# Zebin Huang | JdeRobot x GSoC2024 | |
## About The Project | |
This project is under construction. | |
๐ Project Goal: Integrating Large Language Models with end-to-end autonomous driving models. This project is supported by [2024 Google Summer of Code](https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/) and [JdeRobot](https://jderobot.github.io/activities/gsoc/2024#ideas-list). | |
## Models | |
- `bert_model.pt`: A pre-trained BERT model. | |
- `distilbert_model.pt`: A distilled version of BERT. | |
- `tinybert_model.pt`: A tiny version of BERT. | |
- `label_mapping.json`: A JSON file for mapping between action and label. | |
- `v1.0.pth`: A modified PilotNet with an additional control command Run50 | |