stringlengths 2.03k
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: On 14 October 2013, Foreign Minister Erlan Idrisov met with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Leonid Kozhara.
Assistant: 2013年10月14日,外交部长厄兰·伊德里索夫会见了乌克兰外长列昂里德·库扎哈。
User: Richard's misfortunes seemed to follow him into retirement.
Assistant: 理查的逃脱为他带来了好处。
User: STK has been deployed by many mobile operators around the world for many applications, often where a menu-based approach is required, such as Mobile Banking and content browsing.
Assistant: 全球众多移动运营商已使用STK技术部署了众多应用,这些应用通常是基于菜单式操作,提供诸如手机银行(英语:Mobile Banking)、内容浏览等功能。
User: Due to the semantics of some programming languages, the code generated by the compiler is allowed to update the shared variable to point to a partially constructed object before A has finished performing the initialization.
Assistant: 由于某些编程语言的语义,编译器生成的代码允许在线程A执行完变量的初始化之前,更新变量并将其指向部分初始化的对象。
User: In the Wa language, spoken in the borderlands between Yunnan Province and Shan State, the word for Chinese is Hox/Hawx, pronounced /hɔʔ/.
Assistant: 在云南省与掸邦边境地区的佤语中,称呼中国人的词为Hox/Hawx,发音为/hɔʔ/。
User: Another ship on September 16 reported similar winds in the same location; Thus, it was estimated to have remained nearly stationary for three days.
Assistant: 同年9月16日,女性之赞号成为同最后一艘下水的同级舰,并在距离完工前约十三个月取消。
User: It used two different rockets.
Assistant: 它使用了两种不同的火箭炮。
User: Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.
Assistant: 她继续的任务,是去探索这未知的新世界,找寻新的生命和新文明,勇踏前人未至之境。
User: Uematsu did not only show up at Anime Boston, he made a surprise appearance and played with the Video Game Orchestra for the track "One Winged Angel".
Assistant: 植松不但如期在动漫波士顿出现,还和Video Game Orchestra(VGO)演奏了《One Winged Angel》。
User: Like most of pop music, its songs tend to be written in a basic format employing a verse–chorus structure.
Assistant: 和大部分流行音乐一样,它的歌曲通常是写在基本的模板里,采用韵文-合唱诗的结构。
User: The most valuable historic and cultural sites are concentrated here.
Assistant: 最有价值的历史文化遗迹都集中于此。
User: She enters a portal and defeats the White Frost, ending the threat.
Assistant: 她进入一个传送门,击败了白霜并结束了威胁。
User: With the baseline length established in 1924, measurements were carried out over the next two years to obtain the published value of 299,796 ± 4 km/s.
Assistant: 利用1924年建立的基线长度,光速测量在接下来的两年内得以进行,获得299,796±4 km/s的公布值。
User: These are highly standardised.
Assistant: 这些是高度标准化的。
User: Angst can create a clear understanding in one that death is a possible mode of existence, which Heidegger described as “clearing”.
Assistant: 焦虑可以产生一种清晰的理解,即死亡是一种可能的存在模式,海德格尔称之为"清除"。
User: 1860 continued to perform well through the mid-1960s: they captured their second DFB-Pokal in 1964, played the 1965 European Cup Winners' Cup final against West Ham United – losing 0–2.
Assistant: 1860慕尼黑在六十年代中期的表现继续强劲,在1964年第二次夺得德国杯冠军,令他们能参与1965年的欧洲杯赛冠军杯,但决赛以0:2败给韦斯咸。
User: Though it explicitly extended the first two laws of planetary motion (applied to Mars in Astronomia nova) to all the planets as well as the Moon and the Medicean satellites of Jupiter, it did not explain how elliptical orbits could be derived from observational data.
Assistant: 虽然它明确的将行星运动的头两条定律(在《新天文学》中适用于火星)扩展到其它行星、月球及木星的美第奇卫星,但是它并没有解释椭圆轨道如何从观测资料中获取。
User: In 2014, she had a small role in the thriller film Tusk, a role she reprised in 2016's Yoga Hosers.
Assistant: 2014年,史密斯在惊悚片《人型海象(英语:Tusk (2014 film))》中饰演一名小角色,之后她又于2016年的《瑜珈鲁蛇》同样出演该角。
User: Records with unambiguously linguistic content, identifiably Sumerian, are those found at Jemdet Nasr, dating to the 31st or 30th century BC.
Assistant: 语言学上不含糊、能被明确界定为苏美尔语的文献出土与杰姆德·那瑟(Jemdet Nasr),年代可追溯到前31-30世纪。
User: The system slowly tracked southward into the Gulf of California and became increasingly organized.
Assistant: 系统缓慢向南进入加利福尼亚湾并逐渐组织起来。
User: If an issuer went bankrupt, closed, left town, or otherwise went out of business, the note would be worthless.
Assistant: 如果发行者破产、关闭、离开或歇业了,那么其发行的纸币就将一文不值。
User: Thus, a 22mm rifle grenade can easily be as powerful as a 40mm grenade, in spite of the seemingly smaller size.
Assistant: 因此,尽管从尺寸看起来更小巧,但22毫米枪榴弹的威力可以轻易地与40毫米榴弹一样强大。
User: By dexterous management and promises of large rewards, he overcame the misgivings of the Greek troops over the length and danger of the war.
Assistant: 通过巧妙的管理和大回报的承诺,他克服了希腊人对于长距离且危险的战争的疑虑。
User: In the meantime, the guerillas in Province of León became very active.
Assistant: 南宋时期,大屿山的产盐业已非常蓬勃。
User: As of January 16, 2012, there were 31 sponsors.
Assistant: 直到2012年1月16日,共有31位支持者。
User: After playing in the rock band Heatmiser for several years, Smith began his solo career in 1994, with releases on the independent record labels Cavity Search and Kill Rock Stars (KRS).
Assistant: 在摇滚乐团Heatmiser演奏多年后,1994年,史密斯与独立唱片厂牌Cavity Search与Kill Rock Stars合作发行首张专辑,开启了单飞生涯。
User: The limit had been 50ppm.
Assistant: 之前规定为50ppm。
User: Tenants have to pay the landowner even though they are doing all of the agricultural work.
Assistant: 男性求婚者必须付聘金,其中包含农耕的劳务。
User: Neighbouring districts are (from north clockwise): Mae Ramat, Mueang Tak, and Phop Phra.
Assistant: 与美索毗邻的区域分别是(从北以顺时针方向):Mae Ramat, Mueang Tak以及Phop Phra。
User: In English-speaking realm, the term was brought up by former Google's vice president Kai-Fu Lee who is now the founder of the Chinese IT startup incubator Innovation Works, during an interview with Rebecca Fannin.
Assistant: 在英语国家,该词由谷歌的前任副总裁、创新工场创始人李开复在一次Rebecca Fannin采访中提及。 |
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Here they are with "Listening".
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
As early as August 23, 1963, an unnamed U.S. representative had met with Vietnamese generals planning a coup against President Diem.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
On 22 January Germans demolished more of the construction with a further 30 tonnes of explosives.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:第二天,德军使用了30吨炸药炸毁了更多的建筑。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:D The New Right (Nye Borgerlige).
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
From 1990, she has worked freelance.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
However, with ISPs that continue to use simpler, less costly methods to identify and throttle BitTorrent, the current solution remains effective.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
According to archival documents, he also had a meeting in Warsaw with the French ambassador Count De Bregie, during which he discussed the possibility of Cossack participation in war in France.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:部分档案文献显示出,这时博赫丹也在华沙会见了法国使节德·布勒吉耶公爵,在这次见面中,他讨论了哥萨克参与法国战争的可行性。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Dramatis personae.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
A study, states 29% of seeds germinated when placed at 0.5 cm below the soil, while only 3% germinated when buried 1 cm.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 一项研究表明,当种植在土壤下0.5公分处时,29%的种子会发芽,而埋在1公分处时,只有3%的种子发芽。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
World government is the concept of a single political body that would make, interpret and enforce international law.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
A negative literal is the negation of an atom.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:否定文字是一个原子的否定。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The weapon arsenal in Final Fantasy Mystic Quest is considerably smaller than most role-playing games.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
《最终幻想 神秘历险》的武器种类比大多数角色扮演游戏要少。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!": Adventures of a Curious Character is an edited collection of reminiscences by the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
": Adventures of a Curious Character)是诺贝尔奖得主、物理学家理查德·费曼的回忆的编辑收集。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Al-Ghazali had an important influence on both later Muslim philosophers and Christian medieval philosophers.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
安萨里对于穆斯林哲学家(英语:Muslim philosophers)及基督教中世纪哲学家都有很大的影响。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
This service keeps customer payment information private, sending a one-time security code instead of the card or user details.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
He did so by stating that princes and republics should limit their expenditures and prevent either the wealthy or the populace from despoiling the other.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
South Africa is the largest trading partner of the Philippines in Africa and the Philippines ranked South Africa as its 36th largest trading partner in 2008.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:于2008年,南非是菲律宾在非洲最大的贸易伙伴,亦是菲律宾的第36大贸易伙伴。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The NBD consists of two lobes with a deep cleft between them, at the bottom of which nucleotide (ATP and ADP) binds.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:长方形棋盘,中间有两条横沟,两边各有九个棋洞,各属于一方。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
According to Wilhelm Reich, the lack of women's capacity to have a vaginal orgasm is due to a lack of orgastic potency, which he believed to be the result of culture's suppression of genital sexuality.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The funding for these projects is distributed unevenly, with a few projects accounting for the majority of overall funding.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 大多数项目的资金分配不均,少数项目占总体资金的大部分。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
IGN and Giant Bomb commended the music selection and felt that the original score enhanced dramatic tension during missions.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Sues and Alexander Averianov criticised that analysis, arguing that Farke and colleagues misinterpreted or mis-coded some characteristics of the fossil in their analysis.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
苏伊士与亚历山大·阿维里安诺夫(Alexander Averianov)反对这项说法,认为该研究忽视某些图兰角龙的特征,或是论述角度错误。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Since the college was first formally integrated into the University structure in 1955, its Nonconformist aspects have gradually diminished.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Mitchel Resnick (born June 12, 1956) is LEGO Papert Professor of Learning Research, Director of the Okawa Center, and Director of the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
密契尔.瑞斯尼克 (1956年6月12日-)是乐高学习研究帕尔特教授、大川中心(Okawa Center)主任、以及在麻省理工学院媒体实验室的终身幼儿园集团主任 。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
There are a variety of symbols, but recently most king's flags have different symbols, such as the symbol marking King Bhumibol's 80th birthday or the one commemorating the 60th anniversary of King Bhumibol's accession to the throne.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
According to an MSNBC report, the crucial words are inaudible, and presenter Rita Cosby questioned if it could be substantiated that Kalpoe had ever made the statements attributed to him in the Dr. Phil version of the recording.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
另据MSNBC报导,视频中最关键的字眼根本听不清,主持人丽塔·考斯比(Rita Cosby)质疑卡尔珀是否真的说过《菲尔医生》节目版本视频中那些话。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In March 2013, the Falkland Islands held a referendum on its political status: 99.8% of voters favoured remaining a British overseas territory.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
2013年3月,福克兰群岛针对其政治地位举行了2013年福克兰群岛主权公投(英语:Falkland Islands sovereignty referendum, 2013),99.8%的选民支持群岛继续作为英国海外领土。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
In UFO conspiracy theories, Majestic 12 (or MJ-12) is the code name of an alleged secret committee of scientists, military leaders, and government officials, formed in 1947 by an executive order by U.S. President Harry S. Truman to facilitate recovery and investigation of alien spacecraft.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
在不明飞行物体阴谋论中,MJ-12(全称:Majestic 12)是一个由科学家、军事领袖、政府官员组成的秘密组织的代码,由美国总统杜鲁门在1947年签署的行政命令下组建而成。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In the most industrialised parts of Wales, Labour-dominated councils successfully tried not only to increase the number of secondary-school places (even during the years of the Great depression), but also worked towards providing these places free, and therefore on merit, instead of on ability to pay.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
在威尔士工业化程度最高的地区,以工党为主导的地方议会不仅成功地增发中学文凭(即使在大萧条时期也如此),而且也努力减免学费,甚少顾虑支付能力。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: Eileen died after the birth of their last child.
Assistant: 艾琳在生完最后一个孩子后过世。
User: Koichiro Matsuura, the immediate past Director-General of UNESCO, has written of peace education as being of "fundamental importance to the mission of UNESCO and the United Nations".
Assistant: 松浦晃一郎(联合国教科文组织前任总干事)曾写道,和平教育“对教科文组织和联合国的使命至关重要”。
User: These two changes dramatically increased the efficiency of the implosion, and thereby greatly lowered the energy required to compress it.
Assistant: 这些变化显著地提高了内爆的效率,因此压缩燃料所需的能量减少了。
User: The international invited competition for its design was won by the architectural group Bjarke Ingels Group, announced in spring 2013.
Assistant: 项目设计采取全球范围内邀请竞标,Bjarke Ingels Group在2013年春季夺冠。
User: Nitrogen — to grow and reproduce more organisms to oxidize the carbon.
Assistant: 氮 - 生长和繁殖更多的生物体以氧化碳。
User: She also stated that she hoped to collaborate with many artists that year, possibly including some of her fellow coaches on The Voice.
Assistant: 她希望在那一年与许多艺人合作,可能还包括她在The Voice上的一些导师。
User: Sinclair told W that her childhood nickname from her mother was "Verbal" because she talked and sang a lot.
Assistant: 她在接受《W》采访时说自己童年的小名是母亲取的Verbal(意:语言的)因为她多话且经常唱歌。
User: She has been a news presenter and journalist for many years and in more recent times, has become popular throughout social media.
Assistant: 她是一位资深的新闻主播和记者,近年来于社交网络上受到欢迎。
User: The U.S. Postal Service has organized these 36 places into 30 different five-digit ZIP Codes served by 20 different post offices.
Assistant: 美国邮政局已将这36个地点组织成20个不同邮局提供的30个不同的5位邮政编码。
User: Such presumptions determine who bears the onus of proof.
Assistant: 此类测试只能应用于已发生的案件,难以应用于详情未明的事件。
User: Henry IV's Queen, Joan of Navarre, had been granted authority over Edmund's marriage on 24 February 1408, but she later ceded this to Henry while Prince of Wales.
Assistant: 1408年2月24日,亨利四世的王后纳瓦拉的胡安娜曾获授权安排埃德蒙的婚事,但后来将此权让给了亨利五世。
User: Dr. James Cooke Brown (July 21, 1921 – February 13, 2000) was an American sociologist and science fiction author.
Assistant: 詹姆士·库克·布朗(英语:James Cooke Brown,1921年7月21日-2000年2月13日)是一名社会学家和科幻小说家。
User: Police and Crime Commissioner Mulligan takes her responsibilities in this respect extremely seriously and is committed to providing as much information as possible.
Assistant: 麦克·菲格斯鼓励几位主要演员对其扮演的角色进行较为广泛的研究,并且尽可能多地搜索第一手资料。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: The sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) is a lacertid lizard distributed across most of Europe and eastwards to Mongolia.
Assistant: 捷蜥蜴(Lacerta agilis)是一种蜥蜴,分布于几乎整个欧洲,往东至蒙古。
User: Similarity to the Sun allows for checking derived quantities—such as temperature, which is derived from the color index—against the Sun, the only star whose temperature is confidently known.
Assistant: 太阳的相似度可以检查一些得到的数值 -像是温度,可以从色指数推导,较之下,只有太阳的温度是可以经由直接的测量获得,是唯一确认无误的。
User: Gosser (1977), pp. 206–207; Dickson (1907), part 3.
Assistant: Gosser (1977年),第206–207页;Dickson (1907年)第三部分。
User: It changed its name to Griggs and split into Griggs University (for college courses) and Griggs International Academy (for K-12).
Assistant: 它改名为Griggs,分为格瑞大学(大学课程)和格瑞国际学院(K-12)。
User: However, these values can range from 10–90% depending on the dominate plant types in an ecosystem and conditions under which the plants are subjected.
Assistant: 然而,值的范围可以从10-90%受到生态系统中植物种类和环境中受哪一类优势植物影响。
User: The ship was a training ground for later commanders in chief of the High Seas Fleet, including Admirals Reinhard Scheer and Franz von Hipper, who both served aboard the ship as navigation officers during 1897 and October 1898 to September 1899, respectively.
Assistant: 腓特烈·威廉选帝侯号也孕育出了后来公海舰队的一些指挥官,其中赖因哈德·舍尔和弗朗兹·冯·希佩尔便分别于1897年和1898年至1899年在舰上担任领航官。
User: In 1987 it launched Air 2000 and in 1990 acquired Redwing.
Assistant: 1987年设立空中2000航空,并在1990年收购雷德温公司。
User: Around 22:00, Rheinland and Westfalen observed unidentified light forces in the gathering darkness.
Assistant: 22:00左右,莱茵兰号和威斯特法伦号在黑暗中观察到不明身份的轻型部队。
User: Strong swells resulted in damage in northern Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, and also caused four people to drown along the United States' Atlantic coast.
Assistant: 强烈的涌浪在波多黎各北部和多米尼加共和国造成了破坏,美国大西洋沿岸也有四人淹死。
User: His good form was rewarded, as he signed a new three-year deal with Hull in April 2008.
Assistant: 他的好表现得到回报,球队和他于2008年4月签下新的三年合约。
User: Chiles and White might be liable to such purchasers and any purchasers who had successfully redeemed the bonds were liable for a personal judgment in favor of the state for the amount they received.
Assistant: 智利和怀特需对这样的买家负责,而任何已经成功赎出这些债券的买家有责任对于收到的金额作出有利于的德克萨斯州个人判断。
User: Beginning in the 17th century wares like Mediterranean fruit, spices, cotton and silk from the Venetian Market in Mittenwald were transported down the Isar and Danube all the way to Vienna and Budapest.
Assistant: 17世纪从威尼斯市场上运来的水果、香料、棉花和丝绸在米登华德转运到木筏上一直运到维也纳和布达佩斯。
User: Since 2004 the BLA has waged an armed struggle against the state of Pakistan for what it claims as equal rights and self-determination for the Baloch people in Pakistan, who it claims have been subjected to repression for decades.
Assistant: 2004年起,俾路支解放军武力对抗巴基斯坦政府,旨在为长年受压迫的俾路支人争取平权与民族自决。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: Part of higher education's role about the rankings should be to remind students and their families that these are only one piece of information that they should take into account in deciding where to go to college.
Assistant: 高等教育排名部分目的应该是提醒学生和他们的家庭,这些排名只不过是在选择去哪所大学时应该考虑的一个因素。
User: Miles Raymer of Entertainment Weekly wrote that the original track was arguably better than the remix and expressed that the latter "lacks the directness" of the former.
Assistant: 《娱乐周刊》的迈尔斯·雷默写道原版曲目大概比重混更好,并解释道后者“缺少(前者的)直接性”。
User: Although associated closely with Rotterdam, he lived there for only four years, never to return.
Assistant: 尽管他的名字已经和鹿特丹这座城市分不开,但他事实上只在那里生活了四年便离开了,至死也没再回去过。
User: The smallest Hurwitz surface is the Klein quartic (genus 3, automorphism group of order 168), and the induced tiling has 24 heptagons, meeting at 56 vertices.
Assistant: 其中最小的赫尔维茨曲面是克莱因商(Klein quartic)亏格3、168阶、包含56个七边形镶嵌在一起,形成24个顶点。
User: The most striking finding was that the fraction of human DNA that is biologically active is considerably higher than even the most optimistic previous estimates.
Assistant: 最引人注目的发现是,人类DNA有生物活性的分数大于以前估计中即使是最乐观的估计还要高得多。
User: The sixth and final season of the American serial drama television series Lost commenced airing in the United States and Canada on February 2, 2010.
Assistant: 《迷失》第六季是美国电视连续剧《迷失》的第六个也是最后一个播出季,从2010年2月2日在美国和加拿大上映。
User: He suggested that substitutes could be made from carved blocks of ivory or bone.
Assistant: 他建议,替代物可以是象牙或骨头的雕块。
User: Van Zeeland was a professor of law and later director of the Institute of Economic Science at the Catholic University of Leuven (Leuven), and vice-governor of the National Bank of Belgium.
Assistant: 范泽兰是法律学教授,后在卢万公教大学任经济学学院的主任和比利时国家银行的副行长。
User: The focus on 1256 facilitated extensive anniversarial fundraising in 2006.
Assistant: 2006年则集中在1256年广泛地募集捐款。
User: Scholars have pointed out that the timing of the temple's fundraising may have been a cause of the criticism, as the persistent fundraising was done during the Asian economic crisis.
Assistant: 学者们也指出寺院进行募款的时刻,是导致被批评的主因,因其募款活动刚好处于亚洲金融暴时期。
User: To obtain the accuracy needed, the RAT-C rocket launcher had to be redesigned with larger side fins.
Assistant: 为了获得所需的精度,RAT-C火箭必须重新设计一种较大的侧鳍。
User: A popular apéritif in Normandy is pommeau, a drink produced by blending unfermented apple juice and apple brandy in the barrel (the high alcoholic content of the spirit prevents fermentation of the juice and the blend takes on the character of the aged barrel).
Assistant: 诺曼底地区经常使用的开胃酒是pommeau,这是通过调配橡木桶里的未发酵的苹果汁和苹果白兰地制作而成的(高度数的酒精阻止了果酒的发酵过程,而调配则可以显示出古老橡木桶的风格)。
User: The Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science—for exceptional high-school-aged Texas scholars—awards high school diplomas that reflect two years of accelerated and enriched college classical core academics in biology, chemistry, physics, lab work, mathematics, English, history, political science, interdisciplinary seminar, and electives.
Assistant: 德克萨斯数学和科学学院为特殊的高中毕业的德州学者颁发高中文凭,反映了两年来加速和丰富了大学古典核心学术在生物,化学,物理,实验室工作,数学,英语,历史,政治学,跨学科研讨会和选修课。
User: Analyst Piers Harding-Rolls felt that the Nintendo 2DS would help Nintendo broaden its market, and believes that third-party publishers will have more commitment to the platform moving forward.
Assistant: 分析师皮尔斯·哈丁-罗尔斯认为,任天堂2DS帮助任天堂扩大市场,并认为第三方发行商将为平台前进做出更多承诺。
User: Pegg commented, "We're both from the West Country so it just seemed like it was the perfect and logical thing to drag those kind of ideas and those genres and those clichés back to our beginnings to where we grew up, so you could see high-octane balls-to-the-wall action in Frome".
Assistant: 佩吉评论道,“我们(佩吉与莱特)都生长于西郡,所以让那些想法、那种风格和那些口头禅回到我们的出生地似乎是完美而合乎逻辑的事,于是你可能会看到这部动作片在弗罗姆拍摄”。
User: Mary Sloan, a stewardess on the ship, whom Andrews persuaded to enter a lifeboat, later wrote in a letter: "Mr. Andrews met his fate like a true hero, realising the great danger, and gave up his life to save the women and children of the Titanic.
Assistant: 泰坦尼克号上的女侍玛丽·斯隆(Mary Sloan)指出,安德鲁斯曾说服她登上救生艇,后来在一封信中写道:“安德鲁斯先生像个真正的英雄一样面对命运,意识到巨大的危机后,牺牲自己来拯救妇女和泰坦尼克号的孩子们。
User: In Peru, Quebrada Tacahuay and Quebrada Jaguay have been studied by archaeologists.
Assistant: 如在秘鲁,克布拉达·塔卡瓦伊(Quebrada Tacahuay)和克布拉达·哈瓜伊(Quebrada Jaguay)已经由考古学家研究过。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: But he was a cripple and could not govern his polity because of his infirmity.
Assistant: 但他是一个跛子,因为自己的虚弱而无法控制自己的政体。
User: At that time, OPEC nations – including many who had recently nationalised their oil industries – joined the call for a New International Economic Order to be initiated by coalitions of primary producers.
Assistant: 与此同时,OPEC成员国(包括一些刚把石油工业国有化的国家)响应国际新经济秩序的呼吁,加入开始联合初级生产者。
User: The Sea organ (Croatian: Morske orgulje) is an architectural sound art object located in Zadar, Croatia and an experimental musical instrument, which plays music by way of sea waves and tubes located underneath a set of large marble steps.
Assistant: 海风琴 (克罗地亚语:Morske orgulje)是克罗地亚扎达尔的一组听觉艺术装置和实验乐器,通过海浪和隐藏在大理石台阶下面的聚乙烯管子与共振器的作用,来演奏音乐。
User: As it was lowered, it was nearly flooded by water being pumped out of the ship.
Assistant: 当它被降下时,几乎被被船侧排出的水柱冲翻。
User: Since 1999, InCopy from Adobe is a direct competitor to Quark CopyDesk, which was launched in 1991.
Assistant: InCopy的直接竞争对手是1991年发布的Quark CopyDesk。
User: Louis Jourdain, the son of the Tribal Chairman Buck Jourdain, was arrested in connection with the shootings on March 28, 2005 and charged with conspiracy to commit murder.
Assistant: Louis Jourdain(弗洛伊德·乔丹的儿子)于2005年3月28日因涉及这次事件而被捕,被告以合谋罪。
User: Symbols in Lisp are often used similarly to identifiers in other languages: to hold the value of a variable; however there are many other uses.
Assistant: Lisp中的符号通常类似于其它语言中的标识符(identifier)用法:保存变量的值;然而还有很多种用途。
User: His collection had remained in England and France until after World War II when the Japanese Government asked France for its return to Japan.
Assistant: 松方幸次郎的收藏品后来存放于英国和法国,直到第二次世界大战后,日本政府要求法国返还。
User: Also reported in many other interviews by local press through the years, was that Ricky Wong had the business idea of bringing in non-taxed engineering textbooks from Taiwan when he was 21, at his 3rd year at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, which earned him a good fortune and helped fellow undergraduates, at a time when textbooks are rare and expensive locally.
Assistant: 随后数年本地报章多次邀他访问,王维基称他21岁时就萌生从台湾引进免税工程教科书的想法,而在就读香港中文大学第3年时,这为他带来丰厚利润,同时亦有助纾缓在读大学生面对当时中文教科书稀缺以及成本高昂的困境。
User: The two most common arguments raised against international labour standards are that they undermine international competitiveness and erode domestic policy.
Assistant: 对国际劳工标准的三种最常见的批评是它们破坏了国际竞争力、蚕食国内政策和社会条款。
User: In Faces in the Clouds, anthropologist Stewart Guthrie proposes that all religions are anthropomorphisms that originate in the brain's tendency to detect the presence or vestiges of other humans in natural phenomena.
Assistant: 在他的书中云中面临的一个新的宗教理论,斯图尔特格思里的理论是,所有的宗教都是由于大脑的倾向自然现象来检测是否存在或其他人的痕迹anthropomorphisms发起的。
User: He had travelled through the United States, where he undertook a series of robberies, before arriving in London in June 1910.
Assistant: 1910年6月抵达伦敦之前,他曾在美国犯下一连串抢劫案。
User: Pallasite Panspermia – the hypothesis that life could reach other planets by the means of meteorites and/or comets.
Assistant: Pallasite:石铁陨石 Panspermia:生命可以通过陨石或彗星到达其他行星的理论。
User: In the Latin, Greek and Cyrillic (sometimes collectively referred to as LGC) scripts, one can refer to the distance from the baseline to the top of regular lowercase glyphs (mean line) as the x-height, and the part of a glyph rising above the x-height as the ascender.
Assistant: 在拉丁字母,希腊字母和西里尔字母(有时统称为LGC)脚本中,可以参考从基线到顶部的距离 常规小写字形(主线)为X字高,字形高于x高度的部分为升部 。
User: In Batman & Robin, Elle Macpherson plays Julie, Bruce's girlfriend, though the character seems to have little in common with her comic book self.
Assistant: 在电影《蝙蝠侠与罗宾》中,艾莉·麦克弗森饰演布鲁斯的女朋友朱莉,这个角色似乎与她的漫画版本没有什么共同之处。
User: Super, Girls!
Assistant: Girls、超!
User: Just 73 seconds into its flight at an altitude of 48,000 feet, the shuttle broke apart, resulting in the deaths of all seven crew members.
Assistant: 飞机飞行仅73秒,航天飞机在48,000英尺的高度解体,七名机组人员全部遇难。
User: The X protocol has been version 11 (hence "X11") since September 1987.
Assistant: X Window 源于1984年的麻省理工学院(目前所发布的 X11 发表于1987年9月)。
User: Cheap labour was the basis of the economy and this was taken from what the state classed as peasant groups and the migrants.
Assistant: 廉价劳动力是整个国家经济的基础,而这些廉价劳动力来自于国家所划分的农民和移民群体。
User: Maternal and infant mortality rates have also been cut significantly.
Assistant: 产妇及婴儿死亡率亦显著地下跌。
User: One day he will return.
Assistant: 后归故里。
User: Two of the larger trunks that Wylie collected in the 1907 expedition are still to be seen in the Durban Botanic Gardens.
Assistant: 1907年维利所采集的两株仍健在德班植物园。
User: Swimming Fastest.
Assistant: 游泳速度很快。
User: Proof: Let p = (p1, p2) and q = (q1, q2) be elements of W, that is, points in the plane such that p1 = p2 and q1 = q2.
Assistant: 证明: 设 p = (p1,p2) 且 q = (q1,q2) 是 W 的元素,就是说,在平面上的点使得 p1 = p2 且 q1 = q2。
User: The French expression droit du seigneur translates as "right of the lord", but native French prefer the terms droit de jambage (French: , from jambe, 'leg') or droit de cuissage (French: , from cuisse, 'thigh').
Assistant: 法语用词“Droit du seigneur”大致可以翻译为“领主的权利”,但在提到这种权利的行使时,法国本土则偏爱用“droit de jambage”(“腿的权利”)或是“droit de cuissage”(“大腿的权利”)。
User: The Lion Is Busy.
Assistant: 港口繁忙。
User: Morris died on November 6, 1816, after causing himself internal injuries and an infection while using a piece of whalebone as a catheter to attempt clearing a blockage in his urinary tract.
Assistant: 莫里斯死于1816年11月6日,因用一块鲸鱼骨作为导管,尝试清理堵塞尿路时感染。
User: In June 2004, an improved version of the 5.8×42mm cartridge entered development as the matching ammunition for the revised assault rifle, Type 95-1.
Assistant: 2004年6月,一种5.8×42毫米子弹的改进版本作为经过改进以后的95-1式突击步枪(QBZ-95-1)的相配弹药进行同步开发。
User: It met for the first time on 9 December 1946.
Assistant: 首次会议于1946年12月9日召开。
User: In self-defence, the mouse deer pushed the dog into the river.
Assistant: 为了自卫,鼠鹿将狗踢进河里。
User: In all cases where the sex of the biting spider could be determined, it was found to be the male of the species.
Assistant: 在所有能够确定叮咬蜘蛛性别的案例中,发现都是雄性蜘蛛。
User: However, his actions were soon discovered by Mike Novick, who ordered for Pierce to be arrested.
Assistant: 但很快被麦克·诺维克(Mike Novick)发现,皮尔斯被下令逮捕。
User: It was a salaried sinecure position with no additional obligations outside a captain's normal naval duties.
Assistant: 该组织的任务较为独特,除执行传统驻外武官机构的职责外。
User: The French, riven by internal disputes between Catholics and Protestants, were massacred by the Portuguese and their Indian allies in attacks organised from here, expelling them from the nearby Villegagnon Island (named after the French commander Nicolas Durand de Villegaignon).
Assistant: 法国人内部天主教徒和新教徒之间因纷争而四分五裂, 被葡萄牙人及其印第安盟友屠杀,从这里受到有组织的攻击,被驱逐到附近的Villegagnon岛(以法国指挥官尼古拉斯·杜兰德Nicolas Durand de Villegaignon命名)。
User: The other inscription from 1893 records the Florentines who distinguished themselves during the annexation of Milan (1865), Venice (1866) and Rome (1871) to the kingdom of Italy.
Assistant: 另一篇1893年的铭文记载佛罗伦萨人在米兰(1865年)、威尼斯(1866年)和罗马(1871年)并入意大利王国之时显扬自己。
User: The two other appearances in 1978 and 1984 had resulted in losses to Anderlecht and Juventus respectively.
Assistant: 另外2次是在1978和1984年,但分别负于安德莱赫特和尤文图斯。
User: News reports suggested Iran was involved in the plan as well.
Assistant: 新闻报道表明伊朗也参与了这个计划。
User: The 3-D film was set 15 years after Hansel and Gretel killed the witch who kidnapped them.
Assistant: 这部3D电影是在Hansel和Gretel杀死绑架他们的女巫15年后拍摄的。
User: National Society of Film Critics also voted Soderbergh and del Toro as Best Director and Best Supporting Actor, respectively.
Assistant: 国家影评人协会同样投票选择索德伯格和德尔·托罗分获最佳导演和男配角奖。
User: Nayib Armando Bukele Ortez (born 24 July 1981) is a Salvadoran politician and businessman who is the President-elect of El Salvador, having won the 2019 election.
Assistant: 纳伊布·阿曼多·布克莱·欧德斯(Nayib Armando Bukele Ortez;1981年7月24日-)是萨尔瓦多的从政者和商人,2019年当选萨尔瓦多总统。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: The meticulously researched novel is a sprawling postmodernist saga recounting the lives and careers of the English astronomer Charles Mason and his partner, the surveyor Jeremiah Dixon, the surveyors of the Mason-Dixon line, during the birth of the American Republic.
Assistant: 这部被谨慎研究的小说是一部讲述美利坚共和国诞生期间英国天文学家查尔斯·梅森和他的搭档、测定梅森—迪克逊线的测量员耶利米·迪克逊生活和事业的后现代主义传奇。
User: Juan Balboa Boneke, 75, Equatorial Guinean politician and writer, kidney failure.
Assistant: 胡安·巴尔博·波内克(西班牙语:Juan Balboa Boneke),75岁,赤道几内亚政治人物及作家,肾衰竭。
User: Of course, other implementations of signals are available on almost all platforms, although sometimes an extra library is needed, such as Boost.Signals2 for C++.
Assistant: 不过该注意的是,在几乎所有的平台都可以使用信号,但有时其实需要额外的函式库支援,例如可用于C++的Boost.Signals2。
User: Currently, no effective vaccine is available for humans.
Assistant: 但是,现在尚无对人类有效之疫苗。
User: Below are some of the commonly used definitions.
Assistant: 下面给出当代最常用的定义。
User: The salt's anion consists of two carbon atoms linked by a triple bond.
Assistant: 盐的阴离子是两个由三键相连的碳原子。
User: An acquaintance recommended she send her work to WomaNews, a feminist newspaper, which published her first work in its June 1983 issue.
Assistant: 一位熟人建议她将自己的作品发送给女权主义报纸《WomaNews(英语:WomaNews)》,该报在1983年6月刊上发表了她的第一部作品。
User: Chou added elements to the film to pay tribute to his high school and his favorite composer, Chopin.
Assistant: 周杰伦加进电影的元素包括他对高中母校的致敬,以及他最爱的作曲家萧邦。
User: According to Joshua Knoles of the Humble Bundle team, they "wanted to create something that would allow developers to easily sell their games through their own web site as well as provide a painless buying experience for purchasers".
Assistant: 根据Joshua Knoles的 Humble Bendle团队,他们“想创造的东西,将允许开发人员可以很容易地通过自己的网站销售他们的游戏,以及提供方便的支付方式给买家”。
User: He wrote, starred, and produced this film.
Assistant: 他们记录、制作且发行了这个迷你专辑 。
User: In networking, black holes refer to places in the network where incoming or outgoing traffic is silently discarded (or "dropped"), without informing the source that the data did not reach its intended recipient.
Assistant: 在电脑网络中,黑洞代指静默丢弃进出流量(亦或称为“丢包”)的网路地点,且不通知源头数据未到达指定的接受者。
User: The interaction between neurons can give rise to oscillations at a different frequency than the firing frequency of individual neurons.
Assistant: 这些神经元之间的相互作用会引起与单个神经元发放不同频率的振荡。
User: Washington muttered a response, possibly "yes", interpreted by the court as a guilty plea.
Assistant: 华盛顿喃喃回应,他说的可能是“是的”,法院认为这相当于认罪。
User: In 122 the legion started work on Hadrian's Wall which would sustain the peace for two decades.
Assistant: 从122年开始,该军团参与了哈德良长城的建设,维持了该地区20年的和平状态。
User: The racetrack is 2.238 miles (3.602 km) long, with a 180 feet (55 m) elevation change.
Assistant: 此赛道长2.238英里(3.602公里),海拔高度变化180英尺(55米)。
User: In Georgian, the adverbial case has several functions.
Assistant: 在格鲁吉亚语中,状语格有多种功能。
User: Blue Moon Rendering Tools, or BMRT, was one of the most famous RenderMan-compliant photorealistic rendering systems and was a precursor to NVIDIA's Gelato renderer.
Assistant: Blue Moon Rendering Tools,简写为BMRT,直译为蓝月亮渲染工具集,是最著名的符合RenderMan规范的逼真渲染系统之一,是英伟达已停止开发的Gelato渲染器的前身。
User: NMSP had signed a ceasefire pact with the government in 1995 but the pact turned invalid when the party refused to accept to transform itself into a border guard unit.
Assistant: 1995年,新孟邦党/孟民族解放军与缅甸政府达成停火协议,但当该党拒绝接受改编为边防部队时,该协议变为无效。
User: But if every player prefers not to switch (or is indifferent between switching and not) then the strategy profile is a Nash equilibrium.
Assistant: 但是,如果每个玩家都倾向于不改变(或对是否改变策略无动于衷),那么一套策略是一个纳什均衡。
User: In December 2011, defected Syrian Army officers reported that prior to his appointment of Chief of Staff, al-Freij commanded the Syrian Army Special Forces in the regions of Daraa, Idlib and Hama during the Syrian uprising.
Assistant: 2011年12月,变节的军官报道说,在弗雷伊担任参谋长以前,他指挥军队在德拉、伊德利卜与哈马镇压抗议活动。
User: Restitution deals with the recovery of someone else's gain, rather than compensation for one's own loss.
Assistant: 回复原状是关于他人所得利益的回复,而不是对个人损失的赔偿。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: June 6, 2015 – Pittsburgh: "Pontoon" with Little Big Town.
Assistant: 2015年6月6日(匹兹堡):与小大城(英语:Little Big Town)乐队共同演唱《浮桥》。
User: Their birth order is uncertain.
Assistant: 他们的出生顺序无法确定。
User: Since the frequency is already defined precisely and practically by the caesium standard, the Josephson effect is used, for most practical purposes, to give the standard representation of a volt, the Josephson voltage standard.
Assistant: 由于频率已由铯标准(英语:caesium standard)明确界定,约瑟夫森效应多用于给出1伏特的标准值,即约瑟夫森电压标准(英语:Josephson voltage standard)。
User: Also in the last part of that century, Felix Klein and Henri Poincaré introduced a category of fractal that has come to be called "self-inverse" fractals.
Assistant: 同样的,在那个世纪的末尾,菲利克斯·克莱因和儒勒·昂利·庞加莱也提出了一种称为“自逆”分形的分形。
User: The fire would burn for three hours and destroyed most of town (later reincorporated as a city).
Assistant: 大约经过三个月的时间,这一切不洁的恶行终于从民中除去。
User: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Biological Sciences research group has concluded that light sources consisting of more than 50% green cause reductions in plant growth, whereas combinations including up to 24% green enhance growth for some species.
Assistant: 美国国家航空航天局,生物科学研究小组得出结论,由50%以上绿色造成的光源导致植物生长减少,而包括高达24%绿色的组合可增强某些物种的生长。
User: Throughout the development of the atomic bomb, Oppenheimer was under investigation by both the FBI and the Manhattan Project's internal security arm for his past left-wing associations.
Assistant: 在参与研发原子弹期间,欧本海默因其过去和左翼人士的关系而受到了联邦调查局及曼哈顿计划内部安全部的调查。
User: I've done a little bit of songwriting with my dad and one of my mates.
Assistant: 我确实是为我和朋友一起popin而写歌的。
User: If I transgressed what I have vowed, I will see the Kingdom of Heaven, but will not enter it.
Assistant: 虽朕举动,靡不猜防,朕故别居,不与接见。
User: As of February 2014, NZX had a total of 258 listed securities with a combined market capitalisation of NZD $94.1 billion.
Assistant: 截至2014年11月,NZX共有258上市证券必须以$为94.1十亿联合市值。
User: GCompris is a software suite comprising educational entertainment software for children aged 2 to 10.
Assistant: GCompris是一个教育软件包,针对2到10岁的孩子。
User: On 1 May 2010, four trains were baptized in Landquart.
Assistant: 在2010年5月1日有四列电车在兰德夸特被命名。
User: That denomination is not used here.
Assistant: 这样的用法这里没有指定。
User: Dr. O'Neill also releases on a quarterly basis the Penn State Index of U.S. Hotel Values, an econometric model projecting future hotel market values that is frequently cited by national media.
Assistant: 此外,约翰•奥尼尔博士还主持发布宾夕法尼亚州立大学美国酒店价值索引季度报告,此项索引提供的计量经济学模型被用于预测美国未来酒店市场价值,并经常被美国各大媒体引用。
User: This was chosen since these horses are bred in the area.
Assistant: 从此果蝇就在这一领域被广泛采用。
User: Children with AIDS were still rare; at the time of White's rejection from school, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention knew of only 148 cases of pediatric AIDS in the United States.
Assistant: 当时患有艾滋病的儿童还很罕见,疾控中心仅知道美国境内有148例儿科的艾滋病。
User: Despite being one block away from each other, the two stations were not connected for 77 years.
Assistant: 两个车站只位于一个街区之隔,但77年来两站都没有任何连接。
User: Some sections of the river are already completely dry.
Assistant: 护城河部分已干涸。
User: These streams begin at the top of a ridge then run together.
Assistant: 这些溪流在山脊的顶部发源,然后一起流动。
User: A total of 53 competition venues and 17 training venues were used for the Games, with four venues located outside of Guangzhou.
Assistant: 本届亚运会共提供53个比赛场馆和17个训练场馆,以及4个广州以外的比赛场馆。
User: They were made to represent grown up women and intended for children of affluent families to play with and dress in contemporary fashions.
Assistant: 他们是由来表示女性长大成人和供富裕家庭的子女玩和穿着当代潮流时装。
User: War crimes can be prosecuted in the United States through the War Crimes Act of 1996.
Assistant: 在美国,战争罪行可以通过1996年《战争罪法》进行起诉。
User: The three leaders discussed a shared commitment to LGBT rights (with Trudeau highlighting their importance after the recent attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando), renewable energy development, and free trade.
Assistant: 三位领导人讨论LGBT权利的共同承诺(尤其同性恋夜店枪击案事件发生过后),可再生能源发展和自由贸易。
User: Five new universities were opened under the NEP, two of which were targeted to focus on the poor Malays and Muslims citizens.
Assistant: 五所新大学在新经济政策之下建成,其中两所主要为贫穷马来人和穆斯林公民服务。
User: Solnova-I, Solnova-III, and Solnova-IV were commissioned in mid-2010 and are all rated at 50 MWe in installed capacity each.
Assistant: Solnova-I,Solnova-III,Solnova-IV在2010年的年中投产,每个都有额定功率为50MW的装机容量。
User: However, on May 1, 2000 it was announced that SA was being discontinued, along with a United States Presidential Directive that no future GPS programs will include it.
Assistant: 不过,SA政策已在2000年5月1日被宣布停止,并且美国总统指示未来的GPS计划不包括它。
User: Studies on Chinese women from this period were concerned with women's liberation, and were sympathetic to the feminist movement.
Assistant: 从这一时期开始,关于中国女性的研究开始关注妇女解放并且开始同情女权运动。
User: Militants then attacked a Lebanese military post at the gate of the camp, slaughtering 27 soldiers during their sleep, seizing several vehicles and also killing an undetermined number of civilians that came to the rescue of the Lebanese army.
Assistant: 随后民兵武装攻击了难民营入口处的一处黎巴嫩政府军哨所,趁士兵熟睡时杀死了27名士兵,夺取多辆车辆,还杀死了多名前来援救政府军的平民。
User: It just gives Arthur a headache.
Assistant: 这两个人让亚瑟非常头疼。
User: The existence of the Ugaritic language is attested to in texts from the 14th through the 12th century BCE.
Assistant: 乌加里特语被证实于从公元前14世纪到前12世纪的文本中。
User: He ascertained that water was densest at about 40 °F (4 °C) (and not at the freezing temperature); he was the originator of the theory, later reactivated by John Dalton, that the quantity of water vapour contained in any space is independent of the presence or density of the air, or of any other elastic fluid.
Assistant: 他查明水在华氏40度(摄氏4度)时的密度最大(而不是在冰点),他是这一理论的创始人,后被约翰·道尔顿进一步引伸为任何空间中的水蒸气含量均独立于空气或其他任何弹性流体的密度。
User: In practical OFDM systems a small amount of peak clipping is allowed to limit the PAPR in a judicious trade-off against the above consequences.
Assistant: 在实际的OFDM系统中,允许少量峰值限幅以限制PAPR,与上述结果进行明智的权衡。
User: This account was read to the Royal Society on December 21 and printed as such in the Philosophical Transactions.
Assistant: 12月21日,该报告在皇家学会诵读,在《哲学快报》刊登。
User: I have faith in you, in you, my sweetheart.
Assistant: 我泥中有你,你泥中有我。
User: These stories of the Lives of Jesus were often romanticized, highly psychological or included new elements which did not appear in any of the gospels or other historical documents.
Assistant: 这些关于耶稣生活的故事通常是浪漫的,非常注重心理分析,或加入了没有出现在任何福音书或其他历史文献中的新元素。
User: The Heisenberg uncertainty principle defines limits on how accurately the momentum and position of a single observable system can be known at once.
Assistant: 海森堡不确定性原理定义了单一观测系统中一次测定动量和位置的精确极限。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: Grunfeld has received numerous awards funding travel and research from institutions including the National Endowment for the Humanities (1984), the Research Foundation of City University of New York (1985), the State University of New York, and the Ford Foundation (1993).
Assistant: 戈伦夫获得了众多奖项,包括美国国家人文基金会(英语:National Endowment for the Humanities)(1984年),纽约市立大学研究基金会(1985年),和福特基金会(1993年)等机构的旅行和研究。
User: In Canada, a daily serving of a natural health product must contain no more than 6 μg of cadmium for an individual weighing 150 pounds (68 kg) and 3 μg for a 75 lb (34 kg) individual.
Assistant: 在加拿大,天然健康产品的日常服中必须包含不超过6微克的镉单个重达150磅(68公斤)和3微克为75磅(34公斤)的人。
User: On April 27, 2008, Fatu's mother Vera died after a seven-year battle with cancer.
Assistant: 2008年4月27日,法图的母亲薇菈在经过7年与癌症对抗的过程后过世。
User: They come in various sizes, ranging from the large 13x10" (33x25 cm) and 12x9", midsize 11x8", 10x7" (25x18 cm) and 9x6", to the small 8x5", 7x4" and 6x4" (15x10 cm).
Assistant: 它们有各种尺寸,从大型13x10“(33x25厘米)和12x9”,中型11x8“,10x7”(25x18厘米)和9x6“到小型8x5”,7x4“和6x4”(15x10厘米)。
User: The shade of red was first legally specified as vermilion by a presidential decree of 13 December 1928.
Assistant: 最初的红色色度于1928年12月13日由一总统令规定为朱红色。
User: The local tracks continue east and F trains stop at Second Avenue.
Assistant: 慢车轨道继续东行而F线停靠第二大道车站。
User: From May 1964 to the early 1970s the USA participated in Operation CHASE, a United States Department of Defense program that aimed to dispose of chemical weapons by sinking ships laden with the weapons in the deep Atlantic.
Assistant: 从1964年5月到1970年代初期,美国加入一项国防部计划,旨在通过将载有化学武器的船只沉入大西洋中的方法来处理化学武器。
User: There have also been other adaptations, such as a full choral piece by John Rutter.
Assistant: 还有其他的改编,例如John Rutter的全合唱作品。
User: When Blue Note offered Hancock the chance to record his first solo LP, label executives tried to convince him to relinquish his publishing in exchange for being able to record the album, but he stuck to Byrd's advice and refused, so the meeting came to an impasse.
Assistant: 当蓝调之音给汉考克一个录音他的首次solo LP的机会,公司高管试图说服他放弃他的出版,以换取能够录制的专辑,但他坚持拜尔德的建议并拒绝了,所以会议来到一个僵局。
User: Daryl Hannah as Angelica "Angel" Turing, a sensate from the same cluster as Jonas, who becomes the "mother" of the new sensates' cluster as she activates their psychic connection.
Assistant: 戴露·汉娜 饰 安吉利卡·“安琪儿”·图灵(Angelica "Angel" Turing),乔纳斯所在的八人组的一名通感者,她成为了新生通感者们的“母亲”并激活了他们之间的心理联系。
User: The North Sea Commission is an international organization founded in 1989.
Assistant: 人类基因组组织作为一国际组织成立于1989年。
User: Pointers can be used before they are declared.
Assistant: 指针在声明之前可用。
User: On 2 June 2006, Parliament voted for legislation granting same-sex couples the same rights as heterosexuals in adoption, parenting and assisted insemination treatment.
Assistant: 2006年6月2日,国会在无人反对下,通过给予同性伴侣等同异性伴侣在领养、养育及协助怀孕治疗方面权益的法律。
User: Where drinking water quality standards do exist, most are expressed as guidelines or targets rather than requirements, and very few water standards have any legal basis or, are subject to enforcement.
Assistant: 虽然存有饮用水水质标准,但各国法理基础、执行程度不一,性质可能为目标、准则、或较严格的规章。
User: As of 2013, the newly revised Penal Code makes honor killings, as a legal justification for murder, illegal.
Assistant: 截至2013年,新修订的刑法典将名誉杀人定为谋杀罪。
Assistant: 遂缚季扩及其孥送京师。
User: He died in 1495.
Assistant: 他于1495年在那里去世。
User: Home Page Facebook
Assistant: 的Facebook主页
User: Under the British, new garden suburbs were built in the western and northern parts of the city and institutions of higher learning such as the Hebrew University were founded.
Assistant: 托管时期该市西部和北部建起了新的花园郊区,并且建立高等教育机构,如希伯来大学创建于1925年。
User: About 200 miners were trapped underground in eastern India due to lifts failing, but officials later said they had all been rescued.
Assistant: 这次停电造成印度东部大约200名矿工因电梯停电而被困于井下,但印度官员随后称他们已获救。
User: In 2015, The New York Times reported that Harada, aged 98, was a "highly sought-after public speaker", who was motivated by a desire to pass on his experiences as a warning to the current generations of Japanese who he believed were unaware of the nature of warfare.
Assistant: 到了2015年(平成27年),《纽约时报》报导,时年98岁的原田要已成了“备受欢迎的公众演说家”,他用自己军中的经历来警惕日本那些“不了解战争本质”的年轻人。
User: Over the next two days the moved westwards before it moved into the Australian basin during December 17, where it was later named Joy.
Assistant: 系统接下来两天向西移动,于12月17日进入澳大利亚海域,之后得名“乔伊”(Joy)。
User: An important example of a totally disconnected space is the Cantor set.
Assistant: 完全不连通空间的重要例子是康托尔集合。
User: ‘Gendered’ history of development in Kerala.
Assistant: 在喀拉拉邦 '性别'的发展历史。
User: Bowers does not consider the reverse design an artistic work, but one which is purely mechanical, obtained by punching characters and devices into a steel hub.
Assistant: 鲍尔斯认为,硬币的背面不属于艺术作品,而是纯粹的机械设计,都是由冲印字符和钢毂中的装置组成。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: The type of the key is explicitly left opaque and is referred to as pthread_key_t.
Assistant: 键的类型被称为pthread_key_t。
User: The tectonic deformations on Venus occur on a variety of scales, the smallest of which are related to linear fractures or faults.
Assistant: 金星表面的板块便行有多种不同规模,最小的是线形节理或断层。
User: During finals week, the (ice-free) ice rink and indoor track are utilized to administer final exams for large classes requiring the ample space.
Assistant: 期末考试期间,溜冰场(已无冰)和室内田径场用作大型班级的期末考试地点。
User: Sweden, which initiated Vision Zero, has had somewhat better results than Norway.
Assistant: 身为零死亡愿景的发起国家,瑞典的成效较挪威显著。
User: For instance, regrowth of nerves controlling muscles attached to the eye may sidetrack and also regrow connections reaching the muscles of the mouth.
Assistant: 例如,控制眼部肌肉的神经再生时可能转移目标,再生连接上控制嘴部的肌肉。
User: Meanwhile, Hamilton suffered a poor start, slipping from second on the grid to eighth by the end of the first lap.
Assistant: 与此同时,汉密尔顿又开了一个糟糕的开局,在第一圈结束时从第二位上滑到第八位。
User: Al Unser (1978) is the only driver to win all three in the same season.
Assistant: 阿尔·昂瑟(英语:Al Unser)(1978)是唯一一位在同一赛季赢得这三场比赛的车手。
User: Tools were probably just as important as the spells and incantations that were repeated for each magical ritual.
Assistant: 道具可能与为每个巫术、魔法仪式重复的法术和咒语同样的重要。
User: Thanks to the post-1982 improvement of Sino-Soviet relations, in 1986 Mongolia and North Korea signed their first friendship and cooperation treaty.
Assistant: 由于1982年后中苏关系逐渐改善,1986年蒙古国和北韩签署了他们的第一个条约。
User: That translates to about 1000 new main-belt asteroids per day, and 1–3 NEOs per day.
Assistant: 也就是每天可探测1000个小行星带天体和1-3个近地天体。
User: His proposal in May 1988 to accelerate price reform led to widespread popular complaints about rampant inflation and gave opponents of rapid reform the opening to call for greater centralization of economic controls and stricter prohibitions against Western influence.
Assistant: 而他在1988年5月提出的价格调整也引起普通民众对通货膨胀的强烈不满,有人提出应该加强中共中央在经济上的控制,并且抵御西方影响。
User: The aircraft was designed to facilitate conversions from biplane to monoplane and vice versa.
Assistant: 本机是为了便于从双翼机转变为单翼机而设计的,反之亦然。
User: This model explains the distribution of light and dark areas, the absence of shades of grey, and the thinness of the dark material covering Cassini Regio.
Assistant: 这种模式解释了土卫八上明暗区域的分布、缺乏灰色区域和卡西尼区覆盖的暗色物质较薄的情况。
User: Europe is the most suicidal region of the world according to crude rates.
Assistant: 根据自杀率,欧洲是世界上最具自杀倾向的地区。
User: After World War II, Fujinagata was restored to private ownership and recovered by building fishing vessels, merchant vessels and tankers.
Assistant: 二战后,藤永田被交还民间并透过建造渔船、商船与油轮复苏。
User: Seven individuals and three North Korean entities were affected by the sanctions.
Assistant: 制裁影响到七个人和三个朝鲜实体。
User: Some sources explicitly state that anal sex between men and boys was criticized as shameful and seen as a form of hubris.
Assistant: 一些文献明确指出,有些古希腊人批评男男肛交为一种可耻的行为,且认为其是傲慢的一种表现。
User: The two figures, therefore, most identified with the policy are Oleksander Shumskyi, the Commissar for Education between 1923 and 1927, and Mykola Skrypnyk, who replaced Shumskyi in 1927.
Assistant: 在1923年到1927年由Oleksander Shumskyi任教育委员,在1927年Mykola Skrypnyk取代了Oleksander Shumskyi,这两个人士最符合确定中的政策。
User: In the House of Representatives, he focused on matters of environmental policy, climate change, waterways, day care and taxicab policy.
Assistant: 他在下议院中主要关注环境政策、气候变迁、水路、照护与计程车政策。
User: The portico of Via Crucis, erected in the 17th century, underlines the shift from the themes of the Counter Reformation to that of the Passion of Christ.
Assistant: 苦路的门廊建于17世纪,体现从反宗教改革的主题转移到耶稣受难。
User: Racing in the Moto2 class since 2014, he finished 41 races, with 3 podium appearances, including a second-place finish at the 2016 Qatar season opener.
Assistant: 他自2014年开始参赛Moto2级别,共完赛41场,3度登上颁奖台,其中包括2016年卡达(英语:2016 Qatar motorcycle Grand Prix)赛季开幕站。
User: Warrior was ordered on 11 May 1859 from Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Company in Blackwall, London.
Assistant: 勇士号的订单于1859年5月11日送至位于伦敦布莱克沃尔的泰晤士铁工造船厂(英语:Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Company)。
User: Contracts were normally awarded to the competitor offering the most complete service for the cheapest price.
Assistant: 合约通常授予给最优惠价格与最完善服务的竞标者。
User: The Franciscans initially built a chapel at this site in the latter half of the 18th century.
Assistant: 方济各会于18世纪下半叶在此建造一座小堂。
User: PC's Limited advertised its systems in national computer magazines for sale directly to consumers and custom assembled each ordered unit according to a selection of options.
Assistant: PCs Limited借由在国家电脑杂志推出它的系列广告并直接向消费者销售,并提供消费者根据不同方案来让消费者有更多组装选择。
User: There is a pub in Burgate, Canterbury, near the cathedral, named The Thomas Ingoldsby.
Assistant: 坎特伯雷的伯尔盖特有一间酒吧,名叫“托马斯·英戈尔兹比”。
User: Should there be no eligible descendant of King Leopold I, the reigning monarch may name his or her heir presumptive with the approval of the Parliament, but if she or he doesn't name the heir presumptive, the throne would eventually become vacant.
Assistant: 如果没有利奥波德一世国王血统合格的后裔,在议会的批准下,当政的君主可以设立推定继承人,但如果她或他不推定其继承人,王位将最终空缺。
User: But other things have not.
Assistant: 更有诸事不。
User: Leipzig was battered severely by Cornwall and Kent and set on fire; she nevertheless remained in action and continued to fight.
Assistant: 莱比锡号随即遭到了康沃尔号和肯特号的重创并起火燃烧,但它仍然维持行动,并继续战斗。
User: Even if every equilibrium is efficient, it may not be that every efficient allocation of resources can be part of an equilibrium.
Assistant: 纵然每个均衡都有效,显然也并非每个有效的资源配置均是均衡。
User: In 2005, the International Cricket Council announced, as part of a package of changes to the playing conditions for One Day Internationals to be trialled over a ten-month period, that tactical substitutions would be permitted.
Assistant: 2005年,国际板球协会宣布,因为国际单日板球赛比赛条件的部分变动将于十个月的时间内试行,足球式的战术替补将被准许。
User: OHP has its own journals and professional organizations.
Assistant: 发表本身的刊物和专业的协会组织。
User: Following in the path paved by linguist Noam Chomsky, Fodor developed a strong commitment to the idea of psychological nativism.
Assistant: 沿着语言学家诺姆·乔姆斯基开辟的道路,福多逐渐产生了对于心理先天论观念的郑重信奉。
User: She is conceived as the Great Mother, the ultimate source of all things.
Assistant: 她被构想为是“伟大母亲”,即一切事物最根本的来源。
User: Even in the second act when Pozzo has inexplicably gone blind, and needs to be led by Lucky rather than driving him as he had done before, Lucky remains faithful and has not tried to run away; they are clearly bound together by more than a piece of rope in the same way that Didi and Gogo are "ied to Godot".
Assistant: 在第二幕中,波卓瞎了,需要由幸运儿牵着走,而不是牵着幸运儿,幸运儿依然忠诚,没有试图逃跑;他们之间的关系大于绳索,正如狄狄、戈戈与戈多之间的关系。
User: Over 100 civilians were killed, including 30 in Daraa.
Assistant: 超过100个平民被杀,其中30个死于德拉。
User: Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson or An Objectively Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man is the first volume of the All and Everything trilogy written by the Greek-Armenian mystic G. I. Gurdjieff.
Assistant: 《魔鬼讲给孙子的故事》(原书名Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson或An Objectively Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man)是希腊-亚美尼亚混血暨神秘学家葛吉夫撰写的《万有一切》第一册,以下简称《魔鬼》。
User: Electrical steel is usually manufactured in cold-rolled strips less than 2 mm thick.
Assistant: 电工钢通常以冷轧方式制造,厚度一般小于2毫米。
User: The fifth single, "Sweet Nothing", features Florence Welch of Florence and the Machine and was released on 14 October 2012.
Assistant: 第五支单曲《Sweet Nothing》与弗洛伦斯·韦尔奇合作,并与2012年10月14日发行。
User: Look at your king.
Assistant: 见疏于王。
User: 1 Thessalonians 2:15 places the responsibility for the death of Jesus on some Jews.
Assistant: 帖撒罗尼迦前书2:15将耶稣的死亡归于一些犹太人。
User: Khmer sculpture soon goes beyond religious representation, which becomes almost a pretext in order to portray court figures in the guise of gods and goddesses.
Assistant: 高棉雕塑的发展很快超出了宗教范围,并开始以神仙和女神的名义为借口雕刻宫廷人物。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: Franks traded timber, furs, swords and slaves in return for silks and other fabrics, spices, and precious metals from the Arabs.
Assistant: 法兰克人用木材,毛皮,剑和奴隶换取丝绸和其他纺织品,香料和出自阿拉伯人的贵金属。
User: 19 February – the United Kingdom grants Cyprus independence.
Assistant: 2月19日——英国承认塞浦路斯独立。
User: Ptolemy begins by stating he has briefly reviewed the important principles and will now develop the details of astrology in the appropriate order.
Assistant: 托勒密一开始即声明他已简要回顾了重要的原则并且现在将要在适当的程序中发展占星术的内容、细节。
User: A small craft warning was declared along the coast and advised marines to take precautions.
Assistant: 海岸沿线发布小型船只警报,建议海上人员提高警惕。
User: He was a consultor of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications from 1965 until 1989.
Assistant: 于1965年至1989年间担任宗座大众传播理事会(英语:Pontifical Council for Social Communications)顾问。
User: Holland later expanded, saying he was signed for "three Spider-Man movies and three solo movies".
Assistant: 之后,霍兰德表示他扩展至“三部蜘蛛人电影及三部个人电影”。
User: As part of the construction of the Bonn Stadtbahn in the early 1970s, the existing buildings at the station were demolished and rebuilt.
Assistant: 作为1970年代初城铁建设的一部分,车站前地的既有建筑被拆毁并进行重新设计。
User: The service allows users to browse and download applications from the iTunes Store that were developed with Xcode and the iOS SDK and were published through Apple.
Assistant: 该服务允许用户自iTunes Store中预览和下载由Xcode和iOS SDK组件开发并由苹果公司发布的应用。
User: Edith's mother's spirit once again visits her, bearing the same warning.
Assistant: 不久后,伊迪丝母亲的鬼魂再次到访,一直带着相同的警告。
User: The new stadium was to be built next to the existing San Mamés on land that was occupied until 2003 by the Bilbao International Trade Fair.
Assistant: 新体育场建在前圣马梅斯旁边的土地上,原址是使用至2003年的毕尔巴鄂国际贸易博览会会场。
User: As of 2005, stock market activity was limited by lack of transparency, although the growth rate increased beginning in 2004.
Assistant: 截至2005年,股票市场活动受到缺乏透明度的限制,尽管增长率从2004年开始上涨。
User: On 12 November, the leaders signed an agreement to set up an Emergency Trust Fund to help development in African countries as well as to encourage those countries to take back some migrants who arrive in Europe.
Assistant: 11月12日,领导人签署了一项协议,成立紧急信托基金,以帮助非洲国家的发展,并鼓励非洲国家领回抵达欧洲的移民。 |
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Since the 1990s alternative waste treatment technologies have been maturing and becoming viable.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The larvae of Integripalpians are polypod (poorly sclerotized detritivores, with abdominal prolegs in addition to thoracic legs, living permanently in tight-fitting cases).
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
完须亚目的幼体是polypod(硬化不良的碎屑动物,除了胸腿外还有腹部前肢,永久性地生活在贴身的外壳中) 。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
However, this was printed in the Viennese printing house and a German inscription could be read on the watermark.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 然而,这是在维也纳的印刷厂中印刷的,而且德语铭文可以从水印上看出来。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
It has taken no permanent place in musical history.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The coloring tends to wash out quite strongly in older animals.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Teruo Iwamoto (岩本 輝雄, Iwamoto Teruo, born May 2, 1972) is a former Japanese football player.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
岩本 辉雄(Iwamoto Teruo, 1972年5月2日-),日本足球运动员,前日本国家足球队成员。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:This article presents a timeline of hypertext technology, including "hypermedia" and related human–computer interaction projects and developments from 1945 on.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
On 27 March 1941, the number of lend-lease ships was increased to 200 by the Defense Aid Supplemental Appropriations Act and increased again in April to 306, of which 117 would be Liberty ships.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Nevertheless, the vast majority (77%) still retain the ability to understand and speak Hokkien as a second or third language.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:According to the plans, construction was expected to start in 2014, with a construction time of about 5 years.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:按规划于2014年内动工,施工时间约5年。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:During President Hu Jintao's state visit to the Philippines in 2005, both countries are determined to establish the strategic and cooperative relations that aim at the peace and development.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In August 1994, McVeigh obtained nine Kinestiks from gun collector Roger E. Moore, and ignited the devices with Nichols outside Nichols's home in Herington, Kansas.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
1994年8月,麦克维从枪支收藏家罗杰·E·摩尔(Roger E. Moore)处获得了二元炸药,然后与尼科尔斯一起在后者位于堪萨斯州赫灵顿(Herington)的家门外将之激活。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In 1958, Spanish manufacturer Astra developed a high quality revolver line based on this weapon, under the name of Astra Cadix, Astra 250 and Astra NC6.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:1958年,西班牙生产商阿斯特拉公司(英语:Astra-Unceta y Cia SA)开发了基于这种武器的高品质左轮手枪产品线,以阿斯特拉Cadix(法语:Astra Cadix)、阿斯特拉250和阿斯特拉NC6的名称出售。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In India a course of treatment for preterm labor is about 0.5 USD.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
在印度,早产疗程一次仅需 0.5 美元。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
According to Strickland, every character on the show was affected by King's rape.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Priests serving in the Archdiocese of Miami are required to speak both Spanish and English, and these two seminaries are the only bilingual seminaries in the United States.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:在迈阿密总教区服务的神父要求既会说西班牙语又会说英语,这2座神学院是美国仅有的双语神学院。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The first group are those that study jurisprudence and are legal experts.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Once encrypted, only the private key of the recipient can decrypt the email.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 一旦加密,收件人只有私钥才能解密电子邮件。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Throughout campaigning, the government kept its restrictions on public gatherings and political meetings, and required all political literature to be approved by the SLORC prior to publication; however political parties defied the ruling.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
He was also clear that Iran's international interests must take precedence over those of Iranian allies in Syria and Lebanon.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 他又表示伊朗的国际利益必须优先获得考虑,然后才会考虑盟友叙利亚及黎巴嫩的利益。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
These seeds are distributed by birds.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:To these figures, Northern Europe, especially Britain, contributed a lower proportion than today, and Southern Europe, including France, a higher one.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:这个时候,北方欧洲,尤其是不列颠,占欧洲人口总量的比例比现在要低,而南方欧洲,包括法国,占欧洲人口的比例要高于今天。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In doing so, she became the first Conservative MP to be elected in Vancouver since 1988.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: On January 25, 2012, an ash explosion occurred on the mountain, causing much dust and ash to contaminate the atmosphere around it.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:2012年1月25日,波波卡特佩特火山爆发造成大量灰尘和烟灰,污染周围空气。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:However, he did believe in a form of mitigated dualism, in which the soul plays a larger part in the process than the body.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:While most factions have official titles, in the Japanese media they are usually referred to by the names of their current leaders.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The party is a member of The European Alliance of EU-critical Movements (TEAM).
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Apparently, the skeleton was scattered throughout the quarry, with the remains being recovered from September 1879 to September 1880.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 虚骨龙的化石散布于挖掘地点,挖掘活动自1879年9月持续到1880年9月。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Bradley's mother and father appeared on the November 17, 2005, episode of Dr. Phil.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Since 1993 the brand Kenzo is owned by the French luxury goods company LVMH.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 1993年,Kenzo品牌被法国奢侈品公司路易威登集团获得。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
However, they are still threatened by hunting for their meat and beaks, and toucan populations are on a decreasing trend.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
但它们仍受到捕猎它们的肉和喙的威胁,巨嘴鸟种群有减少的趋势。 |
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
However, the armaments of the aircraft remain unchanged.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 但是,飞机的军备保持不变。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: 250 BCE Greek anatomist Erasistratus studied the brain and distinguished between the cerebrum and cerebellum.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
公元前250年 - 埃拉西斯特拉图斯研究脑,并区分端脑和小脑。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The championship was not awarded.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:冠军未被核实。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Some systems support a hybrid of the two; publishers post messages to a topic while subscribers register content-based subscriptions to one or more topics.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
They all control movement of the thumb.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 所有的控制面都是属于波纹状。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
By late on May 14, convection had largely dissipated, with the exception of a small area near the center, and the system weakened to minimal cyclonic storm status.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It is the stated objective of both the PKCS#11 and KMIP committees to align the standards where practical.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Nowadays, the keeping of Mangalica has become a popular hobby.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Google maintains a public code repository that contains their experimental work to re-base Android off the latest stable Linux versions.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The founders were initially community members.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Before the night of May 22, 1968 was over, police had arrested another 177 students and beaten 51 students.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The La Colombaia restaurant serves lunch in the outdoor restaurant next to the pool and serves fresh seafood, pastas and pizzas, chicken dishes and fruits, cheeses and pastries.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:La Colombaia餐厅在游泳池旁边的室外餐厅提供午餐,提供新鲜的海鲜,面食和比萨饼,鸡肉菜肴和水果,奶酪和糕点。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Many other homes in Eastern Connecticut were damaged by falling trees.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It can be used to prepare solutions of ions, such as chromium(II), Cr2+, and uranium(III), U3+, which are immediately oxidized on contact with air.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 它可以用来制备铬(II)(Cr2+)和铀(III)(U3+)等离子的水溶液,这些离子在与空气接触时会立即被氧化。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Generally, the acid test ratio should be 1:1 or higher; however, this varies widely by industry.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Finn appears, gives a magic ring to Ratmir that will awaken Lyudmila when she is brought back to Kiev.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
However, indentation is recommended to better convey the structure of the text to human readers.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Type II, fast twitch muscle, has three major kinds that are, in order of increasing contractile speed: Type IIa, which, like slow muscle, is aerobic, rich in mitochondria and capillaries and appears red when deoxygenated.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
第二型-快肌,又可分为三种主要的类型,其下依收缩速度由慢而快排序: 第IIa型,和慢肌一样是有氧的,富含线粒体和微血管,且呈现红色。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In Notes Towards the Definition of Culture (1948), T. S. Eliot said that high culture and popular culture are necessary and complementary parts of the culture of a society.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:美国作家T·S·艾略特在《Notes Towards the Definition of Culture》(1948)一书中说,高雅文化跟大众文化对于整个文化来说是必需且互补的。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: In Arthurian legend, "Viviane" is one of the names of the Lady of the Lake.
Assistant: 在《亚瑟之死》中,湖中妖女统一使用“薇薇安”这个名字。
User: Indeed, as a general rule, most character datasets are so "noisy" that no truly "simple" solution is possible.
Assistant: 事实上,如同一般规则,多数特征是如此复杂,故没有真正“简单”的解决方法。
User: On June 26 the Finnish president Ryti gave the guarantee to Ribbentrop that Finland would fight to the end alongside Germany.
Assistant: 6月26日,芬兰总统吕蒂向里宾特洛甫给予保证说,芬兰将与德国一起战斗到底。
User: Once agreeing on these principles, the Convention voted on the Virginia plan and signaled their approval for it.
Assistant: 在这两点上达成一致后,会议开始投票通过并签置了弗吉尼亚方案。
User: After the intense fighting in the first two days, Bashir Gemayel decided to send more troops from Beirut to help with in the defense.
Assistant: 在头两天激烈战斗之后,巴希尔·杰马耶勒决定从贝鲁特派遣更多的武装以帮助扎赫勒居民抵抗叙利亚。
User: He eventually falls to the ground.
Assistant: 他最后中弹倒在地上。
User: But his efforts are ultimately in vain.
Assistant: 但他的努力最终都白费。
User: A decreased GFR may be a sign of renal failure.
Assistant: 如果GFR过低有可能是肾衰竭的症状。
User: The first nationalist Group was founded by the French National Front and the Italian Social Movement in 1984 under the name of the "Group of the European Right", and it lasted until 1989.
Assistant: 第一个民族主义党团是法国民族阵线与意大利社会运动在1984年所组成的“欧洲右派党团”,持续至1989年为止。
User: Alaska Airlines' flights includes Boeing 737-400 passenger/cargo Combi aircraft as well as all-cargo Boeing 737-400 jet freighter service.
Assistant: 阿拉斯加航空的航班包括波音737-400乘客/货物混装飞机执飞的航班以及全货机型波音737-400喷气机执飞的货运服务。
User: The inside of the tube is also filled with long, soft hairs.
Assistant: 叶片中脉的下表面也会覆盖着密集的持久短毛被。
User: Her poetry is also known for taking on dark and depressing themes, which reflects her troubled life.
Assistant: 她的诗歌也以沉闷而压抑的主题著称,这反映了她忧愁的生活。
User: Meanwhile, on 23 August, several British commanders submitted a plan to attack the patrol line with the light cruisers and destroyers of the Harwich Force, commanded by Commodore Reginald Tyrwhitt.
Assistant: 同年8月23日,几名英国指挥官提交了一份计划,欲以海军准将雷金纳德·蒂尔维特(英语:Reginald Tyrwhitt)辖下哈里奇部队(英语:Harwich Force)的轻巡洋舰及驱逐舰袭击德国的巡逻线。
User: By 1992, more than 300 births had occurred in captivity, and more than 300 individuals lived in 85 institutions worldwide.
Assistant: 1992年时,已有超过300只小熊猫幼崽出生在圈养环境下,并且有300多只的小熊猫生活在全世界85家机构内。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: Currently, the stadium can be reached by different kinds of public transport.
Assistant: 目前可以通过多种公共交通工具到达体育场。
User: Yates places the city under quarantine, and puts Lasseter and Mike's pictures on the local news.
Assistant: 耶茨封锁了整个小镇,还在当地新闻中贴出拉塞尔和迈克的头像。
User: In 1993, Disney acquired Miramax Films and its Dimension Films genre label, with the former division operating as an autonomous unit until 2009, and the Dimension label becoming absorbed by The Weinstein Company in 2005.
Assistant: 1993年,迪士尼收购了米拉麦克斯影业公司及其类型电影厂牌——次元影业,前者被迪士尼作为一个独立部门一直运营到2009年,而次元影业则在2005年被温斯坦影业公司所收购。
User: He was also the editor of the left-wing Kansas City weekly, Worker's World, from 1919 to 1920, assuming the position when fellow Kansas syndicalist Earl Browder was sent to prison for his previous anti-war activities.
Assistant: 1919~1920年,担任堪萨斯州左翼周刊《工人世界》(Worker's World)的主编,以接替因参加反战活动而被捕入狱的堪萨斯州前工团主义者厄尔·白劳德。
User: Another way is to use custom deployment.
Assistant: 另一种方法是使用定制的部署文件。
User: The network publishes reports on its own website and on Facebook.
Assistant: 该组织也在自己的官网和Facebook上发布新闻。
User: Outside of the cabinet there are a number of junior ministers, responsible for a specific policy area and reporting directly to any senior Cabinet minister.
Assistant: 内阁部长是不同部门的负责人,其下有国务部长,负责特定范畴,直接向内阁部长汇报。
User: The best is that of Paris, in 8 vols., 1790.
Assistant: 最好的是1790年在巴黎发行的,有8卷。
User: Pinnick left around the same time.
Assistant: 冯德遐几乎在同一时间到吐蕃。
User: Aggie students, who normally sit only when the opposing band plays, stood throughout both performances and gave both standing ovations.
Assistant: 一般在对手乐队演奏时坐着的农工学生,两场演奏都一直站着,并都给予长时间的鼓掌。
User: With the formation of a new state government, the Texas provincial governing committee was forced to disband, and the capital was moved from San Antonio de Béxar to Saltillo.
Assistant: 新州政府的形成致使德克萨斯的地方管理委员会被迫解散,其首府也从圣安东尼奥贝克萨尔(San Antonio de Béxar)迁到萨尔蒂约(Saltillo)。
User: It may mean an association of racketeers in organized crime.
Assistant: 这可能意味着有组织犯罪中有敲诈者的联合。
User: The public areas of the building are not yet open, although the public plaza in front is open.
Assistant: 截止2014年初,大厦的公众空间仍未开放,但其前方的公共广场已经开放。
User: After six weeks of indecision Mahathir was, much to his surprise, appointed as Hussein's deputy.
Assistant: 经过六个星期的犹豫不决,胡先翁最后在惊讶之下选择了马哈迪成为他的副手。
User: In the 1970s, with passenger figures approaching one million per year, the airport's status was changed to Category B, making it a regional international airport; in the same decade it was re-branded as Newcastle Airport.
Assistant: 1970年代,随着年发送旅客数量接近百万,纽卡斯尔机场的等级被改为B级,使之成为区域性国际机场。
User: Hard power contrasts with soft power, which comes from diplomacy, culture and history.
Assistant: 这是用在对比软实力,是指权力来自外交,文化和历史。
User: Based on the general election in 1916, the Social Democrats had a small majority, and the Social Democrat Oskari Tokoi became prime minister.
Assistant: 在1916年的普选中,芬兰社会民主党取得微弱多数,其党员奥斯卡里·托科伊(英语:Oskari Tokoi)出任总理。
User: All 7 non-identity elements play the same role, so we can choose which plays the role of (1,0,0).
Assistant: 所有 23 - 1 = 7 个非单位元元素扮演相同的角色,所以我们可以选择让谁扮演 (1,0,0) 的角色。
User: That was followed by the Second London Naval Treaty of 1936.
Assistant: 日本在1936年退出第二次伦敦海军条约后。
User: Wellington's Victory, or, the Battle of Vitoria (Wellingtons Sieg oder die Schlacht bei Vittoria), Op. 91, is a minor 15-minute-long orchestral work composed by Ludwig van Beethoven to commemorate the Duke of Wellington's victory over Joseph Bonaparte at the Battle of Vitoria in Spain on 21 June 1813.
Assistant: 威灵顿的胜利(又名:维多利亚之役或战争交响曲)),作品91号,是路德维希·范·贝多芬的一首15分钟管弦乐作曲,是为了纪念1813年6月21日,由阿瑟·韦尔斯利于西班牙维多利亚战役中,打败了约瑟夫·波拿巴。
User: The single "All is Full of Love" was also the first DVD single to ever be released in the US, which paved the way for other artists to include DVD video and other multimedia features with their singles.
Assistant: 碧玉作商业发行的这首“ All Is Full of Love”也是在美国范围内首次有艺人发行DVD格式单曲,而这也为其他艺人发行DVD或其他多媒体格式单曲的举措铺平了道路。
User: As a result, Japan was essentially forced to choose between abandoning its ambitions in South-East Asia and its prosecution of the war against China, or seizing the natural resources it needed by force.
Assistant: 这项石油禁运政策促使得日本可能必须放弃其在亚洲的野心计划、并且逐一暂缓对中国所发起的战争或者是以武力攻占领土的方式来获取所需要的自然资源。
User: In auditory-tactile synesthesia, certain sounds can induce sensations in parts of the body.
Assistant: 在听觉→触觉联觉中,某些声音可诱发身体某些部位的感觉。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: Later a larger force under Pedro de Villagra sent from Santiago clashed with Lautaro's army in and around their fortress in Peteroa over a few days, killing 500 of their number for the loss of two Spaniards but were not able to take the position.
Assistant: 之后,圣地亚哥的佩德罗·德·比利亚格拉率领了一支更大规模的部队,在佩特罗阿的莱夫扎茹的军队的堡垒一带和他们打了数日,杀死了500名马普切人,但只损失了2名西班牙人,不过比利亚格拉仍然无法夺取这个地点。
User: From 00:47:36 to 00:47:54, The Drifters' rendering of the English version of Quando Quando Quando is featured when Clark Kent gestures to Lois Lane in a jam-packed elevator.
Assistant: 从00时47分36秒到00时47分54秒, 当克拉克·肯特跟同搭一部电梯的露薏丝·莲恩打招呼时,出现了由流浪者乐队(英语:The Drifters)演绎的歌曲〈Quando Quando Quando〉(Quando在意大利语里面的意思是“何时”)的英语版。
User: During the 19th century, the image of the Aztecs as uncivilized barbarians was replaced with romanticized visions of the Aztecs as original sons of the soil, with a highly developed culture rivaling the ancient European civilizations.
Assistant: 在19世纪以前,世人对阿兹特克人的看法仅仅是未开化的蛮族,这种看法在最近两百年被彻底推翻,阿兹特克人被视为墨西哥土地的旧主,拥有相对发达的文明,可与欧洲古文明相媲美。
User: On October 23, 1956, around two hundred thousand Hungarians gathered in Budapest to demonstrate in sympathy for the Poles who had just gained political reform during the Polish October.
Assistant: 1956年10月23日,大约20万人聚集在匈牙利布达佩斯,表示对波兰政治改革的同情。
User: In 1996, he was diagnosed with a potentially fatal metastatic testicular cancer.
Assistant: 1996年,他被诊断出患有可能致命的恶性转移睾丸癌。
User: He was known as "FD Master" as he made a debut appearance with driving a third generation Mazda RX-7 (FD3S).
Assistant: 他因驾驶第三代马自达RX-7(FD3S)首次亮相而被称为“FD Master”。
User: The Panic of 1907 was short and mostly affected financiers.
Assistant: 1907年恐慌为期较短,对金融业影响最大。
User: Only citizens legally registered as voters can run for public office.
Assistant: 只有合法登记的公民才可以竞选公职。
User: The explosions makes more fire.
Assistant: 爆炸引发大火。
User: Austen was forced to postpone publishing either of these completed novels by family financial troubles.
Assistant: 因家庭财务危机,奥斯汀被迫推迟这两本已完成小说的出版。
User: Magnus again set his course for Ireland in 1101 or 1102, this time probably with a greater army than he had in his previous campaign.
Assistant: 马格努斯三世在1101年或1102年再次远征爱尔兰,这次他的军队规模比上一次还要大。
User: In earlier societies, a king or political leader was often the same person as the military leader.
Assistant: 在原始社会,政治领袖与军事领袖往往是同一人。
User: Surely, there are heads of state whose evil deeds many times eclipse such a level.
Assistant: 由各路、州长官慎选各县的长官,择其举主多者尽先差补。
User: According to Country Reports of the US Department of State, in Saudi Arabia there are no established LGBT organizations.
Assistant: 根据美国国务院的国别报告,在沙特阿拉伯没有LGBT组织。
User: He was also Minister for Commerce and Tourism in the 1st Constitutional Government (1976–1977), Prime Minister of the 4th Constitutional Government between 1978 and 1979 when he was appointed by then President António Ramalho Eanes, Vice-Prime Minister and Minister for Defense of the 9th Constitutional Government (the Central-Bloc) from 1983 to 1985.
Assistant: 他也是第一届宪法政府(1976 - 1977)的商业和旅游部长,在1978年至1979年被总统埃亚内斯任命为第四届立宪政府总理,1983年到1985年担任第九届立宪政府副总理和国防部长。
User: He is considered a prophet by his followers, the Pilgrims of Arès.
Assistant: 惟信众仍抱持敬奉之心,虔城礼祀。
User: Renaissance offers two portfolios to outside investors—Renaissance Institutional Equities Fund (RIEF) and Renaissance Institutional Diversified Alpha (RIDA).
Assistant: 文艺复兴科技公司为外部投资者提供了两个投资组合,即:文艺复兴机构股票基金(Renaissance Institutional Equities Fund)和文艺复兴机构多元阿尔法基金(Renaissance Institutional Diversified Alpha)。
User: Adobe InDesign provides extensive OpenType capability in Japanese but does not directly support Middle Eastern or Indic scripts— though a separate version of InDesign is available that supports Middle Eastern scripts such as Arabic and Hebrew.
Assistant: OpenType通过微软的Office和Publisher等软件支持复杂书写文本,Adobe InDesign也提供日文的拓展OpenType功能,但是不直接支持中东和印度文本——Adobe为支持阿拉伯语、希伯来语等中东语言,单独发行另外的InDesign版本。 |
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The Light Warriors traverse into the domain of the dark crystals to free the imprisoned Dark Warriors and defeat the Cloud of Darkness, thereby restoring the crystals and balance to the world.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 光之勇士来到暗之水晶的区域,解放了被囚禁的黑暗战士,并战胜了黑暗之云,恢复了水晶,维持了世界平衡。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
However, balanced trees are not necessarily optimal for all applications.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Clar, E. Aromatic hydrocarbons.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In low-speed mode, it warns the driver of a potential collision and prepares emergency braking as needed.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Economist Paul Krugman described the unfolding crisis as "a classic currency-and-debt crisis, of a kind we've seen many times", adding: "At such a time, the quality of leadership suddenly matters a great deal.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
The EC is the only tournament where men and women play the same competition.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 马术则是唯一一项男性和女性选手同台竞技的比赛。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The S-Pen now has a "battery" (essentially a Super Capacitor) that charges when the pen is docked in the silo, with Samsung claiming 30 minutes of usage (or up to 200 clicks of the button) with only 40 seconds of charging.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
It was eventually considered – especially after the first Thomas Cup series in 1949 – the unofficial world championship of the sport until 1977, when the International Badminton Federation launched its official championships.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
She was sent to Earth to retrieve an Infinity Gem from Namor, but came into contact with the New Avengers.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Since at least the 1960s economists have increasingly focused on broader forms of capital.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 不过1960年代以后经济学家开始注意更广义的资本。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Automobile tyre pressure is commonly measured in units of psi in several countries including Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Australia, and Chile, the UK and the US.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
汽车胎压在部分国家通常以磅/平方英寸(英语:pound per square inch,psi)表示,包括巴西、秘鲁、阿根廷、澳大利亚、智利、英国和美国。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
For this reason, the kinetically modeled Kt/V is always recommended as the best measure of dialysis adequacy.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
He was reported ill with "consumption" (usually identified as tuberculosis, but possibly another serious lung complaint) in early July, and died at St. James's Palace on 23 July 1536.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: But we didn't want a movie about women as victims.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
She competed at the 2015 European Games.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Retroflex consonants were not present in the Persian alphabet, and therefore had to be created specifically for Khowar.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Pendre is Welsh for End of Town.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:惠帝末,起为襄城太守。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
To prevent her capture by the advancing Allied armies, her crew destroyed the ship with explosives on 3 May, days before the end of World War II in Europe.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:而为了防止它被前进中的盟军俘虏,其船员于5月3日,即二战欧洲战事结束的前几天,用炸药炸毁了舰只。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
By 1940, after the subway opened, the population had increased to 32,500 residents.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在地铁开通后的1940年,人口已经增加到32,500。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The T95E3 was produced in July of the same year, and the first original T95s were ready in February 1958.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: T95E3于同年7月进入生产线,而第一辆T95则于1958年2月完工。 |
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
She currently serves as Senator of the LXII Legislature of the Mexican Congress.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
她曾代表哈利斯科州,担任第62届墨西哥国会(英语:LXII Legislature of the Mexican Congress)众议员。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Meade's headquarters were just behind the II Corps line, in the small house owned by the widow Lydia Leister.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
米德少将大本营就设在第二军团战线后方,寡妇莉迪亚·莱斯特(Lydia Leister)的小屋子里。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Harsh terrain played a significant factor in the military campaign, as there were no European settlements on the route Rosas's army travelled, and his force had to transport all of its provisions from Buenos Aires.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In the United States, Maouloud Baby v. State is a state court case ruling that a person can withdraw sexual consent and that continuing sexual activity in the absence of consent may constitute rape.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
在美国,Maouloud Baby判例(Maouloud Baby v. State)中,州法院判定一个人可以撤销其性同意,并且在没有同意的情况下继续进行性行为可能会构成强奸。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:When Sikorski was killed in a plane crash in July 1943, Mikołajczyk was appointed as his successor.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In addition, the Pope gifted Felice with extravagant jewelry and significant sums of money, including an item that would become one of her most prized possessions: a diamond cross originally given to her father from the Republic of Venice.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Arcades of columns cut from single pieces are also common in structures that do not bear massive weights of masonry, such as cloisters, where they are sometimes paired.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
While in the archipelago he identified the Wallace line, which runs through the Spice Islands dividing the fauna of the archipelago between an Asian zone and a New Guinea/Australian zone.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
他在马来群岛发现了著名的华莱士线, 这条线穿越摩鹿加群岛将整个群岛的动物区系分成了亚洲区和新几内亚/澳大利亚区。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: He taught John Lennon a finger-picking guitar style in 1968 that Lennon employed in "Dear Prudence", "Julia", "Happiness Is a Warm Gun" and other songs.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 他在1968年教授约翰·蓝侬指弹吉他风格,而蓝侬也将其使用在〈Dear Prudence(英语:Dear Prudence)〉、〈Julia(英语:Julia (Beatles song))〉、〈Happiness Is a Warm Gun(英语:Happiness Is a Warm Gun)〉等歌曲中。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Georgetown University was founded by former Jesuits in the tradition of Ignatius of Loyola; it is a member of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Pathumwan Princess.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Australia has a High Commission in New Delhi and Consulates in Mumbai and Chennai.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
1UP.com's Boyer called the multiplayer modes "excellent", and IGN's Goldstein named it one of the best.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1UP.com的博耶称本作多人模式“十分优秀(excellent)”,而IGN的戈尔茨坦声称这是本作的最佳选择之一。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Benefiting from prosperity in the 1980s, Spain's capital city has consolidated its position as the leading economic, cultural, industrial, educational and technological center of the Iberian peninsula.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 从1980年代的繁荣时期开始,与伊比利亚半岛上的其它城市比较,西班牙的首都巩固了她于经济、文化、工业、教育、及科技的领导地位。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
They became good friends when both felt alienated from their peers; Capote called the two of them "apart people".
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 两人性情相投,与众寡合;卡波特称俩人“离群索居”。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The left one is missing.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:左人郢事迹不详。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The temporary Teredo protocol includes provisions for a sunset procedure: Teredo implementation should provide a way to stop using Teredo connectivity when IPv6 matures and connectivity becomes available using a less brittle mechanism.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 临时性的Teredo协议包含“落幕程序”规定:Teredo实现应该提供一个方法在当IPv6成熟并且使用一个非脆弱的连通机制时停止Teredo连接的使用。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:At first, she came to resent Porter, but starts opening up to him after she grows some distrust towards Collinson.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The Final step in preparing and filing the final IPO prospectus is for the issuer to retain one of the major financial "printers", who print (and today, also electronically file with the SEC) the registration statement on Form S-1.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The east coast of Formosa was left by the company, being unprofitable and dangerous.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 福尔摩沙的东海岸被东印度公司所遗弃,成为无利可图且危险的地域。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The series explores several themes in its narrative, in particular LGBT themes.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:火炬木小组在其故事情节中探索了不少主题,特别是LGBT主题。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Both Heidi and Frank were the original project managers from week 1.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:海迪和法兰均为第一周的项目经理。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
He strongly believed his service for the state should be rewarded with land grants, but at the same time he would often use his own money to pay for the army's military expenses.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:他坚信他应当获得土地作为为国效劳的报酬,但同时他也常利用自己的钱支付军队的花销。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Kinsey was not successful there, and decided engineering was not a field he was good at.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
However, foreign interests controlled most modern industries, including manufacturing, banking, finance, rubber, and tin.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 而外来投资则控制了包括制 造业,银行业,金融业,橡胶业和锡业在内的大多数的现代工业。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In the Euclidean space Rn, the distance between two points is usually given by the Euclidean distance (2-norm distance).
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在欧氏空间 R n {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}} 里,两点间的距离通常由欧几里得距离(2-范数距离)所给出。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Thus, when a top element (the infimum of the empty set) is adjoined to a Scott domain, one can conclude that: the new top element is compact (since the order was directed complete before) and the resulting poset will be an algebraic lattice (i.e. a complete lattice that is algebraic).
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
因此,当顶元素(空集的下确界)被连接(adjoin)到 斯科特域,可以得出: 新顶元素是紧致的(因为次序以前是有向完全的), 结果的偏序集合将是代数格。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Freiburg station was rebuilt with a temporary entrance building, which was one of the first station buildings built in a German city after the war.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 弗赖堡火车总站获得了一个临时重建的车站大楼,它也成为了德国各大城市在战后首批新建的车站建筑之一。 |
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: NetBeans-Java This is a professional level platform.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
NetBeans/Java 是一个专业的开发平台。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Both countries are former colonies under the Portuguese Empire; Brazil from the early 16th century until its independence in 1822, and Angola until its independence in 1975.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
As of 2006, 37 of them were still being detained without trial, under the Internal Security Act.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:After they revealed that he wasn't a bad guy, it gave him some more space.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 他发现这角色的原型有点不太吸引人,便做出了一些更动。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
On 14 May, with the help of another man, Mancini moved his belongings from the house he shared with Kaye, which included a large trunk which was too heavy to move by hand.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Although it appears to be locally abundant, Stewart McPherson considers the species to be "at significant risk of being poached and over-collected" and cites the "rapid demise" of N. aristolochioides, another highly sought-after Sumatran plant, as an example of the possible fate of this species.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:尽管其当地的数量并不少,但斯图尔特·麦克弗森仍认为杏黄猪笼草可能会受到“盗采及过度采集的威胁”,并援引“迅速消失的”马兜铃猪笼草(N. aristolochioides)以做说明。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Caller's Bane (originally named Scrolls) is a strategy digital collectible card game developed by Mojang, which aims to combine elements from trading card games and traditional board games.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:《卷轴》(英语:Scrolls)是Mojang研发的一款战略卡片游戏,该游戏结合卡牌游戏和传统棋类游戏。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Since then, the city has seen the completion of nearly 70 structures rising at least 600 feet (183 m) high, including the twin towers of the World Trade Center.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Because of the speculative nature of quantum-gravity research, there is much debate as to the correct implementation of background independence.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
As World War I broke out, difficulty increased in circulating the Der Ostasiatische Lloyd to other countries, and the demand in China for news from Germany had increased.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:一战爆发后,《德文新报》向其他国家流通的难度增加,而中国国内对来自德国的新闻需求也开始增长。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Despite an American victory at the Battle of Chippawa, the invasion stalled once again.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
虽然取得奇帕瓦战役胜利,但攻势再度受阻。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: In 1941, illicit public meetings were held on the square by organisers of the February Strike.
Assistant: 1941年,二月罢工的组织者在广场上举行非法公众集会。
User: Morality is measured by Paragon (charm) and Renegade (intimidate) points.
Assistant: 道德系统由楷模值(魅力)和叛逆值(恐吓)来衡量。
User: A soundtrack to the game, entitled Fate/hollow ataraxia Original Sound Track was published by Geneon Entertainment on November 23, 2005.
Assistant: 游戏原声碟《Fate/hollow ataraxia Original Sound Track》由日本Geneon环球娱乐于2005年11月23日发布。
User: Other major packs include From Ashes, which adds a new, Prothean squad member named Javik; Leviathan, which uncovers more information about the origin of the Reapers; Omega, which involves retaking the space station with Aria T'Loak, its former, asari ruler; and Citadel, which follows the crew of the Normandy SR2 on shore leave.
Assistant: 其他主要下载包括《涅槃》(From Ashes),添加了一个新的普洛仙小队成员贾维克(Javik);《利维坦》(Leviathan),揭示了更多有关收割者起源的信息;《欧米伽》(Omega),与阿莎丽人埃莉亚·T'洛克(Aria T'Loak)一同夺回她以前统治的空间站;《神堡》(Citadel),跟随诺曼底SR2号的舰员们的休假。
User: There is disagreement on whether ruh is an angel.
Assistant: 占卜者认为蛤蟆是天使,将有福庆之事。
User: Coastal and border towns such as Massawa, Tajura and Metemma, as well as merchant centers such as in Gondar and Debarq had custom officials called Nagadras who collected taxes on each slave.
Assistant: 位于沿海和边界城镇,如马萨瓦(Massawa)、塔胡拉(Tadjoura)和马塔马(Metemma),或是如贡德尔(Gondar)和德巴克(Debarq)等商业中心,都会有官员对每个奴隶征税,称之为“Nagadras”。
User: It makes it harder to reveal their identity and thereby helps preserve their perceived security while browsing the web or using other internet services.
Assistant: 这可使揭露访问者的身份变得更难,从而帮助用户在浏览网络或使用其他网络服务保护他们的感知安全。
User: A process is thus a specific ordering of work activities across time and space, with a beginning and an end, and clearly defined inputs and outputs: a structure for action. ...
Assistant: 这样的过程是跨越时空的、规定的作业活动序列,具有起点和终点,并清楚地定义了输入和输出:行动的结构。
User: In popular culture, Ugandan clothing was featured in the controversial film, The Last King of Scotland.
Assistant: 阿敏的生平被拍摄成为电影《最后的苏格兰王》。
User: The Kunsthalle opened in 1986 and is financially supported by the city and the state.
Assistant: 现在的美术馆开业于1986年,由法兰克福当地政府和德国政府提供财政支持。
User: This type of warrant is only valid for one week.
Assistant: 此命令只于夏季某个月份有效。
User: His great gift was exposition of the Scriptures and, particularly, unfulfilled prophecy.
Assistant: 他的伟大的礼物是对圣经的解释,特别是关于尚未应验的预言。
User: The following day, police found Gypsy Rose in Wisconsin, where she had traveled with her boyfriend Nicholas Godejohn, whom she had met online.
Assistant: 翌日,警方在威斯康星州找到吉普赛·布朗夏尔,随行的是她在网络上认识的男友尼可拉斯。
User: The butterfly is considered as the most primitive extant papilionid taxon and shares some features with the fossil taxon Praepapilio.
Assistant: 宝凤蝶目前被认为是最原始的一种凤蝶,与已灭绝的一类凤蝶Praepapilio属有着较多共同点。
User: However, Federico Lombardi, spokesman of the Vatican, clarified that it applied to heterosexual and transsexual prostitutes, both male and female, as well.
Assistant: 后来梵蒂冈的代表发言人费德里科·伦巴第(英语:Federico Lombardi)澄清这个说法适用于异性恋和跨性别的娼妓,且不论男女。
User: Gene Elston, 93, American Major League Baseball broadcaster (Houston Astros).
Assistant: 基因·埃尔斯顿(英语:Gene Elston)(Gene Elston),93岁,美国职业棒球大联盟广播员(休士顿太空人)。
User: It is an Italian phrase derived from the vulgar Latin for "fairy" and the Arthurian sorcerer Morgan le Fay, from a belief that the mirage, often seen in the Strait of Messina, were fairy castles in the air, or false land designed to lure sailors to their death created by her witchcraft.
Assistant: 它的语源来自意大利的短句fairy和亚瑟王的巫婆摩根勒菲,来自信仰的幻影,在墨西拿海峡经常可见,她的巫术所创建在空气中的仙女城堡或虚幻的大地,被设计用来引诱水手。
User: To maintain consistency the ICD-10 used the same criteria, with only minor alterations, but using the DSM diagnostic threshold to mark a mild depressive episode, adding higher threshold categories for moderate and severe episodes.
Assistant: 为了保持一致性ICD-10使用了几乎相同的诊断标准,它使用DSM的最低门槛作为轻度抑郁发作的诊断标准,使用比DSM更高的标准来诊断中度和重度抑郁发作。
User: Dr. William Lawler – Forensic Pathologist.
Assistant: 迈克尔·巴登,法医病理学家。
User: Put moderate-water-use plants in low-lying drainage areas, near downspouts, or in the shade of other plants.
Assistant: 放适量水,利用植物在低洼地区的排水,落水管附近,或在其他植物的阴影。
User: This system is used to minimize the project risk for an owner and to reduce the delivery schedule by overlapping the design phase and construction phase of a project.
Assistant: 设计-建造交付模式,用于为业主降低项目风险,并通过使项目设计阶段与项目建筑阶段重叠,以缩短项目交付时间。
User: The storm destroyed large swaths of banana and plantain trees, and all vessels in Havana Harbor dragged anchors at the height of the hurricane.
Assistant: 风暴摧毁了大片香蕉和大蕉树,哈瓦那港的所有船只都在飓风来袭期间拖锚。
User: Subjects may be instructed not to judge whether or not the sentence is grammatically acceptable or logical, but whether the proposition expressed by the sentence is true or false.
Assistant: 受试者可能会被指示不判断句子是否在文法或逻辑上可以接受,而是由句子所表达的命题来判断是真还是假。
User: 16:40 – Minister of Foreign Affairs Algirdas Saudargas sends a diplomatic note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union in which he expresses his concerns about Soviet army violence in Lithuania.
Assistant: 16时40分,立陶宛外交部长阿尔吉尔达斯·绍达尔加斯(英语:Algirdas Saudargas)致电苏联外交部,对苏联军队在立陶宛的暴力行为表示严重关切。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: It was formed as a result of a merger between the Cone School of Dancing founded in 1919 by Grace Cone, and the Ripman School founded in 1922 by Olive Ripman.
Assistant: 伦敦艺术教育学院成立于1939年,在当时被称为“Cone-Ripman School”,是合并之后的“Cone School of Dancing”(1919年Grace Cone创始)和“Ripman School”(1922年Olive Ripman创始)。
User: This shield also has the silver ermine border.
Assistant: 此纬线亦标记着南极无核武地带的边界。
User: According to the World Health Organization, hunger and malnutrition are the single gravest threats to the world's public health and malnutrition is by far the biggest contributor to child mortality, present in half of all cases.
Assistant: 依照世界卫生组织的资料,饥饿及营养不良是对全球健康最大的单一威胁,营养不良是儿童死亡(英语:child mortality)最主要的原因,约占所有死亡人数的一半。
User: In the mid-19th century, Marxism was developed, and socialism in general gained increasing popular support, mostly from the urban working class.
Assistant: 同时各式各样的社会运动也开始形成,在19世纪中叶马克思主义出现了,而社会主义得到越来越多民众支持,大多都来自城市的劳动阶级。
User: Downcycling involves converting materials and products into new materials of lesser quality.
Assistant: 降级再造涉及将材料和产品转化为质量较差的新材料。
User: Spread spectrum also facilitate that centrally controlled base stations dynamically borrow resources from each other depending on the traffic load, simply by increasing the maximum allowed number of simultaneous users in one cell (the maximum allowed interference level from the users in the cell), and decreasing it in an adjacent cell.
Assistant: 扩频还便于中央控制的基站根据业务负载动态地相互借用资源,只需增加一个单元的最大并发用户数(小区中用户的最大容许干扰级别)并减少相邻单元的该数值。
User: The Italian Coast Guard rescued 155 survivors.
Assistant: 意大利海岸警卫队救起了155名幸存者。
User: The list follows.
Assistant: 名单如下。
User: This contributed to their downfall, as they could not count on the loyalty of their subjects when the Moors arrived in the 8th century.
Assistant: 这导致他们的垮台——当8世纪摩尔人到来之时,他们已经无法获取他们臣民的忠诚。
User: 26: The Soviet Union send an ultimatum demanding Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina from Romania.
Assistant: 26日:苏联发出最后通牒,要求罗马尼亚租让比萨拉比亚和北布科维纳两地。
User: In general, however, A.D. had severely impaired episodic memory, but had some ability to learn semantic knowledge.
Assistant: 不过,A.D.的情景记忆严重受损,但可以学习语义知识。
User: After the fall of the military rule, a law was promulgated, making the latter the written language as well.
Assistant: 在军事管制结束后,法律规定后者为书面语言。
User: Kim Jong-il’s former cook Kenji Fujimoto worked and lived in a guest house within the compound and provided some photographs dated 1989.
Assistant: 金正日的前厨师藤本健二曾服务于该官邸的客房,提供了部分1989年拍摄的照片。
User: The inability of the parties to reach an agreement may lead to industrial action, culminating in either strike action or management lockout, or binding arbitration.
Assistant: 如果无法达成共识,就会引发工业行动,爆发罢工或停工,或约束仲裁。
User: In some countries, a victim of hate speech may seek redress under civil law, criminal law, or both.
Assistant: 在一些国家,仇恨言论的受害者可以根据民法,刑法或这两种方式寻求补救。
User: Adding to the confusion is a novel of the same title that was credited to Welles, though Welles claimed that he was unaware of the book's existence until he saw a copy in a bookshop.
Assistant: 一部署名威尔斯的同名小说使情况更加混乱,威尔斯称,他不知道这本书的存在,直到他在书店看到一个副本。
User: He is alleged to be a billionaire.
Assistant: 根据推测他应该已经是一名千万富翁。
User: As an introduced species, the Asian trampsnail is often found in areas with tall grasses and high humidity.
Assistant: 作为一种引入物种,同型巴蜗牛通常都在长有高草和具有高湿度的地区被发现。
User: In 1714, George Louis became king of Great Britain, so that the electorate and Great Britain were ruled in personal union.
Assistant: 在1714,格奥尔格·路易成为大不列颠王国的国王,称乔治一世,使得选侯国和大不列颠王国被置于一个共主邦联中。
User: Studies showed that conduction aphasics had an intact 'inner voice', which discredited the central deficit model of Freud and Goldstein.
Assistant: 研究显示传导性失语患者有完好的“内在声音”(inner voice),反驳了弗洛伊德和戈尔茨坦的中枢性语言障碍理论。
User: APEX is designed to work at sub-millimetre wavelengths, in the 0.2 to 1.5 mm range — between infrared light and radio waves — and to find targets that ALMA will be able to study in greater detail.
Assistant: APEX被设计在次毫米波长,范围在0.2至1.5毫米 -介于红外线和无线电波之间- 并找到ALMA可以更仔细研究的目标。
User: When Sardius went out of business, Technical Consulting International (TCI) obtained the licence to produce the M36.
Assistant: 1990年代,当红宝石公司倒闭以后,技术顾问国际公司(TCI)获得了M36 SWS的生产许可证。
User: The remaining German Solomon Islands, at the extreme northwest of the archipelago, were retained by Germany until they fell to Australia early on in World War I. After the war the League of Nations formally mandated those islands to Australia along with the rest of German New Guinea, becoming Australian New Guinea.
Assistant: 1900年后继续受德国统治的德属所罗门群岛(German Solomon Islands)在第一次世界大战落入澳大利亚手中,战后国际联盟正式要求德国把德属所罗门群岛和德属新几内亚(German New Guinea)委托予澳大利亚而成为澳属新几内亚(Australian New Guinea)。
User: After the indictment was issued, Holmes stepped down as CEO of Theranos but remained chairperson of the board.
Assistant: 霍姆斯在起诉书发布后辞去了Theranos的CEO职务,不过仍为董事长。
User: Hunt Tennis Center: Built 1995; in a terraced garden setting, with clubhouse, coaches' offices, and 22 tennis courts, six of which are all-weather USTA regulation.
Assistant: Hunt网球中心: 于1995年建设; 梯田式设置,包括俱乐部、训练办公室和22个网球场,其中六个是符合USTA规定的全天气场地。
User: UEs are devices like mobile phones (handsets), WLL phones, computers with wireless Internet connectivity.
Assistant: UE 是类似移动电话(手机)、WLL电话、具有无线因特网连接的计算机等设备。
User: Pastrana, however, was cut in early September.
Assistant: 霜雪在九月上旬就己下降。
User: However Elizabeth died that year.
Assistant: 但伊丽莎白于翌年逝世。
User: It is associated with Veethuveppu .
Assistant: 他与牛车水黑帮成员有关系。
User: Some historians see this as a turning point in European economic development.
Assistant: 一些历史学家将此次瘟疫视为欧洲经济发展的一个转折点。
User: The United States housing market correction (a consequence of the United States housing bubble) and subprime mortgage crisis significantly contributed to a recession.
Assistant: 美国房地产市场调整(一种可能的后果,美国的房地产泡沫)和次贷危机,是经济衰退的明显因素。
User: The social roles of family farms are much changed today.
Assistant: 时至今日,家庭农场的社会角色已发生许多变化。
User: Bulgaria's largest oil refinery, Neftochim, was purchased by Russian oil giant LUKoil in 1999 and underwent modernization in 2005.
Assistant: 保加利亚最大的炼油厂Neftochim于1999年被俄罗斯石油巨头LUKOIL购买,并在2005年进行了现代化改造。
User: Pluto takes 248 years to make a full circuit of the zodiac, but its progress is highly variable: it spends between 15 and 26 years in each sign.
Assistant: 冥王星需要248年的时间运行完整个黄道带一周,然而祂的轨道进程是有着高度的变化因素之特性:祂需要使用15年到26年之的时间进入每一个星座之中。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: In 2008, for instance, the central 610 Office issued a directive to engage in propaganda work intended to prevent Falun Gong from "interfering with" the Beijing Olympics.
Assistant: 例如,2008年中央610办公室发布了一项指令,开展旨在防止法轮功“干涉”北京奥运的宣传工作。
User: Some 550 developers at Honeywell worked on the flight system.
Assistant: 霍尼韦尔有大约550名开发人员为此飞行系统工作。
User: From the early 15th century, a double-headed eagle was used.
Assistant: 15世纪初期开始,双头鹰开始被使用。
User: Christian authors also view the miracles of Jesus not merely as acts of power and omnipotence, but as works of love and mercy: they were performed to show compassion for sinful and suffering humanity.
Assistant: 基督教作者也认为耶稣的神迹不仅是一种来自全能能力的行为,而是爱和怜悯的作为:它们对罪恶和痛苦的人类表示同情。
User: Cello was popular during 1993/1994, but fell out of favor following the release of Mosaic for Windows and Netscape, after which Cello development was abandoned.
Assistant: Cello在1993至1994年间很流行,但是在Mosaic和Netscape发表后就不再受欢迎了,此后Cello的发展就被放弃了。
User: In 1940 Vandenberg was promoted to major and in 1941 to lieutenant colonel.
Assistant: 1940年范登堡在航空基地被晋升为少校、在1941年晋升为中校。
User: Real Smalltalk implementations often use a technique known as inline caching that makes method dispatch very fast.
Assistant: 真正的Smalltalk实现通常使用一种称为内联缓存的技术,这种技术使得方法调度非常迅速。
User: These permanent possibilities could be analysed into counterfactual conditionals, such as "if I were to have y-type sensations, then I would also have x-type sensations".
Assistant: 这些永久的可能性可以分析成反事实条件,例如:“如果我有y类型的感觉,那么我也会有x类型的感觉”。
User: The vascular plants collection is two-thirds Canadian (45% from British Columbia and 22% from other provinces and territories), 16% American (9% from Hawaii and the Pacific coast and 7% from the other states), and 17% from other countries.
Assistant: 收藏的维管植物产地,三分之二为加拿大(45%为不列颠哥伦比亚省,22%为加拿大其他地区),16%为美国(9%为夏威夷和太平洋沿岸,7%为美国其他州),其余17%为其他国家。
User: In Final Fantasy IX, the player navigates a character throughout the game world, exploring areas and interacting with non-player characters.
Assistant: 在《最终幻想IX》中,玩家操控角色在游戏地图上移动,探索区域并与非玩家角色互动。
User: Asked by PinkNews to clarify his remarks, Hammond wrote by email: "The discussion ranged very widely and was not limited to same sex relationships".
Assistant: 在粉红新闻(英语:PinkNews)采访他时他澄清自己的言论,哈蒙德在电子邮件上写道:“讨论范围非常广泛,并不限于同性关系。
User: Gacy never saw his first wife or children again.
Assistant: 后来盖西再也没有见过他的第一任妻子或子女。
User: For example, if a visual prototype is not able to use the same materials as the final product, they will attempt to substitute materials with properties that closely simulate the intended final materials.
Assistant: 例如,如果视觉原型不能使用与最终产品相同的材料,他们将尝试使用具能模拟最终材料的替代材料。
User: Further, every card after the 4th in each suit is also worth an additional 1 point.
Assistant: 另外,有宝牌的话,每一枚宝牌加1翻。
User: Those that has fled the Japanese occupation chose not to return.
Assistant: 兵力劣势的日军选择了退避。
User: When implemented, the local and Select Bus Service route of the B46 changed northern terminals to improve reliability.
Assistant: 该线开通后,B46线的特选巴士服务和慢车服务北端总站改动,以提高运行可靠性。
User: A recent analysis of Mars Global Surveyor data has claimed to have confirmed the frame dragging effect to a precision of 0.5%, although the accuracy of this claim is disputed.
Assistant: 另一个在火星引力场中观测兰斯-蒂林效应的测试结果是根据对火星全球探勘者号的位置数据进行恰当分析后得到的,其声称的精度达到了0.5%,但这一结果的精确性却充满争议。
User: Despite continuing protests, including public self-immolations by monks such as Thich Quang Duc, a Joint Communique resulting from the discussions was signed in mid-June, which promised to end the Buddhist crisis.
Assistant: 尽管反政府风波依然持续,甚至伴随了释广德等僧人的自焚事件,双方依然在6月中旬签署了一份联合公报,承诺要终止佛教徒危机。
User: That ISP must have an officially registered autonomous system number (ASN).
Assistant: 所以ISP必须具有一个公开且正式登记的自治系统编号(ASN)。
User: Their targets included Árbenz's personal belongings, police documents, and the headquarters of the Guatemalan Party of Labour.
Assistant: 他们的目标包括阿本斯的私人财产、警方文件和危地马拉劳动党总部。
User: On the ground — it is the light of the earth, In the sky the moon glows.
Assistant: 帝叹息,怅然有感,为歌曰:“天地开辟,日月重光。
User: With your house, with your wives, with your sons, with your senior officials, with your chariotry, (and) in the midst of your territories, may all be exceedingly well.
Assistant: 及其虔顺舅姑,抚遗接幼,”居室弼谐,闺房悦睦,乃有识之所景行,达者之所希羡。
User: The data is on the company's own servers, and is in a standard, rather than a proprietary, format.
Assistant: 搜集来的资料位于公司自己的服务器,而且它是标准格式,而不是某种私有格式。
User: After 1989 the memorials were vandalised, neglected and ultimately removed.
Assistant: 自1989年后,这些纪念碑便遭到破坏,逐渐为人遗忘,最终转移到别处。
User: This makes varying degrees of stimulation an integral part of oral sex for many men.
Assistant: 这使得不同程度的性兴奋而为对男性口交时一个重要部位。
User: Kalas lives with his wife Aspasia Gkika and daughters Maria-Nikoleta and Natalia near Berkeley, California.
Assistant: 卡拉斯和他的妻子Aspasia Gika和女儿Maria-Nikoleta、Natalia一起生活在柏克莱加州大学。
User: President Antonio Tajani tweeted that the European Parliament "will not be intimidated by terrorist or criminal attacks" and will "continue to work and react, strengthened by freedom and democracy against terrorist violence".
Assistant: 议长安东尼奥·塔亚尼于推特上称:“(欧洲议会)不会被恐怖主义或犯罪袭击吓倒,(并将)会继续工作与应对,通过自由和民主进一步打击恐怖主义暴力。
User: The city's climate is influenced both by dry (Central Asian/Siberian) air masses from the east and oceanic (Atlantic/Black Sea) air masses from the west.
Assistant: 该市的气候受到了东部(中亚/西伯利亚)的干燥空气和西部(大西洋/黑海)的海洋性气团。
User: Opposition activists claimed that rebels had nothing to do with the killings.
Assistant: 反对派的活动分子声称武装反对派与屠杀无关。
User: As he had already spent over a year in detention, Karadžić did not serve the remaining sentence in prison.
Assistant: 不过到宣判时卡拉季奇已经被抓1年了,他也没有服完剩下的刑期。
User: Measuring x {\displaystyle x} on these states would provide different x {\displaystyle x} values which give the same f ( x ) {\displaystyle f(x)} , leading to the period.
Assistant: 对这些态上的x的测量将会给出能给出相同f(x)的不同的x,由此推导出周期来。
User: In 2014, they reached the final rounds of the East Region amateur championship.
Assistant: 2014年,他们进入了东部地区业余锦标赛的决赛轮。
User: Leister Technologies AG with its business areas of plastic welding, process heat (since 1967) and laser plastic welding (since 1998) forms the company’s original core.
Assistant: Leister Technologies AG 构成了公司最初的核心部分,业务领域包括塑料焊接、工业用热(1967 年起)和激光塑料焊接(1998 年起)。
User: It is also sometimes referred to as A Woman Peeling Apples, with a Small Child.
Assistant: 有时又被描绘成一位手持莲花的女人,或者是一棵悬铃木。
User: She may also have later become a pharaoh in her own right, ruling alone for a short time after her husband's death.
Assistant: 她也有可能在其丈夫过世后凭借自己的身份继任为法老,并统治埃及一小段时间。
User: When Greek children, especially girls, came of age it was customary for them to sacrifice the toys of their childhood to the gods.
Assistant: 当希腊的小孩(特别是小女孩)长大时,常会将小时候的玩具奉献给神明。 |
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
On 1 May 2017, their .se, .eu and .org domain names were deactivated, with the site's moderators later confirming that the owner took it down voluntarily.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Cat Day is celebrated on February 22nd in Japan.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
This is useful if the device contains sensitive information, but the device cannot be located after this action is performed.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This fault correlates well with a 30 km long lineament seen on satellite images.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:这个断层与卫星图上看到的30公里长线性结构吻合得很好。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
These cells are often used in immunology and cell biology research.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The primary contractor is the Hongdu Aviation Industry Corporation.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The parasite has only been found in rivers in the South Island, away from the most important aquaculture sites.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:这种寄生虫只在远离多数水产养殖区的南岛的河流发现。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Secondary education in the United States did not emerge until 1910, with the rise of large corporations and advancing technology in factories, which required skilled workers.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Complementarity–Mutual Exclusiveness 9.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
interference 9th单曲B面曲。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
By 12 September, at the time of their retreat into the city, the Soviet 62nd Army had been reduced to 90 tanks, 700 mortars and just 20,000 personnel.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
He was given the United Nations Population Award in 1983, along with Indira Gandhi.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
During the start of his work on the system, he stored the files under the name "Freax" for about half of a year.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
East River is a 38.3-mile-long (61.6 km) stream in central Colorado.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:东河(英语:East River)是一条长约38.3-英里(61.6-公里)的溪流,位于科罗拉多州中部。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: He is an authority of considerable value from 1066 onwards; many telling anecdotes and shrewd judgments on persons and events can be gleaned from his pages.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:他是一位自1066年以来非常重要的权威;许多生动的故事和对人和事件精明的判断都能从他的记录中获得。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
In addition, Ou's husband is no longer bothered by his colleagues to date women.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The surroundings of the park became the center of the city.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:公园的周边成为城市的中心。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Craig had intended that the view along George Street be terminated by two large churches, situated at the outer edge of each square, on axis with George Street.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 克雷格提议在乔治街尽头的广场个别建造二座大教堂。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: However, it indicated that the plains wanderer actually belonged into one of them.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:但是,领鹑Plains Wanderer实际上也是属于其中的一种。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: A working committee was formed consisting of 21 members.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The cavalry was seriously affected by the Revolution.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The architect was Johann Emil Schaudt; the sculptor was Hugo Lederer.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
建筑师是Johann Emil Schaudt; 雕塑家是雨果·莱德勒。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The Tenth played a crucial part in the Gallic Wars, fighting under Caesar in virtually every battle.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The country has only 429 kilometers of paved road, limited international, and no domestic air service, and does not possess a railroad.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The book restates traditional lean principles, as well as a set of 22 tools and compares the tools to corresponding agile practices.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:There are very few African American men who haven't had the experience of walking across the street and hearing the locks click on the doors of cars.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Agatat-Gold Winery for wine, brandy and vodka, founded in 2007 in Nor Kyurin.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:Agatat-Gold酒庄用于葡萄酒,白兰地和伏特加,成立于2007年,在Nor Kyurin。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In the 1960s, William S. Condon pioneered the study of interactions at the fraction-of-a-second level.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
在1960年代,William Condon(英语:William S. Condon)率先进行了针对瞬间互动的研究。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
There they set up their little campfire and a flag-staff, and as the sun rises over the sea they raise the Guide World Flag, they sing the World Song, and they speak of some of the people and the countries they are Thinking about - and so they start "The Big Think" which then travels all the way round the world.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The city has redundant fiber optic lines and is a focal point for telecommunications.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 市内有大量的光纤线路,同时是电讯中心。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
This mechanism serves to explain why the neutrino masses are so small.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:This condition has been called "Wilson's Wrist".
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:这类状态被称为“威尔逊的手腕”(Wilson's Wrist)。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The relations of the Faroe Islands with the EU are governed by a Fisheries Agreement (1977) and a Free Trade Agreement (1991, revised 1998).
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:影响法罗群岛与欧盟的关系的法律条文主要有 1977年的渔业条约,以及1991年(1998年被再次修改)的自由贸易协定。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Perfection includes existence.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Franklin D. Roosevelt served the longest, over twelve years, before dying early in his fourth term in 1945.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The death toll from Gilbert was reported to be 318 people, mostly from Mexico.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The Bureau of Meteorology had not issued warnings for Sydney Airport, located on the northern shore of Botany Bay, or the rest of the eastern suburbs to prepare for large hail.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
澳大利亚气象局没有向位于植物学湾北海岸的悉尼机场发布警报,也没有提醒东部郊区其他地点做好应对大冰雹的准备。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: Psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors and social workers have historically dealt primarily with individual psychological problems in a medical and psychoanalytic framework.
Assistant: 精神病学家、心理学家、辅导员和社会工作者过去主要处理医学和精神分析框架中的个体心理问题。
User: According to his son Homer, as Saint-Gaudens considered "the motto 'In God We Trust' as an artistic intrusion not required by law, he wholly discarded and thereby drew down on himself the lightning of public comment".
Assistant: 据他的儿子霍默回忆,圣高登斯觉得“In God We Trust”对硬币的艺术效果有负面影响,所以在没有法律强制规定的情况,他选择将之省略,进而导致舆论哗然。
User: In case of pulsed biasing the TON time of the pulse is generally kept at 20-40 μs, while the TOFF is kept at 0.5-2 ms i.e. a duty cycle of 1-8%.
Assistant: 在脉冲偏压的情况下脉冲的TON时间一般在20-40 μs,而TOFF时间在0.5-2 μs,也就是占空比为1-8%。
User: In February 2000 Arriva purchased MTL Holdings, which included its first UK rail franchises, Merseyrail Electrics and Northern Spirit.
Assistant: 2000年2月,爱瑞发进入英国的铁路运输市场,其收购的MTL控股(MTL Holdings)当中就包括默西铁路电气(Merseyrail Electrics)和北方精神(Northern Spirit)两家铁路公司的特许经营权。
User: He frequented spiritism during his exile (where he participated also in many séances conducted by Madame Delphine de Girardin) and in later years settled into a rationalist deism similar to that espoused by Voltaire.
Assistant: 在流放时,他常常研习唯灵论(他常参加Delphine de Girardin夫人主持的降神会),晚年,他转信伏尔泰的理智主义自然神论。
User: The female raises the young alone.
Assistant: 雌性会独自抚养幼猫。
User: President Buchanan and President-elect Lincoln refused to recognize the Confederacy, declaring secession illegal.
Assistant: 总统布坎南和当选总统林肯拒绝承认邦联,宣布脱离为非法。
User: Population ageing arises from two (possibly related) demographic effects which are increasing longevity and declining fertility.
Assistant: 两个人口因素可能导致了人口老龄化:寿命延长和生育下降。
User: The game's menu screen allows the player to keep track of their experience points and levels, to choose which equipment their characters wield, and to use items and magic.
Assistant: 游戏菜单屏幕可让玩家记录其经验值和等级,选择角色使用的装备,或使用道具和魔法。
User: The distortion in both images displayed in this section was caused by refraction, but while the image on the left, which is a mirage, demonstrates only vertical distortion, the image on the right demonstrates distortion in all the ways possible.
Assistant: 在这一段落呈现的两张图都有因折射变形造成的变形,但是在左边的图像是蜃景,只在垂直方向上变形;而右边的图像表现出在所有方向上的变形。
User: The sed script can either be specified on the command line (-e option) or read from a separate file (-f option).
Assistant: 可以在命令行上指定sed脚本( -e选项),也可以从单独的文件中读取( -f选项)。
User: However, influenza C is less common than the other types and usually only causes mild disease in children.
Assistant: 然而,丙型流感病毒较前述两种罕见,且通常只在孩童身上造成轻微症状。
User: The United States maintains substantial economic and political interests in Hong Kong.
Assistant: 美国在智利拥有实质性的经济利益。
User: Tyrannosaurids are now universally considered to be large coelurosaurs.
Assistant: 现在,暴龙科普遍被认为是种大型虚骨龙类。
User: The Valmet M82 is a bullpup assault rifle with a Valmet M76 internal design created by Finnish company Valmet.
Assistant: 瓦尔梅特M82(Valmet M82)是瓦尔梅特M76突击步枪的犊牛式版本,由芬兰的瓦尔梅特公司(Valmet)研制及生产。
User: Bolten plays bass guitar in a band called the Compassionates.
Assistant: 博尔顿在一个叫“Compassionates”的乐队中负责演奏贝斯。
User: At the present rate of world mine production of 5 to 10 metric tons per year, reserves will last for thousands of years.
Assistant: 目前世界的年开采量为5-10吨,目前的储量可供开采数千年。
User: However, we have known that elements in C are independent of each other.
Assistant: 但B和C两者是可以分开的。
User: Although often described as a science museum, the Powerhouse has a diverse collection encompassing all sorts of technology including decorative arts, science, communication, transport, costume, furniture, media, computer technology, space technology and steam engines.
Assistant: 虽然动力博物馆经常被认定为一所科学博物馆,但它却拥有不同种类的收藏,其中包括装饰品、艺术、科学、通讯、运输、服装、家具、媒体、计算机技术、空间技术和蒸汽机等相关领域的展品。
User: Mistry writes that he "will be obsequiously praised as the future of R&B music—because is a black singer, not because he's making quantifiable, canonical R&B".
Assistant: Anupa Mistry写道:“他将会被未来的节奏蓝调音乐界谄媚地称赞——是因为他是一位黑人歌手,并不是因为他正在做量化的、死板板的节奏蓝调。
User: Well, you better keep your mouth shut!
Assistant: 》(让我俘虏你的心PLEASE!
User: Joe Donnelly of Digital Spy wrote that Seifert's performance has the potential to inspire similar games, and Andy Kelly of PC Gamer called the performance "understated, realistic, and complex".
Assistant: Digital Spy的乔·唐纳利写道,塞弗特的表现有着启发同类游戏的潜力,而PC Gamer的安迪·凯利(Andy Kelly)表示演技“低调、现实且复杂”。
User: Selling almost a million copies in the first week of its release, Doggystyle became certified quadruple platinum in 1994 and spawned several hit singles, including "What's My Name?" and "Gin & Juice".
Assistant: 《Doggystyle》获得了四倍于白金的销量,并催生了众多打榜单曲,包括《What's My Name》和《Gin & Juice》。
User: However, not only does the 6–2 require a team to possess two people capable of performing the highly specialized role of setter, it also requires both of those players to be effective offensive hitters when not in the setter position.
Assistant: 然而,6-2阵型不仅要求球队拥有两名高质量的二传手,还要求这两名球员在前排时又是有实力的攻手。
User: The town and surrounding area is quite rural.
Assistant: 镇和周边地区相当农村。
User: By the end of 1975, the Tangshan and Dalian plants completed a successful trial of the first Model 8240Z inline 8-cylinder diesel engine, including a variety of performance tests and a 100-hour reliability test; the 8240Z was essentially half of a 16V240ZJ, producing 1,230 kilowatts (1,650 hp).
Assistant: 1975年底,唐山厂、大连厂成功试制了第一台8气缸的8240Z型柴油机,并通过了各种性能试验和100小时可靠性试验;8240Z型柴油机实际上是在16V240ZJ型基础上减少气缸数量的衍生机型,装车功率1650马力。
User: For the Italian-speaking region, the programmes were re-transmitted with Italian subtitles until dedicated Italian studios were built in 1958.
Assistant: 对于意大利语区,节目被打上意大利语字幕播放,直到1958年制作意大利语节目的工作室成立为止。
User: In contrast, TCP is a stream-oriented protocol, transporting streams of bytes reliably and in order.
Assistant: 相较于TCP,是一个串流导向的协定,可靠地且有顺序地传送以bytes为单位的串流。
User: For this reason, remediation also depends on users making use of browsers that have up-to-date certificate revocation lists (or OCSP support) and honour certificate revocations.
Assistant: 因此,修复此漏洞,用户还需要更新浏览器,确保具有最新的证书吊销列表(或OCSP支持)及证书吊销功能。 |
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The Ohio and Texas delegations were assigned to the back of the convention hall, a move viewed as punishment for the delegations, as they did not back Trump in their respective primaries (Ohio and Texas voted for Kasich and Cruz, respectively).
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Shenzhen I/O was designed with the same niche audience in mind, specifically people interested in programming.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:与前作一样,《深圳 I/O》也同样是为那些对编程感兴趣的受众开发。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Clashes were reported near Ar Rutba after the ambush, with government artillery units shelling suspected insurgent hideouts south of the city.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 据报道在伏击之后在附近的鲁特拜镇发生交火,政府军的炮兵部队对小镇南部的疑似武装分子藏匿窝点进行炮击。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
While still in high school, Clash performed at venues throughout Baltimore, including schools, churches, fundraisers, and community events.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The official mascot of the 2001 Southeast Asian Games is a squirrel named Si Tumas, short form for Tupai Emas (Golden squirrel).
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
2001年东南亚运动会的官方吉祥物是一只名为Si Tumas的松鼠,Tupai Emas(金松鼠)的简称。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:He also had lunch with King George VI.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
On 10 June, the GNA captured two barracks, a bridge and an intersection in Sirte.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Inland terrain, bridges, troop emplacements, and buildings were also photographed, in many cases from several angles, to give the Allies as much information as possible.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:行动中亦拍摄了内陆地带的地形、桥梁、军队动向和建筑,通常自多角度拍摄,由此为盟军提供尽可能多的信息。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
When using an absolute magnitude, one must specify the type of electromagnetic radiation being measured.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在定义其绝对星等时,必须指定要测量哪一类型的电磁辐射。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
i3 is a tiling window manager designed for X11, inspired by wmii, and written in C. It supports tiling, stacking, and tabbing layouts, which it handles dynamically.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:i3 是一个X11下的平铺式窗口管理器,受到了wmii的启发,使用C语言写成。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
According to Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), CANDU reactors could use 100% MOX cores without physical modification.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
根据加拿大原子能有限公司提供的材料,CANDU 反应堆不需要物理修改就可以使用100%的混合氧化物核燃料。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Network sharing is made possible by inter-process communication over the network.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The brothers, with another brother, Shahid Farooq Alvi, are still in business in Pakistan, as Brain NET Internet service providers with a company called Brain Telecommunication Limited.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:这对兄弟,以及另一个兄弟 Shahid Farooq Alvi 都还在巴基斯坦一家叫 Brain Telecommunication Limited 的网络公司上班。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Even fundamental issues, such as Max Born's basic rules concerning probability amplitudes and probability distributions, took decades to be appreciated by society and many leading scientists.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:While there is overlap between the normalization rules for certain categories, identifying the wrong category or being unable to produce the right category limits the added benefit of this approach over suffix stripping algorithms.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
由于在规范化方法上有一些重叠,确定错误的目录或者不能够找到正确的目录限制了这方法对suffix stipping 算法的附加好处。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The structure in which this data is held is called a sliding window, which is why LZ77 is sometimes called sliding-window compression.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Rio: Music from the Motion Picture was released in the United States by 20th Century Fox on March 29, 2011, for digital download and by Interscope Records on April 5, 2011, in Audio CD format.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
影片歌曲由20世纪福克斯公司于2011年3月29日以网络下载的方式发行,CD由Interscope Records公司于2011年4月5日发行。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The UARS/ACRIM2 experiment was an important part of providing the long term TSI database.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:而UARS/ACRIM2实验是提供长期太阳总辐照度数据库的重要组成部分。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The western terms were that the United States would gain all of the area east of the Mississippi River, north of Florida, and south of Canada.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
He died in exile after his favour had run out with the Spanish navy.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 他后来拥有了自己的船,最终死于一次抗击西班牙军队的海战后。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
MUOS is designed to support users who require greater mobility, higher bit rates and improved operational availability.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
During World War I, following the lead of their rivals Schütte-Lanz Luftschiffbau, the design changed to the more familiar streamlined shape with cruciform tail surfaces, as used by almost all later airships.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在第一次世界大战期间,Schütte-Lanz Luftschiffbau为了领先其他的竞争公司,飞船的设计被改为更为人熟悉的流线造型与十字形尾翼,几乎所有后来的飞艇都有使用这个设计。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: Having succeeded in reversing the Harrison administration's silver policy, Cleveland sought next to reverse the effects of the McKinley tariff.
Assistant: 成功逆转哈里森政府的白银政策后,克利夫兰接下来试图逆转《1890年关税法》产生的影响。
User: Other partners included sugar-free chewing gum brand 5 and casual dining restaurant company Red Robin.
Assistant: 其他合作伙伴包含无糖口香糖品牌5 Gum和休闲餐饮公司Red Robin(英语:Red Robin)。
User: He also disliked it when the Afghan leadership tried to justify their murderous actions on the grounds that Vladimir Lenin also did it.
Assistant: 他也不喜欢阿富汗领袖试图藉着列宁的往例来证明自己残酷的统治是正当的。
User: The Gemara tells how they brought Joab before the Court, and Solomon judged and questioned him.
Assistant: 胡安最后一次说话,向贝伦永别,然后离世,完成命定的预言。
User: It was thereafter issued in three grades (bronze, silver, and gold).
Assistant: 其后以封地为氏,后去三点水,化为路姓。
User: Naryanapala's son Rajyapala ruled for at least 12 years, and constructed several public utilities and lofty temples.
Assistant: 那罗衍波罗之子罗阇耶波罗至少统治了12年,并兴建了一些公共设施和寺庙。
User: Chorus The writing of the song is contemporaneous with the publication of Cecil Rhodes' will—in which he bequeathed his considerable wealth for the specific purpose of promoting "the extension of British rule throughout the world", and added a long detailed list of territories which Rhodes wanted brought under British rule and colonised by British people.
Assistant: 而与该曲同时期出现的塞西尔·罗兹的遗嘱也说他将使用他那笔“可观的财富”来促进“英国统治这个世界的延伸”,为此他还列出了长长一列希望英国人统治或列为殖民地的地点的名单。
User: Although all of the surface of the polyhedron would be surveyed, for some polyhedra there are points in the interior which might not be under surveillance.
Assistant: 虽然多面体的整个表面都会被监视,但有一些多面体的内部点有可能不会被监视到。
User: Initially, after feeling that Penny was not for him, Leonard turned his attention to fellow scientist Leslie Winkle.
Assistant: 当伦纳德感觉佩妮和自己合不来时,他最开始把注意力转到和同为科学家的莱斯利·温克尔。
User: Marines would continue a battle of attrition around the 38th Parallel until the 1953 armistice.
Assistant: 海军陆战队一直奋战到38度线防区并维持到1953年停战日。
User: After a period with the friendly Ascanio Piccolomini (the Archbishop of Siena), Galileo was allowed to return to his villa at Arcetri near Florence in 1634, where he spent part of his life under house arrest.
Assistant: 一段时间后,在他的朋友阿斯卡尼奥·皮科洛米尼的帮助下,伽利略于1634年被允许回到他在佛罗伦萨阿克特雷旁的小宅焦耶洛别墅,在那里他度过了自己的余生。
User: This organic reaction was discovered by Mario Passerini in 1921 in Florence, Italy.
Assistant: Passerini反应(Passerini reaction),由意大利佛罗伦萨的化学家 Mario Passerini 在1921年报道。
User: He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2000 "for showing how neurotransmitters act on the cell and can activate a central molecule known as DARPP-32".
Assistant: 2000年时他因“解释了神经传导物质如何作用于细胞上,并能激活了称为中央分子的DARPP-32”而被授予诺贝尔奖。
User: The I-4 was used as a parasite fighter in experiments with the Tupolev TB-1 bomber.
Assistant: I-4被使用在Zveno计划中,作为图波列夫 TB-1 轰炸机的机载机。
User: The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) condemned the execution, comparing the attitude and actions to those of ISIL.
Assistant: 伊斯兰革命卫队(IRGC)谴责了这次处决,并将沙特方面的态度和行为与伊斯兰国进行了比较。
User: Several modulations of the second theme (in A minor and G minor) follow.
Assistant: 随后对第二主题进行几次变奏(在A小调和G小调上)。
User: This led to this album being delayed until 1995.
Assistant: 这个错误 uncovered 一直延续到1995年。
User: Lower frequencies enjoy better propagation but poorer radar reflection from small targets, so there is usually an optimum frequency that depends on the type of target.
Assistant: 较低的频率获得更好的传播效果,但是从小物体反射回来的也少,所以根据被探测目标的类型,来决定最适频率。
User: Via the Fritsch–Buttenberg–Wiechell rearrangement, alkynes are prepared from vinyl bromides.
Assistant: 在Fritsch-Buttenberg-Wiechell重排反应中,炔烃由溴化乙烯基起始制得。
User: Ben Williams from Blu-ray.com stated the remastered version "absolutely" made up for the substandard initial release and praised its high video and audio quality; however, he criticised the continued lack of special features.
Assistant: Blu-ray.com在评论中称,修复版“绝对”弥补了初版蓝光的乏善可陈,还赞扬了其视频和音频的高品质,但另一方面也批评其中缺少特别花絮。
User: Many PC hobbyists in search of a structured replacement for BASIC used this product.
Assistant: 许多研究BASIC结构化替代品的PC爱好者使用该产品。
User: In November 2006 Giuliani announced the formation of an exploratory committee toward a run for the presidency in 2008.
Assistant: 在2006年11月13日,朱利安尼宣布成立2008年总统选举的试探委员会。
User: Remaining tariffs would be eliminated ten years after implementation.
Assistant: 但该种车牌只发放10天后便停止发放。
User: So-called unaccented appoggiaturas are also quite common in many periods of music, even though they are disapproved of by some early theorists (for example, by C. P. E. Bach, in his Versuch über die wahre Art das Clavier zu spielen ).
Assistant: 在不同时期的音乐中均曾出现非重音的倚音,虽这被一些早期的理论家(如C.P.E.巴赫)所否定。
User: Hurricane Bill was a short-lived storm between that lasted from July 11 to July 13 and produced light rainfall in Newfoundland.
Assistant: 本季首场飓风比尔从7月11日持续到13日,给纽芬兰岛带去小雨。
User: Alleged misbranding of liquid smoke.
Assistant: 无色发烟液体。
User: It is modern day and evening wear.
Assistant: 日三服,夜二服。
User: Finally, it required a stable viewing platform, rendering the technique useless on the rolling deck of a ship at sea.
Assistant: 最后,此方法要求有一个稳定的观测平台,这导致该技术在颠簸的甲板上毫无用处。
User: In effect, all of the chemical energy is harnessed to propagate the shock wave forward.
Assistant: 因此所有的化学能都用来推动震波往前进。
User: However, this number is controversial.
Assistant: 不过这一数字颇有争议。
User: They believe in this evil.
Assistant: 是故如来宣示此咒。
User: Each of these is a distinct numeral for representing the same abstract number.
Assistant: 它们是表示相同抽象数字的不同数字符号。
User: In addition, the Commission also had an underlying mandate to promote reconciliation.
Assistant: 朴正熙当局也暗地支持妥协派。
User: They differentiated between "enemies of the Jewish people" (the British) and "Jew haters" (the Nazis), believing that the former needed to be defeated and the latter manipulated.
Assistant: 他们将“犹太人之敌”(英国)和“仇恨犹太人者”(纳粹)分辨开来,认为前者当被击败,后者可被摆布。
User: But just as the deal was about to be signed, Google backed off and instead hired the PayPal executive negotiating the deal, Bedier.
Assistant: 但就当政策快要签订时,Google补偿并雇佣了谈判政策的PayPal执行官贝迪尔。
User: The 1982 edition of the New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars listed it with a variability from 3.30 to 3.36 in the visual band.
Assistant: 在1982年编辑的New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars列出它的星等在3.30和3.36等之间变动。
User: The cause of the fire has remained a mystery to the present day.
Assistant: 而这场大火的真相,至今仍是个谜。
User: The Internet Archive has stated that one of their goals is to prevent the digital dark age.
Assistant: 互联网档案馆声明,预防数字黑暗时代是他们的目标之一。
User: The next day, Catherine goes to Neil's apartment to speak to him, where Dennis shouts from the kitchen that he loves Neil and he should "Shag the Bitch!".
Assistant: 次日,克瑟琳去尼尔家讨说法,听见丹尼斯在厨房里大喊大叫,声称自己爱尼尔,建议尼尔“操了那婊子!”。
User: Stallman chose the phrase to identify his free software method of distribution.
Assistant: 斯托曼用这条短语来标识自由软件的分发方式。
User: The half-lives of other isotopes and isomers range from 0.64 microseconds for 245m1Am to 50.8 hours for 240Am.
Assistant: 其余的同位素和同核异构体半衰期从0.64微秒(245m1Am)到50.8小时(240Am)不等。
User: A male usually takes one mate, but other females may share his territory.
Assistant: 通常情况下一个雄性只有一个雌性陪伴,但他们可能有其他的雌性在同一领土。
User: Typical grading sizes are 3–5 oz, 5–7 oz, and 7–9 oz.
Assistant: 批发时鱼按着 3–5 oz、5–7 oz及7–9 oz三个等级售卖。
User: They will tend to rotate around the observer.
Assistant: 它们将绕着观察者旋转。
User: Nematodes have successfully adapted to nearly every ecosystem: from marine (salt) to fresh water, soils, from the polar regions to the tropics, as well as the highest to the lowest of elevations.
Assistant: 线虫几乎已适应了地球所有的生态系,从海洋(海水)到淡水、土壤、极地到赤道、也包括不同海拔高度的地区。
User: Historically and practically it is closely associated with the Haber process, which provides the requisite raw material, ammonia (NH3).
Assistant: 从历史角度和实践角度来说,它和哈柏法有着很近的联系,后者提供此反应所需要的原料——氨。
User: Zwingli accepted Philip's invitation fully believing that he would be able to convince Luther.
Assistant: 慈运理接受了菲利普的邀请,他自信能说服路德。 |
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The work continues to be maintained by TR-42 within the TIA, EIA is no longer in existence and hence EIA has been removed from the name.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
这项工作继续由在TIA内的TR-42委员会维护,而 EIA不再存在,因此EIA已被删除。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The Dutch–Venezuelan crisis of 1908 was a dispute that broke out between the Netherlands and Venezuela after the Venezuelan president, Cipriano Castro, cut off trade with the Dutch island of Curaçao on the grounds that it was harbouring political refugees from Venezuela.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:1908年荷委危机是指委内瑞拉总统西普里亚诺·卡斯特罗因为荷兰王国治下的库拉索岛为委内瑞拉政治难民提供庇护,而下令与其断绝贸易之后,在荷兰王国与委内瑞拉之间爆发的一场争端。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
INSP was founded in July 1994 and the network was initially managed by The Big Issue.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
INSP公司成立于1994年7月,此组织最初是由The Big Issue 管理。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Upon election, Grabar-Kitarović became the first woman in Europe to defeat an incumbent president running for reelection, as well as the second woman in the world to do so, after Violetta Chamorro of Nicaragua in 1990.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 经过大选,格拉巴尔-基塔罗维奇成为欧洲首位击败竞逐连任的现任总统的首位女性,也是继1990年尼加拉瓜的奥莱塔·查莫罗以来全球第二位这样做的女性。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
All mobile to mobile calls and PSTN to mobile calls are routed through a G-MSC.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 所有的移动到移动呼叫,以及PSTN到移动呼叫,都被通过一个GMSC路由。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Zip and Tar formats only support per-file and whole file compression respectively.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: Zip和Tar格式分别只支持每个文件压缩和整个文件压缩。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: They're worried that all guns are going to be recalled.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:谢真则回应所有武器都必须缴回。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
After a fierce argument, they go to sleep.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
If the 301 status code is received in response to a request of any type other than GET or HEAD, the client must ask the user before redirecting.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 如果是除了 GET 和 HEAD 之外的请求方法,客户端必须在重定向之前询问用户。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
It was during his stay in Dnipropetrovsk that he met Leonid Brezhnev, a future leader of the Soviet Union.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The British committee was finally appointed in February 1918.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 英国委员会终于在1918年2月被任命。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In February 2013, Rogers came out as gay, becoming the second male soccer player in Britain to do so after Justin Fashanu in 1990.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 2013年2月,罗渣士出柜,成为继Justin Fashanu在1990年出柜后第二位在英国出柜的男子足球运动员。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
For example, the PIE perfect/stative conjugation shows up simply as a present-tense conjugation known as the ḫi-present, with no clear meaning; on the other hand, the PIE nu-present, which in other languages is a primary verb suffix with no clear meaning, is in Hittite a productive secondary verb suffix that forms causative verbs.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:例如,PIE 完成/状态性变位简单的出现为一种现在时变位叫做 ḫi- 现在时,没有明确的含义;在另一方面,PIE nu- 现在时,它在其他语言中是一个主要动词后缀而没有明确定含义,在赫梯语中是有生产力的形成使役动词的次生动词后缀。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
These particles continue on the comet's trajectory and appear as meteors ("falling stars") when they pass through Earth's upper atmosphere.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
John Radford (1999) speculated on Holmes's intelligence.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
In Japan, each citizen is registered through the koseki system whereby an individual is registered as a part of household (while in the West, a birth certificate can act as a proof of identity).
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Despite Superman's success, Donner did not return to finish Superman II, and it was completed with Lester, who gave the film a more tongue-in-cheek tone.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The name derives from Aramaic and means "The house of my Lord".
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 其名字来源于亚拉姆语,意思是“真主的宝座”。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
One of the first major aurora displays of solar cycle 23 occurred on 6 April 2000, with bright red auroras visible as far south as Florida and South Europe.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The filter employs what is called the "Bayer Pattern," a checkerboard-like arrangement of red, green, and blue pixels on a square grid of photosensors that allows digital cameras to capture vivid color images.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
此滤色镜运用像棋盘般排列的"拜尔图案"(Bayer pattern),将红、绿、蓝色过滤器排列在光传感器的方格之上,让数码相机拍摄出栩栩如生的彩色影像。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The political resident in Bushehr wrote back, stating: Hamad ibn Isa wrote again to the political resident in Bahrain in 1939 to inform him that Abdullah Al Thani was constructing a fort in Zubarah.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Occam is unusual in this list because its original implementation was tied to the Transputer, and hence no virtual machine was necessary.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: Occam 在这个列表中是不寻常的,因为它的原始实现与 Transputer 绑定,因此不需要虚拟机。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:For non-Sunni Muslims, non-Muslims, and non-religious, "freedom of religion is neither recognized nor protected under the law" and Saudi "government policies continued to place severe restrictions on religious freedom", according to the 2013 International Religious Freedom Report of the US State Department.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:对于非逊尼派穆斯林,非穆斯林和无信仰者,“宗教自由既不得法律承认也不受保护”,沙特政府的政策继续严格限制宗教自由,根据2013年国际宗教自由法报导,什叶派穆斯林面临着沙特阿拉伯政府在教育,司法系统,尤其是宗教自由方面的系统性歧视。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Telkom is a semi-privatised, 39% state-owned enterprise.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Irving Langmuir was also one of the founders of this field, and the scientific journal on surface science, Langmuir, bears his name.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 欧文·朗缪尔(Irving Langmuir)也是这个领域的创始人之一,表面科学的科学杂志《朗缪尔 (期刊)》(《Langmuir》)以他的名字命名。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In February 2000, she appeared on MTV's The Tom Green Show, in an episode in which the host took her to his parents' home in Ottawa in search of fabric for her new handbag business.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
2000年2月,她出现在MTV的《汤姆绿色秀》(The Tom Green Show)中,主持人将她带到父母渥太华家中,为她的新手提包业务寻找面料。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: More of the clergy were of local origin; others were expected to know the Polish language.
Assistant: 牧师中以本地人为多,人们期待其他牧师能理解波兰语。
User: Where this design originated from is unknown, but it is assumed that the red lion is a link with England.
Assistant: 该设计的起源无从得知,据推断这头狮子可能与英格兰有关。
User: The Torneo Apertura was scheduled to begin on 14 August 2009 and end on 13 December 2009.
Assistant: 春季联赛始于2009年8月14日,结束于2009年12月13日。
User: The word may perhaps derive from the term ympe, used to denote a young grafted tree.
Assistant: 这个词可能来自于ympe,指一棵嫁接的树。
User: As in general Boltzmann machines, probability distributions over hidden and/or visible vectors are defined in terms of the energy function: P ( v , h ) = 1 Z e − E ( v , h ) {\displaystyle P(v,h)={\frac {1}{Z}}e^{-E(v,h)}} where Z {\displaystyle Z} is a partition function defined as the sum of e − E ( v , h ) {\displaystyle e^{-E(v,h)}} over all possible configurations (in other words, just a normalizing constant to ensure the probability distribution sums to 1).
Assistant: 在一般的玻尔兹曼机中,隐层和可见层之间的联合概率分布由能量函数给出: P ( v , h ) = 1 Z e − E ( v , h ) {\displaystyle P(v,h)={\frac {1}{Z}}e^{-E(v,h)}} 其中, Z {\displaystyle Z} 为配分函数,定义为在节点的所有可能取值下 e − E ( v , h ) {\displaystyle e^{-E(v,h)}} 的和(亦即使得概率分布和为1的归一化常数)。
User: EP track "Shadows" was sampled by grime artist Marger and has been released on iTunes through 360 Records (21 August 2011).
Assistant: 2011年8月21日,EP中的歌曲《暗影》("Shadows")也曾被合作艺人玛格(Marger)通过索尼克360唱片发售于iTunes平台。
User: Owing to Allison's involvement in classified and export restricted technology, the 1994 acquisition was subject to investigation to determine the national security implications.
Assistant: 由于艾利逊参加了机密和出口限制的技术,因而1994年的收购被有关部门仔细审查以确定对美国国家安全的影响。
User: This creates a division within the audience.
Assistant: 这在教会内部产生了分裂。
User: Under central planning neither planners, managers, nor workers had incentives to promote the social economic interest.
Assistant: 在中央计划之下计划者、管理者和劳动者都得不到奖励以提升社会经济效益。
User: Previously, Buenos Aires had been designated as a "Capital District".
Assistant: 更早以前,布宜诺斯艾利斯被命名为“首都行政区”。
User: The priests' quarters, the commissary, the stables, the armory, the workshop, and the hospital, also usually of stone, formed an inner square adjoining the church.
Assistant: 祭司的生活区,代理主教,马厩,军械库,车间,和医院,通常也是石造的,毗邻教堂形成内广场。
User: For several years after her marriage, she did all of the work by herself.
Assistant: 婚后每天不管多忙她都要亲自下厨。
User: Technical writers must consider all these design strategies to ensure the audience can easily use the documents.
Assistant: 技术写作人员必须考虑到所有这些设计元素,以确保读者能容易地使用文档。
User: Final Fantasy VII has often placed at or near the top of many reader polls of all-time best games.
Assistant: 《最终幻想VII》经常登上史上最佳游戏读者票选的首位或接近首位。
User: As long as there is consensus within the discipline, normal science continues.
Assistant: 只要在学科内部有共识,常态科学就会继续。
User: In the rear, LED tail lamp clusters included sequential turn signals (as with 2010-2012 Mustangs) and a reverse indicator light integrated within the brake light.
Assistant: 在车后,LED尾灯里包含了连续式方向灯(如同于2010-2012年的野马)与集成了高位刹车灯的反指示灯。
User: In 1990, the earth-satellite tracking facility of the Royal Greenwich Observatory was closed down after 10 years of operation.
Assistant: 在1990年,格林威治天文台追踪地球卫星的设备在运做了10年之后关闭。
User: It was created by Roy Grønneberg and Bill Adams in 1969, to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the transfer of the islands from Norway in the Kalmar Union to Scotland and the 500 years before as part of Norway.
Assistant: 设得兰群岛旗帜由Roy Grønneberg和Bill Adams设计于1969年,这一年也是设得兰群岛主权自挪威转移至苏格兰500周年纪念。
User: For continuous signals over all time, such as stationary processes, one must rather define the power spectral density (PSD); this describes how power of a signal or time series is distributed over frequency, as in the simple example given previously.
Assistant: 对于持续存在的连续信号,如平稳过程,就必须定义功率谱密度(PSD);这描述了一个信号或时间序列的功率随频率的分布,正如前面给出的简单例子一样。
User: Cyanogen OS is often distributed with additional bundled proprietary apps such as the Google Play ecosystem, and a suite of software unique to Cyanogen OS known as C-Apps.
Assistant: Cyanogen OS通常预装有一些附加的私有应用,如Google Play系列应用和称为C-Apps的一套Cyanogen OS独占软件。
User: Here they would not endanger anyone, would not be bothered by the curious, and would experience a more moderate climate (which was also better for Goddard's health).
Assistant: 他们在这里将不会危及任何人的安全,不会被人打扰,并有一个较为温和的气候(对戈达德的身体更好)。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: In 1975 she became an approved psychologist.
Assistant: 1975年,下乡成为一名知青。
User: The integrated development environment could run a BASIC program internally for traditional BASIC debugging (see sample below), or generate an MS-DOS stand-alone executable file that could be run on other systems without the Turbo Basic product or runtime libraries.
Assistant: Turbo Basic的整合化开发环境能在其中执行一个BASIC程式(参见下面的例子)以为传统BASIC测试,或是产生完全独立的MS-DOS可执行档(.EXE),能在其它没有安装Turbo BASIC或是其执行函式库的电脑上执行。
User: For instance, Afteryule is called January and Sterday is called Saturday.
Assistant: 例如称Afteryule为一月,Sterday为星期六。
User: Endsley's model describes SA states, and illustrates three stages or steps of SA formation: perception, comprehension, and projection.
Assistant: Endsley的模型对SA状态的组成描述为三个步骤或阶段:感知、理解和预测。
User: According to a 2010 Gallup poll, 40% of Singaporeans approve of India's leadership, with 23% disapproving and 37% uncertain.
Assistant: 根据2010年盖洛普民意调查,有40%新加坡人赞成和印度保持紧密的联系,23%不赞成,37%不确定。
User: With nearby Patos town, it is the centre of the oil, bitumen and chemical industries in Albania.
Assistant: 在附近的Patos镇,它是阿尔巴尼亚石油,沥青和化学工业的中心。
User: No part of a force should ever be left without purpose.
Assistant: 没有实力的一方永远成功无望。
User: Before she married Tom, Daisy had a romantic relationship with Gatsby.
Assistant: 在嫁给汤姆前,黛西曾经与盖茨比有过恋情。
User: On December 12, 1918 was the first time the flag was raised as the national symbol atop of the Pikk Hermann Tower in Tallinn.
Assistant: 在1918年12月12日,国旗第一次放在视为国家象征的塔林赫尔曼塔上。
User: This weapon, also known as the Barrett "Payload Rifle", has now been designated the XM109.
Assistant: 这武器称为巴雷特Payload Rifle,现在已经被称为XM109。
User: Locked while holding tension.
Assistant: 趋压性,被压力趋向。
User: Time-Life dropped the "Sterling" name and the company was renamed "Manhattan Cable Television" under Time-Life's control in March 1973.
Assistant: 时代生活将其改名为“曼哈顿有线电视”(Manhattan Cable Television),并于1973年3月取得了HBO的股权。
User: A generalization of Schur's inequality is the following: Suppose a,b,c are positive real numbers.
Assistant: 舒尔不等式有一个推广: 假设a、b、c是正的实数。
User: Direct elections, the first in Haiti's history, were held in October 1950, and Paul Magloire, an elite black Colonel in the military, was elected.
Assistant: 海地历史上的第一次总统直接选举,是在1950年10月举行的,当选人是黑人上校保罗·欧仁·马格卢瓦尔。
User: Directly across from Eighth Army headquarters is the Combined Forces Command and U.S. Forces Korea headquarters, a structure built in the early 1970s.
Assistant: 第八军团司令部正对面的建筑建于1970年代早期,是联合国军司令部、驻韩美军及韩美联合军司令部的本部。
User: The first publication of the scanline rendering technique was probably by Wylie, Romney, Evans, and Erdahl in 1967.
Assistant: 扫描线渲染技术的首次公开发表是 1967 年 Wylie、Romney、Evans 以及 Erdahl 完成的。
User: Before Jesse leaves, Zibby asks to stay in touch; they become pen pals and become closer via handwritten letters.
Assistant: 在Jesse离开之际,Zibby要求保持联系,他们成为笔友,并成为通过手写信件关系越来越近。
User: The most popular sport in Donetsk is football.
Assistant: 顿涅茨克最流行的体育运动为足球。
User: Albert's knowledge of natural science was considerable and for the age remarkably accurate.
Assistant: 大阿尔伯特对物理学的知识非常丰富,对于当时的情况来说也非常精确。
User: Private equity firms organized limited partnerships to hold investments in which the investment professionals served as general partner and the investors, who were passive limited partners, put up the capital.
Assistant: 私募股权公司组织有限合伙企业以进行投资,其中投资专业人士担任普通合伙人,而投资者则是被动有限合伙人,投资资本。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: It is chaired by the premier and includes the heads of each of the cabinet-level executive departments.
Assistant: 委员会由行政长官担任主席,成员包括所有司局长在内的政府主要官员。
User: The school will relocate to the new site once the school building is ready.
Assistant: 新校区建成后校址将迁于此。
User: Nanum Myeongjo (나눔명조) – one of Nanum-series fonts, distributed by Naver, under Open Font License.
Assistant: Nanum Myeongjo(나눔명조)– Nanum系列字体之一,由Naver公司发布,OFL授权。
User: The Dance Division was established in 1951 by William Schuman with Martha Hill as its director.
Assistant: 1951年学院开设舞蹈系,并由玛莎·希尔(Martha Hill)担当系主任。
User: He won the Actor Category in "Avex Audition MAX 2013".
Assistant: 2013年参加“avex audition MAX 2013”得到演员部门第二名。
User: Where previously observers had noted only 6-7 stars in the Pleiades, he found almost 50.
Assistant: 对蜂巢星团,他发现有超过40颗的恒星;以前认为只有6-7颗恒星的昴宿星团,几乎有50颗恒星。
User: On-line textbook: Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms, by David MacKay - gives an entertaining and thorough introduction to Shannon theory, including two proofs of the noisy-channel coding theorem.
Assistant: On-line textbook: Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms,David MacKay著,提供一个可访问的香农理论和数据压缩的介绍,包括霍夫曼编码和算术编码。
User: If this is the case, exchange the element with its parent, and possibly also with its grandparent, and so on, until the minimum-heap property is no longer violated.
Assistant: 此时,将其所在结点与父结点交换,如还不满足最小堆性质则再与祖父结点交换......直到最小堆性质得到满足。
User: The sales network has been expanded continuously since 1953.
Assistant: 自 1953 年开始,集团销售网开始持续扩大。
User: It reaches a maximum recorded length of 20.8 cm and width of 7.8 cm.
Assistant: 其可长达20.8厘米,宽至7.8厘米。
User: Albert Wallace Hull (19 April 1880 – 22 January 1966) is an American physicist and electrical engineer who made contributions to the development of vacuum tubes, and invented the magnetron.
Assistant: 阿尔伯特·华莱士·赫尔(英语:Albert Wallace Hull,1880年4月19日-1966年1月22日),美国物理学家和电气工程师,他为真空管的发展做出了贡献,并发明了磁控管。
User: He established the Sociedad Económica de los Amigos del País, or the Economic Society of Friends of the Country, which revived the tobacco industry in the Spanish Philippines.
Assistant: 他在任内建立了国家之友经济协会,这恢复了菲律宾的烟草业,为菲律宾出口农业的起飞确立了基础。
User: Strictly speaking, EC numbers do not specify enzymes, but enzyme-catalyzed reactions.
Assistant: 严格来说,EC编号并非指定不同种类的酶,而是指定催化作用。
User: The thematic range of the exhibitions is broadly defined and reaches from the ancient times to the present age.
Assistant: 展览的主题范围广泛,从古代直到现代。
User: The heavy rainfall flooded the Hanalei River, which forced the closure of the Kuhio Highway when a bridge was inundated.
Assistant: 暴雨引起哈纳雷河泛滥,导致一条高速公路因桥梁被淹而封闭。
User: Dinic's algorithm or Dinitz's algorithm is a strongly polynomial algorithm for computing the maximum flow in a flow network, conceived in 1970 by Israeli (formerly Soviet) computer scientist Yefim (Chaim) A. Dinitz.
Assistant: Dinic算法(又称Dinitz算法)是一个在网络流中计算最大流的强多项式复杂度的算法,设想由以色列(前苏联)的计算机科学家Yefim (Chaim) A. Dinitz在1970年提出。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: This character makes a deity comparable to other deities with similar traits.
Assistant: 这个性格塑造出的神灵与其他具有相似特征的神灵相媲美。
User: This represented the birth of the Scuola Romana.
Assistant: 故事发生在机器人学校时代。
User: Some scholars have also questioned whether he really visited China.
Assistant: 王毅问该名记者,她到底有否曾前往中国。
User: Presidents Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren declined Texas's offer to join the United States in part because the slavery issue threatened to divide the Democratic Party.
Assistant: 安德鲁·杰克逊总统与马丁·范布伦总统因为奴隶制度的争议威胁到民主党的整体性,拒绝德克萨斯加入并成为合众国的一部分。
User: These are not broadly accepted by the scientific community.
Assistant: 这并没有获得科学界的广泛接受。
User: Western Advertising and Western Business.
Assistant: 盛行于商代及西周。
User: Suleiman's legacy was not, however, merely in the military field.
Assistant: 苏莱曼大帝的遗产并不仅仅局限在军事领域。
User: In physics, a theoretical lower-bound unit of time called the Planck time has been proposed, that being the time required for light to travel a distance of 1 Planck length.
Assistant: 在物理学的普朗克单位制里,普朗克时间(Planck time)是时间的基本单位,是光波在真空里传播一个普朗克长度的距离所需的时间。
User: Fixing 20% of code defects can eliminate 80% or more of the problems users encounter.
Assistant: 修复20%的代码缺陷可以消除80%或更多用户遇到的问题。
User: The Diversity Dance Academy will also be back for its third year.
Assistant: 奥克拉荷马大学也取得了三年内第二个季后赛的资格。
User: The Soviets required a replay to overcome Indonesia in the quarter-finals and met Bulgaria in the semi-final.
Assistant: 在四分之一决赛中苏联队通过重赛战胜了印度尼西亚队,半决赛中遭遇到保加利亚队。
User: During the second depot journey, Johansen openly complained about the unsatisfactory nature of the equipment; Amundsen believed that his authority had been challenged.
Assistant: 在第二次仓库旅程中,约翰森公开抱怨设备的性质不令人满意; 阿蒙森相信他的权威受到了挑战。
User: Duke has written in praise of the alt-right, describing one broadcast as "fun and interesting" and another as "this great show".
Assistant: 杜克曾赞美另类右派,将此描述为“好玩和有趣”另一个作为“这个伟大的表演”。
User: More rarely, /s/ and /z/ may also be deleted.
Assistant: 在较少见的情况下,/s/和/z/也会被省略。
User: In the spring of 1875, Siamese forces crossed the River Mekong at Nong Khai.
Assistant: 在1875年春,暹罗军队在廊开(英语:Nong Khai)渡过了湄公河。
User: Kamal was married to Afghanistan Liberation Organization leader Faiz Ahmad, who was murdered by agents of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar on November 12, 1986.
Assistant: 米娜嫁给了阿富汗解放组织领导人法伊兹·艾哈迈德, 他于1986年11月12日被古勒卜丁·希克马蒂亚尔的代理人谋杀。
User: The land which the cemetery occupies was previously part of the Hacienda San Pedro de Macati which was owned by the Ayala-Roxas-Zóbel family.
Assistant: 公墓所在的土地曾为阿亚拉-罗哈斯-佐贝尔(Ayala-Roxas-Zobel)家族所有,属于圣佩德罗·德马卡蒂庄园(Hacienda San Pedro de Makati)的一部分。
User: It is distributed throughout much of southern and western Africa, particularly the tropical regions.
Assistant: 分布遍及非洲南部和西部,尤其是非洲的热带地区特别多。
User: Also, Ukraine holds the seat for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and shared what they can learn from Kazakhstan when they held the seat in 2010.
Assistant: 此外,乌克兰还担任欧洲安全与合作组织(欧安组织)的席位,并分享了他们在2010年就职时可以从哈萨克斯坦学到的东西。
User: The movement promised it would help redo the party program and elect new leaders.
Assistant: 该团体承诺,它将有助于改变该党并选举新的领导。
User: Many programming environments today support the use of libraries with C binding.
Assistant: 很多现今的编程环境都支持C binding 库。
User: He then did the same experiment with nickel and found that it was affected in the same way but the magnitude of the effect was greater.
Assistant: 然后他用镍做了同样的实验,发现它以同样的方式受到影响,但效果更大。
User: Levothyroxine is best taken 30–60 minutes before breakfast, or four hours after food, as certain substances such as food and calcium can inhibit the absorption of levothyroxine.
Assistant: 左旋甲状腺素最好在早餐前的30-60分钟服用,或者在进食的4小时后,因为食物中的一些物质如钙会抑制吸收。
User: In her career she has not yet won a singles title but she has won 4 titles in doubles.
Assistant: 在她的职业生涯,她还没有赢得了单打冠军,但她赢得了4个双打冠军。
User: Niassa is part of the Eastern Miombo woodlands, which also encompasses parts of Tanzania and Malawi.
Assistant: 尼亚萨保护区的一部分是东米翁波林地,该林地跨越坦桑尼亚和马拉维两国。
User: In the centre of the far-back wall was a Norman Wilkinson painting, Plymouth Harbour, which hung over a coal-burning fireplace in white marble.
Assistant: 在后面墙的中间是一幅诺曼·威尔金森的画——《普利茅斯港》(Plymouth Harbour),它悬挂在一个烧煤的白色大理石壁炉上方。
User: The perpetrator of the attack was from Indian-administered Kashmir.
Assistant: 袭击者来自印度管理的克什米尔。
User: Its use is also banned in many countries under United Nations treaties.
Assistant: 根据联合国条约其他许多国家也已经禁止该物质的使用。
User: Papan was the Chair of the Assembly Banking and Finance Committee.
Assistant: 斯蒂格尔当时是议会银行和货币委员会主席。
User: The other individual was a security guard at the university; also a Kenyan citizen of Somali origin, he was thought to have facilitated entry into the institution.
Assistant: 另有一人是大学保安,也是索马里的肯尼亚公民,他被认为跟组织有明显联系。
User: The first actual vocals in a piece appeared in Final Fantasy VII.
Assistant: 真正的人声曲目出现于《最终幻想VII》。
User: Despite the work on the Redstone rocket, the 12 years from 1945 to 1957 were probably some of the most frustrating for von Braun and his colleagues.
Assistant: 尽管取得了巨大成功,但1945年至1957年的12年间,成为冯·布劳恩和他的手下备感沮丧的一段岁月。
User: To date, no member of the party has won an election to claim a constituency seat in Parliament, although only one member, the party's then Secretary-General, Steve Chia, was elected as a Non-Constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) from 2001 to 2006.
Assistant: 到目前为止,该政党尚未有人于大选中赢得国会议席,但该党的前秘书长谢镜丰(英语:Steve Chia)却曾于2001年到2006年期间担任非选区议员。
User: Following the match, the club's officials offered Griezmann a one-week trial in San Sebastián, which he accepted.
Assistant: 在比赛中,俱乐部的官员向格里兹曼提供了在圣塞瓦斯蒂安为期一周的试用,而格里兹曼也欣然接受了。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: In 2012, the Dutch tourism industry contributed 5.4% in total to the country's GDP and 9.6% in total to its employment.
Assistant: 2012年,观光业贡献了荷兰9.6%的GDP和9.6%的就业。
User: Three of these—taiga shield, boreal shield and Hudson plain—contain part of the Boreal forest of Canada which covers the province's eastern, southeastern, and northern reaches.
Assistant: 其中的三个——针叶林地盾生态区,北方地盾生态区和哈德森平原生态区中包含了加拿大北方森林(英语:Boreal forest of Canada)的部分,覆盖该省的东部,东南部和北部。
User: The Conference took place at the Hotel Nacional de Cuba and lasted a little more than a week.
Assistant: 会议在古巴国民酒店(英语:Hotel Nacional de Cuba)举行,持续了一个多星期。
User: The remaining 15 percent laboured in assembly and manufacturing in informal economy, home-based enterprises, factories, mines, packaging salt, operating machinery, and such operations.
Assistant: 其余的15%在非正式经济组织、家庭作坊、工厂、矿山里做工,装盐,操作机器等。
User: Sophisticated phonetic systems have been developed, such as James Murray's scheme for the original Oxford English Dictionary, and the IPA, which replaced it in later editions and has been adopted by many British and international dictionaries.
Assistant: 现在的语音系统过于复杂,例如取代了原版牛津英语字典的IPA,它在英国和国际词典中被广泛采用。
User: Letter names are based on the names of letters in Arabic, and the long vowels uu and ii are represented by the letters waaw and yaa, respectively.
Assistant: 奥斯曼亚文字的阅读和书写方向都是从左到右,字母名称以阿拉伯字母作根据,而长元音 uu 和 ii 分别由 waaw 和 yaa 表示。
User: The neural correlates of consciousness (NCC) constitute the minimal set of neuronal events and mechanisms sufficient for a specific conscious percept.
Assistant: 意识相关神经区(neural correlates of consciousness (NCC))是一个能够产生特定意识感的最小集合,神经科学家使用经验观察的方法来发现主观意识相关的神经活动。
User: Gaude, gaude, Emmanuel nascetur pro te, Israel.
Assistant: 晋惠帝即位,升杨骏为太傅、大都督。
User: As on May 2005 they had still not been released.
Assistant: 截至2005年5月,他们仍未获释。
User: On 1 September 1910, the ship was commissioned into the German Navy, with a crew composed largely of crewmembers from the dreadnought Rheinland.
Assistant: 1910年9月1日,该舰正式投入德意志帝国海军使用,其船员大部分来自无畏舰莱茵兰号。
User: There are generally fewer of them in the older Chinatowns; for example, they are practically non-existent in Vancouver's Chinatown, but are found in its suburbs such as Richmond, British Columbia, Canada.
Assistant: 例如,在加拿大温哥华的唐人街几乎没有这类餐厅,然而在其郊区如里士满、不列颠哥伦比亚则有海鲜酒家。
User: Sometimes volunteers are trained by either the government or social service institutions to help those who are in need of family or marital counseling.
Assistant: 有时也会有志愿者接受政府或社会服务机构的培训,以帮助那些有婚姻咨商需求的个人或家庭。
User: One of the most notable tombs from this period is that of Gerhard von Scharnhorst (a hero of the Napoleonic Wars), designed by Schinkel with a sculpture of a slumbering lion cast out of captured cannon by Rauch.
Assistant: 在这一时期最显赫的墓碑是格哈德·冯·沙恩霍斯特之墓(拿破仑战争中的英雄),墓碑雕塑由卡尔·弗里德里希·申克尔设计,著名雕塑家劳赫铸成,墓顶为一头睡狮,材料取自战争中缴获的大炮。
User: If the goal is to find the assignment that yields the maximum cost, the problem can be altered to fit the setting by replacing each cost with the maximum cost subtracted by the cost.
Assistant: 如果目标是找到最高成本的分配,该问题可以将每个成本都换为最高一个成本减去该成本以适应题目。
User: Retrieved on 4 January 2015.
Assistant: 2015年1月4日起再度加价。
User: It is a points based event, with players awarded a score based on skill, speed and difficulty/assist settings.
Assistant: 这是一个积分制的赛事,根据参赛者的技术、速度和难度/辅助设置授予积分。
User: Pausanias identifies Ictinus as architect of the Temple of Apollo at Bassae.
Assistant: 保萨尼亚斯认定伊克蒂诺斯也是巴赛阿波罗神庙的建筑师。
User: She became an animal-protection officer for Montgomery County, Maryland, and then the District of Columbia's first woman poundmaster.
Assistant: 她开始成为了一名马里兰蒙哥马利县的动物保护官员,然后在哥伦比亚特区成为第一位女性的动物收容所主人。
User: Based on the C# Avalon implementation.
Assistant: 基于C#的Avalon实现。
User: The first 26 supernovae of the year are designated with a capital letter from A to Z. Afterward pairs of lower-case letters are used: aa, ab, and so on.
Assistant: 每年最初的26颗依序使用从A到Z的字母,之后始用小写的字母:aa、ab,依序排列。
User: This topic is dealt more thoroughly with in Fire.
Assistant: 比较详细地论述了有关火灾问题。
User: This initiative brought forward a thesis that East Bengal is a colony of Pakistan and that the principal contradiction in the society is between the bureaucratic bourgeoisie and feudalists of Pakistan on one hand, and the people of East Bengal on the other hand.
Assistant: 这一倡议提出了一个论点,即东孟加拉是巴基斯坦的殖民地,社会上的主要矛盾一方面是官僚资产阶级与巴基斯坦封建主义者之间的矛盾,另一方面是东孟加拉人民之间的矛盾。
User: A stream of famous visitors, including Charlie Chaplin and the anthropologists Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead, encouraged the talented locals to create highly original works.
Assistant: 一系列知名人物和艺术家,包括查理·卓别林,人类学家格雷戈里·贝特森和玛格丽特·米德等,鼓励有才华的当地人创作原创作品。
User: Reporters witnessed a rapid increase in prostitution in Cambodia, Mozambique, Bosnia, and Kosovo after UN and, in the case of the latter two, NATO peacekeeping forces moved in.
Assistant: 记者亲眼目睹了在联合国维和部队进驻柬埔寨、莫桑比克、波黑和科索沃(后两者还有北约维和部队)之后,卖淫的迅速增加。
User: Every Google Compute Engine instance starts with a disk resource called persistent disk.
Assistant: 每个Google计算引擎实例均使用名为持续存储硬盘的硬盘资源启动。
User: In 1986 the Monastery became a State property and an extensive recovery project was started that continues to this day.
Assistant: 1986年,该修道院成为国家财产,开始进行全面修复,直至今日。
User: 4900 Colours consists of 196 panels in 25 colors that can be reassembled in 11 variations – from a single expansive surface to multiple small-format fields.
Assistant: 4900颜色包括25种颜色及196种版型,可以组合达11种变化–可从表面延伸色块,或多种小色块组合。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: On 10 August, Lawrence, the last of the seven deacons, and therefore, the ranking Church official, suffered a martyr's death.
Assistant: 8月10日,圣劳伦斯,七个执事中的最后一个,遭受了烈士的死亡。
User: The palace was restored in 1961 and it is now a private property.
Assistant: 这座宫殿在1961年修复,现在是私人财产。
User: Similarly the Austrian Penal Code of 1852 established that "agreements ... to raise the price of a commodity ... to the disadvantage of the public should be punished as misdemeanours".
Assistant: 同样地,1852年奥地利刑法典亦规定,“协议......用来提高商品价格......不利于公共利益者应处予轻罪。
User: For most researchers and practitioners, the question is not whether tests should be administered at all—there is a general consensus that, when administered in useful ways, tests can offer useful information about student progress and curriculum implementation, as well as offering formative uses for learners.
Assistant: 对于教育研究者和实践者,问题并非测试是否覆盖所有人—共识是如果测试方法得当,测试对学生进步、课程设置可提供有用信息。
User: After the EP's release on November 8, the project debuted at number 66 on the Billboard 200 with 8,900 copies sold in its first week released.
Assistant: EP专辑于11月8日发布后在公告牌二百强专辑榜 (Billboard 200)上排名第66,发行第一周售出8,900张。
User: On May 17, it moved over the eastern Indian state of Nagaland.
Assistant: 5月17日,气旋移至印度东部的那加兰邦。
User: In 1929, more than 50 percent of American moviegoers lived in a location overseen by such a board.
Assistant: 在1929年,50%以上的美国电影观众看的是有官方审查制度的电影。
User: It is very gentle and rarely attempts to bite.
Assistant: 性情温和,很少咬人。
User: Old Mount Savage Road intersects MD 36 west of the Cumberland Narrows, and runs southward to intersect U.S. Route 40 Alternate near its current intersection with MD 36.
Assistant: 旧萨维奇山路在坎伯兰海峡(英语:Cumberland Narrows)以西与MD 36交汇,并向南在现时与MD 36的交汇处附近与US 40替代线交汇。
User: The TTED was developed by the CRPMEMG and fishermen with the assistance of NOAA, IFREMER, the French Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Région Guyane, the European Fund for Fisheries (FEP) and the WWF.
Assistant: TTED由CRPMEMG和渔民在NOAA、IFREMER、法国农业和渔业部、Région Guyane、欧洲渔业基金会(FEP)和世界自然基金会(WWF)的协助下开发。
User: In Class 1 DHODH, a basic cysteine residue catalyzes the oxidation reaction, whereas in Class 2, the serine serves this catalytic function.
Assistant: 在1类DHODH中,半胱氨酸残基催化氧化反应,而在2类中,丝氨酸起催化作用。
User: Woody Allen can be seen during the flashback, pouring trash out of his window onto Homer.
Assistant: 回忆戏段中还可以看到伍迪·艾伦将垃圾从窗口倒出,正落在霍默身上。
User: 6 June 1897: “First Exhibition of De Scalden” at the art gallery Verlat, Antwerp.
Assistant: 1897年6月6日:“De Schalden的第一次展览”;地点:Verlat大厅(安特卫普)。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: The first interconnected traffic signal system was installed in Salt Lake City in 1917, with six connected intersections controlled simultaneously from a manual switch.
Assistant: 第一座互联式交通信号系统在1917年于盐湖城设置,其使用手动开关同时控制了六个路口的交通信号。
User: The Royal French Blue is believed to have been recut, and it is now known as the Hope Diamond.
Assistant: 法国蓝钻石曾经被人切割,而切割下来的那一部分就是现在人们所知道的蓝色希望。
User: Its motto was "to encourage and foster independent women".
Assistant: 该校的校训为“促进并培养独立自主的女性。
User: Some Democratic officeholders have championed consumer protection laws that limit the sharing of consumer data between corporations.
Assistant: 一些民主党人则支持消费者保护法,限制商业公司能取得的消费者个人资料。
User: The Democrats were not completely united throughout the campaign, with prominent members of the party, including Milton J. Durham and State Senator Albert Seaton Berry, criticizing the Democratic record in the state.
Assistant: 肯塔基州的民主党人在这场竞选期间始终都没有实现团结一致,包括密尔顿·J·达勒姆,州参议员艾伯特·西顿·贝瑞(Albert Seaton Berry)在内的多位显要成员都批评了州内民主党过去的一些所做所为。
User: What Providers Need to Know: Accountable Care.
Assistant: 食物监管:确保食物应付人们需要。
User: These two innovations gave submarines the ability to remain submerged for weeks or months.
Assistant: 这两项革新使得潜艇的潜航续航力从仅仅几小时增加到了数周乃至数月。
User: Lodge owner Harry R. Truman was buried under hundreds of feet of avalanche material.
Assistant: 旅馆老板哈里·兰德尔·杜鲁门(Harry Randall Truman)被埋在数百英尺崩落的山体下。
User: After returning to port, she was decommissioned and employed as an artillery training ship.
Assistant: 返回港口后,它从舰队中退役并被用作炮术训练舰。
User: The population aged 18 or older was 68,033.
Assistant: 18岁或以上的成年人口为68,033人。
User: In 2012, it was approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and in 2013 it was approved in the EU for use as an active ingredient in pesticides.
Assistant: 2012年被美国环境保护署批准,而在2013年被欧盟批准用作农药的有效成分。
User: In this context, the caching servers are most often those of large ISPs who either encourage or force their users to use proxy servers for access to the World Wide Web, something which is often done to reduce external bandwidth through caching.
Assistant: 当今多数缓存服务器的使用者为大型ISP,为了通过缓存的方式来降低他们的外部带宽,他们常常通过鼓励或强制用户使用代理服务器来接入互联网。
User: Musician and filmmaker Rob Zombie observes, "Most of the kids who come to my shows seem like really imaginative kids with a lot of creative energy they don't know what to do with" and that metal is "outsider music for outsiders.
Assistant: 音乐家和电影制片人罗伯僵尸表示:“大多数来看我演唱会的年轻孩子们,似乎都有丰富的想像力和创作精力,只是他们不知道该怎么处理”。
User: Witwer called him "a really interesting guy, speaking of layered characters".
Assistant: 威特沃说他是“一个很有趣的人,可称得上是有层次的角色”。
User: The Rothschilds govern a Christian world.
Assistant: 罗斯柴尔德家族统治了基督徒世界。
User: Amir-Abbas Hoveyda (Persian: امیرعباس هویدا, translit. Amīr `Abbās Hoveyda; 18 February 1919 – 7 April 1979) was an Iranian economist and politician who served as Prime Minister of Iran from 27 January 1965 to 7 August 1977.
Assistant: 阿米尔-阿巴斯·胡韦达(英语:Amir-Abbas Hoveyda,波斯语:امیرعباس هویدا;,1919年2月18日-1979年4月7日),伊朗经济学家和政治家,1965年1月27日至1977年8月7日担任伊朗首相。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: Chotiner and Rogers would watch from behind a screen in the theatre; Pat Nixon, wearing a dress knitted by supporters, would sit on stage a few feet from her husband.
Assistant: 乔蒂纳和罗杰斯将从剧院内的一台电视机前观看演说,帕特则身穿支持者编织的服装坐在台上,距丈夫只有几英尺的距离。
User: Rutherford later said that gigging was "tough, but a good way of getting the music into shape".
Assistant: 路德佛后来回忆起这段时期时说,演唱是“艰难的,但这是让音乐成形的好方法”。
User: The next day at Tumleo Island, her boats landed troops from a larger transport while Schley again provided gunfire support.
Assistant: 第二天在Tumleo Island,她从大的运输舰上把登陆部队过驳到岸上,她同时也再一次提供了炮火支援。
User: On 11 October, the Army seized Kawkab, as well as Kubbariyah once again.
Assistant: 10月11日,政府军收复考卡卜,并再次收复Kubbariyah。
User: The pilot was able to restart the engines and returned safely, but Sergey Ilyushin immediately started an investigation into the cause of the engine problems.
Assistant: 虽然后来飞行员重新启动引擎并安全返回,谢尔盖·伊留申立即开始进行调查问题原因。
User: Of the several uprisings against the Mexican government in the 1920s, the Cristero War was the most devastating and had the most long-range effects.
Assistant: 1920年代,墨西哥多个反政府起义中,基督战争最具毁灭性,影响也最为长远。
User: After undergoing downsizing, Paul receives a call from Audrey, saying that she was unable to go through with the procedure and, by opting out at the last minute, will be leaving him.
Assistant: 然而在进行“缩小”过程后,保罗此时接到奥黛丽的电话,她指自己无法完成这个程序,在最后一刻反悔,选择退出并离开了他。
User: Most major backers of LTE preferred and promoted VoLTE from the beginning.
Assistant: 大多主要的LTE支持者从一开始便首选和推广VoLTE技术。
User: Das Erbe deutscher Musik, series on the Legacy of German Music, Section Early Romantic Music, edited by the Musikgeschichtliche Kommission e.V., Munich, 1964ff.
Assistant: 《德国音乐遗产》:德国音乐遗产系列之早期浪漫主义音乐部分,音乐历史协会编订(1964年,慕尼黑)。
User: The date range in this article is the one usually adopted by musicologists.
Assistant: 本文所定的时期是音乐学家通常采用的时期。
User: It has center {1, −1} of order 2, and its upper central series is {1}, {1, −1}, Q8; so it is nilpotent of class 2.
Assistant: 其有两个元素{1, −1}所组成的中心,且其降中央列为{1}、{1, −1}、Q8;所以其为2级幂零。
User: In the face of the advancing enemy, the Maréchal de Moncey defended the barrière de Clichy.
Assistant: 面对敌人的推进,蒙塞元帅防守克利希屏障。
User: The main aim for the game's environments was to create a sense of realism, with Tokyo being modeled after real locations.
Assistant: 游戏场景是根据东京真实的地点来建模的,主要目的是创造一种现实感。
User: Tokyo was shocked by the news of the Army acting without orders from the central government.
Assistant: 当时,唐朝地方上的藩镇互相兼并,不听唐朝中央政府的号令。 |
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The same car was developed in 1982 and it became obvious that small teams could not easily survive in the turbo era.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
From 1914 to 1918 he did military service as an interpreter, letter censor, and intelligence officer.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In cooperation with Kiyoko Lerner, Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art dedicated the Henry Darger Room Collection in 2008 as part of its permanent collection.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
直觉:直觉及非主流艺术中心(英语:Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art)与清子·勒那合作,在2008年将亨利·达尔格的房间永久收藏。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Additionally, due to the tedious mounting and anchoring necessary when installing a traditional speed bag platform, a portable speed bag platform that installs in a doorway has been created.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
另外,由于安装传统速度袋式平台时需要繁琐的安装和锚定, 便携式速度沙袋装在门口的便携式速度袋平台已经创建。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Following designation, Raymond continued to become better organized.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: An example of ablaut in English is the strong verb sing, sang, sung and its related noun song, a paradigm inherited directly from the Proto-Indo-European stage of the language.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
英语中元音变换的例子是强动词 sing, sang, sung 和它相关的名词 song,这个模式直接继承自原始印欧语。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Operationally, it was considered the third tropical cyclone of the season.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The arithmetic coder then divides the current range, (plow, phigh) into two parts in proportion to p0 and p1.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:接着,算术编码器将当前的几率范围,也就是(plow, phigh),依p0和p1之比例分割成二新区间。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: On August 10, 2006, Apple announced the first Universal Binary release of Mac OS X Server, version 10.4.7, supporting both PowerPC and Intel processors.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
在2006年8月10日,苹果公司宣布的第一个通用二进制发布的Mac OS X Server,是10.4.7,同时支持PowerPC及Intel的处理器。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Erik Weiner as Agent Eric Sebso – Van Alden's partner.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
埃里克·维奈尔 饰 探员Eric Sebso——范奥登的搭档。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
After his release from prison, Johnson lived with his wife and brother in a house owned by relatives of his wife on South Elberon Avenue, Atlantic City.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 他出狱后,强森与他妻子和哥哥住在他妻子的亲戚所拥有位于大西洋城南埃尔伯朗大道(South Elberon Avenue)的房子里。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Marq de Villiers has described the hydrosphere as a closed system in which water exists.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 马克·德维利耶(Marq de Villiers)在他的著作《水》中,将水圈描述为一种存在有水的封闭系统。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:This Act has now come into force in Bhutan.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
His library, which contained a very extensive collection of Greek manuscripts, was presented by him in 1468 to the Senate of the Republic of Venice, and forms the nucleus of the famous library of St Mark's, the Biblioteca Marciana.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
贝萨里翁藏有大量希腊文手抄本,于1468年捐献给威尼斯的议会,成为后来圣马可图书馆(Biblioteca Marciana)。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
These distinct regions may affect sardine distribution and movement.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 这些不同的地区可能会影响沙丁鱼的分布和运动。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Thus, only those sperm which have undergone hyperactivation have the ability to fertilize the egg.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Donatello, in his monument at Padua, had partially solved the problem by putting the raised leg on a sphere.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
MathJax also includes a JavaScript API for enumerating and interacting with math instances in a page.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
MathJax还包括一个JavaScript API,用于枚举页面中的数学实例并与之交互。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Escape analysis is implemented in Java Standard Edition 6.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Ernest C. Brace, 83, American pilot, longest civilian POW in Vietnam War.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 欧内斯特·C·布雷斯(Ernest C. Brace),83岁,美国飞行员,越南战争中被俘虏时间最长的平民。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
October 20 – First railway in Taiwan opens from Keelung to Taipei.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:10月20日:台湾第一条铁路通车,来往基隆至台北。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The firearms are made in Turkey, using Beretta factory tooling.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Absorption and transmission spectra represent equivalent information and one can be calculated from the other through a mathematical transformation.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: On February 25, 2010, Square Enix released the iOS version of Final Fantasy, based on the PSP port with touch controls, worldwide.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:2010年2月25日,史克威尔艾尼克斯在全球iOS平台发行《最终幻想》,其改编自PSP移植版并加入了触控。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Azaria, Wednesday's child.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 加奈江是曜子的女儿。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Likewise, when La Scala was built (in 1778), it was facing a street rather than a square.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:1778年斯卡拉歌剧院修建时,面临一条街道而不是广场。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Since then she has been the featured vocalist on the DJ Fresh Versus Jay Fray track "Dibby Dibby Sound" (February 2013) and a David Guetta and Showtek song for the former's 2014 album Listen "No Money No Love" along with Elliphant.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
从那时起,她一直是合作歌手如2013年2月DJ Fresh与DJ Jay Fray 的歌曲《Dibby Dibby Sound》,也与乐团Showtek合作,还和Elliphant出现在David Guetta2014年专辑《Listen》歌曲《No Money No Love》中。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This excess was measured at wavelengths of 25, 60, and 100 μm, and came from within an angular radius of 10 arcseconds (10′′) centered on the star.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:这些过多的红外线在25、60、100μm波长的测量中都来自以恒星为中心的10弧秒(10′′)角半径范围内。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In many countries, some of these modifications are required for legal recognition.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在许多国家,这些身体的改变是法律性别承认所必需的条件。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
The player must also talk to the girls about their troubles and go on dates with them.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
玩家也必须告诉女孩子们,她们的缺点并和她们出去约会。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: The boats appear largely identical bar a few colour differences, but contain different button-activated actions - one boats splits in two when a button is pressed, the other one features an 'exploding' motor.
Assistant: 两艘船的外形非常相似,仅有一些颜色差异,但是它们的按钮动作不同——一艘船按下按钮时会分成两半,另一艘则马达会“爆炸”。
User: Kuropatkin was involved in the negotiations with the Empire of Japan before the Russo-Japanese War in 1904.
Assistant: 库罗帕特金参与了1904年日俄战争前与日本的交涉。
User: The cyclol model was the first well-defined structure proposed for globular proteins, and too little was then known of intramolecular forces and protein structure to reject it immediately.
Assistant: Cyclol模型是第一个定义明确的球状蛋白结构模型,但是其分子间作用力和蛋白质结构太少被人所知以至于没有被推翻。
User: The first partial eclipse after this will occur in the year 2220, and the final partial eclipse of the series will occur in 2707.
Assistant: 在这之后,第一次的月偏食预测将发生在2220年,而最后一次的月偏食将出现在2707年。
User: XPCOM XPCOM is an object interface that allows interfacing between any programming language for which a binding has been developed XPConnect XPConnect is the binding between XPCOM and JavaScript.
Assistant: XPCOM XPCOM是一个对象接口,允许与已开发“绑定”的符合编程语言进行接口化 XPConnect XPConnect是XPCOM与JavaScript之间的绑定。
User: European CMBS issues typically have less prepayment protection.
Assistant: 欧洲的CMBS对提前偿付风险的规避保护则一般没有这么多。
User: Many other critical theorists have relied heavily on affect theory, including Elizabeth Povinelli.
Assistant: 有许多批判理论家都非常依赖情感理论,像是Elizabeth Povinell。
User: Below them are a series of water fountains that go downward.
Assistant: 它易溶于水,可以从水溶液中析出多种水合物。
User: The ban on the ulema's social existence came in the form of dress code.
Assistant: 对伊斯兰学者社会性存在的禁止体现在“服装法令”中。
User: On its second weekend, the film had a 66% drop, and then had a 54% drop in its third weekend.
Assistant: 但到了第二个星期,影片票房急剧下滑了66%,第三星期又再下滑了54%。
User: Along with the World Airport Awards by Skytrax, it is considered one of the most prestigious accolades in the industry.
Assistant: 和世界机场大奖(World Airport Awards )一起,来自Skytrax,它被认为是在同行业中最负盛名的奖项之一。
User: English state-funded primary schools are almost all local schools with a small catchment area.
Assistant: 英国的政府补助小学几乎都是地方学校并且涵盖英国各地。
User: Couldn't you do the same for me at night, while the cock is asleep?
Assistant: 《夜晚能安然入眠吗?》(日语:夜は眠れるかい?
User: I am not afraid if the criticism concerns what I do wrong, because then I know.
Assistant: 我不害怕因为我做错了什么而受到批评,因为在批评后我就知道我错了。
User: It was opened by the Minister for Education of the time.
Assistant: 这项政策由当时的教育部长陈至立推行。
User: Bon Jovi mounted another huge worldwide tour that continued throughout 1989 and 1990.
Assistant: 《张国荣告别乐坛演唱会 》张国荣在1989年及1990年于世界各地开展的一次巡回演出活动。
User: Nanorobotics – the emerging technology field creating machines or robots whose components are at or close to the scale of a nanometer (10−9 meters).
Assistant: 纳米机器人学(nanorobotics)是建造纳米(10-9米)级别机器或者机器人的新兴学科。
User: IGN reviewer Roth Cornet gave the first season a 9.7 out of 10 score, praising the casting, its thematic ties to the movie, and the writing.
Assistant: IGN评论家洛斯·寇纳(Roth Cornet)给予本剧第一季9.7/10分,并赞扬演员的演技、与电影的关联以及剧本的表现。
User: A rebel attack was once again repulsed by government troops on 28 April, though rebels did manage to overrun some parts of the base before being forced to withdraw.
Assistant: 4月28日,反对派的进攻再次被政府军击退,尽管在撤退之前反对派武装曾成功攻占基地部分地区。
User: The South Korean Constitutional Court had up to 180 days (until early June 2017) to decide on the issue.
Assistant: 韩国宪法法院有最多180天(直到2017年6月初)作出决定。
User: Typically this involves including additional assumptions, such as smoothness of solution.
Assistant: 这通常包含了额外的假设,例如:解的平滑性。
User: From there, the events of The Deadly Assassin take place.
Assistant: 此时,组织内竟发生骇人的杀人事件。
User: In China 19 percent of teachers considered ADHD to be over diagnosed while 57 percent considered it to be under diagnosed.
Assistant: 在中国有19%的教师认为ADHD有过度诊断,而57%认为有ADHD诊断不足的情形。
User: To allow players to travel between places faster, the game features various vehicles, including buggies, trucks, and water vehicles like speedboats.
Assistant: 为了让玩家更快地旅行,游戏添加了各种载具,包括越野车、卡车、水上交通工具如快艇,玩家可在驾驶时进行射击。
User: Oxygen is the reagent of choice, being "green" and cheap.
Assistant: 而过程中氧气被选为氧化剂,因为氧气属“绿色”试剂且廉价易得。
User: Northerners rejected the proposal, much desired by Virginians, to locate the permanent national capital on the Virginia–Maryland border.
Assistant: 北方党人则拒绝由弗吉尼亚人极大渴望的,将联邦首都永久地设定在弗吉尼亚-马里兰边界的提案。
User: The Shanghai Conservatory of Music consists of 13 departments.
Assistant: 松花江专区辖13县。
User: From December 7, 2018, the film had a limited release in IMAX theaters across United States and Canada.
Assistant: 从2018年12月7日起,电影在美国及加拿大的IMAX影院进行有限上映。
User: Attempts by the Gurian princes to enter into alliances with other Georgian rulers and Russia resulted in a series of Turkish punitive raids.
Assistant: 与其他格鲁吉亚诸国以及俄国结盟的尝试,演变成鄂图曼惩罚性的攻击。
User: This was a one-storied structure, with 28 rooms, a spacious central hall, and a system of interior waterways.
Assistant: 这是一座单层建筑,有28个房间,宽敞的中央大厅,和一个室内水道系统。
User: A 2001 review suggested that the children with lesbian or gay parents appear less traditionally gender-typed and are more likely to be open to homoerotic relationships, partly due to genetic (80% of the children being raised by same-sex couples in the US are not adopted and most are the result of heterosexual marriages.) and family socialization processes (children grow up in relatively more tolerant school, neighborhood, and social contexts, which are less heterosexist), even though majority of children raised by same-sex couples identify as heterosexual.
Assistant: 一项研究回顾表明,女同性恋或男同性恋抚养的孩子的表现较难跟传统性别角色配合,更有可能对同性恋关系持开放态度,此一现象部分是跟遗传因素(美国80%遭同性伴侣抚养的儿童都是有血缘关系的)和社会化进程(在相对较宽容的学校、邻里和社会环境中长大)有关,但大多数由同性伴侣抚养的孩子会成为异性恋者。
User: 21 October: State officials of the U.S. state of New Jersey begin performing same-sex marriages.
Assistant: 10月21日,美国新泽西州的政府官员开始允许同性婚姻登记。
User: Meanwhile, a charity named Dwayne's House was set up in Jones' memory to aid homeless LGBT youth in Jamaica.
Assistant: 在此期间,名为德韦恩之家(Dwayne's House)的慈善组织在牙买加成立,向该国流离失所的LGBT青年人群提供帮助,以此纪念琼斯。
User: In late 2005, Northrop Grumman was awarded a contract for upgrading engines and other systems.
Assistant: 2005年,诺斯罗普格鲁曼获得了一个升级发动机及其它机载系统的合同。
User: The governing body of the team is the Persatuan Bola Basket Seluruh Indonesia (Indonesian Basketball Association – PERBASI).
Assistant: 该队伍由印尼篮球协会(Persatuan Bola Basket Seluruh Indonesia,PERBASI)负责组织和管理。
User: A fiber bundle is a structure (E, B, π, F), where E, B, and F are topological spaces and π : E → B is a continuous surjection satisfying a local triviality condition outlined below.
Assistant: 一个纤维丛由四元组(E, B, π, F)组成,其中E, B, F 是拓扑空间而π : E → B 是一个连续满射,满足下面给出的局部平凡(local triviality)条件。
User: In a similar description, Literary news (1883) states: " loved the solemn moors, she loved all wild, free creatures and things", and critics attest that her love of the moors is manifest in Wuthering Heights.
Assistant: 文学报导(-Literary news (1883)-)有类似的描述,“(艾米莉)喜爱庄重、严肃的荒野,还爱所有野性、自由的生物和事物”,评论家们也证实她对荒野的爱很明白的表露在《咆哮山庄》里。
User: Hannover and her sister ships saw extensive service with the fleet.
Assistant: 汉诺威号及其姊妹舰随舰队亲历了广泛的出动。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: They also had very wet bows, even in moderate seas.
Assistant: 它们同样有非常潮湿的舰艏,即便是在温和的海域。
User: In total, 20 homes were destroyed, and 20 villages were left without power.
Assistant: 墨西哥共有20套民房被毁,20个村庄停电。
User: Until 1942, nearly all of the prisoners were Polish.
Assistant: 1942年之前,几乎所有的囚犯都是波兰人。
User: He was then selected for national teams.
Assistant: 随后被选为国家集训队队员。
User: The two villages merged in November 23, 1927 to form the village of Shōwa village.
Assistant: 1927年11月23日-野尻村、大芦村合并为昭和村。
User: The FACs immediately made low passes over the east bank of the Mekong, but could not spot any fire coming from known enemy positions in that location.
Assistant: 空管官们随即低空飞过湄公河东岸,但没有看出任何炮火从当地已知的红色高棉军阵地中发射。
User: By 10:13, the U.S. strike of 93 aircraft—18 Grumman F4F Wildcats, 53 Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bombers, and 22 Douglas TBD Devastator torpedo bombers—was on its way.
Assistant: 10:13美军出动了93架飞机,包括18架F4F、53架SBD和22架TBD破坏者鱼雷轰炸机。
User: It is what Pieces of You might have been had Jewel had the musical knowledge then that she has now.
Assistant: 如果珠儿那时就有她现在具备的音乐知识的话,那么《Pieces of You》就能达到这首单曲的成就了。
User: On November 3, 2016 the Navy announced that the satellite has finally reached operational orbit.
Assistant: 2016年11月3日,海军宣布卫星最终抵达运行轨道。
User: For example, a polypeptide of 100 residues will have 99 peptide bonds, and therefore 198 different phi and psi bond angles.
Assistant: 例如,一个由100个氨基酸残基组成的多肽,将具有99个肽键,并且因此具有198个不同的phi和psi键角。
User: The algae provides up to 90% of the coral's energy.
Assistant: 虫黄藻可以为珊瑚礁提供高达90%的能源需求。
User: The reaction is named after its discoverer, August Wilhelm von Hofmann.
Assistant: 这一反应以其发现者奥古斯特·威廉·冯·霍夫曼命名。
User: Arrested and waiting to be tried by the Court of Peers, Choiseul-Praslin was released on parole, only to commit suicide on 24 August 1847; shortly before his death, he denied all charges.
Assistant: 舒瓦瑟尔-普拉斯兰被逮捕并等待法庭审判时被假释,1847年8月24日自杀,去世前他否认了所有指控。
User: He also represents the bank abroad, for example at the G20.
Assistant: 在G20峰会中,他也代表海外银行。
User: It was so popular that it began a tradition of screening Casablanca during the week of final exams at Harvard University, which continues to the present day.
Assistant: 它受欢迎到哈佛大学在期末考试周时会放映这部电影,这个传统一直持续到了今天。 |
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The space-filling model of the anion of Zeise's salt (image at left) shows direct bonding between the platinum metal centre (shown in blue) and the carbon atoms (shown in black) of the ethylene ligand; such metal–carbon bonds are the defining characteristic of organometallic species.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
蔡斯盐阴离子的空间填充模型(左图)显示 在作为中心原子的金属](图中的蓝色部分)和乙烯配体的碳原子(图中的黑色部分)之间存在直接的键合作用,这种金属-碳键就是有机金属化合物的定义性特征。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In 1940 there was a desperate need for machine guns in Sweden.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The extent to which money or patronage affected the outcome of the election is unclear.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Between 2009 and 2010, development took place on further updates to the second generation S-197.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Musk has stated that he does not pray, or worship any being, although he asked "any entities that listening" to "bless launch" before an important Falcon 1 launch.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:马斯克曾经说过,他不会祈祷什么,也不会崇拜任何人,尽管他承认他曾在猎鹰1号一个重要的发射时祈祷,向“正在默默倾听的未知实体‘祈求’发射成功。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
In the academic research setting, career advancement and funding depend on the number and quality of published papers.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在学术研究领域,职业发展和经费资助取决于已发行论文的数量和质量。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The addition of 200 pressure ports for aerodynamic data, and 343 strain gauges to measure structural loads and aerodynamic heating along the wing and fuselage.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 增加了200个测量气压的端口和343个压力计,为的是测量结构负荷和机体与机翼产生的热量。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Deputy Police Commissioner Colonel Piet Grobler was able to get his men to stop shooting and order was restored.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
It feeds mostly on other fish.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:它们主要吃其他鱼类。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Although there was a setback in progress with a stonemasons' strike between September 1841 and May 1843, the House of Lords had its first sitting in the new chamber in 1847.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
从1841年9月到1843年5月,由于石匠们的罢工,施工一度中断, 但是上议院还是在1847年搬入了新宫殿。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
June 6 (D-Day): Normandy landings destroy the narrow gauge Chemins de Fer du Calvados.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:6月6日(D-Day):诺曼底登陆破坏了卡尔瓦多斯铁路(英语:Chemins de Fer du Calvados)。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: While searching for Blofeld, the head of SPECTRE, Bond saves Tracy di Vicenzo on the beach from committing suicide by drowning, and later meets her again in a casino.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
邦德在一个海滩边救了试图自杀的翠茜·维琴佐(Tracy di Vicenzo),之后又在一个赌场中遇到了她。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
7th Heaven was the last series to be produced by Spelling Television (later produced by CBS Paramount Network Television for the eleventh and final season) before it was shut down and became an in-name-only unit of CBS Television Studios.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
《第七天堂》是斯班林电视(英语:Spelling Television)被关闭及变成CBS电视工作室名义上的一部分前最后制作的节目(最后一季由CBS Paramount Network Television制作)。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
USB OTG defines two roles for devices: OTG A-device and OTG B-device, specifying which side supplies power to the link, and which initially is the host.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
USB OTG为设备定义两种角色:OTG A设备和OTG B设备,指定哪一端为链路供电,最初是主机。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Reich claimed this device would influence weather and remove harmful energy from the atmosphere.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The parties were therefore back in court again on March 26 for a hearing on the government's request for a preliminary injunction.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 双方于是在3月26日回到法院,参加针对政府一方请求初步禁制令而召开的听证会。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In 1773 a post-Jesuit academy had been founded in Minsk by the Commission of National Education.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Off the coast of Louisiana, the hurricane wrecked three boats, but all the occupants were safely rescued.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In May 2001, an Ipsos poll found that nearly 70% of the population had a 'good opinion' of nuclear power, however 56% also preferred not to live near a nuclear plant and the same proportion thought that a 'Chernobyl-like accident' could occur in France.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
2001年5月,益普索(an Ipsos poll)的一项民意调查发现,近70%的人口对核电具有“良好意见”,然而56%的人更喜欢不住在核电站附近,相同比例认为“类似切尔诺贝利核事故的事故” 可能发生在法国。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The first movement is massive in scope.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:第一展区是多彩地貌。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
One balloon was provided from Russia.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson announced the adoption of the ten successfully ratified amendments on March 1, 1792.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It was my first experience with a homosexual that I was conscious was homosexual.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
James Porter defined the discourse community as: "a local and temporary constraining system, defined by a body of texts (or more generally, practices) that are unified by a common focus.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:詹姆斯·波特(James Porter)将话语社群定义为:“一个地方性和临时性的约束系统,由一组话语(或者,更普遍的,一些实际活动)所定义,他们因为一个共同的目的聚集在一起。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: This awareness allows him to pass the ball from a range of positions to teammates making forward runs, as well as giving him the confidence to take on defenders.
Assistant: 这种意识让他从不同距离的位置把球传给队友,使前锋移动,以及使后卫有信心。
User: This makes the data manageable.
Assistant: 信息素操纵能力者。
User: If they use a code, both will require a copy of the same codebook.
Assistant: 如果双方使用一本代码,则需要一份相同的编码簿。
User: Protesters gathered at the Ministry of Interior, and three were killed by police when they tried to storm the building.
Assistant: 抗议者还聚集到内政部旁,当他们试图冲进大楼时警方将三位群众打死。
User: The white-and-grey school uniform of Eunoia Junior College was designed by two students, with optimisation by an appointed designer.
Assistant: 白色和灰色的学校统一的诺雅初级学院院服由两个学生,设计,由专业设计师优化。
User: His portrait now hangs in the Development Office of the Royal Society.
Assistant: 他的肖像现在挂在英国皇家学会发展部办公室中。
User: The Pride launched in the United Kingdom in June 1991, fitted with both the 1.1- B1 and 1.3-liter B3 engines.
Assistant: 此车款于1991年6月在英国发售,同样有1.1L和1.3L两种动力来源。
User: Various puzzles and games were possible with the Think-a-Dot, such as flipping the colours of all cells in the minimum number of moves, or reaching a given state from a monochrome state or vice versa.
Assistant: Think-a-Dot可以实现各种难题和游戏,例如以最小移动次数翻转所有窗口的颜色,或者从单色状态达到指定图形状态,反之亦然。
User: She is now working at CNN.
Assistant: 他现在在CNN工作。
User: A network map allows users to view the status of other Norton installations on networked computers and view basic information about each computer.
Assistant: 网络地图允许用户检视网络上其他使用Norton的电脑的状态及检视每部电脑的基本资料。
User: The official and de facto national language of Bangladesh is Modern Standard Bengali (literary Bengali).
Assistant: 孟加拉国的官方及事实国家语言是现代标准孟加拉语。
User: Cartman, Stan and Kenny believe Kyle is insane and check him into a mental institution.
Assistant: 卡特曼、斯坦和肯尼都认为凯尔一定是疯了,所以把他送进精神病院。
User: This is believed to be related to water temperatures during larval development, and appears to be more common in Europe than in the Americas.
Assistant: 被认为与幼虫阶段的水温变化相关,分布在欧洲比美洲更普遍。
User: The observer in the USA used an 18.5 inch reflecting telescope.
Assistant: 在美国的梅克贺兹使用的是18.5英寸的反射式望远镜 。
User: His father, Nikolai Bugaev, was a leading mathematician who is regarded as a founder of the Moscow school of mathematics.
Assistant: 他的父亲尼古拉·别雷是一位顶尖的数学家,同时也是莫斯科学派的创始人之一。
User: The top cards of each column are the only ones available for play.
Assistant: 这些牌之牌框均为银色,只有地牌可用于比赛。
User: The 2018 Polish law, and what many Poles have considered an international over-reaction to it, have engendered strong feelings in Poland.
Assistant: 波兰2018年通过的法律,以及波兰人眼中国际社会对该法律的过度反应在波兰激起了强烈反响。
User: The appeal achieved its desired effect.
Assistant: 这个宣传运动获得了其希望达到的效果。
User: During the localization, numerous alterations to names and cultural references were made to preserve the effect through translation, but some Japanese cultural references were altered or removed.
Assistant: 在英文本地化期间,为了翻译的效果,对名称和文化元素进行了许多改动,包括一些日本文化元素改变和删除。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: She shot 79-77 at the tournament and missed the cut.
Assistant: 莉泽特在赛事中的成绩为79-77,未能晋级。
User: In 2007, she became a spokesperson of the Medifast diet.
Assistant: 2007年,她成了Medifast diet品牌的代言人。
User: Wine experts such as Jancis Robinson note that 75% humidity is often cited as ideal but also that there is very little significant research to definitively establish an optimal range.
Assistant: 英国葡萄酒大师詹西斯·罗宾森认为75%的湿度是最佳的,但实际上在这一方面并没有正式研究成果。
User: Of Hurston's four novels and more than 50 published short stories, plays, and essays, her most popular is the 1937 novel Their Eyes Were Watching God.
Assistant: 她著有四本小说,超过五十篇短故事、剧本及短文,当中以1937年的小说《他们的眼在看上帝》(Their Eyes Were Watching God)最著名。
User: Gastrointestinal: Some animal data suggest that CX may cause hemorrhagic inflammatory changes in the GI tract.
Assistant: 消化道:一些动物实验的数据表明光气肟可能会导致消化道出血。
User: This move is to historicize everything, even the laws of nature, and to challenge our acting as if time were real but not too real—we act as if it is somewhat real otherwise there would be no causal relations, but not so real that laws change.
Assistant: 这个思想是将所有事物都历史化,甚至包括自然法则,并且挑战我们按照似乎时间是实在的但又不那么实在的那种看法而行事的方式——我们行动,似乎有那么点实在性否则就不存在因果关系,但又没有实在到连法则也在因时而变的那种程度。
User: BaKoMa fonts – another automatically generated Type1 version of Computer Modern by Basil K. Malyshev, dating to 1994.
Assistant: BaKoMa字体 – 另一个由Basil K. Malyshev自动生成的Computer Modern的Type1版本。
User: (See: Largest animals and Predators) Wonders of the Elements.
Assistant: (另见:最大动物与捕食者) 元素奇观。
User: Georgian/Judaeo-Georgian: Although most Georgian Jewish immigrants speak Russian, they converse among themselves in Georgian.
Assistant: 格鲁吉亚语: 虽然多数格鲁吉亚裔犹太移民主要讲俄语,但是他们当中亦有部分人转用格鲁吉亚语。
User: Veteran remembers concentration camp ordeal.
Assistant: 嘉靖甲子擢广宁镇武堡游击。
User: All the information is written in Spanish and English.
Assistant: 所有信息由英文和西班牙文书写。
User: The American capital which poured into Europe through the 'Marshall Plan' made it possible to reconstruct the factories, plants, transport and agriculture so that their production extended rapidly.
Assistant: 透过马歇尔计划美国资金挹注使欧洲重建工厂、厂房、运输、农业变得有可能,所以他们的生产扩充迅速。
User: In the summer of 1991, he met Bryan Williams, rapper and owner of Cash Money Records.
Assistant: 在1991年的夏天,他遇到了Cash Money的所有者布莱恩·威廉姆斯。
User: Some were at times even accused of absolutist tendencies, and it may be for the lack of sufficiently strong personalities or favorable circumstances that none of the kings had succeeded in significant and lasting strengthening of the monarchy.
Assistant: 其中有些国王有时甚至被指有专制主义倾向,也许是因为缺乏坚强个性或有利条件,这些国王未能意义显著并持续性地加大王权。
User: He became the teammate to Brazilian Felipe Massa, who had been driving for Ferrari since 2006.
Assistant: 他的队友变成了巴西人菲利佩·马萨,马萨从2006年开始为法拉利车队效劳。
User: Haeckel is a fool.
Assistant: 海尔赛都是愚蠢地做事。
User: Inhaling it causes serious health problems.
Assistant: 随地吐痰会带来严重的卫生问题。
User: However, further sieges followed the Arab conquests, first from 674 to 678 and then in 717 to 718.
Assistant: 然而此后阿拉伯人也展开了进攻,君士坦丁堡在674年至678年和717至718年两次被围。
User: During the Gulf War in 1991, without provocation, Iraq fired 42 Scud missiles at Israel, aiming to drag Israel into the war and thus imperil the US-led coalition, in which several Arab countries participated.
Assistant: 1991年的海湾战争中,伊拉克向以色列发射数枚飞毛腿导弹,造成两名以色列公民死亡,试图把以色列拖入战争,以瓦解包括几个阿拉伯国家在内的、美国领导的联军。
User: EA Canada employs approximately 1,300 people and houses the world's largest video game test operation.
Assistant: EA加拿大有独立雇员约1,300名,拥有全球最大的电子游戏测试间。
User: He becomes mentally unbalanced.
Assistant: 性情迂癖不谐俗。
User: The site would include a test track.
Assistant: 视频轨旁包含一数据轨。
User: Later, Ivy tries to tell her mother about her love for "Little Charles".
Assistant: 后来,艾菲尝试告诉母亲有关她与小查尔斯的爱情。
User: I: Investigate it, be curious.
Assistant: 梁天监中,举秀才,不就。
User: However, in his hand is the tiny crudely-made crucifix that was given to him when he first came to Japan.
Assistant: 他手里拿的是刚来日本的时候给他的那个小小的粗糙十字架。
User: Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) – A close friend of Oracle (sometimes working with the Birds of Prey), served with Batman in the League, and an idol to Tim Drake.
Assistant: 蓝甲虫(泰德·科德)——神谕的密友(有时与猛禽小队一起行动),与蝙蝠侠在正义联盟中工作,蒂姆·德雷克的偶像。
User: The median human adult requirement for good quality protein is approximately 0.65 gram per kilogram body weight per day and the 97.5 percentile is 0.83 grams per kilogram body weight per day.
Assistant: 成年人每天对高品质蛋白质的要求,中位数为每公斤体重约0.65克、97.5百分位数为0.83克。
User: Prior to PNG's independence, the Chinese community had no role in local administration; instead, their political participation was directed towards China.
Assistant: 在巴布亚新几内亚独立之前,华人社群在地方行政当局没有任何作用;相反,他们的政治参与是针对中国的。
User: VAD is responsible for 1–2 million deaths, 500,000 cases of irreversible blindness and millions of cases of xerophthalmia annually.
Assistant: 每年导致1-2百万人死亡,五十万例永久失明,和数百万干眼症一些国家通过口服维生素A药剂来缓解这一问题。
User: By Margaret's later account, she induced outlaws and pillagers to aid her by pledging them to recognise the seven-year-old Edward as rightful heir to the crown.
Assistant: 根据玛格丽特本人后来的说法,她诱使不法分子和匪徒帮助她,要他们发誓支持爱德华为王储。
User: Stafford rebuilt his plantation and resided there until his 1840 death.
Assistant: 斯塔福德重建了他的种植园并居住在那里,直到他于1840年去世。
User: About half a billion years ago, the newly captured star began to expand into a red giant (see stellar evolution).
Assistant: 至大约五亿年前,这颗被掳获的恒星开始膨胀成红巨星(参阅恒星进化论)。
User: 16 June 2014, Diva Universal's name was simplified to "Diva".
Assistant: 2014年6月16日,Diva Universal简化为“Diva”。
User: Digic Pictures, as the cinematic department of Black Hole, produced animation sequences for RTS games developed by Black Hole.
Assistant: 作为Black Hole电影部门的Digic Pictures制作了由Black Hole开发的RTS游戏的动画开头。
User: In September 2005, Intel filed a response to an AMD lawsuit, disputing AMD's claims, and claiming that Intel's business practices are fair and lawful.
Assistant: 在2005年9月,英特尔向法院提交了针对AMD的诉讼(英),反驳AMD的指控,并声明其商业行为是公平和合法的。
User: The new company continued to distribute some Box Office films, including St. Elmo, which played in some areas into 1916.
Assistant: 票房景点的部分影片继续由福克斯影业发行,《圣埃尔默》便是其中一部,该片在部分地区一直放映到了1916年。
User: Since the meat is not pre-cooked, it is important to use young lamb.
Assistant: 由于不是预先煮熟的肉类,重要的是要选择一个非常小的羔羊。
User: Discovery missions differ from traditional NASA missions where targets and objectives are pre-specified.
Assistant: 与其他一般NASA任务不同,那些任务的目标与目的都事先决定好。
User: However, the term was not accepted immediately and several other terms for antibody were proposed; these included Immunkörper, Amboceptor, Zwischenkörper, substance sensibilisatrice, copula, Desmon, philocytase, fixateur, and Immunisin.
Assistant: 然而这一术语并没有立即被接受,还有被建议使用的其它几个术语,如:免疫体(Immunkörper)、介体受体(Amboceptor)、介体(Zwischenkörper)、物质敏感体(substance sensibilisatrice)、连接体(copula)、德氏体(Desmon)、白细胞素(philocytase)、介体固定体(fixateur)以及免疫素(Immunisin)等。
User: The storm was described as a "freak", forming about three months after the end of the hurricane season.
Assistant: 这场风暴是在上个飓风季结束约三个月后形成,被称为“怪物”。
User: Isa Vermehren.
Assistant: 父亲杨克彰。
User: When a pdf-file was moved to another directory this files bookmarks remain consistent.
Assistant: 当一个PDF文件被移动到另一个文件夹时,文件的书签仍会保留。
User: The word denotes the act of being repentant for one's misdeeds, atoning for those misdeeds, and having a strong determination to forsake those misdeeds (remorse, resolution, and repentance).
Assistant: 亲鸾也因此提出恶人正机说,宣称不得已而造恶,是可以被原谅的。
User: The first U.S. satellite to relay communications was Project SCORE in 1958, which used a tape recorder to store and forward voice messages.
Assistant: 美国第一颗进行中继通信的卫星是1958年发射的SCORE(英语:SCORE)卫星,它使用磁带录音机来存储并转发声音信号。
User: The stagecoach made its way through the crowded square at about 10:30 am.
Assistant: 走在路上的马车于上午10点30分穿过拥挤的广场。
User: Top FBS teams draw tens of thousands of fans to games, and the ten largest American stadiums by capacity all host FBS teams or games.
Assistant: 顶尖的FBS球队的每场比赛可以吸引数万球迷前往现场观赛,全美前十大体育场也皆为FBS球队的主场。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: Here upon Earth we shall full soon A heavenly realm decree.
Assistant: 于我灭后当撰法眼使千年在世利益众生。
User: Outside fare control, there is a token booth and two sets of entry/exit doors, one to the west side of Fourth Avenue directly underneath the viaduct and the other to the north side of Tenth Street.
Assistant: 闸外设有一个票务处和两对出入门,其中一个直接位于高架桥下方、第四大道西侧;另一个位于第十街北侧。
User: The Delian League was turning from an alliance into an empire.
Assistant: 提洛同盟开始从一个联盟向一个帝国转变。
User: Ley proved unswervingly loyal to Hitler, which led Hitler to ignore complaints about his arrogance, incompetence and drunkenness.
Assistant: 由于他表现得对希特勒极度忠诚,以至于所在党领袖无视对于他傲慢、无能而酗酒的抱怨。
User: He also advocated in favor of the United States Bill of Rights and the Jay Treaty.
Assistant: 他还帮助批准了《美国权利法案》和《杰伊条约》。
User: Somewhat ironically, Atsukyou has a plate over his left knee from a previous unknown incident.
Assistant: 对于卡拉OK专辑能够打入Oricon销量榜,实在前所未闻的异例。
User: Kirsch believes that digital humanities practitioners suffer from problems of being marketers rather than scholars, who attest to the grand capacity of their research more than actually performing new analysis and when they do so, only performing trivial parlor tricks of research.
Assistant: Kirsch认为数位人文学的参与者面临的困难,在于推销做得比研究多,这些工作只是在证实研究方法的能力,而非真的进行分析。
User: Mercury reacts with solid sulfur flakes, which are used in mercury spill kits to absorb mercury (spill kits also use activated carbon and powdered zinc).
Assistant: 汞还可以与粉末状的硫反应,这一点被用于处理汞泄露以后吸收汞蒸气的工具里(也有用活性炭和锌粉的)。
User: She is human and based on Queen Elizabeth II.
Assistant: 是一个人类而且象征着英国女王伊丽莎白二世。
User: 2 August 1989.
Assistant: 1989年8月2日。
User: Worse still, the plane was a killer.
Assistant: 更糟的是,这款飞机是一个杀手。
User: Although alloys contain only a maximum of 0.1%, that small percentage of niobium improves the strength of the steel.
Assistant: 虽然这些合金的含铌量不会超过0.1%,但加入少量的铌即可达到强化钢材的作用。
User: In 2001, Square Pictures released its first feature film, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within.
Assistant: Square Pictures于2001年发行了系列首部故事片《最终幻想:灵魂深处》。
User: Smaller sized boats with light armaments usually have the prefix KAL, stands for Kapal Angkatan Laut (Navy ships).
Assistant: 而小型舰艇,如巡逻艇一般以KAL(Kapal Angkatan Laut,意为“海军舰艇”)为前缀。
User: This understanding is believed to be vital to turn these concepts really compatible.
Assistant: 这种认识对于实现对这四个概念的真正兼容至关重要。
User: Yeast-raised doughnuts contain about 25% oil by weight, whereas cake doughnuts' oil content is around 20%, but they have extra fat included in the batter before frying.
Assistant: 使用发酵面团的甜甜圈,其重量约25%为油份;使用蛋糕面糊的甜甜圈,油份在总重量中约占20%,但以蛋糕面糊中的奶油在油炸前已经包含额外的脂肪。
User: London has the largest wheelchair accessible network in the world and, from the 3rd quarter of 2007, became more accessible to hearing and visually impaired passengers as audio-visual announcements were introduced.
Assistant: 伦敦亦有全世界最大规模的轮椅便利交通网,自2007年第三季度起视听广播开始运作,为视力和听力障碍者提供更多的便利。
User: The Laplace transform actually works directly for these signals if they are zero before a start time, even if they are not square integrable, for stable systems.
Assistant: 拉普拉斯变换实际在这些信号初始时间之前全为零的信号可以直接使用,即便他们不是平方可积的,比如平稳系统。
User: Panama's Centennial Bridge (Spanish: Puente Centenario) is a major bridge crossing the Panama Canal.
Assistant: 巴拿马的世纪大桥(西班牙语:Puente Centenario)是跨越巴拿马运河的一座公路斜拉桥。
User: Emeric, also known as Henry or Imre (Hungarian: Imre, Croatian: Emerik, Slovak: Imrich; 1174 – 30 November 1204), was King of Hungary and Croatia between 1196 and 1204.
Assistant: 伊姆雷(匈牙利语:Imre,克罗地亚语:Emerik,斯洛伐克语:Imrich,1174年-1204年11月30日),阿尔帕德王朝匈牙利及克罗地亚国王(1196年—1204年在位)。
User: The Confederate Monument in Hemming Park was one of the few landmarks to survive the fire.
Assistant: 亨明公园(英语:Hemming Park)内的邦联纪念碑成为了这场火灾中为数不多的存留下来的建筑之一。
User: In a 2006 survey, the South African Migration Project concluded that South Africans are more opposed to immigration than anywhere else in the world.
Assistant: 在2006年的一项调查中,南非移民项目认为,南非人比世界其他地方的人更反对移民。
User: The diameter of the tunnels restricted the size of the trains, and the small carriages with their high-backed seating were nicknamed padded cells.
Assistant: 隧道的直径限制了火车的尺寸,狭小的车厢和高高的座位为其赢得了软垫病室的昵称。
User: They were caught by the rising water somewhere on D deck.
Assistant: 他们被D层甲板上某处淹过来的洪水困住,是船上第一批罹难者。
User: His paternal grandfather, Gustaf Wallenberg, was a diplomat and envoy to Tokyo, Istanbul, and Sofia.
Assistant: 他的祖父古斯塔夫·华伦堡是一名外交官,曾出使东京、君士坦丁堡和索菲亚。
User: In 1975, Pierre Dukan was a general practitioner in Paris when he was first confronted with a case of obesity.
Assistant: 1975年时,皮埃尔·杜坎曾是巴黎的一位全科医生并学习神经学。
User: Some economists question the integrity of how the term "invisible hand" is currently used.
Assistant: 人们自利合作的市场机制,有时候被称作“看不见的手”。
User: Apollo 13 encountered an in-flight spacecraft failure and had to abort its lunar landing in April 1970, returning its crew safely but temporarily grounding the program again.
Assistant: 阿波罗13号在飞行中遭遇了探测器故障,被迫放弃1970年4月的月球着陆计划,带着登陆人员安全返回,只是再次使计划暂时搁浅。
User: In single-player mode, the player takes control of the character Jaden Korr, a student at the Jedi Academy under the tutelage of Kyle Katarn.
Assistant: 在单人模式中,玩家控制角色Jaden Korr,一个在绝地学院中在凯尔·卡塔恩个别指导下的学生。
User: Cairns is located on the east coast of Cape York Peninsula on a coastal strip between the Coral Sea and the Great Dividing Range.
Assistant: 凯恩斯位于约克角半岛的东部基部,珊瑚海和大分水岭之间的海滨。
User: The ruling March 8 alliance meanwhile dismissed Samaha's arrest as a "March 14 campaign".
Assistant: 支持叙利亚政府的“3月8日联盟”则指责萨马哈被捕事件是“3月14日联盟”的阴谋。
User: After graduating from California State University, Northridge, with a degree in graphic arts, he designed album covers for bands like Poco and America.
Assistant: 从加州州立大学北岭分校毕业并取得图形艺术学位后,他为包括Poco和美国在内的多个乐队设计唱片封面。
User: The Ayala Museum is a private fine arts and history museum housing various exhibitions such as the "Gold of Ancestors," an exhibition of more than one thousand golden pre-Hispanic artifacts.
Assistant: 阿亚拉博物馆是私人精致艺术跟历史博物馆,展出如"Gold of Ancestors,"等超过一千件前哥伦布时期的黄金考古文物。
User: He then became a reader at the University of London Middlesex Hospital Medical School.
Assistant: 之后他成为伦敦大学米德塞斯医院医学院的高级讲师。
User: The refit was finished in 1907, after which Freya was used as a training ship for naval cadets.
Assistant: 改造于1907年完成,之后弗蕾亚号被用作海军学员(德语:Seekadett)的教练船。
User: Reviews of Tales of Maj'Eyal have been largely positive with praise being given for its accessibility, graphics, user interface, backstory and varied gameplay.
Assistant: 对马基埃亚尔的传说的评论大多是正面的,集中于其易上手性、图像、用户界面、故事背景以及多样的玩法。
User: To take another illustration: nobody can prove that there is not between the Earth and Mars a china teapot revolving in an elliptical orbit, but nobody thinks this sufficiently likely to be taken into account in practice.
Assistant: 用另一个例证:没有人可以证明,在地球和火星之间没有一个以椭圆形轨道旋转的瓷制茶壶,但没人认为这充分可能在现实中存在。
User: CoBRA Battalions are well trained and adept in multi tasking skills operations in the most arduous terrain.
Assistant: 眼镜蛇训练有素,擅长在最艰难的地形进行多任务技能作战。
User: In 1996 IMDb was incorporated in the United Kingdom, becoming the Internet Movie Database Ltd.
Assistant: 1996年,成立商业公司的决定被作出,IMDb在英国注册成为互联网电影数据库公司。
User: The Kobolds have been forced to open the secrets of the undercity to outsiders in a desperate bid for survival.
Assistant: 而Kobolds在绝望中被迫向外人公开了地下城市的秘密,以求生存。
User: Three of these are used by English mainly.
Assistant: 这三个之中,英语是最常见也最重要。
User: Viète replied definitively the following year.
Assistant: 韦达在次年做出明确答复。
User: A week later, this little army gallantly attempted to force the Russian entrenchments, but was finally compelled to surrender.
Assistant: 一周后,这个小的可怜的军队勇敢地尝试进攻俄军,但最终不得不投降。
User: The use of build servers (not necessarily running unit tests) had already been practised by some teams outside the XP community.
Assistant: 建置CI服务器的用途(不一定要执行单元测试) 已经开始在极限编程(XP)社群之外的团队练习。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: The tidal forces from this interaction have created unusual plumes above the disk of NGC 1532.
Assistant: 两者之间的潮汐力使NGC 1532盘面上产生了不寻常的柱状云气.。
User: Also, again, setting Syskey to mode 2 or 3 (Syskey typed in during bootup or stored on a floppy disk) will mitigate this attack, since the local user's password hash will be stored encrypted in the SAM file.
Assistant: 同样,将系统模式设置为模式2或模式3(在启动时键入或通过软盘提供系统密钥)将缓解此攻击,因为本地用户的密码散列存储在SAM文件中。
User: This table does not include those stripped medals, and neither does it include possible reallocation of those medals, as the results at the World Games website do not reflect a reallocation.
Assistant: 该表不包括那些被取消的奖牌,也不包括可能的奖牌重新分配,因为世界运动会网站的结果并不反映重新分配。
User: Decryption is the reverse: plaintext = DK1(EK2(DK3(ciphertext))) I.e., decrypt with K3, encrypt with K2, then decrypt with K1.
Assistant: 而解密则为其反过程: 明文 = DK1(EK2(DK3(密文))) 即以K3解密,以K2“加密”,最后以K1解密。
User: Atanasoff agreed to assist the attorney, but IBM ultimately entered a patent-sharing agreement with Sperry Rand, the owners of the Eckert–Mauchly memory patent, and the case was dropped.
Assistant: 阿塔纳索夫同意协助这个代理人,但是最终IBM与斯佩里·兰特加入了专利共享协议,而斯佩里·兰特就是埃克特和莫齐利的存储器专利的拥有者,所以这个案件就撤消了。
User: Its ground plan of 8 by 17 columns, probably pseudoperipteral, is unusual.
Assistant: 祂为8乘以17圆柱列的底层平面图,大概为伪围柱式建筑,是一座与众不同的神庙。
User: In an email sent to FAMU interim president Castell V. Bryant, the media, the FCC, and Governor Bush, he cites racist remarks made by a caller to The Howard Stern Show to suggest that Cardenas put "profit ahead of race relations", even though Beasley, which owned a station broadcasting Stern's show, was not among Al Cardenas's clients.
Assistant: 在发送给农机大学主席卡斯特尔·V.布莱恩特(英语:Castell V. Bryant)、媒体、州检察长和州长的电邮中,他引用《霍华德·斯登秀(英语:The Howard Stern Show)》一位来访者的种族主义言论,暗指卡德纳斯“将利益看得比种族关系要重”,尽管比斯利是转播斯登节目电视台的老板,但他不是卡德纳斯的客户。
User: The OpenStack Upstream Infrastructure's services are connected by an MQTT unified message bus with Mosquitto as the MQTT broker.
Assistant: OpenStack 上游基础设施服务通过 MQTT 统一消息总线和作为 MQTT 中间件的 Mosquitto。
User: The New York affiliate of the ACLU appealed his 1965 conviction (367 F.2d 72: United States of America v. David J. Miller, 1966), but the Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal.
Assistant: 美国公民自由联盟的纽约分部呼吁他的1965年的定罪(367卷,72:美国合众国诉戴维·J·米勒,1966年),但最高法院拒绝聆讯上诉。
User: Bubbles of true vacuum spontaneously form in the sea of false vacuum and rapidly begin expanding at the speed of light.
Assistant: 真真空泡沫在假真空背景中自发形成,并迅速开始以光速膨胀。
User: At the age of twenty, Luckner entered a German navigation training school, where he passed the examinations for his mate's ticket.
Assistant: 在20岁时,卢克纳尔进入了一所德国海军训练学校,他在这里通过了委任为大副的测试。
User: The game was inspired by the atmosphere of the Mad Max universe, rather than a particular film in the series.
Assistant: 游戏的创意来源于疯狂麦克斯世界的氛围,而非系列中某一部特定的电影。
User: As a result, multiple center relocations occurred along its general west-northwest track.
Assistant: 因此,在其大致上向西北偏西的路径发生了多个中心迁移。
User: Still during the 2005 winter season, Jéssica participated in the Rio Fashion Week" and was elected best model.
Assistant: 2005年冬,杰西卡保莱托参加了里约热内卢(“Rio Fashion Week”),并当选最佳模特。
User: Historically, such 'peripheral' perspectives have sometimes been marginalized and regarded as less valid or important than knowledge from the western world.
Assistant: 从历史上看,这些非西方的“边陲”观点有时被边缘化,或是被视为并不如西方知识一样站得住脚或重要。
User: In Yellowstone, the civilian staff was replaced by the U.S. Army in 1886.
Assistant: 在黄石地区,普通公民拥有的公园管理权被美国军方在1886年取代。
User: However, details of what was amended will not be made public until it is approved by the National Assembly.
Assistant: 但是,在全国人民政权代表大会批准之前,修订内容的细节不会公开。
User: Reappearance may be attributed to certain neurological conditions including dementia (especially in a rare set of diseases called frontotemporal degenerations), traumatic lesions, and strokes.
Assistant: 重现情况可归因于某些神经系统疾病,包括痴呆(特别是在一种罕见的、称为额颞叶退化的疾病)、创伤性病变和中风。
User: In most countries judges may only interpret the constitution and all other laws.
Assistant: 在大多数的国家中,法官只能解释宪法和法律。
User: The goal was to completely eradicate child poverty by 2020.
Assistant: 印度计划在2020年消除贫困。
User: The target stimuli consist of words with known positive or negative valence.
Assistant: 目标刺激由具有明确积极或消极性价的词所组成。
User: That was the start of Christians.
Assistant: 这是基督教教会的开始。
User: In three or four days the child was all cured.
Assistant: 不出三四日,那小孩就治好了。
User: Infrared light is guided through an interferometer and then through the sample (or vice versa).
Assistant: 红外光穿过干涉仪装置后再经过样品(反之亦然)。
User: The occupation of Istanbul along with the occupation of İzmir mobilized the establishment of the Turkish national movement and the Turkish War of Independence.
Assistant: 站次占领连同占领伊兹密尔,激起了土耳其国民运动和土耳其独立战争。
User: The plaintiffs in the cases of Brom and Bett v. John Ashley and Commonwealth v. Nathaniel Jennison argued that this provision abolished slavery in Massachusetts.
Assistant: 在布朗和贝特诉约翰·阿什利案及联邦诉纳撒尼尔·詹尼森案中,原告方认为这一规定意味着马萨诸塞州废除了奴隶制。
User: Six imperial princes were killed at Tu (杜).
Assistant: 公子荣禄等六名公子被戮死于杜。
User: The last unique stations—Lexington Avenue–63rd Street, Roosevelt Island, and 21st Street–Queensbridge, opened on October 27, 1989.
Assistant: 最后的新车站—莱辛顿大道-63街、罗斯福岛及21街-皇后桥车站于1989年10月27日启用。
User: Since the 1930s Bruckner scholars have generally recognised three principal versions of the Fourth Symphony, but two of these exist in more than one form: Version I: 1874 Version II: 1878–1886 (or, possibly, 1876–1886) Version III: 1887–1888 At least seven authentic versions and revisions of the Fourth Symphony have been identified.
Assistant: 自 1930 年起,研究布鲁克纳的学者普遍认同以下三个主要稿本,但其中两个有多于一种形式存在.. 初稿..1874 第二稿..1878-1883 (或可能是 1876-1886) 第三稿..1887-1888 第四号交响曲现最少有七个可以识别的版本。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: After six days of unrest, 600 civilians were estimated to have been killed in clashes.
Assistant: 经过六天的动乱之后,估计有600名平民在冲突中丧生。
User: Before the German-Soviet invasion of 1939, Kraków (Cracow) was an influential centre for the 60,000–80,000 Polish Jews who had lived there since the 13th century.
Assistant: 1939年苏联联合纳粹入侵波兰之前,克拉科夫就已是极具影响力的波兰犹太中心城市,此时居住在克拉科夫的波兰裔犹太人达60,000–80,000人,他们的祖辈自十三世纪在此处繁衍。
User: After executing a counterclockwise loop, the storm made landfall in Freeport again on September 5.
Assistant: 接下来风暴的移动路线形成逆时针环流,于9月5日再度登陆弗里波特。
User: The Hezbollah death toll in the clashes had reached 16 since 22 November, according to SOHR, with the overall toll for both sides at this point being around 410.
Assistant: 从22日开始总计有16名真主党武装在战斗中丧生,使得双方总共的死亡人数从22日开始计算达到410人。
User: It later dropped 10 to 20 inches (255 to 510 mm) of rainfall in the Miami metropolitan area, causing urban flooding unseen since Hurricane Dennis in 1981.
Assistant: 迈阿密大都会区的降雨量达255至510毫米,造成继1981年的飓风丹尼斯以来最严重的城区洪灾。
User: He is very smart, but doesn't have many friends.
Assistant: 人们对他很恭敬,但他没有多少朋友。
User: These discoveries captured the public imagination and focused attention on the history of life on earth.
Assistant: 这些发现带来了公众对地球生命史的关注。
User: It transferred to RAF Mildenhall on 17 February 1995, from RAF Alconbury.
Assistant: 于1995年2月17日从奥尔康伯里皇家空军基地(英语:RAF Alconbury)改调至米登霍尔。
User: Governments of Argentina, Mexico, Panama and Spain also decried the attacks.
Assistant: 阿根廷、墨西哥、巴拿马和西班牙政府亦谴责袭击。
User: He and his men organized the civilians and placed them in mountain caves and hidden jungle villages.
Assistant: 大场及其下属组织并安置这些平民,并将其匿藏于山上的洞穴及隐藏于森林的村落之中。
User: To make style rules that depend only on the default font size, another unit was developed: the rem.
Assistant: 为使样式规则只取决于默认的字体大小,发展出了另一个单位:rem。
User: Lack of the rule of law can be found in both democracies and monarchies, for example, because of neglect or ignorance of the law, and the rule of law is more apt to decay if a government has insufficient corrective mechanisms for restoring it.
Assistant: 缺乏法治可以在民主国家和专制国家中找到,例如由于忽视或无视法律,如果政府没有足够的纠正机制来恢复法律,法治就更容易衰退。
User: As of 2011, Germany's federal government is working on a new plan for increasing renewable energy commercialization, with a particular focus on offshore wind farms.
Assistant: 截至2011年,德国联邦政府正在制定一项增加可再生能源商业化的新计划,特别关注海上风电场(英语:Offshore wind power)。
User: For example, if X is the unit interval , not only is it possible to have a dense set of Lebesgue measure zero (such as the set of rationals), but it is also possible to have a nowhere dense set with positive measure.
Assistant: 例如,如果X位于单位区间,不仅有可能有勒贝格测度为零的稠密集(例如有理数集),也有可能有测度为正数的无处稠密集。
User: The giant-impact hypothesis was again challenged in September 2013, with a growing sense that lunar origins are more complicated.
Assistant: 在2013年9月,GIH理论再度受到挑战,使月球的起源感觉变得越来越复杂。
User: It was followed by "Push" and "Hey You".
Assistant: 紧随其后的是单曲 "You're the One" 和 "You (Ha Ha Ha)"。
User: The P&ID is then used as a basis of design for developing the "system operation guide" or "functional design specification" which outlines the operation of the process.
Assistant: P&ID是“系统操作指南”与功能说明书(英语:Functional specification)。
User: During this time he created most of his inventions.
Assistant: 他也在此期间创造了他的大部分发明。
User: Following graduation he worked at the Minneapolis Star-Tribune.
Assistant: 他高中时,在明尼阿波利斯Star Tribune报纸实习过。
User: He was promoted to first lieutenant on March 29, 1918, and on June 4, 1918, he was deployed to France, where he studied logistical communications at the Army School of the Line and Staff College.
Assistant: 1918年3月29日,约翰逊晋升中尉,再于1918年6月4日被派往法国,在陆军线路和参谋学院学习后勤通讯。
User: The university hosted the only 2008 Vice Presidential debate, as well.
Assistant: 除此之外,该大学也举办了2008年唯一的副总统辩论。
User: His memoranda reported that France was not united behind Napoleon, that Russia was unlikely to want to fight Austria, and that France had few reliable troops that could fight in central Europe.
Assistant: 在他的备忘录中记录道:拿破仑的法国和真正的法国不是同一个法国,俄国并不想与奥地利开战,拿破仑只有少数亲信可以调动用于中欧战争了。
User: The LocalWiki project aims to provide "institutional memory" and context for local news.
Assistant: LocalWiki专案旨在提供“公共记忆”与当地新闻内容。
User: As further punishment for his escape, he is forced to repeatedly dig a grave-sized hole in the prison camp yard, fill it back in, and then be beaten.
Assistant: 作为对他越狱的惩罚,队长强迫他反复地在监狱的院子里挖出坟墓大的坑洞,再又将之填满,然后施以痛打。
User: Lebanon has a moderate Mediterranean climate.
Assistant: 黎巴嫩拥有温和的地中海气候。
User: Marston's wife, Elizabeth Holloway Marston, suggested a connection between emotion and blood pressure to William, observing that, "hen she got mad or excited, her blood pressure seemed to climb".
Assistant: 马斯顿的妻子伊丽莎白建议威廉注意情感和血压之间的联系,经过观察,“当她生气或激动动时,她的血压似乎往上爬。
User: RSVP maintains "soft state" (the reservation at each node needs a periodic refresh) of the host and routers' resource reservations, hence supporting dynamic automatic adaptation to network changes.
Assistant: RSVP维护主机和路由器的软体状态(每个节点上的资源预留都需要周期性的更新),因此支持源自适应网络变化。
User: The first Director of Propaganda, appointed in February 1933, was Wilfred Risdon, who was responsible for organising all of Mosley's public meetings.
Assistant: 1933年2月,威尔弗雷德·里斯顿(英语:Wilfred Risdon)获任为首任宣传部长,负责组织莫斯利所有的公开会议。
User: After hearing about Gregor's earlier discovery, he obtained a sample of manaccanite and confirmed that it contained titanium.
Assistant: 当他听闻到格雷戈尔较早前的发现之后,克拉普罗特取得了一些马纳坎矿物的样本,并证实它含钛。
User: Many important roads were reopened by three days after the storm.
Assistant: 许多重要道路在气旋过去3天后就已恢复通行。
User: 200 Russians and Austrians led the way followed by 380 British and Italians with 300 Japanese bringing up the rear.
Assistant: 200名俄、奥军队带路,380名英、意军队跟随,300名日军在后。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: Its purpose is to prevent London from being flooded by exceptionally high tides and storm surges moving up from the North Sea.
Assistant: 其目的是使伦敦免受北海的潮汐和风暴潮的影响。
User: It was also slow in coming to its decisions, as certain ones required the unanimous consent of the entire Assembly.
Assistant: 同时,下达决策过程缓慢,一些特定的决策甚至需要全体大会一致同意。
User: Grande is a word which is invariable for gender, so it just takes a plural marker: grandes.
Assistant: grande “大”不跟据性变化,所以它只需要一个复数标记:grandes。
User: The party ran candidates in the 2004 regional elections and in the European Parliament election, 2004 (France) and were able to prevent the Greens from gaining more seats, such as in the Eastern EU parliamentary region where the MEI's 3% were enough to prevent the Greens from taking 2 seats there instead of one.
Assistant: 该党投入2004年的大区选举与欧洲议会选举,阻止绿党获得更多席次,如独立生态运动在东部选区拿下3%选票使得绿党未能拿到第二席。
User: She contributed in the first book The Making of the New Constitution of Afghanistan which is about political system and processes in Afghanistan and was published in 2003.
Assistant: 她在第一本书“阿富汗新宪法的制订”中阿富汗的政治制度和程序,并于2003年出版。
User: France and Germany agreed to negotiate on 9 July 1911, and on 4 November, they signed the Treaty of Fez.
Assistant: 1911年7月9日两国同意进行谈判,11月4日,德法两国签署了《非斯条约》。
User: McCain's leadership abilities were credited with improving the unit's aircraft readiness; for the first time, all fifty of its aircraft were able to fly.
Assistant: 在他的领导下,中队战机的预备率明显提升,首次出现全部50架战机都能够起飞的情况。
User: Although the Mann Act charge had been dropped, the attempt to cash the Treasury check was still a federal offense.
Assistant: 虽然违反曼恩法案的控告被撤除,但是图谋兑换公库支票仍然是一项联邦罪。
User: Transparency reports may be published for a variety of purposes.
Assistant: 透明度报告可出于各种目的发布。
User: Brightness measurements from SuperWASP and KELT showed two similar reductions in brightness in November 2008 and January 2011, both with a maximal luminosity reduction of 30% and a duration of 25 days.
Assistant: 来自SuperWASP和KELT(英语:Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope)的光度测量,在2008年11月和2011年1月有两个相似的下降,两次的最大光度降低30%并持续了25天。
User: With increased print orders, Evans leased space on Fleet Street to expand the business, adding steam engines, boilers and "many extra machines".
Assistant: 为了应对订单越来越多的订单,伊万斯在弗利特街租了一间房,添置了蒸汽机、锅炉等“许多额外的机器”。
User: To balance out the ethnic composition of the new nation, the other states, whose Malay and indigenous populations would balance out the Singaporean Chinese majority, were also included.
Assistant: 为了平衡新国家的种族结构,其他马来人及原住民人口为主的州将会加入以平衡新加坡华人人口的多数优势。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: The competition this time was impressive.
Assistant: 此次竞选,竞争非常激烈。
User: The many scattered clouds in the area around Howland Island have also been cited as a problem: their dark shadows on the ocean surface may have been almost indistinguishable from the island's subdued and very flat profile.
Assistant: 豪兰岛周围的众多孤云可能也导致辨识困难:它们在海面上造成的阴影与非常平坦的豪兰岛几乎无法区别。
User: GCF was founded in 1999, and its membership has been responsible for creating an independent certification programme to help ensure global interoperability between mobile devices and networks.
Assistant: GCF成立于1999年,其成员一直负责建立一个独立的认证计划,以帮助确保移动设备和网络之间的全球互操作性。
User: Morrison Remick Waite was born on November 29, 1816, at Lyme, Connecticut, the son of Henry Matson Waite, an attorney, and his wife Maria Selden.
Assistant: 莫里森·雷米克·韦特于1816年11月29日出生在康涅狄格州的莱姆,他的父亲亨利·马特森·韦特是名律师。
User: In 1778, British Lord Stormont claimed in parliament that "if Sint Eustatius had sunk into the sea three years before, the United Kingdom would already have dealt with George Washington".
Assistant: 1778年,一位英国军官在英国议会表示:“要是圣尤斯特歇斯三年前沉入海中,我们早就搞定乔治·华盛顿了”。
User: Apart from mixing server, none of the participants can know the connection between the incoming and outgoing addresses of coins.
Assistant: 除了混币服务器,没有参加者会知道网络里货币输入和输出的地址。
User: Zeta-Jones is the recipient of several accolades, including an Academy Award, a British Academy Film Award and a Tony Award, and in 2010, she was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) for her film and humanitarian endeavours.
Assistant: 她曾获得几项荣誉,包括奥斯卡金像奖、英国电影学院奖、东尼奖,及于2010年被授勋大英帝国勋章(CBE),以表扬她的电影和对人道主义的努力。
User: Although much of the West– the focal point of sectional tensions– was unfit for cotton cultivation, Southern secessionists read the political fallout as a sign that their power in national politics was rapidly weakening.
Assistant: 虽然南北争执焦点所在的西部不适于种殖棉花,南方的分离主义者将其政治余波当作其主导全国性政策的能力剧降的讯息。
User: Its members publish in referenced journals and participate in all the major scientific events worldwide.
Assistant: 成员们在权威刊物上发表文章,并在世界范围内参加大型的学术活动。
User: In Prolog: A variable which is uninstantiated—i.e. no previous unifications were performed on it—can be unified with an atom, a term, or another uninstantiated variable, thus effectively becoming its alias.
Assistant: 在传统 Prolog 中,未实例化的变量 X — 就是说在它上面以前没有进行合一,可以合一于一个原子、一个项、或另一个未实例化的变量,因此在效果上变成了它的别名。
User: 18 sheep.
Assistant: 18只狗。
User: This expansion of the campus continued until 1920.
Assistant: 是次的校园扩建一直进行至1920年。
User: A related technology is circuit emulation, which enables transport of TDM traffic over cell-based (ATM) networks.
Assistant: 一个相关的技术是电路仿真,可以使TDM信号在基于蜂窝的(ATM)网络中传输。
User: The incidence of Việt Cộng attacks continued to increase as it had done during the summer of 1963, the weapons loss ratio worsened and the rate of Viet Cong defections fell.
Assistant: 1963年夏季,越共的袭击事件迅速增加,武器损失率恶化,越共叛变的比率也下降。
User: Friends such as artists Jeffrey Smart and John Olsen visited them regularly in Europe.
Assistant: 一些艺术家好友,如杰弗里·斯玛特与乔治·奥尔森也会定期来欧洲拜访他们。
User: It uses the principles of emergency operations: prevention, mitigation, preparation, response, or emergency evacuation and recovery.
Assistant: 它包含一系列紧急措施,如预防、缓和、准备、回应、紧急疏散和恢复。
User: Six nations entered.
Assistant: 下设6个州。
User: It was originally intended to be a new psychotherapy and was not expected to become the foundation for a new religion.
Assistant: 戴尼提本来是要用来作为一种新的心理治疗,并没有人预料到它会变成一个新宗教的基础。
User: Superstore is an American comedy television series created by Justin Spitzer, which premiered on NBC on November 30, 2015.
Assistant: 《爆笑超市》(英语:Superstore)是一部由贾斯汀·史匹泽(英语:Justin Spitzer)开创,于2015年11月30日在NBC开播的情景喜剧。
User: Charles is a woman-shy snake expert Ophidiologist, just returning from a year-long expedition up the Amazon.
Assistant: 派克是个害羞的蛇学专家,刚刚从亚马逊考察一年回来。
User: In August 2010 the tower closed again due to "technical issues stemming from its original design".
Assistant: 2010年8月由于“原设计导致的技术问题”而再度关闭。
User: Thus the moon's brightness is produced from the radiance of the Sun, and the Moon's darkness is due to (the light of) the sun being obstructed.
Assistant: 冒顿既质于月氏,而头曼急击月氏,月氏欲杀冒顿。
User: May 22 – Microsoft releases Windows 3.0.
Assistant: 5月22日,微软推出Windows 3.0。
User: On 21 March 1918, the Germans launched a big offensive against the British Fifth Army and the right wing of the British Third Army.
Assistant: 1918年3月21日,德军对英国第4军团和第三军团右翼发动攻击。
User: By 1977, Casablanca was the most frequently broadcast film on American television.
Assistant: 1977年时,本片是美国电视上播放最频繁的电影。
User: Voting in Singapore is compulsory.
Assistant: 在新加坡,投票是强制性的。
User: Leipzig also brought three more colliers with her.
Assistant: 莱比锡号还带来了另外三艘煤船。
User: Before 1992, 512 had served the entire south-central portion of Texas since the area code system was instituted in 1947; 512 was the last of Texas' original four area codes to be split.
Assistant: 在此之前,512区号覆盖整个德州中南部地区,它是德州1947年电话分配区号之初的四个区号中最后一个被分拆的。
User: The northerly nature of the constellation means that the variable stars can be observed all year: the red giant R Ursae Minoris is a semiregular variable varying from magnitude 8.5 to 11.5 over 328 days, while S Ursae Minoris is a long period variable that ranges between magnitudes 8.0 and 11 over 331 days.
Assistant: 小熊座在北天极附近的位置意味着这些变星全年都可被观测到:红巨星小熊座R(英语:R Ursae Minoris)是半规则变星,视星等变化范围为8.5至11.5,周期为328天,而小熊座S(英语:S Ursae Minoris)则是长周期变星,视星等变化范围为8.0至11,周期为331天。
User: For clarity, the A's branches are shown separately in the following table.
Assistant: 为清楚起见,A线支线在下列表格分离出来。
User: In January 2010, Seri started his career as a senior player by joining ASEC Mimosas, the most successful club in Ivorian football, where he needed just one season to prove himself and become one of the best players in the country.
Assistant: 直到2010年1月展开职业球员生涯,加盟国内最成功的球会ASEC米莫萨,并用了仅一个赛季来证明自己,成为该国最好的球员之一。
User: The same is true if we increase to eight sides and so on.
Assistant: 如果我们把边数增加为 8 条以及更多,同样成立。
User: Because of the effects of atmospheric seeing, ground-based telescopes will smear the image of a star to an angular diameter of about 0.5 arcsecond; in poor seeing conditions this increases to 1.5 arcseconds or even more.
Assistant: 由于受到大气视宁度影响,地面的望远镜看到的恒星影像都会糊成约0.5弧秒的角直径;在观测条件恶劣的情况下,还会增加到1.5弧秒甚至更多。
User: Gretta Conroy – Gabriel's wife.
Assistant: 葛瑞塔(Gretta Conroy) - 贾柏瑞的妻子。
User: However, the telecast's broadcaster ABC objected to these selections, and both men declined afterward.
Assistant: 但是,电视节目广播公司ABC否决了这两位人选,两人之后也谢绝了邀请。
User: Other modes include single race, time attack, and 2-Player.
Assistant: 另外还有其它的模式,如“单次比赛”、“时间竞赛”以及“双人竞赛”等。
User: Another measure has been used in surveys or opinion polls carried out by interviewing people face-to-face or through the telephone.
Assistant: 不过有游行人士见记者采访,即用口号牌遮脸或转身避镜头。
User: Of course, one can regard a pure strategy as a degenerate case of a mixed strategy, in which that particular pure strategy is selected with probability 1 and every other strategy with probability 0.
Assistant: 当然,严格来说,每个纯策略都是一个“退化”的混合策略,某一特定纯策略的几率为 1 ,其他的则为 0 。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: Two armed rockets were fired during the third sortie from 10,000 and 15,000 feet.
Assistant: 在第三次试飞期间发射了两枚实体火箭弹,射程分别是为10,000和15,000英尺。
User: Thus, rich people could cast a number of votes, while the poor perhaps none at all.
Assistant: 因此富有的人可能投很多张票,穷人可能连一票都不能投。
User: March 21 – The Game Boy Advance handheld is released by Nintendo.
Assistant: 3月21日 – 任天堂发行了Game Boy Advance。
User: The Avrocar story did not end with the termination of the program.
Assistant: Avrocar的故事没有随着计划的终止而结束。
User: A latchkey kid, or latchkey child, is a child who returns from school to an empty home, or a child who is often left at home with little parental supervision, because their parent or parents are away at work.
Assistant: 钥匙儿童(英语:latchkey kid 或 latchkey child)是指常常一个人回家或在家、缺少家长监督的儿童;这些儿童的父母往往是工作到比较晚,因此他们经常放学后回到空无一人的家中。
User: During this time, the ship's crew assisted in the suppression of the Boxer Rebellion in 1900.
Assistant: 在此期间,舰上船员曾协助镇压1900年的义和团运动。
User: Abrams would exaggerate his preference for other shows to Star Trek as a child to the press, with statements like "I'm not a Star Trek fan" and "this movie is not made for Star Trek fans necessarily".
Assistant: 因此,艾布拉姆斯向媒体夸大了他小时候对其他节目的喜爱,表达出“我并不是一名《星际旅行》的爱好者”,而“这部电影[也]没有专为《星际旅行》爱好者制作的必要”的类似说法。
User: There they will destroy the Nucleus and escape through a tear duct.
Assistant: 这能使静脉壁脱落以及痔疮萎缩。
User: As a result, a federal judge ruled that no damages could be awarded to the hostages because of the agreement the United States had made when the hostages were freed.
Assistant: 最终,联邦法院法官裁定因为人质释放时达成的协议,人质不能再从伊朗政府那里获得其他补偿。
User: Growing Up in the Shadow of a Rock Star Parent.
Assistant: 河间星,在武仙座的一颗恒星。
User: A structure chart (SC) is a chart that shows the breakdown of the configuration system to the lowest manageable levels.
Assistant: 结构图(英语:Structure Chart)(SC)是一个将系统拆解为最小可管理程式单位的图。
User: Former employee Jeri Ellsworth criticized the structure as "a lot like high school" in that certain employees have more influence than others.
Assistant: 然而,前雇员Jeri Ellsworth批评这种结构“如同高中”,尽管是扁平架构,但是在决策时某些员工却拥有更多话语权。
User: The following are the released date for each festival.
Assistant: 下面是各电影节的上映日期。
User: At its height, WMR appeared in 41 languages, and editors from 69 communist parties around worked at its office in Prague.
Assistant: 在该杂志的巅峰期,有41种语言版本,来自69个共产党的编辑在其位于布拉格的编辑部为其工作。
User: We are presenting ourselves as we are.
Assistant: 接档《如朕亲临》。
User: Mihalis steps in and claims the inheritance for himself, declaring that he can pay up for taxes.
Assistant: 米哈利斯(Mihalis)插手干预并认领遗产,宣称他可以付清全部税款。
User: Their presence indicates that the corpse was not burned and that the earlier blow-fly phase has ended.
Assistant: 它们显示了尸体未有被火化,而且在较早期被丽蝇所栖息的期间已完结。
User: Also near Piazza Tasso is the Palazzo Correale now also a museum, Museum Correale.
Assistant: 塔索广场附近还有是科雷亚莱宫现在是一个博物馆,科雷亚莱博物馆。
User: Vasyl Tsushko (independent), withdrew from race on 22 May.
Assistant: 瓦西里·楚什科 (独立候选人),5月22日退出选举。
User: The triangles in turn became the building's organized motif, echoed and repeated in every dimension.
Assistant: 三角形反过来成为建筑物的有组织的图案,在每个维度上回荡和重复。
User: The young company founder was featured in live interviews on CNN and CNBC.
Assistant: 年轻的公司创始人接受了CNN和CNBC的实况采访。
User: Jonathan Dollimore and Alan Sinfield, authors of Political Shakespeare, have had considerable influence in the development of this movement and their book is considered to be a seminal text.
Assistant: 《政治性的莎士比亚》(Political Shakespeare)一书的作者多利莫尔(Dollimore, Jonathan)和辛菲尔德(Sinfield, Alan)对这个运动的发展产生了十分重大的影响,他们的著作被认为是一个开创性的文本。
User: According to the SKL: In the army of Gutium, at first no king was famous; they were their own kings and ruled thus for 3 years.
Assistant: 在库提的军队中, 开始时并没有著名的国王,他们由他们自己的国王统治了3年。
User: The rapid rotation extends the life span of the star by increasing the core density and reducing the radiation output.
Assistant: 恒星的快速旋转使得其核心密度增加,能量辐射输出减少,延长恒星的寿命。
User: The Oxford English Dictionary also states that the shortened form "clit", the first occurrence of which was noted in the United States, has been used in print since 1958: until then, the common abbreviation was "clitty".
Assistant: 《牛津英语词典》亦指出“clitoris”的缩写“clit”为美国首创,其于1958年在印刷物中首次使用后便一直沿用之;1958年之前的常用缩写则为“clitty”。
User: King was awarded at least fifty honorary degrees from colleges and universities.
Assistant: 金一生被各学院和大学授予了至少50个名誉学位。
User: He came across Prometheus on his journey.
Assistant: 他在旅途中寻找Crelanu之书。
User: Secondly, poverty has accompanied the population growth.
Assistant: 随着农业的发展,促使人口增长。
User: She used the opportunity to denounce Christianity as irredeemable for women and to call for women (and men) to make an exodus from the Church.
Assistant: 她利用这个机会去抨击基督宗教对女性来说已是无可救药的了,并呼吁女性(及男性)要逃出教会的埃及。
User: This provides a clue about the origin of life on earth.
Assistant: 有人认为,它们是在地球上生命起源的一个关键步骤。
User: When he was 17, he was inoculated with smallpox, but he became ill and did not return to school.
Assistant: 当他17岁时,他接受了天花的人痘接种术,但是在那之后他病倒了,也就不再返回学校上课了。
User: In addition, the government mobilized the army to force those unwilling to leave from their homes.
Assistant: 此外,该国政府还动用了军队,将部分不愿离开家园的居民强制撤离。
User: Global Warming.
Assistant: 全球变暖。
User: He stated to reporters, "They blame me for broadcasting an opinion of a listener which turned out to be untrue.
Assistant: 他对记者宣称:“我播出一个听众的说法,不过这说法后来证实是假的,他们就怪责我。
User: On 2 June, during a visit by Himmler, Heydrich reconciled himself to his fate by reciting a part of one of his father's operas, The world is just a barrel-organ which the Lord God turns Himself.
Assistant: 6月2日希姆莱到访时,海德里希已意识到自己将不久于人世,便朗诵了其父亲歌剧中的一个段落: 世界不过是一支筒风琴,主在其中转动。
User: In the end Komito kept the record, listing 745 species birds plus 3 submitted in 1998 and later accepted by state committees for a revised total of 748.
Assistant: 最终克米特保住了自己的荣誉,他提交了一份745(+3)的鸟单,最终委员会承认了他修订后的748的记录。
User: Practically all Vietnamese, regardless of formal religious affiliation, have an altar in their home or business where prayers are offered to their ancestors.
Assistant: 实际上,几乎所有的越南人不管有没有正式的宗教信仰,都会在的家中或商店里设置有一个祭拜祖先的祭坛。
User: An armed helicopter is a military helicopter equipped with aircraft ordnance.
Assistant: 武装直升机(Armed helicopter)是装备了航空武器的军用直升机。
User: America needs a full-time President and a full-time Congress, particularly at this time with problems we face at home and abroad.
Assistant: 国家需要一个全心全意的总统和国会,尤其是在这样一个内忧外患的关键时刻。
User: In 2002, as part of the Liverpool Biennial festival, Japanese artist Tatsurou Bashi created a hotel room around the statue of the Queen entitled Villa Victoria, in which paying guests could spend a night.
Assistant: 2002年,作为利物浦双年展节日的一部分,日本艺术家Tatsurou Bashi在女王雕像附近建了一个名为“维多利亚别墅”的酒店房间,付费的客人可以在那里度过一晚。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: Another isotope, samarium-149, is a strong neutron absorber and is therefore added to the control rods of nuclear reactors.
Assistant: 另一种同位素钐-149,是一种强的中子吸收剂,可添加到核反应堆的控制棒。
User: They (people of Laredo) loved him, he loved them.
Assistant: 他平素爱好节俭,不经营事业,当时的人都称颂他。
User: Locally elected councils were then formed.
Assistant: 此后,地方各级党委先后成立。
User: During the 13th century a series of works by European scholars such as Pedro Pascual, Ricoldo de Monte Croce, and Ramon Llull depicted Muhammad as an Antichrist and argued that Islam was a Christian heresy.
Assistant: 在13世纪,欧洲学者一系列的作品,如彼得帕斯卡、Ricoldo de Monte Croce、拉蒙·柳利形容穆罕默德为敌基督,并且表明伊斯兰教不过是基督教的一个异端。
User: In the same way, the planet Jupiter is the king of the other planets, a giant in size with spectacular, brightly colored clouds and intense storms.
Assistant: 以同样的道理而言,在占星术领域上行星中的朱庇特-木星是其他行星之王,一颗规模巨大伴随着场面富丽且壮观的、色彩鲜艳的氨云层以及激烈的暴风雨之行星。
User: By 1982, the government announced that the courts would be reined in, although various political groups continued to be repressed by the government in the first half of the 1980s.
Assistant: 1982年,政府宣布法院会被严加约束,但多个政治团体继续受到政府打压。
User: This act gave police and the military sweeping powers.
Assistant: 这一法案赋予了警察和军队全面的权力。
User: In addition to the loss of life by uniformed soldiers, millions died in the superpowers' proxy wars around the globe, most notably in Southeast Asia.
Assistant: 除了两方在战场上的军事伤亡外,在冷战过程中数百万人在世界各地“代理国”的战争中陆续丧失性命,尤其是在东南亚。
User: Clixie - NEW SINGLE: Ben Howard 'The Fear'
Assistant: 庄思浩:比尔·盖茨“害怕”的人
User: Neutral pH favors NO− release from S-nitrosothiols, and nitrosylation of iron.
Assistant: 中性pH值有利于从亚硝基硫醇释放NO−,和铁的亚硝基化。
User: It was predominantly socialist and introduced many reforms long proclaimed as necessary by the Polish Socialist Party, such as the eight-hour day, free school education and women's suffrage, to avoid major unrest.
Assistant: 这个政府中社会主义者占多数,并且波兰社会党展开了多项改革,譬如八小时工作制、免费教育、和女性选举权等,这些改革从长远看尤为重要。
User: Although humans are able to walk without infrastructure, the transport can be enhanced through the use of roads, especially when using the human power with vehicles, such as bicycles and inline skates.
Assistant: 尽管人类可以不借助基础设施行走,通过修建道路、使用自行车或轮滑等交通工具可以提高效率。
User: Both Gianni Caproni and Giovanni Agusta established factories on the new site; the airfield soon developed into the largest aircraft production centre in Italy.
Assistant: 詹尼·卡普罗尼和乔瓦尼·阿古斯随后在飞机场附近建立了新的飞机工场,使这里发展为意大利最大的飞机制造中心。
User: Dmitri Skobeltsyn first observed the positron in 1929.
Assistant: 德米特里·斯科别利岑(Dmitri Skobeltsyn)最早于1929年观测到正电子。
User: The International Energy Agency (IEA; French: Agence internationale de l'énergie) is a Paris-based autonomous intergovernmental organization established in the framework of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 1974 in the wake of the 1973 oil crisis.
Assistant: 国际能源署(英语:International Energy Agency,缩写为 IEA;法语:Agence internationale de l'énergie)是总部设于法国巴黎的政府间国际组织,由经济合作与发展组织为应对能源危机于1974年设立。
User: That's totally backwards.
Assistant: 这是一大颠倒。
User: Emperor Wenzong subsequently sent a eunuch to comfort him, and Zheng partially apologized, stating, "Your subject is foolish.
Assistant: 文宗派一个宦官去安抚他,说郑覃失言,郑覃也做了部分道歉,说:“臣愚昧。
User: Like other Nature journals, there is no external editorial board, with editorial decisions being made by an in-house team, although peer review by external expert referees forms a part of the review process.
Assistant: 像其他的自然系列期刊一样,自然医学杂志没有外界的编委会,其杂志的编辑决定论文是否被采用,虽然外聘审稿专家参与同行评审过程。
User: The church was later rebuilt in Romanesque style.
Assistant: 这座教堂后来重建为罗曼式建筑。
User: He added twin towers and reworked the façade in an early Baroque style with narrow horizontal and vertical sections.
Assistant: 他增建了双塔,将早期巴洛克风格立面加以改建,有狭窄的水平面和垂直剖面。
User: Dr. Botkin and Tatiana went that evening to Yurovsky's office, for what was to be the last time, to ask for the return of the kitchen boy who kept Alexei amused during the long hours of captivity.
Assistant: 波特金医生与塔季扬娜当晚最后一次造访尤罗夫斯基的办公室,要求他将长期囚禁期间中逗乐阿列克谢的厨房男工送回来。
User: Treves, in his earlier journal articles as well as his book, insisted on calling him John Merrick.
Assistant: 特里夫斯,在其早年的期刊文章和书籍中,坚持称象人为约翰·梅里克。
User: Many people who convert to Christianity face persecution.
Assistant: 而皈依基督教的人后来再次受到迫害。
User: The assassination of Abraham Lincoln just two days after Hyams related his story to Canadian officials heightened U.S. interest in arresting Blackburn to connect the assassination to Confederate President Jefferson Davis and his operatives in Canada.
Assistant: 海恩姆斯向加拿大官员透露了自己的说法仅两天后,林肯总统就遭到刺杀,这一事件让美国联邦政府更为急切地想要逮捕布莱克本,把暗杀和邦联总统杰佛逊·戴维斯及其身在加拿大的手下联系起来。
User: Additional 90-second spaces were purchased on a variety of television networks, including Adult Swim, Comedy Central, ESPN, FX, G4, History, and Spike.
Assistant: 且《我们是ODST》也在其他多家电视频道播放,包括Adult Swim、喜剧中心、ESPN、FX、G4及历史频道。
User: Astronomers originally thought that this planet could not exist because it would have made the planetary system unstable and would have been ejected.
Assistant: 天文学家原本认为第四颗行星是不应该存在于这个系统,因为会造成行星系的不稳定,且第四颗行星会被弹出系统。
User: Dutch support of American independence led to the Fourth Anglo-Dutch War, where the Mariniers served at Dogger Bank.
Assistant: 由于荷兰支持美国独立导致第四次英荷战争 ,荷兰派遣海军陆战队到多格滩(英语:Dogger Bank)海域一带支援。
User: Sufficiently well-defined unit tests should mitigate this problem: if unforeseen dependencies create errors, then when unit tests are run, they will show failures.
Assistant: 完善的单元测试可以解决这个问题:如果未被预见的依赖产生了错误,那么当单元测试执行时,它必定会失败。
User: As a result of their arrests, on April 28, 2015, Migos announced they would postpone their Yung Rich Nation Tour until July.
Assistant: 由于其被逮捕,2015年4月28日,Migos 宣布将“Yung Rich Nation 巡回演唱会”推迟至同年7月。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: The hospital unit in Paimio operates in a former tuberculosis sanatorium, the Paimio Sanatorium, designed by the Finnish architect Alvar Aalto.
Assistant: 帕伊米奥疗养院(芬兰语:Paimion parantola)的前身是芬兰帕伊米奥市结核病疗养院,由著名芬兰设计师 阿尔瓦尔·阿尔托设计。
User: At the dance, he does not wish to dance with any girl because they were all beneath him in class and beauty.
Assistant: 在那场梅里屯的舞会,他不想和舞会上任何女孩跳舞,因为那些女孩的阶级和才貌都在他之下。
User: About 25 Muslim graves are desecrated in Denmark.
Assistant: 至少有二十七个穆斯林村庄在周围的农村被烧。
User: He then went on to Dali and Bhamo, then via Guangdong back to Chongqing, a journey covering 17 out of the then 18 Chinese provinces.
Assistant: 然后他去了大理和八莫,又经过广东回到重庆,行程遍及当时中国18个省份中的17个。
User: September 8: Martha Corey is tried and found guilty.
Assistant: 9月8日,玛莎·科里受到审判,并被判为有罪。
User: The second and final mission pack, How the Saints Save Christmas, features new weapons and vehicles and a plot to save Santa Claus from the Steelport simulation.
Assistant: 第二个也是最终的任务包《圣徒是如何拯救圣诞节的》(How the Saints Save Christmas),内含新武器和车辆,以及从钢埠模拟空间中拯救圣诞老人的剧情。
User: That grim pre-dawn raid, deliberately calculated to strike terror into hesitant minds and impress upon the entire nation the determination of the governing clique to stifle all opposition, made one hundred and fifty-six of us, belonging to all the races of our land, into a group of accused facing one of the most serious charges in any legal system.
Assistant: 在黎明前的那场严峻袭击中,故意将恐怖袭击转化为犹豫不决的思想,并使整个国家感受到统治集团决心扼杀所有反对派,使我们的一百五十六人属于我们国家的所有种族,成为一组被告来面临任何法律制度中最严重指控之一。
User: In the 17th century, the Russian empire made contact with the Evenks.
Assistant: 17世纪,俄罗斯帝国与鄂温克族接触。
User: Zwicky later proposed additional types III, IV, and V, although these are no longer used and now appear to be associated with single peculiar supernova types.
Assistant: 兹威基还曾提出过III、IV、V型的新分类,不过目前已不再使用。
User: The Swimming competition in the 2009 Asian Youth Games was held in the Singapore Sports School in Singapore between 2 and 6 July 2009.
Assistant: 2009年亚洲青年运动会游泳比赛于2009年7月2日至7月6日在新加坡体育学校举行。
User: Convictions for possessing child pornography also usually include prison sentences, but those sentences are often converted to probation for first-time offenders.
Assistant: 拥有儿童色情制品的定罪通常也包括监禁,但这些判决涉及初犯者往往会更改为缓刑。
User: Nixon agreed to send troops to Cambodia, despite protests from Cooper and others that this violated his stated goal of de-escalation in the region.
Assistant: 尼克松同意派兵进入柬埔寨,库珀等人对此表示抗议,认为此举违背了总统逐步缓和东南亚局势的承诺。
User: Jean Chrétien, Prime Minister of Canada (1993 to 2003).
Assistant: 让·克雷蒂安,1993年至2003年任加拿大总理。
User: The Saint Vladimir Monument is a monument in Kiev, dedicated to the Great Prince of Kiev Vladimir the Great, built in 1853.
Assistant: 圣弗拉基米尔纪念碑(Saint Vladimir Monument)是基辅的一座纪念碑,纪念弗拉基米尔·斯维亚托斯拉维奇,修建于1853年。
User: This approach wastes money and energy and imposes unnecessary impacts to the environment.
Assistant: 这种方法浪费金钱和能源,并对环境造成不必要的影响。
User: Two years later, a bill was passed which authorized a three-dollar coin.
Assistant: 两年后,国会又通过法案授权发行3美元金币。
User: For remote access, it employs sabre/dav, an open-source WebDAV server.
Assistant: 对于远端存取,它采用的是SabreDAV(英语:SabreDAV),其为一开放源代码的WebDAV服务器。
User: The country's population growth rate of 1.87% per year (2015) is the second highest in the region and one of the highest in the Western Hemisphere.
Assistant: 该国人口增长率每年为1.87%(2015年),人口增长率是该地区的第二高,也是西半球人口增长率最高的国家之一。
User: Lacking sufficient assurances that the state would be willing to protect Congress, the members left Philadelphia that day for Princeton, New Jersey.
Assistant: 由于没有得到宾州政府保护邦联议会安全的足够保证,议员们当天离开费城前往新泽西州的普林斯顿。
User: Construction of the first ship, HMAS Canberra, commenced in late 2008, with the hull launched in early 2011, and sea trials in early 2014.
Assistant: 第一艘船HMAS堪培拉的建造于2008年底开始,船体于2011年初投入使用,2014年初进行了海上试航。
User: Houphouët-Boigny soon rose to prominence and within a year was elected to the French Parliament in Paris.
Assistant: 博瓦尼很快就升至要位,并且在一年内被选入了在巴黎的法国国会。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: In many developing countries cancer incidence (insofar as this can be measured) appears much lower, most likely because of the higher death rates due to infectious disease or injury.
Assistant: 许多第三世界国家的癌症发病率却反而较低(根据目前可得知的数据),可能因为传染病、缺乏医疗资源等造成的高死亡率所导致。
User: A key factor in this were the Government negotiations with FARC, the major left-wing anti-government guerilla force in the Colombian armed conflict.
Assistant: 其中一个关键因素是政府与哥伦比亚武装冲突中主要的左翼反政府游击队哥伦比亚武装力量的谈判。
User: The film uses few actual photographs from Mars, opting to use computer generated animation based on the photographs and data from the rovers and other Mars probes.
Assistant: 该影片使用少量来自火星的真实影像,其他则是以来自探测车和其他火星探测器资料为基础,以电脑绘制成的影像。
User: The following information is from the International Association of Athletics Federations.
Assistant: 下列纪录均来源于国际田径联合会。
User: Additionally, during this time, seminal Texas-based bands The Dicks, MDC, Verbal Abuse, and Dirty Rotten Imbeciles (D.R.I.) relocated to San Francisco.
Assistant: 此外,在这时期几个德州出身的重要乐团The Dicks、MDC、Verbal Abuse与Dirty Rotten Imbeciles(D.R.I.)都重新以旧金山为活动区域。
User: He has two children and likes cats.
Assistant: 他们育有两个孩子,并且喜爱养猫。
User: Due to the increasing popularity of Incheon International Airport during the Games, the immigration procedures were improved to better convenience the passengers.
Assistant: 考虑到仁川国际机场在赛事期间的客流量,为方便旅客,出入境手续有所改善。
User: The atmosphere of Pluto is the tenuous layer of gases surrounding Pluto.
Assistant: 冥王星大气层是冥王星周边薄薄的气体层。
User: His wartime injuries left him permanently incapable of raising either arm more than 80 degrees.
Assistant: 受战时创伤影响,他再也无法把任何一只手上抬超过80度。
User: That is, however, only an approximation ; its accuracy increases with the size of the text.
Assistant: 此方法只是一种估计,会随着文本长度的增加而更为精确。
User: Over the last few decades, South Africa and particularly the Cape Town region has established itself as a successful call centre and business process outsourcing destination.
Assistant: 在过去几十年中,南非尤其是开普敦地区成为成功的客户中心和业务流程外判地点。
User: The Montefiore Windmill is a landmark windmill in Jerusalem, Israel.
Assistant: 蒙蒂菲奥里风车是以色列耶路撒冷的一个地标性的风车。
User: Kenna destroyed the entire banana, tobacco, and tomato crops in the rural areas of San Blas, Tecuala, and Acaponeta, leaving more than 700 subsistence farmers and their families in need of water and food.
Assistant: 肯纳摧毁了圣布拉斯、特科拉(Tecuala)和阿卡波内塔种植的所有香蕉,烟草和番茄,导致超过700户贫困农民家庭需要水和食物救助。
User: Late in his life he was briefly director of New York's Metropolitan Opera and the New York Philharmonic.
Assistant: 晚年他也短暂地担任过纽约大都会歌剧院和纽约爱乐乐团的总监。
User: Sinbad returns to Baghdad where he resumes a life of ease and pleasure.
Assistant: 辛巴达回到巴格达,在那他继续逍遥自在的生活。
User: Gerolamo Cardano published them in his 1545 book Ars Magna, together with a solution for the quartic equations, discovered by his student Lodovico Ferrari.
Assistant: 吉罗拉莫·卡尔达诺在1545年发表的著作《Ars Magna》中,同时还记录了四次方程的一种解法,这是由他的学生洛多维科·费拉里发现的。
User: An XML signature used to sign a resource outside its containing XML document is called a detached signature; if it is used to sign some part of its containing document, it is called an enveloped signature; if it contains the signed data within itself it is called an enveloping signature.
Assistant: 如果XML签名用于对包含该签名的XML文档之外的资源签名,则称为detached signature如果XML签名用于对包含它的XML文档的某个部分进行签名,则称为enveloped signature;如果XML签名包含被签名的数据,则称为enveloping signature。
User: Defying Lincoln's prediction that "the world will little note, nor long remember what we say here", the Address became the most quoted speech in American history.
Assistant: 林肯预计这一演说“将不会为世界所注意,也不会为世界所记忆”,但它却成为美国历史上被最频繁引用的演讲。
User: The German communications system permitted a degree of communication between air and ground forces.
Assistant: 德军通讯系统允许空军和地面部队进行一定程度的通讯。
User: He was the mentor of Doctor Strange and was his predecessor as Sorcerer Supreme.
Assistant: 他是奇异博士和莫度男爵的导师,也是前任的至尊魔法师。
User: During the closing months of 1899, Aguinaldo attempted to counter Otis' account by suggesting that neutral parties—foreign journalists or representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross—inspect his military operations.
Assistant: 在1899年的年底,埃米利奥·阿奎纳多试图通过提议由中立方——外国记者和国际红十字会的代表——来检查他的军事行动以反驳奥蒂斯将军的说法。
User: The 1,050th and last example, a 757-200 built for Shanghai Airlines, rolled off the production line at the Renton factory on October 28, 2004, and was delivered on November 28, 2005, after several months of storage.
Assistant: 第1,050架,亦是最后一架757客机,是属于上海航空公司,于2004年10月28日从Renton的生产线中下线。
User: It concluded that the average emissions per capita in the countries that immigrants come from is only 42 percent of average emissions in Australia, finding that as immigrants alter their lifestyle to that of Australians, they increase global greenhouse gas emissions.
Assistant: 甚至,这些调查还分析处了新移民的原国家的平均汽车排放量是澳大利亚现在水平的42%,也就是说,实际上移民澳大利亚提高了他们的生活质量同时也促进了全球的温室效应。
User: He is lonely and neglected by the adults around him.
Assistant: 冷静而孤高,对周围的人不留情面。
User: However, they also come with negative effects.
Assistant: 影响也包括负面的影响。
User: They're no longer a world power.
Assistant: 然而,俄罗斯已不再是超级大国。
User: So, they made camp there for the night.
Assistant: 霍华德当晚在那里设立了营地。
User: An extension of the tour, titled Crazy 2k, followed in March 2000.
Assistant: 巡演的加场名为Crazy 2k,亦于2000年3月开始。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: Key positions were filled out as follows: At the advent of this conference, several armed groups were immediately organized and began operating in Central Luzon.
Assistant: 关键职位的人员如下: 在这次会议来临之际,几个武装团体立即组织起来,开始在吕宋岛中部地区开展行动。
User: Recently the 2008 vintage produced a worldwide increase in price of over 125% in six months from release, which in turn has come to push some Asian countries to the top of the list of worldwide markets in which investment grade wine is purchased.
Assistant: 近年来,拉菲2008年佳酿的价格在全球范围内大幅上涨,半年之内涨幅达到125%,这促使亚洲的几个国家在购买投资级葡萄酒的国际市场上名列前列。
User: The group continued to perform until 1959, when Bob Gaudio became a member.
Assistant: 乐队持续演出至1959年鲍勃·高迪奥(Bob Gaudio)加入。
User: An "Egyptian Prophet" led thirty thousand around the Mount of Olives and sought to enter Jerusalem until stopped by Antonius Felix, a procurator after Fadus.
Assistant: 一个“埃及先知”在橄榄山附近带领了三万人试图进入耶路撒冷,却被Fadus之后的检察官Antonius Felix拦住。
User: The thickened flap/speed brake tests had been encouraging, so balsa wood strips were reinstalled on both the flap/speed brake and the elevons.
Assistant: 增厚的副翼/刹车片的测试令人满意,于是轻木条又被重新安装到了副翼/刹车片和升降舵辅助翼上去。
User: Thelma soon made landfall in Samar before weakening to a minimal tropical storm.
Assistant: 不久黛玛在萨马岛登陆,并减弱至热带风暴下限。
User: Although it was 6 kilometres (3.7 mi) long and only operated in daylight, it proved both profitable and popular.
Assistant: 它的长度只有6公里(3.7英里),并只在日间运营,但却获得很大收益并且广受欢迎。
User: Joseph, however, was not permitted to return to the Nez Perce reservation but instead settled at the Colville Indian Reservation in Washington.
Assistant: 不过山雷未被准许回到内兹珀斯保留区,而是被要求定居在了华盛顿的科尔维尔保留区。
User: Walker sent Colonel Schlessinger to invade Costa Rica in a preemptive action, but his forces were defeated at the Battle of Santa Rosa in March 1856.
Assistant: 沃克先发制人地派施莱辛格上校侵略哥斯达黎加,但他的军队在1856年三月的圣罗莎战役中被打败。
User: Gordeeva has a younger sister, Maria Alexandrovna Gordeeva (born 1975), who lives in Moscow.
Assistant: 她有个小四岁的妹妹玛丽亚(Maria Alexandrovna Gordeeva),一直住在莫斯科。
User: One consequence is that a solid body can vibrate only at isolated frequencies, given by the eigenvalues, and arbitrarily high vibration frequencies always exist.
Assistant: 由此得出的一个结果是固体只能在由特征值给出的孤立频率下振动,并且总是存在任意高的振动频率。 |
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Kaiser married the nurse who had cared for her, Alyce Chester (reportedly with his wife's blessing) on April 10, 1951.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1951年4月10日,凯萨娶了照顾她的护士,艾利丝·切斯特(英语:Alyce Chester)(据说是在凯萨妻子的祝福下)。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Theoretical models of extrasolar planets 55 Cancri e and Gliese 876 d have posited an ocean of pressurized, supercritical fluid water with a sheet of solid high pressure water ice at the bottom.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Stacy Lewis (born February 16, 1985) is an American professional golfer on the U.S.-based LPGA Tour.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
史黛西·路易斯(Stacy Lewis,1985年2月16日-),是美国职业高尔夫球手,参加美国LPGA巡回赛。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It seems to prefer acid soils.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
He had then already been given a pension by Jean-Baptiste Colbert after he solved one of Jacques Ozanam's problems.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Carl Pope, formerly the Club's legislative director, was named executive director in 1992.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
俱乐部以前的立法理事(legislative director)卡尔·波普于1992年被任命为执行理事。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Tehran's climate is largely defined by its geographic location, with the towering Alborz mountains to its north and the country's central desert to the south.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The structure was then dismantled in the summer of 2001, and transported on 35 lorry loads to Falkirk, before being reassembled into five sections on the ground and lifted into place.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
This counteracts (to some extent) the reduction in use from improved efficiency.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:这在一定程度上抵消了使用效率的降低。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
This caused a mass loss from the Sun on the order of 5−10 percent over its lifetime, resulting in a more consistent level of solar luminosity (as the early Sun had more mass, resulting in more energy output than was predicted).
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这导致大量的太阳质量损失,大约占了生命期损失的5-10%,这导致更加一致的太阳光度水准(当早期的太阳有更多的质量,到智能输出比预期更多的能量)。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
It is often beautiful, but its sentences tend to start, pause, and finish at the end of lines, with the risk of monotony.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
As of 2015, the ultimate beneficial owners were Roman Abramovich (31.03%), chairman Alexander Abramov (21.59%) and CEO Aleksandr Frolov (10.78%).
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
最终控制人为罗曼·阿尔卡季耶维奇·阿布拉莫维奇(31.03%)、 主席亚历山大·阿布拉莫夫(英语:Alexander Abramov) (21.59%)、CEO 亚历山大·弗罗洛夫(英语:Aleksandr Frolov (businessman)) (10.78%)。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
He is the son of Don Ward.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 他是邓悉的儿子。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
This loss of self within the text or immersion in the text, signifies a final impact of reading that is experienced outside the social realm and free from the influence of culturally associative language and is thus neutral with regard to social progress.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:With Fortuna he won promotion to the fourth-tier NOFV-Oberliga.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:他被授予技能赏,并被直接晋升为相扑的第三高等级的阖胁 。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
On 26 April 2010, the amendments to the Constitution were passed by a vote of 74–1 after a three-hour debate on the bill.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:2010年4月26日,该修正案在经过三个小时的辩论后以74比1的结果获得通过。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:These phases are: The Age of Pestilence and Famine: Mortality is high and fluctuating, precluding sustained population growth, with low and variable life expectancy vacillating between 20 and 40 years.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
这三个阶段分别为: 大流行与饥荒期(The Age of Pestilence and Famine):此阶段死亡率高且变化幅度大,因而妨碍了人口的增长,同时预期寿命很低,在20至40岁间浮动。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Iron compounds have been used to precipitate phosphates out of treated sewage in all nine treatment plants upstream of Barton broad, initially cutting phosphorus levels in sewage discharge by 90%.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:FHL was founded in 1904 by University of Washington Zoology Professor Trevor Kincaid, who became its first director.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
此实验室建立于1904年,创始人是华盛顿大学动物学的教授特雷弗·金凯德(英语:Trevor Kincaid),他也成为第一任所长。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
On November 25, 2014, police in Vancouver, Washington reported to the scene of a domestic dispute to find 31-year-old Sebastian T. Lewandowski with an airsoft replica of an AR-15.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 2014年11月25日,美国华盛顿州温哥华警局出勤调查一起家庭纠纷时,看到31岁的Sebastian T. Lewandowski手持仿真AR-15的软气枪,当对方拒绝放下时被警方击毙。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
The game was one of four titles featured in October 1992 by Game Player's magazine on a video tape named Game Player's Gametape for Game Boy Games, which demonstrated the game and offered a gameplay tutorial.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 游戏是1992年10月《Game Player's》杂志录像带“给Game Boy游戏的Game Player's游戏带”中四个作品之一,其中包括游戏演示和游戏系统指南。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: This babble is also one of the first indicators that an infant will begin to make in manual communication.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 这种咿呀学语也是婴儿开始产出手势传达讯息的第一个指标之一。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
In 1998, Kolind co-founded The National Competency Council (Det nationale kompetenceråd or Kompetencerådet) where he led the establishment of The Danish National Competency Accounts 1999.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1998年孔林德参与创立国家能力委员会(Det Nationale Kompetenceråd or Kompetencerådet),领导丹麦建立了1999年国家能力报表。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Contrary to what has often been portrayed in films, the orchestra did not play during meals.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 与电影中经常描绘的场景相反,管弦乐队在用餐时并不演奏。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: A figure that does not change upon undergoing a reflection is said to have reflectional symmetry.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
To date this has not been accomplished in a radical fashion anywhere except in England...
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Sforza's military qualities were mostly needed against Florence and the Pope.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
The presence of a dementor makes the surrounding atmosphere grow cold and dark, and the effects are cumulative with the number of dementors present.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In the 1988 District Board elections, the society fielded 49 candidates, the highest among political groups, and 41 of them were elected.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:1988年区议会选举,励进会派出了所有参政团体中最多的49人参选,当中高达41人当选。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
It is known only from northeastern Mindanao, including Mount Legaspi.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 其只存在于棉兰老岛的东北部地区,包括黎牙实比山(Mount Legaspi)。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Work on the cathedral, however, proceeded slowly, because the Emperor commissioned Parler with many other projects, such as the construction of the new Charles Bridge in Prague and many churches throughout the Czech realm.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:但是,主教座堂的建造进展得相当缓慢,原因是在此期间皇帝又委托帕尔莱勒同时进行许多其他项目,如在布拉格建造新的查理大桥,以及在捷克全境修建了许多教堂。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Others hypothesize a different "stage five" involving an increase in fertility.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:而其他不同的的假说中,"第五阶段"涉及生育率的提高。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
KFC was one of the first fast-food chains to expand internationally, opening outlets in England, Mexico and Jamaica by the mid-1960s.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:His 94th and last victory was a Li-2, the Russian version of the Douglas C-47, shot down on 3 September 1944 over the Karelian Isthmus.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Thirdly, Chomsky and Labov's models made it clear that intra-personal variation is common.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
第三,Labov和Chomsky的模型清楚地表明:个人内部的变异相当常见。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: It is commonly called a "parlor steel", as it is well-suited to smaller rooms.
Assistant: 这种吉他通常被昵称为”客厅钢弦“,因为他们非常适合较小的房间。
User: General Ma Zhongying's retreating army often hijacked lorries to assist in their retreat.
Assistant: 马仲英将军撤退中部队经常劫持货车以帮助退兵。
User: But the moral law contained in the Ten Commandments, and enforced by the prophets, He did not take away ....
Assistant: 但十诫所包含的道德律法,是众先知所强化的,他没有撤去。
User: In the work of early 19th century political theorists such as Alexis de Tocqueville, the term was used in discussions of elite concerns about a shift in the body politic of the Western world pronounced since the French Revolution.
Assistant: 在19世纪初的政治学家如阿历克西·德·托克维尔的著作中,这一术语被用于精英们所关注的自法国大革命后西方世界所宣称的政治实体的转变。
User: After a series of dates in North America, the band flew to London to begin recording, from 24 May to 25 June.
Assistant: 在解决完北美的些许事务之后,乐队在5月24日到6月25之间进行了专辑的录制。
User: The United States Hotel took up a full city block between Atlantic, Pacific, Delaware, and Maryland Avenues.
Assistant: 美国酒店在大西洋、太平洋、Delaware和Maryland大街之间占了一个完整的城市街区。
User: On the north side, home to African Americans in the racially segregated city, a black entertainment district reigned on Kentucky Avenue.
Assistant: 在北部,则是非裔美国人的家,这个种族隔离城市的黑人娱乐区充斥在Kentucky大道。
User: Most of them perished from disease and hunger with no heat in winter, and no laundry or bath; up to 200 a day.
Assistant: 集中营中没法洗衣或洗澡,冬天没有供暖;大多数战俘死于疾病和饥饿,每天死亡人数可达200人。
User: In either of these propositions, it does not matter logically whether we use x or some other letter.
Assistant: 在任何这种命题中,是否使用 x 或其他什么字母在逻辑上不重要。
User: Beaufort gave enthusiastic support to his friend, Sir George Airy, the Astronomer Royal and noted mathematician, in achieving a historic period of measurements by the Greenwich and Good Hope observatories.
Assistant: 蒲福还对他的另一位朋友,即担任皇家天文学家的著名数学家乔治·比德尔·艾里大力支持,让位于格林尼治和好望角的天文台在当时的经纬度量测有极大贡献。
User: During the Balkan Wars, he commanded an artillery battery on the Black Sea coast, near Varna.
Assistant: 在巴尔干战争中,他在瓦尔纳的黑海海岸附近指挥一个炮兵连。
User: He has also written for The Weekly Standard.
Assistant: 他亦曾任职周刊管理层。
User: Bofors has produced several variants of the basic Ak 5: the Ak 5B (equipped with a British 4× SUSAT optical sight but no mechanical iron sights), the Ak 5C (a modular variant designed for compatibility with various accessories), and the Ak 5D (a compact variant for vehicle crews and rangers).
Assistant: 博福斯更推出了数种衍生型,它们包括:“Ak 5B”(装上4倍SUSAT光学瞄准镜,没有机械瞄具) 、“Ak 5C”(一种能够装上各种战术配件的模组化版本)和“Ak 5D”(一种为车辆人员和游骑兵设计的紧凑版本)。
User: This group worked for five months to finish the technical details of the specification for OpenCL 1.0 by November 18, 2008.
Assistant: 5个月后的2008年11月18日,该工作组完成了OpenCL 1.0规范的技术细节。
User: They all brought back a new spirit and a new system of values.
Assistant: 但是这一次却是带着新的精神和新的方法回来的。
User: Trucks haul 95 percent of land freight in Manitoba, and trucking companies account for 80 percent of Manitoba's merchandise trade to the United States.
Assistant: 卡车运输在马尼托巴省承担了95%的陆路运输,卡车运输公司参与的贸易占到马尼托巴对美国的商品贸易的80%。
User: But anyway, it happened.
Assistant: 但是无论如何,事情已经发生。
User: Private Concession: Machampane Wilderness Camp: 10-bed luxury tented camp nestled on the banks of the Machampane River.
Assistant: 私人营地: Machampane:10个于Machampane河畔的豪华帐篷营床位。
User: Its land area is 50.819 km2 and its population was 5,800 at the 2011 census.
Assistant: 其占地面积为50.819 km2,2011年统计的人口为5,800人。
User: The hurricane weakened over Louisiana and dissipated over Arkansas on September 14.
Assistant: 风暴在路易斯安那州上空减弱,最终于9月14日在阿肯色州上空消散。
User: The proposal was modified to allow for compensating the perceived losers from the changes in the tax formula.
Assistant: 该提案被修改为允许从税务公式的变化中补偿感知的输家。
User: The official music video was released on 21 November 2014 and directed by Ben Winston.
Assistant: 歌曲的官方音乐录像带由本·温斯顿导演,于2014年11月21日发布。
User: They feel he may really be ‘possessed’.
Assistant: 当时称他能“大义灭亲”。
User: In 1997, an antibody conjugate with bismuth-213, which has a 45-minute half-life and decays with the emission of an alpha particle, was used to treat patients with leukemia.
Assistant: 在1997年,抗体结合物与铋213,其具有45分钟的半衰期和衰变与α粒子的排放,被用来治疗患者的白血病。
User: Due to population growth and encroachment around the base, concerns surrounding flights over residential areas causing noise, air pollution and endangering public safety also became controversial issues in Ginowan City.
Assistant: 由于普天间基地位于市中心,军机在住宅区中进行飞行训练造成噪音、空气污染和危害公共安全已成为宜野湾市的重大问题。
User: Some call it intimate.
Assistant: 我称之为隐形网。
User: In February 2017, it was reported that Ryan Reynolds would co-write the script with Joe Carnahan.
Assistant: 2017年2月,据报导雷诺斯将与乔·卡纳汉共同编写剧本。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: Rei goes to the library to find a book to help in the repairs and meets the librarian, a little girl named Tipi (ティピィ, voiced by: Misaki Kuno) who is constantly sad.
Assistant: 零去图书馆找如何维修的书籍时,遇见一位一直在哭泣的少女提比(ティピィ,声优:久野美咲)。
User: He also pretended at one point that he could not hear the hunters' pleas for help, instead continuing to film their struggle and putting them in greater danger.
Assistant: 他更还装作听不到猎人求助,而继续拍摄他们的挣扎,令他们置身更危险的情况。
User: Ruthie Joad: The youngest daughter, age twelve.
Assistant: 露丝·约德 (Ruthie Joad)– 最小的女儿,12岁。
User: He was kidnapped on 16 March 1978 by the Red Brigades and killed after 55 days of captivity.
Assistant: 1978年3月16日他被左翼极端恐怖组织红色旅绑架,并于55天后被杀害。
User: This state of affairs continued until the late 18th century when some of the harsher provisions of the Penal Laws were relaxed.
Assistant: 这个状况一直延续到18世纪末,直到这个时候一些严酷的法律才被放松。
User: Tear gas was first employed in August 1914 by the French, but this could only temporarily disable the enemy.
Assistant: 1914年8月,法军首先使用了催泪气体,但是这仅能使敌人暂时失去战斗力。
User: New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton declared the shooting to be an accident and that Gurley was a "total innocent".
Assistant: 纽约警局警察总监比尔·布莱顿表示这个事件是一个意外,格里是“无辜的”。
User: Nightwing deduces that she is trying to make Batman jealous, and has a laugh out of it.
Assistant: 夜翼推断她是想让蝙蝠侠嫉妒,并以此为乐。
User: When permeability μ has values other than 1 this affects Snell's law, the Doppler effect, the Cherenkov radiation, Fresnel's equations, and Fermat's principle.
Assistant: 当μ的值大于1时,会影响到包括司乃耳定律、多普勒效应、切伦科夫辐射、菲涅耳方程以及费马原理。
User: Besson wanted to shoot the film in France, but suitable facilities could not be found; filming took place instead in London and Mauritania.
Assistant: 贝松本打算在法国拍摄,但没法找到适合的取景地点,影片最终是在伦敦和毛里塔尼亚拍摄。
User: Installed LSPs can be viewed using the XP/Vista Windows Defender's Software Explorer or using third-party utilities.
Assistant: 已安装的LSP可以使用XP/Vista中Windows Defender的软件资源浏览器或第三方工具查看。
User: Titled Erkenntnis und Wirklichkeit.
Assistant: 所知实性故,名真性。
User: In the C programming language (and its close descendants such as C++ and Objective-C), static is a reserved word controlling both lifetime (as a static variable) and visibility (depending on linkage).
Assistant: 在C语言及由其衍生出的C++与Objective-C等程序语言中,“static”是用于控制变量的生命周期和连接方式(即其作用域,亦即可见性)的保留字。
User: He made extensive plant collections in the Philippines from 1904 to 1927, and also in California, Borneo, and New Guinea.
Assistant: 1904年至1927年,他在菲律宾、加利福尼亚、婆罗洲和新几内亚采集了大量植物标本。
User: Bracher wrote that the success of the modern Federal Republic had nothing to do with the "Bismarckian tradition" and stated that the "destruction of the state of 1871" was "the premiss and starting point for a new German state altogether".
Assistant: 布拉赫写道现代联邦共和国的成功与“俾斯麦时代的传统”毫无关系,并称“1871年政权的崩溃”是“全新的德意志国家的前提和起始点”。
User: A statement issued by concert promoter Live Nation blamed "the rigours involved in touring and the intense emotional strain that Amy has been under in recent weeks" for the decision.
Assistant: 音乐会发起人Live Nation发表的声明指责“涉及巡回的艰辛在最近几个星期内让艾美一直处于激烈的情绪紧张状态”的决定。
User: 1994 DNA computing DNA computing uses DNA, biochemistry and molecular biology, instead of the traditional silicon-based computer technologies.
Assistant: DNA运算(DNA computing,或译DNA计算)是一种电脑运算形式,利用DNA、生物化学以及分子生物学原理,而非传统上以硅为基础的电脑技术。
User: The coeducational association serves 5,404 members as of 2011.
Assistant: 2011年,本会服务了5,404名成员。
User: It may be described as an Empire style building that has an eight-column portico facing the Admiralty building.
Assistant: 这是一座帝国风格的建筑,8柱柱廊面对着海军部大厦。
User: Aidan Quinn and Penelope Ann Miller play Juli's parents, Kevin Weisman plays Juli's mentally disabled uncle, and Shane Harper and Michael Bolten play her two brothers.
Assistant: 艾丹·奎因与佩内洛普·安·米勒(Penelope Ann Miller)饰演朱丽的父母,凯文·韦斯曼(Kevin Weisman)饰演朱丽的智能不足的叔叔,且肖恩·哈珀与迈克尔·博尔顿(Michael Bolten)饰演她的两个兄弟。
User: Her colleagues and friends pooled their money to finance a six-month trip to England for her in hopes of improving her mood, to no avail.
Assistant: 她的同事和朋友帮她筹了笔钱,让她去英国度一个六个月的假期,希望能让她开心起来,但无济于事。
User: Regular scheduled voyages on a set route are called "line voyages" and vessels (passenger or cargo) trading on these routes to a timetable are called liners.
Assistant: 在既定航线上的常规定时航行称为“line voyage”(定期航班),而按照班次执航这类航线的船只(包括客运和货运)则称为“liner”(定期船)。
User: It particularly facilitates aggregation of data values on subsets of a key.
Assistant: 它特别有助于数据值在密钥子集上的聚合。
User: In 2017 a pizzeria will be opening.
Assistant: 2017年9月,该剧在横店开机。
User: Related to 1 and 2, the disulfide bond link two segments of the protein chain, the disulfide bond increases the effective local concentration of protein residues and lowers the effective local concentration of water molecules.
Assistant: 与1及2有关的,它会与蛋白质链的两段连结,增加蛋白质残基的局部有效浓度,并降低水分子的局部有效浓度。
User: Most of the differences in the revised budget deficit numbers were due to a temporary change of accounting practices by the new government, i.e., recording expenses when military material was ordered rather than received.
Assistant: 修订后的预算赤字数据中,大部分差异是由于新政府临时改变了会计实务,即把订购而非接收的军用物资记入费用账。
User: Its success also marked the beginning of the breach between Taylor and his mentor Namier, who wanted to write a similar book.
Assistant: 除此之外,这本书也标志着泰勒与他的导师纳米尔分道扬镳,而纳米尔亦曾有意写一本类似的专书。
User: In 2011, these concerns resulted in Italy's tourism minister blocking the Palio from being nominated for listing in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists.
Assistant: 这些担忧导致了意大利旅游部部长在2011年阻止锡耶纳赛马节被提名为联合国教科文组织 非物质文化遗产名录。
User: Jonathan Haidt proposed that one’s instant judgments about morality are experienced as a "flash of intuition" and that these affective perceptions operate rapidly, associatively, and outside of consciousness.
Assistant: 强纳森·海特(英语:Jonathan Haidt)就指出,从体验上来说,一个人对道德作出立即的判断就如同一种“瞬间的直觉”,而这些情感知觉却是在没有被意识到的情况下迅速运作且具关联性。
User: On September 6, Donald Trump, after a telephone conversation with China's Xi Jinping, said that the United States would not tolerate North Korea's provocations, although military action was not his "first choice".
Assistant: 9月6日,特朗普和习近平电话会谈或,表示美国不能忍受朝鲜的挑衅,虽然军事行动不是他的“首选”。
User: The Yongfu Pharmaceutical Factory is the oldest of these.
Assistant: 在这些公司中以永福制药厂是最古老的。
User: Some raw formats also allow nonlinear quantization.
Assistant: 某些RAW格式还允许非线性量化 。
User: Several of the genes have been identified, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2, but not all of them.
Assistant: 科学家们现在已经识别出一部分与此有关的基因,例如“BRCA1”以及“BRCA2”,但还有很多是没有被识别出来的。
User: While such emissions are common for other types of supernovae, they have never been observed for Type Ia's.
Assistant: 虽然在其他类型的超新星经常可以探测到无线电波,但在Ia型超新星中却从来没有探测到过。
User: There are also codes specifying certain monetary instruments used in international finance, e.g. XDR is the symbol for special drawing right issued by the International Monetary Fund.
Assistant: 还有一些代码用以表示在国际金融中使用的货币工具,例如XDR代表国际货币基金组织的特别提款权。
User: As smartphones overtake point-and-shoot cameras, DxO Labs started testing smartphones and other mobile devices in 2011 and introduced DxOMark Mobile in 2012.
Assistant: 随着智能手机取代傻瓜相机, DxO实验室于2011年开始测试智能手机和其他移动设备,并在2012年推出了DxOMark Mobile。
User: The resulting effect is that there are far fewer bids than there would be under normal circumstances, allowing the searcher to obtain the item for less.
Assistant: 由此产生的效应是,远少于正常情况下将会存在的出价机会允许检索者以较小的代价获取项目。
User: As large quantities of Colt .45 ACP cartridges were available; it was decided to adopt the Owen Gun for it.
Assistant: 由于陆军有大批量的柯尔特.45 ACP子弹,它们决定欧文枪需要采用这种口径。
User: Harper's, pgs.
Assistant: Potts GGs的狗。
User: King and the SCLC called on the government to invest in rebuilding America's cities.
Assistant: 金和南方基督教领袖大会号召政府投资重建美国城市。
User: These utilities are available from various manufacturers (e.g. Intel, G.Skill), or as general utilities (e.g. Linux's hdparm since v9.17, or mdtrim, as mentioned above).
Assistant: 这些实用程序可从各制造商(例如Intel、G.Skill)或作为一般实用程序(例如Linux的hdparm(英语:hdparm)自v9.17起,或者如上所述的mdtrim)。 |
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Kato explained, "I wanted it to be based on the original Super NES release rather than the PlayStation version.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Since the formation of hemozoin is essential to the survival of these parasites, it is an attractive target for developing drugs and is much-studied in Plasmodium as a way to find drugs to treat malaria (malaria's Achilles' heel).
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:由于疟色素的形成对这些寄生虫的存活至关重要,因此它是开发药物的有吸引力的靶标,并且在疟原虫中作为寻找治疗疟疾的药物(疟疾的致命弱点)的方法进行了大量研究。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:This change allows shuttle services to be run to White City from Ealing Broadway and from West Ruislip in the event of problems elsewhere on the Central line, and at certain times of the day some trains coming from central London are scheduled to terminate at North Acton .
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:These were included in a major exhibition in 2009 in the Palazzo Strozzi.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:这些都被摆放在2009年斯特罗齐宫举办的大型展览中。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: On February 11, 2015, Verizon released the Windows Phone 8.1 operating system and Lumia Denim firmware update for the Icon.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
2015年2月11日, Verizon向Lumia Icon推送了Windows Phone 8.1系统和Lumia Denim固件更新。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: CBS Records is headquartered at CBS Television City in Los Angeles.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:新的CBS Records总部设于加州洛杉矶 的CBS电视城 。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:It returned to the line early March.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 回到当初的时间线。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Hong Kong's submissions have included a large number of films set in Mainland China, including several lavish period costume dramas (1966, 1976, 1991, 2000 and 2006), two tales set against the background of the Peking Opera scene (1989 and 1993) as well as more intimate stories of rural China (1969, 1979, 1984 and 1994).
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
香港向奥斯卡奖递交的电影如下: 香港递交的电影很多都是在中国大陆拍摄,包括几出时代盛装电影(1966、1976、1991、2001和2006)、两出以京剧为背景的电影(1989、1993)、以中国农村为背景的电影(1969、1989、1984、1994)。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The course of the Nile in Sudan is distinctive.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
It targets a young readership and is owned and managed by Diligent Media Corporation.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The party was made legal again in 1991.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The lyrics were written by Pasek and Paul, except for "Start a Fire", which was written by John Legend, Hurwitz, Marius de Vries and Angelique Cinelu.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
歌词由帕塞克与保罗(英语:Pasek and Paul)创作,除了《点燃火焰》(Start a Fire),其由约翰·传奇、赫维玆、马里乌斯·德弗里斯(英语:Marius de Vries)和安吉丽·丝儿卢(Angelique Cinelu)创作。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Cynthia Lynn (born Zinta Valda Zimilis; April 2, 1937 – March 10, 2014) was an Latvian-born American actress.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
辛茜亚·林恩(Cynthia Lynn, Zinta Valda Zimilis,1937年4月2日-2014年3月10日),是一名拉脱维亚-美国演员。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
He breaks down in tears as Seth quietly leaves.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:It also houses some refineries like the Bua Group.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
The castle was abandoned in 1553, three years after Helsinki was founded in 1550 and Helsinki became strategically more important.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: At the genus level, the taxonomy has been relatively stable since 1931, but a number of additional genera have been recognized since then.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:在类属水平上,分类从1931年以来相对稳定,但自那时以来已经认识到一些其他属。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
It is less widespread in southern Europe and north Africa, where it is restricted by its need for moist soil, but is still common.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
花 果序 种子 原产于南欧和北非,现广泛被世界各地引种,作为观赏花卉栽培,对土壤要求不严,但需要阳光充分。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Dausprungas is not mentioned anywhere else.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 道斯普伦加斯不再被提及。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Giant monsters!
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Bill is summoned to Ziegler's house, where Ziegler discloses he was one of those involved with the ritual orgy, and identified Bill and his connection with Nick.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:Ziegler是参与仪式狂欢的面具人之一,并发现Bill与Nick的关系。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Critics both in China and abroad have questioned the necessity of having an expensive high-speed rail system in a largely developing country, where most workers cannot afford to pay a premium for faster travel.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:中国和境外的批评者一直质疑在大部分发展中国家建设高昂的高速铁路系统的必要性,而大多数务工人员则无力承担高铁的车票费用。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
So, in steady state operation of the converter, this means that | I o | {\displaystyle \scriptstyle \left|I_{o}\right|} equals 0 for no output current, and 1 for the maximum current the converter can deliver.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
因此,在变换器稳态运作时,意味着没有输出电流时, | I o | {\displaystyle \scriptstyle \left|I_{o}\right|} =0,此数值为1时表示变换器已经提供其最大可变换的电流。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Mongolia, with less than a million inhabitants, was considered a breakaway province of the Republic of China by most nations.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:外蒙古人口少于一百万,被大多数国家认为是中华民国的分离省份。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The new deals will bring Vice's content into more than 80 global territories by the end of 2017.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:到2017年底,这些新协议将使Vice的内容进入全球80多个地区。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:This is considered the beginning of the civil war.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:这被认为是内战的开始。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
BioShock Infinite: Mind In Revolt is a novella written by Joe Fielder and Ken Levine, offering insight to the world of Columbia and the motivations of Daisy Fitzroy, the leader of the Vox Populi.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
《生化奇兵:无限之城-反叛精神》是一本由Joe Fielder和肯·莱文(英语:Ken Levine (game developer))所写的中篇小说,内容是对哥伦比亚的世界和团体Vox Populi的领袖——Daisy Fitzroy的动机。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
They all go to the Pink Room.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 九隘皆为厅地。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Yemen has the fourth lowest Human Development Index ratings in the Arab world after Sudan, Djibouti and Mauritania.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Richelieu was then only about 95% complete.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:当时的黎塞留号只大约完成了95%。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The car is painted in Berlin Blue while the ground effects are painted a contrasting color.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:该车使用柏林蓝色烤漆,并与地面效应配对。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Until 2005 there was held separate championships for each wrestling style.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 2005年以来,世界摔角娱乐名人堂都与当年的摔角狂热DVD共同售出。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Little is known of his life as he died the age of 20 between 985 and 990.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:That same year, she starred on Broadway in The King of Friday's Men, which ran for four performances.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Apartheid Legislation in South Africa.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Some technologies provide short-term energy storage, while others can endure for much longer.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
It is considered that organisms less adapted to their environment are more likely to die having produced fewer offspring, thereby reducing their contribution to the gene pool.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The wreck leaked small amounts of oil until its gradual deterioration caused the Ministry of Defence to dispatch a team of divers to pump out all the remaining oil in June 2015.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:沉船缓慢漏油,状况逐渐恶化,直至2015年6月英国国防部派出潜水员分队,将剩余油全部排出。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: The capacity of the arena used for this edition of the World Championships was scaled down from the 12,000 seats available in the two previous events, to 7,000 for this year's tournament.
Assistant: 本届世界锦标赛所用舞台的容量从前届比赛的12,000个席位缩小到今年锦标赛的7,000个席位。
User: The men were not turned away, but were asked to remain silent.
Assistant: 这些男子并没有被赶走,但是要求保持沉默。
User: In this way, two countries in North America, ten in the Caribbean, and one in South America have received their independence from Great Britain or the later United Kingdom.
Assistant: 最终,北美的两个国家、加勒比地区的十个国家和南美洲的一个国家也都从英国获得独立。
User: Both players would win the Most Valuable Player Award.
Assistant: 两部作品均获得最佳男演员奖。
User: W3: heavy oxidation of metal and troilite (60-95% replaced).
Assistant: W3:重度的氧化金属(60-95%已被取代)。
User: Following the brief orbit of the first man-made satellite Sputnik I by the USSR in 1957, his production of nonfiction, particularly popular science books, greatly increased, with a consequent drop in his science fiction output.
Assistant: 苏联在1957年发射第一颗短轨人造卫星史泼尼克一号后,他的非文学类著作,尤其是科普作品显著增加,结果影响到科幻小说的产出,之后的四分之一世纪,他只写了四本科幻小说。
User: GoA 4 is unattended train operation (UTO) where starting and stopping, operation of doors and handling of emergencies are fully automated without any on-train staff.
Assistant: 第四等(GoA 4):无人看守运行 (Unattended Train Operation, UTO),列车自动运行及停止、开关车门和突发事件的处理均完全自动化,列车上无人员值守。
User: Rik Mayall as Carter: A participant in the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race and an accomplice in attempting to stop Manley from winning the sled dog race.
Assistant: 里克·梅奥尔饰演卡特:艾迪塔罗德狗拉雪橇比赛参赛者,他在追踪凶手,并试图阻止曼利赢得比赛。
User: Like other mussels, elephant-ears are thought to be long-lived, with lifespans from 20 to as long as 100 years.
Assistant: 跟其他蚌类一样,象耳贝的寿命很长,从20年100年不等。
User: The latter two were assassinated along with Mindaugas.
Assistant: 后两位与明道加斯同遭暗杀。
User: Pretty popular with the people here.
Assistant: 在国民之间很受欢迎。
User: See COMMENT.
Assistant: 评论参见。
User: The IBEX satellite, initially launched into a highly-elliptical transfer orbit with a low perigee, used a solid fuel rocket motor as its final boost stage at apogee, in order to raise its perigee greatly and to achieve its desired high-altitude elliptical orbit.
Assistant: IBEX卫星最初发射到了一个高离心率低近地点的转移轨道,并在最高点使用固态火箭发动机作为助推段的动力,使得它的近地点大大升高,最终进入预期的高椭圆轨道。
User: During the Fascist period, with the implementation of the policy of autarky, several swamps around the island were reclaimed and agrarian communities founded.
Assistant: 在法西斯和执行封闭政策期间,岛上的数个沼泽地被改造,并成立农业社区。
User: Msiri was the most militarily powerful ruler in the area, and traded large quantities of copper, ivory and slaves – and rumors of gold reached European ears.
Assistant: Msiri是该地区最强大的军事统治者,拥有大量铜,象牙,奴隶和黄金。
User: An important example of a system where the bandwidth-delay product is large is that of geostationary satellite connections, where end-to-end delivery time is very high and link throughput may also be high.
Assistant: 大带宽时延乘积系统的一个重要示例是地球静止轨道卫星连接,它的端到端递送时间非常高,而链路吞吐量也很高。
User: In the Russian Federation, the best examples are the Minina Skerries, located in the Kara Sea, in the western shores of the Taymyr Peninsula, and the Sumsky Skerries (Sumskiye Shkhery) 64°24′N 35°30′E / 64.400°N 35.500°E / 64.400; 35.500, located in the White Sea.
Assistant: 在俄罗斯联邦,最好的例子是位于泰梅尔半岛西岸喀拉海的米尼纳群礁(英语:Minina Skerries),和位于白海的萨姆斯基群礁(英语:Sumsky Skerries)(64°24′N 35°30′E / 64.400°N 35.500°E / 64.400; 35.500)。
User: 1980 – "O Canada" officially becomes the national anthem of Canada.
Assistant: 1980年:《哦!加拿大》正式成为加拿大的国歌。
User: Superficially, most of the Nasreddin stories may be told as jokes or humorous anecdotes.
Assistant: 从表面上看,大部分纳赛尔丁的故事都是笑话或者幽默轶事。
User: During the summer of 1996, in association with the Buddhist Association of China, more than 300 novice monks were initiated over a 108-day period.
Assistant: 1996年夏,与中国佛教协会联合举办了108天规范传戒,受戒僧人近300名。
User: Stationed far from the USSR's western border, the ТB-3s avoided catastrophic losses during the first German air strikes, after which TB-3s from 3rd TBAP (Heavy Bomber Regiment) began flying night bombing missions on 23 June.
Assistant: 由于驻扎地远离苏联西部边界,TB-3从首波德国空袭中避免了灾难性的损失,在这之后TB-3在该年6月23日起编入第三重型轰炸机团(TBAP)担任夜间轰炸。
User: The church is on the "Educational Corridor" on Mulholland Drive, on a hill overlooking the San Fernando Valley.
Assistant: 它位于穆赫兰大道的“教育走廊”上,在俯瞰圣费尔南多谷的山上。
User: Hence, scheduling is easier for institutions and industries with extended production cycles.
Assistant: 因此,对于具有延长生产周期的机构和行业,调度更容易。
User: This resulted in two judges of the Supreme Court reprimanding the central government for frequently changing its stand on the issue.
Assistant: 这导致最高法院的两名法官谴责中央政府经常改变其在这个问题上的立场。
User: Another night, Clive and Carter scatter strips of meat around the camp, which attracts a grizzly bear that tears down Kevin's tent and scares him and his dogs off.
Assistant: 一个晚上,克莱夫和卡特把一些肉放在曼利的帐篷周围,吸引一只熊破坏帐篷,使曼利和他的狗受到惊吓。
User: On February 22, 2007, Google introduced Google Apps Premier Edition, which differed from the free version by offering more storage (10 GB per user), APIs for business integration, 99.9% uptime for Gmail, and 24/7 phone support.
Assistant: 2007年2月22日 - Google 引入了 Google Apps Premier Edition,其不同于免费版,可提供更大的存储空间(10GB/帐户)、用于业务集成的 API 和 99.9% 正常运行时间的服务级别协议。
User: In November 1918, Germany capitulated and signed the First Armistice at Compiègne, which ended hostilities so a peace treaty could be negotiated.
Assistant: 1918年11月,德国投降并签署了首份《康边停战协定》,该协定结束了交战方的敌对状态,因此可以通过谈判达成和平条约。
User: She was further awarded a Commendation from the South Korean Ministry of Environment in June 2008 for her contribution in the designation of Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA #171) near the King Sejong station.
Assistant: 2008年6月,她因对世宗科学基地附近指定南极特别保护区(ASPA#171)的贡献而获得了韩国环境部的表扬。
User: The game allows two players to compete against each other, awarding bonus points and extra time to the winner of each race; both players have separate clocks.
Assistant: 游戏允许两名玩家互相竞争,并给赢家奖励分及额外时间;两个玩家的时钟是独立的。
User: He also hired one of Governor Paterson's aides, Maggie McKeon, as his communications director.
Assistant: 他还请来州长帕特森的其中一位助手玛吉·麦克科恩(Maggie McKeon)出任通信主任一职。
User: This is a common setup in banks and post offices.
Assistant: 这是银行和邮局的常见设置。
User: Of these concerns, nuclear accidents and disposal of long-lived radioactive waste have probably had the greatest public impact worldwide.
Assistant: 在这些顾虑之中,核事故和核废料处理可能在全世界最被公众所关注。
User: Domnall died, either at the palace of Cinnbelachoir (location unknown), or at Rathinveralmond (also unknown, and may be the same place, presumed to be near the junction of the Almond and the Tay, near Scone).
Assistant: 唐纳德在Cinnbelachoir宫(未知地点)或是在Rathinveralmond宫(未知地点,可能和Cinnbelachoir是同一地点,推测在阿蒙德河与泰河交界处附近或在斯昆附近)驾崩。
User: 9:24: The FAA notifies NORAD's Northeast Air Defense Sector about the suspected hijacking of Flight 77.
Assistant: 上午9时24分:FAA通知NORAD东北空防部门,美国航空77号班机已经被劫持。
User: Anything (including matter and photons) that passes through this boundary is unable to escape.
Assistant: 任何东西(包括物质和光子等)只要越过了这个边界,便无法再逃脱出去。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: A year later, the Congress officially recognized the organization.
Assistant: 翌年,正式定大理院官制。
User: In Cambodia, it is known as International Labour Day and is a public holiday.
Assistant: 在柬埔寨一般称做国际劳动节,而且是假日。
User: The dark blue field represents the Atlantic Ocean, while the circle stands for unity among the member states of NATO.
Assistant: 当中深蓝色背景代表北大西洋,而白色圆圈则象征着北约各个成员国的团结。
User: The clashes with police resulted in the death of 11 persons.
Assistant: 警方表示此次袭击造成11人死亡。
User: In the "outburst" state the brightness of the system increases by a factor of 100-10000 in both X-rays and optical.
Assistant: 在"爆发"状态下,系统的亮度在X射线和可见光都会增加100-10000倍。
User: The British Formula 3000 series was briefly known as "Formula Two" in an attempt to make its status more apparent to casual spectators.
Assistant: 英国方程式3000(British Formula 3000)系列赛通常也被称为“二级方程式”,为的是吸引更多对该赛事不了解的观众。
User: One example of this is the minimax principle for searching game trees, that eliminates many subtrees at an early stage in the search.
Assistant: 这样的一个例子就是搜索游戏树的最小化原则,其在搜索的早期消除了许多子树。
User: A number of complications may occur, with infections being the most common.
Assistant: 灼伤可能导致的并发症很多,其中感染最为常见。
User: The Washington Post writes the awakening groups caused al-Qaeda in Iraq to soften its tactics in an effort to regain public support.
Assistant: 华盛顿邮报写道:觉醒组织的行动使得伊拉克基地组织软化战术并努力尝试恢复公众的支持。
User: On 1 April 1814 he led the French Senate in establishing a provisional government in Paris, of which he was elected president.
Assistant: 1814年4月1日,他在巴黎率领法国参议院建立一个临时政府,他或推选为主席。
User: The court session took two hours, with Cox arguing for the university, Colvin for Bakke, and Solicitor General Wade H. McCree for the United States.
Assistant: 法院的审理过程花了两个小时,考克斯代表加州大学,科尔文代表巴基,副检察长韦德·H·麦克里(Wade H. McCree)代表联邦政府行政部门。
User: Unlike other street gangs, whose business was petty crime, Luciano offered protection to Jewish youngsters from Italian and Irish gangs for 10 cents per week.
Assistant: 不像其他街头帮派的小型犯罪生意,卢西安诺则提供以支付每周10美分来换取意大利和爱尔兰帮派的保护给犹太年轻人。
User: This place remains a mystery — it did not become Damascus, but is somewhere not too far from Jerusalem.
Assistant: 这个地方的确实位置是个谜,它不是大马士革,却距离耶路撒冷不太远。
User: Their geographic and social isolation from the rest of the Jewish community over the course of many centuries allowed them to develop a liturgy and set of practices that are significantly distinct from those of other Oriental Jewish groups; they themselves comprise three distinctly different groups, though the distinction is one of religious law and liturgy rather than of ethnicity.
Assistant: 他们在许多世纪中与其它犹太社区有着地理上和社会上的隔离,这让他们能够发展出与其他东方犹太人团体明显不同的礼仪和习俗;他们自己包括三个明显不同的群体,尽管这种区分是宗教律法和礼拜仪式的区分而不是种族上的区分。
User: A total of 123 people were killed due to Hurricane Manuel, at least of 104 of which were direct.
Assistant: 飓风曼努埃尔一共夺走123条人命,其中104人属风暴直接导致。
User: Sadly, this new church was very short-lived.
Assistant: 这个教堂仅仅获得了极短的寿命。
User: Initially, in the United States, PlayStation games were packaged in long cardboard boxes, similar to non-Japanese 3DO and Saturn games.
Assistant: 在日本以外,PlayStation游戏光盘最初是用纸板包装的,尺寸类似于3DO和世嘉土星游戏的包装。
User: With the completion of his fourth flight, Nagel had logged a total of 723 hours in space.
Assistant: 纳格尔第四次飞行完成后,在太空中的记录共723小时。
User: When the first graduates received their degrees in June 1991, Cariboo was renamed the University College of the Cariboo (UCC).
Assistant: 当第一批毕业生于1991年6月获得学位时,Cariboo更名为Cariboo大学学院(UCC)。
User: He gave, among other things, his own interpretation of the connection between environment and inhabitants, with parts on nourishment, living conditions, hygiene, diseases and funeral customs.
Assistant: 他提供了出其他方面之外他自己对环境和居住者之间,与部分食物、居住状况、卫生、疾病和丧葬习俗的联系的解释。
User: On 1 October 2018, he was detained by the police for being in a “forbidden area” of the airport.
Assistant: 2018年10月1日,他因身处机场禁区而被警方拘留。
User: He tells them that he will help them only if they kill the Wicked Witch of the West.
Assistant: 魔法师答应帮助他们,但是条件是他们必须要杀死西国的恶女巫。
User: The duo asserted their intention of portraying other children as treating him as an equal, while stressing the importance of both including a mentally-disabled character who is "happy to be ", and representing him "as part of the gang and not as the subject of cruel schoolyard humor".
Assistant: 两人表示打算平等地对待他与其他儿童角色,同时强调“乐于做自己”的性格,并让他成为主角们的玩伴,而不是采用校园霸凌的残酷主题。
User: The composition of some meteorites show that differentiation took place in some asteroids.
Assistant: 有些陨石的构造显示在一些小行星也发生了分异。
User: Clearly, this computation depends on chordality.
Assistant: 这一结晶过程依赖于稀释度。
User: Merchandise is also available from other retailers.
Assistant: 是否包含其他物品则看零售商。
User: It was believed these were destined for the Syrian government.
Assistant: 据信这批物资是提供给叙利亚政府的。
User: A similar interpretation was expressed by C.H. Tong in 2005.
Assistant: C.H. Tong在2005年也提出了类似的解释。
User: The market draws visitors from throughout the world, including a visit by Queen Elizabeth II during her 2011 state visit in 2011.
Assistant: 现在英国市场已经成为一个旅游景点,英国女王伊丽莎白二世也在2011年访问了英国市场。
User: This phase can last for months or even years.
Assistant: 这种影响可能持续数月甚至数年之久。
User: Although humans are great at recognizing faces under normal viewing angles, upside-down faces are tremendously difficult to recognize.
Assistant: 尽管人类在正常视角下识别面部非常擅长,但是倒置的面部非常难以识别。
User: Fortunately, whether the ordered pair is type-level by definition or by assumption (i.e., taken as primitive) usually does not matter.
Assistant: 幸运的是,无论有序对是通过定义或通过假定(就是作为原始概念)而类型齐平,通常是不重要的。
User: Thirdly, bulk of 9th Army surrounded.
Assistant: 第三,第9军团的主力部队已被包围。
User: In addition to possible physical, social, and psychological harm, use of some drugs may also lead to criminal penalties, although these vary widely depending on the local jurisdiction.
Assistant: 滥用这些药物除了可能会造成身体、社会和心理上的伤害,也可能会导致被刑事处罚,这两种都很大取决于地方审判。
User: The two players can either cooperatively complete the waves or attack each other while competitively defeating enemies.
Assistant: 这两名玩家既可以合作完成每波,也可以在击败敌人的同时互相攻击。
User: The BRO consists of Border Roads Wing under the Ministry of Defense and the General Reserve Engineer Force (GREF).
Assistant: 行政人员来自边界道路工程局(英语:Border Roads Engineering Service)和隶属于总预备工程师(英语:General Reserve Engineer Force)(GREF)。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: Libya is not issuing tourist visas now.
Assistant: 柬埔寨不提供过境签证。
User: Lina was already a Nazi Party follower; she had attended her first rally in 1929.
Assistant: 莉娜本人已为纳粹党追随者,1929年第一次参加纳粹集会。
User: Over time, Indians became prosperous and dominated much of the Ugandan economy, which prompted the rise of resentment and Indophobia.
Assistant: 随着时间的推移,印度人变得繁荣和主宰整个经济,导致一些乌干达人的愤慨。
User: Phase II (1987–1990) To improve data quality, the project's scope was altered to include collection of production-critical equipment data only.
Assistant: 阶段 II (1987-1990) 为了提高数据质量,项目在此阶段的目标被调整为仅收集对生产有关键影响的设备数据。
User: From 1985 to 1987, Liu felt that he didn't have enough knowledge and he studied in special class for cadre of Beijing Normal University for 3 years.
Assistant: 1985年到1987年,刘恒感觉自己知识和文化水平不够,又在北京师范大学干部专修班学习了3年。
User: Hadamard also founded the modern school of linear functional analysis further developed by Riesz and the group of Polish mathematicians around Stefan Banach.
Assistant: 雅克·阿达马还创立线性泛函分析的现代流派,并由弗里杰什·里斯和一批围绕着斯特凡·巴拿赫(Stefan Banach)的波兰数学家群体(英语:Lwów School of Mathematics)进一步发展。
User: The concept of a labor aristocracy is controversial between Marxists.
Assistant: 劳工贵族的概念在马克思主义者之间是有争议的。
User: Economic cooperation between Israel and Azerbaijan has been growing significantly.
Assistant: 以色列和阿塞拜疆之间的经济合作一直在大幅度增长。
User: The musical Godspell (1971), had similar religious themes (albeit with a less controversial treatment) and pop/rock influences.
Assistant: 音乐剧《Godspell(英语:Godspell)》(1971)有着相似的宗教主题(尽管争议更少)和相似的流行与摇滚影响力。
User: However, according to Matthew Jebb and Martin Cheek, N. tobaica can grow as high as 2750 m.
Assistant: 但依马修·杰布和马丁·奇克而言,多巴猪笼草可生长于海拔高达2750米的地区。
User: Most often infants do not produce a blend of language styles while babbling however, may switch between languages.
Assistant: 大部分婴儿在牙牙学语时不产出混合语言型式;然而,这可能在语言间互相切换。
User: An alternative is oral progestogen taken at intervals (e.g., every three months) to induce a predictable menstrual bleeding.
Assistant: 其中一种替代方案即是定期服用一次口服助孕素(例如,每三个月)以诱发可预测的月经出血。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: Different procedures may be most appropriate, depending on circumstances.
Assistant: 更复杂的事需视情况而定。
User: Videos online also showed demonstrations in the northern city of Noshahr, with protesters shouting "death to the dictator".
Assistant: 北方城市瑙沙赫尔也有示威,示威者高呼“独裁者死亡”。
User: The jury should consist of a variety of members in terms of age, gender and background.
Assistant: 选出的评委团必须具有性别、年龄和背景的代表性。
User: He is currently the Dallas Cowboys assistant strength and conditioning coach.
Assistant: 现为杭州围棋队队员兼助理教练。
User: However, he became less and less convinced by Trotsky's position, and broke with the group in 1939.
Assistant: 然他渐对托氏之立场失去兴趣并于1939年与其决裂。
User: It was Prior's last major work.
Assistant: 它是高迪的第一件重要作品。
User: Most of its territory is now part of White Mountain National Forest.
Assistant: 其大多数土地现已划归白山国家森林。
User: Protests occurred in many towns in both the north and south of Yemen starting in mid-January 2011.
Assistant: 2011年1月中在也门北与南部的许多城镇开始爆发抗议活动。
User: The two unchanged 2p orbitals form a pair of weaker π bonds.
Assistant: 两个不变的2p轨道形成一对较弱的。
User: Eagle was elected to the Shadow Cabinet in October 2010 and was appointed by Ed Miliband to be Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury.
Assistant: 2010年10月当选为影子内阁成员,并由爱德·米利班德任命为影子财政部首席秘书。
User: An acoustic version of the song, along with a video documenting the recording process, was released in November 2013.
Assistant: 该曲的不插电版本以及录制过程纪录片于2013年11月发行。
User: Sebastian Castellio (also Sébastien Châteillon, Châtaillon, Castellión, and Castello; 1515 – 29 December 1563) was a French preacher and theologian; and one of the first Reformed Christian proponents of religious toleration, freedom of conscience and thought.
Assistant: 塞巴斯蒂安·卡斯特留(法语:Sebastian Castellio,亦写作Châtaillon、Castellión或Castello,1515年-1563年12月29日),法国传教士和神学家,16世纪宗教自由及良心自由的主要倡导者。
User: Not every transitional form appears in the fossil record, because the fossil record is not complete.
Assistant: 化石纪录并不完整,不是所有的过渡生物都会出现在化石纪录中。
User: Between then and around 1851, when the number of planets had reached 23, astronomers started using the word asteroid for the smaller bodies and then stopped naming or classifying them as planets.
Assistant: 大约在1851年间,这些天体的数量达到23颗,天文学家开始改用小行星这个字眼来称呼这些体积较小的天体,并且不再以行星命名与将它们归类为行星。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: Miniaturized satellites allow for the opportunity to test new hardware with reduced expense in testing.
Assistant: 微型卫星提供了一个廉价的测试新硬件的机会。
User: Polling showed that most Americans agreed some tax increases were necessary, but that the greater obstacle was the loss of trust and respect for Bush.
Assistant: 投票结果显示,大多数的美国民众是接受一些赋税需要上调的,但最大的问题在于布什丧失的信任和尊重。
User: Many international organizations have condemned this as being military use of children.
Assistant: 许多国际组织都认为这一行为是剥削。
User: Both these canals are currently under restoration.
Assistant: 目前这两列列车尚在修复中。
User: BIG Something is now touring nationally.
Assistant: 目前,这种技艺已经走向全国。
User: While no individual can be said to have invented rock and roll, Chuck Berry comes the closest of any single figure to being the one who put all the essential pieces together.
Assistant: 没有单独一个人可以说发明了摇滚,查克·贝里比任何人都更接近,他是把所有关键碎片拼合到一起的人。
User: In 2012, A. L. Arefyev published a new study "Russian language at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries", in which he confirmed his conclusion about the trend of weakening of the Russian language after the Soviet Union's collapse in various regions of the world (findings published in 2013 in the journal "Demoskop Weekly").
Assistant: 2012年A. L. Arefyev发布了新的学术研究“俄语在20-21世纪的转变”,其中他得出结论在世界各地俄语趋于进一步的衰落(见于2013年出版的期刊Demoskop Weekly(俄语:Демоскоп Weekly))。
User: Response was positive, sales boomed and China became Standard Oil's largest market in Asia.
Assistant: 此举获得了积极反应,中国成为标准石油在亚洲的最大市场。
User: Alexander was a first lieutenant in the Army during World War I and was appointed acting assistant surgeon at Camp Greene in Charlotte, where she performed medical inspections of the school children and grappled with the devastation wrought by the 1918 flu pandemic.
Assistant: 第一次世界大战期间,亚历山大以中尉的军衔服役,在夏洛特格连营地(英语:Camp Greene)任外科助理医师,在此期间,她参与进行学龄儿童医学体质调查,参与防治1918年大流感. 。
User: But they were deceived by Melkor, who had secretly darkened the hearts of many of the men.
Assistant: 意外获得蛇族大军的劳埃德,决定率领它们来打倒忍者们。
User: The descriptions of the allophones in this section come from Ó Sé (2000:20–24); the pronunciations therefore reflect the Munster accent of the Dingle Peninsula.
Assistant: 这个部分关于同位音的描述会来自于Ó Sé (2000:20–24);因此发音反应的是丁格尔半岛芒斯特口音。
User: Animals also interact differently to Link’s four forms.
Assistant: 动物亦与四种型态的林克做出不同的互动。
User: Alloys with lower karat rating, typically 22k, 18k, 14k or 10k, contain higher percentages of copper or other base metals or silver or palladium in the alloy.
Assistant: 在22k、18k、14k或10k的合金中,会含有较高成分的铜、银、钯或其他卑金属。
User: The past gives us pleasure and is of more service than the present; but the delight of what we once felt is dimly lost never to return and its memory is as distressing as the events themselves were then delectable ...
Assistant: 美好的记忆取悦我们,比现时享乐更加卓有成效;然而,旧时心悦之物已成浮光掠影,一去不回,关于它们的记忆令人痛苦,只因物是人非。
User: They also used novel electronic instruments such as the Mellotron, with which McCartney supplied the flute voices on the "Strawberry Fields Forever" intro, and the clavioline, an electronic keyboard that created the unusual oboe-like sound on "Baby, You're a Rich Man".
Assistant: 他们还使用了一些早期的电子乐器,比如麦卡特尼在《Strawberry Fields Forever》开头使用的Mellotron(英语:Mellotron)电子琴衬托长笛的旋律,以及《Baby You're a Rich Man》中Clavioline(英语:Clavioline)电子琴模拟类似双簧管的声音。
User: On 20 June, Army forces were slowly but steadily advancing in the Al-Murj area of Eastern Ghouta, where they had captured several towns, and were also advancing in the Sayyidah Zaynab area.
Assistant: 6月20日,政府军在东古塔地区的Al-Murj地区缓慢而稳固的进展,在该地攻占了多座城镇,并且在Sayyidah Zaynab地区取得进展。
User: In a November 1965 essay titled How to Make a March/Spectacle, Ginsberg advocated that protesters should be provided with "masses of flowers" to hand out to policemen, press, politicians and spectators.
Assistant: 1965年11月,艾伦·金斯堡发表了以“如何能有进展或景象”(How to Make a March/Spectacle)为题的文章,他提出示威者应将“群众的花儿”(Masses of flowers)给予警察、传媒、政治家和旁观者。 |
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Gathered resources can be stored by the player until they become overencumbered, forcing them to either unload the materials into a nearby storage box or truck for later transport to a manufacturing plant, where the gathered resources can be refined and used in order to manufacture supplies, weapons and ammunition, as well as fortifications and vehicles.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 收集到的资源可以由玩家存储,直到资源集中在一起,迫使玩家把材料存放在储物箱或卡车中,以便运输到制作厂,在那里需要先精炼所收集到的原材料,精炼后材料可以到制作厂制作供应品,武器和弹药,以及建造防御工事和载具。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
As this drama unfolds, we see the lives of the poor but proud people living there; fishermen wanting to harvest shellfish from a small lagoon they have been forbidden to use because of an alleged problem with bacteria, a small child dies of an unknown illness, a young man wins the right to court the 16-year-old daughter of a neighbor, after proving himself in a local aquatic jousting tournament.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
It identifies sixty-eight specific programs in these areas, each with a long-term goal and expected outputs and physical investments required within ten years.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
This explains why firms tend to either be in different geographic locations or to perform different functions.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 这解释了为什么企业之间要么位处于不同的地理位置,要么履行不同的机能。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Telecommunications equipment providers, convinced that the future economy would require ubiquitous broadband access, went deeply into debt to improve their networks with high-speed equipment and fiber optic cables.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
A place may incorporate as a town with the support of 300 electors or two-thirds of the registered electors.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
This decision, however, was not without controversy, as many board members believed that it should not be down to the Port Authority to "beautify the town".
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The play is set in the fictional town of Blackrock, and the rape and murder victim is named Tracy.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:剧中情节发生在虚构的黑岩镇(Blackrock),受害人名叫特雷西(Tracy)。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: To remedy this, the four associations met in Manchester on 6 December 1882 and agreed on one uniform set of worldwide rules.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 为解决问题,本土四个足球总会在1882年12月6日出席在曼彻斯特举行的会议,成立国际足球协会理事会并订定一套统一的国际通行的足球条例。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Cultural economics is the branch of economics that studies the relation of culture to economic outcomes.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 文化经济学 是经济学的一个分支,研究文化对经济成果的影响。 |
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Tamil content (produced locally or abroad) is available on free-to-air and cable television as well as radio channels, and in libraries, cinemas, theatres and bookshops.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Applications of LC-MS to MFA, however, are rare.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 然而,LC-MS在代谢通量分析中的应用并不常见。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
What else is there to say?
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 你还有什么话要说吗?
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 1769, St. John's Island (now Prince Edward Island) became a separate colony.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Dwarves are detailed as a race for the Forgotten Realms setting in Dwarves Deep (1990).
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 矮人作为被遗忘的国度设定中的一个种族,于地下矮人 (1990)中被详细描述。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The population of Padstow civil parish was 3,162 in the 2001 census, reducing to 2,993 at the 2011 census.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:据2001年人口普查,帕德斯托有人口3,162人,2001年减少至2,993人。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The Netcraft Extensions for Chrome, Firefox and Opera also perform this check, whilst looking for potentially compromised certificates.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
In 1934, the Austrian Civil War broke out.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The perpetrators involved in the November 2015 attacks in Paris were based in Molenbeek, and Brussels was locked down for five days to allow the police to search for suspects with the military standing guard.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 2009, he performed in Australia for the first time, presenting two sold-out concerts at Sydney's Lyric Theatre.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
2009年,他首次在澳大利亚举办演唱会,在悉尼的Lyric Theatre 剧场连续两场演唱会票售罄。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Finally we define what a query expression looks like given a schema S = (D, R, h): { v : H | f(v) } where v is a tuple variable, H a header and f(v) a formula in F where type = { (v, H) } and with v as its only free variable.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
最后给定一个模式 S = (D, R, h) 我们定义查询表达式为: { v : H | f(v) } 这里的 v 是元组变量,H 是一个表头而 f(v) 是 F 中的公式,其中 type = { (v, H) } 并带有 v 做它的唯一自由变量。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Escape from New York was released in the United States on July 10, 1981.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:《纽约大逃亡》于1981年7月10日在美国上映。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
If black holes that small exist, they are most likely primordial black holes.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:但如果它们存在,它们极有可能是微黑洞。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
At a conference in September 1906, many of the disagreements over the ship's design were resolved.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The flux of the quasar at z = 6.28, however, was effectively zero beyond the Lyman-alpha limit, meaning that the neutral hydrogen fraction in the IGM must have been larger than ~10−3.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:然而,红移量为 z = 6.28 {\displaystyle z=6.28} 的类星体,在超越莱曼α线限制的通量为0,也就是说中性氢在IGM的分数必须已经大于10−3。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
In August 1826 Russian Foreign Minister Nesselrode rejected a proposal by Metternich to convene a congress to discuss the events that eventually led to the outbreak of civil war in Portugal.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:1826年8月沙俄外相内斯尔罗德拒绝了梅特涅提议召集大会去讨论将导致葡萄牙自由战争爆发的一系列事件。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In nearby Ballygar, two barns were destroyed, one of which had debris strewn over a wide area.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The bra is sometimes viewed as an icon of popular culture that eroticizes girls' breasts as sexual objects.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 胸罩有时被视为流行文化图标,使女性的乳房成为一个性感的性对象,。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The North American continent is represented by 120 members (20 Canadian, 13 Mexican and 87 U.S. citizens).
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Throwback Thursday.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
It does not include statistics for bus or light rail systems (see: List of United States light rail systems by ridership for the latter).
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
它并不包含公共汽车或者轻轨系统的数据(轻轨部分详见:美国轻轨列表(英语:List of United States light rail systems by ridership))。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: According to Malthus, humanity is largely destined to live in poverty because an increase in productive capacity results in an increase in population.
Assistant: 根据马尔萨斯所云,人类注定要生活于贫困中,因为生产能力的增加导致人口的膨胀。
User: The motorway will have 12 service areas, 10 rest areas, 11 interchanges, 10 flyovers, and 426 underpasses.
Assistant: 全线设置服务区12个、休息区10个、互通式立交11个、立交桥10个以及地下通道426个。
User: Ronald Gërçaliu (German: Ronald Gercaliu, pronounced ; born 12 February 1986) is an Albanian-born Austrian footballer.
Assistant: 罗纳德·格尔恰柳(德语:Ronald Gercaliu;1986年2月12日-)是一位出生在阿尔巴尼亚的奥地利足球运动员。
User: He added: "It was the first peak of a darker energy that we discovered".
Assistant: 他又说道:“这是我们发现的黑暗能量的第一个高峰。
User: Similarly, the rings must be electrically isolated from each other and their environment.
Assistant: 同样,也必须将导电环与彼此及周围的环境电气隔离。
User: The mixed Papal army was composed mainly of Hungarian, Polish, Bohemian (whose combined armies numbered 15,000) and Wallachian (7,000) forces, with smaller detachments of Czechs, Papal knights, Teutonic Knights, Bosnians, Croatians, Bulgarians, Lithuanians and Ruthenians.
Assistant: 教皇军以匈牙利人,波兰人和波西米亚人为主体(共计15,000人上下),还有瓦拉几亚人 (7,000) ,另有小部分捷克人,教宗骑士,条顿骑士,波斯尼亚人,克罗地亚人,保加利亚人,立陶宛人和罗塞尼亚人(乌克兰人)。
User: Some authors define the port numbers with ports 3 and 4 interchanged.
Assistant: 然而,部分作者定义了端口号3和4互换的端口号。
User: The Essai sur les fondements de la psychologie represents the second stage of his philosophy, the fragments of the Nouveaux essais d'anthropologie the third.
Assistant: 《心灵学基础论》(L'Essai sur les fondements de la psychologie)代表着他的思想的第二阶段,而《人学新论》(Nouveaux essais d'anthropologie)的片断则属第三阶段。
User: On Martinique, one person drowned and some towns were flooded.
Assistant: 马提尼克有多个小镇被淹,还有一人淹死。
User: In most practical computer vision applications, the computers are pre-programmed to solve a particular task, but methods based on learning are now becoming increasingly common.
Assistant: 在最实用的计算机视觉应用中,计算机是基于被预先编程的方法来解决特定的任务,但是,基于学习的方法在现在变得越来越普遍。
User: Legislative guidelines are provided under CLIA 88 (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) which regulates Medical Laboratory testing and personnel.
Assistant: 另外,临床实验室改进法案修正案(Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments),即也对检测和人员方面作出了相应的规定。
User: If any one of the above steps fails, then the TLS handshake fails and the connection is not created.
Assistant: 如果上述任何一个步骤失败,TLS握手过程就会失败,并且断开所有的连接。
User: The extreme southwestern coast of the island includes a large collapsed submarine caldera.
Assistant: 在这个岛的西南角有一个大的倒塌了的海底破火山口。
User: This led to a push by drug companies and the federal government to expand the use of painkilling opioids.
Assistant: 这导致药厂和联邦政府推动扩大对鸦片类药物的使用。
User: A large leather camera strap is included with the words "CAMERA GRAND PRIX 2007".
Assistant: 亦配有一个皮革制成的印有文字"CAMERA GRAND PRIX 2007"字样的相机包。
User: The first call from the scene to emergency services was received at 10:11 a.m.
Assistant: 现场于上午10点11分打出了第一通紧急服务电话。
User: In 1991, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Azerbaijani fleet of the Soviet Navy was divided between Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation.
Assistant: 1991年苏联解体,苏联里海舰队被阿塞拜疆和俄罗斯联邦瓜分。
User: A headless system is typically controlled over a network connection, although some headless system devices require a serial connection to be made over RS-232 for administration of the device.
Assistant: 无头系统通常通过网络连接控制,但也有部分无头系统的设备需要通过RS-232串行连接进行设备的管理。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: By 2000, the use of the four-glass test by American urologists was rare, with only 4% using it regularly.
Assistant: 美国泌尿外科医生使用4-glass test目前是十分罕见,经常使用它的只有4%。
User: In the year 167 AH/ 783 AD, al-Mahdi instituted an official inquisition which led to the execution of alleged Zindiq (heretics).
Assistant: 在公元783年,马赫迪开展了一次运动,导致大量异教徒(Zindiq)的处决。
User: Currently the group is basically inactive, yet not formally self-dissolved.
Assistant: 目前该组织基本上是不活跃的,但是还没有正式解散。
User: Its headquarters is in Stockholm.
Assistant: 它的总部位于斯德哥尔摩。
User: The game utilizes arcade flight mechanics; focusing on action, as opposed to a realistic portrayal of the physics of flight.
Assistant: 这些游戏不同于军事模拟飞行所用的飞行模拟器,没有实际飞行驾驶舱等逼真的物理模仿。
User: Du Bois paid his way through three years at Harvard with money from summer jobs, an inheritance, scholarships, and loans from friends.
Assistant: 杜波依斯利用暑假打工、遗产、奖学金,以及来自朋友们的借款支付了哈佛大学三年的学费。
User: With the development of space travel, as well as in hypothetical observations from other points in space, the notion of phase angle became independent of Sun and Earth.
Assistant: 随着太空航行的发展,以及从太空中其他地方假设的观测,让相位角的观念不再只限于太阳和地球之间的系统。
User: The limited test was later replaced with a beta version available to all Google Account holders, around the same time as an official announcement press release was issued.
Assistant: 随后限制性测试被替换为面向所有Google帐户拥有者的beta版本。
User: Almost all aspects of society (business, media, production) were nationalized or brought under government control (including the Boy Scouts).
Assistant: 几乎所有的社会团体(如商业、媒体、生产团体)皆变为国有化或受到政府控制,这也包含了童军组织。
User: By 18:37, the German fleet had made it back to the defensive minefields surrounding their bases.
Assistant: 至18时37分,德国舰队已经返回其基地周围的防御雷区。
User: The present and first past tenses are inflected, while the second and third past and both future tenses are different words marked by auxiliary verbs.
Assistant: 现在或及第一过去式是屈折变化,而第二及第三过去式及未来式会根据助动词稍为作出改变。
User: Over half of the park is designated the Hawaii Volcanoes Wilderness area, providing solitude for hiking and camping.
Assistant: 超过一半的公园被指定为夏威夷火山荒野(英语:Hawaii Volcanoes Wilderness)地区,并提供不寻常的徒步旅行和露营的机会。
User: Many digital fonts are offered in a range of styles for different sizes, especially designs sold for professional printing use by companies such as Adobe.
Assistant: 许多数字字体提供各种不同尺寸的样式,特别是Adobe Originals(英语:Adobe Originals)等公司专业打印使用的设计。
User: Additional liberation methods supported by Marxist feminists include radical demands coined as "Utopian Demands" by Maria Mies.
Assistant: 除此之外由马克思主义女性主义者支援的解放方法包括激进要求发明“乌托邦式的要求”,如玛丽亚.密斯(英语:Maria Mies)(Maria Mies)。
User: In 1908, he won a scholarship from the École Coloniale (Colonial School) to begin his training as a teacher at the École Normale of Melun (Seine-et-Marne).
Assistant: 1908年,获得殖民学校(École Coloniale)的奖学金,开始了在默伦殖民学校(位于塞纳-马恩省)的实习教师生涯。
User: Detection of particular antibodies is a very common form of medical diagnostics, and applications such as serology depend on these methods.
Assistant: 检测特定的抗体是一种常见的医学诊断方式,而血清学方面的应用便依赖于此。
User: She was 12 years old when he died.
Assistant: 她死的时候十二岁。
User: Mesih and his elder brother, Khass Murad, were captured during the fall of Constantinople and raised as pages under the auspices of Mehmed II.
Assistant: 梅西赫和他哥哥哈斯·穆拉德在君士坦丁堡失陷时被俘虏,并在苏丹穆罕默德二世的保护下作为侍从逐渐长大。
User: Since 2000 it is maintained by 3GPP2 as N.S0005 and since 2004 it is named 3GPP2 X.S0004.
Assistant: 从2000年开始,它由3GPP2维护,被称为N.S0005,从2004年开始,被命名为3GPP2X.S0004。
User: Scientific medicine has evolved slowly over the last few millennia and very rapidly over the last 150 years or so.
Assistant: 货币政策,有些像似是而非的科学原理,在最近的150年发展的非常迅速,尤其在最后这50年。
User: He denied those allegations, but was later dismissed as Managing Director by Odnoklassniki and in November 2009 after the first day of trial in the Royal Courts of Justice in London I-CD completely dropped all charges against Albert Popkov and Odnoklassniki after Albert Popkov and Odnoklassniki agreed to pay i-CD an undisclosed amount of cash in settlement of the case against them.
Assistant: 但在2009年11月英国伦敦皇家法院首个审判日后,I-CD及其CEO阿拉斯泰尔·克劳福德撤销了所有指控,前提是阿尔伯特·波普科夫和Odnoklassniki为此支付I-CD一笔不公开数额的现金作为赔偿。
User: Between 2006 – 2008, he also completed an HNC (Higher National Certificate) Business and Finance from Sheffield Hallam University.
Assistant: 在2006年到2008年之间,利昂‧泰勒完成商业与金融课程,自谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学取得国家高等教育证书(英语:Higher National Certificate)(HNC)。
User: In Patna, only one castle remained standing, with the rest of the city being turned to rubble.
Assistant: 在西塔马尔希,没一间房子保持正常,在巴特那,只有一座城堡得以幸免,城市的其余部分变为瓦砾。
User: The structures were temples for the god Ala/Uto, who was believed to reside at the top.
Assistant: 该建筑被认为是神的庙宇,Ala/Uto被认为居住在顶部。
User: The main clusters of the Perseus–Pisces Supercluster are Abell 262, Abell 347, and Abell 426.
Assistant: 英仙-双鱼超星系团中主要的星系团是艾伯耳262、艾伯耳347和艾伯耳426。
User: Progress Quest also pokes fun at traditional RPG races, classes, stories, quests, items, and more.
Assistant: Progress Quest 也嘲笑 传统角色扮演游戏的种族、职业、故事、任务、物品等等。
User: News magazines generally go more in-depth into stories than newspapers, trying to give the reader an understanding of the context surrounding important events, rather than just the facts.
Assistant: 新闻杂志普遍较报纸深入报道,让读者了解周遭重大事件的背景,而不限于事实表面。
User: However the mass is only minimum because the inclination of the orbit is not known.
Assistant: 质量仍然只是下限,因为轨道倾角仍然不知道。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: After ageing, rum is normally blended to ensure a consistent flavour.
Assistant: 陈酿后,通常会将朗姆酒进行调味混合,以确保风味的一致。
User: The annual St. Louis Wine Festival, Beer Heritage Festival, and St. Louis Micro-Fest (a microbrewery showcase festival) also are hosted in Forest Park.
Assistant: 一年一度的圣路易斯葡萄酒节、啤酒文化遗产节、和圣路易斯微思忒(一个酿酒展示节)也都在森林公园举办。
User: In 1604, upon rumors that Maria had met the pretender the False Dmitry, who posed as her son, she was called by Godunov, who questioned her, but she denied having met Dmitry and was sent back to the convent.
Assistant: 1604年,有传闻指出玛丽亚和冒充为她儿子的伪德米特里会面,且因此被戈东诺夫叫去问话,但她否认有见过伪德米特里,并在问话结束后被送回修道院。
User: Therefore, it is necessary to progressively include in the relevant market the products to which consumers would most likely switch in response to a relative price rise, repeating the exercise at each stage until a collection of products is reached that is worth monopolising.
Assistant: 因此,有必要逐步将消费者最可能因相对价格调高而转移的产品纳入相关市场中,重复此一步骤,直到纳入的一堆产品值得独占为止。
User: Asynchronous serial communication is a form of serial communication in which the communicating endpoints' interfaces are not continuously synchronized by a common clock signal.
Assistant: 异步串行通信是一种串行通信,其通信的端点不是被共同的时钟信号持续对齐。
User: With Northwood, the Pentium 4 came of age.
Assistant: Northwood带来Pentium 4时代。
User: Net 5 was launched by the SBS Broadcasting Group as their second commercial channel in the Netherlands next to SBS6.
Assistant: Net 5由SBS广播电视集团成立,是荷兰继SBS6后第二个商业性电视频道。
User: The aim is to analyze this circuit to find three items: the gain, the output impedance looking into the amplifier from the load, and the input impedance looking into the amplifier from the source.
Assistant: 分析此电路的目的是求三个项目:增益、从负载端看过去的输出阻抗、以及从输入源看过去的输入阻抗。
User: Supported by the 1st Infantry Division and the 10th Special Forces Group, the 4th Infantry Division was to assemble in Turkey and use its heavy mechanized brigades to attack through Tikrit and eventually assist V Corps, which would attack from the south, in surrounding Baghdad.
Assistant: 而第4步兵师则在第1步兵师和陆军第10特战群(英语:10th Special Forces Group)的支援下,于土耳其集结、接着动用其重机械化旅从伊拉克境内的提克里特展开攻势,最后去支援从南部攻入、包围首都巴格达的第5军(英语:V Corps (United States))。
User: When the Sun is low above the horizon, sunlight rays must penetrate the atmosphere for a greater distance, reducing the intensity of the direct light, so that more of the illumination comes from indirect light from the sky (Thomas 1973, 9–13), reducing the lighting ratio.
Assistant: 当太阳接近地平线时,太阳光在大气层中移动了较长的距离,直接照射大地的比例低,因此光线较多来自于天空中的非直射光(Thomas 1973, 9-13)。
User: With the exception of Château Haut-Brion from Graves, all of the red wines in the 1855 Classification are from the Médoc.
Assistant: 除了来自格拉夫的侯伯王(Château Haut-Brion),1855年波尔多酒庄分级体系中的所有红葡萄酒都来自于梅多克。
User: It is presumed to have been partially oceanic, living its life in a way similar to the modern marine iguana.
Assistant: 克劳迪欧蜥被推断是部分海生动物,方活方式类似现代的海鬣蜥。
User: Dionysius, the tyrant of Syracuse, aiming at hegemony in Magna Graecia, captured Croton in 379 BC and held it for twelve years.
Assistant: 锡拉丘兹的暴君狄奥尼修斯为争夺大希腊的霸权,于公元前379年攻占克罗顿,并维持统治12年。
User: The Spaniards destroyed much of the Incan culture and introduced the Spanish culture to the native population.
Assistant: 西班牙人摧毁了所有的印加文化,并且将西班牙文化带到当地取而代之。 |
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
In June 1940 the British Army had 22 infantry divisions and one armoured division.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The paper used was produced in the city's paper mill at the Limmat, also operated by Froschauer.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
All designs on 20 February 1937 failed to meet the original twenty-tonne weight limit and were projected at 23–25 tonnes.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
By definition, it is equivalent to half of the height of the font (e.g. in 16 point type it is 8 points).
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The province's first health care facility, the Charlottetown Hospital, was opened by the Diocese of Charlottetown in 1879, which was followed by the publicly operated Prince Edward Island Hospital in 1884.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:市内首间医院夏洛特敦医院(英语:Charlottetown Hospital)于1879年开幕,由天主教夏洛特敦教区营运,而公营的爱德华王子岛医院(英语:Prince Edward Island Hospital)则于1884年开幕。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
In addition to this list of over 200 NOCs, the participation of National Paralympic Committees (NPCs) at the Paralympic Games requires standardised IOC codes, such as Macau (or as "Macau, China" since 1999) and the Faroe Islands, coded MAC and FRO respectively.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:除了列出超过的200个国家奥委会(NOC)外,参加残奥会的各个国家残奥委会(NPC)也需要标准化的国际奥委会代码,如澳门和法罗群岛,分别编码为 MAC 和 FRO。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The community takes special pride in the fact that no alcohol is allowed there.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Due to increasing air pollution and research priorities switching back to night-time astronomy, scientific observations of the sun were ceased in the 1980s.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:由于空气污染的增加已经研究重点逐渐转移到夜间天文学1980年代里停止太阳观测。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Public Broadcasting Service has more than 350 member television stations, many owned by educational institutions, nonprofit groups affiliated with one particular local public school district or collegiate educational institution, or entities owned by or related to state government.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: MRI is more sensitive and specific than CT.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: MRI比CT更为敏感和具有特异性。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Font: Text can be written vertically.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:1811 Amedeo Avogadro proposes Avogadro's law, that equal volumes of gases under constant temperature and pressure contain equal number of molecules.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
1811年 阿莫迪欧·阿伏伽德罗提出了阿伏伽德罗定律,即同温同压下相同体积的气体含有相同的分子数。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Because this line had steep inclines, but connecting this isolated branch to the main traction network would have been very expensive, the Deutsche Reichsbahn electrified it in 1965 with a 25 kV 50 Hz system, which was different from the usual German catenary supply of 15 kV 162⁄3 Hz.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Actually, the Soviets desired a common front of the Bulgarian communist agriculturists and the Bulgarian-Macedonian societies to destabilize the Balkan Peninsula.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
This is against the law that sets the maximum interest rate at 20%.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:在税制改革方面,果断实施了将法人税实际税率下调至20%左右等举措。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
In the US state of Indiana, the economic development agency included in its 2006 plan for acceleration of economic growth encouragement for cities and towns to adopt local smoking bans as a means of promoting job growth in communities.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In the Agreement, Japan agreed not to issue passports for Japanese citizens wishing to work in the continental United States, thus effectively eliminating new Japanese immigration to the United States.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在协议中,日方同意停止发放护照给有意愿前往美国工作的公民,以此法有效渐减日裔美国移民数量。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: It is a form of government in which all adult citizens are presumed to be eligible to participate equally in the proposal, development, and creation of laws.
Assistant: 在这种政体中,所有成年人都被认为有资格平等地提出与制定法律 。
User: Some viewed Norton 360 as a response to Microsoft's antivirus software, OneCare.
Assistant: 很多人认为诺顿360是用作回应微软的防毒软件(OneCare)。
User: E.g. ∀xPx may be read (Pa & Pb & Pc &...) where a,b,c are individual constants replacing all occurrences of x in Px.
Assistant: 比如,∀xPx 可以读做 (Pa & Pb & Pc &...) 这里的 a,b,c 是个体常量替代了在 Px 中的所有 x 的出现。
User: An oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) may be normal or mildly abnormal in simple insulin resistance.
Assistant: 葡萄糖耐受测试可能在单纯胰岛素抗性中显示正常或中度不正常。
User: The story follows sixteen-year-old Thomas, portrayed by O'Brien, who awakens in a rusty elevator with no memory of who he is, only to learn he's been delivered to the middle of an intricate maze, along with a large number of other boys, who have been trying to find their way out of the ever-changing labyrinth — all while establishing a functioning society in what they call the Glade.
Assistant: 故事讲述16岁少年汤玛士(迪伦·奥布莱恩 饰)从一个生锈的电梯中醒过来,记忆模糊并忘记了自己是何人,只是得知自己与一众男孩被送往一个神秘的地方—错综复杂的迷宫中央,他们不断试图在变化多端的迷宫中寻找出路—同时在他们称之为“迷宫幽地”的地方建立起一个正常运作的社会。
User: It resulted in some members of the committee only attending the hearings infrequently as there was little for them to do.
Assistant: 与此同时,这也导致一些成员很少参加听证会,因为他们实在没什么事情可做。
User: The optimal habitat of P. terribilis is the rainforest with high rain rates (5 m or more per year), altitudes between 100 and 200 m, temperatures of at least 26 °C, and relative humidity of 80–90%.
Assistant: 金色箭毒蛙的最佳栖息地点是有着高降雨量(5米或更多)、海拔在100-200米内、气温至少26°C以及相对湿度为80-90%的雨林。
User: He is estranged from his father.
Assistant: 他与他的生父疏远。
User: A total of 22 C-69s were completed before the end of hostilities, but not all of these entered military service.
Assistant: 在敌对行动结束之前共完成了22架C-69飞机,但并非所有这些飞机都服役。
User: She got much smarter in the third season.
Assistant: 她在第三季中出演甚多。
User: The printing house began operation in 1851 and became the largest institution in a town which already had highly developed printing houses.
Assistant: 上述印刷厂于 1851 年开始运作,而且在印刷厂高度发达的该镇中,成为最大的机构。
User: WMP also writes the same values as described above, and reads the same way as well, EXCEPT for the cutoff between 4 and 5 stars, which is slightly different and basically of no consequence.
Assistant: WMP也以上述方式读写相同的值,除了4到5星之间有着些微莫名的不同。
User: The local government in Montserrat mobilized the 100 member police force and 50 off-duty volunteer army members.
Assistant: 蒙塞拉特岛地方政府动员100名警员和50名正在休假的志愿军人。
User: By 1935 the French Infantry had not yet developed a satisfactory medium tank.
Assistant: 1935年时,法军步兵单位尚未发展出一辆令人满意的中型坦克。
User: Constructive Interference between these modes can cause the laser light to be produced as a train of pulses.
Assistant: 这些模式之间的干涉会使激光产生一系列的脉冲。
User: The teachings were written in various Bahá'í writings.
Assistant: 这些教义被书写在大量的巴哈伊文献中。
User: The scan is done every minute, and the information is posted almost instantly on the app.
Assistant: 每分钟完成一次扫描,信息几乎立即被上传至该应用上。
User: To was found unconscious in changing room while training on 19 March 2019 at the Florida, United States, at the age of 26.
Assistant: 2019年3月18日(美国时间,即香港时间3月19日早上),他于美国佛罗里达州训练期间晕倒,送院后离世,终年26岁。
User: In November 2013, Bob Weinstein revealed that he and Darabont were developing a 10-part television series based on the film.
Assistant: 2013年11月,鲍伯·温斯坦(英语:Bob Weinstein)透露,他和达拉本特正在制作一部基于电影的10集电视剧。
User: Romans of literary or rhetorical inclination looked to Greek models, and Greek literature of all types continued to be read and produced both by native speakers of Greek and later by Roman authors as well.
Assistant: 罗马人的文学或修辞学倾向的希腊文学的模式,所有类型的希腊文学除了由使用希腊语的母语人士继续深耕之外,罗马作家对于希腊文学的贡献也是不遗余力。
User: Shortly after graduating from law school, he was commissioned as the only major in the 11th Kentucky Cavalry, serving under Confederate Brigadier General John Hunt Morgan during the American Civil War.
Assistant: 从坎伯兰大学毕业后不久,他获委任为肯塔基第11骑兵队中唯一的少校,在南北战争期间受南军准将约翰·亨特·摩根指挥。
User: He had four brothers and one of those brothers was a priest.
Assistant: 有四个兄弟和一个姐姐,他的两个兄弟都是神父。
User: The 1992 films Indochine and The Lover inspired several international fashion houses to design ao dai collections, including Prada's SS08 collection and a Georgio Armani collection.
Assistant: 1992年电影《印度支那》和《情人》启发多家国际时装公司设计长袄系列,包括普拉达的SS08系列和乔治·阿玛尼系列。
User: Part of the reason Santoro was cast over other actors was because his physique was deemed attractive; however, the writers said that they were not interested in writing for his character with that in mind, nor did he want them to.
Assistant: 桑托罗入选部分还因为他的外貌比其他试镜演员更具吸引力,不过编剧表示他们在创作这个角色时并未考虑这点,演员也没有希望人物朝该方向发展。
User: This campaign marked the beginning of the Gulag, and some scholars have estimated that 70,000 were imprisoned by September 1921 (this number excludes those in several camps in regions that were in revolt, such as Tambov).
Assistant: 这次战役标志着古拉格的建立,而且一些学者估计70,000人在1921年9月被捕(这个数字不包括那些在叛乱地区的集中营的人,如坦波夫)。
User: As per Noam Chomsky, analysis of the psychological implications of wage slavery goes back to the Enlightenment era.
Assistant: 哲学家诺姆·乔姆斯基分析了工资奴隶,认为这起源于启蒙时期。
User: It has become one of the most important short film festivals in the UK and usually runs in early November, with venues including the Phoenix Square.
Assistant: 这已成为英国最重要的短片电影节之一,通常在11月初举行,有多个举行场馆,包括凤凰艺术中心(Phoenix Arts Centre)。
User: Jay Wolpert developed a script in 2001, and Stuart Beattie rewrote it in early 2002.
Assistant: 杰·沃尔伯特于2001年根据主题公园景点开发了一个剧本,斯图尔特·贝亚蒂耶于2002年初予以改写。
User: Tanabe states that Kant did not take the critique of reason far enough.
Assistant: 和田现子表示,不明白被批评的理由。
User: Some people claim that only the 10% most historic of all wrecks belong to states.
Assistant: 而有些人认为,只有10%最具历史意义的沉船属于州。
User: The vineyards of Mendoza totalled 1,000 ha in 1830 but grew to 45,000 in 1910, surpassing Chile which had during the 19th century a larger area planted with vines and a more modern industry.
Assistant: 门多萨的葡萄种植面积从1830年的1,000公顷成长到1910年的45,000公顷,超越了在19世纪时拥有较大栽种面积与新科技的智利。
User: Early on June 7, the tropical storm warning on the Gulf Coast of Florida was expanded to include Boca Grande to the Steinhatchee River in Florida, before being canceled a few hours later.
Assistant: 6月7日清晨,佛罗里达州墨西哥湾沿岸地区的热带风暴警告生效范围延伸到包含该州斯坦亥琪河(Steinhatchee River)至博卡格兰德,再于数小时后中止。
User: In 1996, the sales and administration offices were also moved from London to Mobberley.
Assistant: 1996年销售和行政部门也从伦敦搬到了Mobberley。
User: As a result of their cultural movement, the people of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) gradually became aware of their rights which turned the movement towards political protests.
Assistant: 由于他们的文化运动,东巴基斯坦(现孟加拉国)的人民逐渐意识到他们的权利,使这一运动转向政治抗议。
User: A 1998 study of the hormone secretin reported improved symptoms and generated tremendous interest, but several controlled studies since have found no benefit.
Assistant: 1998年的研究荷尔蒙促胰液素(secretin)报告症状改善和产生了极大的兴趣,但是一些对照研究,没有发现任何好处。
User: The Falashas in Ethiopia and Israel: the problem of ethnic assimilation.
Assistant: 族群迁徙及同化:分类械斗决定台湾族群分布。
User: Two days later contract with company who introduced the cheapest offer was signed.
Assistant: 两天后,建设方与报价最低的公司签署了合同。
User: Though the simultaneous bilingual child learns two languages at once, this does not mean that he or she speaks them with identical competence.
Assistant: 虽然同时双语孩子学习一次两种语言,这并不意味着他或她讲他们具有相同的能力。
User: Mandela was initially forbidden to wear sunglasses, and the glare from the lime permanently damaged his eyesight.
Assistant: 一开始,曼德拉被禁止戴墨镜,石灰折射的强光使他的视力永久性受损。
User: According to Shakespearean scholar James Shapiro, in Julius Caesar, "the various strands of politics, character, inwardness, contemporary events, even Shakespeare's own reflections on the act of writing, began to infuse each other".
Assistant: 莎士比亚的研究学者詹姆斯·夏皮罗认为,在《朱利叶斯·凯撒》中,各种政治、人物、本性、事件的线索,甚至莎士比亚自己创作过程时的想法,交织在一起互相渗透。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: Images appeared based on this description and became very popular with romantic historians.
Assistant: 这个概述基于这个说明,并在浪漫历史学者之中非常有声望。
User: It is the thermal resistance of unit area of a material.
Assistant: 是一材料单位面积下的热阻。
User: Herring are among the most spectacular schooling fish.
Assistant: 鲱鱼形成了最为壮观的集群鱼类。
User: 15.4 percent of the population claimed to be members of a visible minority.
Assistant: 市内人口中有15.4%宣称自己属可见少数族裔。
User: Hachette (French pronunciation: ) is a French publisher.
Assistant: 阿歇特出版公司(法语:Hachette Livre,法语发音:)是一家法国出版社。
User: Unless BITMAPCOREHEADER is used, uncompressed Windows bitmaps also can be stored from the top to bottom, when the Image Height value is negative.
Assistant: 但如果使用的不是BITMAPCOREHEADER,那么未压缩的Windows位图还可以从上到下存储,此时图像高度为负值。
User: In 197, however, Philip was defeated in the Battle of Cynoscephalae by the Romans and was forced to surrender.
Assistant: 然而在公元前197年,腓力被罗马人在库诺斯法莱打败且被迫投降。
User: When Netscape was acquired by AOL he wrote a bulletin explaining the nature of the Free Software Mozilla code.
Assistant: 当Netscape被AOL收购时,他撰写了一篇文章解释自由软件Mozilla程式码的性质。
User: Motoki, who was expecting the "wonderful" Israeli submission to win, was also surprised; he described himself as a "hanger-on who just observes the ceremony", and regretted "not walk with more confidence" upon his arrival.
Assistant: 本木雅弘原本预计胜出的会是以色列电影,他也对这一结果感到意外,他说自己“只是颁奖典礼上一个旁观的食客”,还对自己入场时“没有走得更有信心”感到遗憾。
User: Shortly afterwards, on 2 January 1757, Calcutta itself was taken with similar ease.
Assistant: 未几,在1757年1月2日,加尔各答也回到英国人手中。
User: 'Smoke control areas' were introduced in some towns and cities where only smokeless fuels could be burnt and power stations were relocated away from cities.
Assistant: 一些城镇设立了'烟雾控制区域',只允许烧无烟燃料,发电厂被移除城市。
User: In 2009, Stewart McPherson wrote that the species is "widespread" across its range and that most populations are "remote and not generally threatened at present".
Assistant: 2009年,斯图尔特·麦克弗森写道该物种“分布广泛”,并且大部分种群“位于偏远地区,目前一般不会濒危”。
User: Seeing Ved-ava boded ill, most often drowning.
Assistant: 看见韦季-阿瓦则预示不吉利,最常见的是溺水。
User: First of all this edition supports six Samsung Galaxy devices so far: the S6, S6 edge, S6 edge+, Note 5, S7, and S7 edge.
Assistant: 首先,此版本目前支持六种三星Galaxy设备:S6,S6边缘,S6边缘+,Note 5,S7和S7边缘。
User: On February 26, 2006, Microsoft announced the editions of Windows Vista to be released to retail and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).
Assistant: 2006年2月26日,微软宣布将向零售和原始设备制造商(OEM)发布Windows Vista版本。
User: Thus God maketh plain to you (His) revelations, that haply ye may reflect.
Assistant: 这是属于真主的迹象,以便他们觉悟。
User: They learn that Byak-ko recently wiped out an underground resistance movement, except for Millie and Jeanne, the two daughters of its leader.
Assistant: 他们得知白虎最近消灭了一个地下抵抗组织,只有领导者的两个女儿贞德和米蕾尤活了下来。
User: In the beginning of the 1870s, Spring-heeled Jack was reported again in several places distant from each other.
Assistant: 1870年代初,弹簧腿杰克再度出没于几处相距遥远的地方。
User: Emperor Henry II died in 1024.
Assistant: 1024年皇帝亨利二世逝世。
User: Another time, Elliot risked expulsion from the public-speaking club by refusing to give a political speech, believing that Christians were not to involve themselves in politics.
Assistant: 另一次,艾略特冒着被驱逐出公共演讲俱乐部的风险,拒绝发表政治演讲,认为基督徒不应参与政治。
User: Under the acid conditions the dye is normally a brownish colour but on binding to the protein the blue form of the dye is produced.
Assistant: 在酸性环境中,这种染料通常呈现棕红色,但是结合了蛋白质之后,染料形成蓝色形态。
User: Iran has been accused by its critics of censoring more Internet sites than any other nation except China.
Assistant: 伊朗一直被指责为除了中国外自我审查过多的国家。
User: The Houston Public Library has 36 branches throughout the city, plus the Central Library, located Downtown.
Assistant: 休士顿公共图书馆在全城有36个分馆,加上位于下城的中央图书馆。
User: Among the peoples represented were Poles (about 50% or less of the total population), Lithuanians, Latvians, Rus' people (corresponding to today's Belarusians, Ukrainians, Russians or their East Slavic ancestors), Germans, Estonians, Jews, Armenians, Tatars and Czechs, among others, for example smaller West European groups.
Assistant: 典型的民族包括波兰人(至多占总人口50%)、立陶宛人、拉脱维亚人、罗斯人(相当于现在的白俄罗斯人、乌克兰人、俄罗斯人或他们的东斯拉夫人祖先),德意志人、爱沙尼亚人、犹太人、亚美尼亚人、鞑靼人、和捷克人,而其他民族包括人数较少的西欧民族。
User: Fighting games are a type of action game where two on-screen characters fight each other.
Assistant: 格斗游戏属于动作游戏的一种类型,萤幕上的角色彼此互相打斗。
User: Quantum flux parametron, a related digital logic technology.
Assistant: 量子通量参量(英语:Quantum flux parametron),相关的数字逻辑技术。
User: The World Bank estimates that the health costs of water pollution in India equal three percent of India's GDP.
Assistant: 世界银行估计印度水污染造成的保健费用约占国内生产总值的3%。
User: This followed a popular outcry in Andalusia for its own right to autonomy, with a total of over a million and a half people demonstrating in the streets of most Andalusian towns and cities on 4 December 1977, while the constitution was still being drafted.
Assistant: 安达鲁西亚地区开始争取自治权利,超过一百万人在1977年12月4日走上安达鲁西亚的街道,争取自治权利。
User: The Pre features three input sensors that allow it to respond to its surroundings.
Assistant: Pre有三个传感器使它能了解到周围的环境。
User: The Jesuits has kept the plans for the church; however, they did not rebuild in Intramuros and transferred to Loyola Heights, Quezon City and erected the Church of the Gesù there.
Assistant: 战后,耶稣会并未重建教堂,而是迁往奎松市的罗耀拉高地,兴建耶稣教堂(Church of the Gesù)。
User: Five Types of Systems Philosophy.
Assistant: 有五种法摄大觉地。
User: The National Assembly began the process of drafting a constitution.
Assistant: 国民议会开始了起草宪法的工作。
User: About the mill itself nothing is known.
Assistant: 因此,针妙丸本人对于万宝槌的事情是一无所知。
User: He actually falls in love with Midori, but because of his dark past, he cannot show his feelings directly.
Assistant: 其实,他喜欢翠,但因为他黑暗的过去,他不能直接表露自己的感情。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: After his death, her mother remained in Indochina with her three children.
Assistant: 父亲病逝后,她母亲带着三个孩子依旧留在了印度支那。
User: Since its establishment by the Department of Public Information in January 2006, the Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme has developed an international network of civil society groups and a multi-faceted programme that includes: innovative online educational products, youth outreach, DVDs, seminars and training programmes, a film series, book signings, a permanent exhibit at United Nations Headquarters in New York City, and the annual worldwide observance of the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust.
Assistant: 自2006年1月成立以来,大屠杀与联合国宣传方案已经建立了由民间社会团体组成的国际网络, 并通过与世界知名的教育机构合作,赢得了大屠杀和种族灭绝研究领域专家的支持,从而拟定了内容丰富的方案,包括:为联合国新闻干事举办的讨论会,与大屠杀有关的各种主题展览,著名学者起草的讨论文件,小组讨论,电影系列,针对宣传者的创新性在线信息产品,在联合国总部举办的长期展览和每年为缅怀大屠杀受难者举行的国际纪念日纪念活动。
User: Data warehouses began to be developed in the 1980s to integrate these disparate stores.
Assistant: 资料仓储在1980年代起开始兴起,目的是整合这些不同来源的数据。
User: They separated in 2011.
Assistant: 她们在2011年分开。
User: October 10 - October 13, 1837 – The French army besieges and captures Constantine in French Algeria.
Assistant: 1837年10月13日法国军队占领君士坦丁以及今天阿尔及利亚的整个北部。
User: If Cyclopropylmethyl chloride is reacted with ethanol and water then a mixture of 48% cyclopropylmethyl alcohol, 47% cyclobutanol and 5% homoallyl alcohol (but-3-enol) is obtained.
Assistant: 用氯甲基环丙烷与乙醇和水作用时,可以得到48%的羟甲基环丙烷、47%的环丁醇及5%的高烯丙基醇。
User: One of the factors was the influence of the Ottoman empire authorities who started a forced sedentarization of the Bedouin living on its territory.
Assistant: 其中一项因素是受到奥斯曼帝国政府的影响,他们强迫贝都因人在其领土定居。
User: In topology, a topological space with the trivial topology is one where the only open sets are the empty set and the entire space.
Assistant: 在拓扑学中,带有密着拓扑(trivial topology)的拓扑空间是其中仅有的开集是空集和整个空间的空间。
User: On December 10 a low-level circulation developed within the system, though its convection had become disorganized and well-removed from the center.
Assistant: 12月10日,系统发展出下层环流,但对流杂乱无章而且远离中心。
User: According to Ethnologue, there are about 180 languages spoken in the Philippines.
Assistant: 按照《民族语》记载,菲律宾人使用大约180种语言。
User: He initially fled to Austria, but later turned himself in to the authorities.
Assistant: 他本人则先逃往奥地利,之后前往阿根廷。
User: Matthew Humphreys portrayed the vampire Dixon, and considers him a "deeply misunderstood" character.
Assistant: 马修·汉弗莱斯扮演吸血鬼狄克逊,觉得这是个受到很深误解的角色。
User: They decide to stay there for the winter.
Assistant: 一家会一起待至冬天的来临。
User: This mite was accidentally introduced into Germany from Chile in 1958; it was subsequently shipped to other parts of the world, including California and Florida, from Germany.
Assistant: 本属物种最初是在1958年意外从南美洲的智利引入德国,然后再扩散到北美洲的加州及佛罗里达州。
User: Lee Quigley, who played Superman as a baby in the 1978 film, died in 1991 at age 14 of solvent abuse.
Assistant: 李奎格利在1978年超人电影扮演一个婴儿,在1991年因滥用溶剂(solvent abuse)去世,享年14岁。
User: In 2003, Turkish-Algerian ministers sign a security memo against drug, human trafficking and organized crimes.
Assistant: 2003年,土耳其-阿尔及利亚部长签署了关于禁止毒品,贩卖人口和有组织犯罪的安全备忘录。
User: In 2010 the maternal mortality rate was 440 per 100,000 births, compared to 373.1 in 2008 and 484.4 in 1990, indicating a decline in perinatal care following the 2009 coup.
Assistant: 2010年,孕产妇死亡率为每10万活产儿中440例,与1990年的484.4例相比有所下降,但与2008年的373.1例相比又有所上升,表明2009年政变发生后围产期保健存在问题。
User: It allowed Britain to concentrate the majority of its efforts against the colonial possessions of the French-led coalition, while Prussia bore the brunt of the fighting in Europe.
Assistant: 它允许英国集中主要精力于争夺由法国领导的同盟的海外殖民地,并且让普鲁士承担在欧洲的主要战事。
User: Margelov also said that Syrian methods hamper implementation of inevitable reforms.
Assistant: 马尔格洛夫同时表示,现在叙利亚的行事方法阻碍了不可避免的改革的发生。
User: It’s the educational system that’s declining.
Assistant: 这种教育制度走向衰微。
User: Frequently, cryosurgery is used in conjunction with liver resection, as some of the tumors are removed while others are treated with cryosurgery.
Assistant: 通常,冷冻手术与肝切除术一起使用,因为一些肿瘤被去除,而另一些则用冷冻手术治疗。
User: As early as the 16th century, many prominent people correctly believed that the North Pole was in a sea, which in the 19th century was called the Polynya or Open Polar Sea.
Assistant: 早在16世纪,许多杰出的人士认为,北极是一个大海,它在19世纪被人们称为冰间湖(英语:Polynya)或开放极地海洋。
User: Leonard Hayflick of the University of California, San Francisco, a former editor of Experimental Gerontology, writes: The International Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine is not a recognized scientific journal.
Assistant: 加州大学旧金山分校的Leonard Hayflick曾是《实验老年医学》的编辑,他写道: 《国际抗衰老医学期刊》不是一本公认的科学期刊。
User: In 1938 the Austrian political cabaret writer Jura Soyfer and the composer Herbert Zipper, while prisoners at Dachau Concentration Camp, wrote the Dachaulied, or The Dachau Song.
Assistant: 1938年,奥地利政治歌舞秀作者Jura Soyfer与作曲家Herbert Zipper关押在达豪集中营时作了“达豪之歌”(Dachaulied)。
User: An impressive canon can be seen in front.
Assistant: 炮塔后面有一段凸出。
User: Tracking areas can be grouped into lists of tracking areas (TA lists), which can be configured on the User Equipment (UE).
Assistant: 多个跟踪区可以被划分到同一个跟踪区列表(TA list)中,跟踪区列表(TA list)可以被配置在用户设备(UE)上。
User: This often occurs in chat rooms, through newsgroups, and by sending hate e-mail to interested parties.
Assistant: 这通常发生在聊天室,通过新闻组,并向有兴趣的各方发送仇恨电子邮件。
User: Three submunitions increase the size of the lethal area, increasing the probability that the target will be hit by at least one submunition.
Assistant: 3枚子弹头增加了杀伤区域范围,增高了至少一枚击中目标的概率。
User: Medieval: Total War was of a larger scope than Shogun: Total War, spanning a larger time period and the entirety of Medieval Europe.
Assistant: 《中世纪:全面战争》的范围和时代比《将军:全面战争》更广,跨越了整个中世纪欧洲。
User: Mesihi's not-especially voluminous diwan has not been printed.
Assistant: 而Debian、CentOS两个至关重要的发行版并不销售。
User: Franchi, owned by SOCIMI until the bankruptcy and undoubtably the entity behind the development of the SOCIMI weapons system, offered shortly the Type 821-SMG as the "Franchi LF-821" with no success; it was ultimately acquired by the Beretta Holding and as such stopped development and production of all strictly military-oriented firearms.
Assistant: 被索斯米所持有、直到破产为止的弗兰基,无疑是索斯米武器系统发展背后的实体;他俩很快就将821式冲锋枪型号改称为“弗兰基LF-821”,结果亦并无得到成功;它最终被贝瑞塔控股公司所收购,因此停止了所有严格的军用枪械的研发和生产。
User: Liberal feminism is the belief that individuals should be free to develop their own talents and pursue their interests.
Assistant: 自由女性主义主张,每个人都应该自由地发挥自己的天赋,追求自己的兴趣爱好。
User: He is widely recognized as a pioneer in the field of aviation medicine.
Assistant: 他被广泛认可为航空医学领域的先驱。
User: He answered many allegations that had been made about him, including claims that he had secretly been seeking the Democratic gubernatorial nomination all along, that he had ambitions of succeeding Senator William Joseph Deboe, and that following the nominating convention, he had agreed to speak on behalf of the Goebel ticket.
Assistant: 他对许多有关自己的传言作出回应,如声称他一直在谋求民主党州长候选人提名,还有野心争夺威廉·约瑟夫·德博伊(William Joseph Deboe)的联邦参议员职位,并且在提名大会后还曾同意代表格贝尔发表演说表示支持。
User: The circuit was made safer and there were no fatalities until 1980.
Assistant: 赛道变得更加安全,并且直到1980年都没再发生致命事故。
User: It ended in a complete victory for Valdemar.
Assistant: 此战结束了瓦尔德马四世的全面胜利。
User: This allows these pairs of calibers to be used in the same firearm with only a change of barrel, recoil spring and magazine.
Assistant: 这使得相同的枪械只需要在枪管、复进簧和弹匣之间进行转换就能够使用这一对口径之一。
User: We're very different speaking to our friends than to our boss, or when we're in school with a teacher.
Assistant: 在男朋友面前会很谄媚地说话,与在学校时完全不同。
User: Phase III: Complete Migration.
Assistant: 第四阶段:新移民的到来。
User: Christians in Rome were also in touch with St. Peter and St. Paul the Apostle, both of whom went to Rome on mission and were eventually martyred there.
Assistant: 使徒彼得和保罗都曾前往罗马传教,接触当地的基督徒,并最终在那里殉道。
User: In California some sparkling wine grapes are harvested in late July to early August at a slightly unripe point to help maintain acidity in the wine.
Assistant: 加利福尼亚一些气泡酒用葡萄产区会在七月末到八月初采摘未成熟的葡萄,以保证其酸度。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: God's desire in creation was that God's creations ultimately will recognize God's unity and overcome evil; this will constitute the perfection (tikkun) of creation.
Assistant: 他们又认为真主所造之物是受他的支配,生命的意义是为了崇拜他。
User: Napoleonic nationalism and republicanism were, at first, inspirational to movements in other nations: self-determination and a consciousness of national unity were held to be two of the reasons why France was able to defeat other countries in battle.
Assistant: 拿破仑的民族主义和共和主义在刚开始时激发了其他国家的类似运动,民族自决以及一个民族的统一意识被视为是法国得以在战役中击败其他各国的主要因素。
User: U.S. Embassy Prague, "Literary Centenary", Oct 2014.
Assistant: 美国驻捷克大使馆,《文学百年纪念》,2014年10月。
User: Air pollution risk is a function of the hazard of the pollutant and the exposure to that pollutant.
Assistant: 空气污染风险是污染物危害和暴露在污染物下所产生的负面功能。
User: It is known that in 1838, two skin specimens were received by the British Museum.
Assistant: 大英博物馆于1838年接收了两个标本。
User: In 1951 Lipski moved to the USA and represented the Polish Government in Exile.
Assistant: 1951年,利普斯基移居美国,代表波兰流亡政府。
User: The term "concrete mathematics" also denotes a complement to "abstract mathematics".
Assistant: 另外,concrete mathematics也意味着对于抽象数学(abstract mathematics)的补充。
User: Kubrick later commented, however, that if he had realized how severe the censorship limitations were going to be, he probably would never have made the film.
Assistant: 库柏力克后来表示,如果他早知道审查制度会如此严格,他恐怕就不会拍摄这部影片了。
User: The videos were played in the Senate on February 6, featuring 30 excerpts of Lewinsky discussing her affidavit in the Paula Jones case, the hiding of small gifts Clinton had given her, and his involvement in procurement of a job for Lewinsky.
Assistant: 2月6日这些录像在众议院会议上放映,录像主要由30段录像片段组成,其中包括莱文斯基谈论她在琼斯案中的宣誓书,藏匿克林顿所赠小礼物,以及克林顿参与帮助莱文斯基谋职的事情。
User: In February 2007 Minneapolis City Council member Don Samuels suggested burning North down.
Assistant: 2007年2月,明尼阿波利斯市议员唐·塞缪尔斯(Don Samuels)建议放火把这所学校给烧了。
User: In 2006, the UK Royal Society announced that it had discovered a two-headed fossil of Hyphalosaurus, the first recorded time that such a reptile has been found fossilized.
Assistant: 在2006年,英国皇家学会宣布他们发现一只双头离龙类化石,目前已知最早的双头爬行动物化石。
User: The protestors fought the armed forces and defended themselves with sticks and pillboxes.
Assistant: 抗议者与武装部队作战,并用棍棒和药盒保卫自己。
User: In 2008, the party moved somewhat to the political right, emphasising the liberal economic or libertarian components of its party programme, and changed its name from New Alliance to Liberal Alliance.
Assistant: 2008年,该党逐渐倾右,强调党纲内的经济自由主义部分,并更名为自由联盟。
User: Some of these reports bordered on economic spying, detailing the activities of local competitors and opponents of large U.S. companies present in the region, such as the United Fruit Company and International Harvester.
Assistant: 其中的一些报告是经济谍报,详细描述美国大公司如联合果品公司在当地的竞争对手和反对者的情况。
User: Cattle are also raised and marketed.
Assistant: 谷粒、牲畜也得以进口、配发。
User: Let π : E → B be a fiber bundle with abstract fiber F and let f : B′ → B be a continuous map.
Assistant: 令 π : E → B为以F为纤维的纤维丛,并令f : B′ → B为任意连续映射。
User: Blencathra sailed for Spitsbergen, but was stopped by ice, so she returned to Tromsø.
Assistant: 布连卡萨拉号朝着斯匹次卑尔根岛方向航行,却被浮冰所阻挡,所以只好返回特罗姆瑟。
User: For example, it may be a reference to the biblical story of the Tower of Babel, where God destroys a tower built by mankind to reach Heaven.
Assistant: 据《圣经》记载,巴别塔是当时人类联合起来兴建,希望能通往天堂的高塔。
User: In October 2011, she founded the Free Enterprise Group, which has been supported by over 40 other Conservative MPs.
Assistant: 2011年10月,她创立了由其他40多名保守党议员支持的自由企业小组。
User: Der Chirurg.
Assistant: 外科医生。
User: The supporting members of the KDE e.V. are extraordinary members supporting the KDE through financial or material contributions.
Assistant: KDE e.V.的支持成员(英语:Supporting members)是通过财务或物质捐助支持 KDE 的特别成员。
User: At the time of independence of Pakistan in 1947, Karachi and Lahore were home to a thriving Parsi business community.
Assistant: 巴基斯坦在1947年独立时,卡拉奇和拉合尔为帕西人做生意的地区。
User: He left office with his approval ratings over 80%.
Assistant: 她在卸任时,获得超过80%的支持率。
User: Canalization and navigations A stream can be canalized to make its navigable path more predictable and easier to maneuver.
Assistant: 河流可以透过渠化的方式,使河道更容易预测及调整。
User: Grimbold held the eastern side of the ford and waited for Elfhelm to come to his aid.
Assistant: 葛林伯据守东面渡口,等待艾海姆来援。
User: In the wake of the conflict, the United States sends its forces to intervene, thereby subverting Artemis' role and causing its stock to drop.
Assistant: 冲突发生后,美国的势力介入其中,颠覆了阿蒂米斯的角色,导致公司股价下跌。
User: President Cleveland headed the procession, then stood in the reviewing stand to see bands and marchers from across America.
Assistant: 克利夫兰总统领导了这次游行,然后站在观礼台上观看来自全美各地的乐队演出和游行队伍。
User: One of Ali's notorious crimes was the mass murder of arbitrarily chosen young Greek girls of Ioannina.
Assistant: 其中一个臭名昭著的罪行是,阿里在约阿尼纳随意选择出年轻的希腊少女并进行大规模屠杀。
User: Their population has been on the increase for the last few decades, and was most recently estimated in 2014 to have slightly more than 1,000 individuals.
Assistant: 其族群数量近年正逐渐增加,2014年估计其个体已超过1,000只。
User: He also attended UCLA Anderson School of Management and graduated in 1987 with an MBA in Organizational Behavior.
Assistant: 他还于加州大学洛杉矶分校安德森管理学院进修,并毕业于1987年,获得组织行为学的工商管理硕士学位。
User: Those who survived the main thrust of ghetto liquidation (about 5,000–6,000 slave workers and their families) were put in the so-called Small Ghetto for the Hugo Schneider munitions factory.
Assistant: 约有5,000-6,000名奴隶工人及其家人幸免于隔都清场的主要行动,他们被安置在所谓的雨果·施耐德弹药厂(Hugo Schneider)小隔都。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: Note, however, that he got by without formalizing the concept of a group, or even of a permutation group.
Assistant: 但须注意,鲁菲尼并没有形式化群的概念,甚至也没有形式化置换群的概念。
User: The cathedral of Bury St. Edmunds was constructed between the late 1950s and 2005.
Assistant: 例如,1950年代末至2005年建造的伯里圣埃德蒙兹大教堂。
User: By 1948, the Workers Party came to believe that the prospects for revolution were receding and that it must adopt a more realistic strategy, given the diminished prospects.
Assistant: 1948年,工人党开始相信革命的前景渐趋暗淡,必须采取更加现实的战略。
User: The key difference is the determinacy of the preserved property: One may prove that P is justified, that P is flawed, or be unable to prove either.
Assistant: 关键区别是保持的特性的确定性:你可以证明P是证实的,P是非证实的,或者不能证明任何一个。
User: Many immigrants arriving in Montreal had no material means to support themselves, as they presumed the Canadian government would support them in getting settled in the country.
Assistant: 许多来到蒙特利尔的移民没有物质上的财产去支持他们自身的生存,尽管他们猜测加拿大政府会把他们在这个村庄安顿好,结果事实并非如此。
User: Construction began in 1982 and finished on 11 March 1988.
Assistant: 1982年动工,1988年3月11日落成。
User: The local authorities responded with automatic machine gunfire, heavily outmatching ARSA's weapons.
Assistant: 地方当局则以自动机枪的方式作出回应,火力大大超过了ARSA的武器。
User: May his soul rest in peace.
Assistant: 愿他的灵魂安息。
User: However, the debate over this supercomplex hypothesis is not completely resolved, as some data do not appear to fit with this model.
Assistant: 然而,对超复合体假说的争论仍未完全结束,因为部分数据似乎无法支持此模型。
User: Lopez also described his experiences in direct combat during his tour in Iraq, although military officials confirmed that Lopez did not experience any direct combat.
Assistant: 洛佩兹还声称他在伊拉克有过正面作战的经历,但军方官员证实洛佩兹没有经历过正面打击。
User: In January 2012, China and Armenia signed an agreement, which was described by the Armenian Ministry of Defense as an agreement on military cooperation between the two countries.
Assistant: 2012年1月,中国和亚美尼亚曾签订协议,该份协议被亚美尼亚国防部形容为两国关于军事合作的共识。
User: Like tropical cyclones, they form over relatively warm water and can feature deep convection and winds of gale force or greater.
Assistant: 与热带气旋类似,极地低压在相对温暖的水面上空形成,其中可以包括深层对流和烈风或更高强度风速。
User: Differential erosion then removes the less resistant surrounding material, leaving behind the younger resistant material, which may then appear as a ridge where previously there was a valley.
Assistant: 差异侵蚀会使周围强度较弱物质被移除,留下强度较高的物质,使原本是峡谷的区域反而在外观上像是山脊。
User: The following tables list and compare general information for a number of WebDAV clients and WebDAV libraries.
Assistant: 下表列出并比较了一些WebDAV客户端和开发库的基本信息。
User: The US report does say a mosque was destroyed - including one in Luanda's Zango neighbourhood - though, while it says two mosques were shut down, 52 churches were closed in the same year.
Assistant: 美国的报告确实说清真寺被摧毁 - 包括罗安达的Zango社区 - 虽然它说有两座清真寺被关闭,但同一年也有52座教堂被关闭。
User: Since Charnley, there have been continuous improvements in the design and technique of joint replacement (arthroplasty) with many contributors, including W. H. Harris, the son of R. I. Harris, whose team at Harvard pioneered uncemented arthroplasty techniques with the bone bonding directly to the implant.
Assistant: 自查恩利以来,髋关节置换术不断有设计和技术上的优化,其中包括了来自哈佛的哈里斯(W. H. Harris),他和他的团队开创了非胶结的髋关节置换术,将骨头直接接合在植入物上。
User: Self-organization: A process in which the internal organization of a system, normally an open system, increases in complexity without being guided or managed by an outside source.
Assistant: 自我组织,也称自组织,是一系统内部组织化的过程,通常是一开放系统,在没有外部来源引导或管理之下会自行增加其复杂性。
User: Naville was born in 1903 in Paris, to a family of Swiss Protestant bankers.
Assistant: 纳维尔于1903年出生于巴黎的一个瑞士新教徒银行家家庭。
User: Such a doctrine waters down the First Amendment so that it amounts to little more than an admonition to Congress.
Assistant: 像这样的理论会稀释掉第一修正案,使它对国会的约束只相当于比一个警告严重了一点。
User: Those on the north side show scenes from the Old Testament while the six on the south side are from the New Testament.
Assistant: 中厅北墙上会含有一些来自旧约中的叙事性场景,而南墙上的则会来自新约。
User: She is literally my favorite human being on the planet.
Assistant: 甚至可以说她是这个星球上我最喜欢的人了。
User: Establishment of the Bank of the United States was part of a three-part expansion of federal fiscal and monetary power, along with a federal mint and excise taxes, championed by Alexander Hamilton, first Secretary of the Treasury.
Assistant: 美国银行的建立,同联邦铸币和消费税一道成为联邦财政和货币权力扩张的三部分,这些联邦财政和货币改革由第一任财政部长亚历山大·汉密尔顿所倡导。
User: From June 1906 the lift allowed people to reach an observation deck situated at a height of 42 meters (the ticket cost 10 pfennig), from which one could admire the vista of Wrocław, its surroundings and Mount Ślęża.
Assistant: 从1906年6月起,人们可乘电梯到达42米高度的观景台(票价10芬尼),观赏弗罗茨瓦夫周围美景。
User: His father is the owner of a Coca-Cola bottling plant, and his mother was a Yoga instructor.
Assistant: 他的父亲拥有一间可口可乐装瓶工厂,母亲是一位瑜伽教师。
User: 01 This is the first message in the sequence.
Assistant: 这张唱片是绚香出道后的第一张专辑。
User: Related research by Dr. Francesca Cozzolino in the following paragraph also shows such transformation across different moments.
Assistant: 例如下一段中提到的Francesca Cozzolino博士在她的论文中对三个时期的划分。
User: Cool then shot himself as the bus veered across two lanes of traffic and plunged off the bridge's eastern side onto the roof of an apartment building below.
Assistant: 酷然后在巴士横跨两条车道,并从大桥东侧翻侧到下方的公寓大楼时开枪自杀。
User: However, there are some slight differences in the active service of these battalions.
Assistant: 不过,确实有少数的德军战斗人员曾经获得此种药物的有限配给。
User: The Fermi paradox can be asked in two ways.
Assistant: 费米悖论可以表述成两种形式。
User: In 2009, he was allowed to emigrate to Canada.
Assistant: 于2009年,他获准移民到加拿大。
User: 2: The bombing of London continues throughout the month.
Assistant: 2日:伦敦大轰炸本月继续。
User: Visa will normally be issued in 1 working day, and the applicant can travel with a printout of the e-visa.
Assistant: 签证通常在1个工作日内签发,电子签证需在行前打印出来。
User: In December 2009, the second Tymoshenko Government proposed creating independent anti-corruption bureaus in Ukraine.
Assistant: 2009年12月,第二届季莫申科政府提议在乌克兰成立独立的反腐败局。
User: This is purportedly the result of a deal between the US government and printer manufacturers to help track counterfeiters.
Assistant: 据称这是美国政府与打印机厂商之间的一项协议以用于追踪伪钞的制造。
User: General relativity is a theory of the nature of time, space and gravity in which gravity is a curvature of space and time that results from the presence of matter or energy.
Assistant: 广义相对论是描述时间、空间与重力之间关系的理论,其中重力是时空因物质或能量存在而弯曲的表现。
User: The daughter isotope may be stable or it may decay to form a daughter isotope of its own.
Assistant: 子同位素有可能是稳定的,但也可以继续衰变形成下一个子同位素。
User: JMicron was one of the first companies to provide an SSD controller chip to these companies, allowing them to produce reasonably priced MLC SSDs.
Assistant: 智微科技是首先能提供固态硬盘控制器芯片给这些企业的公司之一,使这些企业能够生产出价格合理的MLC固态硬盘。
User: The term originated from the Harvard Mark I relay-based computer, which stored instructions on punched tape (24 bits wide) and data in electro-mechanical counters.
Assistant: 这一词起源于Harvard Mark I型继电器式计算机,它存储指令(24位)在纸带上和数据于机电计数器上。
User: The poorest among them were almost exclusively concerned with the issue of food: most workers spent nearly half their income on bread.
Assistant: 他们当中最贫困的人几乎仅关心食物问题:多数工人花费近半收入用于面包。
User: Emilie Schindler visited for a few months in 1940 and moved to Kraków to live with Oskar in 1941.
Assistant: 他的夫人埃米莉于1940年来访并待了几个月,并在1941年搬到克拉科夫与他同住。
User: In 1805 the British Order-in-Council had restricted the importation of slaves into colonies that had been captured from France and the Netherlands.
Assistant: 1805年英国枢密令限制了将奴隶进口到从法国和荷兰夺得的殖民地。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: VB 10 has an extremely low luminosity with an absolute magnitude of nearly 19, making it very difficult to see.
Assistant: VB 10有着非常低的光度,它的绝对星等接近19等,使它非常难被看见。
User: The design of the new museum house combines traditional Suzhou architectural style and places the museum between the courtyards to harmonize the building with its surrounding environment.
Assistant: 博物馆新馆的设计结合了传统的苏州建筑风格,把博物馆置于院落之间,使建筑物与其周围环境相协调。
User: This tradition continued late into the Romantic period.
Assistant: 这个传统一直延续到浪漫时期末。
User: The law was highlighted by the ban of smoking in private cars when there are children.
Assistant: 一些国家已经规定如果私人车辆上有未成年者或孕妇,也必须禁烟。
User: How I Met Your Mother (often abbreviated to HIMYM) is an American sitcom that premiered on CBS on September 19, 2005.
Assistant: 《老爸老妈的浪漫史》(英语:How I Met Your Mother,有时简写成:HIMYM),是一部美国情境喜剧,2005年9月19日起在CBS播出。
User: As an initial response, the worst of the existing shells were withdrawn from ships in early 1917 and replaced from reserve supplies.
Assistant: 作为最初的回应,现存炮弹中状况最不良的一批于1917年退下并更换了备用品。
User: On 29 December 1941, the Soviet 44th Army landed on the Kerch Peninsula.
Assistant: 1941年12月29日,苏联第44军团登陆了刻赤半岛。
User: They never touched her after this since they realized she was not an innocent child anymore.
Assistant: 在这些努力之后,她感到后悔:她在最后都无法成为真嗣的母亲。
User: It is the largest of New York State's 932 towns (by area with water), and the second most populous, exceeded only by the Town of Hempstead.
Assistant: 它是纽约州932个城镇中面积最大的(按水域划分),人口第二多,仅次于亨普斯特德镇。
User: Most of the statue was recovered in March 2009.
Assistant: 于2009年3月,塑像的大部分被寻回。
User: WTI is refined mostly in the Midwest and Gulf Coast regions in the United States.
Assistant: WTI的主要用户是美国中西部和墨西哥湾地区的炼油厂。
User: Then he was transferred to the Mezze military prison in Damascus where he lived from 1970 to 1992.
Assistant: 后被转移到大马士革的军事监狱,在那从1970年一直到1992年。
User: This register however can be changed using the SET MAX ADDRESS ATA command.
Assistant: 该寄存器可以通过SET MAX ADDRESS ATA命令更改。
User: Under the campaign, all provinces and municipalities were required to establish temporary 6521 taskforces under the local Communist Party and Public Security leadership.
Assistant: 在这个行动下,各省市要求在当地的共产党和公安领导下建立临时的6521个6521工程队。
User: The main characteristics are economic and political (free trade) democratisation, combined with the spread of an individualised culture.
Assistant: 全球化的主要特征为经济自由化(自由贸易)及民主化,以及个人主义文化的散播。
User: Although the galaxies in this cluster appear to be from a single large cloud-like structure, many of the galaxies within the group are only weakly gravitationally bound, and some have not yet formed stable orbits around the center of this group.
Assistant: 尽管这个星系群的结构看起来是一团巨大的云气,但在其中的许多星系之间只有微弱的重力联系着,而且一些不在中心区域的成员也还没有形成稳定的轨道。
User: Unable to cross the river they waited there.
Assistant: 便不敢渡河,只在原地建营寨。
User: Goebel had been inclined to let the result stand and seek a seat in the U. S. Senate in 1901, but he heeded the wishes of his party's leaders and contested the board's decision.
Assistant: 格贝尔本已倾向于接受选举结果,并计划于1901年竞选联邦参议员,但他最后还是听从了党派领导人的要求,对委员会的决定提出质疑。
User: Today more than 6 million Argentines have some degree of French ancestry (up to 17% of the total population), many of them French-speakers.
Assistant: 今日,在阿根廷有超过六万人拥有不同程度的法国血统(占该国17%人口比例),当中很多都依然会说法语。
User: He is the Crown Prince until the King's death.
Assistant: 前任国王死后加冕为女王。
User: The mean combined apparent magnitude of the system is +3.73, but because the stars eclipse one another during their orbits, it is classified as a variable star, and its brightness varies from magnitude +3.70 to +3.79.
Assistant: 这个恒星系统的视星等为+3.73,但由于在旋转过程中,一颗恒星可能被另外一颗恒星所遮掩,因此它的视星等在+3.70至+3.79之间变化。
User: The main religion is Sunni Islam.
Assistant: 几内亚最重要的宗教是逊尼派伊斯兰教。
User: From that time, more and more buildings used drainpipes to carry the water from the guttering roof to the ground and only very few buildings using gargoyles were constructed.
Assistant: 从那时开始越来越多的建筑物开始使用排水管来把屋顶上的雨水引到地面的下水道里去,只有很少建筑还使用滴水嘴兽。
User: Unexpected or too frequent switching and too bright or too dark rooms are very annoying and disturbing for users of the rooms.
Assistant: 太亮、太暗、太突然的和太经常的开关均可能非常令人厌烦,打扰室内的用户。
User: For 2008 Pic moved to Tech 1 Racing to contest the Formula Renault 3.5 Series.
Assistant: 皮克在2008年转投Tech 1车队(英语:Tech 1 Racing]]]),参加雷诺方程式3.5系列赛。
User: The road, flanked by buildings mostly erected in the 15th and the 16th century, belongs entirely to the rione Ponte and is one of the most picturesque roads of the old city, having maintained the character of an Italian Renaissance street.
Assistant: 完全属于庞特区,两侧主要是建于15世纪和16世纪的建筑,是这座古城最美丽的道路之一,保持了意大利文艺复兴街道的特色。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: As the vast majority of Tigrayans belong to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church (and the minority Muslims), pork is not consumed because of religious beliefs.
Assistant: 由于大多数的人信仰于Ethiopian Orthodox Church这个教会(和一些少数的穆斯林),因此猪肉不常被食用。
User: I did not like to be called by another name.
Assistant: 不喜欢被直呼名字。
User: Its speakers call themselves Nafana, but others call them Banda or Mfantera.
Assistant: 说纳凡拉语者叫自己做 Nafana;其他人称呼他们做Banda 或者 Mfantera。
User: Further improvements in the levelised cost of energy for solar, wind and other technologies lie ahead, posing a growing threat to the dominance of fossil fuel generation sources in the next few years.
Assistant: 太阳能,风能和其他技术扳平的(levelised)能源成本的进一步改善摆在面前,这在未来几年对于化石燃料发电的来源的主导地位构成了越来越大的威胁。
User: In 1986, he was awarded the Francqui Prize on Human Sciences.
Assistant: 1986年,他被授予法朗基奖人文科学奖。
User: Capacitance values of typical capacitors for use in general electronics range from about 1 picofarad (pF) (10−12 F) to about 1 millifarad (mF) (10−3 F).
Assistant: 一般电容器的电容约在1 picofarad(pF)(10−12 F)到1 millifarad (mF)(10−3 F)。
User: After returning to Jerusalem most of the crusaders returned to their homes in Europe.
Assistant: 回到耶路撒冷后,大部分的十字军士兵都选择回西欧老家。
User: Ferumbras never married, reportedly because nobody wanted Lalia as a mother-in-law.
Assistant: 费伦布拉斯没有婚娶,据说是因为没有人愿意莱莉雅成为奶奶。
User: PFLAG was the first national LGBT organization to officially adopt a transgender-inclusive policy for its work, vowing not only to include transgender people in all of its work, but also never to support any policies or laws that are not trans-inclusive.
Assistant: PFLAG是第一个正式采用跨性别包容性政策开展工作的全国LGBT组织,发誓不仅要将跨性别人士纳入其所有工作中,而且永远不会支持任何不具有跨性别的政策或法律。
User: While on the way to the mountains, they run into a Soviet roadblock, but are saved by an attacking U.S. Army UH-1 helicopter gunship.
Assistant: 在前往山区的途中,他们碰上了俄军设下的路障,后来在美军UH-1武装直升机炮火的掩护下存活。
User: They arrive at Chad's with the message.
Assistant: 后随《大公报》撤退到重庆。
User: The format of this vector word is not defined in the standard, so the system designers must specify what values from what RTs mean what action the Bus Controller is to take.
Assistant: 此向量字的格式未在标准中定义,因此系统设计人员必须指定什么值、来自什么远程终端、意味着总线控制器将采取什么操作。
User: A number of high-profile albums were released in 1986.
Assistant: 1986年,韩国涌现了一大批优秀的导演。
User: Friedrich der Grosse came to the two ships' assistance; the three battleships fired a total of 120 large-caliber shells over the span of an hour.
Assistant: 腓特烈大帝号亦赶来协助两艘姊妹舰;三舰在一小时内共发射了120枚大口径炮弹。
User: Völler then resigned from the job, and with Germany due to host the next World Cup, they once again opted for an inexperienced manager, Völler's old strike partner Jürgen Klinsmann.
Assistant: 沃勒尔随后辞去工作,而德国由于是下一届世界杯的主办国,他们再次选择了一位缺乏经验的主教练——沃勒尔的锋线老搭档尤尔根·克林斯曼。
User: He was the first recognised emperor to rule from western Europe since the fall of the Western Roman Empire three centuries earlier.
Assistant: 自800年起,为罗马人的皇帝,是西欧自西罗马帝国覆亡三个世纪后的首位受教宗认可的皇帝。
User: That evening, the both of friend have already encountered unexpected accident...
Assistant: 三位女子在冥冥之中,竟然有了意料之外的命运接点......。
User: President Guelleh was sworn in as President for a second term on 9 May 2005 and pledged to increase economic development in Djibouti.
Assistant: 伊斯梅尔·奥马尔·盖莱在2005年5月9日宣誓就任总统,开始自己的第二个任期,许诺促进吉布提经济发展。
User: Altman was one of the pioneers of Virtual Reality, working with Jaron Lanier at VPL Research, and it was during his research in this field that he started to believe in the hypnotic power of television programs.
Assistant: Altman是虚拟现实的先驱之一,曾与VPL Research的Jaron Lanier(英语:Jaron Lanier)合作,他在该领域的研究期间开始相信电视节目的催眠能力。
User: The 2007 event will have 12 contests.
Assistant: 2007年再度公演共十二场。
User: Women played an important role in the foundations of many Islamic educational institutions, such as Fatima al-Fihri's founding of the University of Al Karaouine in 859.
Assistant: 妇女在伊斯兰教育机构的设立上扮演了重要的角色,如859年法蒂玛·菲赫利成立的卡鲁因大学。
User: Lemonade can be any one of a variety of sweetened beverages found throughout the world, but which are traditionally all characterized by a lemon flavor.
Assistant: 柠檬水(英语:Lemonade),是世界各地所发现的各种加糖饮料水中的任何一种,但传统上都是以柠檬调味为特征。
User: Near the center of the pond, the disturbance created by the two stones will be very complicated.
Assistant: 在湖心附近,由两个石头带来的干扰非常复杂。
User: In 1999 the communications protocol (then known as LonTalk) was submitted to ANSI and accepted as a standard for control networking (ANSI/CEA-709.1-B).
Assistant: 在1999年其通讯协定LonTalk提交给ANSI认可,成为控制网络的标准ANSI/CEA-709.1-B。
User: In 1630 the main nave was extended, and was further rebuilt in 1723.
Assistant: 1630年中央走道扩建,1723年进一步重建。
User: Moses went down from the mountain, but upon seeing the calf, he became angry and threw down the two Tablets of Stone, breaking them.
Assistant: 凌晨,有樵者在越山,见二人各跨一虎,行步如飞,陟峰峦而去。
User: From September 2009, the train operator SJ requires an identity document from passengers with a pre-paid ticket (which is mandatory on many trains).
Assistant: 自2009年9月起,SJ要求每一位持预付费车票(许多列车的强制性购买方式)的乘客需要出示身份证明文件,它可以是北欧地区的身份证或任意护照。
User: A review published in 2012 found a negative correlation between study year and efficacy of antidepressants as measured by response rate.
Assistant: 2012年发表的一项研究发现,研究持续的时间与抗抑郁药的功效(以起效率衡量)之间呈负相关关系。
User: John and Kanyenke take their mercenaries to fight Warwick's fleeing army, and ally with the French in the Seven Years' War against Warwick.
Assistant: 约翰与坎勇凯随即带着佣兵追击瓦力克的部队,并在七年战争中与法国人结盟对抗敌军。
User: The more southern cultural groups of North America were responsible for the domestication of many common crops now used around the world, such as tomatoes and squash.
Assistant: 靠南的社群习得了更多的作物种植方法,其中包括一些许多现在世界各地都在种植的作物,如西红柿和南瓜。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: Both of these species are now known to be absent from Sumatra.
Assistant: 现在已确定这两个物种都不存在于苏门答腊岛。
User: He made meteorological observations and collected plants.
Assistant: 他们对地形进行测量并计划了要塞工程。
User: Niu Sila.
Assistant: 子祚嗣。
User: Lévi-Strauss completed the final volume of Mythologiques in 1971.
Assistant: 李维史陀在1971年完成《神话学》最后一卷。
User: Although other countries are mentioned in passing, the Soviet Union, World War II, or the Cold War are not.
Assistant: 尽管小说里提到众多国家,但却没有提到苏联的存在,也没有提到第二次世界大战或是冷战。
User: Lost previously played Elliot's "Make Your Own Kind of Music" throughout the second season.
Assistant: 《迷失》此前还曾在第2季中多次采用埃利奥特的歌曲《Make Your Own Kind of Music》(意为《做你自己的音乐》)。
User: Sampling frequency 8 kHz/13-bit (160 samples for 20 ms frames), filtered to 200–3400 Hz.
Assistant: 采样率 8 kHz/13-bit (160 采样点每20ms),滤波后只保留 200-3400 Hz 范围内的信号。
User: Until 1823, bishops of the Church of England and Church of Ireland wore ceremonial wigs.
Assistant: 直至1823年,英国圣公会和爱尔兰圣公会的主教在宗教仪式时会佩戴假发。
User: In the New Testament, the Greek word for angels (aggelos) is not only used for heavenly angels, but also used for human messengers, such as John the Baptist (Matthew 11:10,Mark 1:2,Luke 7:27).
Assistant: 在新约当中,表示“使者”(aggelos)的希腊词不只用于天使,也用来指人类的使者,比如施洗约翰(马太福音11:10、马可福音1:2、路加福音7:27)。
User: Ziegler also says the "punishment" was a charade by the secret society to further frighten Bill, and it had nothing to do with Mandy's death; she was a hooker and addict and had died from another accidental drug overdose.
Assistant: Ziegler还说,“惩罚”是秘密结社为进一步吓唬Bill而发出的荒谬借口,这与Mandy的死亡无关;她是一名妓女和吸毒者,并死于另一个意外的药物过量。
User: All above reference books give this translation.
Assistant: 部分专辑没有在上述地区发行的,则是参考翻译。
User: Soon, she grew pregnant, and delivered three triplets.
Assistant: 于是她很快接受了人工受孕并一下子怀了三胞胎。
User: Olga responded on 12 January 1909 that she would try to do better but it wasn't easy because her nurse became angry and cross with her for no good reason.
Assistant: 奥尔加在1909年1月12日的回信中说她会尽量做得更好但这不容易,因为她的保姆会无缘无故对她发火。
User: In 2011, Gaumont co-produced and distributed Intouchables became France's highest-grossing movie of all time.
Assistant: 2011年,高蒙制作和发行的《逆转人生》(Intouchables)成为法国票房最高的电影。
User: He was a great-uncle of Jesse Ramsden, the scientific instrument maker.
Assistant: 他是科学仪器制造商杰西·拉姆斯登(英语:Jesse Ramsden)的叔祖父。
User: In contrast, if bad memories are formed through poor communication, this will adversely affect an idol.
Assistant: 反之如果回忆不佳,会对偶像产生不利的影响。
User: Because of this, he is extremely popular and loved among his people.
Assistant: 由于他德行崇高,因此深受百姓的爱戴。
User: Klinsmann was succeeded by his assistant, Joachim Löw, who has continued in much the same manner as his predecessor.
Assistant: 新的联邦主教练由克林斯曼的助手——约阿希姆·勒夫继任,他的继任方式与前任是一样的。
User: The Cortes, under the presidency of Fernández-Miranda, debated this law throughout the month of November; it ultimately approved it, with 425 votes in favor, 59 against, and 13 abstentions.
Assistant: 11月,议会在Fernández-Miranda的主持下展开辩论讨论这一法案,最终以425票支持,59票反对,13票弃权的结果通过了这一法案。
User: In 1951, HIT was approved by the central government to become one of the two institutions of higher learning to learn advanced techniques from the USSR.
Assistant: 1951年,哈工大被中国确定为高等教育学习苏联经验的两所院校之一。
User: If one was the historical Jesus, the other certainly was not.
Assistant: 如果其中一个是历史中的耶稣,那么,另一个肯定不是。
User: Destroyers reached the size of cruisers during the cold war, and with that size acquired a cruiser's capability for independent action.
Assistant: 冷战时期的驱逐舰达到了和以前的巡洋舰一样的吨位,也由此拥有了独立遂行任务的能力。
User: He does not eat any of the five grains, but inhales the wind and drinks the dew.
Assistant: 五枚花萼和花瓣没有长到一起,像瓦一样相互交叠。
User: For 2015, the number of qualifying teams grew from 16 to 24 and scheduled matches increased from 32 to 52.
Assistant: 本届赛事参赛球队数量从16队增至24队,比赛从32场增至52场。
User: The birth of the New Christian right, however, is usually traced to a 1979 meeting where televangelist Jerry Falwell was urged to create a "Moral Majority" organization.
Assistant: 然而,新基督教权利的诞生通常可以追溯到1979年的一次会议,在那次会议上,电视新闻记者Jerry Falwell被要求建立一个“道德多数”组织。
User: Further, one desires that these theories stand in close connection with other areas of mathematics, wherewith the possibility of their applications is given.
Assistant: 更进一步地,我们希望这些理论能和其他的数学领域产生密切联系,从而使它们得到被应用的可能。
User: Renewed police investigations in 1998 and 2000 failed to trace her.
Assistant: 于1996年及1998年再有未确认的观察报告,2000年的勘察未能发现它们。
User: MoCl5 is reduced by HBr to form MoBr4.
Assistant: MoCl5可以被HBr还原,生成四溴化钼。
User: He trained two French pilots, then transferred the airplane to the French company.
Assistant: 最后威尔伯培训出两名法国飞行员,然后将飞机交付给签订了合同的法国公司。
User: The system of Grandes Écoles (and "prépa") also exists in former French colonies, Switzerland and in Italy (Napoleon, as king of Italy for 10 years, established the French system there).
Assistant: 大学校(及其预科)体系也存在于法国前殖民地,瑞士,意大利(拿破仑十年统治期间,在当地推广了法国体制)。
User: Åland was to be a forward operating base, from which the port of Hanko would be secured.
Assistant: 奥兰是前进的运营基地,港口汉科会由此获得安全保障。
User: Michael wakes up the next morning to find out that "The Fright" has made him lose all of his hair.
Assistant: Michael第二天早晨本来发现“恐怖”使他失去了所有的他的头发。
User: Book of Gods and Strange Things (Chinese: 神異經) is an ancient Chinese geography book.
Assistant: 《神异经》一卷,中国古代地理书。
User: Much of the cathedral's present appearance is a result of this renovation.
Assistant: 圣母院今天的外观就是这次修缮的结果。
User: Prior to this change, MD 55 ended in Midland; it has since been truncated to its current terminus at Vale Summit.
Assistant: 在这之前,MD 55以米德兰为终点,之后便缩短至现时位于维尔山顶的终点。
User: The nuclei of these elements, along with some 7Li and 7Be are considered to have been formed between 100 and 300 seconds after the Big Bang when the primordial quark–gluon plasma froze out to form protons and neutrons.
Assistant: 这些元素的核子,像是7Li和7Be,相信在宇宙形成的100秒至300秒的时段内,在太初的夸克胶子海冻结形成质子和中子之后,都曾经形成过。
User: 2011 - Launch of one fund.
Assistant: 2011年 - 开始建设交流道。
User: He was his parent's second son; their firstborn boy, Sipho, had died in infancy.
Assistant: 屠图是他父母的次子,他们的头胎男孩Sipho在婴儿时期死亡。
User: Did we do it?
Assistant: 有没有做?
User: Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmuş appeared on live television, saying Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) is still in charge of the government.
Assistant: 副总理努曼·库尔图尔穆什(英语:Numan Kurtulmuş)出现在电视直播,指出正义与发展党仍然掌控着政府。
User: Caroline fired two at Nassau; the first passed close to her bows and the second passed under the ship without exploding.
Assistant: 卡罗琳号发射的两枚鱼雷中,第一枚从拿骚号舰艏很近的地方穿过,第二发则是从水下穿过,然而没有爆炸。
User: The board of directors is headed by Prof. Yitzhak Zamir, a retired justice of the Israeli Supreme Court.
Assistant: 董事会以以色列最高法院的一位退休法官伊扎克·扎米尔教授为首。
User: (Norquist still urges politicians to sign his tax pledge and claims that almost 50% of congressmen have taken the pledge).
Assistant: (诺奎斯特仍然力劝政客们签署他的赋税宣言,并且声称将近一半的国会议员都签署了。
User: It soon became used with multiple other packages making it easier to use in the respective communities.
Assistant: 它很快就与其他多个软件包一起使用,使其更易于在各自的社区中使用。
User: Julie has been wearing men's clothing to avoid being recognized.
Assistant: 符浩还提议给她化装,以免被人认出。
User: Of the surviving Demand Notes, the vast majority are $5 and $10 notes with "For the" engraved on them and from the locations of New York, Boston, and Philadelphia.
Assistant: 现存的初票中,大部分都是版刻有“For the”,印刷地为纽约、波士顿和费城的5美元和10美元面值的票据。
User: Burhop and Bohm later studied the characteristics of electric discharges in magnetic fields, today known as Bohm diffusion.
Assistant: 后来,伯霍普和博姆研究了磁场中放电现象的特征,也就是现在我们说的玻姆扩散。 |
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Nachlaot (Hebrew: נחלאות, also Nahlaot) is a grouping of 23 courtyard neighborhoods in central Jerusalem, Israel, known for its narrow, winding lanes, old-style housing, hidden courtyards and many small synagogues.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
纳克拉沃 (希伯来语:נחלאות, Nachlaot或Nahlaot,nachala的复数,意为“家园”)是以色列耶路撒冷市中心的23个庭院社区,以其狭窄、蜿蜒的巷道、老式住房、隐蔽的庭院以及众多的小型犹太会堂著称。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Written by Berry in 1955, the song is about an illiterate "country boy" from the New Orleans area, who plays a guitar "just like ringing a bell", and who might one day have his "name in lights".
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
查克·贝里在1955年写出这首歌,内容是关于一个贫穷的乡村男孩,他“就像摇一只铃铛”那样弹奏吉他("just like ringing a bell"),希望有一天能“成名”("name in lights")。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
While working at the Military Medical School he was asked to devise a test to screen military recruits for abnormalities of color vision.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:These genes encode structural proteins that form the virus particle, or non-structural proteins, that are only found in cells infected by the virus.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:这些基因编码了构成病毒颗粒的结构蛋白和只在宿主细胞中合成的非结构蛋白。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Refusing to testify, Atwood is sentenced to execution and is returned to 1929 where he resumes falling to his death.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 拒绝作证的华克被判处死刑并被送回了1929年,再次持续坠楼而亡。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The game has 10 preconfigured maps, but the player can make their own island by choosing "Random Island".
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: HMG-box transcription factor 1, also known as HBP1, is a human protein.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: HMG盒转录因子1(英语:HMG-box transcription factor 1,缩写为HBP1)是一种人类蛋白质。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
It premiered on Global on March 12, 2014, and was also a part of NBC's summer schedule, having premiered on July 10, 2014.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:2014年3月12日于环球首映,并排入NBC的夏季节目预定表,于2014年7月10日首映。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Meanwhile, sequencing of human cDNA sequences called expressed sequence tags began in Craig Venter's lab, an attempt to capture the coding fraction of the human genome.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
同时,人类cDNA序列的测序始于Craig Venter的实验室,试图获取人类基因组的编码部分。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The protests were declared illegal, and riot police were brought in from surrounding provinces to pacify the demonstrators, which took several more days.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:集会被指非法,防暴警察从邻近省份调入,将又持续数天的示威平息。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Along with the roadmap, they announced that monthly fees would be instated in order to offset the cost of redevelopment.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Direct New York City Subway connections include: 14th Street on the IND Sixth Avenue Line (F and M trains) 14th Street on the IRT Broadway – Seventh Avenue Line (1, 2, and 3 trains) via a block-long passageway Sixth Avenue on the BMT Canarsie Line (L train) Passengers traveling from New Jersey must exit to street level, enter a nearby subway entrance, and descend to a separate subway mezzanine in order to access the IND station complex.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:直接连接的纽约地铁车站包括: 14街,IND第六大道线(F M列车) 14街,IRT百老汇-第七大道线(1 2 3列车),经长一个街区的行人通道 第六大道,BMT卡纳西线(L列车) 由新泽西州出发的乘客必须出闸到地面,进入邻近的地铁站入口,下降到分离的地铁夹层才可到达IND车站复合。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
They happen to see two birds in front of them.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In June 2009, he returned to Al-Ahli in Bahraini Premier League, scoring in the Bahraini King's Cup 2009 quarter-finals match against Busaiteen Club the same month.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:2009年6月,他回到了巴林超级足球联赛的巴林阿赫里足球俱乐部(英语:Al-Ahli Club (Manama)),在2009年巴林国王杯的四分之一决赛上面对布赛廷首次进球。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Primitive organisms may have developed in such lakes; hence, some craters may be prime targets for the search for evidence of life on the Red Planet.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 因此,一些撞击坑可能成为在这颗红色星球上寻找生命证据的主要目标。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Plans were made to install the transmitter on the grounds of the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama, but the Marshall Space Flight Center objected to having such a high power transmitter so near to their operations.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 新增发射站的计划安装在阿拉巴马州亨茨维尔的红石兵工厂(英语:Redstone Arsenal)内,但是马歇尔太空飞行中心反对有如此高功率的发射站安置于太空飞行中心的附近。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Later the same year she provided the backing track for the John Lewis Christmas advert, singing a cover of the Oasis song "Half the World Away".
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
2015年她为约翰路易斯的圣诞广告演唱背景歌曲,翻唱了绿洲合唱团的“Half the World Away”。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Film4 Productions and Element Pictures produced the project.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
Film4 Productions(英语:Film4 Productions)也会参与电影的制作和出资。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In the years before the outbreak of World War II, it became a transshipment point for smuggled goods from China, Taiwan, and other neighboring Southeast Asian nations.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 第二次世界大战前,阿帕里成为来自中国、台湾及其他东南亚国家走私货物的转运港。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:We just want the people to come and have fun with us.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:于是决意仕途,以围棋自娱。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Hour by hour, we move downward, ever closer to Hell, in a slow, steady gait.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
However, the republic's constitution specifically recognises Russian as the language of the majority of its population and guarantees its usage 'in all spheres of public life'.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Their first experimental system, MUSIC (Multiple Storage, Integration, and Correlation), became operational in 1955 and was able to detect rocket launches 600 miles (970 km) away at Cape Canaveral, and nuclear explosions in Nevada at 1,700 miles (2,700 km).
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:第一个实验性系统,MUSIC (Multiple Storage,Integration,and Correlation ),在1955年开始运作,且可以用于探测卡纳维拉尔角600英里(970公里)远的火箭发射和1,700英里(2,700公里)内华达的核爆炸。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
At least nine people were killed after being found in the streets.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: English use of longbows was effective against the French during the Hundred Years' War, particularly at the start of the war in the battles of Sluys (1340), Crécy (1346), and Poitiers (1356), and perhaps most famously at the Battle of Agincourt (1415).
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:英法百年战争期间,英格兰人使用的长弓对付法国人十分有效,尤其是开战之初的克雷西战役(Battle of Crecy,1346年)及普瓦捷战役(Battle of Poitiers,1356年),而阿金库尔战役(Battle of Agincourt,1415年)则更是最为人熟知使用长弓获得的大捷。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
In this way the harmony between the two has been rather well preserved.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Among other things, the Emperor granted the right to strike to French workers in 1864, despite intense opposition from corporate lobbies.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 除此之外,拿破仑还在1864年,不顾大商企的反对,赋予工人罢工权。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Since God was not finite, He could not be called perfect: for the concept of perfection served to describe finite things.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Media Popular culture (songs, theater) for European American audiences in the 19th century created and perpetuated negative stereotypes of African Americans.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 十九世纪欧美观众喜欢的流行文化(歌曲,戏剧)创造并保持了对美国黑人形象的负面成见。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: Jackie finds it in a Japanese castle.
Assistant: 和奇斯是在日本料理店相遇的。
User: Gambling dens and brothels were numerous in the Five Points area, and it was considered a dangerous destination, where many people had been mugged, particularly at night.
Assistant: 赌博场所和妓院在五点区域的数目众多,被认为是一个危险的目的地,许多人都被行凶抢劫,特别是在夜间。
User: In SFR Yugoslavia, their biggest success was the advancement to the final of the Yugoslav Cup in 1961, but they lost the final game to Vardar Skopje from Macedonia.
Assistant: 在南斯拉夫时期,球队在1961年闯入了南斯拉夫杯的决赛但是最终输给了马其顿的FK斯科普里瓦达。
User: Later specimens have been found in England, Germany, Spain, France, and the Netherlands.
Assistant: 后期在英格兰、德国、西班牙、法国及荷兰都有发现其标本。
User: When Flanders discovers that Homer is the one who has been duping him into committing murder (by way of a Bible-shaped receiver), Homer argues that God does not exist and starts burning Ned's bible, only to be stopped and strangled to death by God Himself.
Assistant: 当弗兰德发现霍默一直用圣经状的接收器欺骗他变成杀手,弗兰德找霍默理论,霍默认为上帝不存在,并开始烧内德的圣经,直到上帝勒死才停止。
User: A November 2013 poll by the same institute found the same result with 70.8% aged 18 to 29 wanting to join the European Union while 39.7% was the national average of support.
Assistant: 同一组织2013年11月的调查再次发现,70.8%的18—29岁者想要加入欧洲联盟,而全国平均值为39.7%。
User: In May 2017, Arnold Schwarzenegger confirmed that he will return in the film and that James Cameron will be integral in developing the future of the franchise.
Assistant: 2017年5月,阿诺德·施瓦辛格确认他将重返《终结者》,并且詹姆斯·卡梅隆也会完全加入到该系列未来的开发中。
User: Section 5: an annual sitting of legislatures is required as a minimum.
Assistant: 第5条:立法机构会议每年至少召开一次。
User: Excavations conducted at Quiahuiztlan were conducted by Alfonso Medellín Zenil and Ramón Arellanos Melgarejo, from the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia.
Assistant: 基亚维斯特兰遗址的考古工作主要由来自墨西哥国家人类学与历史学会的阿方索·梅德林·塞尼尔和拉蒙·阿雷利亚诺斯·梅尔加雷霍完成。
User: Hurricane Gloria was the first significant tropical cyclone to strike the northeastern United States since Hurricane Agnes in 1972 and the first major storm to affect New York and Long Island directly since Hurricane Donna in 1960.
Assistant: 飓风格洛丽亚(英语:Hurricane Gloria)是继1972年的飓风艾格尼丝以来第一个袭击美国东北部的大型天气系统,也是自1960年的飓风唐娜以来第一个直接影响纽约和长岛的大型飓风。
User: In 1495 Henry VII formally revoked the Marcher territory status of Cardiff Castle and the surrounding territories, bringing them under normal English law as the County of Glamorgan.
Assistant: 1495年亨利七世正式取消加的夫城堡和周边地区的边境领主地位,把它们规入正统英格兰法律,设立格拉摩根郡。
User: Vietnamese children were admitted as well if they could pass the entrance examination tailored to their age and grade level.
Assistant: 越南儿童如能通过适合他们的年龄和级别的入学考试则也可入学。
User: Nurali's wife gave birth to Laura Aliyeva in 2003.
Assistant: 纳拉里的妻子在2003年生下了劳拉·阿利耶夫。
User: R&D1 developed the hugely successful Game Boy line, which was released in 1989.
Assistant: R&D1开发了大获成功的Game Boy家系(1989年首发)。
User: The loss of such a species results in a collapse in ecosystem function, as well as the loss of coexisting species.
Assistant: 失去这些物种的结果不仅会造成生态系统功能的崩解,而且也造成共存物种的毁灭。
User: He goes on to argue that in The Lord of the Rings evil does sometimes seem to be an independent force, more than merely the absence of good, and suggests that Alfred's additions to his translation of Boethius may have inspired that view.
Assistant: 他接着论述,在《魔戒》中邪恶似乎是一种独立的力量,不仅仅是“善”的缺失(虽然不是摩尼教异端所指的那种“独立”),并指出阿尔弗雷德大帝的译本增注也许启发了这种观点。
User: MiG-29BM "The MiG-29BM (probably Belarusian Modernised, possibly Bolyshaya Modernizaciya – large modernization) is an upgrade to the MiG-29 conducted by the ARZ-558 aircraft repair plant in Baranovichi, Belarus.
Assistant: 米格-29BM: 米格-29BM(可能是白俄罗斯现代化,可能为Bolyshaya Modernizaciya - 大型现代化)是在白俄罗斯巴拉诺维奇的ARZ-558飞机修理厂进行的米格-29升级,米格-29BM是一个升级武装的米格-29战机,白俄罗斯米格-29BM类似俄罗斯米格-29SMT。
User: The permanent casino, designed by Sydney architect, Philip Cox, opened in November 1997, was one of the largest building projects ever carried out in Australia.
Assistant: 由建筑师菲利普·福克斯(英语:菲利普·福克斯)设计的永久性建筑在1997年11月完工,当时是澳大利亚历史上最大的建筑工程之一。
User: The madeleine (French pronunciation: , English: /ˈmædleɪn/ or /ˌmædlˈeɪn/) or petite madeleine () is a traditional small cake from Commercy and Liverdun, two communes of the Lorraine region in northeastern France.
Assistant: 玛德莲蛋糕(法语:madeleine,法语发音:,petite madeleine)是一种传统的贝壳形状的小蛋糕,来自于法国东北部洛林大区的两个市镇科梅尔西和利韦尔丹。
User: The penal cases are usually for minor crimes such as pickpocketing.
Assistant: 刑事案件通常是偷窃、抢劫等轻微罪嫌所引起。
User: Fox's appeal was rejected and the decision was upheld by Sir Paul Kennedy, a former high court judge.
Assistant: 福克斯的上诉被拒绝,该决定由前高等法院法官保罗·肯尼迪先生维持。
User: The script, in-game journal entries, and instruction manual were written by Patrick J. Doody and Chris Valenziano, based on the story and the summary of events provided by lead designer Jason Allen, lead artist Brian Horton, and lead level designer Daniel Jacobs.
Assistant: 剧本大纲,游戏中的对话选项由Patrick J. Doody 与Chris Valenziano负责,主设计师Jason Allen则负责事件摘要与故事基础,Brain Horton为美术总编,而主要的设计者则是Daniel Jacobs。
User: Marquis Mills Converse founded the Converse Rubber Shoe Company in 1908 in Malden, Massachusetts.
Assistant: 匡威橡胶鞋公司是Marquis Mills Converse于1908年在马萨诸塞州莫尔登成立的企业。
User: 21+24.Co1 Centralizer of an involution.
Assistant: 21+24.Co1 对合的中心化子。
User: 11-15: Battle of Tug Argan fought in British Somaliland during the Italian invasion.
Assistant: 11-15日:意大利入侵期间,英属索马里兰发生图格阿甘山口之战(Battle of Tug Argan)。
User: When a regency is necessary, the next qualified individual in the line of succession automatically becomes regent, unless they themselves are a minor or incapacitated.
Assistant: 当摄政期到来时,继承顺位中的下一人自动成为摄政(除非其亦未成年或无法执行其职)。
User: Each black homeland controlled its own education, health and police systems.
Assistant: 每个黑人家园控制其自身的教育、卫生和警力系统。
User: 1915: First U.S. coast-to-coast long-distance telephone call, ceremonially inaugurated by A.G. Bell in New York City and his former assistant Thomas Augustus Watson in San Francisco, California.
Assistant: 1915年: 美国第一个东西两岸长途电话开通仪式举行,两端分别是在纽约的贝尔和在旧金山的他的前助手Thomas Augustus Watson。
User: The six-angled seed pod, (which gives rise to its name 'hexagona'), has a ventricose (a swelling on one side).
Assistant: Sei(セイ(生),声:苍井夕真/井口祐一) 戴着帽子,有特殊装饰。
User: The series allowed players to explore cities in detail, at a time when many games relegated them to simple menu screens with "buy"/"sell" options.
Assistant: 该系列允许玩家仔细探索城市,而当时许多游戏将城市缩减为仅有“购买”/“卖出”选项的菜单。
User: Most techniques require sophisticated microscopy and very sensitive measurement equipment.
Assistant: 大多数实验需要复杂的显微镜和非常灵敏的测量设备。
User: In the 1930s, some of the affluent customers of the bar began to show their appreciation by presenting 21 with jockeys painted to represent the racing colors of the stables they owned.
Assistant: 在1930年代,酒吧的一些富裕顾客带来了21座代表他们拥有的马厩比赛颜色的骑师雕像以表示感谢。
User: A main belt asteroid, 1991 GX7, was named 9954 Brachiosaurus in honor of the genus in 1991.
Assistant: 另外,一个小行星带的小行星,1991 GX7,现名为9954 Brachiosaurus,则是以腕龙为名。
User: Linguist Gerrit Dimmendaal (2008) believes that for now it is best considered an independent language family.
Assistant: 语言学家吉瑞特(Gerrit Dimmendaal)认为最好将它定位为一门独立语言。
User: Oslo is also known for giving out the Nobel Peace Prize every year.
Assistant: 奥斯陆也因每年颁发诺贝尔和平奖而闻名。
User: Whatever the diagnosis, his condition was likely worsened by malnutrition, overwork, insomnia and alcohol.
Assistant: 而病因则可能是营养不良、过度劳累、失眠和酗酒。
User: Existential phenomenology studies concrete human existence, including our experience of free choice and/or action in concrete situations.
Assistant: 存在主义现象学(英语:Existential phenomenology),它研究具体的人的存在,包括我们自由选择和(或)具体情形中的行为。
User: TCP Proportional Rate Reduction (PRR) is an algorithm designed to improve the accuracy of data sent during recovery.
Assistant: TCP PRR(TCP Proportional Rate Reduction )是旨在恢复期间提高发送数据的准确性。
User: This is still used occasionally as an approximation, though the more precise PPP Pariser–Parr–Pople method succeeded it in 1953.
Assistant: 这在今天仍然在有些情况下用作近似处理,尽管1953年提出的PPP方法(π自洽场方法)更为精确。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: Four passengers died.
Assistant: 四名乘客死亡。
User: NGC 2623 is in a late stage of merging.
Assistant: NGC 2623正处在星系合并的最后阶段。
User: Status request failures, such as when a connection cannot be established, it times-out, or the document or message cannot be retrieved, usually produce an action from the monitoring system.
Assistant: 如果状态请求失败,例如连接建立失败、超时(英语:Timeout (telecommunication))或文档或消息无法接收,通常将触发监控系统产生动作。
User: Due to his energies this post was gradually turned into a place of great significance.
Assistant: 从这一款作品开始,机关术逐渐占有了重要地位。
User: It contains most of the features of the professional version but with fewer and simpler options.
Assistant: 它包含了专业版的大多数特性,但是只有少量的简化选项。
User: "I couldn't wait to go back into the recording studio.
Assistant: ”“我是又踢又叫地去录音室录制的。
User: Hopkins reported back to Roosevelt, and Churchill and Roosevelt agreed that information interchange should be reviewed, and that the atomic bomb project should be a joint one.
Assistant: 丘吉尔和罗斯福商定,应当重新审视信息交换相关政策,而原子弹工程应是双方联合建设的。
User: And while staying there Nakula sent, messengers unto Vasudeva Krishna.
Assistant: 但渚薰却是最后的使徒,真嗣必须杀死他。
User: The Australian Chiefs of Staff Committee reported to the Government on 8 March that there was a possibility that these ships could have entered the Indian Ocean to attack Fremantle.
Assistant: 澳大利亚参谋长联席委员会向政府报告说这些船可能会在3月8日进入印度洋去攻击弗里曼德港。
User: It is also reminiscent of a 1970s Woolworths logo.
Assistant: 它也暗喻了1970年代伍尔沃斯的标志。
User: Most residents are in the low-income group.
Assistant: 因此主要消费群体为低收入人群。
User: State Library of South Australia, Adelaide.
Assistant: 南澳洲州立图书馆,位于 阿德莱德。
User: In January 2013, fine airborne particulates that pose the largest health risks, rose as high as 993 micrograms per cubic meter in Beijing, compared with World Health Organization guidelines of no more than 25.
Assistant: 2013年1月,细小的空气微粒带来最大的健康风险,北京的指数高达每立方米993微克,远超世界卫生组织不得高于25微克的水平。
User: The orbital period is approximately 7.3 days.
Assistant: 其轨道周期仅为3地球日7.5小时。
User: No loss occurs when the signals at ports 2 and 3 are in phase and have equal magnitude.
Assistant: 当端口2和3处的信号同相且幅度相等时,不会发生损耗。
User: His Lightside self reveals to him that he, the underworld Ark, is the legendary hero and then kills him.
Assistant: 他告诉地下世界的阿空,他是传说的英雄,并杀了他。
User: Later, immigrants came from Germany, Italy, Greece, Poland, and Southern and Eastern Europe.
Assistant: 后来,新移民来自德国、意大利、希腊、波兰和东南欧。
User: Details of the trade deals agreed were not released though Chadian security sources have claimed that supplies of Israeli weapons have been secured for use in fighting Islamist rebels in the north of the country.
Assistant: 双方并没有公布协议的详细内容,但乍得安全部队则宣称以色列同意向查德政府提供武器,以打击北部的伊斯兰武装分子。
User: In Antigua and Barbuda, all schools and the local airport were closed as a precautionary measure.
Assistant: 为防万一,安提瓜和巴布达所有的学校和地方机场全部关闭。
User: While Martin Luther did not use the exact phrase "priesthood of all believers", he adduces a general priesthood in Christendom in his 1520 To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation in order to dismiss the medieval view that Christians in the present life were to be divided into two classes: "spiritual" and "secular".
Assistant: 虽然马丁·路德并没有使用“信徒皆祭司”这个短语,但是他在1520年的《致德意志基督教贵族公开书》中,宣扬普遍的祭司职分,以批驳中世纪观点——认为现实生活中的基督徒分为两类:“属灵的”和“现世短暂的”。
User: Preliminary drafts of the book were completed by 1970, but Hayek chose to rework his drafts and finally brought the book to publication in three volumes in 1973, 1976 and 1979.
Assistant: 哈耶克在1970年完成了《法、立法与自由》的初稿,但他后来会持续修改,并且将书分成三卷,在1973、1976、和1979年分别出版。
User: When completed the Sanriku Expressway will span these three prefectures.
Assistant: 直到广州亚运前的河涌整治工程,这两间烧腊店才消失。
User: Their debut album Unknown Pleasures, recorded with producer Martin Hannett, was released in 1979.
Assistant: 乐队的首张专辑《Unknown Pleasures》由马丁·汉内特(Martin Hannett)制作,在1979年发行,获得了乐评界赞誉。
User: In Turkey, hundreds of tons of wild fruit are harvested annually, mainly for export.
Assistant: 在土耳其,每年仍有数以百吨计的野草莓被收割使用。
User: The Facebook real-name policy controversy refers to the controversy over social networking site Facebook's "real-name system" dictating how people register their accounts and configure their user profiles.
Assistant: Facebook实名制争议,是指社交网站Facebook实行网络实名制而引发的争议,该网站规定用户必须使用真实个人姓名为用户名。
User: Jan Aleksander Gorczyn, a royal secretary, published in 1647 a popular music tutorial for beginners.
Assistant: 王室秘书扬·亚历山大·戈尔琴在1647年发表了一部颇受欢迎的新手音乐教程。
User: However, in fact, the majority of Free State soldiers were raw recruits without military experience in either World War I or the Irish War of Independence.
Assistant: 但是实际上自由邦士兵中的大部分是新兵,没有在一次大战或爱尔兰独立战争中的任何军事经验。
User: A police force that reports to the court enforces the judges' rulings, but also helps settle community disputes and apprehend suspected criminals.
Assistant: 一个向法院汇报的警察机构负责执行法官们的裁决,但同时也协助平息社区争端和抓捕嫌犯。
User: One example: Millikan measured the charge on an electron by an experiment with falling oil drops, and got an answer which we now know not to be quite right.
Assistant: 举个例子,密立根做了个油滴实验,量出了电子的带电量,得到一个今天我们知道是不大对的答案。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: The change in opponents was a mixed blessing for Douglas; it removed the incumbent from the field, but deprived her of the endorsement of the Daily News—one of the few big city papers to consistently support her.
Assistant: 竞选对手的变化对于道格拉斯来说喜忧参半,一方面她的对手不再拥有在任的优势,但另一方面她也失去了《每日新闻报》的支持,这是当时为数不多的几家一直坚持支持她的大城市报纸之一。
User: Academic tenure's original purpose was to guarantee the right to academic freedom: it protects teachers and researchers when they dissent from prevailing opinion, openly disagree with authorities of any sort, or spend time on unfashionable topics.
Assistant: 终身教授制的最原始目的是保证学术自由的权利:终身教授制保护教授有权持反主流观念,公开对抗任何权威或者从事不“不合时宜”课题的研究。
User: Following the Norman conquest of England, Poole rapidly grew into a busy port as the importance of Wareham declined.
Assistant: 诺曼征服不列颠之后,韦勒姆的重要性衰退,普尔港开始繁荣起来。
User: She left the Celebrity fleet on 16 March 2009.
Assistant: 它在2009年3月16日离开名流邮轮船队。
User: A door in the southern wall across from the platform opens into a remaining unused space, and suggests the platform level of the original grade, which is the same as the 59th Street underpass.
Assistant: 60街通道于现有车站向下兴建时破坏,南端横过月台的一堵墙设有一扇门,通往未使用的空间,显示原先月台层的位置,与59街地下道相同。
User: Jinotega produces 80% of Nicaragua's coffee, which is exported to the United States, Russia, Canada and Europe.
Assistant: 此处生产尼加拉瓜80%的咖啡,主要出口美国,俄罗斯,加拿大和欧洲。
User: Before going into comedy writing in the late 1990s, Armstrong worked as a researcher for the Labour MP Doug Henderson.
Assistant: 在1990年代晚期成为喜剧编剧前,他为工党议员Doug Henderson担任研究员。
User: However, each person is different and some people like the pressure to perform better.
Assistant: 然而,每个人都是不同的,有些人喜欢压力来促进工作表现。
User: Gugiu & Centellas developed the Democracy Cluster Classification Index that integrates five democracy indicators (including the DD dataset, Polity dataset, etc.), clustering 24 American and 39 European regimes over 30 years.
Assistant: Gugiu&Centellas使用集群分类法,将五种常用民主指标(含DD资料集、政体资料集、自由之家报告等),做出民主集群分类DCC索引(Democracy Cluster Classification),把30年期间美洲24国和欧洲39国的政体类型进行分类。
User: In another scene, the woman is asleep with her lover (Monaghan) and wakes up.
Assistant: 在另一幕中,女人睡在她恋人(莫纳汉)的旁边并醒来。
User: Unlike other English local authorities, the Corporation has two council bodies: the (now largely ceremonial) Court of Aldermen and the Court of Common Council.
Assistant: 和其他英格兰地方政府不同,伦敦市法团有两个市议会机构:(现在基本仅具仪式性质的)参事会(英语:Court of Aldermen)(Court of Aldermen)和庶民会议(Court of Common Council)。
User: Nathan and Kathy were madly in love with one another, and it was Nathan who ended up buying Kathy her circus as a birthday present.
Assistant: 内森和凯茜彼此相爱,他给凯西买了个马戏团来买生日礼物。
User: In the Japanese version had only 18 European teams in Asia had 6 selections including: China, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan and United Arab Emirates.
Assistant: 在日本版本中,新增的队伍为18支欧洲队伍,6支亚洲队伍,包括中国、沙特阿拉伯、乌兹别克斯坦和阿拉伯联合酋长国。
User: Ostfriesland, Helgoland, and Thüringen began firing on HMS Warspite, which, along with the other Queen Elizabeth-class battleships of the 5th Battle squadron, had been pursuing the German battlecruiser force.
Assistant: 东弗里斯兰号、黑尔戈兰号和图林根号朝厌战号开火,因后者随同英国第5战列分舰队(英语:5th Battle Squadron (United Kingdom))的其它伊丽莎白女王级舰只一直在追击德国的战列巡洋舰部队。
User: The Council of Caen eventually declared all altercations settled in August 1091.
Assistant: 康城议会最终在1091年8月宣布所有纷争经已结束。
User: Normal Weight at term delivery is 2500 g - 4200 g.
Assistant: 足月儿的正常出生体重为2500 g - 4200 g。
User: Johann Karl Emmanuel Schenk (1 December 1823 – 18 July 1895) was a Swiss pastor, politician and member of the Swiss Federal Council (1863–1895).
Assistant: 约翰尼·卡尔·埃马纽埃尔·申克( Johann Karl Emmanuel Schenk ,1823年12月1日-1895年7月18日)是一位瑞士牧师、政治家,瑞士联邦委员会委员(1863年-1884年)。
User: Full accreditation allows agents to sell tickets on behalf of all IATA member airlines.
Assistant: 获得全面认证的代理可代表所有国际航协成员航空公司售票。
User: This is to avoid mistaken "theorems", based on fallible intuitions, of which many instances have occurred in the history of the subject.
Assistant: 这是为了避免依著不可靠的直观而推出错误的“定理”,而这情形在历史上曾出现过许多的例子。
User: However, since interference can only be observed after the idler photons are measured and they are correlated with the signal photons, there is no way for experimenters to tell what choice will be made in advance just by looking at the signal photons, only by gathering classical information from the entire system; thus causality is preserved.
Assistant: 然而,由于只能在测量闲置光子且它们与讯号光子相关之后才能观察到干扰,实验者无法借由观察讯号光子来预知将会做出什么选择,只能借由收集整个系统的古典资讯来得知。
User: By the end of the last century BC, these kampungs beginning to engage in some trade with the outside world.
Assistant: 在公元前上个世纪末,这些甘榜开始与外界进行一些贸易。
User: Although the speed of progression can vary, the typical life expectancy following diagnosis is three to nine years.
Assistant: 虽然疾程因人而异,但诊断后的平均余命约为三到九年。
User: U.S. Senator Pat Toomey called for a public apology from Google.
Assistant: 美国参议员帕特·图米表示Google应向公众致歉。
User: The regulation WNBA ball is a minimum 28.5 inches (72.4 cm) in circumference, which is one inch (2.54 cm) smaller than the NBA ball.
Assistant: WNBA所采用的篮球,圆周最少是28.5寸(72.4公分)长,与NBA所用的球少1寸(2.54公分)。
User: His letter was forwarded to the Philadelphia Mint, where Superintendent John Landis had Mint Chief Engraver Charles E. Barber read and initial it.
Assistant: 圣高登斯的信送到了费城铸币局,局长约翰·兰迪斯(John Landis)让首席雕刻师查尔斯·爱德华·巴伯看过信件和模具。
User: Downstream uses could be to identify areas suitable for mining, oil and gas exploration or areas at risk from landslides or earthquakes, to help understanding of formations which store groundwater for drinking or irrigation, and to help locate porous rocks suitable for burying emissions of greenhouse gases.
Assistant: 它的下游用途可能是寻找适合采矿或探勘石油与天然气区域、或寻找山崩和地震危险区域、了解可饮用或灌溉地下水如何形成和储存、以及寻找适合封存温室气体的多孔岩石区。 |
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Renoir admired Edgar Degas' sense of movement.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Donna's United States citizenship is briefly revoked after the Minnesota town in which she was born ends up in Canada due to border changes.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In England, compulsory education or training has been extended to 18 for those born on or after 1 September 1997.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
After their election to the State Council of Ceylon in 1936, the Lanka Sama Samaja Party (LSSP) members N. M. Perera and Philip Gunawardena demanded the replacement of English as the official language by Sinhala and Tamil.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
1936年的国家议会选举后,Lanka Sama Samaja Party(LSSP)政党成员N.M Perera及菲力浦‧纳瓦达纳(Philip Gunawardena)要求将英文变更为官方语言,以取代僧伽罗语与泰米尔语。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In 1413, John the Fearless supported the Cabochien Revolt that brought about a slaughter in Paris.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
However, the most commonly used stable isotope tracers involve relatively light isotopes, which readily undergo fractionation in natural systems.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
During 1981, Michelson directed a program for the automated noninvasive testing of captured foreign threat assets.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
James Ivory is the oldest person to receive the award, having been 89 years old when he won for Call Me by Your Name.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:詹姆士·艾佛利 - 因《以你的名字呼唤我》获得最佳改编剧本,以89岁成为奥斯卡影史上最年长的得奖者,同时也是最年长的男性入围者。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Five days later, Turkey surrendered.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Containment was 66%.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
They hoped that the Supreme Court would reject jurisdiction in the case by claiming that there was no legally recognized government in Texas.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Gruschke published numerous books and articles mainly on Tibetan culture, among them pioneering works for monasteries in the East Tibetan regions Amdo and Kham.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
格鲁施克出版了许多著作和文章,主要是对藏族文化,其中有开拓性的工程,为寺庙,在藏东地区的安多和康区。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: He has been Titular Professor since 2007.
Assistant: 他自2007年7月起担任正教授。
User: In the theory of potential, his work from 1897 On some questions connected with Dirichlet's problem clarified several important aspects of the theory.
Assistant: 在位势论的研究中,他的工作从1897年在某些问题连接狄利克雷的问题澄清了几个重要的理论。
User: Long-time President of Mexico Porfirio Díaz was ousted in 1911 after staging a rigged reelection, and a struggle for power – the Mexican Revolution – began.
Assistant: 一位很长任期的墨西哥总统波费里奥·迪亚斯操纵选举后在1911年被流放,同时,争夺权力的墨西哥革命也开始了。
User: "City to add one more international school" (Archive).
Assistant: "城市增加一个国际学校"(档案中)。
User: The Mate 9 also included FPC1025 fingerprint sensor, which produced by Fingerprint Cards of Sweden.
Assistant: Mate 9还配备由瑞典指纹卡公司生产的FPC1025指纹传感器,其采用4级安全系统,保证了指纹识别速度和准确性。
User: Accuracy - the marked edges should be as close to the edges in the real image as possible.
Assistant: 好的定位 - 标识出的边缘要与实际图像中的实际边缘尽可能接近。
User: Kendari's economy is mostly agricultural with some industrial centers near the city.
Assistant: 肯达里的经济产业主要是农业,城市周围有一些工业区。
User: The resolution also instructed the Commission to address a letter that was sent to the Council by the Foreign Minister of Pakistan.
Assistant: 决议同时指示委员会回应巴基斯坦外相致安理会的信函。
User: I was new to that environment.
Assistant: 我就是在这样的环境下长大的。
User: 1969 – Yasser Arafat takes over as chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization.
Assistant: 1969年:阿拉法特成为巴勒斯坦解放组织领导人。
User: In 1933 he joined Atlético Madrid for a third time but returned to England at the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War.
Assistant: 他在1933年第三度执教马德里体育会,但随着西班牙内战的爆发,他返回了英格兰。
User: Many countries throughout the world have already been adding thousands of surveillance cameras to their urban, suburban and even rural areas.
Assistant: 全世界许多国家设置了成百上千的摄像头,分布在城市、郊区甚至乡村地区。
User: Israel also cancelled the planned visits of the Senegalese Foreign Minister to Israel, and other visits of non-resident ambassadors of Senegal and New Zealand.
Assistant: 以色列同时取消塞内加尔外交部长对该国的参访,以及前述两国其他非驻地使节的参访计划。
User: CD79 (Cluster of Differentiation 79) is a transmembrane protein that forms a complex with the B-cell receptor (BCR) and generates a signal following recognition of antigen by the BCR.
Assistant: CD79是一种跨膜蛋白,可与B细胞受体(BCR)结合为复合体,并在BCR识别抗原后产生一个信号。
User: Throughout the trial Amar insisted that, if the Mongolian People’s Republic were really an independent nation, he should be tried by a Mongolian court.
Assistant: 在审判过程中,阿玛尔强调,如果蒙古人民共和国是一个真正的独立国家,那么他的政府总理应当被蒙古法庭审判。
User: Astor's paternal grandfather William Backhouse Astor, Sr. was a prominent real estate businessman.
Assistant: 他的祖父老威廉·巴克豪斯·阿斯特(英语:William Backhouse Astor Sr.)是一位杰出的房地产商人。
User: Jackson apologized for the incident, calling it "a terrible mistake".
Assistant: 杰克逊随后为此事道歉,称是“一个可怕的错误”。
User: The motto first appeared in a François Constantin's letter to Jacques-Barthélémy, and the letter was dated July 5, 1819.
Assistant: 该口号最早出现在一封弗朗索瓦·江诗丹顿给亚科斯-巴特雷米·瓦什隆的信中,该信件的日期1819年7月5号。
User: I am a professor.
Assistant: 我是一位教授。
User: Clarified broths called consommés have been in use since the Middle Ages, taking many forms from simple soups, to soups made from the meat of a wide variety of less-common animals.
Assistant: 从中世纪以来,就开始将澄清过后的高汤称作法式清汤,有从使用简单的汤,到使用各种少见动物肉类的不同版本。
User: At his age, he led a small uprising to force the landowner to increase their wages.
Assistant: 他领导了一场小规模的起义,迫使地主增加工资。
User: Exporting his talents, he designed the Hispano HA-200 jet trainer for Hispano Aviación in Spain in 1952 before eventually being allowed to return to aircraft manufacturing in Germany to licence-produce the Fiat G91 and then Lockheed F-104 Starfighter for the West German Luftwaffe.
Assistant: 因为他的才能,梅塞施密特应邀为西班牙设计Hispano HA-200教练机,直到禁令解除,重新回到德国制造Fiat G.91攻击机和洛克希德的F-104星式战斗机。
User: The weapon is easily assembled and can be shot with minimal instruction, as if it were an unguided rocket.
Assistant: 这武器配件很容易组装上火箭弹以上,并可以最少的指令、然后就像是一枚非制导火箭弹般击发。
User: Two free-to-air channels, Okto and Channel 8, are also allowed to show operas and arthouse movies with some non-standard variety content, respectively.
Assistant: 两家免付费的频道——奥多频道(Okto)和8频道也分别获准放映方言歌剧和含有少量方言内容的艺术电影。
User: The G7 countries have a special responsibility when it comes to shaping our planet's future.
Assistant: 当谈到塑造我们星球的未来,G7国家有特殊的责任。
User: Some postmodern historians such as Keith Jenkins in recent years have debated whether or not it is possible to empathize with people from the past.
Assistant: 近年来一些后现代历史学家,例如凯斯·詹金斯(Keith Jenkins)一直在争论是否能对过去的人产生同理心的可能。
User: The APR308 GRS suppressor reduces the acoustical report of the weapon by 36 dB(A) and also reduces the optical muzzle signature.
Assistant: 根据武器声学报告的数据,APR308 GRS消声器能够降低36 分贝(A)枪口噪音,并同时也降低了枪口焰(英语:Muzzle flash)。
User: Homozygous FH is harder to treat.
Assistant: 纯合子FH的治疗更加困难。
User: This was particularly noticeable with pre-recorded cassettes, the sales of which were overtaken by those of CDs during the early 1990s.
Assistant: 这一趋势在预录制卡带市场更为显著,在1990年代初期,CD的销售就超过了预录制卡带。
User: W.W. Duson's daughter, Maime Duson, married Percy Lee Lawrence, who founded the First National Bank of Crowley.
Assistant: 他的女儿Maime Duson也嫁给了建立第一国家银行克罗利分行的P.L.劳伦斯。
User: The Church of the Holy Name of Jesus on Oxford Road, Manchester, England was designed by Joseph A. Hansom and built between 1869 and 1871.
Assistant: 耶稣圣名教堂(英语:Church of the Holy Name of Jesus)是一座位于英国大曼彻斯特郡牛津街的教堂,由约瑟夫·汉森设计,于1869年至1871年期间建成。
User: Billy Dukes of Taste of Country called the song a "complex and satisfying expression" of vulnerability, and praised Hayes for choosing a song with a personal message for his big Grammy moment.
Assistant: Billy Dukes称歌曲是对于个人的脆弱性“复杂而令人满意的表达”,并赞扬海耶斯为自己的格莱美表演选择了表现个人信息的歌曲。
User: Eventually, a dozen D9 bulldozers went into action, razing the center of the refugee camp and forcing the Palestinian militants inside to surrender.
Assistant: 最后,十几架推土机将难民营中心夷为平地,并迫使内里的巴勒斯坦武装人员投降。
User: Presumed Guilty.
Assistant: 原知罪矣。
User: Upon inspection of his body, it appears to be empty, though devices like the F-Ray reveal that, despite appearing hollow, Bender's body contains gears and other robotic components.
Assistant: 他身体检查出是空的,但像F射线显示尽管空心,班德的体内含有齿轮和其他机器人所组成。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: The album was produced by Rik Simpson and Stargate.
Assistant: 专辑由Rik Simpson和Stargate制作。
User: At least I know I'm acting out celebrity.
Assistant: 渐离同意完成颂歌。
User: This is the other relationship between cricket and bat.
Assistant: 这就是IIB型弦和I型弦之间的联系。
User: As Adams worked on the opera, he came to see Nixon, whom he had once intensely disliked, as an "interesting character", a complicated individual who sometimes showed emotion in public.
Assistant: 亚当斯在创作歌剧的过程中前去面见了尼克松本人,他曾非常不喜欢尼克松,这个“有意思的角色”,一个有时会在公众面前表现出情感的复杂人物。
User: During the period of revival, mothers were seen as the moral and spiritual foundation of the family, and were thus tasked with instructing children in matters of religion and ethics.
Assistant: 在复兴时期,母亲被视为家庭的道德和精神基础,因此受命指导儿童处理宗教和道德问题。
User: Webster's first application for parole in February 2004 was denied as he had not yet undertaken work release.
Assistant: 2004年2月,韦伯斯特首度申请假释,但因他尚未从事过监外就业而遭拒。
User: However, there's a way to achieve this seemingly impossible task.
Assistant: 但是很明显地,这么夸张的性能是不可能实现的。
User: He warned that the state was not prepared militarily to fight Russia in a war.
Assistant: 他警告说,奥斯曼帝国还没有在军事上准备好与俄罗斯决战。
User: Rey is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise portrayed by English actress Daisy Ridley.
Assistant: 芮(英语:Rey)是一名《星际大战》专营权中的虚构人物,由英国女演员黛西·蕾德莉饰演。
User: Lavigne said on the foundation's website, "I have always looked for ways to give back because I think it's a responsibility we all share".
Assistant: 艾薇儿在基金会的网站上写道:“我一直在寻求回馈社会的方式,因为我认为这是我们共同的责任。
User: Alternatively, note that the quotient ring has zero divisors so it is not an integral domain and thus P + Q cannot be prime.
Assistant: 注意商环具有零因子意味着不是整环,因此P + Q不能是素理想。
User: The observation of neutrino interactions requires a large detector mass, along with a sensitive amplification system.
Assistant: 中微子相互作用的观察需要一个大的检测器质量,以及一个敏感的放大系统。
User: In addition, some 3,000 mostly Jews were executed in the municipal stadium by the Germans.
Assistant: 此外约有3,000名犹太人在市政体育场内被德国人处决。
User: Family crisis – Mostly occurs when one member of a family neglectfully performs harmful action.
Assistant: 家庭危机:主要发生在一个家庭成员因疏忽而产生的有害行为。
User: It is also 19% lighter than the previous Innovator Edition, it has improved ergonomics and a redesigned touchpad for easier navigation.
Assistant: 它比之前的Innovator Edition轻了19%,它改进了人体工程学设计,并重新设计了触摸板,便于导航。
User: Eazy-E, Ice Cube, MC Ren and Dr. Dre would later become platinum-selling solo artists in the 1990s.
Assistant: Eazy-E、冰块酷巴、MC Ren和Dr. Dre的个人作品在1990年代都获得了白金销量认证。
User: Plasticity Theory (Revised Edition) (PDF).
Assistant: 实验心理学纲要(修订版)[M]。
User: The state-run Syrian Television reported that 19 police officers and members of the security forces have been killed in Daraa.
Assistant: 国家电视台报道说,截止目前已经有19名警察和安全部队成员在德拉被杀。
User: In some patients, fear of PCCI can impact treatment decisions.
Assistant: 在一些病患身上,对化疗脑的担心会影响治疗的决定。
User: Fellow Kenyans were second and third.
Assistant: 康修民是第二、三届全国人大代表。
User: The Saudi government denied this.
Assistant: 但叙利亚政府对此予以否认。
User: And they disbelieve in what came after it, while it is the truth confirming that which is with them.
Assistant: 可是,赛博人指他们不合资格,并指他们将会被肃清。
User: Nearby civilians, who had also witnessed or heard the blast, arrived to assist the victims and emergency workers.
Assistant: 附近的多位看到或听到爆炸的平民也赶到现场对受害人和救援人员提供帮助。
User: The patents were filed in 1999 and 2001 respectively, and in 2003 the National Security Agency paid $25 million for the right to use 26 of Certicom's patents, including the two that Sony is alleged to have infringed on.
Assistant: 这些专利分别在1999年和2001年申请,且美国国家安全局在2003年支付25万美元来使用certicom的26项专利,其中包括其认为索尼侵犯的两项。
User: The entire family is cribellate.
Assistant: 整个家庭阴云笼罩。
User: The selection process differs slightly among the academic members, but often it is required to already be enrolled or selected for a Master of Business degree with a member university prior to applying for the CEMS MIM.
Assistant: 学术成员之间的选拔过程略有不同,但往往需要事前已经被录取或被挑选就读于成员大学的商科硕士课程。
User: Its façades combine Lucas von Hildebrandt's love of decoration with French-style classical orders in two superimposed stories; its interior features the famous Austrian "imperial staircase" but also a French-type enfilade of rooms on the garden side, inspired by the "apartement semi-double" layout of French castles.
Assistant: 它的外墙则体现出卢卡斯·冯·希尔德布兰特(Lucas von Hildebrandt)对法式古典装饰设计对楼层双层叠加的喜爱;它的内部装饰则具有奥地利“帝国楼梯”样式的特点,但同样也有法式房间在花园旁边纵射的特点。
User: Officials from the National Congress of American Indians said the focus should be on honoring the disproportionately high number of Native Americans who serve in the military, and they had been assured that "Geronimo" was not a code name for bin Laden.
Assistant: 美国印地安人全国代表大会(National Congress of American Indians)的官方代表指出,焦点应该放在我们必须对如此大量且于军中服役的美洲原住民表示尊重,而且美国政府应该要向他们保证“杰罗尼莫”并不是本·拉登的代号。
User: Tantalum is also produced in Thailand and Malaysia as a by-product of tin mining and smelting.
Assistant: 钽在泰国和马来西亚也有生产,但只是作为锡矿石的伴生产品和冶炼副产品。
User: With standard support and maintenance included.
Assistant: 有打入与持驹规则。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: For this reason, today there are native Armenian words beginning with the letter օ (ō) although this letter was taken from the Greek alphabet to write foreign words beginning with o .
Assistant: 故此,现时亚美尼亚语一些本族词以字母 օ(ō)为首,纵使此字母取自希腊字母,用来显示以 o 为字头的外来词读音。
User: In the film A Brief History of Time, he said, "I think I would say that the universe has a purpose, it's not somehow just there by chance ... some people, I think, take the view that the universe is just there and it runs along – it's a bit like it just sort of computes, and we happen somehow by accident to find ourselves in this thing.
Assistant: 在纪录片时间简史(A Brief History of Time)中,潘洛斯说道: “我认为宇宙是有目的的,它的出现不可能是机缘巧合...有些人认为宇宙就是会存在,而且就是会运转--有点类似某种计算过程,然后我们不知道怎么的,就意外出现在宇宙中。
User: In 2006, Huawei established a Shanghai-based joint R&D center with Motorola to develop UMTS technologies.
Assistant: 与摩托罗拉合作在上海成立联合研发中心,开发UMTS技术。
User: Amazon enables Alexa "Skills" and Google "Actions", essentially apps that run on the assistant platforms.
Assistant: Amazon Alexa 的“Skills”和 Google 的“Actions”,基本上让应用程序能够在助理平台上执行。
User: In 1958, data was published linking the frequency for the caesium transition, newly established, with the ephemeris second.
Assistant: 1958年,将新确立的铯原子跃迁频率和历书秒联系起来的数据被公布 。
User: He came third in the 400 m hurdles at the 2011 USA Outdoor Track and Field Championships with a season's best run of 47.94 seconds, gaining a place on the national team.
Assistant: 他在2011年美国室外田径锦标赛的400米栏项目上获得了全年最好成绩47.94秒并夺得第三名,同时在国家队夺得一席。
User: He described how a critical thermal maximum for many frog species has been determined by contemporary research experiments: as the water is heated by about 2 °F, or 1.1 °C, per minute, the frog becomes increasingly active as it tries to escape, and eventually jumps out if the container allows it.
Assistant: 他描述称许多蛙类的最大承受温度(英语:Critical thermal maximum)已经被现代实验研究确定:如果水以每分钟2°F或1.1°C加热,如果青蛙所处容器可以使青蛙跳出,青蛙会因设法逃离而变的越来越来活跃,并最终跳出。
User: The topmost part is composed of four arches over which is built a half-orange vault, whose topmost portion is covered by white and blue tiles.
Assistant: 最上层的部分是四个拱门,上方是一个一个半橙色的拱,其最上方饰以白色和蓝色的瓷砖。
User: However, it also corrected Ptolemy based on findings of earlier Arab astronomers.
Assistant: 同时,这本书也根据以前阿拉伯天文学家的研究改正了托勒密的一些错误。
User: Otto Nückel (1888–1955) was born in Cologne in the German Empire.
Assistant: 奥图·努克尔(英语:Otto Nückel)(1888年-1955年)出生于德意志帝国的科隆。
User: The most recent election of the provincial legislature was held on 7 May 2014, and the African National Congress (ANC) won 53.59% of the vote and a 40-seat majority in the legislature.
Assistant: 最近一次省议会选举于2014年5月7日举行,非洲人国民大会获得53.59%选票,在立法机关中获得多数的40席。
User: As a result, the real-estate prices are among the top ten worldwide.
Assistant: 因此,房地产价格高居世界前十位。
User: Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Children's Books.
Assistant: 简乔治:国家级儿童作家。
User: When this happens the runs are automatically added to the batsman's and his team's score and the ball becomes dead.
Assistant: 当发生这种情况时,会自动记为击球手的和他的球队得分,球则成为死球。
User: James Lord Pierpont's first major composition "The Returned Californian" in 1852 was written expressly for Ordway and his troupe.
Assistant: 詹姆斯·皮蓬特勋爵的第一次重大的作品“返回加州”在1852年写给奥德威和他的剧团。
User: The EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art (Finnish: EMMA - Espoon modernin taiteen museo, Swedish: EMMA - Esbo moderna konstmuseum), is a major art museum in Espoo in southern Finland.
Assistant: 埃斯波现代艺术博物馆(芬兰语:Emma – Espoon modernin taiteen museo)是一家位于芬兰埃斯波市的艺术博物馆。
User: They had beaten Marseille 2–0 in the final.
Assistant: 他们在决赛中2-0战胜马赛夺冠。
User: Because of their resulting importance, the term cardinal (from Latin cardo, meaning "hinge") was applied to them.
Assistant: 因为他们因此而获的重要性,"cardinal"一词(自拉丁语:cardo而来,意为"hinge"(铰链,关键,枢纽))被用于他们身上。
User: Furthermore, when the state enlarged cooperatives in the wake of the reunification, one of ways to survive was to make earning other than collective farming.
Assistant: 此外,当国家随着重新统一而扩大合作社时,一种幸存方式是在集体之外赚取收入。
User: The wings angle down, and to the back, along the sides.
Assistant: 尾鳍分叉,下叶略长于上叶,背鳍两个。
User: This prohibition lasted for about 70 years or three generations.
Assistant: 舜天王朝延续了三代、七十年。
User: X-ray sources abound around us.
Assistant: 设 X 是拓扑空间。
User: In 1865, Jumbo, the largest elephant known at the time, was transferred to the zoo from Jardin des Plantes in Paris.
Assistant: 在1865年,当时已知的最大的大象金宝(Jumbo),由巴黎植物园(Jardin des Plantes)转移至此。
User: He starred as Walter in the Canadian independent crime thriller Small Town Murder Songs (2010).
Assistant: 在加拿大独立犯罪惊悚片Small Town Murder Songs (2010)中他饰演Walter。
User: During this same period, 1987 to 1990, there were 46,319 gun homicides, and the National Crime Victimization Survey estimated that 2,628,532 nonfatal crimes involving guns occurred.
Assistant: 在这同一个时期,介于1987年和1990年间,共有46319枪支凶杀案,而根据美国全国犯罪受害人调查估计,2,628,532件非致命犯罪与枪有关。
User: In September 2014, the studio announced that Jordan Vogt-Roberts would direct the film.
Assistant: 2014年9月,据报导,乔丹·沃格特-罗伯兹将执导该片。
User: When two rings are identical the priority is determined by a slight modification of the CIP system assigning a higher priority to one ring extension and a lower priority to an extension in the other ring.
Assistant: 当两个环是相同的就由CIP系统来分配更高的优先,以延长一个环和一个低优先级的其他环的延伸。
User: Among his students was the prominent Dutch astronomer Jacobus Kapteyn.
Assistant: 他的学生中,最著名的是荷兰天文学家雅各布斯·卡普坦。
User: These organisms also regulate cell division with forbidden and allowed phases.
Assistant: 这些论坛通常都同时包括已授予的专利和未决专利申请。
User: The Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center in Maryland describes that their intra-operative CT usage has a positive impact on patient outcomes by improving safety, decreasing infections and lowering the risks of complications.
Assistant: 在美国马里兰州约翰•霍普金斯湾景医学中心并介绍了他们术中CT的使用对患者的治疗效果有正面的影响,提高安全性,减少感染和降低并发症的风险。
User: On November 30 1932, the book was published by Llibreria Catalònia.
Assistant: 1932年的十一月30日,该书由加泰罗尼亚自由出版社(Llibreria Catalònia)出版。
User: Although rail freight levels are far down compared to their height, significant quantities of cargo are also carried into and out of London by rail; chiefly building materials and landfill waste.
Assistant: 伦敦的铁路货运量已经不如从前,但仍然有大量的货物由铁路进出,主要为建筑材料和堆填废物。
User: The operation lasted until 9 September and failed to bring Russian naval units to battle.
Assistant: 这次行动一直持续至9月9日,并未令俄国海军部队投入战斗。
User: Although some enteric-coated formulations of aspirin are advertised as being "gentle to the stomach", in one study, enteric coating did not seem to reduce this risk.
Assistant: 尽管有些肠溶片(英语:enteric coating)在广告中宣称“不伤胃”,但研究表明肠溶片并未降低出血风险。
User: The two subspecies groups may be considered separate species, in which case the western one is called Accipiter macroscelides, the West African goshawk.
Assistant: 红胸鹰种下辖的两个亚种会被认为是两个物种,在此情况下,西部的亚种被称为Accipiter macroscelides,即西非鹰。 |
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Following the threat of a landfalling storm in Florida, orange juice futures dropped by 8.9%, reaching their lowest value since September 9.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
During the Spanish Civil War, she flew for the Republican armed forces.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The script went through many changes before the final version.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Two more versions were released: 550 MHz on May 17, 1999 and 600 MHz on August 2, 1999.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
另外两个版本是:550 MHz于1999年5月17日推出;600MHz于1999年8月2日推出。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: One is a prominent 40 km (25 mi) ridge named Townsend Dorsum that stretches 150 degrees around Ida's surface.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
In the original Latin American form, the forward/backward motion of salsa is done in diagonal or sideways with the 3-step weight change intact.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
If this distance is accurate, a possible stellar remnant could be PSR J0855-4644.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:如果这个距离是正确的,可能的恒星残骸物是PSR J0855-4644。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
His schooling was concluded successfully during 1888, after which he spent time in London and in Paris, where he was among the writers and artists who attended the Tuesday soirées held by the poet Stéphane Mallarmé.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In 754, Pope Stephen II had begged Pepin, now king, to come to his aid against the king of the Lombards, Aistulf.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:754年,教皇斯德望二世恳求当时已成为国王的矮子丕平帮助对付伦巴底国王艾斯杜尔夫(英语:Aistulf)。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
An interesting aspect to which competition authorities look at are transport costs, given that high transport costs may explain why trade between two regions is economically infeasible.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In Europe, Van Hool has a broad range of coaches, though all designs share similar looks and are based on the same platform, the TX.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: Van Hool有欧洲客车生产商中最广的产品系列,但所有设计均使用相似的外观,共用T9平台。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Some time after demolition, the site where the former cathedral used to be located was transformed into a sport complex, including tennis and volleyball courts.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Most organisms studied to date utilize a reward–punishment mechanism: for instance, worms and insects can alter their behavior to seek food sources or to avoid dangers.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:至今为止,得到研究的大部分动物都利用了奖惩机制:例如,蠕虫和昆虫都可以通过改变行为来寻找食物和躲避危险。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In 2001, Gilbert began a relationship with television producer Allison Adler.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 2001年,她开始了与电视制片人艾利森·艾德勒(Allison Adler)的恋情。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Such cross-cutting concerns do not fit cleanly into object-oriented programming or procedural programming.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这样的横切关系部分不能自然得适配面向对象编程理念和面向过程变成理念。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It is based on the metre–kilogram–second system of units (MKS) rather than any variant of the CGS.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
By default, HTTrack arranges the downloaded site by the original site's relative link-structure.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Ground breaking occurred on 12 November 2006 with the tower slated for completion in 2009, but the project was dogged by delays in payments from investors due to the global financial crisis.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The speakers mainly live by hunting and gathering.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
McCotter confirmed in May that he was seriously considering a run for the presidency.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Jillette allowed him to use the story, though Brooker did the necessary modifications for his show.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Onfroy's future child, with whom his girlfriend at the time of his death was pregnant, was not named in the will as it was written before the pregnancy.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
It is undoubtedly a terrible thing that the woman has been executed; but consider what would happen to a State, particularly in war, if it left crimes aimed at the safety of its armies to go unpunished because they were committed by women.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 她已受到公正的审判...处死一名妇女无疑是一件可怕的事情;但考虑到对一个国家的影响,特别是在战争期间,如果不这样做,那些针对军事安全所犯下的罪行就可因是女性所为而逍遥法外。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
He is intrigued by her conviction and her determination to persuade others to take up social causes.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:他喜欢她说服别人参与社会活动的信念与决心。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In the summer, the fleet took Iki-shima and moved on to Kyūshū, landing at several different locations.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In particular, domain validated certificates do not assure that any particular legal entity is connected to the certificate, even if the domain name may imply a particular legal entity controls the domain.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 特别是,域名验证型证书并不保证任何特定的法律实体关联到该证书,即使可能意味着某一法律实体控制该域名。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In the New Kingdom and later, the Book of the Dead was buried with the entombed person.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在新王国时期及之后的时期,死者之书和人一起埋葬,它用来介绍人的来世。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
The Reconstruction amendments were important in implementing the Reconstruction of the American South after the war.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: His articles also appeared in Middle American News.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The strongest and best source of light is the sun; with it, we can discern objects clearly.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Taste Of Buffalo.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He also played six months for Pas Tehran.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:他还为曾为德黑兰帕斯足球俱乐部踢了6个月的比赛。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Telephone records indicate the call lasted three minutes.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Internet Explorer 5.5 was later released for Windows Me in July 2000, and included many bug fixes and security patches.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
随后,还在2000年7月发布了针对Windows Me的Internet Explorer 5.5,该版本中包含很多错误修复和安全更新。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
At the 45 nm technology node, the area footprint of a 10μm x 10μm TSV is comparable to that of about 50 gates.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在45 nm 技术节点,该地区的10μm x 10μm 的 TSV的足迹约50 gates。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: He rejected all symbolic approaches (both McCarthy's logic and Minsky's frames), arguing that AI needed to understand the physical machinery of vision from the bottom up before any symbolic processing took place.
Assistant: 他排斥所有符号化方法(不论是McCarthy的逻辑学还是Minsky的框架),认为实现AI需要自底向上地理解视觉的物理机制,而符号处理应在此之后进行。
User: All Mod Icon.
Assistant: 通称Ikun。
User: Since these observatories do not report their data in real-time, various operations centers around the globe estimate the index based on data available from their local network of observatories.
Assistant: 由于这些观测站不是提供即时的观测数据,散布在全球各地的不同操作中心,都依据他们所在区域的观测站所提供的数据来估计这个指标。
User: Castro Street was named for José Castro (1808–1860), a Californian leader of Mexican opposition to U.S. rule in California in the 19th century, and alcalde of Alta California from 1835 to 1836.
Assistant: 卡斯特罗街的名称是由何塞·卡斯特罗(1808–1860年)所命名,他是墨西哥对抗美国的领导人物,19世纪时加州的统治者,并在1835年至1836年间担任上加利福尼亚省总督。
User: The Control Center or bridge is at the bottom of the core; the Control Center suite also includes the ship's sensor control computers.
Assistant: 控制室(或称舰桥)位在核的底部,战舰的控制电脑也位在该处。
User: And in fact, that effect was measured in 1938 by Herbert E. Ives and G. R. Stilwell (Ives–Stilwell experiment).
Assistant: 事实上这一效应在1938年被赫伯特·尤金·艾夫斯和G·R·史迪威所测得(艾夫斯-史迪威实验)。
User: The same year, Raffles appointed John Crawfurd as Resident of Singapore.
Assistant: 同年,莱佛士指派约翰·克劳福德(John Crawfurd)出任新加坡首席居民(等同于总督一职)。
User: When he was rebuffed there he travelled to Belgium, where in 1889 a financier named Somsy offered to provide him with arms and money in exchange for the kingdom's mineral rights.
Assistant: 在那里他被冷落后,他又于1889年来到比利时,一位名叫Somsy的金融家给他提供武器和金钱,以换取他王国的采矿权。
User: Java 5 was first available on Apple Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) and was the default version of Java installed on Apple Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard).
Assistant: Java 5 最初出现在 Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger),到了 Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)时成为了预设的 Java 版本。
User: The warranty may not be lawful.
Assistant: 临事机,权衡可否,确然不能易。
User: 2 TC-class that were older patrol airships designed for land forces, built in 1933.
Assistant: 2架TC级是为陆军设计的老式侦察用飞艇,生产于1933年。
User: Commodore produced many of its parts in-house to control costs, including custom integrated circuit chips from MOS Technology.
Assistant: Commodore在内部生产了许多部件来控制成本,包括来自MOS Technology的定制积体电路。
User: It is free software released under a three-way EPL/GPL/LGPL license.
Assistant: 它是一个自由软件,在CPL/GPL/LGPL三种许可协议下发布。
User: Several other members of this family are also involved in drug metabolism, but CYP3A4 is the most common and the most versatile one.
Assistant: 这个家族中的若干其它成员也涉及到药物的代谢,但CYP3A4是最常见和最多面的一个。
User: The rebels were attempting to infiltrate Lebanon from Syria via an illegal border crossing.
Assistant: 这伙武装分子试图通过一个非法的过境通道从黎巴嫩渗透到叙利亚。
User: One such decision was to have the wheels stay on the ground for as long as possible, allowing the robots to cruise around as they changed.
Assistant: 特技制作过程中的一个重要决策就是让车轮尽可能长时间地接触地面,这样机器人就可以在变形的同时保持运动。
User: However, commissioning dates were put back six months in February 2017, with commercial operation expected in the second half of 2017 and the first half of 2018.
Assistant: 然而,投产日期已于2017年2月延迟六个月,预计将于2017年下半年和2018年上半年投入商业运营。
User: These colors form the standard for cloth, and there is no perfect way to convert them to RGB for display on screen or CMYK for printing.
Assistant: 所规定的颜色仅适用于传统布面,而并没有完美的方法把它转换为屏幕显示用的RGB格式亦或是印刷用的CMYK格式。
User: Development began in 2006, and the game was released for Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux on February 29, 2012.
Assistant: 开始开发于2006年,并于2012年2月29日发布了 Microsoft Windows, macOS和 Linux版本的游戏。
User: Its artillery units were Maryland's 110th Artillery Regiment; Virginia's 111th Field Artillery Regiment; and New Jersey's 112th Field Artillery Regiment.
Assistant: 炮兵单位为马里兰州第110炮兵团、弗吉尼亚州第111炮兵团(英语:111th Field Artillery Regiment)、新泽西州第112炮兵团(英语:112th Artillery Regiment (United States))。
User: Without them the fight would have been lost.
Assistant: 没有他们这一战就会输掉。
User: Franz Baumann (born 23 September 1953) is a German former United Nations official, who served as Assistant Secretary-General and United Nations Special Adviser on Environment and Peace Operations at the United Nations Secretariat in New York until the end of 2015.
Assistant: 弗朗兹·鲍曼(德语:Franz Baumann,1953年9月23日-),德国人,前任联合国官员,曾在纽约的联合国秘书处担任助理秘书长和环境与和平行动问题特别顾问,直至2015年底。
User: The rolling stock was transferred to three private ROSCOs (rolling stock companies).
Assistant: 车辆被转让给三家私有车辆运营公司(英语:rolling stock operating company)。
User: Shortly after, almost all versions of the Wii system software became bootable.
Assistant: 此后,几乎所有Wii系统版本可以启动。
User: In the summer, the Township holds free outdoor concerts by notable popular music artists.
Assistant: 每年夏季,政府举办免费的室外音乐会,邀请著名的音乐艺术家来表演。
User: Phase 3, for the shuttle platforms, has yet to be started but will be funded as part of the 2015–2019 MTA Capital Program.
Assistant: 第三期接驳线月台尚未开工,但在2015-2019年度MTA资金计划有拨款。
User: However, in 1969, the northbound route was cut back again to Zurich, and only southbound journeys served Basel, departing from there and travelling to Zurich en route to Milan.
Assistant: 然而,至1969年,北行的路线又被缩减回苏黎世,只有南行列车设在巴塞尔始发,并经苏黎世前往米兰。
User: Therefore, it is possible to convert an existing NFA into a DFA for the purpose of implementing a (perhaps) simpler machine.
Assistant: 所以出于实现(可能)更简单的机器的目的把现存的NFA转换成DFA是可行的。 |
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Derna has a unique environment among Libyan cities, as it lies between green mountains, the Mediterranean Sea, and the desert.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:该市是利比亚城市中唯一一个有单一环境的城市:坐落于绿山,地中海和沙漠的包围之中。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Turkey announced that two more generals defected to Turkey on 18 March.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 土耳其官方宣布3月18日又有两名将军变节进入到了土境内。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Their first product was called Frisk, a concentrated organic cleaner developed by a scientist in Ohio.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 安利的第一个产品是 Frisk,由俄亥俄州科学家研发的一款浓缩有机清洁剂。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The face of the medal displayed the profile of the king, and on its reverse was a flag decoration and the words "al valore" (for valour).
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
勋章的正面呈现的是国王的肖像,背面则为本国国旗,并附有“授予英勇”(“al valore”)的字样。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This allows the player to sort the inventory in any way they wish.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 此机制可以防止玩家以反复读档的方式在游戏中取得自己想要的结果。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Even Hitler seemed to surrender to the idea of a long struggle, since the prospect of sending tanks into such a large city without heavy infantry support seemed risky after the costly capture of Warsaw in 1939.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Perhaps useful in appreciating electron degeneracy pressure is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which states that Δ x Δ p ≥ ħ 2 {\displaystyle \Delta x\Delta p\geq {\frac {\hbar }{2}}} , where Δx is the uncertainty (standard deviation) of the position measurements, Δp is the uncertainty of the momentum measurements, and ħ is the reduced Planck constant.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:与电子简并压力相关的解释是海森堡测不准原理,它的状态是: Δ x Δ p ≥ ħ 2 {\displaystyle \Delta x\Delta p\geq {\frac {\hbar }{2}}} 此处 ħ {\displaystyle \hbar } 是狄拉克常数(约化普朗克常数),Δx是测量时在位置上的不确定值,而Δp动量测量不确定的标准差。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Following injuries to Steve Cherundolo and Frankie Hejduk, Spector was included in the United States roster for the 2009 FIFA Confederations Cup and took the chance to cement his place in the national team, starting at right-back for the entire tournament.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:由于史蒂夫·切伦多洛和弗兰基·海杜克的受伤,使斯佩克特入选美国国家队参加2009年洲际国家杯,所有比赛均司职右边卫。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
He was also depicted saying "shut that hole in your face" to Molly Brown, but in fact those words were spoken by a steward in lifeboat 8.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Meanwhile, Antiochus had seized Cyprus and Memphis and was marching on Alexandria.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Family members said that, at the time of his arrest, Newman suffered from a heart condition for which he needed medication.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 家人称,在他被捕时,纽曼他需要药物治疗心脏疾病。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
It questioned why, given Israel's role, the political implications of this Jewish neoconservative influence on U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East were not a subject of debate.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Difficulties were encountered in finding transgender actors.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
The Digital Media Law Project (DMLP) was a project hosted by the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 数字媒体法项目 数字媒体法律项目(DMLP)是由哈佛大学法学院伯克曼克莱因互联网与社会中心主办的一个项目。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Campaigning throughout the eastern half of the country on behalf of Republican candidates, and venturing even to New Orleans in the Democratic Solid South, McKinley spoke to large, enthusiastic crowds as often as 23 times in a day.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:选举期间,麦金莱在美国东部各地为共和党候选人竞选拜票,甚至还打进民主党的南方基地,深入新奥尔良,一天内向大群热心听众演说达23次之多。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The ROC will be 0.5 < |z| < 0.75, which includes neither the origin nor infinity.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
收敛域会是 0.5 < |z| < 0.75,不包含原点和无穷大。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
They further praised the battle system, claiming " never becomes tiresome," and the fact that some of the weak points from Final Fantasy VII ("lengthy wandering, and an overlong center") were not issues in this game.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:When Gollum set out in search of the Ring, he was captured and tortured by Sauron.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In this Mediterranean trade, he may have acquired better knowledge of the origins of the oriental (West Asian) merchandise he would have been dealing in (such as spices and silks) than most Europeans at that time.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 虽然如此,但通过地中海贸易生涯,他可能从中学到了有关重要的东方商品(例如香料和丝绸)的知识,因此与同时代的其他欧洲人比起来,他可以算是博学了。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The first collection of the species was made on April 22, 2005, south of Padang Sidempuan in the Indonesian province of North Sumatra.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Lockheed eventually selected the Rolls-Royce RB211, but Douglas stuck with the CF6 and the DC-10 entered service in 1971.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:最终洛克希德L-1011采用了劳斯莱斯RB211,DC-10则选择了CF6,并于1971年投入使用。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
She is a playable character in Nekketsu!
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The success of 3BSD was a major factor in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA) decision to fund Berkeley's Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG), which would develop a standard Unix platform for future DARPA research in the VLSI Project.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The roles of informants ranged from those already in some way involved in state security (such as the police and the armed services) to those in the dissident movements (such as in the arts and the Protestant Church).
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
When he died, his soul was taken by Yama, the god of death, to hell for punishment.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
在祖安逊退出之后,这部电影在开发地狱(development hell)中徘徊了好几年。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The Boy Next Door was released on Blu-ray and DVD on April 28, 2015.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Scharnhorst's crew consisted of 52 officers and 788 enlisted men; of these, 14 officers and 62 enlisted men were assigned to the squadron commander's staff and were additional to the standard complement.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 其船员编制为52名军官和788名水兵;其中14名军官和62名水兵被指派为分舰队司令的随员,并增补为标准化编制。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Iridium system has 66 satellites.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 其中,铱星系统由66颗卫星组成。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Social choice theory is about voting.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
For example, Webster stated in his confession that he had choked Leigh with his left hand as he knelt beside her although, according to the autopsy report, the bruises on Leigh's neck were consistent with being choked with a right hand.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:例如,韦伯斯特称自己是跪在受害人身旁用左手掐住她的脖子,但验尸报告却显示莉莉颈部的瘀伤应该是由他人的右手导致。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
In the afternoons, local games of football give way to set-ups for outdoor cafés.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: One Sikh army under Tej Singh advanced towards Ferozepur but made no effort to surround or attack the exposed British division there.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 一个Tej Singh领导的军队作为前锋前往Ferozepur,但并没有尝试包围或者袭击英国人。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Earthquake safety, environmental degradation, studies of roadways, fermentation science, microbiology, and plant genetics are some of the broad research topics having close public-private partnerships.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
地震安全、环境退化、道路研究、发酵科学、微生物学和植物遗传学等都是是有着紧密公私合作关系的广域科研课题。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: There was 33% unemployment, and just under half of the population lived below the poverty line.
Assistant: 33%的人失业,接近一半的人生活水平在贫困线以下。
User: He continued to serve in torpedo boat squadrons eventually becoming a Commanding Officer in 1925.
Assistant: 他继续在鱼雷艇中队中服役,并最终在1925年成为了指挥官。
User: Later, mortar and plaster were used, especially in the construction of city walls, castles, and other fortifications before and during the Middle Ages.
Assistant: 之后逐渐发展成加入砂浆和灰泥等材料,尤其是在建造城墙、城堡和其他中世纪及之前的要塞时。
User: Current delegation Vermont was admitted to the Union on March 4, 1791.
Assistant: 佛蒙特州于1791年加入3月4日联邦。
User: The film's visual effects were acclaimed by the Visual Effects Society, which gave the film six awards including their top award for Outstanding Visual Effects in an Effects Driven Film.
Assistant: 影片的视觉特效得到了6项视觉效果协会奖的肯定,其中包括最高奖最佳特效电影视觉效果。
User: Orbis International is an international non-profit non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to saving sight worldwide.
Assistant: 奥比斯(Orbis International)是一个国际性的非牟利医疗教育组织,肩负全球救盲使命。
User: This was a very rare incident between the two sister churches as in general their relationship is one of the strongest between any two sister churches.
Assistant: 在这两间姊妹教会之间是十分罕见的插曲,因为一般而言,他们的关系是若干两间姊妹教会中最牢固的之一。
User: In addition, it was simple enough for soldiers to repair it at the unit level.
Assistant: 当时,大同的部队兵强马壮,边防设施修整完好。
User: In other words, they lawfully entered the country as opposed to unlawfully.
Assistant: 不过,由于该地乃为官地,而擅闯官地乃违法行为。
User: A concurrent constraint variable is a generalization of concurrent logic variables to support constraint logic programming: the constraint may be narrowed multiple times, indicating smaller sets of possible values.
Assistant: 并发约束变量是并发逻辑变量的一般化,以支持约束逻辑编程:约束可以多次缩小,表示可能值的较小集合。
User: This attack can be used to abuse communication between two or more parties.
Assistant: 这种攻击手段可用于滥用两个或多个集团之间的通信。
User: The origins of the cathedral are related to the construction in 445 of a stone church on the Druim Saileach (Willow Ridge) hill by St. Patrick, around which a monastic community developed.
Assistant: 圣帕特里克座堂起源于445年圣帕特里克在萨洛岭(Sallow Ridge)兴建的石砌教堂,环绕教堂形成了一个修道院社区。
User: After the ado Chaplin's stay caused, the Ritz manager vowed to "never again" have film stars as guests at the Ritz.
Assistant: 经历卓别林导致的一系列混乱以后,酒店经理发誓,丽兹酒店“再也不”招待电影明星了。
User: They broke up eighty years ago.
Assistant: 共实行了80年。
User: Phoenicians also settled in Northwest Africa (the Maghreb) and other areas under Carthaginian rule, but their culture and government were distinct.
Assistant: 腓尼基人也在北非西部(马格里布地区)和迦太基人统治的其他地区定居,但他们的文化和政治体系与布匿人的不同。
User: At the moment of the accident, which was 8:13 local time (00:13 GMT), its load was 475 MW and water consumption was 256 m3/s (9,000 cu ft/s).
Assistant: 在发生事故当下,当地时间上午8时13分(00:13 GMT),2号机的输出发电量为475MW,用水量为256立方米每秒(9,000立方英尺每秒)。
User: In the 2007 film Premonition, he played Dr. Roth.
Assistant: 2007年的电影Premonition中他饰演Dr. Roth。
User: These would be repeated at Midway, for the same reason, and as a result, Japan lost four fleet carriers, the core of her naval offensive forces, and thereby lost the strategic initiative in the Pacific War.
Assistant: 而这一幕在随后的中途岛再次上演,导致日本一战损失4艘舰队航母,其联合舰队的核心进攻兵力毁于一旦,丧失了太平洋战场上的主动权。
Assistant: 组建自然资源部。
User: Physicists and chemists are apt to be more interested in changes in entropy as a system spontaneously evolves away from its initial conditions, in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics, rather than an unchanging probability distribution.
Assistant: 物理学家和化学家对一个系统自发地从初始状态向前演进过程中,遵循热力学第二定律而发生的熵的变化更感兴趣。
User: According to a youth survey in 2003, 60% between the ages 10–24 indicated that education was their first priority.
Assistant: 根据2003年的调查显示,巴勒斯坦有六成的10至24岁人士享有教育优先权。
User: They are closely related to the Yankunytjatjara and Ngaanyatjarra and their languages are, to a large extent, mutually intelligible (all are varieties of the Western Desert language).
Assistant: 皮詹加加拉与岩堀尼加加拉以及恩加安尼加拉密切相关,从很大程度上讲,他们的语言是互通的(都是西部沙漠语言的分支)。
User: These contributions consist developing of the instruments and/or scientific research activities.
Assistant: 这些任务也包含了仪器的开发和科学研究活动。
User: All the gods in turn spit upon the clay.
Assistant: 皆以清节显。
User: The traditional imperial measures are preferred by a majority and continue to have widespread use in some applications.
Assistant: 传统的英制度量衡受到大部分人的偏爱并继续在部分用途受到广泛使用。
User: Through the whole existence of the camp the commandants resided in the Gorayski manor, holding wild drinking parties for the SS several times a week (Scheidt) and trapping scores of attractive Jewish and non-Jewish "house maids" (Kellermann).
Assistant: 在集中营的整个存在时期,指挥官居住在戈莱斯基庄园,每周数次为党卫队举行狂欢酒会(Scheidt),并诱捕数十名诱人的犹太和非犹太“女仆”(Kellermann)。
User: The National Library of Haiti (BNH; French: Bibliothèque Nationale d'Haïti) is Haiti's legal deposit library, with collection of approximately 26,000 volumes.
Assistant: 海地国家图书馆(法语:Bibliothèque Nationale d'Haïti)是海地的国家图书馆,位于首都太子港,拥有约26,000册收藏。
User: A CRC, acknowledge slot and other overhead are also part of the message.
Assistant: CRC、ACK和其他帧部分也是消息的一部分。
User: The river is officially navigable below this point.
Assistant: 圣劳伦斯河从西流至此地豁然开阔。
User: Return to step 4.
Assistant: 重复步骤4。
User: The result was a 20 percent rise in wage costs; civil service wages constituted 7 percent of gross domestic product in 2004.
Assistant: 结果工资成本上升两成,公务员工资占2004年国内生产总值的7%。
User: Aside from Moulin and his two assistants, Pierre Meunier and Robert Chambeiron, participants in the first meeting included representatives of the eight main French resistance movements, members of six of France's major political parties and the two large pre-war trade unions all attended the Rue du Four meeting.
Assistant: 除了穆兰和他的两个助手:皮埃尔·穆尼耶和罗伯·香贝恩之外,有八个法国主要的抵抗运动组织、战前六个主要政党和两个工会组织派出代表参加。
User: The ammunition was stored in a mosque used by the rebels.
Assistant: 这批军火储存在武装反对派使用的一座清真寺中。
User: Module 4 includes 45 election studies conducted in 39 countries.
Assistant: 模组 4 涵盖 39 个国家所执行的 45 项选举研究。
User: Schneps promotes public awareness of the importance of the proper use of mathematics and statistics in criminal proceedings.
Assistant: 施耐普斯推动大众对诉讼中正确运用数学和统计学知识的重要性的认识。
User: The new round was one of two post-WWII European 20 mm designs, the other being the 20×128 developed by Oerlikon for a similar role.
Assistant: 该弹药为二战以后欧洲设计的两种20毫米机炮炮弹之一,另一种就是欧瑞康所研发、并且用于类似用途的20×128毫米弹药。
User: The lack of success of the restorationist movements led, arguably, to the Protestant Reformation.
Assistant: 复原主义者的运动欠缺成果,大概就是引伸至宗教改革的原因。
User: The film developed into a musical, but not a "break-into-song" type.
Assistant: 这部电影发展成音乐剧,但不是“突然唱起歌来”的类型。
User: In the Gregorian calendar, it usually begins around 21 December (22 December East Asia time) and ends around 5 January.
Assistant: 在格里历,冬至通常开始于12月22日(在欧美地区则常是12月21日),结束于次年的1月5日。
User: Across Mauritius and Réunion, torrential rains and destructive winds from the cyclone resulted in extensive to "catastrophic" damage.
Assistant: 毛里求斯和留尼汪狂风肆虐、普降暴雨,遭受到大范围的“灾难性”破坏。
User: The third location has not been identified.
Assistant: 第三只眼位置不明。
User: The day after she turned 25, Watson placed number 26 on the TIME 100 list of the world's most influential people, her first-ever appearance on the list.
Assistant: 25岁生日刚过,她就登上《时代周刊》最具影响百大人物排行榜,名列第26位。
User: Makes it a little easier.
Assistant: 以致稍更故道。
User: His outstanding personal leadership under intense enemy fire during the fierce battle which lasted for several hours, inspired his men to heroic efforts and was instrumental in the ultimate success of the operation.
Assistant: 他在数个小时的激烈战斗中面对敌军的炮火所展现出的卓越的个人领导能力激励了他的部属英勇作战,并对行动取得最终胜利做出了重要贡献。
User: The worst areas had examples such as 90 people crammed into a 10-room house, or 12 people living in a single room (7 feet 3 inches by 14 feet).
Assistant: 90个人住10间房,或者是12个人住一间房(7英尺乘14英尺)是最极端的例子。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: The tactic is to fix it early.
Assistant: 我们的任务就是要促使它们消灭得早一点。
User: The editors noted that the results of their poll were "remarkably similar" to the 1996 Schlesinger poll, with the main difference in the 2000 poll being the lower rankings for the 1960s Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and John F. Kennedy and higher ranking of President Ronald Reagan at 8th.
Assistant: 编辑注意到他们的结果与1996年史列辛格版本“惊人地相似”,与2000年普查的结果主要不同在于六十年代林登·约翰逊和约翰·F·肯尼迪排名下降,罗纳德·里根排名上升到第8位。
User: The government requires religious groups to petition for legal status.
Assistant: 安哥拉政府要求宗教团体申请法律地位。
User: Erdrick handed the Ball of Light to King Lorik, and Alefgard remained peaceful for a long time.
Assistant: 洛特将光之珠交给了拉鲁斯国王,阿雷夫加德维持了一段长久的和平。
User: To reflect the computer's color graphics capability, the Apple logo on the casing has rainbow stripes, which remained a part of Apple's corporate logo until early 1998.
Assistant: 为了反映其彩色图像显示能力,机箱上的苹果图案着上了彩虹条纹,而这个图案随后成为苹果公司的代表图案,直到1998年初为止。
User: Inside Mac Games nominated Bad Mojo as its pick for 1996's best adventure game, but ultimately presented the award to Titanic: Adventure Out of Time.
Assistant: 麦金塔游戏杂志《Inside Mac Games(英语:Inside Mac Games)》曾提名《坏蟑螂》为1996年最佳冒险游戏,但最终奖项颁给《泰坦尼克号:时间冒险(英语:Titanic: Adventure Out of Time)》。
User: The codelet directive is inserted just before the function declaration.
Assistant: Codelet指令在函数声明之前插入。
User: In confined structures, spin dephasing can be suppressed, leading to spin lifetimes of milliseconds in semiconductor quantum dots at low temperatures.
Assistant: 在受限结构中,可以抑制自旋相移,导致半导体量子点在低温下的旋转寿命为毫秒。
User: Any quantum system can have one or more quantum numbers; it is thus difficult to list all possible quantum numbers.
Assistant: 由于任何量子系统都能有一个或以上的量子数,列出所有可能的量子数是件没有意义的工作。
User: The Criminal Code of Colombia (Act 599 of 2000) as it was modified by article 4 of law 1236 of 2008, sets the age of consent at 14, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.
Assistant: 根据哥伦比亚的刑法(599条),以及2008年修正的条款,最低合法性交年龄为14岁,无论性别或是性倾向。
User: In addition, 29% of the population declares to be "spiritual but not religious", 15% is atheist, and 13.68% follows other religions or did not give an answer to the question.
Assistant: 除此之外,29%的人认为自己是有宗教信仰的,但并非迷信;15%的人是无神论者,而13.68%的人没有宗教信仰或者是不愿意回答。
User: The majority of the team's players were under 20 years old.
Assistant: 而大部分参加比赛的选手的年龄在20岁以下。
User: Subsolidus convection in icy bodies is a slow process with ice motions of the order of 1 centimeter per year, but is, in fact, a very effective cooling mechanism on long timescales.
Assistant: 在亚固态对流中,冰体的运动速度十分缓慢,大约为1厘米/年,但是从长期来看,亚固态对流事实上是非常有效的冷却机制。
User: The Americans also began bases in Algeria and Tunisia, to form a large forward base at Maknassy, on the eastern edge of the Atlas Mountains, well placed to cut off the Panzerarmee in the south from Tunis and the Fifth Panzer Army in the north.
Assistant: 美国也开始在阿尔及利亚和突尼斯建立了一个复杂的物流基地,以最终对在阿特拉斯山脉东部边界的米克纳西建立一个应大的目标前进基地,是最好的位置以切断在南部的德义装甲军团至突尼斯的补给线和孤立在北面的第5装甲军团。
User: Before Principal Officials Accountability System was introduced in 2002, it was a civil service position.
Assistant: 2002年,董建华鉴于第一届任期中,公务员系统对管治起了很大阻力。
User: His fine form with Real Madrid and German national team saw him earn nomination for UEFA Best Player in Europe Award, in which he finished tenth, being the youngest player to feature in the Top 10.
Assistant: 由于他在皇家马德里和德国国家队出色的表现,令他获提名为欧洲最佳球员,最终他排名为第10名,同时亦成为最年轻排名前10名的球员。
User: Most of the letters regarding the incident were destroyed or are missing.
Assistant: 与这次事件有关的绝大多数信件都已遗失或被销毁。
User: Credits adapted from Tidal and EP liner notes.
Assistant: 积分改编自Tidal 和EP班轮笔记。
User: Al-Sha'raawi was exceptionally talented in explaining the meanings of the Quran.
Assistant: 赵光逢与其弟赵光裔皆有文名。
User: Richard Schickel of Time magazine praised Zorro as a summer blockbuster which paid tribute to the classical Hollywood swashbuckler films.
Assistant: 《时代周刊》的理查德·斯克尔(英语:Richard Schickel)称赞本片是一部向好莱坞经典剑侠电影致敬的暑假大片。
User: For example, following the discovery of a previously unknown gene in the mouse, a scientist will typically perform a BLAST search of the human genome to see if humans carry a similar gene; BLAST will identify sequences in the human genome that resemble the mouse gene based on similarity of sequence.
Assistant: 例如如果某种非人动物的一个以前未知的基因被发现,研究者一般会在人类基因组中做一个BLAST搜索来确认人类是否包含类似的基因(通过序列的相似性)。
User: 200,000 men and 1,000 tanks under Montgomery made their move against the 100,000 men and 500 tanks of the Afrika Korps.
Assistant: 蒙哥马利指挥着200,000人和1,000辆坦克去攻击非洲军团的100,000人和500辆坦克。
User: Sæberht's uncle and overlord, Æthelberht, king of Kent, built a church dedicated to St Paul in London, as the seat of the new bishop.
Assistant: 赛博特的领主和舅父、肯特王国国王埃瑟尔伯特(英语:Æthelberht of Kent)在伦敦建造了一座教堂,主保圣人为圣保罗,作为新主教的座堂。
User: By 1970 Russia was firmly in stage four, with crude birth rates and crude death rates on the order of 15/1000 and 9/1000 respectively.
Assistant: 到1970年,俄罗斯坚定地处于第四阶段,粗出生率和粗死亡率分别为15 / 1000和9 / 1000。
User: With the help of local rangers, however, he was able to determine that it grew in a certain remote area of the park.
Assistant: 在当地护林员的帮助下,他才得以确定其生长于公家公园的一个偏远地区。
User: This unit of measure is convenient because a supernova typically releases about one foe of observable energy in a very short period of time (which can be measured in seconds).
Assistant: 这是个方便的测量单位,因为超新星通常在非常短的时间内(其可以以秒为单位测量)释放约一个Foe的可观测能量。
User: This put him in a six-way tie for eighth (last) place among the thirteen man field.
Assistant: 祗保梁益吴,遂蹈跨荆扬,操不可圗丕乃禅代,曺氏遂有中国,而天下三分殆。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: The main advantage of EKA2 was its ability to run full telephone signalling stacks.
Assistant: EKA2最主要的优势还在于支持电话具信号堆叠(singalling stacks)。
User: Their first child is due later this month.
Assistant: 我们的第一个孩子将在今夏诞生。
User: Reports suggest that 5–20 mg per day of mixed C24–C34 alcohols, including octacosanol and triacontanol, lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol by 21%–29% and raise high-density lipoprotein cholesterol by 8%–15%.
Assistant: 报道还建议每人每天需要摄入5–20 mg的混合C24–C34醇(包括二十八烷醇和三十烷醇),降低21%–29%的低密度脂蛋白(LDL)胆固醇摄取量;提高8%–15%的高密度脂蛋白胆固醇摄取量。
User: However, Billy's life takes an exciting turn when he is hired by Dr. Donni McGuinness (Annabeth Gish), the Director of Veterinary Sciences, to help train the chimpanzees for NASA space missions.
Assistant: 不过,此时比利的生活有了如其所愿的转机,因为它被兽医指导员Donni McGuinness 博士(Annabeth Gish饰演)聘用以帮助训练黑猩猩完成NASA的航天任务。
User: Bands break up, relationships change, music takes us other places.
Assistant: 权力在变化,所有制关系在变化,联盟在变化。
User: A Gestapo report stated that Lidice, 22 kilometres (14 mi) north-west of Prague, was suspected as the assailants' hiding place because several Czech army officers, then in England, had come from there and the Gestapo found a resistance radio transmitter in Ležáky.
Assistant: 盖世太保报告称,布拉格西北22公里(14英里)的利迪策可能为刺客的藏身之处(因当时身处英国的多位捷克军官为利迪策出身),在莱扎奇则发现了一个抵抗运动的广播电台。
User: There are no settlements or any facilities inside the protected area's borders.
Assistant: 保护区内没有永久性建筑物和人类定居点。
User: A legend tells that on 1 May 1602, Elizabeth I picnicked with Sir Richard Bulkeley of Beaumaris in the Lewisham area by an oak tree at the summit of a hill.
Assistant: 1602年5月1日,伊丽莎白一世与波马利斯的理查德·巴尔克利爵士在刘易舍姆区地区山顶的一颗橡树旁野餐。
User: Later, several more frigates of the River class were commissioned.
Assistant: 之后又进行数次河道的整治工作。
User: The game was released in both Standard and Limited Collector's Edition format.
Assistant: 游戏以标准版和限量珍藏版的形式发布。
User: It is responsible for ensuring that South Australia's natural resources are managed productively and sustainably, while improving the condition and resilience of the state's natural environment.
Assistant: 环境自然资源水务署专门负责南澳州的自然资源得到有效和可持续管理,同时改善州内自然环境的条件和适应能力。
User: The study and use of viruses have provided valuable information about aspects of cell biology.
Assistant: 研究和利用病毒为细胞生物学的各方面研究提供了大量有价值的信息。
User: If the Short Description would become more than three lines long, only the first line is taken.
Assistant: 如果短介绍长度超过三行,则只有第一行有效。
User: By May 8 it had decreased to magnitude 7, well below the sensitivity limit of the unaided human eye.
Assistant: 到了5月8日时彗星的亮度已经下降到了7等,远低于裸眼可以看见的极限。
User: After banning the international slave trade in 1808, in 1818 Britain held that slaves brought to the Bahamas from outside the British West Indies would be manumitted.
Assistant: 1808年禁止国际奴隶交易以后,英国于1818年称将解放从英属西印度群岛带入的奴隶。
User: However, since it was envisaged that the new army would be built around the IRA, Anti-Treaty IRA units were allowed to take over British barracks and take their arms.
Assistant: 但是,由于当初设想新的军队会以共和军为核心组建,反条约共和军部队被获准接管英国军营并接收武器。
User: One may distinguish overshoot (and undershoot), which occurs when transitions are accentuated – the output is higher than the input – from ringing, where after an overshoot, the signal overcorrects and is now below the target value; these phenomena often occur together, and are thus often conflated and jointly referred to as "ringing".
Assistant: 当信号转换速度加剧的时候,我们可以在振铃中区别出过冲(和下冲),过冲时输出信号较输入讯号高,而在过冲之后,信号因为过度修正而变得低于目标数值,之后来回震荡;这些现象往往会同时发生,因此常常被混用,而被共同称为"振铃"。
User: Cease, cease.
Assistant: 1.静、停。
User: Another popular attraction is the House of Blues, a venue for live music and a restaurant, with a capacity of approximately 1,800.
Assistant: 另一个著名的特色项目是名为蓝调小屋(House of Blues)的主题音乐餐厅,可容纳约1,800名观众,并有现场乐队演奏助兴。
User: Public responses were invited.
Assistant: 公众被邀请答复。
User: Aside from its footprints and products and services, Telin owns numbers of Infrastructures divided into Point of Presence (PoP), Submarine Cable Systems, and World Hub of Command Center (WHOCC).
Assistant: 除了遍布产品及服务外,Telin还拥有多个基础设施,分为入网点(PoP),海底电缆系统和世界指挥中心(WHOCC)。
User: Interval censoring – a data point is somewhere on an interval between two values.
Assistant: 间隔时间删失 – 一个数据点的地方之间的间隔两个价值观。
User: This was believed to be part of US efforts to prepare to monitor a North Korean nuclear test.
Assistant: 这被认为是美国准备监控朝鲜核试验的行动之一部分。
User: Cerberus' duty is to prevent dead people from leaving the underworld.
Assistant: 刻耳柏洛斯的职责是防止已故之人从冥界逃离开来。
User: Several weeks earlier, Snowden had revealed that the NSA was also harvesting the telephone metadata and text messages from over a billion subscribers in China; however, no precise program name was reported at the time.
Assistant: 斯诺登此前还曾披露国家安全局收集了来自中国大陆的超过十亿移动电话订户的通话的元数据和短消息,但报道中并未给出这一项目的名称。
User: The ticket office is at platform level and occupies the north end of the streamlined 1933 building.
Assistant: 售票厅位于月台层1933年流线形大厦的北端。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: The Disneyland Monorail has two stations: one in Tomorrowland, and another in the Downtown Disney district.
Assistant: 迪士尼乐园单轨电车共有两个车站:一座位于明日世界,另一座位于迪士尼市中心特区。
User: Napster creator Shawn Fanning responded later in the ceremony by presenting an award wearing a Metallica shirt, saying, "I borrowed this shirt from a friend.
Assistant: 此时Napster的创办人肖恩·范宁(英语:Shawn Fanning)穿着金属制品的T恤现身,并说:“这件T恤是我借来的,当我喜欢这衣服,也该花钱自己买一件了”。
User: In April 2015, fans mistook random numbers that were placed by Cawthon into the source code of the game's official website to be coordinates that pointed to a location significant to the games.
Assistant: 2015年4月,粉丝们误解戈晃放在官网源代码的随机号码是与游戏有重大关系的位置坐标。
User: In the end, he hoped to see his collections in an art museum in Tokyo where visitors could come into direct contact with Western art; and he wanted the people of Tokyo to enjoy the same degree of easy access to great art which was available to Parisians.
Assistant: 最后,他希望在东京建立一个艺术博物馆,以便收纳他的艺术收藏,这样游客可以直接接触西方艺术;他希望东京人民和巴黎人一样可以随意观赏这些伟大作品。
User: He named the organization after the sage, Hillel, as a symbol of lifelong Jewish learning and pluralism.
Assistant: 他将这个组织命名为“希勒尔”,作为犹太人终身学习和多元主义的像征。
User: An account of this instrument, and of the results of some early years of its operation, are given in Danjon's 1958 George Darwin Lecture to the Royal Astronomical Society (in Monthly Notices of the RAS (1958), vol.118, pages 411-431).
Assistant: 丹容于1958年在皇家天文学会的达尔文讲座上提出仪器的说明和早些年的运算结果 (在RAS的1958年的每月通讯,卷118,411-431页)。
User: Australia portal Oceania portal Commonwealth realms portal Outline of Australia Index of Australia-related articles Australia's royal anthem is "God Save the Queen", played in the presence of a member of the Royal family when they are in Australia.
Assistant: 澳大利亚的皇室颂歌为《天佑女王》,在王室成员访问澳大利亚时演奏。
User: He was the prime suspect for two of the biggest armed robberies in Irish history.
Assistant: 他是爱尔兰两起最大的持械抢劫的主要嫌疑犯。
User: These were the oldest class of cruisers still in service with the Navy in 1941.
Assistant: 奥马哈级巡洋舰是1941年仍在美国海军服役的巡洋舰当中最老旧的。
User: Many species, including humans, have this pattern of inheritance.
Assistant: 许多生物,包括人类,都有这样的遗传规律。
User: Richard Clayderman has also performed an instrumental version of the song on piano.
Assistant: 理查德·克莱德曼也演奏过这首曲子的钢琴版本。
User: However, Montagu also perpetuated some of the errors in Treves's work, including his use of the name "John" rather than "Joseph".
Assistant: 虽然如此,蒙塔古也延续了特里夫斯著作了的错误,包括用“约翰”而不是“约瑟夫”。
User: Deadly force can be utilized to prevent the death or grievous bodily injury to oneself or that of another." .
Assistant: 可以使用致命武力防止自己或他人被杀死或受到严重伤害。
User: "Fard" is a common name in this region.
Assistant: "克罗"是这一地区三角洲的名称。
User: From January 1410, helped by his uncles Henry Beaufort and Thomas Beaufort, legitimised sons of John of Gaunt, he had practical control of the government.
Assistant: 从1410年1月开始,亨利·博福特和托马斯·博福特(英语:Thomas Beaufort, Duke of Exeter)--冈特的约翰的合法儿子--以叔叔的身份辅佐威尔士亲王亨利治理国家。
User: The non-profit Union Station Redevelopment Corporation managed the station on behalf of the owners, but an 84-year lease of the property is held by New York-based Ashkenazy Acquisition Corporation and managed by Chicago-based Jones Lang LaSalle.
Assistant: 联合车站为非营利性质的联合车站重新发展公司(Union Station Redevelopment Corporation)所拥有,但一项为期84年的土地契约则属于总部设在纽约的Ashkenazy Acquisition公司,并由总部设在芝加哥的仲量联行(Jones Lang LaSalle)负责管理。
User: This is consistent with the traditional rationale for outsourcing IT systems, which involves applying economies of scale to application operation, i.e., an outside service provider may be able to offer better, cheaper, more reliable applications.
Assistant: 这与传统的关于外包信息技术系统的理念是一致的,它包括将规模经济应用到应用运营上,即一个外部的服务提供商可能有能力提供更好、更便宜、更可信赖的应用。
User: Their wordings were inaccurate and vague in meaning.
Assistant: 他们的表达是不准确且意义模糊的。
User: This church is today one of the Romanesque churches still extant in Lyon.
Assistant: 该堂今天是里昂尚存的罗曼式教堂之一。
User: Discussion is ongoing as to what extent K2 produced by human intestinal bacteria contributes to daily vitamin K2 needs.
Assistant: 另外人体肠道中的细菌亦可制造维生素K2,可以满足每日对维生素K的部分需求。
User: The lack of Tejano representation and the San Antonio de Béxar residents' refusal to participate fostered a perception that only newcomers to Texas were dissatisfied.
Assistant: 泰加诺地区代表缺席,圣安东尼奥城贝克萨尔居民拒绝参与,在在形成了一种认知,即只有德克萨斯的新移民不满意现状。
User: The minister keeps looking at his watch.
Assistant: 兴趣是盯住时钟看。
User: Perhaps many.
Assistant: 能有几许。
User: The lost right may be re-established by the monarch (or by those exercising the monarch's powers) in the event of parliamentary agreement.
Assistant: 在议会达成协议的情况下,君主(或行使君主权力的人)可能会重新确立失去的继承权。
User: 60 meters – 5 MHz region – A relatively new allocation and originally only available in a small number of countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland, but now continuing to expand.
Assistant: 60 米 - 5 MHz region - 一个相对较新的分配,最初只在少数国家提供,如美国,英国,爱尔兰,挪威,丹麦和冰岛,但现在继续扩大。
User: In recent years ProSyst set its focus exclusively on the development of OSGi related software such as Frameworks, Bundles, Remote Management Systems and OSGi tools for developers including a full SDK available for download.
Assistant: 近几年来,ProSyst专注于OSGi相关软件和解决方案的开发,如Frameworks、Bundles、Remote Management Systems和OSGi工具,供开发人员使用,包括可供下载的完整SDK。
User: Angelo Gordon operates three basic types of investment vehicles: Illiquid strategies — include a variety of investment strategies: distressed securities, private equity, triple net lease and real estate.
Assistant: 安祖高顿经营三种基本的投资工具类型: 非流动策略——包括不同的投资策略:不良证券、私募股权、三倍净租赁和房地产。
User: This was followed by a slow full-atom refinement phase in which the orientation of the two interacting proteins relative to each other, and side-chain interactions at the protein–protein interface, were simultaneously optimized to find the lowest energy conformation.
Assistant: 在后一阶段中,两个互相作用的蛋白质之间的相对位置以及蛋白质-蛋白质界面的侧链交互作用同时被优化,从而得到最低能量构造。
User: In addition, Invitational Education has strengthened health care facilities, businesses, non-profits, worship centers and families.
Assistant: 此外,启发潜能教育还强化了医疗卫生设施、企业、非营利组织、礼拜中心和家庭。
User: Housing became a government-provided amenity; many "bourgeois" apartments were so large that numerous families were assigned to what were called "communal" apartments (kommunalkas).
Assistant: 政府将住房纳入社会福利之一;很多“资产阶级式”的宅邸被认为太大,大量的家庭被分配到“公共住房(英语:Communal apartment)”中去。
User: The Guggenheim family, especially Harry Guggenheim, would continue to support Goddard's work in the years to come.
Assistant: 古根海姆家族(尤其是哈利·古根海姆(英语:Harry Frank Guggenheim))继续在未来几年支持戈达德的研究。
User: Although Flash was previously a dominant platform for online multimedia content, it is slowly being abandoned as Adobe favors a transition to HTML5.
Assistant: 尽管Flash之前是在线多媒体内容的主要平台,但随着Adobe支持向HTML5过渡,它正在被慢慢得抛弃。
User: Eventually, the droplets become large enough that they fall to the earth as precipitation.
Assistant: 最终,水滴变得足够大,使得它们通过降水落到地球上。
User: The wheel of fate has begun to turn.
Assistant: 命运之轮由此开始转动。
User: The bluespotted trevally grows at a rate of around 82.2 mm per year.
Assistant: 蓝点鯵每年长约82.2毫米。
User: In the interval between the December 2015 and August 2016 results, the anomaly generated considerable interest in the scientific community, including about 500 theoretical studies.
Assistant: 在2015年12月和2016年8月之间,这种异常极大地引发了科学界的兴趣,其中包括约500篇的理论研究。 |
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Feeler gauges are mostly used in engineering to measure the clearance between two parts.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The wave moved westward across the Atlantic Ocean, spawning Tropical Depression Seventeen on September 17.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Saudi Arabia is concerned by Iran's consistent desire to export its revolution across the board to expand its influence within the Persian Gulf region—notably in post-Saddam Iraq, the Levant and within further south in addition to Iran's controversial, much debated nuclear program.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 沙特则担心伊朗在海湾地区输出革命以增加其影响力,尤其是在后萨达姆时代的伊拉克,黎凡特地区及其南部的冲突争议多于伊朗的核问题。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
However, referee Eric Jennings only booked one player – Hutchinson – over the two games.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 然而,当时的球证埃里克·詹宁斯(英语:Eric Jennings)在两场赛事中只出示过一张黄牌。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:However, cross-disciplinary cooperation was flourishing.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 尽管如此,跨学科的合作已经兴盛。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Along the way he was reported to "be full of joy, laughter, gratitude and forbearance, walking around one hundred paces then leaving the road and turning to face `Akká.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In order to rectify the lack of coordination, the idea of trio presidencies was put forward where groups of three successive presidencies cooperated on a common political program.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:为了修正这个问题,三重组合的构想于是被提了出来,三重组合是以三个任期为一组在一个共同的政治方案上进行合作。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The coat of arms of Munich (Münchner Wappen) depicts a young monk dressed in black holding a red book.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
慕尼黑市徽或称慕尼黑纹章(德语:Münchner Wappen)描绘的是一个身着黑袍的年轻僧侣手持一本红皮书。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Ross subsequently filed for divorce from Sanders in January 2013, seeking joint custody, spousal support, and legal fees.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:罗丝于2013年1月提出离婚,并向山德斯要求共同监护权、配偶赡养费和律师费。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
It is revealed Lucy died because of a deliberate head injury.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
With seemingly more advanced graphics than Game Boy, the Virtual Boy was not intended to replace the handheld in Nintendo's product line, as use of the Virtual Boy requires a steady surface and completely blocks the player's peripheral vision.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 凭借看似比Game Boy更先进的图形,任天堂并不打算用Virtual Boy来当做下一代手持游戏设备,因为游玩Virtual Boy需要有稳定的桌面并且游玩时会完全看不到游戏机周边的情况。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Among the many new findings published then, most in the field of star formation and astrochemistry, are the discovery of a new interstellar molecule and the detection of light emitted at 0.2 mm from CO molecules, as well as light coming from a charged molecule composed of two forms of hydrogen.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In the late 1980s, Elgin James became involved in the militant faction of the Boston straight edge scene, and he later helped found the organization Friends Stand United, which would eventually be classified as a street gang.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1980年代晚期,Elgin James被牵扯进入波士顿直刃族的派系斗争,后来在他的帮助之下,成立朋友站出来组织(Friends Stand United)。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The Central European Olympiad in Informatics (CEOI) is an annual informatics competition for secondary school students.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
国际资讯奥林匹亚(International Olympiad in Informatics,IOI),是面向中学生的一年一度的资讯学科竞赛。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:When storing color values using limited precision, using a perceptually uniform color space can improve the reproduction of tones.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:在用有限精度值来存储颜色的时候,这可以增进色调的再生。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
This is a new 64-bit journaling file system using a balanced tree algorithm.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Help me understand, Master Xehanort.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Geomagnetic storming reached the G2 (Kp=6) level on NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center scale of geomagnetic disturbances.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:地磁风暴在NOAA的太空气象预报中心(英语:Space Weather Prediction Center)的地磁扰动规模达到G2(Kp = 6)的水准。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In spite of the ban, many attempted to continue their profession clandestinely; however, both the Singaporean and Japanese governments made efforts to clamp down on the trade.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Samson spends a day following Delilah around.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
It ended, without any single battle having been fought, with the first peace of Kappel (Erster Landfriede).
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:它得以在未打一枪的情况下和平结束,卡佩尔的第一个土地和平令(Erster Landfriede)生效。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: In 1964, Cohen became a Professor at Harvard University School of Law, where he would remain for 17 years, and created the school's East Asia Legal Studies Association.
Assistant: 1964年,孔被聘为哈佛大学法学院教授,他在那里前后待了17年,创立了学校的东亚法律研究会。
User: In repudiating the 1943 Mukaj agreement under pressure from the Yugoslavs, Albania's communists had consented to restore Kosovo to Yugoslavia after the war.
Assistant: 在南斯拉夫的压力下,阿尔巴尼亚放弃了1943年的穆卡伊协定,同意战后科索沃重新回到南斯拉夫内。
User: The database cannot be copied while it is being actively used since ESE opens database files exclusively.
Assistant: 当ESE主动使用数据库时,无法复制数据库,因为ESE将独占打开数据库文件。
User: The word "humerus" is derived from Latin: humerus, umerus meaning upper arm, shoulder, and is linguistically related to Gothic ams shoulder and Greek ōmos.
Assistant: humerus一词源于拉丁语:humerus, umerus,指上臂、肩部,语源上与哥德语ams 及希腊语ōmos有关。
User: The Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) won 13.0% and 53 MPs, representing a slight loss of support since 2007.
Assistant: 民族主义行动党(MHP)赢得了13.0%选票和53名议员,代表自2007年以来该党的支持略有亏损。
User: The most significant impact took place in Veracruz where 334 homes were damaged by the storm.
Assistant: 该国以韦拉克鲁斯州灾情最为严重,有334户民宅受损。
User: In any system of measurement, units for many physical quantities can be derived from base units.
Assistant: 在任何单位系统里,许多物理量的单位是由基本单位衍生的。
User: They summarised the game as "a compendium of everything Rockstar has learnt about the power of game music in the past decade".
Assistant: 他们总结出游戏是“Rockstar过去十年中钻演出游戏音乐分量的纲要”。
User: In 1914, after four years of secluded yoga, he started a monthly philosophical magazine called Arya.
Assistant: 1914年,经过四年与世隔绝的瑜伽修行之后,奥氏创办了哲学月刊《雅利安》,该刊持续发行到1921年为止。
User: The assembly in Danzig (now Gdańsk) in August 1939 was the last until a meeting at Göttingen in 1947, when it was re-commenced as Astronomische Gesellschaft in der Britischen Zone.
Assistant: 德国天文学会于1939年8月在但泽召开会员大会以后,直到1947年才在哥廷根重新召开大会,当时的名称是Astronomische Gesellschaft in der Britischen Zone。
User: Dent was requested by Batman to watch over Gotham City during his one-year absence with Robin.
Assistant: 蝙蝠侠请求丹特在他离开的一年期间与罗宾一起照看哥谭市。
User: He studied economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, and was a student of the first Nobel Prize in Economics laureate Jan Tinbergen.
Assistant: 他在鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学学习经济学,是第一个诺贝尔奖经济学奖得主扬·廷贝亨的学生。
User: Amongst the results he obtained in this direction, there stand out an important higher integrability property of the second derivatives of solutions to the Monge–Ampère equation and a partial regularity result for Monge–Ampère type equations, both proved together with Guido de Philippis.
Assistant: 在他在这个方向上获得的成果中,突出了Monge-Ampère方程的解的二阶导数的重要的更高的可积性,以及Monge-Ampère型方程的部分规则性结果,二者都是他于Guido de Philippis一起证明的。
User: Vorbis has different uses for consumer products.
Assistant: Vorbis对消费品有不同的用途。
User: Brigades as independent units were abolished.
Assistant: 旅作为独立单位被废除。
User: Then came the introduction of the first Chinese Head Tax legislation passed in 1885, which was in response to a growing number of Chinese working on the Canadian Pacific Railway.
Assistant: 而在1885年,加拿大华人人头税法令首次通过,以应对为加拿大太平洋铁路工作的华人劳工的增长。
User: The kidnapping elicited outrage amongst both Chinese and English-speaking residents of Vancouver, and a group of unnamed "older Chinese merchants" filed an official complaint about Foon Sien's actions to the attorney general.
Assistant: 这个绑架事件在温哥华的华人和英语人群中引起了愤怒,一群匿名的"老华商"为他在案中的行为向法务部长提出抗议。
User: Men's rights activists have argued that divorce and custody laws violate men's individual rights to equal protection.
Assistant: 男性权利活动者争论说,离婚和监护权法亵渎了男性要求平等保护的个人权利。
User: 2003: Toyota shifted from laser to radar ACC on the Celsior.
Assistant: 2003年:丰田从Celsior的激光(激光雷达)转向雷达 ACC技术。
User: Snow agrees to the plan, but Sword refuses.
Assistant: 飞雪同意无名的安排,但残剑不愿意。
User: They detected a gap in Birney's division line: to Ward's right, there was a considerable gap before the brigade of Régis de Trobriand began.
Assistant: 他们看出勃尼师所在防线的一处间隙:在瓦德之右方,雷吉斯·托布莱恩(Régis de Trobriand)一旅开头之前方,有一处大缺口。
User: Whilst on his hospital bed, the live album then the DVD version of the Frédéric François tour from the Olympia to Forest National were released, which mixed recordings of his performances on stage in Paris and in Brussels.
Assistant: 可是,就算身处医院病床,他仍在不懈工作,他先是发表了一个现场版专辑,然后又出版了弗雷德里克.弗朗索瓦(Frédéric François)-从奥林匹亚音乐厅到国家森林公园2008 年巡演的 DVD 版,并在其中融进了他在巴黎及布鲁塞尔各地的演出片段。
User: Early on September 5, Edouard made landfall near Ormond Beach, Florida as a minimal tropical storm, and almost immediately weakened to a tropical depression over land.
Assistant: 9月5日清晨,爱德华以最弱级别热带风暴的强度在佛罗里达州奥蒙德海滩附近实现登陆,不过刚一登陆就几乎立即减弱为热带低气压。
User: Redford's career, like that of many major stars who emerged in the 1950s, began in New York City, where an actor could find work both on stage and in television.
Assistant: 1950年代,瑞福就像许多大明星一样,在纽约市开始以舞台和电视窜起。
User: DCI-P3, or DCI/P3, is a common RGB color space for digital movie projection from the American film industry.
Assistant: DCI-P3, 或 DCI/P3, 美国电影行业推出的一种广色域标准,是目前数位电影回放设备的色彩标准之一。
User: HSD is a refinement of the original Toyota Hybrid System (THS) used in the 1997 to 2003 Toyota Prius.
Assistant: HSD是丰田混动系统(Toyota Hybrid System, 缩写 THS)的改进版本,THS被用在1997年到2003年生产的丰田普锐斯车型上。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: The reforming efforts of the Coalition Government were such that, according to the historian Kenneth O. Morgan, its achievements were greater than those of the pre-war Liberal governments.
Assistant: 战后联合政府在社会改革方面的成果不俗,根据历史学家肯尼斯·O·摩根(Kenneth O. Morgan)的说法,这届政府在这方面的成就,比起以往任何一届政府在这方面的成就,都要大。
User: It uses the intersection algorithm, a modified version of Marzullo's algorithm, to select accurate time servers and is designed to mitigate the effects of variable network latency.
Assistant: 它使用Marzullo算法(英语:Marzullo's algorithm)的修改版来选择准确的时间服务器,其设计旨在减轻可变网络延迟(英语:network latency)造成的影响。
User: At 05:20, the German raiders turned north, towards Yarmouth, which they reached by 05:42.
Assistant: 在05:20,德国袭击者向北转往雅茅斯,并于05:42抵达。
User: Bogdan Arnold immediately confessed to his crimes and began to give evidence.
Assistant: 多伊尔突然良心发现,坦白了自己的罪行并进行作证。
User: Bondi holds the most Australian Surf Lifesaving Championship gold medals in R&R (rescue & resuscitation) and North Bondi holds the most gold medals in March Past.
Assistant: 邦代救生会拥有最多R&R 举办的Australian Surf Lifesaving Championship 的冠军,而North Bondi 救生会则拥有最多 March Past的冠军。
User: It was released along with KDE 4.1.
Assistant: 和 KDE 4.1 一起发布。
User: WiFi Positioning System If WiFi is used indoors, a Wi-Fi positioning system is the likeliest source.
Assistant: WiFi定位系统 若在室内使用WiFi,设备最有可能使用WiFi定位系统(英语:Wi-Fi positioning system)。
User: A squall prevented the Germans from discovering Monmouth, but she eventually capsized and sank at 20:18.
Assistant: 突降的风暴风雨导致德国人无法找到蒙默思号,但它最终于20:18倾覆沉没。
User: The drag force is often written Fdrag = −γv; therefore, the time constant τ equals m/γ.
Assistant: 阻力很多时候被写成Fdrag =-γv,因此时间常数τ等于m/γ。
User: Limiting of the real terms of the Duma deputies is insignificant (less than a few months).
Assistant: 对国家杜马议员的实际任期没有显著影响(少于数个月)。
User: Several scholars have argued that the Persian satrapy Maka is identical to Gedrosia (which is a Greek name).
Assistant: 一些学者认为,波斯总督省马喀(Maka)就是格德罗西亚(这是一个古希腊语称谓)。
User: The disappearance of the three activists captured national attention and the ensuing outrage was used by Johnson and civil rights activists to build a coalition of northern and western Democrats and Republicans and push Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Assistant: 三位活动家的失踪引发了全国的注意,人们随之愤怒起来,约翰逊和民权活动家利用这个机会建立了北方民主党人和共和党人的联盟,并推动国会通过了《1964年民权法案》和《1965年投票权法案》。
User: These tunnels can provide encapsulated connectivity over existing infrastructure to another infrastructure.
Assistant: 这些隧道可以在现有的基础设施上提供经封装的到另一个基础设施的连通性。
User: After the affirmative presents its case, the negative can attack the case with many different arguments, which include: Topicality: The Negative will attempt to argue that the Affirmative team does not fall under the rubric of the resolution and should be rejected immediately regardless of the merits or advantages of the plan.
Assistant: 在正方提出他们的辩案后,反方可以从下列几个角度来攻击正方的辩案: 合题性:反方论证正方没有在辩题的要求下制定计划,不管其计划将产生多大的优势都应立即被判负。
User: Militiamen would often leave the front whenever they wished.
Assistant: 苗木处分赞成派,总是在其辩解前出手攻击。
User: In 1617, a year after Cervantes died, The works of Persiles and Sigismunda appeared.
Assistant: 在塞万提斯逝世前一年,小说《贝尔西雷斯和西希斯蒙达历险记》(Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda)出版。
User: The instruments of coercion gained the most, and they would expect Yeltsin to reward them in the future.
Assistant: 叶利钦胁迫他们帮助他,军方相关人物在事后也希望能够得到叶利钦的奖励。
User: For time-invariant linear systems in the state space representation, there is a convenient test to check whether a system is observable.
Assistant: 在用状态空间表示的线性时不变系统中,有一个简单的方式来确认系统是否可观测。
User: Aside from Atlus, other developers have helped develop entries in the Persona series.
Assistant: 除Atlus外,其他游戏公司的开发人员还帮助开发了《女神异闻录系列》中的游戏。
User: Nowadays, the tradition is followed by almost every Spaniard, and the twelve grapes have become synonymous with the New Year.
Assistant: 到了今时今日,这个传统已是所有西班牙人所接受,而“12颗葡萄”亦成为了元旦的同义词。
User: Pakistan's Prime Minister Banazir Bhutto was assassinated here on 27 December 2007.
Assistant: 贝娜齐尔·布托 - 巴基斯坦总理,于2007年12月27日遭暗杀。
User: For example, the ILOVEYOU, TRUELOVE, and AnnaK email viruses/worms all were implemented as mobile code (VBScript in a .vbs email attachment that executed in Windows Scripting Host).
Assistant: 例如,ILOVEYOU、TRUELOVE和AnnaK电子邮件电脑病毒/蠕虫病毒全部被作为行动程式码实现(VBScript,在Windows为主机写稿子过程中执行的一个.vbs电子邮件附件里)。
User: She revealed the song was "the most personal track on the record", and added "I think it's a sweet way of releasing it.
Assistant: 她披露这首歌是“作品中最私人的歌曲”,并补充“我觉得这样推出是一种甜蜜的方式。
User: Despite Roger's efforts the Bishop persuaded the Justiciar of Ireland, John Darcy, 1st Baron Darcy de Knayth, to put the alleged witches on trial.
Assistant: 尽管有着罗杰的努力,雷里德仍说服了爱尔兰首席总督(英语:Justiciar of Ireland)约翰·达西(英语:John Darcy, 1st Baron Darcy de Knayth),并顺利将女巫嫌疑人们带到法庭。
User: Thus Remington asked chemical engineers at DuPont to come up with a plastic that could replace both the wooden stock and the receiver.
Assistant: 因此,雷明登询问杜邦公司的化学工程师拿出一种塑料,可以用以取代木制的枪托和机匣。
User: Graded derivations of superalgebras (i.e. Z2-graded algebras) are often called superderivations.
Assistant: 超代数(即:Z2-分次代数)的分次导子经常称为超导子。
User: The rave response they received led them to recording the song and releasing it as their single.
Assistant: 而声乐和和声的注重则成为了他们歌曲的标志。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: They became the center of armed uprisings all over China, and in a few months, their strength congregated to around ten thousand men, composed mostly of discontented peasants.
Assistant: 他们成为中国各地武装起义者的核心,数月间力量发展到一万人,主要由不满的农民组成。
User: James Weldon Johnson said the book's effect on African Americans was comparable to that of Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Assistant: 詹姆斯·韦尔登·约翰逊(James Weldon Johnson)认为这本书对于非裔美国人的意义堪比《汤姆叔叔的小屋》对美国人的意义。
User: For much of the 20th century, the concept of popular medicine, or folk medicine, has been familiar to both doctors and anthropologists.
Assistant: 在二十世纪的大部分时间,大众医疗(popular medicine)或民俗医疗(folk medicine)的概念已为医生与人类学家所熟悉。
User: With the development of modern medical science, it is now rarely used to treat coughing; pear-syrup candy has become a souvenir and a snack, and is a part of Jiangnan culture.
Assistant: 随着西方医学的发展和中国现代医疗水平的提高,现在已经很少有人用梨膏糖来治疗咳嗽了,梨膏糖也逐步演化成了旅游纪念品和休闲食品,成为江南传统文化的一部分。
User: Cameron's inspiration for the film came from his fascination with shipwrecks; he felt a love story interspersed with the human loss would be essential to convey the emotional impact of the disaster.
Assistant: 金马伦对这部电影的灵感源于他对这起世纪灾难的迷恋;他认为一个贯穿爱情和人类失落的故事,对于传达灾难的悲剧讯息至关重要。
User: When Socorro, New Mexico, housewife Alice Hyatt's uncaring husband Donald is killed in an auto accident, she decides to have a garage sale, pack what's left of her meager belongings, and take her precocious son Tommy to her childhood hometown of Monterey, California, where she hopes to pursue the singing career she abandoned when she married.
Assistant: 当新墨西哥州索科罗的家庭主妇Alice Hyatt的冷漠丈夫Donald在一次意外中死亡时,她决定进行一次车库售物,收拾残存的财物,并将她早熟的儿子Tommy带到她童年时在加利福尼亚州蒙特雷的家乡,在那里她结婚时曾经希望追求的歌唱生涯被放弃了。
User: The Trading section has also been improved, allowing improved searching and a watch list, to keep track of certain items.
Assistant: 营运科也得到改善,从而提高了搜索和观察名单,跟踪的一些项目。
User: For a more accurate computation of the mass-radius relationship and limiting mass of a white dwarf, one must compute the equation of state which describes the relationship between density and pressure in the white dwarf material.
Assistant: 要更精确的计算白矮星的质量——半径关系和质量极限,必须考虑描述白矮星物质密度与压强关系的状态方程式。
User: While scouting for shooting locations in October 2006, location manager Robin Higgs visited Liverpool, concentrating mainly along the city's waterfront.
Assistant: 场景经理罗宾·希格斯于2006年10月开始寻找拍摄地点,他探访了利物浦,并主要集中在城市的海滨。
User: Such unmet demand was highlighted in Nordstrom's decision to open in the Milwaukee area.
Assistant: 这种未满足的需求才促使了诺德斯特龙决定在密尔沃基区域开设新店。
User: As a result, these data are considered representative of the storm's peak intensity.
Assistant: 气象部门也就认为这些数据代表了风暴的最高强度。
User: A press book released by the studio, as well as Thompson's published screenplay and diaries, listed all the filming locations and helped to boost tourism.
Assistant: 制片公司发布的新闻书籍和汤普森发表的剧本和拍摄日记中都列出了影片所有拍摄地点,对旅游业产生了积极作用。
User: Early in 1900 he was forced by ill-health to resign his professorship, and died a few months later.
Assistant: 1900年初,他因身体不好而被迫辞去教授职务,并在几个月后去世。
User: His first project under Sora was Meteos with Q Entertainment.
Assistant: 他在Sora的第一个项目是和Q Entertainment合作设计的《陨石方块》。
User: Manu then returns to her brother's house, and does not tell him what has happened, but noticing bruises on her neck, he realizes.
Assistant: 之后,马纽回到了她兄弟的房子里,且没有告诉他发生了什么,直到他发现了马纽脖子上的瘀伤。
User: These followers consider him a protector of merchants and associate him with alms-giving.
Assistant: 这种服装保护他们,抵御寒冷,使他们有一个体面的外观。
User: In the experiments, the subjects were exposed to additional burning, experimental antibiotic treatment, and injections of radioactive isotopes.
Assistant: 在这项实验中,他们被再次烧伤,并进行实验性抗生素治疗和放射性同位素注射。
User: Meanwhile, Woody and Tracy confront each other about recent tensions in their marriage, which he believes were caused by Gilcrest's arrival.
Assistant: 与此同时,伍迪和特蕾西的婚姻步入紧张局面,他将这归咎于吉尔克雷斯特的到来。
User: Section 2.3 of his 1979 paper details the semantics of Null propagation in arithmetic operations as well as comparisons employing a ternary (three-valued) logic when comparing to nulls; it also details the treatment of Nulls on other set operations (the latter issue still controversial today).
Assistant: 1979年他的论文2.3节详细描述了空值在做算术运算时散播的语义,以及比较空值时使用三值(三元)逻辑的比较;他还详细说明了对其它集合操作的空值处理(后者目前仍存在争议)。
User: He concluded that further observations and modelling are crucial for providing early warning of a possible devastating breakdown of the circulation.
Assistant: 他总结道,更深入的观察和模型十分关键,这样可以对循环可能的灾难性的终止提供早期预警。
User: In 2005, economic losses (mainly from air pollution) were calculated at 7.7% of China's GDP.
Assistant: 2005年,经济损失(主要为空气污染)在中国大陆GDP中占7.7%。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: The qualitative method investigates the why and how of decision making, not just what, where, when.
Assistant: 定性研究方法调查人类决策制定的理由和方法,而不只是人做出什么决定、在何时何处做出决定而已。
User: He denied any intent to make a "political statement" with the songs, and told the Toronto Star: "I desperately tried not to write anything political, anything expressing the deep, profound terror I'm living with day to day.
Assistant: 但他表示原本并没有用歌曲来宣示政治态度的想法,在《多伦多星报》的专访中,他是这样说的:“我尽力不去写那些政治方面的东西,以及天天伴我左右的那种深切的恐惧。
User: The connected 3-dimensional Lie groups can be classified as follows: they are a quotient of the corresponding simply connected Lie group by a discrete subgroup of the center, so can be read off from the table above.
Assistant: 连通3维李群可做如下分类:它们是对应单连通李群由中心的一个离散子群的商群,故可以由上表得出。
User: Better temperature management.
Assistant: 温度的管理。
User: Interstate 12 (I-12) is an Interstate Highway located entirely within the U.S. state of Louisiana.
Assistant: 12号州际公路(Interstate 12,简称I-12)是美国州际公路系统的一部分,全部位于路易斯安那州。
User: Broadly speaking, general equilibrium tries to give an understanding of the whole economy using a "bottom-up" approach, starting with individual markets and agents.
Assistant: 广义而言,一般均衡尝试从单个市场与主体出发,“自下而上”理解整个经济。
User: The term "Free" refers to it being unfettered, rather than being free of charge.
Assistant: 这里的“自由”一词是指不受限制的自由,而不是免费无成本。
User: Cuentos de terror.
Assistant: 很怕恐怖故事。
User: A total of 34 EMUs of the ETR 460/470/480 - 485 series were built.
Assistant: ETR 460/470/480共制造了34列。
User: In 1990, John Stanton McIntosh placed Euhelopus in the Camarasauridae.
Assistant: 在1990年,John Stanton McIntosh将欧姆殿龙归类于火山齿龙科。
User: Thus, the atomic mass of a carbon-12 atom is 12 u (or 12 Da), but the relative isotopic mass of a carbon-12 atom is simply 12.
Assistant: 因此碳12的原子量是12u或是12 Da,而一个碳12原子的相对同位素质量就是12。
User: These different lengths lend to different specific functions that the amacrine cells can accomplish.
Assistant: 不同的长度决定了这些无长突细胞能行使的不同特殊功能。
User: Any single output can select from any input.
Assistant: 剩余的1个动作可选自任何组别。
User: Modern competitions on this level frequently now employ a moving background to specifically track multiple shots through the same hole.
Assistant: 如今这个级别的现代五项赛事经常使用移动背景,用以判断这种多颗子弹穿过同一个孔的情况。
User: Lacking in original documents, the government had engaged in poor forgery to enhance the information it possessed, undermining the credibility of its charges.
Assistant: 遭泄露的原始文件显示,美国进行了低劣的伪造,增强所拥有的情报,削弱所受指控的可信度。
User: It is a product of oxidative damage to DNA and has been shown to cause mutation.
Assistant: 它是DNA的氧化损伤产物,已被证明会导致突变。
User: Eventually, they encounter Cecil's evil side, the Dark Knight.
Assistant: 最终,他们遇到了塞西尔的黑暗面——黑暗骑士。
User: It has announced to some 200 million people in eleven provinces that the road of the Red Army is their only road to liberation.
Assistant: 它向十一个省内大约两万万人民宣布,只有红军的道路,才是解放他们的道路。
User: Prophet Muhammad(s) and His Family.
Assistant: 与其妻子、雾绘及其弟为一家人。
User: The Civil Code of Japan (民法 Minpō, 1896) was created in 1896.
Assistant: 民法 (Minpō)创立于1896年。
User: In Chatham County, a portion of U.S. Route 25 was temporarily closed due to flooding.
Assistant: 25号美国国道位于查塔姆县境内路段因洪灾临时封闭。
User: To make the diagnosis of a urinary tract infection in children, a positive urinary culture is required.
Assistant: 若要确诊儿童的泌尿道感染,需要阳性的尿液培养结果。
User: Lévy and de Kerckhove consider CI from a mass communications perspective, focusing on the ability of networked information and communication technologies to enhance the community knowledge pool.
Assistant: 列维和de Kerckhove从大众传播的思考方法来考虑CI,集中网络信息及通信技术的能力去提高社区知识库。
User: In Central Asia and in former communist countries, the term "cultural Muslim" came into use to describe those who wished their "Muslim" identity to be associated with certain national and ethnic rituals, rather than merely religious faith.
Assistant: 在中亚和前共产主义国家,这个词是用来形容那些希望他们的“穆斯林”身份与这些国家和民族的仪式有关,而不是仅仅与宗教信仰有关的人群。
User: Specifically, an online or on-the-fly calculation is used to explore state trajectories that emanate from the current state and find (via the solution of Euler–Lagrange equations) a cost-minimizing control strategy until time t + T {\displaystyle t+T} .
Assistant: 特别会使用在线或是on the fly的计算来探索由目前状态演进的状态轨迹,并且(透过欧拉-拉格朗日方程)计算在时间 t + T {\displaystyle t+T} 之前的费用最小化策略。
User: To coincide with the release of the album, Kesha released the illustrated autobiography My Crazy Beautiful Life through Touchstone Books in November 2012.
Assistant: 伴随专辑的发行,凯莎亦于2012年11月透过试金石出版社推出了自传《我的疯狂美好人生(英语:My Crazy Beautiful Life)》。
User: Messe Frankfurt (literally "Frankfurt Trade Fair") is the world’s largest trade fair, congress and event organiser with its own exhibition grounds.
Assistant: 法兰克福展览公司(法兰克福展览会)是世界上最大的贸易展览会,会议和活动组织者,拥有自己的展览场地。
User: Ryan Turek of ComingSoon.net criticized the story, characters, and lack of suspense, but found the film more entertaining than the original, with better acting than it deserved.
Assistant: ComingSoon.net(英语:CraveOnline)的瑞恩·图雷克(Ryan Turek)批评了故事剧情、角色,以及缺少悬念,但是认为这部电影比之前的作品更有娱乐性,演员的演技也比应当的更好。 |
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Other nations also bought both new and used 707s for military service, primarily as VIP or tanker transports.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Fabio Mancini was born in Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany and moved to Milan, Italy when he was four years old.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
She later plays a large role in the season 11 episode "The List", where she abuses her powers within the girls' List Committee to rig a list ranking the boys by attractiveness so that Clyde is ranked the cutest boy, in order to acquire free shoes from his father's shoe store.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:在《名单风波(英语:The List (South Park))》里扮演重要角色,她和其他名单委员会的女生们滥用权力,将克莱排在“最可爱男生排行名单”上的第一名,目的是为了免费得到克莱父亲鞋店里的鞋子。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The combination of these two currents produces heavy fogs and has also created one of the richest fishing grounds in the world.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Born at Hamburg, Georg Rümker was the son of Carl Ludwig Christian Rümker.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Now aware of the presence of U.S. carriers in the area, the Japanese fleet carriers advanced towards the Coral Sea with the intention of locating and destroying the Allied naval forces.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Firewatch was made compatible with PlayStation 4 Pro on its November 10 launch, with enhanced performance through 4K resolution and high-dynamic-range imaging.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
《看火人》在11月10日更新与PlayStation 4 Pro兼容,通过4K分辨率和高动态范围成像增强游戏性能。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The absorption spectrum of water in the range from 250 to 1000 nm is shown in Figure 2.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The difference between the two types lies in how the study is actually conducted.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 两种实验间的不同在于实验时如何进行的。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:UK membership of the European Economic Community from 1972 began a change in orientation for Scottish farming.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
She likes everything science related.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
His results are not counted in the table above.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In machine learning, one aims to construct algorithms that are able to learn to predict a certain target output.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
A nightmare is an unpleasant dream that can cause a strong negative emotional response from the mind, typically fear or horror, but also despair, anxiety and great sadness.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:A regular supply of high-quality drinking water has been provided ever since.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:由此展开了有计划的水源补给计划。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Until the Mechelen Incident in January forced a fundamental revision of Fall Gelb, the main effort (schwerpunkt) of the German army in Belgium would have been confronted by first-rate French and British forces, equipped with more and better tanks and with a great advantage in artillery.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The party currently holds 14 seats in the Tibetan parliament.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:该党目前在西藏议会拥有14个席位。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
For example, if a two-dimensional array is declared as declare some_array (12,2)fixed; an array of one dimension consisting only of the second column may be referenced as some_array(*,2) Non-unit stride is particularly useful for images.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
例如,对于二维数组: declare some_array (12,2)fixed; 只考虑第二列的一个导出数组可引用为 some_array(*,2) 非单位步长特别适用于图像。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: First they must pass the 'Bridge of Helplessness'.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
They come and go in anything but legal fashion.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:其有集传于今者,惟皎然、贯休及齐己。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
I love him so much and I love this game.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: It was expected that, on a clear sunny day, passengers would have been able to see the Great Wall of China in the mountains to Beijing's north.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In those who are pregnant insulin is generally the treatment of choice.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 对于怀孕的患者,胰岛素通常是治疗选择。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It's also appropriate, however, given what the film tells us about disability.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:但是,影片应告诉我们关于缺陷的故事。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:German scholar Manfred Berg posits that the executioners attempted to keep him alive to increase his suffering.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
德国学者曼弗雷德·贝格(Manfred Berg)认定,刽子手试图让华盛顿尽可能活得久一点,以求增加他的痛苦。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Much of these walls still exist today.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 今天这些城墙大部分依然存在。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:It was the first version to be installed in a "Windows Live" folder under "Program Files," with the shortcuts placed in a "Windows Live" folder in the Start Menu.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
且他是第一个被安装在“Program Files”资料夹下的“Windows Live”资料夹中,并且在开始功能表中的“Windows Live”资料夹建立捷径的版本。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The conversion work lasted through 1928.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 转换工作一直持续至1928年。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Phase VII (2002–2003) Priority continued to be given to subsea equipment data collection.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 阶段 VII (2002-2003) 此阶段,数据收集工作继续聚焦在海底设备上。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The early years of David I are the most obscure of his life.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:在大卫一世的一生当中,他的早年是最鲜为人知的。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Thus the checkerboard tables of stacks of coins are a concrete realization of this information.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Notes (N): The presence of a cross (†) denotes that all passengers and crew were killed.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:注:出现近似十字架形的图标 (†)表示机上人员全部死亡。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Australia only ever fired in anger twice: at a German merchant vessel in January 1915, and at a suspected submarine contact in December 1917.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
During this time, she met performance artist Lady Starlight, who helped mold her onstage persona.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
在此同时,她遇见了后期为她塑造舞台形象的行为艺术家星光夫人(英语:Lady Starlight)。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The vision then shows Gotrek in the court of an unnamed dwarf lord, and Gotrek arguing with the said lord.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:主持人与来宾会边看边讨论其内容,但以主持人的解说为主。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Classical swine fever (hog cholera) Classical swine fever (CSF), also known as hog cholera, is a highly contagious and economically significant viral disease specific to swine.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
猪瘟(classical swine fever, CSF或hog cholera),又称经典猪瘟或古典猪瘟,是感染猪的一种高传染性疾病。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Himmler visited Białystok on June 30, 1941 during the formation of the new Bezirk and pronounced that there is a high risk of Soviet guerilla activity in the area, with Jews being of course immediately suspected of helping them out.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
希姆莱于1941年6月30日在比亚韦斯托克区(英语:Bezirk Bialystok)成立期间访问了该市,并宣称该地区存在很高的苏联游击活动风险;犹太人立即被怀疑涉嫌帮助苏联游击队。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Although multiple client and server implementations exist, the protocol was never proposed to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) by the way of a Request for Comments (RFC).
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:尽管已有数个客户端及服务器实现,这一协议从未以征求意见稿(RFC)形式提交到互联网工程任务组(IETF)。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
As the water gradually heats up, the frog will sink into a tranquil stupor, exactly like one of us in a hot bath, and before long, with a smile on its face, it will unresistingly allow itself to be boiled to death.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
随着水温逐渐升高,青蛙会陷入安宁的恍惚之中,酷似我们中的一个热水澡,过不了多久,它的脸上露出了笑容,它将没有抵抗允许自己被煮死。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: SELinux users and roles do not have to be related to the actual system users and roles.
Assistant: SELinux用户和角色不需要与实际系统用户与角色相关。
User: The evidence cited to support Lost Cosmonaut theories is generally regarded as inconclusive, and several cases have been confirmed as hoaxes.
Assistant: 现今支持幽灵太空人假说的证据通常不被认为是可信的,而且数个案例已被证实是骗局。
User: In Act One Scene Four, Clarence recounts a terrifying nightmare in which he has been pushed (accidentally) into the ocean by Gloucester and drowns, then finds himself in hell, accused of perjury by the ghosts of Warwick and Prince Edward.
Assistant: 在第一幕第四场,乔治叙述了一场可怕的噩梦,在其中他被理查(意外)推入海洋中溺死,发现自己身处地狱,被沃里克和爱德华王子的鬼魂指控发假誓。
User: According to Bruce Cole of The Wall Street Journal, the closest figure in the painting is revealing a subject of the meeting as "a discussion of the town's annual report".
Assistant: 《华尔街日报》的布鲁斯·科尔(Bruce Cole)认为作品中最外面的男士透露了会议的主题是“城镇年度报告讨论会”。
User: The Committee consisted of three Lords of Appeal or Lords of Appeal in Ordinary.
Assistant: 委员会通常由三名常任上诉法官或非常任上诉法官(Lords of Appeal)组成。
User: Kipkeyev was not satisfied with low casualties and started preparing a new metro explosion.
Assistant: 基普凯耶夫认为伤亡人数太少,表示不满意,并开始准备一起新的地铁爆炸。
User: Although ATM initially cost money, rather than coming free with the operating system, it became a de facto standard for anyone involved in desktop publishing.
Assistant: 尽管ATM并不是随操作系统附,而需要另外购买,但是它已经成为桌面出版业界的实际标准。
User: He studied law from 1769 to 1772 in Göttingen where he became a member of Corps Hannovera.
Assistant: 1769年至1772年间他在哥廷根学习法律,在那里加入了汉诺威陆军。
User: If bets.
Assistant: 胜四注。
User: Some doctors now use leeches to prevent the clotting of blood on some wounds following surgery or trauma.
Assistant: 现在一些医生利用水蛭去防止外科手术或创伤时血液在伤口的凝固。
User: This is the third-fastest first serve on record, after Andy Roddick's 155 miles per hour (249 km/h).
Assistant: 最快的发球纪录 (1991年之后): 罗迪克(Andy Roddick) (美国),2004年, 155英哩/每小时或249公里/每小时。
User: He was indicted for treason after the war, but never tried.
Assistant: 战争结束后,他遭叛国罪起诉,但案件始终没有开审。
User: A year later he became a professor.
Assistant: 一年后他成为正式教授。
User: She was one of Hawaii's most influential leaders.
Assistant: 他是沙特阿拉伯最有影响力的人士之一。
User: It is thought by some historians that Finance Minister and MCA President Tan Siew Sin's appeal to the Chinese to avoid challenging the Malay special rights and risk merger with Indonesia helped the MCA retain its status as the "undisputed leader of the Chinese in the Malayan peninsula".
Assistant: 某些历史学家认为,当时财政部长及马华公会会长陈修信向华人呼吁,避免挑战马来人的特权,以免承担与印尼合并这个危险,此番言论有助马来亚华人公会保持其地位,继续做“马来亚半岛中无与争锋的华人领袖”。
User: Antennae fasciculate in male, whereas ciliate in female.
Assistant: 彼方(カナタ,声:永田依子) 风月庵的女性佣人,时常在厨房工作。
User: Then, pretending fear, he pulled back drawing the enemy after him.
Assistant: 不久因为害怕李自成报复,遂辞官。
User: However, the great mass of a cluster such as NGC 2808 may suffice to gravitationally counteract the loss of gaseous matter.
Assistant: 然而,向NGC 2808这种大质量的星团,有足够的引力减少气态物质的损失。 |
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The goal is to estimate the implied volatility of S&P 500 index options at an average expiration of 30 days.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In 1869 Midhat Pasha was inaugurated as governor of Baghdad.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Nevertheless, bullion for Spain's American colonies allowed the Spanish dollar to supersede the ducat as the dominant currency of world trade.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:然而,西班牙在美洲殖民地开采的大量白银,使西班牙银圆得以取代达克特成为世界贸易的主要货币。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Peter believed that targeted reform could not only strengthen his hold on power, but increase the efficiency of the government, and thus better the lot of his people.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 彼得坚信,他这些宏观的改革不只是在增加本身的权力,而是会增进政府的效能并加惠于民。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
(Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn extensively investigates and gives full credit to this conjecture in his historical novel August 1914).
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: (亚历山大·索尔仁尼琴在他的历史小说《1914年8月》中对此作了认真的考证和阐述。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: By the western edge of the cluster is the unrelated star, 5.5-magnitude HD 56405.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:在这个星团西侧边缘,5.5等的HD 56405与星团之间没有关联性。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The primary, although not official, language of the United States is English.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Their strategy became one of trying to fill the jails.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这种战略成为试图填满监狱的尝试之一。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Western Kansas is as sunny as California and Arizona.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 西堪萨斯州与加利福尼亚州和亚利桑那州一样为阳光充足的地方。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
This behavior is so puzzling that it has been called the black hole information loss paradox.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
He is famous for his use of twining poses, coupled with ambiguous perspective; his figures often seem to float in an uncertain environment, unhampered by the forces of gravity.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 他的作品以缠绕的姿势和模糊的透视著称;他的人物似乎经常浮动在一个不确定的环境中,完全不受重力阻碍。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: As soon as sentient beings developed willpower, Ion was born from the green wavelength of the so-called "emotional spectrum".
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:在有情众生产生意志之时,离子就在他们所谓的“情感光谱”的绿色波段中产生。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Ayres did suggest "that 'In God We Trust' be placed in some position where it does not seem as if the '49ers were frying it in oil".
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
艾尔斯建议更改硬币正面文字“IN GOD WE TRUST”(“我们信仰上帝”)的位置,使之不致看上去仿佛“淘金者正把它放在油里炸”。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Three types of statements are provided by SAML: Authentication statements Attribute statements Authorization decision statements Authentication statements assert to the service provider that the principal did indeed authenticate with the identity provider at a particular time using a particular method of authentication.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
SAML提供如下三种语句: 身份验证(Authentication)声明 属性(Attribute)声明 授权决策(Authorization decision)声明 身份验证声明会向SP主张,该委托人确实被IdP在一个特定的时间通过一个特定的认证方式成功认证。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
XM1-FSED: Preproduction test model.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Risktaking may also have reproductive advantages: adolescents have a newfound priority in sexual attraction and dating, and risk-taking is required to impress potential mates.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 倾向于冒险这点也可能具有生殖上的优势:使得青少年在性吸引和约会方面有了一个新的焦点,并使潜在的伴侣得以打动。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Despite initial successes, Cao Cao had suffered setbacks, and in the end could only retain the beachhead Liyang after nine months of campaigning.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
He also felt that it approached its themes too conservatively and tamely, leaving a "boring" end result.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
It was designed by a student.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Santa Monica has a bike action plan and recently launched a bicycle sharing system in November 2015.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
圣塔莫尼卡有一个脚踏车行动计划,在2015年11月时,启动了公共自行车 。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: From the Source – Japan.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 出身地:日本。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
This, in turn, brought attention in literary works, such as Dante's, which helped shape the moral, religious and cosmological paradigm of Western Europe during the Medieval era.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The spacecraft consisted of the Rosetta orbiter, which featured 12 instruments, and the Philae lander, with nine additional instruments.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 罗塞塔号由两个主要部件组成:罗塞塔探测器,其中带有12个仪器,及菲莱登陆器,其中带有另外的9个仪器。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The popularity of Harvard Girl made Liu a "national superstar" and an "idol" for Chinese parents, and she frequently received fan mail and drew large crowds at book signings in mainland China.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
《哈佛女孩》的知名度使得亦婷成为“国家巨星”以及中国家长“心目中的偶像”,她在中国大陆经常收到粉丝的来信,举办签书会(英语:Book signing)时也吸引了大量人群。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The Romanian population in Chernivtsi started decreasing rapidly after 1950.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:罗马尼亚人得数量在1950年之后迅速减少。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:A classified budget document approved by the Pentagon on 23 December 2005 called for the U-2's termination no earlier than 2012, with some aircraft being retired by 2007.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 一份于2005年12月23日由美国国防部核准的机密预算文件中,要求U-2计划最迟于2011年结束,并于2007年初将部分U-2除役。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The European Commission has stated that "The restrictions on certain foodstuffs from certain Member States must therefore continue to be maintained for many years to come".
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 由此欧盟委员会已经表示:“对于从这些成员国进口的某些食物的限制必须在未来维持多年”。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Daniel Kehlmann's 2005 novel Die Vermessung der Welt, translated into English as Measuring the World (2006), explores Gauss's life and work through a lens of historical fiction, contrasting them with those of the German explorer Alexander von Humboldt.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
Daniel Kehlmann在2005年写的一本小说《Die Vermessung der Welt》,在2006年的时候被翻译成英文版《Measuring the World》,以小说的历史镜头来探索高斯的一生和工作,借此与另一位德国地理学家亚历山大·冯·洪堡作对比。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:A similar proposal was, however, finally accepted in 2006 when Pluto was designated minor planet 134340 and also declared a dwarf planet.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
After the strike, Tilley was transferred to the flagship USS Powhatan before requesting to take a six-month leave so that he could marry.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Weather broadcasts up to that time gave every indication that the storm would weaken prior to landfall.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Thus, complicated experimental designs are sometimes necessary to account for the dynamic complexity of the proteome.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This was one of the principal reasons for dissolving the connection with Great Britain.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:这是(我们)与大不列颠断绝联系最重要的原因之一。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: 54 of the American passengers, many of them elderly, were booked with the tour group Grand Circle Travel for a 14-day trip to Egypt.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
After the war, British officers in charge of captured German archives came upon the papers depicting Dzhugashvili’s death at Sachsenhausen.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
战争结束后,英国官员负责获取德国档案,萨克森豪森集中营的文件纪录下雅科夫·朱加什维利的死亡。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: On October 2011 a Kickstarter fundraising campaign collected US$63,573 for project expenses and the construction of a training facility.
Assistant: 2011年十月,开源生态计划在Kickstarter上募集了63,573美金,希望能作为专案的开销,并建立训练中心。
User: It limits the sodium ion (Na+) concentration by blocking the Na+ pump, which then promotes calcium ions (Ca2+) to increase in concentration in the extracellular cardiac muscle domain, therein permitting the heart to contract.
Assistant: 它通过阻断Na +泵限制钠离子(Na +)浓度,然后促进钙离子(Ca2 +)在心肌细胞外的浓度增加,从而促使心脏收缩。
User: Kuropatkin was heavily involved in the fiasco of the Russian land forces during the war.
Assistant: 库罗帕特金在战争期间混乱不堪的俄国地面部队中也有很深的参与。
User: He and Secretary of the Navy William C. Whitney undertook to modernize the navy and canceled construction contracts that had resulted in inferior ships.
Assistant: 他与海军部长威廉·柯林斯·惠特尼(William C. Whitney)对海军进行现代化改造,还取消了已经导致所建船舶品质低劣的建造合同。
User: Prior to their game on January 22, 2011, against Texas, Kansas players, coaches and fans held a moment of silence in honor of Robinson, who had lost his grandmother, grandfather, and mother all within three weeks of one another.
Assistant: 2011年1月22日对德州大学的比赛之前,堪萨斯的球员,教练和球迷举行纪念罗宾逊,失去了他的奶奶,爷爷和母亲都在三个星期内彼此默哀了片刻。
User: Though German Haitians only numbered about 200, they wielded a disproportionate amount of economic power.
Assistant: 虽然海地只有200个德国人左右,但他们的经济实力却不成比例的大庞。
User: Other critics, however, likened Grand Theft Auto III to The Legend of Zelda and Metroid, as well as Shenmue in particular, and noted how GTA III had combined elements from previous games and fused them together into a new immersive experience.
Assistant: 其他评论家则将《侠盗猎车手III》和《塞尔达传说》与《银河战士》,尤其是《莎木 一章 横须贺》联系在一起,并指出《侠盗猎车手III》组合此前游戏中的元素,将它们融合成一个新的身临其境的体验。
User: They do not resent what he did; they regret it and disapprove of it.
Assistant: 朝廷知庾楷不能被劝服,于是内相忧惧,内外戒严。
User: In Moneyball, he played a dramatic role as a father and dejected baseball player who once feared his career was over and who had the difficult task of learning a new defensive position.
Assistant: 在《魔球》中,他有机会扮演一个父亲和一个垂头丧气的棒球运动员曾担心他的职业生涯将要结束,学习一个全新的防御阵地的艰巨任务。
User: Recent advances employ information theory, a close cousin of likelihood, which uses Occam's razor in the same way.
Assistant: 在最近的进展中使用了信息论,相似性理论的近亲,也用同样的方式使用奥卡姆剃刀。
User: In the 1995 film Apollo 13, Conrad was played by David Andrews.
Assistant: 在1995年的电影阿波罗13号中,康拉德由大卫·安德鲁斯(David Andrews)扮演。
User: Those who know nothing about repressions will ask questions when they see the signs.
Assistant: 无明覆故令诸众生不能得见。
User: He once made a statement in 2014: “While it is important to supervise and reform the systems of the chief executive and the legislature, yet more has to be done if we want to establish a real democratic system.
Assistant: 陈健民曾表示:“对行政长官和立法会等制度的监察和改革固然重要,可是如要实行真正的民主制度,就远不能止于此了。
User: It can take photos but not videos.
Assistant: 但在使用时可能会出现一些问题,如不能拍摄视频。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: Two days later, following a 1–0 win against Manchester United at Old Trafford, Jack Kirkland demanded to know what Taylor's role within the club was.
Assistant: 2天后,在德比郡客场1比0击败曼联的联赛赛后,杰克·柯克兰要求泰勒解释他在俱乐部的角色到底是什么,并要求他在两天后答复。
User: In terms of yearly prize money won, Laver was the leader from 1964 until 1971.
Assistant: 以年度赢得总奖金来说,拉沃从1964年到1971年都是领先者。
User: However, because of its size and opportunistic predatory behavior, this species commonly kills and consumes a variety of insects and small terrestrial vertebrates.
Assistant: 然而,由于其体型和临时起意的捕食习惯,它们也常会杀死和食用各种昆虫和小型陆生脊椎动物。
User: 1502 – Vasco da Gama sets sail from Lisbon, Portugal, on his second voyage to India.
Assistant: 1502年:瓦斯科·达·伽马再次从里斯本出发前往印度。
User: For the above code with n = 5 {\displaystyle n=5} , m = 2 {\displaystyle m=2} , and generator polynomial g ( x ) = x 2 + x + 1 {\displaystyle g(x)=x^{2}+x+1} , we obtain the following assignment from data words to codewords: 000 ↦ 00000 001 ↦ 00111 010 ↦ 01001 011 ↦ 01110 100 ↦ 10010 101 ↦ 10101 110 ↦ 11011 111 ↦ 11100 An erroneous message can be detected in a straightforward way through polynomial division by the generator polynomial resulting in a non-zero remainder.
Assistant: 对于 n = 5 {\displaystyle n=5} 、 m = 2 {\displaystyle m=2} 、生成多项式为 g ( x ) = x 2 + x + 1 {\displaystyle g(x)=x^{2}+x+1} 的上述码,我们的带下列从数据字到码字的赋值: 000 ↦ 00000 001 ↦ 00111 010 ↦ 01001 011 ↦ 01110 100 ↦ 10010 101 ↦ 10101 110 ↦ 11011 111 ↦ 11100 错误消息可以直接通过多项式除以生成多项式得到非零余式而检测出来。
User: There were seven American aircraft carriers at the beginning of the hostilities, although only three of them were operating in the Pacific.
Assistant: 战争的初期美国海军拥有七艘航母,但在太平洋只有三艘。
User: Perth: AAP.
Assistant: 马骝仔:猴子。
User: In 1993, Bohdan Paczyński and James E. Rhoads published an article arguing that, regardless of the type of explosion that causes GRBs, the extreme energetics of GRBs meant that matter from the host body must be ejected at relativistic speeds during the explosion.
Assistant: 1993年,玻丹·帕琴斯基和詹姆斯·E·罗兹发表论文称,不论伽玛射线暴的产生原因是什么,伽玛暴极强的能量意味着寄主天体在爆发期间必须以相对论速度(接近光速)喷射出大量物质。
User: This last functional relationship characterizes the entropy of a system with sub-systems.
Assistant: 最后给出的这个函数关系刻画了一个系统与其子系统的熵的关系。
User: The seventh and eighth floors are likewise used by the Senate.
Assistant: 亦会与政府商讨第七、八期地段。
User: The Attitude and Articulation Control Subsystem (AACS) controls the spacecraft orientation (its attitude).
Assistant: 姿态调节控制子系统(AACS)控制着航天器的方向(姿态)。
User: He took up his first position in Hong Kong in 1979 as Manager Special Projects in the head office of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.
Assistant: 1979年,他首度调至香港,出任香港上海汇丰银行特别项目经理。
User: The strategic transport importance of the road bridge – and the threat of closure by 2019 if major structural work was not successful – led to fears of serious economic consequences, especially as work on a new crossing was estimated to take up to 11 years.
Assistant: 公路大桥对于战略运输的重要性不言而喻,而一座新跨海通道的建设预计长达11年之久,如果主要的结构工程无法取得成功,同时面临2019年大桥封闭的威胁,这引发了对于严重经济后果的普遍担忧。
User: Smithers added his own postscript and delivered the letter to its intended destination, San Felipe de Austin.
Assistant: 史密瑟斯又添加了一些自己的附言,并将信送到原定目的地圣费利佩德奥斯汀。
User: After firing, spent cartridge casings are removed through an ejection port located at the base of the receiver (a spring-loaded dust cover of the MG42 type covers the ejection port).
Assistant: 在发射后,发射过的弹壳会从机匣基座上的抛壳口(使用MG42型弹簧定位式抛壳口防尘盖(英语:Dust cover (firearms))覆盖整个抛壳口)抛出枪外。
User: William "Bill" J. Fallon (January 23, 1886 – April 29, 1927) christened The Great Mouthpiece by the press was a prominent defense attorney during the 1920s who defended the gangster Arnold Rothstein and his accomplice Nicky Arnstein during the trial for the fixing of the 1919 World Series.
Assistant: 威廉·“比尔”·J·法伦(英语:William "Bill" J. Fallon,1886年1月23日-1927年4月29日)被新闻界称为“大喉舌”(The Great Mouthpiece),是1920年代期间一位著名的辩护律师,他曾在1919年世界大赛操纵造假的审判期间为黑帮阿诺·罗斯汀和共犯Nicky Arnstein(英语:Nicky Arnstein)辩护。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: Slaves were not permitted to carry firearms in any of the slave states.
Assistant: 奴隶在蓄奴各州不得拥有武器。
User: One of the problems of biomass is that material directly combusted in cook stoves produces pollutants, leading to severe health and environmental consequences, although improved cook stove programmes are alleviating some of these effects.
Assistant: 生物质能存在的问题之一,是炉灶直接燃烧产生的污染物,导致严重的健康和环境的后果,虽然改进炉灶方案可在一定程度缓解这些影响。
User: These students, who enrolled at Teachers College at Columbia, were influenced by the theoretical educational innovations of John Dewey, but Paul Monroe exerted a practical influence on their ideas about curricular implementation.
Assistant: 这些学生曾就读于哥伦比亚大学师范学院,受到约翰·杜威的理论教育创新的影响,但孟禄对他们在课程实施方面的想法产生了实际影响。
User: The same painting had been stolen from the same museum on June 4, 1977, and was recovered ten years later in Kuwait.
Assistant: 而早在1977年6月4日它就曾被人偷走过一次,10年后才于科威特追回。
User: It is a love story spanning two generations.
Assistant: 故事讲述一段两代人的爱情恩怨。
User: He starred alongside his now-partner, Tim Campbell.
Assistant: 这部是他的第二部音乐剧作品,与他现在的伴侣 Tim Campbell 一同演出。
User: During his school days, he was a popular student and took part in several school activities, which especially applied to sports.
Assistant: 在上学期间,他是一名受欢迎的学生,并参加了几项特别适用于体育运动的学校活动。
User: Peter Chomo writes that Gump acts as a "social mediator and as an agent of redemption in divided times".
Assistant: 彼得·卓木认为阿甘扮演着一位“社会调解员和救赎不同时段的代理人。
User: The latter variants participated in the 1918 Spring Offensives and the Second Battle of the Marne.
Assistant: 本炮后来的衍生版本参与了1918年的春季攻势与第二次马恩河战役。
User: Once Monika has cleaned Rob's corpse, she takes photos with him using her camera's self-timer.
Assistant: 莫妮卡清理了罗伯的尸体,用相机自拍。
User: It is an essential enzyme in the human body.
Assistant: 它是人体中所必需的酶。
User: Five were reported killed and 836 were taken to hospitals according to the Health Minister.
Assistant: 据埃及卫生部长报告,有五人死亡,836人被送往医院。
User: The EJC intends to protect human rights, fight xenophobia and anti-Semitism, promote interfaith dialogue, implement cultural and educational programmes, and remember the Holocaust and other events that killed millions of people.
Assistant: EJC解决当今世界最急迫的目标,例如保护人权、对抗排外主义和反犹太主义、促进宗教间的对话、实现文化和教育方案和记住犹太人大屠杀和其他悲剧由数百万存活于世界各地的人们声称。
User: It is implemented on top of the C preprocessor and make.
Assistant: 这个功能和C预处理器所提供的很类似。
User: George Frederick Bodley RA (14 March 1827 – 21 October 1907) was an English Gothic Revival architect.
Assistant: 乔治·弗雷德里克·博德利(英语:George Frederick Bodley;1827年3月14日-1907年10月21日)是英国哥特复兴式建筑师。
User: Until the early 19th century, education in Bangalore was mainly run by religious leaders and restricted to students of that religion.
Assistant: 参见:班加罗尔高等教育机构列表 直到19世纪早期,班加罗尔的教育主要是由宗教领袖管理,而且仅限于宗教学生 。
User: Clark held the positions of president of the Labour Youth Council, executive member of the party's Auckland Regional Council, secretary of the Labour Women's Council and member of the Policy Council.
Assistant: 她一直是劳工青少年理事会的主席、劳工党奥克兰地区委员会的行政人员、劳工妇女委员会的秘书和法规委员会的成员。
User: It is a famous rock climbing venue.
Assistant: 是一处著名的攀岩地点。
User: Another story concerning Hang Tuah's legendary loyalty to the ruler is found in the Hikayat Hang Tuah, and involves his visit to Inderaputra or Pahang during one such voyage.
Assistant: 另一个关于汉都亚对苏丹忠诚的传奇故事记载在汉都亚传,并涉及他访问因陀罗弗多罗(Inderaputra)或彭亨的行程。
User: The territory of the Hetmanate was reorganized into three Russian provinces (governorates) whose administration was no different from that of any other provinces within the Russian Empire.
Assistant: 酋长国的领土被划分为3个俄罗斯省份,这些省份的行政机关与俄罗斯帝国其他省份无异。
User: While the local economy was, for many years, based on fishing and shipping, it has shifted towards tourism in the last 20 years.
Assistant: 其经济主要依赖于渔业和航运,但最近20年逐渐转向旅游业。
User: The three friends got a recording contract with Capitol Records and called themselves the Salty Peppers.
Assistant: 三支乐队均签约于Peaceville Records唱片公司,被称为“ Peaceville三巨头”。
User: In her 1975 paper, Cognitive Representation of Semantic Categories (J Experimental Psychology v. 104:192-233), Eleanor Rosch asked 200 American college students to rate, on a scale of 1 to 7, whether they regarded the following items as a good example of the category furniture.
Assistant: 在 Eleanor Rosch 1975 的论文,(语义范畴的认知表征)(实验心理学期刊 J Experimental Psychology v. 104:192-233)中, 她请了 200 位美国大学生,问他们下列哪些项目是家具这个范畴的好例子?从1到7分评估。
User: We urged on our Arab steeds like a cloud, and when the two armies encountered each other thou wouldst have said they had struck the sky down to the earth.
Assistant: 219年,随吕蒙讨伐关羽,并派潘璋到临沮截擒关羽,迁为昭武将军,封西安乡侯。 |
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