I should have known.
Mă trŏ ĭnh khŏm băt.
The government is violating an agreement with UNHCR, which is supposed to monitor returning refugees and ensure they are safe.
pơgơ̆r-tơm oei pơm-glăi chu-lĕilăi hăm UNHCR, mă đei tơdrong jang lăng-tông lu bơngai klĕnh-jăk wih brŏk păng pơkăm lu sư gơh hơdơ̆ng.
Technology created by innovative companies will set us all free.
Kŏng ngê̆ pơjing đơ̆ng lu kŏng-ti tơplih 'nao gô pơm rơngei đĭ đăng lu bơ̆n.
(Laughter) One thing that struck me, after this incident, was that a space like that holds so many deleted memories of the city.
(Nơ̆r hiĕk) mĭnh tơdrong pơm kơ ĭnh lăp-đon, đơ̆ng rŏng kơ tơdrong tơblĕnh 'nâu, noh jơ̆ mĭnh jơyan rơwơ̆ng thoi noh răk-'măn lơ tơdrong 'blŏk kah sŭt tŭk gah pơleitih.
That was n't your choice to make.
'Noh jơ̆ ưh kơ sĭ tơdrong ih rơih wă pơm.
- Do they look real?
Lu sư lăng hăm nhen tơpă ưh?
Our efforts to critique the capitalist system, however, have tended to focus on countries like China that are in fact not blatantly market capitalism.
Mă thoi yơ, dôm adrin adran lu nhôn wă kơ pơma chrih gơlong tưban gơlong-tơm đei wă pơđêng mơ̆ng tơ lu tehđak thoi lĕ Sinoa, lu tehđak mă tơpă ưh kơ kiơ̆ gơlong-tơm tư'ban anih mơdro rơđah rơđong.
We've seen how distributed networks, big data and information can transform society.
Lu bơ̆n đei hlôi 'bôh hơnhuăl-jang klah asong, chih-'măn tih păng tơdrong tơbăt gơh tơplih adrŭm-tơpôl thoi yơ.
And government regulation often is n't helping all that much.
Păng hơgăt tơm-pơgơ̆r tehđak ưh kơ gơh tơgŭm kiơ lơ.
Jesus Christ, Cameron! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?
Yêsu Krist ơi, Cameron! Hăm trŏ kơ ih pơtrĕn pơm kơ ĭnh jĭ pleinuih ưh?
Each disc is coated with a film of microscopic magnetised metal grains, and your data does n't live there in a form you can recognize.
Rim khyĕr đei gom hăm mĭnh tăl lu găr-mam đei hrip iĕ păng hlak-chih ih ưh kơ đei gey lơ̆m noh akâu mă ih gơh 'bôh-băt.
This time... I care.
Wơ̆t mă 'nâu... ĭnh bơbĕng.
- One of you needs to check out where she works.
- Mĭnh lơ̆m lu iĕm kăl kơ hơlen-pơnhen anih hăp bơ̆jang.
I know you're in there.
Ĭnh băt ih jơ̆ lơ̆m noh.
I lied to you both, and now there is conflict between you.
Ĭnh kah pơma hơlĕnh kơ 'mih, păng dang ei 'bar 'nu 'mih đei tơdrong tơhil.
The only thing that makes one kind of light different from another is its wavelength.
Lăp mĭnh pôm tơdrong noh pơm mĭnh anăn hơdah phara đơ̆ng khul nai jơ̆ tai ayuh-poh noh.
I am very concerned by the fact that the court ban on Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia has been upheld.
Ĭnh tơtăm dêh hăm tơdrong anih sektơlang ưh kơ ăn Khul Răroi Jêhôvah tơ Russia oei bơwei thoi đêl.
Inside your arms, the muscles responsible for the lifting have become unable to contract.
Lơ̆m akŏng ti ih, lu huan anong tôi-hiŏng jing kơgơh kơchôt bơih.
You must have better things to do.
Ih khŏm đei lu tơdrong 'lơ̆ng 'biơ̆ wă kơ pơm.
Luckily, my security got the drop on him.
Pŭn dêh, khul bơwei hơđơ̆ng lu nhôn đei rôp sư.
I do n't know what you're talking about.
Ĭnh ưh kơ băt ih oei pơma gah tơdrong kiơ?
Would I kill my own daughter?
Hăm sĭ ĭnh pơlôch kon adruh ĭnh kơdih ưh?
He felt like he had made a good choice with the design process because it was both energy efficient and it washed away the building's resident microbial landscape.
Sư kah mơ̆n kơdih hlôi đei rơih iŏk trŏblep lơ̆m kơplah prŏ-pơcheh yua kơ noh jơ̆ 'bar tơdrong mơmăn ayuh-pran păng pơro hŭt anih oei pơrang-kơmach 'noh hnam tih.
Do you deny it?
Ih hăm sơngah noh ưh?
Everything is covered in invisible ecosystems made of tiny lifeforms: bacteria, viruses and fungi.
Đĭ đăng tơmam jơ̆ krôp-bơ̆ng lơ̆m cham-char kơ'bôh hăm măt đei pơjing đơ̆ng lu khul adrih iĕ-iĕn: kơmach, pơrang păng bơmâu.
Are you questioning my ability to take a history?
Ih oei jet gah tơdrong hlôh-wao băt hơ'mon-jơhnơr ĭnh ah?
Her womb was cursed.
Tơpu nge hăp kah đei hiap-pơtê̆.
It wo n't tell you anything.
Noh gô ưh kơ roi kơ ih mĭnh tơdrong kiơ.
But what I'm here to talk to you about today is how that same interdependence is actually an extremely powerful social infrastructure that we can actually harness to help heal some of our deepest civic issues, if we apply open - source collaboration.
Mălei tơdrong ĭnh tơâu wă pơma kơ iĕm gah năr'nâu jơ̆ tơdrong kiơ̆ dihbăl noh tơpă jơ̆ mĭnh kơ-sơ hă-tơ̆ng kơdrơ̆m-tơpôl pran-kơtang dêh tơpă mă lu bơ̆n gơh muih-lang wă tơgŭm pơklaih dôm kơtha kon pơlei jrŭ-să lu bơ̆n, tơdah lu bơ̆n yua iŏk tơguăt tu-tơm pơih.
(Guitar music starts) (Cheers) (Cheers) (Music ends)
('Ngiong gitar pơtơm) (Chơt hiôk) (Chơt hiôk) ('Ngiong tôch-đĭ)
In our culture, it is better to be a tester who supports someone else's idea than it is to be just the idea guy.
Lơ̆m văn hoă lu bơ̆n, jing mĭnh 'nu bơngai pơlong mă tơgŭm tơchĕng pơwao bơngai nai jơ̆ 'lơ̆ng hloh kơ bơngai lăp tơ'bôh tơdrong tơchĕng-pơwao đĕch.
And so I think that we should be open to what could deliver improvements in people's living standards and continue to reduce poverty around the world.
Păng thoi noh ĭnh tơchĕng khan lu bơ̆n athei praih-rơhau wă kơ dôm tơdrong kiơ gơh chĕp ba tơdrong tơplih-ming gah đar-arih kon pơlei păng pơtrơp tơjur dơnuh-hin jơ̆p dêhchar warkơlăm.
A real detail man.
Mĭnh 'nu bơngai rĕl tơpă.
Her mother died of it.
Mĕ hăp kah lôch đơ̆ng noh.
I want some degree of transparency.
Ĭnh wă kơ mĭnh dêh-dar tơdrong rơđah-hơđăl.
René Descartes advanced the notion that the human body was essentially no different from any other machine, brought to life by a divinely created soul located in the brain's pineal gland.
René Descartes tơlĕch tơchĕng-'bôh khan akâu jăn kon bơngai gah hmă-hmă ưh kơ đei phara kiơ mă kơmăi ayơ nai, đei tơmơ̆t lơ̆m tơdrong arih đơ̆ng yang pơjing pơhngol 'măn tơ lăm tuyên-tŭng 'ngok.
Brother Albert Barnett and his wife, Sister Susan Barnett, from the West Congregation in Tuscaloosa, Alabama
'Nhŏng Albert Barnett păng akăn sư, Mơmai Susan Barnett, đơ̆ng Hnam Akŭm tơring Bơmơ̆t lơ̆m Tuscaloosa, Alabama
- Daniel Mark, Chairman of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom.
- Daniel Mark, Chu tĭch Uy Ban Rơngei Lui kơkuh Atŭm-tehđak Pơlirchar.
That's what she does.
'Noh jơ̆ tơdrong kiơ hăp pơm.
Our enemies shall talk themselves to death, and we will fight them with their own confusion.
Lu bơngai ayăt lu bơ̆n gô pơma kơdih truh kơ lôch, păng lu bơ̆n gô tơblah lu sư hăm tơdrong sơlah-sơlang lu sư kơdih.
As you begin to play with flexible identity online, it gets even more interesting as you start to interact with the real world.
Kơplah ih pơtơm wă ngôi hăm anăn pơm-kơnăl kuăng-hyak kơpal-trong. noh đei iă-chơt hloh mưh ih pơtơm tơ'bưh to-âu hăm dêhchar yan-âu.
Orokana gives 45 to the professor and 45 to Fugōri, fully refueling them both.
Orokana ăn 45 kơ profesơ păng 45 kơ Fugōri, tơ'bĕnh đak dâu tôm kơ bre sư.
Could this be a brain problem?
Hăm trŏ 'nâu jơ̆ mĭnh kơtha gah 'ngok?
"Never believe the cook."
"'Nĕ kơ lơya lui kơ bơngai pai-gŏ. "
15 Chinese, Vietnamese crew missing after Panamanian vessel sinks near central coast
15 'nu bơngai kiơ̆-duk Sinoa, Viêtnam hiong đơ̆ng rŏng kơ duk krăm Panama jê̆ ter đak dơsĭ tơring Anê̆.
There's gotta be some dry clothes... in this house.
Wă jê̆ đei 'biơ̆ hơbăn ao hrĕng... lơ̆m hnam 'nâu.
Clear the rest of this sector and meet back at the Ark chamber.
Sŭt rơgoh anih oei lê̆ 'nâu păng tơjrơ̆m tơ lăm Ark dơ̆ng.
As you all know, the cars that people drove in 1900 have altered because the roads are better and because of technology.
Thoi đĭ kơ iĕm băt, gre car mă lu bơngai noh hwơ̆r lơ̆m sơnăm 1900 đei hlôi tơplih yua kơ trong glung 'lơ̆ng hloh păng gơnơm kơ kŏng ngê̆.
Spanish neuroanatomist Santiago Ramon y Cajal, who's widely considered the father of modern neuroscience, applied this Golgi stain, which yields data which looks like this, and really gave us the modern notion of the nerve cell, the neuron.
'Bok raih huan-brăt bơngai Spain Santiago Ramon y Cajal, bơngai mă lơ bơngai lăng thoi 'bă pơjing khoa hŏk huan-brăt ahrei, đei yua phuơng phap nhưm Golgi 'nâu, mă đei chĕp ba hlak chih-'măn lăng nhen thoi âu, păng tơpă bơih kah ăn kơ lu bơ̆n 'bôh băt ahrei gah adrok-tơm huan-brăt, adrok-tơm huan brăt.
BW: Thanks.
BW: Bơnê.
We have our last sacrifice.
Lu bơ̆n đei tơdrong chu-hiong tuchluch.
Quiet in the morning.
Hreh hơđơ̆ng lơ̆m til pơgê.
But the patient's never been outside of the United States -- especially the tropics.
Mălei bơngai jĭ tam layơ lĕch hlôi kơ tehđak Pơlirchar - măloi dêh tropik.
Sometimes it presents with no tumor at all.
Mơ'nah noh tơ'bôh ưh kơ đei pơplei-đek ayơ hloi.
As you can see, the system is very complex and vast.
Thoi ih gơh 'bôh, trong gơlong jơ̆ anat păng tih să dêh.
There are 400 people in that container.
Đei 400 bơngai lơ̆m container 'noh.
Or maybe you do have some stones after all.
Dah rơ̆lăng ih đei tơpă tŏsĕt tơmo.
- Baroness Joyce Anelay, former Minister of State for the Commonwealth and the UN at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Yă mơdrŏng Joyce Anelay, Bô̆ trương Bô̆ Ngoăi giao Khul hơdai mơdrŏng tih adrol sơ̆ păng Pơlir-tơguăt tehđak 'bơ̆t Anih Birô Hăm nguaih păng Khul hơdai mơdrŏng tih.
You're gonna be put away, what are you gonna do for her?
Ih wă jê̆ puh-tơlĕch bơih, ih gô pơm kiơ kơ hăp.
But mammals are distinguished from other vertebrates by a number of shared features.
Mălei sembrem đei toh đei tơklah kơdih hăm sembrem đei kơting hơpok phara 'bơ̆t mĭnh 'biơ̆ kơnet lĕilăi.
But the other thing that is humanistic about Jawbone is that we really decided to take out all the techie stuff, and all the nerdy stuff out of it, and try to make it as beautiful as we can.
Măilei mĭnh tơdrong 'mêm kon bơngai nai gah Jawbone jơ̆ lu bơ̆n tơpă khŏm pơm hŭt-tŭk đĭ đăng lu khul kŏng ngê̆ păng lu khul chrơp-phara đơ̆ng noh păng adrin pơm kơ noh 'lơ̆ng hơ'yă thoi bơ̆n gơh.
International government agencies and officials have responded to Russia's Supreme Court decision that criminalizes the worship of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia.
Lu Kơ-kuan păng kuan-chư̆k chĭnh-phu tơguăt-tehđak đei hlôi tơl tơdrong khŏm-pơm Anih sektơlang Tihtin Russia tơplih-ming hĭnh sư̆ tơdrong kơkuh Khul Răroi Jêhôvah tơ Russia.
And we have window farms all over the world.
Păng lu nhôn đei mir-chŭn pơih jơ̆pjang dêhchar.
This is a watch we made for Mini Cooper, the car company, right when it launched, and it's the first watch that has a display that switches from horizontal to vertical.
'Nâu jơ̆ mĭnh pôm kŏngjơ lu nhôn pơjing-tơlĕch kơ Mini Cooper, kŏng-ti gre kar, kơtă kơplah noh tơlĕch-tơbang păng kongjơ blŭng-a đei kơnglơ̆p-lăng đơ̆ng tor jing proh.
"Patient 229" and "Patient 230," women aged 30 and 28 respectively, are from the central province of Ha Tinh who have been admitted to the Ninh Binh General Hospital for treatment.
"Bơngai jĭ 229" păng "Bơngai jĭ 230", bơngai drŏkăn sơnăm 30 păng 28 kiơ̆ kơ tơproh, pơlei tơm đơ̆ng Ha Tinh, đei hlôi tơmơ̆t lơ̆m Hnam pơgang Anih Kơdrơ̆m Ninh Binh ming-hơmet.
Okay, can we talk about your hallucinations later please?
Huay nơh, Lu bơ̆n hăm gơh pơma gah tơdrong 'bôh-hơtê ih đơ̆ng rŏng gơh ưh?
Birthmarks are n't exactly a rare phenomenon.
Lu pơ̆l jơ̆ ưh kơ sĭ mĭnh tơdrong tơ'bôh hui ôh.
More than you might think.
Hloh kơ ih gơh tơchĕng.
To test water, you simply insert a sample and, within seconds, it either displays a red light, indicating contaminated water, or a green light, indicating the sample is safe.
Wă hơlen-lăng đak, ih pôm tơmơ̆t mĭnh kơdjoh păng lơ̆m 'biơ̆ yâi, noh gô tơ'bôh gur găm gôh, tơbăt đak 'bơm 'mê̆ dah mă găm jơk, tơbăt đak noh hơđơ̆ng.
These long flower stalks keep certain insects away from the carnivore's traps - a way of separating pollinators from food.
Lu hơdong pơkao tai 'nâu ăn kơ lep-ler weh ataih akap sembrem sa 'nhĕm - mĭnh trong wă kơ tơweh lu khul tơmơ̆t 'mui pơkao đơ̆ng tơmam-sa.
Time required to begin renewed operation... four minutes and 45 seconds.
Jơnang kăl wă kơ pơtơm pơ'nao-ming tơdrong jang... puăn phŭt păng 45 yâi.
What's interesting about that?
Lăp-đon kiơ gah tơdrong noh?
Because strangers are part of a world of really rigid boundaries.
Yua kơ lu bơngai hlĭch jơ̆ mĭnh jăl dêhchar đei lu adral arăng-găng tơpă.
Vietnamese citizens from China's epidemic hit areas can return home, but only via international border gates and will have to be quarantined for two weeks on entry, continuing the policy being followed for the past month.
Kon pơlei Viêtnam đơ̆ng anih jĭ abuh Sinoa gơh wih-brŏk tơ tehđak mălei lăp yak hlôi 'măng-dur tơguăt-tehđak păng gô khŏm tơklah 2 giĕng mưh mơ̆t lơ̆m tehđak, pơtrơp pơkeh hlak-hơgăt đơ̆ng khei adrol.
We could do a PETscan.
Lu nhôn gơh iŏk-rup PET.
So, I happen to know a little bit from my own work about how NASA has been using hydroponics to explore growing food in space.
Thoi noh, ĭnh trŏlăp băt tŏsĕt đơ̆ng tơdrong jang ĭnh kơdih gah trong NASA kah yua tơdrong wă-pơm đak-pơtăm wwă kơ chơchă tơdrong pơtăm tơmam-sa lơ̆m anih-rơwơ̆ng
I've been a bit preoccupied around here.
Ĭnh đei hlôi bơngơ̆t 'biơ̆ jum-dăr kiơ̆-âu.
Two yards of ale?
'Bar hơgăt sik bier?
Whatever it is, it has a taste for human flesh.
Mă khan noh jơ̆ yăkiơ, noh đei liơh-mơn 'bâu 'nhĕm bơngai.
Deputy PM Vu Duc Dam had said earlier Tuesday that in order for the country to achieve the positive results it has so far, Vietnam had been proactively implementing measures to prevent and limit the epidemic from mid-December last year, as soon as reports appeared of the Covid - 19 in China's Wuhan City.
Phŏ Thu Tương Vu Đư̆k Đam tơbăt adrol noh lơ̆m năr Măpêng khan wă kơ tehđak gơh đei dôm jơjey trŏ-'lơ̆ng ahrei, Viêtnam kah pơm adrol lu biên phăp găn-ga, dă'biơ̆ jĭ abuh đơ̆ng anê̆ khei 12 sơnăm sơnăm sơ̆, kơplah đei roi-tơbăt gah jĭ abuh Covid - 19 tơ pơleitih Wuhan, Sinoa.
Move it, Marcel, move it!
Rơrĭ noh bĕ, Marcel, rơrĭ noh bĕ!
We need to figure out what it is.
Lu bơ̆n kăl kơ chơchă noh jơ̆ yăkiơ.
For example, sending children to school, parents could earn money for that, or getting their children inoculated or immunized, parents could get paid for doing that.
Pơtihgia, năm ba kon hơ'lơ̆p năm pơhrăm tơ trưng, mĕ 'bă athei pơpơ̆ jên kơ tơdrong noh, dah năm ba kon hơ'lơ̆p 'bet tang dah 'bet tang hiă, mĕ 'bă gơh kla jên kơ tơdrong noh.
And what we're seeing is that R&D - I - Y has moved beyond just window farms and LEDs into solar panels and aquaponic systems.
Păng dôm tơdrong kiơ lu bơ̆n oei 'bôh noh jơ̆ R&D - I - Y đei hlôi yak hloh tơ'nguaih hơdral pơgar-mir 'măng 'mŏk păng ŭnh LED wă tơplih jing yua pin ayuh-măt'năr păng trong aquaponic.
In these countries, it is essential that they grow at a minimum of seven percent a year in order to put a dent in poverty and to double per capita incomes in one generation.
Lơ̆m dôm tehđak 'nâu, tơdrong gĭtkăl lu sư athei wơ̆-tŏk 'bơ̆t đar kơđeh ngey 7% mĭnh sơnăm wă kơ tơjur 'biơ̆ tơdrong dơnuh hin păng atŏk 'bar hơtăl dŭ-iŏk lăp-ai rim kơ̆l bơngai lơ̆m mĭnh jơhnơr.
Most of the information that we collected on the cholera outbreak did n't come from testing water; it came from forms like this, which documented all the people we failed to help.
Đĭ dôm tơdrong roi-tơbăt mă lu bơ̆n kah đei-iŏk gah hơnang 'bơm jĭ abuh chroh-hăk ưh kơ đơ̆ng tơdrong pơlong đak; noh đơ̆ng lu kơdjoh-tơm thoi âu, chih 'măn đĭ đăng lu bơngai mă lu nhôn kah ưh kơ gơh tơgŭm.
He found that they were resistant to deducing the hypothetical, to speculating about what might be, and he found finally that they did n't deal well with abstractions or using logic on those abstractions.
Sư mơn-băt khan lu sư ưh kơ chu tơchĕng-pơwao dôm tơdrong pơtho, tơchĕng-'yơ̆ gah dôm yăkiơ đei 'bơm, păng tuchluch sư mơn-'bôh khan lu sư ưh kơ hơmet 'lơ̆ng dôm tơdrong pơtih-lĕ dah yua logic kơpal tơdrong pơtih-lĕ noh.
It's a long walk from Frejus.
Noh jơ̆ hơ'măng yak jơ̆ng tai đơ̆ng Frejus,
Imagine designing with the kinds of microbes that we want in a plane or on a phone.
Athei pơwao gah tơdrong prŏ-pơcheh hăm lu khul kơman-kơmach mă lu bơ̆n wă kơ đei kơpal grepăr dah kơpal phôn.
Is this a bad time?
Hăm trŏ jơ năm tep ưh?
At the heart of every hard drive is a stack of high - speed spinning discs with a recording head flying over each surface.
Lơ̆m anê̆ rim hmok-arăk jơ̆ mĭnh anih 'măn khyĕr dăr đartĕnh kơjung hăm kơl chihpăr kơpal rim hlak klak.
We have encountered hostile activity.
Lu nhôn đei tơjrơ̆m 'bơm lu bơngai bơ̆jang ayăt.
As Wael Ghonim, the Google - Egyptian - executive by day, secret - Facebook - activist by night, famously said to CNN after Mubarak stepped down, "If you want to liberate a society, just give them the Internet."
Thoi Wael Ghonim, Khul bơ̆jang kơmăng Google - Egypt, khul bơ̆jang hơgâm - Facebook - kah pơma hăm CNN đơ̆ng rŏng kơ Mubarak tŭk tơdrong jang, "Tơdah ih đei pơm rơngei mĭnh kơdrâm tơpôl, lăp pôm ăn internet kơ lu sư."
Vietnam confirmed six more Covid - 19 cases early Friday, five returning from abroad and one related to Hanoi's Bach Mai Hospital.
Viêtnam pơm kơnăl thim tơdrâu bơngai 'bơm Covid - 19 lơ̆m gơgơ̆l năr Mătơdrâu, pơđăm 'nu bơngai 'bơm brŏk đơ̆ng tehđak 'nguaih păng mĭnh 'nu 'bơm đơ̆ng Hnam pơgang Băch Mai Hanô̆i.
That's because the stronger you are, the fewer times this cycle of nerve signal from the brain to contraction in the muscle has to be repeated to lift a certain amount of weight.
'Noh jơ̆ yua kơ ih rai pran jơ̆ đar dăr huan-brăt tơbăt đơ̆ng 'ngok truh tơ tơdrong kơchôt huan âu athei hơlơ̆k-ming tŏsĕt 'biơ̆ wă kơ hiŏng mĭnh trăp-hngăm kua.
I'm not gonna lose Angie, Cam.
Ĭnh gô ưh kơ hiong Angie, Cam.
Quarantine cordon is breached.
Tơley tơklah-sơlam jơ̆ glăi-kơtrŏ.
What did you do to Jamie?
Ih kah pơm kiơ kơ Jamie?
You just wanna leave her here?
Ih pôm wă achăng hăp tơâu aa?
her words spill in conversation between women whose hands are all they got sometimes our hands are all we got and accents that remind us that we are still bomba, still plena you say "wepa" and a stranger becomes your hermano, you say "dale" and a crowd becomes a family reunion.
Dôm nơ̆r pơma hăp tơsĭ lơ̆m tơdrong pơma dơnuh 'bar 'nu bơngai drŏkăn đei tơpang ti noh jơ̆ đĭ đăng dôm tơdrong kiơ bre hăp đei 'bar tơpang ti măr nhi jơ̆ đĭ đăng yăkiơ măr nhi đei păng nơ̆r rơđơh tơ'blŏk măr nhi khan lu măr nhi kư̆m oei boma, oei apĭnh ih pơma "wepa" păng mĭnh 'nu bơngai hlĭch jing hermano ih, ih pơma "dale" păng bơngai tơpôl jing mĭnh năr akŏm hnam dơnŏ.