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Our retina are only sensitive to light with a very small range in energy, and so we call that range of light visible light.
| Găr măt lu bơ̆n grău mơn hăm ang hơdah đei lơ̆m đa ayuh kơtang iĕ tơpă păng thoi noh lu bơ̆n krao hơgăt đa ang hơdah 'noh ang hơdah gơh'bôh.
The next target meets his end underground, in the coils of the corkscrew plant.
| Kơnhăm pơtrơp dơ̆ng gô pơtôch chăl arih sư lơ̆m ala teh, lơ̆m kơnuang tơlei hnam kơmăi pơih đơ̆l getchai.
It was Mayor Emanuel.
| 'Noh jơ̆ Kơdră Weilăng Emanuel.
I mean, seriously, you probably just smoked something that you should n't have.
| Ĭnh wă khan, mă hơđăl, rŏlăng ih 'nao et yăkiơ mă trŏ ih 'nĕ kơ yua ră.
- It happens -- 12% of cases.
| Noh truh - mĭnhjĭt 'bar jăl hrĕng hơnang mơ'nah.
Why Carmack and not Dr. Thurman?
| Yua kơ kiơ Carmark mă ưh kơ trŏ 'Bok bơgang Thurman?
The two really critical questions that we need to address is how can we fix capitalism so that it can help create economic growth but at the same time can help to address social ills.
| "Bar tŏ nơ̆r jet gĭtkăl tơpă mă lu bơ̆n kăl kơ lang-pơkeh noh pơm thoi yơ lu bơ̆n gơh ming hơmet gơlong-gơgơ̆l tưban wă kơ sư gơh tơgŭm pơjing wơ̆-pran mŭkdrăm mălei hơdai gơh tơgŭm lang-yaih dôm tơdrong trăptrĭn tơpôl-kơdrơ̆m.
No, I told them to stay put.
| Ưh, ĭnh athei lu sư oei 'mơ̆i.
What are they doing?
| Lu sư oei pơm kiơ?
That's what you get for smoking this.
| 'Noh jơ̆ dôm tơdrong kiơ ih đei iŏk yua kơ et hơ̆t âu.
This is the map of verified users on Twitter and the connections between them.
| 'Nâu jơ̆ hlachar dôm bơngai yua kah đei pơm-kơmăl kơpal Twitter păng dôm lu pơtrơp-tơ'bưh sơlam lu sư.
Sorry, the media player failed to load.
| Mlaih dêh, media pơdah ưh kơ gơh kơdâu.
He'll be alone for a while.
| Sư gô ngôi kơdrô̆ tơsĕt 'biơ̆.
Once she asphyxiates, which can happen in under an hour, the tentacles unfurl again to snare their next victim.
| Đơ̆ng rŏng kơ hăp hơngơ̆t, tơdrong kiơ gơh đei truh lơ̆m tam đei mĭnh jơ, lu chơprê gô blang wă pơhliĕng kơ bơngai puh pơtrơp dơ̆ng lu sư.
It was nothing, honestly.
| Mă tơpă ưh kơ đei tơdrong kiơ ôh.
- What the hell is his problem?
| Tơdrong kơtha sư kơlĕl yăkiơ noh?
She has hours, maybe less.
| Hăp đei lơ jơ, rŏlăng tŏsĕt 'biơ̆.
I do nt know what else I can say.
| Ĭnh ưh kơ băt wă pơma yăkiơ nai dơ̆ng..
It would explain why some of them had to build the Ark... to escape to a new beginning.
| Noh gô tơblang yua kơ kiơ mĭnh kơsô̆ bơngai lơ̆m lu sư khŏm pơjing duk... wă klĕnh jăk tơ mĭnh pơtơm blŭng 'nao.
The original soundtrack (OST) of the document about the pop star is # 5 on Itunes in the Czech Republic, # 6 in Singapore and # 10 in Australia.
| 'Ngiong tơm (OST) hlakchih gah sơnglŏng 'ngiong pop jơ̆ # 5 lơ̆m Itunes tơ Kong hoa Chhek, mă 6 tơ Singapore păng mă 10 tơ Australia.
We gotta go right now.
| Lu bơ̆n khŏm wă yak dang ei ngey bơih.
The shipment's cleared.
| Khul tơmam kah hlôi pơnhen.
Now, do n't move.
| Dang ei, nĕ kơ yak.
Blockchain technology is a decentralized database that stores a registry of assets and transactions across a peer - to - peer network.
| Kŏng ngê̆ 'yoi-glang jơ̆ gơgơ̆l chihrăk ưh kơ pơpôi mong hlaar chih tơmơ̆t mŭkdrăm păng plihplak kơpal hơnhuăl-jang.
Drop your gun... and you will save one.
| Athei atat phao e... păng e gô 'măn mĭnh pôm.
I do n't want to get caught.
| Ĭnh ưh kơ 'maih đe rôp.
Kill the griffin, Merlin!
| Pơlôch kon griffin bĕ, Merlin!
Were our immediate ancestors on the verge of mental retardation?
| Hăm trŏ yă 'bok sơ̆ki bơ̆n kơdih oei anê̆ trong hơyak hiơ̆ kơ wơ̆-bluh kơ̆l'ngok ưh?
Tell me, promise me, Caitlin.
| Roi kơ ĭnh, pơkă kơ ĭnh, Caitlin.
Vitalism began to fade in the Western world following the Scientific Revolution in the 17th century.
| Gơlong-gơgơ̆l tơdrong arih pơtơm wă hiong-hach tơ dêhchar Bơmơ̆t đơ̆ng rŏng tơdrong Tơplih ming khoa hŏk lơ̆m liơ̆ 17.
The United States branch also reports that at least four of our brothers' homes sustained minor damage, along with two Kingdom Halls.
| Sơdrai tehđak Pơlir Char hơdai roi-tơbăt khan tŏsĕt ngey puăn tŏ hnam 'nhŏng oh lu bơ̆n đei răm lơlăp, hơdai hăm 'bar Anih Hnam Charpơtao
The choice was mine.
| Tơdrong rơih iŏk noh jŏ ĭnh.
When in practical experience, capitalism is much more of a spectrum.
| Kơplah tơdra hlôi tơpă, gơlong-tơm tưban chĕp ba tơdrong gom-atŭm lơ 'biơ̆.
Some say it's the genetic blueprint for the soul.
| Mơ'nah khan noh jơ̆ hlak prŏpơcheh gen 'măn-sư̆ kơ jơhngơ̆m-ai.
Once we make a deal... the terms of that deal can not be changed... or renegotiated.
| Mĭnh hơnang ayơ lu bơ̆n chu-iŏk lĕlăi... dôm hơgăt tơdrong chu-iŏk lĕilăi noh ưh kơ gơh tơplih ming... dah mă pơma ming dơ̆ng.
- Wait, what choices are you talking about?
| - Gô 'mơ̆i, tơdrong rơih-iŏk yăkiơ ih oei pơma 'bơm?
There were no lesions and no mass effect that we could see.
| Ưh kơ đei rơka ayơ păng ưh kơ đei 'bôh 'bôt-tơdra ayơ mă lu nhôn gơh lăng 'bôh.
And this Martian was an archaeologist, and they found scores, target scores, that people had used for shooting.
| Păng bơngai sơnglŏng blŏngtar âu jơ̆ mĭnh 'nu bơngai hơlen-pơnhen tơdrong sosơ̆, păng lu sư chă'bôh kơsô̆, lu tơdrong kơnhăm mă đe yua wă prah.
Some it made superhuman.
| Mơ'nah noh kah pơjing bơngai kơtang.
People are n't close or distant.
| Đe kư̆m ưh kơ jê̆ dah ataih.
This was taken under the Montparnasse Cemetery where most of the ossuaries are located.
| Rup âu đe phĭn tơ Pơsat Montparnasse, anih đe 'măn đĭ đăng kơting 'bơ̆t noh.
I wish people would stop telling me not to worry.
| Ĭnh apơi rŏ kơ đe nĕ pă akhan kơ ĭnh nĕ pă bơngơ̆t bơih.
Let's take a look at what's going on in different space types in this building.
| Bơ̆n athei lăng bĕ dôm tơdrong oei truh lơ̆m anih rơwơ̆ng phara lơ̆m hnam tih âu.
So once you take flexible identity, anonymity, engagement with the real world, and you move beyond simple homage or parody and you put these tools to work in telling a story, that's when things get really interesting.
| Thoi noh, mưh ih yua pơm-kơnăl hơbal, ôn anăn, tơ'bưh-toâu hăm dêhchar tơpă, păng ih yak hlôi đơ̆ng tơdrong kơkuh-yom dah pơm 'boi 'bônh-'bŏ păng ih yua dôm tơmam jang âu wă roi mĭnh tơdrong hơ'mon, 'noh jơ̆ kơplah rim tơdrong jing iă-lăp tơpă.
Latching onto numbers in the DNA code linked to --
| Pơgey tơ lăm dôm kơsô̆ lơ̆m 'yoi kơsô̆ DNA tơ'bưh tơ -
And some days, that can even be a little scary.
| Păng 'biơ̆ năr, tơdrong noh gơh đei măkhan mĭnh tơdrong hli 'biơ̆ đĕch.
10 seconds, 2 choices.
| 10 yâi, 2 tơdrong rơih iŏk.
And it's what I call being design driven.
| Păng noh jơ̆ tơdrong ĭnh khan trong kơnhăm chhơ̆-pơcheh.
He's not really my type.
| Sư jơ̆ ưh kơ trŏ bơngai ĭnh 'maih ôh.
It stores the history of custodianship, ownership and location for assets like the digital currency Bitcoin, other digital assets like a title of ownership of IP.
| Noh mong hơ'mon-jơhnơr trŏ kơ lăng tông, trŏ kơ yua-iŏk păng 'bôt-anih kơ lu mŭktơmam thoi lĕ jên ki-thuât sô̆ Bitcoin, lu mŭk-tơmam ki-thuât sô̆ nai thoi trŏ kơ yua-iŏk IP.
And more controversially, recently, Apple censored a Palestinian protest app after the Israeli government voiced concerns that it might be used to organize violent attacks.
| Păng đei pơjah 'biơ̆ dơ̆ng, yơ̆âu, Apple hơlen-iŏk mĭnh pôm ư̆ng-yung krao-ôr lu bơngai Palestine đơ̆ng rŏng kơ pơgơ̆r-tơm Israel pơma hli-krê ư̆ng-yung âu gơh yua wă tơrô̆ pơjing tơdrong tơdơ̆ng tơtôn-tơteh.
These signals travel from the brain to the muscles in a fraction of a second via long, thin cells called motor neurons.
| Lu tơdra-kơnăl âu pơtruh đơ̆ng 'ngok truh tơ huan lơ̆m mĭnh jăl yâi yak hlôi lu adrok-tơm tai păng hơtăng krao noh adrok-tơm brăt bơ̆jang.
Sire, if I may?
| Ơ 'bok, rŏlăng ĭnh hăm gơh ưh?
How might we think differently about our relations with distributed groups of people?
| Lu bơ̆n rŏlăng tơchĕng pha thoi yơ gah kơtum băl lu bơ̆n hăm lu khul bơngai sơlah sơlang?
You do n't need me.
| Ih ưh kơ kăl kơ ĭnh.
And there's a patent pending on these systems as well that's held by the community.
| Păng đei mĭnh pôm 'băng pơcheh oei gô wă hơmet kơpal gơlong âu yua kơ kon pơlei chĕp bơwei.
I tell you, "Lai" 's the perfect name for her.
| Ĭnh akhan kơ ih, "Lai" jơ̆ anăn 'lơ̆ng-tôm kơ hăp.
The other five patients are people quarantined on arrival from abroad.
| Pơđăm 'nu bơngai jĭ nai jơ̆ lu bơngai đei sơlah lê̆ kơplah wih đơ̆ng tehđak 'nguaih.
You set him on a path of your choosing.
| Ih dan sư lơ̆m trong ih rơih.
Put the lookouts on full alert.
| Dan lu kanhsat lơ̆m tơdrong kơchăng kơjung.
Having this kind of portable identity around the physical world and the digital world means we can do all kinds of human trade in a totally new way.
| Tơdrong yua khul pơm-kơnăl chĕp-yak âu lơ̆m dêhchar tơmam păng dêhchar ki-thuât sô̆ wă khan noh lu bơ̆n gơh pơm rim rup plihplak sơlam kon bơngai dihbăl kiơ̆ mĭnh trong plơ̆ng 'nao.
But on a long wavelength sea, you'd be rolling along, relaxed, low energy.
| Mălei kơpal mĭnh 'bôt đak dơsĭ đei poh-yă tai, ih gô rok kiơ̆, hiôk rơhau, yuh-kơtang kơđeh.
I wonder what Uther will do.
| Ĭnh sơleng Uther gô pơm kiơ?
What the hell are you doing here?
| Ih oei pơm kơlĕl kiơ tơâu?
You can stop blaming yourself.
| Ih athei nĕ pă tơmăk yoch kơ ih kơdih.
His point was that strangers are out there.
| Tơdrong 'bôh sư noh jơ̆ lu bơngai hlĭch tơ 'nguaih tơ̆.
I think we're doing it right now, but we're doing it unconsciously.
| Ĭnh tơchĕng lu bơ̆n oei wă pơm tơdrong noh dang ei, mălei lu bơ̆n oei pơm tơdrong 'noh pă tơchĕng kiơ.
The food... the way they grill fish.
| Tơmam sa, trong lu sư 'buh ka.
And among the Chinese, the shape of your nose is said to reveal whether or not you will be wealthy.
| Păng anê̆ bơngai Sinoa, rup muh ih đe khan tơ'bôh tơbăt ih đei mơdrong dah ưh.
"Meaningful monitoring can not take place in front of Vietnamese officials, or when villagers are threatened not to talk," said Adams.
| Adam akhan: "Tơdrong lăng tông đei tơdrong-anăn ưh kơ gơh pơm 'bơ̆t anăp lu 'bok tih Viêtnam, dah kơplah kon pơlei tơhli kwă kơ ăn pơma dơnuh,"
It's because we were able to run, during the manufacturing process, 20 colors for the X and the O, which is the name of the computer, and by mixing them on the manufacturing floor, you get 20 times 20: you get 400 different options there.
| Noh jơ̆ yua kơ lu bơ̆n gơh kơdâu, lơ̆m hơnang pơjing-pơm, 20 gur kơ chư X păng chư O, noh jơ̆ anăn komputơ, păng hăm pơjrâu lu sư kơpak anih pơjing-pơm, ih gô đei 20 hơgop 20: ih đei 400 rơih iŏk phara 'bơ̆t noh.
When you think of the night sky, you probably think of being able to see the stars shining with your own eyes, but that's just visible light, which you now know is only a tiny part of the full spectrum.
| Mưh tơchexng gah plĕnh kơmăng, ih rŏlăng tơchĕng tơdrong gơh lăng-'bôh dôm lu sơnglŏng pơchrang hơdah hăm kơdih măt ih, mălei 'noh jơ̆ pôm ang hơdah gơh lang-'bôh mă dang ei ih băt lăp mĭnh jăl iĕ lơ̆m đĭ đăng ang-gom.
So we can create that using blockchains.
| Thoi noh, lu bơ̆n gơh pơjing tơdrong 'noh hăm yua iŏk adrom-glang.
Interestingly, though, it was n't just Twitter as a distribution mechanism.
| Thoi ei tơpă, tơdrong hơ'yă jơ̆ kơsĭ pôm Twitter noh tơkhông klah-asong đĕch ôh.
That's how we met.
| 'Noh jơ̆ tơdrong nhôn tơ'bơ̆p thoi yơ.
If that Martian looked at battlefields, they would find that people had only muskets at the time of the Civil War and that they had repeating rifles at the time of the Spanish - American War, and then they had machine guns by the time of World War I.
| Tơdah bơngai sơnglŏng blŏngtar lăng tơ kơdrân tơblah, lu gô 'bôh noh kon bơngai đei lăp phao musket lỡm kơchăl Tơbla-lăm păng lu sư đei phao-ro-pơgĕnh lơ̆m kơchăl Tơblah Spain - Amerika, păng đơ̆ng rŏng kơ noh lu sư đei phao kơmăi lơ̆m kơchăl Tơbla Dêhchar I.
Let me help you.
| Lê̆ kơ ĭnh tơgŭm ih.
But there are also benefits and significant changes underway on left - leaning policies.
| Mălei kư̆m đei tơdrong yuơ păng lu tơplih dădăi hăm chĭnh-săch grê pang gah 'ngiĕu.
A female kangaroo can often simultaneously support one inside her uterus and another in her pouch.
| Mĭnh pôm kon kangaroo tơkăn juăt kơ hơ'măng tơgŭm mĭnh pôm kon lơ̆m lăm tơpu-kon păng kon nai lơ̆m kơdŭng hăp.
Another great example of fiction and the short story on Twitter, Elliott Holt is an author who wrote a story called "Evidence."
| Mĭnh pơtih gia lăpđon nai gah hơ'mon-ngôi păng hơ'mon kơđeh kơpal Twitter, Elliott Holt bơngai pơcheh kah chih mĭnh tơdrong hơ'mon anăn "tơdra kơnăl".
As she approaches the butterwort plant, she heads for the flowers that wave high above the plant's globs of adhesive goo.
| Kơplah hăp năm jê̆ 'long sa-'nhĕm, hăp năm anăp truh tơ lu pơkao oei pơpơ̆ kơjung tơ kơpơ̆ng lu đak klep-kơtuăl 'nhơ'nhra 'long.
I was pre-med at the time, and I thought I would become a surgeon because I was interested in anatomy and dissecting animals really piqued my curiosity.
| Kơplah ei ĭnh oei pơhrăm hmŏ adrol gah pơgang păng ĭnh đei tơchĕng gô jing 'bok pơgang raih yua kơ ĭnh bơbĕng gah raih jĭjăn păng raih kon sembrem tơpă tơdrong noh pơm kơ ĭnh đei tơchĕng 'maih hơlen wă kơ băt.
But no one was found as of 6:30 p.m.
| Mălei ưh kơ đei bu chă 'bôh dơ̆ng 6:30 kơsơ̆.
I'm gonna need some Haldol, five milligrams.
| Ĭnh oei wă kăl tơsĕt Hadol, pơđăm miligram.
- Get'em off me!
| - Iŏk hŭt lu sư đơ̆ng ĭnh!
Do n't pretend you do nt want to.
| Nĕ kơ pơchĕ khan ih ưh kơ wă.
You are the one he wants to see... not me!
| Ih jơ̆ mĭnh 'nu bơngai sư wă tơ 'bơ̆p... ưh kơsĭ ĭnh ôh!
But where do all these discredited theories leave us?
| Mălei đĭ đăng dôm tơdrong pơtho hiong tơdrong đe lui ngeh âu gô chông bơ̆n tơ yơ?
Yeah, Mom, I'm here.
| Ŏ ah, Mĕ, ĭnh tơâu.
And I believe the answer is yes.
| Păng ĭnh lui ngeh nơ̆r tơl jơ̆ trŏ.
Every night, at 8 p. m, you could tune in to a short story from The New Yorker's fiction account.
| Rim kơmăng, 'bơ̆t 8 jơ kơmăng, ih gơh mơ̆ng mĭnh tơdrong hơ'mon kơđeh đơ̆ng akhao ưh tơpă The New Yorker.
I'm not sure.
| Ĭnh ưh kơ hơđăl.
That is not fair.
| 'Noh jơ̆ ưh kơ hơtŏ.
I do n't need anybody else but soldiers.
| Ĭnh ưh kơ kăl bơngai bu nai 'nguaih kơ lu linh.
The remains of over six million people are housed in there, some over 1,300 years old.
| Kơting yôh kơ tơdrâu rơbăn đei 'măn tơ noh, mơ'nah đĭ hloh kơ 1.300 sơnăm bơih.
That'll do for today.
| Tơdrong 'noh gô jang kơ năr drâu.
You have all the facts of who I am... and who I was.
| Ih đei tôm tơdrong topă gah ĭnh jơ̆ bu... păng ĭnh jơ̆ hlôi bu.
I did n't see a car outside.
| Ĭnh kah ưh kơ 'bôh mĭnh pôm gre tơ 'nguaih.
Sarge, if nothing's found them --
| Trung si, tơdah kơđei kiơ chă 'bôh lu sư --
No, Merlin, no.
| Ưh, Merlin, ưh.
Subsets and Splits