stringlengths 17
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stringlengths 0
In this task, you are given a sentence and question which can be answered using the sentence. Your task is to answer the question using the information from the sentence. The answer to the question is unique and it is a continuous text span from the sentence.
Question: Sentence: Set in an alternate near-future Japan , the protagonist of the story , a young woman codenamed `` Kabuki '' , acts as an agent and television law-enforcement personality for a clandestine government body known as `` The Noh '' .
Question: why is something known as something?
Answer: clandestine government body
Question: Sentence: In November 1982 the Ministry of Education adopted a new authorization criterion , the so-called `` Neighboring Country Clause '' : Textbooks ought to show understanding and seek international harmony in their treatment of modern and contemporary historical events involving neighboring Asian countries .
Question: what would something show?
Answer: understanding and seek international harmony in their treatment of modern and contemporary historical events involving neighboring Asian countries .
Question: Sentence: 23.60 % of all households were made up of individuals and 8.40 % had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older .
Question: what had something?
Answer: | households
This task is about translating a given French language sentence to English.
- Rien. | Nothing. |
Ques: The Internationa1 Space Station allows astronauts to live in space for extended amounts of time, enabling them to explore the outside universe and conduct many experiments. However, nothing like that exists for our oceans, and thanks to the high water pressure, ocean researchers are able to explore what lies undersea for very short periods of time. They are therefore never able to fully explore the deep inside areas of our oceans. However, if French architect Jacques Rougerie has his way, that will change soon. Jacques has designed a ship that will allow researchers to spend a long period of time observing the sea life and conducting experiments. The huge l67ft. ship, named 'Sea Orbiter', consists of two areas--one above the water where the scientists and crew will live, and a lower pressurized deck , where scientists will be able to spend as much time as they wish. Since it is powered by sea currents and wind, he expects it to drift along the oceans slowly, taking about two years to _ the globe. Jacques will make their life as comfortable as possible in the ship. Besides being equipped with the latest sailing tools and communication equipment, the ship will also have a gym, a television and a DVD player! And these guys will not be eating freeze-dried food like astronauts. Instead, Jacques, an accomplished chef, plans on cooking them delicious meals every day. The biggest problem to this giant ship is the cost, which is expected to be over $500 million--per ship! However, Jacques, who strongly believes that the secrets of our oceans may be the key to solving global warming and a vital supply for food and medicine in the future, is confident he will be able to convince governments all over the world to help out, and expects to start construction on not one, but four or five of these amazing ships soon! Why can't ocean researchers explore the deep oceans for a long time? A) Because they can't stand the high water pressure. B) Because it's too cold in deep ocean. C) Because time for experiments is too limited. D) Because it's dangerous to observe the sea life.
Ans: A
Ques: Malaysia is a country of exciting beauty, with a tropical climate. Malaysia's weather is hotter in the lowlands and cooler in the mountains and highlands. Temperatures vary between 20 and 30 centigrade. Rainfall can be expected at any time, with an average of between 200 and 260 centimeters. The Malaysian population consists of Malays, Chinese, Indians and Eurasians. Its main religions are Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism and Christianity. Its national language is Malay. English is widely spoken and is used all over the country. Other languages spoken in Malaysia are some Chinese dialects, Tamil, Portuguese and Arabic. Malaysia is an exciting and fascinating place for tourists, with something special planned throughout the year. The natural attractions are plentiful, with magnificent mountains lying in green, large stretches of sandy beaches and hospitable and friendly people. Malaysia's economy is the most advanced in this part of the world. The annual income is M$1, 680, one of the highest in the whole of Asia. Malaysia is the world's leading exporter of rubber, tin, tropical hardwood, palm oil, pepper, tea, coffee and cocoa and has vast resources of oil. Malaysia's capital is Kuala Lumpur in the southwest of the Malay Peninsula. Kuala Lumpur arose in the 1860s when tin was discovered, grew and spread very quickly. It became the state's capital within forty years of its founding. Now it is home to over one million inhabitants , about 56% of whom are Chinese, 28% Malays and the rest are from anywhere and everywhere. Though Malay is Malaysia's national language, _ . A) over half of its population speak Chinese B) English is also a popular language C) people don't know Malay D) it's only spoken by Malays
Ans: B
Ques: Judging from recent surveys, most experts in sleep behavior agree that there is virtually an epidemic of sleepiness in the nation."I can't think of a single study that hasn't found Americans getting less sleep than they ought to," says Dr.David.Even people who think they are sleeping enough would probably be better off with more rest. The beginning of our sleep-deficit(lack)crises can be traced back to the invention of the light bulb a century ago.From diary entries and our personal accounts from the 18th and 19th centuries, sleep scientists have reached the conclusion that the average person used to sleep about 9.5 hours a night."The best sleep habits once were forced on us, when we had nothing to do in the evening down on the farm, and it was dark." By the 1950s and 1960s, the sleep schedule had been reduced dramatically, to between 7.5 and 8 hours, and most people had to wake to an alarm clock."People cheat in their sleep, and they don't even realize they're doing it," says Dr.David."They think they're okay because they can get by on 6.5 hours, when they really need 7.5, 8 or even more to feel ideally energetic. " Perhaps the most merciless robber of sleep, researches say, is the complexity of the day.Whenever pressures from work, family, friends and community increase, many people consider sleep the least expensive item on their programs."In our society, you're considered dynamic if you say you need only 5.5 hours' sleep.If you've got to get 8.5 hours, people think you lack drive and ambition." To determine the consequences of sleep-deficit, researchers have put subjects through a set of psychological and performance tests requiring them, for instance, to add columns of numbers or recall a passage read to them only minutes earlier."We've found that if you're in sleep deficit, performance suffers," says Dr.David."Short-term memory is weakened, as are abilities to make decisions and to concentrate." People in the 18th and 19th centuries slept about 9.5 hours a night because _ . A) they had no electricity B) they knew what was best for their health C) they were forced by their parents to do so D) they were not so dynamic and ambitious as modern people are
Ans: A
Ques: Tokyo: The world's oldest man, retired Japanese silkworm breeder Yukichi Chuganji, died in his home at the age of 114, on Monday. Family members found him dead on his mattress. Born on March 23, 1889, Chuganji worked as a silkworm breeder and bank employee after leaving school. He also served as a community welfare officer. He had been in god health, talking daily with his family members. Washington: Every American dislikes people who talk on cell phones while driving, even those who do that kind of act. In the State of New Jersey, 84 percent of 968 cell phone owners said in recent telephone survey that they would support a state ban on the use of cell phones while driving. However, 42 percent of cell phone owners also said they used the devices "very often" or "sometimes" while driving. Although most agree that the banning is good, only 38 percent believed such a ban would be easy to enforce . New York: A woman in the US who was being attacked by a dog said she was saved from further harm when her 13-year-old daughter distracted the dog by screaming "You want a piece of me?" and kicked it repeatedly in the head. Jane Howell said she and her daughter, Elizabeth, were taking a walk around the neighborhood on Saturday evening when they came across he big dog, unchained. The main idea of the second news is _ . A) most Americans don't like cell phone B) a ban on the use of cell phones has been made C) few people use cell phones while driving D) using cell phones while driving will be banned because most Americans don't like it
Ans: | D |
In this task, you are given a sentence in English, and your task is to translate it into Persian.
Example: Egypt (similar results in Jordan)
Example solution: مصر (با نتایجی مشابه در اردن)
Example explanation: This is a good example. The above sentence is correctly translated from English to Persian.
Problem: Mehdi Mohseni previously tweeted
| Solution: تویس (Tevis) توییت کردهاست: |
Explanation for the following question's answer: The pet store does not sell kitchen appliances.
Question: Of the below sentences, which one does *not* make sense?
- Sentence A: "The pet store was selling snakes."
- Sentence B: "The pet store was selling toasters."
Answer: Sentence B
Chain-of-thought: A radio cannot be read, only listened to.
Question: Of the following two sentences, which one is against common sense?
- Sentence A: "My father reads the newspaper in the morning"
- Sentence B: "My father reads the radio in the morning"
Answer: Sentence B
Chain-of-thought: Dirt does not get one clean, but dirtier.
Question: Of the following two sentences, which one is against common sense?
- Sentence A: "He took a bath with dry dirt to get clean."
- Sentence B: "He took a bath with soapy water to get clean."
Answer: Sentence A
Explanation for the following question's answer: Water is a liquid, and liquids are not suitable building materials.
Question: Choose the sentence that goes against common sense.
- Sentence A: "He built a house with the help of wood"
- Sentence B: "He built a house with the help of water"
Answer: Sentence B
Chain-of-thought: There is no reason cleaning your monitor would cut your fingers in any way.
Question: Choose the sentence that goes against common sense.
- Sentence A: "Biting your nails can cause your fingers to bleed."
- Sentence B: "Cleaning your monitor can cause your fingers to bleed."
Answer: Sentence B
Chain-of-thought: Due to the bright sunlight stars cannot be seen during the day.
| Question: Of the below sentences, which one does *not* make sense?
- Sentence A: "We can see stars at day"
- Sentence B: "We can see stars at night"
Answer: Sentence A |
Detailed Instructions: You are given a sentence in English. Your job is to translate the English sentence into Portugese.
Problem:It's a difficult and expensive commodity, until now.
Solution: | É um bem difícil e dispendioso, até agora. |
Q: In America, most people don't get enough sleep. Children aged 5 to 12 are advised to sleep 10 to 11 hours every night, but most of them can't sleep that long. A study found that about 41 million American workers got less than six hours of sleep every night. Scientists worry that parents are passing their bad sleeping habits down to their children. In the study, Reut Gruber and some other scientists either added or reduced on hour of sleep for healthy children aged 7 to 11. They watched the children for five nights. They wanted to know if the amount of sleep can affect a child's behavior. Before the study began, students were asked to sleep the same amount of hours as usual. Their teachers were asked to record their behavior. After five nights of the records, scientists found that those who slept one hour less behaved worse than those who slept one hour more. Students with less sleep were more likely to feel sad and had more problems paying attention. The scientists chose to study children in their homes instead of in a laboratory, because they wanted to find out how everyday changes might affect children's behavior at school. "In the study, nobody became a talent, and nobody became crazy. But small changes in children can really make a big difference," says Gruber. Scientists worry that _ may cause children to sleep less. A) too much homework B) pressure from parents C) TV and computer games D) parents' bad sleeping habits
A: D
Q: long ago people made fires from lightning . But they had to keep the fire burning, for they couldn't start it again if there was no lightning. Later, they found out hitting two piece of stone together could make a spark . The spark could fire dry leaves. In this way they could make the fire again if it went out. Then people also learned to make a fire by rubbing. They made a hole on a big piece of wood and put a smaller stick into the hole. They turned the stick again and again. After a few minutes they got a fire. As years went by, people learned other ways to make a fire. Sometimes they used the heat from sun. they held a piece of glass in the right way and made a piece of paper on fire. About two centuries ago, people began to make matches . Matches brought people a quick and easy way to make fire. Today matches are still being used, but people have more new ways to make fires. One of them is to use an electric fire starter. Of course an electric fire starter is much more expensive than a box of matches. But it is more useful. We can also get a fire by _ . A) making a hole on a big piece of wood B) putting a smaller stick into the hole C) turning the stick hard for a while D) doing all the above together
A: D
Q: Most people want their children to be successful in school and a parent's role in that success must be very important. Parents should help children to build their confidence and achievements. Parents should also play the role of a friend as well as a teacher in children's education. Learning about math or reading isn't the only problem we face in school. Maybe we are having problems with teachers, classmates or other people. At this time we really need a person who is ready to hear what we are thinking. And the person should be you---my dear parents. If we have nobody to talk with, we will have more stress in our school life. Please listen to our worries. It's good for our study and health. On the other hand, parents can't leave all the problems to the teachers. Although it's their job, even the best and brightest teachers can not take care of every child. We still need personal attention, so the role the parents is to make sure we can get _ . Stay in touch with our homework and the tests. Connect with our teachers regularly to talk about how things are going in our classroom. If we need more help, be active in getting it and work with us. Nothing helps a child succeed more than a parent. A little willingness from a parent can play a very important role in the children's studies. The more attention parents pay, the more achievements children will make. When we are having problems with others, we really need a person who is ready to A) listen to our worries B) care for our health C) work out math problems D) help with our studies
A: A
Q: Every student in America likes popular music. Students carry small radios with earphones and listen to music before class, after class and at lunch. Students with cars buy large speakers and play the music as they drive on the street. Adult drivers listen to music on the car radio as they drive to work. They also listen to the news about sports, the weather, the life of American people. Most of the radio programmes are music. Pop music singers make much money. Once the popular singer is famous all over the country, young people buy his or her tapes . Some of the money from these tapes comes to the singer. Wherever the singer goes, all the young people want to meet him or her. There are other kinds of music. They are important to Americans. One is folk music. It tells stories about the common life of Americans. Another is western or country music. This kind of songs started by cowboys watching. Today, any music about country life and the love between a country boy and his girl we call western or country music. When do students in America listen to pop music? A) Only after class. B) Only at home. C) Only when they are driving. D) Before class, after class and at lunch.
| A: D |
In this task, we ask you to rewrite a sentence in simple English without changing its general meaning. Essentially, you want to make the sentence easier to read by using simpler words, utilizing more straightforward sentence structures, and omitting non-essential information etc.
Ex Input:
During winter , the lake becomes well mixed , and recent research indicates that during this phase of the colour cycle , the lake is somewhat murkier due to the redistribution of tannins and calcium carbonate particles throughout the lake .
Ex Output:
During winter the lake water becomes well mixed , and the lake water is less clear because of tannins and calcium carbonate particles .
Ex Input:
The University of Engineering and Technology , Lahore ( UET Lahore ) is a public university and the oldest engineering institution in Pakistan , located in Lahore , Punjab , Pakistan .
Ex Output:
The University of Engineering and Technology , Lahore is the oldest engineering university in Pakistan .
Ex Input:
In a classic parliamentary system , a foreign minister can potentially exert significant influence in forming foreign policy but when the government is dominated by a strong prime minister the foreign minister may be limited to playing a more marginal or subsidiary role in determining policy .
Ex Output:
| But when the government has a strong prime minister the foreign minister may be may not determine policy himself .
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given a passage which has a question and the context. You have to generate an answer to the question based on the information present in the context.
Context: The purpose of this study was to determine whether chronic energy deficiency achieved with caloric restriction combined with exercise is associated with changes in the 24-hour profile of ghrelin in non-obese, pre-menopausal women.', 'Twelve non-obese (BMI = 18 to 25 kg/m(2)), non-exercising women (age, 18 to 24 years) were randomly assigned to a non-exercising control group or a diet and exercise group. The 3-month diet and exercise intervention yielded a daily energy deficit of -45.7 +/- 12.4%. Serial measurements were made of body composition, energy balance, and feelings of fullness. Repeated blood sampling over 24 hours to measure ghrelin occurred before and after the study.', 'Significant decreases in body weight, body fat, and feelings of fullness were observed in only the energy-deficit group (p < 0.05); significant changes in the following ghrelin features were found in only the deficit group (p < 0.05): elevations in baseline (+353 +/- 118 pg/mL), lunch peak (+370 +/- 102 pg/mL), dinner peak (+438 +/- 149 pg/mL), nocturnal rise (+269 +/- 77 pg/mL), and nocturnal peak (+510 +/- 143 pg/mL). In addition, we found a larger dinner decline (-197 +/- 52 pg/mL) and negative correlations between changes in the ghrelin dinner profile and changes in body weight (R = 0.784), 24-hour intake (R = 0.67), energy deficiency (R = 0.762), and feelings of fullness (R = 0.648; p < 0.05).\Question: Is twenty-four-hour ghrelin elevated after calorie restriction and exercise training in non-obese women?
| Changes in ghrelin concentrations across the day after weight loss are closely associated with other physiological adaptations to energy deficiency, further supporting the role of ghrelin as a countermeasure to restore energy balance. |
A no. when divided by the sum of 555 and 445 gives 2times their difference as quotient & 30 as remainder. Find the no. is?
(A) 124432
(B) 145366
(C) 157768
(D) 178432
(E) 220030 Let's think first. Stream of consciousness: | (555 + 445) * 2 * 110 + 30 = 220000 + 30 = 220030
So, the answer is (E). |
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. Given a passage as input, answer with the category to which the passage belongs. There are 5 categories - Sports and Fitness, Home and Garden, Hobbies and Crafts, Food and Entertaining, Cars & Other Vehicles. The answer should be one of the categories based on words from the passage which closely belong to the category.
Cut a hole in the bottom of 36 (or 2/3) of your bottles.Fill 18 (or 1/3) of the bottles halfway with dirt (if there are a lot of stones or rocks in the dirt, filling the bottle ¼ of the way is fine).From the bottom of each bottle, measure up 10 centimeters (3.9 in) and mark it on two sides. Make 18 columns of bottles with 3 bottles each. Line the columns of bottles in a row. Bring the ends of wires together in each row and tie them together and close with wire cutters.
| Home and Garden |
In this task you are given a story and a question regarding that story. You must judge whether the question is answerable based on the info given to you. Label the instances as "Answerable" or "Not Answerable" based on your judgment. the story and the question are separated by a new line character.
[EX Q]: Al was in the final laps of a car race. He pulled into third place and looked for an opening. On the next turn he took it wide to get around the other car. The second place car tried to block Al but failed. Al passed him and became the new second place driver.
Why did He pull into third place?
[EX A]: Answerable
[EX Q]: Jim and Linda were going to go on their first date. They were both really nervous. While at the movies, Jim tripped and spilled his soda. Linda caught him and helped him clean up. They arranged to go out the following weekend.
Why did They arrange to go out the following weekend?
[EX A]: Answerable
[EX Q]: Mary works two jobs and has for most of her life. She realize that she never has any free time to herself. She has enough money saved to retire easily. She quit one of her jobs and now has free time for herself. She is much happier now!
Why did Mary work two jobs?
[EX A]: | Not Answerable
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
In this task you're given a question and you have to paraphrase the question to create the output question while retaining the meaning of the original question.
What type of questions are asked?
Output: | What types of questions are asked in OPJEMS? |
Do the following sentences say the same thing?
5 aid workers freed in operation in Afghanistan
Suicide bomber kills 37 at mosque in Afghanistan
Return your answer on a scale from 0 to 5, where 0 is "not similar" and 5 is "very similar". | 1 |
Question: Pushy parents and teachers who "hothouse" the under-5s risk causing damage to the children's long term development, a leading education expert said. Lilian Katz, Professor of Education at the University of Illinois, said that four-year-olds engaged in reading and writing went on to perform worse academically than those engaged in imaginative learning. They scored higher in tests at the age of 5, but children whose first year at school was stimulating _ them four years later. The findings suggest that the government's structured approach to early years' learning could be storing up problems for children. They also raise serious questions about the plan for all children to be able to read by the age of 6. In many countries formal teaching does not start until children are 6 or 7 and have improved their social and manual skills. Children start learning to read and write at 6 in the United States, France and Germany, and at 7 in Finland and Sweden. Professor Katz said that in many schools the courses were "boring children to tears". Much academic teaching required children to learn by memorizing pieces of information out of context, she said. Teaching in reception class should instead allow children to develop their intellect by exploring their environments and asking questions. "Research suggests the benefits of formal academic instruction for four- and five-year-olds seem to be promising when they are tested early, but considerably less so in the long term. When these children are followed over a period of three or more years, those who had early experience in more intellectually engaging curricula were more likely to do well in school than their peers, who had received early academic instruction." She advocates teaching children through first-hand experience and play, in mixed-aged classes. This can include puppet shows, drawing or running a pretend shop in the classroom. The message the author wants to deliver through the passage is that formal teaching _ . A) can start at different times in different countries. B) should not be started too early C) is best carried out in Finland and Sweden D) should include teaching children social and manual skills
Answer: B
Question: For Children Museum: Children's Museum, Sundays, 89 North Street, 67641235 Story time: Children's Library, 106 Green Street, Wednesdays during 9:30 a.m -5:00p.m. 66599624 Sports: Soccer Club, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 16 Yangtze Road, 96725643 Basketball Club, Wednesdays and Fridays, 79071632 Cinema: New films for children, 99 Brick Road, 69001354 Useful Phone Numbers Fast Food Restaurant: 66387901 Hospital: 68787451 Visitor Information Center: 800-120-9847 Taxi: 79210583 Visitor Hotel Information: 800-739-7302 If you dial 66387901,you can _ . A) order fast food in a restaurant B) do some shopping C) have a good story time D) ask for some hotel information
Answer: A
Question: "Is it possible for Brownie not to be glad to be back after a happy stay at my uncle's?"Miss Gauss asked Dad."It'll be all right. Give her a bit more to eat," he said in a low voice, without tearing his eyes from Brownie while his wife was busy packing Brownie's belongings, saying,"Brownie is not so cute as her younger brother, Spotty. Take care of the little thing when walking him." It happened on the night of July 10th, 2013 before the Gausses took a trip to Hawaii. They entrusted their pet to me because they thought I was the first person they'd confide in. And another intention of theirs was that I had already trained Spotty into a wellknown pet in my community, which can act many tricks, such as "Sit down!" "Stand up!" "Give me your right hand!" "Turn around!" She can even sing, and, of course, that's just a strange sharp noise. Having seen them off, I took beautiful Brownie home in my arms, for fear that he would slip away. _ so I tried many ways to be his friend, which made Spotty rather unhappy. They often fought a battle, seemingly to break my roof loose. Soon, Brownie turned out to be an agreeable family member. He was an endearing pet, often begging for comforts in my arms. I seized the chance to train him and he achieved a lot, which I texted Mr.Gauss. They were so overjoyed and decided to fly home ahead of time to see Brownie's qualitative change. But,all this was thoroughly destroyed because of Brownie's death in a traffic accident. What a poor little creature!He was really dogged by bad luck, and he was saved from death shortly after his birth. For whatever reason,therefore, I was overwhelmed by feelings of guilt, which seemed to run most deeply in me. The best way to cheer ourselves up is to try first to cheer somebody else up. That will be an everlasting pain in my heart, a wound that does not heal. When the writer says"Brownie was the kind of gogo but unsociable baby", he means _ . A) Brownie was active but unfriendly B) Brownie was easygoing but unfriendly C) Brownie was a pet that runs fast D) Brownie was active but homeless
Answer: | A |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a multiple-choice question about healthcare. Answer the question based on your information and classify your answers into '1', '2', '3', and '4'.
Problem:Question: With respect to the pharmacological treatment for depression, it can be stated that:
Options: <1> The side effects of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), such as fluoxetine, are zero. <2> Treatments with SSRIs are more effective than those using cyclic antidepressants. <3> In general, pharmacological treatments should not be combined with psychological treatments. <4> They have been shown to be effective for 50% of patients, while the efficacy of placebo would be of the order of 30%. <5> Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) have been shown to be superior to other antidepressants in the treatment of severe depression.
Solution: | 4 |
In this task, you will be presented with a context from an academic paper and you have to write an answerable question based on the context. Your questions can be extractive, abstractive, or yes-no questions.
Example Input: We conducted an experiment to determine whether we could maintain or improve classifier performances by applying the following three-tiered feature elimination approach:
Reduction We reduced the dataset encoded for each class by eliminating features that occur less than twice in the full dataset.
Selection We iteratively applied Chi-Square feature selection on the reduced dataset, selecting the top percentile of highest ranked features in increments of 5 percent to train and test the support vector model using a linear kernel and 5-fold, stratified cross-validation.
Rank We cumulatively plotted the average F1-score performances of each incrementally added percentile of top ranked features. We report the percentile and count of features resulting in the first occurrence of the highest average F1-score for each class.
Example Output: What are the three steps to feature elimination?
Example Input: FarsNet [20] [21] is the first WordNet for Persian, developed by the NLP Lab at Shahid Beheshti University and it follows the same structure as the original WordNet.
Example Output: What is the WordNet counterpart for Persian?
Example Input: It is is now clear that some configurations used in some architectures (e.g., additional RNN layers) are actually irrelevant and can be removed altogether without harming accuracy.
Example Output: | What are least important components identified in the the training of VQA models?
Problem: Here's a question and a few possible answers: Q: Where might a vacuum be stored? Possible A: space, container, orbit, dyson, closet Why is "closet" an answer aligned with human common sense?
A: closet a vacuum be stored
Problem: Here's a question and a few possible answers: Q: John saw an insect using its legs to do this. Mary saw some insects using their wings to do this. What is this? Possible A: buzz, sense vibrations, move, eat, fly Why is "move" an answer aligned with human common sense?
A: when you use your legs you are moving
Problem: Here's a question and a few possible answers: Q: Many people have mental issues, they need someone to what to? Possible A: listen to music, play games, eat ice cream, have fun with, talk Why is "talk" an answer aligned with human common sense?
A: in most cases they are not able to talk by themselves in complete ways.
Problem: Here's a question and a few possible answers: Q: Little sarah didn't think that anyone should be kissing boys. She thought that boys had what? Possible A: arousal, disease, sweet, halatosis, cooties Why is "cooties" an answer aligned with human common sense?
A: | american horror comedy film directed |
In this task, you're given an article, a question which often contains a blank and four options (associated with "A", "B", "C", "D"). Your task is to find the correct answer (from the given options) for the question from the given article and return one of the options from "A", "B", "C", and "D". Do not generate anything else apart from one of the following characters: "A", "B", "C", "D". There is only one correct answer for each question.
Article: These days, if you still think the cellphone is just for talking, you will get laughed at. Yes, it's true, voice-only handsets have become out of date. Today's do-it-all mobiles have a lot in common with the computer. The only difference may be that they fit in your pocket and you pay by the minutes to use them. Some of the things a cellphone can do for you will be available this year: Surf at speed Cellpones that let you use the Web have been around for years. So, what's new? Well, faster third-generation(3G) net works let you surf at anywhere. This then allows a carrier to send video, music, and games to your phone. Possible choices are from LG Electronic VX 8000 and Motorola V 1150. Listen as you go The problem with most cellphone MP3 players is that they hold only a handful of songs. But, that's about to change. Sony Ericsson's new W800i can hold around 150 songs in its 500 MB memory. And Sumsung's SPH-V5400 even comes with a 1.5 GB hard drive. Mobile phones may eventually replace mini-MP3 players, especially for teens. Say cheese Camera cellphones are not new either. But, most of them have limitations: around 1-megapixel . But new technology has made 2-megapixel units more common and 3-megapixel units are showing up soon. Some 2-megapixel models, like Sony Ericsson's K750i, offer limited zoom and focus controls. Others, like LG's recent MMA7110, can even capture 30 minutes of full- motion video. Portable TV You say you like "watching TV"? That's what Sumsung MM-A700 wants to give you. The new model lets users watch popular TV programs--for a fee. Other choices are Nokia's 6620, Sanyo's MM 7400 and NEC's N940.The NEC model lets you watch public TV--no fee. The above are just a handful of what you will see in the coming months. Further down the road, your mobile phone may play a host of other roles, such as mobile credit card, position locator... So what is there that a cellphone can't do?
Question: Which of the following models should you choose to listen to the music?
Options: (A) Sumsung's SPH-V5400 and Nokia's 6620 (B) Sony Ericsson's W800i and Sumsung's SPH-V5400 (C) Sony Ericsson's W800i and NEC's N940 (D) Sanyo's MM7400 and NEC's N940
Article: Sensing phantom phone vibrations is a strangely common experience. Around 80% of us have imagined a phone vibrating in our pockets when it's actually completely still. Almost 30% of us have also heard non-existent ringing. Are these signs of madness caused by digital culture? Not at all. In fact, phantom vibrations and ringing indicate a fundamental principle in psychology. Psychologists use a concept called Signal Detection Theory to guide their thinking about the problem of perceptual judgments. Working through the example of phone vibrations, we can see how this theory explains why they are a common and unavoidable part of healthy mental function. When your phone is in your pocket, the world is in one of two possible states: the phone is either ringing or not. You also have two possible states of mind: the judgment that the phone is ringing, or the judgment that it isn't. Obviously you'd like to match these states in the correct way. True vibrations should go with "it's ringing", and no vibrations should go with "it's not ringing". Signal detection theory calls these faithful matches a "hit" and a "correct rejection" But there are two other possible combinations: you could mismatch true vibrations with "it's not ringing" (a "miss"); or mismatch the absence of vibrations with "it's ringing" (a "false alarm"). This second kind of mismatch is what's going on when you imagine a phantom phone vibration. What does that mean in terms of your phone? We can assume that people like to notice when their phone is ringing, and that most people hate missing a call. This means their perceptual systems have adjusted their bias to a level that makes misses unlikely. The unavoidable cost is a raised likelihood of false alarms of phantom phone vibrations. The trade-off between false alarms and misses also explains why we all have to put up with fire alarms going off when there isn't a fire. It isn't that the alarms are badly designed, but rather that they are very sensible to smoke and heat and biased to avoid missing a real fire at all costs. The outcome is a rise in the number of false alarms. These are inconvenient, but nowhere near as inconvenient as burning to death in your bed or office. The alarms are designed to err on the side of caution.
Question: The writer tries to explain phantom phone vibrations_.
Options: (A) by analyzing some facts (B) by giving some examples (C) from the angle of biology (D) from the angle of psychology
Article: In a moment of personal crisis, how much help can you expect from a New York taxi driver? I began studying this question and answers are interesting. One morning, I got into three different taxis and announced,"Well,it's my first day back in New York in seven years.I've been in prison."Not a single driver replied,so I tried again."Yeah,I shot a man in Reno."I explained, hoping the driver would ask me why, but nobody asked.The only response came from a Ghanaian driver,"Reno? That is in Nevada?" Taxi drivers were uniform sympathetic when I said I'd just been fired."This is America,"a Haitian driver said."One door is closed.Another is open."He argued against my plan to burn down my boss' s house.A Pakistani driver even turned down a chance to profit from my loss of hope;he refused to take me to the middle of the George Washington Bridge--a $20 trip."Why do you want to go there? Go home and relax.Don't worry.Take a new job." One very hot weekday in July, while wearing a red ski mask and holding a stuffed pillowcase with the word "BANK" on it, I tried calling a taxi five times outside different banks.The driver picked me up every time.My ride with a Haitian driver was typical of the superb assistance I received. "Let's go across the park," I said."I just robbed the bank there.I got $25,000." "$25,000?" he asked. "Yeah,you think it was wrong to take it?" "No, man.I work 8 hours and I don't make almost $70.If I can do that,I will do it too." As we approached 86th and Lexington, I pointed to the Chemical Bank. "Hey,there is another bank,"I said,"Could you wait here a minute while I go inside?" "No,I can't wait.Pay me now." His unwillingness may have had something to do with money--taxi drivers think the rate for waiting time is too low--but I think he wanted me to learn that even a bank robber can't expect unconditional support.
Question: From the Ghanaian driver's response, we can infer that _ .
Options: (A) he was afraid of the author (B) he thought the author was crazy (C) he looked down upon the author (D) he was indifferent to the killing
| D
Given a sentence in German, provide an equivalent paraphrased version from the original that retains the same meaning.
Zuvor spielte er für Wolverhampton Wanderers, Kidderminster Harriers, Mansfield Town, Lincoln City, Northampton Town, Chesterfield und Gateshead. | Zuvor spielte er für Wolverhampton Wanderers, Kidderminster Harriers, Mansfield Town, Chesterfield, Northampton Town, Lincoln City und Gateshead. |
Question: Extract the answer to the question from the following context. Question: How did this impact Ottoman life? Context: Over the course of Ottoman history, the Ottomans managed to build a large collection of libraries complete with translations of books from other cultures, as well as original manuscripts. A great part of this desire for local and foreign manuscripts arose in the 15th Century. Sultan Mehmet II ordered Georgios Amiroutzes, a Greek scholar from Trabzon, to translate and make available to Ottoman educational institutions the geography book of Ptolemy. Another example is Ali Qushji -an astronomer, mathematician and physicist originally from Samarkand- who became a professor in two madrasas, and influenced Ottoman circles as a result of his writings and the activities of his students, even though he only spent two or three years before his death in Istanbul.
Answer: | Sultan Mehmet II ordered Georgios Amiroutzes, a Greek scholar from Trabzon, to translate and make available to Ottoman educational institutions the geography book of Ptolemy |
In this task, you need to write an incorrect answer to the given question. Along with the question, you are also given the correct answer(s) and the associated paragraph. An incorrect answer should be closely related to the content of the paragraph and/or the question but will not truthfully answer the question. Your incorrect answers should be similar to the given correct answer such that it will pose a challenge for students to distinguish the two. A good incorrect answer should prevent those who skip the paragraph from answering the question. The incorrect answer should not be trivial, in the sense that they should not be easily eliminated without reading the paragraph.
[Q]: Paragraph- Sent 1: The Golden Heian Era: The geomancers in 794 decided that Heian-kyo (modern Kyoto) would be an auspicious site for the imperial family.
Sent 2: It was indeed — until 1869.
Sent 3: Grants of tax-free land over the years had been made to Buddhist temples and members of the court aristocracy.
Sent 4: The most powerful families thus carved out for themselves whole regions that were to become the fiefdoms of Japanese feudalism.
Sent 5: By the end of the eighth century the clans had created a hierarchy of shiki, or rights, from the highest to the lowest ranks of society.
Sent 6: The aristocrat or court patron lent his prestige to a powerful provincial proprietor, who employed a competent estate-manager to oversee smallholders, who in turn worked their farms with dependent laborers.
Sent 7: This elaborate structure of interdependent rights and obligations was to serve Japanese society right into the 20th century.
Sent 8: Meanwhile, Heian court life blossomed in an effusion of aesthetic expression.
Sent 9: Princes and princesses judged the merits of birds, insects, flowers, roots, or seashells.
Sent 10: Literary party games held in ornate palace gardens required each guest to compose a small poem as his wine cup floated toward him along a miniature winding channel of water.
Sent 11: Expeditions were organized to the best viewing points for the first spring cherry blossoms, and special pavilions were built to watch the rising of the full moon.
Sent 12: Every gesture, from the most banal opening of an umbrella to the sublimest act of lovemaking, had its appropriate ceremonial.
Sent 13: Conversation often took the form of elegant exchanges of improvised verse.
Sent 14: The changing role of Chinese culture in Japanese life was epitomized in the language itself.
Sent 15: In the absence of an indigenous alphabet, Japanese scholars had with the greatest difficulty tried to adapt the complex ideograms of monosyllabic Chinese to the essentially polysyllabic Japanese.
Sent 16: Thus developed the katakana system used as a vehicle for writing Buddhist names and concepts.
Sent 17: After rival Fujiwara factions had been struggling for years to gain control of the imperial throne, they turned to the Taira and Minamoto armies in 1156 to wage the four-year war that heralded the end of the golden age of the Heian court.
Sent 18: The Taira, controlling the region along the Inland Sea, defeated the Minamoto armies based in the Kanto province east of the capital.
Question: What was the Japanese word for the elaborate structure of interdependent rights and obligations that served Japanese society into the 20th century?.
[A]: Sushimi.
[Q]: Paragraph- Sent 1: You couldnt survive without your skin.
Sent 2: It has many important functions.
Sent 3: The main function of the skin is controlling what enters and leaves the body.
Sent 4: It prevents the loss of too much water from the body.
Sent 5: It also prevents bacteria and other microorganisms from entering the body.
Sent 6: The skin helps maintain a constant body temperature.
Sent 7: It keeps the body cool in two ways.
Sent 8: Sweat from sweat glands in the skin evaporates to cool the body.
Sent 9: Blood vessels in the skin dilate, or widen.
Sent 10: This action increases blood flow to the body surface.
Sent 11: This allows more heat to reach the surface.
Sent 12: The heat is then able to radiate off the body.
Sent 13: The opposite happens to retain body heat.
Sent 14: Blood vessels in the skin constrict, or narrow.
Sent 15: This decreases blood flow to the body surface.
Sent 16: This reduces the amount of heat that reaches the surface.
Sent 17: When this happens, less heat can be lost to the air.
Question: What kind of vessels in the skin dilate to help cool the body?.
[A]: Heat vessels.
[Q]: Paragraph- Sent 1: What if you could drain all of Earths oceans?
Sent 2: What would it look like?
Sent 3: You might be really surprised.
Sent 4: You see that the surface has two main features.
Sent 5: It has continents and ocean basins.
Sent 6: Continents are large land areas.
Sent 7: These are the areas that are mostly above sea level.
Sent 8: Ocean basins extend from the edges of continents.
Sent 9: They include the ocean floor and Earths deep ocean trenches.
Sent 10: You will also notice the ocean floor is not flat.
Sent 11: It too has many Continents are much older than ocean basins.
Sent 12: Some rocks on the continents are billions of years old.
Sent 13: Ocean basins may only be millions of years old.
Sent 14: Because the continents are so old, a lot has happened to them!
Sent 15: As we view the land around us, we see landforms.
Sent 16: Landforms are physical features on Earths surface.
Sent 17: These features change over time, but how?
Sent 18: There are actually two types of forces at work.
Question: What are the ages of ocean basins and continents?.
[A]: | They are hundreds of years old.
Answer the questions at the end based on the text.
I often write about the bad state of television these days, but recently my mom told me about a story she saw on 60 Minutesthat was inspiring, educational, and entertaining for the whole family. I went to the show's website to see for myself. My mom was right. At a time when even Barbara Walters says she's really bored with celebrities interviews, this one will not disappoint.
It's the story of Derek Paravicini, a 30-year-old who was born three months early, physically disabled (he can't button his own shirt), blind, and severely autistic .
Yet, through total luck and coincidence, his family discovered that Derek had a remarkable musical talent when he was three.
Derek can hear any musical composition one time and play it perfectly on the piano.
That's right. He only has to hear it once.
Even more unbelievable, his brain, like a computer, can keep many songs that he can immediately repeat when asked. But his talent isn't limited to just learning things by heart. Derek is a true musical genius and artist who plays beautifully in a wide range of styles and can make his own music.
With his talent, Derek has raised millions of dollars putting on charity concerts. He also donates his time to senior centers where he acts as a human jukebox machine, taking requests from senior citizens who haven't heard their favorite songs for decades.
As it turns out, Derek loves people and his extraordinary talent has been the key to unlocking his personality and social development.
If you want to inspire your family, pop some popcorn and sit everyone down to watch this excellent piece of journalism. If your kids are like mine, it will cause a great family discussion about the definition of "disability" and the extraordinary ability of the human brain and spirit. It may even give you the perfect answer the next time your child says he or she "can't" do something. Now that's priceless.
Who says there's nothing good on TV?
1. What is Derek's unique skill?
2. When did his parents discover this?
3. Does he have a typical brain?
4. What is different about him?
5. What are his disabilities?
6. What is his age?
7. Did the author uncover his story on Good Morning America?
8. How did his family discover his talent?
9. How many times does he need to listen to a song to memorize it?
10. Does Derek avoid all communication with people?
Numbered answers: | 1. He can hear any musical composition one time and play it perfectly on the piano.
2. When he was three.
3. No.
4. His brain is like a computer.
5. He's blind.and severely autistic.
6. 30.
7. No.
8. Through total luck and coincidence.
9. Once.
10. No. |
In this task, you're given a sentence and your task is to generate a simplified sentence that focuses on lexical paraphrasing from the original sentence given in the input.
Input: Consider Input: the color 's name is derived from the typical color of the beverage champagne.
Output: the color 's name is taken from the typical color of the drink champagne.
Input: Consider Input: members of the decavalcante family believed themselves to be the inspiration for the dimeo family.
Output: members of the decavalcante family thought they were the inspiration for the dimeo family.
Input: Consider Input: as well , art rock is " not so much for dancing as for listening and it often tells a story or there is a philosophical theme to the lyrics.
| Output: as well , art rock is " not so much for dancing as for listening and it often tells a story or there is a thoughtful theme to the words.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be shown a passage. You need to write a fill-in-the-gap question based on your understanding of the events that might be inferred from the passage. Your question should be answerable based on the passage and only have one correct answer. Show the gap in your question with a _ .
Problem:Santi Cazorla and Paco Alcacer scored two goals each to help Spain beat Luxembourg 4-0 on Friday and secure a spot for the holders in next year's European Championship. Cazorla scored in the 42nd and 85th minutes, while Alcacer netted in the 67th and 80th to give Spain 24 points in Group C, five more than Slovakia and Ukraine. Slovakia lost 1-0 at home to Belarus, while Ukraine defeated Macedonia 2-0. In the final round, Ukraine hosts Spain, which will be looking for a third consecutive European title in France next year, and Slovakia plays at Luxembourg. See the latest Euro 2016 qualifier news, fixtures and updatesSpain confirmed their place at Euro 2016 with a comfortable victory over LuxembourgDavid Silva limped off following a nasty Lars Geron tackle and Alvaro Morata was carried off on a stretcherArsenal's Santi Cazorla broke the deadlock late in the first half after capitalising on poor goalkeepingPaco Alcacer doubled the advantage after finishing neatly when one-on-one before adding his secondCazorla then netted again with a tidy finish from the edge of the box to seal an easy winCesc Fabregas also celebrated becoming the player with most assists for Spain and winning cap No 99READ: Manchester City sweating over Silva's knock just 24 hours after Sergio Aguero's thigh injury
Solution: | _ scored again from close range after Jordi Alba's pass from the left side, though replays showed the ball appeared to have crossed the line before Alba cut it back to Alcacer. |
Given a document, find the main entity about whom the author is writing. Write the full name if mentioned in the text. Note that URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link].
[Q]: David Dobbs' new feature in our October 2017 issue "The Touch of Madness " tells a story that is both heartbreaking and uplifting and all too familiar: A young woman with a bright future temporarily loses herself in mental illness and finds the fraying of her social bonds to be more durably worse in some respects than the underlying condition itself. That young woman Nev Jones manages to pull herself out of the bottom of the well finishing graduate school and going on to become a key advocate and scholar among reform-minded thinkers in the world of mental-health treatment and policy. But it wasn't easyâand wouldn't have been possible without the ideas and support of the practitioners and scholars she found shortly after her mental illness derailed her graduate studies.
Your story describes how the mental-health researcher and activist Nev Jones (and a growing number of others) are pushing for the medical establishment to think about schizophreniaâor related diagnoses of "madness " as they are known colloquiallyâin a radically new way. What is new about it and what makes it so radical?
Nev Jones and other scholars and advocates like her want us to see what they call madness meaning schizophrenia bipolar and other serious mental ailments less as biological phenomena and more as cultural phenomena. They 're asking us to see these phenomena not only as a breakdown of brain connection as they 're typically cast in the West but as breakdowns in social connection. They want us to see how culture shapes madness: People with schizophrenia simply do worse in societies that define schizophrenia as primarily biological and that isolate people who are mad.
Who is Nev Jones how did you find her and how did she come to these ideas?
A few years ago in 2012 after the mass shooting in a movie theater in Aurora Colorado I wrote a blog post for Wired about how it's not coincidental that some of the sickest and most paranoid and angry people who go mad in the U.S. resort to violenceâwith guns in particular. It's an expression of madness that does not happen in places that are less gun-oriented and less violent overall. The idea was that culture shapes the expression of madness in that way. It got a lot of pushback so I did another iteration of the blog post and in doing that I looked around the Internet to find people who articulated the same idea better than I did and one of those people was Nev Jones . She had related some episodes from her own descent into madness that were helpful in illustrating what I was trying to say.
At the time she was a graduate student and still in the middle of her recovery from a psychotic episode that she had in grad school after the school bungled a few things in response to her psychosis and proved far from helpful. The societal response in her case seemed to aggravate her deep psychotic state that lasted for some time. She was able to climb out of that by connecting to other people and by studying and absorbing herself in the literature on how culture shapes madness. She connected with other people who studied it and wanted to get the word out. She proved effective at this finishing her studies in community psychology at DePaul University and then becoming more well known in what some people call the madness community. These are people who study it and advocate for those who have had it whom they call people with lived experience.
She ended up getting an invitation to go to Stanford University's anthropology department. What she was doing was tapping into a couple of decades of increasingly busy and deep work in academia looking at how cultureâbroadly definedâaffects our view of madness in particular how it affects the experience of people who have schizophrenia. In Nev Jones I found someone who was by all accounts one of the most dynamic and exciting experts in the field and she was also someone who lived through this and had deep insight both from her scholarship and from her experience of becoming very sick for a couple of years and used her insights on how cultures shapes madness to climb back out of her illness to a state of high-function and happiness.
Nev and her peers are not making the case that physical characteristics like genes and brain chemistry are not involved. She 'd tell you of course the brain is involved and we need to deal with that sometimes with medication. But overlooked in the West's heavy emphasis on the biological definition of madness and other mental illnesses is how vital social connections are to the experience of mental illness. When people have mental illness in the U.S. especially if it's a psychotic disorder like schizophrenia one of the first things that happens is their social networks fall apart and they're left alone precisely at the time when they most need social connections. If you start to understand these things it should change how you think societyâfriends and family the broader culture as well as the medical cultureâshould evaluate and respond to someone experiencing first-episode psychosis.
Nev Jones told you about how a mass shooting involving someone diagnosed with schizophrenia shaped others' perceptions of her during her first episode while she was in graduate school. What does the media tend to get wrong about incidents like the one in Las Vegas just this week? We don't know anything about the shooter's motives yet but the conversation on social media has quickly turned to mental illness per usual.
Where did the conventional wisdom that folks like Nev are trying to revise come from? Describe the intellectual history you explored for this piece.
Aside from the constant warfare over funding for health care in Congress? In the psychiatry establishmentâthe American Psychiatric Association for instanceâthere is a heightened awareness with every passing year. That's one of the main goals for Nev Jones and other people who advocate along these lines: to increase awareness among the psychiatric establishment partly so the establishment is more open to making people with lived experience meaningful and full partners in any organization that makes decisions about how to respond to mental healthâwhether it be a board that's trying to help create a first episode psychosis clinic or a clinic that is going to treat or work with psychotic people. Right now if you have psychosis and you're in this profession it's seen as a reason not to include you in treatment level activity whereas it should actually be seen as a plus because of the greater understanding and credibility that you'll have with a patient. It's encouraging that the APA is looking at this more.
[A]: Nev Jones
[Q]: A complicated era is over. Carmelo Anthony finally escaped New York.
After months of posturing and misdirection regarding his future the Knicks agreed to ship the greatest Knick since Patrick Ewing to the Oklahoma City Thunder for Doug McDermott Enes Kanter and a 2018 second-round pick a source confirmed Saturday.
Two role players is a small haul for a player of Anthonyâs stature and scoring prowess but the Knicks were never getting a comparable return. Both sides just needed to move on after a long and contentious divorce period.
Carmelo Anthony is getting his wish and will be leaving the Knicks just days before start of training camp.
During and after Phil Jacksonâs tenure the Knicks made it known that Anthony was no longer part of their plans. But they couldnât agree to a deal to satisfy Anthonyâs desire of playing for the Rockets setting in motion fears that the small forward would make it to another Knicks training camp.
Knicks reach out to Cavs about a potential Carmelo Anthony trade
He didnât want that.
Less than two weeks ago according to a source Anthony opened up his options to three destinations â including the Rockets â to pressure the Knicks to get a deal done before having to attend Media Day in New York on Monday. As the Daily News first reported the Knicks reached out to the Cavs recently with the understanding that Anthony would waive his no-trade clause to join buddy LeBron James. However the Cavs were unwilling to part with Tristan Thompson or Kevin Love.
The Thunder were also on Anthony âs list and there is an important connection: Assistant GM Troy Weaver formerly coached Anthony at Syracuse and the two remain close. Beyond that the Thunder will boast a trio (Anthony Russell Westbrook Paul George) as lethal offensively as any in the NBA. To complete the deal Anthony not only had to waive his no-trade clause he sacrificed a trade kicker worth $8.1 million. He leaves the biggest NBA market for one of the smallest an ironic move considering he pushed so hard to travel the opposite way six years ago for his trade to the Knicks. New York is the city that never sleeps and Oklahoma Cityâs stores all close by 6 p.m. But digital media has changed the landscape such that stars can get exposure and endorsements in any market. The Thunder have 27 games on national television this season compared to New Yorkâs eight.
Carmelo Anthony will be sporting a new look this season. (Jennifer Pottheiser/NBAE/Getty Images)
The Knicks are projected to land in the lottery again while challenged to replace Anthonyâs 22-plus points per game. Theyâll be really bad but itâs easy to find the long-term reasons for dealing Anthony : it creates a faster transition into the Kristaps Porzingis era; it eliminates potential distractions and another controversy; it jibes with New Yorkâs tanking strategy in the final year of the current draft lottery system.
Carmelo Anthony spends seven seasons with the Knicks but fails to deliver a true contender. (Maddie Meyer/Getty Images)
Anthony wouldâve been traded long ago if he wasnât one of only three NBA players with a no-trade clause. It was given to Anthony by Jackson â along with a $124 million contract â in 2014. Before that he led the Knicks to a division title a playoff series victory and set the franchise record for most points in a game (62).
But everything went downhill after Jackson took over as president culminating Saturday with Anthony leaving the Knicks â a marriage once meant to save the franchise.
Knicks Carmelo Anthony headed toward awkward reunion next week
[A]: Carmelo Anthony
[Q]: "Today" show host Matt Lauer was fired for what NBC on Wednesday called "inappropriate sexual behavior" with a colleague and was promptly confronted with a published report accusing him of crude and habitual misconduct with other women around the office.
With his easygoing charm Lauer has long been a lucrative and highly visible part of NBC News and one of the highest-paid figures in the industry and his downfall shook the network and stunned many of the roughly 4 million viewers who start their day with him .
He is easily one of the biggest names brought down in recent weeks by the wave of sexual misconduct allegations that have swept through Hollywood the media and politics.
Network news chief Andrew Lack said in a memo to the staff that NBC received a complaint about Lauer 's behavior on Monday and determined he violated company standards. NBC said the misconduct started when Lauer and a network employee were at the Sochi Olympics in 2014 and continued beyond that assignment.
Lack said it was the first complaint lodged against Lauer in his 20 years at NBC but "we were also presented with reason to believe this may not have been an isolated incident."
It was left to Lauer 's shaken "Today" colleagues Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb to break the news to viewers at the top of Wednesday morning's show.
Among other things Variety reported allegations that Lauer once gave a colleague a sex toy with an explicit note about how he wanted to use it on her; that he exposed himself to another female co-worker; that he would question female producers about their sex lives; and that he would talk about which co-hosts he would like to sleep with.
Messages to Lauer and his agent were not immediately returned and NBC would not say whether he denied or admitted to any wrongdoing. He is married with three children.
Lauer becomes the second morning host in a week to lose his job over sexual misconduct allegations. CBS fired Charlie Rose after several women who worked for him complained about his behavior.
Lauer's "Where in the world is Matt Lauer?" segments were popular for years and he regularly played a lead role at the Olympics and other major news events. He had been scheduled to host the network's coverage of the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lighting ceremony Wednesday evening.
On Twitter President Donald Trump said "Wow Matt Lauer was just fired from NBC for 'inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace.' But when will the top executives at NBC & Comcast be fired for putting out so much Fake News."
Natalie Morales a former "Today" show colleague who left the show for "Access Hollywood" last year said she was in shock about the story. She referred to stories that said she and Lauer had an affair which they both denied.
[A]: | Matt Lauer
Question: Which famous London building was destroyed by fire in November 1936?
Answer: | crystal palace |
Instructions: In this task, you're given an article, a question which often contains a blank and four options (associated with "A", "B", "C", "D"). Your task is to find the correct answer (from the given options) for the question from the given article and return one of the options from "A", "B", "C", and "D". Do not generate anything else apart from one of the following characters: "A", "B", "C", "D". There is only one correct answer for each question.
Input: Article: Tokyo University laboratory has developed a robot that never loses at the game of Rock Paper Scissors. That is because its visual processing abilities and fingers work together faster than any human brain. A video of the undefeated robot has been watched by more than 3 million viewers on YouTube since going online at the end of June. Tokyo University engineering professor Masatoshi Ishikawa has a good-natured response to frustrated human losers who accuse him of essentially creating a robot that cheats. "It is not cheating. Every one millisecond the image processor decides and recognizes the shape the human hand is going to make. And then the robot can make a winnable shape one millisecond later than a human being. Only one millisecond, but a human cannot see this difference because the human eye is very slow," explained Ishikawa. At the Ishikawa Oku Laboratory there has been amazing progress which shows the near perfect accuracy of robotics. Such as a robot that can catch a falling egg without breaking it, another one that can tie a knot, and a robot that may not be quite ready for the NBA, but is able to dribble a ball. In sports such as baseball and cricket, the misses outnumber(......)successes for even the most skilled athletes. That is not so in this award-winning school laboratory. For instance, an intelligent robot is the result of five years of research and a lot of trial and error. And the cost of just one finger on the robot is equal to that of a mini car. The technology obviously has uses beyond fun and games. Corporations are eager to take advantage of the lab's technology for industrial and other practical uses. And there is talk of applying it to assist disabled people and improve human capabilities.
Question: What brings the robot so much attention on the YouTube?
Options: (A) It never loses in the game against humans. (B) Its eyes and fingers can work at the same time. (C) It can do anything whatever people tell it to do. (D) It plays online games much better than any human.
Output: | A |
Question: Read the article and select the best answer. Article: Something that makes sense is happening in Washington, D.C! Public school kids surrounded by museums and monuments are putting the ready-made learning tools to use -- and actually learning. A trip to see painter Jacob Lawrence's Migration Series is one of almost 200 trips that Wheelock will organize this year through the nonprofit group Live It Learn It. "For many kids, school is disconnected," says one of four full-time workers and tour leaders. "With the program, they see how what they are learning is connected to their communities." Seven years ago, Wheelock changed a job as a lawyer for one as a four-grade teacher. When he learned that D.C.'s public schools ranked behind those of other cities in many ways, he knew he had to do something different. He took his class to Capitol Hill for a lesson on the three branches of government -- and saw his students' interest develop quickly. With seed money from a local couple, Wheelock developed detailed lesson plans for trips to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Lincoln Memorial. The group also has classes for trips to the Anacostia River, boat rides to historical forts. Word spread, and now fourth, fifth, sixth graders from the neediest public schools in the District participate. "I'm not brave enough to take my class to a museum for over an hour!" says teacher Cathy McCoy, gesturing toward her students. "But look With Live It Learn It, what the kids learn today they'll remember for a lifetime." Question: Matthew Wheelock once had an occupation as a _ . Options: A: teacher B: printer C: leader D: lawyer
Answer: D
Question: Read the article and select the best answer. Article: Jerry was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation. Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, "I don't get it! You can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?" Jerry replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself, 'Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.' I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live life." I reflected on what Jerry said. Later, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life. Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in a restaurant business: he left the back door open one morning and was held up at gun point by three armed robbers. While trying to open the safe, he forgot the password, nervous. The robbers panicked and shot him. Luckily, Jerry was found relatively quickly and rushed to the local hospital. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Jerry was released from the hospital with fragments of the bullets still in his body. I saw Jerry about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied, "The first thing that went through my mind was that I should have locked the back door," Jerry replied. "Then, as I lay on the floor, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live, or I could... Question: From the passage we can learn that Jerry was _ . Options: A: no longer positive to his life after the operation B: optimistic even when things were at their worst C: Jerry influenced all his colleges in many ways D: badly injured and stayed in hospital for six months
Answer: B
Question: Read the article and select the best answer. Article: What's Keeping You up at Night? Which film would you like to see on the spookiest day of the year? Well, it's that time of the year again; witches, ghosts, wizards and skeletons are supposed to come out in full force. Yes, Halloween --31st October, the spookiest day of the year is almost here. There are so many things we can do to enjoy this supernatural day--sweets, fancy dress and of course watching scary films. It's the perfect time for family and friends to watch horror films on the TV in the dark and maybe they are so frightened that they may try to find safety behind a sofa! There are thousands of such films to choose from that it's hard for us to make choices. One of the most famous is 1970's release Carrie which may meet your needs perfectly. It's a tale of a girl being bullied at school by young women who live to regret it. If you want to see films showing violence, blood and killing, then The Night of the Ling Dead and Evil Dead will provide more horrorable sights than one person can possibly manage. For Hitchcock fans out there, Halloween is the perfect time to watch two of his best-known movies from the 1960's, Psycho and The Birds. Both have aged unbelievably well and still can keep the viewers on the edge of their seats with their very frightening effects. However, not everyone wants to be frightened on Halloween night. Monsters Inc. is an animation film, set in a land where monsters exist and the strange characters are sure to bring a smile to the kids in the family. Meanwhile, if you want to stay up all night, film series such as The Saw, Nightmare on prefix = st1 /Elm Streetand maybe Harry Potter are sure to keep you seated in the box for hours. So turn off the lights, sit back and enjoy the movies that you have chosen, whether it is unpleasant or spooky. But remember, don't have nightmares! Question: Which of the following is TRUE about Psycho and The Birds? Options: A: They're tales of a girl being bullied at school by young women who live to regret it. B: They can provide more horroable sights. C: They are new movies telling about stories that happened in the 1960s. D: They were filmed by Hitchcock.
Answer: | D |
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task.
A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Urdu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.
Pointing out that world over, thousands of innocent people were being killed and still the world community, the Vice President opined that without attaining peace, progress would have no meaning
Solution: اس دنیا سے زیادہ اشارہ کرتے ہوئے، ہزاروں معصوم افراد کو ہلاک کر دیا گیا اور اب بھی عالمی برادری، نائب صدر نے کہا کہ امن حاصل کرنے کے بغیر، ترقی کا کوئی مطلب نہیں ہوگا
Why? Correct translation for given sentence. Input sentence means 'Pointing out that world over, thousands of innocent people were being killed and still the world community, the Vice President opined that without attaining peace, progress would have no meaning' which is the same as the output sentence.
New input: Later, addressing the media persons, Dr Jitendra Singh said that Government was committed to ensure that the east grows at the same pace as the west for which efforts are being taken to improve the physical and social infrastructure in all the states of NE. He said that it was first time in the history of North-East that two states, - Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya, were connected by rail.
Solution: | بعدازاں میڈیا نمائندگان سے گفتگوکرتے ہوئے ڈاکٹرجتیندرسنگھ نےکہا کہ حکومت نے اس امرکو یقینی بنانے کا عہد کررکھاہے کہ مشرق بھی اسی رفتارسے ترقی کرے ،جس رفتارسے مغرب نے ترقی کی ہے۔ اس کے لئے کوششیں کی جارہی ہیں تاکہ شمال مشرق کی تمام ترریاستوں میں طبیعاتی اورسماجی بنیادی ڈھانچہ میں بہتری لائی جاسکے ۔ انھوں نے کہاکہ شمال مشرق کی تاریخ میں ایسا پہلی مرتبہ ہواہے، جب اروناچل پردیش اورمیگھالیہ کی دوریاستوں کو ریل کے ذریعہ باہم مربوط کردیاگیاہے ۔ اسٹارٹ اپ اوراسٹینڈ اپ انڈیا کے سلسلے میں اٹھائے گئے مختلف النوع ترقیات اقدامات کاحوالہ دیتے ہوئے، وزیرموصوف نے کہاکہ نوجوان نہ صرف اس خطے کا ایک حصہ ہیں بلکہ بیرون ریاست کے نوجوان بھی اس خطے میں دستیاب صنعت کارانہ مواقع کی جانب متوجہ ہورہے ہیں ۔ |
Answer the following question: It's often difficult to remember how or why you became friends with someone, especially if you've been friends with a person forever. But because of the very specific set of circumstances, I remember exactly how Barend and I became friends. This, of course, was long before he became famous for inventing the easy-foldable map, and infamous for the series of bodies he'd decided to bury in his backyard. Barend and I became friends because he had one of the most attractive shadows I'd ever seen. I remember gazing out over the playground, watching a waning sun scatter its dying light over the monkey bars, the metal skeleton contrasting against the turquoise sky, when I noticed this kid coming toward me. He was one of those mostly invisible characters; faded jeans, dirty jacket, snot caked on his upper lip. I probably wouldn't have noticed him if not for his shadow. For some reason, his shadow immediately caught my eye. Now, I'm not one for noticing shadows in general, never really noticed a shadow before or since, but this kid had the most incredible shadow I'd ever seen. I cannot even put in words what that means. What specific set of properties make an ordinary shadow into an incredible one, I'm not sure anyone can, but his shadow was like a piece of art; I didn't necessarily understand it, but I liked it. And that's why this boring looking kid and I first became friends. Our kindergarten games were harmless and boring, but when puberty hit, Barend began to change. We were both expected to change, but I guess some kids just change more than others. Bared didn't want to kill at first. Like many overachievers in the death game, his first brush with the craft came about more or less accidentally. All the elements had been in place, with all the players and attributes coming together as if gathered by some evil force, but, even then, I really had to push the kid. Why did the author notice Barend? Pick the correct answer from the following options: A. because he was dirty and snotty, B. not enough information C. because he wore old clothes D. because he liked his shadow,
Answer: | D |
Input: ESPN analyst wants to pay Tim Tebow to play quarterback
Ron Jaworski is best known as a former NFL quarterback and current ESPN analyst, two jobs that reward swift reactions and decisiveness. So it should come as no surprise, then, that Jaworski — who also owns the Philadelphia Soul of the Arena Football League — jumped at an opportunity after the Jets released Tim Tebow.
Jaworski took a shot by reaching out to the unemployed quarterback and offered him a roster spot with the Soul.
He’s still waiting for a reply….
Jaworski and Soul coach Clint Dolezel sent Tebow a list of plays they had in mind for him, most were around the goal line. Jaworski said that Dan Raudabaugh, despite Saturday’s ugly loss to Pittsburgh, is the Soul’s starting quarterback.
Tebow will likely wait for NFL offers before accepting something in the far less popular Arena League, but Jaworski contends that players like Tebow can “learn a lot” playing the scaled-down, indoor cousin of the traditional game.
“One [criticism] of Tebow is that he is slow and methodical,” Jaworski told “He would be forced to quicken it up in this league and it would be good training for him.”
Also worth noting: Arena teams field eight players per side but are limited to 20-man active rosters, meaning there’s not much flexibility to carry multiple backup quarterbacks with no intent to play them. And since the rules demand versatility, perhaps Tebow could shine in a multi-faceted role.
The Soul are 3-4 on the year. The Arena Football League’s regular-season schedule lasts until late July.
In March, while Tebow was still technically on the Jets, Orlando Predators owner Brett Bouchy made overtures to the former University of Florida Gator. Bouchy, too, suggested a stint playing arena ball could help prepare Tebow for the NFL level.
What was this article about?
It's about: Arena team's owner has goal-line plays in mind for recently released quarterback.
Input: Pharrell Williams pushes for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential run
A Hillary Clinton presidency would make Pharrell Williams "happy."
The Grammy award-winning musician endorsed the former U.S. Secretary of State and rumored 2016 candidate for President in a far-ranging interview with GQ magazine.
“We're about to have a female president. Hillary's gonna win,” he told GQ. “A world where 75 percent of the prime ministers and the presidents were women: that’s a different world. That’s gonna happen.”
“Everybody laughed at me when I said Obama was going to win, but I knew what he represented,” Williams added. “But I know what Hillary represents: she represents a woman in power, and she did great as the Secretary of State. She's gonna win.”
Clinton is widely rumored to be considering a White House bid, but she has said she hasn’t yet decided whether she will run.
Williams also mused on the former commander-in-chief whom Hillary Clinton would hypothetically bring to the White House with her if she were elected.
“It's a two-for-one,” he said. “Bill is the coolest dude in the game, still plays saxophone, and every woman in the world wants him.”
What was this article about?
It's about: A Hillary Clinton presidency would make Pharrell Williams "happy." The Grammy award-winning musician endorsed the former U.S. Secretary of State and rumored 2016 candidate for President in a far-ranging interview with GQ magazine.
Input: Shop this video: Everything you want in a summer dress
Before you go, we thought you'd like these...
Take a moment to think of all the things you look for in a summer dress. It should be cool, comfortable, and flattering, and it needs a little extra detail to make it feel special.
from Marc New York checks off all those boxes: you can't beat the hourglass appeal of the fit and flare shape, the perforated-trim hem is so hot right now, and it has pockets! Watch stylist Karla Cavalli show you why this will be your new, go-to piece for the season.
What was this article about?
It's about: | Summer dresses can be hard to find, but this one is flattering, comfortable and super versatile so it's the only one you need. |
Question: What part of dogs can you see? Choose the most suitable option to answer the above question. Options: - pointed ears - fleas - ticks - no consciousness - bad breath
Answer: | pointed ears |
Sentence 1: The head of the list.
Sentence 2: I've got to go to the head.
Does head mean the same thing in these two sentences? | different meanings |
This is a correct answer to the following question about Information and communications technology. Yes or no? Answer: For a comparison of these and other terms, see. Question: what are the impacts of information communication technology to public relation practices
This is a correct answer to the following question about Benedict arnold. Yes or no? Answer: Born in Connecticut , Arnold was a merchant operating ships on the Atlantic Ocean when the war broke out in 1775. Question: what did benedict arnold die
This is a correct answer to the following question about United States Declaration of Independence. Yes or no? Answer: After ratifying the text on July 4, Congress issued the Declaration of Independence in several forms. Question: when was the Declaration of Independence Signing
This is a correct answer to the following question about Digicel. Yes or no? Answer: It has about 13 million wireless users. Question: what year was digicel founded in trinidad
| No |
Teacher:In this task, you are given a sentence in Persian, and your task is to translate it into English.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: چند ماه پیش سپاه در ایران خبر از دستگیری کسانی داد که با سایتهای معینی در ارتباط بودند که از نظر حکومت غیراخلاقی و مروج فساد تلقی میشد.
Student: | Reformists until a few months ago were a part of establishment and had their own parties, publishing their own journals and organized their institutions. |
The task is about reading the given story and question, then finding an answer to the given question. Based on the passage provided and the given question, you should identify the shortest continuous text span from the passage that serves as an answer to the given question. Avoid answers that are incorrect or provides incomplete justification for the question.
Input: Consider Input: story: In 50 years of traveling, Colin McCorpuodale has visited every country in the world except three. And everywhere he goes, he sends himself a postcard. He always chooses a postcard with beautiful scenery . Usually he writes just a short message to himself. However, he wrote an interesting story on his latest one, from the Malians Island. Mr. McCorpuodale lives in London. On one of the walls in his room, you can see a large map of the world. There are hundreds of little red pins stuck in it. "These pins mean a lot to me." says Mr. McCorpuodale, "I follow the rule. I'm allowed to stick one in only if I've been in a place for more than 24 hours." Naturally, Mr. McCorpuodale has his favorite places. New Zealand, he describes as "a wonderful country". About China, he says, "This is the country in the world which is completely different. There is no European influence." Wherever he goes, Mr. McCorpuodale takes with him a photo of his wife, a candle, a shirt with a secret pocket and a pen. So why does he do it? For the postcards or the travels? Mr. McCorpuodale laughs, "Neither. Only for the meaningful life.", question: what is pictured on the postcards?
Output: beautiful scenery
Input: Consider Input: story: Ibn Rushd (; 14 April 1126 – 10 December 1198), full name (), often Latinized as Averroes (), was a medieval Andalusian polymath. He wrote on logic, Aristotelian and Islamic philosophy, theology, the Maliki school of Islamic jurisprudence, psychology, political and Andalusian classical music theory, geography, mathematics, and the mediæval sciences of medicine, astronomy, physics, and celestial mechanics. Ibn Rushd was born in Córdoba, Al Andalus (present-day Spain), and died at Marrakesh in present-day Morocco. His body was interred in his family tomb at Córdoba. The 13th-century philosophical movement in Latin Christian and Jewish tradition based on Ibn Rushd's work is called Averroism.
Ibn Rushd was a defender of Aristotelian philosophy against Ash'ari theologians led by Al-Ghazali. Although highly regarded as a legal scholar of the Maliki school of Islamic law, Ibn Rushd's philosophical ideas were considered controversial in Ash'arite Muslim circles. Whereas al-Ghazali believed that any individual act of a natural phenomenon occurred only because God willed it to happen, Ibn Rushd insisted phenomena followed natural laws that God created.
Ibn Rushd had a greater impact on Christian Europe, being known by the "the Commentator" for his detailed emendations to Aristotle. Latin translations of Ibn Rushd's work led the way to the popularization of Aristotle., question: Where was he laid to rest?
Output: In his family tomb at Córdoba.
Input: Consider Input: story: An incandescent light bulb, incandescent lamp or incandescent light globe is an electric light with a wire filament heated to a high temperature, by passing an electric current through it, until it glows with visible light (incandescence). The hot filament is protected from oxidation with a glass or quartz bulb that is filled with inert gas or evacuated. In a halogen lamp, filament evaporation is prevented by a chemical process that redeposits metal vapor onto the filament, extending its life. The light bulb is supplied with electric current by feed-through terminals or wires embedded in the glass. Most bulbs are used in a socket which provides mechanical support and electrical connections.
Incandescent bulbs are much less efficient than most other types of electric lighting; incandescent bulbs convert less than 5% of the energy they use into visible light, with standard light bulbs averaging about 2.2%. The remaining energy is converted into heat. The luminous efficacy of a typical incandescent bulb is 16 lumens per watt, compared with 60 lm/W for a compact fluorescent bulb or 150 lm/W for some white LED lamps. Some applications of the incandescent bulb deliberately use the heat generated by the filament. Such applications include incubators, brooding boxes for poultry, heat lights for reptile tanks, infrared heating for industrial heating and drying processes, lava lamps, and the Easy-Bake Oven toy. Incandescent bulbs typically have short lifetimes compared with other types of lighting; around 1,000 hours for home light bulbs versus typically 10,000 hours for compact fluorescents and 30,000 hours for lighting LEDs., question: How about in a halogen bulb?
| Output: a chemical process
Please answer the following question: You are given a new situation: Two brothers owned two adjacent parcels of land. Tom's land was forested, while Bill's was covered with grasslands. and a hint : Soil is well developed in the forest as suggested by the thick humus layers, rich diversity of large trees and animals that live there. In forests, precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration which results in an excess of water that percolates downward through the soil layers. Slow rates of decomposition leads to large amounts of fulvic acid, greatly enhancing chemical weathering. The downward percolation, in conjunction with chemical weathering leaches magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), and aluminum (Al) from the soil and transports them downward, a process known as podzolization. This process leads to marked contrasts in the appearance and chemistry of the soil layers. Please answer this question : Which parcel of land didn't have an excess of water that percolates downward through the soil layers?
Answer: | Bill's |
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
In this task, you're given a statement, and three sentences as choices. Your job is to determine which sentence clearly disagrees with the statement. Indicate your answer as '1', '2', or '3' corresponding to the choice number of the selected sentence.
Statement: General Accounting Office, Results-Oriented Insights for U.S. Choices: 1. The insights focus on the inputs rather than the results. 2. The office handles tax and income questions. 3. The insights related to the results.
Output: | 1 |
Question: Read the following context and choose the correct option to answer the question. Context: “Please remember me to myself!” When sliding toward mania in 2016, I begged this of my therapist. He cocked his head. “What do you mean?” I had no idea—on a conscious level—what I was asking for, just that I felt in a desperate sense that the self I knew was slipping away. An inability to recognize myself either in my writing or in reflecting upon my own actions was taking over. And then…? I didn't care. I wanted to kiss girls. Which is fine—just not something I ordinarily do. I wanted to drink, smoke. Again, fine—but not something I ordinarily do. “Do I seem…okay?” I asked a colleague at work. A woman I barely knew. Insanely, I thought that since she worked with disabled students, many of whom struggled with mental illness, she would know mania when she saw it. This was a rather foolish assumption—especially since she's an educator, not a psychiatrist, especially with how skilled I am at wearing the mask of calm, the face of sanity. “You seem great, Julie. Cheery. Professional as always.” I let her reassurance placate me. Wanted to be placated. Yet, within months I lost my job. And not only that, but a chance at a scholarship, two really important long term friendships—relationships I'd enjoyed since high school. I was hospitalized three times between September and February. I lost my ability to trust myself, lost my mind. It is now a little over two years since I first felt that sliding. Twenty-six months since I knew that somewhere in the deepest parts of who I am, I was slipping. Nine seasons since I begged Dr. Poe, “Remember me to myself!” I'm still recuperating. Yes. I have felt like I wasn't me. Question: What does Julie enjoy doing in her free time? Options: A. Her favorite activity is shopping. B. She loves to swim. C. She enjoys painting. D. not enough information
Answer: D
Question: Read the following context and choose the correct option to answer the question. Context: Not really that huge a deal, but we laughed about it for a while. My friends and I went to see the Gin Blossoms in 1993 at a small venue in Chicago. We were having some beers and enjoying the opening band (they were okay, but not memorable) when this guy came and stood right in front of my roommate. I mean, the floor was filling up, sure, but we’d landed a decent spot right in the middle and he came and stood right in front of her when there was plenty of room off to the side a bit. My roommate and our friend and I looked at each other and were like, “How rude!” Frankly, I was surprised my roommate didn’t do or say anything - holding her tongue wasn’t her forte. I half expected her to spank his bottom - I’d seen her do it before to get some guy’s attention, and this guy was pretty cute. But when that same song came to an end, the guy turned around and actually apologized to all of us. He held up his camera and said he wanted a really good shot of the band as they were friends of his. He actually went and bought each of us a beer, so it totally worked out well. We thanked him and he took off. The only excuse I have for us is that we were in college and not glued to MTV or entertainment magazines, and really, only Hey Jealousy had hit the airwaves when we went to the concert. But sure enough, when the Gin Blossoms took the stage, Robin Wilson gave a shout out to those three girls he’d blocked the stage for earlier and hoped we’d enjoyed our beers. Like I said, it’s pretty tame, but I thought he handled it with class, so it’s always made me remember their music fondly. Question: Why did the guy hold his camera up Options: A. wanted to hold it B. wanted a shot of his friends C. not enough information D. wanted work out
Answer: B
Question: Read the following context and choose the correct option to answer the question. Context: Facebook has a long track record and sordid history of abusing their users’ trust and privacy, including the most recent and egregious cases currently making headlines with Cambridge Analytica as well as election meddling in the US and Britain. As if that wasn’t enough, it then came to light that they have also been tracking and storing users’ phone call and text message data, including “who contacted whom, what time, and how long the conversation was.” This is nothing new, as we can see from this 2012 “study” in which they deliberately manipulated news feeds to influence users’ emotional state. And again with their settlement with the FCC back in 2011 (that they likely violated with their recent offenses) over deceiving consumers by telling them their information was private, but then repeatedly sharing it and making it public. And then there’s The Ugly Memo, in which a FB exec justifies growth at any cost in the name of connecting people, even if that results literally in people dying: We talk about the good and the bad of our work often. I want to talk about the ugly. We connect people. That can be bad if they make it negative. Maybe it costs a life by exposing someone to bullies. Maybe someone dies in a terrorist attack coordinated on our tools. And still we connect people. The ugly truth is that we believe in connecting people so deeply that anything that allows us to connect more people more often is *de facto* good. And up until this most recent Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook was negotiating with various healthcare organizations to share patients’ health data with FB so they could match it up to your social circle to allegedly provide better health care. Um yeah right. Each time this stuff happens, they issue an apology (or a justification for their behavior) and promise they will take steps to better inform users and protect their privacy, but it’s clear that this is just lip service at this point. Question: How did the facebook exec try to justify the Ugly memo? Options: A. Connecting people is de facto good B. not enough information C. It would improve health care D. It was in response to the FCC settlement
Answer: | A |
Question: Return to Metalopolis - Return to Metalopolis is the first studio album by former Megadeth guitarist Chris Poland released in 1990 through Enigma Records (United States) and Pony Canyon (Japan); a remastered edition containing two bonus tracks was reissued through Lion Music in 2002. Given a choice of categories company, educational institution, artist, athlete, office holder, mean of transportation, building, natural place, village, animal, plant, album, film or written work, the text refers to which one?
Answer: Album
Question: St Ermin's Hotel - St. Ermin's Hotel is a four-star central London hotel adjacent to St James's Park underground station close to Westminster Abbey Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament. The Grade II-listed late Victorian building built as one of the early mansion blocks in the city is thought to be named after an ancient monastery reputed to have occupied the site pre-10th century. Given a choice of categories company, educational institution, artist, athlete, office holder, mean of transportation, building, natural place, village, animal, plant, album, film or written work, the text refers to which one?
Answer: Building
Question: Calliostoma blacki - Calliostoma blacki common name Black's maurea is a medium-sized sea snail a marine gastropod mollusc in the family Calliostomatidae the calliostoma top snails.Some authors place this taxon in the subgenus Calliostoma (Maurea). Given a choice of categories company, educational institution, artist, athlete, office holder, mean of transportation, building, natural place, village, animal, plant, album, film or written work, the text refers to which one?
Answer: | Animal |
A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Malayalam language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.
Additional 40 MT of bleaching powder are being procured and shall reach Kerala soon.
40 മെട്രിക് ടണ് ബ്ലീച്ചിങ് പൗഡര് കൂടി സംഭരിച്ചുവരികയാണ്.
Speaking on the occasion Secretary, Shipping said, Skill Development in the Port Maritime sector is an opportunity to improve Indias coastal areas, usher in port led prosperity and provide the world with skilled youth.
തുറമുഖ, സമുദ്ര മേഖലകളില് നൈപുണ്യ വികസനം നടപ്പിലാക്കുന്നത് ഇന്ത്യയുടെ തീരമേഖല മെച്ചപ്പെടുത്തുകയും തുറമുഖ കേന്ദ്രീകൃത വികസനം ഉറപ്പുവരുത്തുകയും യുവാക്കളുടെ നൈപുണ്യ ശേഷി വര്ദ്ധിപ്പിക്കുമെന്നും ശ്രീ. ഗോപാല് കൃഷ്ണ പറഞ്ഞു.
He was born in Thirukkuvalai village in Nagapattinam District on 3rd June, 1924.
| 1924ല് നാഗപട്ടണം ജില്ലയിലെ തിരുക്കുവളൈ ഗ്രാമത്തിലാണ് അദ്ദേഹം ജനിച്ചത്.
This is a paraphrasing task. In this task, you're given a sentence and your task is to generate another sentence which express same meaning as the input using different words.
mr pariza castaños ( oj c 220 , 16.9.2003 ) . | oj c 220 , 16.9.2003 ) . |
In this task, you are given Wikipedia articles on a range of topics as passages and a question from the passage. We ask you to answer the question by classifying the answer as 0 (False) or 1 (True)
Passage: Constitution of Florida -- The first article of the Florida Constitution contains the state's bill of rights which is very similar to the United States Bill of Rights except that there are more elaborations very similar to interpretations of the Bill of Rights by the United States Supreme Court, such as a clause stating that the freedom of religion cannot be used to justify immoral acts. Florida's Declaration of Rights also states that capital punishment is not unconstitutional. Search and seizure and cruel and unusual punishment protections are to be consistent with the United States Supreme Court's interpretation of those rights.
Question: does florida constitution have a bill of rights
Passage: Left- and right-hand traffic -- Many of the countries with LHT are former British colonies in the Caribbean, Southern Africa, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. Japan, Thailand, Nepal, Bhutan, Mozambique, Suriname, East Timor, and Indonesia are among those LHT countries outside the former British Empire. In Europe, only four countries still drive on the left: the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta, and Cyprus, all of which are on islands that have no direct road connections with countries driving on the right.
Question: does ireland drive on the left side of the road
Passage: Tomb Raider (film) -- Tomb Raider is a 2018 action-adventure film directed by Roar Uthaug, with a screenplay by Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Alastair Siddons, from a story by Evan Daugherty and Robertson-Dworet. An American and British co-production, it is based on the 2013 video game of the same name, with some elements of its sequel by Crystal Dynamics, and is a reboot of the Tomb Raider film series. The film stars Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft, who embarks on a perilous journey to her father's last-known destination, hoping to solve the mystery of his disappearance. Dominic West, Walton Goggins, Daniel Wu, and Kristin Scott Thomas appear in supporting roles.
Question: is the tomb raider movie based on the game
| 1
Q: In this task, you will be presented with a question that has multiple possible answers. You should choose the most suitable option out of "A", "B", "C", "D", and "E", based on your commonsense knowledge.
Question: Someone takes up exercising to improve their what
Options: A losing weight B lost weight C breathlessness D muscles E physical fitness
A: | E |
Problem: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi vary across many environmental gradients. Their tolerance to freezing and drying is known to shift between AM fungal taxa. AM fungi become less prevalent and diverse at higher soil nutrient and moisture concentrations, presumably because both plants allocate less carbon to AM fungi and AM fungi reallocate their resources to intraradical hyphae in these environmental conditions. Over the long term, these environmental conditions can even create local adaptation between plant hosts, AM fungi and the local soil nutrient concentrations. Greg and Paul were two neighbors. They were both into mycology. Greg researched AM fungi, while Paul studied other types of mycorrhizal fungi. Which researcher learned less about the prevalence of AM fungi at higher soil nutrient concentrations?
A: Paul
Problem: Any unused energy in food, whether it comes from carbohydrates, proteins, or lipids, is stored in the body as fat. An extra 3,500 Calories of energy results in the storage of almost half a kilogram (1 pound) of stored body fat. People who consistently consume more food energy then they need may become obese. Obesity occurs when the body mass index is 30.0 kg/m 2 or greater. Body mass index (BMI) is an estimate of the fat content of the body. It is calculated by dividing a person’s weight (in kilograms) by the square of the person’s height (in meters). Obesity increases the risk of health problems such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension. John is a physician in the local hospital. Today, he is seeing two patients, patient A and patient B. John determines that patient A is obese, and patient B is not obese. He needs to prescribe medicine according to his findings. Which patient would have higher BMI, patient A or patient B?
A: patient A
Problem: Through a thickness of 10 meters (33 ft) or more, however, the intrinsic color of water (or ice) is visibly turquoise (greenish blue), as its absorption spectrum has a sharp minimum at the corresponding color of light (1/227 m−1 at 418 nm). The color becomes increasingly stronger and darker with increasing thickness. (Practically no sunlight reaches the parts of the oceans below 1,000 meters (3,300 ft) of depth.) Infrared and ultraviolet light, on the other hand, is strongly absorbed by water. David was interested in the coloration of ocean's water. To understand the phenomenon he first observed the color of water at forty feet depth. He noted his observation as point A. Then he observed the color at hundred feet depth. He noted his observation as point B. Then he observed the color at four thousand feet depth. He noted that observation as point C. He now have some ideas how the color of water changes according to its depth. Where there would be visible sunlight, point B or point C?
A: point B
Problem: Ionizing radiation has many practical uses in medicine, research and construction, but presents a health hazard if used improperly. Exposure to radiation causes damage to living tissue; high doses result in Acute radiation syndrome (ARS), with skin burns, hair loss, internal organ failure and death, while any dose may result in an increased chance of cancer and genetic damage; a particular form of cancer, thyroid cancer, often occurs when nuclear weapons and reactors are the radiation source because of the biological proclivities of the radioactive iodine fission product, iodine-131. However, calculating the exact risk and chance of cancer forming in cells caused by ionizing radiation is still not well understood and currently estimates are loosely determined by population based data from the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and from follow-up of reactor accidents, such as the Chernobyl disaster. The International Commission on Radiological Protection states that "The Commission is aware of uncertainties and lack of precision of the models and parameter values", "Collective effective dose is not intended as a tool for epidemiological risk assessment, and it is inappropriate to use it in risk projections" and "in particular, the calculation of the number of cancer deaths based on collective effective doses from trivial individual doses should be avoided." Michael and Robert are scientists who work in a nuclear reactor facility. Michael was replacing a fuel rod in the nuclear reactor when a small explosion happened, causing Michael to be exposed to high doses of radiation in a short period of time. Robert was in the adjacent room when the explosion happened, and as a result he only suffered low doses of radiation. Who is less likely to experience internal organ failure?
A: | Robert |
Definition: Answer the question from the given passage. Your answer should be directly extracted from the passage, and it should be a single entity, name, or number, not a sentence.
Input: Passage: The property of being prime (or not) is called primality. A simple but slow method of verifying the primality of a given number n is known as trial division. It consists of testing whether n is a multiple of any integer between 2 and . Algorithms much more efficient than trial division have been devised to test the primality of large numbers. These include the Miller–Rabin primality test, which is fast but has a small probability of error, and the AKS primality test, which always produces the correct answer in polynomial time but is too slow to be practical. Particularly fast methods are available for numbers of special forms, such as Mersenne numbers. As of January 2016[update], the largest known prime number has 22,338,618 decimal digits. Question: What is the name of the process which confirms the primality of a number n?
Output: | trial division |
In this task, you are given a text which is the body of a document. Your job is to classify the topic of the document into these categories: 1)Company, 2)Educational Institution, 3)Artist, 4)Athlete, 5)Office Holder, 6)Mean of transportation, 7)Building, 8)Natural place, 9)Village, 10)Animal, 11)Plant, 12)Album, 13)Film, 14)Written work. Your output should be the category number. Don't generate anything apart from numbers 1-14.
Ex Input:
Text: The Teachers Building Society is a British building society. It was founded in 1966 by the National Union of Teachers and provides mortgages to people who work in education or who live in Dorset as well as savings products to the general public.
Ex Output:
Ex Input:
Text: The Rumpler C.VI was a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft used by the Germans during the First World War. The aircraft was designed along with the C.VII based on the previous success of high-altitude Zeppelins from which the engine was also taken: the Maybach MB4a high-altitude high-compression engine. In order to operate in the thinner atmosphere the aircraft also had a special carburetor and a radiator; however the radiator was half-sized in order to reduce weight.
Ex Output:
Ex Input:
Text: Doraemon the Movie: Nobita and the Fantastic Three Musketeers (ドラえもん のび太と夢幻三剣士 Doraemon: Nobita to Mugen Sankenshi) is a feature-length anime film which premiered on March 12 1994. This is like three musketers of Disney. This movie was also broadcast on Disney Channel India on 23 March 2013 at 11 a.m. and on Hungama TV on 25 July 2013 at 1 p.m. as Doraemon The Movie Nobita's 3 Magical Swordsmen.
Ex Output:
| 13
Companies, communities, families, clubs, and other clumps of humans all have some inherent social dynamics. At a simple level there are leaders and followers, but in reality the lines are rarely as clear as that. Many leaders, with a common example being some founders, have tremendous vision and imagination, but lack the skills to translate that vision into actionable work. Many followers need structure to their efforts, but are dynamic and creative in the execution. Thus, the social dynamic in organizations needs a little more nuance. This is where traditional management hierarchies break down in companies. You may have your SVPs, then your VPs, then your Senior Directors, then your Directors, and so on, but in reality most successful companies don’t observe those hierarchies stringently. In many organizations a junior-level employee who has been there for a while can have as much influence and value, if not more, than a brand new SVP. As such, the dream is that we build organizations with crisp reporting lines but in which all employees feel they have the ability to bring their creativity and ideas to logically influence the scope, work, and culture of the organization. Sadly, this is where many organizations run into trouble. It seems to be the same ‘ol story time after time: as the organization grows, the divide between the senior leadership and the folks on the ground widens. Water cooler conversations and bar-side grumblings fuel the fire and resentment, frustrations, and resume-editing often sets in. So much of this is avoidable though. Of course, there will always be frustration in any organization: this is part and parcel of people working together. Nothing will be perfect, and it shouldn’t be…frustration and conflict can often lead to organizations re-pivoting and taking a new approach. I believe though, that there are a lot of relatively simple things we can do to make organizations feel more engaging. According to the above context, answer the following question. The junior level employee feel more influential than:
- not enough information
- The Founder
- The Senior Vice President
- The new employee
Answer: The Senior Vice President
Problem: OPTIONS:
- She had to have three months rent saved up
- not enough information
- She had to put her baby up for adoption
- She had to give birth
Q: I have no experience with a lazy 21 yr old. Both my older children have always been independent. My oldest moved out when she started college and never moved back in after she graduated. My other daughter wanted to move out as soon as she hit 21 but her dad and I gave her some rules or rather instructions she had to follow before she can pack her bags and move in with the boyfriend. 1st she had to show us that she had 3months rent saved up in her savings account. Not just her half of the rent but the whole rent. Which was about $3,600 dollars. You never know if something happens to her or she looses her part time job she can still pay her rent. Nobody wants an eviction on their record. 2nd since she was still going to school and we were paying for it we wanted to see proof every semester that she was enrolled. Education is a big deal to me. 3rd she had to get on BIRTH CONTROL. I don't want any ooops sorry Mom I am pregnant. Now I can't finish school because I have to work full time to pay for my baby.. I was a teen Mom and I didn't get to go to college so it is 100% important that my kids go and finish. She complied with all or requests and is doing remarkable. She has been out on her own for almost 2years . So I'm really don't have any advice to give but maybe if you show a little tough love and give your kid a kick in the pants and tell hi it's time to grow the hell up…. Get a job and pay some rent, or go to school and get an education. No more freeloading around here. Sorry that's all I got…. According to the above context, answer the following question. What had to happen before the author's second daughter moved in with her boyfriend?
Answer: She had to have three months rent saved up
- The fragrance is a bit 'planty'
- It feels strange in the shower
- not enough information
- It makes the skin feel damp
Regular readers of Beauty Best Friend will know that wherever possible I use organic bodycare products, and that I simply adore the organic brand Botanicals. A British brand whose aim is to create products ‘which are as close to nature as possible’, their bodycare and skincare is simply second to none and they’re certified by The Soil Association. Over the past couple of years I’ve tried several of their products including my favourite Cleansing Melt and I haven’t found anything that I don’t like yet! This month I’ve been trying their Deep Peace Aromatic Body Oil which arrived with me just at the right time – my husband had man flu, I had a cold and I was looking after our 16 month old toddler alone. Deep Peace was just what my body was craving! I was sent a small glass bottle of the oil to try, but the full size product is a larger 100ml pump bottle (it also comes in 200ml and 1 litre bottles too). The directions say you can use it in two ways, either massage it into shoulders, neck and arms before bed, or apply it all over the body after batheing. After a bath or shower is the best time I feel as the skin is damp and warm and the Deep Peace oil helps lock moisture into the skin and the warmth helps the scent to lift. This Aromatic Massage Oil is 99% organic and the ingredients include Lavender, Rose Geranium and Orange Peel oils. The fragrance is very subtle and perfect if you don’t like products that smell overpowering. It’s a bit ‘planty’, I think it’s the scent of the Rose Geranium that comes through the most, and personally I don’t absolutely love the fragrance, but it’s pleasant enough and it does help the head to feel calmed (even when nursing a husband with man flu!). According to the above context, answer the following question. What issue does the author have with the Rose Geranium?
A: The fragrance is a bit 'planty'
input with options: I remember back in the late 1970’s when I first started investing in property as a young guy, being taken to a house that felt EXTREMELY cold, strange, and rather chilling. Okay it was an older house that need some renovation work, but there was something about the place that just did not seem right. But despite that, it was available for purchase at what seemed to be a very attractive price … always a good starting point. Anyway, the real estate agent finished taking me around the property answering the questions that I had, and I left with a plan to do some costings before making a decision. But something was niggling me and making me feel a little uncomfortable, so I decided to investigate the property further. A couple of days later I was around at a friends house. He was in the Police force and as it happened he was in the same neighbourhood, I mentioned this particular property that I was looking at buying. He asked me the actual address after which he ‘kindly’ informed me that that that house had been the scene of a murder 6 months previously. It turned out that the property had been rented to a homosexual couple and that after an argument, one had murdered the other in the bath and then proceeded to cut his head off. Apparently the head was subsequently discovered a week later in the trunk of a car that had been abandoned up by a local golf-course. Less than impressed that the real estate agent had been less than forthcoming with me, I made the decision to not to proceed with the purchase. As they say in the property business ‘Location, Location, Location’ is always an important factor in determining the value of a property. However despite that being a good location, it was reputation that deterred me on that occasion. Sometimes there are situations where even the best makeover will not work. According to the above context, answer the following question. After the end of the story the young man went on to:
- Move back home with his parents
- not enough information
- Buy a different house
- Choose an apartment
output: | Buy a different house |
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, given a sentence in the English language, and your task is to convert it into the Burmese language.
PROBLEM: Viacom Inc. is suing Google over 150,000 videos, for which Viacom owns the copyright, that were allegedly being shown on YouTube.
SOLUTION: ဗီယာကွန်း ကုမ္ပဏီ သည် ဂူဂဲလ် အား ယူကျု ပေါ်တွင် တရားမဝင် ပြသထားခဲ့ သော ဗီယာကွန်း မှ မူပိုင်ခွင့် ပိုင်ဆိုင် သော ရုပ်သံဖိုင် များ ၁၅၀ဝဝဝ ကျော် အတွက် တရားစွဲဆိုထားသည် ။
PROBLEM: Both attorneys work with Facebook and MySpace in an agreement to make their social networking websites safer, especially for young users.
SOLUTION: အထူးသဖြင့် အသုံးပြုသူ လူငယ်များ အတွက် ရှေ့နေ နှစ် ယောက် စလုံး သည် ဖေ့စ်ဘုတ် နှင့် မိုင် စပေ့ တွင် သူတို့ ၏ လူမှုကွန်ရက် ဝဘ်ဆိုက်များ ကို ပို ၍ လုံခြုံ စေ ဖို့ သဘောတူညီမှု တစ် ခု နှင့်အတူ အလုပ်လုပ်ကြသည် ။
PROBLEM: Members of the G8 have reportedly been keep abreast of the situation by U.S. government.
SOLUTION: | အမေရိကန် အစိုးရ က အင်အားကြီး၈နိုင်ငံ အဖွဲ့ဝင် များ ကို အများပြောချက်အရ အဆိုပါ အခြေအနေ များ ကို ခေတ်မှီ အောင် ထိန်းသိမ်းလျက်ရှိသည် ။
Determine the topic of the passage. "In mammals , testosterone is primarily secreted in the testicles of males and the ovaries of females , although small amounts are also secreted by the adrenal glands ." Topic:
A: | Testosterone |
Generate a short summary: president gloria arroyo said monday she will seek to assure us businessmen about investing in the philippines despite a political scandal shrouding her presidency and concerns over a rising budget deficit .
Answer: arroyo to assure us investors on philippine business climate
an israeli airstrike in gaza city on thursday night killed a leading hamas weapons maker who was responsible for some of the group 's most powerful bombs and its homemade rockets , israel 's military said .
Short summary: israeli missile kills hamas bomb maker
IN: a maldivian court has ordered the house arrest of two key opposition lawmakers amid a power struggle between the country 's president and parliament , an official said thursday .
summary: house arrest for maldivian opposition mps as crisis drags
Problem: former champion jockey kieren fallon appeared in court on monday to face charges relating to an alleged race-fixing .
What is a very short summary of the above text?
A: fallon in court over race-fixing charges
question: officials from the united states , britain , france , germany , china and russia gather in london on monday for closed-door talks on iran 's resumption of nuclear activities .
Write a brief summary in a sentence or so.
summary: u.s. britain france germany china russia meet over iran nuclear issue
question: a former sports teacher and ex-rebel leader who lost his father and brother to ethnic fighting that engulfed burundi for more than a decade was sworn in friday as president of the central african country .
Write a brief summary in a sentence or so.
summary: | former sports teacher and ex-rebel leader new president of burundi |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a set of context paragraphs, some supporting facts and an answer of a question. Your task is to generate question for given answer based on set of context paragraphs, supporting facts and an answer.
Q: Context_1 : A Gamut of Games is an innovative book of games written by Sid Sackson and first published in 1969. It contains rules for a large number of paper and pencil, card, and board games. Many of the games in the book had never before been published. It is considered by many to be an essential text for anyone interested in abstract strategy games, and a number of the rules were later expanded into full-fledged published board games. Context_2 : Junta is a board game designed by Vincent Tsao published, as of 1985, by West End Games. Players compete as the corrupt power elite families of a fictional parody of a stereotypical banana republic (specifically "Republica de los Bananas") trying to get as much money as possible into their Swiss bank accounts before the foreign aid money runs out. Fighting in the republic's capital during recurrent coup attempts encompasses most of the game's equipment, rules and playtime. This game-within-the-game is however actually tangential to the players' main goal. Context_3 : Tikal is a German-style board game designed by Wolfgang Kramer and Michael Kiesling and published in 1999 by Ravensburger in German and by Rio Grande Games in English. The theme of the game is that of adventurers exploring parts of a Central American jungle in which artifacts and temples are discovered. Context_4 : David Parlett (born 1939) is a games scholar, historian, and translator from South London, who has studied both card games and board games. His published works include many popular books on games and the more academic volumes "The Oxford Guide to Card Games" and "The Oxford History of Board Games", both now out of print. Parlett also invented a number of board games, the most successful of which is Hare and Tortoise (1974). The German edition was awarded Spiel des Jahres (Game of the Year) in 1979. Context_5 : Robert Charles Bell (1917–2002) was the author of several books on board games, most importantly "Board and Table Games 1 & 2" (reprinted as "Board and Table Games from Many Civilizations"). This work won the Premier Award of the Doctors' Hobbies Exhibition, London. He was instrumental in popularizing traditional games, and is acknowledged as one of 11 "principal sources" in David Parlett's "The Oxford History of Board Games". Context_6 : Bear games is a category of board games of which many have historical roots in the Roman Empire. They were played in parts of the Empire as far away as Turkey and France and are still played today, especially in Italy. All of the games are two-player abstract strategy board games. Normally, the game is played with three hunters and one bear on a patterned board. It bears similarity to the hunt games such as the Fox games, Rimau-rimau, and Bagha-Chall, however, there are no captures involved. The three hunters are trying to hem in the bear, and block its movements. Context_7 : Alan R. Moon (born 18 November 1951) is an author of board games, born in Southampton, England, and currently living in the United States. He is generally considered to be one of the foremost designers of German-style board games. Many of his games can be seen as board game variations on the travelling salesman problem. Context_8 : Word board games are those games played on a board as players of the game attempt to construct words that use a scoring system. The player with the highest score wins the game. Many if not most board games are also available as software programs and online. Online word board games can be organized so that the player is playing against other people or the game can be played against an automated program acting as an artificial intelligence. Players of some word board games organize themselves into associations, clubs, and tournaments. Context_9 : Francis Tresham is a United Kingdom-based board game designer who has been producing board games since the early 1970s. Tresham founded and ran games company Hartland Trefoil (founded 1971), a company well known for its "Civilization" board game, until its sale to MicroProse in 1997. His "1829" game was the first of the "18xx" board game series and some of his board games have inspired Sid Meier computer games such as "Railroad Tycoon". Context_10 : This page explains commonly used terms in board games in alphabetical order. For a list of board games, see List of board games. For terms specific to chess, see Glossary of chess. For terms related to chess problems, see Glossary of chess problems. fact_1 : Junta is a board game designed by Vincent Tsao published, as of 1985, by West End Games. fact_2 : Tikal is a German-style board game designed by Wolfgang Kramer and Michael Kiesling and published in 1999 by Ravensburger in German and by Rio Grande Games in English. Answer: yes
A: | Are both Junta and Tikal considered board games? |
You are given a sentence in English. Your job is to translate the English sentence into Spanish.
Q: And when they try to describe what that is, they just say, "" He has that magic. "" But I'm here to tell you that magic can be taught.
A: Y cuando tratan de describir lo que es, sólo dicen: "" Él tiene esa magia "". Pero estoy aquí para decirles que la magia puede ser enseñada.
Q: This story began four years ago.
A: Este historia empieza hace 4 años.
Q: I didn't like what I saw.
A: | No me gustó lo que vi.
This task is about writing a correct answer for the reading comprehension task. Based on the information provided in a given passage, you should identify the shortest continuous text span from the passage that serves as an answer to the given question. Avoid answers that are incorrect or provides incomplete justification for the question.
[Q]: Passage: Androphilia and gynephilia (or gynecophilia) are terms used in behavioral science to describe sexual attraction, as an alternative to a homosexual and heterosexual conceptualization. They are used for identifying a subject's object of attraction without attributing a sex assignment or gender identity to the subject. Related terms such as pansexual and polysexual do not make any such assignations to the subject. People may also use terms such as queer, pansensual, polyfidelitous, ambisexual, or personalized identities such as byke or biphilic. Question: Which terms are used in describing sexual desires?
[A]: Androphilia and gynephilia (or gynecophilia
[Q]: Passage: Cuban immigrants in the 1960s brought the Cuban sandwich, medianoche, Cuban espresso, and croquetas, all of which have grown in popularity to all Miamians, and have become symbols of the city's varied cuisine. Today, these are part of the local culture, and can be found throughout the city in window cafés, particularly outside of supermarkets and restaurants. Restaurants such as Versailles restaurant in Little Havana is a landmark eatery of Miami. Located on the Atlantic Ocean, and with a long history as a seaport, Miami is also known for its seafood, with many seafood restaurants located along the Miami River, and in and around Biscayne Bay. Miami is also the home of restaurant chains such as Burger King, Tony Roma's and Benihana. Question: Along with Benihana and Burger King, what chain restaurant is headquartered in Miami?
[A]: Tony Roma's
[Q]: Passage: Gaddafi was notably confrontational in his approach to foreign powers, and generally shunned western ambassadors and diplomats, believing them to be spies. He once said that HIV was "a peaceful virus, not an aggressive virus" and assured attendees at the African Union that "if you are straight you have nothing to fear from AIDS". He also said that the H1N1 influenza virus was a biological weapon manufactured by a foreign military, and he assured Africans that the tsetse fly and mosquito were "God's armies which will protect us against colonialists". Should these 'enemies' come to Africa, "they will get malaria and sleeping sickness". Question: What sort of virus did Gaddafi describe HIV as?
[A]: | peaceful
Carson got out the key and went in the house with Jordan. Given the question "Why did Carson do this?", is "hang out with Carson" a valid answer?
- Yes
- No
Answer: No
Question: Austin declined the promotion so the boss had to find a different candidate. Given the question "How would Bailey feel afterwards?", is "excited" a valid answer?
- Yes
- No
Answer: No
input with options: Cameron broke her friends leg by accident while they were playing around. Given the question "How would Cameron feel as a result?", is "sad" a valid answer?
- Yes
- No
output: Yes
Q: Kai gave Addison a shake that had a lot of protein in it. Given the question "How would you describe Kai?", is "a fitness buff" a valid answer?
- Yes
- No
A: Yes
input: OPTIONS:
- Yes
- No Now, answer this question: Lee started the day late on the first day of Lee's new job. Given the question "How would Lee feel afterwards?", is "accomplished" a valid answer?
output: No
Question: Remy died in a tragic accident and Aubrey was shocked to hear the news. Aubrey sat taking it all in while memories of Remy ran through Aubrey's mind. Given the question "How would Aubrey feel as a result?", is "Nothing" a valid answer?
- Yes
- No
Answer: | No |
Problem: Given the question: I read this background article the other day: Saturated hydrocarbons are given the general name of alkanes . The name of specific alkanes always ends in - ane . The first part of the name indicates how many carbon atoms each molecule of the alkane has. The smallest alkane is methane. It has just one carbon atom. The next largest is ethane, with two carbon atoms. The chemical formulas and properties of methane, ethane, and several other alkanes are listed in Table below . The boiling and melting points of alkanes are determined mainly by the number of carbon atoms they have. Alkanes with more carbon atoms generally have higher boiling and melting points. I am facing a new situation today: Beth and Jane studied chemistry in school. However, Beth studied noble gasses while Jane decided to know more about alkanes. Using the knowledge I acquired from the background article, how should I answer correctly the following question regarding my new situation: Which student learned less about the boiling points of alkanes?
The answer is:
Problem: Given the question: I read this background article the other day: One of the most adverse impacts of poor waste management, especially municipal waste, is the incidence and prevalence of diseases such as malaria and respiratory problems, as well as other illnesses through the contamination of ground water. Biomedical wastes pose great danger in Bangladesh too as a report estimated that 20% of the biomedical waste is "highly infectious" and is a hazard since it is often disposed of into the sewage system or drains.[6] Such poor sanitation has serious consequences for the health of the residents and a report suggests that "most of the child mortality could be related with this problem".[7] With regards to the living standards, solid waste leads to blockage in the drainage system which leads to flooding in the streets. Consequently, mosquitoes and bad odour are among the negative impacts resulted.[7] I am facing a new situation today: The hospital in Y city had a good disposal site in which they disposed of Biomedical wastes, but the hospital in the neighboring city X had big problems, because the biomedical waste contaminated the ground water and affected the population. Using the knowledge I acquired from the background article, how should I answer correctly the following question regarding my new situation: Which city had a lower incidence of respiratory problems?
The answer is:
Y city
Problem: Given the question: I read this background article the other day: Almost all earthquakes occur at plate boundaries. All types of plate boundaries have earthquakes. Convection within the Earth causes the plates to move. As the plates move, stresses build. When the stresses build too much, the rocks break. The break releases the energy that was stored in the rocks. The sudden release of energy creates an earthquake. During an earthquake the rocks usually move several centimeters or rarely as much as a few meters. Elastic rebound theory describes how earthquakes occur ( Figure below ). I am facing a new situation today: Two sister cities were both situated on plate boundaries, close to volcanoes, on different continents. Red city was 10 miles from a volcano, while Tree city was 60 miles away. Red city experienced many earthquakes, Tree city few and far between. Using the knowledge I acquired from the background article, how should I answer correctly the following question regarding my new situation: Which city experienced more convection within the Earth causing the plates to move?
The answer is:
| Red |
Detailed Instructions: You are given two sentences(Sentence1 and Sentence2). Answer "Yes" if these sentences are a paraphrase of one another, otherwise answer "No".
Problem:Sentence1: Both figures were below consensus expectations , but August sales were revised to a 1.2 percent increase from a previously reported 0.6 percent gain , fueling a dollar rally ., Sentence2: But August sales were revised to a 1.2 percent increase from a previously reported 0.6 percent gain , fuelling a dollar rally .
Solution: | Yes |
In this task, you're given a question, along with three passages, 1, 2, and 3. Your job is to determine which passage can be used to answer the question by searching for further information using terms from the passage. Indicate your choice as 1, 2, or 3.
Ex Input:
Question: Which ruler died first? Passage 1:Finn's first commission was as project manager for the Rice Hotel, under contract with the firm of Mauran, Russell & Crowell. The owner of the new hotel, Jesse H. Jones, soon after established a collaboration with Finn which would change the face of Downtown Houston. Finn designed two buildings for Jones across the way from the Rice Hotel: the Foster Building, aka the Houston Chronicle Building, in 1914, and the Rusk Building in 1916. The corner of Texas and Travis was dominated by buildings built by Finn and Jones. In 1926, Finn designed a new seventeen-story wing for the Rice Hotel on behalf of Jones. Finn did architectural work for other commercial clients in the 1920s. He completed State National Bank Building (NHRP-listed) at 412 Main Street in 1923. Jones contracted with Finn to build the Lamar Hotel, where Jones established his new residence. The Jones apartment consumed the whole top floor, though he hired John F. Staub for the interior design. Jones also promised a venue for the 1928 Democratic National Convention without consulting the city of Houston, pledging $200,000 of his own capital. He engaged Finn and Kenneth Franzheim to design and erect the Sam Houston Hall in just four months. The Sam Houston Hall, ostensibly built to be a temporary structure, was larger than Madison Square Garden, and equipped with heavy-duty fans and apertures between the roof and the walls to facilitate air flow. Jones contracted with Finn on another project in downtown Houston, this time with in collaboration with Franzheim and J.E.R. Carpenter, to finish the 37-story, art deco Gulf Building in 1929 at that time the tallest building in Texas.
Passage 2:In the spring of 1902, Bulgaria, an Ottoman vassal state which was interested in acquiring Macedonia, signed a military convention with Russia. Late in the fall, Russia, supported by the United Kingdom and France, proposed to the Ottomans political reforms for the Macedonian vilayets. On 8 December, the Ottoman sultan, Abdul Hamid II, signed a decree implementing most of the reforms. In February 1903, the new Russian foreign minister, Vladimir Lamsdorf, visited Vienna and signed the so-called "Vienna Program" on Macedonian reforms. The program was substantially the same as the Ottoman decree of December. The immediate provocation of a new agreement at Mürzsteg was the Ilinden–Preobrazhenie Uprising that broke out on 2 August. With its quick suppression, the Vienna Program lay dead. In September Tsar Nicholas II of Russia visited the Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria-Hungary at the latter's castle in Mürzsteg, Austria. The two rulers put their signatures to a new memorandum, substantially identical to the Vienna Program, which called for the appointment of one Russian and one Austro-Hungarian civil agent to oversee the reform of the administration, judiciary and local gendarmerie in the Macedonian vilayets. In all these institutions Christians were to take part. After Abdul Hamid accepted the proposal in November, Russia appointed one N. Demerik as its agent, and Austria chose one G. Müller. They began their work under Hüseyin Hilmi Pasha, the Inspector-General of Macedonia, in early 1904. Under the Mürzsteg program, each Great Power appointed an advisory official to the Ottoman official in charge of reforming the gendarmerie in each province. Austria-Hungary appointed an advisor to the sanjak of Üsküp, Russia to the sanjak of Thessaloniki, France to the sanjak of Siroz and Britain to the sanjak of Drama.
Passage 3:Crimea: The Last Crusade is a panoramic history of the Crimean War of 1853–56. Drawing extensively from Russian, French and Ottoman as well as British archives, it combines military, diplomatic, political and cultural history, examining how the war left a lasting mark on the national consciousness of Britain, France, Russia and Turkey. Figes sets the war in the context of the Eastern Question, the diplomatic and political problems caused by the decay of the Ottoman Empire. In particular, he emphasises the importance of the religious struggle between Russia as the defender of the Orthodox and France as the protector of the Catholics in the Ottoman Empire. He frames the war within a longer history of religious conflict between Christians and Muslims in the Balkans, southern Russia and the Caucasus that continues to this day. Figes stresses the religious motive of the Tsar Nicholas I in his bold decision to go to war, arguing that Nicholas was swayed by the ideas of the Pan-Slavs to invade Moldavia and Wallachia and encourage Slav revolts against the Ottomans, despite his earlier adherence to the Legitimist principles of the Holy Alliance. He also shows how France and Britain were drawn into the war by popular ideas of Russophobia that swept across Europe in the wake of the Revolutions of 1830 and 1848. As one reviewer wrote, Figes shows "how the cold war of the Soviet era froze over fundamental fault lines that had opened up in the 19th century."
Ex Output:
Ex Input:
Question: Which team has more NFL championships, the one that the Colts lost to in the 2003 AFC Championship Game, or the one that they beat to win Super Bowl XLI? Passage 1:In 1998 the Colts, for the 4th time in 15 years, held the 1st overall pick in the draft and for the 3rd time in 15 years selected a quarterback – this time University of Tennessee's Peyton Manning. Manning started the first game of his rookie season and started every single Colts game since until the start of the 2011 season, when a recurring neck injury sidelined him. Despite a difficult rookie season, where he threw a league high 28 interceptions, Manning and the Colts responded by finishing 13–3 in 1999. The 10 game turnaround from the previous year set an NFL record. Even with this turnaround, the Colts lost in the playoffs. The following years would be marked by a near constant pattern. The Colts and Manning successes in the regular season were matched only by their failures in the post season. Manning was named to the Pro Bowl in 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003 and 2004, as well as winning the NFL MVP award in both 2003 and 2004. In 2004 Manning set a then NFL record when he threw 49 touchdowns in a single season. In spite of this the team failed in the playoffs, including early round exits in 1999, 2000, 2002 and 2005. In both 2003 and 2004 the Colts would lose to eventual Super Bowl winning New England Patriots in the AFC Championship Game and the Divisional Round respectively. In 2006 the Colts and Manning were finally able to beat the Patriots and their quarterback Tom Brady in the AFC Championship Game on their way to a victory in Super Bowl XLI against the Chicago Bears. Manning was named the Super Bowl MVP. The Colts and Manning would continue to have success, with Manning winning two further MVP awards in 2008 and 2009. In 2009 the Colts would return to the Super Bowl where they would lose to the New Orleans Saints.
Passage 2:After attending school in Altkirch and Dijon, Hommaire graduated as an engineer at the École des Mines in Saint-Étienne in 1833. There he met Adèle Hériot whom he married in 1834. In October 1835, he went Turkey where he coordinated the construction of a suspension bridge in Constantinople and a lighthouse on the Black Sea coast. In 1838, he arrived in southern Russia where he performed ethnographical research and geographical surveys. After he discovered coal resources along the Dnieper River, Czar Nicholas I awarded him the St Vladimir Cross. In 1842, while working on mining and road-building projects in Moldavia, he fell ill and returned to France. The following year he became a member of the Société de Géographie and the Société géologique and published a number of scientific papers. In 1844 the Société de Géographie awarded him their Gold Medal .
Passage 3:Brathwaite was educated at Queen's College in Barbados, before leaving for England when he was 17 to attend Dulwich College. While studying at Dulwich, Brathwaite was spotted by former England Test cricketer Bill Athey. After completing his studies, he moved on to Loughborough University to obtain a degree in civil engineering. Loughborough University was part of the Marylebone Cricket Club's young cricketers program, as such it was designated as a Centre of Cricketing Excellence with first-class status. Under the coaching of Graham Dilley, Brathwaite was selected to play for Loughborough UCCE, making his first-class debut against Essex in 2006. In that same season he was selected to play for the British Universities against the touring Sri Lankans. The following season saw him selected play two first-class matches for the Marylebone Cricket Club, against the touring West Indians and later against Sri Lanka A. During the West Indies 2007 tour of England, Braithwaite was called up to represent the West Indians in a List A match against the England Lions, claiming the wicket of Owais Shah for the cost of 19 runs from three overs. 2008 saw Brathwaite play his final first-class match for Loughborough UCCE against Surrey. In total, he played five first-class matches for Loughborough, scoring 129 runs at an average of 32.25, with a high score of 76 not out. With the ball, he took 7 wickets at an expensive bowling average of 67.85, with best figures of 3/77.
Ex Output:
Ex Input:
Question: When was the base Alasdair served as station commander at established? Passage 1:Steedman joined the Royal Air Force in 1942 and served as a pilot during the Second World War. He was appointed Officer Commanding No. 39 Squadron in 1948 and Officer Commanding No. 8 Squadron in 1949. He went on to be Station Commander at Royal Ceylon Air Force Base Katanayake in 1957 and after a tour on the Directing Staff at the Joint Services Staff College from 1960 he became Station Commander at RAF Lyneham in 1962. From 1965 to 1967 he was Chief of the Air Staff of the Royal Malaysian Air Force. He was made Director of Defence Plans (Air) in 1967, Director of the Defence Operations Staff in 1968 and Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Policy) in 1969. He went on to be Senior Air Staff Officer at Headquarters RAF Strike Command in 1971, Commandant of the RAF Staff College, Bracknell, in 1972 and Air Member for Supply and Organisation in 1976. In October 1977, on promotion to air chief marshal, Steedman took up his last appointment as the UK Military Representative to NATO.
Passage 2:Black was head hunted and she became a literary agent at Curtis Brown. She played golf and used her connections to find clients that included Somerset Maugham and Samuel Beckett. She was involved with the noted production of Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot in 1956 and holidayed with Maugham in France. She notably told John Osborne to "think again" about his play Look Back in Anger that transformed British theatre. Black was fluent in French and so in love with France that she was sometimes called "Noir". She created translations of plays that were enabled not only be her fluency in French but with her knowledge of theatre after reading so many plays as a literary agent. Her translations included Crime Passionel by Jean Paul Sartre. She also translated his play "Morts sans Sépulture" and was thrilled when the director said that it was perfect. In partnership with Michael Flanders, she translated Stravinsky's Histoire du soldat for the Edinburgh Festival. The work played to capacity audiences in Edinburgh, and again in London at the Royal Festival Hall in 1956 with Flanders as the narrator, Sir Ralph Richardson as the Soldier and Peter Ustinov as the Devil. Their translation has held its place as the standard English version into the 21st century.
Passage 3:Sommer was born in Mouzon, in the Ardennes département of France, into a wealthy Sedan carpet-making family. His father, Roger Sommer, broke the Wright Brothers' record for the longest flight in 1909. It was not until 1931 that Raymond started to display daredevil tendencies of his own, entering motor races in a privateer Chrysler Imperial. The following year, he won the 24 Hours of Le Mans race, despite having to drive over 20 hours solo after his teammate, Luigi Chinetti, retired ill. During the 1930s, Sommer was to dominate the French endurance classic, winning again in 1933 driving an Alfa Romeo alongside Tazio Nuvolari. He also led every race until 1938, only to suffer a mechanical failure, once when 12 laps in the lead. Sommer traveled to Long Island, New York, to compete in the 1936 Vanderbilt Cup where he finished fourth behind the winner, Nuvolari.
Ex Output:
| 1
Given a passage with a context and an answer, construct a question on the basis of the information present in the passage. Construct the question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) it is answerable from the passage, (iii) its answer is unique (iv) it answer uses text phrases from the passage. Avoid creating questions that (i) can't be answered correctly without actually understanding the passage and (ii) uses the same words or phrases given in the passage.
[EX Q]: Context: To evaluate pain behavior and structural damage in mice subjected to either meniscal transection or removal.', 'Mice (10/group) were subjected to transection of the medial collateral and anterior cruciate ligaments (ACLT/MCLT) followed by either transection (meniscotomy) or removal (meniscectomy) of the medial meniscus. A control group was subjected only to transection of the ligaments. Pain was assessed using the electronic pressure-meter paw test. Cell influx, measured in joint exudates, and joint histopathology were assessed after 49 days. Four other groups subjected to meniscotomy received indomethacin, the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) inhibitor 1400W, morphine or the vehicles.', 'Both meniscotomy and meniscectomy groups displayed persistent and significant increase in pain behavior as compared to controls, being significantly more severe in the former. Cell influx was more intense in the meniscotomy as compared to the meniscectomy group. Structural damage at the tibia, but not at the femur, was also more severe in the meniscotomy group. Indomethacin and 1400W partially but significantly reduced pain whereas morphine abrogated pain behavior in meniscotomized mice.
Answer: Meniscal transection rather than resection promotes more severe pain and structural damage in mice. Administration of opioids, cyclooxygenase and nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitors provide analgesia in this model. Careful description of the structures damaged is crucial when reporting experimental osteoarthritis (OA).
[EX A]: Does meniscal transection rather than excision increase pain behavior and structural damage in experimental osteoarthritis in mice?
[EX Q]: Context: Cross-sectional, clinical measurement.', 'To investigate the validity of the Duruöz Hand Index (DHI) in the assessment of hand function in patients with tetraplegia.', "A total of 40 patients with tetraplegia participated. Patients' upper extremities were assessed on the level of 'body function and structure' [The American Spinal Cord Injury Association (ASIA) Impairment Scale (AIS) 2000 revised criteria, upper extremity motor score (UEMS), neurologic level of injury and visual analogue scale of hand function (VAS-HF)], 'activity' [DHI and Quadriplegia index of function-short form (QIF-SF)] and 'body function and structure, activity and participation' [Health Survey Short Form-36 (SF-36)] according to International Classification of Function.", 'The DHI showed significant correlations with UEMS, AIS, QIF-SF, VAS-HF, physical functioning and physical compound summary scores of SF-36.
Answer: The DHI was found a valid method in the assessment of hand functions in patients with tetraplegia.
[EX A]: Do validation of Duruöz Hand Index in patients with tetraplegia?
[EX Q]: Context: Previously, we found an 11-gene signature could predict pelvic lymph node metastasis (PLNM), and WNT2 is one of the key genes in the signature. This study explored the expression and underlying mechanism of WNT2 in PLNM of cervical cancer.', 'WNT2 expression level in cervical cancer was detected using western blotting, quantitative PCR, and immunohistochemistry. Two WNT2-specific small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) were used to explore the effects of WNT2 on invasive and metastatic ability of cancer cells, and to reveal the possible mechanism of WNT2 affecting epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). The correlation between WNT2 expression and PLNM was further investigated in clinical cervical specimens.', 'Both WNT2 mRNA and protein expression was upregulated in cervical cancer. High WNT2 expression was significantly associated with tumor size, lymphovascular space involvement, positive parametrium, and most importantly, PLNM. PLNM and WNT2 expression were independent prognostic factors for overall survival and disease-free survival. WNT2 knockdown inhibited SiHa cell motility and invasion and reversed EMT by inhibiting the WNT2/β-catenin pathway. WNT2 overexpression in cervical cancer was associated with β-catenin activation and induction of EMT, which further contributed to metastasis in cervical cancer.
Answer: WNT2 might be a novel predictor of PLNM and a promising prognostic indicator in cervical cancer.
[EX A]: | Does wNT2 promote Cervical Carcinoma Metastasis and Induction of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition?
Q: In this task, you're given the title of a five-sentence story and the first four sentences. Your job is to write the last sentence of the story such that it seamlessly connects with the rest of the story.
Title: Tom loses Job. Sentence 1: Tom is great at his job. Sentence 2: He gets sick one week. Sentence 3: He is unable to do his work. Sentence 4: Mark fills in for Tom.
A: | Tom is replaced by Mark. |
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
In this task, we ask you to write an event that is not likely to happen after a certain event or is not likely to have happened before it. Pay attention that you will be asked the correct question, and you need to answer it incorrectly. For example, "earning money" usually appears before "spending money". Even though there exist multiple wrong answers, we only need a single wrong answer. Please try to keep your "answer" as simple as possible. Concise and simple "answer" is preferred over those complex and verbose ones.
Sentence: Since then, she has earned promotions from managing attorney, senior attorney, then director of the Council on Aging project.
Question: What did she do after earning her promotions?
Output: | she wished she had ' t received them. |
In this task, given a sentence in the Chinese language, your task is to convert it into the English language.
Four Israelis were killed in that same time by Hamas rockets fired out of Gaza.
All 12 firefighters are being treated at Erie County Medical Center, but their conditions are not known.
| According to Iranian state run media, current Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has won re-election by a margin of 2 to 1.
Is "The man" the same as "his" in this sentence?
The man lifted the boy onto *his* shoulders. | yes |
Detailed Instructions: Generate an appropriate title for the given text. The generated title must be short and include the main topic of the text. The preferred titles are under fifteen words.
Problem:West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (WYFRS) have needed four or more fire engines to fight 10 wildfires in 2018-2019. It only dealt with one the previous year and five in 2016-2017. The sudden increase has led to the launch of an awareness campaign as the school summer holidays begin. The largest of the recent moorland fires was a blaze on Ilkley Moor over Easter weekend, with 23 fire engines having to attend. Crews were borrowed from across the region to fight the fire, which started on 20 April and took three days to put out. WYFRS said the recent moorland fires in West Yorkshire have caused "devastation to wildlife" and posed a "potential threat to life and property". Be Moor Aware campaign On 26 February, fire crews in Marsden fought one of the largest moorland fires the service had ever dealt as the UK broke the record for the warmest winter day. Chris Kirkby, WYFRS area manager, said: "Some of the fires have been deliberate, which we utterly condemn - but most have been accidental and simply due to people being careless when out and about." "Just one family barbecue can start a fire which destroys hundreds of hectares of beautiful moorland." The fire service said it was supporting several local councils in their usage of public space protection orders (PSPO), which can ban barbeques, fires and sky lanterns on moorland. Earlier in July, Bradford Council brought in a PSPO meaning a fixed penalty notice of up to £100 could be issued on moorland if people did not comply with "a request to extinguish and surrender such articles". Unpaid fines could lead to a court prosecution and a further fine of up to £2,500. Follow BBC Yorkshire on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Send your story ideas to [email protected].
Solution: | Wildfire spate leads to West Yorkshire awareness scheme |
Question: Here's a question: What do people do at a night club on the floor? Here are possible answers to this question: - own cars - dance together - talk to each other - speak words - kissing one another I believe the correct choice is "dance together", here's why:
Answer: | two quadrocopters move in rhythm |
Please answer the following question: Researchers in over 80 nations are taking part in a project to conduct a decade-long census of sea life. Scientists presented some of their findings at a recent conference as the project neared its completion. In deep icy waters under Antarctica, scientists found bulbous tunicates, an underground animal, and many newly-discovered creatures believed to be related to starfish and other marine creatures. Elsewhere in the world's oceans, they have recently discovered many kinds of underwater life forms new to science. It is all part of a research effort called the Census of Marine Life. "There are about 2,000 scientists worldwide involved," said Bob Gagosian, President, CEO of the Consortium for Ocean Leadership. Gagosian helps manage the project. "Everywhere they've gone they've found new things," he says. "The ocean basically is unexplored from the point of view of marine living things." Researchers have placed small markers on hundreds of fish and marine animals to track by satellite their migration routes and to discover places where sea life gathers. According to Ron O'Dor, a senior scientist with the Census of Marine Life, knowledge of life on the ocean floor is especially limited. "90% of all the information we have is from the top hundred meters of the ocean," O'Dor states. And he says the sea floor is, on average, at a depth of 4, 000 meters. And so, as some machines dive far below what people have previously seen, scientists are discovering new species of plants, animals and living things. Since the census project began, more than 5,300 new marine animals have been found. Ocean researchers say they hope to catalogue 230,000 species during the census --which some say is only a small part of all the creatures living in the sea. From what Ron O'Dor says, we can conclude that _ . A) human beings only know a little about marine life B) the oceans don't need to be further explored C) he considers exploring the ocean a dangerous thing D) the marine creatures mainly live on the top of the ocean
A: | A |
Question: Information: - Sumatra is a large island in western Indonesia that is part of the Sunda Islands. It is the largest island that is entirely in Indonesia (two larger islands, Borneo and New Guinea, are shared between Indonesia and other countries) and the sixth-largest island in the world at 473,481 km (including adjacent islands such as the Riau Islands and Bangka Belitung Islands). - Kunming is the capital of and largest city in Yunnan Province, Southwest China. Known as Yunnan-Fu ("Yúnnánf") until the 1920s, today it is a prefecture-level city and the political, economic, communications and cultural centre of the province as well as the seat of the provincial government. Kunming is also called the Spring city due to its weather. The headquarters of many of Yunnan's large businesses are in Kunming. It was important during World War II as a Chinese military center, American air base, and transport terminus for the Burma Road. Located in the middle of the YunnanGuizhou Plateau, Kunming is located at an altitude of above sea level and at a latitude just north of the Tropic of Cancer. Kunming has a population of 6,626,000 with an urban population of 4,575,000, and is located at the northern edge of the large Lake Dian, surrounded by temples and lake-and-limestone hill landscapes. - Asia is Earth's largest and most populous continent, located primarily in the eastern and northern hemispheres and sharing the continental landmass of Eurasia with the continent of Europe. Asia covers an area of , about 30% of Earth's total land area and 8.7% of the Earth's total surface area. The continent, which has long been home to the majority of the human population, was the site of many of the first civilizations. Asia is notable for not only its overall large size and population, but also dense and large settlements as well as vast barely populated regions within the continent of 4.4 billion people. - Thailand (or ), officially the Kingdom of Thailand, formerly known as Siam, is a country at the centre of the Indochinese peninsula in Southeast Asia. With a total area of approximately , Thailand is the world's 51st-largest country. It is the 20th-most-populous country in the world, with around 66 million people. The capital and largest city is Bangkok. - The Celebes Sea of the western Pacific Ocean is bordered on the north by the Sulu Archipelago and Sulu Sea and Mindanao Island of the Philippines, on the east by the Sangihe Islands chain, on the south by Sulawesi's Minahassa Peninsula, and on the west by Kalimantan in Indonesia. It extends 420 miles (675 km) north-south by 520 miles (837 km) east-west and has a total surface area of , to a maximum depth of . The sea opens southwest through the Makassar Strait into the Java Sea. - The Philippines, officially the Republic of the Philippines, is a sovereign island country in Southeast Asia situated in the western Pacific Ocean. It consists of about 7,641 islands that are categorized broadly under three main geographical divisions from north to south: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. The capital city of the Philippines is Manila and the most populous city is Quezon City, both part of Metro Manila. Bounded by the South China Sea on the west, the Philippine Sea on the east and the Celebes Sea on the southwest, the Philippines shares maritime borders with Taiwan to the north, Vietnam to the west, Palau to the east and Malaysia and Indonesia to the south. - Metropolitan Manila, commonly known as Metro Manila or simply Manila, is the capital region of the Philippines, is the seat of government, the 2nd most populous and the most densely populated region of the country. The National Capital Region (NCR) is composed of Manila, the capital city of the country, Quezon City, the country's most populous city, and the cities of Caloocan, Las Piñas, Makati, Malabon, Mandaluyong, Marikina, Muntinlupa, Navotas, Parañaque, Pasay, Pasig, San Juan, Taguig, and Valenzuela, including the only remaining municipality of Pateros. - The Philippine Sea is a marginal sea east and northeast of the Philippines occupying an estimated surface area of 5 million km² (2 million mi²). of the western part of the North Pacific Ocean. It is bordered by the Philippine archipelago (Luzon, Catanduanes, Samar, Leyte and Mindanao) on the southwest; Halmahera, Morotai, Palau, Yap, and Ulithi (of the Carolines) on the southeast; the Marianas, including Guam, Saipan, and Tinian, on the east; the Bonin and Iwo Jima on the northeast; the Japanese islands of Honshu, Shikoku, and Kysh on the north; the Ryukyu Islands on the northwest; and Taiwan in the west. - A true toad is any member of the family Bufonidae, in the order Anura (frogs and toads). This is the only family of anurans in which all members are known as "toads", although some may be called frogs (such as harlequin frogs). The bufonids now comprise more than 35 genera, "Bufo" being the most widespread and well known. - Gollum is a fictional character from J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium. He was introduced in the 1937 fantasy novel "The Hobbit", and became an important supporting character in its sequel, "The Lord of the Rings". Gollum was a Stoor Hobbit of the River-folk, who lived near the Gladden Fields. Originally known as Sméagol, he was corrupted by the One Ring and later named Gollum after his habit of making "a horrible swallowing noise in his throat". - Maritime Southeast Asia is the maritime region of Southeast Asia as opposed to mainland Southeast Asia and comprises Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines, Singapore and Indonesia. Maritime Southeast Asia is sometimes also referred to as "island Southeast Asia" or "insular Southeast Asia". The 19th-century term "Malay Archipelago" refers to a largely similar area. - Sulawesi, formerly known as Celebes (or ), is an island in Indonesia. One of the four Greater Sunda Islands, and the world's eleventh-largest island, it is situated between Borneo and the Maluku Islands. Within Indonesia, only Sumatra, Borneo and Papua are larger in territory, and only Java and Sumatra have larger populations. - The South China Sea is a marginal sea that is part of the Pacific Ocean, encompassing an area from the Karimata and Malacca Straits to the Strait of Taiwan of around . The area's importance largely results from one-third of the world's shipping sailing through its waters and that it is believed to hold huge oil and gas reserves beneath its seabed. - Bufo is a large genus of about 150 species of true toads in the amphibian family Bufonidae. "Bufo" is a Latin word for toad. - Quezon City ( also known as QC) is the most populous city in the Philippines. It is one of the cities that make up Metro Manila, the National Capital Region of the Philippines. Quezon City was named after Manuel L. Quezon, second President of the Philippines, who founded the city and developed it to replace Manila as the national capital for 28 years from 1948 to 1976. Quezon City is not located in and should not be confused with Quezon Province, which was also named after the president. It is the largest city in Metro Manila in terms of land area and most populated local government unit in the country. - Indonesia (or ; Indonesian: ), officially the Republic of Indonesia, is a unitary sovereign state and transcontinental country located mainly in Southeast Asia with some territories in Oceania. Situated between the Indian and Pacific oceans, it is the world's largest island country, with more than seventeen thousand islands. At , Indonesia is the world's 14th-largest country in terms of land area and world's 7th-largest country in terms of combined sea and land area. It has an estimated population of over 260 million people and is the world's fourth most populous country, the most populous Austronesian nation, as well as the most populous Muslim-majority country. The world's most populous island of Java contains more than half of the country's population. - Ingerophrynus is a genus of true toads with 12 species . These species distributed in southern Yunnan and Indochina ; peninsular Thailand and Malaya to Sumatra , Borneo , Java , Nias Island , Sulawesi , and the Philippines . This genus was established after a major taxonomical revision of frogs . Ten of the species in this genus were formerly considered species of the genus Bufo . In 2007 a new species , Ingerophrynus gollum , was added to this genus . This species is named after the character Gollum created by J. R. R. Tolkien . - Yunnan is a province of the People's Republic of China, located in the far southwest of the country. It spans approximately and has a population of 45.7 million in 2009. The capital of the province is Kunming, formerly also known as Yunnan. The province borders Vietnam, Laos, and Burma. - An ox (plural oxen), also known as a bullock in Australia and India, is a bovine trained as a draft animal. Oxen are commonly castrated adult male cattle; castration makes the animals easier to control. Cows (adult females) or bulls (intact males) may also be used in some areas. - The Maluku Islands or the Moluccas are an archipelago within Indonesia. Tectonically they are located on the Halmahera Plate within the Molucca Sea Collision Zone. Geographically they are located east of Sulawesi, west of New Guinea, and north and east of Timor. The islands were also the historical core of the Spice Islands known to the Chinese and Europeans, but this term usually included other adjacent areas such as Sulawesi. The name was due to the nutmeg, mace and cloves that were originally exclusively found there, and the presence of these sparked colonial interest from Europe in the 16th century. - China, officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a unitary sovereign state in East Asia. With a population of over 1.381 billion, it is the world's most populous country. The state is governed by the Communist Party of China, and its capital is Beijing. It exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four direct-controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing), and two mostly self-governing special administrative regions (Hong Kong and Macau), and claims sovereignty over Taiwan. The country's major urban areas include Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Tianjin and Hong Kong. China is a great power and a major regional power within Asia, and has been characterized as a potential superpower. - Bangkok is the capital and most populous city of Thailand. It is known in Thai as "Krung Thep Maha Nakhon" (pronounced ) or simply . The city occupies in the Chao Phraya River delta in Central Thailand, and has a population of over 8 million, or 12.6 percent of the country's population. Over 14 million people (22.2 percent) live within the surrounding Bangkok Metropolitan Region, making Bangkok an extreme primate city, significantly dwarfing Thailand's other urban centres in terms of importance. There are 581 high-rise buildings in the city, ranking number 5 in the world. - Borneo is the third-largest island in the world and the largest island in Asia. At the geographic centre of Maritime Southeast Asia, in relation to major Indonesian islands, it is located north of Java, west of Sulawesi, and east of Sumatra. - Palau (historically Belau or Pelew), officially the Republic of Palau, is an island country located in the western Pacific Ocean. The country contains approximately 250 islands, forming the western chain of the Caroline Islands in Micronesia, and has an area of . The most populous island is Koror. The capital Ngerulmud is located on the nearby island of Babeldaob, in Melekeok State. Palau shares maritime boundaries with Indonesia, the Philippines, and the Federated States of Micronesia. After reading the paragraphs above, we are interested in knowing the entity with which 'ingerophrynus' exhibits the relationship of 'parent taxon'. Find the answer from the choices below. Choices: - animal - area - areas - bufo - bufonidae - cancer - delta - gollum - human - valenzuela
Answer: | bufonidae |
Q: In this task, you're expected to write answers to questions involving multiple references to the same entity. The answer to the question should be unambiguous and a phrase in the paragraph. Most questions can have only one correct answer.
Passage: "Something" is a song by the English rock band the Beatles from their 1969 album Abbey Road. It was written by George Harrison, the band's lead guitarist. Soon after the album's release, the song was issued as a single, coupled with "Come Together", making it the first Harrison composition to become a Beatles A-side. Its pairing with "Come Together" was also the first time in the United Kingdom that the Beatles issued a single containing tracks that were already available on an album. The single topped the Billboard Hot 100 in the United States as well as charts in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and West Germany, and peaked at number 4 in the UK.
"Something" is widely viewed by music historians as having marked Harrison's ascendancy as a composer to the level of the Beatles' principal songwriters, John Lennon and Paul McCartney. It is described as a love song to Pattie Boyd, Harrison's first wife, although Harrison offered alternative sources of inspiration in later interviews. Due to the difficulty he faced in getting more than two of his compositions onto each Beatles album, Harrison first offered "Something" to Joe Cocker. As recorded by the Beatles, the track features a guitar solo that several music critics identify among Harrison's finest playing. The song also drew praise from the other Beatles and their producer, George Martin, with Lennon stating that it was the best song on Abbey Road. The promotional film for the single combined footage of each of the Beatles with their respective wife, reflecting the estrangement in the band during the months preceding the official announcement of their break-up in April 1970.
"Something" received the Ivor Novello Award for the "Best Song Musically and Lyrically" of 1969. Harrison subsequently performed the song at his Concert for Bangladesh shows in 1971 and throughout the two tours he made as a solo artist. Up to the late 1970s, it had been covered by over 150 artists, making it the second-most covered Beatles composition after "Yesterday". Shirley Bassey had a top-five UK hit with her 1970 recording, while Frank Sinatra regularly performed the song. Other artists who have covered "Something" include Elvis Presley, Ray Charles, Peggy Lee, James Brown, Tony Bennett, Andy Williams, Smokey Robinson and Ike & Tina Turner. In 1999, Broadcast Music Incorporated named "Something" as the 17th-most performed song of the twentieth century, with 5 million performances. In 2004, it was ranked at number 278 on Rolling Stone's list of "The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time", while two years later, Mojo placed it at number 7 in the magazine's list of the Beatles' best songs. A year after Harrison's death in November 2001, McCartney and Eric Clapton performed it at the Concert for George tribute at London's Royal Albert Hall.
Question: What was the full name of the person McCartney and Clapton performed "Something" as a tribute to?
A: | George Harrison. |
Question: Given the following passage "Since the Three Kingdoms period, Nanjing has been an industrial centre for textiles and minting owing to its strategic geographical location and convenient transportation. During the Ming dynasty, Nanjing's industry was further expanded, and the city became one of the most prosperous cities in China and the world. It led in textiles, minting, printing, shipbuilding and many other industries, and was the busiest business center in East Asia. Textiles boomed particularly in Qing dynasty, the industry created around 200 thousand jobs and there were about 50 thousand satin machines in the city in 18th and 19th century.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What place has history in the three kingdoms?
Answer: | China |
input question: Write a multi-choice question for the following article, with the given choices and answer: Article: Hardly a day goes by without the subject of money being raised in most people's lives. However, it is highly debatable whether money is more important than other things, such as health and happiness, which some people consider to be of greater significance. To begin with, it is often argued that having money enables people to exert their influence over others. Wealthy businessmen, for example, are often the most highly respected members of society, and business tycoons are often referred to by world leaders, who then make policies that affect the whole population. As a result, money can be seen as the single most important factor in everyday life. Secondly, from the point of view of the individual, money is vital for survival. Western society is structured in such a way that, without money, people cannot get proper nutrition and health care. Furthermore, in some cases, the inability to pay heating bills can indeed become a matter of life and death. On the other hand, many people say that one of the factors in life, which is undoubtedly of greater importance than money, is health. As Izaak Walton said, health is, "a blessing that money cannot buy". What is more, money is sometimes of little comfort to those who are suffering from health problems. Despite the fact that money can buy the best medical care available, it is not a guarantee of a longer life. In addition, most people would agree that personal happiness easily outweighs money in importance. Even if an individual is extremely rich, this does not necessarily lead to happiness. In some cases, the contrary is true, and vast wealth brings a whole range of problems. Genuine happiness cannot be bought and it is usually independent of financial status. On the whole, although there are those who would rank money as the single most important thing in life, we, the vast majority, would disagree. Options: A They hold a different view from the poor on the subject of money. B They rank money as the only important thing in life. C They give their view on policy to world leaders. D They fear poor health more than anything else. Answer: C They give their view on policy to world leaders. Question:???
output answer: What do we know about business tycoons?
input question: Write a multi-choice question for the following article, with the given choices and answer: Article: In the 1960s, many young Americans were dissatisfied with American society. They wanted to end the Vietnam War and to make all of the people in the U.S. equal. Some of them decided to "drop out" of American society and form their own societies. They formed utopian communities, which they called "communes ," where they could follow their philosophy of "do your own thing". A group of artists founded a commune in southern Colorado called "Drop City". Following the ideas of philosopher and architect Buckminster Fuller, they built dome-shaped houses from pieces of old cars. Other groups, such as author Ken Kesey's Merry Pranksters, the followers of San Francisco poet Steve Gaskin, and a group that called itself the Hog Farm, lived in old school houses and traveled around the United States. The Hog Farm become famous when they helped organize the Woodstock Rock Festival in 1969. The followers of Steve Gaskin tried to settle down on a farm in Tennessee, but they had to leave when some members of the group were arrested for growing marijuana . Not all communes believed in the philosophy of "do your own thing", however. Twin Oaks, a commune founded in Virginia in the late 1960s, was based on the ideas of psychologist B. F. Skinner. The people who lived at Twin Oaks were carefully controlled by Skinner's conditioning techniques to do things that were good for the community. In 1972, Italian architect Paolo Soleri began to build Arcosanti, a utopian city in Arizona, where 2500 people will live closely together in one large building called an "archology". Soleri believes that people must live closely together so that they will all become one. Options: A In dome-shaped house B In old school houses C On a farm in Tennessee D In an archeology in Arizona Answer: B In old school houses Question:???
output answer: Where did the members of the Hog Farm commune live?
input question: Write a multi-choice question for the following article, with the given choices and answer: Article: Do you have any skiing equipment you no longer need? A ski school in the far north of India could put it to good use. In March we published a photo story about the extraordinary Zsnskar region in northern India,which is cut off from the outside world for more than seven months of the year,and only accessible via a frozen river.We also included information about the limited use of skiing in the region and the recent creation of the Zanskar Ski School: "Despite the difficulties of travelling through the region when the snow comes,skiing hasn't traditionally been used as a means of transport by the locals,largely because trees don't grow here, so there is little in the way of raw materials from which to make skis.In 1995, a group of British scientists in the region noticed the lack of skis and one of them returned to set up the Zanskar Ski School in Padam.The school provides lessons for a small fee and rents skis to the local people. Among the benefits that the school hopes to bring are improved education--children often find it difficult to get to school through the deep snow--and the possibility of offering ski tours to tourists in the future.So far,more than 300 local people have received training,and local doctors and policemen regularly borrow skis." But what we weren't able to include in the article is that the ski school is always on the look out for old skiing equipment--particularly of a size suitable for children--and, I thought. Now the European ski season is drawing to a close,there might be a few of you out there who have some old equipment you'd like to see go to a good home.If that's the ease you can get in touch with the school via their website www.zanskarski Options: A An extraordinary region in India B A home for old skis C A good means of transport D A popular sport--skiing Answer: B A home for old skis Question:???
output answer: What can be the best title for the text?
input question: Write a multi-choice question for the following article, with the given choices and answer: Article: It's true that many dads in the wild aren't interested in parenting, but there are some that work pretty hard to give their little ones a good start. Maybe one of these dads will make you remember your own dad! The male giant water bug doesn't seem to mind a heavy load on his back for his kids. The female puts about 100 to 150 eggs on the back of the male, and then she leaves. Once the female is gone, the male has to look after the eggs. It usually takes one to two weeks for the eggs to hatch. The father giant water bug jumps around to make sure the growing eggs get enough air and water. All this time he can't fly because of the weight of the eggs growing rapidly on his back. Now let's turn to the male stickleback fish. When the mother leaves after laying her eggs, the father tends his young. If the young fish go too far away, their father helps with their safe return by carrying them back in his mouth. The male stickleback looks after all his young -- as many as 100 -- until they can live on their own. A similar example can be found in emperor penguins living in cold areas. The male emperor penguin goes without food while looking after his egg until it hatches. For about 62 to 67 days, the egg stays on top of the father's feet, in very cold temperatures that drop down to -39deg C. As a result, the father may lose nearly 50 percent of his body weight while waiting for his baby penguin to be born! Options: A Mr. Moms in the Wild B Animals Do Have Feelings C Nature Loves Us like Our Dad D Childbirth in the Animal Kingdom Answer: A Mr. Moms in the Wild Question:???
output answer: | What is the best title for the text? |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a sentence. You are expected to write the name of the organism substances in the body mentioned in the input. Although there might be several correct answers, you need to write one of them.
Q: The goal of this study was to determine whether immunosuppression plays a role in the level and duration of fecal shedding of Escherichia coli O157 .
A: | fecal |
Q: Did compact discs make computer gaming more popular? Now, let's think step by step: | Compact discs contained significantly more storage space than the previously popular floppy disc format. Gaming studios were therefore able to significantly improve the graphics, sounds, and features of their games to make them more immersive. The better games led to a massive increase in popularity for computer gaming.
The answer: yes. |
You are given a sentence in Spanish. Your job is to translate the Spanish sentence into English.
Q: No tenía ni idea de que esta pequeña pieza iba a cambiar el curso de mi vida.
A: Little did I know that this tiny piece would change the course of my life.
Q: Y solo podemos cumplir con los términos de empleo en el mundo moderno siendo mucho más flexibles mentalmente.
A: And we can only meet the terms of employment in the modern world by being cognitively far more flexible.
Q: Esta imagen es totalmente falsa, no tiene ningún sentido.
A: | This image is totally incorrect, totally incorrect.
In this task, given a sentence in the English language, your task is to convert it into the Thai language.
"I think all of the illegal vessels up there, because of their inter-vessel communication will now be aware that there is a major sting on by the Australian authorities and those that haven't been arrested, I think will be hightailing it back to Indonesian ports as we speak," said Senator MacDonald. | "ผมคิดว่าพวกเรือประมงที่ผิดกฎหมายทั้งหลายที่สื่อสารกันระหว่างเรือคงรู้แล้วว่าเจ้าหน้าที่ออสเตรเลียบุกจับกุม และผู้ที่ยังไม่ถูกจับกุมคงถอยกลับไปที่ท่าเรืออินโดนีเซียอย่างรวดเร็วระหว่างที่เรากำลังพูดถึงอยู่นี้" วุฒิสมาชิก MacDonald กล่าว |
Use information from the paragraph to answer the question. Paragraph : The higher the temperature, the more energy the particles have and the faster they will move and diffuse. Question: By filling a kettle with water and placing it in a freezer turned to low, will the motion of the water molecules in the kettle increase in speed or decrease in speed.?
decrease in speed.
Use information from the paragraph to answer the question. Paragraph : The surface is heated by the Sun and some of that heat radiates back into the air. This makes the temperature higher near the surface than at higher altitudes. Question: The closer to sea level that you get the cooler it is or warmer it is?
warmer it is
Use information from the paragraph to answer the question. Paragraph : Chemical weathering increases as: Temperature increases: Chemical reactions proceed more rapidly at higher temperatures. Question: John was redoing the siding on his house when he noticed something interesting. As the temperature decreases, the weathering effect Decreases or Increases?
Use information from the paragraph to answer the question. Paragraph : As the Universe expands, galaxies move further and further apart. Question: The decreasing distances between galaxies indicates the Universe is expanding or contracting?
| contracting |
input question: Two climate experts studied different continent to observe climate changes. Jordan studied Australia, while Jeb studied Antarctica. Which person didn't observe warming in spring? Hint: Some of Antarctica has been warming up; particularly strong warming has been noted on the Antarctic Peninsula. A study by Eric Steig published in 2009 noted for the first time that the continent-wide average surface temperature trend of Antarctica is slightly positive at >0.05 °C (0.09 °F) per decade from 1957 to 2006. This study also noted that West Antarctica has warmed by more than 0.1 °C (0.2 °F) per decade in the last 50 years, and this warming is strongest in winter and spring. This is partly offset by autumn cooling in East Antarctica. There is evidence from one study that Antarctica is warming as a result of human carbon dioxide emissions, but this remains ambiguous. The amount of surface warming in West Antarctica, while large, has not led to appreciable melting at the surface, and is not directly affecting the West Antarctic Ice Sheet's contribution to sea level. Instead the recent increases in glacier outflow are believed to be due to an inflow of warm water from the deep ocean, just off the continental shelf. The net contribution to sea level from the Antarctic Peninsula is more likely to be a direct result of the much greater atmospheric warming there.In 2002 the Antarctic Peninsula's Larsen-B ice shelf collapsed. Between 28 February and 8 March 2008, about 570 km2 (220 sq mi) of ice from the Wilkins Ice Shelf on the southwest part of the peninsula collapsed, putting the remaining 15,000 km2 (5,800 sq mi) of the ice shelf at risk. The ice was being held back by a "thread" of ice about 6 km (4 mi) wide, prior to its collapse on 5 April 2009. According to NASA, the most widespread Antarctic surface melting of the past 30 years occurred in 2005, when an area of ice comparable in size to California briefly melted and refroze; this may have resulted from temperatures rising to as high as 5 °C (41 °F).A study published in Nature Geoscience in 2013 (online in December 2012) identified central West Antarctica as one of the fastest-warming regions on Earth. The researchers present a complete temperature...???
output answer: Jordan
input question: David was trying to see how steam engines work. For that, he conducted two tests, test A and test B. In test A, he used low temperature. On the other hand, in test B, he used high temperature. David started thinking about how he could use the results of his tests in everyday life. Which test would see less forceful collisions of molecules, case A or case B? Hint: Shown in the Figure below is a cylinder of gas on the left that is at room temperature (300 K). On the right, the cylinder has been heated until the Kelvin temperature has doubled to 600 K. The kinetic energy of the gas molecules increases, so collisions with the walls of the container are now more forceful than they were before. As a result, the pressure of the gas doubles. Decreasing the temperature would have the opposite effect, and the pressure of an enclosed gas would decrease.???
output answer: case A
input question: Two women go into a doctor's office for a routine physical. As is usual for a physical, the doctor takes a blood sample from both women to analyze for any issues. Upon looking at the blood, the doctor notices that Jan's platelet count is low, but other than that her blood is fine. Marcia's platelet count is not low and she has no other issues. Which woman is more likely to have hemophilia? Hint: Hemophilia is the name of a group of hereditary diseases that affect the body's ability to control blood clotting. Hemophilia is caused by a lack of clotting factors in the blood. Clotting factors are normally released by platelets. Since people with hemophilia cannot produce clots, any cut can put a person at risk of bleeding to death. The risk of internal bleeding is also increased in hemophilia, especially into muscles and joints. This disease affected the royal families of Europe.???
output answer: Jan
input question: Dr. Jones studied 2 groups of people to see the effects of aging on humans. Group A had people under 35 years old in it, while group B had people over 65. Which group had an increased reflex time? Hint: During late adulthood, the risk of developing diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer continues to rise. Most people also have a decline in strength and stamina. Their senses may start failing, and their reflex time typically increases. Their immune system also doesn’t work as well as it used to. As a result, common diseases like the flu may become more serious and even lead to death. The majority of late adults develop arthritis, and as many as one in four develop Alzheimer’s disease.???
output answer: | group B |
In this task, you are given a word, followed by a sentence. You should respond with a valid sentence which contains the word with the same meaning as in the given sentence. For example, if the given sentence refers to a 'fly' as the insect, you should not respond with a sentence which uses 'fly' as the verb. You may use the word in a different tense than is given. For example, you may use the word 'ended' in the output where the given input word is 'end'.
[Q]: credit
Sentence: He was given credit for his work.
[A]: Give her credit for trying.
[Q]: stress
Sentence: "He presided over the economy during the period of the greatest stress and danger" -- R.J.Samuelson.
[A]: She endured the stresses and strains of life.
[Q]: beer
Sentence: I love beer but I know it is bad for you.
[A]: | Beer is brewed all over the world.
Problem: Given the question: Given the following passage "Meanwhile, in Renaissance Italy, a new period in the history of translation had opened in Florence with the arrival, at the court of Cosimo de' Medici, of the Byzantine scholar Georgius Gemistus Pletho shortly before the fall of Constantinople to the Turks (1453). A Latin translation of Plato's works was undertaken by Marsilio Ficino. This and Erasmus' Latin edition of the New Testament led to a new attitude to translation. For the first time, readers demanded rigor of rendering, as philosophical and religious beliefs depended on the exact words of Plato, Aristotle and Jesus.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Where is Florence located?
The answer is:
Problem: Given the question: Given the following passage "During this period, the island enjoyed increased revenues through the sale of flax, with prices peaking in 1951. However, the industry declined because of transportation costs and competition from synthetic fibres. The decision by the British Post Office to use synthetic fibres for its mailbags was a further blow, contributing to the closure of the island's flax mills in 1965.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What happened in the 66th year of the 1900s?
The answer is:
the closure of the island's flax mills
Problem: Given the question: Given the following passage "By 1847, the couple had found the palace too small for court life and their growing family, and consequently the new wing, designed by Edward Blore, was built by Thomas Cubitt, enclosing the central quadrangle. The large East Front, facing The Mall, is today the "public face" of Buckingham Palace, and contains the balcony from which the royal family acknowledge the crowds on momentous occasions and after the annual Trooping the Colour. The ballroom wing and a further suite of state rooms were also built in this period, designed by Nash's student Sir James Pennethorne.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: Who did NOT design the new wing, Cubitt or Blore?
The answer is:
| Cubitt |
In this task, you're given a passage, further information available on a particular linked term from the statement, and a question. Your job is to generate the answer to the question by using the information provided. If there is no clear answer obtainable, output 'none'.
[Q]: Passage: In the Middle Ages Cilthriew was one of the townships in Kerry. The township is also referred to as Kilroith or Kilroyth. Richard Williams makes the claim that Cilthriew and the neighbouring house of Brynllywarch (which was also a township) were in the ownership of the Pugh (ap Hugh) family from at least 1500. A William Pugh of Kilroith is mentioned in 1632, when he purchased from Ann Foxe, widow of Somerset Foxe lands in Kilroith including Maes y Deynant William Pugh of ‘‘Kilthrew’’ was the Sheriff of Montgomeryshire in 1767 and his son William, who was also Sheriff of Montgomeryshire in 1813, became a very successful attorney and purchased the Caer Howell estate in Montgomery. His son was the notable William Pugh, an entrepreneur, who did much to develop trade and infrastructure in the Montgomeryshire Severn valley. He paid for the final extension of the Montgomery Canal from Berriew to Newtown, and for various road building schemes including a road from Abermule along the Mule valley. In Newtown he encouraged the growth of the textile industry and was responsible for the Flannel exchange, designed by Thomas Penson. In 1828 he sold the Caer Howell estate, using the proceeds to develop Brynllywarch. For this work he may have employed T G Newnham and J W Poundley as his architects and surveyors. His schemes were over ambitious and in June 1835 he fled to Caen in Normandy to escape his creditors. This resulted in the Brynllywarch and Cilthriew estates, which then consisted of 27 farms, being sold in 1839 to Richard Leyland (Bullin), a very wealthy banker from Liverpool. Leyland was to give these estates, together with the Leighton Hall Estates to his nephew John Naylor in 1846. The very detailed survey of the estates purchased by Leyland and later John Naylor, drawn up by J W Poundley, is now in the National Library of Wales. John Naylor died on13th July 1889 and the estates continued in the Naylor family ownership until about 1930, when the various farms including Cilthriew were sold.
Link Information: Caen (, ; ) is a commune in northwestern France Question: Which country did William Pugh flee to after he was in debt?
[A]: Answer: France
[Q]: Passage: Before the 1980 season began, the Rangers traded Gray, Mike Bucci, and Larry McCall to the Cleveland Indians for David Clyde and Jim Norris. That year, he hit .148 in 28 games with Cleveland, and spent most of the year with the Tacoma Tigers. The following offseason, he was picked up by the Seattle Mariners in the Rule 5 Draft, as manager Rene Lachemann watched Gray play in the Pacific Coast League and wanted him in the starting lineup. He had his best season in 1981, splitting time at first base with starter Bruce Bochte and hitting 13 home runs in just 208 at bats. The next season, he hit .257 in a career high 80 games. After the season, his contract was sold to the California Angels. He played from 1983 to 1987 in the Mexican League, primarily with the Rieleros de Aguascalientes, before retiring from baseball.
Link Information: none Question: Which of the players that Gray was traded to the Indians for had a longer career with the Rangers?
[A]: Answer: none
[Q]: Passage: Nelson became – and remains – Britain's greatest naval war hero, and an inspiration to the Royal Navy, yet his unorthodox tactics were seldom emulated by later generations. The first monument to be erected in Britain to commemorate Nelson may be that raised on Glasgow Green in 1806, albeit possibly preceded by a monument at Taynuilt, near Oban in Scotland dated 1805, both also commemorating the many Scots crew and captains at the battle. The Nelson Monument on Glasgow Green was designed by David Hamilton and paid for by public subscription. Around the base are the names of his major victories: Aboukir (1798), Copenhagen (1801) and Trafalgar (1805). The Nelson Monument overlooking Portsmouth was built in 1807–08 with money subscribed by sailors and marines who served at Trafalgar. In 1808, Nelson's Pillar was erected by leading members of the Anglo-Irish aristocracy in Dublin to commemorate Nelson and his achievements (between 10% and 20% of the sailors at Trafalgar had been from Ireland), and remained until it was destroyed in a bombing by "Old IRA" members in 1966. Nelson's Monument in Edinburgh was built between 1807 and 1815 in the form of an upturned telescope, and in 1853 a time ball was added which still drops at noon GMT to give a time signal to ships in Leith and the Firth of Forth. In summer this coincides with the one o'clock gun being fired. The Britannia Monument in Great Yarmouth was raised by 1819. Nelson's Column, Montreal began public subscriptions soon after news of the victory at Trafalgar arrived; the column was completed in the autumn of 1809 and still stands in Place Jacques Cartier.
Link Information: none Question: What was the total cost of The Nelson Monument overlooking Portsmouth and The Nelson Monument on Glasgow Green?
[A]: | Answer: none
Determine the topic of the question-answer pair. Question: "who is the junior senator of nc?"; Answer: "Janet Kay Ruthven Hagan (; born May 26, 1953) is the junior United States Senator from North Carolina , in office since January 2009."? Topic:
The answer to this question is: | Kay Hagan |
In this task, you're given an article and an answer. Your task is to generate the question for the answer based on the given article.
Question: Article: Don't invite crime--take basic, sensible precautions. Your house and possession are valuable and must be properly protected. When you buy a lock, you buy time --- and this is the one thing a burglar can't afford. Most thieves are casual opportunists to whom the best deterrents are delay and noise which could mean discovery. When you leave it, lock it! First of all, fit security locks to all doors and windows and a safety chain on the front door. Secondly, use them! If you have any ladders or tools, don't leave them lying about in the garden, lock them away. "Safe" or "secret" places for keys and valuables are not reliable - nine times out of ten, they are the first place a thief will look. When you move house... When you move into a new home even if it is fitted with security locks, change them. You don't know who else may have keys. Never let strangers into your house. An official - looking cap is not enough, ask for proof of identity and look at it carefully - if you are still not satisfied, don't let the person in. Valuables need special protection Valuables should really be given special protection - preferably by leaving them with your bank. A small security safe works too, but not to the most determined burglar. It is also important to keep an up - to - date list of valuables and their descriptions. In the case of fine art, paintings, or jewelry, color photographs can sometimes be of assistance to the police if you are unfortunate enough to have them stolen. Enter the details on the back of the pictures. But don't keep such documents in your house, keep them at the hank or with your insurance company. Going on holiday? Don't talk about your holidays and future plans loudly in public. Do remember to cancel the milk and newspapers and also to draw curtains back. Operate a "Good Neighbor" program to ensure that mail is taken in, the house is checked regularly and that lights are put on. Call at your local police station and tell them you are going away. Make sure that they know how to contact you in case of trouble. Don't leave cash or valuables in the house--take them with you or put them in the bank.
Answer: You should put them in the safe place and lock the door.
Answer: How should you deal with your ladders or tools?
Question: Article: Snapshots, the new fashion for an artistic portrait photo: Take it underwater. Zhang Xiaomei, a 20 something Shanghai native who works in the media industry, tried it out twice. "It was a completely different experience," says Zhang of her first such experience last May. "You get the feeling that you're cut off from the rest of the world. But also it s romantic and like a fairy tale." She then successfully convinced her husband to be to have their wedding photos taken underwater a couple of months after her first try. "Can you imagine a 1.87-meter-tall man trying out something like a fishtail under the water?" Zhang says, laughing. A commercial underwater photo portrait is perfect for post 80 and post 90 generations who adore taking snapshots, but are looking for new ways to be artistic, says Ai Cheng, owner and photographer of No.55 Underwater Photography in Shanghai. Ai opened a studio in Shanghai's suburb of Songjiang two years ago, building a 5-meter- deep, fan-shaped pool equipped with heating facilities to start up the business. A 30-minute training on how to smile under the water so that you won't drink too much water and how to open your eyes underwater is offered in his studio for those who don't know how to swim. Ai says most of his customers are female--half of them coming for an artistic portrait photo and the rest for wedding pictures. "Some of them drag their boyfriends or husband-to-be, who are unwilling to go down to the water, to shoot as well," he says.
Answer: The Best Smiles May Be All Wet.
Answer: What would be the best title for the text?
Question: Article: In Europe, many people make friends between their countries through town twinning. Town or city twinning means two towns in different countries agree and decide to become "twins" with a sister-city relationship. The people find pen friends in the twin town. They exchange newspapers and stamps. The school teachers discuss teaching methods with the teachers in the twin town. Officials visit the twin town for celebrations. Ordinary people travel to the twin town, too, but not very often if it is far away. Sometimes, schools even exchange their classes for two or three weeks! For example, German middle school students study for a while at the school in their twin town in Britain, staying with British families. A few months later, their British friends come to study in Germany. Many British towns are so pleased with the results of the twinning that they set out to find more than one twin town! Tonbridge, a small town in Kent, for example, has twin towns in both Germany and France. Richmond near London has relationships with Germany, France and even a town in a Balkan country! Town twinning can help make friends. It helps students improve their language skill, and also helps people to understand the differences between nations.
Answer: Town Twinning
Answer: | Which is the best title for the passage?
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task.
In this task, you are given a sentence in the Spanish language. Your task is to translate the Spanish sentence into the English language.
Placa motora es la unión entre la neurona motora y el
Solution: Motor plate is the union between the motor neuron and the
Why? Language translation is correct. The given input in English is a segmentally neutral sentence, therefore the polarity of the output must be neutral. Looking at the output it’s clear that the sentence polarity is neutral.
New input: En general, los enzimas alostéricos
Solution: | In general, allosteric enzymes |
Instructions: Given a paragraph from a Wikipedia article about some topic, and a question related to the topic, determine whether the question is answerable from the paragraph. If the question is answerable, answer "True", otherwise, answer "False".
Input: Some USB devices require more power than is permitted by the specifications for a single port. This is common for external hard and optical disc drives, and generally for devices with motors or lamps. Such devices can use an external power supply, which is allowed by the standard, or use a dual-input USB cable, one input of which is used for power and data transfer, the other solely for power, which makes the device a non-standard USB device. Some USB ports and external hubs can, in practice, supply more power to USB devices than required by the specification but a standard-compliant device may not depend on this. Question: The data lines being transmitted are going through what other process?
Output: | False |
Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence for the following:
How to frizz your hair
Purchase or find u-pins.
You will need these pins for this style to work, so make sure you get u-pins before you begin. You cannot use bobby pins for this style; you will need u-pins specifically.
- Different bobby pins (for women and men) have different requirements. Choose one that is lightweight, like a stretchy or puffy ball.
- You cannot use corrective hair straightening rollers, hair straighteners, straightening irons, or hot rollers. Spray your hair with hairspray.
- They are about the same length as a bobby pin, but they are wider and the sides do not touch. Purchase a pack of these at target, walgreens or online at amazon.
- Take your hair out of its plastic wrap and use them to tie your hair up. Use a little bit of hairspray to help your curls hold.
They are about the same length as a bobby pin, but they are wider and the sides do not touch. Purchase a pack of these at target, walgreens or online at amazon.
Problem: What happens next in this paragraph?
How to clean an oven without chemicals
Cut the lemons.
Cut two lemons in half. Squeeze the lemon juice into a baking dish.
- Put some water in the dish and sprinkle the lemon juice over the halves. Put on the oven mitts or use a face mask to cover the halves of the lemons.
- Rub one half of the lemon directly into your oven's pan. Season the lemon oil with the juice of one lemon.
- Wash the lemon in a dish washing machine (green or lemon juice works best). Place the lemon halves on a paper towel.
- Put the rest of the lemons into the dish. Fill the dish a third of the way with water.
A: Put the rest of the lemons into the dish. Fill the dish a third of the way with water.
A swimmer lifts his arms before and prepares for a dive on the platform. The swimmer dives into an olympic pool from the platform. the swimmer
- stands over the pool, pulling his board as he dives into the water.
- tramples and looks underwater.
- surfaces and swims over the side of the pool.
- stands in triumph on his platforms and spins before landing on the pool floor from the platform.
surfaces and swims over the side of the pool.
question: Complete the next sentence:
A person is seen walking around a paintball course and leads into clips of people playing paintball and speaking to one another. a man
- judges the paintball game as well as leads into people holding hands and smiling to the camera.
- takes pictures and walks around the shot, being interviewed and showing more clips of people doing tricks around a field.
- points to the camera and leads into more shots of people playing and working with one another.
- is seen walking through the crowd on a slightly windy day and hitting a ball around.
answer: points to the camera and leads into more shots of people playing and working with one another.
Problem: Write the next sentence for:
How to change your security settings on firefox
Launch firefox.
To open the firefox browser on your computer, click on its icon, which should be on your desktop, start menu, or taskbar.
Click on the settings button.
- Look for the icon with three short horizontal lines arranged one on top of the other found at the top-right corner of the browser. Click on the icon to display a drop-down menu..
- Depending on which version of firefox you have, scroll down and click on " specific settings. " the settings menu should be located on the upper portion of the page, and is tilted slightly to the left to display a list of settings.
- This icon is at the upper right-hand corner of the page, across from a gray gear icon containing gears. Clicking on it will take you to a page that lists all your current firefox settings.
- In the menu on your firefox, click on " settings " located towards the upper right corner of your browser, and click on " settings. " you will see a list of settings you can change..
Next sentence: Look for the icon with three short horizontal lines arranged one on top of the other found at the top-right corner of the browser. Click on the icon to display a drop-down menu..
IN: Write the next sentence in this paragraph:
Several people are riding horses in an outdoor arena. they
- are involved in a game of polo.
- are tied onto ropes and jumping up and down.
- are lined up in a border drawn.
- come in a large arena and take off through jumps and ropes and into the sand.
OUT: | are involved in a game of polo. |
In this task, you're given a statement, further information available on a particular linked term from the statement, and a question. Your job is to generate the answer to the question by using the information provided. If there is no clear answer obtainable, output 'none'.
Question: Context: On 9 July 1847 the company was acquired by the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. Link Information: - Manchester and Leeds Railway, 4 July 1836 – 9 July 1847
- Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal Navigation and Railway, 23 August 1831 – 18 July 1846
- Huddersfield and Sheffield Junction Railway, 30 June 1845 – 27 July 1846, now the Penistone Line.
- Liverpool and Bury Railway, 31 July 1845 – 27 July 1846
- Preston and Wyre Railway, Harbour and Dock Company, 1 July 1839 – 3 August 1846 (joint LNWR from 28 July 1849)
- Preston and Wyre Railway and Harbour Company, 3 July 1835 – 1 July 1839
- West Riding Union Railway, 18 August 1846 – 17 November 1846
- West Yorkshire Railway, 1845 – 18 August 1846
- Leeds and West Riding Junction Railway, ? – 18 August 1846
- Ashton, Stalybridge and Liverpool Junction Railway, 19 July 1844 – 9 July 1847
- Wakefield, Pontefract and Goole Railway, 31 July 1845 – 9 July 1847
- Manchester and Southport Railway, 22 July 1847 – 3 July 1854 (joint ELR)
- Liverpool, Crosby and Southport Railway, 2 July 1847 – 14 June 1855
- Blackburn Railway, 24 July 1851 – 12 July 1858 (joint ELR)
- Bolton, Blackburn, Clitheroe and West Yorkshire Railway, 9 July 1847 – 24 July 1851
- Blackburn, Darwen and Bolton Railway, 30 June 1845 – 9 July 1847
- Blackburn, Clitheroe and North Western Junction Railway, 27 July 1846 – 9 July 1847
- Sheffield, Rotherham, Barnsley, Wakefield, Huddersfield and Goole Railway, 7 August 1846 – 2 August 1858 (acquired northern half of line)
- East Lancashire Railway, 21 July 1845 – 13 May 1859
- Manchester, Bury and Rossendale Railway, 4 July 1844 – 21 July 1845
- Blackburn, Burnley, Accrington and Colne Extension Railway, 30 June 1845 – 21 July 1845
- Blackburn and Preston Railway, 6 June 1844 – 3 August 1846
- Liverpool, Ormskirk and Preston Railway, 18 August 1846 – October 1846
- Fleetwood, Preston and West Riding Junction Railway, 27 July 1846 – 17 June 1866 (joint LNWR)
- Preston and Longridge Railway, 14 July 1836 – 23 June 1856
- Blackpool and Lytham Railway, 17 May 1861 – 29 June 1871 (joint LNWR)
- Lancashire Union Railway, 25 July 1864 – 16 July 1883 (joint LNWR)
- North Union Railway, 22 May 1834 – 26 July 1889 (joint LNWR)
- Wigan Branch Railway, 29 May 1830 – 22 May 1834
- Preston and Wigan Railway, 22 April 1831 – 22 May 1834
- Bolton and Preston Railway, 15 June 1837 – 10 May 1844
- Bury and Tottington District Railway, 2 August 1877 – 24 July 1888
- West Lancashire Railway, 14 August 1871 – 15 July 1897
- Liverpool, Southport and Preston Junction Railway, 7 August 1884 – 15 July 1897 Question: How many acquisitions did Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway make in total?
Answer: Answer: 34
Question: Context: The films were shot at Pinewood (LightsII) and Shepperton studios (Lights II, Return of The Shadow), with locations including Hastings in East Sussex Link Information: Shepperton is a suburban village in the borough of Spelthorne, in the county of Surrey in England Question: What country are these cities part of?
Answer: Answer: England
Question: Context: The Brigade, in the service of the Dutch Republic, was then stationed at Bergen op Zoom and later moved to Maastricht. Link Information: Netherlands Question: What countries was John Hope's Brigade stationed in?
Answer: | Answer: Netherlands
Input: Can we say "Steve influences him hugely." if "Steve follows Fred's example in everything. He influences him hugely."?
- no
- yes
Output: no
Input: Can we say "The toaster Tom had bought from him didn't work." if "Frank was upset with Tom because the toaster he had bought from him didn't work."?
- no
- yes
Output: no
Input: Can we say "The cake has a lot of butter in it." if "I put the cake away in the refrigerator. It has a lot of butter in it."?
- no
- yes
Output: | yes |
In this task, you're given the title of a five-sentence story and the first four sentences. Your job is to write the last sentence of the story such that it seamlessly connects with the rest of the story.
Example input: Title: Marcus Buys Khakis. Sentence 1: Marcus needed clothing for a business casual event. Sentence 2: All of his clothes were either too formal or too casual. Sentence 3: He decided to buy a pair of khakis. Sentence 4: The pair he bought fit him perfectly.
Example output: Marcus was happy to have the right clothes for the event.
Example explanation: Marcus is buying clothes for a business event.
Q: Title: Horses. Sentence 1: Kelly loved volunteering at the stables. Sentence 2: She was completing her high school charity requirement, 20 hours. Sentence 3: But it felt more like fun than work, feeding and grooming the horses! Sentence 4: When her 20 hours were complete, she could graduate.
A: | And after graduation, the stable offered Kelly a full-time job! |
input: Please answer the following: Given the below context: In 1965, the activity on the main island diminished, but at the end of May that year an eruption began at a vent 0.6 km (0.37 mi) off the northern shore. By 28 May, an island had appeared, and was named Syrtlingur (Little Surtsey). The new island was washed away during early June, but reappeared on 14 June. Eruptions at Syrtlingur were much smaller in scale than those that had built Surtsey, with the average rate of emission of volcanic materials being about a tenth of the rate at the main vent. Activity was short-lived, continuing until the beginning of October 1965, by which time the islet had an area of 0.15 km2 (0.058 sq mi). Once the eruptions had ceased, wave erosion rapidly wore the island away, and it disappeared beneath the waves on 24 October.During December 1965, more submarine activity occurred 0.9 km (0.56 mi) southwest of Surtsey, and another island was formed. It was named Jólnir, and over the following eight months it appeared and disappeared several times, as wave erosion and volcanic activity alternated in dominance. Activity at Jólnir was much weaker than the activity at the main vent, and even weaker than that seen at Syrtlingur, but the island eventually grew to a maximum size of 70 m (230 ft) in height, covering an area of 0.3 km2 (0.12 sq mi), during July and early August 1966. Like Syrtlingur, though, after activity ceased on 8 August 1966, it was rapidly eroded, and dropped below sea level during October 1966.Effusive eruptions on the main island returned on 19 August 1966, with fresh lava flows giving it further resistance to erosion. The eruption rate diminished steadily, though, and on 5 June 1967, the eruption ended. The volcano has been dormant ever since. The total volume of lava emitted during the three-and-a-half-year eruption was about one cubic kilometre (0.24 cu mi), and the island's highest point was 174 metres (571 feet) above sea level at that time.Since the end of the eruption, erosion has seen the island diminish in size. A large area on the southeast side has been... Guess a valid title for it!
output: Surtsey
input: Please answer the following: Given the below context: In July 1985, Dallas electrician and rodeo cowboy Ron Woodroof is diagnosed with AIDS and given 30 days to live. He initially refuses to accept the diagnosis but remembers having unprotected sex with a woman who was an intravenous drug user a couple years prior. He is soon ostracized by family and friends who mistakenly believe he contracted AIDS from homosexual relations. He gets fired from his job, and is eventually evicted from his home. At the hospital, he is tended to by Dr. Eve Saks, who tells him that they are testing a drug called zidovudine, an antiretroviral drug which is thought to prolong the life of AIDS patients—and is the only drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration for testing on humans. Saks informs him that in the clinical trials, half the patients receive the drug and the other half a placebo, as this is the only way they can determine if the drug is working. Guess a valid title for it!
output: Dallas Buyers Club
input: Please answer the following: Given the below context: In 1870, concerned at the dominance of German music and the lack of opportunity for young French composers to have their works played, Saint-Saëns and Romain Bussine, professor of singing at the Conservatoire, discussed the founding of a society to promote new French music. Before they could take the proposal further, the Franco-Prussian War broke out. Saint-Saëns served in the National Guard during the war. During the brief but bloody Paris Commune that followed, his superior at the Madeleine, the Abbé Deguerry, was murdered by rebels; Saint-Saëns was fortunate to escape to temporary exile in England where he arrived in May 1871. With the help of George Grove and others he supported himself while there, giving recitals. Returning to Paris in the same year, he found that anti-German sentiments had considerably enhanced support for the idea of a pro-French musical society. The Société Nationale de Musique, with its motto, "Ars Gallica", had been established in February 1871, with Bussine as president, Saint-Saëns as vice-president and Henri Duparc, Fauré, Franck and Jules Massenet among its founder-members. As an admirer of Liszt's innovative symphonic poems, Saint-Saëns enthusiastically adopted the form; his first "poème symphonique" was Le Rouet d'Omphale (1871), premiered at a concert of the Sociéte Nationale in January 1872. In the same year, after more than a decade of intermittent work on operatic scores, Saint-Saëns finally had one of his operas staged. La princesse jaune ("The Yellow Princess"), a one-act, light romantic piece, was given at the Opéra-Comique, Paris in June. It ran for five performances.Throughout the 1860s and early 1870s, Saint-Saëns had continued to live a bachelor existence, sharing a large fourth-floor flat in the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré with his mother. In 1875, he surprised many by marrying. The groom was approaching forty and his bride was nineteen; she was Marie-Laure Truffot, the sister of one of the composer's pupils. The marriage was not a success. In the words of the... Guess a valid title for it!
output: Camille Saint-Saëns
input: Please answer the following: Given the below context: The Treaty of San Stefano was signed on 3 March 1878 by Russia and the Ottoman Empire. It was to set up an autonomous Bulgarian principality spanning Moesia, Macedonia and Thrace, roughly on the territories of the Second Bulgarian Empire, and this day is now a public holiday called National Liberation Day. The other Great Powers immediately rejected the treaty out of fear that such a large country in the Balkans might threaten their interests. It was superseded by the Treaty of Berlin, signed on 13 July, which provided for a much smaller state only comprising Moesia and the region of Sofia, leaving large populations of ethnic Bulgarians outside the new country. This significantly contributed to Bulgaria's militaristic foreign affairs approach during the first half of the 20th century.The Bulgarian principality won a war against Serbia and incorporated the semi-autonomous Ottoman territory of Eastern Rumelia in 1885, proclaiming itself an independent state on 5 October 1908. In the years following independence, Bulgaria increasingly militarized and was often referred to as "the Balkan Prussia". It became involved in three consecutive conflicts between 1912 and 1918—two Balkan Wars and World War I. After a disastrous defeat in the Second Balkan War, Bulgaria again found itself fighting on the losing side as a result of its alliance with the Central Powers in World War I. Despite fielding more than a quarter of its population in a 1,200,000-strong army and achieving several decisive victories at Doiran and Monastir, the country capitulated in 1918. The war resulted in significant territorial losses and a total of 87,500 soldiers killed. More than 253,000 refugees from the lost territories immigrated to Bulgaria from 1912 to 1929, placing additional strain on the already ruined national economy. Guess a valid title for it!
output: | Bulgaria |
Question: Information: - Great Britain, also known as Britain , is a large island in the north Atlantic Ocean off the northwest coast of continental Europe. With an area of , Great Britain is the largest European island and the ninth-largest in the world. In 2011 the island had a population of about 61 million people, making it the world's third-most populous island after Java in Indonesia and Honshu in Japan. The island of Ireland is situated to the west of it, and together these islands, along with over 1,000 smaller surrounding islands, comprise the British Isles archipelago. - Brislington Brook is a short , 5 miles ( 8.0 km ) long tributary of the Bristol Avon , rising on the northern slopes of Maes Knoll on the southern boundary of the city of Bristol , England . The stream has been badly affected by pollution but improvements have been made in the latter part of the twentieth century , and some wildlife is supported . St Anne 's Well near the northern end of the brook was a major pilgrimage site for Christians in the Middle Ages . - The Roman Empire (Koine and Medieval Greek: , tr. ) was the post-Roman Republic period of the ancient Roman civilization, characterized by government headed by emperors and large territorial holdings around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe, Africa and Asia. The city of Rome was the largest city in the world BC AD, with Constantinople (New Rome) becoming the largest around 500 AD, and the Empire's populace grew to an estimated 50 to 90 million inhabitants (roughly 20% of the world's population at the time). The 500-year-old republic which preceded it was severely destabilized in a series of civil wars and political conflict, during which Julius Caesar was appointed as perpetual dictator and then assassinated in 44 BC. Civil wars and executions continued, culminating in the victory of Octavian, Caesar's adopted son, over Mark Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC and the annexation of Egypt. Octavian's power was then unassailable and in 27 BC the Roman Senate formally granted him overarching power and the new title "Augustus", effectively marking the end of the Roman Republic. - The North Sea is a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean located between Great Britain, Scandinavia, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and France. An epeiric (or "shelf") sea on the European continental shelf, it connects to the ocean through the English Channel in the south and the Norwegian Sea in the north. It is more than long and wide, with an area of around . - The English Channel ("the Sleeve" [hence ] "Sea of Brittany" "British Sea"), also called simply the Channel, is the body of water that separates southern England from northern France, and joins the southern part of the North Sea to the rest of the Atlantic Ocean. - Gloucester is a city and district in southwest England, the county city of Gloucestershire. Gloucester lies close to the Welsh border, on the River Severn, between the Cotswolds to the east and the Forest of Dean to the southwest. - The Celtic Sea (; ) is the area of the Atlantic Ocean off the south coast of Ireland bounded to the east by Saint George's Channel; other limits include the Bristol Channel, the English Channel, and the Bay of Biscay, as well as adjacent portions of Wales, Cornwall, Devon, and Brittany. The southern and western boundaries are delimited by the continental shelf, which drops away sharply. The Isles of Scilly are an archipelago of small islands in the sea. - Gloucestershire (; abbreviated Glos.) is a county in South West England. The county comprises part of the Cotswold Hills, part of the flat fertile valley of the River Severn, and the entire Forest of Dean. - Brislington is an area in the south east of the city of Bristol, England. It is on the edge of Bristol and from Bath. The Froome, locally nowadays called the Brislington Brook, runs through the area in the woodlands of Nightingale Valley. Brislington houses the HTV West Studios on Bath Road and this is situated next to the historic Arnos Vale Cemetery which is undergoing restoration after a lengthy public and newspaper campaign. - Wales is a country that is part of the United Kingdom and the island of Great Britain. It is bordered by England to the east, the Irish Sea to the north and west, and the Bristol Channel to the south. It had a population in 2011 of 3,063,456 and has a total area of . Wales has over of coastline and is largely mountainous, with its higher peaks in the north and central areas, including Snowdon, its highest summit. The country lies within the north temperate zone and has a changeable, maritime climate. - The Irish Sea (, , , Ulster-Scots: "Airish Sea"), separates the islands of Ireland and Great Britain. It is connected to the Celtic Sea in the south by St George's Channel, and to the Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland in the north by the North Channel. Anglesey is the largest island within the Irish Sea, followed by the Isle of Man. The sea is occasionally, but rarely, referred to as the Manx Sea. - London is the capital and most populous city of England and the United Kingdom, as well as the most populous city proper in the European Union. Standing on the River Thames in the south east of the island of Great Britain, London has been a major settlement for two millennia. It was founded by the Romans, who named it "Londinium". London's ancient core, the City of London, largely retains its medieval boundaries. Since at least the 19th century, "London" has also referred to the metropolis around this core, historically split between Middlesex, Essex, Surrey, Kent, and Hertfordshire, which today largely makes up Greater London, governed by the Mayor of London and the London Assembly. - Scotland (Scots: ) is a country that is part of the United Kingdom and covers the northern third of the island of Great Britain. It shares a border with England to the south, and is otherwise surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, with the North Sea to the east and the North Channel and Irish Sea to the south-west. In addition to the mainland, the country is made up of more than 790 islands, including the Northern Isles and the Hebrides. - Bristol is a city, unitary authority area and county in South West England with an estimated population of 449,300 in 2016. It is England's sixth and the United Kingdom's eighth most populous city, and the most populous city in Southern England after London. The city borders the Unitary Authority areas of North Somerset and South Gloucestershire, with the historic cities of Bath and Gloucester to the south-east and north-east, respectively. - Somerset is a county in South West England which borders Gloucestershire and Bristol to the north, Wiltshire to the east, Dorset to the south-east and Devon to the south-west. It is bounded to the north and west by the Severn Estuary and the Bristol Channel, its coastline facing southeastern Wales. Its traditional border with Gloucestershire is the River Avon. Somerset's county town is Taunton. - In the history of Europe, the Middle Ages or medieval period lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. It began with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and merged into the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery. The Middle Ages is the middle period of the three traditional divisions of Western history: classical antiquity, the medieval period, and the modern period. The medieval period is itself subdivided into the Early, High, and Late Middle Ages. - The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a sovereign country in western Europe. Lying off the north-western coast of the European mainland, it includes the island of Great Britain (the name of which is also loosely applied to the whole country), the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland, and many smaller islands. Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK that shares a land border with another sovereign statethe Republic of Ireland. Apart from this land border, the UK is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, with the North Sea to its east, the English Channel to its south and the Celtic Sea to its south-south-west, giving it the 12th-longest coastline in the world. The Irish Sea lies between Great Britain and Ireland. With an area of , the UK is the 78th-largest sovereign state in the world and the 11th-largest in Europe. It is also the 21st-most populous country, with an estimated 65.1 million inhabitants. Together, this makes it the fourth most densely populated country in the European Union. - Classical antiquity (also the classical era, classical period or classical age) is a term for a long period of cultural history centered on the Mediterranean Sea, comprising the interlocking civilizations of ancient Greece and ancient Rome, collectively known as the Greco-Roman world. It is the period in which Greek and Roman society flourished and wielded great influence throughout Europe, North Africa and Southwestern Asia. - The Isle of Wight is a county and the largest and second-most populous island in England. It is located in the English Channel, about 4 miles (6 km) off the coast of Hampshire, separated by the Solent. The island has resorts that have been holiday destinations since Victorian times, and is known for its mild climate, coastal scenery, and verdant landscape of fields, downland and chines. - The Age of Discovery or the Age of Exploration from the end of the 15th century to the 18th century, was an informal and loosely defined European historical period marking the time period in which extensive overseas exploration emerged as a powerful factor in European culture and the beginning of globalization. It also marks the rise of the period of widespread adoption in Europe of colonialism and mercantilism. Many lands previously unknown to Europeans were discovered during this period, though most were already inhabited. From the perspective of many non-Europeans, the Age of Discovery marked the arrival of settlers and invaders from a previously unknown continent. Global exploration started with the Portuguese discoveries of the Atlantic archipelagos of Madeira and the Azores, the coast of Africa, and the discovery of the sea route to India in 1498; and, on behalf of the Crown of Castile (Spain), the trans-Atlantic Voyages of Christopher Columbus between 1492 and 1502, and the first circumnavigation of the globe in 15191522. These discoveries led to numerous naval expeditions across the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans, and land expeditions in the Americas, Asia, Africa, and Australia that continued into the late 19th century, and ended with the exploration of the polar regions in the 20th century. - Arnos Vale Cemetery (also written Arno's Vale Cemetery), located in Arnos Vale, Bristol, England, was established in 1837. Its first burial was in 1839. The cemetery followed a joint-stock model, funded by shareholders. It was laid out as an Arcadian landscape with buildings by Charles Underwood. It is listed, Grade II*, on the Register of Historic Parks and Gardens of special historic interest in England. - England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west. The Irish Sea lies northwest of England and the Celtic Sea lies to the southwest. England is separated from continental Europe by the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south. The country covers five-eighths of the island of Great Britain (which lies in the North Atlantic) in its centre and south; and includes over 100 smaller islands such as the Isles of Scilly, and the Isle of Wight. What is the relationship between 'brislington brook' and 'river avon'?
Answer: | mouth of the watercourse |
input with options: Kai wanted to be sure that his plan wouldn't fail, so he made an effort to take every precaution. Given the context: How would Kai feel afterwards?
- smart
- carful
- At ease
output: carful
input with options: Bailey felt sore after Bailey played in a basketball game at a local high school. Given the context: How would you describe Bailey?
- a person only plays the sport of soccer
- an athlete for a high school basketball team
- felt sore
output: an athlete for a high school basketball team
input with options: Aubrey sent their kids to school so they could stay home and get drunk. Given the context: How would you describe Aubrey?
- sad for their kids
- an alcoholic
- not a good mother
output: not a good mother
input with options: Jan saw a romantic movie with Lee's boyfriend. Given the context: What will happen to Jan?
- get pissed off
- get mad
- explain to Lee the situation
output: | explain to Lee the situation |
In this task, given a sentence in the English language, your task is to convert it into the Chinese language.
Q: After every earthquake, flood, or other disaster, the call goes out for pledges to fund emergency relief.
A: | 在每次地震,洪水或其他灾难发生后,这个电话都会响起,以便为紧急救援提供资金。 |
Ques: Read the following context and choose the correct option to answer the question. Context: Outside the White House Friday, a media frenzy. And at the center of it all, President Donald Trump. “Can we do one question at a time? Wait! One question at a time," the president scolded reporters. Trump launched a new attack on the Russia probe in the wake of a critical report on the Hillary Clinton email investigation by the inspector general of the Department of Justice. “I did nothing wrong. There was no collusion. There was no obstruction," he said. "The IG (inspector general) report yesterday went a long way to show that, and I think that the Mueller investigation has been totally discredited.” But the report in question only dealt with how the FBI handled the Clinton email controversy. It was critical of the man Trump fired as FBI director, James Comey, but rejected the notion of a politically-directed effort aimed at Trump. “This report did not find any evidence of political bias or improper considerations actually impacting the investigation under review," announced current FBI Director Christopher Wray. Democrats also took note of the report. “Anyone who is hoping to use this report to undermine the Mueller probe or prove the existence of a ‘deep state’ conspiracy against President Trump will be sorely disappointed," Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said. During his lengthy encounter with reporters Friday, Trump also defended his recent summit meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. “They are doing so much for us, and now we are well on our way to get denuclearization," he said. "And the agreement says there will be total denuclearization. Nobody wants to report that. I got along with him great. We have a great chemistry together. That is a good thing, not a bad thing." Trump also lashed out at opposition Democrats and tried to blame them for recent administration actions to separate family members caught trying to come across the U.S. border. “The Democrats forced that law upon our nation. I hate it. I hate to see separation of parents and children," Trump said. Question: Where did the media frenzy occur on Friday? Options: A. Washington DC B. not enough information C. The White House D. Outside White House
Ans: D
Ques: Read the following context and choose the correct option to answer the question. Context: While I was in training, my class was 2 months out from graduation. We were in class, reviewing skills such as antenna theory, radios and map reading. Our instructor walks in and pulls a candidate, we’ll leave nameless, aside. He walks him out of the classroom. I never really thought anything of it as instructors would often pull guys aside for reviews, specific instructions or taskings. I don’t know how much time passed but the candidate walked back in. He gathered his things and left the room. Guys asked if everything was cool but he didn’t say a word. The instructor came in and sat on the desk at the front of the room. We asked if everything was alright, and he told us that the day prior, the The candidate’s wife had gone into labor however there were complications with the baby but the complications were unknown. He was reporting to the commander to let him know whether he wanted to stay in training or leave because the military does not consider a spouse’s pregnancy to be an emergency even though the complication should be. If he were to leave he would have to drop from the TACP pipeline with a possibility of either starting it over from the beginning of quitting all together. The instructor shook his head and I could honestly see it was a difficult task for him to tell the candidate. It’s rare to see an instructor be emotional but it was something that brought reality into the room for us. The candidate was given 24 hours to call the hospital, talk to his wife, learn more of the situation and make a decision. He ended up staying in the pipeline and graduated. His child was born with minor complications but is healthy to this day. It may not be an exact teacher to a student scenario, but it hits pretty damn close to those of us who went through military training. Question: How long was the candidate's wife pregnant? Options: A. 9 months. B. not enough information C. 10 months. D. 7 months.
Ans: A
Ques: Read the following context and choose the correct option to answer the question. Context: The next morning I called up my friend, Nick Unger, who worked for the police department. He agreed to meet me at the Casbah, a glorious little dive bar a few blocks from my apartment. It opened first thing in the morning, realizing the best drunks start early. By the time he showed up I was already deep into my third drink and trying charm the bartender, Maggie, into comping my fourth. I was failing miserably as usual, but at least it was fun trying. As soon as Nick walked through the front door, I slammed my palm down on the bar top. "Tricky Nicky! Have a drink, brother!" He slid onto the bar stool beside me and smiled warmly at the bartender. "Has this low life been giving you grief, Maggie?" She grinned at him. "Only since I opened the front door." Nick winked at her and ordered a half-pint of stout. "Pansy," I scoffed and slammed the rest of my whiskey. He shook his head. "God I miss you, you mad bastard. I can't imagine why Andrea won't let you come around the house anymore." I shrugged. "I know, it's like as soon as she started squirting out brood, she suddenly gets all uptight about people starting fires in the middle of your living room." "Imagine," he said as he raised his glass of beer. I clinked my empty glass to his. "So guess who I ran into last night at Jenny's wedding?" He shrugged. "Brian Lopez." He chuckled. "No shit. How is old Double-Dip?' "Fat and sad," I replied while waving Maggie over for a refill. "And married to a smoking hottie. Well, married or engaged or whatever." Nick nodded. "I met her. They were at a Police Union dinner around the holidays. She's a butterface." I arched my eyebrow. "She had a face?" Maggie rolled her eyes while she filled my glass. Nick caught her glance. "I know, he's got no class, but what are you gonna do?" "Anyways," I continued, "she's way too hot for him, and that's not gonna end well. You just know that one of these days he's gonna come home and find her with the pool boy or some shit." Question: What time does the Casbah open? Options: A. 9:00 am B. 8:00 am C. not enough information D. 7:00 am
Ans: | C |
Detailed Instructions: In this task you are given a question. You need to generate an answer to the question.
Problem:Question:What separates Wales from Devon, England?
Solution: | Devon |
Output a stream of consciousness before answering the following. Context: Education in Israel refers to the comprehensive education system of Israel. The education system consists of three tiers: primary education (grades 1-6, approx. ages 6 -- 12), middle school (grades 7-9, approx. ages 12 -- 15) and high school (grades 10-12, approx. ages 15 -- 18). Compulsory education takes place from kindergarten through to 12th grade. The school year begins on September 1, ending for elementary school pupils on 30 June, and for middle school and high school pupils on 20 June.
Question: when does the school year start in israel? | To answer this question, we should know that: The school year begins on September 1, ending for elementary school pupils on 30 June, and for middle school and high school pupils on 20 June.
The answer: September 1. |
What is the question to: "Black pepper is native to south India , and is extensively cultivated there and elsewhere in tropical regions."? The topic is Black pepper.
Answer: | "where does ground pepper come from?" |
input: Please answer the following: Question: How could you find out if someone tried committing suicide? Options: - scars - kill yourself - sorrow - depressed - misery The answer is "scars" because
output: scarring can have causes that
Please answer this: Question: The IMAX screen was even bigger than he imagined, it was so big he felt outdoors rather than in a what? Options: - drive in movie - monitor - movies - home - theatre The answer is "theatre" because
Answer: that's typically what happens
Problem: Question: What can help you with an illness? Options: - elderly person - sick person - hospital - doctor's office - stomach The answer is "doctor's office" because
A: rivers flow trough valleys.
Problem: Given the question: Question: After studying many self-help books, what did he feel in his heart? Options: - inspiration - dreams - more intelligence - understanding - knowing more The answer is "inspiration" because
The answer is:
inspiration after studying many self-help books
input question: Question: What will happen to you after cleaning house? Options: - order - tiredness - neatness - pass out - invigorating The answer is "tiredness" because???
output answer: rest is fundamental to life.
input question: Question: Where do you use a ball for exercise? Options: - playground - toy store - bank - bowling alley - gymnasium The answer is "gymnasium" because???
output answer: | gymnasium (school) - wikipedia |
Read the following article and select the best answer. Article: As global warming continues to be a major concern for the future of our planet,people are starting to turn to green living practices to help save it for future generations.Green living involves every aspect of our daily life from driving to work to mowing our lawns. Making the switch to green living all at once might scare most people away from carrying out those earth-friendly changes.There are many ways to ease into this practice and still help save the earth's environment. Air pollution is a major problem for some cities.A lot of it comes from the factories, but that's not the only way contributing to global warming.Automobiles give off a fair amount of pollutant into the air.When you have a lot of cars driving around on the city streets, you're multiplying the amounts of pollutant being emitted by each car that's destroying our ozone .If you want to save the environment,you can start by either car pooling,walking more instead of driving or even purchasing hybrid models that don't do as much damage. Then let's take a look at your home.What kinds of bulbs are you using? The standard bulbs we use only contribute to higher electricity bills and more carbon dioxide.If you switch at least some of your standard bulbs with the compact fluorescent bulbs,you can save the environment while saving on your electric bill. Recycling is also an excellent way to save our environment.Try to buy as many products as you can that can be recycled.The less trash that has to be burned or buried into our soil,the better off our planet will be. These small changes may seem that they couldn't help much for the environment,but they can help tremendously.Every little bit we do is a much-needed step toward reserving natural resources for our future generations. Question: The author recommends recyclable products because_. - they are made in green factories - they are cheaper than other goods - they will help to reduce trash on the earth - they can be used for a very long time
they will help to reduce trash on the earth
Read the following article and select the best answer. Article: On a recent Saturday evening at around midnight our home became the victim of an egg bombing.Early next morning I was ready to wash off the mess above our front bedroom windows.As I climbed up,I noticed that the glass in a small window just under the roof line was very badly broken.On a closer check,the crack ran around over half of the outer edge of the window.As the awning protected the window,it was clear to me that the damage had not been caused by the egg bombing.I discovered that the window was very loose. Just a few meters away,we have a small area for playing basketball and on most days of the week there are up to six young people who play there,including both my sons.My thoughts immediately turned to what could have happened if the broken glass in the window had gone unnoticed for much longer and then suddenly broke.Then my two sons and their friends would be likely to be seriously injured.The pain that could have been caused by the broken glass would never go away. Frequently in life,the small things that happen to us may cause some form of pain,sadness,discomfort or anger.My personal experience with the egg bombing on that Saturday evening reminded me that in most cases there is always a _ to everything that happens to us and that often it can provide a positive outcome or an even greater benefit,if not now,then at some time in the future. From now on whenever I see or break an egg,I will think of the egg bombing incident and say a thankyou to those latenight trickers.I will always be reminded of JeanPaul Sartre's words,"What is important is not what happens to us,but how we respond to what happens to us." Question: The author used JeanPaul Sartre's words to suggest we should _ . - learn to forgive - be kind to others - have a right attitude - keep the past in mind
have a right attitude
Read the following article and select the best answer. Article: When the dog named Judy spotted the first sheep in her life, she did what comes naturally. The four-year-old dog set off racing after the sheep across several fields and, being a city animal, lost both her sheep and her sense of direction. Then she ran along the edge of cliff( ) and fell 100 feet, bouncing off a rock into the sea. Her owner Mike Holden panicked and celled the coastguard of Cornwall, who turned up in seconds . Six volunteers slid down the cliff with the help of a rope but gave up all hope of finding her alive after a 90-minute search. Three days later, a hurricane hit the coast near Cornwall. Mr. Holden returned home from his holiday upset and convinced his pet was dead. He comforted himself with the thought she had died in the most beautiful part of the country. For the next two weeks, the Holdens were heartbroken . Then, one day, the phone rang and Steve Tregear, the coastguard of Cornwall, asked Holder if he would like his dog bark. A birdwatcher, armed with a telescope, found the pet sitting desperately on a rock. While he sounded the alarm, a student from Leeds climbed down the cliff to collect Judy. The dog had initially been knocked unconscious but had survived by drinking water from a fresh scream at the base of the cliff. She may have fed on the body of a sheep which had also fallen over the edge. "The dog was very thin and hungry," Steve Tregear said , "It was a very dog. She survived because of a plentiful supply of fresh water," he added. It was ,as Mr. Holden admitted, "a minor miracle ". Question: Which of the following can be the best title for the text? - Miracle of the Coastguard. - Surviving a Hurricane. - Dangers in the Wild - Coming Back from the Dead.
Coming Back from the Dead.
Read the following article and select the best answer. Article: On Halloween Night, children go trick-treating in their neighborhoods. Dressed up as ghosts, skeleton devils, and various other characters, children knock on doors to collect their treats. Seldom do they actually perform a "trick". It is thought that trick-or-treating comes from an old English custom. On All Souls Day, poor people went begging and promised to say prayers in exchange for food. Apple bobbing, still a favorite Halloween game, was originally an ancient ceremony honoring the harvest time. A jack-o'-lantern is placed on porches and windows to tell children that treats are available. The legend was that a man named Jack could enter heaven because he played tricks on the devil. As punishment, he had to wander the earth carrying a lantern waiting to be judged fit to get into heaven. People believed that Halloween marked the connection between the world of the living and the world of the dead. This meant that ghosts would _ the earth on this night. Some believed that these ghosts would go back to the homes they lived in before they died. Thankfully, Halloween is an amusing night when children can dress up and get a bag full of candy. We don't have to worry about ghosts. Or do we? Question: Apple bobbing was an ancient ceremony held originally to _ . - honor the harvest time - honor the dead - honor the living - play a trick on each other
| honor the harvest time |
Instructions: In this task, you are given a sentence and a question, you would be asked to create the answer which is contained in the sentence provided.
Input: Sentence: Volcanoes kind of mountainous formation can often be found near trenches. Question: What kind of mountainous formation can often be found near trenches?
Output: | volcanoes |
In this task, you're given a pair of sentences, sentence 1 and sentence 2. Your job is to classify the genre of the sentences from the 10 options displayed. Indicate your answer by entering the number of the choice as 1-10.
[Q]: Sentence 1: yeah good and low Sentence 2: Okay and medium. Choices: 1. FACE-TO-FACE, 2. GOVERNMENT, 3. LETTERS, 4. 9/11, 5. SLATE, 6. TELEPHONE, 7. TRAVEL, 8. VERBATIM, 9. OUP, 10. FICTION.
[A]: 5
[Q]: Sentence 1: This is a drop in the bucket. Sentence 2: This is just a drop in a bucket. Choices: 1. FACE-TO-FACE, 2. GOVERNMENT, 3. LETTERS, 4. 9/11, 5. SLATE, 6. TELEPHONE, 7. TRAVEL, 8. VERBATIM, 9. OUP, 10. FICTION.
[A]: 4
[Q]: Sentence 1: That office provides legal aid in non-criminal cases to low-income, elderly or disabled residents in 35 counties. Sentence 2: The office has a high success rate Choices: 1. FACE-TO-FACE, 2. GOVERNMENT, 3. LETTERS, 4. 9/11, 5. SLATE, 6. TELEPHONE, 7. TRAVEL, 8. VERBATIM, 9. OUP, 10. FICTION.
[A]: | 1
Subsets and Splits