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570ffd6d-485e-4b20-b7ab-9fb3baafb311 | Basketball | I played basketball very hard. | I often fouled and ran into people. | Because I was too aggressive, I got booted from the team. | I scored for them a lot, so they missed me. | I was invited back the next year. |
3f48c060-5c3e-4203-9ec9-c890cd168e3e | Fred Visits Spain | Fred had always wanted to visit Spain. | He saves his money for a big trip. | Finally it is time for him to visit. | He eats great food and meets interesting people. | Fred feels happy that he visited Spain. |
3ecce1b8-ee0c-428e-958c-d6a57ef8f9d2 | Hiking in the Mountains | Brian loved hiking. | One of his favorite places to hike was in the mountains. | One time he ended up getting lost and off the path. | He spent hours trying to find his way out. | Finally a ranger found him and took him to the nearest station. |
52263516-fa46-47d1-9b47-bb84cb2512fe | Jane's First Concert | Jane's parents were pretty strict. | She didn't get to go to her first concert until she was older. | She went with a friend. | Jane told her parents she was just spending the night. | She got in trouble but it was worth it. |
768d897c-b258-4bdf-a3ca-7d44ce4499ab | Car Trouble | My car was running rough the other day. | I looked it over but couldn't figure out the problem. | I ended up taking it to the local mechanic. | He was able to identify the problem quickly. | All I needed was a new spark plug wire. |
ca3c838f-d51f-4b9a-b51e-60db14026b8f | Violent Geese | John thought it would be fun to play with some geese. | He got too close. | He realized they wanted to attack him. | He tried to run away. | Unfortunately he was caught and pecked. |
789d5c1a-79b3-4334-8f5e-f3d7e07d0a15 | Basketball Game | A couple of Mormons challenged strangers to a basketball game. | The others accepted. | The Mormons were exceptionally good at the game. | They beat the other guys fairly easily. | The other guys were impressed and it sparked a conversation. |
659a8eac-f2e5-415a-a28d-7a0bfae3064d | Lance breaks his hand | Lance is working hard on building a new room to his house. | He works very hard day and night to get in done quick. | One night while working all day he wanted to keep going and finish it. | He began working while being tired and hammered his hand accidentally. | Lance broke his hand and had to go to the hospital. |
77fe44ed-5261-4e01-b2d1-fb752a0a915b | Pumpkin | The man smashed a pumpkin. | The neighbors saw him do it. | The neighbors told the cops. | The cops had no choice but to look into it. | The man admitted his crime. |
2ade5c9f-b070-4e9e-9e1b-16dda401f6a8 | Dennis's tinder date | Dennis uses tinder to get a date. | He finds a pretty girl and asks her out. | On his date he takes her out to eat. | He has a good time and asks if he can see her again. | She thanks him for the dinner but politely declines another date. |
8c08a553-43a9-4c8d-a280-2b06ef096080 | The Cheater | Larry had a wonderful relationship and a best friend. | He was very happy with both of them. | Unfortunately one day Larry's girlfriend admitted to cheating. | She told him it was with his best friend. | They broke up and she started dating the friend. |
9ae1cd60-fccc-44cd-93a7-a5954c84ca6c | Lunch Time | Little Zelly sat down at lunch time. | She opened her lunch bag with excitement. | Inside she saw baby carrots, sliced fruit, and rice with vegetables. | At the bottom, she saw a smiley face drawn on her napkin. | Her dad always packs the best lunches. |
39f510bb-4d05-4379-b2d1-d46efbcc4a82 | Stolen Television | Sam's television was stolen. | He was shopping for a replacement. | He didn't have much money. | Sam was looking at used ones when he found his old one. | Sam told the store owner and got it back. |
2459182d-1d37-497c-95be-a073f1b326ca | Bad Interview | Jane was running for office. | She agreed to an interview. | During the interview she felt attacked. | She stopped answering questions and stormed off. | It hurt her in the polls. |
9cef91a3-5e95-44e5-a5ff-529dc468a039 | Jessie's Grandmother | Jessie was visiting her grandmother. | She was staying at her house overnight. | Her grandmother cooked Jessie's favorite supper for her. | They enjoyed a movie at night. | Jessie's grandmother fixed breakfast in the morning. |
024b2fca-749c-4417-b3cb-068c9feee9c1 | Advil | Kate had a headache. | She kept a bottle of pills in her purse for such an occasion. | She could only find vitamins in the bottle. | She had been sharing her Advil with people at work. | So of course she had none now that she needed them most. |
3d7c6b76-7718-4dab-ae69-0ab508fc789a | The Steep Slope | Ken went skiing with friends. | He was new to the whole thing. | They all went too high up and he tried to follow. | Ken tumbled the entire way down. | He stopped skiing and just stayed by a fireplace. |
9b8a478a-08b7-4b46-b7e1-b0ae2fa61494 | Sarah's mystery letter | Sarah lost her husband in the war. | It had been years since she seen her husband. | One day she gets a letter in the mail. | It was a letter from her husband. | Her husband admits to lying about his death and wants her back. |
cdd0d35b-e6aa-4e95-a7a3-cce6d7cb597f | Rita chokes | Rita is out at burger king with her family. | She is enjoying her usual meal. | While eating she gets something in her throat. | Rita is choking and needs help. | A burger king employee comes and saves Rita from choking. |
84a33a46-0d19-4fdc-8ff0-cf8a2bb5689c | The Breakup | Josh and Caro were neighbors growing up and spend time together. | After high school Josh moved away for a few years. | He ran in to Caro at a party and decided to move back after a date. | They were together for 7 years but things fell apart. | Now she lives all alone and he moved away again. |
3c0ee586-87db-402a-8a21-453f9dc5c024 | On a Boat | Jane won a free cruise. | She had never been on one before. | She was excited throughout the whole trip. | It was one of her best experiences. | Jane decided to book another one. |
e29d9da7-6787-4d4a-b040-b030079ca1f1 | arson | John was a pyromaniac. | He burned many things from garbage to trees. | This time, he decided to try burning a house. | John was caught for burning a house. | John was arrested and had to seek therapy. |
02e378ec-becf-4452-90be-b10612cf0fb7 | Choked | My 2 year old cousin was eating an apple. | He walked around between everyone at the party. | He started coughing and choking. | Everyone panicked and started hitting him on the back. | He eventually spit out the apple piece. |
da713091-2833-48e6-bcf4-90aefb596e9f | Music Festival | My friends and I bought tickets to a music festival. | Before the festival, we went to John's house to have lunch. | We grilled chicken and drank beer. | After lunch, we went to the music festival. | At the festival, we danced all day! |
a06ae875-7563-4851-8fc6-a87e350d8679 | Art classes | I always wanted to take an art class. | So when I turned 40 I enrolled into art classes. | I was so nervous and didn't really talk to anyone unless necessary. | Our first project was a group activity that forced everyone to talk. | I ended up making a lot of new friends and I loved those art classes. |
30ade672-6f0e-4ee8-86ad-719bc718bcce | Jenny Buys A Cell Phone | Jenny has decided that she wants to buy a cellphone. | She goes to a store but finds many are expensive. | Finally she finds a cell phone that fits her budget. | Jenny buys it. | She is glad that she has a cellphone now. |
8b99b0d9-6c1c-4550-b67d-6560d9723c08 | Coral Mistake | Abby recently went diving in Jamaica. | As Abby was diving, she grabbed a piece of coral. | The instructor immediately scolded Abby for her error. | Abby did not know she could not break off the coral. | Abby felt ashamed that she had messed up the life of the coral. |
d7e74f76-eea3-4c55-b17d-534c6a2351e0 | Canoeing | Tim loved nature. | He would go out into it every chance he got. | This weekend he went canoeing. | It was relaxing and challenging at the same time. | Tim loved every minute of it. |
23d75710-678e-4bc7-b678-78da72b2e621 | Late to Class | It was Sam's first day at college. | He messed up his alarm and woke up late. | He tried to get to class as fast as possible. | Once there he didn't understand anything being said. | It turned out he went to the wrong class. |
b4fc82b3-bbe5-487f-a636-1937cc6585eb | Forgotten | There was a girl in our class who was in a wheelchair. | Her aunt took the class as well. | One day, she was in the bathroom. | Her aunt went to class and forgot her niece in the bathroom. | She ran out in embarrassment to go get her. |
31edb7d9-d2e6-4107-bd59-21a6e708db13 | Mark the Repair Man | Mark was a repairman. | He started fixing things when he was very young. | His dad taught him everything he knew. | Then, he went to a trade school to learn more. | Now, he's the first repair business in the phone book. |
31b8bd58-1e64-443a-a1fd-36cc9b5c2ac8 | The Best Christmas Gift | Tommy's dad was away from business. | He wasn't supposed to make it home for Christmas. | Tommy was sad but understood. | Christmas morning Tommy noticed someone was downstairs. | His dad made it after all. |
ef201f0b-3102-42d0-b1fe-ea46a8d7ed14 | Help | I was driving across the Memphis bridge. | Halfway across, my car ran out of gas. | I was terrified, but pulled over to the side. | I called my brother for help. | He arrived an hour later with gas. |
6d5068ad-5683-4b96-85a2-99868cb594cc | Rebecca Lynn falls in love | Rebecca Lynn grew up in Carolina. | Just a mile from tucker cherry's farm. | She met a boy Named Skip. | The two became best friends playing after school. | Rebecca lynn and Skip fell in love and became soulmates. |
3f902c52-17cc-4614-a023-5f592a03f913 | Reba gets robbed | Reba is walking down the street. | She gets mugged. | Her purse is taken and her watch. | She tries running after them. | She cannot catch them and they get away. |
b9da728c-3efa-4ebb-b775-3666a6bd8cdf | Bird | The bird flew into the air. | A bigger bird saw it. | The bigger bird chased it down. | The bird tried to escape. | The bigger bird caught it for lunch. |
a23fc814-cbef-495e-972e-2a07165c6553 | Schedules | Tina makes a schedule for herself every day. | She feels more comfortable with a to-do list and a time frame. | She wakes up, sits at her desk, and writes her day's plan. | Sometimes she follows it to the letter. | Even when she doesn't, she feels better with it in her pocket. |
83f07f38-2a99-4214-86bd-3e92d62e7294 | First Day of Work | Heather was excited for her first day at her new job. | She received an email on where to go for orientation. | She arrived thirty minutes early to be sure she found the right room. | But the building was so big, it took her 40 minutes to find the room. | She felt embarrassed walking in 10 minutes late on her first day. |
c485b9bd-50d6-4bb5-a0e2-82afed87e4d9 | New School Year | Shawna arrived early to school, to set up her classroom. | She arranged the desks, and counted the books for her students. | She hung posters on the walls. | She attended a few meetings and took notes. | She left school ready for her students to start the year. |
f63644e8-a502-446c-a560-3eeb60ada666 | Kicking out a Baby | Donald was giving a speech to his followers. | All of a sudden a baby started crying. | Donald at first joked that it was alright. | After a while he became noticeably annoyed. | He asked that the baby and mother get kicked out. |
a9600b36-6499-45c4-aef6-6f0b607b3dd4 | Karate Comes in Handy | Jake was being bullied at school. | His parents enrolled him in Karate. | Jake learned a few techniques. | More importantly he gained confidence. | It helped him stand up to the bullies. |
baaee2bd-0168-4831-a337-b5d7a775b0af | Dog Races | Tammy had a gambling addiction. | Most forms are outlawed where she lives. | Except for dog racing. | She goes every weekend. | The owners have considered banning her for her own good. |
6df961e0-5c47-40f4-8a7e-013261a07d4e | Overheating Car | Sean's car started overheating. | He remembered a trick to cool it down. | He turned on his heater to max. | It helped keep the car going until he got to a mechanic. | Once at the mechanic it was fixed up promptly. |
8f570816-7e7a-47fb-a049-b72c30fa4d6a | Back To Sleep | Kate had slept most of the way on the road trip. | She was awake now. | But she had no headphones to listen to music. | Her eyes felt heavy as she stared at the road passing by. | Before long she had fallen back to sleep. |
62cd61f1-075e-41ea-a0e8-fb54b301dd02 | Rotten apples | Ben is in his favorite store. | He decides to buy some apples. | He takes them home and washes them. | After washing them he bites into the apple. | He finds a bunch of worms in his apple and is very upset. |
37a1e0f2-4a79-44af-9dc8-3d613bcf06b6 | Lance gets sea sick | Lance can't wait to go on his cruise. | He never been on a ship before. | He boards the ship to set off on his cruise. | About 10 minutes on board he starts feeling sick. | Lance gets very seasick and lays down for the rest of the trip. |
e81adc90-6971-44e4-9f30-31dfef588ca4 | Raw Hamburger | My sister-in-law B loved to nibble on raw hamburger. | One day we were on vacation together. | B made hamburgers for us. | Later at night she had stomach cramps. | I think it was because she ate raw hamburger. |
1abbad0b-e887-4d91-86af-20a97fa7d990 | Annoying Newspaper | John read the newspaper every day. | He always thought the stuff inside it was honest. | ONe day he cross referenced with other sources. | John found out he had been lied to a lot. | He cancelled his subscription. |
d7787894-521d-49c3-bce5-83bd385eced4 | Making Dinner | Jake never cooked dinner. | He thought he would surprise his girlfriend. | He looked up online how to cook a fancy dinner. | Jake only messed up small parts of it. | His girlfriend loved the gesture. |
2fc8d3d8-582e-4726-8e59-5721565adea4 | Writing Compliments | Kevin always wanted to be a writer. | He decided he wanted to write just like his favorite author. | He spent years perfecting his style. | He was invited to read at a rally attended by his favorite author. | He was so proud when the author complimented his work. |
cae91f20-e034-46f7-b8a9-6d835972b04b | Confusion | Our relationship confuses me. | We got into another argument. | He accused me of not working hard. | I explained my computer was being slow. | He refused to listen and shut me out. |
b4ede7e1-f34a-488c-b9e1-ea824d4a8716 | Fred gets lost | Fred is visiting France. | He is overwhelmed by the size of the city. | Fred wishes he had brought a map. | He can't find his way to his hotel. | Fred asks a stranger for directions and gets help. |
2c33443c-4ec3-4c74-bd30-21918f8a70d7 | Poor Internet | Jane noticed her internet was slow. | The cable company was no help. | Eventually someone recommended getting a better router. | Jane tried it out. | Getting a new router fixed the problem. |
4223d83a-1431-4836-8d24-4d04f63e32ef | Pleased | I work very hard to please him. | Today I got the entire house cleaned. | I washed the floors and cleaned the toilets. | I took all the trash out to the curb. | I was so yucky afterward that I took a shower. |
61c795fa-8366-4c30-982e-15093366e7d5 | Emoticons | My friend and I use emoticons when we text. | When we talked today we used the money one a lot. | We like to use the one who covers his eyes. | We sent it to each other to signify embarrassment. | We decided it was perfect for that purpose. |
52e0e0d2-092c-436c-85cf-e53a9b2971b4 | Freaked | I took my son to the store. | He waved at a man there. | The man asked how he was. | My son used sign language to say he was good. | The man misunderstood and accused him of blowing kisses. |
a2507d9a-d8b0-4aa6-9615-43c571d91f9a | Late for the Show | Joan went to the movies. | She was going to meet her friend Lynn. | Lynn was late for their meetings. | Joan and Lynn bought their tickets. | The girls missed the first part of the movie. |
f7373a56-bdf4-45df-9e2a-4ae30790d62e | New Jacket | Joe bought a new leather jacket. | He was excited to wear it out in public. | He chose a night to go bar hopping. | Unfortunately it started to rain. | The water nearly ruined the leather. |
06b31e6a-fedc-4a29-b9a6-963ae89aa5b4 | bread | The man baked the bread. | The loaf looked perfect. | He shared the load with his friends. | His friends asked for the recipe. | He couldn't remember it. |
5ee0a774-4865-48f4-9ae5-8bbcca735ec0 | Joel's Restaurant | Joel owned a restaurant. | He hired a cook that didn't care about his work. | The cook didn't clean after himself. | The kitchen was a mess. | Joel's restaurant got closed by the board of health. |
af9623af-5fbd-4e3d-8b78-13c4fe94f163 | Julie caught cheating | Julie had a big test in school today. | She forgot to study. | During the test she got caught looking at another kids paper. | Julie was punished and sent to the office. | Julie tells the principle she will never cheat again. |
f6965e39-0416-45d1-8ee3-63289fdc38fa | Tornado | Janet's family was used to tornado season where they lived. | Luckily, they had avoided any major damage to their farm. | They heard of a bad tornado coming their way. | They weren't worried and didn't evacuate like their neighbors. | Their property was completely destroyed by the tornado. |
ad1c27d2-15c3-4150-92b3-02b98d1a2843 | Board Games | Jake invited friends over to play board games. | They had drinks and played Monopoly mostly. | Everyone had a good time. | Eventually there was no winner and it got late. | They called it a draw and went home. |
fc2a8859-c62c-4a1e-bb76-6bcc495cd596 | Devin goes racing | Devin just got his licenses. | He asks his parents for permission to out driving. | While out driving he agrees to race one of his friends. | Devin steps on the gas and races in his parents car. | Devin wins the race and goes home. |
e20ae2a0-9ade-45ca-8c2c-f40343f180ec | Unprepared | Sally spent Monday night at a party. | The party didn't end until 2 am. | She fell asleep as soon as she got home. | However, she forgot to study for a midterm. | She ended up failing the exam and also the class. |
536767ad-46ad-43ab-aa41-c8c4b3e44ad8 | Broken Wrist | Jake was changing clothes in his room. | He didn't realize his overhead fan was on. | When he reached up to take off his shirt his arm hit the fan blades. | Jake wound up fracturing his wrist. | He had to get a cast put on it. |
5ce21ee3-f875-4146-8c89-0380d3f8133a | Mark loses his cool | Mark is a manager at a restaurant. | One evening a customer comes in with a complaint. | He tells mark the food is cold and undercooked. | Mark apologizes and gives him a refund. | The customer starts yelling at him more and mark gets upset and leaves. |
36b73626-a2d4-44e5-8eb5-d7af264798ea | The Math Test | Jim has a very important math test next week. | He is really worried about passing with a good grade. | Jim decided to ask his teacher for ideas on great study tips. | His teacher gave him some really great studying advice. | The next week Jim passed his test with a perfect score. |
fcc6a9e8-6db6-423c-9d18-d7d9a060a981 | Dirty Environment | My textbook went missing. | I tried to look inside the laundry room. | Dust was flying everywhere, especially on the desk. | I managed to find the book inside a bin. | However, a blister broke out on my mouth. |
b976259f-4969-418c-b754-292d93a5e3da | Tubes tied | Shantel and Kyle have been married or 5 years. | On their 5th year of marriage they had a baby. | On their 6th year of marriage they had 2 more babies,a set of twins! | On their 7th year of marriage they had 1 more baby. | They felt their family was complete, so Shantel got her tubes tied. |
4f4b21f7-c7b1-424d-b62d-18b112247274 | Mowing the Lawn | Tim's grass got too long. | He had to cut it or get fined. | He decided to rent a riding mower. | It took him less time than expected. | Tim decided to buy a riding mower eventually. |
4ce7e4be-6b97-4ace-97c2-fe48e47b24ab | Training school | I put my dog in training school. | He is learning a lot of new tricks. | He can now sit and stand. | They are very good teachers. | He will be finished in 3 weeks. |
ad591164-e009-4574-bc80-4d1617824bca | Working OUt | Jim wanted to lose weight. | He got a gym membership. | He was embarrassed to go at first. | Eventually he got over it. | Jim wound up losing several pounds. |
ba588e11-e61b-4d7e-b7a7-3a9e99c3c852 | A rainy day at the fair | Sam and his family went to the local town fair one Saturday. | It was hot and humid but they tried to have fun anyway. | Sam went on a few rides and played a few games. | Suddenly it became very dark and the humidity broke. | Sam and his family ran to the car getting soaked by the rain. |
33cf4097-4e84-4b08-98f7-ef509b228b2b | The Kids at the Park | Tammy was at the park. | She was watching her kids play. | Tammy decided it was time to leave. | She called her kids to the car. | The kids cried to stay and play. |
62f7c2b6-0734-4fbf-b029-a38f0394dff5 | Mistaken identity | While at work David gets visited by officers. | They come to arrest him. | David is very confused. | The police show him a picture of his twin who is wanted for murder. | David tells them they have the wrong guy but they don't believe him. |
621bf725-df09-4305-9546-11660b5f6df6 | Pulled Muscle | Sam was at work. | He had to lift a heavy box by himself. | Sam pulled a muscle trying to do so. | He had to get physical therapy to get better. | His job fired him for missing days. |
f0fee6b0-db17-4856-9324-7ca24199feba | Urine | The cat smelled a shoe. | It smelled like another cat. | The cat urinated on the shoe. | The owner put the shoe on later. | He was surprised it was soaked with urine. |
de9a360c-2347-4f5c-a8ed-329c5193626b | Big Dinner | Sam went on a date. | He was nervous and ate too much at dinner. | After a short while he started feeling sick. | Sam had to cut the date short and go home. | He threw up and never called the girl back. |
9ce9f042-9da8-4a69-96e6-a9029abff1ff | There's a roach in my food | Heather was out with her husband at a fast food joint. | They order their food and go to sit down. | When the food arrived Heather noticed something moving. | She checked her fries and found a cockroach. | She stormed to the cashier and demanded and got her refund and left. |
77126a04-8e04-4a1a-adc2-e6d291dcdbdc | amnesia | John woke up on the beach not remembering who he was. | John looked at his belongings. | John found a car key. | John used the car key to find out the car. | John remembered who he was from his things in the car. |
fb82a75a-1014-4f2a-84ae-2617cb9f5497 | Locked In | Sam went to his car from the store. | He looked for his keys in his pocket. | He couldn't find them. | He looked around and then looked in the car. | He had locked them in there. |
0e3ba2ba-a0ab-406d-9c28-d34c521e26b8 | Star shaped scar | Cayla is a beautiful girl even though she has a scar on her face. | When she was a little girl she was running while wearing slippers. | It was during the night and she didn't see the big rock on the ground. | Her toe hit the rock and her face went slamming into the ground. | Her face got a big scratch on it, and it healed into a star shape. |
a9f9bf8b-d7b2-419c-baaf-51f370c06b6c | Randy tricks his kids | Randy tells his kids if they massage him all night he will reward them. | He tells them he will give them 100 dollars each for doing it. | The kids massage their father all night. | When the morning comes the kids are excited to be done. | Randy gives his kids nothing for the massage. |
90f77560-ee65-4eab-b489-ae6c8d0e98d7 | Winter Storm | It didn't snow often in Alabama, so Ellen didn't expect a blizzard. | Her pipes froze over until one of them burst. | Because of the blizzard, no one could get out to fix it. | Water flooded her basement. | Ellen prayed that the blizzard didn't last long. |
a6f8b292-57b1-4a90-83ee-9123836fd3c4 | The end of this chapter of my life. | I lost my job last winter. | I was able to float on savings for a while. | I was not able to find work for almost a year. | I was forced to move out of my apartment. | I now live in a homeless shelter. |
bdbd931f-ace1-422e-a396-4a66489d66d4 | Twenty-One | Dan turned 21 and his friends took him out to a bar. | There, he had his first beer - and his first shot! | But he knew it'd be easy to get a hangover. | Dan was careful not to overdo it on his night out. | The next morning, he woke feeling great, and glad he'd been smart! |
f35ae087-0305-47fa-9a02-7d4574c98dd3 | Lost | I was at my cousin's house. | And I wanted to walk to the mall. | I thought I was familiar enough with the area. | But I was lost for over an hour. | I learned to never go somewhere unless I'm sure of where it is. |
abf1a8f7-065c-4bd8-bc92-66effb615f44 | Chris breaks his foot | Chris is a star runner. | Chris has a big race this sunday. | He invited all his friends and family to the race. | While at the race Chris runs as hard as he can. | He ran so hard he broke his foot and lost the race. |
a4e5ed4c-1564-442a-a73c-781e585b8800 | Nail Polish | Mary had an online jewelry store that sold many different things. | She wanted to make something new and exciting. | After a lot of brainstorming she came up with a great idea. | Her idea was to paint glass stones with nail polish and make pendants. | After making many different kinds she sold a lot of necklaces. |
c0a0d459-c15c-402f-8f4b-57f17a4da0d2 | False Valor | Tom was in the war. | He got injured and received a purple heart. | When he returned home it was meaningless. | Nobody really cared other than to feel sorry for him. | Tom pawned it for beer money. |
c82b555b-307d-4c66-872a-92ce9887c0f1 | The Speech | Max was working on a speech for the upcoming school elections. | He was running for school Treasurer, but was very nervous about it. | He practiced his speech everyday. | When election day came, Max gave the speech perfectly! | Much to his excitement, he was elected Treasurer. |
a4e013eb-1b22-4fc0-94ea-c9f1be181629 | Finding Frank | Frank Ocean's album is to be released Friday. | I don't believe it. | He was supposed to release his album two years ago. | He hasn't made music in that time period. | I really hope his album comes out. |
e5ddd47d-6365-495c-8cc2-9357cb81eff1 | Special Cup | I had my special cup on my desk. | I accidentally bumped it. | It fell and rolled over the edge. | It hit the husky and bounced off. | She just laid there and ignored it. |
310cb826-1db0-40fd-a0a0-cab5e8a066e7 | Peppers | The other day I made some spaghetti sauce. | I put peppers and onions in it. | My sister couldn't eat the sauce because she doesn't like peppers. | I bought her some sauce that didn't have peppers in it. | She like that sauce just fine. |
ec3bca31-6389-4c61-bcad-6897426b6c3c | Long Shower | Sam was really tired after work. | He decided to take a shower. | It felt good and comforting. | Sam lost track of time. | It wasn't until he ran out of hot water that he got out. |
12ce1781-31a6-4ccc-8e8f-1d525f010edb | Car Race | Dan took his car to the drag strip. | He decided to race anybody who wanted. | Only a motorcycle accepted his challenge. | They lined up and went off. | It was a surprisingly close race. |
6e819dba-3eac-4c14-b44a-dd697ac1851c | Dead scooter! | Today I took my motor scooter to the gas station to fill it with gas. | Once it was filled, I tried to start it. | It would not start! | The man at the station gave me some oil to put in it. | After it was filled, it started right up! |
6362d7ea-1284-4f3f-b260-4847cedb35a6 | Road Trip | Sarah was going to visit her friends in another state. | She packed all her things for the trip in the car and set off. | She drove for 12 hours before she arrived at her destination. | Sarah was thrilled to see her friends again. | She postponed the drive back for a few days. |
5c64958c-2a53-4ef8-bfe3-103d0734754e | homework | John did not do his homework in many of his classes. | He failed his classes in the following report card. | His parents punished him. | He went to therapy. | John became more motivated and passed his classes. |
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