I played basketball very hard.
I often fouled and ran into people.
Because I was too aggressive, I got booted from the team.
I scored for them a lot, so they missed me.
I was invited back the next year.
Fred Visits Spain
Fred had always wanted to visit Spain.
He saves his money for a big trip.
Finally it is time for him to visit.
He eats great food and meets interesting people.
Fred feels happy that he visited Spain.
Hiking in the Mountains
Brian loved hiking.
One of his favorite places to hike was in the mountains.
One time he ended up getting lost and off the path.
He spent hours trying to find his way out.
Finally a ranger found him and took him to the nearest station.
Jane's First Concert
Jane's parents were pretty strict.
She didn't get to go to her first concert until she was older.
She went with a friend.
Jane told her parents she was just spending the night.
She got in trouble but it was worth it.
Car Trouble
My car was running rough the other day.
I looked it over but couldn't figure out the problem.
I ended up taking it to the local mechanic.
He was able to identify the problem quickly.
All I needed was a new spark plug wire.
Violent Geese
John thought it would be fun to play with some geese.
He got too close.
He realized they wanted to attack him.
He tried to run away.
Unfortunately he was caught and pecked.
Basketball Game
A couple of Mormons challenged strangers to a basketball game.
The others accepted.
The Mormons were exceptionally good at the game.
They beat the other guys fairly easily.
The other guys were impressed and it sparked a conversation.
Lance breaks his hand
Lance is working hard on building a new room to his house.
He works very hard day and night to get in done quick.
One night while working all day he wanted to keep going and finish it.
He began working while being tired and hammered his hand accidentally.
Lance broke his hand and had to go to the hospital.
The man smashed a pumpkin.
The neighbors saw him do it.
The neighbors told the cops.
The cops had no choice but to look into it.
The man admitted his crime.
Dennis's tinder date
Dennis uses tinder to get a date.
He finds a pretty girl and asks her out.
On his date he takes her out to eat.
He has a good time and asks if he can see her again.
She thanks him for the dinner but politely declines another date.
The Cheater
Larry had a wonderful relationship and a best friend.
He was very happy with both of them.
Unfortunately one day Larry's girlfriend admitted to cheating.
She told him it was with his best friend.
They broke up and she started dating the friend.
Lunch Time
Little Zelly sat down at lunch time.
She opened her lunch bag with excitement.
Inside she saw baby carrots, sliced fruit, and rice with vegetables.
At the bottom, she saw a smiley face drawn on her napkin.
Her dad always packs the best lunches.
Stolen Television
Sam's television was stolen.
He was shopping for a replacement.
He didn't have much money.
Sam was looking at used ones when he found his old one.
Sam told the store owner and got it back.
Bad Interview
Jane was running for office.
She agreed to an interview.
During the interview she felt attacked.
She stopped answering questions and stormed off.
It hurt her in the polls.
Jessie's Grandmother
Jessie was visiting her grandmother.
She was staying at her house overnight.
Her grandmother cooked Jessie's favorite supper for her.
They enjoyed a movie at night.
Jessie's grandmother fixed breakfast in the morning.
Kate had a headache.
She kept a bottle of pills in her purse for such an occasion.
She could only find vitamins in the bottle.
She had been sharing her Advil with people at work.
So of course she had none now that she needed them most.
The Steep Slope
Ken went skiing with friends.
He was new to the whole thing.
They all went too high up and he tried to follow.
Ken tumbled the entire way down.
He stopped skiing and just stayed by a fireplace.
Sarah's mystery letter
Sarah lost her husband in the war.
It had been years since she seen her husband.
One day she gets a letter in the mail.
It was a letter from her husband.
Her husband admits to lying about his death and wants her back.
Rita chokes
Rita is out at burger king with her family.
She is enjoying her usual meal.
While eating she gets something in her throat.
Rita is choking and needs help.
A burger king employee comes and saves Rita from choking.
The Breakup
Josh and Caro were neighbors growing up and spend time together.
After high school Josh moved away for a few years.
He ran in to Caro at a party and decided to move back after a date.
They were together for 7 years but things fell apart.
Now she lives all alone and he moved away again.
On a Boat
Jane won a free cruise.
She had never been on one before.
She was excited throughout the whole trip.
It was one of her best experiences.
Jane decided to book another one.
John was a pyromaniac.
He burned many things from garbage to trees.
This time, he decided to try burning a house.
John was caught for burning a house.
John was arrested and had to seek therapy.
My 2 year old cousin was eating an apple.
He walked around between everyone at the party.
He started coughing and choking.
Everyone panicked and started hitting him on the back.
He eventually spit out the apple piece.
Music Festival
My friends and I bought tickets to a music festival.
Before the festival, we went to John's house to have lunch.
We grilled chicken and drank beer.
After lunch, we went to the music festival.
At the festival, we danced all day!
Art classes
I always wanted to take an art class.
So when I turned 40 I enrolled into art classes.
I was so nervous and didn't really talk to anyone unless necessary.
Our first project was a group activity that forced everyone to talk.
I ended up making a lot of new friends and I loved those art classes.
Jenny Buys A Cell Phone
Jenny has decided that she wants to buy a cellphone.
She goes to a store but finds many are expensive.
Finally she finds a cell phone that fits her budget.
Jenny buys it.
She is glad that she has a cellphone now.
Coral Mistake
Abby recently went diving in Jamaica.
As Abby was diving, she grabbed a piece of coral.
The instructor immediately scolded Abby for her error.
Abby did not know she could not break off the coral.
Abby felt ashamed that she had messed up the life of the coral.
Tim loved nature.
He would go out into it every chance he got.
This weekend he went canoeing.
It was relaxing and challenging at the same time.
Tim loved every minute of it.
Late to Class
It was Sam's first day at college.
He messed up his alarm and woke up late.
He tried to get to class as fast as possible.
Once there he didn't understand anything being said.
It turned out he went to the wrong class.
There was a girl in our class who was in a wheelchair.
Her aunt took the class as well.
One day, she was in the bathroom.
Her aunt went to class and forgot her niece in the bathroom.
She ran out in embarrassment to go get her.
Mark the Repair Man
Mark was a repairman.
He started fixing things when he was very young.
His dad taught him everything he knew.
Then, he went to a trade school to learn more.
Now, he's the first repair business in the phone book.
The Best Christmas Gift
Tommy's dad was away from business.
He wasn't supposed to make it home for Christmas.
Tommy was sad but understood.
Christmas morning Tommy noticed someone was downstairs.
His dad made it after all.
I was driving across the Memphis bridge.
Halfway across, my car ran out of gas.
I was terrified, but pulled over to the side.
I called my brother for help.
He arrived an hour later with gas.
Rebecca Lynn falls in love
Rebecca Lynn grew up in Carolina.
Just a mile from tucker cherry's farm.
She met a boy Named Skip.
The two became best friends playing after school.
Rebecca lynn and Skip fell in love and became soulmates.
Reba gets robbed
Reba is walking down the street.
She gets mugged.
Her purse is taken and her watch.
She tries running after them.
She cannot catch them and they get away.
The bird flew into the air.
A bigger bird saw it.
The bigger bird chased it down.
The bird tried to escape.
The bigger bird caught it for lunch.
Tina makes a schedule for herself every day.
She feels more comfortable with a to-do list and a time frame.
She wakes up, sits at her desk, and writes her day's plan.
Sometimes she follows it to the letter.
Even when she doesn't, she feels better with it in her pocket.
First Day of Work
Heather was excited for her first day at her new job.
She received an email on where to go for orientation.
She arrived thirty minutes early to be sure she found the right room.
But the building was so big, it took her 40 minutes to find the room.
She felt embarrassed walking in 10 minutes late on her first day.
New School Year
Shawna arrived early to school, to set up her classroom.
She arranged the desks, and counted the books for her students.
She hung posters on the walls.
She attended a few meetings and took notes.
She left school ready for her students to start the year.
Kicking out a Baby
Donald was giving a speech to his followers.
All of a sudden a baby started crying.
Donald at first joked that it was alright.
After a while he became noticeably annoyed.
He asked that the baby and mother get kicked out.
Karate Comes in Handy
Jake was being bullied at school.
His parents enrolled him in Karate.
Jake learned a few techniques.
More importantly he gained confidence.
It helped him stand up to the bullies.
Dog Races
Tammy had a gambling addiction.
Most forms are outlawed where she lives.
Except for dog racing.
She goes every weekend.
The owners have considered banning her for her own good.
Overheating Car
Sean's car started overheating.
He remembered a trick to cool it down.
He turned on his heater to max.
It helped keep the car going until he got to a mechanic.
Once at the mechanic it was fixed up promptly.
Back To Sleep
Kate had slept most of the way on the road trip.
She was awake now.
But she had no headphones to listen to music.
Her eyes felt heavy as she stared at the road passing by.
Before long she had fallen back to sleep.
Rotten apples
Ben is in his favorite store.
He decides to buy some apples.
He takes them home and washes them.
After washing them he bites into the apple.
He finds a bunch of worms in his apple and is very upset.
Lance gets sea sick
Lance can't wait to go on his cruise.
He never been on a ship before.
He boards the ship to set off on his cruise.
About 10 minutes on board he starts feeling sick.
Lance gets very seasick and lays down for the rest of the trip.
Raw Hamburger
My sister-in-law B loved to nibble on raw hamburger.
One day we were on vacation together.
B made hamburgers for us.
Later at night she had stomach cramps.
I think it was because she ate raw hamburger.
Annoying Newspaper
John read the newspaper every day.
He always thought the stuff inside it was honest.
ONe day he cross referenced with other sources.
John found out he had been lied to a lot.
He cancelled his subscription.
Making Dinner
Jake never cooked dinner.
He thought he would surprise his girlfriend.
He looked up online how to cook a fancy dinner.
Jake only messed up small parts of it.
His girlfriend loved the gesture.
Writing Compliments
Kevin always wanted to be a writer.
He decided he wanted to write just like his favorite author.
He spent years perfecting his style.
He was invited to read at a rally attended by his favorite author.
He was so proud when the author complimented his work.
Our relationship confuses me.
We got into another argument.
He accused me of not working hard.
I explained my computer was being slow.
He refused to listen and shut me out.
Fred gets lost
Fred is visiting France.
He is overwhelmed by the size of the city.
Fred wishes he had brought a map.
He can't find his way to his hotel.
Fred asks a stranger for directions and gets help.
Poor Internet
Jane noticed her internet was slow.
The cable company was no help.
Eventually someone recommended getting a better router.
Jane tried it out.
Getting a new router fixed the problem.
I work very hard to please him.
Today I got the entire house cleaned.
I washed the floors and cleaned the toilets.
I took all the trash out to the curb.
I was so yucky afterward that I took a shower.
My friend and I use emoticons when we text.
When we talked today we used the money one a lot.
We like to use the one who covers his eyes.
We sent it to each other to signify embarrassment.
We decided it was perfect for that purpose.
I took my son to the store.
He waved at a man there.
The man asked how he was.
My son used sign language to say he was good.
The man misunderstood and accused him of blowing kisses.
Late for the Show
Joan went to the movies.
She was going to meet her friend Lynn.
Lynn was late for their meetings.
Joan and Lynn bought their tickets.
The girls missed the first part of the movie.
New Jacket
Joe bought a new leather jacket.
He was excited to wear it out in public.
He chose a night to go bar hopping.
Unfortunately it started to rain.
The water nearly ruined the leather.
The man baked the bread.
The loaf looked perfect.
He shared the load with his friends.
His friends asked for the recipe.
He couldn't remember it.
Joel's Restaurant
Joel owned a restaurant.
He hired a cook that didn't care about his work.
The cook didn't clean after himself.
The kitchen was a mess.
Joel's restaurant got closed by the board of health.
Julie caught cheating
Julie had a big test in school today.
She forgot to study.
During the test she got caught looking at another kids paper.
Julie was punished and sent to the office.
Julie tells the principle she will never cheat again.
Janet's family was used to tornado season where they lived.
Luckily, they had avoided any major damage to their farm.
They heard of a bad tornado coming their way.
They weren't worried and didn't evacuate like their neighbors.
Their property was completely destroyed by the tornado.
Board Games
Jake invited friends over to play board games.
They had drinks and played Monopoly mostly.
Everyone had a good time.
Eventually there was no winner and it got late.
They called it a draw and went home.
Devin goes racing
Devin just got his licenses.
He asks his parents for permission to out driving.
While out driving he agrees to race one of his friends.
Devin steps on the gas and races in his parents car.
Devin wins the race and goes home.
Sally spent Monday night at a party.
The party didn't end until 2 am.
She fell asleep as soon as she got home.
However, she forgot to study for a midterm.
She ended up failing the exam and also the class.
Broken Wrist
Jake was changing clothes in his room.
He didn't realize his overhead fan was on.
When he reached up to take off his shirt his arm hit the fan blades.
Jake wound up fracturing his wrist.
He had to get a cast put on it.
Mark loses his cool
Mark is a manager at a restaurant.
One evening a customer comes in with a complaint.
He tells mark the food is cold and undercooked.
Mark apologizes and gives him a refund.
The customer starts yelling at him more and mark gets upset and leaves.
The Math Test
Jim has a very important math test next week.
He is really worried about passing with a good grade.
Jim decided to ask his teacher for ideas on great study tips.
His teacher gave him some really great studying advice.
The next week Jim passed his test with a perfect score.
Dirty Environment
My textbook went missing.
I tried to look inside the laundry room.
Dust was flying everywhere, especially on the desk.
I managed to find the book inside a bin.
However, a blister broke out on my mouth.
Tubes tied
Shantel and Kyle have been married or 5 years.
On their 5th year of marriage they had a baby.
On their 6th year of marriage they had 2 more babies,a set of twins!
On their 7th year of marriage they had 1 more baby.
They felt their family was complete, so Shantel got her tubes tied.
Mowing the Lawn
Tim's grass got too long.
He had to cut it or get fined.
He decided to rent a riding mower.
It took him less time than expected.
Tim decided to buy a riding mower eventually.
Training school
I put my dog in training school.
He is learning a lot of new tricks.
He can now sit and stand.
They are very good teachers.
He will be finished in 3 weeks.
Working OUt
Jim wanted to lose weight.
He got a gym membership.
He was embarrassed to go at first.
Eventually he got over it.
Jim wound up losing several pounds.
A rainy day at the fair
Sam and his family went to the local town fair one Saturday.
It was hot and humid but they tried to have fun anyway.
Sam went on a few rides and played a few games.
Suddenly it became very dark and the humidity broke.
Sam and his family ran to the car getting soaked by the rain.
The Kids at the Park
Tammy was at the park.
She was watching her kids play.
Tammy decided it was time to leave.
She called her kids to the car.
The kids cried to stay and play.
Mistaken identity
While at work David gets visited by officers.
They come to arrest him.
David is very confused.
The police show him a picture of his twin who is wanted for murder.
David tells them they have the wrong guy but they don't believe him.
Pulled Muscle
Sam was at work.
He had to lift a heavy box by himself.
Sam pulled a muscle trying to do so.
He had to get physical therapy to get better.
His job fired him for missing days.
The cat smelled a shoe.
It smelled like another cat.
The cat urinated on the shoe.
The owner put the shoe on later.
He was surprised it was soaked with urine.
Big Dinner
Sam went on a date.
He was nervous and ate too much at dinner.
After a short while he started feeling sick.
Sam had to cut the date short and go home.
He threw up and never called the girl back.
There's a roach in my food
Heather was out with her husband at a fast food joint.
They order their food and go to sit down.
When the food arrived Heather noticed something moving.
She checked her fries and found a cockroach.
She stormed to the cashier and demanded and got her refund and left.
John woke up on the beach not remembering who he was.
John looked at his belongings.
John found a car key.
John used the car key to find out the car.
John remembered who he was from his things in the car.
Locked In
Sam went to his car from the store.
He looked for his keys in his pocket.
He couldn't find them.
He looked around and then looked in the car.
He had locked them in there.
Star shaped scar
Cayla is a beautiful girl even though she has a scar on her face.
When she was a little girl she was running while wearing slippers.
It was during the night and she didn't see the big rock on the ground.
Her toe hit the rock and her face went slamming into the ground.
Her face got a big scratch on it, and it healed into a star shape.
Randy tricks his kids
Randy tells his kids if they massage him all night he will reward them.
He tells them he will give them 100 dollars each for doing it.
The kids massage their father all night.
When the morning comes the kids are excited to be done.
Randy gives his kids nothing for the massage.
Winter Storm
It didn't snow often in Alabama, so Ellen didn't expect a blizzard.
Her pipes froze over until one of them burst.
Because of the blizzard, no one could get out to fix it.
Water flooded her basement.
Ellen prayed that the blizzard didn't last long.
The end of this chapter of my life.
I lost my job last winter.
I was able to float on savings for a while.
I was not able to find work for almost a year.
I was forced to move out of my apartment.
I now live in a homeless shelter.
Dan turned 21 and his friends took him out to a bar.
There, he had his first beer - and his first shot!
But he knew it'd be easy to get a hangover.
Dan was careful not to overdo it on his night out.
The next morning, he woke feeling great, and glad he'd been smart!
I was at my cousin's house.
And I wanted to walk to the mall.
I thought I was familiar enough with the area.
But I was lost for over an hour.
I learned to never go somewhere unless I'm sure of where it is.
Chris breaks his foot
Chris is a star runner.
Chris has a big race this sunday.
He invited all his friends and family to the race.
While at the race Chris runs as hard as he can.
He ran so hard he broke his foot and lost the race.
Nail Polish
Mary had an online jewelry store that sold many different things.
She wanted to make something new and exciting.
After a lot of brainstorming she came up with a great idea.
Her idea was to paint glass stones with nail polish and make pendants.
After making many different kinds she sold a lot of necklaces.
False Valor
Tom was in the war.
He got injured and received a purple heart.
When he returned home it was meaningless.
Nobody really cared other than to feel sorry for him.
Tom pawned it for beer money.
The Speech
Max was working on a speech for the upcoming school elections.
He was running for school Treasurer, but was very nervous about it.
He practiced his speech everyday.
When election day came, Max gave the speech perfectly!
Much to his excitement, he was elected Treasurer.
Finding Frank
Frank Ocean's album is to be released Friday.
I don't believe it.
He was supposed to release his album two years ago.
He hasn't made music in that time period.
I really hope his album comes out.
Special Cup
I had my special cup on my desk.
I accidentally bumped it.
It fell and rolled over the edge.
It hit the husky and bounced off.
She just laid there and ignored it.
The other day I made some spaghetti sauce.
I put peppers and onions in it.
My sister couldn't eat the sauce because she doesn't like peppers.
I bought her some sauce that didn't have peppers in it.
She like that sauce just fine.
Long Shower
Sam was really tired after work.
He decided to take a shower.
It felt good and comforting.
Sam lost track of time.
It wasn't until he ran out of hot water that he got out.
Car Race
Dan took his car to the drag strip.
He decided to race anybody who wanted.
Only a motorcycle accepted his challenge.
They lined up and went off.
It was a surprisingly close race.
Dead scooter!
Today I took my motor scooter to the gas station to fill it with gas.
Once it was filled, I tried to start it.
It would not start!
The man at the station gave me some oil to put in it.
After it was filled, it started right up!
Road Trip
Sarah was going to visit her friends in another state.
She packed all her things for the trip in the car and set off.
She drove for 12 hours before she arrived at her destination.
Sarah was thrilled to see her friends again.
She postponed the drive back for a few days.
John did not do his homework in many of his classes.
He failed his classes in the following report card.
His parents punished him.
He went to therapy.
John became more motivated and passed his classes.