chard, leaf beet (perpetual spinach) and beet greens (my favorite summer cooking greens) there, and a short paragraph each about a handful of other cooking greens. Here I am going to write about more cooking greens and next month about salad greens for hot weather. These are not two distinct categories, as many crops can be used both ways. Read More Don’t be afraid of bare-root transplants Although it is becoming easier for growers to find vegetable starts for sale, finding organically grown ones is still not so easy. If you grow your own, you can get the mix of varieties you want, and keep them in tip-top condition until you plant them out. You can provide yourself with extra plants “just in case” at very little extra cost, and reduce your stress. You can bring the transplanting date forward if that seems best under your particular circumstances that year, which is not so easy to do if buying shipped-in plants. For crops to harvest as early as possible, transplanting will be more successful than direct seeding. Read More How to use clovers as cover crops There are many types of clover used to discourage weeds, add nitrogen and biomass to the soil, and prevent erosion. In addition, clovers attract beneficial insects and reduce aphids. The main uses for clovers are: as overwinter cover crops; green fallow (full-year cover crops); undersown in existing food crops; and no-till or reduced-till crop sowings in standing clover. I’ll talk about each of the uses we have tried, and look at the various types of clover and their requirements. Read More A heat-loving crop: sweet potatoes Sweet potatoes are an easy, frost-tender crop. They thrive in hot weather and are fairly drought-tolerant once established. They do not require a lot of organic matter in the soil, nor high fertility levels. Sweet potatoes fit easily into the timing of growing other crops. Started after the first spring flush of seed-starting, the slips (young plants) grow with little attention. Read More Easy, unusual asparagus beans Asparagus beans offer something new and different in summer and fall. They will draw lots of attention in your CSA bags or at market. They can add color and shape to stir-fries. Asparagus beans are widely grown in Asia: they are called Dow Gauk in China, Dau-dau in Vietnam and Sasage in Japan. Asparagus beans, also known as Yard-long Beans, Long Beans, or Snake Beans, are in the genus Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis, more closely related to southern peas/cowpeas than to green beans. Sesquipedalis translates as “a foot and a half” or more literally “a half and a foot”. Compared to cowpeas, though, they are much taller and much more vigorous climbers. Read More Copyright Growing For Market Magazine. All rights reserved. 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Dainik Bhaskar survey predicted that INDI Alliance will win in 10 states in the general polls
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Close Tooltip facebooktwitterwhatsappcopylink Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led alliance is projected to win an emphatic majority in the general election, TV exit polls say, suggesting the right-wing party would do better than expected by most analysts. Most exit polls on Saturday projected the ruling National Democratic Alliance (NDA) could win a two-thirds majority in the 543-member lower house of parliament, where 272 is needed for a simple majority. A summary of six exit polls projected the NDA could win between 355 and 380 seats, a number that is likely to boost financial markets when they reopen on Monday. The NDA won 353 seats in the 2019 general election, of which BJP accounted for 303. The six exit polls that gave the BJP-led NDA a clear majority are: Republic Bharat-P Marq (359), India News-D-Dyanamics (371), Republic Bharat-Matrize (353-368) Dainik Bhaskar (281-350), News Nation (342-378), and Jan Ki Baat (362-392), according to a report in India’s NDTV network. Advertisement Another exit poll from broadcaster CNN-News18 forecast the BJP and its coalition allies to win 355 seats. ### Sign up for Al Jazeera #### Weekly Newsletter The latest news from around the world. Timely. Accurate. Fair. Subscribe ![](\\"/static/media/error-icon.c8fb9e1b.svg\\"/)Your subscription failed. Please try again. ![](\\"/static/media/right-mark-icon.3a446adc.svg\\"/)Please check your email to confirm your subscription By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Policy protected by **reCAPTCHA** The opposition INDIA alliance led by Rahul Gandhi’s Congress party was projected to win more than 120 seats, according to the surveys that were broadcast after six weeks of voting concluded on Saturday. ![\\"India](\\" content/uploads/2024/06/2024-06-01T120340Z_285010108_RC2428ATIPKW_RTRMADP_3_INDIA- ELECTION-1717259051.jpg?w=770&resize=770%2C505&quality=80\\"/)A man leaves after casting his vote at a polling station in Faridkot, Punjab [Adnan Abidi/Reuters] Exit polls, which are conducted by polling agencies, have a patchy record in India as they have often got the outcome wrong, with analysts saying it is a challenge to get them right in the large and diverse country. The opposition dismissed the exit polls, and before their publication, called them “prefixed” following a meeting at the residence of Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge in New Delhi earlier on Saturday. Most opposition parties accuse India’s main news channels of being biased in favour of Modi, charges the channels have denied. They also say exit polls in India are mostly unscientific. “This is a government exit poll, this is Narendra Modi’s exit poll,” Supriya Shrinate, the Congress’s social media head, told the ANI news agency. “We have a sense of how many seats we are winning.” Sanjay Singh of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) which governs the national capital territory of Delhi told the Press Trust of India the exit polls are “of the government and of the BJP”. Advertisement “Exit polls always show the BJP winning. In the meeting [of INDIA bloc], leaders have said that 295 seats are coming to INDIA alliance and we will form a government,” he said. > 𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐀 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝟐𝟗𝟓+ 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐬 🇮🇳 ✌️ > > — Congress (@INCIndia) June 1, 2024 Nearly one billion people were eligible to vote in the seven-phase election that began on April 19 and was held in scorching summer heat in many parts. The Election Commission will count votes on June 4 and results are expected the same day. In his first comments after the voting ended, Modi claimed victory without referring to the exit polls. “I can say with confidence that the people of India have voted in record numbers to re-elect the NDA government,” he said on X, without providing evidence of his claim. “The opportunistic INDI Alliance failed to strike a chord with the voters. They are casteist, communal and corrupt.” Advertisement A victory for Modi, 73, will make him only the second prime minister after independence leader Jawaharlal Nehru to win three consecutive terms. Many in the prime minister’s constituency of Varanasi – which went to the polls on Saturday – said they were excited about the prospect of his return to power. “I voted for growth and development of my country,” Varanasi resident Brijesh Taksali told the AFP news agency outside a polling station. “There’s only one leader that I know … Narendra Modi. I voted for him.” Varanasi is an important temple town of the Hindu faith, where devotees from around India come to cremate deceased loved ones by the Ganges River. But Janesar Akhtar, a Muslim clothesmaker working in Varanasi’s famed embroidery workshops, said the BJP’s sectarian campaigning was an unfortunate distraction from India’s chronic unemployment problems. Advertisement “Workshops here are closing down and the Modi government has been busy with the politics of temples and mosques,” the 44-year-old said. “He is supposed to give us jobs and not tensions.” Source: Al Jazeera and news agencies aj-logo aj-logo aj-logo Sponsored Content Advertisement * AboutShow more * About Us * Code of Ethics * Terms and Conditions * EU/EEA Regulatory Notice * Privacy Policy * Cookie Policy * Cookie PreferencesCookie preferences * Sitemap * Work for us * ConnectShow more * Contact Us * User Accounts Help * Advertise with us * Apps * Newsletters * Channel Finder * TV Schedule * Podcasts * Submit a Tip * Our ChannelsShow more * Al Jazeera Arabic * Al Jazeera English * Al Jazeera Investigative Unit * Al Jazeera Mubasher * Al Jazeera Documentary * Al Jazeera Balkans * AJ+ * Our NetworkShow more * Al Jazeera Centre for Studies * Al Jazeera Media Institute * Learn Arabic * Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights * Al Jazeera Forum * Al Jazeera Hotel Partners Follow Al Jazeera English: * facebook * twitter * youtube * instagram-colored-outline * rss ![\\"Al](\\"/static/media/aj-footer-logo.bac952ad.svg\\") © 2024 Al Jazeera Media Network ## You rely on Al Jazeera for truth and transparency We use cookies and other tracking technologies to deliver and personalize content and ads, enable features, measure site performance, and enable social media sharing. 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Dainik Bhaskar survey predicted that INDI Alliance will win in 10 states in the general polls
Elections 2024: Exit Poll Megathread : r/india Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/india A chip A close button Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit Expand user menu Open settings menu * Log In / Sign Up * Advertise on Reddit * Shop Collectible Avatars ### Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores Go to india r/india r/india The Official Subreddit for India * * * 2.4M Members 232 Online • 4 mo. ago freddledgruntbugly ADMIN MOD # Elections 2024: Exit Poll Megathread Politics At long last, we are at the end of a tortuous road of electing our leaders. At 6.30 p.m. this evening, exit polls are scheduled to be released. This Megathread is for discussion on exit polls of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Read more Add a Comment Sort by: Best Open comment sort options * Best * Top * New * Controversial * Old * Q&A ![\\"u/puppuli](\\" puppuli • 4mo ago • Edited 4mo ago • India(543) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- Republic TV -PMARQ | 359 | 154 | 30 India News - D-Dynamics | 371 | 125 | 47 Republic Bharat - Matrize | 353-368 | 118-113 | 43-48 Jan Ki Baat | 362-392 | 141-161 | 10-20 Dainik Bhaskar | 281-350 | 145-201 | 33-49 News Nation | 342-378 | 153-169 | 21-23 Uttar Pradesh(80) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- Republic-PMarq | 69-74 | 6-11 Maharashtra(48) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- ABP Cvoter | 22-26 | 23-25 | 0 Jan Ki Baat | 24-41 | 9-16 TV9 | 22 | 25 News18 | 32-35 | 15-18 Republic Bharat-Matrize | 30-36 | 13-19 Republic TV - PMARQ | 29 | 19 West Bengal(42) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- Jan Ki Baat | 21-26 | 16-18 India News D Dynamics | 21 | 19 Republic Bharat-Matrize | 21-25 | 16-21 R Bangla | 22 | 18 Bihar(40) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- India Today | 29-33 | 7-10 | 0-2 Jan Ki Baat | 30-36 | 3-8 Republic-PMarq | 37 | 3 Tamil Nadu(39) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- ABP Cvoter | 1-3 | 26-28 | 0 India Today | 0-1 | 28-29 | 0 India News-D Dynamics | 28 Jan Ki Baat | 34-38 TV9 Bharatvarsh-Polstrat | 35 News Nation | 36 Republic Bharat-Matrize | 27 Republic TV-P Marq | 28 Madhya Pradesh(29) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- ABP Cvoter | 26-28 | 1-3 | 0 India Today | 28-29 | 0-1 | 0 India News- D Dynamic | 28 | 1 Jan Ki Baat | 28-29 | 0-1 India TV-CNX | 28-29 | 0-1 Karnataka(28) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- India Today | 23-25 | 3-5 | 0 ABP Cvoter | 23-25 | 3-5 | 0 TV9 Bharatvarsh-Polstrat | 20 | 8 India TV-CNX | 19-25 | 4-8 Jan Ki Baat | 21-23 | 5-7 Republic TV-P MARQ | 22 | 6 India News - D Dyanimcs | 23 | 5 Gujarat(26) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- ABP Cvoter | 25-26 | 0-1 India Today | 25-26 | 0-1 India TV-CNX | 19-23 | 0 | 3-5 Andhra Pradesh(25) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- ABP CVoter | 21-25 | 0 | 0-4 India News D-Dynamics | 18 | 0 | 7 Jan Ki Baat | 10-14 | 0 | 8-13 People\'s Pulde | 17-21 | 0 | 3-5 Rajasthan(25) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- ABP Cvoter | 21-23 | 2-4 | 0 India Today | 16-19 | 5-7 | 1-2 Republic Bharat-Matrize | 23-25 | 0-2 New18 | 18-23 | 2-7 Odisha(21) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- Today\'s Chanakya | 16 | 1 | 4 Jan Ki Baat | 15-18 | 0 | 3-7 Kerala(20) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- India Today | 2-3 | 17-19 Timesnow | 1 | 18-19 ABP-Cvoter | 1-3 | 17-19 India TV - CNXS | 1-3 | 16-20 Telangana(17) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- ABP CVoter | 7-9 | 7-9 | 0-1 Assam(14) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- Jharkhand(14) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- India Today | 8-10 | 4-6 | 0 Punjab(13) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- India Today | 2-4 | 7-11 Chhattisgarh(11) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- India Today | 10-11 | 0-1 | 0 ABP Cvoter | 10-11 | 0-1 | 0 Haryana(10) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- India Today | 6-8 | 2-4 Delhi(7) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- India Today | 6-7 | 0-1 Uttarakhand(5) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- Jammu and Kashmir(5) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- Himachal Pradesh(4) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- Goa(2) Poll | NDA | INDIA | Others ---|---|---|--- India Today | 1 | 1 | 0 ABP Cvoter | 1-2 | 1 Reply reply ![\\"u/brandomised](\\" brandomised • 4mo ago • Amazing effort, have a small request. Can you add a row for 2019 actual result in each table as the first row? Will help benchmark Reply reply ![\\"u/lightfromblackhole](\\" lightfromblackhole • 4mo ago • NDA sweep in K\'taka huh. Reply reply 2 more replies 2 more replies More replies 33 more replies 33 more replies More replies ![\\"u/frowningheart](\\" frowningheart • 4mo ago • BJP/NDA is shown to be winning at least 1-3 seats in Kerala and TN. This is absolutely unprecedented, very similar to BJP gaining foothold in West Bengal in 2014 (2 seats) where today they are in direct contention with TMC. 4th June is going to be more bonkers than 2019 results, damn. Reply reply ![\\"u/sir_qoala](\\" sir_qoala • 4mo ago • Most political analysts have predicted some gain in the south for BJP and anti-incumbency in the north. Reply reply 2 more replies 2 more replies More replies 21 more replies 21 more replies More replies ManufacturerFar8645 • 4mo ago • Andhra pradesh and Odisha could be huge Reply reply 3 more replies 3 more replies More replies [deleted] • 4mo ago • Comment deleted by user Reply reply 1 more reply 1 more reply [deleted] • 4mo ago • Comment removed by moderator Reply reply 29 more replies 29 more replies More replies ![\\"u/Kartik_Coder](\\" Kartik_Coder • 4mo ago • Link to 2019 Exit poll thread - Reply reply ![\\"u/JiskiLathiUskiBhains](\\" JiskiLathiUskiBhains • 4mo ago • Its almost as if nothing has changed since then. I must admit, apart from Kharge as Congress president, nothing much hasnt changed. 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Dainik Bhaskar survey predicted that INDI Alliance will win in 10 states in the general polls
* NDTV * World * Profit * हिंदी * Sports * MOVIES * FOOD * LIFESTYLE * HEALTH * SWASTH * TECH * Influencers * Games * Big Bonus * SHOPPING * APPS ![\\"NDTV](\\"\\") * Live TV * Latest * India * World * Videos * Opinion * Cities * Education * Auto * Elections * India@AI * * Offbeat * Web Stories * Science * Trends * Photos * Feature * People * TV Schedule Exit Poll Results 2024 Highlights: Most Exit Polls Predict Over 350 Seats For BJP-Led NDA Search NewsIndia NewsExit Poll Results 2024 Highlights: Most Exit Polls Predict Over 350 Seats For BJP-Led NDA # Exit Poll Results 2024 Highlights: Most Exit Polls Predict Over 350 Seats For BJP-Led NDA ## Poll of Exit Poll 2024 Highlights: A big win for the BJP-led NDA has been predicted by seven exit polls. India NewsNDTV NewsdeskUpdated: June 02, 2024 7:25 am IST ![\\"Exit](\\" pti_625x300_01_June_24.jpeg\\") 2024 Poll of Exit Poll India Election: Exit polls are expected to be released after 6.30 PM Exit Poll Results 2024 Highlights: After a marathon Lok Sabha elections 2024 - spread over six weeks, the second longest general election since 1951-52 - it\'s time for Exit Polls. A big win for the ruling BJP-led NDA has been predicted by twelve exit polls - India Today- Axis My India (361-401), News 24-Today\'s Chanakya (400), ABP News-C Voter (353-383), Republic Bharat- P Marq (359), India News- D-Dyanamics (371), Republic Bharat- Matrize (353-368), Dainik Bhaskar (281-350), News Nation (342-378), TV 9 Bharatvarsh- Polstrat (342), Times Now-ETG (358), India TV- CNX (362-392) and Jan Ki Baat (362-392). The exit polls have also predicted NDA dominance in Karnataka and Maharashtra and Left-led alliance\'s rout in Kerala. In Bengal, the exit polls predicted a better performance for the BJP than it did the last time (22). Most exit polls have said that the BJP will now be the single-largest party in Bengal in terms of Lok Sabha seats. Health Warning: Exit polls are not always accurate. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, 73, and his party, BJP, is widely expected to come back to power for a third straight term. The Congress, hamstrung by poll losses and a string of defections, is part of the Opposition bloc INDIA taking on the BJP. In the 2019 polls, BJP romped home with 303 seats and the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) pushed the number to 352. The Congress secured 52 seats and the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) totalled 91. The BJP this time has set a target of 370 seats and with help from its allies aims to go past the 400 mark. There are 543 seats in the Lower House of Parliament and the majority mark is 272. Election results are to be announced on Tuesday. ## Here are the highlights on Poll of Exit Polls: Jun 01, 2024 23:19 (IST) Exit Poll Results: Interested In Real Poll, Says Shashi Tharoor On Exit Polls Congress leader Shashi Tharoor termed the exit polls predictions - that predicted a third straight win for the NDA including a huge gain in the south - \"deeply unscientific\" and said they are instead interested in the votes of people. He also said that BJP won\'t be making gains in Kerala and Tamil Nadu and will lose \"significantly\" in Karnataka. Jun 01, 2024 22:11 (IST) A big win for the ruling BJP-led NDA has been predicted by twelve exit polls - India Today- Axis My India (361-401), News 24-Today\'s Chanakya (400), ABP News-C Voter (353-383), Republic Bharat- P Marq (359), India News- D-Dyanamics (371), Republic Bharat- Matrize (353-368), Dainik Bhaskar (281-350), News Nation (342-378), TV 9 Bharatvarsh- Polstrat (342), Times Now-ETG (358), India TV- CNX (362-392) and Jan Ki Baat (362-392). Jun 01, 2024 21:55 (IST) Exit Poll Results Live: Big Win For NDA Predicted By Exit PollsA big win for the ruling BJP-led NDA has been predicted by ten exit polls - News 24-Today\'s Chanakya (400), ABP News-C Voter (353-383), Republic Bharat- P Marq (359), India News- D-Dyanamics (371), Republic Bharat- Matrize (353-368), Dainik Bhaskar (281-350), News Nation (342-378), Times Now-ETG (358), India TV- CNX (362-392) and Jan Ki Baat (362-392). Jun 01, 2024 21:49 (IST) Exit Poll Results: BJP Leader Amit Malviya On Exit Polls Prediction\"It will be the first time in our history that the Prime Minister will be re-elected for a third term with an improved mandate,\" said BJP leader Amit Malviya on exit polls. Jun 01, 2024 21:10 (IST) Exit Poll Results Live: Congress\' Abhishek Manu Singhvi On Exit Polls Predictions\"The figures of the exit polls are very depressive if true. But the Modi wave hasn\'t worked so much in the south. We have analysed together and we are giving a 295 figure collectively,\" said Congress leader Abhishek Manu Singhvi. Jun 01, 2024 20:56 (IST) Exit Poll Results: Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister On Exit Polls > #WATCH | Madurai, Tamil Nadu: On Lok Sabha exit polls, Madhya Pradesh CM Mohan Yadav says, \"...I saw on tv, as per the survey, once again PM Modi\'s govt is going to be formed in the country. I pray to God that this govt once again succeeds in taking the country ahead...\" > > \- ANI (@ANI) June 1, 2024 Jun 01, 2024 20:31 (IST) Exit Poll Results Live: Pawan Khera \"Confident\" Of Congress Victory\"We are confident of a victory. The pollsters and exit polls agency got it from a particular address in Delhi,\" claimed Congress leader Pawan Khera on exit polls prediction. Jun 01, 2024 20:28 (IST) Exit Poll Results: All Exit Polls Will Be Proven Wrong On June 4, said AAP\'s Somnath Bharti > I will shave off my head if Mr Modi becomes PM for the third time.Mark my > word!All exit polls will be proven wrong on 4th June and Modi ji will not > become prime minister for the third time.In Delhi, all seven seats will go > to India ALLIANCE.Fear of Mr Modi does not allow... > > \- Adv. Somnath Bharti: इंसानियत से बड़ा कुछ नहीं! (@attorneybharti) June 1, > 2024 Jun 01, 2024 20:18 (IST) ![](\\" mumbai_625x300_07_September_19.jpg\\")Exit Poll Results: Big Win For BJP In Maharashtra, Congress And Co To Struggle: Exit PollsThe BJP-led National Democratic Alliance is expected to edge the contest for Maharashtra\'s 48 Lok Sabha seats, according to exit polls published Saturday evening. Jun 01, 2024 20:13 (IST) Exit Poll Results Live: PM Modi Says Confident Of Election Victory Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Saturday he was confident of a third successive mandate after polls closed in the country\'s marathon six-week general election. \"I can say with confidence that the people of India have voted in record numbers to reelect the NDA government,\" PM Modi said in a post on social media platform X, referring to his ruling National Democratic Alliance coalition. Jun 01, 2024 20:07 (IST) Exit Poll Results: PM Modi On Last Phase Of Lok Sabha Election s2024Prime Minister Narendra Modi thanked the voters after the seventh and last phase of Lok Sabha elections 2024. \"India has voted! A heartfelt thank you to all those who exercised their franchise. Their active participation is the cornerstone of our democracy. Their commitment and dedication ensures that the democratic spirit thrives in our nation,\" said PM Modi. \"I would also like to specially appreciate India\'s Nari Shakti and Yuva Shakti. Their strong presence at the polls is a very encouraging sign,\" he added. Jun 01, 2024 20:02 (IST) Exit Poll Results Live: Exit Poll From Public Gives 295 Seats To INDIA Bloc, Says Congress\' Supriya ShrinateCongress leader Supriya Shrinate rubbished the exit poll predictions and said, \"The exit poll from the public gives 295 seats to INDIA, and this number will only increase.\" Jun 01, 2024 19:59 (IST) ![](\\" room_625x300_27_May_24.jpg?im=FaceCrop,algorithm=dnn,width=1200,height=738?ver-20240506.08\\")Exit Poll Results: How Accurate Were They In 2014 And 2019 Lok Sabha Polls?Voting for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections ends today with the conclusion of the seventh phase. Before the finals results are announced on June 4, exit polls will try to predict the outcome of the elections later this evening. Jun 01, 2024 19:58 (IST) Exit Poll Results Live: NDA Will Win All 80 Seats In UP, Says Deputy Chief Minister On Exit PollsUttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak said the exit polls have shown that the \"BJP is going to form the government with a huge majority\". \"In Uttar Pradesh, NDA will win all the 80 seats. People have rejected the alliance of the Samajwadi Party and Congress,\" he added. Jun 01, 2024 19:53 (IST) Exit Poll Results: Maharashtra Congress Leader Says INDIA Bloc Will Win 300 SeatsMaharashtra Congress leader Nana Patole has dismissed the exit polls that predicted a huge BJP win in the Lok Sabha elections 2024 and said that the \"INDIA alliance will get more than 300 seats\". Jun 01, 2024 19:50 (IST) Exit Poll Results Live: 6 Exit Polls Predict Hat Trick For BJP6 Exit Polls Predict Hat Trick For BJP > 🗳️ #NDTVPollOfPolls | 6 Exit Polls Predict Hat Trick For BJP🔴 LIVE UPDATES: Warning: Exit polls are not always accurate | > > \- NDTV (@ndtv) June 1, 2024 Jun 01, 2024 19:48 (IST) Exit Poll Results: Congress Leader Pawan Khera Terms Exit Polls \"Sarkari\"Congress leader Pawan Khera termed the exit polls as \"sarkari\" and said the INDIA bloc will expose the BJP ecosystem. \"We are absolutely confident of our numbers. INDIA bloc will be getting a minimum of 295 seats,\" said Mr Khera. Jun 01, 2024 19:41 (IST) Exit Poll Results Live: NDA May Win 7 Seats In Tamil Nadu, Predicted Exit PollsMost exit polls predicted the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance could win as many as seven Lok Sabha seats in Tamil Nadu. The party has struggled in recent centre and state elections. Jun 01, 2024 19:33 (IST) Exit Poll Results: BJP May Win Odisha, Predicts Exit PollsThe BJP may win 15 of Odisha\'s 21 seats, Naveen Patnaik\'s BJD likely to get 3-8, indicated exit polls. Jun 01, 2024 19:26 (IST) Exit Poll Results Live: \"We Are Winning Big In Andhra,\" Claims TDP Spokesperson\"We are winning and we are winning big. We are going very good in parliament numbers. No worry at all when it comes to Andhra Pradesh. We are going to form the government,\" said TDP spokesperson Jyothsna Tirunagari. Chandrababu Naidu-led TDP and the BJP are allies in Andhra Pradesh. Jun 01, 2024 19:24 (IST) ![](\\" flag-1200_625x300_01_June_24.jpg?im=FaceCrop,algorithm=dnn,width=1200,height=738?ver-20240506.08\\")Exit Poll Results: Congress-Led UDF To Sweep Kerala, NDA May Open Its Account In State - Exit PollsThe Congress-led United Democratic Front (UDF) is set to sweep Kerala once again in 2024, while the BJP-led NDA will open its account in the southern state, show poll of exit polls. Jun 01, 2024 19:23 (IST) Exit Poll Results Live: DMK Leader On BJP\'s Karnataka Peformance\"In the last election, the BJP won 26 seats in Karnataka, then going by the exit polls, it would be a climbdown. After the Prajwal Revanna\'s episode, the people of Karnataka are not going to vote for the BJP,\" said A Sarvanan, DMK spokesperson Jun 01, 2024 19:20 (IST) Exit Poll Results: DMK Spokesperson Predicts INDIA Bloc Victory In Tamil NaduThe BJP is not going to win this election even a single seat. INDIA bloc will win, said A Sarvanan, DMK spokesperson Jun 01, 2024 19:15 (IST) Exit Poll Results Live: Congress Trails, NDA Wins Big, Predicts Exit Polls > 🗳️ #NDTVPollOfPolls | Big NDA Sweep Predicted By 5 Exit Polls🔴 LIVE UPDATES: Warning: Exit polls are not always accurate | > > \- NDTV (@ndtv) June 1, 2024 Jun 01, 2024 19:10 (IST) Exit Poll Results: NDA Dominance Predicted By Exit Polls The BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) will win a much higher number of seats in Karnataka in the Lok Sabha election, according to exit polls. The state has 28 Lok Sabha seats. Jun 01, 2024 19:05 (IST) Exit Poll Results Live: P Chidambaram On What May have worked for INDIA blocFormer Union Minister P Chidambaram, while speaking to NDTV, said that an aggressive campaign by the INDIA bloc leaders may have worked for the opposition alliance in Lok Sabha elections 2024. He also said that the manifesto also played a key role in this. Jun 01, 2024 19:01 (IST) Exit Poll Results: NDA may get up to five seats in Tamil NaduAfter Prime Minister Narendra Modi\'s big South push, NDA may get up to five seats in Tamil Nadu, predict exit polls. Tamil Nadu has 39 Lok Sabha seats. Jun 01, 2024 18:59 (IST) ![](\\" shah_625x300_29_May_24.jpg?im=FaceCrop,algorithm=dnn,width=1200,height=738?ver-20240506.08\\")NDA To Get Over 350 Seats, PM Narendra Modi Will Return For Third Term: Poll Of Exit PollsNDA To Get Over 350 Seats, PM Modi Will Return For Third Term: Poll Of Exit Polls Jun 01, 2024 18:58 (IST) Poll of exit poll: Trinamool behind BJP in West Bengal, predict 2 exit pollsBJP ahead of Trinamool in West Bengal, predict 2 exit polls - India News- D-Dynamics (21 for BJP and 19 for Trinamool) and Republic Bharat- Matrize (21-25 for BJP and 16-20 for Mamata Banerjee\'s Trinamool). Jun 01, 2024 18:55 (IST) India General Election Exit Poll: Exit polls predict NDA dominance in KarnatakaExit polls predict NDA dominance in Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Left- led alliance\'s rout in Kerala Jun 01, 2024 18:52 (IST) India Elections 2024 Exit Poll: Jan Ki Baat Exit Poll Predicts Big NDA winJan Ki Baat exit poll has also predicted a big win for the NDA with between 362 and 392 seats. It forecast somewhere between 141 to 161 seats for the opposition INDIA bloc. Jun 01, 2024 18:48 (IST) Lok Sabha Elections 2024 Exit Poll: 4 Exit Polls Predict Over 350 Seats For BJPFour exit polls - Republic Bharat- P Marq (359), India News- D-Dyanamics (371), Republic Bharat- Matrize (353-368) and TV 5 Telugu (359) - have predicted over 350 seats for the BJP in the Lok Sabha elections 2024. Jun 01, 2024 18:40 (IST) Exit Poll Election Results: NDA Sweep Predicted By 2 Exit PollsAn NDA sweep is predicted by Republic Bharat- P Marq (359) and India News- D-Dynamics (371). Jun 01, 2024 18:37 (IST) Exit Poll Election Results: 1 Exit Poll Predicts Big BJP WinOne exit poll predicts big win for the BJP. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will return for a third term, NDA will get 371 seats, predicts India News- D-Dyanimcs exit poll. Jun 01, 2024 18:34 (IST) Exit Poll Results: BJP and The Politically Prized State Of Uttar Pradesh The BJP swept the politically prized state of Uttar Pradesh, which sends the most number of MPs to parliament (80), winning 71 seats in 2014 and 62 in 2019. PM Modi, who is looking to win a third term, is contesting from Varanasi. The Congress, its principal rival, won 2 seats in 2014 and 1 in 2019. Jun 01, 2024 18:29 (IST) Exit Pol: \"BJP Has The Upper Hand, Everyone Knows It\": What PM Modi Told NDTV On 2024 Polls\"Hamara palda bahut bhari hai (The scales are tilted in our favour),\" Prime Minister Narendra Modi told NDTV in an exclusive interview last month, projecting confidence in his ability to secure a third straight term for his party, BJP, in the Lok Sabha elections. Read here Jun 01, 2024 18:24 (IST) What Poll Strategist Prashant Kishor Told NDTV Ahead Of Exit PollsPoll strategist Prashant Kishor, who crafted PM Modi\'s 2014 campaign, told NDTV that the BJP will return with the same or slightly better numbers as it did in 2019. \"The future will show what the June 4 result will be. Journalists, psephologists and experts have their own opinions. As far as I am concerned, I would say consistency can sometimes be boring. For the past five months, I have been saying that no matter how you assess the elections, it seems Modi- led BJP is returning. They may get the same numbers as last election or do slightly better,\" Mr Kishor told NDTV. Jun 01, 2024 18:16 (IST) Exit Polls Today: How Accurate Were They In 2014 And 2019 Lok Sabha Polls?Voting for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections ends today with the conclusion of the seventh phase. Before the finals results are announced on June 4, exit polls will try to predict the outcome of the elections later this evening. Here\'s a look at the exit polls projections and the actual results in Lok Sabha elections in 2014 and 2019. Read here Jun 01, 2024 18:06 (IST) Poll of Exit Poll Election Results: Congress\' U-Turn On Exit PollsThe Congress has reversed its decision on Exit Poll debated. Pawan Khera took to his X handle and announced the party\'s decision. He also termed it a chance to expose the BJP and its ecosystem on \'pre-fixed Exit Polls\'. On Friday, Mr Khera had announced the party\'s decision to not engage in \'diversionary debates\' ahead of Exit Polls, drawing jeers from the BJP. Jun 01, 2024 17:54 (IST) Exit Poll Election Results: When Are The 2024 Exit Polls Due?Voting for the last phase will end at 6 pm and the exit polls will start airing from 6.30 pm onwards. Tune in to NDTV for live updates on exit polls after 6:30 pm. The election results will be out on June 4. Jun 01, 2024 17:36 (IST) Exit Poll Results: Tejashwi Yadav Predicts Win For INDIA Bloc Ahead Of Exit PollsTejashwi Yadav predicted that the INDIA bloc will win more than 295 seats in Lok Sabha elections 2024. > जीत रहा है इंडियाजीत रही है जनताजनता का Exit Poll- 295+ > > \- Tejashwi Yadav (@yadavtejashwi) June 1, 2024 Jun 01, 2024 17:31 (IST) Poll of exit poll: M Kharge\'s Seat Prediction For CongressCongress president Mallikarjun Kharge has said that parties that are a part of INDIA bloc will get over 295 seats in the Lok Sabha elections. The members of the INDIA bloc met at Mr Kharge\'s residence on Saturday for an \"informal\" meet, hours ahead of the exit polls. Jun 01, 2024 16:58 (IST) India General Election Exit Poll: Congress To Participate In Exit Polls DebateThe Congress and INDIA bloc have reversed its decision not to participate in exit polls debate. \"INDIA parties met and decided to expose the BJP and its ecosystem on the prefixed exit polls. After considering factors for and against participating in the exit polls, it has been decided by consensus that all the INDIA parties will participate in the exit poll debates on television this evening,\" said Pawan Khera. > INDIA parties met and decided to expose the bjp and its ecosystem on the > prefixed exit polls. After considering factors for and against participating > in the exit polls, it has been decided by consensus that all the INDIA > parties will participate in the exit poll debates on... > > \- Pawan Khera 🇮🇳 (@Pawankhera) June 1, 2024 Jun 01, 2024 16:47 (IST) India Elections 2024 Exit Poll: Campaigning For Last Phase Ended On ThursdayThe campaigning for last phase saw BJP leaders, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, targeting the INDIA bloc of being corrupt, appeasement and dynastic politics. The opposition parties have been claiming that the BJP is anti-farmer, anti-youth and will change and scrap the Constitution if it wins the election. The voting will end at 6 PM, except in Jharkhand where it is scheduled to end at 5 pm. Jun 01, 2024 16:25 (IST) Lok Sabha Elections 2024 Exit Poll: How Are Exit Polls CalculatedA combination of sampling methods and statistical analysis by various agencies are used to calculate exit polls. The methods include sampling, questioning, data collection, weightage, analysis and margin of error. Jun 01, 2024 16:12 (IST) Exit Poll Election Results: Amit Shah Mocks Congress Over Exit Poll BoycottUnion Minister Amit Shah mocked the Congress after its leader Pawan Khera announced that the party will skip exit poll debates. \"Congress has come to know about its huge defeat, so with what face will it face the media and the public now? Therefore, Congress is running away from the exit polls. I want to tell the Congress party not to run away, face the defeat and introspect,\" he said in a post in Hindi on X. The Congress, he said, \"opts out\" when it doesn\'t expect the results to go in its favour. Jun 01, 2024 16:10 (IST) Exit Poll Results: Votes Will Be Counted On TuesdayVotes will be counted in the Lok Sabha election 2024 on June 4. The seven-phase election that began on April 19 and ended on June 1 saw a fierce contest between the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and the Opposition bloc INDIA. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is looking to win a historic third term, while the INDIA bloc is hoping to win a majority in the Lok Sabha by pooling in all the seats their member parties manage to get. Jun 01, 2024 16:09 (IST) ![](\\" room_625x300_27_May_24.jpg?im=FaceCrop,algorithm=dnn,width=1200,height=738?ver-20240506.08\\")Exit Polls Vs Final Results: A Look At 2014 And 2019 Lok Sabha ElectionsVoting for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections ends today with the conclusion of the seventh phase. Before the finals results are announced on June 4, exit polls will try to predict the outcome of the elections later this evening. Jun 01, 2024 16:09 (IST) Exit Poll Results: What Are Exit Polls?Exit polls attempt to predict poll results by interviewing voters right after they have cast their votes. Exit polls were banned during the six weeks of voting and are expected to be released after voting ends at 6:30 pm. Jun 01, 2024 16:07 (IST) Exit poll: India Voted In 7 Phases India voted in seven phases of the national elections in the past six weeks to elect its next government. Counting is now on to find out if the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led BJP or the opposition parties pooled more votes. The voting took place between April 19 and June 1 in 543 Lok Sabha seats to send one representative each to the Lower House of the Parliament. Whichever party (or parties) gets a simple majority - that is win 272 or more seats - will form the government and hold power for the next five years. The BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA), with the parties of Chandrababu Naidu, Nitish Kumar, Eknath Shinde, and others under its banner, has set a target of 400-plus seats to win a historic third term for PM Modi. Their major opponent is the INDIA (Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance) bloc, comprising parties like the Congress, Mamata Banerjee\'s Trinamool Congress, MK Stalin\'s DMK, Lalu Yadav\'s Rashtriya Janata Dal, Sharad Pawar faction of the NCP, Uddhav Thackeray faction of Shiv Sena, and others. Track Latest News Live on and get news updates from India and around the world. Watch Live News: Follow Us: Poll of Exit Pollsexit pollsLok sabha elections 2024 ### Trending * ![\\"3](\\"\\"/) 3 Spectators At Air Force\'s Chennai Airshow Die * ![\\"CCTV](\\"\\"/) CCTV Footage Shows Man On Bicycle Before He Killed Bengal Schoolgirl * ![\\'\\"Sit](\\"\\"/) \"Sit Quiet\": Bhavish Aggarwal As Kunal Kamra Flags Ola EV Issue * ![\\"Bigg](\\"\\"/) Bigg Boss 18: Full List Of Confirmed Contestants * ![\\"Egypt\\'s](\\"\\"/) Egypt\'s Pyramids Built Using An Incredibly Clever Machine: Study * ![\\"India](\\"\\"/) 1st T20I: Varun, Arshdeep Shine As India Thrash Bangladesh By 7 Wickets . ![\\"\\"](\\"\\"/) Fake SBI Branch Comes Up In Chhattisgarh, People Duped Of Lakhs ![\\"\\"](\\"\\"/) \"Appreciate His Commitment To...\": S Jaishankar Meets Maldives President Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Quick Links World NewsPNR StatusEducation NewsBusiness NewsSports NewsMP Chhattisgarh NewsNDTV ProfitMarathi NewsNavratri 2024Exit Poll 2024Mumbai FireIsrael Airstrike LebanonPunjab AAP MLA ShotUS Presidential ElectionIND vs BAN LIVE Advertisement ................................ 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Dainik Bhaskar survey predicted that INDI Alliance will win in 10 states in the general polls
![\\"The](\\"// logo.c42b6ab.png\\"/) * Politics * Culture * Business * Society * Media * Governance * Photo * Magazine * Archives Media / Reportage # Spot On ## Journalists struggle to get political opinion polls right ![\\"\\"](\\"// MnLsZYaQdsjL4sCVxbEuF6TRgEzCCaIq3Tu8cfxVUYd2V_agXIA4e5mTyA7vIkw49KXWViy8Q=s0\\") Both the NDA and India Today were confident of a big win for the former in the 2004 elections. INDIA TODAY Both the NDA and India Today were confident of a big win for the former in the 2004 elections. INDIA TODAY Krishn Kaushik 01 December, 2013 ON THE MORNING OF 27 JANUARY 2004—the day after India’s 55th Republic Day—Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee drove to Rashtrapati Bhavan to meet President Abdul Kalam. He was carrying a letter from his cabinet, which recommended that the Lok Sabha be dissolved so that the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government could face elections eight months before the expiry of its term. The decision was bolstered by the confidence gained from its stellar performance in the state elections held the previous month; the Bharatiya Janata Party had defeated the Congress in three crucial states: Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh. Four days later, India Today published an opinion poll predicting that the NDA would win a whopping 330 seats. No party or alliance had achieved such a victory since the Congress won 415 seats in 1984. A reassured Vajpayee called on the president again, on 5 February, and told him that all consitutional formalities—including passing a finance bill that would allow the new government to pay for essential goods and services while it drafted a new budget—were complete. Kalam dissolved the 13th Lok Sabha the next day, and on 1 March the Election Commission announced that voting would begin in April, six months earlier than it was due. Following the announcement, at least five more polls by major news networks and pollsters projected that the NDA would win somewhere in the region of 270 Lok Sabha berths. The Congress and its pre-election allies were predicted to get anything between 150 and 170. With no outliers, everyone in the media was confident that they were more or less right. In mid April, Vir Sanghvi, then an editorial director for HT Media, which publishes the Hindustan Times, wrote in that paper, “I don’t know of a single person who thinks that the Congress will get more than 120 seats and most people say it will get even less. Plus, I suspect that Vajpayee as Prime Minister is probably unbeatable.” By late April, it was clear the Congress had made some gains, but pollsters and journalists were still confident of an NDA victory. The cover of the 26 April edition of India Today peddled an “exclusive” survey (commissioned in partnership with Aaj Tak and Dainik Bhaskar, and conducted by the market research firm ORG-MARG), which it claimed was the “most exhaustive opinion poll ever undertaken in India.” After surveying over 50,600 voters from 185 Lok Sabha constituencies across the country, it predicted that even as the Congress “gained momentum”, the NDA would win 282 seats. Even in early May, after three rounds of the four-phased election, exit polls had the NDA winning—although it was predicted that the coalition might miss the majority mark of 272 by a whisker. ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") George Gallup wrote a doctoral thesis in journalism and went on to become a pioneer in the field of public opinion polling. HULTON ARCHIVE / GETTY IMAGES Three weeks later, when the Election Commission announced the results, the bedrock of the NDA, Vajpayee’s Bharatiya Janata Party, had lost about 1.6 percentage points from the vote share it had garnered in the last Lok Sabha elections, in 1999, sliding from 23.75 percent to 22.16 percent. The Congress lost 1.8 percentage points, dropping to 26.53 percent of votes nationwide. But despite similar declines in vote share, the two parties achieved contradictory results. While the BJP lost 44 seats, its main challenger gained 31. In the end, the NDA did not even touch 200, falling 15 short. The Congress’s alliance marshalled 217, and eventually secured enough external support to form a new government. It wasn’t the first time that political polls had been inaccurate in India—but calling the 2004 polls inaccurate is like calling a tsunami a ripple. Not only did every major pollster and media outlet get the numbers wrong, they miserably failed to predict the overall trend. Worse, they had oversold their polls in a way that now seemed disingenuous. India Today, which had conducted 155 opinion polls since 1978, would have known that even the most rigorous survey can get the final outcome wrong. But the magazine, and others in the media, presented their various polls as definitive forecasts. Some members of the press, humiliated by the discrepancy between their headlines and the results, laid the blame on pollsters. “I don’t see any reason why this magazine should carry the can for the incompetence and ineptitude of desi and foreign pollwallahs who use the media in order to pontificate on their brilliant ‘scientific models’,” an angry Vinod Mehta, then the editor-in-chief of Outlook, wrote. “Some readers are convinced Outlook manipulates its polls. I would like to inform them that I only pay huge sums of money to pollsters so that they can embarrass me with hopelessly inaccurate predictions.” TODAY, despite the embarrassment of years like 2004, there is little to suggest that the media has become more cautious in selling opinion polls. Survey after survey is proclaimed to be the definitive exercise in election forecasting. Every seat, every state, every alliance and, finally, every election, is the subject of self-assured prophesying. Perhaps as a corollary, cynicism about opinion polling seems fairly widespread. Since 1997, the Election Commission has contemplated banning opinion polls, claiming, without clear evidence, that voters will be unfairly swayed by survey results. In a letter written to the Election Commission on 30 October this year, the Congress supported the proposal to prohibit the dissemination of surveys once elections are announced. The party said polls “lack credibility” and had the potential to be “manipulated”. But the scepticism isn’t limited to political parties, which are generally eager to protect the morale of their cadres from negative survey results. In the last two general elections, the majority of opinion polls have been off the mark when it comes to the number of seats the two major parties will win, and this seems to have fostered public distrust of pollsters and their methods. If the final number is wrong, many people tend to assume a poll was either manipulated or based on flawed science. ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") Indian polling flourished in the 1980s, and the India Today team led the pack with a series of accurate predictions. INDIA TODAY In reality, however, most of the opinion polls published and broadcast by national media houses are fairly robust exercises led by social scientists with decades of experience. Although they sometimes get the final tally of seats wrong, this isn’t necessarily the result of poor polling methods or bias. Rather, it’s a reflection of the inherent difficulty of distilling into a handful of numbers the vastness and diversity of the Indian electorate and the fickleness of Indian politics—a challenge of which pollsters and editors are acutely aware. But opinion polls are nevertheless presented as a sort of political gospel, and the media often gives viewers and readers only the final outcome of a survey—seat projections. But these projections are subject to greater uncertainty than any other product of the entire polling exercise. Behind the numbers are two complex, expensive processes. The first—comparatively easy but by no means simple—involves holding structured conversations with a large number of people to understand how they are likely to vote and to determine a party or candidate’s probable vote share. The second is to create seat projections by subjecting vote share to various mathematical models and to adjustments based on historical precedents and a dizzying array of political factors. Rarely does the complexity of these processes get conveyed by journalists, many of whom feel the public are only interested in seat projections. “If we don’t give seat number projections based on vote shares, the viewer feels cheated,” Rajdeep Sardesai, the editor-in-chief of CNN-IBN, told me. “Then the viewer says ‘tum cop out kar rahe ho’ (You are copping out). You are not telling me who will get how many seats. I am not interested in the vote share.’ So after having spent so much money, if you give only vote share then viewers and readers are upset.” Unfortunately, Sardesai added, “most viewers and readers expect it to be arithmetic, saying, ‘why didn’t you get this number right?’” Most of the opinion polls available for public consumption are solely commissioned by the media. But there is little consensus on why they do it. Almost all the editors I met while reporting this story believe their audiences are interested in the surveys, but there’s no way to measure that. Sardesai and other television journalists said it does not make much of a difference to their viewership numbers. Newspaper and magazine editors told me that in India, publications are largely subscription-driven and readers seldom buy papers off the stands, so it’s impossible to detect short-term fluctuations in readership. But Sardesai claimed that some of the data can be used to improve reporting on topics that survey respondents care about, and that, he thinks, is extremely valuable for any editor. Some journalists I spoke with called polls a publicity stunt, even though it’s not clear that surveys contribute to a media organisation’s bottom line. Others said that polls add value to their socio-political understanding and reporting. A good opinion poll—one that is transparent about its methodology, adequate and representative in its sample, and honest about its funding—is a tool that can help journalists understand the mood of broad segments of the population. It can elucidate voting behaviour even if the seat numbers are off the mark, providing insight not only into who the electorate wants in power, but also why they are choosing one candidate over another—whether it’s a local representative they favour or a national leader, or a party, or an alliance. As Sardesai put it, “polls should only be a starting point, frankly, for you to analyse what is happening across the country.” Unfortunately, the public appetite for seat projections is fuelled by journalists who like to talk up their polls and boast about knowing the pulse of the nation. The gap between the best possible use of surveys and the reductive way in which they’re presented has led to a widespread distrust of polls—the outcome of a sometimes lazy, sometimes careless and sometimes dishonest approach some journalists take towards their responsibilities. Too often, the running mantra is: the pollster takes the blame if the numbers are wrong, the editor takes the credit if they’re right. LATE ONE EVENING IN EARLY AUGUST, I bumped into Sardesai in the foyer of the Noida Film City building that houses CNN-IBN’s newsroom. About a week earlier, the channel had run poll-based forecasts on what would have happened if general elections had been held in July. The survey indicated that the NDA could get up to 180 seats, beating out the incumbent United Progressive Alliance, which was projected to get only 153. Sardesai told me that he had strong opinions on polling, and agreed to meet to discuss them further. ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") The CNN-IBN-The Week-CSDS poll of state elections in 2012 predicted broad trends accurately, but erred on key details. {{name}} A week later, on a Sunday evening, I sat across from Sardesai at his bungalow in a quiet, leafy south Delhi neighbourhood. He was relaxed—wearing shorts—and spoke thoughtfully. “My sense is, looking at this from the television I have done for 18 years, first when I was at NDTV and now at CNN-IBN—so I have been privileged in a way to have done it with people who I consider the best in the business—the sense I get is that opinion polls can be done seriously and can lend themselves to serious political analysis,” he said. “But opinion polls can also become a business and a gimmick.” In a way, though, opinion polls have always been about both business and analysis—about the relationship between the media and its consumers as much as about the relationship between the citizenry and its political choices. Although much of the polling that’s undertaken today looks more like statistical modelling than beat reporting, the practice has its roots in a very journalistic enterprise. “Opinion polling is a child of the newspaper world,” the Swedish sociologist and pollster Hans Zetterberg has written. “Only later did the academic world of social science enter as a stern stepfather.” George Horace Gallup’s doctoral thesis in journalism at the State University of Iowa in the late 1920s described a method for gauging reactions to newspaper features by sampling the opinions of a carefully selected set of readers. Over the next few years, he developed his techniques and founded the American Institute of Public Opinion, which ran what would become the famous Gallup Polls—fortnightly surveys of American public sentiment that he syndicated to newspapers across the country. Although the polls were partly meant to gauge the mood of the nation, Gallup also expected them to improve newspaper sales, and they soon became popular with editors. In 1936, when Gallup’s company was barely a year old, it became famous for correctly predicting not only that Franklin D Roosevelt would be re-elected to the United States presidency, but also that the country’s most popular survey at the time—run by the magazine Literary Digest, which collated postcard questionnaires from roughly 2 million people—would get its forecast wrong. Gallup’s major insight was that the number of people polled was less important than the extent to which those people represented the balance of views in the country’s various constituencies. A humiliating failure to predict the outcome of the 1948 presidential race taught Gallup—who was so confident of his result that he stopped collecting data several weeks before election day—that opinion polls also had to keep up with the dynamic nature of public sentiment. MANY PEOPLE CONSIDER 1980 to be the dawn of Indian polling, when two young economists (Prannoy Roy and Ashok Lahiri) teamed up with two young market researchers (Dorab Sopariwala and KMS “Titoo” Ahluwalia) to correctly forecast the general elections on behalf of Aroon Purie’s five-year-old fortnightly magazine, India Today. But the “father of Indian polling,” Ahluwalia told me, “was the one who got it famously wrong”. ![\\"\\"](\\"// EorVpmZR9mfAmO6CGKqXpcZdjdpY1COOFKk3bdEtYJHlCCLYdOc9ptf9lepg=s0\\") Psephologist Yogendra Yadav founded the Lokniti project to monitor the “the working of Indian democracy” through polls. NARENDRA BISHT / OUTLOOK Unlike in America, it wasn’t journalists who originally felt the need to conduct opinion polls in India, but an Oxford-trained economist named Eric da Costa. By the early 1950s, da Costa had left a job in the civil service and became the editor of a publication called Eastern Economist. He soon met Gallup and Henry Durant, the director of Social Surveys Limited (the British counterpart of the American Institute of Public Opinion). Based on his conversations with them, da Costa founded the Indian Institute of Public Opinion, in Delhi, which was modelled on Gallup’s US operation. IIPO conducted and published its first national poll before the 1957 general elections. The challenges facing da Costa in India were much tougher than the ones Gallup and Durant had to account for in the US and the UK. Polling and election forecasting is a complicated process in any democracy, but in India it is compounded by a multitude of ethnic, caste, religious, linguistic and regional identities; by the size of the electorate and the remoteness of many of its members; and by the proliferation of major parties—sometimes as many as seven in a race—battling it out in multi-pronged contests at both the state and national levels. Added to this is the fact that, although the public is often interested in who will become prime minister, it’s ultimately not their votes that decide, but the personalities and internal politics of the winning party or coalition. Not for nothing has India been called a “pollster’s nightmare”. In his later years, Ahluwalia told me, da Costa was “really a very impressive old gentleman, very refined, very erudite. But quite opinionated, I thought.” For the fourth Lok Sabha elections in 1967, da Costa “did several polls that I think were front-paged in the Indian Express,” Ahluwalia said. According to an article by the historian Ramachandra Guha, published in The Hindu, a 1967 report by da Costa forecasted “the disintegration of the monolothic exercise of power by the Congress party”. Although the Congress ultimately lost power in many states, Indira was able to maintain control at the centre for the next ten years. In many people’s eyes, da Costa got the most important part of his assessment—the overall picture—wrong. (In fact, however, da Costa’s numbers appear to have been fairly right on.) “So I think pollsters went into hiding for a while,” Ahluwalia said, laughing. “That got opinion polling on to a very bad start.” The resurgence in Indian political polling began in 1979, when Roy and Lahiri, then young professors at the Delhi School of Economics, created an election forecasting tool called the Index of Opposition Unity. At the time, Congress (Indira) was the single largest party and, even though it wasn’t in power, Roy and Lahiri theorised that the likelihood of a successful challenge to the party depended upon the solidarity of its opponents. Roy approached Purie, whom he knew from their days at the Doon School, to see if he wanted to publish the results of their predictions. Before starting India Today, Purie had studied with Sopariwala at the London School of Economics. Sopariwala was now working with the Indian Market Research Bureau under the leadership of Ahluwalia, who was only in his late twenties but already heading one of the largest private market research firms in the country. Ahluwalia and Sopariwala had previously done some commercial polls for India Today and some political polls for other publications. Purie brought them together with Roy and Lahiri. “And we got it right, several times,” Ahluwalia said as we chatted in his apartment overlooking the Arabian Sea in south Mumbai. “Including, most famously, the Rajiv Gandhi victory.” In 1980, the India Today team predicted a solid majority for the Congress (Indira), which ended up getting 353 seats. In 1984, after Indira’s assassination, they officially gave Rajiv Gandhi up to 400 seats, but said that these results might be “understated” and he could actually go on to win even more. He won 415. Five years later, they hit the bullseye with an exit poll accurately predicting the Congress would win 193 seats. Purie threw a party at his house to celebrate the poll just as the final results were being announced, Sopariwala told me over email. The results for Uttar Pradesh’s Pratapgarh constituency came in around 10 pm, pushing the final tally to exactly 193. “There was celebration all around and bottles of champagne were opened,” Sopariwala said. The file that contained the polling data was named “Spot On”. “For years, we referred to that election in our discussions and hoped that we’d get another ‘Spot On’,” Sopariwala added. They never did. “It was just bloody good luck!” Ahluwalia remembered. “We suddenly began to be seen as whiz kids.” This seems to have set the precedent for the way opinion polling is often viewed today—as an exercise whose sole purpose is to foretell the number of seats the winning party will bag on election day, and which is only of value to the extent that it gets this number right. ON 7 MARCH 2012, CNN-IBN aired a half-hour show called “BATTLE FOR THE STATES: Ask Yogendra Yadav”. In the opening minute, a man’s voice intoned: “Uttar Pradesh has given an extraordinary verdict for the Samajwadi Party. When everyone spoke of a hung assembly, the CNN-IBN–The Week–CSDS post-poll survey predicted exactly this verdict.” Then came a video message from Uttar Pradesh’s chief minister-elect, Akhilesh Yadav: “I really congratulate the people at CNN-IBN. They brought in a wave of celebrations to our cadre even before the sixth [of March].” Reacting to the results for Madhya Pradesh, the Congress leader Digvijaya Singh appeared on a split screen opposite a very pleased Sardesai. “You won the bet Rajdeep,” Singh said. “I owe you a dinner.” A graphic popped up on screen: “CNN-IBN = ELECTIONS”. The camera cut to a beaming Sagarika Ghose in her Noida studio. “Hi there, good evening. Yes, CNN-IBN equals elections,” she said. “The assembly elections of 2012 saw some hits and misses. But once again the CNN- IBN–Week–CSDS post-poll survey got the assembly elections results of 2012 right.” “Over the next 30 minutes, we will put your questions to my old friend Yogendra Yadav, senior fellow at the Centre for Studies of Developing Societies [CSDS] someone who many call India’s election oracle,” Ghose continued. “Oracle of Delhi, not the oracle of Delphi.” She looked over at Yadav, who sat with her in the studio. “Just to take it off, let me begin by asking you a question,” she said. “Are you satisfied with this particular post-poll survey that you have done?” “In fact I was thinking about it when you said we got it right, asking myself, did we really get it right?” Yadav said, looking slightly uncomfortable. “I mean, we got the big picture right. That’s important … Did we get the exact things right? No, we did not. We overestimated the extent of Mulayam Singh’s victory in terms of seats, but even more in terms of votes.” Ghose jumped in: “He’s ended up with a 29 percent vote share while we have given him 34 percent.” “Which is a significant difference,” Yadav replied. “And basically, you see, our ambition in the long run, Sagarika, is to make polls something which is not discussed too often. Doctors don’t discuss thermometers.” Ghose tried to summarise: “It is to catch the trend.” Earlier this year, I met Yadav, one of India’s foremost psephologists, in his office at the CSDS campus in north Delhi. Yadav founded the Lokniti Project at CSDS in 1997 to collect data on voters’ opinions before and after every major state and national election. (He stepped down as the head of the project last year, when he joined the Aam Aadmi Party. Though he is still a part of the CSDS team, he does not participate in producing opinion polls or seat forecasts now.) The project’s goal is partly to monitor “the working of Indian democracy”. ![\\"\\"](\\"// Qg=s0\\") Yashvant Deshmukh is the founder of CVoter, one of India’s largest private socio-political polling agencies. {{name}} “My sense is there is unnecessary mystique” and a feeling of “black magic about polls in our country,” Yadav said to me. “Largely because these are new things and people are not familiar with this stuff. Essentially, opinion poll is nothing but a very systematic way of holding conversations with a very large number of people. And the findings are presented not in the form of quotations from those conversations but in the form of numbers, because you can’t report 5,000 conversations. In that sense they are not in principle different from news reporting.” “The trouble is that in our country opinion polls have been reduced to election-related polls, election-related polls have been reduced to election forecasting,” he added. He spoke softly, confidently, calculating each word. “Now that is a very limiting way of looking at polls.” The poll CSDS did for CNN-IBN in 2012 estimated that 34 percent of votes in Uttar Pradesh would go to the Samajwadi Party, and 24 percent to Mayawati’s Bahujan Samaj Party. This 10 percentage point lead was three times the actual difference—well beyond the survey’s stated margin of error—and it seemed to bother Yadav. But Ghose was happy that her channel had picked the winning side. Part of the problem, pollsters feel, is that journalists don’t understand the usefulness of the data that underlie seat projections. “They are uncomfortable with numbers,” said Yashvant Deshmukh, the head of CVoter, one of the largest private socio-political polling agencies in the country. He told me journalists don’t look behind the final numbers to see what went into the result. “That is why media is coming up always with so superficial, over- simplistic analysis, virtually pedestrian analysis, for every mandate,” he told me. Since 1993, when Deshmukh founded CVoter after graduating in journalism from the Indian Institute of Mass Communication, he has conducted polls for almost all major English- and Hindi-language national news channels; some regional ones; magazines including The Week and India Today; the Hindustan Times and Indian Express; and various other institutions, according to his company’s website. “Over the period of all these years the media was not educated about the polls,” Deshmukh said. “The numbers—what exactly a poll means, what is the probability, what is the margin of error, what do you get out of the poll. Scientifically speaking, what you get out of a good poll is the vote share.” He gave me an example of how vote share often gets misunderstood. “Suppose if you say today that Congress will get 30 percent of the votes, that means scientifically speaking it will get anywhere between 27 to 33 percent of the votes. If you are projecting Congress 30 percent and BJP 28 percent, that means your margin of victory or defeat are very much within the margin of error. So Congress getting 28 and BJP getting 30 is also a probability. People don’t look into this. People don’t understand this.” Projecting how many seats a party will win is an entirely separate affair. “Conversion of those vote shares into seat share has nothing to do with the polling business. It’s not part of the polling at all. Survey stops at the projection of the vote share. Unfortunately in India nobody wishes to understand that. Everybody wishes to look at the seat. Seats batao kitni hain. Vote chhodo, seat batao kitni hain. (Tell us how many seats. Leave the votes, tell us how many seats.)” Later, I asked Deshmukh if the media was interested in understanding these complexities of polling and projection. “No, not at all,” he said, “It is painful.” He didn’t fault the public for not realising what a good poll actually tells them. In India, “my vote doesn’t really get translated into number of seats,” he said. “It’s not a presidential system. Popularity ratings don’t convert into votes, votes don’t convert into seats. Seats don’t convert into alliances. Alliances don’t convert into government, in majority figures. When you have so many intangibles and the entire population including the media is highly illiterate about what to expect from the polls—if the entire media is asking, number batao, kisko kitni seatein? Toh agar media hi yeh pooch raha hai, public kya poochegi? Public kya poochegi? (Tell us the number, how many seats to whom? So if the media itself is asking this, what will the public ask? What will the public ask?)” AT THE START OF TIMES NOW’S national poll projection show on 29 July, a methodology note flashed up on the bottom of the screen. It stayed for three minutes—more than ample time to read the description: “National representative sample of 13052 randomly selected respondents across all states during 18th July to 24th July 2013; Date weighted to known population profile; margin of error is +/-3% at national level and +/-5% at regional level.” Arnab Goswami got the ball rolling for the two-hour programme. “Who is going to form the next government in India if elections were to be held now?” he asked, before introducing his panellists. “To my right is Yashvant Deshmukh, the man who takes all the blame, and we get all the credit. That’s a terrible cliché, but I know Yashvant is used to it.” That Deshmukh takes the blame and Goswami’s channel gets the credit holds true for more than just the final forecasts. Opinion polls are often criticised for a lack of information on how they were conducted. In June, for example, the economist Vivek Dehejia criticised polls in India generally (and a specific poll in particular) for their poor reporting practices. “The GFK poll tells us only that interviews were conducted “in respondents’ homes and in street corners” but gives us no indication that subjects were picked randomly,” Dehejia wrote in Business Standard. “Also, as is typical with Indian polls, we are not told the margin of error, so have absolutely no way to assess the accuracy of the predictions.” Dehejia seemed to suggest that the lack of transparency in Indian polling was the fault of pollsters. But methodology notes such as the one aired by Times Now—although it would have failed standards established by various international polling bodies—satisfy the limited guidelines published by the Press Council of India (PCI). The PCI recommends that a newspaper publishing a survey should indicate which institutions carried out the survey, who commissioned it, the size and nature of the selected sample, the method of selection of the sample, and the possible margin of error in the findings. Even though the PCI’s jurisdiction is restricted to the print industry, it is the only institution in the country that produces any sort of recommendations for publishing polls. Most of the media houses adhere to them as indifferently as the PCI seems to lay them down. Yogendra Yadav, who has been conducting polls and surveys since 1996, said he wasn’t aware of these recommendations: “As people who carry it out, at least we have never received any guidelines from anyone.” He agreed that there is a need to make opinion polls more transparent. “I have personally been fighting for it,” he said. “I have written about it. I have written to all kinds of people who matter to say please make it mandatory for every opinion poll to disclose their methodology in great length. I should exactly know the methodology followed for the survey. I should exactly know the method for vote-to-seat conversion. I should know who paid for this survey, who was the customer, who commissioned it, who paid money for the survey. And what is the track record of the agency who is doing it? Is there any conflict of interest? These are absolutely standard procedures.” Accusing just the pollster of opacity in an environment where there is no code of conduct or monitoring body is unfair. It gives the gatekeepers of information—the news channels and publications—a guilt-free pass. Some outlets, such as CNN-IBN, which works exclusively with CSDS, do an admirable job of ensuring the transparency of their surveys, putting thorough methodological notes on their websites. But others fall far short of this standard. If a poll is like reporting, only multiplied, it’s the editor’s job to make sure his correspondent isn’t relying on shoddy research, personal bias or an outright plant. Like a bad story, if a bad poll is published, the editor and the publication have to share the blame. DORAB SOPARIWALA IS IMMACULATE AND POLITE. He is also the only person I have ever met who talks about god as the “woman up there”. His former colleague Titoo Ahluwalia called him, along with Yogendra Yadav “amongst, I would say, the finest pollsters anywhere on this planet. They really are extremely knowledgeable, with impeccable integrities.” I met Sopariwala in Prannoy Roy’s office. Roy was not present, busy with one of the many duties of running a media company. The office, hidden on one side of the NDTV newsroom in south Delhi, is small but extraordinarily pleasant, lacking the pomp one might expect from the founder of a major national television network. ![\\"\\"](\\"//\\") Now retired, KMS “Titoo” Ahluwalia ran IMRB, one of India’s largest market research firms, when he was in his late twenties. THE HINDU IMAGES As we discussed issues of political polling and election forecasts, Sopariwala told me about the first poll he got wrong. It was “when NTR came”, he said. In a paper Sopariwala and Roy wrote in 1990, they described how the Telugu “cinestar of mythical proportions” Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao founded the Telegu Desam Party and entered Andhra Pradesh politics on a platform of his own fame in 1982. Sopariwala was hired by India Today to do a statewide poll ahead of the January 1983 assembly election. “To meet the deadline of the sponsor, the fieldwork began just after the nominations closed,” with three weeks to go before elections. “The poll indicated a victory for the ruling Congress.” But Rao won a “massive victory” and became the chief minister. In a “post-mortem” by Sopariwala’s team, they learnt that the pollsters had “gone in too early and missed a strong ‘late’ swing”. Sopariwala told me that after Rao’s “Chaitanya Ratham” campaign—the actor drove a converted Chevrolet across the state—which was quite close to the election date, “he swept” the votes. “We couldn’t catch the wave. I was so embarrassed I didn’t charge my fees.” He joked that he should have charged double, because he had to go back to a lot of the people they had interviewed in order to understand what went wrong. “I don’t work as hard on anything else,” he said of election forecasts. “I kill myself doing it. You think I want to get it wrong?” The process of opinion polling starts with understanding the objectives of the poll—the topics on which it’s meant to sample opinions. A questionnaire is then designed that, in most cases, is supposed to solicit people’s views without distorting them (for instance, by asking leading questions or using certain loaded terms). Often, several questions are asked to get at the same issue—such as preferences for a given politician—from different angles. A method is then devised for selecting and interviewing a representative sample of the electorate, and a sufficient sample size is decided. Most pollsters either send teams to conduct face-to-face interviews, or they call people up on their mobile phones. The data collected are then used to calculate vote share for each party, and this is finally converted into the likely number of seats each party would grab if the elections happened when the poll was carried out. Every step has its possible pitfalls, all of which are compounded by the diversity of the country’s population and the complexity of its politics. Insufficient sample size is perhaps the most frequent criticism put to pollsters in India. How can a sample size of 30,000 or 50,000 be representative of more than 1.2 billion people? These sorts of questions, Ahluwalia told me, are “just as old as the polls. And they just show a very low level of debate on the subject. And unfortunately they still happen to this day.” Sample size, he said, hasn’t got “anything to do with the size of the population.” Instead, it’s all about heterogeneity. “How much tea do you need to taste to know whether the sugar is alright or not? If the sugar is stirred, one sip will tell you. If it’s not stirred, you can drink it right up to the end and not know.” Pollsters try to solve this problem by identifying homogenous clusters at sub-regional levels, and then building up a picture of the the regional, state and national electorate through the amalgamation of these units. Sanjay Kumar, who now leads the Lokniti project at CSDS, said that just having a bigger sample size doesn’t help, as it also “multiplies the errors”. In theory, the more you spread the sample, the more representative it is. “But spreading the sample also has some restrictions,” he said. “Ideal would be to go to all the constituencies. But one has to think about manageability, whether you can manage it or not.” One of the many problems pollsters face is whether to conduct telephone or face-to-face interviews. The former is cheaper, but some critics believe mobile penetration in India is not yet deep enough to yield representative survey results. In-person interviews are beset by their own difficulties. For one, the interviewer has to win the confidence of the respondent. According to both Deshmukh and Kumar, in rural areas, members of marginalised communities often misrepresent their views out of intimidation and fear of reprisal from the often urban interviewers. This is apparently the reason Mayawati’s electoral base is always under-represented in polls. To overcome some of these distortions, Sopariwala and Ahluwalia introduced to India a “secret ballot” technique that was pioneered by Gallup in America in the late 1940s. Respondents are asked to mark their candidate preferences on a sheet of paper and put it in a dummy ballot box. The paper is coded with a serial number to match a serial number on the respondent’s main questionnaire. To try and ensure that their samples are representative, pollsters take a systematic approach to selecting interviewees at random. “Systematic random—it is kind of a lottery, where there is no bias applied,” Kumar told me. CSDS has a method for randomly picking voters from the electoral roll. The list is then given to interviewers in the field, who never decide whom to poll. For telephone surveys, a computer automatically connects random voters from a given region with interviewers who speak the local language. In either case, the pollster checks for under-represented populations, and then does additional polling or weights the data to account for this. However a poll is conducted, there are inevitably many rejections, or people are unavailable, or government data used to generate addresses and telephone numbers are outdated, so the pollsters have to attempt to sample more people than they need for a robust poll. The data are then collated, and the vote share of each party is derived by tallying up the individual responses. All this makes polling a very expensive exercise. The price differs from agency to agency and according to what is expected of the pollster. In the last general elections, CSDS, which is a non-profit organisation, polled roughly 30,000 people around the country. The total cost was around Rs 1 crore, Kumar said. About 20 percent of that was covered by CSDS’s media partners; the rest came in the form of grants from academic and research institutions and government bodies. Few for-profit agencies, if any, are able to make money from political opinion polls for the Indian media. CVoter makes most of its money outside of India, doing polls for foreign governments and international organisations, according to Deshmukh. Market research firms, such as ORG (formerly ORG-MARG), use the publicity generated by these surveys to market themselves to corporate clients interested in understanding consumer behaviour, which is how they make most of their income. Sopariwala said that election forecasting is “less than one percent of their business, but ninety percent of the public face”. Many media houses share their costs and data with another partner. CNN-IBN had The Week as a print partner for the assembly election polls last year. This year, their election tracker was shared by The Hindu in July and The Weekin October. CVoter is in a tri-party agreement with Times Now and India TV, and is also doing polls for the India Today group. Deshmukh did not tell me how much it costs him to do his polls, but it is presumably cheaper than CSDS; the former relies mostly on telephone interviews, while the latter only interviews their respondents face-to-face. TO GET FROM THE RESULTS OF THE POLL to the seat numbers is a mind-bogglingly complex process. Sopariwala and Ahluwalia think that the biggest challenge is identifying those respondents who give interviews but do not vote, thus distorting the analysis of the data. But this is only one of a nearly endless list of factors that can go into seat projections. Various indices and formulas have been developed over the years by Indian psephologists. Prannoy Roy and Ashok Lahiri started with their Index of Opposition Unity. Then, building on Roy and Lahiri’s work, came the economist Surjit Bhalla’s Lying Index, which tried to offset the effects of electors who don’t vote. The process to fine tune these techniques is ongoing. Pollsters are continually trying to account for the ways that various layers of political representation—the local MLA, the state’s incumbent party, the member of parliament, the national incumbent party, the governing alliance, the executive, and the prime minister—affect voter preferences. An individual may be unhappy with a politician or party’s performance at any one of these levels, and still vote for the same party at other levels. For two-way races in first-past-the-post democracies, the basic formula that governs conversions from vote share to seats won is the cube law, which states that seats will be divided up in the same proportion as the ratio of vote shares raised to the power of three. In India, however, there is often the challenge of accounting for more than two parties, for parties splitting between elections, and for fluid alliances. Kumar gave me an example of how unpredictable the results can be. In Uttar Pradesh in 2012, the Samajwadi Party had 29 percent of the votes and got 224 seats. In 2007, the Bahujan Samaj Party had over 30 percent of the votes, but won only 206 seats. “Same state, same voters, same parties. Party gets 1 percent less votes and gets 20 extra seats,” Kumar said. These surpises also happen at the national level: the increase in Congress’s vote share between 2004 and 2009 was only 2.02 percent, but they picked up 60 extra seats. “Every election I find something new, and fine tune it,” Deshmukh said. “It can never be perfect. It is still not foolproof. Arre public opinion is as dynamic as it can be. Every damn election we learn something or the other, and it is an unending process.” IN 2009, on the eve of the second phase of India’s general elections, Prannoy Roy sat in front of an externally lit Hyderabad Public School building, facing Dorab Sopariwala and Shekhar Gupta, the editor-in-chief of Indian Express. It was two days prior to the second round of assembly elections in Andhra Pradesh, and the Election Commission had recently prohibited the broadcasting or publication of data based on exit polls before the last phase of the elections was over. All three men were dressed in kurta-pajama for an NDTV show titled Battleground 2009. “We travelled all across Karnataka, and we also travelled all across Andhra Pradesh,” Roy said. “So now these two gentlemen, they know everything. They are experts on these two states. They’re gonna tell us, by the end of the show, who’s gonna win in both of these states. Not only that, by travelling in these areas—it’s amazing—they have an idea of the entire country. So if you want to know who’s gonna win the entire country, hang on.” They discussed the prospects of three of the state’s most significant contenders: the Telugu Desam Party, the Congress, and the former actor Chiranjeevi’s Praja Rajyam Party. “Let’s move on to what’s happened in phase one of this election,” Roy continued. “Now we’ve been talking to a lot of people. This is not really an opinion poll, but it’s an analysis for which we sat together and tried to figure out what happened in that phase one.” They examined Chiranjeevi’s chances in exceptional quantitative detail, tossing out likely percentages of vote share, then moved on to the odds bookies were offering on the general election. “Now many people believe that bookies know little more than Dorab,” Roy said in jest. “Sometimes. Though most of the time you know more than them.” They discussed a survey, based on “lakhs and lakhs” of text messages from NDTV’s viewers, which suggested that Manmohan Singh was the top prime ministerial candidate, followed distantly by LK Advani. “I think that’s the general mood, at least in the SMS class,” Gupta said. “But SMS class—there are 400 million mobile phones in this country,” Roy offered. “I think the fact that we are here discussing projections of bookies and SMS polls is a very unfortunate thing,” Gupta replied. “I would rather go by the—by the figures thrown up by your opinion poll.” Roy laughed and raised a finger to his lips. “Shh … You can’t even mention the word. Hahaha. No, I know the point you are getting to.” “I know I can’t,” Gupta said. “So I am not mentioning the figures. But, but, but I want to say that Election Commission has done great things, running up in these elections. But, this is the most terrible decision. That’s my editorial viewpoint. I think it would have had been fantastic to have some kind of exit polls now. Figures coming in—it just enriches the discussion. I think if the Election Commission is watching, or—the new Election Commissioner has taken over today—Navin Chawla, if he watching, I think this is one decision that they have to revisit. Because it’s a terrible decision. It doesn’t help anybody … If bookies can talk about figures, why can’t legitimate people?” “We know all over the world, most bans don’t work,” Yogendra Yadav told me when I met with him recently. The ban on exit polls still stands, and the Election Commission is also considering banning surveys during the period after elections are announced. (At the time of writing, the ban was under consultation with political parties.) The proposal to ban the polls, Yadav said, was based on four flawed assumptions of the Election Commission: most polls are either mistaken or “vicious”; they can influence voting behaviour; these problems cannot be tackled by any other means; and bans will work. While admitting there are some “increasing unprofessional” practices, he said most polls are still infinitely better than any other way of tracking the popular mood, and whether surveys affect voters in some undue way is an empirical question that remains unanswered. If “we want to ban something, and if we have been discussing a ban for ten years, should we as a country not gather evidence about these things?” he asked. Prohibition should be the last resort to tackle any problem, Yadav argued; ensuring transparency through some basic regulation would be a far better way to curb malpractice. “Bans are counterproductive,” he continued. He said that although political parties conduct their own surveys, some are now trying to create more opacity on whatever limited data are available. Prohibiting polls “would create a black market of information … So, instead of actually creating public information it would create an information elite. Second, it would create rumours—‘I know they have done it, but I can’t release it legally, but let me tell you what the survey is.’ It creates, absolutely, a culture of duplicity, rumours and so on.” He mentioned Battleground 2009: “Prannoy Roy, Dorab Sopariwala and Shekhar Gupta sat and said, ‘According to my intuition Congress will get 23 seats in Andhra Pradesh.’ Of course they had done a poll. Everyone knew they had done a poll.” The ramifications of these bans, Yadav suggested, could go well beyond surveys. “The simple fact is you cannot say Prannoy Roy cannot have intuition. Tomorrow I can have intuition. The question is, will we impose this ban on people who write on the edit page? Will we impose this ban on reporters—that they cannot say someone is ahead, someone is behind? If we don’t ban all that, how can we possibly ban this?” EDITORS ACROSS TELEVISION AND PRINT MEDIA told me that while some “bogus”, “rogue” or manipulated polls find space in regional and local news outlets, it is rare to find them on national broadcasts, or in national publications. There are “malpractices” in the Indian industry, Yadav agreed. But, “If you look at some of the more professional polls, I would say they compare with some of the best in the world. Nowhere in the world are election forecasts 100 percent correct.” ![\\"\\"](\\"// ERgp42hWMWaTxZxuLBsDyx1DE8B8u4yIbAI8T1QrhgK8mpCBfBcdeqUXOr7yJvtadmc- AZrwX9q4GW9fQ=s0\\") In 1979, market researcher Dorab Sopariwala and economist Prannoy Roy began working together on polls. Their big scoops—including the Rajiv Gandhi victory in 1984 and the “Spot On” poll in 1989—set high expectations for future polls. SHARAD SAXENA / INDIA TODAY IMAGES Still, there are valid criticisms to be made even of polls publicised in the national media. Foremost among these is that pollsters’ methods and the calculus that produces seat projections remain outside public scrutiny. Almost every other suspicion about the technicalities of polling—about the size and representativeness of samples, margins of error, statistical confidence, unresponsive interviewees, and adjustments based on historical precedents—could be dispelled if pollsters and their media partners were absolutely transparent about how they conduct their polls. And this would enhance the credibility of the process. It should be mandatory, Yadav said, for pollsters to “disclose their methodology at great length. Now with web there is no space problem. You can ask them to put it up on the web.” Other sceptics question the motivations and political bias of the pollsters. Recently, on blogs, Twitter and in an article in Open magazine, CVoter has been called out for gravely overestimating the BJP’s prospects in many forecasts since 2004. Deshmukh, the founder, is a nephew of Nana Saheb Deshmukh, one of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh’s most revered ideologues. For their part, Yadav and Sopariwala have faced accusations of being sympathetic towards Congress. But none of this proves bias. Here, too, transparency with regard to methods, and clear disclosures about potential conflicts of interest, would help shed light on the validity of such claims, and prevent bias from entering polls in the future. In the end, however, it may be that people only believe the polls that reinforce their beliefs. Part of this is human psychology, and part of this may be that whatever lack of trust exists between the public and the media is extended to surveys and forecasts. Readers or viewers may pay less attention to a poll than to the medium that brought it to them. I asked Sardesai why he still paid for polls, despite their uncertain effects on his network’s popularity and the technical and reputational pitfalls that beset the process. “You ask me a question which I have no answer to, barring saying that I am an election junkie,” he said. “I still believe it’s fun to do.” “See this is the mug’s game,” Sardesai continued. “If we are going to go by what television audiences want, then we are going to end up doing only naach gaana [dance numbers]. That’s—that’s not a factor. I think you have to do things that are intelligent. I think the viewer respects an intelligent opinion, or an intelligent poll. A viewer knows when the pollster is also faking. That I think is becoming increasingly clear. “It’s one more weapon available to try and explain the large election landscape of this country. I still believe in that, which is why we still do polls. Maybe in the future we may have to stop it altogether. I hope that day doesn’t come.” _Correction:_ The spellings of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and Bahujan Samaj Party have been corrected. The Caravan regrets the errors. Krishn Kaushik was formerly a staff writer at _The Caravan_. election results elections CNN IBN journalism CSDS Prannoy Roy media political parties * About Us * Masthead * Careers * Contact Us * Submit to Us * Syndication * Subscribe * Announcements * Advertising * Privacy Policy * Terms and Conditions ![\\"\\"](\\"// logo.c42b6ab.png\\")
Dainik Bhaskar survey predicted that INDI Alliance will win in 10 states in the general polls
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Read Today\'s Paper # Lok Sabha Elections 2024 Exit Polls Result Live Updates: NDA alliance to come out on top in UP, MP and Gujarat; to make big gains in Bengal SECTIONS Lok Sabha Elections 2024 Exit Polls Result Live Updates: NDA alliance to come out on top in UP, MP and Gujarat; to make big gains in Bengal ET OnlineLast Updated: Jun 01, 2024, 11:51:00 PM IST Rate Story ![\\"Whatsapp](\\" us Share Font Size AbcSmall AbcMedium AbcLarge Save Print Comment Synopsis ## The 2024 Lok Sabha elections exit poll forecasts reveal BJP\'s potential gains in Tamil Nadu and West Bengal, with NDA alliance predicted to win over 350 seats. The showdown between NDA and Congress-led INDIA bloc intensifies as both aim for victory. ![\\"\\"](\\" Polls 2024: Modi magic may take NDA ‘400 paar’; INDIA bloc no challenge The eagerly anticipated exit poll forecasts for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections are finally here. According to India Today-My Axis exit polls, BJP will open its account in Tamil Nadu this time with 1-3 seats, while INDIA bloc to get 26-30 seats; others may get 6-8 seats. According to most of the exit polls, Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led NDA alliance is predicted to win 350+ seats. Republic Bharat--Matrize has given NDA 353/368, INDIA 118/133 and others 43/48. Meanwhile, India NEWS-D-Dynamics predicted that NDA will get 371 seats, INDIA 125 and others 47. Dainik Bhaskar has given NDA-285-350 seats; INDIA bloc-145-201 and others may get between 33-49 seats. Meanwhile, India News-D- Dynamics predicted NDA-371; INDIA bloc: 125; Others-47. Republic TV-P MARQ has given NDA-359 seats; INDIA bloc-154 and others-30. On the other hand, Jan Ki Baat has predicted, NDA to get 362/392 seats, INDIA bloc 141/161 and Others 10/20 seats..Reacting to exit polls reports, Prime Minister Narendra Modi trained guns at the Opposition and said that Indi alliance failed to connect with the voters. \"The opportunistic INDI Alliance failed to strike a chord with the voters. They are casteist, communal and corrupt. This alliance, aimed to protect a handful of dynasties, failed to present a futuristic vision for the nation. Through the campaign, they only enhanced their expertise on one thing- Modi bashing. Such regressive politics has been rejected by the people,\" he posted on social media platform X. > — narendramodi (@narendramodi) ![\\"Growfast\\"](\\" * ![\\"Succession](\\" Strategy Succession Planning Masterclass By - Nigel Penny, Global Strategy Advisor: NSP Strategy Facilitation Ltd. 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Matrize survey predicte BJP to get 69-74 seats in Uttar Pradesh, while opposition\'s INDIA bloc could stay limited to only 6-11 seats.Dilli belongs to BJPIn Delhi, where BJP and AAP have been locked in a war of-words, the BJP is predicted to make a clean sweep yet again, according to NewsNation exit polls. While, INDIA alliance, in which AAP and Congress have shared seats to take on BJP is predicted to draw a blank. BJP to get Hindustan ka Dil In Madhya Pradesh, BJP could make a clean sweep, according to India Today Axis My India. In terms of seats, NDA alliance is predicted to get between 28-29 seats, INDIA bloc between 0-1 seats. In terms of vote share, BJP may get 61% votes, while Congress 33% and others only 6%.Setback for Mamata In a big surprise, BJP is predicted to surge ahead of Trinamool Congress in West Bengal, according to exit polls. India News- D-Dynamics predicted BJP to get 21 seats, while Trinamool could be limited to 19 seats. Likewise, Republic Bharat- Matrize predicted BJP to get 21-25 seats and Mamata Banerjee\'s Trinamool could get between 16-20 seats.Rajasthan belongs to BJP - againAccording to Jan ki baat exit polls, BJP could make its presence felt yet again in Rajasthan with a clean sweep. Jaan ki baat predicted BJP to get 21-23 seats, INDIA bloc 2-4 and others-0. Uncertainly looms large on NDA alliance in MaharashtraAs per India Today\'s Chanakya, BJP-led NDA alliance could face some setback in Maharashtra. Chanakya predicted BJP to get 33 seats and INDIA bloc 15 seats. Meanwhile, Times Now predicted BJP to get 26 seats, while Congress-led INDIA alliance may get 22 seats. BJP maintains decisive edge in GujaratIn Prime Minister Narendra Modi\'s home- state Gujarat, BJP is predicted to make a clean sweep in all 26 seats, according to TimesNow\'s ETG. Great news for BJP in Chhattisgarh BJP is predicted to continue with its impressive run in Chhattisgarh after assembly polls. The saffron party could make huge gain this time. As per India News - D-Dynamics, NDA may get 10 setas, INDIA bloc 1, while others won\'t be able open their account in the state.No free-run in Bihar for ModiIn Bihar, NDA won\'t get a clean-sweep as many BJP leaders had claimed and INDIA bloc is predicted to make a notable comeback. According to IndiaToday-MyAxis, NDA could get NDA 22-23 seats and INDIA bloc between 7-10 seats.BJP\'s southern debutExit polls have predicted that the BJP-led NDA was poised to make significant gains in Kerala\'s Lok Sabha seats.According to the Axis My India exit poll, the BJP-led NDA was anticipated to secure 2-4 seats in Tamil Nadu, while the INDIA bloc, comprising the DMK and Congress, was projected to win 33-37 seats. Conversely, the News 18 exit poll indicated NDA\'s potential to win 1-3 seats in Tamil Nadu, with the INDIA bloc possibly securing 36-39 seats.In Kerala, the Axis My India exit poll indicated that the BJP-led NDA could secure 2-3 seats, with the Congress-led UDF expected to win 17-18 seats and the LDF, led by the CPI-M, potentially securing 0-1 seat.These exit polls suggested a projected vote share of 27% for the NDA in Kerala, marking the party\'s highest in the state. Predicted vote shares for the LDF and UDF were 29% and 41%, respectively.Additionally, the News 18 exit poll predicted 1-3 seats for the NDA in Kerala, while projecting 15-18 seats for the UDF and 2-5 seats for the LDF.The Times Now-ETG forecasted one seat for the BJP in Kerala, with the UDF and LDF anticipated to win 14-15 and four seats, respectively. Kerala holds 20 seats in the lower house of Parliament.BJP stays ahead in TelanganaIn Telangana, BJP is predicted to win between 9-12 seats, Congress 7-4, BRS 1-0 and others 1, according to Jan ki baat. BJP in J&KIn Jammu and Kashmir, BJP is likely to win two seats in first Lok Sabha polls after the abrogation of Article 370, according to TimesNow. While, Congress is expected to emerge victorious on 2-3 seats, and JKPDP on 1 seat.Over the years, prominent agencies like Today\'s Chanakya, CVoter, CSDS and Axis My India have consistently conducted these exit polls, garnering a lot of attention from the public. Political analysts and psephologists diligently scrutinize data to anticipate which party may hold an advantage in each state across India.BJP party to continue in GoaAs per India News - D-Dynamics, BJP could both Lok Sabha seats in Goa, while Opposition may draw a blank.BJD\'s clout under threat in OdishaAccording to JAN KI Baat exit polls, BJP is predicted to win 15-18 sets, while BJD could win 3-7 seats and INDIA bloc is expected to draw a blank. Meanwhile, for Odisha, C-voter Survey has predicted BJP to get 17-19 seats, BJD 1-3 seats and INDIA bloc 0-1 seats. After Assembly polls triumph, AAP to make big gains in PunjabAccording to Republic TV--P MARQ, BJP is predicted to win BJP-3, SAD-3, Congress 2 and AAP 4 seats in Punjab. The ultimate showdown: NDA vs INDIA blocOn a broader scale, the 2024 Lok Sabha elections are a showdown between the BJP-led NDA alliance and the Congress-led INDIA bloc. While Prime Minister Narendra Modi\'s NDA alliance is hoping to retain power for a third consecutive term, the INDIA bloc is aiming to cause an upset. Can these predictions be accurate?Exit poll predictions can never be fully accurate, and one should not rely on them blindly, as there could be mistakes. In the past, these predictions have clearly shown instances where exit polls threw out inaccuracies to a certain extent. Interestingly, in both 2019 and 2014, exit poll predictions were quite accurate and clearly reflected national sentiment.In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, exit polls on average forecast the NDA\'s seat count to be 306 and the UPA\'s to be 120. These predictions fell slightly short of the actual results, as the NDA secured 352 seats with the BJP alone winning 303, but overall they were near the mark. The UPA, at the time, secured 93 seats, with the Congress winning 52.Read More: Exit Polls 2024 Live Updates How are things being stacked up this time?This time, things have been quite different from the last Lok Sabha polls. Interestingly, the fight is not between the UPA and NDA, as the UPA has formed a new group, India, to challenge the might of the BJP. While the BJP-led NDA has been gunning for \'400\', the BJP is aiming to win at least 370 seats on its own. On the other hand, the Opposition parties under the INDIA alliance are hoping to pull up a surprise this time. Meanwhile, India\'s grand old party Congress has already made it clear that they will not participate in any exit poll debates on television.Read More: Teesri baar Modi sarkar, or a twist in the tale? The grand Indian Lok Sabha electionsThe 2024 Lok Sabha elections unfolded over 7 phases spanning from April 19 to June 1. Spanning 44 days, the election was marked by fervent, intense, and at times aggressive campaigning.Big states like Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and Bihar underwent polling in all 7 phases, contrasting with single-phase voting in states such as Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, and Punjab.The overall voter turnout across phases saw a slight decrease compared to the 2019 elections, triggering controversy when the Election Commission adjusted turnout data after each phase, a move challenged by critics. Nonetheless, the Election Commission dismissed all accusations.Prime Minister Narendra Modi embarked on an extensive nationwide tour preceding the elections, hosting numerous rallies almost daily, often spanning multiple states. Additionally, he granted interviews to numerous major news channels. Prior to the final phase, PM Modi engaged in a 45-hour meditation at the Vivekananda Rock Memorial in Kanniyakumari. Congress exudes confidenceMeanwhile, Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge, has expressed confidence on INDIA bloc\'s victory in the 2024 Lok Sabha polls.While addressing the media, the Congress Chief asserted, \"INDI alliance will win at least 295 seats.\" The opposition-led INDIA bloc participated in a meeting in the national capital earlier today, which was attended by several leaders, including Arvind Kejriwal, Rahul Gandhi, Akhilesh Yadav, among others. (You can now subscribe to our Economic Times WhatsApp channel) In Video: Exit Polls 2024: Modi magic may take NDA ‘400 paar’; INDIA bloc no challenge #### Read More News on Lok Sabha ElectionsExit PollsNDAINDIA bloc2024predictionsBJPUPACongress2024 Lok Sabha elections (Catch all the Business News, Breaking News, Budget 2024 Events and Latest News Updates on The Economic Times.) 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Snow cover in the northern hemisphere is almost identical despite 50 years of CO2 emissions
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At the time of publication, it represented the best available science. ## The Carbon Cycle By Holli Riebeek Design by Robert Simmon June 16, 2011 Introduction The Slow Carbon Cycle The Fast Carbon Cycle Changes in the Carbon Cycle Effects of Changing the Carbon Cycle Studying the Carbon Cycle Atmosphere Land Carbon is the backbone of life on Earth. We are made of carbon, we eat carbon, and our civilizations—our economies, our homes, our means of transport—are built on carbon. We need carbon, but that need is also entwined with one of the most serious problems facing us today: global climate change. ![\\"Photograph](\\" feature/carboncycle/images/forest.jpg\\") ![\\"Photograph](\\" feature/carboncycle/images/coal_fire.jpg\\") Carbon is both the foundation of all life on Earth, and the source of the majority of energy consumed by human civilization. [Photographs ©2007 MorBCN (top) and ©2009 sarahluv (lower).] Forged in the heart of aging stars, carbon is the fourth most abundant element in the Universe. Most of Earth’s carbon—about 65,500 billion metric tons—is stored in rocks. The rest is in the ocean, atmosphere, plants, soil, and fossil fuels. Carbon flows between each reservoir in an exchange called the carbon cycle, which has slow and fast components. Any change in the cycle that shifts carbon out of one reservoir puts more carbon in the other reservoirs. Changes that put carbon gases into the atmosphere result in warmer temperatures on Earth. ![\\"Draft](\\" feature/carboncycle/images/carbon_cycle.jpg\\") This diagram of the fast carbon cycle shows the movement of carbon between land, atmosphere, and oceans. Yellow numbers are natural fluxes, and red are human contributions in gigatons of carbon per year. White numbers indicate stored carbon. (Diagram adapted from U.S. DOE, Biological and Environmental Research Information System.) Over the long term, the carbon cycle seems to maintain a balance that prevents all of Earth’s carbon from entering the atmosphere (as is the case on Venus) or from being stored entirely in rocks. This balance helps keep Earth’s temperature relatively stable, like a thermostat. This thermostat works over a few hundred thousand years, as part of the slow carbon cycle. This means that for shorter time periods—tens to a hundred thousand years—the temperature of Earth can vary. And, in fact, Earth swings between ice ages and warmer interglacial periods on these time scales. Parts of the carbon cycle may even amplify these short-term temperature changes. ![\\"Graph](\\" feature/carboncycle/images/cenozoic_temperature_proxy.png\\") The uplift of the Himalaya, beginning 50 million years ago, reset Earth’s thermostat by providing a large source of fresh rock to pull more carbon into the slow carbon cycle through chemical weathering. The resulting drop in temperatures and the formation of ice sheets changed the ratio between heavy and light oxygen in the deep ocean, as shown in this graph. (Graph based on data from Zachos at al., 2001.) On very long time scales (millions to tens of millions of years), the movement of tectonic plates and changes in the rate at which carbon seeps from the Earth’s interior may change the temperature on the thermostat. Earth has undergone such a change over the last 50 million years, from the extremely warm climates of the Cretaceous (roughly 145 to 65 million years ago) to the glacial climates of the Pleistocene (roughly 1.8 million to 11,500 years ago). [See Divisions of Geologic Time—Major Chronostratigraphic and Geochronologic Units for more information about geological eras.] ## The Slow Carbon Cycle By Holli Riebeek Design by Robert Simmon June 16, 2011 Introduction The Slow Carbon Cycle The Fast Carbon Cycle Changes in the Carbon Cycle Effects of Changing the Carbon Cycle Studying the Carbon Cycle Atmosphere Land Through a series of chemical reactions and tectonic activity, carbon takes between 100-200 million years to move between rocks, soil, ocean, and atmosphere in the slow carbon cycle. On average, 1013 to 1014 grams (10–100 million metric tons) of carbon move through the slow carbon cycle every year. In comparison, human emissions of carbon to the atmosphere are on the order of 1015 grams, whereas the fast carbon cycle moves 1016 to 1017 grams of carbon per year. The movement of carbon from the atmosphere to the lithosphere (rocks) begins with rain. Atmospheric carbon combines with water to form a weak acid—carbonic acid—that falls to the surface in rain. The acid dissolves rocks—a process called chemical weathering—and releases calcium, magnesium, potassium, or sodium ions. Rivers carry the ions to the ocean. ![\\"Photograph](\\" feature/carboncycle/images/san_gabriel_river.jpg\\") Rivers carry calcium ions—the result of chemical weathering of rocks—into the ocean, where they react with carbonate dissolved in the water. The product of that reaction, calcium carbonate, is then deposited onto the ocean floor, where it becomes limestone. (Photograph ©2009 Greg Carley.) In the ocean, the calcium ions combine with bicarbonate ions to form calcium carbonate, the active ingredient in antacids and the chalky white substance that dries on your faucet if you live in an area with hard water. In the modern ocean, most of the calcium carbonate is made by shell-building (calcifying) organisms (such as corals) and plankton (like coccolithophores and foraminifera). After the organisms die, they sink to the seafloor. Over time, layers of shells and sediment are cemented together and turn to rock, storing the carbon in stone—limestone and its derivatives. ![\\"Fossil](\\" feature/carboncycle/images/marble_fossils.jpg\\") Limestone, or its metamorphic cousin, marble, is rock made primarily of calcium carbonate. These rock types are often formed from the bodies of marine plants and animals, and their shells and skeletons can be preserved as fossils. Carbon locked up in limestone can be stored for millions—or even hundreds of millions—of years. (Photograph ©2008 Rookuzz (Hmm).) Only 80 percent of carbon-containing rock is currently made this way. The remaining 20 percent contain carbon from living things (organic carbon) that have been embedded in layers of mud. Heat and pressure compress the mud and carbon over millions of years, forming sedimentary rock such as shale. In special cases, when dead plant matter builds up faster than it can decay, layers of organic carbon become oil, coal, or natural gas instead of sedimentary rock like shale. ![\\"Photograph](\\" feature/carboncycle/images/coal_seam.jpg\\") This coal seam in Scotland was originally a layer of sediment, rich in organic carbon. The sedimentary layer was eventually buried deep underground, and the heat and pressure transformed it into coal. Coal and other fossil fuels are a convenient source of energy, but when they are burned, the stored carbon is released into the atmosphere. This alters the balance of the carbon cycle, and is changing Earth’s climate. (Photograph ©2010 Sandchem.) The slow cycle returns carbon to the atmosphere through volcanoes. Earth’s land and ocean surfaces sit on several moving crustal plates. When the plates collide, one sinks beneath the other, and the rock it carries melts under the extreme heat and pressure. The heated rock recombines into silicate minerals, releasing carbon dioxide. When volcanoes erupt, they vent the gas to the atmosphere and cover the land with fresh silicate rock to begin the cycle again. At present, volcanoes emit between 130 and 380 million metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. For comparison, humans emit about 30 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year—100–300 times more than volcanoes—by burning fossil fuels. Chemistry regulates this dance between ocean, land, and atmosphere. If carbon dioxide rises in the atmosphere because of an increase in volcanic activity, for example, temperatures rise, leading to more rain, which dissolves more rock, creating more ions that will eventually deposit more carbon on the ocean floor. It takes a few hundred thousand years to rebalance the slow carbon cycle through chemical weathering. ![\\"Photograph](\\" feature/carboncycle/images/kizimen_201101.jpg\\") Carbon stored in rocks is naturally returned to the atmosphere by volcanoes. In this photograph, Russia’s Kizimen Volcano vents ash and volcanic gases in January 2011. Kizimen is located on the Kamchatka Peninsula, where the Pacific Plate is subducting beneath Asia. (Photograph ©2011 Artyom Bezotechestvo/Photo Kamchatka.) However, the slow carbon cycle also contains a slightly faster component: the ocean. At the surface, where air meets water, carbon dioxide gas dissolves in and ventilates out of the ocean in a steady exchange with the atmosphere. Once in the ocean, carbon dioxide gas reacts with water molecules to release hydrogen, making the ocean more acidic. The hydrogen reacts with carbonate from rock weathering to produce bicarbonate ions. Before the industrial age, the ocean vented carbon dioxide to the atmosphere in balance with the carbon the ocean received during rock weathering. However, since carbon concentrations in the atmosphere have increased, the ocean now takes more carbon from the atmosphere than it releases. Over millennia, the ocean will absorb up to 85 percent of the extra carbon people have put into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels, but the process is slow because it is tied to the movement of water from the ocean’s surface to its depths. In the meantime, winds, currents, and temperature control the rate at which the ocean takes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. (See The Ocean’s Carbon Balance on the Earth Observatory.) It is likely that changes in ocean temperatures and currents helped remove carbon from and then restore carbon to the atmosphere over the few thousand years in which the ice ages began and ended. ## The Fast Carbon Cycle By Holli Riebeek Design by Robert Simmon June 16, 2011 Introduction The Slow Carbon Cycle The Fast Carbon Cycle Changes in the Carbon Cycle Effects of Changing the Carbon Cycle Studying the Carbon Cycle Atmosphere Land The time it takes carbon to move through the fast carbon cycle is measured in a lifespan. The fast carbon cycle is largely the movement of carbon through life forms on Earth, or the biosphere. Between 1015 and 1017 grams (1,000 to 100,000 million metric tons) of carbon move through the fast carbon cycle every year. Carbon plays an essential role in biology because of its ability to form many bonds—up to four per atom—in a seemingly endless variety of complex organic molecules. Many organic molecules contain carbon atoms that have formed strong bonds to other carbon atoms, combining into long chains and rings. Such carbon chains and rings are the basis of living cells. For instance, DNA is made of two intertwined molecules built around a carbon chain. The bonds in the long carbon chains contain a lot of energy. When the chains break apart, the stored energy is released. This energy makes carbon molecules an excellent source of fuel for all living things. ![\\"Diagram](\\" feature/carboncycle/images/plant_respiration.jpg\\") During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and sunlight to create fuel—glucose and other sugars—for building plant structures. This process forms the foundation of the fast (biological) carbon cycle. (Illustration adapted from P.J. Sellers et al., 1992.) Plants and phytoplankton are the main components of the fast carbon cycle. Phytoplankton (microscopic organisms in the ocean) and plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by absorbing it into their cells. Using energy from the Sun, both plants and plankton combine carbon dioxide (CO2) and water to form sugar (CH2O) and oxygen. The chemical reaction looks like this: CO2 + H2O + energy = CH2O + O2 Four things can happen to move carbon from a plant and return it to the atmosphere, but all involve the same chemical reaction. Plants break down the sugar to get the energy they need to grow. Animals (including people) eat the plants or plankton, and break down the plant sugar to get energy. Plants and plankton die and decay (are eaten by bacteria) at the end of the growing season. Or fire consumes plants. In each case, oxygen combines with sugar to release water, carbon dioxide, and energy. The basic chemical reaction looks like this: CH2O + O2 = CO2 + H2O + energy In all four processes, the carbon dioxide released in the reaction usually ends up in the atmosphere. The fast carbon cycle is so tightly tied to plant life that the growing season can be seen by the way carbon dioxide fluctuates in the atmosphere. In the Northern Hemisphere winter, when few land plants are growing and many are decaying, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations climb. During the spring, when plants begin growing again, concentrations drop. It is as if the Earth is breathing. ![\\"Maps](\\" feature/carboncycle/images/co2_flux_npp_august_december_2010.jpg\\") The ebb and flow of the fast carbon cycle is visible in the changing seasons. As the large land masses of Northern Hemisphere green in the spring and summer, they draw carbon out of the atmosphere. This graph shows the difference in carbon dioxide levels from the previous month, with the long- term trend removed. This cycle peaks in August, with about 2 parts per million of carbon dioxide drawn out of the atmosphere. In the fall and winter, as vegetation dies back in the northern hemisphere, decomposition and respiration returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. These maps show net primary productivity (the amount of carbon consumed by plants) on land (green) and in the oceans (blue) during August and December, 2010. In August, the green areas of North America, Europe, and Asia represent plants using carbon from the atmosphere to grow. In December, net primary productivity at high latitudes is negative, which outweighs the seasonal increase in vegetation in the southern hemisphere. As a result, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases. (Graph by Marit Jentoft-Nilsen and Robert Simmon, using data from the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory. Maps by Robert Simmon and Reto Stöckli, using MODIS data.) ## Changes in the Carbon Cycle By Holli Riebeek Design by Robert Simmon June 16, 2011 Introduction The Slow Carbon Cycle The Fast Carbon Cycle Changes in the Carbon Cycle Effects of Changing the Carbon Cycle Studying the Carbon Cycle Atmosphere Land Left unperturbed, the fast and slow carbon cycles maintain a relatively steady concentration of carbon in the atmosphere, land, plants, and ocean. But when anything changes the amount of carbon in one reservoir, the effect ripples through the others. In Earth’s past, the carbon cycle has changed in response to climate change. Variations in Earth’s orbit alter the amount of energy Earth receives from the Sun and leads to a cycle of ice ages and warm periods like Earth’s current climate. (See Milutin Milankovitch.) Ice ages developed when Northern Hemisphere summers cooled and ice built up on land, which in turn slowed the carbon cycle. Meanwhile, a number of factors including cooler temperatures and increased phytoplankton growth may have increased the amount of carbon the ocean took out of the atmosphere. The drop in atmospheric carbon caused additional cooling. Similarly, at the end of the last Ice Age, 10,000 years ago, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rose dramatically as temperatures warmed. ![\\"Graphs](\\" feature/carboncycle/images/epica_CO2_temperature.png\\") Levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have corresponded closely with temperature over the past 800,000 years. Although the temperature changes were touched off by variations in Earth’s orbit, the increased global temperatures released CO2 into the atmosphere, which in turn warmed the Earth. Antarctic ice-core data show the long-term correlation until about 1900. (Graphs by Robert Simmon, using data from Lüthi et al., 2008, and Jouzel et al., 2007.) Shifts in Earth’s orbit are happening constantly, in predictable cycles. In about 30,000 years, Earth’s orbit will have changed enough to reduce sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere to the levels that led to the last ice age. Today, changes in the carbon cycle are happening because of people. We perturb the carbon cycle by burning fossil fuels and clearing land. When we clear forests, we remove a dense growth of plants that had stored carbon in wood, stems, and leaves—biomass. By removing a forest, we eliminate plants that would otherwise take carbon out of the atmosphere as they grow. We tend to replace the dense growth with crops or pasture, which store less carbon. We also expose soil that vents carbon from decayed plant matter into the atmosphere. Humans are currently emitting just under a billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere per year through land use changes. ![\\"Photograph](\\" feature/carboncycle/images/gas_burner.jpg\\") The burning of fossil fuels is the primary source of increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today. (Photograph ©2009 stevendepolo.) Without human interference, the carbon in fossil fuels would leak slowly into the atmosphere through volcanic activity over millions of years in the slow carbon cycle. By burning coal, oil, and natural gas, we accelerate the process, releasing vast amounts of carbon (carbon that took millions of years to accumulate) into the atmosphere every year. By doing so, we move the carbon from the slow cycle to the fast cycle. In 2009, humans released about 8.4 billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuel. ![\\"Graph](\\" feature/carboncycle/images/global_carbon_dioxide_1850_2009.png\\") Emissions of carbon dioxide by humanity (primarily from the burning of fossil fuels, with a contribution from cement production) have been growing steadily since the onset of the industrial revolution. About half of these emissions are removed by the fast carbon cycle each year, the rest remain in the atmosphere. (Graph by Robert Simmon, using data from the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center and Global Carbon Project.) Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, when people first started burning fossil fuels, carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere have risen from about 280 parts per million to 387 parts per million, a 39 percent increase. This means that for every million molecules in the atmosphere, 387 of them are now carbon dioxide—the highest concentration in two million years. Methane concentrations have risen from 715 parts per billion in 1750 to 1,774 parts per billion in 2005, the highest concentration in at least 650,000 years. ## Effects of Changing the Carbon Cycle By Holli Riebeek Design by Robert Simmon June 16, 2011 Introduction The Slow Carbon Cycle The Fast Carbon Cycle Changes in the Carbon Cycle Effects of Changing the Carbon Cycle Studying the Carbon Cycle Atmosphere Land All of this extra carbon needs to go somewhere. So far, land plants and the ocean have taken up about 55 percent of the extra carbon people have put into the atmosphere while about 45 percent has stayed in the atmosphere. Eventually, the land and oceans will take up most of the extra carbon dioxide, but as much as 20 percent may remain in the atmosphere for many thousands of years. The changes in the carbon cycle impact each reservoir. Excess carbon in the atmosphere warms the planet and helps plants on land grow more. Excess carbon in the ocean makes the water more acidic, putting marine life in danger. #### Atmosphere It is significant that so much carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere because CO2 is the most important gas for controlling Earth’s temperature. Carbon dioxide, methane, and halocarbons are greenhouse gases that absorb a wide range of energy—including infrared energy (heat) emitted by the Earth—and then re-emit it. The re-emitted energy travels out in all directions, but some returns to Earth, where it heats the surface. Without greenhouse gases, Earth would be a frozen -18 degrees Celsius (0 degrees Fahrenheit). With too many greenhouse gases, Earth would be like Venus, where the greenhouse atmosphere keeps temperatures around 400 degrees Celsius (750 Fahrenheit). ![\\"Photograph](\\" feature/carboncycle/images/atmosphere_plane.jpg\\") Rising concentrations of carbon dioxide are warming the atmosphere. The increased temperature results in higher evaporation rates and a wetter atmosphere, which leads to a vicious cycle of further warming. (Photograph ©2011 Patrick Wilken.) Because scientists know which wavelengths of energy each greenhouse gas absorbs, and the concentration of the gases in the atmosphere, they can calculate how much each gas contributes to warming the planet. Carbon dioxide causes about 20 percent of Earth’s greenhouse effect; water vapor accounts for about 50 percent; and clouds account for 25 percent. The rest is caused by small particles (aerosols) and minor greenhouse gases like methane. Water vapor concentrations in the air are controlled by Earth’s temperature. Warmer temperatures evaporate more water from the oceans, expand air masses, and lead to higher humidity. Cooling causes water vapor to condense and fall out as rain, sleet, or snow. Carbon dioxide, on the other hand, remains a gas at a wider range of atmospheric temperatures than water. Carbon dioxide molecules provide the initial greenhouse heating needed to maintain water vapor concentrations. When carbon dioxide concentrations drop, Earth cools, some water vapor falls out of the atmosphere, and the greenhouse warming caused by water vapor drops. Likewise, when carbon dioxide concentrations rise, air temperatures go up, and more water vapor evaporates into the atmosphere—which then amplifies greenhouse heating. So while carbon dioxide contributes less to the overall greenhouse effect than water vapor, scientists have found that carbon dioxide is the gas that sets the temperature. Carbon dioxide controls the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere and thus the size of the greenhouse effect. Rising carbon dioxide concentrations are already causing the planet to heat up. At the same time that greenhouse gases have been increasing, average global temperatures have risen 0.8 degrees Celsius (1.4 degrees Fahrenheit) since 1880. ![\\"Graph](\\" feature/carboncycle/images/combined_co2_temperature.png\\") With the seasonal cycle removed, the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration measured at Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawaii, shows a steady increase since 1957. At the same time global average temperatures are rising as a result of heat trapped by the additional CO2 and increased water vapor concentration. (Graphs by Robert Simmon, using CO2 data from the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory and temperature data from the Goddard Institute for Space Studies.) This rise in temperature isn’t all the warming we will see based on current carbon dioxide concentrations. Greenhouse warming doesn’t happen right away because the ocean soaks up heat. This means that Earth’s temperature will increase at least another 0.6 degrees Celsius (1 degree Fahrenheit) because of carbon dioxide already in the atmosphere. The degree to which temperatures go up beyond that depends in part on how much more carbon humans release into the atmosphere in the future. #### Ocean About 30 percent of the carbon dioxide that people have put into the atmosphere has diffused into the ocean through the direct chemical exchange. Dissolving carbon dioxide in the ocean creates carbonic acid, which increases the acidity of the water. Or rather, a slightly alkaline ocean becomes a little less alkaline. Since 1750, the pH of the ocean’s surface has dropped by 0.1, a 30 percent change in acidity. ![\\"Photograph](\\" feature/carboncycle/images/offshore_drilling_platform.jpg\\") Some of the excess CO2 emitted by human activity dissolves in the ocean, becoming carbonic acid. Increases in carbon dioxide are not only leading to warmer oceans, but also to more acidic oceans. (Photograph ©2010 Way Out West News.) Ocean acidification affects marine organisms in two ways. First, carbonic acid reacts with carbonate ions in the water to form bicarbonate. However, those same carbonate ions are what shell-building animals like coral need to create calcium carbonate shells. With less carbonate available, the animals need to expend more energy to build their shells. As a result, the shells end up being thinner and more fragile. Second, the more acidic water is, the better it dissolves calcium carbonate. In the long run, this reaction will allow the ocean to soak up excess carbon dioxide because more acidic water will dissolve more rock, release more carbonate ions, and increase the ocean’s capacity to absorb carbon dioxide. In the meantime, though, more acidic water will dissolve the carbonate shells of marine organisms, making them pitted and weak. Warmer oceans—a product of the greenhouse effect—could also decrease the abundance of phytoplankton, which grow better in cool, nutrient-rich waters. This could limit the ocean’s ability to take carbon from the atmosphere through the fast carbon cycle. On the other hand, carbon dioxide is essential for plant and phytoplankton growth. An increase in carbon dioxide could increase growth by fertilizing those few species of phytoplankton and ocean plants (like sea grasses) that take carbon dioxide directly from the water. However, most species are not helped by the increased availability of carbon dioxide. #### Land Plants on land have taken up approximately 25 percent of the carbon dioxide that humans have put into the atmosphere. The amount of carbon that plants take up varies greatly from year to year, but in general, the world’s plants have increased the amount of carbon dioxide they absorb since 1960. Only some of this increase occurred as a direct result of fossil fuel emissions. With more atmospheric carbon dioxide available to convert to plant matter in photosynthesis, plants were able to grow more. This increased growth is referred to as carbon fertilization. Models predict that plants might grow anywhere from 12 to 76 percent more if atmospheric carbon dioxide is doubled, as long as nothing else, like water shortages, limits their growth. However, scientists don’t know how much carbon dioxide is increasing plant growth in the real world, because plants need more than carbon dioxide to grow. Plants also need water, sunlight, and nutrients, especially nitrogen. If a plant doesn’t have one of these things, it won’t grow regardless of how abundant the other necessities are. There is a limit to how much carbon plants can take out of the atmosphere, and that limit varies from region to region. So far, it appears that carbon dioxide fertilization increases plant growth until the plant reaches a limit in the amount of water or nitrogen available. Some of the changes in carbon absorption are the result of land use decisions. Agriculture has become much more intensive, so we can grow more food on less land. In high and mid-latitudes, abandoned farmland is reverting to forest, and these forests store much more carbon, both in wood and soil, than crops would. In many places, we prevent plant carbon from entering the atmosphere by extinguishing wildfires. This allows woody material (which stores carbon) to build up. All of these land use decisions are helping plants absorb human- released carbon in the Northern Hemisphere. ![\\"Photograph](\\" feature/carboncycle/images/abandoned_farm.jpg\\") Changes in land cover—forests converted to fields and fields converted to forests—have a corresponding effect on the carbon cycle. In some Northern Hemisphere countries, many farms were abandoned in the early 20th century and the land reverted to forest. As a result, carbon was drawn out of the atmosphere and stored in trees on land. (Photograph ©2007 Husein Kadribegic.) In the tropics, however, forests are being removed, often through fire, and this releases carbon dioxide. As of 2008, deforestation accounted for about 12 percent of all human carbon dioxide emissions. The biggest changes in the land carbon cycle are likely to come because of climate change. Carbon dioxide increases temperatures, extending the growing season and increasing humidity. Both factors have led to some additional plant growth. However, warmer temperatures also stress plants. With a longer, warmer growing season, plants need more water to survive. Scientists are already seeing evidence that plants in the Northern Hemisphere slow their growth in the summer because of warm temperatures and water shortages. Dry, water-stressed plants are also more susceptible to fire and insects when growing seasons become longer. In the far north, where an increase in temperature has the greatest impact, the forests have already started to burn more, releasing carbon from the plants and the soil into the atmosphere. Tropical forests may also be extremely susceptible to drying. With less water, tropical trees slow their growth and take up less carbon, or die and release their stored carbon to the atmosphere. The warming caused by rising greenhouse gases may also “bake” the soil, accelerating the rate at which carbon seeps out in some places. This is of particular concern in the far north, where frozen soil—permafrost—is thawing. Permafrost contains rich deposits of carbon from plant matter that has accumulated for thousands of years because the cold slows decay. When the soil warms, the organic matter decays and carbon—in the form of methane and carbon dioxide—seeps into the atmosphere. Current research estimates that permafrost in the Northern Hemisphere holds 1,672 billion tons (Petagrams) of organic carbon. If just 10 percent of this permafrost were to thaw, it could release enough extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere to raise temperatures an additional 0.7 degrees Celsius (1.3 degrees Fahrenheit) by 2100. ## Studying the Carbon Cycle By Holli Riebeek Design by Robert Simmon June 16, 2011 Introduction The Slow Carbon Cycle The Fast Carbon Cycle Changes in the Carbon Cycle Effects of Changing the Carbon Cycle Studying the Carbon Cycle Atmosphere Land Many of the questions scientists still need to answer about the carbon cycle revolve around how it is changing. The atmosphere now contains more carbon than at any time in at least two million years. Each reservoir of the cycle will change as this carbon makes its way through the cycle. What will those changes look like? What will happen to plants as temperatures increase and climate changes? Will they remove more carbon from the atmosphere than they put back? Will they become less productive? How much extra carbon will melting permafrost put into the atmosphere, and how much will that amplify warming? Will ocean circulation or warming change the rate at which the ocean takes up carbon? Will ocean life become less productive? How much will the ocean acidify, and what effects will that have? ![\\"Satellite](\\" feature/carboncycle/images/washington_tm5_1984201-2010224.jpg\\") Time series of satellite data, like the imagery available from the Landsat satellites, allow scientists to monitor changes in forest cover. Deforestation can release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, while forest regrowth removes CO2. This pair of false-color images shows clear cutting and forest regrowth between 1984 and 2010 in Washington State, northeast of Mount Rainier. Dark green corresponds to mature forests, red indicates bare ground or dead plant material (freshly cut areas), and light green indicates relatively new growth. (NASA image by Robert Simmon, using Landsat data from the USGS Global Visualization Viewer.) NASA’s role in answering these questions is to provide global satellite observations and related field observations. As of early 2011, two types of satellite instruments were collecting information relevant to the carbon cycle. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instruments, flying on NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites, measure the amount of carbon plants and phytoplankton turn into matter as they grow, a measurement called net primary productivity. The MODIS sensors also measure how many fires occur and where they burn. Two Landsat satellites provide a detailed view of ocean reefs, what is growing on land, and how land cover is changing. It is possible to see the growth of a city or a transformation from forest to farm. This information is crucial because land use accounts for one-third of all human carbon emissions. Future NASA satellites will continue these observations, and also measure carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere and vegetation height and structure. All of these measurements will help us see how the global carbon cycle is changing through time. They will help us gauge the impact we are having on the carbon cycle by releasing carbon into the atmosphere or finding ways to store it elsewhere. They will show us how our changing climate is altering the carbon cycle, and how the changing carbon cycle is altering our climate. Most of us, however, will observe changes in the carbon cycle in a more personal way. For us, the carbon cycle is the food we eat, the electricity in our homes, the gas in our cars, and the weather over our heads. We are a part of the carbon cycle, and so our decisions about how we live ripple across the cycle. Likewise, changes in the carbon cycle will impact the way we live. As each of us come to understand our role in the carbon cycle, the knowledge empowers us to control our personal impact and to understand the changes we are seeing in the world around us. By Holli Riebeek Design by Robert Simmon June 16, 2011 Introduction The Slow Carbon Cycle The Fast Carbon Cycle Changes in the Carbon Cycle Effects of Changing the Carbon Cycle Studying the Carbon Cycle Atmosphere Land 1. #### References 2. Angert, A., Biraud, S., Bonfils, C., Henning, C.C., Buermann, W., Pinzon, J., Tucker, C.J., and Fung, I. (2005, August 2). Drier summers cancel out the CO2 uptake enhancement induced by warmer springs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 102 (31), 10823-10827. 3. Archer, D. (2008, May). Carbon cycle: Checking the thermostat. Nature Geoscience, 1, 289-290. 4. Behrenfeld, M.J., et al. (2006, December 7). Climate-driven trends in contemporary ocean productivity. Nature, 444, 752-755. 5. Berner, R.A. (2003, November 20). The long-term carbon cycle, fossil fuels and atmospheric composition. Nature, 426, 323-326. 6. Bonan, G.B. (2008, June 13). Forests and climate change: Forcings, feedbacks, and the climate benefit of forests. Science, 320, 1444-1449. 7. Campbell, N.A. and Reece, J.B. (2005). Biology. San Francisco: Pearson Benjamin Cummings. 7th ed. 8. Denecke, E.J. (2002) Earth Science: The Physical Setting Hauppauge, New York: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc. 9. Denman, K.L., Brasseur, G., Chidthaisong, A., Ciais, P., Cox, P.M., Dickinson, R.E., Hauglustaine, D., Heinze, C., Holland, E., Jacob, D., Lohmann, U., Ramachandran, S., da Silva Dias, P.L., Wofsy, S.C. and Zhang, X. (2007) Couplings Between Changes in the Climate System and Biogeochemistry. In: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M.Tignor and H.L. 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CO2 emissions from forest loss. Nature Geoscience, 2, 737-738. 40. Zachos, J., M. Pagani, L. Sloan, E. Thomas, and K. Billups. (2001, April 27). Trends, Rhythms, and Aberrations in Global Climate 65 Ma to Present. Science, 292, (5517), 686-693. 41. Zeebe, R.E., and Caldeira, K. (2008, May). Close mass balance of long-term carbon fluxes from ice-core CO2 and ocean chemistry records. Nature Geoscience, 1, 312-315. # Subscribe to our newsletters ![\\"Earth](\\"/img/logo-mark.svg\\"/) * ![\\"Facebook\\"](\\"/img/social-facebook.svg\\"/) * ![\\"Twitter\\"](\\"/img/social-twitter.svg\\"/) * ![\\"Instagram\\"](\\"/img/social-instagram.svg\\"/) * ![\\"Subscribe\\"](\\"/img/social-subscribe.svg\\"/) * ![\\"RSS\\"](\\"/img/social-rss.svg\\"/) * Feeds * Contact * About * Image Use Policy * Privacy Policy * Accessibility Webmaster Paul Przyborski NASA Official Robert Levy The Earth Observatory is part of the EOS Project Science Office at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Snow cover in the northern hemisphere is almost identical despite 50 years of CO2 emissions
Jump to main content Home ![\\"\\"](\\"/sites/all/themes/epa/logo.png\\"/) # US EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency ## Climate Change Science # Future of Climate Change ### On This Page * Increasing greenhouse gas concentrations will have many effects * Future temperature changes * Future ice, snowpack, and permafrost * Future sea level change * Future precipitation and storm events * Future ocean acidification ## Increasing greenhouse gas concentrations will have many effects ## Key Points * Continued emissions of greenhouse gases will lead to further climate changes. Future changes are expected to include a warmer atmosphere, a warmer and more acidic ocean, higher sea levels, and larger changes in precipitation patterns. * The extent of future climate change depends on what we do now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The more we emit, the larger future changes will be. ## Related Links * U.S. National Climate Assessment, 2014 * USGCRP Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States * IPCC Fifth Assessment Report Exit * NRC America\'s Climate Choices Reports Exit * IPCC Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation, Summary for Policy Makers Exit(20 pp, 11.8 M, About PDF) * NRC Climate Stabilization Targets Exit Greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere will continue to increase unless the billions of tons of our annual emissions decrease substantially. Increased concentrations are expected to: * Increase Earth\'s average temperature * Influence the patterns and amounts of precipitation * Reduce ice and snow cover, as well as permafrost * Raise sea level * Increase the acidity of the oceans * Increase the frequency, intensity, and/or duration of extreme events * Shift ecosystem characteristics * Increase threats to human health These changes will impact our food supply, water resources, infrastructure, ecosystems, and even our own health. ### Future changes will depend on many factors * NRC Climate Stabilization Targets increase in greenhouse gas concentrations * Natural influences on climate (e.g., from volcanic activity and changes in the sun\'s intensity) and natural processes within the climate system (e.g., changes in ocean circulation patterns) Scientists use computer models of the climate system to better understand these issues and project future climate changes. ### Past and present-day greenhouse gas emissions will affect climate far into the future Many greenhouse gases stay in the atmosphere for long periods of time. As a result, even if emissions stopped increasing, atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations would continue to increase and remain elevated for hundreds of years. Moreover, if we stabilized concentrations and the composition of today\'s atmosphere remained steady (which would require a dramatic reduction in current greenhouse gas emissions), surface air temperatures would continue to warm. This is because the oceans, which store heat, take many decades to fully respond to higher greenhouse gas concentrations. The ocean\'s response to higher greenhouse gas concentrations and higher temperatures will continue to impact climate over the next several decades to hundreds of years.[2] To learn more about greenhouse gases, please visit the Greenhouse Gas Emissions page and the Greenhouse Effect section of the Causes of Climate Change page. Because it is difficult to project far-off future emissions and other human factors that influence climate, scientists use a range of scenarios using various assumptions about future economic, social, technological, and environmental conditions. ![\\"Graph](\\"/sites/production/files/styles/medium/public/2016-07/scenarioco2.jpg\\")This figure shows projected greenhouse gas concentrations for four different emissions pathways. The top pathway assumes that greenhouse gas emissions will continue to rise throughout the current century. The bottom pathway assumes that emissions reach a peak between 2010 and 2020, declining thereafter. Source: Graph created from data in the Representative Concentration Pathways Database (Version 2.0.5) Click the image to view a larger version. Top of Page ## Future temperature changes We have already observed global warming over the last several decades. Future temperatures are expected to change further. Climate models project the following key temperature-related changes. ### Key global projections * Increases in average global temperatures are expected to be within the range of 0.5°F to 8.6°F by 2100, with a likely increase of at least 2.7°F for all scenarios except the one representing the most aggressive mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.[2] * Except under the most aggressive mitigation scenario studied, global average temperature is expected to warm at least twice as much in the next 100 years as it has during the last 100 years.[2] * Ground-level air temperatures are expected to continue to warm more rapidly over land than oceans.[2] * Some parts of the world are projected to see larger temperature increases than the global average.[2] ![\\"A](\\"/sites/production/files/styles/medium/public/2016-07/scenarioglobaltemp.jpg\\")Projected changes in global average temperatures under four emissions pathways (rows) for three different time periods (columns). Changes in temperatures are relative to 1986-2005 averages. The pathways come from the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report: RCP2.6 is a very low emissions pathway, RCP4.5 is a medium emissions pathway, RCP6.0 is a medium-high emissions pathway, and RCP8.5 is the high emissions pathway (emissions are assumed to continue increasing throughout the century). Source: IPCC, 2013 Exit Click the image to view a larger version. ![\\"Line](\\"/sites/production/files/styles/medium/public/2016-07/scenariotempgraph_0.jpg\\")Observed and projected changes in global average temperature under four emissions pathways. The vertical bars at right show likely ranges in temperature by the end of the century, while the lines show projections averaged across a range of climate models. Changes are relative to the 1986-2005 average. Source: IPCC, 2013 Exit, FAQ 12.1, Figure 1. Click the image to view a larger version. ### Key U.S. projections * By 2100, the average U.S. temperature is projected to increase by about 3°F to 12°F, depending on emissions scenario and climate model.[1] * An increase in average temperatures worldwide implies more frequent and intense extreme heat events, or heat waves. The number of days with high temperatures above 90°F is expected to increase throughout the United States, especially toward the end of the century.[1] Climate models project that if global emissions of greenhouse gases continue to grow, summertime temperatures in the United States that ranked among the hottest 5% in 1950-1979 will occur at least 70% of the time by 2035-2064.[1] ![\\"Four](\\"/sites/production/files/styles/medium/public/2016-07/scenarioustemp- large.jpg\\")Projected temperature change for mid-century (left) and end-of- century (right) in the United States under higher (top) and lower (bottom) emissions scenarios. The brackets on the thermometers represent the likely range of model projections, though lower or higher outcomes are possible. Source: USGCRP (2009) Top of Page ## Future precipitation and storm events Patterns of precipitation and storm events, including both rain and snowfall are also likely to change. However, some of these changes are less certain than the changes associated with temperature. Projections show that future precipitation and storm changes will vary by season and region. Some regions may have less precipitation, some may have more precipitation, and some may have little or no change. The amount of rain falling in heavy precipitation events is likely to increase in most regions, while storm tracks are projected to shift poleward.[2] Climate models project the following precipitation and storm changes. ![\\"Two](\\"/sites/production/files/styles/large/public/2016-07/globalprecipmap- large.png\\")Projected changes in global annual mean precipitation for a low emissions scenario (left) and high emissions scenario (right). Blue and green areas are projected to experience increases in precipitation by the end of the century, while yellow and brown areas are projected to experience decreases. Source: IPCC, 2013 Exit Click the image to view a larger version. ### Key global projections * Global average annual precipitation through the end of the century is expected to increase, although changes in the amount and intensity of precipitation will vary significantly by region.[2] * The intensity of precipitation events will likely increase on average. This will be particularly pronounced in tropical and high-latitude regions, which are also expected to experience overall increases in precipitation.[2] * The strength of the winds associated with tropical storms is likely to increase. The amount of precipitation falling in tropical storms is also likely to increase.[2] * Annual average precipitation is projected to increase in some areas and decrease in others. The figure to the right shows projected regional differences in precipitation under two emission scenarios.[2] ### Key U.S. projections * Northern areas are projected to become wetter, especially in the winter and spring. Southern areas, especially the Southwest, are projected to become drier.[1] * Heavy precipitation events will likely be more frequent, even in areas where total precipitation is projected to decrease. Heavy downpours that currently occur about once every 20 years are projected to occur between twice and five times as frequently by 2100, depending on location.[1] * The proportion of precipitation falling as rain rather than snow is expected to increase, except in far northern areas.[1] * The intensity of Atlantic hurricanes is likely to increase as the ocean warms. Climate models project an increase in the number of the strongest (Category 4 and 5) hurricanes, as well as greater rainfall rates in hurricanes.[1] There is less confidence in projections of the frequency of hurricanes.[1] * Cold-season storm tracks are expected to continue to shift northward. The strongest cold-season storms are projected to become stronger and more frequent.[1] ![\\"Series](\\"/sites/production/files/styles/large/public/2016-07/usprecipmaps- large.png\\")The maps show projected future changes in precipitation for the end of this century, compared with 1970-1999, under a higher emissions scenario. For example, in winter and spring, climate models agree that northern areas in the United States are likely to get wetter and southern areas drier. There is less confidence in exactly where the transition between wetter and drier areas will occur. Confidence in the projected changes is highest in the areas marked with diagonal lines. The changes in white areas are not projected to be larger than what would be expected from natural variability. Source: U.S. National Climate Assessment, 2014. Click the image to view a larger version. Top of Page ## Future ice, snowpack, and permafrost Arctic sea ice is already declining.[2] The area of snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere has decreased since about 1970.[2] Permafrost temperatures in Alaska and much of the Arctic [2] have increased over the last century.[1] To learn more about recent changes in snow and ice, visit the Snow and Ice page of the Indicators section. Over the next century, it is expected that sea ice will continue to decline, glaciers will continue to shrink, snow cover will continue to decrease, and permafrost will continue to thaw. Potential changes to ice, snow, and permafrost are described below.![\\"Series](\\"/sites/production/files/styles/medium/public/2016-07/seaiceloss.jpg\\")These maps show projected losses of sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctica. The maps in a) show the average ice concentration (the relative area covered by sea ice) from 1986-2005. The maps in b) and c) show climate model simulations of sea ice thickness in February and September near the end of the 21st century under low (b) and high (c) emission scenarios. In the Arctic, February is projected to have less ice (more blue); September is projected to be nearly ice-free (almost all blue). The projected changes in Antarctic sea ice are more subtle. Source: IPCC, 2013 Click the image to view a larger version. ### Key global projections * For every 2°F of warming, models project about a 15% decrease in the extent of annually averaged Arctic sea ice and a 25% decrease in the area covered by Arctic sea ice at the end of summer (September).[3] Note that this decrease does not contribute to sea level rise. * The coastal sections of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are expected to continue to melt or slide into the ocean. If the rate of this ice melting increases in the 21st century, the ice sheets could add significantly to global sea level rise.[3] * Glaciers are expected to continue to decrease in size. The rate of melting is expected to continue to increase, which will contribute to sea level rise.[3] ### Key U.S. projections * Northern Hemisphere snow cover is expected to decrease by approximately 15% by 2100.[3] * Models project the snow season will continue to shorten, with snow accumulation beginning later and melting starting earlier. Snowpack is expected to decrease in many regions.[3] * Permafrost is expected to continue to thaw in northern latitudes, damaging buildings, infrastructure, and ecosystems in Alaska.[3] Top of Page ## Future sea level change ![\\"Photograph](\\"/sites/production/files/styles/large/public/2016-07/greenlandmeltwater.jpg\\")Meltwater flowing from the Greenland ice sheet Source: NASAWarming temperatures contribute to sea level rise by: expanding ocean water; melting mountain glaciers and ice caps; and causing portions of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets to melt or flow into the ocean.[3] Since 1870, global sea level has risen by about 7.5 inches.[2] Estimates of future sea level rise vary for different regions, but global sea level for the next century is expected to rise at a greater rate than during the past 50 years.[2] Studies project global sea level to rise by another 1 to 4 feet by 2100, with an uncertainty range of 0.66 to 6.6 feet.[1] The contribution of thermal expansion, ice caps, and small glaciers to sea level rise is relatively well studied, but the impacts of climate change on ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica are less understood and represent an active area of research. Changes in ice sheets are currently expected to account for 1.2 to 8 inches of sea level rise by the end of this century.[3] ![\\"Graph](\\"/sites/production/files/styles/large/public/2016-09/scenarioslrgraph.jpg\\")Past and projected sea level rise from 1800 to 2100. The orange line at right shows the currently projected range of sea level rise of 1 to 4 feet by 2100; the wider range (0.66 feet to 6.6 feet) reflects uncertainty about how glaciers and ice sheets will react to climate change. Source: NCA, 2014. Click the image to view a larger version.Regional and local factors will influence future relative sea level rise for specific coastlines around the world. For example, relative sea level rise depends on land elevation changes that occur as a result of subsidence (sinking) or uplift (rising). Assuming that these historical geological forces continue, a 2-foot rise in global sea level by 2100 would result in the following relative sea level rise:[4] * 2.3 feet at New York City * 2.9 feet at Hampton Roads, Virginia * 3.5 feet at Galveston, Texas * 1 foot at Neah Bay in Washington state Relative sea level rise also depends on local changes in currents, winds, salinity, and water temperatures, as well as proximity to thinning ice sheets.[2] Top of Page ## Future ocean acidification Ocean acidification adversely affects many marine species, including plankton, mollusks, shellfish, and corals. As ocean acidification increases, the availability of calcium carbonate will decline. Calcium carbonate is a key building block for the shells and skeletons of many marine organisms. If atmospheric CO2 concentrations double, coral calcification rates are projected to decline by more than 30%. If CO2 concentrations continue to rise at their current rate, the combination of climate warming and ocean acidification could slow coral growth by nearly 50% by 2050.[5] ![\\"2](\\"/sites/production/files/styles/large/public/2016-07/calciumcarbonatemap- large_0.jpg\\")Oceans become more acidic as carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the atmosphere dissolve in the ocean. This change is measured on the pH scale, with lower values being more acidic. The pH level of the oceans has decreased by approximately 0.1 pH units since pre-industrial times, which is equivalent to an approximately 30% increase in acidity. As shown in the graph and map above, the pH level of the oceans is projected to decrease even more by the end of the century as CO2 concentrations are expected to increase for the foreseeable future.[1][2] Source: IPCC, 2013, Chapter 6. Click the image to view a larger version. Top of Page ### References [1] USGCRP (2014) Melillo, Jerry M., Terese (T.C.) Richmond, and Gary W. Yohe, Eds., 2014: _Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment_. U.S. Global Change Research Program. [2] IPCC (2013). _Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis _Exit. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Stocker, T.F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. [3] NRC (2011). _Climate Stabilization Targets: Emissions, Concentrations, and Impacts over Decades to Millennia _Exit. National Research Council. The National Academies Press, Washington, DC, USA. [4] USGCRP (2009). _Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States_. Thomas R. Karl, Jerry M. Melillo, and Thomas C. Peterson (eds.). United States Global Change Research Program. Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, USA. [5] IPCC (2014). Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Top of Page ### Confidence Scientists have varying degrees of confidence in the assessment and projection of climate change impacts. Scientists are confident that humans are contributing significantly to observed warmingMeasurements collected by scientists are sufficiently accurate to describe large-scale changes in climate that have occurred, including changes in temperature over the last century. Although it is difficult to say exactly how much warming was caused by humans, many lines of evidence support the conclusion that human activities have caused most observed warming over at least the last several decades. Climate models simulate future climate change with varying degrees of confidenceScientists know a great deal about future climate change. For example, there is high confidence that global temperatures will continue to rise and that climate change will significantly affect human and natural systems. However, there are several aspects of climate change that remain more uncertain. These uncertainties stem primarily from (1) uncertainties about future human actions, especially those that affect the sources and sinks of greenhouse gases, and (2) uncertainties about how the climate system will respond to these actions. In turn, a lower degree of confidence in the response of the climate system stems from both the limitations of climate models and the complexity of the climate system. Confidence varies by geographic scaleGlobal climate models generally provide consistent and reliable simulations of climate variables only at large continental to global scales. This is because the variability of the climate increases at smaller geographic and shorter temporal scales. Additionally, the grid cells of the models are usually more than 60 miles (100 km) wide, which is larger than important features that matter for local climate like mountains and land cover. Global models and regional techniques are starting to provide useful information about climate changes on local to regional scales. While some of these projections are very well understood, others are more speculative. Generally, confidence decreases as one moves from larger scales to smaller scales. Regional climate modeling is an active area of research to improve our ability to project future changes at smaller spatial scales. Confidence varies by climate variableScientists are more confident in estimates of some climate variables than others. For example, changes in precipitation are more difficult to project than changes in temperature. To accurately estimate precipitation changes, models must correctly project a number of underlying processes, like evaporation, that occur on relatively small spatial scales. Moreover, precipitation is strongly influenced by mountainous terrain and other local or regional geographic features, which are not always well represented in current models. Despite the complexities, some projections and conclusions, particularly at the continental to global scales, can be made. Contact Us to ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem. ## Climate Change Science * Climate Change Home * Climate Science Home * Science Overview * Climate Change Causes * Future Climate Change * Climate Change Impacts * Climate Change Indicators * Extreme Weather * Impacts and Risk Analysis
Snow cover in the northern hemisphere is almost identical despite 50 years of CO2 emissions
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Vavrus1, * Feng He ORCID:,4, * John E. Kutzbach1, * William F. Ruddiman2 & * … * Polychronis C. Tzedakis ORCID: Show authors Scientific Reports volume 8, Article number: 10213 (2018) Cite this article * 8202 Accesses * 12 Citations * 233 Altmetric * Metrics details ## Abstract The Marine Isotope Stage 19c (MIS19c) interglaciation is regarded as the best orbital analog to the Holocene. The close of MIS19c (~777,000 years ago) thus serves as a proxy for a contemporary climate system unaffected by humans. Our global climate model simulation driven by orbital parameters and observed greenhouse gas concentrations at the end of MIS19c is 1.3 K colder than the reference pre-industrial climate of the late Holocene (year 1850). Much stronger cooling occurs in the Arctic, where sea ice and year-round snow cover expand considerably. Inferred regions of glaciation develop across northeastern Siberia, northwestern North America, and the Canadian Archipelago. These locations are consistent with evidence from past glacial inceptions and are favored by atmospheric circulation changes that reduce ablation of snow cover and increase accumulation of snowfall. Particularly large buildups of snow depth coincide with presumed glacial nucleation sites, including Baffin Island and the northeast Canadian Archipelago. These findings suggest that present-day climate would be susceptible to glacial inception if greenhouse gas concentrations were as low as they were at the end of MIS 19c. ### Similar content being viewed by others ![\\"\\"](\\" static/image/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41467-024-50207-1/MediaObjects/41467_2024_50207_Fig1_HTML.png\\"/) ### Sustained North Atlantic warming drove anomalously intense MIS 11c interglacial Article Open access 15 July 2024 ![\\"\\"](\\" static/image/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41467-022-33583-4/MediaObjects/41467_2022_33583_Fig1_HTML.png\\"/) ### Coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean dynamics during Heinrich Stadial 2 Article Open access 04 October 2022 ![\\"\\"](\\" static/image/art%3A10.1038%2Fs43247-022-00633-0/MediaObjects/43247_2022_633_Fig1_HTML.png\\"/) ### Asian monsoon intensity coupled to Antarctic climate during Dansgaard–Oeschger 8 and Heinrich 4 glacial intervals Article Open access 28 November 2022 ## Introduction We present a global climate model simulation, using the Community Climate System Model version 4 (CCSM4, see Methods), run on the interglaciation during Marine Isotope Stage 19c (MIS19)1 to provide a ground-truth analog for a contemporary climate system not affected by human activities. Both MIS19 and the MIS11 interglaciation have been considered as possible analogs to the Holocene (MIS1) (see Supplementary Information), but MIS19 is regarded as the best analog during the past 800,000 years for which ice-core records are available2,3. The insolation histories of MIS19 and MIS1 are very similar, such that their caloric half-year summer insolation differed by no more than 3 W m−2 throughout (Fig. 1a). The only significant difference in their orbital parameters is the weaker amplitude of the obliquity signal during MIS19. By the time equivalent to present day, however, the MIS19 obliquity was nearly identical to the modern value, and the precession and eccentricity parameters were also very similar (Table 1). The strong orbital resemblance between MIS19 and MIS1 enables direct comparisons between climatic signals from these two interglaciations, including GHG trends, such that the closest insolation analog to the present day occurred at the corresponding insolation minimum 777,000 years ago at the close of MIS193. Figure 1 ![\\"figure](\\"// static/image/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41598-018-28419-5/MediaObjects/41598_2018_28419_Fig1_HTML.jpg\\") (a) Caloric Northern Hemisphere half-year summer insolation for MIS 1, 5, 7, 9, 11, 17, and 19, relative to each stage’s insolation minimum at year 0 [Updated from a previous version61,62]. Trends in (b) CO2 and (c) CH4 concentrations7 during MIS19 (black) and MIS1 (red). CO2 data for MIS19 is from Dome C6 and from Law Dome9,10 and Dome C11,12 for MIS1. Full size image Table 1 Orbital parameters and greenhouse gas concentrations6,7,9,10,11,12 used for the four model experiments in this study. Full size table Substantial glacial inception likely began by 777,500 to 775,500 years ago, based on various criteria: the appearance of millennial-scale oxygen-isotopic oscillations in marine cores, the appearance of ice-rafted debris in marine cores, and an assumed delay between these first-appearance criteria and the accumulation of enough terrestrial ice to have driven them3. A similar MIS19 end date of 778.4–776.4 ka +/− 2.3 kyr, based on a detailed 40Ar/39Ar chronology, was estimated from a high-resolution record from Italy4. The comparable orbital configurations but contrasting glaciation histories of MIS19 and MIS1 motivated a recent modeling study5 using a low-resolution Earth system model of intermediate complexity (EMIC) to compare the potential for glacial inception in both stages. The model simulated a buildup of large-scale ice volume at the close of MIS19, whereas glaciation during MIS1 depended critically on whether Holocene CO2 concentrations followed an inferred natural trajectory to 240 ppm (slightly lower than our estimate) or the actual trajectory of 280–285 ppm by the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. This paper also investigates the onset of glaciation in MIS19 but does so using a much higher-resolution global climate model (GCM) simulation that represents circulation patterns, energy transport, and hydrologic processes much more realistically than an EMIC. Furthermore, we ran a single, unconstrained simulation, whereas the previous study5 first screened a 20-member perturbed-physics model ensemble and selected only the 20% of simulations that matched observations of glacial inception at the end of MIS19 and MIS5 but not MIS1. Our CCSM4 GCM experiment of MIS19 informs whether contemporary climate conditions are suitable for glacial inception under the much lower GHG concentrations estimated in the absence of both ancient and recent carbon emissions from agriculture and industrialization. Reconstructions of CO2 and CH4 concentrations from ice core records6,7,8,9,10,11,12 at Antarctic Dome C, using the EDC3 chronology13, can be compared between MIS19 and MIS1. The MIS19 CO2 trend reached an early peak of 269 ppm, essentially identical to the peak of 270 ppm early in MIS1, after which both trends started falling (Fig. 1b). The MIS19 trend continued declining through the time of the modern-day equivalent (777,000 years ago), but the MIS1 trend reversed direction 7000–8000 years ago and rose for the remainder of the Holocene. These opposing trends are consistent with the prediction from the Early Anthropogenic Hypothesis (EAH) that MIS1 values would have continued falling if not for early agriculture, as they did in other recent interglacials14. The 245-ppm CO2 concentration estimated as the modern-day equivalent in MIS19 (see Methods) is very close to the interpolated 248 ppm value from the latest Dome C data6 and lies at the top of our previously estimated 240–245 ppm range14. The difference in CO2 radiative forcing between 245 ppm and 248 ppm amounts to only 0.06 W m−2 and thus should have a minor effect on the model simulation. CH4 in MIS19 reached an early-interglacial peak of 739 ppb, compared with the 717-ppb peak early in MIS1, after which both trends began falling (Fig. 1c). The MIS19 concentration then dropped to a value of 631 ppb by the time of the modern-day equivalent at 777 ka, interrupted by a brief CH4 maximum near 778 ka that is interpreted as a millennial-scale oscillation because it was defined by two data points separated by just a little over 1000 years14. The CH4 trend then resumed its gradual orbital-scale downward trend through (and beyond) the time of the modern-day equivalent, dropping to 530 ppb by around 772 ka (not shown). In contrast, the MIS1 CH4 trend reversed direction 5000 years ago and has moved steadily upward since then, reaching around 790 ppb just before the industrial greenhouse-gas era began in 1850. These opposing directions (down for MIS19, up for MIS1) are again consistent with the EAH prediction. In this case, however, the MIS19 CH4 trend remained higher than the downward path of the MIS1 trend proposed in the EAH, based on the average trend of many recent interglaciations15 and estimated Holocene emissions arising from plant and animal domestication (see Methods), but the effect of this difference on radiative forcing is small compared with the influence of CO2. Ideally, the contemporary “natural” CO2 concentration in the absence of all anthropogenic carbon emissions would be derived from an interactive carbon cycle model with an accompanying dynamical vegetation model. Unfortunately, neither of these modules is up to the task. Coupled carbon cycle models in GCMs are unreliable in their simulations of the observed industrial-era rise in CO2, producing a 45 ppm spread in near-present-day concentration16, which is about twice as large as the pre-industrial CO2 increase from the mid- Holocene that we are studying. Interactive global vegetation models in GCMs often produce unrealistic distributions of grasses and trees in the present- day climate, highly divergent future vegetation distributions even for the same climatic forcing scenario, and a large spread in their carbon-climate feedback parameters17,18,19,20. These modeling inadequacies necessitate the use of prescribed estimates of GHG concentrations. ## Results We employed the CCSM4 GCM (see Methods) to test whether glacial inception is simulated for the Stage 19 equivalent of the present day at 777 ka (Table 1), noting that the two largest forcings–insolation and CO2–are very close analogs to those proposed in the EAH. The negative greenhouse forcing in MIS19, relative to pre-industrial “PI” conditions at year 1850, causes a much colder climate. The mean-annual global temperature falls by 1.27 K, while the 5–6 K cooling in the high Arctic is the most pronounced anywhere (Fig. 2a). Polar temperatures drop the most over sea ice and along adjacent Arctic land, including Alaska and Baffin Island. High-latitude cooling during summer is especially important for promoting glaciations21, and the MIS19 simulation produces substantial and widespread summertime temperature decreases of over 3 K across much of the Arctic, especially over northeastern Siberia, northwestern North America, and the Canadian archipelago (Fig. 2b). Accompanying this terrestrial cooling is a comparable temperature decrease over the North Atlantic and Nordic Seas, where a pronounced expansion of sea ice occurs (Fig. 2c). The cooling in the North Atlantic versus the North Pacific is presumably enhanced by the response of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), which weakens by 2 Sv (25.5 Sv to 23.5 Sv) in MIS19. Figure 2 ![\\"figure](\\"// static/image/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41598-018-28419-5/MediaObjects/41598_2018_28419_Fig2_HTML.jpg\\") Changes in surface temperature (K) and sea ice coverage (%) between MIS19 and PI. (a) Mean annual temperature, (b) Boreal summer temperature, June-August, (c) Boreal summer sea ice. Full size image These regional summertime cooling maxima of over 5 K associated with expansions of terrestrial snow cover and marine ice cover are both expressions and drivers of incipient glaciation. One way to identify year-round snow cover is to apply the 5% grid-box snow concentration threshold (see Methods) to the PI and MIS19 simulations (Fig. 3). Based on this definition, much more permanent snow cover emerges in MIS19, especially in Siberia, Alaska, and the Canadian Northwest Territories. Overall, snow cover persisting throughout the year encompasses 9.92 million km2 in MIS19, compared with 5.99 million km2 in PI, representing a 66% increase (92% expansion excluding Greenland). Topography exerts a strong influence on where permanent snow cover forms (Fig. 3c), particularly in the PI simulation, as highly elevated regions are the preferred sites in Siberia and Alaska (Brooks Range and coastal Alaska Range). Elevation plays a less obvious role in the MIS19 run, which is cold enough to support a year-round snow pack even at lower altitudes. We assume that these regions of year-round snow cover would eventually become land ice if the model included glacial processes. Figure 3 ![\\"figure](\\"// static/image/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41598-018-28419-5/MediaObjects/41598_2018_28419_Fig3_HTML.jpg\\") Regions with a year-round snow pack in (a) PI and (b) MIS19, based on August snow cover of at least 5% in a gridbox. (c) Model topography, meters. (d) Area of year-round snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere in final years of PI and MIS19 simulations. Full size image Based on our standard definition of glacial inception (see Methods), the MIS19 simulation reaches this state, because every year at the end of the MIS19 run has more extensive year-round snow cover than PI (Fig. 3d). Conversely, the PI simulation is not cold enough to constitute a state of glacial inception relative to CCSM4’s transient 20th-century simulation (Table 1), because several years in the 20th-century run exhibit more permanent snow cover than the year with the least permanent snow cover in PI (not shown). Locations of incipient glaciation can also be identified as grid boxes that reach the model-constrained snow depth limit of 1 m snow water equivalent (see Methods). The areal extent of such regions doubles in MIS19 versus PI (including Greenland) and encompasses most of Baffin Island and Novaya Zemlya and all of Svalbard, Franz Josef Land, Severnaya Zemlya, and the New Siberian Islands (Fig. 4a,b). Many of these locations are regarded as initial nucleation sites for marine ice sheets that developed over the Barents and Kara Seas22. Moreover, the snow depth limit is reached inland on Taimyr Peninsula and in a few isolated regions in far northeastern Siberia and northwestern North America. Over the entire Arctic (60°–90°N), the area reaching maximum snow depth increases during the MIS19 simulation (Fig. 4c), suggesting an expansion of glaciation with time. By contrast, the corresponding area in PI is fairly stable and far smaller than in MIS19, evident by the clear separation in their time series. Figure 4 ![\\"figure](\\"// static/image/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41598-018-28419-5/MediaObjects/41598_2018_28419_Fig4_HTML.jpg\\") [Top]: Fraction of years during the final 50 years of the simulations when snow depth reaches the model-constrained 1 m SWE limit in (a) PI and (b) MIS19. [Bottom]: Time series from MIS19 (black) and PI (gray) simulations showing the fraction of surface area poleward of 60°N that reaches this limit during August. The 50-year running mean is shown in red for MIS19 and blue for PI. Full size image Particularly interesting for this study is the emergence of maximum snow depth in MIS19 over most of the Canadian Archipelago and Baffin Island within the first few years of the simulation. This region has long been supposed to be the main area of glacial inception for the Laurentide ice sheet23, and there is clear evidence that glaciers expanded on Baffin Island during the Little Ice Age24,25. Our PI simulation corresponding to the end of the Little Ice Age shows most of the island with permanent snow cover, based on the 0.05 concentration, and occasional years when the maximum snow depth threshold is reached (Figs 3,4). This area and the expanded region of maximum snow depth along the Greenland coast in the MIS19 run are likely sources for ice-rafted debris deposited in MIS 193. Although CCSM4 does not represent glacial processes, the model’s pronounced cooling and sea ice expansion in the North Atlantic and Labrador Sea would have created a favorably chilled marine environment for the production and preservation of calving icebergs, whose deposits associated with MIS19 glacial inception have been identified in sediments at North Atlantic Ocean Drilling Program Site 9834 south of Iceland, around the region of extreme temperature decreases (Fig. 2b). Large areas of permanent snow cover blanket northeastern Eurasia, but no regions reach the snow depth limit east of the Taimyr Peninsula except near the Chuhotka Peninsula in easternmost Siberia. Glaciated landscapes in northeastern Russia are known to be limited to mountainous regions because of pervasive aridity and strong continentality with relatively warm summers26. There is evidence of a possible MIS5d local glacier advance in the Chuhotka Peninsula27 and Verkhoyansk Mountains of Siberia28 but not in other parts of northeast Siberia. Although a colder climate in MIS19 is the proximate cause of permanent snow cover emerging in these three regions, the CCSM4 simulation reveals important contributions from circulation changes that appear to play a major role in shaping these patterns. Both increased accumulation of snowfall and reduced ablation act to enhance snow depth, but most studies have found that a decreased ablation effect is more important for generating permanent snow cover29,30,31. For glacial inception in MIS19, both processes contribute but their relative importance differs by region, as is the case for ice sheets generally32. Over Baffin Island and the Archipelago, reduced ablation is promoted by the development of a summertime high-pressure anomaly centered over the broader Greenland area that extends across much of the Arctic Ocean and into Siberia (Fig. 5a). This anomalous anticyclone is fostered by the strong surface cooling of the ocean surrounding Greenland (Fig. 2b), which in turn is caused by the combination of a weakened AMOC and expanded sea ice (Fig. 2c). This ice expansion results in a pronounced spread of sub-freezing surface conditions during summer in the North Atlantic-Labrador Sea region, approximately delineated by where sea ice cover expands by at least 15%. A consequence of the anomalous high pressure around Greenland is a change in the lower- atmospheric wind field (Fig. 5b). This results in enhanced flow over the much- colder ocean surrounding Greenland and onto Baffin Island, where the most pronounced emergence of maximum snow thickness occurs (Fig. 4). The circulation change over the Arctic Ocean also favors less ablation over Siberia, due to the weaker but consistently onshore flow coming from the Arctic Ocean. Figure 5 ![\\"figure](\\"// static/image/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41598-018-28419-5/MediaObjects/41598_2018_28419_Fig5_HTML.jpg\\") Changes between MIS19 and PI simulations. (a) Sea level pressure (hPa) and (b) lower atmosphere (surface-750 hPa) wind velocity (m s−1) in summer; (c) snowfall (cm) and (d) lower atmosphere (surface-750 hPa) wind velocity (m s−1) annually. Full size image Over northwestern North America, by contrast, the emergence of a perennial snowpack is fostered by atmospheric circulation changes that favor increased accumulation of snowfall through enhanced transport of onshore, upslope flow into the Rocky Mountains and Alaska (Fig. 5c,d). The large increase of annual snowfall over this region matches well with the appearance of permanent snow cover (Fig. 3). A similar type of circulation change also favors the increase of snowfall over the mountains of Norway, where a few grid cells become permanently snow covered in MIS19. However, the accumulation effect is not responsible for the development of permanent snow cover over Baffin Island, which receives slightly less snowfall in MIS19. In summary, both our model simulations and proxy evidence suggest currently suitable conditions for incipient glaciation, in the absence of anthropogenic carbon emissions, due to the same favorable orbital and greenhouse forcing that triggered the cessation of interglacial warmth at the end of MIS19. Present-day orbital forcing is virtually the same as in MIS19, and contemporary GHG forcing would be virtually equivalent to MIS19’s if the Holocene climate had followed the expected late-interglacial GHG decline33. In that case, our present-day natural climate should be approximately the same as MIS19’s, including glacial inception. If the upward GHG trends during the late Holocene were caused by early agricultural carbon emissions, then ancient farming was apparently sufficient to avert a contemporary glacial inception. Support for this possibility comes from our supplemental “Natural PI” CCSM4 model experiment, PI_NAT, which used contemporary orbital parameters and estimated natural GHG concentrations (Table 1; see Methods). Its expanded permanent snow cover (Fig. 6) is virtually identical to the MIS19 run (Table 2, Fig. 3b), indicating that the similarities in greenhouse forcing between MIS19 and “natural” present-day dominate over the slight orbital forcing differences. Figure 6 ![\\"figure](\\"// static/image/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41598-018-28419-5/MediaObjects/41598_2018_28419_Fig6_HTML.jpg\\") Regions with a year-round snow pack in PI_NAT, based on August snow cover of at least 5% in a gridbox. Full size image Table 2 Comparison of Arctic (60–90°N) insolation forcing annually (W m−2), GHG radiative forcing (W m−2), permanent snow cover area (×106 km2), and Arctic (60–90°N) temperature change (K) relative to PI among CCSM4 simulations. Full size table Although the PI_NAT results are based on estimated levels of greenhouse gases in the absence of all anthropogenic carbon emissions, these estimated concentrations can be partially constrained. Removing the CO2 contribution from industrialization lowers the contemporary concentration to 285 ppm, which therefore serves as an absolute upper limit for a natural present-day. This CO2 value was preceded, however, by rising concentrations since 8000 years ago, when the concentration had fallen to 260 ppm. Because CO2 levels in all recent, comparable interglaciations identified by ref.34. (MIS 5, 7, 9, 11, 17, and 19) declined during their final eight millennia (up to their insolation minimum), an expected present-day CO2 concentration is no higher than 260 ppm. In fact, CO2 values have fallen by a minimum of 5 ppm (MIS 7 and MIS 11) and a maximum of 16 ppm (MIS 9 and MIS 17) in their final 8000 years. This spread implies an expected contemporary concentration of CO2 as low as 244 ppm and sets another plausible upper limit of 255 ppm, bracketing a range that encompasses the 245 ppm concentration used in PI_NAT as our best estimate of a natural present-day value (see Methods). That a fairly small CO2 decrease, relative to the CO2 rise from industrialization, can leverage a large climate change is supported by findings of enhanced cold-climate sensitivity. Stronger positive feedbacks between temperature and albedo (in this case illustrated by a pronounced expansion of sea ice area and permanent snow cover) occur in relatively cold climates, such as those with greenhouse gas concentrations only slightly below those of PI35, implying that only a modest external forcing perturbation is then required to push the climate system into glacial inception. Further evidence for this enhanced cold climate sensitivity is found in comparisons of external forcing changes and climatic responses in the four CCSM4 simulations summarized in Table 2. PI_NAT has only modestly reduced GHG forcing relative to PI (−1.02 W/m2), but there is a large increase in permanent snow cover and a large decrease in Arctic surface temperature35. MIS 19 has only a small net negative Arctic insolation forcing (−0.75 W/m2) and a slightly smaller reduction in GHG forcing relative to PI (−0.92 W/m2), yet the response is an equally large increase in permanent snow cover and nearly as large a decrease in Arctic temperature as in PI_NAT (Table 2). In contrast, the glacial inception simulation of ref.36 for 115 ka (the end of MIS 5e) employs a much larger annual negative insolation forcing (−4.3 W/m2) in the Arctic (60–90°N) with no change in GHG forcing relative to PI and produces a large increase in permanent snow cover (although not quite as large as PI_NAT or MIS 19), along with a small decrease in Arctic annual temperature. The large orbitally forced decrease in summer temperature is sufficient to initiate the increase in permanent snow cover, even with GHG forcing equivalent to PI (the annual Arctic temperature decrease is smaller because the winter temperatures are higher). These experiments thus demonstrate “bookends” of forcing required for glacial inception: either strong orbital forcing with no change in greenhouse gases (MIS5e) or strong greenhouse forcing with little or no orbital influence (MIS19, PI_NAT) relative to present-day. Glacial inception occurs in all three cases, but cold climate sensitivity via a strengthened positive temperature/albedo feedback is most enhanced for PI_NAT and MIS 19, whose GHG forcing is slightly reduced relative to PI. ## Discussion There are a number of caveats relevant to our conclusions. First, because there is no accepted definition of glacial inception, we developed our own to identify a major expansion of permanent snow cover. By requiring complete separation in the time series of hemispheric areal coverage between the equilibrated PI and MIS19 climates, we believe that this condition constitutes a fairly strict criterion to define incipient glaciation. However, we also recognize that any such measure is subjective and thus vulnerable to alternative definitions. Second, simulations of snow cover are highly dependent on variations in model topography, which cannot be fully represented in global climate models of ~1° horizontal resolution used here. This limitation is especially relevant in regions with cold climates and high elevations and thus becomes particularly important for MIS19. The expansion of permanent snow cover in a cooling climate can be strongly muted in coarse-resolution models that are unable to resolve small-scale topographic variations in mountainous areas37,38. Therefore, the inferred expansion of glaciation in our MIS19 simulation may be a conservative estimate. Third, the GHG concentrations used in the MIS19 experiment are subject to dating errors and interpolation uncertainties in selecting the most accurate values corresponding to a somewhat subjective date of 777 ka for the close of MIS19. However, we have used the recently updated6 estimates for CO2, and our target date agrees well with the end of MIS19 inferred from a recent high- precision 40Ar/39Ar chronology4. Differences in estimated GHG concentrations within a millennium of our target 777 ka date are small (2–4 ppm CO2 and 10–50 ppb CH4) and result in minor radiative forcing differences within 0.10 W m−2. Fourth, CCSM4 does not include ice sheet dynamics and relies on a crude way of accounting for glacial calving that constrains the buildup of a snowpack. This limitation necessitates the use of less precise indicators of glacier formation, such as where snow cover persists above a threshold and where it reaches the maximum allowable depth in the model. These indicators are thus simplifications of complex glacier processes, although our chosen sub- gridscale fractional threshold results in a 20th century CCSM4 simulation that agrees with observations of residual August snow cover39,40, and we expect that small-scale topographic variations promote patchy snow cover in excess of the broader regional average. Fifth, CCSM4 has a cold bias in northern Canada and northern Siberia41 that predisposes the model toward forming permanent snow cover in a cooler climate. However, these are mostly cold-season biases36; in spring-summer, the terrestrial cold bias is smaller, while the Canadian Archipelago even has a weak warm bias42. Nevertheless, the model produces too much snow cover in its 20th century transient simulation over Alaska, the Rocky Mountains, and much of northern Canada (including Baffin), which are glacial inception regions in the model42. A confluence of recent studies has greatly improved our understanding of glacial inception during MIS19, with respect to chronology, greenhouse forcing, and climate conditions, although there exist very few detailed observational records for evaluating our MIS19 model simulation. This study bolsters the body of evidence on the late MIS19 climate, when orbital conditions were very similar to present day. Our GCM simulations also significantly advance previous modeling5 by allowing a higher-resolution fingerprint of glacial inception using a more complete representation of climatic processes. The high resolution reveals important dynamical responses involving circulation changes combined with topographic influences that promote glacial inception through the emergence of permanent snow cover regionally. The model suggests that altered circulation in northeastern Canada and Siberia fosters nucleation via reduced ablation, while anomalous onshore and upslope flow from the Pacific Ocean favors glaciation in the Rocky Mountains via enhanced accumulation. Similar responses were found in a previous study with lowered GHG and shown to be directly attributable to higher model resolution37, whereas the simplified geography and coarse resolution of EMICs are unable to capture these regional changes. To the extent that these dynamical alterations stem from characteristic surface cooling patterns in colder climates, our findings provide new physical insights into the processes responsible for glacial inception generally. For example, prior research29 suggested that altered atmospheric circulation was critical for the inception of the Laurentide Ice Sheet by 116 ka, but that study was unable to identify the relevant physical mechanisms. This study builds on our own prior research through a novel investigation of the EAH by simulating an actual climate that should have strongly resembled a contemporary climate devoid of anthropogenic carbon emissions, rather than only relying on estimated boundary conditions, as in PI_NAT. Follow-up investigations will benefit from ongoing model developments to explicitly simulate ice sheet dynamics43 and increase resolution to even more realistically account for small-scale topographic variations and associated microclimates important for glacial nucleation. Furthermore, there is a pressing need to expand the coverage and spatiotemporal resolution of the very limited observational data for MIS19. In parallel, these kinds of advances in modeling and reconstructions will shed new light on the processes responsible for the end of the MIS19 interglacial climate and the vulnerability of contemporary climate to glacial inception in the absence of anthropogenic interference. ## Methods ### Model description To estimate the climate at the end of MIS19, we employ the widely used Community Climate System Model Version 4 (CCSM4), a fully coupled global climate model41. The horizontal resolution in the land and atmospheric components is 1.25° latitude × 0.9° longitude, and the atmosphere is resolved into 26 layers. The ocean and sea ice models use variable grid spacing from 0.27° to 0.54° meridionally and uniform 1.11° zonally, while employing 60 vertical levels in the ocean. CCSM4 has one of the most accurate representations of the contemporary climate system44, although it does have a cold, snowy bias in high northern latitudes36. This model has been used in paleoclimate studies of the mid-Holocene45, Last Millennium46, Glacial Inception36, and Last Glacial Maximum47,48. We have used CCSM4 and its predecessor versions in prior modeling studies of the EAH37,39,49,50. ### Simulated snow cover and sea ice Of particular importance in our study of cold-climate processes in MIS19 is the representation of snow cover and sea ice. CCSM4’s land model51 simulates snow cover extent reasonably well but is biased toward early melt52 and tends to underestimate snow depth. The simulated snowpack is treated as a one- dimensional vertical column that accounts for accumulation and melting of fallen snow, as well as compaction and transfer of water between snow layers53. Fractional snow coverage within a grid box depends on snow density and snow depth, thus allowing for realistic patchiness of snow cover. To prevent unbounded snow buildup in the absence of an ice sheet dynamics model, CCSM4 limits the accumulation of snow depth to 1 m snow water equivalent. Any snowfall that exceeds this limit is converted into its equivalent fresh water volume and transferred to the ocean to ensure salinity balance. The sea ice component54,55, includes improvements in depicting radiative transfer, melt ponds, and ice dynamics. CCSM4 is among the best-performing models in simulating Arctic sea ice, due in part to its sophisticated treatment of melt ponds, a sub-gridscale ice thickness distribution, and improved solar radiation physics55. ### Model scenarios Our MIS19 simulation was integrated for 1420 years, initialized from a long control run using fixed boundary conditions for the pre-industrial climate at year 185041. Approximate equilibrium occurred by year 1150, when the top-of- atmosphere radiative balance was achieved and global mean surface temperatures stabilized. We compared the final five decades of the MIS19 simulation to a reference climate state of the last 50 years of a 1300 year-long pre- industrial run, “PI”, driven with modern orbital parameters and GHG concentrations matching those that occurred in year 1850 (Table 1). Because of the lower GHG concentrations at 777 ka compared with 1850, which we attribute to the absence of early agricultural emissions in MIS 19, the greenhouse radiative forcing is nearly 1 W m−2 lower in the MIS19 simulation. To remove the estimated influence of pre-industrial carbon emissions from early farming, we ran an additional experiment, PI_NAT, which represents our best estimate of the contemporary climate system in the absence of both industrialization and ancient agriculture. The orbital forcing of these two year-1850 experiments is identical, but PI_NAT uses GHG concentrations based on estimates of pre-industrial carbon emissions from archeological and paleoecological data (see below) and levels determined in our previous studies37,39 (Table 1). The resulting greenhouse radiative forcing is only slightly more negative (−0.12 W m−2) in PI_NAT than in the MIS19 experiment. An ancillary simulation of the present-day climate was also used for comparison (Table 1). This transient “20th century” run was begun from the equilibrated, pre-industrial model climate of 1850 and integrated to 2005 using observed boundary conditions of solar irradiance, volcanoes, aerosols, and greenhouse gas concentrations41. The final 20 years of this experiment is taken to represent contemporary climatic conditions that include anthropogenic warming contributions from both industrialization and agriculture. ### Greenhouse gas concentration estimates The concentrations of CO2 and CH4 derived for a natural Holocene are based on agreement between “top-down” and “bottom-up” evidence34. The top-down estimate is derived from extrapolated GHG concentrations from their early-mid Holocene values and is consistent with the average fall in CO2 and CH4 during previous interglaciations. The interglacial average concentration of CO2 and its envelope of interglacial spread provide strong evidence that the late Holocene CO2 rise far exceeded expected bounds as early as 2,000 years ago (see Supplementary Information). The bottom-up estimate is obtained from carbon emission budgets from archeological and paleobotanical data. For example, the spread of irrigated rice in southeast Asia since the middle Holocene probably contributed most of the CH4 increase from the mid-Holocene by 1000 years ago, with additional emissions caused by the spread of livestock and greater biomass burning of weeds and crop residues34,56. Likewise, the estimated 40 ppm reduction in CO2 between PI and a natural contemporary value is based on revised land-use reconstructions57 combined with new insights on historical per-capita land clearance58. The resulting estimates of pre-industrial, anthropogenic carbon emissions account for a 24 ppm CO2 difference, which swells to approximately 40 ppm when augmented by additional carbon outgassing from a warmer ocean34. ### Glacial inception For purposes of this study, we identify glacial inception in MIS19 if the simulated Northern Hemisphere snow cover area remaining at the end of the summer melt season (August) in all 50 years exceeds the corresponding hemispheric snow cover area in all 50 years of PI. In keeping with our previous studies59, we consider a grid cell to be snow covered if its areally averaged snow depth is at least 0.01 m. Based on the model’s parameterized conversion of grid-cell averaged snow depth to fractional coverage60, this depth limit translates to at least 5% snow cover. Furthermore, we find that this definition yields a simulated year-round snow cover area in the late 20th and early 21st centuries that nearly matches observations40. We also apply a more stringent alternative condition for defining incipient glaciation: regions where the simulated snow accumulation reaches the model-constrained maximum of 1 m snow water equivalent. Such locations imply glacial growth that is thwarted by the limits imposed by CCSM4. Utilizing both definitions provides a more complete perspective of glacial nucleation sites. ### Data availability All model output is archived on the National Center for Atmospheric Research’s High Performance Storage System (HPSS) and is publicly available via the NCAR Data Sharing Service ( systems/using-the-ncar-data-sharing-service). ## References 1. Past Interglacials Working Group of Pages. Interglacials of the last 800,000 years. Reviews of Geophysics 54, 162-219, (2016). 2. Yin, Q. Z. & Berger, A. Individual contribution of insolation and CO2 to the interglacial climates of the past 800,000 years. Climate Dynamics 38, 709–724, (2012). Article ADS Google Scholar 3. Tzedakis, P. C., Channell, J. 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Vavrus, Feng He & John E. Kutzbach 2. Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, 291 McCormick Road, Charlottesville, VA, 22904, USA William F. Ruddiman 3. Environmental Change Research Centre, Department of Geography, University College London, London, WC1E 6BT, England Polychronis C. Tzedakis 4. College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 97331, USA Feng He Authors 1. Stephen J. Vavrus View author publications You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar 2. Feng He View author publications You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar 3. John E. Kutzbach View author publications You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar 4. William F. Ruddiman View author publications You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar 5. Polychronis C. Tzedakis View author publications You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar ### Contributions S.V. led the write-up of the manuscript and performed much of the analysis of model output. F.H. conducted the model simulations and performed most of the post-processing. J.K. advised on the experimental design of the model simulations and assisted in the write-up. W.R. developed the Early Anthropogenic Hypothesis, established the model boundary conditions, and contributed to much of the write-up. P.C.T. contributed to the interpretation of the orbital signature and observational data of MIS 19. ### Corresponding author Correspondence to Stephen J. Vavrus. ## Ethics declarations ### Competing Interests The authors declare no competing interests. ## Additional information Publisher\'s note: Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. ## Electronic supplementary material ### Supplementary Information ## Rights and permissions Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. 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Download PDF * Sections * Figures * References * Abstract * Introduction * Results * Discussion * Methods * References * Acknowledgements * Author information * Ethics declarations * Additional information * Electronic supplementary material * Rights and permissions * About this article * This article is cited by * Comments Advertisement * Figure 1 View in articleFull size image * Figure 2 View in articleFull size image * Figure 3 View in articleFull size image * Figure 4 View in articleFull size image * Figure 5 View in articleFull size image * Figure 6 View in articleFull size image 1. Past Interglacials Working Group of Pages. Interglacials of the last 800,000 years. Reviews of Geophysics 54, 162-219, (2016). 2. Yin, Q. Z. & Berger, A. Individual contribution of insolation and CO2 to the interglacial climates of the past 800,000 years. Climate Dynamics 38, 709–724, (2012). Article ADS Google Scholar 3. Tzedakis, P. C., Channell, J. E. T., Hodell, D. A., Kleiven, H. F. & Skinner, L. 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