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And to fund the project, we partner to create products that we then sell to schools and to individuals who do n't have time to build their own systems.
| Păng wă kơ tơgŭm kơ tơdăprŏ, lu nhôn hơdoi wă pơjing tơmam mă đơ̆ng rŏng kơ noh lu nhôn tĕch kơ hnam trưng păng dôm bơngai kơdih nai mă ưh kơ đei jơ pơjing gơlong kơdih lu sư.
Little do they know it, but these six creatures are each about to experience a very unusual death.
| Lu sư băt 'biơ̆ đĕch gah tơdrong noh, mălei tơdrâu sembrem âu wă đei hlôi-hloh mĭnh tơdrong lôch chrơp dêh.
No, I'm saying...
| Ưh ôh, ĭnh oei pơma...
I think what would probably floor Douglass North about this use of technology is the fact that the very thing that makes it work, the very thing that keeps the blockchain secure and verified, is our mutual distrust.
| Ĭnh tơchĕng tơdrong 'noh pơm kơ Douglass North 'mlaih gah tơdrong yua kongngê̆ âu noh mă tơpă wă khan kơdih tơdrong 'noh pơm kơ sư bơ̆jang, kơdih tơdrong noh bơwei kơ 'yoi glang gơh hơdơ̆ng păng pơm kơnăl, jơ̆ tơdrong kơput dihbăl lu bơ̆n.
There is a new "eppasod" of Crimer Show on Twitter pretty much every day, and they're archived that way.
| Đei mĭnh "jăl" 'nao Crime Show kơplal Twitter rim năr hloi, păng lu tơdrong noh đei răk-'măn kiơ̆ kơ thoi noh.
And plus, he said he was going to get rid of the Caps Lock key -- (Laughter) -- and the Num Lock key, too.
| Păng hloh 'biơ̆ đơ̆ng, sư khan sư wă pleh tŭk phim Caps Lock -- (Hiĕk) -- păng phim Num Lock dai mơ̆n.
And here in the United Kingdom there's also concern over a law called the Digital Economy Act that's placing more onus on private intermediaries to police citizen behavior.
| Păng âu tơ Pơlir Charpơtao, đe oei tơtăm gah mĭnh Khôi juăt đe krao Khôi Kinh Tê̆ Ki Thuât ksô̆ dan lơ anong hloh kơ lu pơjing-tơrô̆ kơdih pơm sơlam lơ̆m tơdrong bơwei lăng arih-sa kon pơlei.
This can prevent a person from dying, but it wo n't raise a dead body, or a monster sewn together from dead bodies.
| Tơdrong 'nâu gơh pơgăn mĭnh 'nu bơngai đơ̆ng tơdrong lôch, Mălei gô ưh kơ gơh tơ'yung arih mĭnh 'nu bơngai lôch, dah mă mĭnh kon brêm gơh sĭt-'blir ming đơ̆ng akâu lôch ôh.
It ended, a true narrative conclusion.
| Tơdrong noh tôch, mĭnh hơchơ̆t tơdrong roi tơbăt tơpă.
And then the other thing about this project is, we bring intellectual property, we bring a marketing approach, we bring all this stuff, but I think, at the end of the day, what we bring is these values, and these values create a soul for the companies we work with.
| Păng tơdrong nai gah tơdăprŏ 'nâu jơ̆, lu nhôn chĕp ba tơmam kơ̆l-'ngok, lu nhôn chĕp ba trong marketing, lu nhôn chĕp ba kơ đĭ đăng dôm tơdrong âu, mălei ĭnh tơchĕng , 'bơ̆t tuchluch, dôm tơdrong lu nhôn chĕp ba jơ̆ tơdrong gĭtkăl 'nâu, păng dôm tơdrong gĭtkăl 'nâu pơjing mĭnh jơhngơ̆m-ai kơ kongti mă lu nhôn bơ̆jang hơdai.
We ca n't just leave him tied up down here.
| Lu bơ̆n ưh kơ gơh lê̆ sư đe chô̆ gơret tơâu ôh.
Well, if a tree pretends to fall in a forest -- House, come on.
| Ah, tơdah mĭnh pôm 'long pơchĕ lơ̆m bri -- Hnam, lê̆ đĕch.
Uncle Joey does n't do anything around here.
| Ma Joey ưh kơ đei pơm kiơ tơâu ôh.
They also tell of being pressured to recant their religion and threatened not to report any abuses to international delegations and U.N. monitors.
| Lu sư kư̆m roi gah đe pơep athei achăng tŭk tơdrong lui păng tơhmăn ưh kơ roi tơbăt mă tơdrong kiơ đe pơm pơ'brơh kơ khul tơpôl dêhchar pãng khul bơngai lăng-tông Pơlir Tehđak.
As our societies grew more complex and our trade routes grew more distant, we built up more formal institutions, institutions like banks for currency, governments, corporations.
| Mưh tơpôl-kơdrơ̆m lu bơ̆n rai 'brư̆ kơ năr rai anat hloh păng lu mơdro mơchan lu bơ̆n rai ataih hloh, lu bơ̆n pơjing tơdrong tơpă hloh, lu jơjing ngân hang jên kăk, tơm tehđak, khul bơ̆jang.
He'll really get a kick out of this.
| Sư gô lăp đon tơdrong jang 'nâu tơpă.
Lilith... she's here.
| Lilith... hăp tơâu.
Oh, I can take care of Angie better than any murderer!
| Ô, ĭnh ưh kơ gơh bơwei Angie 'lơ̆ng hloh kơ mă bơngai pơlôch đe ayơ!
Do you even care what's happening to me?
| Ih hăm bơbĕng tơ tơdrong oei truh kơ ĭnh ưh?
But how can you get so much information out of just zeroes and ones?
| Mălei thoi yơ ih gơh iŏk lơ tơdrong roi-tơbăt lăp pôm đơ̆ng kơsô̆ hoh păng kơsô̆ mônh đĕch?
Now, should I call my lawyer?
| Dang ei, ĭnh hăm ngê̆ krao bơngai chĕp-khôi ưh?
Whether you're a political party insisting to your detriment on a very rigid notion of who belongs and who does not, whether you're the government protecting social institutions like marriage and restricting access of those institutions to the few, whether you're a teenager in her bedroom who's trying to jostle her relations with her parents, strangeness is a way to think about how we pave the way to new kinds of relations.
| Mă đơ̆ng ih mĭnh 'nu đang chinhtrĭ khŏm pơglăi-pơrăm kơ ih lăng kiơ̆ kiơ tơchĕng-atŭm arăng-găng gah tơdrong bu kiơ̆-gah păng bu ưh, rŏlăng ih hăm trŏ chinh phu bơwei lu khul tơrô̆-pơjing kơdrâm-tơpôl thoi lĕ iŏk ŭnh-om păng hơgăt tơdrong chơchă-tơmơ̆t tơ lu khul tơrô̆ noh kơ 'biơ̆ bơngai dah ưh, mă khan ih jơ̆ hơ'lơ̆p mơlôh lơ̆m anih tep hăp mă oei adrin pơjĭp tơdrong tơ'bưh hăp hăm mĕ 'bă hăp, tơdrong hlĭch-chrơp jơ̆ mĭnh trong wă tơchĕng gah trong lu bơ̆n pơih trong kơ lu 'boi tơ'bưh 'nao.
With each contraction, energy in the form of ATP gets used up, waste products like lactic acid are generated, and some ions drift away from the muscle's cell membrane, leaving a smaller and smaller group behind.
| Hăm rim wơ̆t kơchôt huan, ayuh-pran lơ̆m akâu-rup ATP đei yua iŏk đĭ, lu đak kơnê̆ thoi lĕ axit lactic đei pơjing păng mĭnh kơsô̆ ion ro lĕch đơ̆ng hlak adrok-tơm huan, 'măn lê̆ mĭnh khul rai iĕ 'biơ̆ gah rŏng.
Your gun, please.
| Phao ih, bĕ.
"Jehovah's Witnesses, like all other religious groups, must be able to peacefully enjoy freedom of assembly without interference, as guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as by Russia's international commitments and international human rights standards."
| "Khul Roi-kơdranh Johovah, kư̆m thôi dôm khul lui nai, athei yua-iŏk tơdrong trŏ rơngei akŭm kơkuh rơngei na ưh kơ đei sĕsŏ, thoi đei pơkăm lơ̆m Hiê̆n phap Pơlir Char Russia, kư̆m thoi kơ dôm pơkăm pơkă tơpôl dêhchar Russia păng dôm hơgăt khôi bơwei kon bơngai tơpôl dêhchar."
No phone calls for half an hour?
| Mĭnh puăt jơ ưh kơ krao phôn aah?
What's in a name?
| Yă kiơ lơ̆m mĭnh pôm anăn?
I just sit here warm my feet by fire
| Ĭnh lăp tơ-oei 'bơ̆t âu phang tơpang jơ̆ng ĭnh tơ ŭnh đĕch.
People from the past?
| Kon bơngai đơ̆ng chăl sơ̆.
Economists have been exploring people's behavior for hundreds of years: how we make decisions, how we act individually and in groups, how we exchange value.
| Khul kinh tê̆ hŏk kah chơchă 'bôh arih-sa lơ̆m hrĕng sơnăm: trong mă lu bơ̆n tơlĕch tơdrong wă pơm, trong lu bơ̆n pơm-pel kơdih păng kiơ̆ khul, trong lu bơ̆n plihplak tơdrong gĭtkăl.
I've got one round.
| Ĭnh đei mĭnh pôm kơwang.
Something totally new has been created here out of parodying something on television.
| Mĭnh tơdrong yăkiơ ei 'nao plơ̆ng đei pơjing tơâu gơnơm mơkan mĭnh yăkiơ ei tơ kơpal pơdahrup.
I do nt feel it.
| Ĭnh ưh kơ mơn sư.
I swear, I heard something coming up, like from under the bed.
| Ĭnh pơma tơpă, ĭnh kah kơ tơ̆ng yăkiơ re nhen đơ̆ng rihrôm giơng.
This theory suggests that if a woman experiences an especially strong emotion during pregnancy, her baby may be born with a birthmark.
| Tơdrong pơtho âu khan tơdah mĭnh 'nu drŏkăn hlôi mơn chhưu măloi kơtang kơplah akâu-kơhoh, con hăp rŏlang truh rơneh đei pơ̆l.
Megan, you told me you were on the pill.
| Megan, ih kah khan kơ ĭnh ih oei yua pơgang.
So, the Department of Health in New York came to us, and they needed a way to distribute 36 million condoms for free to the citizens of New York.
| Thoi noh, Bô̆ Y Tê̆ lơ̆m New York kah năm tơ nhôn, păng lu sư kăl ăn asong đĕch 36 rơbăn tơpu kơsu kơ kon pơlei New York.
You do n't have to kill all of them.
| Ih ưh kơ đei khŏm pơlôch đĭ lu sư ôh.
And if you succeed, if they make you a knight, it'll be because you have earned it, noble or not.
| Păng tơdah kehjing, tơdah lu sư pơm kơ ih jing mĭnh 'nu bơngai kơtang, 'Noh jơ̆ yua kơ ih trŏ kơ đei sư noh, mă gĭtkăl dah ưh.
I know she'll never stop being who she is... and she'll never be you or anything like you.
| Ĭnh băt hăp gô ưh kơ layơ pơdơh hăp jơ̆ bu...păng hăp gô ưh kơ layơ jing ih dah mă mĭnh tơdrong kiơ nhen ih.
The wall's not closing!
| Tơnăr ưh kơ đei tang!
It's really essential here that we understand that fundamentally the critique is not for economic growth per se but what has happened to capitalism.
| Tơdrong mă tơpă gĭtgăl tơâu noh jơ̆ lu bơ̆n hlôh khan gah tơmrơh, tơdrong chrih pơma ưh kơ sĭ ăn kơ wơ̆tŏk gah mŭkdrăm đĕch ôh mălei dôm tơdrong truh'bơm kơ lu gơlong tưban.
We finish this tonight.
| Lu bơ̆n pơkeh tơdrong 'nâu măng âu.
But whoever wanted you dead... thinks you're dead.
| Mălei bu wă kơ ih lôch... tơchĕng ih jơ̆ lôch bơih.
I do n't wanna think of Aunt Jean like that.
| Ĭnh ưh kơ wă tơchĕng kơ Duch Jean thoi noh.
Calm down, OK?
| Pơchơ̆n bĕ, huay ưh?
We know that microbes are dispersed around by people and by air.
| Lu bơ̆n băt khan kơman-kơmach đei săi jumdăr đơ̆ng kon bơngai păng đơ̆ng hơyuh-kial.
And, in a way, I wanted the human figure in the picture to become a part of that nature.
| Păng, kiơ̆ mĭnh trong ayơ ei, ĭnh wă kơ um-ai kon bơngai lơ̆m um jing mĭnh jăl plĕnhteh.
So the very first thing we wanted to do in this building was look at the air system.
| Thoi noh tơdrong mă blŭng-a lu nhôn wă kơ pơm lơ̆m hnam kơjung âu jơ̆ hơlen pơnhen trong gơlong hơyuh-kial.
Mom, listen to me.
| Ơ mĕ, mơ̆ng ĭnh bĕ.
I give you my word, whatever it takes, I will make this right.
| Ĭnh pơkă hăm ih, mă đơ̆ng thoi yơ, ĭnh gô pơm tơdrong âu trŏblep.
You know, I was wondering... if you would n't mind... transporting something for me.
| Ih băt, ĭnh oei jet kơdih... tơdah ih ưh kơ lao-đon... chuĕn mĭnh pôm tơmam kơ ĭnh.
(Laughter) I mean, look at those graphics there.
| (Hiĕk) Ĭnh wă khan, lăng tơ lu tơmam-chhơ̆ tonoh.
They take up the best beaches in summer.
| Lu sư tơgar iŏk bơlao dơsĭ 'lơ̆ng loi lơ̆m pơyan he.
Oh, you have such a good heart.
| Ô, ih đei jơhnơ̆m 'lơ̆ng dêh.
Are you gonna shoot me?
| Ih wă prah ĭnh aa?
There was a robbery.
| Kah đei mĭnh tơdrong tơtông-klĕ.
In summary, the ECHR concluded that the Moscow Justice Department, along with the Moscow courts, had 'no legal basis' for refusing the reregistration of Jehovah's Witnesses. The Court decried the Moscow authorities, asserting that they 'did not act in good faith and neglected their duty of neutrality and impartiality.'
| Hơtŭm ming, ECHR pơchơ̆t noh Bô̆ Tư Phap Moscow, hơdai hăm khul Sek-tơlang Moscow, "Ưh kơ đei anih Phap Ly̆" wă sơngah chih-tơmơ̆t ming Khul Răroi Jehovah. Anih sektơlang đei chrih tơm-pơgơ̆r Moscow, pơma kơchơ̆t khan lu sư " ưh kơ bơ̆jang pơ'lơ̆ng păng achăng pơhơi tơdrong jang dơ̆ng sơlam păng rơnang dihkâu.
The size of a wave is called its wavelength, and how often it comes by is called its frequency.
| Yar hơyuh-poh đe krao noh pơchŭt hơyuh-poh păng kơsô̆ bluhyuh sư truh đe krao jơ̆ kơsô̆ wơ̆twih.
But nevertheless, this framework -- this two - stage framework -- is the basis from which we must now start to think about how we can improve the capitalist model.
| Trŏ bơih, tơkhông tơdrong jang âu - 'bar tơdrong âu - prơng tơkhông tơdrong jang - jơ̆ tơm-gơ̆l đơ̆ng mă lu bơ̆n khŏm pơtơ̆m tơchĕng gah bơ̆n tơchĕng thoi gơh tơplih prŏ-rup kiơ̆ gơlong tưban
Knowing just a little bit about the natural world can help you perceive the full spectrum around you all the time.
| Lăp băt 'biơ̆ đĕch gah dêhchar hmă-kơdih gơh tơgŭm ih ling lang mơn băt dôm ang-chrang jum-dăr ih.
My fundamental message to you is this: We can not continue to try and solve the world economic growth challenges by being dogmatic and being unnecessarily ideological.
| Tơdrong pơtruh nơ̆r gơgơ̆l kơ iĕm jơ̆ tơdrong 'nâu: Lu nhôn ưh kơ gơh pơtrơp wă adrin păng pơkeh dôm tơdrong pơjrot wơ̆-tŏk mŭk drăm dêhchar hăm tơdrong pơtho khôi tơdrong lui păng gơlong tơchĕng pơwao mă ưh kơ kăl-yuơ.
But, if she wanted to eat jelly or beets, her baby gets a port - wine stain.
| Mălei, tơdah hăp 'maih sa jeli dah 'bum sơ'bey sĭk, kon hăp gô 'bơm đêl sik wainh.
Oh, that's it, move, this discussion is over.
| Ô, 'noh jơ̆ keh bơih, rĭ dơ̆ng, tơdrong pơđâu âu keh bơih.
Sure you do n't have time for a coffee?
| Rŏlăng ih ưh kơ đei jơ wă et kaphê?
Uther must see reason.
| Uther khŏm chă 'bôh tơdrong kơtha.
And that allows me to check my timer discretely, here, without bending my elbow.
| Păng gah tơdrong 'noh ăn kơ ĭnh hơlen ming tơmam jô̆ jơ ĭnh kơdrô̆ 'mơ̆i, âu, ưh kơ đei kơchôt kŭkeng ĭnh.
How is it choosing?
| Sư noh oei rơih iŏk thoi yơ?
Not gonna ask about my brother, but what about little Angie?
| Gô ưh kơ jet gah 'nhŏng ĭnh, mălei gah mŏ adruh iĕ Angie lei lơliơ?
The next time will be its last.
| Mă anô̆ kơnh jơ̆ hơtŭch tơdrong sư.
Oh, you are no fun, Gwen.
| Ô, ih ưh kơ đei chơt hloi, Gwen.
I like to think of bathrooms like a tropical rainforest.
| Ĭnh 'maih tơchĕng anih hum thoi lĕ kơ bri kơmrơ̆ng 'mi tropĭk.
- I'm not lying, Caitlin.
| Ĭnh ưh kơ hơlĕnh ôh, Caitlin.
Ten percent of the human genome is still unmapped.
| mơjĭt jăl hrĕng hrôp gen kon bơngai oei tam mă pơjing hlachar.
So all of these vendors, all sorts of companies, can interact using the same database without trusting one another.
| Thoi noh, đĭ đăng dôm hnam tơgŭm âu, đĭ đăng khul kongti, dai gơh plihplak yua leilăi data gơgơ̆l mă ưh kơ đei lui ngeh dihbăl.
A lot has changed since your mom died.
| Đei lơ tơdrong tơplih đơ̆ng mĕ ih lôch.
When Angie needs you the most, you're walking out.
| Kơplah Angie kăl kơ ih loi, tă kơ ih yak lĕch tơ'nguaih.
Yeah, well, last night I had nightmares... about a girl who came into my nice, quiet life... screwed it all up.
| Ŏ, măng hei ĭnh apo kơnê̆... gah mĭnh 'nu drŏkăn năm lơ̆m chăl arih hiôk hian, hreh-hrĕng ĭnh...đĭđăng tơdrong jing tơsŭl đĭ hloi.
They were too busy looking for the tumor -- right till they put the patient in the ground.
| Lu sư bơngơ̆t bơngang dêh chơchă pơplei đek - truh kơ lu sư dan bơngai jĭ tơ hơnă.
This magnet generates a field strong enough to change the direction of the metal grain's magnetization.
| Mamhrip âu pơjing mĭnh 'bôt tôm pran wă tơplih trong yak hripjing găr mam.
You do nt have to track it.
| Ih ưh kơ ngê̆ khŏm mă lăng tông noh ôh.
- I need some Ativan!
| Ĭnh kăl tŏsĕt Ativan!
They're trying to separate what was left... of the 2 cops in the trunk... from the rest of it.
| Lu sư adrin pleh lê̆ yăkiơ oei gey... gah 2 'nu kanhsat lơ̆m kơnglơ̆p gre... đơ̆ng pă dôm tŏ noh.
She alights on the petals, drinks the nectar, and takes off unscathed.
| Hăp juơ̆ kơpal lu hlak pơkao, et đak 'ngam pơkao, păng păr mă ưh kơ đei pơm rơka kiơ.
She's the child - stealer, her name is Lilith.
| Hăp jơ̆ bơngai hơ'lơ̆p - bơngai klĕ, anăn hăp jơ̆ Lilith.
I spend a lot of time thinking about how the social landscape is changing, how new technologies create new constraints and new opportunities for people.
| Ĭnh 'măn lơ jơ wă tơchĕng gah anih kơdrơ̆m tơpôl oei tơplih thoi yơ, lu kŏng ngê̆ 'nao pơjing lu tơdrong hơgăt achơ̆t thoi yơ păng hơnang trŏ 'nao kơ kon bơngai thoi yơ.
And there are all these times where Crimer, the supercriminal, does all of these TV things.
| Păng đei mơ'nah Crimer, yochglăi tihtin, pơm đĭ đăng tơdrong lơ̆m Tivi âu.
Even though they seem different, the warmth you feel from a crackling fire is the same as the sun shining on you on a beautiful day, the same as ultraviolet light you put on sunscreen to protect yourself from, the same thing as your TV, your radio, and your microwave.
| Mă đơ̆ng lu sư lăng phara, mălei ayuh tơnŏ mă ih ih đei mơn đơ̆ng pla-ŭnh hơđeh kư̆m thoi lĕ kơ drang tŏ pơchrang tơ ih lơ̆m mĭnh năr rŏ-hơđơ̆ng, thoi lĕ kơ chrăgơret-brơ̆p mă yua krembơ̆ngtŏ wă bơ̆ng tang ihkơdih, thoi lĕ Tivi, radieo, păng mikrôwep ih.
And what he meant by institutions were really just formal rules like a constitution, and informal constraints, like bribery.
| Păng yăkiơ sư wă khan mưh pơma gah tơrô̆ pơjing mă tơpă lu hơgăt tơpă thoi lĕ hiên phap, păng tơguăt ưh kơ tơpă, thoi lĕ chro-hơgâm.
Nobody's perfect, right?
| Kơđei bu mă 'lơ̆ng-rơgoh, trŏ ưh?
Would you kill your own father?
| Ih gô pơlôch 'bă kơdih?#Ih gô pơlôch dih'bă?
They lied to you.
| Lu sư kah hơlĕnh kơ ih.
You gotta be punished for not carrying... your shot record on you.
| Ih gô đei pơhmat-phak kơlih kơ ưh kơ chĕp ba... hlakchih prah phao ih hơdai ih.
And I did n't want to be a colorist.
| Păng ĭnh kah ưh kơ 'maih jing mĭnh 'nu bơngai pik-chhơ̆ gur.
So now the plan is either find ourselves a new counselor, stick it out with the old one, but go more often, or resign ourselves to the fact that she's never gonna be happy... no matter what I do, so let's take the money we're wasting and put it towards a membership at Lakeview.
| Thoi noh, dang ei tơchĕng-prŏ jơ̆ chă mĭnh 'nu bơngai tơhlôh-tơbang plơ̆ng, klepklong hăm bơngai adrol, mălei năm ling lang 'biơ̆, dah mă chu-iŏk tơdrong tơpă noh hăp ưh kơ layơ chơt hiôk... mă khan ĭnh đei pơm hĭ tơdrong kiơ bưh mơ̆n, thoi noh athei chu iŏk jên lu bơ̆n oei brah brư păng 'măn kơsô̆ jên noh wă jing mĭnh 'nu bơngai kiơ̆ lơ̆m Lakeview.
Honey, what's the matter?
| Oh 'mêm, đei tơdrong kiơ ei?
If you were out sailing on a day with short, choppy waves, you'd probably be pretty high energy yourself, running around to keep things from falling over.
| Tơdah ih yak tơ dơsĭ lơ̆m mĭnh năr đei đak poh-yă kơđeh păng ayun poh-yă, ih rŏlăng gơh đei ayuh-kơtang kơjung 'biơ̆, kơdâu jum dăr wă pơgey dôm tơmam huay kơ păk.
How are things with Elyse?
| Dôm tơdrong hăm Elyse thoi yơ bơih?
How long has Elyse worked here?
| Elyse hlôi jang tơâu đunh dang yơ?
That is a very small boat... to fight a very big war.
| 'Noh jơ̆ mĭnh pôm thŏngnan iĕ dêh... tơblah lơ̆m mĭnh tơdrong tơblah tih dêh.
Subsets and Splits