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User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: On 14 October 2013, Foreign Minister Erlan Idrisov met with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Leonid Kozhara. Assistant: 2013年10月14日,外交部长厄兰·伊德里索夫会见了乌克兰外长列昂里德·库扎哈。 User: Richard's misfortunes seemed to follow him into retirement. Assistant: 理查的逃脱为他带来了好处。 User: STK has been deployed by many mobile operators around the world for many applications, often where a menu-based approach is required, such as Mobile Banking and content browsing. Assistant: 全球众多移动运营商已使用STK技术部署了众多应用,这些应用通常是基于菜单式操作,提供诸如手机银行(英语:Mobile Banking)、内容浏览等功能。 User: Due to the semantics of some programming languages, the code generated by the compiler is allowed to update the shared variable to point to a partially constructed object before A has finished performing the initialization. Assistant: 由于某些编程语言的语义,编译器生成的代码允许在线程A执行完变量的初始化之前,更新变量并将其指向部分初始化的对象。 User: In the Wa language, spoken in the borderlands between Yunnan Province and Shan State, the word for Chinese is Hox/Hawx, pronounced /hɔʔ/. Assistant: 在云南省与掸邦边境地区的佤语中,称呼中国人的词为Hox/Hawx,发音为/hɔʔ/。 User: Another ship on September 16 reported similar winds in the same location; Thus, it was estimated to have remained nearly stationary for three days. Assistant: 同年9月16日,女性之赞号成为同最后一艘下水的同级舰,并在距离完工前约十三个月取消。 User: It used two different rockets. Assistant: 它使用了两种不同的火箭炮。 User: Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before. Assistant: 她继续的任务,是去探索这未知的新世界,找寻新的生命和新文明,勇踏前人未至之境。 User: Uematsu did not only show up at Anime Boston, he made a surprise appearance and played with the Video Game Orchestra for the track "One Winged Angel". Assistant: 植松不但如期在动漫波士顿出现,还和Video Game Orchestra(VGO)演奏了《One Winged Angel》。 User: Like most of pop music, its songs tend to be written in a basic format employing a verse–chorus structure. Assistant: 和大部分流行音乐一样,它的歌曲通常是写在基本的模板里,采用韵文-合唱诗的结构。 User: The most valuable historic and cultural sites are concentrated here. Assistant: 最有价值的历史文化遗迹都集中于此。 User: She enters a portal and defeats the White Frost, ending the threat. Assistant: 她进入一个传送门,击败了白霜并结束了威胁。 User: With the baseline length established in 1924, measurements were carried out over the next two years to obtain the published value of 299,796 ± 4 km/s. Assistant: 利用1924年建立的基线长度,光速测量在接下来的两年内得以进行,获得299,796±4 km/s的公布值。 User: These are highly standardised. Assistant: 这些是高度标准化的。 User: Angst can create a clear understanding in one that death is a possible mode of existence, which Heidegger described as “clearing”. Assistant: 焦虑可以产生一种清晰的理解,即死亡是一种可能的存在模式,海德格尔称之为"清除"。 User: 1860 continued to perform well through the mid-1960s: they captured their second DFB-Pokal in 1964, played the 1965 European Cup Winners' Cup final against West Ham United – losing 0–2. Assistant: 1860慕尼黑在六十年代中期的表现继续强劲,在1964年第二次夺得德国杯冠军,令他们能参与1965年的欧洲杯赛冠军杯,但决赛以0:2败给韦斯咸。 User: Though it explicitly extended the first two laws of planetary motion (applied to Mars in Astronomia nova) to all the planets as well as the Moon and the Medicean satellites of Jupiter, it did not explain how elliptical orbits could be derived from observational data. Assistant: 虽然它明确的将行星运动的头两条定律(在《新天文学》中适用于火星)扩展到其它行星、月球及木星的美第奇卫星,但是它并没有解释椭圆轨道如何从观测资料中获取。 User: In 2014, she had a small role in the thriller film Tusk, a role she reprised in 2016's Yoga Hosers. Assistant: 2014年,史密斯在惊悚片《人型海象(英语:Tusk (2014 film))》中饰演一名小角色,之后她又于2016年的《瑜珈鲁蛇》同样出演该角。 User: Records with unambiguously linguistic content, identifiably Sumerian, are those found at Jemdet Nasr, dating to the 31st or 30th century BC. Assistant: 语言学上不含糊、能被明确界定为苏美尔语的文献出土与杰姆德·那瑟(Jemdet Nasr),年代可追溯到前31-30世纪。 User: The system slowly tracked southward into the Gulf of California and became increasingly organized. Assistant: 系统缓慢向南进入加利福尼亚湾并逐渐组织起来。 User: If an issuer went bankrupt, closed, left town, or otherwise went out of business, the note would be worthless. Assistant: 如果发行者破产、关闭、离开或歇业了,那么其发行的纸币就将一文不值。 User: Thus, a 22mm rifle grenade can easily be as powerful as a 40mm grenade, in spite of the seemingly smaller size. Assistant: 因此,尽管从尺寸看起来更小巧,但22毫米枪榴弹的威力可以轻易地与40毫米榴弹一样强大。 User: By dexterous management and promises of large rewards, he overcame the misgivings of the Greek troops over the length and danger of the war. Assistant: 通过巧妙的管理和大回报的承诺,他克服了希腊人对于长距离且危险的战争的疑虑。 User: In the meantime, the guerillas in Province of León became very active. Assistant: 南宋时期,大屿山的产盐业已非常蓬勃。 User: As of January 16, 2012, there were 31 sponsors. Assistant: 直到2012年1月16日,共有31位支持者。 User: After playing in the rock band Heatmiser for several years, Smith began his solo career in 1994, with releases on the independent record labels Cavity Search and Kill Rock Stars (KRS). Assistant: 在摇滚乐团Heatmiser演奏多年后,1994年,史密斯与独立唱片厂牌Cavity Search与Kill Rock Stars合作发行首张专辑,开启了单飞生涯。 User: The limit had been 50ppm. Assistant: 之前规定为50ppm。 User: Tenants have to pay the landowner even though they are doing all of the agricultural work. Assistant: 男性求婚者必须付聘金,其中包含农耕的劳务。 User: Neighbouring districts are (from north clockwise): Mae Ramat, Mueang Tak, and Phop Phra. Assistant: 与美索毗邻的区域分别是(从北以顺时针方向):Mae Ramat, Mueang Tak以及Phop Phra。 User: In English-speaking realm, the term was brought up by former Google's vice president Kai-Fu Lee who is now the founder of the Chinese IT startup incubator Innovation Works, during an interview with Rebecca Fannin. Assistant: 在英语国家,该词由谷歌的前任副总裁、创新工场创始人李开复在一次Rebecca Fannin采访中提及。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Here they are with "Listening". Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 它们是“用听觉”来进行的游戏。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 As early as August 23, 1963, an unnamed U.S. representative had met with Vietnamese generals planning a coup against President Diem. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 早在1963年8月23日,一位不透露姓名的美国代表会见了越南将军,策划推翻吴廷琰政府的政变。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: On 22 January Germans demolished more of the construction with a further 30 tonnes of explosives. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:第二天,德军使用了30吨炸药炸毁了更多的建筑。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:D The New Right (Nye Borgerlige). Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 新安(今安新)人。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 From 1990, she has worked freelance. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 1990年以后一直以自由批评家活动。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: However, with ISPs that continue to use simpler, less costly methods to identify and throttle BitTorrent, the current solution remains effective. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 但是,也有些服务商继续使用简单、便宜的方法来识别和限流BitTorrent,因此当前的方案仍有效果。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: According to archival documents, he also had a meeting in Warsaw with the French ambassador Count De Bregie, during which he discussed the possibility of Cossack participation in war in France. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:部分档案文献显示出,这时博赫丹也在华沙会见了法国使节德·布勒吉耶公爵,在这次见面中,他讨论了哥萨克参与法国战争的可行性。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Dramatis personae. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 悲剧人物。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 A study, states 29% of seeds germinated when placed at 0.5 cm below the soil, while only 3% germinated when buried 1 cm. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 一项研究表明,当种植在土壤下0.5公分处时,29%的种子会发芽,而埋在1公分处时,只有3%的种子发芽。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: World government is the concept of a single political body that would make, interpret and enforce international law. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 世界政府是一个关于可能实现的政治实体的理念,这个政治实体解释并执行国际法。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: A negative literal is the negation of an atom. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:否定文字是一个原子的否定。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The weapon arsenal in Final Fantasy Mystic Quest is considerably smaller than most role-playing games. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 《最终幻想 神秘历险》的武器种类比大多数角色扮演游戏要少。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!": Adventures of a Curious Character is an edited collection of reminiscences by the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: ": Adventures of a Curious Character)是诺贝尔奖得主、物理学家理查德·费曼的回忆的编辑收集。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Al-Ghazali had an important influence on both later Muslim philosophers and Christian medieval philosophers. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 安萨里对于穆斯林哲学家(英语:Muslim philosophers)及基督教中世纪哲学家都有很大的影响。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This service keeps customer payment information private, sending a one-time security code instead of the card or user details. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 此服务将客户付款信息保密,并发送一次性安全代码而不是卡片或用户详细信息。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 He did so by stating that princes and republics should limit their expenditures and prevent either the wealthy or the populace from despoiling the other. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 他指出,君主和公民应该限制他们的支出,防止富人或民众诋毁他人。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: South Africa is the largest trading partner of the Philippines in Africa and the Philippines ranked South Africa as its 36th largest trading partner in 2008. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:于2008年,南非是菲律宾在非洲最大的贸易伙伴,亦是菲律宾的第36大贸易伙伴。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The NBD consists of two lobes with a deep cleft between them, at the bottom of which nucleotide (ATP and ADP) binds. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:长方形棋盘,中间有两条横沟,两边各有九个棋洞,各属于一方。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: According to Wilhelm Reich, the lack of women's capacity to have a vaginal orgasm is due to a lack of orgastic potency, which he believed to be the result of culture's suppression of genital sexuality. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 根据威廉·赖希的说法,女性阴道高潮的能力缺乏是使其高潮的性机能缺乏所致,他认为这是当地文化压抑生殖器之间的性行为的后果。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The funding for these projects is distributed unevenly, with a few projects accounting for the majority of overall funding. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 大多数项目的资金分配不均,少数项目占总体资金的大部分。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 IGN and Giant Bomb commended the music selection and felt that the original score enhanced dramatic tension during missions. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: IGN和大炸弹还赞扬授权音乐的挑选,原创配乐提高任务的戏剧张力。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Sues and Alexander Averianov criticised that analysis, arguing that Farke and colleagues misinterpreted or mis-coded some characteristics of the fossil in their analysis. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 苏伊士与亚历山大·阿维里安诺夫(Alexander Averianov)反对这项说法,认为该研究忽视某些图兰角龙的特征,或是论述角度错误。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Since the college was first formally integrated into the University structure in 1955, its Nonconformist aspects have gradually diminished. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 自1955年正式并入牛津大学后,其原先的立场便渐渐消失了。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Mitchel Resnick (born June 12, 1956) is LEGO Papert Professor of Learning Research, Director of the Okawa Center, and Director of the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 密契尔.瑞斯尼克 (1956年6月12日-)是乐高学习研究帕尔特教授、大川中心(Okawa Center)主任、以及在麻省理工学院媒体实验室的终身幼儿园集团主任 。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: There are a variety of symbols, but recently most king's flags have different symbols, such as the symbol marking King Bhumibol's 80th birthday or the one commemorating the 60th anniversary of King Bhumibol's accession to the throne. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 有多种符号,但最近大多数国王旗都有不同的符号,如纪念普密蓬国王80岁寿辰的符号或纪念普密蓬国王登基60周年的符号。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: According to an MSNBC report, the crucial words are inaudible, and presenter Rita Cosby questioned if it could be substantiated that Kalpoe had ever made the statements attributed to him in the Dr. Phil version of the recording. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 另据MSNBC报导,视频中最关键的字眼根本听不清,主持人丽塔·考斯比(Rita Cosby)质疑卡尔珀是否真的说过《菲尔医生》节目版本视频中那些话。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In March 2013, the Falkland Islands held a referendum on its political status: 99.8% of voters favoured remaining a British overseas territory. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 2013年3月,福克兰群岛针对其政治地位举行了2013年福克兰群岛主权公投(英语:Falkland Islands sovereignty referendum, 2013),99.8%的选民支持群岛继续作为英国海外领土。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 In UFO conspiracy theories, Majestic 12 (or MJ-12) is the code name of an alleged secret committee of scientists, military leaders, and government officials, formed in 1947 by an executive order by U.S. President Harry S. Truman to facilitate recovery and investigation of alien spacecraft. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在不明飞行物体阴谋论中,MJ-12(全称:Majestic 12)是一个由科学家、军事领袖、政府官员组成的秘密组织的代码,由美国总统杜鲁门在1947年签署的行政命令下组建而成。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In the most industrialised parts of Wales, Labour-dominated councils successfully tried not only to increase the number of secondary-school places (even during the years of the Great depression), but also worked towards providing these places free, and therefore on merit, instead of on ability to pay. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 在威尔士工业化程度最高的地区,以工党为主导的地方议会不仅成功地增发中学文凭(即使在大萧条时期也如此),而且也努力减免学费,甚少顾虑支付能力。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Eileen died after the birth of their last child. Assistant: 艾琳在生完最后一个孩子后过世。 User: Koichiro Matsuura, the immediate past Director-General of UNESCO, has written of peace education as being of "fundamental importance to the mission of UNESCO and the United Nations". Assistant: 松浦晃一郎(联合国教科文组织前任总干事)曾写道,和平教育“对教科文组织和联合国的使命至关重要”。 User: These two changes dramatically increased the efficiency of the implosion, and thereby greatly lowered the energy required to compress it. Assistant: 这些变化显著地提高了内爆的效率,因此压缩燃料所需的能量减少了。 User: The international invited competition for its design was won by the architectural group Bjarke Ingels Group, announced in spring 2013. Assistant: 项目设计采取全球范围内邀请竞标,Bjarke Ingels Group在2013年春季夺冠。 User: Nitrogen — to grow and reproduce more organisms to oxidize the carbon. Assistant: 氮 - 生长和繁殖更多的生物体以氧化碳。 User: She also stated that she hoped to collaborate with many artists that year, possibly including some of her fellow coaches on The Voice. Assistant: 她希望在那一年与许多艺人合作,可能还包括她在The Voice上的一些导师。 User: Sinclair told W that her childhood nickname from her mother was "Verbal" because she talked and sang a lot. Assistant: 她在接受《W》采访时说自己童年的小名是母亲取的Verbal(意:语言的)因为她多话且经常唱歌。 User: She has been a news presenter and journalist for many years and in more recent times, has become popular throughout social media. Assistant: 她是一位资深的新闻主播和记者,近年来于社交网络上受到欢迎。 User: The U.S. Postal Service has organized these 36 places into 30 different five-digit ZIP Codes served by 20 different post offices. Assistant: 美国邮政局已将这36个地点组织成20个不同邮局提供的30个不同的5位邮政编码。 User: Such presumptions determine who bears the onus of proof. Assistant: 此类测试只能应用于已发生的案件,难以应用于详情未明的事件。 User: Henry IV's Queen, Joan of Navarre, had been granted authority over Edmund's marriage on 24 February 1408, but she later ceded this to Henry while Prince of Wales. Assistant: 1408年2月24日,亨利四世的王后纳瓦拉的胡安娜曾获授权安排埃德蒙的婚事,但后来将此权让给了亨利五世。 User: Dr. James Cooke Brown (July 21, 1921 – February 13, 2000) was an American sociologist and science fiction author. Assistant: 詹姆士·库克·布朗(英语:James Cooke Brown,1921年7月21日-2000年2月13日)是一名社会学家和科幻小说家。 User: Police and Crime Commissioner Mulligan takes her responsibilities in this respect extremely seriously and is committed to providing as much information as possible. Assistant: 麦克·菲格斯鼓励几位主要演员对其扮演的角色进行较为广泛的研究,并且尽可能多地搜索第一手资料。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: The sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) is a lacertid lizard distributed across most of Europe and eastwards to Mongolia. Assistant: 捷蜥蜴(Lacerta agilis)是一种蜥蜴,分布于几乎整个欧洲,往东至蒙古。 User: Similarity to the Sun allows for checking derived quantities—such as temperature, which is derived from the color index—against the Sun, the only star whose temperature is confidently known. Assistant: 太阳的相似度可以检查一些得到的数值 -像是温度,可以从色指数推导,较之下,只有太阳的温度是可以经由直接的测量获得,是唯一确认无误的。 User: Gosser (1977), pp. 206–207; Dickson (1907), part 3. Assistant: Gosser (1977年),第206–207页;Dickson (1907年)第三部分。 User: It changed its name to Griggs and split into Griggs University (for college courses) and Griggs International Academy (for K-12). Assistant: 它改名为Griggs,分为格瑞大学(大学课程)和格瑞国际学院(K-12)。 User: However, these values can range from 10–90% depending on the dominate plant types in an ecosystem and conditions under which the plants are subjected. Assistant: 然而,值的范围可以从10-90%受到生态系统中植物种类和环境中受哪一类优势植物影响。 User: The ship was a training ground for later commanders in chief of the High Seas Fleet, including Admirals Reinhard Scheer and Franz von Hipper, who both served aboard the ship as navigation officers during 1897 and October 1898 to September 1899, respectively. Assistant: 腓特烈·威廉选帝侯号也孕育出了后来公海舰队的一些指挥官,其中赖因哈德·舍尔和弗朗兹·冯·希佩尔便分别于1897年和1898年至1899年在舰上担任领航官。 User: In 1987 it launched Air 2000 and in 1990 acquired Redwing. Assistant: 1987年设立空中2000航空,并在1990年收购雷德温公司。 User: Around 22:00, Rheinland and Westfalen observed unidentified light forces in the gathering darkness. Assistant: 22:00左右,莱茵兰号和威斯特法伦号在黑暗中观察到不明身份的轻型部队。 User: Strong swells resulted in damage in northern Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, and also caused four people to drown along the United States' Atlantic coast. Assistant: 强烈的涌浪在波多黎各北部和多米尼加共和国造成了破坏,美国大西洋沿岸也有四人淹死。 User: His good form was rewarded, as he signed a new three-year deal with Hull in April 2008. Assistant: 他的好表现得到回报,球队和他于2008年4月签下新的三年合约。 User: Chiles and White might be liable to such purchasers and any purchasers who had successfully redeemed the bonds were liable for a personal judgment in favor of the state for the amount they received. Assistant: 智利和怀特需对这样的买家负责,而任何已经成功赎出这些债券的买家有责任对于收到的金额作出有利于的德克萨斯州个人判断。 User: Beginning in the 17th century wares like Mediterranean fruit, spices, cotton and silk from the Venetian Market in Mittenwald were transported down the Isar and Danube all the way to Vienna and Budapest. Assistant: 17世纪从威尼斯市场上运来的水果、香料、棉花和丝绸在米登华德转运到木筏上一直运到维也纳和布达佩斯。 User: Since 2004 the BLA has waged an armed struggle against the state of Pakistan for what it claims as equal rights and self-determination for the Baloch people in Pakistan, who it claims have been subjected to repression for decades. Assistant: 2004年起,俾路支解放军武力对抗巴基斯坦政府,旨在为长年受压迫的俾路支人争取平权与民族自决。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: Part of higher education's role about the rankings should be to remind students and their families that these are only one piece of information that they should take into account in deciding where to go to college. Assistant: 高等教育排名部分目的应该是提醒学生和他们的家庭,这些排名只不过是在选择去哪所大学时应该考虑的一个因素。 User: Miles Raymer of Entertainment Weekly wrote that the original track was arguably better than the remix and expressed that the latter "lacks the directness" of the former. Assistant: 《娱乐周刊》的迈尔斯·雷默写道原版曲目大概比重混更好,并解释道后者“缺少(前者的)直接性”。 User: Although associated closely with Rotterdam, he lived there for only four years, never to return. Assistant: 尽管他的名字已经和鹿特丹这座城市分不开,但他事实上只在那里生活了四年便离开了,至死也没再回去过。 User: The smallest Hurwitz surface is the Klein quartic (genus 3, automorphism group of order 168), and the induced tiling has 24 heptagons, meeting at 56 vertices. Assistant: 其中最小的赫尔维茨曲面是克莱因商(Klein quartic)亏格3、168阶、包含56个七边形镶嵌在一起,形成24个顶点。 User: The most striking finding was that the fraction of human DNA that is biologically active is considerably higher than even the most optimistic previous estimates. Assistant: 最引人注目的发现是,人类DNA有生物活性的分数大于以前估计中即使是最乐观的估计还要高得多。 User: The sixth and final season of the American serial drama television series Lost commenced airing in the United States and Canada on February 2, 2010. Assistant: 《迷失》第六季是美国电视连续剧《迷失》的第六个也是最后一个播出季,从2010年2月2日在美国和加拿大上映。 User: He suggested that substitutes could be made from carved blocks of ivory or bone. Assistant: 他建议,替代物可以是象牙或骨头的雕块。 User: Van Zeeland was a professor of law and later director of the Institute of Economic Science at the Catholic University of Leuven (Leuven), and vice-governor of the National Bank of Belgium. Assistant: 范泽兰是法律学教授,后在卢万公教大学任经济学学院的主任和比利时国家银行的副行长。 User: The focus on 1256 facilitated extensive anniversarial fundraising in 2006. Assistant: 2006年则集中在1256年广泛地募集捐款。 User: Scholars have pointed out that the timing of the temple's fundraising may have been a cause of the criticism, as the persistent fundraising was done during the Asian economic crisis. Assistant: 学者们也指出寺院进行募款的时刻,是导致被批评的主因,因其募款活动刚好处于亚洲金融暴时期。 User: To obtain the accuracy needed, the RAT-C rocket launcher had to be redesigned with larger side fins. Assistant: 为了获得所需的精度,RAT-C火箭必须重新设计一种较大的侧鳍。 User: A popular apéritif in Normandy is pommeau, a drink produced by blending unfermented apple juice and apple brandy in the barrel (the high alcoholic content of the spirit prevents fermentation of the juice and the blend takes on the character of the aged barrel). Assistant: 诺曼底地区经常使用的开胃酒是pommeau,这是通过调配橡木桶里的未发酵的苹果汁和苹果白兰地制作而成的(高度数的酒精阻止了果酒的发酵过程,而调配则可以显示出古老橡木桶的风格)。 User: The Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science—for exceptional high-school-aged Texas scholars—awards high school diplomas that reflect two years of accelerated and enriched college classical core academics in biology, chemistry, physics, lab work, mathematics, English, history, political science, interdisciplinary seminar, and electives. Assistant: 德克萨斯数学和科学学院为特殊的高中毕业的德州学者颁发高中文凭,反映了两年来加速和丰富了大学古典核心学术在生物,化学,物理,实验室工作,数学,英语,历史,政治学,跨学科研讨会和选修课。 User: Analyst Piers Harding-Rolls felt that the Nintendo 2DS would help Nintendo broaden its market, and believes that third-party publishers will have more commitment to the platform moving forward. Assistant: 分析师皮尔斯·哈丁-罗尔斯认为,任天堂2DS帮助任天堂扩大市场,并认为第三方发行商将为平台前进做出更多承诺。 User: Pegg commented, "We're both from the West Country so it just seemed like it was the perfect and logical thing to drag those kind of ideas and those genres and those clichés back to our beginnings to where we grew up, so you could see high-octane balls-to-the-wall action in Frome". Assistant: 佩吉评论道,“我们(佩吉与莱特)都生长于西郡,所以让那些想法、那种风格和那些口头禅回到我们的出生地似乎是完美而合乎逻辑的事,于是你可能会看到这部动作片在弗罗姆拍摄”。 User: Mary Sloan, a stewardess on the ship, whom Andrews persuaded to enter a lifeboat, later wrote in a letter: "Mr. Andrews met his fate like a true hero, realising the great danger, and gave up his life to save the women and children of the Titanic. Assistant: 泰坦尼克号上的女侍玛丽·斯隆(Mary Sloan)指出,安德鲁斯曾说服她登上救生艇,后来在一封信中写道:“安德鲁斯先生像个真正的英雄一样面对命运,意识到巨大的危机后,牺牲自己来拯救妇女和泰坦尼克号的孩子们。 User: In Peru, Quebrada Tacahuay and Quebrada Jaguay have been studied by archaeologists. Assistant: 如在秘鲁,克布拉达·塔卡瓦伊(Quebrada Tacahuay)和克布拉达·哈瓜伊(Quebrada Jaguay)已经由考古学家研究过。
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: But he was a cripple and could not govern his polity because of his infirmity. Assistant: 但他是一个跛子,因为自己的虚弱而无法控制自己的政体。 User: At that time, OPEC nations – including many who had recently nationalised their oil industries – joined the call for a New International Economic Order to be initiated by coalitions of primary producers. Assistant: 与此同时,OPEC成员国(包括一些刚把石油工业国有化的国家)响应国际新经济秩序的呼吁,加入开始联合初级生产者。 User: The Sea organ (Croatian: Morske orgulje) is an architectural sound art object located in Zadar, Croatia and an experimental musical instrument, which plays music by way of sea waves and tubes located underneath a set of large marble steps. Assistant: 海风琴 (克罗地亚语:Morske orgulje)是克罗地亚扎达尔的一组听觉艺术装置和实验乐器,通过海浪和隐藏在大理石台阶下面的聚乙烯管子与共振器的作用,来演奏音乐。 User: As it was lowered, it was nearly flooded by water being pumped out of the ship. Assistant: 当它被降下时,几乎被被船侧排出的水柱冲翻。 User: Since 1999, InCopy from Adobe is a direct competitor to Quark CopyDesk, which was launched in 1991. Assistant: InCopy的直接竞争对手是1991年发布的Quark CopyDesk。 User: Louis Jourdain, the son of the Tribal Chairman Buck Jourdain, was arrested in connection with the shootings on March 28, 2005 and charged with conspiracy to commit murder. Assistant: Louis Jourdain(弗洛伊德·乔丹的儿子)于2005年3月28日因涉及这次事件而被捕,被告以合谋罪。 User: Symbols in Lisp are often used similarly to identifiers in other languages: to hold the value of a variable; however there are many other uses. Assistant: Lisp中的符号通常类似于其它语言中的标识符(identifier)用法:保存变量的值;然而还有很多种用途。 User: His collection had remained in England and France until after World War II when the Japanese Government asked France for its return to Japan. Assistant: 松方幸次郎的收藏品后来存放于英国和法国,直到第二次世界大战后,日本政府要求法国返还。 User: Also reported in many other interviews by local press through the years, was that Ricky Wong had the business idea of bringing in non-taxed engineering textbooks from Taiwan when he was 21, at his 3rd year at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, which earned him a good fortune and helped fellow undergraduates, at a time when textbooks are rare and expensive locally. Assistant: 随后数年本地报章多次邀他访问,王维基称他21岁时就萌生从台湾引进免税工程教科书的想法,而在就读香港中文大学第3年时,这为他带来丰厚利润,同时亦有助纾缓在读大学生面对当时中文教科书稀缺以及成本高昂的困境。 User: The two most common arguments raised against international labour standards are that they undermine international competitiveness and erode domestic policy. Assistant: 对国际劳工标准的三种最常见的批评是它们破坏了国际竞争力、蚕食国内政策和社会条款。 User: In Faces in the Clouds, anthropologist Stewart Guthrie proposes that all religions are anthropomorphisms that originate in the brain's tendency to detect the presence or vestiges of other humans in natural phenomena. Assistant: 在他的书中云中面临的一个新的宗教理论,斯图尔特格思里的理论是,所有的宗教都是由于大脑的倾向自然现象来检测是否存在或其他人的痕迹anthropomorphisms发起的。 User: He had travelled through the United States, where he undertook a series of robberies, before arriving in London in June 1910. Assistant: 1910年6月抵达伦敦之前,他曾在美国犯下一连串抢劫案。 User: Pallasite Panspermia – the hypothesis that life could reach other planets by the means of meteorites and/or comets. Assistant: Pallasite:石铁陨石 Panspermia:生命可以通过陨石或彗星到达其他行星的理论。 User: In the Latin, Greek and Cyrillic (sometimes collectively referred to as LGC) scripts, one can refer to the distance from the baseline to the top of regular lowercase glyphs (mean line) as the x-height, and the part of a glyph rising above the x-height as the ascender. Assistant: 在拉丁字母,希腊字母和西里尔字母(有时统称为LGC)脚本中,可以参考从基线到顶部的距离 常规小写字形(主线)为X字高,字形高于x高度的部分为升部 。 User: In Batman & Robin, Elle Macpherson plays Julie, Bruce's girlfriend, though the character seems to have little in common with her comic book self. Assistant: 在电影《蝙蝠侠与罗宾》中,艾莉·麦克弗森饰演布鲁斯的女朋友朱莉,这个角色似乎与她的漫画版本没有什么共同之处。 User: Super, Girls! Assistant: Girls、超! User: Just 73 seconds into its flight at an altitude of 48,000 feet, the shuttle broke apart, resulting in the deaths of all seven crew members. Assistant: 飞机飞行仅73秒,航天飞机在48,000英尺的高度解体,七名机组人员全部遇难。 User: The X protocol has been version 11 (hence "X11") since September 1987. Assistant: X Window 源于1984年的麻省理工学院(目前所发布的 X11 发表于1987年9月)。 User: Cheap labour was the basis of the economy and this was taken from what the state classed as peasant groups and the migrants. Assistant: 廉价劳动力是整个国家经济的基础,而这些廉价劳动力来自于国家所划分的农民和移民群体。 User: Maternal and infant mortality rates have also been cut significantly. Assistant: 产妇及婴儿死亡率亦显著地下跌。 User: One day he will return. Assistant: 后归故里。 User: Two of the larger trunks that Wylie collected in the 1907 expedition are still to be seen in the Durban Botanic Gardens. Assistant: 1907年维利所采集的两株仍健在德班植物园。 User: Swimming Fastest. Assistant: 游泳速度很快。 User: Proof: Let p = (p1, p2) and q = (q1, q2) be elements of W, that is, points in the plane such that p1 = p2 and q1 = q2. Assistant: 证明: 设 p = (p1,p2) 且 q = (q1,q2) 是 W 的元素,就是说,在平面上的点使得 p1 = p2 且 q1 = q2。 User: The French expression droit du seigneur translates as "right of the lord", but native French prefer the terms droit de jambage (French: , from jambe, 'leg') or droit de cuissage (French: , from cuisse, 'thigh'). Assistant: 法语用词“Droit du seigneur”大致可以翻译为“领主的权利”,但在提到这种权利的行使时,法国本土则偏爱用“droit de jambage”(“腿的权利”)或是“droit de cuissage”(“大腿的权利”)。 User: The Lion Is Busy. Assistant: 港口繁忙。 User: Morris died on November 6, 1816, after causing himself internal injuries and an infection while using a piece of whalebone as a catheter to attempt clearing a blockage in his urinary tract. Assistant: 莫里斯死于1816年11月6日,因用一块鲸鱼骨作为导管,尝试清理堵塞尿路时感染。 User: In June 2004, an improved version of the 5.8×42mm cartridge entered development as the matching ammunition for the revised assault rifle, Type 95-1. Assistant: 2004年6月,一种5.8×42毫米子弹的改进版本作为经过改进以后的95-1式突击步枪(QBZ-95-1)的相配弹药进行同步开发。 User: It met for the first time on 9 December 1946. Assistant: 首次会议于1946年12月9日召开。 User: In self-defence, the mouse deer pushed the dog into the river. Assistant: 为了自卫,鼠鹿将狗踢进河里。 User: In all cases where the sex of the biting spider could be determined, it was found to be the male of the species. Assistant: 在所有能够确定叮咬蜘蛛性别的案例中,发现都是雄性蜘蛛。 User: However, his actions were soon discovered by Mike Novick, who ordered for Pierce to be arrested. Assistant: 但很快被麦克·诺维克(Mike Novick)发现,皮尔斯被下令逮捕。 User: It was a salaried sinecure position with no additional obligations outside a captain's normal naval duties. Assistant: 该组织的任务较为独特,除执行传统驻外武官机构的职责外。 User: The French, riven by internal disputes between Catholics and Protestants, were massacred by the Portuguese and their Indian allies in attacks organised from here, expelling them from the nearby Villegagnon Island (named after the French commander Nicolas Durand de Villegaignon). Assistant: 法国人内部天主教徒和新教徒之间因纷争而四分五裂, 被葡萄牙人及其印第安盟友屠杀,从这里受到有组织的攻击,被驱逐到附近的Villegagnon岛(以法国指挥官尼古拉斯·杜兰德Nicolas Durand de Villegaignon命名)。 User: The other inscription from 1893 records the Florentines who distinguished themselves during the annexation of Milan (1865), Venice (1866) and Rome (1871) to the kingdom of Italy. Assistant: 另一篇1893年的铭文记载佛罗伦萨人在米兰(1865年)、威尼斯(1866年)和罗马(1871年)并入意大利王国之时显扬自己。 User: The two other appearances in 1978 and 1984 had resulted in losses to Anderlecht and Juventus respectively. Assistant: 另外2次是在1978和1984年,但分别负于安德莱赫特和尤文图斯。 User: News reports suggested Iran was involved in the plan as well. Assistant: 新闻报道表明伊朗也参与了这个计划。 User: The 3-D film was set 15 years after Hansel and Gretel killed the witch who kidnapped them. Assistant: 这部3D电影是在Hansel和Gretel杀死绑架他们的女巫15年后拍摄的。 User: National Society of Film Critics also voted Soderbergh and del Toro as Best Director and Best Supporting Actor, respectively. Assistant: 国家影评人协会同样投票选择索德伯格和德尔·托罗分获最佳导演和男配角奖。 User: Nayib Armando Bukele Ortez (born 24 July 1981) is a Salvadoran politician and businessman who is the President-elect of El Salvador, having won the 2019 election. Assistant: 纳伊布·阿曼多·布克莱·欧德斯(Nayib Armando Bukele Ortez;1981年7月24日-)是萨尔瓦多的从政者和商人,2019年当选萨尔瓦多总统。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: The meticulously researched novel is a sprawling postmodernist saga recounting the lives and careers of the English astronomer Charles Mason and his partner, the surveyor Jeremiah Dixon, the surveyors of the Mason-Dixon line, during the birth of the American Republic. Assistant: 这部被谨慎研究的小说是一部讲述美利坚共和国诞生期间英国天文学家查尔斯·梅森和他的搭档、测定梅森—迪克逊线的测量员耶利米·迪克逊生活和事业的后现代主义传奇。 User: Juan Balboa Boneke, 75, Equatorial Guinean politician and writer, kidney failure. Assistant: 胡安·巴尔博·波内克(西班牙语:Juan Balboa Boneke),75岁,赤道几内亚政治人物及作家,肾衰竭。 User: Of course, other implementations of signals are available on almost all platforms, although sometimes an extra library is needed, such as Boost.Signals2 for C++. Assistant: 不过该注意的是,在几乎所有的平台都可以使用信号,但有时其实需要额外的函式库支援,例如可用于C++的Boost.Signals2。 User: Currently, no effective vaccine is available for humans. Assistant: 但是,现在尚无对人类有效之疫苗。 User: Below are some of the commonly used definitions. Assistant: 下面给出当代最常用的定义。 User: The salt's anion consists of two carbon atoms linked by a triple bond. Assistant: 盐的阴离子是两个由三键相连的碳原子。 User: An acquaintance recommended she send her work to WomaNews, a feminist newspaper, which published her first work in its June 1983 issue. Assistant: 一位熟人建议她将自己的作品发送给女权主义报纸《WomaNews(英语:WomaNews)》,该报在1983年6月刊上发表了她的第一部作品。 User: Chou added elements to the film to pay tribute to his high school and his favorite composer, Chopin. Assistant: 周杰伦加进电影的元素包括他对高中母校的致敬,以及他最爱的作曲家萧邦。 User: According to Joshua Knoles of the Humble Bundle team, they "wanted to create something that would allow developers to easily sell their games through their own web site as well as provide a painless buying experience for purchasers". Assistant: 根据Joshua Knoles的 Humble Bendle团队,他们“想创造的东西,将允许开发人员可以很容易地通过自己的网站销售他们的游戏,以及提供方便的支付方式给买家”。 User: He wrote, starred, and produced this film. Assistant: 他们记录、制作且发行了这个迷你专辑 。 User: In networking, black holes refer to places in the network where incoming or outgoing traffic is silently discarded (or "dropped"), without informing the source that the data did not reach its intended recipient. Assistant: 在电脑网络中,黑洞代指静默丢弃进出流量(亦或称为“丢包”)的网路地点,且不通知源头数据未到达指定的接受者。 User: The interaction between neurons can give rise to oscillations at a different frequency than the firing frequency of individual neurons. Assistant: 这些神经元之间的相互作用会引起与单个神经元发放不同频率的振荡。 User: Washington muttered a response, possibly "yes", interpreted by the court as a guilty plea. Assistant: 华盛顿喃喃回应,他说的可能是“是的”,法院认为这相当于认罪。 User: In 122 the legion started work on Hadrian's Wall which would sustain the peace for two decades. Assistant: 从122年开始,该军团参与了哈德良长城的建设,维持了该地区20年的和平状态。 User: The racetrack is 2.238 miles (3.602 km) long, with a 180 feet (55 m) elevation change. Assistant: 此赛道长2.238英里(3.602公里),海拔高度变化180英尺(55米)。 User: In Georgian, the adverbial case has several functions. Assistant: 在格鲁吉亚语中,状语格有多种功能。 User: Blue Moon Rendering Tools, or BMRT, was one of the most famous RenderMan-compliant photorealistic rendering systems and was a precursor to NVIDIA's Gelato renderer. Assistant: Blue Moon Rendering Tools,简写为BMRT,直译为蓝月亮渲染工具集,是最著名的符合RenderMan规范的逼真渲染系统之一,是英伟达已停止开发的Gelato渲染器的前身。 User: NMSP had signed a ceasefire pact with the government in 1995 but the pact turned invalid when the party refused to accept to transform itself into a border guard unit. Assistant: 1995年,新孟邦党/孟民族解放军与缅甸政府达成停火协议,但当该党拒绝接受改编为边防部队时,该协议变为无效。 User: But if every player prefers not to switch (or is indifferent between switching and not) then the strategy profile is a Nash equilibrium. Assistant: 但是,如果每个玩家都倾向于不改变(或对是否改变策略无动于衷),那么一套策略是一个纳什均衡。 User: In December 2011, defected Syrian Army officers reported that prior to his appointment of Chief of Staff, al-Freij commanded the Syrian Army Special Forces in the regions of Daraa, Idlib and Hama during the Syrian uprising. Assistant: 2011年12月,变节的军官报道说,在弗雷伊担任参谋长以前,他指挥军队在德拉、伊德利卜与哈马镇压抗议活动。 User: Restitution deals with the recovery of someone else's gain, rather than compensation for one's own loss. Assistant: 回复原状是关于他人所得利益的回复,而不是对个人损失的赔偿。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: June 6, 2015 – Pittsburgh: "Pontoon" with Little Big Town. Assistant: 2015年6月6日(匹兹堡):与小大城(英语:Little Big Town)乐队共同演唱《浮桥》。 User: Their birth order is uncertain. Assistant: 他们的出生顺序无法确定。 User: Since the frequency is already defined precisely and practically by the caesium standard, the Josephson effect is used, for most practical purposes, to give the standard representation of a volt, the Josephson voltage standard. Assistant: 由于频率已由铯标准(英语:caesium standard)明确界定,约瑟夫森效应多用于给出1伏特的标准值,即约瑟夫森电压标准(英语:Josephson voltage standard)。 User: Also in the last part of that century, Felix Klein and Henri Poincaré introduced a category of fractal that has come to be called "self-inverse" fractals. Assistant: 同样的,在那个世纪的末尾,菲利克斯·克莱因和儒勒·昂利·庞加莱也提出了一种称为“自逆”分形的分形。 User: The fire would burn for three hours and destroyed most of town (later reincorporated as a city). Assistant: 大约经过三个月的时间,这一切不洁的恶行终于从民中除去。 User: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Biological Sciences research group has concluded that light sources consisting of more than 50% green cause reductions in plant growth, whereas combinations including up to 24% green enhance growth for some species. Assistant: 美国国家航空航天局,生物科学研究小组得出结论,由50%以上绿色造成的光源导致植物生长减少,而包括高达24%绿色的组合可增强某些物种的生长。 User: Throughout the development of the atomic bomb, Oppenheimer was under investigation by both the FBI and the Manhattan Project's internal security arm for his past left-wing associations. Assistant: 在参与研发原子弹期间,欧本海默因其过去和左翼人士的关系而受到了联邦调查局及曼哈顿计划内部安全部的调查。 User: I've done a little bit of songwriting with my dad and one of my mates. Assistant: 我确实是为我和朋友一起popin而写歌的。 User: If I transgressed what I have vowed, I will see the Kingdom of Heaven, but will not enter it. Assistant: 虽朕举动,靡不猜防,朕故别居,不与接见。 User: As of February 2014, NZX had a total of 258 listed securities with a combined market capitalisation of NZD $94.1 billion. Assistant: 截至2014年11月,NZX共有258上市证券必须以$为94.1十亿联合市值。 User: GCompris is a software suite comprising educational entertainment software for children aged 2 to 10. Assistant: GCompris是一个教育软件包,针对2到10岁的孩子。 User: On 1 May 2010, four trains were baptized in Landquart. Assistant: 在2010年5月1日有四列电车在兰德夸特被命名。 User: That denomination is not used here. Assistant: 这样的用法这里没有指定。 User: Dr. O'Neill also releases on a quarterly basis the Penn State Index of U.S. Hotel Values, an econometric model projecting future hotel market values that is frequently cited by national media. Assistant: 此外,约翰•奥尼尔博士还主持发布宾夕法尼亚州立大学美国酒店价值索引季度报告,此项索引提供的计量经济学模型被用于预测美国未来酒店市场价值,并经常被美国各大媒体引用。 User: This was chosen since these horses are bred in the area. Assistant: 从此果蝇就在这一领域被广泛采用。 User: Children with AIDS were still rare; at the time of White's rejection from school, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention knew of only 148 cases of pediatric AIDS in the United States. Assistant: 当时患有艾滋病的儿童还很罕见,疾控中心仅知道美国境内有148例儿科的艾滋病。 User: Despite being one block away from each other, the two stations were not connected for 77 years. Assistant: 两个车站只位于一个街区之隔,但77年来两站都没有任何连接。 User: Some sections of the river are already completely dry. Assistant: 护城河部分已干涸。 User: These streams begin at the top of a ridge then run together. Assistant: 这些溪流在山脊的顶部发源,然后一起流动。 User: A total of 53 competition venues and 17 training venues were used for the Games, with four venues located outside of Guangzhou. Assistant: 本届亚运会共提供53个比赛场馆和17个训练场馆,以及4个广州以外的比赛场馆。 User: They were made to represent grown up women and intended for children of affluent families to play with and dress in contemporary fashions. Assistant: 他们是由来表示女性长大成人和供富裕家庭的子女玩和穿着当代潮流时装。 User: War crimes can be prosecuted in the United States through the War Crimes Act of 1996. Assistant: 在美国,战争罪行可以通过1996年《战争罪法》进行起诉。 User: The three leaders discussed a shared commitment to LGBT rights (with Trudeau highlighting their importance after the recent attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando), renewable energy development, and free trade. Assistant: 三位领导人讨论LGBT权利的共同承诺(尤其同性恋夜店枪击案事件发生过后),可再生能源发展和自由贸易。 User: Five new universities were opened under the NEP, two of which were targeted to focus on the poor Malays and Muslims citizens. Assistant: 五所新大学在新经济政策之下建成,其中两所主要为贫穷马来人和穆斯林公民服务。 User: Solnova-I, Solnova-III, and Solnova-IV were commissioned in mid-2010 and are all rated at 50 MWe in installed capacity each. Assistant: Solnova-I,Solnova-III,Solnova-IV在2010年的年中投产,每个都有额定功率为50MW的装机容量。 User: However, on May 1, 2000 it was announced that SA was being discontinued, along with a United States Presidential Directive that no future GPS programs will include it. Assistant: 不过,SA政策已在2000年5月1日被宣布停止,并且美国总统指示未来的GPS计划不包括它。 User: Studies on Chinese women from this period were concerned with women's liberation, and were sympathetic to the feminist movement. Assistant: 从这一时期开始,关于中国女性的研究开始关注妇女解放并且开始同情女权运动。 User: Militants then attacked a Lebanese military post at the gate of the camp, slaughtering 27 soldiers during their sleep, seizing several vehicles and also killing an undetermined number of civilians that came to the rescue of the Lebanese army. Assistant: 随后民兵武装攻击了难民营入口处的一处黎巴嫩政府军哨所,趁士兵熟睡时杀死了27名士兵,夺取多辆车辆,还杀死了多名前来援救政府军的平民。 User: It just gives Arthur a headache. Assistant: 这两个人让亚瑟非常头疼。 User: The existence of the Ugaritic language is attested to in texts from the 14th through the 12th century BCE. Assistant: 乌加里特语被证实于从公元前14世纪到前12世纪的文本中。 User: He ascertained that water was densest at about 40 °F (4 °C) (and not at the freezing temperature); he was the originator of the theory, later reactivated by John Dalton, that the quantity of water vapour contained in any space is independent of the presence or density of the air, or of any other elastic fluid. Assistant: 他查明水在华氏40度(摄氏4度)时的密度最大(而不是在冰点),他是这一理论的创始人,后被约翰·道尔顿进一步引伸为任何空间中的水蒸气含量均独立于空气或其他任何弹性流体的密度。 User: In practical OFDM systems a small amount of peak clipping is allowed to limit the PAPR in a judicious trade-off against the above consequences. Assistant: 在实际的OFDM系统中,允许少量峰值限幅以限制PAPR,与上述结果进行明智的权衡。 User: This account was read to the Royal Society on December 21 and printed as such in the Philosophical Transactions. Assistant: 12月21日,该报告在皇家学会诵读,在《哲学快报》刊登。 User: I have faith in you, in you, my sweetheart. Assistant: 我泥中有你,你泥中有我。 User: These stories of the Lives of Jesus were often romanticized, highly psychological or included new elements which did not appear in any of the gospels or other historical documents. Assistant: 这些关于耶稣生活的故事通常是浪漫的,非常注重心理分析,或加入了没有出现在任何福音书或其他历史文献中的新元素。 User: The Heisenberg uncertainty principle defines limits on how accurately the momentum and position of a single observable system can be known at once. Assistant: 海森堡不确定性原理定义了单一观测系统中一次测定动量和位置的精确极限。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Grunfeld has received numerous awards funding travel and research from institutions including the National Endowment for the Humanities (1984), the Research Foundation of City University of New York (1985), the State University of New York, and the Ford Foundation (1993). Assistant: 戈伦夫获得了众多奖项,包括美国国家人文基金会(英语:National Endowment for the Humanities)(1984年),纽约市立大学研究基金会(1985年),和福特基金会(1993年)等机构的旅行和研究。 User: In Canada, a daily serving of a natural health product must contain no more than 6 μg of cadmium for an individual weighing 150 pounds (68 kg) and 3 μg for a 75 lb (34 kg) individual. Assistant: 在加拿大,天然健康产品的日常服中必须包含不超过6微克的镉单个重达150磅(68公斤)和3微克为75磅(34公斤)的人。 User: On April 27, 2008, Fatu's mother Vera died after a seven-year battle with cancer. Assistant: 2008年4月27日,法图的母亲薇菈在经过7年与癌症对抗的过程后过世。 User: They come in various sizes, ranging from the large 13x10" (33x25 cm) and 12x9", midsize 11x8", 10x7" (25x18 cm) and 9x6", to the small 8x5", 7x4" and 6x4" (15x10 cm). Assistant: 它们有各种尺寸,从大型13x10“(33x25厘米)和12x9”,中型11x8“,10x7”(25x18厘米)和9x6“到小型8x5”,7x4“和6x4”(15x10厘米)。 User: The shade of red was first legally specified as vermilion by a presidential decree of 13 December 1928. Assistant: 最初的红色色度于1928年12月13日由一总统令规定为朱红色。 User: The local tracks continue east and F trains stop at Second Avenue. Assistant: 慢车轨道继续东行而F线停靠第二大道车站。 User: From May 1964 to the early 1970s the USA participated in Operation CHASE, a United States Department of Defense program that aimed to dispose of chemical weapons by sinking ships laden with the weapons in the deep Atlantic. Assistant: 从1964年5月到1970年代初期,美国加入一项国防部计划,旨在通过将载有化学武器的船只沉入大西洋中的方法来处理化学武器。 User: There have also been other adaptations, such as a full choral piece by John Rutter. Assistant: 还有其他的改编,例如John Rutter的全合唱作品。 User: When Blue Note offered Hancock the chance to record his first solo LP, label executives tried to convince him to relinquish his publishing in exchange for being able to record the album, but he stuck to Byrd's advice and refused, so the meeting came to an impasse. Assistant: 当蓝调之音给汉考克一个录音他的首次solo LP的机会,公司高管试图说服他放弃他的出版,以换取能够录制的专辑,但他坚持拜尔德的建议并拒绝了,所以会议来到一个僵局。 User: Daryl Hannah as Angelica "Angel" Turing, a sensate from the same cluster as Jonas, who becomes the "mother" of the new sensates' cluster as she activates their psychic connection. Assistant: 戴露·汉娜 饰 安吉利卡·“安琪儿”·图灵(Angelica "Angel" Turing),乔纳斯所在的八人组的一名通感者,她成为了新生通感者们的“母亲”并激活了他们之间的心理联系。 User: The North Sea Commission is an international organization founded in 1989. Assistant: 人类基因组组织作为一国际组织成立于1989年。 User: Pointers can be used before they are declared. Assistant: 指针在声明之前可用。 User: On 2 June 2006, Parliament voted for legislation granting same-sex couples the same rights as heterosexuals in adoption, parenting and assisted insemination treatment. Assistant: 2006年6月2日,国会在无人反对下,通过给予同性伴侣等同异性伴侣在领养、养育及协助怀孕治疗方面权益的法律。 User: Where drinking water quality standards do exist, most are expressed as guidelines or targets rather than requirements, and very few water standards have any legal basis or, are subject to enforcement. Assistant: 虽然存有饮用水水质标准,但各国法理基础、执行程度不一,性质可能为目标、准则、或较严格的规章。 User: As of 2013, the newly revised Penal Code makes honor killings, as a legal justification for murder, illegal. Assistant: 截至2013年,新修订的刑法典将名誉杀人定为谋杀罪。 User: PARTICULAR CHURCHES AND THEIR GROUPINGS TITLE II. Assistant: 遂缚季扩及其孥送京师。 User: He died in 1495. Assistant: 他于1495年在那里去世。 User: Home Page Facebook Assistant: 的Facebook主页 User: Under the British, new garden suburbs were built in the western and northern parts of the city and institutions of higher learning such as the Hebrew University were founded. Assistant: 托管时期该市西部和北部建起了新的花园郊区,并且建立高等教育机构,如希伯来大学创建于1925年。 User: About 200 miners were trapped underground in eastern India due to lifts failing, but officials later said they had all been rescued. Assistant: 这次停电造成印度东部大约200名矿工因电梯停电而被困于井下,但印度官员随后称他们已获救。 User: In 2015, The New York Times reported that Harada, aged 98, was a "highly sought-after public speaker", who was motivated by a desire to pass on his experiences as a warning to the current generations of Japanese who he believed were unaware of the nature of warfare. Assistant: 到了2015年(平成27年),《纽约时报》报导,时年98岁的原田要已成了“备受欢迎的公众演说家”,他用自己军中的经历来警惕日本那些“不了解战争本质”的年轻人。 User: Over the next two days the moved westwards before it moved into the Australian basin during December 17, where it was later named Joy. Assistant: 系统接下来两天向西移动,于12月17日进入澳大利亚海域,之后得名“乔伊”(Joy)。 User: An important example of a totally disconnected space is the Cantor set. Assistant: 完全不连通空间的重要例子是康托尔集合。 User: ‘Gendered’ history of development in Kerala. Assistant: 在喀拉拉邦 '性别'的发展历史。 User: Bowers does not consider the reverse design an artistic work, but one which is purely mechanical, obtained by punching characters and devices into a steel hub. Assistant: 鲍尔斯认为,硬币的背面不属于艺术作品,而是纯粹的机械设计,都是由冲印字符和钢毂中的装置组成。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: The type of the key is explicitly left opaque and is referred to as pthread_key_t. Assistant: 键的类型被称为pthread_key_t。 User: The tectonic deformations on Venus occur on a variety of scales, the smallest of which are related to linear fractures or faults. Assistant: 金星表面的板块便行有多种不同规模,最小的是线形节理或断层。 User: During finals week, the (ice-free) ice rink and indoor track are utilized to administer final exams for large classes requiring the ample space. Assistant: 期末考试期间,溜冰场(已无冰)和室内田径场用作大型班级的期末考试地点。 User: Sweden, which initiated Vision Zero, has had somewhat better results than Norway. Assistant: 身为零死亡愿景的发起国家,瑞典的成效较挪威显著。 User: For instance, regrowth of nerves controlling muscles attached to the eye may sidetrack and also regrow connections reaching the muscles of the mouth. Assistant: 例如,控制眼部肌肉的神经再生时可能转移目标,再生连接上控制嘴部的肌肉。 User: Meanwhile, Hamilton suffered a poor start, slipping from second on the grid to eighth by the end of the first lap. Assistant: 与此同时,汉密尔顿又开了一个糟糕的开局,在第一圈结束时从第二位上滑到第八位。 User: Al Unser (1978) is the only driver to win all three in the same season. Assistant: 阿尔·昂瑟(英语:Al Unser)(1978)是唯一一位在同一赛季赢得这三场比赛的车手。 User: Tools were probably just as important as the spells and incantations that were repeated for each magical ritual. Assistant: 道具可能与为每个巫术、魔法仪式重复的法术和咒语同样的重要。 User: Thanks to the post-1982 improvement of Sino-Soviet relations, in 1986 Mongolia and North Korea signed their first friendship and cooperation treaty. Assistant: 由于1982年后中苏关系逐渐改善,1986年蒙古国和北韩签署了他们的第一个条约。 User: That translates to about 1000 new main-belt asteroids per day, and 1–3 NEOs per day. Assistant: 也就是每天可探测1000个小行星带天体和1-3个近地天体。 User: His proposal in May 1988 to accelerate price reform led to widespread popular complaints about rampant inflation and gave opponents of rapid reform the opening to call for greater centralization of economic controls and stricter prohibitions against Western influence. Assistant: 而他在1988年5月提出的价格调整也引起普通民众对通货膨胀的强烈不满,有人提出应该加强中共中央在经济上的控制,并且抵御西方影响。 User: The aircraft was designed to facilitate conversions from biplane to monoplane and vice versa. Assistant: 本机是为了便于从双翼机转变为单翼机而设计的,反之亦然。 User: This model explains the distribution of light and dark areas, the absence of shades of grey, and the thinness of the dark material covering Cassini Regio. Assistant: 这种模式解释了土卫八上明暗区域的分布、缺乏灰色区域和卡西尼区覆盖的暗色物质较薄的情况。 User: Europe is the most suicidal region of the world according to crude rates. Assistant: 根据自杀率,欧洲是世界上最具自杀倾向的地区。 User: After World War II, Fujinagata was restored to private ownership and recovered by building fishing vessels, merchant vessels and tankers. Assistant: 二战后,藤永田被交还民间并透过建造渔船、商船与油轮复苏。 User: Seven individuals and three North Korean entities were affected by the sanctions. Assistant: 制裁影响到七个人和三个朝鲜实体。 User: Some sources explicitly state that anal sex between men and boys was criticized as shameful and seen as a form of hubris. Assistant: 一些文献明确指出,有些古希腊人批评男男肛交为一种可耻的行为,且认为其是傲慢的一种表现。 User: The two figures, therefore, most identified with the policy are Oleksander Shumskyi, the Commissar for Education between 1923 and 1927, and Mykola Skrypnyk, who replaced Shumskyi in 1927. Assistant: 在1923年到1927年由Oleksander Shumskyi任教育委员,在1927年Mykola Skrypnyk取代了Oleksander Shumskyi,这两个人士最符合确定中的政策。 User: In the House of Representatives, he focused on matters of environmental policy, climate change, waterways, day care and taxicab policy. Assistant: 他在下议院中主要关注环境政策、气候变迁、水路、照护与计程车政策。 User: The portico of Via Crucis, erected in the 17th century, underlines the shift from the themes of the Counter Reformation to that of the Passion of Christ. Assistant: 苦路的门廊建于17世纪,体现从反宗教改革的主题转移到耶稣受难。 User: Racing in the Moto2 class since 2014, he finished 41 races, with 3 podium appearances, including a second-place finish at the 2016 Qatar season opener. Assistant: 他自2014年开始参赛Moto2级别,共完赛41场,3度登上颁奖台,其中包括2016年卡达(英语:2016 Qatar motorcycle Grand Prix)赛季开幕站。 User: Warrior was ordered on 11 May 1859 from Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Company in Blackwall, London. Assistant: 勇士号的订单于1859年5月11日送至位于伦敦布莱克沃尔的泰晤士铁工造船厂(英语:Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Company)。 User: Contracts were normally awarded to the competitor offering the most complete service for the cheapest price. Assistant: 合约通常授予给最优惠价格与最完善服务的竞标者。 User: The Franciscans initially built a chapel at this site in the latter half of the 18th century. Assistant: 方济各会于18世纪下半叶在此建造一座小堂。 User: PC's Limited advertised its systems in national computer magazines for sale directly to consumers and custom assembled each ordered unit according to a selection of options. Assistant: PCs Limited借由在国家电脑杂志推出它的系列广告并直接向消费者销售,并提供消费者根据不同方案来让消费者有更多组装选择。 User: There is a pub in Burgate, Canterbury, near the cathedral, named The Thomas Ingoldsby. Assistant: 坎特伯雷的伯尔盖特有一间酒吧,名叫“托马斯·英戈尔兹比”。 User: Should there be no eligible descendant of King Leopold I, the reigning monarch may name his or her heir presumptive with the approval of the Parliament, but if she or he doesn't name the heir presumptive, the throne would eventually become vacant. Assistant: 如果没有利奥波德一世国王血统合格的后裔,在议会的批准下,当政的君主可以设立推定继承人,但如果她或他不推定其继承人,王位将最终空缺。 User: But other things have not. Assistant: 更有诸事不。 User: Leipzig was battered severely by Cornwall and Kent and set on fire; she nevertheless remained in action and continued to fight. Assistant: 莱比锡号随即遭到了康沃尔号和肯特号的重创并起火燃烧,但它仍然维持行动,并继续战斗。 User: Even if every equilibrium is efficient, it may not be that every efficient allocation of resources can be part of an equilibrium. Assistant: 纵然每个均衡都有效,显然也并非每个有效的资源配置均是均衡。 User: In 2005, the International Cricket Council announced, as part of a package of changes to the playing conditions for One Day Internationals to be trialled over a ten-month period, that tactical substitutions would be permitted. Assistant: 2005年,国际板球协会宣布,因为国际单日板球赛比赛条件的部分变动将于十个月的时间内试行,足球式的战术替补将被准许。 User: OHP has its own journals and professional organizations. Assistant: 发表本身的刊物和专业的协会组织。 User: Following in the path paved by linguist Noam Chomsky, Fodor developed a strong commitment to the idea of psychological nativism. Assistant: 沿着语言学家诺姆·乔姆斯基开辟的道路,福多逐渐产生了对于心理先天论观念的郑重信奉。 User: She is conceived as the Great Mother, the ultimate source of all things. Assistant: 她被构想为是“伟大母亲”,即一切事物最根本的来源。 User: Even in the second act when Pozzo has inexplicably gone blind, and needs to be led by Lucky rather than driving him as he had done before, Lucky remains faithful and has not tried to run away; they are clearly bound together by more than a piece of rope in the same way that Didi and Gogo are "ied to Godot". Assistant: 在第二幕中,波卓瞎了,需要由幸运儿牵着走,而不是牵着幸运儿,幸运儿依然忠诚,没有试图逃跑;他们之间的关系大于绳索,正如狄狄、戈戈与戈多之间的关系。 User: Over 100 civilians were killed, including 30 in Daraa. Assistant: 超过100个平民被杀,其中30个死于德拉。 User: Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson or An Objectively Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man is the first volume of the All and Everything trilogy written by the Greek-Armenian mystic G. I. Gurdjieff. Assistant: 《魔鬼讲给孙子的故事》(原书名Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson或An Objectively Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man)是希腊-亚美尼亚混血暨神秘学家葛吉夫撰写的《万有一切》第一册,以下简称《魔鬼》。 User: Electrical steel is usually manufactured in cold-rolled strips less than 2 mm thick. Assistant: 电工钢通常以冷轧方式制造,厚度一般小于2毫米。 User: The fifth single, "Sweet Nothing", features Florence Welch of Florence and the Machine and was released on 14 October 2012. Assistant: 第五支单曲《Sweet Nothing》与弗洛伦斯·韦尔奇合作,并与2012年10月14日发行。 User: Look at your king. Assistant: 见疏于王。 User: 1 Thessalonians 2:15 places the responsibility for the death of Jesus on some Jews. Assistant: 帖撒罗尼迦前书2:15将耶稣的死亡归于一些犹太人。 User: Khmer sculpture soon goes beyond religious representation, which becomes almost a pretext in order to portray court figures in the guise of gods and goddesses. Assistant: 高棉雕塑的发展很快超出了宗教范围,并开始以神仙和女神的名义为借口雕刻宫廷人物。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: Franks traded timber, furs, swords and slaves in return for silks and other fabrics, spices, and precious metals from the Arabs. Assistant: 法兰克人用木材,毛皮,剑和奴隶换取丝绸和其他纺织品,香料和出自阿拉伯人的贵金属。 User: 19 February – the United Kingdom grants Cyprus independence. Assistant: 2月19日——英国承认塞浦路斯独立。 User: Ptolemy begins by stating he has briefly reviewed the important principles and will now develop the details of astrology in the appropriate order. Assistant: 托勒密一开始即声明他已简要回顾了重要的原则并且现在将要在适当的程序中发展占星术的内容、细节。 User: A small craft warning was declared along the coast and advised marines to take precautions. Assistant: 海岸沿线发布小型船只警报,建议海上人员提高警惕。 User: He was a consultor of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications from 1965 until 1989. Assistant: 于1965年至1989年间担任宗座大众传播理事会(英语:Pontifical Council for Social Communications)顾问。 User: Holland later expanded, saying he was signed for "three Spider-Man movies and three solo movies". Assistant: 之后,霍兰德表示他扩展至“三部蜘蛛人电影及三部个人电影”。 User: As part of the construction of the Bonn Stadtbahn in the early 1970s, the existing buildings at the station were demolished and rebuilt. Assistant: 作为1970年代初城铁建设的一部分,车站前地的既有建筑被拆毁并进行重新设计。 User: The service allows users to browse and download applications from the iTunes Store that were developed with Xcode and the iOS SDK and were published through Apple. Assistant: 该服务允许用户自iTunes Store中预览和下载由Xcode和iOS SDK组件开发并由苹果公司发布的应用。 User: Edith's mother's spirit once again visits her, bearing the same warning. Assistant: 不久后,伊迪丝母亲的鬼魂再次到访,一直带着相同的警告。 User: The new stadium was to be built next to the existing San Mamés on land that was occupied until 2003 by the Bilbao International Trade Fair. Assistant: 新体育场建在前圣马梅斯旁边的土地上,原址是使用至2003年的毕尔巴鄂国际贸易博览会会场。 User: As of 2005, stock market activity was limited by lack of transparency, although the growth rate increased beginning in 2004. Assistant: 截至2005年,股票市场活动受到缺乏透明度的限制,尽管增长率从2004年开始上涨。 User: On 12 November, the leaders signed an agreement to set up an Emergency Trust Fund to help development in African countries as well as to encourage those countries to take back some migrants who arrive in Europe. Assistant: 11月12日,领导人签署了一项协议,成立紧急信托基金,以帮助非洲国家的发展,并鼓励非洲国家领回抵达欧洲的移民。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Since the 1990s alternative waste treatment technologies have been maturing and becoming viable. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 自1990年代起,其它垃圾处理技术也逐渐成熟并可应用到实际中。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The larvae of Integripalpians are polypod (poorly sclerotized detritivores, with abdominal prolegs in addition to thoracic legs, living permanently in tight-fitting cases). Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 完须亚目的幼体是polypod(硬化不良的碎屑动物,除了胸腿外还有腹部前肢,永久性地生活在贴身的外壳中) 。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: However, this was printed in the Viennese printing house and a German inscription could be read on the watermark. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 然而,这是在维也纳的印刷厂中印刷的,而且德语铭文可以从水印上看出来。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It has taken no permanent place in musical history. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这是音乐史上从不曾有过之创举。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The coloring tends to wash out quite strongly in older animals. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 的着色容易洗出相当强烈的年龄较大的动物。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Teruo Iwamoto (岩本 輝雄, Iwamoto Teruo, born May 2, 1972) is a former Japanese football player. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 岩本 辉雄(Iwamoto Teruo, 1972年5月2日-),日本足球运动员,前日本国家足球队成员。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:This article presents a timeline of hypertext technology, including "hypermedia" and related human–computer interaction projects and developments from 1945 on. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 本文介绍的是超文字技术的时间线,包括1945年以来超媒体以及相关的人机互动计划的发展。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: On 27 March 1941, the number of lend-lease ships was increased to 200 by the Defense Aid Supplemental Appropriations Act and increased again in April to 306, of which 117 would be Liberty ships. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 1941年,3月27日,防御援助辅助拨款法案通过,租借法案船只增加到了200艘,并且在四月增长到306艘,其中117艘就是自由轮。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Nevertheless, the vast majority (77%) still retain the ability to understand and speak Hokkien as a second or third language. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 多数菲律宾华人(77%)仍然能理解和使用闽南话来作为第二或第三语言。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:According to the plans, construction was expected to start in 2014, with a construction time of about 5 years. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:按规划于2014年内动工,施工时间约5年。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:During President Hu Jintao's state visit to the Philippines in 2005, both countries are determined to establish the strategic and cooperative relations that aim at the peace and development. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 2005年胡锦涛主席对菲进行国事访问期间,两国领导人确认建立致力于和平与发展的战略性合作关系。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In August 1994, McVeigh obtained nine Kinestiks from gun collector Roger E. Moore, and ignited the devices with Nichols outside Nichols's home in Herington, Kansas. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 1994年8月,麦克维从枪支收藏家罗杰·E·摩尔(Roger E. Moore)处获得了二元炸药,然后与尼科尔斯一起在后者位于堪萨斯州赫灵顿(Herington)的家门外将之激活。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In 1958, Spanish manufacturer Astra developed a high quality revolver line based on this weapon, under the name of Astra Cadix, Astra 250 and Astra NC6. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:1958年,西班牙生产商阿斯特拉公司(英语:Astra-Unceta y Cia SA)开发了基于这种武器的高品质左轮手枪产品线,以阿斯特拉Cadix(法语:Astra Cadix)、阿斯特拉250和阿斯特拉NC6的名称出售。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In India a course of treatment for preterm labor is about 0.5 USD. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 在印度,早产疗程一次仅需 0.5 美元。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: According to Strickland, every character on the show was affected by King's rape. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 斯特瑞兰德还称,剧中每个人物都受到这起强奸案影响。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Priests serving in the Archdiocese of Miami are required to speak both Spanish and English, and these two seminaries are the only bilingual seminaries in the United States. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:在迈阿密总教区服务的神父要求既会说西班牙语又会说英语,这2座神学院是美国仅有的双语神学院。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The first group are those that study jurisprudence and are legal experts. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 法学家是研究法学的人。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Once encrypted, only the private key of the recipient can decrypt the email. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 一旦加密,收件人只有私钥才能解密电子邮件。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Throughout campaigning, the government kept its restrictions on public gatherings and political meetings, and required all political literature to be approved by the SLORC prior to publication; however political parties defied the ruling. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在选战期间,当局仍然对公众集会和政治集会施加限制,所有的政治文献也被要求在出版之前需经过恢复法制委员会(SLORC)审查。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: He was also clear that Iran's international interests must take precedence over those of Iranian allies in Syria and Lebanon. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 他又表示伊朗的国际利益必须优先获得考虑,然后才会考虑盟友叙利亚及黎巴嫩的利益。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 These seeds are distributed by birds. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 其种子由鸟类传播。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:To these figures, Northern Europe, especially Britain, contributed a lower proportion than today, and Southern Europe, including France, a higher one. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:这个时候,北方欧洲,尤其是不列颠,占欧洲人口总量的比例比现在要低,而南方欧洲,包括法国,占欧洲人口的比例要高于今天。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In doing so, she became the first Conservative MP to be elected in Vancouver since 1988. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 她成为自1988年以来在温哥华当选的首位保守党议员。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: On January 25, 2012, an ash explosion occurred on the mountain, causing much dust and ash to contaminate the atmosphere around it. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:2012年1月25日,波波卡特佩特火山爆发造成大量灰尘和烟灰,污染周围空气。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:However, he did believe in a form of mitigated dualism, in which the soul plays a larger part in the process than the body. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 然而,他确实相信一种mitigated的二元论,认为灵魂在这个成圣过程中比身体更为重要。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:While most factions have official titles, in the Japanese media they are usually referred to by the names of their current leaders. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 虽然各派阀都有其正式名称,日本媒体惯常以其现任会长名字称呼它们。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The party is a member of The European Alliance of EU-critical Movements (TEAM). Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 人民联盟是欧盟批判运动欧洲联盟(TEAM)成员。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Apparently, the skeleton was scattered throughout the quarry, with the remains being recovered from September 1879 to September 1880. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 虚骨龙的化石散布于挖掘地点,挖掘活动自1879年9月持续到1880年9月。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Bradley's mother and father appeared on the November 17, 2005, episode of Dr. Phil. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 布拉德利的母亲和父亲登上了2005年11月17日的一集菲尔博士(脱口秀)。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Since 1993 the brand Kenzo is owned by the French luxury goods company LVMH. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 1993年,Kenzo品牌被法国奢侈品公司路易威登集团获得。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: However, they are still threatened by hunting for their meat and beaks, and toucan populations are on a decreasing trend. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 但它们仍受到捕猎它们的肉和喙的威胁,巨嘴鸟种群有减少的趋势。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: However, the armaments of the aircraft remain unchanged. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 但是,飞机的军备保持不变。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: 250 BCE Greek anatomist Erasistratus studied the brain and distinguished between the cerebrum and cerebellum. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 公元前250年 - 埃拉西斯特拉图斯研究脑,并区分端脑和小脑。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The championship was not awarded. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:冠军未被核实。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Some systems support a hybrid of the two; publishers post messages to a topic while subscribers register content-based subscriptions to one or more topics. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 一些系统支持两者的混合:发布者发布消息到主题上,而订阅者将基于内容的订阅注册到一个或多个主题上。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: They all control movement of the thumb. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 所有的控制面都是属于波纹状。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 By late on May 14, convection had largely dissipated, with the exception of a small area near the center, and the system weakened to minimal cyclonic storm status. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 到5月14日晚,大部分对流都已消散,仅有中心附近的小范围区域内还有对流存在,系统强度已降至气旋风暴的最低水平。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It is the stated objective of both the PKCS#11 and KMIP committees to align the standards where practical. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: PKCS#11和KMIP委员会的明确目标是在切实可行的情况下对准标准。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Nowadays, the keeping of Mangalica has become a popular hobby. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 如今,曼加利察猪的饲养已经成为一种流行的爱好。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Google maintains a public code repository that contains their experimental work to re-base Android off the latest stable Linux versions. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: Google维护着一个公共代码存储库,包含着他们对Android的Rebasing到最新稳定的Linux版本的实验工作。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The founders were initially community members. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 创业初期当时为国分集团的成员。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Before the night of May 22, 1968 was over, police had arrested another 177 students and beaten 51 students. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在1968年5月22日晚上结束之前,警方已经逮捕了另外177名学生并殴打了51名学生。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The La Colombaia restaurant serves lunch in the outdoor restaurant next to the pool and serves fresh seafood, pastas and pizzas, chicken dishes and fruits, cheeses and pastries. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:La Colombaia餐厅在游泳池旁边的室外餐厅提供午餐,提供新鲜的海鲜,面食和比萨饼,鸡肉菜肴和水果,奶酪和糕点。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Many other homes in Eastern Connecticut were damaged by falling trees. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 康涅狄格州东部还有大量民房被倒塌的树木砸伤。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It can be used to prepare solutions of ions, such as chromium(II), Cr2+, and uranium(III), U3+, which are immediately oxidized on contact with air. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 它可以用来制备铬(II)(Cr2+)和铀(III)(U3+)等离子的水溶液,这些离子在与空气接触时会立即被氧化。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Generally, the acid test ratio should be 1:1 or higher; however, this varies widely by industry. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 一般来说,酸性测试比率应为1:1或更高,但是此比率在各行业中会有不同变化。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Finn appears, gives a magic ring to Ratmir that will awaken Lyudmila when she is brought back to Kiev. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 芬兰人此时出现,给拉特米尔一个魔法戒指,这戒指可以让柳德米拉在被带回到基辅时苏醒。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 However, indentation is recommended to better convey the structure of the text to human readers. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 不过,缩进有助于更好地向人类阅读者表达程序的结构。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Type II, fast twitch muscle, has three major kinds that are, in order of increasing contractile speed: Type IIa, which, like slow muscle, is aerobic, rich in mitochondria and capillaries and appears red when deoxygenated. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 第二型-快肌,又可分为三种主要的类型,其下依收缩速度由慢而快排序: 第IIa型,和慢肌一样是有氧的,富含线粒体和微血管,且呈现红色。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In Notes Towards the Definition of Culture (1948), T. S. Eliot said that high culture and popular culture are necessary and complementary parts of the culture of a society. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:美国作家T·S·艾略特在《Notes Towards the Definition of Culture》(1948)一书中说,高雅文化跟大众文化对于整个文化来说是必需且互补的。
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本 User: In Arthurian legend, "Viviane" is one of the names of the Lady of the Lake. Assistant: 在《亚瑟之死》中,湖中妖女统一使用“薇薇安”这个名字。 User: Indeed, as a general rule, most character datasets are so "noisy" that no truly "simple" solution is possible. Assistant: 事实上,如同一般规则,多数特征是如此复杂,故没有真正“简单”的解决方法。 User: On June 26 the Finnish president Ryti gave the guarantee to Ribbentrop that Finland would fight to the end alongside Germany. Assistant: 6月26日,芬兰总统吕蒂向里宾特洛甫给予保证说,芬兰将与德国一起战斗到底。 User: Once agreeing on these principles, the Convention voted on the Virginia plan and signaled their approval for it. Assistant: 在这两点上达成一致后,会议开始投票通过并签置了弗吉尼亚方案。 User: After the intense fighting in the first two days, Bashir Gemayel decided to send more troops from Beirut to help with in the defense. Assistant: 在头两天激烈战斗之后,巴希尔·杰马耶勒决定从贝鲁特派遣更多的武装以帮助扎赫勒居民抵抗叙利亚。 User: He eventually falls to the ground. Assistant: 他最后中弹倒在地上。 User: But his efforts are ultimately in vain. Assistant: 但他的努力最终都白费。 User: A decreased GFR may be a sign of renal failure. Assistant: 如果GFR过低有可能是肾衰竭的症状。 User: The first nationalist Group was founded by the French National Front and the Italian Social Movement in 1984 under the name of the "Group of the European Right", and it lasted until 1989. Assistant: 第一个民族主义党团是法国民族阵线与意大利社会运动在1984年所组成的“欧洲右派党团”,持续至1989年为止。 User: Alaska Airlines' flights includes Boeing 737-400 passenger/cargo Combi aircraft as well as all-cargo Boeing 737-400 jet freighter service. Assistant: 阿拉斯加航空的航班包括波音737-400乘客/货物混装飞机执飞的航班以及全货机型波音737-400喷气机执飞的货运服务。 User: The inside of the tube is also filled with long, soft hairs. Assistant: 叶片中脉的下表面也会覆盖着密集的持久短毛被。 User: Her poetry is also known for taking on dark and depressing themes, which reflects her troubled life. Assistant: 她的诗歌也以沉闷而压抑的主题著称,这反映了她忧愁的生活。 User: Meanwhile, on 23 August, several British commanders submitted a plan to attack the patrol line with the light cruisers and destroyers of the Harwich Force, commanded by Commodore Reginald Tyrwhitt. Assistant: 同年8月23日,几名英国指挥官提交了一份计划,欲以海军准将雷金纳德·蒂尔维特(英语:Reginald Tyrwhitt)辖下哈里奇部队(英语:Harwich Force)的轻巡洋舰及驱逐舰袭击德国的巡逻线。 User: By 1992, more than 300 births had occurred in captivity, and more than 300 individuals lived in 85 institutions worldwide. Assistant: 1992年时,已有超过300只小熊猫幼崽出生在圈养环境下,并且有300多只的小熊猫生活在全世界85家机构内。
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Currently, the stadium can be reached by different kinds of public transport. Assistant: 目前可以通过多种公共交通工具到达体育场。 User: Yates places the city under quarantine, and puts Lasseter and Mike's pictures on the local news. Assistant: 耶茨封锁了整个小镇,还在当地新闻中贴出拉塞尔和迈克的头像。 User: In 1993, Disney acquired Miramax Films and its Dimension Films genre label, with the former division operating as an autonomous unit until 2009, and the Dimension label becoming absorbed by The Weinstein Company in 2005. Assistant: 1993年,迪士尼收购了米拉麦克斯影业公司及其类型电影厂牌——次元影业,前者被迪士尼作为一个独立部门一直运营到2009年,而次元影业则在2005年被温斯坦影业公司所收购。 User: He was also the editor of the left-wing Kansas City weekly, Worker's World, from 1919 to 1920, assuming the position when fellow Kansas syndicalist Earl Browder was sent to prison for his previous anti-war activities. Assistant: 1919~1920年,担任堪萨斯州左翼周刊《工人世界》(Worker's World)的主编,以接替因参加反战活动而被捕入狱的堪萨斯州前工团主义者厄尔·白劳德。 User: Another way is to use custom deployment. Assistant: 另一种方法是使用定制的部署文件。 User: The network publishes reports on its own website and on Facebook. Assistant: 该组织也在自己的官网和Facebook上发布新闻。 User: Outside of the cabinet there are a number of junior ministers, responsible for a specific policy area and reporting directly to any senior Cabinet minister. Assistant: 内阁部长是不同部门的负责人,其下有国务部长,负责特定范畴,直接向内阁部长汇报。 User: The best is that of Paris, in 8 vols., 1790. Assistant: 最好的是1790年在巴黎发行的,有8卷。 User: Pinnick left around the same time. Assistant: 冯德遐几乎在同一时间到吐蕃。 User: Aggie students, who normally sit only when the opposing band plays, stood throughout both performances and gave both standing ovations. Assistant: 一般在对手乐队演奏时坐着的农工学生,两场演奏都一直站着,并都给予长时间的鼓掌。 User: With the formation of a new state government, the Texas provincial governing committee was forced to disband, and the capital was moved from San Antonio de Béxar to Saltillo. Assistant: 新州政府的形成致使德克萨斯的地方管理委员会被迫解散,其首府也从圣安东尼奥贝克萨尔(San Antonio de Béxar)迁到萨尔蒂约(Saltillo)。 User: It may mean an association of racketeers in organized crime. Assistant: 这可能意味着有组织犯罪中有敲诈者的联合。 User: The public areas of the building are not yet open, although the public plaza in front is open. Assistant: 截止2014年初,大厦的公众空间仍未开放,但其前方的公共广场已经开放。 User: After six weeks of indecision Mahathir was, much to his surprise, appointed as Hussein's deputy. Assistant: 经过六个星期的犹豫不决,胡先翁最后在惊讶之下选择了马哈迪成为他的副手。 User: In the 1970s, with passenger figures approaching one million per year, the airport's status was changed to Category B, making it a regional international airport; in the same decade it was re-branded as Newcastle Airport. Assistant: 1970年代,随着年发送旅客数量接近百万,纽卡斯尔机场的等级被改为B级,使之成为区域性国际机场。 User: Hard power contrasts with soft power, which comes from diplomacy, culture and history. Assistant: 这是用在对比软实力,是指权力来自外交,文化和历史。 User: Based on the general election in 1916, the Social Democrats had a small majority, and the Social Democrat Oskari Tokoi became prime minister. Assistant: 在1916年的普选中,芬兰社会民主党取得微弱多数,其党员奥斯卡里·托科伊(英语:Oskari Tokoi)出任总理。 User: All 7 non-identity elements play the same role, so we can choose which plays the role of (1,0,0). Assistant: 所有 23 - 1 = 7 个非单位元元素扮演相同的角色,所以我们可以选择让谁扮演 (1,0,0) 的角色。 User: That was followed by the Second London Naval Treaty of 1936. Assistant: 日本在1936年退出第二次伦敦海军条约后。 User: Wellington's Victory, or, the Battle of Vitoria (Wellingtons Sieg oder die Schlacht bei Vittoria), Op. 91, is a minor 15-minute-long orchestral work composed by Ludwig van Beethoven to commemorate the Duke of Wellington's victory over Joseph Bonaparte at the Battle of Vitoria in Spain on 21 June 1813. Assistant: 威灵顿的胜利(又名:维多利亚之役或战争交响曲)),作品91号,是路德维希·范·贝多芬的一首15分钟管弦乐作曲,是为了纪念1813年6月21日,由阿瑟·韦尔斯利于西班牙维多利亚战役中,打败了约瑟夫·波拿巴。 User: The single "All is Full of Love" was also the first DVD single to ever be released in the US, which paved the way for other artists to include DVD video and other multimedia features with their singles. Assistant: 碧玉作商业发行的这首“ All Is Full of Love”也是在美国范围内首次有艺人发行DVD格式单曲,而这也为其他艺人发行DVD或其他多媒体格式单曲的举措铺平了道路。 User: As a result, Japan was essentially forced to choose between abandoning its ambitions in South-East Asia and its prosecution of the war against China, or seizing the natural resources it needed by force. Assistant: 这项石油禁运政策促使得日本可能必须放弃其在亚洲的野心计划、并且逐一暂缓对中国所发起的战争或者是以武力攻占领土的方式来获取所需要的自然资源。 User: In auditory-tactile synesthesia, certain sounds can induce sensations in parts of the body. Assistant: 在听觉→触觉联觉中,某些声音可诱发身体某些部位的感觉。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容 User: Later a larger force under Pedro de Villagra sent from Santiago clashed with Lautaro's army in and around their fortress in Peteroa over a few days, killing 500 of their number for the loss of two Spaniards but were not able to take the position. Assistant: 之后,圣地亚哥的佩德罗·德·比利亚格拉率领了一支更大规模的部队,在佩特罗阿的莱夫扎茹的军队的堡垒一带和他们打了数日,杀死了500名马普切人,但只损失了2名西班牙人,不过比利亚格拉仍然无法夺取这个地点。 User: From 00:47:36 to 00:47:54, The Drifters' rendering of the English version of Quando Quando Quando is featured when Clark Kent gestures to Lois Lane in a jam-packed elevator. Assistant: 从00时47分36秒到00时47分54秒, 当克拉克·肯特跟同搭一部电梯的露薏丝·莲恩打招呼时,出现了由流浪者乐队(英语:The Drifters)演绎的歌曲〈Quando Quando Quando〉(Quando在意大利语里面的意思是“何时”)的英语版。 User: During the 19th century, the image of the Aztecs as uncivilized barbarians was replaced with romanticized visions of the Aztecs as original sons of the soil, with a highly developed culture rivaling the ancient European civilizations. Assistant: 在19世纪以前,世人对阿兹特克人的看法仅仅是未开化的蛮族,这种看法在最近两百年被彻底推翻,阿兹特克人被视为墨西哥土地的旧主,拥有相对发达的文明,可与欧洲古文明相媲美。 User: On October 23, 1956, around two hundred thousand Hungarians gathered in Budapest to demonstrate in sympathy for the Poles who had just gained political reform during the Polish October. Assistant: 1956年10月23日,大约20万人聚集在匈牙利布达佩斯,表示对波兰政治改革的同情。 User: In 1996, he was diagnosed with a potentially fatal metastatic testicular cancer. Assistant: 1996年,他被诊断出患有可能致命的恶性转移睾丸癌。 User: He was known as "FD Master" as he made a debut appearance with driving a third generation Mazda RX-7 (FD3S). Assistant: 他因驾驶第三代马自达RX-7(FD3S)首次亮相而被称为“FD Master”。 User: The Panic of 1907 was short and mostly affected financiers. Assistant: 1907年恐慌为期较短,对金融业影响最大。 User: Only citizens legally registered as voters can run for public office. Assistant: 只有合法登记的公民才可以竞选公职。 User: The explosions makes more fire. Assistant: 爆炸引发大火。 User: Austen was forced to postpone publishing either of these completed novels by family financial troubles. Assistant: 因家庭财务危机,奥斯汀被迫推迟这两本已完成小说的出版。 User: Magnus again set his course for Ireland in 1101 or 1102, this time probably with a greater army than he had in his previous campaign. Assistant: 马格努斯三世在1101年或1102年再次远征爱尔兰,这次他的军队规模比上一次还要大。 User: In earlier societies, a king or political leader was often the same person as the military leader. Assistant: 在原始社会,政治领袖与军事领袖往往是同一人。 User: Surely, there are heads of state whose evil deeds many times eclipse such a level. Assistant: 由各路、州长官慎选各县的长官,择其举主多者尽先差补。 User: According to Country Reports of the US Department of State, in Saudi Arabia there are no established LGBT organizations. Assistant: 根据美国国务院的国别报告,在沙特阿拉伯没有LGBT组织。 User: He was also Minister for Commerce and Tourism in the 1st Constitutional Government (1976–1977), Prime Minister of the 4th Constitutional Government between 1978 and 1979 when he was appointed by then President António Ramalho Eanes, Vice-Prime Minister and Minister for Defense of the 9th Constitutional Government (the Central-Bloc) from 1983 to 1985. Assistant: 他也是第一届宪法政府(1976 - 1977)的商业和旅游部长,在1978年至1979年被总统埃亚内斯任命为第四届立宪政府总理,1983年到1985年担任第九届立宪政府副总理和国防部长。 User: He is considered a prophet by his followers, the Pilgrims of Arès. Assistant: 惟信众仍抱持敬奉之心,虔城礼祀。 User: Renaissance offers two portfolios to outside investors—Renaissance Institutional Equities Fund (RIEF) and Renaissance Institutional Diversified Alpha (RIDA). Assistant: 文艺复兴科技公司为外部投资者提供了两个投资组合,即:文艺复兴机构股票基金(Renaissance Institutional Equities Fund)和文艺复兴机构多元阿尔法基金(Renaissance Institutional Diversified Alpha)。 User: Adobe InDesign provides extensive OpenType capability in Japanese but does not directly support Middle Eastern or Indic scripts— though a separate version of InDesign is available that supports Middle Eastern scripts such as Arabic and Hebrew. Assistant: OpenType通过微软的Office和Publisher等软件支持复杂书写文本,Adobe InDesign也提供日文的拓展OpenType功能,但是不直接支持中东和印度文本——Adobe为支持阿拉伯语、希伯来语等中东语言,单独发行另外的InDesign版本。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The Light Warriors traverse into the domain of the dark crystals to free the imprisoned Dark Warriors and defeat the Cloud of Darkness, thereby restoring the crystals and balance to the world. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 光之勇士来到暗之水晶的区域,解放了被囚禁的黑暗战士,并战胜了黑暗之云,恢复了水晶,维持了世界平衡。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 However, balanced trees are not necessarily optimal for all applications. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 然而,平衡的树不一定对每个应用都是最佳的。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Clar, E. Aromatic hydrocarbons. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 高强度的E-碳纤维制盾牌。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In low-speed mode, it warns the driver of a potential collision and prepares emergency braking as needed. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 它具有低速模式,警告驾驶员可能发生碰撞,并根据需要准备紧急制动。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Economist Paul Krugman described the unfolding crisis as "a classic currency-and-debt crisis, of a kind we've seen many times", adding: "At such a time, the quality of leadership suddenly matters a great deal. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 经济学家保罗·克鲁格曼将这场正在发生的危机称为“经典的货币与债务危机,是我们见过许多次的那种”,并补充说:“在这种时候,领导的质量突然变得非常重要。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 The EC is the only tournament where men and women play the same competition. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 马术则是唯一一项男性和女性选手同台竞技的比赛。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The S-Pen now has a "battery" (essentially a Super Capacitor) that charges when the pen is docked in the silo, with Samsung claiming 30 minutes of usage (or up to 200 clicks of the button) with only 40 seconds of charging. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: S-Pen现在有一个电池(基本上是一个超级电容器),在手机内部充电,三星声称使用30分钟(或按钮最多200次点击),只需40秒的充电时间。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It was eventually considered – especially after the first Thomas Cup series in 1949 – the unofficial world championship of the sport until 1977, when the International Badminton Federation launched its official championships. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 后来(特别1949年首届汤姆斯杯后),全英公开赛被当作非官方的世界羽毛球锦标赛,直到1977年,国际羽联创办了正式的锦标赛。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: She was sent to Earth to retrieve an Infinity Gem from Namor, but came into contact with the New Avengers. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 她被派往地球取回在纳摩手中的无限宝石,但却碰见了新复仇者。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Since at least the 1960s economists have increasingly focused on broader forms of capital. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 不过1960年代以后经济学家开始注意更广义的资本。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Automobile tyre pressure is commonly measured in units of psi in several countries including Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Australia, and Chile, the UK and the US. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 汽车胎压在部分国家通常以磅/平方英寸(英语:pound per square inch,psi)表示,包括巴西、秘鲁、阿根廷、澳大利亚、智利、英国和美国。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: For this reason, the kinetically modeled Kt/V is always recommended as the best measure of dialysis adequacy. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 出于这个原因,在动力模拟的Kt/V总是被推荐为最佳透析充分性的措施。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 He was reported ill with "consumption" (usually identified as tuberculosis, but possibly another serious lung complaint) in early July, and died at St. James's Palace on 23 July 1536. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 他染上了“消耗症”(通常指肺结核,但也有可能是其他肺部疾病),1536年7月23日在圣詹姆士宫去世。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: But we didn't want a movie about women as victims. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 我不喜欢电影中的女性被塑造成受害者。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: She competed at the 2015 European Games. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 它是2015年欧洲运动会的主场地。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Retroflex consonants were not present in the Persian alphabet, and therefore had to be created specifically for Khowar. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 卷舌音在波斯字母中不存在,因此在乌尔都文中必须专门建立。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Pendre is Welsh for End of Town. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:惠帝末,起为襄城太守。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: To prevent her capture by the advancing Allied armies, her crew destroyed the ship with explosives on 3 May, days before the end of World War II in Europe. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:而为了防止它被前进中的盟军俘虏,其船员于5月3日,即二战欧洲战事结束的前几天,用炸药炸毁了舰只。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: By 1940, after the subway opened, the population had increased to 32,500 residents. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在地铁开通后的1940年,人口已经增加到32,500。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The T95E3 was produced in July of the same year, and the first original T95s were ready in February 1958. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: T95E3于同年7月进入生产线,而第一辆T95则于1958年2月完工。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: She currently serves as Senator of the LXII Legislature of the Mexican Congress. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 她曾代表哈利斯科州,担任第62届墨西哥国会(英语:LXII Legislature of the Mexican Congress)众议员。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Meade's headquarters were just behind the II Corps line, in the small house owned by the widow Lydia Leister. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 米德少将大本营就设在第二军团战线后方,寡妇莉迪亚·莱斯特(Lydia Leister)的小屋子里。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Harsh terrain played a significant factor in the military campaign, as there were no European settlements on the route Rosas's army travelled, and his force had to transport all of its provisions from Buenos Aires. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 罗萨斯的军队所经过的道路上没有一个欧洲人定居点,所以他的军队的所有给养都得来自布宜诺斯艾利斯,并且都得由他们自己运输。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In the United States, Maouloud Baby v. State is a state court case ruling that a person can withdraw sexual consent and that continuing sexual activity in the absence of consent may constitute rape. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 在美国,Maouloud Baby判例(Maouloud Baby v. State)中,州法院判定一个人可以撤销其性同意,并且在没有同意的情况下继续进行性行为可能会构成强奸。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:When Sikorski was killed in a plane crash in July 1943, Mikołajczyk was appointed as his successor. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 1943年7月西科尔斯基在飞机失事中丧生后,米科瓦伊奇克被任命为新流亡政府总理。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In addition, the Pope gifted Felice with extravagant jewelry and significant sums of money, including an item that would become one of her most prized possessions: a diamond cross originally given to her father from the Republic of Venice. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 此外儒略二世也经常赠与她华丽的珠宝及巨额的款项,其中包括后来成为费丽切最为喜爱的资产-一个镶满钻石的十字架,这当初是威尼斯共和国赠与她父亲的。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Arcades of columns cut from single pieces are also common in structures that do not bear massive weights of masonry, such as cloisters, where they are sometimes paired. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 由多个单块石料凿成的拱廊柱也常用于不需要承受较大砖石重量的结构,例如在回廊中,并有时采用双柱。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 While in the archipelago he identified the Wallace line, which runs through the Spice Islands dividing the fauna of the archipelago between an Asian zone and a New Guinea/Australian zone. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 他在马来群岛发现了著名的华莱士线, 这条线穿越摩鹿加群岛将整个群岛的动物区系分成了亚洲区和新几内亚/澳大利亚区。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: He taught John Lennon a finger-picking guitar style in 1968 that Lennon employed in "Dear Prudence", "Julia", "Happiness Is a Warm Gun" and other songs. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 他在1968年教授约翰·蓝侬指弹吉他风格,而蓝侬也将其使用在〈Dear Prudence(英语:Dear Prudence)〉、〈Julia(英语:Julia (Beatles song))〉、〈Happiness Is a Warm Gun(英语:Happiness Is a Warm Gun)〉等歌曲中。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Georgetown University was founded by former Jesuits in the tradition of Ignatius of Loyola; it is a member of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 乔治城大学是由前耶稣会士依照依纳爵·罗耀拉的传统建立的,是耶稣会学院和大学联合会的一员。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Pathumwan Princess. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 尚普纳公主。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Australia has a High Commission in New Delhi and Consulates in Mumbai and Chennai. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 澳洲在印度新德里设有高级专员公署,亦在印度的孟买和钦奈设领事馆。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:'s Boyer called the multiplayer modes "excellent", and IGN's Goldstein named it one of the best. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 1UP.com的博耶称本作多人模式“十分优秀(excellent)”,而IGN的戈尔茨坦声称这是本作的最佳选择之一。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Benefiting from prosperity in the 1980s, Spain's capital city has consolidated its position as the leading economic, cultural, industrial, educational and technological center of the Iberian peninsula. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 从1980年代的繁荣时期开始,与伊比利亚半岛上的其它城市比较,西班牙的首都巩固了她于经济、文化、工业、教育、及科技的领导地位。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: They became good friends when both felt alienated from their peers; Capote called the two of them "apart people". Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 两人性情相投,与众寡合;卡波特称俩人“离群索居”。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The left one is missing. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:左人郢事迹不详。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The temporary Teredo protocol includes provisions for a sunset procedure: Teredo implementation should provide a way to stop using Teredo connectivity when IPv6 matures and connectivity becomes available using a less brittle mechanism. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 临时性的Teredo协议包含“落幕程序”规定:Teredo实现应该提供一个方法在当IPv6成熟并且使用一个非脆弱的连通机制时停止Teredo连接的使用。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:At first, she came to resent Porter, but starts opening up to him after she grows some distrust towards Collinson. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 最初她对波特感到不满,但在对卡林森感到不信任后,开始对波特释怀。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The Final step in preparing and filing the final IPO prospectus is for the issuer to retain one of the major financial "printers", who print (and today, also electronically file with the SEC) the registration statement on Form S-1. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 准备和提交首次公募说明书的最后一步是发行企业需租用一家大型的金融专用“印刷厂”将股票上市申请登记表S-1打印出来(现今,还需要同时向证券交易委员会提交电子稿)。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The east coast of Formosa was left by the company, being unprofitable and dangerous. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 福尔摩沙的东海岸被东印度公司所遗弃,成为无利可图且危险的地域。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The series explores several themes in its narrative, in particular LGBT themes. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:火炬木小组在其故事情节中探索了不少主题,特别是LGBT主题。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Both Heidi and Frank were the original project managers from week 1. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:海迪和法兰均为第一周的项目经理。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 He strongly believed his service for the state should be rewarded with land grants, but at the same time he would often use his own money to pay for the army's military expenses. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:他坚信他应当获得土地作为为国效劳的报酬,但同时他也常利用自己的钱支付军队的花销。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Kinsey was not successful there, and decided engineering was not a field he was good at. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 金赛因不喜工程学,故在那学习成绩不是很好,且明白工程学非其专长领域。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: However, foreign interests controlled most modern industries, including manufacturing, banking, finance, rubber, and tin. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 而外来投资则控制了包括制 造业,银行业,金融业,橡胶业和锡业在内的大多数的现代工业。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In the Euclidean space Rn, the distance between two points is usually given by the Euclidean distance (2-norm distance). Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在欧氏空间 R n {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}} 里,两点间的距离通常由欧几里得距离(2-范数距离)所给出。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Thus, when a top element (the infimum of the empty set) is adjoined to a Scott domain, one can conclude that: the new top element is compact (since the order was directed complete before) and the resulting poset will be an algebraic lattice (i.e. a complete lattice that is algebraic). Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 因此,当顶元素(空集的下确界)被连接(adjoin)到 斯科特域,可以得出: 新顶元素是紧致的(因为次序以前是有向完全的), 结果的偏序集合将是代数格。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Freiburg station was rebuilt with a temporary entrance building, which was one of the first station buildings built in a German city after the war. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 弗赖堡火车总站获得了一个临时重建的车站大楼,它也成为了德国各大城市在战后首批新建的车站建筑之一。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: NetBeans-Java This is a professional level platform. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: NetBeans/Java 是一个专业的开发平台。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Both countries are former colonies under the Portuguese Empire; Brazil from the early 16th century until its independence in 1822, and Angola until its independence in 1975. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 这两国都是葡萄牙帝国的前殖民地;巴西在1822年独立,安哥拉则在1975年独立。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 As of 2006, 37 of them were still being detained without trial, under the Internal Security Act. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 截至2006年,仍有37人在未经审判的情况下,继续在《内部安全法令》之下被拘留;其余4人在限制令下获释放。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:After they revealed that he wasn't a bad guy, it gave him some more space. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 他发现这角色的原型有点不太吸引人,便做出了一些更动。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 On 14 May, with the help of another man, Mancini moved his belongings from the house he shared with Kaye, which included a large trunk which was too heavy to move by hand. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 5月14日,曼西尼在另一名朋友帮助下,把他的物品搬离与凯尔同居的寓所,但寓所内有一个非常重的行李箱,难以单单用手搬动。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Although it appears to be locally abundant, Stewart McPherson considers the species to be "at significant risk of being poached and over-collected" and cites the "rapid demise" of N. aristolochioides, another highly sought-after Sumatran plant, as an example of the possible fate of this species. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:尽管其当地的数量并不少,但斯图尔特·麦克弗森仍认为杏黄猪笼草可能会受到“盗采及过度采集的威胁”,并援引“迅速消失的”马兜铃猪笼草(N. aristolochioides)以做说明。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Caller's Bane (originally named Scrolls) is a strategy digital collectible card game developed by Mojang, which aims to combine elements from trading card games and traditional board games. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:《卷轴》(英语:Scrolls)是Mojang研发的一款战略卡片游戏,该游戏结合卡牌游戏和传统棋类游戏。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Since then, the city has seen the completion of nearly 70 structures rising at least 600 feet (183 m) high, including the twin towers of the World Trade Center. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 在那一时期,该市共有接近70座超过600英尺(183米)的高楼建成,其中就包括世界贸易中心双子塔。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Because of the speculative nature of quantum-gravity research, there is much debate as to the correct implementation of background independence. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 由于量子重力研究属推测性质,怎样正确执行背景独立存在不少争论。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: As World War I broke out, difficulty increased in circulating the Der Ostasiatische Lloyd to other countries, and the demand in China for news from Germany had increased. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:一战爆发后,《德文新报》向其他国家流通的难度增加,而中国国内对来自德国的新闻需求也开始增长。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Despite an American victory at the Battle of Chippawa, the invasion stalled once again. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 虽然取得奇帕瓦战役胜利,但攻势再度受阻。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。 User: In 1941, illicit public meetings were held on the square by organisers of the February Strike. Assistant: 1941年,二月罢工的组织者在广场上举行非法公众集会。 User: Morality is measured by Paragon (charm) and Renegade (intimidate) points. Assistant: 道德系统由楷模值(魅力)和叛逆值(恐吓)来衡量。 User: A soundtrack to the game, entitled Fate/hollow ataraxia Original Sound Track was published by Geneon Entertainment on November 23, 2005. Assistant: 游戏原声碟《Fate/hollow ataraxia Original Sound Track》由日本Geneon环球娱乐于2005年11月23日发布。 User: Other major packs include From Ashes, which adds a new, Prothean squad member named Javik; Leviathan, which uncovers more information about the origin of the Reapers; Omega, which involves retaking the space station with Aria T'Loak, its former, asari ruler; and Citadel, which follows the crew of the Normandy SR2 on shore leave. Assistant: 其他主要下载包括《涅槃》(From Ashes),添加了一个新的普洛仙小队成员贾维克(Javik);《利维坦》(Leviathan),揭示了更多有关收割者起源的信息;《欧米伽》(Omega),与阿莎丽人埃莉亚·T'洛克(Aria T'Loak)一同夺回她以前统治的空间站;《神堡》(Citadel),跟随诺曼底SR2号的舰员们的休假。 User: There is disagreement on whether ruh is an angel. Assistant: 占卜者认为蛤蟆是天使,将有福庆之事。 User: Coastal and border towns such as Massawa, Tajura and Metemma, as well as merchant centers such as in Gondar and Debarq had custom officials called Nagadras who collected taxes on each slave. Assistant: 位于沿海和边界城镇,如马萨瓦(Massawa)、塔胡拉(Tadjoura)和马塔马(Metemma),或是如贡德尔(Gondar)和德巴克(Debarq)等商业中心,都会有官员对每个奴隶征税,称之为“Nagadras”。 User: It makes it harder to reveal their identity and thereby helps preserve their perceived security while browsing the web or using other internet services. Assistant: 这可使揭露访问者的身份变得更难,从而帮助用户在浏览网络或使用其他网络服务保护他们的感知安全。 User: A process is thus a specific ordering of work activities across time and space, with a beginning and an end, and clearly defined inputs and outputs: a structure for action. ... Assistant: 这样的过程是跨越时空的、规定的作业活动序列,具有起点和终点,并清楚地定义了输入和输出:行动的结构。 User: In popular culture, Ugandan clothing was featured in the controversial film, The Last King of Scotland. Assistant: 阿敏的生平被拍摄成为电影《最后的苏格兰王》。 User: The Kunsthalle opened in 1986 and is financially supported by the city and the state. Assistant: 现在的美术馆开业于1986年,由法兰克福当地政府和德国政府提供财政支持。 User: This type of warrant is only valid for one week. Assistant: 此命令只于夏季某个月份有效。 User: His great gift was exposition of the Scriptures and, particularly, unfulfilled prophecy. Assistant: 他的伟大的礼物是对圣经的解释,特别是关于尚未应验的预言。 User: The following day, police found Gypsy Rose in Wisconsin, where she had traveled with her boyfriend Nicholas Godejohn, whom she had met online. Assistant: 翌日,警方在威斯康星州找到吉普赛·布朗夏尔,随行的是她在网络上认识的男友尼可拉斯。 User: The butterfly is considered as the most primitive extant papilionid taxon and shares some features with the fossil taxon Praepapilio. Assistant: 宝凤蝶目前被认为是最原始的一种凤蝶,与已灭绝的一类凤蝶Praepapilio属有着较多共同点。 User: However, Federico Lombardi, spokesman of the Vatican, clarified that it applied to heterosexual and transsexual prostitutes, both male and female, as well. Assistant: 后来梵蒂冈的代表发言人费德里科·伦巴第(英语:Federico Lombardi)澄清这个说法适用于异性恋和跨性别的娼妓,且不论男女。 User: Gene Elston, 93, American Major League Baseball broadcaster (Houston Astros). Assistant: 基因·埃尔斯顿(英语:Gene Elston)(Gene Elston),93岁,美国职业棒球大联盟广播员(休士顿太空人)。 User: It is an Italian phrase derived from the vulgar Latin for "fairy" and the Arthurian sorcerer Morgan le Fay, from a belief that the mirage, often seen in the Strait of Messina, were fairy castles in the air, or false land designed to lure sailors to their death created by her witchcraft. Assistant: 它的语源来自意大利的短句fairy和亚瑟王的巫婆摩根勒菲,来自信仰的幻影,在墨西拿海峡经常可见,她的巫术所创建在空气中的仙女城堡或虚幻的大地,被设计用来引诱水手。 User: To maintain consistency the ICD-10 used the same criteria, with only minor alterations, but using the DSM diagnostic threshold to mark a mild depressive episode, adding higher threshold categories for moderate and severe episodes. Assistant: 为了保持一致性ICD-10使用了几乎相同的诊断标准,它使用DSM的最低门槛作为轻度抑郁发作的诊断标准,使用比DSM更高的标准来诊断中度和重度抑郁发作。 User: Dr. William Lawler – Forensic Pathologist. Assistant: 迈克尔·巴登,法医病理学家。 User: Put moderate-water-use plants in low-lying drainage areas, near downspouts, or in the shade of other plants. Assistant: 放适量水,利用植物在低洼地区的排水,落水管附近,或在其他植物的阴影。 User: This system is used to minimize the project risk for an owner and to reduce the delivery schedule by overlapping the design phase and construction phase of a project. Assistant: 设计-建造交付模式,用于为业主降低项目风险,并通过使项目设计阶段与项目建筑阶段重叠,以缩短项目交付时间。 User: The storm destroyed large swaths of banana and plantain trees, and all vessels in Havana Harbor dragged anchors at the height of the hurricane. Assistant: 风暴摧毁了大片香蕉和大蕉树,哈瓦那港的所有船只都在飓风来袭期间拖锚。 User: Subjects may be instructed not to judge whether or not the sentence is grammatically acceptable or logical, but whether the proposition expressed by the sentence is true or false. Assistant: 受试者可能会被指示不判断句子是否在文法或逻辑上可以接受,而是由句子所表达的命题来判断是真还是假。 User: 16:40 – Minister of Foreign Affairs Algirdas Saudargas sends a diplomatic note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union in which he expresses his concerns about Soviet army violence in Lithuania. Assistant: 16时40分,立陶宛外交部长阿尔吉尔达斯·绍达尔加斯(英语:Algirdas Saudargas)致电苏联外交部,对苏联军队在立陶宛的暴力行为表示严重关切。
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: It was formed as a result of a merger between the Cone School of Dancing founded in 1919 by Grace Cone, and the Ripman School founded in 1922 by Olive Ripman. Assistant: 伦敦艺术教育学院成立于1939年,在当时被称为“Cone-Ripman School”,是合并之后的“Cone School of Dancing”(1919年Grace Cone创始)和“Ripman School”(1922年Olive Ripman创始)。 User: This shield also has the silver ermine border. Assistant: 此纬线亦标记着南极无核武地带的边界。 User: According to the World Health Organization, hunger and malnutrition are the single gravest threats to the world's public health and malnutrition is by far the biggest contributor to child mortality, present in half of all cases. Assistant: 依照世界卫生组织的资料,饥饿及营养不良是对全球健康最大的单一威胁,营养不良是儿童死亡(英语:child mortality)最主要的原因,约占所有死亡人数的一半。 User: In the mid-19th century, Marxism was developed, and socialism in general gained increasing popular support, mostly from the urban working class. Assistant: 同时各式各样的社会运动也开始形成,在19世纪中叶马克思主义出现了,而社会主义得到越来越多民众支持,大多都来自城市的劳动阶级。 User: Downcycling involves converting materials and products into new materials of lesser quality. Assistant: 降级再造涉及将材料和产品转化为质量较差的新材料。 User: Spread spectrum also facilitate that centrally controlled base stations dynamically borrow resources from each other depending on the traffic load, simply by increasing the maximum allowed number of simultaneous users in one cell (the maximum allowed interference level from the users in the cell), and decreasing it in an adjacent cell. Assistant: 扩频还便于中央控制的基站根据业务负载动态地相互借用资源,只需增加一个单元的最大并发用户数(小区中用户的最大容许干扰级别)并减少相邻单元的该数值。 User: The Italian Coast Guard rescued 155 survivors. Assistant: 意大利海岸警卫队救起了155名幸存者。 User: The list follows. Assistant: 名单如下。 User: This contributed to their downfall, as they could not count on the loyalty of their subjects when the Moors arrived in the 8th century. Assistant: 这导致他们的垮台——当8世纪摩尔人到来之时,他们已经无法获取他们臣民的忠诚。 User: 26: The Soviet Union send an ultimatum demanding Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina from Romania. Assistant: 26日:苏联发出最后通牒,要求罗马尼亚租让比萨拉比亚和北布科维纳两地。 User: In general, however, A.D. had severely impaired episodic memory, but had some ability to learn semantic knowledge. Assistant: 不过,A.D.的情景记忆严重受损,但可以学习语义知识。 User: After the fall of the military rule, a law was promulgated, making the latter the written language as well. Assistant: 在军事管制结束后,法律规定后者为书面语言。 User: Kim Jong-il’s former cook Kenji Fujimoto worked and lived in a guest house within the compound and provided some photographs dated 1989. Assistant: 金正日的前厨师藤本健二曾服务于该官邸的客房,提供了部分1989年拍摄的照片。 User: The inability of the parties to reach an agreement may lead to industrial action, culminating in either strike action or management lockout, or binding arbitration. Assistant: 如果无法达成共识,就会引发工业行动,爆发罢工或停工,或约束仲裁。 User: In some countries, a victim of hate speech may seek redress under civil law, criminal law, or both. Assistant: 在一些国家,仇恨言论的受害者可以根据民法,刑法或这两种方式寻求补救。 User: Adding to the confusion is a novel of the same title that was credited to Welles, though Welles claimed that he was unaware of the book's existence until he saw a copy in a bookshop. Assistant: 一部署名威尔斯的同名小说使情况更加混乱,威尔斯称,他不知道这本书的存在,直到他在书店看到一个副本。 User: He is alleged to be a billionaire. Assistant: 根据推测他应该已经是一名千万富翁。 User: As an introduced species, the Asian trampsnail is often found in areas with tall grasses and high humidity. Assistant: 作为一种引入物种,同型巴蜗牛通常都在长有高草和具有高湿度的地区被发现。 User: In 1714, George Louis became king of Great Britain, so that the electorate and Great Britain were ruled in personal union. Assistant: 在1714,格奥尔格·路易成为大不列颠王国的国王,称乔治一世,使得选侯国和大不列颠王国被置于一个共主邦联中。 User: Studies showed that conduction aphasics had an intact 'inner voice', which discredited the central deficit model of Freud and Goldstein. Assistant: 研究显示传导性失语患者有完好的“内在声音”(inner voice),反驳了弗洛伊德和戈尔茨坦的中枢性语言障碍理论。 User: APEX is designed to work at sub-millimetre wavelengths, in the 0.2 to 1.5 mm range — between infrared light and radio waves — and to find targets that ALMA will be able to study in greater detail. Assistant: APEX被设计在次毫米波长,范围在0.2至1.5毫米 -介于红外线和无线电波之间- 并找到ALMA可以更仔细研究的目标。 User: When Sardius went out of business, Technical Consulting International (TCI) obtained the licence to produce the M36. Assistant: 1990年代,当红宝石公司倒闭以后,技术顾问国际公司(TCI)获得了M36 SWS的生产许可证。 User: The remaining German Solomon Islands, at the extreme northwest of the archipelago, were retained by Germany until they fell to Australia early on in World War I. After the war the League of Nations formally mandated those islands to Australia along with the rest of German New Guinea, becoming Australian New Guinea. Assistant: 1900年后继续受德国统治的德属所罗门群岛(German Solomon Islands)在第一次世界大战落入澳大利亚手中,战后国际联盟正式要求德国把德属所罗门群岛和德属新几内亚(German New Guinea)委托予澳大利亚而成为澳属新几内亚(Australian New Guinea)。 User: After the indictment was issued, Holmes stepped down as CEO of Theranos but remained chairperson of the board. Assistant: 霍姆斯在起诉书发布后辞去了Theranos的CEO职务,不过仍为董事长。 User: Hunt Tennis Center: Built 1995; in a terraced garden setting, with clubhouse, coaches' offices, and 22 tennis courts, six of which are all-weather USTA regulation. Assistant: Hunt网球中心: 于1995年建设; 梯田式设置,包括俱乐部、训练办公室和22个网球场,其中六个是符合USTA规定的全天气场地。 User: UEs are devices like mobile phones (handsets), WLL phones, computers with wireless Internet connectivity. Assistant: UE 是类似移动电话(手机)、WLL电话、具有无线因特网连接的计算机等设备。 User: Pastrana, however, was cut in early September. Assistant: 霜雪在九月上旬就己下降。 User: However Elizabeth died that year. Assistant: 但伊丽莎白于翌年逝世。 User: It is associated with Veethuveppu . Assistant: 他与牛车水黑帮成员有关系。 User: Some historians see this as a turning point in European economic development. Assistant: 一些历史学家将此次瘟疫视为欧洲经济发展的一个转折点。 User: The United States housing market correction (a consequence of the United States housing bubble) and subprime mortgage crisis significantly contributed to a recession. Assistant: 美国房地产市场调整(一种可能的后果,美国的房地产泡沫)和次贷危机,是经济衰退的明显因素。 User: The social roles of family farms are much changed today. Assistant: 时至今日,家庭农场的社会角色已发生许多变化。 User: Bulgaria's largest oil refinery, Neftochim, was purchased by Russian oil giant LUKoil in 1999 and underwent modernization in 2005. Assistant: 保加利亚最大的炼油厂Neftochim于1999年被俄罗斯石油巨头LUKOIL购买,并在2005年进行了现代化改造。 User: Pluto takes 248 years to make a full circuit of the zodiac, but its progress is highly variable: it spends between 15 and 26 years in each sign. Assistant: 冥王星需要248年的时间运行完整个黄道带一周,然而祂的轨道进程是有着高度的变化因素之特性:祂需要使用15年到26年之的时间进入每一个星座之中。
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。 User: In 2008, for instance, the central 610 Office issued a directive to engage in propaganda work intended to prevent Falun Gong from "interfering with" the Beijing Olympics. Assistant: 例如,2008年中央610办公室发布了一项指令,开展旨在防止法轮功“干涉”北京奥运的宣传工作。 User: Some 550 developers at Honeywell worked on the flight system. Assistant: 霍尼韦尔有大约550名开发人员为此飞行系统工作。 User: From the early 15th century, a double-headed eagle was used. Assistant: 15世纪初期开始,双头鹰开始被使用。 User: Christian authors also view the miracles of Jesus not merely as acts of power and omnipotence, but as works of love and mercy: they were performed to show compassion for sinful and suffering humanity. Assistant: 基督教作者也认为耶稣的神迹不仅是一种来自全能能力的行为,而是爱和怜悯的作为:它们对罪恶和痛苦的人类表示同情。 User: Cello was popular during 1993/1994, but fell out of favor following the release of Mosaic for Windows and Netscape, after which Cello development was abandoned. Assistant: Cello在1993至1994年间很流行,但是在Mosaic和Netscape发表后就不再受欢迎了,此后Cello的发展就被放弃了。 User: In 1940 Vandenberg was promoted to major and in 1941 to lieutenant colonel. Assistant: 1940年范登堡在航空基地被晋升为少校、在1941年晋升为中校。 User: Real Smalltalk implementations often use a technique known as inline caching that makes method dispatch very fast. Assistant: 真正的Smalltalk实现通常使用一种称为内联缓存的技术,这种技术使得方法调度非常迅速。 User: These permanent possibilities could be analysed into counterfactual conditionals, such as "if I were to have y-type sensations, then I would also have x-type sensations". Assistant: 这些永久的可能性可以分析成反事实条件,例如:“如果我有y类型的感觉,那么我也会有x类型的感觉”。 User: The vascular plants collection is two-thirds Canadian (45% from British Columbia and 22% from other provinces and territories), 16% American (9% from Hawaii and the Pacific coast and 7% from the other states), and 17% from other countries. Assistant: 收藏的维管植物产地,三分之二为加拿大(45%为不列颠哥伦比亚省,22%为加拿大其他地区),16%为美国(9%为夏威夷和太平洋沿岸,7%为美国其他州),其余17%为其他国家。 User: In Final Fantasy IX, the player navigates a character throughout the game world, exploring areas and interacting with non-player characters. Assistant: 在《最终幻想IX》中,玩家操控角色在游戏地图上移动,探索区域并与非玩家角色互动。 User: Asked by PinkNews to clarify his remarks, Hammond wrote by email: "The discussion ranged very widely and was not limited to same sex relationships". Assistant: 在粉红新闻(英语:PinkNews)采访他时他澄清自己的言论,哈蒙德在电子邮件上写道:“讨论范围非常广泛,并不限于同性关系。 User: Gacy never saw his first wife or children again. Assistant: 后来盖西再也没有见过他的第一任妻子或子女。 User: For example, if a visual prototype is not able to use the same materials as the final product, they will attempt to substitute materials with properties that closely simulate the intended final materials. Assistant: 例如,如果视觉原型不能使用与最终产品相同的材料,他们将尝试使用具能模拟最终材料的替代材料。 User: Further, every card after the 4th in each suit is also worth an additional 1 point. Assistant: 另外,有宝牌的话,每一枚宝牌加1翻。 User: Those that has fled the Japanese occupation chose not to return. Assistant: 兵力劣势的日军选择了退避。 User: When implemented, the local and Select Bus Service route of the B46 changed northern terminals to improve reliability. Assistant: 该线开通后,B46线的特选巴士服务和慢车服务北端总站改动,以提高运行可靠性。 User: A recent analysis of Mars Global Surveyor data has claimed to have confirmed the frame dragging effect to a precision of 0.5%, although the accuracy of this claim is disputed. Assistant: 另一个在火星引力场中观测兰斯-蒂林效应的测试结果是根据对火星全球探勘者号的位置数据进行恰当分析后得到的,其声称的精度达到了0.5%,但这一结果的精确性却充满争议。 User: Despite continuing protests, including public self-immolations by monks such as Thich Quang Duc, a Joint Communique resulting from the discussions was signed in mid-June, which promised to end the Buddhist crisis. Assistant: 尽管反政府风波依然持续,甚至伴随了释广德等僧人的自焚事件,双方依然在6月中旬签署了一份联合公报,承诺要终止佛教徒危机。 User: That ISP must have an officially registered autonomous system number (ASN). Assistant: 所以ISP必须具有一个公开且正式登记的自治系统编号(ASN)。 User: Their targets included Árbenz's personal belongings, police documents, and the headquarters of the Guatemalan Party of Labour. Assistant: 他们的目标包括阿本斯的私人财产、警方文件和危地马拉劳动党总部。 User: On the ground — it is the light of the earth, In the sky the moon glows. Assistant: 帝叹息,怅然有感,为歌曰:“天地开辟,日月重光。 User: With your house, with your wives, with your sons, with your senior officials, with your chariotry, (and) in the midst of your territories, may all be exceedingly well. Assistant: 及其虔顺舅姑,抚遗接幼,”居室弼谐,闺房悦睦,乃有识之所景行,达者之所希羡。 User: The data is on the company's own servers, and is in a standard, rather than a proprietary, format. Assistant: 搜集来的资料位于公司自己的服务器,而且它是标准格式,而不是某种私有格式。 User: After 1989 the memorials were vandalised, neglected and ultimately removed. Assistant: 自1989年后,这些纪念碑便遭到破坏,逐渐为人遗忘,最终转移到别处。 User: This makes varying degrees of stimulation an integral part of oral sex for many men. Assistant: 这使得不同程度的性兴奋而为对男性口交时一个重要部位。 User: Kalas lives with his wife Aspasia Gkika and daughters Maria-Nikoleta and Natalia near Berkeley, California. Assistant: 卡拉斯和他的妻子Aspasia Gika和女儿Maria-Nikoleta、Natalia一起生活在柏克莱加州大学。 User: President Antonio Tajani tweeted that the European Parliament "will not be intimidated by terrorist or criminal attacks" and will "continue to work and react, strengthened by freedom and democracy against terrorist violence". Assistant: 议长安东尼奥·塔亚尼于推特上称:“(欧洲议会)不会被恐怖主义或犯罪袭击吓倒,(并将)会继续工作与应对,通过自由和民主进一步打击恐怖主义暴力。 User: The city's climate is influenced both by dry (Central Asian/Siberian) air masses from the east and oceanic (Atlantic/Black Sea) air masses from the west. Assistant: 该市的气候受到了东部(中亚/西伯利亚)的干燥空气和西部(大西洋/黑海)的海洋性气团。 User: Opposition activists claimed that rebels had nothing to do with the killings. Assistant: 反对派的活动分子声称武装反对派与屠杀无关。 User: As he had already spent over a year in detention, Karadžić did not serve the remaining sentence in prison. Assistant: 不过到宣判时卡拉季奇已经被抓1年了,他也没有服完剩下的刑期。 User: Measuring x {\displaystyle x} on these states would provide different x {\displaystyle x} values which give the same f ( x ) {\displaystyle f(x)} , leading to the period. Assistant: 对这些态上的x的测量将会给出能给出相同f(x)的不同的x,由此推导出周期来。 User: In 2014, they reached the final rounds of the East Region amateur championship. Assistant: 2014年,他们进入了东部地区业余锦标赛的决赛轮。 User: Leister Technologies AG with its business areas of plastic welding, process heat (since 1967) and laser plastic welding (since 1998) forms the company’s original core. Assistant: Leister Technologies AG 构成了公司最初的核心部分,业务领域包括塑料焊接、工业用热(1967 年起)和激光塑料焊接(1998 年起)。 User: It is also sometimes referred to as A Woman Peeling Apples, with a Small Child. Assistant: 有时又被描绘成一位手持莲花的女人,或者是一棵悬铃木。 User: She may also have later become a pharaoh in her own right, ruling alone for a short time after her husband's death. Assistant: 她也有可能在其丈夫过世后凭借自己的身份继任为法老,并统治埃及一小段时间。 User: When Greek children, especially girls, came of age it was customary for them to sacrifice the toys of their childhood to the gods. Assistant: 当希腊的小孩(特别是小女孩)长大时,常会将小时候的玩具奉献给神明。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 On 1 May 2017, their .se, .eu and .org domain names were deactivated, with the site's moderators later confirming that the owner took it down voluntarily. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 2017年5月1日,该站的.se、.eu和.org域名被该站或DNS管理员置为非活动状态,网站下线。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 Cat Day is celebrated on February 22nd in Japan. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 2月22日是日本的猫之日。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 This is useful if the device contains sensitive information, but the device cannot be located after this action is performed. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 如果设备包含敏感信息,该功能是很有用的,但是一定执行该设备将不能被定位。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This fault correlates well with a 30 km long lineament seen on satellite images. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:这个断层与卫星图上看到的30公里长线性结构吻合得很好。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: These cells are often used in immunology and cell biology research. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: BMDM细胞常用于免疫学和细胞生物学研究。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The primary contractor is the Hongdu Aviation Industry Corporation. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 这架飞机的主承包商是洪都航空工业集团。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The parasite has only been found in rivers in the South Island, away from the most important aquaculture sites. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:这种寄生虫只在远离多数水产养殖区的南岛的河流发现。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Secondary education in the United States did not emerge until 1910, with the rise of large corporations and advancing technology in factories, which required skilled workers. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 中等教育在美国1910年方才兴起,很大程度上受到当时经济的提升与工厂对技能工人的要求。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Complementarity–Mutual Exclusiveness 9. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: interference 9th单曲B面曲。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 By 12 September, at the time of their retreat into the city, the Soviet 62nd Army had been reduced to 90 tanks, 700 mortars and just 20,000 personnel. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 到9月12日,苏联第62军团只剩下90辆坦克、700门迫击炮及大约20,000名士兵。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: He was given the United Nations Population Award in 1983, along with Indira Gandhi. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 1983年9月,获联合国颁发“人口奖”,英迪拉·甘地也同时获颁发。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: During the start of his work on the system, he stored the files under the name "Freax" for about half of a year. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 在开发系统的前半年里,他把文件以文件名“Freax”存储。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: East River is a 38.3-mile-long (61.6 km) stream in central Colorado. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:东河(英语:East River)是一条长约38.3-英里(61.6-公里)的溪流,位于科罗拉多州中部。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: He is an authority of considerable value from 1066 onwards; many telling anecdotes and shrewd judgments on persons and events can be gleaned from his pages. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:他是一位自1066年以来非常重要的权威;许多生动的故事和对人和事件精明的判断都能从他的记录中获得。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 In addition, Ou's husband is no longer bothered by his colleagues to date women. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 此外,欧小白的丈夫不再受到同事们给他介绍女朋友的打扰。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The surroundings of the park became the center of the city. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:公园的周边成为城市的中心。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Craig had intended that the view along George Street be terminated by two large churches, situated at the outer edge of each square, on axis with George Street. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 克雷格提议在乔治街尽头的广场个别建造二座大教堂。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: However, it indicated that the plains wanderer actually belonged into one of them. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:但是,领鹑Plains Wanderer实际上也是属于其中的一种。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: A working committee was formed consisting of 21 members. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 议会实行一院制,由21名议员组成。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The cavalry was seriously affected by the Revolution. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 骑兵因革命受到严重的影响。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The architect was Johann Emil Schaudt; the sculptor was Hugo Lederer. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 建筑师是Johann Emil Schaudt; 雕塑家是雨果·莱德勒。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The Tenth played a crucial part in the Gallic Wars, fighting under Caesar in virtually every battle. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 第十军团在高卢战争中起了非常重要的作用,几乎参与了每一场战役。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The country has only 429 kilometers of paved road, limited international, and no domestic air service, and does not possess a railroad. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 该国的运输和通信网络有限,设有429公里的柏油路,国际航空服务有限,且没有国内航空服务或铁路。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The book restates traditional lean principles, as well as a set of 22 tools and compares the tools to corresponding agile practices. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这本书将传统的精益原则重新阐释,提供了22种开发实践“工具”,并与敏捷开发的实践做了比较。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:There are very few African American men who haven't had the experience of walking across the street and hearing the locks click on the doors of cars. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 他还说:“很少有非洲裔的美国男子没有这样的经历:走在大街上可以听到汽车里的人锁上车门的声音。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 Agatat-Gold Winery for wine, brandy and vodka, founded in 2007 in Nor Kyurin. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:Agatat-Gold酒庄用于葡萄酒,白兰地和伏特加,成立于2007年,在Nor Kyurin。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In the 1960s, William S. Condon pioneered the study of interactions at the fraction-of-a-second level. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在1960年代,William Condon(英语:William S. Condon)率先进行了针对瞬间互动的研究。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: There they set up their little campfire and a flag-staff, and as the sun rises over the sea they raise the Guide World Flag, they sing the World Song, and they speak of some of the people and the countries they are Thinking about - and so they start "The Big Think" which then travels all the way round the world. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在山顶,他们会升起小营火以及安排一位旗手,在太阳升上海平面时,挥舞世界女童军旗,唱世界歌,并且诉说他们怀念部分人民与国家的种种─而由此展开“大怀念”,在全球各地进行旅游。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The city has redundant fiber optic lines and is a focal point for telecommunications. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 市内有大量的光纤线路,同时是电讯中心。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: This mechanism serves to explain why the neutrino masses are so small. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 这个机制被用来解释为何微中子的质量是如此地小。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:This condition has been called "Wilson's Wrist". Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:这类状态被称为“威尔逊的手腕”(Wilson's Wrist)。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The relations of the Faroe Islands with the EU are governed by a Fisheries Agreement (1977) and a Free Trade Agreement (1991, revised 1998). Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:影响法罗群岛与欧盟的关系的法律条文主要有 1977年的渔业条约,以及1991年(1998年被再次修改)的自由贸易协定。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Perfection includes existence. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 完满性包括存在。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Franklin D. Roosevelt served the longest, over twelve years, before dying early in his fourth term in 1945. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 富兰克林·D·罗斯福在任时间最长,在任十二年,但在1945年其第四任期开始不久去世;他同时还是唯一一位担任总统超过两任者。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The death toll from Gilbert was reported to be 318 people, mostly from Mexico. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这一强烈天气系统共计造成318人死亡,其中大部分来自墨西哥。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The Bureau of Meteorology had not issued warnings for Sydney Airport, located on the northern shore of Botany Bay, or the rest of the eastern suburbs to prepare for large hail. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 澳大利亚气象局没有向位于植物学湾北海岸的悉尼机场发布警报,也没有提醒东部郊区其他地点做好应对大冰雹的准备。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文 Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本! User: Psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors and social workers have historically dealt primarily with individual psychological problems in a medical and psychoanalytic framework. Assistant: 精神病学家、心理学家、辅导员和社会工作者过去主要处理医学和精神分析框架中的个体心理问题。 User: According to his son Homer, as Saint-Gaudens considered "the motto 'In God We Trust' as an artistic intrusion not required by law, he wholly discarded and thereby drew down on himself the lightning of public comment". Assistant: 据他的儿子霍默回忆,圣高登斯觉得“In God We Trust”对硬币的艺术效果有负面影响,所以在没有法律强制规定的情况,他选择将之省略,进而导致舆论哗然。 User: In case of pulsed biasing the TON time of the pulse is generally kept at 20-40 μs, while the TOFF is kept at 0.5-2 ms i.e. a duty cycle of 1-8%. Assistant: 在脉冲偏压的情况下脉冲的TON时间一般在20-40 μs,而TOFF时间在0.5-2 μs,也就是占空比为1-8%。 User: In February 2000 Arriva purchased MTL Holdings, which included its first UK rail franchises, Merseyrail Electrics and Northern Spirit. Assistant: 2000年2月,爱瑞发进入英国的铁路运输市场,其收购的MTL控股(MTL Holdings)当中就包括默西铁路电气(Merseyrail Electrics)和北方精神(Northern Spirit)两家铁路公司的特许经营权。 User: He frequented spiritism during his exile (where he participated also in many séances conducted by Madame Delphine de Girardin) and in later years settled into a rationalist deism similar to that espoused by Voltaire. Assistant: 在流放时,他常常研习唯灵论(他常参加Delphine de Girardin夫人主持的降神会),晚年,他转信伏尔泰的理智主义自然神论。 User: The female raises the young alone. Assistant: 雌性会独自抚养幼猫。 User: President Buchanan and President-elect Lincoln refused to recognize the Confederacy, declaring secession illegal. Assistant: 总统布坎南和当选总统林肯拒绝承认邦联,宣布脱离为非法。 User: Population ageing arises from two (possibly related) demographic effects which are increasing longevity and declining fertility. Assistant: 两个人口因素可能导致了人口老龄化:寿命延长和生育下降。 User: The game's menu screen allows the player to keep track of their experience points and levels, to choose which equipment their characters wield, and to use items and magic. Assistant: 游戏菜单屏幕可让玩家记录其经验值和等级,选择角色使用的装备,或使用道具和魔法。 User: The distortion in both images displayed in this section was caused by refraction, but while the image on the left, which is a mirage, demonstrates only vertical distortion, the image on the right demonstrates distortion in all the ways possible. Assistant: 在这一段落呈现的两张图都有因折射变形造成的变形,但是在左边的图像是蜃景,只在垂直方向上变形;而右边的图像表现出在所有方向上的变形。 User: The sed script can either be specified on the command line (-e option) or read from a separate file (-f option). Assistant: 可以在命令行上指定sed脚本( -e选项),也可以从单独的文件中读取( -f选项)。 User: However, influenza C is less common than the other types and usually only causes mild disease in children. Assistant: 然而,丙型流感病毒较前述两种罕见,且通常只在孩童身上造成轻微症状。 User: The United States maintains substantial economic and political interests in Hong Kong. Assistant: 美国在智利拥有实质性的经济利益。 User: Tyrannosaurids are now universally considered to be large coelurosaurs. Assistant: 现在,暴龙科普遍被认为是种大型虚骨龙类。 User: The Valmet M82 is a bullpup assault rifle with a Valmet M76 internal design created by Finnish company Valmet. Assistant: 瓦尔梅特M82(Valmet M82)是瓦尔梅特M76突击步枪的犊牛式版本,由芬兰的瓦尔梅特公司(Valmet)研制及生产。 User: Bolten plays bass guitar in a band called the Compassionates. Assistant: 博尔顿在一个叫“Compassionates”的乐队中负责演奏贝斯。 User: At the present rate of world mine production of 5 to 10 metric tons per year, reserves will last for thousands of years. Assistant: 目前世界的年开采量为5-10吨,目前的储量可供开采数千年。 User: However, we have known that elements in C are independent of each other. Assistant: 但B和C两者是可以分开的。 User: Although often described as a science museum, the Powerhouse has a diverse collection encompassing all sorts of technology including decorative arts, science, communication, transport, costume, furniture, media, computer technology, space technology and steam engines. Assistant: 虽然动力博物馆经常被认定为一所科学博物馆,但它却拥有不同种类的收藏,其中包括装饰品、艺术、科学、通讯、运输、服装、家具、媒体、计算机技术、空间技术和蒸汽机等相关领域的展品。 User: Mistry writes that he "will be obsequiously praised as the future of R&B music—because is a black singer, not because he's making quantifiable, canonical R&B". Assistant: Anupa Mistry写道:“他将会被未来的节奏蓝调音乐界谄媚地称赞——是因为他是一位黑人歌手,并不是因为他正在做量化的、死板板的节奏蓝调。 User: Well, you better keep your mouth shut! Assistant: 》(让我俘虏你的心PLEASE! User: Joe Donnelly of Digital Spy wrote that Seifert's performance has the potential to inspire similar games, and Andy Kelly of PC Gamer called the performance "understated, realistic, and complex". Assistant: Digital Spy的乔·唐纳利写道,塞弗特的表现有着启发同类游戏的潜力,而PC Gamer的安迪·凯利(Andy Kelly)表示演技“低调、现实且复杂”。 User: Selling almost a million copies in the first week of its release, Doggystyle became certified quadruple platinum in 1994 and spawned several hit singles, including "What's My Name?" and "Gin & Juice". Assistant: 《Doggystyle》获得了四倍于白金的销量,并催生了众多打榜单曲,包括《What's My Name》和《Gin & Juice》。 User: However, not only does the 6–2 require a team to possess two people capable of performing the highly specialized role of setter, it also requires both of those players to be effective offensive hitters when not in the setter position. Assistant: 然而,6-2阵型不仅要求球队拥有两名高质量的二传手,还要求这两名球员在前排时又是有实力的攻手。 User: The town and surrounding area is quite rural. Assistant: 镇和周边地区相当农村。 User: By the end of 1975, the Tangshan and Dalian plants completed a successful trial of the first Model 8240Z inline 8-cylinder diesel engine, including a variety of performance tests and a 100-hour reliability test; the 8240Z was essentially half of a 16V240ZJ, producing 1,230 kilowatts (1,650 hp). Assistant: 1975年底,唐山厂、大连厂成功试制了第一台8气缸的8240Z型柴油机,并通过了各种性能试验和100小时可靠性试验;8240Z型柴油机实际上是在16V240ZJ型基础上减少气缸数量的衍生机型,装车功率1650马力。 User: For the Italian-speaking region, the programmes were re-transmitted with Italian subtitles until dedicated Italian studios were built in 1958. Assistant: 对于意大利语区,节目被打上意大利语字幕播放,直到1958年制作意大利语节目的工作室成立为止。 User: In contrast, TCP is a stream-oriented protocol, transporting streams of bytes reliably and in order. Assistant: 相较于TCP,是一个串流导向的协定,可靠地且有顺序地传送以bytes为单位的串流。 User: For this reason, remediation also depends on users making use of browsers that have up-to-date certificate revocation lists (or OCSP support) and honour certificate revocations. Assistant: 因此,修复此漏洞,用户还需要更新浏览器,确保具有最新的证书吊销列表(或OCSP支持)及证书吊销功能。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 The Ohio and Texas delegations were assigned to the back of the convention hall, a move viewed as punishment for the delegations, as they did not back Trump in their respective primaries (Ohio and Texas voted for Kasich and Cruz, respectively). Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译 俄亥俄州和得克萨斯州的代表座位被安排到了最后面,这被视为因这些州在初选中没有支持特朗普(俄亥俄州和得克萨斯州初选得票率最高的分别是凯西克和克鲁兹)而对代表施加的惩罚。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Shenzhen I/O was designed with the same niche audience in mind, specifically people interested in programming. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:与前作一样,《深圳 I/O》也同样是为那些对编程感兴趣的受众开发。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Clashes were reported near Ar Rutba after the ambush, with government artillery units shelling suspected insurgent hideouts south of the city. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 据报道在伏击之后在附近的鲁特拜镇发生交火,政府军的炮兵部队对小镇南部的疑似武装分子藏匿窝点进行炮击。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: While still in high school, Clash performed at venues throughout Baltimore, including schools, churches, fundraisers, and community events. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在就读高中时,克莱许就已经开始在巴尔的摩各处演出,包括学校、教堂、筹款以及社区活动。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文 The official mascot of the 2001 Southeast Asian Games is a squirrel named Si Tumas, short form for Tupai Emas (Golden squirrel). Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 2001年东南亚运动会的官方吉祥物是一只名为Si Tumas的松鼠,Tupai Emas(金松鼠)的简称。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:He also had lunch with King George VI. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译 他留英时也与乔治六世会面。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: On 10 June, the GNA captured two barracks, a bridge and an intersection in Sirte. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 6月10日,政府军攻占苏尔特两个兵营、一条桥和一个十字路口。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Inland terrain, bridges, troop emplacements, and buildings were also photographed, in many cases from several angles, to give the Allies as much information as possible. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:行动中亦拍摄了内陆地带的地形、桥梁、军队动向和建筑,通常自多角度拍摄,由此为盟军提供尽可能多的信息。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 When using an absolute magnitude, one must specify the type of electromagnetic radiation being measured. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在定义其绝对星等时,必须指定要测量哪一类型的电磁辐射。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文 i3 is a tiling window manager designed for X11, inspired by wmii, and written in C. It supports tiling, stacking, and tabbing layouts, which it handles dynamically. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:i3 是一个X11下的平铺式窗口管理器,受到了wmii的启发,使用C语言写成。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 According to Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), CANDU reactors could use 100% MOX cores without physical modification. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是 根据加拿大原子能有限公司提供的材料,CANDU 反应堆不需要物理修改就可以使用100%的混合氧化物核燃料。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Network sharing is made possible by inter-process communication over the network. Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是 网络共享可能通过网络上的行程间通讯实现。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The brothers, with another brother, Shahid Farooq Alvi, are still in business in Pakistan, as Brain NET Internet service providers with a company called Brain Telecommunication Limited. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:这对兄弟,以及另一个兄弟 Shahid Farooq Alvi 都还在巴基斯坦一家叫 Brain Telecommunication Limited 的网络公司上班。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Even fundamental issues, such as Max Born's basic rules concerning probability amplitudes and probability distributions, took decades to be appreciated by society and many leading scientists. Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 甚至一些基础论点,例如,马克斯·玻恩关于概率幅与概率分布的基本定则,也需要经过数十年的严格思考论证,才被学术界接受。 User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:While there is overlap between the normalization rules for certain categories, identifying the wrong category or being unable to produce the right category limits the added benefit of this approach over suffix stripping algorithms. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 由于在规范化方法上有一些重叠,确定错误的目录或者不能够找到正确的目录限制了这方法对suffix stipping 算法的附加好处。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The structure in which this data is held is called a sliding window, which is why LZ77 is sometimes called sliding-window compression. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是 保存这些数据的结构叫作滑动窗口,因为这样所以LZ77有时也称作滑动窗口压缩。 User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文 Rio: Music from the Motion Picture was released in the United States by 20th Century Fox on March 29, 2011, for digital download and by Interscope Records on April 5, 2011, in Audio CD format. Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 影片歌曲由20世纪福克斯公司于2011年3月29日以网络下载的方式发行,CD由Interscope Records公司于2011年4月5日发行。 User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The UARS/ACRIM2 experiment was an important part of providing the long term TSI database. Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:而UARS/ACRIM2实验是提供长期太阳总辐照度数据库的重要组成部分。 User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The western terms were that the United States would gain all of the area east of the Mississippi River, north of Florida, and south of Canada. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 西部边界问题方面,美国将获得密西西比河以东、佛罗里达州以北和加拿大以南的所有地区。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: He died in exile after his favour had run out with the Spanish navy. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 他后来拥有了自己的船,最终死于一次抗击西班牙军队的海战后。 User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: MUOS is designed to support users who require greater mobility, higher bit rates and improved operational availability. Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是 移动用户目标系统在设计上是为支持需要更高移动性、更高比特率以及改进操作可用性的用户。 User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: During World War I, following the lead of their rivals Schütte-Lanz Luftschiffbau, the design changed to the more familiar streamlined shape with cruciform tail surfaces, as used by almost all later airships. Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在第一次世界大战期间,Schütte-Lanz Luftschiffbau为了领先其他的竞争公司,飞船的设计被改为更为人熟悉的流线造型与十字形尾翼,几乎所有后来的飞艇都有使用这个设计。
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。 Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容! User: Having succeeded in reversing the Harrison administration's silver policy, Cleveland sought next to reverse the effects of the McKinley tariff. Assistant: 成功逆转哈里森政府的白银政策后,克利夫兰接下来试图逆转《1890年关税法》产生的影响。 User: Other partners included sugar-free chewing gum brand 5 and casual dining restaurant company Red Robin. Assistant: 其他合作伙伴包含无糖口香糖品牌5 Gum和休闲餐饮公司Red Robin(英语:Red Robin)。 User: He also disliked it when the Afghan leadership tried to justify their murderous actions on the grounds that Vladimir Lenin also did it. Assistant: 他也不喜欢阿富汗领袖试图藉着列宁的往例来证明自己残酷的统治是正当的。 User: The Gemara tells how they brought Joab before the Court, and Solomon judged and questioned him. Assistant: 胡安最后一次说话,向贝伦永别,然后离世,完成命定的预言。 User: It was thereafter issued in three grades (bronze, silver, and gold). Assistant: 其后以封地为氏,后去三点水,化为路姓。 User: Naryanapala's son Rajyapala ruled for at least 12 years, and constructed several public utilities and lofty temples. Assistant: 那罗衍波罗之子罗阇耶波罗至少统治了12年,并兴建了一些公共设施和寺庙。 User: Chorus The writing of the song is contemporaneous with the publication of Cecil Rhodes' will—in which he bequeathed his considerable wealth for the specific purpose of promoting "the extension of British rule throughout the world", and added a long detailed list of territories which Rhodes wanted brought under British rule and colonised by British people. Assistant: 而与该曲同时期出现的塞西尔·罗兹的遗嘱也说他将使用他那笔“可观的财富”来促进“英国统治这个世界的延伸”,为此他还列出了长长一列希望英国人统治或列为殖民地的地点的名单。 User: Although all of the surface of the polyhedron would be surveyed, for some polyhedra there are points in the interior which might not be under surveillance. Assistant: 虽然多面体的整个表面都会被监视,但有一些多面体的内部点有可能不会被监视到。 User: Initially, after feeling that Penny was not for him, Leonard turned his attention to fellow scientist Leslie Winkle. Assistant: 当伦纳德感觉佩妮和自己合不来时,他最开始把注意力转到和同为科学家的莱斯利·温克尔。 User: Marines would continue a battle of attrition around the 38th Parallel until the 1953 armistice. Assistant: 海军陆战队一直奋战到38度线防区并维持到1953年停战日。 User: After a period with the friendly Ascanio Piccolomini (the Archbishop of Siena), Galileo was allowed to return to his villa at Arcetri near Florence in 1634, where he spent part of his life under house arrest. Assistant: 一段时间后,在他的朋友阿斯卡尼奥·皮科洛米尼的帮助下,伽利略于1634年被允许回到他在佛罗伦萨阿克特雷旁的小宅焦耶洛别墅,在那里他度过了自己的余生。 User: This organic reaction was discovered by Mario Passerini in 1921 in Florence, Italy. Assistant: Passerini反应(Passerini reaction),由意大利佛罗伦萨的化学家 Mario Passerini 在1921年报道。 User: He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2000 "for showing how neurotransmitters act on the cell and can activate a central molecule known as DARPP-32". Assistant: 2000年时他因“解释了神经传导物质如何作用于细胞上,并能激活了称为中央分子的DARPP-32”而被授予诺贝尔奖。 User: The I-4 was used as a parasite fighter in experiments with the Tupolev TB-1 bomber. Assistant: I-4被使用在Zveno计划中,作为图波列夫 TB-1 轰炸机的机载机。 User: The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) condemned the execution, comparing the attitude and actions to those of ISIL. Assistant: 伊斯兰革命卫队(IRGC)谴责了这次处决,并将沙特方面的态度和行为与伊斯兰国进行了比较。 User: Several modulations of the second theme (in A minor and G minor) follow. Assistant: 随后对第二主题进行几次变奏(在A小调和G小调上)。 User: This led to this album being delayed until 1995. Assistant: 这个错误 uncovered 一直延续到1995年。 User: Lower frequencies enjoy better propagation but poorer radar reflection from small targets, so there is usually an optimum frequency that depends on the type of target. Assistant: 较低的频率获得更好的传播效果,但是从小物体反射回来的也少,所以根据被探测目标的类型,来决定最适频率。 User: Via the Fritsch–Buttenberg–Wiechell rearrangement, alkynes are prepared from vinyl bromides. Assistant: 在Fritsch-Buttenberg-Wiechell重排反应中,炔烃由溴化乙烯基起始制得。 User: Ben Williams from stated the remastered version "absolutely" made up for the substandard initial release and praised its high video and audio quality; however, he criticised the continued lack of special features. Assistant: Blu-ray.com在评论中称,修复版“绝对”弥补了初版蓝光的乏善可陈,还赞扬了其视频和音频的高品质,但另一方面也批评其中缺少特别花絮。 User: Many PC hobbyists in search of a structured replacement for BASIC used this product. Assistant: 许多研究BASIC结构化替代品的PC爱好者使用该产品。 User: In November 2006 Giuliani announced the formation of an exploratory committee toward a run for the presidency in 2008. Assistant: 在2006年11月13日,朱利安尼宣布成立2008年总统选举的试探委员会。 User: Remaining tariffs would be eliminated ten years after implementation. Assistant: 但该种车牌只发放10天后便停止发放。 User: So-called unaccented appoggiaturas are also quite common in many periods of music, even though they are disapproved of by some early theorists (for example, by C. P. E. Bach, in his Versuch über die wahre Art das Clavier zu spielen ). Assistant: 在不同时期的音乐中均曾出现非重音的倚音,虽这被一些早期的理论家(如C.P.E.巴赫)所否定。 User: Hurricane Bill was a short-lived storm between that lasted from July 11 to July 13 and produced light rainfall in Newfoundland. Assistant: 本季首场飓风比尔从7月11日持续到13日,给纽芬兰岛带去小雨。 User: Alleged misbranding of liquid smoke. Assistant: 无色发烟液体。 User: It is modern day and evening wear. Assistant: 日三服,夜二服。 User: Finally, it required a stable viewing platform, rendering the technique useless on the rolling deck of a ship at sea. Assistant: 最后,此方法要求有一个稳定的观测平台,这导致该技术在颠簸的甲板上毫无用处。 User: In effect, all of the chemical energy is harnessed to propagate the shock wave forward. Assistant: 因此所有的化学能都用来推动震波往前进。 User: However, this number is controversial. Assistant: 不过这一数字颇有争议。 User: They believe in this evil. Assistant: 是故如来宣示此咒。 User: Each of these is a distinct numeral for representing the same abstract number. Assistant: 它们是表示相同抽象数字的不同数字符号。 User: In addition, the Commission also had an underlying mandate to promote reconciliation. Assistant: 朴正熙当局也暗地支持妥协派。 User: They differentiated between "enemies of the Jewish people" (the British) and "Jew haters" (the Nazis), believing that the former needed to be defeated and the latter manipulated. Assistant: 他们将“犹太人之敌”(英国)和“仇恨犹太人者”(纳粹)分辨开来,认为前者当被击败,后者可被摆布。 User: But just as the deal was about to be signed, Google backed off and instead hired the PayPal executive negotiating the deal, Bedier. Assistant: 但就当政策快要签订时,Google补偿并雇佣了谈判政策的PayPal执行官贝迪尔。 User: The 1982 edition of the New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars listed it with a variability from 3.30 to 3.36 in the visual band. Assistant: 在1982年编辑的New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars列出它的星等在3.30和3.36等之间变动。 User: The cause of the fire has remained a mystery to the present day. Assistant: 而这场大火的真相,至今仍是个谜。 User: The Internet Archive has stated that one of their goals is to prevent the digital dark age. Assistant: 互联网档案馆声明,预防数字黑暗时代是他们的目标之一。 User: The next day, Catherine goes to Neil's apartment to speak to him, where Dennis shouts from the kitchen that he loves Neil and he should "Shag the Bitch!". Assistant: 次日,克瑟琳去尼尔家讨说法,听见丹尼斯在厨房里大喊大叫,声称自己爱尼尔,建议尼尔“操了那婊子!”。 User: Stallman chose the phrase to identify his free software method of distribution. Assistant: 斯托曼用这条短语来标识自由软件的分发方式。 User: The half-lives of other isotopes and isomers range from 0.64 microseconds for 245m1Am to 50.8 hours for 240Am. Assistant: 其余的同位素和同核异构体半衰期从0.64微秒(245m1Am)到50.8小时(240Am)不等。 User: A male usually takes one mate, but other females may share his territory. Assistant: 通常情况下一个雄性只有一个雌性陪伴,但他们可能有其他的雌性在同一领土。 User: Typical grading sizes are 3–5 oz, 5–7 oz, and 7–9 oz. Assistant: 批发时鱼按着 3–5 oz、5–7 oz及7–9 oz三个等级售卖。 User: They will tend to rotate around the observer. Assistant: 它们将绕着观察者旋转。 User: Nematodes have successfully adapted to nearly every ecosystem: from marine (salt) to fresh water, soils, from the polar regions to the tropics, as well as the highest to the lowest of elevations. Assistant: 线虫几乎已适应了地球所有的生态系,从海洋(海水)到淡水、土壤、极地到赤道、也包括不同海拔高度的地区。 User: Historically and practically it is closely associated with the Haber process, which provides the requisite raw material, ammonia (NH3). Assistant: 从历史角度和实践角度来说,它和哈柏法有着很近的联系,后者提供此反应所需要的原料——氨。 User: Zwingli accepted Philip's invitation fully believing that he would be able to convince Luther. Assistant: 慈运理接受了菲利普的邀请,他自信能说服路德。
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