Q: In this task, you're given a text and question. The question is about the topic of the document. You are expected to generate an incorrect answer. The incorrect answer should be among one of the following categories: 1)Company, 2)Educational Institution, 3)Artist, 4)Athlete, 5)Office holder, 6)Mean of transportation, 7)Building, 8)Natural place, 9)Village, 10)Animal, 11)Plant, 12)Album, 13)Film, 14)Written work Text: Master Series is a compilation album by Elkie Brooks. It was issued on CD in 1997 by A&M and distributed only in Germany. Question: WHat is the classified topic name A:
Educational Institution
In this task, you are given a multiple-choice question about healthcare. Answer the question based on your information and classify your answers into '1', '2', '3', and '4'. -------- Question: Question: In the respiratory chain: Options: <1> Ferrosulfurized proteins contain heme groups. <2> The heme groups are in carotenoids. <3> Cytochromes contain iron and sulfur groups. <4> Ubiquinones transport protons and electrons. <5> All transporters carry two electrons. Answer: 4 Question: Question: In the determination of water hardness due to the presence of Ca2 + and Mg2 + ions, the titrant reagent is used: Options: <1> Methyl orange. <2> A standard solution of potassium chloride. <3> Black Eriochrome T. <4> A standard solution of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). <5> A solution of AEDT previously standardized against a solution of potassium phthalate. Answer: 4 Question: Question: Which of the following nematodes is a large intestine parasite? Options: <1> Trichuris trichiura. <2> Ancylostoma duodenale. <3> Trichinella spiralis. <4> Necator americanus. <5> Ascaris lumbricoides. Answer:
Question: Read the following conversation and answer the question. F: Are you going to Shanghai today? M: Yes. My mother is waiting for me there. Question: What can we know from the dialogue? - The woman is busy. - The mother is working. - The mother is in Shanghai. Answer:
The mother is in Shanghai.
This task is about reading the given passage and construct a question about the information present in the passage. Construct a question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) it is answerable from the passage, (iii) the answer is unique, (iv) its answer is a continous text span from the paragraph. Avoid creating questions that (i) can be answered correctly without actually understanding the paragraph and (ii) uses same words or phrases given in the passage -------- Question: Maurice Mountain is a retired lawyer in Washington, D.C. He developed a prototype for a device he calls the Presto Emergency Boat Ladder. His invention is a small folding ladder that attaches to the side of a boat to help people who fall into the water. Mr. Mountain plans to mass-produce his boat ladder. He created his invention at a workshop called TechShop. Mr. Mountain says, "I think it encourages innovation. I think people who probably have had ideas rolling around in the back of their minds for years but have never had the opportunity to actually put them into production or even experiment with them would find this place wonderful. Members of TechShop use high-tech equipment to develop and produce ideas they have for inventions." Isabella Musachio manages a TechShop in Arlington, Virginia. She says the shop has many different kinds of equipment. "TechShop is a do-it-yourself maker space. So when you come in we have all these different areas of the shop, and we have a metal shop, wood shop, lasers, 3D printers, electronics. I mean, we have so many different areas and we have all the equipment that is availahle to anybody above the age of 12." Membership costs for TechShop start at just over $ 100 per month. Members are able to use costly machines including 3D modeling tools and laser cutters. Isabella Musachio says TechShop helps its members build their dreams. "Our motto is 'build your dreams here' because you can really come in with just an idea, and then with the help of TechShop make that leap from an idea to building your project o, your prototype or even your business." Jim Newton is the founder of TechShop. He first introduced the idea for the technology workshops at an arts and sciences event called Maker Faire in San Mateo, California in 2006. His idea attracted hundreds of members during that event, Now, there are eight TechShop locations in the U. S. In all, there are more than 6,000 members. Two more-TechShop locations in the cities of St. Louis and Look Angeles will be set up. Answer: Who designed something? Question: My dad runs the Blue Street Zoo. Everyone calls him the Zoo King. That means Mom is the Zoo Queen. And that means that I'm the Zoo Prince! Being a prince is very special. I spend every morning walking around to see the zoo. It's better than any animal book. I say hello to the lions. I say woof at all of the wolves. I make faces to the penguins. Once I even gave a morning kiss to a bear! My favorite animal is the piggy. I named him Samson. He likes to eat mustard, so I toss some mustard jars into his cage every morning. I don't know why that piggy likes mustard so much. Sometimes I walk around with the Zoo King and Zoo Queen. Then we say hello to the animals together! I really like those days. Everybody who works at the Zoo says hello to us when we walk by. At lunchtime, we all go to the Zoo restaurant and eat pork chops. I hope Samson doesn't get mad about that! Answer: Who runs the zoo? Question: New York (CNN) -- More than 80 Michael Jackson collectibles -- including the late pop star's famous rhinestone-studded glove from a 1983 performance -- were auctioned off Saturday, reaping a total $2 million. Profits from the auction at the Hard Rock Cafe in New York's Times Square crushed pre-sale expectations of only $120,000 in sales. The highly prized memorabilia, which included items spanning the many stages of Jackson's career, came from more than 30 fans, associates and family members, who contacted Julien's Auctions to sell their gifts and mementos of the singer. Jackson's flashy glove was the big-ticket item of the night, fetching $420,000 from a buyer in Hong Kong, China. Jackson wore the glove at a 1983 performance during "Motown 25," an NBC special where he debuted his revolutionary moonwalk. Fellow Motown star Walter "Clyde" Orange of the Commodores, who also performed in the special 26 years ago, said he asked for Jackson's autograph at the time, but Jackson gave him the glove instead. "The legacy that [Jackson] left behind is bigger than life for me," Orange said. "I hope that through that glove people can see what he was trying to say in his music and what he said in his music." Orange said he plans to give a portion of the proceeds to charity. Hoffman Ma, who bought the glove on behalf of Ponte 16 Resort in Macau, paid a 25 percent buyer's premium, which was tacked onto all final sales over $50,000. Winners of items less than $50,000 paid a 20 percent premium. Answer:
Where was the Auction held?
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, given a sentence in the English language, your task is to convert it into the Hindi language. PROBLEM: Endeavor has one more mission remaining, and if an emergency rescue is needed or more funding is secured, Atlantis will also fly once more before the entire fleet is retired. SOLUTION: एंडेवर का एक मिशन बचा हुआ है और यदि आपातकालीन बचाव की आवश्यकता पड़ती है या फिर अधिक फ़ंडिंग सुनिश्चित हो जाती है, तो पूरे बेड़े के सेवामुक्त होने से पहले अटलांटिस भी एक बार और उड़ान भरेगा। PROBLEM: Kathy Hudson, director of the Genetics and Public Policy Center, reports that 92 percent are worried that information gained in genetic testing may be used against them. SOLUTION: जेनेटिक एंड पब्लिक पॉलिसी सेंटर की निदेशक, केथी हडसन, बताती हैं कि 92 प्रतिशत लोगों को यह चिंता है कि आनुवांशिक परीक्षण से प्राप्त जानकारी का प्रयोग उनके विरूद्ध किया जा सकता है। PROBLEM: Pennsylvanian James Sheep was charged with driving under the influence on November 22. SOLUTION:
पेन्सिल्वेनिया के जेम्स शीप पर 22 नवंबर को प्रभाव के तहत गाड़ी चलाने का आरोप लगा था।
Q: Here are two questions (Question1 and Question2). If these questions have the same meaning and same answer, answer "Yes", otherwise "No". Question1: What is the best way to invest money to make money?, Question2: How can I make money without an investment? A:
Question: The audience watched the principal speaking, where were they seated? Choose the most suitable option to answer the above question. Options: A. sporting event B. lecture C. school D. concert hall E. hockey game Answer:
Definition: In this task, you are given a question containing a blank (_) and two options. You should pick the best option to answer the question. Please answer with "A" or "B". Input: Leslie went to cut the firewood since Donald was sick and _ was a whole lot stronger. (A) Leslie (B) Donald Output:
Detailed Instructions: You are given a sentence in English. Your job is to translate the English sentence into Persian. See one example below: Problem: In the southwestern part of Nigeria, the plant is known as Gbe'borun. Solution: در جنوب غرب نیجریه ، این گیاه به عنوان Gbe 'borun شناخته می ‌ شود. Explanation: The English sentence is correctly translated into Farsi, because the meaning is preserved. Problem: So here's what we're doing. Solution:
پس آنچه انجام می دهیم چنین است.
Instructions: In this task, you are given an article. Your task is to summarize the article in a sentence. Input: Bijan Ebrahimi was beaten to death and his body set alight on a Bristol estate amid false claims he was a paedophile. A BBC investigation has found he asked the city council on a weekly, sometimes daily, basis to find him a new home but was given an Asbo in 2010. The council said a report into the case was being published. Mr Ebrahimi, a council house tenant, suffered constant abuse at the hands of his neighbours and had already been moved from another part of the area. But the abuse continued at his final home in Capgrave Crescent, where he was killed by Lee James. The BBC has learned he was given an Asbo in 2010 as he was viewed as the nuisance, according to the IPCC. However, with the support of the SARI (Stand Against Racism & Inequality) charity in Bristol and the Avon and Bristol Law Centre, the Asbo was overturned. Bristol City Council insist that Mr Ebrahimi was issued with an injunction based on anti-social behaviour which they say was "set aside" when Mr Ebrahimi agreed to give "an undertaking to be of good behaviour". The BBC also spoke to one neighbour who supported Mr Ebrahimi in getting his Asbo lifted. The woman, who has declined to be named, said his repeated calls for help from the council were "ignored". She said he faced "death threats, his cat was abused and he had faeces left on his doorstep". "No action was ever taken against those residents," she said. She added that she felt scared living in this part of Brislington and was also affected by racism, with her daughter once threatened with a baseball bat. Bristol City Council says it is investigating its treatment of Mr Ebrahimi, an Iranian refugee. No report has been published since his death four years ago but the council said one would be released in the coming months. The council added it had not been able to talk about the report due to legal reasons. Mr Ebrahimi's family, who said the delay "could be seen by some as a cover-up", are considering taking a civil prosecution against the council. Last week, the Independent Police Complaints Commission said Mr Ebrahimi reported death threats and racial abuse for seven years. The report stated he had been treated "consistently differently from his neighbours" in what could be "racial bias, conscious or unconscious". PC Kevin Duffy and PCSO Andrew Passmore were jailed last year for misconduct over their dealings with Mr Ebrahimi. They and two other police officers were also dismissed from the Avon and Somerset force. Regarding the Asbo, the IPCC report states: "PC Duffy used his knowledge of Mr Ebrahimi and the latter's reports to the police, as the basis for a statement he wrote in September 2010 to support a Bristol City Council Anti-social Behaviour Order application against Mr Ebrahimi. "PC Duffy asserted that he had compiled the statement from his personal knowledge and from researching police computer systems. "From analysing this statement and comparing it with the information held by the force on its incident logs, it is apparent [in the opinion of the investigator] that, in short, PC Duffy misrepresented, was misleading about, and did not accurately reflect the contact between Mr Ebrahimi and the force between 2007 and 2010." Output:
A disabled refugee who was killed by his neighbour repeatedly pleaded with the council to rehouse him - but was given an Anti-social Behaviour Order.
Given a paragraph, your job is to generate a question that can be answered from the passage. The answer to your question should be a single entity, person, time, etc. that can be extracted from the passage. Q: Kenya ranks low on Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index (CPI), a metric which attempts to gauge the prevalence of public sector corruption in various countries. In 2012, the nation placed 139th out of 176 total countries in the CPI, with a score of 27/100. However, there are several rather significant developments with regards to curbing corruption from the Kenyan government, for instance, the establishment of a new and independent Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC). A:
Where does Kenya rang on the CPI scale?
Write the next sentence in the following story. He continues performing several flips and tricks on the bar and jumps down with his arms up, waving to the crowd. he Available choices: (A). finally finishes and smiles in the crowd and then drinks from an entire cup of coffee before jumping on his shoulders.; (B). shakes hands with another gymnast and the routine is shown again in slow motion, ending with him waving to the crowd.; (C). continues doing his routine inside a gym before jumping off and presenting himself, this time to jump head first.; (D). continues to do tricks as people clap and cheers him on, occasionally jumping up.;. The answer should be
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. You are given a sentence, a question and two answer options ('A' and 'B'). Your task is to find the correct answer (return the string of the correct option, not 'A' or 'B') for the given question. Sentence: Mike knows that his tank weighs more than his bicycle. Question: Which vehicle will speed up slower? (A) bicycle (B) tank Output:
Which is an appropriate title for this article? #39; #39;You guys look so sad, #39; #39; he told reporters after winning the Deutsche Bank Championship on Sunday. #39; #39;Man, come on, it #39;s not the end of the world.
Question: Question: what did bruce hornsby think of 2pac cover I found the following answer on Google: He also collaborated with Grateful Dead and was a member of the band from September 1990 to March 1992, playing at over one hundred shows during that period. Is that a correct answer? Yes or no. Answer:
Question: Extract the answer to the question from the following context. Question: Summerians are part of? Context: A large percentage of experts on the modern Middle East began their training in university departments named for the Near East. Similarly the journals associated with these fields of expertise include the words Near East or Near Eastern. The meaning of Near East in these numerous establishments and publications is Middle East. Expertise on the modern Middle East is almost never mixed or confused with studies of the Ancient Near East, although often "Ancient Near East" is abbreviated to "Near East" without any implication of modern times. For example, "Near Eastern Languages" in the ancient sense includes such languages as Sumerian and Akkadian. In the modern sense, it is likely to mean any or all of the Arabic languages. Answer:
Middle East
After I saw Bill catching flies and pulling off their wings, I boxed his ears. I showed the master the flies, some crushed and some crawling about helpless, and I showed him the wings on the window sill. I never saw him so angry before; but as Bill was still howling and whining, like the coward that he was, he did not give *him* any more punishment of that kind, but set him up on a stool for the rest of the afternoon, and said that he should not go out to play for that week. Are "him" and "Bill" the same thing in the aforementioned sentence?
Teacher: In this task, you are given a sentence and a question, you would be asked to create the answer which is contained in the sentence provided. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: Sentence: Having white fur trait would a cat most likely inherit from its parents. Question: Which trait would a cat most likely inherit from its parents? Solution: having white fur Reason: The given output is correct as the answer provided is from the scientific fact stated Now, solve this instance: Sentence: Three different states of matter makes the halogen group so diverse. Question: What makes the halogen group so diverse? Student:
three different states of matter
Question: Americans may become accustomed to the political turmoil swirling around President Donald Trump, but it remains an open question whether that turmoil will ultimately help or hurt Trump and his Republican allies, especially in an election year. Last week, it was Trump's firing of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and an apparent Democratic victory in a special congressional election in Pennsylvania — a sign of a possible wave in the November midterm elections. This week, it was a series of presidential tweets criticizing the Russia probe, followed by a controversial Trump statement of congratulations for newly re-elected Russian President Vladimir Putin. Trump also added former U.S. attorney Joseph diGenova to his legal team. DiGenova has alleged that elements of the FBI and the Department of Justice have been out to frame Trump in connection with the Russia probe. Trump ignored shouted questions Tuesday from reporters at the White House who asked whether he wanted to fire special counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the Russia probe. Earlier, House Speaker Paul Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican, told reporters at the Capitol that he had received "assurances" that firing Mueller was "not even under consideration." The latest back and forth over the Mueller investigation came after several days of presidential tweets complaining about the probe, including one blasting it as a "total WITCH HUNT with massive conflicts of interest." The tweets sparked new fears that Trump might try to have Mueller fired. Some Republicans warned that an attempt to fire Mueller could put Trump's presidency in jeopardy. "I think anything directed at firing Mr. Mueller blows up the whole town, and that becomes the end of governing and the presidency as we know it," cautioned Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. The renewed focus on the Russia probe came in the wake of last week's firing of Tillerson. That, in turn, raised the prospect of more administration changes. According to the above context, answer the following question. How does Trump feel about the Russian probe? OPTIONS: - He is disgusted - He is indifferent - He is happy - not enough information Answer: He is disgusted input with options: The rate of incarceration in the U.S. is the world’s highest, leading to what many lawmakers and policy analysts say is a nationwide imprisonment epidemic. But the beginning of the end of that epidemic started Tuesday, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, a Democrat from New York, told VOA. A bipartisan prison reform bill that passed the U.S. House of Representatives by a 360-59 vote “strikes an opening blow against the overcriminalization of the nation,” Jeffries, one of the bill's co-sponsors, said. U.S. President Donald Trump said “the strong bipartisan vote paces the way for action by the Senate.” Last week, Trump endorsed the bill at a White House summit on prison reform, saying, “Our whole nation benefits if former inmates are able to reenter society as productive, law-abiding citizens.” If the bill reaches the president's desk for a signature, it would provide $50 million in funding for five years to provide job training, education and substance abuse treatment for prisoners as well as a number of quality-of-life measures aimed at reducing chronically high rates of recidivism among former inmates. But the contentious issue of criminal justice reform has split Democrats and Republicans within their own parties, possibly jeopardizing the bill’s chances of passage as it heads to the U.S. Senate. In a letter to colleagues last week, Democratic Senators Kamala Harris, Dick Durbin and Cory Booker joined two House Democratic colleagues, Representatives John Lewis and Sheila Jackson Lee, in saying the bill could not be implemented effectively and could possibly lead to prison privatization. Jeffries told VOA many of the arguments against the First Step Act “were anchored in falsehoods.” He added the legislation passed today “is a first step towards eradicating the cancer of mass incarceration” a move also welcomed by many House Republicans. “Rather than allowing the cycle of crime to continue, this legislation takes a practical, intelligent approach to rehabilitation,” House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, a Republican... According to the above context, answer the following question. When did the Senate act on the reform bill? OPTIONS: - After $50 million in funding are provided. - not enough information - After the U.S. House of Representatives vote. - Before Trump endorsed the bill. output: After the U.S. House of Representatives vote. Q: Manny had Bob Marley cranking on the stereo, his van was full of passengers, and the air conditioning was working after a long week of giving him trouble. The sun beat down on the wet-looking asphalt road that ran along the harbor, next to the concrete waterfront. It curved along in front of the brightly colored Dutch Colonial warehouses of Charlotte Amalie, which were now converted restaurants and jewel shops. Tourists in day-glo shirts and daubs of sunscreen rubbed over peeling skin crowded both sides of the waterfront road. Manny slowed somewhat, keeping an eye on them. On the sidewalk by the shops a tall black man stood by a food cart. The hand-painted wooden sign hanging from the cart's side had faded letters. The man wore a grand suit with tails, like an orchestra conductor, and a top hat perched on his shaved head. A cigar burned in his mouth. For a brief second he held Manny's attention. Then the food cart's owner stepped forward and the strangely dressed man disappeared. Manny looked at the other side of the road. A white girl with oval shaped sunglasses and pink leather pants stepped off the sidewalk into the road in front of his van. He slammed on the brakes, trying to dodge her, but the van couldn't respond that fast. Her ponytail flew up towards the windshield and her head struck the star-shaped hood ornament. She bounced along the asphalt. Manny weaved the van to a stop, with swearing from the passengers in the back. He opened the door and stepped out into the heat. Get up, stand up, the radio cried out, and that was what Manny hoped would happen. He hoped that she would at least just stir and be okay. But she just lay there. According to the above context, answer the following question. Immediately after the end of this text, the girl is: OPTIONS: - not enough information - walking - alive - dead A:
I heard that Kendall impressed upon Remy to tell the truth and Remy agreed that honesty is the best policy. And I was wondering How would Kendall feel afterwards? Answer: proud of their influence I heard that Alex was making dinner for his mother every day of the week. And I was wondering Why did Alex do this? Answer: help his parents I heard that After several months of trying to help Jesse get a decent job, the effort paid off. Sydney found a way for Jesse. And I was wondering What did Sydney need to do before the job starts? Answer:
help Jesse understand the workplace rules
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. You need to read the given passage and construct a question about the information present in the passage. The question should be answerable from the passage. Most importantly, only those questions are allowed whose answers cannot be determined from a single sentence. Do not generate questions that require only a single sentence to answer. Instead, try to combine two sentences and create a question from that combination. Do not create open-ended questions, i.e., the answers to them cannot be found precisely from the information provided in the passage. Paragraph- Sent 1: Have you ever felt a shock? Sent 2: Maybe you had just walked across the carpet and touched something metal? Sent 3: How is this similar to lightning? Sent 4: Believe it or not, they are very similar. Sent 5: They are both discharges of static electricity. Sent 6: Lightning is static electricity on a grand scale. Sent 7: Lightning discharges a lot of electric charge. Sent 8: It happens all at once. Sent 9: Unfortunately, this large discharge is not useful. Sent 10: It is so large and so fast, it cannot be controlled. Sent 11: You cant plug a toaster into a lightning bolt! Sent 12: For most devices, a much smaller amount of electric charge is needed. Sent 13: It must also be steady. Sent 14: It cant come all in one big jolt. Sent 15: Thats why we cant run our homes off of lightning. Sent 16: Our homes need to have a steady and continuous supply of electric current. Output:
Can a toaster be run on one big jolt of electric charge?
Definition: Predict the next word given an incomplete English Sentence. Input: the baroness returned to the hotel with as much caution as Output:
Article:The holders have registered the British and Irish Lion ahead of their quarter-final at Racing 92 on Sunday, 10 April. The former Cardiff Blues back suffered his injury in Wales' win over Italy in September and missed the World Cup. Halfpenny has not played since, but may now be in contention to be part of Wales' June tour to New Zealand. A summary of the above article is?
Wales full-back Leigh Halfpenny is a step closer to returning from a serious knee injury after Toulon named him in their European Champions Cup squad.
Premise: "A bmx biker performing a trick high above the ground with trees covering the background." Hypothesis: "The biker is performing in a bmx competition." Is the hypothesis entailed by the premise? Options: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Step by step answer:
Just because a BMX biker is performing a trick doesn't mean it's in a BMX competition. Therefore, the final answer is it is not possible to tell.
Instructions: In this task, you are given a second sentence. Your task is to generate the first sentence on the same topic but incoherent and inconsistent with the second sentence. Input: However , the Dominators , knowing her family heritage , captured her . Output:
Despite being the granddaughter of Barry Allen ( the Flash ) and the daughter of Dawn Allen ( one of the Tornado Twins ) , Jenni Ognats did not at first display any signs of super-speed .
In this task, you're given a question, along with a context passage which has extra information available on certain terms mentioned in it, i.e., the proper nouns in the passage. Your job is to determine whether information from more than one term is needed to answer the question. Indicate your choice as `a` for Yes or `b` for No. Example Input: Question: What state is David Williams birthplace in? Passage:Born at Benalla to schoolteacher Ralph Noel Williams and Rita Alice Hawkins, Williams attended school in Geelong before studying at the University of Melbourne, receiving a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Education and then a Diploma of Business from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. While at university he joined the Labor Party. On 22 August 1964 he married Jennifer Claire Dodd, with whom he had two sons. He worked as a lecturer at Ballarat College of Advanced Education, contesting the federal seat of Ballarat for the Labor Party in 1972, 1974 and 1975. In 1978 he won the state Legislative Council seat of Ballarat Province at a by-election, only to lose it in 1979. Following his defeat he became accountant and treasurer for Richmond City Council, town clerk from 1982, and Chief Executive Officer from 1984 to 1994. Since then he has been a community engagement consultant. Example Output: b Example Input: Question: Which 1930s event that stalled the Flanley initiative last the longest? Passage:By the 1920s, SCGX was doubling annually and had emerged as the "fastest growing grain market in the world"; transacting 22 million bushels in 1928 (valued at $336 million in 2018), resulting from its location in the heart of the Corn Belt and self-imposed standards before the Grain Standards Act of 1916 including species admittance and non-mixing. However, its growth was limited by shipping rates. With the trucking industry and Interstate Highway System not yet developed, SCGX was constrained by monopolized railroad rates, primarily by the Great Northern Railway. Exhausting their bargaining power with the Interstate Commerce Commission, SCGX President Charles C. Flanley directed future lobbying efforts to unlocking barge navigation of the Missouri River. His initiative was stalled throughout the 1930s by the Great Depression and Dust Bowl. In 1938, a renewed thirteen year campaign led by Secretary William Henry Marriott finally opened commercial navigation of the Missouri River and helped establish the Missouri River Basin Project, which included development of the Gavins Point Dam. The alternate transportation succeeded in breaking the railroad's monopoly. By the 1970s, SCGX was among the largest exchanges in the world; transacting over 100 million bushels annually (valued at $1 billion as of 2018). Example Output: a Example Input: Question: Is the country that Slater traveled to with Thomas Carter an island? Passage:In 1874 he accompanied the botanist Isaac Bayley Balfour and George Gulliver aboard HMS Shearwater on an expedition to observe the transit of Venus on Rodrigues. In addition to studies of the flora and fauna, Slater excavated the subfossil bones of extinct birds, including the Rodrigues solitaire (Pezophaps solitaria) and Rodrigues starling (Necropsar rodericanus). His records were used by the zoologists Albert Günther and Alfred Newton to write the first scientific description of the Rodrigues starling in 1879. During a stay in Mauritius in 1875 he and George Gulliver explored the flora, the herpetofauna, and the aquatic avifauna. In 1885 he traveled with Thomas Carter to Iceland. Based partly on his work there, he wrote the Manual of the Birds of Iceland, published in 1901. In 1897 Slater described the short-tailed parrotbill (Paradoxornis davidianus) and the sulphur-breasted warbler (Phylloscopus ricketti). Together with William Bernhardt Tegetmeier and Frederick William Frohawk, he wrote the fifth volume of British Birds With Their Nests and Eggs (1898). In 1877 Slater was elected a Fellow of the Zoological Society of London (FZS). He was also a member of the British Ornithologists' Union. Example Output:
In this task, you are given a paper review. Based on the review, your job is to identify language and generate "en" if the review is in English or generate "es" if the review is in Spanish. Note that URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. [EX Q]: Desarrollar investigación asociada al tema de visión artificial es interesante de conocer, aún bajo condiciones que no son las óptimas, particularmente en los recursos de hardware. En la sección de pruebas de luminosidad hay cierto desorden en la presentación de los resultados (por ejemplo, la figura 10. debería titularse Prueba Botella Cloro y no Prueba Caja). Lo que hace difícil su seguimiento. Las referencias bibliográficas podrían ser más actuales y de mejor nivel. [EX A]: es [EX Q]: Se propone un modelo CityCA, basado en autómata celulares para distribución. El paper está bien escrito y bien distribuido, tal vez ordenar un poco el abstracta se entendería mejor. [EX A]: es [EX Q]: The paper presents a way to "learn" approximate data structures. They train neural networks (ConvNets here) to perform as an approximate abstract data structure by having an L2 loss (for the unrolled NN) on respecting the axioms of the data structure they want the NN to learn. E.g. you NN.push(8), NN.push(6), NN.push(4), the loss is proportional to the distance with what is NN.pop()ed three times and 4, 6, 8 (this example is the one of Figure 1). There are several flaws: - In the case of the stack: I do not see a difference between this and a seq-to-seq RNN trained with e.g. 8, 6, 4 as input sequence, to predict 4, 6, 8. - While some of the previous work is adequately cited, there is an important body of previous work (some from the 90s) on learning Peano's axioms, stacks, queues, etc. that is not cited nor compared to. For instance [Das et al. 1992], [Wiles & Elman 1995], and more recently [Graves et al. 2014], [Joulin & Mikolov 2015], [Kaiser & Sutskever 2016]... - Using MNIST digits, and not e.g. a categorical distribution on numbers, is adding complexity for no reason. - (Probably the biggest flaw) The experimental section is too weak to support the claims. The figures are adequate, but there is no comparison to anything. There is also no description nor attempt to quantify a form of "success rate" of learning such data structures, for instance w.r.t the number of examples, or w.r.t to the size of the input sequences. The current version of the paper (December 9th 2016) provides, at best, anecdotal experimental evidence to support the claims of the rest of the paper. While an interesting direction of research, I think that this paper is not experimentally sound enough for ICLR. [EX A]:
Here are two questions (Question1 and Question2). If these questions have the same meaning and same answer, answer "Yes", otherwise "No". Q: Question1: How was/is your love life?, Question2: How do I find the love of my life? A:
Part1. How is Paraguay for vacations ? OPTIONS: - description - entity - abbreviation - human - numeric - location **** Part2. description QUES: OPTIONS: - description - entity - abbreviation - human - numeric - location So, would the answer to "Where did the sport of caber-tossing originate ?" be an abbreviation, an entity, a human, a human, a description, or a numeric value? ANS: location Problem: What type of thing is the question "What is the origin of the word Ozymandias ?" asking about? OPTIONS: - description - entity - abbreviation - human - numeric - location Answer: description Q: Is the question "How did P.T. Barnum bill the diminutive Charles S. Stratton ?" asking about an entity, an abbreviation, a description, a human, a location, or a numeric entity? A: description OPTIONS: - description - entity - abbreviation - human - numeric - location "What tale has the moral : `` He who wants everything gets nothing '' ?" entity Part1. How many people on the ground were killed from the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie , Scotland , December 21 , CD . OPTIONS: - description - entity - abbreviation - human - numeric - location **** Part2.
Problem: I know that the answer to the question "Within the boundaries of the rail transportation, the switch engine used is privately owned. What is it used for at the Port of New Haven?" is in "New Haven Harbor is home to the Port of New Haven, a deep-water seaport with three berths capable of hosting vessels and barges as well as the facilities required to handle break bulk cargo. The port has the capacity to load 200 trucks a day from the ground or via loading docks. Rail transportation access is available, with a private switch engine for yard movements and private siding for loading and unloading. Approximately 400,000 square feet (40,000 m2) of inside storage and 50 acres (200,000 m2) of outside storage are available at the site. Five shore cranes with a 250-ton capacity and 26 forklifts, each with a 26-ton capacity, are also available.". Can you tell me what it is? A: yard movements Problem: I know that the answer to the question "Who can advise us on what happened with the North Korean Commanders?" is in "On 30 September, Zhou Enlai warned the United States that China was prepared to intervene in Korea if the United States crossed the 38th parallel. Zhou attempted to advise North Korean commanders on how to conduct a general withdrawal by using the same tactics which had allowed Chinese communist forces to successfully escape Chiang Kai-shek's Encirclement Campaigns in the 1930s, but by some accounts North Korean commanders did not utilize these tactics effectively. Historian Bruce Cumings argues, however, the KPA's rapid withdrawal was strategic, with troops melting into the mountains from where they could launch guerrilla raids on the UN forces spread out on the coasts.". Can you tell me what it is? A: Historian Bruce Cumings Problem: I know that the answer to the question "What word in French when translated to English directly means city?" is in "France's highest courts are located in Paris. The Court of Cassation, the highest court in the judicial order, which reviews criminal and civil cases, is located in the Palais de Justice on the Île de la Cité, while the Conseil d'État, which provides legal advice to the executive and acts as the highest court in the administrative order, judging litigation against public bodies, is located in the Palais-Royal in the 1st arrondissement. The Constitutional Council, an advisory body with ultimate authority on the constitutionality of laws and government decrees, also meets in the Montpensier wing of the Palais Royal.". Can you tell me what it is? A: Cité Problem: I know that the answer to the question "If something was time reversible and it worked, what would it be?" is in "A third type of solution to the problem of the direction of time, although much less represented, argues that the laws are not time-reversal symmetric. For example, certain processes in quantum mechanics, relating to the weak nuclear force, are not time-reversible, keeping in mind that when dealing with quantum mechanics time-reversibility comprises a more complex definition. But this type of solution is insufficient because 1) the time-asymmetric phenomena in quantum mechanics are too few to account for the uniformity of macroscopic time-asymmetry and 2) it relies on the assumption that quantum mechanics is the final or correct description of physical processes.[citation needed]". Can you tell me what it is? A:
the weak nuclear force
Detailed Instructions: You will be given a sentence. Check whether the sentence is grammatically correct and is meaningful. If the sentence is grammatically correct, then answer with '1', otherwise answer with '0'. Q: The student met John came. A:
In this task, you will be shown an extract from a movie plot and a question. You need to provide the correct answer for it. Short answers containing words that are present in the passage are preferred. [EX Q]: Queen Gorgo of Sparta tells her men about the Battle of Marathon, in which King Darius of Persia was killed by General Themistocles of Athens ten years earlier. Darius' son, Xerxes, witnesses his father's death, and is advised to not continue the war, since only "the gods can defeat the Greeks". Darius' naval commander, Artemisia, claims that Darius' last words were in fact a challenge and sends Xerxes on a journey through the desert. Xerxes finally reaches a cave and bathes in an otherworldly liquid, emerging as the 8-feet tall "god-King". He returns to Persia and declares war on Greece to avenge his father.As Xerxes's forces advance towards Thermopylae, Themistocles meets with the council and convinces them to provide him with a fleet to engage the Persians at the sea. Themistocles (the Athenian general) then travels to Sparta to ask King Leonidas for help, but is informed by Dilios that Leonidas is consulting the Oracle, and Gorgo is reluctant to side with Athens. Themistocles later reunites with his old friend Scyllas, who infiltrated the Persian troops and learned Artemisia was born Greek, but defected to Persia as her family was raped and murdered by Greek hoplites and she was taken as a sex slave, and subsequently left for dead in the streets. She was rescued and adopted by a Persian emissary. Her lust for vengeance gained the attention of King Darius and he made her a naval commander after she killed many of his enemies. Themistocles also learns that Leonidas has marched to fight the Persians with only 300 men.Themistocles leads his fleet of fifty warships and several thousand men, which include Scyllas, Scyllas' son Calisto and Themistocles' right-hand man Aeskylos to the Aegean Sea, starting the Battle of Artemisium. They ram their ships into the Persian ships, charge them, slaughtering several soldiers before retreating from the sinking Persian ships. The following day, the Greeks feign a retreat and lead a group of Persian ships into a crevice, where they become stuck. The Greeks charge the Persian ships from the cliffs above and kill more Persians. Impressed with Themistocles' skills, Artemisia brings him onto her ship where she has sex with him in an attempt to convince him to join the Persians as her second-in-command. He refuses, causing her to push him aside and swear revenge on him.The Persians spill tar into the sea and send suicide bombers to swim to and board the Greek ships with their flame bombs. Artemisia and her men fire flaming arrows and torches to ignite the tar, but an Athenian manages to kill one of the Persians, who falls into the tar carrying a torch, causing ships from both sides to explode. Themistocles is thrown into the sea by an explosion and nearly drowns before being rescued by Aeskylos, and stands by Scyllas' side as he succumbs to his injuries. Believing Themistocles to be dead, Artemisia and her forces withdraw. After recovering from his injuries, Themistocles learns that only a few hundred of his warriors and six of his ships survived the disastrous attack executed by Artemisia.Daxos, an Arcadian general, tells Themistocles that Leonidas and his 300 men have been killed after Ephialtes betrays the Greeks to Xerxes. Themistocles returns to Athens and confronts Ephialtes. The deformed Spartan traitor reveals that Xerxes plans to attack and burn Athens to the ground. Ephialites is regretful of his actions, and is welcoming death. Themistocles spares him instead, so he can warn Xerxes that the Greek forces are gathering at Salamis. He then visits Gorgo in Sparta while she is mourning Leonidas' death to ask for her help, but she is too overcome with grief. Before leaving, Themistocles returns Leonidas' sword, which had been delivered to him by Ephialtes under Xerxes's orders, and urges Gorgo to avenge Leonidas.In Athens, Xerxes' army is laying waste when Ephialtes arrives to deliver Themistocles' message. Upon learning he is alive, Artemisia leaves to ready her entire navy for battle. Xerxes suggests a more cautious plan but she still leaves for battle, ignoring Xerxes' advice. The remaining Greek ships charge into the Persians ships, and the two armies battle, beginning the decisive Battle of Salamis. Themistocles and Artemisia fight, which ends in a stalemate with both receiving severe injuries.At this moment Gorgo, who had been narrating the tale to the Spartans, arrives at the battle along with ships from numerous Greek city states including Delphi, Thebes, Olympia, Arcadia, and Sparta, all of them uniting against the surrounded Persians. Daxos leads the Arcadian army while Themistocles urges Artemisia to surrender. Xerxes, watching the battle from a cliff, turns his back on her, acknowledging his invasion has ended in defeat. Artemisia tries to kill Themistocles one last time but is killed as he stabs her through the stomach. Themistocles and Gorgo take a moment to silently acknowledge one another's alliance as the remaining Persians charge while Dilios leads the assault. The three then charge at the opposing Persians with the whole Greek army., Question: Who does Gorgo silently acknowledge? [EX A]: Answer: Themistocles. [EX Q]: The film begins with the funeral of one of the three Tempio brothers. These men are violent criminals. Mourning the passage of their beloved brother Johnny are Chez and Ray. Ray is cold and calculating. Chez is hot tempered. Flashbacks show us that Johnny was more sensitive. Exposure to Communist meetings as a spy sway Johnny's opinions.The chief suspect in Johnny's murder is rival gangster Gaspare Spoglia.Ray and Chez swear revenge. Ray's wife, Jeanette, opposes the campaign of retribution and the violence it will bring, while Chez' wife, Clara, struggles to deal with her husband's obsessive nature.As it turns out, Johnny was not murdered by rival gangsters, but by a man who first claimed Johnny had raped his girlfriend, but who later admits, just before Ray kills him, that he wanted revenge because Johnny had beaten him up in front of his girlfriend and friends.As he buries the dead murderer, Chez reflects on his brothers' lives before the tragedy. He then returns to Ray's house and shoots and kills Ray and all of his bodyguards. Chez then shoots Johnny, lying dead in the casket, before putting the gun in his own mouth and committing suicide as the family women wail over Ray's dying body., Question: Who is thought to be Johnnys murderer? [EX A]: Answer: Gaspare Spoglia [EX Q]: In an upscale New York City mansion, wealthy and popular teenager Kathryn Merteuil (Gellar) is discussing her prep school with Mrs. Caldwell (Christine Baranski) and Mrs. Caldwell's daughter, Cecile (Selma Blair). Kathryn promises Mrs. Caldwell that she will look out for the sheltered and naïve Cecile. Kathryn's step-brother Sebastian (Phillippe) enters the room, whereupon Mrs. Caldwell reacts to him coldly and leaves with Cecile. Kathryn reveals to him that her real intention is to use Cecile to take revenge on her ex-lover Court Reynolds (Charlie O'Connell), who has dumped her for Cecile. Kathryn asks Sebastian to seduce Cecile; he refuses as he is planning to seduce Annette Hargrove (Witherspoon), the virgin daughter of their prep school's new headmaster. Annette is a 'paradigm of chastity and virtue' who recently wrote a published essay about saving herself for marriage and has been temporarily staying with Sebastian's aunt. The two make a wager: if Sebastian fails to bed Annette, Kathryn gets Sebastian's vintage Jaguar XK140; if he succeeds, Kathryn will have sex with him. It is mentioned that Sebastian keeps a journal detailing his conquests.Sebastian's first attempt to seduce Annette fails, as she had already been told of his reputation as a womanizer. He vents to his friend, Blaine Tuttle (Joshua Jackson), who suggests that the informant might be Annette's ex-boyfriend and closeted jock, Greg McConnell (Eric Mabius), revealing to Sebastian that Greg tried to make a pass at him. He uses that to seduce Greg while being secretly filmed by Sebastian. Sebastian confronts Greg with the photographs, but he denies warning Annette. Greg is pressured into investigating who did, and Sebastian also orders him to present him in a good light to Annette. Later, while gushing about Sebastian to Annette, Greg discovers that the culprit is Cecile's mother, Mrs. Caldwell. Wanting revenge on the Caldwells, Sebastian agrees to seduce Cecile.Meanwhile, Cecile's music teacher, Ronald Clifford (Sean Patrick Thomas), is in love with her. Cecile confesses this to Kathryn. Kathryn tells Mrs. Caldwell about Ronald and Cecile's romance and Mrs. Caldwell orders Cecile to end it. Sebastian, in turn, calls Cecile to his house, ostensibly to give her a letter from Ronald. There he blackmails Cecile in order to perform oral sex on her. The next day, Cecile confides in Kathryn, who advises her to learn from Sebastian so that she can make Ronald happy in bed.Sebastian begins to fall in love with Annette, who returns his feelings but still resists him. Sebastian calls her a hypocrite because she claims to be waiting for her one true love, but when her one true love chooses to love her back, she resists. She relents, but Sebastian refuses her, confused about his feelings colliding with his stolid sexuality. Annette flees to the estate of her friend's parents. Sebastian tracks her down, professes his love, and makes love to her. As he has won the bet, Kathryn offers herself to Sebastian the next day, but he refuses; he now only wants Annette. Kathryn taunts him and threatens to ruin Annette's reputation, so Sebastian pretends indifference to Annette and coldly breaks up with her.After Sebastian tells Kathryn that he has broken up with Annette and arranged for Cecile and Ronald to be together, Kathryn reveals that she has known all along that he was truly in love with Annette and manipulated him into giving her up. Sebastian angrily dismisses Kathryn, saying he no longer wants her, and she then rejects him. Sebastian leaves to confront Annette, and Kathryn calls Ronald, telling him that Sebastian slept with Cecile and lying to him that Sebastian hit her. Annette refuses Sebastian's apologies; he sends her his journal, in which he has detailed all of Kathryn's manipulative schemes as well as their bet, and written the true feelings he had for Annette all along. As he heads home, Ronald intercepts him on the street, starting a fight. Annette runs out and tries to stop it, but is accidentally thrown into the way of traffic. Sebastian pushes her to safety, and is hit by a cab. Before he dies, Sebastian and Annette profess their love for each other. Watching this, Ronald realizes that Kathryn lied to him and used him to kill Sebastian.At Sebastian's funeral, Cecile distributes copies of his journal, made into a book by Annette, titled Cruel Intentions. Kathryn is humiliated and rejected by her former friends, and her reputation is ruined when cocaine is discovered in her rosary. In the final scene, Annette drives away in Sebastian's car with his journal at her side as she remembers the moments they shared., Question: Who does Sebastian fall in love with? [EX A]:
Answer: Annette
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. You are given a paragraph (Passage), a question (Question) and two answer options (Option1 and Option2). Your task is to find the correct answer (and return the string of the correct option, not option1/2) for the given question from the given options and based on the given passage. Answer of the question can be found directly from the passage. Passage: When I was a kid , you had to go to a store to rent a movie . We had a local store called Blockbuster . When you went to Blockbuster , there were several shelves of movies , sorted by what type of movie they were . I walked to the shelf with the animated movies , and searched back and forth until I found the right film . Then I went to the cashier , and gave them some money to check out the movie . It was sort of like going to the library . I put the movie in my bag , got on my bike , and excitedly rode home to watch the film . I had a lot of fun watching it . I did n't mind bringing the movie back to the store . I knew that if I wanted to watch it again , I could ride my bike back over to check it out again . Question: What did they have to return a few days later? Option1: a movie Option2: The book Output:
a movie
Q: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. What part of the passage cites an example to make its point?, Context: In addition to having evolved, for the most part, separately from one another and with distinct individual histories, the Latin-based regional Romance languages of Italy are also better classified as separate languages rather than true "dialects" due to the often high degree in which they lack mutual intelligibility. Though mostly mutually unintelligible, the exact degree to which the regional Italian languages are mutual unintelligible varies, often correlating with geographical distance or geographical barriers between the languages, with some regional Italian languages that are closer in geographical proximity to each other or closer to each other on the dialect continuum being more or less mutually intelligible. For instance, a speaker of purely Eastern Lombard, a language in Northern Italy's Lombardy region that includes the Bergamasque dialect, would have severely limited mutual intelligibility with a purely standard Italian speaker and would be nearly completely unintelligible to a speaker of a pure Sicilian language variant. Due to Eastern Lombard's status as a Gallo-Italic language, an Eastern Lombard speaker may, in fact, have more mutual intelligibility with a Occitan, Catalan, or French speaker than a standard Italian or Sicilian language speaker. Meanwhile, a Sicilian language speaker would have an greater degree of mutual intelligibility with a speaker of the more closely related Neapolitan language, but far less mutual intelligibility with a person speaking Sicilian Gallo-Italic, a language that developed in isolated Lombard emigrant communities on the same island as the Sicilian language. A:
an Eastern Lombard speaker may, in fact, have more mutual intelligibility with a Occitan, Catalan, or French speaker than a standard Italian or Sicilian language speaker
Instructions: You are given a passage. You need to construct a question about the information present in the passage. Construct a question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) its answer is the whole paragraph. Avoid creating questions that can be answered correctly without actually understanding the paragraph. Input: it is not a program it is just what u are using right now Output:
How do you download Yahoo! Answer Beta?
In this task you are given a story and a question regarding that story. You must judge whether the question is answerable based on the info given to you. Label the instances as "Answerable" or "Not Answerable" based on your judgment. the story and the question are separated by a new line character. [EX Q]: Jeffrey went to the store. He had to purchase some food for a party. He bought chips and dip. He left the store with the chips and dip after paying for them. Jeffrey enjoyed the party he went to later. Why did Jeffrey go to the store? [EX A]: Answerable [EX Q]: Sam loved his new apartment. There was only one problem. His cell phone didn't work well. He barely got any service. He had to switch carriers and pay more money. Why was There only one problem? [EX A]: Answerable [EX Q]: There was a little girl who owned a pet rock. She wanted to take it to school with her. She hid it in her backpack. She then showed all of her friends. Her teacher saw it and took it away forever. Why was There a little girl who owned a pet rock? [EX A]:
Not Answerable
Part 1. Definition You are given a passage. You need to construct a question about the information present in the passage. Construct a question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) its answer is the whole paragraph. Avoid creating questions that can be answered correctly without actually understanding the paragraph. Part 2. Example Optical mice use an LED and a camera to rapidly capture images of the surface beneath the mouse. The infomation from the camera is analyzed by a DSP (Digital Signal Processor) and used to detect imperfections in the underlying surface and determine motion. Some materials, such as glass, mirrors or other very shiny, uniform surfaces interfere with the ability of the DSP to accurately analyze the surface beneath the mouse. \nSince glass is transparent and very uniform, the mouse is unable to pick up enough imperfections in the underlying surface to determine motion. Mirrored surfaces are also a problem, since they constantly reflect back the same image, causing the DSP not to recognize motion properly. When the system is unable to see surface changes associated with movement, the mouse will not work properly. Answer: why doesn't an optical mouse work on a glass table? Explanation: The passage talks about the glass and mirror surfaces beneath the optical mice and how the mouse is unable to pick up enough imperfections in the underlying surface to determine motion. The last line of the passage explains why the mouse will not work properly on these surfaces. Thus it is a positive example. Part 3. Exercise He wrote it himself. Answer:
Who originally wrote the song "atlantic City" made famous by Bruce Springsteen?
Question: how are the archegonia of the fern and pine cone similar? Would "They also play a role in mythology, medicine, and art." be a reasonable answer? Answer:
Teacher:In this task, you're given a statement and three sentences as choices. Your job is to determine which sentence can be inferred from the statement. Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or have details that are not mentioned in the statement. Indicate your answer as 1,2, or 3 corresponding to the choice number of the selected sentence. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Statement: The 1) In the Northeast, it didn't live up to billing. Choices: 1. The Northeast didn't meet up the expectations of its reputation. 2. This is the most important point to remember in all of this. 3. 1) In the Northeast, it lived up to its billing and then some. Student:
In this task, you're given a sentence and your task is to generate a simplified sentence that focuses on lexical paraphrasing from the original sentence given in the input. [Q]: for instance , many of the germanic states -lrb- as well as english reformation -rrb- converted to protestantism in an attempt to slip out of the grasp of the pope. [A]: for example , many of the germanic states -lrb- as well as english reformation -rrb- converted to protestantism as a means to break away from the authority of pope. [Q]: contact between visiting seamen and prisoners was barred. [A]: contact between visiting seamen and prisoners was not allowed. [Q]: modified suvs also take part in races , including the paris-dakar rally and the australian outback. [A]:
suvs that are modified also participate in races like the paris-dakar rally and the australian outba.
Definition: A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Hindi language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. Input: I am sure that the results will benefit the country, the construction sector and the department. Output:
मुझे यकीन है कि इसके परिणाम, देश, निर्माण क्षेत्र और विभाग को लाभान्वित करेंगे।
In this task, you are given an impractical statement. You are also given three reasons (associated with "A", "B", "C") explaining why this statement doesn't make sense. You must choose the most corresponding reason explaining why this statement doesn't make sense. Input: Consider Input: The man ate the apple with a donut. (A) Donuts are softer than most apples. (B)One cannot eat an apple using a donut. (C)Forks can stab you, donuts can't. Output: B Input: Consider Input: the airline had been screening pets on X-ray machines (A) pets are checked by human not X-ray machines in airport (B)there are X-ray machines in hospitals (C)some people bring their pets to the airport Output: A Input: Consider Input: The refrigerator grown in the garden. (A) Corn can be stored in the refrigerator. (B)There is nowhere to plug a refrigerator in the garden. (C)A refrigerator cannot grow.
Output: C
Problem: Write an article based on this "A further five people who helped during the 1989 Hillsborough disaster are being sought as part of a witness appeal." Article: A: Images of the witnesses have been published by the team investigating the stadium crush in Sheffield, which led to the deaths of 96 football fans. They show four people but no image is available for a fifth witness, believed to have been an off-duty nurse. She is thought to have helped victims in the back of an ambulance. The vehicle is pictured in front of the Leppings Lane terraces - where the crush happened during an FA Cup semi-final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest - at 15.36 BST on 15 April 1989. The woman, believed to be from the Nottingham area, is thought to have travelled in the back of the ambulance from Hillsborough to the Northern General Hospital. Images of more than 100 people have already been released during several appeals. The photographs of those who have yet to be traced can be seen on the Operation Resolve website. New inquests into the disaster are being held in Warrington, Cheshire. Problem: Write an article based on this "Iain Duncan Smith has insisted the government must "rededicate itself" to its shake-up of welfare, saying its mission is to "restore people's lives"." Article: A: The work and pensions secretary told the Tory conference the party was tackling the "something for nothing" benefit culture inherited from Labour. He warned "the job was not done" and vowed to ensure to make work pay and reduce numbers on sickness benefits. He also denounced the "bile" of protesters outside the conference. Addressing Conservative activists, many of whom have said they have been subject to personal abuse from anti-austerity protesters as they entered the Manchester venue, Mr Duncan Smith said his party would "not be moved" and challenged Jeremy Corbyn and other senior Labour figures to disassociate themselves from such behaviour. "You've had to come through the line up outside of the bile and hatred of what is now the Labour Party," he said. "That is who they really are. That is what they represent." Proposed curbs to working tax credits have caused unease among some Tory MPs but Mr Duncan Smith defended the policy, saying the existing tax credit bill had become unsustainable and accused the last Labour government of using the benefit as an electoral "bribe". Since 2010, he said, the Conservatives had delivered "against the odds" in terms of boosting employment by every measure and, with the party now no longer in coalition with the Lib Dems, it would go much further in reshaping the welfare state. Conservative welfare philosophy, he told his audience, was "rooted in human nature, not utopianism nor empty pity" and its reforms, such as the cap on household benefits, the introduction of Universal Credit and the national living wage, were driven by the objective of "ending poverty, not entrenching it and restoring lives, not parking them". Fairness must be at the heart of the welfare state, he insisted, not just for the most vulnerable but for the taxpayer as well. The party, he said, did not regard those unable to work as "victims", insisting that many of the long-term sick and those with disabilities wanted to return to employment and the government would help them to "work their way out of poverty". "We have to raise the value of work - but not as Labour tried to do with the taxpayer subsidising wages through tax credits," he said. "As Conservatives we don't want people to work just for tax receipts. We want people to work because it's best for them, their family and their communities... all our reforms have a simple principle at the heart of them: to restore lives." He added: "Surely, we want to know that what we do in government rebuilds and restores the least of us. That is our purpose, not to rejoice at victory, no matter how hard won but to re-commit, even re-dedicate ourselves to this simple yet vital task." Problem: Write an article based on this "Women's Super League One club Notts County Ladies have signed Republic of Ireland centre-back Louise Quinn, subject to international clearance." Article: A:
The 26-year-old previously spent four years in Sweden with Eskilstuna United, who she captained last season. "I'm really excited to have signed for Notts, it's a great club with lots of history," she told Notts' club website. Manager Rick Passmoor added: "Louise brings with her a wealth of experience, including Champions League football."
Find the right ending to this passage. (CNN) -- Facebook just purchased a service for sharing your location with friends, according to a CNNMoney report. UPDATE 2:30 p.m. ET: Gowalla has confirmed in a blog post that its service will wind down by the end of January. So what does that mean to those of us who use Facebook or Gowalla? If you're a Gowalla user and love the service the way it is, it's almost certainly bad news. When Facebook acquires a company, it rarely keeps the original product intact. Instead, it voraciously devours these smaller startups to get to the talented developers housed within. Beluga, a recent acquisition, is in the process of shutting down while Facebook works instead on Facebook Messages, a similar service. The initial report suggests this will be the case with Gowalla: Some of the Austin-based team will move to Palo Alto, California, to work at Facebook, while a few will stay behind in Austin. I'd bet against
Facebook importing this information into your Facebook profile without your consent -- they're likely aware that this would result in another privacy scare -- but I do think Facebook will provide time to export your Gowalla data if they do shut it down.
You are given a sentence and a question. You're expected to write an **incorrect** answer to the given question, such that it is relevant to the given sentence. Your answer should not be completely out of context. Try to write short answers with one or two words. Q: Sentence: Two horses are being ridden out of the same barn. The white horse is going the same speed as the grey horse. The grey horse travels longer than the white horse. Question: Which horse went further? A:
white horse
question: Write a brief sentence. answer: people play with a dog question: Write a brief sentence. answer: A man and two kids are outdoors. question: Write a brief sentence. answer: A woman balances Chinese takeout on her head as she walks to her dorm room. question: Write a brief sentence. answer:
The sister has red hair.
Question: The medieval fortification Castle Hill was builty by this noble man who was also known as King of which country (after the 1250s)? Answer: Germany [Q]: What actor born on September 7, 1982 was a star of the science fiction film MindGamers? **** [A]: Antonia Campbell-Hughes input: Please answer the following: Where was the host of "Mind of a Man" born? ++++++++++ output: Chicago, Illinois Please answer this: The Calhoun Depot was part of an American Civil War military raid that occurred on what date? ++++++++ Answer: April 12, 1862 Problem: Which shooting guard was called "The Natural" by the Trail Blazers announcer Brian Wheeler and announced his retirement during the same season that head coach Nate McMillan was fired? A: Brandon Roy input: Please answer the following: Where is the headquarters for the Ustream company partner that is currently owned by William Morris Endeavor and Silver Lake Partners? ++++++++++ output:
New York City
A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Oriya language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. Example Input: It should be our constant endeavor that this message of cleanliness should reach to every person and every section of the society. Example Output: ଆପଣମାନଙ୍କ ତରଫରୁ ଏକ ସମୟ ସୀମା ସ୍ଥିର କରିବେ, ଏହି ଦିଗରେ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ କରାଯାଇ ପାରିବ କି ଆଗାମୀ ଦୁଇ-ତିନି ବର୍ଷରେ କେଉଁ ଉତ୍ପାଦର ଆମଦାନୀ, ଦଶ-ପନ୍ଦର-କୋଡିଏ ପ୍ରତିଶତ, ଯେତେ ଆପଣଙ୍କୁ ଉଚିତ ମନେହେବ, ସେତେ କମ୍ କରିବେ । Example Input: When the concept of temporary bill, final bill will end, things will become simpler. And I believe that small traders will definitely cooperate and allow the transfer of the benefits to the poor so that the poor is benefitted. Example Output: ସ୍ୱଚ୍ଛତା ସମ୍ପର୍କରେ ମତବ୍ୟକ୍ତ କରି ଶ୍ରୀ ମୋଦି କହିଥିଲେ ଏହା ଆମ ସମସ୍ତଙ୍କ ଅଭ୍ୟାସ ହେବା ଉଚିତ୍ । ଏହା 2019ରେ ମହାତ୍ମା ଗାନ୍ଧୀଙ୍କ 150ତମ ଜନ୍ମବାର୍ଷିକୀରେ ତାଙ୍କ ପ୍ରତି ଶ୍ରେଷ୍ଠ ଶ୍ରଦ୍ଧାଞ୍ଜଳି ହେବ ବୋଲି ସେ କହିଥିଲେ । Example Input: English rendering of PMs address at the inauguration of the newly constructed Western Court Annexe, New Delhi Example Output:
ୱେଷ୍ଟର୍ଣ୍ଣ କୋର୍ଟ ଆନେକ୍ସରେ ସାଂସଦମାନଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ସାମୟିକ ଆବାସସ୍ଥଳୀକୁ ଉଦ୍ଘାଟନ କଲେ ପ୍ରଧାନମନ୍ତ୍ରୀ
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are to Translate German text to English Q: Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Herstellen eines beschichteten Gegenstands (1) durch Abscheiden mindestens einer Metalloxidschicht (3, 4) auf einem Substrat (2). A:
The invention relates to a method for producing a coated object (1) by depositing at least one metal oxide layer (3, 4) on a substrate (2).
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you're given the title of a five-sentence story, the first four sentences, and two options for the fifth sentence as a and b. Your job is to pick the sentence option that seamlessly connects with the rest of the story, indicating your choice as 'a' or 'b'. If both sentences are plausible, pick the one that makes more sense. Q: Title: Going Camping. Sentence 1: Jane went camping with friends. Sentence 2: It started to rain on the first day. Sentence 3: They all decided to stay anyway. Sentence 4: The area was muddy. Choices: a. Jane had fun playing it and washing off in the lake. b. Jim was upset about spending so much money. A:
Question: Answer the following question given this paragraph: Life Cycles of Algae: Zygotic Meiosis (A), Gametic Meiosis (B) and Sporic Meiosis (C). In life cycle A (left), diploid (2n) zygotes result from fertilization and then undergo meiosis to produce haploid (n) gametes. The gametes undergo mitosis and produce many additional copies of themselves. How are life cycles B and C different from life cycle A?. Q: What do gametes undergo to produce many additional copies of themselves? Choices: - prophase - angiogenesis - cytokinesis - mitosis A: Answer:
Question: How many vertebrates does Brazil's Atlantic Forest contain? Is "Brazil's Atlantic Forest is considered one such hotspot, containing roughly 20,000 plant species, 1,350 vertebrates, and millions of insects, about half of which occur nowhere else.[citation needed]" the correct answer?
In this task, you will be presented with a context from an academic paper and you have to write an answerable question based on the context. Your questions can be extractive, abstractive, or yes-no questions. One example is below. Q: Questions are gathered from anonymized, aggregated queries to the Google search engine. Queries that are likely to be yes/no questions are heuristically identified: we found selecting queries where the first word is in a manually constructed set of indicator words and are of sufficient length, to be effective. Questions are only kept if a Wikipedia page is returned as one of the first five results, in which case the question and Wikipedia page are given to a human annotator for further processing. Annotators label question/article pairs in a three-step process. First, they decide if the question is good, meaning it is comprehensible, unambiguous, and requesting factual information. This judgment is made before the annotator sees the Wikipedia page. Next, for good questions, annotators find a passage within the document that contains enough information to answer the question. Annotators can mark questions as “not answerable" if the Wikipedia article does not contain the requested information. Finally, annotators mark whether the question's answer is “yes" or “no". Annotating data in this manner is quite expensive since annotators need to search entire Wikipedia documents for relevant evidence and read the text carefully. A: how was the dataset built? Rationale: This is a good question, and it is answerable based on the context. Q: For all the tasks in our experimental study, we use 36 millions English tweets collected between August and September 2017. A:
Do they report results only on English datasets?
Given a passage, write a short incorrect summary based on the passage. Q: malaysia denied thursday it was freezing new bilateral dealings with singapore , but conflicting signals rocked financial markets and sowed confusion on the diplomatic front . A:
football : serbian league results
Detailed Instructions: This is a paraphrasing task. In this task, you're given a sentence and your task is to generate another sentence which express same meaning as the input using different words. Q: yeah , the hard way , but still ... at least we know . A:
yeah , in a bad way , but we still ... we know .
Question: Article: Lots of kids hate school, a new study found. Usually this kind of feeling doesn't last long. School is a fact of life and getting a good education can help you build the kind of future life you want. So let's talk about school and what to do when you don't like it. The first step is to find out why. You might not like school because you don't have enough friends, or maybe you don't get along with your teachers. Sometimes it's a big problem with your classes and school work. You may be getting further and further behind, and it may seem like you'll never catch up. When you know why you don't like school, you can start taking steps to make things better. It's a good idea to talk to someone about your problems with school. Your mom, dad, or teachers will be able to help you. Another good idea is to write down your feelings about school in a notebook. It's a great way to let out emotion . Remember, you don't have to share what you've written with others. And here are some ways to give you the best first day of school. The night before school starts, you can do something quiet and peaceful to calm yourself down, like reading a book with your parents, taking a walk or taking a photo of your smiling face. By doing these, you will have a nice day at school. Question: According to the new study, we can find that _ . Yes or no, is the answer "lots of kids don't like going to school"? Answer:
Please answer the following question: Given the below context: The house has been restored and preserved as it looked in the 1920-30s; at the time of the Trust's purchase, Churchill committed to leave it, "garnished and furnished so as to be of interest to the public". Rooms are decorated with memorabilia and gifts, the original furniture and books, as well as honours and medals that Churchill received. Lady Churchill's long-time secretary, Grace Hamblin, was appointed the first administrator of the house. Earlier in her career, Miss Hamblin had undertaken the destruction of the portrait of Churchill painted by Graham Sutherland. The picture, a gift from both Houses of Parliament on Churchill's 80th birthday in 1954, was loathed by both Churchill and Lady Churchill and had been stored in the cellars at Chartwell before being burnt in secret.The opening of the house required the construction of facilities for visitors and a restaurant was designed by Philip Jebb, and built to the north of the house, along with a shop and ticket office. Alterations have also been made to the gardens, for ease of access and of maintenance. In 1987, the Great Storm caused considerable damage, with some twenty-three trees being blown down in the gardens. Greater loss occurred in the woodlands surrounding the house, which lost over 70% of its trees.Chartwell has become among the National Trust's most popular properties; in 2016 some 232,000 visitors came to the house. In that year, the fiftieth anniversary of the house's opening, the Trust launched the Churchill's Chartwell Appeal, to raise £7.1M for the purchase of hundreds of personal items held at Chartwell on loan from the Churchill family. The items available to the Trust include Churchill's Nobel Prize in Literature awarded to him in 1953. The citation for the award reads, "for his mastery of historical and biographical description as well as for brilliant oratory in defending exalted human values". The medal is displayed in the museum room on the first floor of Chartwell, at the opposite end of the house to the study, the room where, in... Guess a valid title for it! A:
Article: My name is Daniel. I am in Grade 8. This is my second year of middle school. When we finish Grade 9, we have to take an exam to continue our studies. We go to school five days a week and have seven classes every day. We study maths, Chinese and English. We also have other subjects. They are science, geography, history and P.E. P.E. is my favourite subject. We have different clubs to join after school. Some clubs are for fun, such as the guitar club and the chess club. Some clubs are for study, such as the English club and the science club. I'm a member of the English club. It is fun to learn English there. There are 1800 students in our school. Many new students may have problems with their new school life. When they have problems, they often do not want to tell the teachers. In our school, _ students can join the Helping Hands Club. These brothers and sisters talk to the new students and try to help them with their problems. Question: Which of the following is TRUE? Yes or no, is the answer "Daniel thinks it is fun to learn English in the English club."? No Article: Mary is an English girl. She's six years old . Her mother takes her to school in the morning and brings her home in the afternoon. She likes her nice school. She likes her teachers, too. One day, she says to her mother, " Mom, we have a new girl in our class today, Her name is Kim. She's six years old , too. She's very nice, but she isn't English. She is German ". "Does she speak English "? "No, but she laughs in English ", Mary says happily . Question: _ takes Mary to school every day. Yes or no, is the answer "Her mother"? No Q: Article: Today it is found that school students hardly pay much attention to sports.It is because they have no interest in sports? It may not be the fact.They often say they have other more important things to do. What are these important things? Examination! They have to spend much time on all kinds of examinations and tests at school,so many of them almost become bookworm .In the summer holidays of the last year,they had to put all the time to their study.So books stopped them from enjoying sports. Because of the pressure from their parents and teachers,they have to work harder and spend most of their time on books.As for the students themselves,they want to get good results so that they can go to famous high schools.So it seems necessary to stop their school sports for saving more time to study. In fact,education cannot go without physical exercise,because a quick mind hardly goes along with a weak body.If you don't have a strong body, you can never achieve anything,let alone a great success in your life. Question: According to the passage,students' pressure come from the following except _ . Yes or no, is the answer "brothers and sisters"? A: Yes Question: Article: American country music is also known as country western music .It has a very long history . It comes from the folk songs of immigrants from Britain. Country music users simple music and words to express everyday feelings such as loneliness, love , and sadness . That is to say , country music describes life . It talks about friends and enemies , trucks and roads , farm and crops.. People in many parts of the world like country music, because everyone can understand what the music is about . Country western music became popular first among cowboys in the American west countryside . Cowboys had to take care of cows day and night. When they were alone with the cows, they often sang beautiful and peaceful songs to _ and to overcome their own fear .They were not well-educated and so they sang about their daily life in very simple words .They played guitars, violins. and other instruments. In the south of America , many people added instruments from their homes , like bottles and spoons, When cowboys visited their friends and families on holidays like Thanksgiving , they usually sang and played country western music . In recent years ,many musicians have made country western music a little different from the one in the past.These changes make the songs sound even better.Today singers such as Carth Brooks.Reba McEntire. Emmylou Harris. Lyle Lovett,Eddie Rabbitt, LeAnn Rimes,Randy Travis and a group called Alabama are singing and playing in different styles.They have brought country western music more and more fans from all over the wold. ,. Question: Country western music comes from the folk songs of immigrants from _ Yes or no, is the answer "France"? Answer: No *Question* Article: It is the last day of June today. It is grandma's birthday. Father, mother and I go to see her. My grandma lives with my uncle in a village not too far away. Uncle works there. Early in the morning we buy a birthday cake and some fruit and go to her home by bus. Grandma and uncle are very glad to see us. We give the present to grandma and say, "Happy birthday to you!" She is very happy. Then we sit down to talk. Uncle goes to prepare lunch. The meal is very nice. We all enjoy it very much. At 4 o'clock, we say goodbye and go back home. Question: What do we buy for grandma's birthday?_. Yes or no, is the answer "A birthday cake and some fruit."? **Answer** No Q: Article: Nowadays we can see ATMs everywhere. So we'd better learn how to use an ATM to withdraw money. First, we must find an ATM for your cards. Some ATMs can only work with certain bank's cards. But now more and more ATMs can use all the banks' cards. Second, we can put our cards in a slot on the right side of the machine. Make sure the card is facing the right way. Then , when the screen says, "Please enter your PIN," we can press the numbers. After that, we can select the type of transaction .So we can press the key for withdrawing money. Next, we can put in the amount of money we want to withdraw by pressing the numbers. Then the screen may say, "Please wait". After a short while, we can take our money from the slot at the bottom of the machine. At last, if we don't need other services, we can press the key for ending. Then our cards will come out from the slot we put it in. And we can finish our dealing and take the cards and money away. Question: When will money come out of the machine? Yes or no, is the answer "After we put in the amount of money."?
A: Yes
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. Given an English and a French sentence, determine whether both sentences correspond, with 0 meaning divergent and 1 meaning equivalent. The invention of farming some 10,000 years ago led to the development of agrarian societies , whether nomadic or peasant , the latter in particular almost always dominated by a strong sense of traditionalism . <sep> En quelques décennies , l' activité économique de la vallée est passée d' une mono-activité agricole essentiellement vivrière , à une quasi mono-activité touristique , si l' on excepte un artisanat du bâtiment traditionnel important , en partie saisonnier . Solution: 0 Why? The answer is 0 because the english sentence talks about farming 10000 years ago while the french sentence talks about economic activity today. New input: Signs of trouble in the progress to the release of the console did not take long to arrive . <sep> Les mesures prises à la fin de la République pour améliorer l' efficacité de la cura annonae ne sont pas suffisantes . Solution:
Question: Read the article and select the best answer. Article: Where are Chinese tourists going next? Pop culture may hold some clues, from a successful movie Finding Mr. Right to U.S. situation comedy The Big Bang Theory. China is the source of most of the world's tourists as well as its biggest-spending travelers. In 2012 alone, 83 million Chinese went abroad and spent a huge $102 billion, according to the most recent figures from the United Nations World Tourism Organization. Now more than ever, popular culture is driving their decision making. Below are a few examples of how TV shows and hit movies are influencing Chinese tourists' travel choices. SEATTLE Over the past two years, Seattle -- that rainy city in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. -- has seen a 90% rise in visitor numbers from China, local officials say. The reason: the huge popularity of the Chinese romantic comedy Finding Mr. Right, in which a woman from mainland China travels to Seattle to give birth. Directed by Xue Xiaolu and starring Tang Wei, the film has earned more than $85 million in China since its release last year. (The movie's Chinese title translates literally to Beijing meets Seattle.) LOS ANGELES Los Angeles has long been a favorite: destination for Chinese tourists visiting the U.S. but lately, they've been asking for detours to nearby Pasadena to pay respect to their favorite The Big Bang Theory. Fans are requesting visits to places including the campus of California Institute of Technology as well as a particular Cheesecake Factory outlet, which both figure prominently in the CBS situation comedy that Chinese fans stream online. EUROPE AND THE U.S. The U.S., U.K., France and Germany remain the most frequented destinations for Chinese who travel to the West, but the sights they flock to within those countries often are unique to Chinese culture. For instance, Karl Marx's birthplace in Trier, Germany, has long been a pilgrimage spot, while a willow tree in Cambridge, England, is a must-visit for bus tourists because of a well-known poem by Xu Zhimo, who studied at the city's famous... Question: What is the best title of the passage? Options: A: Where Are Chinese Tourists Going Next B: Several Good Destinations for Chinese Tourists C: Popular Culture Meets Chinese Tourists D: Popular Culture Benefits Chinese Tourists Answer: C Question: Read the article and select the best answer. Article: Beijing today, first published in May, 2001, is the capital's only English weekly newspaper and is published with the help of the Information Office of the Beijing Municipal Government and run by Beijing Youth Daily. Its readers include English-speaking foreigners living in Beijing and local Chinese who have great interest in English or take English as a working language. The paper's main content deals with metropolitan life, explaining the differences and similarities between Eastern and Western culture. Its culture and lifestyle part is regarded as a guide to metropolitan life in Beijing. The paper has 24 pages in four main sections: NEWS: Select stories that discuss cultural differences. COMMUNITY: Reports on developments related to foreigners in the city and a platform by which they can communicate with a bigger audience. CULTURE and LIFESTYLE: Highlights from international lifestyle and fashion trends in Beijing STUDY: Cheerful and humorous pieces to help English-language students improve their skills Beijing Today circulates 50,000 copies published every Friday. It is one of Beijing's most authoritative English media sources, and is sold at post newsstands and distributed in hotels, apartment complexes, etc. Price: 2 yuan per issue Question: Which of the following sections would be the best choice to exchange thoughts with others? Options: A: NEWS B: COMMUNITY C: CULTURE and LIFESYLE D: STUDY Answer: B Question: Read the article and select the best answer. Article: I had been to several doctors as a child, but I have a special place in my heart for Dr. Vincent. He was a Pediatric Cardiologist at UCLA back in 1971 who saved my life. I was eight years old at the time with a severe heart problem and I needed heart surgery. My Mom did not have the money, and without the surgery there was a real good chance I would not live to be thirteen years old. After contacting several organizations Dr. Vincent was able to get financial help for me through United Way, a Crippled Children's Organization. Dr. Vincent was a handsome man; he was also very gentle and caring. I remember being in the hospital for an Angiogram test, and during the procedure I was crying terribly, so the medical staff called in Dr. Vincent to calm me down, and he was able to comfort me when no one else could. Then the time came for me to have heart surgery; there was a fifty- percent chance that I would not make it through the surgery because it was experimental. At the time I was only the second or third person to have this procedure done. I was absolutely terrified, and again Dr. Vincent reassured me he would see to it that everything would be all right. I had a lot of confidence and trust in Dr. Vincent; He came to see me after the surgery, which was extremely painful but very successful, and brought me a stuffed animal. I was so surprised to get this gift from Dr. Vincent; I gave him a hug. I guess Dr. Vincent must have known I was feeling very lonely and scared. You see, I had no family or friends visit me while I was in the hospital except for my Mom, and I am not sure why. I do know one thing; I had a wonderful doctor who took the time to help a scared little girl who felt all alone. This was twenty eight years ago, so wherever you are Dr. Vincent, I want to thank you for not only saving my life, but you helped me live a normal productive life, and for showing me that you truly cared, for that I will be eternally grateful to you. Question: How did Dr. Vincent get the money for the operation? Options: A: He collected it in the hospital. B: He saved the money day by day C: He got help from an organization. D: He borrowed the money from his friends Answer:
Teacher:This task is about translating a given English language sentence to Spanish. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: And today, a lot of people have another perception. Student:
Hoy en día, muchos tienen una percepción distinta.
In this task, you are given a question and an answer. Answer "Yes" if the given answer correctly answers the question, otherwise answer "No". Q: how is single malt scotch made, Answer: Bottlings containing malt whisky from multiple distilleries are called " blended malt ". A:
Definition: You are given a paragraph, with numbered sentences, and a question. Write the numbers of the sentences needed to answer the given question. Separate multiple sentence numbers with a comma (", "). E.g. "1, 2" would be the correct response if Sent 1 and Sent 2 are needed to answer the given question (do not include sentences that contain no information that is necessary to answer the question). Sort the sentence numbers in an increasing order (i.e., '1, 2', instead of '2, 1'). Your answer should not contain anything than the sentence numbers separated by a comma (e.g. '1, 2, 3, 4'). The given question requires more than one sentence to answer. So, your answer must contain at least one comma (", "). Input: Paragraph- Sent 1: Flowing water causes sediment to move. Sent 2: Flowing water can erode both rocks and soil. Sent 3: You have already learned that materials can dissolve in water. Sent 4: With enough time, even rocks can be dissolved by water. Sent 5: This process happens really slowly. Sent 6: It may take over a million years to dissolve a rock. Sent 7: It doesnt matter how big the rock is. Sent 8: With enough time, flowing water can dissolve it. Sent 9: Moving water also has the ability to move small pieces of rock and soil. Sent 10: How can water move a rock? Sent 11: Doesnt it need energy? Sent 12: Of course, water gets its energy because it is moving. Sent 13: Moving water has kinetic energy. Sent 14: Things that have more energy can do more work. Sent 15: When water stops moving it will have no energy. Sent 16: It will no longer be able to move the rock and soil. Sent 17: When this happens the rock and soil will settle to the bottom of the calm water. Sent 18: Scientists call this process deposition. Question: Does moving water have kinetic energy?. Output:
1, 2.
Question: I read this background article the other day: In exercises such as weight lifting, skeletal muscle contracts against a resisting force (see Figure below ). Using skeletal muscle in this way increases its size and strength. In exercises such as running, the cardiac muscle contracts faster and the heart pumps more blood. Using cardiac muscle in this way increases its strength and efficiency. Continued exercise is necessary to maintain bigger, stronger muscles. If you don’t use a muscle, it will get smaller and weaker—so use it or lose it. I am facing a new situation today: Bill and Bob were two brothers. they were both into physical exercise, but Bill chose weight lifting, and Bob running. Using the knowledge I acquired from the background article, how should I answer correctly the following question regarding my new situation: Which brother had smaller muscles? Answer:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you're given an open-domain question. Your task is to provide an answer to the given question. There is only one unique answer for each question. Your answer should be short, and refer to an entity, date, number, etc. Do not put your answer in the context of a sentence. Problem:When was when i survey the wondrous cross written? Solution:
IN: What happens next? A man is seated inside a bedroom. He unties a shoe in his lap. he OPTIONS: - then demonstrates how to lace up a pair of shoes. - then irons the other shoe. - shows how to wedge the toe into the shoe. - talks about it, pointing to it. OUT: then demonstrates how to lace up a pair of shoes. Problem: How does the next paragraph end? A dog is seen looking off into the distance and a boy walks into frame. The boy is then seen riding a tractor and pushing snow. he OPTIONS: - continues to push snow along the yard. - continues pulling the snow all along the driveway. - in turns presses buttons on a machine and the dog continues to come in and out of frame. - continues dragging the machine around the yard and in and out of frame. A: continues to push snow along the yard. IN: Write the next sentence in this paragraph: The credits of the clip are shown. Cars moves on the road. guys OPTIONS: - climb purple slide. - are doing sit ups on car tires. - run on the pavement, posing, and hand sign to the camera. - wash and towel dry cars outdoors. OUT: wash and towel dry cars outdoors. Question: Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence for the following: How to regain control of a spooked camel Stay calm and try not to tense up. Camels are very intuitive creatures. They will be able to tell if you're feeling nervous and angry. OPTIONS: - Their instinct will likely be to flee and will try to come back to you if they see something is amiss. Try to remain calm and don't get distracted. - It's perfectly normal for them to panic when you lose control of a situation. If this is the case, put your side of the camel in a neutral position and do everything you can to relax it. - This will make them react to changes in your mood. Take deep breaths before jumping back into the camel riding game. - If they sense your anxiety or anger, they'll get even more spooked. Because of this, it's important to try to manage your emotions as much as you can, even if you're scared out of your mind. **** Answer: If they sense your anxiety or anger, they'll get even more spooked. Because of this, it's important to try to manage your emotions as much as you can, even if you're scared out of your mind. Problem: What happens next in this paragraph? How to sell handmade jewelry to retail stores Search for retailers. Search for retailers such as craft galleries, art galleries, or nail salons. Contact your local chamber of commerce for a list of businesses that you can reference. OPTIONS: - Consider calling up and asking specifically for a retailers' phone number. Approach the clerk of a thrift store and ask if anyone in their department would consider making jewelry for someone in their store. - Ask to speak to as many consumer consumers as possible before starting your search. At the very least, you should ask for a review of the jewelry in their inventory before you focus on any intended changes. - Search your local phone book for relevant businesses. Visit each retailer that your are interested in selling your jewelry to. - That way, the office staff will be able to provide you with your buying list. Be sure to keep in mind that even if the retailer doesn't sell your particular jewelry, they may still like to send you money. A: Search your local phone book for relevant businesses. Visit each retailer that your are interested in selling your jewelry to. How to be a good girlfriend in high school Don't smother him. Boys, especially in high school, want some time with their friends. Between classes, chat with him. OPTIONS: - He'll be able to talk about something fun and exciting and realize that you don't have to speak a word to make him feel special. It's okay to come out occasionally but don't smother him--just keep things interesting for him. - Whatever you do, don't overwhelm him! This is almost impossible. If he is just average, don't make him feel like a lone bird and swoop in like a wild bird and try to treat him like a treasured pet. - When your friends start to get together, talk to them. When he uses any word, put an end to it right then. - Kiss him when you pass each other, but let him eat lunch with his friends sometimes. This is especially true if you are a new young girl dating an upperclassmen boy.
Kiss him when you pass each other, but let him eat lunch with his friends sometimes. This is especially true if you are a new young girl dating an upperclassmen boy.
In this task, you're given a statement and three sentences as choices. Your job is to determine which sentence can be inferred from the statement. Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or have details that are not mentioned in the statement. Indicate your answer as 1,2, or 3 corresponding to the choice number of the selected sentence. [Q]: Statement: Next, pass under a series of soaring gopurams, where you can witness religion as a full-time daily occupation. Choices: 1. Religious observance has become even more popular in recent years. 2. Most people here don't take their faith very seriously. 3. Religion is a pervasive and omnipresent occupation. [A]: 3 [Q]: Statement: Field Settings. Choices: 1. Only field settings exist. 2. These are not field settings. 3. These settings are for the field. [A]: 3 [Q]: Statement: Nearby is Casa Romana, a Roman villa recreated in every detail. Choices: 1. There are no other sites to visit nearby. 2. Casa Romana is the most perfect recreation of a Roman Villa in the world. 3. There is a recreated Roman villa located not far away. [A]:
TASK DEFINITION: Generate an appropriate title for the given text. The generated title must be short and include the main topic of the text. The preferred titles are under fifteen words. PROBLEM: With staycations on the rise because of foreign travel restrictions, a national park has asked litter-bugs to confess: "Why did you mess up our mountains?" Snowdonia National Park Authority hopes visitors who dropped litter will anonymously say why they did it in an online survey. Park bosses want to know why some people did not take their rubbish home. Wales' beauty spots have seen large visitor numbers due during the coronavirus lockdown and Snowdonia, the 823-sq mile (2,130 sq km) area around Snowdon, has seen its fair share of litter. About 600,000 people a year climb Wales' highest peak, at the heart of Wales' oldest national park, but some do not take their rubbish home. About 200 bags of litter were collected from the slopes of Snowdon in the two months over the summer of 2020, according to a group of volunteers who have helped with litter picks The park authority has said firepits, camping gear, cigarettes and even human waste have been just some things left behind by visitors. Now Angela Jones, the national park's partnerships manager, is hoping to learn why some people drop litter instead of taking it with them. Questions on the survey ask people why some left their camping equipment behind and who visitors think is responsible for clearing up any rubbish. "The gathering insights bit is the tricky bit," said Ms Jones. "We want to get the people who have done it tell us why." The authority has been distributing the questionnaire using social media. "We expect some crazy answers," added Ms Jones. "But if we get enough people to fill it in, we can get a better understanding." The park authority is working with Bangor University on the project and will analyse the answers to help the authority reduce litter in Snowdonia. "Hopefully, we'll have an impact," said Ms Jones. "It's worth trying to help us understand what people are thinking." The Snowdonia litter survey will close at the end of May. SOLUTION: Snowdonia litter-bugs asked: 'Why did you litter our mountains?' PROBLEM: By Anthony ZurcherEditor, Echo Chambers Hillary Clinton attached that line as a hashtag to a tweet about the importance of measles vaccinations earlier this month. Given that Mrs Clinton's tweets are read like messages from the Delphic oracle, it has rekindled speculation that the former secretary of state will be leaning on her new grandmatronly status in her all-but-announced upcoming presidential campaign. Since Chelsea Clinton gave birth to her daughter, Charlotte, last September, Hillary Clinton has frequently mentioned how being a grandmother has given her a renewed interest in ensuring the security of future generations - which, come to think of it, sounds like a pretty reliable campaign theme. Perhaps more importantly for Mrs Clinton, however, it's also a humanising theme. "I think it's a way to soften her image and make her seem very relatable," explains Jennifer Lawless, director of American University's Women & Politics Institute. Lawless says that US voters want two sets of traits in their leaders - competency and empathy. In 2008 then-Senator Clinton demonstrated that she was competent, but she often came across as cold and mechanical. One of the few times Mrs Clinton showed a more personal side was when she choked up while talking about why she was running for president - and it resulted in an overnight boost in her fortunes. "Some people think elections are a game, lot's of who's up or who's down," she said. "It's about our country, it's about our kids' futures, and it's really about all of us together." The following day she upset Barack Obama in the New Hampshire primary, giving her the momentum to wage a long, although ultimately losing, battle for the Democratic nomination. Mrs Clinton has yet to formally enter the 2016 race - and she appears to be in no rush to do so, since a credible opponent for the Democratic presidential nomination has yet to emerge. Given the tight-lipped nature of Mrs Clinton's operation up to this point, political analysts have been poring over even the smallest signs that could indicate how she will run this time around - and what lessons, if any, she has learned from her 2008 defeat. The grandmother-knows-best tweet, then, has been heralded as something of a revelation. According to the Atlantic's Peter Beinart, Mrs Clinton as "grandmother-in-chief" not only softens her occasionally hard edges, it fits nicely with her political worldview. Possible 2016 opponents No-one has formally declared but these are some of the names to watch: Meet the 2016 candidates. "In the popular imagination, grandmothers are both caring and conservative," he writes. "They dote on their grandchildren while also tut-tutting about a culture gone awry. They are pro-family in both the liberal and conservative senses of the word." Mrs Clinton has always said she's both a "trailblazer and a traditionalist", Beinart says. "Now, by running as a grandmother, she may finally make Americans believe her." The tactic is not without its risks, however. Mrs Clinton's political opponents have been quick to point out that she will be 69 on election day in 2016, the same age as the nation's oldest president, Ronald Reagan, when he was first elected in 1980. Some commentators, including Republican strategist Karl Rove, have gone so far as to question Mrs Clinton's health and fitness for the rigours of office. Could a campaign that touts the wisdom of a grandmother play into these lines of attack? "The image of a blue-haired granny is a tried-and-true American stereotype, and one that is antithetical to the image of the commander-in-chief with his finger on the button," writes Time magazine's Jay Newton-Small. According to Lawless, however, Mrs Clinton's age was going to be a factor one way or the other, so she might as well tackle the issue head-on and turn a possible weakness into a strength. "Better to be thought of as an old and empathetic person than just old," she says. Others on the right simply condemned Mrs Clinton's tweet as a calculated move from an always-calculating political family. "Clinton's flaunting of her grandchild is one of the most transparently cynical and sentimental acts of a major American politician that I can recall," Matthew Continetti of the Washington Free Beacon writes. "We have had presidents who have been parents, and we have had presidents who have been grandparents. But a campaign based on grandparental solidarity? A novelty." The line quickly gave rise to the quip that a Clinton presidency will advance the "granny state" - a haggard iteration of the liberal nanny state. "#GrandmothersKnowBest feels like a hashtag the GOP would have come up with for Hillary," tweets Jon Passantino, Buzzfeed's deputy news director. Although Mrs Clinton is treading new ground as the first woman with a realistic shot at the US presidency, it's familiar territory for other female world leaders - who have addressed the issue with varying levels of directness. One of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's public nicknames is "Mutti" - Mummy - but she largely has kept her personal life under tight wraps. In the most recent campaign, however, she did make appearances with her husband's grandchildren. On the other end of the spectrum is Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. The 76-year-old grandmother of eight campaigned on the slogan that she wanted to bring "motherly sensitivity and emotion" to the office. The humanising effect of having youngsters in tow during a campaign appearance isn't limited to female candidates, of course. In 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney often brought some of his 18 grandchildren onto the public stage, and photographs of his entire brood were used in television adverts. Liberia isn't the US, however, and while Mr Romney assuredly needed a humanising touch as well, the downside of playing up his role as pater familias was minimal compared to the challenges facing Mrs Clinton. Still, says Lawless, the benefits of the strategy likely outweigh the risks. And if a single hashtag means Mrs Clinton will be placing new emphasis on the groundbreaking nature of her candidacy - which recent polls show could help broaden her appeal - the potential benefit is all the greater. "Her line about putting 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling was one of the most successful," Lawless says. Although Mrs Clinton didn't use it until she was conceding defeat to Mr Obama, this time could be different. "Grandmothers know best" may have been just one hashtag on one tweet, but there is almost certainly more to it than that. SOLUTION: Hillary Clinton's grandmother gambit PROBLEM: The pair indulged in some rubber boot tossing in Redvale, north of the New Zealand city of Auckland. The couple were on competing teams, and Meghan emerged victorious after her welly was thrown a metre closer to the target than Prince Harry's. The royal couple have also been to Australia, Tonga and Fiji on the tour. The couple arrived in New Zealand on Sunday. Nelson Poll, 11, was one of the young people who taught Prince Harry and Meghan welly-wanging. He said: "I think Harry's technique was better, it was straight forward instead of going at an angle." The Duke and Duchess of Sussex then headed to Auckland where they were joined by New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Ms Ardern, who had her first child in June, said she had not shared any baby tips with the royal couple but admired the duchess for her work while pregnant. She said: "It's just increased my respect for the role that she's playing at such an often tiring time. I have real empathy and I think she's incredible." Ms Ardern also said that New Zealand had "a real affinity" with the royal family, adding that there had been "a real connection between particularly William and Harry in recent years". The southern hemisphere tour began two weeks ago with the royal couple announcing they were expecting a child. They also launched this year's Invictus Games, a multi-sport event founded by the prince to help wounded service personnel and veterans with their physical and psychological rehabilitation. The duke, who served in the Army for 10 years, launched the games in 2014. This year it was held in Sydney, Australia. The royal couple's final stop on their tour will be Rotorua, a city on the north island of New Zealand, on Wednesday. SOLUTION:
Meghan shows off welly-wanging skills in New Zealand
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a passage, and you need to write an **implausible** answer to to fill in the place of "_". Your answer should be incorrect, but should not be out of context. Try using words that are related to the context of the passage, but are not the correct answer. Even though there exist multiple wrong answers, we only need a single wrong answer. Problem:Jakarta, Indonesia (CNN) The death toll from last week's terror attack in Indonesia's capital has risen to four, after a victim died in the hospital from his injuries, Jakarta police spokesman Mohammad Iqbal announced Sunday. At least 25 other people were wounded Thursday when a suicide bomber and gunmen launched an attack near a Starbucks coffee shop, police said. Four attackers were also killed, following the bombing and a firefight with police. Among the 12 suspects subsequently rounded up in various Indonesian provinces, one is suspected to have received a money transfer from the alleged mastermind, Bahrun Naim, an Indonesian militant who authorities believed conducted the operation from ISIS' headquarters in Syria, national Police Chief Badrodin Haiti said.Death toll rises to four as victim succumbs to injuries in the hospitalPolice: Among 12 arrested, one received money transfer from alleged mastermindThe attack opened Thursday morning with a suicide explosion near a Starbucks Question:The militant then left Indonesia, and is in Raqqa, _, "as part of the high ranks of ISIS," Karnavian said. Solution:
Generate a sentence that describes the following data: Aarhus Airport, location, Tirstrup; Tirstrup, country, Denmark; Denmark, leader, Lars Løkke Rasmussen
Aarhus Airport is found in Tirstrup, Denmark where Lars Lokke Rasmussen is its leader.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, You are given an open-domain question that can be answered based on factual information. Your task is to provide \*short\* answer (in a few words only) for the given question. The short answer can be one or more entities or it can also be boolean \*yes\* or \*no\*. Problem:when did liverpool last win a major trophy Solution:
Question: What is one way to change water from a liquid to a solid? OPT: 1). decrease the temperature 2). increase the temperature 3). decrease the mass 4). increase the mass Answer:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given a multiple-choice question and you have to pick the correct option. Answer with option indexes (i.e., "A", "B", "C", and "D"). An example of feeling (A) Water sitting in front of me (B) My pants against my skin (C) Plants in the sun (D) The TV turned on
Definition: In this task, you are given two sentences. Your task is to classify the given sentences as "Yes" if they have same meaning; otherwise, classify them as "No". Input: Sentence-1: I'd enjoy it.<sep>Sentence-2: I would like to live in a busy area . Output:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, given a sentence in the Thai language, your task is to convert it into the English language. Problem:สำหรับ Obama เป็นเรื่องเสพยา สำหรับ McCain เป็นการสมรสครั้งแรกที่ล้มเหลว Solution:
For Obama, it was his drug use, for McCain it was his failed first marriage.
Detailed Instructions: In this task you're given a question and you have to paraphrase the question to create the output question while retaining the meaning of the original question. Q: What challenge you have faced? A:
What challenges did you face today?
In this task, you are given a word, followed by two sentences. Your task is to figure out whether both the sentences use the aforementioned word with the same meaning. You should respond with 'True' if the words in both sentences share the same meaning, and 'False' otherwise. [EX Q]: collector Sentence1: He is an avid collector of nineteenth-century postage stamps. Sentence2: That old piano is just a big dust collector. [EX A]: False. [EX Q]: classify Sentence1: Should we classify "make up" as an idiom or as a phrasal verb? Sentence2: She classified the works as 'dangerous'. [EX A]: False. [EX Q]: account Sentence1: He predicted that although it is of small account now it will rapidly increase in importance. Sentence2: The account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious. [EX A]:
In this task, you're given reviews from Amazon's products. Your task is to generate the Summary of the review. Example input: My cat won't touch these. My dog, however, chews them and makes a mess all over the carpet and I can't get the shredded sticks out! Messy. Waste of money! Example output: Cat hates them Example explanation: It's a correct summary because the owner's cat hated the product. Q: Honestly I liked everything about it except the fact that the lock/power button is so stiff I was activating my Google assistant every time I tried to lock my phone or adjust the volume. Which was so annoying I would rather use my old broken case than keep using this thing. It did not loosen over time btw. A:
Power button TOO STIFF activates Google assistant every time
In this task, you are given a question and an answer, you would be asked to create the sentence based on the Question-Answer provided. It should be contained within the Question-Answer provided. Question: One-dimensional sinusoidal waves show the relationship among wavelength, frequency, and what? Answer: speed
One-dimensional sinusoidal waves show the relationship among wavelength, frequency, and speed.
Question: This article: Despite the grandeur of Florence, Etty was severely depressed, writing to his brother on 5 October that "I feel so lonely, it is impossible for me to be happy" and complaining of "the vermin in the bed, the dirt and the filth" which he considered "such as no Englishman can have any idea of, who has not witnessed it". His emotional state made it impossible for him to study, and within a month of his arrival in Italy, he began the journey back to England, stopping in Paris on 26 October 1816. There he enrolled in the atelier of Jean-Baptiste Regnault but found the atmosphere rowdy and the studio too full of Frenchmen, and he left after a week. While in Paris he also attended the Académie des Beaux-Arts, and amassed a large quantity of prints from the art shops of Paris. Still homesick, Etty left Paris, returning to London in November.Notwithstanding his unhappiness, Etty appears to have developed as a painter during his travels. For the first time, his two paintings exhibited at the 1817 Summer Exhibition (Bacchanalians: a Sketch and Cupid and Euphrosyne) attracted a favourable review in the press, in this case from William Paulet Carey writing in the Literary Gazette who considered Bacchanalians "a fine classical invention" and Cupid as showing "splendid promise". Carey was later to take great pride in being the first critic to recognise Etty's potential, and continued to champion him throughout his career. In 1818 Etty entered a copy of Damiano Mazza's The Rape of Ganymede—at the time thought to be by Titian—in one of the Royal Academy's painting competitions. Easily the most accomplished entry in the competition, Etty was due to win until two of the other contestants complained that he had technically breached RA rules by briefly removing the painting from Academy premises to work on it at home; they further complained that Etty was technically a professional artist and thus ineligible for the contest despite his still being a student. Etty was disqualified from the competition, but the high quality of his... contains an answer for the question: What is the last name of the person whose paintings attracted a favourable review in the press for the first time at the 1817 Summer Exhibition?, what is it ? Answer:
Detailed Instructions: Craft one correct answer to the question given in input. To make it more interesting, try to use non-stereotypical language if possible. Make sure your correct answer is reasonably long, consistent with the context, and requires common sense (instead of explicit extraction from the context.) In your answer, use as few words as possible from the given context. Use a response that is uncommon/non-stereotypical, so that it is less predictable. To be less repetitive, please vary your language for each question. Problem:Context: From Friday to Sunday , I was in Syracuse visiting my family on my father 's side . I had an amazing time . I have to admit , though ... that many colors were used to paint this visit . Question: Why is the narrator feeling fine even after long travel ? Solution:
The narrator is thrilled to have seen family .
[Q]: adam pulled holly away from him slightly and framed her face in his hands . `` listen to me , baby . we wo n't let him hurt you , i swear it . '' she stared at him for a long moment then slowly nodded . he let out a growl of satisfaction . `` go run some bathwater , ryan . '' ryan left for the bathroom , leaving adam and ethan in the room with... [A]: holly [Q]: `` it 's been great meeting you all , '' charlie said . `` but i think i 'll go carry the rest of those boxes in and leave you girls to it . '' he gave a nod to the girls and without looking at me turned for the stairs . i was tempted to reach for him , not wanting him to leave me... [A]: yet [Q]: `` lough seems to think it is , '' i said . `` i mean , it 's not bad , '' said cale , `` but it 's not as useful as being a vampire , let 's say . '' `` i do n't know much about any of them , '' i admitted . `` i did n't either when i first got here , but you 'll learn stuff in class , '' said... [A]: cale [Q]: `` a minute of your time , '' pruett said , touching the tip of his hat and smiling at his daughter . `` sure , '' said hanson . the two walked out into the parking lot of the shady day hotel . `` i know what ty 's planning tomorrow , '' pruett said . `` he mentioned that he told you , '' said... [A]:
Generate an appropriate title for the given text. The generated title must be short and include the main topic of the text. The preferred titles are under fifteen words. Q: By James WilliamsBBC Wales political correspondent Mark Drakeford said it attended Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) in London to support cyber security businesses, not those in the arms trade. But Plaid Cymru AM Leanne Wood called the event "abhorrent" and condemned his government for attending. Organisers said visitors must comply with UK and international law. The event, which ends on Friday and is held every two years, is sponsored by the UK government's Ministry of Defence. Speaking there on Wednesday, Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said the sector brought in "sales worth more than £19bn" to the UK economy. The UK government has invited representatives of countries it has on a human rights watch list, including Israel and Saudi Arabia, to attend the event. In June, judges ruled that the UK government's decision to allow arms sales to Saudi Arabia, which is engaged in the long-running war in Yemen, was unlawful. Ms Wood said: "This is an event where weapons and warfare equipment ranging from tear gas and missiles to fighter planes and warships will be promoted and traded between governments known for their human rights abuses and violations of international humanitarian law, such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt." The Welsh Government has had a presence at the show for eight years, with ministers attending in 2015 and 2017. In marketing material for this year's event, it said: "Wales is a cornerstone of UK defence operations, through training the defence industry workforce of the future, as well as the availability of secure sites and airspace." Mr Drakeford said the Welsh Government's stall was "to support important Welsh companies" involved in cyber-security, "not directly in the arms area". "Those companies need to be able to display what they have to offer to people who want to buy their products - that's why we will be supporting them at that event," he added. "But I will be reviewing whether or not this is the best way to support those companies from now on." Ms Wood, Plaid Cymru's social justice spokeswoman said: "That the Labour Welsh Government is a sponsor and has a stall at such an abhorrent event is disgraceful and should be unequivocally condemned." Campaign Against Arms Trade spokesman Andrew Smith said: "The Welsh government should not be supporting this event, or using it as a promotional vehicle of any kind. "The weapons being sold at this arms fair could be used in abuses and atrocities for years to come. DSEI needs to be closed down for good, not celebrated." DSEI organiser Clarion Defence and Security said on its website visitors must adhere to the "highest regulatory scrutiny, complying with UK and international laws, treaties and conventions". It said it worked closely with the UK government, which invited all international delegations, to ensure strict compliance. A:
Welsh Government's role at arms fair to be reviewed
Q: What is a question about this article? If the question is unanswerable, say "unanswerable". In 1663 at the Archbishop of Canterbury's residence, Lambeth Palace, a Gothic hammerbeam roof was built to replace that destroyed when the building was sacked during the English Civil War. Also in the late 17th century, some discrete Gothic details appeared on new construction at Oxford University and Cambridge University, notably on Tom Tower at Christ Church, Oxford, by Christopher Wren. It is not easy to decide whether these instances were Gothic survival or early appearances of Gothic revival. What is the location of the Archbishop of Canterbury's dentist? A: unanswerable Q: What is a question about this article? If the question is unanswerable, say "unanswerable". By 1954, Olympic Games apparatus and events for both men and women had been standardized in modern format, and uniform grading structures (including a point system from 1 to 15) had been agreed upon. At this time, Soviet gymnasts astounded the world with highly disciplined and difficult performances, setting a precedent that continues. The new medium of television has helped publicize and initiate a modern age of gymnastics. Both men's and women's gymnastics now attract considerable international interest, and excellent gymnasts can be found on every continent. Nadia Comăneci received the first perfect score, at the 1976 Summer Olympics held in Montreal, Canada. She was coached in Romania by coach, (Hungarian ethnicity), Béla Károlyi. Comaneci scored four of her perfect tens on the uneven bars, two on the balance beam and one in the floor exercise. Even with Nadia's perfect scores, the Romanians lost the gold medal to the Soviet Union. Nevertheless, Comaneci became an Olympic icon. When did men and women start wearing matching uniforms? A: unanswerable Q: What is a question about this article? If the question is unanswerable, say "unanswerable". The rebels soon split into various factions fighting one another. The Economic Community Monitoring Group under the Economic Community of West African States organized a military task force to intervene in the crisis. From 1989 to 1996 one of Africa's bloodiest civil wars ensued, claiming the lives of more than 200,000 Liberians and displacing a million others into refugee camps in neighboring countries. A peace deal between warring parties was reached in 1995, leading to Taylor's election as president in 1997. In what year did rebels kill 200,000 refugees? A: unanswerable Q: What is a question about this article? If the question is unanswerable, say "unanswerable". As the Laws were formulated in England, and were initially administered solely by the four British football associations within IFAB, the standard dimensions of a football pitch were originally expressed in imperial units. The Laws now express dimensions with approximate metric equivalents (followed by traditional units in brackets), though use of imperial units remains popular in English-speaking countries with a relatively recent history of metrication (or only partial metrication), such as Britain. Laws were formulated in what country? A:
Read the following article and select the best answer. Article: Many students feel it difficult to remember new words when they begin to study English. Now I will give you some advice. 1. Do not waste time in learning a list of English words. It is the hardest way to remember English words. How do you learn to speak Chinese? You did it by listening carefully to the people talking to each other. You can find radio programs, TV programs and records, and listen to them carefully. The best way to learn all new words is through ear. As you listen to more and more dialogues, you will learn how English is pronounced in phrases and sentences. Of course, it is not enough to learn new words; you must learn how words are put together, and why some words in English are emphasized. 2. Some people have found that they can learn the names of everyday objects, such as box, cup, desk and so on, in the following way. They write the names of subjects, they say the words. Try this and see if this way works for you. If it does not, then go on to practice your dialogues. Question: The writer gave us two pieces of advice. He seems to like _ . - the first one - the second one - both of them - neither of them both of them Read the following article and select the best answer. Article: During my second year of nursing school, our teacher gave us a test. I was a hardworking student and I did well in all the subjects. I finished the questions successfully until I read the last one: "What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?" Of course this was a joke. I saw the cleaning woman every day. She is short and about 60 years old. She has dark hair. But how would I know her name? I had never talked with her before. In fact, I'd never even thought about talking to her. I stared at my paper and started to feel rather guilty. Finally, I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Before the class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our grades. "Absolutely," the teacher said. "In your life, you will meet many people. All are important. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is to smile and to say hello." I've never forgotten that lesson. Everyone deserves my attention and I should get to know all of the people who work and live around me. That was, perhaps, the most important lesson of my life. I also learned the cleaning woman's name was Dorothy. Question: How was the writer at the nursing school? - She didn't study hard. - She was one of the top students. - She loved telling jokes. - She often asked questions in class. She was one of the top students. Read the following article and select the best answer. Article: Now more and more foreign families move to Yiwu. The Kings is one of them. The King family is from an Arabic Country. Mr King is a businessman. Mrs King is 35 years old , five years younger than her husband. She is a teacher. They have two children. Tony, their son,is a student. He is 10. He studies in Wuai Primary school. Tony has got a sister, Alice. She is 5 years old. They like Yiwu very much. Question: What does Mrs King do? - A nurse - A farmer - A doctor - A teacher
A teacher
Problem: I have a test where I am given the following article, what is an answer for the question: What is the first name of the person who communicates only through signs and occasional whispers? ? In an isolated villa on the small Italian island of Pantelleria, world-famous rock singer Marianne Lane is on holiday with her filmmaker lover Paul. She is recovering from surgery and has lost her voice, communicating only by signs and occasional whispers. He is in recovery from alcohol addiction and a suicide attempt. Neither speaks Italian but solitude is what both need, until an aeroplane from Rome brings a man neither wants to see. This is Harry, an extroverted music promoter who was Marianne's lover until he passed her on to his protegé, Paul. With him is Penelope, a previously unknown daughter of his who says she is 22. Moving into the villa, Harry starts inviting friends around as if it were his home and taking everybody out to various sights and festivities. His arrogant manner bores Pen and annoys Paul, but Marianne starts falling under his spell again; however, when Harry and Marianne begin to become intimate while alone, Marianne stops Harry. She tells him that she does love him, but that she cannot be with him and that she is with Paul. The sultry Pen then makes a play for the unhappy Paul; it is not shown, but implied, that Paul succumbs to Pen's overtures. A: Marianne Problem: I have a test where I am given the following article, what is an answer for the question: What are the first names of the two people who go on a road trip to Old Mexico? ? Forced to give up his land and his only home, cantankerous Texas rancher Red Bovie isn't about to go quietly to the dismal trailer park that's all he can now afford, and instead goes off with his grandson Gally (son of his long-estranged son Jimmy) for a road trip to Old Mexico. They pick up two hitch-hikers who have stolen over $150,000 in drug money. But after Red drives off without them, unbeknownst to him the money remains in the car. They arrive in Mexico, still pursued by the drug dealers, who are pursued in turn by another hit-man looking to recover the stolen money. Red and Gally enjoy the town's attractions during the Mexican festival of the dead. As night falls, they visit a brothel where Red dances with the madame. They later meet a singer named Patty Wafers who is down on her luck. She is immediately attracted to Red's fearless and outrageous behavior. Meanwhile, the hit-man kills the American drug dealers and is now in pursuit of Red. Red discovers the money and desires to keep it so that he can have a better life than the one promised by the trailer park. Patty tries to help them return undetected across the border with the money, but the hit-man catches up with them and takes it. They pursue him, then they pursue another hit-man who has taken the money in turn. As Red and Patty's affection grows, Red begins to lose interest, but Gally, seeking his identity after the death of his father, takes up the pursuit in his place. They eventually overpower the second hit man and recover the money. Patty invites Red to live with her in her small town where she was born in northern Mexico. He accepts and is happy to go with her, knowing that with $150,000, they will live like royalty. As they part ways and Gally returns to the U.S., Red tells Gally that he has "found himself a grandson". A: Gally Problem: I have a test where I am given the following article, what is an answer for the question: What are the names of the men were hiding at 100 Sidney Street? ? On 22 December a public memorial service took place for Tucker, Bentley and Choate at St Paul's Cathedral. King George V was represented by Edward Wallington, his Groom in Waiting; also present were Churchill and the Lord Mayor of London. The crime had shocked Londoners and the service showed evidence of their feelings. An estimated ten thousand people waited in St Paul's environs, and many local businesses closed as a mark of respect; the nearby London Stock Exchange ceased trading for half an hour to allow traders and staff to watch the procession along Threadneedle Street. After the service, when the coffins were being transported on an eight-mile (13 km) journey to the cemeteries, it was estimated that 750,000 people lined the route, many throwing flowers onto the hearses as they passed.Identity parades were held at Bishopsgate police station on 23 December. Isaac Levy, who had seen the group leaving Exchange Buildings, identified Peters and Dubof as the two he had seen carrying Gardstein. It was also ascertained that Federoff had been witnessed at the events. The following day Federoff, Peters and Dubof all appeared at the Guildhall police court where they were charged with being connected to the murder of the three policemen, and with conspiracy to burgle the jewellery shop. All three pleaded not guilty.On 27 December the poster bearing Gardstein's picture was seen by his landlord, who alerted police. Wensley and his colleagues visited the lodgings on Gold Street, Stepney and found knives, a gun, ammunition, false passports and revolutionary publications. Two days later there was another hearing at the Guildhall police court. In addition to Federoff, Peters and Dubof, present in the dock were Milstein and Trassjonsky. With some of the defendants having a low standard of English, interpreters were used throughout the proceedings. At the end of the day the case was adjourned until 6 January 1911.On New Year's Day 1911 the body of Léon Beron, a Russian Jewish immigrant, was found on Clapham Common in South... A: Svaars Problem: I have a test where I am given the following article, what is an answer for the question: What is the name of the person who is jailed? ? Kelly is a prostitute who shows up in the small town of Grantville, just one more burg in a long string of quick stops on the run after being chased out of the big city by her former pimp. She engages in a quick tryst with local police captain Griff, who then tells her to stay out of his town and refers her to a cat-house just across the state line. Instead, she decides to give up her illicit lifestyle, becoming a nurse at a hospital for handicapped children. Griff doesn't trust reformed prostitutes, however, and continues trying to run her out of town. Kelly falls in love with J.L. Grant, the wealthy scion of the town's founding family, an urbane sophisticate, and Griff's best friend. After a dream-like courtship where even Kelly's admission of her past can't deter Grant, the two decide to marry. It is only after Kelly is able to finally convince Griff that she truly loves Grant and has given up prostitution for good that he agrees to be their best man. Shortly before the wedding, Kelly arrives at Grant's mansion, only to find him on the verge of molesting a small girl. As he grinningly tries to persuade her to marry him, arguing that she too is a deviant, the only one who can understand him, and that he loves her, Kelly kills him by striking him in the head with a phone receiver. Jailed, and under heavy interrogation from Griff, she must convince him and the town that she is telling the truth about Grant's death. As Kelly tries to exonerate herself, one disappointment follows another, and enemies old and new parade through the jailhouse to defame her. In despair, she is at last able to find Grant's victim and prove her innocence. A:
Teacher:In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: The purpose of No. 51 is, according to Madison, to inform the reader of the safeguards created by the convention to maintain the separate branches of government and to protect the rights of the people and of the country. Student:
what are the main points of federalist 51
Question: Information: - The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a sovereign country in western Europe. Lying off the north-western coast of the European mainland, it includes the island of Great Britain (the name of which is also loosely applied to the whole country), the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland, and many smaller islands. Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK that shares a land border with another sovereign statethe Republic of Ireland. Apart from this land border, the UK is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, with the North Sea to its east, the English Channel to its south and the Celtic Sea to its south-south-west, giving it the 12th-longest coastline in the world. The Irish Sea lies between Great Britain and Ireland. With an area of , the UK is the 78th-largest sovereign state in the world and the 11th-largest in Europe. It is also the 21st-most populous country, with an estimated 65.1 million inhabitants. Together, this makes it the fourth most densely populated country in the European Union. - A country is a region that is identified as a distinct national entity in political geography. A country may be an independent sovereign state or one that is occupied by another state, as a non-sovereign or formerly sovereign political division, or a geographic region associated with sets of previously independent or differently associated people with distinct political characteristics. Regardless of the physical geography, in the modern internationally accepted legal definition as defined by the League of Nations in 1937 and reaffirmed by the United Nations in 1945, a resident of a country is subject to the independent exercise of legal jurisdiction. - Utrecht is the capital and most populous city in the Dutch province of Utrecht. It is located in the eastern corner of the Randstad conurbation and is the fourth largest city in the Netherlands with a population of in . - Lauswolt is an estate in Beetsterzwaag , Friesland , the Netherlands , dating back to the 17th century . The estate is currently being used as a hotel . The restaurant , called De Heeren van Harinxma , had a Michelin star between 2001 and 2006 . Lauswolt was the location of talks between CDA , the Labour Party and ChristianUnion for the formation of a new government . The negotiations were intended to be secret , but De Telegraaf newspaper revealed Lauswolt as the location on the very first day of the talks . - Germany, officially the Federal Republic of Germany, is a federal parliamentary republic in central-western Europe. It includes 16 constituent states, covers an area of , and has a largely temperate seasonal climate. With about 82 million inhabitants, Germany is the most populous member state of the European Union. After the United States, it is the second most popular immigration destination in the world. Germany's capital and largest metropolis is Berlin. Other major cities include Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Düsseldorf. - Drenthe is a province of the Netherlands, located in the northeast of the country. It is bordered by Overijssel to the south, Friesland to the west, Groningen to the north, and Germany (districts of Emsland and Bentheim) to the east. In 2014, it had a population of 488,957 and a total area of . - The Caribbean (or ) is a region that consists of the Caribbean Sea, its islands (some surrounded by the Caribbean Sea and some bordering both the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean) and the surrounding coasts. The region is southeast of the Gulf of Mexico and the North American mainland, east of Central America, and north of South America. - Overijssel (Dutch Low Saxon: "Oaveriessel" ) is a province of the Netherlands in the central-eastern part of the country. The province's name translates to "[Land] across the IJssel", from the perspective of the bishopric of Utrecht by which it was held until 1528. The capital city of Overijssel is Zwolle and the largest city is Enschede. The province has a population of 1,113,529 inhabitants. - The North Sea is a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean located between Great Britain, Scandinavia, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and France. An epeiric (or "shelf") sea on the European continental shelf, it connects to the ocean through the English Channel in the south and the Norwegian Sea in the north. It is more than long and wide, with an area of around . - Amsterdam is the capital and most populous municipality of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Its status as the capital is mandated by the Constitution of the Netherlands, although it is not the seat of the government, which is The Hague. Amsterdam has a population of 847,176 within the city proper, 1,343,647 in the urban area, and 2,431,000 in the Amsterdam metropolitan area. The city is located in the province of North Holland in the west of the country. The metropolitan area comprises much of the northern part of the Randstad, one of the larger conurbations in Europe, with a population of approximately 7 million. - Flevoland is the twelfth province of the Netherlands. It is located in the centre of the country, where the former Zuiderzee was. - Rotterdam is a city in the Netherlands, located in South Holland, within the RhineMeuseScheldt river delta at the North Sea. Its history goes back to 1270 when a dam was constructed in the Rotte river by people settled around it for safety. In 1340 Rotterdam was granted city rights by the Count of Holland and slowly grew into a major logistic and economic centre. Nowadays it is home to Europe's largest port and has a population of 633,471 (city proper), ranking second in the Netherlands. The Greater Rijnmond area is home to approximately 1.4 million people and the Rotterdam The Hague Metropolitan Area makes for the 168th most populous urban area in the world. Rotterdam is part of the yet larger Randstad conurbation with a total population of 7,100,000. - Beetsterzwaag is a village of about 3,650 inhabitants in the municipality of Opsterland in the east of Friesland in the Netherlands. - Holland is a region and former province on the western coast of the Netherlands. The name "Holland" is also frequently used to informally refer to the whole of the country of the Netherlands. This usage is commonly accepted in other countries, and not entirely uncommon among the Dutch themselves, though some in the Netherlands and particularly in other regions of the country may find it undesirable, misleading or insulting. - Opsterland is a municipality in the province of Friesland in the Netherlands. - The Netherlands is the main constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It is a densely populated country located in Western Europe with three island territories in the Caribbean. The European part of the Netherlands borders Germany to the east, Belgium to the south, and the North Sea to the northwest, sharing maritime borders with Belgium, the United Kingdom, and Germany. The largest cities in the Netherlands are Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht. Amsterdam is the country's capital, while The Hague holds the Dutch seat of government and parliament. The name "Holland" is used to refer informally to the whole of the country of the Netherlands. - Frisia or Friesland is a coastal region along the southeastern corner of the North Sea in what today is mostly a large part of the Netherlands, including modern Friesland, and smaller parts of Germany. Frisia is the traditional homeland of the Frisians, a Germanic people that speaks Frisian languages, which together with English form the Anglo-Frisian language group. - The Kingdom of the Netherlands , commonly known as the Netherlands, is a sovereign state and constitutional monarchy with territory in western Europe and in the Caribbean. - North Holland (, West Frisian: "Noard-Holland") is a province in the northwest of the Netherlands. It is situated on the North Sea, north of South Holland and Utrecht, and west of Friesland and Flevoland. As of 2015, it has a population of 2,762,163 and a total area of . - Western Europe, also West Europe, is the region comprising the western part of the European continent. There may be differences between the geopolitical and purely geographic definitions of the term. - The Hague (or "<nowiki>'</nowiki>s-Gravenhage" ) is a city located in the western coast of the Netherlands, and the capital city of the province of South Holland. - A village is a clustered human settlement or community, larger than a hamlet but smaller than a town, with a population ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand. Though often located in rural areas, the term urban village is also applied to certain urban neighbourhoods. Villages are normally permanent, with fixed dwellings; however, transient villages can occur. Further, the dwellings of a village are fairly close to one another, not scattered broadly over the landscape, as a dispersed settlement. - In modern politics and history, a parliament is a legislative, elected body of government. Generally a modern parliament has three functions: representing the electorate, making laws, and overseeing the government ("i.e.", hearings, inquiries). - Friesland (official) or Frisia is a province in the northwest of the Netherlands. It is situated west of Groningen, northwest of Drenthe and Overijssel, north of Flevoland, northeast of North Holland, and south of the North Sea. In 2010, the province had a population of 646,000 and a total area of . - Belgium , officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a sovereign state in Western Europe bordered by France, the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, and the North Sea. It is a small, densely populated country which covers an area of and has a population of about 11 million people. Straddling the cultural boundary between Germanic and Latin Europe, Belgium is home to two main linguistic groups: the Dutch-speaking, mostly Flemish community, which constitutes about 59% of the population, and the French-speaking, mostly Walloon population, which comprises 41% of all Belgians. Additionally, there is a small group of German-speakers who live in the East Cantons located around the High Fens area, and bordering Germany. - A population is the number of all the organisms of the same group or species, which live in a particular geographical area, and have the capability of interbreeding. After reading the paragraphs above, choose the best answer for the entity that related to 'lauswolt' with the relationship of 'located in the administrative territorial entity'. Choices: - amsterdam - belgium - caribbean - centre - cologne - drenthe - east - europe - flemish community - flevoland - france - frankfurt - friesland - germany - groningen - gulf - hamlet - holland - ireland - kingdom of great britain - luxembourg - mainland - meuse - mexico - netherlands - north - north holland - northern - northern ireland - northwest - of - opsterland - overijssel - rotterdam - scandinavia - south - south holland - the hague - united kingdom - utrecht - west - zwolle Answer:
Detailed Instructions: Given a sentence in the English language, translate it into the Nepali language. See one example below: Problem: Text: If the research problem is not clear then review of literature can help focus on the problem. Solution: अथवा शोध समस्याबारे स्पष्ट हुन सकिरहेको छैन भने साहित्यको अवलोकन र पुनरावलोकनले ध्यान केन्द्रित गर्न सहयोग गर्छ । Explanation: The translation from English to Nepali is correct Problem: Text: Some documents prove this theory was discussed before and after the method was chosen. Solution:
केही कागजातहरूले यो सिद्धान्त, विधि चुन्नु अघि र पछि छलफल गरिएको थियो भन्ने प्रमाणित गर्छ।
In this task, you are given a question and an answer, you would be asked to create the sentence based on the Question-Answer provided. It should be contained within the Question-Answer provided. [EX Q]: Question: When does the diploid zygote form? Answer: after the pollen tube [EX A]: After the pollen tube does the diploid zygote form. [EX Q]: Question: Trees release what gas as a byproduct of photosynthesis, thereby facilitating human respiration? Answer: oxygen [EX A]: Trees release oxygen gas as a byproduct of photosynthesis, thereby facilitating human respiration. [EX Q]: Question: What system consists of structures that produce eggs, secrete female sex hormones, and ultimately enable birth of a fetus? Answer: female reproductive system [EX A]:
The female reproductive system consists of structures that produce eggs, secrete female sex hormones, and ultimately enable birth of a fetus.
QUESTION: What is something that people could walk on and that could have a steel cable attached to it? Options: - rowboat - ground - suspension bridge - ship - building ANSWER: People could walk on a suspension bridge. It's a suspension bridge that could have a steel cable attached to it. The answer is suspension bridge q: When John turned on the light he saw a severed gazelle head. Where was John? Options: - ball gown - zoo - ivory coast - trophy room - kalahari desert a: A trophy room is a room in which a person or group keeps and displays trophies. The answer is trophy room QUESTION: What does a person typically do when he is in a relationship? Options: - bank money - buy clothes - let himself go - thank god - do nothing ANSWER: Most people tend to feel relieved when they are in a relationship. People tend to care less about their appearance and diet once they are in a relationship. Caring less about diet and appearance means to let oneself go. The answer is let himself go q: What do I say when I am meeting people for the first time? Options: - hugging - introducing yourself - making friends - smiling - shake hands a: When you meet people for first time, you tell them about yourself. Telling one about oneself is called introducing yourself. The answer is introducing yourself QUESTION: What do most companies not want to have relative to demand? Options: - oversupply - plentitude - stockpile - superabundance - busy ANSWER: Oversupply is in demand. Most companies do not want to have relative to demand oversupply. The answer is oversupply QUESTION: If you are to play Monopoly it is over when one person has done what? Options: - win game - makes feel happy - the timer stops - have fun - enjoy yourself ANSWER:
Monopoly is a board game. People play monopoly only to come first. The game is over when one person wins the game. The answer is win game
Question: I read this background article the other day: Clouds on Earth are made of water vapor. Venus's clouds are a lot less pleasant. They are made of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and large amounts of corrosive sulfuric acid! The atmosphere of Venus is so thick that the pressure on the surface of Venus is very high. In fact, it is 90 times greater than the pressure at Earth’s surface! The thick atmosphere causes a strong greenhouse effect. As a result, Venus is the hottest planet. Even though it is farther from the Sun, Venus is much hotter even than Mercury. Temperatures at the surface reach 465°C (860°F). That’s hot enough to melt lead! I am facing a new situation today: Two students studied the atmosphere of Earth and other planets from our solar system. Zack learned about Earth's atmosphere, while Ken learned about the atmospheric conditions on planet Venus. Using the knowledge I acquired from the background article, how should I answer correctly the following question regarding my new situation: Which student learned more about sulfur dioxide clouds? Answer:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. You are given a short paragraph, a question and two choices to answer from. Choose the correct answer based on the paragraph and write the answer(not the key). Paragraph: Because richer nations use more fossil fuels, they also cause more air pollution and global warming than poorer nations do. Question: If Jim's country decreases use of fossil fuels, what will happen to the amount of pollution it produces? Choices: A)increase B)decrease Output:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Try to find the best answer that is most likely to fill in "_". Note that the URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. Problem:(CNN) The cavalry is coming! Not exactly, but the sentiment of reassurance is the same. This week, US Defense Secretary James Mattis arrives in Asia to visit South Korea and Japan. Two stalwart US allies, policymakers in both capitals have nevertheless been shaken by statements Donald Trump made while campaigning for President. None of these was more dramatic than the suggestion that these allies should pay more for US troops or risk having these forces withdrawn. Statements like this played to the worst fears in Seoul and Tokyo that the United States might no longer be a committed ally. It is now Mattis' job to reassure them of US commitments and return the trajectory of alliance relations back to pre-2016 presidential campaign rhetoric.Jeffrey Hornung: Japan, South Korea were shaken by statements Donald Trump made while campaigningWashington's alliances with Seoul and Tokyo will be critical in managing challenges posed by China and North Korea, he says Question:Similarly, the allies will need to reaffirm the alignment of their policies vis-à-vis _'s nuclear and missile threats. Solution:
North Korea
Question: Extract the answer to the question from the following context. Question: Is Paris farther by road from Calais or Marseille? Context: Paris is located in northern central France. By road it is 450 kilometres (280 mi) south-east of London, 287 kilometres (178 mi) south of Calais, 305 kilometres (190 mi) south-west of Brussels, 774 kilometres (481 mi) north of Marseille, 385 kilometres (239 mi) north-east of Nantes, and 135 kilometres (84 mi) south-east of Rouen. Paris is located in the north-bending arc of the river Seine and includes two islands, the Île Saint-Louis and the larger Île de la Cité, which form the oldest part of the city. The river's mouth on the English Channel (La Manche) is about 233 mi (375 km) downstream of the city, established around 7600 BC. The city is spread widely on both banks of the river. Overall, the city is relatively flat, and the lowest point is 35 m (115 ft) above sea level. Paris has several prominent hills, the highest of which is Montmartre at 130 m (427 ft). Montmartre gained its name from the martyrdom of Saint Denis, first bishop of Paris, atop the Mons Martyrum, "Martyr's mound", in 250. Answer:
Teacher:You are given a sentence in English. Your job is to translate the English sentence into Polish. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: And as we've heard here, it is no exaggeration to say that we hold the future of our civilization in our hands as never before. Student:
Jak słyszymy tutaj, nie jest przesadą powiedzenie, że trzymamy przyszłość naszej cywilizacji w swoich rękach jak nigdy wcześniej.
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. You are given a sentence and a question in the input. The information provided in the sentence should be enough to answer the question. You're expected to write the correct answer. Do not use any facts other than those provided in the sentence. Sentence: Joe had brought his new puppy to the park. Question: What was the little boy's name who the story was about?
Question: What is the answer for the question: What is the first name of the man whose niece dies? from the following article ? Cattle rustlers Robert Hightower, Pedro "Pete" Rocafuerte, and William Kearney rob a bank in the town of Welcome, Arizona, but William is shot in the shoulder and they have to flee into the desert, pursued by a posse led by Sheriff Buck Sweet, who shoots a hole in their water bag (that they do not notice until after all the water has leaked out). They eventually lose their horses in a desert sandstorm and end up walking. Desperate for water, they head for a water hole, which has, however, been destroyed by the misguided efforts of a bumbling tenderfoot, who then chased after his livestock and did not return. In a covered wagon left nearby lies the man's wife (Sheriff Sweet's niece), who is about to give birth. With the help of the trio, she has a boy, whom she names Robert William Pedro after her benefactors. Before dying, she extracts a promise from them that they will take care of him. Moved, the three desperadoes try to keep their promise despite the acute lack of water. William is certain a higher power guided them there and likens their situation to the Three Magi finding the baby Jesus in a manger. He convinces the others to head for the town of New Jerusalem, which lies across a wide expanse of desert. While crossing a salt flat, William dies; later, Pete falls and breaks his leg. He asks Robert to leave him his pistol, for "protection from coyotes." As Robert walks away, he hears a single gunshot. Answer:
Given a sentence in English, provide an equivalent paraphrased version from the original that retains the same meaning. Ex Input: The department of dramatic speaking and public arts was originally headed by T. Earl Pardoe . Ex Output: The Dramatic and Public Arts Department was originally headed by T. Earl Pardoe . Ex Input: The festival was founded in 2007 and debuted in Phoenix , Arizona and has been held in San Diego , Houston and Zurich since then . Ex Output: The festival originated in 2007 and debuted in Phoenix , Arizona and has since been held in San Diego , Houston and Zurich . Ex Input: During the five days of the journey he brought with him some books about Elba , which he studied from Fontainebleau . Ex Output:
During the five days of the journey , he brought some books about Elba which he studied from Fontainebleau .
Q: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Thursday, and Mr. Strong arrived with the inevitableness of dreaded events. Bambi felt convinced that his coming meant the premature death of her new-born career, so, naturally, she was prepared for grief. An element of amusement was added, however, by Jarvis's astonishing behaviour. Ever since the first mention of Mr. Strong's name he had shown unmistakable signs of dislike for that gentleman. 'It was the most remarkable revelation of his strange character. Having totally ignored Bambi himself, it distressed him to think of any other man being attracted by her. His references to Mr. Strong's coming were many and satirical. This display of manly inconsistency was nuts and ale to Bambi. She wondered how much Mr. Strong would play up, and she decided to give Jarvis Jocelyn an uncomfortable hour. She herself was an adept in amatory science, but she was a trifle unsure of Mr. Strong. However, she remembered a certain twinkle in his eye that augured well. Because it was necessary to enlighten him as to the situation in advance, she arrayed herself most carefully to go and meet him. She encountered Jarvis on the stairs. He inspected her charming self, in a frock the colour of spring green leaves, topped by a crocus-coloured hat, like a flower. She deliberately pranced before him. <sep>Who ignored Bambi and how did they feel about another man noticing her?<sep>Mr. Strong ,attraction A: