stringlengths 2.03k
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The famous Farnese sculpture collection, now in the National Archeological Museum of Naples, as well as other Farnese collections, now mostly in Capodimonte Museum in Naples, were accommodated in the palace.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:著名的法尔内塞雕塑作品,目前在那不勒斯国家考古博物馆,其他法尔内塞收藏,现在大多在那不勒斯卡波迪蒙特博物馆。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The Department of Fisheries runs a turtle hatchery on the islands to help address the declining turtle populations.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:马来西亚渔业部在岛上设立海龟孵化场,以帮助解决海龟数量逐渐下降的问题。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: On 18 February 2015, Maker announced his decision to reclassify into the 2015 class, which would have made 2014–15 his final year of high school.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) separates reproductive toxicity from germ cell mutagenicity and carcinogenicity, even though both these hazards may also affect fertility.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
His widow Maria lived in Oslo until her death in 1980.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:吉斯林遗孀玛丽亚在奥斯陆度过余生,1980年过世。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
These aircraft, when landing on water, have no conventional braking method and must rely on slaloming and/or reverse thrust, as well as the drag of the water in order to slow or stop.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 这些飞机在水上降落时,没有传统的机轮制动器,而只能靠水的阻力,以及反向推力,将飞机减速或停止。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Joseph Yodoyman (1950 – November 22, 1993) was a Chadian politician and civil servant, who held the post of Prime Minister under President Idriss Déby from 1992 to 1993.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
约瑟夫·约多伊曼(英语:Joseph Yodoyman;1950年-1993年11月22日)是查德政治家和公务人员,并且在1992年至1993年伊德里斯·德比担任乍得总统期间担任总理一职。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Farley was born December 1, 1901, in Atlantic City, the youngest of ten children born to James and Maria (Clowney) Farley.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
法利出生于1901年12月1日,在大西洋城,是詹姆斯(James)和玛丽亚(Maria Clowney)·法利的十个孩子中最小的一个。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Most word processors are also capable of recording changes; this allows editors to work on the same document while automatically clearly labeling who contributed what changes.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 大多数文字处理软件也能够记录修改,这些软件允许工作者在同一个文档上编辑,并能够自动标记谁做了什么修改。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The North American version sold 60,000 copies by April 2000.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Today in the Northern Hemisphere, summer is 4.66 days longer than winter and spring is 2.9 days longer than autumn.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 现在,北半球的夏天比冬天长4.66天,春天比秋天长2.9天。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
In 943 Constantine abdicated the throne and retired to the Céli Dé (Culdee) monastery of St Andrews where he died in 952.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
943年,康斯坦丁退位并隐退圣安德鲁斯修道院库迪斯(Céli Dé),最终于952年在那里驾崩。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Injured victims of the shootings would later be transported to Gaza City by the International Red Cross for medical treatment.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: On 26 August 2013, the SOHR reported that the kidnapped Alawite cleric, Badr Ghazal, had been executed by the Al-Nusra Front.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
2013年8月26日,叙利亚人权观察组织报道称被绑架的阿拉维派神职人员Badr Ghaza已经被努斯拉阵线处决。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The song was announced on December 8, 2014 at the band's official website.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: May 15 – The U.S. Supreme Court declares Standard Oil to be an "unreasonable" monopoly under the Sherman Antitrust Act and orders the company to be dissolved.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 5月15日——美国最高法院判决标准石油公司垄断违法,标准石油公司被迫解散。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:HPA-axis abnormalities participate in the development of depressive symptoms, and antidepressants may serve to regulate HPA-axis function.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:HPA轴的异常参与抑郁症状的形成,而抗抑郁药可能起着调控HPA轴的作用。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Washington D.C.-based Don and Mike Show has a biannual tradition of doing an entire four-hour show while drinking absinthe, complete with audience participation, interviews, and a news segment.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 华盛顿特区的Don and Mike Show有一年两次的传统——一边喝着苦艾酒,一边做一个完整的四个小时的节目,包括观众的参与,访谈和新闻段插播。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: Additionally, the dissolution of the Soviet Union, division and unification of Germany, breakup of Yugoslavia, dissolution of Czechoslovakia, and several other instances of geographical renaming have all resulted in code changes.
Assistant: 此外,诸如苏联解体、德国的分裂和统一、南斯拉夫解体、捷克斯洛伐克解体以及其他一些国名或地区名称变更也导致了代码的变化。
User: But early beginnings were difficult, and it was not until 1857 that steamboat shipping started developing on the Ob system in a serious way.
Assistant: 然而开始时相当困难,直至1857年鄂毕河的蒸汽船才开始真正发展。
User: Miller moved forward to protect the pack train and, taking advantage of his advanced position, he suddenly ordered a charge on the Nez Perce.
Assistant: 米勒向前移动以保护这支运输队列,并且他利用他的有利位置优势,突然地命令了对内兹珀斯人冲锋。
User: Dyspepsia, also known as indigestion, can also affect appetite as one of its symptoms is feeling "overly full" soon after beginning a meal.
Assistant: 消化不良也可能影响食欲,因为其中一个症状就是在开始吃一些东西后,就立刻觉得相当的饱。
User: McCarthy was a serious book reader, an optimist, and a staunch supporter of free speech.
Assistant: 约翰麦卡锡是一个读书狂,乐观主义者,他是言论自由的坚定支持者。
User: These ice particles end up as the nuclei of larger ice crystals.
Assistant: 这些冰颗粒最终将作为较大冰晶的核。
User: Sekhmet was depicted as a lioness or large cat, and was an "eye of Ra", or an instrument of the sun god's vengeance.
Assistant: 塞赫麦特(Sekhmet) 塞赫麦特是拉神的另一位女儿,她被描绘成一头母狮或大猫,并且是“拉神之眼”或太阳神复仇的工具。
User: In September 2010, a fan of Dream Theater discovered that all of the letters of "DOMINICI" fit together perfectly into the Majesty symbol.
Assistant: 2010年9月,有梦剧场的乐迷发现,如果将查理·多米尼克的姓氏字母拆分开来,这八个字母全部都可以完美融合在“至尊王权”符号当中。
User: It also won the 'Players Choice' award for best Mobile Strategy Game of 2012.
Assistant: 此游戏亦获2012年最佳手机战略游戏颁发“玩家选择奖”。
User: Unlike mainstream psychology, Dąbrowski's theoretical framework views psychological tension and anxiety as necessary for growth.
Assistant: 不同于主流心理学理论,在Dąbrowski的理论框架中,他认为精神紧张和不安是成长中所不可或缺的。
User: As the stormtroopers were hustled off to prison, Hitler assembled a large group of SS and regular police, and departed for the Hanselbauer Hotel in Bad Wiessee, where Ernst Röhm and his followers were staying.
Assistant: 当冲锋队被赶进监狱时,希特勒聚集大批的党卫队及正规警察,接着前往罗姆所在巴德维塞的Hanselbauer Hotel。
User: In Fouché the enthusiasm of the earlier period appeared as a cold, selfish and remorseless fanaticism; in him the bureaucracy of the period 1795-1799 and the autocracy of Napoleon found their ablest instrument.
Assistant: 在富歇的早期积极性,表现为冷酷,自私和残酷的狂热; 他在1795年至1799年官僚以及拿破仑专制期间,作为他们的最能干的工具。
User: In such a situation, the outer lanes could appear to start 2/3 of the way through the first turn.
Assistant: 在这种情况下,外线可能会在首回合的2/3处开始。
User: He talks above Davies' ability to comprehend him.
Assistant: 后授广西义宁县知县。
User: Towards the end of his life he warned of the 'intellectual deforestation' that occurred when anthropology focused on high-flown theory instead of sticking to the realities of life and fieldwork.
Assistant: 在他的生命告终之际,沃尔夫警告当时人类学的“知识森林滥伐”--专注于夸大的理论陈述,而不是忠于生命与田野工作的实际内容。
User: The Constitutional Council published the official candidate list on 20 March 2007.
Assistant: 官方在2007年3月20日对外公布各候选人提交的这一民选代表支持名单。
User: These devices are often associated with BDSM activities.
Assistant: 乳夹通常会用于一些BDSM的活动。
User: About the song's re-release, the singer explained in an interview with The Untitled Magazine that, after the attention the track gained from music blogs, she signed a record deal with Universal Music.
Assistant: 关于歌曲的重新发行,歌手在《无名》(The Untitled Magazine)接受访问时解释道,自歌曲因音乐部落格而增长人气之后,她便与环球音乐签了一份唱片协议。
User: The corrected spelling is used by Index Fungorum.
Assistant: 纠正后的拼写已为《菌物索引》(Index Fungorum)所采用。
User: A true defragmentation tool does not exist for ext3.
Assistant: 目前没有真正的用于ext3的磁盘碎片整理工具 。
User: All of these diverse styles appear in his works.
Assistant: 这些不同的风格都出现在他的作品中。
User: Large areas of Sheffield's city centre have been rebuilt in recent years, but among the modern buildings, some old buildings have been retained.
Assistant: 近年来,谢菲尔德市中心的大片区域已经重建,尽管如此,现代建筑中依然保留了一些古建筑。
User: In reality, this led to treatment and accommodations that were almost always inferior to those provided to white Americans.
Assistant: 但事实上,这导致了黑人的待遇和住宿条件总是次于它们给美国白人的。
User: The Mediterranean Basin extends into Western Asia, covering the western and southern portions of the peninsula of Turkey, excluding the temperate-climate mountains of central Turkey.
Assistant: 地中海盆地一直延伸到西亚,包括小亚细亚半岛的西部和南部,但土耳其中部属于温带气候的山区除外。
User: He did his national service with the Grenadier Guards.
Assistant: 他获准从军,和御林军掷弹兵团 (Grenadier Guards)一起服役。
User: For example, the red of many sand deserts comes from laterite minerals.
Assistant: 例如,许多沙漠的红色就是来自于铁矾土矿。
User: Kerensky and the Provisional Government were virtually helpless to offer significant resistance.
Assistant: 克伦斯基和临时政府完全无法做出有效的抵抗。
User: After a brief time together in Saigon, the trio decided that Gala would remain with Paul.
Assistant: 经过在西贡的短暂相聚,三人决定,加拉将继续与保尔在一起。
User: In January 2016, it was announced that they are engaged.
Assistant: 2016年1月,他们宣布订婚。
User: This is a present from a small, distant world, a token of our sounds, our science, our images, our music, our thoughts and our feelings.
Assistant: 上面记载着我们的声音、我们的科学、我们的影像、我们的音乐、我们的思想和感情。
User: The estimated current account deficit for both 2006 and 2007 is 4.5% of GDP, or about US$90 million in 2006.
Assistant: 2006年和2007年的经常收支赤字估计占国内生产总值的4.5%,2006年金额为9,000万美元左右。
User: So that later generations could tell whether other stars came to be, perished, moved, or changed in brightness, he recorded the position and brightness of the stars.
Assistant: 为了使后世可以知道星体的出现、消失、移动以及亮度变化,他记录星体的位置和亮度。
User: Function Discovery serves as an abstraction layer between applications and devices, allowing applications to discover devices by referencing the device's function, rather than by its bus type or the nature of its connection.
Assistant: 功能发现作为应用程序与设备之间的抽象层,允许应用程序通过引用设备的功能而不是其总线类型或其连接的性质来发现设备。
User: Donahue began his career in 1957 as a production assistant at KYW radio and television when that station was in Cleveland.
Assistant: 1957年唐纳修的事业始于克利夫兰的KYW电台和电视台的制作助理。
User: An initial assessment to determine the status of the mother and fetus is required.
Assistant: 有必要进行初步评估以确定母体和胎儿的状况。
User: It opened in 1905.
Assistant: 它开埠于1905年。
User: There are also a series of temporary exhibitions.
Assistant: 并推出过一系列临时展览。
User: When using an Am5x86, the motherboard must be set to the 2x setting.
Assistant: 当使用Am5x86时,主板必须设定为2x。
User: Upon reaching their childhood home, they discover the house has already sold, and their parents have already packed up and sold all of the family's belongings, except for the things in the sisters' room.
Assistant: 抵达老家时,她们才知道原来房子早已售出,爸妈也都将东西打包好,并将所有家具卖掉,只剩下两姐妹的房间没有动过。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: In London the Docklands Light Railway made use of disused railway infrastructure for much of its construction; in Manchester it is proposed to expand the Metrolink light rail system by re-opening abandoned rail lines; and in Scotland, the Scottish Government has brought the Waverley Line partially back into passenger service.
Assistant: 在伦敦,码头区轻轨充分利用了废弃的铁路设施进行大部分建设;在曼彻斯特,有人提议通过重新开放废弃的铁路线扩建Metrolink轻轨系统。
User: The cause of the fire has never been clearly identified.
Assistant: 大火的原因从未被确认。
User: Until February 2005, Israel had in place a policy to demolish the family homes of suicide bombers after giving them a notice to evacuate.
Assistant: 到2005年2月以色列施行拆除自杀爆炸者的家庭房屋的政策。
User: Astronomers expect that the comet will remain observable with large telescopes until perhaps 2020, by which time it will be nearing 30th magnitude.
Assistant: 天文学家预计,该彗星在2020年以前,其光度在30等以内,仍可以强大的望远镜观测,之后便会难以与光度接近的远方星系分辨。
User: However, the value of LRLLL... (corresponding to 0.111...2) is infinitesimally less than 1.
Assistant: 然而,LRLLL...的值(对应着0.111...2)则与1相差无穷小。
User: In contrast, science fiction LARPs take place in futuristic settings with high technology and sometimes with extraterrestrial life.
Assistant: 相比之下,科幻小说LARPs发生在具有高科技和(有时没有)外星生命的未来派环境中。
User: Human directed genetic manipulation was occurring much earlier, beginning with the domestication of plants and animals through artificial selection.
Assistant: 人类第一次操纵基因是在通过人工选择来驯化植物和动物的过程中发生的。
User: Jeremy Irvine as Young Sam.
Assistant: 杰瑞米·尔文 饰 年轻的山姆。
User: The delivery of mail to and from this station was carried out in winter by the members of the Wendelsteinhaus Alpine Club and in summer by tourists.
Assistant: 气象台与慕尼黑之间的信件在冬季是通过阿尔卑斯山协会的会员、在夏季通过旅游者传递的。
User: Twelve plates of Horses; after the same.
Assistant: 这位税吏,也就是十二使徒中的马太。
User: Cooperation/teamwork Works harmoniously with others to get a job done; responds positively to instructions and procedures; able to work well with staff, co-workers, peers and managers; shares critical information with everyone involved in a project; works effectively on projects that cross functional lines; helps to set a tone of cooperation within the work group and across groups; coordinates own work with others; seeks opinions; values working relationships; when appropriate facilitates discussion before decision-making process is complete.
Assistant: 协作/团队合作:与他人和谐地共同完成任务;对指令和规程做出正面响应;与下级、平级、上级都能良好协作;与项目相关的所有人分享关键信息;在横跨多个功能线的项目中高效工作;在工作组中建立合作的基调;将自己的工作与别人的工作相协调;主动寻求别人的观点;重视工作关系;在做决定之前首先组织讨论。
User: This suggests that they were born in the same location, and perhaps initially formed an open cluster.
Assistant: 这暗示了这些恒星是在同一个地点诞生的,而且刚形成时可能是个疏散星团。
User: Each building block addresses specific functional aspects of navigation, such as names for location input, routing, or map display.
Assistant: 每个结构单元处理一个特殊的导航功能面,例如地点输入名称,路线规划或地图显示。
User: They were converted into barracks ships in the mid-1930s, a role they filled for a decade; in 1944, Hamburg was sunk by British bombers and later broken up for scrap, while Berlin was scuttled in deep water after the end of World War II to dispose of a load of chemical weapons.
Assistant: 至1944年,汉堡号遭英国轰炸机击沉,继而拆解报废;而柏林号则在第二次世界大战结束后被人为沉入深海,以处置大量化学武器。 |
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: NGC 5466 is classified as a Shapley-Sawyer Concentration Class 12 cluster, reflecting its sparsity.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
NGC 5466在夏普力-索耶集中度分类法属于最松散的第12级,反应出其不集中的性质。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
On 1 August 1941, Galicia became the fifth district of the General Government.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:This donor match comes from a mysterious body provided by Roxy Balsom.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
最后匹配的供体来自 Roxy Balsom 提供的神秘人的身体。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
It is an indirect successor to the 1 Series M Coupé.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
For his performance during the Swedish rally Latvala was given the Abu Dhabi Spirit Of The Rally award.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
由于在瑞典拉力赛的出色表现,他被授予拉力赛阿布扎比精神奖(Abu Dhabi Spirit Of The Rally)。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Additionally, in 2009 the Bertelsmann Foundation published the Sustainable Governance Indicators (SGI), which systematically measure the need for reform and the capacity for reform within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:He held many jobs during his 30-year rule, including: county treasurer, which allowed him to control the county's purse strings; county collector; publisher of a weekly newspaper; bank director; president of a building and loan company; and director of a Philadelphia brewery.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:他在他30年的管治期间担任了许多工作,包括:县财务主管,这使他能控制县的开支;县收藏家;周报的出版商;银行董事;建筑与贷款公司的总裁;以及费城啤酒厂的董事。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In May 1968, he sent the Guard to Louisville to break up race-related protests that followed peaceful civil rights marches.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:At this stage Arab nationalism was not yet a mass movement, even in Syria where it was strongest.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:因此,此阶段的阿拉伯民族主义事实上还未成气候,即使在思潮最为盛行的叙利亚,也未占支配地位。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Upon the death of Osama bin Laden, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos congratulated Obama, stating in a press release that the raid "proves once again that terrorists, sooner or later, always fall.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:在奥萨马·本·拉登死后,哥伦比亚总统胡安·曼努埃尔·桑托斯向奥巴马表示祝贺,并在新闻发布会上说,“这次袭击再次证明,恐怖分子迟早会倒下。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: A common aspect of an ABI is the calling convention, which determines how data is provided as input to or read as output from computational routines; examples are the x86 calling conventions.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:一个ABI常见的样貌即是调用约定:资料怎么成为计算程序的输入或者从中得到输出;x86的调用约定即是一个ABI的例子。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:They hail from the town of Olocuilta, located to the east of San Salvador, but are now readily available throughout the country.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 这种食物发源自萨尔瓦多东部的Olocuilta镇,但现在已经扩散到全国各地。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The Soviets remained in space for two more days, and the Americans for five, during which the Apollo crew also conducted Earth observation experiments.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Organization and a circulation developed, and satellite tracking began on November 6.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
From December 31, 2003, every permanent resident must be able to present his or her permanent resident card upon boarding a commercial carrier (aircraft, train or bus) in order to travel to Canada.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
2003年12月31日之后,每一位永久居民在其乘坐商业交通工具(飞机、火车或汽车)进入加拿大时必须出示其永久居民卡。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: The total mass of the disk is 5 × 10−5 the mass of the Earth.
Assistant: 而此盘的总质量是地球质量的5 × 10−5。
User: Realising that this may indicate the presence of prehistoric man he set his assistant, Otto Zdansky, to work excavating.
Assistant: 他意识到这里可能有史前人类活动的遗存,于是指派其助手,奥地利古生物学者师丹斯基(Otto Zdansky)准备发掘工作。
User: Since 1979, Heller was appointed as an Academic curator of the National Molluscs Collection at the National Natural History Collections at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. and holds this position till present.
Assistant: 自1979年以来直到目前,海勒被任命为耶路撒冷希伯来大学国家自然历史收藏 馆的国家软体动物收藏学术馆长。
User: Herr, erbarm, erbarme dich; über uns, Herr, sei dein Segen; leit und schütz uns väterlich, steh uns bei auf allen Wegen.
Assistant: 我们的主保,求你回顾,怜视我们,一旦流亡期满, 使我们得见你的圣子、万民称颂的耶稣。
User: Though they were eventually repulsed by Ramesses III, he finally resettled them, according to the theory, to rebuild the coastal towns in Canaan.
Assistant: 尽管拉美西斯三世最终击退了他们,但是他又重新安置了他们,重建起迦南的沿海城镇。
User: This relationship had been discovered by Wilhelm Eduard Weber and Rudolf Kohlrausch prior to the development of Maxwell's electrodynamics, however Maxwell was the first to produce a field theory consistent with waves traveling at the speed of light.
Assistant: 这组关系是在麦克斯韦的电动力学发展之前就由威廉·爱德华·韦伯与鲁道夫·科尔劳施发现,但麦克斯韦是首个创造与波在光速传播相一致的场论的人。
User: She said that she had been attracted to the young Nixon because he "was going places, he was vital and ambitious ... he was always doing things".
Assistant: 她表示,自己受年轻的尼克松吸引是因为他“有活力和事业心......他总是有事情可以做”。
User: Assange wants to leak the documents immediately, but Daniel insists that they review the documents first.
Assistant: 阿桑奇希望立刻泄露文档,但丹尼尔坚持先审阅文档。
User: The Holter monitor was developed at the Holter Research Laboratory in Helena Montana by experimental physicists Norman J. Holter and Bill Glasscock, who started work on radio telemetry in 1949.
Assistant: 动态心电图是蒙大拿州海伦娜的霍特研究实验室中的实验物理学家诺曼·霍特(英语:Norman Holter)和和比尔·格拉斯科克(Bill Glasscock)所研发,他们在1949年开始研究无线电遥测(英语:radio telemetry)。
User: The Norwegian soldiers were the first to come in contact with the Russian troops at the airport.
Assistant: 挪威士兵首先与俄罗斯军队在机场碰头。
User: The large flowers are very full with 55 to 60 petals.
Assistant: 大朵的花花瓣数通常能有55到60片。
User: A prototype was displayed at the International Motor Show in Berlin on 17 February 1939.
Assistant: 此汽车的原型之一于1939年2月17日在柏林国际车展中展出。
User: By March 2005 the iPod Shuffle's market share had risen to 58%.
Assistant: 到2005年3月,iPod shuffle的市占率上升到58%。
User: However, during the 1990s, when the EU began to implement policies oriented at regional development, environmental protection and social protection, the SF became more positive about the EU.
Assistant: 但自1990年代,欧盟开始实行区域发展、环保与社会保护等政策后,社会人民党开始采取正面态度。
User: Šiber assured Prazina he would do what he could, after which the two never saw each other again.
Assistant: 让布里茨前往敌方本营奇袭,知晓在开战后两人可能再也见不到对方或是已变成敌人。
User: The volunteers were grouped into 3 categories: regular, foreign language and sign language volunteers, all must accept 120 hours training, including basic, work-specific and sign language trainings.
Assistant: 参与志工分为一般志工、外语志工和手语志工,皆须接受120个小时的课程,包括基础及工作项目培训与手语训练等。
User: Metal-catalyzed cyclization reactions usually require mildly basic conditions, and substrates must be chosen to avoid β-hydride elimination.
Assistant: 金属催化环化反应,通常需要温和碱性条件下,和基质必须进行选择以避免β氢化物消除。
User: Dressing Ourselves.
Assistant: 精于变装。
User: SNC has links with the Free Syrian Army.
Assistant: SNC与自由叙利亚军之间有联系。
User: Shortly after, he stopped breathing.
Assistant: 两分钟后,他便停止了呼吸。
User: Most of the early residents were affluent Middle Eastern Christians who built elegant homes with Renaissance, Moorish and Arab architectural motifs, surrounded by trees and flowering gardens.
Assistant: 大多数早期居民都是富裕的中东基督徒,他们用文艺复兴、摩尔和阿拉伯的建筑图案,建造优雅的住宅,四周绿树成荫,花园盛开。
User: The ships arrived from an unexpected direction, coming not down the slot but from the west side of Savo Island, thus entering the sound from the northwest rather than the north.
Assistant: 日舰的方位出乎美军意料之外:日舰并非从海槽前来,而是绕道萨沃岛以西,因此从海峡的西北边进入该海域、而非正北。
User: In 2004, Portugal funded a project to improve the availability of water and its distribution infrastructure, but a critical water shortage persists.
Assistant: 2004年,葡萄牙资助改善食水供应和设备的计划,但岛上仍然出现食水短缺的现象。
User: Second, each party should make the most of the power within their own assets to negotiate and win against the opposite party.
Assistant: 双方都想使用自己的强势处去抵消对方的强势处,从而取得胜利。
User: The brothers established a manufacturing factory—Wilson, Irwin & Wilson—that they dissolved in 1831.
Assistant: 威尔逊兄弟建立了一间生产工厂-威尔逊,欧文与威尔逊,后来于1831年解散。
User: The program was released in September 2014, replacing Norton 360, Norton Internet Security, and Norton AntiVirus.
Assistant: 该程序于2014年9月发布,取代诺顿360(Norton 360)、诺顿网络安全(Norton Internet Security)和诺顿反病毒(Norton AntiVirus)。
User: If the calendar event is recurring, DTSTART sets up the start of the first event.
Assistant: 如果事件是循环的,则DTSTART应该设置第一个事件的开始时间。
User: A senatorial class remained in place, which incorporated a large part of the upper officialdom as every official from the rank of protospatharios (Literally "first sword-bearer"; originally the head of the Emperor's bodyguards) was considered a member of it.
Assistant: 元老院阶级保留了下来,其中包含了许多上层官僚,因为 protospatharios(意味“持剑者”,最早指皇帝的御前侍卫长) 级别的人都算是其中的成员。
User: This was also the first election in which women could vote for the governor.
Assistant: 这次选举也是历史上第一次妇女可以投票选举州长。
User: It is also one of the few production semi-automatic pistols available in the 10mm Auto chambering.
Assistant: 它也是各种量产中的半自动手枪之中少数具有10毫米Auto膛径的手枪之一。
User: Revision involves, for instance, incorporating references to other issued security standards (such as ISO/IEC 27000, ISO/IEC 27004 and ISO/IEC 27005) and various good security practices that have emerged in the field since they were last published.
Assistant: 举例来说, 它也会被其他相关的安全标准所引用改进 (如 ISO/IEC 27000, ISO/IEC 27004 及 ISO/IEC 27005) 及其他良好的安全实作也都可能引入部分的领域。
User: For Nazism, all history is the history of race struggle and for Marxism all history is the history of class struggle.
Assistant: 对纳粹主义而言,所有历史都是种族斗争的历史;对马克思主义而言,所有历史都是阶级斗争的历史。
User: The album is considered the most musically successful amongst the jazz vocal versions of the opera and was released to coincide with the 1959 movie version.
Assistant: 这个专辑被认为是最成功的音乐的爵士乐声乐版本的歌剧,发布,以配合1959年的 电影版 。
User: The physical characteristics of three of the statues represent people of the southern Mediterranean coast while the fourth statue has characteristics of a black African.
Assistant: 其中三尊雕塑代表地中海沿岸南部人士,而第四尊雕像有非洲黑人的特征。
User: It predominantly studied X-rays, but also observed gamma-ray bursts.
Assistant: 该卫星主要是研究X射线,但也观测伽玛射线爆。
User: Covering the telephone headset, there is a helmet specially designed to fit over the phone.
Assistant: 头盔顶端部分的衬垫经过特殊设计,可以用来调节头盔在头上的高度。
User: Counts may be decreased by HIV infection.
Assistant: HIV感染时可降低。
User: The hurricane spawned a minor tornado which struck the community of Riceville, injuring on two children.
Assistant: 飓风催生的一场小型龙卷风袭击里斯维尔(Riceville),导致两名儿童受伤。
User: The U.S. Department of Defense stated it was trying to confirm the new reports of his death.
Assistant: 美国国防部表示正在尝试确认关于他死亡的最新报道。
User: Gacy then drove to the home of a fellow contractor, Ronald Rhode.
Assistant: 盖西然后驱车去了一位同行罗纳德·罗德(Ronald Rhode)家中。
User: The characteristic color of copper results from the electronic transitions between the filled 3d and half-empty 4s atomic shells – the energy difference between these shells corresponds to orange light.
Assistant: 铜的这种特殊颜色是由于全满的3d亚层和半满的4s亚层之间的电子跃迁——这两个亚层之间的能量差正好对应于橙光。
User: Primitive recursive functions tend to correspond very closely with our intuition of what a computable function must be.
Assistant: 原始递归函数意图紧密对应于我们直觉上可计算函数应该的样子。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: In France, it was known as Carte Bleue (Blue Card).
Assistant: 在法国,它被称为蓝卡(Carte Bleue)。
User: The plaintive tune breaks off in mid-stream, to commemorate the famous 13th century trumpeter, who was shot in the throat while sounding the alarm before the Mongol attack on the city.
Assistant: 哀怨的曲调在中途中断,以纪念13世纪的著名号手,他在蒙古人袭击城市时,发出警报,而被弓箭射中喉咙。
User: This attitude reached its climax a few years later when Oscar Wilde was tried for gross indecency as the result of his affair with Lord Alfred Douglas.
Assistant: 人们的这种态度在几年后达到顶点,当时奥斯卡·王尔德因与阿尔弗莱德·道格拉斯的暧昧关系而受到严重猥亵罪的审判 王尔德将事情归因于《道连·格雷的画像》带来的丑闻。
User: The Grand Vizier had considerable independence from the sultan with almost unlimited powers of appointment, dismissal and supervision.
Assistant: 大维齐尔在很大程度上独立行事,掌有几乎没有限制的任命、开除及监督权力。
User: Compounding the problem, the Japanese military made many wrong assumptions and major mistakes, the two most significant being: They wrongly assumed that any attack coming from the west would follow either the old rail line to Hailar, or head into Solun from the eastern tip of Mongolia.
Assistant: 除了这问题外,日本军队作出了很多错误假设和重大失误,其中两个最重要的是: 他们错误地认为,任何来自西面的攻击要么将沿前往海拉尔的旧铁路线或从蒙古东面进入索伦。
User: From 1901 through 1904, Michigan didn't lose a single game.
Assistant: 在1901年到1904年,约斯特未尝败绩,并几乎取得了全胜。
User: Founding member.
Assistant: 创始成员。
User: There is a section for children with special needs.
Assistant: 在那里有一帮拥有特殊能力的孩子们。
User: Its predecessor, the University Volunteer Rifle Corps, was raised in 1900 as a unit of the colonial New South Wales Defence Force.
Assistant: 雪梨大学团最早是1900年建立的新南威尔士州殖民地防卫军的大学志愿来福枪军团(University Volunteer Rifle Corps)。
User: According to Gow, Housman (when teaching at University College London where, unlike Cambridge, he had students of both sexes) could never remember the names of his female students, maintaining that "had he burdened his memory by the distinction between Miss Jones and Miss Robinson, he might have forgotten that between the second and fourth declension".
Assistant: 通过高的描述,豪斯曼从未记得学生的姓名,“他因琼斯小姐和罗宾逊小姐之间的差别而沉寂了记忆,他还在第二和第四变格之间遗忘。
User: Palau had also limited relations with the exterior before the 18th century, mainly with Yap and Java.
Assistant: 在18世纪前,帕劳和外界有很少的接触,主要是雅浦和爪哇。
User: The building, an Art deco design by the Italian architect Armando Bernabiti, was constructed between 1934 and 1935.
Assistant: 这是一座装饰艺术建筑,由意大利建筑师Armando Bernabiti设计,建于1934-1935年。
User: Holly produced the single "Jole Blon" and "When Sin Stops (Love Begins)" for Jennings.
Assistant: 他为詹宁斯录制了单曲《Jole Blon》和《When Sin Stops (Love Begins)》。
User: Upon first glance this piano appears to be a small upright piano.
Assistant: 钢片琴的外表看起来像一部小型的直立式钢琴和小型的簧风琴。
User: In Cuba, a storm alert was issued for eastern provinces as forecasters warned of possibly heavy rainfall.
Assistant: 古巴东部省份收到了风暴警告,天气预报还警告称这些地区可能会出现暴雨。
User: The college is the first TOLES examination centre in North America and provides courses for TOLES Foundation, TOLES Higher and TOLES Advanced examinations.
Assistant: 该学院是第一个TOLES 考试中心,并为TOLES基本,TOLES高等和TOLES高级考试提供课程。
User: Kazuyuki Toda (戸田 和幸, Toda Kazuyuki, born December 30, 1977) is a former Japanese football player.
Assistant: 户田和幸(Toda Kazuyuki, 1977年12月30日-),日本足球运动员,前日本国家足球队成员。
User: On return to the USSR they found things changed.
Assistant: 然而回到美国后,事情出现了变数。
User: Particularly when don’t understand just where we are today in terms of technology and capability, but where we are headed.
Assistant: 特别是当你不了解我们今天在技术和能力方面的位置,而是在我们前进的地方。
User: The Komuch pursued an ambivalent social policy, combining democratic and socialist measures, such as the institution of an eight-hour working day, with "restorative" actions, such as returning both factories and land to their former owners.
Assistant: 科穆奇实行了矛盾的社会政策,包含了民主主义乃至社会主义的措施,如建立八小时工作日,含有“恢复性”的措施,如归还工厂和土地给原来的所有者。
User: In hominidae, including humans, several biological factors that control copulation are modified.
Assistant: 在人科(包括人类)此一分类之下,一些控制交配的生物性因子已在演化过程中遭到修改。
User: If the signal value is 1 then the carrier signal will be transmitted; otherwise, a signal value of 0 will be transmitted.
Assistant: 如果信号的值为1,就会传输载波信号,反之则不会传输载波信号。
User: The simExchange had previously forecast 328,000 sales for the period.
Assistant: The simExchange之前曾预测该时期的销量为328,000。
User: October 28 The House of Commons of the United Kingdom votes 356–244 in favour of joining the European Economic Community.
Assistant: 10月28日——英国下议院以356票对244票通过加入欧洲经济共同体。
User: East of Mount Savage, the route widens and its speed limit gradually increases to 50 mph (80 km/h).
Assistant: 道路在萨维奇山的东面变阔,限速也提升到80 km/h(50 mph)。
User: Blessings To You.
Assistant: 祝福我吧。
User: Toffler writes: "The Second Wave Society is industrial and based on mass production, mass distribution, mass consumption, mass education, mass media, mass recreation, mass entertainment, and weapons of mass destruction.
Assistant: 托夫勒提到: "“第二波社会是工业化社会,以大量生产、大量分布、大量消费、大量教育、大众媒体、大众休闲、大众娱乐及大规模杀伤性武器。
User: He teaches at New York University, and is a New York Institute for the Humanities Fellow.
Assistant: 他目前在纽约大学任教, 并且是纽约人文学院的院士。
User: Ratsiraka was then voted back into power on a platform of decentralization and economic reforms for a second term which lasted from 1996 to 2001.
Assistant: 拉齐拉卡以权力下放和经济改革为竞选纲领在选举中胜出,开始自己从1996至2001年的第二个任期。
User: Such scenes were contrasted by more quiet or peaceful ones: The Assembly of the gods and a procession dominate the 160 m long frieze that is placed on top of the naos walls of the Parthenon.
Assistant: 像这样的场景可借由另一个更平静与和平的例子作出对比:诸神大会和列队游行的主题在被放置于帕德嫩神庙内殿的墙壁之上160米长横饰带(英语:Parthenon Frieze)中具有主要的地位。
User: Once enough points are earned, Shepard levels up, which allows for the unlocking or upgrading of skills along a tree.
Assistant: 一旦获得足够的经验,薛帕德就会升级,从而可在技能树解锁或升级技能。
User: Pike Research estimated there were almost 479,000 NEVs on the world roads in 2011.
Assistant: 在2011年,派克研究公司(Pike Research)估计世界上大概有479,000量邻里电动汽车在路上行驶。
User: On October 27, 2011, it was announced that FX had picked up the series with an initial ten-episode order which, if successful, FX would then order an additional 90 episodes under a syndication model crafted by Debmar-Mercury.
Assistant: 在2011年10月27日,消息宣布FX电视台将先预订十集,如果成功,FX电视台将会预定另外90集,并宣布交由知名制作公司戴玛-玛柯里(英语:Debmar-Mercury)(Debmar-Mercury)制作。 |
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
He then intensively studied aeroplane and propeller designs.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The simple technique of just starting with the minimal elements of an order and then drawing greater elements incrementally often produces quite poor results: symmetries and internal structure of the order are easily lost.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Over the course of human history, however, first for convenience and then for necessity, standards of measurement evolved so that communities would have certain common benchmarks.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Some limitations slow down the acceptance of SaaS and prohibit it from being used in some cases: Because data is stored on the vendor's servers, data security becomes an issue.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:一些限制延缓了软件即服务被接受的速度,并阻止它被用于某些情况: 由于数据是被存储在供应商的服务器上,数据安全成为了一个问题。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
This is as opposed to "layout-driven" design, which is used in newspapers or magazines.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 这与报纸与杂志中所用的“布局驱动”设计有所不同。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:However, they are aware of application needs and in the social and enterprise context in which the applications are being used.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 不过,该网络会感知到应用的需求,以及应用被使用时的社会与企业情境。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Indian.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:He and his father John Richards were both Merchant Navy captains, and his mother Catherine Richards came from a mariner family.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 他和他的父亲约翰·理察兹皆为英国商船队(英语:British Merchant Navy)的队长,而他的母亲凯瑟琳·理查兹来自一个水手家庭。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
The Archduchess learned, among other things, perfect Italian and French, which, according to Podewils, she particularly liked to speak, as well as quite good English.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Like the iMac, the iBook G3 had a PowerPC G3 CPU, and no legacy Apple interfaces.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
和 iMac 一样,iBook 使用 PowerPC G3 芯片,且包含非苹果的传统界面。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
On the morning of August 19, the storm remained slightly weakened from its peak strength.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:8月19日早上,风暴与其最高强度相比只有小幅减弱。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: On May 8, 1775, Morris was elected to represent his family household in southern Westchester County (now Bronx County), in the New York Provincial Congress.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:1775年5月8日,莫里斯当选纽约省议会(英语:New York Provincial Congress)议员,代表他在南部威彻斯特县(现布朗克斯县)的家庭利益。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
As all spheres of human activity are affected by the interplay between social structure and individual agency, sociology has gradually expanded its focus to other subjects, such as health, medical, economy, military and penal institutions, the Internet, education, social capital, and the role of social activity in the development of scientific knowledge.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 由于人类活动的所有领域都是由社会结构、个体机构的影响下塑造而成,所以随着社会发展,社会学进一步扩大其研究重点至其他相关科目,例如医疗、护理、军事或刑事制度、互联网等,甚至是例如科学知识发展在社会活动中的作用一类的课题。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
There are numbers of Finnish companies investing and operating in Indonesia.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:许多外国企业都收购或投资以色列企业。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
He was held as a political prisoner for 31 years until his release in 2001, making him the longest incarcerated prisoner in modern Libyan history.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
However, eventually, Ukrainian Catholics were able to organize worship in their own Byzantine liturgy, often in the local Latin Church parish church.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 但是,乌克兰礼天主教徒们终于能够在他们自己的拜占庭礼拜仪式下组织礼拜了,这经常是在本地的拉丁礼堂区教堂里。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
The incident has been given many names, including "The Fappening" (a portmanteau of "The Happening" and "fap", an internet slang term for masturbation) and "Celebgate" (a reference to the Watergate scandal).
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 事件派生了许多名字,包括“Fappening”(“The Happening”和“fap”混合,意为“手淫”)和“Celebgate”(名人门)(取义于水门事件)。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
However, they preserved their traditional culture and subsistency agriculture.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
但是,他们保留了传统文化和持续农业。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: Following a West End debut in 1979 which ran for 600 performances, Chicago was revived on Broadway in 1996, and a year later in the West End.
Assistant: 继1979年西区表演600场后,于1996年在百老汇重演《芝加哥》,而一年后在西区重演。
User: This method is less precise (with errors of the order of 1%) than other modern techniques, but it is sometimes used as a laboratory experiment in college physics classes.
Assistant: 这种方法的精确度比其他现代测量法低(误差在1%的数量级),但有时会在大学物理课上作演示之用。
User: The Associated Press has claimed that a long-used back-channel has been re-opened in the past months, the 'New York Channel', facilitating communication between Washington and Pyongyang.
Assistant: 美联社表示长期使用的备用渠道(英语:Track II diplomacy)“纽约频道”已经在过去几个月重开,促进华盛顿和平壤之间的沟通。
User: Information economy is an economy with an increased emphasis on informational activities and information industry.
Assistant: 资讯经济是一个松散的名词,用来描述随着信息活动和资讯工业增加的一种经济。
User: Moreover, the Spanish Crown banned the export of Peruvian wine to Panamá and Guatemala in 1614 and 1615 respectively.
Assistant: 西班牙王室更分别在1614年和1615年禁止秘鲁葡萄酒出口至巴拿马和危地马拉。
User: There is one auditorium in the building and it was designed for concerts.
Assistant: 园内有桐音馆,为听桐音而建。
User: The name "rubella" is from Latin and means little red.
Assistant: 英文的“rubella”这个名称来自于拉丁文,其意思是“小小的红色”。
User: Batman comics have introduced many classic villains.
Assistant: 蝙蝠侠漫画介绍了无数经典的反派角色。
User: Raping ‘enemy’ women also constitutes an act of abuse and humiliation against the men of the community the victims were representative of.
Assistant: 强奸“敌方”妇女同样也是对受害者所代表社区男人的一种虐待和羞辱。
User: Action must be taken immediately to isolate the patient.
Assistant: 在病况允许下尽量让患者自由活动。
User: As of May 2016, there are approximately 70 Russian and Ukrainian monks.
Assistant: 到2016年5月,大约有70名俄罗斯和乌克兰修士。
User: This compromise was approved on 27 November 1945 and detailed design work began in 1946 for designs equipped with both the 220 mm and 305 mm guns.
Assistant: 由贝利亚领导的委员会于1945年11月27日批准了这项决定,针对220毫米主炮与305毫米主炮的细节设计作业则于1946年逐步展开。
User: External surface.
Assistant: 外表面。
User: Thai contemporary art often combines traditional Thai elements with modern techniques.
Assistant: 当代泰国艺术通常是传统泰国元素与现代技术相结合的产品。
User: Almost immediately after attaining peak intensity, Katia began to rapidly weaken as a second eyewall replacement cycle began; it was quickly stunted as dry air wrapped into the western portion of the circulation and northwesterly wind shear increased.
Assistant: 几乎在达到最高强度后不久,卡蒂娅因为第二次眼墙置换循环开始而迅速减弱;随着干燥的空气进入西部的环流以及其西北方的风切变的增加,它迅速减弱。
User: The social learning theory posits that children furthermore develop their gender identity through observing and imitating gender-linked behaviors, and then being rewarded or punished for behaving that way, thus being shaped by the people surrounding them through trying to imitate and follow them.
Assistant: 社会学习理论认为,儿童通过观察和模仿与性别相关的行为,进而表现出性别认同,然后通过这种行为获得奖励或惩罚,因此借由模仿和追随周围人们的性别模式来塑造人格。
User: The earliest known manual written about dominoes is the 《宣和牌譜》 (Manual of the Xuanhe Period) written by Qu You (1341–1437), but some Chinese scholars believe this manual is a forgery from a later time.
Assistant: 关于骨牌玩法的最早描述是元末明初学者瞿佑(1341-1437年)撰写的《宣和牌谱》,但有些中国学者认为这本书册是后人伪造出来的。
User: The original idea was to make a PlayStation Portable port of Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII, as it had been released for mobile-phones and the staff wanted to expand it.
Assistant: 他们最初设想的是制作一款PlayStation Portable移植版《危机之前 -最终幻想VII-》,因为它已经为移动电话再发行,而且工作人员想要拓展游戏。
User: A number of oils are used for biofuel (biodiesel and Straight Vegetable Oil) in addition to having other uses.
Assistant: 许多植物油既能被用于生物燃料(生物柴油和植物油燃料),又能用于其他用途。
User: Mice were thought to only suffer from cell death in the substantia nigra (to differing degree according to the strain of mice used) but do not show Parkinsonian symptoms; however, most of the recent studies indicate that MPTP can result in Parkinsonism-like syndromes in mice (especially chronic syndromes).
Assistant: 对于小鼠,人们曾认为MPTP只会导致大脑黑质细胞的损伤(不同种的小鼠受损伤的程度不同), 但最近的大部分研究显示MPTP可以在小鼠中引起类帕金森病的症状(尤其是慢性的)。
User: On 1 July 1909, Bernier, without government approval, claimed the entire area between Canada's eastern and western borders all the way to the North Pole.
Assistant: 1909年7月1日,没有在加拿大政府的授意下,随即宣称所有加拿大东部至西部通往北极点的海域皆为加拿大所有。
User: During the 19th century, crimes that could carry a death sentence included burglary, sheep stealing, forgery, sexual assaults, murder and manslaughter.
Assistant: 在19世纪,可被判处死刑的罪行包括偷窃、偷羊、伪造、性侵犯、谋杀和过失杀人。
User: On July 13, 2007, Georgia set up a state commission, chaired by the Prime Minister Zurab Noghaideli, to develop South Ossetia's autonomous status within the Georgian state.
Assistant: 2007年7月13日,乔治亚成立了一个在乔治亚治权下促进南奥塞梯自治的委员会,由总理诺哈德利担任主席。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: The new planes could not use it.
Assistant: 以致飞机无法使用ILS。
User: GNU who includes a -i option behaving similarly to -u and a -w option displaying whether the user listed accepts messages (the SUS displays this when -T is specified), yet GNU who and BSD who both omit a number of the above options (such as -a, -b, -d, and others); GNU who instead uses -l to perform DNS lookups on hostnames listed.
Assistant: GNU who包含-i选项(同-u类似)和-w选项(显示列出的用户是否接受消息,SUS 在指定-T时显示此消息),但GNU who和BSD版本都省略了上述的一些选项(如-a,-b,-d等);GNU 版本反而使用 -l 来尝试通过 DNS 查验主机名。
User: Das Schwarze Korps (German for The Black Corps) was the official newspaper of the Schutzstaffel (SS).
Assistant: 《黑色军团》(德语:Das Schwarze Korps)是党卫队的官方报纸。
User: Others, such as the Bureau of Education, the Geological Survey and the Bureau of Mines, had been added later.
Assistant: 包括教育局、地质调查局,以及矿务局在内的多个部门则是之后增设。
User: Then I hid in a closet until she was in the room.
Assistant: 她先是抽泣了一小会,然后把自己关进了房间。
User: It is a much more complete and reliable text and was reprinted in 1609 (Q3), 1622 (Q4) and 1637 (Q5).
Assistant: 这是一本相对较全、较可靠地版本,之后在1609年、1622年、1637年重新印刷,分别为Q3、Q4、Q5。
User: The Norwegians were spared and allowed to return home, after being beaten with sticks and surrendering all their possessions.
Assistant: 挪威士兵在被棍棒殴打并放弃所有财产后,幸免遁逃回家。
User: A Sabbatarian movement within Oriental Orthodoxy began in the 12th century in Ethiopia and gained momentum in the 13th, eventually establishing itself as the norm in that region.
Assistant: 东方正统教会的守安息日者运动兴起于12世纪的埃塞俄比亚并在13世纪渐成气候,最终在该区域成为规范。
User: With its first voyage carrying tea, the Jardine ship Sarah left for England.
Assistant: 公司的第一次航海,是渣甸的快速帆船“莎拉号” 运送茶叶到英格兰。
User: A heated debate sprang up regarding women's right to vote, with many – including Mott – urging the removal of this concept, but Frederick Douglass, who was the convention's sole African American attendee, argued eloquently for its inclusion, and the suffrage resolution was retained.
Assistant: 关于妇女的投票权引起了激烈辩论,很多人包括莫特希望移除这个概念,但弗雷德里克·道格拉斯雄辩地主张将其纳入,然后投票权决议得到了保留。
User: The main predator of elephant seals is the great white shark.
Assistant: 非洲毛皮海狮的主要天敌是大白鲨。
User: This ability gives him a unique advantage.
Assistant: 这种方式有其独特的优势。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: Westmoreland Circle also contains a set of entrance markers erected by the Garden Club of America to denote the Maryland/DC border and a AAA sign directing motorists to Kenwood Golf and Country Club.
Assistant: 威斯特摩兰圆环还包含一组由美国花园俱乐部竖立的入口标记,标示马里兰州与哥伦比亚特区的边界,以及美国汽车协会的标志,指导驾驶者前往建伍高尔夫乡村俱乐部。
User: Meanwhile, Lily begins to wonder if she has missed any opportunities because of her relationship with Marshall, and decides to pursue an art fellowship in San Francisco, breaking-up with Marshall in the process.
Assistant: 同时,莉莉开始觉得,她跟马歇尔在一起后,错过了很多人生机会,因此决定争取旧金山的艺术奖学金,此举成了跟马歇尔分手的导火线。
User: The American Accounting Association (AAA) promotes accounting education, research and practice.
Assistant: 美国会计协会(英语:American Accounting Association,简称AAA)衹在促进会计教育、研究和实践。
User: WEPOS was also the last supported platform for IE7 after this date.
Assistant: 另外,WEPOS是新策略生效后最后一个IE7仍受到微软支持的平台。
User: He began to use the first name "Dai" after a newspaper used the name in place of "David"; the paper actually was using the Welsh nickname for David.
Assistant: 他在一家报纸用Dai代替David称呼他之后,开始使用这个名字,而Dai实际上是David的威尔士小名。
User: At the opening of the fifth “Hamburg Summit: China meets Europe”, the Chinese Minister of Science Wan Gang, Germany’s then Research Minister Annette Schavan and Professor Georgios Papastamkos, Vice President of the European Parliament, spoke about their views of European-Chinese economic relations.
Assistant: 在第五届“汉堡峰会:中国与欧洲相遇”开幕式上,中国科技部部长万钢、前德国科研部部长安妮特·沙万与欧洲议会副议长乔吉奥斯·帕帕斯塔姆卡罗斯教授分别在致词中阐述了对中欧经济关系的见解。
User: Hardware VST hosts can load special versions of VST plugins.
Assistant: 硬件VST宿主可以加载特殊版本的VST插件。
User: The charges were said to come largely from two special purpose partnerships (JEDI and Chewco).
Assistant: 这些费用据说来自两家特殊目的合伙企业(JEDI 和 Chewco)。
User: Beginning in about 1955, a new wave of composers appeared, inspired by Bartók and breathing new life into Hungarian music.
Assistant: 大约从1955年开始,受巴尔托克启发的新一代作曲家逐渐展露头角,为匈牙利音乐添加新的元素。
User: Maturin was played by Paul Bettany in the 2003 film Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World and by Richard Dillane in the BBC Radio 4 adaptations of the O'Brian novels.
Assistant: 马图林由保罗·贝塔尼在2003年的电影《怒海争锋:极地远征》饰演 ,又由理查德·迪兰在BBC Radio 4改编的奥布赖恩小说中扮演。
User: In October 2006, the new terminal was named the Capital City Airport of the Year at the Australian Aviation Industry Awards in Cairns.
Assistant: 2006年10月,新航厦被Australian Aviation Industry Awards选为年度首府机场(Capital City Airport of the Year)。
User: It has a polygonal plan and was the headquarters and residence of the Alberti, one of the most numerous and powerful families in the medieval Florence.
Assistant: 其平面为多边形,是中世纪佛罗伦萨最强大的家族之一,阿尔贝蒂家族的总部和住处。
User: These concepts lead, in much modified form, to Project Apollo.
Assistant: 这些领先的概念,在很大程度上改进了阿波罗计划。
User: It is illegal under Medicines Act 1968 to sell them advertised for human consumption, and in order to bypass this, they are usually sold as odorizers.
Assistant: 根据1968年药物法案,将Poppers当作供人摄入的产品是非法的,因此为了使其合法,商家其多以除臭剂的形式销售。
User: The USSR analog was 6P27S (Cyrillic: 6П27C).
Assistant: 苏联仿制品的型号是6P27S(俄文:6П27C)。
User: Their report theorized that the ice likely formed underground, becoming exposed after a collision with another Kuiper Belt object sometime in the last few million years.
Assistant: 该报告推测冰可能形成于创神星表面之下,在最近几百万年之内因为一次撞击事件而暴露。
User: In the case of a gallant and daring act having been performed by a squadron, ship's company, or detached body of individuals (such as a security detachment) in which all persons were deemed equally brave and deserving of the Victoria Cross, a ballot is to be drawn; the commissioned and non-commissioned officers each select one of their own, and the private soldiers or seamen select from amongst themselves two individuals.
Assistant: 如果英勇行为是由一个小队,全体船员,或者个体成员的派遣队(如安保支队)完成的,而且所有人都视作一样英勇,同样值得授勋,那么将投票决定;有军衔和无军衔的军官各选一人,士兵和海员个人再在他们之间选两人。
User: On October 30, 2005, Gabest added *.mp4 and MPEG-4 Timed Text support.
Assistant: 2005年10月30日,Gabest加上*.mp4及MPEG-4时间字幕支援。
User: In response to the 2006 introduction of the BK XXL product line in Spain, the Spanish Health Ministry publicly claimed that the company had violated a voluntary agreement between the company and the Spanish Federation of Hoteliers and Restaurateurs, a group to which Burger King belongs, that called on its members to refrain from advertising large portions of food.
Assistant: 为应对2006年汉堡王超大汉堡系列入驻西班牙,西班牙卫生部公开声称,汉堡王违反了同西班牙酒店餐饮联合会的一份自愿协议,即呼吁其成员不要为大份食物做广告。
User: It is usually well tolerated.
Assistant: 一般耐受性良好。
User: He performed in Europe and elsewhere.
Assistant: 他还到欧洲以及世界其他国家演出。
User: Robinson's The Wild Garden, published in 1870, contained in the first edition an essay on "The Garden of British Wild Flowers", which was eliminated from later editions.
Assistant: 罗宾森的《野性花园》(The Wild Garden)出版于1870年,其第一版中收录了一篇关于“英国野花的花园”的散文,再版时被删去。
User: Specialized courts deal with five distinct subject areas: administrative, labour, social, fiscal, and patent law.
Assistant: 专门法院审理五类案件:行政、劳动、社会、财政和专利案件。
User: He did continue the resistance.
Assistant: 他不得不停止了抵抗。
User: The most predominant religion in Portugal is Christianity, mainly Catholicism.
Assistant: 葡萄牙主要的宗教是基督宗教,主要宗派是天主教。
User: Precautionary statements form part of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS).
Assistant: 危险的象形图是国际全球化学品统一分类和标签制度的分类和标签制度(GHS)一部分。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: As the storm tracked through the islands, all watches and warnings were discontinued later that day.
Assistant: 风暴经过这些岛屿后,上述观察预警和警告都在当晚中止。
User: So we are army.
Assistant: 我们是军团。
User: However, now the practice is to drink cider on Christmas Eve, celebrated with the family, and Champagne on New Year's celebrated with friends.
Assistant: 但是,现在果酒主要用于平安夜和家人聚会,而香槟酒则用于新年期间和朋友饮用。
User: Shortly before the publication of Mason & Dixon in 1997, a CNN camera crew filmed him in Manhattan.
Assistant: 在《梅森和迪克逊》于1997年出版前不久,一个CNN摄影队在曼哈顿拍到了有他在其中的短片。
User: There were communist plans to create a Balkan federation which would include Yugoslavia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece.
Assistant: 有共产主义者计划建立巴尔干联邦,其中包括南斯拉夫、阿尔巴尼亚、罗马尼亚、保加利亚及希腊。
User: It is set in a Ukrainian village during 1649 after a massacre of the Jewish inhabitants, possibly as part of the Khmelnytsky Uprising.
Assistant: 背景设定在1649年的乌克兰小镇,不久前犹太人刚遭到血腥屠杀,而屠杀很可能是赫梅利尼茨基起义(Khmelnytsky Uprising)的一部分。
User: This operation marked the beginning of trade relations between the newly formed United States and the Qing Empire.
Assistant: 这标志着新成立的美国与大清帝国之间贸易关系的开始。
User: Scientists are also examining the ionosphere by the changes to radio waves, from satellites and stars, passing through it.
Assistant: 科学家还测量卫星和其它恒星的无线电波经过电离层所产生的变化。
User: The angel spake unto him, saying, 'O man, I did not curse thee by the name by which thou and the works that thou doest are known.
Assistant: 孔雀天使说:“我无法遵从您的命令,因为我是由您的荣耀所创造,而亚当仅仅出自于尘土。
User: It is surrounded by Shawnee State Forest.
Assistant: 火山周围被吉福德·平肖国家森林环绕。
User: In 1814, a secret organization called the Filiki Eteria was founded with the aim of liberating Greece.
Assistant: 1814年,一个名为友谊社的秘密组织成立,目标是解放希腊。
User: They won the D2 National Championship in 2008.
Assistant: 2008年获得了GP2冠军。
User: At the 1962 BAFTA Awards, The Hustler tied with the Soviet film Ballad of a Soldier for Best Film from Any Source.
Assistant: 在1962英国电影学院奖角逐中,《江湖浪子》与苏联电影《士兵之歌(英语:Ballad of a Soldier)》一起并列获任何来源类最佳影片奖。
User: Smaller trace amounts of other mineral additives have also been identified.
Assistant: 研究发现这种颜料中还含有少量的其他矿物添加剂。
User: The park's tennis courts are situated on this land to this day.
Assistant: 目前,有发现王国主题公园在此选址。
User: One Russian explorer, August von Kotzebue reported that Chinese or Filipino traders from Manila sailed to Palau and Yap during the early to mid 19th century to sell dragon jars to the islanders.
Assistant: 一名俄罗斯探险家奥古斯都报导说,马尼拉的中国或菲律宾商人在十九世纪早期到十九世纪中期前往帕劳和雅浦岛,向岛民出售陶罐。
User: For most of the next 30 years, Cunard held the Blue Riband for the fastest Atlantic voyage.
Assistant: 在之后的三十年的大多数时间里里,该公司获得了跨大西洋最快速的蓝丝带奖(Blue Riband)。
User: However, grid-connected photovoltaics increased the fastest of all renewables technologies, with a 60 percent annual average growth rate for the five-year period.
Assistant: 然而,光伏并网发电增长是所有可再生能源技术中最快的,有60%的年平均增长率。
User: Generally, Boston Terriers' tails do not exceed two inches in length.
Assistant: 但一般而言,波士顿㹴的尾巴长度不会超过两英寸。
User: The heart says 'This is it.
Assistant: 经典台词是“就是这样。
User: Kaykhusraw II rejected the proposal of his experienced commanders to wait for the Mongol attack.
Assistant: 凯霍斯鲁二世拒绝他手下经验丰富的将领所提出等待蒙古人先行进攻的战略建议。
User: Eternity is the third album of the Japanese pop rock group Every Little Thing, released on March 15, 2000.
Assistant: 天长地久是日本流行乐团小事乐团第3张专辑,于2000年3月15日发行。
User: Fuck success.
Assistant: 功难讳。
User: The last gallery was funded by the United States government, and is the only national museum gallery in the world funded by a foreign nation.
Assistant: 博物馆共有七个展厅,其中有一个展厅由美国政府资助,是世界唯一由外国资助的国家博物馆。
User: The Bridge of the Americas (Spanish: Puente de las Américas; originally known as the Thatcher Ferry Bridge) is a road bridge in Panama, which spans the Pacific entrance to the Panama Canal.
Assistant: 美洲大桥(西班牙语:Puente de las Américas;原称塞切尔渡口大桥)是巴拿马的一座公路桥,横跨太平洋的巴拿马运河入口处。 |
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Part of Pierre L'Enfant's design for the city, 16th Street begins just north of the White House across Lafayette Park at H Street and continues due north in a straight line passing K Street, Scott Circle, Meridian Hill Park, Rock Creek Park, and the Walter Reed Army Medical Center before crossing Eastern Avenue into Silver Spring, Maryland, where it ends at Georgia Avenue.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Use of larger amounts of the magnesium reagent affords greater amounts of dimethylchloroarsine ((CH3)2AsCl) and trimethylarsine ((CH3)3As).
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The celestial coordinates of this source were estimated as right ascension 19h53m and declination 34.6°.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 其天球坐标估计为赤经19h53m、赤纬34.6°。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
While North Borneo Self-government Day is often referred to as 'Independence Day', this is strictly speaking incorrect, since British legislation on North Borneo's self-government did not provide for its independence prior to it joining to form the federation of Malaysia.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Regularly these systems include a few planets with masses several times greater than Earth's (super-Earths), orbiting closer to their star than Mercury is to the Sun, and sometimes also Jupiter-mass gas giants close to their star.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 天文学家已经发现500多个多行星系统,这些系统通常包括几颗质量数倍于地球(超级地球)的行星,进到比水星更靠近太阳的距离,并且类似木星的气体巨星也会很靠近它们的母恒星。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Anesthesiologists must often judge subjectively whether a patient is sufficiently anesthetized for surgery.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The latter "formal" form is also grammatically plural.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
\n"; Perl中的循环语句也是非常的丰富。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In the 20th century, the practice in Europe varied from country to country, with some assigning colors based on the baby's complexion, and others assigning pink sometimes to boys and sometimes to girls.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
She is younger than Ryuji.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The HPET circuit in modern PCs is integrated into the southbridge chip.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The plant height is about 1 meter and there are three small thorns on the stem.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Metadata schemata can also be one-dimensional, or linear, where each element is completely discrete from other elements and classified according to one dimension only.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Lester returned to Amsterdam in 1995 and worked as a director, assistant director and editor of video-clips and commercials for the film production company Filmhouse.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:1995年,莱斯特回到阿姆斯特丹并以导演、副导演和录像短片编辑身份为一家电影公司工作。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:He also remarked that the PlayStation 3 version suffers from technical issues such as frame rate inconsistencies, graphical glitches, and other minor bugs, which are mostly present in the downloadable content sections of the game.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
他还指出,PlayStation 3版本存在技术问题,比如帧率不一致、图形故障和其他小错误,这些问题主要出现在游戏的可下载内容部分。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: However, with the launch of the Batman Family comic book series in 1975, readers continued to request for Batwoman to appear in new stories.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 然而,随着1975年《蝙蝠家族》系列漫画的推出,读者们持续要求蝙蝠女侠出现在新的故事中。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
In 1904, his first book, Fritz Kochers Aufsätze, appeared in the Insel Verlag.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:1904年,瓦尔泽的第一部作品《弗利茨·考赫的作文集》(Fritz Kochers Aufsätze)在岛屿出版社出版。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The next morning, the soldiers saw what they thought were mounted columns of Indians on the horizon, but they turned out to be herds of bison.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
次日早晨,士兵们以为一支支骑马的印第安人纵队正出现在了地平线上,结果他们见到的原来是野牛群。 |
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:More administrative reforms were made by Philip IV, also called Philip the Fair (reigned 1285–1314).
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
This could take months or years, so it might not be discovered despite thorough testing.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The three statues in the facade are by Francesco Zoppi.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 立面的三尊雕像出自 Francesco Zoppi之手。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: When the theory is such that no other default can be applied, the theory is called an extension of the default theory.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
He was one of seven students accepted into a special two-year course in classical theater, taught in partnership with the Old Globe Theater.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:他曾是被选入古典剧院两年特别培训的七名学生之一,这门课程与老环球剧院有伙伴关系。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: This technique has limited support for EXE COM servers and cannot be used for system-wide components such as MDAC, MSXML, DirectX or Internet Explorer.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
这种技术有限支持EXE COM服务器且不能用于系统范围组件如MDAC、MSXML、DirectX或Internet Explorer。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: This lasted until August 1, 1962, when the government formed a working unit in charge of organizing the civil aviation maintenance and operation of airports for the benefit of civil air transport.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:When the other two police came back to camp, McIntyre told them to surrender.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 当另两名警员回到营地时,麦肯泰劝他们也跟着投降。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In Eastern group will play only 10 teams.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Instead, the diagnosis of ALS is primarily based on the symptoms and signs the physician observes in the person and a series of tests to rule out other diseases.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Technical Ecstasy failed to reach the top 50 in the U.S., and was the band's second consecutive release not to achieve platinum status, although it was later certified gold in 1997.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Savoiagate, Vittorio Emanuele assolto.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The sell-off of state-owned enterprises led to improvements in some service industries, notably local telephony, mobile telephony and Internet.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:借着卖出国营企业,某些服务产业得到了改善,例如当地的电话、手机与互联网业。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: While this debate was unfolding, Congress used the 1997 Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act to pass incentives that gave pharmaceutical manufacturers a six-month patent term extension on new drugs submitted with pediatric trial data.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
1997年,美国国会通过了《食品药品监督管理局现代化法》(Food And Drug Administration Modermization Act),其中规定给予进行过儿科药品测试的新药以6个月的专利权延长期。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Escape from the dungeon is usually only allowed in certain places, or through the use of certain items.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:There are eight big students' clubs and the summer campus party is considered to be the biggest in Germany.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:One of his most enduring achievements was the institution of the Point IV program via agreement with US President Harry Truman.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
This has had little to no bearing on his overall aura strength.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
North American reviewers received the game a few weeks before the release, and IGN noted that the experience of developing Shining Force for Sega helped Camelot develop a gripping RPG for the handheld.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Unless domestic, geese are generally migratory, traveling lengthy distances in between their summer habitats in the north and their winter habitats in the south.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
And who believe in what has been revealed to you, and what was revealed before you, and of the Hereafter they are certain.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In a VoIP network, call control is one of three major categories of communications traffic, the other two being call signaling and media communications.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:在VoIP网络中,呼叫控制是通信业务的三大类之一,另外两个是呼叫信令和媒体通信。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Pooled analyses may be either retrospective or prospective.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 世代研究可以是前瞻性或回顾性的。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Beakman was also assisted by his "lab rat" Lester.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The new constitution was also approved overwhelmingly by referendum, but with more opposition and smaller turnout.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 据说,新宪法也在公投压倒性地得到通过,但是这一次受到较多反对,投票人数亦较少。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:William Bligh was born on 9 September 1754, but it is not clear where.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
No faith other than Catholicism was permitted.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Clarke told Reuters on 11 April 2014 that the NSA had not known of Heartbleed.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Manifolds need not be connected (all in "one piece"); an example is a pair of separate circles.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: New Year's Day, 1966, found her at Livorno, Italy.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The overall shape is sometimes likened to a tiny bunch of bananas.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
整体造型是有时被比作一串微小的香蕉。 |
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The gate formed by the α subunits prevents peptides longer than about four residues from entering the interior of the 20S particle.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Her intervention prevented the British from sinking the torpedo boats V1 and S13.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
它的介入则成功阻止了英国人击沉鱼雷艇V1号(英语:SMS V1)和S13号。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
On the review aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes, the show holds a score of 78%, noting that Marie Kondo "makes for a delightful instructor".
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The Greek Revolution was not an isolated event; numerous failed attempts at regaining independence took place throughout the history of the Ottoman era.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:希腊革命不是一起孤立事件,在奥斯曼统治时期的整个历史上发生了许多争取独立的运动,却皆以失败告终。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: On July 12, 2014, Tox entered an alpha stage in development and a redesigned download page was created for the occasion.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The electromagnetic (EM) calorimeter absorbs energy from particles that interact electromagnetically, which include charged particles and photons.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:电磁量能器(electromagnetic calorimeter)从涉及电磁作用的粒子中吸收能量,这包括了带电粒子和光子。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: All projections of the future of the Earth, the Solar System, and the universe must account for the second law of thermodynamics, which states that entropy, or a loss of the energy available to do work, must rise over time.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Liverpool had a chance to take the lead before half-time.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:利物浦曾有机会领先结束上半场。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Based on observations by the Voyager spacecraft in 1979 and Galileo in 1996, troilite might also be present in the rocks of Jupiter’s satellites Ganymede and Callisto.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
根据1979年的航海家计划和1996年的伽利略号太空船的观测,陨硫铁可能也会出现在木星的岩石卫星加利美德和卡利斯多 。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Following the privatisation of British Rail, the long-distance services from St Pancras were franchised to Midland Mainline, a train operating company owned by National Express, starting on 28 April 1996.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
1996年4月28日,在英国铁路重新私有化之后,圣潘克拉斯车站的长距离列车经营权给了米德兰干线公司(Midland Mainline)——一个由国家快速铁路集团(National Express Group)掌握的铁路运营商。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In January 2012, Davis was listed among "12 State Legislators to Watch in 2012" by Governing Magazine and was mentioned as a possible candidate for statewide races.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
在2012年1月,戴维思被《政府杂志(英语:Governing Magazine)》列为“2012年值得关注的12个州议员”, 并且她是德州议员中唯一一个被提名者。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The first translator of his book, the Japanese journalist Shinji Nagino, was murdered in Montreal with two-thirds of the way to go.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 第一个将此书翻译成日文的记者薙野慎二(Shinji Nagino)在全书只完成三分之一的进度时,在加拿大蒙特利尔被暗杀。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: He has guest-starred on several television shows, including an appearance in an episode of the television series The King of Queens in a flashback as the father of the character Arthur (played by Jerry Stiller).
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 他也客串几部电视剧的特别嘉宾,包含在电视连续剧《后中之王》(King Of Queens)露脸演出Arthur的父亲一角(史提勒的父亲Jerry Stiller)。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: However, the question of the crater's age is not that simple.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The recommendation also says that where this is not possible, 300 Bq/m3 should be selected as the highest level.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
如果这项水平无法达到,则应以300 Bq/m3作为最高水平。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Further work was conducted by The 6th Earl of Gloucester in the second half of the 13th century.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:在13世纪下半叶第六任格洛斯特伯爵扩建。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Moving through the dense jungle to aid the besieged unit, Company A encountered a strong enemy force occupying well concealed, defensive positions, and the company's leading element quickly sustained several casualties.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
By the end of the century, the bikini had become the most popular beachwear around the globe.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 到了20世纪末,比基尼已经成为全球范围内最流行的泳装。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Campos Racing is a Spanish motor racing team, run by former Formula One driver Adrián Campos.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
坎波斯车队是一支西班牙赛车队,由前一级方程式车手阿德里安·坎波斯(英语:Adrián Campos)经营。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
According to 1933 census the number of Italians in the region of Kerch had already dropped by 1,3%.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:根据1933年的人口普查,刻赤地区的意大利人的数量已经下降了1.3%。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
In a letter dated May 10, Pettit proposed an oval-shaped holed piece, or an angular-shaped coin, which would lessen the production problems.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Analysts suggested that the market for peripheral-based rhythm games may remain stagnant for three to five years, after which sales could resurge because of digital distribution models or the release of new video game consoles.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 有分析称,外设节奏游戏接下来三五年依旧不景气,之后因数字销售模式或新游戏机面世,销量会重新起来。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Filming began on August 17 and ended on or just after September 7, 2007.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 拍摄工作于2007年8月17日开始,同年9月7日左右结束。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
A year later, Camelot stated that "the current status of a third game ... is still up in the air", while the studio's founding brothers Hiroyuki and Shugo Takahashi stated in a 2004 interview that the scenarios of the first two games were intended as "prologues to the real event yet to come", with rumors at the time suggesting a third title might surface on the Nintendo GameCube.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:在2003年Camelot称“系列第三作目前仍然在酝酿中”,而工作室的建立者高桥宏之和高桥秀五两兄弟则在2004年的采访中表示,前两作的情节“意欲作为序言,而真正的故事还在后头”,而当时亦有传言称第三作将可能登陆任天堂GameCube平台。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The first phone with UIQ 3.1 was Motorola RIZR Z8.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
UIQ 3.1通过摩托罗拉RIZR Z8首发。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In July 2012, a Rasmussen Reports poll found that over two-thirds of Americans would fire every member of Congress.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It was controlled by a throttle or "kickdown" cable, the speedometer used an air powered cable, and had no computer controls.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:它由油门或“强制降档”电缆控制,速度表使用气动电缆,没有电脑控制。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In the United States, some federal judges have argued that the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines' recommended penalties for possessors of child pornography are too harsh.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Note that the system with prefix thâu is usually added by counter words, and it means "the first few"; for example, thâu-gō͘ pái means "the first five times".
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
注意,前缀“头”所描述的序数通常需在后方加上量词,而它的涵义为“前几个”;例如,“头五摆”(thâu-gō͘ pái)的意思是“前五次”。 |
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Thaddeus Rowe Luckinbill (born April 24, 1975) is an American actor and producer best known for playing J.T. Hellstrom on the CBS soap opera The Young and the Restless, from August 1999 to November 2010.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:赛迪斯·罗·拉金比尔(英语:Thaddeus Rowe Luckinbill,1975年4月24日-)是一名美国男演员和制片人,以1999年8月至2010年11月在CBS肥皂剧《不安分的青春(英语:The Young and the Restless)》中饰演J·T·赫尔斯特伦(英语:J. T. Hellstrom)一角而闻名。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Once restored to his native city, however, he played a crucial role in a string of Athenian victories that eventually brought Sparta to seek a peace with Athens.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The demonstrators were protesting against the deteriorating living conditions.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 示威者抗议自己的生活条件在日趋恶化。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:From 1958 to 1962 Jenner studied sinology at Oxford and wrote his dissertation about the history of Luoyang in the 5th and 6th century.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 从1958年到1962年,詹纳尔在牛津大学学习汉学,并撰写了有关洛阳历史(5和6世纪)的论文。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Dean Ramsey resigned in 1888 and was replaced by George G. Bingham, who served until 1891 when replaced by his pupil Samuel T. Richardson.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:首任院长拉姆齐于1888年辞职,乔治·G·宾汉姆(英语:George G. Bingham)继任至1891年,他的弟子塞缪尔·T·理查森(英语:Samuel T. Richardson)之后继任。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: After Moser died in 1874, the company was sold, and its business in Russia was expropriated in 1918 due to the October Revolution.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Many of these particles probably derive from the thermosphere.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:However, neither Davidson correction itself nor the corrected energies are size-consistent or size-extensive.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 然而,需要注意的是无论是戴维森校正本身还是经过戴维森校正后的能量,都不具有严格的大小广延性或大小一致性。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Between October 12 and 13, transportation officials canceled 22 international flights to and from Cancún.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The "Vostok spaceship" had been first displayed at the July 1961 Tushino air show, mounted on its launch vehicle's third stage, with the nose cone in place.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
1961年7月,“东方号宇宙飞船”首次在图西诺航空展(英语:Soviet air show)亮相,被安装在运载火箭的第三阶,没有在本有位置带前椎体。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
In 1990, another investor gave the club its third name of Dordrecht'90.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The notion of language is used as an abstract description of the language use, and of the abilities of individual speakers and listeners.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:语言这个概念是用来抽象地描述个别说话者和收听者的的语言运用和能力。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Board is the main governing body of the Foundation, while the Scientific Council is responsible for academic competences.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:理事会是该基金会的主要管理机构,而科学委员会则负责学术领域。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
In June 2008, European researchers announced the discovery of three super-Earths around the star HD 40307, a star that is only slightly less massive than our Sun.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
2008年6月,欧洲南天天文台研究团队宣布在一颗名为HD 40307恒星周边,发现三颗超级地球。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:These have been cited as among the main advantages of Android phones over others.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 这些被引用为Android手机较其他手机的主要优势之一。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The gun was inoperable after the explosion and the soldier received minor injuries.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:涉事的枪支在意外发生后已无法操作,而那名操作武器的士兵亦受了轻伤。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The light bar was developed for PlayStation VR.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
光条也是为PlayStation VR开发的。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
After Tony Stark reveals himself to be Iron Man, the U.S. government demands he hand over his technology.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
In modern astrology, Jupiter is the primary native ruler of the ninth house, but traditionally, Jupiter was assigned to both the second and ninth houses: the house of values and the house of beliefs, respectively, and had its joy in the eleventh house of good luck.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在现代占星术之中,木星是第九宫的最初先天的主管星,但是传统上而言,木星是被指定为主管着第二宫与第九宫这两个宫位:分别为重视价值的宫位,以及信仰或者是信念的宫位。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Gender and Development: Gender equality and development; gender analysis of public expenditure choices and the gender impact of specific macro and sectoral policies.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 性别与发展:两性平等与发展;公共支出选择的性别分析和特定的宏观和部门政策的性别影响。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Laika announced on 7 February 2013, that the adaptation would be their next 3D stop-motion feature under the title The Boxtrolls.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: This was to have far-reaching consequences, for immediately after the battle, the German Naval Command launched an investigation which resulted in the adoption of anti-flash measures that prevented the type of spectacular explosions that resulted in the destruction of Indefatigable and Queen Mary at Jutland a year later.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:此举带来了深远的影响,因为在是次海战结束后,德国海军司令部立即展开一项全面调查,并采取了防爆措施,从而避免了类似于一年半后在日德兰导致不倦号(英语:HMS Indefatigable (1909))和玛丽皇后号(英语:HMS Queen Mary)覆灭的惊人爆炸。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The distance to the nebula is not precisely known, but Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) data supports a distance of about 1,470 light-years.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
这个星云的确实距离仍不清楚,但是 FUSE的测量证实距离大约是1,470光年。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Minho and Thomas venture back into the Maze with the device and discover a possible exit.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
This is the biggest and best-known park in Norway, with a large collection of sculptures by Gustav Vigeland.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 它是挪威最大,最知名的公园,其中有着由古斯塔夫·维格兰(Gustav Vigeland)所收藏的许多雕塑作品。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
When she returns to the hotel room, she and Antonio decide to return to their rustic hometown—but first they begin to make love.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The characteristic body-centered tetragonal martensite microstructure was first observed by German microscopist Adolf Martens around 1890.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
马氏体的四方晶系微观结构在约1890年时首先被一位德国显微镜学家阿道夫·马顿斯(英语:Adolf Martens)所观察到。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
By the 2008 general election however, the main opposition parties has realigned themselves to strategically avoid three-corner contests in the election, eventually leading to a major electoral setback for Barisan Nasional.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Abkhazia–Nicaragua relations refers to bilateral foreign relations between the Republic of Abkhazia and Nicaragua.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:阿布哈兹与尼加拉瓜的关系指阿布哈兹共和国和尼加拉瓜之间的双边对外关系。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Each denomination had assets that allowed it to thrive on the frontier.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Al Gore – former Vice President; testified in private separately from Bill Clinton.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:阿尔·戈尔 –前副总统;与比尔 · 克林顿分别私下作证。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
At a punk club, William kisses Dorothea, but she rejects him on account of his sexual relationship with Abbie.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在朋克俱乐部,威廉亲了多萝西亚,但她因为他与阿比发生性关系而拒绝了他。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The score contains romantic elements and has been described by National Public Radio as a "restricted compass ... of emotion" with "instruments blend together in a gentle sort of way".
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In linear PCA, we can use the eigenvalues to rank the eigenvectors based on how much of the variation of the data is captured by each principal component.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
George's poetry is characterized by an aristocratic ethos; his verse is formal in style, lyrical in tone, and often arcane in language, being influenced by Greek classical forms, in revolt against the realist trend of German literature at the time.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
乔治的诗歌的特点是具有贵族精神;他的诗歌有一种比较正式的风格,使用抒情的语调和语言,往往晦涩难懂,并且受到了希腊的古典形式影响,在反抗方面有德国文学的现实主义倾向。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: That evening, Arthur meets a seductive young woman named Nadia, who convinces him to go skinny-dipping with her.
Assistant: 当晚,亚瑟遇见了一名迷人的女子娜迪亚(Nadia),她说服亚瑟与他一起去裸泳。
User: Following the Second World War, trade gradually declined and the trading floor fell into disuse.
Assistant: 第二次世界大战之后,贸易逐渐减少,交易停止。
User: Others helped perpetuate the story over the years.
Assistant: 多年来还有许多其他人帮助这个故事不断地流传下来。
User: The building is Canada's oldest house of government.
Assistant: 议会大楼是加拿大历史第二古老的政府建筑。
User: They named it "Code Red" because Code Red Mountain Dew was what they were drinking at the time.
Assistant: 他们将其命名为“Code Red”,因为Code Red Mountain Dew是他们当时正在喝的饮料。
User: In 1997–99, the stadium was renovated again in accordance with FIFA guidelines, and its capacity was reduced to 83,450.
Assistant: 1997–99年,为配合国际足协的指引,体育场再度翻修,座位减至83,450个。
User: Official policy only allowed accounts of the 1939 campaign that portrayed it as a reunification of the Belarusian and Ukrainian peoples and a liberation of the Polish people from "oligarchic capitalism".
Assistant: 官方政策只把1939年的行动,描绘成一个统一白俄罗斯和乌克兰人民及从“寡头资本主义”中解放波兰人民的行动。
User: The third generation.
Assistant: 第三世代能力者。
User: There are Quranic verses on the prohibition of fornication: And come not near unto adultery.
Assistant: 魔术师则是指从事魔术活动,并且不将魔术滥用者。
User: This is because the shallow trap is completely empty and the deep trap is also almost devoid of electrons.
Assistant: 这是由于浅陷阱完全是空的,深陷阱中也缺乏电子。
User: The wizard summons spirits to heal Conan and warns that they will "extract a heavy toll", which Valeria is willing to pay.
Assistant: 巫师招唤鬼灵来治愈柯南,并警告两人将会为此“付出沉重的代价”,瓦莱里娅接受了这个条件。
User: It was the goal of Hilbert's program to put all of mathematics on a firm axiomatic basis, but according to Gödel's incompleteness theorem every (sufficiently powerful) axiomatic system has undecidable formulas; and so a final axiomatization of mathematics is impossible.
Assistant: 希尔伯特计划即是想将所有的数学放在坚固的公理基础上,但依据哥德尔不完备定理,每一相容且能蕴涵皮亚诺公理的公理系统必含有一不可决定的公式;因而所有数学的最终公理化是不可能的。
User: These regions were be named the "free zones".
Assistant: 这些地区之后被称作“自由区域”。
User: The war in Europe had altered Bauer's vision of the world and he stated that he could no longer imagine it as a fairy tale.
Assistant: 在欧洲的大战转换了鲍尔对这个世界的视角,他声称他不能再将它想象成为一个童话故事。
User: To ease Soekarno–Hatta International Airport, the Halim airport authority has announced to give 60 flight slots per hour for scheduled flights and, for the first time, the 2013 Haj pilgrims used this airport.
Assistant: 为了缓解苏加诺-哈达国际机场的拥挤状态,哈利姆机场管理方宣布每小时为定期航班提供60架次的服务,2013年前往麦加的朝觐者使用了该机场。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: General purpose or balance of plant machines - These are the machines that make up the remainder of the plant and normally monitored using a handheld data collector as mentioned previously to periodically create a picture of the health of the machine.
Assistant: 泛用或是厂内其他系统(balance of plant machines):这是工厂或是制程中其他的机械,一般会用手持的资料搜集设备定期量测资料,以得知机械的健康程度。
User: Damn All's wife.
Assistant: 天领的妻子。
User: While at the University of Chicago, she met fellow faculty member Dr. Fremont Ellis Kelsey, whom she married in 1943.
Assistant: 在芝加哥大学,她还遇到了同样任教的弗里蒙特·埃利斯·凯尔西(Fremont Ellis Kelsey)博士,1943年两人结婚。
User: Error detection is the detection of errors caused by noise or other impairments during transmission from the transmitter to the receiver.
Assistant: 该术语的一般定义如下: 错误检测是检测发射机到接收机的传输期间由噪声或其他原因所致的错误。
User: An air data computer (ADC) is an essential avionics component found in modern glass cockpits.
Assistant: 大气数据计算机(英语:air data computer,缩写ADC)是现代玻璃驾驶舱中一个必不可少的航空电子组件。
User: He and Arthur M. Wolfe were the authors of the Sachs–Wolfe effect, which concerns a property of the Cosmic microwave background radiation.
Assistant: 他和亚瑟·M·沃尔夫提出了宇宙微波背景辐射(CMB)的萨克斯·沃尔夫效应。
User: In the case, the ICJ found that its own temporary court orders were legally binding and that the rights contained in the convention could not be denied by the application of domestic legal procedures.
Assistant: 这起案件中,国际法院认定自身所给出的临时法庭命令具有法律约束力,由公约授予的权利不能因国内法律流程而受到阻碍。
User: The Chinese, though fearing him, ask for his help, but he will not become subservient to them.
Assistant: 陈友谅退居武昌,使人来乞师,不许。
User: Dynamically scoped variants do not support closures or need a special construct to create closures.
Assistant: 动态作用域的变种不支持闭包,需要特别构造闭包。
User: The monastery experienced a heyday during the time of the reformation due to Luzern being a prominent city for the Swiss Catholic cantons.
Assistant: 在宗教改革时期,这个修道院进入了全盛期,因为卢塞恩在瑞士的天主教各州是一个突出的的城市。
User: The community project offers a rolling release version called openSUSE Tumbleweed, which is continuously updated with tested, stable packages.
Assistant: 该社区项目提供了一个名为openSUSE Tumbleweed的滚动版本,该版本不断更新,并通过经过测试的稳定软件包进行更新。
User: Early in 1805 Qais and his brother Mohammed marched south along the coast to Muttrah, which he easily captured.
Assistant: 1805年,凯斯和兄弟穆罕默德向南进军至马托拉海岸,很快占领该地,决定进攻马斯喀特。
User: CozyCot is a social networking website for women from East Asia and Southeast Asia (especially Singapore).
Assistant: CozyCot是一个专为东亚和东南亚(特别是新加坡)女性而设的社交网络网站。
User: Since 1996, the Linux kernel has included proprietary licensed components, so that it was no longer entirely free software.
Assistant: 1996年起,Linux 内核开始包含有版权保护的部件,所以它不再是完全的自由软件了。
User: Her intention was to remain in theater, but in her second semester took a class taught by Tracy Fullerton on the history of game design, which inspired her to focus her studies on video game design instead.
Assistant: 她起初打算留在剧院,但在第二学期修特雷西·富勒顿(Tracy Fullerton)的游戏设计史时,萌生了改学电子游戏设计的想法。
User: I asked him firmly if he was telling me this as good news or bad, and he did not answer.
Assistant: ’世尊!犹如有人问李瓜报,彼亦如是,我问现得报不?而彼答我以断灭。
User: A sphere (or, equivalently, a rubber ball with a hollow center) is simply connected, because any loop on the surface of a sphere can contract to a point, even though it has a "hole" in the hollow center.
Assistant: 一个球体或空心的球体是单连通的,因为其表面上的任何闭曲线都能连续地收缩到一点,即使球的中心有一个“孔”。
User: According to Corbett's later account, he fired at Booth because the fugitive "raised his pistol to shoot" at them.
Assistant: 科贝特后来交代,朝布斯开枪是由于逃犯“举起手枪朝他们开枪”。
User: At first, Van Horn was unsure if the RC10 could keep up with the Oldsmobile, so for the scene where both vehicles start from the top of the hill, the director allowed both cars to start-off together.
Assistant: 起初,范宏恩不确定该R/C遥控车能否追上奥兹莫比尔,因在从山顶开始的场景,导演允许两辆车一起出发,结果,前者领先了后者,这使得剧组不得不让伊斯威特的车先抵达终点。
User: Fox believes that Britain should maintain its continuous at sea, independent, submarine based strategic nuclear deterrent based on the Trident system.
Assistant: 福克斯认为,英国应该保持其基于三叉戟系统的持续海上、独立、海底的战略核威慑。
User: President William Craig Rice said, "What Shimer does well - educating ourselves in on-going dialogue with the greatest minds of the past - can’t be captured in the U.S. News measurements".
Assistant: 第十任院长威廉·格雷格·赖斯说“夏默之所做得好,是我们时常告诫自己要与时俱进,不断与过去的最杰出的理性思想保持一致,不为美国新闻上的说三道四所折服”。
User: Odden and Parsberg first met in 2005 and formed the group in 2011.
Assistant: 奥登及帕尔斯贝格在2005年首次见面并于2011年成立团体。
User: Celebrating the victory, he stated: "From now on, the HDP is Turkey's party.
Assistant: 在庆祝胜利时,他表示:“从现在起,人民民主党便是土耳其的党派。
User: Other local scripts, most prominently Khmer, Burmese, and in modern times Thai (since 1893), Devanāgarī and Mon script (Mon State, Burma) have been used to record Pali.
Assistant: 其他地区文字,最显著的有高棉文、缅甸文、傣文(传统傣仂文)和现代泰文(自从1893年),天城文和东南亚孟族人(Mon)的孟文、寮文(寮国Laos)也已经被用来记录巴利语。
User: March 31, 1992 Bashkortostan signed a federal agreement on the delimitation of powers and areas of jurisdiction between the authorities of the Russian Federation and the authorities of the sovereign republics in its composition and its Annex of the Republic of Bashkortostan, which determined the nature of the contractual relations between the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Russian Federation.
Assistant: 1992年3月31日,巴什科尔多斯坦共和国于签署了一项关于俄罗斯联邦当局与共和国当局之间的权力划分和管辖地区的联邦协定,确立了巴什科尔托斯坦共和国和俄罗斯的联邦关系。
User: The chapel has been the site of many royal weddings, particularly of the children of Queen Victoria.
Assistant: 该教堂曾多次举办皇室婚礼,尤其是维多利亚女王子女的婚礼多在此举行。
User: Or will leave in a coffin.
Assistant: 或是会在棺材中离开。
User: He had earlier used the term "social physics", but that had subsequently been appropriated by others, most notably the Belgian statistician Adolphe Quetelet.
Assistant: 孔德在初期曾使用“社会物理学”(social physics)一词,但后来被别人挪用,其中包括著名的比利时统计学家朗伯·阿道夫·雅克·凯特勒。
User: Modern metalworking processes, though diverse and specialized, can be categorized as forming, cutting, or joining processes.
Assistant: 现代金属加工过程虽然种类繁多和具有专业性,可被分类为成型,切割或连接加工。
User: However, he is best known today for his brief affair with British feminist writer Mary Wollstonecraft, which resulted in the birth of a daughter, Fanny Imlay.
Assistant: 他与有名的英国女权主义作家玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特有亲密关系,有一个女儿芬妮·伊姆利。
User: The encyclopedia entry explains that she eventually purchased a circus and was murdered by a member of the League of Assassins; however, Bronze Tiger was not her killer.
Assistant: DC百科全书的词条解释说,她买下了一个马戏团,被刺客联盟的成员谋杀;然而,铜虎并不是杀她的凶手。
User: The main mission of the SCWR is generation of low-cost electricity.
Assistant: 目前SCWR主要目标是降低发电成本。
User: He then gained some recognition for being a part of the new hip hop scene back in the East Bay Area, joining with such artists as Lil B, Crohn and The Cataracs.
Assistant: 然后他获得了一些认可,加入了旧金山东湾的新兴hip-hop圈,也为一些艺人如 Lil B, Crohn 和The Cataracs等助唱过。 |
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The IRG Solution: hierarchical incompetence and how to overcome it (1984) argued that central media and government-type hierarchical organizations could not adequately understand the environmental crisis we were manufacturing, or how to initiate adequate solutions.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
参见《IRG解决方案——等级制度的无能以及怎样来战胜它》(The IRG Solution - hierarchical incompetence and how to overcome it, 1984),讨论了主要媒体和政府类型的等级组织。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Conservatives and libertarians have debated the possible effects of the CRA, with detractors claiming that the Act encouraged lending to uncreditworthy borrowers, and defenders claiming a thirty-year history of lending without increased risk.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:反对者声称,该法鼓励贷款给无资格接受信用贷款的借款人,而维护者声称30年为期的借贷史并不会增加风险。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Greater care is recommended in those with kidney problems.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:At Chichen Itza, Kukulkan ceased to be the Vision Serpent that served as a messenger between the king and the gods and came instead to symbolise the divinity of the state.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
A third attack, now under the additional leadership of Firoz Shah's Sipah Salar (Commander-in-Chief) Syed Nasiruddin was undertaken, a force which was joined by Shah Jalal and his companions who at this point numbered 360.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:第三次袭击,现在在菲路兹的Sipah Salar(总司令)赛义德纳斯鲁丁的额外领导下进行,沙阿·贾拉勒和他的同伴加入了这一部队,此时他们的人数为360人。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Enterprise II, was an uncommissioned drifter, originally based at Larne but transferred to Italian waters in November 1915.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Zahovič's first match for Slovenia was on 7 November 1992, a friendly match with Cyprus.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1992年11月7日,扎霍维奇在对塞浦路斯的友谊赛中首次代表斯洛文尼亚队出场。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
He appears to see them as closer friends than they see him but neither of them treats him meanly either.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 以为优子接近自己是因为看自己可怜,所以不视其为朋友。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The banner included a list of demands for improvements in the U.S. copyright system, along with Swartz's Guerilla Open Access Manifesto.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The bodies of the martyrs are kept in four ancient sarcophagi in the crypt.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:殉道者的尸体保存在地穴中的四个古石棺内。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Filming for the final four episodes took place from January 1994 to May 1996.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:最后四集从1994年1月拍到了1996年5月。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: These farms, family owned and operated in a technologically and economically conventional manner, produce crops and animal products oriented to national and international markets, rather than to local markets.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The interpretation of the interaction Lagrangian in quantum field theory is of scalar bosons interacting by the exchange of these gauge bosons.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The Cheka received a large number of resources, and became known for ruthlessly pursuing any perceived counterrevolutionary elements.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The pace is just as, if not more intense than junior high school.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:It is dual-licensed and is distributed under the free and open source GPLv3 and a non-free license; the source code is hosted on GitHub.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Republican lawmakers intent on funding a defensive shield criticized the report and the Clinton administration for inaccurate assessments and distorted intelligence.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:有意支持导弹防御系统并向其拨款的共和党议员批评这份报告的评估欠准备,还指责克林顿政府歪曲了情报。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Charge cards are typically issued without spending limits, but credit cards usually have a specified credit limit that the cardholder may not exceed.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Mladić refused to go quietly, claiming the support of the Bosnian Serb military and the people.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:不过,姆拉迪奇将军不愿乖乖离开,支持他的波黑塞族平民和士兵也表示不满。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
As a token of his penitence for his war against his father, he prostrated himself naked on the floor before a crucifix.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Egyptian officials have strongly disputed that claim.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
It is currently 17.6 light-years from Earth and has an apparent magnitude of 10.8.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
However, since announcing the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) he has been praised by heritage NGOs and Simon Jenkins of the National Trust.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:然而,自从宣布国家规划政策框架(英语:National Planning Policy Framework)(NPPF)以来,他得到了负责遗产的非政府组织和国家名胜古迹信托的西蒙·詹金斯(英语:Simon Jenkins)的赞扬。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Before dawn the 10th SS Panzer Division advanced, supported by heavy mortar and artillery fire.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
A train from Monterrey to Tampico carried food, medicine, and soldiers to assist in rebuilding, but was delayed by ongoing flooding.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In 2012–13, Scottish universities received 13.1% of Research Councils UK funding.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:2012-2013学年,苏格兰的大学共拿到了英国科研委员会拨款中的13.1%。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
In Manitoba, the scarp forms the eastern edge of Riding Mountain National Park, home of a large bison herd, and Duck Mountain Provincial Park.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在马尼托巴,断崖形成了雷丁山国家公园的东部边缘,一个大野牛群的栖息地,和鸭山省立公园。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Both the port and the factory were destroyed in World War II.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Everyone was pleased but we didn't all roll around on the ground – nobody realised that history was being made.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:当时所有人都感到兴奋,但我们没有在草地上滚来滚去庆祝-因为没有人知道一项历史已经诞生。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In 1984, the museum moved from its previous location in Fair Park to the Arts District.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:He is not known for his pace, and this has caused him some disciplinary problems as he has received eight red cards during his career.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In 1914, at the University of California's Lick Observatory, while observing the recently discovered Jupiter moon Pasiphaë, he discovered a new one, Sinope, whose orbit he computed for his Ph.D. thesis in 1915.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1914年,在加利福尼亚大学的立克天文台,在观测刚刚发现不久的帕西法尔时,他又发现了一颗新的卫星希诺佩,1915年,他的博士学位论文正是计算这颗卫星的轨道。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: A two-car Innovia Metro 200 arriving at the station.
Assistant: 一辆Innovia Metro 200在本站停靠。
User: The superior Q2 called the play The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedie of Romeo and Juliet.
Assistant: Q2版本的质量更优,并将戏剧署名为《最优秀最哀伤的悲剧之罗密欧与朱丽叶》。
User: The estates of the directors of the South Sea Company were used to relieve the suffering of the victims, and the stock of the company was divided between the Bank of England and East India Company.
Assistant: 其中,南海公司董事们的资产都被充公,以向事件受害者发放补偿金;另外南海公司的所有股份更被英伦银行及东印度公司瓜分。
User: In the summer of 2005, Jan Curious (from League of Heroes) and Mike Orange (from Homework) suddenly came up with an idea of having a side-project when they're jamming at a studio, while at that moment they were both belonged to different bands.
Assistant: 2005年的夏季,当时各自都拥有自己乐队的Jan Curious和Mike Orange,有一天在录音室玩吉他时,突然萌生了一起成立一个编外计划的念头,触执毛正式成立。
User: Strength training may be important to metabolic and cardiovascular health.
Assistant: 力量训练对代谢及心血管健康有重要性。
User: In October 2008, Facebook announced that it would set up its international headquarters in Dublin, Ireland.
Assistant: 在2008年10月,Facebook宣布将在爱尔兰的都柏林设立国际总部。
User: In some areas of the world, including Berlin, Germany, dropping salt is prohibited altogether except on the highest-risk roads; plain sand without any melting agents is spread instead.
Assistant: 在某些地区,例如德国柏林,撒盐是完全禁止的行为,仅仅在最危险的道路可以例外;在这些地区只有撒沙,不加任何降低熔点的添加剂。
User: Most items in the list also contain their actual Arabic spelling.
Assistant: 列表里的大部分词汇都包含阿拉伯语的拼写。
User: This semicircle of defences, included well-sited redoubts on a series of heights, up to 4 miles (6.4 km) from the town.
Assistant: 这一半圆形的防御阵还包括了视野良好的堡垒,一直延伸至距离城市4英里(6.4公里)处。
User: Every subject of the realm was required to confess the Lutheran faith and church attendance was mandatory.
Assistant: 各领域事物都必须遵守路德宗的信仰,上教会也变成义务性质,宗教罚则也被广泛运用。
User: With no children, the couple divides their time between New York and Bonita Springs, Florida.
Assistant: 两人没有孩子,把时间分配在纽约和佛罗里达州博尼塔温泉之间。
User: Fish size, age, concentration of triactinomyxon spores, and water temperature all affect infection rates in fish, as does the species of the fish in question.
Assistant: 鱼的大小、年龄、三角孢子虫的密度及水温都会影响鱼的感染率,而鱼品种的影响目前还不大确定。
User: In 1869, an agricultural farm was established there, which later grew into the village of Alexandrovka.
Assistant: 1869年,当地建立了一个农场,后来发展成为亚历山德罗夫卡村。
User: In a typical tiled renderer, geometry must first be transformed into screen space and assigned to screen-space tiles.
Assistant: 在典型的基于图块的渲染器中,几何必须首先转换为屏幕空间并分配给屏幕空间图块。
User: In 2002 he was awarded an honorary doctorate of laws by Amherst College and in 2006 he was named distinguished professor in the Center for Hellenic Studies by Georgia State College of Arts and Science.
Assistant: 2002年他被安默斯特学院授予法学荣誉博士头衔;2006年他被乔治亚州大学艺术与科学学院的希腊研究中心聘请为名誉教授。
User: All of the top four subsequently improved their times but the positions remained unchanged.
Assistant: 随后,前四名车手皆刷新自身的时间,但名次并未更动。
User: However, he was retained and was given more playing time under the new manager.
Assistant: 然而,他获新领队留用并给予更多的上阵时间。
User: Based on later evidence, including documents in Japanese archives, it now appears most likely that Lai Teck saved his life by promising to act as a Japanese agent.
Assistant: 根据后来的证据,包括日本的档案文件,很可能莱特为了保命承诺充当日本的代理人。
User: Most CL implementations do offer tail-call optimization, although often only when the programmer uses an optimization directive.
Assistant: 不过大多数CL实作会提供尾部呼叫优化,虽然通常只在程序员使用优化指令时。
User: In visits to towns he gave a ten-minute talk focused on campaign reform issues, then announced he would stay until he answered every question that everyone had.
Assistant: 在访问至一个城镇时他发表了10分钟的演讲(主题为竞选改革议题),接着宣布他将会留在那里回答每一个人的问题。
User: Brizola had founded the PDT and Unger saw it as the authentic opposition to the military regime.
Assistant: Brizola已经成立了PDT,昂格尔把它看作可信的军人政权的反对者。
User: If the first word in the sentence was another particle, *(e)s came after that and thus before the verb, but if the verb was the first word in the sentence, *(e)s was cliticized to it.
Assistant: 如果在句子中的第一个字是另一个质词,则附属质词 *(e)s 就会紧接在该质词之后,变成在动词之前;但如果这个动词是一个句子的第一个字,那么附属质词 *(e)s 就会紧接在在该动词之后。
User: The exact figure depends on the number of very-low-mass stars, which are hard to detect, especially at distances of more than 300 ly (90 pc) from the Sun.
Assistant: 确切的数值取决于质量非常低的恒星,这些恒星很难被检测得到,特别是距离太阳超过300 ly(90 pc)的。
User: Goldie as Bull: Valentin Zukovsky's gold-toothed and gold-haired bodyguard.
Assistant: 戈尔迪(英语:Goldie)饰布利昂(Bullion),瓦伦汀·祖科夫斯基的金牙保镖。
User: His version was released as a single by Dot Records on September 17, 1962.
Assistant: 他的版本于1962年9月17日由Dot Records作为单曲发行。
User: Animafest is the second oldest animation festival in the World, after the Annecy International Animated Film Festival, (established in 1960).
Assistant: 它是世界上第二古老的动画电影节,仅次于安讷西国际动画电影节(成立于1960年)。
User: Galaxy Broadcasting and WGBS-TV still exist post-Crisis, however, and are usually used in any story where a television station or network is needed or shown.
Assistant: 银河广播公司和WGBS-TV在后危机时代(英语:Crisis on Infinite Earths)也一直存在,甚至在任何故事里需要出现电视台或电视网的时候都会出现它们。
User: 3 November 2001, a YS-11 being prepared for delivery to an airline in Burundi was destroyed by a fire caused by a stray firework at London Southend Airport.
Assistant: 2001年11月3日,一架计划飞往布隆迪的YS-11型飞机在伦敦绍森德机场被失控的高空烟火掉落点燃起火,机身焚毁。
User: Weather maps indicated a tropical storm just east of the Lesser Antilles beginning on August 29.
Assistant: 据天气图显示,小安的列斯群岛以东近海从8月29日开始有热带风暴存在。
User: The College Television Awards are presented in recognition of excellence in college student-produced works.
Assistant: 大学电视奖是用于表彰由大学学生制作完成的电视作品。
User: IPv6 tunnel brokers typically provide IPv6 tunnels to sites or end users over IPv4.
Assistant: IPv6隧道中间人通常是提供IPv6隧道给使用IPv4的网站或者最终用户。
User: At the end of April 2013, units of Special Operations Forces conducted a special tactics exercise at Elbrus mountains at the height of 4,5 kilometers.
Assistant: 2013年4月末,特种作战部队在4.5公里高的厄尔布鲁士峰进行了一次特别战术训练。
User: Ian's Bus Stop.
Assistant: 于伊那巴士总站。
User: In 1894, the NEA published the results of work of these conference committees.
Assistant: 1894年,全国教育学会(NEA)公布了这些委员会的工作成果。
User: In northern Australia, different shells were used by different tribes, one tribe's shell often being quite worthless in the eyes of another tribe.
Assistant: 在澳大利亚北部,当地原住民也曾使用贝币,而且不同的部落曾使用不同的贝壳,一个部落的贝币对另一个部落可能是毫无价值的。
User: The embellished sanctuary and Lady Chapel mosaics were also presented by Countess Freehill and laid by Melocco Co., in 1916–17 and 1937 respectively (approximately the same time as the Kelly Chapel floor at St Mary's Cathedral).
Assistant: 在1916-17年该装饰过的庇护和圣母堂马赛克也是佛里希尔伯爵夫人送出并在1937年由梅勒柯(Melocco)公司铺设(大约跟圣玛丽大教堂凯利教堂楼同一时间)。
User: In 1997 Virginia Morell renamed a related Chinese form, Sinosauropteryx prima, into a Compsognathus prima; this has found no general acceptance.
Assistant: 在1997年,Virginia Morell将中华龙鸟列为美颌龙的一个种,成为原始美颌龙(Compsognathus prima)但并没有被普遍接纳。
User: Queen Victoria and her consort Prince Albert had sympathy for the German position, but it was tempered by British ministers who saw the growth of German sea-power in the Baltic Sea as a danger to British naval supremacy, and consequently Great Britain sided with the Danes.
Assistant: 维多利亚女王和王夫艾伯特王子赞同德意志的立场,但英国官员缓和他们的情绪,认为德意志海军在波罗的海扩张,威胁英国的海上霸权,结果英国支持丹麦。
User: Campus Guayaquil, located in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Assistant: 厄瓜多尔足协位于瓜亚基尔。
User: Square implemented several other ideas to distance the games, notably the "meat" system to allow players to collect enemy abilities, though these proved difficult to portray at first.
Assistant: 史克威尔使用了其它创意来区别游戏,最明显的是可让玩家收集敌人能力的“肉”系统,尽管这最开始被认为很难做出来。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: A compact complex torus Cn/Λ (Λ a full lattice) inherits a flat metric from the Euclidean metric on Cn, and is therefore a compact Kähler manifold.
Assistant: 环面 Cn/Λ(Λ 为一完全格)由 Cn 上继承一个平坦度量,从而是一个紧致凯勒流形。
User: The second beta of Windows Live Messenger 8.5, Beta 2, was released on September 5, 2007.
Assistant: Windows Live Messenger 8.5的第二个测试版Beta 2在2007年9月5日时释出。
User: The 2010 Strategic Defence and Security Review announced that the remaining 13 Type 23 frigates would eventually be replaced by the Global Combat Ship.
Assistant: 2010年战略防御和安全报告称其余13艘舰船日后将为全球作战舰艇取代。
User: Blessed is he who comes from heaven.
Assistant: 乐哉!天下安宁。
User: His research work inspired some of his science fiction.
Assistant: 他的通灵术研究也影响了一些他的科幻小说。
User: Shortening the barrel increases the rate of fire significantly and thereby makes the weapon difficult to control and less reliable.
Assistant: 一般而言,缩短枪管会令射速明显增加,进而导致武器难以控制和可靠性低。
User: Project creates budgets based on assignment work and resource rates.
Assistant: Project根据任务工作和资源开销率产生预算。
User: He concentrated on studies of Greek tragedy, especially translations of the works of Sophocles.
Assistant: 他专注于对希腊悲剧的研究,特别是对索福克勒斯作品的翻译。
User: Belu is confused as to who is her brother among them.
Assistant: 称艾扎力为哥哥,实际上是师兄妹的关系,对他存有好感。
User: This French semi-automatic rifle evolved from the prototype MAS-38/39 and from the MAS-40, and lastly from the post-war MAS-44 and its minor variants 44A, 44B and 44C.
Assistant: 法国的半自动步枪的原型MAS-39/MAS-38和MAS-40于1940年3月投入少量试用,直到MAS-44和变种44A、44B和44C。
User: However, some structures in the bacterial cytoskeleton may not have been identified as of yet.
Assistant: 但是,细菌细胞骨架中的某些结构可能还没有被识别。
User: In Sri Lanka, this early steel-making method employed a unique wind furnace, driven by the monsoon winds, capable of producing high-carbon steel.
Assistant: 在斯里兰卡,这种早期的炼钢法用到一种特殊的送风式炉,它用的风是季风,能够生产出高碳钢。
User: I love Scottish landscape painting and I want to see it live on.
Assistant: 喜欢制陶和画画,因看到速濑的画而喜欢上她。
User: At the United Kingdom Census 2001, the City of Lancaster had 97,365 residents aged 16 to 74.
Assistant: 根据2001年英国人口普查,兰卡斯特市拥有约97,365个年龄介乎16至74岁的人。
User: The corrosive properties of the chemicals cause the substance or structure to decompose at a rapid rate.
Assistant: 化学腐蚀会导致物质或结构迅速分解。
User: Given the poor development of its own capital markets and Syria's lack of access to international money and capital markets, monetary policy remains captive to the need to cover the fiscal deficit.
Assistant: 资本市场发展不良,加上缺乏接触国际货币和资本市场的渠道,因此弥补财政赤字仍然是货币政策的考虑因素。
User: Tradition says that she often returns there to weep for her lost son, only to find a sacrificial knife.
Assistant: 传统说,她经常回到那里哭泣失去的儿子,只找到一把人祭刀。
User: Before coming under German rule in 1884, the town was also known as Cameroons Town; thereafter it became Kamerunstadt ("Cameroon City"), the capital of German Kamerun.
Assistant: 之后到了1884年这里成为德国殖民者的统治范围,也从原来的喀麦隆镇逐渐办成了Kamarunstadt(喀麦隆市),并且成为了德属喀麦隆的首都。
User: In recent years the economy has begun evolving into a multiple structure with agriculture and tertiary industry developing side by side.
Assistant: 在最近几年已开始演变成一个具有多重结构的经济,农业和第三产业的发展并排。
User: It took 23 years to build the town.
Assistant: 他们用了四十三年的时间来建城和造塔。
User: Since 2004 some official websites have switched over to using the Latin script when writing in Uzbek.
Assistant: 自2004年以来,一些官方网站在写作乌兹别克文时已经转向使用拉丁字母。
User: In other words, this is a self-supporting assumption.
Assistant: 换句话说,这是一个自支持的假定。
User: The glacier on Puncak Trikora in the Maoke Mountains disappeared completely some time between 1939 and 1962.
Assistant: 毛克山脉(Maoke Mountains)的Puncak Trikora上的冰河在1939年至1962年间曾短暂的消失。
User: Seventy-five sheep and cattle died on the inaugural trip due to carbon monoxide poisoning, and the ship was once described as 'steering like a shopping trolley'.
Assistant: 在起初的一次航行中有75只牛羊因一氧化碳中毒而死亡,该船也被形容为“操纵起来如购物手推车一般”。
User: Selbstverteidigung mit Köpfchen.
Assistant: 自认为头脑聪明。
User: The extension was completed by the mid-1990s.
Assistant: 延线工程于1990年代中期完成。
User: Its apparent magnitude varies from +5.5 to +11.7 with a period of 418–441 days; recent measurements give a period of 427.07 days.
Assistant: 它的光度在5.5至11.7等之间变化,周期是418至441天,但是最近的测量得到的周期是427.07天。
User: This GRO, however, is still very similar to its natural “parent” and cannot be regarded as a genetic firewall.
Assistant: 但是,这种GRO仍然是与其自然的“母菌”非常相似,不能看作是一种遗传防火墙。
User: Once the hardware is enumerated and the hardware which is necessary for boot is initialized correctly, the BIOS loads and executes the boot code from the configured boot device.
Assistant: 一旦硬件被遍历、启动需要的硬件被正确初始化,BIOS就会从配置好的启动设备加载和执行启动代码。
User: His blood preference is "pride".
Assistant: 对血的嗜好是“自尊”。
User: The base-changing operation of the Goodstein sequence when going from G(m)(n) to G(m)(n+1) still does not change the value of f.
Assistant: 古德斯坦序列中,从G(m)(n)到G(m)(n+1)的改变基底的这个运算并不会改变 f 的值。
User: If only the 3D model is required for the downstream process, then only the model description needs to be transferred.
Assistant: 如果自顶向下设计过程中只需要三维模型,那么就只需要转换模型的描述信息。
User: His writing led the SWP and other leftists to form the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, which worked to inform Americans about Cuba and prevent a U.S. invasion.
Assistant: 他的报导让SWP和其他左派成员为古巴委员会组成公平组织(Fair Play),此作为让美国人了解古巴,以防止美国入侵。
User: Working with his new boyfriend Dante and two women, he is once more a serious problem.
Assistant: 有了新男友丹提(Dante)及两个女性的帮助,他的抢劫行为更加令伊旺头痛。
User: A 99-year lease was, under historic common law, the longest possible term of a lease of real property.
Assistant: 99年租约是指在历史上的一些英美法系国家,以99年为最长租约期限的租约。
User: Therefore, it should not be included in the Union list of approved food additives.
Assistant: 因此,欧盟将其从允许加入的食品添加剂中移除。
User: In 1986, Boeing proposed the 767-X, a revised model with extended wings and a wider cabin, but received little interest.
Assistant: 1986年,波音又宣布了一种加长机翼、加宽机舱的767-X型,但是没有引起太大反响。
User: However, the inverse statement is not true: the operator T − λ I {\displaystyle T-\lambda I} may not have an inverse, even if λ {\displaystyle \lambda } is not an eigenvalue.
Assistant: 但否命题是不对的:即使 λ {\displaystyle \lambda } 不是特征值,算子 T − λ I {\displaystyle T-\lambda I} 可能也没有逆。
User: The game was developed in Hawaii as a compromise to developers living in the United States.
Assistant: 作为对居住在美国开发者的折衷,游戏在夏威夷开发。
User: Libertarian socialism tends to deny the legitimacy of most forms of economically significant private property, viewing capitalist property relations as forms of domination that are antagonistic to individual freedom.
Assistant: 自由意志社会主义否定多数形式的私有财产合法性,因为他们将资本主义财产关系视为一种统治的形式,是与个人自由对立的。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: Modern scholars consider many claimed noble ancestries to be fabrications, such as the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle that traced the ancestry of several English kings to the god Woden.
Assistant: 现代学者则认为许多王室祖先都是杜撰的,例如盎格鲁-撒克逊编年史(Anglo-Saxon chronicles)称数位英王是日耳曼神话中的主神奥丁的后裔。
User: Francesco Maria Guazzo offered detailed descriptions of sexual relationships between demons and humans.
Assistant: Francesco Maria Guazzo也提供了关于人类与恶魔性行为的详细描述。
User: On his return to Australia, he switched to the tutelage of Don Talbot, who also coached Konrads.
Assistant: 当他回到澳大利亚时,转而在唐·塔尔博特旗下接受训练,唐·塔尔博特也曾训练过康纳德。
User: OIMS hosted a famous public debate on October 4, 1924 to discuss the idea of Robert Goddard to launch a rocket to the Moon.
Assistant: 1924年10月4日宇航协会曾主持过一场著名的辩论会,讨论美国物理学家罗伯特·戈达德所提出将火箭发射到月球的构想。
User: Uriah Shelton (born March 10, 1997) is an American actor and singer.
Assistant: 尤赖亚·谢尔顿(Uriah Shelton,1997年3月10日-)是美国的一位童星和歌手。
User: The asteroid belonged to the Apollo group of near-Earth asteroids, and was roughly 40 days past perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) and had aphelion (furthest distance from the Sun) in the asteroid belt.
Assistant: 小行星属于阿波罗集团的近地小行星,并且是过去近日点(最接近太阳)大约40天,并在小行星带过远日点(离太阳最远的距离)。
User: Inserting a record before the first record requires shifting all of the records down one.
Assistant: 在文件中第一笔记录后插入记录需要把所有记录向后偏移一个位置。
User: Later, Combs and his sister began riding a donkey every day to Clay County High School.
Assistant: 之后,伯特开始和妹妹一起每天骑着毛驴来回克莱县高中。
User: He also tried to counter the rise of Ukrainian nationalism.
Assistant: 这也促使了越南民族主义的崛起。
User: A deviation from the norm would not even be thinkable.
Assistant: 非随机抽样会使估计误差变得不可靠。
User: Due to the controversy over the effects of the Seventeenth Amendment, advocates have emerged to reform or repeal the amendment.
Assistant: 由于第十七条修正案的影响存在争论,对其加以改革甚至废除的倡导也一直呼声不绝。
User: As with other Android devices, other software can be downloaded from Google Play.
Assistant: 与其他Android设备一样,其他软件可以从Google Play等商店下载。
User: Hearing the rumours, John Knox vehemently preaches to his parish that Mary is an adulteress.
Assistant: 听信谣言的约翰·诺克斯向他的教区强烈宣扬指玛丽是个淫妇。
User: The first fossil was described by paleontologist Werner Janensch in 1914.
Assistant: 叉龙的首个化石是于1914年由古生物学家沃纳·詹尼斯(Werner Janensch)发现的。
User: In most cases, up to 22 grams of ink can be dissolved in 20 grams of PCBTF.
Assistant: 20克对氯三氟甲苯中大约能溶解至多22克墨水。
User: Product design specification is one of the elements of product lifecycle management.
Assistant: 产品设计规格是产品生命周期管理中的文件之一。
User: After losing her first two elections, Truss became the full-time deputy director of Reform in January 2008, where she advocated more rigorous academic standards in schools, a greater focus on tackling serious and organised crime, and urgent action to deal with Britain's falling competitiveness.
Assistant: 2008年,特拉斯两次参选国会议员失败,遂成为改革智库(英语:Reform (think tank))的副主任,她在学校提倡更严格的学术标准,更加重视打击严重和有组织的犯罪行为,并采取紧急行动来应对英国的竞争力下降。
User: Another aspect of note is the development of a role-playing vocabulary that are almost exclusively limited to those who have experience with or are actively immersed in this pursuit as a hobby.
Assistant: 另一个值得提出的方面是角色扮演发展了一种仅限于有经验或完全沉浸与该种兴趣的人的词语。
User: Despite suffering many casualties the Chinese continued their attack, closing in and attacking the Australians with hand grenades.
Assistant: 尽管很多人伤亡,中国仍旧继续他们的攻击,冲到近处用手榴弹攻击澳大利亚部队。
User: In 2003, while living in Portland, Oregon, she was caught stealing; the loss-prevention department of the store fined her and the experience led her to stop stealing.
Assistant: 2003年,她居住于波特兰,并在进行偷窃时被逮著;该店损失预防部门随即向她处以罚金,她也由此停止偷窃行为。
User: It received an F from The A.V. Club; however, Legacy updated the game by August 2010.
Assistant: 这款游戏评价不佳,影音俱乐部对其评分为F,但Legacy还是在2010年8月对游戏进行了更新。
User: Teredo routes these datagrams on the IPv4 Internet and through NAT devices.
Assistant: Teredo路由器将这些数据报在IPv4互联网上传输及通过NAT设备。
User: Fire Brigade (set number 10197), released in September 2009, was the fourth set in the Modular Buildings series.
Assistant: 消防队(编号:10197)于2009年9月发布,是模块拼砌系列的第四款产品。
User: Rosenblum Cup is an Open Teams event held every four years as part of the World Bridge Championships.
Assistant: 罗森布卢姆杯(英语:Rosenblum Cup),世界桥牌锦标赛的一部分,每四年一届的公开团体赛。
User: He was a rugged and fearless man who knew the mountains beautifully.
Assistant: 且就地北望,见虎头山高耸入云霄,觉得称“通霄”较好。
User: He accompanied a work-team that was sent to inspect and control local implementation of the Outline Land Law, which the North China Bureau of the Party had promulgated on October 10, 1947, the anniversary of the 1911 Revolution.
Assistant: 他陪同一支工作队,派出检查和控制地方执行《土地法大纲》,1947年10月10日,1911年辛亥革命纪念日,中共北方局发布了《中国土地法大纲》。
User: Isolation can be improved at the expense of insertion loss at both output ports by replacing the output resistors with T pads.
Assistant: 隔离可以是通过用T pad s替换输出电阻,以两个输出端口的插入损耗为代价进行了改进。
User: It enjoyed the protection of the Byzantine emperors during the following centuries, and its wealth and possessions grew considerably.
Assistant: 享受着拜占庭帝国皇帝保护,此修道院在接下来的几个世纪中,财富与财产显著的增长。
User: If confirmed, the HR 8799 planetary system would be the second extrasolar system to be observed with multiple resonances.
Assistant: 如果证实了,HR 8799的行星系统将是第一个被观测的多重共振系外行星系。
User: Gauk’s first conducting experience was in 1912 with a student orchestra, and professionally on 1 October 1917 for a production of Tchaikovsky's Cherevichki at the Petrograd Musical Drama Theatre.
Assistant: 亚历山大·高克在1912年首度指挥学生乐团,1917年10月1日职业在彼得格勒音乐剧剧场指挥柴可夫斯基的《拖鞋》(Cherevichki)。
User: In addition to Superman, the city is also home to other superheroes, such as Booster Gold and Blue Beetle.
Assistant: 除了超人之外,大都会也是其他几位超级英雄的家园,例如:金色先锋和蓝甲虫。
User: Similarly, until 1972, the initial consonant of the English 'chin' was represented in Malaysia as ch, whereas in Indonesia, it continued to follow Dutch and used tj.
Assistant: 同样,在1972年以前,英语“chin”中的子音,虽然在马来语中是用“ch”来表示,但是在印尼语中,则遵循荷兰语的习惯而书写成“tj”。
User: It is composed of three Phis and three Illinois College faculty or staff members.
Assistant: 此会议由三名社员和三名伊利诺伊学院执教的工作人员组成。
User: The fish moves in a straight diagonal line, and the player can alter this line by placing bubbles at certain marked points, reflecting it in a different direction.
Assistant: 在游戏中鱼将沿着直斜线移动,同时玩家可通过在特定位置防止气泡,使鱼的路径在不同的方向反射。
User: In October 2004, the Supreme Court upheld a ruling in Discover's favor that challenged exclusionary policies of Visa and MasterCard.
Assistant: 2004年10月份,在美国最高法院坚持一个发现卡的有利裁决,维萨和万事达排斥性政策的挑战。
User: 5 min.
Assistant: 5分钟。
User: Today, most Sino-Seychellois do not speak Chinese, though they may understand it.
Assistant: 今天,绝大多数塞舌尔华人不僧说中文,虽他们他们可以理解。
User: In 1882 he married and had four sons.
Assistant: 1882年,他结了婚,并有了4个儿子。
User: This was the first visit in Australia in seven years.
Assistant: 这是中国总理7年来首次访日。
User: Appointed as dean while the protests were continuing, Hovde stated that he felt that the "sit-ins and the demonstrations were not without cause" and opposed criminal charges being filed against the students by the university, though he did agree that the protesters "were acting with insufficient cause".
Assistant: 学生运动期间,霍夫德被任命院长,他说他觉得“学生静坐示威并非无理取闹”,并反对校方对学生的刑事指控,尽管他承认抗议者示威抗议“理由不充分”。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: The Universities Grants Commission was established in 1967 under the Universities Establishment Act.
Assistant: 短期大学为于1967年开办、由学校法人立教女学院经营。
User: American crocodiles, however, have a faster growth rate than alligators, and are much more tolerant of saltwater.
Assistant: 美洲鳄的生长速度比美国短吻鳄快,并且更能适应咸水。
User: The classical limit is used with physical theories that predict non-classical behavior.
Assistant: 物理学家通常会考察那些预测非经典行为的物理理论的经典极限。
User: Salt domes are typically expressed in gravity maps as lows, because salt has a low density compared to the rocks the dome intrudes.
Assistant: 盐丘在重力地图中通常表现为低点,因为盐的密度比石丘的密度低。
User: Seven political parties won seats in the National Assembly.
Assistant: 七个政党在国民议会中获得了席位。
User: The fee had been heavily criticised for, among other things, causing innocent people to plead guilty out of financial concerns.
Assistant: 该费用受到了严重的批评,其中包括导致无辜的人因不能负担的财务问题而被迫认罪。
User: As Haynes Johnson, one of his harshest critics admitted, "his greatest service was in restoring the respect of Americans for themselves and their own government after the traumas of Vietnam and Watergate, the frustration of the Iran hostage crisis and a succession of seemingly failed presidencies".
Assistant: 如同对雷根最激烈的批评者也承认的:“他最伟大的成就便是恢复了美国人对他们自己和他们政府的自尊,尤其是在经过了不堪回首的越战、水门案、伊朗人质危机的挫败、以及其他几个无能的总统之后。
User: After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Colombia broke diplomatic relations with the Axis powers.
Assistant: 自珍珠港事件发生后,哥伦比亚迅速与轴心国中断外交关系。
User: Hotels in this location date back to the beginning of the 19th century, when an inn was built by the Gliszczyński family en route to Gdańsk.
Assistant: 该酒店的历史可追溯到19世纪初,位于比得哥什通往格但斯克的道路上。
User: This became of vital importance to operating system makers, because the TCSEC was used to evaluate, classify and select trusted operating systems being considered for the processing, storage and retrieval of sensitive or classified information.
Assistant: 这对操作系统作者来说非常重要,因为TCSEC是用于评鉴、分类与选拔出用于处理、储存与获取敏感或机密资料的电脑系统的标准程序。
User: If no entry exists, a page fault occurs.
Assistant: 如果没有表项存在,会出现一个页错误。
User: The game went free-to-play on June 4, 2014 for PC, August 14, 2014 for PS3 and November 18, 2014 for Xbox 360.
Assistant: 游戏于2014年6月4日在PC上转为免费游戏,PS3为2014年8月14日,而Xbox 360为2014年11月18日。
User: Michael starts to believe that his son is really dead; he remembers the crash, yet again, with additional information.
Assistant: 迈克尔开始相信,自己的儿子是真的死了,他又一次回忆起车祸时的情景,还想起了更多的信息。
User: Sam Zimbalist (March 31, 1901—November 4, 1958) was an American film producer and film editor.
Assistant: 萨姆·津巴利斯特(英语:Sam Zimbalist,1901年3月31日—1958年11月4日)是一名美国电影制片人兼剪辑师。
User: The earliest example of a mosque from the days of infancy of Islam in South Asia is the Mihrablose mosque of Banbhore, from the year 727, the first Muslim place of worship in South Asia.
Assistant: 而伊斯兰在南亚地区传播初期的清真寺代表则是班波尔(英语:Banbhore)的Mihrablose清真寺,建于公元727年,是在印度大陆第一个穆斯林宗教朝拜的地方。
User: In 1958 he bought his first piece, an ivory goat and kid, after which Brian’s collection grew to include jades, ceramics, scholar’s studio objects and bronzes.
Assistant: 1958年,他买下了他的第一件作品,一只象牙山羊及配件,之后布莱恩的收藏品增长到包括玉器、陶器和青铜器等。
User: Thermodynamics often uses the concept of the ideal gas for teaching purposes, and as an approximation for working systems.
Assistant: 热力学通常会使用理想气体的概念作为教学目的,并作为工作系统的近似。
User: The other, Benjamin Harrison, was in office at the time that the change was made.
Assistant: 另一位则是本杰明·哈里森,这两种法院的更替就是在他任内完成的。
User: The castle is under protection from UNESCO.
Assistant: 其现在受到教科文组织公约保护。
User: The diocese was established on 29 October 1511, and was directly dependent upon the Holy See.
Assistant: 教区成立于1511年10月29日,当时直属圣座。
User: The stabilizer has an accuracy of 0.25 milliradians (mrad), allowing it to keep the weapon aimed to within 250 millimetres (9.8 in) on a target 1,000 metres (3,300 ft) away.
Assistant: 稳定器具有0.25的精度毫弧度,可让它保持武器瞄准远见1,000米(3,300英尺)在250毫米(9.8英寸)以内的目标。
User: In 1948, Kerouac introduced the phrase "Beat Generation", generalizing from his social circle to characterize the underground, anticonformist youth gathering in New York at that time.
Assistant: 凯鲁亚克于1948年提出“垮掉的一代(Beat Generation)”这一说法,概括了当时他社交圈中的聚集在纽约底层且具有反从众特质的年轻人们。
User: She also served for Time magazine and Life magazine.
Assistant: 她为《运动画刊》和《生活杂志》工作。
User: The High Kings 14.
Assistant: KBS第14集。
User: As gold did not circulate in the East, most Philadelphia pieces of this era were either sent west, or exported and melted.
Assistant: 由于金币在东部已经不再流通,所以费城分局这段时间出产的大部分金币要么运往西部,要么出口海外,否则就只能熔融。
User: After a large number of complaints to PayPal from Diaspora users and the threat of legal action, the account was unfrozen with an apology from a PayPal executive, but still without explanation.
Assistant: 在众多的抱怨声以及对法律措施的警告,Paypal 解冻了这个账户并且进行了道歉,但还是没有给出说明。
User: The Latin motto under the coat of arms, Vigilate, means “Be Vigilant”.
Assistant: 徽章下的拉丁格言Vigilate意为“警惕”。
User: Having learned that the Northumbrians had been ordered to send the additional hostages and supplies to the Norwegians at Stamford Bridge, Harold hurried on through York to attack them at this rendezvous on 25 September.
Assistant: 当得知挪威人已经要求在斯坦姆福德桥交接其他人质和给养,哈罗德二世迅速穿过约克郡并在9月25日于约定交接地点攻击了挪威人。 |
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
She only appears in "Read Me a Story".
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The new series is formatted to a 16:9 widescreen display ratio, and a standard episode length of 45 minutes.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: ASCE and ASME did so in 1914.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: ASCE与ASME也于1914年开始实行。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
By contrast, figure skating and the men's ice hockey gold-medal game carried the most expensive tickets of the Games.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 相比之下,花样滑冰和男子曲棍球金牌赛的门票是本届最高的。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The first High Commissioner of the British Mandate, Herbert Samuel, governed between 1920 and 1925.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:第一任高级专员赫伯特·塞缪尔,在1920年和1925年间统治。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The importance of the town is reflected in the five major battles that occurred around it during the war.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Instead, it features completely new characters and setting, as well as a new style of gameplay that allows the player greater freedom to explore different African landscapes such as deserts, jungles, and savannas.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:House Corrino schemes to return to the throne, while the Bene Gesserit make common cause with the Tleilaxu and Spacing Guild to gain control of the spice and the children of Paul Atreides.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
柯瑞诺家族,也就是前王室,密谋夺回王位,而比·吉斯特姐妹会与Bene Tleilaxu和宇航公会合力试图获得对香料和保罗·亚崔迪的孩子们的控制。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Some of the injured had severe burn wounds.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 伤者中有数人受到严重烧伤。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Compared to the P290 the P365 is slightly larger and has a lighter striker trigger pull of 5.5 to 6.5 lbf (24 to 29 N) versus the P290 at 9 lbf (40 N).
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
SIG P365比P290稍微庞大一些,而其5.5至6.5磅力(24至29牛顿)的撞针式扳机扣力也要比P290的9磅力(40牛顿)稍微轻便一些。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:He developed many laboratory techniques related to isolation of organic compounds.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Admiral Sir G. Layton remained in Ceylon for most of the war.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 海军上将莱顿爵士在战争的余下大部分时间留在锡兰。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
The division service area to the west of Bastogne had been raided the first night, causing the loss of almost its entire medical company, and numerous service troops were used as infantry to reinforce the thin lines.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 该师至巴斯通西面防守之区域在第一个晚上曾遭到袭击,几乎造成了整个医疗队的损失,以及众多的服务队伍被用作步兵来加强薄弱的防线。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
There was also violence towards Vietnamese Cambodians by protesters, leading to the destruction of a Vietnamese-owned coffee shop.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:示威期间,示威者对越南裔柬埔寨人施暴,令一家由越南人拥有的咖啡店被毁坏。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Much of the undesirable portions and lower grades were traded to the French, while better parts were saved for British consumption or shipped to British colonies.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
大部分不要的部位或次等肉都卖给法国人,较佳的部位留给英国消费者或运到英国殖民地。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: Most databases that feature transactions allow the user to set any isolation level.
Assistant: 大多数据库允许用户设置隔离级别。
User: The pirates, including the proposer, then vote on whether to accept this distribution.
Assistant: 所有的海盗投票决定是否接受分配,包括提议人。
User: The Guardian reported in May 2011 that the Iranian government was assisting the Syrian government with riot control equipment and intelligence monitoring techniques.
Assistant: 英国卫报2011年5月报道伊朗政府向叙利亚提供防暴装备以及情报监控设备。
User: The christening of the newborn Henry FitzRoy was not recorded even though Cardinal Thomas Wolsey was his godfather and known to have been present at the event.
Assistant: 亨利·菲茨罗伊的洗礼仪式完全没有记录,但已知红衣主教托马斯·沃尔西是他的教父之一并且出席了他的洗礼。
User: Prime Minister David Cameron suggested that an independent Scotland would be "marginalised" at the United Nations, where the UK is a permanent member of the Security Council.
Assistant: 大卫·卡梅伦认为独立的苏格兰将可能在联合国内被“边缘化”,其中英国是安理会常任理事国。
User: Some reviewers thought there are too many character jobs since some jobs overlap one another and certain abilities are redundant.
Assistant: 还有些评论反应游戏中的职业过多,使得一些职业在使用上相互重叠,并且某些技能是多余的。
User: From 2001 onwards, Toni declines nominations for awards and prizes.
Assistant: 2001年之后,托尼拒绝任奖项的提名者。
User: The absolute magnitude Mv is given by: Mv = V + 5(log10 π + 1) = 2.762 where V is the visual magnitude and π is the parallax.
Assistant: 绝对星等Mv的表达式为: Mv = V + 5(log10 π + 1) = 2.762 其中V为视星等,π为视差。
User: The Treaty of Fontainebleau was a secret agreement signed on 27 October 1807 in Fontainebleau, France between King Charles IV of Spain and the French Emperor Napoleon.
Assistant: 枫丹白露条约是1807年10月27日西班牙国王查理四世和法国皇帝拿破仑在法国枫丹白露签署的秘密协议。
User: Participants will absolutely get wet.
Assistant: 游客享用设施时会被溅湿。
User: In June 1994 in GNU's bulletin, Linux was referred to as a "free UNIX clone", and the Debian project began calling its product Debian GNU/Linux.
Assistant: 1994年六月,在GNU的期刊中,Linux被称作“自由Unix克隆版”,Debian计划也开始把它的产品叫做“Debian GNU/Linux”。
User: In a recent survey, David Woodruff Smith distinguished four different schools of thought.
Assistant: 在最近的研究中,David Woodruff Smith把各种不同观点区分为四组。
User: Because these rhizomes are usually free of symptoms even when the plant is infected by F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense, they are a common means by which this pathogen is disseminated.
Assistant: 当植物被香蕉枯萎病(F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense)感染的时候,根茎部通常没有症状,是这种病原体传播的常用手段。
User: Or you can simply ... sign up at one of open pods.
Assistant: 或许你可以仅仅简单地......在开放的 pod 注册。
User: Violet phosphorus can also be prepared by dissolving white phosphorus in molten lead in a sealed tube at 500 °C for 18 hours.
Assistant: 紫磷可透过把白磷以500°C溶解在盛有熔融的铅的密封管中18小时制得。
User: Gentlemen will remove their hats.
Assistant: 男宾被要求脱帽。
User: Nitrogen is the predominant component of the atmosphere.
Assistant: 氮气也是地球大气层的主要成分。
User: U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, stated that Chatayev directed the attack.
Assistant: 美国德克萨斯州众议院议员、国土安全委员会(House Committee on Homeland Security)主席麦克·麦克考表示查塔耶夫主导了此次袭击。
User: At the same time Malay schools were heavily subsidised, and Malays were given preferential treatment.
Assistant: 同时,马来文学校获得政府大笔资金津贴,马来人获得绝对优待。
User: Mary was accompanied by her own court including two illegitimate half-brothers, and the "four Marys", four girls her own age, all named Mary, who were the daughters of some of the noblest families in Scotland: Beaton, Seton, Fleming, and Livingston.
Assistant: 她身边有自己的小朝廷,是由两位大臣,两位一半相同血缘的兄弟,和“四玛丽”(即四位和她相同年纪都叫玛丽的女孩子,分别来自苏格兰四个显贵的家族:Beaton、Seaton、 Fleming 、林斯顿)组成。
User: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission estimates that many of the nuclear power plants in the United States will be out of room in their spent fuel pools by 2015, most likely requiring the use of temporary storage of some kind.
Assistant: NRC估计,到2015年,美国大部分核电站的乏燃料池容量将用尽,届时将亟需临时储存设施。
User: OSEK is an open standard, published by a consortium founded by the automobile industry.
Assistant: OSEK是一个开放标准,由汽车工业的联盟来发布。
User: The tower answered that it did not, and it contacted the Piper Cub pilot, Dr. A.D. Cannon.
Assistant: 然而塔台回答没有,并联络了侦察机的驾驶柯南博士(Dr. A.D. Cannon)。
User: The key competitor to the Google suite is Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft's cloud-based offering for businesses that includes similar products.
Assistant: Google Apps 套件的主要竞争对手是 Microsoft Office 365 — 包含类似产品的 Microsoft 企业级云产品。
User: Upon independence in 1965, the country used the name The Gambia.
Assistant: 于1965年独立后,该国使用冈比亚为国名。
User: The important fossil fuel coal consists of the remains of primitive plants, including ferns.
Assistant: 重要的化石燃料煤炭是由包含蕨类等主要植物的残余所组成的。
User: In particular, his pursuit of a unification of the fundamental forces ignored developments in quantum physics (and vice versa), most notably the discovery of the strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force.
Assistant: 特别是他在对统一基本相互作用的追寻中完全忽略了量子理论的发展(而反之亦然),特别是强相互作用和弱相互作用的发现。
User: Fighting game matches generally consist of several rounds (typically "best of three"); the player who wins the most rounds wins the match.
Assistant: 格斗游戏竞赛通常由数个回合构成(一般为三战两胜);胜利回合数最多的玩家赢得比赛。
User: Numerous phytochemicals with potential or established biological activity have been identified.
Assistant: 许多植物化学物质具有潜力或确立生物活性已被确定。
User: The simulations only cover a very small fraction of the solar radius, and are evidently far too time-consuming to be included in general solar modeling.
Assistant: 模拟只涵盖了太阳半径中很小比例的部分,要建构包括太阳一般性的模型显然会太过耗时。
User: The students wing of the party was called Nepal Progressive Students Union and its trade union was the Nepal Trade Union Centre (NTUC).
Assistant: 学生组织是尼泊尔进步学生联盟,工会是尼泊尔工会中心。
User: These issues are usually resolved within the episode, leaving Fry and Leela still together at the end.
Assistant: 而这些问题通常在每集之内解决,最后只有弗莱和里拉在一起。
User: The United States acted upon the allegations on January 16, 2002, when it imposed sanctions on three Chinese firms accused of supplying Iran with materials used in the manufacture of chemical and biological weapons.
Assistant: 有鉴于此,美国于2002年1月16日采取了行动,对被指控为伊朗提供生化武器制造原料的三家中国公司提出了制裁。
User: The extensions class loader loads the code in the extensions directories (<JAVA_HOME>/jre/lib/ext, or any other directory specified by the java.ext.dirs system property).
Assistant: 用来在<JAVA_HOME>/jre/lib/ext,或java.ext.dirs中指明的目录中加载 Java的扩展库。
User: The team leaders placed advertisements in amateur astronomy publications for amateur observers who would be willing to observe these objects in the visible spectrum from the ground, while the HST was making studies in the UV.
Assistant: 这些团队的领导者在业余天文学的刊物上公告,呼吁业余观测者在HST进行紫外线观测的同时,在地面上以可见光观测这些天体。
User: At the same time large numbers of Iroquois loyal to Britain arrive from the United States and are settled on reserves west of Lake Ontario.
Assistant: 同时间,大量忠于英国的易洛魁人亦从美国移居至此,并于安大略湖西岸定居。
User: The fifteen spaces between these windows signify the fifteen decades of the traditional rosary.
Assistant: 这些窗口之间的十五个间隔象征玫瑰经的念珠。
User: With a parallax of 147 mas (0.147 arcseconds), HIP 85605 is unlikely to be one of the 100 closest star systems to the Sun.
Assistant: 如果视差值为147 mas(0.147角秒),HIP 85605就不太可能是距离太阳最近的100颗恒星之一。
User: 6 million and divided equally.
Assistant: 论有六家,分成七宗。
User: Madonna starred in the 2000 film The Next Best Thing, and contributed two songs to the film's soundtrack; "Time Stood Still" and a cover of Don McLean's 1971 song "American Pie".
Assistant: 2000年,玛丹娜出演电影《好事成双(英语:The Next Best Thing)》(The Best Next Thing)并为该电影录制了两首歌曲:《时间静止》(Time Stood Still)与一首翻唱自唐·麦克林(Don McLean)的1971年的歌曲《美国派》(American Pie)。
User: Tranquility Base (Latin: Statio Tranquillitatis) is the site on the Moon where, in 1969, humans landed and walked on another celestial body for the first time.
Assistant: 静海基地(拉丁文:Statio Tranquillitatis)是月球上一处人类首次在另一星球上登陆并踏足的地方。
User: Detailed information about the physical properties of objects, gases, or even stars can be obtained from this type of device.
Assistant: 使用这种仪器,可以得知物体、气体或甚至恒星的详细物理性质。
User: The first book, Cinder, was a New York Times bestseller.
Assistant: 她的第一部自传体小说《Ryder》成为《纽约时报》的畅销书。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: Hansard was initially reluctant, fearing that he wouldn't be able to pull it off, but after stipulating that he had to be fully involved in the filmmaking process and that it be low-budget and intimate, he agreed.
Assistant: 最初汉瑟并不情愿,害怕无法胜任工作,不过在他得知电影是一部低预算而且是自己相当熟悉的题材时,他便欣然同意了。
User: Tau protein is a highly soluble microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT).
Assistant: tau蛋白是一种高度可溶的微管相关蛋白(英语:microtubule-associated protein)(MAP)。
User: Kripke wanted it to appear "too perfect to be real", and was able to film the "sunny, beautiful scene".
Assistant: 克莱普克希望镜头看上去“太过完美,以致于让人觉得有些难以置信”,并且可以拍出“灿烂的阳光和美丽的景象”。
User: In 1877 a railway connection to Warsaw and Kovel and Lublin Station were constructed, spurring industrial development.
Assistant: 于1877年连接华沙和科韦利的铁路建成,刺激了卢布林的工业发展。
User: This period was not always peaceful.
Assistant: 这个接触始终不和平。
User: The strongest sectors in the economy are energy, mining, metallurgy, machine building, agriculture and tourism.
Assistant: 经济中最强的部门是能源 , 采矿 , 冶金 , 机械制造 , 农业和旅游业 。
User: It reflects an excess or distortion of normal functions (i.e., experiences and behaviors that have been added to a person’s normal way of functioning).
Assistant: 一般是日常功能的过度出现或是扭曲(也就是附加在日常功能上的一些经验或是行为)。
User: On 28 March 2012 this mound was named "Mount Sharp" by NASA in honor of Robert P. Sharp (1911–2004), a planetary scientist of early Mars missions.
Assistant: NASA为了尊崇地质学家罗柏特·菲利普·夏普(1911-2004),而在2012年3月28日以他的名字命名这座山,他也是NASA早期探测火星任务的行星科学家。
User: He forgives his brothers.
Assistant: 士诚杀其兄弟数人。
User: A key measure of AR systems is how realistically they integrate augmentations with the real world.
Assistant: 在软件方面,AR系统的主要关键是如何将扩增的物件与现实世界结合。
User: The young are born relatively well developed, but remain in the nest for several days before venturing outside.
Assistant: 幼鼩出生时相对的较发育健全,但仍会留在巢中几日才出外。
User: The first detective film is often cited as Sherlock Holmes Baffled, a very short Mutoscope reel created between 1900 and 1903 by Arthur Marvin.
Assistant: 第一部侦探片一般认为是《福尔摩斯的困惑》,由亚瑟·马文(英语:Arthur Marvin)在1900到1903年之间创造的一部很短的Mutoscope(英语:Mutoscope)电影。
User: Industrial and organizational psychology (I-O) applies psychological concepts and methods to optimize human potential in the workplace.
Assistant: 工业与组织心理学(I–O)应用心理学概念与方法优化工作场所的人类潜能。
User: The Battle of Mekelle, sometimes known as the siege of Mekelle, took place in January 1896 during the First Italo-Ethiopian War.
Assistant: 默克莱战役(有时也被称为默克莱之围)发生于1896年1月的第一次意大利埃塞俄比亚战争期间。
User: Although the state of emergency itself was not rescinded until 1 September 1976, no emergency legislation was ever in force after 1946 to exploit this anomaly.
Assistant: 虽然紧急状态本身并没有在1976年9月1日之前取消, 1946年以后没有任何紧急法律可以利用这种异常情况。
User: He would often do an impromptu sketch on whatever was at hand—often a restaurant's linen napkin—and present it to a fan he was visiting with.
Assistant: 他经常会对眼前的事物做即兴素描——餐厅的亚麻餐巾就是常见的主题——然后拿给遇到的崇拜者看。
User: During the Sino-Japanese War and the Second United Front, the Party emphasized Sun Yat-sen's moderate "land to the tiller" program, which limited rent to 37 1/2% of the crop, rather than land redistribution.
Assistant: 在抗日战争和第二次统一战线期间,党强调孙中山温和的“耕者有其田”计划,将租金限制在农作物的37 1/2%,而不是土地再分配。
User: The tactical component of the 100 ARW is the 351st Air Refueling Squadron (351 ARS), flying the Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker.
Assistant: 第100空中加油联队下的战术单位是第351空中加油中队(英语:351st Air Refueling Squadron)(351 ARS),使用机种为波音KC-135空中加油机。 |
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The Student Government Association Council of the University of Maryland invited both presidential candidates to the campus to debate.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:马里兰大学的学生会邀请了两位总统候选人在其大学进行辩论。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
In 1933, the Frankel family relocated to Cambridge, Maryland, where her parents subsequently operated a women's clothing shop.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
To avoid this, it was essential that a peaceful resolution between all parties be reached.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 为此,各政党之间必须达成一个和平的解决方案。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Of these people, 85% were born in either Mainland China or Taiwan, 7% were Canadian-born, and 2% were born in Malaysia.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:最近更为常见的汉语种类是普通话,这些人85%来自中国大陆或台湾,7%为加拿大出生,2%在马来西亚出生。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In the Gilded Age (late 19th century) the parties were reluctant to involve the federal government too heavily in the private sector, except in the area of railroads and tariffs.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In only his second weekend, Frijns took a win and a second place at Circuit de Catalunya supporting the 2013 Spanish Grand Prix.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 夫林斯在他的第二个周末,于加泰罗尼亚赛道支助2013年西班牙大奖赛的两场赛事获得了冠军与亚军。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In the fall of 2005, Thrun published a textbook entitled Probabilistic Robotics together with his long-term co-workers Dieter Fox and Wolfram Burgard.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
2005年秋,Thrun与他的长期同事Dieter Fox和Wolfram Burgard共同出版了一本名为《概率机器人》的教科书。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Later that evening, Davis and Collins proceeded to the parking lot of a Burger King restaurant on Oglethorpe Avenue, not far from the pool hall.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:稍晚,戴维思和科林斯离开台球厅后,去了距离奥格尔索普大道汉堡王餐厅不远处的一个停车场。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: On May 21, a fire destroyed laboratories, offices, and archives at the Center for Urban Horticulture, University of Washington, causing a total of $7 million in damages.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
5月21日,一场大火破坏了西雅图华盛顿大学城市园艺学中心(Center for Urban Horticulture)的实验室、办公室和文件资料,导致总计达7百万美元的损失。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In November 2006, A-bike was featured on UK television programme The Gadget Show, alongside the Strida.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
2006年11月,A-bike与速立达(英语:Strida)于英国电视节目《The Gadget Show》亮相。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In addition to the Presidential Unit Citation, Johnston received six battle stars for service in World War II.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Likewise, there are the same Chinese vehicles with sails depicted in the Atlas of Gerardus Mercator (1512–1594), as well as the 1626 book Kingdome of China by John Speed.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:类似同样的中国有帆独轮车亦在吉哈德斯·墨卡托(Gerardus Mercator)(1512年–1594年)的地图集、与及1626年由约翰·斯皮德的著作《世界知名地区全览》中的《中华王国图》(Kingdom of China)被描绘。 |
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: 5 people were arrested.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:导致5人被困。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:On August 1, the Budget Control Act of 2011 passed the House 269–161, with 66 Republicans and 95 Democrats voting against the bill.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The book featured 79 Igbo words.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: For instance: >> array = 1:2:9 array = 1 3 5 7 9 defines a variable named array (or assigns a new value to an existing variable with the name array) which is an array consisting of the values 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
例如: >> array = 1:2:9 array = 1 3 5 7 9 定义了一个名为array的变量(或向已存在的变量array赋予一个新值),其值为包含1, 3, 5, 7, 9的一个向量。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:A great deal of psychometric research has demonstrated that these facets or qualities are significantly correlated.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:At this stage a more detailed understanding of ‘what the situation is’ is formed as well as approaches to address it.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:在此阶段对“目前的状况”及用什么方法解决有更深入的理解。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The colonies are slow growing.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Letters to his family and friends.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The Geolocation API does not provide the location information.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The Great Dome, which sits atop Building 10, is modeled on McKim, Mead, and White's Low Memorial Library at Columbia University, which is in turn an imitation of the Pantheon in Rome.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
大穹顶,在10号楼顶部,仿照了McKim, Mead, and White公司设计的哥伦比亚大学Seth Low纪念图书馆,而这个图书馆也是对罗马万神殿的模仿。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
After attending a disciplinary hearing in September 2008, they were stripped of their medals on 11 December 2008.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In a 1995 commentary on Chan Hiang Leng Colin v. P.P. (1994), Professor Thio Li-ann noted that in other jurisdictions a lack of public order includes the notion of "endangerment to human life and safety as well as the disruption of public tranquillity", and argued that "o establish that public order is threatened, it appears that some degree of violence or unlawful physical violence must be shown".
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
在1995年对1994年《Chan Hiang Leng诉检察官案》的一个评论中,张黎衍教授注意到其他司法体制中,公共秩序的缺乏包括“危害人类生命及安全,扰乱公共安宁”,并辩称“如要决定公共秩序是否受到威胁,看起来必须呈现某些程度上的暴力或不法暴力”。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Although Rosecrans had been able to save most of his trains, large quantities of ammunition and arms had been left behind.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:虽然罗斯克朗尽力保全了他的火车,但是丢失了大量的弹药武器。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Russia: 9K112 Kobra (AT-8 Songster) is also fired through 125-mm smoothbore gun tubes.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 俄罗斯:9K112“眼镜蛇”(北约代号:AT-8“歌唱家”)亦是借由125毫米滑膛炮管所发射。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The Office of Scholarships manages and oversees the university scholarships in collaboration with other offices and UC entities.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:However, the question of responsibility remained controversial in the West as well as behind the Iron Curtain.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
At that time the beta was only available to certain FilePlanet subscribers (keys were given out on a first-come, first-served basis) and those who were invited.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
He has acted in 8 movies.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
During the entire war Rodney steamed over 156,000 nautical miles (289,000 km) with no engine overhaul after 1942.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1942年至战争结束之前罗德尼号共航行了156,000海里(289,000公里),期间完全没有进行引擎维护。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Theories regarding the formation of the asteroid belt from the destruction of a hypothetical fifth planet are today collectively referred to as the "disruption theory".
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
这一假说认为是一颗假定的第五行星的毁灭导致了小行星带的形成,该假说目前通常被称作分裂理论(disruption theory)。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
On March 17, 2016, Offset was arrested for driving with a suspended license but was released the next day without having charges filed.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:2016年3月17日, Offset 在撤销指控被释放的第二天因被吊销执照后驾驶被捕。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: YAML requires that colons and commas used as list separators be followed by a space so that scalar values containing embedded punctuation (such as 5,280 or Validator
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: YAML在使用逗号及冒号时,后面都必须接一个空白字元,所以可以在字串或数值中自由加入分隔符号(例如:5,280或 Validator
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
They began cultivating an adult image by starring in the independent theatrical suspense film The Kings of Appletown in 2009.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
他们开始在独立的戏剧悬疑片《苹果小镇的国王(英语:The Kings of Appletown)》(2009)中主演以培养成人的形象。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: At the airport, the CIA staff and the wounded Geist board the plane to Tripoli while the remainder of the GRS team waits for the next plane with the bodies of Stevens, Smith, Woods and Doherty.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
These might result from a lack of foresight, changes in nomenclature over time, or personal, regional, or educational differences in terminology.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
He also worked in communications for the Army.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
EuroPride 2006 marked the first time that London's main pride rally and entertainment areas were staged within the city itself, rather than in open parks.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The sources say that Pakistan allowed Chinese officials to examine the Black Hawk wreckage.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 消息人士称,巴基斯坦允许中国官员检查黑鹰残骸。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
She is the only human known that can understand the Hexoren.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:她是主要人物当中唯一一个知道惠对清人抱持好感的人。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The apparent magnitudes of most of the known asteroids are between 11 and 19, with the median at about 16.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Advisories were also issued for Orange and Santa Barbara counties.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
On August 2, 2017, President Donald Trump signed it into law while issuing two statements simultaneously that he believed the legislation was "seriously flawed".
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:2017年8月2日,美国总统唐纳德·川普签署了有关法律,同时发表了两份声明,他认为该法充满“严重缺陷”。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Certain days of this festival are tied to major events that took place during the period of Bahá'u'lláh's stay in the garden: the first day celebrates his arrival in the garden; the ninth day, the arrival of his family; and the twelfth day, his caravan's departure towards Constantinople.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:节日中有几天和巴哈欧拉停留花园期间的主要事件相关:第一天庆祝祂来到花园;第九天庆祝祂的家人的到来;第十二天庆祝祂启程前往君士坦丁堡。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The West Tower was built about 50 m inland to allow space for the future widening of the Panama Canal.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:西岸桥塔建在离岸约50米的陆地上,预留出未来拓宽巴拿马运河所需的空间。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
In the aftermath of Pelagius' victory, the people of the conquered villages of Asturias now emerged with their weapons, and killed hundreds of Al Qama's retreating troops.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Similarly, Eleanor Jorden considers this class of words a kind of nominal, not adjective, and refers to them as na-nominals in her textbook Japanese: The Spoken Language.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
同样,Eleanor Jorden也认为,这类词的一种名词,不是形容词,在她编的教材《Japanese: The Spoken Language》中称为na-nominal。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Christian ethics have also been criticized for breeding intolerance (such as anti-semitic views), and for having a repressive nature.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
人们也批评基督教伦理对种族的不宽容态度(例如反犹主义观点),并且具有压制的性质。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: Most households have electricity and cable television.
Assistant: 大多数巴勒斯坦家庭拥有收音机和电视机。
User: His regular position is winger or inside centre.
Assistant: 他可担任位置是传接锋及内中锋。
User: Wollstonecraft was prompted to write the Rights of Woman after reading Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord's 1791 report to the French National Assembly, which stated that women should only receive a domestic education; she used her commentary on this specific event to launch a broad attack against sexual double standards and to indict men for encouraging women to indulge in excessive emotion.
Assistant: 1791年,法国政治家塔列朗在法国制宪议会发表了一篇报告,认为女性只应接受家庭式的教育,这促使了沃斯通克拉夫特开始写作《女权辩护》一书;她通过对这一特定事件的评论来展开她对性别双重标准的广泛批判,并谴责了男性鼓励女性纵容过度情感的行为。
User: The Federalists agreed to support the proposed amendments, specifically a bill of rights.
Assistant: 联邦党人同意支持拟议的修正案,特别是权利法案。
User: Some welcomed their newfound visibility: when Hall spoke at a luncheon in 1932, the audience was full of women who had imitated her look.
Assistant: 一些人对这个能引人注目的新发现表示欢迎,1932年的一次午宴上,霍尔对着全场身着模仿她穿衣风格的妇女发表了讲话。
User: Note that some systems, such as FreeBSD, take precautions to prevent the second chroot attack.
Assistant: 在某些操作系统中,例如FreeBSD,已经采取预防措施,来防止第二次chroot的攻击。
User: Two of them needed medical care.
Assistant: 两人都曾行医治病人。
User: The opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem on May 14 coincided with a major escalation of the protests, resulting in the death of 64 protesters on that day.
Assistant: 5月14日新大使馆揭幕当天,抗议升级,造成64人死亡。
User: Former actor.
Assistant: 前特技演员。
User: Following the resolution of Honeywell v. Sperry Rand, Atanasoff was warmly honored by Iowa State College, which had since become Iowa State University, and more awards followed.
Assistant: 在霍尼韦尔与斯佩里·兰特的诉讼判决之后,阿塔纳索夫成为了爱荷华州立大学(曾经叫爱荷华州立学院)的荣耀,并获得了多个奖项。
User: Such structures would need either some form of propulsion to counteract any drift, or some way to repel the surface of the sphere away from the star.
Assistant: 这样的结构需要某种形式的推进力去抵消偏移,或采用一些办法使得壳体表面远离恒星。
User: Immediately a new service called sms:donate was launched.
Assistant: 很快的一个叫做sms:donate的新服务也上线了。
User: His wife Agatha (Mikhail of Kiev's sister) and all his family died in Vladimir when a church where they had sought refuge from the fire collapsed.
Assistant: 他的妻子阿嘉莎(切尔尼戈夫的米哈伊尔的妹妹)和他的家人在弗拉基米尔的一所教堂内避难时死于火灾。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: Amethyst is a semiprecious stone often used in jewelry and is the traditional birthstone for February.
Assistant: 它是水晶的一种,是一种半珍贵宝石,也是二月的传统诞生石。
User: This database aims at providing a quick overview of the current available biomedical information about the searched gene, including the human genes, the encoded proteins, and the relevant diseases.
Assistant: 该数据库旨在为研究者提供相关基因现有生物医学信息的速览,包括基因编码的蛋白质以及相关疾病。
User: There were still people living there in the 10th century.
Assistant: 在中世纪就有人居住。
User: He gave Captain Rostron a message to send to White Star's New York office: "Deeply regret advise you Titanic sank this morning fifteenth after collision iceberg, resulting serious loss life further particulars later.
Assistant: 他后来要求卡柏菲亚号船长亚瑟·罗斯特龙发送一条消息给白星航运的纽约办公室:“我深表遗憾发出这项通知,泰坦尼克号与碰撞冰山后,在15日凌晨沉没,导致严重的生命损失,等待进一步细节。
User: For example, München (German name for Munich) is encoded as Mnchen-3ya.
Assistant: 例如:“münchen”(德国慕尼黑)会被编码为“mnchen-3ya”。
User: SDK 1.0 is available for Windows and SDK 1.0.1, which will be released in July 2013, will add support for Linux and macOS.
Assistant: SDK 1.0将有Windows版本,而SDK 1.0.1将在2013年7月发布,并增加Linux和Mac OS X的支援。
User: JOSM provides more than 200 keyboard shortcuts for the core functions.
Assistant: JOSM提供了超过200个快捷键给核心功能使用。
User: This was the first observation of the infrared echo of a supernova whose explosion had not been directly observed which opens up the possibility of studying and reconstructing past astronomical events.
Assistant: 这是第一次没有直接观测到超新星的爆炸,但观测到超新星的红外回波;从而开辟了研究和重建过去天文事件的可能性。
User: It is in Travelcard Zone 1.
Assistant: 它位于旅行票区1。
User: Organized as a non-profit GmbH, its mission statement is "Freedom of Thought - Academic Renewal - Social Responsibility".
Assistant: 汉堡博锐思法学院是一家非盈利股份有限公司,其使命是“思想自由 - 学术创新 - 社会责任”("Freedom of Thought - Academic Renewal - Social Responsibility")。
User: Using a positive definition, mental health reflects more than social conformity: it involves a careful, personal examination of the world and of one's values, leading to the development of an individual personality.
Assistant: 用积极的定义来说,心理健康反映得不仅仅是遵守社会秩序:它包含了个人认真地检验世界和他自身的价值观的过程,这才导致了个人人格的发展。
User: One important feature of jazz is what theorists call "the principles of chord-scale compatibility": the idea that a sequence of chords will generate a sequence of compatible scales.
Assistant: 爵士乐有一个重要特点,在爵士理论中被称为“和弦-音阶兼容的原则”:一系列的和弦会产生一系列相兼容的音阶。
User: In Ghana, it is called "Sweet Apple".
Assistant: 在台湾则被称为“红豆饼”。
User: Politically he can, without serious distortion, be called a follower of Aristotle and Edmund Burke.
Assistant: 在政治理想方面,他可以被称为是亚里士多德与埃德蒙·伯克的追随者。
User: There are also agricultural products specifically being grown for biofuel production.
Assistant: 还有专门生产生物燃料的农产品。
User: None were interested except for a European financing company.
Assistant: 可是除了一家欧洲投资公司以外,并没人感兴趣。
User: The First Liberian Civil War broke out in December 1989.
Assistant: 1989年12月,第一次利比里亚内战爆发。
User: All units produced are sold (there is no ending finished goods inventory).
Assistant: 产出的产品将全数售出(不存在期末制成品库存)。
User: Its greatest levels of diversity are on New Guinea and in northeastern Australia.
Assistant: 在新几内亚和澳大利亚东北部的多样性最高。
User: Once both the subsidized and unsubsidized aggregate limits have been met for both subsidized and unsubsidized loans, the student is unable to borrow additional Stafford loans until they pay back a portion of the borrowed funds.
Assistant: 一旦资助和补贴的总额已超出资助和补贴的贷款总额,学生无法(再)借款,直到他们偿还额外的Stafford贷款资金部分。
User: Both duchies were ruled by the kings of Denmark and shared a long mutual history, but their association with Denmark was extremely complex.
Assistant: 两地都由丹麦君主统治,共同拥有悠久历史,但与丹麦的关系非常复杂。
User: Sankt Nikola an der Donau (also St. Nikola an der Donau) is a municipality in the district of Perg in the Austrian state of Upper Austria.
Assistant: 多瑙河畔圣尼古拉(德语:Sankt Nikola an der Donau)是奥地利上奥地利州佩尔格县的一个市镇。
User: Launched on December 4, 1996 by NASA aboard a Delta II booster a month after the Mars Global Surveyor was launched, it landed on July 4, 1997 on Mars's Ares Vallis, in a region called Chryse Planitia in the Oxia Palus quadrangle.
Assistant: 这艘太空船于火星全球探勘者号发射一个月之后的1996年12月4日由德尔它 II发射,并于1997年7月4日于火星上称为欧克西亚沼区的克里斯平原阿瑞斯谷着陆。
User: However, each language contrasts sounds in different ways.
Assistant: 但是,每种语言都有不同的区别声音的方式。
User: The Association also announced a program for sale to the Sons of Confederate Veterans, although whether any coins were sold under this program is unclear, as none have been identified.
Assistant: 纪念碑协会还宣布向邦联退伍老兵之子联合会推销半美元的计划,但后续发展缺乏记载,无法确定有无纪念币是通过这项计划售出。
User: By painting his body into some such slogans, Liu forces the viewer to acknowledge the messages and, in the process, to reconsider the circumstances of one's own life.
Assistant: 通过将自己画进一些此类口号,刘勃麟迫使观者识别这些信息,在此过程中重新思考自己生活的环境。
User: The Jewish divisions of the Hebrew text differ at various points from those used by Christians.
Assistant: 《希伯来圣经》的章节划分在许多地方与基督徒使用的圣经有所差异。
User: The line north of Dyre Avenue and south of East 180th Street was abandoned and demolished, leaving the Dyre Avenue Line with no rail connections, so subway service debuted in 1940 as a full-time shuttle.
Assistant: 代里大道以北及东180街以南的路线被废弃和拆除,导致代里大道线失去铁路连接,因此1940年起地铁长期以接驳线营运。
User: After the Fall of France all official design on heavy/super-heavy tanks was halted.
Assistant: 在法国投降之后,所有的正式的重型坦克设计都被叫停。
User: While William Rueckert may have been the first person to use the term ecocriticism (Barry 240) in his 1978 essay entitled Literature and Ecology: An Experiment in Ecocriticism, ecocriticism as a movement owes much to Rachel Carson's 1962 environmental exposé Silent Spring.
Assistant: 1978年,吕克特发表了一篇题为《文学和生态学:一次生态批评实验》,作为雷切尔·卡森1962年揭露环境的寂静的春天的环境批评。 |
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:It was designed by Boris Iofan and Yury Zenkevich and opened in 1944.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:车站的设计者是Boris Iofan和 Yury Zenkevich,开通于1944年。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Simmons also served as the film's fight choreographer, employing a rough fighting style.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:西蒙斯还担任本片的动作指导,他采用了粗暴的格斗风格。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Throughout the late 1980s and 1990s, Blue Sky Studios concentrated on the production of television commercials and visual effects for film.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
While both consider retransmission timeout (RTO) and duplicate ACKs as packet loss events, the behavior of Tahoe and Reno differ primarily in how they react to duplicate ACKs: Tahoe: If three duplicate ACKs are received (i.e. four ACKs acknowledging the same packet, which are not piggybacked on data and do not change the receiver's advertised window), Tahoe performs a fast retransmit, sets the slow start threshold to half of the current congestion window, reduces the congestion window to 1 MSS, and resets to slow start state.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
两者算法大致一致,对于丢包事件判断都是以重传超时(retransmission timeout,RTO)和重复确认为条件,但是对于重复确认的处理,两者有所不同: Tahoe:如果收到三次重复确认——即第四次收到相同确认号的分段确认,并且分段对应包无负载分段和无改变接收窗口——的话,Tahoe算法则进入快速重传,将慢启动阈值改为当前拥塞窗口的一半,将拥塞窗口降为1个MSS,并重新进入慢启动阶段。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Bond recovers money for Sir Robert King, a British oil tycoon and friend of M, but the money is booby-trapped and kills King shortly afterwards.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 邦德帮助上司M的朋友,英国石油大亨罗伯特·金爵士(Sir Robert King)找回了一笔钱,但没想到钱中藏有诱杀装置而导致金被杀。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Josh Harmon from Electronic Gaming Monthly thought that the characters in this game had more depth, and that the choices made by players throughout the game were meaningful.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
《电子游戏月刊》的约什·哈蒙(Josh Harmon)认为游戏人物更有深度,玩家在游戏中做出的选择都是有意义的。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The wreck was broken up in situ starting in 1949; work lasted until 1950.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:舰只残骸自1949年开始原地拆解;工作一直持续至1950年。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
While not itself a sex museum, the National Archaeological Museum in Naples opened its extensive collection of historic erotic art in its Secret Cabinet to the public in 2000.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 尽管本身不是性博物馆,那不勒斯国家考古博物馆(Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli)仍于2000年在其“私密展览室”(Secret Room)中对公众开放了其有关历史上情色艺术的大规模收藏。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: The Freiburger streams run along the sides of the square.
Assistant: 人工街溪沿着广场的边缘流淌。
User: Due to the track's length, drivers practised in the week before the race in public traffic, often with their race cars fitted with license plates.
Assistant: 由于赛道的长度,车手们在比赛的前一周在正常交通状况下练习,经常在他们的赛车上安装车牌。
User: Scott and four other generals initially favored an attack on Philadelphia in December, but after hearing Washington's assessment of the enemy's defenses there, they abandoned the idea.
Assistant: 斯科特与另外四名将领起初倾向在12月进攻费城,但听闻华盛顿对敌军在该城防御的估算后放弃。
User: They were assigned as 287Fl.
Assistant: 这两个原子确认为287Fl。
User: Asimov refused to act as editor, but served instead as editorial director, writing editorials and replying to reader mail until his death in 1992.
Assistant: 艾西莫夫本人拒绝任主编,但承担了编辑指导和回答读者来信的工作,直到他1992年去世。
User: The length of River Sezibwa is approximately 150 kilometres (93 mi) from source to end.
Assistant: 塞济布瓦河的长度从源头到终点约为150公里(93英里)。
User: There are no railings.
Assistant: 现在,无人废墟。
User: The weapon was reportedly seen in the Korean Demilitarized Zone in 2002, when a United Nations Command Military Armistice Commission team told media outlets that North Korean soldiers had set up numerous Type 73s in positions 100 to 400 meters north of the demarcation line.
Assistant: 当时的联合国军司令部军事停战委员会团队告诉传媒,指朝鲜士兵在分界线以北100米至400米的位置部置了众多的73式。
User: Though her arrival at CNN was heavily hyped by the network, her show was panned by critics.
Assistant: 加盟CNN后,电视网对她进行大力宣传,然而她的节目却被评论界批评。
User: We may also mention his essay on the calculus of variations (Mem. de l'acad., 1833), and his memoirs on the probability of the mean results of observations (Connaiss. d. temps, 1827, &c).
Assistant: 此外,我们也可以提一下他关于变分法的文章(Mem. de l'acad., 1833年),以及他在观测平均值的概率方面的备忘录(Connaiss . d. temps, 1827年, &c)。
User: Projected slides used in presentations or entertainment often have similar layout considerations to printed pages.
Assistant: 用于演示或娱乐的投影幻灯片通常具有与打印页面类似的布局考虑。
User: In volume three of Theodore Roosevelt's The Winning of the West, he stated that Scott "delighted in war" against the Indians after the death of his son.
Assistant: 西奥多·罗斯福在著作《西部的胜利》(The Winning of the West)第三卷中称,斯科特就是在儿子被杀后“全身心投入”打击印第安人的战斗。
User: The line is the divider in the area of warning responsibility between the National Hurricane Center and the Central Pacific Hurricane Center in the north Pacific Ocean.
Assistant: 此经线是国家飓风中心与中太平洋飓风中心在北太平洋的气象预警监控范围分界线。
User: Leaders of the Estonian and Latvian Popular Fronts gathered on the border between their two republics for a symbolic funeral ceremony, in which a giant black cross was set alight.
Assistant: 爱沙尼亚和拉脱维亚的人民阵线领袖在两国边界会面,举行一场象征性的丧礼,竖立一支大型黑色十字架。
User: She was converted into a seaplane tender in 1918, and after the end of the war, was surrendered to Britain as a war prize in 1920 and subsequently broken up for scrap.
Assistant: 它于1918年被改造为水上飞机母舰,并在战争结束后作为战利舰(英语:Prize (law))于1920年交予英国,其后拆解报废。
User: On 11 August, Kuan's former employer, JTC called a news conference to provide details on the circumstances leading to Kuan's resignation in July 2004.
Assistant: 8月11日,关的前任雇主裕廊集团召开记者会,提供2004年7月关辞职的情形的有关详情。
User: By June the North Pool's granite coating was completed, and workers had begun granite installation in the South Pool.
Assistant: 到6月,北池的花岗岩外层完工,工人开始做南池。
User: The federal government also sent troops to the south to provide protection to the former slaves who were still living among their former masters.
Assistant: 联邦政府也向南方派遣军队来对前奴隶提供保护,后者依然与他们从前的奴隶主一道居住。
User: The first run was held at 16:45 and the second run at 20:15.
Assistant: 第一轮的比赛时间是16:45,第二轮比赛时间为20:15。
User: It controls the volume of money supplied in the economy in order to ensure monetary and price stability.
Assistant: 它控制着国家经济中的货币供给量,以确保金融和物价稳定。
User: Peter is David's elder brother.
Assistant: 威廉是大卫一世之孙。
User: This is particularly important for researchers in fields that predominantly use peer-reviewed conference articles (computer science) or in fields that focus on publishing books and chapters in books (humanities and disciplines in the social sciences).
Assistant: 这对于主要使用经同行评审的会议文章(如计算机科学)或着重于出版物或书籍章节(如社会学科和人文学科)的领域尤为重要。
User: Each parameter has a variable name and an associated value.
Assistant: 每个参数都有一个变量名和相应的值。
User: Early in its history, the series used guest hosts Grace Helbig, Hannah Hart, and Mamrie Hart (no relation) to help propel the series and its audience.
Assistant: 在它早期的历史中,节目起用格雷斯·赫尔比希、汉娜·哈特(英语:Hannah Hart)和玛姆丽·哈特(英语:Mamrie Hart)嘉宾协助推广节目及其观众。
User: R1 is set greater than R2, and R2 is set close to, but not equal, R3.
Assistant: R1 被设计得比R2大,并且R2 被设计得接近但不等于R3,R4通常又大于R3。
User: He served on a number of committees, and for a time, served as interim speaker of the house during the General Assembly's second session.
Assistant: 他在议会多个委员会任职,还曾于州议会第二次会议期间担任临时议长。
User: Simpson's home was thoroughly searched for two hours, but no illegal drugs were discovered, and no arrest or formal charges were filed following the search.
Assistant: 在经过两个小时的全面搜查之后,没有发现任何非法毒品,而且在此次搜查之后,也没有逮捕和正式的指控。
User: Janna is an Arabic variant designed by Nadine Chahine, based on the original Avenir.
Assistant: Janna是由Nadine Chahine在原版的Avenir上设计的一款阿拉伯文字体。
User: Registered partnerships are open to both opposite-sex and same-sex couples.
Assistant: 生活伙伴关系对异性和同性伴侣都是开放的。
User: Mexico first participated at the Olympic Games in 1900 and has sent athletes to compete in every Summer Olympic Games since 1924.
Assistant: 墨西哥在1900年第一次参加奥林匹克运动会,自1924年起参加每一届夏季奥林匹克运动会。
User: However, an NFA may also be interpreted directly.
Assistant: 但是有些情况下也会直接使用对应的NFA。
User: Its Ancient Egyptian name was Inbu-Hedj (translated as "the white walls").
Assistant: 它在古埃及的名称是Inbu-Hedj(意为“白城”)。
User: In 1981 he played Billy Snakeskin in the film Gallipoli, about the fate of young men who participated in the World War I Gallipoli Campaign of 1915.
Assistant: 1981年,他在电影《加里波利》(Gallipoli)中饰演“蛇皮比利”(Billy Snakeskin),该片以1915年一战中的加里波利之战为背景,讲述两名青年男子的命运。
User: The purpose of these communications was essentially propagandistic.
Assistant: 该协会举行的活动大多带有宣传性质。
User: The years 1909 and 1910 passed uneventfully for Mecklenburg, with the same pattern of training cruises and maneuvers as in previous years.
Assistant: 梅克伦堡号平安无事的度过了1909年和1910年,并遵循与往年相同的训练巡航和演习模式。
User: Grainger Town covers approximately 36 ha, and the architecture is dubbed 'Tyneside Classical' architecture.
Assistant: 格兰杰城占地面积约36公顷,其建筑被称为“泰恩河畔古典”建筑。
User: Although the victory did not end the Mongol domination over Russia, it is widely regarded by Russian historians as the turning point when Mongol influence began to wane and Muscovite power to rise.
Assistant: 虽然此战并未结束蒙古人对俄罗斯的主导地位,但是俄罗斯历史学家认为此战是俄罗斯历史的重要转折点,自此开始蒙古逐渐式微,莫斯科公国日渐兴起,最终实现独立。
User: Radon was confirmed as a cause of lung cancer in the 1960s.
Assistant: 1960年代,氡被确认为肺癌的一个致病因素。
User: Finally, ancient observations of solar eclipses give fairly accurate positions for the Moon at those moments.
Assistant: 最后,古代的日食观测纪录给了那些时刻月球相当准确的位置。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: Modern family history explores new sources of status, such as celebrating the resilience of families that survived generations of poverty or slavery, or the success of families in integrating across racial or national boundaries.
Assistant: 现代的家谱还注重家族地位的其它来源,比如一个几代穷困和为奴的家族的韧性,或是跨越种族和国家边界的家族重聚。
User: Some critics felt that the constant switching between a battle screen and the world map made the games feel faster paced and "deeper".
Assistant: 一些评论者认为在战斗屏幕和世界地图间不断切换让游戏感觉快节奏并“有深度”。
User: His death was initially attributed to "natural causes".
Assistant: 她的死亡最初被视为“不明原因”。
User: There were two additional meeting rooms on site which could be used for administrative or hospitality functions.
Assistant: 除此外还有两个额外的会议室,可用于会议或接待功能。
User: Commissioned as a second lieutenant in the cavalry in January 1917, he served on the Western Front in World War I and in the Occupation of the Rhineland.
Assistant: 1917年1月任官为骑兵少尉后,在第一次世界大战中的西部阵线和莱茵兰的占领下服役。
User: He was released in 1722 and continued his studies in Metz.
Assistant: 他于1722年得到释放,并前往梅斯继续他的学业。
User: Her son's first parliament recognised her right to hold property independently from her husband, as if she were unmarried.
Assistant: 亨利七世的第一次议会认可她在丈夫之外拥有独立产业的权利,仿佛她是单身一样。
User: International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued a statement supporting Modi's efforts to fight corruption by the demonetisation policy.
Assistant: 国际货币基金组织发表声明,支持莫迪通过废止大面额纸币的政策打击腐败。
User: This station is located near the intersection of Northwest 12th Avenue (State Road 933) and 36 Street/US 27 (SR 25).
Assistant: 此车站位于西北第12大道(933号州道(英语:Florida State Road 933))和36街/US 27(英语:U.S. Route 27 in Florida)(SR 25(英语:Florida State Road 25))的交界处附近。
User: Early on November 29, Sina weakened into a category two tropical cyclone on the Australian scale just before it passed to the north of Tongatapu in Tonga.
Assistant: 11月29日清晨,风暴减弱成澳大利亚热带气旋强度分级下的二级热带气旋,然后从汤加的汤加塔布岛北部经过。
User: The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) candidate RC6 was based on RC5.
Assistant: 高级加密标准(AES)的候选算法之一RC6是基于RC5的。
User: Like many scientists, Thomson made some mistakes in predicting the future of technology.
Assistant: 和许多科学家一样,汤姆森对未来技术的预测有不少错误。
User: The AAG has over 60 specialty or affinity groups, voluntary associations of AAG members who share interests in regions or topics.
Assistant: AAG有超过60个专业团体,由AAG中对于区域或相关主题感兴趣的成员自发组织,如下表所列。
User: When Moses was born, his mother put him in an ark and placed it in the river.
Assistant: 当他三个月大的时候,他的母亲把他放在一个蒲草箱内,然后把箱子搁在尼罗河的芦荻中。
User: AppImage is a format for distributing portable software on Linux without needing superuser permissions to install the application.
Assistant: AppImage是一种在Linux系统中用于分发便携式软件而不需要超级用户权限来安装它们的格式。
User: Two days later, with events moving swiftly, Chamberlain resigned and was succeeded by Winston Churchill.
Assistant: 两天后,张伯伦辞职,由温斯顿·丘吉尔接任。
User: Agriculture is also one of Perak's main industries, especially those concerning rubber, coconut and palm oil.
Assistant: 农业也是霹雳州其中一个重要的工业,尤其是橡胶、椰子和油棕。
User: More than able.
Assistant: 不如备之。
User: So Much Poker.
Assistant: 擅长扑克。
User: In the same letter he discussed illustrations for the book.
Assistant: 在同一封信中他还讨论了书中的插图。
User: In 1950, the government listed West Lake dredging as a national investment project.
Assistant: 1950年,国家把治理西湖列入国家投资计划。
User: While studying the resultant species of plasma discharges, he discovered something very odd.
Assistant: 当他研究等离子体放电产生的物质时他发现了一些奇特现象。
User: 2003: With the end of its contract with STAR, NDTV launched its own news channels in English (NDTV 24x7) and Hindi (NDTV India).
Assistant: 在与星空传媒结束合作后,NDTV开办了独立运营的两个电视频道:以英语播出的NDTV 24x7和以印地语播出的NDTV India(英语:NDTV India)。
User: Ethanol in particular has a very small swelling effect, but many other solvents cannot be used for wet inking because of high swelling.
Assistant: 尤其是乙醇具有一定的溶胀效果,但是由于印模胀大许多其它溶剂不能用于由于润湿油墨。
User: In 1999, nuclear weapon design was in the news again, for the first time in decades.
Assistant: 1999年,核武器的设计在几十年后又一次登上新闻媒体。
User: She was also part of the singing trio, Love Unlimited.
Assistant: 她亦演唱不少福音歌曲,如《爱是不保留》。
User: The opening theme is "Stop!!
Assistant: 最初的原画作品是‘停止!
User: In May 2014, open fighting broke out between ISIL and al-Nusra in Deir ez-Zor Governorate, leaving hundreds dead on both sides.
Assistant: 2014年5月,努斯拉阵线与ISIS在代尔祖尔省爆发战斗,双方各有数以百计的人丧生。
User: The first election success happened on 7 March 2010, when Marc Wäckerlin was elected to the Winterthur city council.
Assistant: 第一次选举当选发生在2010年5月7日,当时 Marc Wäckerlin 选上了温特图尔市议员。
User: Carel van Mander characterizes Lucas as a tireless artist, who as a child annoyed his mother by working long hours after nightfall, which she forbid not only for the cost of candlelight, but also because she felt that too much study was bad for his sensibilities.
Assistant: 卡勒尔·范·曼德尔(Carel van Mander)将卢卡斯视为不知疲倦的艺术家,当他还是孩子时便因日暮之后长时间作画而惹恼了其母,这不光是因为其母觉得烧蜡烛的费用高,也是因为她觉得这对他的敏感的感情不是好事。
User: He still stated that he did not intend to abandon the film, stating that he loved the project too much to hand it off to another director, but reiterated in June 2011 that it would not be produced until the two Avatar sequels were completed, stating that "Battle Angel is not going to happen for a few years".
Assistant: 他仍表示,他不打算放弃这部电影,但他很喜欢这个项目,并打算把它交给另一位导演;但他于2011年6月重申,必须要等两部《阿凡达》的续集完成后才会制作《铳梦》,并指出《铳梦》在这几年内都不会制作。
User: In philosophy, physicalism is the metaphysical thesis that "everything is physical", that there is "nothing over and above" the physical, or that everything supervenes on the physical.
Assistant: 在哲学中,物理主义是本体论中“所有一切都是物理”的概念,同时“没有任何可以超越或在其之上”,或者说所有一切依附于物理而存在。
User: It is usually played during neutral occasions and mostly by only men.
Assistant: 它通常在中立的场合玩耍,大多数为男人演奏。
User: Modularity: The cerebellar system is functionally divided into more or less independent modules, which probably number in the hundreds to thousands.
Assistant: 模块化:小脑系统按照功能分成某种程度上相互独立的模块,这样的模块有数百个或者上千个。
User: The Mayan civilization began a marked decline in population in the 9th century, but there is evidence of people still living in and around the city until at least 1200.
Assistant: 在9世纪玛雅文明开始衰落,但有证据显示人们仍然生活在周围的城市附近,直到约1200年。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: Real development was started by John W. Eaton in 1992.
Assistant: 系统性开发则是由John W. Eaton在1992年接手才开始的。
User: A Statutory Declaration may also be witnessed by a Commissioner for Oaths, and some other officials.
Assistant: 一个人的调查记录,其他管制员都可以看到。
User: For example, accessing a nuclear power plant network could require a verified identity through a digital passport.
Assistant: 例如,核电厂的网络可以经数字护照验证身份后才能访问。
User: Pursuant to the 1991 interim basic law, Albanians ratified a constitution in 1998, establishing a democratic system of government based upon the rule of law and guaranteeing the protection of fundamental human rights.
Assistant: 在1991年过渡性的基本法之后,阿尔巴尼亚在1998年通过了一部新的宪法,确立了建立在法制和保障基本人权基础上的民主政治制度。
User: When the first Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in 1901, the Norwegian Nobel Committee opted to give it jointly to Henry Dunant and Frédéric Passy, a leading international pacifist.
Assistant: 1901年当第一届诺贝尔和平奖颁发时,挪威诺贝尔委员会选择将这一奖项授予亨利·杜南和一位杰出的和平主义者弗雷德里克·帕西。
User: Another 800 artefacts were recovered during the expedition including a two-tonne piece of a reciprocating engine, a lifeboat davit and the steam whistle from the ship's forward funnel.
Assistant: 在探险过程中,另有800件物品被发现,包括一个2吨重的往复式发动机一个救生艇吊艇柱以及一个来自于前烟囱的汽笛。
User: Due to the tilting features the ETR 460 was able to work the mountain railway 30 minutes faster than a TGV.
Assistant: 由于具备摆式列车技术的ETR 460型电联车能够更好的适应山区铁路,因此其运营时间会比TGV快将近30分钟。
User: More importantly, he viewed the Inuit as his teachers, thus reversing the typical hierarchical relationship between scientist and object of study.
Assistant: 更重要的是,他将因纽特人视为老师,因此翻转了传统上在科学家与研究客体之间的阶层关系。
User: Over the rest of the decade Sweezy wrote prolifically on economics-related topics, publishing some 25 articles and reviews.
Assistant: 而在接下来的十年中,斯威齐写了超过二十五篇经济相关的文章与评论。
User: The planned joint operations were intended to transfer operational expertise to the Fleet Air Arm aircrews, divert Japanese attention from American activities elsewhere and cripple Japanese mobility in the south east Asia region.
Assistant: 这个联合行动的主要目的在于向盟军飞行员转授行动经验,分散日本对美国其它地区活动的注意力以及打击日本在东南亚地区的动力。
User: The detectors are complementary: the Inner Detector tracks particles precisely, the calorimeters measure the energy of easily stopped particles, and the muon system makes additional measurements of highly penetrating muons.
Assistant: 各个探测器的功能相辅相成:内部探测器精确地确定粒子的轨迹,量能器测量那些被截止粒子的能量,缈子系统则提供高度穿透性缈子的额外测量数据。
User: Blacker called the weapon the 'Baby Bombard', and presented it to the War Office in 1941.
Assistant: 布莱克将该武器命名为婴儿掷弹机并于1941年送往陆军部。
User: He is also talented at imitating other people's voices.
Assistant: 另外有着模仿他人声音的特技。
User: He said the questions to decide are whether the legislation means that Australia would acquire property by the imposition of these rules and if this legislation is a legitimate public-health measure.
Assistant: 他说关键的问题是,加拿大政府是否会通过这项立法获得财产,以及这项立法是否是正当的公共卫生措施。
User: Montezemolo quickly made changes at the Italian team, signing up Niki Lauda as consultant and promoting Claudio Lombardi to team manager role.
Assistant: 他很快对车队做出改变,签署了尼基·劳达作为顾问,并提升克劳迪奥·隆巴迪为车队经理。
User: Fortification weapons – mounted in a permanent installation, or used primarily within a fortification.
Assistant: 设防武器(Fortification weapons):装设在固定设施内,或是主要为设防使用,多半是大口径的。
User: In 1960, San Diego State College became a part of the California State Colleges system, now known as The California State University.
Assistant: 1960年,圣迭戈州立大学成为加州大学系统的一部分,现在被称为加州州立大学系统。
User: Soon, however, Washington and Hamilton had a falling-out, and the newlywed couple relocated first back to Eliza's father's house in Albany, then to a new home across the river from the New Windsor headquarters.
Assistant: 但华盛顿和汉密尔顿之间却产生矛盾,汉密尔顿夫妇于是搬回奥尔巴尼的斯凯勒家居住,之后又搬到新温莎华盛顿驻地河对岸。
User: On 14 and 15 April, the seven remaining Do 17K flew to Nikšić airfield in Montenegro and took part in the evacuation of King Petar II and members of the Yugoslav government to Greece.
Assistant: 在4月14,15日这两天,幸存的七架Do 17K飞到了Niksic机场,将南斯拉夫国王Petar II和政府官员,以及黄金储备全部撤往希腊。
User: Meanwhile, the political left wore the blue-white-red cockades of the French Revolution.
Assistant: 在此同时,左翼人士佩戴法国大革命中“蓝加红”的帽徽。
User: A BITS session has to be started from an application by creating a Job.
Assistant: 一个BITS会话是由一个应用程序创建一个任务(Job)而开始。
User: Document I revealed that "FUD" (spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt) was a traditional Microsoft marketing strategy, acknowledged and understood internally.
Assistant: 文件还透露,FUD(惧、惑、疑)是一种传统的微软营销策略,在内部得到承认和理解。 |
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Nevertheless, the ideas put forward by Morland in 1979 have been the basis for all current speculation on the Teller–Ulam design.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:不过莫兰1979年发表的想法是当前所有对泰勒-乌拉姆设计的核弹进行猜测的基础。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
A new agreement was ratified by the National Consultative Assembly on May 28, 1933 and received Royal assent the following day.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
When possible, children are reunited with their birth or extended family.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:至战国,为楚所灭,子孙分流,或家于沛。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
March 18, 2009: 30000 series EMUs began operation.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 2009年: 3月18日:30000系列车开始服务。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: His poems are very much popular, and often mentioned contemporary social and political issues.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In addition, the duties of public service limit the power that the executive has over the French Civil Service.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:另外,公共服务机构的责任限制行政机构所有的超越法国公务员队伍的权力。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The bridge is made up of 21,000 short tons (19,000 tonnes) of steel, and the roadway rises as high as 152 feet (46 m) above the Detroit River.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
According to the law, the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles (NDMV) is responsible for setting safety and performance standards and the agency is responsible for designating areas where automated cars may be tested.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In 2000 the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science agreed to donate US$300,000 to Suijk's foundation, and the pages were returned in 2001.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:2000年,荷兰教育、文化与及科学部同意捐出US$300,000元给绍克的基金。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In 2009, Zambia has been badly hit by the world economic crisis.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:2009年,赞比亚受到世界经济危机的严重打击。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The 1st flyover of Bangladesh is located here.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The following list of Georgian cities is divided into three separate lists for Georgia itself, and the disputed territories of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 格鲁吉亚城市列表包含三个部分,格鲁吉亚本土以及争议领土阿布哈兹和南奥塞梯。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
They develop a more massive helium core, taking up a larger fraction of the star, before they exhaust the hydrogen in the entire convective region.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:There are large annual LGBT pride festivals, and several LGBT organizations which focus on the concerns of university students, women and transgender people.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
In most regions, broadcast rights to the 2018 and 2020 Olympics were packaged together, but some broadcasters obtained rights to further games as well.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
In addition to applications links, many home screens are also capable of displaying ambient information, such as live tiles on Windows Phone or widgets on Android.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
除了应用程序链接之外,许多主屏幕还能够显示环境信息,例如Windows Phone上的动态磁贴或Android上的小部件。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Few details are known of Guzmán's upbringing.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:He and his then-partner, casting director Billy Hopkins, adopted Daniels's biological niece and nephew, Clara and Liam.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:他居住于纽约市,是名同性恋,并与以前的伙伴 Billy Hopkins 收养了丹尼尔斯的侄子和侄女Clara 和 Liam为养子女,后来他与Hopkins分手。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Glenn Frey and Don Henley wrote four of the nine songs by themselves, and they also collaborated with other members of the band on three other songs.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
老鹰乐队于1974年底开始研究他们的第四张专辑,Glenn Frey和Don Henley自己写了九首歌曲中的四首,并与其他三首歌曲合作。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The CIA in Saigon later secured a set of photos of the brothers that left no doubt that they had been executed.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The device is technically referred to by Sony as the VTE-1000 series, to distinguish it from the handheld PCH-1000/2000 series PS Vita models.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
该主机在技术上被索尼称为VTE-1000系列,以区别于便携式PCH-1000/2000系列的PS Vita型号。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
For example, Romeo and Juliet's love is a light in the midst of the darkness of the hate around them, but all of their activity together is done in night and darkness while all of the feuding is done in broad daylight.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Shots were also fired at the police and over 100 petrol bombs were thrown.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 且放火烧了三十多辆警用车、还有人扔汽油弹。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: You can always spot the ones with real talent.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 而家明也得以和真正的巧儿交往。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
This species occurs in Asia.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The band then recruited Gareth Davies (later Ellis-Davies) on bass and Ryan Richards on drums.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
乐团当时招募了贝斯手Gareth Davies (后又称Ellis-Davies)与鼓手Ryan Richards。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
They used this property to back a new currency, the assignats.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 他们利用这笔财产作为担保发行一种新货币:指券。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In the early 19th century the geography of Antarctica was almost completely unknown, though occasional sightings of land had been recorded.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Several witnesses support this account including A. H. Barkworth, a first-class passenger who testified: "I do not wish to detract from the bravery of anybody, but I might mention that when I first came on deck the band was playing a waltz.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:有几名生还者作证支持这个说法,包括头等舱乘客阿尔杰农·亨利·巴克沃斯(英语:Algernon Henry Barkworth):“我无意减损任何人的名誉,但也许我应该出来声明,我第一次登上甲板时,乐队在演奏华尔兹。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Current environmental awareness is gradually changing attitudes and regulations, such as the new packaging regulations, are gradually beginning to reverse the situation.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In only half-a-century, the Seljuks managed to create a vast empire encompassing modern Iran, Iraq, and much of Anatolia.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:I can sing in any style.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
This implies that it is induced from a 2-form with values in End(E).
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 这意味着它由一个取值于 End(E) 的 2-形式诱导,这个 2-形式恰好就是如上给出的曲率形式。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The Society for Philosophy and Geography was founded in 1997 by Andrew Light, a philosopher currently at George Mason University, and Jonathan Smith a geographer at Texas A&M University.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:《社会哲学和地理》在1997年由目前在美国西雅图华盛顿大学的哲学家 Andrew Light 和一个德克萨斯 A&M大学的地理学家 Jonathan Smith 创立。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The State Socioeconomic Report 2017 published on July 26, 2018 reported that Malacca was the state that recorded the lowest unemployment rate in 2017 with only 1.0 percent.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 2017发表于2018年7月26日的国家社会经济报告报告称, 马六甲是2017年失业率最低的国家, 只有1.0%。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
On weekdays, 2 trains ran via the IRT Lexington Avenue Line between 149th Street–Grand Concourse and Nevins Street uptown from 5:00 a.m. to midnight and downtown from midnight to 5:00 a.m.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
日间2号线列车途经149街-大广场车站与内文斯街车站之间的IRT莱辛顿大道线,上城由早上5时至午夜,下城由午夜至早上5时。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: NITZ has been an optional part of the official GSM standard since phase 2+ release 96.
Assistant: NITZ技术自GSM 阶段2 Release 96版本开始成为官方标准的可选部分之一。
User: The use of robots in warfare, although traditionally a topic for science fiction, is being researched as a possible future means of fighting wars.
Assistant: 战争中对机器人的应用,尽管传统上属于科幻小说中的主题,然而已正在研究做为作战中一种未来可能的手段。
User: Following his death, in 1495, radical changes were made by his successor.
Assistant: 在1495年他去世后,继承人彻底地改变了国旗的样式。
User: The Convertible had 256k of RAM included, with 128k (and eventually also 256k) memory cards available.
Assistant: PC Convertible包含256k的随机内存,额外有128k(之后也有256k)记忆卡可使用。
User: As Seymour explains, Imlay was in a difficult position: the Godwin household felt Shelley was a dangerous influence and the Shelley household ridiculed her fear of violating social conventions.
Assistant: 就像西摩解释的那样,范妮处于一个非常困难的境地:戈德温家庭认为雪莱对她有着危险的影响,而雪莱家庭则奚落她不敢违犯社会习俗。
User: The player has its own car for exploration.
Assistant: 而大车厂常设有自己的汽车特技表演车队。
User: Although they were not as glamorous in design as spaces seen in upper class accommodations, they were still far above average for the period.
Assistant: 尽管它们在设计上并不像上层阶级的住宿设施那样华丽精致,但仍然远高于这段时期的平均水平。
User: Her hobby is making sweets.
Assistant: 粉丝名称为觅糖。
User: Thanks to the dedication of men and women working at NASA centers across the country, the mysterious Mars of our past is becoming a much more familiar place.
Assistant: 多亏了美国国家航空航天局(NASA)工作人员的无私奉献,过去我们认为神秘的火星正变得更加熟悉。
User: Some of these cars remain in New Jersey.
Assistant: 其中些碎片掉落至新西兰。
User: The Sydney Morning Herald has commented that "Ironically, the banning of the image has only made it visible to more people as news sites publicise the issue and the image spreads across sites other than Wikipedia." an example of the Streisand effect.
Assistant: 《悉尼先驱晨报》对此评论道,“讽刺的是,对该图片的封锁反而只是让更多的人看到它,而且新闻站点对这个问题和图片的宣传也让维基百科以外的更多网站上有了这个图片”,这已被称为史翠珊效应。
User: In 2005, Chan collaborated with Mark Karowe to release Play Poker Like Johnny Chan (ISBN 1-933074-48-5), an instructional book on several different types of poker.
Assistant: 他在2005年和Mark Karowe共同撰写了一本扑克指导丛书,《像陈金海一样玩扑克》(Play Poker Like Johnny Chan)(ISBN 1-933074-48-5)。
User: The study concluded that high-risk newborns presented more periodic abnormal and absent responses of primitive reflexes, and that each reflex varied in response.
Assistant: 这项研究得出结论,高危新生儿呈现出更多的周期性异常和缺席的原始反射反应,并且反射反应不同。
User: At this point, he realised that marrying Linda was a mistake.
Assistant: 不久之后,他逐渐发觉这场草率的婚姻是一个错误。
User: The ministry employs approximately 130 staff members worldwide.
Assistant: 集团在世界各地雇用逾十三万名员工。
User: He is the only character in the story that possesses actual superpowers.
Assistant: 他是故事中唯一真正拥有超能力的角色。
User: The two aircraft were both from No. 37 Squadron, captained by Flying Officer P.A. Wimberley and Flying Officer O.J.T. Lewis respectively, and both crashed in the shallow sea off Borkum.
Assistant: 两架飞机均来自第37中队,飞行员为P·A·温伯利中尉及O·J·T·刘易斯中尉,均坠落于博尔库姆附近浅海区内。
User: The Penang State Legislative Assembly's main function is to enact legislation and policies relating to the State List and Joint List as defined in the Federal Constitution.
Assistant: 座位排序可在官方网站查询 槟城州议会的主要职能是制定与联邦宪法规定的州列表(Senarai Negeri)和共同列表(Senarai Bersama)有关的法律和政策。
User: He expected the assistant directors to be the "tough ones" and keep production on schedule, while they expected the same of him; this led to a slower schedule in the early stages of production.
Assistant: 他期望助理导演扮黑脸并保持电影制作跟上日程,而助理导演们也期望他如此,这导致影片的前期制作过程进度缓慢。
User: She has expressed her fondness for her profession, and has cited actress Diane Keaton as an influence, who is (in Stone's words) "one of the most covered-up actresses of all time".
Assistant: 她曾表达出对于其专业的喜爱,并举出女演员黛安·基顿对于她的演艺之路有较大的影响,而史东认为基顿是“有史以来(演技)最具有覆盖性的演员之一”。
User: Givology staff then posts updates online for donors to view, aiming to promote transparency.
Assistant: 随后,Givology员工会把这些更新贴在网上,使得在线捐助者可以看到并且提高网站透明度。
User: He received an A.B. (1953), A.M. (1955) and Ph.D. (1957) from Harvard University, the latter on the thesis On Canonical Conformal Maps of Multiply Connected Regions, advised by Lars Ahlfors and Joseph Leonard Walsh.
Assistant: 蓝道分别在1953年、1955年及1957年在哈佛大学获得文学士、文学硕士及哲学博士,博士论文是On Canonical Conformal Maps of Multiply Connected Regions,由拉斯·阿尔福斯及约瑟夫·伦纳德·沃尔什(英语:Joseph Leonard Walsh)指导。
User: More generally, this bound holds for any unit network — a network in which each vertex, except for source and sink, either has a single entering edge of capacity one, or a single outgoing edge of capacity one, and all other capacities are arbitrary integers.
Assistant: 更普遍的情况是,这种复杂度对unit网络 — 网络中的顶点要么与源点相连,要么与汇点相连,要么是一个顶点的单一外向边,并且所有的容量限制都是整数。
User: Thus, every began to be pronounced as "evry", and palmeres as "palmers".
Assistant: 徐继庄初以廉洁奉公,乐于助人为名。
User: The Benton Foundation has pushed for a national broadband policy at the highest levels of U.S. government.
Assistant: 本顿基金会已在美国政府最高层推进了国家宽带政策。
User: For the individual, information security has a significant effect on privacy, which is viewed very differently in various cultures.
Assistant: 对于个人来说,信息安全对于其个人隐私具有重大的影响,但这在不同的文化中的看法差异相当大。
User: The Diqduq (10th century) is one of the earliest grammatical commentaries on the Hebrew Bible.
Assistant: 十世纪的Diqduq是最早的一部希伯来圣经的注释。
User: He held, accordingly, that the service was bad.
Assistant: 口头禅这个程序不好。
User: On 24 January 2017, the Government of Catalonia held a privately organised conference in one of the rooms of the European Parliament in its Brussels headquarters.
Assistant: 2017年1月24日,加泰罗尼亚政府在欧洲议会布鲁塞尔办公室的一个会议室内,举行题为“加泰罗尼亚全民投票”的私人会议。
User: The concept is an important one in international relations, where pursuit of the national interest is the foundation of the realist school.
Assistant: 这是一个在国际关系中的重要概念,而对国家利益的追求就是现实主义学派的基础。
User: Parents have the responsibility to bring up their children into good citizens.
Assistant: 父母有责任抚养他们的孩子成为好公民。
User: Scene 3: Miller's house Miller tells his daughter who Rodolfo really is.
Assistant: 场景三:米勒的房子 米勒告诉女儿鲁道夫的真是身份。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: The cluster displays various tidal-like features including clumps and ripples around the cluster, and tails along the cluster's orbit in an east-west direction.
Assistant: 这个星团显示出各种潮汐状的特征,包括周围的团团簇和波纹,以及沿着该星团轨道的在东西方向的尾部。
User: On 4 February, investigators stated that there was one body visible inside the wreckage.
Assistant: 2月4日,调查人员在残骸内部发现一具遗体。
User: In October 1913, the ship left Germany again bound for Veracruz, to relieve Hertha in the Caribbean.
Assistant: 1913年10月,柏林号再次离开德国前往韦拉克鲁斯,以缓解大巡洋舰赫塔号在加勒比海的压力。
User: For example, many European countries prohibit or significantly restrict the practice, as do Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and Turkey.
Assistant: 许多欧洲国家禁止或相当限制地执行,像是澳洲、巴西、以色列、新西兰、日本以及土耳其。
User: Most cards with the Discover brand are issued by Discover Bank, formerly the Greenwood Trust Company.
Assistant: 大多数印有Discover商标的卡由探索银行(Discover Bank)发行。
User: Most business and government workers (78% in 2007) are given Thanksgiving and the day after as paid holidays.
Assistant: 大多数商业员工和政府员工(2007年78%)也会在感恩节也得到两天的带薪假期。
User: The following year Constance had the three-year-old Frederick crowned King of Sicily with herself as regent, and in his name dissolved the ties her late husband had created between the government of Sicily and the Empire.
Assistant: 次年,科斯坦察为3岁的腓特烈加冕为西西里国王,自己为摄政,以腓特烈的名义解除亡夫建立的西西里与帝国之间的纽带。
User: As of 2017, 10-15 launchers are deployed.
Assistant: 截至2017年,约有10-15个发射载具被部署。
User: In 1576, the Spanish Governor in Manila Francisco de Sande had arrived from Mexico.
Assistant: 1576年,西班牙派往马尼拉的总督已从墨西哥赶来,他是弗朗西斯科·桑德。
User: Fashion Etc.
Assistant: 型,如。
User: According to Barbara Tuchman, beginning in about 1470 a succession of Popes focused on the acquisition of money, their role in Italian politics as rulers of the papal states and power politics within the college of cardinals.
Assistant: 根据芭芭拉‧塔奇云(Barbara Tuchman),约在1470年开始,继任的教皇都专注于获得金钱,和他们在意大利政治作为教皇国的角色,和枢机团内强权的政治。
User: David Cameron, British Prime Minister at the time, specifically addressed Johnson's claim, publicly stating; "the idea that our country isn't independent is nonsense.
Assistant: 首相戴维·卡梅伦当时特别提到约翰逊的说法,公开声明:“英国是不独立的说法是胡言乱语,整场辩论说明我们完全享有主权。
User: The latter permits rapid decoder resynchronization in the event of data corruption or loss over communications links where Quality of Service (QoS) can vary rapidly.
Assistant: 后者允许在服务质量(QoS)快速变化的通信链路上发生数据损坏或丢失的情况下快速解码器重新同步。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: Bangladesh also follows a policy of making the country unwelcome for Rohingya refugees.
Assistant: 孟加拉国也遵循一项政策,使该国不受罗兴亚难民的欢迎。
User: He also distanced himself from all forms of racism and Islamophobia.
Assistant: 同时,他们反对任何形式的种族主义和宗教偏执。
User: Miyatake and Kawabata at Osaka Medical College in Japan have carried out extensive clinical studies employing the combination of BPA (500 mg/kg) and BSH (100 mg/kg), infused intravenously (i.v.) over 2 h, followed by neutron irradiation at Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute (KURRI).
Assistant: 在日本,宫武和川端在京都大学研究堆研究所(KURRI)启动了采用BPA(500mg/kg)结合BSH(100mg/kg),静脉输注两个小时后进行中子照射的科研实验计划。
User: In 2014, it was revealed that Skewjack was the location of the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) interception point on the Reliance Communications international fibre link, copying data to GCHQ Bude, as part of GCHQ's Mastering the Internet project.
Assistant: 在2014年披露出Skewjack(英语:Skewjack)是英国政府通信总部对Reliance Communications公司的国际互联网通信光缆进行信号情报截取的所在地,会将光缆通信的数据复制出来转发到GCHQ Bude(英语:GCHQ Bude)用于英国政府的掌控互联网监听计划中。
User: In humans, the best evidence for REM's improvement of memory pertains to learning of procedures—new ways of moving the body (such as trampoline jumping), and new techniques of problem solving.
Assistant: 人类的REM睡眠增进记忆最好的证据,是学习新的身体运动方式(例如在蹦床上跳跃),以及新的解决问题技巧。
User: Combined, these provide not only protection against government's domination of domestic discourse, but a "sunset clause" for governmental activities that Rep. Karl Mundt (R-SD) and Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs William Benton stated clearly: as private media stood up, government media would stand down.
Assistant: 同时,这些条款不仅阻止政府对国内舆论的控制,而且是对政府活动的“夕阳条款”,就像Karl Mundt和负责公共事务的助理国务卿William Benton明确道:私人媒体起来的时候,政府媒体要退出。
User: The program lets users change features on the main window, playlist window, and equalizer window.
Assistant: 能让用户定制主窗口、播放列表及均衡器窗口。
User: The city's pro-secessionists included among their ranks Dr. J.G.M. Ramsey, a prominent historian whose father had built the Ramsey House in 1797.
Assistant: 较著名的赞成分裂的人士包括历史学家J.G.M. Ramsey博士, 即Ramsey House的建造者的儿子。
User: The victory of the 10th Regiment marked a turning point in the uprising, as it broke the morale of the Russian forces.
Assistant: 第十团的胜利是起义的转折点,因为它挫掉了俄军的士气。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: These can block the needle and prevent the syringe filling the next time it is used.
Assistant: 这也许会堵住射针并且导致下一次使用时注射器填充出现问题。
User: Circus: The Exhibition ran in 2012.
Assistant: 曾属CIRCUS,在2012年脱离。
User: Sylpheed supports the development of plug-ins.
Assistant: Sylpheed支持扩展插件。
User: They noted that the treaty was made with a tribe that included black as well as white and brown members.
Assistant: 他们注意到该条约的签订部落包含黑人、白人以及棕色人种。
User: The film screened at festivals, theaters and campuses in the U.S., China and Germany; it was released on DVD in March, 2010.
Assistant: 这部电影在电影节,剧院,中国和德国上映,直到2010年3月才发行DVD。
User: Dwayne Michael Carter Jr. was born on September 27, 1982, and grew up in the impoverished Hollygrove neighborhood of New Orleans, Louisiana.
Assistant: 小杜威·麦可·卡特出生于1982年9月27日,在路易斯安那州新奥尔良Hollygrove长大。
User: 16: British destroyer HMS Cossack forcibly removes 303 British POWs from the German transport Altmark in neutral Norwegian territorial waters, sparking the Altmark Incident.
Assistant: 16日:英国陛下之舰“哥萨克”号驱逐舰在中立挪威领海从德国“阿尔特马克”号运输舰强行带走303名英国战俘,引发阿尔特马克号事件。
User: The physical sciences underlying structural engineering began to be understood in the Renaissance and have been developing ever since.
Assistant: 文艺复兴时期,基本结构的物理科学开始被理解,并一直发展至今。
User: This contrasts with the position on electric meters, where the test is free and a refund is only given if the date of the meter started reading inaccurately can be determined.
Assistant: 这与电表上的位置形成对比,其中测试是免费的,并且只有当测量仪的日期开始不准确地读取时才给出退款。
User: Fortran has the equivalent of Unix file descriptors: By convention, many Fortran implementations use unit numbers UNIT=5 for stdin, UNIT=6 for stdout and UNIT=0 for stderr.
Assistant: Fortran 提供类于 Unix 档案描述子:UNIT=5 用于 stdin 、 UNIT=6 用于 stdout 和 UNIT=0 用于 stderr 。
User: According to one protester, the waiver would teach households how to use legal loopholes.
Assistant: 其中一名示威者表示,宽免措施只会教雇主如何去利用法律漏洞。
User: In recent years, novelists like Lars Saabye Christensen, Tove Nilsen, Jo Nesbø and Roy Jacobsen have described the city and its people in their novels.
Assistant: 近年来,像拉斯·萨比·克里斯滕森,托弗·尼尔森,尤·奈斯博和罗伊·雅各布森等小说作家在他们的小说中描绘了奥斯陆及其市民。
User: Theories include a gravitational slingshot resulting from a near-collision with another planet, or the intervention of a smaller planet-like body working to gradually change WASP-17b's orbit by tilting it via the Kozai mechanism.
Assistant: 其理论包含来自其它几乎要和其撞击的其他行星的重力弹弓,或者是一个较小的行星体的扰动使WASP-17b的轨道逐渐因为古在机制而改变其倾角。
User: Ramayana employs more than 100 certified lifeguards.
Assistant: 而且罗摩衍那拥有超过100位的专业救生员。
User: Best overall performance at the fifth and sixth Warrior Competition, organized by the Jordan Armed Forces at the King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Centre.
Assistant: 在由约旦武装部队于阿卜杜拉二世国王特种作战训练中心举办的第五次勇士比赛中整体表现最佳。
User: However, if the substitute enters the ice before his teammate has left it, this will result in a five-minute ban.
Assistant: 但如果替补球员在队友下场之前进场,将被判5分钟禁止入场。
User: This is done via the use of an initializer expression: auto lambda = {return value;}; The lambda function lambda returns 1, which is what value was initialized with.
Assistant: 这是通过使用一个初始化表达式完成的: auto lambda = {return value;} lambda函数lambda的返回值是1,说明value被初始化为1。
User: The total length is 5.9 km.
Assistant: 现在逗子线全长5.9公里。
User: Destruction was accompanied by slaughter and deportation of the local populace to Asia Minor.
Assistant: 破坏的同时,当地人口被屠杀或被驱逐到小亚细亚。
User: Hitler demanded to see plans for the invasion of Switzerland after the armistice with France.
Assistant: 希特勒在法国投降后亲自要求检视入侵瑞士的计划。
User: The reputation Canadian troops earned, along with the success of Canadian flying aces including William George Barker and Billy Bishop, helped to give the nation a new sense of identity.
Assistant: 这次战役的胜利,和加拿大王牌飞行员威廉姆·巴克及比利·毕晓普共同创造了加拿大的新国际形象。
User: Beltrame set his mobile phone on a table inside with the phone line open, so the police outside could listen in.
Assistant: 贝尔特拉姆将他的手机保持与警方通话的状态并将手机放在了桌子上,外面的警察得以听到超市内部的交谈。
User: Compared to non-small cell carcinoma, small cell carcinoma has a shorter doubling time, higher growth fraction, and earlier development of metastases.
Assistant: 相比其他癌症而言,小细胞癌具有较短的倍增时间,更高的生长分数并倾向于较早地转移。
User: Breen relates that this variety was caused by a pressman, Mr. Young, at the Denver Mint, who in seeking to remove marks from a reverse die (caused by the dies making contact with each other), accidentally removed or greatly weakened one of the animal's legs.
Assistant: 布林推测,这种情况是因为丹佛铸币局压制工扬先生(Mr. Young)试图去掉背面模具上因两面模具相互碰撞而产生的痕迹,但却意外削掉了野牛的一条腿(或是令其深度大幅降低)而导致。
User: The police report also stated Murray was intoxicated at the crash site, although the bus driver had said she did not appear impaired.
Assistant: 警方报告还称穆雷在车祸现场出于醉酒状态,尽管巴士司机说她没有表现出受伤迹象。
User: Though his younger brother Angus was the more visible of the brothers, Malcolm was described as the driving force and the leader of the band.
Assistant: 虽然他的弟弟安格斯在兄弟中表现更为突出,但马尔科姆常被描述为是乐团的动力和领导者。
User: In 1957, Dixie merged with the American Can Company.
Assistant: 1957年,迪克西与美国罐头公司(英语:American Can Company)合并。
User: FIRST was founded in 1989 by inventor and entrepreneur Dean Kamen, with inspiration and assistance from physicist and MIT professor emeritus Woodie Flowers.
Assistant: FIRST由发明家、企业家迪安·卡门创建于1989年,其建立得益于物理学家、麻省理工学院名誉教授伍迪·弗劳尔的灵感和协助。
User: Between 1946 and 1957, students were given 90 to 100 minutes to complete 107 to 170 verbal questions.
Assistant: 在1946年到1957年间,考生需要在90到100分钟内回答107到170道词汇题。
User: With his army swelled by Irish recruits led by FitzGerald's brother Thomas FitzGerald of Laccagh, Lincoln landed at Piel Island in Lancashire and proceeded to march towards York, formerly a stronghold of Richard III's supporters.
Assistant: 在军队得到菲茨杰拉德的弟弟拉卡格的托马斯·菲茨杰拉德招募的爱尔兰人的进一步增强后,林肯登陆兰开夏郡的皮岛,向原为理查三世支持者据点的约克进军。
User: For this reason, whenever large time steps or high spatial resolution is necessary, the less accurate backward Euler method is often used, which is both stable and immune to oscillations.
Assistant: 基于这个原因,当要求大时间步或高空间分辨率的时候,往往会采用数值精确较差的后向欧拉法(英语:Backward Euler method)进行计算,这样即可以保证稳定,又避免了解的伪振荡。
User: In the winter of 1850, a severe storm hit Scotland, causing widespread damage and over 200 deaths.
Assistant: 1850年冬天,严重的风暴袭击了苏格兰并造成大范围破坏,超过200人死亡。
User: Ronnie died from oral cancer in 2008.
Assistant: 罗尼在2008年因口腔癌而逝世。
User: There are different classes of anti-diabetic drugs, and their selection depends on the nature of the diabetes, age and situation of the person, as well as other factors.
Assistant: 选择抗糖尿病药是基于糖尿病的种类、年龄、个人情况及其他原因。
User: The initial message read, "Since we have nothing to hide, we're publishing all our e-mails, files, and source code ..." and provided links to over 400 gigabytes of data, including alleged internal e-mails, invoices, and source code; which were leaked via BitTorrent and Mega.
Assistant: 首条通告写道:“反正我们也没什么东西好藏,那就把我们的电子邮件、文件、源代码都发布出来...”,并附有400GB数据的BitTorrent和Mega下载链接,其中包含入侵者所称的内部电子邮件、发票和源代码。
User: From 945 to 1055, a Buyid dynasty ruled Baghdad and most of Iraq.
Assistant: 945至1055年间布耶王朝占领了巴格达和伊拉克的大部分。
User: In late October 2014, anti-government demonstrations were held in Hungary, which were triggered by the government's announcement of a proposal to include the taxation of Internet usage in the Taxation Law, to be in effect from 2015.
Assistant: 2014年10月下旬,匈牙利爆发反政府示威,民众抗议政府宣布建议将互联网税收列入2015年实施的税法。 |
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The viral vectors described above have natural host cell populations that they infect most efficiently.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In the early stages of design it was intended that all buses would have towing ability; however, this was soundly rejected by the drivers' union and 'Dumbo' was purchased.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Should the instability of the nuclear material generate unexpected behavior, it may result in an uncontrolled power excursion.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 如果核反应堆中核物质的不稳定性产生了无法预料的行为,就可能出现无法控制的功率异常。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
On Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008, where Service Pack 2 is not installed, the next execution time displayed in Task Scheduler may be wrong.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在Windows Vista和Windows Server 2008上,如果未安装Service Pack 2,任务计划程序中的“下次运行时间”可能显示错误。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The OTG or embedded host can leave the USB link unpowered until the peripheral (which can be an OTG or standard USB device) requires power.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
It can be shown that the Skorokhod metric is indeed a metric.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Camp and city were linked via a bridge from the same time.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:军营和城市由一座桥梁链接。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Rates of ADHD diagnosis and treatment have increased in both the United Kingdom and the United States since the 1970s.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:From 1988 to 1991 he gave a series of sermons in popular mosques of major cities.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1988年至1991年,他在各大城市的大众清真寺举行了一系列布道。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Mismanagement of Middlesex County's public hospital in the mid-1990s left that county on the brink of insolvency, and in 1997 the Massachusetts legislature stepped in by assuming all assets and obligations of the county.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
几个最近的例子: 1990年中期中塞克斯郡郡政府因为经营郡立医院不善导致整个郡濒临破产,然后在1997年州议会介入并且取走所有的资产和职权。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
As to my calling, I belong to the world.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Others have attempted this, for example in Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs, and Steel.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:该书深受贾德·戴蒙的《枪炮、病菌与钢铁》影响。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Feuerwehrmann (FM)/Firefighter after the first part of the basic training.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Band members Grace Chatto, Jack Patterson, Luke Patterson and Neil Amin-Smith met while studying as undergraduates at Jesus College, University of Cambridge.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:乐团成员杰克·帕特森、格蕾丝·查图和米兰·尼尔·阿明-史密斯在大学时期就读于剑桥大学耶稣学院时认识。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Italy clung to Rococo until the Napoleonic regimes brought the new archaeological classicism, which was embraced as a political statement by young, progressive, urban Italians with republican leanings.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:意大利一直坚持洛可可风格,直到拿破仑制度带来了新的复古的古典主义,被年轻、进步、倾向共和的意大利城市居民作为一项政治声明来接受。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Just like most tribes in Sulawesi, the Butonese people are also seafarers and traders.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The original plans were for Noonan to navigate from Hawaii to Howland Island, a particularly difficult portion of the flight; then Manning would continue with Earhart to Australia and she would proceed on her own for the remainder of the project.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Only brilliant seamanship and luck allowed it to escape.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 有些品种羚羊惊人的弹跳能力和躲避能力使它们脱逃而成。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
On 9 March 1886, as Verne was coming home, his twenty-six-year-old nephew, Gaston, shot at him twice with a pistol.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
After performing in Philadelphia, Washington, and Boston, she made her Broadway debut in 1929 in Broken Dishes, and followed it with Solid South.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
在费城、华盛顿和波士顿巡回演出后,1929年,贝蒂初次在百老汇登台演出,先后出演《破碎的盘子》(Broken Dishes)和《扎实的南方》(Solid South)内的角色。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: J. Vileišis maintained many contacts in other European cities, and as a result Kaunas was an active participant in European urban life.
Assistant: J. Vileišis与其他许多欧洲城市保持接触,因此考纳斯是欧洲城市生活的一个积极参与者。
User: This weapon is sometimes confused with the Sylvia & Wayne Daniels M-11/9 or the Vulcan M-11-9, both of which are later variants of the MAC chambered for 9 mm Luger Parabellum cartridge.
Assistant: 这款武器的设计经常令人与Sylvia & Wayne Daniels M-11/9或是Vulcan M-11-9混淆,而且两者都是使用9×19毫米手枪子弹作其弹药。
User: On 12 February 2009 Pakistan's Interior Minister Rehman Malik said that Pakistani national Javed Iqbal, who acquired VoIP phones in Spain for the Mumbai attackers, and Hamad Ameen Sadiq, who had facilitated money transfer for the attack, had been arrested.
Assistant: 2009年2月12日,巴基斯坦内政部长拉赫曼·马利克表示,巴基斯坦籍的贾伟德·伊科巴勒因在西班牙为孟买的袭击者购买VoIP电话,曾协助转移用于袭击的资金而被逮捕。
User: As readers are given more information they make an assumption of the contents and meaning of the whole sentence.
Assistant: 当读者被给予更多资讯之后,他们会做句子意义和内容的假设。
User: Use with caution.
Assistant: 须小心使用。
User: The distance between each lead and chlorine ion is 317 picometres.
Assistant: 铅离子和氯离子之间的距离是317pm。
User: Sea Venture however, fought the storm for three days.
Assistant: 航海家号遇上了星际风暴,因此不得不在风暴中停留三天。
User: It mainly forages on the ground.
Assistant: 大多想前往地面上。
User: He also successfully convinced the Kenyan government to do that.
Assistant: 身后也获中华民国政府明令褒扬。
User: He was incarcerated for a short time in a Chilean jail accused of stealing pigs, he twice suffered broken legs, and he was thrown out of a hospital in Jamaica for lack of money.
Assistant: 他曾在智利被指控偷了几头猪而坐了几天监狱,断了两次腿骨,甚至因缺钱而被牙买加的一家医院赶出。
User: No evidence relevant to our purposes will be refused attention. ...
Assistant: 任何有关我们目的的证据都不会被忽略。
User: It was adopted on July 31, 1995, replacing SOATO (Designation System of Objects of Administrative Division of the Union of SSR and the Union Republics, as well as Inhabited Localities).
Assistant: 1995年7月31日开始实行、且替换旧有的SOATO(苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟及各加盟共和国行政区划系统,以及居民点)。
User: The simplexes in a chain need not be unique; they may occur with multiplicity.
Assistant: 在链中的单纯形不必唯一;它们可以重复出现。
User: Rose Rayhaan by Rotana, also known as the Rose Tower, is a 72-storey, 333 m (1,093 ft) hotel on Sheikh Zayed Road in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Assistant: 玫瑰大厦(Rose Tower,也称: Rose Rayhaan by Rotana)是一栋位于阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜的摩天大楼,高333米(1,093英尺),共72层楼。
User: On 19 May 1985, heavy fighting erupted between Amal Movement and Palestinian camp militias for the control of Sabra and Shatila and Burj el-Barajneh camps in Beirut.
Assistant: 1985年5月19日,阿迈勒运动和巴勒斯坦民兵组织为争夺贝鲁特市内的萨布拉和夏蒂拉难民营以及布尔吉·巴拉吉奈难民营发生激烈交战。
User: Reports from Debagarh district in Odisha indicate that the Naxals also support hemp cultivation to help fund their activities.
Assistant: 奥里萨邦德巴加尔县的报告显示,纳萨尔派也支持大麻种植以资助他们的活动。
User: In 1903, Santiago formed its own football association.
Assistant: 1903年圣地亚哥建立了它自己的足球协会。
User: If they have wickedness and deceit inside them, even if they had grand guards, ghosts would kill them.
Assistant: 如果宰相心里怀着奸邪的念头,即使有大量护卫,鬼也会杀了他们。
User: The visual magnitudes of the stars are 4.7, 5.2 and 6.1.
Assistant: 它们的视星等分别为4.7、5.2和6.1等。
User: NASA is encouraging both domestic and international scientists to submit mission proposals for the project.
Assistant: 美国航空航天局鼓励国内的和国际的科学家提交项目的任务建议。
User: The earliest known writings on the circulatory system are found in the Ebers Papyrus (16th century BCE), an ancient Egyptian medical papyrus containing over 700 prescriptions and remedies, both physical and spiritual.
Assistant: 最早有关循环系统的著作是在公元前十六世纪的《埃伯斯氏古医籍(英语:Ebers Papyrus)》,是古埃及医学著作,其中有700处方和补救措施,有生理的,也有灵性的。
User: Timothy Aitchison died in 2001.
Assistant: 蒂莫西·艾奇森于2001年去世。
User: There is good news among the bad, however.
Assistant: 但专业评价有好有坏。
User: The event lasted for 37 seconds, killing around 17,000 people and left approximately half a million people homeless.
Assistant: 37秒的摇晃造成超过17,000人死亡与50万人无家可归 。
User: I mean, I feel completely open with a new confidence in myself about it.
Assistant: 同时也希望我自己能够以全新的面貌再出发。
User: Failed claims are denied or rejected and notice is sent to provider.
Assistant: 杂之古画中无有能辩者,后乃善画得名。
User: The government provides at least one basic health center per commune.
Assistant: 政府在每个公社都至少开设一家基本卫生中心。
User: Derek started his acting career in 2009, starring in several minor roles in TV series such as The Middle, Cougar Town, and The Hills.
Assistant: 德瑞克开始他的职业生涯于2009年,开始参与许多电视系列剧的演出,包括左右不逢源,熟女镇以及比佛利拜金女。
User: Like, I don't ask for more in terms of what that music was.
Assistant: 再来就是说,我没有想过,自己的音乐有这种力量。
User: A few weeks later on 2 July, during the 1972 French Grand Prix at Clermont-Ferrand, a stone thrown up by Emerson Fittipaldi's Lotus pierced Marko's helmet visor, permanently blinding his left eye and ending his racing career.
Assistant: 数周后,在7月2日于克莱蒙费朗的1972年法国大奖赛(英语:1972 French Grand Prix)中,从埃默森·菲蒂帕尔迪的莲花赛车(英语:Team Lotus)激起的一颗石头刺穿了马尔科的头盔面罩,导致他的左眼永久性失明,使得他提前结束赛车生涯。
User: They then advance to become Yearlings, and finally Old Cadets.
Assistant: 其早年追随朱元璋,后历任指挥佥事。
User: The standing bridge could have been a trap.
Assistant: 当时的运输工具可能是木筏。
User: In 2000 she acceded to the presidency.
Assistant: 2000年,她加入执行委员会。
User: After the war ended in 1865, McKinley decided on a career in the law and began studying in the office of an attorney in Poland, Ohio.
Assistant: 1865年,战争结束后,麦金莱决定在发展法律事业,到波兰的检察长办公室修读法律。
User: An all-points bulletin can also be known as a BOLO or BOL, which stands for "be on (the) look-out".
Assistant: 全境通缉又被称为BOLO或者BOL,“be on the look-out”的缩写。
User: The well-known on/off power symbol was the result of the logical evolution in user interface design.
Assistant: 著名的开关符号是用户界面设计上逻辑演化的结果。
User: The Electronic Frontier Foundation, Ars Technica, and Bruce Schneier all deemed the Heartbleed bug "catastrophic".
Assistant: 电子前哨基金会、Ars Technica和布鲁斯·施奈尔均认为心脏出血漏洞是“灾难性的”。
User: By analyzing the eigenvalues of A {\displaystyle A} , this characterization can be expressed in the following way: A {\displaystyle A} should have two "large" eigenvalues for an interest point.
Assistant: 根据分析 A {\displaystyle A} 的特征值,以上的特性可以用下面的方式阐述:在角的点上, A {\displaystyle A} 应该要有两个"大"的特征值。
User: In 1998, the Good Friday Agreement was made, which allowed for a 108-member elected assembly and a power-sharing arrangement between nationalists and unionists.
Assistant: 1998年签署了《耶稣受难日协议》,建立了有108人组成的北爱尔兰议会,并就民族主义者和联合主义者之间的权力分享进行了安排。
User: Various colors - Ethereal Fire: Allows the user to manipulate and create fire.
Assistant: 和枣同様有能产生及自由操纵火焰的“火焰爱丽丝”。 |
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The Algolia model provides search as a service, offering web search across a client's website using an externally hosted search engine.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:Algolia使用外部托管的搜索引擎为客户的网站提供网络搜索服务。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The financial situation of the Kuffner dynasty deteriorated with the onset of World War I. The observatory was closed in 1915 and, after several failed attempts, was reopened only in 1947.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Even though it is protected by the skull and meninges, surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid, and isolated from the bloodstream by the blood–brain barrier, the delicate nature of the brain makes it vulnerable to numerous diseases and several types of damage.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
An ITV spokesman is quoted as saying: "After three very successful series of Primeval there are no plans at the present time for it to return to ITV.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
一名ITV的发言人表示: “史前逃龙经过三个十分成功的季度后,ITV目前并没有计划准备让此剧再度回归。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A typical example is: 00 48 1C 01.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
典型例子为:00 48 1C 01。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
He partnered with Judge John R. Grace and resumed the practice of law in Cadiz.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
他与法官约翰·格雷斯(John R. Grace)合伙,继续在加的斯从事法律工作。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Since H is a mechanically defined variable that is not conserved, then like any other such variable (pressure, etc.) it will show thermal fluctuations.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The detailed dependencies of rotation are such that the periods converge rapidly to a certain function of age and mass, mathematically denoted by P = P (t, M), even though stars have a range of allowed initial periods.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
详细的自转关系则是旋转周期会对特定年龄和质量公式快速收敛,在数学上可用关系式 P = P (t, M) 表示,即使恒星的初始自转周期有一定的允许空间。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
In 1808 it lost Lavit on its north-eastern side to the newly created department of Tarn-et-Garonne.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The Seoul National Capital Area also contains a green belt aimed at preventing the city from sprawling out into neighboring Gyeonggi Province.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:韩国首都圈内留有绿化带用于阻止城市蔓延到邻近的京畿道。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
During his tenure, he made many useful public affairs.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
ETS does not license their past questions to any other company, making them the only source for official retired material.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Another 3D printing approach is the selective fusing of materials in a granular bed.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:另一种3D打印技术就是在颗粒床上对材料进行选择性融合。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The fragments of Nyx's psyche, known as "Shadows", are both a threat and a crucial part of humanity's existence.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
From there they tried to restore peace, but without any success.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Until 1996 the number of Māori electorates was fixed at four, significantly under-representing Māori in Parliament.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 直到1996年,毛利选区固定为4个,在议会中代表毛利人的席次明显不足。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Inter-ethnic strife began to take a toll on both countries' populations, forcing most of the Armenians in Azerbaijan to flee to Armenia and most of the Azerbaijanis in Armenia to Azerbaijan.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Court proceedings mostly involve written hearings and are inquisitorial, with judges having the parties submit written testimony or arguments.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The Constitution of Bermuda came into force on 1 June 1967; it was amended in 1989 and 2003.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Qatar's culture is similar to other countries in Eastern Arabia, being significantly influenced by Islam.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:卡达文化与其他东阿拉伯(英语:Eastern Arabia)国家相似,高度受伊斯兰文化影响。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Marital rape is often a chronic form of violence for the victim which takes place within abusive relations.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
婚内强奸往往是在虐待关系中发生的,对受害者的一种慢性暴力。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: Going downstairs to the dining area, Six walks along the tables with black particles swirling around her.
Assistant: 小六走下楼来到了餐厅,她经过几张桌子,多颗奇怪的黑色粒子在她身边不断打转。
User: Prior to 1974, posthumous awards were permitted if the recipient had died after being nominated.
Assistant: 1974年以前,被提名人若在提名后去世,亦能获奖。
User: On 8 January, rebels captured the ISIL headquarters in Aleppo city at the Children's hospital in the Qadi Askar district.
Assistant: 1月8日反对派攻占位于Qadi Askar区儿童医院的阿勒颇伊斯兰国的指挥部。
User: A national system of benefits was also introduced to provide "social security" so that the population would be protected from the "cradle to the grave".
Assistant: 全国性的保障系统的优点在于,它可以提供“社会保障”,以确保全体国民能得到“从摇篮到坟墓”的保障。
User: Negotiations on the status of Kurdistan deadlocked, especially over the status of Kirkuk.
Assistant: 关于库尔德斯坦地位的谈判一直僵持不下,尤其是基尔库克的地位。
User: He has two younger sisters named Armida and Bernarda and four younger brothers named Miguel Ángel, Aureliano, Arturo, and Emilio.
Assistant: 他有两个妹妹叫阿米达和伯纳达,还有4个弟弟叫米盖尔·恩格尔(Miguel Ángel)、奥雷利亚诺(Aureliano)、阿图罗(Arturo)和埃米利奥(Emilio)。
User: These special editions appeared in both standard and "pocket" formats.
Assistant: 这些新版本同时发行了标准版和“口袋”版。
User: Nevertheless, the ties of the Catalan counties to the Frankish monarchy had weakened.
Assistant: 然而,加泰罗尼亚诸伯国与法兰克君主的连结是日益衰弱的。
User: The mission of the Foundation was re-vamped somewhat in 1981 by Charles Benton, but it has always focused on using media for the public good, particularly for educational purposes.
Assistant: 基金会的使命是在1981年由查尔斯·本顿重新修订(百科全书),但它却致力于利用媒体为公众谋福利,特别是在教育方面。
User: German propaganda magazine Die Wehrmacht reported on 13 September that the Poles had gravely underestimated German weapons, as Polish propaganda had suggested that German armoured vehicles were covered only with sheet metal, leading to a grotesque attack.
Assistant: 德国宣传杂志《国防军》(Die Wehrmacht)于9月13日报告,因为波兰宣传单位误以为德军装甲车只是覆盖一片薄铁板的车子,严重低估,而出现了这种令人骇异的攻击。
User: Fossil finds suggest a height of approximately 3.9 metres at the hip and 4.1 metres at the shoulder, which would have given it an almost level back.
Assistant: 化石资料显示它的臀部高度约3.9米,肩膀高4.1米,可见它的背部是几乎水平的。
User: The dying man whispers two names that he claims are very valuable, one of which is Gregory Arkadin.
Assistant: 垂死的人低声说出两个人的名字,据称能给人带来巨大财富,其中之一是格雷戈里·阿卡丁。
User: Its location several kilometres south of Zubarah is planned so as to have negligible impact on the heritage site.
Assistant: 连接点位于祖巴拉以南几公里的地点,对遗产的影响可以忽略不计。
User: The ratio between male and female students is approximately 60/40.
Assistant: 学生和教师的死亡率相近,都是约40%左右。
User: As before, there are unitary representations which don't transform under the SE(d − 1) "translations" (the "standard" representations) and "continuous spin" representations.
Assistant: 类似之前的情况,在这种情况中会存在不会在SE(d − 1)平动后发生变化的酉表示(“标准”表象)以及“连续自旋”表象。
User: In an alternate usage, binary files (which are not human-readable) are sometimes called "data" as distinguished from human-readable "text".
Assistant: 在另一种使用方法,二进制文件(不是人类可读的)有时被称为与人类可读的“文本”不同的“数据”。
User: In Cans, teams had to load and secure 120 metal cooking-oil cans onto a flatbed bicycle and pedal through the crowded streets to deliver them to New Taj Oil Company.
Assistant: 在罐(Cans)中,队伍需要装载120个金属食用油罐到一辆平板自行车上,然后要通过拥挤的街道安全运送到新泰姬陵石油公司。
User: The McKinley Tariff was replaced with the Wilson–Gorman Tariff Act in 1894, which promptly lowered tariff rates.
Assistant: 麦金莱关税于1894年被威尔逊-戈尔曼关税法案所取代,新法案及时降低了关税税率。
User: The war ended on June 22, 1865, and following that surrender, the Emancipation Proclamation was enforced throughout remaining regions of the South that had not yet freed the slaves.
Assistant: 战争在1865年6月22日结束,叛军投降后,《解放奴隶宣言》在还未释放奴隶的州郡开始执行。
User: This may be governed by regulation, contract, technical specifications or other published standards.
Assistant: 可能受法令、合同、技术规格或其它出版物技术标准的限制。
User: Adarsh also added that "for a first-timer, he exudes supreme confidence", whereas Subhash K. Jha praised him for his versatility, saying "he emotes, he dances and yes, he can fight".
Assistant: 阿达什还补充说,“对于一个新手来说,他表现出了极大的自信”,而Subhash K. Jha则称赞他的多才多艺,说“他会动感情,他会跳舞,是的,他会打架”。
User: Jimmy rushes her to the hospital, where she delivers a baby boy.
Assistant: Jimmy急忙送她到医院,她在医院生了一个男婴。
User: As a result of extensive cultivation of legumes (particularly soy, alfalfa, and clover), growing use of the Haber–Bosch process in the creation of chemical fertilizers, and pollution emitted by vehicles and industrial plants, human beings have more than doubled the annual transfer of nitrogen into biologically available forms.
Assistant: 由于豆科植物(特别是大豆、紫苜蓿和苜蓿)的广泛栽种以及使用哈伯-博施法生产化学肥料和交通工具和热电站释放的含氮污染成分,人类使得每年进入生物利用形态的氮素提高了不止一倍。
User: Today, there are only a few troupes that maintain the tradition.
Assistant: 只有一些小一些的教堂依然遵循当地的传统。 |
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The events included in Science Month are the Physics Olympics (a competition for young students), the National Science Exhibition, the Children's Celebration, the Solar Festival and the Solar Rally.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
This article mostly focuses on the views of natural scientists.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The 1,2-rearrangement belongs to a broad class of chemical reactions called rearrangement reactions.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Because they believed that all such birds had a "shorebird ecology", they described this limited habitat as an "ecological bottleneck", with all other ecological niches being dominated by enantiornithine birds instead.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In at least one legal case, interrogation fantasies have been raised as a defense to a civil lawsuit.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Each designer is given $10 to use for additional materials.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Via Condotti (officially Via dei Condotti) is a busy and fashionable street of Rome, Italy.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
孔多蒂街(Via dei Condotti)是意大利罗马市的一条街道。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The parent compound is HB=CH2 which can be detected at low temperatures.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:其母体化合物为HB=CH2,可在低温下检测到。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Where modern contraceptives are not available, abortion has sometimes been used as a major way of preventing birth.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Its nine initial team members had a variety of experience in semiconductors design and sales.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:公司最早的九名团队成员分别在半导体设计和销售领域拥有丰富经验。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Notice that when ∗ is commutative, the three conditions above are logically equivalent.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
如果 ∗ {\displaystyle *} 满足交换律,那么以上三条语句在逻辑上是等价的。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Study was hampered during the 17th century due to the low number of sunspots during what is now recognized as an extended period of low solar activity, known as the Maunder Minimum.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Indigenous Australians are the original inhabitants of the Australian continent and nearby islands.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
澳洲土著人(Indigenous Australians)居住在澳洲大陆与其附近的岛屿上。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The Rabbi Dr. I. Goldstein Synagogue is a synagogue on the Edmond J. Safra Givat Ram campus of the Hebrew University in Israel named in honor of Rabbi Israel Goldstein, an American-born Israeli rabbi, author, and Zionist leader.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
戈德斯坦拉比会堂(英语:Rabbi Dr. I. Goldstein Synagogue)是以色列希伯来大学吉瓦特拉姆萨弗拉校园内的一座犹太会堂,得名于一位美国出生的以色列拉比、作家和犹太复国主义领袖以色列·戈德斯坦拉比。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Studies of heavier quarks are conducted in artificially created conditions, such as in particle accelerators.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: However, in his later years, he adjusted his stance and held the bat lower.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The safety shutdown system shall manage all inputs and outputs relative to emergency shutdown (ESD) functions (environment and personnel protection).
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
In the latter, the candidate for political office (or the party they are standing for) will issue 'How to vote' cards or pamphlets which provide two different suggested alternatives on how voters who wish to vote for them should direct their second, third and subsequent preferences.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:在后者中,政治职位候选人(或他们所代表的政党)会发行“拆分选项”的卡片或小册子,这些卡片或小册子提供两种不同的建议选择,以表明希望投票给他们的选民如何指导他们的第二、第三和后续偏好。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A new "Assistant Manager" can be used to take care of the team's line-up and to rotate the squad based on importance of the upcoming match.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Void Linux was created in 2008 by Juan Romero Pardines, a former maintainer of NetBSD, to have a test-bed for the XBPS package manager.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: Void Linux由NetBSD的前维护者Juan Romero Pardines于2008年创立,其开始是为了给XBPS包管理器提供测试平台。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: On 3 August 2015, Labour's shadow chancellor, Chris Leslie, criticised the proposal on the grounds that it could provoke higher inflation and interest rates.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The music video for "Fool" was directed by Phil Harder.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 《Save Me》的音乐录影带由菲尔·哈德(英语:Phil Harder)执导。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
This feature was a backport from the then-unreleased Windows 95, as suggested by Microsoft's advertisements for Windows for Workgroups 3.11 ("the 32-bit file system from our Chicago project").
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 它是一个后门;微软为Windows for Groups 3.11所作的广告说32位文件访问基于“芝加哥项目的32位文件系统”。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Moreover, the transfer of Kuril to Japan would escalate territorial disputes Russia has with other countries.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 此外,将千岛群岛移交日本亦会导致俄罗斯与其他国家的领主争议升温。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
This makes the technique especially useful as a distance indicator.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Ergastic substances may appear in the protoplasm, in vacuoles, or in the cell wall.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 后生质可能会出现在 原生质, 液泡,或是 细胞壁。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
OmegaT determines the file type by the file extension.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Chinese National Standard on Tibetan Keyboard Layout standardises a layout for the Tibetan language in China.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
However, once again, Hera drove Heracles mad and he threw Iphitus over the city wall to his death.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 可惜,赫拉再度让赫拉克勒斯陷入疯狂,他将伊菲托斯抛向城墙造成了其的死亡。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Jerry Buss, who was an avid poker player and owner of the Los Angeles Lakers, promised Chan an NBA Championship ring if he could win three in a row.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: Jerry Buss,热衷于扑克的洛杉矶湖人队老板,曾经许诺只要陈可以连续获得三次冠军就能得到一枚NBA总冠军戒指。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In this composition, higher-level components depend directly upon lower-level components to achieve some task.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Rather than wielding it, therefore, the Wise determined that it should be destroyed.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:既然不够持重,有识之人因此讥讽他。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: A blood test for circulatory miRNA and inflammatory biomarkers is a potential alternative indicator.
Assistant: 检测血液中循环的miRNA与发炎指标则是具有潜力的替代指标。
User: According to the Commission's Designation Report, the District: consists of approximately 96 buildings representing the period of New York City's commercial history from the 1870s to the 1930s when this section prospered, first, as a major entertainment district of hotels, clubs, stores and apartment buildings, and then, as a mercantile district of high-rise office and loft structures. ... he district also contains numerous row houses, Art-Deco style towers, as well as modest twentieth-century commercial structures, all of which testify to each successive phase in area's development.
Assistant: 该历史街区包括大约96座建筑,代表了纽约市商业史上从1870年代到1930年代,该区的繁盛时期,拥有酒店,俱乐部,商店和公寓楼,高层写字楼,以及许多联排房屋,装饰艺术风格的塔楼等,见证了该地区每一个连续的发展阶段。
User: This can be used to approximate the diffuse reflection of light from a point source by a sphere.
Assistant: 这可以用于近似通过球体来自点源的光的漫反射。
User: Plans to transport a tank went through a number of revisions, but, by May 1941, the feasibility of a 5.5 metric tons (5.4 long tons) tank to be carried for 350 miles (560 km) in a glider was accepted, although the aircraft would have to be specifically designed for the task.
Assistant: 运输坦克的方案经过多次修订后,最终在1941年5月使用滑翔机运送一辆5.5公吨(5.4长吨)重的坦克至350英里(560公里)外的方案获得接受,其中,飞行器须为运输坦克而专门设计。
User: The company was formed in 1997 through a merger of two French IT companies; and combined with the Dutch-based company Origin B.V. in 2000 to become Atos Origin.
Assistant: 源讯创始于1997年,当时法国的两家IT公司合并,加上2000年合并的另一家荷兰公司,在2000年形成“Atos Origin”。
User: To this end they plan a ball.
Assistant: 此时称为庆能舞站。
User: The ship was launched on 19 April 1943 by Lady Alice C. Dixon, the wife of Sir Owen Dixon, Australia's ambassador to the United States, and is the only United States warship to be named after a foreign capital city.
Assistant: 1943年4月19日,堪培拉号在澳大利亚驻美国大使欧文·狄克森的妻子艾丽斯·狄克森夫人的主持下下水,是美国唯一一艘以外国军舰或城市命名的军舰。
User: The diffusion of a technology theory generally follows an S-shaped curve as early versions of technology are rather unsuccessful, followed by a period of successful innovation with high levels of adoption, and finally a dropping off in adoption as a technology reaches its maximum potential in a market.
Assistant: 社会或行业中的技术传播:技术扩散通常遵循S型曲线——技术的早期版本并不成功,而接下来一段时期的成功创新则被广泛接受,最后随着技术在市场中达到其最大潜力而衰落。
User: Desak comes from an unnamed world where the inhabitants worship a god called Kronnitt.
Assistant: 乡里承平,人人赞颂;浙江人建生祠奉祀,称之为“卢菩萨”。
User: William and Mary Choate invited Mark Pitman (1830–1905), their tenant in the aforementioned Red House, to start a boys' school under their sponsorship.
Assistant: 威廉与玛丽-乔特邀请他们的房客,当时住在红房子的马克-皮特曼 (1830–1905)加入新学校,并给予了他资金支持。
User: According to Garriott, Ultima was now "more than a mere fantasy escape.
Assistant: 根据加里奥特的说法,《创世纪》现在“不仅仅是单纯的逃逸幻想。
User: This implies that disgust directed towards the self functions very differently from disgust directed towards other people or objects.
Assistant: 这就意味着针对自身所产生的厌恶其作用大大不同于对他人或物体所产生的厌恶。
User: On November 29, he pleaded guilty to an additional three counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct in Eaton County.
Assistant: 11月29日,他在伊顿县的法庭上承认了另外三项一级刑事性行为指控。
User: Though his early work in natural philosophy was speculative, Aristotle's later biological writings were more empirical, focusing on biological causation and the diversity of life.
Assistant: 尽管他早期对于自然哲学的作者都是理论性的,亚里士多德后期的生物学作品则偏向实验,关注生命的起源和生物多样性。
User: It was founded in 1905 and is the oldest private school in Iceland.
Assistant: 它成立于1905年,是在冰岛历史最悠久的私立学校。
User: On August 9, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) began monitoring a tropical wave associated with a small area of convective activity between the Cape Verde Islands and the western coast of Africa.
Assistant: 8月9日,美国国家飓风中心开始监控佛得角群岛和非洲西海岸之间一股带有小规模对流活动的东风波。
User: On 1 February 2014, CSKA Moscow announced that Akinfeev had extended his contract CSKA until the summer of 2019.
Assistant: 2014年2月1日,莫斯科中央陆军宣布将与阿金费耶夫的合同延长至2019年夏天。
User: During the second half of the 1920s, France, Britain and Germany were all using the League of Nations as the focus of their diplomatic activity, and each of their foreign secretaries attended League meetings at Geneva during this period.
Assistant: 在1920年代后半期,法国、英国及德国都利用国联作他们外交活动的焦点,同时她们的秘书代表都会出席在日内瓦的会议。
User: While conservatives in the Progressive Era hailed Morgan for his civic responsibility, his strengthening of the national economy, and his devotion to the arts and religion, the left wing viewed him as one of the central figures in the system it rejected.
Assistant: 进步时代的保守主义者称颂摩根履行了他的公民责任、加强了国民经济以及挚爱艺术和宗教,但左翼视之为其所反对体系中的核心人物之一。
User: Mellor was moderately successful as a trainer.
Assistant: 最后鸣人终于是成功练成了仙术训练。
User: One of the most prominent examples of such a separation occurs in central North America, especially Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas, where the moist air from the Gulf of Mexico meets dry air from the desert south-western states.
Assistant: 干线最著名的例子要属北美洲中部地区,尤其是在美国得克萨斯州、俄克拉荷马州和堪萨斯这三个地方,来自墨西哥湾的潮气和来自美国西南部地区沙漠的干燥空气于此交汇。
User: Persons who were born in Cuba must use their Cuban passports for travelling to Cuba, unless they have official documentation to prove that they no longer have Cuban nationality.
Assistant: 所有在古巴出生者都会自动被视为古巴公民,除非有关人士持有其他国家的官方文件,以证明他们不再拥有古巴国籍。
User: His mother, Sharon Rae ( Tedrick), was a welfare worker, and his father, William Costner, was an electrician and later utilities executive at Southern California Edison.
Assistant: 他母亲Sharon Rae从事社会保障工作,他父亲William Costner是一名电工,后来成为Southern California Edison公司的管理人员。
User: Symptoms occur in a day/night pattern where water soaked areas expand during the night and then dry out during the day.
Assistant: 症状在日夜的发生情况不同,夜间水浸状区域会扩张,然后在白天变干。
User: At 10 pm on 9 June, around 50 men assembled at Hunt's Barn in South Wingfield and for four hours ranged around the neighbourhood for weapons and extra men.
Assistant: 6月9日晚上10点,有大约50名男子在南温菲尔德的亨特谷仓进行集会,接下来四个小时内他们都在周围的居民中四处征集兵员和武器。
User: However, the conflict reignited less than a month later on 29 June, meaning the ships would have to remain in the area.
Assistant: 然而,战火在不到一个月后的6月29日再度燃起,意味着这些舰只必须继续留在当地。
User: This was the library's first major renovation since its construction in 1937.
Assistant: 这是自1937年建成以来该图书馆的第一次重大更新。
User: Although the Musahar are Hindu, they believe in a number of tribal deities.
Assistant: 虽然信仰印度教,他们相信在一些部落神。
User: The fifth Arcade Awards are held, for games released during 1982-1983.
Assistant: 第五届街机奖举办,授奖对象为1982-1983年发行的游戏。
User: In 1923 Einstein stayed there for six weeks, after German ultra-nationalists in Berlin had made threats against his life.
Assistant: 1923年爱因斯坦在那停留了6个星期,因为德国极端民族主义者对其发出了死亡威胁。
User: Under Burnet's direction, scientists at the Institute made significant contributions to infectious disease research during a period that has been called the "golden age of virology".
Assistant: 在伯内特的指导下,所里的研究员在传染病研究领域做出了重要贡献,这一时期被称为“病毒学的黄金时代”。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: As they escaped, the third agent laid down covering fire, killing a Branch Davidian.
Assistant: 当他们逃出的时候,第三个突袭队员匍匐着进行掩护,并射杀一位大卫教徒。
User: The National Reunification Prize (Korean: 조국통일상) is an award of North Korea, bestowed by the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly upon people who have contributed to the reunification of Korea.
Assistant: 祖国统一奖(朝鲜语:조국통일상/祖国统一赏)是朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的奖项,以奖励致力于朝鲜半岛统一的人士。
User: India articulated its policy of no first use of nuclear weapons in 2003.
Assistant: 印度在2003年阐明了其不率先使用核武器的政策。
User: Night Combat.
Assistant: 夜间战斗机型。
User: Due to its low smoke point, it is not suitable for cooking.
Assistant: 因为为其冒烟点低,无法用来油煎。
User: At the age of six, Miller started to train as an opera singer, in order to overcome a speech impediment.
Assistant: 当他6岁时,米勒开始进行成为歌剧演唱家的训练,帮助他克服语言上的障碍。
User: Two days after Tycho's unexpected death on October 24, 1601, Kepler was appointed his successor as the imperial mathematician with the responsibility to complete his unfinished work.
Assistant: 1601年10月24日第谷出人意料的逝世了,两天之后,开普勒被委任成为他的继任者,作为皇家数学家负责完成第谷未完成的工作。
User: The Rusalka could not live long on dry land, but with her comb she was always safe, for it gave her the power to conjure water when she needed it.
Assistant: 鲁萨尔卡可能无法长时间呆在陆地上,但在岸上梳头是安全的,因为她们具备随时召唤水的能力。
User: There are many proponents of Marxist–Leninism who rejected the theses of Khrushchev.
Assistant: 马克思列宁主义的许多支持者拒绝赫鲁晓夫的论点。
User: These M2-models describe elements of the M1-layer, and thus M1-models.
Assistant: M2模型描述M1层以及M1层的要素,例如,UML模型。
User: The population of Sintashta derived their stock-breeding from Abashevo, although the role of the pig shrinks sharply.
Assistant: 辛塔什塔人继承了阿巴舍沃驯养的动物,但猪的作用急剧缩小。
User: During this time theorists often included relationships into their current areas of research and began to develop new foundations which had implications in regards to the analysis of intimate relationships.
Assistant: 当时的研究者常会将人际关系列入他们的研究领域中,而且形成了一些新的理论,是后续亲密关系研究上的基础。
User: Cities like San Francisco still rely heavily on fire alarm boxes for redundancy in case of emergency.
Assistant: 旧金山等城市仍然保留了火灾报警箱,以备紧急情况下使用。
User: Petroleum production from Europe, Africa, and the Middle East flowing West tends to be priced relative to this oil, i.e. it forms a benchmark.
Assistant: 欧洲、非洲和中东运往西方的原油按照北海布伦特原油标价,因此它是一个重要的价格标数。
User: There was no handle found for the blade nor was there a swordsheath found for it while it was being excavated.
Assistant: 在折磨瞬的时候,不经意被一辉的凤翼天翔打中,在不知道发生何事的情况下被打倒。
User: As he was about to release the sarin, Hirose believed the loud noises caused by the newspaper-wrapped packets had caught the attention of a schoolgirl.
Assistant: 当他正想释放沙林毒气时,因为广濑健一放下报纸包裹所产生的声响引起了一个女学生的注意。
User: This requires that the hash function is collision-resistant, which means that it is very hard to find data that will generate the same hash value.
Assistant: 这需要杂凑函式是抗碰撞(collision-resistant)的,意味着很难找到产生相同杂凑值的资料。
User: He replied : conceal your private parts except from your wife and from whom your right hand possesses (concubines).
Assistant: 曰:“愿与妻子为黔首,比诸公子。
User: Originally developed for the Lockheed L-1011 TriStar, it entered service in 1972 and was the only engine to power this type of aircraft.
Assistant: 最初发展的目的是做洛克希德公司L-1011(三星飞机)的动力装置,从1972年开始随着三星飞机的投入使用而开始服务,并且是该型飞机唯一的动力来源。
User: The motorway system provides direct access to Brno in the Czech Republic, Budapest in Hungary, Trnava and other points in Slovakia.
Assistant: 高速公路系统可直达捷克共和国的布尔诺、斯洛伐克的特尔纳瓦等地,和匈牙利布达佩斯。
User: The name is also an acronym for "Design Audio & Visual Illusion Dynamics" which signifies the studio's impactful animations.
Assistant: 还有“david”的命名是‘Design Audio & Visual Illusion Dynamics"’的缩写,意思说明公司生产的动画作品具有影响力的价值。
User: During the Saint Elizabeth flood of 1421, the Grote Hollandse Waard flooded, but the Alblasserwaard polder stayed unflooded.
Assistant: 在1421年的圣伊丽莎白洪水中,Grote Hollandse Waard被洪水淹没,而阿尔布拉瑟沃德(Alblasserwaard)圩田则幸免于洪水。
User: His father, Richard Wegener, was a theologian and teacher of classical languages at the Berlinisches Gymnasium zum Grauen Kloster.
Assistant: 他的父亲理查德·韦格纳是一个神学家,在柏林文科中学教授语言。
User: However, while the Hawaiian mantle plume is well understood and extensively studied, the nature of hotspots themselves remains fairly enigmatic.
Assistant: 然而,虽然夏威夷地函热柱被很好地理解和广泛研究,但热点本身的性质仍然相当神秘。
User: But to be honest, they are not that important to us.
Assistant: 但对它来说,你们都不重要。
User: Published in 1762, it became one of the most influential works of political philosophy in the Western tradition.
Assistant: 这本书于1762年出版,当时无人问津,但后来成为了反映西方传统政治思想的最有影响力的著作之一。
User: We will, however, uphold a decision of less than ideal clarity if the agency's path may reasonably be discerned.
Assistant: 但是,决策过程可能会异常缓慢,除非能精简决策流程。
User: In a matter of seconds, all of the white dwarf's mass is thrown into space.
Assistant: 在几秒钟内,白矮星所有的物质都被抛入太空内。
User: In recognition of this, German tank and anti-tank gun crews were instructed to attack Fireflies first.
Assistant: 当德军意识到这点后,其坦克和反坦克组员被指示优先攻击萤火虫。
User: They think first and foremost about others' safety and security.
Assistant: 首先是国家的生存和安全。
User: On the third day, he rises from the dead as promised.
Assistant: 祂正如圣经所载,第三日复活了。
User: He stayed there until 1847, spending his free time studying mathematics and botany while attending the university in Bern once a week.
Assistant: 他留在那儿直到1847年,空余时间学习数学和植物学,每周一次到伯尔尼大学。
User: Poland, as the culturally most advanced part of the Commonwealth, with the royal court, the capital, the largest cities, the second-oldest university in Central Europe (after Prague), and the more liberal and democratic social institutions had proven an irresistible magnet for the non-Polish nobility in the Commonwealth.
Assistant: 波兰,这个在文化上是作为联邦的主导部分, 与它的王宫,首都,最大城市,中欧第二个大学(仅次于布拉格)和最自由,民主的社会制度都证明了,波兰对于联邦的的非波兰人贵族而言,是一块令人无法抗拒的奶酪。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: This RLM system - from the Third Reich's air ministry - applied to all German manufacturers; the first Junkers aircraft to receive a Ju number was the W 33, so retrospectively it became the Ju 33.
Assistant: 1933年后,代表容克斯公司的字母J替换为Ju,此种帝国空军部命名系统应用于所有的德国制造商,第一架由Ju编号命名的容克斯飞机是W33,因此它被替换为Ju 33。
User: Lyrically, "The Voice Within" is an inspirational song that says that one should trust one's heart and own mind, and find inner strength.
Assistant: 《心声》是一首励志歌曲,其歌词与相信自己的内心和寻找内心的力量相关。
User: Group Portraits 10.The History of Foolish Hope 11.
Assistant: 第11个十进制的史密夫数。
User: Interactive Economic Models from the Wolfram Demonstrations Project Journal of Economic Education.
Assistant: 来自 Wolfram 演示项目的互动经济模型 经济教育杂志。
User: The music, however, was not influenced by The Twilight Zone, as Gruska prefers to base his scores on an episode's visuals.
Assistant: 不过,这些音乐并没有受到《迷离时空》的影响,格拉斯卡更倾向于根据节目的视觉风格来进行创作。
User: Some of these Breton ports surrendered only by 9 May 1945, one day after Victory in Europe Day.
Assistant: 其中一些在布列塔尼的港口于1945年5月9日,即欧战胜利日一天之后投降。
User: In 2003, Rasmussen founded Rasmussen Reports, based in Asbury Park, New Jersey.
Assistant: 2003年,拉斯穆森在新泽西州的阿斯伯里帕克成立“拉斯穆森报导”。
User: So far, the disputed areas have been effectively under Brazilian control.
Assistant: 目前,该争议领土被印度实际控制。
User: Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said firstly that the perpetrator of the attack was a 28-year-old Syrian man who was affiliated with ISIL.
Assistant: 土耳其总理艾哈迈德·达武特奥卢首先表示行凶者是一名隶属于伊斯兰国的28岁叙利亚男子。
User: The Guardian – Crusaders Looking Up.
Assistant: 藏锋——洛埋名的护卫。
User: Toni Basil introduced this studio technique into locking in the 1970s.
Assistant: 托尼·博赞1970年代在英国创立心智图。
User: In 1863, a new treaty was signed that relinquished lands that granted by an 1855 treaty, turning them over to the American government.
Assistant: 在公元1863年,一项新的协定被签署,将在根据公元1855年协定所取得的土地全部转授与美国政府。
User: In 2000, PBS aired Don McLean: Starry, Starry Night, a concert special that was filmed in Austin, Texas.
Assistant: 2000年,公共电视网播出了在德克萨斯州奥斯汀举行的专场音乐会“Don McLean: Starry, Starry Night”。
User: The revivals enrolled millions of new members in existing evangelical denominations and led to the formation of new denominations.
Assistant: 这些复兴活动吸收了数百万名新成员加入现有的福音派,并导致了新教派的形成。
User: With the discovery of Mapusaurus in 2006, Rodolfo Coria and Phil Currie erected a subfamily of Carcharodontosauridae, the Giganotosaurinae, to contain the most advanced South American species, which they found to be more closely related to each other than to the African and European forms.
Assistant: 当2006年发现马普龙时,罗多尔夫·科里亚(Rodolfo Coria)与菲力·柯尔(Phil Currie)建立南方巨兽龙亚科,以包含更先进的南美洲物种,这些物种彼此关系更为接近,而离非洲与欧洲物种较远。
User: Room 1991.
Assistant: 1991年设区。
User: The design of the basilica, by Pierre Bossan, draws from both Romanesque and Byzantine architecture, two non-Gothic models that were unusual choices at the time.
Assistant: Pierre Bossan将其设计为兼具罗曼式和拜占庭建筑,选择了在当时不寻常的两种非哥特式设计。
User: In 1989, it was changed to The Forum as it is today.
Assistant: 在1989年,已转移至其士国际至今。
User: Along with its economic, technological and political importance, the company, namely its coal mine, is infamous for being the site of repeated mining accidents with numerous fatalities.
Assistant: 因为该公司经济、科技与政治的重要性,这家以煤矿命名的公司以持续发生的许多矿难而声名狼藉。
User: Some years later, in 1938, the need to build a new High Pressure boiler building led to the demolition of the naves from the station's original phase, leaving no trace behind.
Assistant: 一年以后由于要修建新的高压锅炉厂房,该发电中心第一阶段建筑物于 1938 年被全部拆除,再没有留下任何痕迹。
User: The EU Single Payment Scheme helped some Commoners significantly.
Assistant: 单一支付方案已显著地帮助了一些平民。
User: Permission was received to film the water pipe scenes at the Titan Missile Museum, near the mine, but the day before shooting, permission was withdrawn.
Assistant: 剧组一度获许在矿井附近的泰坦导弹博物馆拍摄片中大量水管的镜头,但就在拍摄前一天,馆方又撤回了许可。 |
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Harriet’s family obstructed Percy Shelley's efforts—fully supported by Mary Godwin—to assume custody of his two children by Harriet.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The retail space and the new station entrance were built during the 2001–2005 renovation.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 新车站入口和零售的空间则是在2001至2005年翻新期间兴建。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Van Gogh is able to sense Amy's sadness at Rory's death, and the Doctor later accidentally addresses Amy and Vincent as Amy and Rory, respectively.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Post-leftists argue that anarchism has been weakened by its long attachment to contrary "leftist" movements and single issue causes (anti-war, anti-nuclear and so on).
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Imagination is the key to new development of the mind and can be shared with others, progressing collectively.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Shortly afterwards, Vincent spent some time in a domestic abuse shelter in Haringey and worked as a cleaner in a budget hotel.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:不久后,文森特在哈林盖区一所家庭暴力受害者庇护所待了一段时间,在一家酒店当清洁工。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The Syrian government claimed that a research facility was struck, not a convoy, and that two people were killed.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Army forces also launched a large offensive on other districts across Damascus and its outskirts.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Koniecpolski became an influential adviser to the new king, often encouraging him to direct Polish foreign policy against the Tartars.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:科涅茨波尔斯基成为新王具有影响力的顾问,经常支持瓦迪斯瓦夫制定针对鞑靼人的外交政策。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Other IBM computers of that era had similar features.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Among the most advanced integrated circuits are the microprocessors or "cores", which control everything from personal computers and cellular phones to digital microwave ovens.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Unlike the functionists, Bracher saw this disorganization as part of a conscious “divide and rule” strategy on the part of Hitler, and argued at no point was Hitler ever driven by pressure from below or had his power limited in any way.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:不像机能主义者,布拉赫视这一混乱为希特勒一部分有意的“划分和治理”战略的一部分,并指出没有观点可指出希特勒受自下而上的压力的驱动或者他的权力受任何方式的限制。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Speaker for the Dead, I don't want it to be filmed.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 虽为摄影部顾问却不懂摄影。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: He was joined by a force of 200 men under Ahmed al Khalifa.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
他参加了一个200人的力量在Ahmed al Khalifa。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Certain cases may be due to infections during pregnancy such as rubella, use of certain medications or drugs such as alcohol or tobacco, parents being closely related, or poor nutritional status or obesity in the mother.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:部分的病例归因于在怀孕时期的感染(如德国麻疹)、使用特定药物或有毒物质(如酒精或烟),而父母亲也和此疾病有关连,如母亲的营养不良或肥胖。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The division had such a high casualty rate that it was said that Gerhardt actually commanded three divisions: one on the field of battle, one in the hospital and one in the cemetery.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:由于该师过高的伤亡率而产生一则笑话,说格哈德实际上指挥三个师:一个在战场上,一个在医院里,一个在墓地里。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
IC 4592 (also known as the Blue Horsehead Nebula) is a reflection nebula in the Scorpius constellation that is lit by Nu Scorpii.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
IC 4592,或称为蓝马头星云(Blue Horsehead Nebula),是一个位于天蝎座的反射星云。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In 1813, after the death of Marshal Jean-Baptiste Bessières, he commanded the cavalry of the Imperial Guard.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
After the Chapel Hill conference, Joseph Weber started designing and building the first gravitational wave detectors now known as Weber bars.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 教堂山会议之后,约瑟·韦伯(英语:Joseph Weber)设计与建成第一个重力波探测器,知名为韦伯棒。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:This led to early claims (from Lincoln Laboratory, Jodrell Bank, and Vladimir A. Kotelnikov of the USSR) which are now known to be incorrect.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:这导致了早期的主张(从林肯实验室、焦德雷尔班克天文台、前苏联的伏拉迪米尔A.卡特尔),当时众所周知的天文单位值,在现在知道是不正确的。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Question 92 is the Effects on Laws.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 二十四缘构成了各种不同的法之间的关系。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
However, wirelength reduction may be undermined unless modules of certain minimal size are preserved.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
然而,wirelength reduction可能受到损害,除非的某些最小尺寸的模块将被保留。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:MPEG-DASH uses existing HTTP web server infrastructure that is used for delivery of essentially all World Wide Web content.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Dungeon layout was split into three distinct types: the Tokyo overworld environments, "institutions" such as Joker's high school, and dungeon environments.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The civilians and missionaries who had been besieged were some of the most successful looters, as they were familiar with Peking.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:曾被围的市民和传教士因熟悉北京,占了最成功的劫掠者的一部分。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Excavations from 1922 to 1934 were funded by the British Museum and the University of Pennsylvania and led by the archaeologist Sir Charles Leonard Woolley.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:从1922年到1934年大英博物馆和宾西法尼亚大学资助对乌尔的发掘,其领导人是考古学家查尔斯·伦纳德·伍利。 |
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The Spanish Royal Academy says the Spanish word is a hybrid of the Taíno batata (sweet potato) and the Quechua papa (potato).
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 据西班牙皇家学院称,此西班牙词汇由泰依诺语(英语:Taíno language)batata(红薯)和克丘亚语papa(马铃薯)混合而来的。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
While many spoke about the need for a constitution, no such document appeared from the discussions.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 许多人提到了对宪法的需求,但在讨论中并没有出现这样的文档。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Pitchblende is a complex mineral; the chemical separation of its constituents was an arduous task.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: His father calls him a failure, and urges him to commit suicide.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The newspaper felt that Bush had been injudicious in his language, particularly using phrases such as "suicidal nationalism," "ethnic hatred" and "local despotism" that it felt "went too far".
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:该报认为布什的用语缺乏判断力,尤其是“自杀式民族主义”、“民族仇恨”和“本地专制”这几个字眼说得“太过分了”。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The AS70/90 light machine gun had been introduced by Beretta as a response to the requests of the Italian Army, which by the time (late 1980s) was looking for a more compact and handy squad automatic weapon to replace in this role the MG-42/59 (Italian license-made version of the German Rheinmetall MG3 machine-gun).
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Also for internal distances in an apparatus by maintaining CTI based distances, the risk of fire is reduced.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:同时,在电路板的内层导体间根据CTI保持相应距离有助于降低起火风险。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The song was written about lead singer Chris Martin's then wife, Gwyneth Paltrow.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
专辑内的歌曲Moses是关于乐队主唱克里斯·马丁的妻子Gwyneth Paltrow。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Later, four elephants in the group were sent to the zoos of Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing and Changsha.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 之后,其中四头大象分别被送到了北京、上海、南京和长沙的动物园。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Court preacher to Louis XIV of France, Bossuet was a strong advocate of political absolutism and the divine right of kings.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 他是路易十四的宫廷布道师,宣扬君权神授与国王的绝对统治权力。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: An FFT computes the DFT and produces exactly the same result as evaluating the DFT definition directly; the only difference is that an FFT is much faster.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:On 10 September 1943, two days after the armistice between the Allies and Italy had been agreed, Italian military and civil forces tried to block German seizure of the city, with 570 casualties.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:1943年9月10日,意大利与盟国停战商定两天后,意大利军方和民间力量试图阻止德国占领罗马,人员伤亡570人。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The splay tree was invented by Daniel Sleator and Robert Tarjan in 1985.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
它是由丹尼尔·斯立特(Daniel Sleator)和罗伯特·塔扬在1985年发明的。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
"ENDPROPERTIES" appears at the end of the "STARTPROPERTIES" section.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Call Me Lumpy.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:通称弥四郎。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Or you could intercept a communication so that it would be forced to use your company's virtual private network (VPN) or prevent that communication from reaching a particular application that holds sensitive data.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: If you want to proclaim Orhan as sultan in Thrace, go ahead.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Various social processes in the Western World as well as in the "Third World" (the latter being the habitual focus of attention of anthropologists) brought the attention of "specialists in 'other cultures'" closer to their homes.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:This distinct texture is why it does not have a soggy consistency, despite being soaked in a mixture of three types of milk.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:At the 1979 general election, Democratic Labour contested two seats: Lincoln and Brigg and Scunthorpe.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
1979年大选,民主工党派人挑战两个议席:林肯和布里格和斯肯索普(英语:Brigg and Scunthorpe (UK Parliament constituency))。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The focus must be proper form, not the amount of weight lifted.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
It's a really rich period in history, where this giant opposition we had going for 10 years with the Nazis is gone, and we're not completely positive what the rules are anymore.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The Greens were strong electorally in urban areas, specifically in the Greater Paris area, Brittany and western France, parts of the Rhône-Alpes region and Alsace.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In addition to the international airport on Sal, airports are located on all of the inhabited islands except for the smallest island, Brava, which was built, but found to be too dangerous so it was shut down after a few failed attempted landings.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 除了萨尔岛的国际机场外,所有的机场位于有人居住的岛屿上,除了最小但危险的布拉瓦岛,因此在几次失败的降落之后被关闭。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
He later left the production staff in 2012 to focus on composing music for the film One Piece Film: Z and the anime film Hanasaku Iroha: Home Sweet Home.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
他在2012年退出了制作人员团队,专注于电影《One Piece Film Z》和动画电影《花开物语 Home Sweet Home》的作曲。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: The remaining 16 teams moved on to the double elimination main event at the KeyArena in Seattle from August 7–12, with the top four finishing teams from both groups advancing to the upper bracket, and the bottom four advancing to the lower bracket.
Assistant: 其余16支队伍于8月7日至12日在西雅图的KeyArena举行了双重淘汰赛主赛事,两组前四名队伍直接晋级胜者组,后四名进入到败者组。
User: Whereas the standard TCP congestion control algorithm is only able to detect the presence of congestion, DCTCP, using ECN, is able to gauge the extent of congestion.
Assistant: 标准的TCP拥塞控制算法只能检测拥塞的存在,而使用ECN的DCTCP可以测量拥塞的程度。
User: The most popular in terms of participant numbers was again the "Compact Seminar Emergency Medicine", followed by the course offerings from the International Center for Advanced Studies (ICAS) and the distance learning programmes in actuarial science.
Assistant: 目前最受欢迎的是在"小型研讨会急诊医学杂志",其次是从国际高级研究中心(英格尔)和遥距学习计划在精算学的课程。
User: In April 2010, Oracle Corporation contributed the Liberation Sans Narrow typefaces to the project.
Assistant: 2010年4月,甲骨文公司贡献了Liberation Sans Narrow字型到此专案中。
User: Between 830 and 840, the towns of the coast between Lettere and Tramonti and Cetara and Positano, including the island of Capri, united to form a confederation of states later known as the Duchy of Amalfi.
Assistant: 从830年到840年,从切塔拉到波西塔诺的海岸各城以及卡普里岛联合组成阿马尔菲海洋共和国;他们的居民都称为阿马尔菲人。
User: 10−6 seconds: Hadron epoch begins: As the universe cools to about 1010 kelvin, a quark-hadron transition takes place in which quarks bind to form more complex particles—hadrons.
Assistant: ca. 10−6秒,强子时期开始:当宇宙降温至大约1010K,夸克-强子转换发生,使夸克被束缚形成更复杂的粒子 -强子。
User: The expedition's notable achievement was reaching 82° 29′N by ship, a record at the time.
Assistant: 值得一提的是,这次远征到达了北纬82°29',成为当时的一项记录。
User: He later apologized for the language, but stood behind his statement.
Assistant: 后道歉,但坚持自己的观点。
User: The use of AstroTurf and similar surfaces became widespread in the U.S. and Canada in the early 1970s, installed in both indoor and outdoor stadiums used for baseball and football.
Assistant: 在1970年代,AstroTurf与类似的铺面开始在美国及加拿大广泛使用在足球及棒球的室内外球场。
User: Its survivors retreated on foot to the south.
Assistant: 幸存的美军士兵于是徒步向南撤退。
User: In times of war, such as the 2003 invasion of Iraq, it's not uncommon for two squadrons to be deployed.
Assistant: 然而在战争时期,如2003年入侵伊拉克,同时派出两个中队的情况并不罕见。
User: Within hours after the attack, officials determined that the explosion was intentional, and ruled out the possibility of a natural gas explosion.
Assistant: 事发数小时后,警方断定爆炸有预谋,排除了天然气爆炸(英语:Gas explosion)的可能性。
User: In response, she wrote a letter of protest to the New York Post that identified herself as the mother of a gay protester and complained of police inaction.
Assistant: 作为回应,她给《纽约邮报》写了一封抗议信,称她自己是一名同性恋抗议者的母亲,并抱怨警察不采取行动。
User: Marcy lives with his wife, Susan Kegley, in California.
Assistant: 他和妻子Susan Kegley居住在美国加州。
User: At the age of 16, Craig was accepted into the National Youth Theatre, leaving school and moving to London, where he worked part-time in restaurants to finance his training.
Assistant: 16岁时,克雷格获准进入国立青年剧院(英语:National Youth Theatre),离开学校并搬至伦敦,在那里他于餐馆兼职以赚取学费。
User: The Interpretation of Early Music.
Assistant: 可见早期音乐的影响。
User: This effect does not come into play by going from macrosocopic to micrometer dimensions, but becomes pronounced when the nanometer scale is reached.
Assistant: 这一效应不是因为尺度由巨观变成微观而产生的,但它确实在奈米尺度时占了很重要的地位。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: His form of anthropometrics is still partially used by French police.
Assistant: 他的人体测量学至今仍被法国警方部分使用。
User: The points at infinity are the "extra" points where parallel lines intersect in the construction of the extended real plane; the point (0, x1, x2) is where all lines of slope x2 / x1 intersect.
Assistant: 无穷远点是平行为在建构扩展实平面时会增加的“额外”点;其中,点 (x1, x2, 0)即为所有斜率为 x2 / x1 的线会相交之点。
User: The first institutes for marriage counseling in the United States began in the 1930s, partly in response to Germany's medically directed, racial purification marriage counseling centres.
Assistant: 美国的第一批婚姻咨商机构则成立于1930年代,成立的部分原因是为了抗衡德国这种推行种族净化婚姻咨询方法。
User: There have been studies in the United States and Australia which show that suicide crisis lines may help people who feel like killing or hurting themselves and may make them feel better.
Assistant: 澳洲和美国境内的数个研究指出,自杀防治专线能抚慰那些有自残、自杀倾向的人的心理,让他们较为快乐、正向,好过一点。
User: In 2006, Zoliswa Nkonyana, aged 19, was killed for being openly lesbian by 4 men in the Cape Town township of Khayelitsha, who stabbed and stoned her to death.
Assistant: 在2006年,19岁的Zoliswa Nkonyana,因为女同志的公开身份在开普敦的城镇卡雅利沙(英语:Khayelitsha)遭到4名男子石头砸死以及捅死。
User: After fermentation, it is stored in tanks of concrete or stainless steel to prevent oxidative aging and preserve its bright red color and full-bodied fruitiness.
Assistant: 发酵后,它被存放在混凝土或不锈钢制成的罐子中,陈酿过程杜绝防止氧化,并保持其丰富的红葡萄酒的色泽。
User: Subsequently, the DEA headquarters complex was classified as a Level IV installation under United States federal building security standards, meaning it was to be considered a high-risk law enforcement target for terrorists.
Assistant: 为此,缉毒局总部的建筑群根据美国联邦建筑安全标准(英语:United States federal building security)被列为第四层级,即恐怖袭击的高风险目标。
User: After an examination by both Disney and state inspectors showed no ride malfunction, the ride was reopened the next day.
Assistant: 在迪士尼和当地政府的官员检查后,认为游乐设施本身并没有功能异常,隔天便重新开放。
User: Chrono Trigger, released in 1995, was already localized by Ted Woolsey, but the Final Fantasy Chronicles version has additional modifications.
Assistant: 时空之轮与1995年发行,并已由泰德·伍尔西本地化,但《最终幻想编年史》中做了额外的修改。
User: In the M5S, themes derived from ecological and anti-particracy promoting the direct participation of citizens converge in the management of public affairs through forms of digital democracy.
Assistant: 五星运动将生态反思的主题融入到促进公民直接参与公共事务管理的形式中,通过数字民主的形式。
User: Note the L in PL was for left hand drive models.
Assistant: 其中D为右旋形态,L为左旋形态。
User: The band also consists of Jeremy's brother Zack Shada and friends Logan Charles, John Spicer and Seth Renken.
Assistant: 这个乐团成员有杰里米的哥哥萨克·沙达和他朋友罗根·查尔斯(Logan Charles)、约翰·斯派塞(John Spicer)和赛特·伦肯(Seth Renken)。
User: These walls appear to be early insertions.
Assistant: 这两座建筑均为早期建筑。
User: Dow continued to promote prohibition in Britain until May 1875 when, exhausted, he returned home.
Assistant: 道此后继续在英国宣传禁酒理念,直到1875年5月才因年老体衰返回故乡。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: In 1961 Nadler directed Louise Poirier to develop a deeply plunged, laced push-up design, numbered the 1300.
Assistant: 1961年,纳德勒请路易斯·普瓦里埃(Louise Poirier)开发一种系带式深嵌上托胸罩,编号为1300。
User: With official statistics showing 82,262 unemployed Moroccans in Spain, there were expected to be many who would take advantage of the payments.
Assistant: 官方统计显示,在西班牙有82,262名失业的摩洛哥人。
User: In 1939 on the brink of the Second World War, the League relocated its headquarters from Paris to Geneva to take advantage of Swiss neutrality.
Assistant: 1939年,在第二次世界大战爆发前夕,联盟将总部从巴黎搬到日内瓦以享受瑞士中立国地位带来的便利。
User: The organizers, including Zerbe, promised to support the $3 issue price against the possibility of price drops on the secondary market.
Assistant: 包括泽布在内的博览会组织者曾信誓旦旦地承诺,会坚持以3美元的发行价销售,避免硬币价格跌入二级市场。
User: A classical language is a language with a literature that is classical.
Assistant: 古典语言指的是拥有古典文学的语言。
User: On July 10, 1864, Bosbyshell was promoted to major and ordered to command the 48th, though he remained at his brigade post temporarily.
Assistant: 1864年7月10日,波斯比谢尔晋升少校并受命执掌第48团,在第1旅的职务暂时保留。
User: In 2011, This Week in Tech was named "Best Technology Podcast", and TWiT Photo was named "Best New Technology Podcast" by iTunes Rewind.
Assistant: This Week in Tech(被称为TWiT,“本周科技”)是一个每周Podcast,TWiT.tv网络因此Podcast而得名。
User: In 1943, the area was for the most part covered with pine and mixed forests and thick bushes.
Assistant: 在1943年时该地区的大部分被松树及混交林和厚厚的灌木丛覆盖着。
User: Nevertheless, in the middle months of 2003, rebels won 34 of 38 engagements.
Assistant: 在2003年中间的几个月,反抗军赢得了34到38场战斗的胜利。
User: The camp meeting was a religious service of several days' length with preachers.
Assistant: 这次营地会议是一场长达几天的宗教仪式,与牧师们举行。
User: AOL Active Virus Shield (commonly referred to as AVS) was a free antivirus utility made available by AOL.
Assistant: AOL Active Virus Shield是AOL推出的一款免费的杀毒软件。
User: She underwent and published the procedure as the Halban-Narjani operation.
Assistant: 之后她公开了自己的手术过程并将之命名为Halban-Narjani手术。
User: The German High Command ordered the attacks to be renewed before the afternoon, so that Avranches could be taken.
Assistant: 德军指挥部下令在中午前重新展开进攻,这样阿弗朗什可以被占领。
User: Four Great Ancient Capitals of China.
Assistant: 中国古代四大美女之一。
User: Being the engineer that he was, Bordiga displayed a kind of theoretical rigidity which was both exasperating and effective in allowing him to see things differently.
Assistant: 在他是工程师的时候,Bordiga展现出一种能让他同时看到的令人烦恼的和有效的东西的不同的理论强度。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: That Christmas, Oliver again visits the Perlman family, and announces that he intends to marry next summer.
Assistant: 同年圣诞节,奥利弗再次拜访艾里奥一家人,并告诉他们他可能会在次年春天结婚。
User: Its second stage, which was derived from the MSBS rocket, was 2.28 metres long and 1.5 metres in diameter and developed a thrust of 180 kN for 55 seconds.
Assistant: 第二节使用MSBS火箭,长2.28米,直径1.5米,产生推力180千牛顿,推进时间55秒。
User: Given its date, there was little available legal precedent (particularly in U.S. law).
Assistant: 鉴于其日期,可用的法律先例很少(尤其是在美国法律)。
User: Alangilan is totally destroyed.
Assistant: 后被艾涅尔完全摧毁。
User: The Winter Dance Party tour began in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on January 23, 1959.
Assistant: 冬季舞会派对巡演于1959年1月23日开始,首站设在威斯康星州的密尔沃基。
User: The discovery and development of integrase inhibitors led to the first integrase inhibitor approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on October 12, 2007, for raltegravir (brand name Isentress).
Assistant: 随着整合酶抑制剂的发现和发展(英语:discovery and development of integrase inhibitors),美国食品药品监督管理局在2007年10月12日批准了首个此类药物拉替拉韦(英语:raltegravir)(商品名Isentress)。
User: A popular referendum approved the constitution of the French Fifth Republic in 1958, greatly strengthening the authority of the presidency and the executive with respect to Parliament.
Assistant: 在1958年被法兰西第五共和国宪法认可的广泛的公民投票大大强化了总统和行政机构关于国会的权威。
User: Other parties represented are the Economic Freedom Fighters with eight seats and the Freedom Front Plus and the Inkatha Freedom Party with one seat each.
Assistant: 其他代表政党是拥有8席的经济自由战士以及各有一个席位的自由阵线加(英语:Freedom Front Plus)和因卡塔自由党。
User: Drawn from elements of West African folk tales, it depicts how a newborn boy, Kirikou, saves his village from the evil witch Karaba.
Assistant: 汲取了西非民间传说的元素,讲述刚出生的小男孩叽哩咕对抗邪恶女巫karaba,从而拯救了自己的村子。
User: Under the amendment, Southwest and other airlines were barred from operating or even ticketing passengers on flights from Love Field to destinations beyond the states that border Texas.
Assistant: 在修正案的管理下,西南航空和其他的航空公司被禁止搭载甚至出售机票给由爱田机场出发到德州以外地区的旅客。
User: Antonio Medina, a MIT graduate and NASA scientist, designed a virtual reality system to "drive" Mars rovers from Earth in apparent real time despite the substantial delay of Mars-Earth-Mars signals.
Assistant: 麻省理工学院科学家安东尼奥·梅迪纳设计一个虚拟现实系统,从地球“驾驶”火星车,尽管信号严重延误。
User: Although most U.S. aircraft losses continued to be inflicted by anti-aircraft fire, U.S. Air Force F-105s and Navy A-4 Skyhawks increasingly encountered SAMs and MiGs.
Assistant: 尽管击落美军战机最多的是高射炮,但美国空军的F-105和海军的A-4受到的来自地空导弹与米格机的威胁也变得越来越大。
User: By 2013, the Torture Claim Assessment Section by the Immigration Department assessed 4532 claims, of which only 12 were sustained as substantiated.
Assistant: 截至2013年,入境事务处的酷刑声称评估组共评估了4532宗申请,其中只有12宗成立。
User: In practice, within these organizations the standard variation is 26‐29, where 26's are given to extremely poor speakers, where a perfect score is considered incredibly rare and warranted only by an outstanding performance.
Assistant: 在这些组织里一般评委打出的分数都在26-29之间:26代表很差,29代表很好,而30分这种不可思议的满分代表了极为出色的表现。
User: Tadhg Ua Dálaigh, poet.
Assistant: 晚唐政治家,诗人。
User: The accused Jews claimed they were acting in self-defense, but the court rejected those arguments.
Assistant: 被告的犹太人宣称出于自卫,但法庭驳回了这些论据。
User: It was reopened for commercial traffic on 16 June 1957.
Assistant: 机场于1957年6月16日重开商业飞行服务。
User: The one-pilot crew didn't suffer.
Assistant: 仅潜水艇部队没有受到损失。
User: Based on the current Kyoto Protocol agreement, carbon capture and storage projects are not applicable as an emission reduction tool to be used for the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) or for Joint Implementation (JI) projects.
Assistant: 根据目前的京都议定书达成的协议,碳捕获和储存项目不适用作为清洁发展机制(CDM)或联合履行机制(JI)项目的减排的工具。
User: Embeddedness : A process cannot exist in itself, it must be embedded in an organizational structure.
Assistant: 嵌入性:过程不能自己单独存在,它必定嵌入在组织结构中。
User: For n = 1, 2, or 3, it coincides with the standard measure of length, area, or volume.
Assistant: 对维数为1,2,3的情况,勒贝格测度就是通常的长度、面积、体积。
User: Note: Statistics are updated through the 2017–18 season.
Assistant: 注意: 统计数据目前更新至2017–18赛季。
User: According to the Los Angeles Times review, a number of audience members left as the work proceeded.
Assistant: 根据《洛杉矶时报》的评论,演出开始后有部分观众选择了离开。
User: Algardi was also known for his portraiture which shows an obsessive attention to details of psychologically revealing physiognomy in a sober but immediate naturalism, and minute attention to costume and draperies, such as in the busts of Laudivio Zacchia, Camillo Pamphilj, and of Muzio Frangipane and his two sons Lello and Roberto.
Assistant: 阿尔加迪也以其过渡关注心理细节的描绘闻名,表现了面貌,以严肃然后是自然主义的方式,并关注服装和布料,如laudivio zacchia半身像、卡米罗•潘菲利半身像、以及Muzio Frangipane和他两个儿子莱罗和罗伯托的半身像。
User: Some literary critics, such as Martin C. Battestin, suggest that Pope's friend and fellow-satirist Henry Fielding intended the character of Beau Didapper in Joseph Andrews to be read as Hervey.
Assistant: 有些文学评论家如Martin C. Battestin认为,蒲柏的好友、作家亨利·菲尔丁在其小说Joseph Andrews中的一个角色Beau Didapper也刻意影射了赫维。
User: The song was used in the United States as a de facto national anthem for most of the 19th century, but lost popularity after World War I when it was replaced by "The Star-Spangled Banner" in 1931.
Assistant: 此歌在19世纪时,曾是美国实际上的国歌和美国总统的官方进行曲,直至第一次世界大战之后渐失流行力,最终在1931年被《星条旗歌》取代。
User: The ultimate available supply is believed to be sufficient for at least the next 85 years, although some studies indicate underinvestment in the late twentieth century may produce supply problems in the 21st century.
Assistant: 2004年国际原子能机构预计地球上的所有铀矿藏估计足够供应未来85年的需求,但也有研究指出,20世纪末投资不足,可能对21世纪的铀供应带来压力。
User: Advanced dispersal systems.
Assistant: 先进的分散系统。 |
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The uvular rhotic is also used in some major cities outside of the Randstad area, such as Zwolle, Almelo and Leeuwarden.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 小舌R也见于Randstad地区以外的主要城市,如Zwolle、Almelo和Leeuwarden。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In the Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation of early 2014 Crimea was annexed by Russia.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
这种叫法在2014年初俄罗斯非正式部队占领克里米亚(英语:Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation)期间被首次使用。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Google has a tradition of creating April Fools' Day jokes.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Director of the Pipes and Drums is champion piper Andrew Carlisle from Northern Ireland, a highly decorated solo piper and longtime member of nine times World Pipe Band Champions Field Marshal Montgomery.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
乐队总监是北爱尔兰的风笛手安德鲁·卡莱尔(Andrew Carlisle),他是曾九次获得世界风笛乐队比赛冠军的蒙哥马利元帅乐队的成员。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The office the Lord Chancellor heads was known as the Lord Chancellor's Office between 1885 and 1971 and the Lord Chancellor's Department between 1971 and 2003.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
大法官是英国枢密院及内阁的成员,其所统辖的部门自1885年至1971年称为“大法官办公厅”(Lord Chancellor's Office),而自1971年至2003年则称为大法官部(Lord Chancellor's Department)。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Sitting attorney general William S. Taylor was the first to announce his candidacy and soon secured the support of Republican senator William Deboe.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在任州检察长威廉·S·泰勒第一个宣布参选,并且很快就得到了联邦参议员威廉·德博伊的支持。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Siebs' law related to the feature of s-mobile: whenever it is added to a root that begins with a voiced or aspirated stop, that stop is devoiced.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
Siebs定律: 如果 s-移动被增加到开始于浊或送气塞音的词干上,则这个塞音被去浊化。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Threats of violence and lawsuits persisted.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
A memorial near the museum reads: "To the People of Gelderland; 50 years ago British and Polish Airborne soldiers fought here against overwhelming odds to open the way into Germany and bring the war to an early end.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Surely, then, the time to favor her is come; even the set time.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
He left the job in June 1933 to be replaced by Leslie Knighton.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:他在1933年6月离开了球会,其职位由莱斯利·奈顿(Leslie Knighton)取代。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
After drifting for 112 days, he is weak and on the verge of madness.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The chairman's powers are extensive; he controls the committee/subcommittee agenda, and may prevent the committee from dealing with a bill.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The current national anthem of the Republic of the Sudan was originally the anthem of the Sudan Defence Force prior to independence.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:苏丹共和国的国歌原是苏丹国防军在独立之前创作的歌曲。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Support is provided for different languages and currencies.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:其支援使用不同的语言与货币。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Cassini had several objectives, including: Determining the three-dimensional structure and dynamic behavior of the rings of Saturn.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:卡西尼号有几个目标,包括: 测量土星环的三维结构和动态行为。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The work was undertaken between 1781 and 1786, and consisted of about 1000 wax sculptures.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:工作坊在1781年到1786年之间承办这项工作,订单约1000个蜡像雕塑。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
By the mid-19th century, the settlement spread along a 2-kilometer (1.2 mi) section of the river, with a population of about 250 inhabitants, who made a living from river trade, fishing, hunting, gold mining, and handicrafts.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:19世纪中叶,此聚居地沿着河段向外扩展2公里,当时人口大约有250人,这些居民主要从事内河贸易、渔业、狩猎、金矿开采以及工艺产业等。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The first of these compilations, with art featuring the series main character Ichigo Kurosaki, was nominated at the American Anime Awards in 2007 for best DVD package design.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Thus, uncoordinated collision recovery can occur in three message delays (and only two message delays if all Learners are also Acceptors).
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:因此,无协调的冲突恢复可能实现三个消息延迟(如果所有的Learner都是接收者,那么只有两个消息延迟)。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
The ISHI was developed by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and presented for the first time 2008 in conjunction with the Non-Governmental Organization Welthungerhilfe and the Department of Economics, University of California.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
After reaching the Utah Line, 27th Brigade was withdrawn from the front on 17 April, handing over its positions to the South Korean 6th Division.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Confucius taught 3000 pupils, 72 of whom mastered the six arts.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 传说孔子有弟子3000人,精通六艺的有72位。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
For most of McKinley's administration, George B. Cortelyou served as his personal secretary.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
麦金莱选择乔治·B·科特柳(George B. Cortelyou)为私人秘书。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Bokassa, who was visiting Libya on a state visit at the time, fled to Ivory Coast where he spent four years living in Abidjan.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Canup has also published research describing a giant impact origin for Pluto and Charon.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: As part of their work for Disney, the Nine Old Men refined the 12 basic principles of animation: Squash and stretch Anticipation Staging Straight Ahead Action and Pose to Pose Follow Through and Overlapping Action Slow In and Slow Out Arcs Secondary Action Timing Exaggeration Solid Drawing Appeal Another important component of the Nine Old Men's legacy are the many animators in the contemporary animation industry who can directly or indirectly trace their training to someone who was either their apprentice at Disney Animation or their student at CalArts.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
作为工作的一部分,九老提炼出了动画的12项基本法则: 挤压与伸展 预期动作 演出方式 接续动作与关键动作 跟随动作与重叠动作 渐快与渐慢 弧形 附属动作 时间控制 夸张 纯熟的手绘技巧 吸引力 另外九老还留下了重要的传承,当代动画产业中的许多动画师可以直接或间接地追溯到九老在迪士尼动画的学徒或在加州艺术学院的学生身上。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: After 1924, many paintings from Moscow and St. Petersburg state-owned and private collections were provided to the Museum.
Assistant: 1924年以后,许多来自莫斯科和圣彼得堡国有和私人收藏画被提供给博物馆。
User: In the 18th century Univ housed a printing house.
Assistant: 在18世纪,乌尼夫开设了一间印刷厂。
User: At their height they controlled 35–40 seats.
Assistant: 50人的班里,他排在第35到40名。
User: Deegan told Kilowog he never would have let his rookies die and that he did what was best for their training.
Assistant: 迪根告诉基洛沃格他从不会让他的新兵们死去且在他们训练中尽力做到最好。
User: The label and song's producers preferred one remix, produced by a young German DJ, Felix Jaehn, that eschewed much of the song's original instrumentation for a tropical-flavored deep house rendition, prominently featuring a trumpet, a conga beat, and piano.
Assistant: 公司和歌曲制作人更喜欢一版由年轻的德国DJ菲利克斯·耶恩制作的混音,它避开了歌曲大部分用来重现热带风味重拍浩室音乐的原始乐器,突出展现小号、康茄鼓节奏和钢琴音色。
User: In 2008, 3.7 percent of gross domestic product was spent on education.
Assistant: 2008年吉尔吉斯国内生产总值有3.7%用于教育。
User: Zebrafish can thus observe a very wide spectrum of colours.
Assistant: 斑马鱼因此可以看见非常广的色谱。
User: A Mustang won the drivers, team and manufacturers' championships for both the 2008 and 2009 seasons of Grand-Am Koni Challenge.
Assistant: 野马赢得了在2008与2009年的Grand-Am Koni挑战中赢得了车手、车队和制造商总冠军。
User: By April 1959, 817 literacy centers were opened and, to further reach out to all, teens and other volunteers were sent out to the countryside to teach their fellow Cubans how to read.
Assistant: 1959年4月全国设有817个扫盲中心,青少年和其他志愿者被派到农村教导同胞如何阅读。
User: Other changes include enabling ipfw and sound card detection on startup, newer versions of many software packages including Bind, GCC, OpenSSH, and Sendmail, as well as a Live CD creation system.
Assistant: 其他变更包括了在启动时启用ipfw及声卡侦测,包含Bind、GCC、OpenSSH、Sendmail等许多软件的新版本,也有了一个Live CD生成系统。
User: To promote the song, the group performed it on Jimmy Kimmel Live!
Assistant: 吉米·坎摩尔直播秀(英语:Jimmy Kimmel Live!
User: Leonard Boyle wrote in 1987 that "too much ... has been made of the 'threat' of Mithraism to Christianity", pointing out that there are only fifty known mithraea in the entire city of Rome.
Assistant: 列奥那多·鲍伊(英语:Leonard Boyle)(Leonard Boyle)他在1987年写道:“太多了...已经成了密特拉教对于基督教的‘威胁’,(too much ... has been made of the 'threat' of Mithraism to Christianity,)”指出了在整个罗马市不过是有五十座已知的密特拉寺。 |
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The Punggol area used to be a well-established rural district dotted with farmhouses and farm structures, which were serviced by roads and dirt tracks.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In his five Christmas stories in The Sketch Book, Irving portrayed an idealized celebration of old-fashioned Christmas customs at a quaint English manor which depicted English Christmas festivities that he experienced while staying in England, which had largely been abandoned.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The Department of Justice opens a federal investigation.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The Austrian Parliament Building was also designed by Hansen and followed the same theme in the exterior.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Cut off by advancing Soviet forces the Germans forced the surviving prisoners back to Stutthof.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Those who have access to firearms as part of their profession are more likely to commit suicide through the use of a firearm, 91.5% of suicides by police officers in America involved the use of a firearm.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Cao Cao had no choice but to retreat, with only a few horsemen accompanying him.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
On 26 July 2012, one week after being kidnapped, they were rescued by four members of the Free Syrian Army.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Also, non-uniform cooling will induce a lot of residual stresses, which usually occurs in shapes that have a non-uniform cross-section, such as I-beams.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:此外, 非均匀冷却会引起大量残余应力, 通常出现在具有非均匀截面的形状中, 如工字钢。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The company was founded by two MIT graduates, Ray Stata and Matthew Lorber in 1965.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
该公司于1965年由Ray Stata与Matthew Lorber所创立。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: If h ≠ 0 we need the transfer matrix method.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
如果外磁场h ≠ 0,配分函数的计算需要引入传递矩阵法。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Sranan Tongo, a local creole language originally spoken by the Creole population group, is the most widely used language in the streets and is often used interchangeably with Dutch depending on the formality of the setting.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 苏里南汤加语是当地一种由苏里南克利奥尔人使用的克利奥尔语,是在街区里最广泛使用的语言,同时也经常根据使用场合的正式性而与荷兰语交替使用。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
At one point, as in the Gravedigger scene, Hamlet seems resolved to kill Claudius: in the next scene, however, when Claudius appears, he is suddenly tame.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
例如,在掘墓戏时 ,哈姆雷特似乎决志行刺克劳地:但在下一幕时,当克劳地再次出现,王子却突然软了下来。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The Geneva Conventions are four related treaties adopted and continuously expanded from 1864 to 1949 that represent a legal basis and framework for the conduct of war under international law.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 《日内瓦公约》是1864年至1949年所通过的4部相关条约的总称,在作战行为方面代表了国际法的法律基础。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In the year-end special of All-Star Thanksgiving, Warabino won the "Akasaka 5-chrome Mini Marathon" during his first appearance.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The producers of the film were permitted to film on Tybee Island after meetings held at the Tybee Island City Hall with businesses and residents that imposed concerns about the possible effects of the filming, and also apprehensions about sea turtle safety.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 电影制片人获准在泰比岛市政厅举办完会议后拍戏,而企业和居民对拍戏可能造成的影响表示担忧,同时还担心威胁海龟的安全。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Nathan became a naturalized citizen in 1804 and established a bank in the City of London.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:1804年,纳坦入籍英国,并在伦敦市建立银行。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Michael Henry "Mickey" Schwerner (November 6, 1939 – June 21, 1964), was one of three Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) field/social workers killed in Philadelphia, Mississippi, by members of the Ku Klux Klan.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:麦可·史维纳(英语:Michael Henry Schwerner,1939年11月6日-1964年7月21日),是三位在美国密西西比州被三K党杀害的种族平等协会(英语:Congress of Racial Equality)(CORE)工作人员之一。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: Let α and β represent two elements from such a ring.
Assistant: 令α和β表示这样一个环中的两个元素。
User: Conversion was generally collective rather than individual.
Assistant: 改宗一般是集体而不是个人。
User: Knight wanted his video to be the opposite of Burza's "super high glossy" work and to instead have the appearance of 1980s performances on programmes such as Top of the Pops.
Assistant: Knight希望这部片能与Bruza的“超高光泽”版本呈现对比, 并在类似Top of the Pops的流行节目中放入1980年代表演的元素以形成对立的效果。
User: That government used the Salmon Seal, a round seal featuring three sheaves of grain and a single salmon.
Assistant: 该政府使用绘有三束谷物与一只鲑鱼的鲑鱼徽。
User: Then, they must take two trays of drinks each on foot to Park Humboldt, deliver them and then make their way back to the club to get their next clue.
Assistant: 然后,他们要把提取出的两杯饮料送到洪堡公园的游客手里,返回俱乐部,得到他们的下一个线索。
User: His father strongly approved of the project, and told Coyle, "Go make that movie.
Assistant: 詹姆斯非常认可儿子的计划,他告诉科伊尔:“去拍那部电影,把真相说出来”。
User: Self-disgust "may reflect a pervasive condition of self-loathing that makes it difficult to assign deserving punishment to others".
Assistant: 自我厌恶“可能反映出对自我感到憎恨的一种普遍情况,使得把应得的惩罚归与他人变得困难”。
User: Aivaz produced the first cigarette filter from 1927 in co-operation with Bunzl's Filtronic subsidiary, but up take was low due to a lack of machinery to produce cigarettes with the filtered tip.
Assistant: 阿维阿斯从1927年起与邦邹的子公司FILTRONIC合作生产香烟过滤嘴,但由于缺乏生产带过滤嘴香烟的机械,市场接受率较低。
User: Since 2005, the index has been published annually by the Fund for Peace and the magazine Foreign Policy.
Assistant: 从2005年起,这个指数由美国的智库和平基金会和《外交政策》杂志每年发布。
User: Each possession begins with first down.
Assistant: 初始布置时,每方布于底行。
User: After Java 6 release, Sun, and later Oracle, released several updates which, while not changing any public API, enhanced end-user usability or fixed bugs.
Assistant: JAVA 6释出后,Sun和后来的Oracle之后,释出了几个更新,而不更改任何公开的API,增强了终端使用者的可用性或固定的漏洞。
User: Maoists state that there are two kinds of countries, namely imperialist-capitalist ones on one side and oppressed semi-colonial and semi-feudal countries on the other side.
Assistant: 毛主义者宣布,有两类国家:一类是帝国主义-资本主义国家,另一类是被压迫的半殖民地半封建国家。
User: During Brezhnev's General Secretaryship Viktoria remained at the sidelines; she did not like attracting public attention.
Assistant: 在勃列日涅夫担任苏联最高领导人期间,维多利亚退居身后;她不想受到公众过多的关注。
User: On April 1, 1901, at the Malacañan Palace in Manila, Aguinaldo swore an oath accepting the authority of the United States over the Philippines and pledging his allegiance to the American government.
Assistant: 1901年4月1日,在马尼拉的马拉坎南宫,阿吉纳尔多发誓接受美国当局并保证效忠美国政府。
User: Two public statues of her have been erected in the Netherlands: the first was made by Han Rehm and placed in Rotterdam in 1954 and the second, made by Antoinette Ruiter, was placed on 9 May 2007 in Hengelo.
Assistant: 在荷兰有二座她的公共雕像,一个是由Han Rehm(英语:Han Rehm)在所制,于1954年安置在鹿特丹,另一个是Antoinette Ruiter(英语:Antoinette Ruiter)所制,在2007年5月9日立在亨厄洛。
User: According to the Church–Turing thesis, computable functions are exactly the functions that can be calculated using a mechanical calculation device given unlimited amounts of time and storage space.
Assistant: 依据邱奇-图灵论题,可计算函数精确的是使用给出无限数量的时间和存储空间的机器计算设备来计算的函数。
User: Carbajal had gone into hiding.
Assistant: 巴斯蒂妮躲了起来。
User: Organizers of the gay pride in Moscow are sure that there will be a positive decision by the European Court of Human Rights.
Assistant: 澳门传媒工作者协会也表示当局须作出合理交代。
User: In secondary spontaneous pneumothorax, the estimated annual AAIR is 6.3 and 2.0 cases per 100,000 person-years for males and females, respectively, with the risk of recurrence depending on the presence and severity of any underlying lung disease.
Assistant: 在继发自发性气胸的病例当中,男性和女性的AAIR大概为6.3和2.0,而复发的风险则取决于患者本身有否任何潜在的肺病及其严重性。
User: Various faith communities around the world support same-sex marriage, while many religious groups oppose it.
Assistant: 虽在世界各地有各式的宗教信仰社群支持同性婚姻立法,不过不少宗教团体亦因信仰理由而反对。
User: The thieves find him there and kill him.
Assistant: 贼檄至,立斩其使。
User: However, the greatest contribution of arthropods to human food supply is by pollination: a 2008 study examined the 100 crops that FAO lists as grown for food, and estimated pollination's economic value as €153 billion, or 9.5 per cent of the value of world agricultural production used for human food in 2005.
Assistant: 不过节肢动物对人类食物最大的贡献是帮助植物传粉:2008的研究调查了100项联合国粮食及农业组织认定作为食物的植物,估计传粉的经济价值为1530亿欧元,约是2005年农业食物生产产值的9.5%。
User: Icehouse is characterized by frequent continental glaciations and severe desert environments.
Assistant: 冰室以频繁的大陆冰期和严酷的沙漠环境为特征。
User: There are many roads in Amsterdam.
Assistant: 在欧洲有多条琥珀之路。
User: Thus neither of the two constitutions enfranchised all its adult male population: the U.S. Constitution excluded the slaves; the Polish-Lithuanian Constitution – the peasants.
Assistant: 因此哪部法律都没有解放该国的所有成年男子:美国宪法歧视美国奴隶,波兰宪法歧视波兰农民。
User: In an attempt to return Japan to its feudal, agrarian roots, the Tokugawa regime in 1842 instituted the Tempō Reforms (Tempō no kaikaku - 天保の改革), a collection of laws governing many aspects of everyday life.
Assistant: 德川政权试图恢复其封建农业基础,于1842年开始进行天保改革(日语:天保の改革),改革涉及到日常生活的许多方面。
User: After the Civil War, they moved to New York City, where Lazarus convinced Rowland Hussey Macy, founder of Macy's, to allow L. Straus & Sons to open a crockery department in the basement of his store.
Assistant: 南北战争结束后,他们搬到了纽约市,拉撒路·斯特劳斯在那里说服了梅西百货的创始人罗兰·赫西·梅西(英语:Rowland Hussey Macy),允许拉撒路·斯特劳斯父子公司(L. Straus & Sons)在他的商店地下室开设一个陶器部门。
User: His isolationism defined foreign policy.
Assistant: 孤立主义是一种外交政策。
User: Conky root-tail X Window System X Window System protocols and architecture Extended Window Manager Hints from freedesktop.org toon_root.c, a source file of XPenguins that contains information about virtual root/desktop windows for various window managers
Assistant: Conky root-tail X Window系统 X Window系统的协议和架构 Extended Window Manager Hints,freedesktop.org提供 toon_root.c,一个XPenguins的源文件,包含了各种有关窗口管理器的虚拟根/桌面窗口的信息
User: In 1974, Barnes & Noble became the first bookstore chain to advertise on television and a year later, the company became the first bookseller in the United States to discount books, by selling The New York Times best-selling titles at 40% off the publishers' list price.
Assistant: 1974年,巴诺书店成为首家利用电视广告宣传的书店,一年后,巴诺书店又成为首家打折销售书籍的美国书店,《纽约时报》畅销书榜单书籍的价格比标价便宜40%。
User: Owing to budgetary restrictions, Kaiserin Augusta was designed to fill both fleet scout and colonial cruiser roles.
Assistant: 由于预算限制,奥古斯塔皇后号被设计用作填补舰队侦察和海外派遣型巡洋舰的职能。
User: One of them admitted the murder.
Assistant: 而在此时,凶手供认了罪行。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: Nature has blessed thee with wealth untold, O'er mountains and valleys where prairies roll; Our fathers, the Baymen, valiant and bold Drove back the invader; this heritage hold From proud Rio Hondo to old Sarstoon, Through coral isle, over blue lagoon; Keep watch with the angels, the stars and moon; For freedom comes tomorrow's noon.
Assistant: 大自然祝福你,财富无穷无尽, 在大草原滚动的山脉和山谷; 我们的父亲,港湾人,勇者而大胆 打退入侵者; 这种遗产持有 从骄傲的洪度河到老萨尔斯顿, 通过珊瑚岛,越过蓝色潟湖; 与天使,星星和月亮一起观看; 为了明天中午到来的自由。
User: Process algebra has been studied for discrete time and continuous time (real time or dense time).
Assistant: 离散和连续进程代数 已经针对离散时间和连续时间研究过进程代数(真实时间和稠密时间)。
User: In 1992, objections to the name Sea of Japan were first raised by North Korea and South Korea at the Sixth United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names.
Assistant: 1992年,此争议在第六届联合国地名标准化会议上由朝鲜和韩国首次提出。
User: Green class seating Interior view of standard class car The 651 series trains were introduced on new Super Hitachi limited services between Ueno and Sendai on 11 March 1989, and the trains received the 33rd Blue Ribbon Award presented annually in Japan since 1958 by the Japan Railfan Club.
Assistant: 绿色车厢座位 普通车厢内部 651系最初于1989年3月11日投入上野和仙台之间的超级常陆号特急列车服务;此款列车获颁第33届蓝丝带奖,该奖项1958年以来每年都由铁道友之会在日本评出。
User: However, there are some exceptions to the system.
Assistant: 然而系统有些例外。
User: His basic philosophy was to explore all possible avenues in photography rather than concentrate on a single product line.
Assistant: 他的基本主意是在所有照相领域活跃,而不是把精力集中在一个产品上。
User: In 1894, as its chief editor, he began publishing an underground socialist newspaper, Robotnik (The Worker); he would also be one of its chief writers, and, initially, a typesetter.
Assistant: 1894年,他开始出版社会主义的地下报纸《工人报》(Robotnik),并成为这份报纸的总编辑;他也是这份报纸的总作者,最初他还是这份报纸的排字工。
User: On January 7, 1913, Fraser's approved design was used to strike experimental pieces; the sculptor later wrote that he remembered several of the workmen commenting that the new piece struck more easily than the old.
Assistant: 1913年1月7日,弗雷泽获得批准的设计方案开始进入试铸阶段,据雕塑家回忆,当时有多位工人评价新币比老币铸造起来更方便省力。
User: In 1963, Dick James established Northern Songs to publish the songs of Lennon–McCartney.
Assistant: 在1963年,狄克·詹姆斯创立北方民谣公司来发行列侬—麦卡特尼的歌曲。
User: Social learning depends on how individuals either succeed or fail at dynamic interactions within groups, and promotes the development of individual emotional and practical skills as well as accurate perception of self and acceptance of others.
Assistant: 社会学习依赖于个体如何在群体内的动态互动中获得成功或失败,促进个体情感和实践技能的发展,以及对自我和对接受别人的准确认知。
User: Currently, QP ports exist for the following OSes/RTOSes: Linux (POSIX) Win32 (all desktop Windows and WindowsCE) VxWorks ThreadX FreeRTOS MicroC/OS-II QNX (POSIX) Integrity (POSIX) All QP framework types are dual-licensed under the open source GPLv2 and a traditional, closed-source license.
Assistant: 当前,QP支持下列操作系统和实时操作系统: Linux(POSIX) Win32(所有的桌面版Windows和Windows CE) VxWorks ThreadX FreeRTOS MicroC/OS-II QNX(POSIX) INTEGRITY(POSIX) 所有的QP框架都采取双重授权,既可以采取GPLv2也可以采取传统的闭源商业授权。
User: A simple filter can then be applied to filter out the DC component.
Assistant: 于是一个简单滤波器可以用于滤出直流分量。
User: Twenty-two institutions are collaborating on the ATST project, with the main funding agency being the National Science Foundation.
Assistant: 二十二个机构正在合作的ATST项目,主要资助机构是美国国家科学基金会。
User: But in the meantime Austria had come to an understanding with England about subsidies, and war had begun.
Assistant: 但与此同时,奥地利与英格兰在补贴方面达成谅解,战争开始。
User: The process of tunneling between two vacua is a form of old inflation, but new inflation must then occur by some other mechanism.
Assistant: 两种真空间的穿隧是旧暴胀的一种,新暴胀则须要以某种别的机制来进行。
User: The magnitude of this star has been recorded as 12.6.
Assistant: 这颗恒星的视星等为12.6。
User: Lang traveled to Pyongyang on November 9 for a self-described "listening mission" aimed at exploring bilateral ties and discussing the North Korean nuclear program, among other things.
Assistant: 郎在11月9日参观了平壤,自称为“任务为倾听”开拓双边关系与讨论朝鲜民主主义人民共和国发展核武器的问题。
User: Governed by the Navajo Nation, the formation is in the Four Corners region and plays a significant role in Navajo religion, myth, and tradition.
Assistant: 希普罗克峰为纳瓦霍族保留地所管理,并位于四角落区域,对纳瓦霍族的传统、文化和神话传说产生了重要作用。
User: Representation on the Executive Board, UNESCO.
Assistant: 管理单位为教官室,非社联会。
User: The Sungun copper mine is now the largest copper mine in northwestern Iran.
Assistant: 该地区内的三道岭煤矿为中国西北地区最大的露天煤矿。
User: Meanwhile, Kondo ordered Abe's Vanguard force to race ahead to try to intercept and engage the U.S. warships.
Assistant: 与此同时,近藤下令阿部弘毅的前锋舰队,抢先试图拦截及攻击美国军舰。
User: On 21 January 1994, while he was driving his Mercedes at a high speed through fog to Damascus International Airport for a flight to Germany in the early hours of the morning, Bassel collided with a motorway roundabout and, not wearing a seatbelt, died instantly.
Assistant: 1994年1月21日凌晨,他在驾驶个人的奔驰车高速在雾中向大马士革国际机场行驶途中,在高速公路环形交叉口发生碰撞事故,很快他就死去。
User: He effectively retired from the Air Force on January 1, 2010 with over 38 years of military service.
Assistant: 2010年1月1日,他从美国空军退休,服役时间超过38年。
User: Their name notwithstanding, none were Afghans and some were not Arabs, but Turkic, Malay or from some other Muslim ethnicity.
Assistant: 尽管他们没有一个是阿富汗人,有些人不是阿拉伯人,而是突厥语族,马来人或其他一些非阿拉伯穆斯林。
User: 113 is the natural number following 112 and preceding 114.
Assistant: 113是112与114之间的自然数。
User: The building project was donated by the Polish Government.
Assistant: 美术馆的建筑工程费用由波兰政府捐赠。
User: Its operator norm is easily seen to be 1.
Assistant: 其算符范数可轻易地看出为1。
User: The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade.
Assistant: 战争画廊:在南翼建筑群中。
User: The priority year starts when the first filing in a contracting state of the Paris Convention is made, while the grace period starts from the pre-filing publication.
Assistant: 优先权期限是从在巴黎公约的一个缔约国第一次申请专利算起,而宽限期是指从申请之前的公开算起。
User: In 20 games for the Kings, he averaged 13.2 points, 5.5 rebounds and 2.2 assists per game.
Assistant: 在国王队的20场比赛中,他场均得到13.2分,5.5个篮板和2.2次助攻。
User: 5 Shillings (2002) There were two coins of this denomination, both issued in 2002.
Assistant: 5先令 (2002) 两个版本的5先令硬币都在2002年发行。
User: It took more than a decade for Russia and China to fully resolve the border issues and to demarcate the border.
Assistant: 中国和俄罗斯花了超过10年时间完全解决边界问题和划界。
User: During this epoch, the continents continued to drift toward their present positions.
Assistant: 在这段时期,各大洲继续飘移向它们目前所在的位置。
User: In most of May 1997, strong westerlies extended across the eastern Pacific Ocean, which inhibited tropical cyclogenesis.
Assistant: 1997年5月的大部分时间里,太平洋东部上空都有强劲的西风带存在,令热带天气系统的发展受阻。
User: Over 26 million American adults have kidney disease and most are not aware of it.
Assistant: 超过二千六百万的美国成年人患有肾脏疾病,但他们甚至没有意识到疾病的存在。
User: On September 25, 2014, Telin acquired 75% shares of Contact Centres Australia (CCA) makes it entitles as Telin Australia's subsidiary.
Assistant: 2014年9月25日,Telin收购了澳大利亚联络中心(CCA)75%的股份,使其成为Telin Australia的子公司。
User: November 2009 – Mansell Group, a US-based email communications provider, acquired PGi's emarketing business.
Assistant: 2009年11月-美国电子邮件通讯提供商,Mansell集团,购买PGi网络营销业务。
User: Logan was platted in 1867 when Chicago and North Western Railway was extended to that point.
Assistant: 洛根在1867年规划,当时芝加哥和西北铁路延伸到这里。
User: Also, if the skin grafts are harvested from the groin area, the skin may grow hair.
Assistant: 此外,如果从腹股沟区域收集皮肤,则皮肤可能会生长毛发。
User: Several organizations against domestic violence criticized the plea deal, advocating the punishment was not severe enough for the crime; the level of Brown's influence over youth also came under scrutiny.
Assistant: 部分反对家庭暴力的组织对该辩诉交易表示不满,认为对布朗的处罚不足;布朗的童年经历对其的影响也被拿来仔细审视。
User: That information is precisely what is encoded in the metric, which is a function defined at each point of the surface (or space, or spacetime) and relates coordinate differences to differences in distance.
Assistant: 度量张量是定义在曲面(或者空间、时空)中的所有点的函数,并将坐标的差别与距离的差别联系起来。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: In 1900, 2,945 people lived here; in 1910, 3,183 lived here.
Assistant: 1900年,有2,945人住在这里; 在1910年,3,183人住在这里。
User: The Zune Desktop Client was also redesigned with an emphasis on typography and clean design that was different from the Zune's previous Portable Media Center based UI.
Assistant: Zune的电脑端配套程序也使用了不同于以往Portable Media Center用户界面的清爽排版和设计。
User: He told the media "There's no fair trial for me here.
Assistant: 他对媒体说:“我并没有花一秒钟来做决定。
User: The Nürburgring had previously hosted the race in 2013 and so was scheduled to host it again in 2015, but the venue was left off the provisional calendar, leaving the event-sharing agreement at a stalemate.
Assistant: 纽博格林赛道上一次举办是在2013年,且表订于2015年将再度举办,但这条赛道却未出现在暂定的赛历中,使得赛事共享协定陷入僵局。
User: Ammar Abdulhamid, leading Human-Rights Advocate, Founder of Tharwa Foundation, first Syrian to testify in front of American Congress 2006/2008, briefed Presidents of the United States, and called for Syria Revolution in 2006.
Assistant: 阿米尔·阿卜杜拉哈米德,叙利亚人权领袖,2006年和2008年在美国国会作证,2006年向美国总统呼吁支持叙利亚革命。
User: The history of masculinity emerged as a specialty in the 1990s, evidenced by numerous studies of men in groups, and how concepts of masculinity shape their values and behavior.
Assistant: 男性史在1990年代开始成为一个专业,出现了许多男性团体、男性特质形塑和男性价值观的研究。
User: That incident has attracted growing attention in 2012 on social media sites, where former members of the student army and their families claim no one has yet been held accountable.
Assistant: 这一事件在2012年引起了很多的社会媒体网站的关注,前学生军成员和他们的家属声称没有人被追究责任。
User: Music critics praised the song, heralding it as the introduction to upbeat dance music.
Assistant: 评论家高度赞扬这首歌,指它是上拍舞蹈音乐的开端。
User: That year the variety was included in the Department of Agriculture's list of fruits suitable for export.
Assistant: 那年,这个品种被列入农业部适合出口的水果名单。
User: Competitive pressure and financial troubles resulted in the company's liquidation in 1928.
Assistant: 受竞争压力和资金问题的共同影响,公司于1928年清算。
User: A major criticism of this arrangement was that the DCI had little or no actual authority over the budgetary authorities of the other IC agencies and therefore had limited influence over their operations.
Assistant: 对这个安排的一个主要批评就是,由于中情局局长对美国情报体系除中情局之外的成员单位没有或只有很少的预算管理权,因此他对其他成员单位几乎没有有效管理。
User: Helsinki's tram system has been in operation with electric drive continuously since 1900.
Assistant: 赫尔辛基有轨电车自1900年开始起就连续用电驱动运行。
User: In the 1886 state election, he spoke fervently against his former party and in support of the Prohibitionist candidate for governor.
Assistant: 1886年缅因州选举期间,他在演说中强烈批评共和党,支持禁酒党候选人担任州长。
User: Ultimately he became general-in-chief of the forces of the Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg, and at Berlin he was the acknowledged leader of the thousands of Huguenot refugees there.
Assistant: 他很快就成为勃兰登堡选帝侯的军队总司令,并在柏林作为许多胡格诺派流亡者公认的领袖。
User: After the 2014 election, National re-entered confidence-and-supply agreements with United Future, the ACT Party, and the Māori Party.
Assistant: 在2014年大选后,国家党再次获得行动新西兰、联合未来党和毛利党的信任供应。
User: The failure of the Jay Cooke bank, followed quickly by that of Henry Clews, set off a chain reaction of bank failures and temporarily closed the New York stock market.
Assistant: 位于纽约的杰伊·库克(Jay Cooke)银行宣布倒闭,随后Henry Clews银行亦宣布倒闭,引发银行倒闭连锁反应,纽约股市暂时关闭。
User: Meetings often involved "going around the room and talking" about issues in their own lives.
Assistant: 经常蜗居在房间说着“好麻烦~”。
User: Starting from the left-hand side, one can follow the general heuristics above and try multiplying by (1 + x) twice or squaring the geometric series 1 − x + x2 − ....
Assistant: 从左方开始,可采用上文的一般启发式,并尝试乘以两次(1+x),或对几何级数1 − x + x2 − ...求平方。
User: After its first month of service, the station was the most used on the line with daily ridership of 25,800 passengers.
Assistant: 在通车首个月,此站成为此线上最多人数使用的的车站,每日25,800人。
User: He was born in Philadelphia, and raised in the Point Breeze area of South Philadelphia.
Assistant: 他出生在费城,并在费城南部的点清风地区长大。
User: The second definition makes use of an idiom that is common in mathematics, stipulating that "such and such is an n-tuple" in order to ensure that such and such a mathematical object is determined by the specification of n component mathematical objects.
Assistant: 第二个定义用到数学上一个常见的习惯-说“某某为一n元组”即表示此一某某数学物件是由n组数学物件的描述来判定的。
User: As leader of the largest party in the Bavarian Landtag, in 1912 Hertling was appointed Bavarian Minister-President and Minister for Foreign Affairs by Luitpold, Prince Regent of Bavaria.
Assistant: 作为巴伐利亚议会最大的政党领袖,赫特林1912年被巴伐利亚摄政卢伊特波尔德任命为巴伐利亚总理大臣兼外交大臣。
User: The Spanish surrendered.
Assistant: 西班牙人投降。
User: But the truth is, the Ain al-Hilweh spring was located at the corner of the valley between Miye ou Miye village and Darb es Seem.
Assistant: 但实际上,艾因赫勒韦泉位于米耶米耶与达尔卜埃斯西姆之间的山谷里。
User: The American product contains brown sugar where the British beans do not, and the U.S. product contains 14 g of sugar per 16 oz tin compared to 7 g for the British version (equating to 140 versus 90 calories).
Assistant: 美国的焗豆多含有红糖,一罐16盎司的美国焗豆含有14克糖而同样的英国产品只含有7克糖(相当于 140 vs 90 卡路里)。
User: In 1938 Brévié called a meeting on the métis question attended by the head of the military, the heads of the departments of schools, law, health, welfare and economics, and the president of the Société d'assistance aux enfants franco-indochinois.
Assistant: 1938布雷维耶还召集了一次关于métis(英语:métis)问题的会议,出席会议的有军事首脑,学校,法律,健康,福利和经济各部门的头,以及帮助法属印度支那儿童的公司的董事长。
User: This drifting was later confirmed by American and Soviet experiments, using laser ranging targets placed on the Moon.
Assistant: 这个现象已由美国和苏联,经由月球激光测距实验得到证实。
User: A fire in 1911 destroyed the madrasah, and subsequent road construction work destroyed many other auxiliary structures to the mosque.
Assistant: 1911年的火灾摧毁了伊斯兰经学院,随后的筑路工程又摧毁了该寺许多其他的辅助建筑。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: When seriemas catch small reptiles, they beat the prey on the ground (Redford and Peters 1986) or throw it at a hard surface to break resistance and also the bones.
Assistant: 叫鹤在捕捉到小型爬虫类后,会将猎物往地面或是坚硬表面上甩(Redford 与 Peters,1986),将其骨架打碎。
User: A modest single flight terminated on F-Deck, where the Turkish Baths and Swimming Pool could be reached.
Assistant: 主楼梯最后单列阶梯终止F层甲板,那里可以前往土耳其浴场和温水游泳池。
User: In early 1945, it was transferred to the province of Overijssel and started to push with the Allies along the Dutch-German border, liberating the eastern parts of the provinces of Drenthe and Groningen including the towns of Emmen, Coevorden and Stadskanaal.
Assistant: 1945年初,它被转移到上艾瑟尔省,并开始推动沿荷兰和德国边界的盟国,解放德伦特省和格罗宁根省的东部地区,包括埃门,库福尔登和斯塔茨卡纳尔。
User: Quốc advanced to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in 18 months before being killed in an air raid over North Vietnam on 20 April 1965.
Assistant: 而范富国更在1965年4月20日一次空袭中被北越击毙以前的18个月被晋升至中校。
User: The concept of prime number is so important that it has been generalized in different ways in various branches of mathematics.
Assistant: 质数的概念是如此的重要,以致此一概念被以不同方式推广至数学的不同领域里去。
User: The east Baltic world was transformed by military conquest: First the Livs, Letts and Estonians, then the Prussians and the Finns underwent defeat, baptism, military occupation and sometimes extermination by groups of Germans, Danes and Swedes.
Assistant: 波罗的海东部因为军事征服而改变:首先是利沃尼亚人、拉特加利亚人和爱沙尼亚人,然后是瑟米利亚人、库尔兰人、普鲁士人和芬兰人,都被丹麦人、德意志人和瑞典人合伙击败、洗礼、占领,甚至有时候灭绝。
User: The first long-distance footpath in the United Kingdom was the Pennine Way, which opened in 1965 and starts at the Nags Head Inn, in Grindsbook Booth, part of Edale village.
Assistant: 英国最长的步道是奔宁道 (Pennine Way),1965年开通,起点在艾达尔(Edale )村Grindsbook Booth的纳格斯·海德酒店。
User: They prefer hot food.
Assistant: 喜欢吃辣的食物。
User: Later, a cocaine possession incident involving Parker and his attempt to place the blame on Saverin finally convinces Zuckerberg to cut ties with him.
Assistant: 稍后,因帕克涉及私藏可卡因的事件,且帕克还试图把责任归咎于萨维林,终使朱克伯格跟他撇清关系。
User: Females' jawlines are more streamlined.
Assistant: 人人网的敏感词处理较严格。
User: Ledrede sends a petition to court complaining of his treatment by Arnold.
Assistant: 雷里德向法庭提出请愿,控诉阿诺对他的对待。
User: The initial draft of HTTP/2 was published in November 2012 and was based on a straight copy of SPDY.
Assistant: HTTP 2.0的首个草稿于2012年11月发布,其内容基本和SPDY协议相同。
User: The main message is to convince the current generation to be a generation that is one of love--"Generation Love".
Assistant: 歌曲的主要信息是说服人们现在的世代具有爱心,是“爱世代”。
User: This prompted many members of the church to leave.
Assistant: 因为这些原因,很多信徒离开。
User: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Assistant: 舒敬校长。
User: Secondary pollutants are not emitted directly.
Assistant: 次生污染物不是被直接排放的。
User: Examples of complex systems are Earth's global climate, organisms, the human brain, infrastructure such as power grid, transportation or communication systems, social and economic organizations (like cities), an ecosystem, a living cell, and ultimately the entire universe.
Assistant: 复杂系统的范例,例如:地球的全球气候、生物、人脑、社会和经济的组织(如城市)、一个生态系统、一个活细胞、以及最终的整个宇宙。
User: For instance, argon, krypton, and xenon form clathrates with hydroquinone, but helium and neon do not because they are too small or insufficiently polarizable to be retained.
Assistant: 例如氩、氪和氖能与氢醌形成包合物,而氦和氖却不能,因为它们太小并且可极化性不够强。
User: He was disqualified in the semifinal.
Assistant: 他在半决赛中成绩不佳而被淘汰。
User: As industrial capitalism gained momentum in the North, Southern writers emphasized whatever aristocratic traits they valued (but often did not practice) in their own society: courtesy, grace, chivalry, the slow pace of life, orderly life and leisure.
Assistant: 在工业化资本主义于北方声势大起时,南方的作家则强调其社会中重视(但通常未曾实行)贵族政治的持点:礼貌、优雅、骑士风度、生活步调缓慢而有规律,且有余暇。
User: Another difference is that the argument between Tom Buchanan and Gatsby is more even, although Daisy still returns to Tom.
Assistant: 另一个差异是汤姆·布坎南和盖茨比之间的争辩更加平和,虽然黛西最终回到汤姆身边。
User: In France, 35% of the table salt sold contains added sodium fluoride.
Assistant: 例如法国有35%的市售食盐添加了氟化钠。
User: The Rigveda contains a reference to the emerging practice, in RV 10.15.14, where the forefathers "both cremated (agnidagdhá-) and uncremated (ánagnidagdha-)" are invoked.
Assistant: 梨俱吠陀包括了新兴做法的参考,在曼陀罗10.15.14,那里祖先“均进行火葬(agnidagdhá-)和不火葬(ánagnidagdha-)”。
User: He saith: Verily she is a yellow cow.
Assistant: ’使者曰:‘受旨索绿珠。
User: Two years later, Barrett signed a document ending his association with Pink Floyd and any financial interest in future recordings and left the music business.
Assistant: 两年后,巴雷特签署了一份文件,结束了他与平克·弗洛伊德的合作关系以及未来唱片中的任何经济利益,并离开了音乐事业。
User: A symbol is a unique, named data object with several parts: name, value, function, property list and package.
Assistant: 一个符号是个命名唯一的资料物件,它拥有几个部分:名称,值,函数,属性列表(property list)和套件。 |
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:A canonical example of a data-flow analysis is reaching definitions.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 数据流分析的一个典型的例子就是可到达定义的计算。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Project Kids Audition and became a member of Hello!
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
Project Kids Audition是应募对象限定为小学生的Hello!
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Sagittarii – Archers, including horse-riding auxiliary archers recruited mainly in the Eastern Empire and Africa.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
弓箭手(英语:Sagittarii)(Sagittarius / Sagittarii)——弓箭手,包括主要招募于东帝国与非洲的骑马的辅助军弓箭手。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:A new theatre to replace the Astoria is planned.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:已经计划一个取代阿斯托里亚的新剧院。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The university has over 200 academic programs.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Guangzhou Evergrande in 2013 won the AFC Champions League and 2013 Chinese Super League.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
广州恒大于2013年同年赢得亚洲冠军联赛 和 2013年中国足球超级联赛。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Saab 900 is a compact luxury automobile which was produced by Saab from 1978 until 1998 in two generations.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:This home eventually passed to the Sisters of St. Joseph, who eventually sold it to a Portuguese woman.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He eventually joined the Free Church, and in 1847 he started his own business of printing and selling books, particularly of works related to Old Testament studies, with a shop at 5 North Bank Street off the Royal Mile.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Independence from the traditional churches of Europe was appealing to many Americans who were enjoying a new political independence.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
While foreign trade was a small part of overall economic activity in the U.S. and was concentrated in a few businesses like farming, it was a much larger factor in many other countries.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 虽然美国经济在对外贸易上依赖的并不算多,只是集中在一些领域如农业等,但这对其它国家来说则另当别论。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
After being approved, the applicant undergoes one year of hormonal treatment, which is followed by one year of living in the social role of the other gender, including e.g. wearing what is judged to be "appropriate dress".
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 经批准后,申请人接受为期一年的激素治疗,随后是为期一年的以另一性别角色生活,例如包含穿着合适的服装。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Because m occurs in five of the languages, and b in only one, if *b is reconstructed, then it is necessary to assume five separate changes of *b → m, whereas if *m is reconstructed, it is only necessary to assume a single change of *m → b. *m would be most economical.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
如将X拟作*b,就意味着五种语言都发生了 *b → m的音变,倘或改拟作*m,就只须假想一种语经历了*m → b的转变。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Ramana summarised his insight into "aham sphurana" (Self-awareness) to a visitor in 1945: In the vision of death, though all the senses were benumbed, the aham sphurana (Self-awareness) was clearly evident, and so I realised that it was that awareness that we call "I", and not the body.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
拉玛那在1945年对一名访客传法时将他的洞见总结为“aham sphurana(真我-觉知)”: 在那次的死亡景象中,尽管所有的感官都麻木了,aham sphurana(真我-觉知)却是清晰异常的,因此我了解到那个觉知就是我们所谓的“我”,而非这具肉体。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Little variation has been observed within natural populations of Nepenthes rajah and, consequently, no forms or varieties have been described.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Rather, this decision is made later.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
It also added a CRC32 instruction to compute cyclic redundancy checks as used in certain data transfer protocols.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Florida is the most popular nesting site, with more than 67,000 nests built per year.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Since Windows 7, OPC is also natively supported in the Windows API through a set of COM interfaces, collectively referred to as Packaging API.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
自Windows 7起,OPC也在Windows API中通过一组COM接口原生支持,统称为Packaging API。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The planet orbits at 24 AU from HR 8799 with an eccentricity greater than 0.04 and a period of 100 years.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:这颗行星与HR 8799的轨道距离为24天文单位,离心率大于0.04,周期为100年。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
James Morrison's third studio album, The Awakening features a collaboration with Jessie J called "Up", the song was released as a single on 16 November 2011.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
詹姆斯·莫里森第三张录音室专辑《The Awakening》与洁西·J合作推出名为《Up》的歌曲,这首歌在2011年11月16日以单曲形式发行。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:From age six to age nine William attended a small private school run by the Misses Aspinwall in a house on Wood Street, not far from the Lever family home.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
从六岁到九岁,威廉进入了一所由Misses Aspinwall开办的小型私立学校,位于伍德街离利华家不远的一间房子里。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
It was first reported as a shooting, but an autopsy report confirmed that Baloch was murdered by asphyxiation while she was asleep, on the night of 15–16 July, around 11:15 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Cells within colonies became increasingly specialized, resulting in true multicellular organisms.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在集群中的细胞变得更为专门化,成为真正的多细胞生物。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The time between hepatitis B infection and development into HCC can be years, even decades, but from diagnosis of HCC to death, the average survival period is only 5.9 months according to one Chinese study during the 1970-80s, or 3 months (median survival time) in sub-Saharan Africa according to Manson's textbook of tropical diseases.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 乙型肝炎感染与发展成肝细胞癌之间的时间可以是几年甚至几十年,但从肝细胞癌被诊断出来到死亡的平均生存期只有5.9个月,根据一个中国的研究,在1970 - 80年代,在撒哈拉以南非洲根据曼森的热带病教科书中,生存期为3个月(中位数生存时间)。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The magazines stored 180 shells per gun, enough for three hours of fighting.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The arch nearest to the right bank of the Adige was rebuilt in 1298 by Alberto I della Scala.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 最靠近阿迪杰河右岸的桥拱于1298年由Alberto I della Scala重建。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
He was survived by his two children, six grandchildren and his wife, Elisabeth B. Leyson.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The company's primary competitors in the crowded North American market include The UPS Store, Office Depot, OfficeMax, AlphaGraphics, Staples, Sir Speedy, and Vistaprint.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
联邦快递金考的主要竞争对手有:The UPS Store、OfficeMax、AlphaGraphics、Staples和Sir Speedy。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Large elements in a BSON document are prefixed with a length field to facilitate scanning.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
BSON文档中的大型元素以长度字段为前缀以便于扫描。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: Alma made landfall farther east than any other Pacific tropical cyclone, and it was the only to do so on the Pacific coast of Nicaragua.
Assistant: 阿尔玛的登陆点比其它任何太平洋热带气旋都更偏东面,也是唯一登陆尼加拉瓜太平洋海岸的热带气旋。
User: All Irish citizens entered on the electoral register were eligible to vote.
Assistant: 所有经过选民登记的爱尔兰公民均有资格投票。
User: It was published in Japan on October 1, 2005 by Wanimagazine (ISBN 4-89829-487-1), and in America as a softcover version translated into English in July 2006 by Digital Manga Publishing (ISBN 1-56970-899-1).
Assistant: 2005年由WANIMAGAZINE在日本发行(ISBN 4-89829-487-1),2006年由Digital Manga Publishing在美国发行(ISBN 1-56970-899-1)。
User: A community near the airport of the city was hit hard, with several people left homeless.
Assistant: 该市机场附近的一个社区受到重创,导致多人流离失所。
User: As a result, Whymper hired the services of Christian Almer, who had been with Alfred Wills on the Wetterhorn in 1854.
Assistant: 结果温珀聘请克里斯蒂安·奥尔默作为导游,他曾于1854年和阿尔弗雷德·威尔斯(英语:Alfred Wills)一起登上威特洪(英语:Wetterhorn)峰。
User: A famous Frenchman, General Perron who served as military advisor to the Mahrattas, settled in this Dutch colony and built a large house here.
Assistant: 一位著名的法国人,担任马拉塔人的军事顾问Perron将军,在这个荷兰殖民地定居并在这里建造了一所大房子。
User: In May 2004, Texas Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn ruled that Unitarian Universalism was not a "religion" because it "does not have one system of belief", and stripped the Red River Unitarian Universalist Church in Denison, Texas, of its tax-exempt status.
Assistant: 2004年5月,德克萨斯财政监察官Carole Keeton Strayhorn裁决一神普救派不是宗教,因为它“没有一个信仰系统”,从而剥夺在德克萨斯州Denison市的Red River教会的免税地位。
User: With the fall of the Romanovs in March, the party became one of the ruling parties in the first Provisional Government.
Assistant: 随着罗曼诺夫王朝的灭亡,十月党成为第一届俄国临时政府中一个少数党派。
User: Many plastics and amorphous solids, such as Play-Doh, are also malleable.
Assistant: 另外,许多塑胶材料和非晶形固体,如培乐多(Play-Doh)等,具有展性。
User: That same year, Ann and Nancy were on stage for a series of concerts in Las Vegas.
Assistant: 同年,安和南希在拉斯维加斯参加一系列的音乐会。
User: Senior enjoyed the game's side-quests, calling them "a compilation of dark fantasy short stories" which overshadowed the main quests.
Assistant: 西尼尔喜欢游戏的支线任务,称他们为“黑暗幻想短篇小说集”,更盛主线。
User: Uses DRAM and flash to cache spinning disks.
Assistant: 使用DRAM和闪存缓存机械磁盘。
User: However, this was not confirmed by any media or the opposition groups responsible for tracking fatalities in the conflict as the sheer number would be counter-productive.
Assistant: 但是该数字没有得到任何媒体或者负责跟进冲突中人员伤亡数字的反对派组织的证实,因为他公布的数字可能会产生反效果。
User: Another line later linked the town to Belgrade and Western Europe.
Assistant: 后来又有一条铁路线将这个城镇连接到贝尔格莱德和西欧。
User: The German painter Johann Friedrich Overbeck, founder of the Nazarene art movement, is buried here.
Assistant: 德国画家约翰·弗里德利希·奥韦尔贝克,拿撒勒运动的创始人,埋葬在这里。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: All of the success, however, produced little change in the overall Gil strategy, and although Antić survived three consecutive seasons in charge, he was replaced during the summer of 1998 with Arrigo Sacchi, who himself only remained in the managerial hot seat for less than six months.
Assistant: 所有成功的,但是,制造在整体吉尔策略的变化小,虽然安蒂奇连续在马竞执教三个球季,但他仍然在1998夏季转会窗期间被意大利人阿里戈·萨基替换,但他自己本人只留在教练的座位在不到半年的时间便被解雇了。
User: With this endorsement, there was a rush to support his project, headed by King Oscar II, who personally contributed 30,000 kronor, and Alfred Nobel, the dynamite magnate and founder of the Nobel Prize.
Assistant: 有了此项认可后不久,便引起民间支持热潮,尤以捐献了30,000克朗(以个人名义)的瑞典国王奥斯卡二世和诺贝尔奖创始人阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔最为显眼。
User: In a traditional burial, the body is buried in a casket made from a variety of materials.
Assistant: 在传统的土葬,尸体会被放在一个不同材料制成的灵柩中。
User: As soon as the Norman threat had passed, Alexios set out to punish the rebels and deserters, confiscating their lands.
Assistant: 当诺曼人对帝国的威胁结束后,阿莱克修斯开始惩罚反叛者与逃兵并没收了他们的土地。
User: Smaller capacity LFR (such as SSTAR) can be cooled by natural convection, while larger designs (such as ELSY) use forced circulation in normal power operation, but with natural circulation emergency cooling.
Assistant: 小规模的铅冷快堆(如SSTAR)可以自然对流冷却;但大功率设计的堆型(如ELSY)在正常功率操作时为强制冷却与自然循环应急冷却。
User: ‹ The template Infobox NRHP is being considered for merging. › The Brooklyn Historical Society (BHS), founded in 1863, is a museum, library, and educational center preserving and encouraging the study of Brooklyn's 400-year history.
Assistant: 布鲁克林历史学会(Brooklyn Historical Society,BHS)成立于1863年,是一个博物馆、图书馆和教育中心,保护和鼓励对布鲁克林400年历史的研究。
User: In April 1969 APCCCR issued a resolution called "Boycott Panchayat Elections - Establishing Village Soviets".
Assistant: 1969年4月,APCCCR发布了一项题为《抵制乡村选举——建立苏维埃村》的决议。
User: As per RBI report, in year 2006–07, 26% out of total bank finance in India was in Gujarat.
Assistant: 根据RBI报告,2006 - 07年度,印度银行融资总额中有26%来自古吉拉特邦。
User: To avoid spreading the disease, city authorities decided to build the cemetery at some distance from the city, so St. Rochus is located outside the old city wall.
Assistant: 为了避免传播疾病,市政当局决定在距离市中心有一段距离的地方兴建墓地,所以圣罗格坐落在老城墙外。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: For example, in the language of rings, there are constant symbols 0 and 1, two binary function symbols + and ·, and no binary relation symbols.
Assistant: 例如,在环的语言里,有常数符号0 和1、两个二元函数符号+ 和·,且没有二元关系符号。
User: That was made possible by changes in party leadership, programme, reduction of its power base and other moves which permitted economic re-orientation toward a market system.
Assistant: 这可以通过党的领导,方案的改变,减少权力基础和其他允许经济重新转向市场体系的举措。
User: It caused extensive damage to landmasses in the Greater Antilles, and severe damage in several islands of the Bahamas who were still recovering from Joaquin which had pounded such areas nearly a year earlier.
Assistant: 它对大安的列斯群岛的陆地造成广泛破坏,巴哈马的几个岛屿亦遭受严重破坏,上述岛屿仍从大约一年前的飓风华金(英语:Hurricane Joaquin)中恢复过来。
User: In the evening of October 17, security vendors began seeing new spam with embedded MP3 sound files, which attempted to trick victims into investing in a penny stock, as part of an illegal pump-and-dump stock scam.
Assistant: 于10月17日晚间,保全公司开始看到新的垃圾邮件内嵌了MP3音乐档,而该信企图欺骗受害者去投资细价股,以作为非法炒股诈骗的一部分。
User: Together with unit operations it forms the main principle of the varied chemical industries.
Assistant: 它与单元操作共同构成变化多端的化学工业的原理。
User: For the final two months of development they worked daily, slept five hours a night, and frequently forgot to eat—a process that McMillen said he "would never voluntarily go through" again.
Assistant: 在最后两个月里,开发人员加班加点,每日只睡5个小时,常常忘记吃饭,事后麦克米伦说这是一段他再也不想体验的经历。
User: Ska star Prince Buster, who had a hit called "Rum and Coca-Cola", claimed in an interview that "when water was added as a chaser the brew was so potent, smoke would rise out of the glass".
Assistant: Ska明星王子巴斯特,有一个名为“朗姆酒和可口可乐”的热门话题,在一次采访中声称“当稀释之后(To Rude Rum),作为烈性酿造酒是如此有力,烟雾会从玻璃杯中冒出来”。
User: The fact that some parts of the codex are preserved in good condition while others are in very poor condition implies they were separated and stored in several places.
Assistant: 抄本其中一些部分保存得很好,但有一些则很差,所以相信它们是分开存放在几个地方。
User: In his model, the aether is completely motionless and, contrary to Fresnel's theory, also is not partially dragged by matter.
Assistant: 在他的这一个模型里面,以太是完全静止的,并且和菲涅耳的理论相反,也不是部分的被物质拖拽的。
User: Grimshaw left the firm in 1980 to found Grimshaw Architects, while Farrell continued to work from their Paddington Street office.
Assistant: Farrell和Grimshaw于1980年分道扬镳,但Farrell则留在他们位于帕丁顿街的办事处继续开展工作。
User: The figure is unlikely, as it is approximately half the estimated population of China in 1851.
Assistant: 这一数字不像真的,因这近乎1851年中国估计人口的一半。
User: On February 23, 1861, he arrived in disguise in Washington, D.C., which was placed under substantial military guard.
Assistant: 1861年2月23日,他便衣来到了华盛顿,然后受到军队的严密保卫。
User: Finally, Winslet notes that Hoffman "did genuinely love .
Assistant: 最后,温斯蕾注意到霍夫曼“真的很爱乔布斯。
User: Brabham left Cooper in 1962 to drive for his own team: the Brabham Racing Organisation, using cars built by Motor Racing Developments.
Assistant: 接着他便于1962年离开了库珀,并效力于自己的车队布拉汉姆赛车组织(英语:Brabham Racing Organisation,简称BRO),驾驶由赛车运动发展有限公司研发的赛车。
User: While the awards take place inside, much of the publicity and excitement takes place outside with journalists discussing the red carpet fashions, what designers are being worn by which stars and photographers taking pictures.
Assistant: 虽然颁奖在内部进行,但大部分宣传和热情活动都在外部,记者讨论红毯时装(英语:Red carpet fashion),明星所穿服饰的设计师,以及摄影师拍摄明星照片。
User: The architects of the schloss and its complex of outbuildings were Gottfried Laurenz Pictorius, Peter Pictorius the Younger (from 1706) and Johann Conrad Schlaun, from 1724.
Assistant: 宫殿及其附属建筑的设计师为戈特弗里德·劳伦茨·皮克托里乌斯(Gottfried Laurenz Pictorius)、小彼得·皮克托里乌斯(Peter Pictorius the Younger,自1706年开始)和约翰·康拉德·施劳恩(Johann Conrad Schlaun,自1724年开始)。
User: Cameron presented his own independent approach (following Hoyle's approach for the most part) of nucleosynthesis.
Assistant: 卡麦伦(Cameron)也提出了自己独立的核合成方法 (大部分仍遵循霍伊尔的方法)。
User: Sims are also able to visit their future descendants during time travel, and can change or eliminate these descendants altogether if the player sends the sim back to the present and changes their lifestyle or fate.
Assistant: 模拟人也能够在时间旅行期间访问他们的未来后代,并且如果玩家将模拟器发回现在并改变他们的生活方式或命运,则可以改变或消除这些后代。
User: Observations include cloud and surface imaging from an orbit around the planet with cameras operating in the infrared, visible and UV wavelengths to investigate the complex Venusian meteorology and elucidate the processes behind the mysterious atmospheric super-rotation.
Assistant: 计划的观察包括用来自环绕金星的轨道与红外摄像机观察云和表面成像,其目的是对于复杂的金星气象学调查。
User: Therefore, both the limit of a filter and the limit of a net are conceptually the same as the limit of a sequence.
Assistant: 因为,滤子的极限和网的极限二者在概念上同于序列的极限。
User: Nintendo Power's 100th issue placed it eighteenth on their "100 Best Nintendo Games of All Time", and in their twentieth anniversary issue named it the fifth best Super NES game.
Assistant: 《任天堂力量》第100期将游戏列入其“史上100佳任天堂游戏”的第8位,并在其20周年纪念刊上将其列为第五大超级任天堂游戏。
User: Wright has acknowledged that "there are a lot of period film clichés; some of them are in the film and some are not, but for me it was important to question them".
Assistant: 怀特称:“古装片有许多陈词滥调,一些在本片中也有,还有一些没有,但在我看来,有必要对之提出质疑。
User: Compared to standard pencils, mechanical pencils have a smaller range of marking types, though numerous variations exist.
Assistant: 相比于传统铅笔,自动铅笔类型范围较窄,同时也存在诸多变种。
User: This then specializes to the case when the specified fibre is a principal homogeneous space for the left action of the group on itself, yielding the associated principal bundle.
Assistant: 然后是当制定的纤维是关于这个群在自身上左作用的一个主齐性空间特例,得到了配主丛。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: After Baal is killed, she helps Anat bury and mourn him, and then stops shining.
Assistant: 巴卢被杀后,她帮助阿纳特(Anat)找到并埋葬了他,然后停止了发光。
User: It is the highest mountain on the island and the second highest in the prefecture after Mount Omoto 525.5 m (1,724 ft) in Ishigaki, Okinawa.
Assistant: 与那霸岳是冲绳岛最高点,也是冲绳县第二高点,仅次于位于石垣市的于茂登岳525.5米(1,724英尺)。
User: This decision came one year after Thompson v. Oklahoma, in which the Court had held that a 15-year-old offender could not be executed because to do so would constitute cruel and unusual punishment.
Assistant: 本判决是在汤普森诉奥克拉荷马州案(Thompson v. Oklahoma)判决作成后一年出炉,该判决认为对于犯罪时15岁的罪犯不能科处死刑,否则将构成残忍而不寻常的刑罚。
User: They remained on station from 14 to 19 December, before returning to Constantinople for repairs and gunnery training.
Assistant: 它们于12月14-19日驻扎在当地,然后返回君士坦丁堡进行维修和炮术训练。
User: In a nod to the species' namesake, the paper describing it said it is "unlikely to occur on the Dark Side of the Moon due to lack of suitable habitat".
Assistant: 公布发现这种虾的论文,借用了品种的名称,说“由于缺乏合适环境生活,它不太会出现在月之暗面”。
User: The tension eventually resulted in the 1274–1276 war.
Assistant: 这种紧张关系最终导致1274年-1276年战争。
User: On January 6, 2011, the Central Bank of the Republic of China issued a new 100-dollar legal tender circulating commemorative in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of China.
Assistant: 2011年1月6日中央银行发布了面额100元建国百年纪念钞票的法定流通钞票,主要是庆祝中华民国建国100周年。
User: Marge tells Homer to fix things up, so Homer takes Mr. Nakamura to a Japanese bar.
Assistant: 玛琦告诉荷马解决的事情了,所以荷马带中村先生去日本酒吧。
User: Saltating sand particles have been observed on the MER Spirit rover.
Assistant: 跳跃的砂砾已经被精神号火星车观察到。
User: Although the attempt was unsuccessful, they were nonetheless the first climbers who returned alive from a serious attempt on the face.
Assistant: 虽然没有成功,但是他们是第一队在正式尝试攀登北壁后活着回来的人。
User: The Yard was built under the direction of Benjamin Stoddert, the first Secretary of the Navy, under the supervision of the Yard's first commandant, Commodore Thomas Tingey, who served in that capacity for 29 years.
Assistant: 工厂在第一任美国海军部长本杰明·斯托德特的指导下建设,并由第一任工厂指挥官、美国海军准将托马斯·廷杰布负责监管,后者从此在工厂中效力长达29年。
User: 12: French Premier Édouard Daladier declines Hitler's offer of peace.
Assistant: 12日:法国总理爱德华·达拉第拒绝了希特勒的和平建议。
User: It is Malaysia's first ever reality singing competition to offer a one million ringgit prize to the winner.
Assistant: 本竞赛是马来西亚第一个对冠军颁发一百万令吉现金奖的电视歌唱比赛。
User: Attention was paid to extras' clothing and Arabic intonation so that they would look and sound Algerian and not Moroccan.
Assistant: 演员的衣饰及阿尔及利亚的口音受到特别受到注视的,使他们看和听上去都像是阿尔及利亚人而不是摩洛哥人。
User: During the night of October 2 Greece followed Ireland's lead and guaranteed all bank deposits.
Assistant: 在10月2日晚上,希腊政府也跟进爱尔兰的政策,宣布保障该国所有银行的存款。
User: Several hundred years before the events of the game, a battle known as the War of Transgression took place between Pulse and Cocoon.
Assistant: 在游戏情节开始的数百年前,脉冲和茧之间发生了一场名为默示战争的战斗,从脉冲来的路希在茧上方撕破了一个大洞。
User: These engines are also optionally available with Enhanced Environmentally friendly Vehicle (EEV) certification, meaning that their emission levels are lower than even the most stringent European Union emissions standards.
Assistant: 带有环境友好汽车(EEV)认证的发动机意味着它们的废气排放水平甚至比最严格的欧盟汽车排放标准更加低。
User: Route description Bus.
Assistant: 巴士路线行车指示牌。
User: Peptide mass fingerprinting is the most popular analytical application of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometers.
Assistant: 肽质量指纹识别(英语:Peptide mass fingerprinting)是MALDI-TOF质谱仪最流行的分析应用。
User: On 12 October 2017, 65,000 people, according to the Barcelona local police, marched against independence in a smaller demonstration marking the Spanish national day.
Assistant: 2017年10月12日,根据巴塞罗那当地警察的说法,有65,000人在一个较小的示威游行中反对独立并庆祝西班牙国庆日。
User: Phenylalanine is found naturally in the breast milk of mammals.
Assistant: 苯丙氨酸是在哺乳动物的乳汁中天然发现。
User: Philippe Gondet, 75, French footballer (Nantes, Red Star, national team).
Assistant: 菲利普·戈德特(英语:Philippe Gondet)(法语:Philippe Gondet),75岁,法国足球员(南特、红星、法国国家队)。
User: Even after the Wall Street Crash of 1929 optimism persisted for some time.
Assistant: 即便在1929年华尔街股灾后,一些乐观人士依然坚持己见。
User: Officially claiming to be neutral, Finland lay in the grey zone between the Western countries and the Soviet Union.
Assistant: 借着宣称中立,芬兰游走于西方和苏联两大集团间的灰色地带。
User: In 1230, they settled in Chełmno, built a castle, and began attacking Prussian lands.
Assistant: 1230年,骑士团适应了齐姆诺,建了一座城堡,并开始侵袭普鲁士人的领土。
User: 1991 – An Indonesian Air Force C-130 crash kills 135 people.
Assistant: 一架印度尼西亚空军所属的C-130坠毁,导致135人死亡。
User: This series later gave rise to alucobond–aluminum composite shadow sculptures and Aubusson Tapestries.
Assistant: 这个系列后来产生了阿鲁克邦-铝金属Alucobond-aluminium复合影子雕塑和奥布森挂毯Aubusson Tapestries。
User: Though it was long widely assumed that dopaminergic modulation is solely responsible for the respective antidepressant and antipsychotic properties of amisulpride, it was subsequently found that the drug also acts as a potent antagonist of the serotonin 5-HT7 receptor (Ki = 11.5 nM).
Assistant: 虽然长期以来人们普遍认为对多巴胺能的调节是氨磺必利抗抑郁和抗精神病的唯一原因,但随后发现它也是5-羟色胺5-HT7受体的有效的拮抗剂(Ki=11.5nM)。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: Metrolink commuter train 111, consisting of a 250,000-pound (110 t) EMD F59PH locomotive (SCAX 855) pulling three Bombardier BiLevel Coaches, departed Union Station in downtown Los Angeles at 15:35 PDT (22:35 UTC) heading westbound to Moorpark in suburban Ventura County.
Assistant: 南加州都会铁道通勤列车111次列车由重达250,000-英磅(110-公吨)的EMD F59PH型柴油机车(SCAX 855)牵引三节庞巴迪双层客车,于15:35 PDT(22:35 UTC)离开位于洛杉矶市中心的联合车站将西行到位于文图拉县的穆尔帕克站。
User: Apache Flink includes a lightweight fault tolerance mechanism based on distributed checkpoints.
Assistant: Apache Flink具有一种基于分布式检查点的轻量级容错机制。
User: The adoption of the 1907 Agreement spurred the arrival of "picture brides" — marriages of convenience made at a distance through photographs.
Assistant: 1907协议正式通过促成了“照片新娘”时期的到来—通过照相机完成的远距离方便婚姻。
User: Before flying, Sharman spent 18 months in intensive flight training in Star City.
Assistant: 在起飞前沙曼在莫斯科星城接受了18个月的严格训练。
User: The members of the National Spiritual Assemblies collectively serve as the electoral college for electing the Universal House of Justice, the supreme governing body of the Bahá'í Faith, which was first formed in 1963.
Assistant: 国家灵体会的所有成员作为选举人选举产生巴哈伊信仰的最高行政管理机构世界正义院,世界正义院于1963年完成第一次选举并建立。
User: Dukono volcano Mount Dukono is a 185-metre-high (607 ft) volcano that is one of three most active volcanoes not only in Halmahera island but also in Indonesia.
Assistant: 杜科诺火山高185米(607英尺),不仅在哈马黑拉岛,甚至是印度尼西亚三座最活跃的火山之一,火山位于托贝洛以西,靠近Mamuya村。
User: I mean, I was seeing what was happening in the media to Britney Spears.
Assistant: 我的意思是,我见证了媒体给布兰妮带来了什么。
User: Women's prospects in employment were dim: they could expect only to gain a very few service-related jobs and were paid about half of what men were paid for the same work.
Assistant: 妇女就业的前景黯淡:她们只能期望从事一些服务性的工作,并且工资只相当于做同样工作的男人的一半。
User: Priestley became interested in electricity while he was teaching at Warrington Academy.
Assistant: 普利斯特里在Warrington Academy教书时开始对电有兴趣。
User: Many amplifiers commercially available today are based on integrated circuits.
Assistant: 如今大量商业上通行的放大器都是基于集成电路的。
User: In its preliminary plans, Eastern Region Line was to have been a 40 kilometre rectangular loop that would complement the existing East West Line and enhance inter- and intra-town travelling in the eastern region.
Assistant: 按照原来的计划,东区线是长40公里的方形环线,辅助现有的东西地铁线,令东区居民前往附近市镇和其他地区的过程更为便利。
User: The history and development of stout and porter are intertwined.
Assistant: 司陶特和波特啤酒的历史和发展是相互交织的。
User: In an interview with Corey Moss of MTV, Rihanna explained the meaning behind the song's lyrics, saying: 'We Ride' is about this guy saying over and over again, 'When we ride, we ride, we're gonna be together until the day that we die' — promising all these things ... then it turns out he broke all of his promises, which is sad — but it's summer and I don't care if you wanna do that and be ugly and unfaithful, then I can just do my thing, chill with my girls and have fun.
Assistant: 在接受音乐电视网的科瑞·莫斯采访时,蕾哈娜解释了歌词背后的含义: 《乘着风》讲的是一个男人一遍又一遍地重复说:‘我们开着车,在一起,走向天荒地老’——作出这许多的承诺......然而实际上他承诺的事情都没有做到,这让人感到很忧伤——但是这是夏天,所以他人的看法都不重要,他只是想做自己的事情,与女友一起开开心心地过日子。
User: Strongly nucleophilic methylating agents include methyllithium (CH3Li) or Grignard reagents such as methylmagnesium bromide (CH3MgX).
Assistant: 另一方面,可能使用亲核的甲基化合物进行甲基化,例如甲基锂 (CH3Li)或格氏试剂 (CH3MgX)。
User: An attacker will be able to extract this information, directly decrypt and copy the content, which bypasses the restrictions imposed by a DRM system.
Assistant: 攻击者可以提取出这些信息,直接解密和拷贝那些绕开了限制条款的内容。
User: Thompson filed a document with a federal court in Florida on 18 September 2007, claiming that the assassination target of a mission in Grand Theft Auto IV is a lawyer character based upon himself.
Assistant: 汤普森于2007年9月18日向佛罗里达州联邦法院提交了一份文件,声称《侠盗猎车手IV》中一个任务的暗杀目标是基于他自己的律师人物。
User: Fanny Imlay was the daughter of the British feminist writer Mary Wollstonecraft and the American entrepreneur Gilbert Imlay.
Assistant: 范妮·伊姆利是英国女权主义作家玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特与美国商人吉尔伯特·伊姆利的女儿。
User: In July 1848, Verne left Nantes again for Paris, where his father intended him to finish law studies and take up law as a profession.
Assistant: 1848年7月,凡尔纳离开南特前往巴黎,父亲希望他能完成法律学业,从事工作。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: Spectral class is usually taken from the Tholen classification at the PDS.
Assistant: 光谱类型往往取自PDS的索伦分类。
User: The Czechoslovak Legions had been part of the Russian army and numbered around 30,000 troops by October 1917.
Assistant: 捷克斯洛伐克军团曾经是俄军的一部分,并在1917年10月有30,000人的部队。
User: On March 25, 2009, an announcement was made by Satoru Iwata during Nintendo's GDC 2009 Keynote speech that the U.S. would see The After Years released later that year on the Wii's WiiWare service.
Assistant: 在2009年3月25日,任天堂2009年游戏开发者大会的主题报告上,岩田聪称将在年内稍后为北美Wii开放《月之归还》的WiWare服务。
User: It is therefore likely that the text had been somewhat modified by copyists.
Assistant: 因此它有可能已有些被抄写者所更动。
User: On top of the pediment stands a deer head with a cross between the antlers (done by the sculptor Paolo Morelli († 1719), in reference to the legend of Saint Eustace.
Assistant: 在山形墙顶部有一个鹿头,鹿角之间有一个十字架 (由雕塑家Paolo Morelli完成(†1719),参考圣欧斯德珊的传说。
User: These are: 0–1 months: Reflex Schema Stage – Babies learn how the body can move and work.
Assistant: 0-1个月: 简单反射阶段 -婴儿学习身体如何移动。
User: Before Diane made landfall, the North Carolina National Guard assisted in evacuating people near the Pamlico River, and 700 residents left their homes near New Bern; thousands of tourists also evacuated.
Assistant: 飓风登陆前,北卡罗莱纳州国民警卫队协助帕姆利科河(Pamlico River)附近居民疏散,克雷文县的新伯尔尼(New Bern)有约700位居民离开家园;此外还有数以千计的游客得以撤离。
User: These markers are usually present in the transgenic organism, although a number of strategies have been developed that can remove the selectable marker from the mature transgenic plant.
Assistant: 这些标记通常存在于转基因生物体中,尽管已经开发了可以从成熟转基因植物中除去选择性标记的多种策略。
User: On August 12, 1902, Treasury Secretary Leslie M. Shaw wrote to former Missouri governor David R. Francis, one of the promoters of the exposition, enquiring what design exposition officials would like to see on the reverse of the coins.
Assistant: 1902年8月12日,财政部长莱斯利·M·肖(Leslie M. Shaw)致信博览会倡导者、前密苏里州州长大卫·R·弗朗西斯(David R. Francis),询问博览会组织方对硬币背面的设计有什么建议。
User: However, the U.S. government intervened and blocked the deal.
Assistant: 然而,美国政府介入干涉并阻止了这项交易。
User: Nonetheless, they collaborate in CEEM in the Working Commissions.
Assistant: 她则继续在中共江孜分工委团委工作。
User: Final Cut Pro 4 Dummies.
Assistant: 殿试登进士3甲第4名。
User: Even though dogs, wolves, and foxes are all typically furry, four-legged, moderately sized animals with ears and a tail, they are not all the same, and thus cannot be strictly perceived with respect to the prototype matching theory.
Assistant: 尽管狗,狼和狐狸通常都是毛茸茸的四足,中等大小的动物,有耳朵和尾巴,但它们并不完全相同,因此不能对原型匹配理论进行完全的信任。
User: This design has several advantages, such as automatic image quality enhancement and the ability to "build jobs" (that is, to scan page images independently of the process of printing them).
Assistant: 这种设计有几个优点,如图像质量自动增强、“组建任务”的能力或者独立于打印过程的扫描页面图像。
User: Ports are also available for SGI IRIX and FreeBSD on Intel architectures.
Assistant: SGI IRIX 和 FreeBSD(Intel构架)也陆续移植。
User: Scientific studies have suggested that regions involved in speech and language are smaller, while regions involved with numerical and spatial processing are larger.
Assistant: 科学研究显示,爱因斯坦大脑里负责表达与语言的区域较小,但负责处理数字和空间的区域比较大。
User: He ordered a party to land at Penco and reconstruct the fort of Concepción.
Assistant: 他命令了一支团队在彭科登陆并重建康塞普西翁堡垒。
User: Vibrations in this field propagate and are governed by the appropriate wave equation for the particular field in question.
Assistant: 场的振动可以传播,并由对应于此特殊场的适当波方程所主导。
User: Due to technical difficulties, the Vita port needed to be delayed well into the following year, and was eventually released on May 14, 2015.
Assistant: 然而Vita移植版因技术困难,发售日延期到翌年,最终于2015年5月14日发行。
User: The Black Death devastated Venice in 1348 and once again between 1575 and 1577.
Assistant: 黑死病在1348年肆虐威尼斯,并在1575-1577年间卷土重来。
User: In particular, the probability density function of this random variable evaluated at +2 or at −2 takes on the value 6999125000000000000♠0.124999999999999999999999999999999999999999764..., differing from 1/8 by less than 10−42.
Assistant: 特别地,这个随机变量的概率密度函数在+2和-2处的值为0.124999999999999999999999999999999999999999764...,与 1 8 {\displaystyle {\frac {1}{8}}} 只差了不到10−42。
User: Between 9 and 11 July 1946, twelve civilians (one of them apparently mentally challenged) were arrested by MBP officers as perpetrators of the pogrom.
Assistant: 1946年7月9日至11日,12名平民(其中一人显然有精神问题)被公安部官员作为骚乱肇事者逮捕。
User: With the introduction of cloud computing the purposes of SCM tools have become merged in some cases.
Assistant: 随着云端运算的引进,SCM工具的用途有时已互相整合。
User: Possibly 175–soldiers from four of the cavalry companies left the mission and rode south.
Assistant: 可能四个队中的175名骑兵离开传教站向南走。
User: Of being a young mother of two, Hill said, "It's not an easy situation at all.
Assistant: 作为两个孩子的母亲,希尔说道:“这并非是件容易的事。
User: Pat Nixon held the record as the most-traveled First Lady until her mark was surpassed by Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Assistant: 帕特·尼克松曾创下美国第一夫人旅行里程的新纪录,直到四分之一个世纪后才被希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿超越。
User: Any reading depends not only on the time of day but also on the latitude and time of year.
Assistant: 任何的读取不仅是一天中的时刻,也取决于纬度和一年中的季节。
User: They became known as the 'Macaron Sisters' (Les Soeurs Macarons).
Assistant: 她们以“马卡龙姐妹”而著名。
User: In Europe, allegations against multiple British politicians created a public scandal and led to the suspension and resignations of three officials.
Assistant: 针对英国多名政治家的指控引发公众丑闻,导致三名官员辞职或停职。
User: In 1930 and 1931, he helped the French suppress the first peasant revolts organized by the communists.
Assistant: 在1930年和1931年,他和法国军队合作,镇压了共产党组织的第一次农民暴动。
User: It was one of the worst pharmaceutical disasters in US history.
Assistant: 这是美国历史上最严重的药品灾害之一。
User: For, they said, if the future is necessary, that which must happen will happen, whatever I may do.
Assistant: 不管这个世界未来会怎么样,我都得离开了。
User: Now that it is known what X-ray pattern to look for, the next generation of X-ray satellites is expected to find hundreds of supernovae every year exactly when they explode, which will allow searches for neutrino and gravitational wave bursts that are predicted to accompany the collapse of stellar cores and the birth of neutron stars.
Assistant: 现在既然知道要寻找什么模式的x-射线,预计下一代的X-射线卫星每年将可发现数百颗的超新星,也将能搜寻到被预测会伴随着超新星爆炸的恒星核心塌缩和中子星诞生一并产生的中微子和重力波爆发。
User: Average student who is keen to learn things and meet people in his classroom.
Assistant: 普通学生一名,热衷于在课堂学习及结识朋友。
User: It was originally designed as a drawbridge but on its completion was found to be suitable only as a fixed structure.
Assistant: 桥梁最初的设计为闭合桥,但工程快完工时发现只有固定结构才能满足要求。
User: VoLTE has up to three times more voice and data capacity than 3G UMTS and up to six times more than 2G GSM.
Assistant: VoLTE的语音和数据容量超过3G UMTS三倍以上,超过2G GSM六倍以上。
User: Organisations with counsel representing or watching on their behalf included the Board of Trade, the White Star Line, the National Sailors' and Firemen's Union of Great Britain and Ireland (see National Union of Seamen), the Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom, the British Seafarers' Union, the Imperial Merchant Service Guild, the Marine Engineers' Association, the National Union of Stewards (see National Union of Ship's Stewards), and the builders of the ship, Harland and Wolff.
Assistant: 派遣了律师代表或代表其组织利益之观察员的组织包括:贸易委员会,白星航运,大不列颠和爱尔兰的国家海员和消防员联盟(见国家海员联盟(英语:National Union of Seamen)),英国航运公会,英国海员工会(英语:British Seafarers' Union),帝国商业服务公会,海洋工程师协会,国家管理人员联盟(见全国船舶管理联盟(英语:National Union of Ship's Stewards)),以及哈兰德与沃尔夫造船厂。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: It was not that he felt any emotion akin to love for Irene Adler ... yet there was but one woman to him, and that woman was the late Irene Adler, of dubious and questionable memory.
Assistant: 这倒并不是说他对艾琳·艾德勒有什么近乎爱情的感情...然而只有一个女人,而这个女人就是已故的艾琳·艾德勒,还在他那模糊的成问题的记忆之中。
User: Although some work has been done on anarchy, autocracy, revolution, and even war, the bulk of the study in this area has concerned the fundamental problem of collectively choosing constitutional rules.
Assistant: 虽然一些作品也讨论到无政府状态、独裁政治、革命、甚至战争,但主要的研究则是聚焦于研究在现代民主立宪体制里,集体决策所产生的基本问题。
User: Product definition is moderate due to the use of relatively inexpensive single-pass molds and the use of mixed recovered paper and kraft paper slurries.
Assistant: 由于使用相对廉价的单通模具和使用回收纸混合浆料和牛皮纸。
User: There, she stopped in Hamilton from 30 August to 3 September; the visit proved to be an unfriendly one, as international opinion had turned decidedly against Nazi Germany during the Sudeten crisis.
Assistant: 它于8月30日至9月3日在哈密尔顿停留;事实证明这是一次不受欢迎的到访,因为时值苏台德危机期间,国际舆论已明显转向反对纳粹德国。
User: Upon returning to Italy, Matteucci studied at Bologna (1832), Florence, Ravenna (1837) and Pisa.
Assistant: 1832年,他回到意大利,先后在博洛尼亚(1832年),佛罗伦萨,拉文纳(1837年)和比萨从事研究。
User: The system strengthened and expanded as it tracked slowly westward and first began affecting Barbados late on October 9.
Assistant: 气旋缓慢向西移动,在此期间逐渐增强并扩张,首先于10月9日晚袭击巴巴多斯。
User: The death rates decreased as the POWs were needed to help the German war effort; by 1943, half a million had been deployed as slave labor.
Assistant: 当苏联战俘需要帮助德国服奴役时,死亡比例下降;到1943年,50万人被用于苦工。
User: These four gilded horses, now called the Horses of Saint Mark, whose exact Greek or Roman ancestry has never been determined, were looted during the Fourth Crusade in 1204 and installed on the façade of St Mark's Basilica in Venice.
Assistant: 在其北端,有四尊鎏金的铜驷马雕像,不能确定是属于古希腊还是古罗马,它们在1204年遭到第四次十字军的洗劫,运往威尼斯,安装到圣马尔谷圣殿的立面上,现在称为圣马尔谷之马。
User: In addition to traditional printing presses in Kiev, new printing shops were established in Novhorod-Siverskyi and Chernihiv.
Assistant: 除了基辅的传统印刷业外,新的印刷厂也建设在诺夫哥罗德-谢韦尔斯基和切尔尼戈夫。
User: The Diocletian Aqueduct is an ancient Roman aqueduct near Split, Croatia constructed during the Roman Empire to supply water to the Palace of Emperor Diocletian.
Assistant: 戴克里先高架渠(Dioklecijanov akvadukt)是一个古罗马高架渠,靠近克罗地亚斯普利特,修建于罗马帝国时期,供水到戴克里先宫。
User: One of these keys will unlock the door to the next section.
Assistant: 当中只有一枚钥匙能够解锁通往下一部分的门。
User: A faster method uses ideas of Willebrord Snell (Cyclometricus, 1621), further developed by Christiaan Huygens (De Circuli Magnitudine Inventa, 1654), described in Gerretsen & Verdenduin (1983, pp. 243–250).
Assistant: 一个更快的方法由威理博·斯涅尔提出(Cyclometricus,1962年),惠更斯步其后尘(De Circuli Magnitudine Inventa,1654年), Gerretsen & Verdenduin (1983, pp. 243–250) 记载了这种方法。
User: The project was founded in 2003 as a result of a merger between the Red Hat Linux (RHL) and Fedora Linux projects.
Assistant: 该专案于2003年成立,当时是由Red Hat Linux及Fedora Linux专案合并而成立的。
User: Colesberry's wife Karen L. Thorson joined him on the production staff.
Assistant: 科斯贝瑞的妻子凯伦·L·萨森(英语:Karen L. Thorson)也加入了创作团队。
User: The hotel was inaugurated in 1932 and, following extensive refurbishment, was reinaugurated in 1994.
Assistant: 这家酒店成立于1932年,经过全面的整修,于1994年重新开业。
User: Although perhaps non-intuitive, more random algorithms (like random decision trees) can be used to produce a stronger ensemble than very deliberate algorithms (like entropy-reducing decision trees).
Assistant: 尽管可能不是直观的,更随机的算法(如随机决策树)可用于产生比非常有意识的算法(如熵减少决策树)更强大的集成模型。
User: On July 20, 2017, Syria's Parliament issued a resolution discharging Abbas from her post as Speaker, with a majority of member votes.
Assistant: 2017年7月20日,叙利亚议会发布了一项决议,解除阿巴斯的议长职务,获得多数议员投票。
User: Some pan-nationalisms, such as pan-Germanism for the Germans, concern what outside anthropologists might consider a single ethnic group (today, Austrians, German-speaking Swiss people, and others may or may not identify as "German").
Assistant: 有些泛民族主义者,例如泛日耳曼主义者,会把多个民族视为单一民族(现今为奥地利人、德语瑞士人及其他可能或可能不是身份认同是日耳曼人的人)。
User: From 1920 to 1922 he served as the mayor for his home town of Malvik.
Assistant: 从1920年到1922年他担任他的家乡Malvik自治市市长。
User: He ran a really smooth race.
Assistant: 他显然拥有健全的赛车心态。
User: The annual training routine began at the end of March 1901 with squadron exercises in the Baltic.
Assistant: 年度的例行训练随着1901年3月下旬在波罗的海展开的分舰队演习而开启。
User: The Club was the first black women's club in Boston.
Assistant: 该俱乐部是纽约市首个只限女性参加的社交俱乐部。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: The complex geomorphology of the lunar surface has been formed by a combination of processes, especially impact cratering and volcanism.
Assistant: 月球表面复杂的月貌形成于各种因素的组合,特别是撞击坑和火山活动。
User: With the role of the network reduced to the bare minimum, it became possible to join almost any networks together, no matter what their characteristics were, thereby solving Kahn's initial problem.
Assistant: 由于网络的作用减少到最小的程度,更有可能将任何网络连接到一起,而不用管它们不同的特点,这样能解决卡恩最初的问题。
User: Cody Martin Linley (born November 20, 1989) is an American actor and singer.
Assistant: 寇帝·马丁·林利(英语:Cody Martin Linley,1989年11月20日-)是美国的一位演员和歌手。
User: The task occupied his time for a further two years before he could present his results, which he did in a hundred-page paper to the Royal Society in 1778.
Assistant: 在测量完成后,这项工作再花了他两年的时间,才能发表实验结果,最后他在1778年向皇家学会提交了一份一百页的报告论文。
User: In 2012, high resolution (<0.2′′) soft X-ray imaging with the High Resolution Coronal Imager aboard a sounding rocket revealed tightly wound braids in the corona.
Assistant: 在2012年,高解析(<0.2”)的软X射线影像与探空火箭的高分辨率日冕成像仪(英语:High Resolution Coronal Imager)揭示了日冕中有紧密缠绕的辫子。
User: Versions of this optic are made available for the civilian market from Armament Technologies in Nova Scotia Canada.
Assistant: 这光学瞄准镜的民用市场版本则是由位于加拿大新斯科舍省的军备科技公司所生产。
User: The USAF's intercontinental nuclear missile force was moved from Air Force Space Command to the new command.
Assistant: 空军的洲际核导弹目前属于美国空军太空司令部(Air Force Space Command)管辖,但即将被移交给新司令部。
User: Although successful the scheme, intended to provide long-range defence against Zeppelins, was not pursued.
Assistant: 虽然计划成功了,原意在提供针对齐柏林飞艇的远程防御,却没有被重视。
User: It also remains a legal method of execution in Iran, Qatar and Yemen, where it is no longer in use.
Assistant: 在伊朗、卡塔尔和也门,斩首是一种法律上的死刑手段,但该手段现已暂停执行。
User: The standard giant-impact hypothesis suggests the Mars-sized body, called Theia, impacted Earth, creating a large debris ring around Earth, which then accreted to form the Moon.
Assistant: 标准的GIH提出一个火星大小、称为忒伊亚的天体撞击地球,创造了大量碎片环绕地球,然后形成地月系统。
User: Saint-Mars himself was to see Dauger only once a day to provide food and whatever else he needed.
Assistant: 圣马尔斯本人则被允许仅用一天的时间探视该犯人,目的是为了给他提供食物和其他他所需要的物品。
User: Emong means the Halt on the appointed time.
Assistant: 骤逢大故,以时艰见绌。
User: A central theme developed throughout the show is the struggle between individual desires and subordination to the group's goals.
Assistant: 该剧贯穿始终的一个核心主题是个人在追求自身欲望和服从团体利益间的挣扎。
User: This may simplify a potential proof of P ≠ NP, since it is only necessary to separate P from the more general class PH.
Assistant: 这可能是一个比较简单证明P ≠ NP的方式,因为我们只要把P从比较广义的 PH分别出来即可。
User: After his death in 1951 the plans were relaunched by initiative of the Helsinki University Students' Union.
Assistant: 1951年曼纳海姆逝世后在赫尔辛基大学学生会的倡议下重启了雕像树立计划。
User: In 2011, the C5 was given a mild facelift, with a few cosmetic changes, such as LED lights.
Assistant: 2011年,C5进行了一些细微的变化,如换装LED灯。
User: The afternoon fixing was introduced in 1968 to provide a price when US markets are open.
Assistant: 而下午黄金现货定价则在1968年出现,目的为了当美国市场开市时作一个价格本位。
User: Paying debts of the deceased.
Assistant: 偿还死者的债务。
User: Finnair Oy became the company's official name on 25 June 1968.
Assistant: 1968年6月25日,Finnair Oy成为了公司的官方名称。
User: Fettmilch was executed by the Lutheran city authorities, but Michael writes that his execution was for attempting to overthrow the authorities, not for his offenses against the Jews.
Assistant: Vincenz Fettmilch被路德宗城市当局处决,但迈克尔写道,他的处决是由于他试图推翻当局,而不是他对犹太人犯下的罪行。
User: In the past, observations of the solar atmosphere were done using remote imaging; consequently, the magnetic fields were inferred or extrapolated rather than observed directly.
Assistant: 在过去,使用远程成像进行太阳能大气的观测,磁场通过推断得出,而不是直接观察。
User: I've thought on this for a long time.
Assistant: 我很长一段时间以来都很想这么做。
User: On June 30, 2017, Nintendo released a "season pass" for two bundled downloadable content (DLC): The Master Trials and The Champions' Ballad.
Assistant: 2017年6月30日,任天堂发布了包含两个追加下载内容(DLC)“试炼的霸者”与“英杰们的诗篇”的“季票”。
User: Sainz was announced to test with both Red Bull and Toro Rosso teams during the Young Drivers' test at Silverstone.
Assistant: 塞恩斯被宣布将会与红牛车队及红牛二队参加在银石赛道的青年车手测试。
User: At around this time, however, his uncle observed that he was able to lift a rock weighing 58 kan, or 217.5 kg (480 lb).
Assistant: 然而,在这个时候,他的叔叔发现他能够举起重达217.5公斤(480磅)的岩石。
User: During compilation, a table is built that maps the textual representation (such as _i_Point_value) to selectors (which are given a type SEL).
Assistant: 在编译期间,建立了一个把文字表述(例如_i_Point_value)映射到选择器(类型为SEL)的表。
User: The Bahá'í House of Worship in Sydney was dedicated on 17 September 1961 and opened to the public after four years of construction.
Assistant: 悉尼的巴哈伊灵曦堂1961年9月17日建成,建成后四年向公众开放。
User: In 1891 Charles Anthoni Brooke established the Sarawak Museum, the oldest museum in Borneo.
Assistant: 1891年,查尔斯·安东尼·布鲁克成立婆罗洲历史最悠久的博物馆砂拉越博物馆。
User: In the third line, x is reassigned the value of 23.
Assistant: 在第三行,变数x被重新指定为数值23。
User: Later 2nd-level P2P file sharing systems use a similar design to eDonkey2000 (downloading files in pieces by hash from multiple peers simultaneously) but innovate in the design of the server network, such as in the case of BitTorrent, which separates the file search feature ("torrent search") from the download peer locating feature ("torrent tracker").
Assistant: 后来第二级P2P文件共享系统使用了类似eDonkey2000的设计(下载由多个来源提供的相同文件的文件段),但是对服务器网络进行了改进,类似的例子有BitTorrent,它将文件搜索功能“搜索Torrent”和搜索下载来源功能“Torrent Tracker”分离了开来。
User: Majlinda Ismet Kelmendi (Albanian pronunciation: ; born 9 May 1991) is a Kosovo Albanian judoka and a double world champion with two European titles.
Assistant: 玛琳达·开尔门蒂(英语:Majlinda Kelmendi,1991年5月9日-),出生于南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国佩奇,是一名科索沃柔道运动员,为两届世界冠军和三届欧洲冠军。 |
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Animals that thrive in Joshua Tree often have special adaptations for dealing with limited water and high summer temperatures.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 约书亚树国家公园里茁壮生长的动物通常针对有限的水资源和夏季高温有特别的适应能力。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:After a day treating their wounds they continued towards their rendezvous at the Bay of Concepción.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在治疗了一天的伤后,他们继续向他们在康塞普西翁湾的会师点行进。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Thomas Henry Huxley agreed with Descartes that behavior is determined solely by physical mechanisms, but he also believed that humans enjoy an intelligent life.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 赫胥黎赞同笛卡尔的观点,认为行为完全是由物理机制决定的,但他也相信人类享有智慧的生活。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Arrival of the royal prince brought more cohesion in this largely peasant movement.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
It would have been able to observe it if it were more than about 700 km (430 mi) from Ida.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
艾卫要距离艾女星超过约700 km(430 mi)才能被观测到。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Combine and improve ideas: Good ideas can be combined to form a single very good idea, as suggested by the slogan "1+1=3".
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: They are also made up of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen atoms.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:它们也由碳,氧和氢原子组成。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
If the candidates have spouses, they must also be Indonesian citizens.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:On May 9, 2006, May entered the Green Party of Canada's leadership race.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:For knowledge of this, Shakespeare may have used Gasparo Contarini's The Commonwealth and Government of Venice, in Lewes Lewkenor's 1599 translation.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
对此,莎士比亚使用了1599年刘易斯·刘克诺(Lewes Lewkenor)译文中加斯帕罗·孔塔里尼给出的《威尼斯共和国和政府》作为背景。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Around 20 collisions occurred on the night of August 19 across the San Francisco Peninsula.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Development of metal-free process that involve the use of bacterial or enzymatic catalysis in polyester formation is also being explored.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Following the transfer of the capital from Almaty to Astana in December 1997, the airport underwent a series of major reconstructions which brought it up to international standards, including the current 11,484 ft (3,500m) runway.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:1997年12月,哈萨克将首都从阿拉木图迁至努尔苏丹,该机场也随之进行了一系列新建工作,以达到国际标准,包括现在11,484英尺(3,500米)长的跑道。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
In England this standard is normally the Received Pronunciation, based upon the educated speech of southern England.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
在英国,这个标准通常是所谓的习得发音(Received Pronunciation),即根据受教育的英国南部发音。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Lane and her father challenged her mother in court, and six weeks later, she was back in New York.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In 1815, when Brazil gained the status of kingdom united with that of Portugal, its coat of arms was formalized as a golden armillary sphere in a blue field.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
在1815年,当英属巴西和葡属巴西联合成为一个国家时,这个徽章正式被作为一块蓝色领域上的金色环形球仪。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: Multiple chips with the common address lines are called a memory rank.
Assistant: 与常见的位址线(address lines)的多个芯片被称为memory rank。
User: Defensive armament included a Nash & Thompson FN-13 powered turret with four .303 British Browning machine guns in the extreme tail and a pair of manually-operated .303 set on either side of the fuselage, firing from ports just below and behind the wings.
Assistant: 防御性武器包括机尾的一个拥有4挺.303 British Browning machine guns的Nash & Thomson FN-13电动炮塔,以及机身两边中的任一边安装的一挺手动操控的.303口径机炮,它的开火位置是在机翼正下方向后一点的舱门口。
User: It was founded in 1994 by the merger of several state-owned telecommunications companies, the most important of which was Società Italiana per l'Esercizio Telefonico pp.
Assistant: 该公司成立于1994年,由数家国有电信公司合并而成,其中最重要的是意大利国际电讯公司( Società Italiana per l'Esercizio Telefonico pp. A.,简称SIP)。
User: It publishes and submits an annual audit report to the French President and to Parliament.
Assistant: 它公布并呈交一份年度报告给法国总统和国会。
User: Among its significant features were that it gave an opportunity to talented amateurs or unknown performers, with the results decided by the judges vote.
Assistant: 该节目最突出的特征之一,是它给予有才华的业余演员或无名小卒一个展示自己的机会,而最终的结果由观众票决。
User: She cares for them like she is a mother.
Assistant: 她很讨厌别人把她当作女人一样。
User: Opened 18 November 2011.
Assistant: 于2011年11月18日开幕。
User: Many FCA software applications are available today.
Assistant: 目前,存在着许多这样的FMEA软件包。
User: These fortifications evolved over the course of the Middle Ages, the most important form being the castle, a structure which has become almost synonymous with the Medieval era in the popular eye.
Assistant: 这些要塞在中世纪不断演变发展,其中最为重要的形式就是城堡,这种建筑概念已经与中世纪形成了密不可分的联系。
User: Eventually, Joanna was exonerated for the crime by the Pope.
Assistant: 最终,乔万娜得到了教皇的免罪。
User: The term "Southeast Asia" was first used in 1839 by American pastor Howard Malcolm in his book Travels in South-Eastern Asia.
Assistant: 至于“东南亚”一词在1839年由美国牧师霍华德·马尔科姆(Howard Malcolm)在他的“东南亚旅行”一书中首次使用。
User: She planned to be a dancer, but after an injury she turned to singing.
Assistant: 她从小的愿望是成为一名舞蹈家,但因为车祸受伤,改以歌手为志向。
User: The Magician.
Assistant: 术士。
User: He was also President of the European Parliament from 1969 to 1971.
Assistant: 1969年到1971年担任欧洲议会议长。
User: When Gibbs submitted his long paper on the equilibrium of heterogeneous substances to the Academy, both Elias Loomis and H. A. Newton protested that they did not understand Gibbs's work at all, but they helped to raise the money needed to pay for the typesetting of the many mathematical symbols in the paper.
Assistant: 当吉布斯向学会提交那部有关多相物质平衡态的专著时,伊莱亚斯·罗密士和休伯特·安森·牛顿都对它有些抵触,因为他们根本不理解吉布斯所做的工作,但他们仍然帮助筹集其中数学符号排字所需费用。
User: The fight between the two scientists lasted for over 30 years, ending in 1897 when Cope died after spending his entire fortune on the dinosaur hunt.
Assistant: 两人的竞争长达30年,直到科普在1897年死亡,但当时他们已将所有的资产投注于恐龙的挖掘工作中。
User: The older rifles and sights are meant to be exchanged 1:1 and brought to the -A2 standard.
Assistant: 目的是要将旧式的步枪和瞄准镜都1:1兑换到-A2的标准。
User: Mercury's core has a higher iron content than that of any other major planet in the Solar System, and several theories have been proposed to explain this.
Assistant: 水星核心含有的铁高出太阳系内任何主要的行星,已经有几种理论被提出来解释。
User: She was the bus driver for South Park elementary, and enforced incredibly strict discipline on the bus, constantly yelling at the students to enforce quiet.
Assistant: 她是南方公园国民小学的校车司机,在车上施行严格的纪律,无论成人或学生都禁止在她的车上嬉笑吵杂。
User: All of the plateau is protected, by Malawi's large Nyika National Park and the much smaller Nyika National Park, Zambia.
Assistant: 高原全部受到马拉维的尼卡国家公园以及赞比亚面积较小的同名国家公园所保护。
User: The saltmarshes, lighthouse, and beaches attract about 80,000 visitors every year.
Assistant: 盐沼地、灯塔和海滩每年吸引80,000游客。 |
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
He was now down to 232, of which only 129 were combat ready.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:现在,他剩下232架飞机,而其中只有129架尚能一战。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Next day she said that she may finish her sport career immediately after the Games.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
With Villagra's arrival also came its first smallpox epidemic that ravaged the native population of Chile.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Other countries, though, differ widely in their interpretation of the principle.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In 1979 and 1980 he was a Senior Staff Economist at the Council of Economic Advisers.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
On reaching Port Stanley, Shackleton informed London by cable of his whereabouts, and requested that a suitable vessel be sent south for the rescue operation.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在到达斯坦利港之后,沙克尔顿通知了伦敦事件的经过,请求一只适合的船只来进行搜救活动。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: US-75 then splits off on its own freeway at Exit 358A.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 75号美国国道后来在出口里程358A英里的交流道并出。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The signal consists of a buzzing sound that lasts 1.2 seconds, pausing for 1–1.3 seconds, and repeating 21–34 times per minute.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 该电台持续发送类似“嗡嗡”的声音,每次持续0.8秒,间隔1–1.3秒重复发送,每分钟可以重复21–34次。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The entire band were abusing both alcohol and other drugs, but Iommi says Osbourne "was on a totally different level altogether".
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:But the Great Recession forced these plans to be rescinded.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Michael Paul Montgomery (born July 1, 1989) is an American professional baseball pitcher for the Chicago Cubs of Major League Baseball (MLB).
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
迈克尔·保罗·蒙哥马利 (生于1989年7月1日) 是美国职业棒球大联盟(MLB)芝加哥小熊队的一名职业投手。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Originally slated for a Christmas 2003 release, the film was pushed back to avoid competition with Affleck's 2003 sci-fi thriller Paycheck.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
One of Bulgaria's largest wine production factories is located there.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:If transfer stations are counted only once, the result will be 329 stations.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Live Dota 2 games and coverage have also been simulcast on television networks around the world, such as ESPN in the United States, BBC Three in the United Kingdom, Sport1 in Germany, TV 2 Zulu in Denmark, Xinwen Lianbo in China, Astro in Malaysia, and TV5 in the Philippines.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: Dota 2相关报道也会在全球的电视网络播出,如美国的ESPN、德国的Sport1、丹麦的的TV 2 Zulu、中国的新闻联播、马来西亚的Astro和菲律宾的TV5等等。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Record producer Harold Shedd had been working with Comeaux since she was ten years old, helping her with her singing skills.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 自她10岁起,唱片制作人哈罗德·谢德(Harold Shedd)就一直与她有合作,帮她提高歌唱技巧。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: During Act III, the player plays as the U.S. civilization (only available in the campaign), which resembles the British civilization.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在《钢铁》之中,玩家将会指挥美国文明(只在战役中可用),类近于游戏中的英国和荷兰文明的混合。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:While offending clergy could be subject to action such as defrocking, this is rare; the intention of the Church until recent times has been to avoid publicity and scandal at all costs.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:虽然冒犯神职人员可能会受到诸如解除武装等行动的影响,但这种情况很少见;直到最近,教会不惜一切代价避免丑闻传出去。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Robespierre will follow me; he is dragged down by me.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: After the first shots, the crew of the Arsenal started giving out arms to the civilian volunteers, who quickly joined the fights.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
In April 1909 the Treaty of Berlin was amended to reflect the fait accompli and bring the crisis to an end.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The growth of larger water plants, which stabilise the floor, is therefore necessary to complete the transformation.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 大植株水生植物的增长,稳固了土壤,因此,需要完成转换。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In late April 1933 the leadership of the Protestant federation agreed to write a new constitution for a new "national" church, the German Evangelical Church (German: Deutsche Evangelische Kirche or DEK).
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
1933年4月,德国新教被合并为一个组织,号称“德意志新教教会”(Deutsche Evangelische Kirche,简称DEK ),作为受纳粹党领导的国家教会组织。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Activity also fluctuates with the season; it is more active during the day in summer than it is in winter.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The walls of the prison open, and Marguerite's soul rises to heaven.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The Beast of Bray Road is described by purported witnesses in several ways: as a bear-like creature, as a hairy biped resembling Bigfoot, and as an unusually large (2–4 feet tall on all fours, 7 feet tall standing up) intelligent werewolf-like creature able to walk on its hind legs and weighing 400-700 pounds.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Oh it continues, they have slain my son.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:你们这是什么群啊,你们害死我儿子了。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: Representing Netherfield Park was the late-18th century site Basildon Park in Berkshire, leading it to close for seven weeks to allow time for filming.
Assistant: 伯克郡建于18世纪末的巴塞尔顿公园(Basildon Park)成为片中尼日斐花园的取景地,这里为电影拍摄而向公众关闭了7个星期。
User: Within a few days, the opposition Syrian National Council claimed the death toll had reached 416, and cited residents as saying at least 36 houses with families still inside were totally destroyed.
Assistant: 全国委员会表示有416个居民死亡,他们引用当地居民的话说有至少36个居民居住的房屋被部队完全摧毁。
User: He completed his training in Mulhouse in 1935, and began work as the head of the Mulhouse hospital's surgical clinic.
Assistant: 1935年他在米卢斯完成了实习培训,开始担任米卢斯医院外科诊所的负责人。
User: The largest crater observed on Ariel, Yangoor, is only 78 km across, and shows signs of subsequent deformation.
Assistant: 航海家二号在天卫一上发现的最大坑洞是Yangoor,直径只有78公里,并显露出被破坏过的迹象。
User: In April 2016, Cadillac reportedly canceled the CT8 project due to a market shift to luxury SUV models; however, Cadillac had not officially confirmed this.
Assistant: 不过在2016年4月,又传闻为了市场转向于豪华SUV车型,凯迪拉克取消了CT8的计划,然而官方尚未证实。
User: By the time the present (possibly fifth) generation formed, the disk had thinned so that it no longer greatly interfered with the moons' orbits.
Assistant: 当今天这一代(可能为第五代)形成的时候,环行星盘已经稀薄到不能对卫星的轨道造成很大的影响。
User: Impressed, Pharaoh appoints Joseph as governor, second only to Pharaoh; he also gives Joseph a wife, Asenath, and Potiphar and Ednan now serve under Joseph.
Assistant: 犹太教徒以及后来的基督徒与穆斯林均承认亚伯拉罕(易卜拉欣)、摩西(穆萨)这两位旧约人物为先知;这三种宗教也被称为亚伯拉罕诸教。
User: These slices are usually used by developers during debugging to locate the source of errors.
Assistant: 这些切片通常被开发者用来调试从而找到错误的原因。
User: In a 24-hour period ending at 11 am local time, radiation levels near the plant decline from 351.4 to 265 μSv/h, but it is unclear if the water spraying efforts were the cause of the decrease.
Assistant: 截止于11点整,在24小时内,核电厂的辐射剂量率从351.4降低至265微西弗每小时,但是不清础这是否是因为喷水冷却所达成的结果。
User: By 19 August the North Koreans had completely withdrawn from the offensive and retreated into the mountains.
Assistant: 到了8月19日时,朝鲜人民军已完全撤离浦项周遭并退入山区。
User: Its atmosphere is foggy, its waves are very strong, its dangers are perilous, its beasts are terrible, and its winds are full of tempests.
Assistant: 它的空气是多雾的,它的波浪是非常强劲的,它的威胁是危险的,它的野兽是可怕的,它的风中充满了暴风雨。
User: The first boats were owned by the boatbuilder Ernest Collins of Wroxham, but other boatyards were soon added to the business.
Assistant: 洛克瑟姆造船者欧内斯特·柯林斯拥有第一批船艇,但其他造船厂迅速增加这一业务。
User: Because of his Italian heritage, Scutaro was given the option of playing for either Italy or Venezuela in the 2006 World Baseball Classic.
Assistant: 由于斯库塔罗是意大利后裔,因此在2006年世界棒球经典赛之前他可选择代表意大利或者委内瑞拉出战。
User: Or alternatively an ELF action that includes in some way liberating or rescuing animals; for example actions to protect the forests.
Assistant: 亦或一次以某种方式包括动物解放或营救的ELF行动;例如保护森林的行动。
User: Currently, the majority of motor vehicles worldwide are powered by gasoline or diesel.
Assistant: 现在大部分公共汽车仍以汽油、柴油引擎为动力。
User: The ones who return are assigned a 10-foot square piece of ground.
Assistant: 该班乘客被集合到一处面积10平方米的地方。
User: According to the CSS1 specification, released by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in 1996 and revised in 1999, when a width or height is explicitly specified for any block-level element, it should determine only the width or height of the visible element, with the padding, borders, and margins applied afterward.
Assistant: 根据由万维网联盟(W3C)于1996年发行并于1999年修订的CSS1所指定的,当任意一个块级元素的宽度或高度被显式指定,它应当只确定这个可见元素自身的宽度或高度,而padding, border和margin随后被应用。
User: He graduated from Brown University with a computer science degree and in 1989 graduated from the Clarion Writers Workshop.
Assistant: 他毕业于布朗大学并得到电脑科学学位,以及在1989年毕业于著名的号角作家工作坊(英语:Clarion Workshop)。
User: Oliver finds out that Kyle is dating someone and is disappointed and happy at the sametime.
Assistant: 奥利弗发现凯尔在同别人约会,此时此刻,感觉既失望又高兴。
User: Gamma ray bursts from "dangerously close" supernova explosions occur two or more times per billion years, and this has been proposed as the cause of the end Ordovician extinction, which resulted in the death of nearly 60% of the oceanic life on Earth.
Assistant: Adrian L. Melott 等人估计来自伽玛射线暴的"危险密度"在每十亿年中是发生超新星爆炸的两倍或更多,并且被认为是奥陶系结束灭绝,导致地球上60%的海洋生命灭绝的原因。
User: In 1996, the T-34 was still in service in at least 27 countries.
Assistant: 截止到1996年,还有27个国家仍然在使用T-34坦克。
User: It flows parallel to isobars and approximates the flow above the atmospheric boundary layer in the midlatitudes.
Assistant: 它平行于等压线流动,在中纬度地区大致流动在大气边界层之上。
User: Peace be upon him, who follows the right path.
Assistant: 太祖宥之,授指挥使。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: In Cameroon, 63.7% of the population aged 15 and older in Douala and 60.5% in Yaounde can read and write French; an additional 13–15% can speak French without being able to write it.
Assistant: 在杜阿拉(经济中心)以及雅温得(首都),63.7%的15岁以上人口可以说法语,另外13%-15%能够说却不能写。
User: Methane gas has the same structure, making carbon tetrachloride a halomethane.
Assistant: 甲烷也具有相同的结构,使四氯化碳成为卤代甲烷。
User: The clouds were first seen by Kordylewski in 1956.
Assistant: 在1956年,柯迪莱夫斯基首度看见这片云。
User: Like its predecessor, the film was converted to 3D in post-production.
Assistant: 和前作类似,电影在后期制作中转制为3D。
User: They made the decision, not me.
Assistant: 虽无决定,而实有我。
User: The poor condition of workers, the new class conflicts, and the pollution of the environment all led to a reaction against urbanism and industrialisation and a new emphasis on the beauty and value of nature and landscape.
Assistant: 与此相反,工人们的惨境、新生的阶级冲突和环境污染使人们对都市化和工业化产生了厌烦情绪,促使文学家转而重新去发现大自然的美丽和价值。
User: Hysén began his international career in 2002 when he played for Sweden's U21 where he continued to play until 2004.
Assistant: 海森于2002年开始了自己的国家队生涯,为瑞典U21队效力至2004年。
User: His best year as a professional came during the 1982–83 season as a member of the Kings, appearing in 75 games and averaging 20.1 points, 8.1 assists and 1.7 steals per contest.
Assistant: 他作为一个专业的最好的一年是在1982-83赛季作为国王队的一员,出现在75场比赛中,平均每场比赛得到20.1分,8.1次助攻和1.7次抢断。
User: Over the next two years, Stiller continued with the lackluster box office film Duplex, and cameos in Orange County and Nobody Knows Anything!
Assistant: 在接下来的两年,史提勒的影片继续在票房上没有特殊表现,像是《双层公寓》(Duplex)与几部客串的影片包含《橘子郡男孩》(Orange County)与《无人知晓》(Nobody Knows Anything!
User: It was released in Japan in 2009, and in North America in 2010.
Assistant: 它2009年在日本、2010在北美发布。
User: Then Joseph Cua succeeded her.
Assistant: 顺治十八年进士,授江西宁都知县。
User: The Civil Rights Act circumvented racism in local jurisdictions by allowing blacks access to the federal courts.
Assistant: 民权法案则通过允许黑人在联邦法院进行诉讼来绕过地方司法管辖所存在的种族主义行径。
User: Unlike the Old World crocodiles, which are sometimes cleared of parasites by birds, the American crocodile relies more on fish for parasite removal.
Assistant: 其他鳄鱼有时通过鸟类来清理寄生虫,美洲鳄则更多地依靠鱼。
User: The monarch could in theory unilaterally dismiss the prime minister, but in practice the prime minister's term nowadays comes to an end only by electoral defeat, death, or resignation.
Assistant: 理论上君主有权单方面罢免首相,但现今首相只有在选举失败、死亡或主动辞职时才能去职。
User: She took part in only one bombardment operation: the Bombardment of Yarmouth and Lowestoft on 24–25 April 1916, after which she became Admiral Franz von Hipper's flagship.
Assistant: 它参加的仅有一次炮击行动是1916年4月24-25日的炮击雅茅斯及洛斯托夫特(英语:Bombardment of Yarmouth and Lowestoft),之后它成为海军少将弗朗茨·冯·希佩尔的旗舰。
User: Two major production units which then led to the creation of Damascus-Bishop Tube Company, specialising in the production of stainless steel.
Assistant: 集团在这两处生产中心的基础上成立了Damascus-Bishop Tube Company,专业生产不锈钢产品。
User: Furthermore, the United States Congress requested that the DoD and the United States Department of Energy conduct a bottom-up review of nuclear procedures.
Assistant: 美国国会也还要求美国国防部和美国能源部进行彻底的涉核管理程序审查。
User: Foreign observers, however, believed that Ananda Mahidol did not really want to be king and felt his reign would not last long.
Assistant: 在外国观察家认为,阿南塔玛西敦不想做国王,而且他的统治时期也不会长久。
User: Casting an amplifier into this form is a non-trivial task, however, especially when the feedback involved is not global (that is directly from the output to the input) but local (that is, feedback within the network, involving nodes that do not coincide with input and/or output terminals).
Assistant: 然而,把放大器转换成这种形式并不容易,尤其是当涉及到的反馈并不是全局的(即直接从输出到输入)而是局部的(即反馈网络内涉及输入或输出端子以外的节点)。
User: The Fiat Talento is a light commercial vehicle produced by the Italian automaker Fiat, first sold in 1981.
Assistant: 飞雅特Talento是意大利汽车公司菲亚特的一款轻型商用车,此车型1981年第一次售卖。
User: In early April 2009, a carbon copy of one version of the list was discovered at the State Library of New South Wales by workers combing through boxes of materials collected by author Thomas Keneally.
Assistant: 2009年4月初,新南威尔士州立图书馆(英语:State Library of New South Wales)的工人发现了辛德勒名单的一份碳副本,名单和作家托马斯·肯尼利收集的其它材料一起存放在一个盒子里。
User: On 16 March 2011 she was arrested for her activities.
Assistant: 2011年3月16日,阿塔斯因为政治活动被逮捕。
User: Supports various encodings including UTF-8.
Assistant: 支持包括UTF-8在内的多种字符编码。
User: Ossett has changed its parliamentary constituency several times.
Assistant: 阿什福德曾经多次变换自己的党籍。
User: This was an extremely emotional moment for both the Dutch population and the Canadian soldiers and is often depicted as the basis for all modern relations.
Assistant: 这对荷兰民众和加拿大的部队来说是一个激动人心的时刻,并被经常描绘成两国现代关系的基础。
User: Rhodes promoted his business interests as in the strategic interest of Britain: preventing the Portuguese, the Germans or the Boers from moving into south-central Africa.
Assistant: 他的举动不但增进了他自己的利益,还增进了英国的利益:阻止葡萄牙人、德国人乃至布尔人迁入中非。
User: Nettar, at the sight of this, goes insane.
Assistant: 子乔在美嘉的刺激下,一跃成为股疯。
User: Medicinal plants, also called medicinal herbs, have been discovered and used in traditional medicine practices since prehistoric times.
Assistant: 药用植物也被称为草药,自史前时代以来一直在传统医学实践中被发现和使用。
User: The purpose of the height limit was to limit the density of the city.
Assistant: 但因为这个城市的高度限制,限制了人口密度。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: It is still generally accepted that keyboard input is both faster and more reliable.
Assistant: 键盘仍被普遍认为是速度更快,更可靠的输入方式。
User: Many technical writers are responsible for creating technical documentation for mobile applications or help documentation built within mobile or web applications.
Assistant: 很多技术写作人员负责为移动应用程序和 Web 应用程序编写技术文档或嵌入式帮助文档。
User: Certain interpretations of some moral decisions in the Bible are considered ethically questionable by many modern groups.
Assistant: 许多现代团体批评圣经中某些道德观点的解释是有问题的。
User: Construction of the mosque began under the reign of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in either 1634 or 1635, and was completed in approximately seven years.
Assistant: 瓦齐尔汗清真寺在莫卧儿皇帝沙贾汉的统治下于1634年或1635年开始动工,并在约七年内完工。
User: Forests make up about 263,000 square kilometres (102,000 sq mi), or 48 percent, of the province's land area.
Assistant: 森林覆盖约占全省土地面积的263,000平方公里(102,000平方英里),约总面积的48%。
User: In the U.S., the Patent and Trademark Office practice is to allow product-by-process claims even for products that can be sufficiently described with structure elements.
Assistant: 在美国,判例法提出就算是可以靠结构元素充分描述的产品也可以使用以方法限定物品的权利要求。
User: President Roosevelt ordered that Hunter's Point be reopened, facilities be brought up to date, and the fleet to report there.
Assistant: 罗斯福总统下令重新使用猎人角工厂,提供最新的机器设备,让舰队在那里集合。
User: The Chamber of Commerce and other conservative groups provided enthusiastic support.
Assistant: 因此商会和其他保守团体非常热烈的支持这项计划。
User: People who do not respond to one SSRI can be switched to another antidepressant, and this results in improvement in almost 50% of cases.
Assistant: 对一种SSRI没有反应的患者可以更换成另一种,这在50%的案例中取得了良好效果。
User: Despite this, choosing the contractor who furnished the lowest estimate should theoretically result in the lowest final project cost.
Assistant: 尽管如此,选择提供最低估价的承包商,理论上应该可获得最终成本为最低的结果。
User: The same is true of assassins.
Assistant: 认为杀人犯与杀手是一样的。
User: Throughout the entire process, competitions with a predetermined subject and a specific allotted period of time measured each students' progress.
Assistant: 在这整个过程中,学生们经由事先决定的题材在特定的时间内进行竞争,以判定每个学生的学习进度。
User: The DLPs migrate to the endoplasmic reticulum where they obtain their third, outer layer (formed by VP7 and VP4).
Assistant: 新生的双层构造病毒颗粒则会移动到内质网,它们将在此处获得它们第三层外层(由VP7与VP4蛋白质所构成)。
User: Henrietta Street is the earliest Georgian Street in Dublin, and at the forefront Dublin's later Georgian streetscapes.
Assistant: 亨丽埃塔街是都柏林最早的乔治风格街道。
User: Soon, however, even these contact breaker points were replaced by an angular sensor of some kind - either optical, where a vaned rotor breaks a light beam, or more commonly using a Hall effect sensor, which responds to a rotating magnet mounted on the distributor shaft.
Assistant: 然而不久,这些另外,接触断路器触点被一个角度传感器替代-或者光学的,一个转向转子打断光杆,或者更广泛的使用一个霍尔效应传感器,控制一个装在分布器轴上的旋转磁铁。
User: Cavalcades and the modern variant, the motorcade, are examples of public processions.
Assistant: 马队及其现代的变种,车队,是巡游的例证。
User: The exact purpose of the call is not known, but research suggests that fish know what it means.
Assistant: 该信号准确的目的目前不太清楚,但研究人员相信鱼类动物理解其中信息。
User: On 11 May 2005, a commemoration in memory of Aristides de Sousa Mendes was held at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris.
Assistant: 2005年5月11日,门德斯的纪念活动在巴黎联合国教科文组织总部举行。
User: First love, then teach.
Assistant: 路德于是开始边学习,边教学。
User: An important consideration is peak temperature, which is the maximum allowable temperature of the entire process.
Assistant: 最重要的即是峰值温度,也就是整个过程中所允许之最大温度。
User: On 9 October 2016, Ataullah led hundreds of insurgents to the Bangladesh-Myanmar border, where they attacked Burmese border police posts.
Assistant: 2016年10月9日,阿塔乌拉带领数百名叛乱分子前往孟加拉国—缅甸边界,攻击缅甸边防警察哨所。
User: In March 1519, Cortés formally claimed the land for the Spanish crown.
Assistant: 1519年三月,科尔特斯正式宣称该地土地为西班牙 王室土地。
User: Furthermore, no pivoting is necessary, and the error will always be small.
Assistant: 此外,无必要进行绕轴旋转且误差总是很小。
User: On October 8, 2012, the extension to South Tacoma and Lakewood stations were inaugurated, with five daily round trips, all of which are in the peak direction, serving the new stations.
Assistant: 2012年10月8日,南塔科马站和莱克伍德站落成,每天有5对与高峰期客流方向相同的往返列车停靠这两个新车站。
User: As bitter partisanship increased the threat of secession, Crittenden sought out moderates from all parties and formed the Constitutional Union Party, though he refused the party's nomination for president in the 1860 election.
Assistant: 残酷的党派斗争使得国家分裂的威胁加大,克里滕登仍然试图折冲樽俎,在各党派中寻求中立,他还组建了宪法联盟党,但没有接受该党的总统候选人提名参加1860年大选。
User: The Sagrestia Nuova ("New Sacristy") was designed by Michelangelo.
Assistant: 新祭衣间(Sagrestia Nuova)由米开朗基罗设计。
User: The shots of the car regenerating itself were shot in post-production and done using hydraulics.
Assistant: 汽车再生的镜头于后期制作中拍摄,并使用水力学完成。
User: The editor of the Philadelphia newspaper The Spirit of the Times said that the performance "dragged, and was rather tedious.
Assistant: 费城的报纸《时代精神报》的编辑说,这场演出“拖拖拉拉,相当乏味。
User: Galai & Sade (2006) also found that investors prefer financial investments where the risk is unreported over those with a similar risk-return profile and frequently reported risks, saying that investors are willing to pay a premium for "the bliss of ignorance".
Assistant: Galai & Sade (2006)的研究也发现,投资者倾向于风险没有被披露的金融投资,而非那些风险回报相似但时常披露风险的投资内容。
User: Una Época.
Assistant: 什么时代了。
User: In 1931 Ewing was formally appointed president of the hospital, a role he had effectively played until then, and was featured on the cover of Time Magazine as "Cancer Man Ewing"; the accompanying article described his role as one of the most important cancer doctors of his era.
Assistant: 1931年,尤因被正式任命为医院院长,并一直在这个岗位上尽心尽责,他后来被《时代杂志》在封面上称以“癌症斗士尤因”,并在同期文章中将他称为他所在时代最重要的癌症研究医生。
User: Conjointly with Sophronius, Moschus wrote a life of John the Almoner, a fragment of which is preserved in the first chapter of the "Vita S. Joanni Eleemosynarii" by Leontios of Neapolis, under the name of Simeon Metaphrastes (P.G., CXIV, 895-966).
Assistant: 莫斯克斯与索福劳尼协作著有 John the Merciful 传记,今仅存片断,见于韵文翻译者西门(Simeon Metaphrastes)的“Vita S. Joanni Eleemosynarii” 第一章(P.G., CXIV, 895-966)。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: In a recent study, 8.2% of 331 Israeli Air Force aircrews, reported at least one episode of barodontalgia.
Assistant: 在最近的一项研究中,331名以色列空军机组人员中有8.2%的比率至少发生过一次气压性牙痛。
User: The smallest odd abundant number is 945.
Assistant: 最小的奇过剩数是945。
User: The absorption coefficient for some compounds is available from reference sources, and it can also be determined by measuring the spectrum of a calibration standard with a known concentration of the target.
Assistant: 某些物质的吸收系数可以从参考资料中查到,也可以通过测量已知目标浓度的校准用标准光谱来确定。
User: Some typical Portuguese hypocoristics (the ones marked with * are almost exclusively Brazilian): A hypocoristics can receive the suffix -inho/-inha (meaning "little") giving a more intense feeling of protection or intimacy, such as Chiquinho (from Chico, the hypocoristics for Francisco), Xandinho (from Xando, for Alexandre), Zequinha (form Zeca, for José).
Assistant: 一些典型的葡萄牙语昵称 (标*的几乎仅在巴西使用): 昵称加上后缀-inho / -inha(意思是“小”),会有更强烈的保护或亲密感,例如Chiquinho(来自Chico,Francisco的昵称),Xandinho(来自Xando,Alexandre的昵称),Zequinha (来自Zeca,José的昵称)。
User: For example, if glucose and lactose were both provided, glucose was metabolized first (growth phase I, see Figure 2) and then lactose (growth phase II).
Assistant: 例如,若同时提供葡萄糖及乳糖时,葡萄糖会被首先代谢(第一生长阶段,见图2),而接着是乳糖(第二生长阶段)。
User: Since 1980, however, California's church membership rate has increased; in 2000, the state had a higher percentage of church members than several states in the Northeast and Midwest.
Assistant: 不过,1980年时,加州的教会会众人数比例有所上升 ;2000年时,加州的宗教人口比例已经超越许多美国东北部与中西部州份 。
User: At this council, too, many leaders urged war, while Joseph continued to argue in favor of peace.
Assistant: 在这一次的会议上,许多首领也极力主张开战,而山雷却支持和平。
User: Competitors alleged that Telecom engaged in unfair practices to prevent them from gaining ground, for example by reselling broadband capacity to Xtra at lower prices than to other ISPs.
Assistant: 竞争者还声称纽西兰电信通过不公平的行为来阻止竞争者的加入,并且将宽带的带宽量以低于其他互联网服务供应商的价格再次销售给Xtra。
User: The ABC described the work as a "hot air balloon in the shape of a tortoise-like animal featuring huge dangling udders made from four hectares of nylon".
Assistant: 美国广播公司将这项作品描述为“一种乌龟般的动物形状的热气球,由四公顷尼龙制成的悬挂式巨大的悬崖”。
User: While many blacks have risen to middle or upper classes, the overall unemployment rate of black people worsened between 1994 and 2003 by official metrics, but declined significantly using expanded definitions.
Assistant: 虽然有许多黑人已经上升到中上阶层,但黑人的整体失业率仍然在1994年至2003年之间恶化。
User: These changes are aimed at improving the desirable characteristics of the components, such as increasing the stiffness of the chassis, or the output of the engine.
Assistant: 这些改造旨在提升元件的理想特性,如增强底盘的刚度,或提升发动机的输出等。
User: While the ship was laid up, Admiral Hans von Koester replaced Hoffmann as the fleet commander, a position he would hold until the end of 1906.
Assistant: 在舰只大修期间,海军上将汉斯·冯·克斯特(英语:Hans von Koester)接替霍夫曼成为舰队司令,并担任此职务直至1906年末。
User: T-splines and subdivision surfaces are more suitable for complex organic shapes because they reduce the number of control points twofold in comparison with the NURBS surfaces.
Assistant: T-样条和细分曲面更适合于复杂的有机形状,因为和 NURBS 曲面相比,它们减少了控制点数目。
User: In 1848, as a result of representations by the Prince Consort, Faraday was awarded a grace and favour house in Hampton Court in Middlesex, free of all expenses and upkeep.
Assistant: 1848年,受到艾伯特王夫引见,法拉第受赐在萨里汉普顿宫的恩典之屋,并免缴所有开销与维修费。
User: The lowest temperature ever recorded in Oxford was −16.6 °C (2.1 °F) in January 1982.
Assistant: 牛津有记录的最低气温出现在1982年的1月,为−16.6°C (2.1°F)。
User: Wireless carriers were described in the report as the "most challenging discussions", due to carriers' slow approval time due to testing on their networks, despite some carriers, including Verizon and Sprint, having already shortened their respective approval times.
Assistant: 无线运营商在报告中被描述指那是“最具挑战性的讨论”,因为运营商的网络测试审批时间较慢,尽管有一些运营商包括威讯无线及Sprint,已经缩短了他们各自的审批时间。
User: In the third week, Martina McBride pressed her Golden Buzzer for Quin and Misha, a ballroom dance duo.
Assistant: 在第三周,玛蒂娜·麦克布莱德为双人交谊舞组合奎恩和米沙按下了金色按钮。
User: On February 18, 2005, Court TV aired an episode of Forensic Files about the incident, entitled: "'Bio-Attack' – Oregon Cult Poisonings".
Assistant: 2005年2月18日,法庭频道播出了一期针对这起事件的《法医档案》(Forensic Files)节目,标题为《‘生物攻击’——俄勒冈州邪教投毒》('Bio-Attack' – Oregon Cult Poisonings)。
User: The engine was designed for use in a regular pedal-bicycle frame.
Assistant: 这个引擎是为了使用于一般脚踏车车框所设计的。
User: General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (paramount leader) and President of the Russian Federation since 1991.
Assistant: 1991年以来的中华人民共和国领导人(中共中央总书记)和俄罗斯联邦领导人(俄罗斯总统)。
User: In using Hubble's law to determine distances, only the velocity due to the expansion of the universe can be used.
Assistant: 当使用哈伯定律来决定距离时,只能用因宇宙膨胀而造成的速度。
User: Newcomb's work was no small accomplishment, especially considering that it predated the advent of digital computers by more than a half century.
Assistant: 纽康的工作有不小的成就,特别是考虑到在计算机出现之前的半个世纪就完成的。
User: He was inspired to work on Kingdom Hearts by Nintendo's platforming game Super Mario 64.
Assistant: 野村从任天堂公司出品游戏《超级马里奥64》中获得了《王国之心》的制作灵感。
User: Sofia eventually meets Todd Jackson, a former official of the US State Department who recently lost his wife and daughter in separate terrorist bombings.
Assistant: 索菲亚在工作时结识了前美国国务院官员托德·杰克森,他最近在一场爆炸式恐怖袭击中丧失了妻女,也因此失明。
User: In the 2015 contest, Australia also competed directly in the final as an invited guest nation.
Assistant: 2015年的比赛中,澳大利亚以“特殊参赛者”的身份获邀参加,也可以直接晋级决赛。
User: We shall endure.
Assistant: 持续坚持下去。
User: In letters to her sister Mary, Anne raised suspicions that the Queen was faking her pregnancy in an attempt to introduce a false heir.
Assistant: 此时,安妮在写给姐姐玛丽的信中,怀疑王后其实是假装怀孕,不择手段地想要让天主教徒继承王位。
User: Alcohol is the single most common cause of chronic pancreatitis.
Assistant: 酒精是一种最常见的慢性胰腺炎的病因。
User: A second patch, which reduced the amount of mining time required to acquire upgrades, fixed some saved game loading issues, and addressed other minor bugs, was also released.
Assistant: 第二个补丁减少了获取升级所需的时间,修复了一些已保存游戏的加载问题,并解决了其他小错误。
User: The Italian Navy also suffered significant defeats, with the Royal Navy putting three Italian battleships out of commission by a carrier attack at Taranto and neutralising several more warships at the Battle of Cape Matapan.
Assistant: 意大利皇家海军于战争中遭受了十分惨重的损失,皇家海军派遣航空母舰攻击位在塔兰托的意大利部队在这次的攻击中也导致3艘意大利的战列舰受损,而之后在马塔潘角海战中意大利又损失更多艘军舰。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: Four of her six brothers also died at this point.
Assistant: 萧子岳的六个弟弟也同时被杀。
User: Theoretical galactic evolution models predict that early in the universe there were more alpha elements relative to iron.
Assistant: 理论的星系演化模型预测在宇宙的早期,相对于铁有更多的α作用元素。
User: In 2007, then Florida lawyer Jack Thompson, who had previously campaigned against other games from Rockstar, stated that he would take measures to prevent the sale of Grand Theft Auto IV to minors.
Assistant: 2007年,曾反对Rockstar其他游戏的佛罗里达律师杰克·汤普森表示他会采取措施,防止《侠盗猎车手IV》向未成年人出售。
User: This included the fonts that are standard with Windows to this day: Times New Roman (compatible with Times Roman), Arial (compatible with Helvetica) and Courier New (compatible with Courier).
Assistant: 其中包括了目前视窗系统的一些著名字体:Times New Roman体(与Times Roman兼容), Arial体(与Helvetica体兼容)和Courier New体(与Courier体兼容)。
User: Despite high ratings, the show was cancelled by CBS in 1970, as the network believed that more youth-oriented programs were needed to attract younger viewers and their spending power.
Assistant: 虽然收视率很高,但哥伦比亚广播公司还是于1970年停播了他的节目,因为电视台认为有必要制作更多面向年轻人的节目,吸引青年观众和他们的消费能力。
User: Overall, there was a tendency towards the end of the 18th century for the frequency of the A above middle C to be in the range of 400 to 450 Hz.
Assistant: 不过,到了十八世纪末,中央C上的A所使用的频率渐渐地演进成在400赫兹到450赫兹之间。
User: The tower was previously unknown.
Assistant: 该塔始建年代不详。
User: The result was the discovery of over 200 new meteorites, mostly stony types.
Assistant: 结果新发现了200多颗陨石,而大部分都是石陨石。
User: Humanitarian Accountability Partnership International Working with its partners, disaster survivors, and others, Humanitarian Accountability Partnership International (or HAP International) produced the HAP 2007 Standard in Humanitarian Accountability and Quality Management.
Assistant: 国际人道责任伙伴组织(HAP International)与其合作伙伴、灾难幸存者及其他各方一起制定了“2007年人道责任与质量管理标准”(简称HAP标准)。
User: Before moving to Basel, Nietzsche renounced his Prussian citizenship: for the rest of his life he remained officially stateless.
Assistant: 在搬至巴塞尔后,尼采宣布放弃他的普鲁士公民权,从此保持无国籍人士的身份到去世。
User: This process is especially important in Death Valley, as it provides its specific climate and geography.
Assistant: 这个过程在死亡谷特别重要,因为它提供了其特有的气候与地理特征。
User: Marlene Dietrich's 1962 Olympia concert was broadcast.
Assistant: 玛莲娜·迪特里茜的1962年奥林匹亚音乐会被转播。
User: On December 13, 2017, during an Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) meeting held in Istanbul, more than 50 Muslim majority countries rejected and condemned Trump's decision by passing the Istanbul Declaration on Freedom for al Quds ("Jerusalem" in Arabic) and calling for the worldwide recognition of "an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its occupied capital".
Assistant: 2017年12月13日,在伊斯坦布尔举行的伊斯兰合作组织会议期间,50多个穆斯林占多数的国家反对并谴责特朗普的决定,通过《关于耶路撒冷自由的伊斯坦布尔宣言》,呼吁全世界承认“以东耶路撒冷作为占领首都的独立巴勒斯坦国”。
User: Presenters might be anyone in the community with something interesting to say.
Assistant: 演讲者可能是社区中任何有意分享话题的人。
User: The umbilical vein/round ligament inserts around the umbilicus and is an important landmark of the inner surface of the anterior abdominal wall.
Assistant: 脐静脉/肝圆韧带嵌入脐周围,是前腹壁内表面的重要标志。
User: Hunting any animal by any means throughout the year.
Assistant: 全年无休,可带宠物。
User: According to the Wall Street Journal, the Saudi government targeted cash and assets worth up to $800 billion.
Assistant: 根据华尔街日报报道,沙特政府针对了超过八千亿美元的现金及资产。
User: Many long-held rights and powers were stripped from the church and given to the state.
Assistant: 几百份小标本被装裱并被赠予政府部门和州长。
User: Spyglass in turn delivered two versions of the Mosaic browser to Microsoft, one wholly based on the NCSA source code, and another engineered from scratch but conceptually modeled on the NCSA browser.
Assistant: 随后Spyglass开发了两个版本的Mosaic浏览器交付给Microsoft,一个完全基于NCSA的源代码构建,而另一个版本则是从头开始开发的,不过模仿了NCSA浏览器的一些概念。
User: Wi-Fi also allows communications directly from one computer to another without an access point intermediary.
Assistant: Wi-Fi无线通信也可以不需通过存取点,直接从一台电脑传出到另一台。
User: Time magazine's post-election issue came out in mid-November, and it praised the future president for "politely avoid personal attacks on his opponent".
Assistant: 11月中旬发行的一期《时代》杂志上称赞未来将成为总统的尼克松“礼貌地避免了向他的对手展开人身攻击”。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: He's a tremendous man in my eyes.
Assistant: 在女儿眼中是一个猥琐的男人。
User: American military organizations conducting such research initiatives include the Navy Medical Research Center, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, and the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases of the US Armed Forces.
Assistant: 美国相应的研究机构有海军医学研究中心(英语:Navy Medical Research Center)、沃尔特·里德陆军研究院(英语:Walter Reed Army Institute of Research)、美国陆军传染病医学研究院。
User: Olga's friends and family generally called her simply Olga Nikolaevna or nicknamed her "Olishka", "Olenka" or "Olya".
Assistant: 奥尔加的朋友和家人通常称呼她为“奥尔加·尼古拉耶芙娜”,或昵称为“奥丽什卡”(Olishka)或“奥丽娅”(Olya)。
User: Ayurvedic medicine in ancient India taught the use of infant massage.
Assistant: 古印度的阿育吠陀医学曾有婴儿按摩的方法。
User: In the lead-up to the 1968 Republican presidential primary, he endorsed New York Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller, saying that Americans would only support a candidate who took a clear position on Vietnam.
Assistant: 1968年共和党总统候选人初选筹备期间,他表态支持纽约州州长纳尔逊·洛克菲勒,称美国人只会支持对越南有明确立场的候选人。
User: His novel touched upon the sense of rootlessness of Pacific Islander youth, trying to find their bearings between Melanesian and Western values.
Assistant: 他的小说探索了太平洋岛民青年无根的感觉,试图找到他们在美拉尼西亚和西方价值观之间的平衡。
User: He also attended about eighteen Trade Union Congresses.
Assistant: 他贡献了18次联赛出场。
User: At this time, she was singing as a mezzo-soprano.
Assistant: 席琳曾自认为是一个次女高音(mezzo-soprano)。
User: Debt is a factor affecting currency prices.
Assistant: 债务是一个影响货币价格的因素。
User: Ecclestone denies that the team benefited from this and Murray has noted that, contrary to this view, at the end of 1982 the team had to abandon their new BT51 car, built on the basis that ground effect would be permitted in 1983.
Assistant: 埃克莱斯顿否认车队从中受益,但莫瑞反驳他的观点,并表示因为有根据的消息,使得车队在1982年底便提前放弃他们新生产的BT51,并着手制造1983年赛季将允许的地面效应赛车。
User: As these DNA targets can occur throughout an organism's genome, changes in the activity of one type of transcription factor can affect thousands of genes.
Assistant: 由于目标脱氧核糖核酸可能散布在生物体中的整个基因组中,因此改变一种转录因子的活性可能会影响许多基因的运作。
User: Some people work abroad.
Assistant: 父母在国外出差中。
User: Derek Lowe, newly converted into a starter, won 20 games—becoming the first player to save 20 games in one season and win 20 games the following season.
Assistant: 德里克·洛维转为先发投手,并且在该赛季拿下20胜——他也成为第一位在背靠背的两个赛季分别拿下20胜还20次救援成功的球员。
User: Russia: In Russia, the situation is dire.
Assistant: 俄罗斯:对处决表示遗憾。
User: Sir Jeffrey wants out too.
Assistant: 从之,昭吾所以出也。
User: These were the first TeX fonts to use the "Cork encoding" (in LaTeX also known as T1 encoding) that provides precomposed glyphs for West-European languages.
Assistant: 这些是第一个使用“Cork编码”(LaTeX也称为T1编码)的TeX字体,它为西欧语言提供了预设的字形。
User: The National Government of that time, through COFOPRI, decides to intervene.
Assistant: 编辑当时的国民政府,通过COFOPRI,决定介入。
User: Important petitions were to be sent to the Lord Chancellor for his decision; the more significant of these were also to be brought to the King's attention.
Assistant: 当中,重要的申诉要交由大法官作定夺,而更重要的申诉则会获君主注意。
User: In 1998, the Metropolitan Police Authority filed an objection to the trade mark claim; but in 2002, the Patent Office ruled in favour of the BBC.
Assistant: 1998年,首都警察监管局提出反对商标;但在2002年,专利局裁定支持BBC。
User: A particularly famous case is the "original" independent developer Activision, founded by former Atari developers.
Assistant: 一个特别著名的例子是,原独立开发商美国动视本是由雅达利的原开发者成立的。
User: The term Führer was also used at lower levels, regardless of experience or rank; for example, a Gruppenführer was the leader of a squad of infantry (9 or 10 men).
Assistant: Führer也表示一些低的军阶;比方说,Gruppenführer便是步兵班(9至10人)的指挥。
User: The prevailing climate is arctic-maritime; relatively little precipitation, low temperatures, and strong winds.
Assistant: 盛行气候为北极海洋气候,夹杂着少许沉淀、低温和强风。
User: Still his search remains futile.
Assistant: 但他的垂死挣扎仍然无济于事。
User: Man is in the between of heaven and earth.
Assistant: 天地之间,人最为贵。
User: The scale on the graph of each trait ranges from +100 to −100, with three main bands marked "Desirable State" (+100 to +30), "Normal" (+30 to 0) and "Unacceptable State" (0 to −100).
Assistant: 此图表上每项特质的范围在 +100 至 -100 之间,划分为三个主要区域:“很稳定”(+100 至 +30)、“普通”(+30 至 0)、“难以接受”(0 至 -100)。
User: He was one of the early students of the Riemann surface theory, and used it to prove many of the foundational results on algebraic curves; for instance Hurwitz's automorphisms theorem.
Assistant: 他是早期研究黎曼曲面论的大师之一,并运用其成果证明了代数曲线的许多基础性结论,例如赫维茨自同构定理(英语:Hurwitz's automorphisms theorem)。
User: Affiliated to the World Jewish Congress, the EJC works with national governments, European Union institutions and the Council of Europe.
Assistant: 作为世界犹太人大会的附属,EJC与各国政府、欧洲联盟所属机构和欧洲委员会合作。
User: The submarine first fired two torpedoes.
Assistant: 2艘日本驱逐舰随后发射鱼雷。
User: The white shell used for the teeth comes from shells of the edible queen conch.
Assistant: 小松的菜刀就是由龙王之牙的化石所打造而成。
User: Other possible states of the universe (for example, a universe at heat death equilibrium) would actually result in no increase of entropy.
Assistant: 其他可能的宇宙状态(如 ,处于热寂平衡的宇宙)不会导致熵增加。
User: Six of the victims were abducted at random, then beaten and tortured before having their throats slashed.
Assistant: 六名受害者被随便绑架,然后殴打和折磨受害者之后杀死他们。
User: It is also present in Argentina.
Assistant: 阿根廷就在其中。
User: In 2009, the U.S. national team competed in eight games, of which Lloyd was on the starting lineup in five.
Assistant: 2009年,美国队参加八场比赛,劳埃德在其中五场首发。
User: Because there is a temperature difference between the core and the surface, or photosphere, energy is transported outward.
Assistant: 因为核心的温度和表面,或是光球,不同,能量因此向外输送。
User: L2(41) Norton & Wilson (2013) found a maximal subgroup of this form; due to a subtle error pointed out by Zavarnitsine some previous lists and papers stated that no such maximal subgroup existed.
Assistant: L2(41) Norton & Wilson (2013) 找到此形式的极大子群; 此是由于Zavarnitsine指出一些先前的的没有这样的极大子群存在。
User: Twelve kilometres away from Fier is situated Apollonia, one of the two most important ancient Illyrian colonial settlements in present-day Albania.
Assistant: 距离非夏尔市12公里位于阿波罗尼亚,是当今阿尔巴尼亚两个最重要的古代伊利里亚殖民定居点之一。
User: Legal powers of the stadtholder were thus rather limited, and by law he was a mere official.
Assistant: 因此,荷兰省督的法定权力是相当有限的,并且按照法律,他也仅仅是个官员而已。 |
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The numbers in the square range from 22A to 30, with some omissions.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Many commercial manufacturers use 3.5, splitting the difference, since it is easier to work with.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In December 2016, Cloudflare acquired Eager, with the view of upgrading Cloudflare's Apps platform to allow for drag-and-drop of installation of third-party apps onto Cloudflare-enabled sites.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:在2016年12月,Cloudflare并购了Eager,并透过此次并购升级了Cloudflare的应用程序平台,以支援使用拖放方式将第三方应用程序安装到使用Cloudflare服务的网站。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In the Christian-Jewish-dialogue, texts from the Jewish Bible are known for being misquoted and altered in Christian scripture.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:June 26 – Kevin Millwood of the Texas Rangers wins his 150th game.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
6月26日,德州游骑兵的凯文·米尔伍德(Kevin Millwood)拿到生涯第150胜。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Summer 2013.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Javid joined Chase Manhattan Bank in New York City immediately after graduation, working mostly in South America.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Since May 2010, the Labour Party has been Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition, and its leadership therefore forms the current Shadow Cabinet.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:自2010年5月起,在野党就由工党充任,工党亦随即建立起现影子内阁。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
While technically not part of the judicial branch, the Constitutional Council examines legislation and decides whether or not it violates the Constitution.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Avdotya studied in the Saint Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy but never established a career in the theater.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Fort Laramie Treaty, in Article 4 of the treaty, did allow U.S. citizens to lawfully reside in or pass through the newly created Indian territories.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 拉勒米堡协议中的第四条允许美国公民合法居住或者穿越印第人的领地。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The two known species, H. altispinus and H. stebingeri, are not differentiated in the typical method, of unique characteristics, as H. stebingeri was described as transitional between the earlier Lambeosaurus and later Hypacrosaurus.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
已知的两个物种高棘亚冠龙(H. altispinus)及斯氏亚冠龙(H. stebingeri),若以一般的方法是不能区分的,因为斯氏亚冠龙被描述成为早期赖氏龙及后期亚冠龙的过渡物种。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
I hope that’s a kind of intimacy that people will understand.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 这是很大的谜团,人们会认同这点。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Several territories settled after 146.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
From January 17, 2005, to December 5, 2006, Springer hosted Springer on the Radio, a liberal talk show on Cincinnati's WCKY-AM.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 2005年1月17日到2006年12月5日,Springer主持了Springer在线(Springer on the Radio),它是一档在辛辛那提的广播公司WCKY播放的自由脱口秀节目。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
In the group case it says that if M and N are two finite-dimensional irreducible representations of a group G and φ is a linear transformation from M to N that commutes with the action of the group, then either φ is invertible, or φ = 0.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
在群的情形是说,如果M与N是群G的两个有限维不可约表示,φ是从M到N的与群作用可交换的线性映射,那么φ 可逆或φ = 0。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
India claims the entire princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, and, as of 2010, administers approximately 43% of the region.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Many clubs promote frequent social activities.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
For this reason, it takes an average of 171,000 years for gamma rays from the core of the Sun to leave the radiation zone.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The new airline brand was created to better compete with the low-cost airlines which have taken a significant market share of Air France's regional routes.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 霍浦航空的建立是为了更有效地与已经拿取了法国航空区域性航班市占率的低成本航空公司竞争。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Gabe Rivera was a compiler software engineer at Intel before launching tech.memeorandum on September 12, 2005.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 它由创办人Gabe Rivera创建,在2005年9月12日启动tech.memeorandum之前,他曾是Intel的软件编程员。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The original purpose of medieval grammar schools was the teaching of Latin.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
In 1199, Albert of Buxhoeveden was appointed by the Archbishop Hartwig II of Bremen to Christianise the Baltic countries.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在1199年,布克斯霍沃登的阿尔伯特被大主教不莱梅的哈特维希二世指派去将波罗的海国家基督教化。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Throughout the eighteenth century, Baroque architecture was popular in Malta.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:在整个18世纪中,巴洛克式建筑风靡马耳他。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Like the BMD-3, the 2S25 features hydropneumatic suspension with a variable height clearance of 190–590 mm, which can be altered within 6–7 seconds to reduce visibility.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: City Hall Park is approximately three blocks away from the World Trade Center site.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:市政厅公园距离世界贸易中心遗址三个街区远。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The road connects Dijon with Dole and Bourg en Bresse.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:该高速公路连接第戎、多尔和Bourg en Bresse三地。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
It is written in Python, and also used in other environments.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The torpedo hit below the conning tower, caused severe damage, and killed ten men.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:鱼雷击在司令塔下方爆炸,造成了严重破坏,并有10人阵亡。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
For services to the port industry.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Isaac Lee Hayes Jr. (August 20, 1942 – August 10, 2008) was an American singer-songwriter, actor, voice actor and producer.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
It is the design of the German architect Friedrich August Stüler, who also designed the Neues Museum in Berlin.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:设计师为德国建筑学家弗里德里希·奥古斯特·施都勒,同时也是德国柏林新博物馆的设计师。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In 2002 Professor Benjamin List added two more names and introduced the term Hajos–Parrish–Eder–Sauer–Wiechert reaction.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
2002年,List 教授又加了两个名字上去,使之成为 Hajos–Parrish–Eder–Sauer–Wiechert 反应。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Beno Gutenberg (/ˈɡuːtənbɜːrɡ/; June 4, 1889 – January 25, 1960) was a German-American seismologist who made several important contributions to the science.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:宾诺·古登堡(德语:Beno Gutenberg,1889年6月4日-1960年1月25日)是一位对地球物理学有许多重大贡献的美籍德国地震学家。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Capuano married Barbara Teebagy in 1974, and together they have two boys, Michael and Joseph.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 卡普阿诺在1974年与Barbara Teebagy结婚,他们有两个儿子Michael和Joseph。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Considering their techniques, these results were quite remarkable.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Newton's principles (but not his mathematical treatments) proved controversial with Continental philosophers, who found his lack of metaphysical explanation for movement and gravitation philosophically unacceptable.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 牛顿的原理(不包括他的数学处理方法)引起了欧洲大陆哲学家们的争议,他们认为牛顿的理论对物体运动和引力缺乏一个形而上学的解释从而是不可接受的。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:This circuitry does not provide any protection against over-charging.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 1823, Singapore was reorganised according to the Raffles Plan of Singapore by Sir Stamford Raffles, which specified elements like the Commercial Square (now Raffles Place) and the European Town as well as various other commercial and administrative entities located between them.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:1823年,史丹福·莱佛士根据莱佛士计划(英语:Raffles Plan of Singapore),重组新加坡区域,其中包括商业广场(Commercial Square,现为莱佛士坊)与欧洲镇(European Town),以及之间各种其他商业和行政等政治实体。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: The result is an entirely full node of 2 d {\displaystyle 2d} keys.
Assistant: 结果为完全填充的 2 d {\displaystyle 2d} 个键。
User: When she was ten, she wanted to become a dancer.
Assistant: 她十岁的时候,她想成为一个舞者。
User: The animal, if it make choice of the better part, finds repose in the intermediate place; but if the worse, it too shall pass into destruction.
Assistant: 清代进士出身的,除翰林外,分部候选主事也算较好的出路,经一定年限后,必能补缺,递升员外、郎中。
User: There are 8 nations to play as, with each nation having their own advantage.
Assistant: 因此共有八个国家,每个国家为了维持资源供给而必须保卫国家。
User: The islands were formed on 21 September 1897, when an earthquake on Mindanao caused a volcanic eruption near Borneo.
Assistant: 1897年12月21日,位于婆罗洲邻近的棉兰老岛地震导致火山爆发,迪加岛就在此刻形成。
User: In August 1948, the station cancelled its call sign and changed its name in 1981.
Assistant: 1948年8月,该台取消呼号,1981年改为现称。
User: The site publicly launched on July 29, 2004 and included a public account system, forums, a chatroom and games, uploaded with the respective creators' permission.
Assistant: 网站在2004年7月29日开始公开营运并加入了公众账户系统、论坛和聊天室以及多个不同的游戏,所有游戏都已经过各自的创造者允许上传。
User: Pomors often depicted Sirins on the illustrations in the Book of Genesis as birds sitting in paradise trees.
Assistant: 波莫瑞人在创世纪书的插图中往往将西琳鸟画成坐在天堂树上的鸟。
User: Sophie sees that the young neighbour recorded a video of Akash acting like a sighted person.
Assistant: 索菲看到年轻的邻居录下一段阿喀什举止如同正常人的视频,想要找阿喀什问个明白。
User: Final Fantasy II also featured open-ended exploration, and introduced an innovative dialogue system where keywords or phrases can be memorized and mentioned during conversations with non-player characters.
Assistant: 《最终幻想II》还使用了开放世界探索方式,并创新使用了对话树系统,玩家可记忆一些关键词和短语,并在和非玩家角色对话中提到这些词。
User: The Soviet Socialist Republics of the later Soviet Union began such restrictions in 1918, with laws and borders tightening until even illegal emigration was nearly impossible by 1928.
Assistant: 1918年,苏联的加盟共和国开始这种限制,由于法律和边界的收紧,直至1928年非法移民出境几乎是不可能出现的。
User: In 1941, they preceded the invasion of Yugoslavia undercover as Serbian workers.
Assistant: 1941年,勃兰登堡部队更以伪装为塞尔维亚工人的方式渗入南斯拉夫。
User: Note, these numbers do not include users with D-STAR capabilities that are not within range of a repeater, or working through D-STAR repeaters that do not have Internet connectivity.
Assistant: 注意,上述用户数并不包括不在D-Star中继台覆盖范围内的D-Star用户,以及工作在不连网中继台的用户。
User: He also appeared in Pink's 2003 music video for her song "Trouble" as a Bad Boy Sheriff.
Assistant: 他还在粉色2003年的音乐视频中以坏男孩警长的身份出现在她的歌曲麻烦(英语:Trouble)中。
User: In medical terms, transvestic fetishism is differentiated from cross-dressing by use of the separate codes 302.3 in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and F65.1 in the ICD.
Assistant: 在医学上,异装恋物癖分别以DSM和ICD中的代码302.3和F65.1跟异装癖作区分。
User: Myrick was also significantly involved in the promotion of tennis in United States.
Assistant: 帕尔默对于英国公开赛在美国的推广也发挥了很大影响。
User: She remains a Health & Science reporter at the newspaper.
Assistant: 他做了十年的市内新闻报道部门编辑后成为一名科技记者。
User: From No. 37 to No. 43 was the former location of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1820 to 1853.
Assistant: 37到43号:从1820年到1853年是外交部所在地。
User: Cell color denotes the half-life of each nuclide; if a border is present, its color indicates the half-life of the most stable nuclear isomer.
Assistant: 表格中的颜色表示各个同位素的半衰期(参见图例),表格边缘的颜色表示最稳定的核异构体的半衰期。
User: As plans were being drawn up for the university in 1792, it was already a large tree, and legend has it that Davie personally chose to locate the school lands around the tree after having a pleasant summer lunch underneath it.
Assistant: 传说大卫(Davie)在树下吃了一顿愉快的夏日午餐之后,他个人就选择将学校建在这棵树周围。
User: Davis is an all-round mountain athlete.
Assistant: 威克是一个热衷于登山的运动员。
User: There is no hard feelings there.
Assistant: 对祐未抱有特殊感情。
User: School Board member Fowler said, "There's nothing positive about that old tree.
Assistant: 唐李肇《国史补》说,“天下无贵贱通用之。
User: But above everything, 2 young people love each other profoundly and do not dare to declare it overtly.
Assistant: 但两人性格皆高傲不群,始终不愿向对方坦然表达爱意,以致未能长相厮守。
User: The SF activities were first assigned to 259Sg and later to 260Sg and/or 256Rf.
Assistant: 自发裂变活动最先指向259Sg,但之后改为指向260Sg或256Rf,或两者皆是。
User: For Unger, this moment in the history of economics robbed it of any analytical or practical value.
Assistant: 对于昂格尔,经济学的这个历史行动使它丧失了任何分析和实践的价值。
User: Many of Mississippi's white residents deeply resented the outsiders and attempts to change their society.
Assistant: 密西西比州很多白人居民发自内心地憎恶外来人和对他们生活的改变。
User: For the majority of Soviet citizens, religion seemed irrelevant.
Assistant: 因此,对于大部分苏联人而言,宗教跟他们毫不相干。
User: The state Senate committee reported that an attempt to bribe Otis had been made by an unknown agent of Hanna; three Hanna aides, including Charles Dick, were implicated.
Assistant: 委员会的报告认为,汉纳的某位代理人是试图贿赂奥蒂斯的始作甬者,包括查尔斯·迪克在内的3位助手为此受到牵连。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: After weeks of negotiation, a debate between Salmond and Darling was arranged.
Assistant: 历经数周的谈判,萨尔蒙德和达林的辩论已准备妥当。
User: The Academy's main building is one of the major landmarks of Athens.
Assistant: 雅典科学院主楼是雅典的主要地标。
User: Currently, three species are known.
Assistant: 现时已知其下有三个物种。
User: Acute overdose has a mortality rate of 2%.
Assistant: 急性过量的死亡率是2%。
User: After completing the occupation, Nürnberg joined Admiral Graf Spee, Leipzig, and Köln for a training cruise to the Mediterranean Sea, which included several stops in Spanish ports.
Assistant: 接着本舰又与施佩伯爵海军上将号、莱比锡号以及科隆号(英语:German cruiser Köln)前往地中海进行训练巡航,并于中途停靠了西班牙的数个港口。
User: The first prototype was built during 1925 on the second floor of Tupolev's factory in Moscow, it being necessary to knock down a wall to allow the aircraft to be taken out of the building in pieces.
Assistant: 公元1925年,第一架原型机的制造作业在莫斯科的图波列夫工厂二楼开始制造,为了生产这个原型,工厂还必须敲掉一面墙才能一块一块地将飞机搬运出来。
User: The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that "The question about the origins of the world and of man has been the object of many scientific studies which have splendidly enriched our knowledge...
Assistant: 《天主教教理》(Catechism of the Catholic Church)宣称:“关于世界与人类起源的问题已经是众多科学研究的对象,它们极大地丰富了我们的知识......科学发现让我们对创造者的崇敬之意更加强烈。
User: In 1978, he moved to his first independent job, at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany and moved from Heidelberg to Princeton University in the United States in 1981.
Assistant: 1978年开始在欧洲分子生物学实验室工作,1981年从海德堡搬到普林斯顿大学。
User: Presidential elections were held in Kiribati on 13 January 2012, following two-round parliamentary elections held in October 2011.
Assistant: 2012年1月13日基里巴斯举行总统选举,之前在2011年10月进行了两轮议会选举。
User: Thirty-five, By Excluding Men under.
Assistant: 从五位下、隐岐守。
User: In press stories, Monroe was portrayed as the embodiment of the American Dream, a girl who had risen from a miserable childhood to Hollywood stardom.
Assistant: 在新闻记者的故事里,梦露被塑造成美国梦的典型,因为她从一个童年悲惨的女孩一跃成为好莱坞明星。
User: They advocated directly combating fascists with physical force rather than relying on the state.
Assistant: 他们主张直接以自身的力量与法西斯主义战斗,而不是依赖政府采取行动。
User: July 2009 – 2nd platform flight test – Little Bird AH-6: successfully hit the target in two separate trials.
Assistant: 2009年7月—第2次发射平台上飞行测试—“AH-6小鸟”(英语:Boeing AH-6):成功击中目标在两个独立的试验。
User: Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL) voiced his support for the boycott in a letter to the American Society of Travel Agents.
Assistant: 联邦参议员理查·谢尔比也在写给美国旅行社协会的信中表态支持抵制。
User: On 1 March 1945 the Wehrmacht possessed 145 Pak 97/38 and FK 231(f) guns, although only 14 were employed by frontline units.
Assistant: 1945年3月1日的国防军尚有145门Pak 97/38和FK 231(f),而只有14门部署在一线单位。
User: The priests were not allowed to preach any longer in French.
Assistant: 长期以来,方济各会的神父们无法在这一地区传教。
User: Complex systems that would be very difficult or impossible to treat using analytical methods have been successfully simulated using the tools provided by computational mechanics.
Assistant: 过去用解析方法难以或不能处理的复杂系统已经用计算力学提供的工具仿真成功了。
User: The SSR can have any level of lanthanide and actinide contamination in its fuel as long as it can still go critical.
Assistant: 安全部门改革可以有任何级别的镧和锕污染物在它的燃料,只要它仍然可以去至关重要的。
User: The Syrian oil industry took off in 1968, when the Karatchok oil field began production after a pipeline connecting it to the Homs refinery was completed, although Syria did not begin exporting oil until the mid-1980s.
Assistant: 石油业在1968年起飞,当时盖拉舒克油田在与霍姆斯炼油厂连接的管道完成后开始生产,并在1980年代中期开始出口石油。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: Warre's work showed erupting material from a vent about a third of the way down from the summit on the mountain's west or northwest side (possibly at Goat Rocks), and one of Kane's field sketches shows smoke emanating from about the same location.
Assistant: 沃伦的作品显示了在山的西侧或西北侧(可能是山羊石)离山顶三分之一山高距离处一个喷发口喷出的物体,而凯恩的一个实地素描也显示了从大约相同位置冒出浓烟的情景。
User: The oldest core of the city was built between the 13th and 14th centuries around the Romanesque church of Sv.
Assistant: 该镇最古老的核心建于13世纪和14世纪之间,围绕着14世纪的罗马式教堂圣尼古拉堂。
User: She suffered severely from morning sickness, but by February 1916 was feeling better and was able to return to her many activities: social events, prison visits, and meetings about orphanage reform and women's suffrage.
Assistant: 她因孕妇晨吐而痛苦万分,但在1916年2月她感觉状况有所好转,又重新开始了许多活动:社会运动,监狱参观,以及与孤儿院改革及妇女选举权问题有关的会议等等。
User: Tina Fey and Tracy Morgan have both been part of the main cast of Saturday Night Live.
Assistant: 菲和崔西·摩根都曾是《周六夜现场》的主要演员。
User: All the men we went for individually – Wilkin, Martin, MacMichael and others – were personally interested in succeeding in the fight against us.
Assistant: 我们所针对的个人——威尔金、马丁、麦克迈克尔等等——都是其本人有意继续与我们为敌的。
User: In February 1978, the new jetliner received the 767 model designation, and three variants were planned: a 767-100 with 190 seats, a 767-200 with 210 seats, and a trijet 767MR/LR version with 200 seats intended for intercontinental routes.
Assistant: 1978年2月,这种新机型正式使用了767的模型,并拥有三种变种:190座的767-100、210座的767-200以及用于洲际长途飞行的三引擎客机767MR/LR。
User: When the public became aware of the impasse, and the Sultans refused to compromise with the government, Mahathir took to the streets to demonstrate public support for his position in mass rallies.
Assistant: 当民众意识到这个僵局,苏丹拒绝向政府妥协时,马哈迪发动集会来表示他受到公众支持。
User: Harry Burns, a former chief medical officer for Scotland, said in July 2014 that he thought independence could be beneficial for public health because it may give people greater control of their lives.
Assistant: 前苏格兰首席医疗官哈里·伯恩斯于2014年7月表示,他认为独立有利于公众健康,能让更多人掌握自己的生活。
User: Cities concentrate human activity within limited areas, limiting the breadth of environmental damage.
Assistant: 城市将人类活动汇集在有限区域,限制了自然破坏。
User: As such, they developed and used the logico-deductive method as a means of avoiding error, and for structuring and communicating knowledge.
Assistant: 他们发展并使用逻辑演绎方法来作为避免错误的方法,并以此来建构及传递知识。
User: Although a Dominican preacher inveighed against the evil inherent in cards (chiefly owing to their use in gambling) in a sermon in the 15th century, no routine condemnations of tarot were found during its early history.
Assistant: 然而在15世纪的一篇讲道中,有一位多米尼加传教士猛烈抨击,指卡片中有邪恶(主要是因为人们在赌博中使用),但在早期历史中并没有发现塔罗牌的常规谴责。
User: Racing is still held at the Historic Track, a National Historic Landmark in the center of the village.
Assistant: 赛车仍然在历史悠久的赛道,在村庄中心的美国国家历史名胜。
User: The Brandenburg-class battleships carried six large-caliber guns in three twin turrets, as opposed to four guns in two turrets, as was the standard in other navies.
Assistant: 勃兰登堡级战列舰在三座双联装炮塔中装备有六门大口径炮,而非同期其它海军所惯常采用的双炮塔四门炮标准。
User: There he was greeted as a fearsome being, and he became king.
Assistant: 后来秀才金榜题名,中了状元,还被招为驸马。
User: On 26 June 1917, the king was forced to name Eleftherios Venizelos as head of the government.
Assistant: 1917年6月26日,亚历山大被迫任命埃莱夫塞里奥斯·韦尼泽洛斯为政府首脑。
User: In two of these lakes U. inflata was the most frequently encountered species in 2000, whereas a census of the lakes found no U. inflata whatsoever in 1983.
Assistant: 其中两个湖泊于2000年时,浮囊狸藻已是常见物种,而1983年普查中,浮囊狸藻尚不存在于此。
User: The first extensive fight started on December 8, when Soviet forces began to attack across the frozen lakes to the west.
Assistant: 第一次大规模战斗开始于12月8日,苏联军队开始袭击整个冰冻湖泊以西,而他们的进攻却失败了。
User: The television series addresses issues that are prevalent to modern Kosovo.
Assistant: 系列舞台多设定于当代都市,其中又以现代东京为主。
User: It was not until the last quarter of the nineteenth century, with the publication of the work of children's author and literary critic Charlotte Yonge, that any sustained reviewing or historicizing of children's literature took place again.
Assistant: 直到十九世纪七十年代以后,随着儿童文学作家和文学批评家夏洛特·扬格(Charlotte Yonge)的作品出版,对儿童文学作品的固定评论和历史性回顾才又再一次发展起来。
User: Conchologists or serious collectors who have a scientific bias are in general careful not to disturb living populations and habitats: even though they may collect a few live animals, most responsible collectors do not often over-collect or otherwise disturb ecosystems.
Assistant: 具有科学素养的贝壳学家与或严谨的收集者通常不会扰乱它们的种群和栖息地:即使他们会收集少量活的动物,大多数有责任心的收集者也不会过量捕捉而扰乱其生态。
User: The representations of St Michael and St George allude to his military honours.
Assistant: 圣米迦勒和圣乔治宫为摄政风格。
User: Note that sub-addresses 0 and 31 are reserved for Mode Codes.
Assistant: 注意,子地址0和31保留用于模式代码。
User: Following independence from the United Kingdom, the two largest opposition groups in Burma (Myanmar) were the communists, led by the Communist Party of Burma (CPB) and the Karen nationalists, led by the Karen National Union's predecessor.
Assistant: 独立于英国之后,缅甸最大的两个反对派团体为缅甸共产党(CPB)与克伦民族联盟(KNU)。
User: Both of these names encompass both the instruction format and the software supporting it; AAT is included on Apple operating systems, while Graphite is available for Microsoft Windows and Linux-based systems.
Assistant: 二者名称皆包含指令格式及支援的软件;AAT内置于苹果操作系统,Graphite适用于Microsoft Windows和Linux系列系统。
User: In 413, Athens ended the collection of tribute from the Delian League and imposed a 5% duty on all the ports of her empire (Thucydides, VII, 28, 4) in the hope (unrealized) of increasing revenues.
Assistant: 在公元前413年,雅典免除提洛同盟的进贡,而在帝国各口岸征5%的税(Thucydides, VII, 28, 4)。
User: She was accepted to several schools, including Harvard, Columbia, Wellesley, and Mount Holyoke, from which she ultimately chose to attend Harvard.
Assistant: 她被几所学府,包括哈佛大学、哥伦比亚大学、维斯理学院和曼荷莲学院录取,她最终选择了哈佛。
User: There were more than 900 schools and colleges of various types, as well as about 200 museums, archives, libraries, theaters and cinemas.
Assistant: 该市共有900座各式各样的学校和学院,以及大约200座博物馆、档案馆、图书馆、剧院和电影院。
User: Major economic activities include fishing, tourism and sheep farming, with an emphasis on high-quality wool exports.
Assistant: 群岛的主要经济活动包括渔业、旅游业和以高品质羊毛出口为重心的绵羊养殖业。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: She had given birth to their son Sasha Blue Pownall on 3 February 2014.
Assistant: 在2014年2月3日生下他们的一个孩子叫 Sasha Blue Pownall。
User: From the era of AD 2300 comes Robo, or Prometheus (designation R-66Y), a robot with a near-human personality created to assist humans.
Assistant: 从AD 2300年来的罗博,或称普罗米修斯(代号R-66Y),是为帮助人类创造的具有人性的机器人。
User: On May 31, 1956, Cloma declared the establishment of the Free Territory of Freedomland, ten days after he sent his second representation to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, informing the latter that the territory claimed was named "Freedomland".
Assistant: 31日,他宣称建立“自由地的自由领地”(Free Territory of Freedomland),十天以后他寄出第二份表述给菲律宾外交部长,告诉后者此地已被命名为“自由地”(Freedomland)。
User: The first multiplanet system, announced on 13 November 2008, was imaged in 2007, using telescopes at both the Keck Observatory and Gemini Observatory.
Assistant: 2008年11月13日宣布的第一个多星系统的影像,是在2007年使用凯克望远镜和双子望远镜这两架望远镜拍摄的。
User: He finished with 38 points.
Assistant: 当时设有38站。
User: In 1863, the observatory published the first modern weather maps.
Assistant: 1863年,天文台出版了第一份现代意义上的气象图。
User: More recent entries are typically appended to the end of the file.
Assistant: 近年来的日志文件通常将内容附加到文件的结尾。
User: Special Committee 31 was formed by members of the RTCA to predict the future needs of the United States' air traffic control system.
Assistant: 31号特别委员会(Special Committee 31)由RTCA成员组成,是为预测美国空中交通管制系统的未来需求。
User: The initial Columbia divestment, focused largely on bonds and financial institutions directly involved with the South African regime.
Assistant: 哥伦比亚大学最早的撤资运动主要着眼于与南非政府有直接关联的公债和财政制度。
User: The operation was conducted by the Red Army's Leningrad Front, Volkhov Front, and the Baltic Fleet from 12 to 30 January 1943 with the aim of creating a land connection to Leningrad.
Assistant: 行动由列宁格勒方面军和弗尔霍夫方面军及波罗的海舰队执行,于1943年1月12日开始、1月30日结束,目标是打通列宁格勒和外界的陆地联系。
User: Preliminary benchmarks of C programs compiled to asm.js are usually within a factor of 2 slowdown over native compilation with Clang.
Assistant: 编译为asm.js的C程序的初步基准通常比使用Clang的本地编译慢一倍以上。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: Amino acid sequencing of TFIIIA revealed nine tandem sequences of 30 amino acids, including two invariant pairs of cysteine and histidine residues.
Assistant: TFIIIA的氨基酸测序揭示了9个30个氨基酸的串联序列,包括两个不变对的半胱氨酸和组氨酸残基。
User: December 2-30, 2016 – Calligraphy about Moscow exhibition.
Assistant: 2016年12月2-30日——《书写莫斯科》展。
User: A similar resonance effect caused the temporary closure of the nearby Millennium Bridge in 2000 shortly after its opening.
Assistant: 类似的共振效应曾导致附近的千禧桥在开通不久之后,即于2000年暂时封桥。
User: The others are the Swords respectively of Spiritual Justice, and of Temporal Justice, and the Great Sword of State, or the Sword of Offering.
Assistant: 其他的三把佩剑分别是天界正义之剑(Sword of Spiritual Justice)、俗界正义之剑(Sword of Temporal Justice)和慈悲之剑(Sword of Mercy)。
User: The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a Declaration on the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance as resolution 47/133 on December 18, 1992.
Assistant: 1992年12月18日,联合国大会通过了第47/133号决议《保护所有人不遭受强迫失踪宣言》。
User: A girl named Hazel Crosby was killed in the accident.
Assistant: 名为黑兹尔·克罗斯比(Hazel Crosby)的女孩死于这场事故。
User: A running gag throughout the series is Nico jumping into Grady's arms when he gets scared.
Assistant: 在系列中经常出现的画面是尼可因为受到惊吓而跳到格莱迪的身上,格莱迪用双臂抱住他。
User: In the past, Downey has been interested in Christianity and the Hare Krishna movement.
Assistant: 在过去,唐尼一直对基督教和哈瑞奎师那运动感兴趣。
User: Linking its centralized production to a fleet of light-duty fuel cell vehicles would require the siting and construction of a distribution infrastructure with large investment of capital.
Assistant: 连接其集中生产到轻型燃料电池车的车队将需要大量投资建设一个分布基础设施。
User: To Sady Doyle, although "Love the Way You Lie" is one of Eminem's most affecting tracks and finds him remorseful, it does not make up for his past misogynistic actions and hateful songs.
Assistant: 萨迪·杜尔尼认为虽然《喜欢你说谎的样子》是阿姆最动人的歌曲之一,并感觉他充满悔恨,但依旧不能弥补他过去厌女主义的行为和令人非常讨厌的歌曲。
User: It belongs to the new ultra high-end "S" line of the cross between the Samsung Galaxy Tab and Samsung Galaxy S series, which also includes a 10.5-inch model, the Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5.
Assistant: 它属于Samsung Galaxy Tab和Samsung Galaxy S系列之间的高端产品,其中还包括10.5寸机型,三星Galaxy Tab S 10.5。
User: Discovery of this variable is usually credited to German Astronomer Cuno Hoffmeister in 1931, although this remains uncertain.
Assistant: 这个变量的发现通常归功于1931年的德国天文学家Cuno Hoffmeister,虽然这仍然不确定。
User: The fractal curve that is the limit of this "infinite" process is the Lévy C curve.
Assistant: 经过“无限”次过程而形成的碎形曲线就是雷维C形曲线。
User: Judge Granade immediately asked the plaintiffs to reply to Davis' request by March 13.
Assistant: 格拉纳达法官随后立即要求原告方面在3月13日的期限之前对戴维斯的请求作出回应。
User: In tonal languages, tone names are the names given to the tones these languages use.
Assistant: 声调语言 中的 声调名 是给这些语言所使用 声调 所定的名字。
User: He was born at his parents' summer home at Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada, which is now an international historical park.
Assistant: 他出生于他父母位于加拿大新不伦瑞克坎波贝洛岛的夏季别墅——现为纪念馆。
User: A Harvard University dropout, he first became known as a designer of women's hats before moving on to writing about fashion for Women's Wear Daily and the Chicago Tribune.
Assistant: 自哈佛辍学后,先是以设计女性帽子而闻名,之后又为女装日志和芝加哥论坛报担任编辑。
User: In 2007, X-ray observations made with the Chandra X-ray Observatory revealed that the object was about 15% larger than in the earlier VLA observations.
Assistant: 在2007年,使用钱卓X射线天文台的X射线观测,显示较VLA较早的大了15%。
User: The skull was long, having 44 low-crowned teeth.
Assistant: 头颅骨很长,有44颗低冠的牙齿。
User: Her parents also fled Syria and live in Germany.
Assistant: 后其父母亦逃离叙利亚,到达德国。
User: The monument is dedicated Helvetiorum Fidei ac Virtuti ("To the loyalty and bravery of the Swiss").
Assistant: 在石像的上方刻有拉丁文”HELVETIORUM FIDEI AC VIRTUTI”,意为“献给忠诚和勇敢的瑞士”。
User: In his presentation at Hackmeeting 2009 in Milan, ReactOS developer Michele C. noted that most of the developers learn about Windows architecture while working on ReactOS and have no prior knowledge.
Assistant: ReactOS 开发人员 Michele C.在米兰举办的 Hackmeeting 2009 上的演讲中指出,大多数开发人员在使用ReactOS时都了解 Windows体系结构,并且没有任何先验知识。
User: In 1994 W. R. (Red) Alford, Andrew Granville and Carl Pomerance used a bound on Olson's constant to show that there really do exist infinitely many Carmichael numbers.
Assistant: 1994年William Alford、Andrew Granville及Carl Pomerance证明了卡迈克尔数有无穷多个。
User: By right, he wears the Collar of the Order.
Assistant: 裾就是指衣服的大襟。
User: There is some evidence that the consumption of unprocessed red meat may have negative health effects in humans.
Assistant: 亦有证据表明食用未加工红肉可能对人体健康造成负面影响。
User: This is a list of human-powered aircraft by date.
Assistant: 这是一个按时间排序的载人航天飞行列表。
User: Another obvious indirect effect is an enhanced sense of community, or belonging, as well as perceived 'ownership'.
Assistant: 另一明显的间接影响是增强了社区意识或归属感,以及“获得感”。
User: Internet users were met with a page saying "This site has been attacked by Iranian Cyber Army".
Assistant: 根据网页截图,这次攻击来自于“伊朗网军(Iranian Cyber Army)”。
User: In that year, its revenue greatly took off and it ignited a huge cult following.
Assistant: 在这一年内,其收入大大起飞,点燃了一个巨大的崇拜热潮。
User: Ernest Rutherford commented that Moseley's work, "Allowed him to complete during two years at the outset of his career a set of researches that would surely have brought him a Nobel prize".
Assistant: 欧内斯特·卢瑟福如此评价莫塞莱的成绩:“他研究生涯起步的这两年的研究已经足以为他带来一座诺贝尔奖杯。
User: In November 2018, she began Caribbean cruises.
Assistant: 2018年11月,它将会开始加勒比海巡游。
User: Noa began developing Elona in 2006, and based it on roguelikes such as Ancient Domains of Mystery (ADOM) and Angband.
Assistant: Noa自2006年开始,基于《ADOM》和《Angband》等Roguelike游戏开发伊洛纳。
User: For a period the Tự Lực văn đoàn group were at the forefront of new developments in journalism, the "New Poetry," and the introduction of realism in the novels and stories serialised in Phong Hóa.
Assistant: 在一段时期内,自力文团处于新闻发展的新前沿,即“新诗”,并在《风化》连载的小说和故事中引入现实主义。
User: When the Countess told Chérubin that what they did was wrong and that she could never see him again, he went away to war and intentionally let himself be mortally wounded on the field.
Assistant: 当伯爵夫人告诉凯鲁彬他们做的是错的,她不再见他后,凯鲁彬离开去战场,希望自己能战死沙场。
User: Most other such countries experienced a tumultuous, but peaceful, transition.
Assistant: 大多数其他此类国家经历了动荡,但过渡是和平的。
User: Boys, on the other hand, are almost never given feminine names.
Assistant: 这种后缀不常见于女性名字。
User: After fighting broke out between it and both Georgia and Armenia, British High Commissioner Admiral Somerset Arthur Gough-Calthorpe occupied Kars on 19 April 1919, abolishing its parliament and arresting 30 members of its government.
Assistant: 其后西南高加索共和国与格鲁吉亚及亚美尼亚爆发战争,英国高级军官萨默塞特·高霍-卡索普于1919年4月19日占领卡尔斯,废除议会并逮捕30名政府官员,又将卡尔斯交给亚美尼亚管治。
User: 74.5% of the population aged 15 and over is literate, the lowest literacy rate in Central America.
Assistant: 在15岁及以上的人口当中,识字率只有74.5%,于中美洲各国名列最末。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: The inscription above the entrance is from Psalm 5:8: "In the abundance of Thy lovingkindness will I come into Thy house".
Assistant: 入口上方题字为诗篇 5:8: "我必凭你丰盛的慈爱进入你的居所。
User: The Przewalski's horse has 66 chromosomes, compared to 64 in all other horse species.
Assistant: 蒙古野马有66个染色体,而家马有64个染色体。
User: Russian remains the dominant language of business and upper levels of government.
Assistant: 俄语保留了同吉尔吉斯语同样的官方地位,俄语仍然是商业和政府高层的主导语言。
User: Goethals directed the work in Panama to a successful conclusion in 1914, two years ahead of the target date of June 10, 1916.
Assistant: 戈索尔斯最终在1914年完成巴拿马运河工程,比预定日期(1916年6月10日)提早了两年。
User: It was certified platinum in the UK in 2005 and four times platinum in Australia in 2006.
Assistant: 在英国于2005年获得铂金唱片认证,2006年在澳大利亚获得4次铂金唱片认证。
User: The primary monitoring of the Earth's rotation is performed with very-long-baseline interferometry coordinated with the Global Positioning System, satellite laser ranging, and other satellite techniques.
Assistant: 对地球自转的长期监测需要甚长基线干涉仪的座标配合全球定位系统、卫星激光测距和其它卫星技术配合着使用。
User: Industrial artificial intelligence, or industrial AI, usually refers to the application of artificial intelligence to industry.
Assistant: 工业人工智能(英语:Industrial artificial intelligence)也称作工业AI,是指人工智能在工业中的应用。
User: Gruenberg also stated that sex education is necessary to prepare the young for the task ahead.
Assistant: 格伦伯格(Gruenberg)还表示,性教育对于年轻人而言是必要的,好让他们为未来做好准备。
User: Information theory was developed by Claude E. Shannon to find fundamental limits on signal processing operations such as compressing data and on reliably storing and communicating data.
Assistant: 信息论与信息量化相关,由克劳德·香农创建,用于寻找信号处理操作的根本极限,比如压缩数据和可靠的数据存储与通讯。
User: Many articles include some witticism; image captions are often humorous puns and the letters section usually concludes with an odd or light-hearted letter.
Assistant: 《经济学人》的内容常体现出幽默感:很多文章都含有调侃性的语句,标题和图片说明经常是双关语,读者来信栏目也常以一篇奇怪或轻松的来信作结。
User: A misdemeanour that would result in a fine for the free man would result in a flogging for the slave; the ratio seems to have been one lash for one drachma.
Assistant: 对于自由人仅仅被处以罚款的轻罪,对于奴隶来说就会处以鞭挞;比率似乎是一德拉克马罚一鞭子。
User: This last square is the oldest and is connected to the other two by narrow, twisting streets.
Assistant: 内城是核心市区,也是古城堡所在;其旧街道狭窄,被城墙所围。
User: This lasted until Germany’s defeat in the Second World War.
Assistant: 此地位在第二次世界大战德国战败后才结束。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: There are also a number of secondary factors affecting cache performance.
Assistant: 同时也存在其他一些次级因素影响缓存的性能。
User: McKinley won 271 electoral votes to Bryan's 176.
Assistant: 麦金莱最终赢得271张选举人票,远胜布莱恩的176张。
User: On the storm's second approach toward the Azores, schools were closed and flight were cancelled.
Assistant: 风暴第二次靠近亚速尔群岛期间,有多所学校关闭,多架航班取消。
User: "Perrunichthys perruno".
Assistant: ”才变成 Perorin。
User: Kyle Smith of the New York Post, who found the police tactics distasteful, wrote, "Justice is supposed to be blind, but in this case I think what the Law really wants is unaccountability" and called Dredd a "thudding, repetitive movie".
Assistant: 《纽约邮报》的凯尔·史密斯(Kyle Smith)觉得片中的警方战术令人反感,他在文章中写道:“正义本来就应该是盲目的,但在这部影片里,我觉得法律真正想要的只是不用承担责任,”称《新特警判官》是一部“笨拙、尴尬而重复的电影”。
User: Erdne spends six months of the year in Elista and the remainder with his wife and son in the United States.
Assistant: 额尔德尼每年花6个月在埃利斯塔居住,其余时间在美国科罗拉多州伊利与其妻子和儿子共同生活。
User: The bologna sandwich is a sandwich common in the United States and Canada.
Assistant: 鲁宾三明治是在美国常见的三明治。
User: This interpretation was originally put across in the work of nineteenth century constitutionalists such as Walter Bagehot, who described the Cabinet as the "efficient secret" of the British political system in his book The English Constitution.
Assistant: 这一解释最初是在十九世纪立宪主义者的著作中完成的,如沃尔特·白芝浩,在1867年出版的《英国宪法》一书中,他称内阁是英国政治体制高效的奥秘。
User: Indeed, the Hebrew prophets did not foresee that Israel's savior would be executed as a common criminal by Gentiles, making Jesus' crucifixion a "stumbling block" to scripturally literate Jews.
Assistant: 确实,希伯来先知并没有预见到以色列的救主会被外邦人作为一个普通罪犯而处决,这使耶稣被钉十字架变成了熟悉经文的犹太人的“绊脚石”。
User: Initially, Mulder suspects that the brothers kidnapped and raped a woman to father the child, but the investigation uncovers a long history of incest involving the Peacocks' own mother.
Assistant: 穆德起初怀疑死婴是皮考克兄弟强奸妇女所生,但调查结果表明这个家族内部已经有很长时间的乱伦史,皮考克兄弟的亲生母亲也牵涉其中。
User: Frequently New Zealand was the first country to establish a mission in these states.
Assistant: 新西兰是第一个与台湾签署此协议的国家。
User: He went on to defend the goth community, calling goths "perfectly peaceful, law-abiding people who pose no threat to anybody".
Assistant: 他称哥德是“爱好和平、守法的人,对任何人都没有威胁”。
User: However, Alfred escapes before getting arrested.
Assistant: 然而费伦茨在行刑前越狱了。
User: He took the unusual step of eschewing contrived exposition, and tried instead to portray the shorthand phrases and jargon used by working scientists.
Assistant: 此外,他还为了避免呈现出做作的解说而采取了与众不同的步调,并尝试塑造出科学家在工作时使用速记短语及行话的情形。
User: Andrew O'Malley writes in his survey of 18th-century children's literature, "from helping poor animals eventually makes a seamless transition to performing small acts of charity for the poor children he encounters".
Assistant: 安德鲁·奥马利在他对18世纪儿童文学的调查报告中写到“从帮助可怜的动物开始,查尔斯最终无缝过渡到了帮助他遇到的有困难的孩子们,为他们做一些小小的善举”。
User: The Town Council held a competition for a design for the eastern church, St Andrew's, which was won by Captain Andrew Frazer of the Royal Engineers and Robert Kay.
Assistant: 市议会为东教堂,圣安得烈教堂,举行了设计竞赛,获胜者是安德鲁·弗雷泽和罗伯特·凯。
User: In 2008, the Belgian government officially started the process of contracting out the renovation works by publishing two government procurements in the Moniteur Belge.
Assistant: 2008年,比利时政府通过在Moniteur Belge上发布两个政府采购信息,正式启动了翻新工程的外包。
User: In 2017, the airport handled 2,982,339 passengers, a 3.6% increase compared to 2016.
Assistant: 2017年,布尔加斯机场有乘客2,982,339人,比2016年增加3.6%。
User: Some alternatives, such as Nginx, Lighttpd, Hiawatha or Cherokee, are fully functional and lightweight.
Assistant: 一些替代品,如Nginx、Lighttpd、Hiawatha或Cherokee,都是功能相当齐全和轻量化。
User: The occultists Dion Fortune and William G. Gray consider non-magical Abrahamic religions to be RHP.
Assistant: 魔术家Dion Fortune和William G. Grayconsider认为亚伯拉罕宗教是RHP而不是魔术。
User: Later, they fight the assassins.
Assistant: 随后,他们对袭击者展开追捕。
User: In 1841, Garibaldi and Anita moved to Montevideo, Uruguay, where Garibaldi worked as a trader and schoolmaster.
Assistant: 在1841年,加里波底与阿妮塔移居到了乌拉圭蒙得维的亚,加里波底开始作为商人与教师(英语:Schoolmaster)在当地工作。
User: The first meteorite discovered was ALH 85085.
Assistant: 第一颗被发现的此类陨石是ALH 85085(英语:ALH 85085)。
User: The split between the Marxists and anarchists at the 1872 Hague Congress of the First International (IWA) may in part be traced to Marx's stance that the Commune might have saved itself had it dealt more harshly with reactionaries, instituted conscription, and centralised decision-making in the hands of a revolutionary direction.
Assistant: 马克思主义和无政府主义在1872年的第一国际海牙会议的决裂部分归因于马克思的观点,他认为:如果公社对反动派采取更加严厉的措施,开始征兵,在革命指导下进行集中决策的话,公社是可以存活下来的。
User: At the end of the 19th century Genoa was the main financial centre of Italy along with Milan, and Piazza De Ferrari was the place where many institutions were established, like the stock exchange, the Credito Italiano, the branch offices of the Bank of Italy, founded in 1893.
Assistant: 在19世纪末,热那亚和米兰同为意大利的主要金融中心,在费拉里广场建立了证券交易所,意大利信贷银行等许多机构,意大利银行办事处成立于1893年。
User: R.VI serial number R.30/16 was the earliest known supercharged aircraft to fly, with a fifth engine - a Mercedes D.II - installed in the central fuselage, driving a Brown-Boveri four-stage supercharger at some 6,000 rpm.
Assistant: R.VI R.30/16是最早使用机械增压器的飞机,第五个发动机-奔驰D.II被安装在机身中央,以大约6,000转的速度驱动Brown-Boveri四级增压器。
User: He then introduced advanced farming and production techniques to the area, and oversaw the planting of economically sound crops such as rice, flax, sugarcane, bananas, litchis, longan and flowers.
Assistant: 后来把中原地区先进的生产方式和耕作技术引进到这个地方,种植水稻和麻、甘蔗、香蕉、荔枝、龙眼、花卉等经济作物。
User: The time frame may be immediately after the catastrophe, focusing on the travails or psychology of survivors, or considerably later, often including the theme that the existence of pre-catastrophe civilization has been forgotten (or mythologized).
Assistant: 时间范围可以是灾难后的不久以后,关注幸存者的痛苦或心理;也可以是一段时间之后,通常描写灾难前文明被遗忘(或被神话)的故事。
User: It was not unusual for half of a unit's replacements to become casualties within the first few days of combat.
Assistant: 经常一个单位内有一半的替补士兵在战斗的第1天被遭到伤亡。
User: Other inhabitants are the Kurds and Turkomans.
Assistant: 这里的主要居民是保加利亚人和土耳其人。
User: The ETS stated, however, that they do plan "to implement many of the planned test content improvements in the future", although specific details regarding those changes were not initially announced.
Assistant: ETS又称他们计划“在未来对许多考试进行改进”,但没有任何细节被公布。
User: It has become something of a tradition.
Assistant: 这已经成了一种传统。
User: He also reported that several regiments of British troops were boarding ships bound for Newport, Rhode Island.
Assistant: 布鲁斯特还报告英军部队的一些团正在登船,打算坐船去罗得岛的纽波特。
User: After conferring with other Treasury officials, he decided that the redesign would be in violation of the 1890 act, and would require legislation from Congress.
Assistant: 同财政部其它多名官员商讨后,他认为这次重新设计有违1890年通过的法律,需要国会特别授权。
User: One City/Two Visions.
Assistant: 有邻山、太平二镇。
User: She is the only person in Quine's life who does not appear in the Bombyx Mori manuscript, and it is implied that she is the only person he genuinely cares about.
Assistant: 她是昆恩生活中唯一没有出现在《蚕》手稿中的人,这是暗示她是他真正关心的人。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: The 55 parties to the 1962 Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage, and Registration of Marriages have agreed to specify a minimum marriage age by statute law‚ to override customary, religious, and tribal laws.
Assistant: 1962年,55个缔约国签署《关于婚姻的同意、结婚最低年龄及婚姻登记的公约》,该条约要求各方通过立法明确规定结婚最低年龄,从而凌驾于习惯法、宗族和部落的法律 。
User: In 1924, Thomas B. Slate applied for a US patent to sell dry ice commercially.
Assistant: 1924年,汤玛斯·B·Slate申请商业销售干冰的美国专利。
User: On May 27, 2014, Robbie Amell and Bianca A. Santos joined the cast.
Assistant: 2014年5月27日,罗比·艾梅尔与碧安卡·山托斯(英语:Bianca A. Santos)加入了出演阵容。
User: The Kimber Custom TLE II is a model of Kimber Custom.
Assistant: 金柏特装TLE II型(英语:Custom TLE II)是金柏特装型手枪的其中一种型号。
User: Not to be confused with the median maximum available speed.
Assistant: 这不应该与进给速率混淆。
User: The artists and writers of Aesthetic style tended to profess that the Arts should provide refined sensuous pleasure, rather than convey moral or sentimental messages.
Assistant: 唯美主义运动中的作家和艺术家认为:艺术的使命在于为人类提供感观上的愉悦,而非传递某种道德或情感上的信息。
User: The mount is so smooth and finely balanced that before the drive motors were installed it was possible to move the then 160 long tons (160,000 kg) assembly by hand.
Assistant: 架台的平衡做的非常平顺,在驱动马达被启动之前,只要用手就可以移动160长吨(160,000公斤)的组合。
User: It was also one of the centers of the Old Believers.
Assistant: 但此说有别于古代犹太教所信仰的阴间。
User: He is Kosovo Albanian.
Assistant: 他是阿尔巴尼亚裔科索沃人。
User: Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi expressed "deep sorrow" at the loss of life.
Assistant: 意大利总理西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼对死者表示“深切的悲痛”。
User: To produce games for the system, Square created the shell company The Game Designers Studio and released Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, which spawned its own metaseries within the main franchise.
Assistant: 为了给该系统制作游戏,史克威尔建立空壳公司The Game Designers Studio并发行《最终幻想水晶编年史》,该作品后来发展为独立系列。
User: The ions are detected by a mechanism capable of detecting charged particles, such as an electron multiplier.
Assistant: 离子通过能够探测带电粒子的机制被探测到,例如一个电子倍增管。
User: In 195 BC, Titus Quinctius Flamininus, the Roman commander in Greece, called a council of the Greek states at Corinth to discuss whether or not to declare war on Nabis.
Assistant: 公元前195年,提图斯·奎茵提斯·弗拉米尼努斯,罗马军在希腊的指挥官,在希腊城邦科林斯召集了一个委员会以讨论是否向纳比斯宣战。
User: Shortly thereafter, a third monk joined the debate, Rabanus Maurus, which initiated the Carolingian Eucharist Controversy.
Assistant: 不久之后,另一位修士Rabanus Maurus也加入了辩论,并兴起了卡罗林圣餐论。
User: Both direct and indirect relative particles can be used simply for emphasis, often in answer to a question or as a way of disagreeing with a statement.
Assistant: 直接和间接关系子句皆可单纯地用于强调,它们常用于回答问题,或用作否定某个论述的一个方法。
User: There is currently no vaccination for Pigeon Fever.
Assistant: 目前没有人受到禽流感的感染。
User: This time the base is 8x8 and 8x10 (and the boxes are thicker, but otherwise same size).
Assistant: 此次的基座为8x8和8x10(以及外盒较厚,但其它方面的大小相同),同时这是最后一次各包含有两辆机动车。
User: Japan was the only Asian nation that had successfully transformed itself into a modern technological society at the end of the 19th century and it remained independent when most Asian countries had been under European or American power, and had beaten a European power, Russia, in war.
Assistant: 日本是亚洲唯一一个在19世纪末成功转型为现代科技社会的国家,且在亚洲诸国大部分都在欧洲和美国的控制下时,一直保持独立。
User: More often, the bananas engage in activities in singing, dancing, and playing with the other characters, and bantering with each other.
Assistant: 通常,香蕉人会与其他角色从事唱歌、跳舞以及玩乐的活动,并相互逗弄。
User: The 23-year-old Herold knew the area well, having frequently hunted there, and recognized a nearby farm as belonging to a Confederate sympathizer.
Assistant: 23岁的哈罗德时常在那里打猎,结识了在附近开农场的一位邦联同情者,因而很熟悉该地区。
User: The language is rarely used even among the remaining speakers and comprehenders.
Assistant: 照应性远称用于说话者与听者都了解的信息。
User: In attempting to apply the Near and Pentagon Papers standards, the court was concerned about the prospect of publication causing the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and potentially a global nuclear holocaust.
Assistant: 在试图应用尼尔案和五角大楼文件案标准的过程中,法院担心文章出版将造成核武器扩散,并且会有全球性核浩劫的风险。
User: That is, the equation of state of a perfect gas describes an ideal gas (comprising points, that is, dimensionless molecules that do not act upon one another).
Assistant: 理想气体(Ideal gas)- 一种假想的气体;具有分子间无作用力,分子本身不占有体积的特性。
User: In this period, the kingdom was ruled by the Lusignan dynasty of the Kingdom of Cyprus, another crusader state founded during the Third Crusade.
Assistant: 在这段时期内,王国由另一个在第三次东征中建立的十字军国家塞浦路斯王国的吕西尼昂王朝(英语:Lusignan dynasty)(Lusignan dynasty)统治。
User: Rice is the staple food of Korea.
Assistant: 水稻是韩国最主要的粮食作物。
User: The example shown here may at first be considered a mere elaboration of an F major chord, an arpeggiation in three voices, with passing notes (shown here in black notes without stem) in the two higher voices: it is an exemplification of the tonal space of F major.
Assistant: 此处的例子最初也许会被认为只是一个F大三和弦在三个声部上的展开,上方两声部带有一些经过音(无符杆实心音符),这是F大调调性空间的一个例子。
User: After graduation she became a chartered accountant.
Assistant: 毕业之后,她成为一名注册会计师。
User: The tropical storm initially moved northwestward, and briefly threatened southern Baja California.
Assistant: 风暴起初向西北方向移动,短暂对南下加利福尼亚州构成威胁。
User: A Houthi activist, Hussain Albukhaiti, said the group had been "provoked" into Monday's fighting after two of their positions were attacked.
Assistant: 胡塞活动家侯赛因·阿布哈提表示,组织受到“挑衅”,在星期一的战斗中有两处阵地遭袭。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: In November 1952, Tao was appointed as the commander of the Navy Force of the East China Military Area Command, conducting many navy battles against the National Army of the Republic of China.
Assistant: 1952年11月,任华东军区海军司令员之后,指挥了多次对中华民国国军的海战。
User: Within a year, however, his government collapsed over economic policy and also over the issue of the Spanish Civil War.
Assistant: 然而不到一年,该政府因经济和西班牙内战等议题而下台。
User: The presiding officer sometimes uses the gavel of the Senate to maintain order.
Assistant: 会议主席通常使用议事锤维持秩序。
User: Ana Wharf, and 9 privately owned ports.
Assistant: 属长城林氏,并非属于九牧林的。
User: In that year, the oldest Decreței would have been 22 years old, in the general age range of most revolutionaries.
Assistant: 在那一年,年纪最大的 Decreţei 22岁,在大多数革命者的一般年龄范围内。
User: Established on March 13, 1897, San Diego State University first began as the San Diego Normal School, meant to educate local women as elementary school teachers.
Assistant: 1897年3月13日,“圣迭戈师范学校”建立,它是圣迭戈州立大学的前身,而建立师范学校的目的是为了教育当地未来的女性小学老师。
User: In a way, you can't blame her.
Assistant: 不行,你不能伤害她。
User: The remnants of Laura contributed to heavy rainfall and power outages in the British Isles, the Netherlands, and Norway on October 5 to 8.
Assistant: 风暴残留继续移动,于10月5至8日分别在欧洲不列颠群岛、荷兰和挪威产生暴雨并引发停电。
User: I Smell Pork.
Assistant: 猪扒调味。
User: They all think he is mad.
Assistant: 别人都认为他疯狂了。
User: Siegel also hired Gino Lee, a programmer from Boston, Massachusetts, to work on the project.
Assistant: Siegel雇佣了波士顿的程序员Gino Lee一同完成这个项目。
User: Unlike other theories of structure and agency, negative capability does not reduce the individual to a simple actor possessing only the dual capacity of compliance or rebellion, but rather sees him as able to partake in a variety of activities of self empowerment.
Assistant: 不像其他讨论结构和能动性的理论,“否定能力”不去化约个人仅仅只能在结构中顺从或是抵抗的这种二元观点,相反地,它认为人有能力参与各式各样自我赋权的行为。
User: On the evening of August 25, the Nez Perce released the Carpenters, and Emma Cowan giving them two horses.
Assistant: 在8月25日晚上,内兹珀斯人释放了弗兰克·卡彭特、艾达·卡彭特和艾玛·考恩,并给了他们两匹马。
User: Christian symbolism is the use of symbols, including archetypes, acts, artwork or events, by Christianity.
Assistant: 基督教象征是指用于象征基督宗教思想的标志,包括标志、行为、艺术品、事件等。
User: The songs on the album originated from one or two members bringing along ideas to develop, or the group working out an arrangement as a whole.
Assistant: 专辑中的歌曲发展自一个或两个成员带来的想法,或乐队作为一个整体编排而得。
User: In a small number of people, brachytherapy may cause long-term side effects due to damage or disruption of adjacent tissues or organs.
Assistant: 对于少部分人群,近距离治疗可能会因临近组织或器官的损伤导致长期的副作用。
User: The demonstration was organized by actors and employees of theaters in East Berlin.
Assistant: 这场示威由东柏林剧院的演员和雇员们组织。
User: At the 2007 Game Developers Conference, Murata noted that the development team was using proprietary software to allow "real time display" of PlayStation 2 output to a television to see immediately and precisely how a game would look.
Assistant: 在2007年游戏开发者大会上,村田琢称《最终幻想XII》的开发通过使用专有软件,电视上游戏的“即时显示”将会表现的即时而清晰。
User: On 1 February, Dragić was named the replacement for Kevin Love on Team LeBron for the 2018 NBA All-Star Game, thus making him an All-Star for the first time in his career.
Assistant: 2月1日,Dragić在2018年NBA全明星赛中,取代了原在勒布朗队的Kevin Love,使他在职业生涯中第一次成为全明星球员。
User: Although there is evidence for the existence of this planet, data is insufficient to unambiguously determine its orbit.
Assistant: 尽管已有证据证明该行星的存在,但是至今仍然缺乏数据以确定其轨道。
User: She is very interested in Yūji.
Assistant: 对尤里的事情相当关心。
User: All neighboring switches will then update their mapping tables and begin transmitting data destined to the attacked system’s IP address to the attacker’s MAC address.
Assistant: 所有的附近的交换机接下来会更新他们的映射表并且开始将发送数据的目的地址设置为攻击者系统的IP地址对应的MAC地址。
User: England, however, also held fast to the consolato rule in relations with other countries, as did France, until in 1744 it relented and extended the privilege to the neutral Dutch.
Assistant: 然而,英国在与其他国家的关系中坚持“Consolato”规则,正如法国一样,直到1744年该国同意延伸特权给当时坚持中立的荷兰。
User: The form and protocol of these funerals formed the basis for later U.S. state funerals, including those of Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy.
Assistant: 这些规格和制式是以后美国国葬的基础形制,比方说林肯总统和约翰肯尼迪总统的国葬。
User: Its original sound value is /t/.
Assistant: 其原始发音为/t/。
User: Without any obstructions such as hills, trees and buildings, winds from the open ocean can reach up to speeds twice as fast as coastal areas.
Assistant: 没有了山坡、树木和建筑物的阻挡,海风的速度能够达到海岸地区风速的两倍。
User: For the purposes of analysis, an electrical transmission line can be modelled as a two-port network (also called a quadripole), as follows: In the simplest case, the network is assumed to be linear (i.e. the complex voltage across either port is proportional to the complex current flowing into it when there are no reflections), and the two ports are assumed to be interchangeable.
Assistant: 为了分析的需要,传输线可以用二端口网络(四端网络)进行建模,如下图所: 在最简单的情况,假设网络是线性的(即任何端口之间的复电压在没有反射的情况下正比于复电流),且两个端口可以互换。
User: The bishops of the Anglican Communion in 1998 upheld the traditional Christian teaching that marriage is between a man and a woman and that those who are not called to marriage so defined should remain celibate.
Assistant: 1998年,圣公宗的主教们决定保持基督教传统的教导,即婚姻只能发生于男人和女人之间,其他的都不能称为婚姻,并且必须保禁欲。
User: The Codex itself disappeared.
Assistant: 约柜本身则消失踪影。
User: The term extreme transaction processing (XTP) was used to describe transaction processing systems with uncommonly challenging requirements, particularly throughput requirements (transactions per second).
Assistant: 术语“极端事务处理”(XTP)已经被用来描述具有极其挑战性要求的事务处理系统,特别是吞吐量要求(每秒钟的事务)。
User: DO 9, COUNTER = 1, 5, 1 WRITE (6,8) COUNTER 8 FORMAT( I2 ) 9 CONTINUE In Fortran 77 (or later), this may also be written as: do counter = 1, 5 write(*, '(i2)') counter end do The step part may be omitted if the step is one.
Assistant: DO 9, COUNTER = 1, 5, 1 WRITE (6,8) COUNTER 8 FORMAT( I2 ) 9 CONTINUE Fortran 77 获之后的版本,也可能写成: do counter = 1, 5 write(*, '(i2)') counter end do 如果递增为1,则递增的部分可以省略。
User: The characteristics of the draft are the abolishment of the Japanese Imperial system, the adoption of republicanism and democratic centralism, and the introduction of socialist policies.
Assistant: 该草案的特点是取消了日本帝国制度,并采取共和制、民主集中制,引进的社会主义政策。
User: Road improved most of the way.
Assistant: 大部分路段设置了高架道路。
User: The MBTA's ferries and paratransit accounted for the remaining 1% of rides.
Assistant: MBTA的渡轮和辅助乘车系统占总发送量的1%。
User: However, over a period of 12 months, prevention failed.
Assistant: 然而,一个为期12个月的测试却失败了。
User: To the north and east of the town lies a ring of hills approximately 687 m (0.427 mi) high.
Assistant: 城北部和东部为高约687米(0.427英里)的环状山丘。
User: Sunni Future Movement leader Saad Hariri subsequently visited Tripoli stating "We are both Lebanese and we will not allow anyone to tamper with us.
Assistant: 逊尼派的未来阵线领导人萨阿德•哈里里在随后访问了的黎波里并发表声明:“我们两派都是黎巴嫩人,我们不允许任何人试图挑拨我们。
User: Bracher wrote that had Hindenburg chosen differently from that the path that he did chose by appointing Hitler chancellor on 30 January 1933 that German history would easily gone in a completely different direction, thus meaning that even through Hindenburg died in 1934, he must bear ultimate responsibility for everything that happened between 1933–45, for the appointment of Hitler was a purely a gratuitous act on Hindenburg's part that he did not have to do.
Assistant: 布拉赫写道兴登堡在1933年1月30日选择不同的方式委任希特勒为总理会将德国历史带入完全不同的方向,由此意味着随着1934年兴登堡的去世,他必然担起1933-45年间所发生的任何事情的超级责任,对希特勒的委任是对兴登堡来说的一个不必要的完全没有正当理由的行动。
User: Although overshadowed by Bastian Schweinsteiger's game-winning performance in the match, Kahn played to a high standard, pulling off several saves.
Assistant: 尽管巴斯蒂安·施魏因斯泰格在比赛中的表现盖过了卡恩,但后者也发挥出了高水准,并作出几次成功扑救。 |
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
In 1939, a Japanese Railway official, Yumoto Noboru, wrote of a trans-Eurasian railway to link Japan to its Axis partner, Germany, and proposed the construction of an undersea tunnel to connect Japan with Korea via the island of Tsushima.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 1939年,一位日本铁路官员汤本升(Yumoto Noboru)在其关于一条连接日德两国、横跨欧亚大陆的铁路的书中,建议经由对马岛修建连接日本和韩国的海底隧道。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: If there is one name, it is only indexed under that name.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Bereft of the power of the One Ring, Sauron's physical form was unbound and his dissipated spirit would not take form again in Middle-earth for two and a half thousand years.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:For instance, while 33% of the young respondents (ages 18–29) chose the same or very similar and 44% different or very different, among the senior respondents (aged over 60) the corresponding figures were 18.5% and 53%.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 回答明显因回答者的经历而明显不同,例如青年人(18歳到29歳)的33%回答“完全相同”或“几乎相同”,44%回答“不同”或“完全不同”,而老年人(60歳以上)中这一比例则是18.5%对53%。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: After his presidency, he wrote his memoirs, called The 56 Days of Franck Sylvain.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The total coinage by striking mint is shown below: Explanatory notes It was made legal for US citizens to own gold by legislation enacted August 14, 1974, effective December 31, 1974.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
各铸币局生产的二百周年纪念币数量如下: 1974年8月14日,国会通过法案授权美国公民合法持有黄金,法案于1974年12月31日生效。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In 1957, the B2FH group showed the famous result that all of the elements except the very lightest, are produced by nuclear processes inside stars.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
1957年 B2FH 研究群提出了著名的结论,该理论称除了非常轻的元素以外,绝大多数元素都是由恒星内的核融合形成。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Mines were a constant danger.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The planets can be characterized by their force fields: gravity and their magnetic fields, which are studied through geophysics and space physics.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
While the game is linear, environments feature multiple paths for players to explore; maps are larger than those in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:本作虽然是线性游戏,但游戏环境具有多条路径供玩家探索,而且游戏地图亦较《秘境探险4:盗贼末路》大。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The 1924 Grand Prix season again saw Grand Prix motor racing in Europe and North America.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
1924年大奖赛赛季(英语:1924 Grand Prix season)包括在欧洲和北美洲举行的大奖赛赛事。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The parafoil (area of 687 square meters) was then released.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在这之后,那个687平方米大的翼伞会被释放出来。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Witnesses reported smelling a strange odor about ten minutes after a rocket attack and airstrike, followed by visible symptoms of poisoning.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
State fossil: woolly mammoth, adopted 1986.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:This fossil helped link the other discoveries into a single dinosaur.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Thus the newsprint rolls used are defined by the width necessary to print four front pages.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:However, it was reasonably successful in the server market, as it was better suited to bandwidth-intensive tasks (such as disk access and networking).
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 然而,它在服务器市场还是相当的成功,因为它更担负得起高带宽要求的任务,如磁盘存取和联网。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Near the entry to the museum is the Hall of Commanders, which features a decorative "Sword and Shield of Victory" and bronze busts of recipients of the Order of Victory, the highest military honor awarded by the Soviet Union.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The first occasion was on the afternoon of 8 September 1943; Stimson discovered that he was the chairman only that morning.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:第一次会议是在1943年9月8日下午,而史汀生到了当天上午才知道自己是委员会主席。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Such shapes offered much better lift-to-drag ratio than the broader wings the brothers had tried so far.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A commonly used keyword for Pluto is "transformation".
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
On their behalf, he went with William Farel to Bern, Zürich, Basel, and Schaffhausen, then to Strasburg, Mömpelgard, Baden, and Göppingen.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
他和威廉·法雷尔(William Farel)代表他们前往伯尔尼、苏黎世、巴塞尔和沙夫豪森,后来又到了斯特拉斯堡、蒙贝利亚尔、巴登和格平根。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:An elementary introduction to the black hole uniqueness theorems can be found in Chrusciel 2006 and in Thorne 1994, pp. 272–286.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
对黑洞无毛定理的基本介绍参见 Chrusciel 2006以及 Thorne 1994,第272-286页。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Koolu was a Canadian company started by Andrew Greig and Jon "maddog" Hall, which aim is to provide low-power computer appliances powered by free- and open-source software.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
Koolu 是一个计划,最早由 Andrew Greig 与 Jon "maddog" Hall 启动,其目标在于提供一省电装置的电脑,并使用 free- 和 open-source software等低成本软件。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
About a third of the plates, along with the entire interior structure, were fabricated in Oakland.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 此外,整个内部结构和三分之一的钢板都是在奥克兰制成的。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
What is rice paper?
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Greece is considered the cradle of Western civilisation, being the birthplace of democracy, Western philosophy, Western literature, historiography, political science, major scientific and mathematical principles, Western drama and notably the Olympic Games.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Under the Polish Communist regime many of the rich industrialist and business magnate families lost their wealth when the authorities nationalised private companies.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
在第二次世界大战之后,于波兰共产党统治下,很多企业家都因公司被当局国有化而失去了财产。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: An exclusive "Wild West Emmet" minifigure was released with preorders of the game at GameStop.
Assistant: 独有的“狂野西部艾密特”将被释放在Gamestop的游戏预购。
User: Authors who use this formulation often speak of the choice function on A, but be advised that this is a slightly different notion of choice function.
Assistant: 使用这个版本的作者通常谈及“在 A {\displaystyle A} 上的选择函数”,但要注意这里选择函数的概念是稍微不同的。
User: The "Campus Completion Project" finished in 2005 with the addition of the Hotung International Building and the Sport and Fitness Center.
Assistant: 2005年完成的“校园完善计划”增加了何东国际大楼和体育与健康中心。
User: It weighs 7.1 ounces.
Assistant: 体长可达7.1公分。
User: QACs were set up in California, New Jersey and Michigan where some of the quality issues were to be addressed and resolved before delivery to dealerships.
Assistant: 品质保证中心分别设立在加利福尼亚州,新泽西州和密歇根州,主要在新车交付给经销商之前补救一些品质问题。
User: Construction began in November 1935 and was completed in 1939; the building initially housed the Scottish Office, including the offices of the Secretary of State for Scotland.
Assistant: 该建筑由赢得比赛的托马斯·泰特设计,1935年11月开始建造,1939年落成,建筑最初苏格兰办事处和苏格兰国务卿办公室所在地。
User: It is a small church seating only about 80 people.
Assistant: 这间教会当时是一所不大景气的80人左右的小教会。
User: This method guides the traveller into (and then out of) some dead ends and is thus not the shortest path.
Assistant: 此任务没有终点,不会因为深度而增加金属,只看途中获得的数量。
User: Work on it will start in 2009, and had been completed on 26 October 2011.
Assistant: 工作将于2009年开始,并于2011年10月26日完成。
User: Baden had a liberal constitution from 1811 until reaction resulted in aristocratic rulers revoking the constitution in 1825.
Assistant: 巴登的宪法自由早在1811年就已实现,但其宪法却于1825年被贵族统治者撤销。
User: Lean Supply Chain Managements aims are to maintain close to zero inventories and reduce work-in-process; Agile goes for quick responses to customer inquiries and market changes while controlling costs and quality; Resilience is about reacting quickly to disruptions impacting supply chain; and Green refers to sustainability in supply chain through low emissions to the environment and a recycling strategy for products.
Assistant: 精益化供应链管理的目标是尽可能实现零存货以及减少工作进程;敏捷化供应链管理用意于实现对客户查询和控制成本和质量过程中市场的变化情况的快速响应;弹性化供应链管理用意于维持和修复那些可能会影响供应链正常工作的负面扰动;绿色环保型供应链管理指的是通过对产品生产过程中的低排放污染物和循环策略来实现供应链的可持续性发展。
User: This part of the standard consists solely of optional features.
Assistant: 这部分标准主要包含可选的特性。
User: Military casualties were 127 dead and 451 injured.
Assistant: 沙特安全部队造成127人死亡,451人受伤。
User: Another prominent issue is radiation exposure.
Assistant: 另一个特点是抗强辐射。
User: Only used by men.
Assistant: 仅男性使用。
User: In 1852, stationed at the survey headquarters in Dehradun, Radhanath Sikdar, an Indian mathematician and surveyor from Bengal, was the first to identify Everest as the world's highest peak, using trigonometric calculations based on Nicolson's measurements.
Assistant: 1852年来自于孟加拉的印度数学家和勘探员——拉德哈纳特·希克达尔(英语:Radhanath Sikdar)在位于德拉敦的印度测量局总部,基于尼科尔森的观测,利用三角学计算结果,第一个确认了珠峰为世界第一高峰。
User: Darrow was in financial difficulty, and asked for AFL assistance in raising funds for his defense.
Assistant: Darrow陷入了财政困境,并向美国劳工联合会请求为他的辩护筹集资金。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: He opened a business as a psychological consultant, but had no formal schooling in the subject.
Assistant: 他开了一家提供心理咨询的公司,但他在这方面并没有受过正式课程训练。
User: The Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) announced a temporary ban on all press coverage of the bombings following a request by the Prime Ministry.
Assistant: 广播电视最高委员会 (RTÜK)接到总理的请求后,宣布了对爆炸事件所有新闻报道的临时禁令。
User: Unsettled weather continued across the south and later to the north.
Assistant: 不稳定的天气随后在南部地区持续并在后期扩展到北部地区。
User: In 2010, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) successfully convinced the U.S. Copyright Office to allow an exemption to the general prohibition on circumvention of copyright protection systems under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Assistant: 2010年,电子前哨基金会(EFF)成功说服美国版权局根据《数码千禧年版权法案(DMCA)》对一般禁止版权保护系统的阻遏允许豁免。
User: Political economy is the interdisciplinary study that combines economics, law, and political science in explaining how political institutions, the political environment, and the economic system (capitalist, socialist, mixed) influence each other.
Assistant: 政治经济学是一门结合经济学、法学、以及政治学的研究,针对在探讨政治制度、政治环境、以及经济体制(如资本主义或社会主义)之间的互动。
User: Media circuses make up the central plot device in the 1951 movie Ace in the Hole about a self-interested reporter who, covering a mine disaster, allows a man to die trapped underground.
Assistant: 媒体马戏团在1951年的电影“倒扣的王牌(英语:Ace in the Hole (film))”中成了重要的剧情手段,该电影是关于一名自私的记者报导了一场矿坑灾难,使得一个人受困而死在地底下。
User: However, the techniques can require large amounts (100–200 mg) of isotopically labeled proteins and are most informative when applied to small proteins where spectroscopic assignments are possible.
Assistant: 然而,该技术要求大量(100至200毫克)的用同位素标记过的蛋白质,而且,当应用于可进行光谱分析的小分子蛋白时,产生的信息将最为有效。
User: The game was self-published for Microsoft Windows and macOS in October 2017, and by Humble Bundle for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles two months later.
Assistant: 游戏于2017年10月自行发布在Microsoft Windows和macOS平台,并在两个月后由Humble Bundle发行至PlayStation 4和Xbox One游戏机平台。
User: It was also used in paintings by American artist Jackson Pollock.
Assistant: 主旨是讲述了美国画家杰克逊·波洛克的一生。
User: She and her family frequently moved during her youth, including to Nevada, Oregon, and other parts of Nebraska.
Assistant: 她和她的家人在她年轻时经常搬家,包括内华达州,俄勒冈州和内布拉斯加州的其他地方。
User: Minerals belonging to the same crystal system do not necessarily exhibit the same habit.
Assistant: 属于相同晶系的矿物不一定表现出相同的晶体惯态。
User: He blamed Captain Smith and the White Star Line for the failings that led to the disaster and castigated what he called the "official lie" and "planned official prevarication" of the British inquiry.
Assistant: 作者自称此书全面渗透了事件始末,指责船长史密斯和白星航运导致这场灾难,并谴责英国调查的“官方谎言”和“推诿责任”。
User: Rachel Dawes (Katie Holmes/Maggie Gyllenhaal): In Batman Begins, Bruce hopes to become romantically involved with his childhood friend, now an assistant district attorney.
Assistant: 瑞秋·道斯(凯蒂·霍尔姆斯/玛吉·吉伦哈尔饰):在《蝙蝠侠:开战时刻》,布鲁斯希望与他的童年朋友现任的助理地区检察官瑞秋交往。
User: Brannan was born 1982 in Texas in a middle-class family and grew up as the son of a petroleum engineer and a teacher.
Assistant: 杰伊·布兰南于1982年出生在得克萨斯州一个中产阶级家庭,是一个石油工程师和教师的儿子。
User: The Microsoft Lumia 540 Dual SIM was well received but was criticized for not offering an upgrade over earlier devices from the Lumia 5xx series.
Assistant: 微软Lumia 540双卡双待得到一致好评,但被批评配置方面并没有升级超过早期Lumia 5xx系列设备。
User: Project Scope management : the processes required to ensure that the project includes all the work required, and only the work required, to complete the project successfully.
Assistant: 专案范畴管理:确保专案所需的过程包括全部所需的工作,且只能包括所需的工作,以成功完成专案的各项过程。
User: In the war's immediate aftermath the Dardani, a barbarian tribe, swarmed across the northern border of Macedon, but Philip was able to repel this attack.
Assistant: 战争的直接后果就是Dardani,一个蛮族部落,侵袭马其顿的北方边界,但腓力击退了这次进攻。
User: The King refused.
Assistant: 国王拒绝了。
User: The Great Synagogue of Europe, formerly known as the Great Synagogue of Brussels, is the main synagogue in Brussels, Belgium which was dedicated as a focal point for European Jews in 2008.
Assistant: 欧洲大犹太会堂(Great Synagogue of Europe),过去称为“布鲁塞尔大犹太会堂”(Great Synagogue of Brussels),是比利时布鲁塞尔主要的犹太会堂,于2008年作为焦点被献给欧洲犹太人。
User: Egyptian National Railways also operates a line through Maadi, but it is strictly a freight line.
Assistant: 埃及国家铁路公司还经营一条线穿过马迪,但它是一个严格的货运线路。
User: Also, personal computers have made the independent development of music almost effortless, while the gap between an independent game developer and the product of a fully financed one grows larger.
Assistant: 另外,电脑使得音乐的独立制作简单易行,而独立游戏开发商和充分资助的产品之间的缺口却越来越大。
User: The film premiered in Los Angeles on December 10, 2016, and was released in the United States on December 16.
Assistant: 电影于2016年12月10日于洛杉矶举行首映,并在2016年12月16日于美国发行。
User: Boiled lights are better for her than horse-meat, and occasionally let her have fish.
Assistant: 白灼灯比起马肉对它更好,偶而让它吃鱼。
User: Meanwhile, the German Chief of Staff, General Erich von Falkenhayn, had correctly reasoned that Romania would side with the Allies, and had made plans accordingly.
Assistant: 德国参谋总长埃里希·冯·法金汉已预测到罗马尼亚加入协约国参战的可能,并着手制定了相应的作战计划。
User: After missions discovered the reality of the harsh nature of the planet's surface, attention shifted towards other targets such as Mars.
Assistant: 在金星表面严苛的环境被确认以后,科学家将注意力转移到火星等其他目标。
User: Steve Jones of USA Today described it as "rock-tinged" and stated that Pink's appearance provides "outside star power".
Assistant: 今日美国的史蒂夫·琼斯(Steve Jones)称这首歌“充满摇滚色彩”,并称这次跟粉红佳人的合作提供了“外部的名人效应”。
User: However, new infrastructure projects and increased housing construction brought a 60% increase in output from 2004 to 2005.
Assistant: 然而,新基建项目和住房建设增加,使产量在2004年至2005年间增加六成。
User: The low eventually dissipated on September 11 over northeastern Mexico.
Assistant: 9月11日,低气压在墨西哥东北部上空消散。
User: Tararua Vogel's – a bread based on a recipe by Alfred Vogel White Wings Goodman Fielder operate in the Dairy, Baking and Grocery segments of the food manufacturing market, and have a portfolio of retail and food service brands, including Meadow Fresh, Puhoi Valley, Bouton D'or, Tararua, Vogel's, Quality Bakers, Molenberg, Natures Fresh and Meadowlea.
Assistant: 旗下品牌 Goodman Fielder在零售和餐饮服务等领域拥有乳制品、烘焙和食品杂货部分等多元品牌,包括Meadow Fresh、Puhoi Valley、Bouton D'or、 Tararua、Vogel's、Quality Bakers、Molenberg、Natures Fresh和Meadowlea。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: It is a monument of Frankfurt's history as well as church history and medieval crafts.
Assistant: 该堂是法兰克福历史、教会历史以及中世纪工艺的纪念碑。
User: This is one of the busiest shopping streets of Lyon, which was described as a "bourgeois" street because there are many upscale shops.
Assistant: 这是里昂最繁忙的购物街之一,被形容为“资产阶级”街道,因为有很多高档商店。
User: The success of the raid began to change the strongly held belief that carrier-based air forces could not challenge land-based air forces.
Assistant: 突袭成功开始改变“舰载空中力量无法挑战陆基航空力量”的坚强信念。
User: Until the 19th century, it was primarily used for judicial purposes, housing three of the most important courts in the land: the Court of King's Bench, the Court of Common Pleas and the Court of Chancery.
Assistant: 历史上主要用于重要司法运行,英国最为重要的三个法庭:王座法庭、民诉法院和大法官法院(英语:Court of Chancery)曾在此设置。
User: Besides a physical examination, the physician will need imaging techniques to determine the character of the malformation: gynecologic ultrasonography, pelvic MRI, or hysterosalpingography.
Assistant: 除了身体检查,医生需成像技术确定畸形的特征:妇科超声检查(英语:gynecologic ultrasonography)、盆腔MRI,或子宫输卵管造影术(英语:hysterosalpingography)。
User: Although the grid was introduced long before any system of public transit would become necessary or available, its strict regularity provides sufficient flexibility for mapping transit routes.
Assistant: 虽然栅格远比任何形式的公共交通出现的早,它的规律性给公交路线规划提供了足够的灵活性。
User: Steiner's first published book was Tolstoy or Dostoevsky: An Essay in Contrast (1960), which was a study of the different ideas and ideologies of the Russian writers Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoevsky.
Assistant: 斯坦纳的第一本出版书籍是《托尔斯泰或陀思妥耶夫斯基:一篇对比的散文》(1960年),这本书研究了俄国作家列夫·托尔斯泰和费奥多尔·陀思妥耶夫斯基的不同思想和意识形态的研究。
User: It was reported as "the deadliest attack on security forces in Kashmir in two decades".
Assistant: 据报道,这是“二十年来对克什米尔安全部队最致命的袭击”。
User: Around 6 m2 per child is allocated indoors.
Assistant: 每一个小孩大约可以分配到 6 m2 的室内空间。
User: The hijackers forced the pilot to fly to Iran, where authorities initially refused the plane permission to land, but later acquiesced on learning it was running out of fuel.
Assistant: 劫机者强迫机组飞往伊朗,伊朗政府起初不允许他们降落,不过在得知飞机燃料即将耗尽后,伊朗政府默许了。
User: Chang committed suicide on November 9, 2004.
Assistant: 张纯如于2004年11月9日举枪自杀。
User: A smaller house was later built on the site.
Assistant: 后来一个小礼拜堂建在该位置。
User: Six days later the Assembly declared la patrie est en danger (the homeland is in danger).
Assistant: 六天后,国民立法议会宣布祖国陷于危险(英语:La patrie en danger)。
User: The Great Depression delayed work and prevented construction of nearshore islands.
Assistant: 30年代的大萧条拖延了工作进程,并使近海岛屿的建设难以继续。
User: Taking K to be the finite field of q = pn elements with prime p produces a projective plane of q2 + q + 1 points.
Assistant: 取 K 为一具 q = pn(其中 p 为质数)个元素的有限体,则会产生一个具 q2 + q + 1 个点的投影平面。
User: When the plane had landed, the hijackers demanded the release of 315 convicted Palestinian terrorists imprisoned in Israel, and threatened to blow up the airplane with its passengers.
Assistant: 飞机降落后,劫机者要求以色列当局释放315名巴勒斯坦裔恐怖分子,并威胁要炸毁飞机。
User: Ilse Karger also studied mathematics at the University of Berlin; she and Richard were married 17 September 1925.
Assistant: 伊尔丝·卡格尔也曾在柏林大学学习数学;她和理查德于1925年9月17日结婚。
User: On April 27, 2010, Square Enix producer Shinji Hashimoto stated that the development of a remake of Final Fantasy V for the Nintendo DS is at present "undecided" due to "technical issues".
Assistant: 2010年4月27日,史克威尔艾尼克斯制作人桥本真司称,《最终幻想V》任天堂DS重制版开发因“技术问题”至今“未决”。
User: In addition it was possible for the parliament to remove individual ministers by a vote of distrust, while it now has to vote against the cabinet as a whole.
Assistant: 此外,之前国会可用不信任动议罢黜个别部长,而现在它必须对整个内阁投票。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: Space is becoming even tighter.
Assistant: 神经也变得更粗了。
User: Losar is also celebrated by some as well.
Assistant: 拉萨特也贡献了一些。
User: The Zaurus was the most popular PDA during the 1990s in Japan and was based on a proprietary operating system.
Assistant: Zaurus曾经是九十年代日本最流行的PDA和操作系统。
User: A recent study by International Peace Information Service (IPIS) indicates that armed groups are present at more than 50% of mining sites.
Assistant: 国际和平资讯服务组织(IPIS)的研究指出,超过50%的矿区周围都有武装集团布署。
User: In 1936 some parts of the territory of Leningrad Suburban District of Leningrad was returned to Leningrad Oblast and divided into Vsevolozhsky District, Krasnoselsky District, Pargolovsky District and Slutsky District (renamed Pavlovsky District in 1944).
Assistant: 1936年,列宁格勒市的一部分郊区划归列宁格勒州成为Vsevolozhsky District, Krasnoselsky District, Pargolovsky District, Slutsky District(1944年更名为Pavlovsky District)。
User: The theme itself was reworked to include a more dancy bassline, electric piano, and guitar solo.
Assistant: 这首主题曲本身也被重新编曲,加入了许多跃动的贝司,电子钢琴,以及吉他独奏。
User: The vetoed report had apparently contained material incriminating both the leadership of Iran and Syria in the transmission of arms to militant groups.
Assistant: 这份被否决的报告明显包含表明伊朗和叙利亚政府与运送武器给武装团体有牵连的材料。
User: In South Carolina, tornadoes across the state damaged nine homes.
Assistant: 南卡罗莱纳州各地出现了多个龙卷风,共有9户民宅受损。
User: The comparable variation within human populations is 0.5 percent.
Assistant: 在总人口中,依赖型人格障碍的发病率为0.5%。
User: Caesar's Comet (numerical designation C/-43 K1) – also known as Comet Caesar and the Great Comet of 44 BC – was perhaps the most famous comet of antiquity.
Assistant: 凯撒彗星(科学命名C/-43 K1),又被称前44年大彗星,可能是古代最有名的彗星。
User: Shortly afterwards, Mikheil Saakashvili declared a state of emergency Georgia-wide to last for 15 days.
Assistant: 纽约时报新华网 格鲁吉亚总统米哈伊尔·萨卡什维利针对连日来反对派的抗议活动宣布全国进入紧急状态15天。
User: For municipal and European, but not national elections, citizens aged 18 or older of other European Union countries may vote in France.
Assistant: 至于市政和欧盟的选举,年满18周岁的欧盟其他国家的公民也可以在法国投票。
User: In Paris, Baldwin was soon involved in the cultural radicalism of the Left Bank.
Assistant: 在巴黎,鲍德温很快参与到左岸的激进主义浪潮。
User: Compression for JPEG-LS is generally much faster than JPEG 2000 and much better than the original lossless JPEG standard.
Assistant: JPEG-LS的压缩速度比起JPEG 2000以及原本的lossless JPEG标准还要快上许多。
User: He stated, "I wanted to change it up and really be different.
Assistant: 他说:“我想有所改变,给人全新的感觉。
User: The catalogue from this survey is only informally known as the 1C catalogue.
Assistant: 这个统计调查的目录只是非正式的被称为1C目录。
User: Also within this period, other VHF TV stations opened.
Assistant: 之后各季也都在CW电视台首播。
User: He passed out, then opened his eyes to find three of his four sisters staring at him.
Assistant: 他随后晕了过去,醒来时看到他的三个姐妹正看着他。
User: In this current version, the three stars were removed.
Assistant: 在这个折衷方案中,三颗星被移除。
User: For example, the location of zeros and poles move from inside the unit circle using one definition, to outside the unit circle using the other definition.
Assistant: 例如,零点和极点的位置移动在单位圆内使用一个定义,在单位圆外用另一个定义。
User: Other major nearby commercial airports include: (IATA: ONT, ICAO: KONT) LA/Ontario International Airport, owned by the city of Ontario, CA; serves the Inland Empire.
Assistant: 该地区其他主要的商业机场还有: L.A./安大略国际机场(IATA代码:ONT;ICAO代码:KONT),由洛杉矶市拥有。
User: Some have claimed that Taylor ordered Bockarie killed in order to prevent the leader from testifying against him at the SCSL.
Assistant: 有人说泰勒杀他的原因是为了防止他在塞拉利昂特别法庭作证。
User: He was also a member of the "Miatsum" (Unification) organization, whose efforts were directed to unite Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast with Armenia.
Assistant: 他还是“联系”组织的成 员,致力于Nagorno-Karabakh与亚美尼亚的联盟活动。
User: That way, finding the highest priority task to run does not require iterating through the entire list.
Assistant: 这样一来,要寻找最高优先级的任务,就不必要在整个列表中一个一个地寻找。
User: Two days after its closest approach, the death toll in Cuba reached 11, and a day later it was raised to 23 fatalities.
Assistant: 气旋过去两天后,古巴已确认有11人丧生,死亡人数次日还上升到23。
User: The Rights of Woman is an extension of Wollstonecraft's arguments in the Rights of Men.
Assistant: 《女权》是沃斯通克拉夫特在《男权》一书中论点的延伸。
User: By 1929 over 97% of high school students in the republic were obtaining their education in Ukrainian and illiteracy dropped from 47% (1926) to 8% in 1934.
Assistant: 到1929年,在乌克兰共和国有超过97%的学生获得高中教育,1934年文盲率由47%(1926年)下降至8%。
User: On 15 October 2006, it was announced that Mark Shuttleworth had become the first Patron of KDE.
Assistant: 2006年10月15日,社区宣布马克·沙特尔沃思成为KDE的第一个赞助人。
User: His feet are of equal length.
Assistant: 它们的四肢几乎一样长。
User: Lost Coast was released on October 27, 2005, as a free download from Valve's Steam content delivery service to anyone who purchased Half-Life 2.
Assistant: 《半条命2:消失的海岸线》于2005年10月27日正式发布,所有已经在Steam上面购买《半条命2》的玩家均可以免费下载。
User: In the UK, Plain English Campaign has been campaigning since 1979 "against gobbledygook, jargon and misleading public information.
Assistant: 在英国,“简明英语运动”自1979年起,就开始发起活动“反对难懂的话(gobbledygook)、行话和具误导性的公众讯息。
User: The building has 235 apartment units.
Assistant: 该大楼有235个公寓单元。
User: Well-meaning but ineffective, being manipulated by the evil Colonel Moretti who eventually murders him.
Assistant: 性格冷酷残忍,虽力气很大但有勇无谋,把八重所在的杂技团误当成目标屠杀,最后被阿墨他们杀死。
User: Also, Straus was president of The Educational Alliance and a prominent worker in charitable and educational movements, very much interested in civil service reform and the general extension of education.
Assistant: 此外他还是教育联盟(英语:The Educational Alliance)的主席,也是慈善和教育运动的杰出工作者,对公务员制度改革和教育的普遍扩展非常感兴趣。
User: He also opposed a measure allowing harsher treatment of slaves.
Assistant: 他还对一项允许更苛刻对待奴隶的法案投下了反对票。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: In late summer 2002, while the band were on tour in the US, Noel, Bell and touring keyboardist Jay Darlington were involved in a car accident in Indianapolis.
Assistant: 在2002年夏末,而乐队的巡回演出到了美国,Noel, Bell 和客座键盘手Jay Darlington在Indianapolis发生车祸。
User: Human Rights Watch (HRW) estimates that more than 5,000 homes were destroyed during and after the battle.
Assistant: 国际组织人权观察估计约有5,000栋房屋在战役期间或战役过后遭到摧毁。
User: Four days before he arrived in Korea, Hodge told his officers that Korea "was an enemy of the United States".
Assistant: 在抵达韩国的4天前,霍奇告诉部下,韩国是“美国的敌人之一”。
User: It does not support mounted volumes because of technical limitations in the file system.
Assistant: 由于文件系统的技术原因,它不支持挂载的卷。
User: A decision to reroute the project through Salang Pass, rather than Bamyan Province, led to a protest by Hazara people who felt this decision would hurt their interests.
Assistant: 项目改道萨朗山口,而不是原计划的巴米扬省,导致哈扎拉人认为侵害了他们的权益,为此举行抗议。
User: Typed lambda calculi are closely related to mathematical logic and proof theory via the Curry–Howard isomorphism and they can be considered as the internal language of classes of categories, e.g. the simply typed lambda calculus is the language of Cartesian closed categories (CCCs).
Assistant: 它们通过Curry-Howard同构密切关联于直觉逻辑并可以被认为是范畴的类的内部语言,比如简单类型lambda演算是笛卡尔闭范畴(CCC)的语言。
User: This strategy was successful, as Duke Henry of Bavaria captured a number of their leaders and killed them.
Assistant: 这一命令效果明显,巴伐利亚公爵亨利最终捕获了许多匈牙利军官并将其处刑。
User: This became an important part of the Deep Green ideology.
Assistant: 这成为深绿意识形态重要成分。
User: In 1974 the students participated in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (香港中學會考) for the first time.
Assistant: 1974年,此校学生首次参加香港中学会考。
User: It is often said that his journalistic background informs his writing, lending even the most fantastic tales an aura of realism.
Assistant: 通常认为,他的新闻记者背景影响了他的写作,让他在写最离奇的故事时也有一丝现实主义的色彩。
User: Later he joined the Liberal Democratic Party.
Assistant: 后加入自由民主党。
User: Then Parliament speaker Mohammed Naji Al Otari replaced him as prime minister.
Assistant: 议会发言人穆罕默德·纳吉·奥特里接替其职位。
User: It is unclear whether the Dahae are also the *Dāha or *Dåŋha (only attested in the feminine Dahi) mentioned by the Avestani Yasht (13.144), which may date from the 5th century BCE.
Assistant: 目前尚不清楚亚什特(13.144)(可能记载于前5世纪)提到的 *Dāha或*Dåŋha (只能用阴性词Dahi证明)是否就是大益。
User: The Los Angeles County Coroner set up an air-conditioned tent that functioned as a temporary morgue at the site.
Assistant: 洛杉矶县验尸官建立了一个带空调的帐篷作为在现场的一个临时停尸间。
User: A young Spanish girl was forced to flee Jamaica, and the family plantation during a conflict.
Assistant: 据说,一个年轻的西班牙女孩在冲突年代被迫逃离家庭种植园。
User: There is heavy fog such that visibility is extremely low.
Assistant: 大雾使得能见度非常低。
User: There are approximately 1,027,183 kilometres (638,262 mi) of serviceable roadway in France, ranking it the most extensive network of the European continent.
Assistant: 法国国内有大约1,027,183公里(638,262英里)长的可用公路,为欧洲之最。
User: Therefore, the legality of military action relies on an international public order argument based on defending the credibility of the prohibition of the use of chemical weapons, enforcing Syria's obligations under the terms of its membership of the Chemical Weapons Convention, and protecting civilians from further chemical weapon attacks to alleviate humanitarian suffering.
Assistant: 因此,军事行动若要合法,须仰赖捍卫禁止使用化学武器的可信度,迫使叙利亚依照其《禁止化学武器公约》成员国资格履行义务,保护平民免受化学武器袭击的进一步威胁以缓解人道主义苦难的国际公共秩序论据 。
User: Hines began tapping when he was two years old, and began dancing semi professionally at the age of five.
Assistant: 海因斯在他两岁时开始学习踢踏舞,并在五岁开始半专业地跳舞。
User: A person standing on the ground could easily look into the cockpit.
Assistant: 站在地面上的人可以很容易地看到座舱内部。
User: Mexico is the most Spanish-speaking country in the world.
Assistant: 墨西哥是世界上讲西班牙语人口最多的国家。
User: In 1967, he became a professor in the Department of Geology and Planetary Science at the University of Pittsburgh.
Assistant: 1967年他成为匹兹堡大学地质与行星科学系教授。
User: However his expressionistic style did not meet Hitler's taste.
Assistant: 他感受到他被希特勒边缘化也不符希特勒的积极扩张的口味。
User: With them came the ancient faith of their forefathers, Eastern Orthodoxy.
Assistant: 他的后裔称之为阿里系,西喀喇汗国的祖先。
User: As Herndon and his mother were the main financial backers of the flight, they kept almost all the prize money and the proceeds of the sale of Miss Veedol.
Assistant: 由于赫恩顿与其母亲是这趟飞行中最主要的财务后盾,因此在旅程结束后,大部分的奖金和维多尔小姐号的变卖收入都归赫恩顿所有。
User: The late Romanesque building was destroyed by the 1356 Basel earthquake and rebuilt by Johannes Gmünd, who was at the same time employed for building the Freiburg Münster.
Assistant: 罗曼式建筑毁于1356年巴塞尔地震,由Johannes Gmünd,他同时负责弗赖堡主教座堂的重建。
User: SHA-3 is not meant to replace SHA-2, as no significant attack on SHA-2 has been demonstrated.
Assistant: SHA-3并不是要取代SHA-2,因为SHA-2目前并没有出现明显的弱点。
User: The Federal court system and the judicial authority to interpret the Constitution received little attention in the debates over the drafting and ratification of the Constitution.
Assistant: 在起草和批准《宪法》的辩论中,联邦法院制度和司法当局对《宪法》的解释几乎没有引起关注。
User: The Bill also made other constitutional reforms, such as transferring the judicial duties of the House of Lords to a Supreme Court.
Assistant: 草案另外又包含其他宪制改革,当中包括将上议院的司法职能移送到一个最高法院。
User: On 1 June 2018, she announced the renaming of the party after its approval by 80.81% of the party's adherents.
Assistant: 2018年6月1日,她宣布在80.81%的支持者批准后重新命名该党。
User: The CGT union signed a deal with the association of factories of Rosario and the government of Rosario to make sure that all the victims of the explosions would keep their jobs.
Assistant: 阿根廷劳工总联合会与罗萨里奥政府和罗萨里奥的多个相关工厂签署协议,确保这起爆炸案的所有受害者都能够保住自己的工作。
User: Democracy correlates with a higher score on the Human Development Index and a lower score on the human poverty index.
Assistant: 民主制度也与更高的人类发展指数相连结,也有着更低的人类贫穷指数。
User: In 1999, Lowagie disbanded the rugPdf code and wrote the new library named iText.
Assistant: 1999年,Lowagie抛弃了rugPdf的代码,从头开始写了一个新的库——iText。
User: The strong institution of kingship developed by the kings served to legitimize state control over the land, labour, and resources that were essential to the survival and growth of ancient Egyptian civilization.
Assistant: 法老们建立强大的王权以使他们对国家土地、劳动力、资源的控制合法化,而这些对古代埃及文明的生存和发展必不可少。
User: Later, when placed in the cage before the audience during the festival, the two brothers do not immediately recognize each other, and Kumal is afraid to fight.
Assistant: 在盛宴期间,兽笼中正在观众面前的两兄弟并没有立即认出对方,而马戏团的库玛害怕打斗。
User: Authors Ken and Jim Stocker state that "every single miracle Jesus performed was an act of love".
Assistant: 肯和吉姆·斯托克(Ken and Jim Stocker)指出:“耶稣所行的任何一个神迹都是爱的行为”。 |
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: As Fredriksen observes, these criteria do not guarantee an accurate historical reconstruction.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Another cost of the increased bandwidth is the requirement that the chips are packaged in a more expensive and difficult to assemble BGA package as compared to the TSSOP package of the previous memory generations such as DDR SDRAM and SDR SDRAM.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
另外增加的带宽导致的成本是芯片封装更昂贵且更困难,因为BGA封装相比于先前采用TSSOP封装技术生产的DDR SDRAM和SDR SDRAM更昂贵且更困难。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Thanks to the work of Robert Remak and Rudolf Virchow, however, by the 1860s most biologists accepted all three tenets of what came to be known as cell theory.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The five bridgeheads were not connected until 12 June, by which time the Allies held a front around 97 kilometres (60 mi) long and 24 kilometres (15 mi) deep.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:On September 3, as it passed to the south of the Cape Verde islands, organization within the system degraded, though convection increased the next day.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair said on 9 June 2011 that "change in Syria is essential", although he warned of a power vacuum in the event of regime change.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Gerhard Berger has the most among non-world champions, with 21 between the 1986 German Grand Prix and the 1997 German Grand Prix for Benetton, Ferrari, and McLaren.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
By the end of the 17th century, Bambara, Tuareg, Fula and other forces came to control empires and city-states in the region, leaving the Arma as a mere ethnicity.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Note: The main support acts are marked in bold.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 注:主演作品标题会以粗体字表示。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The film's score was composed by Thomas Newman.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:It would be armed with a modern 105 mm main gun, two machine guns, and grenade launchers.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:These include: The World Medical Journal The WMA Medical Ethics Manual The World Medical and Health Policy Journal Caring Physicians of the World Toolkits Background Documents The World Medical Association is embedded in a network of organizations ranging from medical societies and associations to organizations of commercial entities.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
这些包括: 世界医学杂志 WMA医学伦理手册 世界医疗卫生政策杂志 世界关爱医师 工具包 背景文件 世界医学协会嵌入从医学社团和协会到商业实体组织的网络中。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The cases are clearly related, and are the best part of the book.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
PL/I allows both of the preceding types of assignment, and also allows structure expressions, such as a = a+1; where "a" is a record, or structure in PL/I terminology.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:PL/I允许以上两种类型的赋值,也允许结构表达式,如a = a + 1;其中“a”是一条记录,或是在PL/I术语中所指的结构。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
General Miguel de Álava complained that Wellington said so often that the army would march "at daybreak" and dine on "cold meat", that he began to dread those two phrases.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
西班牙将军Miguel de Álava声称,威灵顿经常说军队要“在拂晓”开始行军并吃“冷肉”,使得他开始害怕这两件事。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Before appointing an adult leader, most associations perform background checks on candidates to ensure their suitability for working with children.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
在获得任命为成人服务员以前,多数总会会针对各候选人的背景作调查,确保这些候选人适合带领小孩。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: Composers of the middle generation of the Franco-Flemish school included Johannes Ockeghem, who wrote music in a contrapuntally complex style, with varied texture and an elaborate use of canonical devices; Jacob Obrecht, one of the most famous composers of masses in the last decades of the 15th century; and Josquin des Prez, probably the most famous composer in Europe before Palestrina, and who during the 16th century was renowned as one of the greatest artists in any form.
Assistant: 弗莱芒乐学派的中产阶级作曲家包括约翰内斯·奥克冈,他以一个对立的复杂风格创作音乐,并精心使用素材丰富的卡农技法;雅各布·奥布雷赫特,其中一个在15世纪最后数十年的最著名的弥撒曲作曲家;以及若斯坎·德普雷,很可能是帕莱斯特里纳之前欧洲最著名的作曲家,他在16世纪以其中一名在所有艺术中最杰出的艺术家闻名。
User: It was signed by President Toomas Hendrik Ilves the same day and will take effect on 1 January 2016.
Assistant: 总统托马斯·亨德里克·伊尔韦斯在当天签署了该法律,该法在2016年1月1日正式生效。
User: The album is an initiative to support Tibet, the promotion of peace, basic fundamental human rights, including freedom of speech and religion and the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso.
Assistant: 本专辑宣称是为了支援西藏,促进西藏地区的和平和基本人权,包括言论自由和宗教自由,以及表示对第十四世达赖喇嘛·丹增嘉措的支持。
User: The jurisdiction of the court is generally divided into inter-state cases, applications by individuals against contracting states, and advisory opinions in accordance with Protocol No.2.
Assistant: 法庭管辖的案件一般分为国际案件、个人起诉缔约国的案件以及根据公约第二条出具的咨询书。
User: In 1905, the Lawrence Scientific School became the Graduate School of Engineering.
Assistant: 1905年,劳伦斯科学学院重命名为工程研究生院。
User: A subsequent wave of democratisation brought substantial gains toward true liberal democracy for many nations.
Assistant: 在接下来的民主化浪潮中,则使许多国家出现了真正的自由民主制。
User: Lodging or a holiday accommodation is a type of residential accommodation.
Assistant: 合租房、群租房或群租住房是在是一种房屋租赁居住方式。
User: The third death was a 60-year-old man in Salina Cruz.
Assistant: 萨利纳克鲁斯还有位60岁的男子死亡。
User: Hitchcock's cameo appearances are a signature occurrence in most of his films.
Assistant: 希区柯克的客串(英语:List of Hitchcock cameo appearances)作为一个标志出现在他大多数的电影当中。
User: Consequently, instead of backing down he decided to name the album "Dancing Dad", as a nod to the band's name.
Assistant: 相较于让步,他决定以“Dancing Dad”为专辑命名,以示对乐队名称的致敬。
User: This strongly suggested that Tyrannosaurus rex had similar forelimbs, but this hypothesis was not confirmed until the first complete Tyrannosaurus rex forelimbs were identified in 1989, belonging to MOR 555 (the "Wankel rex").
Assistant: 蛇发女怪龙的发现,显示暴龙应该也有类似的二指前肢,但这个假设长期以来没有得到证实,直到1989年发现了第一个完整的暴龙前肢化石(编号MOR 555,又名“Wankel rex”)。
User: However, in March 2006, Congress, at Wolf's suggestion by inserting an earmark into a supplemental appropriation bill, and in a breach with the Bush administration, announced the creation of the Iraq Study Group to reassess the U.S. strategy in Iraq.
Assistant: 然而,2006年3月,沃尔夫又支持布什政府宣布成立伊拉克研究小组重新评估美国在伊拉克的战略。
User: Anne Stanley was present in court to declare under oath that her recorded statement was true.
Assistant: 安妮·斯坦利出庭,发誓宣称自己被记录下来的证词属实。
User: An election is held every three months with three director positions being filled at each election.
Assistant: 每三个月就举行一届内务长选举,选出3名内务长,同时组成内务团队。 |
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: A month later, the Prefect returns, still bewildered in his search for the missing letter.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:一个月后,警察局长又回来了,他仍然还困惑于搜索不到那封失踪的信。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Portland, Oregon hardcore punk bands included Poison Idea, Final Warning and The Wipers.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在俄勒冈州波特兰活动的乐团有Poison Idea、Final Warning与The Wipers。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Some brownfields with heavy metal contamination have even been cleaned up through an innovative approach called phytoremediation, which uses deep-rooted plants to soak up metals in soils into the plant structure as the plant grows.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 一些含有重金属污染物的棕土甚至通过一种叫植物修复(英语:phytoremediation)(phytoremediation)的创新手段所清理,这一手段是随着植物的生长,深根性植物吸收土壤中的金属到植物组织。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: This event was significant for Romanian railways because it meant that the large Arad rolling stock and steel factory, previously located on Austro-Hungarian territory, was now part of Romania, and was consequently used to produce a wide range of rolling stock and locomotives for CFR.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The fighting began the afternoon of the next day, June 22.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
GNU Libtool is a computer programming tool from the GNU build system used for creating portable compiled libraries.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: GNU Libtool是一种属于GNU建构系统的GNU程式设计工具,用来产生便携式的函式库。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Restored by the Caracciolo Family, it was ceded in 1570 to the Theatine Order.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Similar errors may occur on other processors and will cause similar problems.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: We want peace — there is something that we are occupied with: growing wheat, building and inventing, writing books and flying into space.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:我们要和平,还要忙着种小麦、建房子、搞发明、写书、飞上太空。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Like the rest of the large-tooth flounders, it has both eyes on the left side of its head.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The New Left believed the party should become oriented towards the new social movements, adopting their anti-parliamentary strategies and their issues, such as women's liberation, environmental conservation and Third World development.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Digital memory chips and application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) are examples of other families of integrated circuits that are important to the modern information society.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
In 1988 he became first deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Their use gradually trailed off after World War II, partially because of the investments in airports during the war.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在二战后使用率逐渐缩小,部分原因是因为在战争时对于机场的投资。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
As a result, it is difficult to detect water vaporization.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
All the stations are secured with a network of CCTV cameras which relays live images to the station control room, security control room and operations control centre.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Although he began construction at Karnak during his rule, the association the city had with other gods drove Akhenaten to establish a new city and capital at Amarna for the Aten.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:A short-term evaluation by University of Pennsylvania criminologists Christopher S. Koper and Jeffrey A. Roth did not find any clear impact of this legislation on gun violence.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
一项由宾夕法尼亚大学犯罪学家克里斯托弗·S·科佩尔(Christopher S. Koper)与杰弗瑞·A·罗斯(Jeffrey A. Roth)所作的短期评估发现,该立法对枪支暴力并没有任何明显的影响。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
She is also "unofficial stepsisters" with Pandora Cooper-Key and Cressida Bonas, Lady Mary-Gaye's other daughters.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 加布瑞拉亦有“非正式的姊妹”潘朵拉(Pandora Cooper-Key) 以及克瑞西达(Cressida Bonas),是女爵士 Lady Mary-Gaye 的奇她女儿。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Many of Keaton's mannerisms and her self-deprecating sense of humor were added into the role by Allen.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
They have since resumed performing regular concerts and working on new material.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Built in 1875 in a style promoted by John Ruskin called Venetian Gothic.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
它建于1875年,风格采用约翰·拉斯金所提倡的威尼斯哥特式,又名拉斯金哥特式。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: The emancipation of slaves in the North led to the growth in the population of northern free blacks, from several hundred in the 1770s to nearly 50,000 by 1810.
Assistant: 北方废奴导致当地自由黑人数量加增,从十八世纪七十年代的几百人加增到1810年的50,000人。
User: Earlier, officials said that a screen would separate genders and an internal communications network would allow men and women to communicate.
Assistant: 早前,官员指一块幕会分隔男女议员,以及会设立内部通讯系统以容许不同性别议员沟通。
User: On October 19, 2008, Hello!
Assistant: 2008年10月19日-Hello!
User: Jackson approved the court's findings, but they were not the full refutation of Jackson's report that many Kentuckians —including Adair —had wanted.
Assistant: 杰克逊认可了法院的结论,但是这一结论并没有像包括亚岱尔在内的许多肯塔基人所期望的那样全面驳斥杰克逊的报告。
User: John Grunsfeld was born in Chicago, Illinois to Ernest Alton 'Tony' Grunsfeld III, a distinguished Chicago architect, and Sally Mace Grunsfeld; grandson of architect Ernest Grunsfeld Jr., architect of the Adler Planetarium.
Assistant: 他生于芝加哥,父亲Ernest Alton 'Tony' Grunsfeld III是一名建筑师,母亲Sally Mace Grunsfeld。
User: It is an improved production model of the Royal Ordnance L11 series of rifled tank guns.
Assistant: 这是皇家兵工厂L11系列线膛式坦克炮的改进生产型号。
User: Sendai Licensing.
Assistant: 孝文帝准许。
User: Several related roses are also grown there.
Assistant: 几个其他相似的岩组也留存在那里。
User: Nebbiolo: The most noble of Italy's varieties.
Assistant: 内比奥卢(Nebbiolo)- 意大利最昂贵的品种。
User: During this period of tolerance, such factors had little bearing on one's economic status or career potential.
Assistant: 在这个宗教宽容的时代,这种因素对一个人的经济状况与职业前景影响甚少。
User: The Domain Name System (DNS) has replaced the ARPA Host Name Server Protocol and the DARPA Trivial Name Server.
Assistant: 域名系统(DNS)已经取代了ARPA主机名服务器协议和DARPA Trivial名称服务器。
User: In general objects of action lost Potency.
Assistant: 在故事模式中,体力耗尽会失去一个残机。
User: The day after Netflix's announcement, American cinema chain Regal Entertainment Group announced that they would not show the film in their theaters.
Assistant: 次日,美国院线富豪娱乐集团(英语:Regal Entertainment Group)宣布不会在旗下影院上映该片。
User: The beak has no external oblique tumidity.
Assistant: 舍利弗,彼佛刹中无有外道异学之众。
User: (Audio help) More spoken articles Hurricane Grace Preliminary Report List of Bermuda hurricanes
Assistant: (媒体帮助) 更多有声条目 对飓风格雷斯的初步报告 百慕大飓风列表
User: In recent years, Malacca has received numerous international accolades.
Assistant: 近年来,马六甲获得了众多国际赞誉。
User: Nevertheless, McCotter continued his campaign in New Hampshire, focusing on the "fundamental restructuring of government", and signing the Susan B. Anthony List's Pro-Life Leadership Pledge.
Assistant: 麦科特尔总体上无视这些批评,继续在新罕布什尔州竞选,强调“对政府加以根本性重组”,并签署苏珊·安东尼名单的生命权领袖誓言。
User: According to Lenin's instructions, After the expiration of the seven-day deadline for deserters to turn themselves in, punishment must be increased for these incorrigible traitors to the cause of the people.
Assistant: 根据列宁的指示, 逃跑者七天自首的最后期限过了以后,为了人民的事业,必须加强对这些屡教不改的叛徒的惩罚。
User: He settled in Vienna, where in 1775 he married Agatha Maria Jacquin.
Assistant: 他的婚姻是1775年与名叫阿加塔·玛丽亚·雅坎(Agatha Maria Jacquin)的女性结婚。
User: Problems range from life support measures for astronauts to recognizing an ear block in an infant traveling on an airliner with elevated cabin pressure altitude.
Assistant: 问题的范畴从宇宙飞行员的生命维持措施到婴儿在客舱压力高度较高的客机上所使用的飞行耳塞。
User: Not even revenge.
Assistant: 不生怨恨也。
User: The aircraft took off without incident just past noon, and was climbing through 400 feet when, according to eyewitnesses, it suddenly nosed down without warning and dove into the ocean, killing all 20 on board – 19 passengers and the pilot, Santeurenne.
Assistant: 飞机在刚过中午时起飞,按照目击者的说法,当它爬升至400英尺时,机鼻突然向下,没有任何预兆的冲进了大海,机上的20个人——包括19名乘客和机长全部遇难。
User: He also enforced the Navigation Acts which threatened the existence of certain trading practices of New England.
Assistant: 他强制执行的航海法案对新英格兰的一些贸易惯例构成威胁。
User: He was particularly pleased with the ending, noting that "I love that goose-bumps feeling in a climactic scene with music rising.
Assistant: 他对结局特别高兴,指出“我喜欢这种在音乐增强而高潮的场景,有鸡皮疙瘩的感觉。
User: According to Human Rights Watch, detainees on both sides were subject in some cases to torture, rape, or other degrading treatment.
Assistant: 根据人权观察,双方对拘留者都有酷刑、强奸或其他侮辱性待遇。
User: The Wilson family moved into the house in 1855.
Assistant: 威尔逊一家在1855年搬进该住宅。
User: A common example of this is units that depend on a database: in order to test the unit, the tester often writes code that interacts with the database.
Assistant: 一个最普遍的例子是依赖于数据库的类:为了测试它,测试人员通常编写代码去操作数据库。
User: Aviation medicine, also called flight medicine or aerospace medicine, is a preventive or occupational medicine in which the patients/subjects are pilots, aircrews, or astronauts.
Assistant: 航空医学(英语:Aviation medicine)亦称为飞航医学或航太医学,是一门预防医学和职业医学,其主要服务的对象或患者是飞行员,机组人员及宇宙飞行员(太空人)。
User: As prime minister, Obote was implicated in a gold smuggling plot, together with Idi Amin, then deputy commander of the Ugandan armed forces.
Assistant: 奥博特出任总理期间,曾与后来成为乌干达武装部队副指挥官的伊迪·阿明参与走私黄金的计划。
User: According to a Ministry of Manpower Workplace Safety and Health Council report: On 8 August 2012, a Bangladeshi worker was dismantling a supporting structure that formed part of an Earth Retaining Stabilizing Structure (ERSS) used at the C156 Marina Bay worksite.
Assistant: 根据人力部的工作场所安全与卫生理事会的报告: 在2012年8月8日,有来自孟加拉国的工人正在拆除在C156滨海湾工地使用的土挡墙稳定结构(ERSS)中支撑结构的一部分。
User: As well as the existing five-second penalty that could be served during a driver's scheduled pit stop, a new ten-second penalty was introduced, to be served in the same manner.
Assistant: 除了现行车手在进站期间服的五秒罚停之外,还新增了一项十秒罚停。
User: For a long time, sources of nitrogen compounds were limited.
Assistant: 有相当长一段时间内,氮化合物的来源很有限。
User: The Musahar were traditionally rat-catchers, and there is still uncertainty as to their exact origin.
Assistant: 穆萨哈尔传统职业是捕鼠,现在仍然不确定性其确切的起源。
User: We know that the ideal runner speed will cause all of the kinetic energy in the jet to be transferred to the wheel.
Assistant: 我们知道,理想的动轮速度是将所有在喷流上的动能转移到动轮上。
User: In 2012, Beretta introduced the 7.62×39mm configuration of the ARX160, and on the same year Beretta also introduced the ARX160 A2 which is currently in use with the Italian Army and Special Forces.
Assistant: 2012年,贝瑞塔推出了ARX-160的7.62×39毫米苏联口径型,同年贝瑞塔还推出了目前与意大利军队和特种部队同样采用的ARX-160A2。
User: In 1988, the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan was formed through a reorganization of the University's Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, to oversee the JNLT and other large national astronomy projects.
Assistant: 1988年,日本国家天文台通过东京大学天文台的重组成立,以监督JNLT等国家大型天文项目。
User: The Apple IIc Plus was introduced on September 16, 1988, at the AppleFest conference in San Francisco, with less fanfare than the Apple IIc had received four years earlier.
Assistant: Apple IIc Plus于1988年9月16日在旧金山的AppleFest会议上发表,发表时受到的关注少于四年前的Apple IIc。
User: In 1966 he graduated from the Foreign Legion.
Assistant: 1966年,他在外籍军团毕业。
User: One of the most left wing city councillors, he supported legalizing prostitution.
Assistant: 除了市政事务外,她还争取妇女权益,支持堕胎合法化等议题。
User: The system subsequently dissipated the following day.
Assistant: 系统随后在第二天消散。
User: Researchers over the years have tried to harness this potential to develop a bilayer-based device for clinical diagnosis or bioterrorism detection.
Assistant: 多年来,研究人员一直试图利用这种潜力开发出一种能用于例如临床诊断或生物恐怖主义检测等情况的设备。
User: Officials also closed schools across the state of Guerrero.
Assistant: 格雷罗州的官员还关闭了该州的学校。
User: In each scale, the whole of Switzerland was covered.
Assistant: 系统全套设备由瑞士引进。
User: In formal situations, (H) is used; in informal situations, (L) is used.
Assistant: 在正式场合人们使用H,在非正式场合人们使用L。
User: At the beginning of the brooding season, the hens are very sensitive to disturbances and leave the nest quickly.
Assistant: 在繁殖期初时,雌鸡对骚扰很敏感,并会随时离开巢穴。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: In the late 1930s, the kibbutzim in the Jordan Valley formed the Council of the Gush, a regional municipal framework responsible for liaison with the authorities of the British Mandate.
Assistant: 在1930年代后期,约旦河谷的吉布茨(集体社区)形成了Gush委员会,和英国委任统治当局联络的区域市政架构。
User: The aforementioned criterion is essential to prevent fraud and perpetuate science itself.
Assistant: 上述标准是必要的,否则无法防止欺诈和保持科学自身的长久发展。
User: The house was also used by the Israeli Army, particularly during the first intifada, as a point of control considering its advantageous location and continued to be a major point of confrontation between local stone-throwing youths and the Israeli Army.
Assistant: 这所房子也被以色列军队使用,特别是在第一次起义期间,作为一个控制点,考虑到它的有利位置,并且是当地投掷石块的青年和以色列军队之间的一个主要对抗点。
User: In Authentic Happiness (2002) Seligman proposed three kinds of a happy life which can be investigated: Pleasant life: research into the Pleasant Life, or the "life of enjoyment", examines how people optimally experience, forecast, and savor the positive feelings and emotions that are part of normal and healthy living (e.g., relationships, hobbies, interests, entertainment, etc.).
Assistant: 一些研究者认为,在这一领域,正面心理学可以划分为三个相互重叠的研究范围: 研究快乐生活,或“享受生命”,审视人们的最佳体验,预测,并体会正常和健康的生活中积极的情感和情绪(如关系,爱好,兴趣,娱乐等)。
User: The Elliot parents encouraged their children to be adventurous, and encouraged them to "live for Christ".
Assistant: 艾略特的父母鼓励孩子的冒险精神,并鼓励他们“为基督而活”。
User: An autopsy found she had probably been suffocated—not strangled, as is often stated in articles about Darger.
Assistant: 尸检指出她可能是窒息而死,但不是被勒死的,正如此案在关于达尔格的文章中常被提到的那样。
User: By the end of 1984, approximately 98 percent of the old production teams had adopted the contract responsibility system, and all but 249 communes had been dissolved, their governmental functions passed on to 91,000 township and town governments.
Assistant: 到1984年底,约98%的老生产队采用了家庭联产承包责任制,除249个乡镇外的所有乡镇都已解散,政府职能转移到91,000个乡镇政府。
User: The northern end of this coastline includes the Mar Menor ("Lesser Sea"), a coastal saltwater lagoon which at around 170 km2 is Europe's largest.
Assistant: 温暖海岸的北端有小海(Mar Menor),约170平方公里,是欧洲最大的咸水泻湖。
User: The altering phases change physical and magical attack powers for both player characters and enemies.
Assistant: 月相会改变敌人和玩家双方的物理和魔法攻击力。
User: The Mozilla Application Suite (originally known as Mozilla, marketed as the Mozilla Suite) is a discontinued cross-platform integrated Internet suite.
Assistant: Mozilla Application Suite(原称Mozilla,简称Mozilla Suite)是一个跨平台的互联网套件。
User: The US armed forces said all missiles hit their intended targets without interference, and according to Lieutenant General Kenneth McKenzie, the Syrian air defences fired 40 intercepting surface-to-air missiles but failed to hit any of the targets.
Assistant: 美军部队表示所发射未受干扰,中将肯尼斯·麦肯齐(Kenneth McKenzie)介绍,叙利亚防空系统发射了40枚地对空导弹拦截,但无一命中目标。
User: Antwerpen-Centraal station has been completely reorganised.
Assistant: 安特卫普中央车站被重组。
User: Belgian losses were 619 killed, wounded or missing.
Assistant: 比利时方面,619人死亡、受伤或失踪。
User: It has been a tradition of British infantry regiments since the 17th century, although its roots go back much earlier.
Assistant: 自17世纪以来,军旗敬礼分列式就是英国步兵团的传统,但其历史起源比这要早得多。
User: The attack was to be carried out by the forces of the 11th Army, which were free to be used elsewhere after the capture of Sevastopol.
Assistant: 这次行动由第11军团的部队实施,该部队在攻占塞瓦斯托波尔后可自由转用于其他地区。
User: As we now know, the column's height fluctuated with changing atmospheric pressure; this was the first barometer.
Assistant: 现在我们知道,水银柱的高度变动与大气压的变化有关; 这就是第一个气压计。
User: When he eventually came home six months later, he offered to look after the family, but Julia, by then pregnant with another man's child, rejected the idea.
Assistant: 他终于在六个月后回到家,表示愿意继续供养家庭,但那时茱莉亚已怀着另一男人的孩子,拒绝了这一提议。
User: In the following Acropolis Rally in Greece, Hirvonen took his first win of the season.
Assistant: 在接下去的希腊雅典卫城拉力赛上,希尔沃宁拿到了本赛季的首场胜利。
User: Players interact directly with characters in the game, solve plot-based challenges and puzzles, and collaborate as a community to analyze the story and coordinate real-life and online activities.
Assistant: 玩家们直接与另类实境游戏中的角色互动,一起解决设计好的挑战或是谜题,也经常以一个社群的方式来分析剧情并协调现实生活与进行中的活动。
User: On the basis of this perception, Sgt. Pepper became the catalyst for an explosion of mass enthusiasm for album-formatted rock that would revolutionise both the aesthetics and the economics of the record business in ways that far outstripped the earlier pop explosions triggered by the Elvis phenomenon of 1956 and the Beatlemania phenomenon of 1963.
Assistant: 在这样评价的基础上,《Sgt. Pepper》引爆了人们对以专辑为主导的摇滚乐的巨大兴趣,从而引发了唱片工业在美学和经济层面上的革命,远超过了更早的由1956年的猫王和1963年的披头士所引发的流行乐坛震动。
User: My mother, who was standing by my side, leaned over and kissed her children, while tears of joy ran down her cheeks.
Assistant: 我的母亲站在我的身旁,弯下腰来亲吻着她的孩子们,幸福的眼泪从她的脸颊落下。
User: Between 2009-2011 he was chosen as a BBC New Generation Artist.
Assistant: 2009至2011年间他被英国广播公司选为“新一代艺术家”。
User: In 2015, the Republic of Macedonia decided to guard its borders with military forces in order to prevent the refugees from entering the country, as Serbia also closed its borders.
Assistant: 2015年,前南斯拉夫马其顿共和国决定用军队保卫边界,以防止难民进入该国,因为塞尔维亚也关闭了边界。
User: However, an electric vehicle with aluminium batteries has the potential for up to eight times the range of a lithium-ion battery with a significantly lower total weight.
Assistant: 但是,电动汽车用的铝电池具有比锂离子电池多达八倍里程范围的潜力,和显著较低的总重量。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: Young employees of Chinese companies have recently arrived to work for at least two years.
Assistant: 最近有年轻的中国公司的雇员们到来,并至少要工作两年。
User: Believing him, King Peter returned .
Assistant: 徐方不回,王曰还归。
User: Wherefore the theological virtues are specifically distinct from the moral and intellectual virtues.
Assistant: 神学美德也因此与道德和智慧相当不同。
User: On 12 December 2006, the Bureau of Meteorology announced that the name "Clare" would be retired, and will never be used for an Australian Cyclone ever again.
Assistant: 2006年12月12日,澳大利亚气象局宣布,莫妮卡的名字将会退役,不会再被用作澳大利亚热带气旋的名字。
User: Students in metropolitan areas may be able to choose from several testing locations.
Assistant: 居住于大都会区域的学生可以从多个临近的考试地点中进行选择。
User: To implement his use as a unit of measure, Oliver Smoot repeatedly lay down on the bridge, let his companions mark his new position in chalk or paint, and then got up again.
Assistant: 为了实现创立一个新的测量单位的目标,奥利弗·斯穆特反复在桥上躺下,让他的同伴们用粉笔或油漆记录他的新位置,然后再起身。
User: Farther to the northeast, at the summit of the Cispius, is the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore.
Assistant: 更向东北方,在Cispius山顶,是圣母大殿。
User: Between 1949 and 1952, the New China Booksellers offices scattered throughout the country were nationalized and given responsibility publishing, printing, and distribution.
Assistant: 1949年至1952年,分散于全国各地的新中国书商办事处被收归国有,并负责出版、印刷和分发。
User: This advantage comes at high costs – either for the provider or the customer, depending on the business model.
Assistant: 这个优势是随着高代价一起来的——既是对供应商也是对客户——因商业模式不同而异。
User: Rochester continued to supervise artificial intelligence projects at IBM, including Arthur Samuel's checkers program, Herbert Gelernter's Geometry Theorem Prover and Alex Bernstein's chess program.
Assistant: 罗切斯特继续监督 IBM 的人工智能项目,包括阿瑟·塞缪尔的跳棋项目、赫伯特·格勒尼特的几何定理以及亚历克斯·伯恩斯坦的国际象棋项目。
User: The condition most commonly affects white-colored cats, but may be found in a cat of any color, provided that it possesses the white spotting gene.
Assistant: 此种疾病最常影响白色的猫,但其他颜色的猫也可能患病;只要当个体具有白色斑点基因时就有可能发生。
User: This convention was agreed upon by the United Nations Economic and Social Council at its Conference on Road Traffic in Vienna 7 October to 8 November 1968, was concluded in Vienna on 8 November 1968, and entered into force on 6 June 1978.
Assistant: 联合国经济及社会理事会于1968年10月7日至11月8日期间在维也纳道路交通会议上通过该公约,1968年11月8日在维也纳缔结公约并于1978年6月6日施行。
User: NADA's AutoExec.
Assistant: 没有使用奥义。
User: X-ray absorptions are associated with the excitation of inner shell electrons in atoms.
Assistant: X-射线的吸收则与原子中内壳电子的激发相关。
User: In the United States, the Igbo were imported most commonly to the Chesapeake Bay colonies and states of Maryland and Virginia, where they constituted the largest group of Africans.
Assistant: 在美国,伊博奴隶最常到切萨皮克湾殖民地和马里兰州和弗吉尼亚,在那里他们构成了非洲人的最大群体。
User: EFS works in conjunction with the EFS service, Microsoft's CryptoAPI and the EFS File System Run-Time Library (FSRTL).
Assistant: 加密文件系统需要与EFS服务、Microsoft的加密应用程序接口(CryptoAPI)以及EFS 文件运行时库(FSRTL)联合工作。
User: An image of the Israeli flag next to the American flag was projected onto Jerusalem's Western Wall.
Assistant: 耶路撒冷将以色列国旗和美国国旗并排投影到西墙上。
User: Under Article 15(4) of the Constitution, a person's freedom of religion can be restricted by a general law relating to public order, public health or morality.
Assistant: 《宪法》第15条第4款之下,一个人的宗教自由可以受到有关公共秩序、公共卫生或道德的普通法律的限制。
User: He is survived by his wife, Ruby; his son Nkeruwem; his brother Ikpong; his sisters Arit, Enoh and Ester; and a host of nephews, nieces, and other relatives.
Assistant: 严侍下,妻夏氏(封孺人)继妻吴氏(封孺人);兄可大(庠生);可久;可立,子传芳(庠生);流芳;弥芳;竞芳。
User: On August 23, 1954, a D train relaying east of the station overshot the bumper blocks at the end of the track, crashing into the wall at the end of the line.
Assistant: 1954年8月23日,一列D线列车在车站以东冲越轨道末端的止冲挡并撞上了隧道的墙壁。
User: In an interview, Ms. Santa Maria said that she was taken to Mr. Bongo's presidential palace hours after her Jan. 19 arrival and that as he joined her, he pressed a button and some sliding doors opened, revealing a large bed.
Assistant: 在接受采访时,圣玛丽亚女士说,她在1月19日抵达后被带到邦戈总统府几个小时,当他加入她时,他按下一个按钮,一些推拉门打开,露出一张大床。
User: An expansion box set titled Dark Millennium was later released, which included rules for psychic powers.
Assistant: 一个名为Dark Millennium的扩充盒装组在稍候发行了,其中加入了灵能的规则。
User: Gallery forests serve as primary habitat for most of the mammals in the Cerrado, having more water, being protected from fires that sweep the landscape and having a more highly structured habitat.
Assistant: 走廊森林是塞拉多大多数哺乳动物的主要栖息地,那里有更多的水,可以躲避横扫地貌的野火,并且拥有一个更加高度结构化的栖息地。
User: During the next few weeks he reportedly concluded that both nations might realize cost benefits and technological gains from a joint venture, and decided to accept Kennedy's offer based on a measure of rapport during their years as leaders of the world's two superpowers, but changed his mind and dropped the idea since he did not have the same trust for Kennedy's successor, Lyndon Johnson.
Assistant: 在接下来的几个星期内,他声称考虑到双方都能从合作项目中得到的成本效益和技术收益,赫鲁晓夫决定接受肯尼迪的提议,前提是在双方作为世界两个超级大国的领导人期间要和谐共处,但是赫鲁晓夫改变了想法,放弃了这个主意,因为赫鲁晓夫并不像信任肯尼迪那样信任他的接班人林登约翰逊。
User: Beijing Bus Football Club is a disbanded Chinese semi-professional football club.
Assistant: 北京巴士足球俱乐部是一支已经解散了的中国半职业足球俱乐部。
User: The admissibility and use of evidence in criminal proceedings (as well as civil) is governed by the separate Federal Rules of Evidence.
Assistant: 刑事诉讼(以及民事诉讼)中证据的使用及可受理性均受到各别的联邦证据规则(英语:联邦证据规则)所管辖。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: The word (from Italian irredento for "unredeemed") was coined in Italy from the phrase Italia irredenta ("unredeemed Italy").
Assistant: 此词语出自意大利的名词“尚未收复的意大利”(Italia irredenta)。
User: Web sites most likely to be referred to as "web applications" are those which have similar functionality to a desktop software application, or to a mobile app.
Assistant: 最有可能接近“网络应用程序”的网站是与桌面软件应用程序或移动应用程序具有类似功能的网站。
User: Part of the men's ATP World Tour, the tournament is the only grass court event in North America.
Assistant: 作为ATP世界巡回赛的一员,名人堂网球锦标赛是北美洲唯一的草地赛事。
User: She also worked in the now-defunct Istanbul Bank as president of the company.
Assistant: 她还曾担任过现在的伊斯坦布尔银行的公司总裁。
User: An example may be 728 Leonisis, although it has also been classified as an A-type.
Assistant: 一个可能的例子是728 Leonisis,但是他也被分类为A-型。
User: In New Orleans, some scenes were filmed at Café du Monde in the city's French Quarter.
Assistant: 在纽奥良拍摄时,部分场景在法国区的世界咖啡馆摄影。
User: There is a small tunnel below the stone one can enter.
Assistant: 在地下的一层有一个矮小的入口可供一人进入。
User: First, we could observe the two cars from the side of the road.
Assistant: 首先,我们可以从路边观测两辆车。
User: After the 1962 Sino-Indian War, most Chinese were viewed as traitors, and left the town.
Assistant: 1962年中印边境战争之后,大多数中国人被视为叛徒而离开了该城镇 。
User: Sphinxes depictions are generally associated with architectural structures such as royal tombs or religious temples.
Assistant: 一般来说,斯芬克斯常常与皇家的墓葬和宗教庙宇等建筑形式联系在一起。
User: Deliveries of the Shelby GT500 began in May 2006.
Assistant: 福特于2006年5月开始了谢尔比GT500的送货服务。
User: In 1979, he presented himself to the main opposition party, the Brazilian Democratic Movement (MDB), and was appointed chief of staff by party leader Ulysses Guimaraes.
Assistant: 1979年,他宣布自己加入当时主要的反对党,巴西民主运动(the Brazilian Democratic Movement ,MDB),被该党领袖Ulysses Guimaraes任命为参谋总长(chief of staff)。
User: The fruit is a pod 6–9 cm long containing one or two seeds.
Assistant: 果实是长6-9厘米的豆荚,内有1-2颗种子。
User: On July 1, 2011, GoDaddy confirmed that KKR, Silver Lake Partners, and Technology Crossover Ventures had closed the deal.
Assistant: 2011年7月1日,GoDaddy证实KKR、Silver Lake Partners及Technology Crossover Ventures已经达成交易。
User: Magellan radar data confirm the existence of strong winds that blow toward the east in the upper surface of Venus, and meridional winds on the surface.
Assistant: 麦哲伦号雷达资料确认有一道强力的风在金星高层大气由西向东运动,以及金星表面的经向风。
User: Some people even suggested that Dark_AleX was paid by Sony not to release any more custom firmware, but Sony denied this.
Assistant: 有些人甚至认为,索尼向Dark_AleX提供资金,使其不再发布更多的自制固件,但索尼否认了这一说法。
User: Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Cologne, the four biggest cities in Germany, have more than one Category 1 station.
Assistant: 德国最大的四座城市,柏林、汉堡、慕尼黑和科隆,均拥有多座一等车站。
User: ASPERA-4 is a re-use of the ASPERA-3 design used on Mars Express, but adapted for the harsher near-Venus environment.
Assistant: ASPERA-4是设计用在火星特快车的ASPERA-3的再利用,但是适用于更严苛的金星环境。
User: After a short battle approximately 70 Crusaders managed to enter the city.
Assistant: 经过短暂的战斗,大约70名十字军设法进入该城。
User: Generally, the services of a certain administration in a région or département are managed by a high-level civil servant, often called director, but not always; for instance, the services of the Trésor public (Treasury) in each département are headed by a treasurer-paymaster general, appointed by the President of the Republic.
Assistant: 通常,在一个大区或省的某个行政部门的服务由一位时常但不总是被称为主任的高水平的公务员管理;在每个省的公共金库(金库)由被共和国总统任命的司库-主计长领导。
User: The only well-supported species, I. bernissartensis, is estimated to have weighed about 3.08 tonnes (3.4 tons) on average, and measured about 10 metres (33 feet) long as an adult, with some specimens possibly as long as 13 metres (43 feet).
Assistant: 最著名的种是贝尼萨尔禽龙(I. bernissartensis),平均重达3.08公吨,成年个体的身长约10米,有些标本可能长达13米。
User: Even by then most of the infantry had not crossed, much of the success being due to the actions of just six platoons, mainly assault engineers.
Assistant: 直到这时,大多数的德国步兵尚未渡河,德军的主要战果来自仅仅6个排兵力的行动,其中大部分还是工兵。
User: In 1968 a formal diving competition was inaugurated and held every summer.
Assistant: 1968年开始每年夏天举行正式的跳水比赛。
User: The park was created by the authorities of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) in 1986.
Assistant: 这个公园由前德意志民主共和国政府开辟于1986年。
User: Some historians have suggested that it was created following the orders of SS-Obergruppenführer Oswald Pohl on June 11, 1943.
Assistant: 一些历史学家认为该集中营是根据党卫队上级集团长奥斯瓦尔德·波尔(英语:Oswald Pohl)的命令,于1943年6月11日成立的。
User: Kim Do-hoon, Shinsadong Tiger, Jung Ji-chan, Kang Ji-won, and other great staff participated in her album, and the tracks they released have received praise.
Assistant: Kim Do Hoon、新沙洞老虎、Jung Ji Chan、Kang Ji Won,以及其他优秀的团队参与她此张专辑,并且已发表的曲目都获得好评。
User: With this court decision, the private blacklisters and those who used them were put on notice that they were legally liable for the professional and financial damage they caused.
Assistant: 根据法院判决,私营黑名单和使用人被告知他们要负法律责任,为可能造成的专业和财产损失负责。
User: Thus named the Alfa Romeo 177, the car made its debut at the 1979 Belgian Grand Prix.
Assistant: 新车被命名为阿尔法·罗密欧 177,这辆车在1979年比利时大奖赛亮相。
User: In 1912 he entered the faculty of Natural History in University of Kiev.
Assistant: 1912年他考入 基辅大学自然历史系。
User: UTF-1 is one way of transforming ISO 10646/Unicode into a stream of bytes.
Assistant: UTF-1是一种将ISO 10646 / Unicode转化成字节流的方式。
User: Two primary classes of thermodynamic cycles are power cycles and heat pump cycles.
Assistant: 两种主要的热力学循环类型是热机循环和热泵循环。
User: The game is played by hands.
Assistant: 的比赛对手。
User: This event demonstrated what the school and its community can achieve together.
Assistant: 故事就在这家人的学校及生活之间展开。
User: The album charted in the top ten in several countries, including the number-one spot in the UK, and the group had won several "best of" awards by the end of 2013.
Assistant: 专辑在多个国家排名前十,其中在英国夺冠,同时乐团也在2013年获得多个年度最佳奖项。
User: The opposition has accused the premier of seeking military aid from Vietnam.
Assistant: 反对派指控洪森首相此举意在寻求越南军事援助。 |
Subsets and Splits