30 values
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2022-11-27 and end date 2022-12-04, the start price was 265.89306640625 and the end price was 265.8348388671875.
The weekly return was -0.0002189885575035, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2022-12-04 and end date 2022-12-11, the start price was 265.8348388671875 and the end price was 264.512451171875.
The weekly return was -0.0049744709946508, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2022-12-11 and end date 2022-12-18, the start price was 264.512451171875 and the end price was 258.7562866210937.
The weekly return was -0.0217614124600925, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2022-12-18 and end date 2022-12-25, the start price was 258.7562866210937 and the end price was 260.16619873046875.
The weekly return was 0.0054488033036259, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2022-12-25 and end date 2023-01-01, the start price was 260.16619873046875 and the end price was 256.23797607421875.
The weekly return was -0.0150988970720198, classified as D2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-01-01 and end date 2023-01-08, the start price was 256.23797607421875 and the end price was 262.0136108398437.
The weekly return was 0.0225401201418797, classified as U3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-01-08 and end date 2023-01-15, the start price was 262.0136108398437 and the end price was 261.4496459960937.
The weekly return was -0.0021524257535412, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-01-15 and end date 2023-01-22, the start price was 261.4496459960937 and the end price was 261.1482238769531.
The weekly return was -0.001152887845735, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-01-22 and end date 2023-01-29, the start price was 261.1482238769531 and the end price was 264.9208374023437.
The weekly return was 0.0144462538147231, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-01-29 and end date 2023-02-05, the start price was 264.9208374023437 and the end price was 256.9186096191406.
The weekly return was -0.0302061093482423, classified as D4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-02-05 and end date 2023-02-12, the start price was 256.9186096191406 and the end price was 255.1586761474609.
The weekly return was -0.006850159567221, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-02-12 and end date 2023-02-19, the start price was 255.1586761474609 and the end price was 262.5191955566406.
The weekly return was 0.0288468317844927, classified as U3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-02-19 and end date 2023-02-26, the start price was 262.5191955566406 and the end price was 256.3837890625.
The weekly return was -0.023371268074821, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-02-26 and end date 2023-03-05, the start price was 256.3837890625 and the end price was 263.1352233886719.
The weekly return was 0.0263333120664897, classified as U3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-03-05 and end date 2023-03-12, the start price was 263.1352233886719 and the end price was 256.2505187988281.
The weekly return was -0.0261641315107193, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-03-12 and end date 2023-03-19, the start price was 256.2505187988281 and the end price was 261.30645751953125.
The weekly return was 0.0197304526227022, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-03-19 and end date 2023-03-26, the start price was 261.30645751953125 and the end price was 265.3453674316406.
The weekly return was 0.0154566019931117, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-03-26 and end date 2023-04-02, the start price was 265.3453674316406 and the end price was 273.4427490234375.
The weekly return was 0.0305163857585828, classified as U4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-04-02 and end date 2023-04-09, the start price was 273.4427490234375 and the end price was 276.6504211425781.
The weekly return was 0.0117306899912188, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-04-09 and end date 2023-04-16, the start price was 276.6504211425781 and the end price was 282.6060791015625.
The weekly return was 0.0215277386327019, classified as U3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-04-16 and end date 2023-04-23, the start price was 282.6060791015625 and the end price was 285.6181640625.
The weekly return was 0.0106582454649004, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-04-23 and end date 2023-04-30, the start price was 285.6181640625 and the end price was 289.2267761230469.
The weekly return was 0.0126343927473646, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-04-30 and end date 2023-05-07, the start price was 289.2267761230469 and the end price was 290.0580444335937.
The weekly return was 0.0028741056470968, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-05-07 and end date 2023-05-14, the start price was 290.0580444335937 and the end price was 289.6081848144531.
The weekly return was -0.0015509296424413, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-05-14 and end date 2023-05-21, the start price was 289.6081848144531 and the end price was 289.0311279296875.
The weekly return was -0.0019925434259924, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-05-21 and end date 2023-05-28, the start price was 289.0311279296875 and the end price was 279.7309265136719.
The weekly return was -0.0321771619639462, classified as D4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-05-28 and end date 2023-06-04, the start price was 279.7309265136719 and the end price was 285.0205078125.
The weekly return was 0.0189095334032349, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-06-04 and end date 2023-06-11, the start price was 285.0205078125 and the end price was 281.9531555175781.
The weekly return was -0.0107618652372191, classified as D2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-06-11 and end date 2023-06-18, the start price was 281.9531555175781 and the end price was 288.7466125488281.
The weekly return was 0.0240942755855289, classified as U3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-06-18 and end date 2023-06-25, the start price was 288.7466125488281 and the end price was 285.0205078125.
The weekly return was -0.0129044102143294, classified as D2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-06-25 and end date 2023-07-02, the start price was 285.0205078125 and the end price was 293.37713623046875.
The weekly return was 0.0293193934784024, classified as U3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-07-02 and end date 2023-07-09, the start price was 293.37713623046875 and the end price was 287.173583984375.
The weekly return was -0.0211453159772492, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-07-09 and end date 2023-07-16, the start price was 287.173583984375 and the end price was 289.9656982421875.
The weekly return was 0.0097227405775748, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-07-16 and end date 2023-07-23, the start price was 289.9656982421875 and the end price was 290.6243591308594.
The weekly return was 0.0022715131226374, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-07-23 and end date 2023-07-30, the start price was 290.6243591308594 and the end price was 289.0710144042969.
The weekly return was -0.0053448538560495, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-07-30 and end date 2023-08-06, the start price was 289.0710144042969 and the end price was 282.1792297363281.
The weekly return was -0.0238411474155268, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-08-06 and end date 2023-08-13, the start price was 282.1792297363281 and the end price was 283.75225830078125.
The weekly return was 0.0055745724656026, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-08-13 and end date 2023-08-20, the start price was 283.75225830078125 and the end price was 276.9883117675781.
The weekly return was -0.0238375073160942, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-08-20 and end date 2023-08-27, the start price was 276.9883117675781 and the end price was 279.7803955078125.
The weekly return was 0.0100801500338296, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-08-27 and end date 2023-09-03, the start price was 279.7803955078125 and the end price was 277.6867370605469.
The weekly return was -0.0074832207005267, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-09-03 and end date 2023-09-10, the start price was 277.6867370605469 and the end price was 275.9866638183594.
The weekly return was -0.0061222702250155, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-09-10 and end date 2023-09-17, the start price was 275.9866638183594 and the end price was 275.0081481933594.
The weekly return was -0.0035455177850333, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-09-17 and end date 2023-09-24, the start price was 275.0081481933594 and the end price was 269.0677185058594.
The weekly return was -0.0216009224691162, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-09-24 and end date 2023-10-01, the start price was 269.0677185058594 and the end price was 260.389404296875.
The weekly return was -0.0322532716194098, classified as D4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-10-01 and end date 2023-10-08, the start price was 260.389404296875 and the end price was 245.3456573486328.
The weekly return was -0.0577740365006961, classified as D5+.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-10-08 and end date 2023-10-15, the start price was 245.3456573486328 and the end price was 245.4346160888672.
The weekly return was 0.0003625853467132, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-10-15 and end date 2023-10-22, the start price was 245.4346160888672 and the end price was 255.12110900878903.
The weekly return was 0.0394666941211527, classified as U4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-10-22 and end date 2023-10-29, the start price was 255.12110900878903 and the end price was 252.79833984375.
The weekly return was -0.0091045745844536, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-10-29 and end date 2023-11-05, the start price was 252.79833984375 and the end price was 264.7680969238281.
The weekly return was 0.0473490335714879, classified as U5.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-11-05 and end date 2023-11-12, the start price was 264.7680969238281 and the end price was 264.6890563964844.
The weekly return was -0.0002985273840091, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-11-12 and end date 2023-11-19, the start price was 264.6890563964844 and the end price was 272.5568542480469.
The weekly return was 0.0297246813248566, classified as U3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-11-19 and end date 2023-11-26, the start price was 272.5568542480469 and the end price was 279.2682189941406.
The weekly return was 0.024623723973516, classified as U3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-11-26 and end date 2023-12-03, the start price was 279.2682189941406 and the end price was 284.3421936035156.
The weekly return was 0.0181688221726421, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-12-03 and end date 2023-12-10, the start price was 284.3421936035156 and the end price was 283.9146423339844.
The weekly return was -0.0015036504576152, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-12-10 and end date 2023-12-17, the start price was 283.9146423339844 and the end price was 285.6448059082031.
The weekly return was 0.0060939568315165, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-12-17 and end date 2023-12-24, the start price was 285.6448059082031 and the end price was 290.0497436523437.
The weekly return was 0.0154210321806314, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MCD.
Given the start date 2023-12-24 and end date 2023-12-31, the start price was 290.0497436523437 and the end price was 294.8325500488281.
The weekly return was 0.0164896073903002, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-01-09 and end date 2022-01-16, the start price was 160.12921142578125 and the end price was 159.05247497558594.
The weekly return was -0.0067241725641943, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-01-16 and end date 2022-01-23, the start price was 159.05247497558594 and the end price was 153.63328552246094.
The weekly return was -0.0340717078055957, classified as D4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-01-23 and end date 2022-01-30, the start price was 153.63328552246094 and the end price was 145.13516235351562.
The weekly return was -0.0553143359529527, classified as D5+.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-01-30 and end date 2022-02-06, the start price was 145.13516235351562 and the end price was 143.02621459960938.
The weekly return was -0.0145309222087018, classified as D2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-02-06 and end date 2022-02-13, the start price was 143.02621459960938 and the end price was 141.96730041503906.
The weekly return was -0.0074036370712505, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-02-13 and end date 2022-02-20, the start price was 141.96730041503906 and the end price was 132.63002014160156.
The weekly return was -0.0657706404653756, classified as D5+.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-02-20 and end date 2022-02-27, the start price was 132.63002014160156 and the end price was 135.2265625.
The weekly return was 0.0195773351736376, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-02-27 and end date 2022-03-06, the start price was 135.2265625 and the end price was 131.83041381835938.
The weekly return was -0.0251145087093419, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-03-06 and end date 2022-03-13, the start price was 131.83041381835938 and the end price was 126.64630126953124.
The weekly return was -0.0393241013107261, classified as D4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-03-13 and end date 2022-03-20, the start price was 126.64630126953124 and the end price was 133.25894165039062.
The weekly return was 0.0522134504882714, classified as U5+.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-03-20 and end date 2022-03-27, the start price was 133.25894165039062 and the end price was 135.18165588378906.
The weekly return was 0.0144284069015252, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-03-27 and end date 2022-04-03, the start price was 135.18165588378906 and the end price was 134.48983764648438.
The weekly return was -0.0051176931720633, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-04-03 and end date 2022-04-10, the start price was 134.48983764648438 and the end price was 134.59764099121094.
The weekly return was 0.000801572420735, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-04-10 and end date 2022-04-17, the start price was 134.59764099121094 and the end price was 132.41439819335938.
The weekly return was -0.0162205130920097, classified as D2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-04-17 and end date 2022-04-24, the start price was 132.41439819335938 and the end price was 134.02261352539062.
The weekly return was 0.0121453207051005, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-04-24 and end date 2022-05-01, the start price was 134.02261352539062 and the end price was 129.57525634765625.
The weekly return was -0.0331836326777184, classified as D4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-05-01 and end date 2022-05-08, the start price was 129.57525634765625 and the end price was 134.34608459472656.
The weekly return was 0.0368189759491577, classified as U4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-05-08 and end date 2022-05-15, the start price was 134.34608459472656 and the end price was 134.13943481445312.
The weekly return was -0.0015381898244137, classified as D1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-05-15 and end date 2022-05-22, the start price was 134.13943481445312 and the end price was 130.53082275390625.
The weekly return was -0.0269019477049269, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-05-22 and end date 2022-05-29, the start price was 130.53082275390625 and the end price was 135.68556213378906.
The weekly return was 0.0394905913494563, classified as U4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-05-29 and end date 2022-06-05, the start price was 135.68556213378906 and the end price was 132.4729461669922.
The weekly return was -0.0236769182827953, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-06-05 and end date 2022-06-12, the start price was 132.4729461669922 and the end price was 124.92223358154295.
The weekly return was -0.0569981479534015, classified as D5+.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-06-12 and end date 2022-06-19, the start price was 124.92223358154295 and the end price was 117.83436584472656.
The weekly return was -0.0567382405325774, classified as D5+.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-06-19 and end date 2022-06-26, the start price was 117.83436584472656 and the end price was 121.90921783447266.
The weekly return was 0.0345811848736525, classified as U4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-06-26 and end date 2022-07-03, the start price was 121.90921783447266 and the end price was 116.60922241210938.
The weekly return was -0.0434749358293773, classified as D5.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-07-03 and end date 2022-07-10, the start price was 116.60922241210938 and the end price was 116.81794738769533.
The weekly return was 0.0017899525549385, classified as U1.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-07-10 and end date 2022-07-17, the start price was 116.81794738769533 and the end price was 118.09756469726562.
The weekly return was 0.0109539444767294, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-07-17 and end date 2022-07-24, the start price was 118.09756469726562 and the end price was 121.71863555908205.
The weekly return was 0.0306616895200062, classified as U4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-07-24 and end date 2022-07-31, the start price was 121.71863555908205 and the end price was 129.99534606933594.
The weekly return was 0.0679987125409107, classified as U5+.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-07-31 and end date 2022-08-07, the start price was 129.99534606933594 and the end price was 133.77976989746094.
The weekly return was 0.0291119947179223, classified as U3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-08-07 and end date 2022-08-14, the start price was 133.77976989746094 and the end price was 138.1631622314453.
The weekly return was 0.0327657338425992, classified as U4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-08-14 and end date 2022-08-21, the start price was 138.1631622314453 and the end price was 133.12644958496094.
The weekly return was -0.0364548159229815, classified as D4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-08-21 and end date 2022-08-28, the start price was 133.12644958496094 and the end price was 118.40185546875.
The weekly return was -0.110606075367568, classified as D5+.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-08-28 and end date 2022-09-04, the start price was 118.40185546875 and the end price was 111.53465270996094.
The weekly return was -0.0579991143855134, classified as D5+.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-09-04 and end date 2022-09-11, the start price was 111.53465270996094 and the end price was 112.86407470703124.
The weekly return was 0.0119193628596072, classified as U2.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-09-11 and end date 2022-09-18, the start price was 112.86407470703124 and the end price was 106.91374206542967.
The weekly return was -0.052721228230039, classified as D5+.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-09-18 and end date 2022-09-25, the start price was 106.91374206542967 and the end price was 103.59474182128906.
The weekly return was -0.0310437197316454, classified as D4.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-09-25 and end date 2022-10-02, the start price was 103.59474182128906 and the end price was 101.3117904663086.
The weekly return was -0.0220373284864089, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-10-02 and end date 2022-10-09, the start price was 101.3117904663086 and the end price was 98.57958221435548.
The weekly return was -0.0269683147378757, classified as D3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-10-09 and end date 2022-10-16, the start price was 98.57958221435548 and the end price was 104.1815185546875.
The weekly return was 0.0568265376510823, classified as U5+.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-10-16 and end date 2022-10-23, the start price was 104.1815185546875 and the end price was 107.09709930419922.
The weekly return was 0.0279855850630672, classified as U3.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-10-23 and end date 2022-10-30, the start price was 107.09709930419922 and the end price was 116.07305145263672.
The weekly return was 0.0838113469622754, classified as U5+.
Analyze the weekly stock price change for MMM.
Given the start date 2022-10-30 and end date 2022-11-06, the start price was 116.07305145263672 and the end price was 114.45940399169922.
The weekly return was -0.0139019991353974, classified as D2.