stringlengths 4
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stringlengths 4
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float64 0.6
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die begrip van wedersyds voordelige same werking sal veral belangrik wees in die globale ekono miese herstelplanne waar ongelyke ontwikkeling beteken dat sommige lande vinnig sal herstel en ander agter sal raak.
| the concept of mutually beneficial cooperation will be particularly important in the global economic recovery, where unequal development means that some countries will bounce back quickly, while others will lag behind.
| 0.872251 | 2,358 |
zulu verduidelik dat sy deur haar opleidingsagent skap al regoor ses provinsies bedrywig is en vrouens en jongmense help om hul boerderywerksaamhede te bestuur.
| "through her training agency, dr zulu explained that she worked across six provinces, helping women and young people to run their farming operations.
| 0.814636 | 3,318 |
as suidafrikaners bring ons hulde aan haar en al die ander oopvlekkers in die openbare en privaat sektor wat korrupsie ontbloot.
| as the south african people, we salute her and all the whistleblowers in the public and private sectors who are exposing corruption to the harshest of glares.
| 0.838069 | 2,322 |
ons prys die individue en organisasies wat die verantwoordelikheid vir ander se welstand op hulself neem.
| we applaud those individuals and organisations who have taken upon themselves responsibility for the wellbeing of others.
| 0.800736 | 101 |
cach is n aanlynregeringsdiens wat deur die department van hoër onderwys en opleiding (doo) bestuur word en diegene te hulp staan wat toegang tot universiteite, tegniese en beroepsgerigte opleidingskolleges (tvetkolleges) en vaardigheidsontwikkelingsentrums benodig.
| cach is an online government service managed by the department of higher education and training (dhet).
| 0.759468 | 2,712 |
daar is jong sportmense soos gholfwonderkind sim ‘tiger’ tshabalala, wat net net agt jaar oud is en reeds internasionale gholftoekennings inpalm.
| there are young sports people like golfing prodigy sim ‘tiger’ tshabalala who is racking up international golfing awards at the tender age of 8. he is ranked 7th in the world in his age group and has won the us kids golf tournament twice.
| 0.827907 | 171 |
ons land het heeltemal te veel tragedies ervaar.
| this country has witnessed far too many tragedies.
| 0.862083 | 107 |
terwyl die brand in die par lement uiteindelik geblus is, het waarnemende hoofregter, raymond zondo, die eerste deel van die verslag van die kommissie van ondersoek na staatskaping ingehandig.
| just as the fire in parliament was finally being extinguished, acting chief justice raymond zondo submitted the first part of the report of the commission of inquiry into state capture.
| 0.87245 | 2,655 |
werksyfers toon ons ekonomie is op pad na herstel vukuzenzele unnamed suidafrikaners moes oor die afgelope paar jaar stadige groei en stygende werkloosheid in die oë staar.
| jobs figures show our economyis on the road to recovery vukuzenzele unnamed over the last few years, south africans have had to contend with slow growth and rising unemployment.
| 0.852793 | 3,781 |
"die implementasie van dié wetgewing sal van groot hulp wees om te verseker dat sake suksesvol geregtelik vervolg word, dat oorlewendes beskerm word en dat daar doeltref fender afskrikmiddels in plek is."
| "the implementation of this legislation will go a long way to ensuring that cases are successfully prosecuted, that survivors are protected and that there are more effective deterrents in place."
| 0.837993 | 2,780 |
die gepf is een van die grootste pensioenfondse ter wêreld, met meer as 1,2 mil joen aktiewe lede en meer as 450 000 pensioenarisse en begunstigdes.
| the gepf is among the largest pension funds in the world, with over 1.2 million active members and more than 450 000 pensioners and beneficiaries.
| 0.93548 | 2,529 |
"die aansoekproses op sigself is ook vereenvoudig en die vrae wat gevra word, kan makliker verstaan word deur die publiek.
| "the application process itself has been simplified and the questions asked are easier to understand by the public.
| 0.877915 | 3,619 |
leerders en onderwysers het egter nooit toegang tot voldoende fasiliteite geniet nie ... tot onlangs, toe hul nuwe, moderne skool sy deure geopen het.
| however, learners and teachers never had the benefit of proper facilities until recently, when they walked through the doors of their new, stateoftheart school.
| 0.855022 | 2,571 |
dit mag slegs as bemiddelaar optree in klagtes wat in die afgelope drie jaar ontstaan het.
| it may only mediate in complaints that have arisen within the past three years.
| 0.755768 | 2,536 |
die opbrengste van hul misdade moet teruggekry word.
| the proceeds of their crimes must be recovered.
| 0.700766 | 2,843 |
president cyril ramaphosa het aangekondig dat die nasionale tesourie fondse vir verligtingspogings beskik baar sal stel om hulp te verleen aan diegene wat deur die vloede geraak is.
| president cyril ramaphosa said national treasury will make money available for relief efforts to help those affected by the floods.
| 0.874181 | 2,948 |
dieselfde gevolge is van toepassing op mense wat die afhanklikheidstoelae misbruik — wat toegeken word deur sassa om finansiële ondersteuning te bied aan kinders met ernstige gestremdhede wat voltydse sorg vereis, ongeskiktheidstoelae of ouderdomstoelae.
| the same consequences apply to people who misuse care dependency grants – which are given by sassa to provide financial support to children with severe disabilities who require fulltime care, disability grants or older persons grants.
| 0.914962 | 3,253 |
soortgelyke beperkings moes in verskillende dele van europa heringestel word, aangesien hulle 'n 'tweede golf' van infeksies ervaar.
| similar restrictions have had to be reimposed in several parts of europe as they experience a ‘second wave’ of infections.
| 0.867334 | 1,040 |
ons is uiters dankbaar teenoor die brandbestryders wat die brand bestry en uiteindelik geblus het.
| we are extremely gra teful to the firefighters who battled the blaze and finally extinguished it.
| 0.836285 | 2,641 |
"ek het aanvanklik gedink dat dit weens my onstabiele inkomste was, maar dit was egter nie die geval nie.
| "i initially thought it was because of my unstable income, but it wasn’t.
| 0.825827 | 2,120 |
ons het, met die verstandhouding dat dit tyd gaan neem vir ekonomiese groei om n styging in werkskepping in die privaat sektor te toon, die ekonomiese stimulus geloods om onmiddellik te begin om werksgeleenthede te skep.
| understanding that it will take time for economic growth to translate into private sector employment, we have launched the employment stimulus to start creat ing work opportunities now.
| 0.809218 | 1,524 |
wat die regering betref, sal ons voortgaan om die situasie fyn dop te hou en alles binne ons vermoë doen om suidafrikaners teen die onvolhoubare styging in lewenskoste te beskerm.
| for our part, government will continue to monitor the situation closely and will do everything within its power to protect south africans from unsustainable increases in the cost of living.
| 0.832641 | 3,235 |
dit is n belangrike mylpaal wat ons nog nader bring aan afrekening met een van die mees vernietigende episodes in die geskiedenis van ons demokrasie.
| this is a significant milestone that brings us ever closer to a reckoning with one of the most ruinous episodes in the history of our democracy.
| 0.905992 | 2,248 |
die werklikheid is dat ons in onbekende waters vaar.
| the reality is that we are sailing in unchartered waters.
| 0.807761 | 481 |
kovid19 korrupsieplegers ry aan die pen vukuzenzele unnamed individue en maatskappye wat betrokke was in die pleeg van korrupsie te make met die regering se verkryging van koronavirus toerusting en dienste, gaan verantwoordbaar gehou word vir hul optrede.
| covid19 corruption perpetrators brought to book vukuzenzele unnamed individuals and companies who were involved in corruption relating to the gov ernment’s procurement of coronavirus disease (covid19) goods and services are being held accountable for their actions.
| 0.883396 | 2,691 |
privaatsektor én staatsektor belangrik vir ekonomiese groei vukuzenzele unnamed namate ons ons ekonomie groei en indiensneming skep, heers daar n groot debat oor die onderskeie rolle van die staat en sakelui om dié doelwitte te bereik.
| public and private sector key to economic growth vukuzenzele unnamed as we work to grow our economy and create employment, there is much debate about the relative roles of the state and business in pursuing these goals.
| 0.878707 | 2,800 |
dit neem n paar minute en verg n eenvoudige wattepluisie.
| all it takes is a simple cotton swab and a few minutes of your time.
| 0.704002 | 1,762 |
"n minimum toelatingspunttelling van 28 en n nss met engels huistaal of engels eerste addi sionele taal, wiskunde, en natuurwetenskap of lewenswetenskap word benodig vir die baccalaureus in veeartsenykundige verpleging," het hy gesê.
| "for the bachelor of veterinary nursing degree, they need a minimum admission point score of 28 and an nsc with english home language or english first additional language, mathematics, and physical sciences or life sciences," he adds.
| 0.842895 | 3,088 |
voedselinflasie staan op 6,2%.
| food inflation was recorded at 6.2 per cent.
| 0.865853 | 3,209 |
please return to the testing centre.
| please return to the testing centre.
| 1 | 3,101 |
kats en spaks, n niewinsgewende organisasie, het drie tydelike klaskamers aan die skool geskenk en die gemeenskap het vyf klaskamers van klei gebou.
| three temporary classrooms were donated to the school by a nonprofit organisation called kats and spaks, and the community built five mud classrooms.
| 0.808455 | 2,585 |
voedselondersteuning is 'n noodmaatreël op die kort termyn.
| food support is a shortterm emergency measure.
| 0.848043 | 405 |
hulle is die ware helde en heldinne van ons stryd teen die koronavirus.
| they are the true heroes and heroines of our battle against coronavirus.
| 0.873203 | 757 |
die regering, sake wêreld, arbeid en burgerlike samelewing het saamgekom om diegene wat werkloos is, in die ekonomie in te bring.
| government, business, labour and civil society have come together to bring those who are unemployed into the economy.
| 0.875598 | 2,476 |
ons het, as antwoord op die kinders wat gesterf het of seergekry het toe hulle in puttoilette geval het, die safeinisiatief geloods om die voorsiening van behoorlike toilette aan alle skole in die land, te bespoedig.
| in response to the deaths and injury caused by children falling into pit latrines, we launched the safe initiative to accelerate the provision of appropriate toilets to all schools in the country.
| 0.850635 | 97 |
ek het deurentyd bevestig dat die covid19krisis ook n geleentheid bied om ons samelewing weer beter op te bou.
| i have consistently affirmed that the covid19 crisis is also a window of opportunity to build back better.
| 0.830979 | 1,333 |
ons besef dat onwettige migrasie n risiko vir suidafrika se sekuriteit, stabiliteit en ekonomiese vooruitgang behels.
| at the same time, we recognise that illegal migration poses a risk to south africa’s security, stability and economic progress.
| 0.91588 | 3,011 |
die fusiesentrum is aanvanklik gestig om korrupsie met betrekking tot kovid19verwante aankope en verkrygings te ondersoek.
| the fusion centre was initially set up to investigate corruption around covidrelated procurement.
| 0.803612 | 3,505 |
alle vrouens, selfs al is hulle onder die ouderdom van 18 en dus minderjarig, het ingevolge die wet die reg om n swangerskap te beëindig.
| according to the act, all women, even if they are a minor under the age of 18, have the right to terminate a pregnancy.
| 0.815445 | 3,203 |
om werkloosheid onder die jeug aan te pak, vereis versnelde ekonomiese groei, veral in arbeidsintensiewe sektore, sowel as die uitbouing van die staat se vermoë om sy ontwikkelingsrol te vervul.
| tackling youth unemployment requires accelerating economic growth, particularly in labourintensive sectors, and building the capability of the state to fulfil its developmental role.
| 0.868629 | 2,058 |
nie net is beduidende bedrae geld gesteel nie, maar hierdie instellings was nie in staat om die funksies waarvoor hulle opgerig is na behore te verrig nie.
| not only were significant amounts of money stolen, but these institutions were not able to properly fulfil the functions for which they were established.
| 0.906567 | 2,659 |
uiteraard het toegang tot werk en geleenthede die agenda oorheers.
| naturally, access to employment and opportunities dominated the agenda.
| 0.834624 | 148 |
thabiso dladla en sumay maharaj is assistentresi dentingenieurs [ari's] wat touwys gemaak word deur ervare kollegas by die terrein op die n2 tussen mthunzini en empangeni aan die kwa zulunatalse noordkus, waar opgraderings gedoen word.
| tyre factory creates jobs in kzn vukuzenzele unnamed about 600 jobs have been created in la dysmith kwazu lunatal thanks to a r970 million direct investment by japanese tyre manufac turing company sumito mo rubber south africa (srsa).
| 0.740622 | 28 |
in 2014 het dinge n positiewe wending geneem toe die departement van basiese onderwys deur middel van asidi n tender uitgereik het om die nkululeko ralo primêre skool te bou.
| in 2014, things took a positive turn when the department of basic education, through asidi, issued a tender to build nkululeko ralo primary school.
| 0.891081 | 2,587 |
"ons versoek weereens almal wat nog nie ingeënt is nie, om na vore te kom en ingeënt te word.
| "we again urge all those who are still not vaccinated to come forward and take the jab.
| 0.782734 | 3,056 |
ek het in my gesprekke met jongmense gesê dat ons nooit die mag van n idee moet onderskat nie, want idees kan en het die wêreld verander.
| in the discussions i have had with young people i have said that we should never underestimate the power of an idea, because ideas can and have changed the world.
| 0.884918 | 692 |
daar is reeds op verskeie gebiede vordering gemaak.
| there has already been progress in a number of areas.
| 0.75213 | 1,386 |
dit sal privaatbeleg gings lok en die doeltreffend heid van die hantering van skeepshouers verbeter.
| this will bring in private investment and improve the efficiency of container handling.
| 0.827886 | 1,845 |
studiefooie, boeke, toelae vir verblyf op kampus en terugwerk ooreenkomste is inge sluit.
| it includes tuition fees, books, oncampus accommodation allowances and work back agreements.
| 0.740288 | 3,409 |
in fase drie sal ongeveer 22,5 miljoen van die oorblywende bevolking ingeënt word.
| in phase three, about 22.5 million of the remaining adult population will be vaccinated.
| 0.870074 | 1,599 |
ons jongmense moet maatskaplike opheffi ngsinisiatiewe ontwikkel en aan die stuur daarvan staan.
| our young people must develop social upliftment initiatives and they must lead them.
| 0.797781 | 701 |
noordwesgebaseerde onderwyser tshepo kekana sê, "nie alle studente met spesiale behoeftes hoef re mediërende en spesiale skole by te woon nie.
| north westbased teacher tshepo kekana says, "not all special needs students need to go to remedial and special schools.
| 0.91675 | 1,708 |
al die wetenskaplike modelle toon dat die infeksiekoers in die volgende paar maande steeds teen n baie vinniger koers kan styg.
| all the scientific models show that the infection rate will continue to rise at a much faster rate in the next few months.
| 0.834333 | 454 |
hierdie gebeure het die internasionale sentiment teen die apartheidsregering versterk en verdere stukrag aan die bevrydingstryd verleen.
| these events hardened international opinion against the apartheid regime and gave further impetus to the liberation struggle.
| 0.829877 | 2,040 |
daar word reëlings getref om te verseker dat die werk van die parlement kan voortgaan, selfs al kan die gebou nie gebruik word nie.
| arrangements are being made to ensure that the work of parliament can continue even if the buildings cannot be used.
| 0.892464 | 2,645 |
sou n getuie lewensdrei gemente ontvang of onveilig voel, moet hulle die speurders in kennis stel en aansoek om die program doen.
| should a witness receive threats to their life or feel unsafe, they have to inform investigators and apply for admission to the programme.
| 0.844646 | 2,315 |
"grooten kleinhandel kan ten volle heropen, insluitend winkels, spazawinkels en informele handelaars.
| "wholesale and retail trade will be fully opened, including stores, spaza shops and informal traders.
| 0.885864 | 609 |
ek het ook in die staatsrede aangekondig dat ons 1% van die nasionale begroting opsy sal sit vir 'n jeugindiensnemings inisiatief.
| i also announced in the state of the nation address that we will set aside 1% of the national budget for a youth employ ment initiative.
| 0.868589 | 167 |
was jou hande vir minstens 20 sekondes met seep en water voordat jy aan enige medikasie raak.
| wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, before you touch any medication.
| 0.893358 | 730 |
ons het gesien hoe sekere politieke leiers onwetenskaplike stellings maak oor immigrante om mense se besware vir politieke gewin uit te buit.
| we have seen some political leaders making unscientific statements about immigrants to exploit people’s grievances for political gain.
| 0.888872 | 2,990 |
as ons geslagsgebaseerde geweld wil uitroei, sal ons as nasie saam moet werk.
| eradicating genderbased violence demands that we act together as a people.
| 0.807504 | 3,396 |
nagenoeg r659 miljoen is aan die staat terugbesorg danksy die bewaring en herwinning van die misdaadopbreng ste.
| approximately r659 million was restored to the state through preservation and recovery of the proceeds of crime.
| 0.867433 | 3,503 |
dit geld ook vir kleinhandelsake wat deur die verskeie toelae en lenings wat deur verskillende departemente toegestaan is, geholpe is.
| the same can be said of the small businesses helped by the various grants and loans provided by a number of departments.
| 0.777539 | 1,622 |
sa beweeg na waarskuwingsvlak 3 vukuzenzele unnamed president cyril rama phosa het aangekon dig dat suidafrika met ingang van 1 junie na vlak 3 beweeg het – met die gepaardgaande ontsluiting van meer sektore van die ekonomie en die opheffing van 'n aantal beperkings op mense se bewegings.
| sa moves to alert level 3 vukuzenzele unnamed president cyril rama phosa has announced that south africa has moved to level 3 with effect from 1 june with more sectors of the economy opening and the removal of a number of restrictions on the movement of people.
| 0.924815 | 587 |
volgens die weskaapse departement van gesondheid hou die somerhitte 'n groot gevaar van ontwatering in; dit beteken dat die verlies aan water skadelik vir die liggaam kan wees.
| according to the western cape department of health, the summer heat brings with it a high risk of dehydration, which is a harmful loss of water in the body.
| 0.837637 | 1,401 |
dit is dikwels dikker in babas met downsindroom.
| this is often larger in babies with ds.
| 0.772164 | 1,700 |
die meeste begunstigdes was jongmense; meer as 60% was vroue.
| most of the beneficiaries were young people; over 60% were women.
| 0.953477 | 2,762 |
met die instelling van dié grondwet het ons ons toewyding bevestig tot n samelewing geskoei op demokratiese waardes, maatskaplike geregtigheid en menseregte.
| in adopting this constitution, we affirmed our commitment to a society based on democratic values, social justice and human rights.
| 0.826297 | 2,984 |
sommige kom nou tot 'n einde, terwyl ander verleng is terwyl die arbeidsmark herstel.
| some are now coming to an end, while others have been extended as the labour market recovers.
| 0.853655 | 1,379 |
benewens die gereelde finansiële inspuitings wat sommige van die land se grootste en belangrikste soe’s vanaf die regering benodig, sukkel hulle boonop om hul mandate na te kom.
| in addition to needing regular bailouts from government, some of the country’s biggest and most important stateowned companies have been struggling to meet their mandates.
| 0.791572 | 2,089 |
dit was veral ooglopend in die tragiese gebeure wat rondom phoenix en ethekwini afgespeel het.
| this was most evident in the tragic events that took place in and around phoenix in ethekwini.
| 0.886243 | 2,175 |
ek het onlangs drie wetsontwerpe bekragtig wat ons belofte nakom om die strafregstelsel te versterk, verantwoordbaar heid regoor die regering te bevorder en ondersteuning vir slagoffers en oorlewendes as die fokuspunt van al ons planne te stel.
| i recently signed into law three pieces of legislation that honour our promises to strengthen the criminal justice system, promote accountability across the state and put support for survivors at the centre of all our efforts.
| 0.873591 | 2,726 |
dit is vererger deur n verpletterende pandemie, onluste en pogings tot opstande in julie 2021, en vroeër vanjaar, vloede wat verwoesting in dele van kwazulunatal, die ooskaap en noordwes gesaai het.
| this has been worsened by a devastating pandemic, an attempted insurrection unrest in july 2021, and, earlier this year, severe floods in parts of kwazulunatal, eastern cape and north west.
| 0.88349 | 3,782 |
tamarin fisher, die pre sident van die vereniging van veeartsenykundige ver pleegsters van suidafrika, sê dit is die grootste mylpaal in die beroep se geskiedenis van 42 jaar.
| tamarin fisher, the pre sident of the veterinary nurses association of south africa, says this is the biggest milestone in the profession’s 42year history.
| 0.923082 | 3,071 |
daar is nog nie n entstof nie.
| a vaccine has yet to be found.
| 0.644981 | 441 |
deur die storie van 16 junie lewendig te hou, dien dit as ‘n herinnering aan vandag se generasie van die groot opofferings wat gemaak is om hulle vryheid te bewerkstellig.
| keeping the story of june 16th alive is a reminder to today’s generation of the great sacrifices made to secure their freedom.
| 0.903121 | 2,051 |
die stimulus sluit n nuwe nasionale program in om onderrigen skoolassistente in skole aan te stel.
| the stimulus includes a new national programme to employ teaching and school assistants in schools.
| 0.843632 | 1,301 |
alhoewel dié stygende koste almal affekteer, raak dit laeinkomstehuishoudings die meeste.
| while these rising costs affect everyone, lowincome households are feeling them the most.
| 0.795873 | 3,207 |
daar is n geïntegreerde fokus op graduandi, met geleenthede vir verpleërs, wetenskapgraduandi, ambagsmanne en ander.
| there is a crosscutting focus on graduates, with opportunities for nurses, science graduates, artisans and others.
| 0.860184 | 1,304 |
terself dertyd sal ons egter meer moet bestee om die herstruk turering van soe's soos eskom en die sal te ondersteun.
| at the same time, however, we will need to spend more to support the restructuring of soes like eskom and saa.
| 0.834656 | 236 |
een van die oorwinnings van ons demokrasie is dat elke suidafrikaner glo dat die grondwet hulle beskerm en dat die howe 'n regverdige en onpartydige arbiter van hul belange is.
| one of the triumphs of our democracy is that every south african believes the constitution protects them and that the courts are a fair and impartial arbiter of their interests.
| 0.897988 | 520 |
voortdurende sosiale of fisiese distansiëring word, waar moontlik, aanbeveel, aangesien diabetiese individue meer geneig is om covid19 op te doen.
| as diabetic individuals are at increased risk of severe covid19, ongoing social or physical distancing is recommended where possible.
| 0.724015 | 735 |
eskom sal in staat wees om beurtkrag te verminder na laer vlakke namate die elektrisiteitstelsel en opwekkingskapasiteit herstel word.
| as the system recovers and generation capacity is restored, eskom will be able to reduce load shedding to lower stages.
| 0.731362 | 3,355 |
nóg n belangrike verbetering is die vestiging van die nasionale haweowerheid as n onafhanklike filiaalmaatskappy van transnet.
| another critical reform is the establishment of the national ports authority as an independent subsidiary of transnet.
| 0.796842 | 2,106 |
ten einde die virus in hierdie gebiede te hanteer, sal die regering intensiewe ingrypings maatreëls implementeer, wat daarop gerig is om die aantal nuwe infeksies te verminder.
| to deal with the virus in these areas, government will implement intensive interventions aimed at decreasing the number of new infections.
| 0.897988 | 592 |
openbare indiensneming het nie net op ongeskoolde werk betrekking nie.
| public employment is not just for unskilled work.
| 0.825422 | 1,303 |
na afloop van ons infra struktuurprojektafelronde verlede week, het ons nuwe finansieringsverbintenisse vir infrastruktuurontwikkeling verkry.
| we are seeing new funding commitments for infrastructure development following an infrastructure project roundtable last week.
| 0.778201 | 1,387 |
n erfgenaam kan egter nie as getuie dien nie.
| an heir can’t be a witness.
| 0.783269 | 2,461 |
een van die belangrikste drywers van groei en indiensneming is ondernemings in staatsbesit (sbo’s).
| one of the most important drivers of growth and employment are stateowned enterprises (soes).
| 0.841855 | 2,812 |
"st siluan se tekens van kinderkanker s – soek vroeg mediese hulp vir blywende simp tome.
| st siluan’s signs of childhood cancer s – seek medical help early for ongoing symptoms.
| 0.81873 | 3,530 |
dit het my dadelik gefassineer en ek wou meer uitvind," sê arendse.
| i immediately became interested and wanted to find out more," says arendse.
| 0.918142 | 904 |
n onlangse opname vir die wêreldekonomiese forum wat gepubliseer is, toon dat ongeveer ’n kwart van alle mense wêreldwyd, waaronder diegene in ontwikkelde ekonomieë, finansieel sukkel weens stygende pryse.
| a recently published poll for the world economic forum shows that nearly a quarter of people globally, including those in developed economies, are struggling financially due to rising prices.
| 0.851401 | 3,212 |
wees versigtig vir maats wat vir jou sê dat jy saam met hulle sal slaap as jy hulle lief het.
| beware of partners who claim that you will sleep with them if you love them.
| 0.833587 | 1,279 |
ons het operasie vulindlela in oktober 2020 op die been gebring om dié uitdagings aan te pak en die hoof te bied as n inisiatief van die presidensie en die nasionale tesourie om strukturele hervorming in dié netwerknywerhede te versnel.
| to address and overcome these challenges, we set up operation vulindlela in october 2020 as an initiative of the presidency and national treasury to accelerate structural reforms in these network industries.
| 0.869256 | 3,027 |
die presidensiële werk skeppingstimulus het ook volhoubare lewensbestaan ondersteun.
| the presidential employment stimulus has also supported sustainable livelihoods.
| 0.793995 | 3,643 |
alhoewel die aandag die afgelope ruk merendeels op oopvlekkers in die openbare sektor gevestig is, is ons ook dankbaarheid verskuldig aan dié in die privaat sektor wie se optrede minder aandag geniet het, maar net so belangrik is.
| though much focus in recent times has been on whistleblowers in the public sector, we also owe a debt of gratitude to those in the private sector whose actions receive less attention, but are equally important.
| 0.868707 | 2,308 |
| gov.
| 1 | 3,343 |
skep n profiel en teken aan.
| create a profile and log in.
| 0.764582 | 3,107 |
dit beteken dat die ower hede se teenaksie net so gesofistikeerd moet wees.
| this means that the response of the authorities has to be just as sophisticated.
| 0.754406 | 3,498 |
ons moet terselfdertyd ons regstelsel versterk en verseker dat oortreders aan die pen sal ry, dat borgtogen paroolvoorwaardes opgeskerp word en dat diegene wat tot lewenslange tronkstraf gevonnis is, die res van hulle lewens agter tralies sal spandeer.
| at the same time, we must strengthen our justice system, ensuring that perpetrators are brought to book, bail and parole conditions are tightened and that those sentenced to life spend the rest of their lives behind bars.
| 0.863631 | 706 |