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User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: Sternberg's triangular theory of love was developed after the identification of passionate love and companionate love.
Assistant: 斯滕伯格的爱情三因论是在激情型爱情和友伴式爱情得到认同之后发展起来的。
User: They count 320 members, and the leader of their tribal association is Renato Caritiana.
Assistant: 其部落成员大约为320人,首领为Renato Caritiana。
User: Each office takes orders from the 610 Office one administrative level above, or from the Communist Party authorities at the same organizational level.
Assistant: 每个610办公室都接受上级610办公室的命令、或来自同一级别的共产党当局的命令。
User: The idea was first agreed upon in 2010 with the first event held in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2011.
Assistant: 这一想法在2010年首次达成一致,第一个抗登革日是2011年在印度尼西亚的雅加达举行的。
User: Men and women can fall prey to this problem.
Assistant: 男性和女性皆有可能患上此病。
User: This was further mangled, depending on who was writing or speaking English, to 'Loi Teck', 'Lai Teck' and 'Lighter'.
Assistant: 此后书写和读英文时更加面目全非,成为“Loi Teck”、“Lai Teck”和“Lighter”。
User: SFP transceivers are available with a variety of transmitter and receiver specifications, allowing users to select the appropriate transceiver for each link to provide the required optical reach over the available optical fiber type (e.g. multi-mode fiber or single-mode fiber).
Assistant: SFP收发器有多种不同的发送和接收类型,用户可以为每个链接选择合适的收发器,以提供基于可用的光纤类型(如多模光纤或单模光纤)能达到的"光学性能"。
User: To decrease the time in port for crew turnover and replenishment, three large logistics hatches have been installed to provide large-diameter resupply and repair access.
Assistant: 为了减少在港口停泊用以船员更替和补给的时间,潜艇上装备了3个大型的物流舱口,为补给和维修提供了大口径的通道。
User: Owing to the existence of the many variants, Crandall and Papadopoulos refer to the "AKS-class" of algorithms in their scientific paper "On the implementation of AKS-class primality tests", published in March 2003.
Assistant: 由于这些变体的出现,Crandall和Papadopoulos在其科学论文“AKS-类质数测试的实现”(2003年三月发表)中将其称为算法的“AKS-类”。
User: The records from the Somali markets, such as in Mogadishu, indicate that the highest price for slaves were paid for "Galla woman" in the 15–20 year age group meant to work as a concubine, while a Galla teenage for domestic work and girl child in the age group of 8–10 attracted much lower prices.
Assistant: 根据对于索马里的市场所做的记录,如位于摩加迪休的市场,奴隶的最高价格为年龄介于15-20岁的“加拉女人”,他们被当作妾来贩卖,而主要负责家庭工作的加拉青少年奴隶和8-10岁女孩则以较低的价格在市场上贩卖。
User: The Simón Bolívar International Airport, as well as three other mainland airports, were closed.
Assistant: 迈克蒂亚西蒙·玻利瓦尔国际机场以及另外三所内地机场予以关闭。
User: Due to the considerable number of Palestinians living in single homes, the large quantity of homes destroyed, and collateral damage from home demolitions, it became an increasingly controversial tactic.
Assistant: 但由于许多巴勒斯坦人单身居住,加上被拆除的房屋的巨大数量和拆除房屋时造成的其它破坏对这个战术越来越有争议。
User: The next time the same generator invocation is reached in a subsequent iteration, the execution of the generator's body is resumed after the yield action, until yet another yield action is encountered.
Assistant: 在下一次调用同一个生成器的时候,生成器从yield动作之后恢复执行,直到遇上另一个yield动作。
User: It includes ballots for SNH48's fourth General Election.
Assistant: 括号内为成员于SNH48 Group第四届总选举的排名。
User: There are no obvious body markings.
Assistant: 身体没有明显的标记。
User: Dennett's theories have had a significant influence on the work of evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller.
Assistant: 丹尼特的理论对另一演化心理学家杰佛瑞·米勒(Geoffrey Miller)有显著的影响。
User: Kossoff was born in Islington, London, and spent most of his early life living there with his Russian-Jewish parents.
Assistant: 莱昂·科索夫在1926年出生于伦敦的伊斯兰顿,他花了大部分他的早年生活和他的俄国犹太父母生活在一起。
User: It was also used to understand German production more generally, including number of factories, relative importance of factories, length of supply chain (based on lag between production and use), changes in production, and use of resources such as rubber.
Assistant: 它也用于探查更多德国生产的信息,包括工厂数目、工厂的相对重要性、供应链长度(基于生产和使用之间的滞后程度)、生产工艺的改变、及对诸如橡胶等资源的使用。
User: Rosaldo criticizes the tendency of feminists to treat other contemporary cultures as anachronistic, to see other parts of the world as representing other periods in western history - to say, for example, that gender relations in one country are somehow stuck at a past historical stage of those in another.
Assistant: 罗撒度批评这种女性主义倾向,将其他当代文化视为不合时宜,并且将世界其他地区视为西方历史的先前其他时期的代表----例如,在某个国家的性别关系以某种不明原因,停留在西方过去的另一个历史阶段。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: He then put a spoon of the snus under his nose and, with eyes closed, inhaled.
Assistant: 苦恼中他令人做了一副假肩缝于内衣上,使“柳肩”得以矫正。
User: On 25 May 1993, Italy posthumously decorated the four Italian ECMM observers killed in the attack with the Gold Medal of Military Valor, and the surviving three Italians aboard the second helicopter with the Silver Medal of Military Valor.
Assistant: 1993年5月25日,意大利为四位遇难的意大利籍欧共体观察员追授金质勇气勋章,为在第二架直升机中幸存的三位意大利人授予银制勇敢勋章。
User: Since 1963 it has been known as the "Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes", and is administered by the National Centre of Marine Research.
Assistant: 自1963年以来,称为“罗得岛水文站”,由国家海洋研究中心管理。
User: According to the indictments at the Subsequent Nuremberg Trials, these experiments included the following: Experiments on twin children in concentration camps were created to show the similarities and differences in the genetics of twins, as well as to see if the human body can be unnaturally manipulated.
Assistant: 根据纽伦堡后续审判的起诉书,这些人体实验包括以下内容: 双胞胎实验的建立是为了显示双胞胎遗传的相似性和差异,以及测试人体能否被非自然的方式受控制。
User: The church was founded in 1923 by Aimee Semple McPherson.
Assistant: 该堂由麦艾美(Aimee Semple McPherson)建于1923年。
User: Although chemical warfare had been outlawed by the Geneva Protocol, neither the United States nor Japan was a signatory at the time.
Assistant: 虽然《日内瓦公约》禁止化学武器的使用,但当时的美国和日本都不是签字国。
User: In Late Antiquity, various writers attested to the existence of sibyls in Greece, Italy, the Levant, and Asia Minor.
Assistant: 到了古典晚期,各类作家证实了女先知在希腊、意大利、黎凡特和小亚细亚地区的存在。
User: Fever is one of the most common medical signs.
Assistant: 发烧是常见的医学征象之一。
User: The handling of the siege by Vladimir Putin's administration was criticized by a number of observers and grassroots organizations, amongst them Mothers of Beslan and Voice of Beslan.
Assistant: 由普京控制的攻击行动中的手段受到了来自观察者和民众组织的大量批评,这其中包括“别斯兰母亲”和“别斯兰之声”。
User: Admission into the community was completed with a handshake with the pater, just as Mithras and Sol shook hands.
Assistant: 被准许接纳而进入教团是连同了与教父(pater)一起握手(的象征性仪式),就像密特拉斯和索尔握手一样。
User: During the Vietnam War 35,000 Asian Americans served as part of the more than eight million U.S. service personnel that were deployed to South Vietnam, in fully integrated units.
Assistant: 越战期间,有35,000名亚裔军人派驻南越,他们均在完全未实施种族分离的部队中服役。
User: Sections 106–108 preserves the Constitution, powers of the Parliament, and the laws in force of each of the States.
Assistant: 第106-108条保留了各州的宪法、议会的权力以及现行的法律。
User: At that time, Marinus I and Marinus II were mistakenly considered to be Martin II and Martin III respectively, and so, erroneously, Simon de Brion became Pope Martin IV.
Assistant: 此前的玛理诺一世和玛理诺二世被误计为马丁二世和马丁三世,由此德·布里翁即成为马丁四世。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: Structurally, the novel is divided into four major sections, with two sections focusing on the stories of the mothers and two sections on the stories of the daughters.
Assistant: 从结构上,小说分为了四章,其中的两章讲述母亲、另两章讲述女儿。
User: The airport have an apron which have an area of 208 m x 132 m and a single taxiway which have an area of 125 m x 23 m.
Assistant: 机场有208 m x 132 m 的停机坪和一条单独的、面积125 m x 23 m的滑行道。
User: Due to confusion that may arise from use of the plural form, this article will only use the terms "amphetamine" and "amphetamines" to refer to racemic amphetamine, levoamphetamine, and dextroamphetamine and reserve the term "substituted amphetamines" for its structural class.
Assistant: 为避免让amphetamine 和 amphetamines 把读者给弄糊涂了,本条目中仅会使用amphetamine、amphetamines来表示racemic amphetamine, levoamphetamine, and dextroamphetamine;‘替代性安非他命(substituted amphetamines)’来表示安非他命的结构分类。
User: The student must be able to sit and watch the coach without getting distracted or reacting in any way.
Assistant: 学生必须能够坐视教练,没有任何分心或反应,否则教练叫不及格, 训练例程再开始。
User: Using again just the syntactic transformations available in this formalism, one can obtain so called fixed-point combinators (the best-known of which is the Y combinator); these, by definition, have the property that f(Y(f)) = Y(f) for all functions f.
Assistant: 再次只使用在这种形式化中的可获得的语法变换,可以获得所谓的不动点组合子(其中最著名的是 Y 组合子);通过定义,它们有如下性质,对于所有函数 f 都有 f(Y(f)) = Y(f)。
User: Legend Entertainment was brought in for the first game's expansion pack and its sequel, Unreal II: The Awakening.
Assistant: Legend Entertainment制作了第一款游戏的扩展包和续作《虚幻II:觉醒》。
User: In order to save reality, they must destroy humanity.
Assistant: 为了应付被人类发现的情况,死神能够消去人类的记忆。
User: Tim is revealed to be the "monster" the princess is running from.
Assistant: 提姆揭发了自己就是那个公主试图逃离的“怪物”。
User: Moreover, every governor and head of cities or regencies wears the National Emblem on their headgear's badge.
Assistant: 此外,每个州长和城市或者法令的负责人都戴着国徽在他们的头饰徽章上。
User: The adult perpetrators were arrested on March 31, 2015, after the victims contacted law enforcement.
Assistant: 三名成年犯案者已在2015年3月31日被执法部门逮捕。
User: The plan was "to create a game where people felt they are connected with each other, to show the positive side of humanity in them".
Assistant: 为了达到这个目的,开发人员的计划是“创造的游戏能让玩家感觉到与其他玩家是有关系的,并在其中展现出人性里积极的那一面”。
User: In Fall 2015, Cameron Ormond was the OFSAA Cross Country Female Champion at the Midget level.
Assistant: 2015年秋季,Cameron Ormond成为了高级别的OFSAA越野赛的女子冠军。
User: Mir Jafar was terrified at the near demise of his cohort and sent his own son Miran to relieve Ramnarian and retake Patna.
Assistant: 米尔·贾法担心自身政权不保,派出儿子Miran收复巴特那,解救Ramnarian。
User: For "sufficiently nice" spaces, the three measures of dimension are equal.
Assistant: 对于“足够好”的空间,这三种维数都相等。
User: Both presidents were elected to the presidency in '60.
Assistant: 两位总统都是在60年当选总统。
User: He is believed to be killed in the accident.
Assistant: 他被推定已在事故中死亡。
User: On September 23, 2010, Highway 420 was designated as the Niagara Veterans Memorial Highway.
Assistant: 420号省道于2010年9月23日获名为尼亚加拉退伍军人纪念公路(Niagara Veterans Memorial Highway)。
User: With temperatures in the range 11,000 to 15,000 K, all the WDs with the most extreme fields are far too cool to be detectable EUV/X-ray sources, e.g., Grw +70°8247, LB 11146, SBS 1349+5434, PG 1031+234 and GD 229.
Assistant: 温度范围在11,000至15,000 K,所有在这种极端场的白矮星都太冷,但仍能检测到极紫外线/X射线,例如:Grw +70°8247、LB 11146、SBS 1349+5434、PG 1031+234和GD 229。
User: There are more than 2,500 machines for gaming as well as 139 poker and table games.
Assistant: 赌场内有超过2,500台博弈游戏机,以及139张提供扑克和其他游戏的赌桌。
User: GDP per capita is roughly 1.3 times the national average.
Assistant: 人均国内生产总值大概是全国水平的1.3倍。
User: The WBC has described the Holocaust as God's punishment on Jews.
Assistant: 威斯特布路浸信会还称犹太人大屠杀是上帝对犹太人的惩罚。
User: He brought with him the formal letter advising a half-Senate election, and after the two men were seated, attempted to give it to Kerr.
Assistant: 惠特拉姆随身携带了一份正式要求举行半参议院选举的信并在两人落座后试图将信交给克尔。
User: Another development during this period included adopting historical styles in order to show the era in history that the painting depicted, called historicism.
Assistant: 在这个时期的另一种发展包含了采纳历史的风格,以显现出画中所描绘的时代,这称为历史主义(historicism)。
User: The pattern is trinitarian; there are three properties of the human soul.
Assistant: 在印度教数论中,有情是物质三种特性(三德)之一。
User: In addition to shipping, local and commercial fisheries continued to expand.
Assistant: 由于捕渔业兴旺,当地造船业及渔业制造业亦曾随之而兴起。
User: His love of music was inspired by his mother.
Assistant: 他对音乐的喜爱源于他的母亲。
User: According to Werth it had been run by "a German professor called Spanner" and "was a nightmarish sight, with its vats full of human heads and torsos pickled in some liquid, and its pails full of a flakey substance—human soap".
Assistant: 根据韦斯的说法,工厂是由“一位名叫施潘纳的德国教授”经营的,“是一个噩梦般的场景,工厂的大缸装满了腌制在某种液体中的人头和躯干,提桶里装满了一种易碎的物质——人体肥皂”。
User: Most consecutive victories: 3 by Willie Anderson 1903–1905.
Assistant: 最大连冠纪录: 3次,由Willie Anderson 在1903年至1905年间创造。
User: He was the son of Benjamin Harrison V, a member of the Continental Congress and signer of the American Declaration of Independence, and the older brother of William Henry Harrison, the ninth President of the United States.
Assistant: 其曾祖父本杰明·哈里森五世为美国独立宣言签署人之一,祖父为威廉·亨利·哈里森第九任美国总统。
User: The birthday problem used to be a splendid illustration of the advantages of pure thought over mechanical manipulation; the inequalities can be obtained in a minute or two, whereas the multiplications would take much longer, and be much more subject to error, whether the instrument is a pencil or an old-fashioned desk computer.
Assistant: 生日问题曾经是一个绝妙的例子,用来演示纯思维是如何胜过机械计算:一两分钟就可以写出这些不等式,而乘法运算则需要更多时间,并更易出错,无论使用的工具是一只铅笔还是一台老式电脑。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: In that case a person type variable would be the return value: int main() { person r = person("Wales", 40); r.print(); } The above code creates a temporary person object, and then assigns it to r using the copy constructor.
Assistant: 在这种情况下一个person类型的变量会成为返回值: int main() { person r = person("Wales", 40); r.print(); } 以上的例子创建了一个临时的person对象,然后使用复制构造函数将其赋予r。
User: Attorney General Pam Bondi said that the fees of funerals and counseling would be paid for by the state.
Assistant: 此外,佛罗里达州检察长(英语:Florida Attorney General)潘·邦迪(英语:Pam Bondi)表示葬礼和辅导费用将由国家补贴。
User: Remarkable is that the Vesuvio conveyed two dining cars from 26 May 1974 until 30 September 1979.
Assistant: 不同寻常的是维苏威号在1974年5月26日至1979年9月30日期间共搭载有两节餐车。
User: He created the Real Madrid TEC, the high performance centre of the club, which was considered, at the time, a reference centre for football performance.
Assistant: 他创建了皇家马德里足球俱乐部TEC—俱乐部的运动表现中心,当时被认为是足球运动表现中心的参考。
User: Sigismund, the Master of Rhodes, and the Germans fought to prevent the envelopment with "unspeakable massacre" on both sides.
Assistant: 西吉斯蒙德、医院骑士团及德国人竭力抵抗,防止敌军对两侧的“无法形容的屠杀”。
User: Brain is the industry standard name for a computer virus that was released in its first form in January 1986, and is considered to be the first computer virus for MS-DOS.
Assistant: 大脑 是一个在 1986 年一月发布的电脑病毒 ,它是在 MS-DOS 上第一个病毒。
User: Late in May 1959, the USAF authorized Avro to continue the "flying saucer" programs.
Assistant: 1959年5月晚些时候,美国空军授权Avro公司来继续进行它的“飞碟”计划。
User: Cronquist's first overview of classification was published in 1960, followed by his The Evolution and Classification of Flowering Plants in 1968 with a revised and expanded second edition being released in 1988.
Assistant: 1968年,他出版了他的第一部大尺度的分类学综述,即《有花植物的进化和分类》(The Evolution and Classification of Flowering Plants),该书在1988年又出版了修订和扩充的第二版。
User: The association between OE and giftedness appears to be borne out in the research (Lysy and Piechowski 1983; Piechowski 1986; Piechowski and Miller 1995).
Assistant: 过度焦虑和资优之间的联系看来已经在研究中得到证实(Lysy and Piechowski 1983; Piechowski 1986; Piechowski and Miller 1995)。
User: Series co-creator Shigeru Miyamoto explained, " was a famous and beautiful woman from all accounts, and I liked the sound of her name.
Assistant: 宫本茂解释到:“菲茨杰拉德是一个著名的且漂亮的女性,我喜欢她名字读出的声音”。
User: Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir and her partner were among the first married same-sex couples in the country.
Assistant: 前总理约翰娜·西于尔扎多蒂和她的伴侣是首批结婚的同性伴侣之一。
User: Norman observed Merrick asleep one morning and learnt that he always slept sitting up, with his legs drawn up and his head resting on his knees.
Assistant: 诺曼观察发现梅里克总是坐着睡觉,头搭在膝盖上。
User: Later, the product name was changed to "3ds max" (all lower case) to better comply with the naming conventions of Discreet, a Montreal-based software company which Autodesk had purchased.
Assistant: 稍后,产品名称改为“3ds max”(全小写字母),为了符合位于蒙特利尔的Discreet公司的命名标准。
User: By 10 January 1915, the ship had joined III Battle Squadron of the High Seas Fleet with her three sister ships.
Assistant: 1915年1月10日,该舰连同其三艘姊妹舰加入了公海舰队的第三战列分舰队(英语:III Battle Squadron)。
User: Nuvola is the default icon set on the OpenLab GNU/Linux distribution.
Assistant: Nuvola是OpenLab GNU/Linux发行版的默认图标主题。
User: G3: If lines AB and CD intersect, then so do lines AC and BD (where it is assumed that A and D are distinct from B and C).
Assistant: G3:若线 AB 与 CD 相交,则线 AC 与 BD 也会相交(其中,假设A与D不同于B与C)。
User: Because of the division of the city, the marathon events before 1990 were limited to the area of West Berlin.
Assistant: 因为柏林分区,1990年以前的马拉松赛事仅限于西柏林地区。
User: Coinsurance is also used among U.S. domestic title insurers in a manner similar to that described below for the international insurance market.
Assistant: 共同保险也在美国国内的产权保险公司之间被使用着,其使用方式与下面所描述的国际间的保险市场类似。
User: Windows XP Home Edition SP3 is installed on the models with a name ending in X, or ending in B followed by another letter denoting color.
Assistant: Windows XP 使用Windows XP Home Edition上安装SP3的型号名称结束的“X”,或结束在“B”之后的另一封信中表明的颜色。
User: For the sake of completeness, Swedish forms often ask people to fill in all their given names and to indicate which one is their "name of address" (tilltalsnamn).
Assistant: 由于一些人“以中间名而为人熟知”,在瑞典登记存档时总是要求人们高度准确地填写他们所有的予名,并标出其中哪一个才是称呼用名(“tilltalsnamn“)。
User: 3: The USSR formally annexes Lithuania.
Assistant: 3日:苏联正式吞并立陶宛。
User: A Type II supernova, designated as SN 2012aw, was discovered in M95 on 16 March 2012.
Assistant: 2012年3月16日在M95内发现一颗II型超新星SN 2012aw。
User: However, outside the Purchase, he won only his home county of Trigg, and that by a slim margin of 20 votes.
Assistant: 但除去这些区域,他只赢得了自己老家所在的区格县,并且优势也仅有20票。
User: Students were also introduced to basic sciences at this level.
Assistant: 学生在这个层面上会接触到基础科学。
User: China is looking at new biodiesel feedstocks including a new variety of rapeseed, Chinese pistachio and jatropha.
Assistant: 中国正在寻找新的生物柴油原料,包括油菜新品种,中国的开心果和麻疯树。
User: That is, separated ⇒ topologically distinguishable ⇒ distinct The property of being topologically distinguishable is, in general, stronger than being distinct but weaker than being separated.
Assistant: 也就是说, “分离”的 ⇒ “拓扑可区分”的 ⇒ “独特”的 是拓扑可区分的性质一般的要强于是独特的,但要弱于可分离的。
User: The proposal drew together the existing boost-glide proposals, as the USAF believed a single vehicle could be designed to carry out all the bombing and reconnaissance tasks intended for the separate studies, and act as successor to the X-15 research program.
Assistant: 这个计划将所有对助推-滑翔式飞机的要求都整合到了一起,因为美国空军认为这样的一架飞机能执行包括轰炸和侦察在内的所有任务,而且这个计划还能成为X-15的后继计划。
User: Farming has resulted in an increase in the saltwater crocodile population in Australia, as eggs are usually harvested from the wild, so landowners have an incentive to conserve their habitat.
Assistant: 在澳大利亚鳄养殖导致湾鳄的数量提高,原因是因为鳄的蛋大多数来自于野生的鳄,因此地主们一般愿意保护鳄的居住区。
User: For example, the 7th and 2nd circuit courts have both ruled that employment discrimination based on sexual orientation is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Assistant: 例如,第7和第2巡回法院都裁定基于性取向的就业歧视违反“民权法案第7条”。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: The borough is a Tree City USA community.
Assistant: 该市镇是一个树城美国社区。
User: K-19 was able to return to port where it was repaired and returned to the fleet.
Assistant: 而这次事故则使得K-19不得不又回到港口大修,之后返回北方舰队。
User: The Drin valley is the lowest part of the district.
Assistant: 德林山谷是该地区的最低部分。
User: Increased vapor content can result from wind convergence over water or moist ground into areas of upward motion.
Assistant: 蒸汽含量的增加可能是由于水分或潮湿的地面风会聚到向上运动的区域。
User: When first contacted by westerners they numbered about 400; a number reduced from about 2000 due to violence within the group.
Assistant: 当他们第一次和西方人接触时人数约400人,根据他们自己描述,更早前他们有2000多族人,由于内部暴力减少人数达1,470。
User: Anonymously Gifted.
Assistant: 匿名诽谤。
User: On March 23, 1962, he mixed the two gases and produced the first known compound of a noble gas, xenon hexafluoroplatinate.
Assistant: 1962年3月23日,他将这两种气体混合,产生了第一种稀有气体化合物六氟合铂酸氙。
User: Brazilian President Michel Temer declared three days of national mourning and requested that personnel from Brazil's embassy to Colombia in Bogotá be moved to Medellín to better assist the survivors and the families of the victims.
Assistant: 巴西总统米歇尔·特梅尔宣布全国哀悼三天,要求波哥大的巴西驻哥伦比亚大使馆工作人员前往麦德林,以更好地协助幸存者及遇难者家属。
User: In 1986, four Chinese hemophilia patients are found HIV positive after blood transfusions.
Assistant: 1986年,4名中国血友病患者在输血后发现HIV阳性。
User: Newly elected, non-communist leaders had come to power in the Soviet republics, including Boris Yeltsin in Russia (Gorbachev remained the President of the Soviet Union), Levon Ter-Petrosyan in Armenia, and Ayaz Mutalibov in Azerbaijan.
Assistant: 在苏联各共和国新当选的非共产党领导人纷纷上台,包括俄罗斯的鲍里斯·叶利钦(戈尔巴乔夫仍然是苏联总统),亚美尼亚的列翁·特尔-彼得罗相和阿塞拜疆的阿亚兹·穆塔利博夫。
User: This is a near synonym for Commissioning Editor.
Assistant: 毕相𪸩为编辑委员之一 。
User: Very early versions of MS-DOS replaced the backslash with these glyphs on the display to make it possible to display them by programs that only understood 7-bit ASCII (other characters such as the square brackets were replaced as well, see ISO 646, Windows Codepage 932 (Japanese Shift JIS), and Codepage 949 (Korean)).
Assistant: 非常早期的MS-DOS版本在显示器上用这些字形替代了反斜杠,以便只能理解7位ASCII的程序显示它们(其他字符如方括号也被替换,见ISO/IEC 646、Windows Codepage 932 (Japanese Shift JIS)和Codepage 949 (Korean))。
User: Upland rice varieties, although adapted to a lower moisture requirement, are also affected by intermittent rains because farmers have no means of storing water in their fields.
Assistant: 旱稻品种虽然适应较低的水分需求,但也受到间歇性降雨的影响,因为农民无法在其田地中储水。
User: Capone is generally seen as having an appreciable effect in bringing about the victories of Republican William Hale Thompson, especially in the 1927 mayoral race when Thompson campaigned for a wide open town, at one time hinting that he'd reopen illegal saloons.
Assistant: 卡彭通常被认为是对共和党员威廉·海尔·汤普森(英语:William Hale Thompson)的胜利产生了明显的影响,特别是在1927年的市长竞选时,汤普森为一个完全开放城镇而竞选,同时暗示他重新开放非法酒馆。
User: When an electrical conductor is stretched within the limits of its elasticity such that it does not break or permanently deform, it will become narrower and longer, which increases its electrical resistance end-to-end.
Assistant: 当一个导体在其弹性极限内受外力拉伸时,其不会被拉断或产生永久变形而会变窄变长,这种形变导致了其端电阻变大。
User: After Gurdjieff's death, J. G. Bennett researched his sources extensively and suggested that these characters were symbolic of the three types of people to whom Gurdjieff referred: No. 1 centred in their physical body; No. 2 centred in their emotions and No. 3 centred in their minds.
Assistant: 在葛氏寂灭后广泛研究其教诲来源的J. G. Bennett(英语:J. G. Bennett)认为他说的那些奇人可归类为三种象征性角色:角色#1 身体中心人;角色#2 情绪中心人;角色#3 心智中心人。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: ATC is co-hosted by Audie Cornish, Ari Shapiro, and Mary Louise Kelly, regularly by turns.
Assistant: ATC 由 Audie Cornish、Ari Shapiro 和 Mary Louise Kelly 共同主持,并定期轮流。
User: Archeological findings in the Qazvin plain reveal urban agricultural settlements for at least nine millennia.
Assistant: 加兹温平原上的考古发现揭示了此处有至少九千年前的城市农居点。
User: His grandson, Augustus Owsley Stanley III (1935–2011), became a well-known LSD chemist and backer of the Grateful Dead during the hippie movement.
Assistant: 他的孙子奥古斯塔斯·奥斯利·斯坦利三世(Augustus Owsley Stanley III,1935至2011年)是知名D-麦角酸二乙胺化学家,并且是嬉皮运动中感恩而死乐队的支持者。
User: Shawn and I have never even met or spoken with each other.
Assistant: Tennant和莫菲特从未公开谈起或评论过他们之间的关系。
User: The UK's Advertising Standards Authority disagreed, ruling that EA and BioWare were not guilty of false advertisement since the endings were "thematically quite different", and the choices and Readiness Rating reflected in the ending content were significant enough to avoid actionable misleading of consumers under existing law.
Assistant: 英国广告标准管理局不同意这一说法,裁定EA和BioWare没有进行虚假宣传,因为结局“在主题上完全不同”,并且根据现行法律,反映在结局内容中的选择和请求程度足以避免对消费者的可操作的误导。
User: 23 February 2008.
Assistant: 2008年2月23日。
User: The Alcubierre drive, however, remains a hypothetical concept with seemingly difficult problems, though the amount of energy required is no longer thought to be unobtainably large.
Assistant: 然而,阿库别瑞引擎仍然是个面临不少困难的假想概念,虽然它所需的能量不再大到难以取得。
User: Andy Grove retired at 62, while both Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore retired at 58.
Assistant: 以往的所有CEO的退休年龄都低于65岁;葛洛夫在62岁时退休,而罗伯特·诺伊斯和高登·摩尔都在58岁时退休。
User: The long vowels have also been lost in some derived languages; in season 3 of Game of Thrones, we hear Astapori Valyrian, from which all long vowels have been lost.
Assistant: 高瓦雷利亚语的长母音在其他派声语言中也逐渐消失,例如在权力游戏第三季中,我们能听到 Astapori Valyrian 说的话中,所有的双元音都已经消失了。
User: Block-oriented file systems manage space allocation with one or more block-oriented bitmaps; in XFS, these structures are replaced with an extent oriented structure consisting of a pair of B+ trees for each file system allocation group.
Assistant: 有些文件系统用一个或多个面向块的位图管理空间分配——在XFS中这种结构被由一对B+树组成的、面向Extent的结构替代了;每个文件系统分配组(AG)包含这样的一个结构。
User: Using the parameters for U(IV), the calculated oxidation states are 5.78 and 5.77 for U1 and U2, respectively.
Assistant: 而以参数铀(IV)计算U1与U2的氧化态分别为是5.78和5.77。
User: The first edition includes vernacular names for all species and natural hybrids; these were dropped in the updated version.
Assistant: 第一版中包含了所述物种和自然杂交种的俗名;而第二版中部分俗名被去掉了。
User: In The OMAC Project limited series, Booster Gold gathers the old Justice League International heroes to investigate Blue Beetle's disappearance.
Assistant: 在OMAC工程系列期刊中,金色先锋召集原国际正义联盟的英雄去调查蓝甲虫的下落。
User: The PC is just another register similar to an accumulator, but dedicated to holding the number of the RASP's current register-based instruction.
Assistant: PC只是类似累加器的另一个寄存器,只专门持有RASP的当前基于寄存器的指令的编号。
User: Alibekov later wrote the book Biohazard (1999) detailing publicly his extensive inside knowledge of the structure, goals, operations and achievements of Biopreparat.
Assistant: 在1999年,阿利贝克写作出版了书籍《生化危机(英语:Biohazard (book))》,详细披露了Biopreparat的结构、目标、活动与成就等广泛的内幕信息。
User: Studies have shown that early maturing boys are more likely to be sexually active and are more likely to participate in risky behaviours.
Assistant: 研究表明,早熟的青少男更有可能是性活跃的,并更有可能从事高风险行为。
User: On Blu-ray discs a Pre-recorded Media Serial Number (PMSN) can be stored in the BCA.
Assistant: 而在蓝光光盘上的冲切区上则会记录上预录媒体序列号(Pre-recorded Media Serial Number,PMSN)。
User: The most common crystallisation process on Earth is the formation of ice.
Assistant: 地球上最常见的结晶现象应该是冰的形成。
User: Laborde also produced a wide range of industrial products at factories in the highland village Mantasoa and a foundry in the Antananarivo neighborhood Isoraka.
Assistant: Laborde还在高地农村芒塔索阿(英语:Mantasoa)和塔那那利佛附近的工厂生产了各种工业产品。
User: The group, headed by Abdel Aziz al-Muqrin, posted a video of a blindfolded Johnson on an Islamist website on June 15, 2004 and threatened to kill him unless all al-Qaeda prisoners were released from Saudi jails within 72 hours.
Assistant: 2004年6月15日阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹·玛克云为首的组织在一个伊斯兰网站上发布了约翰逊被蒙着眼睛的视频,并威胁要杀死他,除非在72小时内释放沙特监狱中的所有“基地组织”囚犯。
User: The song was released on October 7 through SM Station.
Assistant: 这首歌通过SM Station在10月7日正式发行。
User: In this case, we ignore the match and continue to extend the chain of h looking for another match.
Assistant: 在这个例子中,我们可以忽略这个匹配然后继续扩增h链同时寻找下一个匹配。
User: Spoken language (le langage parlé), or secondary expression, returns to our linguistic baggage, to the cultural heritage that we have acquired, as well as the brute mass of relationships between signs and significations.
Assistant: 被言说的语言(或次级表达)直接来源于我们的语言积累,来自我们获得的文化遗传,也来自大量符号和意义的关联。
User: It is found mainly in North America.
Assistant: 它们主要在北美洲发现。
User: The term "advanced persistent threat" has been cited as originating from the United States Air Force in 2006 with Colonel Greg Rattray cited as the individual who coined the term.
Assistant: 普遍认为“高级长期威胁”这个术语是在2006年由美国空军创造,而格雷格·拉特雷上校一般被认为是该术语的发明人。
User: He was regarded as an honest politician.
Assistant: 他被认为是公正的政治家。
User: In the irreversible case, entropy will be created in the system, and more entropy must be extracted than was added ( Δ S s u r r > 0 ) {\displaystyle (\Delta S_{surr}>0)} in order to return the system to its original state.
Assistant: 在不可逆的情况下,熵会在系统中产生,为了使系统回到原始状态,必须提取比所增加的更多的熵(∆S<0)以使系统恢复到原始状态。
User: On 10 December 1991, in a referendum boycotted by local Azerbaijanis, Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh approved the creation of an independent state.
Assistant: 1991年12月10日,在一场遭到当地阿塞拜疆人抵制的公民投票中,纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫的亚美尼亚人同意创建一个独立的国家。
User: Wheelchair access is possible at several places on the former railway trails, and cycle hire centres offer vehicles adapted to wheelchair users.
Assistant: 原铁路线路有多个地点轮椅可通道,自行车租用中心针对轮椅使用者提供了车辆改装。
User: His breakthrough and most notable acting role was Peregrin "Pippin" Took in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, from 2001 to 2003.
Assistant: 他的突破,以及最引人注目的表演角色,是在2001年至2003年的《指环王》三部曲中的皮瑞格林·图克。
User: Chen Jiulin was forced to leave the company and was arrested by the Singapore police.
Assistant: 陈久霖本人因此被迫离职,并遭到新加坡警方拘捕。
User: New features and APIs include: WPF improvements for spell check, support for per-user custom dictionaries and improved touch performance.
Assistant: 新的功能与 API 包括: WPF改进了拼写检查,支援用户自定义词典,并改进触控性能。
User: Domori was founded in 1997 by Gianluca Franzoni.
Assistant: Domori于1997年由詹卢卡·弗兰佐尼(Gianluca Franzoni)成立。
User: Note however that this chain does not always contain the hash value h; it may so happen that the chain starting at h merges with a chain having a different starting point.
Assistant: 注意,这里的哈希链并不总是会包含我们要寻找的哈希值h;很可能以h开始的链会和起点在h链之后的某个查找链重合。
User: He approached Tribune in 2004 to settle the situation, but the company said they had met the conditions to get back the rights.
Assistant: 比提还曾于2004年联系该公司试图解决这一情况,但对方表示他们已经符合了收回版权的的条件。
User: For more information on the technical specifics of the SOCKS protocol, see the sections below.
Assistant: 有关SOCKS协议的技术细节的更多信息,请参阅下面的部分。
User: The name of the town is of ancient, though of disputed origin.
Assistant: 它是于山国古代的一部分,但其确切的身份是有争议的。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: In 2015, one Gaelic-speaking retired policeman won the right to use his Gaelic name on Facebook, even though it was not his legal name.
Assistant: 2015年,一位说盖尔语的退休警察获得了在Facebook上使用盖尔语名字的权利,尽管这不是他的合法姓名。
User: As natural gas became cheaper than coal, coal supplies dropped 11% in 2015 but coal rail freight dropped by up to 40%, allowing an increase in car transport by rail, some in tri-level railcars.
Assistant: 随着天然气变得比煤炭更便宜,煤炭供应在2015年下降了11%,但煤炭铁路运送量却下降了40%,让铁路车辆运输(car transport by rail)得以增长,有些是通过三层铁路车辆(tri-level railcars)来运送的。
User: Both Isabella and Aimery died in 1205 and again an underage girl, Isabella and Conrad's daughter Maria of Montferrat, became queen of Jerusalem.
Assistant: 伊莎贝拉和阿马尔里克两人都于1205年去世,而又一名未成年少女,伊莎贝拉和康拉德的女儿蒙特费拉的玛丽亚,成为了耶路撒冷女王。
User: His work after 1949 was affected by political trends in art.
Assistant: 其1949年后的作品有将艺术政治化的倾向。
User: Some methods of generating knowledge, such as trial and error, or learning from experience, tend to create highly situational knowledge.
Assistant: 通过诸如试错法这样的方法来产生的知识,或者通过经验来学习到的知识,都倾向于是一种情境知识。
User: Versions 1.x to 5.x of the ME used the ARCTangent-A4 (32-bit only instructions) whereas versions 6.x to 8.x used the newer ARCompact (mixed 32- and 16-bit instruction set architecture).
Assistant: 1.x-5.x版本的ME使用ARCTangent-A4(仅支持32位),而版本6.x至8.x使用较新的ARCompact(混合32位和16位指令集架构)。
User: 32 acts performed during the sometimes rainy weekend in front of nearly half a million concertgoers.
Assistant: 共有32名摇滚乐与迷幻摇滚音乐家冒着周末的阵雨对着近50万人现场演奏。
User: His strict disciplinarian mum would often punish him for playing truant – at one time she even put a ball and chain on the boy's leg, and sent him to school in a horse carriage, or a Bendi.
Assistant: 他严格的母亲经常为了翘课而处罚他,有一次甚至为他上了脚镣,以马车将他运至学校上课。
User: Programming on AzTV primarily consists of news, talk shows, documentaries, music shows, and feature films.
Assistant: AzTV的节目主要包括新闻,脱口秀,纪录片,音乐表演和故事片。
User: In early April 1945, Lützow joined Galland's Jagdverband 44 (JV 44—44th Fighter Detachment) at Munich-Riem.
Assistant: 1945年初,史坦霍夫与阿道夫·加兰德(Adolf Galland)调派到第44战斗队(Jagdverband 44)。
User: The storm wrought severe destruction in Cuba, considered to be among the worst effects from a tropical cyclone on record.
Assistant: 风暴给古巴造成严重破坏,是该国有纪录以来造成最恶劣影响的热带气旋之一。
User: Vitamin B12 refers to a group of compounds called cobalamins that are available in the human body in a variety of mostly interconvertible forms.
Assistant: 维生素B12是指一组叫做钴胺的化合物,它们大多数在人体内可以相互转化。
User: With the example and the row permutation above, we arrive at Grid 2.
Assistant: 待避线与缓行线的下行为2号线,上行是3号线。
User: This definition focuses on the technical side of interoperability, while it has also been pointed out that interoperability is often more of an organizational issue: often interoperability has a significant impact on the organizations concerned, raising issues of ownership (do people want to share their data?) or are they dealing with information silos, labor relations (are people prepared to undergo training?) and usability.
Assistant: 该定义侧重于互操作性的技术方面,而同时人们还已经指出,互操作性往往不仅仅是一个组织机构问题(organizational issue):互操作性常常对那些有关的组织机构造成显著影响,引发所有权(人们是否愿意共享他们的数据?)、劳动关系(labor relations)(人们是否准备好接受培训?)以及可用性(usability)方面的问题。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: On May 31, after crossing Central America as a low pressure area, Alma's remnants moved into the Gulf of Honduras and spawned Tropical Storm Arthur.
Assistant: 5月31日,低气压区穿越中美洲进入洪都拉斯湾,在这里催生出热带风暴亚瑟。
User: Paving the major highways through Barstow led to further development of the city.
Assistant: 后来重要公路通过巴斯托为城市带来了进一步的发展。
User: Honda ED engine - first use of Honda's CVCC technology.
Assistant: 本田ED型发动机 - 首次运用本田CVCC技术。
User: Because self-interest demands that we always make self-interest our supreme rational concern and instructs us to ensure that our whole life goes as well as possible, self-interest makes temporally neutral requirements.
Assistant: 因为S需要我们始终以自我利益为我们的至高无上的理性关注,且指示确保我们的一生都尽可能的顺利进行,所以S成为现世中立的必要条件。
User: In January 2018, LGBT activists expressed hopes that a draft constitution, which had to be ready by June 2018, would include the legalisation of same-sex marriage.
Assistant: 在2018年1月,LGBT活动家表示希望宪法草案必须在2018年6月之前完成,其中包括同性婚姻合法化。
User: South Western Railway (SWR) is an English train operating company owned by FirstGroup (70%) and MTR Corporation (30%) that operates the South Western franchise.
Assistant: 西南铁路公司(South Western Railway,SWR)是英国的一家铁路客运公司,由第一集团(70%)和港铁公司(30%)所有。
User: Before that time, it was often difficult to decide whether a product infringed a patent, since the sole basis to know the extent of protection was the description, in view of the prior art.
Assistant: 在那时要判断一种产品是否侵犯一个专利是很困难(也很主观)的,因为了解该专利的保护范围的唯一途径就是由在先技术来分析该专利的说明。
User: In 2011, she became one of the founding members of Ringmasters, a non-exclusive worldwide group of artists and composers, though she later left the group.
Assistant: 2011年他成为Ringmasters——非排他性全球艺术家与作曲家组织——的创会会员之一,但他后来离开了团体。
User: These catch phrases are translated in the Canadian French version as well: "Eat my shorts" becomes "mange de la crotte" ("eat shit") while "Why you little..." becomes "mon p'tit verrat" ("you little brat").
Assistant: 以及这些加拿大法语版本流行语翻译:“吃我的短裤”变成了“吃地狱”(“mange la crotte”),而“为什么你这小......”变成了“你小混蛋”(“mon p'tit verrat”)。
User: The applied perspective views the linguistic exploitation of the Internet in terms of its communicative capabilities – the good and the bad.
Assistant: 应用方向从沟通能力的角度来审视互联网的语言学上的开发——包括好的方面与不好的方面。
User: After this commercial film he began to act only in quality films, like Senza pelle, where his role, a man with psychological problems, was appreciated by critics.
Assistant: 在这部商业电影之后,他开始只在高质量的电影中表演,比如像《狂恋吉娜》,他的在片中饰演一个个有心理问题的人并受到了电影评论家的赞赏。
User: Polyanhydrides are an active area of research in drug delivery because they only degrade from the surface and so are able to release the drug they carry at a constant rate.
Assistant: 聚酐在给药研究中的应用也成为非常活跃的领域,因为它们只从表面降解,所以能以恒定的速率释放所携带的药物。
User: Fires from burning tires stretched 70 meters across the street, and flames 5 meters high divided the sides.
Assistant: 街对面70米处燃烧的轮胎被加长,两边的火焰高达5米。
User: Like other mosses of this type it can soak up water up to the 30-fold amount of its own dry weight thanks to its elastic spiral fibers.
Assistant: 像这种类型的其他苔藓它可以吸收的水可达自身干重量的30倍,这归功于其弹性螺旋纤维。
User: For example, as Android was developed initially as a phone OS, hardware such as microphones were required, while over time the phone function became optional.
Assistant: 例如,由于Android最初是作为手机操作系统而开发的,因此必须麦克风等那些硬件,而随着时间的推移,这些手机功能变成可选的项目。
User: The words are by Cecil Frances Alexander and were first published in her Hymns for Little Children.
Assistant: 这个词是由塞西尔·弗朗西斯·亚历山大(Cecil Frances Alexander)发表的,并且首次出版在她的“小孩子”(Hymns for Little Children)中。
User: He is the supreme god of the Tatars and the Son of the sky deity (Gök Tengri).
Assistant: 是岑彭的玄孙,岑杞的儿子,爵位为细阳侯。
User: She has also contributed to Maida's solo EP, Love Hope Hero.
Assistant: 她也在 Maida 的个人 EP《Love Hope Hero》里献声。
User: By 2006, WVNJ was down to only a few hours of music per week.
Assistant: 直到2006年,CBC才开始每周至少播放2场高清比赛。
User: The gas in the central part can either be accreted or ejected by the growing planets, while the small dust particles are ejected by the radiation pressure of the central star.
Assistant: 在中心部分的气体,不是被增生的行星吸积,就是被喷流弹射,而小颗粒的尘埃粒子则由中心恒星辐射压逐出。
User: This question was answered under the International Astronomical Union definition of a planet, adopted on 24 August 2006, which mandated that a planet must have cleared the neighborhood around its orbit.
Assistant: 后来国际天文联合会在2006年8月24日所决议的行星定义解决这个问题,认为行星必须清除邻近的小天体。
User: Contrapposto can be clearly seen in the Roman copies of the statues of Hermes and Heracles.
Assistant: 对立式平衡可以在古罗马雕塑复制品赫耳墨斯和赫拉克勒斯雕塑上清晰可见。
User: A few days after the February insurrection, he believed that a violent clash between the Parisian workers' population led by socialists agitating in favor of a "Democratic and Social Republic" and the conservatives, which included the aristocracy and the rural population, was inescapable.
Assistant: 在二月革命的骚乱后不久,他认为一场处于支持“民主和社会共和国”的劳工人口与由乡村人口和贵族构成的保守派之间的血腥冲突是难以避免了。
User: It presently exists in exile, and is reforming within Vietnam itself.
Assistant: 他试图在越南施行改革,将现代化引入越南。
User: "House of Dunkeld" is all but unknown; "Canmore kings" and "Canmore dynasty" are not universally accepted, nor are Richard Oram's recent "meic Maíl Coluim" or Michael Lynch's "MacMalcolm".
Assistant: "邓凯尔德王朝"名称的来源几乎是未知的;"坎莫尔王"和"坎莫尔王朝"没有被普遍接受,理查德·奥拉姆的近代硬币中的"meic Maíl Coluim"或迈克尔·林奇的"MacMalcolm"也不被认可。
User: Egypt partly opened the Rafah border crossing from Egypt to Gaza, primarily for people, but not for supplies, to go through.
Assistant: 埃及部分开放了埃及到加沙的拉法过境点,埃及外交部清楚表示过境点的开放主要是为人员通行,不能运送供应品。
User: In June 2011, after releasing his fifth Korean studio album, The Road Not Taken, Shin wrapped up a series of performances in Seoul, Busan, and Shanghai.
Assistant: 2011年6月,发行第四张正规韩文专辑, "The Road Not Taken",彗星举办了一系列在首尔,釜山,上海演出。
User: The iPhone attracts users of all ages, and besides consumer use, the iPhone has also been adopted for business purposes.
Assistant: iPhone吸引不同年龄层用家的青睐,除了消费者使用外,它还作商业用途。
User: Entered in State and National Registers, 1986.
Assistant: 国际传播与科技,1986年。
User: Her modifications to the defense code propagate throughout the fleet, effectively disarming it, and the massive attacks begin, resulting in the near extinction of humankind.
Assistant: 她修改了防御编码并传播到整个舰队,轻易的瘫痪舰队,而后大规模攻击开始,导致人类几近灭亡。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: The United Communist League of Bangladesh is a political party in Bangladesh, founded in April 2013 through the merger conference of the Communist League of Bangladesh and the Workers Party of Bangladesh (reconstituted) held in Dhaka.
Assistant: 该党成立于2013年4月,由孟加拉国共产主义联盟和孟加拉国工人党(重建)合并而成。
User: Aged six, she was taken to swimming classes while the family holidayed in the Mornington Peninsula.
Assistant: 利奇六岁时就被送去学习游泳课程,家人则在莫宁顿半岛度假。
User: On August 13, a ship encountered a severe hurricane in the eastern Caribbean Sea.
Assistant: 8月13日,有船只在加勒比海东部遭遇强烈飓风。
User: However, use of Kt/V and urea modeling in general allows for comparing expected with predicted dose of dialysis, which can be used to analyze dialysis treatments and dialyzer clearances and in troubleshooting and quality control activities.
Assistant: 但是,一般Kt/V及尿素建模的使用允许用于比较预期之透析预测剂量,它可用于分析透析治疗及透析器清除率,与排除故障和质量控制活动。
User: Later, more buildings were constructed (a sports hall in the 1980s, an art room, and the Highfield Prep School).
Assistant: 之后学校又修建了体育馆(二十世纪八十年代)、美术室和附属小学。
User: He found that while racial mismatch of teacher and student had negative effects on academic achievement in regular sized classes, this effect was absent in small classes.
Assistant: 他发现虽然教师和学生的种族错配对普通班级的学业成绩产生了负面影响,但小班教学却没有这种影响。
User: Some theories further generalize the idea to include such objects as unbounded polytopes (apeirotopes and tessellations), and abstract polytopes.
Assistant: 一些理论进一步推广这样的想法包括无限多面体(apeirotopes和分割),和抽象多面体。
User: In some cases only a sample of broadcast material has to be submitted.
Assistant: 但是在某些情况下仅提供放映材料的部分既可。
User: Clements and the third pilot, Lt. Hammond, called off their pursuit at 22,500 feet (6,900 m).
Assistant: 阿尔伯特·克莱蒙斯中尉和哈蒙德中尉在22,500英尺(6,900米)停止追逐该物体。
User: After her son's bitter divorce from his wife, Simone Duvalier lived with her son in relative poverty in the suburbs of Paris.
Assistant: 之后她的儿子和妻子离婚,杜瓦利埃夫人与她的儿子在相对贫困巴黎郊区生活。
User: So that's where The Navigator begins.
Assistant: 此为清设水师之始。
User: Some of the needs would cause impairment, such as lack of sleep would cause the player to fall asleep on the spot.
Assistant: 部分需求会造成减益效果,像是缺乏睡眠会让玩家在某处昏厥,而缺乏饮食则会致命。
User: To foster inter-religious dialogue and understanding.
Assistant: 促进宗教间的对话和理解。
User: A hurricane was first seen by the ship Addie Barnes on August 19 in the western Atlantic Ocean, about midway between the southeastern Bahamas and Bermuda.
Assistant: 8月19日,“艾迪·巴恩斯号”(Addie Barnes)在巴哈马东南部和百慕大之间中途位置附近的西大西洋发现飓风。
User: Nepenthes burbidgeae (Hook.f. ex Burb.) is thought to be named after his wife.
Assistant: 而斑豹猪笼草(Nepenthes burbidgeae)则被认为是以他妻子的名字命名的。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: The headquarters of the National Parks Board is located within the grounds of the Singapore Botanic Gardens.
Assistant: 新加坡国家公园局总部设于新加坡植物园内。
User: The orchestral tracks were again released in the Symphonic Suite Dragon Quest I album, including orchestral versions of the game's sound effects.
Assistant: 管弦乐曲又于专辑《交响组曲 勇者斗恶龙I》中再次发行,专辑中收录管弦乐版本的游戏音效。
User: In the case of twins, one usually dies, because the mother cannot produce sufficient milk for both.
Assistant: 双胞胎很少见,而且双胞胎一般无法生存,因为母兽的奶不够喂两头幼兽。
User: Also, while new theories may be proposed by a single person or by many, the cycle of modifications eventually incorporates contributions from many different scientists.
Assistant: 而且,可能新理论虽然由一人或多人提出,但其修改周期最终结合了许多不同科学家的贡献。
User: In the United States condoms usually cost less than US$1.00.
Assistant: 在美国每个避孕套的价格一般低于1美元。
User: ELKI is an open-source Java data mining toolkit that contains several anomaly detection algorithms, as well as index acceleration for them.
Assistant: ELKI(英语:ELKI)是一个包含若干异常检测算法及其索引加速的开源Java数据挖掘工具箱。
User: Jess Lau of The 405 noted that "Love Yourself: Tear shows off each individual member's qualities fairly and acts as a well-structured introduction to a wider global audience that is all too eager to pick out negatives".
Assistant: 《405》的杰丝·刘觉得“《Love Yourself 转 'Tear'》公平展示了每位成员的个人特性,并对于更广泛且吹毛求疵的全球听众来说,这就像是一个组织良好的自我介绍”。
User: Degradation of Aux/IAA proteins derepresses transcription factors in the auxin-response factor (ARF) family and induces ARF-directed gene expression.
Assistant: Aux/IAA蛋白降解后,对auxin反应因子(ARF)家族的转录因子的抑制就被解除,从而诱导ARF基因的表达。
User: OMA Beijing — Projects include the office's largest project to date, the 575,000 m2 China Central Television Headquarters (CCTV) and Television Cultural Center (TVCC), in Beijing.
Assistant: 北京办公室完成了 OMA 有史以来最大型项目 - 575,000 平方米的中国中央电视台CCTV总部大楼及毗连的电视文化中心(TVCC)。
User: This large amount of reinforcement surface area means that a relatively small amount of nanoscale reinforcement can have an observable effect on the macroscale properties of the composite.
Assistant: 大的界面面积意味着很少量的增强相可以对复合物整体的宏观性质产生影响。
User: Horace W. Babcock later proposed a qualitative model for the dynamics of the solar outer layers.
Assistant: 稍后,Horace W. Babcock提出太阳外层的动力学模型。
User: An analysis of over 900 orlistat users in Ontario showed that their rate of acute kidney injury was more than triple that of non-users.
Assistant: 一个在安大略的研究报告指出,在900位使用奥利司他的使用者中发生急性肾损伤的比率比对照组多了三倍。
User: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.
Assistant: 国际民主和选举援助学会为联合国观察员。
User: The government also provides for watchdogs over its own activities; these independent administrative authorities are headed by a commission typically composed of senior lawyers or of members of the Parliament.
Assistant: 政府也为它自己的活动的看守者做准备;这些独立行政机构由通常由高级律师或国会议员组成的委员会领导。
User: Bečvář lies at the center of an unnamed, highly subdued, 200 km diameter crater which was originally discovered during the Apollo 16 mission and reported by Farouk El-Baz.
Assistant: 贝奇瓦日环形山坐落在一座直径约200公里,已高度退化的无名大陨坑中央,该无名坑最初是在阿波罗16号任务中所发现并由"法鲁克·埃尔巴兹"(Farouk El-Baz)报告。
User: The Joseph Priestley statue was originally located in Victoria Square (then called Council House Square).
Assistant: 普里斯特利雕像原本位于维多利亚广场(当时称为市议会广场)。
User: The Dane-zaa, Chipewyan, and South Slavey speak (or spoke) languages from the Northern Athabaskan family which is also common in the regions to the north and west of the park, and call themselves the "Dene" collectively.
Assistant: 丹麦卡人、奇普怀恩人和南部奴隶的语言从北部亚大巴斯卡家族而来,这一家族在公园的北部和西部均普遍存在,他们自称为丹麦人。
User: Not all homicides are crimes, or subject to criminal prosecution.
Assistant: 并不是所有失踪者都是暴力犯罪或其他犯罪的受害者。
User: If he is too near the prisoner, the tip of the cane will fall beyond the buttocks and the force of the stroke will cause the unsupported tip to dip and bend the cane and thus reduce the effect of the stroke.
Assistant: 如果他太靠近犯人,藤鞭的顶尖会超过犯人的屁股,打击的力道会使藤鞭的顶尖弯曲,减少鞭打的效果。
User: For the tenth year in a row, Fortune magazine recognized Southwest Airlines in its annual survey of corporate reputations.
Assistant: 十年以来,每年《财富》杂志在其年度调查里都赞赏西南航空的声誉。
User: The desire to attract Pakistani students was a major driver behind the university's decision to move away from using Chinese as their medium of instruction, even though it has proven challenging for the professors there.
Assistant: 最吸引巴基斯坦学生的一点是大学决定不再使用中文而是英文作为主要的教学语言,不过这对那里的教授来说是具有挑战性的。 |
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Flexible images are also sized in relative units, so as to prevent them from displaying outside their containing element.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
灵活的图像也以相对单位调整大小(最大到 100%),以防止它们显示在包含它们的元素外面。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The members of the robotics team greatly enjoy their time there.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: After deciding to use an isometric grid, Cerny began developing the game's concept.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
In terms of net radioactive release, the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) estimated the average radioactivity per short ton of coal is 17,100 millicuries/4,000,000 tons.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 就放射性的释放净值来说,美国放射线防护与测量会议(National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements,NCRP)计算了每短吨煤炭的平均放射线为17,100毫居里/4,000,000吨。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In 2003, economics PhD student Andrea Ciffolilli argued that the low transaction costs of participating in a wiki create a catalyst for collaborative development, and that features such as allowing easy access to past versions of a page favor "creative construction" over "creative destruction".
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
2003年,经济学博士研究生安德烈·奇福利利(Andrea Ciffolilli)认在为,Wiki软件创造一个共同发展的环境底下,凭借著低交易成本和“创造性建设”的方针使得维基百科成功鼓励他人参与其中。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Her father Harti won the season title in downhill in 1981 and was world champion in 1982.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:她父亲Harti曾获得1981年世界杯滑降项目冠军和1982年世界高山滑雪锦标赛冠军。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The 2018 IAAF World Half Marathon Championships took place on 24 March 2018 in Valencia, Spain.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The 2000 Statistical Yearbook of Jerusalem lists 1204 synagogues, 158 churches, and 73 mosques within the city.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 2000年耶路撒冷统计年鉴显示,耶路撒冷拥有1204座犹太会堂、158座教堂和73座清真寺。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:This may have been true of the Black Flags in Tonkin, but there is no direct indication of official Chinese involvement in Laos.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:就东京的黑旗军而言,这一想法也许是对的,但是并没有直接的迹象显示了中国官方涉足了老挝事务。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Leiostyla laurinea.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 精灵为拉拉。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Throughout the Progressive Era, it remained one of the prominent causes associated with Progressivism at the local, state and national level, though support across the full breadth of Progressives was mixed.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在整个进步时代中,这是进步主义在地方、州郡、全国范围内的重要目标,但是就进步主义全面支持形形色色。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Charles Dickens's novel Great Expectations (serialisation begins).
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Trans-1,3-di-substituted cyclohexanes are like cis-1,2- and cis-1,4- and can flip between the two equivalent axial/equatorial forms.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Newman won for Best Foreign Actor and Piper Laurie was nominated for Best Foreign Actress.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:According to midrashim, Adam gave up 70 years of his life for the life of David.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
He said that the moral development of the "natives" would benefit from conversion to Christianity, and they must be give freedom to convert.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In addition to the combat system, most reviewers noted the vehicle handling was more realistic than in previous games.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 除了战斗系统,多数评论者指出,该作的车辆的操控性相比前作更加逼真。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The average 5 year survival following diagnosis in the developed world is 42-64%.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
A similar approach exists in Windows XP when the Windows Indexing Service is enabled, as a search can be saved as a .fnd file.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
类似的方法Windows XP中也存在,当Windows索引服务启用时,搜索可以保存为.fnd文件。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Later Mariner missions (Mariner 6, and Mariner 7) filled in some of the gaps in basic climate information.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: It included Cassini orbiting Saturn 155 more times, conducting 54 additional flybys of Titan and 11 more of Enceladus.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Christian right politics in Latin America is strongly connected with the growing Evangelical Christian community.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
另见:保守主义浪潮 拉丁美洲的基督教右翼政治与不断增长的福音派基督教社区密切相关。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:When you do an online search, documents and websites are retrieved based on the frequency of unique labels related to what you typed into a search engine.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Often, gumbo and bread are the sole courses in a meal, although many Cajun families provide a side dish of potato salad.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:一般秋葵浓汤和面包会是一顿主餐中的唯一菜肴,不过很多阿加底亚家庭会加一道土豆沙拉作为辅菜。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Because of this, she jokingly calls him Daddy-Long-Legs.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 因此她开玩笑似的叫他长腿叔叔。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:On 7 December 2005 he was moved to Shadow Defence Secretary by new Leader of the Opposition David Cameron.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 2005年12月7日,他被新任反对党领袖戴维·卡梅伦任命为影子国防大臣。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Children who Break the Law, Or, Everybody Does it.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Currently not restored, half-destroyed.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:现被废弃,部分被毁。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Communist Party of Honduras (in Spanish: Partido Comunista de Honduras) is a communist party in Honduras.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
洪都拉斯共产党(西班牙语:Partido Comunista de Honduras)是洪都拉斯的一个共产主义政党。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The Ophi worshiped serpents, hence Land of Serpents.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 此蛇主治疟疾,山野间的土人会将蛇身风干,并将其繋于颈上。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The last military use of the castle was in the mid-16th century by Gian Giacomo Medici, known as "Medeghino" (the "small Medici"), who was primarily a mercenary.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:这座城堡最后一次用于军事用途是在16世纪中叶,由 "小美第奇"("Medeghino")的雇佣军使用。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Later, kamikaze planes attacked and sank St. Lo.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
In 2007, PHP_Archive was ported to C and released as a PECL extension.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在2007年,PHP归档包被移植到C并作为一个PEAR扩展发布。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Bves is found in a wide variety of organisms (from flies to humans) and is a member of the evolutionarily conserved Popdc family of proteins.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: His plan combined provisions for linguistic, philosophical and scientific instruction with a separate academy in which graduates could pursue further scientific research.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 他的联合的计划为语言,哲学和科学指示供应与毕业生可能追求进一步科学研究的一所分开的学院、研究中心。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:It is derived from the plural dative form of the Old Norse word flá meaning "plain, flat piece of land", and it refers to the flood plains of the Flåm River.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:它源自古挪威语“flá”的复数形式,意思是“平原、平坦的土地”,它指的是弗洛姆河的泛滥平原。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The single gained a gold certification in just a few weeks.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:上市数周就得到了金唱片的认证。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Tatum is the son of Justin Tatum and Brandy Cole.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:塔图姆是贾斯汀·塔图姆和白兰地科尔的儿子。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The Federation issued its first postage stamps in 1954, all with a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II in three kinds of designs, and inscribed "RHODESIA & NYASALAND".
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The winds also broke a few windows.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 爆炸还炸毁了许多窗户。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Since the coming into force of the Joint Declaration, new land grants contain a standard condition that the lessee is required to pay an annual rent, from 1 July 1997, equal to 3% of the rateable value from time to time of the land leased.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:自《联合声明》生效后,所有政府土地契约均包含一项标准条件,规定由1997年7月1日起,承租人每年须缴纳租金,款额相当于批租土地应课差饷租值的3%(下称“地租”)。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: Lee's army, checked at last, returned to Virginia before McClellan could destroy it.
Assistant: 李的军队到最后被制止,在被麦克莱伦歼灭之前回到弗吉尼亚州。
User: She has a YouTube channel.
Assistant: 他拥有四个YouTube频道。
User: Although Parker and Stone credit "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride" as helping elevate the series, they felt "Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo" elevated South Park to a new level of popularity and relevance.
Assistant: 虽然帕克和斯通将《基哥哥爱之船》(Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride)视为提升《南方公园》的作品,但他们同样认为《圣诞便便,黄金先生》令节目的受欢迎程度和与社会关联的密切程度都达到新高度。
User: She served three years very acceptably.
Assistant: 大正3年正式采用。
User: SMM allows for a finer-grain allocation of resources than SMX, saving power when the workload isn't optimal for shared resources.
Assistant: SMM提供比SMX更细粒度的资源分配,当负载并非为共用资源最佳化时节省电力。
User: Eating after midday.
Assistant: 至午膳而后还大内。
User: Inside there is no static accumulation of rooms, but a dynamic, changeable open zone.
Assistant: 其内部并没有房间的静止堆积,而是动态的可变的开放区。
User: By the early 1980s, it was obvious that the SNC group of meteorites (Shergottites, Nakhlites, Chassignites) were significantly different from most other meteorite types.
Assistant: 在1980年代早期,已经知道SNC(Shergottites, Nakhlites, Chassignites)陨石集团与大多数其他类型的陨石有着很明显的不同。
User: In April 2011 the then Leicester South MP Sir Peter Soulsby left the House of Commons to seek election as Mayor of Leicester.
Assistant: 2011年4月,当时的莱斯特南部国会议员彼得·索尔斯比阁下(Sir Peter Soulsby)离开下议院,参与竞选莱斯特市市长。
User: IEC 61499 enables an application-centric design, in which one or more applications, defined by networks of interconnected function blocks, are created for the whole system and subsequently distributed to the available devices.
Assistant: IEC 61499使以应用程序为中心的设计成为可能,即先进行整体系统设计,随后将完成设计的功能块网络可以划分为一个或者多个应用程序被分配到不同的设备上。
User: In the stairwell between eight large pilasters painted landscapes and architectural motifs from the Mosel region created by Karl Julius Grätz are located.
Assistant: 楼梯间围绕着8个大型景观壁柱和出自摩泽尔地区由卡尔·朱利叶斯·格拉茨创造的建筑图案。
User: In reaction, Serbia announced closure of its borders with Macedonia and Bulgaria to migrants without valid documents.
Assistant: 作为回应,塞尔维亚宣布对没有有效证件的移民,关闭其与马其顿和保加利亚的边境。
User: These planets form cloud decks of silicates and iron deep in their atmospheres, but this is not predicted to affect their spectrum.
Assistant: 这些行星在大气层深处的云是由硅酸盐和铁形成的,但深处云层并不会影响行星的光谱。
User: On June 11, Feng's family posted graphic pictures of her stillborn child.
Assistant: 6月11日,家属发布冯建梅夭折孩子的照片。
User: Its name refers to its office location in northwest Washington, D.C., on 18th and F Streets.
Assistant: 它的名称是因为办公室座落的位置是在华盛顿哥伦比亚特区西北处,第18街(英语:18th Street NW (Washington, D.C.))与F街交会处。
User: On March 7, 2007, the 60 GB PlayStation 3 launched in Singapore with a price of S$799.
Assistant: 在2007年3月7日,60 GB的机种在新加坡发售,售价为799新加坡元。 |
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The act insulates the American public from being targeted by the government-sponsored information and broadcasting which is directed at audiences beyond America's borders.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In the 2003 documentary Charlie: The Life and Art of Charles Chaplin, Woody Allen said it was Chaplin's best picture.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:在2003年的纪录片《查理·卓别林的生活和艺术》(Charlie: The Life and Art of Charles Chaplin)中,伍迪·艾伦说本片是卓别林最好的作品。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:One priest of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad noted that martyrdom in the Russian Orthodox Church has nothing to do with the martyr's personal actions but is instead related to why he or she was killed.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 不过一名海外俄国东正教的教士则指出殉道跟当事人的作为没有关系,是与他或她为何被杀有关。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:This line was operated by SNCAN and was able to produce another 48 Do 24s.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 该生产线主要是由SNCA负责生产额外48架Do 24s。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
She arrived there on 12 December, and received 750 t (740 long tons; 830 short tons) of coal from a German steamer.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
In January 2003 President Megawati Sukarnoputri signed an order dividing Papua into three provinces: Central Irian Jaya (Irian Jaya Tengah), Papua (or East Irian Jaya, Irian Jaya Timur), and West Papua (Irian Jaya Barat).
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 2003年1月,时任印尼总统梅加瓦蒂·苏加诺普特丽签署了一项决定,将巴布亚拆分为三个省:中伊里安查亚(印尼语:Irian Jaya Tengah)、巴布亚或东伊里安查亚(印尼语:Irian Jaya Timur)、西伊里安查亚(印尼语:Irian Jaya Barat)。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Ooi was reportedly a former private tutor and property executive.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Around that time, Barnes left the project to complete a degree at the University of East Anglia, and returned in July 1996.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Equivalently to the critique brought forward against BPR, BPM is now accused of focusing on technology and disregarding the people aspects of change.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:A Development Guide Plan is then drawn up for each planning area, providing for detailed planning guidelines for every individual plot of land throughout the country.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 每个规划区皆有制定一份因地制宜的发展指导蓝图(英语:Development guide plan),为全国每块土地提供详细的规划指南。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
As the city wanted to tear down the IRT Sixth Avenue Line right away and save on the costs of shoring it up while construction proceeded underneath it, the IRT Sixth Avenue Line was purchased for $12.5 million and terminated by the city on December 5, 1938.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
此外,为了将IND第六大道地铁线上方的IRT第六大道线(英语:IRT Sixth Avenue Line)高架铁路拆卸,并节省支撑高架铁路结构的费用,市政府花费1250万美元买下了这条高架铁路,并于1938年12月5日终止其运营,拆卸下来的钢材被卖到日本。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
When Dr. Lund left in 1912, the Bible School was closed.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Individuals need to regulate their thoughts about the strategy they are using and adjust it based on the situation to which the strategy is being applied.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 每个个体在思考他们正在使用的策略时需要管理规范,同时也要根据策略所要运用的情境来进行思路的调整。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Like all BOINC projects, Rosetta@home uses idle computer processing resources from volunteers' computers to perform calculations on individual workunits.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 与其他BOINC项目一样,Rosetta@home使用志愿者的计算机中空闲的进程资源来执行单独的单元计算。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: Henry Moore's bronze sculpture Knife Edge Two Piece 1962–65 is located in the gardens.
Assistant: 亨利·摩尔的青铜雕塑刀锋两件1962-65(Knife Edge Two Piece 1962–65)位于花园。
User: Harrison once again refused to present his creations to Berthoud, knowing that he was fully capable of using them to benefit the French Navy.
Assistant: 但哈里森又一次拒绝向贝尔杜展示自己的钟表杰作,因为他深信贝尔杜会因此参透其中奥秘,并用以帮助法国海军。
User: A member of the Navy stated that he had seen Bradley in a brothel in 1999.
Assistant: 一名海军成员表示,他在1999年曾在一家妓院看见过布拉德利。
User: In describing Jolson's extensive experience performing in blackface in stage musicals, he asserts, "The immigrant Jew as Broadway star...works within a blackface minstrel tradition that obscures his Jewish pedigree, but proclaims his white identity.
Assistant: 在描写乔森大量在舞台上表演的黑脸演唱时他写道:“移民的百老汇犹太歌星......在黑脸歌手传统表演时掩饰了他的犹太血统,但是强调他的白人自我。
User: Port Klang plays a key role in the industrial development of Selangor because it is the busiest port in Malaysia.
Assistant: 巴生港是雪兰莪工业发展的核心,因为它是马来西亚最繁忙的港口。
User: Various forms of elaboration on this scheme exist: for example, Seyfert 1s with relatively narrow broad lines are sometimes referred to as narrow-line Seyfert 1s.
Assistant: 在这个问题上存在多种形式的阐述:例如,有着相对狭窄的宽线的塞弗特1型有时指的是窄线塞弗特I型。
User: It is a lustrous white solid used since antiquity, notably in ancient Egypt.
Assistant: 它是一种有光泽的白色固体,自古代起便已有使用,尤其是在古埃及。
User: Kate follows and jumps in too.
Assistant: 在她跳下去的时候,Ken也跟着跳。
User: The Ninth Crusade is sometimes also counted as part of the Eighth.
Assistant: 第九次十字军东征,有时也被合并成第八次东征的一部分。
User: In 1975, a writer for Fodor's travel guides described the Transalpin as "one of the best trains in Europe for mountain scenery".
Assistant: 1975年,在由福多尔公司出版的旅游指南中,曾将穿越阿尔卑斯号誉为“欧洲山区景色中最好的列车之一”。
User: After the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918 and the end of the Second World War in 1945, many aristocratic families had to give up their city homes due to rising costs of upkeep.
Assistant: 1918年奥匈帝国解体以后,以及1945年第二次世界大战结束时,由于保养成本上升,许多贵族家庭不得不放弃自己的城市住宅。
User: Scott wanted the film to end with Shaw's declaration that she is still searching for definitive answers.
Assistant: 斯科特希望电影在肖声明自己仍然在寻找确切答案时结束。
User: Hatfield and Medley have contrasting vocal range that helped them create a distinctive sound as a duet, but also strong vocal talent individually that allowed them to perform as soloists.
Assistant: 哈特菲尔德与麦德利有着截然不同的音域范围,这有助于他们创造出独特的二重唱合声,而同时两人也有强大的声乐天赋,让他们也能够独唱。
User: Nieuw-Den Helder was built in the 1950s, following World War II, when there was a great need for additional housing.
Assistant: 新登海尔德建于1950年代,紧接着第二次世界大战,当时急需大量住房。
User: The Glenbow Museum in Calgary has a copy of this painting that is thought to have been done by Kane's wife Harriet Clench.
Assistant: 卡尔加里的格林堡博物馆有一幅该画的复制品,被认为是凯恩的太太哈丽特·克伦奇所作。
User: Lightweight software test automation is the process of creating and using relatively short and simple computer programs, called lightweight test harnesses, designed to test a software system.
Assistant: 轻量级软件测试自动化(英语:Lightweight software test automation)是设计相对简单及短的计算机程序(称为轻量级测试工具)来测试软件系统的过程。
User: No relegation.
Assistant: 不得解脱。
User: Those wishing to climb the staircase within the statue to the crown purchase a special ticket, which may be reserved up to a year in advance.
Assistant: 有兴趣从塑像内楼梯爬上王冠的游客需要购买一种特殊门票,这种门票可以提前一年预订。
User: Pedro Ximeno discovered the third small bone of the ear.
Assistant: Pedro Ximeno发现耳朵的第三块听小骨。
User: She pursued postgraduate studies at New York University, obtaining an MA in international relations in 1990.
Assistant: 她在纽约大学读研究生,在1990年取得了国际关系硕士学位。
User: The larger and historically dominant western part was assigned to Germany.
Assistant: 偏西的部分面积更大,历史上也更加重要,由德国控制。
User: A radio network has two sales departments, one to package and sell programs to radio stations, and one to sell the audience of those programs to advertisers.
Assistant: 电台联播网至少具有两个销售部门,一个包装和销售节目给各独立电台;另一个则将该节目的广告时段出售给潜在的广告客户。
User: Systematic experimental studies aiming at the diversification of the chemical structure of nucleic acids have resulted in completely novel informational biopolymers.
Assistant: 多样化核酸化学结构的系统实验研究已经生成了承载信息的完全新的生物聚合物。
User: In 2003, A. Elizabeth Jones, the U.S. assistant secretary of state for Europe and Eurasia, testified on the threat of terrorism in Central Asia before the U.S. House of Representatives' subcommittee on the Middle East and Central Asia, arguing that the greatest threats were the IMU, and Hizb ut-Tahrir.
Assistant: 2003年,,美国欧洲和欧亚事务助理国务卿伊丽莎白·琼斯在美国众议院下属中东及中亚地区委员会中作证,称中亚地区最大的恐怖组织威胁时乌伊运和伊扎布特。
User: The highest point of the island is Mount Nanlaud at 772 or 782 metres.
Assistant: 岛上的最高点是在772米或者782米的Mount Nanlaud。
User: The carinae are distant.
Assistant: 寇先南走定远。
User: It is situated in the west of the Icelandic interior or Highlands of Iceland and can be seen clearly from Haukadalur.
Assistant: 它位于冰岛内陆的西部,并且从豪卡道鲁(Haukadalur)可以清晰地看到它。
User: Since leaving Middlesbrough, Ricard courted controversy both on and off the pitch.
Assistant: 自离开米德尔斯堡后,里卡德就不断地在球场上和球场下惹上官司。
User: He specialized in child analysis and underwent a training analysis with Anna Freud.
Assistant: 他专注于儿童的精神分析,并在安娜·佛洛伊德门下进行训练。
User: When the first 15-inch (380 mm) round from the dreadnought Queen Elizabeth landed close by, Yavuz moved out of firing position, close to the cliffs, where Queen Elizabeth could not engage her.
Assistant: 当英国无畏舰伊丽莎白女王号(英语:HMS Queen Elizabeth (1913))以15英寸(380毫米)炮发出的首轮齐射落在附近时,严君号离开了射击阵位,驶近悬崖,使得伊丽莎白女王号无法与之交战。
User: North's Math team competes in the Minnesota State High School Mathematics League.
Assistant: 学校的数学小组也参加了明尼苏达州高中数学联赛的竞争。
User: Reeling from the panic of 1819, Kentuckians had demanded debt relief.
Assistant: 由于1819年大恐慌的影响,肯塔基州人要求减免债务。
User: Not without reason he is fearful of cameras.
Assistant: 演技很差,会害怕摄影机。
User: He managed to fire three salvos before a shell destroyed the gun director, disabling his equipment.
Assistant: 他在一枚炮弹摧毁火炮指挥仪、使其设备失效之前,设法完成了三轮齐射。
User: Milk, particularly in a fermented form called ikivuguto, is a common drink throughout the country.
Assistant: 牛奶,特别是人称“ikivuguto”的发酵酸奶,在全国各地都是很常见的饮料。
User: However, the tension between the officials continued.
Assistant: 但官员们之间的紧张关系仍在继续。
User: The bodyshells themselves are generally made of lightweight materials such as glass-reinforced plastic or carbon fibre and often few or no parts are shared between race and road versions of the cars.
Assistant: 赛车的车身外壳通常由玻璃纤维或碳纤维等轻质物料制成,它往往很少或没有任何零部件是与量产车共享的。
User: The Phoenix metropolitan area is the most populous metropolitan area of the Mountain States, followed by Denver, Las Vegas, and Salt Lake City.
Assistant: 这一地区最大的都市圈是凤凰城都市圈,之后是丹佛、拉斯维加斯和盐湖城。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: Feeding mostly occurs during the day.
Assistant: 觅食一般发生在白昼。
User: Select a significance level (α), a probability threshold below which the null hypothesis will be rejected.
Assistant: 选择一个显著性水平 (α),若低于这个概率阈值,就会拒绝零假设。
User: A study published in the winter 1996 edition of the Journal of Student Financial Aid, “How Much Student Loan Debt Is Too Much?” suggested that the monthly student debt payment for the average undergraduate should not exceed 8% of total monthly income after graduation.
Assistant: 在1996冬的学生资助杂志发表的一项研究中,文章“学生贷款债务有多少,是太多了吗?”毕业后,建议本科学生平均每月债务付还的总收入不应该超过8%。
User: In Japan, celebrities reported losing weight after playing Dance Dance Revolution, which drove sales of the game's home console version.
Assistant: 日本有报道明星玩《舞蹈革命》后减重,这促进了游戏家用机版本的销售。
User: Irwin attended high school at the Charlotte Christian School.
Assistant: 柯瑞也进入了夏洛特基督教学校荣誉榜。
User: The sea contains significant resources of petroleum and natural gas under its shelf, such as the Amauligak field.
Assistant: 在其延伸的大陆架包含大量的石油和天然气资源,如在Amauligak区域。
User: Towards an Understanding of Freud's Overlooking Unconscious Perception.
Assistant: 甚至,再度找回弗洛伊德无意识之真理。
User: When the Tetrarch was re-designated as an airborne tank, several changes were made to its design.
Assistant: 在领主被重新指定为空降坦克后,设计上作出了数项调整。
User: Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) visualizes details on the surfaces of specimens and gives a very nice 3D view.
Assistant: 扫描电子显微镜(SEM)可视化细节在样品的表面,并给出一个非常好的3D视图。
User: State-winning teams go directly to the World Finals, which have always been held in the U.S., usually at the end of May.
Assistant: 国家优胜队伍直接进入世界总决赛,通常是在每年的5月底。
User: The Sm3 has received a lot of bad publicity in Finland for its reliability issues, mostly caused by technical problems with the tilting system and couplers.
Assistant: Sm3因其可靠性问题在芬兰收获了许多差评,而问题大多为摆动机构和车钩所引致的技术故障。
User: Through August 29, the system continued to produce gale-force winds.
Assistant: 8月29日,系统继续产生烈风强度大风。
User: Brannan went to college for one semester in Cincinnati, Ohio, and went to California, first to Palm Springs and later to Los Angeles, trying to become an actor.
Assistant: 布兰南在俄亥俄州辛辛那提读过一个学期的大学,随后他和一名他在网上认识的男子一起远行到了加利福尼亚州,他们首先在棕榈泉短暂居留,后来他去到了洛杉矶,试图成为一名演员。
User: Sand casting, also known as sand molded casting, is a metal casting process characterized by using sand as the mold material.
Assistant: 砂铸造,亦可称为砂型铸造,是一种以砂作为造型材料的金属铸造过程。
User: Additional points: There are some additional signs traditionally listed in tables of the Devanagari script: The diacritic ं called anusvāra, (IAST: ṃ).
Assistant: 补充要点: 有些补充的记号在传统上列入天城文表格中: 变音符号ं叫做anusvāra,(IAST:ṃ)。
User: The latter property makes the Arago distance a useful measure of atmospheric turbidity.
Assistant: 这种性质使得阿拉戈点的距离成为测量大气浊度的一个有用工具。
User: He returned to Paris and organized an arms shipment to Aceh.
Assistant: 他回到巴黎组织运往亚齐的军火装运。
User: In 1959, sororities first appeared on campus.
Assistant: 1959年女生联谊会首次在校园出现。
User: Although the term armlet may be technically similar, it is taken to mean an item that sits on the upper shoulder: an arm ring.
Assistant: 尽管臂镯可能在工艺上与手镯相似,但实际上它是指戴在手臂上面的一样东西,即:臂环。
User: His collaborators at AT&T include Léon Bottou and Vladimir Vapnik.
Assistant: 他的AT&T同事包括Léon Bottou和弗拉基米尔·万普尼克。
User: The new port was finished on November 2012.
Assistant: 该港口最终于2012年11月竣工。
User: 24: The Game was announced on March 30, 2005 by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe through a licensing deal with Twentieth Century Fox to bring 24 to the PlayStation 2, and Sony Computer Entertainment's Cambridge Studio was confirmed to be the developer of the game.
Assistant: 2005年3月30日,由索尼电脑娱乐欧洲和二十世纪福克斯达成的许可协议,《反恐24小时》将发行于PlayStation 2的消息公布,同时索尼电脑娱乐康桥工作室作为开发商的消息得到确认。 |
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: At the northern bank of the Svir River (Finnish: Syväri) the Finnish army had prepared a defence in depth area which was fortified with strong-points with concrete pillboxes, barbed wire, obstacles and trenches.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在斯维里河北岸芬兰军队已建立一个纵深防御区域,内里建立了有混凝土碉堡、铁丝网、障碍物和战壕的坚强据点。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In 1948, Cyrankiewicz's faction of Socialists merged with the Communist Polish Workers' Party (PPR) to form the Polish United Workers' Party (Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza; PZPR), the ruling party in the People's Republic of Poland; remnants of the other faction survived on emigration in the Polish government-in-exile.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
1948年,共产主义者和齐兰凯维奇一派与共产主义党派波兰工人党(PPR)合并,成立波兰统一工人党(Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza;PZPR),成为波兰人民共和国的执政党;而另一派系的剩余成员随同波兰流亡政府流亡国外,幸存下来。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
She worked at CNN for five years before joining CNBC television where she worked for 20 years.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:在加入CNBC电视之前,她曾在CNN待过五年。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
In a small number of people, eye problems may develop.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
A Brother Remembers.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
In 1973 Renfrew published Before Civilisation: The Radiocarbon Revolution and Prehistoric Europe in which he challenged the assumption that prehistoric cultural innovation originated in the Near East and then spread to Europe.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
1973年,伦福儒出版了《文明之前:碳素革命和史前欧洲)》(Before Civilisation: The Radiocarbon Revolution and Prehistoric Europe)一书,挑战了史前文化产生于近东,之后传播到欧洲的假说。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Communism remained an important focus especially during the 1950s and 1960s.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:It is named after Bolivian aviator Jorge Wilstermann.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Light is preferentially reflected straight back to its source even at low angle of incidence such as on the limb or from a slope, whereas a Lambertian surface would scatter the radiation much more broadly.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这状况下的光是优先被反射回光源,即使是在边缘或斜坡上这样的低入射角区域,而朗伯表面会使辐射散射到广大区域。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The platforms were built in 1951, the same year the building opened, though "money trains" had been in use on the system since 1905.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:月台在1951年建造,同年大厦开放,不过“运钞列车”在1905年起就已经在系统内使用。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: See the articles listed below.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
ILM was responsible for the visual effects for many of the film's specialized vehicles and devised a new way to make CGI explosions.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In December 1999 road and rail tunnel proposals were presented to the British and French governments, but it was stressed that there was not enough demand for a second tunnel.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: They include about 120 students drawn from among the large migrant population of Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:其中包括从沙特阿拉伯巴基斯坦移民(英语:Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia)人口中抽取的约120名学生。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Although the CPI was banned at the outbreak of World War II, he continued CPI activities among peasants and was made a member of the CPI Jalpaiguri district committee in 1942.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:虽然印共在第二次世界大战期间被取缔,他坚持印共的活动,成为印共贾尔派古里县委员会委员。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 1982 this cultural department was integrated into the Ministry of Health.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The National Air Force of Angola is headed by the Chief of Staff of the FANA (Chefe do Estado-Maior da FANA).
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 安哥拉空军的最高领导为空军参谋长(Chefe do Estado-Maior da FANA),从属于安哥拉军队总参谋长。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Unfortunately, the M600 fuze was sensitive to temperature variations and therefore unreliable.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:不幸的是,M600引信对温度变化敏感,因而较不可靠。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Elkins and McKitrick find this more positive view open to "one big difficulty": it requires that the British negotiated in the same spirit.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
He is currently Luke Blossom Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences at Stanford University, Professor of Physics at Stanford University and at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) National Accelerator Laboratory.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:目前,他是斯坦福大学人文与科学学院的卢克·布洛瑟姆教授,斯坦福大学和斯坦福线性加速器中心(SLAC)国家加速实验室的物理学教授。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Instead, most luminous A and B supergiants, and possibly also O and F stars, show some type of unpredictable small-scale pulsations.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: U.S. Representative Mike Quigley, Democrat of Illinois, introduced the legislation in the wake of Donald Trump's routine use of Twitter, stating "In order to maintain public trust in government, elected officials must answer for what they do and say; this includes 140-character tweets.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
鉴于美国总统唐纳德·特朗普长期常规性地使用推特,伊利诺伊州民主党众议员麦克·奎格利向众议院提交了这份法案,指出“为了维持公众对政府的信任,民选官员必须对他们的言行负责;这也包括140字的推文。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: He was beheaded in the Capitol Hill square on 29 August 1354, and buried in the nearby Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracoeli.
Assistant: 他与1354年8月29日在Capitol Hill广场被斩首,并埋葬在附近的Aracoeli的圣玛丽亚大教堂。
User: Even in a cage, they managed to smuggle a written message to Perry.
Assistant: 在解禁的文件中,揭露了韩德丽与布雷迪在狱中曾持续有书信往来。
User: In multiplicative notation, the elements of the group are: ..., a−3, a−2, a−1, a0 = e, a, a2, a3, ..., where a2 means a • a, and a−3 stands for a−1 • a−1 • a−1 = (a • a • a)−1 etc. Such an element a is called a generator or a primitive element of the group.
Assistant: 在乘法符号下,群的元素是: ..., a−3, a−2, a−1, a0 = e, a, a2, a3, ..., 这里的a2意味着a·a,而a−3表示a−1·a−1·a−1=(a·a·a)−1等等。
User: 17 May - French and Belgian troops leave the cities they have occupied in Germany.
Assistant: 5月17日——法国和比利时军队撤出它们占领的德国城市。
User: The demand to unify with Armenia, which proliferated in the late 1980s, began in a relatively peaceful manner; however, in the following months, as the Soviet Union's disintegration neared, it gradually grew into an increasingly violent conflict between the two ethnic groups, resulting in claims of ethnic cleansing by all sides.
Assistant: 与亚美尼亚统一的要求在1980年代后期变得日益强烈,运动开始时进行相对平和,但是在之后的几个月中,随着苏联解体趋势日益明显,逐渐成为两民族之间不断升级的暴力冲突,双方互相指责对方进行种族清洗 。
User: In 1935, during the Great Depression, she moved to New York City with her sister Betty.
Assistant: 在1935年,大萧条期间,她和她的姊妹贝蒂搬了去纽约。
User: In a later publication, Gravlee, Bernard and Leonard reviewed Sparks and Jantz's analysis.
Assistant: 在一份稍后的出版品,Gravlee、Bernard和Leonard重新检视史巴克斯和詹茨的分析。
User: He has published many books on ASEAN and Cambodian-ASEAN relations, and gained significant experience in ASEAN through the activities of the ASEAN Institutes of Strategic and International Studies.
Assistant: 高金华博士还出版了许多有关东盟和柬埔寨 - 东盟关系的书籍 ,并通过东盟战略与国际研究协会的活动,在东盟方面获得了丰富的经验。
User: Following the announcement that the much-anticipated Final Fantasy XII would be delayed until sometime in 2004 (eventually released 2006), DigiCube filed for bankruptcy liquidation at the Tokyo District Court on November 26, 2003.
Assistant: 在宣布高度瞩目的《最终幻想XII》延期至2004年后(最终于2006年发行),2003年11月26日,DigiCube于在东京地方法院申请破产清算。
User: In response to the Iroquois threat, the French government dispatched the Carignan-Salières Regiment, the first group of uniformed professional soldiers to set foot on what is today Canadian soil.
Assistant: 为了对易洛魁的威胁做出应对,法国政府派遣了一支部队到加拿大,这是第一批登上加拿大土地的身着制服的专业士兵。
User: Here a part of the team on the German rocket program was developing the Wasserfall missile, a variant of the V-2 rocket, the first ground-to-air missile.
Assistant: 这些人当时正在德国火箭项目开发Wasserfall导弹,类似于V-2火箭系列,第一个地对空导弹。
User: Nixon then ordered Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus to fire Cox; Ruckelshaus refused, and also resigned.
Assistant: 尼克松之后命令联邦司法部副部长威廉·洛克肖斯(英语:William Ruckelshaus)解雇考克斯,但他同样拒绝执行,请求辞职。
User: He realizes that if he runs, Gino will think he took the money.
Assistant: 但他意识到要是逃跑,吉诺就会肯定是自己拿了钱,于是决定找到强尼把钱取回来。
User: Similarly, features located in articulated or flexible objects would typically not work if any change in their internal geometry happens between two images in the set being processed.
Assistant: 类似地,铰接的或者柔软的物体的特征也会失效,如果它们的内部位置在待处理的图像集中两张图像中发生了变化。
User: All 125 seats in the House of Representatives were up for election.
Assistant: 众议院的全部125个议席均参与选举。
User: In early 2014, the group was reportedly composed of mostly non-Syrian Arab fighters.
Assistant: 2014年初,阿克萨战士的成员大多数是非叙利亚籍的阿拉伯人战士。
User: Dinenage began her political career in Winchester, where she was a member of the local council for five years, resigning in 2003.
Assistant: 戴恩内奇的政治事业始于在温彻斯特,她任该市议会议员五年,2003年辞职。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: The earliest Egyptian records of burn treatments describe burn dressings using milk from mothers of male babies.
Assistant: 最早在埃及记录的灼伤疗法描述了使用孩子母亲的乳汁来准备敷料。
User: He was kidnapped and tortured in 1871 in an attempt to force him to give up his beliefs.
Assistant: 1871年被捕,被强迫放弃信仰。
User: It was expected that West Germany would soon be allowed to rearm, and the Germans had appeared to entertain the concept of equipping their forces with a host of low-cost light, but relatively powerfully armed tanks, their quantity compensating for a lack of full armament parity with the latest medium tanks.
Assistant: 此时西德被允许重整军备,而德国人对用廉价轻型但相对强大的坦克武装他们的军队很感兴趣,他们想用数量弥补同价最新型中型坦克的火力。
User: Contemporary American economic historians have challenged this conventional view.
Assistant: 当代美国经济历史学家已经开始挑战这一传统看法。
User: Some 10GBASE-LRM transceivers also allow distances up to 300 metres (980 ft) on standard single-mode fiber (SMF, G.652), however this is not part of the IEEE or MSA specification.
Assistant: 有些 10GBASE-LRM 的传输模块在使用标准单模光纤(G.652)的情况下支持超过300米(980英尺)的传输距离 ,但它不是IEEE或MSA的规范。
User: Where necessary, the price is first converted to dollars using the exchange rate at the time the painting was sold.
Assistant: 自第一次画被卖的时候使用的汇率转换成美元。
User: MS-DOS 6.2 (1993), from Microsoft, included an improved version of DoubleSpace.
Assistant: MS-DOS 6.2(英语:MS-DOS 6.2)(1993年),出自微软公司,包含一个“DoubleSpace”的改进版本。
User: In the meantime, Clara gave birth to the couple's second child and first son, named James Bellamy Weaver after his father and Bellamy Storer.
Assistant: 这一期间,他与克拉拉的第二个孩子、也是第一个儿子出生,起名詹姆斯·贝拉米·韦弗(James Bellamy Weaver),其中的贝拉米则是纪念韦弗的恩师贝拉米·斯托勒。
User: It also shares same model codes as Galaxy Trend 3, Galaxy Star 2 Plus or Galaxy Star Advance (SM-G350L and G350M) Some models have 3MP camera such as SM-G350E.
Assistant: 它还与Galaxy Trend 3,Galaxy Star 2 Plus或Galaxy Star Advance(SM-G350L和G350M)共享相同的型号代码。
User: Astronauts also provided microwave data through Earth Resources Experiment Package sensors.
Assistant: 宇航员还通过地球资源实验包裹传感器取得风暴的微波数据。
User: Polythene absorbers were fitted to reduce any neutron background.
Assistant: 实验使用了聚乙烯吸收剂以减少任何中子背景。
User: Mrs. Phelps' husband Pete was called in to fight in the upcoming war (and believes that he'll be back in a week because of how quick the war will be) and thinks having children serves no purpose other than to ruin lives.
Assistant: 菲尔普斯夫人的丈夫皮特应征入伍(她认为丈夫过一周就可以回来,这就是她认为战争和快乐大本营差不多),觉得孩子不过是生活中的累赘。
User: He first argues that every expression has a single meaning (otherwise we could not communicate with one another).
Assistant: 认为三者并非一体(即不同意三位一体说)。
User: In a Harvard architecture, there is no need to make the two memories share characteristics.
Assistant: 在哈佛架构,两个寄存器不需要有共同的特征。
User: The deepest is the BMT Brighton Line platform, which are 50 feet (15 m) deep and have a mezzanine above them, which serves both the Brighton Line platform and the Eastern Parkway Line platforms.
Assistant: 最深的月台是BMT布莱顿线月台,深50英尺并设有一个夹层,同时服务布莱顿线和东公园道线月台。
User: Often, these rides will also play a message before movement begins and may also play an ending message once the ride ends, to let the rider know that it is safe to disembark.
Assistant: 通常,这些游乐设施也会在运动开始之前播放一条信息,并且可能会在游戏结束后播放一个结尾信息,让骑手知道下车是安全的。
User: At the request of distributor 20th Century Fox, Herzog produced two versions of the film simultaneously, to appeal to English-speaking audiences.
Assistant: 赫尔佐格应二十世纪福斯的要求,为了吸引说英语的观众,同时制作了两个版本的电影。
User: The album's fourth single, 'I Deny' was released in December 2012.
Assistant: 该专辑的第四章单曲《我否认》(I Deny)于2012年12月发行。
User: This characteristic temperature is on the order of 105 K for a metal, hence at room temperature (300 K), the Fermi energy and internal chemical potential are essentially equivalent.
Assistant: 金属的费米温度为105K量级,因此在室温(300 K)下,系统的费米能与化学势基本上是相等的。
User: Mountains and hills cover over 80% of the territory.
Assistant: 境内多山,山地和高原占全国总面积的80%。
User: However, many number systems are extensions of, rather than independent alternatives to, the real number system, so 0.999... = 1 continues to hold.
Assistant: 然而,许多数系都是实数系的延伸,而不是独立的替代物,所以0.999... = 1仍然成立。
User: He saw Russia as the main adversary, because of its own expansionist policies toward Slavic and Orthodox areas.
Assistant: 他认为俄罗斯是帝国的主要敌人,因为他自己的扩张主义针对斯拉夫文化和东正教的主流领域。
User: German Democratic Republic recognized Tag der Befreiung (Day of liberation) on 8 May, it was celebrated as a public holiday from 1950 to 1966, and on the 40th anniversary in 1985.
Assistant: 德意志民主共和国(东德):自1950年至1966年间定5月8日为解放日且为公众假期,并于1985年解放40周年之际有庆祝活动。
User: Very soon afterwards, he centralized Egyptian religious practices in Akhetaten, though construction of the city seems to have continued for several more years.
Assistant: 此后不久他就把埃及几乎所有的宗教活动都集中到埃赫塔顿,尽管城市本身似乎还未完工。
User: In the essays of Montaigne the individualistic view of life received perhaps the most persuasive and eloquent statement in the history of literature and philosophy.
Assistant: 在蒙田的文章里,他表达的一种对于生活的个人主义态度被看做是是文学艺术和哲学历史发展中最具说服力和雄辩技术的论点。
User: Next, he led England to the finals of the European Junior National Tournament, where he averaged 34 points and earned another MVP award.
Assistant: 之后,他带领英格兰队打入了欧洲青少年男子篮球锦标赛的决赛,取得了场均34分并取得了又一个MVP称号。
User: Despite his achievements, the state government ignored calls for Western Australia to build an Olympic standard swimming pool until 1962, when they constructed one for the 1962 British Empire and Commonwealth Games in Perth.
Assistant: 但是,州政府还是没有响应号召在西澳大利亚州修建奥运会标准泳池,直至1962年才为在珀斯举行的大英帝国和英联邦运动会建立。 |
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:A second option is to grant ownership of resources to each new user.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Such violence is totally unacceptable.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Ouchi first came to prominence for his studies of the differences between Japanese and American companies and management styles.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The film's director and co-writer Cory Edwards was surprised by Sexton's interpretation and denied that the film intentionally carried any political messages.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
电影的导演兼编剧柯瑞·爱德华兹(英语:Cory Edwards)对于赛克斯顿的解读感到相当惊讶,并否认电影刻意隐含政治讯息。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The country's cultural heritage includes traditional Icelandic cuisine, Icelandic literature, and medieval sagas.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:冰岛的文化遗产主要为传统冰岛菜、诗歌和中世纪的冰岛萨迦。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The colorful history of the German Colony is illustrated by the mix of architectural styles found within a relatively small area.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
When the bill was brought back to the House floor on April 9, 1872, it was managed by Massachusetts Representative Samuel Hooper, chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:1872年4月9日,法案经马萨诸塞州众议员、众议员银行和货币委员会主席塞缪尔·胡珀(Samuel Hooper)之手重返众议院。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
She blames Owen because she wasn't told that Henry had died until after her surgery on another patient.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The first Walker's crisp production line was in the empty upper storey of Walker's Oxford Street factory in Leicester.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
沃克的第一批薯片生产线是位于莱斯特牛津街上沃克工厂(Walker’s Oxford Street factory)的一个空的高层上。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:This reflects FARM's concept of "sustained vegan advocacy," which posits that the initial contact must be followed by weekly support to prevent regression.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这反映了 FARM “持续素食宣导” 的概念,指的是在初次接触后必须每周追踪,以避免退回起点。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The limitation of traditional as well as perpendicular magnetic recording is due to the competing requirements of readability, writeability and stability (known as the Magnetic Recording Trilemma).
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
垂直写入技术的限制特点通常是可读性、可写和稳定性,也就是著名的磁性写录三难(Magnetic Recording Trilemma)。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
A month later, Germany and Japan signed the Anti-Comintern Pact, which Italy would join in the following year.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Harvey notes that according to later articles in Nature, the values appear to be about 3% too high.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:Harvey注释称,根据《自然》杂志上的论文,该数值比正确数值高出3%左右。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The palace was commissioned in the late 15th century by the aristocratic Lando Family, and built on designs by Mauro Codussi.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
这座宫殿建筑修建于15世纪末期,设计者是Mauro Codussi。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:I was really proud and happy.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:我真的非常的开心和感动。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The alkali metal and zinc antimonides, such as Na3Sb and Zn3Sb2, are more reactive.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Also usable in the head and in inline contexts.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 在head中以及在inline内容中也具有效果。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The site states that it seeks to work with states' Departments of Corrections to ensure that the First Amendment rights of inmates are protected.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: WriteAPrisoner.com 网站表示,它寻求与各州惩教部合作,以确保囚犯的第一修正案权利得到保障。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: NeXTMail was innovative for its time, supporting rich text formatting with images and voice messaging.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:在NeXTMail首次出现的时候,它是一个革非常创新的邮件程序,因为它支持丰富的包含图片和声音信息的文本格式。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The hurricane also brought rough seas to the East Coast of the United States, the Bahamas, and as far south and east as the Lesser Antilles.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
With Fomalhaut b being hidden in the comets, this leads to a hypothesis that C could have hidden exoplanets within its comets and asteroids.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Muscle surface recordings using electromyographic (SEMG) techniques have found that early strength gains throughout training are associated with increased amplitude in SEMG activity.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:使用肌电图(SEMG) 技术记录肌肉表面的电活动, 发现早期训练时力量的增加,与肌电活动的增加有关。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Only a year later, Cope redescribed the same material in greater detail and referred it, instead, to the English mosasaur taxon Liodon.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:仅仅在一年之后,科普重新更详细的描述该化石,而且归类于英国的沧龙类平齿蜥(Liodon)。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: Rather, the object is occluded, slightly obstructed, from the infants view and they are left only other visual cues, such as examining the object from different trajectories.
Assistant: 相反的,物体被挡住或是被隐蔽后,在婴儿的角度只剩下视觉上的线索,像是检视各个不不同的轨迹。
User: Larry Layton, who had fired a gun at several people aboard the Cessna, was initially found not guilty of attempted murder in a Guyanese court, employing the defense that he was "brainwashed".
Assistant: 拉里·雷顿曾经向登上了塞斯纳飞机的数人开火,而利用他遭到了“洗脑”作为辩护,他在最开始被圭亚那法庭认定并未犯下谋杀罪。
User: Members communicated through individual article talk pages and the /x/ board; the website lacked a central discussion forum.
Assistant: 网站的用户通过单独的文章讨论页进行沟通,且该网站缺乏一个综合的讨论区。
User: She also played for the Chinese women's team at the World Team Chess Championship in Beersheba (overall record was 6 games:+0, =2, -4).
Assistant: 她还为中国女子队参加贝尔谢巴的世界团队象棋锦标赛(6场比赛赛果:0胜2平4负)。
User: The differences in definitions include issues such as spirit proof, minimum ageing, and even naming standards.
Assistant: 定义的差异包括烈酒的度数,最低年份,甚至命名标准等问题。
User: These groups may contain only two-fold axes, mirror planes, and/or an inversion center.
Assistant: 这些群可能只包含两重对称轴、镜面对称面,以及反转中心。
User: 1868 was a different story.
Assistant: 1868年是一个不同的故事。
User: Thailand has 4,431 kilometres of metre gauge railway tracks not including mass transit lines in Bangkok.
Assistant: 泰国共有4,431公里的米轨铁路网络(未包括曼谷的捷运路线),所有服务均由泰国国家铁路局管理。
User: Japanese records indicate that a tsunami occurred in Japan on 26 January 1700, which was likely caused by this earthquake.
Assistant: 根据日本的海啸纪录,这次大地震发生的精确时间是1700年1月26日,一个星期二的晚上。
User: It will be beneficial to allow the change to cellular manufacturing to happen gradually.
Assistant: 当λ变化,细胞自动机的行为会产生相变。
User: Skylab stayed in orbit another five years before reentering the Earth's atmosphere over the Indian Ocean and Western Australia on July 11, 1979.
Assistant: 太空实验室在轨道中又呆了五年,于1979年7月11日越过印度洋和西澳大利亚,进入地球大气。
User: The two end up having sex, though the experience is less than satisfying for Monika.
Assistant: 两人最终发生了性关系,尽管这种体验莫妮卡并不满意。
User: Usually speech is slurred and vision is impaired (double vision, inability to focus), but hearing and awareness remain normal.
Assistant: 言语不清,视力受损(双重视力,无法聚焦),但听力和意识仍然正常。
User: DxOMark Mobile Overall Score is the headline number reported for each tested device, and consists of: DxOMark Mobile Photo and DxOMark Mobile Video.
Assistant: DxOMark移动总体分数是每个被测设备报告的标题数字,包括:DxOMark手机照片和DxOMark手机视频。
User: Moonbase Alpha is set in the year 2032 and focuses on exploring the day in the life of a lunar-based astronaut.
Assistant: 《月球基地阿尔法》将场景设定在公元2032年,把焦点集中在执行月球探险任务的太空人身上。
User: After his return to Constantinople, Cyril assumed the role of professor of philosophy at the University while his brother had by this time become a significant player in Byzantine political and administrative affairs, and an abbot of his monastery.
Assistant: 回到君士坦丁堡之后,西里尔在大学里面当上了哲学教授,与此同时他的哥哥美多德当上了一个修道院的院长,并且成了君士坦丁堡政界与宗教界的重要人物。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: On 17 December, Pakistan's Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif, accompanied by the Director General of the Inter-Service Intelligence, Lieutenant-General Rizwan Akhtar, went on a visit to Kabul to meet with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and General John F. Campbell, the commander of American and NATO forces in Afghanistan.
Assistant: 12月17日,巴基斯坦军方总参谋长拉赫尔·谢里夫将军,在三军情报局总干事利兹万·阿赫塔尔的陪同下,在喀布尔会见了阿富汗总统阿什拉夫·加尼·艾哈迈德扎伊,以及美军和北约驻阿富汗部队指挥官约翰·F·坎贝尔。
User: It is very similar to the FV101 Scorpion, but mounts a high velocity 30 mm L21 RARDEN cannon instead of a 76 mm gun.
Assistant: 其非常类似于FV101蝎子,但安装速射型L21 30毫米RARDEN炮而不是76毫米战车炮。
User: However, by 1272 the Order retaliated, attacking Semigalia and building Dinaburg Castle in 1273 on lands nominally controlled by Traidenis.
Assistant: 但是,到1272年骑士团卷土重来,进攻瑟米加利亚,于1273年在特莱德尼斯疏于管理的地带建立迪纳堡。
User: Since 2018, away uniforms have been dark blue.
Assistant: 2018届以后,校服统一为深蓝色。
User: This included meetings held by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in October 1986 to discuss technology applied to future advanced highways.
Assistant: 这包括1986年10月 加州交通部 (交通局) 所举行讨论适用于未来高速公路技术的会议。
User: In 1746, d’Alembert discovered the one-dimensional wave equation, and within ten years Euler discovered the three-dimensional wave equation.
Assistant: 1746年,达朗贝尔发现了一维波动方程,欧拉在其后10年之内发现了三维波动方程。
User: A blue plaque at Oldham's Tommyfield Market marks the 1860s origin of the fish and chip shop and fast food industries.
Assistant: 奥尔德姆的汤米菲尔德市场设有一个蓝色牌匾,标示该地是1860年代炸鱼薯条店及速食业起源。
User: On May 6, 2016, HBDH attacked a Gendarmerie General Command base in Giresun Province in northeastern Turkey.
Assistant: 2016年5月6日,人民联合革命运动袭击了土耳其东北部吉雷松省的宪兵总指挥基地。
User: In July 2004 she joined the legal defense team of former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein.
Assistant: 2004年7月,她加入前伊拉克总统萨达姆·海珊的法律辩护小组。
User: Abstract properties of Galois groups associated with polynomials (in particular their solvability) give a criterion for polynomials that have all their solutions expressible by radicals, i.e., solutions expressible using solely addition, multiplication, and roots similar to the formula above.
Assistant: 与多项式相关联的伽罗瓦群的抽象性质(特别是它们的可解性)给出了那些多项式的所有解都可用根式表达的判定标准,就是说这些解可以类似上面公式那样只使用加法、乘法和方根来表达。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: MLB 2K13 was the final installment of the series.
Assistant: 《MLB 2K13》是MLB 2K系列的最后一款作品。
User: The second model, a response to the first, is “peace without religion”.
Assistant: 作为对第一种模式的反思,第二种模式是“无宗教的和平”。
User: However, while Stowe claimed A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin documented her previously consulted sources, she actually read many of the cited works only after the publication of her novel.
Assistant: 需要提到的一点是,虽然斯托夫人声称《汤姆叔叔的小屋题解》中记录了她先前所使用的参考来源,而在实际上,有不少作品都是在她发表小说之后才读到的。
User: Such downward-radiating power might ultimately derive from a god or gods (see the divine right of kings and the Mandate of Heaven).
Assistant: 这种下散式的强权可能最终是从一个或多个神祇而衍生出来的(见君权神授说及天命)。
User: Afterwards, he was awarded a contract by the UFC.
Assistant: 尽管如此,他仍拿到了与UFC签约的机会。
User: The holdings consist mainly of jewellery, weapons and items of daily use, and include a large number of stone artifacts that once belonged to the old Croatian church interiors.
Assistant: 这些藏品主要包括珠宝、武器和日用品,还包括大量曾经属于克罗地亚古代教堂内部的石制品。
User: Tellurium tetrafluoride, TeF4, is a stable, white, hygroscopic crystalline solid and is one of two fluorides of tellurium.
Assistant: 四氟化碲,化学式为TeF4,常温下是稳定、易潮解的白色晶体,是碲的两种氟化物的一种,另一种是六氟化碲。
User: Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall's two-pronged decision averred that while the Court did not have the authority to issue the writ Marbury had requested, it did have the authority to review the constitutionality of actions of the federal executive and legislative branches of government, including those of the Adams and Jefferson administrations.
Assistant: 首席大法官约翰·马歇尔提出了一项两全之策,主张联邦法院没有审理马伯利一案所涉及的基层行政决策的管辖权,但是却拥有对国会及立法机关所颁布法律的审查权,包括亚当斯政府和其后的杰佛逊政府。
User: Considering Slovenia and Croatia were looking farther ahead to independence, this was considered unacceptable.
Assistant: 他还认为斯洛文尼亚和克罗地亚正试图谋求独立,并认为这是不能接受的。
User: After days of practising their moves, they are almost ready until Julie gives Cynthia a letter from her fiance that he is going to call it off.
Assistant: 经过了数天的舞步训练后,她们几乎已经准备好了,直到茱丽把辛西娅未婚夫的信给了辛西娅,信中表明他要取消婚礼。
User: Other foreign markets include the United States, Italy and the United Kingdom.
Assistant: 其他外国市场包括美国、意大利和英国。
User: The result was a measured radius of 696,342 ± 65 kilometres (432,687 ± 40 miles).
Assistant: 测量太阳半径的结果是696,342正负65公里(432,687正负40英里)。
User: For example the dependently typed lambda calculus with a type of all types (Type : Type) is not normalizing due to Girard's paradox.
Assistant: 比如带有所有类型的一个类型(Type: Type)的依赖类型lambda演算由于Girard悖论而不是强规范化的。
User: During his time in San Francisco, Knox also discussed the proposed commercial dollar with Henry Linderman, who was working as a special agent for the Treasury Department at that time.
Assistant: 在旧金山工作期间,诺克斯还与财政部特聘代理亨利·林德曼(Henry Linderman)探讨过提议发行商用银元的问题。
User: Moreover, FOMO also plays a negative role in people's overall psychological well-being.
Assistant: 此外,错失恐惧症在人的整体心理健康上也起负面作用。
User: Certain civil servants have statuses that prohibit executive interference; for instance, judges and prosecutors may be named or moved only according to specific procedures.
Assistant: 某些公务员有阻止行政干涉的地位;举例说,法官和检察官可以只依据特定程序被指派或调动。
User: The fulfilment of the right to education can be assessed using the 4 As framework, which asserts that for education to be a meaningful right it must be available, accessible, acceptable and adaptable.
Assistant: 受教育权的落实可以依照4A框架进行评估,该框架指出受教育成为一种有意义的权利应当是可用的(available)、可参与的(accessible)、可接受的(acceptable)、可适应的(adaptable)。
User: The candidates were competing for a total of 111 seats out of which 11 seats were reserved for minorities.
Assistant: 伊拉克库尔德斯坦实行议会制,议会共设有111个席位,其中11个席位固定分配给少数族群。
User: According to India, the jets struck a Jaish-e-Mohammed-operated militant camp at Balakot killing a "very large" number of militants and returned back into Indian airspace unharmed without being engaged by Pakistani aircraft.
Assistant: 据印度方面宣称,战机袭击了杰什-穆罕默德军运营的军营,杀伤了大量的武装分子,并毫发无伤地返回印度领空,没有遭到巴基斯坦空军的拦截。
User: In Mexico, the 2.5 GHz band spectrum was reclaimed by the government in order to allow newer and better wireless data services.
Assistant: 在墨西哥,2.5 GHz频带频谱已被政府收回,以允许更新和更好的无线数据服务。
User: In recent years, many genetic studies have demonstrated that, at least paternally, most of the various Jewish ethnic divisions and the Palestinians – and other Levantines – are genetically closer to each other than the Jews to their host countries.
Assistant: 近年来,许多基因证据显示,大多数的犹太人支系(英语:Jewish ethnic divisions)、巴勒斯坦人,和少部分的黎凡特人,具有比较相近的血缘关系。
User: Later in the screenplay, Aguirre and his men find a boat and the long-dead remains of Orellana's soldiers.
Assistant: 之后,阿基尔和他的人找到一只船,上面有奥雷利亚纳的兵已经腐烂多时的尸体。
User: The nacre from the shell of the abalone has become one of the more intensively studied biological structures in materials science.
Assistant: 鲍鱼贝壳的珍珠层在材料科学中是最常研究的生物结构。
User: Coolidge also continued the previous administration's policy of withholding recognition of the Soviet Union.
Assistant: 柯立芝延续前任的政策,拒绝承认苏联。
User: It carries spectrometers, magnetometers and charged particle detectors to analyze the solar wind.
Assistant: 它携带了分光计、磁强计和带电粒子探测器分析太阳风。
User: The Good Guys was originally known by the working title Jack and Dan.
Assistant: 神勇双侠原名为Jack与Dan。
User: The church or a chapel existed in the 9th century, but was rebuilt following reports of a miracle.
Assistant: 该堂自9世纪起存在,但在有奇迹报道后重建。
User: However, after meeting Edward, she found the town much more comfortable, even calling it "home".
Assistant: 然而,遇到爱德华以后,她发现这个市镇舒适了很多,甚至称它为“家”。
User: Second, water losses as well as per capita water use remain high despite efforts at water demand management.
Assistant: 节能节水等高附加值产品未来可期 而作为耗水大户,热水器产品的节水需求也已经迫在眉睫。
User: She was a fixture at Girton College for most of her life; The Guardian dubbed her "Girtonian of Girtonians" in her obituary.
Assistant: 她一生多半常住剑桥大学格顿学院,《卫报》为她所写的讣告评价她是“格顿人中的格顿人”(Girtonian of Girtonians)。
User: Operation Barkhane is an ongoing anti-insurgent operation in Africa's Sahel region, which commenced 1 August 2014.
Assistant: 巴尔赫内行动为非洲萨赫勒进行中的反叛乱行动,开始于2014年8月1日。
User: It is in Act II when Papageno is feeling very melancholy because he does not have a sweetheart or wife and he is drunk singing the song that could be called "Den Mädchen" (The Girls).
Assistant: 正是在第二幕的时候,当帕帕基诺感到非常忧郁著因为他没拥有一位甜心或妻子再加上他喝醉了唱这首可以被称为“Den Mädchen”(中译:姑娘)的歌曲。
User: As a result, in an attempt to avoid a naval conflict with the superior British Royal Navy, Portugal adjusted the borders of her colony and the modern borders of Mozambique were established in May 1881.
Assistant: 为了避免与强大的英国皇家海军发生冲突,葡萄牙答应了英国的要求,并于1881年5月确定了至今仍未改变的莫桑比克疆域。
User: Because the earliest tarot cards were hand-painted, the number of the decks produced is thought to have been small.
Assistant: 由于早期的塔罗牌都是手绘的,所以数量被认为是相当少的。
User: The largest refineries for lead and zinc operate in Plovdiv, Kardzhali and Novi Iskar; for copper in Pirdop and Eliseina (now defunct); for aluminium in Shumen.
Assistant: 铅和锌最大的炼油厂在普罗夫迪夫 , 卡尔扎利和诺维伊斯卡尔经营 ; 对于Pirdop和Eliseina的 铜 (现已停产); 在Shumen的 铝 。
User: In dilute solutions the concentration of water is effectively constant.
Assistant: 在稀溶液中水的浓度十分恒定。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: In March 1815 he travelled to St. Petersburg where he got private employment.
Assistant: 1815年他前往圣彼得堡接受了一份私人雇佣合同。
User: Stossel expressed sympathy, but said she had been misled to believe the treatment was routinely available in Canada.
Assistant: 斯托塞尔对此表示同情,但表示她被在误导下错信他丈夫的那种治疗在加拿大是常规治疗。
User: He stated that the attack was unacceptable and called for severe punishment to the perpetrators.
Assistant: 他表示袭击不可接受,呼吁严惩嫌犯。
User: An hour before starting the final leg of The Monster Ball Tour, Gaga sent four tracks to Rolling Stone, including "Scheiße", "You and I", and "The Edge of Glory", for a preview.
Assistant: 在The Monster Ball Tour最后一站的开始前一小时,Gaga向Rolling Stone发了来自专辑《天生完美》的四首曲目,包括《无需多言》、《你和我》、《幸福边界》,来看看他们给的乐评。
User: This bank would then play an intermediary role between Madagascar and the rest of the world, as Jews would not be allowed to interact financially with outsiders.
Assistant: 犹太人不当与外人有任何财政关系,因此银行将承担马达加斯加与世界其他区域的中介责任。
User: The Defenders then helped him defeat the Six-Fingered Hand.
Assistant: 协助他打击三大黑帮。
User: In Kerch they built a catholic church, still locally known as the Church of the Italians.
Assistant: 在刻赤,他们建立了一个天主教教会,仍然当地人称为意大利人的教会。
User: But it is as Secretary for Chinese Affairs that he is best known to the public.
Assistant: 他最为公众所熟知是作为中国事务秘书。
User: The location of this nova coincided with a magnitude 13.1 star that had been photographed in 1967.
Assistant: 这颗新星的位置与1967年就已拍摄到的一颗13.1等的恒星相符。
User: Two basic classes of biodegradable plastics exist: Bioplastics, whose components are derived from renewable raw materials, and plastics made from petrochemicals containing biodegradable additives which enhance biodegradation.
Assistant: 存在两类基本的生物降解塑料生物塑料,其组分来源于可再生原料; 以及来源于石油化工产品的塑料,含有可生物分解的添加剂,可以促进生物分解。
User: As a bishop he attended the Second Vatican Council.
Assistant: 他作为总主教,参加了第二次梵蒂冈大公会议。
User: At the press conference, Séralini emphasized the study's potential cancer implications, and photographs from the article of treated rats with large tumors were widely circulated by the media.
Assistant: 在新闻发布会上,Seralini强调了这项研究对癌症的潜在影响,媒体广泛传播了这篇关于肿瘤大鼠的文章的照片。
User: His father, Daniel Augustus Beaufort, was a Protestant clergyman from Navan, County Meath, Ireland, and a member of the learned Royal Irish Academy.
Assistant: 他的父亲丹尼尔·奥古斯塔斯·蒲福(英语:Daniel Augustus Beaufort)是一位来自爱尔兰米斯郡纳文的新教牧师,并且是爱尔兰皇家科学院(英语:Royal Irish Academy)成员。
User: Holy Roman Emperor Otto II assembled a great army of Saxons, Franks, Frisians, and Wends to fight the Norse pagan Danes.
Assistant: 神圣罗马皇帝奥托二世组建了一支由撒克逊人、法兰克人、弗里斯人和温德兰人组成的强大军队,以对抗北欧异教徒丹麦人。
User: However, many government publishers, in industrial as well as developing countries, do not participate fully in the ISBN system, and publish books which do not have ISBNs.
Assistant: 不过许多工业化国家或开发中国家的政府出版品未完全参与ISBN系统,因此出版品不一定会有ISBN。
User: Some tropical or subtropical regions such as the Philippines or south China are greatly affected by convection cells along a trough.
Assistant: 在一些热带或亚热带地区,如菲律宾或华南地区,均受低压槽及其伴随对流单体的强烈影响。
User: Since 2005, it has been held every two years for both female and male national teams.
Assistant: 自2005年以来,每两年举办一次的女子组和男子组国家队。
User: In 1946, a formal adoption program was started.
Assistant: 1946年,开始派遣公使。
User: These have currently been released for Brain Head and Neck Musculoskeletal In 2012, Radiopaedia released a new version of its iOS application which is a universal app with in-app purchases for case packs.
Assistant: 这些当前已发布 大脑 头颈 肌肉骨骼 在2012年,Radiopaedia发布了iOS的应用程序的新版本。
User: Merveilles is the third album by Japanese rock band Malice Mizer, released on March 18, 1998.
Assistant: 《merveilles》是日本视觉系摇滚乐团 MALICE MIZER 的第三张录音室专辑,发行于1998年3月18日。
User: The second gunman then shoots another policeman at close range.
Assistant: 而第二个枪手则近距离射击另一名警员。
User: Solar flares were first observed on the Sun by Richard Christopher Carrington and independently by Richard Hodgson in 1859 as localized visible brightenings of small areas within a sunspot group.
Assistant: 对太阳闪焰的首度观测是理查·卡灵顿和理查·霍奇森在1859年独立完成的,他们在黑子群当中看见一个小范围的明亮区域。
User: The wolves answer that it is "a purely internal matter" (because they ate the rabbits).
Assistant: 讨厌的食物是螃蟹(好像是因为“要吃很麻烦”的理由)。
User: He regarded the trial and death of Socrates as the moment when political philosophy came into existence.
Assistant: 他把苏格拉底的审判与死亡看作这样一个时刻,那时政治哲学,如施特劳斯所理解的,曙光初现。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: Little is known of Jogaila's early life, and even his year of birth is uncertain.
Assistant: 约盖拉的早年经历鲜为人知,甚至连他的生日都颇具争议。
User: These laws are also known variously as the Pressure Law or Amontons's law and Dalton's law respectively.
Assistant: 此一定律也被称为查理定律、道尔顿定律或阿蒙顿定律。
User: The city was the setting for the movie The Deer Hunter (1978), although none of the movie was actually filmed there (other mill towns in the Monongahela River Valley and elsewhere in the tri-state area were used).
Assistant: 这座小镇因为电影猎鹿人(1978)出名,虽然电影中没有一幕是真正在这里拍摄的(只有莫农加希拉河谷的一些三州交界的地方被采用)。
User: The divisions became fully exposed with the 1860 presidential election.
Assistant: 分歧在1860年总统选举中完全激化。
User: Music classroom.
Assistant: 音乐教室。
User: After the congress, the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization was established.
Assistant: 大会之后成立常设性的“洛桑世界宣教委员会”(Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization)。
User: It continues to act as an alternative medicine lobby group.
Assistant: 他是一位替代医学的倡导者。
User: Initially, the cyclone was forecast to strike Bangladesh or southeastern India.
Assistant: 起初,预报指出风暴可能在孟加拉或印度东南部一带登陆。
User: On 5 July 1984, he played the central role in the Dikko Affair; he was found drugged in a crate at Stansted Airport that was being claimed as diplomatic baggage, an apparent victim of a government sanctioned kidnapping.
Assistant: 1984年7月5日,迪科在英国斯坦斯特德机场被发现被人麻醉装在一个外交行李的箱子里,明显他是政府批准的绑架的受害者。
User: Montessori used the term "cosmic education" to indicate both the universal scope of lessons to be presented, and the idea that education should help children realize the human role in the interdependent functioning of the universe.
Assistant: 蒙台梭利使用宇宙教育(Cosmic education)这个词来表明不仅课程的范围如宇宙般广阔,还有第二阶段的教育理念需要帮助孩子意识到在这个相互依存而运作的宇宙里,他们的人类角色。
User: It would be logical to assume that Russia's stance on Syria would be more clear-cut than that on Libya".
Assistant: 很明显俄罗斯对于叙利亚的立场将会比其在利比亚问题上的立场更明确。
User: The most recent president to die in office was John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald with two rifle shots on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas.
Assistant: 最近的一位则是约翰·肯尼迪,他于1963年11月22日在德克萨斯州达拉斯被两颗子弹击中后丧生。
User: A general point in spacetime is given by an ordered pair (x, t).
Assistant: 时空当中的任何一点可以表达为有序对(x,t)。
User: A stronger version of Fubini's theorem for positive functions, where the function is no longer assumed to be measurable but merely that the two iterated integrals are well defined and exist, is independent of ZFC.
Assistant: 富比尼定理对于正函数的一个更强版本,当中该函数不再假设为可被测度而仅仅那2个迭代积分(英语:Iterated integral)(Iterated integral)有明确定义并存在,为独立于ZFC。
User: The eastern Christians, at least, probably felt closer ties to their fellow Christian crusaders than to either Turkic overlords or Muslim Arabs.
Assistant: 东方的基督徒,至少,相比突厥领主或穆斯林阿拉伯人,感觉还是更亲近他们的同伴基督徒十字军。
User: Admission requirements: The candidate must be Lebanese for more than ten years.
Assistant: 候选人必须居港满10年。
User: Prior to the 18th century, the King had the right to cast a deciding vote if the Estates were split evenly.
Assistant: 在18世纪之前,如果等级表决是平手,国王有权投决定性的一票。
User: As they entered the facility, a land mine explosion killed 16 rebel fighters.
Assistant: 当他们进入这处设施时,不慎触发了一枚地雷,导致16名反对派武装丧生。
User: Many species live with ants.
Assistant: 有的种类与蚁共栖。
User: Bloomer described her experience as the first woman to own, operate and edit a news vehicle for women: It was a needed instrument to spread abroad the truth of a new gospel to woman, and I could not withhold my hand to stay the work I had begun.
Assistant: 作为第一位拥有、经营并编辑女性新闻传播媒体的女性,布卢默描述了她的经历: 这是向妇女传播新福音真理的必要工具,我无法阻止地埋首在这个由我起头的工作当中。
User: Koyré placed Kepler's theorization, rather than his empirical work, at the center of the intellectual transformation from ancient to modern world-views.
Assistant: 科瓦雷将开普勒的理论工作而不是实验工作置于从古代到现代世界观的知识转变过程的中心位置。
User: Musical schemata in real time listening.
Assistant: 进行音乐活动时的艺名。
User: Most schools do require a particular grade average to ensure the pupil is capable of handling the increased study load and higher difficulty level.
Assistant: 大多数学校确实需要特定的年级平均数,以确保学生能够处理增加的学习负荷和更高的难度水平。
User: One day of exposure to PM2.5 at a concentration of 880 μg/m3, such as occurs in Beijing, China, is the equivalent of smoking one or two cigarettes in terms of particulate inhalation by weight.
Assistant: 每天暴露在浓度880微克/立方米的PM2.5污染物中,如中国北京市,等于抽一两根烟。
User: R–N+ 2 (diazonium ion) → R+ (carbocation) + N2 (leaving group) + Nu (biological nucleophiles) → R–Nu If this nucleophilic substitution reaction occurs at a crucial site in a biomolecule, it can disrupt normal cell functions, leading to cancer or cell death.
Assistant: R-N2+(重氮盐)→ R+(碳正离子) + N2(离去基团) + :Nu(生物亲核试剂)→ R-Nu 一旦这样的亲核取代发生在一个生物大分子上的关键部位,就可能破坏细胞的正常功能,导致细胞癌变或细胞凋亡。
User: This magnetism is lost only if the rock is subsequently heated above a particular temperature (the Curie point which is 770 °C for iron).
Assistant: 磁性只会在岩石如果加热到高温时才会消失(铁的居里点温度是770°C)。
User: Nicolas Bourbaki provided the definition of uniform structure in terms of entourages in the book Topologie Générale and John Tukey gave the uniform cover definition.
Assistant: 尼古拉·布尔巴基在书《Topologie Général》中提供了依据周围的一致结构定义,而 John Tukey 给出了一致覆盖定义。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: On 21 April 2005, Tetzchner proclaimed at an internal meeting of Opera Software that if the download numbers of the browser's new version Opera 8 reached one million within four days, he would swim across the Atlantic Ocean from Norway to the United States.
Assistant: 2005年4月21日,他宣称如果浏览器新版本Opera 8的下载量如果在4日内能达到100万次,他将游泳横渡大西洋,从挪威直到美国。
User: His family moved to Selma, where he graduated from high school.
Assistant: 他的家庭后来搬到了喀土穆,在那里他上完了中学。
User: On September 17 the Soviets invaded eastern Poland, forcing the Polish government and military to abandon their plans for a long-term defense in the Romanian bridgehead area.
Assistant: 9月17日,苏联红军入侵波兰,迫使波兰政府和军队放弃长期固守罗马尼亚桥头堡(英语:Romanian bridgehead)地区的计划。
User: The litas Stability Law (Law I-407) was enacted on 23 March 1994, and the exchange rate fixed at 3.9 litai per U.S. dollar on 1 April 1994.
Assistant: 1994年3月23日颁布立特稳定法律(Law I-407),1994年4月1日,汇率固定在3.9立特每美元,固定的汇率导致了国外大量资本流入立陶宛,对接下来的几年里立陶宛金融的经济现代化产生极大的帮助。
User: What contemporary Polish historians consider to be one of the most essential features of this tradition is not Sarmatian ideology but the manner in which the Rzeczpospolita was governed.
Assistant: 同时代的波兰历史学家认为这个传统最基本的特征并不属于萨尔马提亚主义思想,而是对“共和制”(Rzeczpospolita)国家的要求。
User: Literacy is strongly encouraged so that believers may read the texts for themselves.
Assistant: 识字在巴哈伊信仰中是被强烈鼓励的,这样信徒就可以自己来阅读相关著作。
User: The way in which a discourse community is designed, ultimately controls the way in which the community functions.
Assistant: 话语社区的设计方式,最终决定着话语社区的功能。
User: Theophilus Lindsey, who had helped establish Unitarianism in Britain, wrote to the Reverend Newcome Cappe to express his displeasure at a review in the first issue of the Analytical, demonstrating that Unitarian theology was not being promulgated by the journal.
Assistant: 提阿林赛,曾帮助建立上帝一位论在英国,写信给牧师 值得Cappe 表达他的不满,在评论中的第一个问题的 分析,表明这一神教的神学没有被颁布的日记。
User: His preferred enema poison was said to be cyanide.
Assistant: 据说他最喜欢的毒药是氰化物。
User: Other colors are sometimes used, such as the blue LED of the V-Mouse VM-101 illustrated at right.
Assistant: 有时候也有使用其他颜色的进行照明,如右图所示的使用蓝色LED的V-Mouse VM-101。
User: Another specimen from Madagascar, MNHN 1908-32-57, was also tentatively referred to Tangasaurus.
Assistant: 另一个发现于马达加斯加的标本(编号MNHN 1908-32-57),曾被暂时编入于坦噶蜥属。
User: Somewhat more fanciful is a recent work of nonfiction, Heavenly Intrigue (2004), suggesting that Kepler murdered Tycho Brahe to gain access to his data.
Assistant: 更为玄幻的是最近的一部非小说类作品——《天国的密谋》(2004),该书声称开普勒谋杀了第谷以获取他的数据。
User: A majority of Gaza's population consists of refugees from the 1948 Palestine War and their descendants.
Assistant: 大部分的加沙地带居民都是1948年第一次中东战争中逃出巴勒斯坦的难民及其后代。
User: There are Scouting associations in some countries, such as France and Denmark, that are segregated on the basis of religious belief.
Assistant: 部分国家的童军组织,像是法国和丹麦,因为基本宗教信仰的差异,而造成童军组织分离的状况。
User: In 2002, he rejoined the JLP and in November 2003 was again elected chairman of the party.
Assistant: 2002月重新加入工党,并在2003年11月再度当选为该党主席。
User: Religious and ideological opposition to birth control has been cited as a factor contributing to overpopulation and poverty.
Assistant: 反对生育控制的宗教和意识形态常被认为是导致人口过多和贫困的因素。
User: The group directive allows the declaration of a group of codelets.
Assistant: group指令允许声明一组codelets。
User: The majority of people, Joy claims, care deeply about animals and do not want them to suffer.
Assistant: 乔伊表示,大多数的人都深切关心动物,不希望动物受苦。
User: Upon their return home, most converts joined or created small local churches, which grew rapidly.
Assistant: 大多数皈依者一回到家,就加入或创立了小规模的地方教会,这些教会迅速发展。
User: During the 1960s, Russ gave birth to a daughter.
Assistant: 1960年代嫁李莎,育有一子一女。
User: On April 15, 1947, he died of heart attack at the home of his daughter in Jacksonville, Florida.
Assistant: 1947年4月15日,他因心肌梗死在佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔的女儿家中去世。
User: The functioning of the art world is dependent on art institutions, ranging from major museums to private galleries, non-profit spaces, art schools and publishers, and the practices of individual artists, curators, writers, collectors, and philanthropists.
Assistant: 整个艺术圈的运作主要依赖在艺术机构中,范围从大型博物馆到私人画廊、非营利场合、艺术学校、出版商、各艺术家的工作场合、策展人、收集家和慈善家。
User: The theme was used in John McLaughlin and Al Di Meola's live version of Chick Corea's Short Tales of the Black Forest, from the 1981 album Friday Night in San Francisco.
Assistant: 这首主题曲也被John McLaughlin和Al Di Meola's live用在了他们现场版的奇克·柯瑞亚的黑森林短剧中,收录在他们1981年的专辑《旧金山星期五夜(英语:Friday_Night_in_San_Francisco)》之中。
User: Users must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor.
Assistant: 您必须按照作者或授权人所指定的方式,表彰其姓名。
User: Green text is also featured in the Swan's computer in Lost series.
Assistant: 绿色文本也是《迷失》系列中Swan的计算机的特色。
User: The Uncreated, from which all Creation springs.
Assistant: 凡所建白皆采纳。
User: As with previous entries, Joker was a silent character, so as with previous protagonist Soejima had to work out a way he could communicate without dialogue.
Assistant: 和以前的作品一样,主角也是一个沉默的角色,所以和以前的主角一样,副岛成记必须找出一种没有对话就能沟通的方式。
User: The TB-3 was also used in several special projects as a fighter mothership in the Zveno project and for delivering light T-27, T-37, and T-38 tanks.
Assistant: TB-3也被用在几个特殊的项目,例如:Zveno计划的战斗机母舰和空运、降轻型T-27(英语:T-27)、T-37和T-38坦克。
User: He was buried in the Moscow Novodevichi Cemetery on 4 June 2010.
Assistant: 他在2010年6月4日被葬在莫斯科的新处女公墓。
User: I was right.
Assistant: 以前有对。
User: Sweden was the only European country to achieve the WHO goal of less than 20% daily smoking prevalence among adults by year 2000.
Assistant: 瑞典也是欧洲唯一达成世界卫生组织(WHO)目标的国家:全国每日吸烟人口不超过20%。
User: The adjustment of prices in markets towards ‘equilibrium’ (where supply and demand equal) gives them greater utilitarian significance.
Assistant: 市场中价格的调整倾向于“均衡”(供需平衡)给予他们更大的功利性的意义。
User: That year, over 2000 members of Muslim student groups protested outside Al-Azhar University, leading to rare public protests against the Egyptian government, violence, 75 arrests and a number of injuries.
Assistant: 超过2000名的穆斯林学生在邻近开罗国际书展的阿兹哈尔大学外抗议,罕见的导致了对埃及政府的公开抗议,暴力冲突造成75人被捕,多人受伤。
User: I consent to owe you that service.
Assistant: 我现在把我作为你的功劳。
User: Hungary's government allied itself with Nazi Germany during World War II in exchange for assurances that Greater Hungary's borders would be restored.
Assistant: 匈牙利政府在第二次世界大战中跟纳粹德国结盟,换取回复大匈牙利边界的保证。
User: On 26 July 2011, he scored twice in a 7–0 win over County Tyrone in the Milk Cup.
Assistant: 2011年7月26日,他在牛奶杯对蒂龙郡7–0的比赛中梅开二度。
User: It was authorized to conduct investigations in Palestine and wherever it might deem useful.
Assistant: 它被授权在巴勒斯坦地区以及其认为有需要的地方进行调查。
User: John Van Syckle and his father laid out Xenia's village plat in 1858.
Assistant: 约翰·范·西可及其父亲于1858年设立齐尼亚村。
User: Rapid progress for such a young priest.
Assistant: 不久加封为太子少傅。
User: From there, he begins his plan to conquer the rest of the continent.
Assistant: 从此,他开始了他征服整个大陆的计划。
User: Officially the representative of the King, the Governor-General also received instructions from the British Government on his use of the Royal Assent, namely a Bill passed by the Dáil and Seanad could be Granted Assent (signed into law), Withheld (not signed, pending later approval) or Denied (vetoed).
Assistant: 形式上来说国王的代表——总督,在使用英王御准时也要从英国政府接受指示,名义上爱尔兰参众两院通过的议案可以被御准通过(签署法案)、推迟(不签署,留待将来批准)与拒绝(即否决)。
User: In August 2015, both sides signed a peace agreement to end the South Sudanese Civil War.
Assistant: 2015年8月,双方曾签署停火协议,尝试结束南苏丹内战。
User: The scope of SQL includes data query, data manipulation (insert, update and delete), data definition (schema creation and modification), and data access control.
Assistant: SQL的范围包括数据插入、查询、更新和删除,数据库模式(英语:database schema)创建和修改,以及数据访问控制。
User: Hintikka edited the academic journal Synthese from 1962 to 2002, and was a consultant editor for more than ten journals.
Assistant: 辛提卡在1962-2002年是一名荷兰的国际《综合》杂志的编辑,并且曾经是十几名编辑的顾问。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: The rise in the popularity of "UGG"-branded ugg boots has been the "driving force" in recent shortages, which have seen sheep-skin prices from 2010 to 2012 increase by up to 80%.
Assistant: 最近数年内,由于羊皮靴(特别是“UGG”牌)的销量扩张,导致羊皮供不应求,仅在2010年到2012年之间羊皮价格就飘升了80%。
User: The graphical elements in SWF are thus fairly similar to SVG and MPEG-4 BIFS.
Assistant: 因此,SWF中的图形元素与SVG和MPEG-4 BIFS非常相似。
User: An insane nun terrorizes her students.
Assistant: 太守谒焕做过他的学生。
User: In ice hockey, the captain is the player designated by a team as the only person authorized to speak with the game officials regarding rule interpretations when the captain is on the ice.
Assistant: 根据国家冰上曲棍球联盟 (NHL)的规则,队长是唯一的球员被准许与球证讨论关于解释规则。
User: They also asked for a temporary restraining order or injunction preventing the defendants from enforcing Alabama's same-sex marriage ban and, for the first time in this case, sought attorney's fees.
Assistant: 原告方同时申请法庭颁布一项临时禁制令或强制令,以阻止被告执行阿拉巴马州的同性婚姻禁令,并首次向被告索要律师费赔偿。
User: The year after his graduation, he opened his architectural practice in Rome.
Assistant: 毕业后,他在罗马进行建筑实践。
User: He worked and researched at physics departments of several universities, including the University of Greifswald, until 1922.
Assistant: 他曾在好几所大学中的物理系工作与研究,包括在格赖夫斯瓦尔德大学一直到1922年。
User: The name Palmifera means "palm-bearer," and the model holds a palm in her hands.
Assistant: 喉片的英文名称(throat lozenge)为菱形的意思,是基于其当初的形状,钻石,而命名。
User: This notion clashed with emerging Russian nationalism and with Russian calls for a unitary state for Slavs only, which eventually came into conflict with Finnish separatism and constitutionalism in the form of "russification policies", which restricted Finland's extensive autonomy from 1899 onwards, excluding a brief interruption between 1905 and 1908, all the way to the February Revolution in 1917.
Assistant: 这种观点与新兴的俄罗斯民族主义产生碰撞,呼吁建立一个只有斯拉夫人的统一国家,这最终带来了芬兰分裂主义和宪政主义的冲突,形成所谓的“芬兰的俄罗斯化(英语:Russification of Finland)”,这从1899年起开始限制了芬兰广泛的自治化,不包括1905年到1908年之间的短暂中断,一直到了1917年的俄国二月革命。
User: Government plans for privatisation of the airline in 1999 to a consortium which include Air France was suspended when the Central Bank of Madagascar defaulted on payments to Exim Bank for the airline's Boeing 747.
Assistant: 政府原计划于1999年把航空公司私营化为一个包括法国航空在内财团,但因马达加斯加中央银行仍拖欠购入波音747时付予进出口银行的款项而被暂停。
User: ADS-B also provides the data infrastructure for inexpensive flight tracking, planning, and dispatch.
Assistant: ADS-B数据还可以记录和下载,用于飞行后的数据分析,这可以作为低成本的航班追踪、计划和调度的数据基础设施。
User: Barlow and Chambers execution, the first two Westerners hanged in Malaysia after the new legislation has been introduced.
Assistant: 巴洛和钱伯斯的死刑,推行新立法后,首两个在马来西亚被施以绞刑处决的西方人。
User: Because of this, the Tropical rain belt may not have risen to its northern latitudes, thus causing an absence of seasonal rains.
Assistant: 因为这个原因,热带雨带(英语:Tropical rain belt)可能无法向北扩展,从而造成一些地区的季节性降雨的缺失。
User: The earliest documented draft of Disney's plans was sent as a memo to studio production designer Dick Kelsey on August 31, 1948, where it was referred to as a "Mickey Mouse Park", based on notes Disney made during his and Ward Kimball's trip to Chicago Railroad Fair the same month, with a two-day stop in Henry Ford's Museum and Greenfield Village, a place with attractions like a Main Street and steamboat rides, which he had visited eight years earlier.
Assistant: 迪士尼最初的规划草稿文件在1948年8月31日时以备忘录的形式交给了电影场景设计师迪克·凯尔西(Dick Kelsey),当时这份计划称为“米奇老鼠公园”(Mickey Mouse Park),其内容是依据当月迪士尼和华德·坎贝尔一同前往芝加哥铁路节(Chicago Railroad Fair)时写下的笔记,旅途中他们也在亨利·福特的博物馆和绿野村庄(Museum and Greenfield Village)停留了两天,在那里有着类似小镇大街的景点,以及搭乘蒸汽船的游乐设施。
User: About 100 people involved were tried in January 1832 by Chief Justice Tindal.
Assistant: 约100人在1832年1月接受了首席大法官廷德尔的审判。
User: The resulting fatty acid esters can be used as fuel in diesel engines.
Assistant: 所得脂肪酸酯可用作柴油发动机中的燃料。
User: Although most animated films do not make extensive changes to the film during active production due to budget restrictions, The Simpsons Movie crew continued to edit their film into 2007, with some edits taking place as late as May, two months before the film was released.
Assistant: 出于成本上的限制,大部分动画片在进入实际制作阶段后就不会再作出大规模改动,但《辛普森一家大电影》直到2007年5月仍在进行剪辑,这时距影片最终上映已经只剩下两个月时间。
User: However, in general it is not clear whether there exists any ideal M that is maximal in this sense.
Assistant: 但是,一般而言是否存在这个意义上极大的任何理想M。
User: There is concern that it may increase the risk of cancer.
Assistant: 也有人担心它可能会增加患癌症的风险。
User: Washington's dental problems left him in constant pain, for which he took laudanum.
Assistant: 牙疼问题时常让华盛顿疼的要命,不得不吃鸦片酊镇痛。
User: Therefore they carried and saved him as before.
Assistant: 察之,则也先贡使也。
User: His works have been widely praised.
Assistant: 其作品曾广为传颂。
User: Angelou's older brother, Bailey Jr., nicknamed Marguerite "Maya", derived from "My" or "Mya Sister".
Assistant: 长她一岁的哥哥名为小贝利(Bailey Jr.),后者将安吉洛昵称为“马娅”(Maya),这个昵称来自“My”(我的)或“Mya Sister”(马娅妹妹)。
User: The registers do their own arithmetic; there may or may not be one or more special registers e.g. "accumulator" (See Random-access machine for more on this).
Assistant: 寄存器做自己的算术;可以有也可以没有一个或多个特殊寄存器比如“累加器”(详情参见随机存取机)。
User: After going on a rampage and killing nineteen people (including his girlfriend Christie), Jonathan was confronted by Supergirl and Raven of the Teen Titans.
Assistant: 并在横冲直撞下杀死了包括女友克莉丝汀(Christie)在内的十九人后,强纳森遇见了超人及少年悍将的酷姬。
User: The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), developed by David Wechsler, is an individually administered intelligence test for children between the ages of 6 and 16.
Assistant: 韦克斯勒儿童智力量表(英语:Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children,缩写WISC),简称韦氏儿童智力量表,是一个源自美国的智力量表,用以量度6至16岁儿童的智力。
User: Basic information about each framework.
Assistant: 有关每个框架的基本资讯。
User: These series, written by Joe R. Lansdale and drawn by Tim Truman, fit more into the western-horror genre, as Hex interacts with zombies ("Two-Gun Mojo" #1-5, 1993), a Cthulhoid monster ("Riders of the Worm and Such" #1-5, 1995) and spirit people ("Shadows West" #1-3, 1999).
Assistant: 这些系列,由乔·R·兰斯代尔撰写和蒂莫西·杜鲁门绘制,适合加入更多的西方恐怖片,例如:海克斯和僵尸的互动(1995年,《双枪魔》#1-5)、克苏鲁(1995年,《骑士与蠕虫的搏斗》#1-5)和生灵(1999年,《西方的阴影》#1-3)。
User: Although new temples to Greek deities still continued to be constructed, e.g. the Tychaion at Selge they tend to follow the canonical forms of the developing Roman imperial style of architecture or to maintain local non-Greek idiosyncrasies, like the temples in Petra or Palmyra.
Assistant: 虽然供奉希腊众神的新神庙仍继续地建造著,比方说,位于塞尔盖(英语:Selge)(Selge)的堤喀神庙(Tychaion)祂们往往遵循发展着罗马帝国之建筑风格典型的样式或者维持当地非希腊特质的庙堂风貌,像是位于佩特拉(Petra)或巴尔米拉(Palmyra)的神庙。
User: The Registrar-General, located at the Registrar-General's Department, is responsible for the registration of trademarks and for the administration of registered marks.
Assistant: 注册总署(General Register Office),其首长为注册总署署长(Registrar-General),是英国主管生死登记、婚姻登记的部门。
User: The magistrate escaped in disguise but the mayor and officials were besieged in the Mansion-house.
Assistant: 裁判官逃脱了,但市长和官员们被包围在市长府邸。
User: The Queen had a relatively balanced view of the conflict, and condemned atrocities on both sides.
Assistant: 女王对冲突双方持有相对平衡的态度,对双方的暴徒都予以治罪。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: It was the longest tunnel in North America until the 1916 completion of the Connaught Tunnel under Rogers Pass in British Columbia,.
Assistant: 直到1916年位于不列颠哥伦比亚罗杰斯山道下的康诺特隧道建成,胡萨克隧道都是北美最长的记录。
User: The final result was 4–4.
Assistant: 最终结果是 4–2。
User: Immediately after Omar's landfall in Guam, former Governor Joseph Franklin Ada declared a state of emergency, and former U.S. President George H. W. Bush declared the island a federal disaster area.
Assistant: 风暴登陆关岛后,前总督约瑟夫·富兰克林·阿达(Joseph Franklin Ada)宣布全岛进入紧急状态,前总统乔治·赫伯特·沃克·布什宣布关岛为联邦灾区。
User: This resulted in intense debate about past faults under the Vietnam's planning system and the need to introduce major changes in the run up to the 6th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam.
Assistant: 这导致了对越南过去计划体系过失的激烈争论,以及需要作出重大变化迅速被提上越南共产党第六次全国代表大会。
User: The two maintained a chaste relationship until Raffalovich's sudden death in 1934.
Assistant: 直到1934年拉夫洛维奇突然死亡前,两人都保持着纯洁的关系。
User: Its aim is to force drivers to reduce their speed by about 35% in an accident zone, with the aid of a dashboard display.
Assistant: 目标是让车手在仪表板显示资料的辅助下,强迫车手在事故区降低大约35%的速度。
User: The Chief of Staff is an appointed special advisor or a career civil servant who is personally and politically close to the Prime Minister.
Assistant: 幕僚长是首相指任的特别顾问或职业公务员,在个人关系和政治立场上都接近首相。
User: The Paley–Wiener theorem is an example of this.
Assistant: Paley-Wiener定理就是这样的一个例子。
User: Gunnarsson's books have been translated into many languages.
Assistant: 贡纳尔松的作品被译成了多种语言。
User: Cédric Pioline (born 15 June 1969) is a retired French professional tennis player who played on the professional tour from 1989 to 2002.
Assistant: 塞德里克·皮奥林(Cédric Pioline,1969年6月15日-)是一位已退役的法国职业网球选手,职业生涯在1989年至2002年。
User: This buried phosphate can stabilize the normally rare imino tautomers of both bases, resulting in an increase in the negative charge density on N3.
Assistant: 该嵌入磷酸基可使这两个稀有的亚胺基异构化的碱基更稳定,并令N3拥有负电荷密度。
User: Moran was also chairman of Biomas, a developer of innovative pharmaceuticals.
Assistant: 莫兰还是一家创新药研发公司Biomas的董事长。
User: It has a large Chinese community.
Assistant: 刚果共和国,有一个较大的华人社区。
User: Bok has testified before the United States Senate and met with George W. Bush, Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice, telling them his story of slavery.
Assistant: 巴克曾经在美国参议院听证会上作证,受到总统乔治·W·布什、国务卿马德琳·奥尔布赖特和康多莉扎·赖斯接见,向他们讲述自己的奴隶生涯。
User: Despite its defeats at the polls, this group believed that the Unionist government in Frankfort did not represent the will of the majority of Kentucky's citizens.
Assistant: 虽然在之前的选举中接连失利,但不知何故,这些代表仍然认为州首府法兰克福的亲联邦政府没有代表肯塔基州大部分公民的意愿。
User: William Pitt the Younger was a powerful prime minister who consolidated the powers of his office.
Assistant: 小威廉·皮特是一位有能力的首相,能够统领内阁。
User: Historical studies have focused on numerous small-scale movements which are helpful in comparisons of Canadian and American politics.
Assistant: 相关历史的研究集中在众多小规模的运动,这有利于比较加拿大和美国政治。
User: Note that this is different from an immediate annuity.
Assistant: 因此才会有异于常年的决定。
User: Located at the top of Parliament Street on the city's southern side, the City Hall building stands next to Dublin Castle, the centre of the British government in Ireland until 1922.
Assistant: 都柏林市政厅位于城市的南侧的议会街尽头,毗邻1922年以前英国政府在爱尔兰的中心都柏林城堡。
User: This is called filtering.
Assistant: 这称为过滤(filtering)。
User: Despite this, Flaminius remained passively encamped at Arretium.
Assistant: 然而,弗拉米尼却始终坚守在Arretium。
User: About an hour later, the German battlecruisers were attacked by the destroyers Onslow and Moresby, but Pillau, Frankfurt, and the battlecruisers' secondary guns drove them off.
Assistant: 大约一小时后,德国的战列巡洋舰遭到了驱逐舰翁斯洛号(英语:HMS Onslow)和莫尔兹比号的袭击,但皮劳号、法兰克福号以及战列巡洋舰的副炮将它们击退。
User: It is the final film by Wajda who died in October 2016.
Assistant: 本片是瓦伊达(逝于2016年10月)的最后一部作品。
User: Georg Amadeus Carl Friedrich Naumann (30 May 1797 – 26 November 1873), also known as Karl Friedrich Naumann, was a German mineralogist and geologist.
Assistant: 格奥尔·阿马迪厄斯·卡尔·瑙曼 (Georg Amadeus Carl Friedrich Naumann,1797年5月30日-1873年11月26日),也被称为“卡尔·弗里德里希·瑙曼”(Friedrich Naumann),是一位德国矿物学家和地质学家。
User: In Birka, a vǫlva and a warrior were once buried together.
Assistant: 在瑞典比尔卡,有一个墓葬中合葬著一位渥尔娃女巫和一名战士。
User: Half of the committee's members then flew to Amman to meet with King Abdullah of Transjordan, who claimed that the Arabs would have "difficulty" accepting partition but refused to completely rule it out, hinting that in such an event, the Arab parts of Palestine should go to Transjordan.
Assistant: 委员会的一半成员随后飞往安曼,与外约旦国王阿卜杜拉一世会面,他声称阿拉伯人接受分治“有困难”,但并没有完全排除分治的可能性,并暗示在这种情况下,巴勒斯坦的阿拉伯部分应该并入外约旦。
User: 1988 - Mediterranean deployment.
Assistant: 1988年地、市合并。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: Tomkins claims that "Christianity became a powerful universal religion in part because of its more general solution to the problem of anger, violence, and suffering versus love, enjoyment, and peace.".
Assistant: Tomkins指出“基督教会成为一个强大的普遍宗教,是因为它为愤怒、暴力、痛苦提供了爱、享受与和平的解决之道。
User: Solving any problems or issues with the electrical equipment that the Deck Electricians cannot resolve by themselves.
Assistant: 会用各种技能解决委托人的问题,若单凭自己无法解决,则会叫龙套来处理。
User: In English Theophilus is also written "Theophilos", both a common name and an honorary title among the learned (academic) Romans and Jews of the era.
Assistant: 另外,英语中"Theophilus"也可以被写作"Theophilos",它既可以作为一个普通的名字又可以作为古罗马学者与犹太人中的一个荣誉称号——他们的生活与《路加福音》与《使徒行传》的作者有相同之处。
User: Kronprinz maintained her speed and reached port.
Assistant: 王储号维持其航速并抵达港口。
User: She then read English at Wadham College, Oxford, graduating with an upper second in 2006.
Assistant: 她随后在牛津大学瓦德汉学院学习英语,并在2006年以二一毕业。
User: The 15th Army at this point consisted only of a small headquarters staff working to compile a history of the war in Europe.
Assistant: 这一集团军当时只有很少一部分总部工作人员负责编撰欧战历史。
User: The defense attorney for Taylor provided a list of four individuals, which did not include witnesses Alfred Wormley and Pam Berkhalter.
Assistant: 泰勒的律师由此提供的名单上一共有四个名字,其中没有包括另外两名证人阿尔弗雷德·沃姆利(Alfred Wormley)和帕姆·伯克霍尔特(Pam Berkhalter)。
User: I didn't audition for day player anymore".
Assistant: 我不再为戏份很少的角色而试镜了”。
User: In France, it is referred to as un baiser amoureux ("a lover's kiss") or un baiser avec la langue ("a kiss with the tongue"), even if in past times it was also known as baiser Florentin ("Florentine kiss").
Assistant: 在法国称其 un baiser amoureux (情人的吻)或 un baiser avec la langue (有舌头的接吻),即使在过去也称之为 baiser florentin 。
User: Browning had previously sold the rights to his successful M1911 U.S. Army automatic pistol to Colt's Patent Firearms, and was therefore forced to design an entirely new pistol while working around the M1911 patents.
Assistant: 但由于勃朗宁已经把他设计成功的M1911美国军用半自动手枪的枪械专利卖给了柯尔特公司,因此勃朗宁被迫绕过M1911的专利重新设计一把全新的手枪。
User: As a result of AMC's increased involvement, the first and final episodes of series 4 were filmed on location in Los Angeles and Las Vegas.
Assistant: 而且也因为有AMC的头次,第四辑的首集和末集分别在洛杉矶和拉斯维加斯拍摄。
User: The latter was translated into French the same year, and is considered by many historians to be his most original contribution to military literature.
Assistant: 后者被翻译成法语,许多历史学家认为是他最原始的对军事文学的贡献。
User: In 1932, the club also built a new stand on the Molineux Street side and followed this with adding a roof to the South Bank two years later.
Assistant: 1932年球队再在莫利纽街(Molineux Street)一方兴建另一座新看台,两年后为“南岸梯阶看台”(South Bank)加建上盖。
User: It also earned third place in the football-only GANEFO event that took place in 1965.
Assistant: 北越队还在1965年单独举行的足球比赛中获得了第三名。
User: Jerry Robinson came to me with a playing card of the Joker.
Assistant: 杰瑞·罗宾逊带着小丑的扑克牌来找我。
User: Most visitors arriving to Kyrgyzstan were from the following countries of nationality: A transit visa is needed when travelling to or from Kyrgyzstan and changing plane in Russia.
Assistant: 下表列出访问吉尔吉斯斯坦人数最多的国家: 自俄罗斯往返吉尔吉斯斯坦或转机都需要俄罗斯的过境签证。
User: Contains a phrase repeated twice in Icelandic.
Assistant: 4. ^ 歌曲中有一句用冰岛语重复两次。
User: Hence, the phrase čihr-farn means 'of glorious or splendid nature', or (if it is translated literally) 'of radiant appearance'.
Assistant: 因此,čihr-farn意为灿烂的大自然或(逐字翻译)为灿烂的外表。
User: This implied that if the Higgs boson were to exist it would have to be heavier than 7002114400000000000♠114.4 GeV/c2.
Assistant: 这意味着假若希子存在,则它应该会重于114.4 GeV/c2。
User: Its name means "pump" in Latin; it represents an air pump.
Assistant: 拉丁语义“泵”;代表气泵。
User: The king granted Hugh Eliot, Robert Thorne and his son a bounty of ₤20 in January 1502 for purchasing the Gabriel, a ship for an expedition voyage that summer.
Assistant: 国王在1502年1月给予休·艾略特,罗伯特·索恩和他的儿子一笔20镑的赏金,用于购买一艘在当年夏天进行远航的船只----加百列号。
User: Criminal Justice (Terrorist Offences) Act 2005 Offences covered under the laws are known as "scheduled offences".
Assistant: 2005年刑事司法(恐怖主义罪行) 法律所涵盖的罪行称为"表列罪行"(scheduled offences)。
User: Improved experimental techniques that prior to 1983 would have measured the speed of light, no longer affect the known value of the speed of light in SI units, but instead allow a more precise realization of the metre by more accurately measuring the wavelength of Krypton-86 and other light sources.
Assistant: 在重新定义之前,更准确的测量会使光速值变得更为精确;但在1983年以后,对氪-86以及其他光源的更准确测量不会再改变现有的光速值,而是会增加米单位的精确度。
User: From 1910 to 1940, the Angel Island Immigration Station on what is now Angel Island State Park in San Francisco Bay served as the processing center for most of the 56,113 Chinese immigrants who are recorded as immigrating or returning from China; upwards of 30% more who showed up were returned to China.
Assistant: 从1910年到1940年,旧金山湾的天使岛移民站(即现在的加州天使岛州立公园)一直都被作为56,113名记录在案的华人移民或者等待遣送回国的华人里的绝大多数的处理中心,其中有30%以上的华人返回了中国。 |
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The last of his works was his posthumous Autobiography.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The optical absorption is then essentially the product of the dipole operator matrix element (also known as the oscillator strength) and the JDOS.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
于是,光学吸收谱即为偶极子算符的矩阵元素(也叫做振子强度,oscillator strength)与复合态密度(JDOS)的乘积。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The Fund strives to follow in his footsteps in supporting Surinamese projects with educational and cultural goals.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
From 1565 to 1815, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands, the only Spanish outposts in the Pacific Ocean east of the Philippines, were an important resting stop for the Manila galleons, a fleet that covered the Pacific trade route between Acapulco and Manila.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Today, such drinks are also known as "Chilate" and are made by locals in the South of Mexico.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 今天,这样的饮料也被称为“Chilate”,是从墨西哥南部的土著居民中流传而来的。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In 2004, his second album of original songs "Margaret Et Ses Bijoux" (Margaret And Her Jewels) was released and can be defined as a concept album.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
他的第二张专辑《玛格丽特和她的珠宝》(Margaret et ses bijoux)是在2004年发行,这张概念专辑更受欢迎。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: G418 (Geneticin) is an aminoglycoside antibiotic similar in structure to gentamicin B1.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Based on its mass, it was probably a class A star (similar to Vega or Fomalhaut) when it was on the main sequence, though it is now in the giant stage of its evolution.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:By the time that the US took this up in 1944, the British were too busy with their own conversions resulting in the Sherman Firefly.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The rivalry with IFK Malmö is both geographical and historical.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Its uses in programming languages have often influenced or provoked its uses in operating systems, and applications.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:$字符在编程语言中的使用导致和影响了其在操作系统和应用软件中的用途。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Evolutionary psychologists have proposed that individuals may adopt conditional mating strategies in which they adjust their mating tactics to relevant environmental or internal conditions.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 演化心理学家指出,个体可以根据相关的环境或内部条件来调整交配策略。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In ancient Greece, the laurel (Laurus nobilis) was sacred to Apollo and as such sprigs of it were fashioned into a crown or wreath of honor for poets and heroes.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在古希腊文化中,月桂(Laura nobilis)是献给主神阿波罗的神圣祭品,而它的小栉会编织成冠状或圈状作为颁赠给诗人和英雄的荣誉,这种象征也广泛流传至今。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The album was mostly written and produced by Jean-Jacques Goldman, and amassed huge success with the singles "Pour que tu m'aimes encore" and "Je sais pas".
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:这张专辑的作品大都由让·雅克·高德曼制作,而里面的两首单曲《为了让你一直爱着我》("Pour que tu m'aimes encore")及《我不知道》("Je sais pas")为席琳累聚了巨大的成功。 |
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The higher the iodine number, the more C=C bonds are present in the fat.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:因此,碘价越高,对应的样品中C=C含量越高。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Eight main contexts are referred to in the literature: Power: according to Lord Acton's famous dictum, "all power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely".
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
这里给出了八大条件: 权势:根据阿克顿男爵的著名格言:“权力导致腐败,绝对权力导致绝对腐败。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Felipe Massa experienced smoke in his cockpit both on Friday and Saturday, apparently caused by the new titanium plates underneath the cars which also create sparks when driving over bumps on the track.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Ozu himself at least once spoke in such terms.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
On September 4, lifeguards at Waikiki Beach and Ala Moana Beach rescued 19 people caught in 5 to 6 ft (1.5 to 1.8 m) swells.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:9月4日,威基基海滩和阿拉莫纳海滩的救生员从1.5-1.8米高的大浪中救出了19人。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The earliest form of a company which issued public shares was the case of the publicani during the Roman Republic.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:最早发行社会公众股的公司形式是罗马共和国时期的Publicani。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Air dropping the vehicle from a plane with parachutes was tested, but was not successful; four test-vehicles were destroyed.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The platform-side buildings were extended and had their symmetry restored, while the entrance hall received a glass dome.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Finally, the General Finance Track for students who do not wish to specialize in any area.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
6. 一般财务:为不想涉足某一特定金融专业领域的学生开设。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Again, the additional structure, here the manifold structure, has to be compatible, i.e., the maps corresponding to multiplication and the inverse have to be smooth.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Screenwriting teacher Robert McKee maintains that the script is "the greatest screenplay of all time".
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:编剧教师罗伯特·麦基(Robert McKee)坚持本片拥有有史以来最伟大的剧本。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Listaller was started in December 2007 by freedesktop.org developer Matthias Klumpp as an experimental project to explore the possibility of writing a universal user interface to manage all kinds of Linux software, no matter how it was installed.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
2007年12月由freedesktop.org的其中一个开发者,Matthias Klumpp,开始了这个专案,希望使用通用的使用者界面管理所有种类的Linux软件(而不论其如何安装)的实验性专案。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Therefore, anyone who is concerned enough to give assistance to the gods should throw these pieces away.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
It also manages the World Database of Protected Areas in collaboration with the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:MicroPython is a full Python compiler and runtime that runs on the micro-controller hardware.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Natural complex systems often exhibit such topologies.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The territories ruled by the branch changed over the centuries, but the core always consisted of four blocs: The Hereditary Lands, which covered most of the modern states of Austria and Slovenia, as well as territories in northeastern Italy and (before 1797) southwestern Germany.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 哈布斯堡君主国的领土在数个世纪内不断变化,但其核心部分总是包括四块: 世袭领地,包括今日奥地利和斯洛文尼亚的大部、意大利东北部以及(1797年前)德国西南部。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Kuteks Inc. Co., was found in 1984 to produce medical consumables.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The move came at a time of growing domestic pressure to restrict immigration.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
STS-8 was the eighth NASA Space Shuttle mission and the third flight of the Space Shuttle Challenger.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
There are four Ganga temples.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 城隍庙有四重牌坊。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: As a result, the regiment waited patiently in camp.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In 2010, 150 years later, it was determined to be an Earth-grazing meteor procession.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Peter and the Two-Hour Moon.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:At present, it contains the single species Baltocteniza kulickae.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 巴尔托蛛属下已知只有一个物种,即 Baltocteniza kulickae。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
As of Unicode 3.2 and 4.0, the character set now includes 256 variation selectors so that these combining mark characters can select from 256 possible character/glyph variations for the preceding character.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
为此,Unicode 3.2 与 4.0定义了256个异体字选择器,可选择前一个字符的最多256个可能的异体字。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Given enough time, this would create a mutual tidal locking between Earth and the Moon, where the length of a day has increased and the length of a lunar month has shortened until the two are the same.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 只要给予足够的时间,就将在月球和地球创造出相互的潮汐锁定,地球的一天会逐渐延长,而恒星月或逐渐缩短,直到两者有着相同的时间长度。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The earthquake of 1570 caused much damage.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
If the number of training examples is smaller than the dimensionality of the images, the principal components can be computed more easily as follows.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
He pointed to the way the axiomatic method can be used as a tool for problem-solving, for example by Alexander Grothendieck.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In 1702, an organ was installed.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Most often, to address a particular audience, a technical communicator must consider what qualities make a text useful (capable of supporting a meaningful task) and usable (capable of being used in service of that task).
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
大多数情况下,为了满足某个特定用户的需求,技术传播从业者必须考虑哪些特征会使文档有用(能够支持某个任务)并且可用(以服务于该任务的方式使用)。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: Under threat of invasion by sea, Lithuania surrendered the Memel district in March 1939.
Assistant: 在海上入侵的威胁之下,立陶宛于1939年3月将梅梅尔地区交予纳粹德国。
User: The regime then arranged for "people's capitalism" exhibits at international fairs worldwide.
Assistant: 政府接着安排了“人民资本主义”的展览并在世界范围内的国际博览会展出。
User: It has the following core values: Equality, so that all individuals can realize their potential on fair terms; Solidarity, so that all people have everything they need for a decent standard of living and Freedom, so that each individual can build his/her own personal life project.
Assistant: 它具有以下主要价值:平等,以便所有人都能在公平的条件下实现其潜力;团结一致,让所有人都拥有必要的体面生活和自由,以便每个人都能建立自己的个人生活项目。
User: He left the school in his second year and joined Chiyonofuji's Kokonoe stable.
Assistant: 他在第二年离开学校,并加入了千代之富士的九重部屋。
User: The most common cause of death was systemic infection and sufferers rarely survived for more than a few days.
Assistant: 最常见的死因是全身性感染,患儿很难存活超过几天。
User: In 1778 Charles-Henri officially received the blood-red coat, the sign of the master executioner, from his father Charles-Jean-Baptiste and held this position for 38 years, until his son Henri in 1795 succeeded him after he showed serious signs of illness.
Assistant: 1778年夏尔·亨利·桑松正式从他的父亲夏尔·约翰-巴蒂斯特·桑松那里接过了代表主刽子手的血红色外套,此后担任这一职务长达38年,直到1795年在他表现出严重的患病迹象后由他的儿子亨利接替他。
User: He can also utilize Gōryūjin to fight for him.
Assistant: 另外他也会使用卡波耶拉进行战斗。
User: If the team could rescue this image, the project would prove "that the drive can be refurbished to the point of reliably playing a tape back".
Assistant: 如果团队能挽救这帧图像,则该项目将能证明"驱动器已被翻新到能可靠地播放磁带了"。
User: The Scottish National Party (SNP) has campaigned for a place in Eurovision for Scotland but had been rejected numerous times because Scotland is represented as a part of the British entry and is represented by the BBC.
Assistant: 苏格兰民族党曾尝试为苏格兰争取独立参加欧洲歌唱大赛的名额,但多次遭到拒绝,因为英国广播公司已经代表了整个英国,而苏格兰只能作为英国的一部分参赛。
User: Flood waters up to 6.6 ft (2.0 m) covered numerous roads, stranding 45 vehicles and resulting in 75 accidents, which caused at least 25 injuries.
Assistant: 深达2米的洪水淹没多条道路,致使45辆车被困,还导致75起交通事故,至少25人因此受伤。
User: Neither before nor after no one could reach that period.
Assistant: 该阶段及之前都不能进行对战。
User: Temporal cohesion Temporal cohesion is when parts of a module are grouped by when they are processed - the parts are processed at a particular time in program execution (e.g. a function which is called after catching an exception which closes open files, creates an error log, and notifies the user).
Assistant: 时间性内聚性(Temporal cohesion) 时间性内聚性是指将相近时间点执行的程序,放在同一个模组中(例如在捕捉到一个异常后呼叫一函式,在函式中关闭已开启的档案、产生错误日志、并告知使用者)。
User: Thus, an organism serves as an energy transfer mechanism, and beneficial mutations allow successive organisms to transfer more energy within their environment.
Assistant: 因此,生物体作为一种能量传递机构,以及有效益的突变,让接续的生物体可传送其环境中更多的能量。
User: Development systems can start out with broad feature-sets, and then the distribution can be configured to exclude unneeded functionality, and save the expense of the memory that it would consume.
Assistant: 开发系统能够从许多特性组合开始,在发布的时候可以剔除不需要的功能,从而节约所消耗的内存。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: Cloud Computing model web applications are software as a service (SaaS).
Assistant: 云计算模型Web应用程序是软件即服务(SaaS)。
User: Actions, rights and obligations of the Bishops' Conferences are governed by the Code of canon law in 1983 (canons 447-459).
Assistant: 目前主教团的运作、权力和责任,都规范在1983年版《天主教法典》内(第447—459条)。
User: By definition, a ∧ ¬ a = 0 {\displaystyle a\wedge \lnot a=0} , and ¬a is the largest element having this property.
Assistant: 依定义,a ∧ ¬a = 0,,且¬a是具有此一性质的最大元素。
User: Apple also announced that the Yellow Box layer had been renamed Cocoa and began to move away from their commitment to providing the Yellow Box on Windows.
Assistant: 苹果还宣布,Yellow Box 被更名为 Cocoa 并撤回了 Yellow Box 将在 Windows 系统上提供的承诺。
User: By late March 1839 the British forces had crossed the Bolan Pass, reached the southern Afghan city of Quetta, and begun their march to Kabul.
Assistant: 1839年3月末,英军部队抵达奎达,穿过波伦山口,启程前往喀布尔。
User: The Vélodrome de Vincennes (officially Vélodrome Jacques Anquetil - La Cipale) is a cycling stadium in the Bois de Vincennes, Paris, France.
Assistant: 文森体育场(官方名称为 Vélodrome Jacques Anquetil - La Cipale)是在法国巴黎文森森林的自行车体育场。
User: Citing United Nations Security Council Resolution 1483 (22 May 2003) and the laws of war, the CPA vested itself with executive, legislative, and judicial authority over the Iraqi government from the period of the CPA's inception on 21 April 2003 until its dissolution on 28 June 2004.
Assistant: 引述战争法联合国安理会1483号决议 (2003年5月22日),2003年4月21日,伊拉克临时管理当局享有对伊拉克政府的期限的行政管理权、立法权、司法权,直到2004年6月28日。
User: As a result, the studios began to release actors and technical staff from their contracts with the studios.
Assistant: 结果,工作室开始释放演员和技术人员通过与他们的合同。
User: Dave Riley of Anime News Network felt that Lightning's stoic attitude, although out of place in XIII and XIII-2, fit her role as a god's servant in Lightning Returns.
Assistant: 动画新闻网的戴夫·赖利认为,雷霆禁欲的态度不适合《XIII》和《XIII-2》,但与《雷霆归来》中神之仆从的身份相契合。
User: The Southeast had been without an MLS team since the Miami Fusion and Tampa Bay Mutiny were dissolved in 2001.
Assistant: 东南部从2001年迈阿密融合与坦帕湾反叛俱乐部解散后就一直没有一支大联盟球队。
User: This pattern used to be quite common in São Paulo.
Assistant: 这种做法在圣保罗很常见。
User: For example, bromine has only two stable isotopes, 79Br and 81Br, naturally present in approximately equal fractions, which leads to the standard atomic mass of bromine close to 80 (79.904 g/mol), even though the isotope 80Br with such mass is unstable.
Assistant: 例如溴有二种稳定的同位素,分别是79Br and 81Br,在自然界的丰度相近,因此溴的相对原子质量接近80(79.904 g/mol),但质量数为相近整数的80Br是不稳定的同位素。
User: Those cores that analyze for both show a lack of agreement.
Assistant: 可见两种解析所表现出来的意境是不同的。
User: After Finland made a separate peace with the Soviet Union in 1944, the Soviet Union demanded that Finland expel the German army from her soil.
Assistant: 芬兰与苏联在1944年单独签署和平协议后,苏联要求芬兰把德军驱逐出其领土。
User: According to an initial statement, the long-term aim of the coalition is to build "a democratic and civil state of institutions that grants freedom, equality, dignity and respect of human rights to all citizens".
Assistant: 根据第一份声明,该组织的长期目标是建立“一个在所有国民享有自由、平等、尊严和人权的基础上构成的民主的公民国家”。
User: Khalji courted the support the king of Kamarupa, who allowed Bengali forces to pass through his territory.
Assistant: 哈尔吉向迦摩缕波国王表示支持,国王允许孟加拉军队通过他的领土。
User: If so, this would be ironic both because van der Donck was a respectful pioneer in Native American ethnography and linguistics and because he was the political nemesis of Stuyvesant.
Assistant: 如果如此,这个结果由于范·德·邓克是位在美洲原住民民族志与语言学上值得尊敬的拓荒者,又是史岱文森政治上的复仇者而显得讽刺。
User: This approach generalised the previously established laws of thermodynamics and explained existing observations and experiments in a better way than had been achieved previously.
Assistant: 这推广了先前建立的热力学定律,并对当时已有的实验现象和结果给出了较先前更好的理论解释。
User: On 13 March, king Sihanouk changed the official name of the country in French from Cambodge to Kampuchea.
Assistant: 3月13日,西哈努克将法语国名自Cambodge(Cambodia)改为Kampuchea。
User: The cichlid genomes also showed increased evolutionary rates in microRNAs which are involved in gene expression.
Assistant: 丽鱼基因组还表明在参与基因表达的微小RNA中的进化速度增加。
User: Released in 1999, the PlayStation hit Ape Escape became the first game to explicitly require DualShock/Dual-Analog-type controllers, with its gameplay requiring the use of both analog sticks.
Assistant: 1999年发布的PlayStation热门游戏《捉猴啦》是第一个强制需要DualShock控制器进行游玩的游戏,其游戏玩法需要同时使用两个摇杆。
User: Construction work began on September 2, 1973, and the mausoleum was formally inaugurated on August 29, 1975.
Assistant: 纪念堂建设工作始于1973年9月2日,1975年8月29日宣告结构正式落成。
User: As sheriff, Cleveland was responsible for either personally carrying out the execution or paying a deputy $10 to perform the task.
Assistant: 身为警长,克利夫兰有责任亲自执行死刑,或是付给副警长10美元来执行。
User: This is largely due to the popularity and prominence of directors Victor Sjöström and Ingmar Bergman; and more recently Roy Andersson, Lasse Hallström and Lukas Moodysson.
Assistant: 这主要是由于导演Victor Sjöström(英语:Victor Sjöström)和英格玛·伯格曼的人气和突出表现; 和最近的罗伊·安德森,莱塞·霍尔斯道姆和卢卡斯·穆迪森。
User: They avoided vocabulary unknown to Attic Greek and inserted an explanation when they had to use contemporary words.
Assistant: 他们试图避免阿提喀方言中没有的词汇,假如他们不得不使用当代的词汇时,他们会加入一个解释。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: The next day, following the loss of the minelaying cruiser SMS Albatross in the Baltic, the IV Squadron ships were transferred to reinforce the German naval forces in the area.
Assistant: 第二天,当布雷巡洋舰信天翁号(英语:SMS Albatross (1907))在波罗的海受损后,第四分舰队遂转移来加强该地区的德国海军力量。
User: The cell walls of the specimen are progressively dissolved and silica is deposited into the empty spaces.
Assistant: 样品的细胞壁渐渐地溶解,并且硅储存在剩余的空间中。
User: In his appeal to the terrorists, Pope Paul asked them to release Moro "without conditions".
Assistant: 教宗在他的呼吁中要求恐怖分子“无条件”释放莫罗。
User: He was subsequently allowed to reside in Echmiatsin.
Assistant: 他后来被允许居住在艾契米亚钦。
User: Furious debates and campaigning followed, but Ahmad's and Talabani's arguments could not dislodge Mulla Mustafa's position as the popular figurehead of the Kurdish people.
Assistant: 在经历激烈的争辩和游说之后,艾哈迈德和塔拉巴尼仍未能撼动穆斯塔法在库尔德人民心中的领袖地位。
User: That director was shooting for the scenery.
Assistant: 果然,那名狙击手混入了展示馆。
User: The Annals of Ulster say that Duncan was killed on the orders of Donald (incorrectly called his brother) and Edmund.
Assistant: 《阿尔斯特编年史》说邓肯二世被唐纳德(错误的称他为邓肯的兄弟)和埃德蒙杀死。
User: The singer spoke of the mutual interest she and rapper Big Sean felt in wanting to collaborate but mentioned that it took some time for them to find the right song.
Assistant: 爱莉安娜谈到了她和大肖恩都有意想合作,但提到他们需要些许时间才能寻到合适的歌曲。
User: According to The Grocer magazine, Unilever reported that during the Gromit mug promotion, PG Tips sales increased 600%.
Assistant: 根据英国《食品商》杂志(The Grocer)的消息,联合利华报告称在这个小狗“格勒米特“马克杯的促销活动中,PG Tips的销售量增加了600%。
User: In an interview several months later, Amy said: "...we'd gotten to a point that if something didn't change, we wouldn't have been able to make a second record".
Assistant: 在几个月后的一次采访中,Amy说到:“如果我们没有变化的话,是没法做出第二张专辑的。
User: On November 8, 1960, he was elected to the U.S. Senate, but died a month later of a heart attack before taking office.
Assistant: 1960年11月8日,他成功当选联邦参议员,但上任前一个月死于心脏病发。
User: His journals, originally intended only for private circulation, were first published by Thomas Cooper.
Assistant: 他的期刊原本只打算私人传播,第一次被出版是由汤玛斯‧库柏发行的。
User: Photonic crystal fibres were first developed by Philip Russell in 1998, and can be designed to possess enhanced properties over (normal) optical fibres.
Assistant: 光子晶体光纤最早由Philip Russell在1998年制作,它相对于普通光纤有很多先进之处。
User: Many patients get better and do not progress beyond this phase.
Assistant: 拜过许多人为师,但没怎样进步。
User: A fire bucket is a bucket filled with water or sand which is used to prevent or extinguish fires.
Assistant: 防火桶(英语:fire bucket)是一个装满水或沙子的桶,用来防止或扑灭火灾。
User: The area within the city limits covers 14.2% of Salt Lake County.
Assistant: 盐湖城本市面积占盐湖县的14.2%。
User: This section opened in late March 2015.
Assistant: 这一部分于2015年3月底推出。
User: In situ hybridization is used to reveal the location of specific nucleic acid sequences on chromosomes or in tissues, a crucial step for understanding the organization, regulation, and function of genes.
Assistant: 原位杂交用于揭示特定核酸序列在染色体或组织中的位置,这是理解基因的组织,调节和功能的关键步骤。
User: Since then the campus has expanded to nearly 20 buildings over 250 acres (101 ha).
Assistant: 从那时开始, 校园逐渐被扩展到了将近20栋建筑物超过250英亩的规模。
User: The existence of a corona appears to be dependent on a convective zone in the outer layers of the star.
Assistant: 日冕的存在看来是依靠着恒星外面数层的对流区域。
User: In Brazil, kizomba became famous when the pop artist Kelly Key released the album No Controle, in February 3, 2015.
Assistant: 在巴西,当流行艺术家Kelly Key 在2015年2月3日发行了专辑《No Controle(葡萄牙语:No Controle)》,基宗巴变得非常出名。
User: The building was begun in 1714 by Andreas Stengg and his son Johann Georg Stengg and finished in 1724.
Assistant: 该建筑由Stengg父子始建于1714年,1724年完成。
User: The Society for Technical Communication defines the field as any form of communication that focuses on technical or specialized topics, communicates specifically by using technology or provides instructions on how to do something.
Assistant: 美国技术传播协会(英语:Society for Technical Communication)(Society for Technical Communication)将技术传播定义为各种形式的传播,它们具备以下特征:关于技术或专门的主题;使用技术手段进行传播;或提供如何做某事的指导说明。
User: Laureau argues that families with lower income do not participate in this movement, causing their children to have a sense of constraint.
Assistant: 拉赫认为,较低收入的家庭不会有这么多时间用于交流,导致这些家庭的孩子有被强制管教的感觉。
User: Once the storm moved ashore, the Weather Bureau transferred official forecasting duties to regional offices, and local newspapers also issued their own forecasts.
Assistant: 黛安上岸后,气象局把正式预报的职责移交给了地区办事处,地方报纸也发布了各自的预测。
User: The 2018 Southern Syria offensive, code-named Operation Basalt (Arabic: عملية البازلت), was a military operation launched by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies against the rebels and ISIL in Southern Syria.
Assistant: 2018年叙利亚南部战役,叙政府军代号为玄武岩行动(阿拉伯语:عملية البازلت)是叙利亚武装部队(SAA)及其盟友针对叙利亚南部地区的反对派和伊斯兰国武装发起的军事行动。
User: All coral snakes are shy, secretive animals, typically nocturnal.
Assistant: 所有珊瑚蛇都是较为神秘与及抗拒接触外界的,是普遍的夜行性动物。
User: The offices continued to develop in France and England, but in Jerusalem they tended to develop more slowly or not at all, taking on different roles than their European counterparts.
Assistant: 这些官职在法兰西和英格兰继续发展,但是在耶路撒冷它们的发展却趋于缓慢甚至停滞,与它们的欧洲同行扮演了不同的角色。
User: In addition to the Nobel Prize, Beadle received numerous other awards.
Assistant: 除诺贝尔奖外,西博格还获得许多荣誉。
User: In harvesting embryonic stem cells, a human embryo is destroyed.
Assistant: 取得人胚胎干细胞必然要破坏人类的胚胎。
User: The treacherous thrust had made an ugly wound in his arm, but the family being rich, and consequently able to give him every attention, while I spared no pains to aid in his recovery, each day marked improvement.
Assistant: 叛徒那一刺在他的胳膊上造成了一个难看的伤口,但是他的家里人很富有,因此随后能够给予他一切关注,而我不遗余力地帮助他康复,每天他的情况都有明显的改善。
User: Obviously the horse was happy going that way so Jamie let him go all the way.
Assistant: Landon表示他永远都非常感谢能遇到Jamie,使得他的人生得以步上正轨。
User: The sign was originally created in 1923 as an advertisement for a local real estate development, but due to increasing recognition, the sign was left up.
Assistant: 这一地标始创于1923年,原先是当地一个地产项目的广告,但后来地位逐渐提升。
User: The Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG) is a set of guidelines that the Debian Project uses to determine whether a software license is a free software license, which in turn is used to determine whether a piece of software can be included in Debian.
Assistant: Debian自由软件指导方针(英语:Debian Free Software Guidelines,简称DFSG)是Debian项目用来判断自由软件许可证的方针,以决定某软件是否可以包含在Debian之中。
User: In summary, the GST rate of 10% is charged on most goods and services consumed in Australia.
Assistant: 澳洲的商品及服务税率为10%,适用于绝大部分商品及服务,包括交通费用。
User: At around 10:30 on 12 February 1947, eyewitnesses in the Sikhote-Alin Mountains, Primorye, Soviet Union, observed a large bolide brighter than the sun that came out of the north and descended at an angle of about 41 degrees.
Assistant: 在1947年2月12日上午大约10:30之际,在苏联滨海的滨海边疆区锡霍特阿兰山脉(老爷岭)的目击者,看见一个比太阳还要明亮的火球出现在北方,并以41度的角度下墬。
User: Third, there must be a proportionality between the effects of the measures which are responsible for limiting the Charter right or freedom, and the objective which has been identified as of "sufficient importance".
Assistant: 第三,负责限制《宪章》权利或自由的措施的影响,与被认为有“足够重要性”的目标,两者必须成比例。
User: PHE is detectable because only part of the stream is encrypted.
Assistant: PHE是可以被检测的,因为只有部分流被加密。
User: A combination of genetic and environmental factors play a role in the development of schizophrenia.
Assistant: 遗传和环境因素的配合在精神分裂症的病情发展中扮演了一个关键的角色。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: The menagerie of exotic animals featured at the 1915 exposition provided the basis for the San Diego Zoo.
Assistant: 在1915年博览会上展出的外来动物的动物园为圣地亚哥动物园提供了基础。
User: Pentium 4-based Celeron CPUs also use the NetBurst architecture.
Assistant: 基于Pentium 4的Celeron也使用了此架构。
User: As legislated by the province in the Thompson Rivers University Act, the purposes of the university are to offer baccalaureate and master's degree programs, to offer post-secondary and adult basic education and training, to undertake and maintain research and scholarly activities, and to provide an open learning educational credit bank for students.
Assistant: 根据该省在汤普森河大学法案中的立法,该大学的目的是提供学士学位和硕士学位课程,提供中学后和成人基础教育和培训,承担和维护研究和学术活动,并提供 为学生提供开放式学习教育信贷银行。
User: The Mesa site at Iteriak Creek has yielded evidence of occupation between 11,500 and 10,300 years before the present.
Assistant: 伊特里亚克溪流上的台地遗址是有利的证明距今已有11,500和10,300年之久。
User: Crocodylomorpha is a group of archosaurs that includes the crocodilians and their extinct relatives.
Assistant: 鳄形超目(Crocodylomorpha)是群重要的主龙类演化支,包括鳄鱼与它们的已灭绝近亲。
User: The southern boundary of the Yard was formed by the Anacostia River (then called the "Eastern Branch" of the Potomac River).
Assistant: 工厂的南部是由阿纳科斯河(当时称为波多马克河的“东部支流”)围绕形成自然边界。
User: All such groups are simple, in a sense appropriate for ordered groups.
Assistant: 上述词根都是直接了当的并且直接适合整体模式。
User: Concepts that fall under this term include social and emotional learning, moral reasoning/cognitive development, life skills education, health education; violence prevention, critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and conflict resolution and mediation.
Assistant: 属于这个主题的概念包括社会和情感学会, 道德认知发展, 生活技能教育, 卫生教育; 暴力预防, 审辩式思维, 道德推理、冲突解决方案和斡旋。
User: Sunway has a number of accommodation options for tourists and business travellers.
Assistant: 双威为游客和商务旅客提供多种住宿选择。
User: When granted only partial access, the ICRC takes what it can get and keeps discreetly lobbying for greater access.
Assistant: 如果只获得部分探视权,红十字国际委员会接受它能获得的权利并谨慎地游说政府以获得更多探视权。
User: Transl. by Jane Lewin.
Assistant: 瓢虫小姐:Jane Leeves 配音。
User: She faced a mandatory death penalty, was acquitted by the court, but the prosecutors appealed.
Assistant: 她面临的强制性死刑原被宣判无罪,但其后检察官对此审判提出上诉。
User: The Plain constituted the majority of delegates to the Convention and would vote with either the Girondists or Mountain depending on the issue at hand, the current circumstances and mood of the Convention.
Assistant: 平原派的议员数占到了公会的多数,他们根据手边的议题,当前的形势和会议的气氛来决定是投吉伦特党还是山岳党的票。
User: Their Whale Trail game received millions of downloads, and their other apps include design app Granimator and photo sharing app Rando.
Assistant: 他们开发的游戏Whale Trail获得了上百万的下载量,他们其他的应用还有设计类的Granimator和图片分享类的Rando 。
User: Pre-made videos used in video games (either during cutscenes or during the gameplay itself) are referred to as "full motion videos" or "FMVs".
Assistant: 电子游戏中预制的视频(包括剧情画面或游戏中出现的)称作从“全动态影像”(full motion video)或“FMV”。
User: In the original game, Duke Nukem barely spoke and was portrayed as a disgruntled TV viewer hired by the CIA to save Earth from the mad scientist Dr. Proton, whom he took offense to for interrupting soap operas.
Assistant: 在最初的游戏中,毁灭公爵大多不会说话,且被塑造成一位被中央情报局雇用而心存不满的电视观众,以试图从疯狂的科学家宝登博士(Dr. Proton)的手中拯救地球,但也因此让他没看完肥皂剧而感到不满。
User: In modern times the main intent of war memorials is not to glorify war, but to honor those who have died.
Assistant: 现代的战争纪念建筑不再是为了赞扬战争,而是为了向死者授予荣誉。
User: Chinese sets also introduce duplicates of some throws and divide the dominoes into two suits: military and civil.
Assistant: 中国骨牌有用了几个重复的投掷结果,并且将骨牌分为两种:文和武。
User: When that happened at Three Mile Island in 1979, another fault line in the nuclear world was exposed.
Assistant: 当1979年三哩岛的核泄漏事故发生时,核世界中的错误链条也被曝光了。
User: It appears on the DVD Live Hot Potatoes.
Assistant: DVD中更附送大碟制作花絮。
User: The song, however, only came eighth in a closely fought national selection.
Assistant: 遗憾的是,这首歌在激烈的国家级比赛中只获得了第8名。
User: The American aviator and filmmaker Howard Hughes is known to have had OCD.
Assistant: 美国的飞行员和电影制作者霍华德·休斯的强迫症已被很多熟知。
User: World War I and the dissolution of the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires resulted in the creation of new nation-states from Europe, most of them at least nominally democratic.
Assistant: 第一次世界大战以及奥斯曼帝国和奥匈帝国的瓦解使欧洲产生了许多新的民族国家,其中大多数都采用了名义上的民主制度。
User: He was most likely killed.
Assistant: 大多被他杀死。
User: The Wikimedia Foundation officially supported the decision of the Italian Wikipedia by a statement released the same day.
Assistant: 这是维基百科首次全站空白抗议,维基媒体基金会官方已经表态支持意大利语维基百科并在同一天发表了一项声明 。
User: Its idealized chemical formula is Mg3(Si2O5)(OH)4.
Assistant: 其理想化学式是 Mg3(Si2O5)(OH)4。
User: The Gummersbach location was transferred, on 1 June 1983, to Cologne University of Applied Sciences.
Assistant: 古梅尔斯巴赫地点于1983年6月1日转移到科隆应用技术大学。
User: Multi-camera arrays are another type of light field camera.
Assistant: 多相机阵列(Multi-camera arrays)是另外一种光场相机。
User: He was a tireless advocate of a strong nuclear program and argued for continued testing and development—in fact, he stepped down from the directorship of Livermore so that he could better lobby against the proposed test ban.
Assistant: 他是一名不屈不挠的强核拥护者,并为持续的核试验及开发据理力争──实际上他辞掉利福摩尔主管一职,就是为了能更好地游说政府疏通已被提出的核试验禁令。
User: A notable research project he started was PDF.js, a PDF renderer in JavaScript and HTML5, which now replaces the Adobe PDF plug-in in Firefox.
Assistant: 他开始了一个值得关注的计划PDF.js,这是一个JavaScript和HTML5编写的PDF渲染器,取代了Firefox中的Adobe PDF插件。
User: According to Ward, the red curtains were a deliberate nod to the "Red Room" from David Lynch's famous television drama Twin Peaks.
Assistant: 红色的窗帘是一个故意向大卫·林奇最有名的电视剧《双峰》中出现的红色房间(英语:Black and White Lodges)致敬。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: With me I bring beautiful memories.
Assistant: 这它为我带来了美好的回忆。
User: The AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam is approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes in length.
Assistant: AP中国语文考试时长约为2小时15分钟。
User: Kit Kat has opened a Chocolatory in the Melbourne Central Shopping Centre in Melbourne, Australia.
Assistant: 奇巧在澳大利亚墨尔本的墨尔本中央购物中心开了一家巧克力店。
User: The next day, not realizing that Jane is Elizabeth's sister, Colonel Fitzwilliam tells Elizabeth that Darcy had separated Bingley from Jane.
Assistant: 次日,菲茨威廉上校无意中让伊丽莎白得知,是达西令珍妮和彬格莱分隔两地。
User: I always thought that only those who have gone had schools named after them.
Assistant: 我一直以为只有那些已经离世的人才会有学校以其命名。
User: Radlov helped establish the Russian Museum of Ethnography and was in charge of the Asiatic Museum in St. Petersburg from 1884 to 1894.
Assistant: 拉德洛夫帮助建立了在圣彼得堡的俄罗斯民族志博物馆,并由1884年至1894年负管理亚洲博物馆。
User: Ram air collected by the air intakes in the nose is used to provide power to move the control fins.
Assistant: 通过弹鼻进气口所收集的空气用于提供动力以摆动控制翼片。
User: Since the 1990s, the North Korean government has reportedly been willing to "look the other way" with regard to premarital sex and adultery, although this degree of social liberalism does not seem to apply to LGBT people.
Assistant: 据报导,自从1990年代起,北韩政府开始愿意对婚前性行为及通奸“装作没看见”,只不过这种程度的社会自由主义似乎并不适用于LGBT族群。
User: For contractual reasons, he worked under the pen name Silas on the comic strip Dream of the Rarebit Fiend.
Assistant: 出于合同的原因,他利用笔名希拉斯创作动画短片《兔子恶魔之梦(英语:Dream of the Rarebit Fiend)》。
User: Suntech was in second place with a production of 595 MW in 2009 and market share of 7%.
Assistant: 尚德电力在2009年以生产能力为595 MW和7%的市场份额排在第二位。
User: The channel brought public attention in 2014, when it became a source of speculation for viewers who discovered it and noted its unusual nature, as well as three atypical videos featuring jokes.
Assistant: 这个频道于2014年引起公众关注,是因为有些网友发现并注意到它不寻常的性质和三个与此频道特色不同的影片。
User: Trollmann was just 36 years old.
Assistant: 景宗死时颇年轻,只有36岁。
User: The crater Elmer on the Moon is named after him, as is the asteroid 2493 Elmer.
Assistant: 月球上的埃尔默陨石坑以及小行星2493 埃尔默就是以他的名字命名的。
User: Proffer and Doc McGhee produced the concert later the one-night exhibition celebration in 300 Regal Theaters across the country.
Assistant: 普洛弗与多克•麦克基担任该音乐会的制作人,包括日后那场颇具开创性的演出——在遍布全美的300家君豪剧院(Regal Theatre)举行一夜展演庆祝活动。
User: Many voters considered them unpatriotic.
Assistant: 许多现代主义者视自己为非政治的。
User: The image of "Mary, Undoer of Knots" is especially venerated in Argentina and Brazil, where churches have been named for her and devotion to her has become widespread and which the Guardian called a "religious craze".
Assistant: 解结圣母的形象在南美洲,特别是阿根廷和巴西广受尊敬,许多教堂以此为名、敬礼广扬,以至于卫报称此为“一种宗教狂热”。
User: She's a really unique character, I wanted to add that sexiness to her.
Assistant: 她是一个非常独特的人物,我想用性感为其添彩。
User: Coincidence events can be grouped into projection images, called sinograms.
Assistant: 并发事件重组成投影图像,成为sinograms。
User: Bankocracy (from the English word bank and Ancient Greek κράτος - kratos, "power, rule") or trapezocracy (from Greek τράπεζα - trapeza, "bank") is a polemic term referring to the excessive power or influence of banks on public policy-making.
Assistant: 银行专政(英语:Bankocracy,由英语“Bank”与古希腊语“κράτος”所组成/Trapezocracy,由希腊语“τράπεζα”而来,意为银行)是一有争议的政治学术语,指的是银行业对于公共政策的制定拥有过大影响力的情况。
User: And some, I assume, are good people".
Assistant: 我相信......我们中绝大部分都是善良的人”。
User: The day after Cleave's article appeared in the Evening Standard, Beatles press officer Tony Barrow offered Datebook, a US teen magazine, rights to all four interviews.
Assistant: Cleave的文章在伦敦晚报发表后,披头士的新闻发言人托尼·巴罗授权给美国青年杂志Datebook这四篇访谈文章的发布权。
User: After the missile coasts a safe distance the main sustainer motor ignites and burns until impacting the target or it reaches its maximum range of 600 meters.
Assistant: 导弹在惯性下滑翔一段安全距离以后,主力自持发动机就会点燃并燃烧起来,直到撞击目标或是达到其最大射程的600米。
User: James Hamerly became Netscape's vice president of the client products group.
Assistant: DigitalStyle的James Hamerly成为Netscape客户端产品部门副总裁。
User: Because ETags are cached by the browser and returned with subsequent requests for the same resource, a tracking server can simply repeat any ETag received from the browser to ensure an assigned ETag persists indefinitely (in a similar way to persistent cookies).
Assistant: 因为ETag由浏览器保存,并且在访问统一资源时随之后请求返回,一个追踪服务器可以轻松地重复设定任何从浏览器收到的ETag,以保持ETag不变,类似于持久cookie。
User: Any item or enemy may be used as a weapon against an enemy if thrown at them.
Assistant: 任何举起的物品或敌人都可以用来当武器投向敌人。
User: This is understood to be a temporary state in which the spirits of deceased persons will be taught the gospel and have an opportunity to repent and accept ordinances of salvation.
Assistant: 他们认这是一种临时状态,其中,死者的灵魂将被教导福音,并有机会悔改,接受救恩的命令。
User: From then on, most of administrative duties fell on von Struve, especially in 1858 when his father was gravely ill.
Assistant: 在这之后奥托就负责了天文台大部分工作,尤其是在1858年他的父亲重病时。
User: The position of Savilian Professor of Geometry was established at the University of Oxford in 1619.
Assistant: 萨维尔几何学教授(Savilian Professor of Geometry)于1619年由牛津大学创立。
User: Linux native threads have slightly better performance on I/O and context switching operations.
Assistant: Linux原生线程的性能在 I/O 操作和上下文切换上略好于绿色线程。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: The atmosphere at our school is very pleasant.
Assistant: 在女学生间很受欢迎。
User: Old joke Of course it is perfectly easy to give up smoking.
Assistant: 有抽烟的不良嗜好,多次戒烟不果。
User: The Greatest American was a four-part American television series hosted by Matt Lauer in 2005.
Assistant: 《最伟大的美国人》(英语:The Greatest American)是一个2005年由马特·劳尔主持的四集美国电视节目。
User: Within a generation, the Oaths of Strasbourg (842), a treaty between Charlemagne's grandsons Charles the Bald and Louis the German, was proffered and recorded in a language that was already distinct from Latin.
Assistant: 在一代人的时间内,便产生了查理曼的孙子秃头查理和日耳曼人路易之间的《斯特拉斯堡誓言》(公元842年),它使用了一种已经不同于拉丁语的语言。
User: Pelecanos has commented that he was attracted to the project because of the opportunity to work with Simon.
Assistant: 皮利卡诺思曾说,他之所以被该片吸引,是因为能够有机会和西蒙合作。
User: Paroubek's disappearance and murder, her funeral, and the subsequent investigation, were the subjects of a huge amount of coverage in the Daily News and other papers at the time.
Assistant: 帕鲁贝克的失踪和谋杀,她的葬礼以及随后的调查都成为当时《每日新闻》和其他报纸大量报道的主题。
User: At a Take-Two shareholder meeting on 18 April 2008, Take-Two CEO Ben Feder announced that Grand Theft Auto IV had already "gone gold" and was "in production and in trucks en route to retailers".
Assistant: 2008年4月18日,在Take-Two公司的一次股东大会上,首席执行官本·费德(Ben Feder)宣布,侠盗猎车手IV已经成功“摘走了金牌(gone gold)”、“已经生产并运输到零售商手里了(in production and in trucks en route to retailers)”。
User: Had been a leader of a smuggling gang in Russia.
Assistant: 该队是曾是在俄罗斯亚洲部分角逐超级联赛的队伍。
User: Ajoy Law House.
Assistant: 单称田安家。
User: The buildings were intended to be temporary structures, but most remained in continuous use until they progressively fell into disrepair.
Assistant: 这些建筑物当时设计为临时建筑物,但是大部分建筑物仍然在继续使用,直到逐渐失修。
User: In a follow up report, Aislelabs found a drastic improvement in battery consumption for iPhone5S, iPhone 5C versus the older model iPhone 4S.
Assistant: 在后续的报告中,Aislelabs发现了iPhone 5s、iPhone 5c和旧版的iPhone 4s在电池消耗方面的一个大幅的改善。
User: The museum was founded in Knin in 1893, and was moved first to Sinj, then Klis and finally to Split where today the collection is displayed in a purpose-built museum complex, opened in 1976.
Assistant: 该博物馆于1893年在克宁成立,后来先后迁至锡尼、克利斯,最后迁至斯普利特,今天收藏品展示在专门建造的博物馆中(1976年)。
User: The left side is striated.
Assistant: 左记室太冲。
User: Al Jean later explained that two Cajun characters were supposed to walk out of the theater in disgust, but none of the voice actors could provide a convincing Cajun accent.
Assistant: 阿尔·让之后表示,剧中本应有两名卡津人走出剧院,对音乐剧表示厌恶,但众配音演员都无法呈现出真实的卡津人口音。
User: The Constitutional Court of Russia moved to Saint Petersburg from Moscow in May 2008.
Assistant: 2008年5月,俄罗斯宪法法院从莫斯科迁至圣彼得堡。
User: The American aircraft met little opposition, and sank 11 warships and 20 merchant ships.
Assistant: 空袭中,美军遭遇日方轻微抵抗,共击沉军用舰船11艘、商船20艘,击毁飞机25架。
User: In 1867 Armstrong signed an agreement with a local shipbuilder, Dr. Charles Mitchell, whereby Mitchell’s shipyard would build warships and Armstrong’s company would provide the armaments.
Assistant: 1867年,阿姆斯特朗和查尔斯·米切尔(Charles Mitchell)达成了一个协议:战舰由米切尔的船厂的提供,舰炮由阿姆斯特朗的工厂提供。
User: On October 1, Haiti recalled its ambassador from the Dominican Republic.
Assistant: 10月1日,海地驱逐多米尼加共和国的大使。
User: The website is a free, advertisement-supported service.
Assistant: 它是一个免费的,由广告支持的网站。
User: The simplest type of objects to capture are single row, typically captured around the equator of an object.
Assistant: 最简单的对象全景图是在单排上捕捉的,通常在一个物体的赤道方向上抓取拍摄。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: At 10:12:03, JP550 called the Zagreb middle-sector controller to inform them that the aircraft was out of flight level 310.
Assistant: 于10时12分(03秒),550号班机呼叫札格雷布的中央区域管制区,告知飞机高度31,000呎。
User: In March 1866, the United States Congress passed a joint mandate assenting to their inclusion.
Assistant: 1866年3月,美国国会通过联合发文赞成这一纳入。
User: However, the invasion ended in 490 BC with the decisive Athenian victory at the Battle of Marathon.
Assistant: 然而,在公元前490年这次入侵以雅典在马拉松战役中的决定性胜利而告终。
User: Granted double rations, and using his pay to buy additional food whenever possible, he nonetheless suffered from extreme hunger; while based in an army camp near Paris, Domery ate 174 cats in a single year, leaving only the skins and bones, and ate 4 to 5 pounds (1.8 to 2.3 kg) of grass each day if other food was unavailable.
Assistant: 他的口粮是别人的两倍,还会在任何可能的情况下用自己的报酬购买额外的食物,尽管如此,他的食欲还是没能得到满足,随军驻扎在巴黎附近期间,多默里在一年的时间里就吃掉了174只猫,只剩下皮和骨头,并且要是找不到别的食物,不喜欢蔬菜的他一天还要吃掉1.8至2.3公斤的草。
User: 2010 TK7 was confirmed to be the first known Earth trojan in 2011.
Assistant: 2010 TK7是第一颗被证实的地球特洛伊小行星。
User: Under some circumstances, it appears that adding pit additives can have some effect on both BOD and SS concentrations but the effect is not large and is not proven.
Assistant: 在某些情况下,似乎添加矿物添加剂会对BOD和SS浓度产生一些影响,但效果不是很大,也没有得到证实。
User: Early in her life, Kehlani aspired to train as a dancer at the Juilliard School, but she had a knee injury in junior high, which led her to turn her attention towards singing.
Assistant: 柯兰尼小时候梦想去茱莉亚学院当一名舞者,但是她在高中时膝盖受过伤,这让她将目标转向唱歌。
User: Nudity was not a new concept to the Greeks as the Olympic Games (founded in 776 BC) were exclusively male and nude events.
Assistant: 对希腊人而言,裸体不是一个新概念,正如奥运会 (创立于公元前776年)是完全男性且裸体的活动。
User: On the other hand, higher crude oil prices countered declining oil production and led to higher budgetary and export receipts.
Assistant: 另一方面,原油价格上升抵销石油产量下降,导致预算和出口收入增加。
User: Mother's Choice (Chinese: 母親的抉擇) is a local charity serving children without families and pregnant teenagers in Hong Kong.
Assistant: 母亲的抉择(英语:Mother's Choice) 是香港一个慈善机构,旨于关爱等待永久家庭的婴儿及儿童,以及面对意外怀孕的少女及其家人。
User: The two traveled the state together, often speaking from the same stage.
Assistant: 两人一起在州内巡回宣传,经常都会在同一场合发表演说。
User: Harrell Prairie Botanical Area or Harrell Prairie Hill is a 160-acre (65 ha) tallgrass prairie nature preserve located within Bienville National Forest near Forest, Mississippi.
Assistant: 哈雷尔草原植物区(英语:Harrell Prairie Botanical Area)或哈雷尔草原山丘(Harrell Prairie Hill)是一处160英亩(65公顷)的高草草原(英语:tallgrass prairie)自然保护区,位于比恩维尔国家森林内、靠近密西西比州福利斯特(英语:Forest, Mississippi)的地方。
User: For example, strontium dicyclopentadienyl, Sr(C5H5)2, must be made by directly reacting strontium metal with mercurocene or cyclopentadiene itself; replacing the C5H5 ligand with the bulkier C5(CH3)5 ligand on the other hand increases the compound's solubility, volatility, and kinetic stability.
Assistant: 例如,环戊二烯锶Sr(C5H5)2需要由金属锶和环戊二烯汞或环戊二烯母体本身反应,但将C5H5配体换成体积更大的甲基取代物C5(CH3)5配体,可以增加化合物的溶解度、挥发性以及动力学稳定性。
User: At a macro-economic level, Khatami continued the liberal policies that Rafsanjani had embarked on in the state's first five-year economic development plan (1990–1995).
Assistant: 在宏观经济上他继续拉夫桑贾尼在其第一个五年经济发展计划(1990年至1995年)中提出的自由化政策。
User: Which Side Are You On.
Assistant: 以今方古,彼独何人。
User: However the Manchurian wapiti (Cervus canadensis xanthopygus) is clearly distinct from the Siberian forms, but not distinguishable from the Alashan wapiti.
Assistant: 然而,满州马鹿(Cervus canadensis xanthopygus)明显的有别于西伯利亚的种类,却又无法与贺兰山马鹿辨别。
User: One set of tracks (the inner set) continues along Jerome Avenue, and the other set of tracks (the outer set) descends to a lower level and makes a sharp turn to merge with the IRT White Plains Road Line directly west of 149th Street–Grand Concourse.
Assistant: 其中一条(内侧)继续沿杰罗姆大道而行,另一条(外侧)下降至下层并大幅转向,在149街-大广场车站西面与IRT白原路线直接汇合。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: It was first reported by Theodore L. Terry in 1942.
Assistant: 它由西奥多·L·泰瑞在1942年首次报道。
User: Its wings are held level when gliding.
Assistant: 在滑翔时翅膀伸展呈水平。
User: BOAC Flight 777, a scheduled British Overseas Airways Corporation civilian airline flight of a Douglas DC-3 on 1 June 1943 from Lisbon's Portela Airport in neutral Portugal, to Whitchurch near Bristol, England, was attacked by eight German Junkers Ju 88 fighter bombers and crashed into the Bay of Biscay, resulting in the death of all aboard including English actor Leslie Howard.
Assistant: 英国海外航空777号班机,是由英国海外航空运营的道格拉斯DC-3客机,1943年6月1日预定从葡萄牙里斯本的里斯本机场飞往英格兰布里斯托尔附近的惠特彻奇(英语:Bristol (Whitchurch) Airport),途中遭到纳粹德国的8架Ju 88轰炸机袭击并坠入比斯开湾,造成包括英国演员莱斯利·霍华德在内的所有乘客和机组人员死亡。
User: 1575 – The Raid of the Redeswire is the last major battle between England and Scotland.
Assistant: 1575年:英格兰王国和苏格兰王国爆发最后一场大规模军事冲突。
User: The project marked the first time Stevens had written songs explicitly for a feature-film soundtrack.
Assistant: 这些作品象征了史蒂文斯第一次明确为电影原声带创作歌曲。
User: This is an important sign that HIT had returned to the rule of China and entered an age of full-scale reform and growth.
Assistant: 这是哈工大回到新中国怀抱并进入全面改造和扩建阶段的重要标志。
User: Rahman, S M Mahfuzur.
Assistant: 拉希姆(رحيم) 有同情心的。
User: A Muslim engaged in this field is called a Muslim philosopher.
Assistant: 一个参与伊斯兰哲学的穆斯林被称为穆斯林哲学家。
User: For example, we can identify an expression 3 / "Hello, World" as invalid, when the rules do not specify how to divide an integer by a string.
Assistant: 例如,可以识出一个无效的运算式"Hello, World" + 3,因为不能对(在平常的直觉中)逐字字串加上一个整数。
User: Germany's defeat rendered Berlin's plans for the creation of Eastern European puppet states (Mitteleuropa), including one in Poland, obsolete.
Assistant: 德国的战败,使它放弃了建立东欧傀儡国家(中欧)的计划。
User: However, the students at the protest objected to these four points.
Assistant: 不过在场学生们对这四条处理意见不以为然。
User: Tracy's murderer was 22 years old, well-toned, and committed suicide, while Leigh's was 18 years old, 120 kg (265 lb), and was jailed.
Assistant: 杀害特雷西的凶手22岁,身体健壮,最后自杀身亡;杀害莉莉的凶手则只有18岁,体重120公斤,最终被关进监狱。
User: Japanese authorities inform the IAEA that engineers are laying an external grid power line cable to unit 2.
Assistant: 东电通知国际原子能总署,工程人员正在铺设电缆连结厂外电力至2号机。
User: Many other Mexican towns and cities, such as Oaxaca, Mérida and Guadalajara, have adopted the word zócalo to refer to their main plazas, but not all.
Assistant: 墨西哥其他许多城镇,如瓦哈卡和瓜达拉哈拉,主广场都称为“索卡洛”。
User: Poppy's YouTube channel was created on October 6, 2011, and her earliest video is from November 2014, an abstract skit called Poppy Eats Cotton Candy, directed by Titanic Sinclair.
Assistant: 莫利亚的YouTube频道创建于2011年10月6日,目前能看到最早的视频,是于2014年11月由辛克莱编制的一部名为"Poppy Eats Cotton Candy"的短片。
User: At typical reentry temperatures, the air in the shock layer is both ionized and dissociated.
Assistant: 在典型的再入温度,激波层大气是被电离与解离的。
User: A number of 20th-century philosophers maintained that logical models of pure science do not apply to actual scientific practice.
Assistant: 在此期间也有一些不那么正统的哲学家,他认为纯科学的逻辑模型并不适用于实际的科学实践。
User: A small number were purchased by the U.S. Army for further testing, but ultimately, the M82 was chosen.
Assistant: 有一少部分被美军购入及测试,但是最终反而是M82被美军选中。
User: Production used the Arri Alexa camera, coupled with the Panavision anamorphic format, to achieve the film's old-school atmosphere.
Assistant: 此外,该片是使用阿莱Alexa所拍摄,并加上了潘那维申变形格式(英语:Anamorphic format),以实现电影中的老派氛围。
User: Morris accepts that investigation of truth involves considerable effort, with no guarantee of reaching the absolute truth, and that knowledge can be attained "through reason, through observation, through investigation, through thought, through science".
Assistant: 莫里斯认为认为追求真理需要花非常大的功夫,结果也无法保证是绝对真理,但知识可以经过“理性、观察、调查、思想、科学”来获得。
User: He travels further into the world, reviving birds, the wind, animals, and eventually mankind.
Assistant: 在接下来的旅行中,他接着复活了鸟类、风、动物,最终复活了人类。
User: Nikjer ni nikogar.
Assistant: 无处 无所不在。
User: One of the Quayside's main features is the pedestrian Gateshead Millennium Bridge, opened in 2001, which spans the river between the BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art and the Newcastle Law Courts.
Assistant: 码头区的一个显著特征是人行的盖茨黑德千禧桥,2001年开通,横跨波罗的海当代艺术中心和纽卡斯尔法院之间。
User: Hipper initially hesitated, believing the ship was the German cruiser Rostock, but at 19:16, Kapitan zur See Harder, Lützow's commanding officer, ordered his ships' guns to fire.
Assistant: 希佩尔最初犹豫不决,他认为该舰是德国小巡洋舰罗斯托克号,但在19:16,吕措号舰长、海军上校维克托·哈德突然下令其舰只开火。
User: After what I have done, forgiveness is impossible.
Assistant: 得旨废后之事、朕非乐为。
User: Below the great stairs exiting the mosque there is a room for undertaking of the deceased before their remains are taken to the local Muslim cemetery.
Assistant: 在清真寺出来的大楼梯下面,有一个房间供死者在遗体被送往当地穆斯林公墓之前进行纪念仪式。
User: Bengali pronouns, unlike their English counterparts, do not differentiate for gender; that is, the same pronoun may be used for "he" or "she".
Assistant: 孟加拉语代词不同于英语代词的是没有对性的区分,就是说对“he”或“she”使用相同的代词。
User: Claimed by Czechoslovakia.
Assistant: 自称恰瓦什人。
User: In 1990, during its first full year of sales, Lexus sold 63,594 LS 400 and ES 250 sedans in the U.S., the majority being the LS model.
Assistant: 1990年,正值开始销售后的头一年,凌志已在美国售出63,594部LS 400和ES 250,当中大部分以LS车款为主。
User: Fifteen years from the trial's conclusion, a poll conducted by The New Paper reported that 30 per cent of its respondents had picked the Toa Payoh ritual murders as the most horrible crime, despite the paper's request to vote only for crimes committed in 1998.
Assistant: 本案审理结束的十五年后,《新报》的一项调查显示有30%的受访者投选大巴窑杀童案为最恐怖罪案,即使该报要求只可投选1998年所犯下的罪案。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: His mother, Sylvia R. (née Leonard), was a hairdresser, and his father, Joseph L. Spall, was a postal worker.
Assistant: 他母亲Sylvia R. (née Leonard)是位美发师,父亲Joseph L. Spall在邮局工作。
User: It is possible that the shafts were also decorated, perhaps by being painted.
Assistant: 手稿没用,可能是你抄的。
User: In December 1983 they screened the commercial for the Apple Board of Directors.
Assistant: 在1983年12月,他们的广告向苹果董事会放映。
User: To determine whether this was true, the Allies attempted to estimate the number of tanks being produced.
Assistant: 为了确定这种说法的真实性,盟军要尝试估计正在生产坦克的数量。
User: Like the wider world, the gay community in Western societies did not generally distinguish between sex and gender identity until the 1970s, and often perceived gender-variant people more as homosexuals who behaved in a gender-variant way than as gender-variant people in their own right.
Assistant: 西方社会的同性恋群体就像世界其他地方一样,直到1970年才普遍区分生理性别和性别认同,而且在此以前经常将性别多元者视为同性恋者。
User: Apart from these state-of-the-art research systems, a number of commercial manufacturers sell Ti:sapphire-based CPAs with peak powers of 10 to 100 gigawatts.
Assistant: 除了这些最先进的研究系统之外,许多商业制造商还销售钛-蓝宝石型(英语:Ti-sapphire laser)啁啾脉冲放大(CPA),峰值功率为10到100 GW。
User: On 3 June 2007, Jund al-Sham fired a rocket-propelled grenade at a Lebanese Army checkpoint near Sidon, prompting a response from the Lebanese Army leading to clashes in the camp.
Assistant: 2007年6月3日,沙姆军(Jund al-Sham)向黎巴嫩军队在西顿附近的检查站发射了手榴弹,黎巴嫩军队奋起反击,导致了在营地中的交火。
User: In Africa, the Mangbetu stood out to European explorers because of their elongated heads.
Assistant: 芒贝图人由于头型细长而受欧洲探险家注意。
User: Jonny Rokeby is Strike's famous pop-star father, who has only met his son only twice in his lifetime.
Assistant: 强尼·罗克比(Jonny Rokeby ),柯莫蓝的父亲,知名摇滚明星,一生中只见过儿子两次。
User: Consider a 35 mm camera with a lens having a focal length of F = 50 mm.
Assistant: 假设一个 35mm 相机,安装了一个焦距为 F = 50 mm 的镜头。
User: U.S. paratroopers frequently wore an M3 and sheath tied to a boot for emergency use in cutting parachute lines or close-quarters defense.
Assistant: 美国伞兵经常将M3和护套绑在靴子以上佩带着,以便在切割降落伞线或近距离防御等紧急情况以下使用。
User: Before entering the Grand Bazaar visitors can see views of the square, which is one of the biggest squares in the entire world.
Assistant: 在你进入大巴扎之前,如果你向后看,你会看见广场的壮丽景色,这是全世界最大的广场之一。
User: Non-Political terrorism – Terrorism that is not aimed at political purposes but which exhibits "conscious design to create and maintain a high degree of fear for coercive purposes, but the end is individual or collective gain rather than the achievement of a political objective".
Assistant: 非政治恐怖主义-不以政治目的为前提的恐怖主义,显示出“其有意的制造高度恐慌,最终为了争取个人或集体利益,但没有政治上的意图”。
User: In November 2014, Berkeley, California was the first city in the U.S. to pass a targeted tax on surgary drinks.
Assistant: 在2014年11月,加州的柏克利成为美国境内首个通过针对汽水征税的共同体。
User: Since returning from space, he has testified at the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation, Subcommittee on Science, Technology, and Space and the House Committee on Science, Subcommittee on Space & Aeronautics Joint Hearing on "Commercial Human Spaceflight" on July 24, 2003.
Assistant: 直到从太空返回地球后,他便出席由参议院商业、科学和运输委员会的“科学、科技及太空小组”和众议院科学小组委员会太空事务组在2003年7月24日所举行的联合听证会-“商业人类太空飞行”(“Commercial Human Spaceflight”)。
User: The man was buried the following day in the village of Faqira.
Assistant: 在之后的几天,此人的遗体被葬在Faqira村。
User: The French community in Japan has been steadily increasing, rising by more than 35% in the last decade.
Assistant: 现在日本的法国社区一直在稳步增长,在过去十年中增长了35%以上。
User: Additionally, the falcon of the god Horus, or in a few cases the Set animal, topped the serekh, showing the celestial patron of the named king.
Assistant: 此外,荷鲁斯神的猎鹰,或在少数情况下是动物集合(Set animal),处于塞拉赫的顶端,显示了所命名的国王的天使。
User: Shannon is a frequent collaborator of Jeff Nichols, appearing in all of his films: Shotgun Stories (2007), Take Shelter (2011), Mud (2012), Midnight Special, and Loving (both 2016).
Assistant: 夏侬是杰夫·尼科尔斯的惯常合作者,出现在他所有的电影中:《猎枪往事(英语:Shotgun Stories)》(2007年)、《历劫重生》(2011年)、《烂泥》(2012年)、《通天眼》和《爱侣》(两部都是2016年)。
User: We now accept that this is a multi-racial country.
Assistant: 现在我们接受这是一个多种族的国家。
User: It is threatened by urban expansion.
Assistant: 有些还受到城市蔓延的威胁。
User: Watanabe had remained in contact with his old ministry while working on the board of directors for the World Economic Information Services (WEIS) and as chairman of the Japan-China Economic Association, both public-interest corporations operating under MITI.
Assistant: 渡辺弥栄在与旧部保持联系的同时,担任了世界经济信息服务社(英语:WEIS)的主任,以及日中经济协会的主席;两者都是MITI下的公共服务公司。
User: Vulnerability scanners such as Nexpose, Nessus, and OpenVAS can detect target system vulnerabilities.
Assistant: 类似于Nexpose或Nessus的弱点扫描工具可以探测到目标系统的弱点。
User: By early-February 1997, Docter had drafted a treatment together with Harley Jessup, Jill Culton, and Jeff Pidgeon that bore some resemblance to the final film.
Assistant: 1997年2月初,多克特与哈雷·杰斯普(Harley Jessup)、吉尔·库尔顿以及杰夫·皮金一起创作了一份草案,这份草案与最终的电影有一定的相似之处。
User: The teachings of the apostle Paul formed a key element of the Christian tradition and theology.
Assistant: 使徒保罗的教导构成了基督教传统和神学的一个关键要素。
User: The M31 was originally designed to be fired only from the M1 Garand, but could also be fired from both the M14 and M16 rifles.
Assistant: M31反坦克枪榴弹最初设计只能由M1“加兰德”半自动步枪发射,但也可以从M14战斗步枪和M16突击步枪发射。
User: These cloud streets cover vast areas and may be broken or continuous.
Assistant: 云街可能覆盖大片区域且断断续续地排列。
User: The palace was built in 1825–26 for Karl Anton Vogel, a manufacturer of gold and silver thread, to a plan by Franz Xaver Widmann and with façades by Leo von Klenze, who lived on the piano nobile for 25 years.
Assistant: 宫殿为金银线制造商卡尔·安东·沃格尔建于1825-26年,由弗朗兹·维德曼设计,立面由利奥·冯·克伦泽设计,他本人就住在贵族楼层(piano nobile)达25年之久。
User: Jeff Pidgeon and Jason Katz story-boarded a test in which Mike helps Sulley choose a tie for work, and Mike Wazowski soon became a vital character in the film.
Assistant: 杰夫·皮金和贾森·卡茨(Jason Katz)制作了一段麦克帮萨利挑选上班时要戴的领带的测试片断,麦克·沃佐斯基也很快成为电影中一个至关重要的角色。
User: Cipla.
Assistant: 靴子。
User: All times are Brasília time (UTC−3) Zherebchenko, Russia's substitute, did not fence in the competition and did not receive a medal.
Assistant: 所有时间为巴西时间(UTC-3) 俄罗斯队的替补队员Dimitry Zherebchenko在比赛期间未曾出场,因此并未获得奖牌。
User: IGN praised Brood War as a "carefully designed" expansion, "with a surfeit of new features that will satisfy even the pickiest of gamers".
Assistant: IGN则赞扬《母巢之战》是一部“精心设计的资料片”,其中“包含的新内容足以使最挑剔的玩家满足”。
User: First, the phase space is described in terms of generalized position coordinates qj together with their conjugate momenta pj.
Assistant: 首先,相空间是由广义位置坐标qj跟它们的共轭动量pj一起描述的。 |
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The proportion usually varies from trace levels to about 2% uranium by weight, although some 20th-century pieces were made with up to 25% uranium.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:添加铀的重量比例通常从痕量到约2%,但在20世纪初期也有铀含量高达25%的铀玻璃被制成。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Just before the pageant, a squad of carabinieri on horseback, wielding swords, demonstrate a mounted charge around the track.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
In 1888, Sarawak, together with neighbouring North Borneo, and Brunei, became British protectorates, and the responsibility for foreign policy was handed over to the British in exchange for military protection.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 砂拉越在1888年和毗邻的北婆罗洲、文莱一起成为英国的保护国,自此砂拉越便把外交事务交由英国负责,以换取英国的军事保护。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The dome is 33 metres (108 ft) in diameter and 58 metres (190 ft) in height; its shape is very similar to the Pantheon's dome, having a more circular shape than the typical domes built in the 18th century.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: More than 300 graduate and undergraduate students from 16 different nations work and study at SoMAS.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The government commissioners told the committee that it must unanimously agree to renounce violence and submit to U.S. laws and that a popular referendum must be held to determine if the local people supported the decision.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The rendering process is computationally expensive, given the complex variety of physical processes being simulated.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:渲染过程计算上很昂贵,特别是所模拟的物理过程复杂且多样时。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
On February 24, 2015, Schwarzenegger revealed that he would be returning for the first sequel.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Norwegian teen drama Skam.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:让西北帮蒙羞。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
It was the second generation of the DC-9, originally called the DC-9-80 and the DC-9 Super 80.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
MD-80系列是DC-9型的第二代,原先称作DC-9-80或是DC-9 Super 80。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The Teredo client cannot localize a relay by itself (since it cannot send IPv6 packets by itself).
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: Teredo客户端不能自己定位一个中继,因为它不能自己发送IPv6数据包。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The film's widescreen, slightly theatrical look was influenced by Roman Polanski's Chinatown.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The Convention declared them to be outlaws, meaning that upon verification the fugitives could be executed within 24 hours without a trial.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 国民公会宣称他们是逃犯,这意味着可以在24小时内不经审判而处决。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Cao Cao then gave the permission to mount the horses, and all of Cao Cao's horsemen, less than 600 in number, jumped onto their horses and charged at the enemy.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Barrot, a returning Commissioner nominated as a Vice-President with the Transport portfolio, had received a suspended prison sentence in 2000 in relation to a funding scandal involving his political party.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Bell's experiments and research ultimately led to his invention of the telephone in 1876, which revolutionized global communication.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Each campus has laboratories and lecture rooms.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Oram, David I, pp. 97, note 26, rejects this identification.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:Oram,David I,第97页,脚注26,否认此观点。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The idea of building a Qt-based image editor was later passed to KImage, maintained by Michael Koch, as a part of KOffice suite.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
他提出的关于构建一个基于Qt的图像编辑器的想法后来在KImage项目上开始实施,并作为KOffice套件的一部分由Michael Koch维护。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The school's main block, built in 1916 in the "Spanish Mission" style, is used for daily assemblies, exhibitions, and contains various classrooms.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Transportation psychology has emerged rapidly since the 1980s and, from its inception, has followed an interdisciplinary approach and has shared common topics with other fields, in particular medicine (e.g. driving aptitude), engineering (e.g. ergonomics and human factors), and economics (e.g. travel demand management).
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
For most purposes, it can be assumed that the image space and the object space are in the same medium.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Earth has undergone periodic climate shifts in the past, including four major ice ages.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
On weekends during the Oxford years the couple would frequently host a large group of friends and acquaintances at their house for an enjoyable afternoon.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 在牛津的时候,夫妻俩经常会在周末召集一大群朋友和熟人,在家中一起度过一个愉快的下午。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Adrian Mannarino retired in the fourth set of his second-round match against Spaniard Feliciano Lopez due to heat exhaustion.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:阿德里安·曼纳里诺在第二轮对上西班牙选手费利西亚诺·洛佩斯的第四盘因中暑退赛。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In the late 1990s, VIA began diversifying its core-logic business, and the company has since made business acquisitions to form a CPU division, graphics division, and a sound division.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Thus, in the summer of 1941, the Germans had to capture the city again, this time from the Soviets.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Later, in the Baroque period, they were covered with marble and stucco and restored as two separate and distinct churches.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:He grew up in poverty, living in a hut carved into a cave.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
他在贫穷中长大,生活在一个雕刻成洞穴的简陋小屋。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: In 1962, the franchise was relocated to San Francisco, California and became known as the San Francisco Warriors until 1971, when its name was changed to the current Golden State Warriors.
Assistant: 1962年,球队迁至旧金山湾区,更名为旧金山勇士(San Francisco Warriors);1971年,球队改名为如今的金州勇士。
User: We cannot from any point of view escape the responsibilities of government which our sovereignty entails; and the commission is strongly persuaded that the performance of our national duty will prove the greatest blessing to the peoples of the Philippine Islands.
Assistant: 从任何角度来看,我们无法逃避我们的主权赋予政府的责任;并且委员会充分相信我们国家责任的履行将会给菲律宾岛屿的人民带来最大的福祉。
User: Not all derivations are of this form; for the structure of the full ring of all derivations see the article Frölicher–Nijenhuis bracket.
Assistant: 不是所有导子都是这种形式;这个导子的环结构请参见弗勒利歇尔-奈恩黑斯括号一文。
User: A thick accumulation of dust layers might be a good description of all of the short period comets, as dust layers with thicknesses on the order of meters are thought to have accumulated on the surfaces of short-period comet nuclei.
Assistant: 尘埃层累积的厚度,可能可以对所有的短周期彗星做最佳的描述,短周期彗星彗核表面上尘埃层的厚度被认为可以达到米的等级。
User: South is the declarer, having been first to bid hearts, and the player to South's left, West, has to choose the first card in the play, known as the opening lead.
Assistant: 南家是庄家,因为他首先叫过红心,而他左方的玩家,西家,必须选择第一张打出的牌,也就是首引。
User: It is not clear for which companies Shakespeare wrote his early plays.
Assistant: 目前尚未确定莎士比亚早期的剧作是为哪家剧团创作的。
User: In 1944–1945, Allied troops largely bypassed Indonesia and did not fight their way into the most populous parts such as Java and Sumatra.
Assistant: 1944-1945年,同盟军大幅绕过印度尼西亚,并没有进攻人口密集的地区,例如爪哇和苏门答腊。
User: World War I produced a generation of poets and writers influenced by their experiences in the war.
Assistant: 第一次世界大战造就了一代的反战诗人和作家,他们的作品深受其战争经历之影响。
User: The Formula 3 circuit is 2.063 km (1.282 mi) long in distance with 8 left turns and 6 right turns.
Assistant: 天马山赛车场的三级方程式赛车道(F3赛道)路程有2.063公里(1.282英里)长,有8个左弯和6个右弯。
User: Boas and his students understood that as people try to make sense of their world they seek to integrate its disparate elements, with the result that different cultures could be characterized as having different configurations or patterns.
Assistant: 鲍亚士和他的学生认为,由于人们试图理解他们的世界,因此他们寻求将世界的完全不同的要素整合起来,结果是不同文化可能是以具有不同形貌或模式为其特征。
User: After the annexation of Austria, the Austrian team was absorbed into the German team, resulting in the inclusion of several Austrians in Germany's 1938 World Cup squad.
Assistant: 德奥合并后,奥地利队被吸纳至德国队,导致后者在1938年世界杯的阵容里包含了几位奥地利人。
User: In July 2013 Echo was in the central Mediterranean surveying the approaches to the ports of Tripoli and Khoms on the coast of Libya to improve Admiralty charts of the area.
Assistant: 2013年7月,厄科号在地中海中部近的黎波里、胡姆斯等港口一带测绘,以提升有关利比亚沿岸海图资讯之精度。
User: In Madeira, for example, it is possible to observe more than 250 species of land gastropods.
Assistant: 在马德拉有250多种可见的腹足纲动物。
User: The music video for "Here For You" was released on 29 September 2015.
Assistant: 《Here for You》的音乐影片于2015年9月29日释出。
User: Although the Supreme Court did not overturn Gitlow's conviction, it adopted the ACLU's stance (later termed the incorporation doctrine) that the First Amendment freedom of speech applied to state laws, as well as federal laws.
Assistant: 虽然最高法院并没有推翻Gitlow的定罪,但却接受了美国公民自由联盟关于第一修正案自由应用到国家法律,以及联邦法律的言论的立场(后来被称为纳入学说)。
User: The Giants never trailed in the game, winning 37–20.
Assistant: 巨人队未在赛事中苦战,以37–20大胜。
User: Here, power can be the actual physical power, or more often, for convenience with abstract signals, is simply identified with the squared value of the signal.
Assistant: 在这里,功率可以是实际的物理功率,不过更多时候,为了更方便用于抽象信号,简单地确定为信号的平方值。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: On 14 December, Löfven lost the confidence vote.
Assistant: 12月14日,洛夫文再次被信任投票击败。
User: 2014 store openings include Hong Kong, Los Angeles and New York, Ibiza, Bodrum, Doha, and London, the first Plein duty free at Vienna airport.
Assistant: 2014 年新开幕的门店包括香港、 洛杉矶和纽约、 Ibiza、博德鲁姆和多哈,第一家 Philipp Plein 免税时装店登陆维也纳机机。
User: While childless herself, she adopted her husband's nephew, Joseph Lepaute Dagelet, a future member of the French Academy of Science, in 1768.
Assistant: 她收养了丈夫的侄子,Joseph Lepaute Dagelet,后来,在1768年成为法国科学学院的会员。
User: The Hunter's Point civilian yard in San Francisco could accommodate capital ships, but had been closed due to lack of use and was slated for demolition.
Assistant: 在旧金山的猎人角民用工厂虽然可以容纳大型战舰,但由于缺少使用和年久失修已经关闭。
User: While they realize that one of them is Kira, they do not know which one.
Assistant: 他们知道自己之中有一个是奇乐,但不知道是谁。
User: In 1974, Kim announced that he would write his memoirs.
Assistant: 金日成在1974年宣布会撰写自己的回忆录。
User: Computed tomography angiography is a fast, noninvasive test that gives an accurate three-dimensional view of the aorta.
Assistant: CT血管造影是一种快速非侵入性的检查,将会提供一个准确的主动脉三维图。
User: Each competitor is required to carry an electronic or paper control card, and to present it at the Start and hand it in at the Finish.
Assistant: 每位参赛者必须携带一张控制卡(control card),控制卡由纸或塑胶制成,参赛者必须在起点出示,并携带至终点。
User: Traditional permeable concrete paving bricks tend to lose their color in relatively short time which can be costly to replace or clean and is mainly due to the problem of efflorescence.
Assistant: 传统的可渗透混凝土铺砌砖倾向于在相对短的时间内失去颜色,这可能代替或清洁成本高并且主要是由于风化问题。
User: In September 2008, Solr 1.3 was released including distributed search capabilities and performance enhancements among many others.
Assistant: 2008年9月,Solr 1.3发布了许多增强功能,包括分布式搜索功能和性能增强等。
User: The Dixie Cup was first called "Health Kup", but from 1919 it was named after a line of dolls made by Alfred Schindler's Dixie Doll Company in New York.
Assistant: 迪克西杯在第一次是被称为“健康杯”(Health Kup),但从1919年起,它的名字由Alfred Schindler在纽约的迪克西娃娃公司(Dixie Doll Company)所制作的一系列娃娃命名的。
User: Advocates of population moderation cite issues like quality of life, carrying capacity and risk of starvation as a basis to argue against continuing high human population growth and for population decline.
Assistant: 支持人口适度的说法常引述生活质量、环境承载力及饥荒风险来反驳持续高人口增长,支持人口下降。
User: Muse released another live DVD on 12 December 2005, Absolution Tour, containing edited and remastered highlights from their Glastonbury performance unseen footage from their performances at London Earls Court, Wembley Arena, and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles.
Assistant: 另一张DVD《Absolution tour》于2005年12月12日发行,包括了重新编辑整理后的2004年Glastonbury音乐节上演出的精彩片段,还有之前未曾面世的在伦敦Earls Court,伦敦温布利体育馆及洛杉矶 Wiltern剧院的演出及幕后片段。
User: After that Haakon paid no taxes to Denmark.
Assistant: 此后,哈康伯爵再没有向丹麦缴税。
User: Printed in red ink on white paper, they said: "Remember, we will not tolerate any longer.
Assistant: 传单是一张白纸上使用红色墨水书写的文字和署名:“记住,我们不会再忍耐了。
User: Tempelhof was one of Europe's three iconic pre-World War II airports, the others being London's now defunct Croydon Airport and the old Paris–Le Bourget Airport.
Assistant: 滕珀尔霍夫机场是欧洲其中三个战前最具代表性的机场之一,另外两个包括伦敦的克罗伊登机场(现已关闭)以及巴黎的勒布尔热机场。
User: The Devil provides him with a single burning coal with which to warm himself, which he then uses to lure foolish travellers into the marshes.
Assistant: 燃烧 镕金术师消耗金属以支取力量的过程,他们必须吞下悬浮于液体中的金属,这些在腹中的金属才能用来燃烧。
User: Karume was not in Zanzibar on 12 January 1964 – the night of the revolution – and was instead on the African mainland.
Assistant: 1964年1月12日 - 革命之夜-卡鲁姆当时不在桑给巴尔,而是在非洲大陆。
User: Ford introduced a re-designed 2005 model year Mustang at the 2004 North American International Auto Show, codenamed "S-197", that was based on the new D2C platform.
Assistant: 福特于2004年的底特律车展介绍了重新设计的2005年车款,代号“S-197”,此车基于新的D2C平台(英语:Ford D2C platform)。
User: However, diverse domains often present recurring problems of modeling and simulation for systems engineering, and new advancements are aiming to crossfertilize methods among distinct scientific and engineering communities, under the title of 'Modeling & Simulation-based Systems Engineering'.
Assistant: 不过,多种的领域往往造成反复出现的系统工程建模与仿真问题,新的进展是在“建模与仿真系统工程”标题下,正瞄准于不同的科学和工程社群间相互交流、共同成长的方法。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: The fuel assemblies can be replaced without shutting down the reactor, a factor significant for production of weapon-grade plutonium and, in a civilian context, for better reactor uptime.
Assistant: 燃料更换可以在不关闭反应炉的情况下进行,这是生产武器级钚的一个重要因素,对民用来说,亦能提高反应堆的发电时间。
User: The Iran Foreign Ministry condemned the missile strikes, said there is "no proof" of Syrian responsibility in the chemical attack on Douma, and criticized the United States for attacking without waiting for an Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons investigation.
Assistant: 伊朗外交部谴责导弹空袭,表示“没有证据”表明叙利亚政府要为杜马的化学袭击负责,批评美国空袭不等禁止化学武器组织调查。
User: Only men aged 18–60 at the time of the crime could be executed; women were not subject to the death penalty.
Assistant: 只有18岁至60岁的男子有被判处死刑的可能,妇女并没有。
User: September: Fifth British Championship held in London.
Assistant: 9月出席在英国伦敦召开的五国外长会议。
User: In practice the effect was quite minor, with only a few border differences between the historic and new administrative counties.
Assistant: 实际上,影响很微小,因为只有少数行政郡的边界跟原来的不一样。
User: On March 25, 1957, the ministers of internal affairs of both countries, Wladyslaw Wicha and Nikolay Dudorov, signed an agreement, upon which all individuals who before September 17, 1939 (see Soviet invasion of Poland) were citizens of the Second Polish Republic, together with their spouses and children, were able to move to Poland.
Assistant: 在1957年3月25日,这两个国家的内务部长签署了一项协议,1939年9月17日(苏联入侵波兰)以前的波兰第二共和国的所有公民,能与他们的配偶和孩子在一起移民到波兰。
User: After exiting from Cuba, the hurricane entered the Gulf of Mexico and restrengthened.
Assistant: 离开古巴后,风暴进入墨西哥湾并重新增强。
User: He was recognized as an expert in civil and historical law.
Assistant: 他被认为是民法和法律史专家。
User: Although this dissociation arose from social divisions imposed by the feudal system, the gradual disintegration of that system after the Middle Ages resulted, paradoxically, in social dissociation becoming increasingly complete.
Assistant: 虽然这种分离从封建制度造成的社会分化就出现了,但矛盾的是,中世纪后逐步碾碎封建制度却导致社会分离日益接近完成。
User: Giblin's photography received favorable commentary from Cindy Hoedel of The Kansas City Star.
Assistant: 谢里·吉布林所拍摄的照片得到了《堪萨斯城星报》(The Kansas City Star)作家辛迪·霍得尔(Cindy Hoedel)的好评。
User: He is also the man behind the Kalasag.
Assistant: 他也是洪秀柱的父亲。
User: Patrick Hues Mell, the president of the University of Georgia at that time, believed that it should be located in Athens with the University's main campus, like the Agricultural and Mechanical Schools.
Assistant: 帕特里克·怀斯·梅尔(英语:Patrick Hues Mell),当时佐治亚大学的校长,坚持认为大学的主校区应选在Athens,作为农学部、工学部。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: However, because the pennant was not recognized as a naval ensign and was not well known, many ships flying the pennant were seized.
Assistant: 然而,由于这面旗没有被正式承认,也不为人所知,许多使用这面旗的船只都被扣押了。
User: Over the next few years her work appeared in almost every newspaper in New York, including The New York Press, The World and McCall's; she wrote interviews, features, theatre reviews, and a variety of news stories, often illustrating them with her own drawings.
Assistant: 在接下来的几年里,她的作品几乎出现在纽约的每一家报纸上,包括《The New York Press(英语:New York Press)》、《世界》和《McCall’s(英语:McCall’s)》;她写过采访、戏剧评论和各种新闻故事,经常用自己的画来说明这些故事。
User: Condiment King (appeared in Batman: The Animated Series, voiced by Stuart Pankin) - In his first and only appearance in the DCAU, he attacks the Crown Restaurant, only to end up fighting Batman.
Assistant: 调料王(出现在《蝙蝠侠:动画系列》中,由斯图尔特·潘金配音)——在他第一次也是唯一一次出现在动画中的时候,他攻击皇冠餐厅,结果只是为了与蝙蝠侠战斗。
User: Code signing is particularly valuable in distributed environments, where the source of a given piece of code may not be immediately evident - for example Java applets, ActiveX controls and other active web and browser scripting code.
Assistant: 代码签名在分发目的下很有价值,因为所提供代码的源代码可能并不明显,如Java applet、ActiveX控件或其他类似代码。
User: In November 1902, Kilbourne started Electric Messages, a monthly periodical that detailed what they were accomplishing and encouraged others to donate to the cause.
Assistant: 1902年11月,基尔伯恩创办了一份月刊 Electric Messages,详细介绍了他们正在进行的工作,并鼓励其他人为这项事业捐款。
User: In some countries, e.g. Germany, it is illegal for a regular bank to certify checks.
Assistant: 在一部分国家,例如德国,银行对支票进行证明属违法。
User: As of 2002, the President's Office claimed that universal primary education has almost been achieved and the literacy rate had improved from 70 percent in 1978 to 98.82 percent.
Assistant: 自2002年起,马尔代夫政府表示大致上已经实现了教育普及,国民识字率由1978年的70%,大幅提升至现今的98.82%。
User: It is speculated that the lack of official support for 6-series chipsets is due to validation costs or an attempt to encourage consumers to upgrade, rather than for technical reasons.
Assistant: 据推测,缺乏对6系列芯片组的官方支持是由于验证成本或企图鼓励消费者升级,而不是出于技术原因。
User: Technical assistance from the World Bank, Office of Technical Assistance at the U.S. Treasury Department, and UNDP is being provided in reforming the Central Bank and Ministry of Finance into institutions capable of conducting market-oriented fiscal and monetary policy.
Assistant: 世界银行、美国财政部技术援助办公室和联合国开发计划署向该国提供技术援助,把央行和财政部改革,以能够开展市场主导的财政和货币政策。
User: The flight of the king had caused civil unrest, and the petition, presented a day before the anniversary of the Fête de la Fédération, contributed to this agitation.
Assistant: 国王的出逃造成国内的不安,就在夏至联合会(英语:Fête de la Fédération)周年纪念日的前一天,这个请愿促成这场骚动。
User: During the ride the car passed several service stations but the man did not stop.
Assistant: 然而,路上经过许多的加油站,但是这个男人都没有把车子开进去。
User: A proposal was also published by Polisario to the UN on 10 April 2007, a day before the Moroccan proposal.
Assistant: 另一个由西撒人阵所公布的计划于2007年4月10日被送至联合国。
User: The station of Line 14 was opened on 15 October 1998.
Assistant: 1998年10月15日,14号线月台启用。
User: Mirrors in Ancient Rome were mostly hand mirrors made from polished metal, or mercury behind glass.
Assistant: 古罗马的镜子大多是手持镜子,由抛光金属或在玻璃背后涂上水银制成。
User: It focuses on Hitchcock's Catholic background and is described as "one of the most influential film books since the Second World War, casting new light on a film-maker hitherto considered a mere entertainer".
Assistant: 研究聚焦于希区柯克的罗马天主教背景,该作被描述为“二战后最有影响力的电影书籍,为被只当做艺人的电影人打下一道新的光芒。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: Tiridates left Seleucia and fled to Syria.
Assistant: 阮祐𠐤逃往清化,向黎文悦投降。
User: Blick nach Rechts.
Assistant: 浏海大多往右边。
User: The largest commercial bank, the Credit and Agricultural Cooperative Bank, which is state-owned, and the Yemen Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which is majority state-owned, are currently being restructured with the goal of eventual privatization.
Assistant: 也门重建和发展银行是国有控股企业,目前正在重组,以最终私有化为目标。
User: Five years later, Alena was first runner-up of Miss Czech Republic 1998 and her country's representative at Miss World 1998 where she placed fourth equal in the finals.
Assistant: 5年后获得1998年捷克小姐亚军,并代表她的国家参加同年世界小姐竞选,在决赛中排第四。
User: He is the lead vocalist of the band Red Hot Chili Peppers, which he has fronted since its inception in 1983.
Assistant: 他是另类摇滚乐团呛辣红椒自1983年成立以来不变的主唱。
User: These layers may run on the same or on different physical machines.
Assistant: 这些层可以在同一台或不同的物理机器上运行。
User: The British encouraged the establishment of the Communities Liaison Committee (CLC), comprising the top echelon of Malayan politicians from different communities, to address sensitive issues, especially those related to race.
Assistant: 英国鼓励建立社群联络委员会(英语:Communities Liaison Committee),成员包括来自各个社群的上层马来亚政治人物,以解决敏感问题,特别是关于种族的议题。
User: The BT-7's successor was the famous T-34 medium tank, introduced in 1940, which replaced all of the Soviet fast tanks, infantry tanks, and medium tanks then in service.
Assistant: BT-7的继承者正是大名鼎鼎的T-34,后者于1940年面世,并将取代当时服役的所有苏联快速坦克、步兵坦克和中型坦克。
User: As a result, M will be unable to preempt L and will be blocked.
Assistant: M将不能抢先L因而M被阻塞。
User: Looking to turn the corner, the Wolves hired former Detroit Pistons general manager Jack McCloskey to the same position, but even with notable first-round selections such as Christian Laettner and Isaiah Rider, the Timberwolves were unable to duplicate McCloskey's "Detroit Bad Boys" success in the Twin Cities, finishing 19–63 and 20–62 the next two seasons.
Assistant: 为了寻求新转机,灰狼队又聘请了前底特律活塞总裁Jack McCloskey担任同样的职务,但即使在第一轮选秀选中了备受期待的Christian Laettner和Isaiah Rider,灰狼队仍然无法在双城成功复制McCloskey过去创建“坏孩子军团”的成功模式,分别以19胜63败和20胜62败的战绩结束之后的两季。
User: Early detection of the pest is a priority.
Assistant: 中风的早期识别非常重要。
User: Since 1956, the men's national team has taken part in eleven World Championships, with its best results in Italy (1978) and Argentina (1982), where it finished seventh.
Assistant: 自1956年,中国国家男子排球队已经参加了14次世界排球锦标赛,最好成绩是在意大利(1978年)和阿根廷(1982年)获得的第7名。
User: A successful invasion of Egypt would have several further advantages for the Byzantine Empire.
Assistant: 成功入侵埃及也会为拜占廷帝国赢得许多优势。
User: The station is also accessible from the underground network of shopping centers and restaurants extending beneath Crystal City.
Assistant: 此站同时可以途经水晶城以外的地下购物中心和餐厅进入。
User: The US air raids on Shanghai began in 1944.
Assistant: 美国空军对上海的空袭开始于1944年。
User: Suffice to say, most of the buildings on the South side of 11th Street would have to be demolished to make way for the realignment.
Assistant: 如今复兴门内大街两侧原有的四合院大部分均已拆毁,改建为大楼。
User: In Belgium, in 2007, prosecutors handled a total of 418 trafficking cases, including 219 economic exploitation and 168 sexual exploitation cases.
Assistant: 在比利时,检方在2007年处理了418个拐卖案例,包括219个经济剥削和168个性剥削案件。
User: Ray Kidder, then a senior American nuclear scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, has said: On the basis of this research and my own professional experience, I am ready to challenge any official assertion that Mr. Vanunu possesses any technical nuclear information not already made public.
Assistant: 时为美国劳伦斯利福摩尔国家实验室高级核科学家的Ray Kidder(英语:Ray Kidder)说到: 对于官方指瓦努努先生持有公众未知的核子技术资料,我本着这项研究和我个人的专业经验,已准备好反驳任何这样的官方声明。 |
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Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: The hurricane was earliest to affect the region on record, and was the first storm in over 50 years to affected Trinidad and Venezuela.
Assistant: 这场飓风是有纪录以来对该半岛构成影响的第一场风暴,也是50多年里第一个影响到特立尼达岛和委内瑞拉的风暴。
User: A second legend states that cattlemen driving herds from Texas to railways back east always found water "still there".
Assistant: 在第二个传说中,从德克萨斯来的赶着畜群的牧民在经铁路向东返回的时候,发现那个小溪“一直在那”。
User: On returning to France in 1949 he attended the Lycée Henri-IV before studying at universities in France, Italy and Ireland.
Assistant: 1949年他回到法国,曾在法国亨利-四世中学,意大利和爱尔兰的大学学习获得学士和美学、艺术史研究生学位。
User: When they disbanded in 2000, they left a big mark on the Japanese rock scene.
Assistant: 在2000年举行“终幕”演唱会中止活动后,他们在日本摇滚乐坛留下一个强大的历史纪录。
User: The Spasimo or Swoon of the Virgin was a controversial idea in late medieval and Renaissance Catholic devotion.
Assistant: 圣母昏厥(Spasimo)是中世纪后期和文艺复兴时期天主教内一个有争议的观点。
User: Islam is the official religion in Kuwait, and the majority of the citizen population are Muslim.
Assistant: 科威特的官方宗教是伊斯兰教,大部分科国公民是穆斯林。
User: This damaged the ACLU's reputation severely, even though the report said that it could not "definitely state whether or not" the ACLU was a Communist organization.
Assistant: 这件事严重地影响了美国公民自由联盟的声誉,即使在报告中声明“并没有明确地证据证明美国公民自由联盟是一个共产主义组织”。
User: The head of the newly formed National Space Council, Vice President Dan Quayle, noted the situation and arranged emergency funding that allowed the program to continue with the data archives intact.
Assistant: 当时的副总统丹·奎尔刚接掌新成立的国家太空委员会(英语:National Space Council),注意到此一情况,立刻安排应急资金,让此计划继续进行,该计划所获得的数据也得以保存。
User: It was the fifteenth (for men) and ninth (for women) edition of the tournament.
Assistant: 嘉靖十五年九月,诏封恭嫔。
User: During his law partnership with Clarence Darrow from 1903 to 1908, Masters defended the poor.
Assistant: 在他1903年至1908年与克拉伦斯·达罗的法律合伙人关系中,他捍卫穷人的利益。
User: As Wyatt's term as mayor of Louisville ended, President Truman, who in 1948 did tap Barkley as his vice-presidential choice, appointed Wyatt as United States Housing Expediter for the Office of War Mobilization, a position given Cabinet-level rank.
Assistant: 在怀亚特的路易斯维尔市长任期结束后,杜鲁门总统(在1948年邀请巴克利担任他的副总统选择),任命怀亚特担任内阁级的美国战争动员办公室(英语:Office of War Mobilization)的住房稽查员。
User: The 12-story Straus Tower 2 has not yet broken ground.
Assistant: 12层的斯特劳斯塔楼2尚未破土动工。
User: Because of his extensive support of rural electrification as a senator, the East Kentucky RECC was renamed the John Sherman Cooper Power Station in his honor.
Assistant: 库珀在担任参议员期间长期支持农村电气化,东肯塔基州农村电气合作公司因此更名约翰·谢尔曼·库珀电站以示纪念。
User: He also gave a statement at the conference, titled In Support of Principles on Nazi-Confiscated Art, saying: Several weeks ago, we prepared a discussion paper of 11 general principles, which was used as the basis of extensive consultations and which all of you have today.
Assistant: 他在会议上还做出另一份名为《支持纳粹没收艺术品原则》的声明,称: 几周前,我们准备了11条总原则的讨论文件作为大范围协商的基础,如今你们人手一份。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: Principal photography of Die Another Day began on 11 January 2002 at Pinewood studios.
Assistant: 《择日而亡》的主体拍摄工作于2002年1月11日在松林制片厂(英语:Pinewood studios)启动。
User: The college’s first seven graduates were hooded in December 1984.
Assistant: 该学院的首批七名毕业生于1984年12月获得学位。
User: Stellaris was developed by Paradox Development Studios and published by their parent company, Paradox Interactive.
Assistant: 游戏由Paradox Development Studio(英语:Paradox Development Studio)开发,由Paradox Interactive公司发布。
User: The Buddha statue is sitting up to 3 meters and is made of pure silver.
Assistant: 该佛像呈坐姿,高近3米,用1吨半纯银铸造而成。
User: Bauer purchased Emap Consumer Media in early 2008.
Assistant: 鲍尔在2008年年初购买Emap媒体。
User: Until then, it had only been possible to post messages to public chatrooms.
Assistant: 在此之前,它只能将消息发布到公共聊天室。
User: In order to be heard by one's opponents, one must also be prepared to listen.
Assistant: 想让对手听到自己的声音,就必须准备好去倾听。
User: The valley of the river has long been an important manufacturing center in the region but has suffered a decline in the late 20th century.
Assistant: 希芒河河谷区域一直是一个重要的制造业中心,但在20世纪后期遭受严重的衰退。
User: Such models may be used to study atmospheric processes, but are not suitable for climate projections.
Assistant: 这样的模式可以被用来在简化的框架里研究一些大气过程,但不适合预测将来的气候。
User: Child sex tourism has also been complicated by varying ages of consent laws where, for example, the age of consent is 13 in Japan while it is 21 in Bahrain (see ages of consent in Asia).
Assistant: 儿童色情旅游也因为各国同意年龄的不同而变得复杂化,例如:日本的同意年龄为13岁,而巴林的同意年龄却为21岁。
User: Book Fair from 2010 July 21 to 27 July was held for seven days, book end, book fair attendance of 92 million visitors over thirteen thousand people, representing an increase of two percent.
Assistant: 书展由2010年7月21日至7月27日连续七天举行,入场人次达92万,访港旅客达13,000多人,比去年上升两成。
User: Howard and Miles praised the Nez Perce and even General William T. Sherman praised them for their fighting ability and the relative lack of atrocities they committed.
Assistant: 霍华德与迈尔斯称赞内兹珀斯人,甚至连威廉·特库姆塞·谢尔曼将军也因为他们的战斗能力以及他们的所作所为相对地缺少残暴而称赞他们。
User: Up until about 1820, the square was used as a large open air market for goods and livestock, mainly horses.
Assistant: 直到1820左右,且林士果作为一个大型露天商品和牲畜市场,主要是马匹市场。
User: Daniil Kvyat meanwhile expressed surprise at the decision, saying during Thursday's press conference that he was "shocked" by his demotion, stressing that Red Bull did not give him a "real explanation".
Assistant: 另一方面,丹尼尔·科维亚特对这项决定感到惊讶,他在周四的记者会上表示,这次的降级使他“震惊”,更阐明红牛并未给予他一个“真正的解释”。
User: In 2016, two separate elements of the 29th deployed overseas.
Assistant: 2016年,有两支29师的单位分别派往海外。
User: Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage opened on June 11, 2007, resurrecting the original Submarine Voyage which closed in 1998.
Assistant: 海底总动员潜艇之旅(Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage)在2007年6月11日开幕,延续了1998年关闭的潜水艇之旅。
User: The sharks for Jaws 2 were known as Bruce Two (the sharks for the original film had been nicknamed "Bruce", after Steven Spielberg's lawyer), but on set they were referred to as "Fidel" and "Harold", the latter after David Brown's Beverly Hills lawyer.
Assistant: 制作出的新鲨鱼名为“布鲁斯二号”,在片场则叫“菲德尔”或是“哈罗德”,这两个名字都是大卫·布朗在比佛利山的律师。
User: The majority of them were simply commercial knives purchased in bulk by the military.
Assistant: 当中大部分也是军方大批量购入的商业售卖刀。
User: After attending school in Switzerland he graduated in industrial engineering from the University of San Carlos, and then attended Stanford University in California, U.S., where he studied economic growth and gained a doctorate in education and science.
Assistant: 在瑞士上完学后入读危地马拉圣卡洛斯大学工业工程学,又留学美国加州斯坦福大学,在那里他学习了经济学,获得教育和科学博士学位。
User: Over the course of this training, O falls in love with Sir Stephen and believes him to be in love with her as well.
Assistant: 经过史蒂芬的调教,O爱上了史蒂芬并相信他也同样爱上她。
User: The formula is said to include 130 herbs, plants and flowers and secret ingredients combined in a wine alcohol base.
Assistant: 据说配方包括有130多中草本植物,鲜花以及其他一些秘密成分,这些成分被混合调制在基酒中。
User: He then reported there was no evidence of smoke or fire in the cabin, and that the rear cabin door had been opened and the emergency slide was inflated.
Assistant: 他汇报说机舱内没有烟和火,逃生门打开,滑梯已充气。
User: In 1985, News Corp announced it was buying the Metromedia group of stations, setting the stage for the launch of a fourth U.S. commercial broadcasting television network.
Assistant: 新闻集团于1985年宣布,它收购Metromedia站组,推出了第四的美国商业广播电视网络的阶段。
User: One can also define a random forest dissimilarity measure between unlabeled data: the idea is to construct a random forest predictor that distinguishes the “observed” data from suitably generated synthetic data.
Assistant: 还可以定义未标记数据之间的随机森林差异度量:其思想是构造一个随机森林预测器,将“观测”数据与适当生成的合成数据区分开来。
User: Kawashima writes that Civil Code theory requires the independent contractor to "complete the work" of construction at the agreed price, and that until then the contractor bears all the expenses.
Assistant: 河下(Kawashita)写到民法理论要求合约商在约定价格内“完成(建筑)工作”,且直到完成时合约商完全负担可能的额外费用。
User: In 1686, a farm labourer named Thomas Walker discovered a Scandinavian burial mound at Repton in Derbyshire close to a battle site where the Great Heathen Army overthrew the Mercian King Burgred of his kingdom.
Assistant: 1686年,一位名叫汤玛斯·沃克(Thomas Walker)的农场工人在德比郡的雷普顿(Repton)发现了一个斯堪的纳维亚的坟场,靠近一个古战场遗址,那里是维京雄狮攻打麦西亚王国的地方。
User: There were 21 known mansas of the Mali Empire after Mari Djata I, and probably about two or three more yet to be revealed.
Assistant: 马里帝国已知的曼萨有21位,可能仍有约二到三位皇帝仍然未知。
User: However, in the private sector, entrepreneurs bear their own losses and so private sector firms are generally unwilling to undertake projects that could result in losses or would not develop a revenue stream.
Assistant: 但是,在私营部门,企业家会负担他们自己的损失,致使私营公司一般不愿承接项目,因它可能会导致损失,或者无法发展收益。
User: Fierce fighting in Yarmouk began on 5 December 2012 and lasted until 17 December.
Assistant: 雅穆克难民营内的激烈冲突开始于2012年12月5日,持续到了12月17日。
User: People from all over Lithuania started to encircle the main strategic buildings: the Supreme Council, the Radio and Television Committee, the Vilnius TV Tower and the main telephone exchange.
Assistant: 立陶宛全境的国民自发聚集,守卫最高会议大楼、广播电台、电视塔、主要电话局等重要据点,围成人盾。
User: In the past they have erroneously (or out of convenience) been grouped with the Koyukon.
Assistant: 司马睿迁镇之初,吴姓世族对晋廷保持怀疑或轻视的态度。
User: In addition to the identification and quantification of the above given molecules further techniques analyze the dynamics and interactions within a cell.
Assistant: 除了上述给定分子的识别和量化之外,进一步的技术还分析细胞内的动力学和相互作用。
User: Nicollier's first spaceflight was as a Mission Specialist on the 8-day Space Shuttle mission aboard Atlantis, called STS-46, in 1992.
Assistant: 尼科里埃尔的第一次太空飞行是在1992年,历时8天,他搭乘亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机前往太空,任务代号是STS-46。
User: Michael Lynch and Richard Oram portray David as having little initial connection with the culture and society of the Scots; but both likewise argue that David became increasingly re-Gaelicised in the later stages of his reign.
Assistant: 迈克尔·林奇(Michael Lynch)与理查德·奥拉姆(Richard Oram)把大卫描述成同苏格兰人初期的文化与社会有着密切的联系;但两者同样认为,大卫统治的后期阶段,他的盖尔化变得日趋严重。
User: For instance, during the Cold War the United States and the Soviet Union never engaged each other in warfare, but fought proxy wars in Korea, Vietnam, Angola, the Middle East, Nicaragua and Afghanistan and spent substantial amounts of money and manpower on gaining relative influence over the third world.
Assistant: 例如,在冷战时期,美国和苏联之间从来没有爆发战争,而是在朝鲜、越南、安哥拉、中东、尼加拉瓜和阿富汗展开代理人战争,并花费了大量的资金和人力在第三世界中赢得相对影响力。
User: Flake says he chose to play the piano because a childhood friend of his played from the age of three.
Assistant: Flake被称为是一个受过教育的钢琴家,他说他选择三岁去弹钢琴是因为儿时的一位伙伴。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: Thus he has been popularly identified as the "father of modern fantasy literature", or to be precise, high fantasy.
Assistant: 因此他被大众认定为“现代奇幻文学之父”,或者,更准确的说是主流奇幻之父。
User: After 11 years in power, the party stayed in opposition, trying to forge an image of a constructive opposition party, supporting moderate conservative policies.
Assistant: 在11年的执政联盟经验后,该党成为反对党,试图建立一个建设性的反对党形象,支持温和的保守主义政策。
User: The period determined for MR Velorum at ~4.03 d is considerably longer than that of other supersoft systems, which is usually less than a day.
Assistant: 测量到MR Velorum的周期在~4.03天,远远超过其它的超软系统,而一般的周期通常都少于一天。
User: MPA degrees may be more likely to include program emphases on policy analysis techniques or other topical focuses such as the study of international affairs as opposed to MA degrees, which tend to focus on constitutional issues such as separation of powers, administrative law, contracting with government, problems of governance and power, and participatory democracy.
Assistant: 之间的差异通常是在政治分析或其他议题的重点上,例如针对国际关系的研究与针对宪法议题如权力制衡、行政法、政府与权力等问题之间的差异。
User: In 1139 Matilda landed in England with 140 knights, where she was besieged at Arundel Castle by King Stephen.
Assistant: 1139年,马蒂尔达率140名骑士登陆英格兰,在阿伦德尔城堡被斯蒂芬包围。
User: As part of an expansive campaign to advertise and heighten anticipation for the premiere, AMC and Fox International Channels coordinated a worldwide zombie invasion event on October 26, 2010.
Assistant: 为配合扩张性质的首映活动,宣传和提高首映预期,AMC和福克斯国际频道在2010年10月26日举行了世界性的僵尸大侵略活动。
User: The soldiers threatened to take action that day if their complaints were not addressed.
Assistant: 士兵们威胁说,倘若他们的抱怨(问题)不得到解决,那天就要采取行动。
User: According to a December 2010 The Washington Post-ABC News poll 77% of Americans said gays and lesbians who publicly disclose their sexual orientation should be able to serve in the military.
Assistant: 华盛顿邮报和美国广播公司(ABC)2010年12月的一项民意调查显示,77% 的美国人认为公开其性向的同性恋者有权在军队服役。
User: It is green or yellow-green from the chlorophyll in its cells, or bluish-green when colonies of cyanobacteria grow inside the plant.
Assistant: 它的细胞中的叶绿素是绿色或黄绿色,或者蓝藻的菌落在植物内生长时呈蓝绿色。
User: Mario joined a musical group in Milford Mill Academy with the oldest son of comedian Mo'Nique and best friend Jaye Brebnor and also his younger god sister Chea Tyler.
Assistant: 马里欧加入了米尔福德磨坊学院的一个音乐团体,其中包括喜剧演员莫尼克的最大儿子和最好的朋友杰伊布雷诺,还有他的小妹妹谢泰勒。
User: There was a difference between ethnic Russians.
Assistant: 但是,这只是俄国人的外来语问题。
User: His memory remains available to the oppressed; his image continues to inspire the hope of change and the virtue of rebellion, enhanced rather than diminished by his defeat.
Assistant: 他的记忆不朽于受压迫者之间,他的形象继续鼓舞着变革的希望和反抗的坚毅,没有被他失败所削弱,反而得到了增强。
User: The Children of Captain Grant) is a novel by the French writer Jules Verne, published in 1867–1868.
Assistant: 《格兰特船长的儿女》(法语:Les Enfants du capitaine Grant)是法国作家儒勒·凡尔纳的作品,1867–1868年间出版。
User: David Bala, 67, Singaporean comedian and actor, heart disease.
Assistant: 大卫·巴拉(David Bala),67岁,新加坡喜剧演员和演员,心脏病。
User: He is one of the most popular boys in school but he cares the least.
Assistant: 学校其中一名最受欢迎的男生,但自身不在意。
User: The Conservatives Since 1945: The Drivers of Party Change.
Assistant: 1922年-1945年:经营男装经销。
User: Obligations, like contracts and torts, are conceptualised as rights good between individuals.
Assistant: 物权和契约或侵权行为等义务不同,是一种对人与人之间皆好的的权利。
User: The infantilist community is described by one practitioner as made up of two main types - adult babies (adults who role play infants) and sissy babies (who tend to wear typically feminine clothing, and use female pronouns).
Assistant: 一位在恋婴癖社群内人士陈述,这个圈子主要由两类人组成:其一是成年婴儿(由成人扮演成婴儿),其二是sissy babies(倾向穿着女性服饰、并使用女性代词)。
User: Much of the city's built environment is composed of buildings of the Regency, Victorian and Edwardian eras.
Assistant: 城市的大多建筑环境是由摄政时期、维多利亚时期和爱德华时代的建筑组成。
User: Etiologies are narratives that explain the origin of a custom, ritual, geographical feature, name, or other phenomenon.
Assistant: 释源体裁的作品是用来解释风俗习惯、仪式、地理特征、名称和其他现象来由的叙事作品。
User: The fuel cells are activated only when the natural sources are not enough to supply the energy the system needs.
Assistant: 燃料电池只有在自然资源不充足的时候才会激活,来提供系统所需的能量。
User: Subsequently, the team used the name of the major league franchise it affiliated with: the Cardinals (1965–1972), the Astros (1973–1974), the Giants (1975–1979), and the Reds (1980–1992).
Assistant: 后来每每随着其母球团的更易而改名,曾经用过的名字有:红雀队(Cardinals,1965-1972)、太空人队(Astros,1973-1974)、巨人队(Giants,1975-1979)和红人队(Reds,1980-1992)。
User: In 1974, Anwar was arrested during student protests against rural poverty and hunger.
Assistant: 1974年,安华因为率领学生抗议乡村贫穷和饥荒而被逮捕。
User: The area at the base of the mountain is covered with old growth forests.
Assistant: 这些市镇位于古代被砍伐的森林的地面上。
User: Catch-22 is a satirical novel by American author Joseph Heller.
Assistant: 《第22条军规》(英语:Catch-22)是美国作家约瑟夫·海勒(Joseph Heller)的代表作。
User: The last third of the century started with the destruction of the old monetary system due to the problem of inflation.
Assistant: 第三部分,从旧的货币体系瓦解开始到异常通货膨胀的发生结束。
User: To relieve his wife during her intense and deep grief, Albert took on most of her duties, despite being ill himself with chronic stomach trouble.
Assistant: 为了让妻子从丧母巨痛中恢复,阿尔伯特承担很多女王的事务,尽管亲王本人也在忍受慢性胃病的折磨。
User: There was also a death in neighboring Vermont.
Assistant: 邻近的佛蒙特州也有1人遇难。
User: And behold, thus hath the angel spoken unto me; for he said unto me that there should be thunderings and lightnings for the space of many hours.
Assistant: 启:主的天使向玛利亚报喜,应:她因圣神受孕。
User: Postcolonial feminism is a form of feminism that developed as a response to feminism focusing solely on the experiences of women in Western cultures.
Assistant: 后殖民女性主义(英语:Postcolonial Feminism),是一种女性主义流派,它是回应原本女性主义似乎仅以西方文化中的女性经验而产生。
User: According to Soejima, blue was the "color of adolescence", and yellow was the "color of happiness".
Assistant: 而根据副岛成记所说,蓝色是“青春期的颜色”,黄色是“幸福的颜色”。
User: Her main battery guns had been transferred to the German army and placed on railway mountings; they had to be dismantled and returned to Bremen.
Assistant: 由于其主炮已被转移至德国陆军并安装用作列车炮;它们不得不进行拆除然后送返不来梅。
User: Economic anxiety is the state of concern about the future of one's economic prospects.
Assistant: 市场担心经济增长前景。
User: The members number were about twenty.
Assistant: 成员人数大约20人。
User: Further, the bulge of Sa and SBa galaxies tends to be large.
Assistant: 更进一步,Sa和SBa星系的核球往往都很大。
User: He’s obviously a well to-do British gentleman and he wanted a little bit of home in this tropical wilderness.
Assistant: 显然地,亨利爵士是一个富裕的英国绅士,并且期待在这一片荒野之中筹建自己另一个家。
User: Navarro next participated in Operation Magic Carpet, returning American troops home.
Assistant: 战后阿肯色号参与魔毯行动(Operation Magic Carpet),运载美军返国。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: A client/server relationship is implemented in the SDO protocol, where the SDO client sends data (the object dictionary index and subindex) to an SDO server, which replies with one or more SDO packages containing the requested data (the contents of the object dictionary at the given index).
Assistant: 客户端/服务器(client/server)模型定义在SDO协定中,SDO client将物件字典的索引及子索引传送给SDO server,因此会产生一个或数个需求资料(物件字典中,索引及子索引对应的内容)的SDO封包。
User: In 2001, 40 billion of the 110 billion pounds of polymers produced in the United States were produced by free-radical polymerization.
Assistant: 在2001年,美国生产的聚合物110亿英镑中有40亿聚合物是透过自由基聚合反应所产生的。
User: Local members supported these workers with money, food, and lodging.
Assistant: 当地的教会成员为这些工人们提供了金钱、食物以及住宿。
User: In Poland, Early Edition aired several times on TVP channels under the title "It Happened Tomorrow".
Assistant: 在波兰,曾经在TVP以"It Happened Tomorrow"名义播放过几次。
User: The Social Security number is a nine-digit number in the format "AAA-GG-SSSS".
Assistant: 社会保障号码是由九个数字组成的号码,格式为“AAA-GG-SSSS”。
User: In July 2016, the Republican-led House Select Committee on Benghazi released its report that included numerous witnesses indicating that U.S. military help was available, but not called upon.
Assistant: 2016年7月,共和党主导的众议院班加西特别委员会发布的报告囊括的多份证词,暗示美军可以派出援手,但没收到指示。
User: Some fishes are also its predators.
Assistant: 许多盾皮鱼都是掠食者。
User: On 24 October 1950, France's Prime Minister René Pleven proposed a new plan, which took his name although it was drafted mainly by Jean Monnet, that aimed to create a supranational European Army.
Assistant: 1950年10月24日,法国总理勒内·普列文提出了一个以他命名的新计划,旨在建立一支跨国的欧洲军队。
User: Rezazadeh surprised many at the 2000 Summer Olympics, earning a gold medal and breaking the decades-old monopoly on the gold by the Soviet Union and then Russia.
Assistant: 拉扎扎德在2000年悉尼奥运会中创造了许多惊喜,在赢得金牌的同时还打破了苏联与俄罗斯对该项目长达数十年的垄断。
User: In a 2005 interview, Spitzer stated, "Many colleagues were outraged" following the publication of the study.
Assistant: 2005年,斯皮策在受访时说:“该研究发表之后,震怒了许多同事”。
User: Initially a minigame in Project Gotham Racing 2, an updated version, titled "Retro Evolved", was eventually released for the Xbox 360.
Assistant: 最初是《世界街头赛车2》中的一个小游戏,后来一个升级版——《复古进化》最终独立发布于Xbox360平台。
User: Failure to pay back a favor results in inordinately harsh consequences; as seen in the beginning of "Syndicate Rules".
Assistant: 应昌期感慨当时围棋规则不够完善,创立了著名的围棋“应氏规则”。
User: Thank you for making my life so happy.
Assistant: 谢谢你,谢谢你丰富了我的生命。
User: On a clear morning, one can view beautiful sunrise also.
Assistant: 一曰天文,以观其象天,日月星是也。
User: The 611th Military Airlift Command Support Squadron (611th MASS) at Kimpo Air Base would later move to Osan.
Assistant: 原驻金浦机场的第611军事空运司令部支援中队(611th MASS)也在之后移至乌山基地。
User: Paranthropus robustus (or Australopithecus robustus) is an early hominin, originally discovered in Southern Africa in 1938.
Assistant: 罗百氏傍人(Paranthropus robustus),又名粗壮傍人,是于1938年在南部非洲发现的化石。
User: Many American cities and towns have vibrant music scenes which, in turn, support a number of regional musical styles.
Assistant: 许多美国城市都有繁荣的音乐背景,反过来又使得这些地区发展出新的音乐风格。
User: Felipe has also played a very active role in promoting Spain's economic, commercial and cultural interests and the Spanish language abroad.
Assistant: 费利佩在国外的西班牙经济商业文化利益和促进国外的西班牙语扮演了非常活跃的角色。
User: In August 2006 she stated, "I welcome the commitment from British Columbia to preserve and increase the population of Northern Spotted Owls ...
Assistant: 2006年8月,安布罗斯表示:“我欢迎英属哥伦比亚省承诺保持北方斑点鸮的数量。
User: Note: Partial solar eclipses on February 15, 2018, and August 11, 2018, occur during the previous semester series.
Assistant: 注:2018年2月15日和2018年8月11日的日偏食属于上一组交点年系列。
User: The following year, the song was used in Osu!
Assistant: 所以谱面必须是 osu!
User: The final loss was to Washington State.
Assistant: 最后哥伦比亚特区的位置是华盛顿决定的。
User: These barriers are impediments which put renewable energy at a marketing, institutional, or policy disadvantage relative to other forms of energy.
Assistant: 相对于其他形式的能源,这些障碍把可再生能源置于在市场营销的,机构的或政策的劣势。
User: His efforts at expanding the United States' trade and influence began the shift to a more active American foreign policy.
Assistant: 他致力于扩大美国的贸易和影响力,使美国的外交政策更加积极。
User: After the Beatles completed their second Hamburg residency, they enjoyed increasing popularity in Liverpool with the growing Merseybeat movement.
Assistant: 结束第二次汉堡之行后,因莫西节拍乐的潮流,披头士在利物浦的知名度渐渐增加。
User: One claims that Pilatus was named so because Pontius Pilate was buried there.
Assistant: 皮拉图斯峰的得名是由于当地传说认为彼拉多埋葬于此。
User: The one working-class member was Polish and, like colleagues from the Tyrol, not taken seriously.
Assistant: 一位波兰出身的工人阶级代表与他的蒂罗尔同事一样,没有受到任何重视。
User: For almost a thousand years, Rome was the most politically important, richest and largest city in Europe.
Assistant: 在此前差不多一千年的时间里,罗马是欧洲的政治中心,最富庶且规模最大的城市。
User: Espresso was initially popular, particularly within the Italian diaspora, growing in popularity with tourism to Italy exposing others to espresso, as developed by Eiscafès established by Italians in Germany.
Assistant: 在德国,espresso开始在意大利裔中流行,后来因意大利旅游业发展被其他人群所知,后来随意大利人发明的冰咖啡在德国流行。
User: Since the death of her brother Bassel al-Assad in 1994, Bushra was credited with increasing influence in Syria.
Assistant: 自从他弟弟巴塞勒·阿萨德死于1994年的车祸后,她就在政治中增强了影响力。
User: About 100 mg is thought to be enough to kill a healthy adult human male, with death occurring after 25 hours.
Assistant: 只要100毫克就已经足以令成年的男性于中毒后25小时死亡。
User: Further protests took place outside other matches during the Confederations Cup as part of wider unrest and rioting in Brazilian cities, seeking to express disenchantment with the government's financial management of the country.
Assistant: 抗议活动还蔓延至联合会杯其他比赛的场外,部分巴西城市爆发对政府财务管理表示失望的暴乱。
User: Most wood ash is primarily made up of calcium carbonate, which is used in many glaze recipes.
Assistant: 大多数木灰主要由碳酸钙组成,用于许多釉料配方。
User: By 1959, Skelton was the only comedian with a weekly variety television show; others who remained on the air, such as Danny Thomas, were performing their routines as part of situation comedy programs.
Assistant: 到1959年时,斯克尔顿已经是美国唯一一位拥有每周一期综艺电影节目的喜剧演员,包括丹尼·托马斯(Danny Thomas)在内的其他几位活跃在电视上的喜剧演员大多是参加情景喜剧演出,其表演本身只是节目的一部分。
User: The Life of Josiah Wedgwood (2 volumes).
Assistant: 约书亚·威治伍德二世(Josiah Wedgwood II)。
User: Outside the cosmetics market, consumers could be tempted by expensive beer or smaller, less costly gadgets.
Assistant: 而在化妆品买卖市场外,消费者可能会选择啤酒或更小,更廉价的商品。
User: Indeed, for all his involvement with print publishing, Callenbach remained quite interested in visual media.
Assistant: 的确,尽管卡伦巴赫参与的是印刷出版,他对视觉媒体仍保持着相当浓厚的兴趣。
User: They revealed that the game would be a semi-open world investigative role-playing game with elements of stealth and psychological horror.
Assistant: 他们透露,这游戏是款半开放世界的调查型角色扮演游戏,并具有隐蔽与心理恐怖的元素。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: During her visit to the household, the General was dying.
Assistant: 在她访问家庭时,将军已奄奄一息。
User: There are also religious buildings that take important roles in Korean society and politics.
Assistant: 宗教在韩国社会和政治中扮演着重要的角色。
User: Among Christian Singapore Residents, 6.0% were Indian, with most of the remainder being Chinese.
Assistant: 在新加坡基督徒中,6%是印度裔,其余大多数是华人。
User: (The street is listed as being off George Street, which was in turn off Great Ancoats Street.
Assistant: (路宽并不如今日,故与安东街平行。
User: The Parliament of Tuvalu or Palamene o Tuvalu is the unicameral national legislature in Tuvalu.
Assistant: 图瓦卢议会(英语:Parliament of Tuvalu;图瓦卢语:Palamene o Tuvalu)是图瓦卢的国家立法机关。
User: In 1903 he was converted to Christianity through the ministry of J. H. Doddrell of the Wesleyan Methodist Church.
Assistant: 1903年,他受到循道会J. H. Doddrell 的影响,皈依基督教。
User: Because of Japanese prejudices against those who handle the dead, distributors were reluctant to release it—until a surprise grand prize win at the Montreal World Film Festival in August 2008.
Assistant: 由于日本社会文化中对接触死者的人士存在强烈的偏见,因此电影公司都不愿意发行这部电影,直到2008年8月影片意外赢得蒙特利尔世界电影节评审团大奖后才改变这一情况。
User: Because a program may spend some time waiting and not executing at all (whether in user mode or system mode) the real time may be greater than the total CPU time.
Assistant: 因为一个程序可能会花时间来等待,并且不执行操作(无论是在用户还是系统模式中),实际时间可能大于总CPU时间。
User: They are a diverse phylum of bacteria capable of carrying out photosynthesis, and are gram-negative, meaning that they have two cell membranes.
Assistant: 它们是能够进行光合作用的一个多样化门的细菌,并且是革兰氏阴性菌,这意味着它们拥有两个细胞膜。
User: GIMP 2.8 also features layer groups, simple math in size entry fields, JPEG2000 support, PDF export, a webpage screenshot utility, and a single-window mode.
Assistant: 2.8还具备图层组、尺寸输入字段进行简单数学运算、JPEG2000格式支持、PDF格式输出、网页截图功能与单窗口模式。
User: The official maximum speed by road is 72 km/h and 55 km/h cross country (speeds in excess of 80 km/h were reported on road).
Assistant: 官方公布路面极速72km/h,越野55km/h(有报告表示可以达到80km/h)。
User: Depending on the needs, users can also apply an image to a persistent disk and use the persistent disk as the root file system.
Assistant: 需求不同,用户也可以将镜像应用至持续存储硬盘并使用持续存储硬盘作为根文件系统。
User: In activities of the temple, even on retreats, ample opportunity is therefore given for socializing and spiritual friendship.
Assistant: 法身寺的活动中,就连是在禅修营,也给予足够的机会,让在社交活动和精神上的友谊,都能建立起来。
User: Many communities were evacuated, with evacuation centers set up at a nearby high school and community center.
Assistant: 很多社区被疏散,避难中心为附近的高中和社区中心。
User: As a result, the floor plate then also begins to secrete SHH, and this will induce the basal plate to develop motor neurons.
Assistant: 最终,基底板也会开始分泌SHH及这会将促使基底板发展运动神经元。
User: Contrary to the perception of many onlookers, the debate was not about whether natural selection does occur.
Assistant: 与多数外行人的感知不同的是,这一争论与自然选择是否发生并无关系。
User: In remarks at the launch ceremony, FDR cited Patrick Henry's 1775 speech that finished "Give me liberty or give me death".
Assistant: 在下水仪式中,罗斯福总统引用了帕特里克亨利在1775年的演讲中的一句话:“不自由毋宁死”。
User: This reactivity is due to the strained three membered ring and weak N-O bond.
Assistant: 这反应是由于张力3元环和弱NO键产生。
User: Sir Charles Thomas Newton KCB (16 September 1816 – 28 November 1894) was a British archaeologist.
Assistant: 查尔斯·托马斯·牛顿,KCB(英语:Charles Thomas Newton;1816年9月16日-1894年11月28日)是一名英国的考古学家。
User: It is described as resembling silver but being stronger and lighter than steel.
Assistant: 它的外表呈银白色,比钢铁坚固的多却很轻巧。
User: It can be difficult for a DAO to retain an attorney, or enter any kind of written contract because nobody in the company is interested in putting their personal name on agreements.
Assistant: 对于DAO来说保留一位代理人或进入任何书面合同比较困难,因为在这种“公司”里,没有人有兴趣将他们个人名字写入合约。
User: If we remove the third or fourth, we arrive at a quasimetric space, or a semimetric space.
Assistant: 若移除第三个或第四个条件,则可分别得到拟度量空间与半度量空间。
User: He passed through Turin and Milan.
Assistant: 他穿过都灵和米兰之间。
User: Smart and resourceful, but physically weak.
Assistant: 相当聪明,但身体虚弱。
User: A few ranches remain along the 35 mile extent of Cow Creek, and these are in the upper portion of the creek, in or near the foothills of the Bear Paw Mountains.
Assistant: 在长达35英里的考溪沿岸区域,一些大牧场仍然处在那里,并且这些大牧场位于溪流的上游部分,在贝尔波群山的山麓小丘之中或附近。
User: In the year 1620, Maria Eleonora married the Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus with her mother's consent, but against the will of her brother George William, Elector of Brandenburg, who had just succeeded her father.
Assistant: 1620年,经其母亲的准许,玛利亚·伊丽欧诺拉嫁给了瑞典国王古斯塔夫·阿道尔夫,但是这桩婚事为她的哥哥,勃兰登堡选帝侯乔治·威廉,所反对。
User: Most of the attendees were Year Ten students from Newcastle High School, though two 10-year-olds were seen at the party at one point.
Assistant: 前来参加聚会的大部分都是纽卡斯尔高中的10年级学生,不过聚会期间也曾有人看到过两个年仅10岁的孩童。
User: Today only Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein remain members of EFTA (of which only Norway and Switzerland are founding members).
Assistant: 时至今天,联盟只余下挪威、冰岛、瑞士及列支敦士登,其中只有挪威和瑞士是创会国。
User: Some of the Palmiry murderers were brought to justice.
Assistant: 帕尔米里大屠杀的几名凶手被绳之以法。
User: Supervisor (svc) mode: A privileged mode entered whenever the CPU is reset or when an SVC instruction is executed.
Assistant: Supervisor (svc) 模式 在CPU被重置或者SWI指令被执行时进入的特权模式。
User: These reforms include decreasing the influence of money in politics, empowering ordinary people in workplaces and within the economy and restructuring gender and cultural relationships to be more equitable.
Assistant: 这些改革包括削弱政治献金的影响、增加普通人在工作场所和经济内的权利、和性别与文化上的平权。
User: After the release, she took a break from music, and left Korea to return to America.
Assistant: 在发行了这张单曲后,她暂时离开了音乐界并从韩国重返回了美国。
User: In 2003, GDP growth was 7.5% and inflation was 2.9%.
Assistant: 在2003年,国内生产总值增长7.5%,通货膨胀为2.9%。
User: The album draws inspiration from Lavigne's battle with Lyme disease, with her describing the album as an "emotional journey".
Assistant: 《浴火重生》的灵感来源于艾薇儿与莱姆病的抗争,她本人描述这张专辑是一次“情感之旅”。
User: 1989 – A new generation of industrial robots is developed – brushless drive motors for a low maintenance and a higher technical availability.
Assistant: 1989 – 新一代工业机器人诞生 – 无刷电机的使用降低了维护成本提高了技术可用性。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: With continuing success on through the Lotus 6, he began to sell kits of these cars.
Assistant: 通过Lotus 6的持续成功,他开始销售这些汽车的套件。
User: The quietness of the province is also attracting a growing number of tourists.
Assistant: 该地的恬静也吸引了越来越多的游客。
User: Building into the core of our products supports a vision of an inclusive world where opportunity and access to information are barrier-free, empowering individuals with disabilities to achieve their goals".
Assistant: 我们以支持包容世界的愿景来建设我们产品的核心,机会和获取信息都是无障碍的,使残疾人士能够实现他们自己的目标”。
User: Thus both evaluation techniques should be used.
Assistant: 两国都把这些坦克用于技术评估。
User: In 1994, the University of Copenhagen designated environmental studies, north-south relations, and biotechnology as areas of special priority according to its new long-term plan.
Assistant: 1994年,哥本哈根大学开设环境科学、南北关系和生物工艺学等新专业,并在政策上给予倾斜,以适应其长期发展的需要。
User: Filming was primarily in St. Louis, Missouri, which substituted for a number of other cities.
Assistant: 拍摄多半于密苏里州的圣路易进行,该地点取代了一些城市。
User: At some times, they form "quiet arcs"; at others, they evolve and change constantly.
Assistant: 有些时候,它们形成"静态弧",其它的"活跃极光"则会不停的变化,不断的改变形态。
User: However, on May 1, 1992, it was decided to reintroduce the talonas as an independent, temporary currency to circulate alongside the ruble in hopes to deal with inflation.
Assistant: 然而,1992年5月1日,立陶宛政府为解决通货膨胀问题决定再次发行塔龙那,与之前不同,此次塔龙那为独立的临时货币,与卢布共同流通,从而形成了双货币制度。
User: The German inhabitants were expulsed after 1945.
Assistant: 1945年,德国居民被驱逐。
User: Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes, and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes.
Assistant: 个人数据仅能因一个或多个明确规定且合法的目的而获得,并且不得以任何与该目的相悖(incompatible)的方式额外处理。
User: As dance progressed into the 19th century, the emphasis on technical skill increased, as did the desire to dance en pointe without the aid of wires.
Assistant: 进入19世纪后,舞蹈对于技术技能的倚重增加了,舞者们必须在没有绳线的帮助下完成足尖动作。
User: Furthermore, he helped develop the friendly relationships with the people living in the neighborhood of the temple, and was responsible for receiving guests at the temple.
Assistant: 他协助与居住在寺院周围的邻居们建立起友好关系,也负责接待到寺院里参访的参访者。
User: In his counter-argument, Cortona made the case that large paintings with lots of figures were like an epic which could develop multiple sub-themes.
Assistant: 在反击辩论时,科尔托纳解释说,绘有很多人物的大画作就像史诗,可以发展出大量次主题。
User: A report in 1952 by Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners concluded that the Northern Rhodesia-Tanganyika railway was not economically justified, due to the low level of agricultural development and the fact that existing railways through Mozambique and Angola were adequate for carrying copper exports.
Assistant: 1952年亚历山大·吉布爵士(英语:Sir Alexander Gibb)及其合作者的一份报告认为,由于农业发展水平低下,以及事实上现有的通过莫桑比克和安哥拉的铁路已经可以满足铜的出口需求,所以北罗得西亚-坦桑尼亚铁路将不会有利可图。
User: But in the 1989 case Stanford v. Kentucky, it upheld capital punishment for crimes committed aged 16 or 17.
Assistant: 但是于1989年,史丹佛诉肯塔基州案(Stanford v. Kentucky)判决中,联邦最高法院则赞同并维持对于犯罪时16或17岁之人科处死刑的判决。
User: Princess Lover!
Assistant: 《公主LOVELIVE!
User: This outbreak confirmed that pigs can serve as a crucible where novel influenza viruses emerge as a result of the reassortment of genes from different strains.
Assistant: 这一爆发证实:猪能够为一个组合锅,在那里不同毒株的基因可以重组而形成新型流感病毒。
User: The popular consultation concluded as scheduled on November 15, 2018.
Assistant: 全民咨询按计划于2018年11月15日结束。
User: However, many other ideas have scarcely been considered, such as the end of licensing, and the abolition of corporate income tax (in favor of an income tax on the stock holder).
Assistant: 不过,一些提议则很少被考虑实践,例如终结执照制度、废止公司所得税(主张改采对股东的所得税)。
User: Traditionally, stormwater management using detention basins served a single purpose.
Assistant: 传统上,使用滞洪池的雨水管理具有单一目的。
User: In 1956, a team of six students designed and began construction of a cyclotron.
Assistant: 1956年,一个六人学生组开始设计建造回旋加速器。
User: At least ten bitcoin companies announced they were stopping all business in New York State because of the new regulations.
Assistant: 至少有10家比特币公司因为新规定宣布停止在纽约州的所有业务。
User: In May 2015, Mojang announced on social media that they were "still working" on this API, despite announcing it over three years ago.
Assistant: 2015年,Mojang在社交媒体上宣布这个Modding API仍在开发中,然而,其已在三年前就宣布了要开发Modding API一事。
User: He was selected to compete in the National Morris and Sword Dancing Festival, but was also offered a trial for the English Schools Football Association's under-14 team, which fell on the same day, and opted to attend the latter.
Assistant: 他获选中参加全国莫里斯和剑舞节(National Morris and Sword Dancing Festival),与此同时亦获英格兰学校足球联会U14提供试训机会,凑巧两者都是同一天,而他最终选择了后者。
User: A Half Hour’s Time.
Assistant: 每集半小时。
User: Fenerbahçe's activities were kept in secrecy until a legislation reform in 1908, when, under a new law, all football clubs had to register to exist legally.
Assistant: 费伦巴治的地下活动一直到1908年修改法例时才终止,当年新例容许足球会在经过注册后就能合法生存。
User: In the United States, political scientists known as "Americanists" look at a variety of data including constitutional development, elections, public opinion, and public policy such as Social Security reform, foreign policy, US Congressional committees, and the US Supreme Court — to name only a few issues.
Assistant: 以美国为例,政治学家被称为“美国问题专家”(Americanists),专注于各种数据如选举、舆论和公共政策(如社会福利的改革)、国外政策、美国国会权力、和最高法院在一些议题上的立场等等。
User: This is what the great founder of our state, Vladimir Lenin, taught us.
Assistant: 这是我们国家伟大的缔造者弗拉基米尔·列宁教导我们的。
User: Guide to Sources in American Journalism History.
Assistant: 其家族于美国历史中源远流长。
User: Next, there is price behavior.
Assistant: 其次进行的是价格谈判。
User: Official CV
Assistant: 官方MV
User: After the game, Howard said, "This today will be inspiring.
Assistant: 冕曰:“今日必了此,乃临。
User: They are also called 1,2-dehydro-o-carboranes.
Assistant: 也称1,2-负氢迁移。
User: In contesting the election, López Obrador and his coalition made several primary arguments: (a) that President Fox, the CCE and other organizations had illegally interfered in the presidential campaign, which was strictly prohibited by electoral law, thereby providing grounds to annul the election; that (b) that the votes were fraudulently tallied on 2 July and afterwards; and that (c) there was widespread and significant evidence of electoral irregularities, ranging from stuffed ballot boxes and inconsistent tally reports, to improper and illegal handling of the ballot trail and voter intimidation.
Assistant: 洛佩斯与他的同僚做出数份论据:(a) 总统比森特·福克斯·克萨达、CCE和其他组织非法介入选举之中——而这是选举法所严厉禁止的, 因此本方有理由认为此次选举结果无效;(b) 选票是在7月2日及之后被虚伪地计算的;(c) 前后矛盾的报道、非法的操纵选举和非法计票方法都显示选举结果是无效的。
User: The mountain's heavily cratered appearance indicates that it must have erupted with considerable force, but the precise mechanism by which this happened is not certain.
Assistant: 山脉中沉重的坑穴显示它的喷发有着巨大的力量,但是其中发生的确切机制仍不清楚。
User: Alberto João Jardim described the inconsistent neoliberalism of the PSD as "those Chicago Boys have some funny ideas, but when election time arrives the old Keynesianism is still what counts".
Assistant: 若奥·雅尔丁描述了社民党内不一致的新自由主义:“这些芝加哥小子有着有趣的想法,但当选举时,旧凯因斯主义依旧重要。
User: Emperor Valerian persecutes Christians.
Assistant: 皇帝瓦勒良迫害基督教。
User: One year after Arthur's death, Henry VII renewed his efforts of sealing a marital alliance with Spain by arranging for Catherine to marry Arthur's younger brother Henry, who had by then become Prince of Wales.
Assistant: 亚瑟逝世一年后,亨利七世再次提出了同西班牙的联姻而坚持不懈地挽留凯瑟琳,并打算将其嫁给了当时的威尔士亲王、亚瑟的弟弟亨利。
User: Four smaller "hens" are set on the next crosspiece down.
Assistant: 同时,排名垫底的4支球队将降入次年的意乙联赛。
User: Occasionally whole classes of molecules receive a single CASRN: the class of enzymes known as alcohol dehydrogenases has 9031-72-5.
Assistant: 偶然也有一类分子用一个CAS编号,比如醇脱氢酶其实是一组化合物,它们共用CAS编号9031-72-5。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: The Mk IV first flew on 17 May 1945, and was the first version of the Firebrand to enter mass production, with 170 built, although 50 more aircraft were cancelled.
Assistant: Mk.IV在公元1945年三月17日进行首飞,也是第一个进入大量生产的煽动者型号,约有170架制成,但也有超过50架的同型飞机被取消制造。
User: This structural group is characterized by chemical inertness and a large molecular volume, which makes it useful in a number of applications.
Assistant: 这个基团的特点是具有一定的化学惰性且具有较大的分子体积,这些特性使得其在化学中具有广泛的应用。
User: The facility was completely demolished in 1965, only the remains of the foundations are still visible.
Assistant: 1965年这座天文台被拆除,今天只有其地基还可见。
User: John Bramlett, 73, American football player (Boston Patriots).
Assistant: 约翰·布拉姆利特(John Bramlett),73岁,美国美式足球运动员(波士顿爱国者)。
User: In E.coli, DNA topoisomerase IV plays the major role in the separation of the catenated chromosomes, transiently breaking both DNA strands of one chromosome and allowing the other chromosome to pass through the break.
Assistant: 在大肠杆菌中,DNA Topo IV酶在成链染色体的分离中有着重要作用,它将一条染色体的两条DNA链暂时性的打断,并允许其他染色体从断裂处通过。
User: In 2008, a blogger discovered the game and started a YouTube channel to highlight it and to follow the rediscovery of its sequel.
Assistant: 2008年,一个YOUTUBE的播主发现了这款游戏并开了个U2B频道来让大家了解本游戏及其续集。
User: In a letter published the next day, Piłsudski thanked him for his "truly civic work" in helping to create the first Polish government and for not hesitating "to sacrifice himself for the good of the cause in order to reach an agreement among divergent factors".
Assistant: 毕苏斯基次日发表一封信,感谢达申斯基在帮助建立第一届波兰政府时所进行的“真正的公民工作”,也感谢他在“为了让互有分歧的人士达成协议,能够毫不犹豫地为事业的利益牺牲自己”。
User: The spin g-factor gs = 2 comes from the Dirac equation, a fundamental equation connecting the electron's spin with its electromagnetic properties.
Assistant: 自旋g因子gs = 2 计算来自狄拉克方程式是电子的自旋,为其电磁特性的基本公式。
User: Although this development ultimately failed, it increased the importance of Klotzsche Airport considerably, and still shapes the design and atmosphere of the airport today.
Assistant: 虽然这种发展最终失败了,却很大程度上增强了克洛彻机场重要性,并逐渐形成了机场的设计环境,直到今天。
User: A couple of meters away was cavated a rich Apolonian dwelling house of the 3rd century AD: The mosaics are of all types.
Assistant: 几米远的地方就是公元3世纪的一座丰富的阿波罗式寓所:马赛克是所有类型的。
User: In the presence of non-maskable interrupts (such as a System Management Interrupt (SMI)) that do not have a hard upper bound on their execution time, this race condition requires time-consuming re-checks of the timer after setup and is hard to avoid completely.
Assistant: 在存在如系统管理模式(SMI)等执行时间没有硬上限的不可屏蔽中断(英语:Non-maskable interrupt)时,这种竞争危害需要在设置后对计时器进行耗时的重新检查,并且难以完全避免。
User: It's Not Me, It's You is the second studio album by English singer Lily Allen.
Assistant: 《干我屁事》(英语:It's Not Me, It's You)是英国歌手莉莉·艾伦所推出的第二张个人专辑。
User: Significant amounts of radioactive material have also been released into ground and ocean waters.
Assistant: 大量放射性物质也被释入土地与大海。
User: The James Webb Space Telescope is due to be positioned at L2.
Assistant: 詹姆斯韦伯太空望远镜将要被放置在日-地系统的L2点上。
User: Introduction to Shape Writing.
Assistant: 专辑正式推出即为精装版。
User: They are safe meta-information i.e. they do not change the original code behavior.
Assistant: 它们是安全的元信息,即不会改变原始代码的行为。
User: As of 2017, Deepin is the most popular Linux distribution originating from China, according to DistroWatch.
Assistant: 据DistroWatch的数据,截至2017年,Deepin是最受欢迎的源自中国的Linux发行版。
User: He performed on stage until his eighties, also working as a sculptor.
Assistant: 他不停地在舞台上表演,直到八十年代,他又转行当了一个雕塑家。
User: If this happens for each foreign currency, net translation exposure will be zero.
Assistant: 假若整个复合系统不处于纠缠态,则纠缠度量必须为零。
User: In Scandinavia, thralldom was abolished in the mid-14th century.
Assistant: 在斯堪的纳维亚,奴役在十四世纪中期被废止。
User: Users can view the progress of their individual protein structure prediction on the Rosetta@home screensaver.
Assistant: 用户可通过Rosetta@home的屏幕保护程序观看正在自己计算机上进行的蛋白质结构预测的情况。
User: Advanced power management (APM) is an API developed by Intel and Microsoft and released in 1992 which enables an operating system running an IBM-compatible personal computer to work with the BIOS (part of the computer's firmware) to achieve power management.
Assistant: 高级电源管理(英语:Advanced power management,缩写:APM),是一组由英特尔和微软在1992年开发的一组应用程序接口,允许操作系统运行一台IBM兼容个人电脑与BIOS共同实现电源管理。
User: Often leading a private army, these caudillos or self-appointed political-military leaders, attacked weak national governments once they controlled a region's political and economic powers, with examples such as Antonio López de Santa Anna in Mexico and Juan Manuel de Rosas in Argentina.
Assistant: 这些考迪罗或自封的领导人,常领导一支私人军队,并试图在一地域进行政经控制后,再进攻薄弱的国家政府,如墨西哥的安东尼奥·罗培兹·圣塔·安那及阿根廷的胡安·曼努埃尔·德·罗萨斯。
User: A similar situation can occur for end user ISPs as well, especially where network capacity is limited (for example in areas with underdeveloped internet connectivity and on wireless networks).
Assistant: ISP的最终用户也可能有类似情况,特别是在网络容量有限的条件下(例如正在开发中的互联网连接,或者无线网络区域;例如蜂窝流量或教育网)。
User: Drinking water to the village through the pond.
Assistant: 东西向的池上通穿越町内。
User: Thus: The elimination rules ∧E1 and ∧E2 select either the left or the right conjunct; thus the proofs are a pair of projections—first (fst) and second (snd).
Assistant: 就是: 除去规则 ∧E1 和 ∧E2 选择要么左面的要么右面的合取项;所以证明是一对投影 — 第一个(fst) 和第二个(snd)。
User: For typical hard drives or arrays, this will impose a limit of about 200 update transactions per second.
Assistant: 对于典型的硬盘驱动器或阵列,这将限制每秒约200次更新事务。
User: Vico, observing from Rome, was the first to report the comet's discovery in Europe.
Assistant: 德维克在罗马观察,是第一个在欧洲报告发现这颗彗星的人。
User: X95-L: An X95 419 that is semi-automatic only, has an integrated bipod, and is issued with a long-range sight.
Assistant: X95-L:X95 419的纯半自动型,具有整体式双脚架,并配备了远距离瞄准镜。
User: On April 15, 1911, the "Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales" (HEC) was founded by Léon Morf and Georges Paillard within the Faculty of Law.
Assistant: 1911年4月15日,里昂•莫尔夫(Léon Morf)和乔治•佩亚(Georges Paillard)正式建立了隶属于法学院的高等商学院(HEC)。
User: Officials inspected the dams threatened by the storm to protect several towns and villages.
Assistant: 政府官员还对保护多个城镇及村庄的多个受风暴威胁的水坝进行检查。
User: Saturn is the second-largest planet, with a large and bright ring system.
Assistant: 土星:太阳系第2大的行星,有着巨大且明亮的环系统。
User: Since the advent of televoting both countries have given above average points to each other; usually 8 points.
Assistant: 在电视投票规则启用后,2国经常会礼尚往来式地互评一个略高于平均分的分数(above average points),一般是8分。
User: The closed roads and the airport in La Paz and southern Baja California left some tourists stranded.
Assistant: 拉巴斯的机场和下加利福尼亚州南部的许多道路封闭,导致部分游客滞留。 |
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Additional tasks At North Chesterman Beach, teams had to change into wetsuits and then ride from the surf shack to the beach with their surfboard on bicycles.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 附加任务 在北切斯特曼海滩,队伍要穿上冲浪服并分别骑车前往海滩。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Since the spread of broadband, CD and DVD images have become a common medium for Linux distributions.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The majority of green and blue-green aventurine originates in India (particularly in the vicinity of Mysore and Chennai) where it is employed by prolific artisans.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 绿色和蓝绿色砂金石最早在印度(尤其是在迈索尔和金奈附近)出产,并被当地工匠大量运用。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Occasionally on hot days or when nectar is limited, foragers will collect water from streams or ponds to meet the needs of the hive.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The original M26 replaced the Mk 2 Fragmentation Grenade as Army standard issue in Korea.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 原版的M26在朝鲜战争中取代了Mk 2,成为陆军的制式手榴弹。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Additionally, Dovetail Games has worked with existing developers and publishers to distribute their content on Steam as DLC.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
此外,Dovetail Games还与现有开发者和发行商合作,以DLC的形式在Steam上发布新内容。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Around 7 months, babies can produce several sounds in one breath, and they also recognize different tones and inflections in other speakers.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
大约7个月 的婴儿能一口气产出多种声音,他们也能意识到其他说话者有不同的声调和音调的起伏。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Lord Chatfield held the post until the fall of Neville Chamberlain's government in 1940; his success was limited by his lack of control over the existing Service departments and his limited political influence.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Unlike the other two domains, moral disgust "motivates avoidance of social relationships with norm-violating individuals" because those relationships threaten group cohesion.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
He is responsible for developing numerous novel statistical methods for practitioners.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Furthermore, Pericles employed a number of offices to maintain Athens' empire: proxenoi, who fostered good relations between Athens and League members; episkopoi and archontes, who oversaw the collection of tribute; and hellenotamiai, who received the tribute on Athens' behalf.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 而且伯里克利雇佣了许多官员来管理雅典帝国:proxenoi负责维系雅典与同盟其他成员之间的友好关系;episkopoi和执政官负责监督同盟成员贡品的缴纳;hellenotamiai代表雅典接受贡品。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
2010: Jeep introduced ACC on the 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee 2013: Mercedes introduced "Distronic Plus with Steering Assist" (traffic jam assist) on the Mercedes-Benz S-Class (W222) 2013: BMW introduced Active Cruise Control with Traffic Jam Assistant.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
2010年:吉普推出了2011款吉普大切诺基自适应巡航控制系统 2013年:梅赛德斯在梅赛德斯 - 奔驰S级轿车(W222)上推出了“带转向助力装置的Distronic Plus”(交通堵塞辅助系统) 2013年:宝马推出了带有交通堵塞助手的Active Cruise Control。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Criticism of the royal family is illegal in Thailand.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 在泰国批评王室是违法的。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Arkham Asylum's musical score was composed by Ron Fish and Nick Arundel, who also composed the soundtrack for the sequel, Batman: Arkham City.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 游戏音乐由罗恩·费什(英语:Ron Fish)(Ron Fish)和尼克·阿伦道尔(Nick Arundel)创作,后者也负责创作续作《蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆之城》的音乐。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Erdem has been using free-hand sketching method since 1992 and he has more than 700 free-hand perspectives.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:埃德姆一直使用手绘草图,自1992年以来,他已经有超过700张手绘的作品。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
No catheter was put in his arm, but he did have one in his neck.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: They are based on the Fitzpatrick scale for classifying human skin color.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
对应了菲茨帕特里克度量(英语:Fitzpatrick scale)对人类肤色的分类。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Most species live near open, rocky areas.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:多数响尾蛇物种生活在开阔、多岩石区域与附近。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
If they meet these requirements, the bag may carry the logo "IATA cabin OK".
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
如果符合这些要求,则该行李可印上 "IATA cabin OK"的Logo。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Accordingly, the Schools' annual yearbook was christened the Twig, and the Twig Tape followed suit (although the two entities are now entirely separated, except by title).
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:升上国中之后,茶渡因缘际会转到一护就读的中学班级,但由于一护不善认人的特性,以至于两人之间并没有太多交集。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:He became the first driver since Michael Schumacher – who achieved the feat in 2000–2001 – to secure six consecutive pole positions, while the last driver to score six consecutive poles in one season was Mika Häkkinen in 1999.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:According to the Constantine VII christianization of Croats began in the 7th century, but the claim is disputed and generally christianization is associated with the 9th century.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Reynolds was buried at St Paul's Cathedral.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Since then, major renovations have taken place in 1978 and 1998.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 此后的大修发生在1978年和1998年。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The Havens of the Falas held out during the later Battles of Beleriand until they were finally destroyed in F.A. 473, and Círdan's people fled to the Mouths of Sirion and the Isle of Balar.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
第一纪元473年,法拉斯的港口终被摧毁,瑟丹的人民逃到西瑞安河口(Mouths of Sirion)及巴拉尔岛(Isle of Balar)。 |
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Elio spends much of the summer reading, playing piano, and hanging out with his girlfriend, Marzia.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:他暑假大部分时间都在阅读、弹钢琴和女朋友玛琪雅(Marzia)相处。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The private lot was once a gas station, and the mural was on the outside wall of an abandoned building or shed.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
It is performed at a much quicker pace than the Polish waltz and is one of the national dances of Poland.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:这种舞蹈的速度比波兰华尔兹还快,是波兰五大国舞之一。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In July 2014, Renato Bondal, a defeated mayoral candidate in the 2013 Makati mayoral election, filed plunder cases against Makati mayor Jejomar Binay, Jr. and his father, the vice president, to the Ombudsman.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:2014年7月,2013年马卡蒂市长选举落选人雷纳托·邦达尔向菲律宾监察专员公署指控时任马卡蒂市长小赫霍马尔·比奈和他身为副总统的父亲贪污。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Nokia official website
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Monuments of Culture of Great Importance Tourism in Serbia Monuments of Culture in Serbia: СОКО ГРАД (SANU) (in Serbian) (in English) (in Serbian)Soko Grad article in Politikin Zabavnik Section Fortress - Soko Grad Sokograd
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
塞尔维亚文化遗产:СОКО ГРАД(SANU) (塞尔维亚文) (英文) (塞尔维亚文)Soko Grad article in Politikin Zabavnik Section Fortress - Soko Grad
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
They returned to Thailand for only two months in 1938.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Such schools we need at home.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Heavy skirmishing lasted for a while until a large explosion destroyed all of the defender's reserve ammunition.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The original curriculum included Greek, Spanish, Latin, English, French, Italian, algebra, arithmetic, history, geography, elocution, and bookkeeping.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
It is also considered that Thoth was the scribe of the gods rather than a messenger.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:《古兰经》与《新约圣经》一样,都认为使者(使徒)比先知的地位还高。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
While he was working toward his Masters at Cornell in 1982, Rozelle attempted to perform researches regarding "the system of contract labor in rural areas" in Shandong, China through applying for the fund by the United States National Science Foundation.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:1982年,罗在康奈尔大学攻读硕士时尝试通过申请美国国家科学基金会的资金在山东进行“农村地区合同工体系”相关的研究。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
A bad harvest in Ireland in 1879, combined with Irish political turmoil, caused many Irish people to emigrate to America.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:1879年,爱尔兰失收,加上当地爆发政治动荡,促使更多爱尔兰人移民美国。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
An anthology film (also known as an omnibus film, package film, or portmanteau film) is a subgenre of films consisting of several different short films, often tied together by only a single theme, premise, or brief interlocking event (often a turning point).
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
选集电影又称多段式电影(anthology film/omnibus film/portmanteau film)是一种由数段短片组成的电影,常常以单一主题、目的或简短的一连串事件(常常是一个转捩点)而互有牵连,有时更会由不同的导演执导每段电影。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
There will be protests and I think it was an unfortunate incident, but unfortunate incidents happen.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 而这里将会有示威活动,我认为这是一起不幸的事件,但不幸的事件终究发生了。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: American conservative columnist Deroy Murdock wrote that the film confirmed his personal view that President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were lying when they initially blamed the YouTube video Innocence of Muslims for the attacks in the weeks after they occurred.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 美国保守派专栏作家德莫瑞·默多克(英语:Deroy Murdock)写道,影片证实其总统巴拉克·奥巴马和国务卿希拉里·克林顿最初在事发数周后谴责YouTube视频《穆斯林的无知》时撒了谎的个人看法。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Moreover, following the final victory at Vercellae, and without first asking permission from the Senate, Marius granted Roman citizenship to his Italian allied soldiers, claiming that in the din of battle he could not distinguish between the voices of Romans and the Italic allies.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
另外,Vercellae战役取得胜利之后,首次在没有得到元老院许可的情况下,马略就把罗马公民权授予了他的意大利盟邦士兵,并解释在战役的嘈杂环境下,他无法分清罗马士兵和意大利盟邦士兵的声音,因而难以区分战功。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: The World Team Olympiad was a contract bridge meet organized by the World Bridge Federation every four years from 1960 to 2004.
Assistant: 世界奥林匹克团体赛(英语:World Team Olympiad),是世界桥牌联合会主办的桥牌比赛,从1960年开始每四年举办一届。
User: The remnant moisture from Arlene continued through the Mediterranean Sea and produced heavy rains across Italy on August 27.
Assistant: 气旋的残留湿气继续经过地中海,再于8月27日令意大利普降暴雨。
User: Fabra used a scientific method for the dictionary, which was spontaneously recognized by the scientific community.
Assistant: 法布拉在编撰词典的时候采用了科学的方法,因此被科学界自然地接受了。
User: At a party conference held between 11 and 13 June, then-Minister for Public Administration and Local Government Mari Kiviniemi was elected the new party leader.
Assistant: 6月11日至13日的中间党党大会,公共行政与地方政府部长玛丽·基维涅米当选新任党魁。
User: In his international diplomacy, Beck sought to maintain a fine balance in Poland's relations with its two powerful neighbours.
Assistant: 外交事务方面,贝克试图与波兰的两个强邻德国与苏联在外交关系上保持良好平衡。
User: Following his sentence, Vanunu commented that his conviction proved that Israel was still ruled, in effect, by the British Mandate because the law under which he was convicted is from that era.
Assistant: 瓦努努在判决后,说他的定罪证明了以色列实际仍然受英国驻巴勒斯坦政府管治,因为他的罪名源自英国托管时代。
User: In 2008, Entertainment Weekly named it the 19th best film of the past 25 years.
Assistant: 2008年,《娱乐周刊》将本片评为过去25年中第19优秀的电影。
User: The Turkish-controlled Crimean Tatars raided the eastern territories in 1482 and 1487 until they were confronted by King John Albert, Casimir's son and successor.
Assistant: 土耳其人所控制的克里米亚鞑靼人在1482年和1487年突袭波兰东部领土,直到遭遇卡齐米日四世之子与继承者,国王约翰一世为止。
User: The walls and ceiling of the Bar Room are covered with antique toys and sports memorabilia donated by famous patrons.
Assistant: 酒吧间的墙壁和天花板上覆盖着由著名顾客捐赠的古董玩具和体育纪念品。
User: PETA developed Super Tofu Boy and released it in December 2010.
Assistant: 该组织紧接着开发了《超级豆腐哥》(Super Tofu Boy)并于2010年12月发布。
User: His goal was to have Indians acting as individuals (not as tribes) and to assume the responsibilities of citizenship granted with the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924.
Assistant: 胡佛的目标是让印第安人成为真正的个人而不是从属于部落,并负担起1924年印第安人国籍法所赋予他们的公民责任。
User: This was for editorial decisions only.
Assistant: 这是编辑的决定所导致。
User: Working as a designer, scientist, developer, and writer, he lectured for many years around the world.
Assistant: 作为设计师、科学家、开发商和作家,他在世界各地演讲。
User: He had no forces to defend it; he offered it to the Sultan, and finally sold it to the Pope.
Assistant: 托马斯·帕里奥洛格斯没有力量来保卫它,将其交给苏丹,最后把它卖给教宗。
User: Otherwise, if the distance were to contract in S, then this would imply different velocities of the rockets in this frame as well, which contradicts the initial assumption of equal construction and acceleration.
Assistant: 假若S系中彼此间的距离发生收缩,则表示火箭在此参考系中有不同速度,这样则与相同构造的火箭以及相同时间、相同加速的前提相违背。
User: Sugar substitutes.
Assistant: 食糖的代用品。
User: According to some sources, the original name was Dani Baá.
Assistant: 根据一些文献,它最初被称为Dani Baá。
User: Around 765, he was appointed to Azerbaijan by the Caliph Al-Mansur.
Assistant: 约公元765年,他被哈里发曼苏尔派往阿塞拜疆。
User: At the time of its completion it was the second largest earth-moving project in the world, after the Panama Canal.
Assistant: 施工期间,该工程是世界上第二大的土石工程,仅次于巴拿马运河 。
User: Similar techniques can be applied for multiplications by matrices such as Hadamard matrix and the Walsh matrix.
Assistant: 类似的方法也可适用于其他矩阵乘法如阿达马矩阵和Walsh matrix(英语:Walsh matrix)。
User: There has been renewed interest in incineration and other waste-to-energy technologies in the U.S. and Canada.
Assistant: 在美国和加拿大,对焚烧垃圾和其它垃圾转换为能源的技术又燃起了新的兴趣。
User: This version introduced enhancements in indexing, searching and faceting along with many other improvements such as rich document processing (PDF, Word, HTML), Search Results clustering based on Carrot2 and also improved database integration.
Assistant: 此版本对索引、搜索和分面做了增强,并有许多其它改进,例如富文本(PDF、Word和HTML)的处理,基于Carrot 2的搜索结果聚簇,与数据库集成的改进。
User: Both Schatz (1998), pp. 63, and Gomery (2005), pp. 44 (possibly relying on Schatz), claim The Jazz Singer cost $500,000 and was the most expensive picture in Warners history.
Assistant: Schatz(1998年),63页和Gomery(2005年),44页均称《爵士乐歌星》的成本为50万,是当时华纳历史上最高的。
User: Industry district is represented by 17 companies.
Assistant: 公司本部设17个部门。
User: Other sources claim that either a daughter or niece would have been too young to fit the timeline, thus the likely relative would have been Siward's own sister Sybil, which may have translated into Gaelic as Suthen.
Assistant: 其他的来源资料称,无论是女儿或是侄女都年龄太小而不适合结婚,因此,邓肯的母亲是希华自己的妹妹西比尔更可靠些,西比尔的名字转化成盖尔语可能为苏珊。
User: In the 1920s he originated techniques for creating ultrastrong magnetic fields by injecting high current for brief periods into specially constructed air-core electromagnets.
Assistant: 在1920年代,他发起创建的技术就是超强磁场的高电流注入短暂专门建造的空芯电磁铁。
User: The victims were buried on the spot, but several days after the massacre their bodies were exhumed and transported by the Wehrmacht to an unknown place.
Assistant: 受害者被当场埋葬,但在大屠杀几天后,他们的尸体被挖掘出来并由国防军运往一个不为人知的地方。
User: The 2010 U.S. population within 50 miles (80 km) was 2,803,322, an increase of 10.3 percent since 2000.
Assistant: 50英里(80公里)范围内的2010年美国人口为2,803,322人,比2000年增长10.3%。
User: As is the case with Matthew, much controversy has surrounded the Lukan birth narrative.
Assistant: 就像马太福音的情况一样,许多争论都围绕着路加福音对耶稣诞生的叙述进行。
User: However, there is no full agreement on how to calculate and report fillrates.
Assistant: 然而,关于如何计算和报告填充量没有完全的一致意见。
User: The application syncs the feed information for the whole account, so readers can continue with the unread articles they had on the web platform.
Assistant: 应用程序会同步整个帐户的读取信息,以便读者可以继续在Web平台上的阅读未读文章。
User: He found that the concept of minimal models can be applied to three-folds as well if we allow some singularities on them.
Assistant: 他发现若作一些改变,极小模型概念也可以用到三维代数簇上,如果我们允许有一些奇点在上面。
User: Because the salary of soldiers was low at that time, the government provided educational assistance, medical treatment, and daily necessities like rice, flour, salad, and so forth, to supplement their living, which could be received only by showing a certain certificate as evidence.
Assistant: 因当时军人薪饷相当少,政府为补助其生活所需,提供教育补助、医疗就诊及日用的米、面粉、沙拉油等日用品发放,所有补助军眷都需凭眷补证作为依据。
User: The deadline for proposals regarding the elections law was 9 February.
Assistant: 根据选举法,报名参选的最后期限是2月9日。
User: On January 9, 1939, the colony of Libya was incorporated into metropolitan Italy and thereafter considered an integral part of the Italian state.
Assistant: 1939年1月9日,利比亚的殖民地被纳入意大利大都市区,此后被认为是意大利国家的一个组成部分。
User: Napoleon offered him the position of adjutant, but Leopold refused.
Assistant: 拿破仑向他提供作为自己的助手的地位,但利奥波德拒绝。
User: On Apollo 15, 16 and 17 it also carried a scientific instrument package, with a mapping camera and a small sub-satellite to study the Moon.
Assistant: 阿波罗15号、16号、及17号的服务舱,还带有科学仪器模组,当中有绘图相机以及一个小型的子卫星以作研究月球之用。
User: To film the shots where CGI interacts with live action, a unique camera referred to as a "simulcam" was used, a merger of the 3-D fusion camera and the virtual camera systems.
Assistant: 在拍摄CGI和实景互动的镜头时,卡梅隆使用了一种名叫“simulcam”的特殊摄影机,它是3D融合摄影机与虚拟摄影系统的合体。
User: Even the model of hearse driven in the film was merchandised: the Mitsuoka Limousine Type 2-04, a smaller, less expensive version of the film's vehicle, was put on the market on 24 February 2009.
Assistant: 就连片中采用的灵车模型也得以商品化:光冈2-04型豪华轿车于2009年2月24日投入市场,与电影中的型车相比尺寸略小,价格也更亲民。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: All five cyclones affected land; the strongest was the first storm, which caused severe damage and loss of life when it made landfall near the border between Mississippi and Alabama.
Assistant: 全季五场飓风都对陆地产生影响,其中第一场强度最高,从密西西比州和阿拉巴马州边界附近登陆后造成重大财产损失和人员伤亡。
User: The Civil List covered most expenses, including those for staffing, state visits, public engagements, and official entertainment.
Assistant: 王室专款承担了大部分的支出,包括人员、国务访问、公众活动和官方娱乐。
User: Recording sessions took place from 2013 to 2014, with the production on the album that primarily were handled by Christoph Andersson, Jay Ant, blackbear, Jordan Evans and Matthew Burnett, among others.
Assistant: 录音在2013年至2014年进行,专辑的制作主要由Christoph Andersson、Jay Ant、Blackbear、Jordan Evans和Matthew Burnett等人处理。
User: He soon asked his wife and Max Ernst to join him; both had to sell paintings to finance the trip.
Assistant: 他很快就让他的妻子和马克斯恩斯特加入他的旅程,为此双方不得不出售大量画作来支付行程费用。
User: As the "'most precious ... stone in the setting of the diadem' from the art treasures of 'Prussia Germany'", Nefertiti would re-establish the imperial German national identity after 1918.
Assistant: 做为“德意志普鲁士的艺术宝库这个皇冠上最珍贵的一颗宝石”,娜芙蒂蒂像会重新建立起德意志帝国在1918年灭亡后的国族认同。
User: In the simplest form of camera lucida, the artist looks down at the drawing surface through a half-silvered mirror tilted at 45 degrees.
Assistant: 投影描绘器的最简单的形式中,艺术家通过一块倾斜45度角的半镀银的镜子向下观看绘画的表面。
User: I want so very much to see you, just like before.
Assistant: 因为他们,会看到你,就像我此时这么看着你一样。
User: The term includes a tidal contribution of 0.5×(−23.8946 "/cy2).
Assistant: 这个项目内包含了0.5×(−23.8946 "/cy2)的潮汐加速。
User: Gankyrin is anti-apoptotic and has been shown to be overexpressed in some tumor cell types such as hepatocellular carcinoma.
Assistant: Gankyrin具有抗凋亡作用,其被发现在一些类型的肿瘤细胞(如肝癌细胞)中过表达。
User: Common-mode rejection ratio 1037C".
Assistant: 共模抑制比 1037C》。
User: Both Ireland and the United Kingdom joined the European Union (then the European Communities) in 1973.
Assistant: 爱尔兰和英国在1973年加入了欧盟(当时为欧洲共同体)。
User: A small circular area of convection was observed on radar approaching New Orleans, supported by diffluence from an anticyclone over Georgia.
Assistant: 雷达观测结果显示,有小范围圆形对流区在乔治亚州上空反气旋产生的分流影响下逼近新奥尔良。
User: It was developed jointly by a team of researchers at the University of Kiel and the Technical University of Hamburg in Germany, and was first reported in a scientific journal in June 2012.
Assistant: 它是由德国的两所大学——基尔大学和汉堡-哈尔堡工业大学联合开发的,于2012年六月首次被公开在科学杂志上。
User: Heterolytic fission almost always happens to single bonds, the process usually produces two fragment species.
Assistant: 异裂裂变几乎总是发生在单键上,该过程通常产生两种片段的物品。
User: The film was released in all formats including IMAX, and in over 25 foreign markets, on its opening weekend.
Assistant: 电影涵盖了所有的版本,包含IMAX版,并将于首周对外发布在25个国外市场。
User: The city of Lagos also made a significant impression on him.
Assistant: 李家焕的博学对他也有很大的影响。
User: In the United States the four most common ways in which an inventor will be barred under Section 102 are: by making the invention known or allowing the public to use the invention; or having the invention published in a fixed medium (such as in a patent, patent application, or journal article); or if the invention was previously invented in the U.S. by another, who has not abandoned, suppressed, or concealed the invention, or if the invention was described in a patent application filed by another, where the application later issues as a US patent.
Assistant: 美国专利法35 U.S.C. §102规定以下四种情况下发明人都将因丧失新颖性不获得专利权: 使公众获知该发明或者允许公众使用; 在某固定媒体上发表过该发明(例如在专利、专利申请或者杂志文章里); 该发明在美国由他人在先申请,但是该人又没有放弃、抑制或者隐瞒该专利; 该发明在他人的专利申请里被描述,而这个专利申请后来获得了一项美国专利。
User: A typical large 1000 MWe nuclear reactor produces 25–30 tons of spent fuel per year.
Assistant: 一座典型的大型核反应堆每年生成25-30吨乏燃料。
User: The Flatlands are a barren wasteland devoid of human life, or so they appear.
Assistant: 究其原因,乃是源于东方人迷信,认为这些兽类具有超凡的力量,能够迷惑众生或作祟害人。
User: The GTUBE ("Generic Test for Unsolicited Bulk Email") is a 68-byte test string used to test anti-spam systems, in particular those based on SpamAssassin.
Assistant: GTUBE(Generic Test for Unsolicited Bulk Email)是用以测试反垃圾邮件系统的68字节的测试字符,尤其是基于SpamAssassin。 |
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
"Cristo Negro, telenovela".
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The film was later converted into the IMAX format for projection in IMAX cinemas.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Participants are asked to build bots in whichever language they choose to compete on a two-dimensional virtual battle field.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 游戏要求玩家在二维地图上把箱子推到指定地点,当中牵涉到大量的空间逻辑推理。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In relation to private pension schemes, a report by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland expressed concern that there were no plans to deal with EU regulations that may affect the funding of cross-border defined benefit schemes.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:至于私人养老金计划,苏格兰特许会计师协会对没有计划以应付欧盟的规定表示关切,称可能会影响跨境福利计划资金的定义。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The city of Chicago also hosts 12 Fortune Global 500 companies and 17 Financial Times 500 companies.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Any additional independent variable can be a control variable.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Temperature, as measured by an accurate, well calibrated thermometer, is empirical evidence.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
His experience in prison was the basis for his first book, Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
他将狱中的经历写成了他的第一本书,《一个无政府主义者的狱中回忆(英语:Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist)》。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Two students were suspended over the incident pending investigation.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 闯祸的两名驾驶遭到停职,等候调查。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Utilisation of health services in rural areas has been shown to increase as a result of the rise in income in rural households and the government's substantial fiscal investment in health.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 在农村居民收入增加和政府加大对卫生的财政投入,农村家庭卫生服务的利用率有所增加。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Food crops are not exported in large quantities, but still constitute the principal cash crops of the country, because Central Africans derive far more income from the periodic sale of surplus food crops than from exported cash crops such as cotton or coffee.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
To date, no other accurate method for measuring gravitational mass has been discovered.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:直到现在,还没有发现其他测量引力质量的精确手段。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:All the counties were created in 1905 from unorganized territory, seven years after the Territory of Hawaii was created.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Nintendo's near monopoly on the home video game market left it with a degree of influence over the industry.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In contrast, in an amorphous structure the order in atomic positions is limited to short range.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Hagihara was regarded as a quiet and cultured gentleman, an excellent teacher and a capable administrator.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:普遍认为萩原是一名沉静且有教养的绅士,一个非常优秀的老师,同时也是一名有能力的行政人员。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Thorium will on neutron bombardment form uranium-233.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The CD features 37 tracks, while the iTunes version contains 38 tracks.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: CD 版本共收录37首曲目,iTunes 版本则有38首。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:This is proof that Taylor, although portrayed as a cyborg or super-human, is a real human being and has feelings too.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:这证明泰勒虽然被描绘成一个机器人或超人类,但却是一个真正的人类并且也有感情。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Under the guidance of the speaking coach and history professor Rollin G. Osterweis, Kerry won many debates against other college students from across the nation.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
在历史教授欧斯特魏斯(Rollin G. Osterweis)的指导下,克里打败了无数来自其他学校的辩论选手,获得全国的辩论冠军。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Both hymnariums are lost, but the prayer book survived, and is currently kept in the Bodleian Library in Oxford.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
虽然两本赞美诗都已丢失,但是祈祷书仍然存在,目前保存在牛津的博德利图书馆 。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Historian Dorothy Kunhardt writes: "Almost every family who kept a photograph album on the parlor table owned a likeness of John Wilkes Booth of the famous Booth family of actors.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Experimental archaeology represents the application of the experimental method to develop more highly controlled observations of processes that create and impact the archaeological record.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:实验考古学(英语:Experimental archaeology)是将实验方法用于发展受到更高度控制的观察,以分析那些创造并影响考古记录的过程。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
During the night of 6/7 August, the 20th Home Guard Regiment, supported by Croatian police and elements of the 153rd Brigade, captured Glina despite strong resistance.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Both assemblies have committees that write reports on a variety of topics.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: On August 9, the king appointed an interim government, headed by Wangchuk as Chief Advisor.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Almost everyone, including rear support units with little combat training, was pressed into service on the front line due to the manpower shortage, and the entire perimeter was on full alert by 21:30.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 美军因为人员短缺,几乎所有的人都被派上前线,包括战斗训练很少的后勤部队,并在21:30之前进入高度戒备状态。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: The species is limited to salinities of at least 15‰, and temperature may also affect reproduction.
Assistant: 它们只限于不少于15‰盐度的环境,而温度也会影响繁殖。
User: In each of these research areas, CEA works towards achieving excellence in making fundamental research and provides an important role for supporting industry.
Assistant: 在这些研究领域中,CEA致力于实现卓越的基础研究,并为支持行业发挥重要作用。
User: December 21, 2003 – January 9, 2004, citing intelligence information suggesting large-scale attacks around the holiday season.
Assistant: 2003年12月21日至2004年1月9日,有情报人员报告可能在假期内发生大规模的袭击。
User: In the Anami Islands, Rusa destroyed six houses, forcing 38 people to evacuate.
Assistant: 阿南群岛上有6套房屋被毁,38人不得不撤离。
User: This meteorite fall was identified in the 1980s as Martian in origin.
Assistant: 该陨石于1980年代被判定是火星陨石。
User: That they should mourn when men mourn and mourn for them even if they do not.
Assistant: 虽然众人受处罚,武宗此时却不得不收回成命,不再出游。
User: It was built in 1973 and is 32 storeys tall.
Assistant: 其建于1973年,高32层。
User: Leptis became a provincial capital of the Eastern Empire, but never recovered from the destruction wreaked upon it by the Berbers.
Assistant: 大莱波蒂斯由此成为了东罗马帝国的行省省会,但再也没有从柏柏尔人造成的破坏中恢复过来。
User: He stated that Assange wanted him to be a consultant of the film and even suggested splitting his fee between the two of them.
Assistant: 他表示阿桑奇希望他出任电影顾问,甚至建议两个人平分报酬。
User: The same review asserts that, based upon at least one trial, antipsychotic medications effectively resolve the symptoms of acute amphetamine psychosis.
Assistant: 同一份回顾研究也指出,根据至少一次的试验,抗精神病药可以有效改善急性甲基苯丙胺精神疾病的症状。
User: Police had difficulty determining whether the demonstration met the guidelines of protected free speech.
Assistant: 另一方面警方却难以确定此抗议是否符合受保护的言论自由。
User: A Thai King would adjudicate all disputes.
Assistant: 《钦差大臣》引起了纷纷议论。
User: It also contains the nearly spherical planetary nebula Abell 39.
Assistant: 它也有一个接近球形的行星状星云阿贝尔39。
User: The resulting oversupply caused fuel prices to decline from about US$40 per pound in 1980 to less than $20 by 1984.
Assistant: 由此引发的过度供给使得燃料价格从1980年的大约每磅40美元降低到1984年的每磅低于20美元。
User: Then the clouds rolled in and he disappeared.
Assistant: 后来阮文平撤兵,郑氏卷土重来。
User: In principle, all the mercury should be completely recycled, but inevitably a small portion goes missing.
Assistant: 理论上所有的汞都可以回收,但实务上不可避免会有一些汞无法回收。
User: There have been suggestions that her act incited the banning of women's political clubs, and the executions of female activists such as the Girondist Madame Roland.
Assistant: 有人认为科黛的行动导致妇女们的政治俱乐部被禁止,也导致了女性政治家(如吉伦特派的罗兰夫人)被处决。
User: It is optimal that an environment is provided that encourages physical development and allows the children to explore and try out new things.
Assistant: 此阶段最适合儿童的环境是鼓励身体发育、让儿童可以探索、尝试新的事物的环境。
User: Unit 2 should be commissioned by June 2015.
Assistant: 第2期在2015年12月入伙。
User: Private enterprises had later investment, smaller scale and fewer types.
Assistant: 民间资本产业投资较晚,规模较小,类型也并不多。
User: As slavery gradually disappeared and the legal status of servi became nearly identical to that of the coloni, the term changed meaning into the modern concept of "serf".
Assistant: 随着奴隶制逐渐消亡,servi的法律地位渐渐趋向于coloni,该词汇变成了我们现代所指农奴的意思。
User: During their leadership (1993-2004), the party made an alliance with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) and the Fatherland – All Russia bloc.
Assistant: 在他们领导的时期(1993-2004年),该党于俄罗斯联邦共产党(CPRF)祖国-全俄罗斯组成联盟。
User: The GType system holds a runtime description of all objects allowing glue code to facilitate multiple language bindings.
Assistant: GType系统保留所有物件的执行时期描述以让glue code能方便地与其他语言作连结。
User: Some Waco residents condemned the lynching, including local ministers and leaders of Baylor University.
Assistant: 一些韦科市民也谴责了这起私刑事件,其中包括地方官员和贝勒大学的领导人。
User: Wahlberg, Theron, and Statham attended special driver's training sessions at Willow Springs International Motorsports Park for nearly a month during pre-production.
Assistant: 预拍期间,沃尔伯格、塞隆和斯坦森在柳泉国际赛车公园参加为期近一个月的特技驾驶培训课程。
User: Southern Company's Kemper Project in Mississippi will be the only Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plant in the U.S. that will capture and store carbon dioxide emissions from commercial operations starting in 2014.
Assistant: Southern Company在密西西比州建设的肯珀项目 将成为美国第一座运用整体煤气化联合循环(IGCC)技术,并将二氧化碳捕获封存用于商业用途的发电站。
User: Both ships were ordered restored to operational status on 21 May 1940 by Amiral Mord and their light anti-aircraft outfits were augmented at Cherbourg.
Assistant: 在海军上将莫尔德(Mord)的命令下,2艘舰于1940年5月21日恢复成可作战状态,并在瑟堡加装防空火力。
User: He first gained recognition with the release of his Alesso EP in 2010.
Assistant: 艾利索在2010年发行《Alesso EP》之后首度获得知名度。
User: In 1985, Ekomo by María Nsué Angüe, the first novel written by an Equatoguinean woman, was published.
Assistant: 1985年,玛利亚·恩苏埃·安古维出版第一部由赤道几内亚女作家所写的小说《爱科莫》(Ekomo)。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: Although Vasudeva is a simple man, he understands and relates that the river has many voices and significant messages to divulge to any who might listen.
Assistant: 尽管维苏德瓦普通人一个,但他能听出这河有无数声音处其中,并给那些愿意倾听之人,带来个中含义。
User: Hudson had been told to sail through the Arctic Ocean north of Russia, into the Pacific and so to the Far East.
Assistant: 他被要求穿越俄罗斯北部的北冰洋,进入太平洋,并到达远东。
User: The advantage of these features is to prevent trigger movement in an inappropriate direction that would cause the rifle to move off target.
Assistant: 这种可调节功能的优点是避免扳机向着不适当的方向运动,导致步枪出现移位而脱离目标。
User: Meanwhile, the new Communist authorities at home used a modified version of the banner with a crownless White Eagle and a wider border.
Assistant: 同时,在家乡的共产政权使用了包括没戴王冠的白鹰与宽边线的改进型纹章旗。
User: This occurs where birth and death rates are both low, leading to a total population stable.
Assistant: 这发生在出生率和死亡率都很低的地方,导致总人口保持稳定。
User: From 1933 to 1991, the United States recognized the Soviet Union.
Assistant: 1933年:美国承认苏联。
User: Not being Hausdorff, X is not an order topology, nor is it metrizable.
Assistant: 不是豪斯多夫的,X就不是序拓扑,也不是可度量的。
User: The South American Classification Committee has removed the New World vultures from Ciconiiformes and instead placed them in Incertae sedis, but notes that a move to Falconiformes or Cathartiformes is possible.
Assistant: 美国鸟类学家联合会则不将新世界秃鹰分类在鹳形目中,并指是分类不明,但注明有可能被移入隼形目或鹳形目中。
User: Both Surrey Satellite Technology and Sierra Nevada Space Systems are developing satellite buses "optimized to the design of LauncherOne".
Assistant: Surrey Satellite Technology和Sierra Nevada Space Systems正在开发的卫星平台宣布将 “优化对LauncherOne的支持”。
User: In 2000, Watson was inducted into the International Bluegrass Music Hall of Honor in Owensboro, Kentucky.
Assistant: 在2000年,沃森被选入了位于肯塔基州的欧文斯伯勒的“国际蓝草音乐荣誉堂”(International Bluegrass Music Hall of Honor)。
User: On occasion, individuals may wish to leave the event because of any given reason, but there can be too many people bringing other people in.
Assistant: 有时,个人可能希望离开活动,由于给出的任何理由,但可能有太多人把别人带进来了(会很挤很堵)。
User: On July 13, 2010, Jefferson was traded to the Utah Jazz for two future first round picks and center Kosta Koufos.
Assistant: 2010年7月13日,杰佛森被交易到犹他爵士以换取两个未来第一轮的选秀权及中锋科斯塔·库佛斯。
User: Louis Feldman states that this passage, above others, indicates that Josephus did say something about Jesus.
Assistant: 路易斯·费尔德曼(Louis Feldman)表示,这个段落确实表明约瑟夫斯在这里指代的是耶稣。
User: The stories are set within the world of the SCP Foundation, and often focus on or reference SCP Foundation staff or SCP entities.
Assistant: 这些短篇小说以SCP基金会的世界观为基础,并聚焦于SCP基金会的工作人员或各种SCP实体上所发生的故事。
User: The main shopping strip of Newtown is the longest and most complete commercial precinct of the late Victorian and Federation period in Australia.
Assistant: 新镇的中心购物路段,是自维多利亚后期与联邦时期以来,澳大利亚最长、最完整的商业区。
User: It is a very well-known school.
Assistant: 是一间相当有名气的学校。
User: Naspers first published the Afrikaans language daily De Burger (later renamed Die Burger) in June 1915 which was followed by its first magazine De Huisgenoot (later Die Huisgenoot) in 1916.
Assistant: Naspers于1915年6月首次发布了南非荷兰语日常De Burger(后来更名为Die Burger),随后是第一个杂志De Huisgenoot(后来的Die Huisgenoot)于1916年。
User: The unit is part of Air Combat Command.
Assistant: 联队是编号空军下属的指挥层。
User: Unlike other shops in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, visitors are admitted in groups of 20 to experience the premise from the Potter series, that "the wand chooses the wizard".
Assistant: 与其他哈利波特的魔法世界中的店面不同的是,在这个魔杖店里,游客将会20人分为一组,体验哈利波特系列中的“魔杖选择巫师”的场景。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: Finding his first team opportunities limited at Villa Park, manager Eric Houghton allowed him to leave for Bill Anderson's Lincoln City in November 1957.
Assistant: 他在维拉公园球场的首发上阵机会有限,领队埃里克·霍顿(Eric Houghton)让他在1957年11月加盟由比尔·安德森执教的林肯城。
User: The foundation for this view lies in the principle of the multiple realizability of the mental.
Assistant: 这个观点的基础在于多重实现性心理原则。
User: Concurrently with the sightings in Wisconsin, there was a rash of similar encounters in the neighboring state of Michigan.
Assistant: 在威斯康星州发现踪迹的同时,邻近的密歇根州也有类似的遭遇事件。
User: Giffen attended the Naval War College in 1940 and spent several months in Washington, D.C., as Director of the Naval Reserve Policy Division of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations.
Assistant: 1940年吉芬在海军战争学院进修,同时做为海军参谋长办公室海军后备役政策司司长在华盛顿呆了几个月。
User: They catch the truck, whereupon they leave together.
Assistant: 之后,大家各自走上不同的道路,并因此疏远。
User: Enduring questions remained after "La Noche Triste" (the Sad Night) that have taken the Mexican government over 30 years to answer.
Assistant: 对那个惨痛之夜(La Noche Triste)持续不断的质疑声花了墨西哥政府超过三十年来做出回答。
User: Air France made its final commercial Concorde landing in the United States in New York City from Paris on 30 May 2003.
Assistant: 法国航空的协和飞机在2003年5月30日进行最后一次由巴黎飞往纽约的商业飞行。
User: Other competitors quickly followed while Playtex retooled the design.
Assistant: 其他竞争对手也在Playtex改良设计时迅速跟进。
User: According to an FCC document created during the "Informal Government–Industry Technical Conference" on March 26, 1951: The primary plan for alerting broadcast stations that is currently being considered by the FCC Study Group is known as the Key Station System.
Assistant: 美国联邦通信委员会于1951年3月26日的工业技术会议上的文件中描述如下: “美国联邦通信委员会研究小组所设想的紧急广播的主要为核心电台系统。
User: All banks and post offices commemorate these holidays, and they are statutory in some provinces and territories.
Assistant: 下列节日同为银行假日,在部分省及地区也是法定节日。
User: Both Leigh's mother and her grandmother described her as a "typical teenager".
Assistant: 她的妈妈和外婆都认为,莉莉就是“典型的青少年”。
User: Whilst a section of the white population appeared to warm to Powell over the speech, the author Mike Phillips recalls that it legitimised hostility, and even violence, towards black Britons like himself.
Assistant: 虽然一部分白人看似支持鲍威尔的言论,但作家迈克·菲利浦斯多年后在《卫报》撰文,说它把针对黑种英国人(包括菲利浦斯在内)的敌意甚至暴力行为合理化。
User: I can tell you is not happy either.
Assistant: 曰未可以为不善也。
User: By this time, the violin had already begun to spread throughout Europe.
Assistant: 此时小提琴已经传遍欧洲。
User: By the grace of God we are saved.
Assistant: 因为我们得救全在乎这应许。
User: These fragments are transferred to the NifB scaffold and arranged into a Fe7MoS9C cluster before transfer to the NifEN protein (encoded by nifE and nifN) and rearranged before delivery to the MoFe protein.
Assistant: 这些片段被转移到NifB支架上,在转移到NifEN蛋白(由nifE和nifN编码)之前被排列成Fe7MoS9C簇,并在交付给MoFe蛋白之前被重新排列。
User: But elements of the Haitian Army proved the greatest threat to Estimé's government.
Assistant: 但海地军队被证明是埃斯蒂梅政府的最大威胁。
User: The normally narrow K-line is broadened by the doppler shift (red shift or blue shift) of the X ray light emitted by matter being affected by the gravity of the black hole.
Assistant: 普通的窄K线被物质所发射的X射线的多普勒效应(红移或蓝移)所拓宽,而这些物质受到黑洞重力的影响。
User: Three vertices, connected to each other by three edges, define a triangle, which is the simplest polygon in Euclidean space.
Assistant: 三个顶点经三条边连接起来成为三角形,三角形是欧几里得空间空间中最简单的多边形。
User: In contrast, booby traps containing explosives are much more destructive: they will either kill their victims or severely wound them.
Assistant: 相比之下,装有爆炸物的诡雷更具破坏性:他们将杀死其受害者或最少做成严重伤口。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: Most Angels started working with the company years prior to signing an Angel contract.
Assistant: Note: 大多数天使在和公司签约天使合同前就已和公司有合作。
User: In the post-war decade, three new secretaries of state were instituted – one for the Royal Air Force was split out of the War Office; one for relations with Britain's self-governing Dominions was carved out of the Colonial Office, and the minister responsible for Scottish affairs was raised to the level of a secretary of state.
Assistant: 战后十年间,有三个内阁大臣职位建立,一位是从战争部拆分出来的空军大臣;一位是从殖民地部拆分而出的自治领大臣;还有一位是重新回归内阁大臣级的苏格兰大臣。
User: Nina sees this and disappointingly walks away.
Assistant: 罗尔夫看到此情况,很沮丧地离开那里。
User: On 22 June 2010, Harbin was appointed a "City of Music" by the UNESCO.
Assistant: 2010年6月22日,哈尔滨市被联合国教科文组织评为“音乐之城”。
User: The ship would have been available for the operation, but the ship's crew, composed largely of the crew from the recently decommissioned battleship Lothringen, was given leave.
Assistant: 该舰本可用于是次行动,但其船员主要由新近退役的洛特林根号战列舰船员所组成,因此给予休假。
User: After his death in 1879, the restoration work was continued by his pupil, Paul Boeswillwald, and later by the architect Nodet.
Assistant: 他于1879年去世后,修复工作先后由他的学生保罗 Boeswillwald和建筑师 Nodet继续,。
User: In the western part of the lodgement, US troops were to occupy the Cotentin Peninsula, especially Cherbourg, which would provide the Allies with a deep water harbour.
Assistant: 美军负责攻取位于立足点西侧的科唐坦半岛,尤其当夺取深水良港瑟堡。
User: Copper catalysts used in petrochemistry can also possess a degree of risk under certain conditions.
Assistant: 石油化工中使用的铜催化剂在一定条件下也会有风险。
User: When written into the tag by an RFID printer, the tag contains a 96-bit string of data.
Assistant: 当由RFID标签打印机写入标签时,标签包含96位的数据串。
User: The World Health Organization indicates people worldwide are taking up less active recreational pursuits, while a study from Finland found an increase and a study from the United States found leisure-time physical activity has not changed significantly.
Assistant: 世界卫生组织指出人们在娱乐活动中消耗的体力正在减少,但在芬兰的研究却得到相反的结论,至于在美国的研究则发现美国人在娱乐活动中消耗的体力并没有明显变化。
User: Topologilinux: uses coLinux to run on Windows.
Assistant: Topologilinux:使用coLinux在Windows下运行。
User: The newer volumes of the encyclopedia that were written in the 1990s and edited by David Shacham were criticized for allegedly containing a post-Zionist tone.
Assistant: 在1990年代写成、由David Shacham编辑的较新卷数被批评指带有一种后犹太人复国主义语调。
User: Since the year 2000, rates of syphilis have been increasing in the US, UK, Australia, and Europe primarily among men who have sex with men.
Assistant: 2000年起,梅毒在美国、加拿大、英国、澳洲与欧洲的感染率正逐渐升高,主要发生于男男性接触人群。
User: The next morning, a group of eight Russian destroyers made an attack on the German fleet.
Assistant: 翌日清晨,一支由八艘驱逐舰组成的俄国舰群袭击了德国舰队。
User: The concentration of glucose in CSF is normally above 40% of that in blood.
Assistant: 脑脊液中的葡萄糖浓度通常约为血糖浓度的40%以上。
User: Male genetically modified mosquitoes mate with females in the wild and transmit a self-limiting gene that causes the resulting offspring to die before reaching adulthood and thus diminishes the local mosquito population.
Assistant: 经基因改造的雄性蚊子与雌性在野外交配并传播自我限制的基因,导致后代在进入成年期之前死亡,从而减少当地蚊子数量。
User: Cyberpunk is characterized by a focus on "high tech and low life" in a near-future setting.
Assistant: 赛博朋克的特点是集中于近未来背景中的“高阶科技和低端生活”。
User: At the 1906 general election, the Liberals gained a national landslide.
Assistant: 结果,在1906年大选中,自由党取得了压倒性优势。
User: Celsus found it hard to reconcile Christian human God who was born and matured with his Jewish God who was supposed to be one and unchanging.
Assistant: 塞尔苏斯(Celsus)发现,人们难以调和整一的、不变的犹太人的神和基督教的能够出生、成熟的人性的神。
User: The method was clearly ineffective.
Assistant: 这种方法显然效率不高。
User: Button suffered a recurring KERS problem for a large part of the race, but still had a good gap between himself and fourth placed man Webber, as well as an almost equal gap to second placed Alonso in front.
Assistant: 巴顿的动能回收系统在比赛的大半部分反复出现问题,但依然与第四位的韦伯保持着足够的距离,而在前方第二名的阿隆索也有着几乎相等的差距。
User: The term aggregate implies that the planning is done for a single overall measure of output or, at the most, a few aggregated product categories.
Assistant: 其中整体这个词,表示这个计划是针对整体产出量化评测,至少是一系列的产品集合。
User: The party, which was small in 1990, was influential in certain sectors, was opposed to the National Islamic Front and was staunchly secularist.
Assistant: 该党在1990年规模较小,在某些领域具有影响力,并且反对全国伊斯兰阵线并坚定地世俗主义的世俗主义者。
User: In 2004, the band was ordered by the Ministry of National Defense to send a team of faculty from the band members to Mali to conduct military-learning instruction course for the Mali National Military Band.
Assistant: 2004年,中国人民解放军海军军乐团奉命派出由军乐教员组成的专家组赴非洲马里,为马里国家军乐团开展军乐指导教学。
User: This rebellion was put down by Emir Abd ar-Rahman II, who attacked the Kingdom of Pamplona, defeating García badly and killing Fortún.
Assistant: 这场叛乱由埃米尔阿卜杜·拉赫曼二世平定,他攻击了潘普洛纳王国,深深的击败了加西亚并且杀了弗顿。
User: Generally, the material is sufficiently doped so that there is many orders-of-magnitude difference between the two concentrations, and so this equation can be simplified to ρ = 1 q n m μ m {\displaystyle \rho ={\frac {1}{qn_{m}\mu _{m}}}} where nm and μm are the doping level and mobility of the majority carrier respectively.
Assistant: 通常,材料被足够地掺杂,所以这两个浓度有数个数量级的差别,所以这个方程可以简化为 ρ = 1 q n m μ m {\displaystyle \rho ={\frac {1}{qn_{m}\mu _{m}}}} 其中nm和μm是多数载流子的掺杂程度和迁移率。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: However, a time horizon of anything less than ten years often leads participants to extrapolate from present trends, rather than consider the alternatives which might face them.
Assistant: 任何少于十年的时间阶段都可能让参与者从目前潮流推断,而不是考虑面对的替代选项。
User: In June 1978, SoC launched a microcomputer kit, the Mk 14, that Curry wanted to develop further, but Sinclair could not be persuaded so Curry resigned.
Assistant: 1978年6月,SoC启动了一项名为Mk14的微型计算机项目,Curry对此非常感兴趣并希望能更深入地做下去,但他无法说服对此持不同意见的Sinclair,因此Curry从SoC离职。
User: At Ashton's art school, Bellette met fellow Australian artist Paul Haefliger, and in 1935 they married.
Assistant: 在阿仕顿艺术学校,巴勒特遇到了同为澳大利亚人的艺术家保罗·海弗里格,二人于1935年结婚。
User: Despite massive mineral reserves, Badakhshan is one of the most destitute areas in the world.
Assistant: 尽管拥有巨大的矿藏,巴达赫尚仍然是全世界最贫穷的地区之一。
User: The sheep farmers suffered economic losses and their resistance against the regulation imposed was being deemed irrational and not adequate.
Assistant: 牧羊者遭受了经济损失,他们抵抗强加的条例规定,被认为既不合理又不合适。
User: Francis also originated scientific methods of testing hydraulic machinery, and was a founding member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and its president in 1880.
Assistant: 法兰西斯也是水力机械测试方案的发明者,他也是美国土木工程师协会(英语:American Society of Civil Engineers)的创始会员之一,并在1880年担任该协会主席一职。
User: Cox wrote much of the brief, and contended in it that "the outcome of this controversy will decide for future generations whether blacks, Chicanos and other insular minorities are to have meaningful access to higher education and real opportunities to enter the learned professions".
Assistant: 考克斯撰写了简报中的大部分内容,他在其中声称:“这场争论的结果将决定黑人、墨西哥裔及其他少数族裔的后代是否可以获得有意义的高等教育以及进入有学问专业的真正机会。
User: He was formerly Co-President and Co-Head of Strategic Planning at the firm.
Assistant: 他曾是该公司的联席主席和战略计划部门的主管。
User: Finally, in 1983, in complete breach of the party's long-term opposition to measures that could stabilize the economy of East Germany (GDR), CSU leader Franz Josef Strauss supported a credit of more than ten billion Deutsche Mark to the country.
Assistant: 最后,在1983年,在完全违背该党长期反对稳定东德经济的方针的情况下,基社联盟领导人弗朗茨·约瑟夫·施特劳斯却给予德国100多亿马克的信贷。
User: Although little information exists on Cantillon's life, it is known that he became a successful banker and merchant at an early age.
Assistant: 现今研究对坎蒂隆的生平所知甚少,但知道他在很年轻时便已跻身成功的银行家和商人。
User: At first, his email messaging system was not considered important.
Assistant: 起初,他的电子邮件收发系统被认为是不重要的。
User: "I said, 'No, no. I don't want to go in there.
Assistant: ”我说:“不要,不,不,我不想去。
User: The federal Cabinet assented.
Assistant: 联邦调查局(FBI)就隶属其下。
User: In April 2017, Warner Bros. announced that Titans would debut in 2018 on DC's own direct-to-consumer digital service, DC Universe.
Assistant: 2017年4月,华纳兄弟宣布《泰坦》会于2018年在DC漫画的在线流媒体平台DC Universe首播。
User: Dolly angrily bids him farewell; while he's bored and lonely, she'll be living the high life ("So Long, Dearie").
Assistant: 多莉对Horace告别,说当他感到无聊和孤独时,她仍然会过得很好 ("So Long,Dearie")。
User: All visitors, including those with Cuban nationality residing outside Cuba, must hold valid return tickets and proof of medical insurance.
Assistant: 所有旅客,包括长期居于海外的古巴公民,必须持有有效的回程机票和医疗保险证明文件。
User: Kesha later sang background vocals for Paris Hilton's single, "Nothing in This World".
Assistant: 17岁来到洛杉矶后,她参与Paris Hilton单曲《Nothing in This World》的背景合唱。
User: Reliable and assured at the back, Parker soon became Arsenal captain, and skippered the club to their first Cup final in the 1926–27 season, which they lost 1–0 to Cardiff City.
Assistant: 柏加在阿仙奴后场稳定可靠的表现使他不久后便成为队长,领导球队在1926-27年赛季首度打进联赛杯决赛,以1-0仅负卡迪夫城。
User: The Caledon River forms the southern boundary of the park, as well as the border between the Free State and Lesotho.
Assistant: 卡列登河构成了公园南部边界,也是自由州和莱索托的边界。
User: In April 1970, Mara and Sidiq Koya, leader of the mainly Indo-Fijian National Federation Party, met in London and negotiated a compromise.
Assistant: 1970年4月,马拉和印族人占多数的民族联盟党的领袖西迪克·科亚在伦敦会见,达成一致。
User: The term is generally used in the sense of an irrational fear, but others contend fears are justified.
Assistant: 该术语通常被用于非理性的恐惧,但其他人却争辩说担忧是有道理的。
User: He founded his own electronics company, Albris.
Assistant: 他创办了自己的电子公司阿尔布里斯(Albris)。
User: At the same time, traditional Chinese political thought regards those with absolute virtue to be historically extremely rare, and that most people, including the Emperor and his officials, are prone to both corruption and error.
Assistant: 同时,传统中国政治思想认为,那些有着绝对美德的人在历史上是极其罕见的,大多数人,包括皇帝及其臣僚,既易于出现腐败,又易于产生错误。
User: In order to initiate a TCP connection, the client sends a TCP SYN packet to the server.
Assistant: 发起一个 TCP 连接时,客户端将一个 TCP SYN 包发送给服务器。
User: William Eaton, however, remained bitter for the rest of his life about the treaty, feeling that his efforts had been squandered by the American emissary from the U.S. Department of State, diplomat Tobias Lear.
Assistant: 但是威廉·伊顿在他后来的一生中都感到很后悔,认为他的努力都因国务院的外交官托比斯·里尔付诸东流。
User: The arms embargo would prevent Russian firms (Syria's main armoury) from selling to Syria.
Assistant: 这项武器禁运制裁会阻止俄罗斯(叙利亚最大的军火库)向叙利亚销售武器。
User: Along with CYP2A6, it is involved with metabolizing nicotine, along with many other substances.
Assistant: 与CYP2A6一样,CYP2B6参与尼古丁等许多物质的代谢。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: The personal planets are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
Assistant: 个人性的行星是太阳、月亮、水星、金星与火星。
User: In 1875 Tuttle was appointed to the Interior Department's geographic and geological survey of the Black Hills of Dakota to survey the state borders and measure heights of geological features.
Assistant: 在1875年,塔特尔被指派至内政部的地理和地质部门,调查达柯塔州黑西尔的州界和测量地质特征与高度。
User: In 1965, the faculty and overseers of Northwestern College of Law joined with the president and trustees of Lewis & Clark College to incorporate the Northwestern School of Law of Lewis & Clark College.
Assistant: 1965年,西北法学院的教职员和监督员加入了西北学院路易斯克拉克法学院。
User: He built an elementary school in the village where he taught Russian language and mathematics to the local children.
Assistant: 他建立了一所学校,在那里他为当地儿童教授俄语和数学。
User: The International Union of Radio Science (abbreviated URSI, after its French name, French: Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale) is one of 26 international scientific unions affiliated to the International Council for Science (ICSU).
Assistant: 国际无线电科学联盟 (法语:l'Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale, URSI) 是26个隶属于国际科学理事会之一的国际科学联合成员。
User: After the war he became the deputy minister of defense (1945–1950).
Assistant: 战争结束后他担任副国防部长(1945 - 1950)。
User: Newton sailed six voyages before his father retired in 1742.
Assistant: 牛顿曾和他父亲共同出海6次直到1742年他父亲退休。
User: Itcl/IncrTcl Itcl is an object system for Tcl, and is normally named as (that being the way to increment in Tcl, similar in fashion to the name C++).
Assistant: Itcl/IncrTcl Itcl 是 Tcl 诸多对象系统中的一种,通常称为 (递增 Tcl 之意,类似 C++ 之名)。
User: For criminal matters non-Latins were to be tried in the Cour des Bourgeois (or even the Haute Cour if the crime was sufficiently severe).
Assistant: 至于刑事案件,非拉丁人会被提交市民法庭审问(或者甚至是高等法院,如果罪行足够严重的话)。
User: Birdlife International has called Lorentz Park “probably the single most important reserve in New Guinea”.
Assistant: 国际鸟盟称洛伦茨国家公园为“可能是新几内亚最重要的单一保留区。
User: These schemas are defined using XML.
Assistant: 这些结构描述是使用XML来定义。
User: Some media reports mentioned that 2014 would be the 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn and that Scotland would also host the 2014 Commonwealth Games and the 2014 Ryder Cup.
Assistant: 有媒体指出,2014年时值班诺克本之战700周年,苏格兰也将举办2014年英联邦运动会和2014年莱德杯。
User: The confession occurred within 48 hours.
Assistant: 执政党表示48小时内。
User: The sea has an approximate area of 595,000 km2 (230,000 sq mi) and is only navigable about four months of the year.
Assistant: 楚科奇海面积约有595,000平方公里(约合230,000平方英里)一年之中仅有四个月左右可以航行。
User: They obtained what few medical supplies were available and by mid-May had set up a medical aid station.
Assistant: 这些人员后来获得些许的医疗支援,而在5月中更设立了救护站。
User: Modern-day revival styles can be summarized within New Classical Architecture, and sometimes under the umbrella term traditional architecture.
Assistant: 现代复兴的样式可以归纳在 新古典建筑,以及有时的保护伞下术语传统体系结构。
User: On 7 May 1842, an earthquake destroyed most of the city and other towns in the north of Haiti and the neighboring Dominican Republic.
Assistant: 1842年5月7日发生在海地北部城市海地角的一次地震摧毁了海地北部部分城镇和邻国多米尼加共和国部分地区。
User: The five stem duchies were: Franconia (until 939) The Conradine family, close to the royal court, obtained ducal hegemony in Franconia but never managed to unify the region.
Assistant: 当时的部落公国有以下五个: 弗兰肯公国 (~939) 王室的近支康拉丁家族主导了弗兰肯但是从未能完成统一。
User: Some students were frightened away, but a circle of disciples remained, many of whom became world-renowned leaders in the field.
Assistant: 有些学生被他吓跑,但有些学生留下来,其中很多成为相关领域世界知名的数学领袖。
User: We would eat hamburgers and stuff.
Assistant: 会吃药食和五榖饭。
User: Dwarves are one of the races detailed in Races of Stone (2004).
Assistant: 矮人是岩石族裔 (2004)中所描述的种族之一。
User: According to Pskovian chronicles, no ruler was loved by the citizens of Pskov more than Daumantas; they particularly praise his military skills and wisdom.
Assistant: 根据普斯科夫编年史的说法,没有一个统治者会像多夫蒙特一样受到普斯科夫人民的欢迎;他们尤其称颂他的武功和智慧。
User: Another spacing circumflex character in Unicode is the smaller U+02C6 ˆ MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT, mainly used in phonetic notations – or as a sample of the diacritic in isolation.
Assistant: 另一个较小的 Unicode 移格字符是 U+02C6“ˆ”MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX,主要用作语音学符号 – 或用来表示一个独立的附加符号。
User: Three "rudimentary" pipe bombs, all reportedly timed to go off during the race, were later found, with only one of the three having exploded.
Assistant: 据报后来发现三枚“简陋的”管状炸弹被设定成比赛期间爆炸,但只炸了其中一枚。
User: Tan's Film had released Gagak Item (The Black Crow), with Rd Mochtar as the masked Black Crow, in 1939, and later productions, including Java Industrial Film's Srigala Item (The Black Wolf; 1941), continued the trend.
Assistant: 陈氏影业就曾在1939年推出《黑乌鸦》(Gagak Item),其中的黑乌鸦就是位蒙面英雄,之后瓜哇工业电影推出的1941年电影《黑狼》(Srigala Item)又延续了这一趋势。
User: Planes also made supply drops, but rescue operations were hindered by broken roads and rails.
Assistant: 救援部门还安排了飞机空投救灾物资,但由于道路和铁路受到破坏,救援行动受到严重阻碍。
User: Highly so.
Assistant: 高亦如之。
User: He claimed that an angel had come to him and had said that he would sit upon the throne of the Archangel Gabriel, and would thus be promised mastery over all the earth.
Assistant: 当时的君主亦要代人民向天进行祭祀,以示自己是天神派来统治大地的,而当时的统治者称天子亦是这个原因。
User: The rift between Anand and other surged in the preparations to hold a party conference.
Assistant: 阿南德和其他人之间的分歧在筹备召开党内会议时飙升。
User: In a way, it's a little sad.
Assistant: 在某种意义上,它有点悲伤。
User: When she comes over to say hello, Jack introduces Liz as his live-in girlfriend.
Assistant: 当她走过来打招呼时,杰克把丽兹拉过来,说这是自己的同居女友。
User: In electrostatic units, electrical charge is defined by the force that it exerts on other charges.
Assistant: 在静电单位制中,电荷以其对其他电荷所施的力来定义。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: The strong smell of sulfur was all over the city, 6.4 km (4.0 mi) away from the volcano, causing discomfort to people and horses.
Assistant: 强烈的硫磺气味遍布距离培雷火山6.4公里(4.0英里)的圣皮埃尔,引起居民及马匹身体不适。
User: Voyager 1 and Pioneer 10 are the most widely separated human made objects anywhere, since they are traveling in roughly opposite directions from the Solar System.
Assistant: 航海家1号与先锋10号也是目前宇宙中相距最远的人造物体,因为它们的运行方向几乎是完全相反。
User: Black Hungarians (Latin: Ungri Nigri) or Black Magyars were a (semi-)independent group of the Magyars before and after the Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin at the end of the 9th century.
Assistant: 黑匈牙利人(Black Hungarians (Latin: Ungri Nigri) or Black Magyars),是马札儿人八世纪末征服潘诺尼亚前一个半独立部落。
User: The Daniel Boone National Forest (originally the Cumberland National Forest) is a national forest in Kentucky.
Assistant: 丹尼尔·布恩国家森林(英语:Daniel Boone National Forest)是唯一一座完全位于肯塔基州境内的国家森林。
User: An old man mistakes them for real women and Del imitates a female voice.
Assistant: 女真大字是用于书写女真语的一种文字,与女真小字统称女真文。
User: Working with George Paget Thomson, the son of J. J. Thomson, Compton studied the scattering and absorption of gamma rays.
Assistant: 康普顿与约瑟夫·汤姆孙的儿子乔治·汤姆孙研究了伽马射线的散射与吸收。
User: Other than the touchpad, Google Glass can be controlled using just "voice actions".
Assistant: 除了触控板之外,使用者也可使用“语音指令”控制Google眼镜。
User: Chemist Luis Leloir funded the research institute he headed, the Institute for Biochemical Research, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Assistant: 化学家卢伊斯·弗德里科·莱洛伊尔为其领导的研究所提供资金,他的生物化学研究所位于阿根廷的布宜诺斯艾利斯。
User: Even so, Emerson noted that Alcott's brilliant conversational ability did not translate into good writing.
Assistant: 尽管如此,爱默生认为奥尔柯特富有才华的对话能力却没有转化为优美的写作。
User: After her son won the crown at the Battle of Bosworth Field, the Countess was referred to in court as "My Lady the King's Mother".
Assistant: 当儿子在博斯沃思平原取得王位后,玛格丽特被宫廷称作“我的女领主,国王的母亲(My Lady the King's Mother)”。
User: A SASL mechanism implements a series of challenges and responses.
Assistant: 一个SASL机制实现了一系列的要求和特性。
User: 90,000 Japanese visited Egypt in 2009 and 3,500 Egyptians visited Japan in 2007.
Assistant: 2009年,累计9万日本人访问了埃及;2007年,累计3,500名埃及人访问了日本。
User: In late May 1920, when political conditions in Georgia changed and the old order was crumbling, his party travelled to Batumi on the Black Sea coast and then traveled by ship to Istanbul.
Assistant: 1920年五月底,乔治亚政局丕变、旧体制瓦解,他们一行人逃到黑海沿岸的巴统搭船到伊斯坦布尔。
User: Also unlike C++, Objective-C allows an object to directly inherit only from one class (forbidding multiple inheritance).
Assistant: 亦与C++不同,但和Java相同,Objective-C只容许物件继承一个类别(不设多重继承)。
User: In addition it has a running track that circles around the other facilities.
Assistant: 另外它有一个围绕其他设施的跑道。
User: Three years later, Johnson edited and published, along with Theodora Ward, a complete collection of Dickinson's letters, also presented in three volumes.
Assistant: 三年后约翰逊和多拉·沃德(Theodora Ward)共同编辑出版了完整的狄更生书信集。
User: It was sent to several publishing houses; some rejected it immediately, claiming that fiction from African writers had no market potential.
Assistant: 小说被送往好几家出版社;一些出版社直接拒绝了,他们认为非洲作家的作品没有市场价值。
User: As considerable disagreement exists in every country over what is or is not in "the national interest," the term is as often invoked to justify isolationist and pacifistic policies as to justify interventionist or warlike policies.
Assistant: 在什么是国家利益,什么不是国家利益的问题上,每个国家都存在相当大的争论,这一术语既常常被用来证明孤立主义和和平主义的政策是正确的,也常常被用于证明干涉主义或好战的政策是正确的。
User: On 17 April, the day that the prime minister's election was scheduled, the protesters intended to block entrances to the building of the National Assembly in order to prevent the vote from taking place.
Assistant: 17日, 即总理选举的日期, 抗议者试图封锁国民议会的入口以阻止投票进行。
User: In 2004, computer simulation techniques were used to re-visit the design of the building.
Assistant: 2004年,电脑模拟技术用来审视建筑物设计。
User: The NP wanted to retain a strong position in a transitional government, and the power to change decisions made by parliament.
Assistant: 国民党希望在过渡政府期间保持强势地位,并有权推翻议会所通过的决定。
User: Such "closed cyclol" molecules have not been observed either.
Assistant: 这种“封闭式的Cyclol”分子也没有被观察到。 |
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Although the technique was not used in the film, Lynch returned to it for "Episode 2", the third episode of his 1990 television series Twin Peaks.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
这一技术没有在本片中采用,但林奇有在自己1990年制作的电视剧集《双峰》第3集《第二集》(Episode 2)中使用。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
But by 1859, this use came to end as the petroleum industry emerged.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Seven of the guns were lost in combat, the rest remained in service after the war and were only retired in 1986.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:七门在战斗中损失,其余的一直服役到战争结束,直到1986年全部退役。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The more expensive grades of the Model 1897 were the standard, trap, pigeon, and tournament grades.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:更为昂贵的温彻斯特M1897版本为标准型、陷阱型、打鸽子型和比赛型。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In October 1915, Jules Tinel described the same phenomenon in French "le signe de fourmillement".
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
在1915年10月,Jules Tinel用法语"le signe de fourmillement"同样描述了这种现象并命名为: Tinel征。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: At approximately 12:00, the last SS remnants launched a final assault on the positions of the 9th Battalion.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
In 2010, Forbes rated Syracuse fourth among the top 10 places in the U.S. to raise a family.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 2010年福布斯杂志将锡拉丘兹评为最适合供养家庭的十大城市之一,排行第四。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The discovery that this metal was not an alloy, but a distinct new element, was published in 1748.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 化学家后来发现这种金属不是合金,而是一种新元素,并在1748年发表了这一发现。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In 1794 British sent a fleet under Admiral Samuel Hood.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
1794年,英国派遣了由海军上将塞缪尔 · 胡德领导的舰队前往科西嘉岛。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Some Irish government departments have their offices on this street but Leinster House, the current seat of the Oireachtas (Irish parliament), built by Richard Cassels in 1745 is Kildare Street's most important building.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
一些爱尔兰政府部门的办公室设在这条街上,其中最有名的是伦斯特府(Leinster House),由理查德·卡素建于1745年,现在是爱尔兰议会所在地。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The head of a teachers' federation praised the legislation, believing it would help them inculcate people with a proper sense of respect for a country's symbols, thereby reducing international incidents such as the booing of other countries' anthems by the Japanese.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Before these techniques can be used in humans more evidence of safety and effectiveness is needed.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
但这项技术应用于人类之前,需要更多关于安全性和有效性的证据。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: One day while visiting the sewers beneath the streets of Okinawa, he comes across a mermaid that he had once met as a child, when the sewers used to be a large river.
Assistant: 有一天,在访问冲绳市街道下面的下水道时,他遇到了一个仿佛小时候见过的人鱼,那时下水道曾经是一条大河。
User: Instead of accessing stores at save points like in XIII, the player can purchase items from a character named Chocolina, who is found throughout the game.
Assistant: 和在存档处进入商店的《最终幻想XIII》不同,玩家可以从游戏各处出现的角色巧可莉娜处购入道具。
User: Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard nominated Sanders, with Paul Feeney, the Massachusetts State Director for the Sanders campaign, and Shyla Nelson, a spokeswoman for Election Justice USA, seconding the nomination.
Assistant: 众议院议员图尔西·加伯德(英语:Tulsi Gabbard)提名桑德斯,并由桑德斯麻省竞选主任保罗·菲尼(Paul Feeney)及Election Justice USA发言人夏伊拉·纳尔逊(Shyla Nelson)支持提名。
User: They also recognized that the Poland issue was an international matter and called for Poland's participation in a peace conference "to decide Polish question".
Assistant: 他们也认为,波兰问题是国际问题,并请求让波兰参与和会“以解决波兰问题”。
User: The cereal crop in Northern Ireland suffered greatly due to Debbie, with half of the yield being lost.
Assistant: 北爱尔兰的谷类作物因这场风暴损失惨重,减产达到一半。
User: Although today the Sears Tower in Chicago is the United States's tallest building, there was a time when Montgomery Ward's headquarters was similarly distinguished.
Assistant: 虽然今天西尔斯大厦是美国芝加哥最高的建筑,但有一段时间蒙哥马利·沃德的总部也同样出类拔萃。
User: They formed a community of people willing to dig in their heels and fight for one another.
Assistant: 而魔界贵族为了企图夺取其地位,彼此间的权力斗争也从不间断。
User: The Madsen was a light machine gun that Julius A. Rasmussen and Theodor Schoubue designed and proposed for adoption by Colonel Vilhelm Herman Oluf Madsen, the Danish Minister of War, and that the Danish Army adopted in 1902.
Assistant: 麦德森轻机枪是一挺由丹麦朱利叶斯·A·拉斯穆森(Julius A. Rasmussen)和延斯·特奥多·斯考博(Jens Theodor Schouboe)所设计、时任丹麦战争部陆军大臣威廉·赫尔曼·奥卢夫·麦德森(Vilhelm Herman Oluf Madsen)协助拟议采用,并于1902年获丹麦军队正式采用的轻机枪。
User: It was against this backdrop that the RPS first emerged.
Assistant: 从本届开始,PS VR首次于电玩展现身。
User: To distinguish these groups, he called them "giant" and "dwarf" stars.
Assistant: 为了区分这两个群,他分别称它们是"巨星"和"矮星"。
User: Elaith's world was shattered when the moonblade rejected him.
Assistant: 作为报复,她在艾列拉与悠对话时乘机打扰。
User: Dutch control over Bengal was waning in the face of Anglo-French rivalry in India in the middle of the eighteenth century, and their status in Bengal was reduced to that of a minor power with the British victory in the Battle of Plassey in 1757.
Assistant: 在18世纪中期,面对英法在印度的竞争,荷兰人对孟加拉的控制正在减弱,而他们在孟加拉的地位在1757年英国在普拉西战役中的胜利时被削弱为次要力量。
User: The ACLU led the challenge in the 1947 Everson v. Board of Education case, in which Justice Hugo Black wrote "he First Amendment has erected a wall between church and state....
Assistant: ACLU领导挑战1947年的“埃弗森诉教育委员会案”,雨果·布莱克大法官写道“第一修正案在教会与国家之间筑起了一道墙....,那堵墙必须保持固若金汤。
User: The indigenous makeup also includes the multiple regional ethnicities of the outer islands within Pohnpei State, resulting in a mix of Australasian Pacific Islanders and hence making Pohnpei Island the FSM's melting pot.
Assistant: 本土结构同时也包括了外来岛屿的多个区域的民族,形成了一个澳大拉西亚太平洋岛民的混合体,从而使得波纳佩岛成为了密克罗尼西亚联邦的一个大熔炉。
User: There are many tales regarding its origination: minister Josiah Grinnell, founder of Iowa's Grinnell College, claimed to be the young man whom Greeley first told to "go West".
Assistant: 历史学家Walter A. McDougall引用Josiah Grinnel(Iowa's Grinnell学院的一位创建人)所说, "当我年轻时,格里利第一次发出了此号召,我就启程前往西部"。
User: For example, he allegedly ignored or downplayed a series of denial-of-service attacks in December 2011 that were made to disrupt online discussion criticizing Russian politicians.
Assistant: 例如,他在2011年12月忽略或淡化了一系列拒绝服务攻击,这些攻击是为了扰乱批评俄罗斯政客的网上讨论。
User: The main rule states that people and things constitute natural obstacles on the path.
Assistant: 主要的规则是构成天然障碍物的人和物要在比赛路线上。
User: It often moves him to tears.
Assistant: 我不时帮他拭去泪水。
User: The communist parties in Russia and other countries continue to run a pioneer organization, but membership tends to be quite limited.
Assistant: 俄罗斯的共产主义党派和其他国家的先锋组织仍然继续运作,但是这些组织趋向于完全限制会员资格。
User: In November 1938 a young Jewish man requested an interview with the German ambassador in Paris and met with a legation secretary, whom he shot and killed to protest his family's treatment in Germany.
Assistant: 1938年11月一名犹太裔青年希望同德国驻巴黎大使会面,他和一名使馆秘书相见,为抗议其家庭在德国受到的不公对待而开枪将其射杀,这一事件使纳粹党获得了对犹太人迫害的缘由。
User: Without the transistor, the current through RC would be iOUT = (VCC − vIN)/RC, which interferes with the design goal of independence of iOUT from VCC.
Assistant: 若没有晶体管,流过RC的电流为iOUT = (VCC − vIN)/RC,因此iOUT会受到VCCVCC的影响,违背其电路设计的目的。
User: Only one road event was held, a race from Athens to Marathon and back (87 kilometres).
Assistant: 另有一项公路赛,路线是从雅典行至马拉松并返回(约87公里)。
User: This is precisely the condition that guarantees that a pushforward of X, as a vector field on N, is well defined.
Assistant: 这恰好是保证 X 的前推可以作为 N 上的一个良定的向量场的条件。
User: The brain acts on the rest of the body both by generating patterns of muscle activity and by driving the secretion of chemicals called hormones.
Assistant: 脑对其他器官的作用方式,一是调制肌肉的运动模式,二是通过分泌一些称为荷尔蒙的化学物质。
User: Pakistan confirmed the acceptance of the accession on 15 September 1947.
Assistant: 巴基斯坦于1947年9月15日承认。
User: An uncredited Square employee suggested that the team develop a time travel-themed game, which Kato initially opposed, fearing repetitive, dull gameplay.
Assistant: 一名没有记录名称的史克威尔职员提议开发团队制作时间旅行主题游戏,但加藤最初因担心重复、无趣的游戏性而反对。
User: Idol Award Presentation 2008 – Most Rise TV Idol Yes!
Assistant: Idol 2008 全港偶像投票总选 - 2008最人气急升女Idol 《Yes!
User: To resolve an endless cycle of vendettas between two clans, Hanpu managed to make both parties accept a new rule: from then on, the family of a killer would compensate the victim's relatives with a gift of horses, cattle, and money.
Assistant: 函普答应下来,为了解决两个氏族永无休止的家族世仇,函普明智的确立了两个氏族都适应的新规定:从现在起,杀人者家里将牛、马、钱赠予被害人亲属,以作赔偿。
User: One of the earliest European mentions is by the missionary Pedro Páez, who was the first European to see and describe the origin of the Abay.
Assistant: 加玛河在十四世纪被首次提及,传教士佩德罗·波埃兹(Pedro Páez)是首个欧洲人到访和描述青尼罗河的发源。
User: Throughout the mid-1980s, Solidarity persisted solely as an underground organization, supported by the Catholic Church.
Assistant: 在整个1980年代中旬,团结工联一直是波兰唯一的地下组织,由天主教会和中央情报局所支援。
User: Forster has argued that masked priming is a purer form of priming, as any conscious appreciation of the relationship between the prime and the target is effectively eliminated, and thus removes the subject's ability to use the prime strategically to make decisions.
Assistant: Forster认为掩蔽促发是促发的一个纯正的形式,作为任何有意识的正确评论,在激发和目标关系之间被有效地删除,因此移除主体的能力去用策略地用激发来作决定。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: Some modern diesel–electric ships, including cruise ships and icebreakers, use electric motors in pods called azimuth thrusters underneath to allow for 360° rotation, making the ships far more maneuverable.
Assistant: 一些当代的船只,比如游艇和破冰船上,使用电动机进行辅助推进帮助船只进行360度旋转从而使得船只更具有操作性。
User: Specifically, in the visible part of the spectrum diffractives have a negative Abbe number of −3.5.
Assistant: 在可见光波段,衍射对应的阿贝数大约在-3.5。
User: 81Krm is a gamma emitter.
Assistant: 81Krm是一种γ辐射源。
User: The next morning, Pogue has forgotten everything again.
Assistant: 很快,Forgent还会再次有所行动。
User: It is based on the story of Noah's Ark.
Assistant: 其中引用了诺亚方舟的故事。
User: Following the election of 1926, the party formed a left-wing coalition government with Lithuanian Peasant Popular Union.
Assistant: 1926年选举后,社民党与立陶宛农民人民联盟组成左派执政联盟。
User: The manifest can contain information about the other files that are packaged in the archive.
Assistant: Manifest文件还可以包含该档案文件中所打包的其他文件的信息。
User: Still other countries not represented by the IFPI have certifying bodies operating independently, such as individual record companies which service the country or region's music industry as a whole.
Assistant: 另外还有一些国家并未有国际唱片业协会的代表,而是有完全独立的认证主体,例如可能有某个唱片公司会为整个国家或地区进行认证服务。
User: The Beatles find Pepperland's confiscated musical instruments and their own look-alikes, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, and bring music back to Pepperland.
Assistant: 最后 The Beatles 把同伴和被困乐队 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 救出,将音乐带回 Pepperland,令那里恢复生气。
User: According to official results, ERE won the elections.
Assistant: 选举结果,邱镜淳赢得县长选举。
User: And in Center and West side, these both are residential areas.
Assistant: 一方面,中部、西部则是商业地、住宅地集中区。
User: In doing so, he provided an opportunity for the enemy to sow discord between him and his men, resulting in the destruction of his family and forces.
Assistant: 不过他对自然的痴迷却严重地影响了他的家庭生活,令他和妻子之间产生了裂痕。
User: Grasset stressed the principle that various simple geometric shapes like triangles and squares are the basis of all compositional arrangements.
Assistant: 格拉塞强调,简单的几何形状,如三角形和方形是所有构图的基础。
User: The majority of them were secondary migrants and asylum seekers, and were registered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) operating in Pakistan.
Assistant: 们中的大多数是第二代的移民和寻求庇护者,并在巴基斯坦的联合国难民署(UNHCR)登记。
User: According to former German soldiers, the sound was inaudible during engagements and not particularly useful when heard, as other squad members might have been nearby ready to fire.
Assistant: 根据德军士兵的回忆,加兰德的漏夹弹出声在战斗中几乎不会被听到;即便能够听到,这个声音也并没有什么用处,因为附近很可能还有其他未打完子弹的美军士兵。
User: The other forms of dismissal are very rare.
Assistant: 其他方式的出局是非常罕见的。
User: A Polish investigation concluded in 2004 that Polish troops had been shot at by members of the German minority and German military intelligence (Abwehr) agents; around 40–50 Poles and between 100 and 300 Germans were killed.
Assistant: 波兰政府在2004年的调查结论是,波兰军队确实遭到了德裔民族人员的枪击,约40-50名波兰人和100-300名德意志人被打死。
User: Sometimes, a set is endowed with more than one structure simultaneously; this enables mathematicians to study it more richly.
Assistant: 有时候,一个集合同时有几种结构;这使得可研究的属性更丰富。
User: Following Nixon, the Democratic Party's state convention instituted a rule that only whites could vote in its primary elections; the Court unanimously upheld this rule as constitutional in Grovey v. Townsend (1935), distinguishing the discrimination by a private organization from that of the state in the previous primary cases.
Assistant: 尼克松案后,民主党的州大会制订了只有白人可以在其初选中投票的规则,法院在1935年的格罗韦诉汤森德(英语:Grovey v. Townsend)一致裁决这一规则合宪,与之前的初选案件相比,本案涉及的歧视属于私人性质,而非之前案件中的州政府性质。
User: Midrange systems have become popular as powerful network servers to help manage large Internet Web sites, corporate intranets and extranets, and other networks.
Assistant: 中型计算机已成为流行的强大网络服务器 ,以帮助管理大型互联网网站,公司内部网和外部网,和其他网络。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: The PKCS #11 standard defines a platform-independent API to cryptographic tokens, such as hardware security modules (HSM) and smart cards, and names the API itself "Cryptoki" (from "cryptographic token interface" and pronounced as "crypto-key" - but "PKCS #11" is often used to refer to the API as well as the standard that defines it).
Assistant: PKCS#11标准定义了与密码令牌(如硬件安全模块(HSM)和智能卡)的独立于平台的API,并将API本身命名为“Cryptoki”(来自“加密令牌接口”,发音为“crypto-key” - 但是“PKCS#11”通常用于指代API以及定义它的标准)。
User: Most of his successors were crowned within weeks, or even days, of their accession.
Assistant: 他的绝大多数继承者们都是在获得王位的数周之内,甚至数日之内加冕的。
User: Another usage of Schmidt–Kalman is when residual biases are unobservable; that is, the effect of the bias cannot be separated out from the measurement.
Assistant: 另外一个使用施密特–卡尔曼滤波器的场合是残余误差无法观测的情形下,也就是说,无法从量测资料中将误差效果独立出来的情形。
User: There are five forms: first person, second person (very familiar), second person (familiar), third person (familiar), and second/third person (polite).
Assistant: 有五种形式: 第一人称,第二人称(非常熟悉),第二人称(熟悉),第三人称(熟悉)和第二/第三人称(礼貌)。
User: The Great Hurricane of 1780, also known as Huracán San Calixto, the Great Hurricane of the Antilles, and the 1780 Disaster, is the deadliest Atlantic hurricane on record.
Assistant: 1780年大飓风(英语:Great Hurricane of 1780)又名圣卡利克斯托飓风(Huracán San Calixto)、安的列斯大飓风(英语:Great Hurricane of the Antilles)和1780年大灾难(1780 Disaster),是有纪录以来最致命的大西洋飓风。
User: James Werner Zawinski (born November 3, 1968), commonly known as jwz, is an American computer programmer with contributions to the free software projects Mozilla and XEmacs, and early versions of the Netscape Navigator web browser.
Assistant: 詹姆斯·沃纳·加文斯基(英语:James Werner "Jamie" Zawinski,1968年11月3日-),又名jwz,是一位美国黑客,知名于贡献自由软件专案Mozilla、XEmacs,以及早期版本的Netscape Navigator网页浏览器。
User: A specific threat is over-collection to meet rising demand for medicines.
Assistant: 一个具体的威胁是过度收集以满足不断增长的药品需求。
User: The MathJax project started in 2009 as the successor to an earlier JavaScript mathematics formatting library, jsMath, and is managed by the American Mathematical Society.
Assistant: MathJax项目始于2009年,是早期JavaScript数学格式化库jsMath的继承者,由美国数学学会管理。
User: They have two sons, Blaine (born 1996) and Carter (born 2004).
Assistant: 目前他们生有2个儿子,分别取名为布赖恩(Blaine,1996年)和卡特(Carter,2004年)。 |
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Cleomedes is accurate in some of his remarks on lunar eclipses, especially his conjecture that the shadow on the Moon suggests a spherical Earth.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:克莱奥迈季斯有关月食的一些言论是正确的,特别是他根据月亮的阴影推测出地球是一个球面体。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Sacchi and Albani, among others, shared dissatisfaction with the artistic depiction of low or genre subjects and themes, such as those preferred by the Bamboccianti and even the Caravaggisti.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Nevertheless, there was a degree of cultural assimilation due to intermarriage, and the almost universal adoption of the Dutch language.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:然而,透过通婚,欧洲人口进行一定程度上的文化同化,并且他们几乎普遍采用荷兰语。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Patrick first created a YouTube account under the name "MatthewPatrick13" in 2009.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Population without double counting is an English translation of the French phrase Population sans doubles comptes.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
人口不重复计算是翻译自法文的Population sans doubles comptes。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The remainder of the serf's time he spent tending his own fields, crops and animals in order to provide for his family.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 农奴剩余的时间留给他们自己,可以照顾自己的田地,耕种或饲养牲畜来养家糊口。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: It was also a Doubleday Book Club selection.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
曾为双日读书俱乐部(Doubleday Book Club)选书。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
The conversion and example of the seven was one of the grand gestures of 19th-century missions, making them religious celebrities; as a result, their story was published as "The Evangelisation of the World" and was distributed to every YMCA and YWCA throughout the British Empire and the United States.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
St. George's was founded in 1930 by a group of Englishmen recently arrived in British Columbia.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
On May 12, 2006, GoDaddy filed an S-1 registration statement prior to an initial public offering.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
2006年5月12日,GoDaddy在上市前提交了S-1注册说明书。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容。
User: The United States defeated Netherlands 3–1 to capture the bronze medal.
Assistant: 美国也以3:1的局数力挫荷兰,夺得一面铜牌。
User: Scholars and writers of all persuasions were contributors, including Pearl S. Buck, some Chinese literary figures, and dedicated Marxists.
Assistant: 学者与作家都被劝说成为投稿人,包括赛珍珠、一些中国文化人、职业马克思主义者。
User: A survey in 2013 found that 65% of the public in Israel supported the recognition of Ariel University as Israel's eighth university.
Assistant: 2013年的一项调查显示,65%的以色列民众支持阿里埃勒大学成为以色列的第八所大学。
User: Pleased with the effect he achieved with the return of Rastignac, Balzac included 23 characters in the first edition of Le Père Goriot that would recur in later works; during his revisions for later editions the number increased to 48.
Assistant: 巴尔扎克对拉斯蒂涅的归来颇为高兴,将《高老头》第一版中的23名人物在之后的作品中请出了场;修订版中人物数量增加到了48名。
User: Food security is when all people of a region at all times have enough food for an active, healthy life.
Assistant: 粮食安全是指一个地区在任何时候有足够的食物供应给所有人以维持健康的日常生活。
User: November, 1996 - Long Beach, California November 3–7, 1996 September 1997 - San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California First demonstrations of Windows NT 5.0, release of Beta 1 to developers Estimated attendance of 6,200 October 11–15, 1998 - Colorado Convention Center, Denver, Colorado Windows NT 5.0, the release of Beta 2 to developers.
Assistant: 1996年11月 - 长滩 1996年11月3日至7日 1997年9月 - 圣地亚哥San Diego Convention Center(英语:San Diego Convention Center) Windows NT 5.0首次展示,Beta 1发布给开发者 预计出席超过6,200人 1998年10月11日至15日 - 丹佛Colorado Convention Center(英语:Colorado Convention Center) Windows NT 5.0 Beta 2发布给开发者。
User: Initially, forecasters predicted it to move along the coastline of the Chesapeake Bay, though as the hurricane neared land the predicted track was much closer to where it ultimately was.
Assistant: 起初的预测认为风暴将沿切萨皮克湾海岸线行进,不过预测的路线比最终的实际路线距陆地要近得多。
User: Operational method CMMI defines among others process area PPQA "Process and Product Quality Assurance", which is required already at CMMI level 2.
Assistant: 能力成熟度模型整合(CMMI) 操作法定义中,有关于PPQA(程序与产品品质保证)的程序领域,相关纪载于CMMI第二阶。
User: According to Adelaar and Muysken, the similarity in the word for sweet potato "constitutes near proof of incidental contact between inhabitants of the Andean region and the South Pacific", though according to Adelaar and Muysken the word for axe is not as convincing.
Assistant: 根据阿德拉尔和梅斯肯的理论,“番薯”一词的相似“几乎构成了安第斯地区居民和南太平洋居民间的偶然接触的证据”──尽管根据二人的理论,“斧头”一词的说服力没有如此之大。
User: East German Prime Minister Lothar de Maizière had proposed that Becher's lyrics be added to the united German national anthem, but this was rejected by his West German counterpart, chancellor Helmut Kohl.
Assistant: 东德总理洛塔尔·德迈齐尔曾建议将贝歇尔的歌词添加至《德意志之歌》中,但此提议被赫尔穆特·科尔否决。
User: Denmark is a Nordic country located in Northern Europe.
Assistant: 丹麦位于欧洲北部,是一个传统的北欧国家。
User: A 2008 analysis of 12C/13C isotopic ratios of organic compounds found in the Murchison meteorite indicates a non-terrestrial origin for these molecules rather than terrestrial contamination.
Assistant: 2008年,对从默奇森陨石找出的化合物所做的12C/13C同位素比率的分析报告来看,附着在陨石上的这些物质,来源并非地球。
User: Sultanate of Gowa (sometimes written as Goa; not to be confused with Goa in India), was one of the great kingdoms and the most successful kingdom in the South Sulawesi region.
Assistant: 戈瓦苏丹国(印尼语:Sultanate of Gowa,戈瓦Gowa有时写作戈阿Goa,勿与印度的果阿Goa混淆)是苏拉威西地区最强大最成功的王国。
User: Indeed, some dense hydrocarbon/LOX propellant combinations have higher performance when the dry mass penalties are included.
Assistant: 事实上,一些致密碳氢化合物/液氧推进剂组合具有较高的性能同时,干重的不利也包括在内。
User: In 1563 Ivan IV took Polotsk.
Assistant: 1563年,伊凡四世攻占波洛茨克。
User: Campaigns by the government and non-profit organisations to educate the public about the benefits of iodised salt began in the mid 1990s, with iodisation of edible salt becoming legally mandatory in 2002.
Assistant: 哈萨克斯坦政府和非营利组织在1990年代开始普及碘营养教育,2002年开始将使用加碘盐规定为法定义务。
User: In early 2005, Rijmen and Oswald published an attack on a reduced version of SHA-1—53 out of 80 rounds—which finds collisions with a computational effort of fewer than 280 operations.
Assistant: 2005年,Rijmen和Oswald发表了对SHA-1较弱版本(53次的加密循环而非80次)的攻击:在280的计算复杂度之内找到碰撞。 |
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The Syrian military claimed that their troops captured the towns of al-Abbada and Ghraika in Eastern Ghouta, but there was no independent confirmation.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The leading method of suicide varies among countries.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:各国内部的主要自杀方式也不尽相同。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: In that time they have established an intimate connection with the islands' lands and oceans, established highly structured societies, and constructed many villages.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:他们与岛屿和周围海洋拥有密切的联系,发展出高度结构化的社会,并建立许多村庄。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The claim is that this sequence still terminates.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:我们仍可断言这个序列仍会终止。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Sir Peter Bernhard Hirsch HonFRMS FRS (born 16 January 1925) is a figure in British materials science who has made fundamental contributions to the application of transmission electron microscopy to metals.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
彼得·B·赫希爵士 FRS (英语:Sir Peter Bernhard Hirsch,1925年1月16日-),英国材料科学家,对电子显微镜的发展作出了根本性贡献。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The "Haus der Industrie" (House of Industry), then No. 4 Stalin Square, was the seat of the Allied Council of the four occupying powers until 1955.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
当时斯大林广场4号的工业大楼(Haus der Industrie)是四个占领国盟军理事会的驻地,直到1955年。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Quirinius becomes a chief advisor to Gaius in Armenia.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:During the second half of the 20th century, State Street was eclipsed by Michigan Avenue's Magnificent Mile as a shopping district.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
在20世纪,州街很大程度上由于密歇根大街的华丽一英里(Magnificent Mile)购物区而黯然失色。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: David "Corky" Calhoun (born November 1, 1950) is an American former professional basketball player.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:戴维·“考奇”卡尔霍恩(英语:David "Corky" Calhoun,1950年11月1日-),美国NBA联盟的前职业篮球运动员。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Travelers left about half a million dollars behind at airport checkpoints in 2012 and 2013.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The System File Checker component included with versions of Windows 2000 earlier than Service Pack 4 overrode patches distributed by Microsoft; this was rectified in Windows 2000 Service Pack 4.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 早于Service Pack 4的Windows 2000附带的“系统文件检查器”组件会覆盖微软发布的补丁;这在Windows 2000 Service Pack 4中被纠正。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
In 1999, MFS created two sub-labels called, "Flesh" and "Telemetric".
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:1999年,MFS成立了两个名为 "Flesh" 和 "Telemetric"的副厂牌。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The new union quickly signed up several thousand members.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 两处教堂都很快聚集了数千名新会众。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
I want to go deeper.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
These crystals warded off Death Adder until the king was betrayed by a minister who sold the crystals to Adder.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) was delegated the Board's day-to-day work of monitoring the situation in each country and working with national authorities to ensure compliance with the Single Convention.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:联合国药物管制与预防犯罪办事厅代表INCB进行日常工作,监督每个国家的状况,与国家当局协作,保证与该单一公约的一致性。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Sustainability entrepreneurship, in contrast, takes as its root of existence and strategic aim to solve a sustainability-related problem.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:相反的,可持续性创业却以此作为生存和策略性目标的根本,用以解决与持续性相关的问题。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In geometric group theory, the Rips machine is a method of studying the action of groups on R-trees.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在几何群论中,Rips machine是研究R-树上的群作用的一个方法。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In 1923 Albert Einstein visited and planted the now-famous first palm tree, as an initiative of Nobel tradition.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
After returning to China, he taught at the National Central University.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The street name no longer exists, but Grub Street has since become a pejorative term for impoverished hack writers and writings of low literary value.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:2: Elements of Logic (editor).
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 范雩:政治人物(秘书郎)。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Hybrid Physical-Chemical Vapor Deposition (HPCVD) – This process involves both chemical decomposition of precursor gas and vaporization of a solid source.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:混合物理化学气相沉积(Hybrid Physical-Chemical Vapor Deposition,HPCVD):一种气相沉积技术,包含化学分解前驱气体及蒸发固体源两种技术。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Since this inequality does not hold for N sufficiently large, there must be infinitely many primes.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
由于此不等式对足够大的 N {\displaystyle N} 并不成立,因此必须存在无限个素数。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Buck Halloran, an Irish "political worker" who oversees vote-buying operations.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
Freddie Jones:牛肉大亨的儿子 Buck Halloran:爱尔兰“政治工人”,执行贿选行动的督工。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Edwin Hubble showed in 1926 that 35 of these stars were classical Cepheids, thereby allowing him to estimate their distances.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Next year it was first published in the Netherlands and Quebec.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:次年它首次在荷兰和魁北克出版。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Starting on 13 May, major fleet exercises took place in the North Sea and lasted until 8 June, with a cruise around the Skagen into the Baltic.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The 32-piece Chinese domino set, made to represent each possible face of two thrown dice and thus have no blank faces, differs from the 28-piece domino set found in the West during the mid 18th century.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The recto shows the story of Diana and Actaeon.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 描绘的是戴安娜和阿克特翁相遇的场景。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:If left unattended together, the fox would eat the goose, or the goose would eat the beans.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:而且,如果没有人看管,狐狸会吃掉鹅,而鹅又很喜欢吃豆子。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: They have natural geometry given by the Hofer norm.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
它们有由霍弗尔范数(Hofer norm)给出的自然几何。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: As Flinn has said: "If Air Warrior was a primate swinging in the trees, AIR was the text-based amoeba crawling on the ocean floor.
Assistant: 如芬灵所说:“假如《空战神兵》是一只在树上摆荡的猩猩,那《AIR》就是一只在海底爬行的文字版变形虫。
User: The festival usually begins a few days before the Lantern Festival and crosses the Western Valentine's Day on February 14 and ends after the Lantern Festival.
Assistant: 高雄灯会通常会在元宵节的前几天便开始进行,并且跨过2月14日的西洋情人节,在元宵节之后结束。
User: The box serves as a storage area for various tools.
Assistant: 工具箱是可以存储数种工具的一个容器。
User: The church could hold 1000 people.
Assistant: 教堂可以容纳1000人。
User: If he deems them useful, he may make contact with them.
Assistant: 或由发愿胜力,后必定能修行。
User: The first professional team, established in 1885, achieved great and lasting success as the Cuban Giants, while the first league, the National Colored Base Ball League, failed in 1887 after only two weeks due to low attendance.
Assistant: 1885年创建的第一支职业球队,以古巴巨人队之名获得了巨大而持久的成功,然而第一个联盟国家有色人种棒球联盟却在1887年只撑了两周,即因票房太差而宣告失败。
User: The nebula around R Aquarii is also known as Cederblad 211.
Assistant: 环绕着宝瓶座R的星云称为塞德布拉德211 (Cederblad 211)。
User: Although the X-3 never met its intention of providing aerodynamic data in Mach 2 cruise, its short service was of value.
Assistant: 尽管X-3没有达到“在巡航速度为2马赫时提供有关空气动力的数据”的要求,它在军中服役的时间还是很有价值的。
User: A third variant was basically similar in the metallic parts, but replaced the foregrip with a MP18-style stock with finger-grooves.
Assistant: 第三个型号在金属部件上基本相似,但是原来前护木被具有手指凹槽的MP18风格前护木所取代。
User: In 1997, she was among the witnesses of the documentary film Memoria, presented at the Berlin International Film Festival.
Assistant: 1997年,她成为了柏林国际电影节纪录片《Memoria》的见证人。
User: Since then, fans have often been at odds with one another as to "which bands are, or most definitely are not, authentically Goth".
Assistant: 从此,乐迷之间便经常争论“哪些乐队是真正的哥特,哪些乐队不是”。
User: In early combat, the aircraft took heavy losses, but was still one of the most successful medium-range bombers used by the US Army Air Forces.
Assistant: 实战初期,B-26蒙受了巨大损失,但仍为美国陆军航空兵使用的最为成功的中程轰炸机。
User: Ascher was born in Prague, where he was a skiing champion.
Assistant: 恰斯拉夫斯卡出生在布拉格,原本则是花式溜冰选手。
User: In June 2013, Russian scientists reported that further investigation by magnetic imaging below the location of the ice hole in Lake Chebarkul had identified a 60-centimetre (2.0-foot)-size meteorite buried in the mud at the bottom of the lake.
Assistant: 在2013年6月,俄罗斯的科学家报告通过磁共振成像,在车巴库尔湖的冰洞位置下方进一步的调查已经确定还有大约60厘米(2.0英尺)大小的大陨石埋在湖底的湖泥内,估计这一块的质量大概在300公斤(660英磅),但是尚未被寻获。
User: In the 80s and 90s, lesbian literature diversified into genre literature, including fantasy, mystery, science fiction, romance, graphic novels, and young adult.
Assistant: 到了80-90年代,则呈现出多样化的题材,囊括奇幻、悬疑、科幻、浪漫、视觉文学(graphic novels)和青少年小说等文类。
User: Hilbert's basis theorem has some immediate corollaries: By induction we see that R {\displaystyle R} will also be Noetherian.
Assistant: 希尔伯特基定理有下列直接推论: 由归纳可见 R {\displaystyle R} 也是诺特环。
User: His patrilineal great-grandfather, Ngubengcuka, was king of the Thembu people in the Transkeian Territories of South Africa's modern Eastern Cape province.
Assistant: 他的曾祖父努班库卡(Ngubengcuka)是位于现东开普省特兰斯凯区的泰姆布族人的统治者。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: And also we are very much against any plots to sow the seeds of discord among nations.
Assistant: 宗族冲突(宗族械斗)由于宗族之间矛盾引发的一种冲突。
User: Complications may occur in particular in the elderly and those with underlying health problems.
Assistant: 并发症可能容易发生在老人和有健康隐忧的人。
User: In Montgomery's works, Avonlea is located on the northern shore of Prince Edward Island on a small peninsula.
Assistant: 在蒙哥马利的作品里,艾凡里是位于爱德华王子岛北岸的一个小半岛上。
User: As one of the first 5.56mm assault rifles on the market, it would go on to become one of the most widely distributed assault rifles.
Assistant: 由于是第一种使用5.56毫米口径的步枪,它又被誉为开创小口径化先河的步枪。
User: The style and content of those letters were said to resemble Pynchon's, and Pynchon's Vineland, published in 1990, also takes place in northern California, so it was suggested that Pynchon may have been in the area at that time, conducting research.
Assistant: 这些信的风格和内容据说与品钦的十分相似,而且品钦1990年《葡萄园》的出版同样发生在北加利福尼亚,所以人们认为品钦那时可能住在那一地区,进行研究工作。
User: A series of protests led by Andry Rajoelina against Ravalomanana in early 2009 became violent, with more than 170 people killed.
Assistant: 2009年初,安德里·拉乔利纳主导一系列反对拉瓦卢马纳纳的抗议活动,这些活动之后蒙上暴力的阴影,导致超过170人被杀。
User: Gabriel Francisco Lisette (2 April 1919 – 3 March 2001) was a Chadian politician who played a key role in the decolonization of Chad.
Assistant: 加布里埃尔·弗朗西斯科·利西特(英语:Gabriel Francisco Lisette,1919年4月2日-2001年3月3日)是查德政治家,并且在法属查德(英语:French Chad)的非殖民化运动中扮演关键性角色。
User: He returns with a gun and she freezes time again before the bullet hits her, but it hits her teacher, Mrs. Cameron, instead.
Assistant: 这时她发现了她拥有暂停时间的能力,避过了子弹,但子弹却打在她老师卡梅伦身上。
User: Success outside Australasia continued to elude Cold Chisel and friction occurred between the members.
Assistant: 北宋建立后,和北汉之间的摩擦也一直不断。
User: Only two hours before Fran dissipated, the tropical storm warning was discontinued for Trinidad, Tobago, and Grenada.
Assistant: 弗兰消散仅两小时后,特立尼达岛、多巴哥和格林纳达的热带风暴警告也予中止。
User: Stemming from a strong domestic league, the French rugby team has won 16 Six Nations Championships, including 8 grand slams; and has reached the semi-final of the Rugby World Cup 6 times, going on to the final 3 times.
Assistant: 法国国家橄榄球队是16届六国锦标赛冠军,夺得过8次大满贯(英语:Grand Slam (rugby union)),在橄榄球世界杯中6次打进半决赛、3次打入决赛。
User: The reverse process in which anomalies are eliminated and subgroups reunited by the force of analogy is called "levelling", and it can be seen at various points in the history of the verb classes.
Assistant: 各子类借由类推而重新取得一致化,进而使不规则性消灭的过程被称为“水平化”(levelling),这可在各类动词发展史的不同时点中见到。
User: After playing 26 La Liga games for Espanyol, he joined Real Madrid in 1930.
Assistant: 萨莫拉总共为西班牙人上场26场,在1930年,他转会到皇家马德里。
User: Required in every HTML and XHTML document.
Assistant: 在每个HTML及XHTML文件中为需求的。
User: Competition for assistant professor positions in many fields is rapidly growing; the number of PhD graduates is rising, while the number of assistant professor openings remains roughly constant.
Assistant: 助理教授职位的竞争愈发激烈,博士生的数量一直在增长,但助理教授的职位空缺却基本保持恒定。
User: They soon enter in a fight, and Ishmael gains the upper hand.
Assistant: 后来担任北征都督,讨柔然获胜。
User: Within a year, it had spread through pig populations across the United States.
Assistant: 一年内,它传遍全美国猪群。
User: He has also previously worked for the IMF.
Assistant: 他还曾经在国际货币基金组织任职。
User: 8 hours after infection many mimivirus virions are clearly visible within the cell.
Assistant: 感染8h后,在细胞中的拟菌病毒便清晰可见。
User: Also, the wear on a ball determines how it behaves in the air and when it pitches.
Assistant: 同样,球上的磨损程度决定了它在空中以及在赛场中的表现状况。
User: The Chinese Canadian Citizens Association presented him an award for his activities.
Assistant: 加拿大华人公民联合会因此给予他一个奖项。
User: Child prostitution is common in many parts of the world, especially in Southeast Asia (Thailand, Cambodia), and many adults from wealthy countries travel to these regions to engage in child sex tourism.
Assistant: 儿童卖淫在许多地区都有,特别是东南亚(例如泰国及柬埔寨),有许多较富裕国家的成年人会因此来访,进行儿童色情旅游。
User: On April 29, 1887 Sarah Lobo De Leon died in childbirth while delivering stillborn twins; it was the same year that Grover had died.
Assistant: 1887年4月29日,萨拉·洛博·德莱昂在分娩双胞胎时死亡,那是格罗弗死了的同一年。
User: From Germany, the four bodies arrived at Andrews Air Force Base near Washington, D.C., where President Barack Obama and members of his cabinet held a ceremony in honor of those killed.
Assistant: 所有遇难者的遗体(共4名)接着从德国运至华盛顿特区附近的安德鲁斯空军基地;美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马以及他的内阁阁员也在基地内为遇难者举行纪念仪式。
User: For China Castelli developed engines, which slowly rotate the Revolving Paintings by 360°.
Assistant: 卡斯特利专门为了中国的展览开发出特别的发动机,可以让他的旋转绘画慢慢地旋转360度。
User: Bananas in Pyjamas is an Australian children's television series that premiered on 20 July 1992 on ABC.
Assistant: 《睡衣香蕉人》(Bananas in Pyjamas),是一部澳大利亚的儿童电视节目,于1992年7月20日在ABC电视台首播。
User: On July 16, 2009, Choi was in Culver City, California, to introduce the premiere of Abe Forman-Greenwald's documentary called Silent Partners.
Assistant: 2009年7月16日,崔在一部Abe Forman-Greenwald的纪录片《沉默的伴侣》(Silent Partners)中首次担当主演。
User: Other Galleanists, still in the U.S. continued the bombing and assassination campaign for another twelve years, culminating in a 1932 bomb attack targeting Webster Thayer, the presiding judge in the Sacco and Vanzetti trial.
Assistant: 其他还在美国的加里尼主义者在之后的12年中继续进行爆炸和暗杀活动,直至1932年对萨科和万泽蒂案中主审法官韦伯斯特·萨尔(英语:Webster Thayer)的炸弹袭击。
User: The four death sentence's method was the electric chair.
Assistant: 但是,法庭作出的判决仍然是死刑,以电椅执行。
User: Banknotes may be used to fold models as well.
Assistant: 此种模型也可以制作空间填充模型。
User: Automatic calling programs such as Call Reassurance call households during the week after children arrive home and require the child to answer the phone and positively acknowledge that he or she is okay.
Assistant: 自动呼叫计划(例如Call Reassurance)会在孩子到家后拨打电话,并且需要儿童接听电话并积极承认,他或她状况良好。
User: Also on the property are a garage and chicken house / feed shed.
Assistant: 这些房屋还拥有一个很大的庭院和一个饲养家禽动物的圈栏。
User: The analysis of gas flow through de Laval nozzles involves a number of concepts and simplifying assumptions: The combustion gas is assumed to be an ideal gas.
Assistant: 喷管气流分析涉及一些概念和假设: 简单起见,燃烧气体假定为理想气体。
User: Figure skater Meagan Duhamel complained that eating dog meat is common and legal in Korea.
Assistant: 花样滑冰选手梅根·杜哈梅尔抱怨食狗肉在韩国很常见且合法。
User: Sexual maturity is reached after 10–12 months.
Assistant: 生长到10-12个月时性成熟。
User: Beginning in 1993, TFTR was the first in the world to use 50/50 mixtures of deuterium-tritium.
Assistant: 从1993年起,TFTR 是世界上第一个使用氘-氚50/50混合物的反应堆。
User: Closing the gap to Minardi is quite feasible, but the sudden arrival of the rule is worrying.
Assistant: 缩小我们和米纳尔迪车队的差距是可能的,但是规则的突然到来令我们非常发愁。
User: The second version is the same as the first version.
Assistant: 反面与第一版本相同。
User: In Damascus, Isma'il recognized the threat of Dawud and Ayyub against his own possessions, and turned to the crusaders for assistance.
Assistant: 在大马士革,伊斯玛仪意识到达乌德和阿尤布对其地位的威胁,便转向十字军寻求援助。
User: Lanzhou station has 5 platforms and a total of 12 shared tracks (passenger and freight).
Assistant: 兰州站建有候车站台5座,共有12条股道(客货运)。
User: Only one defendant, Nikolai Krestinsky, initially refused to admit his guilt.
Assistant: 正式“审判”过程时,在所有的被告之中,只有尼克拉·克列斯廷斯基最初拒绝承认自己有罪。
User: He recounts key historic events in which fear led to overreaching acts by the government, particularly from the executive branch.
Assistant: 他详述了多起因恐惧而导致政府,特别是行政机构制订越权法案造成严重后果的重大历史事件。
User: Many of the Anusim's descendants left Judaism over the years.
Assistant: 许多Anusim的后裔在后来不断离开了犹太教。
User: Doesn't drink.
Assistant: 不喝酒。
User: He has also called for the removal of all taxes on gold transactions.
Assistant: 保罗也呼吁要废除对于黄金贸易的所有课税。
User: A provisional agreement (the Timor Sea Treaty, signed when East Timor became independent on 20 May 2002) defined a Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA) and awarded 90% of revenues from existing projects in that area to East Timor and 10% to Australia.
Assistant: 临时协议(东帝汶于2002年5月20日独立时签署的“帝汶海洋条约”)确定了联合石油开发区(JPDA),并将该地区现有项目的收入的90%分给东帝汶,10%分给澳大利亚。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: HPET is a continuously running timer that counts upward, not a one-shot device that counts down to zero, causes one interrupt and then stops.
Assistant: HPET是一个持续向上计数计时器,而不是一个倒数到零并导致一个中断然后定制的单次触发元件。
User: But finally in 1993, the two countries signed an agreement to ensure peace along the LAC.
Assistant: 但最终在1993年,两国签署了一项协议,以确保拉克的和平。
User: In the United States, the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) was established in 1994 to consolidate the polar satellite operations of NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration).
Assistant: 1994年,美国建立了NPOESS(英语:NPOESS)系统,以此来增强 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)和美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)的极轨卫星业务。
User: When there are two adult males in a group only one of them will mate with the female.
Assistant: 群体中有两个成年雄性面狨时,只有一只可以与雌性性交。
User: Because of the outbreak of war, only the construction of a train depot to the west of Pasing station, which was redesignated as the Westbahnhof (west station), and a smaller construction depot were in fact built.
Assistant: 但由于战争的爆发,只有一座整备站和闭塞站在当时也被称为“西站”的帕兴车站西侧建立,以及其它一些小型的工程建筑得到执行。
User: The Beijing municipal government covered these deficits to encourage mass transit use, and reduce traffic congestion and air pollution.
Assistant: 北京市政府通过补贴地铁运营公司的方法填补亏损,以鼓励市民乘坐地铁,减少交通拥堵和空气污染。
User: In 1611 Champlain established a fur trading post on the Island of Montreal, on a site initially named La Place Royale.
Assistant: 1611年,尚普兰在蒙特利尔岛上建立了皮毛交易站,并将这块地区命名为La Place Royale,意为皇室之地。
User: None could stand against him.
Assistant: 任何人都无法违抗他。
User: These roads varied from 12–20 m (39–66 ft) wide.
Assistant: 这些道路宽12-20米(39-66呎)不等。
User: In January 2011, leaflets falsely claiming to come from the Protezione Civile, were distributed in the comune of Ciampino, stating that Bendandi had forecast an earthquake on 11 May 2011, and that residents should leave their homes before that day.
Assistant: 2011年1月,许多传单谎称来自意大利人民保护署,并在钱皮诺市镇里发送,内容声明本丹迪预言2011年5月11日将有一起地震,居民应在那天以前离开他们的住家。
User: The most common is made out of rubber or silicone.
Assistant: 最常见的是橡胶或者硅氧树脂制的。
User: In 1604 a company was granted letters patent by King Henry IV, but the project failed.
Assistant: 在1604年有一所公司获得法国国王亨利四世颁发了东方贸易专利证书,但计划却以失败告终。
User: The object eventually flew back over his house a second time, which led Gigandet to assume that it was circling the area.
Assistant: 那个物体最后又飞回来,第二次飞过他家上空,这使得他假定物体在该地区盘旋。
User: Many European sailors were shipwrecked on the coasts of the island, among them Robert Drury, whose journal is one of the few written depictions of life in southern Madagascar during the 18th century.
Assistant: 许多欧洲水手都在该岛沿岸遭遇船难,罗伯特·德鲁里(Robert Drury)就是其中之一,他的日志是18世纪为数不多的几部描写马达加斯加南部生活的文学作品之一。
User: Laboratory page
Assistant: 实验室网址
User: The Soviet newspaper Pravda also joined the protests under the headline "U.S.A. Dirties Space".
Assistant: 苏联的《真理报》也以“美国玷污了宇宙”为论点作出抗议。
User: After his death in Trèbes, police raided his home as well as those of his friends and relatives and interviewed neighbours, one of whom described him as a "pleasant young man".
Assistant: 他在特雷布被击毙之后,警察迅速搜查了他的住处以及他众多朋友和亲戚的住所,此后采访了他的邻居,其中一人曾形容他为“一个讨人喜欢的年轻人”。
User: Consensual sex is legal at the age of 16 years.
Assistant: 男男同性性行为的合法年龄修订为16岁。
User: The clothing in the line's eleven-piece inaugural offering was manufactured by American Mojo of Lowell, Massachusetts.
Assistant: 该系列的首批服装由马萨诸塞州洛威尔(Lowell,Massachusetts)的American Mojo制作完成。
User: The eleventh and final season of 7th Heaven—an American family-drama television series, created and produced by Brenda Hampton.
Assistant: 《第七天堂》(英语:7th Heaven)是一部美国电视剧,由布兰达·汉普顿(英语:Brenda Hampton)创作及制作。
User: Greece entered the 4th century under Spartan hegemony.
Assistant: 希腊因此在前4世纪进入斯巴达霸权(英语:Spartan hegemony)时期。
User: The government issued an 18:00 to 7:00 curfew, but protesters ignored it and were met by police.
Assistant: 政府宣布从18:00到隔日7:00实施宵禁,但是示威者不予理会。
User: Although a wide range of reproductive modes are used by snakes, all snakes employ internal fertilization.
Assistant: 虽然蛇类的繁殖模式种类丰富,但所有蛇类都是体内受精的。
User: By the 19th century, thousands of pilgrims flocked annually to the Ottoman-ruled Holy Land, mainly on Easter.
Assistant: 到19世纪,每年涌向圣地的朝圣者成千上万,主要是在复活节。
User: A serious game or applied game is a game designed for a primary purpose other than pure entertainment.
Assistant: 严肃游戏(serious game)或功能游戏(applied game)是一种设计上的主要目的非纯粹是娱乐的游戏。
User: In practical terms, not all westerns reveal protein only at one band in a membrane.
Assistant: 在实际应用中,并不是所有的西方墨点法揭示蛋白质仅在一种膜上的一个条带。
User: Home purchases should involve an honest-to-God down payment of at least 10 percent and monthly payments that can be comfortably handled by the borrower's income.
Assistant: 住房购买应该包括一次货真价实、至少10%的订金,以及在借款人收入能力范围内可以轻松负担的月付款。
User: In the US, the lifetime risk of developing lung cancer is 8% in men and 6% in women.
Assistant: 在美国,男性一生中患肺癌的风险是8%,女性是6%。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: The city became the county seat in 1839 with 110 residents and grew to 650 by 1847.
Assistant: 该市1839年成为县城,当时拥有110个居民,到1847年增长到650个。
User: L. Sprague de Camp and others consider him the father of modern fantasy together with sword and sorcery author Robert E. Howard (creator of Conan the Barbarian).
Assistant: 里昂·斯普拉格·德坎普和其他一些人则认为他与剑与魔法的罗伯特·埃尔温·霍华德(蛮王科南的作者)并列为现代奇幻之父。
User: The building is one of the few remaining timber framed Tudor houses left in the north of England and is particularly noted for its Victorian interior, which was added in the mid-19th century.
Assistant: 这是英格兰北部仅存的少数木筋墙都铎式住宅之一,在19世纪中叶增加维多利亚式的内部。
User: Two presidents of the International Olympic Committee have also been among the entrants in the Olympic art competitions.
Assistant: 有国际奥林匹克委员会的两位总统也是奥林匹克艺术竞争的参赛者。
User: We must change the linguistic landscape of Whyalla and elsewhere.
Assistant: 我们必须改变怀阿拉与其他地方的语言样貌。
User: Bahá'ís accept the founders of the "major world religions" as Manifestations of God.
Assistant: 巴哈伊信仰承认“主要世界宗教”的创始人是上帝的显示者。
User: The expedition returned to Tilbury Hope on the Thames on 15 September.
Assistant: 探险队在9月15日返回泰晤士河岸的蒂尔伯里(Tilbury)。
User: Additionally, there was profound disillusionment at Lyndon Johnson's denial of voting status for the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party at the Democratic National Convention.
Assistant: 此外,当林登·约翰逊总统否认密西西比州自由民主党投票的地位时,黑人民众的幻想破灭了。
User: On 15 May 2000, it operated its first charter flight to London Gatwick.
Assistant: 并于2000年5月15日开始其首班商业航班前往伦敦盖威克机场。
User: Yelchin decided to carry on Walter Koenig's speech patterns of replacing "v"s with "w"s, although he and Abrams felt this was a trait more common of Polish accents than Russian ones.
Assistant: 叶尔钦决定继承沃尔特·凯尼格(英语:Walter Koenig)发音的方式,将“v”发音成“w”;尽管他与艾布拉姆斯都觉得这种发音更常见于波兰人,而不是俄罗斯人。
User: Even with the losing streak, the club narrowly qualified for the finals, finishing in fourth, two points ahead of Sydney F.C. and Wellington Phoenix.
Assistant: 虽然球队连输三场,但仍能勉强取得季后赛资格,他们以两分之差压过FC悉尼和威灵顿凤凰排在第四位。
User: In 2007, hundreds of thousands of monks protested against the military junta's rule, and called for free elections, minority rights and the release of political prisoners in an event now known as the Saffron Revolution.
Assistant: 2007年,成千上万的僧侣抗议军政府的统治,并呼吁进行自由选举,争取少数民族权利和释放政治犯,该事件在后来被称为番红花革命。
User: The prayer room for men was located on the first floor, and was able to accommodate up to 400.
Assistant: 男子祈祷室铺有地毯,位于一楼,可容纳400人。
User: Since 2000 the building is a Czech cultural heritage site.
Assistant: 自2000年以来,该建筑列为捷克文化遗产。
User: The 502nd Heavy Panzer Battalion was re-designated the 511th on 5 January 1945.
Assistant: 第502重战车营于1945年1月5日被重新命名为第511重战车营。
User: Some institutions grant more university-specific, formal titles such as M.I.T.'s "Institute Professor", Yale University's "Sterling Professor", or Duke University's "James B. Duke Professor".
Assistant: 一些学校会授予更正式的名称,例如麻省理工学院"学院教授",耶鲁大学的"斯特林教授",或杜克大学"詹姆斯·B·杜克教授"。
User: Last minute free show.
Assistant: 一天最后一期直播节目。
User: JEDEC has a standard (number JESD51-2) for measuring the junction-to-air thermal resistance of electronics packages under natural convection and another standard (number JESD51-6) for measurement under forced convection.
Assistant: JEDEC有一个标准(JESD51-2)可以量测在自然对流下连接点到空气的热阻,有另一个标准(JESD51-6)量测在强制对流下连接点到空气的热阻。
User: French embassy built.
Assistant: 法国巴黎荣军院建成。
User: In RSFQ logic, information is stored in the form of magnetic flux quanta and transferred in the form of Single Flux Quantum (SFQ) voltage pulses.
Assistant: 在RSFQ逻辑中,信息以磁通量量子的形式存储,并以单通量量子(Single Flux Quantum,缩写SFQ)电压脉冲的形式传递。
User: A section of the article, titled "The Rise of 'Worse is Better'", was widely disseminated beginning in 1991, after Jamie Zawinski found it in Gabriel's files at Lucid Inc. and e-mailed it to friends and colleagues.
Assistant: 该文章有一段标题为"The Rise of 'Worse is Better'"(“更糟就是更好”的崛起)的章节,杰米·加文斯基在加百烈于Lucid Inc.的文件中发现它并电邮寄给朋友和大学同事,因而在1991年开始广传。
User: split is a utility on Unix and Unix-like operating systems most commonly used to split a computer file into two or more smaller files.
Assistant: Template:Manual split是一个Unix实用程序,最常用于将文件分割成两个或更多个较小的文件。
User: However, it is possible Ed has some relief from Eunice in the form of prostitutes.
Assistant: 其能够在兵部有所作为,也是靠江彬等人的帮助。
User: Weaver believed that the Populists' embrace of free silver would be the main issue to attract new members to the party.
Assistant: 韦弗深信,人民党对自由铸造银币的支持将成为吸引新成员加入的主要动力。
User: The percentage dropped from 38% in 1970 to 33% in 1996 and was expected to be 30% by 2010.
Assistant: 比率从1970年的38%跌至1996年的33%,预期2010年会跌至30%。
User: Jackson also currently has the highest number of albums on the list with five, while The Beatles, Madonna and Celine Dion each have three.
Assistant: 同时迈克尔·杰克逊在本列表拥有五张专辑,是所有唱片艺人中最多的;其次是披头士乐队、麦当娜、席琳·迪翁等各自拥有三张专辑。
User: In the 19th and 20th centuries obscurantism became a polemical term for accusing an author of deliberately writing obscurely, in order to hide his or her intellectual vacuousness.
Assistant: 在19~20世纪,“愚民政策”成为引起争论的术语,用来指责某位作家故意将作品写得深奥难懂,来隐藏其学识的薄弱。
User: ProPublica, for example, launched a new version of its website available exclusively to Tor users.
Assistant: 例如,ProPublica推出了一个Tor用户专用的新版网站。
User: Although its early beginnings can be traced to the field of clinical psychology, four different divisions within health psychology and one related field, occupational health psychology (OHP), have developed over time.
Assistant: 健康心理学的初始可以追溯到临床心理学领域,它有四个学科,及一个相关领域 - 职业健康心理学(英语:Occupational Health Psychology),已经开发了一段时间。
User: Both the island and the channel are named after French explorer Bruni d'Entrecasteaux.
Assistant: 岛和海峡的名字都来自于法国探险家布鲁尼·让·恩特卡斯特克斯(Bruni d'Entrecasteaux)。
User: The Michelin star restaurant 5 North Street is in Winchcombe.
Assistant: 米其林星级餐5 North Street位于温什科姆。
User: Current operations are named Operation Inherent Resolve by the United States Department of Defense.
Assistant: 当前特遣队的行动名称“坚定决心”,是由美国国防部命名。
User: Notes Civic Platform's Donald Tusk said of the victory that: "It is the highest honour for me and for Civic Platform that we will be working for the next four years for all of you, regardless of who you voted for today.
Assistant: 公民纲领党党魁、总理图斯克表示:“这对我和公民纲领党是最高的荣誉,我们将在未来四年里为各位服务,无论你们今日投给了谁。
User: Notable buildings on the square include the Linen Hall Library and the Scottish Provident Building, now a five-star serviced office business centre.
Assistant: 广场上著名的建筑,包括亚麻大厅图书馆和] ,现在是一家五星级办公商务中心。
User: Poverty levels increased slightly in Aceh in 2005 after the tsunami, but by less than expected.
Assistant: 在2005年海啸过后贫困率有所上升,但比预期的要好些。
User: He began the religious practice of donating "kosas" or decorated metallic sleeves to be placed over a lingam.
Assistant: 他开始捐赠“刀鞘 (kosas)”或放置装饰的金属袖子在一个林迦上的宗教习俗。
User: Lacombe became Alberta's 17th city on September 5, 2010.
Assistant: 2010年9月5日,拉科姆成为艾伯塔的第17大城市。
User: The tumors may have been caused by environmental factors or genetic propensity.
Assistant: 肿瘤的成因可能是环境因素或遗传规律。
User: The policy landscape must keep pace with broad trends within the energy sector, as well as reflecting specific social, economic and environmental priorities.
Assistant: 政策领域必须跟上在能源领域具有广阔的发展趋势,以及反映特定的社会的,经济的和环境的优先级别。
User: Sworn in as Lord Chancellor on 1 October 2012 at Westminster Abbey, he was elected an Honorary Bencher of Gray's Inn on 11 December 2012, due in part to his lack of legal qualifications.
Assistant: 2012年10月1日,他在威斯敏斯特大教堂作为大法官宣誓就职,他于2012年12月11日当选为格雷律师学院的名誉院长,部分原因是他缺乏法律资质。
User: Bopparder Mai – a whole series of events and small festivals in mid May.
Assistant: 醉龙节:五月或农历四月初八,只在很少的地方有庆祝活动,澳门却是重要的节日。
User: With over 8,500 single and married students, it is the largest yeshiva in the world.
Assistant: 耶路撒冷密尔经学院现有8,500名单身以及已婚的学生,是世界上最大的犹太教经学院。
User: Prostitution in Syria is illegal, but the law is not strictly enforced.
Assistant: 韩国 性交易在韩国现在属于违法,但是查处并不严格。
User: He made his debut on June 11, 2012.
Assistant: 他于2012年6月11日上任。
User: Initially, President Eisenhower was worried that a satellite passing above a nation at over 100 kilometers (62 mi), might be construed as violating that nation's sovereign airspace.
Assistant: 起初,艾森豪威尔曾担心卫星飞行经过一个国家超过100公里(62英里)高时,可能会被认为是侵犯国家领空。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: This is also used on the return value, in this case to ensure that the result of adding 1 to i will be an integer (as otherwise it could become too large), and to mark the return type of the function.
Assistant: 这也用于返回值,在该情况下确保添加1到i的结果将是一个整数(否则可能变得太大),并标记函数的返回类型。
User: An independence referendum was held in New Caledonia on 4 November 2018.
Assistant: 新喀里多尼亚于2018年11月4日举行了一场独立公投。
User: In 1962, two years after their marriage dissolved, Lucy bought out Desi's shares of Desilu, becoming the studio's sole owner.
Assistant: 1962年,即他们离婚两年之后,露西买下了德西在德西露工作室的部分股权,成为了制片厂的唯一所有者。
User: In 2007, the party opposed the Danish government's plan to recognise the independence of Kosovo, and maintained the territorial integrity of Serbia.
Assistant: 2007年,人民党反对丹麦政府计划承认科索沃独立,并维护塞尔维亚的领土完整。
User: This means that, for example, members of Labour-affiliated trade unions will need to register as Labour supporters in order to vote.
Assistant: 这意味着工党附属工会成员将需要另外注册为工党支持者以获得投票权。
User: In October 2005 StudiVZ launched its website by two students from Berlin, Ehssan Dariani and Dennis Bemmann.
Assistant: 该网站成立于2005年10月,由两名学生Ehssan Dariani (CEO) 和 Dennis Bemmann所主导。
User: Later, a man takes his son to the school bus.
Assistant: 不久,一个中年男子带儿子去赶校车。
User: In the agreement, the Cuban government pledged not to retaliate against those who were repatriated.
Assistant: 在这项协议中,古巴政府承诺不对这些被遣返者进行报复。
User: In 1931 she won the Premier Second Grand Prix.
Assistant: 1931年,他赢得第二个奥斯卡奖。
User: On November 12, 2010, tourists found a jawbone on an Aruban beach near the Phoenix Hotel and Bubali Swamp.
Assistant: 2010年11月12日,有游客在阿鲁巴凤凰酒店和布巴利沼泽附近的海滩上找到一块颚骨。
User: By 1905 seventeen different photographers had shown three-colour slides by the Sanger-Shepherd process at exhibitions of the Royal Photographic Society in England.
Assistant: 到1905年,十七位不同的摄影师在英格兰皇家摄影协会的展览中展示了桑格谢泼德工艺制作的三色幻灯片。
User: Historically, the term "album" was applied to a collection of various items housed in a book format.
Assistant: 历史上,专辑这个单词用于指代那些以书籍形式集合在一起物品。
User: The use of the 9 mm caliber allowed resistance forces to use captured ammunition in their weapons, eliminating the need for repeated re-supply drops.
Assistant: 使用9毫米口径可让反抗势力使用缴获弹药武器,省却了重复地再空投供应弹药的需要。
User: This level of control rarely exists in non-living polymerization reactions, leaving this method as the preferred synthetic route if attainable.
Assistant: 此级别的控制很少存在于非活性聚合反应,如果要达到最好的合成路线就不会使用此方法。
User: Following an 11 year planning phase, in 1726-29 the third church was built by Niklaus Schiltknecht.
Assistant: 经过11年的规划阶段,第二个教堂在1726年被拆毁,在1726 - 29年,由 Niklaus Schiltknecht修建第三个教堂这个教堂用当地砂岩建造,巴洛克风格。
User: With some 1,000 men killed or wounded, including 92 officers killed, the British losses were so heavy that there were no further direct attacks on American forces.
Assistant: 超过1,000人伤亡,其中包括92名军官被杀,英国人损失如此严重以至于不再直接攻击美洲军队。
User: They help sinners.
Assistant: 禹作敏亲戚包庇罪犯。
User: Although a significant number of Jewish prisoners had also been among the victims of the NKVD massacres (including intellectuals and political activists), the Polish Jews were targeted collectively.
Assistant: 虽然内务人民委员部大屠杀同样杀害了大量的犹太囚犯(包括知识分子和政治活动家),但波兰犹太人仍被列为集体攻击的目标。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: The decision in 2003 had two components, on the one hand to get free software running on most of the desktops, and on the other hand to buy and develop web-based and platform independent (e.g. Java-based) business applications.
Assistant: 该决定在2003年有两个组成部分,一方面是要在大多数台式机上运行自由软件,另一方面是购买和开发基于网络与无关平台(例如基于Java)的商用应用软件。
User: It crossed the Florida peninsula that night, causing the issuance of numerous severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings.
Assistant: 气旋于18日当晚穿过佛罗里达半岛,当地因此收到多份强烈雷暴天气和龙卷风警告。
User: Far later, c.
Assistant: 还朝后,拜御史大夫。
User: Hedin met another two White Russian officers serving under the Soviets, Colonel Proshkukarov and General Bekteev, who demanded an explanation as to why Hedin's lorries were in the service of Ma Zhongying's forces.
Assistant: 斯文·赫定会见了服务于苏联红军的另两位白俄军官:Proshkukarov上校和Bekteev将军,他们要求斯文·赫定解释为什么他的货车为马仲英部队服务。
User: Executive functions in New York City are the responsibility of the Mayor of New York City, while legislative functions reside with the New York City Council.
Assistant: 纽约市的实际管理由纽约市长执行,立法功能则归属于纽约市议会。
User: During the player's turn, armies, fleets, and agents can be moved on the map.
Assistant: 在轮到玩家的回合时,玩家在地图上可以移动军队、舰队和事务官。
User: In The Holy Pretence (1957), he suggested that a thin line divides truth and falsehood in Puritan casuistry.
Assistant: 在《神圣的借口》(The Holy Pretence,1957)中,摩瑟提出,在清教徒决疑文学(英语:Puritan casuistry)中,真理与谬误只有一线之隔。
User: He used profanity heavily in his speech, which generally was enjoyed by troops under his command, but it offended other generals, including Bradley.
Assistant: 他的演讲中会有大量的粗话,这通常很受士兵欢迎,但也让包括布拉德利在内的其他军官感到冒犯。
User: There it was noted, that many questions do remain unanswered.
Assistant: 他说,很多问题还没有答案。
User: Electrical power for the spacecraft came from two solar arrays totalling 64 square metres (690 sq ft).
Assistant: 飞船的电力来自两个太阳能电池板共计64平方米(690平方英尺)。
User: In the early budgeting process, Jobs was eager to produce the film as efficiently as possible, impressing Katzenberg with his focus on cost-cutting.
Assistant: 在早期的预算编制过程中,乔布斯渴望电影的制作尽可能地有效,让卡森伯格更加注重成本削减。
User: He was released in September 1950 and died of cancer three years later.
Assistant: 1950年9月获释出狱,不久后死于癌症。
User: 16: The Belgian government leaves Belgium for Bordeaux in France, as the Belgian army retreats.
Assistant: 16日:比利时军撤退,比利时政府迁往法国波尔多。
User: When the negotiations failed, the two armies prepared for battle.
Assistant: 谈判失败后,两军准备战斗。
User: The other Queens are discarded.
Assistant: 其余巨龙皆已退役。
User: Many Italians remained outside the borders of the Kingdom of Italy and this situation created the Italian irredentism.
Assistant: 大量意大利人仍然居住于意大利王国以外的地方,这个情况引致了意大利的民族统一主义。
User: In common with other early stations of the lines owned by the Underground Electric Railways Company of London, the station was designed by architect Leslie Green with an ox-blood red glazed terracotta façade.
Assistant: 与其他早期由伦敦地下电气铁路公司拥有的车站相同,车站由建筑师莱斯利·格林(英语:Leslie Green)设计,带有牛血红色面陶瓦(英语:architectural terracotta)表面。
User: One prominent difference between quirks and standards modes is the handling of the CSS Internet Explorer box model bug.
Assistant: 在quirks模式和标准模式之间一个突出的不同是对CSS IE盒模型缺陷的处理。
User: Hülkenberg and Pérez posted improved times in the last moments of the session, advancing to Q3, with Sainz, Ericsson, Magnussen, and Alonso eliminated.
Assistant: 贺根堡及培瑞兹在最后一刻刷新成绩,顺利挺进第三阶段,进而让塞恩斯、埃里克森、马格努森及阿隆索遭到淘汰。
User: In 2008, UGO listed the song as the 3rd best videogame music of all time.
Assistant: 在2008年,UGO将歌曲列为史上第3佳电子游戏音乐。
User: The Jordanian penal code no longer permits family members to beat or kill a member of their own family whose "illicit" sexuality is interpreted as bringing "dishonor" to the entire family.
Assistant: 约旦刑法不再允许家属因“非法”性倾向使整个家庭“耻辱”而殴打或杀害自己家庭中的一员。
User: By the time the hurricane passed Newfoundland, the strongest winds were to the southeast of the center, and as a result, no significant impact was reported on Canada.
Assistant: 飓风经过纽芬兰岛时最强风力位于中心东侧和南面,所以加拿大没有遭受严重破坏。
User: The total land area is about 1,195 square miles (3,100 km2), and the reservation's population at the 2000 census was 17,959.
Assistant: 保留区的总土地面积约为1,195平方英里(3,100平方公里),而根据2000年人口普查,保留区的人口为17959人。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: As the approach consists of a one-to-one mapping between fingerprint blocks and words, there is no loss in entropy.
Assistant: 这是通过在指纹块与文字之间建立一对一的映射来实现的,因此不会有熵损失。
User: Windows Connect Now (WCN) is the name of Windows Rally technologies aimed for simpler wireless device configuration.
Assistant: Windows Connect Now(WCN)是一项旨在简化无线设备配置的Windows Rally技术的名称。
User: The United States' wartime enemy, though defeated, had exported an ideology that ruled Russia and threatened America anew.
Assistant: 战时美国的敌人虽然已经被打败,但他们已经成功输出了统治俄国、威胁美国的意识形态。
User: After the publication and dissemination of the controversial On the Origin of Species in 1859, Darwin was also the subject of numerous caricatures.
Assistant: 1859年当时非常有争议的《物种起源》出版和广为传播之后,达尔文成为无数讽刺画的嘲讽对象。
User: Others close to the project did not know it was named "Apple Pay" until the announcement.
Assistant: 其他熟悉此计划的人士直到发表会时才得知计划的名称为“Apple Pay”。
User: Filipinos in Singapore consists of citizens from the Philippines residing in Singapore.
Assistant: 新加坡的菲律宾人,是指居住在新加坡的菲律宾公民。
User: Accessibility Summit: Speaker List.
Assistant: 截图,片尾报幕:配音员表。
User: Each card has a different cost to play and as in the previous games in the series, the Plant player uses a currency of suns and the Zombies use brains.
Assistant: 每张牌都有不同的花费,植物玩家使用阳光而僵尸使用大脑来打出卡牌。
User: It derives from the Spanish usage of "clásico" to mean derby, with the prefix "super" used as the two clubs are the most popular and successful clubs in Argentine football.
Assistant: 在西班牙语中,"clásico"是打吡的意思,而前置的super则意味着两队在阿根廷最成功和最受欢迎的球会。
User: Their crafts and traditions may have been dying.
Assistant: 其形态与现代蛇类已颇为接近。
User: Donald Paul "Don" Roos (born April 14, 1955) is an American screenwriter and film director.
Assistant: 唐·鲁斯(Donald Paul "Don" Roos,1955年4月14日-)是美国的一位编剧、导演、制作人。
User: The population of the town was 59 (35 males and 24 females) in 1898.
Assistant: 库克尔立合于1898年的人口为59人(35位男性和24位女性)。
User: A similar trend was found in Vermont, where AiD was authorized in 2013.
Assistant: 相似的结果也出现在佛蒙特州,当该州于2013年开始授权使用协助自杀。
User: In 1965 he returned to Los Alamos where he was made a Laboratory Senior Fellow in 1980.
Assistant: 1965年再次回到洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室,1980年获得实验室资深研究员称号。
User: The X-Series platform bundles a set of services, several of which are unique to 3, and provides unlimited data access in exchange for a fixed monthly premium.
Assistant: X-Series 方案将多个服务绑在一起贩售,其中有几个服务是 3 所独有的,并提供每月固定加购的无限量数据接取。
User: The programs are primarily financed by taxes which employers, employees, and the self-insured pay annually.
Assistant: 该方案主要由税收,雇主、雇员和自被保险人每年支付的。
User: These natural toxins include some of the most poisonous compounds known.
Assistant: 这些天然毒素包括一些已知的毒性最强的化合物。
User: Because of this change, after exiting an application, the MS-DOS prompt might appear before all data had been written to the disk.
Assistant: 由于此更改,在退出应用程序后,MS-DOS提示符可能会在所有数据写入磁盘前出现。
User: The Congress also pledged to support Massachusetts in case of attack, which meant that all of the colonies would become involved when the American Revolutionary War began at Lexington and Concord.
Assistant: 大会还承诺,若有攻击,将支持马萨诸塞,这意味着所有殖民地都将参与始于列克星敦和康科德的独立战争。
User: The floods damaged about one-third of buildings, including some more than 350 years old.
Assistant: 市内约三分之一的建筑物因洪水受损,其中还包括一些已有超过350年历史的老建筑。
User: When she was 16, her parents sent her to Mexico for seven months to learn Spanish.
Assistant: 其后,在16岁时,父母把露琵塔送回了墨西哥几个月,让她学习西班牙语。
User: Eyes can also follow a moving object around.
Assistant: 眼睛可以追随一个移动中的物体。
User: In 1916 higher education came to Siam.
Assistant: 1916年暹罗引入高等教育。
User: As a member of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), Senegal is working toward greater regional integration with a unified external tariff.
Assistant: 作为西非国家经济共同体的成员国,塞内加尔正在努力实现区域一体化以及对外统一关税。
User: Marc deserves to get that.
Assistant: 马克是这事的知情者。
User: CAPPS selected all three for a detailed luggage check.
Assistant: CAPPS指示三人的行李都需要详细检查。
User: In 2002, Off the Telly writers Steve Williams and Ian Jones named "Homer's Phobia" one of the five worst episodes of The Simpsons, stating that it "leaves such a nasty taste in the mouth," as Homer is "quite simply a bastard" throughout the course of the episode.
Assistant: 2002年,“关掉电视”(Off The Telly)网站的史蒂夫·威廉姆斯(Steve Williams)和伊恩·琼斯(Ian Jones)在评论中批评《霍默的恐惧症》是《辛普森一家》历史上最糟糕的5集节目之一,称其品味低劣,“给人嘴里留下那么讨厌的味道”,整个剧情中的霍默“完全就是个混蛋”。
User: Four songs in the soundtrack include vocals by Mina Sakai, an artist whom Hamauzu works as a producer for.
Assistant: 原声带中的四首歌曲包括由滨涡担任制作人,Mina Sakai主唱。
User: The admission of all but Croatia and Romania to the EU in 2004 reduced the significance of CEFTA trade, however.
Assistant: 然而,克罗地亚和罗马尼亚在2004年接受欧盟的所有贸易减少了CEFTA贸易的意义。
User: Between 1942 and 1945, the Chinese received 100 transport aircraft from the United States: 77 C-47s and 23 C-46s.
Assistant: 在1942至1945年中国收到来自美国的运输机恰好是100架:77架C-47运输机和23架C-46 Commandos。
User: Legally, the Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrmacht was Adolf Hitler in his capacity as Germany's head of state, a position he gained after the death of President Paul von Hindenburg in August 1934.
Assistant: 法律上讲,在阿道夫·希特勒的国家元首任期内他担任德意志国防军的总司令,他在1934年8月联邦大总统保罗·冯·兴登堡死后获得了该位置。
User: Gapon relayed that Soviet Russia was ready to help Mongolia, but that the delegates should explain what kind of government they wanted to establish, how they would fight against the foreign enemy, and what their future policy would be like.
Assistant: Gapon转述称,苏维埃俄国已经准备好帮助蒙古,但代表们应解释他们想要建立什么样的政府,他们将如何对抗外敌,和自己的未来政策会是怎样。
User: Following this victory, Cleomenes captured the city of Lasium and presented it to the Elians.
Assistant: 这场胜利之后,克里昂米尼占领了城市拉斯姆(Lasium),然后把它交给了盟友埃利斯人。
User: Despite being born in France, David Carreira never attained French nationality and remained a Portuguese citizen.
Assistant: 虽然大卫·卡雷拉出生在法国,但他从未申请取得法国国籍,而是保留了自己葡萄牙人的身份。
User: Lost River Ballistic Technologies (statement of Mr. Warren Jensen) stated that "the .408 CheyTac is the first bullet/rifle system that utilizes what they call a balanced flight projectile.
Assistant: 洛斯特里弗弹道技术公司(由沃伦·延森先生发表的声明)说,“.408 CheyTac是首个采用了平行、稳定地飞行的子弹/步枪系统。
User: The Orphic cosmogony is bizarre, and quite unlike the creation sagas offered by Homer and Hesiod.
Assistant: 奥菲斯宇宙生成论是不可思议得,并且完全于荷马与赫西俄德所提供的创世传说不同。
User: In December 2008, the division also dispatched a task force to Camp Asaka near Tokyo, Japan for exercises with the Japanese Ground Self Defense Force called Yama Sakura 55, an bilateral exercise simulating an invasion of Japan.
Assistant: 2008年12月,第29师派遣一支特遣队前往日本东京附近的朝霞驻屯地(日语:朝霞驻屯地)并与日本陆上自卫队参加代号为“山樱55”的日本入侵应对模拟演习。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: In Talley v. California (1960), the Court struck down a Los Angeles city ordinance that made it a crime to distribute anonymous pamphlets.
Assistant: 在1960年的“塔利诉加利福尼亚州案(英语:Talley v. California)”中, 美国联邦最高法院的裁定推翻了洛杉矶市城市条例中有关匿名分发小册子属于犯罪的规定。
User: By the 1st century AD, the name refers unequivocally to Great Britain.
Assistant: 在公元1世纪之前,这个词被清楚明白地指向大不列颠岛。
User: Has the ability to predict future contact.
Assistant: 拥有预知未来的能力。
User: Ushas Mons is a 2-kilometer-high (1.25 mile) volcano in the southern hemisphere of Venus at 25 degrees south latitude, 323 degrees east longitude.
Assistant: 乌莎斯山是位于金星南半球的一座2公里高(1.25英里)的火山,坐标为南纬25度、东经323度。
User: I am sorry for those misguided people for nothing but disillusionment awaits them in their 'PROMISED LAND'.
Assistant: 因此,他们总是灰心失望,始终都是不满于那个常欺骗他们的'厄运'。
User: This, in turn, requires that development increase the life support system (nature).
Assistant: 同时,在此过程中为了维护生命维持系统(生命保障系统)而去尊重各种已设立的界限。
User: The Bavarian knight wins every time, of course.
Assistant: 当然,每次都是巴伐利亚 骑士获胜。
User: The lost time and having to use another pole led her to bad results.
Assistant: 浪费了时间和使用其他杆使她得到差成绩。
User: In 2008, Cadbury received the accolade of “Most Significant Investor in Poland” from the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency.
Assistant: 2008年,吉百利获得波兰资讯与境外投资局(英语:Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency)颁发的“波兰最重要投资者”称号。
User: SSTAR is meant to be tamper resistant, which would prevent the leasing country from opening the reactor to use the generated plutonium for nuclear weapons.
Assistant: SSTAR具有防篡改设计,其目的是防止租用反应堆的国家开启反应堆,从而利用快中子增殖反应产生的钚制造核武器。
User: Smalltalk is an object-oriented, dynamically typed reflective programming language.
Assistant: Smalltalk是一种面向对象的、动态类型的编程语言。
User: A reviewer for The Sun reported that "Leona was delighted to be part of Avatar but the song was never supposed to be released.
Assistant: 太阳报报告说:“利昂娜很高兴成为《阿凡达》的一部分,但这首歌从来没有被设想将会发行。
User: A comprehensive treatment of soil salinity is available from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.
Assistant: 可以从联合国粮食及农业组织获得土壤盐分的综合处理方法。
User: The worship of deities symbolized by the female breast in Greece became less common during the first millennium.
Assistant: 这种在古希腊对于由女性乳房所象征神灵的崇拜,在西元的头一个千年明显减弱。
User: I like tough campaigning.
Assistant: 不喜欢剧烈的运动。
User: He sponsored the construction of a cathedral in Vilnius, possibly on the site of today's Vilnius Cathedral.
Assistant: 他发起建设维尔纽斯的主教座堂,这座教堂也许就在现在维尔纽斯主教座堂的位置上。
User: These loosely associated proteins may regulate the activity and specificity of the exosome complex.
Assistant: 这些较松散结合的蛋白质可能可以调控外切体的活性和特异性。
User: Both Bayern and Baden were interned at Scapa Flow following the Armistice in November 1918.
Assistant: 巴伐利亚和巴登号于1918年11月康边停战协定生效后被扣押在斯卡帕湾。
User: They can be visited to this day.
Assistant: 今天它可以被参观。
User: My way of looking at things has not been affected by the ageing process at all.
Assistant: 认为人们的外在行为不受内在心理过程的影响。
User: Prior to the vote, the government and authorities in Metropolitan France stated that they would recognise and abide by the results of the referendum.
Assistant: 法国本土的政府和当局表示他们将承认并遵守公民投票的结果。
User: This took the death toll to 16 Palestinians and one Israeli since Trump's declaration.
Assistant: 自特朗普宣布以来,这使16名巴勒斯坦人和一名以色列人死亡。
User: However, the development of commercial production is made easier by the fact that exploration costs are very low.
Assistant: 不过目前透过该技术的大量使用,生产成本就可大幅降低。
User: Works of literature using the word in the title include John Dryden's Astraea Redux (1662), "a poem on the happy restoration and return of His Sacred Majesty"; Anthony Trollope's Phineas Redux (1873), the sequel to Phineas Finn (1867); and John Updike's Rabbit Redux (1971), the second in his sequence of novels about the character Rabbit Angstrom.
Assistant: 在标题中使用该词的文学作品有:约翰·德莱顿的《Astraea Redux》(1662年);安东尼·特洛勒普的《Phineas Redux》(1873年),《Phineas Finn》(1867年)的续篇;约翰·厄普代克的《兔子归来》(Rabbit Redux,1971年),他第二篇关于兔子埃斯特朗的小说。
User: There are 30% reduced fares for senior citizens & OKU card holders, though this reduction applies only to Malaysian citizens.
Assistant: 老年人和残疾人士可享有30%折扣,但仅适用于马来西亚公民。
User: The slit between the leaves contains the meristem and produces flowers and new leaves.
Assistant: 叶子之间的缝隙中包含分生组织,并产生新的花和叶。
User: A bronze equestrian statue, sculpted by Clark Mills and depicting George Washington riding his horse during the Battle of Princeton, was installed in the center of the circle on February 22, 1860.
Assistant: 克拉克米尔斯雕刻的乔治·华盛顿青铜骑马雕像,描绘乔治·华盛顿在普林斯顿战役期间骑着马,于1860年2月22日立于圆环中心。
User: A joint committee of the Senate and House of Commons was appointed on November 8, 1945, to recommend a national flag to officially adopt.
Assistant: 1945年11月8日,一个由参议院和众议院组成的联合委员会被任命去推荐一面将被官方正式使用的国旗。
User: TV9 is available via terrestrial television in Peninsular Malaysia.
Assistant: TV9可通过马来西亚半岛的地面电视收看。
User: Other countries have similar awards (see music recording sales certification).
Assistant: 其他国家也有类似认证奖项(请参见 音乐唱片销售认证)。
User: East Lansing is very much a college town, with 60.2% of the population between the ages of 15 and 24.
Assistant: 东兰辛是一座非常典型的大学城,约60.2%的人口由15至24岁的年龄层所组成。
User: The main author is Lisa Fitzpatrick.
Assistant: 主要作者是利萨·菲兹帕特里克。
User: The group was supposed to help solve bootlegging disputes and serve as a predecessor to the National Crime Syndicate in the 1930s.
Assistant: 该集团本应帮助解决私酒争执,并且在1930年代作为全国犯罪集团的前身。
User: As a result of its ownership changes the building has been considerably altered, with only the east and south wings retaining their original appearance.
Assistant: 因此该建筑已经变化甚多,只有东翼和南翼保留了原貌。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: We have lost a great friend and colleague.
Assistant: 我们失去了一位伟大的球员和最好的朋友。
User: 25 June – The Korean War begins.
Assistant: 6月25日——朝鲜战争爆发。
User: The age of consent in Anguilla is 16.
Assistant: 安圭拉的最低合法性交年龄为16岁。
User: The publication of the Robbins Report on Higher Education in 1963, which considered the question of university education expansion throughout the country, provided impetus to the movement to attain independent university status for Dundee.
Assistant: 1963年发表的关于高等教育的《罗宾斯报告》探讨了在全英国扩展大学教育的问题,为杜迪大学提升到独立大学地位提供了动量。
User: The longer hull allowed room for two additional watertight compartments, which brought the number up to 15 from the original 13.
Assistant: 更长的船体为两个额外的水密舱室留出了空间,数量从原来的13个增加至15个。
User: Some inspiration was taken from writings by two of the Tibhirine monks, Christian de Chergé and Christophe Lebreton.
Assistant: 部分剧作的灵感是来自两位提比邻修士Christian de Chergé 和 Christophe Lebreton。
User: In real analysis the Heine–Borel theorem, named after Eduard Heine and Émile Borel, states: For a subset S of Euclidean space Rn, the following two statements are equivalent: S is closed and bounded S is compact, that is, every open cover of S has a finite subcover.
Assistant: 在数学分析中,海涅-博雷尔定理(Heine–Borel theorem)或有限覆盖定理、博雷尔-勒贝格定理(Borel–Lebesgue theorem),以爱德华·海涅(英语:Eduard Heine) 和埃米尔·博雷尔命名,断言: 对于欧几里得空间 Rn 的子集 S,下列两个陈述是等价的: S 是闭合并且有界的 所有 S 的开覆盖有有限子覆盖,就是说 S 是紧致的。
User: Faraday's law is used for measuring the flow of electrically conductive liquids and slurries.
Assistant: 法拉第定律可被用于量度导电液体或浆状物的流动。
User: Even though the stadium was originally built to be a football venue, over the past few years it has been increasingly used to host international cricket matches.
Assistant: 虽然法托达体育场原本目的是作为一座足球场地,但在过去几年中,体育场开始举办越来越多地国际级板球比赛。
User: Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, its focus has returned to expeditionary operations around the world and remains one of the world's foremost blue-water navies.
Assistant: 苏联解体之后,皇家海军重新成为远征作战部队,活跃于全球范围,并仍旧是世界最为强大的蓝水海军之一。
User: They analyze business prospects with their financial skills in valuing or discounting risky future cash flows, and apply their pricing expertise from insurance to other lines of business.
Assistant: 他们运用财务知识评估、贴现未来现金流风险,分析可能的商业前景,而很多精算师也将保险定价专长运用到其他行业里去。
User: Kate Croy and Merton Densher are two betrothed Londoners who desperately want to marry but have very little money.
Assistant: 凯特·克罗伊和默顿·登谢是一对迫切想要结婚的伦敦情侣,但却因穷困潦倒无法结婚。
User: Verbal irony is distinguished from situational irony and dramatic irony in that it is produced intentionally by speakers.
Assistant: 语言式反讽跟情景式和戏剧性反讽的不同在于语言式反讽是说话的人有意识造成的。
User: The early Arab army mainly consisted of camel-mounted infantry, alongside a few Bedouin cavalry.
Assistant: 早期的阿拉伯军队是由骑骆驼的步兵和少量贝都因骑兵组成的。 |
User: 请将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow New generation of CZ 75 SP-01 pistol especially adapted according to suggestions as proposed by users from communities worldwide, with an additional input from the Team CZ shooters Angus Hobdell and Adam Tyc.
Assistant: CZ 75 SP-01暗影型 第二代CZ 75 SP-01手枪,根据全球各个执法机关、军队和警察的用户社群提出的建议,以及采纳了来自CZ射手团队成员安格斯·可伦布和亚当·季奇的额外建议所改进而成。
User: Calculus provides tools, especially the limit and the infinite series, that resolve the paradoxes.
Assistant: 微积分提供了工具,特别是极限和无穷级数,以解决该些悖论。
User: It also led to a mathematical formulation of the concept of entropy by Clausius, and to the introduction of laws of radiant energy by Jožef Stefan.
Assistant: 另外也导出了克劳修斯所提出的熵的数学公式,以及由Joef Stefan提出的辐射能的定律。
User: On 30 June the Roman Assembly met and debated three options: to surrender; to continue fighting in the streets of Rome; to retreat from Rome and continue the resistance from the Apennine mountains.
Assistant: 在6月30日,罗马人们开会并在议会中讨论了三个选项:一个是投降,一个是继续进行巷战,还有一个是撤离罗马,并在亚平宁的山地继续抵抗。
User: Aharon Reuven Bernzweig related that an Arab named Haj Eissa El Kourdieh saved a group of 33 Jews after he insisted they hide in his cellar.
Assistant: Aharon Reuven Bernzweig提到,一个名为Haj Eissa El Kourdieh的阿拉伯人坚持要犹太人躲在他家的地窖,一共救了33个犹太人。
User: The organization was founded by Earl Lincoln Poole and Harold Morris in Berks County, Pennsylvania.
Assistant: 俱乐部的创始人是Earl Lincoln Poole和宾夕法尼亚州伯克县的哈罗德·莫里斯。
User: The Debye model correctly predicts the low temperature dependence of the heat capacity, which is proportional to T 3 {\displaystyle T^{3}} – the Debye T3 law.
Assistant: 德拜模型正确地预言了低温时固体的热容:与 T 3 {\displaystyle T^{3}} 成正比(德拜 T 3 {\displaystyle T^{3}} 定律)。
User: Shepard, Antonioni, Italian filmmaker Franco Rossetti, Antonioni's frequent collaborator screenwriter Tonino Guerra and Clare Peploe (later to become the wife of Bernardo Bertolucci), worked on the screenplay.
Assistant: 谢泼德、安东尼奥尼、意大利电影制片人佛朗哥·罗塞蒂、与安东尼奥尼频繁合作的编剧托尼·诺格拉以及克莱尔·佩普洛(后来成为贝纳多·贝托鲁奇的妻子),都参与了电影剧本的制作。
User: The ground plan is located between the Mosel river and the mountains, so that all rooms within the building – as in English country houses - are along a corridor.
Assistant: 城堡依山傍水,紧邻摩泽尔河,这样可以让所有的房间都在大楼里,像英国乡村的别墅,形成长长的走廊格局。
User: The gate was once the Lahore's original "Delhi Gate," and the city's main entry-point.
Assistant: 这座城门曾是拉合尔最初的德里门所在地和进入拉合尔城的主要入口。
User: After the war, the dispute was resumed.
Assistant: 抗战胜利后,恢复。
User: In this context many management fads may have had more to do with pop psychology than with scientific theories of management.
Assistant: 在此背景下,管理学的许多时尚理论更多的与大众心理学相关,而非管理学的科学理论。
User: The two sides commemorated their dead in very different ways.
Assistant: 双方纪念死者的方式更是大相径庭。
User: They were married on September 7, 1963, in Baltimore, Maryland, at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen.
Assistant: 1963年9月7日,他们在马里兰州巴尔的摩的玛丽女王大教堂举行了婚礼。
User: Two groups of scientists independently discovered the animals in 1985, and, once they learnt of each other's work, agreed to work together on the paper describing the new order.
Assistant: 有两组科学家于1985年独立发现了这个目的生物,并在知道对方的研究后,同意合作撰写发表此目物种的论文。
User: By 1916, thirteen German light cruisers had been lost in the course of World War I; after they were commissioned, the ships of the Königsberg class took the names of four of these lost cruisers.
Assistant: 至1916年,德国在第一次世界大战期间已损失了十三艘小巡洋舰;于是当柯尼斯堡级舰只入役后,便选取了其中四艘已故巡洋舰的名称命名。
User: Thailand is the world's second-largest exporter of gypsum (after Canada), although government policy limits gypsum exports to support prices.
Assistant: 泰国是世界上石膏第二大出口国,仅次于加拿大,政府推出政策限制出口以防止降价。
User: On the Western Front the small improvised trenches of the first few months rapidly grew deeper and more complex, gradually becoming vast areas of interlocking defensive works.
Assistant: 西线战场,头几个月挖掘的小型临时战壕很快变得深且复杂,逐渐变成大面积防守工事。
User: He officially retired in 1991 as General.
Assistant: 1991年,他作为少将退役。
User: AsteroidOS is an open source operating system designed for smartwatches.
Assistant: AsteroidOS是一个为智能手表设计的开放源代码操作系统。
User: For this statement, Galloway was fired at the demand of the Jordanian government.
Assistant: 消息说,哈格尔的这一表示,是应日本政府的要求作出的。
User: Secondly the notion of compartmentalization described the degree to which the use of different varieties were either set off from each other as discrete systems in interaction (e.g. diglossia where varieties correspond to specific social contexts, or multilingualism where varieties correspond to discrete social groups within the community) or whether they are habitually mixed in interaction (e.g. code-switching, bilingualism, syncretic language).
Assistant: 其次,“划分”的概念描述了不同变种在相互作用中作为离散系统彼此抵消的程度(例如:由特定社会背景所形成的双语或多种语言变种、社区内离散社会群体所形成的变种) 或者他们是否习惯性地在互动中混合语言(例如:语码转换、双语、融合语言)。
User: Many of the brighter blazars were first identified, not as powerful distant galaxies, but as irregular variable stars in our own galaxy.
Assistant: 许多明亮的耀变体最初都被鉴定归类为银河系中的不规则变星,而非耀眼的遥远星系。
User: Generally, recent authors have tended to place large Neogene pseudotooth bird fossils from the Atlantic in Pelagornis, and those from the North Pacific in Osteodontornis.
Assistant: 一般来说,近期的学者都倾向将大西洋巨大新近纪的伪齿鸟科分类到Pelagornis,而将北太平洋的分类到骨齿鸟属中。 |
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
He is currently on the WellRED Comedy Tour with fellow comedians and writing partners Drew Morgan and Corey Ryan Forrester.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover worked to introduce efficiency, by regulating business practices.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:商务部长赫伯特·胡佛 (Herbert Hoover) 通过治理商业活动,致力于提高效率。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Louane's father, Jean-Pierre Peichert, was French, son of a Polish mother and German father.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
露安的父亲让-皮埃尔·派切尔特(Jean-Pierre Peichert)是一名德国父亲和一名波兰母亲的儿子。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
A new shooter/owner of a Cooey model 84/840 should get the chamber measured for the proper size of shot shell by a professional gunsmith since most of the older 84 series guns were chambered for 2 3/4" shot shells (except .410 bores), while the 840 series was chambered for the larger and more powerful 3" shot shells.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 一名库伊M84/M840的射击新手或是持有者应该由专业的枪匠(英语:Gunsmith)作膛室测量以找出散弹药筒的适当尺寸,因为大多数较为旧式的84系列枪械都只能装填23⁄4英寸散弹药筒(除了.410 bore),而840系列才是设计上用以装填更长而火力更强大的3英寸散弹药筒的枪型。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
For example: assert(x == y); But this syntax fails to produce a sufficiently good error message if 'x' and 'y' are not equal.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 例如: assert(x == y); 但是在这种语法下,如果“x”和“y”的是不相等的,产生错误信息不够好——如果错误消息中显示“x”和“y”的值就更好了。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Some poets rejected Rong, seeing seclusion as a cheap escape from recent misfortune and responsibility.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 一些诗人不认同荣启期的哲学,将隐居看作廉价的摆脱不幸和责任的手段。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
They were part of the original city markets—designed by city architect C.Broderick—which were bounded by Hay Street, Quay Street and Thomas Street.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 外墙是原本的市场的一部分——城市设计师C.Broderick所设计的——由禧街,码头街和汤马士街围成。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
A graphologist confirmed the handwriting on the form for the telegram sent to Kaye’s sister matched that on menus Mancini had written at the Skylark café.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:笔迹鉴证结果证实Kaye妹妹所收电报上的笔迹,与Mancini写在Skylark咖啡馆菜单上的笔迹一致。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
For larger games, the producer will seek the assistance of the lead programmer, art lead, game designer and testing lead.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Nixon and Brezhnev proclaimed a new era of "peaceful coexistence".
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:尼克松和勃列日涅夫宣布双边关系进入“和平共处”的新时代。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The Mahale mountains were traditionally inhabited by the Batongwe and Holoholo people, with populations in 1987 of 22,000 and 12,500 respectively.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 马哈勒山脉传统上由Batongwe和Holoholo人居住,1987年的人口分别为22,000人和12,500人。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Elbing had a standard crew of twenty-one officers and 421 enlisted men, though this was expanded in wartime.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Right now you work for me and I ain't in the mood to retire.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:There, Jennifer Jones was awarded Best Actress honors for The Song of Bernadette which also won for Best Film, while Paul Lukas took home Best Actor laurels for Watch on the Rhine.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
当时,珍妮花·钟丝因电影“The Song of Bernadette”获最佳女演员奖,该片同时也赢得了最佳影片奖,而保罗·卢卡斯则因"Watch on the Rhine"获最佳男演员奖。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Some 20th-century ethnologists, like Julian Steward, have instead argued that such similarities reflected similar adaptations to similar environments.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
一些二十世纪的民族学家,如朱利安·史都华(Julian Steward)接下来主张,这些相似性反映着对于类似环境的类似适应方式。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The cause for this continuing development is proposed to be an ongoing experience with faces.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:这种持续发展的原因被认为是一种持续的面孔经验。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:During the congressional investigations, some passengers testified that during the voyage they heard Ismay pressuring Captain Edward J. Smith to go faster, in order to arrive in New York ahead of schedule and generate some free press about the new liner.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Around 100 research projects at the faculty are sponsored by industry and national and international foundations.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The fish has a dedicated online database of genetic, genomic, and developmental information, the Zebrafish Information Network (ZFIN).
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 该品种鱼目前已有特有的线上数据库,包括遗传学数据库、基因组学数据库、发育信息数据库、斑马鱼信息网(英语:Zebrafish Information Network) (Zebrafish Information Network,简称ZFIN)。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Early Greek writing in the Greek alphabet was phonemic, different in each dialect.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
He has not been influenced by other video game composers, though he claims to admire Hitoshi Sakimoto, whom he worked with at Square.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
In database theory circles, the original proposal of Codd (1975, 1979) is now referred to as "Codd tables".
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
在数据库理论界,Codd最初的建议(1975,1979)现在被称为“Codd tables”。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
At the age of seven, he appeared as a student in a Harlem classroom in Spike Lee's 1992 feature film Malcolm X, which starred Washington's father in the title role.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
9岁时,他出现在史派克·李的电影《黑潮麦尔坎》(1992年)中(哈林教室一景),该片由华盛顿的父亲主演。 |
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: According to Robert McChesney, healthy journalism in a democratic country must provide an opinion of people in power and who wish to be in power, must include a range of opinions and must regard the informational needs of all people.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:根据罗伯特·W·麦切斯尼(英语:Robert W. McChesney)所述,民主国家健康的新闻需要提供当权者的意见,也需要提供想要执政者的意见,需要有各方面的意见,考虑所有人资讯的需求。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The major functions of these lining cells are the reabsorption of water and small molecules from the filtrate into the blood, and the secretion of wastes from the blood into the urine.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 这些衬细胞的主要功能是将由滤液进入血液的水及小分子,并及从血液进入尿液的废物分泌进而再吸收。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: They are arranged in a larger star that has six points.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: In the course of the engagement, Leipzig hit Cornwall eighteen times, causing a significant list to port.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在交战的过程中,莱比锡号十八次命中康沃尔号,导致对方显著左倾。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Mac OS X v10.0 was the first completed release of Mac OS X. It became available in March 2001.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
Mac OS X v10.0是第一个完成发布的Mac OS X ,发布于2001年3月。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Some think it is a distortion of betonica.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The datasheet was created "as a lark" by Signetics engineer John G 'Jack' Curtis and was inspired by a fictitious and humorous vacuum tube datasheet from the 1940s.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
只写存储器的数据手册是西格尼蒂克的工程师John G ‘Jack’ Curtis受到四十年代一些虚构幽默的真空管数据手册笑话的启发,而开玩笑而创作的。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
The ostensible reason was to see singer Frank Sinatra perform.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
He, however, suggested that Conan's story can be viewed as an analogy of Christ's life and vice versa.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The rebels claimed to have killed 70 soldiers and pro-government militiamen in the previous two days of clashes, while the government reported 14 rebel vehicles were destroyed and an army officer stated that they killed 33 rebels, wounded 15 and captured 145 in the day's fighting in the Qaboun area, where the majority of opposition forces were reportedly.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:反对派宣布他们在16日打死了超过70名政府军与亲政府民兵,叙政府称摧毁了14辆反对派的车辆,一名叙军军官称他们在Qaboun地区的战斗中打死了33名、打伤15名、以及俘虏145名反对派。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The sense of shock prompted Gacy to call his mother the next day and ask whether his father would allow him to return home.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 这次经历让盖西给他妈妈打电话,并且问他的父亲能不能允许他回家。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Nevertheless, the role of censorship, state-based or otherwise, is still perhaps the most frequent theme explored in the work.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:不敢怎样,审查制度的作用,无论是基于国家的还是其它的,都是小说最常常谈论的主题。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The series consists of only one standalone novel.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Redevelopment never occurred, and the remnant circulation dissipated near Havana, Cuba on August 6.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The next day, Filmmaker Jake Wilson uploaded a gay parody of the music video using the hashtag, which drew the attention of some blogs and the artist herself.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
翌日,导演杰克·威森上载了一部音乐录影带的同性恋戏仿版本,并加入了主题标签,这引起了一些博客和黎波的注意。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本
User: Per capita income is often used to measure a country's standard of living.
Assistant: 人均收入通常用来衡量一个地区收入的平均值。
User: GameZone's Natalie Romano gave the game an 8/10, saying it is "An impressive game true to the series, Assassin's Creed II: Discovery is actually an entertaining title that makes the best companion to the console version.
Assistant: GameZone的娜塔莉·罗曼诺给本作打出8分(满分10分),她说本作是“刺客信条系列中确实令人印象深刻的一款游戏,《刺客信条II:探索》实际上是成为电子游戏主机版本最佳伴侣的一个有趣标题。
User: He was fond of using elegant, if extremely complex, mathematical techniques to demonstrate physical principles, though he was sometimes criticized for making mathematical mistakes, presumably out of haste.
Assistant: 他喜欢用极其复杂却有十分优雅的数学方法来证明物理原理,但他往往会因为性急而犯下数学错误。
User: The AFP 2.x family supports both TCP/IP (using Data Stream Interface) and AppleTalk for communication and service discovery.
Assistant: AFP 2.x家族支持TCP/IP(使用数据流接口(英语:Data Stream Interface))和AppleTalk用于通信和服务发现。
User: Despite the station's name, there are no entrances on Lafayette Avenue; the nearest entrance is a block away.
Assistant: 虽然站名如此,但车站在拉法叶大道没有任何入口,最近的入口位于一街之隔。
User: After this string of victories, the Vendeans turned to a protracted siege of Nantes, for which they were unprepared and which stalled their momentum, giving the government in Paris sufficient time to send more troops and experienced generals.
Assistant: 在这一轮胜利之后,旺代转向长期围困南特,因缺乏足够准备,功势受到阻碍,反而给巴黎政府足够的时间派遣更多的部队和具经验的将领。
User: Stanley, as Port Jackson was soon renamed, officially became the seat of government in 1845.
Assistant: 杰克逊港不久后更名为斯坦利,并在1845年正式成为政府所在地。
User: The Texas Department of Transportation closed numerous roads due to flooding from the precipitation, including a portion of U.S. Route 385 near Levelland.
Assistant: 降雨引发的洪水导致多条道路被淹,德克萨斯州交通部因此封闭了多条道路,其中包括385号美国国道接近霍克利县莱弗兰(Levelland)的部段。
User: For several months, the family does not get any news about him.
Assistant: 几乎一整年他没有向家里告诉任何消息。
User: Give me ten seconds.
Assistant: 赐绫帛六十段等。
User: The band released Out of the Vein in 2003 and Ursa Major in 2009, with only Jenkins and Hargreaves as the remaining core members.
Assistant: 乐团在经历多次成员变更与冲突后,在2003年与2009年发布了专辑《Out of the Vein》及《Ursa Major》,而Jenkins和Hargreaves是这段时间剩下来的核心成员。
User: On August 12, 1974, the three designers were at the Philadelphia Mint, where they ceremonially operated the presses to strike the first coins bearing their designs.
Assistant: 1974年8月12日,3位设计师都来到费城铸币局,亲手操作压制机,压制首枚承载有各自设计方案的硬币。
User: In Commonwealth countries, notably Singapore, Canada and Australia, they occur on national days and occasionally on anniversaries.
Assistant: 英联邦的国家,特别是新加坡、加拿大及澳大利亚,常在国庆时出现空中分列。
User: Gold was discovered in 1885 and by 1887, the town's population had reached 7,000.
Assistant: 当1885年及1887年在当地发现金矿后,市镇的人口上升至7,000人。
User: And that faith has kindled in our hearts a flame no enemy will be able to extinguish.
Assistant: 玄擅出于是,玄有汲黯忧民之心,后不以为常。
User: At least 130,000 first class letters were opened and photographed by the FBI from 1940 to 1966.
Assistant: 至少有130,000封一级信在1940到1966年期间被联邦调查局开封拍照。
User: The EP was reissued on 18 February 2008 through Peaceville Records.
Assistant: EP 之后在2008年2月18日由 Peaceville Records 重新发行。
User: In contrast, when the Sun is at 90° from the Moon as viewed from Earth, the combined gravitational effect on tides is less causing the lower "neap tides".
Assistant: 反之,当太阳与月球成90°角时,相对的引力效应就会减小,形成小潮(neap tide)。
User: Beginning in 2017 the Official Charts Company changed its methodology for calculating the Top 40, intending to more accurately reflect the rise in music streaming.
Assistant: 2017年起,公司改变了榜单前40名的计算方法,旨在更准确反映流媒体在音乐产业占比上升。
User: Ricciardo made the switch on lap 24, but Hamilton stayed out, opting to remain on the wet tyre until the track dried out enough to go straight to slicks.
Assistant: 里卡多在第24圈进站,但汉米尔顿依旧留在场上,选择继续使用这套雨胎,待赛道变干后直接更换光头胎。
User: Greece is a country in southeastern Europe.
Assistant: 塞尔维亚是一个位于东南欧的国家。
User: Another notable application of crowdsourcing to government problem solving is the Peer to Patent Community Patent Review project for the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Assistant: 另一项令人注目的众包解决政府问题的应用是由美国专利和商标办公室开展的Peer to Patent Community Patent Review项目。
User: Hydrochloric and nitric acids dissolve uranium, but non-oxidizing acids other than hydrochloric acid attack the element very slowly.
Assistant: 氢氯酸和硝酸能溶解铀,而除氢氯酸外的非氧化性酸对铀的侵蚀则很慢。
User: In 1147 Manuel was faced with war by Roger II of Sicily, whose fleet had captured the Byzantine island of Corfu and plundered Thebes and Corinth.
Assistant: 1147年,曼努埃尔迎战了西西里的罗杰二世,后者派兵夺取了拜占廷的科孚岛并洗劫了底比斯和科林斯。
User: December 27: Thirty-nine deputies of the Assembly, who are also clergymen, take an oath of allegiance to the government.
Assistant: 十二月二十七日:议会中三十九名教士议员宣誓效忠政府。
User: Structures such as government policy have been held by some commentators to mask the ways adults abuse and exploit children, resulting in child poverty, lack of educational opportunities, and child labour.
Assistant: 而政府颁布的政策也被一些所谓评论人士粉饰太平,以掩饰成年人压榨、虐待儿童的方式,这导致儿童贫困、童工、和缺乏受教育权利的现象之泛滥。
User: The main unit of Aztec political organization was the city state, in Nahuatl called the altepetl, meaning "water-mountain".
Assistant: 阿兹特克政治上的主要组织单位是阿尔特佩特尔(altepetl),本义为“水岭”,意译作城邦。
User: In 2007, the game won the "Innovation Award" and "Best Game Design" at the Game Developers Choice Awards, and won "Grand Prize" in the entertainment division of the Japan Media Arts Festival.
Assistant: 2007年,游戏在游戏开发者优选奖(Interactive Achievement Awards)中获得“创新奖”和“最佳游戏设计奖”,并在日本文化厅媒体艺术祭游戏部门上赢得“最优秀大赏”。
User: Winds unroofed houses at Port Isabel and destroyed some Mexican huts.
Assistant: 大风掀开了卡梅伦县伊莎贝尔港多所房屋的屋顶,还摧毁了一些墨西哥居民的木屋。
User: In total there were 55 heads of state, 14 members of royal families, 11 prime ministers, 19 deputy heads of state and other officials present, all of which required placing Tokyo under an unprecedented blanket of security.
Assistant: 官方邀请参加昭和天皇葬礼的客人有一万人,包括来自163个国家和27个国际组织的外宾,其中有55名国家元首、14名皇室成员、11名总理、19名副职首脑及其他官员,这使得东京不得不采取前所未有的高级别安全措施。
User: But at the same time, Museveni admonished Ugandans to avoid "sectarian" allegiances, and this warning was directed at the Islamic community as well as other ethnic and religious groups.
Assistant: 但在同一时间,穆塞韦尼告诫乌干达避免“宗派”的忠诚,而这个警告是针对伊斯兰社区和其他族裔和宗教群体。
User: The Orange County Commuter made a single weekday round-trip, departing San Juan Capistrano in the morning and returning in the evening.
Assistant: 橙县通勤当时一天只有一班往返;早上离开圣胡安-卡皮斯特拉诺并在晚上返回。
User: Microsoft PhotoDraw 2000 was released in 1999 along with Microsoft Office 2000 Premium and Developer, but came separately on 2 CDs.
Assistant: PhotoDraw在1999年随Microsoft Office 2000 Premium发售,但被分别装在两张光盘中。
User: As regards computer systems, the original 1963 version of the ASCII standard reserved the code point 5Ehex for an up-arrow (↑).
Assistant: 到了电脑时代,1963年的原版 ASCII 标准预留了 5Ehex 码位用作上箭头 (↑)。
User: For certain applications, such as dictation, special cassettes containing leaderless tapes were made, typically with stronger material and for use in machines that had more sophisticated end-of-tape prediction.
Assistant: 例如听写等一些特定应用的磁带使用无引带磁带,它们通常使用更牢固的磁带材料并于带有复杂的末端预测机构的机器上使用。
User: Deficiencies in seaworthiness in turn reduced the battle-worthiness of the fleet.
Assistant: 适航能力上的缺陷反过来对舰队的战斗能力产生不利影响。
User: She gained notoriety and publicity for setting up refuges by squatting, most notably in 1975 at the Palm Court Hotel in Richmond.
Assistant: 她通过占屋建立避难所,她的名声由此“臭名昭著”,最著名的是1975年强占伦敦里士满的棕榈阁酒店(Palm Court Hotel)。 |
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The problem would be solved by building a rail system.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
During the Mahathir administration in 1987, several DAP leaders, including Parliamentary Opposition Leader Lim Kit Siang, were detained by the government without trial during Operation Lalang, under the accusation of being a national security threat.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The Barbary pirates took the opportunity to return to their practice of attacking American and European merchant vessels in the Mediterranean Sea and holding the crews for ransom.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:About 200 mud houses, including some government offices, were reported damaged in the Dalbandin area of Pakistan.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: When the method call site is reached during execution, it just calls the address in the cache.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 当在执行期间到达方法调用站点时,它只调用缓存中的地址。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:DNA analysis of blood on a left-hand glove, found outside Brown's home, showed that it was a mixture of Simpson's, Brown's, and Goldman's blood.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Vivaldi supports both reading and writing MHTML files by toggling the "vivaldi://flags/#save-page-as-mhtml" option.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In 1919 the anti-war socialists were heavily defeated in elections.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Bio of A Space Tyrant series (1983–2001) by Piers Anthony.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
皮尔斯·安东尼(Piers Anthony)所创作的小说《太空暴君系列》(1983年- 2001年)。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Mister Majestic (Lord Majestros): Another Kherubim warlord who is one of four that had been stuck on Earth.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
直助 权兵卫(直助 権兵卫(なおすけ ごんべえ),声优:园部启一) 以前在四谷家帮佣的男人。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The Fuel Cell Bus Club is a global cooperative effort in trial fuel cell buses.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 燃料电池巴士俱乐部(英语:Fuel Cell Bus Club)是一个全球性的合作努力,在试验的燃料电池公共汽车。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Rupert set out from Shrewsbury with a small force on 16 May.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:In this text, al-Idrisi wrote the following on the Atlantic Ocean: The Commander of the Muslims Ali ibn Yusuf ibn Tashfin sent his admiral Ahmad ibn Umar, better known under the name of Raqsh al-Auzz to attack a certain island in the Atlantic, but he died before doing that.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:在该文本中,伊德里西写下了关于大西洋的如下内容: 穆斯林们的指挥官阿里·伊本·优素福·伊本·塔什芬派他的舰队司令艾哈迈德·伊本·乌马尔──更有名的名字是拉克什·奥兹──去攻击大西洋中的某一座岛屿,但是他在如此做之前就死了。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:On 9 October 2006, North Korea's Korean Central News Agency announced that it had successfully conducted an underground nuclear test.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是: 2006年10月9日,朝鲜官方朝鲜中央通讯社宣布朝鲜已成功地进行了地下核试验。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The European Parliament shares the legislative and budgetary authority of the Union with the Council.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 欧洲议会(European Parliament)与欧盟理事会共同拥有立法及财政预算的权力。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
There were no rounds and boxers fought until one of them acknowledged defeat or could not continue.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Substances with LD50 above 2 g/kg are considered non-toxic.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
LD50大于2 g/kg可认为无毒。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Thus, this made the activity public under section 106.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In the United Kingdom, the standard term for UK time when advanced by one hour is British Summer Time (BST), and British English typically inserts summer into other time zone names, e.g. Central European Time (CET) becomes Central European Summer Time (CEST).
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:在英国,实施夏令时后的当地时间被称作英国夏令时间(British Summer Time,缩写BST),而一年中的其他时候应英国当地时间一般被称作格林尼治标准时间(Greenwich Mean Time,缩写GMT)。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: Mighty No. 9 was highly anticipated after it was announced, but lengthy delays and Comcept's decision to fund another project, Red Ash: The Indelible Legend, through Kickstarter were met with accusations of mismanagement.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
《无敌9号》在首次公开后就收到了极大的关注,但是随着多次延期以及Comcept在延期期间又推出的另一个类似的众筹项目《红烬(英语:Red Ash: The Indelible Legend)》,使得游戏受到了管理不善等指责的声音。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
At one time there were complaints about disease and children dying.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: If it detects that the program has tried to hook into DOS, it will jump back into the 16-bit code to let the hook run.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 若查到此程序尝试挂接到DOS,管理器将跳转到16位代码以让此挂接得以进行。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
This verb has two basic meanings.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:这个动词有两个基本意义。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The W-33/W-34 series also set multiple aviation "firsts" including records for flight duration, flight distance, altitude, rocket assisted take-off and inflight refueling between 1926 and 1930.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: United States Air Force General Curtis LeMay updated the concept for the nuclear age.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
He appeared in more than 110 films between 1947 and 1991, and directed four films.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 他于1947年至1991年之间总共演出了多过110部电影以及执导了四部电影。 |
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The introduction of packet switched networks, softswitch technology, and server-based applications the past two decades fundamentally altered how LI is undertaken.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
在过去的二十年中,随着分组交换网络(packet switched networks),软交换(softswitch)技术,以及“基于服务器的应用”(server-based applications)的引入,从根本上改变了合法监听的实现方式。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
He helped found the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In 1964 he returned to Moscow as the Bishop of Dmitrov and rector of the Moscow Theological Academy and Seminary.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
At least two states, Kentucky and California, have even moved towards demetrication of highway construction projects.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:至少有两个州份,肯塔基和加利福尼亚,甚至已在公路建设项目上朝向“去公制化”(demetrication)进发。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: On December 11, 2017, Microsoft released Q# as a part of the Quantum Development Kit.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:2017年12月11日,微软将Q#作为量子开发套件的一部分正式发布。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: The monastery remains active today and serves as a popular destination of tourism and pilgrimage.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:修道院今天仍然活跃,是旅游和朝圣的热门目的地。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:British newspapers The Guardian and The Times both gave the film four out of five stars.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
As such, Radio Tirana kept close to the official policy of the People's Republic of China, which was also both anti-West and anti-Soviet whilst still being socialist in tone.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Moving in a straight line uphill becomes arduous or, occasionally, impossible, particularly for non-motorized wheeled means of transport.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: This was the intellectual foundation of the field they called the social construction of technology.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Two seconds of thinking time was given to each move.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 每一步棋有两秒的思考时间。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: The inaugural performance of Bellini's Bianca e Fernando took place on 7 April 1828, even though the structure and decoration were not quite finished.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Specifically, the status of torturers under the law of the United States, as determined by a famous legal decision in 1980, Filártiga v. Peña-Irala, 630 F.2d 876 (2d Cir.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
值得注意的是,就美国法律下关于施虐者的身份定义,是由1980年一个有名的判决而来,Filártiga v. Peña-Irala,630 F.2d 876 (1980)。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
German coins bear a mint mark, indicating where the coin was minted.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:A prize ship captured by a belligerent in the territorial waters of a neutral power must be surrendered by the belligerent to the neutral, which must intern its crew.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:交战一方在中立国领水内捕获的船只必须交给该中立国,该中立国必须拘留船上人员。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Avoid twisting movements of the body.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 扭曲身体摆动的打法。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
It became rare towards the end of the 19th century and by 1915 was thought to be possibly extinct.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Beatrice and the Empire mourned Frederick's demise, but after several days the emperor appeared at the gates of Pavia.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:As pain medications are only somewhat effective, expectations regarding their benefit may differ from reality, and this can lead to decreased satisfaction.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
It is a minor pest on green gram.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Indirect taxes a.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:April 6 – The Trump administration imposes sanctions on seven Russian oligarchs and 17 senior government officials, accusing them of "malign activity around the globe".
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Plants that flower in response to photoperiod may have a facultative or obligate response.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The pouring tube extends to the bottom of the ladle so that the material being pushed into the mold is exceptionally clean.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Rollo was born in the mid 9th century; his place of birth is unknown.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:In 1919, after the war, the men took part in a parade through the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin to celebrate their service and that of their ship.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Jung became the first Chinese Canadian Member of Parliament.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Software is also frequently employed to produce and decode Morse code radio signals.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:计算机软件也经常被用来生成和解码摩尔斯码电波信号。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The cross on top was also restored.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
In the trusted default path /lib, and then /usr/lib.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Curious Sydney.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Ferrari F355 GTS: Featured in GoldenEye.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
法拉利F355 GTS —出现于电影“黄金眼”。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: The Chernobyl Shelter Fund (CSF) was set up in December 1997 with the purpose of funding the Shelter Implementation Plan (SIP).
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
切尔诺贝尔基金(英语:Chernobyl Shelter Fund,CSF),设于1997年12月,旨在为遮蔽执行计划(Shelter Implementation Plan,SIP)筹集资金。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
But in trans men, some hormonally-induced changes may become virtually irreversible within weeks, whereas trans women usually have to take hormones for many months before any irreversible changes will result.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:According to government estimates, 187 people were killed and 437 wounded.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In 1714, 6,000 Hessians were rented to Sweden for its war with Russia whilst 12,000 Hessians were hired by George I of Great Britain in 1715 to combat the Jacobite Rebellion. ...
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
1714年,有6,000名黑森佣兵受瑞典雇用前往加入瑞典对俄罗斯的战争,随后的1715年有12,000人受雇于乔治一世以镇压詹姆斯党叛乱(Jacobite Rebellion)。 |
User: 请将以下内容从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: Apollo 17 panoramic camera image Exploring Shorty crater during the Apollo 17 mission to the Moon.
Assistant: 阿波罗17号全景相机照片 阿波罗17号登月期间对矮子月坑的探索。
User: He derives the curved (curvus) vault of the heavens from the Latin word for "upside-down" (conversus).
Assistant: 离散盘天体的轨道对黄道面有着高度的倾斜,甚至于垂直黄道面。
User: Scientists suggest that this shark at least reached 9.1 metres (30 ft) in total length (TL), with a maximum length of 12.2 metres (40 ft).
Assistant: 因此科学家认为耳齿鲨的全长至少有 9.1米(30英尺),最长可达 12.2米(40英尺)。
User: In the mid-1980s, McBride moved to Atlanta, where she still lives.
Assistant: 在1980年的中期,麦克布莱德搬到亚特兰大定居,直至今日她仍旧住在亚特兰大。
User: In 2014 company launched Online TrainingTM, a remote EASA Part-147-compliant training program, based on visually enhanced materials available online.
Assistant: 2014年,基于线上可利用的视觉增强材料,公司推出了远程EASA(欧洲航空安全局) Part-147合规培训计划,Online Training TM。
User: Julius defeats the hero and heroine, and heads off to the Mana Tree.
Assistant: Julius打败了男女英雄并前往玛娜圣树。
User: Argentine Finance Minister Luis Caputo managed at least two offshore wealth funds.
Assistant: 阿根廷财政部长路易斯·卡普托(英语:Luis Caputo)管有两家离岸资金。
User: It was disputed by 15 countries.
Assistant: 此外还对15名责任人做出了处理。
User: The player can get SOLL by selling unneeded items.
Assistant: 参加者则是能得到非卖品的海报。
User: The album's actual first-week sales were higher due to copies sold for $0.99 through a Microsoft promotion were not counted in accordance with the magazine's policy of not including sales priced under $3.99.
Assistant: 因售价不应低于$3.99的政策,透过微软推广渠道99美元促销的专辑没有计算在内。
User: The frequency of crises and the severity of the 1907 panic added to concern about the outsized role of J.P. Morgan and renewed impetus toward a national debate on reform.
Assistant: 危机发生如此频繁,1907年的危机又如此严重,人们开始担心J·P·摩根作为带领国家展开改革大讨论的新动力个人作用过大了。
User: A Cambodian horror film will generally feature a ghost story, old mythology and some form of revenge.
Assistant: 柬埔寨恐怖片通常会有鬼故事,旧神话和某种形式的报复。
User: Thus, a limited amount of mathematics had long related music and physical science, and young Galileo could see his own father's observations expand on that tradition.
Assistant: 因此,数学的一部分总是与音乐和物理科学有联系,年轻时代的伽利略可以从他父亲的观测中拓展这种传统。
User: It was directed by Brad Bird, who took over from Jan Pinkava in 2005.
Assistant: 本片由毕·贝特(Brad Bird)执导,他在2005年取代Jan Pinkava成为该片导演。
User: Trying to rebuild his life, Hal Jordan has moved to the nearly deserted Coast City, which is slowly being reconstructed.
Assistant: 为了开始他的新生活,他搬到几乎荒废但是逐渐开始重建的滨海城。
User: The score on a rating scale alone is insufficient to diagnose depression to the satisfaction of the DSM or ICD, but it provides an indication of the severity of symptoms for a time period, so a person who scores above a given cut-off point can be more thoroughly evaluated for a depressive disorder diagnosis.
Assistant: 单一评定量表的评分不能用来确诊抑郁症,但是它的确提供了关于一段时间内症状严重程度的指标,所以对于评分高于某一定点的人可以更多地考虑确诊为抑郁症。
User: A short while later, Peter Debye gave a quantitative theory of solid specific heats in terms of quantized oscillators with various frequencies (see Einstein solid and Debye model).
Assistant: 不久之后,彼得·德拜应用量子化谐振子和其各种频率,给出一个固体比热的数量理论(参阅爱因斯坦模型和德拜模型)。
User: As part of their integration into Mexican society, most Chinese adopted a Mexican first name then used their Chinese names as surnames, which was done by Chinese in many parts of Latin America.
Assistant: 作为在墨西哥社会消除其种族差别待遇的一部分,大多数华人都采用了一个墨西哥名,之后再使用他们的汉语名字为姓,并且拉丁美洲的许多地方的华人都是这么做的。
User: While it can be applied to most high-dimensional data sets, it has been most widely used in genomic applications.
Assistant: 它适用于高维度数据集,在基因组学领域应用的最为广泛。
User: The most powerful free-electron laser in the world has an output of over 14 kilowatts.
Assistant: 杰斐逊实验室拥有世界上功率最大的可调谐自由电子激光器,输出功率超过14千瓦。
User: The Grand Canyon scenes were actually filmed just south of Dead Horse Point State Park in Utah.
Assistant: 片中有关大峡谷的镜头实际上都是在犹他州死马点州立公园(英语:Dead Horse Point State Park)南部地区拍摄的。
User: The armed merchant cruisers (AMC) of the British Royal Navy were employed for convoy protection against enemy warships.
Assistant: 英国海军大量运用武装商船巡洋舰(英语:armed merchant cruisers, AMC)来保卫自己的海运,对抗交战国的作战舰艇。
User: Originally, the patches that make up SELinux had to be explicitly applied to the Linux kernel source; SELinux was merged into the Linux kernel mainline in the 2.6 series of the Linux kernel.
Assistant: 起初,组成SELinux的补丁只能通过明确添加在Linux内核源码中来工作;在2.6系列的Linux内核中SELinux已被整合入。
User: Southern politicians often exaggerated the number of escaped slaves and often blamed these escapes on Northerners interfering with Southern property rights.
Assistant: 南方政客常夸大了逃脱奴隶的数量,并将其怪罪于北方人对于南方产权的干涉。
User: Since 1951, Australia has been a formal military ally of the US, under the ANZUS treaty.
Assistant: 1951年,澳大利亚成为美国的正式盟友,并签订美澳新条约 (ANZUS)。
User: Software packages for Windows are also sometimes distributed as disk images including ISO images.
Assistant: 面向Windows的软件包有时也会使用磁盘映像为形式,例如ISO映像。
User: Those concern were raised in particular in connection with the 2009 Sayano–Shushenskaya Dam disaster.
Assistant: 该起事故类似于2009年俄罗斯的萨扬-舒申斯克水电站事故。
User: Saint Louis listed for disposal on 29 June 1931, but was not purchased, for 600,230 francs, until 24 May 1933.
Assistant: 最后法国海军在1931年6月29日才开始处理圣路易号出售程序,但直到1933年5月24日才以600,230法郎卖给拆船厂拆解。
User: Accordingly, in 1968, Hawker Siddeley Aviation (HSA) began studies for a simpler aircraft, initially as special project (SP) 117.
Assistant: 1968年,英国宇航公司(Hawker Siddeley)开始研制一种简单的设计,最初为项目117。
User: Sociologists, then, rightly connect their autobiographical, personal challenges to social institutions.
Assistant: 然后社会学家,将他们的个人经历和挑战与社会制度巧妙地联系起来。
User: Compounds where π backbonding occurs include Ni(CO)4 and Zeise's salt.
Assistant: 反馈π键的典型例子包括Ni(CO)4和蔡斯盐。
User: It is near the source of the Basento.
Assistant: 它位于靠近植物喷泉的地方。
User: These were the only two cities in Australia with television at the time.
Assistant: 这次选举是澳洲首个有电视转播的选举。
User: Martian meteorite – a meteorite that originated from Mars.
Assistant: Martian meteorite:火星陨石,起源于火星的陨石。
User: She died the following year of cholera, also in Shanghai.
Assistant: 不过次年她就因霍乱在上海去世。
User: It is also important to consider these measures because the collected data is not completely accurate.
Assistant: 当然这些数据也具有争议,因为大部分这些数据都不是官方数据。
User: The initial investigation suggested that the train was traveling at about 60 kilometres per hour (37 mph), which is above the 40 kilometres per hour (25 mph) speed limit.
Assistant: 最初调查显示列车以每小时60千米(37英里)的速度行进,超过每小时40千米(25英里)的限速。
User: This was not an easy decision - but it's the right one for me at this time.
Assistant: 这不是一个完美的决定,但这是一个最正确的决定,在当时是最正确的决定。
User: Snow falls once or twice a year.
Assistant: 韦里亚一年只会下一两次雪。
User: Examples of corporate tax rates for a few English-speaking countries include: Australia: 28.5%, however some specialized entities are taxed at lower rates.
Assistant: 以下是一些国家地区的公司税: 澳洲:28.5%,不过有些特例的税率会较低。 |
User: 将以下内容从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: Before the Second World War, Radbruch seems to have been a supporter of unconditional Legal Positivism, which demands a strict separation between law and morality.
Assistant: 二战之前,拉德布鲁赫似乎全盘支持法律实证主义,这一思想要求在法律和伦理之间划出严格的分界。
User: For example, the body of John Wycliff was exhumed years after his death and burned to ashes, with the ashes thrown in a river, explicitly as a posthumous punishment for his denial of the Roman Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation.
Assistant: 举例来说,威克里夫的遗体在死后几年后被挖出来火化,骨灰扔入河里,明确作为他否认罗马天主教教义的圣餐变体的死后惩罚。
User: They are very good guard dogs when trained to be so.
Assistant: 他们在服从测验中表现良好并且是优秀的向导犬。
User: Blogging has brought about new ways of writing diaries and from a linguistic perspective, the language used in blogs is "in its most 'naked' form", published for the world to see without undergoing the formal editing process.
Assistant: 博客被认为是新型的写日记方式,并且从语言学的角度来看,博客中所使用的语言处于“其最‘赤裸’的形式”,因为博客在没有经过正式的编辑过程便公开发表。
User: They even gathered around the bandstand to listen to this new music.
Assistant: 他还组建了很多乐团,以演出这些新音乐。
User: As the Greeks were still seen as the masters in this field, as in philosophy and most sciences, the leading Roman families often either sent their sons to study these things under a famous master in Greece (as was the case with the young Julius Caesar), or engaged a Greek teacher (underpay or as a slave).
Assistant: 鉴于古希腊人一直被认为是这方面的专家,罗马贵族家庭常常将自己家的儿子送入希腊著名的演说大师门下学习演讲技巧(比如尤利乌斯·凯撒)。
User: Successful candidates enter the next round.
Assistant: 通过海选的选手能进入到下一轮的初赛。
User: While the different NTFS versions are for the most part fully forward- and backward-compatible, there are technical considerations for mounting newer NTFS volumes in older versions of Microsoft Windows.
Assistant: 尽管绝大多数NTFS版本的绝大部分都完全向前以及向后兼容,但在旧版本的Microsoft Windows加载新版本的NTFS卷仍然会产生不少技术问题。
User: A large oil-painted portrait of Lydia still graces the foyer of the county courthouse.
Assistant: 丽迪娅的大型油画肖像仍然挂在县法院的门厅。
User: Richard Adams, a Filipino-American, and Tony Sullivan, an Australian national, met in 1971 when Sullivan was in the United States on a tourist visa.
Assistant: 菲律宾裔美国人理查·亚当斯(英语:Richard Adams (activist)),以及澳洲人东尼·苏利文,他们两个人在1971年相遇,当时苏利文使用旅游签证待在美国。
User: He will surely be a little older.
Assistant: 古代一种较轻的刑罚称谓。
User: Test the success of Saturday Night Book Fair, Book Fair upgraded to midnight, from 12:00 until 2:00, so that a family of book lovers have more time to pick a good heart, and set up two special bus routes to facilitate the return home or transfer by other modes of transport.
Assistant: 试验成功的周末夜书市,升级为午夜书市,从凌晨12时延至凌晨2时,让爱书一族有更充裕的时间挑选心头好,并设立两条特别巴士线,方便市民归家或转乘其他交通工具。
User: Double and triple integrals may be used to calculate areas and volumes of regions in the plane and in space.
Assistant: 二重积分和三重积分可用于计算平面和空间中区域的面积和体积。
User: Availability only in main cities.
Assistant: 服务只是在主要城市可用。
User: Sierra On-Line releases Time Zone for the Apple II.
Assistant: 雪乐山在Apple II发行了《Time Zone》。
User: If a locality only has nine Bahá'ís, then no election process is necessary.
Assistant: 如果一个地区只有9个巴哈伊,那么就没有进行选举活动的必要。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: As light from distant galaxies reaches the Earth, the average "color of the universe" (as seen from Earth) tends towards pure white, due to the light coming from the stars when they were much younger and bluer.
Assistant: 当来自遥远星系的光抵达地球,平均的’’宇宙颜色(从地球看见的)边上会略为增加纯白的颜色,由于这些光是在恒星比现在还年轻和偏蓝时就发出的。
User: The ninth floor contains classrooms and lecture halls named after ASEAN Dialogue Partners, and UC invites all embassies to officially inaugurate and decorate their designated room.
Assistant: 九楼拥有以东盟对话伙伴命名的教室和讲堂,柬埔寨邀请所有大使馆正式开放和装饰指定的房间。
User: Various genetic discoveries have been essential in the development of genetic engineering.
Assistant: 对各种基因的发掘已在基因工程的发展成为必不可少的工作。
User: The following morning, 16 September, the sixth IDF order relating to the attack on West Beirut was issued.
Assistant: 次日早上,第六份关于进攻贝鲁特西部的命令被下达。
User: Tolman assembled a committee, which took a list of the Manhattan Project's activities and assigned each a classification.
Assistant: 托尔曼组建了一个委员会,列出了曼哈顿计划的活动列表,并将所有活动都列为机密。
User: Its original building in midtown Haifa, in use by the Technion until the mid-1980s, now houses the Israel National Museum of Science, Technology and Space.
Assistant: 最初的教学楼位于海法市市中心,二十世纪八十年代之前一直由该校使用,现在则变成了以色列国家科技和空间博物馆。
User: The Sapphires received positive reviews from Cannes, dubbed as the Australian version of Dreamgirls (2006), another film based on a play about a '60s girl group.
Assistant: 《蓝宝石》这部电影在戛纳电视节受到了一致好评,被称为澳大利亚版的《梦幻女郎》(2006年),是另一部基于60年代女孩组合的电影。
User: In the ring Z of all polynomials with integer coefficients, the ideal generated by 2 and X is a prime ideal.
Assistant: 在整系数多项式环Z中,由2和X生成的理想是素理想。
User: Edges are points where there is a boundary (or an edge) between two image regions.
Assistant: 边缘指组成两个图像区域之间边界(或边缘)的像素。
User: Some sites have been designated as World Heritage Sites and World Heritage in Danger in the same year, such as the Church of the Nativity, traditionally considered to be the birthplace of Jesus.
Assistant: 部分遗产是在同年列入世界遗产和濒危世界遗产名录,例如传统上被视为耶稣诞生地的圣诞教堂就是如此。
User: The city of Sidi Ifni was incorporated into the Spanish Empire in 1860.
Assistant: 西迪伊夫尼于1860年被纳入西班牙帝国版图。
User: He named the project after Johannes Gutenberg, the fifteenth century German printer who propelled the movable type printing press revolution.
Assistant: 该工程的命名是为了纪念约翰内斯·古腾堡,他是一位德国15世纪的印刷商,通过推广使用活字印刷术推动了印刷机的革命。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本!
User: In the 18th century, a plague killed half of the city's population, from which time the city never really recovered.
Assistant: 18世纪,一场奇怪的瘟疫使镇上的大量居民死亡,活着的人们纷纷逃离,小镇因此长时间无人居住。
User: After the exhibition closed, the arm was transported to New York, where it remained on display in Madison Square Park for several years before it was returned to France to join the rest of the statue.
Assistant: 博览会结束后,这条臂膀被运至纽约,在麦迪逊广场展览了数年之后再运回法国与塑像的其它部分组装。
User: Two days later, he was reported as being in a serious but stable condition.
Assistant: 四天后,据报道,他的病情已稳定下来,但处于“严重,但较稳定的状态”。
User: These were tasked with advancing through the Low Countries and luring the northern units of the Allied armies into a pocket.
Assistant: B集团军的目标是向低地国家进攻,将盟军的北部部队引诱入德军的圈套中。
User: Assam's proximity to some neighbouring countries such as Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan, benefits its trade.
Assistant: 阿萨姆邦的接近南亚区域合作联盟国家,如孟加拉、尼泊尔和不丹,利于贸易。
User: See the section that relates to this.
Assistant: 参见本条目组成一节。
User: Another key idea presented by the Synoptics is the desert, which is used as a metaphor for the place where we meet God in the poverty of our spirit.
Assistant: 旷野是被对观福音呈现为另一个重要思想,用作比喻为当我们灵性贫乏时得见神的地方。
User: Bašić's family fled Bosnia during the war and moved to Germany where he was a part of the VfB Stuttgart youth team.
Assistant: 贝斯克家人为逃离波黑战争而移居德国,他是史特加青年队的一员。
User: The 2005/2006 track season proved to be very successful for Colonel By.
Assistant: 2005年及2006年球季,由于因郭铭仁甫入队即成功卡位游击手位置。
User: Drying oils are a key component of oil paint and some varnishes.
Assistant: 干性油是油漆和一些清漆的重要组成部分。
User: There have been claims that Marić collaborated with Einstein on his 1905 papers, known as the Annus Mirabilis papers, but historians of physics who have studied the issue find no evidence that she made any substantive contributions.
Assistant: 有些人认为,米列娃与爱因斯坦合作写出著名的1905年论文,但物理历史学者经过仔细研究后,找不到任何证明她做出实质贡献的依据。
User: In 2005, the English name of NHUST was changed to National Formosa University (NFU).
Assistant: 2005年 更改英文校名为 National Formosa University,简称 NFU。
User: 66-1 (1977): Changed the gas ring from the yoke to the cylinder.
Assistant: 66-1(1977年):改变由工字型吊杆到弹巢的气环。
User: In 1609, under the influence of the Protestant Estates, Rudolf II (a devout Catholic), issued an "Imperial Charter of the Emperor" in which he legalised extensive religious freedoms unparalleled in the Europe of that period.
Assistant: 1609年,在新教徒影响下,鲁道夫二世这个虔诚的天主教徒颁布了“皇帝帝国宪章”,立法规定了欧洲前所未有的广泛的宗教自由。
User: Restated American support for the UN mission, and the murder of ten Italian UN pilots in Port-Émpain in November 1961, strengthened international demands to resolve the situation.
Assistant: 1961年11月,重申美国对联合国特派团的支持和十名意大利的联合国飞行员在昂潘港遭谋杀的事件,国际上对解决局面的要求加强。
User: Young returned home under his physician's care.
Assistant: 之后扬在他的医师的照护下回到家中。
User: The 3rd Guards Tank Corps broke through at Baldenburg, while Neustettin on the Front's left flank fell to the 3rd Guards Cavalry Corps on 27 February.
Assistant: 第3亲卫军团在克吉尼亚突破,同时在方面军左翼的斯德丁在2月27日落入苏联第3亲卫骑兵军手中。
User: On December 18, 2007, Aruban prosecutors announced that the case would be closed without any charges made.
Assistant: 2007年12月18日,阿鲁巴检察机关宣布结案,不会起诉任何嫌疑人。 |
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Both runners surpassed the standing world record by Ingrid Kristiansen.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:她俩都破了英格丽德·克里斯蒂安森(英语:Ingrid Kristiansen)创下的当时世界纪录。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In Minnesota, guitarist and composer Reynold Philipsek performs gypsy jazz as a solo musician and with Minnesota gypsy jazz acts East Side, The Twin Cities Hot Club, and Sidewalk Café.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
在明尼苏达州,吉他手兼作曲家Reynold Philipsek会与East Side吉普赛爵士俱乐部、The Twin Cities Hot Club和Sidewalk Café一同演出。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Producers Alan and Peter Riche have given a slightly different story about Eminem's involvement however stating that they set out to make a boxing movie similar to The Champ but wanted to make the story about a father-daughter relationship as opposed to The Champ's father-son story.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是: 制片人艾伦·里奇和彼得·里奇写了一个埃米纳姆参与其中稍微不同的故事,然而两人表示他们部打算做一部跟《天涯赤子心》相类似的拳击电影,但希望写一个跟《赤子心》父子故事截然相反的父女故事。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The collections from the German expeditions were initially kept at the Indian Department of the Ethnological Museum of Berlin (Ethnologisches Museum Berlin), then shifted in 1963 to the Museum of Indian Art (Museum für Indische Kunst) in Dahlem, Berlin and finally combined into a single location at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, BBAW), since 1992.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
其余的文物于1963年转移到柏林达勒姆的亚洲艺术博物馆,最后收藏在柏林-勃兰登堡科学院和人文学院(英语:Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities)。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Carleton Lacy's tenure as Bishop was set to end in 1949 but the advent of the Communist government made it impossible to hold a general conference or elections.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 力宣德的主教任期结束1949年,但新政权的成立,无法举行大会或选举。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Simpson was impressed by Kane's artistic ability, but at the same time worried that Kane might not have the stamina needed to travel with the fur brigades of the company.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:辛普森被凯恩的艺术才能所打动,但同时也担心凯恩可能不具备和公司的毛皮商队一同旅行的毅力。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:Louis I of Anjou may not have understood the gravity of the situation in Naples, and didn't intervene immediately because he was forced to remain in France after his brother's death as a regent of his nephew and new King Charles VI.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:安茹的路易一世可能没有了解到那不勒斯情况的严重性,兄长驾崩后他作为侄子新王查理六世的摄政也被迫留在法兰西,未能立即介入。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: In the philosophy of law, virtue jurisprudence is the set of theories of law related to virtue ethics.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
美德法理学(virtue jurisprudence)在法哲学中指的是与美德伦理学(virtue ethics)有关的法律理论。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The game broke numerous sales records, including the record for the fastest selling game in its first 24 hours.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: For example, from 1900 to the 1960s, the solar maxima trend of sunspot count was upwards; for the following decades it diminished.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 例如,从1900年至1960年,太阳极大期的黑子数量一直有着上升的趋势,而从1960年迄今,则减退了一些。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
In northern France, two large towers, such as those at Caen, were to become an integral part of the facade of any large abbey or cathedral.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
This is the time when he is condemned by Heaven.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 天谴就是上天谴责的意思。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
In early December 2018, Epic Games announced that it would open a digital storefront to challenge Steam.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:2018年12月月初,Epic Games宣布即将推出自家的数位商店以挑战Steam平台。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:Hwaseong Council inspectors carried out two safety inspections in the year prior to the blaze, and had passed the center both times.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
Sometimes (especially in order to avoid litigation), manufacturers go further and use tamper-resistant screws, which cannot be unfastened with standard equipment.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
有时(尤其是为避免诉讼),制造商进一步使用防篡改螺丝,使其不能用标准工具打开。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: However, when the President's political opponents control parliament, the President's dominance can be severely limited, as he must choose a Prime Minister and government who reflect the majority in parliament, and who will implement the agenda of the parliamentary majority.
Assistant: 然而,当总统的政治对手控制国会时,总统的控制力能受到严格限制,因为他必须选择反映国会大多数的一位总理和内阁,而他将执行国会大多数的议事日程。
User: The game was built on Crystal Dynamics' game engine called "Foundation".
Assistant: 游戏使用的是晶体动力的游戏引擎,称为“Foundation”。
User: Maki is a great singer and, at one point, she's seen giving singing lessons to Akru.
Assistant: 她是一个伟大的歌手,还有一点,她把看过的歌教给阿克鲁。
User: The company's Hakkapeliitta brand name is recognised in Finland as a reputable trademark.
Assistant: 诺记轮胎的商标Hakkapeliitta在芬兰是值得信用的商标。
User: Between 1945 and 1989, Aeroflot was the only airline that served Tallinn Airport.
Assistant: 从1945年到1989年,俄罗斯航空是服务于塔林机场唯一的航空公司。
User: In an interview with Fangoria magazine, Russo explained that he wanted to "give the movie a more modern pace".
Assistant: 在一次接受《Fangoria》杂志的访谈中,罗素解释说他想要:“使本片有更为现代化的进步。
User: The Apache HTTP server, which uses zlib to implement HTTP/1.1.
Assistant: Apache:使用zlib实作http 1.1。
User: After the French Revolution of 1789, Catherine rejected many principles of the Enlightenment she had once viewed favourably.
Assistant: 1789年法国大革命之后,叶卡捷琳娜抛弃了许多自己先前热衷的启蒙思想。
User: The original church on this site was built in the early 4th century, and stood outside of the 4th century walls of Constantine the Great.
Assistant: 这个地点最初的教堂建于5世纪初,位于君士坦丁大帝4世纪修建的城墙以外。
User: The older 50, 20, 10 and 5c pieces are no longer legal tender, but are still redeemable at the Reserve Bank.
Assistant: 现在老的5分、10分、20分和50分已经不再是法定货币,但是储备银行依然收纳。
User: Still, most of the names of the earlier kings as given by historians are titles rather than real names.
Assistant: 大多数更早的国王被历史学家以头衔来称呼而不是本名。
User: Mr Bawtree retired in 1995 and was succeeded by Mr Synge.
Assistant: 1995年,刘彦顺退休,由陈世泽接任。
User: Simple cotton dresses and other natural fabrics were a rejection of synthetics, a return to natural things and simpler times.
Assistant: 简单的棉质裙和其他天然物料,就代表拒绝合成物料,回归自然和简单的年代。
User: Administrative and economic centralization went hand in hand.
Assistant: 行政和经济的集中化携手并进。
User: As of January 2016, the Ethereum protocol could process 25 transactions per second.
Assistant: 截至2016年1月,以太坊每秒可以处理25个交易。
User: The British marine archeologist Innes McCartney led a subsequent dive and confirmed that the wreck sits upright on the sea floor and is largely intact.
Assistant: 英国海洋考古学家英尼斯·麦卡特尼(英语:Innes McCartney)随即组织了一次潜水,确认沉船垂直立于海底,并基本完好无损。
User: Dare itself was fucking enormous.
Assistant: 曾自嘲自己的理想实在太高。
User: ISO 12620 provides an inventory of well-defined “data categories” with standardized names that function as data element types or as predefined values.
Assistant: ISO 12620 提供完整定义的“资料类别”清单,其中包含可做为项目类型或预定值的标准化名称。
User: Carrolton, Texas: Squadron/Signal Publications Inc., 2002.
Assistant: 卡罗尔顿,德克萨斯州:中队/信号出版物,Inc., 2002年。
User: René previously belonged to the rap crew CrippleCrew.
Assistant: 拉文斯坦以往是隶属克里维斯公国的。
User: The quick shoot was only marred by two accidents: as Jack Sparrow steals Interceptor, three of the ropes attaching it to Dauntless did not break at first, and when they did snap, debris hit Depp's knee, though he was not injured, and the way the incident played out on film made it look like Sparrow merely ducks.
Assistant: 这快速的摄制过程中一共发生了两起事故:杰克·斯派罗偷取“拦截号”时,三条绑在“无畏号”上的绳索起初并未断掉,之后断掉时,又有碎片打中了德普的膝盖,虽然他没有受伤,但在电影中看来他就像是一只笨拙的鸭子。
User: Engineers at Google (primarily Paul Menage and Rohit Seth) started the work on this feature in 2006 under the name "process containers".
Assistant: 这个专案最早是由Google的工程师(主要是Paul Menage和Rohit Seth)在2006年发起,最早的名称为行程容器(process containers)。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: For these applications, purity is extremely important.
Assistant: 对于这些应用而言,纯度是非常重要的。
User: The Shining Path first established a foothold at San Cristóbal of Huamanga University, in Ayacucho, where Guzmán taught philosophy.
Assistant: 光辉道路首先在阿亚库乔的圣·克里斯托巴国立大学(San Cristóbal of Huamanga University)站稳了脚跟,古斯曼在那里教授哲学。
User: Mary Sean Young (born November 20, 1959) is an American actress.
Assistant: 玛丽·辛·杨(英语:Mary Sean Young,1959年11月20日-)是一名美国女演员。
User: Some soldiers of Taiwan origin came as auxiliaries with the Japanese army as well.
Assistant: 同时有一些台籍日本兵也是日本军队的助手。
User: Some couples attend surrogate partner therapy sessions together, while some people (either single or in a couple) attend them alone.
Assistant: 有些夫妇一同参加性代理环节,而有些人(单身或夫妇之一)会独自参加性代理。
User: Following an uprising against the couple, Mary was imprisoned in Loch Leven Castle.
Assistant: 反对这对夫妇的起义爆发之后,玛丽被囚禁在列文湖城堡。
User: He focuses especially on the rapidly growing cities in developing countries.
Assistant: 像其他许多发展中国家快速增长的大城市一样。
User: He had written, as well as co-authored numerous books, mostly related to the political, economic, education dan cultural endeavours of the Chinese community in Malaysia, and its connections to East Asian countries namely China, Japan dan Taiwan.
Assistant: 何国忠曾独力及与人合作撰写了多部著述,主要集中在马来西亚华人社会的政治、经济、教育和文化,并兼及马来西亚华人与其他东南亚及东北亚包括中国、日本和台湾在内的区域关系。
User: Michael outsmarts Mahone and escapes with Lincoln.
Assistant: Michael智取Mahone并救走Lincoln。
User: As a result, the team expanded the size and scale of the game's maps and levels to make "real long shots" possible.
Assistant: 团队扩大了游戏地图与关卡的大小规模,使得“真正的远距离射击”成为可能 。
User: The dramatic effect of televised presidential debates was demonstrated again in the 1976 debates between Ford and Carter.
Assistant: 在之后福特和卡特的1976年辩论中,电视转播的戏剧性效果再次显现。
User: Then Troy comes in looking for Gabriella and Ryan tells him that she is in the theatre.
Assistant: 之后特洛伊来找凯碧,瑞安便告诉他她在剧院里。
User: Lyrics were written by Bairagi.
Assistant: 这句话由拜拉祖里记录。
User: Although the venom of a few spider and scorpion species can be very dangerous to humans, medical researchers are investigating the use of these venoms for the treatment of disorders ranging from cancer to erectile dysfunction.
Assistant: 虽然一些蜘蛛及蝎子的毒素非常危险,医护界现正研究使用这些毒素来治疗癌症至勃起功能障碍等病症。
User: Tony Lee took the position in January 1968, but by the end of the term no agreement have been reached on the long-term future of the island's government.
Assistant: 1968年1月,托尼·李(Tony Lee)成为了协定所规定的英国专员,但直到其任期结束,依旧未有关于安圭拉政府的远期协定达成。
User: At the last legislative elections, 19 September and 3 October 2004, an alliance of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan and the Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan won 3.4% of the popular vote and no seats.
Assistant: 在2004年9月19日至10月3日的选举中,哈萨克斯坦共产党所在的哈萨克斯坦民主选择联盟赢得3.4%选票。
User: In France and some other French-speaking countries, a réveillon is a long dinner, and possibly party, held on the evenings preceding Christmas Day and New Year's Day.
Assistant: 在法国和一些通行法语的国家,圣诞节晚餐是长时间性的,并且可能是派对形式,于圣诞节前夕和新年的傍晚举行。
User: Burnet was born in Traralgon, Victoria; his father, Frank Burnet, a Scottish emigrant to Australia, was the manager of the Traralgon branch of the Colonial Bank.
Assistant: 伯内特生于澳大利亚维多利亚州特拉拉尔贡;他的父亲弗兰克·伯内特是苏格兰移民,当时是殖民地银行特拉拉尔贡支行经理。
User: The southern wing was built at the end.
Assistant: 南唐末曾建为南都。
User: Specifications for the M16A2E4 rifle and the M4E1 carbine received type classification generic in December 1994.
Assistant: 1994年12月,M16A2E4步枪和M4E1卡宾枪的规格得到通用类型分类。
User: Netscape created its own HTML tags without regard to the traditional standards process.
Assistant: Netscape不考虑传统的标准,创建了自己的HTML标签。
User: Four taxi companies operate at the airport.
Assistant: 机场内设有4个的士公司设于客运大楼外。
User: The initial crowd reaction had been panic, and an attempt to flee the hall, which was frustrated by others surging inwards to see what had occurred.
Assistant: 起初人群已经陷入慌乱,试图跑出大厅,又有很多外面的人想要进来看看发生了什么事。
User: 16-bit applications cannot be directly run under x64 editions of Windows, because the CPU does not support VM86 mode when running in x64.
Assistant: 16位应用程序不能直接运行在x64版本的Windows上,因为CPU在x64模式下运行时不支持VM86。
User: Vaca.
Assistant: 母牛。
User: Version 0.86 has the same coverage and support as 0.84.
Assistant: 0.86版覆盖范围和0.84版本一样。
User: As epithelial tissue bends or grows, the cells have to take on new shapes to pack together using the least amount of energy possible, and until the scutoid's discovery, it was assumed that epithelial cells packed in mostly frustums, as well as other prism-like shapes.
Assistant: 当上皮组织弯曲或生长时,细胞需要采用新的形状以消耗尽可能最少的能量来堆积出自己的立体结构;在盾片状被发现之前,上皮组织细胞被假定是大多是以锥台形的样子存在,少部分则以类似棱柱形的样子存在。
User: For much of the rest of the storm's duration, the National Hurricane Center underestimated the intensity of the cyclone.
Assistant: 事实证明,在这场风暴存在的大部分时间里,美国国家飓风中心都低估了其强度发展。
User: For example, a task could flow to an event that throws a message across to another pool, where a subsequent event waits to catch the response before continuing.
Assistant: 例如,一任务流到一事件,抛出一个消息到另一个池,然后由下一个事件守候,捕获其回应。
User: Less than forty kilometres to the south-southeast is the original point of the selenographic coordinate system.
Assistant: 距东南偏南不到40公里是月面坐标系统的原点。
User: This Japanese folding screen was made from several joined panels.
Assistant: 一套日本动画由多个不同部门合力制作而成。
User: Overpopulation can be mitigated by birth control; some nations, like the People's Republic of China, use strict measures to reduce birth rates.
Assistant: 人口过多问题可以通过生育控制缓解,一些国家,如中华人民共和国,采取了严格措施控制出生率。
User: In 1962, a national council made up of representatives of thirty government and private organizations was formed to address the problem of ensuring English language proficiency for non-native speakers wishing to study at U.S. universities.
Assistant: 1962年,一个由30个政府与民间组织代表组成的全国性大会召开,探讨英语为非母语学习留美深造中的英语水平问题。
User: Microsoft maintained that integration of its web browser into its operating system was in the interests of consumers.
Assistant: Microsoft主张将自己的网页浏览器捆绑到自己的操作系统中是为了满足用户的要求。
User: In September 2014, Pacino confirmed that the film was in development and that it would be Scorsese's next project after Silence.
Assistant: 2014年9月,柏仙奴确认本片正在开发中,这将会是史高西斯的《沉默》之后的下一个项目。
User: On 11 November, Yasser Arafat died in Paris.
Assistant: 11月11日阿拉法特死于巴黎。
User: In this way it is possible to only transmit, for example, the 3 most significant bits (with sign) of each sample.
Assistant: 按照这种方法,就可以只传送每个采样中带有符号的最高3位。
User: Glazman was involved in the standardization of HTML 4 and CSS 2 and remains active in W3C's CSS Working Group.
Assistant: 他同时也参与了HTML 4和CSS 2的标准化工作,并活跃于W3C的CSS工作组。
User: After the three partitions of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth in the late 18th century, towns and estates owned by the Radziwiłłs became parts of territories belonged to Russia, Prussia and Austria.
Assistant: 在波兰立陶宛联邦于18世纪末被三次瓜分后,拉齐维乌家族所有的城镇和庄园也遭到俄罗斯、普鲁士和奥地利的瓜分。
User: The Indian government incarcerated thousands of Chinese-Indians in an internment camp in Deoli, Rajasthan, where they were held for years without trial.
Assistant: 印度政府非法羁押了大量中国人,在德奥利、拉贾斯坦邦,华人在未经审判的情况下就被羁押至集中营内。
User: These days it is only occasionally used for services.
Assistant: 今天有时仍用作各种市场。
User: In addition, Givology founders have presented at the New York Women Social Entrepreneurs’ Conference and the Oxford Forum for International Development.
Assistant: 此外,Givology创始人还在纽约女性社会企业家和牛津国际发展论坛会议里讲述过她们的组织。
User: Earlier extended minima have been discovered through analysis of tree rings and appear to have coincided with lower-than-average global temperatures.
Assistant: 分析树木的年轮发现更早的一些极小期,并且也显现出与全球的温度低于平均温度的期间相符合。
User: Christian states based in the north and west slowly extended their power over the rest of Iberia.
Assistant: 位于北部和西部的基督教王国则在伊比利亚半岛上逐渐扩张势力。 |
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
During the threat of German invasion of the summer of 1940, some of these outmoded vehicles were reactivated for a short time.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: He continued to serve as adjutant general until 1817, when the voters returned him to the state House of Representatives.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The work took place between 1993 and 1994.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Assessing the Protocols, Vladimir directly associated its authors' "monstrous" intentions with the revolutionary events in Russia, examining the then-ongoing social disturbance in the Russian society from a religious, not political, point of view.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Kojève was an extraordinarily learned man.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The bottom layer is an ordinary ordered linked list.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
General relativity passed this most stringent test for the second time.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:A bill to make the metric system compulsory in order to enable the British industrial base to fight off the challenge of the nascent German base passed through the House of Lords in 1904, but did not pass in the House of Commons before the next general election was called.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The river Cephissus near Delphi was sacred to the three goddesses.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 德尔斐附近的赛菲索斯河(Cephissus)是她们的圣地。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The two transformations agree for speeds of translation much less than the speed of light.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: South Sudan International Olympic Committee website
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: 南国奥林匹克花园业主论坛网站
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
The process is also known as filtering.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:这个过程也被叫做“滤波”。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Tarski's semantic conception of truth plays an important role in modern logic and also in much contemporary philosophy of language.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译: Tarski的真理的语义概念在现代逻辑和当代语言哲学中扮演了重要角色。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Students also sign petitions fighting human rights abuses worldwide.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 他还召集人权专家讨论解决世界各地人权问题。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Their impacts increase accordingly.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
Stars next appeared on April 20, 2005.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:该小行星于2005年4月20日发现。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文
In the context of gene expression microarray data, for example, k-NN has also been employed with correlation coefficients such as Pearson and Spearman.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
Metzen's first work for the company was with the game Justice League Task Force, in which he provided artwork and character animation.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 梅森在暴雪娱乐参与的第一个作品是《正义联盟特遣部队》,其中他负责了游戏的美工以及任务动画。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
From the moment he was nominated, McKinley was beset by supporters coming to Canton to hail him, hoping to hear him give a political speech.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
And that's something no one can do anything about.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The secular acceleration is now attributed to tidal effects, which had not been considered in the earlier studies.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:I Heart Reading.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
The T-schema is often expressed in natural language, but it can be formalized in many-sorted predicate logic or modal logic; such a formalisation is called a T-theory.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
T-模式经常用自然语言表达,但它们很容易接纳多类谓词逻辑或模态逻辑的形式化;比如叫做 T-理论的公式化。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 当然,请提供你要翻译的文本。
User: The party claims to have offices in 27 Libyan cities.
Assistant: 该党表示在利比亚全国27个城市设有分支机构。
User: On August 1, 2016, the Yankees traded Nova to the Pittsburgh Pirates for two players to be named later.
Assistant: 2016年8月1日,诺瓦被洋基交易到匹兹堡海盗换取另外两名球员。
User: If a person revisits a page, the second request will often be retrieved from the browser's cache, and so no request will be received by the web server.
Assistant: 如果某人再度造访某页,第二次的读取请求通常由网页浏览器快取达成,因此网站服务器端不会接受到此请求。
User: In August 2003, Reading tried to sign Huth on loan for the 2003–04 season, but their bid was rejected by Chelsea.
Assistant: 2003年8月,雷丁曾经打算在2003-04赛季以租借方式签下胡特,但被切尔西拒绝。
User: Vaynerchuk appeared on the cover of the December 2008 issue of Mutineer Magazine, launching the "Mutineer Interview" series.
Assistant: 维纳查克登上《Mutineer》杂志2008年12月版的封面,正式推出"Mutineer访谈"系列。
User: Basic software modules made available by the AUTOSAR layered software architecture can be used in vehicles of different manufacturers and electronic components of different suppliers, thereby reducing expenditures for research and development and mastering the growing complexity of automotive electronic and software architectures.
Assistant: AUTOSAR 分层软件架构中的基础软件模块层能够应用于不同厂家生产的车辆以及不同供应商提供的电子部件,从而降低了研发费用、适应了日趋复杂的汽车电气和软件构架。
User: Much of the simplification comes from applying very easy rules of nonstandard arithmetic, as follows: infinitesimal × bounded = infinitesimal infinitesimal + infinitesimal = infinitesimal together with the transfer principle mentioned below.
Assistant: 这样的简化大多源于非标准分析的简单运算规则,即: 无穷小×有界量 = 无穷小 无穷小 +无穷小 = 无穷小 以及下面会提到的传达原理。
User: The Ford Motor Company introduced FMEA to the automotive industry for safety and regulatory consideration after the Pinto affair.
Assistant: 二十世纪70年代后期,福特汽车公司在平托事件之后,出于安全和法规方面的考虑,在汽车行业采用了FMEA。
User: To investigate and validate technologies that will be needed by 2015 to design next-generation combat aircraft.
Assistant: 研发和验证2015年后下一代战机研发案的所需技术。
User: Canyon Diablo Troilite (CDT) is used as a standard of relative concentration of different isotopes of sulfur.
Assistant: 代亚布罗峡谷陨硫铁 (CDT) 被选作为比较不同硫化物同位素相对浓度的标准。
User: The names societies give their gods at times is useful in understanding the origin of their language as well as their view of a particular deity.
Assistant: 研究各个社会中尊崇的神明名字,可以了解他们语言的起源,也可以了解他们对这位特定神明的观点,从而了解他们的世界观。
User: This is often in addition to correcting for their temporal variations, particularly when the objects being compared are too far apart on the sky to be observed simultaneously.
Assistant: 这通常是在修正其暂时误差之外进行的,尤其是当被比较的物体在天空中相距过远而无法同时观测到时。
User: The rest try to find Kate.
Assistant: Neal越狱并去寻找凯特。
User: He has a cheerful personality and can immediately get along with almost anyone he meets.
Assistant: 他那轻飘飘又坦率的性格、往往令自己能和第一次遇见的人马上融洽起来。
User: I'm polygamous.
Assistant: 它们是一夫多妻制的。
User: The Federation was dissolved in 1963.
Assistant: 1963年联邦解散。
User: The pigs elevate themselves to positions of leadership and set aside special food items, ostensibly for their personal health.
Assistant: 猪们把自己提拔到了领导的位置,并给自己留出了特别的食物供应,显然,这是为了他们自己的健康和享受。
User: However, plans to broadcast this on Channel 4 as part of its Wank Week series were abandoned, including programming from Europe's fetish and leather week.
Assistant: 但是,原定在第四台的节目Wank Week播出一部分的计划后来连同欧洲恋物癖和皮革周的方案一起被取消。
User: In May 2006, AMD released Socket AM2, which provided support for the DDR2 memory interface.
Assistant: 2006年5月,AMD发行Socket AM2版本的处理器,这款插座支持DDR2内存。 |
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:In terms of the body.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:在同构意义上。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: After he resumed working at the facility, Vanunu secretly smuggled in a camera and covertly took 57 photographs.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Then you draw each activity that does not have a predecessor activity (a and b in this example) and connect them with an arrow from start to each node.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:然后绘制出每个没有前导任务的活动(在本例中为a和b),并将其与从起始到每个节点的箭头连接。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:For instance, Hu Jintao stated in 2012 that the Western world is "threatening to divide us" and that "the international culture of the West is strong while we are weak ... ideological and cultural fields are our main targets".
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 例如在2012年胡锦涛指出西方世界的威胁要分裂中国共产党,并且指出“西方世界的国际文化强盛,而我们是弱者......思想文化领域是我们的主要目标”,中国共产党提供大量的资源投入到党校和发展各具特色的思想论点。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Sulfatide can also stimulate proinsulin folding as well, as it can serve as a molecular chaperone for insulin.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
Karl Urban revealed, " level of security and secrecy that we have all been forced to adopt.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
In each case a wife sued her husband, alleging breach of contract.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:他的妻子董元贞数次被召入宫,赏赐不绝。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
They beat Norway, France and Iceland in the group stage to advance to the quarter-final, where they won 2–1 against Italy.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The end-to-end principle is closely related, and sometimes seen as a direct precursor to the principle of net neutrality.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:Most jump starters on the market today use lead-acid batteries and claim 400 to 1700 Amps ratings.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:目前市场上的大多数跳线起动器使用铅酸电池并要求400至1700安培的额定值。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
During the early years of California's statehood, state legislative business rotated between three locations in the Bay Area before a permanent state capital was established in Sacramento.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是: 在加州刚成立时,州议会的办公场所一直在湾区的三个城市里流动,直到永久首府萨克拉门托的成立。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Before ascending to power, his name was Prince Yeoning.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 在帝国的扩张时期,其首领名为Kalonga。 |
User: 将以下文本从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: Each member church has a contact person and these form a contact group which meets each year.
Assistant: 每一教会皆有联络人,而每年聚会时,这些联络人构成一个联络群组。
User: The Legislature makes the laws, and supervises the activities of the other two arms with a view to changing the laws when appropriate.
Assistant: 立法机关负责制定法律,并负责监督其他两个分支的活动以便在适当的时候修改法律。
User: Training, which happens on a Thursday evening for the men.
Assistant: 周三晚上播男子组比赛,周四晚上播女子组比赛。
User: If the whole crop were consumed the economy would convert to hunting and gathering the next season.
Assistant: 一旦作物被完全消耗,农业经济将退步至打猎和采集的生产形式。
User: Gabriele and Teresa had nine children: Alphonse "Al" Capone; Vincenzo Capone, who later changed his name to Richard Hart and became a Prohibition agent in Homer, Nebraska; Raffaele James Capone, AKA Ralph "Bottles" Capone, who took charge of his brother's beverage industry; Salvatore "Frank" Capone, Ermina Capone, who died at the age of one, Ermino "John" Capone, Albert Capone, Matthew Capone, and Mafalda Capone (who married John J. Maritote).
Assistant: 加布里埃莱和特雷西有九个孩子:艾尔方斯·“艾尔”·卡彭;詹姆斯·文森佐·卡彭,他后来改名为理查·詹姆斯·哈特,并在内布拉斯加州的荷马(英语:Homer, Nebraska)成为一名禁酒探员;拉菲尔·詹姆斯·卡彭,又名雷夫·“瓶子”·卡彭,掌管他兄弟的饮品工业;萨瓦托·“法兰克”·卡彭、埃尔米娜·卡彭(Ermina Capone,一岁时去世)、埃尔米诺·“约翰”·卡彭(Ermino "John" Capone)、艾伯特·卡彭(Albert Capone)、马修·卡彭(Matthew Capone)和马法尔达·卡彭(Mafalda Capone,与John J. Maritote结婚)。
User: In 1966 Wang was held in Shanghai First Detention Center, where in September 1971, due to hepatorenal syndrome, he died at the age of 70.
Assistant: 1966年王造时被关押在上海第一看守所,1971年9月因肝肾综合症病逝,享年70岁。
User: (Some Lisp systems run functions using an interpreter by default unless instructed to compile; others compile every function).
Assistant: (一些Lisp系统默认下在解释器里运行函数,除非指示编译它;其他Lisp系统在函数输入时即被编译。
User: Channel 4 and RDF Media produced a drama about Perkin Warbeck for British television in 2005, Princes in the Tower.
Assistant: Channel 4和RDF Media于2005年制作了一部关于珀金·沃贝克的英国戏剧《塔里的王子》。
User: CSPs often exhibit high complexity, requiring a combination of heuristics and combinatorial search methods to be solved in a reasonable time.
Assistant: CSPs通常呈现高复杂性, 需要同时透过启发式搜索 和 联合搜索 的方法,来在合理的时间内解决问题。
User: Reviewers lauded the open world design, some further complimenting the freedom that it allows the player.
Assistant: 评论家称赞开放世界的设计,并进一步称赞了玩家的自由性。
User: Many of the best-selling airsoft guns are highly detailed replicas of real firearms, which are manufactured and designed by companies headquartered in East Asia such as Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong and China, however, European and North American brands exist also.
Assistant: 许多最畅销的软气枪是真枪的完美复制品,甚至有真枪厂家批准使用的商标,这是由总部设在亚洲的一些国家和地区如日本、台湾、中国大陆、香港和韩国的一些公司设计和制造的,也有一些欧洲和北美公司存在。
User: This year's nominees were presented on July 26, 2016, on MTV's Facebook page live.
Assistant: 本届大奖的提名于2016年7月26日在MTV的Facebook线上直播公布。
User: Translator and literary critic Burton Raffel described the magazine as a "midwife to a literary revolution", noting that the political revolution in the 1940s was likely influenced by the magazine.
Assistant: 翻译家、文学评论家伯顿·拉菲尔形容这份杂志是“文学革命的助产士”,并指出1940年印尼的政治革命也很可能受到这份杂志的影响。
User: The length of a dream can vary; they may last for a few seconds, or approximately 20–30 minutes.
Assistant: 梦的长度长短不一,可能只有几秒钟,也可能长达20-30分钟。
User: The Committee of Public Safety was given broad powers to arrest and punish.
Assistant: 公共安全委员会被赋予广泛的逮捕、惩罚的权力。
User: One of his best known chess problems is the following, called "Excelsior" by Loyd after the poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Assistant: 这道被莱特称为“Excelsior”的期题灵感来自亨利·沃兹沃恩·朗费罗的同名诗。
User: Varney died of lung cancer in February 2000, before the production ended, and the film was dedicated to his memory.
Assistant: 法尼于2000年2月因肺癌去世,这时电影尚未全部完成,片末也以字幕表示对他的纪念。
User: GO Transit has committed to cost sharing at this station.
Assistant: 与立川南站在车费计算上视为同一站。
User: He was said to closely resemble Mark Twain.
Assistant: 据说富勒长得很像马克·吐温。
User: In 1908, Chinese people in New Zealand were subjected to even more discrimination.
Assistant: 1908年,新西兰政府对境内的华裔人士变本加厉。
User: The upgrade also featured charts containing up to 40 years of data for U.S. stocks, and richer portfolio options.
Assistant: 此次改版还包含了美国40年来的股市数据和更丰富的投资组合。
User: The timing of sea ice algae blooms has a significant impact on the entire ecosystem.
Assistant: 海冰藻爆发时机对整个海底生态有明显的影响。
User: The Battle of Britain proved for the first time that the Junkers Ju 87 was vulnerable in hostile skies against well-organised and determined fighter opposition.
Assistant: 不列颠战役首次证明了Ju 87在敌人领空上、面对组织完备与坚定的敌人战斗机部队时有多么地脆弱。
User: Unlike the class extension mechanism, a partial class allows circular dependencies among its parts as they are guaranteed to be resolved at compile time.
Assistant: 和类扩展机制不同,部分类在它的部分之间允许循环依赖,因为它们在编译的时候都保证被解决。
User: Thus the white dwarf Sun will gradually cool, growing dimmer and dimmer.
Assistant: 因此白矮星太阳将逐渐冷却,越来越黯淡。
User: Former Prime Minister and playwright Alfred Sant considered it Sammut's "masterpiece", and British author and poet Marjorie Boulton called it "a colossal work".
Assistant: 前总理及剧作家Alfred Sant 认为Sammut的作品是“杰作”,英国作家和诗人Marjorie Boulton称之为“巨作”。
User: Tropical Storm Fabian was the only tropical storm to move over or near Cuba or Florida, producing heavy rainfall but no damage.
Assistant: 热带风暴法比安是本季唯一穿过或接近古巴和佛罗里达州的热带风暴,虽然产生了暴雨,但也没有造成任何损失。
User: The first step toward the creation of what would become ALMA came in 1997, when the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) and the European Southern Observatory (ESO) agreed to pursue a common project that merged the MMA and LSA.
Assistant: ALMA跨出的第一步是在1997年,美国国家电波天文台(NRAO,National Radio Astronomy Observatory )和欧洲南方天文台(ESO)同意合并MMA和LSA为一,合并的阵列要兼具MMA的频率范围和LSA的灵敏度。
User: Relations with North Korea is unknown.
Assistant: 朝鲜受到的影响不详。
User: The arsenal building was blown up by the Swedes during the Great Northern War but was subsequently restored.
Assistant: 在大北方战争中维滕贝格被瑞典军队占领,但是很快恢复过来。
User: Asbestos can cause a variety of lung diseases such as lung cancer.
Assistant: 石棉可导致多种肺病,包括肺癌。
User: Theologian Thomas Aquinas explained that there are three types of biblical precepts: moral, ceremonial, and judicial.
Assistant: 神学家托马斯·阿奎那解释说,有三种圣经诫命:道德律、礼仪律和司法律。
User: However, there is also a long tradition within higher education of developing alternative methods for teaching philosophy both in schools and colleges (see "philosophy education").
Assistant: 然而,在高等教育的范畴中,过去也有开发在大专院校另类哲学教法的传统(详见哲学教育(英语:philosophy education))。
User: However, the migration did cause controversy in those countries which saw a noticeable influx, creating the image of a "Polish Plumber" in the EU, caricaturing the cheap manual labour from A8 countries making an imprint on the rest of the EU.
Assistant: 然而在一些移民潮涌入的国家,移民还是引发了争议;创造出的例如"波兰水管工"的形象,讽刺了来自新加入欧盟的东欧的廉价劳动力对欧洲其它部分所产生的冲击。
User: In mid-December of the same year, the draft Law on the Development of the Languages of Indigenous Peoples was proposed.
Assistant: 同年12月中提出《原住民族语言发展法》草案。
User: In response to a call for aid from Alexius, the First Crusade assembled at Constantinople in 1096, but declining to put itself under Byzantine command set out for Jerusalem on its own account.
Assistant: 在阿历克塞的呼吁之下,第一次十字军东征于1096年在君士坦丁堡集结,但他们拒绝听命于拜占庭,而是自己向耶路撒冷进发去了。
User: These pedals are mainly distributed online or through mail-order, or sold in a few music stores.
Assistant: 这些踏板主要是分布在网络上,透过邮购,或是在少数乐器行贩售。
User: He published on the theories of Symmetry groups and Tensor and Matrix algebra, then applied mathematics and experimentation to crystallography, rheology and medical science.
Assistant: 他曾提出对称群、张量和矩阵环等理论,随后将数学和实验应用于结晶学、流变学和医药科学等。 |
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
However the authors still concluded that antidepressants were effective in treating depression.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:但是,作者仍然认为抗抑郁药能有效地治疗抑郁症。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:The source IP address is normally the address that the packet was sent from, but the sender's address in the header can be altered, so that to the recipient it appears that the packet came from another source.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:源IP地址通常是数据报发送的地址,但报头中的发送者地址可以被改变,这样对收件人看来,该数据报来自另一个源。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The episode contains many intentional references to the 1939 musical film The Wizard of Oz.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:本集包含多处有意指涉1939年歌舞片《绿野仙踪》的细节。
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文: While working in the photo studio, a local wheelwright tells Margaret a trapper in the mountains has fixed a broken wagon wheel for some settlers.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:当玛格丽特在照相馆工作时,当地的一名轮匠告诉她山区里有一个陷阱猎人为一些拓荒者修好了坏掉的马车轮。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
This second declaration is hidden from Internet Explorer for Windows by exploiting other bugs in the way that it parses CSS rules.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是: 第二条声明通过利用IE for Windows解析CSS规则的其它缺陷而从该浏览器中隐藏。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:The chorus is a repetition of the same three lines, while the bridge consists of a series of double entendres; the lyrics describing what Madonna is prepared to do for her lover, and that she is individualistic and shameless.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:The woman explained that her husband had forced her to wear the device to prevent an extramarital affair while she was on vacation in Greece.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
He spent a lot of his time convincing wealthy Greeks to build schools and libraries to further the education of Greeks.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
A method of encoding programs, such that each substring of the encoding is an instruction to both: Locate the next instruction in a list, and Apply it to transform the current program state.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:一种编写程序的方式,使得代码中的每一个子串: 定位到列表中的下一条指令,且 应用到转换当前的程序状态。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:
The quality throughout is rather fine.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:任何方面的成绩都很好。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文: Castle is a card game designed by Bruno Faidutti and Serge Laget.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
城堡(英语:Castle)是一个由Bruno Faidutti 和Serge Laget设计的卡片游戏 。
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
French became the most-used language in diplomacy, science, literature and international affairs, and remained so until the 20th century.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:法语成为欧洲上层社会首崇的语言,在外交、科学和文学上皆为最为通用之语言,直至20世纪才渐为英语取代。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
He used the oldest known Greek and Latin manuscripts.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:他使用了当时已知最老的希腊语抄本和拉丁语抄本。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
He announced work programs for prisoners, encouraged an end to the "something for nothing culture".
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
A fourth fort was built in the middle of the 3rd century in order to combat the pirate threat along the coast, and forms the basis of the Roman remains seen on the castle site.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:3世纪中建造了第四座堡垒来防御滨海的海盗威胁,这座堡垒成为今天在城堡可以看到的罗马遗迹的基础。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
They spent most of their time designing ground and terrain variations to minimize repetition in the landscape.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Following Happy Endings, she starred in the 2006 films Trust the Man, Stranger than Fiction, Monster House, World Trade Center, and Sherrybaby.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文
East Timor has an embassy in Tokyo.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译:另外,东帝汶在东京也设有驻日大使馆。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文: Virginia was tended to by 25-year-old Marie Louise Shew.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
As Leigh Montville wrote in The Big Bam: The Life and Times of Babe Ruth, the production No, No, Nanette had originated as a non-musical stage play called My Lady Friends, which opened on Broadway in December 1919.
Assistant: 好的,以下是你要求的翻译:
但根据Leigh Montville所写的一本书The Big Bam: The Life and Times of Babe Ruth中的研究,No, No, Nanette的无声版歌剧我的女性朋友(My Lady Friends)已于1919年12月在百老汇上映。
User: 将这句话从英文翻译到中文:It was written in 1938 for the newly founded State Jazz Orchestra of Victor Knushevitsky, and was premiered on 28 November 1938 in Moscow (Moscow Radio) by the State Jazz Orchestra.
Assistant: 好的,这段话的中文翻译是:
完成于1938年,同年11月28日于莫斯科作首演,是为克努雪维兹基(Victor Knushevitsky)新创立的国家爵士乐团(USSR State Jazz Orchestra)而创作。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文
That is, the higher the price of a product, the less of it people would be prepared to buy (other things unchanged).
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:也就是说,一个产品的价格越高,越少人会想进行购买(假设其他情况不变)。
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
The state agreed to guarantee the society a return of two percent.
Assistant: 当然,翻译后的文本是:
User: 请将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
On March 19, 1986, the university's domain name, VIRGINIA.EDU, became the first registration under the .EDU top-level domain originating from the Commonwealth of Virginia on what would become the World Wide Web.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译: 1986年3月19日,“Virginia.edu”成为弗吉尼亚州第一个注册于“.edu”下的域名。
User: 将这段文本从英文翻译到中文:
Obviously, the new owner could not be a Japanese company.
Assistant: 当然,以下是你要求的翻译
User: 请将这句话从英文翻译到中文
Symmetric encryption can be constructed under an information-theoretic notion of security called entropic security, which assumes that the adversary knows almost nothing about the message being sent.
Assistant: 好的,翻译后的文本是:
对称密钥加密 可以用一种叫做 entropic security(英语:entropic security) 的信息论概念来架构,这个概念假设对手几乎不知道一点有关于被传送的讯息。
User: 将这段内容从英文翻译到中文:
The sphere reveals that her mission is to evacuate survivors to a planet of refuge from worlds targeted by the aliens, whom she calls "Harvesters", and unite them in an attack on the Harvesters' planet.
Assistant: 当然,这段话的中文翻译是:
她透露说,她的任务是将幸存者撤离到一个被外星人瞄准的世界避难所,她称之为“收割者”,并将他们联合起来攻击收割者的星球。 |
User: 将以下句子从英文翻译到中文。
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容
User: Selarón didn't comment on this except to say that it was a "Personal problem from my past".
Assistant: 塞勒隆没有评论这一点, 只是说这是"我过去的一个个人问题"。
User: An initial assessment includes a comprehensive history and physical examination.
Assistant: 初步的评估包括全面的病史和体格检查。
User: While the election results remained in dispute, Goebel, despite being warned of a rumored assassination plot against him, walked flanked by two bodyguards to the Old State Capitol on the morning of January 30, 1900.
Assistant: 尽管选举结果存在争议,并且格贝尔还收到有针对他的暗杀阴谋警告,但他还是于1900年1月30日早上在两名保镖的陪同下走进老州议会大厦。
User: Although the character's name is "Tina Branford" in Japanese media, American playtesters "hated the name Tina, almost to a person!", according to the game's translator Ted Woolsey.
Assistant: 虽然人物的名字是“蒂娜·布兰佛德(Tina Branford)”,据日本媒体报导,美国的测试者“讨厌蒂娜这个名字,几乎很像是某一个人!”,根据游戏的翻译特德·伍尔西。
User: If the firm cannot recover these costs, it must consider funding part of these from reserves, possibly take a project loss, in the hope that the investment can be recovered from further profit on future projects.
Assistant: 如果公司不能收回这些成本,这将不得不考虑从准备金(可能使一个项目的损失)中转移部分资金过来,并寄希望于该投资能在未来项目中获得额外收益。
User: I need the grass.
Assistant: 恃有仓谷。
User: In his 1704 book Opticks, Isaac Newton reported Rømer's calculations of the finite speed of light and gave a value of "seven or eight minutes" for the time taken for light to travel from the Sun to the Earth (the modern value is 8 minutes 19 seconds).
Assistant: 艾萨克·牛顿在1704年著作《光学》中描述了罗默对光速的计算,并算出光从太阳到达地球需时“七至八分钟”(实际数值为8分钟19秒)。
User: This has drawn some criticism among members of the States-General of the Netherlands, as well as among leading Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad, which argued in an editorial that there is no such thing as a statute of limitations on war crimes.
Assistant: 这一回复引发了荷兰国会部分议员的批评,荷兰报纸《NRC商报》(NRC Handelsblad)也在一份社论中批评称,对于战争罪行根本没有什么追诉时效的限制。
User: AquaDom in late night color.
Assistant: 冰冷傍晚下的马。
User: The defeat of the Communists in 1949 forced their Slav-speaking members to either leave Greece or fully adopt Greek language and surnames.
Assistant: 希腊共产党在1949年的战败迫使他们的斯拉夫成员要么离开希腊,要么接受并使用希腊的语言和姓氏。
User: Prabowo, by then in command of the powerful Indonesian Strategic Reserve, went into exile in Jordan and military operations in East Timor were costing the bankrupt Indonesian government a million dollars a day.
Assistant: 掌控印尼战略储备的帕拉博沃被流放至约旦,破产的印尼政府每天要向其在东帝汶的军事行动支付一百万美元。
User: Berem then relates his story to the companions, describing to them his knowledge of how he came to be 'The Everman'.
Assistant: 众人对他的教训大感惊奇,因为他的教训“正像有权柄的人,不像文士”。
User: The Brilliant Green take much of their influence from Western music, most predominantly The Beatles, with over half their songs including English lyrics.
Assistant: 绿乐团受西方音乐的影响很大,其中最主要的是披头士,其中超过一半的歌曲包括英文歌词。
User: In 2007, the Eagles released Long Road Out of Eden, their first full studio album in 28 years and their sixth number-one album.
Assistant: 2007年老鹰乐队发行了《远离伊甸园(英语:Long Road Out of Eden)》,这是他们28年来第一张完整的录音室专辑,也是他们的第七张专辑。
User: In the absence of effective government, powerful multinational corporations have become de facto governments, controlling areas called Green Zones.
Assistant: 在缺乏有效政府的前提下,大型跨国公司成为事实上的国家政府,管理着名为“绿区”的地方;而在没有管理或控制薄弱的其余地区则被称为“红区”。
User: After sailing across the Atlantic Ocean from England, they reached the New World at the southern edge of the mouth of what is now known as the Chesapeake Bay.
Assistant: 从英格兰横跨大西洋后,他们在现在称为切萨皮克湾的入海口南边抵达新世界。
User: In the case of information retrieval, the cosine similarity of two documents will range from 0 to 1, since the term frequencies (using tf–idf weights) cannot be negative.
Assistant: 在信息检索的情况下,由于一个词的频率(TF-IDF权)不能为负数,所以这两个文档的余弦相似性范围从0到1。
User: The collagen portion is made up of 97–98% type I collagen, with small amounts of other types of collagen.
Assistant: 胶原部分是由97-98%的I型胶原蛋白,与少量其他类型的胶原蛋白组成。
User: Yemen has no public stock exchange.
Assistant: 该国没有公共证券交易所。
User: The Catholic Church and the ancient Christian Churches see priestly ordination as a sacrament dedicating the person ordained to a permanent relationship of service, and, like Baptism and Confirmation, having an ontological effect on the person.
Assistant: 天主教会以及古代天主教会将司铎授秩礼视为一桩将该被授秩者奉献给与服务的永久性关系的圣事,而且如圣洗圣事和坚振圣事一样,对个人具有本质论上的效应。
User: The church is located in the core of the ancient Greek-Roman city: it takes its name from the Egyptian Nile, which was venerated here by the Egyptian merchants.
Assistant: 该堂地处古希腊-罗马城市的和核心,得名于埃及的尼罗河,当时为埃及商人的神庙。
User: Emden disrupted trade throughout the Indian Ocean, intercepting 29 ships and sinking those belonging to Britain or its allies.
Assistant: 埃姆登号在印度洋共截获29艘船只并击沉中其中的英国及其协约国的船只。
User: From this effect he determined that light must travel 10,210 times faster than the Earth in its orbit (the modern figure is 10,066 times faster) or, equivalently, that it would take light 8 minutes 12 seconds to travel from the Sun to the Earth.
Assistant: 他以此算出,光速比地球公转速度快10,210倍(实际数值为10,066倍),相等于光从太阳到达地球需时8分钟12秒。
User: Solanone is used as a cigarette additive.
Assistant: 苯乙醇也用作卷烟添加剂。
User: Although there were no casualties, but had a great material damage.
Assistant: 虽然没有造成很大伤亡,但却产生了很大的心理震撼效果。
User: Hoover refuses, claiming that Nixon is going to destroy the bureau he has created.
Assistant: 胡佛拒绝,表示尼克松想一手摧毁他建起来的调查局。
User: This prophetic oracle describes a sinless man who will atone for the sins of his people.
Assistant: 这预言的神谕描述了一个无罪的人,他为子民赎罪。
User: 2) For the sake of.
Assistant: 二因缘故。
User: Transcription can be divided into 3 stages: initiation, elongation, and termination, each regulated by a large number of proteins such as transcription factors and coactivators that ensure that the correct gene is transcribed.
Assistant: 转录可以分为3个阶段:起始,延伸和终止,每个阶段由大量蛋白质调节,例如转录因子和共激活因子(英语:Coactivator (genetics)),确保正确的基因被转录。
User: In 2003, an international police investigation uncovered a Germany-based child pornography ring involving 26,500 suspects who swapped illegal images on the Internet in 166 different countries.
Assistant: 2003年,一个由国际警方调查所发现的德国色情圈就涉及多达26,500名嫌疑人,他们在全球166个国家和地区通过互联网交换非法图像。 |
User: 请将以下句子从英文翻译到中文
Assistant: 好的,请提供你要翻译的内容!
User: It formed the final side of a landscaped quadrangle created by the 2006 construction of the Aquatic Ecosystems Research Laboratory.
Assistant: 该楼由帕特考建筑事务所于2009年设计,为2006年建的水生生态系统实验室的院落的最后一部分。
User: This is the Russian third feature film produced using the IMAX format.
Assistant: 而本片也是第四部拥有IMAX版本的俄罗斯电影。
User: All of the city's infrastructure was flattened, with virtually the entire population burned and/or suffocated to their deaths.
Assistant: 城内全部建筑都被夷为平地,几乎所有居民都被烧死或窒息而死。
User: On 10 November, People's Protection Units (YPG) militiamen aided by local Kurds stormed the last government security and administrative stations in the towns of Al-Darbasiyah (Kurdish: Dirbêsî) and Tel Tamer.
Assistant: 11月10日,库尔德人民保卫组织(YPG)的民兵在当地库尔德人的协助下,占领了位于Al-Darbasiyah和Tel Tamer最后的政府军安全设施和行政管理部门。
User: These names were later Latinised as Albania and Anglicised as Albany, which were once alternative names for Scotland.
Assistant: 这些名称此后被拉丁化为Albania,以及英语化为Albany,并一度作为苏格兰的非正式称呼使用。
User: At very small angles to the line of sight, relativistic beaming dominates, and we see a blazar of some variety.
Assistant: 从视线的一个小角度上看,相对论性喷流占统治地位,而我们看到一个有一些变化的耀类星体。
User: It does appear that uncertainty about the issue is increasing, however.
Assistant: 但是,对延伸的反对意见却愈发强烈。
User: We had a nice talk discussing various training problems.
Assistant: 这时传来一个声音,询问各种存在主义的问题。
User: Separate preprocessors are used for more convenient production of tables, diagrams, and mathematics.
Assistant: 独立的预处理程序被用来更加方便地产生表格、图和数学公式。
User: From 2005 to 2009, he also served as Chairman of the Arab Parliament, in which role he worked with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt to promote a reconciliation between battling Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah.
Assistant: 从2005年到2009年期间,萨格尔成为了阿拉伯各国议会联盟主席,并与沙特阿拉伯国王阿卜杜拉和埃及总统穆巴拉克合作,以协助和解哈马斯和法塔赫。
User: However, former UN Weapons Inspector in Iraq Scott Ritter has stated that Feinstein in summer 2002 acknowledged to him that she knew the Bush administration had not provided any convincing intelligence to back up its claims about the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.
Assistant: 不过,联合国特别委员会的前成员Scott Ritter指称范士丹在2002年夏季时便已向他坦承布希政府事实上并没有伊拉克拥有大规模毁灭性武器的证据。
User: Today, the Hotel Imperial is, perhaps, Vienna's most exclusive five-star hotel.
Assistant: 今天,帝国酒店或许是维也纳最高级的五星级酒店。
User: As a stage for bullfighting, it is considered one of the world's most challenging environments because of its history, characteristics, and viewing public, which is considered one of the most unforgiving in all of bullfighting fandom.
Assistant: 作为一个斗牛的舞台,因为它的历史悠久、特点鲜明,并且它的观众被认为是最无情的斗牛迷之一,因而它被认为是世界上最具挑战性的环境之一。
User: Unauthorized persons who do invade the pitch will receive a €15,000 penalty and a ten-year ban from visiting the Philips Stadion.
Assistant: 非球场人士如果非法侵入球场将遭到15,000欧元的罚款以及10年禁止进入飞利浦大球场的禁令。
User: Outside the National Day celebrations period, the national flag of Singapore is flown from all buildings housing government and government-related departments, such as armed forces installations, court houses, offices, and educational institutions.
Assistant: 国庆期间以外,新加坡国旗一般出现在与政府相关的大楼门外,例如住房部、移民部、教育部等。 |
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