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cn5acpx | woosh | 18 | cn59r93 | raazurin | gaming | 2 | woosh | 2014-12-25 14:08:15 | why would you have two gc's |
cn5ah3a | ┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ) | 14 | cn5agic | PleaseRespectTables | worldpolitics | 6 | ┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ) | 2014-12-25 14:13:25 | (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ |
cn5bgz2 | :( | 10 | cn5assk | Team_Flu | hockey | 6 | :( | 2014-12-25 14:56:34 | You're missing 4: Not Boston. |
cn5byht | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | 57 | cn5bi4g | Vinsternut | LiverpoolFC | 30 | (͡°͜ʖ͡°) | 2014-12-25 15:18:06 | Touch wood, TOUCH ALL THE WOOD |
cn5c99c | No | 8 | cn5btnv | Tupac54 | streetwear | 3 | no | 2014-12-25 15:31:29 | Did you get some rat teeth to go with it? |
cn5ccc0 | Nope. | 11 | cn59089 | BeaSk8r117 | battlestations | 7 | nope | 2014-12-25 15:35:24 | Nice. Playing with friends beats online play any day. You still need 3 licenses for for each game, right? |
cn5cijv | Yep! | 8 | cn5c07c | IAMA_dragon-AMA | funny | 5 | yep | 2014-12-25 15:43:05 | Do you breathe fire? |
cn5cur3 | Whoosh. | 8 | cn5cj7w | balefired | KotakuInAction | 5 | whoosh | 2014-12-25 15:57:58 | Kafka-esque is the right term. It refers not to Kefka, but to Franz Kafka and the style of his stories. |
cn5cz0o | Ayy lmao | 84 | cn5b7mu | KipzOfTheMud | AskReddit | 22 | ayylmao | 2014-12-25 16:03:20 | Can someone care to explain this? |
cn5d9ob | That's what she said. | 9 | cn5bp9d | JackkHammerr | bjj | 2 | that'swhatshesaid | 2014-12-25 16:16:31 | Oh I want it to continue to get huge. I just know it won't. |
cn5djgh | No | 10 | cn5cq88 | tossoutbabe | WatchItForThePlot | 5 | no | 2014-12-25 16:28:40 | ... Wait seriously? |
cn5fb3x | AND MY AXE! | 48 | cn5f2eu | I_Am_Prisoner | gaming | 23 | andmyaxe | 2014-12-25 17:46:10 | for the king |
cn5eh41 | Whoosh! | 15 | cn5e4hs | The_Jackal_173 | funny | 2 | whoosh | 2014-12-25 17:08:59 | Those aren't his knuckles in the pocket? |
cn5f1p8 | No | 9 | cn5eyhh | Werkzeug81 | explainlikeimfive | 2 | no | 2014-12-25 17:33:47 | So something along the lines of melting currency to sell for the value of the metal is ok? |
cn5fs0n | ಠ_ಠ | 25 | cn5f9w9 | phillyphan131 | Minecraft | 13 | ಠ_ಠ | 2014-12-25 18:07:03 | Does top grossing means it is gross? |
cn5hhki | Lol | 28 | cn5d6kk | troopah | casualiama | 2 | lol | 2014-12-25 19:22:45 | 17. |
cn5imw1 | Yes. | 251 | cn5imt1 | LingFunBy | gaming | 85 | yes | 2014-12-25 20:12:12 | y-yea, isn't that what he just said? that's like getting karma for just saying Yes. |
cn5is5l | wat | 12 | cn5hu8c | Applj | supremeclothing | 1 | wat | 2014-12-25 20:18:31 | just like to keep some extras haha |
cn6yh7o | no | 14 | cn6yfw2 | tokeaphatty | food | 5 | no | 2014-12-27 16:28:02 | Is it really as good as I hear it is? A buddy of mine is planning a trip down to Texas on spring break just to try this shit. Is it worth it? |
cn5kf6l | Ok. | 50 | cn5kdxp | PUSSY_ON_DA-CHAINWAX | Music | 19 | ok | 2014-12-25 21:31:35 | This song was playing really loud at work the other day, my boss came in and turned it down. |
cn5kihz | /r/shittytumblrgifs | 16 | cn5kf2p | Maxxinator22 | AdviceAnimals | 8 | /r/shittytumblrgifs | 2014-12-25 21:35:46 | [Ma, the meatloaf!] ( |
cn5l7yo | Wat | 8 | cn5h82z | bobby3eb | AskReddit | 3 | wat | 2014-12-25 22:09:09 | Oh you mean for profit loaning college students allot of money slave to paying them back after graduating? |
cn5me7f | Yes. | 8 | cn5lkqz | gigawolf | fireemblem | 2 | yes | 2014-12-25 23:12:41 | Am I the only one who likes the animations? |
cn7qr0w | ...what | 8 | cn7qcs2 | aguycalledspyke | nerdcubed | 1 | what | 2014-12-28 14:41:28 | That scared me....JEFF! Hug me I'm scared *Jeff eats my head*..why Jeff? Why? |
cn5nmya | That's the joke | 8 | cn5ndo5 | kenmai9 | nba | 1 | that'sthejoke | 2014-12-26 00:44:39 | Eric Bledsoe is like a mini lebron, hence the name mini lebron |
cn5nvcx | ┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ) | 9 | cn5nv3m | PleaseRespectTables | singapore | 5 | ┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ) | 2014-12-26 01:05:22 | (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ^^walks ^^off ^^in ^^huff |
cn5og8e | Yes. | 22 | cn5ivs6 | DatOpenSauce | teenagers | 14 | yes | 2014-12-26 02:01:17 | Half of the comments are "No, I am" and the others are "all hail the king!", so which is it? |
cn5ohv6 | LOL | 25 | cn5nx1r | Patacorow | DotA2 | 15 | lol | 2014-12-26 02:06:15 | Welp, good thing every game after a certain point has detection. |
cn5ow5d | AND MY AXE | 15 | cn5om8t | I_AM_POOPING_NOW_AMA | pics | 6 | andmyaxe | 2014-12-26 02:48:51 | And these: _ _ |
cn5ra9r | ┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ) | 8 | cn5ra4u | PleaseRespectTables | slashdiablo | 4 | ┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ) | 2014-12-26 06:26:35 | [\\(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻\\)]( |
cn5rbz9 | All of them | 9 | cn5q4qi | deadlybacon7 | TheLastAirbender | 3 | allofthem | 2014-12-26 06:29:37 | Survey time! Sexiest water tribesmen? Go! |
cn5rjuf | Yes. | 8 | cn5rb38 | trustworthysources | skyrim | 3 | yes | 2014-12-26 06:43:11 | The game or the story line ? Because I'd hate to have caused the game ... |
cn5rrzd | That's what she said. | 12 | cn5qxis | brettyrocks | politics | 3 | that'swhatshesaid | 2014-12-26 06:56:00 | I always went by the "4 finger" rule. |
cn5ry7g | Not with that attitude. | 15 | cn5mav1 | Leoneri | starbound | 4 | notwiththatattitude | 2014-12-26 07:05:35 | In water you can't place torches and you move slow, it's more just a great inconvenience. And you likely can't suck up the entire planet's ocean. |
cn5s718 | NO | 133 | cn5ryva | rgbwr | iamverysmart | 41 | no | 2014-12-26 07:18:37 | M |
cn5sjyl | Thanks! | 12 | cn5s7cd | Neuschwannstein | todayilearned | 5 | thanks | 2014-12-26 07:36:30 | Off topic, but >kind've You're hypercorrecting. You probably used to say things like "should of" and someone told you that was wrong, and you actually changed your writing habits, which is awesome. BUT, the thing is, "kind of" actually *is* correct, and "kind've" makes literally no sense whatsoever. |
cn5snbc | Yes? | 18 | cn5sgn0 | cwestn | pics | 9 | yes | 2014-12-26 07:40:55 | I have counted that outer ring 6 times and keep getting 49. Am I dumb? |
cn5t8u1 | You're welcome! | 12 | cn5t8m6 | ObamaRobot | DestinyTheGame | 2 | you'rewelcome | 2014-12-26 08:09:00 | PSN still down. THANKS OBAMA! |
cn5u4vs | thatsthejoke.jpg | 158 | cn5sb4m | Webonics | technology | 50 | thatsthejokejpg | 2014-12-26 08:46:31 | Can't.* NSA is neither public nor elected |
cn5uykp | Thanks | 24 | cn5q9g4 | _Ritzz_ | smashbros | 6 | thanks | 2014-12-26 09:19:15 | [**@rintarosu10**]( >[2014-12-21 19:12:53 UTC]( >へいへいさんが見つけた地上4式NB 【やり方】Cステを攻撃にしてダッシュ慣性つけてからNB→向いてる方向にスティック+向いてる逆の方向にCスティックを倒す 空中4式もこれでできます [**]( ---- [^[Mistake?]]( leave above link unaltered.) [^[Suggestion]]( [^[FAQ]]( [^[Code]]( [^[Issues]]( |
cn5v34i | Yes. | 36 | cn5v0ei | Poet-Laureate | soccer | 15 | yes | 2014-12-26 09:24:16 | You mean from the timestamp 88:01:00 to 89:00:00 he will score 3 goals? |
cn5vydo | You're welcome! | 8 | cn5vxvl | ObamaRobot | blog | 5 | you'rewelcome | 2014-12-26 09:57:55 | Thanks Obama. |
cn5wu69 | Yeah | 24 | cn5wrhz | roomie123 | casualiama | 14 | yeah | 2014-12-26 10:31:26 | To porn? |
cn609or | Yes | 19 | cn6056r | Telly_Valentino | punchablefaces | 11 | yes | 2014-12-26 12:42:53 | so beating people up gives them character? |
cn61b7q | You're fucking welcome! | 14 | cn61ahv | ObamaRobot | PS4 | 4 | you'refuckingwelcome | 2014-12-26 13:23:41 | THANKS OBAMA! |
cn61pol | Yes | 11 | cn5zu4u | adaglar98 | leagueoflegends | 3 | yes | 2014-12-26 13:39:28 | Wait....with cloth on or not? |
cn61vn0 | No | 14 | cn61u4f | Thkzbasedgod | nba | 4 | no | 2014-12-26 13:45:59 | Let's find out ... :) |
cn62hdz | Ayy lmao | 26 | cn603hb | thenotsoslenderguy | AskReddit | 6 | ayylmao | 2014-12-26 14:09:39 | If you were actually laughing your ass off, you would not take the time to type it down. You would be either on the ground, in pain, waiting for an ambulance, or on your way to the hospital. Laughing one's ass off is no laughing matter. |
cn648zy | No. | 10 | cn640sq | thesilentpickle | casualiama | 5 | no | 2014-12-26 15:18:58 | Does it matter? |
cn6376e | No. | 27 | cn61e4n | Razon | pcgaming | 3 | no | 2014-12-26 14:37:20 | I'm just reaaaaally hoping my little 330M will be able to play it, even at lowest settings and lower resolution. |
cn63992 | lol | 11 | cn5x4aj | animatedhockeyfan | hockey | 4 | lol | 2014-12-26 14:39:38 | Happy Holidays - thanks for reading. |
cn63ru7 | K. | 24 | cn639ra | dotbomber95 | no_sob_story | 13 | k | 2014-12-26 14:59:57 | Title|Points|Subreddit|Submitted -|-:|-|- Recieving 50 $1 bills as a gift is so much more gratifying than getting a $50 check.|501|/r/pics|4 hours ago |
cn644n3 | Yes? | 8 | cn63dq5 | kekehippo | DestinyTheGame | 3 | yes | 2014-12-26 15:14:14 | Kekekekeke |
cn65a6e | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ? | 9 | cn63ani | nikoskio2 | TheLastAirbender | 3 | (͡°͜ʖ͡°) | 2014-12-26 16:00:15 | This is where someone comments with that creepy text face. |
cn65cjb | Thatsthejoke.jpg | 12 | cn60k6p | A_Waskawy_Wabit | swtor | 3 | thatsthejokejpg | 2014-12-26 16:02:53 | Except Miralukas can see pretty much everything through the Force |
cn667id | No | 9 | cn65zkl | BrySigh | GTA | 1 | no | 2014-12-26 16:37:55 | If you want graphics, frame rate and resolution improvements then get it on PC next month. |
cn6768k | All of them | 14 | cn65p7u | SanePenguin | SquaredCircle | 2 | allofthem | 2014-12-26 17:18:05 | In what weight class?? |
cn67z1t | no | 34 | cn62myg | Mrubuto | ImGoingToHellForThis | 10 | no | 2014-12-26 17:51:31 | is it? |
cn682ss | No | 17 | cn6806z | Im_A_HONClBrIF | survivor | 7 | no | 2014-12-26 17:55:51 | Am I allowed to say La Mina here? |
cn68830 | Yes | 9 | cn687ic | [deleted] | Cricket | 2 | yes | 2014-12-26 18:02:09 | I missed the first session. Shit bowling or good batting? |
cn69jg3 | You're welcome! | 35 | cn69ima | ObamaRobot | chicago | 18 | you'rewelcome | 2014-12-26 18:57:09 | yup! I paid 2.25 but it only took 25 to fill up my tank. it's a really weird feeling. thanks Obama! |
cn69p1f | Ayy lmao | 26 | cn68tzk | Xlr8Stormz | AskReddit | 3 | ayylmao | 2014-12-26 19:03:46 | um |
cn69v84 | ಠ_ಠ | 8 | cn68l64 | beaverbeliever1 | creepy | 2 | ಠ_ಠ | 2014-12-26 19:10:54 | Except maybe her swollen lumpy body |
cn6bl4v | wat | 19 | cn6a37m | pan7 | 2007scape | 2 | wat | 2014-12-26 20:21:38 | Western and islamic countries have unreasonably high drinking ages (or illegal entirely) which causes alcohol to be viewed with abnormal fixation and lust similar to how Michael Jackson had a fixation with adolescence/being a kid. |
cn6bzc5 | no | 10 | cn68aad | Krizski | smashbros | 3 | no | 2014-12-26 20:38:45 | Is Ledgeguard considered an advanced technique? Cause I love when my friends get pissy when I grab the ledge and roll up so they miss it. |
cn6dkl9 | wat | 15 | cn6dit3 | fucking_passwords | WTF | 2 | wat | 2014-12-26 21:49:55 | Make direct the with so no cant not do. Map it and make it they try and do. |
cn6dojg | No. | 37 | cn6dmao | radiodog | guns | 8 | no | 2014-12-26 21:55:17 | As someone who bought a Mosin this afternoon, should I get a recoil pad? |
cn6e5vg | yes | 42 | cn6e577 | rbrduk | AskReddit | 10 | yes | 2014-12-26 22:19:01 | supervise what... exactly? |
cn6e3xz | No. | 8 | cn6e3ln | StrongerVersionOfMe | AskReddit | 5 | no | 2014-12-26 22:16:19 | They gave you a script for that long? |
cn6eg96 | Yes. | 13 | cn63uu1 | ipod_waffle | AskReddit | 8 | yes | 2014-12-26 22:33:55 | Book or movie version? |
cn6h35a | Woosh... | 11 | cn65df2 | ahard206 | whowouldwin | 6 | woosh | 2014-12-27 01:31:24 | I did? The entertainment value of a movie has nothing to do with how powerful the characters are. |
cn6i0mo | Woosh | 9 | cn6hskh | SockPants | todayilearned | 1 | woosh | 2014-12-27 02:59:48 | Preemie is short for premature. So umm. Yeah it's 100% not true. Edit: read your comment before I had my coffee and thought that you were saying you believed him. Oops. |
cn6i9ya | Yes | 13 | cn6hhry | DeemSleep | worldnews | 1 | yes | 2014-12-27 03:26:20 | So it's not okay to call Obama a monkey but it's okay for Dubya to be portrayed as a monkey. |
cn6ifhs | No. | 15 | cn6i9bn | GDFree | Gunners | 4 | no | 2014-12-27 03:42:30 | Is Jenkinson eligible to play against us? |
cn6jler | k | 23 | cn6hm2e | TeeKayTank | Monstercat | 11 | k | 2014-12-27 05:34:04 | I want teekay to comment lol. |
cn6jzf4 | woosh | 15 | cn6jklo | cj2dobso | buildapc | 9 | woosh | 2014-12-27 06:04:06 | wait what? |
cn6kj2r | Not with that attitude | 14 | cn6jsqz | Bralnor | leagueoflegends | 3 | notwiththatattitude | 2014-12-27 06:41:29 | Could explain a lot. But you can't kill minions if you stand on them |
cn6lnhz | What? | 34 | cn6ljju | UkraineShotDownMH17 | funny | 17 | what | 2014-12-27 07:46:46 | damn. RIP. I hope your dad lived a good life. |
cn6mbna | Yes. | 48 | cn6lvf4 | RatherFastBlackMan | soccer | 11 | yes | 2014-12-27 08:19:53 | Were they just upset or were they angry? |
cn6nh0m | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | 16 | cn6lsdd | Asks_Politely | anime | 1 | (͡°͜ʖ͡°) | 2014-12-27 09:10:55 | I would be a weapon, no doubt. Some sort of lance or staff |
cn6nm5e | Yes. | 10 | cn6ngx6 | Thrashoholic | GlobalOffensive | 4 | yes | 2014-12-27 09:16:56 | Just out of interest, I never tried this. If you just disconnect and then press abandon, will you get a cooldown? (I mean if you haven't abandoned games before/didn't get kicked etc.) |
cn7ic3w | Yes | 11 | cn7i4p9 | steamer13 | thatHappened | 5 | yes | 2014-12-28 10:14:12 | Is it said like "yo you" or just "you" with a random space? |
cn6pmkm | ┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ) | 80 | cn6pmid | PleaseRespectTables | trashy | 14 | ┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ) | 2014-12-27 10:38:25 | (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ |
cn7viv0 | Yes | 13 | cn7szau | PepperJohn | AskReddit | 3 | yes | 2014-12-28 17:12:33 | Giving or receiving? |
cn6pti5 | no | 19 | cn6mdql | JoaquinBandersnatch | NBA2k | 3 | no | 2014-12-27 10:46:05 | Is that "Game chooses best pass available" option reliable? |
cn6q2md | Nope. | 72 | cn6p2u7 | Elderly_Gambino | nsfw | 1 | nope | 2014-12-27 10:56:11 | This one looks way better |
cn6q7rk | K | 20 | cn6plbd | therealgiant | thatHappened | 6 | k | 2014-12-27 11:01:50 | On mobile, for some reason the pic is really zoomed in and i cant read it |
cn6qizl | Yes | 39 | cn6peah | GoingBackToMyWays | nba | 18 | yes | 2014-12-27 11:13:59 | So Adam Morrison >> Karl Malone |
cn6qo5i | yes | 84 | cn6ql63 | MasonNowa | streetwear | 31 | yes | 2014-12-27 11:19:35 | think it'd be possible with dye instead of bleach? for example i have a yellow hoodie |
cn6qz50 | no | 303 | cn6qrsr | gH0o5T | streetwear | 35 | no | 2014-12-27 11:31:38 | i mean thanks for the response but do you have any more information other than yes? |
cn6r7qj | Yes. | 20 | cn6qnjq | EASHL | AskReddit | 6 | yes | 2014-12-27 11:40:58 | Are these girl traits or guy traits? |
cn6rgmk | ayy lmao | 15 | cn6m8eh | skippythemoonrock | TopGear | 6 | ayylmao | 2014-12-27 11:51:01 | Then the British crowd goes "Ayyy!!!" |
cn6rnej | lol | 98 | cn6qy3g | Goof11 | leagueoflegends | 10 | lol | 2014-12-27 11:58:39 | I've always just taken screenshots and sent a ticket into Riot Support. I assume it gets handled and bans get handed out. |
cn6s6em | Yes. | 51 | cn6ryt3 | syndereN | DotA2 | 16 | yes | 2014-12-27 12:19:34 | Did you reconcile with FATA? |
cn6sjy7 | ┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ) | 31 | cn6sj6t | PleaseRespectTables | trashy | 9 | ┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ) | 2014-12-27 12:34:25 | (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ |
cn6sn0e | yes | 8 | cn6sjdw | angrybeets | PersonalFinanceCanada | 3 | yes | 2014-12-27 12:37:52 | So if you managed to have 100k in your TFSA right now, if you theoretically withdrew it today, you could deposit 105500 come jan 1? |
cn6snz2 | No | 8 | cn6sn34 | TheYMan96 | FiftyFifty | 1 | no | 2014-12-27 12:38:54 | The blister was better man |
cn6sx55 | What | 539 | cn6pahk | bigblock111 | AskReddit | 321 | what | 2014-12-27 12:49:03 | It's like if a ***NYC*** fireman ~~on 9/11 turned~~ wore the same ***s***hirt to work ***The day of 9/11, and he saved people lives.*** ^^I ^^don't ^^know ^^much ^^about ^^firemen EDIT: Shirt. I was referring to the "misogynistic" shirt. |
cn6t3xr | Not with that attitude | 13 | cn6rrdg | richmana | formula1 | 4 | notwiththatattitude | 2014-12-27 12:56:32 | Not gonna happen. |
cn6ux54 | ok | 12 | cn6ti7z | isthathenry | bestofworldstar | 1 | ok | 2014-12-27 14:07:47 | I saw a movie where a mob boss told one of his followers to eat a porclein spoon. The guy broke it into pieces, grinded the pieces into a powder and ate the powder |
Subsets and Splits