YanfeiGood Night
Need a cure for insomnia? Let me read you the history of the development of Liyue's legal system! None of my friends have ever lasted longer than 20 minutes... Oh, you want something more fast-acting? Then I'll recite from the legal codices! Let me know in the morning which section I got to before you fell asleep! Okay, here I go...
YanfeiAbout Yanfei: Atmosphere
You think I come across as quite imposing when I'm reading through case files? Huh. Well, that's only when I'm in work mode. It's like... I have an invisible switch, flick it one way and I'm in normal mode, flick it the other way and I switch to work mode. Surely you must have a switch like that, too?
YanfeiAbout Yanfei: Weakness Friendship Lv. 4
Civil cases are the ones I dread the most. Divorces, custody disputes... It's a thankless task trying to unpack these kinds of cases with logic and reason. You have to be kind, courteous, and patient with your clients, even though half the time they are completely incapable of participating in a constructive discussion. *sigh* I know I advertise myself as being fully versed in every area of the law, but honestly, if it were up to me, I'd rather everyone could just get along, so we wouldn't have so many of these cases.
YanfeiAbout Us: Rates
You want legal advice from me? Sure. For legal opinions, I charge a flat rate of 6,000 Mora, for advisory services, my hourly rate is 180,000 Mora, and for commercial law, I charge 710,000 Mora per case β€” final quote and commission rate depending on the details of your case. Not a bad deal, right?
YanfeiAbout Us: Relationships Friendship Lv. 6
If you're concerned about what kind of complicated issues you might get tied up in during your travels, your best bet is to bring someone with you who knows and understands the law. Someone like me, for example, whose expertise goes beyond just the law of Liyue... Well, actually, having said that, Fontaine's law is notoriously complicated... Though, with my level of intelligence, getting acquainted with it should be no problem! Anyway... My point is, you can always rely on me!
YanfeiAbout the Vision Friendship Lv. 4
Visions appear in response to strong desire, so as someone with ideals, it's only natural that I should have received one. Because, above all, I wish for all people to live honest lives and abide by the law. But some people will always insist on playing by their own rules and causing havoc for everyone else... Hah, those people can expect to be prosecuted so hard, they won't know what hit them!
YanfeiSomething to Share: Balance Friendship Lv. 4
This steelyard balance was a gift from my father. It weighs objects to determine their value. I usually use Mora for the weight, but it can only give the original price. For example, a thousand years ago, Liyue was covered in Glaze Lilies, and they weren't worth anything in monetary terms. Then, when they suddenly declined in number, the price shot up in response, but the value shown by this steelyard wasn't updated. It still shows them as their original value... in other words, dirt cheap.So, most of the time, this isn't a very useful tool for work purposes... Hmm? You want to try weighing something? How about... We could weigh your little friend here, will that do?
YanfeiSomething to Share: The Rule of Law Friendship Lv. 4
I have a self-defense method that I call "Wrath of the Flame," based on a punishment called the "Wrath of the Rock," which is detailed in the ancient work "The Comprehensive Compendium of Liyue Law." The Lord of Geo is the God of Contracts, and contracts, too, can be seen as a way of restraining people. Haha, ergo, Liyue Harbor has been the City of Contracts since time immemorial.
YanfeiInteresting Things
The Historia Naturalis Liyue has an entry about a waterborne plant called the Horsetail. It claims that "The Horsetail is a medicinal herb that stands alone on the banks of Dihua Marsh. Its color is that of the clouds at sunset." Apparently, if you grind it into a powder and mix it into your ink, it makes your writing water-resistant. But it's a shame, I've been to Dihua Marsh at least a hundred times, and each time I end up with baskets and baskets of the common purple variety, but not a single one of the kind that the book describes.
YanfeiAbout Qiqi Friendship Lv. 4
I heard that little herb gatherer has written out a whole set of behavioral rules for herself. She may be small, but boy, has she got her head screwed on! She's definitely destined for greatness..."The young of today shall outperform us tomorrow," as they say. I must admit, she has my respect.
YanfeiAbout Ganyu Friendship Lv. 4
Ganyu is kind and thoughtful, it's just a shame she's so busy all the time. Most of the time, she's buried in an endless pile of paperwork β€” the only exception being her nap at noon. Don't get me wrong, I have to put in some hours at work, too. But I'm happy with the job I've chosen, and it's certainly a lot less taxing than hers.
YanfeiAbout Xingqiu Friendship Lv. 4
The Feiyun Commerce Guild is one of my oldest clients. Their approach to business is meticulous and thorough, and every business meeting I've had with them has always been attended by the head of the house himself. Last time, though, I happened to meet their youngest, Xingqiu. To my complete surprise, the lad had no trouble whatsoever keeping up with my train of thought. He was very eloquent, too, and had excellent manners. Mm, definitely not a simpleton.
YanfeiAbout Hu Tao Friendship Lv. 4
I always hear people saying that the director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor has an unorthodox approach to business. They think she's gone a little non compos mentis after being in the funeral business so long... What are these people talking about? The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor provides a legitimate and necessary service, which is the cornerstone of any successful enterprise. Work is just work β€” there are no good and bad jobs, or lucky and unlucky jobs, just jobs that need doing.If I had one gripe, it would be that the director rarely comes to me for legal advice, hmph...
YanfeiAbout Zhongli Friendship Lv. 4
Mr. Zhongli has so much in-depth knowledge on so many topics, he's like a walking library, you know what I mean? He's a total savant, though he never flaunts it. I could tell just by looking at him. People like him rarely shy away from taking on complex problems alone, so in my estimation he's certainly not a potential client.And yet, somehow, I can't help but think I know him from somewhere, it's hard to describe the feeling... I asked my father about it, and he just said something to the effect of he didn't know either, though he seemed a little evasive. It was so strange... Anyway, makes me wonder if my father is hiding something from me. Hmph, alright then β€” if he won't tell me what's going on, I'll just have to find out for myself...
YanfeiAbout Ningguang Friendship Lv. 4
You must have heard of the Tianquan, Ningguang? She's the highest authority where the law is concerned, and often makes amendments to the legal codices. Every round of additions, retractions, and revisions generates mountains of material. Why, the latest edition of the legal codices contained three new laws, 121 revised legal annotations, and an array of new legal precedents. Archons know how long it's going to take me to commit them to memory...Hmph... still, she's a businesswoman at heart, I'm not about to let her beat me when it comes to the law. Once I've finished memorizing these, I need to step up my productivity...
YanfeiAbout Keqing Friendship Lv. 4
The Yuheng doesn't deal with matters of the law, and thank goodness... Knowing Keqing's attitude toward work and ruthless efficiency, I'd end up losing a lot of work. Although... No, surely it wouldn't come to that. She's a stickler for doing things the right way β€” no doubt she'd offend people... but if she had someone like me as her legal assistant... No way! Why should an eminent legal expert such as myself be relegated to the role of assistant!? If she needs legal counsel, she can come and find me.
YanfeiAbout Eula Friendship Lv. 4
Eula saved me once, and we've kept up correspondence ever since. She's very familiar with the Knights of Favonius' legislation, but has never been one to be bound by convention. She uses cunning logic to deal with problems flexibly... Perhaps the reason we get along so easily is that I'm a similar type myself. Still, I'll never acquire that carefree spirit of hers. We are in very different professions, after all.
YanfeiAbout Yelan Friendship Lv. 4
Yelan is an employee of the Ministry of Civil Affairs β€” she once helped me crack a tough accounting fraud case. I treated her to dinner afterward. The only thing is... I feel like she's able to read my mind at any given moment when talking to her... Yes, in the future, I need to make absolutely sure I don't get on the wrong side of her.
YanfeiAbout Kuki Shinobu Friendship Lv. 4
Shinobu? I remember her, she's the Inazuman girl that came to Liyue as an exchange student to specialize in law. When she was doing her coursework, she used to meet with me to discuss some cases, and after we were done, she'd always bow and thank me, which would always make me a little embarrassed. I always felt like she was going to make an excellent lawyer in the future. Thinking about it, Inazuma went into lockdown right around the time she would have graduated. I wonder how she's been doing since she went back...
YanfeiMore About Yanfei: I
A client? Very pleased to meet you, here's my card. I'm afraid I can't leave my desk today, if it's a dispute we're dealing with then please bring the relevant parties here to see me. Let me just give you a breakdown of my fees β€” one moment...Huh? You came just to chat? Uh... no fee necessary then. So just to clarify... you came to chat as friends with a legal expert that you've never met before... care to explain?
YanfeiMore About Yanfei: II Friendship Lv. 3
These antlers? Oh... well my father is an adeptus, so I have adeptus blood myself. Still, I was born during peacetime here in Liyue β€” I never signed a contract with Rex Lapis. Naturally, I don't have to concern myself with adeptal affairs β€” I'm free to focus on the life I want to live. Works for me! Hee-hee.
YanfeiMore About Yanfei: III Friendship Lv. 4
Contracts of that magnitude β€” lifelong commitments... I've only ever signed one with my father. Uh... it's about living happily, I suppose. That's the kind of person he is. I'm proud of him for that. If he'd wanted me to sign a different contract, say... one about working myself into the ground, or stepping on others to achieve success... I would've ran away by now!
YanfeiMore About Yanfei: IV Friendship Lv. 5
Sometimes, the commercial disputes I handle don't end very pleasantly. The other party might win compensation way in excess of the damages, or pay damages far exceeding the costs... Such is the price of violating a contract. Some people say I'm pretty terrifying, others try to avoid me altogether, but I don't need to explain myself to anyone. Since the very beginning, the welfare of Liyue has been my primary concern!Think about it β€” the origin of disputes can be traced back to the violation of contracts. People are a lot less likely to violate contracts when they see the fallout. Making sure that people realize the importance of contracts is a crucial part of my work!
YanfeiMore About Yanfei: V Friendship Lv. 6
Most of the time, I feel that I have a happy and laid back existence. I have a successful career, clothes on my back, and the freedom to go wherever I please. I've also got quite a way with words β€” nobody can beat me in a debate. And yet, there is no law or standard that can define a happy life.For me... interesting people and engaging affairs, knowing where to go and which path to choose... these are all enough to bring me happiness. And on that note, you too are a source of happiness for me.In any case, whatever the life you live, the most important thing is to respect and understand the law. After all, as soon as you stray from the law, the world begins to fall to ruin.
YanfeiYanfei's Hobbies
My hobbies are reading and appraisal. Reading begets knowledge, appraisal improves judgment. As such, I read everything and appraise anything. If you don't believe me, bring something over sometime. If there's a market for it, my estimate won't be far off. Take this stone for example... must be... 600 Mora.
YanfeiYanfei's Troubles
My friends from the Communications Office often get me to go fishing with them. They say it's to exchange angling tips, but deep down everyone's keen to show off. I've gotten the better of everyone a hundred different ways, but they continue to scrutinize my business... After so much success, it's gotten a little embarrassing... So every time, I end up taking advantage of my ingenious acting skills to make myself seem humble, you know? What's with the face β€” are you doubting me?
YanfeiFavorite Food
Oh! On that note, let me recommend my one true love. Tofu β€” tofu all the way! Light in flavor, tender in texture, not to mention smooth and nourishing. It goes well with all manner of soups and dishes, and more importantly β€” it's available throughout the seasons! Beauty over complexity... tofu dishes are my kind of flavor.
YanfeiLeast Favorite Food
I don't like cold dishes... maybe it's because I rarely eat them. When I would get home late, my father used to keep a lantern lit for me. He'd hear me coming and ask me if I was hungry. In his words: "The best dishes are served hot.
YanfeiReceiving a Gift: I
Tastes pretty great! Seems like you did your homework when it comes to the unwritten Law of Tofu.
YanfeiReceiving a Gift: II
There's a saying in Liyue: "Food is life." I gotta admit, the supporting evidence is pretty compelling.
YanfeiReceiving a Gift: III
...I got it! I'll put it back on the fire for a bit, that'll do the trick.
Happy birthday! Here, this is for you. I've collated legislation from all the nations β€” you're planning to go traveling, right? It will serve you well to familiarize yourself with the law of the different lands.Don't study too hard mind you, or else... I won't be of any use to you.
YanfeiFeelings About Ascension: Intro Ascension Phase 1
"Do not seek to emulate the past, for there is no law that can suffice for all time"... This is a lesson I must always bear in mind.
YanfeiFeelings About Ascension: Building Up Ascension Phase 2
Only by adhering to the law can the people solve life's myriad of problems.
YanfeiFeelings About Ascension: Climax Ascension Phase 4
Studying the law allows one to have grounded conversations, whilst learning martial arts allows one to prevail against groundless violence. Hey, wait a minute... does this count as martial arts...?
YanfeiFeelings About Ascension: Conclusion Ascension Phase 6
Well, I guess I've mastered both the pen and the sword! I've been lucky to have you with me through to the end of my training. Compensation? Uhh... a twenty-four-hour specialist personal advisor? Sounds good... But no haggling!
Hello, Traveler. Call me Yelan. I think you may need my help, and I just so happen to be interested in some information you have. In other words β€” you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
YelanChat: Tip-Off
I got a new letter from an informant. Looks like the situation has changed again.
YelanChat: Truancy
Good roll... Alright, maybe I'll take one more day off, and knock out the rest of the work once I'm feeling up to it.
YelanChat: Identity
Navigating the world is a whole lot easier with a few different identities to choose from. Need me to come up with some for you?
YelanWhen It Rains
It's raining again? Oh, this isn't good... If the rain washes away the traces, it's gonna set us back a long way...
YelanWhen Thunder Strikes
Only innocent children and timid adults are scared of thunder. But you're not either of those... are you?
YelanWhen It Snows
It's getting a little cold... Time to bundle up.
YelanWhen the Sun Is Out
This blinding sunlight is such a pain... No way I can get a nap in this weather.
YelanWhen the Wind Is Blowing
There's a restlessness in the wind... Hmm...
YelanGood Morning
Mmm~ So early... I usually get up at noon if I don't have any urgent work.
YelanGood Afternoon
Ah, I'm getting sleepy. Think I'll take a nap... Don't wake me. I'll wake up naturally when it's time to work.
YelanGood Evening
Good evening. Have you had dinner? What did you have, how was it? Oh... Just making conversation. Don't think anything of it.
YelanGood Night
Come on now, drink your milk and go to sleep. What? You're not a kid? Hehe... Alright, well, I'll just leave it right here, it's yours if you want it. I usually fall asleep well after midnight. Full disclosure β€” if you're a sleep talker, I can't promise I won't take notes, kay?
YelanAbout Yelan: Duties
The Qixing know Liyue like the back of their hands. But there's certain information out there that can only be obtained using more specialized methods. That's my area of expertise, so I generally take care of all those assignments myself.
YelanAbout Yelan: Rumors Friendship Lv. 4
Some say the boss of Yanshang Teahouse is a young entrepreneur who got rich overnight; some say there's a sickly and frail senior employee of the Ministry of Civil Affairs living as a hermit outside the city; others say you should stay away from restricted areas, or you'll get haunted by a blue ghost... Obviously, most civilians have never heard the name Yelan before. So you can safely laugh off all these rumors.
YelanAbout Us: Relationship
Huh? What's that look on your face for? You don't have to be on guard around me. I never scheme against people who have my stamp of approval.
YelanAbout Us: Deception Friendship Lv. 6
Don't be too ready to believe people when they cross their heart and hope to die. Sweet talkers only say what you want to hear. And think twice before meeting someone else's gaze β€” your eyes speak volumes about what you're thinking. When it comes down to it, we're friends, and if somebody ever conned you, I'd feel like I'd been cheated, too.
YelanAbout the Vision Friendship Lv. 4
Wherever there's important information to be found, the stakes involved in extracting it are often fatal. It doesn't matter how big or reliable the team under you may be, you can never completely rule out the risk. The bottom line is, have enough force at your fingertips to control the situation. I got lucky β€” I got my Vision just a few days after realizing that. Otherwise... you'd probably be talking to a very disheveled-looking ghost right now.
YelanAnything to Share: Blocking Out Noise
If you grind Loach Pearls down to size, they make excellent earplugs. They're very sound-proof β€” you can sleep away blissfully even when there's someone screaming right in your ear... Of course, I hope for your sake that you don't ever need them for that kind of reason.
YelanAnything to Share: Fascinating Bracelet
The bracelet on my right hand? I suppose there's no harm in telling you... It contains a kind of magic used by our clan, and it can send simple messages. The meaning of those messages is buried in the blue light, and only I can decipher them.
YelanAnything to Share: Pursuing the Target
When I'm tracking a target, I like to put psychological pressure on them. In the process of trying to shake me off, they will start to panic, bring in reinforcements, alter their plan... they keep going like this until eventually, they've exposed everything I need to know. Heh...
YelanInteresting Things
Do you know much about Weasel Thieves? They're not especially intelligent creatures, but once you tame them, they can be trained to steal things and even pick locks. Pretty clear-cut case, isn't it β€” if even animals can be used as pawns with the right methods, the same has to be all the more true of people, who are constantly plotting and scheming against one another to begin with.
YelanAbout Ningguang: Relationship Friendship Lv. 4
I got to know Ningguang a long time ago, before she was a Qixing, and we worked together for a while. Maybe I'm partly to thank for the fact that she became a Qixing so quickly. Hehe, who can say? Anyway, she was the one who recommended this job to me. It was a good choice, I'm very well-suited to it.
YelanAbout Ningguang: Expectations Friendship Lv. 4
Ningguang is good to work with. But I have to be mindful of our identities when I'm out in public. When I meet a Qixing as an employee of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, they're "Sir" or "Lady" to me.
YelanAbout Ganyu Friendship Lv. 4
Ah, the secretary... I could never work non-stop like she does, certainly not at that level of efficiency. I guess being half-adeptus must have its perks. Imagine not needing sleep to regain your energy levels...
YelanAbout Keqing Friendship Lv. 4
I don't really like people who cram their schedules full, because it doesn't leave any room for negotiation. If something happens that they didn't anticipate, it throws their plans into oblivion, impacting not just themselves but their coworkers, too. But the Yuheng is different. She works in a very methodical way. I always enjoy working with her.
YelanAbout Yanfei Friendship Lv. 4
I like Yanfei a lot. And I'm not talking about our friendship β€” as a high-profile legal consultant, important intel in Liyue Harbor is constantly flowing in her direction. Whenever I help her out, I always get some invaluable leads in return. I gotta say though, sometimes I think she respects me a little too much.
YelanAbout Xiao Friendship Lv. 4
The elders in my clan once said that we must always show the utmost respect to the Vigilant Yaksha. Apparently, the only time that our ancestor would gain some temporary relief from his insanity was when passing by the Wangshu Inn. It must have been the comforting effect of his presence that wards off evil spirits. That said, if I ever have the honor of fighting side by side with the Conqueror of Demons, I will focus only on the mission. I cannot let myself be distracted by concerns about his status.
YelanAbout Xiangling Friendship Lv. 4
Ah, Xiangling, the lovely little chef. Her ingredients are always top quality, easily as good as Liuli Pavilion and Xinyue Kiosk. Sometimes I go to her for dried Jueyun Chilis... She doesn't seem to understand why I eat them in the way that I do, and I don't feel like trying to explain it to her, either. It's just a family tradition.
YelanAbout Xingqiu Friendship Lv. 4
Of course I remember him β€” the young master of the Feiyun Commerce Guild. I have dealings with his family all the time. Who knows... maybe one day, he'll be outsmarting everyone around him, too.
YelanAbout Tartaglia Friendship Lv. 4
The Fatui harbinger? He helped me out once β€” unwittingly. I was planning a deep-reaching investigation into the former owner of the Yanshang Teahouse, but our harbinger friend got to him first. He showed up demanding payment of his debt, and also exposed his accounting fraud, which got him thrown in jail. That made it very easy for me to take over Yanshang Teahouse myself, and it's proven to be a very useful base.
YelanMore About Yelan: I
The reason I'm willing to bet on you is because of your special status. I think it'll bring me a lot of leads that can get me closer to the truth... Heh, so, got any news for me today?
YelanMore About Yelan: II Friendship Lv. 3
Exchanging information has to be a two-way thing, so I guess I can tell you something about my past. Thanks to my family's connections, I learned some useful skills from the Millelith scouts very early on. Although there are things working against you every step of the way when you're gathering intelligence, as long as I keep myself alive, I'll always emerge as the winner in the end...
YelanMore About Yelan: III Friendship Lv. 4
Clues are links in a chain. You have to trace them all the way back to where everything began before there can be a resolution. To that end, I need to keep my eyes and ears on every part of society, and often, that means having to be more than one person. People sometimes describe me as "one person, many faces" and so on... I take it as a compliment.
YelanMore About Yelan: IV Friendship Lv. 5
Someone once warned me to be careful about digging up certain things from the past. Dig too deep and you might find yourself standing in your own grave, they say... Well, I'm not about to stop, least of all because of anything anyone else has to say. Sure, I can't change the facts, but if it's a choice between the cold, hard truth and blissful unawareness, I'll take the former. What about you? Which would you choose?
YelanMore About Yelan: V Friendship Lv. 6
Tell me something. If I'm gonna stay around, what kind of person do you want me to be to you? Someone you work with? A competitor, who challenges you to sharpen your game? Just another name on your long list of acquaintances, or... somebody more important than that? Depending on what you're hoping for, I can either play that part or become that person.
YelanYelan's Hobbies
In my free time, I live life completely at random. It's quite simple: I make a list of things to do, then I roll the dice to decide which one I'm going to do next. It's a surprisingly fun game, and it's really broadened my mind... in that sense, it's been quite helpful where my job is concerned.
YelanYelan's Troubles
My physical fitness isn't actually that great compared with some trained martial artists. It's a hereditary thing that runs in my family. So before getting into really important work, I adjust my schedule to make sure I get enough rest, wait till I have built up enough energy, then strive to finish everything that needs doing in one go. Outside of work, I try my best to live life at a calm and carefree pace. So I'll always decline to take on any strenuous physical labor.
YelanFavorite Food
I like to grind dried Jueyun Chilis and Violetgrass stamens into powder, mix them in with some Yunlai White Tea leaves, and then brew a strong pot of tea. It has the most powerful fragrance that makes you instantly fall in love with it. I prefer drinks like this with a long-lasting aftertaste to things like coffee and spirits.
YelanLeast Favorite Food
You have to be very careful with sweets. That powerful sense of satisfaction... it weakens your willpower and makes you relaxed. It only takes a few bites to get addicted, and with long-term consumption, you'll slowly but surely lose your edge.
YelanReceiving a Gift: I
Hm, not bad. Almost good enough to bribe me with.
YelanReceiving a Gift: II
Once you get accustomed to spicy food, everything else tastes bland. That's just the way it is.
YelanReceiving a Gift: III
Shall we roll some dice? Whoever gets the lowest number... gets to eat it.
If I was to tell you that maybe you shouldn't celebrate too hard today, because you'll let your guard down, and someone out there might just be waiting for that moment to make their move on you... it probably wouldn't go down very well. So, relax and take it easy today. Oh, and you should stop by the Yanshang Teahouse β€” I whipped up some treats especially for you. Not sweet ones, of course. Just the tiniest little hint of chili.
YelanFeelings About Ascension: Intro Ascension Phase 1
In my line of work, combat skills are essential.
YelanFeelings About Ascension: Building Up Ascension Phase 2
Sometimes, you have to strike hard and fast at just the right moment to expose the lies while avoiding any unwanted interference.
YelanFeelings About Ascension: Climax Ascension Phase 4
Finding the truth might sound simple, but it takes perseverance to stick to the trail of clues and it takes strength to follow them deep into dangerous territory.
YelanFeelings About Ascension: Conclusion Ascension Phase 6
I have long regarded you as my most important informant. Naturally, I need to be fully prepared to face whatever risks come with the final answer when you bring it to me. Come on, let's go get it!
Welcome to Naganohara! My name is Yoimiya β€” just let me know if you need anything! We have Kushikatsu, Egg Roll... Wait, no, we're not a restaurant. We make fireworks! Like these, see? Sparkling, crackling, little fireworks~
YoimiyaChat: Fireworks
Fireworks are for now, but friends are forever.
YoimiyaChat: Telling Stories
If we've got nothing else to do, why don't I tell you a story?
YoimiyaChat: Goldfish
Have you ever kept goldfish as pets? They're very cute.
YoimiyaWhen It Rains
Ahh, the fireworks are going to get soaked! Let's find shelter, quick! Oh, we're not going to make it!
YoimiyaWhen It Snows
Haha, watch me make a snowball... pew!
YoimiyaWhen the Sun Is Out
Ah, this is great! I feel so relaxed all over, I could almost float away.
YoimiyaWhen the Wind Is Blowing
The wind's so strongβ€”! It's blowing my voice back at meβ€”! Hahaha...
YoimiyaGood Morning
Ah... *yawns* Good morning. The morning air is the freshest. Come on, take a few extra breaths β€” it'll make you smarter~
YoimiyaGood Afternoon
Time for lunch! ... Oh my, it's an egg with a double yolk. What wonderful luck!
YoimiyaGood Evening
Now's the best time to test our fireworks out, though I'm sure they'll look good whether they explode in the sky or on the ground... Hehe, just kidding. I'll pay attention to safety.
YoimiyaGood Night
Question time! So, what should you do after watching fireworks all day? Hehe, the answer is... to watch them again in your dreams, of course! Good night. See you tomorrow!
YoimiyaAbout Yoimiya: Family Matters
My father's hearing isn't very good. When I was young, he would always smile no matter what I said to him, and so I thought that everything I said was correct. So I kept talking, and he would keep smiling. Later, I found out that he was smiling because he couldn't hear clearly, but... as long as he's truly happy, I'll keep talking to him.
YoimiyaAbout Yoimiya: Talking Friendship Lv. 4
I don't worry about "loose lips sinking ships." The emotions contained in the words people say don't lie. Misunderstandings that arise from saying things wrongly can be resolved if you just talk more, but if you say nothing, the other person won't understand what you mean, and they can't get closer to you.
YoimiyaAbout Us: Rock, Paper, Scissors
Let's have a game of rock paper scissors! On my count, now β€” rock, paper, scissors! Woohoo, I won! I won! ... Hmm? I didn't change my choice halfway. Why would I ever do that?
YoimiyaAbout Us: Companionship Friendship Lv. 6
It actually doesn't matter what I do. What matters are the people I work with. When I'm with you, even simple things like watching the scenery or kicking a small jar about make me happy. Talking to you never gets old, after all.