Loose Jacket
Janet bought a new jacket.
It fit her a bit loose.
Luckily it was washable.
She decided to shrink it that way.
It worked and fit better.
I have played violin for three years.
I love to play my violin.
Last year I joined an orchestra.
I got to play a solo for our concert at the end of the year!
My parents were very proud of me.
My Mom never ate cornbread as a child.
My Dad is from the South.
He grew up eating cornbread.
My Mom finally learned to make cornbread for my Dad.
That made him very happy!
Too Early
Sam was supposed to meet friends for dinner.
When he arrived nobody else was there.
He got a table and waited.
Nobody got there for a while.
Sam realized he had gotten the wrong time.
The job fair
I have been looking for a new job.
My friend told me about a job fair.
I decided to go check it out.
They had a lot of employers there.
I filled out a lot of applications.
Chimney Sweep
Harry was a chimney sweep.
At most houses, when he brought out his vacuum, the cats would run.
However, at one, the cat was always very interested in everything.
He liked to go to that house.
He made good friends with the cat.
Date night!
Lea and Sean bought tickets to a painting class.
They painted a picture of the Chicago skyline.
Sean added fireworks to his picture.
After the class, they went to a bar and had cocktails.
It was one of their best dates.
Connie's New Shoes
Connie was in the mall.
She was shopping for a pair of new shoes.
Connie walked to the shoe store.
She tried on several pairs of shoes.
Connie decided on a pair of heels.
Getting More Beer
Sam had been drinking all afternoon.
He decided to get more beer.
Unfortunately he was too drunk to drive.
He decided to take a nap instead.
Sam wound up sleeping through the night.
Hot Air Balloon Ride
Sarah wanted to go on a hot air balloon.
Her boyfriend was afraid of heights.
Sarah convinced him to go up anyway.
He clung to the edge with an intense grip.
Sarah thought it was funny and laughed at him.
The Board
Jane was in class as her teacher gave a lesson.
The teacher wrote a question on the chalkboard.
Jane couldn't quite make it out.
She was having a hard time seeing this far away.
She realized she would need to move to a closer desk.
Wrong Funeral
Jerry was guilted into going to his aunt's funeral.
He barely knew her.
Once there he didn't recognize anybody.
He eventually realized he was at the wrong funeral.
He wound up missing the proper one entirely.
Getting Sick
Sam felt bad.
He went to the doctor.
The doctor told Sam he had a cold.
Sam took a couple of days off.
He drank lots of liquids and felt better after a while.
The Intervention
Kim had a drinking problem.
Her friends and family got together to help.
They all talked to Kim and tried to be comforting.
Kim understood they were right.
She decided to seek recovery therapy.
Kara's Day at the Fair
Kara and her friend Jill loved the county fair.
They go to the fair every year.
The girls have fun on the rides.
They eat cotton candy and hot dogs.
They always have a wonderful time.
Stiff neck
Kate slept on a couch in a suite in Las Vegas.
There weren't enough beds for everyone.
Kate was always stiff after a night of sleeping on a couch.
However today she only had a slightly stiff neck.
Over all she was happy to be in pretty good shape.
Nap During Lecture
My teacher was going over yesterday's homework.
She's writing the solutions on the board.
Afterwards, she started to discuss today's lesson.
I was drowsy.
I fell asleep in class.
Breaking Up
Jake and Jane decided to break up.
They tried to stay friends.
It was too difficult.
Jealousy issues came up.
They had to cut ties entirely.
Ice Cream and Soda
Janice has a caffeine addiction but doesn't have a lot of money.
She went to the store to see what she could get to satisfy her need.
She ended up buying chocolate ice cream and soda to make a drink.
After getting home she mixed the chocolate ice cream and soda.
Her beverage tasted wonderful and helped her caffeine needs.
Walking Hardships
A little baby boy named James was just starting to walk.
He loved learning to walk so much that he would giggle as he stood.
Sometimes James would even try to chase his mommy as he played.
One time though James fell because he got too excited as he walked.
As he cried his mother picked him up and kissed him on the cheek.
New House
Kate's mom bought a new house.
The house was older.
It wasn't in good shape.
It needed a lot of work.
But she was excited about doing the repairs herself.
Natural Disaster
It had been raining for days.
Sam's house was fairly low.
It flooded within the second day.
Sam had to evacuate on the third day.
The house had to be destroyed.
Fred Eats A Muffin
Fred wakes up feeling pretty hungry.
He decides to eat a big muffin.
His muffin has blueberries in it.
Fred finishes the whole thing.
Afterwards, he no longer feels hungry.
The man cooked some beans.
It took a lot of time to get them cooked.
He thought that it was a waste of energy.
He read about soaking beans.
It took him a lot less energy with that method.
fight night
Ed saw a fight in the school cafeteria.
People were taking photos of the fight.
Ed wanted to stop the fight, not take photos.
Ed went in between the two students.
He pushed them aside and stopped the fight.
Playing with My Dog
My dog followed me everywhere, today.
We went exploring in the woods.
He liked to run around the trees and dig through fallen leaves.
I had trouble keeping up.
We played until my mom called us home.
Favorite Comedy
Ken loved his favorite comedy.
He excitedly showed it to his girlfriend.
She watched it all the way through without laughing.
Ken nervously asked if she liked it.
It was obvious that she didn't.
Tucker has a ball
Tucker is sitting home one night bored.
He gets a text from his friend Sherry.
She asks him to come out dancing with her.
Tucker agrees and heads out to meet her.
He has a great time out dancing with his friend.
Corina's New Brushes
Corina enjoyed painting.
She needed a new set of paintbrushes.
Corina's birthday was coming up.
For her birthday, her parents bought her a new set of brushes.
Corina was excited to use her new brushes.
Mike goes on vacation
Mike had a very stressful job.
He needed a vacation.
So he took one.
He headed to the sunny beaches of mexico.
Mike had a great time on his vacation.
Lost Cat
Tammy lost her cat.
She looked everywhere.
Tammy even put up flyers.
Nobody ever actually called.
Eventually Tammy gave up looking.
Horrible Letdown
Jake was looking forward to a movie for months.
He was excited by all the previews.
He got early screening tickets.
The movie was not what Jake expected at all.
He was let down and disappointed.
The couple went on a date.
The man tried to pay.
The woman grabbed the check.
She insisted on paying.
The man felt frightened at her forward gesture.
The Watermelon
My cousin Keith bought a huge watermelon.
Since we were camping we needed a way to keep it cold.
He tied a rope around the melon.
He drifted it in the river.
It got very cold in the water.
Being Conservative
Danny had some food at a fast-food restaurant.
A strange man came into the building.
He approached the fountain drink dispensers.
He held an empty gallon container near the machine.
The dispenser filled up the container.
Rejected Coupon
Craig was excited to go shopping.
He bought a frozen pizza.
At the register he gave them a coupon that halved the price.
Unfortunately it was turned down by the cashier.
Craig realized the coupon was expired.
Fred's divorce
Fred has been married to his wife for 20 years.
Lately things haven't been the same.
Fred is unhappy with the marriage.
They decide to give counseling a chance.
Counseling didn't work and they get divorced.
It was the day of Shannon's wedding.
She was terrified, but excited.
She waited in the dressing room until the wedding planner called her.
She walked down the aisle with her father.
When it was time, she said her I do.
Unusual bloat
Moana normally had a flat stomach.
But for the past few weeks she noticed that she was bloated.
She knew something was wrong so she made a Doctors appointment.
The Doctor suspected she was pregnant so he ordered an ultrasound.
The ultrasound revealed that she was 4 months pregnant.
Jane need to get something from the store.
But she was late for an appointment.
She grabbed her things quickly and headed to checkout.
She thought it would be quick.
Unfortunately the lines were all the way back to the aisles.
Birthday Cake
Grandma baked birthday cakes for her grandchildren, every year.
This year, her granddaughter requested a Barbie cake.
Grandma bought a dress mold and a Barbie.
She baked the cake and iced it.
Grandma brought the cake to the party, and her granddaughter loved it.
Peter sells pickles
Peter has recently been let go from his job.
Peter doesn't know what he's going to do for money.
So while sitting at his house one day he gets call from his friend.
He offers Peter job selling pickles.
Peter gladly accepts the offer and starts selling pickles.
Teddy becomes president
Teddy had a passion.
He had a passion to change his country for better.
So he ran for president.
Teddy told the american people what they wanted to hear.
Teddy got elected and become the president.
My dad always told me thunderbirds were classic cars.
I got a silver one when I turned 18.
Everyone at school was jealous the next day.
They sometimes asked to borrow the car.
I told them there was no way that would happen.
Hard Day's Night
We stayed up all night listening to music.
We watched A Hard Day's Night together.
Then we listened to Beatles songs the rest of the evening.
We had the songs stuck in our heads when we went to bed.
We laid there laughing about how we couldn't stop singing them.
Best Friend
I had a best friend of close to ten years.
I'd never known him to date much.
He ended up getting a serious girlfriend who was rude and controlling.
I tried to talk to him about it but must've upset him.
We haven't spoken in years now.
Death of a mother
I was around 12 years old.
I told my mother bye as i went to school.
After school later that day my brother picked me up.
He told me and my twin brother our mother had died.
I went home and cried my eyes out.
Uphill Climb
Jane was playing with friends.
They all decided to run up a hill.
Jane struggled to get up.
Everyone encouraged her to keep going.
Eventually she made it.
Jane moved in and started working on an old house she bought.
When thirsty she went to get a cup of water.
But nothing came out of the faucet.
She went to the basement to discover there were no pipes.
Thieves had stolen the copper pipes from the basement.
Battle Rap
Ken wanted to be a rapper.
He practiced often.
He tried to join a local rap battle.
He froze and was embarrassed.
Ken gave up rapping that same day.
Chipped Tooth
Janice arrived on campus.
She parked her car and started to walk towards the main hall.
The double front doors were open when she was nearby.
However, they started to close and smacked her in the face.
Part of her front teeth was chipped off.
Larry catches his wife
Larry is out with his friends at the bar.
He comes starts feeling sick.
He decides to go home early.
When he gets home he sees a truck in the driveway.
He goes inside and finds his wife with another man.
Jasper Loses His Headphones
Jasper loves listening to his headphones every morning.
One day he loses them on the train.
He searches but cannot find them.
Jasper decides to buy a new pair.
He is glad to have headphones again.
I went to the lake the other day.
While I was there I saw a lot of turtles.
I picked up a couple of the turtles and held them.
My parents told me to put them down.
So I put down the turtles.
Mikes accident
Mike was at a ball game.
He needed a snack.
He went to buy a snack.
On the way back from getting a snack.
Mike fell down and broke his arm.
Farm Work
Haley enjoys living on the farm.
She has many daily responsibilities.
Her favorite thing to do is feed the animals.
She also likes to ride her horse.
She can't ride her horse until her chores are done.
Strength Training
Abby recently had a physical done by her doctor.
During the visit Abby told her doctor she wanted to tone her body.
Abby's doctor recommended that she do strength training exercises.
After leaving the doctor, Abby researched strength training exercises.
Abby could not wait to see the results of her new exercise regimen.
The man put on his watch.
His watch was not running.
He took his watch off.
He shook the watch.
The watch started running again.
I bought a little stuffed giraffe.
He was adorable, and I admired him in the checkout lane.
I took him home to show my little girl.
She fell in love with him on first sight.
She told me she was naming him Joffrey.
Tonya is the best kickball player in my gym class.
The boys didn't believe her when she said she could kick a home run.
When she stepped up to the plate, she was ready.
She kicked the ball so far that everyone on the bases made it home!
Next time, I want Tanya to be on my team.
Baking Cookies
Sam bought a new candle.
He lit it in the middle of the day.
His roommate entered the room excited.
The scent of the candle was fresh cookies.
His roommate was disappointed to not find real cookies.
Mike is always taking care of everyone.
He carries a first aid kit in his bag and always has snacks.
Once, I cut my finger when I was climbing a tree.
Mike just pulled out peroxide and a bandage!
It's good to have Mike around.
The Wet Floor
Kate was cleaning the house.
She had just mopped the floor.
Her son came running through the room.
He slipped on the wet floor.
Kate's son broke his arm on the wet floor.
Good Budgeting
Christy has never set up a budget before in her life.
She was introduced to the concept of envelope budgeting by her friend.
Her friend was in massive debt for most of her life.
Once her friend explained the concept, Christy started using it.
Now she no longer has any credit card debt.
Asian purposely left out
Alexa belonged to a crafting facebook group.
She was the only Asian person in the entire group.
The group always posted things to talk about but they ignored her.
She always wanted to know why and finally asked them.
They finally told her they ignored her because she was Asian.
New Neighborhood
Randy hopped out of the moving truck.
He helped his family unload the boxes into their new home.
The rest of the day was spent unpacking and moving furniture.
By night, Randy was exhausted.
He couldn't wait to meet new friends tomorrow.
Clyde breaks his glasses
Clyde is riding home from school.
While getting off the bus he trips.
He breaks his glasses in the process.
Clyde picks his glasses up.
He goes home and tells his parents he broke his glasses.
Ken gets fired
Ken is a cook.
While at work Ken begins cooking meals.
While cooking a customer notices Ken spitting in their food.
They complain to the manger.
Ken gets fired from his job.
Glenn comes out
Glenn has been living a lie his whole life.
Glenn was a gay teenager.
Glenn knew he needed to tell his parents his true self.
One evening while having dinner Glenn tells them he is gay.
His parents take the news well and give him a big hug.
The Escape Plan
Jerry was going on a blind date.
He told his friend to call him with an emergency to get out of it.
His friend called at the right time.
Jerry played along.
He left the date early.
Defense System
My brother decided to use the bathroom.
The whole bathroom had a bad odor after he was finished.
The smell diffused throughout the house.
When I noticed the smell, I opened all of the house windows.
Fresh breeze came from outside.
The Baths
Barry recently visited The British Virgin Islands.
While there, Barry took a trip to a small island named Virgin Gorda.
Barry was amazed with the beautiful beaches, and a rock formation.
The rock formation was called The Baths.
Barry could not wait to visit Virgin Gorda again.
After Effects
After we fought, we went to sleep.
I had a lot of trouble going to sleep.
I tossed and turned for a long time.
Finally I drifted off, sleeping deeply from exhaustion.
I only slept for 3 hours before getting up for work.
Larry never donated to charity.
While shopping he was asked if he would like to.
The cashier seemed pretty forward about it.
Larry relented and agreed.
He felt good about himself for a bit afterward.
Binge Watching
Lisa was watching a new show on Netflix.
She got hooked from the first episode.
Before she knew it she spent all night watching it.
The next day she was tired at work.
She could only think about the show.
Moldy Bread
Jake was making a sandwich.
He had all the ingredients ready.
He put everything together.
Right before taking a bit he noticed the moldy bread.
Jake had to throw away the sandwich.
Jill was known for her beautiful hair.
She always wanted to try different hair colors and haircuts.
But she didn't want to ruin her natural hair.
So her best friend suggested she tried wearing wigs.
Jill bought 10 wigs and she wears them all of the time.
I forgot to turn my hit monitor on.
I sat there for a long time wishing there was something to do.
I finally realized I had forgotten.
I turned it on quickly.
I then saw that I had missed a really good batch.
New Laptop
Kate needed to buy a laptop to work while out of town.
She searched online and found one that had free shipping.
She shipped it out of town so it would be there when she arrived.
The shipping estimate was the same day as her arrival date.
She patted herself on the back for being so smart.
Phil panics
Phil gets very nervous on airplanes.
While riding on the plane to see his father.
Phil starts to experience a bit of turbulence.
Phil begins to panic and kick and scream.
Phil is calmed down by a stewardess.
In 1996, my sister-in-law's son overdosed on drugs.
She got him into rehab.
After a few days he denied having a drug problem, and left.
In 2013, he overdosed and died suddenly.
His mother was devastated.
The Dark Alley
I was walking home one night after a movie.
I heard a sound coming from a dark alley.
I slowly crept forward to figure out what the sound was.
I saw green eyes staring right at me.
It turns out it was just a hungry cat.
I went to the store the other day to buy some carrots.
When I got there I found out that all the carrots were really pricey.
I went to the store across the street.
Their carrots were much cheaper.
I think I'll buy my carrots there from now on.
Roller Derby
Kate always had a violent streak.
She wanted to join a sport that expressed this.
Unfortunately her options were limited.
She joined roller derby without knowing how to skate.
She learned fast and became a great player.
Dwight has a problem
Dwight has been let go of his job.
He doesn't know what else he can do.
The job was all he knew how to do.
So Dwight takes up drinking beer to deal with his problem.
Soon enough Dwight becomes addicted and has a serious problem.
Burnt Burger
Carl went out to eat one night.
He ordered a burger medium rare.
When he got it he noticed it was slightly burned.
He told the waiter and they took it back.
Carl got another one just like he wanted.
Martin writes a book
Martin was an older man with a lot of life experience.
He wanted to put it all in a book.
So he decided to sit down and write one.
He wrote a book about all the things that happened in his life.
He went on to sell his book and made a lot of money from it.
I stole the assistant principal's walkie talkie.
He looked for it for days.
He knew someone took it, but didn't know who.
He questioned a kid, and she told on me.
I was paddled and given detention for 2 weeks.
Bike Light
Before led bike lights, I used battery powered lights.
The batteries wore out too quickly.
I drove forty five minutes in the dark.
I tried a generator, but it never produced much light.
I found an incandescent flashing light which used less energy.
The Shell
One day at the beach a girl named Anna found a shell.
It was a really rare shell that she had never seen before.
Anna was so excited she rushed to show her friends.
Sadly she dropped the shell as she was running and it shattered.
She stopped to gather the pieces and realized it wasn't smart to run.
First Tattoo
Sara always wanted a tattoo.
She got one as soon as she was old enough.
It was something sentimental.
It was just the start.
Sara eventually got several more tattoos.
Pizza Party
Craig took his son to a friend's pizza party.
Craig's son ate a lot of pizza.
Almost too much.
He got sick and had to go home.
Craig apologized and made up for it by giving a good gift.
Earl loses his sheep
Earl is a farmer.
On his farm a big storm comes.
The storm scares the sheep away.
Earl tries to go after his sheep but can't catch them.
Earl loses his sleep.
Scratched Disk
Janet was trying to watch a movie.
The scenes kept skipping and freezing.
She took the disk out of the player.
Janet noticed it was severely scratched.
She had to choose something else to watch instead.
Getting Mugged
Jane was walking home at night.
She went by a dark alley.
A stranger leaped out and grabbed her purse.
Jane tried to fight back but couldn't.
She had her pulse stolen.
The fan hummed.
A bee flew into the fan.
The fan made a different noise.
That scared the cat.
The cat knocked over the fan.
Ants in the Shed
Jamie went to the shed to get his beach chairs.
There were ants crawling all over the shed.
He immediately left and went to the hardware store.
There, he bought ant block, as well as ant bait.
He went home and set everything up to get rid of the ants.
Employee Record
Tom had worked as a mailman his entire life.
He had never missed a single day of work.
He broke the record for twenty consecutive years.
He was given a plaque and a raise.
Tom felt honored.
Winning the Title
Gary had practiced mixed martial arts his whole life.
He finally got the chance to fight for a championship.
His opponent was tough, but beatable.
Gary trained and studied his opponent.
He was able to pull off a close victory.
Derek felt unfulfilled.
He had focused his life around work.
Derek found himself wanting to slow down with a family.
Derek didn't want to remember only working his entire life.
He asked his best friend out on a date.