Runaway Dog
Jane needed extra money.
She decided to walk dogs for extra cash.
Her second day things got too intense.
One of her walking dogs ran away.
Jane lost her job.
Going to the doctor.
I went to the doctor the other day.
I had to go see the doctor for a routine checkup.
The wait to see the doctor was very long.
When I saw the doctor I complained about the wait time.
He apologized for the long wait.
Late Night Drive
Josh had a long day at work.
He had chores waiting at home.
He needed to relax.
Josh decided to drive around for a while.
The cool air helped him feel better.
Surprise Party
Kim wanted to surprise her boyfriend.
She knew he never got a real birthday party.
She called all his friends and planned one out.
Kim's boyfriend had no clue.
He was extremely happy and surprised.
Speed Chess
Today I played speed chess with my friend Frank.
He said he was drunk.
I beat him in both games.
Then he said he was hungry and signed off.
I was very pleased.
Near Drowning
Jane went swimming with friends.
The waves at the beach were strong.
One knocked her over and she got swept out.
She struggled to get back to shore.
Jane didn't go back into the water.
I really do not like the way I look with glasses.
I look much cooler without them.
One day I just left them home.
While driving, I crashed my car.
I never left the house without glasses again.
Christmas vacation
The Zimmy family normally bought a lot of gifts for Christmas.
But last year they decided they wanted to do something different.
They donated some money to charity as a gift to others.
Then they decided to go on a vacation for themselves.
The Zimmy family went to Canada for their Christmas vacation.
I hate too much noise around me.
The kids get up and start running around.
The one with autism stims very loudly.
I put earplugs in so I don't have to hear it.
Then I go back to sleep.
Not Mad
Jane had broken her first pair of glasses.
And now she had to tell her mother.
She was sure to be upset.
After telling her mom Jane braced herself for the yelling.
Instead her mom just smiled and gave her a hug.
David breaks his arm
David is riding his bike.
It begins to rain.
David tries to get home.
The rain causes him to fall from his bike.
He breaks his arm falling off the bike.
Running Late
Jake was always late for work.
He had been warned about it several times.
This morning his alarm didn't go off.
Jake knew he was going to get fired.
He decided to not show up to work at all.
Ashley's Illness
Ashley wasn't feeling well.
She called her mom to pick her up from school.
Her mom picked her up.
Ashley's mom brought Ashley to the doctor's office.
Ashley was given a shot.
Fear of Flying
Ken hated airplanes.
He was deathly afraid of flying.
One day he had to fly to meet relatives.
He took medicine to calm his nerves.
It was barely enough to get him through it.
Fun in the Sun
The kids had fun in the sun today.
It was a very sunny and clear day outside.
They played in the sand at the beach.
Most of them even went swimming in the ocean.
That is why they're all so tired tonight.
The man turned on the light.
A mouse got startled.
The mouse ran across the living room.
The man got startled.
The man hid in his room.
Justin falls asleep
Justin is with his friend Bill looking for clubs.
Justin is tired from trying to find clubs.
Bill keeps trying to find the hottest club in town.
They eventually give up and waste their whole night on nothing.
On the way home with no sleep Justin falls asleep while driving.
Reading Challenge
Abby recently learned of a reading challenge.
In order to win the challenge, Abby had to read 25 books.
In addition, Abby had to hand in a one page report on each book.
Abby knew the challenge would be hard, but she could do it.
Abby was anticipating being named the winner of the reading challenge.
Softball Playing
I played softball with the girls after school.
We met at the ballpark every day.
We practiced for about an hour.
I was the pitcher, and I had a good throwing arm.
I loved to try to fake the other girls out.
Stormy Girl
Stormy was named after the weather.
Her attitude definitely matched her name.
She threw fits when she came to visit.
Every time she didn't like something, down she went.
She laid on the floor crying forever.
Going Broke
Sam was in an accident.
It left him unable to work.
He wasn't able to pay his medical bills.
Sam quickly went broke.
He had to file for bankruptcy.
Ida decided she wanted a saltwater fish tank.
She thought saltwater fish were so beautiful!
Then she did some research about setting up a tank.
The process was expensive and very, very difficult!
Ida decided a saltwater tank wasn't worth the effort, after all.
Bridge Collapse
Kate was watching TV.
There was a news bulletin interrupting her show.
Initially she was upset.
Until she realized a bridge collapsed injuring hundreds of people.
Kate could not believe her eyes.
Getting Lost
Frank wanted to go camping with friends.
Nobody went with him.
He decided to go by himself.
Unfortunately he got lost getting to the campsite.
Frank had to call for help and get saved.
Erica moves out
Erica has not been happy with her marriage.
She and her boyfriend argue every night.
She tells her kids she is going to move out.
Her kids do not want her to leave.
Erica moves and leaves her kids with their father.
Car Upgrades
Jake loved working on cars.
He got an old one to work on.
He kept upgrading it.
It cost him a lot of money.
Eventually he had his own self made dream car.
Lost Cell Phone
Jen was out for dinner with friends.
When she got home she realized she didn't have her phone.
Jen messaged a friend online.
She got them to call the phone and find it.
She left it at the restaurant and picked it up.
Lia was nine and all her friends knew how to swim, but she didn't.
She convinced her dad to give her lessons in their backyard pool.
First he taught her the basic dog paddle.
But soon he had her swimming backstrokes and diving!
Lia quickly became a natural water baby and a great swimmer.
Sam was heading a huge project at work.
He often overlooked everyone and tried to do all the work on his own.
Bill and Sonya talked to him, they told him he needed help on this.
At first Sam objected, and they reminded him of teamwork.
The project was completed successfully by the entire team.
Admit It
Kate and her friends were at a boring club in Las Vegas.
They tried to enjoy themselves.
But it was pointless.
They finally admitted to each other they were having no fun at all.
They packed up their things and left the club.
Painting a picture
I went to the park to paint a picture.
I set up my easel and everything.
But then it started to rain.
All my paints were ruined.
Now I'll have to go out and buy more.
Linus gave Shannon a flower.
I saw him buy it from the flower seller.
He asked her for the prettiest one.
She gave him a purple one with yellow flecks.
Shannon was all smiles when he gave it to her.
Jeff traveled to Italy for a vacation.
He took a tour of Pompeii.
Feeling the stillness there made him feel somber.
He wondered what it would have been like to be there for the tragedy.
He was glad he was only a tourist.
John wanted a video camera for his birthday.
And when he got one, he couldn't stop making videos.
He began to post his videos online.
And he became very popular.
Several years later, he was directing his own movies.
On Sunday my sister-in-law dropped by.
She very rarely visits us.
We talked for some time.
She left us some meatloaf as a gift.
We had a nice meal that night.
Learning to Play Guitar
Jake always wanted to play an instrument.
He got a cheap guitar at a garage sale.
He decided to teach himself with online videos.
Over time he got better.
Eventually Jake could say he played the guitar.
The Test
Margie was taking high school Algebra.
The teacher announced that there would be a test on Friday.
Margie studied the material every afternoon.
On Friday, Margie took the test.
Margie made an A on the test.
Go Anyway
Kate wanted to take out the garbage.
But she wasn't excited about going out to the trash at night.
She thought about leaving it until the morning.
But she worried the food inside would rot and smell bad.
She decided she would go now and spare her nose the trouble.
Making Dinner
Don never knew how to cook.
He just recently started living on his own.
He tried to cook dinner for the first time.
He did better than he expected.
It motivated him to cook more.
Stanley Has Lemonade
Stanley decides he wants to have something to drink.
He orders a lemonade to drink.
It is cool and refreshing.
When he finishes it he goes home.
Stanley is glad that he had something to drink.
He woke up very angry this morning.
He went to the bathroom and started complaining.
He came out and yelled at me about things.
He sat down at his computer and worked.
He kept snapping at me all day long.
Sam's dog had puppies.
Sam tried to help with them.
The dog was overly protective.
It caused two puppies to die.
Sam was able to save the rest.
My new car
My car was very old.
It kept breaking down on me.
I went to the dealer to look at new ones.
It was a hard decision.
I chose a white Toyota.
Coffee Causes Accident
Larry had just bought a hot coffee.
He couldn't wait to drink it until after he stopped driving.
While drinking he had to slap on his brakes.
This made the coffee go all over him.
He swerved and caused an even bigger accident.
Faulty Controller
Ken was playing video games.
His character kept being unresponsive.
Ken said it was his controller.
His friends didn't believe him.
He proved it to them by switching.
Clays fame
Clay is an aspiring singer.
He goes on a tv show to compete for a record deal.
He advances to the very final.
He gives it all but he loses in the end.
Clay still is recognized from the show and offered a contract anyways.
Tim is bullied
Tim was a good kid who always got great grades.
At school Tim gets the best score on the test in class.
A few kids in the back start to tease him and call him names.
After class lets out they meet Tim in the hallway.
They bully Tim and stuff him into a locker.
I was doing an mTurk hit on food choices.
The hit mentioned sardines often.
Yesterday my wife was food shopping and asked for requests.
I asked for sardines.
I had them with my dinner, much to my wife's dismay.
Julian's Shopping
Julian's mom gave him a list and sent him shopping.
He walked to the store holding tightly to it in his hand.
Unfortunately, when he was almost there, the wind blew it away.
He bought as many of the things as he could remember were on it.
When he got home, his mother was not upset with him at all.
Tom needed to study.
He has a history test tomorrow.
He kept getting distracted.
He ended up only studying for one hour.
He failed the test.
The Math Class
I've always hated math.
It was something I never understood.
In math class, I always failed miserably.
One day I decided to hang out with friends that liked math.
After hanging with them, I became a math wiz.
Ed meets a woman
Ed was a lonely man.
He never went on dates with women.
He wanted to meet someone.
He signed up for an app and met a woman from his area.
He went on a date with her and had a great time.
Respectable Individuals
The Respectable Individuals are a family of five.
They are a heterosexual couple with three children.
They cook and clean and play board games together.
New neighbors moved in and came over for dinner.
They got along well, but all of their customs have changed.
Trip to the cleaners
Clara went to the cleaners to pick up her dress.
She gave her ticket to the clerk.
The clerk gave Clara her dress.
Clara realized it was the wrong dress.
The clerk apologized for the mistake.
The Flu
Sam got sick with the flu.
He tried to stay away from everyone.
Unfortunately his girlfriend got sick too.
She spread it to people at work.
Sam felt responsible for it all.
Runaway Cat
Jill's cat went missing.
After a few days she started to worry.
Usually it came back by then.
After another few weeks Jill started looking for it.
Luckily it showed up the next day.
The boy picked his nose.
His mom made him stop.
The boy did it in private the next time.
His mom did not make him stop that time.
He started picking his nose in private all the time.
Bad Walk
I thought walking would be good for my health.
So I decided to walk to the mall.
I felt good to get some exercise.
But then I noticed that the air quality was terrible.
Afterwards, I decided not to walk far distances again.
Mike's headache
Mike had been getting really bad headaches lately.
The headaches went on for weeks.
Mike finally decided to see a doctor about his headaches.
At the doctor he receives frightening news.
Mike has a tumor growing on his head and needs it removed.
Thieves had stolen the pipes in Jane's empty house.
She had to go a week without water.
The inspector came to check the pipes.
And the water was finally turned back on.
She was happy to finally have water again.
Jane's family was bracing for a tornado.
They had food and supplies and a safe basement.
They were able to ride out the storm.
Unfortunately most of their house didn't make it.
They were at least happy to be alive.
Keith quits smoking
Keith was a young man in his 20s.
He had a good job and didn't drink.
He had something people didn't like about him.
He was a smoker.
Keith eventually gave up smoking to protect his image.
Monkey Love
Maria's favorite animal was the monkey.
She and her friends decided to visit the zoo.
They started with the elephants.
Maria was more excited as she came closer to the monkey enclosure.
When she saw the monkeys she was so excited she cried out, Hooray!"
A Rainbow
Today we had a storm.
It rained very hard for a long time.
The wind blew loudly.
I was glad when the storm was over.
When I went outside, I saw a rainbow!
Ugly Poster
Sam loved a poster he got.
He thought it looked really cool.
His girlfriend hated it.
She wanted him to take it down.
Jake didn't care and left it up.
High Expectations
Tim was really looking forward to a new movie.
It was based around heroes he always liked.
He ignored all the bad reviews.
He thought they were just paid shills.
Tim was thoroughly disappointed when he saw the movie himself.
Late Order
I was awaiting an important package.
But for some reason, it was never packaged or sent.
I was told it would arrive in 3 days.
But they gave me a $15 gift card.
And I felt a little bit better.
An Angels Voice
Todd was not athletic like the rest of his siblings.
He was slow and short.
Todd could not get a sports scholarship.
However, he had been singing since the age of eleven.
Todd ended up getting a scholarship to Fresno State for choir.
Heat Wave
Boston had a heat wave recently.
It was hot and humid for a week.
To stay cool, I read two books with cold weather settings.
I read Smilla's Sense of Snow and a novel about wolves in Alaska.
The books were fun but it still was too hot.
Years ago my parents went to Haiti.
Then went to help build a school for poor children.
The conditions in Haiti were very primitive.
They had no hot water or refrigerators.
My parents were very glad to get back to America!
River Boat
Sam wanted to go gambling.
He decided to check out a river boat.
He had fun gambling but lost too much money.
Sam decided to enjoy the entertainment instead.
After a while he went home having had adequate fun.
time capsule
Harry put a time capsule in his basement and stored things there.
The things like pictures represented memories and life lessons.
Harry would put these things monthly.
Eventually Harry stopped putting things in it.
Years later, Harry looked at the time capsule and remembered his life.
Debbie tries beer
Debbie is a curious teenager.
She sees her parents enjoying a beer.
She wants to take a sip.
Her mom gives her a sip of beer.
Debbie hates the taste and spits it out.
The Last Dance
Craig was at a school dance.
They announced the last song.
He spent most of the dance against the wall.
He finally got the guts to ask out a girl he liked.
Craig was politely shut down.
High Water
The water bill at Ace's house had been high.
Ace decided to see what the problem was.
Ace walked around the property.
He found a leak in one of the pipes.
Ace fixed the pipe.
Jenny goes to camp
Jenny gets home from school on the last day.
She doesn't know how she is going to spend her summer.
Her parents tell her she is going to go to camp.
Jenny gets excited by this news.
She packs her things right away and leaves the next day.
Violet Blooms
Abby enjoyed her little garden on the balcony.
Abby had planted some violet flower seeds a month ago.
Abby had been waiting for the violets to bloom.
As Abby reached home from work, Abby was greeted by her violets.
Abby was glad to see that the violet flowers had finally bloomed.
Scary Dream
Sarah was tossing and turning all night.
Her boyfriend woke her up.
She screamed when he did.
He asked her what was wrong.
She told him she was having a nightmare.
Stale Cereal
Jim didn't have anything to make for breakfast.
He decided to pour a bowl of old cereal.
He took a bite and realized it was stale.
It wasn't expired, just soggy and chewy.
Jim decided to eat it anyway.
The Sick Kitten
Sonny worked at a vet's office.
He saw a sick kitten in the field by his house one day.
Sonny brought the kitten to work with him.
The staff took care of the kitten.
When the kitten was better, the secretary took him home.
Ron loved pretending he was a magical wizard.
He carried a stick in his pocket that acted as his magic wand.
Sometimes he would point the stick and yell gibberish at people.
When he pointed the stick at his mom, she pretended to fall over.
She was a good sport about it.
Hit and Run
Abby was on her way home after a long day at work.
As Abby was about to turn right into her complex, she was hit.
Abby parked the car, and got out of her vehicle.
However, the other driver kept driving.
Abby was horrified that someone would hit her car and not stop.
My new color
I decided to change my hair color.
I was not sure what color I wanted.
I went to the store and looked at many different ones.
It was a tough decision.
I ended up choosing a brunette color.
When I took my son to the zoo, they had pandas.
It was the only zoo at the time that had them in the usa.
We stood in awe and watched them for a long time.
We bought a stuffed panda from the gift shop.
We also took lots of pictures.
Car Trouble
My friend Steve bought a new car last month.
On Friday night his warning light panel went on.
It showed an oil icon and the words fifteen percent.
He did not drive all weekend, and called the dealer on Monday.
They told him to change his oil.
Desmin suffers from depression.
Today, it was hard to get out of bed.
It was hard to do anything.
Desmin felt like he didn't have any energy.
He laid in bed all day and stared at the wall.
Getting Close
Kate was on a trip driving to Las Vegas with friends.
They had finally reached the desert.
That meant they were getting close to Vegas.
Kate was so excited she almost let out a little squeal.
But she didn't want to wake anyone so she just smiled big instead.
Waiting on A Laptop
Kate bought a laptop online with free shipping.
It was supposed to arrive at her mom's house Monday.
On Wednesday it still hadn't arrived.
She needed the laptop to work and was losing money each day.
Kate regretted taking the free shipping option.
Broken Heart
Jake loved his girlfriend.
Unfortunately she didn't feel the same.
He tried to make things work.
She didn't want to.
They wound up breaking up over the weekend.
Dropping a Hammer
Charles was doing some construction work.
He had a pretty good safety record.
At one point he dropped his hammer on his foot.
Luckily he was wearing his protective boots.
Charles laughed it off and picked up his hammer.
First Day of School
It was Tina's first day of school today.
She was nervous and scared.
Tina made a lot of new friends.
She had a great day.
Now she is looking forward to going back tomorrow.
Amanda was feeling terribly sick and was in a lot of pain.
All day she kept throwing up and kept feeling stabbing pains.
Finally she couldn't stand it anymore and called 911.
The paramedics arrived soon and took her to the hospital.
After a lot of tests and xrays she found out she had to have surgery.
Fireworks Display
Jane's family loved watching fireworks.
They went out early on the fourth of July.
The family was able to get great seats for the show.
They were not disappointed in the least by the display.
They started making plans for next year early.
Late Night Swimming
It was a hot summer night.
Jane and her friends had nothing to do.
They all decided to go swimming.
They went to a river and the water was cold.
Jane and her friends felt refreshed.
Five Dollars
The man rolled the dice.
He won five dollars.
He rolled the dice again.
He lost twenty dollars.
He asked his friend for more money.
Romantic Dinner
Craig and his wife were having trouble.
They had issues communicating.
Their love life was also suffering.
Craig planned a romantic dinner date for her.
She really liked it and it helped start a positive dialogue.
Surgery 2
When the nurse finally began to listen, she called the doctor.
The doctor said my son was in distress.
The pitocin drip was finally stopped.
The doctor arrived and sent me to surgery.
He performed a cesarean section.
Dead Plants
Sandy was asked to water her friend's plants.
The friends were going out of town for a couple of weeks.
Sandy was very forgetful.
She forgot to water any of the plants.
Most of them died.
Tyler breaks his arm
Tyler is out playing hide and seek.
He is looking for a place to hide.
He chooses a tree and climbs up to sit in it.
While climbing he falls down and breaks his arm.
His parents take him to the hospital to get a cast on it.
Finger Sandwiches
Jamie never liked finger sandwiches.
So when she was picked to bring some for her club party, she balked.
She didn't understand why she couldn't just bring normal sandwiches.
But every one of her club members wanted finger sandwiches.
Jamie stayed up all night researching how to make finger sandwiches.